NAEVE STREET O�✓t:LQ�'1�I! TiD INsf71iLC .jrJ Xrr4[/4iVrS VAI r �'X/1�►'�N4► /SOL E'er NO TE- ' • • TI(ARn WATER 0/5TR/4f7- T-O 1N5TAC L 1woZ66r 15LO`IIJA.4 7� gE poil)4E0 WAER me-r,-_145 ANO 5ER✓/GE �1C;.4/NS/ [JNO/5j"Ut� '� ELIRTH. CONNFG'TfDN ,=-90Af MA/N _M MEr'E,¢. � r \ Tme-r,-_145me-r,-_145 ' KEEP LUNC,<ZETE C:1E.�lR of ✓U/NTS- .•-�t/O r \ a �a , 14—:,55 01< E1 C,UNNEGT/0�1s 1�90M ME7_r�¢ 00 M/N/MUM e rJ.al�E ff"E7" GOND ATE 8 4�?i�vG %TJ GM TAO WI TAI • OROviL�E s6' CSF' s/4�',►-//Nc�s Al2EA AT Z --,Al TEE, wKe, BIENo, OR „G o' o;Mw 6RA✓S'L CUVER rL7W AGC_ M,4/N'S 154.OWU�F ,'IV .4N[� SE:RV%CE �prt/NEG ria�x /N ccwc. Mt`7eR dnX w cj E",k/ST/NG OOK/ER_ r-VZ eL ST,�EE�W CARR/C�1G7E E� L4•�/G EAST ENO OF } 7Z) Bc: kEL06:472S0612 TL.)T.aL) S40 TLS DF T%iAA'O ROdO m 20' S' E-�'�=�E OG" F._X/S7/N�.; G.�{�EL- RDAv /MF'ROVF�vIFNTS FUR _RUTH /2-rggc,X59 �tIGIEVE RD. -�f-;Y PIE�GG��G689J ST.�Wl�,�1RL� d/t�l�• /tiL? 73-A-�40 D/VL.Y" - _ GRA.G'E IN/GRAVE L- 74QCE OFA �1 — --t_ _ F�tJO OF RAV NT TO MAT�k ICu.2B — lZET4/N/Nc: T�� E,t;��7`,N, _— - -- w.�u� a r --- -- �F�-'I/I/,4Gc` P/TCf� 11;��C r i%.G: E�t/O CSF PA1 VE,ti1F.�VT � O O O O 5� \ 2•T%� I �T Z' � �3?'P,e�vEW.4�RB � �8''6�' -B'iy1✓xB"N1J,>r�'j�j(/ rEE I � -Ill- _ � � � EA10-6� TEE - - -- — �r cur;*// 'GyiN45 F3'�l �O A - ��- �- I L 25 '/ E / .t Ilk— — — SEZE CTG TACTEt �- ) 14 AA / E1�I,4 TE�,4 L 1'-6" /'INh4 /'ETA/N/i✓G `t!aCL �. BAL.�G? 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NAEV4E Ra�+o C90:55 sECT1aws (r�oV6A ai aj m m m m v. � a o LL! N i um 1986 3 .! OL r 0 0 i9 ul z z r. �- w m w 2 O J_ VI L 1 Ar'. _., ' �I 11111 i I►► II;j;"'Ii•,'IN"Ir'''"vl"-w.a4p�y"•w`K'7Y ', ,.�.� + r.-�•–. ....� - " .. M'"/1 ....- r....a...-.....w..,.v.,ry�..n..._ _ .�,..._—....+...–... .�...... __.,...,,,..o,.�. r+....,.�.–__,—._. X11 Int il�� I�IIi-�'1 1�1�1.( Ij1, 1 fill 11111 Ilt�ll VIII) 1111111 )Iilf�� I�lltll tlllt�l 1111111 1111111 111III1 1111119 111Ir11 1111111 1111111 FIIIIII ' ' , _ _ _ ' + b ' I �'.; � I � I 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ►�+����- ( --.-.-.2 3 4 5 6 - 7 r 9- 9 10 I I 12 'y DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE--IT IS DUE TO �• ''' l QUAI.ITY OF THE ORIGINAL oc 6z 9z a 9? Sz 12 cz zZ Iz oz 61 91 LI 91 %1 bl EI ZI II of 6 • 1 9 S r F z I"'�'" y ,,,/''' ��ttluulunllullunlnul�ullwllll►�►nlluttltutl►u►liiubu��l!mlm�b�ul►u►Inulnnluulnnitutlnnlnulunllltll►u►Illniu�t�i�ulcullntthn►Itltlltlu�tttdtntllltlhntlaw���ltl�llltllultlttnluttltutll� twl��ulwlluulttultt�t�uu1111► _ _ `+ JULY _Jt. •+ 1992 ,� r NOTE' • 7/6AR0 WA TER U/5 TR/ 'fT 7-0 /A/5 TAL LCO�/C.E'ETE i'�i?U5T f 3LCkK/�+.C�. 7-0 6e A t tWA7"cR m,-re=-As 44,)o SE,@V/,::�E ,4GAlNST" rJNI�/STUE E11FZrf% .; Y r.. • �.EBP CONGRE7E OF xW47✓U/NTS `r , r C. G • PG 01WA95R 7-0 /NSTAL L ,BLJ/G,v/NG .gcGE�n�2lEs CONAVEGT/DOLS' F"KOM ME772EA¢. • i 411VI, 1VA4 B +.,Q IJA4Z& 122-7- CpNG,4E7 E 6Eiq,PiNG TZ/ GM TAP WI7jLl n • PROVi pF .16' ec- 3141,1%411k1&15 AQEA A7- 2AC,c-/ 72°-E, w K , BEIV01 /'1 V4, OR 2'' I P7'" N//TN Z"6 V ,� co O' R/l k✓ 6,oZ4V�FL- CUt/ER I-L-W AGL. M.4/AA5 BLDK/! f" GGY.4T%ON. COR dG mvs:Fc N uj AMID SE-.Q✓/<F_ CON�VE<7iG�` /A/ GONC, METER LAX 3� , R'�y" °° Q P4;/E,G A2EA'5. _ �.64PK/C.�C�E --- --- -#•I ^ m EX/ST/N4 14-10WE42. 1--vGe6 �'T�2EE% RFZ!�,4pE 6 LDA/G QST ANO c� v Tb BE ,�'�l,OC1l7E��'Z 7L_-)TA�J S,,Yl. 7-0 Gir`1 G•� T/GAS -L' R0,4o I m f_=1 ;E Dom- EX/ST/NG G,4C,111eL AV111r11 /MP�DVE�vJENrS FoFz RUTH /z--r9-¢.69 �1EV� R1o. � y "06,1 m!4, qJ sT, VO,4� 0416, SVG? 73-A-Z�G ZO' 5' Ir OF ,� P•4v �v/ENT Tn i1'A �/ EX/ T- - __ F E I _�R8 GRAG�E W GP.AVE1_ OF- I ,QET N/�iU � .�A!% 'T � O 0 5 `� 2-�.% I F17-.Z - � N .3?'�P/✓fW.4 (.�RB '8'6✓ /'d'%19✓X B..MJx�"�Y�/ TEE O` I GC.IJC, END GK' TEE LUT W/Z'WI14,G5 g'pl, \ _VAR/ES = - -- Ilk .� V�FZ/ES .SEE_ FROG/ t o to y"N1.ax I L A-- f;,L E7- 25 ' -__ =_ - - - - __ T-- - - - - _ \ �Ro5�-S,!53C71,I)Aa S �i' CuRd F/_cEr o :::::. ..... ... t s QC S.EGECT NAT/tie 4147_,5914L U) ` ' LEAT /� // Gf�AiCL's07.4EA. F 7. /NNG 6 „ ��' 'T 70 EXL57- I -- 3 C!_ASS B/C 49PRAe-T/C p o 15 I'-a' Wtxl_Wf I I 1407F�2 L//S/e '� �\ - `%tib CON"C�E'E TE �2 -/'%" G/F`! > Lu r&i F,'OCX/GRAI�EL • VALVE BOX VEXTENS10N W RU CK/GFA VEL _ FINISH GRACIE A C I 4C z IL F,r": HYDRANT GOTLET C�' F�iGATE VALVE } c j - w / M \ 1 w COVER RGYIC w/TAGS. — MAIN (SEE PLAN) Ap4P><R I�FORE _� I • � • T14R(IST BLOCK S ST \ ` NT �� S C:7 v MIN BE ARING i� 3 SO FTEB SEEK_ I I/?' -O ROCK r,OMPA(.TEO �� / \ I ZO 1-0 i / / \ � cr� A7�,� �►�Yr✓��lAIT e�'CA N Q o �� o wLU z Z Y LLJ _j -50' � ^ x — o o � a o R 7IN Xf'1�SURE \ I `� �. N J T�MF'0 ,2Y COlJRsE ----� w w y V W Ill CURB 2/ U w 0 N II , N — mCL Q V -- -- — — � - — --- � W civ. _ c� ti 240 — — 240 z 70 M,47?W EX/ST//V4o Lr --=—f?Gz4o �O2WEK:AY f� ,tlEt�v P,�J E/wc`NT C �' _ - - --- - Q I s ��Z/ '. r_—_— ----- -- cnu,4sE ,ate. Z �.240F_ W17'1-1 6AL74I/EZ_ 7Z) _ - r -- 23U T�'�/CAG CZ1i ..8 ,D�7A1& 4� // /2-t00 13100 /¢ 100 /�j tpO 0IL �, In NTS �, z 41 IN yN, �1 ® z Q W Yi N � h .n'-c" u w c7 � %4 PROFILE Vto V z 0 X to I � TYP 51 -zra Q% EXISTING GROUND- C P6Aq4E.5:5E0 09512=. WAY �✓Ts E C O 240 -- --_ - _ - - ----- --- ----. . - --- - O h Q � W W 235 - ----- - ----- - ----- ---- ------------ -- - - ---- .._ --. --- -M 235" LL 0 L - , G W J _ Qa - -J � A 22 5 --ry 5- /4t 2.� 22 5 - - - - I - - _ L.. //t•- /3�OD /3t50 - - NAEkl4E ROAD CROSS SECT/OA/S O YRI< ,Az _. c� N �-��`r:- = /" = s ' JUL i 3 1986 up 0 Lu 7 z w (p w I. 0 -t 0 7 LL .. .....",. ........._..,-..., ......re •111k411C� t :,..... .:.. .. .!.K! ��^'-'!'x'.'^•'^: 1 •'•'••""""""'f•`ry9 rr►•rnrr �,... ,...aw. -._„. .,- .^ .. 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N G C1- Y 0 C (n o 0 Z) aw � CD M u :1 W O� CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 89-.,.�) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS KNOWN AS SW NAEVE STREET PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. WHERFAS, the City executed a Street Dedication Compliance Agreement dated September 8, 1986, with Tualatin Development Company, a division of Hayden Corporation, to facilitate installation of public street and streetlighting facilities to City standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's puarantPe bond;" and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requirements of the City have been met; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1.: The Tigard City Council hereby accepts the public street and streetlight improvements known as SW Naeve Street public improvements. Sertion 2: The Tigard City Council authorizes release of the Petitioners guarantee bond. PASSED: This czi day of (- !Ll _ --' 198 , ATTEST: ./Ma or - City of Tigard DWputy Recorder - City of Tigafd ke/9516D RESOLUTION NO. 99-30 PaP,e 1 Win lilks EMU11111 11 • �� [D1■ III 1 � 111 • ��� � [� 11��j ►1� �1 u ■ '�•� 1� ill ii1 �� ■ ��� ♦• � __ 111 � � �1111 L 111 111 �r�r■ i �II� 111 ■■ %/h = 111 �, ��I� •� ,�■ ��II�1� 1����� 1111 x• 1 -• .I1 • a — 7-- =N � ' �Ilul 11111�1� f1 ■ CIL JF TIGAIM EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST :6 I This form is a multi—use form. Where appropriate receipts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple documentation to form. VENDOR NO: I DA'-'E: — —g PAYABLE T0: �� a tics Requested by: 9 0 'c m, t,� -1 7T r, wmwwnwmmaa----mm--a--a=ma-a--nnancanaaacaacQnanncannawmw:s--waaannmaaa:awnwwwwww MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, memberships, etc.) : Date Description Account No. Amourt 4-/.u. 9 1✓IrQ�b c. cosi 10— z 00C) f LEA, V 7 _ z c � e _ ►� s ►ti zevr_ RecA UO o3I�9 — mrwm-ma-w-w-www--- n m- -v weQ- -a nacaa nn r n a ca ac c s c a a a--a m----am..... GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: -Date Description- Amount Account Number to be charged: Total wm-wwwmwm---w-mes-m-m-----m-w--.ram--mmm--mama-------mw--------m-w--------av-.aa MILEAGE: Date Descri don: (Iicludp end/start readings and total miles-) Amount Account Number: Total Q ----------------------- '77"" miles x$.21 --------m-v-am-nmmm--m--Qesa aQQ-m ------a----------Qc-a-a GCQ APPROPRIATION [BALANCE: _v AS OF: V Signature APPROVALS (if $215.