SUMMERFIELD NO. 06 SUBDIVISION r„�1'!�}•'KNIMNu, r.Zlna. :$y�Wt xR ;'s r. •:,� , .•.,.,...,.,,.w .. r�!•`sl+tx>....�...,,.,asFr.Y..._...nr•rt-°rrr.T?4e'r'i r n. yg, v "1R"� 1C °flaC�lll�IMnl act r' Ry” IMP ARM vivar".W4 ;w r. O" u a 1 SII �, ,�!x "-� .li�'44•+r• '•e�j1,,�''ll%11lI°I"�"�" �j•.r,� ..�+r',. vgn..d••"n... r ` "+ " ''" '"!"1�.1 '71I�°� �+IIt' . . y", M ( A a c ' G H I � i; GENERAL NOTES: I, ALL WORK SHALL 8E DONE IN CON r'Jk;;v1ANCrr WITH T14EsE PLAOS AND SPE -IFICATIIONS WHICH ACC.JMPAN i THEN), AND WITM THh UNIFIED SEWAGE AGEOC , S 7-AN DAf;�S . 10 EVENT' OF- x A CONFLICT SETVYEE i T X00. THE •f�owt i I. � --------_- _-_---- �l� - r` HE`S E PLANS AND 5 R�G 1 F 1 C A T I Q N 5 AND a �� E¢uATio-�,� QA,• - TAKEUPREC�SW;F_, HIJ' , THE ). , A .S rA N p A R d 5 SHALL -Lo- mA C- Z-S ��r -'-- - ----- - -- s ; 2, NO ITEjMS OR FHASE OF Wr�r�l< SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMF'l 1-E sr, IF 18Z.�6 0t.nr 1P`� AND c�t3Z � �n ' -� JNTIL ACCEPT-EO BY rHE U S. A. AND THE ENGINEER. � 24Z �K, `+�� -Z• Z P 3. ALL PERM ITS AND LICENSES NECESSA RY Foe P2C)SrwCur I QI�J It 193C61N -��� �r�' /E /7G, 72 ou7• v AND COMRLET-IOIN OF THE WORK SHALL BE _cZC_J2ED 4NO PAIL'S lasrLc r•E":/oz.89vvr �-�' L I "AJ ' � �R BY THE' CON TRACTOR PrZ. IC)f2 T'O GONIMENCIhIG �7F >retcTly-�,wrr�e r�.� .. 5 Z5 2 3G Z3 7 38 2 ,9 2. 40 -7 � / ��,gz �� i FveM 6',texJTc.JEOfIL' /O•«��� 23[� �- -- 4 3Sxs"�K�„r rOP �e��, S 7 �• CON ST RUGT ! ON. $ �,.. Or `- R 4. THE I_C>CAT ION OF CX 1 STI NG UNDr=.2Gi�0Ule! D JT ILIT I E5 rlird� CONI GgSE car>. rr�s 3 SHOWN ON THE PLANS I S POR : N F=OR MATT 4N ONLY AND ; �•'', ;' �✓E� c✓�i r Gc r Mi0►tv tas � .�� .c, .. y+ �s 3 0 , C-2,3 S estoFis"sr c?- �f� rcQ4r. `r 't79,30 !d1•� Cr2. 4 _ IE 23 Gj' I I5 NJT r,5UARAI,4 TEED T') S ACCUreATE. oIIT G C0NSTrR0C; T� ION , 7HE CON r2ACTOR a I% 191,88 OOT 5 . �� 6 N Z_ l� A/ I_ T I -�8. :3e I�> � 5. L3EFOf<'E CC>KIrnENCI N '� f!: If✓2,08 1�" JN � v, 1� SHALL NOTIFY ALL PERTINENT WNWANiES OR AGSNCIFS �`�� � WITH JN0ERCmf20UN D F-ACI _ 1 Tl ES IN THE JOB AREA. SO 4� 244 THAT F=ACIL_► TIES MAY BE AC,CU2ATELY LOCATED '1-6s—r-,- 5� c>, 7S� L'•r4-G 4'N °� N + -- 4t06 �:" I J � . �5 �POWCQ !��AS� TELEPHONE , WATERZ STOR" Q SAN ITAW\ � 5 2 L ALS AkE Tb BE ,. GvNC, � IPE E� 2 � G, ALL l=WG ATEA r � " � T A 2c� �_ :'. i; . t:'. :. i, �;o STi2ENGTN G- l 4. �- cs�� \ 7• LATERALS OUT OF NH SHALL BE CON ST2UCT EO WITH 1.E, X11 -- Z I L I N `� =4 24S : "`' \ _AT'ERAL. AT 5AME ELES/' AS N51 C�F TZ�P ELE�/ OF g'I M A ! N. 2 -25 2 5 I Z� 4 ,. 2 ss - z�' - -_ 1 7 3 Ioio-tN 6, J v Z4� - -----� W Z 8 20 30 O t 67.3 y c-Z-/LANE' E7�iST MW i9-i? (7-,-00 .E.:ray,y0 r.✓ I� p c 36o2 - • ' • •• i' �`' ••'•• . Of /�-,C •C: rV� 4wMI`O fwl N r .C� f�Nrs1! rdl.F••./ 'CJS /'cR7ro...• •� r+ Cr- ST'.Sn/ Sw"t'ML.CFE J S �• . . : i'• •,. .... ; 3O, 2 7 Fx i„�TI Q '" P.V,C, - � � � - AND Td BE f�.09 GrN/�iC 7 I'S COM 10 7 •�� ; , t • ;; } SAOkTRK`( SEWER .� N-B6 iB /c-c✓ 6, .• .": _ PRESSORE L I OE 4S, -� ' //-"-'_ ' f�-'�s, -o c L. ��S -�OQ '�'30 $ owl a :fes-' r z �S,w, — _ C �) f�N ANl fit- RO• tj '1S•a� 0�VF 7' 2— 1e i -7G,. 7z Our 7G , a, 11� v�ro,� rap 18,1 .57 +,� - � r • — - - B I L T Ila - - -- -- 41 -- -- �-— _—_- _- ----- - - -- Aq 1-9cd PAW — _ 4— Z In _ 741 r — , REFEP,ENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN S E i I I L►� 1 SUMME � RUIL 'I soRF 1 C 2 • I LINE:1 TRACE 108 NO. �— L',II IL I r,, rA uV. EL-. SLOPE�LKu. k.,lcr-. -�� xL, ( PHASE_ ) 0 +00 MHC 2 to 9► t 70 4 — 3 - 2MHC2 . 5 / CHECKED a r r i s - M c M o n I SHEET v''�� '�'�' vF r- L. L' A7' F` W""• G age Assoc � c�tes SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS REV. —`— DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE � ..�"��. -y �Il�l� W�1�1`= FNGINEERS SURVEYORS • REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISIONS R. Nab DA E 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN � PROFILE ��''��� TIGARD, OREGON 97?_23 OF A 6 C D E F 1. nr-• 1 +w.uta4F el �` t I. !. M �V , __ _ u1Mi-in.Mi f. .MMn++M.»......•r.._w.�..__w....w"w-..�..+1 _.,....-.+w�..•.«.._..... «r+.u..w.i.!_..—. ♦ ....._...,.MIJM'r.n.,.."^'-ro•-"'-'^••ww.Y . �► « '" ;f . ` _. .. 6�1�1�t 1Illlrl 111'111 1111111 �Il�till ll III 111 111 111 fill III Ijl III 111 III 11 III 111 IIIYII-I III 111 III �' •1 I I I I I I - 1I• ' 'l III(IIIIII111I111IIIII111I1II(111I11111111If11I1IIIIIIIIIII111Ii11II11 i 1 �•� NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I 2 `3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 _ 1 I 12 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE; IT IS DUE 10 THE OJALTTY OF THE ORIGINAL r DRAWING. OE 62 82 LZ 92 SZ Ib2 EZ 2Z IZ 02 61 BI LI 91 GI b1 EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b IE--.. Z 1��11.,. . 111IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIuu1u11In1111111�III111111�IN111111IIlIIIuII�Ilulnnllllll1111I1111I1111II111I1111IIIIlIIl11IIIItIItIlIR11111UIII11III1111111IIIIlI1111IIIitIIIIlII111�I111IIIII�IIIIIIIIlIl111�11►I�I�WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIW�IlW1111�IIIlII11111JJIIlIIIIIIIII1111�111JI1111 � . JULY 19 92 I � I E: F r H 'GENERAL NOTES : I. ALL WORK SHALL. E* DONE IN CONPO(-eMANCE WITH THESE PLAN'S -AN') 51>t`I FI- I CATIC�NS WHICH ACCONMPHNY THEM AND WITH rHE UNIFII;!D SF=\N A 's AGENCY' STAN DAt' OS. 2N EVENT 6F A CONFLICT 8r=-, WEEN "HESE PANS ANU SPECIFICATIONS ANO THE v S. A. STAN7,AROS , THE J S. A STANOARDL r Z. NO SHALL EM OR PHASE OFDWORK. SHALL BE CON S I N l I DE RED CCS 1P-c TE UNTIL ACCEPTEp p,Y THE U. S. A. , ANO THE ENGINEER. 1�r 3. ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES NECESSARY FOR PROSE JT ' 00 AND COMPLE -- r j TIOIJ OF THE WORK SMALL BE SECURED AND PAID FOR t3`( THE Cori TRACTOQ IF- Our- I 9Z 9<0 10 C Z S PRIOR TO COMMILISIC I NG OF CON S T R UC. T 1 O N. ,L- '�'W ) Ir ""-I ! f6 g 0(p L� 4, THE LACATI00 Or ExIsTIuC► UNDERGR0000 url !. ! TIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN : T I '°;zs >� �^� I� 70 ? („ IS FOR INFOSRNNATIOtV ONLY AND iS NOT GUARAN -F-ED "IU F3E ACCURATE. �c W • 1 p� 0 S. BEFORE COMMI_NCING CONST RUCTION, THE CQN T R ACTOR SHA!.-L NOTIFY A,..�__ IL � � _ �� X IE =��r I H/i III / PER71NEt47 CON' nANIES OR AGENCIE WITH l)NDC-'RGROUA-)p F/-CIL.ITIES IN W �'C� ''1..,�,� O g�rl� r�2 ���f IE Inl �y ,�I V GAS, TE LE >='NOJE 50 THAT E2T S�'O2MTIES$ SANAIT qRY CS�wZA1E ETCOC�ITEO (t.E - POWEt�, ILL E2 !Q's �� �' / i W AL_ SEER tZ LATEALS ARE TO 13C- Ce' CON, PIPE EXT-RA STRENGTI-a C- 14, - o T. LATEf2AL5 COT OF NH SHALL 8E CONSTrUC.TED WITH ' , C, G'' !_I,TEr ALSui 1T �s SAME -Lr--\J. AS 'N S IOF- TOTS SLSV. OF 10" N)Aso. 8 ALL 10" CONC. PIPE TO IBE, C-14 EXTRA sr REND TN. \\ \ � 3tiy2411- w- C�y 9 9. Av L,.Ls. La',N�EST�-�W►vILs>LA1�B�E AIR TESTED TD CI TY OF TIGAR0 AUD 1--+ 70 c-z 1`4 111 3C/z' -- x U. 0-7- 1 Ns,' '7o Ir= I k.► 1q7.110 i �9 L� 177rcU �� _ �� �, S' \G�� * nom____._._-•I-------_N ____ u� ____ 13+'-1 `->C l�G . i3 18(c. 113 "'ZX AS BUL - * &\ O f 01 'tYG FOR IE ¢7F0TV12E Uwe -- 2 - — _ Z Z - - ILL ____ - IS - -- --- -- - - - - - - — - �'T ,-/0 — rW 4d - - - - i 4 All. _ — - — — Nh _- - 4WPOOM - _ — A doe 1567 JIS ""o --- - _ REFERENCE INFORAATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SUMMERFIELD2- 1 5 T v '�� .���� pi � TRACED C � L 11V G T A5 IBUILT NNS A,IM . EL, SLOPE DIST k-E i- 76 '� � 105 NO. 1 Rn�%s Eo �;. -7A rc e ���/� A� BUILT � � PHASE 3 ) _ RDor� C - a /-"vE ,,ter �s ,�44,,w'-f . w 10—ow CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associates 9+7 0 42 NH C'-2.5fo 16+15-98 END OF LINE sHeFT s REV r —^ DESCRIPTION SUB APPR. DATE oµ _!2►1 JLNI` I N[+RS SURVEYOR REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVI510N �� 1���'`,�I DATE 8905 S fW.I CrJMMERCIAIS STREET P L�.AN a P R 0 F I L E ...�_...._._____ - .. R N- y/1 75 TIGARD, OREGON! 97223 Of ;? i SUIhP1EF17 T ELD NO F, 2 OF 13 r Nils 1101 1oan 0 _ � � C � � �, ... _, --,_ .. _ �, I� I f 1jI i�I I'II IIr III iI1 ►�1 ti1f• II fil III III III t�►���'=,- _�.�: . _ ,.r _ ��.•"` I �) I I 1 ( I I I I � Illt'1I�f�IIr�IIIIIIiI111111IIIIIIrIIItIrIrltlt1111ltltltl"'IIIIIII,IIrIIIIIrIIIrII�rllll�IlIItIIIfIIIrIIIIIIIIirlll►)rirlrll � " 1 • ( 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ 9 IU 1 I 12 NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMED - DRAWING 15 LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICI•i;'TT IS DUF TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL f r DRAW IW,. OC 62 BZ LZ 927 SZ v EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 91 LI 91 SI b1 EI ZI II 01 S • -_ 9 1S- b f1r-• Z 1011"" l , � ��llllnllUlllunlnnllnllnnlHlllln1l1l1IIIIIlIII1111III�riulrurrurlnnlrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIItII1111Iit11;11.11lilt!I111In1111111IIII111111I1111II1IIiIII11111IIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIlIII1111111I11111111IIlwh►i1IInlllnllnllllltllllllllWllIW1111III1l�lIIIWrIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI1lUIfIN ' JULY 6 1992 r 9.,,,,.....,..... ,D,, ...... _ �.._._..._. bcr aa ro ` yV,n 4 C ii �JCD C 7 w w w dz��\ (503) 639-3101 TUALATIN I`EvNLOPMENT '20., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 March 17, 1981 _ n MAR 1- '7 1�?1 Mr. R. L. Thompson City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 CI I Lr Tigard, Oregon 972231 Re: Summerfield Plats 4-1 Dear Bob: Tualatin Development Co., Inc. has completed the variousC y��,� items on the final inspection iist sent. 7eN V , April 23, 1980 - Summerfield Plats 1,2,3,4,x{,6 April 11, 1980 - Summerfield Drive `--' We here by request that the Pubiic Works Department make the necessary inspections and submit for Acceptance of these Summerfield Plats t:, the City Coursel for their approval at the Meering March 23 , 1981. Thank you for your cooperation, if you have any questions please call our office. Sincerely TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. , INC. �1 opold � Lind Development Supervisor Construction Division �,c,"`1 „�*Y �► JL:,jp ��.. � �\ ,,�•' 1� � a 0 (503) 539-3101 TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO., INC. 15300 S. W. 116th Avenue TIGARD, OREGON 97223 April 21, 1981 r"LL.' U L E 0� APR 2 t 1981 Mr. R. L. Thompson CITY OF. TIGARD City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Summerfield Plat # 6 Dear Bob: Tc:a,1at .n Development Company requests that the Public Worxs Department make the necessary inspections and submit for acceptance of this Summerfield Plat to the Counsel for their approval at the meeting 4-27-81. Tualatin Development Company acknowled,;es that the 1" Asphalt overlay is not complete at this time. Tualatin Development Company will complete the over- lay on Plat # 6 at the time we overlay Plat # 14. Sincerely TUALATIN DE,VNLOPMEMT CO. , C�; J e reopold Development Supervisor Construction Division JL:pt I ®'� lUfl �flll (1 � U �fl � � I �� D� 1� 11 Il DISIRI (' l •� 1 P.O. LOX 127 • TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 • PHONE 682.2601 • RUSSELL WASHBURN, CHIEF June 18, 1980 Aldie Howard, Planning Dept. City of Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Brookside Condominiums at Summerfield Dear Aldie : An on-site inspection was made of the Irookside Condominiums at Summerfield which is south of S.W. Summerfield and west of S.W. H'ghland Drive. The site inspection shows that emergency a.,cess was provided as required from the development to S.W. Highland Drive. However, the emergency access needs to be a level paved accessible way for fire department use. The streets, curbs, etc. are already in the development. The emryency access that is provided amounts to two full -size curbs, a sidewalk, and some gravel . There is an elevation difference between the street and the parking lot of the cond)minium. This is unsuitable for fire department use. The 3ccessway needs to be leveled so that fire department apparatus can use it. The emergency access could be camou- flaced as a bike path, pedestrian path, and be locked or gated, or chained. If you have any further que! tions, feel free to call me. Yours truly, i 4 Joseph A� 'Greul�h��, Deputy Fire Marshal JAG :dm cc : Tualatin Development Co. 15300 S.W. 116th Ave. Tigard, Oregon 97223 I P.ece-t-ar 27, 1979 15300 T., 11 nth Avenue Ti^ _t3, 0-R, 97223 'ltt-:: Lldin Winc!=n ;<C.' Suz--erfield 4.71, 02, !'3, �4, 45 and #u Dear ;;r. Wicc=an: ,;e ha-:r? just fin;--he3 i^al:ial- an int:;'-Cct'_'3:1 of the 15ovf! Ohas^q of Su:=-erfield. This 13 a li3t of .ems ':hied nce! t^ Ine co_r!ctei ba;or^ •J!ti c-ircco'G-c-1a, to the City Council, final acceitcnce oe the pu')lic i;n;+roverents. 71 1. 731ndrain3 +ha:' : '-rc been bro-:,2n c,-!t n.eerl �_ 1)e repair:!,,.. 2. Curb needs tc' ba r,ipn ire-i at . 0040 Si,' Century Oak ^rive and 15925 S'1 Century 03% Circle. 3. Si-iewal'c needs to ':e re;sire,, zt 15925 Su renrurY Oak Cyrcle, at 10535 and 10570 S'.; Century 0a'.r. Orive. 4. Side:rallc *need:, to be exten-led out to :.«t the bike-p-ath an STI DuL'na-a oad, fro-a S'i 104th A,ienui. 5. 3i.kcp ath needs to be cicanad' and repairs-! alo:i•; S.i Turnan ?oa3. 6. Dtiveviy aprons need to be rep,airej at 15'J•i.� aa:l 1.5950 C^_. t, 2z, Circle. 7. All scnitary sC:—r lines will hire to ';e T.V. 'ed ,prcvi!)!)s ^_'?„0 Sated December 21, 1973). S'^ P.LO 02 ] . :iea ' '�!;eelCf:.^_LL ra-ips initail^ ' at the entr:- ,n—' to t�C -c^_reatlJ'? t:a11, oEi of S.'t. Crenn3 way •.;ole Post 2. .`.IIin:rains and ,ijc'at1?"1 n'^tl to be ro aire: t:lrOLL'li0'1C t`:C 9Lbr?1713:07. 3. cnrQ:l and ai3ovall: ^ee;s t0 FJC ?t 17;30 S•i CrC^_^$ W1y• 4. nc•--,'S to be re,aired at 15140 and 1:950 S:1 greens fir. V S. All sanitary se:,er lines s i 11 hr-7! to be (t,c.u ,,o,:u ;,o date;'. December 31 , TIJALIk7r; rr c 2 'ember 27, 1974 J �r3 1. Sanitary 9.2".T-'r lines :;ill .h.+ie to tin T.C.'ed. 1. An as-built dravinS showing eha.n:;es in storm serer on S'•S Highland Drive needs to be submitted. 2. Sanitary sew-ar lines will have to be T.V.'ed. 3. reed to be tied tojether and a catch bas'.:n needs to be in- stalled at the church property behind 10025 Tel Highland Caevc; also fill in t.:e storm ditch &ehere it has gashed out and settled. 1. The curb needs to be repaired at the end of the island ou V C-eraleaf Te ace. 2. Sanita•-; serer needs to be T.7.'e�. 1. Si2a!;alk ind wheel&air rz.7 ^2e•la to i�e repaired at 15705 C'! `Ti-ilI :A Ct. ?. Sitjn-j31h nen_ds to he ren.iir -_' at 15715, 15735, 15,-05, 15775, li '0 and 15320 S'd Tligaland Court. 3 , Side-ralk reeds to tae c0 �)1n;Cl at tl.e enJ .�� S'' 'T`.-4.1�^,t ^Jm:rC• 4. Curb r.co is to be rQ21-c^-' at t:ja e-.1u or '_7 "i-plant Ct. Driveway a?rons aaads to be repaired at 15745, 15733, 15,ii0, and 15725 (4S17i li-,hlan.l Court., % 6. Curb needs to be repaired at 15705 S'1 'Si;hlaad Court. ? 7. Rnnairs ne- m to be a.'' aro'mn'-I tl:1 catG'. at III:! corner of S'. .cl';111x_1 Drive and S-4 Smr=erf field Dri^e. 3. Sid(•:all.s and drivevay aprons need to be installeJ along the 71 -U;lmisaL Drive. 9. Si_ie-walk nce<'_a to be r�ipairea at 10900 M; 'Iiilitand Drive. 10. Curb needs to be repaired at 10)`)0 S"; ?Ti7111-zd )rt•rc. 11. All sanitary scaer liccs ae^d to be T.7. ed. 12. line lou spot ')ct::n_r!n t'1c catCh ba3L--i3 at th-_! cory:'_r of -`-i'i 'I1331:1:1'I Drive and S:1 109th Avelme r_eec!s to be corrected. • .an t I% y:,u ha•:e an, qu:.a"io:ta, or upon correct_on o. a-t� uc Chi.. ._. L_mc•l, ;mlease cortin_ this office. Yours truly, ?ublic 5;orl.s Inspector cc: :tarp is-"c"one:,le N 5ente. '�er 14, 1979 Tualatin Development Co., Inc. 15300 SU 115th Avenue 1,in; City Ti^ardl, Orc.-on 97 213 PO:tH: "r. Roy hro•.rn Re: Su-merfield Subdivisica Dear Pro:m: This is s int to in lube if your fira has schedulnd installation of the re-, .l uireconcrete Side'.ral'.s :ilOn; UZn^rLield Drivebet'iee:l 5',,' qjth Avenue and S'T rent,iry 0;1'; Drive. Further, it seem, that completioa of repairs of previously iterated deficiencies within the develop-lent, west of 93th %venue, is dra-;;in; . Su.=erfield Plats 03, A, 15, 16 an 'Si=aerfield Drive ' Clave yet to be accepted by the City; such action is Ion,, ovirdue. , Please inform us, in ,Titin;, of your scheflulin intentions thereinre;;•lr.l. Yours truly, John S. Ha-,r= • .15FI/p j r Supt. l:n;r. Division CITY OF TIGARD 12420 M S.W. EIPTAIN--TIGARD,OREGON 97223 REC * ' DAT : _ZZ4 :�/- -r— _ �7 AMOUNT:S cle-L ?OZ0 "L 7— " DOLLARS�441'161 J A- C NAME: ASH: ADDRESS: M.O.: #OF MITS PIR _SURCHARGE FOR: ACCT. 0 . - AMOUNT t ..- - I--- -- SEWER BILLINGS 40-364 BUSINESS LICENSE 05-331 PLUMBING PERMIT 05-332 MECHANICAL PERMIT 05-332 BUILDING PERMIT 05-333 SEWER CONNECTION 40-363 SEWER INSPECTION 40-365 SYSTEM DEV.CHARGE 25-366 PARK DEV.CHARGE #1 30-367 PARK DEV.CHARGE #2 30-368 ZCrj4lNG ADJ TMENT S 05-362 J' TOTALS RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER VASSIGNID: Amount Number Amount s- Number Amount Number . S- - -- .9 1w RECEIPT 14 5 3 L OF T1G .ir�J P.O. iiox 2339 1242.0 S.W. Main, Tigam, Oregon 97223 October 20 , 1978 I`cE Tualatin Development Company 15300 SN 1.16th YOf 1/6, King City, Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attn : FIdin. Wiechman RE: Summerfield St;reetlighting Dear 71din: In consideration of many meetings and conversa.t;ions to endeavor to resolve streetlighti.ng details within the development, the following listings) summarize results thereof : 1. Summerfield plat No. 9 4 lights $430.%.13 deposit 2. Summerfield plat No. 1.0 4 lights 430.08 deposit N%% 3. Summerfield plat No. 11 3 lights 322.56 4. Summer. field plat No. 12 6 lights 045. 12 deposit%NN .��`i ���a• �c 5. Sum erfield plat No. 13 2 lights 2J.5.04: depositlaw`mAt-A- Per your request, copies of our fee sheets Rha "P-Q,E- 's layoutn are enclosed. The aformentioned deposits are now due and payable by T.D.C. to the Ci_t.y . When the lights are installed, notify us; so we can proceed to have P.G.E. enel,6ize same. Further, in regard to providi.ng an acceptable illumination level within depressed (lighting) areas, T have as`ced. Ken Sr)yder to prer,:re final installation layouts per our past: discussions the:reinregard. The following summary and (enclosed) composite streetlighting map should assist to clarify the matter: Q'cti-tti�1�\o Summerfield plat No. 4 4 Nights 130.O8 deposit: 2. Summerfield plat No. 5 1 light 107.52 eeposit est:'a-%"h osit 3. Summerfield plat leo. S 3 119bws $22. dep ,=�st.�.�o.ti.�a yX : Page 2 Tualatin Development Co. October 20,1978 Upon our receipt of P.G.T,. 's final. layouts, we will prepare final (City) fee sheets and %,ri.11 transmit copies thereof to you. Thi_,s will then bring the developments streetlighting up-to-date. Yours t uly, .T.S. Iia man `iupt. Engr. Division JSf.(/pjr Enclosures r September 29, 1975 Tualatin Development Co. , Inc. 153nQ 5.!'. 116th Ivo. Tigard, 11regon 972.23 Attn: Mr. qoy Orown Re: "urnmsrfiald hj. 5 Gentleman: This ib to confirm that the main line sanitary 3oijar , for the herein ref aronr,ed subdivision (pl*t) , has beiwo installed and hos passed the required air test; such portion of said ' plat construction' is therefor accept.- able to the ' ity. Very truly, John 5, Hagman Supt. � nginesring niv. Oct file foal rstate Commissioner Meal Estate Division Dept. of Commerce 3alom, Oregon 97310 Septc:un'ber 23, 1975 Harris & FcMonagle ,5905 S. W. Commercial Street 1igard, Oregen 97223 i,es C-25-1 Line LxLension (Summerfield) Dear Bills After reviewing the situation rc,,urding fees, etc., pei`Inenl to the above referenced proscct, I feel the Lest way, and simplest, is to process said sulxaittal as folloWss (1) iruvide the Lity with a "hider" to the Sumnerf.ield VI praject perfurriance bond, covering .JCi, of the cast of the sewer extension. (2) pny the City the $10.00 minir..um sever plan chce;: and inspection fee; ar per U.S.A. l:c:solution 70-12, Sczctiun 9. Paragraph "b". By "tagging" this onto Summurfield VI, we eliminate the necessity of executing mother compliance A. reemcnt (Land it's related data). Very truly, J. S. Kagman Supt. Ing. Div. JSHsms Portland General Electric Company WESTERN DIVISION 14655 SW OLD SCNOLLS FERRY ROAD BEAVERTON OREGON 97005 643 5454 RECEIVED SEI' N "* K5 Gentlemen: Rc: SUMMERFIELD #6 CITY OF TIGARD Attached is our proposal for providing underground electric service to the above mentioned subdivision. Our preliminary investigations suggest that this proposal. is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction, however, if there are co.iflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me at your earliest convenience in order that the plans may be modified. Very truly yours, Robert Newman/bp Estimator Job No. 6788 Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District 8841 S.W. Commercial St. , Tigard, OR 97223 �. �City of Tigard City Engineer, 12420 S.W. Main St. _/ Tigard, OR 97223 1 City of Tualatin City Engineer, 18880 S.W. 80th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 1 City of Sherwood 90 N.W. Park Ave. Sherwood, OR 97140 1 City of Newberg George Hall, City Engineer 414 E. first St. , Newberg OR 97132 2 Yamh: ll County Road Department, County Courthouse McMinnville, Olt 97128 3 Marion County Ted Kunezi, Marion County Dept. of Public Works, Salem, OR 97308 2 Clackamas County Clackamas Co. Eng. Dept. , 940 Warne Milne Rd. , Oregon City, OR 97645 1 Wilsonville City Engineer, Rt. 1 , Box 4 Wilsonville, OR 97070 2 State Highway Right of Way TI r o n o v iii n �, r Z o pn o n q N N Q O O M V ..r a v c d T inglipliI I m�l fll I C O Q C 10, O N O O a O N O 1. O �n n rs r -' . O .II .1 11 I 1 J D o rn o o c, r c m r .o n r M N n o p a [L O o Z ? O O O c o n o 0 o u o pp aD O �0 U O in O W e _ O 01 Ir h K H7 N O cc a �I J �(�j�(llJflJ'I�IIII;1111 (�III111�111(Jllll�lhllldihl�l�l�l��lllll l�l�l�llllll�illllll II�,I I I I I,1 I . I I I I I I I I I i I � UW) F I Ix (1 N u H c ago 2 \\ 4 v�W w Oz loct ix Q c W n C, I W W O. C: O w 1 Q N It w I LLJ ' a _� Q z z o \ ~ nk PRC-'EDURE FOR CONDUCTIM ACCEPT:..1C.E T-ST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting rubber ball through the pipe 4ieh water. 2. Plug all ripe outlets wi.h suitable test plugs, Brace ?acii plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is .zubmErged in ground wal:e•r, i.u`erL- e 11"Pe r'ro`►^ by Loring or jetting, into the backfill meterial sijart:nt tc the center )f the pipe, and determine th!! pressure in the probe when all passes slowl, 1.hrougl• it. This is the balk pressure due to ground water. submergence ov,!i the end cf the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should b;: a.ncreased by this amount. 4. td.l air s.�owly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until tha nt:ernal a.l r pressure, is raised to 4.0 psig. 5, neci. exposed pipe anal plugs for abnormal leakage b,, coating with a so .p aolution. If any failures are ibserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.n psig is obtained, allow at least two minute: f:,r air temperature to st:al,Mze, adding orly the amount of air required t-) maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply, 8, When presiure decrease:, to s.5 psig, start stopwat-1,. Determine the time i.r► seconds that is required for the internal air pressure 1-.o reach 1._5 psig. 'I'::is time interval shoule then be compared with tl-a time required in seconds as c.ompu .ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. _ist sizi and length ai: ail portions of Pi.F„ one sh•3wn on reverse side of sheet, r) A- use of nomograph, compute K and C. tlse oc...'