BEAVERTON-TIGARD SEWER RELOCATION SHEET No. 10 FED.ROADS1rATE PROJECT FISCAL TOTAL Div. No. NUMBER YEAR SHEETS OREGON 24" lo" 14, /> n e a verton ,3i8" ,01 "STOPO I 3unset H1Ny. j LL 15, 47 6 J CT 112 V I LE r ton V r c- ef Hwy. a x irrow T:J] 7L0- />1 YS Q) Y k (D 0 c� 'STOP" "-.; G i�� S /1 ?0 11 A, 10 Ac 04 .41 N L Toe C Cur RWA Const` yl "DiViDED HIG' Embs Y , \, �, o Be averton 0 "USE. VIQHT LANE" -4 I—- . . . I - .40' 11r) ;-:012VA I LIME." ik If H W S� Sunset 23,150 .............................. IL 'y Ile, Of X NI� rill) ;77� r W7 N\ Az), CIO 77 V, / ,%� \* N ..... ................ ....... \ �\ 4C e\ ZlAlle(-)cZ,24 'USE RIGHT 1_04FE 4,/// / , - _ co/7,5� TylI 6 , NOR NT )6p OT + 1�w _OT TE-R. \r,,,�r-o/ z _�N If / , I V I.Z, 0, -1 4 , "FORM I _1WE Z" T o `- / ` I� ` "`' . i4bPELD 40 MPH'. rt v111 0 ��l or 'DO III PA'5s" Roil 25 GiII N "STOP AHEAD "DIVIDED H'iQAWXY EWDS" ` I��/ O � ` �, r\ 'I cf� - _ r ��,w �'� « / > „STOP" CON V % T =NT r)0 X YN/ S,5 0" r I)(Ind *_6� .0 19 CII lA Z a le M 1K x Y\,/ 1. 111 0;- y 07 V\ CN Arrow _Z�Z. b If \c 7g rd % EXIT 7jf> Q6 Uc Vi n,n v ' l le 1Y ft 5 Q A 1Yx11Z1A, rrow U Q. 9"Arrow ,� �. 9`1 6 � 1 �„ /e o — �,ell (� ,.y q ^, ,�. ,/(� � / // .. �• nA c9 z 30"-K" BeaverTon 1)KI A,, �. LS 3 W 36 15 C)g W3 0 R\ --eqverton N I L, L/ Salem -iS' le (Aalwv) 16" 12 - T1`q io-d -1] 6-7 7 (��,4 J CT T ,� , _ 16" C/) VZ MILE I JWPI, "Arrow Ti'g a rd < 11\ 16 11121, 1 7S,2 1419-54 Mc M i nnvi I le 2 Salem FT 0_� "�12 Mc Minnvihe 16 Zro, 0 FT0 2,?'X36"Arrow T �O 517o. '51 EXIT 112 MILE zF 1�4/ " :�r 0,90, 57 ,6 0 12"Froction Numerals d N_ iv /1 SIGNING PROJECT -;zf �yo/ a -.-, SPR,R.- ?AC)F1C WIGHWAYWE-5T SECTION 0,)0/ Al?�?o L BEAVERTON-TIG,,\RD HIGHWAY Mile Post WASHINGTON_ - I I Date §Iignature Submitted i tBk s T Eng'r. APpro-*I Sign Engineer -------------------- ------------- CITY APPROVAL r.Iffic Asst. Hwy EiI,�­ ------------------ - - ------------- DATE Acceptc1r; U.S.S.P.R. E-'fE0V­TI(.-,ARD SEWLF: rRELOCATE 1 or- 6 NOW 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICS-r-17 IS DUE. TO .,_DHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, OE 6z 9z J.? ez 'I tpz cz lz oz 61 411 91 91 1p I EI z I II 01 6 9 1 9 9 fp E z I 1____A_ -A A ' ' • JUNE 2 4 19921, 'low �A, 77 _4 L I 26 011 ZV5 x 7 z -ZQ��, i ` ,, ,� r .� ,i .,,�� II / �.,• `���, Q / I � �` I `J ` 1, c Q OCs \. / •� \ f 111 _� ((, Or N ry �1 ( IQ 'X-1_ q ----_.. ��,�, ' of •� .� �-_. �� , � V � �, ti V ry 7 M? G / 45 o r o C`>I Vv / to r ; o . r 1 ' ,AA lot o 4. 4 V BF'F1V=T7OARD SEWER R!~LOCATr � 41.� • 51�c_(:T _.._._ ___I ___ ..__.. _...__..-__. —.-------•-- - -- -----_ DESIGNED APPROVER-.-. ______.__ ._..____-__._ --__-_ DRAWN T•rTA. SCAIE /" = 001 I pATF r_ "-�'� I r� C. CrQ*N•4i [I!y colt#m 404 A F �q T f __._.-._._. .._ 1 __ _�_ ___ PORTLAND, OREGON C � 1 Ali NO. PL V 1 5 1_0 N BY CHECKED FILE G; 3 f Z 2 0 - �I�y�� I ( ISI ill I I I � ( I III I � I � II II 11 I I II 1 �'Wlt 11�'IS iltjt�r 1 '��t t I f�l t I�t I I�t I I t�rlt t I�1 t I I�I I IItIt r 11111 I IIII11� � 111 r•�1 1�1 IIt I�t I Iltl�l!'Irill�rl � , ` -" � --�•-` - � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0^ _ ' - - NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 10 11 12 '- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICFii-IT IS DUE TO HE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 1 .�, RAWING. 0c 62 82 Lft2 97. S2 1Z E2 ZZ IZ 02 61 131 L`I 91 SI VI EI ZI I{I 01 6 9 L 9 9 b IG-- 2 1'"�'" � ',..►•• 11114111111111ULIIIIIIIIIIIInnI11UlU141111I1111Itllllllu�uululllul�Itn<<uulull�lnllfulluu�I111I111111111111111tu1111HU1111111t111 I1►IIIUIIIitNItHIIIIIiHftl�tlli1111111111�1111�INl IIIIIuIllluluUII111I1111�IWINNIi!f11111�U11WJl�lIIlI111111111�IW�IIH t - F JUNE 24 19 92 .. ., 7ii� - .�...-_,......� ..+�--__. ��•..r. .. •."IM1111=111101�+_._ �S C �in N MDFRICK A AtVkSa' ATTORNEY AT LAW 8865 S W CENTER S1. f TIGARD.OREGON 97223 1 t 639.1121 P O IOX 2006 T I;!;rlltl) January 29, !968 !:Af)RANDUM TO: City Administrator city of Tigard Re: Cnntract payment to State Highway Dept, on Sewer Relocation At the last Council meeting, payment to the State_ High- 4; v :)er)art.ment pursuant to contract with respect to relocatl.on of il" 'lty's sewer line at tl,e intersection or Hwv.N99 with the new r.h-:,unset Intertie, was approved by the Council subject to f'urt.hl'r advices from the undersigned concerning the applicability "h:inter 1,72 -1rerzon Laws of 1967, which reads as follows: "Section 1. (1) When location, construction, relocation, reconstruction, maintenance or repair - f a state highway renuires relocation of any facilities placed or maintained in or on a public rl�*ht of way by any municipal corporati,)n, or a il -trict or authority established under ORS chap- ter- ^r.4, 45o, 451 or 545, the ^tate HlEzhway Com- m:s •.lon shall pay the municipal corporation, dis- trl ,t or authority whose facilities are so re- nuired to be relocated the reasonatle expenses of relocation, less any benefits and salvage of the relocation. 11(2) Subse^Lion (1) of this section not apply to facilities located in or On c F. richt of way of a state h1rhway under nermits 1r .:ued by the State H.irrhway Commission upon the •,•lltion that the permittee would bear the cost -1nv relocation." nrtF'(i in subsection !2), ,t appears that there isno r "or !wiht. but ghat the City must reimburse the State High- wl; �lir : lnn It accordance with the contract, and L, therefore, rr' • —nend that r.ivment be made in compliance with the terms thereof. Resnnetfull,y suhmitted, 1 1 Fred. A. Anderson Attorney "orelty or Tigard f 6 i iu. Atty. P.A. Anderson 1/25/68 Fron: Doris Hartiq 5ubjec:.: LuavrrtorrPigard Sewer Relocation 1 0111 •3t achiny copy of signer] a.3reenent with State Hi (hwA� :omission. Pinaef f,;-Lew and nake recommendation for next Council wobi nary 12, 19tH. I d Ay .s Mr. Robert K.. Logan C.tty Engineer Beaverton-Tigard Sewer Relocation January 22, 3.968 1 Those construction dbscrepanc.fes liste,-1 ix; my memo of 21 December 1967 pertaining to said Sewer Brave been coir.rected by the contractor. 2. Discrepancies noted for futures correction. (a) Infiltration will exist: on several manho.leet until they are raised or water tight lids are :installed~. This problem cfarenct: be required, for correction, by the contractor. (b) Seal coating of 79th Street would be desirous, but I can see no way of acnomplishing at no cost to the City, as the contractor has been reieaseed by the State Highway, (e) As built plans "-save not been received from the State 3. Recommend the Council be adviEed to accept the project for completion of contract, provided no changes in the plans require additional easements 1 Respectfully submitted, Keith C. Thompson Director of Pub]ir: Works \ CT/dl Ar. Roi.)ert K. Logan Keith. C.. Thompson Beaverton-Tigard Highway Sanitary Sewer Dec. 21, 1967 Relocation Bob., I recocunencl that the City of Tiijard not accept t_he above mentioned sewer line. Several discrepancies have been noted on this line, for Example: 1. Those manholes :tween the proposed stationr, 16 + 20 and 32 + 40 have segverc . leaks, as a result of not properly grouting and setting pre-cast concrete manhole sections in the base and between tLE 30CU0115. 2. T11e cast iron manhole frames have not been grouted or sealed j to the pre-caat concrete :sections on any of the 15 manholes. This caused :►tl CXcO-S3ive amount of leakage in the lower flood land areas. 3. An excessive amount of debris exist in the manholes and linos. Removal of concrete and other debris is: -aace ssary before f ut3hi.ng of the lines. 4 . Several iasnhole.� 2nt i l t 4 - t ,_r ^k and ].ow f l uud ground which is under water most of the year. Tho manhole lids were constructed below the water elevation without water tight lids, and rasults In unnaces,az; infiltration thrcujh the lid. The above discrepancies should be repairer: before the City accepts the line as the Ci ._r liar ac, otic r guarantee that the work will be completed. Keith C. Thompson Y.CT/dl �' Mss Q.. ftt �tC O usn �t Pleyon WI1 i_IAM MASTERS. CHAIRMAN _ tro CLAYTON NYBERG, COMMISSIONER JOHN C. ANICKER, COMMISSIONER +tih RIC:HARD MILFIRnn'T ELDON HOUT, COMMISSIONER t 7 A0MINI:TF4A f nR BURTON C WILSON JR., COMMISSIONER tiC)'o& K U Nove . ',)er I967 RECEIVED NOV ') c' 1967 CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: Thr Washington County Board of Commissioners has recently authoritzed a contract with the firm of Stevens, Thompson & Runyan for the purpose of completing a master pian of water and sewer facilities development in Washington County, Work under this contractual agreement commenced early in October of this year. It is anticipated that the master plan itself will be concluded in the fall of 1968. The assignment given to the consultant is tc analyze the water resources needs and the sewage treatment requirements for tho entire Tualatin Basin so that an overall utilities plan can be developed which takes into considera- tion all existing facilities and the anticipated future growth of Washington County, Attached to this letter is a qucstionaire which has been prepared by our engineering consultant which seeks information concerning the sewer and water facilities operated and maintained by your agency. If you have any future plans for expansion or improvement, this should also be noted on the form. The purpose of this questionaire is to inform all of you about the ongoing study now in progress and secondly, to collect all available information concerning existing facilitien. One of the important features of the master plan study is the development of an inventory of all existing and planned sewer and water facilities in Washington County. From time to time during the progress of developing this master plan members of the consulting firm as well as staff from Washington County may he calling upon you in order to keep you informed about the progress of the report, future plans of Washington County concerning these utilities .and other matters related to the technical nature of the systems themselves. If you or members of your organization at any time wish to meet with me or our engineer concerning any aspect of this study and the study results, please do not hesitate to let me know. We will be more than pleased to work with you as closely as possible during this and all future aspects of the study and the implementation of its recommendations. Maps required for the completion of the questionaire may be reproduced at the Washington County &gineering Department. Very truly yours, Richard Mi brodt County Administrative Officer RM/lgg i Avoid Verbal CITY OF TI CARD From 00�1.� u .L�f �,r•.�n,�.�12 Gr ��~,Tt� �'�,�+�. zz let OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN1 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ���� 10AM A.L• ,,../i INVOICE NO. 1 DATE BILLING REO. NO. YOUR ORDER NO.- TI CREDIT DISTRIOUTION 11-17-67 AD 1119?? 13L-1036-29i eF63� • C-i-ty. w Ti�Ard MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO W1 THA- OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT '�'ie�rd, CPon SEND REMITTANCE TOI • OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT STATE HIGHWAY 13UILDING SALEM, OREGON 97310 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE j TOTAL PRICE Relocat ion of C'17'e @My lacilitier in the right of way Tit• in on ectir,n wit , the construction of the E'so9.t'ie Higtnray West - South of Jntero4nge Section: of the Beayerton- Tigard '?i:►hxa leeond-ary Stats mighway Pic,. 144 in Va9Wji U,n County. aynent to be mid* by City in equa aoru&1 installments for ten year period be iming AM 4t 19 1967. 4aTi Lin. Yt. L" m wer pips, 9].91 " a N" sewer . ipe I 3.00 19401.00 1770 " e 15" 9^Ror : ipe 3.3- 1 79230.30 15 Concrete manholes 5.5o 1 99735.00 L040 Cu Jds. Trencr excavation 35o.00 59150.00 941 Une Ft. I:xtra for i 1pe n jerf A"ment 3.00 129190.00 395 Cu. Yde. Cruphed rook x•00 19'R4.00 Constriction ft-i.nserimg 5.o0 19!11,5.00 3,5" 7.04 Total 99839.34 "'T ;dip' 409 303 P.C.C. PIPE CERTIFICATION OF PHYSICAL TEST r Date �Q- -- invoice Number — Manufacturer __— GL^C�t✓ ( tl _ - — r u Diameter Claw -- G ' Length per joint __.._.__ _ --• Dates of Manufacture, marked on pipe _�y ------ Date of Teel Tested By Total Quantity this Shipment d ~ - — - (No.of lengths for each date of manutacture�- Jeb Location -- -• —_.b�``-'-...--_.—. .------------ - Project Name Contractor - -- - --- --- Contract No. Engineer in Charge'- This is to certify that representative tests have been made on each size of pipe marked with the date of manufacture and type indicated al-,ove and found to meet specified strength requirements. ����•� ct��"�-ems a-! � d(.F ct tnu j� Signed _ - ------- -- - G-<-w 621— Title - INSTRUCTIONS original to be delivered with shipment to Engineer in charge. cc to Materials Division or Representative. roan E-438(1-M) rnnw !Ia r 9"') �. COMMISSIONERS (� GLENN L JACKSON. CH MA { MEDFORD I.�1?ily�+. KENNETH N FRIDLEY. M� �M� t MMMM Wesco S UAV ID 9 SI MPS?N.! EM�[R �;! seem ! I , •!!!� ! PORTLAND RECEIVED STATE OF OREGON AUG I _ X966 STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 CITY OF TIGARD July 27, 1966 Mrs. Monnie Andrews Tigard City Recorder City Hall. Tigard, Oregon Dear Madam: Enclosed is a set of preliminary prints of a revision of our planning map of Tigard showing the Beaverton - Tigard Highway under construction and new city limits resulting from recent annexations of territory. We ask that interested city officials examine the map for accuracy, noting any additions or corrections on the map before returning to Mapping and Road Inventc ry Unit, Construction Division, Oregor, State Highway Department, Room 22 Highway Building, Salem, 97310. Upon receipt of the corrected copy we will make any changes needed and proceed with publication. You will i,e notified of the availability of the revised maps by being sent complimentary copies. Very truly yours, F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer By 6j Robert W. Prentiss Assistant Photogram metric Engineer (Mapping & Road Inventory) Enc. r «n. � `�pswwal/r✓, I:OYY••IOYI P• UtNN L JACKSON cw•Ir•r ' Mr nr a•„ `, K[NN[TH N FKIOLE" Mt-at. lff MMEh �, W.•ce j I rrP OAY10 s SIMPSON M[Y/•• •,••• • . 1 PONT,•.1, STATE OF OREGON f STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 July 21, 1966 Mrs. Monnie Andrews C/r C 22 1966 City Recorder Y OF 7100DCity of Tigard Tigard, Oregon I Dear Mrs. A11drews: We are enclosing for your records a fully executed copy of an Agreement covering a sewer adjustment on the Beaverton-Tigard Highway at its 1 intersection with US99W in Tigard, Washington County. A fully executed copy of the agreement has been retained for the Commission's files. Very truly yours, I I Floyd Query, Secretary OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION bb Enclosure ,t 4 I r v r� .f YM►.w,i rr�r11A'A il�ilrli Y11 b^& , Stevens,Thompson, Runyan & Ries, ine. Engineers/Planners PORTLAND. OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63-P-220-4 July 11, 1966 Mr. Fred Anderson City Attorney P. O. Box 23006 Tigard, Oregon Re: Sewer Relocation for Beaverton-Tigard Highway Dear Mr. Anderson: It is our opinion that the following lands will be benefitted by the con- struction of a sanitary sewer from the Pacific Highway at about 80th to Hunziker Street at a point located about 1400 feet southeast; of S. W. Knoll Drive: a. "Twin Oaks Lane" (subdivision) Lots 1 through 19, inc. b. "Palmer Acres" (subdivision) - Lots 4 through 7, inc. C. All of "Parcel I" and that part of. "Parcel II" east of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway of the property described in Deed Book 601, Page 96, Washington County. d. The property described in Deed Book 421, Page 746 and 751, Washington County. e. That part of the property described in Deed Book 165, Page 35, Washington County which remains north and west of the property described in Deed Book 548, Page 414, Washington County and south and west of the property described in Deed Book 546: Page 361, Washington County. Very truly yours, STEVENS, THOMPSON, RUNYAN & RIES, INC. By: eilbert R. Meigs Senior Associate GRM:jdv cc: City of Tigard NtPLY TOI $606 8.K.MILWAUKIt AVt. • POtT OFFICK ■Olt 0220t • PORTLAND, 0049120N 97202 PKONt(802) AS4.0721 Z- MUUMA "n. aria Imalff? 2"SI G4491VWAmw, v.vwr wto z'itwo tai yvv 'Aim tw WNW." *AJ lo ant* Pe-r ua Aw tb4 raft VA *W vav'"Wty ewwp. 4"M i t-l" JS ve aft, f'j'jq #.*f"W Z"w fk-ftosm" -�C-040itil;41, Old f4w-ow's wA&4':s 4;4v %#9* p- �Lj;j*&t so Q A vv6&W0 Ail 446A*4 tr*,; cc : City of Tigard, Oregon i'obffti X*-w ts. f"IG Pvblnwn "N&W. LMO/ "941O.