SOLAR CREST SUBDIVISION DECLARATION APPROVALS ___ SOLAR CREST _ I,A NOVV AI.L. MEN BY THESE PRE5ENT5 That I• MARY BURNANI, do hereby Approved this day of ,1964 A RESUBDIVISON OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 27 $ 32. TIGA,ROVILLE HEIGHT J make, e5r abli5h and declare the annexed map of " 50LAR C REST" as City of Tigard IN THE N.W.% SEC, 11 T2 5•1/ R. l W, W. M. described in the accompanying 5urvegor's Certificate , a true map and Planning Commission plat thereof, all lots and streets being of the dimensions shown, and do CITY OF Ti I GAR D - - - WASHING TON COUNTY ) OREGON hereby dedicate to fhe use of the public as public ways forever allBy - �treets as shown on said map. Surveyed July 1983 By Ri;,hard O. Go�dviin5 Approved fhi5 day of .,1984 Basis of bearing . 13934 N E. Beach Court I do hereby certify fhaf tnjs Washington County East line of (of 27 Portland , Oregon trach 1 s a true ant) exac t MARY BURNAM q Director of Assessment and Taxation Tigardville Height:i 97230 copy of tF Pilaf of"50LARGREST° PLAT ,RESTRICTIONS , A 7.5 foot utility easernent shall exist alonq all (County Assessor) CURVE QATA lot lines abuttrnq public streets. A 5.0 foot utiliry easement shall exist along all side lot' lines. bot ? Lof 11 ., p= 90. 0'5 ' 25" L = 61' 01' 10" a= 71 ° 06' 58' ACK NOW LEDCEMENT R = 2o•o' R = 50. 0R = 50. 0 ' - _--.-_- --- - -- - --- - Approved this d2y of_ ,1984 I- = 31. 4E ' L s 53 2-5 L = 6Z.06' L STATE OF OREGON � Washington County t5 43' 1' LG = 50.77` I_c = 5a 1s 5 43. 4 3' s'e'�' N l P' S 9'56'E S 2 5" 45' 00"W A. 5. Health Department of 5 lot 8 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON &= so° o0 on" D = 89' S4' 35' � - 28' 38' So" R = 20. 0 ' R 20. 0 ' R 3 50 0 ' L = 2094' By - L 31. 39 ' L = 2.4.99' LC = 20.0 ' THIS 15 TO CERTIFY 1 That on this �`�day of _ 19b3 Lc = 29. 26 ' LC = 24.73 ' 5 310 1529" W N 460 15'46' E N 63°49'58"E before me, a notary public in the said State. and County , personally Approved this _day of---,1984- Lot 6 L.ot 9 �Qt.12 appeared Mary Burnam to me know to be the indiv;d ual named and y Washin ton Count A - 36' 12. 48" a -. 40' 45' 00" a = 90. 05' 56" --N- described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and did acknowledge 9 a s 20.0 ' 9 - 50.0 ' R= 2o. 0 ' g 9 Surveyor L • 13-34 ' L = 35 56 L= 31. 46' to me that she executed the same, freely and voluntaril LC = 13. 09 Lc= 34. 82' Lc = 28.31 N 29',12'28' W S 81' 28'07"E7 5 43°4f' !4" E gy_ r o = 25' 23' 42" Lot 10 R 50.0' WITNE55 my hand and official seal L = X2. 17 o s1. 17 os LCs 21. 98' R = 50.0' N 17047'5r5"lis/ L = 44.76 ' 5C'ALE , 1"= 50' Fnd• Brass Disk. LC = 43. 27 N tory Public for State of Oregon ,Cs• E. Cor. Geo. Richardson d C.C•'",38 S 35°27'03"E S 88'4.6'27" t 5.W Mc DONALD ST-. My Commission Expires -*��+'-$ 7 - ---- 2���5'� ' Fnd %" I•R. N010' 357. D/' - - o - Indicates x30" 1. R. set. °1 Fred• I" I•P. N• 0.31` /� Held For N. S i.ine `f + vc 1-fold Far N. S. � with plas>~,c carps• O o; • Ind,cate5 Monuments Found. IR. 5. S 88°46' 56"E 356•/5 s�I RVLYORS CERTI F : o ;--� e' l sworn de-pose. and sa that Ihave Approved this deg c' , 1984 N 588°46''.56"6' 5W. ELP05E 5T. � S, Richard 0. Gowans, first being du yy _ _ .356.08' Correctiy surveyed and marked with proper monumen+a the land represented Washington County p 113.91 ' -- i ?. 42 . 17 ! v Board of Commissioners Fnd �1 on the annxed map of " 50LARCREST ", a resubdivision of portions of lots R. A 1 0 27 and 32 of Tigardville Heights in Section 11 , T25, R1VV, W ILII . , Washington By ______ _-y__ 68 81 �s, �� 73.30' � 1 73. 8 7 � County , Oregon, beginning at the Intial Point, which is d 2" x 36" Galvanized B - ��, Q 1 Iron Pipe 6" below fhe surface of the ground. 5aid 1rifial point bears 5.88*,W27'E, 6y p Q, �a IN �`>���IZ 1 m I 257.64' and 5,1'09'26" W., 690.28' from the Sou+hwe5t Corner of fhe Georgy By / 2 0 C3 M � � �, o �` 4 if) Rlchyardson D•L.C. !Jo•38j 'thence N I °09'26'�., 381.09' to a point; +hence 5 88'46'S6 E, By --- - a0 ���� I NI 4J. ��� a0 s4 �„ \0 ( m N 56. 15' to a paint; thence S. J" 19' 00" W, 368. 40' f-o a porn+; said porn+ being 6y . - c - - - i I o 112 fhe 5outhea5t corner of Lot 27, Tigard vil ie Heights, a Subdivision of record "' � IV 88°45'47'W ^ N88' 4656",rt/ N Q8 °48' 24" IiV k � 88.62' W (53. 2+ 9 3. 9 I , �n Wasshin ton Count Oregon; thence conflnuinc� -- ----- -- 5. 1'19'00"W., 5.0' fO cx point ; ♦hence N. 89'58'24"W. 355. 19 ' > o >he Ini i'ial Poin-h and Teue Attest : This day of ,1984 N N in !wl P Q a o ,3� ao 1 q f?� Director of A55e5Smenf and Taxation 4k o rQ a a, I tla _(J��!r•,�'•s'v' � _ Point of tg eg Vin» i ao � � � I > C/ REGI 5 is R E D Ex- Officio Chief Deputy County Clerk � � _ qu � ti� Z M N � � Registered Oregon Land Surveyor prQ,= ,'` c!ALlu Subscribed and sworn to before me ByN�833' N 8b' 48'2.4 I 0 r' 27W' - _ ! 1. 79 y9-- 9 3. 9p I Z d this dey of- �� , 1983 ._.. _.G . . 7tj STATE OF OREGON '41'56 W 5a8`"�"31"E �R I c r►n is �. ;_,, ,:,s S.S. 5 78 h i y% m l�► aS 1 o 0 , y - COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 55.6! >1 -� o Q I cc ' NotYr Public for State of Oregon P o� I V) y 9 Donald W. Mason , do hereby c�erf l f` f ha f fhe / 2 T c 8 offached lot was received for record on the %a ^ I o My Gomm�ssian Expires _�.- --�- -- p N 3SJ \ S Q0 STATE OF OREGON 198♦ d>` _____o'crock M. °o � a a�q 6 '�;. � rad N N68' ¢8'24 'W � 1 U COUWTY Or WASHINGTON 5. 5. and recorded on page_.-._ ►n book --.----- of n.3 ,c, io � � �; �o .r• N 93. 90` I rn in ti' >z 1, Donald VJ Mason, Director of As5es5rnent and azafron retards of pia+s of said County. Z1a a� in and for i hp Said CQun.ty end State, do hereby certify Witness m y hand hereunto set and Seal of ")N . Cl) � �r ;� 1 L C� s D \ �0 a. 25 ' 2 5' tnof( have Compared fhe within plat with the origlnol Office affixed 4his______._day of­­.-A. D., 1984, o �, .� , Q'� 1q- -cin- +Hereof Phot the same is a full, true and correct tran- Donald 1rV. Mason, Director of Assessment and JLn ro I .:�rlpf there - from cnnd fhe whole thereof, 05 +he some Taxation, Ex- Officio Chief Depufy County Clerk. � � oppipars of record in Plot Book Pose__ thereof. Witness my hand 50.37'`n 9µ.2i' 66.68 r, X 3.93 ' _ v, hereunto set and Seal of Office affixed, this day of-Y.-_ - A D., 19_.-. B De ut N 89 58' 2t"C ss. 19 ' Fnd y1" 1. P By : ------ _---- ---- ---- P Y • ?"� 36" 6.1-P. Initial Point Donald W. Mason, Diror_+or of Assessment and Tara+ion, Ex-Offlclo Chief Depufy Counfy Clerk • Held For N. 5. S.E Lor dot 27 By - - - - -- _ .-_ _ _..,_ _ Depu fy e�•KMMMe,!w►,-.roa....c:.. ,........ . . „„.,._....�.. ,.«..+.,..,W...._..,.�w..x... _ ........ „� ..._..» .., .,w.. _ .r.,. �'�Al�.+v�� �.._ .My ....,.,... ....... . ` � .,� __- _ � .. - -... ,. .. �_ .._ � ��1+�. �..n•.. ..._. .:Y'.rw��`2+'�.-.r.-a'c...:-.'±:;�1'.�w�.t�'.r.. ..r. _. "s -TrJgiC"'.•.�.....:..«. .......... �.. y . � . ` 1. (i111FIIlIIIrII11111111i111111IFI1I111I11�1111I111111111111111�I11111�1111111 , ,1111111,11111�I111111,1 ,1,1111I1111111I,111111I111111,III,I,1,I , 1,I,1,I,I,I ,1,II,I,III,I,IIIIIrlrlllrlrlililii� � � NOTE : 11 IRIS MICROFILMED 2 -_---- 3 _,.. `. 4 5 6 i 8 9 10 11 12 DRAWING, IS LESS :;LEAR THAN W V, NOT IGE, 11 15 DUE To INI QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING• OE 60 HZ LZ 92 SZ bZ EZ ZZ 12 02 61 81 LI 91 SI bl EI ZI 11 01 6 9 L 9 S b E ��111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIlI11111111ilII111111111,111111ifI i 1, 1111111 1 111111 Ili 1111111111111111111111111!11111,1'IIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrII11111111111uluullutllull1111111nIuuIn11I11uIIlliIIIIIIIlI1InnInIl I1111IIIIlIII11 IIlIIIIIIIIIlI111iIIIIlI11u11111Illllluli x JITLY 6 19921243C ' f i _r .,.. ..._.w. _.. ....... . .,_ _... _._ _ .,, . . . ._.. ..,..,. .._.. S . /11 �V'•�i L .�� S �'': SA " `I SECTION 1.1 , T2S , R1TAi , W . M . cri trGIA0 , -•- KAP 2S 1 11BA Washington Counter , Oregon p CONSTRUCTION NOTES : ' v 1 . Notify Tigard Water District prior to commencing construction . All curbs must be installed prior to installing water main . � 2 . All work shall be in accordance with A . W . W . A . standards . 3 . All work will be inspected and approved by T . W. D . 4 . Fire hydrant assembly consists of 6 " MJ x 6 " F1 tee , 6 " F1 Y .� 5 g gate arra lve , 6" F lg x F lg spool ,, and Pacific States fire hy- drant , a " P VO , 3-port ( 2 - 2�" NST hose connections , 1 - 4�" pumper ) , 6 " Flg connections , 1�" Pe?nt Opr Nut , open lef , color : yellow, traffic model . 5 . Each fire hydrant shall be installed upon a pre-formed con- crete block with 1� - cubic yards of crushed 1 drain rock . Tarpaper will be laid on top of drain rock to sr- ,;ratc rock from earth cover . i 6 . Poured concrete thrustblo�cks at least 8 square feet of bear- lull ll i I ing surface at each tee and blow- off location . 