.2s ani :., rscA 1'. " -d enter these values in the table on re ,,rse side or 11 . Arid all values of K ani all values of ic ; �'. tic vio.der teSL. 1.2. If the total of all C v+Lues is less tha., c►.e, entar the . l K vaiUCE into the space for "'1'i►*(. Required ir, rcc,i 3.1. " 1.3. If the total of &1.1 C va3ues is greater tU.►n ine, divide th � values, by the total of all C val.ucs, to gat t1. 'ic mak:. tliis the nomograph, use scale C and K, and read tLi, 1 a k 0 O O n JG .� u. 6 O C � M Knl O O n b O v 7G r' O O ;10 O N N Q III I ' O V a f,9 'Y O f II fill, k 1G g ' r u p x o c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° a ° N o c O r O O 0 O Ch c0 ti b in It A N v O Q o i N d 0 0 O O O o O W i O CL Q S (y a p m � O o x Z L r- T m 0 c ;i ? O h N h O CD a uj 3 >- �_.. UJI q k it %�k 14- ° N W rn nj I 2 I O o �� Q U °�. 1 O )n C o �► In L 0 f U O I n a' z o �i z r w oo►- U p U �_ W U w cn 1 o En NW W W CL n w j w V vi z z z LL o r p O J H a 1M PRC!"LDURE FOR CONDUCTING A.CCt:PT'_ CE TEST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. It the pipe to be testerd is submerged in ground water, iusert e pipe prob^ by t.oring or jetting, into the backiiil material nijacen.t tc. the center if the pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when A , passes slowl, through it. This is the bark pressure due to ground witei. submer.gEnce ov'!l the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increaseJ by this amount. 4. .1d-1 air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the .nt:ernal air preisure is rained to 4.0 prig. 5. -,heel: exposed pipe anJ plugs fc.r abnormal leakage by coating with a sa .p solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. u. After an internal pre.,sur.c, of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two ,inutf- . f;r• air temperature to ;t:al.ilize, adding only the arnunt of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, startt stopwatz-h. lictermine thr-. time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to rea,.h 2.,5 psig. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as compu::ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz and length ni all portions of l..pe unci..^.r `ecyt in tr_'1;. to one sh.3%m on reverse side of sheet; 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use e: a- : L, z.r.d ? '., vnd enter these values in the table on recrse side of s: 11. Add all values of K and all values of is , v'pe t• r . t s... 1.2. If the total of all C v+lues is less the (i.e, enter the into the spece for ''J'iIT i_ Required ir. c ;ct I 13. If the total of all C values is greater. thin ane, divide t'ii t') values, by the total of x.11 C values, to 1,,,t tl. Tc male tbia the nomograph, use scales C and K, and retia tu. O V t� O r C • I-7TT7-pill,IT ITFT771 111 IMP111FY ,i 7 OO O V � N p O O O O O 1 I O O O o C, C: I c. o O rn m r- o n v 0) N r, O 01 n: :9 If, p O U Li CV O O p Vzr ` 1 a d = � o O : I �! j Y O O . O O O O « ? 8 n J > > O p O O Q W o o - C C J N rtl O ,I�IIIIiIIII�IIIIll 111IfIIIIIIII1IhhIhh11111i11I111 Ill 1111 Ill IIIII� I 111111 1111,111,1111111111 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ Q cr y O W Z ° � 1 N 40 1 rl o � , z c V p V '` v uJ 0 �N1 W ,C3 ; p W O W W Cl) W Z V1 m 0 (- W CD �Y149 z° w h"1 ar' Na LU � � rr h ,3 E PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPT NCE TEST 1, Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting Inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground vio :c I. i.u:ert an pipe rro`)^ by Loring or jetting, irate the backfill material aijactnt tc the center )f the pipe, and determine th_ pressure in the probe whets it, Lasses slowl, through it. This is the ba(•.k pressure due to ground w.itet submexgEnce ovrdt the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increase:] by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe instal.latiou under test until the ,.nt:ernal air pre:{sure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. ".oecl< exposed pipe &n,l plugs fcr abnormal leakage b�- coating with a so.,p soiution. If any failures aro :observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig i.- obtainea, allow at least two minute: , fcr air temperature to 3t.aLilize, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to ).5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time it[ seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. TrJ-� time interval should then be compared with the time required in second.3 as Lompu .ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List siz� and length of all portions of pipe c!nCCr te,>' t '.::. . to one sMwn on ieverse side of sheet, W. By use of nomograph, compu K and C. Use nc=.'.ss C an,i :,� rend 1•'. r^nd enter these values in the tal.,ie on re,mrse side o s; ret. 1.1. Add all values of K aroi all values of ' ft l.l. if the total of all C values is less than ct.e, nnt!i:- the -total. c.. •.;l K vr,tir into the space for "Time_ Required ir. 13. If the total of all C values :.s greater. than one, r'ivide thi to: ". values, by the total of x,11 C values, to Vt tn. ',:c make. this �. the nomograph, use scales . and K, and read ty. 1 1 M O !qO v rl r. v. O 4 O A 0 O O O � 01 n Ip Kl O f. ^V e r I I fr7rTM1jM I jif lTjTjfffWjj Q X 111111 1 1 Y O Q S N C n cl 0 N O vai .► In 0 0 N O n n 2 O I I 1 O O � o o u c c v c. � o a a ►,ts n e In c o o c: Q fz CL p 4 O � O n ` S o1 O = �` F Z o " o in 0 0 0 Q W o N N n O f'" (j�J!I�IIIIIIIII�IIII III II�I III I I I I I�ihhldlhhllhll�ll l,I111L1 1,111, 111111111�11,1 I I,�1 1 1 1 I , I�I III II N � lJ t"- Q w a O W r�. 01 ' UL 1� M Oz � . 1 ti W 1 {�) +\ `� O W U C` W z U.1 z �r � ►- o w 1 o � w � o � � •� z H a v 11 1 _ N Z x r W w n. o w Z \ 7 w U C.. U a \ w a = 1•� � :A Q U � W W U in ~ w J \ I o f Q Z Z H Q Q (1 O N W N 1 ' F PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TTST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting i.nflatcd rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, i.usert is pipe proY, by Loring or jetting, into the backfill materi+-1 aijacen.t tc the censer 'if, the pipe, and determine th pressure in the prole when ai , lasses slowl, through it. This is the bHrk pressure due to ground wnteL submergence ever the end of the probe. All gai-ge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the porton of the pipe installation under test until tae int:ernel air preisure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ;,heclr exposed pipe anJ plugs fcr abnormal Itakage b,r coating with a soap solution. If any failures are ;)bservEd, bleed off sir and make nece.—dry repairs, 6. After an internal pres.,ure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute., , fcr air temperature to stal,ilize, adding only the amount of air requir-d to .raintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pres:-ure deer-ases to s.5 psig, start stopwat,lh. Determine thF time in seconds that i� sired for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. T;-:is time inter should then be compared with the time requir(=;: tri seconds as compui:ed on reversF side of sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of t,:Pe Ur—'er test in to one sh.:)wn on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use sr.F?ss r, and Ll rsed l' and enter thtse values in the table on reverse side of alieet. 11. Add all v .lues of K and all values of C fc ;. ilpe u.!der teat. 1.1.. If the total of all C values is less than rt;e, Linter the total cA. ..) I K values into the apace for "Tit-(_ Required ir. Secor,d.3. " 13. If the tc ul of all C values is greater than one, divide th� to'.... K values, by the total of all C values, to g��t tq. Tc make- this the nomograph, use scaleC C and K, and read ty. ' I R T' r-t- , 4 0 mow n in O ° uc to N f� C zI I O x ci o N I'' T M N O pulimpuilm ,ImproympinjinII:i 1lip,i1�II J I1 Q I Q � G ;� f r _ c. O O OI m ►- Ip h f in W P. O ? N 0 0 U p O O O 0 Y. i 0. Q f� n 0 < O m � = Y O � e Z 1- f� « _ ° o q o o O n Q W O o T s r Ic -� a in Iy � In O n 111111AIIII 11111111h 1111 lilt till 111 111111111111111 1 Q C7 ~ Q � CD Ll �i N C3 z a o' V) N ry o N ^( z a ! w L n ct o a >� w U 0 IJi w a a cn M � Ncr Z z i p F w N a z z W t to '' 3 I 1- Q 'O `e M PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCrPT,°.:10E TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 1. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground watet, insert a pipe prob', by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aijacen.t tc the center ')f the pipe, and determine tht� pressure in the probe when ai ,, passes slowl- through it. This is the bat-.k pressure due to ground water submergence ovet the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the te.,t should be increased by this amount. 4. Adel air slc•wly to the portion of the pipe installation unri_r test: until the internal air pre:,sure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ;,heck exposed pipe and Plugs for abnormal Icakage b- coating with a so :p solution. If any failures aro .:)bserved, bleed 91-f air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutf. fcr air temperature to stabilize, adding on.Ly the arrount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8, When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 1.5 psig. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as c.ompui:ed on reverse side of sheet. R. List size and length of all. portions of pipe unO..er *est in o one sh.n,m on reverse side of vheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ^rr.:.:!s e; ao,l L, r a 1 ?. ,:.nd enter these values in the table on re•.rerse side of 11. Add all values of K and all values of r is , a--pier lea L„ 12. If the total of all C values is less thyri cr.e, enter the notal c,. :1 K values into the space for "Time Required it, Scror4i, " 13. If the total of all C values is greater tb,in one, divide th � to_•. !� values, by the total of all C values, to 3,�t tq. 'Pc mak,... tljs i .. the nomograph, use -cale!� C and K, and read ty, MmmkAL T' ; O i ac, a, t` /O M p A 0 T771, CO M O T m O O m O h n - Y.J t0 N N Q - V O V ^N O r Y 0 Y. Y O C � N O w f N p "? _. z 0 1111111 rill 111114111111111 11PUTTM rITrTTTTIIM J O � a o 0 e C. v o o 0 a ao r�- o n r. N 0 0 0 0 0 � a a 0 a cr a !o G p0Y M 7 � O O J p O O 0 W ` ? m h u) rry N N O Q F— jj(1(IIIIIIII__�J11_,J1 1[111 II I II hI II I I I 1111hIi11Whl l�/�111i//11I ILIiI�I�I�I 1111111111]LI�I I�I��i I��i I�I��i l�l 1 1 t I�� C9 � O 3 I I v 9 A W U O f/1 7 OLJ Uj W F- I1 o C� N w o cn W e �. O a ,J I ? W 1- x c7 W W d cr o W Z :3 W U �Jri CL W W L:- 2 cr U W Q U.1 Uz ~ z (� ►- N q z i o uj O r- ~ vo EJ w v W N r I t7 _. I— PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTr',NCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brac,, each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wa+:et. ].u."elt a pipe prob^ by Loring or jetting, into the backfill material aija;F!nt tc the center 'if the pipe, and determine th^ pressure in the probe when ai , passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground w.itei submergence ovi2i the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increasel by this amount. 4. Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the i.nt:ernal air pre.,,sure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. ;,heck exposed pipe an.l plugs fc.r abnormal leakage b,r coating with a sc:p solution. If any failures ar,2 ►bserved, bleed off air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute: fcr air temperature to 3tal,ilize1 adding only the amount of •air rcdui.r:d to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air suppl-y, 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 prig, start stopwatcli. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the interna?. air pressure to reach 1.,_i psig. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconda as compu;:ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List size and l.engt.h o2 all portions of pipe is test ir o one shorn► on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use acr. ?s i. Ana -, recd 1•. and enter these values in the table on raverse side of sheet. 11. Add all valuer of K ani all values of " fc , ;1 he wider ce8t. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less that► (.►:e, enter the 'ental c,. ; 1 K valve-E into the space for "Tiirr: Required ir, Sr•.cc r•d.�- " 13. If the total of a).l C values is greater th,►n ane, divide th t')'. " values, by the total of all C values, to g,�t tq. Tc make. this A.•- the nomograph, use scales C and K, and roue ty, t I 1 0nIll 1111111 it I 11 1 Ill 11 Ill lip I Ill"I It � oou ,• n n 0 O �y Y: O MI � O m mp n Uv 7T O '� O , • '.. YJ �O � N N C u u d x 1 C O O O O w IA ? In N ` 2 O L II o V n O O o O O C = 0 as mr- ,p n ♦ n w O O O O O 1 0 Q = �L n Y 0 [~ ^ o r o o c o 0 o O o 0 N N Mt O Q W O f' � �J(fj'J�,(ll,!III I!!IUIIuI�J11U1111J111 �lilild�hlilinl�lil�lililihl,lil�li�[ili I+�tl�I. I.I I If I l i l t ..f Q " J 61 O W W r '� _ Cf) � 1 '4U v n� �1 �l Iv `V �') N Q01 Op O v � O � \ W W � u CJ 01 ►LLJ- o rC NJ W O t~!t W _ N o a _ W WQ Vf W I t .� (rU � O 0 J m� F U H v OElc, J �l W � c r PROCEDURE FOR CONEUC T ING ACCLPT"'CE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pioe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs . Brace each plr.g securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground l.usert a pipe probe by Loring or jetting, into the backfil.l. material ajjacf:nt tc the center If the pipe, and determine th!, pressure in the probe when ai, basses slowl, through it. This is the bark pressure due to ground w iter. submergence rivet the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test sr.uuld be increased by this amount. 4. Ad-1 air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air pressure is raised *o 4.0 psig. 5. .hecl: exposed pipe and plugs fcr abnormal I(.aKage blr coating, with a s(.,.•ip solution. If any failures are .jbscrved, bleed .)f.f air and make necessary repairs, 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minut• -, l;.r air temperature to stabilizes adding only the annunt of sir required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air suppiy.. 8, When pressure decreases to 3.5 psih, start stopwatch,. Iretermine tht time in seconds that is rec;:,ired for the internal air pressure to reach 11.5 psig. ` ,Js ti,-,e inter\•:,1 -hol,ld then by compared with the time required in seconds as compui:c.d on reverQe side of sheet. 9. List siz, and length of all portions of pipe u-•.,'-r tent in t to one rh-r.m on reverse side of sheet, f' 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use r, and L, enter these values in the table on reverse side of ::hheet. 11. Add all values of K ar,d all values of C fc,: i.'pe u,!der L�eaL. 1.2. If the total of oll C values is less th+art ct.a, entor the -_otal. c. ; t K v&1.1, s Into the space for "'I'imr. Required it. Srrt,c,d.t, 't 13. If the total. of e1.1 C values is greater tlian 7ne, divide th , tl•.•. values, by the trial of all C value,, to gat trl. Tc mal<.c. this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read ty. i WAR T7 TV40 0 e O 0 u f� v v �'}''"'' r n R O 0 C• O O O O d Ci N O O V O O O C, r _ - U n a. m h 0 In ♦ In N d C ti o c o IL IL -L o 0. r Q Ira 0 < rc p m � Y O a z ~ p v ., c, o c O o = q d O r. O n W �'�• n V� H .v N ►" F` I `• "I"' II�1lIIlIIII�111111111�IIifIIiilIlilt[III IIlil I!iI IIikIIII I I IIIIIIt l I I 1 1 1 1 1 I1 a G t~- W ul J m n ul N Q Z W z �Y O .1 N '..1 O w r1 rit N U 1- O • W 0 V)Y W 4 J = N J �" CL n. W W V , 0 1 W 0. Q to O y � r M1- z �. o-1 2 Q Z 0 w O F- n J L_ V I • 1 G I PR"CEDITRE FOR CONDUCTING ACLEMUNCE TEST 1, Clean pipe to he tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. PWg all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Brace each plt,g securely, 3. If the pipe to be test.F.d is submerged in ground weiet, insert a pipe pro))-? by Loring or vetting, into the backfill material aijnce:nt t:c the center -if the pipe, and determine th^ pressure in the probe when mi , gasses slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due co ground waitei submergence , vet the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increase, by this amount. 4. 11,1 air sloc•71y to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the A.nt.er-a.". air pressure is r:.i se l to 4.0 prig. 5, necl, exposed pipe aa1 plugs for ebnormal lcakr,ge by coating with a soap :aol.ution. If any failures are observed, bleed, off air and make necessary i.epairs,. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.6 psig is obtained, allow at least two mi-„utrs f:,r air temperature to ctaLilize., adding only the avoutit of lir rckju,red to ma'ntaln pressure. 7. Afr.er the two minute period, disconnect: air supply. 8, When pres.iu -e decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. I►etermine the time in seconds tha . is required for the internal air pressure to r ach 1.5 psig. T.-Js time interval should then be compared wi .h the time required in seconds as compu .ed on reversE side of sheet. 9. L13t sizi and length ot. all. portioi.,s of pipe on=e, fie: t in t to one shaman on tc- rerse side of sheet., 10. By use of nomogr,:,)h, compute K and C. Use t.c:.:.es r_- a•ad L. rocA ! and enter these values in the table on reverse _.ice of saert. 11 . Add all values of K and all values of !� tc, ,i:pe under t sL. 1.2, If the total of all C values is less than ctoa, entRr the :orpt c.. ; 1 K values I to the space for "Titre Required ire Sec(,r,d.i, ” 13. If `he tota` of all C values is greater. than one, divide th i t-) :. K valit 5, by the total. of all C values, to got t,7. Tc :nakt. this h the nomograph, use scales C and K, find read :.y. a - C O V 71�T- rTTTT -T M71111 111111114TIll Jill Ill 1111` tf f f I w O O t C �. O O O 0 � a n) N O C �-, '*` v •• U O J f � .. � Cl 0) CD h �p h f A) N P cr a 6 p o d o d Co IL � Z: a ti a c a O m � 0 Y Q � e n O of O Q W O N h 'LL' H : 111iII111111111I1111111�uyl�ll Ildd�hlihldililJilililil)I)I)I�IiI)IiIiI�I)lil� I)I)Ii I i I I I i I i I i i I I i I ti cr \i J v �l cr y r � Fcc-oK))) c2 �♦m \ .� ~ I,-, V b , V 0 U _— v (n W O z a W A �I _ N W �_ ,ill ,'�' u� _ :t Wm W CL W W he c) w a v1 fn ItU 1,- W •� 1._ -.1 W U p H 7 � N �t J FO O F1 � r 3 6a O s s PRCCEDURE FOR CGTI► '_'T1N; ACCEPTAIICE T7,")T 1. ( lean pipe to be tested by propelling snug f4t ting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested Is submer.g-ad in ground watet, insert r pipe prohh by t.oring or jetting. into the backfill material iijart!i.t tr the center of Ue pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when ai asses slowl�- through J.t. This is the 'ba(,k pressure due to grour_d Water s. bmetgen% e .wer the ene, of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test shoald be ;ac;:easei by th!, amount. 4. AV stir slowly to the portion of the pipe installation u,.►der test until the a.W.ernul air preisure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. ,'heel, exposed pipe and plums for abnormal leakage h,r coating with a so .p solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessaty i.epdirs, 6. After ai. internal pressure of 4.(l psig is obtained, allow at leo t two minite.-I for air tempera`cr.e to stal.ilize;, adding only the atnour►t of air requtre.i tG maintain pressurs. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pre.isure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwat:h. Determine the, time in sr.conds that is required for the internal air ores:nre to reach 2.5 psig. L..i I time interval should then be compared with the tim.! require.] in seconds as c:ompu :ed on re:ersE side of sheet. 9. List size and length ,i all portions of pipe unc'er teat :rt ta'?i to one slv)wn o., reverse s:de of sheet, 10. By use of nr:►ograph, co►lpute K and C. Use nce.:._s r, ani L. ree.1 F ,, and enter t:hes ! values in the table on re-lcrse. side of n:►ect. 11. Add all values of V, ar,l all values : " C fc. ;r.'tie vioder c >1.. 1.2. If the total of r.11. C values is less tha,, en`er the total c: :1 K values into the space Zor "Time Required :r. .,Icrt ; J ; 13. Ii the total of all C velues is greater thin one, divide th � to ., ?:. K values, uy the total cif el.l C values, to rt t-l. To make. this ' .� :0--i `h the nomograph, use scale: C and K, and read ty. ,�,--r� T7-11 if-III 11 1111111,171111 fill III, 0 0 C> 0 0 0 �3 C, 0 0 0 0 O 0 a 0 0 cr 0 0 iY 0 • w (If W 3: Ily- (ID Go tf) z Q C) LT.) cl W Z r) 00 w to In CL ; CU) 0. w 0 z a. w wM Ix 0 w W 0. W U F- w w Ll tt� Mf I PRCCEDURE FOR CG'N1 .C.:TIr`; A',CTPT.'.-,-E T7,M' 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflnted rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets Mith suitable test plugs, Brace ei.ch plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wal—pi, 7.uGe•rt a pipe proh- ry Loring or jetting, ini.c the backfill material ajjaLE.nt tc the center of the pipe, and determine .:h:� pressure in the probe when all passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to grornd water submergence ov(at the end of Lhe probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Ad.] air slowly to the portion cf the pipe installation under test until the Internal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. necl, exposed pipe and thugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap :solution. If any failures are abserved, bleed off 'air and make necessary i.ehairs, 6. After an internal r:.,ssur.e of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute ; f; r air temperature to _3t:a1,ilize, adding only the mrount of alt rc,dulr.ed to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply, 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressurr to reach 2.5 prig. i�-.is time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse aide of sheet. 9. List size and l.engt.h ,rL all portions of pi.pe ur-'cr te.,t in ts'�1 Lo one shatan on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use r,F.:.es <: ar i,, ri-fA V. and enter these values in the table on re-erse Bide of 11. Add all values of K and all values of C ic, 1r:de u.t!rler fast. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less thy �.,ct:e,"elttpY.t1-r6 •tot.pl C. ; 1 It values into the space for "Tithe Required in Eerc ri'd,1 " L 13. If the total of all C values is greater Ann— one,_ (livi.do th, t-) `C valuFs, by the total of all C vgl.ues, to g,A ,ted". Tb .mak.;. this i the nomograph, use scale: C and K, and -1!0--4E1 04 r -- V � .. N to w m II� N N p q Ifj p �i' TTr Yf N N U x U J N d c M Y o ao c: o a o IL ryry o o a o 0 u, r� s +r h N O N ♦ hl N p In x m i O F if Ir7r77qM7M7WITf"IIIII fill If IIIII 0 -� U c, _ r p J 7 0� 00 N ip h ♦ A N gyp! ,. o O Ci ci O O O O sk sk Q IV �f lL = IL to t c O Y 0 O " Z a �' n 0 a 0 of f p h0 N ', cl W N N Q �" dII111111�IIIlIII�IIIIIIIIIlull fit IIIII III I III�IIhl+hld+IrhI+�III+IiI+hlrlrlrl IfIII[I, ILII, III IliII Ir I + l I I I l + III I I I ff W o W f W � >- 3 W t W N , r_ V V\ ` N 'Z V Q " O m - O U IN U U W � I r Q uF-f WLW U w U-1 ;`; w ,_ W LL t. U + w u r Z o W I �� F cn J r_. PROCEDURE FOL CONDUCTING ACCEPTh"'-E T."-S7 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug f."tt4.v.p, through the pipp -with water. 2. P1119 all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, Lract- pli,� 3, If the p!.pe to be.. tested is subm(rged in ground t, iiiFnrt by boring or jetting, intc the backfill material e1jecerit t�' the Ger- -!