-Cft I I ehwi Lemelw '�Vus kc'bt. ikatiti..us, iArIC4 cabow(AILI Alerts WWAI clom"I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No. 66 - 28 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL SINKING FUND FOR THE FJRPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR PAYMENT OF THE COST OF RELOCATION OF SEWER FACILITIES AT THE INTERSECTION OF BEAVERTON-TIGARD HIGHWAY (Senond- ar,y State Highway #144) and PACIFIC HIGHWAY WEST (Primary State ;ii; hway #1W) , PROVIDING FOR DEPOSIT TI:EREIN OF THE NECESSARY FUNDS, %ND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. V!HLFEAS, the State of Oregon through its Highway Commission proposes to construct the Pacific Highway West-Mouth Tig'nrd Inter- change section of the Beaverton-Tigard highway 'Secondary "tate :11.g„- 4:ay #144) in 4,ashington County, Oregon, in connection with which the ::tate has deemed it necessary to relocate and recon.truct certa.n newer facilities of the City of Tigard located within the existing right-of-way of Pacific High..-.,, hest (Primary State Highway #1W); and WHEREAS, the total coFt of said relocation and reconstruction arproximates the sum of8 004.00 , for the payment of a ;portion of which the City has den e�iaoility, and for payment of all of which the City has no present: ability to pay under its budget or otherwise ; and WHEREAS, the State and the City throuf;h negotiations have formulated a plan for financing of the costs of the relocation and reconstruction of said sewers by the State and for reimbursement to the State by the City, all in accordance with the terms net forth on the form of agreement hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and by phis reference made a pare hereof; and WHEREAS, it IF the purpose of the City Council of Tigard to hereby establish t financial reserve or special sinking account wherefrom to meet ch(: fu.iding requirements of said agreement (Exhibit "A") and to provide for the deposit therein of revenLe for said purpo.;es, NOW, '1 BEFORE, THE CITY OF TIGARr ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: :'ection 1: That there is hereby established a financial reserv.� or apc� clal sinking fund" for the purpose of accumulating and reserving f'unds pursuant to Section 280.100 et seq. Oregon Revised Statutes, wi—rewit•h ;,o rr.-et the funding requirements of the agreement for the reloca'-ion and reconstruction of scwcr service facilities by the Oregon Stal-^ Higtway Department as set forth on the attached Exhibit "A", by refe:cnce made a part hereof, the said fund to be known as "OREGON STATE HIGHWAY SEWER RELOCATION SINKIPiG FUND". Lection 2: That there is hereby required to be deposited in said "sinking Fund" from sewer connection and sewer service charge budgeted revenues of the City each month beginning with the month of July, 19661 a sum estimated to be 1/120 of the total Page 1 - ORDINANCE N0.66- �26 estimated cost of the sewer relocation and reconstruction under the terms of said agreement (Exhibit "A"), for the time being, until the actual cost thereof becomes available, and effective with the month following the availability of said actual cost, said deposits from paid source shall be equal each month to 1/120 of said actual cost; that the deposits by this Ordinance required to made into said "Sink- ing.; Fund" shall have priority as against all othaPr purposes and uses for which said revenues may have been heretofore or hereafter dedi- cated, SAVE AND EXCEPT sewer revenue bonds heretofore issued by the City and outstanding on the date of passage of this Ordinance. Section 3: That the said proposed agreement as hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and the Mayor and Recorder of the City of Tigard be, and each of them is hereby authorized and directed to e%ecute the same for and on be- half of the City of 'i:•;ard in their respective official capacities, and upon execution, of said agreement for and on behalf of the Oregon State Highway Comrtssion, said agreement shall be and become binding in all respects in..ofar as the City of Tigard is concerned. Section 4: That there shall be disbursed from said "Sinking Fund" on the first day of August each year beginn.'.ng with the year '1967, and for nine (9) years subsequent thereto, to the State of Oregon through its Highway Commission, such sum as necessary to conform to the requirements of Exhibit "A". Section 5: That nothing herein contained shall be construed as a waiver or relinquishment by the City of Tigard of the right reserved in Paragraph 2 of the General Provisions of Exhibit "A" for the City to have determined its liability to make the payments therein provided. Section 6: Inasmuch as it is necessary to protect the health, peace and safety of the people of the City of Tigard that pro- vision be made for continuance of sewer service to that portion of the City to which sewer service would otherwise be impaired or dis- continued unless said relocation and reconstruction be undertaken promptly, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage by the City Counhil and approval by the Mayor. PASSED: By unanimous vote of all council members present, after being read three times by title only this 27th day of June, 1966. Recorder - City ofgP19rc�— APPROVED: Ey the Mayor, this 27th day of Juie, 1966. i - Mayor City—,07 gard .�.. Page 2 - ORDINANCE No. 66- 28 W Ste'j-ens, Thompson, Runyan 8i Ries, ine. � I z It Enginee-1- !Planners 1____J PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63-P-220-4 June 24, 1966 Oregon State Highway Department 5821 N. E. Glisan Street r'ortland, Orcgoa Attention: Mr, Hesla Re: Beavertor-Tigard Highway "SEW" Line Gentlemen: On behalf of the City of TigArd, we return herewith plan and profile Sheets 8 marked "approved" with regard to the "SEW" Line. Very truly yours, STEVENS, THOMPSON. RUNYAN & RIES, INC, Dy: Gilbert R. Meigs Senior Associate GR M;jdv Encls. 1_(:: City of Tigard 'Irl, I Tr', "-309 8 2 MILWAUKIt Vt. - POtT OFFIG[ •O% 02201 - PORTLAND, ORtOON 0720: - PPCNc (501) 2J4 0721 Stam• ens, Thompson, Runyan & Ries, )time. Engineers/Planners PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63- P-2;20-4 June 22, 1966 Mr. Robert K. Logan City Administrator City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Re: Sewer Relocation Beaverton-Tigard Highway Lear Mr. Logan: On June 21 we delivered two (2) copies of the enclosed print to the Oregon State Highway Department showing the location of the sub- ject sewer between Hunziker Street and the Beaverton- Tigard High- way. This is a revised location which supersedes earlier plans. The revision has been made to take advantage of permission for an ease- ment offered to the City by Mr. D. B. McCormick. The easement location, in part, will lie on the east side of the McCormick lot rather than the west side as cur preliminary planning had proposed. Very truly yours, STEVENS, THOMPSON, RUNYAN & RIES, INC. By:' Gilbert R. Meigs; Senior Associate GRM:Ip Enc 1. cc - Oregon State Highway Department - Mr. D. B. McCormick QF nLv TOi 5505 19 ! MILWAUKI[ AVE - R09T OFFICE BO%02201 - PORTLAND, OR[OON 07202 - PHONE (903) 234.0771 1 S T Stevens, Thompson, Runymn SL Ries, ine. t �I R Engineers/Planners PORTLAND. OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63-P-ZZO-4 June ZZ, 1966 Oregon State Highway Department 582.1 N. E. Glisan Street Portland, Oregon Attention: ?`r. flesla Re: City of Tigard Gentlemen: On behalf of the City of Tigard, we have reviewed the plans for the SEW"' line of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway. One of (:he private properties north of Hunziker Street has made an easement available to the City on the Past side of his lot. In order to cooperate with hire, we have agreed to locating the line as shown on the enclo3ed drawing. This revision should be made to your drawings which otherwise are satisfactory to the City. Very truly yours, STEVENS, rlT-)MPSON, 'tUNYAN & RIF-S, INC. Py: Gilbert R. Meige Senior Associate G RT%I:lp Encl. cc - City of Tigard -E-11 TO: 9309 a 11.MII.W AU N.I[ AVE. - -00T OFFIO! ■O%02201 POttTLAN D. OR[OON (5^9( 234 77.1 rL4!tQ)a_ Steven �Is, 'hmnnopsoiz, Ruya &L Ries, Inc. �� Engineers/Planners PORTLAND. OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON May 10, 1966 Oregon State Highway Department 5821 N. E. Glisan Street 13ortla.nd, Oregon 97213 attention: Mr. Jack Hesla Re: Construction Ilans Beaverton- Tigard Highway - Sewer Relocation Gentlen.en: We have reviewed the subject plans in connection with relocation of sanitary sewers serving Pacific Highway east of the Tigard interchange. In order to meet existing sewer grades and provide service to the properties abutting the proposed "SEW" line we recommend that the following revisions be made to the plans for the "SEW" line: (a) The manhole at Sewer Station 14+26 should be an outs- r'rop manhole with entering elevation 172. J_) and exit elevation 165. 00. (b) The invert elevation at Manhole 16+.)L should bu 156, 51). (c) A manhole should be constructed at Station 18+87 and have an invert elevation of 155. 36. (d) The manhole at Station 21 +72 should have an 8-inch sewer invert elevation of 148. 67 and a 15-inch sewer elevate -n of 148. 19. (e) The invert elevation at Station 25+2 ) should be 147. A. (f) The invert elevation at Station 28+80 should be 145. L4 and the grade from that manhole to Hun�.i- er Road should be 1). 30 and (g) The invert elevation for the 15-inch line at Hunziker Road should ire 142. 00, which is based on an estimated invert elevation in the existing 12-inch sewer on Hunziker Road )f 141. 7. I'l)e revisions to the elevation of the sewer at the highway centerline Stati-n 7.6+57 have been given to the office of Mr. Rohrbough. We also suggest that the existing sewer lines on Hunziker Road and on i+�P1,� 1C- 9609 E MII.WAU KI[ AyE 111.1 OFFICE BO% C2201 - PORTLAND. 0.1..N 07202 (603) 234.0721 Stevenm.ThorLokpporr.Itunynn 8t [tip in.c. Engineers/Planners Oregon State Highway Department -2- May 10, 1966 Pacific Highway be potholed before grade stakes are given to the contractor in order that the as-built elevations for those lines may be verified. Thank you for providing us this opportunity to review the plans on behalf of the City of Tigard. If there is further assistance in this sewer undertaking that we can provide, please contact us. Very truly yours, STEVENS, THOM PSON, RUNYAN & RIES, INC. By: Gilbert R. Mf igs S,:nior .�ssoci tte GRM:jdv cc: City of Tigard ►ORM s.ISt .I [OYMISSIONINS jI GLENN L. JACKSON, CHAIRMAN Mto, o RD FORREST COOPER STATIC HIGHWAY ENGINEICR KENNETH N. FRIDLEY, M[MaR WAJeO R, L. PORTER DAVID D. SIMPSON, M[M.[R + DEPUTY STATE HWY. Exon. POATLAND .. ..._ __..__ ..r..�_.........._.._.....____._. G. E. ROHDE rLoro 0"ERY. btcR.rARV d':"" STATE OF C<RZGON CHI EF COUNSEL SALtr STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 May 3, 1966 Portland General Electric Company WCs..-L'1;-oast Telephone Company ...L.'ic Northwest Bell .elephone Company T:gard Water District ,Metzger Water District Northwest Natural Gas Company - Portland Re: Construction Plans Southern Pacific Company - Portland Pacific Highway W.-So. Tigard Or Electric Railway Interchange Section City of Tigard - Attn: Mr. E. G. Kyl Beaverton-Tigard Highway Washington County Gentlemen: Herewith are construction plans for your use in the adjustment and/or protection of your facilities on the Pac.fic Highway West-South Tigard Interchange Section. Bids on this project will be received by the Oregon State Highway Commission on May 19, 1966. Our Resident Engineer on this project will be Mr. D.D. Roh:,-oounh, P. 0. Box 282, Beaverton, Oregon 97005. Mr. Jack Hesla, 5821 N. E. GlisLA, Street, Portland, Oregon 97213, is the Field Utilities Liaison Engineer for this area. Very truly yours, F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer P A B R%IF:bjm �"f/. Enc. T. W. Litchfield Utilities Liaison Engineer cc: Portland General Electric Company - Attn: Mr. F. A. Bolien Southern Pacific Company - San Francisco Elden W. Carter, Consulting Engineer, Portland Stevens & Thompson, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Portland F . B. Klaboe L. W. Rulien D. D. Rohrbough Jack Hesla �IMLML"NAW-SAL 4-b April 22, 1966 date W-.. Robert K. Logan CTry Admini2trator C i.ty Hall. Tigard, Oregon In order to comply with requirements of the Bureau of Public Roads covering protection of public resources such as recreational areas, historical sites, wild life refuges, or any other facility in which the public has a specific interest, it is required that local public authorities should be con- sulted regarding the impact on these resources of a planned highway improvement. Would you please fill out the form below regarding these resources and return it to the Oregon St,ite Highway Department, County end City Division. State Highway Euilding, Sa.lem� Oregon (97310) . Retain the second copy for .your_ li cords. Highway Beaverton-Tigord No. ,_44 _ Section Pacific Hwy. Wert-S. Tlgrr.d Interchange: Grade, n Structure and aign Do you know of any public organization or quasi-official organiza- tions that might be opposed to this project on the grounds of interference with recreational., historical, or public resources? Yes No If answer is yes, please list organizations: L By (date) By Commissioner By Commissioner 'NM F-IT] COMMISSIONERS ' c:LtNN L JACKSON. CHAIRMAN f111 MEDFOPD _ KENNETH N. FRIDLEV. MEMBERpoop WA 1:0 DAVID BSIMPSON, MEMBER �. ■.�• y , �� @s , � PORTL. ND S"SATE OF OREGON S-ATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 April 8, 1966 City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon ATTENTION: Mr.. Robert Logan City Administrator Re: Sanitary Sewer Relocation Pacific Highway West-South Tigard Interchange Section Beaverton-Tigard Highway - Washington County Gentlemen: On April 4, 1966 you met with representatives of the State at which ;ime you discussed the relocation of the City of Tigard sewer line which occupies US99W and will conflict with the construction of the proposed undercrossing at this point on the Beaverton-Tigard Highway. You were advised that this sewer line occupies State Highway right of way under permit granted originally to the Ti;,ard Sanitary District. It is covered under two permits, Numbers 4347 and 5156, copies of which are attached. You will note that both permits provide that the permittee, which will be the City of Tigard in this :- Ise as a successor in interest, *.o the Tigard Sanitary District, must relocate these facilities at ins own cost, should the use of this right of way be required by the State. Inasmuch as the proposed freeway will cnt through US99W approxi- mately 26 feet below the existing pavement, and the proposed overcrossing structure which will carry US99W traffic will be constructed that the sanitary sewer cannot be placed on the structure, it will be necessary to relocate this sewer line: in another area.. This has been discussed with your consulting engineer, Mr. Meigs, by our people, and it has been determined the relocation should begin at some poinL .:asterly of the proposed structure, proceed southerly by way of existing city streets in the area, pass under the proposed freeway at approximately Station 423, and then proceed in a southerly direction to Hunziker Road where it will connect with an existing sewer line. This will involve the City of Tigard -2- April S, 1966 Attention: Mr. Robert Logan construction of some 3400 feet of pipe, the acquisition of some right of way on the southwesterly side of the freeway, and the preparation of a design which is satisfactory to both the City and the State. You have indicated that the City is not able to finance a project of this size and that you will be willing to have the State construct this sewer line and pay the State the actual cost of this construction over a 'en-year period. This will he acceptable to the State. However, we must reach agreement as to the various terms under which this work will be accomplished before such a p7 -cedure is undertaken. Attached you will find four copies of a proposed agreement between the State and the City setting forth the terms we feel to be equitable for this project. Please review this agreement and return one copy with your comments indicated thereon to this office as soon as possible so that we may proceed to open bids on May 19, 1966 as scheduled. Very truly your s, F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer BY !, T. W. Litchfield Utilities Liaison Engineer Ore;on State High,-.y Corwaission PIPE LINW Pay :,Z T Permit No. `A i.'