SWANSON'S GLEN NO. 1 SUBDIVISION F-8110(2.5M 9745-885) f rC _ c NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY �€ � ` ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT • s�+ I-(w)'73 2'(W)'73 TYP.. 57R.-SECTION S.W. CENTURY W •� yyry (JEcul a ca S L O u i7,5' 5.56 g g 0 11 Ca 1937 <w> tW) + N TIG $o i w.s— 0 3 BOND CITY OF. UNDERGROUND PHONE PRESSURE RATING f Il•RAV .-.-- TAx COPE N-23 74 2•(w * _ � �^ Y73 1 TIGARD CITY LI -fMITS ENGR. __.____ DATE �...�. , PLAT A-46-19N- WATER TEST PRE SSUfr I I-.„ hw - PLAT A-47-19 S.W. DURHAM Z"(W) 75 SEWER 6.�i93 41 11 TEST DURATION (P) '• .,�:CJ�A TAX COPE: W-73-� 78 iv POWER Ei43--5454 X313 WELDS s X-RAYED 57 PHONE DESIGN PRESSURE PSK, 1 I TALL OTHER 644—.,188 MAOP PSIu 2 r TRANS I T ON NORMAL.OPER PRESS PSKA 1 4,/ FI TING / INSTRUCTIONS NEP(NiT ' -, MdMLL MAIN `I ) INSTALL MAIN 2 �IA loom 1 bq4' 1 1/4 (F') �. 3 �u ABANDONMAIN ABANDON MAIN 4 2, S w N50 ' TYPE COATINGS: TYPE COATINGS 6 1 'SO 52 FIPE. L'PL1XY I PE C11301.1 PIPE. — —. —. SJ 54 JOINTS POL'YKEIN� JOINTS. __._-_ FITTINGS .__ 1 47 46 45 44 FITTINGS �- E� 1 6U INSIALLED ANODES 7 1 V 49 INSTAIA ANODES Nrj INSTALLED SERVICE _�_—_._�_._.._-.. — 1 O -48 INS'IALI SEPV DATE COMPLETED. x CREW LEADER SCAIE TAX CODE' 9 1 S.W. AVAII NO PICKS WAY MAIN .w 1 M RK MEASURED DATE oRDFR 1 OCL l L 1 DAT ►7/C�,�V I I 1 1. 39 iv H1. ED _ DATE 'A,,RK I APPHOVEa '� __ GATE - n -I ^ 38 ORDER. 1 APPROVED DATE -fes/--97— '_ 1 � 37 40 141 142 43 naDHLss bW 1041 H N,,It 1.!t{ ) . 12 _ 1 U) 34 33 .32 NETwFEN JW DURHAM til) & SW 108114 AV"-: , 36 COUNTY W145H I N(:r7 ON CITY 13 1 � L N PLATTED PLATTE.D� "-.. 2' PLAT NO. DATE SIGN TOWNSHIP VAI.L~ DATE s1ON �3 'J :.,W 1 I ;_:, 11J t1 c ; :',I.> � 14 + 7 1 P13141 1W w vi A-4-7-18 NE Is ?5 iw !w-zl-30 Ir [' 16 0+00 , 31 ?'gip) j `a\r o• 30 29 QD 28 17 18 19 20 21 2' �. L j 6061 62 63 64 22 1 > I 1 < 27 00In 1 r^ N + N 81 2" w 1 23 g S.W. T I TAN L N. 1 1 Z I UI u X 24 it 23 1 o —._ 1 7s N I _ 68 67 66 65 O Ia 69 70 71 72 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 .74 76 DO ER AND NG O. 73 2 N 7-a 13' t— I INSTAL Uj TRAN T1014 i I F!TTI G i �' �,......_....�� ��....�'�.��..� a � 2'tP) —r,.�..��.�>�.rcF)�.�...�....._�...•� S.W. KENT ST._ �_ rcw) «- -2rP--- --- --0,.�,* � KENT ST. — — I S.W. Q, 7 -BOND VI' 86 9S 84 83 82 81 80 79 7 1346' Q Q 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 (w) 64 63 62 61 60 59 7 88 66 Spy 33 54 55 36 37 58 I` 70 69 68 67 51 c.Op I� r` ,n Iq & Q Q to fD *16560 ZD 0 • ` ` ` N 1 S.W. RIVER DR. I �► 2'(P) _ I ..1 1 1/4'(F;)'97 _ gill DR.Q ) N fN 4' I II 016630 •10669 a ai 1:1 v3 w� 11� #10318 CA OR 13 \—FUSE * tri I 27 38 b \1 ^� n o Z -010400 1 016632 o o E h o r 1� ('87) 010683 + « *�° « * 2' pI� IP _ 28 37 S1 SO 49 48 47 Q •10432 2 1 016674 � 010710 J .10729 *1os23 � r 1 _29 36 40 46 *10494 (!) \43 � I 9D _ 41 44 3 1 t,A9/+ •10741 (tS— in 168' 010734/ .?n. -- --- `:WANSON ' S GLEN 1 OF . _....._._.....I�.....,,,w„ .,...+....,-, .,v_,.., _ -,.�•..,.I,a.......-. '•"',e;,,-.:. �. .,;.,.,.. --�z c�:r-,.r...c. w. '� • I ;� t lP��t'�Itll��fsi111�111�iI�� j�11I1�IL�ilil�'1 '111I1�1�1I1�1�fi 111�I�i 'r(III�IIi�I(IIIjIIII 111�1II�IIilrlIIIII�IIIiIII�lI1�III�111�1i1I111i11111111111I1111Ii11� IIIIIII111IIIIIII�IIIII111 �� 21 3 4 5 8 7 8 A 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTI0&v -1T IS DUE TO jHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. QE 62 92 L2 9Z SZ t'Z E2 20 12 02 61 81 L1 91 SI t,I EI 21 II 01 6 9 L 9 5 1h E 2 law"" ��lllllul11nI11uI1u11111111rI►Iluulnl�nl�1111111N11u�Ilu�IN�thtNh����uh)r1111n111n1�iU�111111u11n}11u1111ullllluluu!UIII1111IIIIt�11ItIIIIIIiiti�IlttlUllII111I11ilIMi�uluullullmlllnllllull ��u�uu�w1�Iulilullull JULY ,1 1992 7 �.. . ,,,.,fin. .... _,..,,. , N, ,....�.•I,,L..w,�; �• ......... -.._. ._..� - �.. . ,.... ::, ,:. - -,�--•..A.-s�M,7,,,..-..e..�•�. ..�._._.r.--- ...., �,.. ... _ _ .'_ _ ... ...�u.nrOfL:. � . ;::_ _ _. _ _ F 0 1 10 (7.5M Ai 45-885) JR NORTHWEST NATURAL. GAS COMPANY wmii ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I y e• TYP. 5T')Z. SECTION 15 - 2' 0 EE c �, { s '+ a ( t_0 16 31 5o SC1 0 g Q 30 29 28 UNDERGkOUND PHONE PRESSURE RATING 3 X-RAY 17 18 19 2.0 21 2- _ LLJ -- 6061 162 63 6A 2C. E_NGR. __ �.�.�- _ _._.� DATE 27 „L-.., ,•--- IW4- co 27 �WATEfI t.. { PEST PRESSURE ii PSIG .1 � � � � TEST DURATION t I F SL SEWER t:r�?' � `� m o X7 4:�' 4 5- 4 X ti I CV O POWER 1 - U + 26 PHONE WELDS $ X-RAYED (? � N DESIGN PRESSURE PSIG ' I Q 1 -1 /4�(P) � OTHER M.A.O.P PS1G (0 S.W. TITAN L.N. b 25 NORMAL OPER PRESS. ���� PSIG I ----F INSTRUCTIONS REPORT I FUSE 1A INSTaLI. MAIN i ,.y• -, „ ; INSTALL MAIN ON NO 23 O - E 70' 1 1 /4 ( ' ) 75 �C' .: �a 40 M , hl� - I 68 67 _ 66 65 I71 72 73 74 75 16 ]] 78 79 80 1 ®2 74 �N a 69 70 71 72 ABANDON MAIN ABANDON MAIN COF1 NSTAL 76 DGS E-. AND NG O. 2 73 2' 77 i cn + N a -- --'- - - TPANS T l0 N o O a. TTl G N � � � � rwr�N �/r Mrw �� ~�•�P) �� �� rr 2'(P) �C i v,a} COATINGS- TYPE COATINGS �/ ,a. PIVE ��x Y J �-� _. :: .: PIPE: _ __ .■• � ' , r ..■ ..� �.. ... �.. <P) ... .� �. � ... �.., �.. S.W. KENT ST. IoINTs f- 01_YK[7.�•I • JOINTS: FITTING' _. WL r �s row FITTINGS: INSTALLED ANODES: 2"fP) #" KENT S T. t � ,c_) .. LL I S.W. - 00 ON Z INSTALL ANODES N INSTALL-ED SERVICE: __ ------y Q INSTALL. SERV DATE COMPLETED- 31 LL.I OND r I CREW LEADER: .�' I ( ��� < 86 83 > 346 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 '4 w SCALE: t ]. r 10 �4, + t TAX CODE 164 63 62 61 60 Sy Q Q 7 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 AVAIL.NO.: 65 -._.. .__.. I 8 MAIN I 66 5� 53 54 55 56 57 58WORK MEASURED DATE ORDER: t ! 1 Q Q US '� 70 69 68 67 51 N 1 n ^ n J -_1 - (� ��1( 1' DATE (,� I f�,,1�:::'�� 7 OR o Q N ►� a ,0 h` 0 V) �` Q 111 N CKFO DATE ' i SERVICE F-- � O � O O � � }. � � W JRK I 16560 O M O * * O 1� ,�, r e ..w �■ r w. �..r �■ w .w APPROVE U DATE � �C URDE R 0 N } "'� i -1 /4'(P) r APPROVED DATE o rQL S.W. RIVER DR. /� AVL.N w L,r L ._t 4 1 H A Yt C._. dATTE_ 1 1 / �(P)'8'7 - U ADDRESS. ,�1DR. uI1 ” ��.87 BETWEEN: IaW DU1`dHAM RD � sw 1,06111 kvtlCOUNTY: Y'�� BF41 W7 (.IN CITY 'T16630 010669 �� / ,�I 1 abD CL -4 110 %0 *10518PLATTED PLO h. (n 2 38 N O CD D` PLAT NQ DATE SK,IN TOWN5I�IP wALLMAP DATE i 1 n � QC `,� (}� +�10400 1 �5 W I t +�16652 o q o a o ^ o ,� o O a .� q --_--_____- t .4,w 1 JN S GT�ETv N ( ('87) *10683 * co 40 ar 4 M Q 2.' � �1�4?- 18 ' � Imew 15 � 5 1w 2 OF 24 �i � �Lc (P) 28 37 _. _ 50 10452 d S 1 49 4 4 _ a CO r '� - •. - '•- .mi � .- _.... ',�„"_°. .:�GP�i_-:. ....,"i �„14., ,.`f,.. ,i,,.,. -•..ate+ :r. .M,.... .. ..<.. ._ _ .y. A i'.... .. .. y ..,y. .., Ilm•�'�' ' . y tr� '/'.�". ��"�' �� .•."r'r�►."K c:�-..:r.�.�.�__ ..q►,•.. ..•.r_ .....•.wr., __ ..... ' - -.. .. »...._.- .., .y } _ ', _. _. -. _ M � , w• ,. I I 1 Lit L1 �L ��► tai ' 't fl 1 Ill111 �111 Iii 1I jt II I � 1 t 111 r� � r � t I � r llt 1 { 1 rlr tlltllIlt � � 1t � �III 1Mall fIlitl ► trt Illt � 111411tllll ,I tI I IIi 2 3 4 5 F 7 8 9 10 tl 12 _ NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED ; -• �. + DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NUTICfr;"IT IS DILE TO . THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL � _ • ' DRAWING. 0c 6Z 8Z lz 9z SZ tiZ EZ *z Z 1 L 0z 61 of LI 91 sl 41 E I al 11 01 6 9 1 9 E 2 I '"'•'" 1` y000JULY 1992 '��,1 ��1If11t1�ttl1�ut111111�IIIIINit�tlll�ttt�,1,111h1ir�111#�11t1�utt4�ItI1l�rlta�rMNt�1�1�1�tlt�MNN1{�ttH�It1lIN�rItlJl�itt�W1 �11�IIIlIIIIIIII�t�IN�lftr�lrll�lltllrrlt�llrII111101111 tlt1u�1111II111�1111�IiIlLllll U�III�IIIIN . n 4' . TIM - +MM'�rNAIYIM�b. rn v: v co oa N C W w En 00 cm g1r)wm o (0 r� w$ CL N w � (D m o � CL � v � CITY OF TIGARD December 5, 1991 OREGON 7 0 Titan Properties Corporation, Inc . 5325 N.W. Deerfield Way Portland, Or 97229 Re : Swanson' s Glen No . 1 Subdivision Dear Mr . Bleak: In the matter of the three hundred four thousand three hundred fifty-three dollars ($304, 353 . 00) Letter of Commitment between Titan Properties Corporation and Orbanco Real Estate Services Company and the City of Tigard, Oregon, this is to serve as a letter of authorization to allow Orbanco Real Estate Services Company to release to Titan Properties Corporation all of the balance of the deposit entrusted to Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, the balance being five thousand nine hundred twenty-four dollars ($5, 924 . 00) . If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact John Hagman at Tigard City Hall, 639-4171 . Sincerely, By City Engineer dj/JI1:t1tenPro.1tr 1312!,SW Nall Blvd.,RO,Box 23397,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 � I it I II ... ,.:....... ,:.,..., ..,........ ... ,............ ..-y.,•,..,...: ...rv.'rn.u...- .w.n.f''uiJ..tlu.cdMCCAflltlr.+MW1.+iYWY 1'bL.. ...._ December 3, 1991 CITY OF TIGARD OREGON TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed within the following development projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance : 1 . Exodus Subdivision 2 . Barbee Court Subdivision I 3 . 108th Ave/Durham Road Street Improvement. "4 . Swanson' s Glen Subdivision I /Z Randall R. Wooley, City gi.neer dJ/•JH:opt-ma in.aCp 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — July 19, 1991 CITY OF TIGARD Titan Properties Inc. OREGON Mr. Steve bleak 5325 N.W. Deerfield Way Portland, Oregon 97229 RE: Swansons Glen #1 Mr. Bleak: This letter is to give you and update to the above referenced project. As you are aware, on November 15, 1989, we sent you a IQ,'ter giving you a list of items remaining to complete the project. On July 18, 1991, our inspector visited the site and determined that the following work still remains to be completed: 1. The sidewalk fronting Lot 45 is cracked and it must be replaced and/or repaired. �l . The chipped curb fronting Lot 22 needs repair. 3 . Correction of the sidewalk at 10341 Keri Ct . We feel that we have given you more than adequate time to completed this project and have been more than willing to accommodate your needs. We also feel that it is time to finish this work and complete this project . Therefore, we are requiring that you do the following: 1 . Contact the Cit; of Tigard within 10 working days, of the date of this letter, and provide us with a time schedule, which is acceptable to the City, for completion of the above mention items, or 2 . If you fail to contact the city in the time mentioned above or complete the work as per the accepted time schedule, the City will have the work completed and refund, to you, any remaining funds from your deposit . If I can be of further help or you need additional information please call me at J-J9-4171 . Sincerely, Christopher R. Davies, P.E. Development Review Engineer rd/l-ab-apl.CD 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4-171 -------] �C4S Otp Qn I,� are On T �orob�C�r3 \-c-� plc 1 6.Q,,,,. QV� (•e.4v4.ol ,rW ,�t�w,' ''' l�utl t p►f f� "� �p-L 13 U l� ➢V s 039 ` 6g7Z, CITY OF TI6A RD co OREGON C; i November 15, 1989 Mr. Steve Bleak Titan Properties Corp. P.O. Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swansons Glen No. 1 Dear Mr. Bleak: Item's number two (2) and four (4) of our March 21, 1989 letter still remain to be corrected, namely: 1A� tao I �Isc ?� Ic741 1. The sidewalk fronting Lot 45 is cracked: It must be replaced/repaired. 2. The chipped curb fronting Lot 22 needs repair. Si.n erely, 4 :---- John S. Hagman Engineering Technician jr/awansone.JSH Nt 4-wt c, t �c rr 1 , 1%I N_S5 ATT► ` � Sig 4 -17 1 ',-(DSI, 44 � 541.�'Y►[ � �01^c4 1312--..1 moil twa.,PC).Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 O;Ile � � 4z /Itm l I d� CONTRACTORSNDINS Date: 10-2-89 J AND IN RAN COMPANY SU �, STATUS Arus PRINCIPAL:TITAN PROPERTIES COPi'. BOND NO: 012291 CONTRACT AMOUNT $: 60,870 OBLIGEE: CITY OF TIGARD DESCRIPTION: MAINTENANCE BOND NOR SWANSONS GLEN # BIO BOXTZB397 TIGARD , OR 97223 CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on th:above Bond. We will appreciate your cooper. 3tion in providing the information requested below,and returning the form to ur so that we may have current status informs• tion on the captioned job. A business reply envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for your assistance. 'Y(urs very truly. JANET' K. LL.;RAIN1: IF THE CONTRACT HAS BI'EN COMPLETED: I. Completion date? _ Dale of final acceptance o• expected final acceptance?_-..__ 2. What date does contractual warranty period end? 3. Final contract price?(Including applicable taxes) _.�__ _ Has full arnrnmt been paid" 4 Was the work satisfactory __..- .—Have all labor and mat•-ial bills been IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETt D: II ..__ /fin p LTL Percent of work completed to date? __. A— CX L 0A,) L LTL 2. Total amount paid to the Contractor to date: $___ ___Amount of the retainage held? $___ 3. Is the Contractor paying his labor and material biIs? ___ Anti ipated date of completion? 4a. is war k progress satisfactory? 1 :.` b. Is the quality of Lie work satisfactory? 5`If the anger to No. 4a or 4b 's no, prease explain:_ Y i !-L 1 0 �C�l �';�<«.•�1� F,. Please provide any other information yrn feel would be helpful in evaluati ing the contractor Firm: --- 1_42-Ir TO • By. Jif;REPLY REPLY TO OFFICE (Title) MARKED BELOW Dale: Address:__0, Telephone: UndSTUSUa USrIA17AA --" --------_--- D Wa-dhingion: 1213 Valley Street, P.O. Box 9271, :settle, WA 98109.0271 Phone: 1206)6!2.7053, WA WA'PS(9001552 7264, FAX 12061387.-9623 D Ort-Row 1101 S E Oak Street,Suite log,PO PA,x 120 1, ;tirtland,OR 97212-0051 Phone:15031232.4000,OR WATS(8001452-11505,FAX 15031232.2151 G Ne%ndn: 1346 S.Decatur Blvd., PA.Box 26990,Las Vegas,NV 89126.0990 Phone:(7021978-CHIC,NV WATS(9001727-CHIC,FAX 17021878-7011 17 Arizona:4001 N 3rd Sit et,Suite 480,P.O.Box M 17,Phoenix,AZ 85011.6597 Phone:(60;,279.9900,AZ TS(8001832.2277,FAX 16021277-00x;5 u:c)L•t.l b bt_ � Natlo al WS: r,9 11P •^ : C-C vac r F' i t". Lt�� to �� " V—� 1n VIG� r_c cc ' t'C' �- J1-C1 c�i11t< t'_ y i •� tutl � CONTRACTORS B 'DING 1e. 7-1-89 -- - - AND INSURANCE OMPANY STATUS PRINCIPAL;TITAN PROPERTIES CORP. BOND NO: 012291 CONTRACT AMOUNT $: 60,870 OBLIGEE: CITY OF TIGARD DESCRIPTION: MAINTENANCE BOND FOR SWAfdSONS GLFF14 # 1 r P.0 BOX2339 T7 TIGARD , OR 97223 L J CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above Bond. We will appreciate your cooper- ation in providing the information requested below,and returning the form to us so that we may have current status informa• tion on the captioned job. A business reply envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Thank you for your assistance. Yours very truly, JANET K. LORRAINE IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED: 1. Completion date? Date of final acceptance or expected final acceptance? 2. What date does contractual warranty period end? 3. Final contract price?llncluding applicable taxcs) _Has full amount been paid? 4. Was the work satisfactory? -----Have all labor and material bills been paid?— IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED: 14 c 1. Percent of work completed to date?-----. 2. Total amount paid to the Contractor to date: S Amount of the retainage held? S 3. Is the Contracto- paying his labor and material bills? Anticipated date of completion? 4a. Is work progress sati dactory? / b. Is the u lily of the work satisfactory? 5. If the answer to No. 4a or 4b is no, please explain: V.- ! CITYOF TIGAPD, May 22, 1989 OREGON Titan Properties Corp. Attn: Kay Bleak PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 Re: Swanson's Glen No. 1 l Dear Kay, In reply to your telephone call, we have field checked the items described by our letter of March 21, 1989, and found that item #2 and item /4 still need to be completed (i.e. the cracked sidewalk fronting Lot /45 still needs repair and the chipped curb fronting Lot #22, 104th Avenue Frontage, still needs repair). i Please let me know when :.hie work is done. Sincerely, John S. Hagman engineering Technician jlh 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard ,.action 97223 (503)639-4111 ---- - — CITYOF T11FARD' March 21, 1989 OREGON Titan Properties Corp. Attn: Mr. Steve Bleak PO Box 6835 V Aloha, OR 97007 Re: Swansons Glen No.l Dear Mr. Bleak, In accordance with your req"e at for an update of t.1e completion statue of the project, our recant field —riection revealed the followings 1. Sidewalks need to be installed on Lot M6 and on Lot 119. All of the other sidewalks are complete. 2. The sidewalk fronting Lot #45 5� 1)116)' is cracked. It must be replaced/repaired. 3. A three foot segment of curb fronting Lot #28 is displaced. Sidewalk was poured adjacent to it. This defect needs to be corrected. 4. Chipped curb fronting Lot #22 ani 2 PP f 9 �a'1`�gif�'!ontri�q '�b�Li2�-;" Heade to be repaired. 5. The barricade at the end of Picks Way keeps falling down, and also, the tape used for the barricade white striping is peeling off. These problems need to be corrected. Please take steps to correct the aforesaid. When yoj are done, I will promptly initiate formal city "final acceptance", with subsegient release of the project assurance(s) . Sincerely`, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician j-ih 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P p.Box 23397,Tigard ')regon 97223 (503)639-4'71 -- CITY OF 11GAMM March 21, 1989 OREGON Titan Properties Corp. Attn: Mr. Steve Bleak PO Box 6935 Aloha, OR 97007 Re: Swansons Glen No.l Dear Mr. Blaek, In accordance with your request for an update of the completion status of the project, our recent field inspection revealed the following: 'Yl.//Jidbwalks; need �o be st ed o of e` '/qoL` 6thet sidewalks g"re coniplbte. �., Gi a.�,r• / � 7 2. The sidewalk fronting Lot #45Mgr Ik,46) is cracked. It must be replaced/repaired. 0 3. A three foot segment of curb fronting Lot #28 is displaced. Sidewalk was poured adjacent to it. This defect needs to be corrected. 4. Chipped curb fronting Lot #22, an�rZ�gifeontieg fbt,h)F,- needs to be repaired. S. The barricade at the encs of Picks Way keeps falling down, and also, the tape used for the barricade white ntriping is peeling off. Theae problems need to be corrected. Please taka steps to correct the aforesaid. When you are done, I will promptly initiate formal City "'final acceptance", with subsequent release of the project assurance(s) . Sincerely, ,john S. Hagmlir`-� Engineering Technician jlh 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - ..nli�d4le�aw�whl+iraraet»qc�w.6W�knaruu.SuLYusnw+r4r,7wwrior6dW.:rai t� r J c sus z�l e cfe_k� LA i i J j � • Ile w,,, It ey- 7 4- I'I.C- lick- -t,�,- � 7 7 J 1 al Ili �� r (,�h Iir tve?Ile- 1 2 Z e,2---e' Z�v T ip-l�I� e'�o uljn - �-�' i�1v 1 9_. 1 yy '4 � � T m o m N (u Y r 06IWD N tD to ui rtni N N �• ' m h qw - (nW (D fNf1 a- � m I « n - — '1 I N 1 CP m M In ry l if i d , 7r-2--t- ),=)e - Fie Als �/c�� � f7G`�ai�J • ONTRACTORS B VING e: 2,�-89 AND INSURANCE—COMPANY .� STATUS PR PAL:TITAN PROPERTIES CORP. BOND NO: 012291 CONTRACT AMOUNT $: 60,870 OBLIGEE: CITY OF TIGARD DESCRIPTION: MAINTENANCE BOND FOR SWANSONS GLEN # 1 PIO WXTZ3397 TIGARD , OR 97223 ` Jl CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above Bond. We will appreciate your cooper- ation in providing the information requested below,and returning the form to us so that we may have current status informa- tion On the captioned job. A business reply envelope is enclused for your convenience. Thank you for your assistance. Yours very truly, JANET K. LORRAINE IF THE CONTRACT HAS SEEN COMPLETED: 1. Completion date?---- Date of final acceptance or expected final acceptance? 2. What date does contractual warranty period end? 3. Final contract price?(Including applicable taxes) _Has full amount been paid? 4. Was the work satisfactory?_ _!_ Have all labor and material bills been paid?_ IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLE'T'ED: 41 A C� l�i1�, 1. Percent of work completed to date? 2. Total amount paid to the Contractor to date: S---Amount of the retainage held? f 3. Is the Contractor paying his labor and material bills? _ Anticipated date of completion? 4a. Is work progress satisfactory? b. Is the quality of the work satisfactory? 5. If the answer to No. 4a or 4b is nu, pp/lease explain: 6. Please provide any othcf uifon cation you feel would heAlPfUl in evaluationg the contractor .7/Gf t'LVG�1C J J Firm: Q �� REPLY TO OFFICE (Title) MARKED BELOW Date. ��l _ �— Address _ �J �`/' Z�39 / / % , el(�/2— Telephone: _71 Und5TU5.04 USOBl78(1 --- C: Washington: 1213 Valley Street, P.O. Box 9271, Seattle, WA 98109.0271 Phone: (206)6227053, WA WATS(8001552-7264, FAX(206)382.9f,7.3 t Oregon:901 S.F.Oak Street,Suite TOR,PO.Box 17.053,Portland,OR 97212 0053 Phone 15031232.4000,OR WAIS(800)452.8505,FAX(503)232.2153 r ) Nevada: 1346S Decatur Blvd,P.O.Box 26990,Las Vegas,NV 8912f+0990 Phone:(702)R78-CB1C,NV WATS(800)727-CBIC,FAX(702)878.7011 1 1 Arizona:4001 N 3rd Street,Suite 480,PO Box 16597,Phoenix,AZ 85011 6597 Phone(602)2799900,AZ.WAIS(R001832.2277,FAX(602)277.0005 National WAIN: 1,7001426-9949 December 9, 1988 CITYOFFA T' RD OREGON Titan Properties (:orporation PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 Re: Swanson's Glen No. 1 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release #5) Dear Mr, bleak: Tn the matter of the three hundred four thousand three hundred fiftv-three dollars ($304,353.00) Letter of Commitment , between Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Titan Properties Corporation; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Real Estate Services Compnnv to release to Titan Properties Corporation a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Real Estate Services Company. The amount hereby authorized to be released is fifty-eight thou.;and one hundred ninetv-eight dollars and sixty cents ($58, 198.60) . The amount to remain entrusted to Orbanco Real Estate Services Company as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining requirements of said project arc completed, shall he five thousand nine hundred twenty four dollars ($5,924.00) . This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of '-he aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. If you need any additional information on this matter, please contact John Hagman at Tigard Citv Hall, 639-4171 . City of Tigard, Oregon ,Z" , / Citv Engineer 13125 SW Nall Blvd .P O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4111 — --- --- - - SUMMARY CReqi6exu-A5— uTTER F TIOARD RE: Swansons Glen No. 1 Suhr'.ivision; Performance Bond Reduc:OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK LE, ITEM AMOUNT iMAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM COMP ITEM _-"") Street_ $110,833.00 $ -0- -0- $22, 166.60 San. Sewer $ 71,624.00 $ -0- $ -0- $15,524.80 Storm Sewer $ 35,807.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 7, 161.40 Water Line $ 37,419.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 7,483.80 Walks/Aprons $ 13,360.00 $ •-0- $5,924.00 $ -0- A.C. Overlay $ 21,800.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 4,360.00 LiRhtinR $ 5,000.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 1,000.00 Misc. $ 2,510.00 $ -0- $ -0- $ 502.00 TOTALS $304,353.00 I� $ -0- $5,924.00 I $58, 198.60 * Required withholdir.g for one year guarantee period assurance (provided by n separate assurance nnw posted with the City). ke/834 5D 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Brix 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- -- - -- Ply �. MAINTENANCE BOND v4S v►dL+ Band No. e KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Titan Propert e4 Corporation(hereinafter called Principal) as Principal, and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Com an a corporation organized and doing business under- and by virtue o the lawu of the State of Wa- and duly licensed for the purpose of making, guaranteeing or becoming sole surety upon bonds or undertakings required or authorized by the laws of the State of Oregon (hereinafter called Surety) , as Surety, are held end firmly bound unto the CITY OF TICARD (hereinafter called Ob' igee) in the just and full sum of sixty thousand eighth�undred and seventy and no/100---- DOLLARS ($ 60,810.00 awwfu money of the r1� iced States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly ...) be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our and each of our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, said Principal is req-_ired to furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee for a period of one (1) year from date of final inspection and acceptance by the City of Tigard certain improve- ments in the Subdivision known as Swansons Glen #1 located in Tigard, Oregon. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, if Principal shall indemnify the Obligee for all loss that Obligee may sustain by reason of any defective materials or workmanship which become apparent during the period of one (1) year from and after February 1 , 19 88 , then this obligation shall be null and void; but the bond shall not be considered null and void until the Surety receives written notice of the passage of a Resolution of the Tigard City Council , following a final inspection and determination that the Principal has fully performed all the requirements and obligations of the contract set forth; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. AS FURTHER CONDITIONS of this Bond, the parties agree as follows : (1) The Surety guarantees correction of all deficiencies discovered during the one-year maintenance term; (2) The City shall have thirty (30) days from the expiration of the one-year maintenance term in which to notify the Principal and Surety of deficiencies in the performance of said contract set forth. The notice required by this subsection shall be valid upon the mailing of such notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Principal and Surety, at the addresses shown below, or to a different address provided that the City has received written notification of the new address within ten (10) days of its effectiveness. 1 - MAINTENANCE BOND i (3) In the event any legal action is un3ertaken to enforce this agreement, the City shall be entitled to recover, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, reasonable attorney fees costs and disbursements incurred therein, both in the trial court and appellate court, if any. The reasonableness of such fees and costs shall be determined by the court, but the total amount recoverable shall not be limited by the face amount of this Maintenance Bond. SIGNED AND DATED this 1st day of _December �► 19RFA _. Titan Properties Corporation Pr—'n By: p en . B ea es. Contractprs Rn ding and Tnyu^anra Enmp;i13y Surety By. 1&�P && ,x (�- 11-Wrge A. nsfield PRINCIPAL'S ADDRESS: Titan Properties Corporation P.O. Box 1635 Aloha, Oregon 97007 SURETY'S ADDRESS: 1530 S.W. Taylor Portland, Oregon 97205 2 — MAINTENANCE BOND 0 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY — — READ CAREFULLY ,,ACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY IS RESPONSIBLE ONLY FOR THE BOND DESC91BED AND UP TO THE AMOUNT SET FORTH IN THIS 110 MWER OF ATTORNEY, ANY ERASURE WILL VOID THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY. IF YM HAVE ANY OUESTIONS ABOUT OR WANT TO VERIFY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY CALL CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY TOLL FREE AT 1(800)425.9949 oaf sUl❑$ 60,870.00-� Attorney No 4R001 — Power NO _QO 6 319 __ — Dona No 012291 Llmt(eid Power of Abomay,E es Dale Approved:_—__-1 /1/88 -- — Approved byC - —AILHAEL. L. :IOHN5(1N v ml,AMQ)--—— ---- Nam" of Principal _ R(PERTIES CORPORATION Name of Obligee:.-_�1 01' —' ---------- -- _ _ — DescrlD0n _-_—dA1.NTENANCE BOND FQg--aWANSUNS a '1 T -Location(If ApolcaDle): TIGARD -2$EGON_ KNOW ALL MEN By IHESE PRESENTS that CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY,a corpofahon duty wgarwted Lod existing under Ole laws of the Sur;or Washington,and laving Its principal ON"in Seattle.King County,Washington,does by mese p(esenta make,consfflvle enc appool GEORGE A MANSFIELD of Portland,Cuegon NH true and IW-.1 allomeyinfad.wind I 1 power and au0arg4 hereby,contented in Its name,place aid stead to eaecule,acknowledge and delver the bonds)deecrlDed above;and to bind the Company thereby as h,!ty and to Ore Lune&dent w d 11 911Ct1 boys was spnM by tet President seats with the Corporafe seat Of the Company and duty atlasted M Its Secrelery,hereby ralrrpng and uordumfng ad 141 the sad abomeyln•fact may do lin the p ern.sas Said sppointmern n matte under and by authority ul the 100pwrp resolpgons adopted by the Board of Dreclnr5 of CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURA"JCt COMPANY on January 4, IWO RESOLVED that the President Is aulhoated to appoint as Worm in facl of Me Conipany GEORGE A MANSFIELD win Mover and authority to sign On behail of the COMpkif,mise surety balls wnifY may from lime 10 lime be apprOved by the DnaLlut of Undefwrling ;mos terry Pfesl"W or Chia!EAecutiv.0111i Of Ile Company,Loh$Loth Pana cur15 and ocrordirp if,sunt arrdANons 45 May be approved by the Drei Of UrderwfKing,Seaelary,Presrdenl of Chief EKecuWt(hcef of pie LOmpxny RFSDLVED FURTHER that each Poway of Attorney must sN Sorel the Spacdrc derscriphon n'die bond t0 wNch it apfm.tht rame 0f the pnnCbtad,the name of f11e obayce the peryl sun,.the bend number(except lot a bid bond where there 4 no Somber),the identifying numb-,of 14 Mtafve'Yeh lest,the IOerrtlltMg nrarber of ft Power of Abanev,and the hank arrc u0nabfne of Pre threctof of Underwriting,the SecreaAry.Presldem oI the CMM EKectrhve Ole%er of the Company RESOLVED FURTHER flat the CMM EKaCUtive OMCef,Pree1anl,Savotary of Director M UnatrwriMig of the Company n aulhon.M1 to Nabl'sh A sslwll.exprfAl On dale too Lk power of Attorney and IC modify that dale tom time to I,me as the Chief EreCullve Odcat.Presidonl.;*;tetany of Diri 01 Underwrgmg deems rwvwry In h!5 So4l dweilon,0+e applublo erV+atiof date 10 be dearly,set tort»in any written Power of Attorney RES'I(VED FURTHER!fieri under no crcumstanres shIll (e)Me conflict anrouni fur Any bb paym^pedo mane of comdnalldn payment and fhedanwrce pond exceed III,15o OM if IN bapnd is gua'anlew±by the SMI N Bu%irvss Adminislrabon,(b)the penal sum of Any bond not gwranlaed by the SM30 Business AdmniMrabon(other than a bit Mnd whit!+K further rssiriciad by cteuse 0.n creed 51.00(1.gpD and IcT a dd bond which is rd guaranteed M the Small BuSroess AOnrnhslr.tion be extclAed la a pD omnis,K the contract is awarded,the bond gentry on any p&AdrMince Dona,payment bond,a Combination performance and payment bond to be evehculed pUfSuAnl 10%Md bond is to aaceed tt,WO,OM RESOLVED FURTHER Inn the authoriy M the SeaMAry of the Company to wally the It"e bray end effedlvenesL of the laegOing fe501010ns!n ar•y Limited Power Of Allomey r5 fv "delegated to Itve rollnwmo persons the sgnalurr of arty of the foen,Mng to bind the Company wish respect to toe Authentsti and eeedivenem M the foiViN res0lubon9 as it speed Ili the Sectetary of the Company Donald SUKIn,Stamen A Gainer„end Michael L losinson RESOLVED FURTHER that the S)"Ures of the Chfaf Executive(Worm,President,Secretary 011i or Underwriting and Notary Public,and the wmOrate and Notary set;appea,rp Mn any Limiled POW 0!Mornay fonlaning Ary and the foregoing teeWidns may be by fscSlrmle RESOLVED FURTHER that an resdulions adopted prior 10 100311 ADDOInbny the above named a3 atlaneyln!act for me Company are hereto superseded IN WITNESS WHEREOF.CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be Signed by as Chief EKecNive Offer,Wesrdery !~euelary and(h•Klor of lhxlerwnbnp and 45 WDOi le sat li the hereto suety INS Vh day of January 19M CONTRACTORS Wlkl AND IN'()RANCE COMFANY M1oNp1NG 6 vprall f' —� S"*WVq _W— :t -- "3s rMlor 0 t) SS . 1 A.Gomes.President err 1919.•O� rc A MnINtaA Sen ,y STATE OF VIASHINGION -- COUNTY Or KING rrlrly ASH I NG`r f On mos alh der o1 January,1988 persorWly eomfed DONA0 SOOtiN,STEVEN A GAINES MARC I HAEL L JOFNSON,to me known to be the CNet EKeci ltd Qif: SafiM and Or re"M UndKyyrilhrp,Iaspednety,of It rCIPOIWn that execulAd the fnregong Lifted knowledged$*I Lmxled Power of Adornf pigs ey to be OW 113 and oPgeitltrll SM and deed said corMrarinn lot the Vaisya and putpose3 therein mmlroned,and on call.,Slalett that rn�' mid IlmKM Power 01 Aflrtiy, OOTARy 'I M Wi11vE4S WHEREOF.I have hereuMO del my hand and affixed my ohne,ea•xi fire M lid Oaf fuil thE•NM wralen.; • • at e q � ... .. 40tero Pubk In we Iceob A On SWas"Oh,reading 0 UM— OF 'Willis. TIM,un11N4gnad acting Undo aulmotlfy,fit ihy pal of Dtrec(as of CONTRACTORS BONDING AND INSU I COMPANY,hereby Ce itim,In Neu of CanikGTe of he Seuelery of CONTRACTORS BONDING AM)AVSURANCf COMPANY,that V above and rorlrgnIng 15 a kM Out 64 correct copy d the Original Power M Attorney issued by sold Company and dyes hereby flAOret CeNty mist ON sass Powe or Manly Is SOI In tea and M1rC1 GIVEN under my ha;d,M— SEATTLE WASHINGTON � Ira 1ST _day,of DECEMBER ,y 88 �-- P0aB1,1110103190101111111 CITY OF TIGA RD OREGON November 15, 1988 Titan Properties Corporation P.O. Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swanson's Glen No. 1 Subdivision Dear Mr. Bleak, Enclosed, please find a letter acknowledging the commencement date for the subdivision's one-year guarantee period. Also enclosed is a letter authorizing release of commitment funds for work recently completed. For the record, all improvement work has been completed satisfactorily except sidewalk and apron installation for sixteen lots. Project final acceptance is contingent upon the performance of this work and satisfactory withstanding of the guarantee period. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/jlh enclosures 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 23347,�;gard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4111 November 15, 1988 C'1Y T'1FARD OREGON Titan Properties Corp. P.O. Boa 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swansons Glen Phase #1 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release #4) Dear Mr. Bleak: In the matter of the three hundred four thousand, three hundred fifty-three dollars (1304,353.00) Letter of Commitment, between Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Titan Properties Corporation; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Real Estate Services Company to release to Titan Properties Corporation a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Real Estate Services Company. The amount herehv authorized to be released is three thousand dollars (J3,000.00). The amount to remain entrusted to Orbanco Real Estate Service Company as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining requirements of said Subdivision are completed, shall be sixty-four thousand, one hundred twenty-two dollars and sixty cents (¢64,122.60). This notice shall not be construed to nullify or filter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any Kay; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City Of Tigard, Oregon By City Engineer of/9041D 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 SUMMARY Rf , Swansons Olean (Phase 011 ) ';'Abdi vi .i ion; Porfor-mance f3mid Roducti on LF1 I LR OF CRUM I (BOND) RE Qtj]RE 1) HOI DBACK RE I IVAIII I ITEM AMOUNI MAINTf AIAN(I'M INCOMPLI'll. 11EM# CX)MM I I t I I I M Street $110,833 ,00 $72, 166,60 $ -0- San. Sower $ 77,624.00 $15,924.80 $ 0- $ 0 Storm Sewer- $ 35,8OY.00 $ /, 161 .40 $ _.O_ $ -o.. Water- Line $ 37,419.00 $ 7,403 .00 $ 0_ $ 0- Walks/Aprons $ 13,360.00 $ _O. $,),9 2 4.CIO $ 0. A.C. Over-lay $ 21 ,800.00 $ 4, 360.00 $ ..0- $ 0. Lighting $ '.),OOC).CIO $ 1 ,(.10C).00 $ _.,O_ $ o Misc. $ 2,510 00 $ 502 .00 $ -0... $ 0 . TOTALS $304,353 .00 $58, 198.60 $5,924.00 $3,000-00 NSidawalk/Aprons . *Required withholding for, otip yofAr guar-ante(, por-isod assurance (not. incl , ti/W) or/8041D 4* November 15, 1988 Titan Properties Corporation CITY(NT'GA RD P.O. Box 6835 i Aloha, OR 97007-6835 OREGON RE: Swansons Glen No. 1 Subdivision Dear Mr. Bleak: This is to acknowledge that as of February 1, 1988 the subdivision improvement project known as Swansons Glen No. 1 has been conditionally accepted by the City, placing it onto its one year guarantee period, subject to the following: [X] Completion of incomplete performance items, namely: concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons; monumentation; overlay. [ ] Correction of known defects, namely: [X1 Continuation of developers maintenance responsibility and correction of any deficiencies which may arise during the guarantee period. To assure the aforesaid, until such time as the project is fully accepted by the City for cperation and maintenance purposes, the City has taken the following ac_tlon(s) : ' [ ] Authorized release of the original performance assurance. [ ] Authorized continuation of the original performance assurance in full force and effect. [X1 Authorized a reduction of the original performance assurance and is holding the balance as a performance and maintenance assurance. [ Accepted a (reduced) performance assurance. [ I Accepted a mnintenFnce assurance. [ 1 ether: Should you have a•+-• questions regarding any of the above, please contact me at 639-4171. SinrPrejy, i John S. Hi—g"n Engineering Tech. of/8039D 4 13125 SW H011 Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 1 / ' ' �' /�' t' ,. � `/l� IAC y•�r� G•�� .- � f'�� /���- rr l + J/�f/ tee+ !/' I•t C /J�,-, / / • `� �'i ' �.— iY/� C•.�-,L_ �"���'i �v ��� �� ����� if �4'/�/,/C, l I .. .,i,...i...., ..L' i.. - :.w.:M..w4•.Ww.wr JYJ.a.:"--._._:._ JY1 .. .. 1� PROPERTIES CORPORATION October 19 , 1988 CIO Mr. John Haggman I;�V City of Tigard Tigard Oregon Dear John: Titan Properties Corp at on herewith requests the City to accept Swansons Glen #1 a a completed subdivision. ThQre are two outstgding items t actually complete the project ar:,l they are the �'ka�nUat` 6fir- theiLmnand finishing installing the side walks and driveway aprons. TY6 monumentation wi; l. be installed on Monday the 24th of October and we will separately assure for the installation of the walks and aprons. Thank you for your consideration of this matter . Very truly yourr3 , Stephen A. eak President P.O. BOX 683:9/ALOHA.OREGON 97007-6635/fFLEPHONE(503)B64-6606 CITY OF IFA RD October 12, 1988 OREGON Titan Properties Corp. PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swansons Glen Phase #1 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release 413) Dear Mr. Bleak: In the matter of the three hundred four thousand, three hundred fifty--three dollars ($304, :53.00) Letter of Commitment, between Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Titan Properties Corporation; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Real Estate Services Company to release to Titan Properties Corporation a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Real Estate Services Company. The amount hereby authorized to be released is seven thousand, four hundred thirty—six dollars 07,436.00). The amount to remain entrusted to Orbanco Real. Estate Service Company as a cash performance blend to assure the City that all remaining requirements of said Subdivision are completed, shall be sixty seven thousand, one hundred twenty—two dollars and sixty cents 367,122.60). This notice shall not be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City Of Tigard, Oregon City Engineer - cn/7527D 13125 SW Hall Blvd , P.O.Box 23397,flgnrd,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- - SUMMARY RE: Swansons Glen (Phase #1) Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request #3 LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASABLE ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM# COMPLETE ITEM .......... Street $110,833.00 $22, 166.60 $3,000.00 $ -.0- San. Sewer $ 77,624.00 $15,524.80 $ -0.- $ ...0- Storm Sewer $ 35,807.00 $ 7, 161 .40 $ -.0-.. $ -0- Water Line $ 37,419.00 $ 7,483 .80 $ 0.- $ 0.- Wf.