- the pipe, and determilif th,-: pressure in the Drobe 1,iw-i i , through it. This is the bijil. pressure duv Lo ground 4:ittj bail. '.`46N. IVV�!l the and of t*lie prote. All gaiige pressures In the test shouj.,j [- -- 1,.ncr,-ns(,A by this anuiunt. 4. AdA -iir slowly to the portion of the pipe in4'nllqtion under teat unt .1. r."t ini.ernLA air pressure is raise,l to 4.0 psis. 5. neck exposed pipe and plugs fc;r abnormal 1(-7i(age hy crjatin,,� a solution. If Any failures ar,.� :)bserved, b1ced. '.)ff '-AIT at"" lj*i'•ke. nrcos: ;a-. -Y repairs, 6. A"Ler at internal pressure of 4.0 prig is obtainerij allow at least two minute.;, f-j- air temperature to ataLil izc- , adding only the of r t,., -naintatn p-jessure. 7 After the twc, minute period, disconnect air sure 8. When prt%,.q.;ure decronfes t.) ').5 psig;, start sto-- Deters iv-. seconds that is required .',)- the internal a1! to rca#-,h 2, 5 kr;itime Interval should then be compare,} with the time �:eq-.Iired iii t.ecolida as compu ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List sit , and length of all portions of pipe uillrr t-, In --o one sh-iwn on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use ad enter these values in the table on relterse 11. Add all values of K and all values of C fz-,. j.-Oipe 12. If the total of all C values is less t jja�t enter the tOtRI C :.ij I K v-- ,u into the space for "Time_ Required I r, 13. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the toto . values, by the total of all C values, to tq. To make t1-is the nomograph, use j:a!eE C and K, and read tet, s m a N O N C O v r� N O N 2 O o Ci d C O O 0. O lC n C •1 O = Y O » O a) O O O U O U O Ord 13 O O L7� W _17 0, ° u e m N N in iF -\J VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiII1111111Itld11�Itl111hhI�I,llll�li611illlll�lll�l�L ,I, I,IIIIII I , 11I , I 1 1 1 ► ill l W �. It V. ago V.I dC m r o cn ? I r 1 n 1 � U h v v A z w "On� W I �7W a N W r F p U U j w W cn W L, cr I -� W U z _ oto w �- i N •R 1 PROGMU'RE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTINCETLIST I glean pips to be te!itod by propelling snug fitLf.TIP, inflated rubber ball through the pipe ,Ith water. 2. Plug all pipe outl. ?.I::s ­qirb suitable test 'race ,e�:h plup, securely. 3. If the pipe t;, b�_ tesiti,t 1',- :3t;biijc rged in L_- 4r% r. W luring ,-: Jetting, Imt.- the backfill material r j-c rtlf- the pipe, and determitir th pressure I,y the probe: qhc-ti t , pav�e,­. slovil- t hrough i C. This i& th( h,,, i- pressure uue Lq- ground 4 -tc;- zublier',4ence the Lmd of ilie probe All goiige pressu-cet; in the tt-.,,t should De .1--ricreaspi by Hli'j arflourit. 4. Wd A;- slowly t.fj tit-2 portj.oi­,. nf the pipa :nit: 1.1 .itf )ii undat tp^t until t.lic I.W.L111 1 !jJ r pre-isure :.s rai , ;1 t.) 4.O I.-.0. 5. nect exposed pipe tin! duvs ft. .21-morrr.a'L A iirjlu tion. If any fFti)iir,_s ai•., f.srrved, iC i.epairs 6. AJ'Lf'r Ar. internal pia r,f psiq is obt.::Ircci, allow i.,c least twu f: r air i-emperaturc tr- adding, orly r"f. it7- -mintat.r. jlres;ul'e. 7, jd%-vi: ihc, tv.j mimite parv)d$ tji..-r,-nrjec.t tir t4w­: N. When pros.;urL decrea�c­ t .) ',.5 start see'," [,- tcrr-tac tnr ti.ne it. ,,oconds that is requii%.A f.'r t1le intt--rnal nit to rf.d".h 2_ 5 1 Ag. i_i . time interval shoutc, then bu comparLl with the bocci required in seconda (.,)Mpu ied on reversE ilde of sheet. 9. L-i ,-,L _,jz � a.id I ngih -)-, all poi tions of i"', r one ,,h-)%.m or, ieverse side of ,;hfet 10. By use of nomoj!'raph, compute: K and V. Ur­ entrn- --.hese values in ulie table on 11. Add all VILLe-,.- of K ar.3 all val-,jes: of v . 1.2. If the tC.Vil ci! all C v i luc s is les; s r PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber tall through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs, t,-ace each plt.g securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wai..,r• iuserz a pipe prohe by Loring or jetting, ante the backfill material adjacti.t tc the center )f the pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when a. , passes slowl, through it. This is the hack pressure due to ground wale, submergence owei the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test sh .uld be increased by this amount. 4• Adel air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation: under test until the i.nternal air preLisuie is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. r,heclr exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by dating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. G. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minute, fcr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requirod to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start- stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on r^verse side of, sheet. 9. List sizi and length of all portions of pipe ung'_-r test in tc',:t . - to one shown on reverse side of. sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use reales d an-i L, reed 1. and enter these values in the table on reverse side of s',►eet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of " fc u►oder test. 1.2. If the total of all C values is less than c>~c, enter the .-cot.al •c.. ?. K vaicc into the space for "Time Required ir, Sec.orida." 13. If the total of all C valuee is greater. than one, divide th•1 to'_ -, values, by the total of e.11 C values, to got t.q. Tc make this the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read ty. August 29' 1,475 S ?irs. Charles Pecs: II,-J)0 S. W. Neeve Road Tigar5, Oregon 97223 Dear fir. h firs. Pcc'.•:s dere Your corrrrun ic"e S on to .the Tigard (:it:( :i t t 215unc iletas have consbeen i ins d a te,�h for regulnrly scheduled meeting o advise you that 10")th Street, souc.h of its proposed intersection With Highland Drive has been vacated by action of the County Cor.�rissioners with the vacation to bcc.c+rf e£feDriVe.uPThattportrioneofon of lC)thplying of Highland Drive into Surm�ertteld D southert.y of Suianer£ield Drivc has been vacated in Its entirety. You arc correct in your actatement chat the act'.or► by t'he Board of COUtUtV until such time as the alternate Carnaissioners left 109th Street open street system is open for travel. Implicit in that action Is ec:•notirs,ugernent that eonstructivn of the a' ttrnate street system will have an effect upon existing; conditions of 109th durltq the constructionpperriowashlhe roaC ��unty pattern that is being dee developed was initially Approved Y prior to 1973. Upon its onnexaticrn totthe City thc: road pattcr,*' was renffirtaed by the Ti&ard Plannin;, Co- n'.ssion rased City Council. Action to vacate 169th by the County U1domnencinv onnthe ce tlalu-mate strecttsyst'm letter is being write , paving isc which will effectively consumitatc the fsnnl st�:p of vacation of 109th street. lbroufhout the entire process relrtin,, to trlc development of Sts I-rfield� both before the County and the City, nuracrous public hearings and meetings Were held orderSvrli . relevant information ein5 to tii. ccveloprcnt. eeapeople nppearedbeforethe Cityanithc County and tlreit15ubdi�rision.were Thnnl:taken y'ouInto for yui urintetU -ct in ttic: approval. of Summerfield c(sm;unt ty.. Very truly yours, Bruce P. Clark City Administrator BiCsr.�s I r- -aft.ARM CITY OF TIGARD, URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPJRT 10 JOB ----- PROJECT TIriyLL.4e ---- D AT E; a f- 7 PRO SS. _ vm ' .�--- .�.•'L�1,Z%tel __ �`�' � _ NOTES: r ` WEATHEE IN CITY OF TI GARD, ORE, ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. DATE' =_ PROGRESS - -- --_ L .tri r -- NOTES : ------ -- -------- W EAT!�E R Gt/ � ----- - ----- _ . —_ _ INS pL770R _ CITY OF TIGARD, ORE F__ NGINE•ERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J0B NO—. -- - - - -�� - — -- PROJECT TI DATE: PAL PROGRESS:_ _ �� 9 ram �,. t t NOT/ES: __ � ',NEAT'(,,fR lN CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPOR? J0B NO. _ PROJEC DATE: PROGRESS . ..` ��-�r_��=-t�.��i tl NOT E S WEATHER -- _ _. I N S P _ 0 R L1r-1At! T I G R r Y C 0 U N C I L REGULAR MEETING August 25, 1975, 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALLS Present: Mayor Wilbur A. Bishop; Councilmen Ralph C. Barkburst, John r- Cook, Alan W. Mickelson, Robert .Bolen�;Planning('Director;fBruceof oP.cClark,e; Joe City Bailey, Legal Counsel, Di.ck Administrator; Doris Hartig, City Recorder. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, AlIgust 11, 1975 (a) Counci'V an Moore reqI. uested page 4, item 12 subsee,_�au (d), line two be corrected to' es limited to not more than ten in in diameter". read "tree trunks and pol (b) Motion •by Councilman Cook to approve minutes as corrected; seconded by Councilman, Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Co;incil. { WR T.TTEN COMMUN IC AT I ON 3 Council discussed the following correspondences � f S W 109th and the closing off (a) Letter from Charles Peck regarding the condition • of street to public. City Administrator stated staff has contacted Supt. Brown of Washington County and Engineer for Tualatin Development Corp. , d McMonagle, problem. Council requested City Administrator respond and an attempt to solve the explain status to the Pecks. ss at grVof pa (d) Correspondence from School District dmi.nistrat.�regommengedothisuwai nderaState rHighway S. W. Garrett and 99W. City jurisdiction, however, he will investiZate if federal funds �eferaedatoeHighway might be use for this project. Council requested matte' �9 Department for respcnse and evaluation. taff members and members of City Council teceiv cLpy of correspcndence (r) Several s > >F.i a ainst City with espect to action of city rega ling potential claim being f d s arrest ii: amity of Portland. intern who made citizen 4. CALL TO AUDIENCE (a) No response. g � MONTHLY REPORTSr Administration and Public Wacka /✓ ' ! Building '7 �� Finance Library i'lanning Police (a) Motion to Lccept monthly reports: Cuuncilmbn Mickelson; seconded by Councilman Cook. ' I Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 1 �v MATER/At- Rf QU RED .r'.e SA E- ;r &X 2 4 .S6 FT. �i SAE? e 200 24 430 9"r 8 FT, •T5 38 FSE 0 . /4 EEA. =5 b F- pp_O . A F A , .10 /N 'r 100 L.,E fxc,'T'/ON l/ /, A, G, .E. --- WE,S7-L= AM O/V. Z. PG, E, J0 N6. 6,7.13a--NEWMA/V G ' �a 3, No JO/NT POL& WORK Z'NY'OL_VED-- CUSTOMER PROVIIDEr) T�'BNIy, / 'u' CONT ,AgC 7 S SGT/_i II e, 4, coN"rA?Ac -'C7P 7WILL. »F- P SP0N518L-rm Azw ANY [-�AMA��E Z/V GURf7� D �. Jr��N'7 <<cJ ::'��@.�?� T/4n.^i• 67 CDN7"R,4GTOR 70 r-R, =N"rc ^PANHOLr . ` i s VL 7"RE NCH /7 6 F7' i Za C 8)CABL E Tp RL., <b D =77 ARM, , x. -D RA,=T/NG J �. ,� `A TA X C U r)E. 2 3- 74 s- A 1 e eo ,o 'c. ��x � .SUJYlN1,Ef?F'l EL 4 OF?, a1 skL/ `p, -to /ie,L' cl fes-`( 76 �404 /2U UNITS .,`p r� �9 t + r Ica �1 Al P � o 01' A GENERAL TELEPHONE OF THE NORTHWEST ExCHANGE TLS CIO, V G SS, /2 -24--r-Z:.-s-Q o + madQd. ..t. .�_.__......._...�.M r..__.,.�.�_..__.� �.�� � .n, a WG,RK ORDER NUMBER j? WCIRK ORDER TITLE z P, vR EG GmR1.. 5Uq�/►�ERFIEL.,d Nt� APRVD A"VO DAA[N DAt[_ DATt OAT[ 1 i. i - _ _ r _- - .._I �� � � ( Y ( � �'`; �� � � � � �•,,.,>w b.*�I,c++wA�r�- _�,�,....,�.x.....,r,...,,...._...._._...,.........r....._..,....__.�-__.�......_..........T..._ —_ _ IIID IIIIi�II1IlIlll IIIIIIII111 111 1�1 IIIIIII III III ��1ltill Illl�l IIIfIII IIIIIII II III IIIIIII fl�lllt IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII (llllll IIIIIII IIIIIII III �' - ._._� a NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �---I -- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (0 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN _1 THIS NOTICIii IT IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAI. i DRAWING. - --------- CIE 62 82 L2 92 S2 02 E2 22 12 02 61 81 LI 91 SI UI EI cI II 01 6 9 L 9 S t, E Z 13#""" _ I�II�IIII�IIIIIUIIInfII�nIIIUIInn�III1lIIII�IIIIIII1111u1IInIlIInInIIIn�1��lu�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�I111IIIII�IIIIIIUI�lflll+tl!Illltlllll�llll�llll�lllll;ItI�IIIIIIIII�I1lIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�1111It1llllllll111lIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIli11111IIIIIIII11I1111�II11IIIII�IIIIIIWlll11 I fi Tj TAY 6 1992 ,•wean..,....... �, -+r+r..- _ --"• _. -._ ..�-.,.,,._.,..,,.�...- ',�iMlr.... - -......_. .. � _ ._ ,�.._. 1 I D E F G H u I. ALL WORK SHAH 3s DONE IN CONFJFcMHNCE `,KITH THESE. PLANS ANL) SP=_CIFICATION '� WH �-CH AND WITH YHE CITE' OF TIGARD STA NDARD5, IIJ EVcNT OF CONFLICT E36TWEEN ACCOMPANY THEM `� \ tSf►� 7H6SE: PLANS AN(� SPricG1 C,/\TION AND THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL TIN," PRC–CEOE.N(:C. +71Z\ y� p �.�G -- --- - ------ – 2. NO ITEM OR PHASE Or- WORK SHALL. 3E C-0t,1151DERSD COMPL-ETE UNTIL. ACCEPTED !3Y rliE ?� CITY OF TiGA!;eL� AND THE ENGINEE(Z I 4e� ,15 o'�� / X 45'33 P L A N 3 ALL. TIRE IVCH 3AC K T:'\L MATERIALS AND METHODS SHALL I3E IN CON FORMANCc WITH THE CITY 122 9, B �4= 7 _ _"IGARTT-ANUAAeuS. �z< �� ` 4. AtL.L PERMIT'- ANO LICENS&S 'JECESSARY FOR PIROSECUTION AND COMPLET IOI•J :rF THE Wc)RY, I �t�-t. 19 SW.Dn I 24Z �,NALI_. LSE ECJREf� AND "JAID FOR gY TME CONTRAC�"OR PRIOR 70 C0MmEQCI1:C. O� COQST�I TIVAj 0100 N I C*F LN%3 b CT- �r -�.f�--v$ , `I q 5 ' I 4i CURB S. THE LOCAT ', ')k) OF `)(ISTIUG UK)DERGRrJt,)0a UTILITIES SHCML) Oto THE '�L/10S IS FOR IQ - I'vrnT 191, 33 � -�--- 3 � rJ,�- f'p,. � � \ I C (�, `�� 7 Z38 239 Z4� Fw( r 243 I=oRnn,�rlo._, OK)�ls,' Alvo IS 1JCrr GUARAL)TEEO TO BE ACCURATE. - S X31 �5 z 34 �' �%':� ! 2 Tc, is�9 � �/- n � q 1 �• BEFORE C<){Y,NAO,)`It1G CWSTRUCTIOtJ THE CONTRACTOR SHALL WOTIFY ALL F�ERr► t)ElJr 0 �\ I,c: i�.,• I/4 r1 _,(Jt.r ��r�N i E c ^�rr 1A A a AGENCIES WITH UNDERGROCIOD FACILITIES IIJ THE Jai AREA `SO THAT `�• st 3�3 P.C., o '%' a,P 3 t F. -� T.r', I 8, ��C ITS ATFL` t1J�_AT �) �. ! p` g1s 4b T. =r— 1g �7 L E" PA' BE 'ACC.IUR F � ( I,E. , POWER GA.. TEL,E,PHONE \N'A . ER STORM �N 1_ C.T, sa.�. • r� P. I S SA1.) I TAI� r �EwhS, ETC.) , 18 s Z8 2-1/2"(vert)x 2"x 1/4" Angle Iron NOTE' 33001b compresive V,I S,cI•; �' �0 X26 II �: -5 18 ► N-4G 00 00-W . 244- < __ 4 fOgl;l < 3 99,- _r N�SZ ISOO `r� ----r -�' strength concrete �F /83' q�� ;'' 1 14. 1 / \ 6� = I z 8`�' 57.94' +4 2, j, I" I 'r c 188.13 1 USE STANDARDGRATE WITH 3/8"x 2" i I TG. 18T• Co B '` IRON BARS- 2"o.c. R� „ s -- 1 rp3-5 I P 2f 4 8.5t .C• _ +-3Z 4� _ _ t R t/t" 19 II 'yb It23. 7P T,c. L°I ► Q T,c ISP. �� ��., 03. 7 .c R --I--; �,_• r C Ab�' •4` L - 31.13 \ WJE 'ql' / 't.C. IgI•'lI �' 1�• T.G. 18T.G CURB i' o o f �h o/c // 3 roto 8� k W /145",.7H 23 _ T__ '-�;�_r, '"` � 7 Z 2 T.C. I (�Z 12= 29 _ o Ji; _wure ► - --_ S-7l v, "•• '�' _ � —J 4' Conc, Tile . v Z z ,v _ 5`0 I • we Dram ` be s • �^1 r 2 `-t� • s NOTE° 16"Conc. curb shorn. Curb sschon at , , • right opphe;also to + y.a.'• "r 5 ` _ — — . 12"no»ofithic curb r r and putter section. �� • ' Af ternote v A fter n o te�I c 1 . , Pipe a I ( Pie "& , '' st•j iii'/.�6 - - � ' usotion z 1 I\ Location � 1 ,47 T+ 19. 46 R' P. 2 Z F ROM ,,•,/�1 - - -� A �T.. s o "' , A. -� ' c PROP, Coe . " ` @ ° o , a 4 2 - G3. 48 L = 73 C 7 Ch= 49.60 Ch C3 = IV 19° 00'29'-W `�� O!o° Ij 00� _ 5.31-47 _ v � ,' R L=S7.9y Ch _ �7. �r Ch a. ISI I, Iq o7 30-W y 1� r SECTION A—A SECTION B—B � T•L • ISS,rl I.G. 18 2.00 P11411 r . ' /vATURPL .5 T A N D A R D C'U R L-, - - - - - - _ } t Pei 121 IWO 3 VHE- —. --\�I _ - - - — -- — - - -- - -- _ y}, -- _-- - - ILL I m 4 -- -.. - - - - 190 _ - - - /70 • - - Y .-_-__- 4 __ - - -- - -- - _ - - ---- -- -- - — — -- 4 _ Now A EE ry— _ — .... — ,° y ' REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SUMMERFIELD SCAL r TRACED S.W. HIGHLAND CT .P is I RELOCATED 48" =',TURM LINL FROM N.W. (:ryI , r \AIJV�G--- -!1I� •1` r, _ ' � ,F� ( PHASE 3)Ile Ios No. - 10!t4- Harris - McMonagleSTREET IMPROV SHEET LGON CHECKED IMPROVEMENTS E N�T S _iEV. Lor 8 To I or. OIC s.w Ay� � ,�.,,� � s - • E DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. -nATE ,h •q� ' ,hN1W�k Associates ry RFS ER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION 4'b ��'� ENGINEERS - SURVEYOPS R HP DATE 8905 S. W, COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN Ek PROFILE TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF 4? A Q I L E F 4;1)1hhII F'f" I C:L_1� 1y10 f� H CIF 1 J{ L--i-1---1975 u " BILE COPY CITY. OF, TIGARD ` - '. � _ _ ��� _+�1°'�•w•Ya' _-.-,iYLrr . ... ...,w ..-wx^..._.., _ ..,.. V,r 'v +rx ,.`_, � _ j *I I 1 I1 1�1 III 111 III f11 111 111 1 �I I I I I C I I I I I P•�11 X11 � ' 1 I`- I I I I I I I 1 I 1 "WIT1711I IIII�IIIIII�I111111 I IIIA I IIIIIIIIIIItI1,II11111�t111111I1111111I1111111111111111iI11f11IfII�IIIIlI1111 11111111 1 2 4 5 6 7 !8 9 IID I i 12 I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICES-IT 15 DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 6 DRAWING, 0E 62 82 L2 92 S?, d2 E2 22 12 02 61 81 L I i SI t•I E 1 21 11 01 6 r L 9 S b _ E _ 2 1 1r•LM ' I •I �� NI111n11Uuluf11111111n11111f11n11u1►(fnllnullnrluu11111111u11n1111111i1111uu11u11uultullntlltulllllllnllll1111::, ru1111n111n11ulllulllllullutltu1111u�u1�]utlllullnllluulllil�Il�Lllullllu111u1111nlllnluullw�ui�nuluuluull�Il�lullluln;l�IWIuII �, JULY 6 1992 . - � ..,.... . - -- -- ---•..... _.r.is--- gyp,_ .�... ._,...,_, '_ -_.- _ _ _ U Au�,Illst 7,1975 Tigard City CounOl City 11811. Main St. Tigard Gentlemen: We would like to know how long City of Tigard- Tualatin Development Co.- and Wash.- County Road Dept:. can keep a public road impassable and closed to the public? We and our neighbors who r,:-side on S.W. 109th and S.W. Naeve Rd. have been denied our normal route of travel to Durham Nd. and other points of destinations off Durham Rd. for about two months now! We 'lave used all of S.W. 109th to Durham Rd. for more than 28 yrs.- the road has been a pub-Ac ro.d since 1906. We would like to have 109th restored to its original condition, so we may resume our normal route of travel again! Tb e road has not been vacatr?d and It was not to be vacated until TDC built their new roads withir the Development of Summerfield. The agreement of the Wash. Co. Commissioners at their regular meeting last August 13th, 1974 was,"Effectively, the action by the Board leaves S.W. 109th open in it's existing condition until such time as the alternate street bystem is available for travel". (This doesn't mean a portion ;youth of Summerfield Dr. is �o be closed or a portion North of Summerfield Dr. is to be closed, it means all of S.W. 109th to be open! ) We Are all sick of the way the County- the Clty of Tigard- and Tunlatin Dev. Co. keep push- ing us around by deciding how wi should live in the 'ommnunity and where we can travel. It Is getting inose and more like a police State;- Mr. and Nrs. Charles Peck 11000 ^.W. Naeve Rd. Tigard, Or. 97223 ::c:Ken 14eng, Cu. Road Dept., Wash. Co. Tualatin Development Co., King City T1ARR1S-MCM0NA(1c.F ASSOCIATES �tC:ti vErJ =N(dl N VIS Nl1_!.t,MVMa0IItl9 HMJ6 164.W-COMMENCIAL®TREWr ,JUL 18 1975 TItiARD.ORMW N 07223 TELEP110,1FIC (603) 03a-3463 CITY OF TIGARD July 16 , 1975 Air. John Hagman '�� City of Tigard ..��" 121120 S. W. Main St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear John: As per our telephone conversation last week, we are hereby requesting that we be allowed to relocate the 48" storm ling from it's orginal proposed location 3' from the South ripht of way of Summerfield Drive to it's new location II ' South of center line as shown on the revised plans as submitted. Also , we request the use of sand backfill to spring; line of the 146" pipe to insure proper baaring support for all the 48" and 30" C. M. P. to be 7 ,nntructed i.n Summerfield . Very trul ,y ir,�, Jatne: I a .s j, r jime 27i 1975 I�arrie-}�eManegle Asaoci.e�ted 6905 g-yt. Cownreial Street Tioe-t OR 97223 Ats W. L, McMaan6le Rat guerm,:rfisld Subdivision phase III) Dear Rills On June 25, 1975P You requalted permission to use native earth the Bever line trenches in 3umoerfield III. Ia checking backfill in rmif:!Aon had been granted (Nov. 5,1973) our files, ve find toot such pe There- for Phase 71 construction by our past Director of Public Wdevelc r to for, to reiter•tas the Cj%y Street ;3tandUne ardawo irequire lift taver n j�`�i plTIce usph6jt pa jcrvr:t in two lifts, ,,l ,tine density aui.grQ.de and can &dditiurml cue inch lift within une yetAr. The acre inch overlay is to correct my deficie:jcies during the first yec.re ou b�ve previously indicated to us, by leiter (end reiterated since ) we h.ve a ,in LTi�it you fully u:;derstrtxl our requirements and since . such c )r this pro�act, and, further, in light of our pre performance bond covering vious ecknovledgmAt YOU are hereby authorized to un• native backfill ° the eover trench excavation for the recainder of the work. Sincerely, John a.. Hagman Supt. Eng. DIV. J11/rmo 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL TIGARD, OREGON 97223 TELEPHONE: 639-3453 W. L. McMONAGLE - ASSOCIATES REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR SUBDIVISION PI.ANNING DESIGN MOBILE PARKS LAND SURVEYS - AERIAL CONTROL SURVEYS June 25, 1975 City of Tigard Mr. John Haggaman Dii,cctor of Public. .services City Hall Tigard, Oregon. 97223 Re: Sunmerfield Phase III Dear Mr. Haggaman: We are hereby reques+,ing approval to backfill and compact with native material all sEnitary sewers, storm drains and water lines. The same procedure will be followed as was approved in Phases I and II . We will pave the streets with 21' of type "C" asphaltic concrete the fiat year of construction. In the year following, we will over lay the first year,s paving with an additional 1" of type "C" asphaltic concrete. Thank ,you i'or your consider&tion in this request. Since Yy, ` N L. McMonagle • L._ WLM:ds 9UBDIYISIOt1 COMPL10CE AGREEMENT THIS ;RFEI&NT dated the agj._ day of �l u n P 19 75 between the CITY OF TTI 'JM., a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and a Jilint venture: 'ualatir, DeveloQment_Co. Inc. h Franklin Service Corporation. both Ore mn Cor Airationsi—_ — hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S 3 E T H : WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Wn,hington County, a subdivision plat known as �SUMMERFIEI,D No. VI (Lots__295-#343-L_,__._ located in tt1S_o east Qt;$xter of Section 1QT4shin 2 South,_,_ Ranke 1 Westt _ _ �.� Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the suLiivider to Install streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary ;,ewers, under- ground utilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary severs prepared by professional engineers for r.ubdivision development; and LMERF.AS, the public Jmprove;,)ents required to be constructed or placed in petitioner's development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetb�iless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally -nd prospective purchasers of lots in :.aid subdivision by legally enforceable a5-,urnnces that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants i find agreements to be kept and pe-formed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of t said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner 1s hereby bound to comply with all subdivirion standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specifications adopted by the City of Tignrd, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Work: L-e-partme.nt + and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. I (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions 1 hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a %urety bond in form approved by + the City, with liability in the amount of $_03_,740,00 a copy whereof is ' hereto attached and by this reference mode a Dart hereof. ORION& (3) In the event t.