YOLO ESTATES SUBDIVISION DEDICATION SURVEYOR ' S KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENT : THAT BRIDON HOMES , INC . , AN OREGON CORPORATION, CERTI FICATE IS THE OWNER OF THE LANDS IN SECTIONS 2 AND 3, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH , RANGE 1 WEST , I WALTER L CASWE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, AS SHOWN ON THE ANNEXED MAP AND LL, A REGISTERED MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE HEREUNTO ATTACHED, AND, PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR IN THEA HAVE CAUSED THE SAME TO BE SURVEYED AND PLATTED INTO LOTS , TRACTS , AND STREETS AS STATE OF OREGON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SUBDIVISION IhJ LOTS �4 Ai�'JD 25 OF NORTH TIGAF? DVI LLE ADp�TION " SHOWN ON THE PLAT, AND TO BE HEREBY DEDICATED "YOLO ESTATES" AND THEY HEREBY DURING THE MONTH OF _, IN SECTIONS AND 3 T 2 S P 1 W W, M , WASHI NGT'ON COUNTY OREGON DEDICATE ALL THE= STREETS , AS SHOWN HEREON , TO THE PUBLIC, FOR PUBLIC USE FOREVER. 197 1 CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED IN ''-.� E JOHN L. H I C h; LI N WITH PROPER MONUMENTS ., THE LANG D. L.C. NO. 41 BRI DON HOUSES , INC . REPRESENTED UPON THE ANNF ED MAP AS (LARCH 1978 GRIGIN . Scale I" = 60' "YOLO ESTATES " THE BOUNf OF WH I CI•' 'A . ASTDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : i l � CURVE DATA DONALD E . POLLOCI�, PRESIDENT B �I AN A A . LESS R, V i CE F I DENT I TRACT OF LAND ( N THE W NWµ , SEC. 2 , AND THE E� , NEµ , SEC .. .3 , T2S , R1 W, W. M . , CHORD IN THE CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 24 AND CRV/LOT RADIUS ARC DELTA BEARING CHORD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 25 "NORTI�� Tc GARDV l LLE ADD 1 T I ON" , A DULY RECORDED PLAT OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY t+A"-1 -ST . 1500 .00 336 . 37 12° 50 ' S4" S 68° 30 ' 33" E 335 .67 PLAT RECORD., AND BEING MORE PAR,'T I CULARLY D�SCRI BED AS FOLLOWS : TRACT "N" 1500+. 00 92 . 48 030 31 ' 57" S 730 10 ' Ol " E 92 . 47 STATE 0 F OREGON S.S. BEGINNING AT THE INITIAL_ POINT WHICH IS A TWO BY THIRTY-SIX INCH GALVANIZED COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 1 RON PIPE SET 6 INCHES BELOW GROUND SURFACE , BEING N 520 50 ' 32" E 1 , 727 . 52 1 1500 .00 162 , 90 060 13' 20S 68° 17 ' 23�� E 162 . 82 THIS CERTIFIES THAT ON THE �� DAY OF F FEET FROM A HOLE IN THE TOP OFA 9 X 9 X 16 I NCH FLAT TOP BASALT- STONE WITH A 1 15 .00 25 . 56 970 39 ► 10" S 160 211 07" E 22 . 58 � 97� BEFORE ME , 1 115 . 00 44 . 38 14 31 49 S 39 44 22 W 44 . 26 A' NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY AND TATE , PERSONALLY APPEARED DONALD E . POLLOCK " l;S" ON THE NORTHERLY FACE AND A 113711 ON THE TOP, AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE 5 15 .00 20 .07 ° 3� t �� 50 ► " . 7 76 _ 9 28 S 8� 20 00 W 18.60 AND BRIAN' A. LESSLER, WHO UNDER OATH DID DECLARE THAT THEY ARE PRESIDENT AND ViCE- JOHN L. HICKLIN D . L .C . NO . 37; THENCE FROM SAID INITIAL PONT S 470 00 ' 17" W _ o „ o 5 8 50 . 00 189 . 32 216 56 33 N 15 11 ' 28" E 94 85 PRESIDENT RESPECTIVELY OF BR { DON HOMES , INC . ANDTHATTHIS INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED ! N 736 . 11 FEET TOA 14 INCH IRON PIPE ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT ''S; THENCE 5 50 .00 65 ° r �° o ► ►r • . 63 75 12 34 N 86 03 27 E 61 . 02 BEHALF 'CF SAID CORPORATION BY THE Al1THOR i T'Y OF ITS S BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AND THAT THE N 000 10 ' 00" E 428 . 00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF LOT 24; THENCE 6 50 00 40 24 ° t " o ► �- " SIGNATURES AFFIXED TO SAID DED I CATION ARE OF THEIR OWN FREE ACT AND DEED. 46 06 27 N 25 2-3 57 E 39 . 16 N 45° 24 ' 43" E 649 . 54 FEET TO r1 5/8 INCH { ROH ROD : THENCE CONTINUING N 45° 24 ' 43" 7 50 .00 21 . 97 25° 10 ' 37" N 210 46 ' 48" W 21 . 79 _ E 34 . 76 FEET TOA POINT IN S .W . WALNUT STREET; THENCE IN SAID STREET S 740 56 ' 0001 0 8 50 . 00 51 .41 58 541 42+► N 630 49 ' 27" W 49 . 17 WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL E 243 . 74 FEET; THENCE ! N SAID STREET S 570 54 ' 00" E 128 . 70 FEET; THENCE 8 15 00 13 16 ° t " o t " THIS DAY AND YEAR LAST ABOVE WRITTEN . 50 l7 �5 S 68 08 16 E 12. 75 S 47° 00 ' 17" W 35, 18 FE' T-0 A 5/8 'CH IRON ROD : THENCE CONTINUING S 47° 00 ' 17" D- 12 50 .00 247 . 87 2840 02 ' 25" S 450 16' 17" E 61 . 54 W 367. 47 FEET TO THE INII , r\L POINT., ��NTAINING 6 . 645 ACRES EXCLUDING THAT PORTION 9 50 . 00 20 .00 220 55 ' 06" S 450 54 ' 06" E 19 .87 IN C . R . 495 AND S .W . WALNUT STREET . 10 50 . 00 20 .00 22° 55 ' 06" S 220 59 ' 00" E 19 .87 THE ABOVE DESCRIBED TRACT IS MARKED IN THE FIELD AS SHOWN ON A SURVEY DONE BY ll 50 . 00 57 . 16 650 30 ' 06" S 210 13 ' 36" W 54 . 10 NOTARY FOR TK STATE OF OREGON' WALTER L. CASWEL I IN! 'MARCH 1978 . AND BY THIS REFERENCE MADE A PART HEREOF . 12 50 . 00 37 32 c r °� o ► r► My 42 46 17 S 75 21 47 W 36 .46 COMMISSION EXPIRES 111.��=�a-.-�, 1912 15 .00 13. 62 REEa15S�T�RE® 0 ► +r o v +r �. 52 01 13 N 7C 44 19 E 13 . 16 lP�CC�F��a1C��lAL DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTIONS 13- 15 125 . 00 99 . 13 45° 26 ' 17 " S 670 26' 51 " W 96 . 55 STATE OF OREGON LAND r5(JR E:Y0R 13 125 . 00 23 . 72 100 52 ' 20" S 500 09 ' 53" W 23.68 APPROVALS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S'S' I certify that this i s 14 l 25 .00 3` 10 l6° 02 ' 34" S 63° 37 ' 20 " W 34 .8 9 I, , DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND ELECTION an exact copy of the 15 125 .00 0 .11 180 311 23" S 800 54 ' 1911 W 40 . 23 APPROVED 197_ APPROVED 197_ CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ORIGINAL PLAT WAS RECORDED plat of "YOLO ESTATES" ® 100 . 00 Tv . 30 450 26 ' 17" S 670 26t 51 " W 77 . 24 FRGBY ON PAGE --IN BOOK -, RECORD OF TOWN PLATS OF SAID a JLLY 8, a G 75 . 00 59 . 48 450 26 ' 17" S 670 26 ' 51 " W 57 .93 COUN r Y ON THE ..DAY OF , 197_. MR Iv c %r� 0 15 . 00 13. 62 520 01 ' 12" S 180 43 ' 07" W 13. 16 MAYOR, CITY OF T I G,q.RD WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR 737 --- � 50 .00 1 13. 39 129° 55 ' S1 " N 570 ' " BY DEPUTY A. . 40 26 E 90 .60 APPROVED 197 APPROVES 197 STATE OF OREGON �, ® 50 .00 103 . 05 1180 04 ' 56" N 510 44 ' 58" E 85 . 75 o � rr o rr -- COUNTY OF WASHINGTON S' a• (D 50 . 00 10 . 34 110 50 55 S 63 17 ' 06 E 10 . 32 Subscribed and sworn before me ® 50 .00 10 .07 11 ° 32 ' 13" N 03° 25 ' 23" W 10 .05 r BY _ BY I , _____. , ©IRECTOR OF RECORDS AND . ONCERTIFY THAT THE POSTMONUMENTATiON this day of 197 CITY OF TIGARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND ELECTIONS . ' • - C04M1 SS I CN, GHA I RMAN TAXAT I CN, WASHINGTON COUNTY PLAT OF THIS ORIGINAL PLAT, WAS RECORDED ON PA GE �,� 8Q0 -gECORn n� n n1 pt Notary Pub I i c for the State of Oregon .. ., TOWN' PLATS OF. ... 9 _ I WALTER L . CASWELL CERTIFY THAT THE POSTMONUMENTATION APPROVED 197_ APPROVED 197 SAID COUNTY ON THE ___DAY OF 197._+_• , ,'My Commission Expires : - OF THIS P'L.,"T WILL. BE AC "OMI'LISHEU Owl I H IIV 9U GALENUAR (DAYS, '- � _ BY DEPUTY ' FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PAVING IMPROVEMENTS OR WITH'IU BYgY ` ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDING OF THE ORIGINAL PLAT WHICHEVER WASHII`JGfOiJ COUNTY BOARD OF � WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF � OCCURS FI RST. COMMISSIONERS , CHAIRMAN PUBLIC HEALTH C NOTES ' (CONTINUED) ATTEST- i 9 T �Gha i �f'.EAL / 9/4"square f7e00( �� E) A ►0.0 0 UTI L.IT Y EASEM IVT SHALL COMMISSIONER BY w '�`� I/ tAf &0// EXIST ALONG ALL FRONT AND REAR .50''0042"dfi 0.3 � EASEMENT SHALLOT LINES- AND L EXIST ALON5.00 G DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AND --� �� '� ICs'S \ \ - _.._ \ G ALL COMMISSIONER o ��� \ °� '�\ - '� SIDE LOT LINES. ELECTIONS WASHINGTON COU Y � `�°�� \ 068� i 0/•4.33 ��` w ' COMMISSIONER3s.2� -- __ � 10 \ • v �� ° 7 an \ � •� .�% �� �� ��� v� 1r$" � � VIIIIL NOTES -�6 Z- � ared ,��-� 0. I ) o DENOTES 5/8X30 UN i NCH IRON PEBAR SET WITH PLASTIC YELLOW % �'� . S�J(2 co TRACT A -To \ N► CAP INSCRIBED "CASWE LL PLS 737" DURING POSTIVIONIJMEtUTATION . � , � �� (�0 2,� Acres �- 2 ) 8 DENOTES 1X30 INCH GALVANIZED IRON PIPE WITH 1 3/8 INCH DIAMETER BRASS CAP SET ON CENTER LINE 00STREET �' - En r.> s .� • AFTER COMPLETION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS . 0 I �, � 3 ) • DENOTES MONUMENT FOUND, 5/8 INCH IRON REBAR a j O �/�� S �+► t r •P, � -- - - / WITH PLASTIC YELLOW CAP INSCRIBED GA SWELL �\ O S� ralo0• - - - 0 0.3'47 � _..... - - --- 1� iVt 5•C?.Q7-� -�-�•27 PLS 7371; UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED . --�._ _ W'°'��� 103 , -..,,1 _ �N 41 - Se`✓er 'eases of�� - --�aD�. _ _ _A►,• `� MH 4 ) BEARING BASIS 8� REFERENCE SURVEY : CASWELI_ -�\ C O _ -0 7f Do 10 l Norfh SURVEY DONE ON THIS PARCEL IN NOVE��BER _ - - / _ -1977 . \ \ p� .� r 93.22 - __ ._ - - -- _ _ ____ _ - WI I I C s> Tiyo�al y//l� \\ -- -- -- -- - -- -- - �,, ^� »�, .�ddl bion 5 ) EXISTING 20 ' SANITARY SEWER _ _ - - - - - - !� � T - - -----ter' � -=t�- --- , �o N W T I W G \ mera�e d EASEMENT I .., N0 . CENTERED ON , � � OATH F1 NDER WAY c,� 150,3 ► I O I � THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 5 6 � ���` N' _ N 4_3'43'_4_3'°F % � I � I �° 0 L � �I � % 1 3.0 h _ 0R THE PEDF STR I AN WALKWAY . � Q) � 0� � _ \`-J !�4. 4•� �� �. `� � S.So I ( � I I Q� ��" �� � � '41 1� � m % � � �' Q � O �'o � a d o ��-2 o �V,, 6 5 t� 4 0, � 3 - 1I ^ ' W - ,V L� o �O �� 4/ \ �^' s�� 8„� I I I I O �- v 4 h I I In q �! XX X- fo / �,`� ��Q 0 / �5 N� '3,6�� ,�© • 35 , ; I �Q,�'-�.� --� 5. 0 N o 111% of I I.� ��ri;gL 'O,/'✓7'S��, 0 , I/ •� 5/.3„g 41. 83 , sr �cQo { I -,� I -Q� `zq s� `O I----;5. tt ;� I I eep I / ,,- `,, fo I I I 6 Za a' - �.--�.o ` • to a4d se wer_ 1 fl. N p1 r 0 /� `/�' ic,�/n Q` Q• Dt/ I N : I I N k1 Ss°37 1 z �ir� ,� ,�� 1 I :, O+ I { ^ 10.12 I Q I x X f/� fa D, •�'�.37 �9 ���t ��i �4j - �q i q e4se�r�'�f m N �} �, i ap 1 �- ,� i '� Zvi ,p bc�s4 �� c . c , 0 I I CS o t I I 50, pp norf/�ieQr/y 10,., c s�,�-, fh� 15 �� , �� 14 I I3 - -_ ° I I I N 10 N; t 9 I - �' _�s �° o ' ���, oo moo,oo I 1 �o,oo c� %37„ a o��� / tV '� -- _ I �� q ! I •a rn f/ie A,rc� ,� i �; �\ 0' i { � o, �' > R_ X75' M*---10.00 c j,�.�' -.J 41 v1 -- I I I i�0 8 �t o I S. VV ` PATHFINDER 3.0 , - 5,0 -� _-�, s.Q - ' 5. 0 �n - q - - - Al .�� U , �s I I._.__3 O � ��=-- --- -- --- - _ E 369- 47 _ N /00.00 ti ,c'. o. 00/ 75,00 75, oo \� 95.00 OG O, 00�,# i 60, 00 o ' ' '_ n \ oo i 7/. 20 o/G� /� �i ` 2,5.� -' �, 40 .36.2/ __ _ _ . N 402. /4 Iron Pijoe j6�► 7 \ ./� S' 47 001/ 711 ;v 1138. 86 `/ /T/A L. . POINT Sewer fa s em�7 fs 1 � �2o s e Terrace 1 1 o r h Ti a ���� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,a r� v\� 1/ e c�c./ / i o rn YOLO ESTATEB 2 OF r J� . y :tTiSl•7`t y� WI •~' _ 1 • ti .•..,rM _ • Y �:x. + + + o►TIK oil r,. .' r' +r•. ti .. _--"--r • - .. „. ;dx.+s .. ILR^.n �t11 III 1 1 1 �1 1 1I L i! 1 1 II ' 1 1 I f I 1 1� 1 I I S rI I l i 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 I t 1 1 1 I I 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t - -� �` � i � � t � 11 � � 1 � ISI � I � 11 � � I � � Ii 111 I 11 � Ili i11 iId � I NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED !"�^•-- ------ I -2 3 4 5 ., 7 8 9 0 _ 112 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I.0 -r-2T IS DUCE TO 44 Y 0 L T E S - THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ... """DRAw1NG. OE 62 8Z 1 Z 92 ' �z F2 zz E? OZ 61 81 L 1 91 1& 1 fI E I 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S 1► E Z 1 t - 1 TTTT V I n ,,�' i1111IIillllllltfl�tltl�tttt�llt��1t11�tI1�I1,11t�1i1t111N�1111111t1�1NI��tN,ttll�hll�Ili1�t111�t1i1�1�1111111111�H_�I�IIII�IIII�I��II�IIIINI`�iii;'�►RII���+ �N�N� I�IIt11111111111111N�1111� 1���tt IH r O" .J W @ z Cr v r. (D O C1 O 7D� a0 fD W(D . r cn CD (OW r (D G7 CDA •7 Q G) N <D 1 �� w OC) tD Q W 7 a, V1 O O. P h .S M M aw rw NMFA_M_MU a• CITYOF TIVARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREG30N October 22, 1982 Donald E. Pollock 10211 SW Barbor Blvd. Suite 204 Portland, OR 97219 RE: Yolo Estates: Dear Sir: An inspection was conducted on the proposed public improvemenL in said sub- division for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City Council tentative acceptance action. The following listing was the result of said inspection, summarizing the items which remain to be completed and/or cc.rrerted prior to such action. I. The masonry retaining wall needs to be completed. 2. The landscaping along SW Pathfinder Court and at the intersection of SW Walnut Street and SW Pathfinder Court needs to be completed. 3. The rip-rap at each end of the 48 inch culvert crossing SW Walnut Street needs to be replaced. 4 . The undergrowth of brush along the creek channel needs to be cut back and any wash-out in the channel needs to he repaired. 5. The bikepath,which only part has been completed, needs to be repaired along with the remainder of the path needing to be completed. 6. Construction of SW Pathfinder Way needs to be completed,. 7. The driveway aprons at 12575 and 12595 SW Pathfinder Court needs to be replaced. 8, Several sections of sidewalk and curb needs to be replaced along SW Pathfinder Court. 9. The mailbox clusters need to be repaired. 10. The low spot ir, the cul-de-sac needs to be repaired before the one inch A.C. overlay is placed on SW Pathfinder Court. 11 . One year maintenance bond is required by the City. 12. One inch A.C. Class "C" overlay placed on all streets. It is recognized that additions end deletions will occur thro-ighout the one year maintenance guarantee period. Therefore, in reference to the conditons of the project Compliance Agreement, we find we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance, to the Council, wren numbers one (1) through eleven (11) of above have been com, !eted. 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 Page 2 Donald E. Pollock October 22, 1982 Since the appropriate Maintenance Bond options and, also, since final work completion deadlines were previously addressed in the project Compliance Agreemen., I won't elaborate thereon. If you have questions please contact this office. Your,. truly, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief i RLT:pjr I I i O'DUNNLLL, SULLIVAN 6 RAMIE ~ MAPIK 1' U UUNNL LL A I I(IIUJI_Y`'- A r l AW CAM9Y OFFICE IUVVAI/U J bUILIYAN 101 N G.AbI bU111202 11ML,111Y HAMI.. HAI 1 t)W It, Wltlull l IJUII 'IINt, 61NIlY URLGUN U7013 ALNNt.itl M ill lull 1I:1 11 W Ilu,l u1N111 IpUJI 2bb IIUU LGIllfllll. C: bell HfL,N I"M I: Alto „NL t.uN UI.;G•.t bill'lltN ► 'HIVY SALEM OFFICE . I —2 4411.' luun All1l (1111111 WWII' L11�lN L h►114{111 DJU Cl r,llIII N k butt 240 T►tGMAb 1 MALUH 11 u u -•,Ant . •,ruuuArluulllu bALLM ORtt:UN 117301 September 10, 1.982 151131 370 UIUI CL'h`1'lFU.'U MAIL RLTUM RECL:IFT RLQUL 6TL;U Nurthland 1-iullt-:6, Inc;.. IJl'1(1ull Riles, Inc. 10211 S. W. 1s., " L3uuiUVLLL(1 1021.1 S. W. Barbur Boulevard Suite 202 Su.i to 202 Portlarxl, UrLryut► 97219 Purtlar,d, Oregon 97219 I(c: Yule L:stmu5 (Cash LhJ1,Ll Lkic:r(Jw _ taIlllw►lty liallk ILAstter of Credit No163' 1111- f 11.111 1.u1JJuSUnts tilt- City j1: 1111yald. Wu have buun advised t h., t cf!t:.aill improvumunLs in thu YIJIIJ laLiU-s Subdivision IWVU uu. yet buurl CumpleLecl to city staticiarc , dt,shite several Prevruus duluantis. Thu 1Jortiuns remaining unfinished are: (A n,s t.ruc Lion of Pltiesu 11 of SuuU mi-Li L Pit t. It i t user way. Thu-:JL, improvements were citlwt• :-1.JUL:11. ic:a:lly referred to in the original subdivision aphlicatiurl or compliance ayreement, scheduled fur cun)1i1etion under bond duriny thu one-year maintenance agreement � ur were found by the City of Tigard to be defective ill materials or workmanship during the ont.-year maillteneu►cu period. Pfuasu hruvirle a wrALen explanation oil the enclosed furm of the pru juL.L l s status and a time 1 i Flu fur ccmllllut ion of the ' needed i ulllruvc nlents. 'I'lle: City of Tilydrtl is willing to grant a maximum ut 60 clays from the date of this 1(.ttu,t tur completion, in view of thu e;ub5tantial delay that. 11:1:; a1 r-t:aL1y occurred in violation of tilt. subdivisiol, cunlpl .Lal►cc: Ll11rc ulnunt, une-year maintenance ayrcumut,t, or beth. 11 we L10 trot receive your wrl ttur, ruslJun:;u un ur before 5eptembe: 211 1982, the City of Tigard is hr.uparud to finish the imprnve- munt.; and file appropriate clairlls agail,st the bond and subject real prober. ty to recoul.J its experlsut:l, A IJru-addressed envelope .is e•nc.lusud fur your convcniuuce; in re upullcling. Plea..;e ylvc thla lmt,ttt ) vutlr imrlJ'rlt,lttr .It 1. 1-11t icltl . iglzl stlq(1f `lt yt'.0 ! ,.view t.111s lettat wj 1.h luLJIt I (:OLMSu1 . ui lige. my you ►�, Is/. Itlt�th M. Allutt. C t•JIU 10SULe C 1.J . ii" • 11 1 JI'I, 111.' 11 1 11J,�: t !., 1JI 1..11 \ 1 'flll:lu1•�ure. r• 1 , f, •I'i I11�1 1 1aJ1111141,�t�' 1kU>� r T n Hyl p(E " l�Itt.� is'�• ... ...., � � ...... .. .. .... .... .... ....,- ,..., ..... ..-. � ...__.........4n.r..r..r.'�'�_..,�.ww1WYr�.....filiNlil".,- •'4 .J�r+� P� ,.,. M ElI dVFo for PERMIT NO. : -- INSPECTION TIME. .--L- ---- DATE ISSUED :--L—Z — i DATE: _ - — OWNERS NAME ADDRESS: /-" CONTRACTOR : Woter C] , V- gal Q5, Laborotory Cl !' "FEST : Air O, ' d 1 , pending RESULT: Approve d �9' , Disapprove ;,. S KETCH*- INSPECTOR DATE COtg: Attach supplemental tett data beret] •'C1,01,1s Cerra► roar! -015 �t.:t•n: r. '.vn Snvicr :�1'.!' 1E•,' %� .1Cs:nCft11@rjot+ t�ltlt tl'.' c ^ttr.',-tliryt:t inctillaLirl, alnt 'At11f n�Ct Court :t� ! yi t. in �.ai-1 to be YnYt' 1^.i', flirthers 1:C ^ t., • ! ..."7'9.1.• to Pner-ime 0-to two Uflits therealon. via 9che-iill.e ::r. . �1, (''rt lo,i The two �.2) units �::'Elt 1' t n inota?lni?` nlon^ '.�'. nF.lhrj'1anY :t1.• v}i.11 ht' ont±r-420, ObVIO1181vt Fit 3 John "n r. net c{tv accountant •"r. "onalil Pollock jrl!l,p jr I yr s May 2, 1980 U NTIMM'n HOMES, INC. 10211 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 202 � Portland, OR 97219 Attn: Doug Pollock RE: Yolo Estates Subdivision [)ear tor. Pollock: In reviewing your project, I found broken sidewalk in the cul-de-sac and, further, that your concrete contractor poured the driveway Apron for hot #6 and an adjacent wheel,ahair/bike ramp as if they were one unit. The bike path needs to be completed and so does the cul-de-sac extension of SW Pnthfinder way. After these iter:w) have been completed, i will then be able to conduct the ore-rnnintenance "final" for you. Yours truly, R. L. 'Thompson Public Works Inspector RLT:pjr I I NORTHLAND HOMES, INC. 11 S.W. BARBUR BLVD. , SUITE 202 PORTLAND, OR - 97219 April 23, 1980 City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn: Bob Thompson Re: Yolo Estates Subdivision S.W. Pathfinder Ct. & 36'' Culvert Crossing on S.W. Walnut Dear Mr. Thompson: We hereby request an inspection of the above: referenced subdiv sion, and the culvert crossing on S.W. Walnut. Please put into writing any changes or work that needs to be completed, and send list to our office. Sincerely, NORTHLAND HOMES, INC. ;/N /44., M. L. King Secretary f1LK/sv D � 1. Do APR n 1980 .,� CITY OF TIGARD r� - AP PROVIr.D Fv[R C NSTIvJ^TION a � ..�..,�� GF TIG: AFZD ` r ----_ern s�'r+..c..�u-�, ��1•. ���-^^��.,�------�.._-- f � - ABY '. _TITLE IE- IN (153.2.5) EXIST. y, 4$" CMp iNyTA1L 40" I LOUT METAL- INLET NA SECTION P ?.+e- RIP RAP CUTLET 1E-WN T. /.. (5EE R,�N) IN CUT 155.30 15fc 25 \ \ INSTALL Gfl L F. OF%Y,M.F 5---- 5 2113.1 x '/2" CMUCAnON5 EXIST. ..1�� lo" GA. MITER PPE- TO SEWER TU EMOANKMENT LOT iZ �� PATH FI N DER COURT MAR!.ri �P.x> .1 Mvy FLA.Wright IFYUI..O e5 T-E5 en i q "De "" REVISED GULVERY PLAN 4 ne�erir� •���w�a,a-%., �,�. IE IN 4EV CMP INSTALL 4B" ,{ I F--OUT METAL INLET \ \\ P (157.30) SECTION n RIF RAP O JTL.ET — — MO�noN ,...._� . IS IN I E CLIT 155-30 - \ �5TA1L fob L.F� OF 3fo"GM P _ 2�/3"x'l2" CCJFzRU4ATldNS Ex15T It -_O \� I(o" GA. MITER PIPE TO Ig" CONFORM 10 EMBANKMENT 5EW ER \ am Lor 1 G� Lo sv j ek PATH FI N DER COURT MA&:d '0r) j JAW R.A.Wright YDLO ESTATES �aoe m e.,m. �M REVILED CULVERT PLAN engine®rin ��� 01,lil 4"J soai,���aJ cnn'uir,img sn Ar• -- - 5W W"UT 6T G/y'C -T/`4,—vow/ �' �•t�.4.. R.A.Wright 4 ' 1308 S.W Bertha Blvd. engineering Portland, Oregon, -7219 503/,46-4293 consulting engineers PILE: 264 . 