-OkE/Aprons $ 13,360.00 $ 0 $b,924,('10 $7,436,00 A,C. Over-lay $ 21,800.00 $ 4,360-00 $ _0__ $ ....0-. Lighting $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ -.0- $ -...0-., Misc. $ 2,510.00 $ 502.00 $ $ ..................­­............... .......... TOTALS $304,353 .00 $58, 1.98 .60 $9,924.00 $7,436.00 Wonumentation and Sidewalk/Aprons. *Required withholding for one year guarantee period assurance (riot incl, S/W) . cn/1521D w I N e `18'30_E 441.81 DIMrIAN d IID. (COUNTY NO.NO.490) o E. N � •I «6104/ 1l L yep �, ID)� ct. .-_1p_ - d Ift C6 �� 7 A's N N , �i L �• y } i u74 AA M 66'4('.1'( a _M• '1/ 11•[ �,UB eu u NJO r ^) w •'4r . {4444 r' w/ ',1'/ / H'.1 ,.•. .2 ta n .a �x u �� N ^ g a ix L �s k,•' s ' Q N I60 �1 • C. [ m . aY w.[ .. . •t ..l „ ar � HAS 4i'l t[4TACR 8 O ' noo WAY � (j k:Ma j� a �• • I I�DO�1 I M t/'11'11• r8 r Q1 � g I «• r�1� g t "W = e •goo e. N � N r141 0 41 !0 0 1 s d f IT Ob ,--� - , a ;�• rA u0 44, 0 Y �{ �' Y •� ` , w 44_46 ✓ V, pal Il; all, o �r m � ♦ + e: 1 r N /O — 8c45 -' 1111- a We'4f, 124 00 a 44 E i u Z r l iIt o i rn N� ♦ N u r IN : 44 rorA[ i,.y /MissI,v4 g i �� • u e• y - v9 t� S Oe/ c t �' 00� 0 _ m, 1 < ' �S� �" I° s eo•n 14 wr•� 'tom e 4q goo Do 31484R si3O, q s A 5,924•.42 "vAc s w V. ~ b r �n�e��r 2¢•.bora rS '�` M t � i ► Q m WWI 00 oot e. 83 ! = 8 C wQ �,7 s S6•�`ts b�� �1 n rt 1r.el s ., of t�-! ' - 9y� W 00 001cy °°lr°°, fg ; 1 � Ja 66 '96 6 9 i.rt • t N J • 4JCY/SS.6{/ /� C INLIJL {■ go no, i S N. p- h in I ti s t � � l.rl ^.ai" � ST � n r a • y • 00 001 o 7 oo rzz n tr tr,ea s li '7,•��'/' � ! � �ir.ia M •) rlt.p.� 99 so GOAO�f �� + O�i 0/ � w • .l.l1.9c..if"__ • ..o NSI..+ P o: O P/a e " • Was/ fll J I 3 ■ w o 14 J Y.� Cl 46 J. N IJ 4 C n . M a) fa 0, a0_001 _ r " M a. -i -rite W • �. �nYa �� •g 05 z 00001 ^ a rY Go .00 M w, + C 1 1 n /.lr.l .i " 00 Cil NSI E •� "1 u ' n 8 a 8 00 091 a► " o ;- n yb AJ 40-.IF-m Zw � W . a • as "' 8 "� �' " 8 ib.. I Q 10 4!J— pqs o j AVA rrai J 00 001 O IL VI > >Y ��X74/, ti]� I� a i. I /.. " •P V i Y i • i • ar���xw 101 00-001 W r f r ' : t of _ 1 • �0 101 1 001 Of 001 E . / 4 i y Lc r OO��r X11.1 ; • i sy �� 1, *� �A!►It e � I f , a � !ur or ar►A:rro�l 'ar s rtrwrno a �7 8 8 _ w Z ► �0 1. � N I �n a 4° f � um �i b{tuaht,Ic,'y 2e,'7 2 � 14�U�1 44 4-I.q 1 44 A4 44 4S.4d. +4 47.39 44 A•7.5 + 4�.aS Zo.t a• _ 3p$.o3 G�^q -----. �Cad'`f• .- CITYOFTIfARD OREGON September 29, 1988 Mr. Steve Bleak Titan PropertieR Corporation PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swansons Glen Phase #1 Subdtvision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release #2) Dear Mr. Bleak: In the matter of the three hundred four thousand three hundred fifty three dollars ($304,353.00) Letter of Commitment, between Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Titan Properties Corporation; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Real Estate Services Company to release to Titan Properties Corporation a portion of the deposit entrusted to said Real Estate Services Com:, ny. The amount hereby authorized to be released is twenty four thousand four hundred forty dollars 024,440.00). The amount to remain entrusted to Orbanco Real Estate Services Company as cash performance bond to assure the city that all remaining requirements ,f satd Subdivision are completed, shall be seventy four thousand five hundred fifty eight dollars and sixty cents 074,558.60). This notice shall not he construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City of Tigard, Oregon City Engineer 'KP/7265D) 13125 SW Hall Blvd. RO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --- t SUMMARY RE: Swansons Glen (Phase Ill) Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Request #2 LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RFLEASABLE THIS REQUEST ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE* INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE ITEM Street $1.10,833.00 $ 22,166.60 $ 3,000.00# $ 5,000.00 San. Sewer $ 77,' 24.00 $ 15,524.80 $ -0- $ -0-- Storm Sewer $ 35,807.00 $ 7 ,161.40 $ -0- $ 2 ,000.00 Water Line $ 37,419.00 $ 7,483.80 $ -0- $ -0- Walks/Aprons $ 13,360.00 $ -0- $ 13,360.00 $ - 0-- A.C. Overlay $ 21,800.00 $ 4,360.00 $ -0- $ 17,440.00 Lighting $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ -0- $ -0- Misc. (Durham Road) $ 2,510.00 $ 502.00 $ -0- $ -.0- TOTALS $304,353.00 $ 58,198.60 $ 16,360.00 $ 24,440.00 # MontimPntation * Required wlthhol,llnp, for one year Runrantee perind asnnr:ince. NOTE: 1'revieusly relFased $205,354.40 on August 5, 1988. ko/726.5D CurY OFTIFA RD OREGON February 5, 1988 Titan Properties Corp PO Boa 6835 ---- POW Aloha, OR 97007 prul � e Cc w RF: Swanson's Glen Subdivision (Phase I) � 1 ~' Dear Mr. Bleak: In response to your request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City tentative acceptance action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Construct wet well at the end of SW Picks Way as shown on Sheet 3 and as detailed on Sheet 9. Jay � - 2. Install two OM 3-R signs at entrance as shown on Sheet 1. v .R6pa1r_theAarr1-tade at the south end of-SW 104-<h Avenue. Replace the grate of the junction box (catch basin) at storm s`tetion o+45 Line 4 with a steel plate solid lid as detailed on Sheet 9. �.�. provide the City with a written report and a beta tape of the sanito"r y .sewer system. Provide interim drainage on Titan Lane to remove ponding in street at__ • Lot 22. Further, though it is recognized that additions and deletions will occur throughout tTe one-year maintenance guarantee period, the following listing summarizes items noted to date which remain to be completed prior to City final acceptance: 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,RO Box 23397,Tigard,Oregin 97223 A4R+�EMt�� .o February 5, 1988 7. Construct all sidewalks and aprons (including A.C. ramps onto sidewalks at the entrance 8. Complete asphalt overlay. , 9. Complete center line monumentation. Therefore, we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance when items number one (1) through six (6) above are completed. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4171. Sincerely, Michael Mills Constructior Inspector ht/3092D cc: Norman Harker Alpha Engineering Inc 1750 SW Skyline Blvd Ste 19 Portland, OR 97221 E. Lee Robinson 11125 SW Greenburg Rd Tigard, OR 9722.3 �oNtPL� h�F; A�R�M�uT MEA August 5, 1988 C11YO TI1FARD OREGON 77 Titan Properties Corporation PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 Attention! Mr. Steve Bleak RE: Swansons Glen Phase 111 Subdivision (Letter of Commitment Partial Release) Dear Mr. Bleak: In the matter of the three hundred four thousand three hundred fifty three dollars ($304,353.00) Letter of Commitment, between Orbanco Real Estate Services Company, and the City of Tigard, Oregon and Titan Properties Corporation; this is to serve as official notice to allow said Real Estate Services Company to release to Titan Properties Corporation a portion of the deposit entrtsted to said Real Estate Services Company. The amount hereby authorized to be released is two hundred five thousand three hundred fifty four dollars and forty cents ( 205,354.40). The amount to remain entrusted to Orbanco Real Estate Services Company as a cash performance bond to assure the City that all remaining requirements of said Subdivision are completed , shall be ninety eight thousand nine hundred ninety eight dollars and sixty cents ( 98,998.60). This notice shall net be construed to nullify or alter the terms of the aforesaid Letter of Commitment in any way; it is merely an authorization to release a portion of the entrusted monies. City Of Tigard, Oregon City Engineer (ht /630,D) 1312.5 SW Hall Blvd.,P U Bax 23397,flgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — SUMMARY RE: Swansons Glen (Phase #1) Subdivision; Performance Bond Reduction Re91ieS-t-T—I - LETTER OF CREDIT (BOND) REQUIRED HOLDBACK RELEASEABLE ITEM AMOUNT MAINTENANCE INCOMPLETE ITEM COMPLETE ITEM Street $110,833.00 $22,166.60 $ 8,000.00 $ 80,666.40 San. Sewer $ 77,624.00 $15,524.80 $ -0- $ 62,099.20 Stnrm Sewer $ 35,807.00 $ 7,161.40 $ 2 ,000.00 $ 26,645.60 Water Line $ 37,419.00 $ 7,483.80 $ -0- $ 29,935.20 Walks/Aprons $ 1.3,360.00 $ -0- $13,360.00 $ -0- A.C. Overlay $ 21,800.00 $ -0- $21,800.00 $ -0- Lighting $ 5,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ -0- $ 4 ,000.00 Mtsc. (Durham Rd.) $ 2,510.00 $ 502.00 $ -0- $ 2,008.00 TOTALS $304,353.00 03,838.60 $45,160.00 005,354.40 *Roquired withholding for one year guarantee period assurant.!. br/6346D •r w w w AAA WtUan"e C A B L E T V CABLE CONSI'RUcriON APPLICATION & PERMIT c'I CITY 1. Appllr-,ant W' ]mwttc rahle -_V_ 2. Address 14200 ;S-W- BrigadQQn Ct . Beyerton• OR 97305 3. Telephone 644-3188 4. Contact Person, Craig Everton 5_ Contractor Johnson's Excav —4 r1t; 1ities 6. Address 115Q S. 12th Ay., Cornelius OR 97116 7. Telephone (503) 357-3104 8. Contact Person M; h rjon 9. Location (strePt,subdivision,etc. ) )c;"111, ."c' , —_ City Use cnly 10. Map Mnber �' r ." App. Date: 11. Starting Date �` — Permit Fee. 12. Completion Date —2/21Y Pei rr.i.t N Fbot age -- -- 13. Aerial: Unde-rg-oundt Date Issued: Size of Opening 14. Width: Depths ?y Si gr]4rtiii,e of ApIllicant [late I 14200 Souttrwest Brigadoon Court • Beaverton.Oregon 97(05 (503)6443188 I lei 6 �f PLAT RESTRICTIONO � l'� SWANSON ' S +7 SHEET 1 OF 2 A 6 . 00 FOOT WIDE UTILITY EASEMENT SHALL EXIST ALPHA ENGINEERING , INC . `DIertf-,e. reIx_,r­1 ALONG ALL LOT LINES ABUTTING PUBLIC STREETS y A SUBDIVISION -__ :� "' __.,.,,,,,� 1750 S . W . SKYLINE !lLVD . SUITE 18 l,Ca/,� il�°r... � - FOUND BRASS CAF IN MONUMENT BOX .�-�" _- PORTLAND . OREGON 87221 • y e C c�rz�S SITUATED IN NORTHWEST 1/4 OFSECTION 14 6O TOMNBHIP 2 SOUTH RANGE S WEST 6 WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN BASIS OF BEARING$ AND BOUNDARY OETERM I NATON � �• G , INC . SURVEY P . S . NO .(SEE ALPHA ENGINEERING .CITY OF T I GARD , WASH NGTON COUNTY , STATE OF OREGa, J& PIr 1j"ll , E,4S7- Z_INE COLLIER r194C7' APRIL , 1,987 0log lb E60AT l s 0�tAso FOUND 5 /8" I,k. (N, 0.16') /� Bid /004 f'G• 165 r, � '• (15 WIDE UTILITY ESMNT. HELD EAST s WEST ��` I' X 50' RESERVE STRIP (TRACT A) 0 • 12 ' 46 " E 1023 . 00 .. 45 . 00 _24.00' 103 00 96 . 00 92 . 00 97 50 X98 • 50 0 $b . 00 6 . 00 50 . 00 47 K`_i. _ +�7 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 47 . 00 5�}pv�D L£ -1' WIDE NON-VEHICULAR 00 �n I h tonF�E30 WIDE DRAINAGE ` 7.5 7.5' U T I s ' '• ��� r � �� i � o � wt w w w G IACCESS STRIP _Z 4' o 42 �. ti 41 MNTr '� Lp 54 -, ra ,n v `� w 9.50' v &v41 ___ ,�, a 2 9 ,., a0 w V4 N .•� o r4 0 .-4 o o . O ^�. 0 5.y __.._ _._.. 9 7 . 50 v S 0 0 12 4 6 E .3 0 •,`� J m ,n o o o o ,•. o w w m 2.50' N .� S: o• 12. 4s" E. o! �, N N 2 6 5 Lo e 52 N o0 1� 46 w in 98 . 50 Io ,c,,,� 28 - ►. 27 Q e 0 Q 0 24 0 23 0 r,�°h �I z Io 4, l v� r, U` ^o o 0 n vin I 0 `o a �,,� � 17.95' O m cn � v+ Q1 .-� a+ o+ .� .4 f O 0% 3 u� \ e m m co 6 �j , �'S 43 cp I r4 lee ti 40 . vq -,. J, to Z °' '4 Z i z Z Z co L=30.00 / • OA q0 ° v co i• ® 104.80{��,e� L=27.37' m L-25.13' F C52 L=31.72' 3A 2M +- 97 . 50 z` S 00 ° 12 ' 4 6 " E m ES Wt. r9 4 h ,6 � � Z Lis. 5 '� v �- N 88 . 50 Q' 26 L=2ti.S1 iC __ 55 / N 00 i2 46 W �, r .1 +�7 7 3 X22 2.04 44 . 00 a4 . 00 4 . 00 i O I 1 v1 °' v o \ C,Z Car? v 1 .0,'3 . 5 8, N. O 12' 46" W. ' i. �' V L=28.50' i /� m M in 10 WIDE DRAINAg tag �' ; �,,' 23 3.04' 1 51 Q`''44 n 0 139 13 - G S 00 . 12 ' 46 " E 15k., 00 al CC I 96 . hP h 1 �' - L=25.00' m v ` '5.63' v I 5� _ E3MNTr1� L=2oJ9' �. o O H 2 g �' o L=16 86 v v1 -�_17.00 - 96 - 5. 5 x`24 _•... .._ 15 '2g «E 95 . 54 96 . 36 « S 00 - 12 ' 46 'E'--_ N 02 00 00 W-- oo a5 ' by S•W 104th VE• in N 00 " 35 ' 41 " W N 00 12 46 W •4 99 . 33 . v1 6 �ti _ Cd v� I v ''f a� o OD 4f �© `' p2 3 6 0 7 7 . 0 0 ,o 0 v4 2 '25- 5 6 n v L=30.00' �o O L*17.46 �� r„= L=31.03 ti 0 �^ U ?9�3 0 $ - L.a25.13'.� 7 •� �,n �` r v '� v 32 6' 0 h'� ��� 5' WIDE UTILITY . 1 t' X 130,47' RESERVE S ��o L=47.00 0 V L=11.20' 53 a� , 45 L=31.' C? ry � 38 a, � Z> s9� ,�► ,� r _� � � -- STRIP (TRACT 81) t) t) .('� , . 4 I I00 " 12 ' 19 " Wv N 0 0 ' 12 ' 19 "W Z, �. F�AF' �' O �. I _..E9 MN T o � Q 4 4 - � � N '� a N Q -•+ � � v a �► v I �� r in L=27,28� f � � �� d i 108 • , u v-Lz7.71' 94 . 0_ 9 . 26 •� m c,� =19.27 1 . 83 5 26 tQ`� �� `a�0 L=26.31 21 S. 9J a7' I4 ' 4+. cv I�, +� d . ✓ Ali `j X61 rt N 04 ° 13 30 W , �0Sd aD 50 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 51 . 25 n �' 48 . 10 44 . 00 47. 00 40 . 00 s Oq 5 lo' �� G •.� U P L=22.93 _, �, �►� r .. �• v 88 . 02 .'' r'" • Ul J 1G L=16.52' L=15.04' S. 3�) 23 36 E. _ . �-L=2.56' _1 N 5 7 L=2fl.63' D i m w w W 25' 25 w j w W �' _ 5 0 0 ° 12 ' 4 6 " E N 0 0 12 19' ,C3 t� L,A3123' v, +v .� .� 5' 25' ,� o� 33 L-7.00- , 101 - 26 J i 3 . 6 4 ' 25.62 / 4p l' 'l CO it �o w L=4.06 C20 L.=20.4 r > ,W'odv{ I 4I' `n A' 2S• ,, v v o v 0 v o 0 0 v jo o .r+ '� 0 0 , J ti L 7 v in - to o w 0 - o - o m 0 w ;V ko o C21, L%9.47 *4-f- c 48 Q .� 47 a .� 4G s 37 36 35 34 ,� 20 • • ,. ' �,, C �0 4.6 ' 2 „ 4 9 4 V a; .♦ o; v io v 0 cu 0 - v v N '3 ' 21 44 W P 6o L=25.20 S• J o v 0 • • ` v4 o o m m o o o O N ,� y C7 7, Lr4,78 v W. .0 a+ V 4 v1 •-� O+ ••� 0 3 01,.4 O► .+ N s p ' 00012 ' 460E _ 116,45 v . '_ ' �- S ' S 0 4__ 12 19 ` E �- .�` m m m �• Sao m m 80 . 00 �- '''`-�. 6 C59 � z z z � �a � z. � s 4C,'S� �a� soh v � 10 8 . 97 O .!� z z L=g 6 iC62 �9 L=20.94. O a� _ L=25.1' 011-4 L=25.13' L=23.00 0 /• L 33,34 ` 4D �j -,, , ,. in Z 14.59 C /O S 51 . 27 44 . 00 44 . 00 34 . 4$ pP z� �,, 33.00' - 44 . 00 55 . 00 45 . 86 �l ,5 . i9 �.. Q ° � ,�t� - v C,2 69 h� �, S C3 4 u �� til -� / L=27.24' � h N. �. _, 0 s C� N� N f �s. 43• Sr +�°' W. µ 0 e.. �7t� 'erh� _ 226 . 00 218 . 86 g2 N �s 11 L-31.�aG' e3 C - --- - - - - - - -_ _ - _ J 25' WIDE STREET --- ) I L=30. 289 63 S 00 12 1 . E 444 - 86 in L L=29.15 2 in i DEDICATION ~. -� I L=23.80' �4�5 N S.W. 10 4th AVE. N � Cs Q w _ o { I �2 C6 44 . 00 )IF 44 . 00 .�4 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00- 4.4 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 29 . i4 C7 C$ � 1 _C11 1 c i9. , , L=14.39 .36 . 56 .-+ 1 I - O W L=24.30 i j L=14.89 L=11.00! \L•,2&4e /�/ Q I )C"N W tHAW HOANf cc N ►�- .•� w W W w� w w w w W W W I W' L=21.11 W 4p N • All, .4 v VA v - 4 r r s a _ _ . � s e i s Z` R • � i 10� s` � • #n N rl w4 .•1 .4 rl •-4 .-1 .4 .4 .-1 .-1 .4 •-1 � 9 2 `�..�.•..:...- / _w 0► .4 h vin v0 co va vo •r0 c�o vo v0. vo Q{o Qa► v �..x 3 . c' v1d m 1 m 2 v o - �'? - o - 0 - 0 0 - o o l 0 - 0 0 o m o:•0 9s co '' �• M'C. I to 3 Q N 4 Q 5 Q 6 e 7 IV 0 8 QIo 9 Q o 10 Q`o 11 c o 12 v o 13 "- ' 14 Quo i 5 16 ``' 17 \� �!�► `-'�� w 1 m v+ 0 • 0 a • 0 0 • ,o a 0 0 0 0 T' I 0 TA �t .4 Q1 v4 QI 1 V4 Q1 .+ G• r•+ (711,4 .0 V 4 Al .4 (71 ,-4 � � � c11 � � -\,11, � 20' I z m m cD m m ®j w aD rD ao OD m aD N - 25 I ? z z z z z' Z j z; z z z z s '�� � Z to 0 , ... 04 W1Q WTILITY ESMN •i'''{ • •• �, '' � - - - - - - - - - -44 . _ 44 . 00- 144 0 -- 70^00 _ - - - 97 . 58 - � � C' .� 3•��"' L. -45 . 00 60 . t)0 44 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 44 . 00 44 00 44 . OU 44 . 00 44 . 00 �:4 . 00 44 . 00 4 00 ^ 0 \- N La o : � lw N 00 • 12 ' 19 " 860 . 8 � � � FOUN " � �►t��►� 1� _ pQ Ur�c•�E.�r (k>Et Ilk l A. chtAxII G 2 I.P.P. NITiA`t T FOUND BRASS CAP IN MONUMENT BOX I�Y�L L !✓ rY t��T OO.�P Fi4/'r /�I ''` ��� �'� f f�+Y1! t`< * **DOVER LANDING" N.W. COR. SECTION 14, 8 INITIAL POINT � 4w k0&xq t , tA. E3h't ;' , %SUe k tlu �r h- t�.IEY*,P yc, *4x4�r�sw,•l: YN1E' w %ioetM �.1C�'t f t., �,N1ti1►1wmaiA t ; tILt �►>bd• tNtlw!t \, CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORD BRG CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORD ORG CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CHORD BRG ICN`.ViLLzPt- S 1 90 ' 31 ' 11 ■ 20 . 00 31 . 60 28 . 41 S 45 ' 27 ' S5 "E 31 94011 ' 59 ' 16 . 00 26 . 31. 23 . 44 S 48 ' 13 ' 27 "W 61 89 ' 28 ' 49 " 20 . 00 31 . 23 28 . 16 N 44 ' 32 ' 05 "E 2 20 ' 48 ' 31 " 75 . 00 27 . 24 27 . 09 S 10611 ' 57 "W 32 3 ' 1? ' 35 " 125 . 00 7 . 00 7 . 00 N 86 ° 16 ' 51 "W 62 43 ' 56 ' 33 " 100 . 00 76 . 69 74 . 83 S 21 ' 45 ' 57 "W 3 23608 ' 02 " 75 . 00 30 . 28 30 . 08 S 32 ' 10 ' 13 " W 33 70 ° 06 ' 34 " 75 . 00 91 . 77 86 . 15 N 52 ' 49 ` 51 " 6 63 44 ' ni ' 14 " 100 . 00 76 . 8,3 74 . 95 S 21 ' 43 ' 3'7 "W 4 10 ' 54 ' 28 " 125 . 00 23 . 80 23 . 76 S 38 ' 17 ' 00 "W 34 17 ' 34 ' 15 " 75 . 00 23 . 00 22 . 91 N 08 ' 59 ' 26 "W 64 87 ' 40 ' 49 " 100 . 00 153 . 0. 138 . 53 S 44 ' 02 ' 44 "E 5 21 ' 53 " 54 " 125 . 00 4'7 . 77 47 . 48 S 21 ' 52 ' 49 "W 35 90600 ' 00 " 16 . 00 25 . 13 22 . 63 N 44 ' 47 4twE 65 87 ' 40 ' 23 " 100 . 00 153 . 02 138 . 52 S 44 '02 ' 57 "E ' 6 11 ' 08 ' 11 125 . 00 24 30 24 . 26 S 05 ' 21 ' 41 " W 36 6 ' 53 ' 32 " 125 . 0--o' " 15 . 04 15 . 03 S 86 45 ?3 E 66 15 43 29 150 . 00 41. . 17 41 . 04 S 82 20 35 E 7 6 49 ' 33 125 . 00 14 . 89 14 . 68 S 03 37 06 ' E 37 8 49 57 x25 . 00 19 . 27 19 . 25 S 7a 53 .9 E 67 15 43 56 150 . 00 41 . 19 41 . 06 S 82 20 48 E • • r • . N • r r • . N • . N • r « '� �� 8 9 40 28 125 . 00 21 . 11 21 . 08 S 11 52 06 E 38 iC 10 00 175 . 00 31 . 05 31 . 01 S 79 33 50 E 68 68 00 00 100 . 00 118 . 68 111 . 84 N 87 44 i4 E 9 5: ' 31 ' 18 " 16 . 00 14 . 39 13 . 91 S 09 ' 03 ' 18 "W 39 5 ' 33 ' LJ6 " 175 . 00 17 . 00 16 . 99 S 87 ° 25 ' 48 "E 69 12 ' 00 ' 00 " 100 00 20 . 94 20 . 91 S 37 ' 44 ' •1.4 " W 10 �2 ° 36 ' 18 " 50 . 00 11 . 00 10 98 S 28 . 30 ' 48 "w 40 7 ' 43 ' 390 125 . 00 16 . 86 16 . 85 N 36 ' 20 ' 56 "W 70 32 ' 01 ' 14 " too 00 55 . 89 55 . 16 S 15 ' 43 ' 37 "W li 41 ' 54 ' 4.7 " 50 . 00 36 . 58 35 . 77 S 01 ° 15 ' 16 " w 41 8 ° 00 ' 16 " 125 . 00 17 . 46 17 . 45 N 78 ' 28 ' 58 " W 71 43 ' 50 ' 25 " 100 . 00 76 . 52 74 . 66 S 22 ' 07 ' 32 "Er' • � r • • r ■ • r M • • N 12 32 34 17 50 00 28 .42 28 . 04 S 3S 59 ' 16 "E 42 10 18 52 175 . 00 31 . 50 31 . 46 N 79 38 16 W 72 43650 ' 24 " 100 00 76 . 52 74 . 66 S 65 57 5E E `A � • r r • • • M • r N • • r • • « 13 33 24 18 50 . 00 29 . 15 28 . 74 S 68 58 ' 33 "E 43 5 24 37 175 . 010 16 . 52 16 . 52 N 87 30 01 W 73 27 30 07 100 . 00 48 . 00 47 . 54 S 74 08 05 E 14 37 ' 13 ' 43 " 50 . 00 32 . 49 31 92 N 75 ' 42 ' 26 "E 44 90 ' 00 ' 00 " 16 . 00 25 . 13 22 . 63 N 45 ' 12 ' 19 " w 74 60 ' 10 ' 15 " 100 . 00 105 . 02 100 . 26 S 30 ' 17 ' 54 "F v 15 34. 23' 25" 16 - 00 9.60 9.,qe N. 74. 17' 17" E. 45 119 22 26 16 . 00 33 . 34 27 . 53 N 59 28 54 E 75 15 38 08 100 . 00 27 . 29 27 . 20 N 82 23 42 W 16 16 ' 30 ' 01 " 125 . 00 36 . 00 35 . 67 S 79 ' 38 ' 08 "E 46 36 ' 54 ' 17 " 125 . 00 80 51 79 13 S 79 ' 07 ' 02 "E 76 1 ° 27 ' 58 '' 100 . 00 2 . 56 2 . 56 N 75 ' 18 ' 37 ' W• ' 17 3605 ' 54 " 75 00 4 . 06 4 . 00 S 86 ' 20 ' 11 "E 47 3632 ' 0@ " 125 . 00 7 71 7 . 71 N 80 ' 39 ' 45 "E 77 17. 07' 53" 16.00 4.78 4.77 S. 79. 57' 04" E. • I ■ • • N • r n • • 1 18 84 34 28 75 00 110 . 71 100 . 93 S 42 30 00 E 48 40 05 55 16 . 00 11 20 10 . 97 S 81 03 21 ' E • . r • w • • N 19 90o00 , 00 " 16 00 25 . 13 22 . 63 S 44 47 14 "W 49 34 22 r 39 50 00 30 . 00 29 . 55 S 78 11 43 F LEGEND 20 15 ' 38 ' 08 " 75 00 20 . 47 20 . 40 N 82 ' 2:1 ' 42 "W 50 28 ' 38 ' 52 " 50 00 25 00 24 . 14 N 70 ° 17 ' 31 " E „s 21 a 20 27 125 . 00 9 . 47 9 . 47 N 76 44 51 W 51 36 21 08 50 . 00 31 . 72 31 19 N 37 47 3i E 22 11 ' 31 ' 05 ' 125 . 00 25 . 13 25 . 09 N 0'x ' 58 ' 18 "W 52 34 ' 22 ' 39 ' 50 . 00 30 . 00 29 . 55 N 02 ° 25 ' 38 "E o DENOTES MONUMENT FOUND AS NOTED . »� 23 24 21 38 125 . 00 53 . 15 52 . 75 N 23 54 40 W 53 33 1.1 50 . 00 29 00 28 . 60 N 31 22 39 24 94 ' 11 ' 59 " 16 . 00 26 . 31 23 . 44 N 11 ' 00 ' 30 "E 54 32 ' 39 ' 31 ' 50 . 00 28 . 50 28 . 12 N 64 ' 19 ' 21 "W o DENOTES A 5 /t1 INCH x 3Q INCH IRON ROD WITH 25 37 ' 11 ' 32 ' 50 00 32 . 46 31 . 89 N 39 ' 30 ' 44 "E 55 53 ' .51 ' 29 ' 50 . 00 47 . 00 45 . 29 S 72 ' 15 ' 090W PLASTIC CAP INSCRIBED " ALPHA ENG . , INC . SE'"' 26 43 ' 15 ' 57 " 50 00 37 . 76 36 . 87 N 00 ' 4; ' 00 "W 56 26 ' 16 ' 46 " 50 . 00 22 . 93 22 . 73 S 32 ' 21 ' 01 "W 27 31 ' 21 ' 43 " 50 00 27 . 37 27 . 03 N 38 ' 01 ' 51 "W 57 73 ° 52 ' 30 ' 16 . 00 20 . 63 19 . 23 S 56 ' 08 ' 530W o DENOTES ABOVE SAID MONUMENT TO BE SET WITHIN THE PR�NT�a 28 23 08 13 50 . 00 20 . 19 20 . 05 N 65 16 49 W 58 28639 ' 06075 . 00 37 . 50 37 . 12 N 72 3519 W TIME SPECIFIED IN THE SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE . 29 43 ' 3'' ' 41 ' 50 00 38 . 00 37 . 09 S 81 ° 22 ' 45 "W 59 90 ' 14 ' 12 ' 16 . 00 25 . 20 22 . 67 N 13 ' 08 ' 40 "W SET ON APR 2 3 1987 30 58 ' 28 ' 57 " 50 00 51 04 48 . 65 S 30 ' 21 ' 56 "W 60 32 ' 10 ' 45 ' 125 . 00 70 . 20 69 . 28 N 15 ' 5j ' 030E ( R ) DENOTES RADIAL LINE . SWANSON ' S GLEN 3 OF 24 on 1 wT _ _. �' I I 1 I �• I 1 I r 1 I r FIIII Ilr� l ) � 11111I 111' 111 111 � r� � I � Ill � r i � r � l� l 1111111 .1111111 111111 ! 111 111 711 til 111 111 111 111 11) 1 111 "'"'r • ' "�" _+ .� r.... 1 � I .1 • NOTE : IF THIS M ICROF I LhiED 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 I)0 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TITAN .a THIS NOT ICS;-IT IS DUF TO ,r-'•" THF QUALITY OF THE ORU INAL ._.. `,.w- � DRAWIN(�. �E 6Z 8Z 2 92 - SZ , _ z__ ~22 Iz 02 61 91 11 91 o1• b, I E 1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b C Z I *#NAB" �r11'IIiI�Iill�li11�1111��11111111�I1lil�lll4llll�1111111111l111�111�1���1�11���1sI�14#111111111111�1111�11t1�1111�1111�11�111111�1111�11111 14111111111 if IIU11ll1 111► mti111l1!uiffiAri11 ,111ti�111111111�1 .... 1IINf�lNi�ii4 Ill�llrll 111 , • ALPHA ENGINEERING , INC . 1750 S W . SKYLINE BLVD SUITE 19 SWANSON ' S GLEN P1jRTLAND , OREGON 97221 SHEET 2F 0 2 DEDICATION A SUBDIVISION SITUATED IN NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 14 CITY OF TIGARD APPROVALSKNOWAL !. MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS : THAT TITAN PROPERTIES , INC' . , AN OREGON ''ORPORATION DOES HEREBY MAKE , ESTABLISH , AND DECLARE THE ANNFXEU MAP OF TOWN8HIP 2 SOUTH , RANGE 1 WEST , WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN " SWANSON ' S GLEN' , AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE TO BE CITY OF TIGARD , WASHINGTON COUNTY STATE OF OREGON A TRUE AND CORRECT P,- AT THEREOF . AL ,.. �_OT LINES BEING OF THE DIMENSIONS SHOWN � APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1987 AND ALL STREETS AND EASEMENTS OF THE WIDTHS THEREIN SET FORTH AND DO HEREBY APRIL , 1907 CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING DIRECTOR . jEDICATE TO THE JSE OF THE PIJ54- IC A5 POBLIrWAYS FOREVCH ALL STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP . BY TRACTS A & 8 ARE HEHFB3 CON,IF YEL TO THE r I f Y OF T I GARD . APPROVED THIS DAY OF - , 1987 TITAN PROPERTIES , INCORPORATED INTERIOR MONUMENTATION CITY OF TIGARD PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR . BY I . JOHN W . HAWTHORNE BEING FIRST DULY SWORN , SAY THAT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 92 . 070 I HAVE CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH PROPER MONUMENTS THE INTERIOR _ CORNERS AS INDICATED ON THE ATTACHED PLAT OF " SWANSON'S GLEN " , AS ORIGINALLY RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK AT PAGE , WASHINGTON COUNTY 8 A ' dI.EA PRESIDENT PLAT RECORDS . WASHINGTON COUNTY APPROVALS JOHN W . HAWTHORNE P . L . S . NO . 1009 APPROVED THIS_ DAY OF , 1987 WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF r 1997 STATE OF OREGON > BY . COUNTY OF WASHINGTON > COUNTY SURVEYOR APPROVAL APPROVED THIS DAYF 0 �_.._._ . 1987 APPROVED THIS DAY OF _ 1997 , PURSUANT TO ORS 92 . 070 ( 4 ) . WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR THIS CERTYFIE5 THAT ON THIS_,DAY OF4at11aul' 1987 , BEFORE ME THE UNDERSIGNED , BY A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE AND COUNTY , PERSONALLY APPEARED STEPHEN A . BLEAK WHO , BEING DULY SWORN SAYS THAT HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF TITAN BY : -------- _ _ PROPERTIES , INC . , ANG THAT SAID INSTRUMENT WAS SIGNED ON BEHALF OF SAID APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1987 CORPORATION BY THE AUTHORITY OF ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS , AND DOES ACKNOWLEDGE DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE OF HIS OWN FREE ACT AND DEED . ( WASHINGTON COUNTY ASSESSOR ) s�- �- fqe�/dG� BY IS AY OF ♦ WASHINGTONCOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE My t ,.,,.:� �!' /�- ,� Ss ONERS I , JOHN W . HAWTHORNS , BEING FIRST DULY SWORN , DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE BY CORRECTLY SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8 " X 30 " IRON RODS WITH PLASTIC CAPS INSCRIBED " ALPHA ENG . INC . ' , ALL LOT CORNERS , CURVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGE:: TN DIRECTION THE AND5 REPRESENTED ON THE ANNEXED MAP OF " SWANSON ' S BY GLEN" , SITUATED IN THE NORTHWEST 014(- -1,UARTER OF SECTION 14 , TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH , RANGE 1 WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN , CITY OF TIGARD , COUNTY OF WASHINGTON AND STATE OF OREGON , THAT AS THE INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I US,",D A FOUND BY BRASS CAP MARKING THE NORTHWEST CO'1F',jFR OF SAID SECTION 14 , SAID POINT ALSO BEING IN THE CENTERLINE OF S . W . DURHAM ROAD , ( COUNTY RD . NO . 429 "HENCE N . 89 . 16 ' 30 " E . , ALONG SAID C�:,` TERLINE , A DISTANCE OF 441 . 81 FEET TO THE BY N . E . CORNER OF THAT CERTAIN TRA,. OF LAND AS QUITCLAIMED TO MARIE J . COLLIER IN BOOK 1004 , PAGE 165 AND RECORDLO ON DECEMBER 12TH , 1974 TN DEED RECORDS , SAID COUNTY ; THENCE S . O ' 12 ' 46 " E , ALONG THE EAST LINE THEREOF , A DISTANCE OF 1023 . 00 FEET TO A POINT ; THENCE S . 89 ' 47 ' 14 " W . , A DISTANCE OF 100 . 00 FEET T(111 BY : A POINT , THENCE N . 0 ' 12 ' 46 " 'W . , A DISTANCE OF ,3 . 04 FEET TO A POINT ; THENCE S . 89 * 47 ' 14 " W . , A DISTANCE 11'4')F 75 . 00 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE . THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE AFC OR= A 100 00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE: TO THE RIGHT , THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 15 ' 38 ' 08 " , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 27 . 29 FEET , ( THE CHORD BEARS N . 82 ' 23 ' 42 " N , 27 . 20 FEET ) TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE ; THENCE WESTERLY ATTEST THIS DAY OF , 1987 ALONG THE ARC OF A 100 . 00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT , THROUGH A CENTRAL DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ANGLE OF 1 ' 27 ' 58 " , AN ARC C; 7.STANCE OF 2 56 FEET , ( THE CHORD BEARS N . 75 ' 18 ' EX-OFFICIO COUNTY CLERK 37 " W . , 2 . 56 FEET ) TO A POIN11, OF NON-TANGENCY ; THENCE N . 0 ' : e ' 19 " W . , A DISTANCE OF 113 . 64 FEET TO A r'OINT ; THENCE N . 55 ' 21 ' 44 " W . , A DISTANCE OF BY : 16 . 45 FEET TO A POINT ; THENCE S . 89 ' 47 ' 41 " W . , A DISTANCE OF 224 . 00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WEST _ INE OF SAID COLLIER TRACT ; THENCE N . 0 ' 12 ' 19 " W . , ALONG DEPUTY THE WEST LINE THEREOF , A DISTANCE OF 888 . 58 FEET TO THE POI14T OF BEGINNING . CONTAINING 9 . 6389 ACRES MORE:. OR LESS ( GROSS ) . AS PER ORS 92 . 070 ( 2 ) , I , JOHN W . HAWTHORNE ALSO SAY THE POST MONUMENTATION i STATE OF OREGON > OF THE INTERIOR MONUMENTS WITHIN THIS, SUBDIVISION WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED WITHIN >S S 90 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF PAVING IMPROVEMENTS OR ONE YEAR COUNTY OF WASHINGTON > FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL PLAT RECORDATION , WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST IN ACCORDANCE WITH !!AS 92 . 060 . —left � . Z I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE, ATTACHED PLAT WAS ,�` RECEIVED FOR RECORD ON THE DAY OF , .1i� y" 1IEr)1I3 v rC r� 1987 , AT_ 0 ' CLOCK M . , AND RECORDED ON A AVE s PAGE IN BOOK OF RECORDS AND PLATS OF SAID COUNTY . SUBSCRIBED AND SWO q T ',, EFORE ME DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION THIS ��►DAY OF 1987 . EX-OFFICIO COUNTY CLERK . 1R E G r.'�N 4 BY DEPUTY SWANS"ON ' S GLEN 4 OF 24 ,.,�• r .w * ,,,,. r M. 1 1 I� Ir1111 � '� � kil 1 I ' . ,. ,. W i � � � rlr � 1 r11 III rir 1� 1 111 � � � 111 1 � 111 I � IIIIIII i11 � P111111� Ir1 111111111111111 . , � NOTE : IF THIS M ICROF�LMED ( '2 4 ? 8 g 10 I I�' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-i-TT IS DUE TO �. THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 0001rDRAWING. OE 62 82 1.2 92 SZ V2 EZ Zi 12 Oc 61 01 Ll 91 51 b. I E I ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b E 1011111111fill 1111111111fill 1111111111111141III�IJII�tIN11111111uIt111111►11�11� 11111111IIIIII1111I)fw1111111111111111111l111111i11�11l 1I11�1111�11111111►11111�fMrtllrrhl�lil�1� �11H111111111111111�11111� w�llu9 SIN s wt �■r s Rue l3�rre ' Plw p1jorfdl Acrid Phsof t. ._ rs r ! A(tivs Dev,.es 091 C /assrrt D�rrcat C] •" i rI Lj 0 2.42 q, lie22 ) J ANil.,. •i i"... __.'tel--- _N R14 14 13 l + [5 L y 177.AM 5E9E PSO H4 220 [,� 2FP-4FE 6 Ml-ER ,x 2RP-2 RE xRAYE 172"itV9E U PS* H` �j KS W A, 4 - 44 r ,rl r � - . � , .,.tip _ 01 X RAW - a OR a - • �' �►T r•i �N es +oWJLNWAEIEE Cirf OF T1 `-4 Ra N o. 33111 13125 S.W. HALL oLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 Date r TIGARD,OR 97223 Name Address Lot Block/Map Su bdivlsionlAddress -- Permit#'sBldg. Plumb Cash Check -t 7 6- Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Building Permit Feas 10-431600 P!-,rmbing Permit Fees 10-4316_01 W-w,,hanical Permit Fees 10.230.501 State Bldg. Tax 10.433 Plans Check Fee 30.443___ Sewer Connection_ 30-444 Sewer Inspection 51.448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge 52-449.610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge Y 52.449-620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31.450 _ Storm Drainage Fyst. Dev. Charge - 10-430Business Tax _ 1r,434 Alarm Permit 10.227 -— Bail 10.455- Fines - Traffic/MisdrParking 10.230- CPTA TrafficlMisdlVic. Asst 10.458 Indigent Defense 30.122.401 Sewer Service/USA _ 30122.402 Sewer ServicefCity 30% 30.123 Sewer SevicelCity Maint. 30.125 Unmatched 31-T24 Storm Drainage 40 475 Bancroft Prin. Pymt. 40 471 Bancroft Int Pymt. ms CUSTOMER • ------------------- ---�-- g CITY OF TIIFARD OREGON .71,,4 March 23, 1988 r Titan Properties Corp PO Box 6835 ` // -• '� Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swanson's Glen Subdivision Dear Mr. Bleak: This is sent to remind you that since seventeen streetlights were installed in Swanson's Glen, rather than ten as originally es it is necessary that you remit a check to the City for X725.7 0 provide for operation and maintenance of the additional. 1 ghtfig for two years. Sincerely, John S. 11agman Engineering Technician III ht/3881D cc: Fite CAP ' � 1 X� ao Box 2 97,11 ard,(Ye or.97223 503 639-4171 13125 SW Hall Blvd••P.O Bo 33 g g ( ) E. Lee Robinson Construction Co. bffo mi0) 11125 S.W. Greenburg Road TIGARD, OREGON 97223 LETTER Phone 639.8021 Date //1-1/196?d 7 `fir? , r_..,ic `, �v �')�er� Subject SGl/i9iUSG�Js 1�1- /�.v..i 3 97 /db w S G/n S /�,-�-.--� .�a dd NED ( � Please reply No reply necessary CITYOF TIOARD OREGON February 5, 1988 Titan Properties Corp PO Box 6835 Aloha, OR 97007 RE: Swanson's Glen Subdivision (Phase I) Dear Mr. Bleak: In response to your request, an inspection was conducted of the proposed public improvements in said subdivision for the purpose of determining readiness thereof for City tentative acceptance action. The following listing, as a result of said inspection, summarizes items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to such action: 1. Construct wet well at the end of SW Picks Way as shown on Sheet 3 and as detailed on Sheet 9. 2. Install two OM 3-R signs at entrance as shown on Sheet A. 3. Repair she barricade at the south end Of 9W 104th Avenue. ' 1` 4• Replace the grate of the junction box (catch basin) at storm station 0+45 Line 4 with a steel plate solid lid as detailed on Sheet 9. ,al 5. Provide the City with a written report and a beta tape of the santtAry sewer system. Provide interim drainage on Titan Lane to remove ponding in street at Lot 22, Further, though it is recognized that additionH and deletions will occur throughout the one-year maintenance guarantee period, the following listing summarizes items noted to date which remain to be completed prior to City final acceptance: 13125 SW:4oll Blvd.,P.0 Box 23397, Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - .:Y V":LLSYk'.'[NffiJ IILM W+�eiiou'4Cb4 W Viilu+YMYr.Y�YalYikn u:.a I Titan Properties Corp Page 2 February 5, 1988 7. Construct all sidewalks and aprons (including A.C. ramps onto sidewalks at the entrance} 8. Complete asphalt overlay. 9. Complete center line monumentation. Therefore, we will be able to certify project readiness for tentative acceptance when items number one (1) through six (6) above are completed. If you have any questions, please call me at 639-4.171. Sincerely, Michael Mills Construction Inspector ht/3092D cc: Norman Harker Allpha Engineering Inc 17 ;0 SW Skyline Blvd Ste 19 Portland, OR 97221 E. Lee Robinson 11.125 SW Greenburg Rd Tigard, OR 97223 .:n: n.,:. . .,. i•:. ,....:..a ..:Lbeln�,�na•tld:n.,i, i ry, .;r,;v.:•.,. r.Wslwr.r.r.d�Gx�;kw,•+a,u6r.YNYJ/iw.nti4dw1YtY1bWi911' .., - ,.. .. 9NiYi�r.GYi111Mid4Y1,�7AiY.N1YWPsEYWIdk+.AIWYAI'1�'.U,mdWr: Ste_ S W 1�nSONs ��t`t°�1 J1pL. C)T P1ZC_\v�� e- -c vir-* leti�'+ o-.-L \k e- r�lne- �P_--r 1Ma,k e--%A-i,-,c'e Pe,*-ACk1 dojo& (,v. WF � V%-O>\ O� P.u�law�L CL.eGK e- t %SQCA e v c Q .T't ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEE9S& SURVEYORS SUITE 19 ■ 1750 S.W. SKYLINE BLVD. ■ PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 PHONE: 297 1458 January 26 , 1988 John FTageman City of Tigard 13125 S .W. Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 97223 RE : SWANSONS GLEN PHASE I Job #1345 Dear John : Enclosed are the As-Built mylars and Engineer ' s Certification for Swar►son's Glen Phase I . I understand that a final inspection may not be completed on the project . Please schedule this as soon as possible . The project was completed almost six months ago. We also wish to place the project under the 1 year maintenance period as soon as possible . Sincerely, ALPHA E;arker , GIN ERING, INC . Norman P. E. Ir Encl 1345hage. ltr t:brirLa'isnq„.,r�We'F.:a..w.a:u»:...ie:,fi�6+ai:rYaes'SNru4a'.p" - - u�: CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE R E: _5 WA This is to certify (in accordance with T.M.C. 17.08.010(6) , T.M.C. 17.09. 120, and T.M.G. 17.09.160) to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifications ; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications anti conditions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit : (Project Engineer's Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System N371 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems : Domestic Water Electric Power pi M4 Gas _JJPE Iti ACT415, rl mg Telephone Cable T.V. Street l,,;hting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base Surfacing. . .Base Lift Final Lift — Sidewalks �� a Aprons b Ramps Curb Al 21 5. Monumentation System J Certified this Z to day of T',4ua,. 198_.t_. i By: _ ( roject E eer Firm: AJ=J!F4 A F,-N&/0 E l� I 1VV SkY�.�N(�ccc�l� (01335) • 44 3 32 _ ( _ 'At -Few 7 — 30,�4 6c) Z4 \\ �ZS , 1 ins i Ze C 1 s e.c f t J J e N C C i S Ir-.A I C GGv !tri -72J1 t CawwrFARD July 14, 1987 N n4ce Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Jim Ryan RE: Swanson's Glen Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Jiro: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivisi:;n to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the seventeen (17) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Option B. Sincerely, John S. gman Engineering Technician cc: file cc: City Accountant cc, R.J. Rouse Electric Inc. 16320 S.W. Parker Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ---- I Date: Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Attn: RE: 5wjj ^--___ Subdivision Streetlightiny Dear This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge authoriz- ation for P.G.E. to energize the S wF ftcsz _ (%r lights therein, under Schedule Option Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: file cc: Cityaccount, t J cc: , _ � i . a�rle /PGI�yiG f/?C - La r 1 DA rE 7/1/87 F1 URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. I I SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 SW Parker Rd FILE NO. 2665 [] NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 A rrENr1ON Bob Thompson ro (503) 635.2824 suBjc--cr Swanson Glen St. Lighting i. of Tigard P- ' - Box Tivard, Oregon 97223 MESSAGE .3t. lighting for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptance, please send a copy of your acceptance to our office and notify PGE to energize. �'Lz REPLY SIGNED I- DATE OF REPLY -to lot' T4L'- 006) 4Z 4P i 0 e- h cry l Gni 40- 7NL rD Ile dlolo%ls - i 1 • TEL /ISION INSPECTION REPOR-, DATE I CITY: A. — -- — _ . - Job No. r TTechnician Inspector Weather Cleaned by Report No. Tape No From M.H, No. Pipe olam. Joint Length Section Length Joint Type Pipe Mat. To M.H.No. MANHOLE DATA _—.— MH no. - LOCATION depth _ s -_ _ - - - ..— - - `�'� �-�`w type I Photo Problem (/) Footage No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks condition Recom, Rehab.,- PIPELINE DATA cleanliness alignment g-ade - aoe condition -- --•---_... _. ._._-=-_ t .C3_ _.______ _. % Est leaking joints other RECOMMENDED REHAB. clean — remove roots grout (%jointgl Y reline replace - other LEGEND SP • Broken pipe CC-Circumferential crack LC • lnngiturtmal crack G • Break m grede L Leak P1 Prptrudirig tap S1 Srrvicr toe SL Swvrct left SR Service right P ' Rnots l (impassable Pap or GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364.1198 TEL, ISION INSPECTION REPORT _ DATE/Y', ' CITY: 7/ _-V- -- - Job No. Technician Inspector her Cleaned by Report No. Tipp No. From M.H.No. - Pipe Deem.TJoint Length Section Length Joint Type Plpe Mal. To M.M. No._'--I MANHOLE DATA MH no. LOCATION - - - — depth •S Ay -- �L _. .�.� ^Irk -Slt� -y� typF - Photo Problem ! Footop No. Code COMMENTS GPM r undltion ---- Recom Rehab. 27 -- - -- - - - PIPELINE DATA F —_ S C� —__ ..___._.._ ----- Q._+__• cleanliness l> alignment l grade � j� e• °M F st leaking joints _ �; "" � - - ------- --; — -- --- ----_—_ -' other RECOMMENDED REHAB - - -- --- - -- ------ `--_--._ ___------ - clPan —__— ternnvP roots ---'- --- ------ __ - -- .,-_--- .._ grout (% joints) --- --- _.—.--- reline _ __._.,._ rpolacp othpr I EGEND Rr' R-6p"pipe 1 r r c um'p,enlial crack r - I ontiourlinal crack _.-_..- R0Pat in oracle -'- I Pat SP,virP top --------- ----- _. --'- -----`_. S' S-virr left Si7 � SP,virP rrOM I�nria nettle pear or GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364.1198 TEL rISION INSPECTION REPORT DATE: _ CITY: Job No. Technician Inspector weather Cleaned by -T -- Report No. Tape No. _ Prom M.M. No. Pipe Olem. Joint Length Seccttion Length Joint Type Plpe Mal. To M.H,No. Val MANHOLE DATA MH no. ti LOCATION �/ depth -CON `,li--A aL/)al .S/lZ.f�•SM type �� - Photo ProWem 1 L— Footage No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks -- ----- - condition ' Recom. Rehab.-_ PIPELINE DATA cleanliness alignment —_ r,fl,I _ --- --- - --- - -- grade age ---- - -- condition % Est, leaking joinri other -- RECOMMENDED REHAB. _-_-_-_- clean remove roots grout (%joints) - -- -- -----_ reline replace -- other - -- -- -- -- _ --_-- -- LEGEND _ - ----- ---- __-�._------ BP-Broken pipe CC•Circumferential track -'—` LC-Longitudinal crack - - d - Break in grade -- — - --- -- L • Leak PT • Protruding tap ----_- ST -Service top SL -Service left _ - SR -Service righ! -— -- - - R • Rnots U• Unpassable bap ur GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone. (503) 364-1198 ' TEL ✓ISION INSPECTION REPOR CITY: ------ -- ------- Job No `^ ' Technician I Impactor Weather Cleaned by _W_-- p�� ape No. —J __ I From M.M.No, Plpe Olam. Joint Length Section Length Joint Type PI a Mat. To M.H.No. _ MANHOLE DATA —_— MH no._ LOCATION - deptht5! n� _ typePhoto Problem -- — — �p -- Footep No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks — condition Recom. Rehab. `!