-iEREAS, the of p c©� ��. % re on s fw:cd w:;d application with the Oregon ,state highway Corarission for permission to Wipe line, for the transmission of /~cross the right of way of the Highway ... County, Oregon, and and more particularly described as beim; between/at Mile Post (Htirf. Etlgr's Sta. � and .,'ila Post No. ]n ,r's Sta. ), as shown on the cap which is attached hereto, and :..craby is made z. part hereof; and "'Fli ,REAS, the raaatter havin�; been fully considered by the State Highway moo.::.: i,sion and it is the opinion and judt;:nent of said Corr.ni.Sion that the said lication should be ,;ranted and a permit as prayed for therein should be issued: IT HEREBY IS ORD=, that the application of the a for permisoion to install �..c said pipe line upon and along-across the right of way of the said highway at the aforanantioned location be approved and a permit for such purpose be and the same ruby is granted to the said �kJ�,ect, however, to and upon the following conditions, ter;: , requirerents and a„ree- ...ettts not otherwise: GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1. The •.-cord Engineer as used herein s%411 mean the State Highway Engineer :;is duly authorized representative. 2. ane ap,Ilicant herain a;raF.s to e;uploy any and all methods in the con- .:;;ruction of said pipe line which the Engineer may require in order to properly . Moot the highviay from damage both during; the construction of said pipe line and ._)sequent to its corapletion. During the installation or construction of said pipe line, and during -aid pipe line, the applicant shall at all ti..es ii malritain such atch- . ... 1 .- ... J � +• i barricades and other safety device- ,s ,.,ay be necessary to properly u�• 'ic upon said ::ieh•:;ay, and to •warn -ia safeguard the public against injury .3sulting from t;:: operations of said applicant in the construction and nce of a d pipe lino. All barricades and obstructims shall i�ear li :ted fits dt.ritl� the bet;reen sunseT, and sunrise. 1• 4. The applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the State, the State UJI—i-aay Com.Iis:.ion, the members,thereof andall �offia�ears, erall aploVes,ees or agents oft e ;tate or the State Iligh�ray Coru L ssion, a„ Y actions, causes of action, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature which raay :osult frc,•a any injury to or the death of any person, or from the los3 of or damage to property of any kind or nature, including the highway and highway facilities cr structures, property or equipment used or owned by the State or the State High- ;ay Department, and facilities sack as wires, lines, poles or pipe lines which injury, chnow ths or r.:ay hers='ter. occupy* Dila right of way of said hignvray, vrhetos he construction Loss or c. :a is dI.o to tho existence of P"id pipe line, or s Mnstallat:L,:", maintenances repair, renewal, operation or use thereof, or to the can+,oats tl:cr3in or therefrom. The ap!-�lieant shall so conduct his conotruction operations that them ':all �c no interference or i.nterz`uptiol of traffic uron and along the rare ' Ti13 Engineer racy specify details in connection with tho handling Bach spec ions shall be complied with by tine applicant. 6, -',`.is perr:Lit is issued with the specific understanding that the same „JjJCt to all existing public and private rights in and to the right of way of ;e ;:i�;;gray, and the sw.ie constitutes the consent of the Higl-,-,vay Comttission to the installation of said pipe line only to the extent that the Highway Cone^,issior. leas ie;;al authority to ,;rant such consent. The installation, construction and :....intenance of said pine line is subject to the paramount control of the legis- lature over said high,.vay and no right or privilege heroin granted shall be deemed c: c:,:lntrued to be beyond the react, or authority of t113 legislature to conrrrol the said hien-a4y, and tire applicant in accepting this perr,,it accepts it knovrinn the rights and privileges herein granted ray at any time be defeated and abrogated ✓ by legislative act. 7. if at any time in the judgment of the State LIig�.'rray Cor.Taission the pr asence of said pipe line upon the right of xray of the said high.�ay is detrimen4al to the interests of said highway or to the proper repair, r.;aintenance or reconstruc- tion of the surr,e, the High.•;ay Comrii.ssion may ,;ive notice of ouch fact to said appli- :t, and upon raceip•.. of such notice the applicant agrees to conform pror;ptly to the requirements of the State High-:ray Cora.n.li.ssion with respect thereto, and in the evont that said applicant fails for a period of •�,en (10) days so ro conform, �3sion such requirements and orders, then, and in that event, the State Highvray Cora. ;.3y cause ;;aid pipe line to be removed, relocated, dioeonneeted and destroyed or reestablished by installatic;, of ne'rrfacilities, whichever may appear most desirable -c-o the Commission, and may charge the cost of the sane to the applicant. The appli- cant. agreos to pay such cost promptly upon being billed therefor by the Cormission. �. ":ie said a.ppliaLn'c shall at all times 1:eep said pipe line free from lealcs and in a aoid state of repair, so that no damage or injury still be •done to the said highvray. �. The entire cost of installing said pipe line, including tha cost of rials, er trenchin7, laying, bacicfilling, supervisicy and inspection, The any ,once vihatsoaver incident thereto, is to be paid by said applicar: s;:all reicburse the ,Mate Highway CorL�.i:;cion for any and all expenses incurred by said Comli.esion in connection with said installation, -nd such reim.�ursement shall �e r.:.ade by said applicant within ter. (10) days after being billet, i"efor by the 5',:a4v-e hij;hway CoMalissl.0:r. 2 t 1, t 10. any supervision or control exercised by tha Engineer shall in no way :,jlieve the applicant of any duty or responsibility to the general public nor shall supervision or control relieve said applicant of any liability for loss, damage ;r injury► to persons or property sustained by reason of the installation maintananee or repair of said pipe line, ..or of the applicant's liability for damage to said highway. 11. ;f for any reason it becomes necessary in the judgment of the Hi„hti� �ay Co,:.,dssion or its Engineer to disconnect the said pipe line or any section thereof cr tho purposa of repair of the said hict.way or any work or improvement thereon, _f said hig:;;ray is being dazaaged or endangered by reason of the presence of raid .amine or t:,e seepage of gas or lieuid therefrom, the State Highway Engineer may the said ap_c'Ucant tan (10) days written notice to turn off the gas or liquid u should said ar,rlieant fail and neglect to do so then the State Highway Co1:lission Engineer may disconnect said pipe line or turn off the said gas or liquid and so doing neither the State, the State Hiway Co.:�.mission nor its Engineer or other officer or employe shall be liable either officially or personally for any damage or i,-,`ury sustained tiiereby, either by the said applicant., consumers or patrons, or -rsons to whoa it owes a responsibility or liability. 12. It is understood and agreed that the State Highway Comr..issior, shall not ca held responsible or liable for injury or damalm that may occur to said pipe !-.-is or any connection or connections thereto by reason of any construction or maintenance o ,,�rations that i,,-,ay be carried on by or under the direction of either the said State i hWay Com;ai.ssion or any duly authorized representative of said State Highway Cor,-cession, or by any person constructing or installing.. maintaining, repairing, --arating or Usti-,, any facility pursuant to a permit heretofore or hereafter issued the State FiEhway Commission. 13. r,pplicant shall obtain liability and property darmt.te insurance rrovidin7 coverage against any claim, demand, suit or action for property damage, personal u : ..,;:zry or death resulting from any activities of the applicant and his or its officers, :...loyees, agents and contractors in connection with the construction or installation said pipe line. Said insurance shall provide coverage in the following r :.ountr�, .--,,000.00 for property da;rage resulting frora any single occurrence, and o3 000.00 for t:ie death or injLry of any person, subject to a li Ut of 2-0,000.03 for injuries or deaths resulting from any single occurrence. Copies of policy or policies of insurance, or certific;�tes evidencing tie same, shall be I ;M::;;,itted to and approved by the Chief Counsel for the State HiShvray Commis,;inn oafore any work is commenced under this permit. t ROVISI0143 RELATING TO LOCATION A,\ID C0113TRUCTION 14. ilia pipe to be installed, the diameter of whi.eh shall not exceed ( `. inches, small bepip® zctor� to t:,a :nb~inaor ir, all respc^t3. lS. Tro;-robing or tunneling nearer than four (4) feet from either edge of c.:z•faced rortioi, of :i;a ro::dwav and t::a cutting and digging up of the pavement cads : sad nortior. ,ill not be permitted except alien special per;nission is first :.cd fry , t , ?..: ineer. ,,a "u -anch shall be a;:eavated, ti►,, top �;ridth of w'nicz cs ai , UL ,.�U i nc' .cora than the outside diameter of the, pipe to be in- psIlea, without sue; speoial permission. 3. i The raclvfilling of all trenches and tunnels must ')a accomplished e.. ._.._..__1, after the pipe line has been placed therein avid must be well tamped :foci so as to allow the least possible amount of zubsecuent settlement. -•efuse and waste of all l.inds which may have accut,,ulated upon the of tira�T by reason of the operations of the within named applicant -:edia.tel:r u;;on completion of said operations nne, the said 7. here said pipe line is to installed longitudinally alon- the �.. 1 be constructed on the ;.-� r sid:: of the said of way on a line parallel to and '+„� �.r:.!; feet tae center lj :.e thereof, the said cen�ce ,li. a being, in general, the irpro ved r oadvaay. i . -a. re sal-c' pipe line crosses the hi,-,:.xray it shall be installed on a an;les to the center Une thereof at a depth to br, specified by the .f, ::is. . :i:i• oder and across the surfaced porton of the roadway raid pipe line driven or placed in a hole bored for tho purpose, the diameter of exceed the outside diameter of the pipe to be placed tharein 6.iCapf'i At no pont shall thw top of the pipe line be less than s below, tie grade of ,he highway or beneath the surface of the ground if the ground ►.a lower t.ian the ,grade of the highway. shall be in effedt for a period of _ •- _ ( ) _. _.. ....." iter the date hereof, unless sooner revolved by ;.,utual conser.; or U .••:a iii�yr+ay Com:,`_ssion or L-y,oher�aticr, of the lave provided, ho:rever, that not be effective unless* accepted in vrritiur? on or before 19_ i'A.1 and faithfNl acnpUcnao with cl. X t;Yo to....., and _:tea ,:�Wc,rl,t, the Griplicae., chaU fwnl., a bond tui the m.7ou.t c:;' by a cui:oty ocnp: to ibxolnaoc In the t:uL•o : . L fL._m aatlotaotez.7 to tho Otato 14'. C ,r..d.xtalone :o trod. t;'.u.a pertlt vztil cald T)ruld has _... y..-?aiahed bar rhe apipllcw �_.,a S'cate 10. ay CUL- CWI.Ons 4 p. Y ;I 1 ii I .dI '� .I•. , -o" lar]•Alt .� 3 int,CinL�od -0. Covor the ^, 2 ,1' ry^ y�. }, y /� on, conoti uction 1/and main':;e]anon I.J.11�✓ij a:.L•� ;�Qi tI.L\.1� V.L •VY 1�.i ..•� Vi �-• .� ...r �.lt and {� in •l,,o =L .Urporu,ad carr: r ; a and 1. u:n1 c�, of marnor r in loci--.tons so -,l;c'. in c: p14ia. =d a pc-CUL atiQ:z a� . d I:w:� ,a ;:r. L� his a •or_ c .,t horoof. .-:::'_1 p1arc and apa;' 'lCatio:nn aro th �, �„�,,, t r , ;,a:n ConaiuZ•�in '' ^i :eUr ,,, � oma., ;;-.:,.�._ �Jr the firm c, and aao fOr as they ca:ca... 4his poi,— consist of plans mid mno boor: of ��Co:itr;::ct DoouraentL, Pio. 10;°, al=,r the ' . . . ......._ �.:. .._•... S .`".w'�.d }'. 'lt: ' aro a+'7 +' ' • � G aJy ,p..��ad as ;�o1lc:rr. _ -.....:_Gn �G i•e�,.j,: ::' ;.L.:n wi:`.G' G:E` Y.OJa�,.icn 8" 41 IScrth of North pavemarc Od, 66 ! ll .th n n t t b lid"+.v 01 �GL�I]Grl'' Qin' 9.20 F4+03, 6-1 •31 Ironh Cf nAl .Lina 9.45F 97+53 U coast rging from 33� ::. of Northorly paves menL cdbj at ,,370 to 41 i'orth of Northerly pavomc: � cc:�® at I'i.P.9.456. • 9l�>6 9.402 103•}30 6a 41 IJorth of North pave: --mt cera 9.795 115+410 6sr South ay t.crtherly c�L v a�,'w'':r�wx;1;jl::ll•' :;7*Lr_.;Tl%Z 4.92 61: 31 WOst of Ile--t li avornent ed-a 5.W2 "i's "' foot East of East pa,rem:,nt edla 5.3a 6" 31 1'.est of ll;;--tpava•uont odCo 3. CroSSincQ' o1 caid hil;:],rays Sr..tr: Smill zcwv= linea areapprmrod �3 t'allouz: I'1:cilac RiG7.1AY WEST lea w i Z cl' An01e of Pape ta�.'i;h hothod o:l placit-, pipe 10 75° Upon Wrcr:cli alan r e40 of county road under Ilighapy otructure a" g0• Opon tr,_'zzch i.: ::.] cr e. ' footpath arda� d en Il� of o7er� ro ssilIC; rtruo�L•tirc. ��lt�.�'�'C�I-"f`lii�Lf..��'IitiTr;.:t:�Tiitil►Y ;. -T on Size of Anglo of 'ipa vrith1 ixthod ofc.1.r. Up:) �ip3 Cr:ute�line� 4" u0° Lor:. hae 1:::.da u" 900 �:•ca hole: M.dc;r 900 Lure hold uridca• ITib.:.aJ w 900 Loru hole tul�:or 1ii2;1T7ay I goo Eoro holo under 'c i ;h,:ay t�`t e:{tra ?3° C,ra trenoi. - me half Et a ti-mo ctreaa�1>;: 4n goo Ecra hole under hIi ;:,vay 900 ova holo wador MCIT",:q 4 o° more holo midor Ihil h: _ c�•acsin of Lilo vaaci:is lli.;;htray West bo,Lng along an ca fisting County roAj, a µ lts L.jugy o,ro aros sing utructuro, the pon°.►itten a3hatll ac 'izrm percuisal.hn for _"..icn alon the county,' road,$ and mate all roac3cray repair �u•�.•a�;am::r�ts for with tihno WashinZ;,on qourty Cottrt.. cl ojoI n, of Ithe Boavertw0a-Tual.a bin U.-I •� r 'a�i 1, -10 �C)ut 4-92., C1 a. Ot:C2' ciaua r•n t alba as to ba bo-rad, whore, tri Sorin proven Lapossible,, Vao cuttills o:; the hi Ckw ay i,-ill do psar...i V uaa, pravl.d3d,$ hog a ver, lta� only cns of s, a portion :i.a op, t:p at c :j •bimo., alyd 1—,e said pipe A. ...:d boxore the other ha'- iso it ctalLad. raftcr the pipo has been placed., thr twenahi shall ba 111y Y'•,_... _ 1. of Glblie.'' Tlu;,erial catiafactory A thea Erk-, .nuo• in layero, six (6) i lchaa in dolt ., and o.1ch of Said layers shall * e ; ,;l:L y and •..--.Ipactod b t botcro tidditional layers aro placed. The top t :olva c'.: .11 ba ora,.oacd of erucohod Lvavel or rock ma+,crial of a size ar.1 quallty by the State :Iil;hatray I`nZireer or his reprecontatz- o. It, is i pro-," .Cod that all baokfillling o;.uraoions shall b;a c=ied out in L;u.ch1 a maser i-i maxlmum co:apacUon., and wlacro catticcrcnt occa::a after the cmi"O.ctim1 0:: �V 'ahs mattri.al zhall ba reowipaetad h`,',$ or al.-- %hz; 0-no nce oi, the permittee :..::.' y e ry AtiIsf 'tl-1 the Lrigineer. Fina to thQ ✓ L 1ilti�lr Iaiv -;ru hind .oc% or s :el as rcri::'�cd aborts,$ a to�,ipc •.�;y a shall be placod imadiata2y to serve as .i 7, tlLaa f _. ..° rig can L placed. (rye i .. ... ':: .; :..: �., ..,,,ate, ,,... a+.wnrni'„MM fir+ ,M;,::,•*, .«:.,,„ ... 7. 1",,on in the jud;; .oaat of the nL, incer, tho conditio : are, favorcb10 to tho final mvin;.; of �;ho tw :a.ci: cuts,y the tc::.porary cux:�aacing and �z��rcl bai;kfill shall be rc:. 1.,: :: i��a:.a o= hrIf of the trench at; a t:lraata a d.opth oi` u1:. (G) inohos, thoed ;: _' CU`4-1 trench painted vrith hot 1.3..nuid as salt$ and hot 'azphaltic conorot© rain -",a S-L ate Iiigh-vray Standard 13peciVicatiorx Shall be placed in not less than _ t.fa' inc hvra :,.n conpacted t1delnaeoz, and properly rollcd a nd ec.npactod to �:°...: _.. _ ._;:;i c;hall bo placed Mid :i'ti.ni.:::1ed to Lisa Qnt3.ra tis actio, of tYa0 ;a`orgt sv or li:w:; t>. . -andcr-row..d servic a Sham on the di)r+.lm— c"mtructi.on ashaI -. )lotcjy rp_stoi ,e:l to tl:u«.T' 01:-.[�.:al. Ont;il?Q Y sut;isgaGU;Ovy tL 3.r.: tha owe of dzai.n :Cl" 'ca"envh, aderjucl•e 'tire::: i;l'ill tY .: Gc. J:u..b rc ohall b3 placed --.;orcd dr,,.in pil.a line upr.aruzi.a7g t;,_ . .4= tronch., to protect the ro:t',orcd i.a,jwry by sc tlezaent o:' '-ho trench baol"S.1 11. 9, d'zmd shoaldarc cut by tha oc-ver trench c::c:l 1 bo ractorod in the O=Io na:"iner as chc:, nrti,,,ra,4 6 and 7 abov]. RoCk chouleor-,; .... :ll be rosto2a-1 to thoir by ad'di.tinl of '.ino c3ruohed . : b1ading and rolUng, to t;hct ontiro catlafacc3.cii of the Enc-.ner,r. Si.da dituil�zi shhall bo cloanead out; and reshomcd t0 t:::,:"ir crZZ,Iri`! Fi.":d O_ado 5711:; G4'ey b1n31:cd by tho Cl-'t:eT' C:0=i0tTJ.Ctl�?11. 10. Iia:',vv 72y apron-.3 now bin.- uocd by n::^C ,:i i,v c- for accoes to their pron.Tyty Wall not be bLOO-kcrd any loa;;;cr than neca--rmry by the ccucr construction. `Ikoir cls.f ccs shall bJ rootored to k; least as good ccndi`�ion as they �:oo bcafore being distuala�;d, by the rtetl:odo outlLucd abwa for restoration of dicturb,Q d Surfacao. 