11 March 6, 1980 Mr. John Haggman City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Haggman ""--- --_Ygl;o Estates �1 Attached for your approval are five copies of a plan show- ing proposed revisions to the 36-inch CMP culvert under Walnut Street to avoid conflict with the existing telephone cable. The 36-inch CMP will be raised 2 feet and a taped end section will be placed on the end of the existing 44-inch CMP to maintain the required hydraulic capacity (see attached calculations) . Z erely, Ilal H. Reitmeier HHR:ska Attachment cc: Mr. Doug Pollock R. A. WRIGHT ENGII. :RING JDB____Jr���> ConsultingEngineers SHEET NO r _..__-.._ OF 1308S W. Bertha Blvd. 21 PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 CALCULATED By DATE. 4A 8c2_ CHECKED BY._ _ ____.. DATE.��.__._,. _......_ .__. SCALE.__—__ /I; Ga �_.. ._. .w/. /w 00 rte, .rte, � �f�r�..�.✓ �S'���►/tet �� / rc✓� d,Tl �.+t ���ryJ. l//.�lL Cr's:�, i e- 17 '7.1 covJ1.`ro etr1'` /LI;n » /40?,2✓ 4 r./9 .�i�r�r� �iX1' CGT/d'✓J l��!'C 4 C� =�ireC7'�� FARM 70� Av�R�bM AOm�/V�iNt inwn..n0 Me��Oi�/0 tMKW R. Q. WRIGHT ENGIi -:RING JOB Consulting Engineers SHEET NO._—__ __�_ ov—c= - 1308 S. W. Bertha Blvd. 2 PORTLAND. OREGON 97219 cALcuLAreO By 2 _.. DATE- PORTLAND, By _ __-___ DATE _ SCALE eee PROfFs f �� .. 4- OREG l r narA 7n� AwMble hom rN6"$S 1w Town-M Was 01470 1.1 ul(HI POOH O Z o o n OI r4 \�MF�c1 cb ° �N U > w U c�c nXc J J a • q o oc U D p y v w 1. I °o ' < u, O o E, y �e B O I Q O. I[ bo L G Q a w D " 4 au Iof vi ca pF: i` Oayv ° y\rr� s 1 OZ r QNo �� E d c 2 E W u :s ;■j \ asp ;o 0) p o t r. IR 1 IC C 1 u tau Iwo 2 �u„ 7•Itltlnl _--�1 1e e ^ • f In A A N �N N e •1 N •.� :� y � �y 0, >� ppv say�ul ul 101 lalawola e r cv o�r S C°wO ci 0 11 U o o 0 o o O o OO O O o O O{I O o e .1 t If Q N _ e e ^ • In N w �..'a c. I..1.1.1._L M'd SAD ul 101 QBID43sld E Om o tr c r; In ^ u7 M ►- or of w 071 Q F- O. Z d O •1 o e M o w a e •1 A ,. N � -I U W U Q D lil v ++}f f0/MHI u-I-wola ul y(daa ngoMposH v~i Yow in V W �Zd �<r- tz a 3 c _ w C� ail 88 a W I V "F Q $ g g g g o I IS so c 8 b 8 i so i n N $ I��+ o N e e n • n N e le^ v •+ d �e SO M ISI Ooioy�Ia � I � I o I ilWd IoinpnslS --� pf X11 pp r p _6 d '� A N X • /� i qp " a 1� I I v1 ls4pW of Iai V8Aln:)jo upwola -- — 16015 P*(oBwoD P)oPuWS 30 Steel End _Sections Combining End Sections with corrugated steel pipe or pipe arch gives you a complete culvert—there is nothing else to order or install. Everything comes from one source; End Section and drainage conduit ' are designed for each other and make a tight, in- tegral culvert. Both are installed at the some time, and backfilling completes the job. There is no maintenance problem with End Sec ` ,7 tions. The flared entrance prevents scour at the ,I upstream end, and the wide skirt and cutoff apron reduces undercutting and erosion at the down- stream end. Roadside maintenance is also simplified. In grass ' or weed cutting, mower bars and sickle blades pass _ harmlessly over the End Section which is installed flush with the store. A steel end section can be quickly installed by a small crew and gives a finished look to the structure. The Federal Highway Administration has issued definitive or suggested general designs for the end x treatment of various types of culverts. Ipnn a - � Sf•� 4bN t,PifAl PIAN e 1 1 R,mforced r1MCAI nM Slnp x' a LSPen .aelnlerud I _` Elect _ ,. IIp111 LiNmgLat J- . OPlronal rnlr-IE ceoss CEtnal. — to^Int PPE OR Mn ARCH. I2'e.to c IM/e SPd fYPICAI EI NATION '0.ili i N 17'e eeWr llgl � WeM.+ rrn„M li,ivalii. TABLE 12. DIMENSIONS OF GALVANIZED STEEL END SECTIONS FOR PIPE ARCH jv.'' TABLE 11. DIMENSIONS OF GALVAN17ED STEEL ^Pipe-Arch n1mrn.lon. In Inches Approxi- END SECTIONS FOR ROUND PIPE span Rue t7oge -'1" Ime► ±1" ±i14' 32 slope Body Pipe Urmenefone IA 11 16 7 9 6 19 30 21 1 Pc. Dram A ppregi- n A B H - W mate 22 13 16 7 10 6 23 36 21/2 1 PC. /n•hes Gage !in /max 1 t 1 in 1114 in. gin. Slope Body 25 16 16 A 12 6 2R 42 21/2 1 PC. 12 16 6 6 6 21 24 21/2 l Pc. 79 1R 16 9 14 6 32 48 21,4 1 PC. 15 18 7 A 6 26 30 21/2 1 Pc. 36 22 14 10 16 6 39 60 21/2 1 Pc. Is 16 8 10 6 31 36 21/7 1 Pc. 43 27 14 12 18 A 46 75 21/2 1 Pc. 21 16 9 12 6 36 42 21.j l Pc. 50 31 12 13 21 9 .53 95 21/7 2 Pc. 24 16 10 13 6 41 48 21/2 1 Pc. 58 116 12 18 26 12 63 90 21/2 2 PC. 30 14 12 16 R 51 60 21/2 1 Pc. 65 a 0 12 18 30 12 70 102 21/4 2 PC. 36 14 14 19 9 60 72 21/2 2 PC. 72 44 12 18 33 12 77 114 21/4 3 PC. 42 12 16 22 11 69 A4 21/2 2 Pc. 79 49 12 18 36 12 77 126 2 3 Pc. 18 85 54 12 18 39 12 77 E 3A 2 3 Pc. —18 30 12 7 _Ad 178 02 �l/ e C. 4, For 60 In. thru 84 in.sires,reinforced edges to be supplemented ^50 12 18 33 12 87 114 1% 3PC. with galvanized stiffener angles. The angles to be attached by 66 12 18 30 12 R7 120 11�, 3 Pe, galvanized nuts and bolts. 72 12 IA ,q 12 A7 126 1(/�j 3 PC 3. For the79 In.by 49 in.and 85 In,by 54 In.sizes,reinforced edge 7H 12 IA 42 I'l A7 1;i2 11/a 3 Pr.. to be supplemented by galvanized angles. II. An le reinforcements will be placed under the renterpenel seams 94 12 IR 45 12 97 118 11/E 3 PC. on the 79 In.by 49 in.and 85 In.by 84 In.sit-s. 5. Galvanized toe piste to be available as an accessory,whet,specl- I All 3-piece bodies to have sides and center vanels.Width of ceppter fled on the order and will be the same thickness a the End Sec- ppanehi to be greater than 20 per cent of the pipe periphery. Mul- tion.Same applies to toe plate extension. tlple gruel bodies to have lap+rams which ur en be tightly Coined ti. Galvanized lifting lug available a an accessory when specified on by galvanized rivets or bolts. the order. 13 1 City of Tigu (d INSPECT10 ',`4 REQUEST -for INSPECION TIME : /' �/" U__ PERMIT NO.: _ DATE : ___L_-.L— DATE I S S U E D:_._L—L- OWNERS NAME : _—_ A D D R E S S : �ONTRACTO R : --- --- - ---- _ _. �_ TEST. Air ❑; Water [:] , VicuO14 , Laboratory [3 RESULT. Approved JR , DisapprovedEl , Fending ❑ SKETCH: INSPECTOR DATE ENOTE . '+tach supplementai test data heret] 30 for INSPECTION TIME *. PERMIT NO. '. DATE : DATE ISSUEP:.._L_l OWNERS NAME '. --- ADDRESS ' AME : —ADDRESS : _-- -� CONTRACTOR :— TEST. Air Cl, Water p , isual 1� , Laboratory p RESULT: Approved Disapproved G , Pending p SKETCH: t co-- - I I — _.1._�_-._ INSPECTOR DATE COTF : /Attach supplemental test data he,et] I FONNE R STREET � I REAL ic, J CNhI.tQE'.. A1610 (, QF_ TlGARF7 kt,/ TALI— )ZIP'—,EAP Ce-CV,, 1J \\ O PeOTFG7710AJ — Y ;t \ \ E. 167-00 / co - - - - / _l r (T C. 111.49) �� * ,CONSTRUCT 85 Lam- '4f5- RCP CLA55 II. l0E OF (111 02) i C'' 1.25`/. • F1LL ) 1- � \ i ► D - f i 17 59) 5EWER — - �� FACE of iD %30 cL)E13 11, fNSjaLL Rev-RaP 101 Cly REMOVE - - = a _- j L`�' f_ QoSioN f'R-dTF�T1OtJ and SALVAG TOE OF �.ROc1►Jf7 PiPB inJL.£T \• EX15T 24 L.F - FILL - 4„ PCF._ - 14 , / r I APPROVED F-it,E.uT Y I SPECTORS COPPP -baTE 10- 2.) Y01_0 ESTATES R.A.Wright «R SW I,F„h, [,Iyd REVISED CULVERT LOCATION engineering 1,11flnd O'"gm 9l2!: 509/701 1793 coneultinpengineeri -- PATHFINDER WAY 264-4 s L�1'111 �w.� 1,01tllllId6ciici,Il LlcctricCollIIKU13' v. 5n 1-01•IS I fN 1555;w Jln,fl�nll5ttnil rnpAp BEAVERION ow"ON 97nos i 643 54154 Gentlemen: CITY OF, TIGARD Ike: Yolo Estates _ Attached i7 nit prnposnI for providing: unrlcl`,rrunti alectric service to Ilie ahove mentioned subclivision. Our preliminary 111"stigntiOns sttg;r,cat Lhat this proposalis cnml,�Cible with existing and/or proposed project. nod on[lirls will, your eIstin( utility construction, however, if there• arc any c fir hroilosrd iw�Lnl Ing ir,n , please contact me at your convent.cr,Le In order LhA the plans may be modified. Very Trul; yours, Job No. Estimator cnpir, to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 AA/t1 S.t CommirIcinl SL„ 7113 Tignttl, (It , 1�Cit.y rE Tigard - 639-/+171 ly Engineer 12420 S.W. Bain SL. , IIl.iid, Or. ')7123 • 1 City of Tualotln - 638-6891 City Inr.iticer IRP80 S.W. 80th At'e. ,l Itingntin, Or. nNO2 Attn: Mike McK:111P 1 (:i Ly of :Ilrr,:nnd - (,25- 7177 90 N.t:t, P,1t+ Avc. Sllrrwt,nti, Or. 2 City of Newberg - 538-4112 City Enginccr 416 I:, first SL. Nccbrta , Or. 971)2 Attn : Ernst A. 11-inter 2 Yamhill County - 472-9371 Itnarl hrl,t , , County (:murLhouse ticNlnnviIIr, Or. ?7128 J Ilarion County - 588-5036 Il.irion County Pcj,L. of f ubl 'c Salem, nr. 97301 At tn : !'mucic r.Il Mitt 2 Clackamas County - 655-8521 Clacknma, C-01.y, frll;inecr IIrpL•, 9()1 Abititalhy Ild. Orrl;rn CA Ly, Or. 91045 Al Ln : 1'.11 I Wilsonville - 618-8565 CiLy or Wilsonville fit. 1 nox 11, I"l irt'llvi lie, nr, 97070 2 State Ilil;ln•ay - 653-3099 nir•IIL of t:ay p,n. Dox 02157 Ptlti. , t!r, ]72U1 Alin : Teti Inlos 7 ti.w. Natural Gas - 226-4211 171 N.W. rlantict, porllnud, Or. 97201 ALtn: II.W, till l s 2 City of Dundee P.O. Dox ?01 Dundee, Or. 97115 i September S, 1979 Northland Homes, Inc. 10211 SW Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 Attn2 Mr.. Donald E. Pollock Ret YOLO ESTATES SUBDIVISION Dear tor. Pollock: Regarding realignment of the 48" culvert which was to be installed adjacent to the southwest boundary of. Yolo Subdivision; this is sent to confirm that said design change needs to be submitted by the F90ject Engineer to the City for review and approval. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Supt. Engr. Division JS1►/p jr i I r. wMILM August 16, 1979 Attn: ttouty Davis !.e: YOLO ESTATES 'fear Sir: This is to verify, as per your request, that a municipal sanitary sewerage system, subject to regulation by the City of Tigard and unified Sewerape Agency of Washington ,:ounty and the Public utility Commissioner of Orepon, is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot, meeting the re— quirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity tn Rove all lots in the subdivision per this date. I hope this letter resolves the problem by clarifyinh the natter for the State Real Estate Division. Yours truly, R. W. Cottel, Jr. Kn�t. Tech 1 RWC/pjr r (IRMW 4 BANK AAA : COMMUNIn P.0.BOX 549 LAKE OSWEGO,OREGON 97034 July 30, 1979 The City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97233 SUBJECT: Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. 163 Northland }fomes., Inc. Ger'lemen: We hereby establish our Irrevocabl,! Letter of Credit in your favor for the account of Northland homes, Inc. , 10?11 S. W. Barbur Blvd, Portland, Oregon, 97219, up to the aggregate amount of Ninety Thousand One Hundred Forty-seven and no/100 ($90,147.00) Dollars, available by your drafts drawn at sight on the Community Bank, lake Oswego, Oregon 97034, and accompanied by the documents specified below: 1. Beneficiary's statement certifying that the draft is drawn in accordance with Northland Homes, Inc. 's commitment to install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities as stated in the Subdivision Compliance Agreement dated July 26, 1979 pertaining to Yolo Estates located in Section 2 and 3 of Township 2 South Range 1 West , Willamette Meridlan, Washington County, Oregon; that Northland Ilomes, Inc. h1s failed to construct or failed to complete construction of said improvements to the standard required; and that demand has been made on Northland Homes, Inc. and not complied with; therefore, the amount of the draft represents the amount required to complete the project in accordance with ordinances and regulations of the City of Tigard. We hereby agree with bona fide holders that all drafts drawn under and in corrpliance with the terns of this Credit shall meet with due honor upon presentati.on to the drawee and delivery of documents as specified if drawn and negotiated on or July 30, 1982. All drafts drawn must he marked: "prawn under the Community Bank Letter of Credit No, 163". Very truly yo i[.�r se , c l am oan Officer las MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSUkANCE CORPORAT ION SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 2rth day of Jy , ly 79 _ betw.:en the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and _ NORTHLAND HOMES. TNC r _ hereinafter termed "Petitioner. '- W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washingtoc. County, a subdivision plat known as YOLO EST&j _ _.. - -- located _ in Sectioa 2 ands of Town--b j 2 South_ 133nga 1..WPgt- Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider Lo install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for tht- sanitary sFwers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in p_titionev" develoErr,nt are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to pe-rmlt progress.%/e occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideratio+i of the foregoing premises and the cuvenaute and agreerier:ts to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HFNEBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpu t to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivilion not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply wt-tE a`fTs"sus ivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordt"anc:e and the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to 11110w such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure Compliance with the City's requirements and the provision.; ti=reof, Petitioner lenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with ItabiIIty in the ariount of $5n0 147—no a copy whereof Is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion'withlu the tiraF li ,lt upon ten (10 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default and failure to prtceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its' option to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petiti^*t4r' ' sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action an the said boad to r=, ovet h ,fre aTour.t thereof. In. the a rent such action be brought, i'etli lc,r.er sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the aT:ounts accruing and allnw3tle;, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attc,rney's fees ani costs i:� :1trrer? by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if .any, cr the City Mav, at Its' option., bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Prtiticne' r's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliar_:.e with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in su,-h event, in like .Tanner, th' City shall be entitled `o recover such su•n as the court shall adjudge re:ascnable a.s er.i for the City's attorne} fees and costs, b^th in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (;) Fett.ioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the C.,i'; an arroun.t e.;ttratad to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect tc tht Strtre.c lightir, f3_111-les within 9ECCEM of the subdivision, ac;:ording to Part lard Ele4+_rl.c S' 'i_-iule #91, Option B, 'together with a further sun equal to the of prcv%4-4--g elr.eri':sl energy to energize the street lightir.g facilities for a r!-Ind of two (_) ;rear.:; from the Gate of initial energizing of said light.3. Said amo_nt. being S--300.48 . (5) The City agrees to n:ak:e and provide periodic and final inspectl r:; wb:ch. Lr, t,,Io City's irterest are desirable tc assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petit.io,7er has paid prescribed inspection fees. * (6) The City agrees to install. street identification and traffic sign3 within thr, said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of (;) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street within the :ut.division have bef.n cc"pleted in accordance with the City's rFquice�_art�, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection And upon certification by the DsFartmFnt of Putlic World that all requiren-.enta of the City have 'beer, met, the Petitioner will. sub-.it to the City a good at;d sufficient bond, If not alreedy provided with the performance bond, form approxed by the City in the sum of $.laA29 40 to provide for correction of any defective work or rr.aitae!iance becoming apparent or arising within. ore (1) year after final. atceptarre of the p.;},1 ;;: improvements by the City. (E) Upor, receip'_ of certification: by the Departr^Fr:t of P,iblic. Workm requtrerrartt= hare been r.et and a Ore Year Mainterar.ce Bend, the City Council. a_cc•: . to accept the public iT:p•ro-;•e!en.ts, subject to the requirements for correction Li deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hareinabovE sst forth. (r- ) That in addi.tior to or surble7.er.tary us the require:7! rnts of the Git, Subdiv: s ' Ordinance and the provisions hereof, PttItloner [ .gala itself to co-k.f(- to the follcwing require,,:eats, scheduling, and limitatlorsll (a) Nor.e of the 1,•�)ts of petitioner's si.Ad1vJ..,ton as descrlhed rr. hr occupied fcr residential purgo.te,i until an occuparcy perr.tt iy to ued Under neither " cv of the Cit,- ar,d no occur a,xy p£r -,.t shall be issued prior t;, !-he &,:rcpt:3rne c* 'h : subdivisic; a^.d to the tine t.ha� the sidewalk paral►_Eli.rg tht, s:r.ret for eazh lot prcE,c=•ed to be occupied, i.:. ir,i:aJ.led a5 a prirt of the dcve.lcr .z,-.t j rrc,,idL'1 all sidewalks as regLired by the i,A * .s and su`divisic-n crdt shall be i.rs'41,.'ad �htc : . said subd!o .s1cn not later than 3 year,& fro•^ the date of th:= Sut..�isinn t:-Pr(- L Contract. * Froiect Fee $_123 nn Sewer Fee $ 150.00 ..1.. P 4 (b) Al.l '_an�.ds.aping trre.� coi that Eor:ian of each lot between the public jJrwalks a:d the curb (park`ng area) as requ_red, shall '.)a planted and la place prior co final inspection and isse:•a-ce of o::cupanr_y permit for ea•::h such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for oticupar-,cy per.m.it occurs within ar,I calendar month fr.or� October to Aprij of ar_y year, such plar_Lings may be deferred until the next following growing seasor_. in any event, all landwcaping trees in all areas shall Le pl.at.te.d and In place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) Within ore (1) year of acceptance of the publicfnprovements the petitioner agre�.s to place a one (l.) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on* al.l roads wit'r.ir, the development. (d) Compllanc? with all terms and provislons specified theretofor said suhdivific-i develr�p*:ent by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregor., ir.regard to var.iarcas allowed from the subdi-ision ordinance, conditions specified by the zine use classification and, also, or. the approved plat(s) and plan(s). (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached ar;d by reference made a part hereof., and petitioner agrees to cause to have said bo-A executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execr.ition of this agreempzr: at prior to the tine this a&,-eement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation Secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall he entitled to recourse: thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitto-ler with respect to ary raquirexent thereof. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, Petttione:— a�.Ittng by and through its duly authorized under- signed c°f�.rers pursuant to resolutior_ of its Board of 1)�rectors has caused this agreer,:ert to be executed, a,d the City acting pursuant to resolution of Its Council adopted at a reettng thereof duly and regularly held on the day of 19 , has caused this agreement to be executed by its' Mayor Rr_d Recorder. NORTHLAND HOML;S , INC. Donaldd��E. Pollock, President r , �'f �l ' �l+ , M. L. Kin6l Secretary THE CITY OF TICARU, OREGON Mayor By: _ Recorder i -3- Y ,hr r, A,.� , • r l� f r I I 0!, 1 r f 1,L) Accountant U,4 Adi..Anistrator Bid . Official Director of F.W. Librarian Planner Police chief' ' „ Recorder. , C . w •irk' i Please: IJ 'Type - draft ( ) Final ( ; Sign/Approve Co V Y{ Distrl.bute 4 File Return t0 me Mail rr Read & Save M'vff+ Read & Toss :s tii See Me —� 'Take Appropriate Action . 3,: a%,k ;;�i'y ., , _ Per Your Request hiMEN'rs: CO l t e� :?' V. .i I; .y l '',' dry + .►'�'1%•� { SUBDIVISI.ON COMPLIANCE A!ItEEMEth,- THJS AGREEMENT drttedhe �h da.y of J>At_1' _.•._.. ._ .__•, `"�rFn. the; CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal. ty_of Or._egm.,_... "CJnaf. INC-- hereinafter termcd "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WY.ERFAS, Petitioner has appliE,. '_o the City for approval for filing in County, a subdivision plat known as lova led irl SeCt�on sZLIS s�Cl1�'�'9_dU[LS�1 _ _$S�U.tiL .r _...