� -- - --- —..__ —. -- -- —_...._ C► PIPELINE DATA _-- alignment -6&&1 grade age __ - - _— — --------- — _— condition /,.l' kJ — --.-- --- -- — ----- -- ------ - — — % Est, leaking joints -_t•I _---__-- other —_ _-- — -- -- ---- - --- RECOMMENDED REHAB. clean ---- remove roots 4 --, ---- ---- - -- ---. grout 1%joints) reline — — --- ------ - - —_- _ _ _ replace �— other LEGEND -_ -- -- SP- Broken pipe --- CC -Circumlerential crack _- LC - longitudinal crack G - Break in grade -- L - Leak PT --Protrudirip tap - •----------- --- ST-Service top SL -Service left — SR -Service right R - Rnots --- U - Unpaafat>fe ►age__of GFICO GROUTING SERVICE P.O Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364.1198 1'EL fISION INSPECTION REPORT t)ATE � CITY: "---� —__.�--- -- --- _-- Jeb No. TeChnlclan inspector Weather cleaned by Report No. Tape No. From M•1.1.No. Pipe Dim. Joint Length Sae ion Length Joint—Type PIDa Mal. Tu M.H. No. J MANHOLE DATA MIH no. LOCATION depth -� 4 ou type FooUa - _ Photo Problem 1/I - -- 9 No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks condition � Recom. Rehab.,_, . St PIPELINE DATA cleanliness- It --_ -- ---- --�- - alignment _ &-Q&tv __-- grade 011 ---- age — -- -- ---— - - -- - condition - 96 Est. leaking joints other "ECOMMENDED REHAB. clean -- -- -— -- remove roots -- grout (%joints) -- _- -- ---- ----_ _---- _ ----- reline --- replace other -- -- - -. LEGEND BP Broken pipe CC •Cucumferential crack — LC - Longitudinal crack -- — - — -- _----__ G . Break in grad! - --. -- —--- -------- _-� L . Leak PT Protrudlrig tap ST - Service top -- - — SL - Service lett SR • Service right - --- -- --- --- —._ R Rnot! U U„passabl! arp Of GF l_C0 GROUTING SERVICE P.O Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364 1198 TEI JISION INSPECTION REPOR' DATE: f�pq ------.-- - Job No. "7 F Technlclanctor /W�e�atJJh��e��r Cleaned by Report No. Tope NO. it 1_._L'_��Z _ -- Prom M.M,No. Joint Length Section Length Jolnl TYDe Pipe Met. To M.M.No. 1 , MANHOLE DATA __—� —_-- ---- - MH no. LOCATION depth -_0 ,J �L• 1n Photo Problem type }firFootage No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks — condition 1 Recom. Rehab._ PIPELINE DATA alignment &'77.9 ` — �-- _ % ._7_5 grade i: -- age condition UA'1✓ — 96 Est. leaking joints other RECOMMENDED REHAB. --- -- --' ` clean — remove roots grout (%joints) — - --- _ — —._---- ----- _— __._ reline — -- - ----- - ---- - -- replace - _ —T— -- — — - ----_ --- ---- other -- LEGEND — --- _ ----- — — -- --- 81' ° Broken pipe --- - -- — --_ — _ CC•Circumferential crook LC• Longitudinal crack G • Brook in grade _—_-- L • l oak PT •Protruding tap _ --- ---------- ----------------- ---------------- -- ST -Service top -- - — ---- -- --._.�- -- - - ----- ---- SL •Service left SR •Service right R Roots r'aer 01 GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Thune: (503) 364-1198 i TEl JISION INSPECTION REPOR' DATE' CITY: -- ------ -- — — Job No. I Tech"Iclen Inspector Weather Cleaned by Report No. Tape No -21 - l From M.W.No. Pipe Dlam. Joint Length Section Length Joint Type Plpe Mat. -� To M.H.No, K" 9) 1 "I_2 2(. MANHOLE DATA MH no. LOCATION depth y_ _1 .l� type ^ Photo Problem 1/I r� - Footage No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks condition /A 1A) J t•.l --..-- - - -_ Recom. Rehab. 4-1 r PIPELINE DATA cleanliness_ l. -- -�___ alignment it grade age — - _- — - —- -------_ —---- - _._.— -condition_ ft ! ---- - �. _.-_. — ----- -- --- %Est. leaking joints -- other RECOMMENDED REHAB. -- - ---- - - - - -- clean -- — -- remove roots — -------.. --- - - - grout 1%joints) ---• -__ _ -_._-.__ reline replace _ - -- --- -------- - --- -- - other LEGENDBP -• Broken pipe - CC -Circumferential crec► LC - Longitudinal crack --- C - Break in gradeL - Lack PT •P.otrudirig top ST • Service too SL -Service left SR •Service right • Rnotf U• UnPassable law GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P 0 Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 3641198 TEI 'VISION INSPECTION REPOR' DATE: CITY: Jab No. Technician Inspector Weather Cleaned by Report Wo. tape No. j From W.H.No. Pipe olorn. Joint Length Section Length Joint Typo pipe Mat. To M.M.No. /e_ C MANHOLE DATA MH no. �� _ LOCATION depth -- D Photo Problem I/I tYPe Pte _T-\ Footage No. Lode COMMENTS GPM leaks condition - Recom. Rehab....... Y - - PIPELINE DATA f / cleanliness.. LJr.LL grade - - 0.��—___ - _,_^33 age condition�,r '�� __ - _� _-�^ �'- �►�/ �C_ r""L`�.------- - - 04, Est. leaking joints -L'L"'— - -- --- --- ----- -----r—.r-. ---- - - other -- - --- --- ------ - RECOMMENDED REHAB. ---- - - - - --- - - ---- --- -- -- clean --- --- - --- - —� remove roots grout (%joints) reline — replace -- --- — - - -_. .� -- other _ - --- -- -- - --- __--- -- LEGEND - -.--- r.' - Broken Dips CC-Circumferential crack I C - Longitudinal crack -- ----- -- --- —__--__ —....- G Break in grade Leak PT Protrudirig tap -- ST > Service top —— ---- -— --- -- —-- SL Service left SR Service right — R Roots U Unposuble --_ _-- ---- —..__ _.______-------.__ �_—_- --- _ •_-- r,er or GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364 1198 TH VISION INSPECTION REPOR' DATE:(QJ CITY: - --^ —- -� Job No. 1 Technician Inspector Weather Clecneo by Report No. Tape No. '> �if � _ 'or 7 � ---- Prom M.M.No. Pipe Dlam. _ Joint Length Section Length Joint Type Pips Mal. To M.N. No. Z 1 /. LY ll -- --- __j From DATA ---- ---- ---- ------ - - -- h11-1 )o. Z, _ LOCATION �,! 1e p th 1L%? '_�i r�^,��-�7 Als if 6 S% 'w /? •✓tz1 /' _ --- - Photo Problanl type �:� � Footage No. Coda COMMENrs GPM -Aidition-LAI. Recom. Rehab,_._� PIPELINE. DATA ``'=�--- -"�-�------ 't y•�-•7--__.',r!�1.5.___�s_�.i'__.-.__ ___. - ..-._..__ cleanliness-__ alignment _--- grade ---��� - - --_-- - —_ - --- ---- -- �— age ----- -_ - - - - condition .--- _ �,L %Est. leaking joints _— other Hf (J)WIMENDUD REHAB. ---- -- --- - clean remove roots -— - - - _.. ____—_--•-- -__-.._ -..___.____- grout pmts reline _ _-- replace --- _ -- - - - -- . other =----- -- -- - - - LEGEND - - BP- Broken pope CC-Circumferential crack LC - Longitudinal crack G• Break in grade - ---- - - - -- - - -- L • Leak PT -Protruding top - - - -^ S? -Service top ---- -- - --- SL • Service left -- --- ---_- — SR - Service right - - q Rnots - - - —- ---- 1►ara ar GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. 13nx 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (503) 364.1198 Mae MINOR TEL' 'ISION INSPECTION REPORT DATE' CITY► - —— ---— Job No.—- Technician Inspector Weather Cleaned by N.port No. Tope No. From M.N.No. pipe Diem. Joint Length Section Length Joint Type pipe Mel. To M.H. No. MANHOLE DATA MiA no I LOCATION _ depth - _ -� _~ ) //✓_ !L 4 y� - Q .�`lA Photo Prnhletn type _ �._ Foote No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks condition - Recom. Rohab.._ PIPELINE DATA --- - -- - -- _ -- _-- Cleanliness alignment — — _�,— ---.._ _---_- - ---- - ------ - grade age ------- condition —.-.condition % Est. leaking joints -- other RECOMMENDED REHAB. -- - - clean remove roots grout I%joints) ___-- ieline _ __ --_..__. --_.--- ------ replace — --- - -------_ - other - - - -- - - -- --- LEGEND BP Broken pipe _— CC • Cncumterential crack _ LC M l_nngrtudinal crack - --_-� G • Areak in grade --- I • L eek Pt Prntruding top S1 - Service top --— — — M - Service left Sp Service right n • Roots -- - - -- l I Inpas%able (.F I ('0 GROUTING SERVICE P 0 Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone: (5031364-1198 TEL 'ISION INSPECTION REPORT DATE: CI1Y: --— ------------- —_____—..-- Job No. �} —��;9 (' --- 1111 Technician Insoector Weather Clbaned by pepon No. Tape No. rom M.H.No. P pe Dlam. Joint Length Section Length Joint Type 11101,08—mat. To M.M.No. MANHOLE DATA MH no. �D LOCATION _ dewh �f 1^ c. type Photo Probhnn I/1 Footge No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks •S�_. n, - - —,_ - - - _. - - - - — --- d t -�— --- -- - 'G _ .-YDS__ coir i ion . -• ,'✓ l _ — _ Recom. Rehab. -� --_ --�_ - _. .-----....___ —_ ---- _ _ d •• _ Z PIPELINE DATAG'---- cleanliness- � _��.�� - - - -•5-- ----- alignment y�..-�'1Jt��_ -- grade - age -- -- - - ---- condition %Est. leaking joints other --- -------- RECOMMENDED REHAB. --_V _ -_---..— _____`-_--._------ clean remove roots grout (%joints) ---- reline — — .---_ -- replace --- other -- - - ---.__— LEGEND BP - Brnken pipe CC •Cncumlcrential crack LC - Longitudinal crack ---" - -- - G - Break in grade - L - Leak PT • Protrudirig tap - -- - - ST -Service top -- - -- -_ _ SL • Service lett SR - Service right --- ` R Roots 11 l inpassable Katie er GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O. Box 7247 Salem, OR 97303 Phone' (503) 364-1198 • TEI VISION INSPECTION REPOR' GATE; CITY: Job No. �, �.� _ Teehnlae(n Inspector Weather Cleaned by Report No, Tape No From M.N. Pipe Dior". Joint "path Section Length Joint Type Pipe Mal. To M.M.No. MANHOLE DATA _ T MH no. � �—_ LOCATION depth _ J(;' a !;LA �T s_1d112._Z-' P721A if type Footage Photo Problem 1/I 9 No. Code COMMENTS GPM leaks condition Recom. Rehab._-__--__•_- PIPELINE DATA '+� - "� ---_,—_ �_------cleanliness_cr. ,7,1P _- -- alignment — grade age _ --- - ------ --— ------- -- ----- condition /J.f % Est. leaking joints r` - - --- --- - --- - -------- -- -- -— other -- RECOMMENDED REHAB. _— clean remove roots _— grout (%joints) reline replace other LEGEND -- -- SP = Iroken pip! - -- -.. --- --- - - - - - CC •Circumferential crack LC = Longitudinal crack -_-- - _. ---- ----- -�.� G - Break In grade ----.— __._ _—_�-----___ ------•-- _---—____ L = Look PT PrntrudirSg top ST ^ Service top — ----- --- ---— .—. SL =Sof vice left SR • Service right - --- - _ R Rnott - U Unpattabl! Paye or GELCO GROUTING SERVICE P.O Box 7247 Salem, OR 91303 F'lione (5031 3G4 1198 -1 m I all PROPERTIES CORPORATION June 12, 1987 Bill Monahan Director. of Planning City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Monahan: l'itan Properties is requesting permission to start building two additional model homes in Swansons Glen prior to the recording of the subdivision. The reason for this request is to allow us to meet market demands . We have two short months lent to market the product for 1987. With the county' s backlog, we could wait two to four weeks for recording and miss up to 1� of the market time for the year. It is extremely important to us not to miss this time period. We were stopped from providing information to Randy Clarno on a sewer easement for approximately one month because of the adjacent landowners trip to Europe. We have approximately $1 , 000, 000 invested in this subdivision which requires servicing Qvery day. If we miss this summer market, it will be a backbreaker. We have established a track record with the City of Tigard which will attest to our willingness to meet your need in every way possible. The $1 , 000 , 000 investment ties us to the project to solve the problems as they occur. If you feel at risk over allowing the two building permits to be issued before recording, it is a minimal risk and you can easily withhold occupancy to assure compliance. We would appreciate your permission to allow us to start the two new models and we commit to perform to meet your needs. Very ul Stephen A. BI (,ak ► President fV,l`� Cf s, 5AB:vh 2700 N.W. 1 85TH AVE..SUITE 201 4/TANASSOURNE MALL/PORTLAND,OR 97229/TELEPHONE 1503)6405-3500 i -" ►' 87037379' 7037379 INDIVIDl1AL-GENERAL PARTNERSHIP PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Larry Bissett Nancy Bissett• Linda Masters, Christina Bissett, David Bissett and Steve Bissett hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of One gjjLr__ dollar. ($ 1.00 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grantand convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an undergrour sewer line and appurtenances, together with the ri.aht to remove, as nes zry, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will he forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns is the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNFSS- EREOF, the grantor(a) has (have) hereunto set his (her) d seal s) -Lhia 9th day of 19 . - _(SEAL) C7 tL sh iSEAL)Io�C + �ZJ (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON as. County of Washington BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 9th day of li+na _, 19j_, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named Larry and Nancy Bissett who xxZare known to me to be the identical individual s described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that Xib()(OMW) (they) executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of June + l9-a7--- - 9_gj_• e *trublic or Oregon� NOTA'ZIAL SEAL) ission or 01-05-90 app• +a ry to lovgl APAcrlotinn this day of ! [_ 19 _ ._ By: -- Title: [/ v Approved this a.�7rh day of �•+v" + 19_2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP MENT Title: (2871P) AD IN WITNESS WH -OF, the grantor(s) has (hav hereunto set his ;her) (their) hand(s) and seal(s) this --- day of , 19 (SEAL) -------_____ (SEAL) (S.'AL) STATE OF OREGON ) M v ' r% q� ) as. County of ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this - u p before me, the undersigned Notary Public in r• in and—fur the Oregon, personally appeared the within-named L/r0 State of �10 &4 Vi 9/S)P T-7— — who i.t are known to me to be the-idenCieal individual s c�=.cribed in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (they) exgcute: the same freely and voluntarily. Xf7 7`3STI1f0NY WHEREOF, I have hereunto, set my hand and seal this /d day aE �% 19A7--. 'NOTARIAL SEAL) Notary- Oregon My Commission xpires: -(��iy�90 (SEAL) _ (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON ) Mvc7-V f# ) as. County of WashingS.w� ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this /0 day of 1900 7 before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appeared the within-named C/fR/ST�niJ} /SSFT7- //y ij.vA 77ylyC/✓6!f who is tare known to me ro be the identical individually described in aid who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (thevl \(�,-ex8c}ited'the same freely and voluntarily. IN-T&IMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this /0 day No ary PeubII r Ore on (NOTARIAL SEAL) g My Commission Expires: /g p (SEAL' (SEAL) STATE OF ORh,;ON ) 41"_T-,4i}Jit- ) as. County of Wa*h4**Laa ) BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this /U day of _ io F'7 before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Oregon, personally appe d the within-named 613if-77- ��'�� S '7�� -(�- /cr1'ci` UPJ✓�� /f• �Iff C'7T who 1, kno,..i to me to be the i entical individual(s) described in and wtid execpted the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he (she) (rhes) executed the same freely and voluntarily. SN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this /0 day of � ✓r 19�. Notary Publi or Oregon !: TARIAL SEAL) 1y Commission Expires: I SWAN So Al �S c4LEIV 200' 5w,4,vS0N'S G L,-Al ZZ- STATE OF OREGON SS County of Washington I,Donald W.Masan,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Ex-Officio Recorder of Con• veyances for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing was received and recorded in book of records of said co,jnty. Donald W. Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Officlo County Clerk --i5' wlaE t/ /-/'-'Tl/ 1987 JUL 21 PM 2: 23 ,q s E MEnrT s �r 7 g 95 i 3+67 I G =30 I . n C ¢ 0 4a 79 94 3f/q L-- 40 4 L=30 /NSrAL L /2';:8 MJ TEF" I ❑ Z S : _ . D OL 10 80 - - 6+ 44.63 SAN. M,4'# L=30 -o+ oo LiwC A-2 _ ST S TA. /+ 29 72 S 4+4781 92 2+23- 27 +23 27 L = 44 L 30 ❑ Q : I WATEK Z: w IW: z • CLASS 52 x; 4+47 82 91 W: 11-0 I+71 Z: L 3r> Q; R^'D./.P, C LASS 52 O: 90 O: a Q 3qg 3 -�» ; -36 ! , 30 �• I - W• Z • 89 L_ 33 84 0.,6q • L-= 3c C0 °A ' — 5AN. SEWER E/15 NiENT : 04 00 LINE A_1 O9 85 80 ' Sr STA. 34,5q. /4 w 1o' PI,L6 RIM: /47 5q ruB -/f-34 'f.'.'. '710 L=6 L _6 .-..�. 39 : 86 87 • O+ 00 SAN ti/W#/ Sr STA. 4. t,Ri Al: /47 47 END 5 WA"TErZ Z. N9 OF V 6- L.Y .f: PEA- Oc rAI °it we I —I • kE n�O v6 r[ire /, �c0�✓�✓c C- Tv "17 EX/Sr S"cwA 7eT -,..w.:.r..InwJlr.w.wa.�B�Wxd+wwMwM[rraWICiY�atr..,,••;...•Y1eaw , •;..,. . EXHIBIT "A" AN EA 'EMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES BEING 7 .5 FEET EACH SIDE OF THL F'O?1,OV I NG DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS 1 , 485.00 FEET SOUTH 0°12' 15" EAST AND 40.54FEET NORTH 890 16' 31" EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 , TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH , RANGE 1 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF TIGARD, 'WASHINGTON COUNTY , OREGON; THENCE SOUTH 640 11 ' 55" WEST, 42. 94 FEET. 3 3 87 0 37:181 CORPORATION CONSENT COVENANT (NONREMONSTRANCE AGREEMENT) Street Improvements The undersigned owners (including purchasers) of the real property described below do hereby record their consent to the formation of a local Improvement district by the City of Tigard for the purpose of improving the public streets upon which the described property abuts. The undersigned expressly waive all present and future rights to oppose or remonstrate against the formation of a local improvement district for the improvement of the abutting street or streets, reserving only the right to contest the inclusion of particular cost items in the improvement district proceeding and any right they may have under the Laws of the State of Oregon to contest the proposed assessment formula. The real property that is the subject cf this consent covenant is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this agreement to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. Name of Corporation Corporate Seal { By: Pre ident STATE OF OREGON ) By: as. Secretar County of Washington ) Personally appeared r1�n u, F—C, and --( 6Y Clan each being first duly sworn, did say that the former is the i preeiden and that h- later Is the _ secretary of �n �; a corporation, and that t e seal affixel to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. IN TEST:riONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this .3ih day of 19 E . -- I PAT,-4,-I QJA L. WRENS Notary Public or Oregon (N TAPt,�+N� 1PUBIIC•011EW1 My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires . Approved as to legal description this 1 day of U/ _ 1915 - By: -- Title: /� dLi✓ 'o�� Approved this day of DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Title: L�iitw f.JA c Ir (a e,^..�...,/•. /�nc •�'re.w (02065) a � Title No. 22-20340 EXHIBIT "A" Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 14 , Township 2 South, Range 1 West , of the Willamette Meridian, in the County of Washington and State of Oregon ; thence South to the South line of Solomon Richardson and wife' s Donation Land Claim, 30 chains ; thence East 26 2/3 rods ; hence North 30 chains ; thence West 26 2/3 rods to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres, except a strip of land 1.6 ;§ feet wide on the North side of the above described tract recorded in Hillsboro as a public r)ad forever. EXCEPT that part beginning at a point 22. 50 chains South of the Northwest corner of said section; thence South 7 . 50 chains to the South line of the Donation Land Claim of Soloman Richardson and wife ; thence East along the South line of said Donation Land Claim, 6 . 66 2/3 chains ; thence 7 . 50 chains to a point due East of the point of beginning; thence West 6. 66 2/3 chains to the place of beginning, containing 5 acres. It is understood that no right of way by implication or otherwise is granted herewith. All in Washington County, Oregon. 10 11 S kJ byRN.a�► Ro _ --- SWANSON�S GLEN i =,240 i T-� PICO Icry Su� TEcr ro NoNR,E.f�o�t/s rea Mcg .QC,�E,F/rIENT _ SWANSONrs GLEN ZL � STATE OF OREGON County of Washington SS I,Donald W.Mason,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Esc-Offlclo Recorder of Con- veyances for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument of writing wes received and recorded in book of re)ords of said county. Donald W. Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Officio County Clerk l 9b=7 I�At JUL I PN z: 23 87037382 r;ORPOR_A'1'ION -`— PERMANENT STORM DRAIMAGE EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Titan Properties Corporation hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of none dollars ($ 0 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, Inspecting and repairing of an unde:.ground storm drainage line and appurtenances, together with r�.ie right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon: See Exhibit "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, tide or interrat except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, hno•e•�=�, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the-, premises, grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this easement to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of 4.t Board of Direct—:. Name of Corporation Corporate Seal By: _ President STATE OF OREGON ) i )s By: / / — County of Washington ) Secreta Personally appeared -/' ` G�c / �•, — and who, each being first duly sworn, did say that the former is the preside t and that the l.atte is �L the eecre!ary .:)f r�t/e ici C ate�i a corporation, and that the seal affixe to the aforegoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said ' instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. of ry Public or Oregon (NOTARIAL SEAL). My Commission Expires: /,7-Y,?/ �Sf day of 19 JUS G` Appr,.) , Co le gel Ieecriptton this 8 By: Title: 7 Approved this zs y!s day of 1.9'V-�z. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Titlet (Jcn?r,A"t _ RC:cn/2760P 1 3 ::-'.,•Awni wl..'•-•':. +:._.. ,: :..-:.. .,;.. ,.,,.- .n.Nlm u:kdwa.w�leaNl.rw+wrf1�:�w¢.4rt�aycNide6YuaeRMnWMia4uv4d10tl4yWY�'i�IWY�MW&,7ribIwlaUi6l�kt�l:..uYIaSC h EXHIBIT "A" AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES BEING 5 FEET NORTH AND 10 FEET SOUTH OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS 893.58 FEET, S 00 12' 19" E. , OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 , TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST , WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE N 89 ° 47 ' 41" E. , 237 .50 FEET. 1 00, a,w .�,AYMMN.�tNNi 4W✓.r - qlYYWIW11MW1"iMfXM.MMLrYINMY(li�MbWw'1IWwiMWNiikdtibliLitlt 10 11 !S 14 .5WANSON 'S CaLEAl ,11=zoo' - - -- 15'W IDE LTr)LfTy i �EA3EM'-NT I SK1gN�'ON�a G 1 EN -T STATE OF OREGON County of Washington SS I,Donald W. Mason,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Ex-Officio Recorder of Con- veynnres for said county, do hereby certify that the within instrument of writ'nq was received and recorded in book of records of said county. Donald W 'Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Officin Coirity Clerk 1987 JUL 21 PM 2: 23 87037380 CORPORATION PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASE-ENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT Titan Properties Corporation hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of non? dollars 0 0 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions on the following; described parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, State of Oregon: See Exhitit "A" IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOS that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the ises and purposes of the intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will. be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this easement to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. ,r/7,p N //CCB0,f' Name of Corporation Corporate Seal By. / `?Ile v.e E reaiden STATE OF OREGON ) By: sa. Secreta y County of Washington ) Personally appeared ?��j tg ZG). 2 ..le, and _ __who, ea6h being first duly sworn, did say that the former is the president apd the the 1$tter is the secretary of i_ - /ri�G4 7� ._ , a corporation, and that the 'qea affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corpoi,te seal of said corporati.on and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority :): its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said Instrument '.o be its voluntary net and deed. No ary Public or uregon (NOTARIAL $I AL) My Commission Lxpires: /e?rQ�' Approvai as to'iegal descriptive this -Z day of ✓UhL• , 19 7 By: -- Title: Criy'y Srr�e+yar Approved this !h day of _�: ky 19�. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN.TY DEVELOPMENT By: Title: (2871P) 1 ,3 EXHIBIT "A" AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES BEING 7 . 5 FEET EACH OF OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS 1 ,185.00 FEET SOUTH 0012 ' 15" EAST AND 40.54 FEET NORTH, 890 16' 13" EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14 , TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE NORTH 0043 ' 29" WEST, 226. 13 FEET; THENCE NORTH 840 57' 25" EAST, 263 . 76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 '012- 46" WEST, 227.59 FEET. 10 II 15 14 SWANSON 'S r L E/V y=200' s wAN50N Is 15' W/DE UT/L/Ty EA s E 11,jJ5n/7- STATE OF OREGON County of Washington SS I,Donald W.Mason,Director of Assessment and Taxation and Ex-Officlo Recorder of Corr veyances for said county, do hereby --ertify that the within Instrument of writing was received -_ — —-- — and recorded in book of records of said county Donald W. Mason, Director of Assessment and Taxation, Ex- Ofliclo County Clerk 3 1987 JUL 21 Pry 2. 23 � s r ALPHA LET17' Oo F UG3USAO` UL ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 SURVEYORS DAT[ �I� y lo• no. SUITE 19•1750 S W SKYLINE BLVD PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 ATT[NTION PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1458 we: I TO WI_ ARE SENDING YOU "�(#tached L 1 Under separate cover via _ the following items: Shop drawings Ct Prints LI Plans ' Samples 11 Specifications C Copy of letter Change order ❑ — ----— — COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval Approved as submitted ! Resubmit--____copies for approval D For your use Approved as noted Submit _ - copies for distribution As rquested Returned for corrections Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment - ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ ___ 19 -_ PRINTS RETURN ILO p1 0 US REMARKS— �� L COPY TO_. SIGNED: If enclosures aro not an noted. kindly notify us of (,At*.Nt>.plCllK7 (lVR'!!s IK Gdle b 01411 LAL CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIA TEST DATE: _ 5-�Z / 7 INSPEC`POR: PROJECT: - SGt/CL,�1�Gt S (7 __ FILE: CONTRAC'T'OR: TEST SECTION: FROM: 4# A /0 TO: L ;�,f Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d2L IC=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet I Feet Head into lbs. per sg. irdi Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. 9 Head Head - 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 —._ - - ---_ --------- 3 1 .3 0 8 3.40 4 1 .7 3 3.90 - - 5 2. 17 in 4.33 Totals `--70 Ar J - - - — If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time required in seconds _ /z, ,r Actual loss Result: r .?�.s'�"`ryC.✓ Recommended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, AnJ check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to teach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. , 1 1 � I - - _ J 1 - •,. W 1 FILE COPY -- Mt tl.c APPROVED Fb STRUCTION I --- R DC7 CD�l�lY7 �Jd� -ISSUED BY �� DATE__�L=1.�_ (CITY OF VGARM _- _� I •v�PPrtI.M. I .ls' t✓ i5'.\ I 1� 1 ENGR OFFICE B'/ GATE li OPERAT OFFICE BY 1- DATE1 I�� T BLDG OFFICE BY ` DATE LL �� I �! a: ` r�EN TEL BY DATE ILLS' 7 ONW NAT LAS COBY ✓ DATF 4•J• 7 Ar wPGE GO BY 4' DATE �7 ' ' 1 t ; VALLAM CABLE CO BY DATE S' •t 9W 5 'HULLS f , F i ._ I'�i. _ ` � �,i� I� ' 1 ♦� .�_ IY�AT DIST BY t•- DATE '� � �? I I I L� A0 I Fl Fl C) V I IE 4 17 E; ll 9,a V90 IST BY DATE �'•'�i --- --- --. . _ — _�_— --- -- -- F - X - ,� BY DATE tR IA • SMI__Al G ON CO 1—� a� 1JA�lINF ! 'i „.I„,• � � -'- ”'I.� SEV�! AGENCY BY � DATE W '�'•'g;-I 4. 1 J , IK vp . 17 w «,;My„y Yli' 41�• - -•� � ! , tiw...ww ;�� �';''";w.., �'w;a.; ; -„ i S.TE VICINITY MAP PHASE I o �'�s'uIB"�!'i7 Tt� T71riAC' G/Ty'' ."•Q/GyE' 1 1 56 44 43 I 76 9555 S4 II 32 31 30 29 28 27I_28 23 24 75 76 77 j 45 F-- \ 79 94 57 93 _ _ 53 46 ♦i - 60 99 56 52 47 40 34 22 61 92 21 23 74 73 j 59 j 35B4 2 91 j B 51 50 49 46 33 38% 37 36 20 j i 83 65 72 1 e3 QO 1 ? 62 66 71 I 64 B9 67 Sd 16 2 AA I 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13114 13 16 17 b d1 70 1 a do I 61e as � ss 67 \ \ PHASE 1 ` PNS E 2 • 1 a cn SHEET INDEX OWNER DEVELOPER ,- TITAN Pil 0I L_ RTIES CORP 1 - COVER SHEET 2700 N . W . 185TH AVENUE SUITE 2014 2 . SITE/GRADING PLAN 8 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3 . STREET/STORM PLAN 8 STREET PROFILES PORTLAND , OREGON 97229 PH . ( 503 ) 645 -- 3500 4 . STREET PROFILES 5 . STORM DRAIN PROFILES 6 . SANITARY/WATER PLAN 8 INTERSECTION DETAILS 7 . SANITARY SEWER PROFILES ENGI N ' ALPHA EINCNGTNEERING ,L_ ® . INTERSECTION DETAILS RI,N TED 9 . MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS APR 16 1987 1750 S . W . SKYLINE BLVD . 4 PORTLAND , OREGON 97221 PHONE : 297 --- 14 .58 ••-•- PROJECT NO . 1345 , SWANSONS GLEN ` PHAN. I z:t t nwmm ` w�•.+o- a !1 rw-1.1-tginy..,..rIn.I.I..I -r_ I �1u 11,1t,11+,�/I..1sIr'i�Ii'. I�1�p-.ifilrli 1lr 'l' .'r�'_ . +� IIlII11111 1111111JillI IIII llI'll_11 111111111I` R I J 1 NOTE IF THIS MICROFILMED 12 _ DRr;iING IS LESS CLEAR THAN TY 1 NOT ICri- -TT IS DUE TO 4f. Q AILITY OF Tlf ORIGINAL � �IWING' O£ 62 92 a 92 Sz fz Ez zz Iz 0z 61 131 LI 91 SI UI EI 21 11 01 -6 - • It � 9 S r E z I"`"" :_=� � �►III�uIlnnluulunllllllnilllmlul,�,ulluullu�Ilnllun11111111111n�I�a111nulnulnlllutlllu111u1111�1Illlrllulllaul�i�l�In111u1�nnlunlu111m1�lnlllut�tttiluulnuhmlHIII�1�Iluluul1111I11NIIIIlI1Wl�Wllli�1111�1�1lIIIl111I11U�It�lII1H - JULY 19 -92 A 71-' 70 /NSMZ-4 SlaA/S ,q sat..s eoeAow'AAircz) (- I A ►.v TS T U� rl ��/'�' „wviOSO 7v 7*W Ar&w.A0/104 4000,,14 9 A&WIC Cp/►'11�/it/i9T1'Dit/ S7t ' & .STiE�'�'T /V�YIe>i' t o51 T 4 xc f ff 'As NQTf p,., rp *3A" A1dC ew d r.+Nc-1-✓wi A�e�lis3. 11R0 � i Nb� 110r 1�Jh E NTS I?F a'� -.6�-• /I/O ONTYA'7' Q S 77VA=r A WA eE X -� I ,�eo,�r c.ar t✓.vF - PHASE 1 i PH*" !! *ENdrX4c. vn►'�rl#1 E.4U&Wa W is •tea �rt',�-�, THERE IS A 8' UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL FRONT LOT LINES \� I 1Af~v4 A4A Vr ate'" .W..G4A4kVr4eE4:> - \ m m � r 16o � N eco /s4 \ l \ i'teis6Rv� sr,�rP \ S 0 0 ' 12 ' 46"E t 4 5 . 0 ' 1 I _ O 5.0• 0 103.0 /96.0 / 92.0' 97.5' 25.0\ 25.0 ' \ X98.5' \ 8 .0' 76 0 'I 0/.01' 47. 0 ' 4 .0' 44 .0' 44 .0 ' 47.0 ' ` 47 .0' 47. 47 . 0 X50.0 ' 25. 0 ' 25.0' .4 98. 0' 98.0 • 25.0 ' 25.0 p Q v / /� o In \;n reg I \ 0 \ \ \ I / I \ i ` \ N 1 \ \ I m 7► rn o O I 0 44 \ �� ^ \ 4�� ~ m \ \ I I \ I 78 95 $N /� V. 85 /�� in v I v I v\\ \ \ "r \\ \ \�2 \\ 3'i `\ 1\ �� �� I \I I oc v d v / I \ \ \ \ w u 0 0 0 77 m I 51. 5Zt I / 54 s7.5' 1 3 ` \ 98.5' \ \ \ ac \ ti •\ \ 28 \ 27 01 26 0 2g v o 24 0 75 0 76 0 --- - - \ rn ^ 129 p \ 0 0 0 0 0 o I o I 99.e' 96.2' I o \ '��•el• // / 010 45 / /� N N _ \ 42 to �� \ 0 \ \ \ 1 \ I h I N o I a o if; ^ / Y \ \ \ � vaH- \ N \ 1 I Z \ I I 79 94 I ti v o \ vv v v v vz I I I I rn I o� rn h I 1 \ -� \ .37. I I 1 v / I f-- 5 - 1. I / p 1.'30.p �?' 97 -r L I 1 \ rn� I p .� .26.2 X4.0' 44.0• 47 0' 47 .0' -' 47.0' -34. I . r __-__�_ 1 87 I 2Q. ���1 ///.5 i� 3 �;I 98.5 4 I 33I 1b6 , /o , ��. --1- I 101 .5' - - --- 94.5' I In 53 �, 0 a 1 \ I ;�, I o W 104TH AVE. r m�. \ �,�� ♦ ,; ,,�� 46 m I 1 41� Z 41 I +,� I �1�� bti/ J _ --- - -- - --- - -------- - 374.2' _ ._L _ I '� - a 80 0 93 o ' Rp o I. 54 .0 220.2' 6' I N v s 3 / 0 ,_ _- N I I 96.6 / / / �,p�/,� I 1 '/ / 95.5' 96. 4 uoi 1 99.3• • I ' 0 / /,` / / �.i,�0' b 0 �� I��� o I I o I I `V,(o /� leo / 36.0 77.0' �` 0 40 .9 8.2' - --45.7 � 97.8' �94. / 158 I 1 I nn 1-' I I Ivo 34 / / / -- ` \ \ a' / o 1 52 47 ! I 140 I I cri ! I / / .......1 / 0 0 OD I � � v $� tic, I I � ari �0 �, II ��� 1 / I i / / ��•,o` vv � 22 I / 81 � � 92/ acv cv � �I I .rte' / .. l Q °� / / Q Q / a U) Q 20 108.4' 'o, o r 4 •--r„" 95.3__ �tt8 108.8' I 65.3, J A r `�'� I Io 21 / U / I ISO m N: 0 lu Q Q) o I 9 o m 5 44.0' 44.0' 51 .3' ¢ X48. i ' 44.0' 42.0' 40.0 I v // ; 23 �I 174 / 73 f54 1154- X 15a O W4 / I I 1 f J ui IA 94,0' 14.b• - tb cv / / / rp 1 1 O . e6.o' / i / 3 co O ` - __� Iv Q+r ¢II °"" cn I / �/ j / / I °�"' 3 1ti� I / i0i. \ '� `jco I / /1 82 / 91. o I (� m / , p 4i I ro I. / / I of I I I I I o ° o 64 J ° I / a J `�� 5i 50 49 48 i9 38 37 / " / `� I 20 >r� 64.o 8.2' 64.0• / io ] L-/o- � I �� n u, IBS ��Bh o/ / o '° 36 I I i \ 0 0 / I Vol 198- 4 k / / 0 0 0 If rn rn / 0 / o o I I \v m v H .4 '' I o rni o / o / o I I \ N 93.2' 93.0' . _ /10 � / � � I � / I I i gyp' I 1 I \ 95.0' � 94.0' I .4. � I / I I �. 94.5 C04 80.0' 6 j / // I -�� / �� i� // \ l I ' iI !09 0' o o c o Z �o °°� I _. - , i / N �, oo' 1 I in in I of 65 / of vi 7 2 I -+I 83 I 90 I I a o o ao Q I f94 ,./ / 1{�fo Q�ti/ 1 �\ \ 63 CID v / v v I a o I v ? } C' / / 144.0' 44.0• 34.5' -. $ 33- 44.0 55.0 i;6 O ! �C. I I i9- \\ \� v / F- / \ 0 g / Bg . bo 6 v 6 ,1 1I�0 k ,1 �` ' - - , 93.2' 93.4' 94.5' I / ass s �� ��/ ,�/ �1/ // j �' \ s5.o' --- II sago' .� a / p•ioo o - __�-__-_ - 22s.o• - -- -µ - - -�-- - -21e _ - -�- �_ _ / 1.��6 ` I �� \ to /� o I 0 0 7 i \\ I 84 89 / 444.9' / / / / N 2•° \ \ I = 0) 66 I 0 rn 1 1 194-- / t8$ I ,86,.S W---104TH AVE. j I/ 182 ,e° 8 i// ,1b //\„ % / �e l my /I p K' `\ ( \62 , r. o '� v / ! v Q 1\ v /48 319-9' 44. 44.0' / 44-0.�-44.0' 44..4' 44. 44.0' 29. 1 ' > W \\ 18 \ N 93.2' 94.0' \ � iI h� ( •/// I __._319-._9' - -- / 1I I l �i /� / / ��36.6 \� \ ? -'+ _ \ o \ 10 93.8' I 94.5' 1 • I C I \` I / it r 1 I /� �� / \ �• I W N q1 \\ \ ~ 0 67 o 0 70 e : \in 85 I c0. 88 I .1 Zr ` iu ` i / • •\ / / I i \ va'�. I ,q v -\1 v I v o a 2 N v I o / .0 / 0 0 0 0 / o / o o /of I 1 I p° 1 \ ► a 1 �� 3 3 N 4 1 o ,5 o/ 6 0 7 0 8 0 0 10/ 0 11 / 0 12 13 / 0 14 0 �15 c� 16 117 1 .� / - �. '~-�_ o o-' �0 0 0 0 / o o / o / u o ^ l \ �? / 95. 93.2' 103.0' �, 90.0' 90.5' 1 I J1 I / '� \_ i 60I \ ` '" °' 68 °' °' 69 ° 86 I 87 / � _.`- � I cel J \ (n ra5.0' 60.0' 44.0' 44. 44.0' i�.0' 44.0' / 44.0' 44.0' 44.0' 44.0• 44.0' /44.0' 44.0• 44'.0' 44.0' \ 70 .0' '��� - - 0' 2�i/0' L___� 93-2 ' / 113. 1 ' 25pr .6' 25.0' 97.5' I 93.5' 6x/57i.VG /' SO' IV 00 '�.2 ' 19-W 11485'. 0 - - �j�SEF'cE STR/P / I !�"E5 KVE srm/P I ` , RESERVC "A" w / I (iG RECORPED PRIOR i A. t3F..NERAL ��' � �0ti IN, ^ �1 E WATERLINES .� `� �� ro OOVER [ANDin�6 1 G n � Gb✓CR "i{a G/A/C. cV 1 PG r_) ,� r ... \n--=-- --- - � V1 - � /� 1> ALL STREETS AND STORM SEWERS SHALL BE CONSTPUCTED AS PER THESE 8) SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT TIME 'jF .BUILDING PERMIT UNLESS j 1. NOTIFY TIGARD WATER DISTRICT PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. ' I PLANS, THE SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS 'IF THE CITY OF 'TIGARD AND ALL OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CURBS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER ;MAINS. 25 25 0 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE "STANDARD, SPECIFICATION FOR PUBLIC INSTALLATION OF ALL SIDEWALKS IN ACCOPD WITH THE TERMS OF THE °�no/o �A�' l" -.o- -•-� WORKS CONSTRUCTION" OF OREGON CHAPTER OF THE AMERI:AN PUBLIC CITY-DEVELOPER CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT. 2. ALL WORK SHALL HE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W. W. A. STANDARDS. WORKS ASSIrIC I ATOW, 1980 EDITION. � " S" 'o 9. ROOF RAIN DRAINS SHALL MEET WEER' HOLES IN CURB ; OTHERWISE, d'�•� ' '� 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY T I GF.`?D WATER 2) �HE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL THE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRh I NGS ANDr" DISTRICT. NO T E : PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE 70 PROVIDE THEREFOR iY r i G!2 Vr LEPER /'t' ALL INCIDENTAL WORK. CONSIDERED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE � � � � 4. FIRE HYDRAN"f ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF E�" MJ x b" FIG TEE b" FIG x MJ /. ONE AS. BUILT MY' AR OF PROJECT IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER. - ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHALL STORM SEWER � . � VL GATE VALVE., b" MJ x MJ HOLDING SPOOL, AND MODERN MUELLER C. CENTURION FIRE HYDRANT, A-442, 6" MJ, 5 1/4" MVO, 3-PORT (2 - 2 BE PROVIDED 7.O THE CITY 3) THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF '•'- `�'"- �" � 1/2" NST HOSE CONNECTION, i - 4 1/2" NIiiT PUMPER) , i i/2" PENT OPR ONE (1) SET OF APPROVED CONSTRUCTIO14 FLANS ON THE .TOB SITE AT ALL 1 ) S'FURM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE THE SIZE NOTED ON THE PLANS. PIPE BY DEVELOPERS ENGINEER CURVE LENGTH RADIUS TIMES DUPING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES. :SHALL BE bELL AND SPIGOT CONCRETE PIPE WITH CLASS "B" SEDC - NG AND NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW. 1 27.2 75 SHALL_ CONFORM TO ASTM C-14, CLASS 2 (UNL.E89 OTHERWISE NOTED ON 2 23.8 125 4) CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO -tHE PLANS) AND BE OF SUFFICIENT STR'ENQTH TO WITHSTAND H-20 LIVE 5. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK 2. 5 7,'PEE T � ,M,C IVUMEIV74 T/ON 3 20.5 75 BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. LOAD WITH MINIMUM COVER OF 1/2 FOOT. PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE WITH 1 1 /2 CUBIC YARDS OF CURSHED 1 1/2" DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER 4 14. 1 175 WITH 6A5KETS. WILL BE LAID ON TOP OF LRAIN ROCK TO SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH /5 REQ U/R2FO 5 20.2 50 5) THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROt' 'ND FACILITIES SHOWN ON= THE COVER. 6 23.0 75 7 27.3 Loa PLANS IS TAKEN FROM EXISTING PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY 2` CATCH BASIN ANI) CURB INLETS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE SHOWN ON TH 6. POURED CONCRETE THRUSTBI.OGKS AT LEAST 8 SQUARE FEET OF BEARING 3• A TREE GUTTING PERM/T 8 27.3 too LOCATION OF ALL FACILITIES AND NDTIFY ENGINEER IF THEY ARE DETAIL SHEET. SURFACE AT EACH TEE, BEND, AND BLOW-OFF LOCATION. 9 27'5 loo SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN HEREON. l5 REQU/RED 10 27.5 ,00 3) INSTALLATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SMALL.. BE IN ACCORDAW. E 7w 36" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAINS. WITH STANDARD PRACTICES. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL IN PUBLIC RICHT-CF- - H. STREETS _ WAY SHALL BE 2" -O COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK. B. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES 10' LATERALLY OR 3' VERTICALLY OF WATER 1 ) ALL TREES, BRUSH ANC DEBRIS WITHIN LIMITS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY D. SANITARY SEWERS MAINS SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE S" THICK 10' FROM CROSSING. SHALL BE REMOVED AND DIbPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR. -_-- - WHERE CROSSINGS ARE NECESSARY, THEY MURT BE MADE: AT APPROXIMATELY 50 25 0 50 r Soo 1 ) ALL SANITARY SEWCR CONSTRUCTION AND ALL MATERIALS SHALL CONFORM WITH AT LEp.iSF 18" SEPARATION BELOW WATER LINE. _ '� 2.) ALL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STRIPPED. STRIPPING SHALL WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE UNIFIED y, MAINS SHALL. HE TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR 1 HC'iJR WITH A MAXIMUM LOSS SCALE IN FEET CONSIST OF REMOVING THE. TOPSOIL HUMUS AND SOILS NOT SUITADLE FOR SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREDON AND THE CITY �1F -- -"'• ,, OF 5 PSI . STATIC PRESSURE- 95 PSI . PRESSURE REDUCING VALUE WILL - COMPACTION (APPROXIMATELY 2 FEET TO BANDY SILT WHICH SHALL HE TIGARD. ALL HACKFILL IN RI01•IT-OF--WAY SHALL CONFORM WITH CITY )F �,KEO-- COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENISTY) . STRIPPED MATErtTALS SHALL NOT TIGAkD SPECIFICATIONS. BE REQUIRED AT EACH METER, INSTALLED BY TWD, rND INCLUDED IN COST BE USED FOR ROADWAY EMBANKMENT. OF METER. BENCHMARK // / 8p12 2) Ac_L SERVICE LATERALS TO HE CONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY Bt NCHMARK # 179 EL. 199.69 3) EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM E X CAVATEn MATERIAL OR 1/4" PER LINEAR FOOT U-,}Lf:SS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PL-ftS. 10. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS WILL. BE CEMENT-LINED. BRASS DISK SET IN EAST CURB OF SERENA COURT, IMPORTED MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER , ;ND SHALL BE MINIMUM PIPE DIAMIETER SHA .L BE b" . (MA 1#4 LINE TO PR41P1=RTY LINE OR ;�A"I'f), 69 FEET SOUTH OF CENTERLINE OF DURHAM ROAD / BROUGHT TO GRADE IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED B" LOOSE (MEASURE. EACH 1 1 . 0. S. B. H. BATERIOLOGICAL TESTS REQUIRED. 4 FEET SOUTH OF END OF CURB N LIFT SHALL BE COMPb4CTED TO 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS OBTAINED BY 3) ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES Wil I_ BE INSPECTED HY T. V. A WRITTEN AASHO T-100 COMPACTION TEST. � 12. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, CONTRACTOR OR DEVELOPER WILL ADVISE T-WD OF REPORT AND &ETA TAPES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO TOTAL CONSTRUCTION C(3575 TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED 10% FOR DISTRICT THE CITY OF TIGARD. AN AIR 1'L--".ST AND TEST REFORT IS REQUIRED TO INSPECTIONS, WATL.1 LOBS, OVERHEAD, ADMINISTRATION, SAMPLING, 4) ROCK BASE, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND SIDEWALK BE PROVIDED TO THE CI1Y PRI13R TO CONNECTION TGA ANY &UILDINGS.- ETC. . AND 2% FOP ENGINEERINI REVIEW, INCLUDING "FES-BUILT" GONSTF2UCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DETAIL SHEET AND IN DRAWINGS, INTERSECTION MAPS, L9'DA'TIN@ MASTER MNP, ETC. ACC0R_)ANCE WITH -HE ABOVE REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS. 4) INDIVIDUAL LOT BUILDING CONNE( T( :`N PERM( rs ARE REQUIRED. PERMIT.) A1RE 5) STREET LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED BY DEVELr.PER IN ACCORDANCE WITH AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY BUI L L-►Ike G OFFICE AT CITY HALL. 13. TWD WILL INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACK TOPP I NG 01�` CITY APPROVED P.G. E. CO. LAYOUT. STREEETS. THESE SERVICES ARE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF EACH METER. 6) TWO (2) WEEPHOLES IN CURB PER LOT REQUIRED 14 . �L.L DUr:TILE IRON PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 32 . NO OAT@ REVISION By 7) CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE 3000 PSI AT 28 DESIONEO SCO DAT1 FEB 1087 PROJECT SHEEN DAYS, 2-4" SLUMP, EXPAIasIDN JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 40' SPACING ALPHA KNOININNING INC. -A T SITE/GRADING PLAN DRAWN TBT SCALE 1 ' 60' � 1750 Sw. SKYI,INI 3LVD. -- SWANSON S GLEN 2 -A POR!.A,ANO, ORIOON X1221 CHECK N�f� 'ROJECT N4 1,,� CONSTRUCTION NOTES Pb � 503 I 247 - 1444 ,8rr110VEn �- PHASE I OF 9 r •.. wr.yr w. ... .. �A a � M � a.. � ��-r. ..-..._..--�.�y. � .__.- .�-..vr..,. r ."'Tr..:max-'N.!'M.' ( � .. .` _ y,r;i/r,�.�..�,..�-^r,r. �- • y. ..... ._.. .... mr.eww.w..............-..._.....r...•.......•....«..... � ..w.n. , '.."!.'.- _ -.__ .. ,.,... • M��,r�rt���llt�llll�lf�lllllfll�ll�l�ll'111�I�i1+ �i�llllf�i(Illll�t�l�llll If 1111 flll�lllfl Illlflllllllrll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIrllllif Illllfllllllfll tllll�llllrllll Ilflllllillllrl 1 � _ . . , I i 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ILO III 12 NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMEf) �" "' ^•_----- ---�� --------- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICiri-IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 62 92 a 9Z SZ b2 EZ ZZ Iz OZ Bt 81 LI 91 �1 r1 41 DI II 01--,-__-•L_-J-- � L 9 � b • � � 1�'""" _ �,11I111111111111fII11111111111U1111111111��IIlIlHllllllllllllllllllr,IIIIIuIIm�111111f111NI11f1�luJFulllfnlulll111f111lIIIFfI�rFu�ff11!uu111f1111111f1f1Itf1111111111ullllt�ulillluhllllllll�lf�11111111111f111111n11lnubw ullwLw�u11�111111uI1nlllwl111,JULY 7 1992 CITY OF' TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: �2 4! l INSPECTOR: PRQ7ECT: FILE.. CON'TRACTOR: OtV TEST SECTION: FROM: /1� �U TO: AW XV Diameter (d) Length (L) K-0.01ld2L !C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per Eq. ink __. _%��_... .. /,'.7 3 , � l —Fe-e-t----P.S--.—I.-j Feet—P.S.I. Head Head E 7 -45'. --- 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1 .30 8 3.40 4 1 .73 9 3.90 1 5 2. 17 10 4.33 Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Reccm,nended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerc.ted in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER L()W PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: _ 5 2 INSPECTOR PRATE C`T: _ �lN G^^ r t-11 f �t-.. FILE: CONTRACTOR: C 1�►^ s^ '' - - - -- TEST SECTION: FRCM: /� 1�/p TO: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d�L IC=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet i Feet Head into lbs. per M. inch Fee' P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. Head Head `- -'- 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1 .30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 Totals . � /, 2 ------- If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tq) Time required in seconds Actual loss 0j( e Result: 'La -;�'r Recamnended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in suhmerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect alr supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time Interval to reach 2.5 psig. 7cmpare actual loss with time required by specification. JMIIUMLM��= CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: j Z eP 7 INSPECTOR: PROJOCT: �f�tJ C^-, S-D� f FILE: ('ONTRACTOR: TEST SECTION: FROM: a/7/f # 9 - TO: l Lim 5 4- Y) f Diameter (d) Lcnqth (L) K=0.011d1L C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per 91. iirrh — ----------- .!) Feet P.S.I. Feet- P.S.I. - - Head Head Z / 5' 3 --- - _- -- 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tq. (tg) Time required in seconds / c Actual loss Result: ---�/F� """'w Recammended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in suhmerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: 7 INSPECTOR: PROJECT: "/7 16-1- FILE: CONTRACTOR: TEST SECTION: FROM: 2 TO: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d2L C=0.0003882dl, Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per sq. irrh Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. Head 57 Head - - 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss 0 1 J/ 10 �— Result: Recommended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SbVM LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: INSPECTOR: PROJECT- Y'4u.(z r FILE: CONTRACTOR: f-ep-'. TEST SECTION: FROM: 7-V 7 TO: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0. 0"Id2L C=0.0003882dl, Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per sq. irrh Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S. Head Head 44 . 2 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Recammended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all out.IW-s with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in suhinerged in Iroundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval '_-o reach 2.5 psig. 5. Ccripare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SBIER LOW PRFSSURF. AIR TEST DATE: Sit/�� 7 INSPECTOR: 2z r - 1q, ,l/' PROJECT: - ) W a-0 tf' A-S � /e°-e, __ FILE: - -- CONTRACTOR: leo t/1 i1.- ;I-11-1— TEST r-1 -TEST SECTION: FRW: 2"/ T0: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d'L C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per sq. inch ----------- Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. >�... - -_ Head Head y - 1 .43 6 2.60 - - 2 .87 7 3.03 --- `- �- 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 -- - ---- - - 5.._ 2.17 10 - - 4.33---- _+ Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time requ i red in seconds Actual loss Result: Recommended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in suhmerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 prig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. `i. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: �? 8 -7 INSPECTOR: /V(4/C PROJE(-T: J L(��L, f 1 (7/'tit FILE: MM<ACTOR: /'O Zt S t - TEST SECTION: FROT4s TO ,"W—� a (c rinches meter (cl) Length (L) K=0.01'1 C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure _ feet Feet Head into lbs. per s3. inch Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. — Head Head --- 1 .43 6 2.60 _ 2 .87 7 3,.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 'Dotal s If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tq) Time required in seconds Actual loss ` t- , _1' Result: _, �- ✓ Recommended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and c-)�q-ck for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, deie►_m.ine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SLWER LOW PRESSURE AIR MST DATE: i 1 7 INSPDCTOR: �% / (.. , M11176- PROJFX'I: ��rt/ ,r l C 7' ` {�G.�. --- _ FILE: - I CONTRACTOR: TEST SECTION: FROM: �< 'P0: L, 7 c C) Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d'L IC=0.0003882dl, Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per sq. inch ---- - �--`— Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. Head Head —------ -- _ l .43 6 2.b0 .87 7 3.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 2.17 10 4. 33 Totals L If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg Tf total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get td. (tg) Time required in seconds AcLual loss Result: Recarmended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check fo:- leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, Aetermine f•he time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Campare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: = Z, / 1p 7 _ INSPECTOR: PROJECT: /rt' _. FILE: CONTRACTOR: r� TEST SECTION: FROM: 4 TO: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.0114=L � C=0.000388pdL Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet lead into lbs. per sq. irch Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. Head Head 1 .43 7 62.60 2 .87 7 3.0303 3 1.30 8 3.40 _ 4 1.73 9 3.90 ^� 5 2.17 10 4.33 Totals If Notal C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to qet tg. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Recomiended Procedure 1 . Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check foi leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig :,tart stopwatch, determine the time Interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SAN' .ARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST • DATE: Z7 INSPECTOR: PROJECT: ��J +.��fes.J (� -- --- FILE: - CONTRACTOR: TEST SECTION: FROM: Mt J Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.01.1d2L C--0.000388P.dL Ground water back pressure inches feat Feet Head into lbs. per sq. inch - - -- -- --- Y- -- Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. Head Head -- - --- 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 5 2.17 10 4.33 Total's If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tg. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Rect miended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in subrm�.rged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air tsbtpply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine the time interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Compare actual loss with time required by specifi^.&tion. r i CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: INSPEMI: , ,;Lig_ 'S: _ FILE: v � CONTRACTOR: _ _/` r' �✓ '` — - TF.ST SEX_'rION: FROM: ,/�'� � � TO: Diameter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d2L C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure inches feet Feet Head into lbs. per %I. vYf� — Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. 7.6 S • �� '� __ Head Head 1 .43 G 2.60 2 .87 7 3.03 -- ---- ' 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 ---- ---- _-- _ — — _ — 5 2. 17_ 1 10 a . 3 I Totals If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get t.q. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Recrmnended Procedure 1. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Adel air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check foi leaks. 4. When pressure decry aces to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine thy- tints, interval to reach .'..5 psig. 5. Campsre actual losei with time required by speci f i(•a t i()n. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: _ i 27 INS PEC TOR: PROJECT: er h, f (y ,r FILE: CONTRACTOR: --- - TEST SECTION: FROM: !� rDterd) Length (L) K=0.O11d2L C=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure feet Feet [lead into lbs. per s7. iii.ii Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S. I. - -- Head Head - ----- - --- - -- - 1 .43 6 2.60 2 .87 7 3.0' - ---- 3 1.30 8 3.40 4 1.73 9 3.90 - -- -- — _ 2.17 10 a . 1? Totals -- - - --- - If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to Wt ty. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Reecmnended_Procedure I. Clean ,and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check for leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 prig start stopwatch, determine rhe tire, interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. Q2"re actual loss with time required by specification. CITY OF TIGARD SANITARY SEWER LOW PRESSURE AIR TEST DATE: -- _ - J INSPECTOR: PRCXTDCT: - !i_ FILE: CONTRACTOR: TEST SECTION: FROM: K - TO: rDter (d) Length (L) K=0.011d2LTC=0.0003882dL Ground water back pressure ` feet Feet Head into lbs. per s7. utfi Feet P.S.I. Feet P.S.I. _ _-- Head Elead 2 .8/ 73.03 3 1 . 30 8 3.40 4 1 .73 9 3.90 5 2. 11 1------- _ Totals —- --- - _ If total C value is less than one: use K value for tg If total C value is greater than one: Divide total K value by total C value to get tq. (tg) Time required in seconds Actual loss Result: Reccmnended Procedure I. Clean and plug all outlets with braced test plugs. 2. If pipe in submerged in groundwater, increase test pressure. 3. Add air slowly to 4.0 psig, disconnect air supply, and check f(-)c leaks. 4. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig start stopwatch, determine 1.11r ti.nk, interval to reach 2.5 psig. 5. CC"re actual loss with time required by specification. i' FINAL PLAT REVIEW CHECKLIST Attach copy of submitted Plat Plat Name: � � ,AA, -SaAJ _> C. aL-� /l,_ Case Number � t Address(s) J (/`1�i�1-, /� .�' __Lie (Do NOT release addresses to the public without consent of the Engineering Department. ) "CIRCULATE IN ORDER SHOWN" PLANNING DIVISION Review items considered 1 . Phase boundaries ( ✓� 2. Lot and/or tract size and configuration [►1 3. Lot and/or block numbers [r� 4 . Access restrictions [•� 5. Conditions of Approval [ .•] 6. Private streets (location, width, etc ) [JA 7. Preliminary Plat apprnval date 1 year period OK [ vj 8 . Special Deed restrictions i�4 9. Taxes, sj%ecial assessments paid [ '] 10. Open Spact (Deed or Dedication) [ 11 . Non—Remonstrance Agreemenvs It_*_'0 ti 2 [A 12 . SPECIAL SETBACKS ARE �Jt'U 13 Assign Case ,Number (above) [ � Comments : �f►zlyD 7� 2? TRc-,L dVT DATE: M em am MWM ENGINEERING DIVISION Review items considered Survey Related 1 Plat boundary description (VI 1 2 . Lot and tract square footage calculation check [� 3 . Centerline monumentation [v] 4 Bearings , distances and curve data k3 Comments : By DATE Engineering Related 5 location, width and purpose of easements, conveyance and general public utility easements)• ou (Specific 9 6 Reserve strips 1 Open Space areas, public improvements 8 Curve, corner, and cul-de-sac. radii [a 9 . Dedi .aLion/Vacation 10. Street location, width and alignment 11 . Public Improvement guarantee OK (� 17 Conditions of Approval 13 Sower availability letter prepared w oom p [ 14 14. Non-access areas marked on attached plat (D/W, cor. ) 46 [ ] Cossments (o4ow-s /le te,,-f P4 �AbW�ll'�i►t:t�M I�iw+ ��n1i+.+.r IpP/.. hen rew�ts�+'�•� sr..+� �D,..-�s.« � �i ,, By ..�� DATE ENGINEERING DIVISION Drafting Related 15. Update City—wide maps [�J 16, Assign Address(s) (front page) 1 17. Street Names r [C Comments c rY•,�e a /7 ,. : /. x , BY: DATE: BUILDING DIVISION Comments . BY: DATE: Returned t•j Developer for correction BY: DATE: Corrections reviewed and approved BY: DATE: Forwarded for City Signatures BY: DATE. Released to de.-eloper for recording BY: DATE -- — — (2367P/0021P) ��L �kri� csiU Transamerica Transamerica Title Insurance Company Title Services 4805 S W Griffith Drive, Suite 300 Beaverton.Oregon 97005 (503)644-1194 7i i �7 s�rr� C�92'4755 Oregon Bank 1001 S .W. Fifth, 6th Floor Portland, Oregon Attn: Kathleen 2 cc 02-41-00 May 14 , 1987 Escrow Numher 22-20340-3 Escrow Officer Maxine Glutsch Title Number 22-20340 Title Office,- PRELIMINARY fficerPRELIMINARY REPORT FOR ❑ Owner's ❑ Purchaser's ❑ ALTA til Standard Mortgagee's Liahilitv `t s 1, 000 . 00 Premiums t 1� 175 . 00 Partial Billing $ 12. 50 Govt . Service Fee We are prepared to issue title insurance in the form and amount shown above. This Repo, is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null and void unless a poli(y is issued. and the full premium therefore paid. The land hereinafter described is: See Attached EXHIBIT "A" and as of Mav 4 1487 at 8:00 A.M., title is vested in: TITAN PROPERTIES CORPORATION 1rontinuedi Farm A.. o-7.14 Transamerica Tale Services 777777 Title Number 22--20340 Page 2 The policy shall he issued subject to the usual printed conditions and stipulations and exclusions from coverage appearing in such policy form and the following: 1 . Regulations , including levies , liens , assessments , rights of way and easements of the Unified Sewerage Agency. (An inquiry has been directed to the District concerning the status of such liens and report will follow if such liens are found) . 2 . An easement created by instrument , including the terms and provisions thereof, Dated July 9 , 1975 Recorded July 15 , 1975 Book: 1033 Page : 765 In Favor Of Tigard Water District For Construction and maintenance of underground pipelines Over The North 45 feet of the subject property 3 . Deed of Trust , including the terms and provisions thereof, with interest thereon and such future advances as may be provided therein , given to sec.:--- the payment of $975 , 000 . 00 , Dated December 23 , 1986 Recorded December 30 , 1986 Recorder ' s Fee No . 86061325 Trustor Titan Properties Corporation Trustee Transamerica Title Insurance Company Benefi.ciary The Oregon Bank, an Oregon corporation Loan No . None given 4 . Trust Deed, including the terms and provisions thereof , with interest thereon and such future advances as may be provided therein, given to secure the payment of $25 , 000 . 00 . Dated December 29 , 1.986 Recorded December 31 , 1986 Recorder ' s Fee No . 86061569 Trustor Titan Properties Corporation Trustee Transamerica Title Insurance Company Beneficiary Marie J. Vandewater Loan No . None given 3 . An disclosed by the assessment and tax roll , the premises herein have been specially assessed for farm use . If the land becomes dis- qualified for this special assessment under the statutes , an additional tar. , plus interest and penalty , r,ill be levied for the number cf years in which this special assessment was in effect for the land . (AFFECTS TAX LOT 600) .u...6r....+s..a........4.wnvwewJmr.wi.c NJ.oV'..dNY4�Wi.IrWlMw+i�iG.sWi+✓+w�tSWWNY.+i4oWws.w-.:•.:.•.`•:/.. .y ' Title No. 22-20340 Page 3 6 . No liability is assumed if a financing; statement is filed in the office of the County Clerk covering growing crops and fixtures wherein the land is described other than by metes and bounds , the rectangular survey system or by recorded lot and block . (AFFECTS TAX LOT 600) 7 . This report does not include a search for financing statements filed subsequent to June 30 , 1978 , in the office of the Secretary of State covering crops on the land described herein , and is subject to any encumbrances on such crops . (For the possible removal of this exception , the insuring, company must be contacted as tc, what information it will require to enable it to make a search for such encumbrances on crops ) . (AFFECTS TAX LOT 600) NOTE: Taxes paid in full for the year 1986-87 , Amount $50 . 39 Code No. 023-78 , Account No. 2S 1 14B, Tax Lot 00600 , Key No. 517514 . (AFFECTS TAX LOT 600) NOTE: Taxes paid in full for the year 1986-87 , Amount $939 . 97 Code No . 023-78 , Account No. 2S 1 14B, Tax Lot 00601 , Key No . 1087460 . (AFFECTS TAX LOT 601) END OF REPORT RDS: cb ,.� SPTENCE', B. CROSS, INC. C O N S fJ L TIN G E N G INFERS 13548 N.W SCIENCE PARK Dft PORTLAND,OREGON 91229 603/646.1733 S cert;.fy that the attached mylar of fs in accordance with industry standards of archival permanence. Spencer B. Grosso Inc. Date 7 BY Fop, : / -7 SCS , CtJ ww 7 PHO rOORAMMETRIC MAPPING FOR_ CITY ANO COUNTY PLANNING SEWER AND WATER SYSTEMS • HIGHWAY PLANNING AND DESIGN HYDRO•ELFCTRIC OEVELOPMFNT • TRANSMISSION LINES • FORESTRY AND LOGGING ALPHA L[ETTCF� 00 FMUM ►�vOUT"TRIL EWANEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8 SURVEYORS DATE --- J08 No -- - SUITE 19•1750 S W SKYLINE BLVD PORTLAND.OREGOrl97221 ATTENTION !_— PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1458 T() i -- WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached I Under separate cover via ___ ____.___the fallowing items: ❑ Shop drawings 0`1 Prints I I Plans ❑ Samples I I Specifications i C1 Copy of letter I I Change order �,1- '�I �­ -t "-_�__ ---____...- _ ----- - _ --- COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION _ ¢ iC- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval I Approved as submitted [1 Resubmit_ _copies for approval ❑ For your use Approved as noted I i Submit ____copies for distribution ❑ As requested Returned for corrections I 1 Return-.,,,-- corrected prints ,or review and comment i (-i FOR BIDS DUE ______—__ -_ --_19- -___ ___ I I PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS— COPY TO--------- - ---- - - SIGNED: ' tjt . - ngsRtlMt �T�3'le.f R�111i1 It enclosures aro not as noted, kindly notify u• of once. I CITY OF TINA RD April 22__ 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Sen4ce 1961-1986/ Titai. Properties Corp. _ 27_00 fl.ia._ 185th Ave_. Suite 2014 Portland OR_97229 RE: Swanson's_Glgn _ Subdivision Dear Mr. Bleak This is to verify, per your request that: I. Each lot is situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of--way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned sewerage disposal system will t•e available to each lot at the lot line of each lot which meets the requirercrits of the Enviromental Quality Ccvmission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond has been executeii by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard thereinregard completion of the improvements; said docuaw-nts ars on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verifi- cation required to be knitted to the State Real Estate Division by each sub- divider. Sincerely, JoFur S. Hagrftki Eng i nee r i nq Techn r,�i ar 13125 SW Wall Blvd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - -- --- C �� AftWASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON April 13, 1987 Keith Liden, Associate Planner ��UAKD Tigard Planning Department ( (fi p�P�• Box 23397 P Burnham & Ash Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: SUBDIVISION ON DURHAM ROAD (d 104TH AVENUE Dear Keith: As you know, the City of Tigard will assume jurisdiction of Durham Road by April 15, 1987 . Based on this and on the surrender of jurisdiction agreement signed with the City, it is now up to the City to determine recommendat ons on improvements required for develop- ments on Durham Road. Although we made preliminary comments to the applicants for the above-referenced site on this road, we feel it is now appropriate for the City to determine necessary access improvements. Therefore, we submit no comments to the City at this time for this development. Paula Calvin Associate Planner ja Department of Lend Use And Transportation,Land Development Services Division 150 North First Avenue Hillsboro,Oregon 97124 Phone:503/848.8781 WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON D April 13, 1987 D U . APR Keith Liden, Associate PlannerO Tigard Planning Department F Box 23397 Burnham & Ash Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: SUBDIVISION ON DURHAM ROAD @ 104TH AVENUE. Dear Keith: As you know, the City of Tigard will assume jurisdiction of Durham Road by April 15, 1987. Based on this and on the surrender of jurisdiction agreement signed with the City, it is now up to the City to determine recommendations on improvements required for develop- ments on Durham Road. Although we made preliminary comments to the applicants for the above-referenced site on this road, we feel it is now appropriate for the City to determine necessary access improvements. Therefore, we submit no comments to the City at this time for this development. Paula Calvin Associate Planner ja i I i ! Department of Land Uso And Transportation,Land Development Services Division 150 North First Avenue Hillsboro,Oregon 97124 Phone !10A f'41% + + 1 CITYOF TIOARD No. 21535 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 atefyo`_,IT'7 TIGARD,OR 97223 Name Address Lot Block/Map Subdlvislon/Address Permit M's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec, By Acct. No. Description Amount 10.432 Building Permit Fees 10-431.600 Plumbing Permit Fees 10-431.601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-230-501 State Bldg. Tax 10-433 Plans Check Fee _ 30-443 Sewer Connection 30-444 Sewer Inspection 51-448 Street Syst. Dev. Charge I 52.449-610 Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge _ 52-449.620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10.430 Business Tax ` 10.434 Alarm Permit 10-227 Ball T 10-455- Fines - Traffic/MIsdl Parking 10.230- CPTA Traffic/Mlsd/Vlc. Asst. 10.456 Indigent Defense 30-122.401 Sewer Service/USA 30.122.402 Sewer Service/City 30% 30.123Sewer Sevice/City Malnt. 125 nmatched 1-124 Storm Drainage ancro t rTf�In.Pymt. 1 �+ CUSTOMER mititan No. 15193 PROPERTIES CORPORATION 70945 S W TUALATIN VALLE Y HWY Main 011u_v 8,anrh 24 16 ALOHA.OREGON 97006 OREGON BANK 1?- TELEPHONE (5031 642 3093 Portland,Oragon ()ATE CHECK NO CHECK AMOUNT a 44- /3 PAY TO rHE C / ORDER /moi OF — s 1140 LS 193114 1: 123000L6SO: 55LL2336,14 PLEASE TAKE THISTO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME.: T �0%VA%Gs CGt_POrlVt01A DATE: r c� l3 n9�7 �E-, ACCT. N DESCRIPTION �.��,__._____ _ AMOUNT 10--22000 Refundable Performance Bor 1epo—Si t _- Sign Permits _HOP TU 10-4360 ' Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee---- 10-43600 ee _10-43600 Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee Public Improvement Fee �0-43600 �•_ _ 10-43600 Gt:reet Opening Permit "f — 10-43601 Street and Traffic Marking 2f:E 0 Street Light Fee 10-43700 Subdivision Applications : S MLP _ -- .. 10 43000 Zoning Applications: ZC CPA ZOA PD Misc SCE Cu _ SLP ---v- 10--44000 Other Planning Fees: SDR Non refundable portion of Appeal Fees 10--2.2000 Refundable Portion of Appeal Fees 10-45100 Document Sales: - -�-�- En r . J _ Planning Bldg. 10-43000 _ Business Tax 101 Al $ 1 I to 13.' W4 P/0023P SUFMIMM.ON COMPLIANCE AGREEMENI 1111'S AGREEMENT dated the day of between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Sfatp of O.-egon. termed the 'T.I I Y", and Titan Properties Corporation .............. I 1 P­'r P i r-i ii_f i e—r- -P,_rm e t i or er" . WITNE. SSETH : WHEREAS, Pot i t irinrir has appl i.pd to the city for approval for r i I i I,(, in WR31'finugton County, a subdivision plat known as #1.) , in ..TownslLij). 2 South, Range..I.West, -Section Wi I liAmr-UP Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WEREAS, the (,ity has adoptod the Standard Spec ififations for Publ it Work-i Construction by Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, st.r-tj( hirt, wid ro I a t tA wo r k, and 1)n i.r i(M c?tkj(s r-ag 41 Aq ii ri r,y 5 taridar•d,t and Spnr,i r i t,i saili tary sclujor construction, pr opared by pr o f u ss i ona I vriq I rivor -i I*tlr subdivision public improvomont di!volopmont.; and WHEREAS, thv pub).i c improvements to be constructed in 114-t.i I i onut it development are incomplete, and Petitioner hag nrinolLholoss rpquost.isd Ow ci Ly to permit. progrossivp occupancy and use of property in Lhe subdiviriort, .4iid the parl;io!; desire hereby to protrict the put.)I is interest gon(%rA! IV 'Alld prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally vrifor( oah1v asl3urance,ii that public imProvomi!nts will bo inst.allod as roqii i rild .alai comploted within the time hereinafter set forth Now, THEREFORI., i.n conit ldt!r-Al-i ori of thea f r)r nq(j 11 itj prom i it wi At it I flit, c ri v P rian t.s and acirevitionts to bt, kept and p[,rrortrivd by the llel.it.i.orwt ,Aiid i t sureties, IT IS IfUEBY AI;Rl_FO AS 1-01 1 OWS: (1 ) pati 1.i orivr shat I pror.orid wi th developmr-ret , wi th Lilt, i tit vill +tat Pt-R'Posf1 to comp) ,tri a I I pubs i c impt,ovonwri t s oxctip t it idiiwA I k!; Arid li t , i,i,t i i t,wi or said subdivision not, I ii 1.o r than two (7) years f r()tit the dal v -I I It i -; agreement, and Poltitioner aqri,c,,.; to comply with all -1t.Ibdivi9irjn st,410'atil, 4.4 set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and the itaridara of the City of Tigard, to comply with all Lorms and provisions lipoi ifiod there ii-ir-eqn, this improvemtrit by thit, Crincil arid Plarining Crimmi-t-iion 4 'tit, (AVY of Vis,mv , Oregon, or All ma, bi-, ;Ppcifiod by tho ("(1111miirlity flov(.1w,.1114,111 Oopart,inerit and to u,ip only tiij( h mattirial and tr- lollriw such dwlitliv; .4-; iii.,V t,,� r-P(pi i rod by or approved by said Oopar tmori I lit,1.i 11.1 lit tor glia I I tit -it, idil c Ort i 11,i C,.,4 1.1 orl (If J it-,ta I I tit i tit I ( ortror-111aric(. .and oto, a q bit i I t. Itly 1,4t , lit,111 by a rogistorod C. i v i I orig irloor , to the Clitry prior Lo IJ Ly i ri!ipoi I i-oi of petAtioncirs i itipt,ovc-moril. work for 1:1 ty c.ond i L i(it iiA I i4nd r i riii) tat i t-111,4iii i- r oni idnral:iiin (7) to m,isui compli.4rito uilth flit, Cit.y' q and the her calf. Pirskitiontir londor !i httrtiwil.h Im Oie cji.y a giltiqy hotid It, form 41slitimi-il by the CiLy, with liabilily it, flit, alliourit of $ 304,353.00 ja r ttlty I h1l1q,k.I 1 .3 ho r 1!to i,1,1 41,1 It'd '010 h V I It I 'i rt (f t I?r I( 11 M'Ad 1, A 11.4t ( illit ill I I I'm I I I.11 tilt thrall bi, Iiii-ii-ii-H Itt ortnrl oitid ingtirod r (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive mariner to assur-e --onrplet:iun within the time limits, upon teen (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner arid Petitioner's sureties, and such default arid failure to proceed continuing 3� thereafter, the City may At its option proceed to have the work competed arid charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's Sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner- ,arid Petitioner's Sureties promise arid agree to pay, in addition to the Amounts Accruing arid allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as key' s fees arid costs incurred by the City, both in the THAI Court And I ,collate Court, if any, or l.he City may, at its option, Firing pr•ocoadings to enforce against the Potit-ioner and/or- Petir..iono.r•' s Su relies svocific fmrformarce of the corrlr•,at'1 and conrpltanc.o with tho sutxiivision st.ar►d,ards and ordin,inces of the Cic.y of I iyar•d, arrd in such evvrrt, in I i kis manner , this Ci I.y :shall he entitlod to rec:ovor' such sr.im as tho court: shall �4djudgo rr,asun,ibir. as and for thr City' s attorney' s fees Arid costs, truth in Oiv trial Cour-1 Arid ilppollate court, if any . (4) Petitioner•, concur•r•ont with the execution hereof, ahaII deposit with for-Oho City an amount estimal.od to equal pole arid laminar nrainlarr.ince foes, 0 reel. lighting facilities within the subdivision, Acc•or•dirig to Por'1.1vivid (Rinor•.al I:loctric Schodule #91 , option "B", together- with a further sum oqual to the estimated cost of pr•oviriing electrical ercer•gy to energize the sLrt,M lighting facilities for- a period of two (2) years from this dale of iniL-ial enorrgiiing of timid lights S'aid Amount being $_1j�0?6.80 _ _•__._ (`a) The CiLy agrees to make and provide periodic arid final inspockions which in the City' s interest are desirable to asqure compliance herewith, in ci.insidoration whereof the Petitioner shall pay pr-oscribod insf+"(urns foo-3 . 14 (ti) the City Agrees Lo install street Identification .and Lraffic signs within said subdiv19ton, in consideration of payment in this Amoutrt of 1, 402.52 (1) At such t.imo as all public improvements except sidowolks arid stroot trees within the subdivision have born completed in accordance with Iho City' s requirements, Petitiline r• shall submit a "cer•tificAle of inst.+llation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for- conditional acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by tIits Department of Community Developmonl th,+t the requirements of the City havo been met, the Petitioner will submit. to the Cil.y A good arrd suffisienl guarintor bond if not AIroady pr•lcvided with the performance bond, form appraavod by this City to r...,•, .cit, for correction of any incomplete work or- any dvfo( l ivv w 1. k of maint.otianc.e hi-coming apparooL or arising within ono (1 ) yr,ir 411ol -1011. 1-1-41 acceptance of the public improvements by the City . R) Upon receipt of certification from tho Dvp,ar I nt nl of Cummiunity ftevolopment that all requirements have boon met., and a 0m, YuntGu;i►,i0vo Rund, the City agrees to corAitionally accept the publ is improvomorrt. gobjoc t to this roquir•Fmeni of completion of all work and come( 1 iori of dc4ic ii-tit it,,; Arid mNitit-stir nce for it period of one year as horeirr,ibovo -col forth iha1. in addil.iun Ln or supplementary of tht, of Iho Subdivision Orrdira,anco ,ind the provlstorrq hot volf • t►oliIicmot itifill s itaolf to nonfarm to thv 'ollowitnl r•P.quit -ment.s, hcheduliny ,iod Ii"tit14tiorr, ePiso)act i oe $ 9,_P6?J6_ __,_ sewer. fee $ 3,104,96 I (a) None of tho lots of PitLitioner' s subdivi4ion as described may bit occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit. is issued under authority of the City and no or:cupancy pctrmit shall be issued prior to conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the gime thak the sidt-WiAlk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposod to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that. all sidewalks a►s required by the plans and subdivision coda shall bp installed throughout 4aid subdivision not later than three (3) years from the date of this Subdivisir,r► Compliance Agreement. (b) All, landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public side,.►alks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall het planl.13d in place prior to final. inspoc•Lion ;arid issuance of occupancy permit. for each such lot in the st,tbdivisi.on. Provide-d that final inspocl.ion and applir.,at.inn fr,►• occupancy pormi t occurs wi thirt rany r:,alendar mor►th from October t.o April of ar%y y13.ar, such plantings may ba rinfntrntJ i•,nlil the next. following rarowing so.vmri. In any event, al) roqui.rted lartd,r;+piny and t:rr-es in ;all arenas shall be pl;+rlted anti in place wit:hir► the aril.irr- -ilabdiviston within Hiroo ('i) years front lho date of thi.i subdivision impr•oitomorlt contract (c) After ,.onditirmral City ar_cttptarlc13 of tl,u publ ir. improvemvnts, the 11c Li.LIoner agrees to p1af.v an 'a ;phraIt.i r. rnncrete ovc-rlaxy or► a I ru,ad I within tha development; plar13mt-nt. scheduling Lo be approved by the I'ity . (d) Compliance with a►II terms and provisions spacifi.rd the►elt,for said subdivision drtvelopntrnt• by tho I:ourtr.i1 and the Planning Commi-i4ion of 1hip City of l igard, Oregort, in ret'ar'd to v,+r iar►cvs gal lrowed from the !tulxiivi �t itu% ordinance, conditions spacifittd by Lhrt tonic usct classifir.ation and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plart(s) (e) Pet.i.tioner, aigret•, to r.or•rect any deft,( t.ive work and Lu pt-t flat n1 any maintenwrit,a, upon notific.all.ion by the City, ar•i4ir►g during tht, tju,ir,antna period as hereinabove set for-ttt. (10) At. such time as ;all pub Iit improvomorits haver beton rumilivied %t1 ar_c:ordianco with the Cit.y' s rr,tlttir13mrtnt.s, P131 itionrw shall notify 01v City .,f readir►pss fur Nrial inspection altd upon certification by the ilop;+ttnurr,t tO Commurtity Developmerit that all requirements of thrt City havo boon met , Ih13 Council agrees to accept. laid in%provements for operation and rot,+irttt•n,+ttt v responsibility, ;and release Lhe Petitioner' s guarantee bond. (1 1 ) ilio par tiles hereto huroby adopt Ott form of pvr formtatttr• bmid, t 11th wher-13of is her oto attached and by rt!fitrrenr(? mad13 a p.+r f. hereof, and Pvt i t loner agrovr, Ln cause to have said bund vxvtutrd f+ttd filed with thi, I'ity r orr, 1i r•rtttt.ly wi l.h Lha exr+r.uI ion of I It •t .+t3rr•rmnnl. at far pr iI,t l 1 1 ht, 1 in►$' I hi+ agr erntortt i ► executod on bt•ha If of ow ci l.y . I►et i L i or►er fur then all' ve t t. maintain 4aid band in full ft,rt13 Arid offltrt unl.iI ol.httrwisrt ,itut.hor I .ed I-V ltu• City in wr•itiny (19) 1h13 specifit requ i r vition t 9 of Parmgrtaph 9 horer,f sh,+Il fill ,+II purpu4ns boa inrlodod as a p;arl of 1.h13 nblitj:+lil,rt s13riii, nd by Iht, ,41*11tv-4t4id per f'r1r mart v hand mrid the City •th,+1 1 he eo1.i ; 1 r i to rot ourse 1 tiet e t t, i,% 111i, 13%11.111 of (JoUault ort thn part of I.htt P13tit.iorte with rv4pot.t. to ,+r►y rtrquirlrn1, t11 thr•rt•ul' MMMWWMMW IN WITNESS WHEREOF , Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant - to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the _ 13 _ day of October ,. , 1966 , has caused this agreement to be executed by the Dire :tor of the Community Development Department . PLIII IONER: TITAN PROPMTIES CORP. 11y: -- — -- IIIE CITY Of- II(IORD, ORMON r Director of Community [lovelopmont Dept FORM No. 74—ACKNOWI EOGMCNT—COR►ORATION. 1 f r1=l Nf Nl.ff LAW Plr■ Ci• PJMTL�VI•. .