11. Pormiasion is &Tmrtcdto in,taall naanholoo :.in the locations w;i7:rn on the plaazs, prarLdled that the tv, :a of tho mani-tolco arc cra:!cfi:llbr l;raded to fit the sure"ac::: of the ;.avamon, cr uhouldor co au to provid'o a c.:atiafactcry surface, 1.". A%. o e d:;tir.; aciahaltie co noreto footpath uhlah -,,-ill ba disturbed b r ;ao cc,irar trench a':, the crowing of the Pa c=a FIi.;,Imay t-lost at ::iiQ .Pont S:J70, e7 and p rcllcl iri.th acid hiChWay :V-'^on Nil-; Pnt 9.370, Station. Pool (- q.j , Statl al 91+53 chal.l. be ror:t orcd to its criginal Conditic: �.,; ';1 ac`Lmy t,hrcw ) incl:eo of aarlaaltio noncreto crVer tho thovou Ily aampaeved '-,o the original %4-Idth of four (4) Fent. lr. Duo oo t i3 depth of tho propo;ac d cammr, It vrill be nccess=y to sc=ore a large c:aomnt of oxcamtod dirt on the ron6my surfaco vhilca pipe is '-"Arg laid and prr. l,:ratory to backfill. Eot mora thm. throe hundred (300) .foot of tr:nmh shl tall t::: open at c:-. time# v-t% the dirt ctored on the txmvolod vray, end c mry effort, om mads to clow all, trench oath r:Llit. in nn cane shall rasa tl=n o-no (l) loan a of tho trx:elle4 5arfaca ba blorIcoLl l y t.ui c,: rcr exw:rat>ioa and store! c:ccavrated mater=ials. Azq violation of thio r,.�ovrlr2on. shall be deometd good and c uffi c:i oat, cauaa fcr immedi.ato canoallaticn cf this perai.t, and removal of ceiror frog t Lo Stctc UChray right of my, and c orrectior. of the c^a.dw:.ic:z L� u•;•,atta fcrocaa. S 4� Iho c-1:m ircnch Chall ba props_rlyFJ. ,"ri Cc^.:ltd at all oinca, .,rar;�ir.; Ia.;;11ts rvmbora a,- tha LII ,infer requireo ::.i1all Lm placed w.- ni lits and ;Iuch otim r i;�ics and oit;nj placed D.0 riay be r_eoLod to prc;-,crly sa;cat=d .and dz c-U;- the -Q Dita of CIO act+txal �Lnd pir e llstng o-L Ons, t:,o campetenc =!d satial'actory to the luiE;ineer, s.':all La enployud to the publio paL;t the actual scene of o;�arat:ions,, They shall L.: ad o3•:ly -'o-, finis purpoju, and Ehall L, o their fall -zd exclt sive IIttCllt. .,..`11-0�thiv .lvtL1�.I,y, i r�4 I'-, `.. :.O oby a�ocd the.; to in.suro ccapliarce wi .l1 the tcrmw and con. r -.nT;.ts the Sato caall lalaco an incpoctor ca t;ho job aurin-, slich 4:1,3 _ :.neer doczw noceGucry, +•o ]ii-pact and dies;: the cGt`�1]117.�.'ic' W:I.tll Of tl'. pe.", 0.-the p8Y'i 11tt"? CW itv ak ont's and to re qui;va the pans ittee c I LAI ;%Labs s fret thoso tcn m ar_J condit;iono, qze State 4U '► ll the actual, oxpen,a of Imepi.nr; the said i mpeator oil �i1c^, job dtL"in s d a;,ci nacc:xary by t'no $n,.rlee,�'9 ana the permittco shall Pray :an thirty (30) day; of thesulru.ss3on o.-L' scid gill. 14w, ic: o;; ;, : .. ..., :.d that the pwcsctjee cif said :iaspaeto%• on t'le job during construc— tion of cL_ _ ;.pe 1.:1noa dont nosy-#vC t?lo psr.,mt;tec of reopo:l ibil.ity for rcpair Of :.-- :'_otos to tho State highu,iy facility eau;od by said awler pipe U,no con truct.ic_. .::.ic:: roar chow up i "L'er the aa-apleLioal of the co±lstruat:ion. Dated this r7ef" day of n•,r-al.� r Reco.:inended for approval: OREGON/SisI:IGIN-JAY CC=ISSION Division Engineer Resistant S' at.0 iiig,,,+ay Engineer ACCEPTANCE OF PL''•'ZT In consideration of the benefits acc_•L-�ug to the by reason of tre foreboing license o:? perr.•,i•c, the said license or permit hereby is accepted by the and sai4 Jri D-_r"Ix r� hereby ag•:a:es to comply with all of the termis, provisions, stipuls.tions and conditions therein contained. Dated this _'day of 19-- (S=) President 5 0 "ON STATE HIGMAY COMISSION PIPE LINE PEIU'IT AGREEL+WT 12-7-60 RFE:dw DLi�_C Pipe Line Permit No. _ NOT IN ILITIO:J�1L Fa'.EST M00IS) 'iigard Sanitary DiGtric- , %ereinafter callod Permittoo, of 0. Pox 906, ? Lgfxd , Ore-on, has filed an application with the Oregon Stato Iiigh,ray Engineer under the provisions of CRS 374.305 to 374.325 for permission to install= cci'vico conroot:'Lcrs pipe ling, for the trans.mission of 113 io West rr1-:J -~ , upon the right of way of the Highway in Wasi;i. oil Countyo Oregon, a Of Dictrict nd _,. U, - pry. -;7--' and Moro particularly described as being between;.':,, mile i�ost ;Jo. 4.72 - Fi y. 1,1�1 (Highway Digireorls S.ation --- ) and Mile Post iro. 5.35 (Highway 15;•0 D.nginoerls Station -- ), as shown on the map Th-.ieh is attao:ied hereto, and by this referonce made a part hereof; and li ie,IM ) the application has beon fully considered by the Oregon State Highway En- gineer, and it is the opinion and judgment of the said State Highway Engineer that the said application should be grantaa, and that a permit agreemer,7� as requested should be issued; TIEREF01'U, the application of "cr3.ta-•.y D'.atr10 , Permittea, for pormiosion to install the Mid pipe lire along/across --ha right of way of the said hightirr7 at the aforementioned location hereby is approved and a permit agreement for such purpose hereby is granted to the said j ---rd Sanitn-,4y JIstriat_ Perui;to,., subject to and upon the following conditions, erms`, requir,;men s an agree - Monts, and not othenvise: GL, "_RAL PROVISIONS 1. The word "Comrnis-,ion't as used herein shall mean the Oregon Scute Hi.ginvay Com- mission. 2. The tirord "Engincarl' as used herein sr-all mean the State Highvray Engineer or his duly autizoriaod representative. 1 _, The words "pipe lino as used herein shall mean any and all pipe line or lines or other fae.lities authorized by this perrait agreRment. 4. The Por.iittee herein agrees to employ any and all methods in the con- struction of the said pipa line which the Engineer may require in order to prcperly protect the :ash; 7xom damage both during the construction of the said pipe line and subsequent to its completion. 5. During the installation or ccns�truction of tcic said pipe line, and during t::3 repair, removz1, or rel.ocG.ion of the said pipe line, the Pe:aitt,as _� .;all s , all t=('s :_%intain such vxntchman or Watcl•:ren, barricades) and other safety devices as may ba necessary to properly protect traffic upon the said high.vay, and to yarn .and safe- l;isru the public against injury or damage resultiz,- from the operations of the said 'ADex^zitteo in tho construction and mv-Antwnance of the said pipe line. The Permittee shall ;dace and maintain la.ghted warning, lights on al:;. barricades and obstructions during the hours botrreen sunset and sunrise. G. Tho Per-I-ttco shall indemnify and hold harmless the State, the State Highway Cc:,..,ission, ;,he memburs thereof, and all officers, employees or agents of the State or the State Hightis3y Camr..iss-.on, against any and all damages, claims, demands, wetions, causes of action, cos•�a, and expenses of rratsoever nature which may result ::om any injury to or the death of any perscr.., or from the loss of, or damage to, prop- ::rty of any kind or nature, izicluding the higheray and highway facilities or structures, property or equipment used or oimed by the State or the Stats Highway Department, and facilities such as wires, lines, poles orpipe lines, which now or may hereafter occupy the right of way of the said highrray, wnen such injury, death, loss or damage is cue to tris existence of the said. pips line; or to the construction, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, relocation, operation or use thereof, or to tiie contents 'heroin or therefrom. 7. The Permittee :+hall so conduct his conatruetion operations that there w-ll be no interference with or interruption of traffic upon and along the highway. The En- gineer may specify details in Connection wit!:. the handling of traffic and such speci- fications shall be complied with by the Perraittee., �. The installation, construction and maintenance of the said pipe line is subject to the paramount control of the is islature over the said highaay and no right or privilege herein granted shall be deemed or construed to be beyond the reach or auth- ority of the legislature to control the said highway, and the Permittee in aceeptizcr this permit accepts it knowing that the rights and privileges granted herein may at . ny t.imL, be defeated or r.'jrogated by legislativa act. 9. The ra:.d parmittoe shall at all times koep the said ,pipe line free from !oaks and in a good state of repair, so that ao damage or injury will be done to the paid highway. 10. The entire cost of installing the said ripe line, :.ncluding the cost of oriels, trenching;, laying, backfillirg, supervision, and inspection, and any other ;nse rrn u;;oavcr incidant thereto, is to be paid by the said Permittee. The Permittce a!!, in cdu:;tion, reimburse the Cormtission for any and all expenses that they may incur conracti,on with the said installation. The reir.-. ursamen t. to the Commission shall be I by ;:�e said Permittee within ten (10) days after receiving a statement therefor from the cn�;i::�vr. - 2 - 11. ,,ny supervision or control exercised by the Engineer shall in no tray relieve � •Lhe Permittee from any duty or responsibi''ity to the general public nor shall such, supervision or control relieve the said Permittee from any liability for, loss, damago, or injury to persons or property sust:J inad by raason of the installation, maintenance, or repair of the said pipe line; or in the removal or relocation thereof as hereinafter provided, nor of the Permittees liability for any damage to the said highway. 12. wf for any reason it becomes necessary in the Jud tent of the Commission or its Engineer to disconnect the said pipe line or any section thereof for the purpos,J of repairing the said hightiiay, or any vrorlc or improvement thereon, or i:: the srAd highumy is being dar=gcd or injured by reason of the presence of the said pipe line or tho scop.. ago of ,--s or any liquid therefrom, the Pzgineer may give the Permitt(. ten f10) day, vrritten notice "co turn off the gas or liquid and should the said Permittee fail and neglect to do so, then the ingineer may turn off the gas or liquid and disconnect tho said pipe lin. , and by so do:Uig naither the State, the Comri.ssion, its Lneineer or V(,hor officer, agent, or employee shall be liable either personally or officially for any damage or injury sus t a.ined thereby, either by the sal a Fer-mittee, consumers, patrons, or portions to vroom the PErmittoe owes a roaponjibility or liability. 13. It is understood and agreed that the Commission, i.•ts Eaginee:, officerc, aganta, or caaployo,;s shall not be held responsible or iiable for injury or damage that may oncur to the said pipe line or any connection or connections thereto by reawon of any con.. struction or maintenance operations that may be carried on by or undbr t'ra direction of either the said Commission or any duly autNorizud representative of tha said Commission) or by any parson constructing or installing, maintaining, repairing, operating, or uaira any :.eiiity pursuant to a permit or permit agr�jonent either heretofore or h©reaftor issued by the Commission or Fin-ineer. PROVISIONS M=TING TO LIABILITY MISURANCE ANO BOND 11+. The Pei;,,ittee shall obtain and car.-y, for the period of time required for tho complete inotallation o' the said pipe Une, including the .-cpair and restoration of t"ao highway facilities, a liability and p.v,pe,rty damago insurance policy or policies pro- viding for coverage aeainst any claim, dcmand, suit, or action for property damage, per- sonal injury, or death resulting from any activities of. the Permittee, his officers, !! employees, aeon's, or contracora in connection rich the construction or installation of i the said pipe line and tho repair and restoration of the highway facilities, ar_a the acid policy or policies, in addition, shall include as named insureds the Stato of Orogon, the Commission and members thereof, its officers, agants, and enployues, exee'A as to claims against the Permittee, for personal inj=y to any membors of tho Co:.2i.ssion or itu officers, agents, and employees, or damage to any of its or tl.�,ir property, rho said insurance shall provide cove::age in the Pmountal GOO Zor Nroparty damage resuitin;', from any single occurroxioa and w YCO,L� ::or tHu jjL,-ath or injury of any parson, sutjoct to a krait oa240x$00 w%"or im Mos or 6:atha ra- aulting from any single occ% rence. The sairi _9"arani@�Pu12­Fy or policio3 si=ll be its on Lasurznca company duly autlu.:rized and, laaanscd to do business in the State of Oi c-ci, A copy of the policy or poiiciet.', or a ccrtiti"ta ovidencing the same, shall me c,ubmf.ttad to the D:ALrector of Permits, Ore ton State Highway BGpartme t, Salom, Oregon, and approved 4 him boforo any work ie coTr:cnced under this ps+uit agrec::.int. r � W i 1e� f S 1 Ir: order to assure full and Faithful compliance with a3.1 of the terns, conditiazs, wzza ob7igations of this permit 'agreement, the Permitte3 shall i%rnish for the period of time recui.ad for the complete installation of said pipe llna, including the repair and restoration of the highway facilit3eo, a bond in the sum of , written by a surety company duly qual- :Lfied an,d licensed to do Uusinsss in the State of Orogon and in a form satis- f'actox= `W-o tale Engineer. ,yo work shall be oommsneed under this permit agreemant "til he said bond has baen submittod to and approved by the Director of Permita, Ocego: : tata, Highway D.partment, Salem, Oregon" FROVI""MIS REL.-V 11.0 TO LOCATION, CONST:.UCTTON, =, OVAL AND RELACATIC:1 16. The dianeter o:.' the pipe 2 ne to be installed scall not exceed sial. Irr" ( ) inches, and it -hall be ,pipe of a quality and condition satisfacto:q *co the 17 Tronc.liing or tunneiirg nearer than four (4) feet from either edge of the surfaced portion o: the hi;hrray or the outting and digging up of the paved or macad"a zed portion of the said high ay wyll not be permitted Lualebs spacial permission is girst obtained from ,he Engineer. No :rer..:h shall be excavated with a top width in excess of eighteen (18) inches more than the outside diameter of the pipe to be installed, unless special permission is first obtained from the Engineer. 18. The backfilling of all trenches and tunnels must be accomplished immediate:y after the pipe line has been placed therein and must be well ca-aped and Sally compacted so as to allow the least possible amount of subsequent settle- All debris, refuse, and waste of all kinds which may have accumulated upon -,;;ie highway rig it of way 'oy reaaon of the operations of the Permittee must be remnwed immPdiA`Aly upon car"plet-ion of said operations and the said highway right of way must be reatca^ed to at least as good condition as it wa5i prior to such operations. All work in connection ti•rith tie said pi-pa line construction nuat ba dnnP in a neat and worl+ mnli.ke meziner and iu:der the general supervision of the Lngineer whose decision shall bre fina-1 with respoot to any of the conditions, terms, stipulations, and provisions of this pe wit agreement. "'y.i��l V ..•yy ; . k�Z ~�r _ ... 20. Where tha slid pine lane crosses the highway, it shall b in3tallud 0.1 a 7111:3 ;at an ;le of degrees tc the center- line thereof, and at a dept's. -co be specified Ix.( the Engineer. MMMMMA • 21. i•.aero the said pipa line crosses under the surfaced portion of �i:L �. Z;h;aay, the said pipe line shall either be driven or placed in a hole bored under the surfacing for that purpose, the diameter of which hole shall not exceed the outside diameter of the pipe to be placed therein, unless special penussion is obtained from the Engineer to cut the improved surface. 22. At no point shall the top of the pipe line be less than _inches below the grade of the highway or .:1i4,...�.v w..,11�.1 a v`1+CYxL�ili� L1X.i1;i1C3.:' "GL.aM thJcrl �ul �ti.YC'i 011;�atccn (187 inczbs bolo;r tl.; grar�o of ti'.ie c�.°ainago c'd.tcL 23. If at any time, in the opinion of the Commission, or Engineer, the :c© Jy the said pipe line is detrimental to the public use and interest in �u .d highway or to the proper repair, T;:ai ntenance, or reconstruction of the or if, in order to better serve the public with an improved Highway, it be- �:�.:._., necessary to reconstruct, widen, improve, or relocate the aai.d highway across or along the right of way on which the Permittee has located a pipe fine pursuant to this agreement, and it becomes necessary, in order to accomplish arq of the above mentioned purposes, for the said pipe line to be removed or relocated, the 1:ngineer shall give written notice "Oo the Permittee to remove or relocate the said pipe Una. In the event that the pipe line is to be r,sloeated upon the right of Irony, the Engi r.ser, in his writ-ten notice to tho Penni ttee, shall designate the new location for the said pipe 'dna. 24. .,he Pe;•;ai,ttee agree:. that upon receiving the said written notice to remove or relocate the s id pipe line that he will., wit:in � 2 �( 1C ) dc.ys, ma'.