-.t Petitioner s;u+ll fail; ne or refuse to procee with the Work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion oomplner e.nd Petitioner's me limited, upon ten (1o) days' notice by the City t sureties, and such default and failure to procpletednPnduchhaarng geethefcoststhe thereof may at its option proceed to have the work comp against Petitioner and petitioner's sureties and in t1 event same be not paid, to . the said bond to recover the amoun, thereof, in the event such bring an action or action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner's sureti, s promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, su,_h sura as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs Incurred at d bthe City, both ing Trail Court and Appellate Court, the if any, or the City y,e Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific proceedings to enforce aTpinst th ompliance with the subdivision standardsthe City and performance of the contract and c ,hall ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, 1❑ like manner be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonab"-e as saanndCfort, the City's attorney's fees and costa, both in the Trail Court and Apps llateI if any. (14) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, agrees to deposit with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Exhibit "A", together with n further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electric energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years fom the date of initial energizing of said lights. The City agrees to make and provide Periodic and final inspections as in the City's Julgment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has Paid prescribed inspection fees. (6) The lity agrees to install street identification and traffic si&rs within the said subdiv'.sion, in consideration of payment in the amount of $288.60 l• (7) At suc. time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City!s requirew-rats, Petitioner shall .otify the City of the readiress for final inspection and upon certification ' the Department of Public Workd that all cc requirementsd and of the City have been met the Petitioner will submit to the City a�i�nce bond form approved nt maintenance bond, if not slrcady provided with the p.r by the City in the sum of _ to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public improvements of said subdivision by the City. (8) Upon receipt of certification by the Department fo public Works that all requirements have been met and a one Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept th' public improvemcuts, subject tofone othe yearashereinabove set correctionrequirements forth. Ideficiencies and maintenance for a period (g) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations; e. bone of the Lots of Petitioner's subdivision rmitabove issuer.iundermay b, occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy pe authority of the City and no occupancy permit -11nil be issued prior to the acceptance of the subuivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is Lnstmlled as a part -2 _. � w_----fe-;__._..___-____.-_. of the developments'provided that all sidewalks ss required"by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. b. All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) as required, chall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for ench such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and application for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire sutdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement c, tract. C. A one (1) inch Class "C" asphaltic concrete overlay shall be placed, within one year (1) after final acceptnnce of Voe improvements, on all streets in e,nid subdivision. (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof,-and Petitioner agrees to-cause to have anid bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance h„nA and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the pnrtof the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. IN WITNF5S 1AVEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused tht agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolut.tun of its Council adopted at n meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the a :F_ day of �j,„&_ , '_9�__ has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. T1JAI.ATIN DE VF. PMF:NT COMPANY, SNC. �/ By: " A� .7/ / , J; rht.--_(Pre a.) j By: t�-r,�— sec.) 1 L� FRANKLIN SFRVICE COR RAT ON By:-- (Pres.) X By: �`_t/ – -----(Sec.) THE CITY OF T`IIGARD, OREGON Mayor ---�^ By: ,� C! _ Ela order C -3- STATE. GF OREGON ) County of //uC� . ►:..wJ.�_) On`tt�is Y.0 day of , 14_7.C _, before me appeared rD Occ« and � s✓y �„J both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the President, and he, the said .�✓ is the Secretary _ of the within named Cz,poration, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf cf said corporation by authority of its Boa d of Directors, and _ _. J and ` acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. 6 Notary Puh:ie Oreg My Commission cxpIres___1 STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of ) On this day of , 19-7 7 1, b fore me appeared _ tY�olJ _ aeM� and e be i to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that said is the President, and he, t e said -� ice' is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, aid that the ;eat affixe to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sated in hehalf of <al-d Corporation by a thority of its oard of Directors, and �'r2 andyay ,meq acknowledged said instrument to b. the free act aid deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed by official seal th, .iay and year/O. t above written. No a y Public fcr O ego: / Corporate Acknowledgement My Commission Expiies__ STATE OF Opvc-nN ) ss. CITY AC' JOWLEDGEMENT County of Washington I) On this_.Aa__flay of � �,�� , 19 :L_, b/efore me appeared l_L�iLGc.rC_1�_ J Lcand `�12a.) -1�Y-AcG=��t _ - ----- both to mQ personally known who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said r7 is the Mayor, and that she, the said �lt�_1 .45 rG t is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation, and the said and acl.nowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my cnrti£icate first written, Notary P blic for Oregon My Commission Expires TUAI.ATIN DPVI;I,0j? j1,NT CO., INC. 15300 S, X'. I1RIh Arcnu• TIGARD. OREGON 97223 October 15, 1973 Mr. Nick Ifiebert, City Engineer City of Tigard Tigard City Hall- 'rigard, Ort-.!on 97223 Dear Nick: Relative to the street lighting system for F.j.nmerfield, we propose the following program which we feel would maxe for an exceptionally aesthetic area as well as ifluminate the development to a most satisfactory level. As you know, we have kern trying for some time to come up with a proposal which w,juld be satisfactory to the City, to the Power Company and to us as the resprnsible party for the creation of aesthetic values fur future i•e3idents of Summerfield. N'.• have entertained numerous and varied proposals to accomplish these goals, however, we believe that the program as now con- ceived will best serve all concerned and will greatly help Summerfield to be one of the finest residential communities in Oregr,,n and thusly he a great asset towards making Tigard known as the finest area to live in. Attached is a rrnaster plan of Summerfield. On the plan we have indicated where Ie believe the approximate locations of the street lights should b.. For example, on Sunimerfield briv: we have located the lights on the South side of the road and approximately Iin feel on center. Further, we propose that an additional street light be plat-rd .11 each and every intersection where a 9treel sign would be located. 1-he sheet light irjlr which we propose to use for the above mentioned location is of cast aluminum and made by Charinglow Products. The lamp itself is made by 1-hr Welshach Corporation. Both of these items are on display in the island on S. W. 104th. off Durhain Road. The lamp bulb which we propose to use is 203 v.-alts. It ha, a long life of 6, 000 hours and puts out around 2. 900 lumens. The lamp bulb is clear (not frosteo) and the glass in the lamp fixture is also clear. thus p-uducing more than enough illumination for this residential d•velopm,!ot. 1 J Mr, Nick I iebert. City Engineer Tigard, Oreton 97223 rage two The balance c! the secondary and tertiary streets in Summerfield are to be illuminatvd with individual post yard lights placed approximately sixty feet on center and lite with a loo watt long life clear bulb. The fixtures them- selves, will be .,,rchitecturally pleasing and uniform by area. We expect to install the fixtures at our expense as well as to maintain both tine fixttrea and the lamps at the expense of the Summerficid Civic Association. rhe -Ie 'r•' ;,ower to operate the yard post lamas will be borne by the individ- ual resi-111c t •pant, however, we would expect the City of Tigard to absorb the Power cost .it the majur street lights. Attached are opies of the Suinmerfield Declaration of Conditions and R.•strictiol- -od of th Summerfield Civic Association By I_,aws which allow the Civil- l- ,sowiation to accept this obligation. As you will note, annual assyssnie, t� ,re charged to each owner to finance such service. We sin.vr--I% hone that this program meets with your approval as we would like to pro.. . ed with ordering the street lights and installing same. If you tlav,. anv further questions, please contact me. Very truly y„sirs, 7UAI jj', I F'vF:l.t�l'MF.'NT CU. , INC. „ orge 1, \ta .I,.�I1, Vic.- I'rv-;ident (,JMJa Foot-1. CASH r ND_ESCRGW AGREFMENT THIS AGRFEMENT, made this _,f� day of 19_75, between the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter t,.med the"CITY", and a JQ y .tuna,.-Taal&Lin.Aev�LopmetllwSo. IT►s..�5_FraDlsli.A_Seryjc.e_S.orp.�borh Onego Corps. hereinafter termed the "PRINCIPAL", andRenjatnin-Erankll,a.-Savtngs-.&-J.oan Assoc. (ltssocia tion), hereinafter termed the ''BANK"- W I T N E S S E T H : WHEREAS, the Principal ha_ heretofore executed a Subdivision Compliance Agreement,with respect to the development, construction and Improvement of a residential subdivision within the City known as gL �ie1.d._YLll.ats._1t295-ft343)__�._.� a copy of onid .agreement together with a particular legai description of said lands being attached hereto and by reference mace a part hereof: and WHEREAS, the principal has proposed to the City that. there by entrusted to the Sank the s,:,n of : 83,790,09-_.-___ as a cash performance toad to assure the C:ty that. all requirements of said Subdivieton compliance Agreement. shr,ll be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof s!jall be ti.aely paid and all requirements thereoi :net; and A'HEPEAS, the Bank has igraed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sum of S 83,740.00 ___ _ anal hereby acknowledges custody thereof to be held puisu•snt to the t,-:,r.-ns and provisi .s of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement as hereto attached, and it is desired here?,y to set fc•rth and define the conditions applicable to said cash bond, NOW, THEREFORE, if the PrinciFal shall. faithf-ally observe and timely comply with all requirements of said subdivision Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and regulations applicable to said subdivision, and if the principal shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall promptly make payment to all rer?ons supplying labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor (jr material furnished, and if the Principal shall promptly pay all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund and the State Unemployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as due :hake payment to the person, co-partnership, association or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 179.320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall promptly comply with all withholding and payment requirements of chapters 316.162 to 316.212 O.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source, then upon full completion of all work and the furnishing of evidence satisfactory to the City that all. requirements hereof have been fulfilled, and if the principal shall execute and deliver to the City the Maintenance annrl described in said Subdivision Compliance Agreement, then the Bunk snall thereupon release to the Principal the said cash bona deposit; PROVIDED, however, that the obligations hereof shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the Principal or to any subcontractor or ether persrin in the performance of any such work whether specifically provided fir by contract or otherwise. IF, however, the Principal shall fail to literally comply with all requirements of Paid Subdivision Compliance Agreement and all hall in ay the apdefective smanner, Lponhereof. nr s10 days nnticerbycthe rCity ftome the UR�Gp Principal and such default or failure continuing thereafter, the City is hereby authorized to have said work performed or the requirements of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement brought into conformity with the terms thereof and w?th the City's ordinances j and regulations, and the City shall be, and it is hereby, authorized II to charge the same against the entrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amounts certified by the City to be chargeable thereto. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to constitute acceptance by the City of any responsibility for 1 maintenance of the improvements nor shall the city by reason thereof become obligated to any person or property owner for any loss cr damage arising by reason of the manner in which said improvements were constructed. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the evert of such default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City including attorney's fees in exacting ccmpliance therewith or herewith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. upon fulfillment of the foregotrain accordance with the terra and provisions hereof, the City agrees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfillment of the requirements hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City under authority of resolution of its City Council has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITYt CITY OFpTIIGAR_D. OREGON BY IMayo i / BY 3 Recorder -� PRINCIPALS / BYE (Pres.) / �. 13Y' (Attached Corporate Franklin i e n AcXnowledgement,here. ) [+yF /l / ., _ (Pres.) Py: ._ ��I _�. l:4."`-J _ (Sec.) DANK (AS QC;A7IQN By' - — By:.-- - -►-'-�'—---- -- -- Page 2 - Cash Bond Escrow Agreement STATE OF OREGON ) as. County of Z� J ) Onis /�r"� day of 19 7-r-, before me appeared and --- >4-',., r. both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said r„ c.tc .:✓ r is tae _ President, and he, the saidi.�� ¢� is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, anc'. that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalfolid Corporation by authority of its Roer of Directors, and �c-� and �t'.✓ acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN 'TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my nand and affixed my official seal the day and year last ab o a written. Notary Public lor Oregon My Commission expires 1 SrArE OF ORFGO - ) / 1 ) ss. County of n this l qday of !�` S , 19 , before a appeared _ and — hot yo me personally--known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, Vie; said is the President, and he. the said is the Secretary of the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixc►'d to said ins.rument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed an ealed in behalf of `a.td Cotporation b authority of its Roard of Directors, and - - T ., and C 4 J _ _ acknowl�O;ed said instrument to be the free act end deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my Eand and affixed by official seal the day and year les bcve written. I Notary bite for Oteg"n Corporate Acknowledgement My Commission F,xpiLe.`(--�,,./;-_z.0 (a) Sctting of Public Hear'ng F:uO P. M. , July 14, 1975. (b) Motion to set public hearing: Councilman Barkhurst; seconded by Councilman Mickelson. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 17. ORDINANCE No. 75-32 - AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIIMING AND RECORDING CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TIGARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER No. 800, INVOLVING LANDS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, 98th AND DURHAM, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion to a%opt; Councilman Cook; seconded by Councilman Barkhurst:. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 18. ORDINANCE No. 75-33 - AN ORDINANCE RATIFYING, CONFIRMING AND RECORDING CHANGE IN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF TICARD BY THE BOUNDARY COMMISSION, ORDER F,. 801, INVOLVING LANDS OF 8 & T INVESTMENT COMPANY 'TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANCE 1 WEST, W. M. vdASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON, RECORDING EFFECTIVE DATE, AND DECLARING AN EMF.RGENCI. (a) Motion to adopt.: Councilman Moore; seconded by Councilman Barkhurst. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. ` 19. ORDINANCE No. 75-34 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 10.28, PARKING, 0[' THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING TO SECTION 10.28.130, SUBSECTION (14) PROHIBITING PARKING ON S. W. SANDBURG STREET and SUBSECTION (15) PROHIBITING PARKING ON A PORTION OF S. W. VILLA RIDGE ROAD; AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) City Administrator synopsized the location and effect of no parking restrictions. Council and staff discussed parking problem on both : ,cations, as well as inability to review ordinance and the area under consideration. (b) Magor by Councilman Moore to take up at next Study Session; secenc'ed by Councilman Micr:e _.son. Motion failed by 3-2 vote of Council. Councilman Barkhurst, Cook and Mayer Bishop votIng NAY. (c) Further discussion of heavy truck and trailer traffic on S. W. Sandb-jr3 etre?t 4.-,d the hazardous intersection at S. W. 72nd and S. W. Villa Ridge Road by staff an Council.. (d) Motion to adopt Ordinance 75-34: Councilman Cook; seconded by Co-.tnc.ilwan Barkhu_. %. — _--_6dopted._i>y.-un8n.. nes vote_of ._._..___-- ^�•� f70. APPROVF SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENTS AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION - Sutrnrerfieid-S­. '�'^�, 5 and t; (a) City Administrator recormictided Council approve the two agreements at-' ar,th,.iizr execution by Mayor and City Recorder. n Page 4 - -COUNCIL MINUTES - June 23, 1975 -! CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON FJBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W,) Procedure Check List �'p� I. FILE. INITIATED.... ... .. . .. ....... . .........e.,.......... 09 4 /28/ 75 (1) Supplementary sheets attached........,......... pp II. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT- (1) Pending Planning Commission action.—......... jg (2) Approved tentatively by Commission............. S/:C/ III . SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS; (1) Plan Check commenced r..See .*.. s.in file he.eon . 99 5* (a) Revisions required...,. ....... p (b) Stamped, approved for construction.. . . . p _(_L (2) Utility Co. plans received..... ... .. I.......... p (1) Improvement cost estimate received............. et in., , 1 I '... FXFCUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS: •�' `'''',`.Ip •I. �ri.;,,,1 �_ � .r_ + i ) contract documents drawn: (,O Compliance Agreement signed.. .......... Ib! Performance Bond signed...............,. S1_ hermits A Licenses acquired.... . ............... p l3) Easements obtained 6 recorded. „�^.,:....., (4) Deposits made... .............. r-;;). ...... I V. SUBMISSLON OF FINAL FLAT: (1) Review for onformance commenced; ...,.....,.... [� (a) Pmvinions required..... ................ [7 (b) Approved & signed by Comm. Chairman.... O (c) Resubmitted to Commission. ... .......... p �Res.No. Approved.... . . . ... ... .. (2) Approved and recorded by County Surveyor....... p B P� (3) Address 's assigned............................. p VT. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION............................. _[_L Note Inspection sheets and construction/ Inspection check list (attached) for progress. VIT. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION...... ... ... . . ........... p (1) Pending correction of c�•ficiancies............. n (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient. ........ p (3) All r_onstruct'.on items acceptable.. ....... ... ., 0 VIII . EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTS: (1) Maintenance Bond signed.......,, 0 _1_L (2) As-built drawing receivod....... I.............. X (3) Final report to Council iAsued. ..... .......I ... 0 IX. CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS......,.., MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIRES _Z Alec nc�t `j-3-74- P.C'.vn.,.�es �.,. y�.....C! D NQS( ! H CITY OF T IGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVIS!ON , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0, .1 PROJECT TITLE: e-���/�� �� SE — DATEA5WV/N&__ '��— --- PROGRESS T O )ATE : —lam •� 5� F;A3'�E CSO c.F.t� SPEC'.AL PROBLEMS: _.� ------ -- ----- —i- E.ST. % PRC>JECTITEM COMPLETION:..-5�.X INSPECTOR _� � — CiTY OF TIGMiC ",)RE F NGINEERING DIVISION ;-3W if_P L PROACT INSPECTION REPORT J0B NO E PROJECT . �I ri.E', �'1�� 1� co r'R�E S S; jLsa4r. �a� /!7 /? �pG P._� 7_�l _ 7- ,2-. T" .• -/ . - �-3 A`Ht 051 �Frrl����rrriiF��,..r.�h...,�Qlr~�y.lw�a/�lrrl.�rw.e•«_..,-w.e•.ww�ll�lrr�.. fir. rwNrrn.. AMM rr • ...wMM'ar- ._r��V :Aller'AM. . _ M•A-.l.r� .\•� CITY OF TI CARD, ORE:. ENGINEERING DIVISION, " ,A DEP" ,;�RO%►ECT INSP�:. C."MON REPORT 103 NC. FkOJE.. �.:wAYWUEA- /e�� _xloC `1"��!?�$::�-, �f�c.•��'"/[..cr=ia- _f��.I.ZL�1€-c.1��'i���� -�' c- iii. NOT St`�Vle_ �d7o��crc� :� 1- wEaTMER .,.. .... 0 Ao ,..w...N..w. ..ww.r.. _. ... .. ...... .ter�.,.....w....,..,. .. ..,. .a,r�r.. .•w.. :urww.. . .�.... �..w. X:. C:TY OF TIG + it ME ENGINEERING DIVI ,10N W aEPT. PROJECT INSPECT:014 REPORT JOB NO NRO JECT TI %11� �._L1.Z� _ DATE:: MY 47-AAN 40T Cmmmm� --- o — - �.�.�.�.rir... ..�.n�.wr.•r. « ...,r..w. CITY OF TIGARD. ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, -' A ;)FP r PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ,XA Nr NOT told �zcr tai' LWHEklmp� our NS" 71P A _.wxw.. «rw..� .rw•.�.. ..ter .Boer C:TY OF TIG MRC ?AE ENGINEERING DIV,0'1014 a W , P ! PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ,J08 NO PROJECT, Ti +3ROGREss: '62&ta�5- _s; � _Ls) r����_ �� �� !N _ 'Z1S�_. _ �T` STi�T� t/ � �d1�;11_�Q� 4 Tt �l�x����.++,....•rt-+w�r.r. w..+�MN�I. ..ww...wr�.._r�� rwN�+.. w� �. .. r.�wxwxnn. .wren.. WrY/Rr +fawwrw�.Mxr..w.�.�www...�w.w •...+.wrw �.�xAr�MJ��r♦• rA r . r.xYl.MI .\�� CITY OF TI GARS. ORE. � F_NGINEERINL DIVISION, .