• I STATE OF OREGON, ss. County of Wash--ngton before me 11PPeared Stephen A. Bleak On this 13th day of April !u N7 , duly sIs—.,, di,� s both to me and ay that hp, the said Stephen A. Bleak Personally known, t1hc+ lx 11 ; Me President, And he, the ,said 1s the Secretary of the within named Corporation, and that the spa! affixed to said ntrume Properties istheporCo seal r said Cor ,ur,1- tiorl, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in baba// r said Cor por -said C. r1f Directors, ar,: ! Corporation by authnritt' of Its lluanf and acknowledge said instrument tr, be flip free art and deed of .said Corporatir•n IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, f have hereunto set my hand and rlffltrd 1111' officiAl seal the day and / year last ebot•r «•rirrrn FATRICIA L FAfif1riI, i�Ce��,� NOTARY PUBLICGr,I_i:0jN Notary Public for Oreg4ln My CommIsw Expires v-�_ My Commission expires -3-- 1.5-91 4 _. Tigard Department of et;lic Works Gentlemen: We have received frcm you a loan commitment in the amount of s 304,353,00 to finance the improvements of a subdivision located in the City of Tigard, Wash- ington County. commonly known as Swansons Glen Subdivision. Loan commit- ment is by LINE OF CRCDiT. $304 353.00 of the total commitment has been allocated for the improvement and e3—vetopmenf of: 1) streets, including drainange and curbs, 2) adequate pro- visions so as to protect the subdivision from dangers and damage from storm. drainage and flood waters. All such improvements are to be completed in conform- ity with the current standards of the Tigard Department of Public Works. We have agreed that disbursements of the $ 304,353.00 will be made on the following schedule: ITEM PERCENTAGE AMOUNT Streets 43.6 $132,633.00 Storm System 12.2 37,139.00 Water System 15.2 46,148.00 Sanitary System 25.5 77,624.00 Lane-Sidewalk-Mise. 3,5 10,809.00 TOTAL00 00 $U17-15-Wo We have entered into a "Subdivision Compliance Agreement" whereby we have con- tracted to install all improvements in accordance with the requirements of the Tigard Department of Public Works and we are hereby authorizing you to hold the above stated funds and to pay them to us only when the following has been adhered to: Tigard Department of Public Works has provided certification acknowledging completion of the work pursuant to the above schedule of improvements. It is understood and apprnved by all parties of concern to this letter of commit- ment that Tigard nepartment of Public Works shall have first claim and priority to the sum of VO4,353.00 less disbursements approved by Tigard Department of Public Works, in the event of any defect and failure to correct seen defects in the construction of improvements. It is further understood and agreed that the aforesaid priority of claim is para- mount to all parties including th, lending institution making the loan and that the lending institutiori has covenanted and agreed that the sum of $.304,353.00 less disbursements approved by the City of Tigard shall be held available to satisfy any aforerw,ntioned claim by the City of Tigard notwithstanding default on loan by borrowing party or termination of loan by lending institution. Sincerely yours, TITAA PROPERTIES CORPORATION an Oregon corporation f� -� �r^ San N • Bleak, rY"ce Rresien Approved and Accepted: on ng ompany ending Inst '- '-( ORBANCO REAL ESTATE SERVICES CO. Address: ]001 g u on Escrow o er ;.w'. Fi errnrrtialSa; Oregon REAL ESTATE SERVICES CO. e qjh,, Fi. .cei,v. rr,•.alTini — — / STATE OF GREGON 1 County of 6'eshinntcr =s .19 Personall ; aroca,, •'c F.tovt cr. and a!kr.r,, f . be v untary act an ee . — M. C ,SgiGn Expires: +Y t •� •, 74—ACk NOWL IDGM0141..-t.COPOr.►r row OF OREG'ON �W rr .71 ,.r,i � . r�. r�, � rlr rtlr. , � 1 rr , . •� t i I - � 1� ^t�Na4.7�^ r}�,r.�,r�rrlll kr,� rin uh,. P'w •� A 1 •+ r'1i+1 „ru rlrt�l 1rN rhe SRIfI Wlditl :Ykl.XxalCl, , ql d , Ik• � r rr, • f t r rr'. 1'1 JIFIt 11, yeti I(• h. 1!�! f ti' I 1 .r t t!�. r'rf �.. rl thy +Irrl +r+ul IyMrr It�yf :'rf+. �r 14frtlrn '��t ( err �r'.1-.1 Y. 4;nro.•. � �'� t.. r 4 7 N 4d. AONI ALPHA ENGINEERING, INV, CONSULTING ENGINEERS 6 SURVEYORS DATE — Ts N(. SUi7E •17S W SKYLINE BLVD PORTLAND, OREGON 97221 ATTENTION PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1458 M 4., _--- !tel �-✓�-<.iP'�/-ll�_/ To CA 0(,A-ftD RE Aj _ W1 ARE SENDING YOU 'P( Attached O Under seoarate cover via _.._ _.___the following items: Shop drawings li[Prints Cl Plans Cl Samples I ! Specifications I Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑__ _ - COPIES DATE NO, OEBCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: t � QZi For approvrl f Approved as submitted Resubmit copies for approval f I For your use 1 ; Approved as noted i I Submit copies for distribution 11 As requested I Returned for corrections I i Return corrected prints [ J For review and comment i -_ [ I FOR BIDS DUE _- 19 I PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS - COPY EMARKS_COPY TO SIGNED: "wine? /wfrWft fwo►fffaourl If onctoouroo •,s no as ^Gfrd, kindly notify us of onto. ;Sf April 6, 1987 CITY OF TIOA RD Titan Properties Corporation OREGON 2700 N.W. 185th Avenue, Suite 2014 Portland, OR 97229 25 VecTrs of Ser%4ce 1961-1986 Re: Swanson's Glen Subdivision Dear Mr. Bleak: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond ( forms) for said project. After signature thereof by the principal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment , a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by the City Recorder. Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of 'he City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 13,613.44 being the said agroe ment (therein stated) deposit/fee(s) . Yours truly, John S. Hag am n Engineering Technician JSH:pjr ©Pl 1 n�t�//y pic.�ced t %e K 4 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 --— - - - - — -~ SUBDTV1P,TON COMPLTANUt AGREE-MENT 1141PP AGREEMENT dated the day of between the UTY OF T1.GARD, a municipality of State of Oregon, hervin.AfLor termed the I Y and Titan Properties Corntoration hereinafter termed "Petitioner:7. W1 T N E S S) E 1 11 WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City fur approval fur filinil in Washington County, a subdivision plat known as , I 19 -G en..IDbaseAl) , in —.Township-2—Stoutii, Ran= WiMAMC-U.C! Mvi-idian, Wail-driqton County, Oregon; arid WHEREAS, the City FI,A'i adopted the St.andArd !'jpw. Ji(.al.ions for Pi.ibli, Woitli-i Construction by Orogon Chapter APWO, for str out, storm dr i-Aj ri, strut I tit I, mid re I a ttid work, and Uel ifiod !',rrwor-,Aqv Aijf!ricy til'andard-, 4rid I .,I sanitary sower c ori!i t ru r t.i o ri, pr opar ed by F)r()F I-,t,-,i o nit I cirighivot t tit subdivision public improvomont di!volopnitint.; eiind WHEREAS tht, public improvemunt!; I.t) bu constructed in Pit t.i I deve-lopm(int arp incomplete, and P0.i t:i onor I ias nonf?thv I fa 9 s rt!qkj(?9 t.fid I tit, I:11, to permi t. pr ogr-(-s s i ve occupancy and use of proper ty i ri the subd i v i ; I I it I At ill the parties desire hprc2by to protect t:ho pub I it. In L gono r A I IV mid prospective purchasers of ],tit!; i ti said subd) j i r.I oi I by legally 0111 1,it k VAI I C assurances Lhat pub] is improvonionts wi I I be i ris I.a I I ed as roqu I t od .41 Mi completed within thir, time hervirti-Aft.4-r- sult, forth NOW, I HFREYORV, in consideration of the for'll(jo ing pruni i 4 it!; +1111 I ho covenants arid agreenionts to be kept arid porror-mvil by the PeLitiorlor slid It 1 sureties, U TS HEREBY AI;Rl-ED AS 1-011 OW: (I ) Pot i t.i oner shat] ] pr m,v(1d with di-volopitivril , with t.I Iv 1111/111 .+11.i purpu s I! to complete all pu b I if I itiprovenwri ts s,!x(:ijF)t li i dow,%1 ks ,end 91.1111 t it o4i of said subdivision not. later than two (2) years frons tho dati, Ill t h I agreement, and PetAtionor agrms to (.(imply with all 'lukYlivision .4% set forth in the City' s Subdivision Ordinance and thi, fl,*ridard ;Fiv( i1i, .41iow. of the City of Tigard, to comply with all Lorms and provisions ';Fit-k I I I tit] therct i nr vgard th i 9 improvement by the ('.(In( i I -Arid P I.Arin i nq Comm i -i-. I I it I ► t tit, City of Tigard, Oregon, or as may bit spar. ifii-d by 1111 C.timmunity Itrv11,1tau. 111 Oc-parl.mvitt arid to use ortly such material and to foll.-w -,uth rptlij i rod ljy or appri-mild by sa i d D4-r),-A t I ,I,t r 11 Poo i I it it l(tr 1h1.+ p? cur tJ ri(..4t ](ill of ill-J'Al 1;41 )(tit , orifor'm,4n(.(- Atid iiw v, [)it i I t my 1.4t li.o I, by a r(-(j I s 1.1,r od (. ivil iinq I rivor , to Lho ".i t,v priiji, 1.1) C i I V ill-qw, t petitionurs improve-mutif wfir F for City (.tittd I I i ,ito I it I f I I ,AI A i-pi .4t,, i• cons idorat.itin. (2) lo as surd C ol'irl I 1.41A(I- wi f hl the Ci ty s rtlqu j r 1nulrll s arid t fit, pi, ov I .. 1,111 her(lol', Pill,i t.i fillot, 1.orldl-r -, hill,owi I h I.ii the Ci I Ill -A 4or oI y kmd 111 fill, it, 4lipf .l 1`,4 by the C i I y, to I t hl I tabi I I t Y in i It,, amount. of $ 304,353.00 .4 ( lljl` I tit t i.s hit r I-1,., 4 1.1,,A t i it-ci oio by i i I I . ro r(4 ro ric t, mad(I a p-4 I, i h(,r otit Pill I I I contr,4( ter 'th"1 1 h4' 1 i t 1-I 1', h,,iidod iAnd insured (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail , neglect reruse to proceod or with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure cumplet ion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner ,,And Petitioner' s sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed t� have the work competed and charge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Iletitioner' s Suretirs and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bund to recover the amount thereof. in the event such action be brought, Pot.i1.iuner wid Petitioner's Sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall Adjud,jo reasonable +s attorney' s fees arid costs incurred by the City, both in the lrial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring procoodings Lu enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s 5urvties specific performance of the contract arid compliance with the subdivision st.anttards .+rni ordinances of the City of Tigard, arid in such event, in 1 i ke monner, shall be ant i t lod to recover such sunt as the court. 9h,411 l ad j udgr and for the City' s attorney' s fees arid costs, both in tho 1r ia1 I:,,rrr t ,+1 Id Appellate Court, if any , (4) Pati t.ioner, concurrent, with the execution hereof , :+h,r l l doll, • i l c. i l h Lhe City an amount estimat:od to equal pole and luminar m,+intl!nallr e Io,,,, 1•or street: lighting facilities within the subdivision, acc -Irdirlg to Por tl.+od General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a fur•lhor aunt etlu,+l to the estimated cost. of providing electrical energy to energize tl+r -,treat lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from Lhr dale of 0101,+1 energizing of said lights. Said amount being $_1036.80 (5) The Ci Ly agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspot1inns which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance hvrrwiIIt ill consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay prescribed inspoclions fret: x (6) The City agree?s to install street ident i f i va t i on incl I r at't•c . 11 itlnt; within said subdivision, in consideration of payment in ihl(, amount of 402.52 (1) At !►la( h time as all public improvements except sidewalktl and ;ttovt trees within tho subdivision have been completed in accordan( a with the 1'llv ' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit n "c•er•tific•ate of instal I,at ion conformance" Lo the City to notify the City or roAdino9s fur conditional acceptance inspurtion and, then, upon not ificat i(in by the 14e11artmvl,t of Community 0ovelopmcarlt that the requirements of the City have boon met , the Petitioner wi 1 1 submit Lo the City a good and sufficient guar•ant ee bornt it' n,+t a l road pr rlv ided w i th the performanc a bond, form approved fly I he I'r t v 11, provide fur corret 1.ion of any incomplete work or ,any Refect ivt wor A illaintorlallce b(,( timinj apparent. or- arising within one ( I ) ye-+r .+I lr � ! r••i,.+•, acc:epti+nce of thv public improvements by the Ci Ly (8) Upon receipt of certification from the Delo,+rImorll of 1',mnnun►ty Iteve.lopment that all requirements have been met., and + tliix' Year Go,Lr ,alrtt•r florid, the City agrees to conditionally accept the publit improvement wclble, I Lo the requirement. of completion of all work and c•or•rec tion of riot it II'ot Io ,arid maint.erlance for- a period of orre year- as here. inab Ivo •lel For lh (9) 1 hal i n add i 1,i on to or supplementary of 1 he r ogii i I cineol +1 t hr I:Ity' 9 1;ubdivlsion Ord inaru.o Arid Lha pravisllit l!t hor ,­l I'M it1,111vr lrllnt, itself to conform to the following requirements, schedullnvl ,+rni 1imita1Ions . *Project fee $ 9`069.16 y_ sewer' roe $ 3,104.96 (a) None of the lots of Petitioner's subdivision as describod may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit: is issued under authority of the City and no or•r_•upancy permit shall be issued prior Lo conditional acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that: the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that. all sidewalks ots required by the plans and subdivision rode shall bra installed throurghout. •1,aid subdivision not later than three, (3) years from the date of t.h i s SI.Ibd i v i s i ern Compliance Agreement. (b) All Landscaping trees on that portion of each ](,It bet.weerl the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area), if required, shall bra pl.Arit 1.l in place prior to final inspection arid issuance of occupancy permit. fur e;u h c1.1r h lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspof.t.ion and applirai i,+n 1'rrr occupancy permit occurs within any calendar morat'h from October Lo A1rr i 1 1.,l ,1.„y year-, such plantings may be deferred uril.il the. nraxt following gr•, wi1,q In any event, all. required landscaping arid trees in all areas shall hr, 1+1„1r,11+1.{ and in place within the entire subdivision within tlrr,e (1) yra,jjr•s f1.++111 th,, date of this subdivision improvetner,t contract. (c) After conditional Cily acreptanr.ra of Lhe, publ i1.. impr„vl,nu,nt.s, the Petitioner agrees to place art asphaltic. concreto overlay on ,411 r'r+,4ds within the development; plar.Pmr�nt srhraduling Lo by appr•ovool by the citta, (d) Compliance with all terms arid provisions spec i r i eta t h,,1. 4.1„fl,r said subdivision development by the Counr,i l and the Planning Crim ,+ mi •r,I, r1 „I the City of 1 igard, Oregon, in regard to var iarlces allnwod fruit, t l•rI ordinance, conditions specified by the sone use classifir.al. ion ,Aird , on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to correct any defer tAve work alul t„ pot I ,+rn, any maintenance, upon notification by the City, ar•i ,Iind during the ,111,itr,ar+tov period as hereinabove set forth. (10) At. such tune as all public improvements h,,,v, h,•1. „mt,lr t ,•,+ ,,, ar_cordanr_e with the City' s requirraments, Pei'iLioner sh,,rl l r„rl i I y 1Ir,, 1,, t v ,t readiness for final inspection and upon certification, by the+ 11x•11,a, t1l„•11t .t Community Development that all requirements of the i it.y h+Ivra been 111e1 It$, Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and n,,,Iilit e,,,A1,. ,, responsibility, arid t•elease the Petitioner' s guarantee bond. ( 1 1 ) the p.ir t i es hereto her oby adopt. Ow form of whereof i5 hrarnt.ra attached arid by ref erenrI? marina a p,Irt h,,1. „t ,.nl{ I`,,1 , t „+,,,•r agrees to cause t:o have said bond exec uted ,,Incl f i I ed wi t It 111, C I t r.r+rnr.urrur111y wi1.h 1.ho I!xe(ut.ion 1)f this aljr dl it prior I „ till, I ; n. 1111 , agr•eemerlt i s executed an behi,Il f of the t i t s Pet.i t 1 oner fur t her .4%,1 ,•, t maintain said bond in full for-(,o ,,,rill efflul t (11.11 i 1 ut.hrrwi se ,i,al hr,r , . ,•,1 Ile, tit., City in writ.in<q (19) 1hc+ specific requirements of Paragraph y here f purpr,•,os ho included ,,y a part of 0111 obligalirrn :1r•, tit nt ty Ih,• ,I•,r ,••,,�i,t perfurnl,+,1( 1, hoed ,irld the t:ity I1.111 b1., 41it,itIvol t1.. r1.,r .1.„rv4, t 14,rr•t , Mc ev11111 ( f defaul f. on Lhra pard. of t hr. Pet.i 1,i,mer wi Lh r ,,vpn, I it, .rny r .•,1. ,, ,•n,,,r,l t:hrr r .,f 3 I IN WITNESS WHEREOF Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorised undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Hoard of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of it. Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the _ 13 day of _ October 1 1986 1 has caused this agreement to be executed by the Director of the Community Development. Department. PETITIONER: 'TITAN PROPFRTI1S CORP. By. By: �._�.._._.. _.. THE CITY OF I TGARD, oRl'GoN By: - - - Director of Community Development. Dept. (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed copy to: Titan.__Propertie�__ Qrdtl^tl ___2700 _N_.W,_18�tb__AVenUe., _Slxite 2014 _Portland, -QR_._2Z222.___ (0070s) L AWEME57 n . . , This agreement is for the ur;. F :::11.t:,;1 '.h, re-, „r..r,..,• iiutr division Compliance Agreement dated between the (.Itro rf ':lgard and Titan Properties CO and is entered Into bq the Depositor nd 1'n,atee. The undersigned depositor and trustee do hereby a.ysiy,n thv right to the City of Tigard to determine at its discretion the payment of all funds or securities held by as trustee in the amount of in Savings Account No. or Deposit No. or Time Deposit No, In the in accordance with and for the purpose of Bonding RJi11G_ improvements described in the above stated Subdivision Agreement. _Compliance It is understood and agreed that the will hold such funds or securities in the amount of :304135 .0 until an authorization or direction for payment is received from the City of Tigard and that the City of Tigard has the right to withdraw Prinicipal Funds with City of Tigard signature only, in the event of Non-Performance. All fund deposits shall be renewable at maturity and at rates and terms In effect at the time of renewal, and all interest Shall be paid to or accrued as directed by the Depositor notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary. That the account is to remain open until such time as all Public Improvements are completed and accepted by the City of Tigard. Signed and dated at Oregon. This _day of 1987 Signature of Depositor Address Signnture of City of Tigard Address ACCEPTANCE The undersigned hereby accepts the funds or securities deposited in the amount of $_Og,35L 00 this day of hereby acknowledges recel t of [ to , 1987 and P 1''assbook Savings Account Nn. or the Certificate for Deposit No. no Passbook Issued for this account. it is for herragreedititcertiie�tFI t-theresaid is will be held for the uses and purpount ses above stated until authoii.+.,ltinn for disposition Is granted by the City of Tigard. AutholA zed Signnture Trustee ( 1444P) CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTFEECOMPUTATION SHEE'1 Imry 1 I l 1, I . e: bd�l Project Title: 7w .2.'�.c>�`� e✓� l`� ) P P Comput d dy : Date: 4- 7 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164. 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ ZZ(p 7Z9, ra - (-d j u s t ed Cost) B. 0.04 x $ Z2_G. g"1 Z.`') , _ . . . . . . I . . . . . .$_ _ C� 0� t 9 14, (Adjusted Cost) 2 . SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FU (Ord. No, 85-02) : A. Contract surcharge applicable yes, no. m (agreeent name) - B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ rr (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x $_ �7 -�� = $ (sewer estimate) r (fee) [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$ 3 10 4 .9 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE: (T.M.C. 18 . 164 . 130 (x) 6 3 .08.010) : A. P,G.E. Schedule No. 9 _ , Option No. �16 __._; Type of Lamp .F',`_, �Low@ws/Wat.ts _ Type of Pole C-3 1-Z ', Height e,4 (monthly rate) (no. of lights) (monthly rate) (no. of poles) $_ 39.4=1 + "5, °-_ x 24 months (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4 . TRAFFIC-PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164.03U(u) : A. Stop: @ $_ ___._ $__.__ (number��) (each) (subtotal ) vv P. St . Name:_�._ W�_- @ $- - 4 �0t' - $_ 4 C. Combo. I @ D. No. Park i n9: __ -- (Misc . ) 71 Signs) Total . $_. _...___.._. 40Z. Z�iZ GRAND T01At (fEF'S 11111 ) Rr•cpipt N„ nate Paid Chrck (.Ash 092011 74 , r . 74 f' J • � �i lL SIS'/C'�.� t /iF � //�Zt,��c-- X e l'� /'!2/��f' 7�'y' ��t� ,�lr�Y � Se't�'t'/iGli l�• `'DJ�' <v/�✓ -fly C.l� � � -��i� /S !e/�l� t�cu !✓il� `������ : 45 533 cams T+C1/CT D/TQN I AS 4WO/D � •�� �•C � RAIN DRAINS SNAI e M1I[E7 WffP HDIF$JN 1CU LIPAIN'• nRBS AS PROVIDE® I 4" 1, •r' 4 [�l!>3 k"RCX�[ _ �—_..r— — A I 4 /a►_� SHou�DER�-. C.it, /NSrQ�L RUCF RaIN D•'Ai/� L_/NES f1/'� S.W. DURHAM ROAD SECTION : Or r �• 40 "b• e �18 PPHASE 1 PHASE 2(SERVlN6 4,O dA 4 lV. T. S. ¢�`. __ w�/ WEL1. ,�/ewkt • /►.Zq/it,lr4FdV �t eC�' N7.£TAiL , s., yO J� ��rAa Q♦ O jQ � , . F✓TVA'E GvRB � �r .1 _.t.t.5' I I O I / 44 43 ���,�, 76 95 i5 E 5 T �f 56 55 d 1 32 31 .a i 1 I I 54 - --_—__ -- / 30 29 i 2® 27 26 25 W 24 r 75 76 77 li I 45 Y 42 a.o l i o.s, a 3+F7T—~\ sem: s �Yj9 g,4 IP.R I I _ - u ! I 16°reg Sr s�A 9,o S,A. R p *00 ---- I r �Q `(p ICs 00 • `� ,e�a►�srlecr i I 57 ��/a� -- -- 33 ti; - - ,G _ —..__ - �-- - - C x,S7 o,7CN h �k�2 Q ;j� ' �- / --- l -. 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P 'POSEc^ 5'TO.Qk! 0.C'4/N Itt 5x/S r paaE-� S _ --r- �0 l �li� IIS GRADE G,PAOE OO - -- - ------ - -- l r Q 5 Ar �✓ �' i I � � S, � � �Rq CE I � 10 I � I - ---- -- lq5 - - -- -- --- � 9 ul --_ 1 4 _.. —--- -- - — _ _ ---- ---- - ---- --- I6 -- - 160 /6 - - - - ---- ,___ = O Z S - + /90 y f - -- --- ---- - PROM . D E S N ;p f✓0,j Q � 8812 185 185 ` e ql� IV g , o y ti PROFILE -- EYEBROW 8L CUL—DE—SAC +N 180 - - -------- -- - __ —_ l9 - ---- __ ,Ba AT S.W. 104TH AVE. Z aro' ✓C N _ . . HORZ 1 50 VERT 1 S 0+00 1+Oo 2*00 3+ 00 4*oo 5+00 6+00 7+oo it0 dp SCALE IN Fe[T PROFILE — S.W. DURHAM ROAD N AT! ANS Slow SY HORZ. 1 " 50' VERT. 1 " 5' ALPHA RNaINURING IANC. DISIONID N•JH OAT! FES 1987 PROJECT ManT DRAWN TBT SCALE AS *10W STREET/STORM PLAN I7so SW. SKYLINI BLVD. —_ SWANSON ' S GLEN PORTLAND. 011141601 97221 CHICK NJH PRO�lCT-N• >is.e STREET PROFILES Ph c 503 > 497 • 1I3• APPROVED PHASE I OP 4 ��Ile '1111111111 1111l111111�11i�111�1��1111I1111f'Irlfill- 1111 If ►�111t11f1f1 �11f111 111111111111(11I11f1111If11111111111111I111111111111111I1Jill 11,1111 rIiloIIIII1Irll�ill�►Illill '� � I i! 41 e• 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 A h0 I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED � - _ _- --- - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-r-IT IS DUE TO T►�F QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. __ - —- - --------- --- 0c 6z 9? Lz 9z SE fz Ez ZZ Iz oZ 61 of I1 •1 11 101 EI 21 1111 of 8 P L 9 -Is----JJ��,, --t c z 1""'" ��flluulunlunlunlnul1d111m111n1�1u1111U1n1111n11unhn1�11u11urp�nln�lluulnnlull�fU11111t111�11uul1n11�u111uf�1f1111lII�u1111�IIIIH1�1111111itn11>f11NfIHI�liH1�11��1111�In1unlunl1n11uHh11111llfu�nlUl111�lIlW!l11111�f111111fI��I1N . 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RIVER DRIVE HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1' : 5' HORZ. 1" 50' VERT. 1 5' 5O VG Z5'LT. 32' YC _ _ v�o�✓s En �r��E -__ ---- '� 'L7: Q` rylS-,,1VG r5RA XIE / r I -- 25' RT - - I 25'07 5/0' -- - - ---- ¢o - - /110- IlN y -i o•96z' o � oe � -• c Q -,Z-I----__ __!qo 185-- ---- - - --------- -- --s1--2-— ---- p 64-_- ..-.. � - - - -- --- --. _-_.------------ --- -. - - ___--- /60 o.goo �11 Q � r l SS---- , • -. � '1 _____ � /B5 84._ __----- _-e�-�--- _ 7� � � '^ _ -- �---_ - �;:' S � -J 155--_ _ _� I - ------- --- - -- ;� -------�- - -- -- -- /55 1-4 � o ^� q YID iI�p I �,0 �!\. k260, vc e \ \ - -4-41_ Boll- ----- -- /eo i5-- - ~ e �/ 4 __ �`L'_ _ 1175 50-------' ---- �.� - - --- -- _ _ __-- \�-- -- --- Q p ►` h� 0 q� b 0 '�0 h � V +Y r. 0 ^ .� e p �6 QI^� I t} } o o I . O ►� r�� Q'. r >\ v 1' N I• ry 0 �,P. Q? ` t J1 y, w 4► In 1701 0#00 1-000 2+00 0+00 / o0 7-too 3+00 4+00 5-000 6-000 0*00 /*00 - 2-000 3+00 4+00 5+00 6*00 PROFILE - S.W. KERI COURT PROFILE - S.W. PICKS WAY PROFILE - S.W. TITAN LANE HORZ. 1' 60' VERT. 1' 5' HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1' : 5' HORL. 1" 50' VERT. 1' : 5° 7 1801 vc _60'vc 40,vc� f 1.30 ¢_ -O./T Q = ;0.2 i 2-05 _ -- - - -- - - -- -- ---- - -- I X80 e w - o.07 25 LT FX/STING GF'A D I I ' — PRO OSEC GRADE � I 25'RT 175 LT14) PRD Poo ED GR4 DE s � b � I'� +�a------__. - -- --- - -�---- -�-------- ----- _ o --_ -_ 170 /90 --- - -- -- --_ Qr 160 tri \ I 2• ! u �'. \`\ �_—_ _/ ' S - - -0 I \\ � 41 I , /75 -_ ___ _ _-__ ____ _ / VC e= f v:i2 '` q� op (tr r. �(I p 41 -� v `o ° m 9 � . c4 0 �� m �o o ry �' a '` � e• '� o � q, q. p, `T o � ��� �� Q �� o °�I �, I ^ �� `� '� n O `n 1\1 a I * �. � �(j l> h It1 nj � .� + 0 m R � � t '�! � m � �, � I� � -►,. ,� `• + I 'n �. Q' �, Q + F + � N Q' N �! 4 q r t`{r�► r� w4 �l R�� L �� ►� + !n ,� } _ L 0 + 00 1+ 00 2too 3f 00 4t00 S+Oo 6* 00 7+ 00 6+00 q too /Of 00 11- o0 /2+00 13-000 /4* 00 N• oATt Novi sioN ov PROFILE - S.W. 104TH AVE. o�:1oN�o SCO oars FEB t seg PROJECT • �N��T HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1" 5' ALPHA ENQIIN�l�RINa INC. — DRAWN TBT SCAtt A4 NOTED ;WANSON ' S GLEN 1750 SW. SKYIINI RL11'o, - SWANSON'S GLEN STREET PROFILES 4 ctw�cK NJH nRo.lttcT N� 1346 PORTLAND. OR'004 97221 O!� OF a4 Pb c 903 i 297 - 14,58 APRROVID PHASE I 9 lop ym —dam i C1I1IIIll�l���illli �lil��i �i�I���I�illfillIill1ill1ll11i1��Jill Jill 111111 1 1Ill�llJill I I 1�li��lrl�l�l�l�l�l���l�l�l�t1l11� t - 1 ii 1 1 ` NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED Irr�r++� ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 A 9 110 I I 12 _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN A THIS NOTICGr-IT IS Due TO �^ THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL • . #_-,"'DRAWING. OE 6z 92 Lz 9z Sz tZ Ez zZ Iz 0? 61 Of LI 91 SI t.l EI 21 II 01 6 9 t 9 s r E z I"�"" . �►�1lunluu uuluu inil��i�uuln nlluulu�rl�ni i�ul��►i i�►°Im� �ulmi unluuliltdnulunlmlluulnnluulit11111n1n11lun1u11m1li1i1nulllu�Itltl1ut11tI11lIN� � Inn 1u11m111I111W1�lll�Ul�tllllllll�lllllu11�11ullut�lWhut JULY 7 1992 UW Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 503 648-8621 April 1, 1987 City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Subject: Swanson' s Glen Phases 1 and 2 The construction plans on the above referenced project lave been approved by the unified Sewerage Agency. If you have any questions, please do not hes4cate to call . Sincerely, Terry Chamberlin Project Manager eb Enclosures MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, ORDGON ri DATE: 1 1 c 1 FROM: r7��� ��� vin lti_— -, Engineerinq Office RE: Public Improvement Construction Plan Review Request Sw2LAS U1^ c- 6TIe "I Please review the attached plan, co ment thereon, acknowledge review in the space provided and return it as rapidly as possible; (preferably b�- Thank u, I _ Ext. ; 1q- 1 ,PINTS FU APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCI i0N I:O BY --DATE _----____ (^,ITY OF TIGARD) DEVLP SERV DEPT. BY_ DATE_–__— M . OPERATIONS HY _.DATE,. _ P.G.E. CO BY Op-TF _ AKN.TEL Ca av WILE EN CABLE CO By N.W.NAT GAS CO T140^ohwjt h5r, El -wig • &,-W P, DIST HY.______ `T%vs. v'.n, t If APPRovrn Ap UNIF SEW AGENCY BY.__ ___..__DATE_-- U N I - ---------- v r h A 4v� 2v ave f,,l.,02� - 5w N sop').) ve- L ` 41,141,11-01/ 7 Ltl%If C�� j e✓w� rhe+ i..f _ Pa.•_t w/0.1 GI N CFR r_coN / f 30 s I' March 31, 1987 C25 F TIGARD GON s o/Service • Tran Properties Corp. � 1961-1986 2700 N,W. 185th Avenue, Suite 2014 Portland, OR 97229 RE: Swanson's Glen Public Improvement Construction Plan Dear Mr. Bleek: Attached please find one copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be cirCUlated through the below noted agencies for review acknowledgement and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician 0038W/0002W /3-/ PGE Company Lx/ Northwest Natural Gas Co. 14655 SW Old Schools Ferry Rd. 220 N.W. Second Avenue Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97209 SEE: Jim Johnston, 643-5454 SEE: Ron Polvi, 226--4211 LW General Telephone Co. 1?/ Tigard Water District 12460 SW Main Street 0641 SW Coa m rcial Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97223 SEE: Donna Donaldson, 620-0373 SEE: Bob Santee, 639--1554 Ed Wilmott L/ Metzger Water District L/ Washington County Fire Dist 01 6501 SW Taylors Ferry Road 20665 SW Blanton Portland, OR 97219 Aloha, OR 97007 SEE: Jesse Lowman, 245-3331 SEE: Gene Birchell, 649-0577 i 13125 SW Hall Blvd,PO.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 a /z/ Tualatin Fire Protection District / / Willamette Cable 20665 SW Blanton 14200 SW Brigadoon Court Aloha, OR 97007 Beaverton, OR 97005 SEE: Gene Birched , 649-6577 SEE: K. J. Street, 644-3188 Tigard Post Office / _/ State Highway Division 715 NW Hoyt 2131 SW Scholls Ferry Road P,O. Box 3047 Beaverton, OR 97005 Portland, OR 97208-97608 SEE: Lee Gunderson, 229--5002 SEE: Mike Krygier, 294- 2380 0038W/0002W 1 MEMO ,, CITY OF TIGA RD CITY OF TIGARD, ORDGON OREGON .25 Years of SeMce 1961-1986 DATE: March 31, 1987 TO: Unified Sewerage Agency FROM: City of Tigard _- Engineering Office RE: rablic Improvement Construction Pian Review Request Please review the attached plan, comment thereon, acknowledge review in the ,pace provided and return it as rapidly as possible; (preferably by - A.S.A.P.------- ) . Thank you, ,John S. Hayman Ext, 314 (#639-4171) 131125 SW Hall Blvd,F.O.Box 23397,11gard,Oregon 97223 (5031639-4171 ---- - - -- - - - MW SWANSON'S GLEN PHASE I ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE March 27, 1987 Streets $110,833.00 Storm Drains 35,807.00 Sanitary Sewer 77,624.00 Water 37,419.00 SUBTOTAL $261,b83.UO A.C. Overlay 21,800.00 Sidewalks 13,360.00 Street Lights 51000.00 TOTAL $301 ,843.00 7S10 , 00 ToTAL. s. ALPHA ENGINEERING, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS SUITE 19 ■ 1750 S.W. SKYLINE BLVD. 0 PORTLAND,OREGON 97221 ■ PHONE. 297 1468 March 25 , 1987 John Hagman City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard , OR 97x23 RE : Swanson 's Glen Job #1345 Dear John , Er►closed are four copies of the revised plans for &ranson ' s Glen subdiviGion . I appreciate being able to sit down and get through the plaps with you . The revisions requested have been made . The site distance on Durham Road has been field checked , the distance to the Ea-,t is 950 feet , to the west is 850 feet . The construction of SW River Drive will be coordinated with the owners to the south so that a full street will be constructed . The right of way will be dedicated for the full 50 feet at that time . - The on Road plan has not been revised -)ending a descision by Randy Wooley on what is required . If you car review the remainder of the plans so we can get the utility circulating as soon us possible it would be appreciated . If you have any questions, please call me . Sincerely , ALPHA ENGINEERING , INC . Norman/Harker A�� ALPHA RUETT O F UGD3l,1R( C�7�UUZQA i[� ENGINEERING, INw,. CONSULTING ENGINEERS&SURVEYORS DATE JOS NO. SUITE 19 e 1750 S W SKYLINE BLVD. , 1n , , _31 j y y PORTLAND.OREGON 97221 y 7 PHONE:292.9774 or 297.1458 ATTENTION PRE TO WE ARE SENDING YOU 11 Attached I Under separate cover via .__ _ the following items: f i Shop drawings J%i Prints f I Plans I I Samples I I Specifications I Copy of letter CI Change order I I _._.___.__- COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval i Approved as submitted Resubmit___ _copies fog approval For your use Approved as noted I Submit __---copies for distribution ! I As requested Returned for corrections I 1 Return _ corrected prints 1I For review and comment I f I FOR BIDS DUE _ 19 —__-_ i ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _ COPY TO ---- —__ —_ SIGNED: G?L nmwttbl 17*M)■ Oft r,a mui It enclosures no not as noted, kindly notify u• of onto. 1 �� CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregcn NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER BY PLANNING COMMISSION I. Concerning Case Number(s) : _ S 15-86 and PD 5-36 2. Name of Owner: Marie J. Vandewater 3. Name of Applicant: Titan Properties Corp. _ Address 2700 NW 185th Ave. # 2014 _City Portland State OR zip __97229 4. Location of Property: Address South of SW Durham Road at SW 104th Tax Map and Lot No(s) . _2S1 14B lots 600 & 601 5. Nature of Application: Request for a subdivision and Planned Development_to divide a 15 acre parcel into 105 lots between 4 ,000 & 6,000 sq. ft. on property zoned R-12 13D —Multi-Family Residential, 12 units acre) _ 6 . Action: Approval as requested k _ Approval with conditions 1 _ Denial 7 . Notice: Native was published in the newspaper, posted at City Hall and mailed to: XX _ The applicant & owners XX _ Owners of record within the required distance XX The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX.__ Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: THE DECISION SHALL BE FINAL ON I Iclttlljr I) UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of condition can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 1312`_, 541 hall , P.O. Box 23397 , Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9 . meal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance, with 18.32. 290(A) and Section 18. 32. 370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice is given and sent. . The deadline for filing of an appeal is_ 3-30L ___��M�:__� -- � 1^ questions: If you have any qups;%.lons, please call the City of Tigard Planning Uepart.mf-nl 61,`j 4111 (0257P) CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDE NO. 86 -- _r) PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A SUBDIVISION (S 15-86) AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD 5-86) REQUESTED BY TITAN PROPERTIES. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at: a public hearing on December 2, 1986 . The Commission based its decision on the fact, findings, and conclusions below. A. FACT: 1 . General Information CASE: Subdivision S 15-86, Planned Development. PD 5---86 REQUEST: To divide a 15 acre property into 95 lots ranging between 4,400 and 6,000 square feet COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONINC, DESIGNATION: R- 12 (PD) (Residential, 12 units/acre, planned development) APPLICANT: Titan Properties Corp. OWNER: Marie Vandewater 2700 NW 185t1i Avenue P.O. Box 83 Suite 2014 Forest Grove, OR 97216 Portland, OR 972.29 LOCATION: South of Durham Road at 104th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 148, Tax Lot 600 and 601) ? . Ba ck_ground Information The property was recently annexed to the City (ZCA 1 .06) 3 . VicinitvInformation The property to the east is designated for Medium Density Residential development but it is presently within Washington County . Durham Road and the Summerfield development lie to the north. Parcels intended for Low Density development are immediately southwest (Dover Landinci) and other unincorporated land designated for Low and Medium High Density Residnetial are immediately west. 4. Site Information and Proposal Description With the exception of several buildings, that are to be removed, the property is undeveloped. Trees and brush cover the southern portion of the property . F1NAI ORDER NO. 86- 30 PC - TITAN PROPERTIES S 15--96 PAGE i ELAMILAIL The applicant proposes to create 95 single family residential lots ranging between 4,400 and 6,000 square feet. 104th Avenue is to be continued south to a segment of Riverwood Lane at the south end of the property . Local street extensions are envisioned to the east and west to allow for access between this subdivision and future projects to the east and west. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. Riverwood Lane should be constructed to minor collector 3t.reot standards rather than a major collector as shown. b. The phasing boundaries should be identified. C. Logical future street connections to the east and west and Tax Lots 700 and 900 to the south need to be identified. d . This portion of Durham Road is still. under, Washington County jurisdiction anri therefore a letter of serviceability must bot ' obtained from the Gnunty . P. The routing of stormwater drainage across the properties to the south and west must be resolved prior to final plat approval . f. No direct access should be allowed onto Durham Road from abuttinq lots . g Durham Road is designated as a major, collector street. which requires a right-of-way width from centerline of 45 feet . h. The ultimate width and alignment of Durham Road is not known and therefore, a non- remonstrance agreement should be obtained in Lieu of constructing half-street improvements . The Building Inspection Division notes that because of potential storm drainage problems, all lots should be graded to drain toward thi, street. Excavation material placed on lots will. require a soils report Tigard Water District, P.G.E . , Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, and GTE have no objection to the request. Washington County Department of land Usr and Transportation re( ommond,., right--of-way dedication of 45 feet from centerline, no access to Durham Road except at 104th Avenue, and construction of a sidewalk along Durhom Road. NPO N6 reviewed a proposal containing 105 lots and voted to recommend denial . The NPO encouraged the developer to consider a mix of 00% of the lots to be 5,000 square feet or greater. No other comments have been received. l 1NAt ORDER NO 06 -JU PC - TITAN PROPERTIES S 15•-86 -- PAGE 2 i H. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1 . 1, 3 .4.2, 7. 1 . 2, 7 2. 1, 7.3 . 1, 7.4.4, 8 . 1. 1, and 8 . 1 . 3 arid Community Development Code Chapters 16.54, 16.80, 18 . 160, and 18 . 164 . Since the Comprehensive Plan has been acknowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines no longer need to be addressed . The Planning Commission concludes that the proposal with modifications is consistent with the relevant: portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: II 1 . Policy 2 . 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning 1 Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the app Iicant' s proposal . 2. Policy 3 .4.2 cells for the protection of wooded areas by minimizing the number of trees re,noved to accommodate development. Other than trees that will be within the street, removal of all other trees over 6 inches in diameter will require a tree cutting permit. M 3 . Policy 7.2 . 1 will be satisfied when additional engineering work is 4 completed for accommodating storm drainage within and downstream from the development. The specific method for disposing of storm water must be addressed prior to final plat approval. 4 . Policy 7. 1 .2, 7. 3 . 1 , and 7.4.4 are satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development: the applicant also indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by city standards . 5. Policy 8 . 1 . 1 calls for a safe and efficient street system that meets current and projected needs . The plat al.ows for the extension of Riverwood Lane as a minor col .ector street as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. NPO #6 has requested as review of this designation by the City . This item will be reviewed by the Commission on December 2, 1986, with a recommendation to be forwarded to City Council . The alignment and design of River-wood Lane could be modified to coincide with any change in the Plan designation for this street. 6. Policy 8 , 1 . 3 will be satisfied when the condit oris of approval relating to street improvements are completed . The Planning Commission has determined that the proposal with modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 19.54 of the Code i s sat i sf ied because the pronosa l meet s all the requirements for the R-12 zone. b. Chapters 18 . 80 and 18 . 160 of the Code are satisfied becau%v Ihi, proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission .4r►d approval of a detailed plan and preliminary plat . FTNAI_ ORDER NO. 86- WSJ PC -- TITAN PROPE=RTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 3 ar WX W µiY c . Chapter 18. 164 of the Code will be satisfied during the approval process for the final plat. c: . DECISION Based upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning Commission approves S 15-86/PD 5-86 subject to the following conditions : 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 7 . Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approvRl . 3 . Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans . The Section will require posting of a 100% Performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT_GIVING MORE SPECIFIC_ INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES, BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. .� — 4 A one (1 ' ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City of Tigard" shall be provided at the terminus of all stub streets . 5 Additional right--of-way shalt be dedicated to the Public along tho SW Durham Road frontage to increase the right.