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : (up to $500.00)Section Manager _ Purch. Agent (=500.01—$5,000.00)Dept. Head/Purch. Agent Its � CIT OF TKARD EXPENDITURE REIMBURSEM.c.NT REQUEST 1 6 This form is a multi-use fcrm. Where appropriate recei,-3ts must be attached. Documentation is important for all purposes. Staple docuiaentation to form. VENDOR NO: 1 c t f /� DATE: � - ZA PAYABLE T0: prt�i.«� Ge-ke-+4 L„ eco-, lam, Request ;d by: 4 S5 5 W.-Ol '$G-a•,, � 0", cl-l0o-? v amaa a v a a msaaaaa aaa a. m a m mo g a m mag am am svgs a m m a o gamma as mm e,m mavaaa a nataaa vvmamam m a MISCELLANEOUS (parking, books, subscriptions, dues, membe::stips, etc.) : Date Description rr ,Account I4c• Amount vu�L�\a �&►� o� ��Feu e ,11S �. Z 10 ZZo o- 545.83 -- e.c� svgsavvavrrvvaavasaaavvavaaaaasaaamaaamaaavaaaa�,•aammvaaai:amn,aaaavaamaaaaammama GENERAL MEAL EXPENSE: -Date Description Amount i Account Number to be charged _ Total ass�ssaaaaaaavavvaaaaaavaaaar.•aaaavaaaaac uaaaase+masaaavaaaav�aaaaavavammaaaasaa MLLEAGE: Date Description: Gn—lude end/start readings and total miles-) Amount l1 Account Number: c _r-=Totalc�a_ miles x$.21 g r aamov av mmmamamaaamaaaamm¢aavr_ccv vma¢mammaaaamaaamar..=�m�¢a=nnv¢m APPROPRIATION BALANCE: A., OF: Signature APPROVALS (if $25.00 or under may be reimbursed through petty cash) : (up to $500.00)Section Manager Purch. Agent _ ($500.01-$5,000.00)Dept. Ilead/Purch. Agent WM MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNT rc _ � PLEASE PAY TRANSACTIONi. CODE ACCOUNT NUMBER DATE S AMOUNT 429965 4/19/89 545083 COMPLETION DATE: Due Date: 30 Days SERVICE CHARGE TEMPORARY SERVICE r RECEIVED City of Tigard SERVICE TRENCH Attn ,John Hagman + PO sox 23397 APR 24 1989 UNDERGROUND CHARGE Tigard OR 97223 eff- uft�:rc�cp�•»t L J OTHER SERVICE ADDRESS FouMAKE CHECKS Fountains Apartinents, SW Naeve kd PAYABLE C TO KEEP THIS PORTION �.. _1ri5ta11 TWO StreetliahtS PGE CO FOR YOUR RECORD PLEASE RETURN THIS STUB IF PAYMENT IS BY MAIL PLEASE BRING ENTIRE BILL IF PAYING IN PERSON C].­IY Of" UGARDO—ORE.GON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY AGENDA OF: D A'1 1:-* GODMI-I It A): 1989 TI PREVTOUS ACTION: TON: f�o ce Aqr ISSUE/AGENDA r: Resolution _2MIian eement acceptinq SW Naeve Street ic accepted on September 8 1986 improvements PREPARED BY: John Haqman U.S"I'EI) BY: munity, Devlp. E�qML, DEPT HEAD OK REQU .............. ..................... ....... POLICY ISSUE ........................................ ................. INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . The SW Naevc Street improvement is located east of SW Pacific Highway, fronting "The rountains" development at Summer-field subdivision. Goo the attached location map, 2 . All public improvements have now been satisfactorily complet.od and have withstood the rf?quired one year maintenance guarantee period. 3 . The Engineering Division certifies that the improvement is now acceptable and that all requirements have been met. 4. Therefore, it is recommended that (in accordance with the terms of the project agreement-) the City Council accept the public improvements, namely -- street and strootlighting facilities for, City operation and maintenance responsibility, and further, that the Council authorize release of the assurance bond. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED None; the (City-Developer-) project agreement specified City Council acceptance upon satisfactory completion of all City requirements, FISCAL IMPACT I . City assumption of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the public street and streetlight improvuments specified above. qqF.jLEQ. ACTION Pass the Resolution titled: "A RutiOL0110N ACCEPTING IMPROVIIMI-NlS KNOWN AS SW NAEVE STRI-.--(-T Piia—i, 'L—r. -'I'MPROVF:-MENTS." ke/9516D CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUTION RIO, 89- A RESOLOTION ACCE'PlING PUBLIC IMPROVIMIIVIE� KNOWN AS SW NAFV[ )U BLI:c IMPkOVEMIENTS. ...................... ........................ WHEREAS, the City executed a Street Dedication Complianco Agreement dated September• 8, 1986, with Tualatin Development Company, a division of Hayden Corporation, to facilitate installation of public str,00t arxi str-eetlighting facilities to City standards and specifications; and WHEREAS, said Compliance Agreement stipulated that: "At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's r-equir-ements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Dovolopmerit that all r•equir•ements of the City have been mot, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance r•esponsibilit-y, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond;" and WHEREAS, Department of Community Development staff verifies that all requir•cments of the City have been mot; and NOW, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED by the Tigard City Council that: Section 1: The rigar•d City Council hereby accepts the public street acid streetlight improvements known as SW Navve Stroot public improvements. Section 2: The Tigard City Council, authorizes release of the Petil:.ioner•s guarantee bond. PASSED: This ............... ., day of 1989, OTTEST: Mayor City of Tigard Deputy Recorder• - City of Tigar-d ke/9516D RESOLUTION NO. 09 - Page 1 T. _ ■ ` M ■ . r m oil WO Its Jill /111■ n •��� ��•� � I�� �\��� 1 1 ;� •• a ■■� �� � .. � �_ ��1 to ' ■ . ��1 ��►� � � II�IIrt�n�11� . �i �,1 ,,� i/ • .■■ ��1 11111 1 11111 � �l - Imt�i•t11�1�r -_ • .� - �r11111111111 111 !3 ■ AECEIV"- FGC� MAR 3 U 1989 Portbrid Genera! Electric Company February 10, 1989 a� John Hagman City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Pear John: Streetlighting: The Fountains Apartments The streetlighting proposal for this project calls for two 200-watt, 22,000-lumen high-pressure sodium roadway luminaires mounted on PGE Poles C21-lOD/6688 and 6689. A sketch indicating the locations is enclosed. The monthly charge under the provisions of Schedule 91, Option B (energy and maintenance to luminaires installed and owned by the customer), of the current tariff is: 2 - 200 W121,O00 L HPS roadway luminaires at $6.54 each - $13.Ue/month 2 - Existing PGE line poles --------- ------------------.-- 0.00/month 'notal Monthly Charge --------------•------------------ $13.08 PGE will install and sell back to the City t;ie street.lighting equipment.. We will bill you for the actual coat of the equipment and labor, not to exceed $700. John, if this proposal meets with your approval, please return a signed copy of this letter as authorization for installation. Sincerely, Brian Moore n Service & Design Consultant 643-5454, Ext. 351 .S --Z4 - 89 , J� Date of Approval Signat BJM:ksh6B18 Enclosure 3 - - Bill Code 46156 Date Completed 5i nature Option B Western Division-14655 SW Old Scholls Ferry Road—Beaverton,Oregon 97007--6435454 1 1 r .R/ Q � h � J J i 2 W 0 U f I� W N Q I 3 35 U 1— F-- uJ — Y O Z U Q � • J c/) co U -1}�Irr11 � 'II-=•11---IL.._.rl-_ ..... , .. , _... rnar uuncawe oanr<. - I�- ; iL(_. MAN PROPERTIES NORTHWEST ' 1 j Fvivsf ol Head Office ' Ili Il�ll'+'LI' iF'I q I),Ar —- . Head nd,OR 0(i MHA K ISLAND DR. PORTLAND, OREGON 97217 Porthnd,OR9720( _ it 45779 ' Il(i-li---11=•{I-_.11=•!I--I � • _ - , � �' 24.�z� aoa I —II_1i--fl I-�11-T-11 ,,�Z3o 14;I N{ii II II II=-all 1l�1 II .r. DATA 17-89 01`3 - —Iron+e. l �ll=li=1} Z �q oo fl �1=iq�Lt�I.oft=Tigard 11—'111_ II= 11=11= tl: HILLMAN PROPERTIES NORTHWEST Ii t1�I II I�II�r t 1 --Mi 1 I,?-- I 1 's.