� A i)FP' PROJErT INSPECTiON REPORT 009 NC. s-,� NOTES GIT OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 13 7.5 Gentlemen: This plan is herewith being recirculated to you to enable comprehensive review of the data previously specified hereon,by each affected agency. Should you notice any conflicts therein, please inform the affected agency (or party-) as rapidly as possible to facilitate resolvement thereof. ALL SPACLS MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS PUE31_IC WORKS DEPT. E3Y_ ____T,_ DATE_ PLANNING DEPT, BY DATE'----_ DUILDING DEPT, BY DATE_ COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. CITY ADMINISTRATOR BY DATE _ TIGARD WATER DIST. 13Y . DATE—�"—��. GENERAL TELEPHONE F3 �_t__ � 9 DATE�L�;" �T USA 2. BY_ _ SATE__ N. W. NATI GAS 13Y DATE G'Zo- )' P. G` E BY DATE—(, it, Ts R. F. D. Sr � 1 DATE_C, Please acknowledge receipt in the rpace provided ::hove, and return this to the City as rapidly as possible. Very truly R. L. Thompson Engineering Div. ii Surmnerfield VI G H kMANCE WITH THESE 'PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOw ,, WHICH ,TY OF TIGARD STANDARDS, TW EVENT OF CONFLICT 3GTNAl(-. ri A AND THE CITY STANDARiDS �SHN_L TAKE PRGCEC)F-NCC. U- 181E c:.O105 , DERED CONIPL.ETEF UNVIL ACCEPTED BY THE AND METHODS SHALL ESE ; N CON FOHMANCr` WIT" THE CIT`( ;;ARY FOR PROSECUTION ,4N0 COMpLET101v of THE WOf?.Y� B" THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMNIEQC+wG 00 OCNJST-RucTIC+A_I :)ERGR0uo0 UT►L► TIES SHOW II,) OQ THE IDU►N S IS FOR Itv - � GJARANTEEO TO BE ACC ORATE. IOU, THE COIuTRACTOR SHALL QOTIFY ALL PER'I'If4mor ,E:RGROJ►.XD FACILITIES 10 THE J015 AREA SO THAT )CATS.:., i►.E. . POWER, GAS, TELL-PHOOE, WATER, S'T'ORM �►c dF I y�m n s l3 s.7 .{� I� l'_'� ��^I-�. �/ � //l� J ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF HESE PLANS PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. By PLANNING DEPT. BY BUILDING DEPT. BY - ---- - -- r- %TE COUNTY HCALTH DEPT. pY-_ DATF CITY ADMINISTRATOR 13 --- DATE TIG,ARD WATER DIST, Ll DATE GENERAL TELEPHONE Ay Irm '� DATE a �f• J UR ABY De_� ( N. N. NATURAL GAS8Y / 11 4XO�1/DATE_��� •» P. G. E. -- :Y. v10LT. R. _ D. ., C lG � ��DATE_ 6 ,5.. T.lGo To G o .J o�►��" h!+'� �?Com,�:„ --_._ S�9q�a7� s• 0 .E,2,s e"7 uz7ai FVWPIY L,o er G E. At Ge.".Te,lco, N (04-) CA-S 0 W; LL jgC 0A1 N. E � . 4• i Fr "F-T I I I CITY O TIGARD SUBDIVISION DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET OJECT NAME _Summerlield VI _ PROJECT NO. Lots #295-#343 _ (1) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, Sec 10, Por."A"11' a)Total estimated Improvement cost . . .. . 5 b) Less son. sewer est const cost Adjusted intyrovemant cost . . $.=51=1=L1 34'O/Teubfotal) c) .015 x 58.l��r oo� . . . . . . 872.01 (sublotal) (2) S:WER FEE ( U.S.A. res. 70-12, Sec.9, Par.°0"): a)Sewer plan checl, tee a inspection fee , I) 6 10.00 x _.. EorJ (no. of lott,) I;-- 490.00 - 2) 0 100.00 min [] h) Permit fee & connection charge paid c) Sewer district contract surcharge paid O (dlettict name e ) (B) STREET LIGHTING FEE : o) PG.E. lighting schedule no b) Mthly rate option no type ntlight I lumens I �� (mthly rate) (no.at Il�hte) type of pole aMaj�C� - -- —' --- x '— a ---- (mthly rate) (no of lights) Iyr. : 12 mth's (subtotal) llll- 2-yr =24mth's s N. subtotal)x(no of mine)� Not Exhibit "A" attached to com- ( 4) SIGN FEE pi.liance agreement. (Item t-tnetellation) (per sign) (no of sign) STOP �— RESTRICT OCCUPANCY X STREET SIGN ____X COMB STOP/ST NAME V�trieeX _ _ 20- 2.35 NO PARKING 26.80 X 2 , 53.60 typo) mlecl tugs) '- � _ 288.60 RECEIPT N0. Z �✓`' r)ATI- PAID 11' / X71 7S check --11 d 1 650.61 C00, O GRAND TOTAL_ S � i money order C3 Insert %owPr,street,ur, subdl' Islan CITY OFTIGARD Date :7. 7 s-- _ Amount I �� �_�_ o, ly, 'I �dollars 1 Name —�—��c Cash M.O. Address -k o Check�_ Bldg. St.Upng, Bus.Lic. ❑ PI6g. Pu6ctns. - Bike Lic. EIc11. Copies ❑ Sew.Serv. - Sewer Filing ❑ Fine 3 F. ❑ Assmt. Other Zoning Permit b tt .>,*r v,z<..A61 --P7-. OF TIGARD — -- by: i 12269 i I P. O. BOX 286 • TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 • PHONE 638-6661 • RUSSELL WASHBURN, CHIEF June ti, 1975 J 1)111 City of Tigard CITY OF 7 12420 S.W. Mir i n Sty-et 1('AIiU Tigard, Oregon 9722.1 Attention: Dick Bolen, City Planner Subject: S.W. Highland Court Dear Dick: I looked at the plans for the street called S.W. Highland Court, however, when I looked at the plans , it shows a street of 600' with a dead end. At the dead end 4s a sub-standard cul-de-sac which would make it difficult for our apparatus to maneuver in. If this was a street that was to have an emergency access to go through to another road, the emergency access is not shown and I would request it would be shown so that it is clear to tine person who constructs the street that it is to be provided. I would hope that the city's street standards , especially cul -de- sacs, could be adhered to at all times. Yours truly, , r J." Greulich Fire Marshal JAG:dm cc: John S. Hagman �­ Supt. , Engineering Division City of Tigard I g UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 616.6621 30ARD OF COMMISSIONERS June 4, 1975 _ 'VER General Joel Wesselman BURTON C.WILSC": 1R.,Chairman t��--� Room 30 ana�r VIRGINIA DAGG RICHARD C.HEISLER )U�� HAY MILLER HOD ROTH CITY OF jIGAR� City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: W SUMNERFIELD - PHASE 3 a.:clr,sed for your file is a set of the construction plane on the above-referenced project which has been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environmental Quality. ViT I ry truly your I � Charles F. Liebert, Manager Engineering Division CFL:vr cc : Harris-McMonagle Assoc. 72-4 B F y Y June 6, 1975 Mr. Joe Greulich Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District 11. 0. Box 286 Tualatin, Oregon 97062 Dear Joe: The street referenced in your June 5, 1975, letter (.'W highland Ct. ) is indeed 600 feet loner; however, you will note that it has a cul-de-sec conforming to City standards- approximately 150 ft. from the end. It also has Rn emergency service road, 20 It. wide connecting, to an apartment site to the west. _'he apartments are not yet built and it is possible that the presently approved site plan for them will have to be re-approved at suc.i time (us `i'ualatin Development Corporation requests a building permit. The City will, in any event, ensure that said emergency "service" road is connects(' and available for such emergency use. Thanks for your comments. `.ncerely, Jerald P. Powell, Assoc. AIP Associate Planner .TMP:ps encl. cc: John Hagman '� - � l June 4, 1975 Tualatin 7-velrpment Co. , Inc. 15300 S. W- 116th Ti, ard, Oregon 97223 Reference: File No. S1-74 (Phase III, Summerfield) Gentlemen: Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission, at their Nay 20, 1975, meeting, cons Wered your request for approval of a preliminary plat for Phase I.II - Summerfield and approval was granted subject to conditions of zone change request AC 5-72. Please do not hesitate to call. me at 639-4171- if you have any questions or need additional information concerning the above. ^incerely, Jerald 14. Powell, Assoc. AIP Associate Planner JMP:ps cc: Harris-Nc?;onagls -Li Ll 1 I I � 1111►' Irk ,y�� - •W111iY 1 ■ CITY OF TIGARD P. 0. Box 23551 14-�il L ✓ ;� / 12420 S. W. Main L Tigard, Oregon 37223 ,.lay 22, 1975 Cre,ron "eal Estate Commissioner c/o Harris-McMonagle Associates 8905 S. W. Commerci?1 St. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Reference: "Summerfield V" Dear Sir: Please be advised that the preliminary plat for "Summerfield 6" has been approved by the Tigard Planning Commissicn at their May 20, 1975, meeting and is in compliance with all no--essary --ind appli- cable planning regulations. Sincerely, 1,4 • I Richard Bolen orb Planning Director �" P 4:; 'j' VA `(G C 1 1.o P / 1 �t i tt'' RB: s Ir +E � � I �� G,d' 01,1 tic oil 1'r#411 1G d � J U�' I''� '►r' �e yy,c C� STAFF REPORT Tigard Planning Commission May 20, 1975 Agenda Item 5 S 1-74 Preliminary Plat Approvl for a Phase III subdivision of a Planned Develoi;rent (Summer- field) at <.,nd near SW 109th and Summerfield Drive (tax lots 100, 2.00 and 300, Wash. Co. tax map 2S1 TODD) Applicant Tualatin Develcpment Co. Applicant's Request preliminary plat approval for 24 lot,-, of approximately 4500 sq. fi.. each and approximately '700' of streets (SW .109th, SW Highland Drive and SW Highland Court) , including the relocation of iW 109th Avenue Staff Finding. 1. In September, 1974, the Tigard Planning Commission approved a preliminary plat for "Summerfield Phase III, Number 5" - whiQh plat was subs tantial..ly..._1dent,i.cal to t1le noA proposed "Summerfield Phase ITI, Number 6" south of oW Sumnerf.iel d Drive. The portion- of t""plat to ,the north of Summer f Leld Drive was not approved and was supnlied primarily for i.t,- formction purposes at that time. Tualatin Development Co. is now reapplying for the entire trace as shown on the preliminary plat attached. 2. The submitted preliminary plat is consistent with respect to street width, right-of-way widths snd apparent intended cross sections, particularly with the approved Planned Developmer t plan and program. 3. The area platted was previously desigrrted as "town house". Staff feels that the proposed cl.ange to single family use is consistent with the overall de•, ,lopment plan. 4. Street standards in the Tigard Community Plan specify a 400 ft. maximum length cul-d.e-sac and a 40 ft. minimum radius "'.urn around". 5. The Summerfield Planned Development as approved by the City provides a maximum density for the total (201 acres) develop- ment arca of 6.25 dwelling units per acre, or 1250 totr . d,,elling units, further limited to a total population. ,iot exceeding 2400 persons. 6. Exceptions to the R-7 lot specifinp.tior. in the zoning code that were approved with the PD approval are: typical lot size of 4000 sq. .ft. (50 x 80) with 10 foot front yard setbacks, 4 foot side yards and 8 foot rear yards. 7. The required 45 ' dedicaticn from -the centerline on SW Durham Road is required as a condition of the PD approval. 8. Staff notes that -the bike/pedestrian trail providF'd adjacent Durham Road does not presently extend westerly beyond the edge of Phase I development and ends at the edge of this plat. . 9. The proposed preliminary plat conforms with the intent and purpose of the Tigard Community Plan as part of a residential planned development. 10. The Unified Sewerage Agency is now requiring a 15 ft. sewer easement. 11. The utilities companies are requiring a 5 foot graded easement. Staff Recommendations Approval subject to all ccnditions, covenants and restrictions applicable to "Summerfie;.d" as of this date. PC Staff Report - May 20, -Lc-,75 page 2 - item 5 Page 7 PC Minutes May 10, 1975 F. Commission Diseu:,rls.- and Action: Hartman said he dis,,greed with Mr. derson - that he felt it ought to be dismi. sed. Chairman Whittaker said he fel it ought to be opposed actively by the planning co ssion. Motion to table (Ball) Seconded (Hansen) Carried (unanimous) / Whittaker said the qu e�tio,• was whether the commission ought to go on record opp ed to the proposed ordinance revision and the proposed ch -ter amendment. Chatrnan pollede commission. Porter disagreed. Chairman askedZCity Attorney to read the memorandum he had earlier alluded to. Ball sugges d that the commission could go on record opposed to he ballot measure (charter amendment)based on its fi, ings that there wo, a potential legal problem and that t was conceived without proper consideration of land us criteria. Moved Hartman) Secon ed (Sakata) t`nrri d-_(Porter against) 5. SUBDIVISI(NS S1-74 Preliminai„r Plat Approval \ A request for approval of a preliminary plat for Phase III, \ Summerfield PlPnned Development, located at and near S.W. Highland Drive and 109th Avenue. A. Staff Report: Staff report was read by Powell, with recommendation for approval subject to conditions of ZC 5-70'. B. Commission Discussion and Action: Moved to approve (}tar+,man) Seconded (Hansen) Carried (.;..animous) 7. OT}{ER BUSINESS: �vne 8. ADJCURNItH.NT: 11 :30 P\.,",. _. . . , ,. .,� V "„i ( A CO-VENTURE ) FRANKLIN SERVICE CORP ENGINEER - SURVEYOR HARRIS - Mc. MONAGLE ASSC . 8905 S W. COMMERCIAL ST T I G A R D, OREGON TEL 639- 3453 C - 2 . 1 LINE SHT. I OF 2 SANITARY SEWER k , 0 t 0 0 Ml C-2 to 9 t 70.42 MM C-2.5 PLAN 8 PROFILE C -2 I LINE � .,�. Y 2 60 " 2 9 t 70.42 M1 C-2 5 to IE t 15 98 PLAN 86 PROFILE ^0 SLIMMERFIELD PHASE 3 �' CITY OF TIGARD*' OREGON eranrvrar�N DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFOMATION SHEET 1. PROJECT lb.t — Sl"•:MFRFIELD VI (Phase III) I I. PROJECT NAMM s - Summerfield Phase Ill dateds 5 �� L`RANILM (TITI.8) t �-r—._• _! IV. PLAT (TITLE) t - datedI— Map 2-Sl, IUD, Washington Counts_. V. SITS LOCATIONS Durham Read _- -- VI. RRINCIPALBS A ,,,_Venture TualAtin Developement Co. Inc., h Franklin Serv. Corp, (1) DZVKLOPERt _ -- T. D. r!. Roy Brovn or George Add rem ---' Phone NoMgrshall t,3y,j101 Benjamin Franklin Sav'r•rs & Loan (2) DWALOPERS SURETY AGENCY. --- Address - Phone No., _ Bond No. _ _. __..- Sxp. Date-__, (3) EV011MM s-McMonagle - �_- - -- -- __• ^otnmercial St•. Tigard, OR Phone No. '_'_39-3453 Address__ _.._----• ; (4) INSPSCTORI Leonard Cook____ of it CT3 Phone No.�__.__• Address Y �---------' (s) Prins CONTRACTOR: -.. - -- - -----`-' i Aderess­ - Phone No. f (b) CONTRACTORS SURETY AdareS6 -- ..r•�......•-.-+. Phrnr No..__--__._....• Bond No. - Exp. Date­/ (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: — -.__-.___ --- �-- "--`- --' � � 3 v Vj41 d LL� vi S v � � ul p S , �� �► o ' � . vi 3 - ; QA Qz � r Q MMry to � ' r �win OL Lq 7/C C7 7z 2L ]� w-oA-t IN arra' CGv.-►,��� 7/c e_*01. c� 74P r►-f C ��•�G fir-i J-4P-* y ;eVdC-0--,0-7©ch /"r" H c!� � � NG �cGH /s rr c G.e S!. r- le-owo r a s/r�'c.-G 7`+Ca e e--4:::" 6,ol e-- C/G, .S r��.r,�i y�� � .SC--T'.S, '!-�D �a� /� 7"�•f'� �2 t-nc c.f�,i�� d h 1 P► o 'a's IH ✓► vP" =z;tHr1 7 1 t- v w�• r-o J�" c T �-�. r� c 4 't1 a v N P r-oJ crT -f-k s y P 7' I w c. LAP C-r-�'. r 0 �»+�. `r_.•-�-+ S r Gi 1�1"9 C:.1►4 �"'� �" A_--f�.. `�'�"�..G...I e- G� ' G7 Hl L4 C-►'l I S. N O � If. n ff P w W 1 ( b� ��1 l� O G r C Y V.c pr--o G e. r.S 1 I Ic ,T4 JED 197 D C RD CITY U a HARRIS- McNIONAGLE f OCIATES 8905 S.W.CommerciaXtreet TIGARD,OREGON 9-223 DAT[ JOO NOi (503) 639.3453 7g ; 7 TO Al r r 1-5�4 GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOUr*��iched I.] tinder separate cover via the following iterns: (i Sholi drawings (4-11,ints 11 Plans (j Sawples IJ Specifications IJ Copy of letter 0 Change order Ll COPIES DAU NO. DESCRIPTION TOZ e -00044"'01v as IIIESE ARE Tr,k,,:qSMIjjFD as checked below: Wf'-1r approval [I Approved I-& subrn"!ed 0 Resubmit copies for approval L. oruse r3 Approved as noted C) Submit—copies for disti,bution [3 As requested 0 Returned for corrections T3 Return—corrected wints [I For review and cr nment [I [I FOR BIDS DUE ---------- PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS- -o' Tj e4 rOrY .0 SIGNED/; • 1 A P P L 1 C A T 1 0 N T O DEPARTMENT OF EN' IR0NMENTAL QUALITY FON EVALUATION REPORT OF SUITARIIITT OF PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL (Actath a Plat or Atop LV C,g All Mesa se Csh{bit A) Section Township .] Range all. County o;._[(�1�~�-/ Oregonl 1Ms lot I Narrative F -- -fel--jS�G_L/itN� c^ibl.s t, f•• Ili Narrative�scrition: PRO"Otte a5E OF PARCEL (h,.--IAL.-OT)6R JayErlFYI) 1 - pRESENTI�DESIGNATED LAND LS[,10NiNGr AND NAME OF DESIGNkTING A6ENC1 ��_/�--` :y,•'L- fir' T't,;: .^ _ PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL (Check one and Rav{ds nequestod information) 1 f EMISTINO"!MM1IN SYSTEM b est SS ter"a lett 110 Car test or more total (1) Parcel is located within the baundaries of and alum be provided sewerage service by the fottowing entity which owns and operates a sewerage oystem: ' Nems of Netter (! 1L1 -.r� E+t Y System Identification _IJC.� [l Ss fTFi Address of Patity /'C'%>t d ,�' S S 7 City, Zip rale f�.T!- e'er Ti!•i-i' i'1=. Y'7:''�; (1) Present status of sewers or erwer ert.naioms to serve p.Met; (a) ^laps for sewers have 1 haus not been prepared. (b/ we plans for :ers (�have haus not been approved by DSV. (o) Sewers Mvs Taus not been installed. (A) 5-ATL4FNT OF CERTIFICATION BY SEhrme06 STSTF.g OWNEP(Separate statement may be att,.ehed if available). so tat `ontative of the owner of chs sewerage system named In (1) show, 1 herr ortify that sewerage.mrvlce will be p...IA.d for the nbov.deacribed P. that said sewerage.y.te.,hes r.parlty to.ere. the P r.*I, and that the above inforMtlon relative to the statue of such*ewrags service is ro to the host at sy knowledge, signature of PeprA*nl,rtive rids C� Date 1 I ►RwPOSMO N6H SENERaD sysT01 (►ssl $S for one lots $to for two or mote Iota, _(dotal ap Ras Deq approved the proposed spstea PrsviauRy in writing! !1Q NO yes, an _ Sas DSV issued a Masts Disohorge rerwit far rhe ptoned system! (4 No Tet, peritt�l aT. S I SUsNUPtNCS SENAOE DISro4tt.sysTrx (Post aid Per lot) Show tooation of proposed subsurface system or systems o, the plat plan for ea,h site which is attached as Frhibit A. For a subdivision of four or more sites, attach as r1ehibit N: f. A topogro,hicat map t. Mesa of stop&data Il. Soils data A. eater table data 6, Drainage data (ourfade ad subsurface) V. alter auypiyy eouror and distribution oysters data P. Wot(.g subsurface#.wage disposal systems loaatioh apectal tnatructlomt DEQ enpor its contract alegt must completes site investigation before a retort can be gtvon. TO facitItat;;-h lnvesilgatlori, prepare twoI2) backhoe test holes At least d ft. deep end .pp...ic.taly is it. apart (at the same approximate ground surface.t-,nation) at the sate of each P­P...4 ey.tals. rest hots$ () have Men prwrared ( 1 will be prepared by I Halt ArtAcHM TNM 1M.7)1AEb Ex"IsITS AHD ree S►Er1Plea 111 THS lNSTRUCTIONN ANIS ON THIS APPLICATION AND Hs"21 A:gUEST►Al1N THE DEPAPTMENT nr tHglaVNWITAL QUAI ITy A AEP mT Or sVITASILITY OP THS AsM9"ESCRISPD11670011 Or 8[10106 pI SPOSAL Pus T06ADNk Al SCPI BfD PA.C4. -_ k/__,est e�riw4•1 _. -�nw,i.�':A,.,vA4 Nae of Applicant -/T;_ � {patura of AFptieat-U-_ . AAA-,a of Aprtian.lt,4 z i •r, __�__-_ T City, State,tip code,�..!�:C._�•' cj '!c Z sit.'`„Jiturne;(.�.�l/c i _Date - _xk ^..eau....I..uuuu....... eau.... ..uuu eau.uuuu..A.uuuu.u.N&a.H. v..u.uu...Nua1u (I'OR OSq ON ADSNT USC ONLY) Cw is and racodeenwi.rle based an S.Murfaea sits lnvsatlgatlon by DEO or rnnttaet Agohtt ent/DC l::notate _ _-- _ ._.. -- --_---�:. Data ......... Y......V..::.Trrrrrs—arrarl>mnr.—. —sass. ..::............e ...... . ........out ........e Statement of DEO or Ag.nt lelat/ve to kbD•:e Appllcettoe The above deveri'lle mediad of.w&go d-Meal 1•-apprwad -blect to the following conAtttonar { The above described .rthod of *,vale disposal if not approved for the followlM reeaehel Ag.nt/oSV_ Signature_. DIS! for the MPattarnlut rna.wnmeneal Duality DID Pore 4/IS/Te , INSTRUCTIONS FOR ,c APPLICATION TO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY iC FOR EVALUAT: )N REPORT OF SUITABILITY OF PROPOSED SEWAGE DISPOSAL Any person may req-lest a t•eport from the Department of Environmental Quality covering an evaluation o' a mr!thod of sewage disposal or of site suitability for installation of a subsurf,ice !;ewage disposal system. The attached application form should be used for submitting such a request. Only one application per sub- division, partitioning, or lot is required. A copy of the completed form and the required exhibits will be kept on file by DEQ as a permanent record. Prompt action can be taken only if an application contains 01 requested information and all required exhibits. It is important that all items be com- pletely and spec'fically filled out. Aeditional information will be pro,eiptly requested if neeoed. WHAT TO DO IF THE PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL IS BY AN EXISTINa OR PROPOSEn NEW MGE SYSTEf- Complete the application and b-ing or send it with the required fee of $5.00 for one lot or $10.00 for two or mo.•e lots anJ two copies of each required exhibit to the appropriate DEQ Region serving your county or to the Water Pollution Control Division of DEQ Headquarters, 1234 S. W. Morrison, Portland. The addresses and telephone numbers for each DEQ Region are listed on the back of these instructions. DEQ will return the report to you with the required statement. If three (3) or less lots are involved, a representative of the sewerage system owner may, when authorized by DEQ, complete the report and return it to you directly with a copy to the DF_Q Region. �4HAT TO DO IF THE PROPOSED METHOD OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL IS BY SUBSURFACE SYSTEM ;SEPTIC T K . Complete the application and submit it to the DEQ agent serving your county, at the address listed on the back 0 these instructions, with two copies of each required exhibit and the required fee of $25.00 per lot. After investigation, the application and recommendations will be fat-warded or may be picked up and delivered by yuu to DEQ for completion of the statement and returned to you. If three (3) or less lots are involved, DEQ's agent for the county may complete the statement and return it to yogi directly, with a copy to the DEQ Region. IF QUESTIONS APISE, PLEASE CONTACT THE NEAREST DEQ REGION (SEE BACK) These forms and procedures may be changed as we ge'n more experience with this new program. We appreciate your patience and welcome your suggestirns, which may be made to the Land Pollution Control Division of DEQ Headquarter;, 1234 S. W. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97205 (Telephone 229-5696) or to a Region. DEQ 4/15/74 Suter.1t of DEQ or Alam Aela,lee to Abov,Appl1,tion [ ] Tho,bwe d•,r:1Wd-thod of„wqo 812po„1 1■ ppro 4,.bteet to the f.11 -1np rnndltfan,e ( ] The Above a„er thud n,thod of„rale disp-41 is wt Approved for th, Ralf.-leg r.,,one, ApdpT1A a/peetne, De t. M h!lA �r—n �uf n-i/aln dYll!y fltp►eN 1/1f/!� , LOCAT)OO MA►, !:,E-T DL' : 0 4 SPC -, ---,if I h, " o%. iVO,'C- Ali, 0% SL-IYAJAPE 1'1200 0*.'DPr­;,eC*- CITY U> Tj� ez I "-1 7-1 Q.4 1. LAW f, S400 %,fx). I)-It W., 169 /731 A.1 N;T I r(L fi cle. SI Cu 2 I_. ' r � • I 1" ••mt • i 4Alij y',e, y r ' , .,. . r ..: . 44Sw )t ' •, 1'-' ,.r +. •'l �Pi .;•i ..�'.' IV•.'. lk ;: ia. .,,, P t �,t .�. �:'•.! - t. ,.d , r rk r: k' 7�'hA •y. �r '�. E• R .�1'. _ t "''0 's�. t,. i �' ^.*,;yp .a.. ,rr, ' Yr. w r., r kj d , d A t'41' I I I t NOTE : rA* I. ALL WORK SHALL F3E (X7UE ;k) CONFORMAIJCE WITH THESE PLAMS AOD SPECIFICATIOUS WHICH I AC.'CONAPANY THEM , AAD W11H THE CITY OF TIGARD srANDAROS, 10 T14F EVEuT OF COWFL-ICT SE i w EEQ THESE PLAN`i AND SPECIFICAT IOIJS AIJp THE Cr T`! OF TIGARLBTANOAR0 7 THE ' hh CITY JF` TIGA(:(� STAN(}p RD5 SHALLTAFE PRECEDENCE. alp Q' ZNO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE COuSl DERED COMPLETE UNTIL Acc5PTE0 BY THE `IL t CITY AND THF: I:► �GIMJEER, h Y ` � � It 3, ALL. ZREOCH C3^CKFIL L MATERIALS AI)D METHODS SHALL Be 1k) CON FURMA►.)Clc WITH .c GI-f f 51-1�1..`pARUS. �$ t;° � � .�= 4 AL,.L, PERMITS /'AtJD LIGENyF_5 NF_ .ESSARI' FOR PROSECUTIOtJ AIJO COMPC.ETIOIJ OF THE WOI-AK SMALL SE ECIC R EC_`. AND PAID FOIA BY THE:' CONTRACTOR PR i OR TO n, COMMENCING OF CON ST RUCTIO►u, r•r•�ivi7q �; 7/ p,C, 5• THC LOCA740NV OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UT1L-ITIES SHONU ON THE P1-ANS IS c,t /q f•--C?