7 . 36 of 3/41/11 minus gravel cover for all mains . { ki 8 . All sanitary sewer lines 10 ' laterally or 3 ' vertically of water main shall be encased in concrete '6 " thick 10 ' from crossing a T. . .S, ver'. JAAfZEW 5 t _ _. ._ _ _... __. .. ._... . , y 9 Mains shall e tested at 150 psi for 1 hour . at � f'c T Tu �--�- r�,�y� ha 1 b �' S t i s gy res- C. I. ' «• .._ ,_. __. .. �! . %,V G ' C eo 5 S Pu 4, w A .. ,� ., � ,� �� .s. . >, � �°(� sure - 65 psi . ,,,,_ ......, ... .._ ,......_ ..,._ _ r ..._• .._.... ._._._....•..•........_ _.._.._.... ..... ....- _ .:._.,_._.,_„w,__.,._._ ..._ _. ... .... .._,.,.... _... . tip./ 10 . 0 . S . B . Ef .. bacteriological tests required . # r ..l_ i-_'STA�� 40 A$, t� v � / I 'D T ' fps 7-aL FN ► ► 11 . Tigard Water District will install all copper services prior I•vsTAj 4 6''Mj x P''IP7. • f,� to blackto in of streets . Meters will be installed b the P,c vgs (M.0.) ,V CoNcPC-e t ! ; �► G G� V: { I PP g Y I iNSr'A�441 '; �' ; 1 district upon individual request for same . �*�,�r aax 4 # 7&� #` 4 i*, . i P q 4 i 12 . Upon completion of installation , contractor will advise TWD of total construction torts to which will be added 10% for � district :inspections , water loss , overhead , administration , / 1 14 JI t --- j i F = sampling , etc . , and 8 % for engineering , including permits , 1J { ( A : ' ' t � Ilas-built" drawings , intersection maps , etc . 7 WD IA✓3 TA t :. # + I C 0 F'•v 6411� ✓ C E S r, TS "I-AciMG �!^ MATERIA;.: 'LIST : COST 'ESTIMATE : � r ! ; Item Quantity 380 ' of 6 " D . T . @ $ 15/ft $5 , 700 t •- ;� ' f r^ j ' _ 240 ' of 4 " D . I . @ $12/ft s 2 , 900 •,, t �,�r� r ,vti x - 5 TJDI pipe , Class 52 . . . . . 380 feet 1 fire hydrant . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 000 i e� . - 'Arrd 4 " TJDI pipe , Class 5 2 . . . . . ' 240 feet Miscellaneous . . . ,. . . . . . . . � , 404 6 " MJ gate valve . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ear.h Total : $10 004 6 MJ cross . . . . . . . . . 1 each r I , 6 MJ x 4 MST tee . . . . . . . . . . 1 each { -_ --_ -r--y 6 " MJ plug . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 * 0 1 each CONTRACTOR ' S BID ESTIMATE : f rAf S TA L t q"j". x �,• 1 p r ! 6 ,�1J X 2 I P T plug . . . , -, ,, , . 1 each p.4 �G t�.b.; 1w .a►v_ FrE 1 i ! 4 " MJ gate valve . . . .-. . . . , . . 1 each Contractor ' s bid . _ . , . . . . =$ 8 , 500 I 4 MJ x 2 IPT plug . . . . . ., . . 1 each TWD : 18 % engr . & adm . . . 1 , 500 �, + ► Fire hydrant assembly . . . . . . 1 each Total : $ 10 , 000 ' 1 , .. ... .. ... ...,. ........ ..rar...«._..,......,.+............•. r...,..._...+-.►..•..,'rw «...w.,..►.r„«r.......w +r.ww•+ ....t+._..,««"+... ..,+a+►._.w...`..J•r4J1.{itw:•.r. .Al. ..y • 12 TIGARD WATER DISTRICT ��,V F 1;1�^ 8841 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 CO t� E� � �G TELEPHONE: (503) 639.1564 7,49 f �. !'NATER PROJECT CSL_ A R CHEi 7 {, 1 � S , W -977A' P A L 1_r �J 4 rY'�.'_'�Al 57. FRT' E. S� O t"f Alt •c 0IJY4 ! : r}} /( Robert E. Santee, P.E. Administrator scale: /,� �"o p t t (7 CT 96Z _`w ,.,, I 1 � 1 1 1111 ' I� 1 11 111 ►11 � I + 1 �� I 1 � 1 t�r t �1 ��I (It� I � ' I II �I � IIj til 1 � 1 I � tll) r t � tll � f I � tll � l I � IIII ! I � I � I � I I � I � ItI III � III 111 II II1 � 111 III � 111 ' Ifl � lll A� � � � I �' � I I l l I I 1 � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICki- TT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _ DRAWING. ., 's - IM1�1 ,. • "" 0E 6Z 92 Lr 92 SZ V EZ Zz ( , 0z 61 91 Ll 91 91 b► I Cl 21 11 01 6 9 19 S b EFail- z 1 . - i I I I I I 1� I ` I ` -`----,•-111111111111111111t111�11111 ��UI11�1��1111 � � _ . , TTTT *17 101% `;, ►+"'` ►!111111111111111111111 Illllll)1 1111�I1I�,llli�111111111�1111 llltlttll I1��%Iii� 1tll�llll 111/1111 1 t Iil�l�1�1111�1tit�litl�llilttlll.Illlilllll�llilll�#I�y�N , , , . , , µ,y;.., 3 OFT _C.1 a • c N(n U) CITY OF TI(;A RD OREGON August 31 , 1988 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon 97005 ATTN: Mr. Jim Ryan RE: Solarcrest Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Mr. Ryan: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said SLbdtvision to be satisfactorily and, further, to acknowledge authori:.ation for PGE to energize the two (2) lights therein, under Schedule 91, Ot,tior. Sincerely, l 'J / John S. Hagman Engineering Technician ke/6795D r: file r : City Accountant r: R. .1. Rouse Electric, Inc. 1,1125 SVS Hall Blvd .P 0 Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — - --- - - A✓ I v s(' �. 1 t 4 i yip DArE 8/24/88 0 URGENT R. J. ROUSE ELECTRIC INC. ❑ SOON AS POSSIBLE 16320 S.W. Parker Rd. FILE N0. 3103 []NO REPLY NEEDED LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97034 AT7ENRON Iviike Niills Phone 639-2824 TO 5 LR✓Er.r Solar Crest it. Lights City of Tigard Y.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 MESSAGE St lighting for the subject job has been completed. Upon your acceptance, please ae_nd a copy of your, acceptance to our office an 11611 f PGE to energize. ) SIGNED REPLY DATE DATE OF REPLY SIGNED 13125 S.W. HALL BLVD. P.O. BOX 23397 CITYOF TIFAPD TIGARD, OR 972,23 (503) 639-4171 OREGON TO: FROM: MESSAGE 1 C-ov^le- 1w. VbNy mat't'e-tii �'A ti AV%C z& 'aAke-1 C-0 v% :a�\e- Cor*�r(-"C-� \Ve, e- L\ -)\\Jl C)Lo e e— Ove-- \Av�\-V%OWn \-Q cAca"re Z' k.A"' Lw .��` - was_ �y1� �-�`��' bw'T Vv��� v�u'Cr4�e SIGANE DATr -!'� RIEPLY. r-oe., U. -Lj!sxw---c,4-i'Vim_46AA� Li C- :s�4 w e A U I c 6 14�e 441 Ao-t '4 1 0' 1 4 6, o 5— .2 4br m4eilwili S5 wki(-k J_!S Cqkb 16J I "el -'5'0 "f.,Eo"i5C-kQ,-J 9Lr=0f 54 AoJiD cil —gFi qv'6 HO w .'5 a or CV-D'6 _54c S. W. 1-7-11 P1 ACC' our- AECms -tF"dj 14 a A"u :51cl -Md. s 4f �SIGNED` DATE-2 Z & PLEASE RETU N ORIC3INAL COPY WITH REPLY. KEEP PINK COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS. ps ORIGINAL OI n 4. &V CT- u. U1 t9Q � O Om LA S I z Q LA 17 f" OD Q 0 2 �9 LJ u 0 _ o J v D �V) ~ y..� CL -- -1 c'l c' ' �• N' NI cr O K) 10 cl j _811' p9� w I 1WS3�O5 v I n 0t Q Q j X i I a _�1�33S Z 1NZ ((13A08dWINm) , 1NS Q `! �.,�. W..Mb .�� I NIVW ate. d N1yW k 77Nyf /M S 33r, J Waln t 1I tn � I Z V 4 ►.- N v (n 14 iv CITY Of TIGFlFiD 6)Anr NOTICE OF DECISION MINOR LAND PARTITION MLR 88-07 VARIANCE V 88-21 APPLICATION: Request: by Benj . Franklin and rlar•y Burnham to divide lots .1 , 8, 9, and 10 of Solar-cr-est Subdivision totaling 32,024 square feet into 5 par-cols of 7,461 (lot 1), 7,735 (lot 8), 7,226 (lot 9), 7,976 (lot 10), and 1,626 square feet and for, variances to the minimum lot size (7,500 sq. ft. ), minimum lot width (50 ft), and maximum lot depth to width ratio (2.5 to 1) . ZONED: R--4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) . LOCATION: 14145, 14150, 14155 SW 97th Place, and 1435 SW 97th (WCfM 2S1 118A, lots 4900, 4901, 5600, 5601, 5700, 5701, 5800,and 5801) , DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Dir•ector•' s Designee for- the City of Tigard has APPROVED the above described application subject: to certain conditions. The findings and conclu-ions on which the decision is based are as noted below. A. FINDING OF FACT 1. . Background Solar-crest Subdivision was approved by the City in 1980 (S 6-80) and the plat has been recorded. A lot line adjustment (M 11-85) and Variance (V 17--85) was reviewed by the City in 1985, but: a final decision was riot r•ender•ed. 2. Vicinity Information The properties to the north are undeveloped lots within Solar•crest Subdivision. Similar- residential parcels zoned R-4.5 are directly west, Single family residences on large logs lie to the south and on the east side of 97th Avonue, 3. Site Info+r•mation and Proposal Description Lots 1, 8, and 10 of Solar•crest Subdivision ar-e undeveloped and Lot 9 includes a residence that was built on the property prior, to the subdivision. A foreclosure occurred related to the doavelopment of t' a property. The underlying ownership and financing of the subdivision consists of two parts , The southern 5 feet of the subdivision and the remaining northern portion of the subdivision ar-e legally r•egar•ded as separate entities with different liens applying to each. Since the problems relating to the foreclosure will. not be resolved for, some time, the applicant is requesting the part.itiun separ•at.trig the southern 5 feet in order- to allow the subdivision to be developed in the near- fut.ur,o, NOTICE OF DECISION - MIP 88- 07, VARIANCE V 88-21 - PAGE 1 The proposed partition will reduce the size of Lots 1, 8, 9, and 10. The size of lots 1 ar►d 9 will be reduced below 7,500 square feet and therefore a variance request is also required. A variance to minimum lot size, lot width, and width to depth ratio :s necessary for the 1,626 square foot parcel , 4. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division, Building Inspection Division, Tualatin Rural Fire Pr•otect-ion District-, PGE, ar►d NPO N6, have no objection to the proposal . The Tigard Water• District has no objection but. notes that any cost, associated with moving service lines will be borne by the applicant. Also, an outstanding bill of $747. 13 for water main installation romains . No other• comments have been received, B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION After• the par•t.ition is implemented, lots 1 , 8, 9, and 10 will be reduced to 7,461, 7,735, 7,226, and 7,476 square feet respectively. Except for the necessary variance to reduce two of the lots below the 7,500 square foot- inini.mum lot size, the proposal is consistent- with City Code requirements , Although the --reation of the 5 foot strip is not ideal, it appears to be Lhe only solution available to initiate development of the subdivision in a timely mariner. It should be made clear• that the 5 foot strip shall not be used for• access and the City will expect this strip to be maintained as required by Section 7.40.020 of th^ Tigard Municipal Code. The City would be receptive to future proposal-► to eliminate the 5 foot strip. Because this proposal will create three lots (7,461, 7,17.6, and 1 ,626 sq, ft. ) that ar•e smaller• than the minimum lot- size of 7,500 square feet for• the R--4.5 zone, a variance approval is necessary. Section 18. 134.050 of the Community Development Code contains the following criteria which "lust be addressed before a variance may be granted. 1 . The proposed variance will riot be materially detrimental to the purposes of this Code, be in conflict- with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to any other• applicable policies and standards; and to other• properties in the same zoning district or vicinity; 2. There ar•e special circumstances that exist which are peculiar to the lot. size or• shape, topography or other• c.ir•cumstances over which the applicant has no control, ar►d which are riot applicable to other pr•opert.ies in the same zoning district; 3. The use proposed will be the same as permitted under this Code, ar►d City standards will be maintained to the greatest extent that is reasonably possible, while permitting some economic use of the land; NOTICE OF DECISION - MLP 88-07, VARIANCE V 88-21 - PAGE 2 4. Existing physical and natural systems, such as but riot limited to traffic, ,irainage, dramatic. IFAnd forms or, parks will riot be adversely affected i.ny more than woulc+ occur if the development were located as specifies', in the Code; and 5. The hardship is not self—imposed and the variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. The primary purpose of the minimum .lot size of thea R- 4.5 zone is to provide a control for housing density and spacing between buildings. This proposal will. 111or•ely shift a small amount of square footage from one lot to another- and will have no effect upon the overall density of the subdivision. The legal problems mentioned earlier in this report have necessitated this solution. The 7,500 square foot- minimum could be obtained for lots 1 and 9 but an ir•r•egular lot configuration would result. The proposed residential uses proposed for each lot conform with Code requirements and the size of lot 1 and 9 will be slightly under the 7,500 square foot minimum and the remaining two lots will exceed this standard by a greater amount, resulting in an average lot size of 7,600 square feet, C. DECISION The Planning Director's Designee approves Mt.r 88--07 and V 88-21 subject to the following conditions : 1. The partition survey and legal descriptions shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and approval . Prior to recording with Washington County. (STAFF CONTACT: JON FEIGION, 639--•4171) 2. The 5 foot strip shall riot be used for access and it shall be maintained in accordance with Section 7.40.020 of the Tigard Municipal Cod*. 3 . This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date noted below. D. PROCEDURE_ 1 . Notice. Notice was published in the newspaper, pasted at City Hall anu mailed to: XX The appl.ic:ant. & owners XX Owners of record within the required distance XX+� the affected Neighborhood Planning Organization XX Affected governmental agencies 2. Final Uecision_: THE DECISION SHAIA BE FINAL ON UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. NOTICE OF DECISION — MLP 88-07, VARIANCE V 88-21 — PAGE 3 3 , Appeal : Anv party to the decision may apperaI this decision in accordance With Section 18.32..290(A) and Section 18.32.370 of the Community Development- Code which provides that a written appeal must- be filed with the (.TTY RECORDER within 10 days after notice is given and sent. App,aal fee schedule and forms are available at Tigard City Hall , 13125 SW Hr.AlI Blvd. , Tigard, Oregon. The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:3C P.M. 8/9/88 4, ggg1t:iuns : l.f you have any questior►s, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW 11a11 Blvd. , PO pox 23397, Tigard, Oregon 972.23, 639--4171 . PRF_PARED EKY: Keith S. Liden, Senior Planner --_ -_71/A Q. E1)DAPP OVER (ht/6173D) r •• 3 2' LEI I " L=LLJ l_l \- -- - - all t: p11N t �_ MIRt l_..1 y NOTICE OF DECISION — MLP 88-07, VARIANCE V 88-21 — PAGE 4 OFDONNELL, RAMIS, ELLU3TT & CREW MARK P 0DONNELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW CANSY OFFICE TIMOTHY V RAMIS ELLIOTTBALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING 161 N GRANT.SUITE 202 KENNETH M ELLI ,OREGON 97013 STEPHEN F CREW 1727 N W NOYT STREET CANBY15031 266-It49 CHARLES E CORRIGAN• PORTLAND.OREGON 97209 JOSEPH M SULLIVAN' 15031222-4402 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT JEFF BACHRACH KENNETH H FMARGARET C HAND STEPHANY WATSON PLEASE RFPIY TO PORTLANO OFFICE SHARON L.WILLIAMS MARK D WHITLOW MICHAEL REDDEN //�� /��✓ a OF COUNSEL •IN SOACOF CDTONGTO IfE 1N STATE OF WASHINGTON April 28 , 1987 Mr . John G . Foster '� U� L Vice President Real Estate Owned Division Benjamin FTIankl-in Savings & Loan Association 501 S.Fy. Hawthorne Blvd. Portla/hd, OR 97214 Re: City or Tigard/Solarcrest Subdivision Dear Mr . Foster : As you requested I do during our telephone conversation of April 24 , 1987 , I am writing to confirm that our initial analysis indi- cates that it would be in the best interest of the taxpayers of the City of Tigard to foreclose upon the above-referenced subdivision rather than agree to Benjamin Fran:_lin's request for a reduction in the outstanding assessments, including the interest thereon. If you have information which might modify our analysis , please let me know. Otherwise, I would expect that the foreclosure proceeding would be commenced accordingly. Very truly yours, OIDONNELL, RAMIS, ELLIOTT & CREW Charles E . Corrigan CEC :dd CC : Mr. Wayne Lawry, Finance Director Mr . Randy Clarno, Community Development Department MATERIAL ORDER Kwow NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY [)$I@ Clan AW.No -W-0—or Sub r 116 MATERIAL ORDER _ _� - -I_ CITY PLAT DRAWING W460v,— NO. TITLE SERVICE DRAWING ADDRESS NUMBER Quantity Size Stock No Description e"glA� 6&lf 42=1 FVJW �SWAd OWN& S.W. McDONALD ST. Lei > � Q 4D 19 Y _---"- 4770-57-+- 903 _ 9 N Ll 6-113-'64-•- ( ) > O 129F— 3' #14025 R 2.3' 18 J (� ('84) 164' ('1 4013 S ('84 o40 a 2 I 17 L 9' Cl) 82 r 14060 16 01- 01- ('84) 014015 70 45' ! ('83) (P) 0+00 14 1'(1Y)'83 1-1/4'(P) 1-1/4'(P) , JATJZEN CT. S.W. ELROSE 1 ST. - — o—,o i ----- -- 0+0 I g #14123 2.S #14100 I J M ('84) 2 - 14 ('84) 61• 3' I S 13 (W) in 3 12Lki 1 412W ' � r ` 3• b / con ? 6 / 12 11 - ` 1 i u 1v SOLA CREST I — -- - 10 9 A 3+23 10 9 8 g`� I� �a r�1 t46M 4521 8.8�, NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT u. Y. ti 87-2 a 3 g A UNDF AGROUND PHONE PRESSURE RATING A A RAY I N..n � _ DATE WAIT 11 ']— TE$I PRESSURE 1 � PBIfA 9rWFn fs39-It1.71 IIgTb11RAT10N 45 rIIN. WWFR 643--5454 X.3a.., wll oSq X RAYED 0 AM 1,400NP E'l i 9—1I10�0 Irt!t i,:N PRF.BSUnl 60 PSIO M A n T• K,57 PSIG N„1/MA�OPEN,PRESS :z PSIG r. uu[iirlti RIPOaT INSTALL MAIN INSTALL MAIN 13139, I?E, (W) --- — -- -- -— 1 "t5i J.-1 /4" ONO YI ABANDON MAIN AHANhON.rAw l/LI 'NSTALL - _ ----"1 rRT ION TING _�//_..I--yy--��•—fiE-R-.-6 _. ..._ trns�'f.Al'INOS TYPE COAT1Ilf1Y rOr, � JOIN. POLYKEN JOINTS.�. ►IttlN,,• 1200 PITTINGS --,*fl 16D INSTALL F D LNODES INSN.LLANODES NC INSFALL&DURVKF ��..r_...__,.