~ ; I''11=11-11-�~II ) III ''Y i u•NATu•it �II � fly 11=11==f1��1 ��'Oi�O� 5 7 7 9u' 1: L 2 3000 1 2 31:00 3 0 2 5 240 9�I' AUY~a•ua�l•,��Tu� Yrf:11 Its--II—II _ _ t — .... _ X11-�-r►-- 1►=_ ,r --_.. ._ _ -- - .. . . - - - - __- _ _ - 'I);11 11-• - — rl '�� �f LMA eROPERTIES NORTHWEST,PORTLAND,OREGON r—.I I"dic( . --^DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT . DISCOUNT ',.'NE AMOUNT II:Ij=il�I'ILiI II�I�Iljl II 1i—I{jj- --___ -- - 11==11=It=1l=tia Itl i'ta_llation of street lighting at SW Naive St. _ Fountains at Summerfield - last condition ^I ll=if=111=11=����F-�+•- � 1 -11= 1t.0 satisfy project agreement with City of Tigard and r lease fl�of-maintenance bond. $700.00 r_ HILLMAN PROPERTIES NORTHWEST 4O❑ NORTH TOMAHAWK ISLAND DRIVE RECEIVED PORTLAND,OREGON 972 1 7.7999 - - MAR 2 41989 15031 283-4 1 1 1 Ummunlh D"OO!""'f March 21, 1989 City of Tigard ATTN: John Hagman P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Bond #81071963 Dear John: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $700. 00 for the installation of street lighting at S.W. Naive Road adjacent to the Fountains and Summerfield. This should satisfy the requirements for Bond #81071963 , and we would appreciate your sending us a release on it as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Com, ,� Carolyn ' . White Coordinator Land Planning and Development cw encl COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERV'CES 11675 S.W. 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, ORFGON 97223 • (503) 639-4914 To DATE ATTN: �_ . JC,i{ti_�-� OUR PROJECT NO. WE ARE SENDING YOU ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _Shop Drawings _ Print`; V�Documents _ Specifications _ Catalogs _ Copy of letter jeTrac:ings other Copies Date Item _ n p � lw -) (�, rjF I I f c)y— 1" " C� .6 REMARKS COPY TOi2 �4Ap LC�i LLA If mater received is not as listed File (. above, le se notify us t once. 9/1/76 BY / 1 , .A., ELM-NUILM—ALM CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE R E: 1 This is to certify to the City of Tigard, Oregon, that the following item(s) have been installed in compliance with the City's street dedication improvement standards and specifi.cetions ; and that the following items are complete in accord with the approved plans, special specifications and con,:itions, as approved by the City, relative to the aforesaid project, to wit : (Project Engineer's Initials) 1. Sanitary Sewer System 2. Storm Sewer System 3. General Utility Systems: Domestic Water Electric Power Gas Telephone Cable T.V. Streetlighting 4. Street System: Subgrade Base --- Surfacing. . .Base Lift Final Lift Sidewalks Aprons b Ramps Curb ;. Monumentation System Certified this day of „L , 198 `1 © . Y: ±_. Project En 10 neer ! ' Firm: r w (0133S) CITY OF YISAF RD OREGON Janu.,ry 30, 1989 Hillman Properties Northwest � 900 North Tomahawk Island Dr. Portlai,d, OR 97217-7999 Attn: Carolyn K. White Re: Naeve Street @ "The Fountains" Dear Carolyn, It has come to my attention that an additional item needs to be completed before the City can accept the project work. That is, installation of two Cobra streetlights on exinting power poles on Naeve Street. The energy and maintenance monies were deposited with the City in accordance with item N4 of the project agreement, but the lights were not installed as required. If you have a question, please call me at 639-4171. Sincerely, John S. Hagman V ` ' O%ArL1 Engineering Technician jlh 4. i1 ► 3-b- C.Doq Cr 2; 4S Pm d�4cuss.rl sX.ce�� �� 5 u:n� �.i,s+t cln.+c I 13125 SW Noll Blvd.,R0,Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ---- I/V4 2--- 49 Poet-It'routing request ped 76114 ROUTING — REQUEST Please _ a READ To_ Ll� ❑ HANDLE ❑ APPRG and /}r �+ /•/L rLG y ❑ FORWARD ❑ RETURN �� KEEP OR DISCARD r for 0 ❑ REVIEW WITH ME Date F►me i CIWOF TIRD OREGON January 13, 1989 Hillman Properties Northwest 900 North Tomahawk Island Dr. Portland, OR 97217-7999 Attn: Carolyn K. White Re: Naeve Street @ "The Fountains" Dear Carolyn, I've determined that I will support and will initiate action to ,t9 cause City acceptance of this project, lith subsequent release of Bond #8107-19-54, upon receipt of the following: r 9 1. One as-built mylar, illustrating the 'new' improvement (Cooper's Job #77720). r 2. Certification of Installation Conformance (form enclosed). Both of these items need to be prepared by the project engineer, Cooper Consultants, Inc. , and may be submitted directly to me. I've enclosed a copy of the project agreement and have highlighted the portions of it which are relevant. As an aside.. .Mr. Joe Leopold has fully satisfied us that the street cross-secti.n is no longer an issue. Sincerely, _J 'ohn S. Hagman Engineering Technician jlh enclosures - 2 'A125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box 23347,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ---- /* k C-) %A 1zle e-I ee A41 CIIA 14, t4iA 5 arm TV ; Mlkt M . 56J14AEVE ST. � r'1TRuMT CT.b. t1.o� 11 - !3 -t 'P.- "14rsc W N AT Ir 1S T t+*.T N-AS pie�V�lTt"'D c'�t Arc c T I N CS S1.1b R.etmi.. %\T WPBS 1AMCET X�S�KT10N ►A CORP, %WAW 116L. CPnRTLANb- 1 '�rr N, , 4 -,.) W\T41lJ -rJO AE14b 4e-MLY.4 M SSOVEM %%� H(cs bFrtlC,r To RCSO`VS T4\S !g.sVE � kFT 9t Z SST Tek-..M ty0'C\cE Tt�l.[ '�ry�'. 4AT ISN r V►.�R�Sot.VEb V-M*" FROM, C �� ouR F\�.E� leu© ` I►•LSu 'L wou%.D �.\\�E -�o R,Eu1EW Tyr SETT sEvoRc \T 401s n� CORE TIGARD G ON November 1, 1988 Hillman Properties Northwest 900 North Tomahawk Island Dr. Portland, OR 97217-7999 Attn: Carolyn K. Whit- Dear Carolyn, Enclosed please find copies of acceptance resolutions for three of the four projects which you listed in your letter of. October 17, 1988. The project titled "The Fountains Street Improvement and Maintenance" (S.W. Naeve Street) has not been accepted by the City du? to an inadequate street cross-section. A representative of Tualatin Development Company, Mr. Jo Leopold, was to correct that problem but, to date, has not. Therefore, Bond No. 81071963 has riot been released yet. Sincerely, 1 John S. Hagman Engineering Technician JH/j.1h encl. (3) cc/file 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P.O Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 —— HILLMAN PROPERTIES NORTHWEST 900 NORTH TOMAHAWK ISLAND DRIVE PORTLAND,OREGON 972 17-7999 15031 283-4 1 1 1 October 17, 1988 City of Tigard ATTN: John Hagman P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Performance Bond Release Dear. Mr. Hagmn: The fol'.owing bonds are being held by the City of Tigard for subdivisions and street dedication. The work is now conpleted and we need you to release these bonds. BOND AMDURr PRDJE CT 81046807 SUBDIVISION $28,000 THE FOUNTAINS STREET'/SEWER (SUMPIf'.RFIETD DR. & S.W. 114TH CT) 81071806 SUBDMSION $3,000 COPPER CREEK III SIDEWALKS (BEIWF 24 PICKS LANDING & BAND ESTATES) 81071902 SUBDIVISION $27,040 THE FOUNTAINS SANITARY & STOW SEWER 81071963 STREET DEDICATION $41,927.59 THE FOUNTAINS ST=IMPfUVFL3qTT & MAIMI NANCE Thank you for your immediate attention on this matter. Sincerely, Carolyn K. `White coordinator Land Planning and Development cw T Jai ,, Na yM� Ac 86004511 CORPORATIGN Q PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT HAYDEN CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of One and No/Ino dollars ($ 1.00 ) from the City of Tigard, hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as neceesary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructiins on the following leacr:bed parcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, Washington County, $:ate of Oregon: .yam_&. E„ti,k,, „/9 IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full usit and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the Intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall Immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns in the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this easement Lo be e-.ecuted by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. HAYDEN CORPORATION Name of P0r$tr;on Corporate Seal B >e Y� President - Les Buell STATE OF OREGON ) By: �/ �• ( .