}z , N FORM ATI ON ON,-Y ANIE IS NOT GJA RA N TEED TO SE ACCJ RATE. l ° Sti G. BEFORE COMMENCING CON STRUCTIOPJ) THE CON TRACTOR SHAL- NOT" 1 FY ALL. Psrrri 1EwT �'`�' y� ^OMPHFUIES CSR AGEIJGIES WITH ut��pF-RGrZ0U00 Pr­CILITIES IN THE J08 AREF /O ,7i , _--1 �G�S✓ �/ So TNA7 PAC ( LI T I ES MAY FiE ACCURATE" 4 LOCATED ( i E. : POWER, GAS, TELEPHOOE ♦' �. WA-6TRd : 3TORM 4 SAQI T AF \( SEWERS) ETC. . , 2S" 16 40 24 G,A.P, -M. INT•1=f;GEPT' a. a �b V 3 A•�:. C[_,45-s C lea vo �•T�� •> ro• CX I S T• U I TCFi �• 9 ,4v � ___ 1A DRAINAGE � ' FiR.,T rE `r14•�O_ �.G• s J� �r. 4VG�,!'LAy /'f►Z'AR.C,�TI�"/�t "�tib-o •s /��. Y .Gy 1\ 3i I �-- , ;_•� ,.�J ^� 6 ----n- D CIS = /// 1/// //.' .'�►, '�o ° ,I - b -'� ;K. �. -. �. t•_� ` ` �•r--_--- ��7 03-Vv -- - E _-` ` e ►.:�'a: k��.i , 3i ?4 CON G. PIPE SET /// /// =//� - / r D.. I E ,r fes) YE UA Fi' v ' =// l�/� / - I 1 C-) 6 -I z C- _ DK Y Y 'AYs R `4 T.-3t-39.1/3 ' ti /E /S 39 VE�TI CAL ON BASE / --� /- h ,• �I�/ ? b =zG.-2'Z- 40 1rC,= / 6•03 S(j »�/ ;/, C. N�( POURED OVER AND ///mos Rc Z'9T. Z T:c.•2 .o�- NZ ARC7914D Z4" C.A. P •T �• c 9 M L s 131.$ f,.iT•3�/. �� JSS ;STAN DAN:0 Mi Y.V)� A L �TR EET SECT/©ne 0 i s re 7E r rc.: /9Pl•6S P, l L S F rIA ME 4 COVE-_R L A4-- 5G.��E /6 rZ `� '� IF­:= 194.04 RT' $y FOR RATS ING 7.0 IS B8'� l 3° E. - 194.50 T. FIN ISH GRADL Ra Z-T 1 -'1 q �,' q 3 yy S� \ CL Loc,r.�•tsT/Z Aeo-of L a 2.3.3,-.)Z s' I 1 q0' C.�. = 2 Z G r rl E• �-c - 7- 1 LIMIT OF C.00 TRLX TIDI) -z - - TN I - Y• _ 7 - _ _ - - - - - - - - — - - ---- — - - - - - - _- _ , _ - 3 Q -- - — Im rx fy 4 l,) --- -- - --- - - - - - - -- — - - R• N a Vt4LIP - - - -- _ - _ _ 70 _ REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN SCALE HORiz• I -So, . .,�oti• - SUMMER &W. 109th AVE. REALIGNMENT �I✓nt TRACED 108 NO. J1=c. I KE LOCATED 4F3" -TC)RM L,I KX Fn2i) IV w ( PHASE 3 ) �Ft W I.NnC VIII Yi •• ,� �' ,n,.r.•-•• Com Lor s9 To INT-. of s,w ►oil _ - �� CHECK D – -- - `—: STREET I MPROVEMENTS SHEET — REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE �� ty A� JI WWL}i1 Harris - McMonagle Associates ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS 2 REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION R. DAJE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PL AN IS PROFILE TIUARD OREGON 97223 of r AC D E?< E F Go N - ` 6)SLUI'II`1ER'F"•T.E''1D NO - ........._, OF 1. � '7a Y{ �f �, * •.,�+e' r � ��' ��r ��w'��..d� 1�y�'1�, ,t'� Yr � ,rt .. , , 4, � ' iiI `III�I III II II I N I1�1 I1 II Il�f ll Il 1(�l Il Il Il IlI(,l Il Il Il�l ll ll ll ll llilll(„III1,1t1 I' III1I1'I1I1I +1I111 1 � l.IiIlIlI�Il �IlIt I � I l I 2 AS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILVED -�---- -- 1 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR TIAAN THIS NOT ICi-r-IT IS DUE TO V. THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. --- - ------- --- OE 62 62 12 92 S2 NP2 E2 22 12 OZ 61 IRI L I 91 21 bl E I 21 11 01 _6 9 L 9 S ti E 2 ,:rr'""�' NIII,III�IIIIIIIIIIIIrIII�IrIIrIrI�rII�III{�,IIItIIIIIIIII�It1,ll���h�r'rll���Il��,lullll,IIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIII►nIII�IIIII1�lIlIlr,Il�lilll►1111 111�1111IIItIIIII!III11Inlllllil]u11111nIIn11,11111Y11�U11111„IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn111u,IlUllllullul�,uUl�l�1)III,IuInr1111�1111H I V JULY 6 19J2 _.+ern•-. -�,..•,....�.. ..,�..•.,_ _ , .._ 100000 co Er"v- AoI of wW 42oreijox r,# e o Sce -4c a ll M "0y 7�1)6 v ore# LIAO mie FI Nf V46 9641 -ro ie /'V 7-e 7 .jy- /9 /lap S IS U M M E R F I E L D rr 4 er�o ap At /* m con 10D 0 < > > rn M m 4 %2 -4 CIP -Tj n m 0 x rn M 0 M rr-- ;u _._....E.G NQ to Z r— a) w'lr 49v"'- aw VA��r' *s /Vc rec 211'0 2, x > -r g 6 c-0 OD IR m— ' = IA,)Ir 419� Awlmov4ul .1 5'lexAr g r1i < ;rz M > r- tw% < 0 () z Agpt.r 4& c /*Sir ^*/e Sr, 1-4r'04 W-4,K 7v CD Z m35 0 TE 0 77 04' '-0'0-"v7 IAj "id-4- 71r4w4wAox ,vqs 7r-,f "Y'Aca t!� '-< 7!r �7A Lr, C,wr 0 -7--V 00,*A& Ut I yl "4.6 I r \ 40 A. u • :t x /oOV Pro S W 4t W*64q,' A4V "w At M 0,11010i,oil 111 T 1 7 1Jill JIII ill I III 1111111111 7 8 9 i1b 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICAV'IT IS DUE IT) THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, OE 62 9z LZ 9Z SZ Irl cz Z2 z 0z 61 of 11 91 51 11'1 E 1 21 11 01 6 9 1 9 s IP E 2 1 JULY 6 1992 I t) TIGARD PLANNING C"ISSION .Staff Report September 3, 1974 Agenda Item 6.2 S 1-74 (Summerfield No. 5) Subdivision Variance { For r perty located southerly of S. W. Summerfield Drive at -97—. W.- 109th Avenue A�Qlicant Tualatin Dc✓elop:-ent Company Applicant's Request Approval_ of the following variances from the standards of `title 17. Section Minimum right-of-way width 1. Cul-de- sac right-of-way width: Variance from a required 50oot radius to a -40 foot radius adjacent lots 241 through 245. Cul-de-sac Paving width: Variance from a required 34 foot radius to a 31 foot radius adjacent lots 2-41 through 245. 3. Street paving width: Variance .from a required 34 foot . paving width to a 32 foot paving width. Section 17.28.030 Intersection .'.ngles 1. Twenty-five feet of tangency at intersections: Variance from a required 2.5 feet of tangency to 20 feet. Section Cul-da-sacs 1. Length: Variance from 600 foot maximum length to a 700 foot length. y 2. Right-of-way ,-adius: Variance from a required 50 foot radius to a 16 foot radius. Scution 1'7.28.1,0 Grades and Curves 1. Center line radii of curves: Variance from a required. 100 foot radius to a 63.48 foot radius. 17.32.030 Easements 1 . Easement widths for utilities: Variance from required 10 foot easement centered on rear or side lot .lines to 5 foot easement, centered same. 17.44.040 Sidewalks 1. Width: Variance to a proposed 4 foot width where 5 feet is required. 2. Adjacent Property Line: Variance from a requ'rernent that sidewalks be placed adjacent the property line to side- walks placed adjacent curb. Staff Findings 1. The variances described herein are for a preliminary plat submitted as a development phase of the "Summerfield" plannei development project. A Planned Development District ordinance U73-5) for the sv.,ject property was adopted by . the City Council on February 12, • 1973• 2. Refer to Section 17.28.020 for findings required for a Planning Commission decision on the subject case. 3. Please note the attached letter from the Tualatin Rural Fire Protection District. A .w,imary of their position is as follows: o No variance should be granted for a paving width less than 32 feet. o The turning radius for fi.ra department vehicles must be a minimum of 40 feet from center pin to curb line. (Note: The Tigard Mu:iici.pal Code standard for this dimension is 34 feet) . o A service road for fire dept. vehicles should be pro- vided at the end of S. W. Highland Court. 4. Please note the attached letter from Harris-McMonagle Associates, representatives of the Tualatin Development Company, requesting variance of certain code items and stating justification for the requested variances. 5. The staff has reviewed the applicant's variance requests and has found additional variance items. These have been included in the "applicant's request" section of this staff report. 6. The applicant's development is located within an approved Planned Development District. The Planned Development District is intended to "create a more desireable environ- ment through the application of flexible and diversified land development standards under a comprehensive plan and PC Staff Report - September 3, 1974 - page 2 - Item 6.2 l program professionally prepared. " the proposed street layout conforms to the approved "general development plan and program" and exceeds the general street standards described by said. program. The land use has been changed from attached townhouses to detached single family dwellings. Inasmuch as the subject plat is'a part of development within a planned development district, with the purpose of en- couraging innovative development standards, there are special circumstances affecting the subject property which are unusual and peculiar to the subject site as compared to similarly situated lands. 7. The Planning Commission has previously approved a site plan for an apartment complex directly west of the subject site. A golf course, as shown on the "general development plan and program" is located directly to the east. A limited apace is available between these two approved or existing facilities. The variances requested are the minimum re- quired for the preservation of a substantial property in- terest of the applicant. 8. The granting of the requested variances will not be detri - mental to the public health, safety or welfare, nor con- sti•cute a departure from the Ti and Community Plan, with the following exception: - - o The Tigard Community Plan states: "The following stan- dards are recommended for local streets: cul-de-sacs 40 foot radius minimum turn-around and 400 foot maximum length . (Note: An emergency access way was required at the end of S. W. Highland Court when the Planning Commission approved the site plan for the Summer- field Phase 1 apartments. This access should help alleviate the need for a larger cul-de-sac on said street) . 9. The applicant's variance proposals are consistent with all other regulatory requirements of Title 17 and 18, TJjard Municipal Code and adequate provision has been made for traffic circulation, recreation, open spaces. Thea ro riate fire district has been considered in said varianc;-p and responded by letter submitted as a part of this staff report. Staff Recommendation Based upon the above findings, approval of the request Pd variances. PC Staff Report - September 3, 1974 - page 3 - Item 6.2 I ' 6. SUBDIVISION VARIANCE 6. 1 3 3 (Greenwood Terrace) Location: We rly of S. W. 115th between Fonner and . Gaarde Streets A. Staff Findings 1. B •ooks presented t staff findings relatives to the case. B. Testimony and Cross Examina ion 1. Dave Evans of Wilsey and Ham Engineers testified for the applicant saying the agreed with the findings of the staff report. C. Staff Recommendation 1. Staff recommended app val th(? variance request. D. Commission Discussio d tion 1. Barkhurst inov approval of the variance request based upon t ndings presented by staff. Micoli seconded an " e motion passed by unanimous vote of the Commiss on present. 6. 2 S 1-74 (Summerfield) M to !, fel Cr Location: South of S. W. Summerfield Drive at S. W. 109th Avenue ----- A. Staff F1idings 1. Eroo�.s presented the staff findings relative to this C'sP. . B. Testi-:.ony and Cross Examination 1. A::1 Erikson of 15200 S. W. .109th asked where 109th ! w uld come into S. W. Summerfield Drive. C. Staff Recommendation 1. £.aff recommended approval of the variance request. D. Commi_sion Discussion and Action I1. E:rkhurst moved to approve the variance request based L.Dn the findings presented by staff. Nicoli seconded a-! the motion passed by unanimous vote of the C--.mission present. Page 4 - PC Y. Butes - September 3, 1974 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Notice is hereby given that public hearings will be held by the City of Tigard Planning Commission in the lecture room of Twality Junior High School, 14(.30 S. W. 97th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon, on September 3, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. with respect to the following: A request by the Tualatin Development Company for variance from the street standards of the subdivision ordinance of the City of Tigard for property adjacent to S. W. 109th Avenue and S. W. Summerfield Drive. All persons having an interest in these matters are invited to attend and be heard. 1 Pub::ish TT August 29, 1974 I nfw�rrrrrrae+twt,. ----- ®® F JR. �7.iNIl�I!■eI>,�I�� � � �anII��I�®e����■■i�l��������■I•�����■ CITY ° LIMITS , W 100� � 1 � i 2 _ W Q 13 $ 3 r unr 1 no 4XAq a 4cm q .�°• .� 4W0 MIS M9•r si v ♦10WO a •. • e.rr t •' 4200 1ncbi4Nr t { :GNP4900 66¢ }. 5000 MCI ��— S. ��I �" 71r �• \•� \ ora LOW _-�'�1�-,• .'�I• S Ttl LM+tD N� YY • — +w• . •w�� fl 090 f_4/r0 SUMMERFIELD DIRIVE • ••1•'• •N M 1•N no Z y .P. Jti 2 23-74 M OQ ll� Y MID ALL PROPERTIES ZONFD i ! TRACT •: e PLANNED DEVELOPMENT } 3 ax F covast cN ctw+roN •RfA •J •.r.• e'1 ie• a F �'.� 30 «� � 74p0 2J00 2700 S ?s �' into b 2,m ••M» •1 •�' .��. •00 • r ; f11(7 33Ae Q W C� Z100 Yi CITY .• 2900 ! 7 LIMITS .«» .�• • NINON Mld ■3. NIRVtp,p■ DURHAM-j NO R � R � IL- P. 0. BOX 286 • TUALATIN, OREGON 97062 0 PHONE 638-6861 • RUSSELL WASHBURN, CHIEF August 20, 1974 Wink Brooks, ri.ty Planner Tigard Planning Commission Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Wink: l� Upon examination of plans for Summerfield/ 5 Phase III, the following is strongly recommended: 1. The city's standard for 34' curb to curb street width should be enforced for proper fire department access. If a variance is granted, it should be not less than 32' . 2. The turning radius for fire department vehicles, in cul-d.-sacs must be a minimum 40' from center pin to •urb line. (Note: Cul-d-sac off Highland Drive) . 3. j'he Highland Court dead end must have a service road access to 109th Avenue for fire department vehicles. If you have any further questions, feel free to call me. Yours-truly, Xk Palmer Fire Inspector JP:dm \ g 1 �.� � rc`_'� I� .o� Jowl. ✓r, . RELMOMMURMARX C S 71MERFII:LD SW 7.c`cPt h AVE11Ur' CONS'i.'RUCTIOPI COST ESTIMATE DATE. 8/20/74 TINIT UNIT ITEM DESCRU T IOR _ 1T.f STi7PP. ___._. .... COST TOTAL _... ST"2E>^T;, 1. Excavation to wibgrado 650 if 5 2.50 yS 1,625.00 2.. 61, of1�"(�) bane rock 512 cy 5.55 2:841.60 3. 1 of 3/1F (-) lev(-liii[; 100 cy 5.65 565.00 l►• ' " type "C'" acplinitic cone . 1100 iron 15.00 6,000.00 5. i6" cctnndn--d curb, 1:x,0 1.f 1 .80 2,1+ O.C10, 6. ':Irrcot lif.;}ito 3 on 215.00 _ 8?_5_.00; i TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . f� 111,286 .60 1. 30" CMP ill placo 2C0 lr 12.75 SS P-)550-00 . 2. 21 11 CI•IP in lacer. 3. Storm manhole �; ea j0(�.00 1 792 00.00 4. Curb inlotc 4 oa 165.00 660.00 ' 5. Compaction of exist. caterinl 720 if x..25 900.0 6 . 12" CP in place r0' if 5.1E0 378,0,0 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9b 10,780.50 1. 10" C•-11f cone . pine in place Si 5.E0 n 3,752.00 2. 6" C-14 cmc. pipo in pinco 1��J if 5.00 2P000.0 3. lO"X6" tees :�_� c.0 :!_9.00 �304•G0 4. Manholea 0Y to 101 depth ca 5x0.00 21200.00 5. PJ.po zone slat clr:9_al 1:) J J.f .Ca0 963.00 6. ConPaction of e;cist. rmaterini 1.071.) ?f 1.2� l 3=. „s50 TOTAL . . . S 10,X56.50 1 " CAGt iron Cl. 1,!150 in glace 650 1P 6.90 iS 4, 85.00 2.. " MJ (rate valvoa - 7 � ea 200.00 U0.C'0 3. 81Ix8" too IIJ 1 ca 17.5.00 1.15.00 4. 8" 2210 bends ITJ 4 ea 30.00 320000- 5. 811 cap Capt 2" IPT ?_ ca 0 OG X60.00 6 . Tompornry blow-off a combl a 60.00 y �� 1>y.00 27�).0�� �A"(•-) rock pipe baddin 35 cy 5.50 6o Compaction of oxict. mat e:idl E;50 If 1.23 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `3 Ei,855.C� DO JUN ' 1975 CITY OF TIGARD ,TfID PLATT' -1 'CO,SI'"ES TTITIA'.. PATE: 8/20/74 n SORTPTION ;'11211 j',li_.'____. . ._! ; __.... . TQTAT, T'I=.Jvati.on to euUSraclo 71�t :tf ;3 ?" 0 3. 852.50 J.. 6" of 'Z':"(^) bans rock 63.3 cy 5•5r ']� 11 of 3/111(^) leveling mime 10" cy 7,.65 J9., 5 31, type "C" naphaltic co!I^ . 1,_'r6 ..:o;: 1 5,C)� 7, 11.0.00 ].61' rit;tndard curb-11 1.Ii00 if i.•f'0 27700.00. Steot 2 ca 275.0016 53116.0 ST 12" conc. pipo 3_n I)lcice _ - :0 ? A ri•1�0 7.,/�Oh00 Curb �•nXet c:1 ?r,1)•00 r OTAL SAI . E _ . �� n 5 J89.1t0 . . 611C"•a.1f G011C. ] a.po 6,') 7. i 'J.(`�� � ,��Jn•(77 �, 81'x6" tco 21 na 33.00 396.00 s 4811 dire. manholon 0to 10' 5 nn 5 c)•o0 29750.00 !, pir� zone matorInI 1611 ?f ."0 ]- 449•9'0 :. Compaction of onint. nntorial 167.1. .1-11 ]."?5 ?._ '611 `cant I.x�on Cl• 054 (i0 l I $ 6.10 f3 446.36.00 , 6". 900 1)011(1045() bonda 1 ca M.00 80.00 t empoiary b1orr aonenbly ]. ea ].:j".00 155.00 ' crows 1 on 00 210.00 ' '121, 8100vo 1. 01 t 0.00 80.00 � 611 14. 7. Gnt© vr..].r,3 is eat 3 h5,00 290.00 811M.J. tato v71vo 1 ea 1700.00 200.00 I?J're hyd. comp'!oua rr/va1Vo lea '1,''-9.00 725.00 .Cor;. ,^ctlon of C%ir:t. rsato_inl 1410 107.23.00 ~Vhll r ocl► Uoddi lir; 1;0 C;,1 . ,L 1r1,I1�J • • • • e • • • • • • • • • s • • • ' ,��19.UU iy r` STREETS # • • . • • • . s • iI1�,,jt+ .�0 S TOMM DRATNAOE "ATITTARI IM . . IIATal? T,1113' __... ...n•w ..SOH�T h3+f a " E+ .r i. �.��.� ' � 83� D JUN % 1175 'CITY OF TIGARD , I ;t1L_ ;LD S17 109 Il�AVRTUE : : .JC�ION C0 i E�^It�AT?s DATE: 8/20/74 PAGE' 2_ t1;�''_fi1RY STRE -75 . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1�J.lE c.d6.F0 " STORi nI?AIIIAG 30 ,780-50S2T'TTTARY S 'ER l0 55h. �0 WATER LiT1 P!, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ho I SUB-TOTAL . . . . . . 4,j je i Y. j}r WASHINGTON COUNTY f.:ia -L a 1�), ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE CITY TIPRD R db� HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 HOARD OF COMMISSIONERS DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 01LLMAST EAS,Chairman KENNETH A. MFNG. D,rclor VIRGINIA DAGG ROOM 201 MAY MILE.FA Au 1St 14 1974 (503) 648 PPR6 HOD RUTH 8 BUAtON C.WILSON.JR. City of Tigard P. O, Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Bruce Clark, .Administrator Re: S.W. 109th Avenue Gentlo Ten: As you are aware, S. W. 109th Avenue is a 20 foot widegravel county road on a 40 foot right-of-way running frau Durham Road north. The portion from Durham Road to Naeve is in the City of Tigard and is in the vicinity of the Summerfield develop- ment. The develoyars of Summerfield working with your city have developed on paper a system :)f streets which would replace S. W. 109th through the developmlzt and, therefore, require its vacation. Accordingly, the developers of Summerfield owning the property on both sides of this segment of 109th petitioned the Board of County CL missioners for the vacation of said road. A public hcaring was properly advertised and held on July 23, 1974. A group of citizens living north of SimnTer.field, Outside of your city and utilizing 109th as access to Durham, appeared at the public hearing and sec-ned in doubt as to what was being proposed. The Board of Qnmissioners, therefore, con- tinued the hearing to August 13, 1974 to give staff an opportunity too fully explain to these people the proposals. At the public hearing continuation on August 13th, four of these owners were rep- resented by an attorney and expressed. continued concern. At the close of the hearing the Board of armissioners adopted a staff reccmnendation concerning this matter. The hoard action was as follows: The Washington County Board of CaTmissioners agreed to the vacation of S.W. 109th as petitioned holding in abeyance final action} on the vacation .until the following conditions have been met: 1. The road entrance into this area (S.W. Summerfield Blvd.) frau Durham Road be reconstructed to provide a minimum width of 20 feet between curbs. 2. A replacement road or system of .roads acceptable to the Public Works Departlmnt from -the north boundaiy of the Summerfield development to S.W. Durham Road has been dedicated, accepted, constructed and opened to travel. city of Tigard August 14, 1974 age 2 Effectively, the action by t.,: Board leaves SA 109th open in its existing condi- tion until such time as t})e alternate street system is available for travel.. Since your city is involved in accepting dedication, approving the plat, overs`eing the construction, etc., I felt it desirable that you be appraised by the board action. After the conditions have beF:n met the board will. take final action on the vacation. If you have any furthz:- questions on this matter please contact me. Yours truly, Ken MknK3 Director of Public Works KM:js Attachiir-nt: Map cc: County Administrative Officer Deputy Director of Public Works Tualatin Devel.opii nt, Inc. i \\ c UlI 1 0 a y ~ • I W Z i i k I , t . i I J -r +� lu o ! s -2 4 Q U N i ' t d) Q J W ( l w V �� �41 i � r HARRIS-MCHONAGLE Asso"TATES F..NOTNit IC R."-RLRVEYORS 8906 S.W.QONTMENOIAL NTHEET TIGARD.ORK-JON 07228 TKLKP31ONh (503) 630-8468 August 111, 1974 f %:.0:•;IVSD AUu J 1914 Mr. Win:=,low C. Brooks C11Y OF TIGARD City of Tigard Planning Dept . Tigard , Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Brooks: Enclosed please find two checks, one for $50.00 to cover the preliminary plat of Phase III Summerfield-45i and gne for $75 00 to cover tree variance procedures for Summerfield listed beton. 2e , 30 I. Variance from 100' center line radius to 63.481 radius on SW 109th Ct . 1 - 2� °IO2_ . Variance from 50' radius to 40' radius at property line on I bubble near lots 241 through 245. - 3. Variance from 34' paved radius to 31' paved radi,.)s in bubble � near lots 241 through 245• i , �. 4. Variance from 34' pavement to 32' between parallel curbs. l7. i: 11 5. Variance for end of SW 109th CourL 50' radius to 16 ' radius. In reference to Chapter 17.48, paragraph 17.•4$.020, the following reasons are submitted: 1. The are is currently zoned City P-E- and the master plan and program depicts the general configuration and alignment of the street and lots to implement that plan. 2.. The variances are needed to preserve a substantial property right of the owner in relationship to the developed area and the golf course common facility of the 9th tee and fairw33►. 3. The granting of the variances as listed will provide safe access to the adjoining lots without acrificing the fu: ction- ability of the street,,. Due to the d-monstrated reduced traffic flow within this tyr- ol development the demard upon the facilities is approximately half that in a family-oriented subdivJ si,:n, ther( fore rial,ing the request reasonable. Veitruly yours.,- /.. e W. L. McMonagle I-IARTZIS-MCl`T0XAGT.?4 ASSOCIATES VNIN I NCS RM.MVRVITORM 8(106 RAV.COMMERCIAL.STREET TIOMID.OREOON 97748 Tcc.Icrllown (505) 6.103.59 October 309 1973 City of Tigard Dircctor of Public Services City Hai_ Tigard, Oregon Re: Summerfield Phase II Dear Mr. Iliebert: We are hereby requesting permission to use native earth backfill i in the tranches of the Summerfield Phase II development . This existing material will be compacted in the tranches to 90% relative density. The streets will subsequently be paved with 311 of asphalt with 211 being laid down the first year and the last 111 one year later. Any defects that may occur between the paving operations will be maintained in a t.ravelable condition. Since most settlement of the roadwa�a would probably occur during the first year of use due to the construction loadings from the home building activity, when the road is finally paved with the last 1.11 of asphalt the City will end up w:.th a street surface devoid of settlement marks and patchwork. Very truly yours, W. L. McMonagle VILM/mc 1 I w N U •r�l La N �v U fU Cl-•ri r-{ Q-, E .0 � C13 r. b0 LL O m ho bl) M4-4 a) O f-4 1 O co 004-) �[- CT 4-1 • t-i +) bD U n E--i V cr O �J 04 � N 1 m L W \ Q 0 0 N a fn p c7 4 Z Vr a zp � b v w 3 � $ � O Q O X 2 V� a 4 a �\r TW o Ltd z ' cr cn 0 0 Itl o Q? w to (.7 Q v) ~ U W 0 < V) {-'- V W N j w 0 _� U --� a p i L a . IA W Yo � � a Vi i A ocr Q•I :. (X Q_ l!_ Q WO Q N rr�..� W U 0 Y Q Q F- Q Q 1 c� n � W f: o a a a N N Z OD z F-- 0 :V; U m (/) a Q W LAJ it :::9 Va -- (D w z t- L_ 0 U Q Q } ` Q�. 