-of-way to 411 fvvt from centerline, The description for said dedication shall be K,4 tied to the existing right-of--way centerline as established by T- , Washington County , The dedication document shall be on City forms (r'O^ and approved by the Engineering Section. DEDICATION FORMS ANIS INSTRUCTIONS ARE ".VAILABLE FROM THE CITY ENGINEERING SECTION. ApP� S b . X3W River-wood Lane shall be improved to minor collector street ��'� l,C standards and shall conform to the alignment of adjacent %.� VIP f improvements . Th' condition shall be modified accordingly if the � ' ►)off ��VJ Comrehensive Plan Designation for this street: is modifiYrd rior cj0 vT. \to Pubmission of the fine pat• �R1V�- 3'► r w�� 7 Development phase boundaries shall be 9peclfiod and reviewed and u , approved by the City . R Access to a public roadway shall be provided for Tax Lot(s) 0100 and #800. 9 No direct access shall be allowed onto SW Durham Road . 10 Sight. distance along SW Durham Road and along SW 104th Avonue shall be conformance with City--County Road design standard- FINAL ORDER NO. 96-30 . PC - TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 4 _..,e,r . ...,..,,. ,.,.......,»+„srri„+.atv�!rdnsr.cwt*i+wail#w,w.wr�gdt,.#ranw.rwau:+a.iwi+..iw.w.ix�www�;c,rau►�i,y;.. Milk 11 . Utilities including water and sewerage (storm and sanitary) lines, shall extend to the boundaries of the plat to provide for future extension to undeveloped tracts. 12. Interim improvement of the development entry at SW Durham Road shall be made to provide for deceleration of vehicles without. unduely obstructing eastbound traffic along SW Durham Road. 13 . Driveway apron locations at intersections shall be designated on the public improvement construction plan arid shall conform to City locational standa-ds . 14 . Additional storm drainage run--off created by this development shall not negatively impact downstream properties. Applicant provide City with sufficient assurances (i .e. easements, etc . . . . ) that public liability is not increased . 15. The applicant shall obtain a lettor of serviceability from the Department of Land Use and Transportation of Washington County for SW Durham Road. A copy of said letter shall be provided to the City Engineering Office prior to issuance of a Public Improvement Permit, 16. Joint use and maintenance agrcements shall be executed and recorded on City standard forms for all common driveways . Said agreements shall be referenced on and become part of all applicable parcel Deeds. Said agreement shall be approved by the Engineering Section. JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S ENGINEERING SFCTION. 17, Street Centerline Monumentation a. In accordance with ORS 92 .060 subsection (2) , the centerlines of all street and roadway right--of—ways shall be monumented before the City Shall accept a street improvement. b. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or- roadway . C . The following centerline monuments shall bi set: 1 All centerline centerline intersecti.ins . Intersections created with "co:lir ctar" or cattier existing streets, shall be set. whan the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street. hn!t been established by or for the City; 2 . Center of all cul—de- sacs; 3 . Curve points. Point of intersection (P.I . ) whon thoir Position falls inside the limits of the pe4vement otherwise beginning and ending points (8.C. And I FTNAI ORDER NO. 86-- 3() PC — TITAN PROPERTIES S 15--86 - PAGE 5 4 . All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 18 . The applicant shall provide for roof rain drainage to the --b li( stormwater system. 19 . A grading plan shall be submitted for Building Division approval . All lots receiving fill material shall need a soils report prior- to issuance of building permits. 20. Sanitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as part of the (Building Pr—mit plans) (Public Improvement plans) . Calculations and topogr•.phic service area - basin map shall be provided as a supplemer' to the Public Improvement plans, to demonstrate evidence of area - basin full development serviceability . The location and capacity of existing and proposed lines shall be addressed. 21 . A non-remonstrance agreement for the future development of SW Durham Road shall be executed by the applicant, on City forms, Arid shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. 22. A tree cutting permit shall be obtained from the Planning staff prior to removal of any trees outside of the street. right-of-way that are over 6 inches in diameter. Lot lines shall be locatod in the field prior to an inspection by the Planning staff to determine which trees may be removed. Nk�G i 23 . The street along the south end of the subdivision shall bo improved with a 3/4 street standard. LA> 24 The developer shall have the option to remove two lots for access A�, A purposes to the southern end of the development with Planning piC I Director approval . p,(!, 25. After review and approval by the Director of Community Development and City Engineer the Final Plat shall be record=.d with Washington County . 2.6. This approval is valid if' exercised wit!~tn one year of the final approval date. All subsequent phases must commence within two years of the final approval date. it is further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of this order. PASSED: This day of December, 1986 by the Planning Commission (if' thv City of Tigard . I A. Donald Moen Tigard Planning Commi -c,; iun (KSL:0148W/0006W) FINAL ORDER NO 86- PC TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 6 I TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION l` REGULAR MEETING - DECEMBER 2, 1986 I. President Moen called the meeting to order at 7:38 PM. The meeting was ;field at the Tigard Civic Center -- Town Hall Room - 13125 SW Hall Blvd. , Tigard, Oregon. 2 . ROLL CALL: Present: President Moen; Commissioners Owens, Eyre, Leverett, Peterson, Vander-wood, Newman, and Newton. Absent: Commissioner Butler. Stuff: Serior Planner Keith Liden, City Engineer Randy Wooley, Assistant Planner Deborah Stuart, and Secretary Diane M. Jelderks . 3 . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Newton submitted corrections to staff. Commissioner Fyre moved and Commissioners Newman seconded to approve minutes with corrections submitted by Commissioner Newton. Motion carried unanimously by Commi. sioner present, A. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION There was no communication. 5. r t'^!7C HEARINGS 5. 1 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 11-86 CITY OF TIGARD NPO p 6 Request by NPO N 6 to modify the Tigard Comprehensive Plan 'Transportation Map designation for SW River-wood Lane from a minor collector street to a local street and to change the designation for a portion of 108th from a local street to a minor collector. City Engineer Randy Wooley reviewed the Engineering report and made staff's recommendation to redesignate SW Rive mood Lane to a local street and to redesignate SW 108th, north of Dover Landing subdivision, to a minor collector. Senior Planner Liden read a memo from NPO N 6 supporting staff' s recommendation. He also read a letter from Eugene Cummins, 9850 SW Kent Court, asking for approval PUBLIC TESTIMONY o David Murray , 10135 SW River-wood Lane, supported the City Engineer -, recommendation. o Wanetta Chamberlain, 16720 SW 108th, favored the proposal . o Dan Graham, 10180 SW Riverwood Lane, supported the proposal since River-wood Lane is currently built to local street standards . PLANNING COMMTSSION MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 - Page 1 95 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS 4400 SQ. FT. MINIMUM AREA ,,0 I w 4 f � TYPT6AL LOT 44'' x 100 ' I I G I^ O Y �1 i 7"w I if/.21S/$6 Div l _ - - �- - - - '_/- 'lam►+► �?�. 12�1�a��(6 � o tl r � , 4400 ` T Y P ` oir. At I 400. 71 .QL, Aw-1, Q i - 44 706 Q%vE.RWove LU. �-A- .4A i b; 2S 1 11CC SW DURHAM ROAD 10 It 14 100 0 -- - - - - 500 8 I a 2 20171 CL 1 cv �Qa 300 ' - _� � QQti Q 0 o Jim Isaacson, 9800 SW Riverwood Lane, supported designati.ig Riverwood Lane as a local street but opposed expansion of Riverwood 1-:Ane because it would create increased traffic and vandalism problems. o Kim Condrin, 9600 SW Riverwood Lane, supported Jim Isaacson comments . o Mick MCDonna, 9740 SW Riveru ood Lane, supported redesignating of Riverwood Lane but did not support the extension of Riverwood Lane. C. Stephen Petruzelli, 9980 SW Riverwood Lane, favored the local street design-ition, however, opposed any connections . o Ri-� Caffall, Rainier Bank, representing property owners along Riverwood Lance ;upported the redesignation. o Norm Harker, 1750 SW Skyline supported Engineering' s recommendations . REBl1TTAL o Randy Wooloy, City Engineer, explained that this proposal only affected the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Map. {PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED: o Discussion followed regarding how Riverwood Lane would connect with future development. Consensus of the Commission was to support redesignating Riverwood Lane to a local street and 108th, north of Dover Landing, to a minor collector. Discussion followed regarding which recommendations should be forwarded i.o City Council . x Commissioner Owens moved and Commissioner Vanderwood seconded to forward CPA 11-86 to City Council recommending approval of items one through five of the City Engineer' s recommendations . Motion failed . Commissioners Moen, Fyre, Leverett, and Newton, voting no. Commissioner Newman abstained. Commissioner Newton moved and Commissioner Moen seconded to forward CPA 11-86 to City Council recommending approval of items one and three of the City Engineer' s recommendations . Motion failed 5 to 3 . Commissioner Fyre moved and Commissioner Leverett seconded to forward CPA 11-86 to City Council recommending approval of items one, two, and threr of the City Engineer' s recommendations . Motion carried by majority of Commissioner present. Commissioner Moen and Newton voting no, Commissioner Newman abstained. Request to divide a 15 ac s ranging between 4,400 and 6,000 square feet. Located: South of Durham Road at 104th (WC:1M 2S1 14B, Tax lot 600 and 601) . Senior Planner Liden reviewed that status of the application and made staff' s recommendation for approval . PLANNING COMPASSION MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 -- Page 2 y� �S FJ 'y 0' / APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION o Norm Harker, Alpha Engineering, 1750 SW Skyline, reviewed the two issues regarding access to lots 700 and 800 and the extension of Riverwood Lane. lie requested that the Planning Commission give them the flexibility to remove two lots for access without having to return to the Planning Commission for approval . PUBLIC TESTIMONY o Larry Bissett, 2004 SW Irving, owner of tax lot 800, stated he had entered into an agreement with the applicant contingent upon the development of the Scheckla property. Discussion followed with the Commission regarding access, width of the property, and easements . o Steve Beak, Titan Properties, 2700 NW 185th, stated they had met the requirements of the Planning Commission and needed to be able to conclude 'r this deal by the end of the year. Discussion followed regarding half street and three quarter street improvements along the southern portion of the development. o Bibianne Scheckla, 10890 SW Fairhaven Way, representing the Scheckla properties, explained that they have an existing easement and would not pay for, the construction of the street, She expressed her concern regarding the alignment of the streets . Discussion followed. REBUTTAL. o Norm Harker explained that there will be. three possible accesses to the Scheckla property . Discussion followed. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Discussion followed regarding options the Planning Commission had for approval . Commissioner Newton moved and Commissioner Peterson seconded to approve Subdivision S 15=-86 and Planned Development PD 5-86 based on staff's finding and conclusions, adding the following conditions 1. That the street along the south and of the development be improved to 3/4 street standards. 2 . The developer may have the option to remove two lots for acce9s purposes without returning to the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. . RECESS 9:05 PM RECONVENE 9: 15 PM Commissioner Owens left 9: 15 PM. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 _ Page 3 5. 3 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 6-86 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SECTION 18,80 THIS ITEM WAS POSTPONED. 5.4 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ZOA 7-86 HOME OCCUPATIONS A request by the City of Tigard to review Chapter 18 . 142, Home Occupations, of the Tigard Municipal Code and to consider amendments and revisions to Chapter 18 142. Also to amend Section 18.26.030, 18.42.020(a)(8) and 18.42.020 (A)(11 ) to change Code definitions of Home Occupations, Children' s Day Care, and Babysitting Services respectively. Assistant Planner Deborah Stuart reviewed the proposal . Discussion followed regarding Residential Cure Facilities, processing of Type I1 permits, denial criteria, and other modifications to the proposal . PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak . PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o President Moen moved and Commission-,r Vanderwood seconded to Forward ZOA 7-86 to City Council with a recommendation for approval with the following changes . Page 9, section (h), add "in excess of whats normally associated with residential uses."; Page 13, eliminate item number 13, change number 14 to 13 . ; Page 14, (b), replace "Section 18.32,250(f)" with "in the original or most recent renewal application. " o Commissioner Newman expressed his concern that. they had not covered everything adequately; for example there is no grandfather clause. Discussion followed . * Motion carried my majority of Commissioners present. Commissioners Newton, Newman, and Fyrz voting no, 6. Other Business o There was no other Business 7. Adjournment 9:47 PM. Diane M. Jelderks, ecretary W A11FST: A. Donald Moen, President 27%'7P dmj PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 2, 1986 - Page 4 r STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM �� Q TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION DeeeGtr Q/ 1'1 tics TIGARD CITY HALL — TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 9722.3 A. FACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Subdivision S 15--86, Planned Development PD 5-86 REQUEST: To divide a 15 acre property into 95 lots ranging between 4,400 and 6,000 square feet COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-12 (PD) (Residential, 12 units/acre, planned development) APPLICANT: Titan Properties Corp. OWNER: Marie Vandewater 2700 NW 185th Avenue P.U. Box 83 Suite 2014 Forest Grove, OR 972.16 Portland, OR 97229 LOCATION: South of Durham Road at 104th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 148, Tax Lot 600 and 601) 2. Background Information The property was recently annexed to the City (ZCA 1--86) 3 . Vicinity Information The property to the east is designated for Medium Density Residential development but it is presently within Washington County . Durham Road and the Summerfield development lie to the north. Parcels intended for- Low Density development are immediately southwest (Dover Landing) and other unincorporated land designated for Low and Medium--High Density Residnetial are immediately west. 4. Site Information and Proposal Description I I With the exception of several buildings, that are to be removed, the property is undeveloped . Trees and brush cover the southern portion of the property . The a,)plicant proposes to create 95 single family residential lots rangir%l between 4,400 and 6,000 square feet. 104th Avenue is to bo contin,.ied south to m segment of Riverwood Lane at the south end of the property . Local street extensions are envisioned to the east and west to allow for access between this subdivision and future projects to thr east and west . STAFF REPORT — TITAN PROPERTIFS S 15-86 — PAGE 1 JyJ r htri. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. Riverwood Lane should be constructed to minor collector street standards rather than a major collector as shown. b. The phasing houndariec should be identified. C. Logical future street connections to the east and west and Tax Lots 700 and 800 to the south need to be identified. d. This portion of Durham Road is still under Washington County jurisdiction and therefore a letter of serviceability must be obtained from the Country . e. The routing of stormwater drainage across the properties to the south and west must: be resolved prior to fii, l plat approval. f. No direct access should be allowed onto Durham Road from abutting lots. g. Durham Road is designated as a major collector street which requires a right-of-way width from centerline of 45 feet. h. The ultimate width and alignment of Durham Road is not known and therefore, a non-remonstrance agreement should be obtained in lieu of constructing half-street improvements . The Building Inspection Di,jision notes that because of potential storm drainage problems, all lots should be graded to drain toward the street. Excavation material placed on lots will require a soils report. Tigard Water District, P.G.E. , Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District, and GTE have no objection to the request. Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation recommends right-of-way dedication of 45 feet from centerline, no access to Durham Road except at 104th Avenue, and construction of a sidewalk along Durham Road. U NPO N6 reviewed a proposal containing 105 lots and voted to recommend denial . The NPO encouraged the developer to consider a mix of 80% the lots to be 5,000 square feet or greater. A No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan policies 2. 1. 1, 3.4.2, 7. 1 .2, 7.2. 1, 7. 3 . 1, 7.4.4, 8 . 1 . 1, and 8. 1 . 3 and Community Development Code Chapters 18.54, 18.80, 18 . 160, and 18. 164. Since the Comprehensive Plan has been acknowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guidelines no longer need to be addressed. STAFF REPORT -- TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 2 � ) 1 ,s• The Planning staff concludes that the proposal with modification` is consistent with the relevant portions of the Comprehensive Plan based upon the findings noted below: 1 . Policy 2. 1 . 1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant' s proposal . 2. Policy 3 .4.2 calls for the protection of wooded areas by minimizing the number of trees removed to accommodate development . Other than trees that will be within the street, removal of all other trees over 6 inches in diameter will require a tree cutting permit. 3 . Policy 7.2. 1 will be satisfied when additi3nal engineering work is completed for accommodating storm drainage within and downstream from the development. The specific method for disposing of storm water must be addressed prior to final plat approval . 4. Policy 7. 1 .2, 7.3 . 1, and 7.4.4 are satisfied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage facilities are available to the development. The applicant also indicates that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City standards . 5. Policy 8 , 1 . 1 calls for a safe and efficient street system that meets current and projected needs. The plat allows for the extension of River-wood Lane as a minor collector street as called for in the Comprehensive Plan. NPO N6 has requested as review of this designation by the City . This item will be reviewed by the Commission on December 2, 1986, with a recommendation to be forwarded to City Council . The alignment and design of Riverwood Lane could be modified to coincide with any change in the Plan designation for t:hia street. 6. Policy 8. 1 .3 will be satisfied when the conditions of approval relating to street improvements are completed. The Planning staff has determined that the proposal with modifications, is consistent with the relevant portions of the Community Development code based upon the findings noted below: a. Chapter 18 .54 of the Code is satisfied because the proposal moots all the requirements for the R-12 zone. f b. Chapters 18.80 and 18 . 160 of the Code are satisfied because the proposal meets the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of a detailed plan and preliminary plat. C . Chapter 18. 164 of the Code w1.11 be satisfied during the Approval process for the final plat. STAFF REPORT — TITAN PROPERTIES S 15•-86 -- PAGE 3 C. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the findings and conclusions above, the Planning staff' recommends approval. of S 15-86/PD 5-86 subject to the following conditions: 1 . UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FINAL PLAT. 2. Seven (7) sets of plan—profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construrLion cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . 3 . Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will require posting of a 100% Performance bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED !;ANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. 4 . A ons (1 ' ) foot reserve strap granted to the "City of Tigard" shall be provided at the terminus of all stub streets . 5. Additional right—of-wav shall be dedicated to the .Public along thea SW Durham Road frontage to increase the right—of- way to 45 feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right--of-way centerline as established by Washington County. The dedication document shall be on City forms and approved by the Engineering Section, DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY ENGINEERING SECTION. 6. SW Riverwood Lane shall be improved to minor collector- street standards and shall conform to the alignment of adjacent improvements . This condition shall be modified accordir,ly it the Comprehensive Plan Designation for this street is modified prior to submission of the final plat. 7, Development phase boundaries shall be specified and reviewed and approved by the City . 8. iccess to a public roadway shall be provided for Tax tots) N700 nd N800. 9. No direct access shall be allowed onto SW Durham Road . 10. Sight distance along SW Durham Road and along SW 104th Avenue shall be conformance with City--County Road design standards STAFF REPORT -• TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 4 11 . Utilities including water and sewerage (storm and sanitary) lines, shall extend to the boundaries of the plat to provide for future extension to undeveloped tracts. 12 . Interim improvement of the development entry at SW Durham Road shall be made to provide for deceleration of vehicles without unduely obstructing eastbound traffi= along SW Durham Road. _ . Driveway apron locations at intersections shall be designated on the public_ improvement construction plan and shall conform to City locational standards. t4. Additional sto m. drainage run-off created by this development shall not oegatively impact downstream properties . Applicant pr�,vide City with sufficient assurances (i .e. easements, etc:. . . . ) that public liability is not increased. 15 . The applicant shall obtain a letter of serviceability from the Department of Land Use and Transportation of Washington County for SW Durham Road . A copy of said letter shall be provided to the City Engineering Office prior to issuance of a Public Improvement Permit. 16Joint use and maintenance agreements shall. be executed and recorded ori City standard forms for all common driveways. Said agreements shall be referenced on and become part of all applicable parcel Deeds . Said agreement shall be approved by the Engineering Section. JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEM.:N1 FORMS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY'S ENGINEERING SECTION. 17 , Street Centerline Monumortation a. In accordance with URS 92,060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right-of-ways shall be moniamented before the City shall accept a street improvement. b. All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall be set at. design finish grade of said street or roadway . C . The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1 . All centerline-centerline intersections Intersections created with "collector" or other- existing therexisting streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; 2 ( enter- of all cul-de-sacs; 3 . Curve points . Point of intersection (P.I. ) w;,.n their position falls insH a the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E,(;) . rTAFF REPORT - TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 5 4 All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. 18. The applicant shall provide for roo`.' rain drainage to the public stornwaater system. 19. A grading plan shall be submitted for Building Division approval . All lots receiving fill material shall need a soils report prior to issuance of building permits. 20. Sanitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as Hart of the (Building Permit plans) (Public Improvement plans) . Calculations and topographic service area -- basin map shall be provided as a supplement to the Public Improvement plans, to demonstrate evidenco of area - basin full development serviceability . The location and capacity of existing and prop, 3r:i lines shall be addressed . 21 . A non-remonstrance agreement far the future development of SW Durham Road shall be executed by the applicant, on City forms, and shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. 22 . A tree cutting permit shall be obtained from the Planning staff prior to removal of any trees outside of the street right-of-way that are over 6 inches in diameter. Lot lines shall be located in the field prior to an inspection by the Planning staff to determine which trees may be removed. 23 . After review and approval by the Director of Community Development and City Engineer the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . 24 . This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final approval date. All subsequent phases must commence within two years of the final approval date. PREPARED BY: Keith Liden APPROVED BY: William A, Monahan Senior Planner Director of Community Development (KSI_:bs222) STAFF REPORT - TITAN PROPERTIES S 15-86 - PAGE 6 REQUE TS FOR COMMENTS <� ea. 74--0-T !/r' �pTO: 13 OATE: Octo 9s FROM: Tigard Planning Department +"''� r � r ,�� cx v= RE: S 15-86 PD 5-86 Request by TITAN PROPERTIES for a _Su division and' Planned Development to divide a 15 acre parcel into 105 lotsbetween b 6,000 sq. ft. on property zoned (R-12(PD) (Multi-Family Residential. 12 unite/acr Located: south of SW Durham Road at SW 104th Ave. 2S1 14B lot 600 6 601 Attac`ied is the Site Plan and applicant's statement for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will be prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, we need your comments by October, 21 , 19 86 You may use the space provided below or attech a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to respond by *the above date please phone the staff contact noted below with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions regardii-►q this matter, contact the Tigard Planning Department, P 0. Box 2339', Burnham atnd'Ash Ave. , Tigard, OR 97223. Phone: 639-4171 . STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden / Deborah Stuart PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: _ We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it Please contact of our office Please refer to the enclosed letter. Written comments : 11A L'a /LSL�C�Y /LAAO.A. � /\_C1lw: � QI, C..1.Y1�� — _ II 1 j g .�f4t o 1AJLJ�1tG 1�'V1 ri l-r A n:Z '��t t 1.lis .fit d 4 ,1 �A � i An, Name of Person Commenting — --- Phone No. pl�l.VtnJ A _ - (K8L:pm/0956P) MW Off-JLMNAM REQUESTS FOR COMMENTS 1 T0: DATE: October 9. 1986 FROM: Tigard Planning Department RE: S 15-86 PD 5-86 Request by TITAN PROPERTIES for a Subdi.yision and Planned Development to divide a 15 acre parcel into 105 lots between 4;000 & 6,000 sq. ft. on property zoned (R-12(PD) (Multi-Family Residential . _12 units/acr Located: south of SW Durham Road at SW 104th Ave. 2S1 14B lot 600 &A2_01— Attached 601Attached is the Site* Plan and applicant' s statement for your review. From information supplied by various departments and agencies and from other information available to our staff, a report and recommendation will bo prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future If you wish to comment on this application, we need your comments by October _ 21 1 14_86 You may use the space provided below or &ttach a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to respond by the above daat9L please phone the staff contact noted below with your commonts and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact the Tigard Planning Department, P.O Box 23397, Burnham aind'Ash Ave. , Tigard, OR 97223. Phone: 639-4171 . STAFF CONTACT; Keith Liden / Deborah Stuart PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it Please contact ___ of our office Please refer to the enclosed letter. _X_ Written comments: LrMFLL'1',L. '-"} -,c.•<_.,L, i' -till- L.�L- ,l'I L' .,i"_ f' pr.4r �tbr T t` ni`AIKs� i'vlS-lamr��Nu-��'�''. s. to.T 1 f M FaT r-s i I* i Fit. f Pv v on, L; I t .- E ;S.,_, s I 2 r-6? I UL L - c P_ . rt- C�,r i_ T>� ►�T. [� wt�-rIr"�ct ('�P J ci ti Y \VN r fi f' Yyl°d ri N - {'_�Au `_Y��- Name of Person Commenting' . z t A Phone No. 7---) l C--,.— __ (K9L:pte/0356P) �rr; F- A? I ! 'SL., I\ ��.�r r K I g T l /\I C,� (-� O v S G I F ��N S r r�T�c. s ��.S T c='r••r 5 N�v c. I7 I�►_ R���'�� -f'� c,�n!►��1=c:r ru SI� ��IE/' . ��n.� :SHo��i pjz.,) jt'r -rrtAr 1=f 1=:..17 ♦I r 4-L. )\I 1-1 T 1N OZ /LK f:[;GT L--) lad/ G •mil! ��Tom' L� T�•.�/�% f' \/rc..c R 1\I T//M'F'G x r) n. C- v sA►l f n T" T//� %Ie v SG � n Irv. i7. I T T (>/2 K 1 h,%!-^, I IV •S . l�l�hrv7\\r n-r \vl- 1 7- 171 FC=/c � T T,'� P,v�4 P I�R R �\�r L n T �V/ ►> •r 7ti Nil l..l nl� 71\l yl I�r 1� {' F_i�1'1.1'�" E>Trc c. r I-I ✓s.� i r' r r, rlAQUESYP FOR COMMENTS TO: • DATE: October 9 1986 FROM: Tigard Planning Department RE: S 15-86 PD 5-96 Request by TITAN PROPERTIES for a Subdivision and Planned Devel02ment to divide a 15 acre parcel into 105 lots between, 4.000 6 6,000 sq. ft. on property zoned (R-12(PD) (Multi-Family Residential, 12 units/acr Located: south of SW Durham Road At SW 104th Ave. 2S1 14B lot 600 6601 Attached is the Site' Plan and applicant' s statement for your review From information supplied by various departments and agencies and From other information available to our staff, a report, and recommendation will bo prepared and a decision will be rendered on the proposal in the near future. If you wish to comment on this application, we need your comments by October_ 21 1986 You may use the space provided below or attach a separate letter to return your comments. If you are unable to respond by tho above date, please phone the staff contact noted below with your comments and confirm your comments in writing as soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this matter, contact the Tigard Planning Department, P 0. Box 23397, Burnham and'Ash Ave. , Tigard, OR 97223. Phone: 639-4171 STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden / Deborah Stuart PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: We have reviewed the proposal and have no objections to it Please contact of our office Please refer to the enclosed letter Written comments : From a Personal viewpoint-, a,t some point in time thF3_ Ci tV maygt address the increased traffic flow on S . W. Durham Road, which this development_ will aggravate . At the entrance at 104th and Durham.— there exists a rise in the grade to the east which is a definite obstruction to viewing oncome traffic . I guess it will bei necessary i, ? � -*o kill someone there before we address the problem. � i Name of Person Commenting: e Phone No. (1(9L:Pm/0356P) i i �. �� l' l"3 K.u`� rrci. .T rr!')+°cis ��+c,•f o ���,• �� er x f►'•E....r�.y i � ti sc..�� •�� G'�'.�.k.r t tc��•ccy�,�,Z�c. .s�•yt/+' r r I /...,'�wR/. � `i[ Ii,� w,.�,rr�(.i . 1��.J� , 'Ir•. Ir:--4.//•t, tL, •"��.a< �!''"f' ;,'�""' �/,,Lrt�'/r.i:/, �C� r'�'';; '�.rl �Ii�r:�A ✓�t'r� e:C`ry ;,•1,ar.0 Giti1Y. l+�e'7,.�'tr^.•- r !, i �,F•etl'r�. l,,.. f�"t<'• ,. •ir"'Rs� fC/S iYti G-[,"'.��<�, .�[� .�.1(<.L.If�rrC'" �?.�ti�rf,r�,��J i Mi �/ war � W,/ • • � " f " / , p r.�yl'�("+`� �'r i'"( �r,: ,a.+I � rr Jrfl.'I"�11' ,w•./"r� r '`"�'iy'fd. , . N' f t '� L �IIy. t:I I•( ✓r�"y� !' ! ,r'F,.r{4.,•;. .'/r',r:. ,!'f t"al',W ,y."tit.' � L�•�/',k"�irfr''C a' 0�, } r L'tl� Y �. E 91�,f�,"�i�4 t.r { F� I 4 j �lti6rs� :x-hJ ke'� le cslJc�t•Lc i _•/ �r� >� 'O/e� JC�C^�S/�//C�//�1Lf G:�h�.�� lr"fir t t-� � �.i • 1( Shy /// ?i�4 `��.sl s.4 �/Cla-� c%°r r .vim• J J � J J/ C V�� �'v'f �t/l�i�-� ./��Y��✓CSC /�J• ��''�'YJ'i� .�� •���/,� ��, .� ���- i ��r 7 ; _ � ��. /14 1 i ! ENGINEERING SERVICES REVIEW CHECKLIST (Cont'd) r) L.T.D. Development & Non-Remonstrance Status ITEM MICE) DEAILS: Sensitive Lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JD Comp. Plxn Amendment. . . . . . . . . . . . . Flood lain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ Zone Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1 Major/Minor Partition. . . . . . . . . .❑ Conditional Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ nned Developme ` . . . . . . . . Temporary Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jJ —� Annexation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ variance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L� -cc Building Permit. . . .. . .. ([.��.�,. . . . ��nn Nonconforming Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QSewer Connection Permit. -?.,.g. . . . Accessory Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Sign Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ Tree Removal Permit. . A. . . . . . . Fill Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blasting Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Street Opening Permit. .. .. . . . . . . . p Special Assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Compliance Agreement. .. . . . � Business Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detailed Plan. Fees. . . . C�.. . k. . e r \ p Dedication. . . . '4<`�"y:t� . . . . . . Joint Use Agreement\. � �r. . . Easement. .�-; .1� ` D. . . . . . Maintenance Agreement. r55.. s", System Development Charges: Extra Capacity Streets. . . . . . . . .Cl Recreation Facilities. . . . . . . . . .❑ Storm Drainage Improvement. . . . .❑ Sanitary Sewer Surcharge. . . . . . . . . IIT) SPECIAL CONCERNS: A) That this information (form) be routed to the City Engineer forreview and comment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yes d. . . _ No C1 B) [� 1�7tc VA_ It .1C S `rif VC`c�pW�E.v�� c rvv���� � 1c,�` 1!t LYS ` 1! Dk v.v�Ej-N o� VC, � A,�\\ \C " , Ir c, \V A 71\� ev E tAE� \S W0� 0,�� P "fib tt '2NJ�' \ LOW- Pacm 2 .�. .,,..w..e...•.......... ..... .,w:... ..in.;C a., .+r.+OJV F':dfrX " rq�y �i ,. .. •, 4. KNGINRRRING SERVICES REVIEW CHECKLIST (Cont'd) TV 1 RECOMMENDATIONS: t A) Apply the "Standard Conditions" noted on pages N4-6 (herein) . tt B) g W �' L VgVAe. ���.��1 �De_ 1V' V0%JC l- ve e� bcNJe, o e, \b e � �.c� �e •�.v.� ,� Ire � r.�.�.�e� �-�.c� �sN�dt \vim ` o�a►�C / # Z O vk e �V- F 1r�Pk Y" vtl��wl v e. �> p,cc es��s�•"1`\ `oma ��l� �►ere� �r `T��.X —rocs & Soy Qv� c� Hl?, ck KJ\ v\C.l° ,LA,) 61� C 5, 1,0, 104 A� N\!P_WLAe_ s1►.Z�� n C ct�Vl n \Jr J or.M kA r P.Ss > Vlttl t •1 r F S ^ 5�� l l P-�C�F-t�� � �h�, to0�ltirc���l f �..5 1` b� '���. �,� �� '•tom ��rc+v\c1C 1�r �i,��t�\t C'. �. r�c�vew�eti.� r� LOS 4a ` J ee J z1`l.•w� � �� 0 1n� r `aVo�t Ilk z \ t \\ �Ptc� Y\. ere, \vvlprc��l� VIAE-Vl-� ,V 74 oll �Ol..•s1STTl�G-�� � �• 40 009 , 10 1 V STANDARD OONDITIONS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, ALL CONDITIONS SHALL BE MET IRIOR f0 ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. Standard half-street improvements including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, storm drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the frontage. Said improvements along shall be built to standards and conform to the alignment of existing adjacent improvements and (or) _ Standard half-street improvements including sidewalks, curbs, streetlights, driveway aprons, storm drainage and utilities (delete inapplicable items) shall be installed along the frontage. Said improvements along shall be built to _ standards and conform to the alignment of existing adjacent improvements and (or) Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be su mitted to the Engineering Section for approval. - - -- Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans. The Section will require posting of a 100 % Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC_ INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES.L BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. A one (1' ) foot reserve strip granted to the "City f Tigard" shall be provided at the terminus of �.�5 � A ditional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public alonq the 5.CA-1, �vlt frontage to increase the rigfit- of-4;ay to _ AS feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tie to th existing rig�ht-of--way centerline as established by -1 �tA Al- V1X � The dedication document shall a on City for-�m-Jand approved by the Engineering Section. DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE AVA,% XtLt- 'F'Roti + w w r ..�''� STANDARD CONQITIONS: Unless otherwise noted, all conditions shall be met prior to _ -" issuance of (Building Permits) a public Improvement Permit) . Conditions No. — shall be met prior to f~ issuance of Building Permits. Conditions No. shall be met prior to _ issuance of a Public Improvement Permit. After review and approval by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer, the final pla* shall be recorded with Washington County, . Unless otherwise noted, all conditions shall be met prior to -" recording of the (Minor Partition) (Lot Line Adjustment) . A permit shall be obtained by the applicant from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Authority: Section 404, Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) for discharge of ofedge saidopermit sr fill halllbe providedto waters of the United States. A copy applicant. the City Engineering Office by the app A permit shall be obtained by the applicant from the City (Authority: Tigard Municipal Code, Chapter 16.84) fland a dorm alteration (within the one-hundred-year floodplain) (on slopes ithi.f twenty-five percent or greater or unstable ground) drainageways) . (A permit or) evidence demonstrating compliance with State, _ Federal, and local environmental regulatio's shall be obtained by the applicant and (a copy) shall ha provided to the City (Authority: Tigard Municipal Code, Chapter 18.90) prior to issuance of a building permit. The applicant shall obtain a permit from the State of Oregon Highway Division, to perform work within the right-of-way Ofovided A copy of said permit shall be provided g Office prior to issuance �)f a Public to the City Engineerin Improvement Permit. The applicant shall obtain a letter of serviceability from the Department of Land Use and Transportation of Washingon County r` per- t A copy of said letter shall be provided to the City Engineering Office prior to issuance of a Public Improvement Permit. The applicant shall obtain written (approval) (acknowledgment) from Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington C-unty (to) (for) (that) permit Public�Improvement prior to issuance of a (Building ) Permit) . ; Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the Public along the --- frontage to increase the right-of--way to feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right-of-way centerline as established by roved by the The dedication document shall be on City forms and app Engineering Section, DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTPUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. Joint use and maintenance agreements shall be executed and recorded on City standard forms for all common driveways. Said agreements shall be referenced on and become part of all applicable parcel Deeds. Said .agreement shall be approved by the EngineerirxA Section. JOINT USE AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FORMS ARE, /4v n k*%L E Street Centerline Monumentation 1 . In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right-of--ways shall be monumented before the City shall accept a street improvement. 