- ..� h1tj Itnomah ) as. Asst. Secretary - at lJornine County of W%f9hkMNK6li ) Personally appeared Les Buell and Pat Dourine who, each being first duly sworn, did say that the former is the president and that the latter Is the AssistantsecreCary of HAYDEN COPPORATION a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said Instrument wan signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of Its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said InsRi+uAent to be its voluntary act and deed. 'a Notary Public for Oregon /KINO'TA'RIAL SEAL) My Commission Expires: 8/25/88 Approved Aa rr form this ��� day of I/l i,dc,L� , 19�_. tyC y Attorney - City of Tigard Approves as to legal description this day of /l�iy�lG�Fr _ 19 Cly•No It4t City of Tigard n � `� ' •L.t�c�r Appdoved illi; ��, _ day of 1r , „��/� 19s L. CITY CO NCIL, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON �(tJII •r f ity Recorder - City of Tigard �— V STORM AND SAMITARY SEWER EASEMENTS An easement for storm sewer and sanitary sewer purposes over and across a parcel of land being a portion of Lots 12, and 13 Willow Brook Farm lying in the Southeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon described as follows. Reginning at an iron pipe monument at the southwest corner of said Lot 12, which is also the initial point of Fountains at Summerfield Condominiums Phase 1"; thence North 01 06' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 250.22 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 00 06' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 709.65 feet to the southerly line of S.W. Naeve Street; thence Souto 630 05' 48" East along said southerly line 16.84 feet to a point which is 15.00 feet East (when measured at right angles) of the west line cf said Lot 12; thence South 0° 06' 14" East parallel to and 15.00 feet from the west line of said Lot 121533.04 feet; thQnce North 81° 36' 12" East 196.16 fEet; thence North 0° 05' 54" West 285.17 feet; thence North 150 17' 58" West 79.16 feet; thence North 26° 54' 12" East 65.90 feet to the southerly line of S.W. Naeve Street; thence South 63° 05' 48" East 15.00 feet; thence South 2.6° 54' 12" West 60.11 feet, thence South 15° 17' 58" East 75.37 feet; thence South 00 05' 54" East 132.43 feet; thence North 89° 54' 06" East 136.08 feet; thence South 0° 05' 54" East 15.00 feet.; thence South 89° 54' 06" West 125.00 feet; thence South 0° 05' 54" East 147.26 feet; thence South 11° 31' 36" West 183.68 feet; thence East 340.48 feet; thence South 570 51' 55" East 110.30 feet; thence North 110 56' 10" East 109.60 feet; thence Northeasterly on the arc of a 88.00 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 24° 33' 28", the chord of which bears North 890 26' 47" East 37.43 feet, an arc length of 37.72 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of the plat of "Summerfield No. 14" which is North 120 50' 00" West 37.00 feet from the northwest corner of Lot 704 Summerfield No. 14; thence South 12° 50' 00" East 24.00 feet; thence Southwesterly on the arc of a 112.00 foot radius curve to the right having a central angle 1B° 10' 37", the chord of which hears South 86° 15' 19" West 35.38 feet, an arc length of 35.53 feet; thence South 110 56' 10 West. 106.54 feet to the northerly line of the parcel of land conveyed to Farwest Associates Summerfield described as Parcel III in Recorders fee No. 85034702, Washington County Deed Records; thence North 570 51' 55" West 115.45 feet to an angle point in said northerly line; thence, continuing along said northerly line, West 345.50 feet, thence South 80.79 feet to the right-of-way line of SW 114th; thence Weste-ly on the arc of a 36.00 foot radius verve to the left, having a central argle of '4° 54' 03", the chord of which bears South 711 32' 06" West 27.50 feet, an arc length of 28.21 feet; thence North 120.04 feet; thence South 89° 54' 06" 2 West 173.22 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT therefrom: Beginning at an iron pipe monument atthe southwest corner of said Lot 12, which is also the initial point of "Fountains at Summerfield Condominiums Phase 1"; thence North 0° 06' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 265.21 feai; thence North 89° 54' 06" East 15.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 00 06' 14" West 138.95 feet; thence North 87° 36' 12" East 196.76 feet; thence South 00 05' 54" West 12.37 feet; thence South 150 07' 21" West 139.15 feet; thence South 890 54' 06" West 160.00 feet to the point of beginning. 7/103/45 V IF N m 799 nALt IN fttt Sri N 8 I IR ItA �p I w M S w �I 8 8$ ' N N•eA'oe•e Fa. z ..., ' 1ve on I = All 8� I N N'ea•e7-t 8. N.0 „ I t �•__ - x/07,82 - ua 701 h„ ---------------1e.7e1 J 69 n z w I e N•e.'oe•N � $ '�0 a8 1 9g R O 179 va --- fAo.40 e �8 a 11 10 319.00 \ R R IR „ g�l d LINE 7uR4,1N4 0177ANC1 I 1 82'0 .3'3 is. s M 63.01+•11.1 ee.10 R$ ( 1 9 01 31.03•u t 13.00 = J e ee•e.•fe•M N.f1 e e 00-05-84-g 18.00 1. 7 10•50'00'[ 64.00 r 7 ■ 00'08.544 11.37 8 hR 4 x0033401 37.40 t 7 19,'.1'1.3 90.001 $b cui 8g w I � SM CORNER LOT 12 WILLOW BROOK FARM I " CtA" RAotus WL7A L91010 w emm An 1 14.00 40.11'x• N O'N'q•e 37.19 17.71 1 116.00 04'84'17• 1 x'84,U•M >e.>s >e I 0]r.•e.•oY 1 71.73 0s'N v.eo 9,s a1 N'N N 1.37 e1w fro.<e 9,4 011 1 `y a ra718.073 49.9.•01•7e N•N'.108: N x•40'90.1 111.00 71 01' 14 \ 1 017,00 19,94,01• •N 10'00'00.1 39. 170.82 307. 1 1••.7'00'[ Ia7.0e 1911.82 13.49 73.9.'04' t L•40.2e•1 7 10.3 66.1 1 710.00 17'91'93• t 14,11 If,•1 137.10 187.to '" oV 01 0 I � I J� i DPti ti� Pati CITY OF TIGADD EASEMENTS 86OO4512 CORPORATION ,- PERMANENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 1 KNOW ALI, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT HAYC)EN CORPORATION. a Dela-tare corporation hereinafter called the Grantors, in consideration for the sum of One and No/100 dollars (t 1.00 ) from the City of Tiger , hereinafter called Grantee, grant and convey unto the City of Tigard a perpetual easement for constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an cnderground storm drainage line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees, and other obstructions on the following described �arcel of land, situated in the City of Tigard, flashington County, State of Oregon: IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD that this easement does not convey any right, title or interest except those expressly stated in this easement, nor otherwise prevent Grantors from the full use and dominion thereover; provided, however, that such use shall not interfere with the uses and purposes of the intent of the easement. IN CONSIDERATION of the premises, Grantee agrees that if said Grantee, its successors or assigns should cause said easement to be vacated, the rights of the Grantee in the above-described easement will be forfeited and shall immediately revert to the Grantors, their successors and assigns In the case of such event. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described and granted premises unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this easement to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. HAYDEN CORP00ATI0N Name o Corp �tcn Corporate Seal By. President -Les Buell STATE OF OREGON ) By: -_� .