0 CC V) CLu (n CL X? uJ 0 Y Q� C.TY OF TIGARD, OREGON ORDINANCE No-73- ,5 AN ORDINANCE RECLASSIFYING LANDS OF TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND FRANKLIN SERVICE CORPORATION WITHIN AN AREA KNOWN AS "SUMMERFIELD" FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY P-R - PLANNED RESIDENTIAL, TO CITY OF TIGARD P-D - PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT; ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN KNOWN AS "SUMMERFIELD PLANNED COMMUNITY OF 1972" TOGETHER WITH GENERAL PLAN AND PROGRAM; PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS APPLICABLE THERETO; FIXING EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. THE CITY OF TIGARD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The City Council finds that pursuant to provisions of Title 18 of the Tigard Municipal Code, the City has here- tofore instituted proceedings to change the zone classification of an area formerly under zoning ,jurisdiction of Washington County, Oregon which was annexed to the City by recent order of the Metropolitan Boundary Commis ion and confirmed by City ordinance, said area being locally known ab "Summerfield" as more particularly described on the attached sheet designated "Exhibit All and by this reference made a mart hereof. Section 2: The city Council further finds that after due and legal -'"— notice is by the Municipal Cole requlred,a hearing was regularly held by tile City Plannin;; Commission on t1Pcember 19, 1972 whereat all interested persons were afforied an opportunity to be heard with respect to the change in zr ,;e classification of said lands from Washington County P-H - Planned esilential, to City of Tigard P-D - PJE:nned 1�evelopment District: and thereafter tip? Planning Com- mission,pursuant to Sec. 18.56.0hu of the Municinal cede, submitted to the City Council findings and recommendations as hereto attached marked "Exhibit B" and by this reference made a part hereof, that the change of zoning classification as herein stated be approve) subject to the conditions hereto attached me-ked "Exhibit C" and by reference made a part hereof. Section 3: The council further finds that after due and legal notice "'- a hearing was held by the Council at its regi,lar meeting of January 22, 1973, and tvereupon by motion was continued to and reconvened on February 12, 1973, whereat all interested persons and the p.eneral public were afforded a further opportun'ty to be heard with respect to said proposed chan„e of zoning classification of said lands described in Exhibit "A”, and the Council further finding that no public detriment will result :"rote the granting of said petition and that it is in the public interest that said znninr reclassification as instituted by the City of Ti4erd be approved and Lnat said lands be re-zoned accordingly.'[he cum-r osiun'e findini , care hereby adorted a:- t[,e Council's Section 4: The City of Tigard finds that the development of the said lands as described in Exhibit "A" curavant to the Planned Development District provisions of the -!Kard .Municipal Code shall be authorized subject to and in accordance with the following: (a) Those conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard being 20 in number as hereto attached marked "Exhibit C" and by th�a reference made a part hereof. Page 1 - ORDINANCE No.73-.___ (b) The development of said lands shall conform with the general development requirements as set forth +.n Title 18 of the Tigard Municipal Code and the -'Summerfield Planned Community of 1972" concept as submitted by and on behalf of Tualatin Development Company and Franklin Service Corporation, a copy whereof is hereto attached marked "Exhibit "D" and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 5: In accordance with the foregoing and aubject to each and - every requirement hereof. u,id particularly the conditions set forth on the attached "Exhibit C", tle zoning classification of the lands described on the attache,i "Exhibit A" be, and the same is hereby, changed and said lands are reclassified from Washington County P-R Planned Residential, to City of Tigard P-r) - Planned Development District, and are further subject to each and all applicable require- ments of Title 18 of the Municipal Code of the City of Tigard. Section 6: Inasmuch as it is necessary in order to prese:,ve the —— interrity of the land use regulations and to require adherence to the planned development district requirements as in this ordinance set forth, and thereby provide for the proper utilization of said lands , it f.s hereby declared to be in the public interest and necessary for the peace, health and safety of the people of the City of Pigard that this ordinance become effective with the least possible delay, and therefore an emergency Is declared to exist and this ordi- nance shall be effective upon its passage by the Council and approval t,y the Mayor. PASSED: By unanimous vote of all Council membr-rs present, after being read three times by number and title only, this 12th day of February, 1973. Ae c order n-y o APPROVED: By the Mayor this 12th day of February, 1973.f�yTig9rd Page 2 - oRDINANCE N3.73- •' Legal Description y* f The following described tract of land being situated in 1/4 of :.cctioa 10 and the S.A. 1!4 and S.E. 1/k t; the S.E. Oregon. of Soction 11 T-2S R-11 M.M. �1aOh�ngton County, Reginnin; at the 1be cornonrthe centeglihsIofcSc.W.SDurham 10 T-25 R-1W W.F1. being � ,?, 20"-Y! 315.78' Road. County Road 429; Thence: 1.-89 ? along caai-d centerline to an internee Thence:wla2GOh301-Eterly ' right of r':ay of S.71. Pacific )4wy; ri,ht of tva to 669.70' Wore or lees along said easterly .4 the north lire of that tract described in dr-ed Book 49 F in Page 19; Thence: alone the vFoQtO'Ip 1moreine aorllesr, todthe � Dook 849 Page 19 N- d9 ?- Eact ]ins of Lot 16 of the duly recd edol the Io7f1'l1ytcorner Brook Farm; Thcnct": N-0 08 of Lot 15 said Plat Thence: alon; the %lest line of :.�t 12 1 -00 03'-'N 911+•76' to the 1:.17, corner of Lot 12 on the -010 3`1 of S,'.7. :lacve Street C.R. ;900• Thence: a3'.nr, said cv,tterlinc of S.17. Navve Street S-63b 10'-1✓ 447.714 to the N.E. corner of said Lot 12; Thence: S-00 03'•E 311.31' along the east line 0f Lot pa2et221; Thencecorner t of that tract dc'::cribod Book 279, tcrl; alonC the South line of.that trn:'t 2.03.00' ; Fa:� Thence: "-00 031-1'4 208.00' Parallel vr_th the east line 1 to he of ,,aid *.^t 12+ iTrOnccs0ok a10 Crtlaid c0ntcr11ic1Cr-�V30le f S;7 ,.r^o , 10' 22:•%1' to an inter0cction With thci'hcrc. .:1S-000 S;! lU' .h {,venue C.R. #11415 art: C.R. No 0;'-';; lOT_.j0' al.oa;: the cor.tcrlJnc o: C.*? ,f9n0. 4o tole core ► 0f Ir,t lillo,v "ronFarm; Th' ncc --Ion,-, th^ north line of :,:d Lo; t�ln the 571 Cor'uer ^r Lot• 6 :i.'�'. c •rn�r then of• also 1. yar;uerl t•: Uc' :'� aci"; �. •�c, c'c,, Plat of t -, M 11 ': 'S o' nn.. ].0 n:. or. t ct '.on lrnr F^te;cen Secti p � � r the :;�t r'ection co^nor ,` U q N7 ��, 1�_ 1 1e.32 .ra:� . , 1 Utl_'; 7290781 a ,U S - ,,. �. 1 � 'll c�tcc• , U'l 5 . t• i a•td '' �t_n- 1 ins >^c ;con Secti.or,-.l t' rind 11 Moa Cucrl Lc CcL : Tract.:,; o: / of tht . 11' , 1_,2;t`.j4 alon;; t ha rarth^li o( e1 :,u„d Lo,,7.(,. . , o f 'ih oric r: ..-0 U. 1 to t h :;.i. Corn-. r t ere f Lot-. 'i :•nd a tc the S.'' r, r ^r lv: .1'.c t c•..t 1 i . 1 r', „_E r' • 0 t.urc o, :1 caa Piot d; 'l'i cnc�: coatinui.n, S-00 05 to t::c N.'.J. corncr u, Lot 17 of the ► FI-ook Farts; Thencet "90 58'-% 665.94' along the north t line of Lot 17 to the centerline of s6'-V 653.0,6' along County Road #2048; Thence: N-Oo 09 the centerline of S.W. 913th Avenue to a point which is 3_4)o C9' lt�"-YI 326.70' from a 3/4” iron pipe at the intercection of S.W. 98th Avenue and S.K. Sattler Road C.R. 11727; Thence: N-890 514' 56"-E 801.90' parallel frith the centoriine of S.W. Sattler Road to a point on the west line of Lot 14 Alder ,Brook Farm Plr,t; Thence: 11-0o 36.70' to thn centerline of S.W. Sattler Road; 094 16"_E Thence: 1,-89 '7 S6"-E 1019.39' along the centerline of SW Sattivr Road to the N.E. corner of that Tact described in Deed Book 2.51, Page 643; Thence: S-01152' 58"-W 1101.561 to a 1/P11 Lron pipe; Thence: S-00 25'-W 1094.60 to the centerliie of S.W. Durham Rcid C.R. 11429 also being the South li:.c of Section V T-2S R-1W W.M. Thence: S-890 51' 40"-W11142.08' alonC so'ath line of Section 11 to the 1/4 corner; Thence: on the south line of Section 11 and the centerline of S.71. Durham hood S-890 16' 30"-1'! 331.98' ; Thence: N-00 07' 21"-E 894.26' along the west lihc of lot 19 of Alger root'. :tirm Plat to the N.W. cor-.or thereof; Thence I 5-89 :4' "1"-ft 3.50.3-11 to the N.W. corner of lot 20 said Plat; :♦,once: continuin;; S-890 514' 31"-W 665.28' along the south line of Lot 1 nalnhevrc dplitthe ins. corner thereof; Thence: S-0 0 115 - 89( .9 4' a Of Lot 22 Alder ;'-:c:: Para rlat to the centerliro of S1;1 Durham Roada/�nd 0,0 nein?i lint of Section 11; Thr_ncc•: S-390 16' 30"_1,y 1,214.',•2' to the SCI corner of Section 11 T-2S R-171 1'1.11. 'Ici"Z a ?" iron pipe; Thence: S-:;;0 52' 07"-1Y 2(,27.1)4 ' aiotq: thr centarli ne of S71 Durham Pond and the South li.n� rf :cction 10 T-2S R-111 :7.f:. to the 1/14 corner and the Place of bc•uinninC. 'tint ".A" ..a..►.,, ...r.lM►� c Exhibit "A" RI;IOLI)TION OF THE PLANNING COM4IS6ION OF THE CITY OF TIGARD AUUPPING FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOWEtkDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL AIPROVAL OF Zone Change No. 5-T2 WHEREAS, proceedings have been conducted by the Planning Commission of the City of Turd with respect to the petition by the Tigard Planning Commission for a change of zone classi- fication from Washington County F-R, Platuied Residential to City of Tigard P-D, Planned L*velo-,ment. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 18.64 of the Tigard Municipal Code after due and legal notice, a public hearing was httd by the Tigard Planning Commission with respect to the above .tercribed proposal on the 19th day of December, 1y"12; NOW, THEREFORE, the Planniog Cc­=ission of the City of Plga:d in meeting assembled this 6th day of February, 1973, now resolves to and does hereby adopt and/or approve the following Findings of Fact with respect to the above designated proposal: 1. The rub,ject property is designated for Urban Iow Density Residential development within the .Tigard Cummunity Plan. This category allows residential densitler of up to 4 dwelling units or 12 persons per gror-,s reridentihl acre. The proposed development is in suhstantlal conformance with the Tigard Communtly Plan. 2. That exceptions from the Standards of the underlying district are warranted by the design and amenities incorporated in the development plan and program. The plan les: a. 201 F supporting 1250 dwelling units b. 1.92 persons per dwelling unit or a maximum of 2400 total population c. Typical residential lot area of 4,000 square feet d. 49.5 acres of golf course and natural reserve areas e. :approximately 10,000 square foot recreation building maintenance building, lakes, pool, tenpin, courts and parking for 125 cars. f ;;angle family lots of 50, x 80, with IU feet front, 4 foot side and 8 foot rear yards. Rear and side yard setbacks may be waived for "commonwall" or "zero-lot line" dwellings. 3. TLe development plan is in harmony with the Surrounding arca and will have a beneficial effect on the area which eoW d not be achieved under other zoning districts. page 2 4. The :system of ownership and the means of developing, preserving and maintaining open spaces is soitable. 5. That each phase of development can be ,substantially completed within one year of cacti ayy~oval. b. The Community Plan does not designate commercial development for the northeast or southeast corners of Durham Road and Pacific Highway. 7. Adequate comr-unity shopp" and .ommercial facilities are provided in proximity to the development--at the King City r•hop.ning center. o. With development of this magnitude, road improvements will be required to serve the auditional res;ident population and thor;e who will u:;e the public recreational facilities. y. The Department of Environmental quality has approved •wjuwccupancy building permits.--to allow con,;Lruction of model homes. Connections to the King City treatment ;,1;}nt will depend upon D.E.4• approval of the completed treatment plant exPansion daring 1973. 10. :'he Tigard Water Di-,trict is in the process of connecting its line: to the Lake Oswego water system. This should be completed by May of 1913- U. 973.U. Housing will nave age reFtrictions in the project by the developer. IT Z FURTILKR RESOLVED that the Planning Commis ion does hereby approve the above descrited proposal and hereby record:, its �•ccom- menddtioi. for favoral-le action by the City Council PABSED by a ,-, , ., vote of the City Manning Commis,sion, this Vb day of Pebruar Pr6cident ATTESTS of the reques e f-ollWing condMr 1: ( 4 1. Prior the issuanceof an buile I the development. a site plan of t- entireideveloth t setting .'orth the site development stan�!Ards shall be r submitted to the Planning Commission for review and "Ext.ihit C" approval. This plan shall include but not be limited to landscaping, setbacks, building heights, signs, streets, proposed improvements, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, parking, service and storage areas. All land within the develop.,-art shall be used for residential and rocreationwl purp0098, except that the ores designated for commercial uses on the site plan may include service and/or Professional office uses serving the development. If such uses are approved, the Planning COmlenion shall ayprove the location, access, siting and range of permitted uses. 3. Each phase of the development shell be reviewed end approved by the Planning Commission. At the time of approval of each phase, the densities and uses shall be npProved. 4. A boat and trailer storage ares shell be designated in an area contained by an opaque fence or sight obscuring landscape screening maintained at not lose than six (6, fe:t nor more then eleven (7) feet in height. 5. -he apartments in the project shall be developb in A`cordance with A-2 standards unless otherwise approved on a specific site Plxn by the planning Commission. h. The overall density Of the development shall be no Kessler than 6,25 dwelling units per acre (1250 total mite) with a total population not to exceed 7.4c10 p-rsons, 7. The setbacks and lot sizes as proposed for single fa411y units shell be approved unless otherwise specifled by the Planning Commission, ez_ that there ept Ahwll be ■ ten (10) foot minimum yard re wham any yard abuts a public street. that e• Approval of any lots to be subdivided shall be through ;ubdivislon Ordinance procedures. 9. "7)en space shall be maintained through a Homeowners Ansocistlon or by the developers with convenants submitted for approval at the filing of the final plat 10. All utilities shall be subsurface installations. 11. Hnusf.ng shell be limited to an average density of no more than 1.92 persons per dwelling unit. 1 '. Excluded parcels surrounded by ummerfield" shell be included in the site elan with the possibility Of access provided these parcels to elimins2� their isolation. a t p.l - EXHIBIT JoT "C" ` 13. There shall be dedication to 45 feet from centerline on S.W. Durham Road. 14. There shell be dedication of 35 feet from centerline with a 40 foot improvement provided on S.W. 98th where t',e development abuts both sides of the road and a half street improvement where the development abuts only one side of the road. 15. There shall be dedication of 25 feet from centerline (32 feet improvement) on `'.W. Neave Street with half street improvement where applicable. 16. There shall be dedication of 30 feet from centerline on S.W. Sattler (36 feet improvement) with half street improvement where applicable. 17. internal street improvements will be designated at the time of the platting of the subdivision. 18. There shill be no occupancy with out public water and 9Nwer. • 19. 4 copy of the deed rentrictions and covenants shall be attached to the approved elan to help insure c ,r;formity with planned densities. 2u. Phew 11 of the development shall not t approved until additional water service is available to the 11Rard Water District from the City of Portland -int:/or City of Lake Oswego. 1q, r. _ ntaff Neport - "Summerfield" P.2 - FXHIRIT "O" ....:.._.,.....,..,�, .,....__.__._._... .._....,:....-. .....a:+�.,r..�..�_,..�_.:....,........W.�....__.,...._,..,..,....-.,........ � �_.._...�,._._..+.�.www...r..�w+..�...�rWv6�wwe:.,«�: 3 I.AA,I . 741 Av 7 Or H v r Z /3 �... 2'ZO,55 TD TA466 -� Ivv �'�• �'' ^ S CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W.) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marked APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, specifications, etc. : I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced install"'inn. . . ......... ....... .... (B) Completed installation. .. ..... 1) As-buil" field notes filed...... .... ❑ a) C.,l-)• -ant to en,7ineer......I. .. ❑ I) As-built firld notes received........ ® a) Filed in project folder.. ... . . . ,C) Insperted rind Tested.. ........... .. .... .. ... El 1) Test nomonographs filed. ............. a (D) Tentatively accepted by City—. .. ..... ..... ❑ II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced inptal.lntion. .. .. ..... . ® (B) Compiete' inetall.Ation. . . . . ... . . 1) A9-built field notes filed........... p (C) I'nsppcted. . .. .. . . . . . . . . ® / / (D) T�intatively accented by City................. Cj / III. CURBi (A) Commpnced instAll,tinn... . .....0............. ® / 1) Bench Mrrkq set.. . ................... g) 7) Bench Mark lorations filed. .......... p (p` Co:•ejetod in-,tallation............... ........ a ' (C) Inspected....... . •. . ... .. .. ... .. . .. ....... IL (D) Tentatively iccemtedby City..... . . . .. ....... Cj IV. STREETt (A) Commenced Grading. .. . . ....... .... . . . . . .. . . . .. ® / 1) Sub-grAdp innrerted........... . . .. ... a) Test data filed. . .... . . ... .. . ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Co, minced rocking...... ....... . .. . . ... ...... . 10 r i 1) Sub-bAsp inspected.. .... ........... .. C4 / . a) Test data filed. ... . . . . . .. . . ❑ b) TentAtively accepted by City. C+ (C) commenced Paving. . . . . .. . . . .... . ..... . ... .. . . Mi 1) Paving inspected. .. ..... C1. a) Tegt data filed. . .... . ...... . Cl b) Tnnt.Atively Accepted by City. C (D) Street tentatively arrepted by City. .... . . ... (j / v. PARKING LOTS (A) Commenced gradin". . . . C1 1) Sub-grade inerected. . . . .. . ... .. . . . . 0 a) Test data filed.. . .... .... . . . ❑ b) Tpntntively accepted by City. ❑ ' (B) Commenced Rocking.. ... ... .......... . .. . . . .. 13 1) Sub-base inspected... C / a) Test datn filed. ... .. .. . . . . . . n b) Tentatively Arrepted by C ty. 0 ' (C) Commenced Paving......................... ..... [3 1) Paving inspected.. .. ................ C3 A) Test data filed.....•... ...... p b) Tentatively rrrentedby City.... p (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... [3 VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs +nstalled................... (B) Traffic signs inr* , led..... ..... ..... ........ ( VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. .................. �. (B) Completed installation........... ..... . ...... . Qt} � (C) Inspected. .... .. .. . ....•.. ........ ... ..... .... (D) Tentatively acrrrtPd byCity.................. C) VIII. STREETLIGATINGt (A) Commenced installation......... ............... O / (B) Completed installation..................... ... (j (C) Ingpocted. .... ... •... ... ....... ......... .. Cl (D) Tentatively accPptedby City.. .............. .. El l.) Authorf+ation letter to Energise filed 1X. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced ingtallation. ........... . . .. .. ... ... C) (B) Completed installation... ......... .......... .. C / / (C) Inspected. .... . ... .. .. d / / (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. ................ C) ! / X. GENERAL ARCA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain d;.,ains inspected... .... ........ p (B) Culverts inspected......... . ........... ....... 0 (C) Drainage ditches inspected.. ............. ..... p (D) Tentatively accepted by City. .. ..... . ..... .... NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETION Or CN'"rK LIST AND FILING OFt 1) App.ovecl P.dn Revisions 2) Appro-."d dpecificration Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets For -I�hUio � 5 e� � ! � ho�� � �� c� i� umm� r �ie �(/' / leo , i J 1 1 PHASE 3 E 5. Iry so ter[ o / �,�. ,''y SEC r'r'/t/ /C) �•�✓y` .f_, y SEL 1,' .''2S ,?-/u. �cJM. T/L 77 /,4-.o, � \ Ti.sA.2v a�eE. 1300 ryoa I 7/1 :.vr rk 25 / / 7/[ 130e 4k 7/1- Tl • � 3 �, 900 _. __ OWNER - DEVELOPER TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT CO. �� ��� I T%mor✓ FRANKLIN SERVICE CORP. A CO-VENTURE ) r/L- �oaa CITY ` , AUL 169 170 /77 178 /BS" 1 /66 i?3 1 /94/ 1 /99 2oa za6 2O7 T/L d /68 171 176 179 i8y /87 /9Z ' ^ LGT /9S /•r3 za/ ZoS, z� -- /67 ;7 Z i7 rgo /83 /88 /9/ /96 /97 20 c'. Foy zo9-r1L 27110/21 166 =)-731 l8i /82 /89 /90 ENG I NEER - SURVEYOR ° a ' N ti •`' �' `" HARRIS - Mc M�JNAGLE ASSC 01 ,0 _ p� \b� 1 b� 1b'L ,b'►i I b J1 1� u nom, n, N N n t ry r�; rq nom, ni 3 '� i-- �' �, n► v ►\ v,�,,.O,.10��•-K oar h_ V 8905 S . W. COMMERCIAL ST. N, ,�'«�.� (��' T I G A R U, OREGON TEL- 639- 3453 ; .r133� T/, 1.600 jIv r0AL1I CIO 00 5 S.V� N I GHLANe CT - T. I OF 2 • I X16 _--- '" gG c � ,`" / � 3 `'" ,►�'° � ,>1 1 �-- M � � T/L rbc TI 4- PLAN & P R 0 F I L� -----_ /Boo Looe �JbC� �ZaO Z30p ,aL -N `° ey ao S.W. 109th tEALIGNMENT SHT. 2 OF 2 z o T 0Z PLAN 8t PROFILE C4, Q/ C - 2 . I LINE l . %or-. rSHT. I OF 2 SAN I TARY SEINER 8 T1 o' 4��t9 a "'° a '= "= P��gsb�,,p - 0 t 00 IVH C-2 to 9 t 70.42 IVH C-2.5 F - 8r, t� PLAN a PROFILE -_ -- i t v L �,• [A ,w n 3 78 2500 r90 a ?- ► _-j qa- Al C -2 I LINE SHT. 2 OF 2 q s � 9 t 70.42 Mi C-2. 5 to 16 t 15.98 ws �FY 7� _ T 17 `t 0 1, t� 7 �6 6 ¢ r/� �r �N q b °61 zyo/ PLAN A' , PROFILE Ze /t/ r a l Y p s>n er ID 73 yz y 3S 3L 3y ?e �9 tiu ti T y9 y9 so s; sy ss ss r7 sB s1 60 61 162 69 90 -71 1 , lis' <y se . • SUMMERF ;ELD PHASE 3 ow • � .. � �' � iSIrI1{.t I{Illrl lllllll 11(1111 FIII1�1 I�III{) 1{Ilt�l tllllllllllll� ►Itllli t�llt�l 1�1�1�4' I�I,III 1�1II�i I�III�t Ill,lllll�lll�lllllllll IIII11(1({f`III llllr�lllll`Itl VIII{rltll'rll Iwo 10 NOTE: 11 THIS M II.RUF 11_ML1; DRAWINI, IS LESS GLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE, II IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE OR1(,INAI DRAWING, Ot 6Z BIZ LZ 9Z 5? 1yIIZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI ill EI ZI 11 01 6tr EI 9 L 9 S ��rlllll{IIIIIIIII�IIIIl1lll�llll11111�11Illllll{III�II111�111111111�nIt11111�rri �: �I�I1uIIIII�11H111ii�(11111111,11,11111 ,tiilrtll�ltiilllll�Iilt1l11►�iI 1JII,illiilliililiiiilUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iillllilillilllltiliiiliilill!llllilliil11111i1rIiiiIll„iNIIl11iiiiiiiliiiiiiiillUI.ilill1 JITTAY 6 1992 Y i A VL � I { NOTE: I. ALL WORK SHALL. 31z DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS ANU SPECIFICATIONS WHICH THCcay5"AUI or ;nrlen ACGOMPAN`r TtiEM AND WITH THE CITY OF TIGARD STANDARDS, ItJ EVENT OF CONFLICT 3ErWEEN my upm C ztrLcflort 'NESE :aIA6 SPEC 1 F I CAT101y AND THE CITY STANL)Al2Q5 S' IALL- TAKE'. PRrmCEC)FNCG_ 1\1C y r t p>+r7I1NUCTK�. 