__...._... INSTALL SSAV r tlEW IEAbFR — 4 ' 4r'Oki 1 n;� 1 �1 iA1tconE� w—R,-74 n _ AVVI NOf1' MAApIN��tl „ MEASURFO __._. rATE I,a• (QTR W DATF _(,�Ly�'-.i�,t'-Q•~, 4-1 1 1 3 a ,". DATE _��i G_�_�]..L WONMrF C OVER bATt ostntR AP1ROvin 4 _ DATf1_. AonRFl� S. W. El_.ROSE. Wr. SFiwFEN S. W. 99TH AYE;. & 9- W- 97TH AVE.. tOUNrF (,I�SF(IN i i h! rirr ftAt ran I ptr PLAT No _OATS_ SIGN — TOWNSHIP—__ WA►LMAP OAT$ SIGN A-45--1.- n►E ; i t?';iw J-4 a A' Z�-j/ lam -Al '•�/ �.'c? 'vv/��ls�! LtJ/r��., 1,Lf_/S l�lc�/ � 6t//4� l/�'.l�vs"��t�7/• t C/�Co . ! -w, r' lr'%'..i! '�.'� �Y Jit/," c e-le %/� ]'� f ,rib�z�/ r d/}� Ilt►�r�l .,r � i r'.�j�l•�N, r2rf_�'� �elftc--I `�/'(/�f' /iI�YN'!•� /lv�..- Let) l w w w CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon 12755 S.W. Ash P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 August 9, 1985 Mr. John Foster Ben Franklin Savings & Loan 1 SW Columbia Portland, OR 97258 RE: Sol.arcrest Subdivision Dear Mr. Foster: -' This is to verify, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, includinq curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipally owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivison. 4. The improvements required to be constructed by the City c ' Tigard, Oregon, have been constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (and Maintenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard Council. regarding completion of improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorders Office. Mr. John Foster Page Two August 9, 1985 2 hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the State Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Sincerely, Ed Walden / Building official -Giiwy EngineerI Sev jLces Il "ner^ ijl ELJIKJLW-JL�� RECEIVED �,.� AUG p g `�' March 7, 1984 kos d............. �°)71Y F T]VA PM WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Merry Burnham 14235 S.W. 97th Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Solarcrest Subdivision Dear Mary: . This is to verity, per your request that: 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right-of-way and improvements, including curbs and necessary and adequate Arainage structur( s, together with means for operation and maintenance, whish meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivision, where necessary, has drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipally owned disposal system is available to each lot at the lot line of ea.:h lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The i.mprovenierits required to },e constructed by the City of. Tigard, Oregon, have been constructed. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond(and Main- tenance Bond) has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council regarding completion of improvements; said documents are on file in the_ Ci.ty of Tigard Recorders Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/ver.i- fication required to be submitted tc the State Real Estate Division by each ::ubd iv ider. Sincerely, ��1 L� I:.� ''-,L; ►:I fit:' !! �� Robert L. Thompsor. , t Engineering Servicu- Crow Chief Public Works Department. do �- —-�- -- 12755 S.W.ASH P.O 13OX 23397 TIGARD,ORF(30N 77?23 PH:839-4171 / I sre _ rio ... C Portland General Electric Company Date March i, 19h4 Gentlemen: 1'e: Solarcrest Subuivision Attached is our proposal for providing underground electric service to the above noted subdivision. Our preliminary investigations suggest that th{s proposal is compatible with existing and/or proposed project and utility construction; however, if there are any conflicts with your existing or proposed installation, please contact me at your convenience in order that the plans may be modified. Very truly yours , _ h. Michael Strubel Estimator Job No. 63346 Copies to: 1 Tigard Water District - 639-1554 8841 S.W. Commercial Street, Tigard, OR 97223 Attn: Robert Santee 1 City of Tigard - 639-41.71 City Engineer, 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, OR 97223 City of Tualatin - 638-6521 City Engineer, 18880 S.W. Martinazzi Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062 Attn: Mike McKillip 1 City of Sherwood - 625-5'12G 90 N.W. Park Avenue, Sherwood, OR 97140 2 City of Newberg - 538-9421 ity Engineer, 414 E. First St. . Newberg, OR 97132 Attn: Bob Sanders 2 Yamhill County - 472-9371 Road Department, County Courthouse, McMinnville, OR 97128 3 Marion County - 588-5036 Marion Co ty Department of Public Works, Salem, OR 97301 Attn: George Grove 2 Clackamas County - 6.55-852.1 Clackamas County Engineer Dept, 902 Abernathy Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Attn: Pat 2 Wilsonville - 682-1011 Larry Blanchard, P.O. Box 220, Wilsonville OR 97070 2 State Highway - 653-3099 Right of Way, Box 02.157, Portland, OR 97202 Attn: Ted Inlos 2 Northwest Natural Gas - 226-4211 123 N.W. Flanders St. , Portland, OR 97209 Attn: I). W. Mills 2 City of Dundee - 538-3922 Box 201, Dundee, OR 971.15 Western Division----14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road--Beaverton, Oregon 97007-643-5454 ESTIMATE Ledger AccountA`4?,DI Job No. F-S4SSQ Blanket N � �. Section No. SHEET Entity 161 RC ?t- -Ledger-Accovnt- -;�w�_ For Copy EST.LABOR(IN MANHOURS) Soh �M i 4 EL;Z, � ST" 'TI -1a17_ INSTALLING 1115 L>Ca SV C--'r'D IL L0-r5 REMOVAL CONNECTION DATE �_ \ - �• REOUESTED BY TRANSF. STOREROOM NO. DISTRICT TOTAL LEDGER- CE FERC STORES ACTUAL MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED CO; ACCOUNT- ACCOUNT CODE NO. QUANTITY QUANTITY [3 4 \ s L A L IC L I `cv Uta C-!;ice; L 2AL_ 1 S1=V SrLIC-E I \ - �4•-?17 n 1uS TRAM S`r U Yl IT I PAD TAL, 4.1c AL. XLF 1N12-r-- ^ LU w12- ]9O 'TN c c 9 PC L� r=te I 1 y - 9Z�],30 78o Gria. UNIT - -- I �'2�o JJm�E� CLAmP 1 NOTES- LC:L�T E S = r-T1- L^;� C(c LC In-'F1L- I Y �+� JOB COST MATERIAL _ _— -TcsPLb cv5? LL 7j STORES EXP. c ST A 11-rr./ �0 LABOR �, •`. TRACIN3 N0 /75/.,/ Ln GT „ ( CIRCUIT 3 (p��- TOTAL CHE%:K ITEMS REOUIRED PERMIT APPLIED FOR O.K.FOR RECORDS INITIAL DATE_ CUSTOMER SHUT DOWN N NOTIFIED PPL TO TRANS. LINE DEPT OVERHEAD PORTABLE SUB N' NOTIFIED TELCO TO TRA14S OFFICE INSURANCE ,� EA6EA4aFAl?RGGiAA>ED PPL TO TRANS.8 REMOVE POLES TOTAL P� m STAKE HOLES V TELCO TO TRANS.d REMOVE DIST,ENG1, LESS SALVAGE ON O TRIM TREES ON THIS JOB \ POLES TOPPED ry POLES REMOVED BILLING.'7B O JOB COST ESTIMATED BY rL UTE e� t�4- WORK STARTED BY DATE W APPROVED By",,E 2-Z7� WORK COMPLETED BY DATE aIw 5.46 202 "1 T��_\ L)�,__ ' )I ESTIMATE Ledger Account_ Job No. Blanket No._ 5:.� C Section No. �--�"` SHEET Entity I; RC _Ledg,&r-Account- c"� \—For_ — COPY =x:lh�_C.SLsS�.- Residential Customer Responsibility Sheet EST.LABOR(IN MANHOURS) �� 7-/� INSTALLING E —Il�REEF8RREENNCC`E�JOOB NO. %�� y REMOVAL CONNECTION DATE d - 5 REQUESTED BY •=yLTRANSF. STOREROOM NO DISTRICT TOTAL LEDGERFERC STORES ACTUAL MATERIAL TO BE INSTALLED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED COS* CEI I ACCOUNT CODE NO QUANTITY _ QUANTITY Trench ;� Primary Trench ft. � Secondary Trench It. _ E Pad Evacuation 5'XS x ^rP vault Evacuation Euy Hand Digging�T_ 3/4" Minus Crushed Rock�Sand Black lop sq,ft. L Sodding/Restoration _ Stubs U ST -4'X 4'X Pt,D VA2Z w LID i Road Road Crossinq c�;" �+� ft Crossing Road Bore tt in, _ it in. ft in. 3/4" Minus Crushed Rock cu.yd. 31 ,•Y G in PVC-DB Duct Ft. F E 5L 31 L`,ST G in. PVC-DB Duct Ft. (77E G 31 C,,V ST 4- in.PVC-DB Duct Ft G,ATV r Black Top sq.tL _ St Opening Permit Street Trench ft. �a Light Base Excavation Hand Digging Sodding/Restoration _ Stubs I NOTES- Telco Yes IB'" No O Per K_r-- r, r�C<50 JOB COST _ _ PGE to Install Telco Yes 0 No IV MATERIAL 0 PGE to Provide Trench and Bill Customer,or STORES EXP Cuslomer to Provide Trench per Attached letter �-- LABOR Dated TRACING NO CIRCUIT TOTAL CHECK ITEMS REOUIRED PERMIT APPLIED FOR _O.K.FOR RECORDS INITIAL DATE CUSTOMER SHUT DOWN NOTIFIED PPL TO TRANS LINE DE''T OVERHEAD PORTABLE SUB. NOTIFIED TELCO TO TRANS OFFICE INSURANCE _ EASEMENT REOUIRED PPL TO TRANS.A REMOVE POLES TOTAL o STAKE HOLES TELCO TO TRANS A REMOVE DIST ENGR, LESS SALVAGE _ TRIM TREES ON THIS JOB POLES TOPPFD POLES REMOVED BILLING JOB O JOB COST W u^ ESTIMATED BY �Z`-t y:�,� � DATE . T< �? }._WORK STARTED BY DATE I APPROVED 3Y ?CAM 2-Z7-f4 WORK COMPLETED BY DATE STOP f - MA RO Communications, Inc. February 29, 1984 SUBJECT: SOLARCREST SUBDIVISION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: StorFi. Vetro will coordinate with the developer and other utilities to place our facilities in the proposed joint trench at the above subdivision on 97th Place/Elrose St. S ncerely, STORER METRO COMMUNICATIONS, TNC. Martin Swanson Construction Superv-' ,or STORER METRO COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 14200 S.W. Hr i(pdoon Court,;-',0. Box 1956,Beaverton,Oregon 97075 5J3/644-3188 � 7 a Fp11IUN0 GENERAL ELIC'11i1 114 �L WSSIENN o1VISION F MSH S.W Wo SCNOEI.S Ff1111T or SEAVSNTON.ONFOON S/oo, M]-6454 