�_ Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of 'Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to Install. streets, sidew.zlks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public: facilities for the development and requires the payment of feel; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard spectfications for Pi�Yiir. Wurks cur,;;truction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage spt:cifi,cations for tl.,., sR%ttary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petii•fonv�' develoli%ent are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive cccupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties deElre hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lata In said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public-. improvements wrll L-0 installed as requi.red and completed within the time hereinafLee set forth. NOW, 1HEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing preril5es and the c0ven•3nts and agreecaar.ts to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, It 1S HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and hurpu3e to co-1pletc all public Improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said st, ,divtsior+ not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement., and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply wlET aII sulidivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Or.dtna►tc:•e end the standard specification adopted by the City of Tigard, or as r-3y be othetwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such riaterial and to follot, such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requiretacnts and the pr.ovisiuns h-reef, Petiticner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with 1 i rbi I ity in the ar-.ount of $.9�.,_L4�_,Com ._.W, A copy whereof i s hereto attarh,,r1 and by this refercacE made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed �,ith the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the tip 11,-:1t11,, upon tern 00 days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, �- I =u--h default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its' optic i r. to have the wurk cumpleted and charge the cust.s thercuf aeatast Petitioner and !' -' screti .s nd in the event same be not paid, to bring art actlun on the said bond t.c r PT 1 J� iii AU `andseaplrg r each ' 1!ks a,-A the cLrul (part.'.n& a rs A d lr-spel:ffxr S4 t:"-) :hal.! e 0-7--pan-,), per7.1t. J L t. for tcA; r le p,., d 3r.Q G'rlm'.e !'h'. w' -hin (3) V V .late ef thl.o r ,j(!Mp n t C or. r as G Within ore (1) year Of acceptance of rbE pv`lic. i-,prove-ments I i t i or,er agre- to 1.3c P ccjr��r-tf� C,a,1'0,1 d s wi,,.h C�-111.01,3nce with All te L ' �rd provisic'n-, spt--hied therktoft)r sLb ,, d1v! i1 -i dZvnlop!,�;:nt I-ly the CoLrcll and the Co.-ILlission of the City rd, Oragor.p 1-r-9-gard to -vArlar,.ces allowed fro-: the ,;iAdlvAsjoj ordinance, ccrditicrs Specified ry the ZN'* TyPe CIA,-,Slfi^ation aod, alliop on the Rpprcved plat(s) arA (1.0) The parties hereto 1-t--reby adopt the fora; of perfcrmance bond, copy whereof .3 hereto att.act-ed ani by rifer ti .- - -.Ade a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have 38"d tQ.-A e-xe--.,,uted and with th the City concurrently with the execution of this egreetreat at, 1)z pr.1cr to the til' t. this a&,-ce:rapt iS execrated on behalf of the City. (11.) .spec Ific requirerr.*nts of Pragraph 9 hereof shall for all Purpores be included AA 9 port of 01A. ch'-f-ghtion 1--tL-jred by the afcre:zaid perfonmace gond and the City to ent!+-led to recourA :. thereto in the Event of defalalt on the part cf the Petit.U.,-jec with to 97V E-equirc--ent thezacf. IN WVVESS WREPEOFj Pft1tir-r;-i:r O'cting by and through its duly authorized signed cf�lrers pur A. jtia:-jt to rp agreei.Ert to 1�a Executed, --s0'VtlQP of its 8c,ard of Wrector3 has caused this the C?V actlrg pursuant to te:4(,_1ut1OT1 of its ColmejI edoptEJ at a thereof duly arA regularly held on the __AS da of tas caul-d this e&ri -T,.erit to to excrAiked by its' Mayor a7. d-K-.ord;?r. NORTMAND HOMES, INC. Donald E. Pollock, President M. L. Kin Secretary THE C I T ov kR r r)N, By 4— r t.r CASH BOND ESCROW AGREMENT. TP IS AGREEtIENT, made this 26thday of July 19 79, between the C1"1L-Y OF TiGARD, hereinafter termed the "CITY", and NORTLILAND HCIMF�S, TNC_ eioatter termed the "PRINCIPAL", and _R 'J �, hP � m ��. aiii , al1jG. tertred the Bank (Association). 4I I T N E S SETH: WFF"',IAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a Subdivision Compliance Agree- ment , with respect to th-� development, constructi:,n and improvement of a residential suba ;_ViS1'0n within tle City known as POLO ESTATES , a copy of said a,,Ireeu_nt together wit-r, a particular legal description of said lands being attached hereto alit: by retcience made a part hereof: ead WHERFA_5, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entrusted to the Brei~ the sum of $ 90, i•' ;.00 as a cash performance bond to assure the City tha-- all requirements of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement shall be properly ani ti-_,ly performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all rcgLii.rc-^ents thereof met; and W.iLREAS, the Bank has agreed trf take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum ^f $ 90, 147 . 00 and hereby acknowledges custody thereof to be held pursuant t- the 'terms and provisions of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, ?rid it is d,,c,ired hereby to set forth and riefine the conditions applicable to said bond. THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully observe and timely comply with all r:quirements of s_,' , Subdivision Compliance Agreement and all oruinances and applicable to said subdivision, and if the Princip-.l shall well and truly p=-rform all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall a�� �pt1y make payment to all persons supplying labor or material for any prosecution of trio wor!:, and if the Principal shall not permit a- y lien or claim to be file' or prosecuted at;sinst t'i.- City on account of any abo: or material furnished, and if the Principal shall prc,mjrlc pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accieant Fund and the State Compe,tsation fund, and shall promptly as due make payment to the person, co- partn:,rship, associaLzor or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Ch:.tptvrc 27? .320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall promptly comply with all withholding arrd paynoti t r� rlrirementq of Chapters 316.162 to 316.212 O.R.S. with resp :ct to the collecticn of tares at sour e, '_hen upon full completion of all work and the furnishing of evidence sitisfartnry to the City that all requirements he-reof have been fulfilled, and if the Prtnri.pat shall execute and deliver to the City the Maintenance Bond described in said Sulx', ivision Compliance Agreement, then the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal thk, sL� id cash bond deposit : P:,N)VEDED, hoTivver, L!,at th, obligations hereof shall not apply to any money or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontractor or other person in the o. any such work whether specifically provided for by contract or other- 14 , however, the Principal shall fail to literally comply with all requirements n f s 1 i d J; l!rd i-is ion Compliance Agreement and all the requir,,ments•hereof, or shall in i, ,rtirulor }perform the work in a defective manner, upon i.0 days notice by the City ; ti :', ins:ipa' and such default or Failure continuing thereafter. , tine ',ity is hereby i, rl to have said work performed or the requirements of the Subdi, ision Compliance it hroupht into conformity with the terms thereoF and with the City's ordinances r l 0 i,)ns, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized to char;a the saxes agaitist r ,t r, d cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amounts certified b; t ' t b, chars•eabif, thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute r, e' - .,,cptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor ,hall the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall ttie City by reason thereof become obligated to any person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, the City be, and it is hereby authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurr,:d by the City including Attorney's fees in exacting complir- -e therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accordance with the terms and ,,revisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of slid deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requi :'ements hereof. IN 14ITNESS WHEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CTTY OF TIGARD, OREGON Nayor By: _ By: _ Recorder PRTNCIPALt B y: _�ey�s President ' By: By: ��Secreta ry By: BANK (ASSOCIATION') :Community► Bank U. ZONE CHANGE - 'LC 1u-77 (YOLO ESTATES) A request by the City of '.Tigard for review of the Yolo Estates Planned Development (approved in 1977) to determine its present status. The subject property is located between SX. Pathfinder I-lay & S. J. Walnut Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2SI 2BC, Tax Lot 1900). This item was con- sidered by the Planning ConuAssion at their February 6, 1979, meeti:.- and referred to the City Council. Applicant is requesting extension k• : time under Tigard Municipal Code. (a) Associate Planner explained the recortmendation of the Planning Com- mission, stating that they approved the extension which is needed due to 0,e lack of s;entficant ranstruction within the allotcd I. ;Te period. He went on to say that the Planning Commission approved this extension with the conditions previously approved plus five conditions. The new conditions are as follows: 1. That inlets to the planned 36-inch Ct^.P beneath Walnut Street be mitered to conform to the embankment slope. 2. That tale rip rap erosion protection proposed rit the outlet of the 48-inch RCP be extended across the full width of the channel for at leas► a distance of 40 feet measured along the channel. 3. That t'ie buildings for occupation be protected from flooding by E providing the finished floor elevations at a minimum elevation of !� 163.0 on lots 1 through 6; elevation 164.0 on lot 7 and 166.0 on lots 9 and 10. The finished floor elevation for lots 11-15 should be a minimum of one foot above the lowest adjacent curb elevation. 4. That the velocities within the watercourse should be noa-etasive and, if found to be within two years after final construction of units, the developer shall make corrections to the approval of the City Engineer and Building Departments. 5. On site grading of the individual lots shall be donr_ to prevent the surface waters from reaching the southeasterly lots of the development. (b) Councilwoman Stimler expressed her concern about the sensitivity of the land in question. She felt that it might be better to wait on action until better data, hydrological studies, etc. ran be obtained. She mentioned in particular the flood plain study now being completed ' by the corps of. Engineers. E (c) Councilman Brian asked staff whether the developer had complied with the previous conditions (talose established in September). Associate Planner stated that the developer had br..en complying. (d) After lengthy discussion by Council, Councilman Brian moved to grant a one year extension to the project. Seconded by Councilman Cook. Councilman Conk questioned whether this motion would include the five new c..nditlons added. Legal Counsel stated that it would. Approved by 3 to 1 vote of Council., Councilwoman Sti.mler voting Nay. 1------' _ -.____4 PUBLIC HEARING OPENED: 8:00 P.M. PAGE 3 - REGULAR COUNCIL MINUTES - February 26, 1979 STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.1 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Fowler Junior High School - Lecture Room 10665 S.W. Walnut Street - Tigard, Oregon Dccket: Zone Change ZC 10-77 (Yolo Estates) Applicant: Donald E. Pollock/Richard Brainard owner: Donald E. Pollock Location: S.W. Pathfinder Way and S.W. 107th (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BC, Tax I.nt 1900) Requost: A request by the City of Tigard for review of the Yolo Estates Planned Development (approved in 1977) to determine its present stitus. This item was tabled from September 19, 1978 Planning Commission Public Hearing Meeting. I. Findings of Fact: 1. Pursuant to the City of Tigard ..oriing Ordinance Title 18.56.170, "If substantial construction or development has not taken place within one year from date of approval of the general development plan and program; the Planning Commission shall review the district at a public hearing to determine whether or not its continuation in whole or in part is in the public interest, and if found not to be, shall recommend to the City Council that the Planned Development district on the property be removed. The City Council, at the request of the applicant, may grant an extension of time if justifiable". (Ordinance 71-4 r 4, Exhibit A (part) , 1971: Ord. 70-32 ® 185-6, (1970) . 2. The approval of the Planned Development was granted by the City on July 25, 1977 . The City Engineer, John Hagman, has determined that no substantial construction has taken place on the site. 3. The Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting of September. 19, 1978, tabled a request by the City of Tigard for review of the Yolo Esta'--es Planned Development until the applicant complies with the following conditions: 1. That a Hydrological Engineer be contracted (paid for by the applicant, chosen by the City staff) to establish the surface drainage flow amount and velocity on the property. 2. That the study indicate offsetting mitigating methods to be made by the appl '.cant if adverse conditions exist. 4. The applican'. has complied with the conditions (see attached report by Waker Assc�ciat-�s, In(7. November 6, 1978) . 5. The Planning Comnission needs to determine two issues: STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.1. TIGARD PLANNING CUNIMISSION February 6, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Page 2. I.- Review the Planned Development to determine whether or not its continuation in whole or in pact is in the oublic interest, and make such findings to the City Council witl reor—mendation to allow continuation oz dissolve the district. 2. Whether or not to condition the approved plar.iad development with the suggestions given by the Waker Associat_s, Inc. representative. II. Conclusionary Findings: 1 . The Planning Commission required the applicant to restudk the drainage area as an impact concern for the public interest. With new information as to offsetting solutions to modify the natural conditions to allow development. It appears that the public interest has been addressed. 2. The Planning Commission should consider requiring the applicant to implement the improvements suggested by the recent. Hydrological Study. 3. The applicant has demonstrated the desire to continue as a Planned Development Pistrict,and has complied with the latest requirements of the City to insure progession towards the development of the subject property. III. Staff Recommendations: Staff suggests that the planning Commission recommend continuation of the district known as ZC 10-77 "Polo Estates" in *?sole to the City Council with the following conditions: 1. That inlets to the planned 36-inch CMP bereath Walnut Street be mitered to conform to the embankment slope. 2. That the rip rap erosion protection proposed at the outlet of the 48-inch RCP be extended across the full width of the channel for at least a distance of 40 feet measured along the channel. 3. That the buildings fol occupation, he protected from flooding by providing the finished floor elevations at a minimum elevation of 163.0 on lots 1 through 6; elevation 164.0 on lot 7 and 166.0 on lots 9 and 10. The finished floor elevation for lots 11-15 should be a minimum of one foot above the lowest adjacent curb elevation. 4. That the velocities within the watercourse should be nonerosive and, if found to be within two years after final construction of units, the developer shall make corrections to the approval of the City Engineer and Bui.Lding Departments. 5. On site grading of the individual lots shall be done to prevent the surface waters from reaching the southeasterly lots of the development. Report prepared by: Ken Selby Reviewied by: Aldie Howard Associate City Planner Planning Director January 30, 1979 January 30, 1979 M 9' �_S.�• ` L r € m • 240 9 Q' 810690 (�)-—-— ! --#, � .,0 00 5LLJ Z �? A, 112' 115 (W) Oro 488' 010720 1` W> t O AQ y O r � 9 -' 1 3'25 \ (7S) l0 i \� LA00 / J Q / -):\N B6NQ 13,'' o r n 1 D � 14 •'', 1� }1V (Ni1 91U7 � NORTHWEST NA TURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE MAIN SKETCH � 6 u OI a m W .+ a C r o o a a a fjR UNDERGROUND-PHONE PRESSURE RATING b XRAY A�F WATER '! � SF WfR ra'� / TEST PRESSURE,. PSIO Jq' PUY4E p .��` _ .. r,� TEST DURATION j / I► Pf40NF lam- WELDS TO BE:RAYED--,% 4f Q DESIGN PRESSURE ` PSIO C �0 �. 0MA.O.P _ -. PSIG t O l NORMAL OPER.PRE". _►SIG W = C DATCI. '4d G\ INSTAI.I MAIN _.�._flfar,..l_.—_-- FEE OF FEET OF _ ABANDON MAIN FEE T Of' _- _._.__ FFFT OF TYPECOATINGS PIPI1 JOINtS [ FITTINGS,,,. — t INTALL SERVICE - .FEET OF _.—. INSTALL i t ! _.+NODES. INSTALIFDMAIN -_ _- FEET OF ___FEET OF ABANDONED MAIN _.—,.__ .._,.__ FEET OF _" __ FEET OF a TYPE COATINGS PIPE_. _._�__.JOINTS FITTINGS_.__. a INSTALLEDSFRV!CF --FEETOF INSTALLED ANODES DATE COMPLFTED_____ SIGNEb -- cR4w iuou (WRIY[ADDITrONAI INFORMATION ON[Rl1CN) MFASIIRFfi _ DATE SCALE ,T A►I U ___ DATE SEG NO -- PLATTED DATE �r DATE SIGNED . ..�- CNECI(Sa\J�1l._=_ DATE_IZ' �C. . �.�.....-�,...r-.._. PLAT M APPROVED_ DATE _ - WAl LMAP ` MAIN W/IRF MO)f II No ,- __ SERVICE WORK ORDER NO H1 TWF IN It I — 1.f)I1NT r i _ I 1 I PI At NO SFtnON To" HIP RANGE I Ke CIVIL ENGINIflt1NG PLANNING SURVIYING inc. Y - November 6, 7.978 Mr. Doug Pollock File V, S-531.01 Donald E. Pol lock 'Tnvestr,►Ents �,�,� • ' ` � ' 10211 S.W- .,Barbur Blvd. .r• ; Suite 205 , Fortland, OR 97219 RE: Yol-o Estates Dear Mr. Pollock: Tigard, Oil Per your request, the following is a report regarding the la • drainage improvements for the subject developrr,E•nt , Planned Introduction The purpose of the study was to deterrline the burface Wat,er flow . t quantities and velocities which flow through the project :t' The study was based or, a design runoff having a twenty-five (25) ye,ir f.requetcy and the affect of a one-hundred 0.00) year frequency. : • runoff. Descri tion � � t �� , . � .• _ `'� � �. The project has b sen planned and approved by the City of Tigard for fifteen single £amily 'lots served from two cul-de-sacs ; The inn- provement plans, 'prepared by R.A. Wright Fn lneerin improve the existi.rtg channel by const-ruct:ina culvert at to at the South cul-de- sacg, realign a short section of the channeg; at the north end of the sauth cut-de-sac and by clearing debrie'.f. •1 �.� and underbrush from the Channel . An additional, culvert has beon Planned beneath Walnut Street to Limit the ponded water 'su•rface elevation, due to a 100 year runoff flow, to 162.00 feet •in vation based on a Oregon State Division of Hi ht•, � s datum, els-, Discussion - �^ A review was made of available information through contacts with , `• • �: the City of Tigard, flood hazard maps, onsite inspections end t• approved construction plans for the project. Also incl.ud,2 the review was a report by David W. Bryan, P.E. concerning in grading and drainage for the subject project. g the ' 648 HIC,H 5TREE7, N.F. /5ALEh1 OREGON 91a01 i(rin,%).7W)_A�, . t i Flood hazard rnaps ,• prepared by the. Corps of I.nglncers i.n(Itente t I nt llpre,,1 t4 nut dtrecLIy affected by t.110 100 year flood plain for Fanno Creek, Drainage; map9 as well, as o tii.te inspec- tion indicate that: the westerly portion of the site is Subject to inundation from high frequency storm runoff floors , Several factors contribute to the ponding condition re7hi.ch include an inadequate culvert at the north boundary of. the site where tl-,e creek crosses bu-neath Walnut Street, a channel in which 'f. :�ow�, are restricted by debris and vegetation, and a concreve •cul_vej. t: which obstructs flows in the channel.. : ►, In addition t:o storni '4rater flows through the watercourse; Surface -� runoff reaches the project from properties to rhe sout.Y,east, The contributing watershed area to the watercourse rrr,versinp, tt)e pro j cc t. is nbout:, 500 acres. A review of. the I-i clr.ul.cfay paned , , ,re �Y Y preparedby k-A, Wr_i',ht Indicates thatthe computed flc,ws arri;'acccptablr ,� The twenty-Five year runoff flow has been def:crrii.ned 'to l;e 158 cubic .feet p?r second and the one-•hundred year ;:ont; f f•7.0w to s be 216 cubic feet per second, ? � The hydraulic adequacy of the planned drainage improvc►ne.rit:s were reviewed and it has been dEtern►inecl that the project can 'be .deve.1-• oped as planned without flooding c►f the prot,used },u9.l,�li.nyq , The calculated water surface for the twF-nty-five year design flaw is 160 feet in elevation at the crossine, cif Walnut Street:• Thin \ will create a backwater effect providing the required detentlor► for the project . The maximum vele►cities in the Main channel for the design flow should re 'less than five (5) feet pc•r, F;econd find should not cause erosion of any Suorr itude, As the ground; r,i.sps to the south, the, design water surface jr1crease9 to an el.evati.or► ofapproximately .166 feet. ,. '. The bonded water .surface elevation for a cine•-hundred yen r runoff flow is 162 feet at the crossing of Walnut Street: The affect,: of the one-hundred year water surf .