2. NO ITEM OR PHASES OF- WORK SHAD- 5& Cac.)s ' 0F� L0 CON)PLI=TB UNTIL, ACCEPTED 13Y rHF '' pf CITY OF T NI�tU AND THE ENGI NEER J b 0� d' , 3. ALL. TRE NCN BACK FILL MA TE'R I ALS AND METHODS SHALL. EW-_ I N CON E � ORMANCE v ' T H THE C I r Y \ y �' Y 'T go•�'1/ �� �,- rj 45 3u 3r PLAN pF -rIGAT�T,) `:'Ta NDAR05. L�oy� ,��•;� IZ - 2�1 B 4• ALJL PERMVT AND LICCNSSS NECE ARN, FOR PROSE:-UTION AND CC' "'PLET 101 :)F- THE WORM� F?r F\ 5 �a 'HALL ISE SECOREO AND 12AID FOR BY THE CONTRACTC)R PRIOR TO L MEIJC1Ax, OF COI�JSTkk�TIOAj it G 1. 9 �_. 5,-- x0� � �[�� CURS � .5. l'NE LOCAT ti 7►J OF EX I :;T I f,1 Ca LJiJfJERURUU►JU UT iI_I TIES JHC7`!r'1.) OlJ THE !OLI11J S i 5 FOR IIJ - OtOOI-11C*HLNUOCX- !ti'` ��� •� q ` FORNAOiTiOQ C) )LY AQ0 IS QOT GJARAOTEED TO BE ACCURATE. PVMT 191 33 �.' D ► -, i ?3 7 ' ��'; ' 9 240 PKC t� T„ 2 4 SHALL UC5T1 i=l AU_ PERTI 1JE►.,lr (•G' R;t ,,o - ,o. BEV-ORE CON\M60C,ING COOSTRUCTIOU, THE CO>,)TRACTDF2 ' ` `�rc Ist3• s u o r �1r l A 4� �,� 3 \ f X31 1�5 T-�� __ '-� I ` -- �JMQA►��ES OR AGETICIES WITtI UNDERGROUIJ(� FACILITIES 1►J THE JOf� AiREA 50 THAT ' q Tc 4 �4 d A I � =P' CILITES MAY EJE ACCORATELNI L OCAT`.�, , " 1.E. . POWERS GAS TELEPHOIJE, WATER , STC7F�M ✓ 1 r J ETC,) s` , I'11� o ' O � so P i SKIST -T � Ig �=T7 1 / � " f S SA1Ji T kRY SEWER.S� T ?TJ"g " 0 I' \ p r;- �'a _ T. CT H I i",r { '�- A L �� , 1-. , I S a .tib I� ; 2-1/2"(vert)X 2"x I/a" S'/ 9 ,` i VJI• j --- — - ----- Angle Iron NOTIF' 33001b comRreuve v '�� \ `- I x I .. I l o pI \ �- I Q=S �l { N-QG 0000-W_ �� 0 44 .trengfh concrete o � �' -1 c► _�j---- '` ��� ---�► SZ 15 0 W t . ZGI . Oo' S0� ~-��T'G- i$8.13 ._ c1 1_ N orb Iql• , \`44 — �.r_--- l 51.94 I �i4 i7 , I USE STANDARD GRATE WITH 3/8 x 2 ACES i , t IZ ENLUQ;e l ALL. SP MU r3EI-r) r ``' 1 .._ B %"- IRON BARS 1, �" r _ OR APPF2(� Ai_ O 2"o c Ry 1 F,e IJ2 „ PRI TU V �it6 R _ 1 1 1-40 yt�IP� St32.4� C. _ Tc. E3Z. _ .__— --� PUPLIC Wnttl<y DEPT. C ' T.c . 1 �, _t n3.1-7 c l� PI R= 19' ,11 yb X ,`� It;Z?�.4� P T•c. 1°t I 4 cuR9 SL, L - 31.13 �5e x� la 1' ,�� c� �,C. 191.�I r 2 45 ;I �� - - "-'�- x 3 �_ FIT o _ �t0Z. ,oh.c� I 29 - ` 4s 2. s < ` -cY T.C. IgT. 67 '� _ .o u l� 0 / . ra_ Iur�iNe,4C,AL.H „8 4 cone Tile . . CO . Weep Drain ` ,c V � !` ' �� +�+'• • LRF Y '!T R C,Ic,-r• ���f i �o dr < > (� < NOTE: Id'wnc. curb r•. , e o Wwwn. arb MCI at ,A � � / 1 TI:L.t�PI'IO:ii� EY- _ /bI �b �. r — 4 IZ`In0110�hlf. curb v s• . \apol'os 060 to ��k rC"+� �[r ,rc/ �F C � yAlternate . . , Allot1 ' __ DATEand gYttK eeCtian• / i2AL GAS BY-----._. _L Wtctc GFrrezip:$ �� � � � '8Y/ Pipe ° 1 I Location I-d 1/iC(� DrrLOCOtion ► \ ' . BY_.. DATV - Rw rt 19. 4b R� P _ ,a,c ,o Z F ROM D o ..e • s, _ Cl, 7- Z4 7 PRCR Cop_ . A ZI 2 - 4 n 7 o Ch G + 6v Q = N I'1° xx �9 7- T.C.- IAS, 3 s= O.p� 30d ..( ^, �f� 3 8 3, 7 Ch -w g g"*� 14"-- •�+--6. 1 n - �° 1` 00 R-= 531. t7 L: S7 9y Ck) 57 91 ckh 13� I\t qq'o? 3D-W 3s, IE I�•CO / 4 Emu _ oti A1w �} l )int • o ' IIJ T SECTION A A SECTION 8 B _ 1 J1cro � r i T GF •� Gllh wtr ill � t 155,1?- 9� I 182.00 not-7�flcC"fi rcry ,I 4 J� /� '/Qvenu� 1�v b� 'AfrGr��� r�yy 'FIo�� 'C'-2.�ht --�>rUvP`T+7��4z ` 'V��C r��l�? � C NvrC S � _2 v�c �e nen }�e FeDl�ccwle�nT /69 S S .�, s • /- �y 1 �f' t-ooG[ s s+ca+i �io.vt •1 � C r��` l r�Gdy� 5 TAN DSR D CUB ��' c�� Suwti�er�Iel.# deve o yKl�p (' Y00 ( 9 /�/NrURAL G / a,ce.sti b d�Y r d / eoS.w`IQatr�•��n Rd• �xs bcG✓, c-�ed�ca�tcd� I �f �� dR.�ii/V14 E I N LET a NS rkc{ec� ecce le I� op c-I �vr tY�zve{ _ _ Qy mom I It 72 _ --_—_ __ — _ SIN 200 AF LA GOr t - fL --- -- -- __ _ _ __.. OW 190 � � -_ ____ ._ /80 /70 Prw -_, _.._.._. --.— .•.. __... .__-. _._...___.... ._,_. . . -- - - -_-_ mfr ll -- _ .- _ _ ALE ,l REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DCtiIGN NIi I a � SUMMERFIELD 'it-r,T . S 1h/ HIGHLAND G H L A N Q C T C 0 X* TRACED JOB NO. ( PHASE 3) • s '� --- STREET IMPROVEMENTS SHEET CHECKED Harris - McMonagle Associates DESCRIPTION SUE. APPR. DATE ENC;INEFRS SURVEYORS PLAN 8� PROFILE REV. -- R DATE 8905 S W. COMMERCIAL STREET .,; REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION OF z�-21-14 TIGARD, ORE(-,ON 97223 G A p C D E F H R.IMMERF 1.EI_.I? MCI Fa 9 (IF �. rc - ._: •mY• ' „K",X,uw•-•„� .. ,, "•`lr "M""•� .; «.-..._•,,,.F;.. -.,ync.�,` �.�,�. �. r•�.:t', .. ,_.«.'•nn,�r••_• - ---- -., _ .- i' t t I I 1 I I l l I l 1 l 1ti I I Iil 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 I I I f i I l 1 i t i I t I 1 I I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I t I I t I Inew— III1 1 l 1111 Jill i I r I I I I I 1 I I Blit 111 ••• « ` �� 'fii � i�� •I ; f•I 'I � i � i ��l I � I � I � III � � � t � t111 �� ► I� � III � III� tIt � l.�► 1 ► � 1111111 � i � i � � ililtltllilltlt � I NOTL: IF THIS MICROFILMED 4. 2 3 - - 4 5 fi - 7 8 - - —9 ILO I I _ 2 DRP',IING IS LESS CLEAR THAN TINS I'OTIC6; IT IS DUE TO TSF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL l r '"-DRAWING. OE 62 62 LZ 9Z SZ bZ EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 81 LI 91 SI tri CI !1 11 dl 6 9 L 9 SII-- b E .-''�� If!I�llillllll�lllllllll�11111111t�1111�1111�11utlul{IIl111u111111huIlIIIIIIIII�1I111lnllnulllllluillnnlllulnnllnflltu�,IlIIIIIillnlllnl�illlllu►�IiIIIIIIIIIIti�lllllllil�iillluuhlu,ilnlll►11111I1uu�llulll►Ilnnlull�nilliwu11L�11ulilltlilli�t�ltii�uiiliiii1lL!.t�ifH JULY 6 19 92 • r - ,. .... .. r. "�! Y'Is�. '.,t' �,� ..+,�'v{4 •;' t tlF' r pjiX. i,„b'f' �+•� r�Yq� i�'�� - X., �I.1V .• D. ,li A �•+� i "r• � � ,' •'w �I,W,F !ol ti Ali a :w, �, � k4 Y r,�. •, � T "� �� ,r., + +l `�� S _� ,,�y �'�r 114a 7 :�., it`di.r. •': ' , -1 t y t a A . C 0 T 1 ,.�.�.�...�..�. NOT6i I : h I. Ai.I.. WORK 5HAl,J_ C-3E pO1JE ItJ CANFORMIi1JCE WITH THESE PLAI.IS A►JD Sf�ECIf�ICATIC)Ui WHIG. NCCON1n->,NY THEM , A1JD WITH THE CITY OF fIGARI� SrAN0ARC)5. IN THE EVIiUT OF ;C�►JFtrICT Sa " NEE►J THESE P+_ANS ANL) SN -CI�ICATICGUS AUp THE c► r`! OF TIGAR�i tSTANL7ARD5, T!il` TIGAKO 57ANDARDS SHA+,.'A•, TmkF_ P�ECEDeNCE, A NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE COk)SI DFRED COMPLETir UNTIL ACC6PT'ED BY rirl C17Y Art�u TN'r= 5►�GI►JE>=R. ¢W 3, ALL- ZRE OCH 3ACDKFILl_ MATER I A►_S AQD METHODS •SHAD.• 0E 10 CONcQR MA*3CE WITH t cTs e -/ �h �` ( 4, ALL, PERMITS AIJD LICENSES NECESSAR-' FOR PRO ,P_CUT ' 0Q AQD COMPL.ET100 OF o � I /I v`„ Tr+E WOKK SHALL BE S EC I R Ic L7 AN p PAID FO(1 WY 1'N� CL01vTRAC TOR `I�' I tJFz TO C, c COMMENCING OF CON ST RUCTIOA), S. THE LOCA710M OF E1�•ISTING LINDERGROUND UTILI - ►ES S►'iOvVW ON T�iE FLANS IS B w:-`id► of �' r l ?' 9 s 7i �'•c ti� a -0R !NI=01�:MATION ON�-Y AND IS NOT GJARANTeSD TO SE ACCURATE . T�,"may p o° t 1 �,, BEFORE COMN\eNCI N�, CONN STKUCTION, THE CON TR.A CTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL PF=RTI QEWr CON)PAOIES OR AG�,IJGIES WITH 0100 GrzOu1J0 FACtLIT1ES Ind THE JGB AREA SO THAT FACILITIES MAY BE AGGI)f2ATt✓ Y LOL•AT -DC I , E. -. POWER, (PAS, TELI.EP!l-kJf:, �iA'TET� � STORM s ��A/JI T 1'�Fc`� SEW TG.). E.RS, E dwmp Al VA , ,y r,.r= s'e'c ',�, \ �. l I"^ ory Al-6 -6 4 h .T �r �'T�.Q� .�� I `'`\ .•0 4 N �I 40 Z4°G.A.Pt TO - 6 wti `t , '2`rr •o ' + r1 INTUPcEpr .r �il p vx 15 T• D i MH \ �II F/R.r r j•6A2 C, 0 4• Pt 90 3 v /�91 OVE,-/A5/ /-f.2�.4�e4l0riz't 00, ` +• 3t��' al.�ol 9�t .gl/Er� A Q DRAINAGE nv __ •WO°IOxCo�vc��r.� 4 04 O _ s/As a.aaUfS l�/ �:' "_ a i/ / _ _ _ �•' �, 6" TNRv , , -,— 'N-204" CON C. PIPE 5ST f Y A3 /' -'f" •�*• / ,'S• 3 y` 1// /l/=(// r '' f - I L C-� -� %//,� RY ATA .� J.:3�,3'9.S/3 'LK ,,,�-� �� N/W?T I CAL ON 13ASE CU E D y,�/ir >� POURizsD OVER ANO /rr✓ / TY���' AL S7"RE�T• SEGTIG/1J �M 2�- ?_Z • 40 r"Ac.p � b'•o3 � S .c.•2 .D Ni, AROUND 24" G.A P, " e Rk 29 T.k S USE STAty©AI:D L= IST,09 rt�r• 40' "�'' �L Fr.AM1- $ CAvER 0% =1`�5 T �f f~ � - 1 4-.04 R � ROR RAI S I NG 70 ' = 69.4 eg' sd go E X19 ;.,.,o T ~ FINISH CzRAOE . 1�S 401— 1 Gv I,; s Cl r �, � q s• d `� � � LACE.,:,+.�srn'� �s rs Rx 2"C 1,1 9 S , J .4 _ ear..,"+Xss s L � ,2,3,3.'1 L, .�•� `�- �`^ ,� ' CJ, = Z ZG I S9 T- IZ4t6a a -- - --- a �r " :-IIMI•r OF ` 'y � Cp►J3TFUC.TIOtJ .r, .. c n " r o T • — _ M Y 0440 lflu _ , `1f --•— • • 1 � //ff __ _ •-.-. _ ��/y�/ -- �//�:�•- rte•--_� _ _ _ ,,,__ __, ___ _ Lai Tilt 4— _ APO 17 ,� DESIGN N_ ( 'C �� �Ap` REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOYES: ,�' .�►��'�-��� SUMMERF1 � :3�W. I Q9th AVE. REALIGNMENT Y��r. .1';- ' )OIN0. TRACED ( PHASE 3 ) STREET I MPROVEMENTS � r ...... . CHECK1DI1� Harris - McMonagle Associates t � ,� Its t � ENGINEERS - SURVE`IORS REV, DESCRIPTION _ SUB- A'PR. DATE �h DA 8905 5_W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN PROFILE ,� -`- REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST R :VISION ��S TIGARD, OREGON 97223 E F H A B C D �; I • _. • OF 1. • f l�titf• III 111 111 F'li ' �d j I 111 III I�l I�1 I �) ( 1 III III Ij III I) III III III rel Ili I�t 1111111 (111111 1111111 1111 ��1 1111111 111i�i1 1111111 II;Ililllil�.11 + I I ( I � I i` 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I � � I � 2 3 4 5 6 7_ 8 9 10 NO7C. I F THIS M ICRUF I LMED 1�""` . " I---_--- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICki TT IS DUE TU j}IE QIJAl_ITY OF TIS ORiGINAL _. __. _—. ---- - - ----•'+ M �"'' bRAWI'rG. OE 6? 9Z LZ z,? SZ fZ EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 61 - LI W��I rlI bl CI 7! 1 11 UI 6L-.',.- 9 L 9 S ''J •' ;NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111:11111111111�111�.''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111tItI111111111�111111111111111111111i1111111111+11111:IIIIIIItt111�INIIIII111fIII+Illlllt11111111�111111111IIIIl111iIII111111111U1U1111111111111111111tthIIII11111111W111111111IIIIIIIll111.�IL11� JULY 19 -92 f V 1 ',yi.`fit. ;� � Gt. �. s, ryb. ,cJ'.ti�l�;� .k • I' F '7�• > r r �e a�q � .*�g• 1'.. y ;� + , t i,• a•f, r''�F.' ����nr'�'� .. f. ,f. .'�'n t-, Y ' jtH I t , ,k GENERAL NOTES: 1• ALL WORK 514Al,L EE DONE IN CONFQRMANCEYvITN TI+ESE PLAK3S AND SPECIFiCAI- IONS WH -CH ACCONIPANY THEN)) AND WITN THE UN I PI ED SEWAGE N;;ctJCY S TAN DA RDS . IQ EVENT- OF x A CQfIFL,ICT BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND SPFGIFICAT10N5 AND rNr Pr. �,O THE U• S. A. STA N D A RUS , THe °J.S. A. S TLA N D A R D S SMALL A l THI<E PRE.CEDEN•GE. 9'1U 4z 614 C-2-7 \� 2. NO ;TENS OR F 4ASE Or- WpRI< SMALL CSE CONSIDERED CXWPI„ETE IE ►8Z.,-`_' alAr- �n UNTIL. aCCEIR.-EO BY THE U. S.A. ANO THE ENGINEER. r. ��� a? `,_' iV}/C-�. Z P 3. ALL PERM ITS AND LICE.N S6S NE-C ESS A RY FOR RZOSQ-Cor t rU ®'slat?S%E•= /83•d9sNour AND CJNIPLETI ON OF rHE W0f2K SHALL BE SECUf2F-D 4N O PAID Ba.69nor' 5y� 2 / 7`• 70 /� (�� FOR BY THE CON Tf�ACT0R PR1Q2 70 CON)MEN CING OE 3 TOP /6!;. So �. CONS RROCT 1 ON, >•�R , .. 2 3� `� 7 2 3 8 239 2 O .�ae.,v1 G,eo..,r.-✓Evc�E /a•Y.5•....',�� �35 Loc.sxS f-K•�• �-� Alxyr"v cow, e.4sE ci v, r�.c x-34 R*V.,•r. 4. THE LOCAT I ON OF G'x I STI NG UNDEI2G ROUN D IJT I LI T I ES est os a✓ ii t 71;oj~ . BSHOWN ON THE PLAN -S IS F:0R IN FORMATION ONLY AND /os -7y7-I NM C-2. 4 L-2.3<; S-1 J /� 6 N L /� A/ G 4� OUT IS NOT GUAR AN T'EE0 Tv BEE ACCOre ATE. S � / C: T: :, IE 1� I � , I Iry y ok, •roZ Io / S. C-�EF02c CaIMENC.ING CONSTRt,?CTION, •THE C1JNTRACTOiR } \ S4AL1_ ^10 11=Y ALL PECc i I NCNT- COMPANIES OR A�GENCtES u, t Iv � N M q1,/ �., N i� 30 e T • 1 >,- G au ^' a I &' I o vtr r, b l �' `JV 1 T H v N L� t� G 2 l J--4 �r G 1 �.I r t J' N * I 14 N _ j�s p� _ ( EiD F IES t N Tl',E J dE�l A R tT A SO / ; I 'D_ 244 I ---- THAT FACILITIES MAY BE A,;CUMATEL-Y LOCATED I , , -+ _ c �_ �y � S) TELEPHONE WATER .STORM d SAN ITAR\( b.` .7/ L ' '�4150 .1 POWEki c A G 5 fl- N �- 5 r i 4 W 4 5' �� ,�`� S EW E 2,E Tt: w (n `'�' � � , ALL SEWtER LATGEAL5 ARE TLD SE CONC. PIPE EXTRA _1 ' E 7 2S8 t • •. ';ie:-'; .' ; �.. _ , -. �u � i oQE � ('cfr Ne.TH C- 14. - .... • .. ..• t,.• '_ .. Cao u�2ov L_ I LINE 4S • , . ., ` 7 LHTERASA r of rn + T Z oo I+Oy�� ✓y�I C-2-I SHAD BE CON S 2UCT E!D WITH I ' 49tie ,.i �•t`:, � � 16' It 1,Q-9 aLAT N SAME ELE\I' A,5 t N51 D F TOP Ei.E.�/ OF g MAIN, • 16- 17y I° t�1 2S4 ZIS3 -2S2— ZS1 750 tf$4 b' ZSR Z5(o ZGs Zo' Z le 3t S of t Z •��v -�- c•� h 4G 20 30 /t,rrrr O f 67. ,q-Linc R, �t88•�.3NNC-Z O� Ia rY>1 G-2 } ' /E / G OZovr I (� XI U 6E I6S100kAT- i I It�1 of ►'-.C.^ �q:�i•�1•+VllAWC o.v r, a • .. -� (✓ aN0 7a BE C�'.!l• 1,vAe1Z TiV%S Co.vTll.,cT • •,• •,. �;. ', . x �. 6S � � c s s.v s .�ar,��-E.cc/ oi,%►ss.r P� �• ' •• •e • •� ,•, , SA►J 17 A FZ.`! 5 W _ N-B6 /8 /G-,cam g• :•. . `, • '•..N••'• •.. ` •. • PR I=JO U R�• L I�G -�---- y—--.�� ���..� =Q O Q Q v . �,�0) (/✓ ✓ C-a:• /lG:7c'1 7C'I7/ 4'' G9f ' C - (. �� 8 �.5. , L_ /ge- -�.. •vo 5=° -� Zp-/Ofd • - -- �- / s.�_ /6s.a i� �.7. C - I,w, - 0 l) i-H ANN r�I -z.? 2- IE: 1 -7(-.S00ur , TOP IE35 . S0 _s e ...- • 1 — — - - — _ _ _ 4 I ew - - , 2 0 o -- --- - --- -- --- -- - - - - - — NZ I Q --- - A --- — - --- - - _-. -- - - -- — - -- - - - -- -- - -._ - - - -- - -- - -- - _ _ - - IV _ _ _ 1 — - 4 _ - - -- - . - - 4r - — _ r _ _ - - --- -._.- _ ---_ - -- 1 ---- - - -- s. A REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES. DESIGN �IkII��IL_N1` 2 I��=SOS ,. MSAELDLINE VC le t-, I ERF _ b a'. - 10 TRACED , �F `- PHASE 3) 0 +00 NH C-2 tO 9 t7f,.42 NH C-2, .5 ,°F Na. _ •' OFIE.GiM/' CHECKED ' • SHEET �� w� ��� Hams - McMonagle Associates SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS REIN, CE5CRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE ►H !•Sj.` .?_..; ENGINEERS - SLIRVFYOPS C REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVI;10- N '�s R. N�;� �Jr� 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN a PROFILE TIGARD OREGON S, 223 of A ® i I C SUMMERF I E:L.D NO 6 • ��-I I I I 11 l oil I`"i � I � I I I I 11 III I C { I I I I I III I I 11 I I OU� .. , . .. 1 I: • I : 1 1 II'i I l t 1 ' T- ' � I I I � I I I I I I I I ( �'1'I119�iI1If19I111I11tI9111919�1�91911 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED •----i-•-••- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN - THIS NOTICE IT IS DUE TO THE QJALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW ING. OE 62 BZ [Z 9? SZ 1rZ EZ Z>E iZ OZ 61 IRI Z1 91 91 VI EI z II 01 6 9 L 9 S N E Z 1216"" - ✓'''��• ,r11{111111111{111111111{1n1IuIt�t11t11t1{�1111�1111I11N1111�11111u11I1ulInuIH1111t11{IItII1111I11111H11�11!IIII�IIIIIIIIiIIItMIN11iNIIlI11) IIIIIIIt�i111hI,(I111111191IIIIlIIIIlI111111111I1t1lIM9il�ltl�Il11I111tI1111IIIIlIIIIIIIIIIWii'lfl�llllIllllllltlllLUlllllltll{�ll�llllll . . JULY 6 19992 :�' '+(Y ` •�-T �F - 1 .. � , ..r F _�. r _ +.. vY. ':Y k R 4 ) i r , r1 `.�,tr �'�� �'a;T,�'Vis.^,Ifs• A • C D E F G H I I I ► I (nENEKAL NOTES I, ALL WORK SHALL_ BE DONE IN CUNI`C)RN i-1NC.E WITH THESIr PLAN4j ANO 5$PECIr'1 CATIONS WHICH ACCONIPANY , HEM ANO \wTH "HE UNIrIEC7 SEWERAGE N AGENCY STANDAl1 ��5. IN L4ENT bF A cONFt_IC•T g�rwEEN THESE PANS AND GPEGI AND THE J S . A, STAN OARC)S ' THE V S A. CTANOA ROE i SHAM '�'A�IE PRECE01EKCE. . I / Z. NO If+=M OR PHASE. OF WORK. SHALL SE C:ONSIDEREp COMPETE UNTIL AC-EPTEp i•3Y THE U S A . AND THE ENG► NERrr;.• 3. ALL PERMITS AND LICENSES NC-CESSARr FOR PROSECUTI0Q AND COMPLE - �Iz r- T100 OF THE WORK SHA 1:3 L E SECOREp AND PAID 'FOR BY THE CON TRAcroR y q+7� _ C-Z PRIOR TU CONNSOENC I NG OF CONST RUO TION. IF OuT- 182`1 4. THE LOCAT100 OF ExISTIOG UNDEt1"R2 oo rW _`^• / 6 It= 1v O U V fl L 1 TI ES SNOWtJ ON THE PLANS 1 u Ig3 IS POR CN-Y AND ; S NOT GOARANYEED TU f3E ACCURATE, R � 2- �. BR=FORE_ COMN'LtACI NG ON .,, foot r Ip �C iA ��� r p1=TaTl NE��T �� r RUL. TI C�C). THE CONTRACTOR, SHF►LL NOT 11= �( fall COMPANIES OR AGENCIF -, WITH UNDER•GIZOO UD Ir*#+CIL.IT-IE'S I'N "'� "►� �. S I�_ =-1 IL per I ii - TF-IP 1�G /�kk.A THaT �ACILI � 1ES MAY Cil= ACCVf�ATE�Y I.C�CnTEp(I.E PawEQY �'•\ 711 5 0.008-I� �� .��f 1E Inl 18y �� jJ rjA5, TE LE RHO QF-.) wA1EQ STORM t SAN ITARY SEwE2, ETC ) f`A1_S ARE ,C 1?SE' C:' CC�NC PIPE rk TliZA >TRENGT►-1 C- 1 4, tl. � � 163 'i, w / G ALL SE'�ER �.a T c � -� W 1S k/ \ \• �� �Q' 7. LA TE• IZ,ALS O0T OF- NM SHALL 3E CAN5-TIZUCT'ED W ITH `I,t, o" L/iTE2AL.S AT ' d �I SriImo'E `L ��. AS 'N 5 IDE 700 'c'_[V• OF IC7" U1AoN. g ALL 10" c-c-Ac. PINE TO BE C-14 EX1-RA ST RENG rt-1, L� 9, ALL LINES W :L 3E AIR TESTED TO CITY Or- TlGAkt.) Hk)p -- � A . T1) k. Dill �'7 C'i�� �, It auT- IFcE s it I ilJ I `(7 2! I� SII, ICS iF �M r / co � ,.--- �"cam-- _ - �_►c3 -__ - - + I S.W. +�. a� 10 9134 Sr 2 9SLI 1 C -2.Ey I t I YV 1961 SS 2_ I Nj Vila zoo - — — -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - -- _ —_ - -- - - --- - -_ — _ — _ - - -- ---- 10 . J -•-_ __._ _ _ 4— — /70 r _ — _ 11 REFERENCE INFORMATION AN!) NOTES: DESIGN - �• SUMMERFIELD N����r C - 2. 1 - L I N E I Eft t - 1 O TRACED JOB No,_jr CL. PHASE 31 9+7042NH C-2.5110 — _ Harris - McMonagle ISt15.9 8 END OF LINE As SHEET rig. DESCRIPTION APPR. DATE Z *Lf UBENGINEERS- SURVEYORS r� � H REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION E 8905 S. W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN' 8 PROFILE `'��S R ,�h� DAj L TIGARD, OREGON 97 223 OF A B D E Pr , r SI-MMERF i f LD 1,40 6 Y p I� - l� I��Iillllrlilll�tll+Illltlll'lll�i 11 I' �1IIIIIqIII1 rl ( lit) 1111, I,�IIIIIIIIIIIIII� �11��I�rI111Ir�tItIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIItIIIIIIIlI111I111I1`IIIIItIIItltlt�titll�lltll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 g NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ----- DRAWING 13 LESS CLEAR THAN - _ 1 THIS NOTICZ; -17 1S DUE TO i - P* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL bRAWING. ------- - OE 6? ez a ez sz bz cz zz I 02 61 e LI 91 %I til EI ZI 11 01 u-1117- J 9 c 9 to EI-- �+v' dII�lI1111111�tUtIllU�uullUl��uthnrt�,Illluullnitlutllt�ub�alrulnn�►�uIIHt�Inlluulll(iI11n�IlUII1�lIuIIItIuIN1111f�+MINII1tI1�lIII111IInt1�IM1�IIIlII111IIII�IIIlII111h111I1H1�{N111�Ittllnllutlllllt1111lIIIIIIIWII!lilllWlllll7111111!!lllllll1111I11111U�lIIiH • - Y �JUL1992 w -00 MIER F11rZ. D DRI /f y � E5 8 ! �-... _.w.. __.RV••'.R'••w•w pwRy, .q,_.,R ,.•_.w... nrry.F..R._"•Y•..r w.«w 49f Gs/,{J PRO,. r C T C0NAlk _- T -P,") 4 eC5• V. Iti f' F-wC. !. 1 ': CUT /N +PR [•3 >E't `'`-•- r A5 234 1 T/ 01V Jk l5 ~� C R , N. ,to �•;�;, � � r:' ; 1 �� ''• � ! 1 ✓` 'ASHIIV� TCI' CC-'t•l1' ;��r f I F. G 0,v MAY 5 ,� • , a 12 1975 D 46 C!TY OF TIGAR / \ 9 TEE c_33 •►. { .''\ ' �\\ r// \ �..._. I',, 7,5 �-1 7 i' �080' 1 O V..• f r�.� . VC. tiw 0 239 �,• (Construction Notes: NN •5-1 \ \ •4O �' 1 . Notify Tigard Water District prior to commencing ` construction 2. All work shall be in accordauce with A•W,W.A. 52 t ` r standards. All work shall be inspected and approved by '1"r11D. b. Fire llrydran-t assembly consists of MJ x Fl.g tee, r `/ � \, 6" F'1g x Flg gate Ral•'e, 61• r:g x F1g spool , and ��/ ,, ` .�'" �, Pacific States fire • ire hydrant, MVO, 3-port a�6Pvsr, `,� 24 S (2-2 " HST hese connections, 1- " pumps , 6" `• .�' � �_ , s l�lg connections, 1 Pent 4pr Nut, open left, colort rod* traffic nodel . Poured concrete thrus tbl ocke at l oast 4 square . , . . ..--- w ,••w_ . . .. . . feet of beari,n a:ar 'gze at all tee cress and bend locations t s I• ✓% '\ ��' X{ 61. 36" of 3/4" minus gravel corer for all mains in rNST'ALL F H. streets and drivexa s• otherwise '� y , erwise 36 earth corer. �3 24 9 �' ,� ! 7. All sever lines 10' laterally or 31 vertically ' of grater mains shall be encased 10' from cress- a ��,/ - cross- ing ,with concrete 6" thick. 8. Mains *hall be tooted at 150 psi for 1 -fit~. ��� 1 t JN-Sr L4 ,,� . $ B 9a a�;��, 9 .H. bacter_olo ical teats required, �' r. g �' (3 �� , /fK �' 10. All other utilities will b6t. underground, in. eluding electric and te1�l� hone, 4 4 11 . Tigard Water District sbol l install all copper services prior to blacktoppiug of street*. \ Meters will be installed by the district r (� \ x_• LOCA i:C�/V , ` �. } V ` I i .'� PRaPns 6N C 1. i - QP DVR;44Mj ,�� ; individual request_. t for same. io 12 Upon completion of installation, contractor "Orl E sJr�rv�cE `` \ r� ,� ,''� shall advise Tigard Water District of total ROAD rc APr. Z � construction costs to vhicb will be added 1 ° i c G•U . I for distriet inspections, water le*s, evorh9ad, 3� p INS T,al.4 V" 8.0. J administration, water sampling, ete. , and 8% Ui ,� , i t,►� f�'o � : .; mac` / ; ,� for engineering, including permits "as-built" �j .a ► s-v r ,, x 7.4 rvs U .� �' j drawi ngs t intersection tsa • ate. � saps, V1 CIN ( TY MAP � � ! R47 � o v,�rC e \ , TIGARD WATER DIS RIFT E, 8841 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET @ TIGARD, OREGON 97223 _ ._ .._...._._.__ . _.,...._.._.,,, _,...,._.__. __._ ... TELEPHONE (503) 639 1554 WATER PROJECT _ __ __� .�,�• v1W _ .. .._._.._ . SOA l�'' ...,.._ . - - .. . _ .�.,_..�.__...�.._. _ _•... .. _`. HA N .._ .._ ,.. .. . ._ ... �. _...__._. _ . ._..... _. _. ._ Robert E Sante P E 1\10 6 .12 �.) '"" S. w` ?�. A Vt NU& �YJssJNG i�'' �./. Scale: I' c,.' Administrator li IWAY yyr min SIF _ ;s u. -a�• � I I � I � II � � � I _I`�I � ►11 ��1�111 1 � 111�11 �T��'�I (III I r1111 � 1 � 1 � 1111 ! 1 1 � 1111I � f1"� 111I � fl � lI � I111111111IIIIIII � I � It � � II � II � I � � I � II ' 0 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICA -IT IS DUE TO - ' QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL —I.rx�/s )Vq y RAW I NG. Q - _ 1 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z �Z bZ EZ +ZZ 12 OZ 61 BI LI 91 51 til EI ZI II 01 6 B L 9 S b E 2 , '"' ���,lllll�lllllllll�lllllllll�lllllllll�lll 1.lll�u1111111+IIIIll11111l1I�I11l�IIi��111�I1111111111110�11�111111111111!III11111I1111,11�,1�I1�111111 11111 if oil IIIttttlltt�It11�IIIt�lltt Illllulllllllllll I r - -- Ila ullll lljltlillullh�1�11111� . 0, T H 1 W I/V •I V i . t R � 1 { + f l 275" '9 ''e"� � 71 , i IN MErCIP A0JY i (.-1 l...i 1 k.v..'"_. M"''w •_rte.. .Ms { II j 7 X/ 1 ,...w-'•r'_. mow» ......... . y,,. ._._... ....._ � C �rw_--.._' , 4 .. r'�• ..I• r ...✓+'r''. 1 r.r' ..rte- ._._^i.,J ".fir •. I f PRO1'!G3Ei� Exa C.! �, � , r-' " ..- r..-,..•- EX�rSrT 1 N6 c 11 ,-- + 1, N s rA t t. 4' c'. 1.114 _ ..'"� See G.Y. r �8 ` �,//./ % ^ -a -"''.• fes.. r rt-- C.'D.t/;ti'� 727 !°X 15 TING • 1 i� . '` `� C /'� .,,,..-- - �,. g rr �. V I N�' t4 N C• l. END AROPJSEJ \ 1 x'• �, \ ,,/ A,,, / 1, . 1t c3 w' . 1eel G.y ,,,,,r` / ,1 i G �j 1 1 ell 74E v. J` 7149 1 :4*el /,-Z k 1 � � i r E. 260 exI r'�I w 111'( C /3' it " __ _'•__..•_.r. ....... dn�_. ._. _. _ - •— +.. l I j . I N s TA a r. R" c \`I 419 �?• T -- - ---- _ _ L1N� �� ! TIGARD WATER DISTRICT ! 8841 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 - _.- OI- _, ....,_ '� r, , •` • TELEPHONE: (503) 639-1564 i WATER PROJECT r _ D A ) V F {' 5 L � - PA .E 5 Al AFX I-S 7/NG /P" C , " ( � ._ ....._..._. .. ._._.. _. .__. . ._...._._.. _ _ _a_-.._..._......_. ___.___ . -__. -__.._ __ .__. ._.._ _ ._..._ __..._.... ._ .._.,..,.. . Robert E. Santee, P.E. ` EXI S T /,,'C'T Administrator .._ .1.1 ..._ a . IE MAY / -1154 ij'. ,�7/;. wa• �,. .rM -• ., p 4'# '.__..-.,--.,,,..',(.:!;.•.ma. r•''i'q�'bl • * :r - - „ •, .. , ..,,.. , ., I'� 1 1 111 I,l 1 1 rr 1 1 111 0 111 I' ll ( I � t� l'� Iltli � f lel 11 � 11 I 1 I I ! 1 I I fll III I � � 111 � 1 � 1� 1 � 1 � ' t l I NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED = 3 6 7 8 8 I U I I 12 ' DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICSr -IT IS DUE- TO -QUALITY OF TI# ORIGINAL ;•� I "�D AWING _ --— ------- —__ -- - - - ----- ----— -- • OE 6z 9z a 92 SZ till £Z L.z IZ OZ 01 -6 9 L 9 S ti E z I ' a!1�1IIIIItIl�li11111io�i1��I fk1111111 1III�11i�1tt1�1111�1�1�1>uie�uall�+t ply 1�µ�1Alm M1.1h liml t�1191 ifl;i I IIIIIYI�#t11 M1�liN Ilulllll1ltll1llll1lll'-il � �ll�l 111fill ._ d• Y/ ,r _• TTT 'T V R_ A CV a