7 Department of Commerce Subdivi,3ion Section 158 Twe.11.th Street, N. E. Salem, Or. 97310 Gentlemen: Availability of Electric Service This will verify that electric_ service will be provided by Portland General Electric Company to a point on the perimeter of each lot in your subdivision or to a point on the perimeter of your individual lot located in Washington _ County and designated as Solarc_rest Subdivision This electric service is available under PGE's filed tariff and will be a nominal single-phase, 120/240-volt, 3-wire, grounded service. Tle cos' or obligation to the developer for the installation of this electric. service will be/ $7,195.76 to be paid in advance by the Developer. Charges for streetlighting, if any, installed, owned, and/or served by Portland General Electric will be reflected on the proper'y tax rolls. All tariffs, including those that govern installation cost and monthly charges, are filed with the Public Utility Commissioner of Oregon. These tariffs, when approv_d by the Public Utilitv Commissioner, are subject to change without notice. If you have any questions, please call me at 643-5454 Ext. 347 Sincerely, i Craig 7.uck Service Representative 5 a 0 Cost eement For Residential Line Exte .ons In Advance of Service to Ultimate Users Applicant Date 2 Project Name _ :7 Z Il C r r' a T` Job No. ; Project Location ON UG piv R c Billing Address Foi Office lice �niy •--�-� � .> `' .__� / Ate. (71) 12-- Line Extension Cost 1. The Applicant must Advance the line extension cost or provide a third-party credit guarantee before construction of the line extension. 2. The line extension cost doe /does not�in^_lude trenching costs. (circle one) 3. A part of the 14.ne eyter.sion cost is refundable based on the connection of permanent loads to the line extension. a. Line extension cost $ C J -7 b. Applicant responsibility $ c. Total amount subject to refund $ --7171- 71. d. Estimated total number of permanent customers e. Refund amount [c/dl $ G• �7�_ 4 :/E• /Customer Third-party credit guarantee (if applicable) f. Authorized rate of return % g. Carrying costs [c x f] $ h. Amount of Guarantee [c + g] $ 4. The amount of the refund due to the Applicant will be calculated not more often than annually upon request. If within the first year after completion of the line extension 75% of the torwl expected load has been connected, the total amount subject to refund mall be refunded to the Applicant. If less than 75% of the total expected load has been connected, refunds shall be ma, annually and shall be determined by multiplying the amount of permanent load connected during the year times the per unit refund on Line 3 (e) above. Total refunds will not exceed the total amount subject to refund. Any portion of the advance remaining after 10 years shall be retained by PGE. 5. Where a third-party credit guarantee is accepted by PGE, no money will be required from the Guarantor if at least 75% of the permanent load has heo connected within one year after the line extension has been installed. If less t 1 75% has been connected, the Guarantor shall immediately pay the amount of the guarantee less refunds calculated in accordance with Section 4 above. Subsequent refunds will be made as if the Applicant had made a cash advance. 6. The Applicant has no ownership rights in the line extension materials or ,iasements. 7 The terms of this Agreement are subject to change if advance payment or .hjrd-party credit guarantee is not received within 60 days of the date of thin /.greement, if the line extension is not completed within six months of the date of this Agreement, or if there are any changes in construction design. 8. PGE is not obligated to begin construction before advance payment or guarantee is received. Applicant 's Signature - `— — ` Telephone / Tit Il ------- )__<<.�'�_— ._ 1, 1 t_'� PGE R retie tative �- p Telephor Dietribu tiun: While; CFS File; canary, Billing Copy; pink, Job Copy; POE 1339 Wan goldenrod, Customer. EMWXNRXMP PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CUSTOM . AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND ELEUTRIC SERVICE TO A SUBDIVISION,APAR"ENT PROJECT OR MOBILE HOME PARK This project,which is known as _ ��_h/Z- is located at This project is a/an subdivision, mobile home park. ` I request Portland General Electric Company to provide underground electric facilities to service _lots, _units,_ spaces in this project.It is understood and agreed that the underground electric system will be installed in accordance with Portland General Electric Company's plans and specifications and is subject to the Company's Tariff on file with the Public Utility Commissioner (the Tariff)and to the General Rules and -legulations of the Company. I also understand that I have the option of selecting either surface-mounted or subsurface transformers. My selection is marked below by my initials in the appropriate box. I elect to have surface-mounted transformers at no extra charge. I-eleotfttvavcaubsurfa TransTormeFrs a an MB-chwVe-e4•$_. I will furnish such easements as may be required by the Company. If the project is a subdivision, I agree that prior to the sale of any of the above lots I will file a restrictive covenant that will requile underground electric service to each dwelling on the abov mentioned lots and will require the dwelling owner to be responsible for the cost of the electric service trench and backfill on his lot. The Tariff specifies that certain costs are the responsibility of the project developer.These are summarized at$ �' for the original cost of any existing overhead facilities to removed,less accrued depreciation and salvage value,plus all costs of removal and costs of necessary rearrangements,m,�diflcations and additions to existing facilities to accommodate the conversion.I understand and agree to pay this cost upon billing by the Company.The Tariff also states that the project developer will be responsible for all costs associated with trenching,backfilling and excavating both within the project and along and across any public thoroughfare,for the cost of any permits and third-party easements;for the cost of opening and closing or boring improved private streets,driveway areas or public street areas: and for the normal settling of the trench backfill.In this connection,I understand that I am entitled under the Tariff to make an election between the two options described below My election is Indicated by my.nitials in the appropriate box PLEASE IrIITIAL EITHER PARAGRAPH A OR B BEFORE RETURNING THIS FORM A)_ I elect to perform all trenching/main line trenching only(delete one),backfilling,excavating,etc.,at a time agreed to by the Company. Also,it required by the terrain, I will either install corcrete barriers or pay PGE to install galvanized barriers to protect the transformers. Furthermore, I understand that all costs associated with trenching and backfilling, including but not limited to street %7 opening permit costs,cleaning out trenches,normal settling of the trench,damage to other utilities,insufficient depth,loss of property corners,etc.,are my responsibility.and I agree to defend,indemnify and hold harmless Portland General Electric Company from any and all costs,loss or liability in connection therewith (See reverse side for specifications.)The street opening costs are$ ___—. 8) 1 elect to have the Company do all trenching/main line trenching only(delete one)and rough backfilling on public and private property and,with the exception of final grading,the Company will perform all necessary final backfilling to return the ground surface of public property to a condition substantially the same as the Companv found it.I will be responsible for the final backfill on private property and for all final grading and any further minor settling of the trench backfill on both public and private property,except for paved street crossings outside the project boundary. Also, if required by the terrain, I will either install concrete barriers or pay PGE to install galvanized barriers to protect the transformers. The cost for the work is estimated at $ ____ In addition, should unanticipated trenc ting difficulties be encountered, PGE's extra trenching costs will be billed to the customers I also agree to make available to thr Company the areas to be trenched at or near final grade and free from obstruction prior to file start of construction by the Company and to notify the Company at least 3 weeks prior to the paving of the streets.The total of the estimated costs shown above is$ .