+-7 )I—, _ Multnomah ) Be. Asst. Secretary Pat om ne County of V"KtgKl �6X ) Personally appeared Las Buell and Pat Dornine who, eac eing first duly sworn, did Ra, that the former in the president and that the .atter iR the Assistant secretary of IN C:1PFID R tiLION a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that sal j n�trument was signed and sealed in behalf of Raid corporation by riutherAty,'of its board of dirertors; and each of them acknowledged Raid Inst a t%io be its voluntary act and deed. U Notary Public for Oregon �— '/�� "'(NO 1AL SEAL) My Commission Expires: 0/25/08 Apprdved as to form this ` day of ((tiU // , 19 (1 Ry t 1�,., 'I'( v ty Attorney Lldi* of Tigard Approved as to legal description this -lday of / 19�y . `t�q gyt c e - City o ,g er ••til ; . ,, Su►tlt�or A Approved .tlfi:* `, day of C 19 J) l I. : A CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TIGARD ity Recorder - City of Tigard cxti,6.� A„ STORM AND SMITARY SEWER EASEMENTS An easement for storm sewer and sanitary sewer purposes over and across a parcel of land being a portion of Lots 12, and )3 Willow Brook Farm lying in the Southeast gaarter of Section 100 Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County. Oregon described as follows. Beginning at an iron pipe monument at the southwest corner of ssid Lot 12, which is also the initial point of "Fountains at Summerfield Condominiums Phase 1"; thence North 0° 06' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 250.22 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 0" 06' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 709.65 feet, to the southerly lire of S.W. Naeve Street; thence South 63° 05' 48" East along said southerly ine 16.84 feet to a point which is 15.00 feet East (when measured at right angles) of the west line of said Lot 12; thence South 00 06' 14" East parallel to and 15.00 feet from the west line of said Lot 121533.04 feet; thence North 87° 36' 12" East 196.76 feet; thence North 0° 05' 54" Wes: 285.17 feet; thence North 15° 17' 58" West 79.16 feet; thence North 26° 54' 12" East 65.90 feet to the southerly line of S.W. Naeve Street; thence South 63° 05' 48" East 15.00 feet; thence South 26° 54' 12" West 60.11 feet, thence South 1S° 17' S8" East 7:,.37 feet; thence South 0° 05' 54" East 132.43 feet; thence North 39° 54' 06" East 136.08 feet; thence South 0° C5' 54" East 15.00 feet; thence South 89° 54' 06" West 125.00 feet; thence South 0° 05' 54" East 1"1.26 feet; thence South 11° 31' 36" Vest 183.68 feet; thence East 340.48 feet; thence South 570 51' 55" East 110.30 feet; thence North 11° 56' 10" East 109.60 feet; thence Northeasterly on the arc of a 88.00 foot radius curve to the left having a central angle of 24° 33' 28", the chore of which bears North 89*",;' 47" East 37.43 feet, an arc length ut 37.72 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of the plat of "S�mnerfleld No. 14" which 1s North 12° 50' 00" Weft 37.00 feet frum the northwast corner of Lot 704 Summerfield No. 11; thence South 12° 50' 00" East 24.00 feet; thence Southweste: ii on the are of a 112.00 foot radius rurve to the ri;ht having c central angle 180 10' 31". the chord of which r bears youth 86° 15' 19" West 35.38 feet, an arc ngth of 35.53 feet; thence South 110 56' 10 West 106.94 feet to the northerly line of the pa-cel t:f lend conveyed to Furwest Associates Summerfield described as Parcel IIi in Recorfiers fee No. 85034702, Washington County Deed Records; thence North 570 51' r�5" West 115.11 feet to an angle point in said northerly li,ie: thence continuing along %a-c, northerly line. West 345.50 feet; thence South 90.79 feet to the right-of-way line of SW 114th; thence Westerly on the arc of a 36.00 foot radius curve to the left, ',raving e central angle of 440 54' 03", the chord of whici bears South il° 32' 06" West 21.50 feet, an src length of 28.21 feet; thence North 120.04 feet; thence South P9° 54' 06" 2 West. 173.22 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT therefrom: Beginning at an iron pipe monument at the southwest corner If said Lot 12, which is also the Initial point of "Fountains at S-rmmerfieid Condominiums Phase 1"; thence North 0' OS' 14" West along the west line of said Lot 12, 265.21 feet; thence North 89' 54' 06" East 15.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 0' 06' 14" West 138.95 feet; thence North 87' 36' 12" East 196.76 feet; thence South 0' 05' 54" West 12.37 feet; thence South 150 01' 21" West 139.35 feet; thence South 89' 54' 06" West 160.00 feet to the point of beginning. 77703/45 3 I � e011L[fP/QT \ •4, I M � fA � I NI I ao I � I g '81 8 816 aw �w•e4'a•1 fax I 's# a 8 ,es.o9 r � . N 8� I M M'M'p•1 g' I w I I h• W.76 g0 s 9 �� ,a I• 12-22 I 16 PO /b"00'00'1 . 240. 173.11 48 •�• i Yof soloolooppm2i, ■ 9 J a a 161.00 so • 18 ENI �I• LINE MMI}1M 0}eT41,01 4 1.16'04'48.1 t/./4 S e 16.04 4 t e M'01'11.•V /011 4 goo, +•1.4•! 1/,.00 • e 4148,'00'! 34.00 I r Y 7 100.04/4.1 12.37 f / ,400'01'1/•[ 17.48 89 8t / / u 48 n•1 1o'00 gN � 8N • I � t SW CORNER LOT 12 WILLOW BROOK FARM 011M1 748011!♦ 06T► 01010� 1100 AM1 11 00 04'16'M• 0 M•M'47.1 37.41 17.7/ • 11[.00 11.'10'17' 1 M'I1•le'V M.16 1/,16 f M.00 44'04'0!" a 71'M'Oe'V x7.1.0 N./1 $ 4 14.00 1.444'48• M 7e•M'01'M 0.48 tl.41 I 1ti / 1.x7.11. M'M'00' N 14'48'/0-V ,a./1 111.N r P \ e 11..00 17/'0/•16• 'M/0'00'00'r x0.00 1'70.16 } 107.71. 14.4700 If• 4/7.04 IM.16\ 1 10.00 M'M14M'M' 1 4f'M'V 10,6 1.97 210 004 I7• ' • / .1••1.40.48 ,47./0 07.1.4 I / 4� �C CITY OF TIGAPD EASE''" .ems s r FTIGARD GON 25 Veors of SeMce 1961-1986 Novmeber 25, 1986 Hayden Corporation 900 North Tomahawk Island Drive Suite 150 Portland, OR 97217 Re: Street Dedication - S.W. Naeve Street Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a copy of a Street Dedication which has been recorded with Washington County. (Recorded Document No. 36044426. ) If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to coot.act this office. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson Acting City Recordk-r cw Encl.osute cc: Randy c.',larrio 9.s9�5 SW H��II Blvd„PO,Box 23397,Ti rjrd,Ure on %7223 (503)639-4171 ------- --- — - --- -- -� ..FATION 86044426 qc STREET DEDICATION KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that HAYDEN CORPORAT:_ON _ �Odo hereby dedicate to the Public a perpetual right-of-way for street, road and ut111ty Purposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described real property in Washington County, Oregon: ee Exhibit "A" , a(,tached hereto. To have and to hold the above-desc. iced and dedicatee rights unto the Public forever for uses and purpuaes hereinabove stated. The grantor(@) hereby covenants that they are the owner in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to g�nt their rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and o51ng on the property. The amount paid for ti.is dedication is t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this Street Dedication to oe executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. Hayden Cor oration Name a C r o CT,eslB�;el. , Presid t B y: Ir,ef ��- Rov Fr wn, Vice President F STATE OF OREGON ) !!tl.'fNOPtAII j ss• Aoy;unt 8 19 M ' COUNTY OF HXSBIAQIIOII)C , Personally appeared 1,es Buell and Rny Brown _ who, each being first duly sworn, did -say that the former is the president and that the latter is the Vice Pr shunt rBerstiatry of a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument Se tt� corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed; (official Seal) Notary Public for Oregon Hy Commission expires: 9/25/88 ACCEPTANCE l App-:,zved a: to form this any c4 Je , • By• .