- c is depicted on the ;"eneral Development Plan, drawing number 264-•1, pr ep ir-1 by H.A. Wright Engineering. Flow velocities undFr this condition shouldnot •` t; exceed the maximum flow velocities for the twency-five year design ,',:'; f low. The ponded water surface elevation, for the twenty-five year desi�;n flow, at the entrance of the forty--eight inch re'infc,rr,:Vd concrete culvert (RCF) beneath S.W., Pathfinder Way is calculcted to be 169 feet . This will cause ponding alorig the front of 30ts 12 through 15 , Frovisions should be made to provide culverts acro,s the driveways, for_ these lots to eleminate the trapping of storm waters . `� �- '►��� �E•gt� I MI)dtrivrttton to P1nnH It is this writer' s opinion that minor modifications to the planned improvements are necessary to mitigate the impact of the 100 year water surface elevation and channel erosion . The suggested modi- fications are as follows: 1. The inlet to the planned 36-inch Cr,P beneath Walnut Street should be mitered to conform to the embank- ment slope. 2,. The 'rWp ap erosion protection proposed 1`_ the out- let of the 48- inch RCP should be extended across r„ the full. width of the channel for at least a dis- tance of twenty feet measured along the channel. , ` Conclusions 1'' .1 . The designed improvements' wild. provide adequate conveyence of the 25 year frequency runoff for the watershed. ` r � 2. The 100 year. 'water surface elevation of 162.0 can be main- �` .` • _' tained alorrg lots 1 through 6 providing the entrance to thc� 36-inch CMP culvert is mitered as suggested herein . 3 . Buildings for occupation can he protected from flooding If the finished floor elevations are set at a minimum elevation r of 163 .0 on lots` 1, through 6; elevation 164.0 on lot 7 and elevation 166 .0 on lot, 9 and 10. The finished floor elevation for lots 11 through. 15 should br. a minimum of one foot . ' above the lowest, adjacent curb elevation. ►. 4. Velocities. withi.n the watercourse should be non erosive. 5. Surface waters reaching the south easterly lots of the devel- opment can be controlled by on-site grading -of, the individual lots . Should you need additional information or assistance in this matter T please call. . . Very~ truly .your.9 Waker' Associates, Inc. Gary C. Bliss, P.E. ?l.at;��.1 �n iE n �aMi'1�'4r :�Gl�1.�.1i►Yix4� �e�a;+�laaaa3, t�ra�ran 97;�i� i�u�t must to tluIt�►�1c,�4wse li, t91'►� a� C�r�l a+Mi,�rt. }�►rrr.tnw ad�i i»��.'ltm�sk Y a�a atzalaat�a� o dist 4�C tptr�c lEydtmlr+;;�.rs�l Lattioaa��.u� e:»ra�ar PVUj NMW L�y tU4 City SUIT. r>cax; vaomplatLam of, t k4 lt�dx�la�,��asl StAgAeg, eastact wa to ravlaw utydius &&I arts"* 4 NrratAAg 4&%* VWX t.bo PIt^f.urOj Cam1ssl,on, x Saxe uta 4AY f 4rtiwX xdaraltlW�«a� lrXer�sa cotttac t wmb. S�ira�a�ar�lyA si azs �a xtry �►sa�sirt+r ft,ac,ru�r Y.lasalr�q virsater .:�Jiti 31Y� 1sAq ' CITY OF T1GARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main, Tigard, Oregon 97223 September 6 , 1.978 Mr. Don Pollock Donald E. Pollock Investments 10211 S .W. Barbur Blvd. Suite 202 Portland, Oregon 97219 RE: ZC 10-77 Dear Mr . Pollack: Pursuant to the City of Ti.gard Zoning Ordinance Title 18 .56. 170 your Planned Development Zone Change ZC 10-77 Yolo Estates at E .W. Pathfinder Way (WaFeh . Co. Tax. Map 2S1 2BC, Tax Lot 1900) has been referred to the "'ity of Tigard Planning Con-mission for a public hearing on September 19, 1978 at 7: 30 P.M. to determine whether or not the Planned Development shall be continued . According to Title 18.56. 170, if substantial construction or development has not taken place within one year from the date of approval of the general development plan and program, the planning commission shall review the district at a public hearing to determine whether a continuation in whole or in part shall. be in the public interest , and if found not to be, shall recommend to the City Council that the Planned Development District on the property be removed . The City Council , at the request of the applicant , may grant an extension of time If ,justifiable. The approval of the Planned Development was granted by the City on July 25, 1977. The City Engineer. , John Hagman , bas determined that no substantial construction has taken place on the site. Based on this information, the Yolo Estates Planned Development has been referred to the planning commission . Therefore, you are hereby notified to cease further work on the site until further notice. Sincerely, Kenneth L. Weaver Planning Director KLW: db cc : Joe Bailey John Hagman Raeldon Barker CITY OF TIGARU Uate : e2 52�,. 17e:> AVO Lei Verbal At—sa..tc!s ciTy OF TIGARD To ! r ron Sui, lect: Date � 1 y k. A Vot-cl�er, c, cl 0 kcl V%-$.'%/,Ilk r 0 v a ev, k I%x c'I V c- e -.I g-k zt Dr--VEkO{'�.�(�N-r� COMPUTxrioN SHEET �O J E C T NAME ------ --- - PROJECT N0.—__..._- •- .. (1) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, sec. 10, Par."A"): a)Total estimated improvemInt cost . . , .. .3-0. =- b) Lose tan. sewer est const ost......... .. $ L',�p Adjusted improvement cost......... . ... ... subtotal) -•? 3 , 6Ub101a1 (2) SEWSFEE (U•S• . res. 70-12,See.9, Tw`'Iskarskn%c o) ewer plan check fee 8 (nspaction fee , I) � 10.0 0 x ____lam I• 5 :�'' Cori (no, of lots) 21 0 100.00 min. M • b) Permit tee d connection charge pal . . . • •• ••• C3 c)Sewer district contract surcharge paid` ......... C3 (disfrir:f name_..______-- --•--� (3) STREET LIGHTING FEE a) P.G.U. lighting schedule no._...�� — b) Mthly rate option. ...... . no. typeoflumens (1-SZ pp�� zx 4_._ _ �- (mthly rote) (no.of Iighla) type of poUoM Moi _ is 4 ... - _woo D 5.0 ._L— - (rnthly rale) (no o1 lights) 12 5 l yr. = 12 mth'f (subtotal) �.===°—"`: 4-18 - 24mthe -I2 SZ x Z4 =.... . . . . . .... . . . . . _.. _ (suG+aul (�o.of mthd (4) SIGN FEE (item�rnsteliation) (per sign) (no of sign) STOP . --- x RESTRICT. OCCUPANCY ---- - x STREET SIGN _-_ _—X COMB.STOP/ST.NAME 7Z. x NO PAR K I N G ---- x a ..------- r ' \Inl� 'lnlscl type) RECEIPT NO91 J PATE PAID - AI L-L1 1 x'15 check 1-- GRAND TOTAL cath 1:3 mcney o.-der M *Insert: sewer,street,urs.:�d' pion w NOTE: Contractor shell cl4ar debris and undergrowth 5 ' each side of the t • `3q i FQIv r existing creek flowline from Walnut (' ��''•'1,�++I, N L R �T�EE?- Street to the new culvert et Pathfinder _ _ l��-� 4T' �` - ,.�%� -.-- Way. Wa - - • - ' (� y. Debris shall be removed f-om the - �� _ \'' ; ,' . ��•"' I' project site and disposed of at an �� - _ ------ -:f -- -- - approved disposal site � % ,' c \ G f}\. -�„r'1 i„�yJ-.r V r • , . _ I1- �A eAIST _48"L.M_P_ ••J�V ..•�' `• j l }il,• , C- f,'� ti" ."�':.:-e�. I 1' ,���-' -/ ••1.• REALIGN ft OF (R_EeK �� ��'f �'��� � \.\\\ I.E. IN ( 153UT ( OU7.25) - --- •---� ,'_i,.i. \ _._ � I E 151.30) O \\\ \ PER 7YF ICAL 5 C 1!ON _ wr,.,.��...w�+..- T.....�_-_ .... " ,•o'. ..,� \ \\ --- \ -- ✓.�I 1 •.... \ �V L� fr `\�i .�^�, ,� ,+,;,'ice A \ � \ T1.115 SHEET YGH SIN � IN6TALL ;A L.F. �� \ � "' "";-•'..-... . K �• , _ •,,,� - .. { \ /� /- p_�_ ••� .,•.� ,,, , •-�, I.E. GU / �� T.C. Ifog.y4 0 12" WI�IJ. �lf IN� SHA \ ) r;. v rr A ;� rot, � ►'?' Vw. �, 16? FF RAUI>i tL MNE�WEEP"t,ES ( CURS AS PROVIDED \ � � � � � '2 � • '�. •�. �, +:. t���0 . ' , . ` ;1� t•• •1 �..._-- ---.. _._ / �' Lv n•L V��O .SEE TAI L \ �..�. - -- -- Ys._.�::AA�i ..�:.+...:c...w ... _ \_ !�i/, \ Ir', ' 1.-� •• u •• '�.'.: y `,• S �. I'i\Iq Low•,•�.1 11 , _ •^ �\ 45 L.F f?"WNC. pIYE j SHEET NQ. 2 J, _ %"__'lE G JT 154.2 \ -� \ \_ I.E OUT 153.30 „•�.. �)„r: F' �; '. � .": 1. `��Trr;ce ti►,titer (T.(-. I11 .49) -CONSTRUCT 5CLF - _ _ � � 16„ G '' ; %l-r r N,t�'y •�Gr�,r;. .• . ., ti° J `t / u R -- I l X11 rr - -\ _ =-�- �- --:5-:_= 5 \ \ IN(JT'AL.L -15 L.rOF 3. o I P `• . W. 4 GP GLA55 II DAYLIGHT :_ - -- I: I \ \ 2 r- I/Z'' CORRUGATIONS i ' j "5�' ?�J o • . ... ,�• ,,�� •J � . . -_```_`%��• \ EXIGT. 15" Ifo GAUGE �,•'a. }•' �/� 1 ,... �'`. '•'' . , ;� -! �I39 ..� //I /f 02) CON57RUGT 8' WIDE I E E __ i h' I �`. :4T- • ' I `� ',`- FILL ► --tom- -:.c a; 6 65 1 - -"%� ',:• ' .i J: rj.vw�)' '• ;/ p, 1 �•' , _ ;c, / A.0 BICYCLE PATH 5 s '• PEP \ DAYLIGHT TO r rl1 r�1 �9 e`• / rof: - 11 4 2I \ JOIN E�(lhT. GREEK „ + _ - 15"ExltT .*N+ w; , - FI LL -t -' TOE OF n L L406r _ - _ - �% •' -- � L �,q _ �"-- - - d5 L.P. 12" COKC_PIPE _ - �,,�5 ..¢ e5M'r /,,sem - - -_ - 3% V(C I I\1 I TY MAP •4: I fn3.0U � --- - ------- - _ __ --_ ---_ _ ;�yqg � rc 107.14 � (0 5 c a I Q III - 2CLb and SALVAGE TOE OF - __ _--__ "�` �iR6Dtr1 9�- - \ ( EXt 24 L.F. -- --- - ,"'- - _ .- _ `_ _ =, _ "' 0 t- 4 _ ,- _ K.Gft.11 14;x'4 tC 1(,60 \ /_- CATCi-I �AhIN 5T .F FI Lw. _ - -- ~ ' __ - -�- 11 /'�- ''� _ - {\ I.E. IN 105.313 CON 5TRU CTI ON NOTE5 40 RCB_ Y-( ___j' '�_- ` _ "` --' - --__- __ - ___ -- - _'-�\� _ M _ �[�� �_ I _ _ � `t �8. � .E• our I�a.So �� -_--- - _ - ---- -- -- -- __ -���� -� - - - w Ilk _ TOE OF jQ T.0 !raj.$- 1 L. ° 15 GR f - - - - ---- _� --- - _ ---- ------ -� _ __ . _ _ _ - -- bikeway sin (0 D- . \ - - ` FILL CO'IC PIS Install bi y t; (OBD-11-1-18) on 4 x 4 poet Z __- � M1 94110 _,_.-- -- - _ �h�;- -\ ,� ow"" fi� ,� �� �� - � �� } CATCH fl4.SIN - Construct sidewalk raG-) per City of Tigard Standard Drawing No. 76-A-236. 14%, 11 ? ___ - 2-- __- TC 1 �_ /64" d .. - I.E. 106,150- 4i 1 kA �� / ---- - - - - - - - - -- v �� ;: v .-. »»-. .w»• a.•.� \\ a�4_16 1(09.01 3 Adjust manhole to grade. 4 rc ►69.57 . ` , \ \ i i / I _-- _ _ - _ A>C� [aF CURB•... - -- / `` -`------ - �' • . _. - w `�`_"` _. �/ Curve sidewalk for mailbox cluster per City of Tigard Standard Drawing T.6 110-_ -- - - ,� - y----- _ _ - - - __- - A 4 T.0 170. 1.5 ® No. 75-A-243. fr►��il� a� tsrs .12 TOP OF ROCK MA60NKY ' J �� \ `/ y Remove interfering portions of existing 12" concrete pipe and reconstruct • - `� /- ., CUT RETAINING WALL _!' / � \\ \\ 4~ O as s;,own ( I.E. 155.8) . o �- CURVE DATA 3 - - - + �, �- ,� _ �, `� OR A>~TERNATIvE „( � ' EXISTING r d O e v 0. R L v r, W14 L-1 \T I � I \\ } RL?CKWALL � © Join existing 4.5 wide A.C. sidewalk and existing concrete curb. � V N S + I o I +� , Y _ t`_ ��1 L1G t cp x g + w + �_ A_ 100 4� 2(o co 19. 30 $I 8 r s %j `�- c ago o -� .� O. � W Oc_ N , , ,�• Q V C V 1i1 '� Join existing concrete curb. .C_ �_ + c -'y o @� - =I v 23 49°Zlo Com" 18.24' `s o + v -� Lu + �o-- N m C `� - '� ac cx + - -- �c` p u j cr �- co _ +- ccs cc> C 12�0�'4I+' 28.9 ,�-- �, d v -- `� v441 Reconstruct portions of existing A.C. sidewalk removed for construction U ; � �� w � � I L of Pathfinder Court (3" A.C. over 3" of 3/4"-0 aggregate base) . D 23 1 35 29 3. O�a .� SW PATiH FINDER WAY E ���' _�o° 3�.�T ' s SW PATHFINDER Cf ,., PU I cp�.l.. ��.r ,.���• a,, � stgK �c,l. �, ��s,ol) �A , r � (4)Skree.�1i-S1Wkti 40 bt I�+s�at�ect► tat.. aA7 7pp"' Vej P-02,E. Ca, laXditJ, 9+�_ 10+C0 11 +00 I2+00 _ 13+ - I �- I 9+OD I0*CD II+00 12+00 '13+00 14+00 6„ - - --- -- r - ----- ---- - - - -- - - -_. ---- -- -_ ___- - ------ - -- - - �- --- - - -- - �- Cf) �, - _ -_.- -- ---- --� - - -- _-- _ -- - - - -- ---- - - CA Ro s,r V - _-- -- - -- - - - - - --- - _ 1 ;r I - {�- t5 111c \ a- I ` - -_.._ _-- Ila 0.`/ I O - 111 _J i - N /'� 4 11 W W RJ W W J Id 41 tL W 1 � 180 -- - d 2 # @ 22 O.G. iw -- ��-- ._ - _-_- -- - a a a a a a a � a r - �• � a V G w o n c n n n o a v o ------ -' --- -.--- - ----- - - - - - -- . C� rn _ -_- --_ 1 \ UJ i (!fir - -- __ ___ - _� _ -- -- - --- -- -- _ _ ? CU6 G FT. r 4 I ' --_ -- - -- 11 � OF ELECTED 01)16"0,6. s c� L ---- .� r C) '' ~ �" , �I �; _ - CLEAN o \, I d!I --- - - - �' - - - --- - =I - - - GRAVEL I 4" WEEP HOLEh i d C0 o N C) I _ _ , I(o5 i ----u-- ---- -- - - -- --- }� - - 1�0 ! �l i��- �� --.- - -- - - - - _PLUG 1�5 EP HOLE r .'' Z IOC.KF_Y \\ URB -- - � E WL _ ------ - ___ _ I ' . _J _J I -- Iv' ---� dS \\� _ s 4 GD -_---- - -- - ---- - - - - _ - - -- -- -- ----- - _119.29 =cr) CL ccs r- O _ r 16 ._ yvi U I Q '" - I. --- - - - *4 P ?2"O.C. ,^ _ 01C. J Y W 0. W J -J d - - -- - > + © - -- - - ---- - ----- P - - '-- - - --- - _ -- --- - --- - - --- - - ----- -- -- -- . - - -- � n Q W n r 1 a tom•► L1 � � � _ _a � PROFILE 1Z ,� � � ' - --- --- Z _ � _ 1' =t7i) O($ C u �- �• 3 r � o ------____-- . _ -- - - ------_- _------------ -- ----- - - w ---= ------- P'= 50'HOR. I' - b' ve%T. Z Z °a n z t�. ,� I A l,l , g' PERT. g D w 4 3 R/w 50, f�/vv ALTERNATIVE R. G. RETAINING WALL WW R/W a m u u P 0 n z d 1 . _-- -- -- NO 5GAL.E EX 16T I N 4 5' MIN. GROUND , I 5 I T 17 I r Tot: OF r � ( 5 ---- -- IQ - - - -14 -- -- - - I ---- ZDApwAY �'\ 0.5 - 0.5 CONhTRUCT CONC. CURB 45 FILL (5.w. CHANNEL CONSTRUCT CONC. CURB CONSTRUCT 4" `41CK ' exlST. PER CITY OF TIGARD 619• 6 GROWN CON!T"r UCT CONG, 51DEWALK GROUNp I : PAtHt"INDER PER C I TY Of- TIGARD 2 DRG. 't t-A-20: __ ROCK MASO N 12Y . • � ;� WAY) � pRAWt'NG # 71-A- 201 „ \ 0.0294 0 0294 _ - _ KETAININC+ NJALL (o GROWN o O iL �... i 0.0357 .... 2qe \� - ----- - `� -'I 5, 0" I .,Ll ERNAIIVE 0.0357 �! REINFORCED CuNG. ? / OAGKFILL %4'%FT. � CONSTRUCT • CON TRUCT .0 YEMEN ♦ RETAININ SELECTED --� CONC. CURB 5 A PA T 4 WALL _ x}11 THICK CONG• 3" CLA66 C A6PKALT CONC. � CON6TRUCT A.C. PAVEMENT (LE. EL a� 5(WWALK �"' EXIT. 3 Mlt�.� (6TA. 13+01.-1 - 12 ,y 2��iinr�•t's1 1i Z'' '314"-0 AGEIRECATE BA5E CLA% G ASPHALT CONC. � � GREEK PER DETAIL TH15 1 �'�` � 2 '3/4'1-0 AGGREGATE i'�ASE � GROUND • I" a�Its�- •MC �s� 2,1-0 AGGREGATE 5Uf301ACaE (LOW 1=LOwl SHEET 2"iN 4(v.1i4" WEEP HOLES ___ ' Ttw we kens es- N F : " 44 a �' 2" - 0 AGGREGATE 5U13P.1�A5E 1 + r -'YPICAL SECTION - ;Q11- vee d1 / ' / / . / / vc >a t.r .mss feu a.c , 3, _ 6„ t SECTION A-A LO\v&/ ALO'"i CHANNEL /o >� �,,,,�. •,.�,%,/r �.,,...,.,,,�,� SECTION 8-E5 NO SCALE NO SLALIE - �/% ���. 4-P" +4 4a✓t , S'+�r� .✓,e/t NO 5CALE ROCK MA50N RY RETAINING WALL_ w�/rr r"e~ffJVs/, - - - NO SCALE DATE ' \S\�aED P�pFff Nov. '"11 YOLO ESTATES TIGARD, OREGON f� -Nov LAYNE UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS -_- - --- ---- -- - SHEET *61Nti �� I DESIGNER OWNER �- 8453 _.. R.A.Wr i g h t �J CA W E L l._ er.�►r t �. • 1308 SW. Bertha Blvd --H-�� --- REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR DONALD E. POLLOCN INVESTMENTS ""'"�'""I"of"�°WUM ^ ICON C0F'�� -- ��'moo- -- - ----- --- of - - -�,� - o o engineering Portland. Oregon 97219 • r�e1A CIR ULAT _--- sj 11 - 603/246-4293 DRAFTSMAN Oregon - Washington y 23, ,9 consulting engineers •)1JII,�t 6120 S.W. Lombard Avenue 10211 SW BARBUR BOULEVARD --- --- - Beaverton, Oregon 970105 PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 PLAN AND PROFILE ��y AE11ME��� REVIEWER Telephone 503 / 644 3179 - DRAWING NUMBER �{ N0. _.-.-- _-- -- REVISION -DATE - BY 264- 3 .STATE _ co Nil I w - . �� IIII �11�I,It .t. ��� ►�I I'trr � ilrii � r"ti 'rr IIIIre rII IrIllrrillrrrrll . �,-.... .- _ _ - _ •. - wwi ern � "7!`A""'"' '"'" - -- --- - •----- ...•-^--- { r I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I ( I I ( I V I I I 11IIIII11rIlIrIIItII,111111�1111T111�1111IIIIIIItllllrt111r1111 _ t t NOTE: I F THIS MICROFILMED •- -.• Z 3 lam.._ 5 8 .». 7 8 0 10 - 11 _ 12 I _ f DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I , THIS NOTICFn--TT IS DUE TO Df f .•r�_.✓""! URAWtTTY C THE ORIGINAL AE dZ t I swawr a _ 9z « 9z SZ fz Ez zz 12 0z 6 81 L 91 SI r1 EI ZI I1 01 d 9 L 9 S r E z I _ f,,/ ►NI�IulunlmlllalLn�Irrnb�Irlu urlaulrlrtalulrtilr�ab�6�l,na�udui l uh�nl�t�hr!rlla iii Ir�IIIu��ar�4r tlttlNn��Itm .IN......�Y�1�luullullllIllnuluub�u�Wwduu�Wlluu�rlulr�htl� .. JULY 1 0 1992 y. ,-, �'....-:.r -►cn".� -r. .... '� n•. -. .___� -. ,-. --t ... ....._ ...__._.. .. _. ,,,,. a. _._. ..rlo••;.Ytl, tl .:.w,+• _.:wi...:!�.. _._ .. F 2'-91/4" } �+ 2'-8" If Is your responsibility, as part of this permit, to notify e11 utility 0.4 operators of the extent Of t'lis Work PRIOR TO STARTING TaE JOB. 10 3/4" 10 1/2" 10 3/4" _ 3NX21O t CO + 7+00 t M 4 f (24 hours if Aossib.e) _ ' /210 X 3/8" 1'-101/4" LONG UT1LTlFS TFL B. NO. `TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS WATER Tirt z• rdY1,,torDistrict 639.1554 -� --- - --- -- 2 REO'D I -I�teczge: ih'.,ler District - - - - -- - 2a5-33:11 IlWflr •est Natural C: s Co. 22.6.4211 X-212 --- - --- _ ...- - -t - ------- - - - . GA EPHONE • General .elephane Co. 6x,3.1661 X-44 , SC _ T ELECTRIC -Purtlsnd Cwr.eral 1 3 4 ACING +- GENERAL ROCK MAS014RY RETAINI14G WALT, Electric Cu. 6435-154 FB. 3/4"11 3/16"XT-8-8 V2", 2 REO'D a ` __ _ __ ___ _ F Issued by ro FLAT BAR 5/6"x 2 1/2" ■ 2=6 3/4" 12 REo'D ti 11� _ --- - - _ -- _ --- --- - - ��� Work on this project shall be completed in accordance with 1 . This work shall consist of placing rock in c � beds % ___ CO CO alp d the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, APWA, in such shapes and at such locations as shown on the plans 1 _ d/8 >< 3" BOLTS 4 REO'D ^ -p j Oregon Chapter and the following Special Provisions . or directed by the Engineer and as specified in these speci- - - _ r---s fications. ---- - + -a y, .� GRADING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS --- - -- _ N W �`~ - 2 . Rock for rock masonry shall. be clean, hard, durable and free _ _ 110 ---------------- � 6�__T__. s 170 1 . Areas to be filled shall be stripped from seams or other imperfections. The rock shall have a FLAT BAR, I/2 21/2 x 2 8V2, 2 REO'D l N Oy=-�fl -- o�° �.1 v peed of all organic matter, p F- -T BAR, 6/B" x 21/2"x I'-61/2; 2 REO'D 3/4" --� -� � � j I -. �' �j T- �' 0CLO soft spongy earth, or other unsuitable materials, prior to loss in the Los Angeles Rattler Test rafter 500 revolutions) ��w p1VG - - O �, Qd.) placement and compaction of fill material . of not more than 50 percent. %X - LLl �i O +GAO d- v JU �� 2 . Fill material shall be placed in horizontal , uniform layers, All weathered rock shall be rejected. If placed in the face FRAME AND GRATE 8 ___ -��Lj � T > not to exceed 8 inches in depth prior to compacting; and cf the wall , rocks less than 2 1j2 cubic feet in volume B ��� C?o 1 ----- --�-- 1(0� all fills shall be compacted to 95 percen+_ relative density, shall not be less than 0 . 5-foot thick, nor less :han twice aSEE PLANS FOR o V �'�PI VC as determ.i.ned by Method A of AASHO Designation T-99 . as wide as they are thick, nor less than 1 1/2 times as long 3-4 I/4 CURB ELEVATION (C.E.