—and is due upon billing on a monthly basis by the Company.Such billing will be based on work completed as of the billing date NO LINE EXTENSION COSTS ARE INCLUDED HEREIN; SUCH EXTENSION COSTS WILL BE OUTLINED ON A SEPARATE FORM REQUIRING YOUR SIGNATURE AND BILLED AT A LATER DATE If,at the time of any pertinent Tariff or Rules and Regulations change 3,there are dwelling units covered by this agreement which have riot been Installed,this agreement for underground electric service to these dwelling units shall be subject to the revised Tariff or Rules and Regulations PGE Representative - Customer's Signature � Date l rz 1114 12 Aj Divisionq Name(Type) Phone Address .1/01 t-5124 ate City POI 2476 Wov 81) While--Original Yellow custom",copy B 42 478 Pink- File Copy s y J J i i I 1� L G; 1` i � 1 ( � i 4 p i } I O do 01 ,a a . . W "�- 28-8tl y Apo f Co "7 ....... :c 4r,re Cle &V C , fita� _� ��,,,`� �'''°►fit' Q ir 0.2 hl f t- fr. Al V74 10"?'1 v s rwmdf 2 rX or C\j J�Q Wl�orb 'in wL c t%i M t'VIV LIN, oil 4L.-ti WA x t4l ter..—,z _._.. -_ _.��- ��� :�\ '�i/� ._�� ,: u l 7-j Vr7aW (T7VA1 NAMMMMINAMLA h - U. to v d ku c ti 9 z W w (\l a cl 1 r. ►-Z cn rnZZ -� - ku L ' o a ►� r I1 1 w O W > o I m uZ r F- z cc W N a-. >W �() vi At 9 Nu 103 CL e` Q f� Z U 4 vi Q ; ✓� w ri 6 UdQ �� t -1 z J l t W w W2 j � Fn � 6 Z $.N c.1 r�10 •- KI o vi - z LO LU ,fi�W a o� or► o 1', W ?!'V Om cpm Qm -.. .,.,,....._..... ... .,..... :_...,,..,_.._.�,. ...... .:._.�.:..,,.,..._._...., ._.—..o.�.�.�.www,e�;w......-�.............,.....,._..... 'V . !'•�ti-v���4�rt V �a� .. ,... .. Cyt ,� �tr '� a lk �xMOV u ha eLROSE o � NQ LA 4 ��►'$� P 4 N n 3 __-'_______. � 7 z•�X�b�' �//� 'moi�^ V p,• r4 71 t - '4`h � o� ti s 101 - i sones L T"wlatt /. AAA- 7"�.,Q,Ve,4/ Too0Nr- &/1 'V FONM 69�0P21RkV 1Ow7P) A ROUTINE WORK ORDER ��*FI° P��—���_►a,Nw PGE .EXG,fPr 407- 8 TITLE $OLARG��'ST .sv�ai!//siOn/ _ .2. DEVLLOPeR T� Id/Q0✓SDE DISTRICT -- E%CNANOE AJ-,L T,eeAleH 0-CR0SS/i✓63 NARRATIVIE AkA`,` J o5 NA. �� /.Z car ,?v�,n�✓�s�o� ACCT MATERIAL COM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL ACT I EST. COST COST MARY 1 I I I— I S0069 ADDITION[ R[MOVAL_ MAINT[NANOt RtTIR!.MA.!TS�_%jVA Lo'lo9CM[DUL1� . R ►1 411~ �,. ___�___._ EST bTAMY �Es c L I t RT-9 'T ACT COMP By— CPN NO DATt Ar LI ATI N10 1 _ set �a t jf.. P i►i'F�v �r DIM ' TCA ,.tJ-y4 N I .....-.._.� W P. — REO II[c T MASTERS C(, -1PANY NORTHWEST CORPORATION 6100 S.W. Macadam Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 Telephone: 503.245-4105 503-245-4184 B I D FINANCING: °"bruary 3, 1984 Financing for our customers Ms. Mary Buruam 14235 S. W. 97th HOMES Tigard, OLeg,)n 9/ 223 Energy Efficlen' and Soler Dear Mary: We are prepared to do Lhe sidewalks for Lhe sublivision known as "Solarcrest" for Lhe sum of $4,75 a lineal foot which equals $5,000. OFFICE This bid is good for a period of one year. C_ONDOMINIUMS_t Sincerely, MASTE CO ANY NORTHV;B$T CORPORATION i ,VHOLESALERS J Bob T. Briggs, PresideiiL BTB:bh DISTRIBUTORS: GENERAL CONTRACTORS: MOTELS JOINT VENTURES RONDED 0 LICENSED 0 INSURED 0 RF.CJIS1'ERED i- 3i- �� �0 l/{ c� /1 (c.rj'q'� c! �c,�o h � � Q', a� 7'���C /j r�.�. �c/� � � /, �.+1 �r�y.. �"1 �U' /Q r C Y' OS 7 .7 t�6�(v(�!rte, STAFr REPORT TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT TIGARD CITY HALL 12420 SW Main Street, Tigard June 29, 1981 DOCKET: SUBDIVISION, S 6.-780 (Solarcrest Subdivision)�i.tb �Ci 11)l APPLICANT: Billf and Mary Burnam Owner: Sime 14235 SW 97th Tigard, Oregon 97223 CONTACT: Dorner & Tunks, Inc. Suite 306 , 519 SW Third Portland , Oregon 97204 APPLICANT DATE: October 9, 1980 SITE LOCATION: Approximately 300 feet south of McDonald just west of SW 97th Avenue (Washington Co. T .x Map 2S1 11BA, Tax Lot 1000) NPO #6 REQUEST: To create a twelve (12) lot subdivision on a 2 .9 acre parcel in an R-7 zone "Single-family Residential" SITE DESIGNATION: The site is presently zoneu R-7 and is designated R-7 "Single-Family Residential" on the Comprehensive Plan. PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 23, 1979 , the City Council approved a Zone Change 'LC 7-79) from Washington Co. RU-4 to City of Tigard R-7 . On July 17 , 1079, the Planning Commission denied a Conditio,ial Use request (CU 13-79) to construct duplexes on the property. On September 4, 1979 , the Planning Commission denied a Conditional use request. (CU 16- 79) to construct three -iingle-family attached FINDINGS OF FACT: 1 . The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval in accordance with Section 17 .05 .010 of the Tigard Municipal Code to subdivid-a a 2 . 9 acre parcel into twelve (12) lots with a minimum lot size of 7500 square feet, four (4) dwelling units per acre maximum density . 2 . Applicable policies from the NPO #6 Plan are as follows : Policy 2 . The maximum overall density of development will be four dwelling units or twelve (12) persons per gross acre . This amounts to a standard of ?500 square feet of land per swelling unit allowing for streets and other open space. Some areas will have a lower d, itsity owing to topogranhy , existing development patterns , ur the desire of individuals co own a larges lot . STAFF Ri:PORT S 6-80 Page Two Policy 3. Residential subdivisions will be developed with paved streets, curbs and gutters , street lights, and walkways, according to City standards . All utilities will be placed underground. Policy 4 . Development will coincide with the provision of public streets, water and sewerage facilities . These facilities shall be (a) capable of adequately serving all intervening properties as well as the proposed develop- ment, and (b) designed to meet City standards . Policy 6 . The single-family character of the area designa- ted on the plan map as urban low-density resi- dential is viewed as a positive asset to be retained. Projects proposed for this area must be judged according to affects upon this character. 3. Section 17 .06 .065, Tigard Municipal Code, states that : "No preliminary plat for a proposed subdivision and no map or major partition shall be appro-,ed unless the Planning Director finds: (1) Streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivisions or maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction, and in all other rF.spects, unless the City deter- mines it to be in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern; (2) Streets and roads held for private use are clearly indicated on the tentative plan and all reservations or restrictions relating to such private roads and streets are set forth thereon; (3) The preliminary plat complies with the comprehensive plan, the applicable zoning regulations within this title; (4) There will exist adequate quantity and quality of water and an adequate sewage disposal system to support the proposed use of the land described in the proposed plat. 4 . The site slopes to the north-northeast. There are some existing buildings . The existing house and garage will remain, the barn will be removed . Surrounding land uses include the following: single-family residences to the north and south; the proposed Husvar and Lautt subdivisions to the east; to the west, the proposed McDonald Acres single family subdivision . c STAFF' REPORT S 6-80 t Page Three 5 . Sewer service is available. 6 . A storm drainage plan shall be approved by the Public Works Iaire. ':or prior to issuance of Building Permits. 7 . rhe existing right-of-way on SW 97th is fifty (5O) feet . A dedication of five (5) feet along SW 97th shall be made to the City. Improvements of SW 97th shall be made to Collector Street Standards . CONCLUSIONAR ' FINDINGS: 1 . The proposed plat conforms to the NPO #6 plan for use as residential development . 2 . Sewer and water are available to the site . 3 . The proposed project has not been reviewed by the Tigard School District. 4 . A storm water drainage system should be orov.ided. The plans to be reviewed and approved by the Public=—Works–Department. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1 . A School Impact Statement shall be filed with the Tigard School District. 2 . A dedication of five (5) feet to (30) feet from centerline along SW 97th shall be made to the City. Half street improve- ments are required to collector street standards on SW 97th prior to the issuance of Building Permits . 3 . No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon this development by the City of Tigard have been satisfied and inspections verifying this have been carried out by the appropriate department. 4 . No changes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless Eormal application is made to the appropriate City department, and changes are approved by that department . Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable dr.aaings . 5 . Grading and consti,uction plans for all work in public rights-of-way and all other public improvements shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer in accordance with City standards, and shall be submitted to the Public Works Department for review. 