2 . All centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the tnp of all monument boxes shall be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway. 3 . The following centerline monuments shall be set: a. All centerline-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or for the City; b. Center of all cul--de-sacs; c . Curve points. Point of intersection (P.I.) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B-C, and E.C. ) . d. All sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positions that do not interfere with centerline monumentation. The "bsois of bearings" for the Plat or Survey shall he which is a part of the Tigard Field Survey Network . After review and approval by the -fes Director and 9tpe~, the Final Plat shall be recorded with Washington County . (RSC:bs/0727P) t M r: 6RANU AR CSF .. - � �- -- c kAivuCA•4 B __ GRANULAR BAGK_'F/�L � w — 160ia ---- - --.._- ro 17eV170 < •1Ro/0s rRAofPROPIS GRA DE Q• Q ^� 0�. . 0 c1 « ro lA + �t +4 EX/ST ADE * *y or l9 �X/ST :RADE' 155 - -- - - __ - -- --- --- ---- 50 1 - 1G5 - - 42•gq�f 5 = O. 0060 245. IZ LF !Z IZ" %5P 9LF /2GSV --3L LF iZr SP , ' l50 - - - - --- - - ` o.0/000 - --- -- / 5 -----— - - _ P 4 /6O -- 1rwo 3a- --F - - �5 o 006.2 /E, /49. 4q v "E) - /E: 149. 3 N1 -. 1E: h/4. 3 I l49 2 - /'S0.8� 1 uT /E: /5�.2;' - ' ---_ �-✓Oq.�1Li'../Z GSP ? OUT �. :9A N. /E� lam.07 i •\ r ,�/E : 14,6. 71 � SEWER 4,6 4 - ------ 055 • --- ---.DOVER -ANo/HG (NOT EX/5 rl MG L* 5,a 3Ev1/E,f' Tins rlk1E) + L 0 00 1 00 _+oio 3+0o jt f o0 0 f 00 /+00 2+00 0+00 1+00 2+00 LINE B �� � '�-� ; �.` � d� � ,..�. LINE �i LINE A-- 1 - 1 NA T/YE t3,4 GK F/L- --+--G,eA NUL AR f3AG 1 L L % dr2ZSE' GRA OE /60 -_ - -- -- - -- /60 Ex/ T G,F'4 P47 NAT/VE BACKF/L L I; 7 _ _ - ------- ---------.. r I q5 10l 4 a /2"�5>a ��: JS . 70 0. ooql 150 — !So Iqo v Q !E: /SO. <?4 �,),,lr . /E. 154. 2/ 0 T + 14 g6 �F _ 12 c_S ` /E: /B7. Bo 5 ., o3a4 tr 0( o f^ C1 -- -- �- ---- -- �. - -._ -- ----- - 185 h H I - = \+ /40: !65. 44 180 = ''e "A;: Ids'. 23 o T 0 +00 1+G0 2+00 Igo LINE A. Nt /5: /Bo. 35 �vr 175 - ---- SE WE!� N. f0 v W O ---- 175 M J / / R i7� 9 v aArlvE 8..4c-kF/LL 6~111,lA/r NAT/✓E BACKF'/LL 0 0 / 373. 45 LF_ /2rC5P o. `D ,� BAG:KF/LL 7 O / � 5 r O. 0370 k'cz- /70 a ^ _.... - - o In - --- --- ---- -- - - ---- _ 7 l� v 0•! L ST e5RADE O jlellmeA f416s !co KIP 160 I55 /i2 �?m 15'S 160 d5.r7LF 2/" IBg 9'9�t @ s c o. wBB SAN. SEWER Y �c 6•x/sT� ` 5 SO Z4"� P 5S _-. - - •---_--�_— cv \? -- - ---- - --- -- °bND S: O. F_C 1/6.34. ..F_ ,' S - - - ---- - -- ------- - - __..._-_... -- ---- - - --- - - - --- -_ - 5 1ss Iso - ----- — 1 ?g.�. S p '67 ,16 8 f v /E:/S3. 4 3 16 04/7 lE /58. 43 "� p /E: /5?. 8 �M 'E: 153. 63 -h' NF.; 1E. /55. IN - � ___.__._._.__..__ /E ray T /6: /�.- B�7 1E: /53 43 'i// ! .00 /E: hr S'. 1N- O +00 /+00 2+0c) 3+00 44-00 5+pp 6 +00 7-t 00 8+ 00 9 *00 .. 0 f-00 1 + 00 2+00 3+O0 4 +00 5'+0�0 LINE A W&,dPp% 4r LINE A- 1 �u• 6.7 :ioN o�>s11sN�o SCO oATI March 1987 PROJECT ALPHA ENGINEERINO INC. -- DRAWN TBT scALI 1' 80' M SWANSON'S G STORM IrVA.s > > ao :w. :KrliNt •Lvor rRoa�tr N+ LEN SWANSUN ' GLEN 1750 PORTLAND, ORIOON 97221 CHICK NCH 1344 Pb ( 203 ) 247 - 1458 ArrROvlo PHASE I OF u. wr ttvtw row ,. - �' • � ,• .. 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W /PEM: IS+1. 12 k - i -•i7 I � � • 0*60 SAN_ MOW 014 OfS7S MND �2 � O 44 <7IJ6 ruEi 43 R/ti/: /65. 6 W �9 SP-t A. rz. 96 - 78 95 \. 56 55 / a< I _ 47 32 31 �� f t �N 411 .► q 54 ) 30 Zg 11 1 28 27 2g ; ---- m 25 �. 24 75 N 76 - -- / 45 �� 42 j t �, f 77 . /� I STUB L•*o G. sic c� �* q� ,q 8 �•Z 7.181 1 7.0,33 6*879 94 3,11 Z 40 ' x. 40 - :: 30 _S ST1B ! - L == 40 L : 40 L: I Lr4C - L - _% .ti. TvQ � � I 40 I O :¢O �.� vo - i � ----�.vSrAL a. /2"•B M T7EE 4C L a 4 L �' r.A 57 -- 1- -- 40 - ---- I 4=41 `4/ I -- -- V _ �r IF k '1 I- : - g" ... a • I53 46 Zta4 2+OB / - tib uu• .r...........■•r ....•.......r.. ••• •.• r�}•w.• ... r........... .....•.ii19mo •• �1 /O • o C ' a I L : 26 0 L= 42 41 L_ 6 _ _ - - - - ---- -.. - I° -- - - - L v-- 40 80 o 93 • L_ 50 '• - -- -- •j LINE A �� • A : 5+ 44•_ .. +87 � /::.34-- 6 3 SAN. 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SAN. tilN 8 T✓� , -„E 9/ L _6 41. oc \ r �o1-1). - / ---- y - le ' 68 .• 1 O r JO S d V. ,MSN�1 sT. sr�c. + �5. of I-/NE- A- I i A-5 / • 1� O6 60 I = = as Be69 1- 33 � ... 87 \ ----- _ Ct00 L/N 1 6S ST. TA. 2 t•08. ?t va R .yErFir ST sTi4. 4 52 R 5. L = 3 1 ST. STA. ¢s .¢2. 5=? R/M. /qo. ,3/ /, L) 54 / I 1�0 \ RI N1: 147. 4 7 EnRP 6 y F ENC 3" WATEk 2+4Z.00 SArr, /+w 0 E/v0 .N WA7E• 'AIF 2-f80-87 SAN. MN�3 ' � l INSTALL ._4 .MJ BEV ,:'T. STA. 2,-o67-60 SrPAD.7..E BLJc:,C 4' ST. STA. 3* q.-'• q4 S-CADDL E 414OCK 0 2"00- 0 i•Y T� � M.ti-r la fr- RIM: 157. 70 I 2-8.0. AS'w"weLr a RlM: 152. '?3 4,ySE/rI®LY AS A-ZiC" OErA/L `0 oER nETi6:1- 0 rlFllveo� -- - - - O S'I'R ti G'i' I ��(' - - 7 17' 8 �` ST R rLIETU4 r<tt °Nr o/. _ -.- • iPE/►'fO i/� ,p�,i� --- ft.,'ft f TJ I 4 J �Oa�Pa a s 9o'n3o'a .37. '11' _ 3\ r 154. 57 o1095 A ' win �/C � . said gmummon I'GftR,\ ITNADCtj {LOCK ` N v . i I j 5 atN A�� oN Io':p�A�Nr_.. ... ....�a.__. vv IO PLO* • I concN[T[. • n SW 104TH AVE. ,^ \^ ^I� � zr I I J 68- 55 ry K&NT iN0{MO ►I[T[Nsex ICK •TAIL a N 1 50 5 M&wAIK L9, .� .__. r- -•' m1�9W 104TH A4E. 54 31 ►rte t kl "-- _"_• -- -- - -- ....a i � ' ! I i__. -�`M.- I C011GN[T[ f MNUS T COLI! 5f[ sITE THA COCK O[• � 4� ��` 'h� � D �- � `i ! Nom••, I-�� /I. �I U� � fhCAN MADE. rA,1 voN ortooNAL ____.q 1 I 0 `� I s\ �\�• I�l -"�• I j -' TI AWWAA APPOO E0)GATC w[TMOO. \ . �V ! VALVE . ;•. : •. ---• -� --- -- v Qi W DIb W go-[u _ - • : •o•Tu '. .! Z'GA /I/[ Imo' 6b rLuucuAr r►10PT ILL / 4 ,STANDARD BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY' ,gip L. 3/. re I I � I 3 fro o so goo iso F. -SCALE IN FEET No OAT! RfIV1310N RY DISIGNID SCQ - DATI March 1987 PROJECT SHORT ALPHA tNal S���Ii1Q INC. SCALI � > SANITARY SEWER/WATER PLAN 6 DRAWN TBT SWANS(-)'N .:� _.: 1ls0 11w. SKYIINi BLVD. SWANSON " � GLEN CHICK NJH PRO,ICT NO I9,� INTERSECTION DETAILS PORTLAND, OR/40N �3.1Z1 Pb c 203 > 297 - 1458 APPROVID PHASE I OF ..• ,w •..V.r.OM Or � _.;c�" •'r-•.••'i� '•1►rw�....�.. � pr ...,n.+ •�w..w,,.�._�•..��•',� - - ._ ...... .... ._. - _ ..... . .......-..__. . . ..wrwi►wr_3. C,b�.,...a._ •__ _ .. ..-_.".rv.Y�w`"""'+V' - .. r �I�'11111111{11111,1111!`'7I1�►il��l>fi�l��l�l{II�II�r�II��tJi1 (1I1 !'I�Ir�II���Illllilllll)I IIWIIIIIIII•IIIIIIIIII{11111II1�11l�tll�l�l�I�{�I�I�I�I�1�1�1)�Tll�rl���lll�I�{111111111ill��( L NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ' l Z 3 4 - 5 8 7 8 9 10 II 12 _ DRAWIW4 IS LESS CLEAR THAN TH IS NOT]Crti 1T IS DUE TO jHE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ,,..-DRAWING. - --- ----- ''. OE 62 92 LZ 92 SZ f2 E2 22 I; 02 61 81 Z1 91 91 rl EI 211 11 01 6 9 c 9 s b E z 1I""•'" ,�+, IT111,n16rlullullu►I�unlul)�uuIH1�11111J1I1I11111uu�ln�h�►I�nalnulw)IIuu�1ulDIuI11�1ttllnlllu11u�11nnlullluuJ1a111I11lN flnullu�Ilnl�ftll�tnlluNlntdHlt�WN�IHIlY�111ui11un11n11n11lulll IlI�i111YlNlutl .. JULY 7 1 g 92 a The applicant shall obtain written (approval) (acknowledgment) from the Oregon State Department of Fish and Wildlife (to) (for) (that) _ prior to issuance of a (Building Permit) (Public Improvement Permit) . The applicant shall obtain written (approval) (acknowledgment) from the Washington County Health Department to) (for) (that) prior to issuance of a (Building Permit) (Public Improvement Permit). Evidence ri-r.onstrating that the assessment has been paid in full, for LID No. (and LID No. ), shall be provided to the City (Engineering Office) (and Building Office) by the applicant prior to issuance of any pp.-nits (and prior to recording of the partition. _ The applicant shall provide for roof rain drainage to the public stormwater system. The applicant shall provide for connection to proposed buildingz to the public sanitary sewerage system. A connection permit is required. _ Standard half-street improvements including concrete sidewalk(s), driveway apron(s) and curb(s) and CR road ba3e and AC pavement and ped-bike path and utilities including sanitary and storm sewer(s), st-eetlight(s), shall be installed along the frontage. Said improvements shall be designed and constructed to street standards and shall (conform to the alignment of existing adjacent improvements) (conform to an alignment approved by the City Engineer - ) S nitary and storm sewer details shall be provided as part of the (Building Permit plans) (Public Improvement plans) . Calculations and topographic service area - basin map shall be provided as a supplement to the Public Improvement plans, to demonstrate evidence of area - basin full development serviceability. The location and capacity of existing and proposed (or future) lines shall be addressed. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Engineering Section for approval . --- - -- ------ Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Section has issued approved public improvement plans . The section will require posting of a 100% Performance Bond, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight fee. Also, the execution of a street opening permit or construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvemL,nt plans. SEE THE ENCLOSED HANDOUT GIVING MORE SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING FEE SCHEDULES, BONDING AND AGREEMENTS. �f !i A one 1' foot reserve strip �� " � ) p granted to the city of Tigard shall be provided at the terminus of Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public along the frontage to increase the right-of-way to feet from centerline. The description for said dedication shall be tied to the existing right--of-way centerline as established by The dedication document shall be on City forms and approved by the Engineering Section. DEDICATION FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. The area E.alow the 100 year floodplain elevation shall be dedicated as greenway - open space to the city. A monumented boundary survey showing all new title lineo, prepared by a registered professional land surveyor or civil Engineer, shall be submitted to the City for review and approval r,rior to recording (on City forms) . A non-remons rance \agreement for the future development of shall be executed by t;ne applicant, on City forms, and shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to recording. JW sb/dj59 c i , C 72--2- e-4AI / L• �- _ / G Ole o c� ----------------- --- -- 4x-- 7 //,/ z S eoovVill r /1 e`L A-* �.y�- _ ___�...._..,�._.____..�.. - - -�r��� .� �� �� -- ��� -- - - ;- � _. � � -- - ,� /o --�-�- _ -- - - . _ ,..arYiu9l 3 ♦ v ��� ,�..�� � �`�� ,�i � /%fi:-2 r- �•d } �,� ,G '•1,t �I�.,-. /7 �,! y+ ;,r,/(% l / � � �� �'' t � ♦ ,._.►•✓ � � ,... _� ,,+ti,.� G- L'('tet r�y'�c___. - r` ro 4bl 46 EXHIP11' "A" AN EASEMENT FOR UTILITY PURPOSES BEING 7 .5 FEET EACH OF OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CENTERLINE : BEGINNING AT A POINT THAT IS 1 ,485 .00 FEET S(.'TH 012' IS- EAST AND 40 . 04 FEET NORTH, 89 * 16' 13" EAST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 2 souTH, RANGE I WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF TIGARD, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON; THENCE 640 11 ' E . , 11 . 80 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0043' 29" WEST, 226 . 1:3 FEET; THENCE NORTH �:40 F-7 ' 2.5" EAST, 26a. 76 FEET; THENCE NORTH 04, 12' 46" WEST, 227 , 59 FEET . 2 .,.`f,............................... .. .n 3NV-1 GOOM83AIH MS L-b ' 3N1- 010 on I' m h rTv7�' /Tmom //ci�v //���+ XT01 m //mom. n; V! V7 Y/ V/ V7 m I lit vi Q yr �i fD N N� w m 1 m n In . rn �, o m N m m h m m m CD 0 it a ►n O 4c `i ► J q It rJ - — -4*- ..�. . ..... .... ......•..a "1N3•b _ - - . LV 3N11; M:° m o r. o It it 4 O Cl) cu ID t to mimimt.— �n W ►. n J WY JF (7 3� Sty �� 1 -7 VL SN/ vi i LO - a - cl y k5 v tD ((DD N I rr) r u � u rn • r II q If) N i ►�� I .9 �►�---- _,.�_ • ...., ............. ......... . .., .. ............. l•+ �b1I1 •M S•.. ...... cm C-d 3NIl �f� 6� �.. � Ire 1• ,ORA/,V L/Ne-:S ,¢p A/C. .93 C. PHASE 1 i PHASE 2 9Q ;,"c• ,,,,A NG6' QIP O — _ I Q t z.s� - 7.5 W 1 —7•S� I Z *- /565 J I 28 27 30 29 I 26 25 v I,, 24 P` 75 76 I v� �Q 4.,IcL OSGB 3-'E'.Sf 0 4#CC sr• sno 7f . s3lo-�eILr ioG.e /5968 ob --�_ — / SW 104TH AVE. rt 17 \ I sT S r4 /0:;f /6. 04 B+ 79. 4/ a 5'L SR: 1�q. s 8 0 22 i 23 74 iqa f A7 0� 6'TEE C �"rE. 2tln 64 /+04.57 PT m/ 20 L+ L= s i /58.67 - °an - —kuN 83 19 / /►so oi�P ;6Ge �( Lc5 I L/NEA IN -7 AIL ui SeE T-E A- rA- O OrJ L/NE A-/ Z Q ce 62 66 0*00 LINE A_ !.f 6 STUB R:/62.061 a ,, c s Z Q 6•�TEE S TEE 81 n,r 146 �� �S ,c_S � l � f sTSrq- /f SJ 2/ •;, 16 17 _ GR.- 167-21 < t: N 8 ---A-2 1 r SCB r; 4 50 W/SOL"D L/C 6uTEE �'"TEE 80 I Be Z 2 SEE P F7 t z0co ISO- O OD L = S S7"ADS m ,.' G.F: .,5:7 Z/ R ';TOPNA np A ins pi Ani J •. _� U M l4 I s� INn -____------------------------ 1 _ V M a IQID 9 ryi ry� at �. 1n 1 411 9,4 ,,1&0/, v s /V. T. S. �rrN wwe4b _ � III 56 55 54 IPP rrr�T. DrT_h, � III I 57 � �•(0 a� 53 9XI,57 A.C. - -fI I � y 0 A i l I 56 52 G AP 59 ce 7f 46. 16Z U) o C3 sr STA 0,4¢q. /q 40 Frac ro BE I � \ 51 PEatc vEt 50 ;'0 5 TEL0CA;ct; pP I . LINE A- 1 f ' rk 4� tj W _I 45' I �Ap �x �c �j`� Prov /S 17. 22 l� ST. s;A �,� 26. 61 m 2 �3 I� I - , 4 5 6 o I � J I I I EX/ST R/w 1 , I I Ex/5 7/N6 e'Pt;•1/,1/ 1 5x c C 33' 45 _ ,I J h 1 L ¢6. 85' O , sur, 10. 00 0o I 2+0 . 47 R- 3L J 0 90`31'„ _ 47- 4-0' - - D e-.,e, T'(P Q � N � Q< s •� N Q 1 , 1 ID (rQ: � Q o a Q W i v U. Z w cr o - o __j z N F- Q U L W W U f J W n. i J � W > I a N � � x W C) s z L * I I � M -►1 » %s d Z _0 � C\JO I � � + � W M I • I � I CID 10 W , N : a WCL ;•;a 0 a.� . cr) f z X z �. M i3 ..: aILL M f'a a o :. a = � a 1102 O Q J Z z J W to W d O = N F m wool nH o 0 m n � OV U J W _�� W W Q a cn 9 in — F. 0 � Z q W Z 1L O cr U Q cr d 7: z W — Q 4 0 cr fn Oma_ � M `V• �Off z �N n ty 0� o Ilya h�+ ,. � .- ..L- __ ► -- ._..-_ - i 3AIE10 N3Aid MS fl OD IV'l co cc co r li"R I � OD m [ m 4 m c Q� a�� M6 =s n CY) � r fX 151: 6x•A LSE/ W U r Ex/Sr. GRADE P�'OPO SF�,b GRADE � � 1 195 -- 195 Ex/sr. GRADE . a fRWCE 160- _ _ _ ____- _ !60 18.5 -- - _ ___- /86 J O -- -- - ---- - - ____- _ -- -- - - - ---- -- .. /170 /E: /60. 00 _ MV< oi!5 B vop f+vC o o h r ox Li P C 1 g"(^ ORA S- o,oees `/r - B cs) /B/. 40 -195 ')�' L F- 150 2 150 175 ---- ---- - -r-_ _ - ----_ - Q -- - ------- - 175 /Bv -` 180 Z '4 v .'E: 152.92 /N N�O A/ cT t� 152. 72 . 1E: !r6. 2/ /N(E.;'v 0 V /E: /76. O/ oUT lf: /®2. 9/ 0417- 0* 417 n oa NIS I 0+ 00 I 00 0+ 00 /+00 2-000 3+ 00 0+ 00 >+Oo 2*00 LINE A-4 LINE A-5 LINE A-6 In -T � 1>1 ' � � � mea. Z i W Q � -- -.- --- - - ------- --- - - ----- - /55 lG0 - -- --- - -- -. 160 165 -- - -- --- - - ------ - -- J65 195 -- -195 d EX15T. SRA 1:).E O * FX'ST f A DE O tp O Q za 150 oe 0 -� _� r- - - --- 150 15,5 p -- 1�5 /60 0 -- ---- --` ' -� ---- N I - -- --- l60 190 f -_•TOl'A9 Q 145-- 1 ------ 145 !s0 , ---- - -- 150 155 --_--- ---- -_-_ _-_- --. _-- -----___ -_._ �f -- /55' Z I I "csP o PVG L S = o. o%52 �_ "csPle q1 1E: 144.4A'." /E. 147.69 ----- -"� (� S � 0.0440 � E: \ Sy O -- - -- -- -. _ - - - ---- - --- 140 1Bo 1 14 E: 142.-40 IA/X 4' 26.? L,O _ 9-CSP PVC - IE: /5: Si -24 R 8�c."S�or P T� ' I i /E: /42. 20 .�U .rV) �\ 5 - D. .'�50 ��S _ O. 0246 ' zo /N CW y j IE: 02.5/ IN(N IE: 14-7. OU7 /E': 149. 99 Jul I E: 1B2.3/ af,/T 0-r 00 /+00 2+ 00 3 t 00 4-000 0400 / + 00 0-t 00 /10100 2 t 00 34,00 16+00 17*00 /49+00 LINE A-- 1 LIME A-2 LINE A-3 LINE A (CON'T) X � o k 70- /70-- --- - + ----- -- - --- - - - -_ ---_.-----_.-. -------- - --- - -- ---- _ ----- - _ - - - - _ . -_-_--- lu - - - 1,0 Q ` - ---�--'v -- - --N ---..._� ` _- /65 /SIO---- ----- __ 1Q0 Q w -- -- - --- -- - - --- - -- N h -4 t4 00 ire O EX/ST Z-1. G 1495-- -- IB5- i RROPOSElb TRADE 1 - cX/ST oil- /55 - __ - ---- - /55- -/430 180- yg ) pvc 0 ve, Ir e =0.00 /50 7� - 1 8 � p oR L'�',-- \ / /7,5 /50_- - -175-- - ---- -- vc �J''GSF' /E: 157. 00 IN(/V) v \ r IF: 152. 92' /N(Nw,�'�YE.� /E: /55. DO OuT �J /E: 17(,• 21 1N(N6E) L-A S 72 our �P 1E: 176. O/ OUT I �G 5 . o F ' 0 C�f of 0' - -- - , 77,zro• f3 �F" g' IE. 1¢$. SBp/N I /E. /57. 94 1 (/VWJ 10 �' �' �•, _ _ Nv w _-- 4. 145. 66 our \ 'E'- T 40 lWMrf> /-( d" ) 2'0044 5 iE.. 14 1 Oar /E; 1411. 9p our _ I 140 4''oSP �R VC O U ' �' S z �) 00140 IE._. 1_42. -�O 1A1'NTE) . . N IE. 14 L cur /E: 142. 00 IN 1 1E 14, 7> �v� iE �r p�;d�c' ro �✓ti -�v T/Q ) 01, 00 1 t 00 2-000 3+00 4+CSO 5* 00 6 t 00 7+ 00 g i�� + UO /D t 00 /1-000 12*00 13#00 14-000 15-000 1G r 00 • I IiN oATI RIV1510N KY LINE A INC" DISIGNED SCO DATI March '1987 PROJECT SHORT 1 " : 50' HORZ. ALPHA sNa1NERRINa 1 " 5' VERT. DRAWN TBT SCALE 1 SO N 5111 v1750 SW. SKYIIN! §LVD. CHICK NJH PROIlCT NO 1345 SWANSON'S GLEN SANITARY SEWER PROFILES 7 SWANSON GLENL PORTLAND, 02100" OP75=1 n ' 2.4 1A ( !{05 1 497 1438 A'I�ROV/p $+ I a� 9 w�:•J -. �iiSllur4i/ ... � rI111fI11W r + +^ .. - dl ,�•�re..e�rr...•.. i�11�111 111I�j1 ►jljil�ijl�l 111'I�I I�111�I (1�1 I t�111 Dill) 111 II IIII111 Ill�f�� 111111 111111 111 111 111!111 11111,1 111111 111111 11,11111 111 It1'111 111 1 ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 ...� 3 4 5 6 7 8 ® i0 I I -_!2 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS I.UTIGfi;-"IT IS DUE TO IF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ---_ - DRAWING. Qg 6? 92 LZ 9Z SZ 1Z EZ ZZ 1? OZ 61 91 L 1 91 91 U I E I 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S ► E . . -� -,.. "'��' ��NIIIu111n11r111ri11111�1111u111u11111�In�lullln�1111111t11bIH11111�It���111r1�11ruIIIn1111uIIIrIlI1111fInINuInIrlrNl�1111111411�nllrinllu11r1u►lnllunittt!Ilutlattlttttltnlltn�� Illlnrl1n11111111u1111t11) �uWllt�ltltic!nt��tluH ~ Imp- JULY 1992 R. 42 ' 4 = 236°.517'0 " • hi , o 24' 17 11 00 a� p Y �g 2: 2' G - 279°4G" 58" Q _ 205. 07 - 70 U ILI � o 8 1, O 7 70 9S z rV Z4 400 06'55.. ,y. N — — ak Tp Vol. •rt---�-- - - - - -_ _., - � - r- - �= 2� L'" II t Ate,or ��� , JiQI •� ! SW 104TH AVE. - _ 30. `34' 24 f CJ �A zgle b� s I A c T i I ! • 9- 24' / i L 37. So' \� I V `. 9C ! _ r A\3t 0/. rl ' ` ) Xi� g'X 't I d 04'90 /qA. /y � d _ 8�'' '� ��/ �� � ,z I ��, s`� � s I •a3. /� I(�N_ , a _ 5�°3/'/8" L _ ¢4 _ �� ID�nl� tin ![ `y�O ! J1�2� < l� NY,/ L 2/. .58' ir 14 GUS P �\ T �` 3p _. //, S -- y — --- — — — ._ 11 Ik V 7a lei 4a�` �' ��,""T' ijh •��� I • � '•! * •• � / x/91 �. �' ,, '�'w`� N` �� ,J� �}�� I i" � •` � � tp +, � 1 .1,1'/ ��O � y ', Qtr��b Op � a •�\ ���4Nt . . ,•� �41 dris �5(�• !ZO r,,, I S 3o ' 7 ' 4 I ! 7 sr'3/'/, L 5a CL c� I v - 3' Ili DAT• I1004"sa" •Y f r' SC© DATI March 1987 P R 011 E CY MUST oIIzl�Nto ALPHA ENOINEERINQI INC. ---- ' DRAWN TEST fCAti 1 - 20' 1720 =w. SKYLINI OLV6. --CM/CK NJ" PR01ICT Ne 1345 CS' WANSC7N' S GLEN INTERSECTION DETAILS 8 PORTLAND, ORISON 9T211 all Pb ( 503 ) 297 - 1458 APPROVIo PHASE I . _, .._; ... ,. -;> ,.__ _. _..,.. _,... ...... . .. .. arraca^ ._...., MRn�wn«5..,wN., .►-,aw..,.+ ,..r. - F.,. r..-.— -....,»- .-.. ,.,.._, _ _ � , �'" ._ .... . � �t�l�j��,����+�Ie��1���1i�ti�rl�1�1I1I1l1��� rij -'`�..• _ .....,..�.�,.�--�'.`�"..'"_ - _ - ,_ _ • � � - _I . .. . r (r,�,t(II'�Iljlll I111I1) IIIIIIflllllr''III1I111I111I111)IIIIf11I1IlllIII1I1�'1tI1IIIIII�TIIIrIII'III'lilr'li�����i���ili � i� � . �' ._ _.._ � ,. 4 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILME2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 D — •— DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN THIS N0TICfij'1T IS DUE TO j}IE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAI DRAWING, oc 62 8Z LZ 9Z SZ 12 EZ 22 IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 G! VI EI ZI 1 ! O1 6 9 L 9 S l E Z ��I,luuluulllullullu�ll►wbnlllu�lnlluulua�llulil��b11�1����11���l�llluullnlim�lnulmlilu�l;1�1111uI1u11n1+1 ,n11u11unlufIhu14,m111u1111u�1tt�Innitllll1rl11ut�lnllmllullu111nn111nhtuu�uublu�ulllllu�lu11tu1�uuNtn 1 Installation of fire hydrantis r � I'4e Vise hydrant a>sr>o abLy *moist• of -----------41110 6" NJ MODERN MUILL114 09UTUNUM OR 1=0" t1 WNO SACK FIRE MYORANT A-442 4;4j. OF WALK x t" 3'1+2 tai, E" lila : l gate valve, i" M.7 X 11J bo101u9 f or WW B 1/4"'U"t i ORT, 1 1/!" ><poal, andlfodelru MuellerC�eattrs•iom list' hydrant,, A-442, }�J�� o� WAY. !*EMT OrA. "VT OPEN . _ • - .r. M ___ LEFT+ COLOR: 'TILL OMI Go INT, ISk" MVD, 3-port (3 - 2�a MIST hose elas, eonnctio • 1 �- 4t'" ltf? pumper) , 1�I" Pont Ops Vhxt, open lett, volas: 18TAMC*JW #A16NUOLe _ - � yellow. �►111s- GOv'!1U 6ROU�T/—' 1'1a>,IISM 6PA -- UT1i..lTY i.St'►� __ �_-JfrI�AAtL.IDnI_IWI� _ L �w w - �TYt�1 CAL- w,+^►. _._. : `C■ON GP`CTE �XT'C1iS1011_R11J� s'-�. ' _ 3-0' s= _ so � VALVE •0 R �WSTI1rLL AS Rt uI11E Tp tSRtNb 6RA.DICD NT'ILIT1t - " �OE1�LK EXTENSION MAIM OM R d• 1aAUi1lE TO .�TlC,lr'�j ,LT�rrIC,AL.� s OR LESS � _ � A.N. caves it P*SIGW G!U►DE ( "K. 3 RINGS) ,, c"MIN Exyvsv� . M sil o./ ,81,1c,N°At' •. . _ I L�/1tL L�✓GL iT -IMRE I - EC b_&NT'RIG 1AAQVi�-- -Mll I • d•-_btPt�J�.LK TV v�Il rt s I 1E� Si'br15A>ai 1,IT( e� �Ev�f.4rER� a FLa x MJ + f1AM-IJtK JOI PIT MA'MKI AL. CoMwvCTWO sue-e " • �•p• _ MJ HYDRANT OUTLET � SATE VALVE 0) OR AL. 1 _ A6riiAL"=1G LONG• Ixyu >}t l ® � W STP 49 MANNOLF- I%ls%R 11(Z' �aB "•b" dSI'NALTtC COQ, cc "r 8w =a p' GM>5�l fs,D �9G IS�SEL 7 . �IFA� MAIN WMJxFLi COVER ROCK TEE (SEE FLAN) W/TAR FAFER-'; . yf�••' _ 6 kJxMJ • *--t�OT% LOMT INCH OF rY PTT Re41JI so _ BEFORE BACKFILL' __ MOLDING SPOOL THRUST BLOCK ' 'WtT1 UA O 111- YBXA►1% 0 $4. FT. MIN. Asn amu- -_ . TO(t41y 6ROdVEri IIJVIBPRT'_TO �� CAMrA[T�D� 6KA111JLJ►R " �_/��r� s BEAR/N• �tttiaecretv�o�- rLaM► - TYPICAL STREET SECTION I In - 3/4 CONCRETE PIER ;�'a='¢ ^,e o pAGK!•1LL _ GRAIN ROCK BLOCK (3 $0. FT. O'E1N314lIls'A!Z!A5A6GN6 v x so. BASE ) MAI. FORM A 11"Tu SIT O'P biRClLit•- OR I' - ` 7 !� I R ' ' '=' I • .' i ' WO MIN PMI" STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT + ' i ► 1 + `�c4o+A ►c0 1/4�v- HOLES I N C.IiR . - TWO �E� 1'Iot..E� � o - P� tet,✓E w,S rs> -. ' a MIK --- X --- I '`:: • ;'.il ,:r.:';..,.,:�. a; —r_ ___— 32 -0" ---- EXP. /2••PRE- 4DED EXPANSION r_1 C1NT I JOINT Fi LFA 1 " !� l - • • _ / 11 a' i 7 �e����� EDGE `6 �� 16=0" 1Ic-• 0" / 1 / APRON SLOP$ SI �.. y\7 �1 j ` . 1.11�•.�. � IMY&.//+& �v ,./_j• fff \ ` V ' C/� /fti .. GDIV DIT I G1N S .Ie�tll P E. r v (R I STANDARD MANHOLE , 3 _ �.,� �,� -, : 6�c1''�Wat�K .�ollyr PDX. *SPA - a a --a-�- s'"` 4o' owe r r c oR mr Au•• tineas IW �10f SECTION -A--- us& sc ov fir, ezxj c . C ?.e PAY ZASAAIM6 � �_ � _� J.�.�= V11*'1707 -.- KACE 0 CvRE1 — sT�AT�� - p Q 1 I r 1 ( 1 . 3.O• STANDARD SIDEWALK SECTION 4 � i APRON SLOPE + 0.0720 - �- A.' • • TOP Of CURB EL Q D A 11 sus X10 6e1•ow�se so- Meet Mect.�"e Bolt. STREET BARRICADE s:" '.;►:'':+' ' aC Q 4 '.A •1 4 With weshers. 2 Botts Per. Rail Per Past. ��-0=4• • ��. ::.: _ r �:..a. SECTION A-A L-s ' l d 0 o ♦ ' N T. S. . A y D'MENSIONS 011 ,� d O v d 2)a•X 6• Post-Treetea And r .i al,tA IMA1M X '0 42 Ji {6 la 27' �� •� - �^ O C `7 A e 1' 4 '� T Ike 1Z ' �, O� 3-. d o C ;)2 x • Cress Reo1•—!aIle PeieteA Bleu With YYAIfe NOTE: CONCRE'E SHALL HAVE A PAIN. 2'@AR VYx2rt1A �`' O �' ° .Reflecto.wel Stripe. / BREAKING STRENGTH OF 3000 "� 7 „ J7���� A • Y 1 PS' AFTfc 28 DAYS. \Jj 3_ 2/ _4 RESIDENTIAL —_-- --�' 1 - DRIVEWAY � P/ RESIDENTIAL D (2o ISARs) Ih">t Z"x 2'-IP? B N STANDARD CURB (N.T.S.) WHEN SEWER ANTER ABOVE `•- -_- So7rTOM o` MM FORM � � LL GONcRETE Tb BE 3,000 RSI. IN ?$ Dilrs �� O — --� � A f-as.ET of �,rov r o� cowc C. q 'ley N' ��2s+eel PL 1 AS /AtO/GA TEA -- __ ._ 3 --3-3-3►� Jr r C O_6• a rb �i@L I t�.rF.D- ItIWC•N" ;1 • C C s Q I J t2M-2-1fa24rt"x7 S' !� 1:: : ;'{W: 8"-0" O S' `i d SOLID LID _ ,•-.-�; _..,,. _ _ . • �•. ,• �, -...-- ar� -^.•.- •;:t. ® ., •� ; K.�..o� 'y t ?.:.ti::• uTIL. tTY ATTR 1 P N.T• s WROUGHT � Y`• WrM/ri. Y....� � ' ,`• •-}V,j�ll` �• ' _..._.._ FRAME AND GRATE -SEE WTAL T r o r� SIOEWL'K SLOPE 0.0208 _ STANDARD MANHOLE PLAN i !4f RAMP SLOPE WET �L s+IOE1F- =r r-�Tl a Few-MA% Ata aWArsLA< 3► . -•! 3�0' TRAVELED RI�iMT 9W NAY STUDS t4I-V2s5 P.T� 1- r ••• a•o' SECTION C-C TNR051"5EO" IVAT1Yt MATE'�'11ALS .. r= -CRUSAv RDCK , CLtAN, 3'•3-3io' 3-0' +._' : � • IINDteaTUR,Dt� IrJIRYH 1N Bd*%1bA&9*jT d+ltiDA Uiri�iOt , i~1A.PW AND C01APAa-769 � �• ---Y'-33� �Q _ . PA �•.- i o191f DRAW _ ° a 4 Tom.WEEP :: \ GRAN AT _ '� �' . � '� _ - P11D'E' � f ITfi t►J G St2 E� 1•-- :` i. S -ID' "- i SEE W ATTR 3YSTIM Edi LTIT' SUBGRKP- ADE �.y 6 6 ti •¢ ._ _ �' I'2"MAX — f . _ :' '!I �• - W STREET ..sr. _. , •. >~ 'f 1 `�.: -a ,. •. - GoNGREt E 'T H RUST OLA1.K ems'GH�F 3AM• 0" CRUSHED ROCK tEvEllaG 'SIX ••T*nx* DENV_tIIIS 1 Roo nA:Bo►Io • .�►^ • `t .f COURSE AS SOIL CONDITION REOIIIRE .Q. P 3 F't Z.0 P*' L• (HIM) 1. ,'� cI. 4 Fe 3 fT 2.0 rr _Le_ • '" .r ,il flkL.tee.T GlRmuLAJk AAAT044L• �� • •l,.:t• ,�r. .: s• . • ' ZONCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO IN Owl M Z.®NE - 954X. COKE* •*;CSN BE 3000 PSI AFTER 22 DAYS . SECTION A-A SECT:vN 8-9 TN RUST BLK AT F171 tJ615 — DUAI L ! .• .� VV.YV►1 TO BE VW P.S.1. IN 29 DAYS . � r r. r , i 6 SACK WX �4 '- 1 ' ,:`X, • °�' r. BICYCLE AND WHEELCHAIR RAMP _ W1211111 11r OVERSIZE. CATCHBASIN N • T . S . N.T.S. "* *ATI Revision BY OtSIdNED PATI March 1987 p R OJ E CT SHEET STANDARD TRENCH ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. oleAwN :eAl•I NONE . SWANSON'SMISCELLANEOUS ��T'A ! l.S 91710 SMI. 6KTLINI BLVIL GLEN ^WANSr�t� ' ,� 13LSN CMICR MJH PR,OAICT IIe 13�fi . 13 OF 24 PORTLAND, ORIAON 97231 .ter....—• Ow C 1103 1 292- 11'74 - APPBovID PHASE I ��1 .00 1 11111 I1111fl'11111II II11'•I11�111$jV 11 (111 111111 1111t�1 1 111 ^II�(IIIl�1�1111�,111111 1111111III�Ir�IiI�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1I1111111I111I111IIII�II1tIIIrIII1111111I1111!1111t111Ii 1 p ,r 1 J I 1 10 I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �' ''^+� 1 2 • 3 4 _ 5 8 7 9 ------- DRAWING DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN y THIS NOTICE;- TT IS OIIE TO SHE_ QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 0C 6? 92 LZ 92 SZ f2 EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 B1 LI 91 51 t,I EI F I1 01 a O L 9 S ti E Z 1'"Saw ,,.• 1111Un11111111111I111111111111�1111111111�1iu111111nI111n11111t111F1Lull111I611111111u1111111�uu11n1111n111�11nn111111111111NNII11111I11111111111111111111111111111t1�111111IIIIIINIIIII�1111)1W�111 1111ulllllnllullu111unllw�ll 61ijohiii ii:)1111111111n�wliiii JULY 7 1992 _ .....r. ... ....._ ..--+r,w.,...._. --.r +wy-.q.. 11�.{...... ---,'...,., .rA^�,�.,,_•gi......._.".,�..r..._- _._ .a'- _••__ _. .. ,_ _...1. .... R':w+ •. • - —_• - __ . I S I :O,VS rR vc r oI'rc ti A5 EQ'D I A.C. g• air"-o ar�sr.�Rcxk PCOAERrr' �--- 5iiouL pER -1 2" ��4». 0„ C.R. � f - 21 M I N. ST P 1N5TAI- q00 Ar RA/N 0AA/N L/NEs tP.R' S.W. DURHAM ROAD SECTION ��'�:� (SERVlN6 a �w. �� a PNAGa 1 PHASE Z pr, 70 S. W.ROED ✓o NrEMA,tizv�i p ��tro T. S. �.,� OAirrA14. , swr g Am,PBE,NEN • 1 • 1. .51 O I 44 43 �. rs' W �'' 95 56 55 } ! 3 i I 78 I 1 a .\ 2 J I I Z8 27 26 " , w 1 - - --� 54 � I ,/ 30 29 � I 25 w 24 � �`' 75 76 77 ____ __----_----___._ Il O 1 I Q t 36. 27 SZ 5'7� Ot ylq. q7 IIT I4. _ - 45 Y p.5�B 3.6B �, ` • /Sa.s�79 94 19 z,r ,vsrR cr I n. I o o �/� �,, Ecce w I I I 57 ��. a3 - - - - _ - - j -_ UX �6 I 33 v 0 _ A i �,. � � , los t� 53 46 , N ' 4i �: 8'!11 104TH AVE. -�' !y' F ,3. 5 �sw ;c�NT sr I ,f i \ u - -; �" l N/s�+ Pt_ i B9._? SC` b - -_ I , "' d0 o,M 93 I �' Lt � /a8' � - -- �a-�' �y 1 �R� - _ F-O-4- 59 3452 47 / 40 \ m sr. STA /o+ /F. 0492 ! ots� 11 B+ 79. 41 is 5- oM: /E9 3� �G ; ' i/ 0. 21 22 _ o 1l0sitto.00 F,_ 1 ' oe /� nyBe b _ /s' /s 74 73 QQ 59 T87 3_6 `7+ ¢6. 6% � o i � I oR° GR.' /FO. 96 _ 82 9i r s7A o ¢q• 4 \\ , 1 "' 35 - ��R: /!►4. .�v ! 36 J6/.a'- o,p Z*TOE 64 T6 rf - o� Qrlx To BE I - 51 50 49 48 39 38 37 zeas �-, s - CPP 1 /Z CCP_ 9f�f 2O ! _ O > 6 /T /7 6 ; I BE RE GATED O cs 4-Bq• Ptt I a S S 7 ¢+ 73. 77 I 03La 2 3s rte, --- °Y (' 'fit?.64 I - � z I 72 I 90 W - , 's, �. sr sT,w `� a.sg �? "' �,boE 63 �7' l7' 65 7, / 83 o• ,c i � � J A�-- I� I I `- - - - . ' - - _._ _ _ ,.�s �I 9 i9 G"IFF �. /t,'1/� 4 i/. 4.Z - - _ 5 ' - __� - Q I ST. S47 5� tj3. 7® - _ R i� RP ,164-I3 J,� L c 5 -/NE , Q I G / x5% I2 LINE A,-1 �' _ 11- 2xlJQ ��``� \\ -- - - -- _ - - --- ` _ _ . JO. OI r /Z - - - -_ _ -a• -�- ,�a-�, r -�1�� S DETA W I SSS4` -< 66 7189 N d! (off F . w --•►-- -'r P zz,C1 O f 00 A-/ I Z ev ^ I c 1 5 ; I i 01. o 0 SW 104TH AVE. I \� d�;�e %+/6.34 a vE ! 62 84 vI u� - MoRY'vE'�IE,vT �E r'r { f ----� O+Op C,ME A. !- ! G"'STUB •,�ti• �' <' - - - , - --- +?-- _ ...- -- -' ,_ R:/62.obi g 3o z I _ / I ~ _ r MH 6_ �n. 66 ►� 3 -- ------------ -- - n _ �•• ti H - _-- __ -. ._ �- .3 t 51. !? P o t�!ry1 01&1 22 r - rw kst v V) 9 rq ST 3TA Zr 26 61 r, a� w • I t Gr/RVED STO�PM ORA/N '�I 67 _ 70 qe 65 88 i >•�E H i _ o• ro eE o.ti�uE'r r.�so vE v�j'C o \4` ►\In �� /•01.9/.00 - _ T 2 h ST ..STA 4f zq. 24 �� G+1�; 6 TEE - t� I ' : � s �7 / S� ST 57A .3+ 4. 56 3• � � P/PE R� /5S oe Q3 i I *1'" 4 g 6 7 6� 1 3.,$6• N'� DI�' /5J. / /. Z/ - - Gp: /5Z. G¢ IS fi ` La a 24o//' S$" . 97 8 Qw 10 11 12 13 014 015 18 17 q _ A�i -iE ; /4�-4i -� n \ L, 67- 15' N srn� � { I b ' ' ( � � �,*� 't MIR -IR'+-2 �`� \ D� . ,N'1�,�►' j 1� V� Nsi N I os ca ¢ 50 W1,501-/0 /ta y ,,, E 60 I ; ! 68 69 1 86 87 • v� • I ! •r oo /A/ A. SEE' DFT. rEE f.2'� i I 1 CB Of�.00 I i of �rTGN 1a f'UTVRE '_✓� (n >PP. GR: /58. 00 > OtS Lc s ( ST S7A. /-*57 L/ EXIST. R/Wgo A WHEEL CIfdAIR /LAMP STREET & STORM DRAIN PLAN 1 s0 �- � � - 17 6. 15z.7 - Fv�ARE s��eEE' ✓b= 5g ' JRF�AIV CO/Vw TRY/G1'Eo ! i GID✓Ek �aND�Nr !i�' IQ7 I I 1 1 I oScB of/9. o� NOTE: Clry S -Z:. 5T,PEET 6AA'F',C 4V5 TG 3E :NSTA��E�: GH c r CF RATA SE / E5MT i 1 O'� =8 I_ Sr STA. 4.,, 3_4- 3/ Ex/ST/N6 C.POM/N 1 I o ,g/ :STs Q 39. 31 I �. -1-_ __ �__. aR.' /4L. 9� I rrRR,w/N(/5 vF �« sruB sr��srs { ar o/s sfl 144. 93 . - _.•_ _ t \ ,E • /�. 43 /E : /44 4-3 I I 1 I � EX/S T/N'G h 4d VC 6O ' ✓�_ 3Z P /2" cGP-,' I t I =JRBS ��\ 0 � ' L°= -O./OI u e : f.�. q4 � S - 0. 03/5 20 I 0 �� , •PiC�il?5E0 GE I of v 1n '� 0. ' --- 205 170 ' 170 170-- S 70 - _ __ 17✓ N FX IST. P►75EC ;z>< ti> _,,�,, r ;tt FX/S7 ��BADE 4, 5 e o. Pon � / 1 200 - - ----- -- -- -- zoo _ _-- J/ i --}--- l65 Ii5 16.5 -- /65 .� �0' I 1 195 - 'TI / 0 i 160 ---� _moo -- -- - --- - --.. ._ 60 /90 �! 4c - - - - -- -- - l q0 /55 - ---�„�e p ___ 155 /55 -- ry 4 _ ._ . - /55 _ 01� v o m 41v 4 0+00 I+Po 0+00 /*00 !J / e a: ' o v o o � '� PROFILE -- EYEBROW & CUL-DE--SAC I N o I N - _ - _-- - -- --- -- _ - lgo AT S.W. 104TH AVE. + + PRINTED 130' VG N�0 740' V 100' VG , FE O. q5 � e . _ o. 89 . _ __.____ ------- e = - 0.016HORZ60 VERT. i c , n MA'r N 1 1�d; AY , a+ ov /*00 z*00 9f00 a 00 5+ 00 6+00 /foo C/Ty' DF T 11 - SCALE IN FM B Seri y7 D/•ta,i� r� PROFILE - S.W. DURHAM ROAD Ke DATt i R�VIiION - rY- HORZ. 1 ' : 54' VERT. 11 ' : 5' ALPHA ENGINEERING IMC. o�s11oNRo NJH DAT/ FEB 1947 PROJECT VNEST DRAWN TOT SCALI AS Races STREET/STORM PLAN v 17150 6W. SKYLIPIN BLVD. SWANSON9S GLEN 3 SWANSON ' '_LE?I CHICK NJH rROJICT N• 1346 PORTLAND, oR�aoN .,=i, STREET PROFILES rw c •o; 497 • 1438 �rr���.'alo PHASE I & 11 OF 9 r./• ,wt w••vt wren., . w • Y, � . .y. 2 .. - •n- -a r . - ..«..'.._...71"MrC' 'Z...r._. . , • ,.,»v. +w0• q ` ...... .v. •n•+r�n�rs:'+ixrp'r1?'T- :•^'R"RL"•!+- n+wr+',ppnll!� _ amm ,,i I' b ( I f I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I I _[ I I , I.IIIt II 1'�III�IIfIIIlI111111 II III1 1111IF11 IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII 1111111 111'111 IIIIIII iIII�II IIIIIII IltllllllilJill 1 I• ` ' - -- r i I 1 I I I I I4 NOTE; IF THIS M ICROFI DIED .� 4 5 6 ..�7 8 ® 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICi r-IT IS DUE TO J)HE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. - - - - - -- -- OE sz ez a Rz sz trz ez zz Iz 01z 6 {1 el L1 91 sl at el al II 1 01 � R t 9 's.• �,-•'y •.'. EI•-- z 1=�•l�° i/11111 I I I I I I I(I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I1111111111111�1111JInilgi!llulllal��lINIIIMIIal�dlilNFMl�Hlltl)ultut l u 111111 t l uu l l u(l ull�#IIN)01 1 I l l u l l i l l 11 ullli)1�11111111t�►IIII>111HIIIIIFFI���II IIII U I)I I11111111uuI1W1�111U1Nllulllll�uI1111111;1�IIliH JULY 7 1992 `5 NA T/V E AA GKF/L L- I iirrAr+UL AK NA7-iVE 49A :A91:-4GRANULA BACKFILL _ -----+i ._R _ _ >RANuLAR QAGKF/A4. C� N 170 y V ^ ^ J V) �A'A1oE b � �, �'i u � �ROPt%5E D GRADE v1 � " $I .•c. 1 Gi' i y P.pJPos�D P,�aE 60 • -7� _- .- ^ l 4 b /4 IF -109. B8 ,"'.;:sp �_ � SGP SEN l WER 97 �r 12"pPill12 !E _ /49. 45 IN (N �_- —.^• `.A SEWS. ^ I 150.A7 !NJ i lE = 5l. 2 7 /E: /57 /G o f , SAN 5EWEAC ` 1F /49.39 1N -.E c= 143.33 lE : 43 43 \ ! s!4�1 �j N /E Q !,4.0. 29 OUT IE _ /5O. 77 04/T I ---. /E_ /43. d7 ouT 140 /¢O otoc 1+00 2+00 3+00 4000 5♦Do G¢.00 7*00 8+op o+oo l+ oc� 2+� y '`I� 53 LINE A- 1 - 1 4 � = o. 0053 LINE B (PHASE 1) (PHASE 11) I , VAr/4 34 C&')01 --�A1ANULAR BAC /L /60 _.- --- ---� I j - /60 T r kAIPc. NAT/VE BACKFiL.L I I /f I :�ktiNUL R BAGKF/GL r /55 I -- - ---- -- 155 Z"CSf `-32 Lac `'� /E. /5 • _- 195 - ----- ---- -- r - - - 195 X95 f J•OI14 \/�~ SO. 00�j\_ - / l50 /50 lqo /¢5 /45 lei. 5 6 Lr 12"CSP_. ---- ►, 9. 9 0 3 94 !85 .x `fir Gf 4D� -- / `-/96• �+'?LF_ CSP \ /Er X85. 44-/ �F� cOSED srt',3DE .• --"� !ea --- - --- -- -- -- -- — --- — - --- -- ---- - -- --- IBS: LINE A-2 (PHASE 1) Q _ , /E. /84. 35 OVT �t SEWER 115 --- v W4 _ � ;.PA/V U.Ql� �-_— /VAT.'Vf BA 373. 45 LF_ /Zu ASF a� ,L;\l I Eta:�FiLL_ J ' a 170 - 0 � � � �� � - / - V 111 � � ►� l� 170 I - Z Ilk0 7 G'RO?C ED DRQ DE ' r c� � p N � : G'E 0 •• �p � RSP RAP - m _----- -- - - - 5 _ 60 � f It$- 16 3 I 4 eppr- --__ _ _-- l 0 ,) R/PRAP p 0 h W ' t /60 --- --- — -- —_ —__._.. - --- -------- -- --- - - 1 _.--- l60 /5 - J --`' b .�► 2 0 JV s O/ 55 N -- `-/JW. fj LF . 1/'CS/� ei S r o. -v od i'r M I L �xlsT-� 6 5D �f� Cs� s = aoo83 9 $AN.F- W � SAI,. •�EWEF' Y 1C F Y.f CSR S_ O �O .�E v F E: /S7 4h cV l55 ISO ✓p ,5S -- - -- ---- -- --- -. ---- --- - --- - -- --- - - — 0/ C�S• Oo /meq. 06 rv(N.� �/ I ;E. '$7 4 /n/ /E:/!'3 43 !N, /E: /55. ✓t� IN 67 6 w///E� E. /S?. 8 �� /E: "5-4 6.3 IN N6� E s;. /� ur o - - RE0 - \-/f_ t •t 3 r ✓E. / .5C , /E: /Sz. t+mvr /F: J53. 43 Ov � %E• /SS.OD{OtlT : 15S. �4 /N _ /E• ✓SS. 40 01/7' 0 +00 1+00 2+oo 3+00 4+00 5 +00 6 +00 7+ 00 8 t o0 9 � rX� ww� 0 + 00 1 + 00 2 +00 C -vle 4 +00 5+a0 G V i �T V LINEA Fri ��Ma��E �� N� 0 AT i R i V I S 10 N By LINE A �- 1 OtsllNlO sco DATI March 1987 PROJECT SHEET (PHASE ) ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. DRAWN TBT scALt 1 5 17 ,180 iw. SKYLIW[ ILVo. T N, , $0, H SINANSON'S GLEN STORM DRAIN PROFILES CHICK NJH ►RO)IC 1345 OF 5 PORTLAND, ORidON �7�a1 SWANSON ' � G15 Ph r S03 ) 197 • 1 458 A"ROVID PHASE I & 11 15 ur car.1wc •u v.a...« nw �^ rotlV'Qr"`^•' .yt _ -,,::l;;lai1. ^^ .... +'++�• ."^!�MIM� �, a:r-ir ___- ,.. __..._-...-._.— -- r — ._ _ - „ .._ _... ._ _ ._ .. .._ ___ .. _. I ...._. L I III ISI r�l fll 11 111 ill I�r r`1 1�1 Ilr rll 111 III 111 II! IIS III III III III rll rll III Irl 111 III III 111 �Y �` I I11111111I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 _ II 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICS-r-IT IS DILE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 8G 9Z L2 RZ SZ 1a 88 t8 IZ OZ 61 e1 L1 181 51 bl EI :1 11 011 - 9 l ii - "nr�In�IIIIluI1111u1u1111111�u111111�nI�1luI11N11uIIIIN1111N1111�i1t1�111u�11111111rH�fl�ttrrlrlrrlu!Illrrlllu{�M111�1 ullullllnllur IIIHIIIIIIrIIrlu1111t1) 1W111��ur1 JULY19 92 � r Irj i s .kN cA l � 1 !'• .l.lr L'1. i � _ti ( YW1 scw)b� iai 1 r t� •lt f wr .upt1 r IUY J I .Y 1 y I I 1 , S '• TIG AT C1RCULj-� i-;3, N Copy '-_-- aw w�cN�lr , ro. '.•,i •/ +' Yw �Rwi_� f,Y -.. .,vn ,µ" � ,� �' i 'fit? 5 APPROVED OR CONS R(4TIQN I r r 044..411�•{jw Iw'rn :�4 11 '1 ISSUED B -_,— DATC_ V Er I E t4 17 E; I ` I . / � •'4�N.wsm.r•��3.'+�� � r �i 0TY Of TIGµRO) ._.._...� JJII DEVLA SERV DEPT: BY ._D .___, ATE_ WASHINGTON CO r--� t I - ILE McT �w �� ; 1< `� . ► OPERATIONS OW. ec/� DA i y'r < 11wz _Nut �. , By DA '• T t P.G.E.Cts.: B '''`'� DATE / •.QH^TEL CO.: 13 �I DAT raw I CABLE CO.: DAT (Tar I I QQ 1 �ltJ## .w► 777rrr 4wr hl #, .. I ' �� I GAS Co.: DAT ' "+ a I• .j ;, ' ;, '<' r...I ---��, N.W.NAT BY E - 1 ,.I DIST: BY DATE 1 t •1' .r + 'wl\.If�l T14• TYGY - # UNIF SEW AGENCY: 8 DATE 3-31; k SITE 4- - - VICINITY MAP � � Y 0 Q 0 I I 38 56 44 43 32 31 T 78 28 27 28 25 24 75 76 77 I I 34 a5 42 30 29 79 91 1 57 39 53 46 41 — — -— - — 80 93 Q58 / 52 47 40 34 22 81 92 I 21 23 74 73 9; 5982— 64 62 9i ❑ — -�� s1 50 49 49 �4 38� 37 36 20 F3 3 65 72 63 82 db 71 84 89 SB 4i 61 67 70 85 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 in itL12 13 1 4 15 i 6 17 ' — — 1 p d0 , 68 69 86 87 \ \ PHASE 1 + PHASE 2 J 1 U) SHEET INDEX OWNER DEVELOPERO. TITAN PROPERTIES CORP i . COVER SHEET 2700 N . W 165TH AVENUE SUITE 2014 2 . SITE/GRADING PLAN 8 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3 . STREET/STORM PLAN 8 STREET PROFILES PORTLAND , OREGON 97229 PH . ( 503 ) 646 -- 3500 4 . STREET PROFILES 5 . STORM DRAIN PROFILES 6 . SANITARY /WATER PLAN 8 INTERSECTI ON DETAILS 7 . SANITARY SEWER PROFILES ENGINEER : AIPHA INC8 . INTERSECTION DETAILS L ._ ENGINEERING , . P Fc i IV T E v 9 . MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS MAR 2 5 1987 1750 S . W . SKYLINE BLVD . PORTLAMyD , OREGON 97221 PHONE : 297 - 1458 PROJECT NO . 1345 SWANSONS GLEN SWANSON ' � GLEN WN ' 15 OF 24 • I 1 I t"M/�'.�I� �1. +.M�rllrr�.�•'.+..'..r...--� •—.r'-- - w+'�� 1�"y" -.- •ti -- �-".� __, . ..�." ... -..-,... { J � • ! =T� iAll. IIt I�IIIj!<rI► �1 Ifl� +�i1t ►I► Ilf 1�t ( I'f(1�1 1Jill II�11111- t�111I1I111�t�II111`Illi►t1�111111tIlll,ttllltf`�IIIIIiI�tilltl�llllrlll�{IIIIII"t�l�li1"�II111 ; • ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I'0 I I 12 - ! NOTE: IF TRIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICSr'1T IS DILE TO �,,.• QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. OE 2 B2 a 92 S2 f2 E2 2? 12 02 61 of L I 91 91 1r 1 El 211 if 01 d 0 L 0 S� �r Iti IE-- z .-- � �►!1{unlllulunllmllnlilnllnnllll )III�lII11111Ilnitnull►►I!!u►�!!>tri►IIIn11111uI1111111�d►INttlltl11�111I1II11111f1�4�1�nIIIh;.Illi!III►lNIt4H111tI1t�itttlttitltl1tl11i1t11ii �II�•Ilullln111n11111111W1�ilflifluil1111116!!l1lIl�llu11111�11�{hul • !: JULY 7 1992 _ - -.,.> ..-..--•.o-_. . - -. ...i4bG+Wfin.rs -,�""-+'�,y. .A+�.w�AP..�"�.w'.."' , �r._.., fit+ .. ,. r;q . r,"T'"1:Elr'ro. � (� �1.� ASI• � ,1 TO u)PAI 1 TO STy �T 'Xc�f 1' As �jojfcv �-,,TFektr N(tK ENT 7 F?FCZ v r*Pr) RCC?'► ( fr_wj L,rT) i PHASE 1 MAN It THERE IS A S' UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL FRONT LOT LINES Tj cp ► a N Ilk i'VrwsEirv� s \� \ \�� \� ` 1 S 00. 12 ' 46"E\` \ 45 . 0/ �1 /",e SSIgVjs7('/P O 5 . 0 ' \ 103.0 /96.0' 92.0 �5' S.0' 25,0' 9H 5' \ 8 .0' 7fi. 0 ' 0/ 01 47 U ' 4�. 0 ' 44 0 ' 44 b' ��47 . 0 ' 17 . 0' 4i .U' 47.0' X0.0 25.0 96 U ' 98.0 ' 25. 0' 25.0 0 "' I -` --'� ! �� a f? 44 \` ut It's' I$b 43 1 n v! m \ I I I / I �� 1 m 1 a, s 95 0 6 Ln / I \ I \ \ " \ \ 1 I c v v, I n �c 1 u � \ \� w \ r em \ \ I 1 I I G 1 78 � � ` \ 55, ro 54 --CID 97 .5 1 ;\ \ \ 98.5 77\ \ \ \ m �\ ' ' ` 28 27 d 26 l0 25 24 0 75 I o 76 0 °° I yE; In -�- __.. \" \ m 0 ^ 129 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 I 99.8 ... \ D 61 r)\ �� aSN � N j 45 ' , ;I 79 o 94\ \ ()) mo I I p _ y � . . / L-30. �2' a I 1 \ ti 1 = 1 �; 37. _.J I I S7 / 9 0 • 97/.5' __rt 98 5' rn _ [" I ,�A I ..z8. 44 0 ' 44.0' 47.0' 47 . 