-ce arrangements for the prompt removal ur relocatica of the said Ripe line, at his sole cost, in accordance with the said tritten notice and instructions re- ceived from the Engineer, and the Pezvittca agrees that before commenoin; any work to remove or relocate the said pipe line ..a will again comply with all of the pro- visions of Paragraphs 14 and 15 herein with .especfi to insurance and bond (if any). ;he Permittee agrees that in the event that he fail.:, for any reason, ' c _emove or relocate "k-he said pi.,�a line in compliance wit'••1 the said written notice rep- A. f-rcm I- a Engineer, that t=.e Engineer or his dulyau',horized rep- resencatives rky turn off any gas or liquid that is beim; oonveyc d by the said pipe iine and ray remoVe or relocate the said pipe line to the new location designated by the Engineer. :no Permittee further agrees that upon the completion the said removing or relocating of the' said line by the Engineer, and upon receiv..ng a state- r�ent from the Lnginear as to the cost of remuvin,g or relocating of the said pipe line, i:e will immediately, or within a period of time to be agreed upon batween tho Permitteo and the Engineer, either in a lump sum or by such installments as may be ru~ranged between the parties in an executac "Supplemental Pemi.t Agreement", pay to tho Co", zaion the full Luroun:c of said removing or relocating costs that have been incurred by the Corurassion. The Permittee further agrees that in the even; that he fails, as provided in this parcgraph� to pay the said costs incurred by the Commission or the re:wing or relocating of the said :ipe line, covered by this permit abr®®- ard it becomes necessary for ti,e Coianission to cermence an act: on or procesed- . n a eou:.,t of car�;peti�zt �uri.sdictioiz to •rc ooVC the said remccing ��r relocating costs that the Cmmiicsion shall be entitled to recover in addition to the statutory c�,;,rt costs and disbursements, such additional sure as the court may adjudge reason- Colo for atto-__;Y81 foes to be allcwt3d in such aoti; :a or procaeUn;. r 5 � t f w %0 It is further understood '2nd agreed that, in the event it becoMeo for tho Ligineer to turn off the gas o-;- liqu:td, conveyed in said pipe line :;n )rder to remove or relocate the- said pipe line, covered by this permit avreement, as set forth in Varagraph 24 hereof, that neither the State, the Cora- mission, its Mgineer'ar any of its officer:;, ,agents, or employees; shall be liable either peroo:::;lly or* officially for 'any damage or injury sastaYned thereby, either to the i'ar::: tae, •consumers or patrons, or persons to whoa tha Permittee owes a e3ponsi��lit y or' liabi.li-'-y, and that the Pormittee vill• indemnify and:hold harm- less tho State; the Com:.:issixn, and its Engineer 6, offices, employee, and agents, from any such claims for lama„es or liability. This pozait sl-mll,ba in effect for a period of t:anl:�-fiv: tJ �r� „tears from arL:: after the date hereof, unless sooner—revoked By mutual consen or by t1%,L State Hialzay F.n;inoer, for the failure .)t '%;he Permittee to abide by the term ar., conditicns of this permit agreement, o-. by operation of the law. lhi.a ,: rmit IiZrocmont shall not be effective unless accepted in writing by the Perrgittee on or before , 196 SPZ:CIAL PROVISIC;TS ' ltendal to corer the locution, c0nstruotion and mai.ntc..anco of service con- :: :ctici prorlous)y ad and to be installed in the future, under s the S'vaUG T k3 ,,,"ray Ce,,accioa$ ae:Ld co_xcotloas to be az sho-an ca appU- c-Vions to is .._Zzmittud ;at; the tirao of cono'tru—,Uc.r. As the por::,._ . _ from tLna to ti: o, c _.eroa to r ,:l:o coi-r_ea eox.ectio:, under tr-e pro- visions z­:' of this por.;it, 'Lha _. ...:_ ce,a ;:hall notia.`y tai Stat® I .isZtiray Enyinc er, throa h t;a�: "-.,1ot• Naiuterlance Supariz"t idanL located at 2131 S. W. Scholls Ferry Road,, Portland, on a iorra to be 1)rc:ocribad by' hka, of pa;Liaivxo'a intention to make the do jirod corn ca ccnrcc't.io.=: and giving all Gf ti-4 data ;arid i:u`c::zLUora required by this :.11 be Log-= oa bath connactiona u.tll rritte z approval of the pr cI rod pla:1 �f cc:-:.;;ctr .o:z is secured fro:a tho said Di:rtr;ict 1.aintcnaroo Superintendent, Lia dlamatc-o of the pipas to be usol :in co:,ytruc ting the said bai,rlco cc:v:cutions oluall be as approvod ter tib.; L: ;;ireoor. hs rig..; w:: %Ore"�y rooc;:.nTor! for the Eras3.n©er to rccyL3 ��c that a norma:. pipe Line r: rm.t bo issuod in plac:) of a serxeLcu coxLnootion pay.,rit ;La "y in,,;taiao whereby, :W Us c;pi:.`6cn, the oiza of pip:;, looatioa of the conneotion, prop:)scd notno1 of construction or any con- aiti.on would place tl:c1 proposes: imt .11a'cioa -J a a catojory other than t: :,o nonzllj repre- ..2ntcd by a cervica r;G:_7aoti.oa. .e ru:. ._: opzu lcoato tivi propoocd ceaer connections by roforonea to 1: .4hway Pile Polat, and ::w ,�_.;;Cr7u ;t&tLoa, if avai':ablaO and by ra, arenzo to adc:Lti.on nar.io, block nurk'ocr, lot nu:.i:. ,_, .:.ci climtance fro:a lot line. '•::tither oho ecrvieo connections shall k:,: eor_struated by "open-ticaaah"not od or by boriz._- .•he i od in Item #21 ofthe f ore,�oinu "i;c .ural Pro,LLior_o", chL12. be the diol on t._lc Er ; nor. In in trnc.:o i-Laro "opoa-trc:..;:i:" coastructici1 io a2.lc::,LG, the cut-v'-An- of - 6 - A 4. t.� �:•p'r'OVCd pG2°41 r„1 0-- one-half thowri11 be P`'r,i:ttcd providod ITa:wev,;r {�/2) cf t�ze said Jr-proved •:,or,; , t,1,�t on1,y io;Y is op :�ed up at one tim0, u2.d the said pipe i:1 ta7. cd snd ca:np3.otely ":�acl .i.,L:;d befora the 0thox• half is installod. pipa has L....n � x t12C nr_ '+. �... � p.c.a c:�: tho tronch aI1alw bo baal:fillod by placing Pit ru.:1 of or oth,^r raratcri��, sutiufactory to t:1e n��.noar "all r.�L c::cc-d Sin (b) inchc3 in dapt,l� and each of tl:o s�dilhyeraxayor.,a.oach of trhicYa If. '-' -rd w:o"ott h1,y cWTac, by tazping bcfora additional. 2zycr shall b0 � d. If. (12) inchca chill bo i oL;�,d of cr mha ..k mat ria ply c-d. ?ae and e,. :_ _,r' co ba ;Ip�aified by the Statc: IY:I. . SnC�n0erl or rock material of a :size jry Ln,�noor or his duly authorized ::0rre- Afterw crus h0d rca;� Gr �rv�+l Lc rcuir.a b of tole: xiix aspilalti.c cancra to -hall Lu plaoad iTmnod3 ate Iy ,y ovc' a tcnaporary roux°faoinu M'11 11 tho fina:, pa ri.. can Lo to 6or vc� as & trca+_°in cow ee ' n :�cG;?. 114*11cn, �t of tll;a Ea-I.nour tllo �w s of the trc;nch cuts , tc:tpox�a� �, ' conditions are ,,a�rorablQ to the ,ii.'ttll paving o:�a••hG].�' {l/2) of X110 ;rencll at a t3� natar7� and apt aro�cilo�'ac►.�ft11 e�.la3l 1�� rernGvod f;•a tranc;h paint;;d z;ith hot ".i.r .d e;,p;1;z:I.t� anti hot c�,p:ir�].ti.o cuucroLa r,:i.: aou"orciing to the ed-,s of th3 State l�ihwa�r ut.�,1d�,;,d SIx-ciz iaat3.ons 6i�..d�, be, . (2) ineheo in eo p;rcted this-icat and ha�c: pl ced in not 'less tha;.1 t,ro 24yors, ttro ' ° ,lled and patclx shall bs placoc, and L"r. .sla�d to tha ant�claa^°ci:,faccio:Ir�ot'a;b© to gr.rkw. The: inOoY . T:e op n trcn011 shall W Propiorly barricaded at , r and ,t"laLr.:)nx vi,7,w and GU04 othc�sr facilitiou �`]. tuueo, red lights p.1c.•od at nil;ht, wid dir CCS t 1ti 1�*O�iT prcvri dor as nicy be noaciod puu7ic. to aafoguard No work int::; jarou or cc,-f.Ucts 1,;i,:? the Until or per,or::W, Until it 1, traveled x o�;.ci Lhall ,„s ny tuna bcom , c - p ► x rr t11a sat,Xfa,ctorf :Yand: :i I of the trr.: 3,o attI:o j7Yt3C�3 aovicer:od na:,s boo:a Workcn Out and L )ro'yG1 I;'r ..; ^ :i.ntrinden4 of thu Sc,a,0 II�,i.0i'vinf Loo rtz,.G.zt located at 213"'S- Ley•rJo S.,Aollo a Road~ 1 prtI31d 1y Gi"e j;Gn. A. a:_ais I,c:2ii t 7h,.1�. in no ;r • , La construed a parriit; J Raced 'chis r•,,� ,�/r, 1 ,r ., ; ' , , 196 1,ppro•�a:.: C.,EGON STATE gyGMIAY COMSS11" Recommended for BY., -Asoistant/State Ijighway Engineer District :Ialntenanc© SL,. .l^intende3t ACCEPTAIva Oi+ PLK -T AGRE ;.IQT I:Z consideration of tho benefits accruing t� tY.e Perrlittae by reason of the fore- going permit agriement, this said permit agreemert is hereby accepted brovislonasstip- and the said pOrtdttee hereby agrees to comp],y with al's of the „arms, p' u1a�,iors, and oonditions therein containEc. 196 y4cc�d this \: l �Ltt►�11'T a�uE ' Title: By. [Title i t If lD !! ca �I \T i _ o •r U \ , 1. ! Nry � ,� � � / � -� ms's► � `' � �.� APO • ` 7 u v a s, .0 17 14 nle it tell IV co Ft 0 ��,,, , -�-.. ��. \ � ,art, � �� �• �, � �\. ;/ �• �.. . 6 , r � ..pati' rC .. P � Q-r r� ! �\�/ y rli' •` b, y / III ! ,. / `• �A, us. V u IV IV At 'X i14, 441 z:Z f A y u 1k I DESIGNED APPROVED SNECT DRAWN . �~ SCALE—_ „ `- /00' I OAtE�_�/- �- 1 INC. ( \ E F T DL`_ CA T/ 0 DATE —NO. -- _ -REVISION BY CNFC.KED FILE � 3 ,C►rt�O" II PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON DEAV•-T T G7ARD SEWER REL OCA-rE _iW14NNc1q a Co. OF - °' tt -� "� r•� writer-g.,rw -.. w, ,,-,•:•.,,,�..•,. _ _ . ('�� �1 1�1 III III III ►� I��'tll � II 111' 111 1� '�YI`II ( II Il•1 tll ,) III 11'1 III II II III t'rl Ilr 111 1�1 111 III Ili III III III I 1 II� 111 111 Ill Ilr III VIII ,_� � _ � 1 ' . ' ,f � 1 1 �• 1 1 1 - l. �, I I �1 I I I t'I ( I I I 11 1 I I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I >I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � ` NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 3 4 5 ® 8 B 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --+�"' THIS NOTIV&r-11 IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL , +h,. DkAWING. -�' OE dZ 92 LZ 92 SZ 1x EZ LP LP la OZ 61 - 91 LI 91 SI bI CI Z 11 01 e 9 L 9 S E. Z I - dlIIIIIIIII111111111 1111111111HI►Nlllllj�lllllrrilnNllII161NIN►Ilgl1111 ►�IIIINrIN1111111N1u)tlllllnl�l�IIIn111uihrltl1r11111uit�rlNln�1111nhmllrttltlttluldul�IInIIItiN�',:llt,I�urrllmlunlnulnlllnubwLHHllulluuLluWlll)Itlll�llllluUllgbin .__ JUNE 24 1992 . r; M PACIFIC HWY.WEST- SOTI ARD C SHEE f _ G INT.SES.. No. �� y D , . BEAVERTON TIGARD HIGHWAY rvj` V �` Q �Q a WASHINGTON COUNTY ` FED. ROAD PROJECT )CAL TOTAL y` r, Ql V � � e � IG STATE Div. NUMBER EAR SHEETS 2` Q $ OREGON SU 466(6) Incaex qj ac ,� � 0 � I it • ;0 < < g �( �/ � \ � e N � .� � � h ��, 1h �Q. � �o Q` rb o -- p y� �Ci N ki p N �, iso I�; I p �Nk \`\ c� � ���� �� 1 '�Q s�sa � � �. ry G• o _ c� ti /l �� �\ Ix3 ♦� ��u ,e� o- r 'L Q / s ' Q �, D �� Co�s�`G• \\ �' S'ew r�. /�66 �`0 >9,4 70 sy`0 dD/-,4001'0 _ /Sp y9ly , Q 1��► �rPe ai/- C� S� �1 � ♦ '\ �. 0 Cotes/ ///1// /� Qfo�ri _ ¢2./ ►� '� ! ,, �i 1 B�ocks S'� p P / o /io%s Inst 8 e goo FS o ,o f 8„goer f Z?p /n PrP �. ��� ��¢i o`s'�- -� ` Ire' iI I �a I I -� x ISS QGk�'i!l- 250 9/'y'.sp,�� ��'= `�, Ir � l SpeCio/ B mos 50 '� /�l I �� �� c u P ��, - <5ew. /4,226 - Tr �XG 3/p C.Y' $ ,� T �R , r� �55,� L ,� �� 1`� ���I fit, ���< �I ., V Tr. �,►-�. . 63.3 C. Y p 99�-SO 'y no. 'x SfA .40/-�00 fo 4// e _ 9 q p ' \ . � � � � � � � /`�. �i �,2 �; � ��-� \ � ��� �� 9. �'%�os 6' ti y� � •� � �c � 0 0 8,.Peri' prA�r� PSP --7 -� k- 1 -7� 11 r �;/ N \� ,S ,� xl c� \ x1 ~+. �, l� X Z6 9 C. 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"CiZZ kj.Q 9 i �� DEN Ac 00 T I GAR D INTERCHANGE °o For �i1o70i/es; _Vee .�hee�s aA 4,B�`�c 1\ D S,o �. °0 � G ti �� For Er,�fror�ce E�r�f Ramo oe tai% .-V6e Or9 Nos 2092 ` 2093 �� mor Gr"adi/7.y /47121 See S lee 7`'40 °D2411 �� l o \,` P11/099-444 � sewer o `,� ,0 -- �,By - /, � v G� \, lx 9 B�.av•-r T c�Fa���r, ��,EwcF? RE=LDr_:rA T E — 4 OF h • ,� . _. ._.. .. . u.+..ern. +.�•• rr. .o.. r..w..�yq,N.«, - - — – – N .• 1• �l ...� - .•..u. .... - _ ___. — ..- .irjll�ltl,�t llill�lll�llt 11 •tlt IV 1 1.11 If 1 t til �I i 1 ij'1 III IIf III IIi II II► III IIt I� .► 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED 2 - *� 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 _ , DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN . THIS NOTI�"IT IS DUE TO /" •,` RAMI�LITY OF THE ORIGINAL ,` . Imo' QE 82 92 1 2 9Z SZ f•t C� �E. . .�I� Oil dl QI LI 91 41 1►I ICI 21 II 04 9 -- L 9 S l E 2 1-aim ,,/"� ��d11IlIIIItIuIIInItIU�Inlltttt�tUt�11t�111111111I11t►�tltlllttlbtHlttttltrtt�tllltlN�NIF�Hl�ti1}IH�Itti�flI,tiIIIIIII�ItHItNt�IN1�1lII�M1Mn11111r►ft�iltt�tllt{IIIIt1111I1111IH111�WliNiBIII�IIII�IIIIIIIII�UIIIIIIIIIW�I�111111111�1IIIII!ll�lllllllllllul�NM rJUNE 24 19 92 (ROUGH DRAFT) April 8, 1966 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered ititu by and between the STATE OF OREGON, by and through its State Highway Commission, hereinafter called "Statr", and CITY OF TIGARD, a Municipal Corporation acting by and through its city officials, hereinafter called "City'; WITNESSETH: R E CiTA LS: WHEREAS, State proposes to construct the Pacific Highway West-South Tigard lntcrchange Section of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway, Secondary State Highway No. 144, in Washington County; and WHEREAS, in the construction of said highway it will be necessary to reconstruct curtain sewer facilities of City located within the existing right of way of Pacific Highway West, Primary State Highway No. 1W; and WHEREAS, City and State wijh to enter into an agreement for the purpose of reconstructing said highway and City's sewer facilities a s shown on the Oregon State I holway Department sketch attached hereto marked Exhibit "A", and by this reference made a par'c hereof. Hereinafter all actions necessary to accomplish this proposed adjustment of the conflicting sewer facilities shall be referred to as "project"; and WI IEREAS, City does not have funds available with which to pay for the necessary adjustmen- of its facilities which conflict with the construction requirements N said project; City has submitted a plan for payment to be made by City to State in _,qu,i I an-nual installments for a ten (10) year period. In the first instance, State will AGREEMENT (Rough Draft) -2- April 8, 1966 pay the contractor for the adjustment of City's facilities, as a part of the general contract; and WHEREAS, State is agreeable to the suggested plan for performing and financing the sewer facilities adjustment; NOW, THEREFORE, the premises being in general as stated in the foregoing; RECITALS, it is agredd by and between the parties hereto as follows- THINGS TO BE DONE BY STATE: 1. State approved said Exhibit "A", THINGS TO BE DDNE BY DISTRICT and GENERAL PROVISIONS hereof. 2. State shall prepare all plans, let and award all contracts and supervise the construction of said 17 oject. 3. State shall submit to City for its approval completed construction plans relating to City's facilities at such time as they become available. a. State shall advise City c,` State's contractor's bid for the: relocation of. City's facilities. 5. State shall, in the first instance, pay the cost of said project. City is to epay that portico of said cost as stated underara a h 4 of THINGS p gr p TO BE DONE B1 CITY. THINGS TO BE DONE BY CITY: 1. City shall provide all right of way required on which to construct said project which lies outside of right of way now ownad by the State. t AG DEMENT (Rough Draft) -3. April. 8, 1966 2. City shall assist in the preparation of plans and specifications for the relocation of City's conflicting facilities when requested by the State and shall supply such engineering data as may be required by the State to complete a satisfactory design. 3. City shall furnish an Inspector for all work performed by State's contractor in adjusting City's facilities. 4. City shall rel;niburse State the actual cost incurred by State in the con- stnlction of saidro'ect. P J 5. All maintenance shall be performed by and at the sole cost of City. 6. On December 1, 1966 and for nine (9) year subsequent thereto, City shall pay to State one-tenth of amount resulting from the provisions of paragraph 4 above without interest. GENERAL PROVISIONS: It is agreed that all work performed by State with respect to the relocation of City's facilities shall be completed to the satisfaction of the City. "T'W L;bjm COMM I RS JACK I�I GLENN L JACKSON CIRMAN ME.DFO0D KENNETH N FRIDLEV MEMBER ` WASCO DAVID B SIMPSON. MEMBER lo sses [ ; PORTLA NO b t. STATE OF OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 March 22, 1966 City of Tigard (Sewer Department) City Hall Tigard, Oregon ATTENTION: Mr. E. G. Kyle, Mayor Re: Preliminary Plans Pacific Highway W.