�, __�.. /K city Attorney - C ty of Tigardv Ari,i ,ved AS to legal description this - - day of,_Avp(/5_T I9&/, By: r 4ttl-44 Cit 'STrity of Tigard 9 .Suite Ur Accepted by tete City Council chis dsy of 19 l: it CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON ity Recorder - City of Tigard U� r' EXHIBIT "A" LOT B, WIL L OW--SPOOK—FAPM S ` ry LINS S OOEl2ING'E DISTANCE 59 2 S 00,06,34.E 31.22 3 N Qu'12'69'w 13,24 \ 63.0 \ � Q J• S•�eE\\J pp � ` ` N � CC SCALE: 1 INCH 60 rEET ^^� °o�Q"^ 99 i \ .etc f LOT 12, WILLOW—BP00K—FAi4M \�s J FOUNTAINS A T SUMMERFI EL O Legal Description- Dedication .tong S.N. Naeve Street A parcel of land in the Southeast quarter of Section 10, Townsrlp I 2 South. Range 1 went, wlliamette Mar3dien, City of Tigard. Washlnptcn County, Oregon. Baglnning at a polnt at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of S.W. Neave Street with the easterly line of Lot 12, w113ow- Brook-Farm, a subdivision of record In Washington County, said point bung S 00'12'69'E 22.47 feet from the Northeast Costar of sold Lot 12. thence along arld southerly right-of-w,y line N 63'05'48'W 467.66 feet to the westerly line of safy Lot 12; thence along said west-irly ]Ins S 00,06,141E 11.22 feat to a point that 1s 90.00 fast from (when measured at ^ignt angles to) the centerllne o, S.W. Naeve Street; thence parallel to said centerline S 63'05'48'E 467.';7 feet to the aforesaid sastorly line of Lot 12: thence N 00':2'69'w 11.24 feat to the point of bsglnning Containing 4. 677 equare fest, more or less. t COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC STATE OF OREGON 11675 S.W, 66TH AVENUE County of Washington S!I PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 ('503) 639-491 4 a 1,Donald Mason, r of Assessment end 'axellon and Ex-Of}icio Icio Recorder of Con- voyances for said county,do hereby certify rhm JULY 10, 1986 the within Instrument of writing was received and recorded in book records of said county AFIT R RECORDING RETURN T0: City of Tigard, Recorder — — - -`� Assess W. Mason, Director of essment and Taxation, Ex- P.C. Box 23397 7 Ass officlo County Clark Tigard, Oregon 9223 1986 SEP 30 PM 1: 32 n CITYOF TIIFARD OREGON 25 Years of Service 1961-1986 September 17, 1986 Hayden Corporation, Tualatin Development Division 900 N. Tomahawk Island Drive, Suite 125 Portland OR 97217 Subject: Street Dedication Compliance Agreement - S.W. Naeve Street Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of the above-referenced document for your records. This document was approved at the Regular Meeting of the Tigard City Council on September 8, 1986, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Loreen R. Wilson City Recorder Enclosure cc: Engineering Dept. cw/4168A 13125 SW Hcll Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 STREET DEDICATION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated this —�-(1)-- day of J 19 86 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the Statd of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and Tualatin Dc%,clopment, a Division of HAYDEN CORPORATION hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H: WHFQEAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for dedication of a street to be known as ", .W . Naeve Street as described-oo, the attached Exhibit "A" , and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires Petitioners for street dedications to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of the street and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Oregon Chap'.er APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for public street improvement; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in the said street area are incomplete, and Petitioner has n)netheless requested the City to permit dedications of the property to the public and the parties heroin named desire to protect the public interest generally by legally enforceable assurance tnat public, improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed b; the Petitioner and its surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Petitioner shall proceed with t'.e intent and purpose to complete all public improvements as shown on the improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard, prepared by Cooper Con:"u] ' not :; , In( . ( T i j�:Ird ()I? ) Caid improvements to be completed no later, than one (1) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with standard specifications as adopted by the City, or as otherwise bp or have been approved by the Department of Community Development, to comply with all terms and provisions specified hereinregard this improvement by the Council and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, and to use only such material and to fo'.iow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installat9.on conformance, and one as-built mylar, b.,th stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement ulork for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. 2. To assure compliance with the City' s -equiremente and the provisions hereof, Petitiriter tenders herewith t:) the City a surety bond in form approved (, by the City, with liability in the amount of $_' 1 , `I,'7 • 59• copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, bonded and insured, - 1 - 3. In the event that the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety, and such default and Failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at tts option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same je not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the rveot that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City's att ,rney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Coi-rt and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit with the City an amount estimated to equal pole and luminar maintenance fees for street lighting facilities according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option B together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of imo ('L) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights, said amount )eing $ 372 . 00 5. The City agrees to make and provide periodic End final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay the prescribed i +spection fee of 4% of the total estimated cost of the construction; said fee being $ 1 , 677 . 10 6. The City agrees to install certain street identification signs and traffic signs for said street, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ N . A . 7. At such time as the public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for acceptance inspertion and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. B. Within one year of tentative acceptance of the public improvements the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "B" overlay on all roads . 9. Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as heretnabove set forth 2 - w r w 10. At such time as all public improvemc.-its have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioter shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority in each of them. CITY OF TIGARD: PETITIONER: TUALATIN DEVELOPMENT , \), a Division o ORATION 11a y-- r� City Recorder Lea Buell, President RoyK"&n, V.P. (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: Hayden Corp . , Tualatin Development Div . 900 N . Tomahawk Island Dr . Suite 125 Portland , OR 97217 (0070S) 3 — L O T 8, WILL OW-BROOK-FARM S, W J N4F� LINE BEARING DISTANCE \ i S 00'i?'39'E 22.47 2 S 00'u6.14'E 11.22 3 N 00'12'89'M 11 .24 \ � .. � os � S .B N e3�0�, •. �S� o � �N SCALE: i INCH 60 FEET \ 'ObINt��Qq� (064t FG LOT 12, WILLOW-BROOK-FARM F-UUN TA INS A T SUMMERF.I EL D Legal Description- Dedication along S.N. Naeve Street A parcel of land in the Southeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West. Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the soctherly right-of- way line of S.W. Neeve Street with the easterly line of Lot 12. Willow- - Brook.