1 MR&M���MEMAMMUL-Me STAFF REPORT S 6-80 Page Four All public improvements will require a Compliance Agreement and must be (desi.gn) approved by the Public Works Department, and must be either ( 1) fully and satisfactorily constructed prior to the recording of any pia}�lic dedication, final plat or issuance of Building Permits , (2) bonded to the City for 100% of the estimated cost thereof prior to the recording of any public dedication, final plat or .issuance of Building Permits; or a successful public hearing for an LID prior to the recording of any public dedication, final issuance of. Building Permits . 6 . All existing and proposed utilities shall be placed under- ground . Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works . 7 . A metes and bounds legal description and map shall accompany a dedication of public rights-of-way , and shall be prepared by a registered engineer or land surveyor. 8 . All streets and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt . All. sidewalks shall be concrete . 9 . "Hardboard" plat shall be prepare for approval by Public Wor'-s Department , Hardboard plat shall reflect the Preliminary Plan approved with this report. -- ---V'i I _-- C� Prep c y Pl.iz beth Ne ton Approved b ZCAldie Howard NOTE: Sign below to acknowledge conditions set forth for this project and return to the City of Tigard Planning Department . Failure to acknowledge will. result in rLo furthe action on this project with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval . Signat�,�P - Applicant l Di to _ �,�4- ( ,�� �i��•��:_.��ss-���,��__�_•'� ��._1.1 .1 Signature - Darner & TiIMFs► C Uat:e,x ,/ MfsMORANDOM TO: A1dic Howard FROM: John Hagman SUBJECT: McDonald Street L.I.D. — Mary Burnhain Tract DATE: May 28, 1981 There is a problem developing along SW 97th Avenue with regard to the number and location of side sewer service stub—outs for the Mary Burnham Tract. The project construction plan illustrates installation of five (5) services for lots abutting 97th and one (1) service for a 'sixth lot' at the future intersection of a proposed subdivision roadway intersecting 97th. S-ibsequently, via the L. I .D. , we are providing sewer service(s) for six (6) lots abutting; SW 97th Avenue for the Burnham (future subdivision) tract. It has come to my attention that there is disagreement as to the total number of lots which Mary Burnham desires to develop and the number of lots which your office desires to approve, therealong. Therefor, , it appears to me that a potential sticky-problem' is likely to arise, namely: Mary Burnham could claim that the City has already set the stage for creation of six lots, therealong, by fact of sewerage service installation and, also, by fact of having charged her for such via the final assessment levy. If the aformentioned is deemed a fairly reasonable premise, then I would request that you advise us of the number o' lots that should be provided with service therealong, so that we don't crec.te a future adverse situation for your office. The L.I.U. contractor is already wo-king so it is necessary to expedite construction change orders in the event that it is desirable to eliminate some of the 'to—be installed' services. MARM Company t! Northw, ;t. Inc.. RE: SOLARCREST SUBDIVISION General Telephone Company of the Northwest , Inc. , has been requested to furnish verification of the availability of telephone facilities to the above described subdivision . Our assurance that telephone facilities will be available cannot be provided until the following requirements have been satisfied: 1 . All front , side, and rear lot lines where telephore facilities are to be placed shall have a 5.0 foot wide utility easement recorded on the final plat . 2. All lot lines where telephone facilities are to be placed shall be clearly staked. 3. A finished grade must be provided where telephone facilities follow front , rear , and side lot line easements . 4. The cost of relocating telephone facilities as a result of faulty monumentation or a revision in the approved design or scope of the developmert shall be borne by the subdivider or developer . 5. A three week prior notice of trench opening is required to schedule manpower and stage material . 6. Excavpte setbacks off the main trench line for cab1P acces.., to pedestal locr.tions. 7. Provide all trenching and road crossings as specified by GTE Outside Plant Engineering drawings . Kenneth Hendrickson is the project engineer for the development and can be reached at 643-0370 Please acknowledge receipt of this notification by signing and returning the attached copy in our self- addressed envelope . R. Olsen Engineering Supervisor DEVELOPER INFORMATION Name : Contact : Maxnj Burnham Address : 14235 S. W. 97th Avenue Tigard, Or, 97223 Telephone Number: 639-9272 Name of development : Solarcrest Subdivision ignature oD—ev—>—e-1-op er Acknowledge Receipt_ Copy to : i i j SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGPEEMEN'1 THIS AGREEMENT dated the day of 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and MARY BORNHAM hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in I Washington County, a subdivision plat known as SOLARCREST SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 11, T2S, R1W, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional r -gineers for subdivision development ; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupanc, and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Pet-ioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply vith all subdivision standards as seE forth in said Svibdivision Ordinance ac.., t're standard specification adopted by the City of 1:oard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To PRaurc co►leli.nnce with the City's requirements and :he provisions hereof, P:ctitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 14, 395. 76 _ a copy whereof hereto attached and by this r?ference made a part hereof. (7) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to ass re completion within thr_ time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the ay to Petitioner and Petitioner' e sureties, and such default and failure to proceed continuin; thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought , Petitioner and Petitioner's Sur^tics premise and agree to pay, in addition co the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as ch- court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court , if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard , and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's tees a,id costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court , if any. (4) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof., has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street_ lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize tbn street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount being $ 214.43 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City's interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees.* (6) the City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 123. 19 (y) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City q good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of $ 2,879. 15 to provide for correction -5 any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements have been mer, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to tentatively accept the public improvements subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a reriod of one year as hereinabove set forth. (8) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and :imitations: *Project Fee $ 575.8.3 Sewer Fee -2- .w (a) None of the lots of Petitioner 's subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy perr,it is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that =,11 sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed tht..-1ghout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Cont-act. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot_ in the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. (c) After tentative City acceptance of the public improvements , the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads within rhe development ; placement scheduling to be approved by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified thecetofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Coannission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the sitbdivision ordinance, couditiocs specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plans(s). (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as Pll public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petiticner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met , the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, aid release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. (10) The parties hereto he,-eby adopt. the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have sai=l bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with Lite execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executed on behalf of the City. (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be incl"ded as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond aad the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner with respect to any requirement thereof. -3- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petiticner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its 9jard of Directors has caused this agreement to be execute(, and the City acting pursuant to resolutian of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly geld on the day of. 19 has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. By: 'IV THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON by: Mayor 4y:_ Reco rt e r 0 �" `,'SOI '''►-;, _ arL o i �2 i_ t vl I kA L I yti �05'�o�14_L' I , 0 hi .bZ,9t� . /v ./A ZIC!C49 1V Cr) s W z ti �� 7-0 9� o---- malbko M,,�S,9•b .99N M,Lfi,5�,88 N L4 ih Cl 1 0 m Ov ,- r i N "► m o'Zb c r- I E' b4" ti I lo t, 'b' — ' .16 oi ,80'9S£ 99 S S/ 9SE �o S 'K 10=( PI-&H �p eurI 5 .N "ro j PIaH • I_° S ,01'0 N J T/, •Pum S v7vrvop ivy n'1 'S 3 ,L Z.9�►.8sa S '�•-- 3,E0,1 Z.SE 5 sPF►'�' LZ 'fb a0'1 :37YJ5; 1yolO .0'0s = a .96 'tZ = 0 .r''� �S� .00 .Lt .tS • V . Lt 'Z2. = � '' �-L'7 oos •� 1iOt 401 .Zb .fZ .SZ = D 3 ,♦1 ,it� .£t S 3„L06Z;AR 5 A1 ,9Z,ZI,�Z N 0if 2 ,eo let = �� , 95'S£ : 1 . tif•Et - 1 0'02 `t! . 0'09 * V , O ,pZ 9 b — -- 99 , 50 .06 * 7 .00.5b •Ob • V .9b .ZL .QE O 71 C't A „- Loi .J 12' 48' G = 40' 45' 00' 4 : 90' 05' 56' .-- — R 20. 0 ' R - 50.0 ' R= ZO. O ' L - 13-34 ' L = 35.56 L= 31. 46' LC = 13. 09' LC. 34. 82' C - 28.31 N 24" )2'28' W S 8r• 23'07"6 S 43' 4f' 1¢" E 1l e = 25' 23' 4z' Lo+ 10 R- 50.0' 2 L = 22.17 ' ,& - 51' 17' 05- 5� iC_f' L C = 21. 95' R = 50.0' CtGE' N 17'47'555 W LG- 43 2 ' 5- 0l-OYL 5CALc . l"= 50' L. S 35027'03'E' 88'46'27' E S.W. MCOOlVACD Sr. 1^ Fm d. I.R. N 0.10` 357. 01- Held 357. 0/'Held For N. .5 Line Fwd I I.P, N. 0.31' - a 0 Held For rnd. S c lR, 32' 5 88'+6'.56",--: !- 4- � o 8b'46'.56"E 5.W. ELR05E ST. .356.08'O /13.91 N 'AMI 42. 1 2 � • Fnd 'f a c -Ji I N (atef7:7 73.8 7 5 ILd" ° o ;% poi� � s + 4 ,� N 86°454.7"W F- 1J 88' 465 ..'CL d." ¢8" 21 W 1 81✓.C2' GOi W a g� Z4 a 133CO A �' 1 W 6 N-68'33'ZN 48'24' W n p 93. 6W ry L \�,,.�y.7 / ' `dye°► /��v, N N LIS* 4.,Q'`4 J' 5)3. `,t5' A. 1� O -- CITY OF Ti ARU ®EVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FEE COI',JPUiAI'ION St-14 E PROJECT NAMEain-�-�-�r l '�T Scrod"'Is� M PROJECT N0. (I) PROJECT FEE (City ord. 68-48, Sec. 101 Par.�A11). ,�. 'G o)Total Estimated ImproveMent cost . . ... --� b) Less ccn. sewer est, const. cost........... S �` Ad justr d improvement � .S 3 C) .04 x (subtotal) - . . . . . . . . . . . (2) SEWER FEE (U.S.A. res. 70-12,See.9, Par.'IB°): a)Sewer plan check fee a Inspection tee , ) 10.00 X EorJ (no, of tote) 100.00 min. b) Permit fee 9 connection charge paid. --r-3 c) 3ev+er district contract surcharge p) (district nam* (3) STRECT LIGHTING FEE : a) P.G.E. lighting schedule no._�/ b) Mthly rote option. ...... . no,_�--- (type Wight f iument ..�.5 X �- (mthly rate) (no.of Ilgh's) �_ type of poleo it% cotr •'�' f Qp X G ' (meh!y rate) (no.of lights) a'�p il— lyr. = 12 mth's (tubtdal) 2yr.=24mth't !� -Lx �/ _,��i/3.!L (°?o,. . .. AXL-0--- (tubtClal) (no,of meht) (4) SIGN FEE (Item Wnstallation) (aer sign) (no.of tlgn) STOP RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY --, X STREET SIGN •/f. !�l X h rZ�Lrt= CO!48.STOP/ST.NAME 'X a � NO PARKING •X ------ -_._��_ X mmol. type hh X 'mutt. type) Y ..... .. . . . . . �; .1 q- - RECEIPT N0. DATE PAID check M GRAND TOTAL 3 --��-� cash C3 mcney order a ( litserl: sewer,strcot,ur CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON w,VELOill—ENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET 1. PRCjECT No. 11. PROJECT NAME: !TI. DRAWING (TITLE) dated:—/ IV, PLAT (TITLE) dated- V. SITE LOCATION: PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY-____­_____- Afldress­ Phone No.— Bind No. Exp. Date. (3) ENGINEERi Address Phone No._.­­.­­­—. (4) INSPECTOR:—— Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No.___.._. .. _-- (6) Cc,;IRAcrcps Su;ETY .40ENLYI.. Ad d i s Bond No. Exp. Date . sua-cowjkAcraps i 7-o CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION (P.W,) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly mirked APPRQVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, specifications, etc. ; I. SANITARY SEWER: (A) Commenced instaL',kion. . . .. ... .. .. , ❑ (c) Completed installation. .. .. .... . ....... . ...1. ❑ 1) As-built fiele] notes filed..... .. . .. . p a) Cn,— --rant to engineer. , . .... .. ❑ / / 7) As-built field notes received. . . ,.... ❑ _ / a) Filed in project folder. .,. ., ., (C) Inspected and Tested.. .. . . .. . . . . . . ..... . .. ,.. ❑ 11 Test nomonographs filed. ... , .,.... .,. ❑ (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. ,. . . . .,... .. . ❑ / / II. STORM SEWER: (A) Commenced installation.. . . . , , ... . . . ...... .. .. Cl (B) Completed installation. . . . 0 1) As-built field notres filed........... ❑ (C) Inspected. ... .. . . . . . I . , ...... .. . ..... ..... [3 (D) Tentatively Accented by City... . .... ......... ❑ / III. CURB: (A) Commenced installation.. . . ...... ............ . ❑ / / 1) Bench Marks sit. .I... ... . . ❑ 2) Branch Mark locations filed. . ... . .... . U (B) Comaletnd installotion...... .. ............... ❑ / (C) Inspected.. . ,... .. . .. .. .. . . ..... .. . .... a I / (D) Tentatively accepted by City..... . . .......... ❑ IV. STREET: (A) Commenced Grading. . ... . .. Cl 1) Sub-grade 'insrected. .. .. ... . .. .. ... I. ❑ a) Test data tiled. . . •... ..... ❑ b) Tentatively accel tedb,., City. p (B) Commenced rocking. .. . .. . ... ... .. . .. .... . .... . ❑ 1) Sub-base inspected.. ,... (3 a) Test data filed. . .. ❑ b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (C) Commenced Paving.. . . . ... .. I ..... .... .. ... ... . ❑ 1) Paving inspected. ..... . . . . ❑ a) Test data filed. . .. .. .. .... . 1 b) Tentatively Accepted by City, ❑ (D) Street tentatively acceptecl by City.,...., ... ❑ V. PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced grading. . . . ❑ / / 1) Sub-grade inspected. ,. ❑ / / a) Test data filed.. ,. .. b) Tentatively accepted by City. ❑ (B) Commenced Rocking....... 13 1 / 1) sub-base inspected... ... ... . .. .. . . .. . Li a) Te±4t ditty filn(l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ b; Tr:ntntivvly avicepteed by City. r) (C) Commenced Paving.. ..... ..... ........... ....... O ! / 1) Paving inspected.. . .................... a) Test data filed......... ...... O b) Tentatively ,rrPDtPd by City.... O (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by !ity...... O ! VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signs instPL:ed...... . .. .. ....... . (B) Traffic signs installed. . .... . .. .... ..... . .. O VII. SIDEWALK: (A) Commenced installation.. . . .. ....... .. ❑ ! / (B) Completed installation. .. .. . . .. . ...... . (C) Inspected. ..... . .. . . .. . . I . . ..... .. ... . . .... ... . O (D) Tentatively accArtAd by City.. ... .. . . .. .... ... A VIII. STREETLIGHTING: (A) Commenced installation, ....... . .. .. . ... p (R) Completed installation........ ..I...... ....... O ! / (C) Inspected..... ... ........ . .. . . (D) Tentatively accepted by City. , .. ., .... ., , , , (3 1) Authori+ation letter to Er egise filed D{. LANDSCAPE: (A) Commenced instAllation. .. ..... .. .. . . . .. . ... ... (A) Completed installation... .... . .. .. ...... (C) Inspected..... ..... . .. .. d / ! (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .. .... ... ....... p X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAGE: (A) Building rain drains inspected.. ..... .. .... ... O ! / (H) Culvert-- inspected. .....,, C3 -/ (C) Drairege ditches inspected. ... .. ....... .. .. ... (3 / / (D) Tentetively accepted by City. ....... ... O NOTE: PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIEW FILE TO INSURE COMPLETIOV OF CHECK LIST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved,Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets „{�i✓ �ROG, ..E:S'rJ la v.�P,.\ \11G+, '`J��.aYE fit.S /�C.�lo I to I/fit \v