-S. Tigard Interchltnge Section Beaverton-Tigard Highway Washington Count Gentlemen: Attached you will find set(s) of a preliminary plan of this section of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway. Bids are presently scheduled to be: opened for this project on April 28, 1966. It is the obligation of the State to reimburse the City for the cost of adjusting, relocating or removing its City-owned Utilities in accordance with the City Agreement. If you have such facilities, please prepare an estimate and sketch map in accordance with PPM 30-4 and all supplements thereto. This estimate and sketch should be submitted to Mr. Jack Hesla, Field i',ilities Liaison Engineer, 5821 N. E. Glisan Street, Portland 97213, when ..quested by our Legal Division. Very truly yours, F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer By Ir. W. Litchfield Utilities Liaison Engineer Attach. H.LOR[N THOMP•ON,P.E. MA"VIN W.RUNYAN,P.R. RONALD K."11111.P.E. LLOYD [.ROOT,P.E. OORDON [.T11APP.A.I.A. INC.JAM[[A.CROM.P.E. 1 NCL..//�/on9ultLny �'nyineerl MAID•.P.E. wlLr"[D O.AMeL[,P.E. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION HAROLD R.MURRAY.P.E. CA RL".R[I NX E.P.[. PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON HARV[Y W.TAYLOR,P.R. 63-P-220-4 Nlarch 2, 1,)66 REPLY TO. "5015 B.E.MILWALIKIE AVE. POST OFFICE BOX 02201 PORTLAND, OREGON 97202 w PHONE (609) 294-0721 Oregon ',-iighway Department - 5821 N. F. Glisan Street lortland, Oregon '37213 Attn: Mr. Jack Hesla Re: Tigard Sewer Reloeatiodl Dear Mr. Hesla: En._ os�d are two sketches showing a sewer relozation plan �+ that we have sup.;gested to Tigard as being necessary when work be- gins on the Beaverton- Tigard Highway grade separation at S. W. Pacific Highway, The 8" line to be severed r,,ust serve the Geuo;al ;tioturs property and that above the G. M. Corporation. As-built plans indicate that G. M. is connected 1 ? feet east of a manhole opposite Highway Station "'3)W ' 52+5 ,. This service evidently enters the sewer at a 45o angle that extends to the property line. The line suggested to the City runs down S. 1Y, 7th as indicated and thus makes servi,;e. available to some Zu residential properties on S. 7'3th. This line changes iron, 8" to 15'' at a puint oppusite a small Cp creek flowing frul-ri the northeast. The 15" line would connect to a 15" pipe being laid beneath the fill at Station 423+);,, as shown on the drawing given you on March 2, at our otfice. From the crossing, a 15" line would � run to Hunziker road where an existing gravity sewer is located. We appreciate being _:unsulted at this time and will be happy to give further comment as you may request. 11.� Very truly you,-a, r STEVENS & THOMPSON, INC . By Rrm/ct Gilbert R. Meige ,_c - City of M.LOREN TMOMP/ON,P.M. / MAP,AN W.RUNYAN.P.M. DONALD [.111t•.P.[. LLOYD[.ROOT.P.t. GORDON K. P,A.1,A. JAM[/A.OROM.P.C. INC. �0� 'ULtLK9 Ln f[neerl OIL/[RT R.M[IO•.P.C. WILFR[o D AM/L[,P.[. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTIOM NAROLD R.MURRAY.P.R. CARL R.RE, PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON NARV[Y W.TAYLORR,.P.[.t )) 1 -P-220-4 Ff'6ri-iary 1, 19b6 REPLY TO, neon S.E.MILWAUKIE AVt. PONT OFFICE ®OX 02201 PORTLAND. OREGON 07202 PNONF (509) 294.0721 Mr. Robert K. Logan City Administrator City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Subject: Beaverton-Tigard Highway Sewer Reconstruction Dear Mr. Logan: We have been advised by the Oregon Str:to Highway Department that it intends to call for bids for construction of a grade separation at the intersection of Southwest Pacific Highway and the Beaverton-Tigard Highway. It is anticipated that bids will be received sometime in the spring of 1966. We are bringing this to your attention because the grad.. separ- ation construction will isolate the existing 8-inch sanitary sewer on S. W. Pacific Highway uphill of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway, We are in- formed that the S. W. Pacific Highway will be carried over the Beaverton- Tigard Highway on a bridge. Owing to the design of the bridge anti the neces- sary clearance for traffic below it, it will not be possible to continue gravity sewer service to the area uphill of the interchange. We have prepared preliminary plans and cost estimates for two methods of maintaining sanitary sewer service to the area which will be isolated. The enclosed maps show these two plans. The first alternative is indicated as Plan 1 and would consist of an 8-inch gravity sewer con- necting into S. W. Pacific Highway and running down S. W. 79th Avenue and thence along a roadway which we understand was dedicated to public use last summer. At the foot of this roac:..ay the line changes to 15-inch and continues to the 15-inch sewer now being installed by the Highway Depart- ment underneath the Beaverton-Tigard Highway and thence aiong another right-of-way which we understand has been dedicated to the public to Hunziker Road where it connects to an existing 12-inch sewer. This plan we estimate would cost $40, 000. In addition to permitting a use of gravity flow throughout this system would also permit connection of 19 lots on S. W. 79th Avenue. The 8-inch portion of the job would c,)st approximately $20, 000, The 15-inch line would be terminated at a point at which we would srEvENs R THOMPSON. INC, Mr. Robert K. Logan -2- February 1, 1966 expect the gravity sewer from the proposed Oregon Educational Association De—1 opment to be located. As an alternative to Plan 1 which we feel may impose a heavy bur- den on the City's finances, we have proposed Plan 2 which is indicated on the attached drawing. This would involve the construction of a pumping station which would use the equipment to be taken from the existing pump- ing station near Highway 217 and Burnham Street and mounting a 4-inch pressure sewer across the bridge. During the time the bridge is under construction a temporary 4-inch pipe line would be required to permit continuous sewer service. When it is financially feasible to proceed with Plan 1 the pumping station and pressure sewer would be abandoned. We estimate that Plan 2 would cost about $6000. In considering methods of financing Plan 1 you may find that it is possible to assess the entire length of the line against the abutting proper- ties, or at least assess cost of the line if considered to be an 8-inch sewer throughout its length against the abutting properties. In such case it would be possible to assess approximately $30, 000 of the cost. Adding to this $30, 000, which is a very preliminary figure, the $6000 for Plan 2, it can be seen that the additional cost of Plan 1 to the City might be of the order of $4000 over Plan 2. We have been told by the Architects for the O. E. A. that they will expect sewer service in the spring of 1967. While it would be desirable in some respects to include the O. E. A. portion of the project this spring, we have the impression that their plans are still in the formative stage and that they may not be ready to have the sewer to serve them constructed this spring. We regard this in the nature of a preliminary report and would be pleased to provide additional information for you. Very truly yours, STEVENS & THOMPSON, INC. Gilbert R. Meigs grm/ct cc - F. A. Anderson City Attorney r r > 1 _ I Q m� M 303 w I 00 N J\��,P I Q° I S.W. In PFAFFLE ui _ ST. j I 5 P. 4.74 —; PC' C, I �.E•y. Z I 2 Q \ ---J 11i S.W. ATLANTA 5T HnINES 3 • . 00hi 'I L —_..—.--— r __1 IBAVLOIR 5TH IJ � 5 W DUV_ALL ST. - , — 1 y 9L OA I j1 r > �; y L < I Q d � }N �4 ON 'ST. _ l' 711 9 \ U I It 1 10 S.W.; -DARTMOUTH ST.; �o m S.W. '': 10 10 10 �. W S._W � 4i ELMHURST ST.• ^ iii ti I r-_ . .. . ' I w \s�m r cRMOSO Wq I 3 I a S.W. FRANKLIN' ST.'J I i 1n 19EyEW. �. > 3 3 1 0 i 0 S ! ( . Rd LANpI 'WAND �► Vi IA U1 IUI :� -y< _�,\ W • �� BEVELAND W ONZAGA.I I I ST.I I.I U3i O > S.W.' ,HAMPTON I ,ST.I I I Y \, Q ( \ � RV NO ST•I U 0 .ST. \ W 5S3 Ln o L �_W. fYARNS ST. S t W YARNS _ ST. PIS.W.n FIR ST. ST. l!1 Ui N 17 [J 1 r_ LEGEND TIGARD WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON 111 Post Offire Public Bldq, P""10041, II. -I Srhn�l ev—City Nell OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPAPtMrp JT ffi 16- E-: 4 i COMMISSIONERS GLENN L. JACKSON, CHAIRMAN FORREST COOPER MEDFORU KENNETH N. FRIDLEY, MEMBER MM�MM �p�M I R. STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER WASCO L. PORTER DAVID B. SIMPSON, MEMBER ■ y a • �� DEPUTY STATE HWY. ENGR.. PORTLAND T. - G. E. ROHDE FLOYD QUERY, SECRETARY CHIEF COUNSEL SALEM STATE OF OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97910 November L"() The Honorable E. G. Kyle TNAyor of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Dear Mayor Kyle; This is in reference to your letter of November 10, pertaining to a separation mtructure at the S. W. Garden Place crossing of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway in Tigard. Under date of October 26, :, 965, we wrote to you re- questing your consideration in leavint; this matter open for further negotiation as per the terms of the agreement dated August 23, 1965, between City and State. Under date of November 9, 1965, we received a letter from the City advising that the Tigard Cit;; ^rn!ncil on Novem- ber 39 1965, acted or the request and by unanin,3us vote ap- proved leaving the matter of a separation atructtre at S. W. Garden Place open fur further negotiation. Therefor,, used on the above, it is the opinion of this office '.aat the supplemental agreement suggested in your most recent letter, dated November 10, 1965, will not be required as the agreement of August Z3, 1965, stipulates that the matter be left open for future negotiation, and the Cityts letter of November 9, 1965, concurs and confirms. We trust this will be sat-I.afactory to you and appre- ciate your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, Forrest Cooper State Highway Engineer �Ho KlaboeKlaboe Assistant State highway PffZineer November 10, 1965 State Highway Department Salem, Oregon 97310 Attention: K. B . Klaboe G ant leiten: I regret the dela yy in respondi.n& to your 'letter of October 26; however, tite matter was discuaged at: the first Council meeting after receipt of your letter. , held on November b, 1965. The City of Tigard recognizes than financial. problem what would he involved in arran.�ing for a grade separation crossing at S. W. Garden Place, and the Council has authorized me to advise yott that t_he city of Tigard is w-0.11ing to miter into a further supplame'ntal a„reewant with reopect to ttite s(3t,»e►nt or the conII`rtiction projact mentioned in your Letter and to include a nlause in such agreement that the S . W. Garden Plata grade ae* ,­ rarion will be a .natter for future negotiations at such time as the City feels that the arae )use developed t:o the point .here furt}ter consideration is required. If you will submit instruments conforming to the foregoing, t:he City is preparad to € recut,., sam(l. Very tx-uJy your@ , Elvin G. Kyle Mayor .a 11 -21 COMMISSIONERS f /.•' GLENN L. JACKSON. CHAIRMAN ! FOHSTAT COOPER MEDFORD L LL YLL STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER KENNETH CO N. FRIULEY, Mewe 6R ■�Fl ^� : R. L. UT TER ' .`.. . , ..,.. . DEPUTY STATE HWY. EN GR. DAVDE ID B. SIMPSO N. MEMBER • � PORTLAND �.- G. E. EF CO CHIEF CG UN SEL LovD 5AQUERY.E.M SECRETARY STATE OF OREGON SAS E.M STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 October 26, 1965 The Honorable E. G. Kyle Mayor City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Dear Mayor Kyle: This is in reference to the matter of the S. W. Garden Place proposed extension in a manner which will intersect the right—of—way of the Beaverton—Tigard Highway in Tigard. In July of this year when terms of an agreement were being negotiated between the City and the State, the above matter was left open for future negotiation and sub— ject to a. supplement+>l ,:.greement. At the time this matter was being discussed, '_t wus the State's intention to con— struct the next project rno:chtrly of the community of Progress with construction in the immediate rea of Tigard to be possibly two years hence; the reason for exclusion of a separation structure in the vicinity of the proposed crossing of S. W. Garden Place was lack of funds. The State h,:+s rescheduled the construction proj— ects along this route, and it is presently proposed to con— struct the Pacific Highway West ('Tigard)—Pacific Highway (I-5 Baldoek) Section as the next project, scheduled for the March, 1966, bid letting. The lack of funds still pre— vails and, therefore, the additional cost of a separation structure hrts not been prograimned to be included in the proposed project as reachediLled. We request tnat you discuss this matter with your Council and consider the facts of availability of money and detail planning and leave this matter open for further nego— tiation by supplemental agreement as provided in the agree— ment of August 23, 1965, between the City of Tigard and the State Highway Commission. 1 The Hon. E. G. Kyle Page two October 26, 1965 We appreciate your consideration in this matter and request your earliest reply. Very truly yours, Forrest Cooper State Highway Engineer fsy 13. laboe Assistant State Highway Engineer H.LGREN THOMP•ON.P.R. MARVIN W.RL NYAN,P.E. RONALD [,PIES.P.E. LLOYD E.ROOT.P.E. OORDON [.TRA►P,P.R. I.A. i INC. ` lJn9ul n y Znyineerl JAM[• A.CROM,.+,[. DIL•[RT R.M[IG•.P.E. H LoLD D AMeL[.P.[. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION HAROLD R.MURRAY,P.R. `ARL R,R[INK[.P.[, POP.TLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON HARVEY W,TAYLOR,P.[. September 14, 1965 REPLY TO, 5805 A.E,MILWAUKIE AVE. POST OFFICE BOX 02201 PORTLAND. OREGON G7202 PI/ON[ (503) 234-0721 City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is a copy of the Price Agreement for the sewer crossing benea.h the Beaverton-Tigard Highway which we signed on your behalf today. It is our understanding that the Highway Commission will have to act on this Agreement and that construction will not proceed until the Commission has approved the undertaking. This work is being treated as ''extra work'' on the grading contract now under way. Very truly yours, STEVENS &, THOMPSON, INC. Byte, . Gilbert R. Meigs GRM:lp Encl. i H,LOREN THOMP•ON.P.E. MAR'JIN W RUNYAN,P.C. nnNALO E RICO.P.E. LLOYD P_.ROOT,P.E. OOROON E,TRAPP,A,I.A. JAMER A CROM,P.E. 1 INC. Qn9ult[ny Zn#n?erg WLBERT q.ME10•.P.E. wlLrgeDO •MBLE.P.E. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION HAROLD R.MURRAY.P.E. CA RLR.PEINKE,P,E, PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON HAM V[Y W,TAY LD R.F.E. 63-P-220-4 September 13, 1965 REPLY TO, 85015 S.E.MILWAUKIE AVE. POST OFFICE BOX 02:61 PORTLAND, OREGON 9721-2 PHONE •(603) 2340721 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Re: Sewer Crossi-.ig Beaverton-T-'.gard Highway Gentlemen: We have been able to arrange with the Oreg :)n State Highway De- partment for a 15-inch sewer crossing of the Beal,erton-Tigard Highway, per your authorization of August 23. The work will be done on the following basis: (a) For 200' of 15-inch pipe, closed at both ends, extending across the entire right-of-way, the lump sum of $1500. 00, provided no rock is encountered. (b) For rock, if encountered, excavation at $18. 00 per cubic yard trench measure. We do not expect rock at the depth under consideration. Based on the above, we recommend acceptance of these terms and your authorization for us to commit the City to the Highw.(� I.)epartment for payment for the project. The Highway Department will perform surveys and inspection of the backfill while we would inspect the pipe laying and testing. Very truly yours, STEVENS & THOMPSON, INC. BY /J1 �' 'Gllbert R. Meige GRM:lp I Form A-169 -3M OREGON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Price Agreement APPLYING TO EXTRA WORK AND EXTRA MATERIAL Project Name 1!............ '111411 is, k41111" ................... to Date .................................... ...... ........................ ................................. Highway ........ ...................................................... .................................. Conti-act No. ...... ....................I.................. .......... o. 134-111A County ........ s........IN114.1110................................................................... .................................. Prefix ............................................................ *AM kietho""be 8 'd 1 Vigue of 4s r P� 3M.&O 60 0 at? 4WA) ('antractor ........................................ .........­­­­......................... ................. ................................ F. A. Project No. ................................................ Address ..........;'*q'V...*w .. ........ ........................................ Price Agreement No. ..............I......................... For the below described extra work or extra material to be performed or furnished under the contract above referred to, the contractor agrees to accept payment at the prices given herein, understanding that,except as herein otherwise provided, the work is to be performed and the material is to be furnished in accordance with the specifications which form a part of the contract and in accordance with the instructions of the engineer. Work to be done: Jg#WVg0A* 1'�Ip 186 to J,.s#t*JJ 21,"i 1�,eg t"to Issau"gi ii-kU *-U elmn 0'.reagut AW31tM7 somw "J'" evw,,vielt Ore " tv, groAlse Locations by station numbers: V3 Names of pay items,estimated quantities and agreed prices: ", J'.Ar. -AVU 401ift 40*64U C'01 *t#v- Mt!`**, -,loo- ;qr It~ ?Soto Imp S-mis. 019 JQ6,xl ct &*We t,. ru* swe"ietirelit e ballO it,, vs '4t1x0.4d IV .4"WW, ".Wss'Ats"I 4, at "A" ftft;�"AWA sual: - 'qd4 torr 'r v-si 14 &A.011w, U Mwe Imp *-in SlIii,-Vv,te 2-trs rar Lti r6A wasW&UM". A basis of measurement slid oti-erprovislurib: ThIG, �tp* to Usititr IrA. W','trA for tial- kl 1 U'r. ;:ttv V1,11 tiscaft! It;&* 1.l;/PIC 4 Ow L.M. i-A Loopw%, bawl!". at troust,s ,Nit i ItT -.i Agw-1 aip" to mUvilberso Qw, rvC,,,,r, 30tv AtzkW -Wrt1wilt ftr MA., 044LU --,;#I CSto U; .0 VaCeig isawWwat i1a; are lonnied W '�M# Wwor winot"t-1-io. asrt %41 0* J.0e In VIVI QW AIWAAfA *3 044ift4d 4 Wo leviv,ted tyr l; INSTRUCTIONS W Aftf-r the signature of the contractor has IPen obtained, submit six copies (including Project authorization . . . . . . . . . ,,riFrinal copy) to the Salem Office After ap. Present.estimate of project cost,including rrwal by the Aralstant SW� Highway 'K,gi- . nee- approved copies wlll be sent to the Co i- SOMM46........ for work under this order 4J tr,, t,,r the Division Engineer, and !he Real- U AV* 7 1 dent EnRineer. Expected under-run (amount) . . . . . $ This order does not constitute authority for over-run . ...... .. .. Vxpend,ture until apprcved by the ApcLLai,* Stair Highway Engineer or State Highway Engineer Expecteover-run d under-run (per cent) . . . . ao ..................... . . ......... z Su!,;,fl1 tted by:,1.11....K......y. ......... Signed . . ............... ...... .... ............... ............ .. Co n t to ttor Appro%al Recommended: ............ ........ ........... iv.Islo.n nri". . ........ ...................................... .....I......I........... ....................... Approval Recommended- Approved: .............I...... .......... Conatruction Engineer Deputy State Highway Engineer, Bridge Engim— Assistant State Nlahwa.% it"I.1"e*r , SIM,- Printing ewov 1W July 21, 1965 Stevens & Thompson, Inc. _ 5505 S.N. Mllwaukie Avenue P.O. Pox n22ul Portland, Oregon 97202 Attentions Mr. G. R. Meigs j Dear Mr. M3i9s : We are enclosing a let6er f r,.rn the State Highwa- Departwent regarding your letter of June 1.0, 1965. i Vltiase ta':osr care of this at your earliest conveal.ence. Gincerely yours, CITY Or TIGARD ` Y Z. G. "bud" Kyle Mayor ZGK/ma Znc. 1 roRM [...aa COMMISSIONERS (� GLENN L. JACKSON. MF_DFORD CHAIRMAN FORREST COOPER KENNETH N. FRIULEY. MF.MetR STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER� E � WASCO POW � � � R. L. PoR'fER DAVID B. SIMPSON, MameeR A • • �) t t A ai UEP UTY STATE HWY. EN GR. PORTLAND - G. E. ROHDE rLovD QUERY, SECRETARY STATE OF OREGON cHI EE COUNSEL SALEM STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 July 21, 1965 Mrs. Monnie Andrews City Recorder City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Dear Madam: We are enclosing for the records snd files of the City of Tigard a facsimiliecopy of an agreement be- tween the Sate Highway Commission and Washington County pertaining to the Sunset Highway-Pacific Highway Section of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway in Washington County. Very truly yours k Secretary OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION rn Enc. Ir COMMISSIONERS II GLENN L JACKSON, CHAIRMAN III FORREST COOPER MEDFORD KE�ETHHAScO N. FRIDLEY, MFMRFR POO NOW STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER R. L. PORTER DAVID B. SIMPSO N. MFMceR ♦ • J '�� I • I DEPUTY STATE HWY. ENGR. PORTLAND --"1 G. E. ROHDE �ovD QUERY,SALEM SECRETARY STATE OF OREGON CHIEF COUNSEL SRL EM STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT \/7 SALEM 97310 July 16, 1965 JUL 2 2 1965 City of Tigard sI,:,Ivs s THa�nFsoN, INC City Fall RE: Proposed 15-inch Sanitary Sewer Crossing Tigard, Oregon SPRR O'Xing-Pacific Hwy. West Section ' Beaverton-Tigard Highway Attention: Mr. E. G. Kyle Washington County Gentlemen: Please refer to Stevens and Thompsonts letter of June 10, 1965 over the sig.Lature of Mr.. G. R. Meigs, which requested that a 15-inch sanitary sewer be provided on this section between Stations 416 and 426. As discusses: in a telephone conversation between you and Mr. Preston of this office, the State encourages the installation of future anticipated needs of this nature; however, since the State did not purchase this property subject to any ease- ment for your proposed sewer, this work must necessarily be at the City's expel,se. Bids for this project have been received by the State Highway Commission; therefore, it was further suggested that the City negotiate with the State's contractor for this work. Prior to beginning work, you are Luquested to do the following: (1) Please contact Mr. B. P. Huntley, District Maintenance Superintendent, P. O. Box 565, Beaverton, phone 292-6333, in regar, to obtaining a permit for locating this line on State Highway right of way. (2) Contact Mr. C= 1-3. Rohrbough, Resident Engineer, P. O. Box 282, 10575 S. W. Denny Road, Beaverton, phone Dortland CA6-21610 Extension 5672, at least three days prior to beginning work so that your work may be coordinated with other work being done on this section. Please do not hesitate to request additional information you may require con- cerning this matter from this office or Mr. Jack Hesla, field Utilities Liaison Engi- neer for this area. cr Stevens & Thompson, Inc. Very truly yours, Attn: Mr. G. R. Meigs F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer K. W. Litchfield Utilities Liaison Engineer w w w July9 1965 ►�• Flo cl Q"e ' Secretary �Frc;O:`. st oto f ay COMMissiml Mlate i&'',way ruildi,.nq Derr Sir.! This will -rOm(raled-c ti -, courtesies extended to representatives of the eaor of T Zgard by telephone Loday, "and confirm the tim rA1ocPtC-0 for an appear- ance before the OregnT► State 1ji +�y UgV-1rosission et 11'].5 a.m. on Tuesday, July 13, 1965. The appenrance before ya= c:rmxaissi.on is for tht purpose of resent irts� rens,mi3 why there rixould I)e plaarznsed ncsd �ncluded In the crnnst:ructi(ya a. grade separation crossing between Hiway 99 West a,cx,( S. 14. 72nd Avemie w9.thixz the city limits of Tigzzrd at such time Pis ccaistriwtion of this sector is undert:akcm. Youre, very truly, Elvin G. Kyte, ilayor cc: Mr. Cox, State !Ug.hwiay iiepartmrrit Larry Bi BBeLL city-County Joiir t *or. Fred. A. Anderson, City Att:orticy M.LOREN THOMP•ON.P.P. MARVIN W.RUNYAN. uhNALO E.RIE•.P.[. LLOYD E.ROOT,P.[. GORDON E.TRAP:. . A. JAM[! ACROM. ,[. J 1 � R I H ' INC. �UnJul nO Zn9tneer9 . P u I LY ERT R.ME109.P.E. I�LPR[O c ,M[L[.P.[. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION HAROLD R.MURRAY.P.E. C ARL R.R[INNE.P.C. HARV[\'W.TAYLOR.P.C. PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63-P-220-4 June 11, 1965 REPLY TO. 5905 B.E.MILWALIKIE AVE. MOST OFFICE BO) 02201 PORTLAND, OREGON 07202 PHONE -(503) 294-0721 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Tigarl Tigard, Oregon Re: Beaverton- Tigard Highway Agreement with O. S. H. D. Gentlemen: The agreement offered the City by the Oregon State High- way Department, under cover of letter dated June 3, 1965, has been referred to us for engineering review, We find no objectionable matter in this agreement. We feel that the highway design concept could better bene- fit the City if an interchange in Hunziker Road - 72nd Avenue area were provided. This location, ho ever, is beyond the City limits and so is probably beyond the scope of the agreement. Very truly yours, STEVENS & THOMPSON, INC. By /�/�. tGilbert R. Meigs GRM:ln !!// cc: - Mr. Fred Anderson H.LOREN THOMP•ON.P.E. MARVIN W.RUNYAN.P.C. RONALD E.RIE•.P.E. INC. // /f. G `J[/�� ERVIN A.ROOT.P.E. OORDON K.TRAPP.A.1.A. /' C `///�OnJu[`lnnQLneerj JAM!• R ■OYD•TON, JAME• A. .ROM.P.C. P INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION n1L•!RT R.MEIO•.P.E. WILP IEO D.AMR".P.E. PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 631?220-14 10, I 1 ]uG REPLY TO: 9606 S.E.MILWAUKIE AVE. 1 7 J P03T OFFICE BOX 4771 PORTLAND, OREGON, 97202 PHonE -(903) 234.0721 Mr. F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer State Highway Department Salerri, Oregon Re: Beaverton - Tigard Throughway Dear Mr. Morgan: W e have been , .structed to request on behalf of the City of Tigard that a salutary sewer be provided in the Beaverton-Tigard Throughway ir. the section between SLad ins 416 and 426. This pipeline would go into service in the futu. a whi n anticipated sewer systems are constru'-ted east of the throughway. The City has requested that this pipeline be made a part of the grading contract to be let in the near future. Data for design and permit are: Size of pipe: 15-inch concrete sewer pipe with rubber gasket joints Location: Highway Station 425+00 Bearing: Might angle to highway centerline Invert Elevation: 145, 50 at highway centel-line Slope: 0. 005 toNkard the south. Very truly yours. STEVENS Rt THOMPSON, INC. By Gilbert R. Meige grm/ct cc - City of Tigard Fred rrnderson FORM C•1]a Iti COMMIGGIONERG II� GLENN L. JACKSON, CHAIRMAN Yl I )'K"T COOPER MCDroRD 1 •T , �.I t STATE HIGHRAY ENGINEER KENNETH N. FRIDLEY. MiML[n P R. L. PORTER WAGCO ,� OE►UTY STATE Hwy. ENGR. DAVID D. SIMPSON. MCM.AR - �" --` G. E. ROHDE PORTLAND 1 CHIEF COUNSEL rLOYD UJERY. SFCRETARY STATE OF OREGON SALEM STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SALEM 97310 June 9, 1965 West Coast Telephone Company Portland General Electric Company Pacific Northwest ill Telephone Company Multnomah Count - Mr. Paul C. Northrop RE: Construction Plans Citi of Tigard f SPRR O'xing-Pacif is Highway W. Section Progress Water District Beaverton-Tigard Highway Metzger Water District Washington County Metzger Sanitary District Elden W. Carter, Consulting Engineer Gentlemen: Herewith are construction plans for your use L'1 the adjustment and/or protection of your facilities on the SPRR Overcrossing-Pacific Highway West Section. Bids on this pr(,;-zt will be received by the Oregon State Highway Commission on June 29, 1965. Our Resident Engineer on this project will be Mr. R. M. Harris, P. O. Box 411, McMinnville, Oregon 97128. Mr. Jack Hesla, 5821 N. E. Glisan Street, Portland 97213, is the Field Utilities Liaison Engineer for this area. Very truly yours, F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer By.. '�7' PGP:lj11 T. W. Litchfield encs. Utilities Liaison Engineer — cc: Portland General Electric Company ATTN; Mr. F. A. Bolien F. B. Klaboe A. L'. Johnson R. M. Barris Jack Hesla CITY-COUNTY JOINT PLANNING DEPARTMENT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, HILLSBORO.OREGON 27280 S.W.TUALATIN VALLEY HIGHWAY,TELEPHONE MI 8-1 1 1 1 Tttp^ Z, 1r)�)7 ?.f 11�'L?"rnlTtl To: Tigard City Council and the 1"ashin„ton County Board of Corrunissionern. from: Larry Bissett Subject: Beaverton-Ti.gnrd rxrressway---Progress Interchange south to the Baldock Preewny. Mayor Kyle of Tig-rd has asked we to revi-w the plans of the proposed Beaverton-Tigard l•Scpressway as it -rould affect the closure of streets, the circulation of traffic, etc. in the City of Tigard and its environs. This project was originally reviewed in public hearings several years a1;o. Several important changes have been rro osgd since the original design, but to my knowledge, the Oregon Str,�eeienrh 'fission has not held official hearings oil the project as it is now proposed to be built. For example, earlier plans called for an interchange at the point where the proposed freer-ay would cross S. ''!- 72nd ;lve. just south of Tigard's city limits. Now, the Stnte is proposing simply an overpass without any access to or t'rom the freeiray onto or off of a. 17. 72nd Ave.. This would mean that-truck traffic originatinh in, or destined for the Tigard- ^onita industrial area would have to threafl its way through Tilard's already congested Lusinrss area on S. 11. .'acific 11ig1way and 1Iighr;ny 2171 or could have to go by ';ay of the Bonita ^verpass and a frontage read east of the llaldock Frec-ray in Clackamas County. In this latter case, much of the traffic ;.-ould have to double hack on itself for a distance of approximately one mile. ',911le the proposed overpass is ou+.side of Tigard's corporate 11mits, its effect will lie to burden the city's center with extraneous traffic. In adrt'ition, by not providing a pore direct access to the Tigard-Bonita industrial arra, the freeway itself would not. be used to its grratest advantage, and one of the County's best inflnstrial areas would be ueeri- lessly snddled with a circuitous and con;;ested entry and exit system. perhaps oven more important is the failure on the part of ti-e 13tn+.e to • rcognize that the free-.ay will effectively bisect the City of Tifirhrd. -,r a distance of approxinately three quarters of a dile, ri ht through the center of town, lir streets r;otl.ld connect from cast to !vest. Last "r.cr.ml;er, Vie City of Ti ;rurd attemptr-d to obtain the necessary r'edir.a- tions +n PtA at lrazt Olin street throlj„li, prior to the constructi.nn of the frer�hvay. :'.t the last 1,imhte, before the derlications were finalized, the State advir.ed property ormers whose oi;natures were needed for the dedicntion rind whose lancln, a portion of which h-as Lein; purclhnsed by the State, that they would receive mare money for the land if they did not consent to the dedication. The riCIxt of way for the ex,fressway was purchased and the City is uohr completely cut off from its easterly por- tion except by way of the Pacific 1?inlurahy. k[AO f 1fEA0. ftfRO __. - ... .�`.•-,�,.R ... .,—.,, ... n _ -•'nor�,• f N`yA tz t7l IZZ Xx G" !� Izl 74- ` �. Oo. eft.rg • 7i�/. �a �r� r ' • ' •, bye �� � , I �O�y � "'• ' o• _ as pa AI, x Le y CORNER IL /IJ lk I� \fie.� ,•��+�f.. - .. � Pte+. `� �• % ���\.1 , .w // 1� �• � ___',' - � l,+ ...�•�' r'o.,, is� T , l ��� •yam �r r l •�/r �'+F-\� � �" (fir���i' . x�`P`:^f'.,. �� _U j w mm it 1 �1 m AL H.LOREN THOMP[ON,A.F. MARVIN W.RUNYAN,P.E. DONALD E.RIE[,P.E. LLOVM E.IIOOT.P.C. INC. /� OORDON C 0.'TRAA.I.L.. ' NC �Vnsulttny Znyineers ,AMC" A.CROM,P.[. OIL[[RT R.ME108 ,P.E. wlLrn[n D .MSL[,P.E. INVESTIGATIONS • REPORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION 11AROLD R.MURRAY.P.E. CARL R.REINKE,P.E, PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON HARVEY W.TAYLOR.P.E. 63-P-220-4 June 8, 1965 REPLY TO. 5505 S.E.MILWAUKIE AVE. POST OFFICE BOX 02201 PORTLAND. OREGON 972.02 PHONE -(803) 234.0721 Mr. E. G. Kyle Mayor City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Re: Beaverton-Tigard Highway Dear Mayor Kyle: On June 3 we recommended that the City ask for a 1 L-inch sewer c.ossing beneath the fill for the Beaverton-Tigard highway near Crystal bake. On June 7, the City Council asked us to evaluate the possible flow through this pipe if it carried drainage from the east side of the Salem Freeway on Mt. Sylvania in addition to areas west of the Free- way'. Our conclusion is that a 15-inch pipe laid on a steep slope would be sufficient and as adequate as a larger pipe on a flat slope. Accordingly, only little additional cost would be involved with the highway crossing. Therefore we recommend that the data in ours of the 3rd be changed as follows: Pipe Size: 1.5-inch concrete sewer pipe Invert Elevation: 145. 50 @ centerline Slope: 0. 005 towards the south Very truly yours, STEVENS & THOMPSON, INC. By �L �ti��. f- Gilbert R. Meige GRM:lp H.LOREN TNOMP•ON.P.E. MARVIN W."UNMAN,P,[. .T .ON ALO [.RICO.P.E.. LLOYD C.ROOT,P.C. -00N 6.TpAPP,A I.A. i INC. &'on9ultcn� Zn�ineetl LAM[• A.CRO.,P.[. ViL/CRT R."