} - -- LL] ���� 3+�O, 44 as they are wide. Rocks placed in the heart of the wall A 2 _ 155 2/, ___-tom E1 I�Q 61 3. Excess materials and/or unsuitable materials shall be shall not be less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume , with the S _ 2'-41/4"_ 6" 6" a l ° 7��l0 .,C{ _ �'� L= ' disposed of as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by exception that smaller rocks may be used for pinning and ROAD GRADE -o to _ ____ (�00 the Owner. for filling the interstices in the heart of the wall . _ FRAME a GRATE - _ ---3 - _ 1(00 -` -�, _ o _� P1 C_ GROUN 4 . In areas to be paved, the subgrade shall be graded to the Headers in wall sections 1 1 2 feet thick or less shall ex- 9 / e � g �� °� c a '° I +8 .O�? line and grade shown on the Plans or as established in the tend entirely through the wall and in wall sections greater o - ® I W > -- Eii(OIi field by construction staking. The subgrade shall then be than 1 1/2 feet and less than 3 feet in thickness , they shall 4" CONCRETE _� --- (� ` thoroughly compacted by means of. mechanical compaction. Ma- be not less than 1 1/2 feet long. The minimum length of r" terial in the upper one foot of the subgrade shall be com- headers in wall sections greater than 3 feet in thickness SUBGRADE ' DRAIN TILE s . J ° v �o °e --� o p a __ , pacted to 95 percent relative demi ry, as determined by shall be 2 feet, and their maximum length shall not be greater n • !, d PROFI L E ALONG EASTERLY E%E OF 51 KE PATH R/W Method A of AASHO Designation T than 2/3 the wall thickness . No rocks greater than one cubic o a L_ SEE PLANS FOR yard in volume shall be incorporated in any wall . Q INVERT ELEV. (IEJ Illy G./1 UOR • 111 : L,' VERT. 5. Base course material shall be crL_iied rock of the size Roc JV f1 I` �J shown on the plans and conforming to the Standard Specifi- 3. Mortar for bedding and pointing shall conform to masonry BACK ILL ° - - ` cations. mortar as provided in Section 37 - "Cement Mortar and Grout" =o V: : of t11e "Standard Specifications for Public Works Construc- • 6 . Base course material shall be s read on the p g p EA6T WE6T p pre axed sub- tion APWA Oregon Chapter. ! �q 3/a" MINUS GRAVEL . • • �� R/W R/W grade and thoroughly compacted to the line and grade shown �Y° `° 10� BIKE PA RIGHT-OF- WAY on the Plans. Crushed rock base material shall be compacted Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, mortar shall a OR CRUSHED ROCK eo • - -- 6 1'-8 7/8" 6 - -- - --------- to 95 percent relative density, be mixed in a mixing machine. If hand mixing of the mortar (� I PROFIL-E r is permitted by the Engineer, the fine aggregate , cement and B a 1A LI NE 7 . Asphalt concrete pavement shall be Class "C, " conforming to lime shall be mixed dry in a tight box until the mixture as- the Standard Specif0 1 ications. Asphalt concrete shall be sumes a uniform color, after which coater shall be a0ded as SECTION A-A SECTION B-8 I 8.0 1 - spread such that theACompacted th ' ckness is a minimum of the mixing continues. thre (3) inches. -T1%,& ,w%y,yk 1A ��tal 1ss t", J.04 A1,e Cc"�l 0 60.1x^ �/ p1 wAomi ewe your ager t,1J sd�.s s►+st •F fie. ��-r1s r, 4 . Rocks shall be thoroughly wetted before placing, and shall CATCH BASIN cUT 8. Portland cement concrete for curbs shall have a minimum be laid in full mortar beds , in courses approximately hori- O 02' / FT compressive strength of 3000 nsi , 28 days after placement, zontal both in longitudinal and transverse directions . Rocks using a minimum 6-sack mix. will not be considered to be properly bedded until mortar exudes from the underside of the bedded rocks . Selected 6 PROJECTION I STORM DRAIN rocks roughly squared and pitched to line shall be placed GROUND PAINT WHITE CONStRJCT A.C. PAV�MENT SURFACE ALL AROUND 3" CLA66 C ASPHALT CONE. at all wall angles and at all wall ends. Flat and stratified 2" /4"-0 AC46RCEGATE D,46E 1. Trench excavation for storm drains shall be considered un- rocks shall be laid in an approximate horizontal position and classified. The contractor shall excavate all materials not on edge. Except as provided above, at least 1/5 of the g F P- -rqQ VTi�„l',�.,E A oVED �`' COW COMPACTE® BALK) regardless of the formation encountered and shall be re- „ ���,t,�' g area of the face of the wall shall consist of rock headers MINIMUM SLOPE FOR MARKER ONE sponsible for making his own estimate of the kind and extent extending for 3 distance of twice tt;.eir thicknes into the TE TTING 6" PIPE a 0.010 FOR 2x4 UTILITY • of materials that may be encountered. backing. Rocks shall break vertical PLANT BRICATE SEWERS 11 ' TYPICAL 5ECTION DIKE PATH g• joints Ori the exposed 18" AND FIELD ?AP 4 PIPE = 0.020. IN GRADE OR face of the wall at least 0. 5-foot. Horizontal joints may AND FA RI TEE FITTING SPECIAL CASES WITH BETTER, FULL G 2 . Trench backfill above the pipe zone within the proposed nor ":)e brokon to fit the shape of the individual rocks and may ON EXI NO S kS ANO APPROVAL OF ENGINEER DEPTH OF No Jcal¢ existing roadways shall be imported gran material 1 °o �rNc�,Ilk. SLOPE MAY BE REDUCED TRENCFI; NO � saM �. be slightly inclined where necessary. Horizontal and verti- NE� EWERS Leif; THAN 18° Trench backfill not in roadways shall benexcavated native cal joints in the face the wall shall not be less than �► TO 0.0060 FOR 6 AND ��SPLICES EAST WC4T material . 1/4 inch and not more than 2 inches in thickness . Backing 0.010 FOR 4 PIPE. ,�;� " rocks shall be laid. so as to break / VARIES 20° TO 80" Rf IN �W SLOPE , joints and shall not be PLUG ID BIKE YATN -� 3. Storm drains shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class II less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume nor less than 90 pounds 4k -RIGHT-OF- WAY conforming to ASTM C 76 or non-reinforced extra strength in weight. S acus g p between t.,Ie backing rocks shall be flushed 2x4 BLOCKING concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C 14 or corrugated steel with mortar and then packed with spalls . No voids in any 9s u TO UNDISTLIRBED pipe, 16 gage conforming to AASHO M 36 as shown on the part of the wall will be permitted. The rear lace o> the • •• / � EARTH PLANT FABRICATED '��i ;'may, QA'YLIGHT TD EXI5TIN(,, GRP, plans . I/13" BEND OR I/I6" BEND ! �'� ; wall shall present an approximate plane 5u=face. Wall con- • , •o AT 3:16LOPE \. struction shall not be commenced until the wall founds-ion e • •-j SUPPORT TEE WITH 4 . Coupling bands for corrugated metal pipe shall be "Angle- has been approved by the Engineer. BEDDING GRAVEL �� / EXISTING Lug" as specified in the standard specifications. - - >!`-_ ___ / 2% ""` GRc�UND 5. Within 24 hours after construction, the joints on all ex- Street,1 L-_ -" -- -__._ _ - -- �' 5. During the placement of the storm drain within Walnut posed faces shall be raked clear of loose mortar geed pointed -1-- Street, the Contractor shall provide for the maintenance of 3 ��- ---=• _ N - �•-� ��',/� �,, P with the mortar specified so th�:rt joints are recessed ap- BUIL®ING SEWER " i 24 traffic as be necessary and provide for the safety of proximately 1/4 inch. The text'ire of recessed pointing PLACE 2 AC.•'' \'F L.F. 12 CONC. PIPE � , property and persons. At no time shall Walnut Street be shall match the texture of the cock used and in no case XIXOAPRON AT 3 + F\ 6 25 /, - TO ��� 7 closed to through traffic. F..wtt•+sSsNa7 Ss►•v,ce,l .�►.11 4e AO�Xirl shall pointing be given a smootri finish. The wall shall be IN�EFIBS CREEK f�' ries- 40 a~Y �����'��•~� kept wet while the pointing is being done. 6. Concrete for catch basins shall be ready-mixed, conforming to ASTM C 94 , Alternate 2 . Maximum aggregate 1� inch 6. Weep holes shall be constructed as shown on the plans. Weep PIPE 0.0 I ��; strength 2500 psi at 28 days. Slump 2 to 4 inches. hole pipe shall be 4-inch concrete or vitrified clay pipe / - I \ CULVERT UNDER PSI Kt PATH CP STA . I + 65 at the contractor' s option. Concrete pipe shall be at MIN 1 7. Beddin for storm drain installation shall be Class B as least standard strep th 9 g quality and confor. to the require- - -- specified in Section 61-3 . 03B2 Class B Bedding of the 1010 o 12" MIN. merits of ASTM C-14 . Vitrified clay pipe shall be of extra -_ N7 5Gr7�¢ standard specifications. strength quality and conform to the requirements of ASTM 43ACKFILL BUILDING SEWER C-200. SHALL 6E COM �. �/� -- P05ED OF 5ANO CLA56 C ASPHALT 7 . Masonry shall not be iaid when the temperature is below 480 F. OR ,Q�ges CONCP.ETr-. MATCH 1. All materials and workmanship for sanitary sewers shall con- `� 0 ' THICKNE56 OF EX16T REMOVE I.006ENED form to Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction of EXIST. A.C. An work which is damaged shall be removed and replaced. /k t� � PAVEMENT OR 4'' MIN. A6pNALT Mainline, Side, Building, and Multiple Unit Sanitary Sewers y g P \A NP. APPRDVEn 0Y 6URFACE _ r Within the Jurisdiction of the Unified Sewerage Agency o YO 121111111111 THE ENGINEER 1 a EX16T. 136E o �- C)o e p o p o� Washington County, Oregon, Resolution and Order No , 71-9 y�"!� Masonry shall be protected from the sun and kept moist for / o �� Wo) p at least 3 days after pointing.• '% " 2 . The sewer pipe shall be Class 2 concrete pipe conforming to NOTE :E : CUT5 IN A.C. PAVE- "` '' ` " VERTICAL CUT ALTERNATIVE REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING WALL CLA55 $ 1' MENT SHALL. 13E MADE WITH ASTM C 14 with rubber gasketed joints. - 4 MIN. , - -'� (SEE NOTES In lieu of the rock masonry retaining wall , the contractor BEDDING � - - --- - -- a1���,,9E TYPE PAVEMENT DRl=A��CER, 6 � TRENGI-I�WIDTH '•• ACO 5r'AI. C- TIPPED DROP HAMMEF., „ _ 3 The building sewers shall be plugged with rubber gasketed CU C'fINC: WIiEE� CONCRETE SAW, COMPACTEn � •'' 3/4 D COMPACTED CKU5HE17 may construct a reinforced concrete retaining wall. The wall PIfE O.D MIN. TRENCH BOCK. MATCH EXISTING bA5E plugs and braced as shown on the plans. The end of the shall be constructed in accordance with the dimensions shown - - -_--- � OR OTHER. APPROVED METRO 2 UND16TUR15ED TH DACKFiLL OR (01, MIN. sewer shall be marked with a 2 x 4 utility grade or better, „ EARTH INTERMI'TT,�,NT PUNCHIN(� WITH installed from the end of the pipe to 6 inches above on the plan and the applicable portions of Section 504 Struc- PIPE P EG DI Nu JETA1 L POINTE9 JACK HAMMER WIiL p p" tural Concrete" and Section 505 "ReinforcemEi,t" of the Standard LT) NOT 15E PERMITTED. finished grounc;• Specifications for Highway Construction, Oregon State Highway TYPICAL PATCH FOR WALNUT AVE . 4 . The sewer shall be installed in a pipe zone of 3/4 inch Division. No 5Ca1¢ minus crushed rock extending 6 inches above and below the i The concrete shall be Class 2500-1 1/2 and bar reinforcement NO Scala pipe . Backfill above the pipe zone shall conform shall be Grade 40 . to backfill requirements for storm drain construction. DATE \5���,EU PRO//ffi N JY '�7 YOLO ESTATES TIGARD, OREGON - _ - - - _ SHEET 9,N3 . ---- - AYNE OWNER - - - -- -- UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS _______- _ .- DESIGNER r�: , R.A.Wright CASWf_ I- L- - - n� �� - -- OF 1308 S.W. Eiertha 1310. HNR DONALD I... POLI -OCK INV1:STN1FN1TS "OR i'� ____ OR'���N engineering Portland, On?gon 97219 REGISTERED LAND S�URV:YOR - ---'- -- -- E Q �Oi ?j X911 � w � � 513/246-4293 DRAFTSMAN Oregon - Washington �` �.Sr rl 10211 SW RAIRBUR BOUI-E-VARD _-__--.---___- _.--._- - __- _._ 8� y -- e�neull�nng engineers J M W 6120 S.W. L ombard Avenue �N 4' AEItME��� REVIEWER - Beaverton, Oregon 97005 PORTI-AND, OREGON 97219 DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS _______- _._- _ _ - -- _ - -_-_____ DRAW;NG NUMBER REVIEWER Telephone 5U3 / 644 3179 _ r NO REVISION DATE BY 264-3 CASCAPE AnCNIT[CTUNA,.AND CN01NFE"ING 1i.r•,1.two l:0 f�Lr? 1;5TP.TES 4 OF 7 UNION- ill 1 1 111 I�1 fl, ►ll 111 I 1� 1�'t 111 I'I 111 SII ( 14 111 111 11-11111 II 111 III III t11 ISI 111 111 111 III 111 III III�Il1 III III Ili tll (lI ill Ili III 1��alt I� I l l I I`'' I, i- .I � I • I I I � II I 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 I�t? 11 12 NOTE; IF TH1 M'CROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR 1HAN I s ' THIS NOT I(',,9T'2" IS DUE 'M K QUALITY OF 7W ORIGINAL DRAW ING. OE 62 9Z LZ 9Z S2 tiZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 91 •I Irl EI ZI II 01 d 9 L 9 S 11' E Z IMM r, , � "' Sall�nllllnlllult11111u11t,)tltlllltt{ j�111Ut1111f11utIN1lIt1HIt1M�t,t 111u1C�111lIIINI�II�rInIu1d11�II11uIR1t11lII�II In11 11n1n1�u1tfflTltimht TtOIIIi�111p11N hn,Ilulllu1111uINl tf1uh111�1Willi r JULY 10 1992 - � m milk& CITY OF TIGARD-12420 SlY MAIN-TIGARD-OREGON 97223 RECLIFT FOI(M DATE: Al-IOUNT: ---------- DOLLARS NAME: CASH: X . ADDRESS- ir CHECK: M-0 # OF FCR: ACCT. PERMITS SURCHARGE AMOUNT SEWER BILLINGS 10-131 $ BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-1132 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 10-363., SEWER INSPECTION 10-365 SYSTEM DEV. .HARC;; 40-366 PARK DEV. CHARGE #1 45-367 PARK DEV. CHARGE #2 45-368 ZONING ADJUSTMENTS 05-362 TOTALS RECEIVED PY: PERMIT NUMBERS ASS.IGNED: N'urnber Amount Numier Amount tiumbcr Air n,-,n t 7) ',FIPT � � ee � CASH B011,mn fi LRO' AGIR Ti's" TFIS AGPLEE MNT, made this 11 dati► of �� -� 19 �a , between the CTT`.' OF TIGARD, her natter termed t1:e ''CTT71 and _ _ Pi';D��v <J�i'� ' _II�C_ , nereir.ai't�r termed the �iFFi_!yC 7777, an T,^ coTrl'I'l .tAssRc-ink hereinafterterve tile "BAH." ._ WITI_IESSE; TH 1 '-MEREAS, the Principal has heret•.fore executed a Subdivision Compliance A-reement, with respect to the develcn,7ert, construct-ton and imprrvement of a residential s',bdtvisic;•n �d.thin the Citty ltno%.In a:; ----10 E.9-W.V0 i _, a cony of said a'.reement to„ether 1.;i to a par�'.c eta_ `e'sc rip cion of said lands being attached hereto and by reference made a part heronf: and 'I-� S N , the Principal has p7,opo;ed to the City that there be rt ent .sted to the Bank the sum of 4' 90.147.Q-0 as a cash performance bond to assure the City that said Subdivision Complian"co Agreement, shall be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all requirements thereof met; and ,''HEREAS, the Bank, has agreed to take title to ani? hold in a trust capacity the s•_im of ”: 90.147.00 and her,eb.. acl:no,;;ledres custody t ieroox to e 1-,5? pureu�rt to tine tarc�a a:�d provisions of said Subdivisi.olz Compliance A«reensnt a:T, hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to zit forth and defi.::e the conditions applicable to said bond. 1TOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall fai-thfall , ob;erre and timely comply with all req•.Araments of said Subdivisi�,n Com-)lia;lce A7reement and all ordinances and rar;al ations applicable to said sub- division, and if the Principal shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall promptly make payment to all persons supplyin;; labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall net permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against tr., City on account of any labor or material furnish-d, and if the Pryncipal shall promptly pay all contributions or amo.i%.3 due the State indu'otrial Accident Fund and tiro State Unemployment Compansati on Fluid, ard shall promptly as due ma',e payment to the person, co-partnership, ass ,dation or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 279. 320 and 27'-'i. `10 O.R.S. and shall promptly co-mol�r alth all withholdin_; and u?tr� �erts of Cha s. � 1�?ptc31 . to 316.212 c),R.S. with respect to t'-"O collection of taxes at scurcc , then upon full completion of all Work and the furnishin- of f'vidcnce satisfactory to the City that all requirements hereof have been fulflied, end if the Principal shall e:.ecute and deliver to the Cit.► the 11aintenance mond de3cribed in said Sl ibci ivisior. Compliance A-regimen z, then the Bank shall thereupon_ release to tl.e Principal the said cash bond deposits PROVIDED, ho,,rever, that ttitr, obl4-ations hereof sl-�all not apply to any money loaded or advanced tr) t'ne Principal or to ory s::bcontractor i Pd,-e 2 - Cash Bond Arreemert or other person in the performance: of my s-.-,oh wor1c •:rhether spec- fi.cally provided for by contract or other.Ase. IF, hov ever, the Principal shall fail to 1i-terally comply :;ith all requirements of said S-.ibdivision Com--)licence ::_ ri;e :ent and all the recuirements hereof, or shall in any particc-lar pilrfarr t,-,- ti�ur'.� 3.n a de:factive manner, upon 10 dalys notice by the City ',c the Principal and such refault or failure continl_:inf; thereaftat�, tr�E; C'it',' is hereby authorized to have said ;•rork performed or the requirem- eits of the Subd4v4.sion Compliance Aareement brc,e--ht into conformity with the terms thereof and :•rith the Cit-f 's ordinarces and re--ulations, and the City shall Le, and it is hereby, authorized to char.-N the ,,w:,e a-ainst the entrusted cash deposit and the Ban1c at.rees to pay tile:.efrom all amounts certi.iied by the City to be chargeable thereto, Nib t line herein con- tained shall be construed to constitu-ce a►cceptal,ce by the City of eny responsibi?ity for maintenance of the im-pr,:,ve::ents ror shall the City by roason thereof become obli 7atod to any persor or property o:.,ner for any 'loss or damage aril-n-_ e-: �: by reason of the ;,n r,hich sai,'. improvements :.,ere constructed. r^urther, the City be, a.,.,,i it; is hereb-.r, au tro l zed in add i.tion to the `oret_,ai_n.-, in the event of such defa•_,lt on )art of the Principal to char",e a_.airst said funds all costs inc-,.irreci byct.e City in:l-Adinr Atto ney's fees in exacting collpliance there,:,itii of herer-i th, ar_d the Banc; aErees to disburse said fi Lnds fur said parpo::::; upon, certification thereof by the City. i r r Y �1. 1 �• 7 r �. ,)r C �� Upon zu�.fi11L.�eYl.t of the fors:„oin�; i...< ,:(;r�r _cs:L.:@ ,it 1 the t.,'-•��:� an.� provisions hereof, the City a',rlles to fury, •sn a c.ertI f i.cate o.` release of said deposit: or such portions thereof ar, .,iia__ ro a_n _--- mert of the rea-Arements rah.ecf.• EN tie City unde-r authorit-7 of resolution of its CitCouncil has caused this ameement to be executed by :is ►iayor and Ci.t Recorder, and the Pri_Zcinal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. c r r; ci� i o^ TIGARD, oFwro :—_— By '� 'payor Recorder, c_ Pare 3 - Cash Bond Escrow A�-reement PRINCIPAL:„ rFI[X�Y IjOi�tESy_ INCj� (Attached Corporate By: Ac'',:a,.-!Ied,7pent, here. ) J oreGident By: Secrets rl► By• BA.K ASS,' ,-,N1, : rommunity Bank Executive Vice Preslcent BY:--__ wK . � c STATE OF OREGON 0'' this _ i l day of hpfc-P me appeared Pr i i, f�L, - and - bc,th t., ire personally known.., w'-•o being duly sw- rr, did say thathe, the said F. Po1Tor_k is ttie � PrF={d=rt. and he, the s31.d p,y l e Se�re' :`.V Of Kinn is th Ho;icC i j the w i th.i r+ named Cc.pera tion, and that thi seal affLx,2d to said ir_-t.rcmert is the corporate re•il of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in be"aLf of said Corporation by a•.Ithccity of its Board of Director=, and Donalri R. Pollock and ,%;. L. Kin--s ackncwlFdged said I.rst%T.ent to be the free act and deed of said C(-rperats.:rt. IN TESI(I)IONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi.Ked ny offi: ial seal the day and ar. last above w itten 'Nct3ry Public. fr,. Or or My Commissicn expL"Fc c / 9 eF/ STATE OF OREGON ) ss. On this /lzk day of r ;Lt c� i��c� b-fc,,- me appeared i �c2 oc,f and _� !L� n Cj both �-o me personally kr.owr, who tieing duly sworn, did say t`-At Mie, the said _I)c nctef�o/�o r. ,E is 0-P P-Faid• :, and ha, `he said M L 7'C�� is the SerTetary lso L _ tie wit'-{n ca- -d Cc-p:,-3tion, cil chat the seal affixed to said in=t: 7.r--t 11 the torp--At.r peat of =ai i C-:poration, a.d that il•_- said instrument wa= sigrA 3-4 sealed In heal or =i 'A C.,r-ratton by authority of its Board of Directots, and DD( A�(�� �"'a /��� and ackrow.lvdgrd said i^struTrnt to by the f*_ee act and d-Fd of saH C,�:poratton. IN TE5TI Y W''FF�OF, I ha— Fa-int, set ny ha^d 3�d ff+ x-' tiv rffl +1 13y a^.d /707N--v Pub, 1- f- . C:: rprr 3'.e Acknowledgement My C:Tmie=ion Expi •1Qs • ST�TF nF nizf:('(i,! 1 SS. County of "ultnomah� On this 21th day of 1pril , 1978, beFore me appeared Robert F. K ore to me nrrsonally k.no�,,n, who keine duly sworn, slid sav thit he, the said Robert F. P!oore is the Executive Vice President of the Community Ranl: the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to sa- instntment is the corporate seal of said Corporation by authority of its roard of Directors, and Robert C. Moore acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. M TLSTI"IONY I'TIF.RFOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official .,cal the day and year last above written. "!otnry public fnr Oregon Ply Commission expires : STATE OF OREGON 1 ss County of _ Wash ington__—N__) On this _ 11th day of Aoril19_7j_, before me appeared Wilbur A__RishoR and _Doris_Ha-_rti7- ___,_ both to me personally known who, beim duly sworn, did say that he, the said Wi lburA._Bisho p-_____._ is the Mayor, and she, th,2 said _ is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a mur.ici.pal. corporation and the said Wilbur A. Bisho and Doris Harti2 aknowled ed the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal_ corporation IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate ' r ritten No ary Puhli.c for Qon My Commissior. Exc fires- 11-06-81 Y'4 SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the _23rd day of February , 19 78 between `h�-_ CITY OF TICARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and hereinafter termed "Petitioner.". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Poti.tioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington County, a :Lbdivision plat known as YCLO ESTATES locate.d in Section 2 and 3 of Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Wi111 ­7.stte Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHFRF_AS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to .