0 ' 4.i_0' 34 - - - - W ='/ / Itn '1 �' O Q�• 33 , 1b� �tA ��'-'� � -- �; _- -�6 -' - ( 101.5' 854.5 I ` 53 m �' -/ 'a 3 II 1 in Q I o ' �;� �' ���, \' '%� W 104T/H AVE. ,`� �c 46 m v1 4 i % I ,e , I / I N 0 93 0 I I I I N o r n ` -z r. I 1 r /t / / _- - - ---- - - -374.2 - - _�- - -- M-- I o Rp I � Iq 11 IT. 154.0 220.2' I •o _ cv I a1� I - / / / .�05/ ---- - -- 1 95.5' 96. 4' vFill," 199.3 oi of ,n 158 34 I ¢ 0 m 97.8' 94.5• , . - � � cn � X0.6 � 36.U' 77 .0 ' � 0 40 6- 8.2' 57 j �`7v 1 I '1 1 w52 �0 47 140 ! , . I ! u / o o o � Cu11ry o ' 1I �'� I / a ° 22 P � 81 s ai 92/ 0 v�� 902i / ' ,n ,n vo,p / / v v a r5 �� rSO 4fo r v 8N108.8'f I 65.3/' I A / / m N Q r / 50 44. f 44.0' 51 .3' 1 " I I \ ��� I m I / c� cV o / o / � __-_ / I 1 o I 9 v 00 m Q j48. i ' 44.C' - I 4� .0' 40 .0 y / 1 23 174 i 73 15. / r,a v 1 94.5 N OJ 59 I °� � r� > � i I• � I BH.O ' I '� M►-j °,� 1 °� Ie� I �^ / ` ,,°°' / �I o 82 0 " 91 (al :, I tr1 - 1 I I / i I 3 101. o 1 I Im i W C3 I �/ / / ; I / / of I I I o ' � . 0 64 -' o ' / v E- d �' I > ,n J` -- 70 • V , I In to n i A o o m o coI ( e � IB i / 36 ► 0 ( l • 198 / 1 51 50 i.• 49 ., '148 - / 9 0 38/ 0 37 o I I `� 20 \ \a M ,� sa.o e.2' s4.o F' - � 0� io 0 10 �I a / / I I rri', ° ' f \ --- - N 93.2' 93.0 i iv M 94.0' I 94.5' 0 0 11 ___ 0 --+ C• / / cS , / / I ti 1 95.0 ( ' I ( AO � R.I06 / / , �`- of �,i� I �� / I I ' v� o�i I 1 109.0' •I \\ \ 0 65 I o 1 72 Iin, ~ 83 0 o I 90 0l I Z ,•� ; ° o�o / Q +--- I , --� o I rn in I of cn m 1 I z rn rn M I v > -- 18» _ I �ti/ ' �, \ 63 m �• I v v I W / o 53 .3 44 44 0 34 5 - `' r 6 Q - I i9 Q Y \ l _ 91 / C1 G�� 0' a 33. �34�.0 j V 5 q' C 1 0 , � I 1 T_ _- _ 1 ��" ��p �• i !tib I "a 7/ /� \ X10 1 13 T- I I ) i -- 93.2' I 193. 4' I - ---- 94.0,- --- j - - 94.5 -- - - i r� I g�C'SS y I / �� / / ick I ry 95.0' I < / / 226.0' _ / - / 218.9' / / ��6' / 1 0 o / I o 0 71 0 89 0 I / - ''- 444.9 - - - - �-- - j - - 1 I / ;� 1 2,o. \ 1 Z 66 i to rn I i v 84 vi °� / 194-- -- -- o I 1 �� \62 J � I v n v � 1481 i SW--104TH AVE. ( Ir= neo � 1� / ,1a / �� ` � a ► I \ I �..�\ \\ I, � I/ 1 319. 44.0144.G' /� 44.4_' _ 44 . 0 ' /.__4q.,.4 , 44. 44/.0' 29. i ' �� I \ - �� I \ _-- 0.1 Q 93.2' 94.E \\ �i 93.8' f 94.5' a:) o a• I I I I I / / / / / / \ I v 5' \ f- \ p r o �� I� ` �� T I m / \ F- 0 67 " 70 �. o �" 85 `� 88 �, Irn 1 �, Zr n, Vj I ' to 81 E�_ 1 ,o I �� \ `` `a �� `� I �^ o / o / o ( o o a o /� o d o m cn \ \ 1 a �\ I 3 3 a 4 o 5 0 i 6 0 7 1 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 / 0 12 ci 13 / 0 14 0 _�__ `� - -------_-- -- ------.-t� m ( J\ rn --- , o o- o 0 0 0 / o a / I o 1 0 0 15 n 16 7 �- 95 93.2' I 103.0' - p,0' 90.1' rn 1 ul 60 1 ` °' 68 M M i 69 ,n rn 86 I 87 `<� - --- �� 1 Q ,t -- e w w • _ ___ J - --�- i _ _ v I I a I � v I v v /� Q1-, J \moo U) 5•.0 60 0' 44.0'-- 44.0 44. 0 ' ."�.0' 44.0' 44.0 ' 44.0' 44.0' 44 0 ' 44.0• /44.0' 44.0' 44.0' 44. 0 ' ` 70.C ' - - --- -- 25.0' 25!0' � - --93.2'- -� / 113. 1' I 25.U ' 25.0' 97.5' \� N 00' 12 ' 19"W 11485 . 0 ' �� I ;^,��SER � s7RrP / %kE �p.F : T �. -cESEAP C w7oev AC \ a SE��a�o��s A. GENERAL \� �� �� �� r� r� ^V q} D h �9 �E.'�% WATERLINES , b 1E N I I PcAr: 1. NOTIFY TIC;ARD WATER DISTRICT PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. i) ALL STREETS AND STQFtM SEWERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER THESE 8) SIDEWALK TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT TIME OF BUILDING PERMIT UNLESS PLANS, THE SFECAAL SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AND ALL OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. THE DEVELOPER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CURBS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO INSTALLING WATER MAINS. °� a, APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR PUBLIC INSTALLATION OF ALL SIDEWALKS IN ACCORD WITH THE TERMS OF THE WORKS CONSTRUCTION" OF OREGON CHAPTER OF THE AMERI^.AN PUBLIC 2. ALL WORK. SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH A.W.W. A. STANDARDS.CITY-DEVELOPER CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT. A,,�„/ �.,�� WORKS ASSOCIATION, 1980 EDITION. 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY TIGARD WATER =�"' `"n`� y 2) ',HE CONTRACTOR SHALL DO ALL THE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS AND 9. ROOF RAIN DRAINS SHALL MEET WEEP HOLES I N CURB� OTHERWISE, DISTRICT. •a�, `o,,"�,, , c,c •.�� rs . ALL I NC I DENTAL WORK CONSIDERED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE T l PROVIDE THEREFOR! y.' TJc DE��EY.O/'7��" , PROJECT IN AN ACCEPTABLE MANNER. 4. FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY CONSISTS OF 6" MJ x 6" FIG TEE, 6" FIG x MJ C. STORM SEWER _ GATE VALVE, 6" MJ r. MJ HOLDING SPOOL, AWD MODERN MUELLER 3) THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR SUB-CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF CENTURION FIRE HYDRANT, A-4442, 6" MJ, 5 1/4" MVO, 3-PORT (2 - 2 ONE ( 1 ) SET OF APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL 1 ) STURM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE THE SIZE NOTED ON THE PLANS. PIPE 1/2" NST HOSE CONNECTION. 1 - 4 1/2" NST PUMPER) , 1 1/2" PENT OPR 6nE G�t/E ,45•�►'�/�•T M'YL.��C aF CURVE LENGTH RADIUS TIMES DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PHASES. SHALL BE BELL AND SPIGOT CONCRETE PIPE WITH CLASS "B" BEDr 'NG AND NUT, OPEN LEFT, COLOR: YELLOW. pLG /MAy�!D✓�:�IaENT A"%C,< 1 27.2 75 SHALL CONFORM "r0 ASTM C-14, CLASS 2 (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON S,yA� dff py�;t),�/Ov A Tz nV 2 23.8 125 4) CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES PRIOR TO -4rHE PLANS) AND BE OF SUFFICIENT STRENGTH TO WITHSTAND H-20 LIVE 5. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE INSTALLED UPON A PRE-FORMED CONCRETE BLOCK �� 3 20.5 75 WITH 1 1/2 CUBIC YARDS OF CURSHED 1 1/2" DRAIN ROCK. TAR PAPER G/TY Or' 7'*d- �'rC0 nt.d�s 4 14. 1 175 BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. LOAD WITH MINIMUM COVER OF 1/2 FOOT. PIPE JOINTS S;iALL BE WILL BE LAID ON TGF' OF LP,A1N ROCK r0 SEPARATE ROCK FROM EARTH EN+;/,•:�'�iC', 5 20.2 50 WITH riA5KET3 COVER. 6 23.0 75 5) THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON- THE 7 27.3 too PLANS IS TAKEN FROM EXISTING PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY 2` CATCH BASIN AND CURB INLETS SHALL BE OF THE TYPE SHOWN ON THc 8 27.3 IDG LOCATION OF ALL FACILITIES AND NOTIFY ENGINEER 1 F THEY ARE DETAIL SHEET. 6. POt1RED CONCRETE THRUSTBLOGCS AT LEAST B SQUARE FEET OF BEARING S? T �� '''�' �A/T�rJk'K/ 8 27.5 100 SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT THAN SHOWN HEREON. SURFACE AT EACH TEE, BEND, AND BLOW--OFF LOCATION. /S 'amu/��'l�. 10 27.5 too 3) INSTALLATION OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE 7• 36" OF 3/4" MINUS GRAVEL COVER FOR ALL MAINS. WITH STANDARD PRACTICES. ALL TRENCH BACKFILL IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- 14 � e4r ewr7t o P00W/T /g B. STREET'S WAY SHALL BE 2" -0 COMPACTED CRUSHED ROCK. 8. ALL SANITARY SEWER LINES 10' LATERALLY OR 3' VERTICALLY OF WATER o'Ea 4-11Awe-d>, 1 ) ALL TREES, BPUSH ANC DEBRIS WITHIN LIMITS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY D. SANITARY SEWERS MAINS SHALL BE ENCASED IN CONCRETE 6" THICK 10' FROM CROSSING. SHALL BE REMOVED AND DI;;DOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR. - WHERE CROSSINGS ARE NECESSARY, THEY MUST BE MADE AT APPROXIMATELY I C_-E>ti,� SI�K 50 25 0 50 100 f80 1 ) ALL SANITARY SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND ALL- MATERIALS SHALL_ CONFORM 90• WITH AT LEAST 18" SEPARATION BELOW WATER LINE. 2) ALL AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE STRIPPED. STRIPPING SHALL WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE UNIFIED Z S z-wcF SDKs SCALE IN :FEET 9. MAINS SHALL BE TESTED AT 150 PSI FOR 1 HOUR WITH A MAXIMUM LOSS CONSIST OF REMOVING THE TOPSOIL HUMUS AND SOILS NOT SUITABLE_ FOR SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON AND THE CITY OF �J COMPACTION (APPROXIMATELY 2 FEET TO SANDY SILT WHICH SHALL BE TIGARD. ALL BACKFILL IN RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL_ CONFORM WITH CITY OF OF 5 PSI . STATIC PRESSURE! 9S PSI . PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE WILL ,I ��� Qc�r'� SI�K COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DENISTY) . STRIPPED MATERIALS SHALL NOT TIGARD SPECIFICATIONS. BE REQUIRED AT EACH METER, INSTALLED BY TWD, PND INCLUDED IN COST .1 I 5`th, �6�, \ BENCH MARK BE USED FOR ROADWAY EMBANKMENT. OF METER. l S.k�cw.,e) 2) ALL SERVICE LATERALS TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM SLOPE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY BENCHMARK N 179 EL. 199.69 3) EMBANS•:MENTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM EXCAVATED MATERIAL OR 1/4" PER LINEAR FOOT UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 10. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS WILL BE CEMENT-LINED. BRASS DISK SET IN EAST CURB OF SERENA COURT, 69 FEET SOUTH OF CENTERLINE OF DURHAM ROAD IPPORTED MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE TO THE ENGINEER AND SHALL BE MINIMUM PIPE DIAMETER SHALL BE 6".(MAIN LINE TO PROPERTY LINE OR ESh1T'). , 4 4 FEET SOUTH OF END OF CURB BROUGHT TO GRADE IN LIFTS NOT TO EXCEED 13" LOOSE MEASURE. EACH 11 . G. S. B. H. BATERIOLOGICAL TESTS REQUIRED. Slgvt 4 r � 11 J i-c�q LIFT SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 93% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS CATAINED BY 3) ALL SA��r : ARY SEWER LINES WILL 8E INSPECTED BY T. V. A WRITTEN 12. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR OR DEVELOPER WILL ADVISE TWG OF Ilwl AASHO T-160 COMPACTION TEST. REPORT AND " DETA" TAPES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED 107. FOR DISTRICT e THE CITY OF TIGARD. AN AIR TEST AND TEST REF ORT IS REQUIRED TO INSPECTIONS, WATER LOS'S OVERHEAD ADMINISTRATION SAMPLING, ���-�z. 4) ROCK BASE, ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB AND SIDEWALK BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY PRIOR TO CONNECTION TO ANY BUILDINGS. ' ' ' t CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE DETAIL SHEET AND IN ETC. , AND 2% FOR ENGINEERING REVIEW, INCLUDING "AS-BUILT" DRAWINGS, INTER:zECTION MAPS, UPDATING MASTFR MAP, ETC. ACCOR-)ANCE WITH .'HE ABOVE REFERENCED SPECIFICATIONS. 4) INDIVIDUAL LOT BUILDING CONNECTION PERMITS ARE REQUIRED. PERMITS 412E 5) STREET LIGHTS TO BE INSTALLED BY DEVELOPER IN ACCORDANCE WITH AVAILABLE FROM THE CITY BUILDING OFFICE AT CITY HALL_ 13. TWD WI'`L. INSTALL ALL COPPER SERVICES PRIOR TO BLACKTOPPING OF CITY APPROVED P.O. E. CO. LAYOUT. STREEETS. THESE SERVICES ARE INCLUDED IN THE COST OF EACH METER. 6> TWO (2 WEEPHOLES IN CUR© PER LOT REQUIRED . 14 , ALL DL.i1-TII..E IRON PIPE SHALL BE GLASS 52 . N* DATE Novi $1004 BY 7) CONCRETE FOR SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SHALL. BE 3000 PSI AT 28 DiSISNID SCO DATI FEB 1987 PROJECT SNORT DAYS, 2-4" SLUMP, EXPAf.SION JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 40' SPACING ALPHA KNOINESRING INC. - -- - SITE/GRADING PLAN DRAWN TBT scALI •t " 60' 1750 :w. SKY' LINII BLVD. �! SWAI�ISON ' J GLEN �+T 2 PORTLAND, 011160" 97551 CHICK NJH 'ROJ�cT N• 1345 CONSTRUCTION NOTES .M ( 905 ) 297 - 1458 APPROVID O� 9 ..-..+..rte__.. ...-:..,wwu........�.w„yu ..._�.,....,.....,,.w,,,y,, ..m,.,,..,,,,,,'..... ._ _. .• . •1 � .� ► y �... r � :r L .i'���'•"�r .•.''�,..� .i_��i.n+s..-a_ ._T�, '�_�*�"„_»..2T`""T�'-�.�.`.-•.+. +."v+.•.......,......., _.. ..�. -....,..... _ _ - '-w 'n' .. a ���Ia1I'(!IIIII�IIIII`Fj1I� l+ II�IIIIItI VIII tllll IIfII) 111111 111 111 111 fjl� III 111 III III III 111 1L1 III ELI 111 III !LI TII SII III 111 ILI Irl ELI 111 �' I ...,.. . �` . ,yc1�11,,,, w , ,:. 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED .. 2 3 '..�4. 5 6 7 8 9 (0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-,-11 IS DUF TO TME QUALITY OF TME ORIGINAL DRAWING. ___- ------ - -- --- - - -- OE 8Z 9Z LZ 9Z SZ fZ C-2 ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 91 `1 EI ZI II OI 6 6 L 9 IS--_. --IP E Z II-�-•-�*' ' c►III,IIIIII1111II111111111IPI11111,111I111t�lulu,1111111�1111111IituI111�111111,IMI1�I111111,IIIII1�11Il,IIIIInLIuIII11U►In1�NI1�l�InlLlllllulnnhlll�llll'�Illllnn�l�l►IIIl11{�IHI�M�111I,11IIIIIIuI1Lillull+)11111111�11u�l�ulrfululWWhlll ' JULY 7 1992 �r6.5 «. 33 r 64t- U F��h�,. pt ►c•,W a� T�� j :41nvsTRucr DircAw { r n� � `•/�/ 7-/,:2.0v n �r �.�. -�':. ,..-�3 T•- .- ,' i 1�1, A5 erQ EX/ST. �2 e� _ �: k <3 i NA r- �_ o ni n.I� C__r i r) rte + :�' ,,, 1 P �M�T OF A - TN�•� Vj01LH1014M XDAd 1�It'a I ; ;_ �, I `!� �_�Sw....�.�F-. .�.n/�''�J LT•.c7 .. `SET TO cccoftE - ___ -� - - _I� - _ - �� i VAIN I)RAIIPNI SHALL KET 1N`LP Hot's in cops AS PR0khDLD '� ;� 1 /�• . 3 .:J,1i.w+.+-�•LL"�iC' .1• `Y� ..wa uyy�• Nk M L dam•--;.sa a..fiw+L�'ifRrli: -- 'VIAE C 1t`� Rlt�l>1fC" Pcomery' V - • �� p�'V�LL�P1'1V•1.7t" OF (/NE I ` sa:. .:... 21 MIN. To LvT 1 N T NOON S.W. DURHAM �` 1u r PHASE 1 PHASE 2 �N �Nm- �r �. ROAD SECTION ds • � � �, o� /V. 7 S, _ wE� wE�� E p x�8, SFE :�� 7A.L , SAvr 9 ` & Ale 0 - 0 44 43 ' S �' I 78 �._7_ 95 Q 56 �k`7 �' I 32 3 i --! /� G, k4 r p? t 55 < -� 54�,/'� h( ------- ---- 30 29 28 27 26 25 v, 24 �� 75 76 . so 7 .e .�t .�2. si _ 'O I \ 1 \ �I G�3 3 5 Sr S 7 0♦ 99. 97 Po I -�,vsrA:vcr 5 �� � 45 y j 42 r 4 101 se 153- 77 �M /sa.sy79 94 SrA 9 , , ;53V 1 I 10 157 6/ - -- - -- Ex/s, Di TCN._ 2 33 0 - V r . .�� v� 53 4 4i r ��' SW 104TH AVE. i�; ,4�8050 Sw a . 7._'. 6 PT N/ o� f _2/ �`rC7_ ,�% - - -- - -.__.-. - - ---- - --- - - - -- -F- -- - - ---- -- I#Z 37 0 93 so/ --- , --.-- ems. ' s• 80 sx/sr. A. __ t, _ d�: \�/- ,- 1g4 F7 # 8 5 8 J� 4 34 o~.I 4.39' ;- pacB ov• 7! 52 47 5y2" I 40 bit 79. 41 v 5'-,Y T o e; 59•/33 /6. 04 s 50 oc) nG 3 192 ow 22 - - -- --- /m ' 07 21 se, q4 uAp _ - Q rS/,T j 23 74 j _ _- � �B /.0 o9. 6d 73 �6 +cc lei ¢6. G Z 0 I 18 7. 35 `� o R /ro0. ! ` ;T •STA D I ¢9. ,'q \, i I 35 --- 1Fs/. ° �,. G`rE.c +Q ,5 pT 82 91 ►a 19'9. 3�� �` I 3f ' z -�` M O 2 t_ 64 - /58.67 7 I 0`w r Fri ec 50 49 J`_ � __ 39 39 37 20 _ r 51 f vEr I -I*. - *_ /Z CCP_ a`c c � 7- 17 { \ � V E4E rFL0CA•rED , • STA 4♦ ?3. 77 c��G 8 2 r 3S.16 � K 90rpdS /x3.54 _ - ?' "TEE I 65 72 83 p ST STA Llld-se, / J /f GO 63ANi9 _SRP ;64•!3 �,( c/NEA n /57 e T I g c 1 ` / seE W o5c �+ 97. 39 ' ieL` uG, L --- - - LINE A-1 - - 3�. ofcF /z -� �fi=so ��� w o.ac c/NEA-/ I ZoI R 55a.6446. 5� I 1 #�1 6 I '� �,➢ Q� �' - ,^ $ s ol. olo - -- - ---- - - �,�� ` /' - = .~ < 66 71 4 ,� I 84 89 I Al, 31 �, I SW 104TH AVE. _ +16.34 [rNE 62 I i I I _5,�: *�. f0• p Z i►: -� � o+00 / ,vE A J_r 5 N 3T J3. 26 qc 0 ' G"5 TUB 1" x y v -+ -- --- - --- Q:/62.obi a 1. _ Z ii, p► 153.30 ,r I M/1 f 86• bt _..- - ---- ,� f A/ w \` i r 7 PT o� �- 45 °"� + `' sz .STA �. 26. �7 olv, .,iw �' I ~ 67 70 1 qn 85" 88 �t og 00 y�' G�r� - ' 61 �W --3 O - - - - ,. - ) _. 31 CB /� /. O B 1 �4q0./� I ST STA 439. • r ' i 2 i° ST sra 4 rq s4 I ' _� �+ j . r. SrA. �+sj Z/ 4 v�'a C G + Id �. ;c r h I �' ��-` S T STA .� G. 5d , r ^ --- , GR. f4 6. 93 3 4 5 6 7o;P:1 3. 68 gw�v, 10 i i1 9 L �$ F � . y vi GR. /s7• �, �Q• /5z. c¢ - - 1 PRG 1 I /F: 1 • 97 QI��:, i2 13 14 15 16 17 p� -�- - - IE : /¢q. 11 ;ows:Feicr d1�°� oscs o r 4 50 W1504/0 L/D � � 'rE I � I 88 69 86 87 � 0ill • -- FUTvRE vR 1 C F 00 Lliv ,4.. SE DiT.� (0f-5 L+s I `CB O fes.ob - - I ` caL ` ��. 5 I I ST. S;A. /f 57. L/ __...._ EXIST. R w I I I ! ♦ G 1 ► ' STREET & STORM DRAIN PLAN 1' : 50 ;x� �oro/ oo_� Fig rr/RE S,;,fe, ' ST ST,4 4-0 39. 31 i I I 1 . oo✓E.c LAND. NG G� : /4G 93 1 I I y 9 aV * 1 >\/'Q T E' ; ;/t� S i Z/. STFrE:ET BAk•.<2iG4 pE TC BE /NSTI►GG E•,�'�' ''�O � � � _ -• F!/7URE EX 7/A4-, GRbwN !«D Tt'�(M/NdS OF Acs STrB srPccrs \r �.• ox°A ;✓ I I I I Opp 0/9 • - _ _ __• • I I I I I l I I q �I r � � I I �•� � � 0 �� t• (� R��.�t7s EC y.E c E I � � ( I -- ------ -- -" --- - - - \ I 1p - --'-r- - -- - - - - ----- ------ - - --- -- 205 r O - I I I170- - �--_ n� F` 7 170 170 - _ - 170 I I Il ,�• J FxrSTi�vG RA .05EG• I S7*0,f'M Dk'4/n/ v a tx,y �.PAnE S = f O. 10 I -- -- + S__ = o ��,-/ cl 0I� EPA 0E /' i 40 200 e I S. x I I /60 -- - Ido /60 °o J - f - - - .r ---- -- --- S /5 -- ----- � /5 • 5 0 ' I �� O �Q DEQ PN;Iffs QL rN 't tt �} 04-00 1+OL) 0+00 /*00 1 N I IL PROFILE - EYEBROW $k CUL-DE-SAC � I I�- rr Yeo - ------ -- -- --- b� AT S.W. 4 H AVE. E 10 . N'Q 240 v / _ vG * I00 vG _ f • + 0r 1 15 a � - o• 41 _.. - I _ -o. 16 HORZ. 1 ` 80' VERT. 1 5 I I ' 0t 00 r+ao 2+00 .3+ 00 4f 00 5+ 00 6+00 +oo 50 n 50 RO SCALE IN FERY PROFILE - S.W. DURHAM ROAD Nw._.. _- DATE R f Y 1 R I O N ------- -- By HORZ . 1 " : 50' VERT. 1 « : 5' ALPHA RHOINEERINQ INC. DESIONED NJH _ DATE-FEB 1987 PROJECT SHEET DRAWN TST SCALE AS SHMM STREET/STORM PLAN I750 SW. SKYLINE BLVD. ----- -- SWANSON ' S GLEN 3 14ANSON ' S GLEN CHECK NJH PROJECT NO 1P CF 24 PORTLAND. oREaf#N •7l�1 _ iS'� STREET PROFILES 303 f 197 1453 APPROVED Op mmommmommmomwa,1w 0019 s-- � Ir` III I�i 1 ! i 11111�j1 ►L1��� 1+ Ii.'II 11111.11 Ili��f `Ili I I III�IIf I� III II III 1111111 C��IIII 1111111 III�III 1111111 1111111 1111�i1 11111111 X111111 1111111 I't1 L'�I III � �' • . - �• -- 1 r � ,,��:..�... . ...._; _�-s_ _ _• 2 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �""" "' I 3 ---- 4 _5 8 7 ® 9 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICIr IT IS DUE TO .�' .) QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, OE 62 9Z 42 9z Sz oz Ez Z4 Iz Oz 61 81 LI 91 SI bI EI 21 II 01 S 9 L 9 S r E Z 1"•1*' . .�' �IIIlllulunlln11u111u111nnb1nlnl�,llnGlnllnrllullllllhluiuWllut�1111n11lnuluuHlulf>I11111u1u1111u►Ilulluu�1H1�1nII�uIIIn111:,1I11111ffIt1111111fi1ltiltl1111IItHItHl�nhu11nu11111111uI11ultlllll�NUtu1�1u111III11uI11u111H�IWl1m - _ JULY 1992 _... t.,TT'�11o... - .... _� .+.�....__.. ......_ ..-._..Y..•-- ..- -_r9w.w..__• r. -.-, -s •r'sv,•..._ti',+Y�.- - � • •1 Lr _ I f jrX1S7/NG GR QE __ EX'5 1 V GAA DF_ Z5 L;r. fROf3JSED rpRA )E160 �? r ,PROPOSED I GRADE Sys o -_ /4 ,J I -- 145 140--- k 140 `� rj ci ip 114 V o too /-0. Oo 2t 00 3 I 00 4 t oo 5t Oo 6 t 00 /35 J X35 Of ao /foo 2f00 3 000 �,►00 Sf 00 6, GYM PROFILE - S.W. KENT ST. PROFILE - S.W. RIVER DRIVE HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1' 5' HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1' 5' ea�o.2 '�- e�ro31 __— 5 LJ' t 7 Ex,sT GRAn� __ C11571 111/6 GRAD �- - – r Q4. V `� cr eI -•-- -...._ a� 240' VG J�Ue «� _ .,- � ° 0•��, // _ _ _ � � ,�... __.._._.._.. .._.___-- e z.3Z � t / r 9 — ►9�-__ --;� 94_••°�•-t---. i 190 /85--- ' / t°I^ ' '�`. � _ c� i tr � !8 64----- -- � ''`�_ __ -- - � � - -- .- _ /60 8' O $'` V V c1 ►:i� 0 I I - O..SOO , S. _ /.0 00 Wh p ,,� ; � � � 1----- yrs-- -- --- – -- ----- ----_ - ... ------ .. __ -_ - -- ---- - - ------- —/55 / y q' k �\ / � � O a• ZN t' tt 4J 7 j I `�1 Imo, 4 `•\ j U q e D' VC -_ 1 . -4 4/ 4 - -- -- --------- 0.500% rl V 4N N' hl •- 0 Q Q 0.�� p o <t r p r\ I I I O,0 � � N � Q -� ,117 � �1 � � �• � i• � ` f0� � t� r, It1 ry In O 0* 00 /f00 2400 0+00 /400 2+00 3*00 4400 5000 6 OO 0* 00 /400 2000 3+00 4+00 5+00 6400 PROFILE - S.W. KERI COURT PPOFILE - S.W. PICKS WAY PROFILE - S.W. TITAN LANE HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1" 5' HORZ. 1" 50' VERT. 1' 5' HORZ. 1' 50' VERT. 1" : 5' -O./7 = �0.2 205 _ w- aC QVC _ -- - - r ,- 8 es - o. 25" LT i _--- EXISTING rorA D _ I - P'L'O OSE'J GRADE zoo __ - - - -- I — _. \ ZS'RT —_ --- - 75 LTQ-— ORO�-OS ED (;R.4f Q I h ~ _ �_' - .� yE.• _<X/5T/NG GRAD - • s � \ O�� ^q' i� n ._. � � cp � l�'�n. I ! �.• -_ _foovc - ��o -_ _ - - -- ------ r - -- - - -- v 70 e: - 0. 59 - ' QL y /qo __ _ _-� t \ O ; 0 /65 ---- - - - - - -- - �G5 14) 0 G -. 6 S - -\ �- _-�- - __ - --. - _ 16 O * ti �\ * ► 2. —/� l80 —__ _ -- -- --- -- - ---- 04 * I � , V) I� l0 14 , / - -_.. ___ O - -- - -- / - °n a0 I Q f\ tlI 4� O 13 it) J �A R. N ti �b �} g 0 Qd• O (1 'h 'L Q O O QOI EU i� aOp O %14� die, ' 4 �' c I� c �, ��� 'h a i ) ( O 7 V . + tt 1p t.l ti n1 + ` Q, op '7 „ Q. R.. R. y, CT• �,• a c T' `� P 11 ,�//0 -- 0 + 00 fVI 4' e. r ~• `•� � �\ w `� ` \ 1 I o + oo If 00 2t oo 3#00 4 t 00 5+00 6# 00 7 + 00 (9*00 q t 00 /Of 00 /l0 00 12+00 /30 oo 14000 N� OAT! REVISION �Y PROFILE - S.W. 104TH AVE. O�fllfN�O $CO DATE FEB 1 987 PROJECT sN��� HORZ. 1" : 50' VERT. 1 " : 5' ALPHA ENGINEERING IMC. DRAWN TBT SCALE AS NOTED ' WAN SnN ' " �,_L�,f > > so SW. SKYLINE .L1/O. S�NAIwSON�S GLEN STREET PROFILES 4 SNICK NJH PRO.IRCT NO 1345 ' PORTLAND. ORISON T►7221 ' 9 OF 24 9 ,. ,Nt ...Y.».ON,9■ Ph 1 303 I 497 � 1458 APPROVED OF MOMMMENWAM .cM ` ( - I .-....... ..-o«,.,.....,,c._.-.•___ .........r4r�141111f ,.-..,1gnF�. i�l/�f "�la'""*!}0-+ — V-0- 4v -'-_. - _ - -...wrw.-r ♦ _._._...... ., —_ M""n'f'R w. , s �.... . 1�'I�tklijili 1 ililil1lilillr'jl ►li[y'j1� 1� 1111 mill_[ I�,jl i'��ill 1 ICIIi Ilt�tj VIII)F71711171"Iff"pilIliIli Iliiti iI� i Ali Ali Iliill11111tfliliI I I I 1 ! 1I l l l l 1 1 1 1 ,I I I 1 1 I , 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED l 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN I THIS NOTICIi,--IT IS DUE TO ' ^ ' QWILITY OF THE ORIGINAL I - DRAWING. OE 6z 92 a 92 sz ►z Ez up la 0z 61 81 LI 01 til Irl t:l zl II 01 6 9 L 9 s ► E 2 I"•"" ,�111unlnul�n�liu�linilnn�uulm{�1111�11nI;r1>1m����nlu���uulu�i�nll�ul►�NInr1�UtL�nnitullln��nnlln111N1�11i�1u1111111n111�n14ttft�tltlltltltltll�II11111111111i�11�1�Yn��u,I�u�Ilu111'.IINIIIIIIWII��llll�lll�lLUIII►1111111�WIIIH ' JULY 7 1992 Ile SkAoA,16144A? IS5 155 170 L4 170 "T A% PRO 6 F,4-) IPA G C A) k v) 4e /so 16:5 ovi�;1910":her- z 00 6'; ql-F 12"ic.5 32 /_'r 2 .. ........ 160 /so- f5 0 145 145 /60 30 F -_. / — \ -_ I " IE: 14 ¢q IN '-4) fA/) 6: 150. 7 1 3 /* 77 0411' ek: 40 20 oar SAN. IE: 14-4-07 SEWER . a 0/00 IE: 144. 140 140 \'Ar: Ise. .46 /55 T -,.QVER Z_ANOhVG IAV —# �A& 7. 16 otq 7'alS 771ME) 0 *00 1+00 2+00 4-000 0 *00 le 00 2*00 v+00 i+00 2+00 LINE B LINE C LINE A- 1 - 1 't IVA 10/1- &AC.'k('F1,LL 7'/VE 6A4K if r 1160 NA 77 V45 5A Ceol 4- -32 IZOI14 �1 /Z 1. 150 lqo 15.3. 0ca IN lir: 15�4 dl IA' �-)eJ 7- 145 hos 12 /40: 187, le S - 0.0314 &7_/,OC-_ 12"CSp 1495-. 44 /V IE: /95% 23 0 vr 0 +00 1+00 2+00 /90. 54 /IV(/V) LINE A-2 -v- 1,E 180. 35 our 175 '5F WJK 175 5RAV&X Ae NJ IVArIKE 94C-<�r&l_ _AIA r/YX CKjC1L.L .6ACXF11-L- -, "N 12 �-SR _57 45 IF 4 60 S 0570 170 ol X N Exl.3' �5�p�A DE /CPS fro5 160 Iis IVB B 1 e-pr 0< 160 I(ij /60 7 ------ Z, 0 5_4p if ..�Ati. 'FWFA, I CIL Nx is r –4 z.4 5A,14 -74 '55 'POND __ 155 f5o /so e? S A 0 14 IIN ".E.. /-f3. 43 IN(s) 15? 18 IE 53-63 IN No) A�r �"r "5,3 43 01/7, • 155.00'0(/7' IS: 7,0 0 +0(-) 1+00 2-too 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 8+ 7-t 00 00 -9 -f 00 0 +00 1 + OC) 2+00 4 +oo 5+00 LINEA LINE A- 1 No DAT! RIVISION BY ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. DISIONID SCO DATI March 1987 PROJECT SHORT DRAWN TBT SCALI 1 5 SWANSON ' S GLEN 1730 $W. SKYLINI BLVD. —1• 50' H SWANSON'S GLEN STORM DRAIN PROFILES 5 Z� 20 OF 24 PORTLAND, ORIGON 97221 CHICK NJH PROJICT NO 1345 Ph 503 297 - 1458 APPROVID OF A I. -won. —7- 77,tj I'tf, I fl 1!11,11111 1111.i TV MfIll1111-4111 1111 q(I 11111?1111111 1�1711111 to I I I ill I I I I I I Jill Ill I I 11fill I ill I 2 -3 4 5 6 7 9 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMEO DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;-"IT IS DUE TO JK QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _DRAW ING. 0C 62 92 Le 9z S2 *2 EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 IR I LI 91 11 C 1 01 6 8 t 9 S E 10114111111 Ill loll 11 loll I I 11111of 1411111 JULY 1992 :P:f T_ T ,fq,�-F 9 HI '400 Eo 124 J o d • 7d SAN. IST. .Su. ',• 02-oo l` P/AII: 1372- 412 r' { END a"w,4We -INE PHASE 1 PHARE $ 1A4S*rA1.L B",WX 6N 2`0.. `. 4SSf4fa r AS l< '/5. 00 .SAN. MAr AI 16 4i6U. S9 S4Iti', •NH+�' !b eHC 3NW071EQ I./MF '- i-� ' E/v'D �vWA7/'rRL/N6 � r oEA. GF"Ai,.. �-, ST STA. 2 t 5r. ,�4 IN -, 3.. IWLT . 1/. --ENG .j"Ka rf� ;r/E , /M: I8' 6C t -37. 15q SAN. M/16 I ?f ,'` 22 SA/V. Ib/N4 5 /sr�za lao�a BLoCK ,� S'hAL�Ol6 BC4GA _ Ot OD LINE 4.3 WATER 1 L. / TALL �i v� �E ?v'6.0. ASSE,)/r!4!' IS f°EFr AE7. t _ M__ . -__ - _ ---- DE„ar 4Fx/5r-16 F H. ' eLOCA, 4' P" B. ;5�6M44_. ,P/N /Co. 4 9 GZ ,II �/ s 5 ./ 2a. O¢ c Z.ASS 52 As �EA> 1 45 "4,r f. -4,- ti; 59. 21 i 1 44 57"UES : ru 43 M: 165. 6� •� i T TTA D 72. �L' +: S7U(i 95 : - d4 78 J+ n ' 56 55 - I 32 3 i ► °° JPiA>7: 154 i c:s� I - 4 , ,n ,% ►, 77 54 / 30 29 28 I 27 26 25 •� 24 75 N o 76 - - I rY, v -4 v 04 1 I 45 z+ _ +47 42 �, _ I 301 79 84 3,A h? / _ O c ' ?.6' 4,:, L: Q� 4= 40L= 40 Z �'� i ,57ALL. r-'. �' L .r:VSTALL e" �"!✓lT : I 57 ` L = 4c ---- - : 4z 4l 4 4 1 -- - - - re ®F�- ; _ 8x Y • 33 • _✓.�r =4653 46 2.ca I ..... ................ e.............. .... � . -..-.-....-.-. 41 L. . - -7 L 2•9 b ...._iJ.. .e, 4/cc 80 ° 93 87 POP I ' 5+ 4v01. 6_3 sA N. MJuIA INEA 7 L n/E . a 1 S' 52 47 /�s¢ f s.- 40 34 q r a/ c t : w c % •�j ¢ ��, �, = 1 • f� • ¢ i 47 8 92 '2 123 11- • W PHA 1 �' Qq 21I 22 \ La27 • L = 4A L =30 I e40 1 7 4 �- ------ d . .' _ 1 I !n I W A Q; �! (V : Sr00 1/NJa A-4 r ! 73 W52 / • 1 " ¢ J: � � sTA. Os o5. oo I , Ef �J :44 SS �� Z : y-,a' ,2 x'/M: /�Rc- ba ' I� 82 91 Z I ti r • • • • _• , ' • • 1 t a0 � i ;,NST.4C[. G�"SFV 8'f'N• 64 + � � 4.. .1n +7 r• I 35 O , �� ' : ASE 2 ' � L.3. 51 50 49 48 �?� 39 38 I 37 36 �= offs 20 L ' _ ----- ux - r- . R c B 8 ` . ( js • 2i:Yj 81F, - --------- -w� 16,F' *37 65 72 to Q90 I b ►7 /5x87. 45 5+,o j as / i �1 Q L.- 4G 83 r- i ¢O L_40 �,4C I �. T ¢ �• ad /j o /Zt.1% I/f07 83 i,�47 L - 3 Q �- 1 '•r. \ c _ do 4 s L_ 5/ 19 v - - 3r, ro'.e - : =36 _ - Lx - -- --- - ♦ '�-♦ - - - -- - tSJ : QEGlh 0/COJ�CT I .`'U� .•••. G F40- =IVIVEI • . b 1 z : 211 - - --- --- --- - '}' r c /. .• ` 2<%'MJ J4E NC - - - ------- WATER : O _ /1ST. 1 : �t: y.............. .....•--... ...Y.... ......Iq......... «.. .... .............. ........4'•........ J Z �. 12".tl L4~G/COJ P4,' trFV / ♦ 65 _�a - - - - - - --- SCA Q" ..{JO- fd� v. ' ra D./. F, GLA555L ISb : rNSTiILL R"n R I - -- _ _ - - -- - -- - - - - - T ♦--- I� 7i I 3+ 5/ 89 I 3c /1 t 85 66 a 84 L_33 \ LINE A s' s LINE A L. 66 62 '= j _,; Y.a4o �_3? x. 33 1 I /7+/6 % _.. ---- - // 64 Q; LJ --- Oo-54.74 SAN. M� ac L L_30 l 1yi76 2, = y,, 15+55 f" r 1¢s53 -t.74: 12132 \1 L t -q - ---- - - -- °Rr// - _ = = _ \ ~. I ;�•N _�WE� S I O+ OQ L;NE A_ 3e 3C / 30 3o L 30 3c .3c ,� L_ 3� 6i F-. `+3�' 67 70 3+oa 85 88 : Sr. r¢T3*B9. /4 !J r ao _ f �, I t RIM: / 59 L - 3 , 1 LINE • 3 I i I 3' 4 i 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ifi 17 - !7t 93. S.tly. k+A/Jr./l 17* _ M ;4 I , � •; a. '. L J'.4N. !+ 1 i • � { : � � /�Gf' 'I•.1_. Q �l :A '\ ,r 111.. . _..• fix• ._!7 B. . _ /C I /4 t 60. ;r" `'AN. Mt1� //+ 74. �,9 $AN. .ai,ld 8 \, --------------- - ,� � . - -_ L- Y - 6 \ . -- _ _- - - -9 - -_ __- c' I 68 69 _. ` 86 87 s • t �o SAN. k/<1 / ST. STA. •'t .5. .6 �� L/NE A- Of OV L, - 5__ 60 � s •- � - � 7. TA. 2tO _"ti'a' N�`_TLK 57 STA. 4 . �• 52 kl /(�S 06 _ / I t \ ST. ST.a. 4� �t_. 5� I /'r+'1: /170. 31 c:�Lj RIM /8 -� f ,` RIM: 147 47 ` • f!*-S -�E EN': 8" WAIrTE • L t 80-37 -SAM M � /NS'A�:L <9 SFV STRADcrc ��0=.r le ST. STA• 3+ 93. x-74 S,'�A P,:D L E ,BLOCK f ? •$.O u n.r E rz N t r-1` � 1 fiM: /$ ' 'G .,8.0. ARSE;NBL:Y Q.; FTIM. 152. 73 d$::E,+?BLr 46 PEA' DETAIL I I I I"I A I l� BJ'r• 50' i U r�LF f% I IL F�'f °Ir 0/a • - - _• • �crM�✓i'e PLJ6 / �'CONNE6:; TC 3i. 9l'r. 1.54.57 VA X MAIN 10, ROODING S7 �'I�' OR 10' S[NINO SACK Of 2 CALY., �STRAOOLL •IOGR NI . pig 1 I �, 'Q�{� flo[wALK _PLUG �3W 104TH AVE. �` i ��� I I t; , 5,5q 5 - ' 1 /• I CONCRETE ^I $•� 5 yV r�N GROUND METER sox SIDEWALK STRAOCLE BLOCK DETAIL ! SW 104TH AVE. _-- - - - -_ - � YO N f� t, `� �' CONCR[TE THRUST BLOCK ; rr r} 7 - SE( STRADOI.[ BLOCKOE- rl44; ! cl ��� I fn �' D�a' I I > ♦I� 1 ��/ /1� I - TAIL FOR OPTIONAL •, '" ;'H ' I�I fti Y I 1 -AWWA APPROVED) GATE V 2•ERA;SSAMERICAN MADE, MC1N00. VALVEz -NIPPLE ' .�• ' V))) Y iSNOR1 L b W •O•ELL WELL d� 2 GAIv PIPE- T.J. /LUG OR M.J. / t 56 I PLUG/CAP wr:'vT �� �`".yU. �i c rill d 4 I r' a� " R "4 STANDARD GLOW OFF ASSEMBLY L� 90 O%` � 0, /rJCr'( G� � - ks � 50 25 0 50 loo 150 ' 3 1 " 20' y SCALE IN FEET JNo DATE REVISION RLP ALPHA ENGINEERING INC. DESIGNED SCO- DATI March 1987 PROJECT SHEET 1 " : 20' DRAWN TBT SCALE A9 SHO,r,,, SANITARY SEWER/WATER PLAN 1 750 S W. SKYLINE .LVD. --------------- ---------------- S W A N S U �� ' � GLEN E N G CHICK NJH PROJECT NO 2945 INTERSECTION DETAILS ,ryA SQN ' S GLEN PORTLAND, ORiGON 4711 _ 11 OF 24 'b ( 503 1 297 - 1458 APPROVED _ - OF 9 lt. INL ••AV•.10N uu •... ,r.s..e.•..- «'� •P,CYN,'..M'F*u y, ••!YtYf•/•w'J11,NM�'R, X11! �YY. •as' .n! 1b Ili I I III 111 111 j1 tlt I� Ii1 i1'I III IIS Ill I I 11 1 III III II 111 II III Ill 11 f>J1 III III III III III III III III III 111 Ill III ill rll ill 111 III Ill 111 ill �. ._ f' +� it P � I ( I � I � 1 , NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I `3 4 5 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIGfir`IT IS DUE TO pf QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL_ , - DRAWING, pg 62 92 LZ 9Z S2 tit EZ ze IZ OZ 61 81 LI III II bl EI ZI II 01 _ • • L 9 S- � E Z 13"IA"' 1►I11lIIIIIIIIIH111111111111111)1111off 11411IhIlIII IIIIIIloll 11111.11111111111f641111111111111111N1tt)1i1111I11111!111111111IIINlM�11111111) IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIN11i11{11111111!{1111�11�In���u�l11111111111111111111111 1111111 1) JULY • 7 1992 �o •, I u, EX/Sr GRADE ---� PRCIc'OSFyC-' '?eAOE ' � � PE•o/�p sED G�PQPE Q �Dv 4c -__ --- ------ I ` -ai v %� ' p PJr0Z'05ED BRACE / s 0 /60 - - --- - - l60 185 _ __-_ - - /85 /q0 It /80 - - - _--- -- - - -._ 00 !65 -- -- ---- -- _- _ ------ /B5 :F v� S70RA4 - s s X153 ?VG F- ^5�, / I'i'i a� ��: o.o q85 /e/. tic _,q5 po 150 __ _ /50 - - --- /75 /Bo ---- 180 _ 01 lE: /82. 51 /N(EB 1� �. ( / 1rG. ou ADD /E: 162 3./ vur 0-0- 00 1.000 0+ 00 /+OD 2400 3+ 00 0-t 00 J+00 2;00 LINE A-4 LINE A-5 LINE A-S J O � h f�ROPOSE4 'ACE- h ' r• ___ h v (� T G?AG. , ' O t) �' -FADE �'4OPOSCD BADE 1 O t\� EX157' N 0 155 _ N °' I �-'-."'.�-�-___- _ /SS /60 - ----- - ----- - -- --�- --- !6o J90 - --- - ---- - - 190 .. 4D F_X/ST A - - FO STORNI i -----. —-_ _----- /4 5 150 386. 78 L F _ 8 G S F 14 4.4� /F_ . i�f 7.69 � i ae !v4:: \�-E7LF_ BNICSP 0. 04W ----- 140 - - - - - -.,-- .- -- ---- 140 /¢5 _.. OSP PVC ' 145 - S s .OpSI /50 - - _ '-,-- - /50 !SO ,E:-/4_2. 40 /N(Ei' 242 LF - 0005P FvG \ -�4R. !_F _ 8rc"SP-�,r P i '� S = O. 050 S D. c724E /E: /42, 20 JUrti4/) /E: 147.940 /,V(EiN) \ 1E: 150. Ir? .N CW6', ) 1E: I1j2.5/ /E. 1¢7. DUT S; /49. •79 Jul i i /E: IB2.31 OUT 0+ 00 1+00 2+00 ,3+00 4-000 0+00 /tOo 9 0 If00 2t 00 I 3f0C 16 t o0 174 00 1B+GYM LINE A- 1 LINE A--2 LINE A-3 LINE A (CON'T) j A ' 170- --- -N _ - - - - - - -- - - �! ---- - - - 41 i� �_ 170_ /q5lqo - --- --- -- - -195 tu rN � d � d ' �i I b h' 0 t N ) ri W C O n Y O'C1 i O /6v- _. —`._._ _.-._..__ _ -._.________. _• � - IBS - o i • S 5Ed 4'A O FSTO CSM\ --'// , .^ 1� ., 8 � 1 18 /80 --- - 55- 0- SC� ' 6 ; g u sP °R PVC 67 l•F. �trSPo� PVL ! O 0/ 9,¢(O rx l50 /50 7 93- -- – - — - -- 75 - - –_- - - --- - V� c$' � = _i ' 114 1 \ \ I.52, 2 /N iVw J7� v ,� a v., � _ - /55. o0 0/1 T ' P �E: "6. 2/ / 5- - U- -170- 0 1 0- _ '.1 cF E. •/�"5. ;%. -''�' ;E. 7. 40 /rvl.'N6'E� lE: 20.._/N /r: 110 Icy our 140- 165-- GON /F. 14.. /c-• 142. ,:10 iv \yMA7 J O t 00 /f 00 2 f 00 3+OU 4+00 5+ DO 6 t Oo 7 0 00 B t 00 17+ 00 /O t 00 /l+00 !2 t Gl0 /3 t coo /4*as /50 00 0000 LINE A NO oATI Rlvi sioN Y-- -- -------- By DISIONED SCO DATI March 1987 PROJECT SHEE t 1 " SQ' HORZ. ALPHA ENGINERNIN41 INC. -�- 1 " 5' VERT. DRAWN TBT SCALI 1 50 H SWANSON'S7 >, iso :w. sKYIINE BLVD. GLEN SANITARY SEWER PROFILES fiWANSON ' " r',LEPd CNIlCK NJH PRO/ECT NO 1345 ' PORTLAND, OREOON •7Z 11 _ 22 OF 24 - 1450 APPROVID - OIF c PA ( !O� 1 497 ,. INC •tAvt U,oN no „ 7 All :: +r.M:� •r ' Il�I�t'��I�I��ilil���l���1�1►1tlill�l��t�rll�l�1��1(I�III���r'��Illt �I�t��l���ll�l) lllllil Ili�il�lilllrlllilllil(IIIIItIi�Ilil�lilil�lilelililil�lililililllli�fl�lil�liiilllilil���iili�i � 1� - _ � , , , ( 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 8 10 I I 12 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ---- _ _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN TH IS NOT IC6-r`TT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL , DRAWING. - - - -- OE 62 82 a 1)2 S2 f2 E2 22 12 02 51 FII LI 91 SI hI EI 21 it 01 6 Y L 9 S it E 2 I�'�c'" f I •; .. ��111111111111111111�1111�U�1111I1����llit llnulllllntlll�Il�t��IN��LIN�e�r��rl��ln��l►Inllul�lulflnlllnlllr11111111111111iihm11n1Ilu11IWIlu�I1111�IHtblullr('�tltl�ntl�nl:Irn�I1N InLnllllulllllln11111111 �f H JULY _ . . „ 7 1992 L. 113. 72' /7' Jilin '� ; iso gkz 4 \ L4 it tp 4. ►�} c}j _ - %4 (�l• Wit© `p r1 I. 5W 104TH AVE 3Q, 44 �, - :9� I �• a �9 vA ' i `7"v ( V - Som ``i\ .33 - -n► ' Rz 24" i ( ter'_ ` 7. i 46' -A co f ! 'v ox 3*0/. 4-; � , R : 3^ ' v .�> X90 ir, i xs�-Q-q / .� +C'_ 24' ^ � d � 89° roc•,�,7 ' fin' � \� �Y �2 �s163. ,3 M 1 = 4� -�.X` "� a M ltd l �' - zi p�r�ZZ = o/. 5,61 a7 24 � I ;UE• ,� ;t S, � iqo. �«� � L _ 50.03' �D� Q 30 M Din✓��y� ��--� �q SOX Pv 1 how __._.may .► :� ` � ,// � � \ i_4 -f° 0 'P4 inil wk s�'�' \ I�~, ..'• �� ..,; 1 TN 17/ 10.0 VA r I ,sem � . _.. .___ ---� , ���^° �(I"• i r L 2/. C`4 I ! f IN OATS E1T DESIGNED sco DATE March 1987 PROJECT � --- -- /• RIN�i NC. i�MEE ALPHA ENGINES DRAWN TBT SCALE 1 " 20' Q I7E0 two° SKYLINE BLVD.WANSGSWANSON' S GLEN INTERSECTION DETAILS V '-' I\" S GLE?� CHECK NJH PROJECT N• 1345 PORTLAND, OSE6ON •Y221 -F 24 Ph ( !OS ) 297 - 1,458 APPROVED Olt Cl° •.0 .N.V..... O. midkft . . its .fiI�II�{I.'111.I1��1 III�Iw� mum ' . rI � 1IIIIC � IiIIIIIIIIIlllt11� IIIIIIIIII'I�I `—I, !1I11111I 111t Il� 11111IImr" : Mw.r - Pilo V' Illlrll�lllllll�lll'Illlltl�Ill �' 2 4 5 6 7 8 8 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 1 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICFs•"IT IS DUE TO f �.• j QWITY OF THE ORIGINAL. a DRAWING. OE 62 92 LZ 97 SZ 0? E2 _ 82 12 02 61 81 L 1 91 51 v I E 1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 S E I I I I--J.�--I I -I• ' ��III u111 nnllnll uLIL1L11 n11)uuhr�1114111�IIN�11111 uul��Ml��u�u�a�111 ui111N11 U1111ILtI nll)uu�11�1111uI1u11u11>t u111 Nn�lul�I nll unlllullnll ullll+ultra »I1u1'1lnllullllll�Inll)w>11fdlSilluuluulwl�u�►Iullul{IWbIi+ 1 JULY 7 1992 a • , an— F.• Installation of irk_ hvdra�: lira hydrant assembly consists of -------1•- a�" NJ NODER14 MUELLER CENTURIONpR I�O• BEHIND BACK FIRE HYDRANT, A-442, s"M is of WALK x 6" F19 tai, 6' !iq x NJ gate valve, 6" NJ x XJ bolding ". Cr WW 6 1/4 MVO, i FORT, 1 1/2 spool, and Modern Mueller Centurion fire hydrant, A-662, � FENT OrR, NWT N n1bW-r of WAY � LEFTS COLOR: T OOPEPEN 6" NJ, sir" MVO, 3-port (2 - 24" Wf hosom connections, J M 6y' IST popper) , 1y" Pont Opr -Nut, open left, colors ET>t$Ila4PL[3 MXN14OL.t yellow. r►IJE,- Gov!R G RO LJT__ Ff M 15111 b�l!►DE -- uT 1 1 Y Y ii.;T'l X 00 AT- -FPV►Ahti�ll+1_Noll _ ( T Y P I C A L-) S - ' 1r=A1CIKe'TE: Ex-reNSIom fuNG Is=o o t=FeVALVE B X 11,1Si'f►LL AS R�UTAE TO tt d1ICA.DEC LIT•IL MY _ " io = SIDEWALK EXTENSION µDNLIC31f C�V1�R d Ff�l►ME TO aTRIP'S („TYrIGML,.� b OR LESS = T 6" MSN �xv��v.cE � � A.C. r --ty2ys pt IGl.1 ORI►OE ( Nl�►X. 3 RIPlGS) - `~ GAowy Ltt�/tL 170Ar L�ftL sM►lyll I--,I�- EC L.NrR1C, tAAW%C1t_— �r , ,tF •ytptw&LK I NoJf I� rN13 C_O ITFW_r s lil _ GOT' 1 s K�,`�Po1J�,p,rd� I,� fy o� .rs�}�1 • f?I1M-NEK �olPt'f 4MKIAL. COMPACT'FD Sues►-BASIL�-• If," arv. C�JI�b pf�.OPbR MJ HYDRANT OUTLET 6 FLo s MJ a' i L I A * L GOtIC.• Y W n GATE VALVE : CR L:OU/► >F I Iuss��e b ifJ► 'r1G _ - , STT 445 lit MAN4�L"E RISER (If. cLAzS �b" A5r1IAL•TIG carte•• � � '� -- l. crve ry fYocq 61l�AVt b- - STe� 8" Z'-- O' c-�ti� icD FtiOGK' VEL :, SFA/ MAIN W/MJxFL6 COVER ROCK ;�;:w�: - �r� TEE (SEE FLAN) °'w►sc. W/TAR PAPER 6 MJ Ic MJ *-1407s; LNST INCH Or rV MST FIMEQUIREO - BEFORE BACKFILL = HOLDING SPOOL THRUST BLOCK wino ,1 OWL- vftso 1 a G 6 S4. FT. MIN. Pr7PW GROOVED IMIfEf�T" 1'C i C0RV%CTIED" - 6RJ►ULM}ti CONCRETE PIER � BEARING & , � ,�' ���� TYPICAL STREET SECTION 1112t 3/4 _ - DRAIN ROCK BLOCK (3 5Q. FT, AWEu_ GE-W � AbC�O _ c� 2 S0. BASE ) MAI- fal°IM A y FIL AT t� -a um rr" Cm = r/fir arm ! `� + � tr��wl►Y _. GG�1G. A►$ ti►tD1 -. .: . ��T,/ Ut1C15TURbfmO Ei�P►-f1•i --- . : - ROOF RAIN DRAIN`S STANDARD FIRE HYDRANT . ` .► ' ► , Ir Lj6YLM COMPACT'S17- SHALL MEET WEEP 0 . • • . C V4. _ 1/4#9 Ht7LE"a I N t,..11R _ Tido w.EE P NOLE� s c - rER REQU RED 4 C pRTVE whys) '- Mlle .,;•,. , •ti• ,• •.. P i- M�.. .tw �• •i - 32 —0" - -4- 3/4 r EDGE GE -6 -�-i i-+ 16'-O" - 16- 0" - �GQ I , a A a -_ STANDARD MANHOLE SECTION -�= ��IoK JDINT . ZFAC "Cr - :1 _ r' 0-10, 40 immc- -T CoA AT ALL C44A 49V&S I" �C210N co I � Q 4 d =:.J I' T Vere ac kew Rtes. G011a G. C ZB PAY 1bMUAK 1N 6 A ,. ..r., I t I Y-4- �Tl�rJ�TN� _� ---- - -- • p ' 4 I I STANDARD SIDEWALK SECTION _ a . _ T a - STREET BARRICADE f O C a A I II 9/78'X10 6olvenue S0. Need I�ecAi"e !lolls aQ G. d 6 •Q 4 With washers. 2 Bolts Per Rail Per Post. �•-ol 4- t 40 o A t 04-X 6' Post-Treated And Pointed White N. T, S. 37-2-V2 ----y_� G'O 0 A o 19 SPACES D 2 O.L S-Z' d o O ,a 7 p `n ;) 2 X e' Cross Rrils-Reiss To Be0e Po�nle6 01ecr With White 2"B4R 1aZrs3-2.112 n � d a Jlellectort:ea Stripe. I / (20 BARS)V;ri; a 2%14le \ //�I - I _3' Z J we Eu w M ABOVE _ m orTOM OF: MA. Fo R M A I TT / i _ • ''`� B URB (N.T.S.) STANDARD C -► I r,- --- r con/CRETE 7V BE' 3.000 RS..r. 191 28 DAM N O N " rd c 0 ,_. 1/z steel PL !'�sU1RED- MAX: 18" '•�:r '�t C C o , 5 1 o�w.o.L -o •_ _• :..> �:�,: (28- -1 fa4rt"= CSCB SOLID LID - • •--� --�--;. -•-• -iA4p�^�':x a •. �' �- """ 3 Roc'c'��N ,y• �- ''•r - • B ¢_ -. ��~'�'wi� ' N �.� wj. ti tifi:} I_j'T►t..1TY A-yT�1P Z� /VOPAL T S • ' ..1. i-. '� f F' I � •••~}. {i:• _ J .. _ - .,x• `WROUGHT IRON OR WELDED STEEL FRAME d1N0 GRATE -SEE �7AL o f/ SIDEW'-K SLOPE C_0208 j 'STANDARD MANHOLE PLAN � i � .9s. RIMP SLOPE 0.05 t" { r�- ., _ WET M�EE.i. AEF C7y'Y" G�F'Y1asJy[D fl?R-MAX:Ar•L.D1KAtl3LL 3' ''� 3f4 - ►t _ ti' T $- TPiAVELED FPJ(Ob T OF t>rIAY I (4)-l.1fxT STUDS T/ L Y' -•, SECTION C-Ccr— P. 3'-3-3/4' �-0 � •. '�. '� ` UNDI'S7'VRDt:O TJIRTH NA,nvL- mA1X--VIALS _ V-- e-cRUSAa? RMA • CLEAN, _ . - 1N SSE IV T Af'�Ie10► Dirty b t , NJ►1�D ANO GO'H PA a•T&V �-• —2'•3-3K Q - .: . 4 I ,CWf DRAW 7" a _ •.�_ - f •�� Tom• co = RPE it hITT I N6 69ZE A DRAIN 47 P y � �„ ;Y: ! ; 6. � 3'-0. __ �• SC>E hJ KTfiR gYSrT1RL�4 - SUBCRADE --1 6 6� • ._ - _ . I 10" I.'2"MAx r ?r, - I Q 1 STREET 4ONGR . i � - • - E.TC THRUST' V1,01GK 3u�1 � •� I ( • _ 1/4" 0" CRUSHED ROCp LEVEL11IG \ lrtZf< -TI'E'R D!Il117' 1X91llllr RAti!tip s• -,..�. -4 t ` ,. COURSE AS 501L CONDITION RE0111RE 8 (, ►E nr' �.0 iom ` 1.• A'z t_• _ G-e"-j 4 4 M IS FT• Z.© rT' .-.1.0- PIT bEL.kC.T r,RANLA.AFk AUTA'TV%L � + �°�' •• i �KCRETE BREAKING STRENGTH TO IN rift zarW fi - 95 7`i CIfiHrAC-RQtiJ ' 0E 3000 P51 AFTER Zl! DAYS '.1 SECTION A-A SECTION B-B r' TNR ST K T F ITTI � 5 — A,;,,�. CONCRETE TO BE 3000 P.S.I. !N 28 DAYS 5 SACK MIX • L iti "I � IIS:-.:�� OVERSIZE CATCH6�1S1101 BICYCLE AND WI-I�.ELCHAIR RAMP _ N.T.S. N• DATE RIV1S10/1 BT NyT . B . otsloN[v DATI March 1987 �' R D.1 E CT SHEEN' STANDARD TRENCH ALPHA ENGINEER11M INC. o11Awc1 scAt• ,NONE 1710 Sw. SKYLIN• •LVASWANSON'S GLEN MISCELLANEOUS DETA I LS 9GLEN CNtCt NJH •Ro,�cT i+• 1a4� . PORTLAND, 011!4091 •713{ 24 OF 24 g Ph ( SOA ) 292- 9774 . APPROVSD �� 'fI ,- ' _ __ , .-� --•r..........M rw, .. ...x-,._.. ...- ,._nr. , w-o,gBcr-• ,w.y ww�.ar _. _ _ _ - . ._. "- •._ - --- + _......,._..._. ._..... ,._ -.-. .,*rn............,w.- .. ., _. ---- « i x 1C`{111 I�IIIIIij111 �11�1�1 ��fil)1 I�[IIII tll{t�l�r�1 Ll 1 I i-tyl�ill II 111 ►) ►�► 11l tl) f���tl) tl) ►I1 1I1�t11 111 tl1 1111111 1,1` 11 111`11! X11 111 1,flllt 111 1�1 111, 2 3 4 5 6 7 t? A NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICr"--"IT IS DUE TO � QUALITY OF THE OR',INAL. DRAWING. GE 6Z 92 LZ 92 SZ fZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 Of Al RI 91 bl EI ZI ;1 of 6 9 L 9 S 1r E ,N1IIIIIIlu1{un111u1uu11mluu1111�I1uG1u{t11tI1n1luululllnullntlllnllli1111u1us1II11111u1{Itlllll�l{Hussill{111i�ii>�Illhlll{Itttl111s{t►111t'111In11hltlfmutinll Iu1111111In111u11I11n11111111�WW1I11u1111(�S1a111uII11111I�111111 JULY 7 1992