[100.P.E. .ILFREO0 AMNLE.P.E. INVESTIGATIONS • R&PORTS • DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION HAROLO R.MU:RAY,P.E. r ARL R.RE 1N 1([.P.C. PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON HARVEY W.TAYLOR.P.E. 63-P-220-4 June 3, 1965 REPLY TOI 9608 S.E.MILWAUKIE AVE. POST OFFICE BOX 02201 ! PORTLAND. ORE60N 07202 /f PHONE -(809) 214-0721 I Mr. E. G. Kyle Mayor City of 'Tigard Tigard, Oregon Re: Beaverton T.gard Highway Dear Mayor Kyle: We have been notified by the Gregon State Highway Department that it plans to let a contract next month for filling the bottom land be- low Crystal Lake. The fill will go across the route for a sanitary sewer that will be needed when the interchange at Barbur Boulevard is construct- ed and thus isolates a part of the City's sewer system. The Department wants the City to request installation of the sewer beneath the fill if this pipe work is to be made a part of the filling contract. Otherwise the sewer will later have to be installed by boring, a more ex- pensive method. The following data should be included in the City's request: Size of pipe - 12" concrete sewer pipe Location: Highway Station 425 + 50 Bearing : Right angle to highway centerline invert Elevation: 142. 50 CO) centerline Slope: 0. 0022 towards the south The question of payment for the sewer has been raised, and our im- pression is that the City will be expected to reimburse the Department for the installation. STEVENS 9 THOMPSON. INC. Mr. E. G. Fyle Mayor - - June 3, 1965 Correspondence should be addressed to: Mr. F. D. Morgan Construction Engineer State Highway Department Building Salem, Oregon Very truly yours, STEVENS Rz THOMPSON, INC. By Gilbert R. Meigs grin/ct �, ✓V bGJR 1 i AdOi. � � � ���ti.) • L NC:L7 2�1�r%�'Y.W �N � �RJ UI�'7 ,6..�2�':���n.sT � � i`�t4 `fii4�� ���7Y°,1gs ti4•L�p•w� Ccu:Ity amu:in- a c;•,ay wlthori'zc d ._r.cr. G; itL Board of Col.:.i.Y vG•'_,._ r.'J...,_.i• 7T, WITNI.ZS MA-IMEO , WnQ hv:c.'to have ;ct thGir fie.. is and at- fi:KGd tll;:ir ucals :1:. of tho day and ycar fir:1- uboV% •W'CittO'::. '..is a;;:aafn.:v •,,Ls ap;ro-re'd by h3 Sta t3 Cc.,...{J3ion on 19 -which at ich �,.:.a ti:a ecc:•atarj for the Co:a- :i: .::iGY, 1:1:: ;111tit01'i7.13,1 and dl'.'.i1:'v,3d to aGrLcracnt °G:., and on behalf of the Said authority is ..i>t forth in Volume , pa-0 , M= 1t3 BGolt of tl'i., Gra;oa State HiC;hway llufd uory, Secretary k�i,luti;:r;G Si;a'��ifithway l;r.; ir.su•r 1.11 .ItiJaON COUNTY, by and throuCh Elcard of County Corenissionerz By ..-.._..... _ Chal r:,:an 1 , �_._.___.._.•—Count'Ccrc:tl3yic:�c I;;, 7 ...L..�..�..f.�+.•� r•.,�.....�. County (.oLnnyG,.a„�a:�ion�r Cui: u; L •.1: County Cor'niiusioner j The fore.-oing a3recmenYdoes not set forth the entire contract octwcen tc.e parties hereto; that attached hereto, and marked Exhibit and 'ay this reference made a cart of tha entire w,ree;ncnt are additional tams and amendmant6. he a::ecution of to Ls agreemant by Washington County 1 is ?:essly conditioned upon the executi.oa by the State of Oregon of the a"r_e;,.eats and amendments as set forth in the attached Exhibit "B". li Og3.<i 0 J>( 1�1 i1Jn a�.�: i�ai:• i 0 i:� L :i .•, :ia, n N:�rC. t:i, wil:`ll to tiles C,0! '", U«" :liG1v ;,l(�: ., _ .....k t�:C: rlt'::i •7i way ..:1. .,.:::'i�� J1 '�il� %aYGl7 .,. ..,._.. ..' ...._ ,.ts• •.., in..�V� 1 UCAV of Win`•' �;f:'wriill:la?� cinV i.._i"JL��r'.'; not on t' n 20 DOU4:: L; Gotnity,° j LIM;Y4 p11 G sc 1-all bo a.ac:G•`:d to to �'.! .`.i3iC` �,:. 1i:'.Gl:�: C:: i:.' to,:!atc r:/:0:1"' a1! 01 4.:'.. a :�...,... . .._.. _ _ _.. .�, ....�. :f3r::: r•.•. r'r• •+ �'irl'lti '� .... ..•... _� ,J_ o.il: ���L1CJvG��^.i.. v.. ...... �.�•..�'... .. .. � _ :!'�: ..:t.'7.:�J�'�, _ L':. _ .,... ..i il�I1':J ii�• l�''� v.lG IJ• ..•• �r..0 .. ., ...... .. !.a ..�: ... ..'�:.... ....L:I,y}.•' :.. to i� $lki}p1ay.,Q11t�.l c:C►Q..."".:' :1'i� ± `: _:� :i1C':'s�:".� {o.l :._:_.. or trcjat;,,m tt lG 'id a i::a;:6::k1Y'f y::.i:;. L:,.J:i ;a i' 001,11-1t,,, 4u, a: ti'I:J :rJ'.tVi3Qrt :>ti,tl�;ia :r12::.;Ci' ..i�'i�J G:a:l• LiJ:11G.:: r1:JG11JilSf Ctl3M. AdOD tAdQ.: AdbJ �Gtl7X �Gtl3X' tl3X «7.... _. .•.:i: moi: hE'i as US t�1a dc.Y and, yocir "or tho on, . .�.�...... ..,.�...I t:t:.. li+::r v.: t�t. ..,. ,::i... ...:.., 1.•'.a+.c.�' l;J:::i;i...' 1'L i. ti11 ►►ii ..::G•..t.J.. (it':l•AT:'.�•rI 4i'1 i»:1� I::irO'? �1 �i.9 :it:�s.a"Cl Ui l.v:.l.l�l lryiiJiili:l�:.::+{Gil•:r.^� •'i j9- z z �►+�� 3 9 room wm COYYINIO"�Pti GLENN L.JACKSON.cNAurAw MQfPO[Ip + ,� FORREST COOPER KENNETH N.FRIDLEY.Yop1ol STAT[ HIGHWAY ENGIN[[■ WASCO R.L. PORTER DAVID B.SIMPSON.mmom D[►uTy STAT[ HWY. EN{[. "°"'L""D STATE OF OREGON LEOCN �(►ICOYN{[LS FLOYD QUERY.NA:wvART STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SAL Y P. 0. Box +'515251 02157 Portland, Oregon 97202 My 24, 1965 Mayor E. J. Kyle City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Dear Mayor Kyle: I As you probably know, our plans for the construction c. the S.P.R.R. Overcrossing, Pacific Highway West Section of the Beaverton-Tigard Highway are very nearly complete, and bids for the construction of this project are scheduled to be opened on June 29. The installation of signing is scheduled to be a pert of the proposed contract. I am ene .ing herewith two sets of the signing plans for this project covering that portion of the project within the city of Tigard for ,your review and. comment. If these proposed signing plans meet with your approval, would you please sign in the space indicated and return one set of :hese plans to our office for our permanent, record. one copy may he retained by the City for ,your files, Because of the time scheduling on this project, it would be appreciated if this matter could be handled at an early date since the advertising for the project is scheduled for approxi- mately June 8. 'Very truly yours. L. W. Rulien Division Engineer by C. 1'. Kea eey Assistant Iu T on Engineer CTK:fb Enc. 2 FORM E•1 it � A COMMISSIONERS I f I GLENN L, JACKSON, CHAIRMAN f MEDFORD ` REST COOPER KENNETH N. FRIDLEY, MaMaaR LL■■ YYLLee ~ E II1 YY STATE HIGHRAV F.NpINE F.R WASCO Mf�(G E ' ■ r^ f R. L. PORTER DAVID S. SIMPSON. Mawau • ■ •••a • SU ,.. ••■•■ ■_l DEru" STATE HRY. ENGR. PORTLAND _ G. E. R('NDE FLOYD QUERY. SECRETARY ST,�TE OF OREGON CHIEF COUNSEL SALEM STATE_ HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN'i SALEM 97310 May 21, 1965 Southern Pacific Company - San Francisco Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company, Progress Water District Multnomah County - Attn: Mr. Paul N-)rtl .op Citi of T» igard - Attn: Mr.�E. G. Kyle Re: Preliminary Plans SPRR Overcrossing - Pacific Higimay West Beaverton-Tigard Highway Washington County Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find set(s) of a preliminary plan of this section of the Beaverton-Tigard highway. Bids are presently scheduled to be opened for this project on June 29, 1965. Mr. Jack Hesla, 5821 N. E. Glisan Street, Portland 97213, is the Field Utilities Liaison Engineer for this project. Ver, `ruly yours, F. D. ,.Morgan Construction Engineer T. W. Litchfield !�- Utilities Liaison Engineer enc. cc: Southern Pacific Colripany - Portland 3. 6/29/65 mt y 6;, 1965 date I+irA_ Monnie AndrewFi City Recorder City Hall Tignrd, Oregon Attention: Hon. E. G. Kyle, Mayor In order to comply with requirements of the Bureau of Public Roads covering protection of public resources such as recreational areas, historical sited, wild life refuges, or tiny other facility in which the public has a specific interest, it is required ti..at local public authorities should be con- sulted regarding the impact on these resources of n planned highway improvement . Would you please fill out the form below regarding these resourr_ee and return Lt to the Oregon State Highway Department, County and City Division, State Hi hway Building, Salem, Oregon (97310) . Retain the second copy for .your X_ecords. Highway Beaverton-Tigard Highway #144 Section Prof reeK -PLS+.fi, Hwy. W::et: Gr._ue, peeve, & sign Do you know of nny public organization or quasi-official organiza- tions that migY t be -posed to this project on the grounds of interference with recreational, torical, or public resources? Yes No� If answer is yes, please list organizations: By (date) Tf lld1i71.y fes.-t- Commissioner By _ _ Commissioner N.LOREN THOMPSON.P.E. MARVIN W.RUNYAN,P.E. (� I RONALO r.RIES,P.E. ,` 1 GORDON E.TRAPP.A.1.A. I I`1 IU`■ INC. / JAMES R L'OYDSTON,P.E. [1y CCan9u[tLn y �nyineer9 JAMES A.CROM. GILSERT R.MEIOS.P.E. WILPRE0 D.AM SLE.P.E. INVESTIGATIONS o REPORTS o DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION 'ORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63- P-ZZ,,)-4 March 22, 1965 REPLY TO, 55015 B.E.MILWAUKIH AVE. POST OFFICE.' BOX 4771 PORTLANC, OREGON. 07202 PHONE •(E03) 294.0721 Oregon State Highway Salem, Oregon Attention: Mr. Lloyd 11. Shaw Assistant State Highway Engineer Re: Tigard Gentlerr.en: V% a have been directed by the City of Tigard to confer with you in reftard to the proposed Beaverton-Tigard Highway. The City is concerned with prcble»Ia cf utilities and local traffic that w-111 arise once the proposed highway is constructed. May we have r, nneeting with you at your convenience, at Tigard, in order that the City n)ay be as well inforn ed as possible of your plar_s and that you, in turn, n,ay be informed of the City's planning Very L:•uly yours, STEVENS & THO m PSON, INC, By Gilbert R. Meigs GRM:1-3 cc - City of Tigard 1 Mx-JL N.LOREN THOMPSON MARVIN W.RUNYAN RONALD 9,0190 / A. EwVIN N E.7R 7 INC. C_On9ultLnq & nC2r9 OOROON i.TRnPe r, i n l/ JAME: w.EOYDETON JAMEiA.ew0M INVfSilGAT10NS REPORTS - DESIGN AND SUPERVISION Of CONSTRUCTION OILNERT w.MElei WILFRK0 0.AMBLE PORTLAND, OREGON SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 63— R—aU— i January 17, 1 3,.4 REPLY TO, 5508 a. E.MILWAUKIE AVE POST OFFICE BOX 4771 PORTLAND, OREGON. 97202 PHONE - 234.0721 APEA .00R- 803 Mr. A. E. Johnson Division Engineer C.regon State Highway Department 9200 S. F. N1 Lough1;n Blvd. Milwaukee, Oregon Re Beaverton-Tlgaru Highway Dear Sir: It has come to our attention that the subject highway will pas>y through the riortheastern portion of the City of TigarO. ne area thus serve' Eouth of highway U. S. 39 and northerly of the new route is not Served by sanitary Hewers at present, but when such service is desired it will be necessary to croetj the new route, probablybetween Stations 423 and 425 as indicated on Q S. H. D. drawing BB-20-7. It appears that a 12-inch line six to eight feet below present ground level may bo needed. On behalf of the City, we request that provisions for thin+ sewer croseing be made in your final 1,eslgn. When you have entered the final design phase, the City or we would gladly offer such adcitionai information as you may desire. Caul(: you keep the City advised of the project status ? Thank you for your cooperation in furnishing us with current drawings of the located life. Very truly yours, STEVEN`.; & THOM-SON, INC. i 13y ('ai diert R. Meigs (3R 1vl:.i w cc: '7':g.trrl January 8, 1961 Stevens & Thompson, Inc. Post Office Box 4771. Portland, Oreqon 97202 Gentlemen: Attention Mr. Gilbert R. Meigs As you know, there is to be constructed through Tigard, a free--way connectino the Salem Free-way with the Sunset Highway at Beaverton. It would be!, perhaps, advianble to _get in tr.uch with the St:ato Engineers so that when this construction does commence they will notify you so that it will be possible to lav a casing at the most advantareous point to run a sewer Line from the north side of this free-way. Then when we do construct: the sewer in this area it will only hA necessary to put our M er pipe through this casino eir►(' .ivoid the ext:•& expense of drilling. Please advise your opinion on this? Very truly yours, CITY OF TIGARD MAYOP 1,Yl 70 67" i T, C2 IA "2 SN opy W Lop, ),/*$I ''_y �. h �.. Y' \, I f ..., r , , t _ � � i r .__ ' __ �"F, � 1 1 1 r .:, { ,�; ; . r �, r � � � .. , � , . _.... I � . .� �. _ 1 _ t. til. ....: � ; .9� i � 1 r ; �� � _ �.�_ � , - � �! .. . _ _ r -. , . r . � � .. ., r r � ;. 1 i � � � � �. , ; i: r � (I �. � ..w}Y�Sfw�r�l+l>�.�_. ' �.rhrl i � i ' � .. .. i ....1 _. _�,y,�, , v �, I i ;, � Iii � � / � __._..j..--- � � _ ,� r � -- _ _ . � , � � � ��; i � ; , i 1;;.__... _._. _.__.._._ ...__...._.__..._ _ 1 r 1 i '' � ' , � � . _ � � 1 1 1 � � � i r I � � 1 r I 1 � r .I._ � 1 � r r � 1 r r � r 1 � ; i t II i r e � i i , � � i ' � r r r,j C) rl, c:. � � 0 ..� .. _�__._.__.__.____ _. ______._ .____ __.. ._.._�.•--�_.._.__� _...__..__...._ _ ._.._. . . I r n�i. I:t7JD t REGULATIONS OR RE JUIR)3ytENTS AS A BASIS FOR ALLOCATION OF THE $250,000 ACCOUNT TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, TO BE ALLOCATED TO CITIES UNDER THF? PROVISIONS OF ORS 366.805 1. Until otherwise ordered. by the State Highway Commission, cities of over 5,000 population shall be ineligible to participate in the fund. Cities of less than " 000 population, to be eligible, must have streets, not a part thF: state highway system, which are receiv- ing excessive wear ti__ough sudden increases in population in the area, or heavy and unusual traffic. 3. No allocation to -?.ny city shall exceed $20,G30 from the $250,000 fund In any one yea.r. 4. A city shall make formal application, by resolution, in a form pre- pared by the Chief Counsel of the StaTe Highway Commission and adopted by official action of the city council, and when such appli- cation is received an investigation shall be made by the State High- way Engineer, or him authorized representative, to determine facts and secure data for preliminary estimates of cost. 5. When tle above requirements have been met in any givet, city, tLe State Highway Engineer shall prepare cost estimates anO other pertinent, data and shall submit these da`a to the State Highway Commission for its consideration. 6. Cities shall provide, at their own cost, all right-of-way required on any project. T. A city receiving any funds in any calendar year shall. not be eligi- ble for funds in the following ,year, except when all applications have been examined from cities not receiving funds in any calendar year and. there is a balance of funds remaini.tg from the $250,000 :'or that calendar year. 6. Necessary survey and engineering work shall be performed by the State. The cost of such engineering; work shall be considered as a ,r part of the cost of the project. T;ze cost oil p-epar Zg plans and specifications shall also be included in the cost, of the project. All necessary supervision and overhead expenses for projects per- formed by state maintenance forces shall be considered as a part of the project cost. l Re'-Y, /V P/2 F -- c ti'G Cos 7 W I L L e N S k M f 1) t3 ,/ T M F I4Iq wX R E S 0 L U T I 0 :V WHEREAS, urder the provisions of ORS 366.800 and 366.805 there has been withdrawn from state highway funds appropriated for allocation to the several cities of the State of Oregon the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 ($250,000) Dollars, and said sum has been vet up in a separate account to be administered by the State Highway Commission and to be spent each year by said Commission upon streets not a part of the state highway system, within cities, which are receiving excessive wear through sudden increabes in population in the area or heavy and unusual traffic; and WHHF,REAS, ti.e c;' of is an incorporated city of the State of Oregon and has a ,)opulation of as given by the latest official census; and WHEREk", the following streets of said city, are not a part or parts of the state highway system, but are streets under the jurisdiction and control of ,,,.td city which are "receiving excessive wear through sudden increaEe in population in the area, or heavy and unusual traffic," and WHEREAS, said ,streets are and each of them is In need of repair, reconditioning, and other major improvement, NOW, THERLFORE, the members of the City Council, in regular or special session assembled, do hereby find, declare, and. resolve: 1. Thac the aforesaid named streets of said city are in need of repair, reconditioning, and other major i.mr.avement. 2. That said streets are in their pret!ent state and condition of disrepair by renaon of excessive wear through sudden increases in population i.n the area, or by heavy and unusuc,.l traffic. 3. That Lie Oregon State Highway Commission hereby is respect- fully requested to consiO.er and declare said streets as qualified for reconditioning, repair, and other improvement out of fluids allocated and made available by and thruugh the said $250,000 appropriation of state highway revenues which is to bt, administered and spent by the Higfi,ay Cc,mmissiGt7. cc-50, 1959 Rev.) a ' I II:1 m:m ::Bon ': :sC:ml ::IC :::5'::SIB:B:C:R::SC'::5: '::'S::R ■EN■N■ ............... 0101 0101■ 0101.. ......... .... ■■■■■ ■■ ■ . ■ ■■ ■• 0101.. 0101.... . 0101■ ■ .... - . ■0101 ■■ ■ENR■■n■ 01all 0101 0101 ■■nm■ 0101 ■0101 ■ENm■ .■■■ 0101... 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