-stall ztrEets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground ..itit s and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fe..,s; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopt-<d the standard specifications for Public Works constriction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the ;anitary sewers pr:pared by professional engineers for subdivision devel.opmciit; and 1 WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or slated in petitioner's d.cvelopment are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheie--s requested the City to permit progressive occLpancy and use of property in the subiivi!,ion, and the parties desire h:reby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision ty legally enforceable assurances that the public. .improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE.. in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreem?r_ts to be. k--pt and performed by the Petitioner and Its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall pro,:eed with the development, wish the intent and purpose to complete all puhlic improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard cpsctfications adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise ipprov•.d ,hy the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow ;uch designs as may bt� required to conform thereto. (2) To aRsure compliance with the City's requirements and the proviFlons hereof, Petit.icrer tenders herewith to thu City a surety bond in form approved by the City, wi.t`+ liability in the amount of. $____90,1A7.00 a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this= reference made a part L•ereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time I -T.it.:, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, " I =ur'i d%.faalt and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its •.,ptlu" procesd to have the workcar.pleted and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the -11.d '­.r.d to r-:c,v,_r the amount thereof. In the (-.vent such action be brought, Petitioner 7�1.d P- titioner's surf-ties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing ird a1tcwat,l-, s-.ch sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incijrr_�d0%.-sC�:.y, both in the Trial Court and Appellatt Court, if any, or the City at i.t.s (-poor,, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's ,E-:ctfic p-.rfotmance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision -tandard: nd crdiranc,.s of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shalt b� e.rtitl(-:d to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for t^, City's att•crn.=y's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if (;) Ptt_tioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City in amount estimated to equal. rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities with?.n X=VUMX the subdivision, according to Portland General E1_ctric Schedul,; 1191, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing Electrical energy to energize the street lightin; facilities for a period sf two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount :": 1 l.ard­cap =ng Lrees on that. portion. of teach lot b:�twe:�n th-: public sidewalks ,-d t!-e c.-t+ (party !-g ar=:a) d3 rcquir,-.d, shall bz�� planted and in pldc prior to final n-p,_cti::r: a!--d : .._..3nc,� of occupancy per.mtt for tach such lot in the Subdivision. °rovid-d ',"at fir -j! ln•;Fection and applicant for occupancy pernal*t occurs within any i; rdar - 'nt'+ fu:- 0.. t;h r to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until c"t r.e:Kt % lcw.• i� `r_wing season, In any ev=nt, all landscapt.ng treys in all areas `all p_ art.z and Ln place within the ntir! a,A divi,lon within three (3) years tr.rT 0- da t­ cf 0_s auhdivision improvtrient contract. c., WLt ..'.^ cn-- (1) year of acceptance of the p;atic improve.z:.-- its the p,titioner ,9rt- pl::f. i cn,a (1) inch asphaltic concrett Class "C" overlay on all roads d. Compliacci with all terms and provisions specified tbsre:tofor said subdivision i t:r,-rt �,y th. CpLncll and the Planning CummiSsroe of the City of Tigard, Oregon, =gird :o viriancr-s allowed from the subdivision ordinance:, conditions specified by the . i- classification and, also, on the approved plat (s) and plan (s). (10) Th,;: partle-y hereto hereby adopt the form of performancc bond, copy whereof is t.. sttachsJ ar_d 1•y reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause -aid bond tx-_cuted and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of li .a{rr_c,rF_-.r at or F).lor to the time this agreamznt is execut:d on br.half of the City. 11) Tree --. .=1fic requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be l.d;.a as d f:.rt of the obligation s,cured by th.. aforeaaid p:-:rforrnanc,� bond and City =1-all. ` er•; itled to recourse thereto in tt•.s ev, rt. of dnfault on the part f t!-c P .t;tior.--r wirl-, revect to any requirement thcrrof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its d•ily authorized ^d:r;i .r t-d cffic:. r- pursuant to resoli:tton of its Board of Directors has caused this xgre�zrr, .rt to h= executed, and the City actlrg pursuant to rF•;olution of its C:snctl adoptNd at a meating thereof drily and regularly- held on t++e 2.1rd day •f February , 1978 has caused this agreement to be executed by its 4,,%or and R.cord.: c, Br dort_Homes, Tnc. By: nnta Id F.-PoLiock, resL en By; _ 2' set M. L. Kinr7, Secretary THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON pyl % MA U Pi mr" By t R`•cord.,r �' t STATE OF OREGON ) SS. Crafty of Mill triom.-Ah ) Or this 23rd day of _ Fr�br.uar`� ?9 78 before me appeited Dnnald S. Pollock , and M. L. Kina beth to me personally known, wSo being duly did say that he, the said Don�tlri E. Pn1 lock is the Pre='_d-nr .._._.� and he, the said M. L. K i n-, Is the Secretary of Bricion Loc . the within. named Cc-tporation, and that th, seal affixed to said i.nstrumer.t is the c.orporve -eal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Beard of Directors, and Donald S. Pollock and M. L. Kina acknowledged said ire tr4Tent to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha4dt an 1 a f f ix�ed t;y of f i:.lal deal the day �and ear last above 'Writ cl /No ti ry P+j b'. f c f r- on, j Se My Ce^�mis:ion exp.�''.es E'tember 2n, 1991 STATE OF OREGON ) s: County of _ ) On this day of , 19 , hefo-s me appeared r and bot'- to rye personally known. why being duly =wo-n, did •?av tl-v :.e, the said i s 0's P r e s i d r a., a^_d r., the said is the Se-.►eta-y _.._..�.e... of . r _ the AiCti i'!. r3- A Cc-p� *;tion, tzil that the seal affixed to 33id instrument is thc. cc-p--it- ;�. c iaii ^.�tpnration, 4.1d that the said instrument was sigr_td ani sealed In sill C�t�.�-a tion by aj.tthotity of its Board of Directors, anI and acknow?.rdged said 1^strumfn► to be the f-ee art- -j-id of slid C,.rporation. IN ?ESTIMONY WHEREOF . I hereun'- set .ny ha-d a-d of f i tie.i '-y . :y± seal t► Jay xno Ye;t list abr. t %,it ' ei. Nota'V _F u-b 7 c-f, Orr'�y+rn Corporate Acknowledgement My C-m.misston Expire STATLE OF OREGON ) ss County of WUh,,ingt�r On thir, 23rd day of _—February„_____ before me a ppeared and both to me personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said ' __-_ Wilbur A. Bishoe___ is the Mayor, and she, the said is the the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a mu-iicipal corporation and the said Wilbur A. Bisho,L__ and _-- Doris Hartigr_____ aknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set myrhanc - ffixed my official seal, this th,: day and year in this my certificate fi st tlrn. otary-P�!bli . For Oregon My_Commisbion Expires.-__� i I i ji II I; R.A.Wright 1308 5.W Bertha Blvd. engineering Portland, Oregon 97219 503/246-4293 consulting engineers PILE: 264 . 1 November 28 , 1977 Mr. John Haggman Superintendent of Engineering City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Eiaggman: Yolo Estates Planned Unit Development Enclosed herewith for your review and approval are nine sets of plans and specifications for the construction of improvements required as a condition of approval for Yolo Estates The subject PUD and preliminary subdivision plat were approved by the City Planning Commission on May 17 , 1977 , and by the City Council July 25 , 1977. Also enclosed is a copy of the improvement plan for the water system prepared by Tigard Water District and a copy of the estimated construction costs for the project. Your early review of the plans would be ppreciated. Should you have any questions or need additional data regarding the final design of the project, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Hal H. Reitmei.er 11HR:ska Enclosures cc: Mr. Brian A. Lessler Donald E. Pollock Investments JOB R. A. WRIGHT ENGIN. .RING SHEET NO. OF 3 Consulting Engineers (�7 1308 S. W. Bertha Blvd. c:ALCULATICBY___ DATE ZZZ71_77 PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 CHECKED Of DATE SCALE_ , t __._..._ ....._....1. : .---PROJECT COST B�TIMATE ......... _...._ _ ITEM k.-I NO. ITEM .. ..... .. _._...�..._. i . U. . .... . . . . QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT . .. I _ i �.. .. ....................... ..._.... •ri L i✓• f _..... . It I . .... . .. //' ._... . . ......._ ...... ..._... ._...... C..✓. .... :�SC�O. __.�.. . �o / 7, . . ..... ......_. C'•1� . ?4 �...._ lo.DiD i..._.. / :/n/� �a�rG. _. ..... . .._ . ... . . rev" t .. I ... __..._..__ _..._ ...... _._..... ...... ..._.... _ ....f .... .... i .« Vi im,m 44C IVee�le ,i'BZ G.Cb D i I .01 i J.r11 fO"W 104 AwrAYk" Mud euro j r C•� lt���r � f�r5ri r ise roeJTAT� R. A. WRIGHT LNGIN--RING SHEET NO.— OF 3 _. Consulting Engineers /.t/z� 1308 S. W. Bertha Blvd. CALCULATED BY- DATE__ PORTLAND, OREGON 97219 CHECKED BY _ DATE _ SCALE { µ Y I i } PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 1 - I ITEM NO. i .• rTEM I UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I � I n i I , 1 ._ .._. l�llI >J /?�CiC/�X/J,�S i Z' 8 ' r "/Il./ T c A:0.00 ?. �"�7,✓. ��C ✓�a,G � I tea• / i.._..._l_.. 2�•� G✓O.Gi� _0V ,11.�'h►.a. , � I � _!/lam .�25• I' . (A 'fI�/� �........L,......... »..«.«. EGA � Jr0•GAO L eyJdvr 1 Tira�i ;�,r, o.�� i✓/ _ Z,c". ,X. I _« » i I i , I •''G'.i c.TC72"'r/JJ/ rCr .J�/ �1.� i I_ �� I i I rn�u to. Awrbb*00 lB3 r.c 70-60m,me"014?9 Mom m JOB / R. A. WRIGHT ENGII :RING SHEET NO. OF Consulting Engineers 1308 S. W. Bertha Blvd. CALCULATED BY— •G� DATE. PORTLAND, ORLGON 97219 CHECKED BY_ DATE SCALE-_ _ PRW7 T 0 T S TI I 12El l L _...__..I QUA 1 NC;.* . _._.... ._..._ Y TEM i UN, NTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT I ' .�. ._._. .__�t _.�_.».... 1 _ r ... ......._. ...._- l _ �. o �o� ..._....... ........ ..... _:...: ..... ..... ......... ........... . i »...... _ ......... ._.._.........._.___ ............ _....._ _.._. ............._....... _............. _.._._._ {....____.. ... .._.... ._...__ ... _.. .__...... ..... __ .................... ...... ...........»........ ........ ....._. .._._ _ .osr.o. AwYrY�u.®wtTww..w/.wun.ro a P0 six 23397or- 9�� 12-120 SW Alain, Tigard, Oregon 97223 TC 9R0 • �,, August 11, 1977 / r Donald E. Pollock Investments 10211 S.11. Barbur' Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97219 Re : ZC 10-77 Dear Mr. Pollock: Enclosed is a copy of Ordinance No. 77-�9 which was approved by the Tigard City Council at theAr regular meeting; of July 25, 1977. Your request was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. 1. That the floor elevations of all structures be no less than li feet above the flooding area as shown on the general development plan. , „ questions regarding tt, s matter, please feel free l.f y.:. have any q ar. tment. to contact me or the Planning Department. Sincerely, Doris hartig City Recorder ' DH/p r Enc. i- MOTE: The following acknowledgment must be receivedi 't of of thisthe Cit) Tigard within fourteen 14) days of y letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter c�readnting the this letter Ion fagreethe Ttoathe City Council. I have received and decision here documented and to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. ' cc: Richard Brainard Si nature �t /-TG -� ■ CI"T"Y OF TIGARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W. Main, Tigard, Oregon 97223 August 11, 1977 Donald E. Pollock Investments RECEIVED Al, 2 1 ?� 10211 S.M. Barbur Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97219 Re: ZC 10-77 Dear Mr. Pollock: Enclosed is a copy cf OrdinFnce No. 77-29 which was approved by the Tigard City Council at their regular meeting of July 25, 1977. Your request was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. 1. That the floor elevations of all structures be no less than 1* feet above the flooding area as shown on the general development plan.. If you have any quest ons regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me or the Planning Department. Sincerely, Doris Hartig City Recorder DH/p r Enc. NOTE: The following acknowledgment must be received by the CJty of Tigard within fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter docuienting the action of the Tigard City Council. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented end to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. cc: Richard Brainard Signature tip CITY C `:GA'1L:, r:7.:,01al G%DINr^J!;i `Jo 77- 5`1_ ~.^; '.?ICL' ADC:=TIIYG FINDINGS 11'ITH :�ZSFL'CT TO f,N APPLICATION BY L`C!*I:'-I.D PC CK Ir VWS'^I iJTS FOR A11' A',-".".:I•=_NT OF T: 1970 ZONING MAP CF THE T^v '"IGr.R.. CF�.NuING '?`:w ZC:,;=' 2I.,'I. IC'_" CF A TF.ACT Cr T•r4A1D EEPICTFID ON ',,.SH-.'NGrL CN' COUNTY TAX MAP 2S1 2 BC, TAX LCT 1900 FRCI$ CITY OF 7 ,ARD R-10 TO R-10 P.D. RESIDENTIAL PLAMED DEVELOPMENT t.JL. _ 1.%J EX?iI I A , B, Ati: C r;r, r IXING A.. _.. ..�_�.5 DATE. THE CI^Y 017' T70APD CRDAINS AS TCLLCWS: Section 1: Finding that the lands hereinafter described have been hereto.fcre and are now classified as City o_' Tigard ?.-10 ar.d further fineing thea pursuant to prescribed procedures, the abcve stated application for zoning map amendment was heard in -), tl i c he crines held by the Tion rd Fl nnning Co=I scion on I Ry 17, ard all interested Persons 11.1ere there and efforded en opportunity tc is, r.eard , and there?fter, the Planning Commission filed its ^pccrt `•i�r the City :-recorder, which recc=ended approval, a ccpy `hc~eoi` ': -etc attacv:ed and b�. -e`'erence cac'e a part hereof, the Ci`.;• Council .'.rrts the rollovrirg st:cstar.tive findings : A. `:':gat the application conforms with the Tigard Community Plan, 1971, es Pcnpted in that: 1. Proposed denEit;, is wi -hin that specified i:; ' hood• Plat: Crge-:iyc:tion III; and 2. That dc•:elopment is propoEed tc have streets, curbed. gutters , street lights, walkways in accordance wity. i city And county standards and utilities will be be placed unde-grcund; and ' . .":':at adequate !.:Pter and ser:erage facilities as ;'el'_ A .. : . streets are available to serve the proposed develcpment; and d. That by dedication of the greenway area to the City tl,e open sppce will be prc�-Prved rnd maintained; and 7. That the proposal is in harmony with the surrounding in that it is At a lower density than thet which ex sts on adjacent properties. Section 2: T?EREFCRE, Fursi:ar.t tc the requirements of Chapter le. 56 of the Tigard M-,,nic i f,al Code, the =pplicant's re^ue ,t for an rmendmert of the Tigard cnini i:2p of 1970 to zone these lands .'.ascribed in the attac::ed rshibit "B" for rctidential planned de:plcr- ^C':.t iE approved .SUtJ�'!?Ct `o the provi°ions of 18. 56t Plann,�d ,;ni: JevPlopment Zone of the ".lL Ird ':unicipal Code embodied or exhibSted by the eccunpnts �tmittec and idcnti`'ird as follcv;s: c-IINt.NCF No. '77 1 g "C 1^-77 .., Exhibit "A" - ^taff Report Exhibit "P" - Legal Description Exhibit "C" - General Plan and Program an. furt::er subject to the following condition: 1. That the floor elevations of all structures be no less than 1� feet above the flooding area as shown on the general develop- ment plan. Section 3: This Crdinance shall be effective on and after the 31st day after its passage by the City Council and approval ty the Ir.ayor. PASSED, BY vote of all Council I,lembers present this 'Is- -date of sIT, 1977, after being read three t=-es by number and title only. Hecor— comer, City �o_� T�gard - APPROVED: By the mayor this qday of �/ � , 1977. Ii%ay-or, C).ty of T]gai c ; DINANCE No. 77 10-77 -'--�--- 7 192nd day- 173 days follow JULY MONDAY 5� � �� i�'1-�....�_�' _.+�►!.��!5e..s.-,�._.._.�.t�s�l..t-.�!"xls��(:_�"^�srrS.ty_•^_S"' S'f"(�F __ .�',:.�•�/C.s'.�.✓�' .vto'=��_� ..��,...r�'>iP�.e', _�_�-�r'�r R/:/�.•✓'/Zf ti-+,.•C..� ._ .. /•L'.�.,..+�TY.\.�-.^�,•(.�,9/_-'�/,.-r�L�/► � �/�,}�4.1-Lyn--��.�'/Z.�'�Yl/�•�I.. L�C1Pf^l�-"s-'F/K!M,;• ,4.� L.,,,,��t'� ,�Y�tt!�_, /••-..yC.c-,�f [+' L•ie.���Q"�L' '. I •CC..-�n's-/l-� •/fid+..^ `1 t. �-�, cvc� ,•s ,,., rt; ,d;.. ��. 'c�ti.Z'z ..�ti irl43 � .4 s-r/ Cr. :� �c�o*1rCs,�G n. ij eJn+{ 1�Z.:�a'`.!✓.t. C�:1s�+�•� 71 ,.r�-tr'��•/1 G«�`.L •-fi'•C��k_=-s'T�•-.-w( .GJ(0-.-•` �[i/L{ �.'E''t/"i� Gn.: ✓.Js:✓�-L'rs+i(, CC�+-i Al ,� s1.�'�t'f''�f 1 �- /`� •+Ki�'f' 'l'I.tiCI�G._/.• s'.1.c.a.�I,. .s+ l''FTC ,,6"."f' -.!, : -�L�_. . ./�?�C .L�-�/'!iG L�•'fi�'!i'rC � Jr.'Lf/I+I/pY'/���r"//s'✓,-/'nom�-Lc'-NfL./ � Ic -��JG.L�-���d�s/�ll��t�'(.�G�'._ •��r!S _��/�/`t aY77��,,,/ gtr_4�-.vE�.� !{^••�, .s-v�Y��-cL.... �•�. '9's+'. i:3c .�r.L• •�I r���'f�4_�''K�-tt,+•�6✓L>�i'L /1s L�4' �. �ttis1.tr!r!`t•p1 [s•nc('- BC r��...�..,� t�!�_'l`-��. .,.. v�-w �• 4c 1 .�. .J�7�.._��I.As� �t�r••"•� ��11 '�v+.��^.'s'L'� W.�/�st , vl•✓! f^�l 's1e�''�.--/�{� �( C•r��.:�`�P�»�,,c,s,//SrS�4�.-..�...-r /�// G�-r+.'.(.-tce..�-�i. �c•�/� �.•� �i Q'<__�±^+�+•�� TGCI.f.'r �. w-u..G,fl-.G...:.e.'•d.� yam` -�-�..r..-.. �.. G•.,i`- ft,_,�.X�..�•^ �'-- T I ..........�..............-�...,....�...:.:c...u.........,.,...�_:..��..,_...,..«.«..w:+�...._:.nm.w��.._...,.ww.wvY.P.Ywn:ia:w.�.ii.. 1 917 181 st day • 184 dovs follow .�u.t.� 7,50 . THURSDAY �0 JUNE IC, vv dw • CD�f / �> / Zle . Y kms '{ !{/L ,.aG� �,, ` c•r+.�'1�' l ' 5 S C c.�a h ares + uu ' cI e Oe� ; /l-� s Q ;2 o t,, A3 5 66 o w i Al,'ev 6�� 197- 180th day - 185 days follow 7y 7 JUNE 19 WEDNESDAY ��crryryq - i J �����_6.�r.✓�r�.� �@ 10:�o.¢..�._�`��,E�.�-w Wit` -c�ti•1 .ri 11•:ti �G� .c_ .�� _f' .tet fi•�►_,_ �('. s+,,� _-�_c�/r��s.�' ►� _ X!,!, ,X04' /r•�,1 _. �1,i ��,.,� �1/��,r`..�..eP•►P—v,�-Er_ +�-�.-G*•�!!1ri�..,. � ol:..�C�. "� 1/ 30 _ frtp-.t' c _�.� _-ozd��!'t �al•%1�'a�tl�-�f - � . G�-Y-• ;fit'. - of ->S�.�G _ter. __ E',;4 a .e.Ko oP . cc, 416� lloa ,,-.moo�+�d�c� G-3 0• 7, .1� �ce,t ,c,�� -3t5o —� 1"►r9'�t, GL�cjirr Q+ ,, �,c.0_ ' J���. *-P .1-f PSP ►�- !U 9 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT 0 A T E 2-Z-,-7 '�iFSS I OATF iTEM L Wl c5P F C MR�?Z--� CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. —_u - --- - — — - PROJECT TITLE:_ Vil-Q PROGRESS TO !)ATE : � _u� CwI-aet- 54G SPECIAL PROBLEMS: _�.2r� 4 EST % PRC%JECT,' ITEM COMPL.ETION' _ _— INSPECTOR h SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT •ev� THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of 19 between '�?-f.�� the CITY OF TICARD, a municipa? ity of Oregon, hereinafter terffied the "City", and Diu AL_y�. E. Po w-c GK s&sir m lE11T S hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington (;county, a subdivision plat known as t Yo L. -ISI T E S located _ V% Secia60% Telwr.�� _Z ��. R z jele,y�,_ 4: i 1 f amE.t to Mcrilfidn, Washingtorf County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of T'gard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to :tall struts, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground ..' ilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the paym^nt of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by profes,.-ional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in peti:tioner's development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foreguing premises and the covenants and agrtements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS; (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby 'pound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance ind the standard specifications adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow -uch designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's req;iirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ °f0_ 141 . 