-Fara, a subdivision of record in Washington County. said point being S 00'12'59'E 22.47 feet from thw Northeeu! Corner of sold Lot 12: thence along said southerly right-of--wsy line N 63'06'46'8 457.85 fest to the westerly line of said Lot 12. thence sling said westerly line S 00'0B'14'E 11.22 fest to a point that is 30.00 fast from (when measured at right angles to) the centerline of S.W. Nseve Street; thence parallel to said centerline S 63'06'46'E 457.67 feat to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12: thence N 00'12'69'W 11.24 feet to the po$At of beginning. Containing 4. 577 square feet, more or lass. COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. 11678 S.W. 66TH AVENUE PORTLAND. OREGON 97223 (803) 639-4914 JULY 30, 1986 Street Dedication Compliance PERFORMANCE BONO ,I Bond No. 8107-19-64 VNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Tualatin Development a Division of HAYDEN CORPORATION as Principal, and _ Federal Insurance Company a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the Stata of Oregon, as Surety, c+re j-intly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_ ' ' , 92j . 59 , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. T11F CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are ructing & dedicatioj? a street imL)rovement known aL W . N,., (-- e :;t . located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have entered into a street dedication _ Compliance Agreement with respect to i.imely do' topment and improvement therec:', a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, T11EREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and traly observe ano comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Oblir. o applicable to said development, and improvement, and shall promptly ma' cents to all persons supplying labor or material for any of the work -ded by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be fil ie it ;rrosecutioned against the % ')ligee, then this obligation shall he void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or ac-ion be file' by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such -tums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney' s fzes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be executed this -__- 8th - day of 2lugusr. , 19 Tualatin Devel(jpm-til it Division -X Principal of HAYDEN CORPORATION By: _ sealer — — (seall Dave La m r, c. Vice 1'resirler.t By: � t Ro r wn, Vice President: (A trur copy of the Power of Attorney Federal Insurance Company must be attached to the ori Surety of Surety this bond j 1 / nC7 At rney-in-Fact 1 { ,'I,I AUS, POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by these Presents,That the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 15 Mountain View Road,Warren, New Jersey,a New Jersey Corpora- tion, has constituted and appointed, and does hereby constitute and appoint Nancy L. Kummer, Raymond R. Vhite, .James R. Da:' Ilart,.ey P. Walker and Leslie L. Rudat, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania------------------------------- each Is true and lawful Attorney-m-Fact to execute under such designation in its name and to affix its corporate seal to and deliver for and on its behalf as surety thereon or otherwise, bonds of any of the following classes, 10 wit 1 Bonds and Undertaking-,r,led In any suit,matter or proceeding in any Court,or filed with any Sheriff or Magistrate,for the doing or not doing of anything specified In such Bor it Lli-dertaking 2 borety bonds to the United States of America or any agency thereof,including those required or permitted under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Intel.,al Revenue, License and Permit Bonds or other indemnity bonds under the laws,ordinances or regulations of any State,City, Town, Village. Board or other body or organization,public or private,bonds to Transportation Companies,Lost Instrument bunds,Lease bonds,Workers'Compensa tion bends, Miscellaneous Surety bonds and bonds on behalf of Notaries Public, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and similar public officials 3 Bords o I behalf of contractors in Connection with bids, proposals or contracts. in Wnnees Whereon,the ssid FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY has,pursuant to its By-Laws.caused Oreae pi his to be signed by Na Assailant Vice-PrwMM uW Auw4nt Secretary and rot terpenes Met I1 be hereto anl.ed the 7th day of December t9 83 co,wrale Seal �f _ ON '•••••"F y FEDERAL on AerCf ANYBy George MrC.Wean leherd a'cef,rlor AwMunt VMO-M+Mdw" Aulatant a.aa«y tTAtl!OI NErtf Jetlttr 1 as County of Somerset I On this 7th day or De e e mbe i 19 .� before me pwwna*y came Richard D O'Connor to me known and by no known b be Assistant Secretary of the FEDERAL IN •LRAN"COMPANY.the Capel Kron descrrben in and which ereculed the foregoing Power M Attorney,and the said Richard D O'Connor being by me,duly sworn,did depose and say that he is Assistant Secm14s v of the FEDERAI.INILIIANCE COMPANY and knows the corporate Mal thereon thal the seal affixed to the loregn rig Pores of Attorney rel such corporals Mal and was thereto alfl■ed by authority of the By Laws of said Company end IMI he sgnW sad Power of Attorney as Assistant Secretary of said Company by like suthoMy,and that he ra acquainted with George McClellan and knows him to be the Assistant VK*President or a d Company and that the agnelure of Said George IArCiexsn subscrwi to said Pmwr M Atlarwy is in the gem we handwriting of sad George McClellan and war therelo subscribed by authority d Md fly Laws end rn delcunent s presence Notarial sen, /-L f �ti Acknowledged and Sworn to belae mwan the dale abovey NOTARY v e MUM A Notary Publicr J F p' CERTIFICATION f1ICE LE'JilARD STATE OF NEW JERSEY My PUBLIC OF NEW JERSEY ss My COmm;ssion Expires Juno 28, 1988 County of Somerset I IM undersigned.Assistant Secretary of the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY.do hereby certify that the loeowk Is a InA exowpi from the by�Low°or the said Cersporry r adopted by its Board of Dirwt ri on March 11. IeS3 and noel recently amended March I I. 1987 and that this By Law is In lux Voice and enKt ARTICLE XVIII Section 2 A.11 bonds undeilakinga.Cpnllacla and other mairu~ts other than as above NY and on behalf M the Company which t to sutlprized by law o Na charter to exKuta may nd ashell be e■Kuled in the nems and on behalf of the Company either by the Chairman or the V"Chairman a the Presdam a a Vnbe-President prndy with the SecuelarY or a„Assistant p Secretary under Meir respective desnatam.exn'ef11 that any one or more oflrcers or anormoys�in fact deargnsted In Shy reedulgn of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee or In any power of Stlorrity execufed as Piv,~Vol in SKlron 3 below,may execute any such brind.undertaking of other obtgatoon as prry "ed m Such readulron a power of attorney Se_Iron 7 Alfowe powers of allorney W exit on hehaff d om the Cpany may and Shea he executed in Ihe memo find on b"d the Company,ether by the Chairman or the Vice-ClwmMn nr the PrMAenl r o Vice-PrMideni a M Assrelani Voce Presdenl.prntly with Ihe Secretary o an Agrlant Secretary.under thew reapecttve desognatnons The Sgnature of such officers may be engraved ponied d hbug,splMd e 1,,•the,c emery inei Mk,FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY a duly IKerunW 10 Irentact fidelity and surely buawras n each d the Slates d the United States d America.prints d CorumMa.Puerto Rio and each of the Pg in as or(;enure with the exception of Prince FdwMd Island and is alit duly brensed to become,sola surely on bands undertakings etc peimitlW a 16ti-t ldby lees i the urdefs,gned Aeuslanf Secretary M FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY do hereby certify that the lnregdrg Power of Attorhey loin lull torte and affect 8th AuQuet 86 D„�Wunde,n,yhand andlhe Malof sad Company at Warren.NJ ,,rs_---___--- f°---- c.