9-? a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time li-nits, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petiticner's sureties, such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its f,ption proceed to have the workeanpleted and charge the costs thereof against. Petitioner end Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the -aid bond to recover the amount thereof. In the (-vent such action be brought, Petitioner nd Pctitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs Incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City _ay_, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's ure;ties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover su-1. sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City in amount Estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within !)iiK,�+QK)Y K the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period f two (2) years fromhe date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount in g $ 3CC_ 48- (5) Us City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections and in the City's juIgment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof thy: Petitioner has paid prescribed inspection fees. (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 7Z. S (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidew,.lks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements. P�::tittoner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon r,:rtificatlon by the Department of Pub is Works that all requirements of the City have ,c-en met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, f itat already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the ern of $_ - 1 _Ot9.te— to provide for orrection of any defective work or main- tenance tecoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the p;_blic improvements by the City. (8) Uper. receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all r�wquir.ements havW been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees t( accept the: public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of d.:flciencies and raintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's 5.ridivi.%ion Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the foliowing requirements, scheduling and limitations: a. None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as above described may be occupied for residential. purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City end no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot pro- posed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all uidr.walks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall bE. installed throughout said �uhdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. Me Aej "r- 41273.00 ee 'Seawe 4- -2- b. All landscaping trees on that portion of Each lot between the public sidewalks ind the curb (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final Inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final In-,pection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month form October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas -hall be planted an ' in place within the entire acbd.ivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract . c,. With:.n one (1) year of acceptance: of the public 17,provemzmts the petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within the devcloptrent. d. Compliance with all terms and provisions Specified th.eretofor said subdivision 9velopment by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregonp .regard to variances allowed froti: the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the tore use classification and, also, on the approv(ad plat (s) and plan (a). (10) The: parties hereto hereby adopt th; form of performance bond, copy whereof is . reto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have: said bond executed and filed with tl',e City concurrently with the execution of ''lis agreement at or prior to the time: this agreement is executod on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for 'all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by they aforesaid performance bond and rhea City shall be entitled to re:ourse ths;reto in the event of default on the part ;f the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and througt. its duly authorized indersigned officers pursuant t.- resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly head un the day J , 19 has caused this agreement to he executed�by its Hi,yor slid RZcvrdte �bN��tia E. Pol.t.t+e1G ,Iwv¢,sTNtisl�Ty I By By i IqE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON II i By; Mayor By- Rt turd- r CASH B0111D ESCRM AGR.ELi,_aT aj T AGREE;E !T, trade t'tli.s day of t, -L-,.,,ren the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termedthe "CITY" , and hereinafter termed the "PRiI` ,", hereinafter 1': terCCi frI37 "M711 JAssociatlOn W ITl_1ESSETH t ',-MEREAS, the Principal has heretofore executfd. a Subdivision rm,,i,.; ; arse A-reement, li,ith respect to "the development, constriction and i.mpr, .,oment of a residential subdivision !Jlt:hin the City kno�,rn as _ _ , a copy of said agreement toether with 2 r arts cular e,;ai dc*S_c:Y'1 SJ tT6n of said lands being attached hereto and. I)v reference male a part hereof: and S, the Principal. has proposed to the qty that there be M entr•-sted to the Bank the slim of as a cash performance band -'-o assure tiP Ci Cy that a .! zrequlreiwnn o? S3_ _' (1 S•,br?ivision Compl':6ance Arreerrent small be pr'oi,ez iy and timely perf'r)r...ed and to assure that the costs thereof sha- 1 be timely paie. and all requirements thereof met; and ',1EREAS, the Ban's, has a7repd to �te title to ana hold in a trust capacity the sum of —1 - and hereby ac;,,ro •rledr.es ci!stody ':iereo to-be held p))rsuant"to the terrand provisions of t.ai .d Subdivision Compliance ArTeement as hereto , and it is desired hereby to sot forth and define the conditions applicable to said bond. NO7111, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithf,.rlly observe and comply with all req-irements of said. Subdivision Com,pl,_ance A-:reen,ent and all. ordinances and regulations applicable to said sub- division, and if the Principal ahall •,cell and tr-i.ly perfo:Ti all. matters and thi.nr;s �u.^ertaken thereby and hereby to be perorTned and shall pro.nntly make payment to all ne',•sons sr..ipp:lyin;; labor or material for anyprosecution of the :'pork, and if the Principal shall not permit; any IJ.en or claim to be filed. or prosecuted. ar*ainst the City on account of an-! Labor or material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly T-),-j-, all. c ntributions or snro :nts due the State Industrial Accident Fund r1lio the State Unemployment Compensation F,.ind, and shall promptly as due rr,al.,e payment to the person, co.-partnership, association or corporation cn!it1 ed thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 279. 320 and I'.) O.R.S. Pn d shall promptly compl i with all withholdinr; and requirements of Chapters 316.162 to 316.212 O.R.S. with resper..t t.� tl:e r^llection of taxes at soi.rrce, then upon full compietior, of all and the furnishing of evidence satisfactory to the Citv that all reG>>i cements hereof haVe beer, fulfilled, and if the Princi ,,al shall o:•ecl.,te and deliver to the City the Hai"ntenan,;e Bond described in said :brl i vis ion Compliance Arreement;, then the Ba 1k shall. thereupon release II-X i1rinc'_pal. -che said cash bond deposit: PROVIDED, however. , that the obligations hereof shall nut appy to fin•• Ink7Yl V loaned or advanced to the Princ-'pal or to any :,.i bcontractor Page 2 - Cash Bond Esc j w A .,Teement or other person in the performance of any such work whether spec:.fically provided for by contract or otherwise. :F, however, the Principal shall fail to literally comply with all requirements of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement and all the requirements hereof, or shall in any particular perform the work in a defective manner, upon 10 days notice by the City to the Prircipal and such default or failare continuing; thereafter, the City is hereby authorized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement brought into conformity with the terms thereof and with the City's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized to charge the same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Hank agrees to pay Therefrom all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Aoth.i.ng herein con- tained shall be constried t:? constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the impre -emer, `s nor shall the City by reason thereof become oblitated to any person or property owner for any loss or damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, 'the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs inct.rced by the City incli.zding Attorney's fees in. exacti.nr compliance therewith or hereerith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said. purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the fore6oing in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof, the City ar;rees to furnish a certificate o.f. release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfill- ment of the requirements hereof. IDI '.,ITNESS RJF.REOF, the City under authority of resolution of its Cita Council has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY: CI`fY CF TI xARD, OREGON By i ayor By: ecorc'.et~� Page 3 - Cash Bond Escrow Armer-nent (Attached Corporate By: Acl,m.ovTlcd,,ri*.,u,nt, here. ) By: IA�111 (ASSOCIATION) : By:­­. SUBDIVISION PERFORMANCE BOND Bond. No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. that we ,is ^ Principal and .DJ.�.GK_�.N��TMIIt►!�'! � a corporation duly autForr zze37o conduct a general aurety bus net as in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ lawful money of the United States of America, for the paymen o` f which we, as Principal. and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are slattingYOLQ_ subdivision Lova t.e�i in the C. y�ol`�rard, Oregon,^ an entering into a subdivision compliance agreement with the Obligee herein, and upon acceptance of said plat and compliance agreement, the Pr_ficipals shall make all improvements required by the City of Tigard, Ordinances and Subdivision Compliance agreement documents as described in said compliance agreement all of which are, by reference, made a ;part hereof, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with the terms of the agreement and shall well and truly perform all, matters and things undertaken to be performed under said agreement and she.'.1 promptly make pay- ments to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against ;:he Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of si,it or action be filed by tha Obligee hereunder to enforce saic contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies here- under the City, in the event it shall prevail. shall be entitled to recover such sum- as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this _,_____ day of 19—. By:_ seal name off`corpora on By: (seal) By: —ream By: President nt secretary (Corporation acknowledgement of corporate principal and a true ure copy of the Power of Attorney must be attached to the original of this bond. ) ATF_orney� �=Z acf� Form No 1971 - 1 A I VJ. L;on 07 D,�,xr at.l.r. Poll0cl', revie--'n�. the protection, elevation, Z-vvl,e%v by V . Ou tedght WoLijct bo riost bouef the iiiforriatloy, nereimrtry fn'., ry rec'olpt of the 1)"'VIG-joll or Stat' li,o-1 I If C.)3 Ito:n!' cc f,Ea+'! it �f ,_y,,.,... .•,,w. ww�.eu...w4.uw.ruw4 �.Wwwu....aum...aws+lW.mw...M—.awn».......» ..�§ i ......... ..—„„-...,,,.,w.,,,.. o! J �.tF ] , o 10 r" aJ;-o �d V.f.'• �?�� �1 � ' Th��;�aq 1-+�ir ��+ t', 2�r'S'4{�� , L r. ,_::�J::!., Nilo will. notity You : : ° .. �;, ����dMy �hr�i :, is rc... suln"litte'l. ,i Iii : w 03 O ir Ix a: OD vlrr o Ik r) to rr Fn < w (n 0 Z U- x fn 0 0 Ul cr IF) z Na SAJ w Uis - ry 0 Cl c, Q CL LLI cl ....w4 4— cn Cr IU W CL 0 Q. cn x X M0 cr et LL rL U. 0 ul ui uj -A Z co A ui Ir V) cr wCf) CV w (D U- Z w 0 z w (r- Cf) 0 rn OL tsio Y o ,�� �- A AM Vi_'L a 60f wp 'ILL TIU Mu-r+KC:P% 2 ty II"_ 2A35 S,V tspA,GG'9 9700 5 -^� / - / r /fit• _ F+'Tye f _ � �\`P �••.�' / /� t tip_ ' `�4�. ) / .LM•GMP� 0 CI �� � �TIMorNr c •/�►x.�•r,r 21 �` ., ',40 •- ----'_ t s. ubaenu 1 l �( I srta�K•f '' %" i� ROMT A BPYCNELCEq CDA FML.) No./AFc• pQl�IS e.\ FLlt1/y i•35 5►cYw'e.' 12tt 5 +�i)�/ Awr � Gh°.A►.IY� PAF,! rr•� rlr na,uC.�['r'-_7.3 �e e � DRAWING ?I T l E TENTATIVE F'l._AN YC) L0 V% nf7,r-lIf JC7TOIJ C'c -i.) 1 T.. .-.r 1; .c,,: J A/1 JUAKJITA 'r r*OIJME'�M !ET (0700 v 4ra..,j x 41 V dJ Xv /ogle tai -N 1.15 VeWAt.C7 !.l Ll,.e-, 94 e-, WA'I.C' o; t4frWlik ^VF: CtLIC) U.. .J,G� &Aet (-q jq) too- O C4 V-Y~ N Pert/ CD oe q.1 A, '41t 46 Ploilc T DRAWN BY: Op. L O VIC" Ar46E1rEi..0 �.•. MJCI.WL'T (; G T.VAnG y7127 r � or .i c n 3 P: 6 53.6= Z'u __•----' -•—�--='-`�`_- -- 0 -10 r / �_. _ - _�^'-._.• .r..•--� ,'r-•.� ^�-tee--- . •• G:Jr A WILI.iA.I�A�� '� vlLlr-.Fr.t L 11U,r,K-ef L°Lt.1�K ' 0 '41- ,� 1 YMOLIFSol.1 �' 12785 S 1V W4t'se.Ikj'b A`! 126.'+5 w V C/�'iYKrtJS I'1A`!C. 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N, MS Ct1 �\ 1 I Lu1 •4 Ove � z ,. ? -At I FPar�k a 1 ey.,a s tJ w�l�u�lur St ,� pp I tf Z r,..;* . 91?2+ I WAntr r esARV 1'712!1 ,��` ryrtAr e�u'�✓H,� � ^tf 12ie , %-,,j *O&rr.nas TiG&..P 9'7:19 ava' 1`\� to ��� ,L r,vvei.•i v� IN E 1' dy �i i� i 'Gy`� �,Y�d ,.nom• ' ( 1r�� T� �^P U • h' I I "O �y 1y �4 c� S � d .�.I.f1V MY O Esc a J t ArSwuAA ioG o a �J •e✓n�r )T 15-7 _ •r1(;1!l � c<�`1:1C:J i?l CJI `? �\ r H 46 O `JC IJ AM•L1E F l L- r. .,..jJ i�r�4n 5 'N ✓el.1.nJT Sf ? . '1 � y °` s C� 17 5µ t 1 re F i Q i I r � F-VW4 TIC3Ah90 It ' saMVML A X201" -A ���" ti�.t �a�c►e�r► _.__ ..---- ��9.C�Ir:N CslA t NOTE: Contractor shall clear debris �- and undergrowth 5' each aide of the FONNER existing creek flowline from Walnut Street to the new culvert at Pathfinder (P '� '"5", a, •: Way. Debris shall STREETved from the _ � ' - •� �: - - • _ Prof and disposed o t an :. ,L` •' ` a ` �,... •.. . 1 ect site a f a ` `, - -�::�•'•' I�"'" i`` -- _ �`= -- - - approveddie .�. _�s �. s disposal a 1 site. \ � (i �' -•_:•�. . ' 1 � 0>• �r Z - - - I - -..•• -- -- _ _ - . - �'\ \\ 1`-X157 �p„�..I-P �V ' :✓. •, ';` ;`: .rl''�`�i1':�ti; -1� 1�-� - ' �:;, 04 REALIGN IF CIF GREEK �/ � ',��/ `\ \ ��� LE IN (143 15) O \�\ PLIC TYPICAL 36CTlON �/ ,---'' _._ ` _.. ____. .._ � _ - \ \� 5.3' /� \ a $ ;� ' ;. ,�� � f \ \ PMIS !�1iElET C ZH &A61N -�• ---•r-- - _ _ ( , :�►':�:.;�";- �. J�; ( nl ;; �.' '�'J=1: •��. ---- LE. 16111 INSTALL ;ALF. E. \�� TG. i(�•34 ! OF 12" GC1NL.PIPE �� ttESR1tIE[Pdul�I Alt tot0 � \ �� I i j`: ;'.p,• y" •� 't1 A gin,.y�'•'I.�iK" " •�f \\`• � P b•27yo 6EE pETAIL � -' ��- \ 'f`+ o � '.• : .�-..,1r� r♦ � 45LF. 12"60W, PIPE SHEET NO. 2 1 e - __ ` I \ \ I.E OUT 153.30 / r ,:;• -� '� Tare •,tit„ , J !P� I.I yo - /j _ -•- - _ ' _IE OUT Ig4.Z3 - • ,( �1�'L' - r�.,.'' ',t Vj•+ ) �� , f h -- CON Sf RUCT _ - / -_--- - - � BD L.F. �\ _- � _ _ -- -- _-••` -_-= INyTALL '15 ' � .. _ /► � . �.,, ~ �•' spa• r ���� I• � ly /` / � 4$" RCO CLA66 11 OAYUGHr �" _ L.F. of 1 , up'5 ----- 2Z/s" X 1112 CORRIX.IATIONS �} • .� � = \ EX15f. 15 I6 GAZE >...•,_ k'�' �' ,:.. �►, , ' ' ,'. i �•39 \ • _(171 027 r� FILL 10t OF CON5TRUCT 8' WIt7E i 3£WER _ ` «� f �.�; . . •�'' :•� ...I e�';`, � ` �. ► > - I- �- /' y, s.,o,: ..1. ..• / ,` �F. CJ� �' A.c. eICYCL.E PAtN �� \\ 1 17AYLI4HT TO � ��c � , . ', ,lI . ! �• I.• EXtar, 6 5 4 3 � I JOIN FAItI. CREEK .•�^• '"."hr': �,::G.' r \ E of YvER I, / �; \ FI LL XE OF M LL `� --- ___ '' ,r e-,r .�- �'�t •, .r _� • 'i i f ( 10' SEWER - •� -- :- _ - b53 L.P. 12co�G_PIPE -: - - �--,, VICINITY MAP I.E. AE 14;13 \ 163.Cn 1e�IkpYt --- = --- r' .-.- "- - - - _` . -• - _ -_I l-` •.. -,.. / - a _ f_ _ Tc 167.74 ` ro 5c Id 1 2Q�' GATC}1 0A51 N and SN.VA4E TM OF, __ --__ -__ --- 1 = �_- --- � _- -- - � - 14,14 TG NAC•1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES �.\ AN 46a FIZ EXIST. 24 L.P - � _ - 1g4L ',�`� 14�� - _-- - ---- - 17O-=`` �- -'.` -- _-__ - _ _ \ Z I.E.IN 163.38 - may ► _ _ - -r` _ _ - __ M. our I04.00 � IS �� -- -= _ -- --_ �' -- -- - ---- ,t _ LL 4T.C. !6$.81 26 L." !2' C 0C. ?Wf O Install bikeway sign (OBD-11-1-18) on 4 x 4 post" CATCH 6A51N Construct sidewalk ramp per City of Tigard Standard Drawing No. 7d A-236. \ � ,,� / � i � -._ -._- _ _~ -• _-_ ' �\` • �-.- ; .. �-- I.E. Ibb.�a0 A/4 7C IW.0t O Adjust manhole to grade. --_-__ _ ___ "- - \\ ti _ �, , y~ _ Curve sidewalk for mailbox cluster per City of Tigard Standard Drawing � No. 75-A-243. s t sr 1 - 71 t•eti� Il 4401Ir s - TC 170• �i 'ar t►�ass�� . r -(pp OF ROCK MA50NRY �p`1 \\ O Remove interfering portions of existing 12" concrete pipe and reconstruct .- CUT REtAiNING WALL CURVE DATA �. 1 OR AL"ERNASIVE -EXISTING v5i +j Q- R L eco R.G. RETAININ4 M \ RDCKWALL .� Join existing 4.5' wide A.C. sidewalk and existing concrete curb. u'� v v :� ' A 1610' 4h'?tb'GO" 19. 30 ' g v oc wALI. Q� + C! t C'-• ; O ± Q[ N • , - ,�, O V cn \j +- C - G - " - ts1 7 qS Join existing concrete curb. co c ..* qC� - .; - '23 4� ?100�' I�.24' p v + �, � t = Nrs� `°�c}= c Mac � � O Os, - -� +y .�j OC o ,1 9 V-! O - ori '•� "- v °: -- V --- V Reconstruct portions of existing A.C. sidewalk removed for construction C 23 77 07 4I 28. .y .c „J � m ® 1, 11 „1- 0 23' 35'29" 3, 0 of Pathfinder Court (3 A.C. over s of 3/+ 0 aggregate base) . SW PATHFINDER WAY E ���_ - 90 3g.2-t ' SW PAVEFINDER C.00URT ' � �- Ce�I�. 1�ar }t S��ss-� l�s•+w•s Stew CC•6y ;. w�Js1l, . 0)ZI66tIl1SU, •W Tot twats�l�t� tow Cstl appr'wsal PG•E. Ce, 11y I. I A © 94-00 10+60 11+00. iZ+� WCO °�♦� 10+CO 11too 12+00 131.00 14+00 6 0 110.78 � Oil 1 1QQ.__ - r- �Q - -- __ -_ - - --_--- --- - 4ROuNp Nz I " WWO 64 „ _--; -- 11� 180 2" , 4� 22"0.c. U+ 12r ;t ? CUBIC FT. r \ - OF TED , ' '� ' �" hELEC C --- -� -- -��- -- , '� ♦ VT ° ® --- -- -- -- -- - --- ------ -- + _ CLEAN o _ „ ` - �= 4 WEEP HOLE4 165 --- -- --- -p Z I�D I �. � o. - - - \` _. __ ------ - -- _ -- - - - -- ` -- � RHINO r T rr fo'i O.C. CON(- � --- - - ---t -- hf - -- r��... -- -' -- -- -- -- _ P1V_c: -- ---- -All > 11 WEEP NoLE '2";( Y cvRe 4A4 0 EV16T e C4-Nal 1Z 19 160 '�' '°' r .. -. - - 4 110 n, _ 170 _- --- - - + 161104 -~� _ = i"= 50'HDR. ,: .cam;• ;: - -- -- ---- ..-_.-__ -_- _ F/W - �W I• • 0' VERT ALTERNATIVE R.G. RETAINIH( WALL WW NO SCALE • 19.5 19.7 5' MIN. GROUND 5^ 15' 14 11 11 ---- 5 TOe OF FLOW •� 0.5 CONST911)(4 CONC. CURB a5 � FILL 116-W. •' CHANNEL 0.5 - CONgTKUCT CONC. CURB t:,ON5TRUGt 4" THICK � � \ EX15T. PER CITY OF TL4M12 STV. 6" CROWN PATNI`INDER CONSTRUCT PER CITY OF TIGARp CONC. 51PEWALK ... (AROUND o -` ORG . 'l l-A-201KCICK 2% . .. 0.0294 o•Cr194 ... q•/, WAY) -_ -__1-- RETAINIM�W L f)R„1.1;:+u* 11-A- 201 b'I CROWN o , �•� � s •� "� �` ; -;� �.� � ? ~�\ 011 I � ALTERNATIVE ...... �,�• �... J.0357 �� 0 0357 •'� � ... ?9L �' � �`� �5-0 ? / WKF1 LL - REINFORCED CONC. �'` 4 �- ` ` SELECTED V - c_ CC�iC. CURB 0146TR(1GT •''• CONtOXXT A•G PAVEMENT RETAINING WALL CLEAN 4" 114ICK COW. 3" CLAhS C ASPHALT CON<:. �= OF 3' MIN. I (STA• 12+'30 VO 60NSTRU[.T A.C. PAVEMENT C^VEL. s,y10EVYALK LM- EX16T. SfA. 13 CrT."i ONLY) ( " CLA n c 1 /4 O AG4REGATE E►15� GREEK PER DETAI. 1NIS 3 AyPHALT CONC. `r GROUND 8�+ -211-0 A4GREGATE SUDVA51r (LOW FLOW) 6HEL'T Z,' 9/4"-O AGGREGATE AA5E 4" WEEP HOLES UNE ' Tum w.e' "1.s far- i SEC I ..�•_ 0 AGGREGA?L- WDAAOE G° t 0.0 _ M lei W. ��.1. ... . TYP CAL TON - t SECTION A-A LOIN FLOW CHANNc•.L �:v•••�; �•�* � . W, 6/s • �y ••�.»..,•�s SECTION 5-5 NO SCALE -" -- 40&,eNO SCALE ROCK MASON R•Y RETAINING `v'VAL L_ NO raCALE �r// �� ��ei t/,. s S"'� ,,.,,,1i wf/•�j, f•rs••••`~�, NO SCALE DATE •. ,- ....._ PR Nov �� YOLO ESTATES TIGARD, OREGON __- _ - " _--- _-- ._-- _ _ _ _ SHEET -- LAYNE UTUTY IMPROVEMENTS Rt.A►t.Wr i h t DESIGNER CA SW E L L owr �,R va.Iwan ON" N - ----- - --- - OF • -a KUM SW Bertha Btvd _H N -_ ---- - - --Q�- _ DONALD E. POLLOCK INVESTMENT:► `"'""`*"'""' � _ 0 en ineer�i n Portland, Oregon 97219 REGISTERED LAND h i n o t OR " . CIRCULATIOf� COPY _ _°R _ --C S 503/246-4293 ORAFI'SMAN Oregon - w . .n � n o e o " ' �. �' • r�. 1� amsu ting engineers JMIN 6120 S.W. Lombard Avenue 10211 SW BARBUR BOULEVARD �__ ____ __,__ __-_ Beaverton, Oregon 97005 PORTLAND, OREGON 9.7219 PLAN AND PROFILES _-_ -_-_ON � K REVIEWER Telephone 503 / 644 3179 -- - - DRAWING NUMBER - -- 264-3 yoLo ESTATES N0. --- - -- -- - REVISION--- -- DATE BY 5 OF 7 •. •AMA•+AIItNIt•RY•..._ •..•IMpMI. MA/U NL,f•O• `� I 1 t tIt t t tft tI' f.�t 1�'�It I• 1111111:[ �11T f111 � .�11`1ir11_i 111111) Iltllll�ll►11 II 11111I111It11ItItI1111t111411Itltltltltl11111 1111 It It11I111I11tIt1tIt111t�I. i ! 1 I 2 3 4 5 8 T 18 s3 I�0 I I ! NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMEC - - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN • - /,,,...r• y THIS NOTICSV-2T IS DW. TO � QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL "' ""�' ]DRAWING. of dz ez ca 9z sz ra -C2 it- I oz a► 91 cl 91 lr-- 01 E1 ZI -li of i A 9 S_ o- s I«...» ,•� • I�IIItlulnnluulttuluttltHtl�ntingmlutllltttltt • ii11nIMIlIH+IIattINg11111�111�111 naluulnu111N1 '�IM JULY �� 10 .. ^`TM•IM•IMi..r... .� --7717 ..mow.--' • 1,!# .a� i i • • 8 ". .1 t y '.[, - ".•' -- .A• -.fir. r . - - _. -.. ski 2'-9 IM" A Is Your responslb'lifPV, -•~ \ M operetore of Iho extant of his workIPAIOR TO STARTING In notify all utility IDB. ANGLE mm -1, 40,�0/� (24 hours it 103/44 10 I/2" IO 3/* �3� 3"■ 2 I/2"■ 3/e" 0400 � W Z♦� 3 lM '4♦� possible.) 1'-I0 1/4" LONG UTILT'IE9 TELE. NO. - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS �ATnt Tt�ardPlaterDlstrl� E REO'D _. -Id•'xger Water District 639-1384 -- GAS -Northwest Natural Gas Ca 245-3331 TELEPNOML -General lbleph,,, (;o• 226.4211 X•212 _._ -- _-.-r . __ e Y ELECTRIC Pbr•14ad General Electric Co. 643.546611 x-44 ACING GENERAL ROCK MASONRY RETAINING WALL f.R., S/�4"a R/Iti"■I-e V2; >: REO'D . TI �.�� •- Q_-� - lwued by. • " ' _ ' �� ;� - - - - -� __ - �- - -___.. 00 project p This work shall consist of placing rock in c�� beds • FLAT SAM,_, a t U2 a t-e 3/� r: REO'D a 1�E7 Work on this ro ect shall be completed in accordance with 1.. I a CO d ` the Standard Specifications for Pubic Works Construction, APWA, in such shapes and at such locations as shown on tie plant I '- 5Ve'a3' BOLTS d _ b d Oregon Chapter .ind the following Special Provisions. or directed by the Engineer and as specified in these speci- - D - - �- - --- - ---------- .. ------ s. - -- - - -- c-% f i c a t i o n s. + d y, .� GRADING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS -111= - W _4`r 2. Rock for rock masonry shall be clean, hard, durable and free FLAT RAR, Vt ■ IFl ■ =-4Vir, t REO'D II 110 /ap. c; ^ ? 170 1• Areas to be filled shall be stripped of ail organic matter, from seams or other imperfections. The rock shall have a ART e,h"a t Vt"■ I-eVt' 2 REO'D a✓� 4- ; r- <10 soft spongy earth, or other unsuitable materials, prior to loss in the Los Angeles RattlerTest (after 500 revolutions) CASLU N �1dJ placement and compaction of fill material . of not more than 50 percent. _FRAME AND GRATE - o+� � T v lu 2. Fill material shall be placed in horizontay , uniform layers, All weathered rock shall be reject,d. If placed in the face 8 1�yB T > not to exceed 8 inches in 'lepth prior to compacting= and of the wall , rocks less than 2 1/2 cubic feet in volume !' L. I�p ' _ -- 165 all fills shall be compacted to 95 percent relative density, shall not be less than 0. 5-foot thick, nor less than twice 41 r SEE PLANS FOR a y __ - '3} 4Q as determined by Method A of AASHO Designation T-99. as wide as they are thick, noz less than 1 1/2 times as long CURB 2ELEVATION (C.E.) - ] - as they are wide. Rocks placed in the heart of the wall 3-41/4 " -- _ � �> � � EI, 114,61 3. Excess materials and/or unsuitable materials shall be shall not be less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume, with the s" t=41/4 e" e` " S �� -- - �- ___ -��r�� � L_tom' disposed of as indicated on the Plans, or as directed by exception that smaller rocks may be used for pinning and ROAD GPADE3 - - -. do '� M _ _ _ I�O the Owner. for filling the interstices in the heart of the wall. FRAME a GRATE -. •. •:' O. � �- Pi GROUN 4. In areas to be paved, the subgrade shall be graded to the Headers in wall sections 1 1/2 feet thick or less shall ex- •' %'� e e • - - �� -' "- 1 +8 .� line and rade shown on the Plans or as established in the tend entirely through the wall and in wall sections greater G.4, N I p --� -- - g - field b I:t• �•{-� y construction staking. The subgrade shall then be than 1 1/2 feet and less than 3 feet in thickness, they shall . ,< < thoroughly compacted by means of mechanical compaction. Ma- be not iess than 1 1/2 feet long. The minimum length of • 4" CONCRETE � .a v. i tenial in the upper one foot of the subgrade shall be com- headers wall sections greater than 3 feet in thickness eUeGRADE a DRAIN TILE • . • J p� : .. _ • pacted to 95 percent relative density, as determined by shall t feet, and their maximum length shall not be greater o • � ,;a PROFILE ALONG 'EASTERLY E%E OF [I KE PATH RI W Method A of AASHO Designation T-99 . than 21 he wall thickness. No rocks greater than one cubic a • y o SEE PLANS FOR yard in volume shall be incorporated in any wall. 9 INVERT ELEK REE I11� �Q' I�OR. • 111 • 5' VERT.., 5. Base course material shall be crushed rock of the size ROC p shown on the plans and conforming to the Standard Specifi- 3. Mortar for bedding and inLin shall conform to masonry Po 9 Y BAC CLL _ e `e cations. mortar as provided in Section 37 - "Cement Mortar and Grout" '• _ "'�.: io •.. : ! of the "Standard Specifications for Public works Construc- ' e ' EAST WEST 6. Base course material shall be spread on the prepared sub- tion" APWA Oregon Chapter. 3/4' MINUS GRAVEL •�; ;o K/W R/W grade and thoroughly compacted to the line and grade shown e+ OR CRUSHED ROCK s 1-e T/e` I 10' DIKE PATH KICAHT-OF- WAY on the Plans. Crushed rock base material shall be compacted Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, mortar shall PROFILE to 95 percent relative density. be mixed in a mixing machine. If hand mixing of the mortar Ila ` _IF is permitted by the Engineer, the fine aggregate, cement and Q A LINE- 7. Asphalt concrete pavement shall be Class "C, " conforming to lime shall be mixed dry in a tight box until the mixture as- SECEC I ( 0, $� d �- r the Standard Specif * tions. Asphalt concrete shall be sumes a uniform color, after which water shall be added as TION A-A SECTION ®"8 ,----- !'�-.; spread such that th ^compacted thickness is, a minimum of the mixing continues. treg (3 inche9.m&& mi. k,sk uch s�sl% 1" Av �i4. A%& QA$% 1" Vs„"' V1114" r.t44lh � year V"Cr l',ly sass •was ,; s. 'te1ea. 4 . Rocks shall be thoroughly wetted before placing, and shall CATCH BASIN cUT 8. Portland cement concrete for curbs shall have a minimum be ]Aid in full morta beds, in courses approximately hori- 0.02' / Ft a compressive strength of 3000 psi, 28 days after placement, zontal both in longiti,sinal and transverse directions. rocks �{.'� �t .rt�• <: ,�. .; using a minimum 6-sack mix. will not be consideree to be properly bedded until mortar r PROJECTION -- �.r . '. .+•..-•...:..-... - exudes from the underside of the bedded rocks. Selected IrGROUND MINT WHITE COOTRUCT A.C. PAVEMENT STORM DRAIN rocks roughly squared and pitched to line shall be placed SURFACE ALL AROUND 3" CLA66 C A9PHALTCOKG. at all wall angles and at all wall ends. Flat and stratified 2" 3/4"-D A44REGATE VA6E 1. Trench excavation for storm drains shall be considered un- rocks shall be laid in an approximate horizontal position and "PVrIkkZE AT�` #VF-b % classified. The contractor shall excavate all materials not on edge. Except as provided above, at least 1/5 of the »�"kaM TNM VM\� CON COMPACT[D IASZ.) regardless of the formation encountered and shall be re- area of the face of the wall shall consist of rook headers M1NMUM SLOPE FOR MARKER, ONE sponsible for making his own estimate of the kind and extent extending for a distance of twice their thickness into the T �� t1" PIPE ■ O.OIC� FOR 2x4 UTILITY of materials that may be encountered. PLANT RMCAT �tr;f*SEWERS TYPICAL SECTION • L3IKE PATH backing. Rocks shall break vertical joints on fr exposed Ir AND . FIELD TAP 4 PIPS " O.a2o• SPADE oR face of the wall at least 0. 5-foot. Horizontal joints may AND F TI:E FITTINQ SPECIAL CASES 1MITH RE;TER FULL 2. Trench backfill above the pipe zone within the proposed or be broken to fit the shape of the individual rocks and may ON E O ;:Re AND APPROVAL OF ENGINEER DEPTt: OF NO Scala existingroadways shall be imported '' ' y p gran�llar material Cr�•s1..R)c), be slightly inclined where necessary. Horizontal and vezti- EWERs THAN Ir MAY RIE REDUCED TRENCHI NO Trench backfill not in roadways shall be To aooso Fort e' AND •8p1.l�Eg y ^VRcavated native cal joints in the face of the wall shall not be less than X010 FOR $ PIPE EAST WE4T material. 1/4 inch and rcL woe than 2 inches in thickness. Backing di.R1Es 20° To e0• R/W rocks shall be laic so as to break joints and shall not be - F>� 10' 61 KE PATH 3. Storm drains shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class II less than 3/4 cubic foot in volume nor less than 90 pounds RICHT-OF- WAY conforming to ASTM C 76 or non-reinforced extra strength in weight. Spaces between the backing rocks shall be flushed • 2x4 RLOCKIN9 concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C 14 or corrugated steel with mortar and then packed with spalls. No voids in any • TO INIIDfSTtIRRED PLANT FABRICATED " ���g, EARTH I pipe, 16 gage conforming to AASHO M 36 as shown on the part of the wall will be permitted. The rear face of the CAYL14HT TO EXI6TINC, CtRa plans. wall shall I/R BEND OR 1/16 RENO �'� present an approximate plane surface. Wall con- AT 3'ISLOPE �' struction shall not be commenced until the wall foundation •� at/PPCMtT TEE WITH 4. Coupling bands for corrugated metal pipe shall be "An"Angle-GRAVEL (t?'\ ��0� Lug" as specified in the standard specifications. g has been approved by the Engineer. • � 4. EXISTING 5. Within 24 hours after construction, the joints on all ex- ELEVATION - _ - �'/� ` C�ROUNO � �-"""---•- 5. During the placement of the storm drain within Walnut posed faces shall be raked clear of loose mortar and pointed ex- _.t Street Street, the ntractor shall provide for the maintenance of with the mortar s ecit ed so that BUILDING SEWER 3 � �"`�` �� P joints are recessed ap- R traffic as > be necessar and rovide for the safet of PLACE 2'A.G. �! 4�! LF. 12" --- -- tv' Y P Y proximately 1/4 inch. The texture of recessed pointing APRON AT 3 _ ANG. �PE _ property and persons. At no time shall Walnut Street be shall match the texture of the rock used and in no case INLET TO '+ �\ 6?5/e closed to through traffic. 'GvA�stnsy selovidst1" sk►�1, 1.s f + tel shall pointing be given a smooth finish. The wall shall be Film ~' r >.»r its""P}`o"• kept wet while the pointing is being done. CKEEKI� ' 6. Concrete for catch basins shall be ready-mixed, conforming to ASTM C 94 , Alternate 2. Maximum aggregate 1h inch 6. Weep holes shall be constructed as shown on the plans. Weep �j 10� I PIPE D•G. �, strength 2500 psi at 28 days. Slump 2 to 4 inches. hole pipe shall be 4--inch concrete or vitrified clay pipe CULVERT UNDER E31 KE PATK @ STA . 1 + 66 at the contractor' s option. Concrete pipe shall be at 7. Bedding for storm drain installation shall be Class B as least standard strength quality and conform to the require- 12, in Section 61-3 . 03B2 "Class B Bedding" of the merits of ASTM C-14. Vitrified clay pipe shall be of extra '° • IZ' MIK. NO 5C8�¢ standard specifications. WKFILL strength quality and conform to the requirements of ASTM SHALL DE CCW► T BUILDING SEWER C-200. F05E ND CLA66 C AtFMALT 7. Masonry shall not be laid when the temperature is below 480 F. '� CONCRETE. MATCH 1. All materials and workmanship for sanitary sewers shall con- AWMIM AQ 0 EXIST. A.C. THICKNE55 OF F-X16T. REMOVE L006ENED form to Rules and Regulations Governing the Construction of �{ +�''4 AIPPR0IIE DY 04 yURFACE PAVEMENT OR 41' MIN. ' ASPHALT Mainline, Side, Building, and Multiple Unit Sanitary Sewers Any work which is damaged shall be removed and replaced. G't`7'�t�' ItIE ENGINEER _ Within the Jurisdiction of the Unified Sewerage Agency o le E)Q6T. 0ASE c �D 0° o Washington County, Oregon, Resolution and Order No. 71-9 TD�IZ, Masonry shall be protected from the sun and kept moist for _ ter pointing. �` o (� �� � `� at least 3 days of _ NOTE CUTS IN A C. PAVE �v %, �:;, 2. The sewer pipe shall be Class 2 concrete pipe conforming to ''`�' '%� ''•��''=+� •"' ' VERTICAL CIO ALTERNATIVE REINFORCED CONCRETE RETAINING, WALL CLA66 9 MENT SHALL DE. MADE WITH II ASTM C 14 with rubber gasketed joints . - -- fCOMN4 - 4 MIN SPaIaDE TYPE PAVEMENT DREAKER, `�� �. TRENCH WIDTH -~1 6" l9EE NOTE, S ADE T1PPE0 ORQQ HAMMER, „ _ 3 . The building sewers shall be plugged with rubber gasketed In lieu of the rock masonry retaining wall , the contractor CUTTING WHEEL: C014CKETE SAW, COMPACTED 1/4 G COMPALTED CFJJ6HE9 may construct a reinforced concrete retaining wall. The wall FIFE 09. MIN plugs and braced as shown on the plans . The end of the 2 UNDIOTURDED oR meR APMROVEO METHOD TRENCH ROCK. MATCH EX16TING DASE shall be constructed in accordance with the dimensions shown f:ARTN INTERMITTANT PUNCHING WITH BACKFILL OR MIN sewer shall be marked with a 2 x 4 utility grade or better, on the plan and the applicable portions of Section 504 "Struc- A e0INTED JALK HAMMER WILL installed from the end c.. the pipe to 6 inches above tural Concrete" and Section 505 "Reinforcement" of the Standard PIPE DEPPI NG DETAI L NOT DE PERMt?'TED, finished ground. /� p Q Specifications for Highway Construction, Oregon State Highway TYPICAL PATCH FOR WALNUT AVE. . 4 . The serer shall be installed in a pipe zone of 3/4 inch Division. N4 �G3IQ � minus crushed rock extending 6 inches above and No 5Cal below the pipe. Backfill above the pipe zone shall conform The concrete shall be Class 2500-1 1/2 and bar reinforcement to t�ackfill requirements for storm drain construction. shall be Grade 40. DATE -- -- - - �`�S`���IM f`fjl f NoY '77 _ � POLO ESTATES TIGARDt OREGON SHEET ----- ----- ' LAYNE 01A'NER UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS __ _.- ` � R.AfrWr i h t DESIGNER , of r j f ` '1J�r riue SW Bertha Blvd H H R �� S�,/ L L - Afar - DQf�IAI_ D F. POLLOCK INVt:STMCNTS ss o��n engineering Portland, Oregon 97219 ---� - - REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR -- - - -- -- --- -- -- - - DRAFTSMAN - - --.- -- -- tl r+IDnau t o engineers 503/218 4293 O r • o n - Washington r h l n a t o n _ ----- ---------__-._ _- (j� 21 (] 9 10?_II SW BAf�BU[� f30U1_FVARU _ T_R g 9 _ JM 6120 SW. Lombard Avenue POtRTLAND, OREGON 91219 DETAI LS AND SPECIFICATIONS - ---.------ -- --� - -- - - -- -- DRAWING NUMBER Beaverton, Oregon 97005 REVIEWER Te'ephone 503 / 644 3179 H H R -- YQL0 ESTATES r NO. REVISION DATE BY C.ICAUC ANC"ITICTNAAL A,.n/tits"i ca,"a 11'.vo L [I Co F5 Or .�� .�, ..-�- -- _ ., ' ciATM...A�'.f�'M�'�IIrY1 '+.r-- 7+•1,I,R. 1�1 111 Ile III11 1�1 It I+1 11)) ISI 1.[ ijl r) ( i III III' r� III tI tl► I!I ell ('� 1 t tIf 11) r I ( 1 1 11 1 I I I I III I I 1 I i 1 I I I I I 1 I I f I 1 II► I I � I t' 1 I I I � I 11111111111111 I111 •� 11111111111111 , � , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 6 10 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT 10mr IT I5 DUE M �..�"•' QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL .rs~... PAWING. - _ .._._ __. 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Professional Civil Engineer P.O. Box 6054 Vancouver,Washington 98663 (?06,694-5573 Management Consulting ft"t,ty Management ��rl�olide.te +a gement aerzrices P.O.Bax 23331 Phone Tigard, Oregon 97223 6397157 .e Am M a r t Sew r !)F;V!-:f,C�I'1'F:N`I' PRUJF;CT lIATIUN Sllf:'r,'I I . PROJECT No. : �J 1 c I I . PROJECT NA MZ : *YOW 4bTkTE% - - --- III . 1)RAW IN (`i ; ':'I,?;) IV. PWi'f (TITI,F:) - �: , t .•.3 : �_ . _ V. SITE LOCATION- VI. PRINCIPALS : (1) DEVELOPER: IUMC)g %Ott% s,W, swiva dwv,. bvlTc Z04 Address �ORZ6 �'(Llg_, Phone No. ZS4,Z48. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AC;-,:,NCY —______ M r Addross - - - Phone Bond No. T - - ---- -- Exp. Date_- - ( 3) ENGINEER: _kr WjLa41a►S �eR► 1R4TM*1'LIZ \�,Og Add res � �Z\�1,_�, Phone No.7Afi�4Z93 (4) INSPECTOR:__ -y---- �.. ---- ---------- _ Address_ Phone No. (5) PRIhE CONTRACTOR: Address none No . (6) CONTRAC'T'ORS SUR!'TY A`-AJC-Y : Add i ,-,s - - _ Ph%;ne Bond No . - - -- --' Exp. Date ' (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS : _ ._ _- - -- - - - - --- - - - -- - - hn-I� o Vh o- o f f E C TI ON' T'25 R/ W �V All /f /d f tom• - ...,� .... 14 ^••�1••.1,.,.�_' ♦v. .,�.•, .._ fro' /" ♦w.. _,.wr..r•.. -r.+....w..-.... .r.«.+.r•._., _...aF•.KM•w.✓ _.r�r..+w+—...,v... w-r+✓_. .. vMr, nrti e.nw•!.• ,w__ti ... ..✓._....._.--•w...+wY.•gr -.-"w Y+ ... ...._._..�M._•r•� _.,_.._ry..._._.._. .......•.• ...a�•✓w.wr•"r�'•,+. : � .. .....,.,.!!A•._... �-........_..._..n.�. .•d/••.,•. '� 4. '.`.."^'•'.•*`..M_ _.r,.,,.»_....�"`".'••..+.r �..!/,...:«•+"w..«".r...�.•.�'_."'erM"`e'�....�«...w�,++.•.r«'�•.+..w.....wr»..•••.✓r-•.'�✓..r.r+r••^••✓rr.�.,.w••...... .w•rY,..,... tyi �� PUBLIC QF4 -N LFACE , . a. Sri G C i 1 0 t IC7 N/1/.`6' T TG /�'• C. 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',!J ':k,'gt •'A' .„t� { i., rrt'� .,y�:.A, .. 7•J•..•Y' .•tii•fi '/ '�45 '� .. ,z ' vr _ ... +fr-+ ..4r._ �'NRl'..:J`-. ,t. :r .A', `.ja w -''r•V x� ��. _ l:i } ' W�. Zit. rpt. ..•i” t . '"atr t' r .tr" .«' sr ►„ 't+„? �..x 4 -;g ,I,�'r .y, t 1 CONSTRUCTION 01 NOTESt ` - �•”1'•1, •-C„'•. .,:' - -� .,, w. .rti ► };:" ,! ^-y,. •`F, t ,.`: d>ti •�...1�,� ";r4. ? i, '.y�y'i sr�i�"fh': ..:' t �, .{ , ..t .#- ,: :•,n: .y T _ t �.. ..d -fir,. �.wro..'•'.r — _ --..:o._ ,'"�i�, ',... .,.- `. '. - .,.: '',�.t. ` i..� 4 e. a <,. 1 ..R' tr �..�, ' •. !, ;'.,,.. `' :., , Y ;4 y Notify Tigard Water _. �„ 1 • "V A , K.. y q er District prior to commencing :; $ . Mains shall be tested at 150 psi �. construction . fca.r l hour . 2 . A11 work shall be in accordance with A . W . W . A . 9 * 0 . 5• B . H . . H . bacteriological tests standards . '< PR, required . 3 . All work will be inspected and approved by TWD . 10 . Individual pressure-reducing valves 7149 MATERIAL LIST : ,, •� 4 . Fire hydrant assembly consists of 6 "MJ x Flg tee , will be required for all homes in r 6 " Flg gate valve , 6 " Flg x Flg spool , and Pacific this project . Pressure = 100 psi . 6 D . I . Pipe (Cl 2 ) . . X90 feet t..r� . •►e.I{ States fire hydrant , 5h " MVO , 3--port ( 2 - 2� " NST 11 . Tigard Water District will install ►� hoses connections , 1. - " - 8 x 6 MJ tee . . . . . . . . . 1 each �� r t, • titer,, ,�4. 4- pumper ) , 6 Flg connec all cropper services prior to black- tions ,, 5 r 14 Pent Opr Nut , open left , color ; zed , topping of streets . Meters will be 8 " MJ Gate Valve . . . . . 1 each �,,;�'�' F'• traffic model . installed by the district upon in- 811Solid Sl . (L . P . ) . . . 1 each. • ..� 5 . Poured concrete thrustblocks at least 8 square dividual request for same . feet cif bearing surface at each tee and bend loca- 12 . 6 " MJ Gate Valve . . 3 each Upon completion of installation , tion . contractor will, advise Tigard Wat 6 " MJ Bends , ,., , , , , , , . 4 each 6 . District of total. construction co.. -s 1, RDISTRICT 36" of 3/4 `° minus gravel covEr for all mains in 6 Salid Sl . t'�; , P . ) . . 1 eachTIGARD '�AT� streets or driveways ; otherwise 36 " earth cover . to which will be added 10% for dis- trict inspections , water loss , over- sire hydrant assembly : 2 each 7 . All sanitary sewer lanes 10 ' laterally or 3 ' ver-- head , administration , sampling , etc . 8841 S W COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OAEGUN 97223 tically of water mains shall be encased in concrete and 8% for erig ineerin TELEPHONE (503) 6;391554 g , including t, " thick 10 ' from crossing . Where crossings ar permits , " as-built" drawings , inter- necessary they must be made at approximately 90� section maps ,p , etC . WATER PROJECT with at least 18 " separation below water line . — C. -r- C, YO L �--� t• e A T fl:) V/ WAY YOL0 ESTATE` �•. ._... .. ' .� ....**1. ..... I� Robert E. Santee, P-E. Administrator Scal .a<na.morJ. Krrr.• : ,y.. • rr, 4V 1 r: r� tIt t tlI1t1 ,� , 1i111 '�1t �1 1111111 111111,1111pli�1 (l � t ► � t 'q111till� ► 1 � tit1tl ► lt1t111111irl � t I � t � llt � l � r� t� ilt ` tli � ilr ` tlll � it � il � � � l � � t � t tlt � �ltltit � ttl � , l � � tl, � �� � � , t � ! ' • _ i :: __ ___ __.___ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 } NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED = "�— DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICS;' . IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL •+� DRAWING. OE 62 82 LZ 92 SZ V2 EZ ZZ 1 2- OZ 6t 91 Ll 91 S1 b I E I Z I I I 01 6 9 L 9 S b E Z I " " " " �►�t�util,III,,,I,I,��,��,,,I,��,�,11,11,a! ,III�tt11{IIIil111,t,,,,I�,,,��,,,I,,,tea,,,i,�i1�tI111111tNt�►tltiltt1,11�1�It11�tltttc>!Irllls1�1111111)tltlt11111��11rtltn1�111111111It11t�1tr1It11i�111i��tl��lll9ltt���t,liiit�lltlltltt�tttllltll !!�t►I11Ultu�ul�tt� t