•,rp,Mere Seel 04, 1... ' r.N< Asalalant Sis"ol my Of �rJE�ISc MliypIt[ A rmn2l 1"333(fd 7 3)GENERAL u" a O x • a 0, Uj OO 3 I %W. F,L 0 oaQ t « 1 � S. r S. 3 N�lrV — F sr U- (n W Z W`LLp 5 W cn0o s o -� gFt�RK a0 a� v v► - W I L L GRE v_ p Kip 5. FARM 0 I H ?�- i S — — • y/ SG CT co�•o 0o r �r ^ EN, t O ,�• Y �( < 1 ice` DURHAM I W Q x I F- �� 1'= 400` o�- OL CURVE DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD CHORD BRG - 1 5'04'56" 653.34 57.95 29.00 57.93 N 02'26'35"E 2 17'59'48" 210.00 65.96 33.25 65.69 N 04'00'53'W 3 12'42'39" 100.00 22. 18 11 . 14 22. 14 N 06'39'25"W 4 27' 12' 19" 100.00 47.48 24.20 47.04 N 13' 18'02"E 5 18'35'27" 70.00 22.71 11 .46 22.61 N 80'29' 17"E �1 H 6 14'33' 15" 70.00 17.78 8.94 17.73 S 63'54'57"W d 7 33 35'47" 70.00 40.64 20.91 40.07 S 73' 16' 13"W �I 8 90'00'00" 21 .00 32.99 21 .00 29.70 N 45'05'54"W ] >- 9 71'52' 19" 18.63 23.36 13.50 21 .86 S 09'01 '58"E C1 m 10 135` 14'52" 4.00 9.44 9.72 7.40 N 67'24'260E - n-ucl END pF 7-EF 11 62'52'49" 4. 00 4.39 2. 45 4. 17 S 31'39'24"E 3: � 12 27'07' 11" 4.00 i .B9 0.96 1 .88 S 76'39'240E \•� �l \ 13 90'00'00" 8.00 12.57 8.00 11 .31 N 45' 12'59"W tl, 14 30-7'46'05" 4.00 7.52 5. 48 6.46 N 54'06'02"W \ N 15 84'47'30" 10.00 14.80 9. 13 13.48 S 29'37' 10"W r �\ \ 16 88'59'09" 4.00 6.21 3.93 5.61 S 40'45' 100E 1 \ \ \ 17 90'21 '35" 4.00 6.31 4.03 5.67 S 47'24'38"W 18 90'06'25" 4.00 6.29 4.01 5.66 S 45'02'41"E I `� \ 19 49'51 '38" 30.00 26. 11 13.94 25.29 N 28'02' 19"W \ \ \\ k\ \ 20 127'07'46" 4.00 8.88 8.05 7. iE S 63'27'59'W I I \ 21 90"00100" 9,00 14. 14 9.00 12.73 N 45'05'54'W \ UI T , �� 22 91'36' 19" 4.00 6.40 4. 11 5.74 S 44'05'56"W 27.00 \ \F� 23 88'23'41" 30.00 46.28 29. 17 41 .83 S 45'54'04"E \ \� 24 84'57'20" 46.00 68.21 42. 12 62. 13 N 47'25'26"E 2` RT + +116 RTS 1►7� 9s9np�� 25 21'57'26" 50.00 19. IS 9.70 19.04 N 15'55'29"E \ �\ v Z + 228.50 + Z O 22844 � - 62.00_ h I„wM \ \22853 228.3° 2282 \ \\ �, W + - S 89'54'06'N -+ \ 228.47 - - _O'50/'- 22&I(o �' cr N _ H.�r \ Ly S L-INE BEARING DISTANCE 22713 \ � •\ \ i = •o i S 63'05'48"E 22. i8 22B5a \ /O \�^ �S 2 S 26'54' 12"W 1.00 ?28,50 I2B.22 A4 d 2+2744 48.00 + �e F 3 N 00"12'59"W 6. 11 I + ---- _ + ?27.95\ A'c �V \ Ife'LT c 1+71 o + H- I+ 98.67 + 1' 96.27 \ 4 N 25'54' 12"E 1 .00 �� - �2jo0 I+' v 0 Ifo' FZT to Q \ -220.50 22774 "�' t + \ +71.foroa 22.00 \ :I� \ 4 \! Z'27.S(o I 48.00 �•B -229.00--- 9�• \ �\ \ U. t�I o 25 7 o o `� pS 6J /\� 1 0 8 \ \ \ (A--60mc.7) � N I v f3 V, I �D ti 3 i 22.00 - _ °° .h .o� \ 1 N FF 225 7�0 \ \ _ O co' t'Vl O ' �S2 V2G6 '30' +226 35 % �3 �. 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Cao:G,(�Qlo�'TAOK XT- '«A 1•�t.o� tttf t��atk `�� �w�������� ►Je�cQ 'VV PR-EVER. �WQ'�-wutK. g�r�P_R�oN . Q� OF CAN J k D O%\ -`� ` rt"�1tG\1�. `UD1JC -1�1 \5 �l4E• 1MPh�CT 5�� U�3��ovS�� \ OAR Co�C�►:. t 5 M�t11`lc,, 't"l4E Ov: Ol7'� CR��Z��A 'CC) r, l�tz 14CE WALKS & N..II c.� Co���c c� F� ►ate P_�0.L_ Rcl e�uf.� �o't'� YV(t-- li'rtl�c�h1E's 0- -'� �� TNE. QUE3 C FRc�v� �lE RCe w►�� ��u'�t�s�cnotj� sNoU 0�4 tc x �1e z 1 1------------ - I pt, �N 18 .164 .070 18 . 164 .070 Sidewalks. �a) Sidewalks---Required. Except e exempted by the commission, sidewalks shall be constructed, replacer- -or to city design standards as set forth in the standard specifi. ations manual and located as follows: (1) On both sides of arterial and collector streets to be built at the ti e of street construction; (2) On both des of all other streets and in pedes- trian easements and ri hts-of-way, except as provided further in this section, to be 0nstr.ucted along all portions of the property designated for pedestrian ways in conjunction with development of the prope ty; (3) on one side f any industrial street to be con- structed at the time of s eet construction or after d�termi.na- tion of curb_ cut Jrati n ------- -- ----- — ;��� (b) A planter strip separation of at least five feet between the curb and the sidewalk is required in the design of any arterial or collector street where parking is pro- hibited adjacent to the curb, except where the following condi- tions exist: there is inadequate right-of-way; the curbside /1 sidewalks already exist on predominant portions of the street; `or it would conflict with the utilities. Y�?---ITr--t3re--oentra-l- Uu�iness- district, sidewalks shall be ten feet in width, and: (1) All sidewalks shall provide a continuous unob- structed path; (2) The width of curbside sidewalks shall be measured from the back of the curb. (d) Maintenance. Mainterance of sidewalks , curbs and planter strips is the continuing obligation of the adjacent property owner . (e) Application for Permit and Inspection. If the con- struction of a sidewalk is not included in a uerformance bond of an approved subdivision or the i7:erformance bond has lapsed, then every person, firm or corporation desiring to construct sidewalks as provided by this chapter, shall , before entering upon the work or improvement , apply for a street opening permit to the public works department to so build or cunstrv ,,t. (1) An occupancy permit shall not be issued for a development until the provisions of this section are satisfied; (2) i'he public works director or designee may issue a permit and certificate allowing temporary noncompliance with the provisions of this section to the owner. , builder or con- tractor when, in his opinion, the constriction of the sidewalk is impractical for one or more of the following reasons : (A) Sidewalk grades have not and cannot be estab- lished for the property in question within a reasonable length of time , (B) Forthcoming installation of public utilitio or street paving would be likely to cause severe damage to the new sidewalk, 314-160 (Tigard 4 8J CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA IT[M SUMMARY AGENDA OF: AGENDA ITEM !/ DATE SUBMITTED: 8-19-86 PRLVIGUS ACTION: None ISSi'E/AGENDA TITTLE: S.W. NAEVE ST. , Strvvt Dedication Compliance Agreement PREPArtEG BY: Development Services Dept 6 Performance Bond; authorize Mayor & Recorder to execute in City's REQUESTED BY: John Hagman behalf. DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POL-CY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY 1 . The proposed "Naeve Street Improvement" is located between Pacific Highway & 109th Avenue. The preliminary concept has been approved by tha City ("Fountains" Development Site) . 2. The attached StrQet Dedication Compliance Agreement and Street De,lication Compliance Perform&nce Bond has been submitted by the developer, -7ks is required by the City, to assure completion of installation of alT public facilities. 3 Construction plans are ready to be issued and all required public improvement fees have been paid. Issuance of said plans is 4ubject to Council action (as is suggested below) . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED _ 1 . Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Street Dedication Compliance Agreement for S.W. Naeve Street in behalf of the City; and, also, accept the Strcet Dedication Compliance Performance Bond. 2 Deny the agreement . SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Street Dedicati,.on Compliance Agreement for S.W Naeve Street in behalf of the City; arod, also, accept the Street Dedication Compliance Performance Bond mi3 STREET DEDICATION COMPLIANCE AGR£EMLIOT THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of _ 19 8r, between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the Stato of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and 'I'iaalatin Development, a I1'visi.on of NFYDEN CORPORA'T'ION hereinafter t,--mod "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for dedication of a street to be known as W . Naeve Sf.r'(­l as described on the attached Rxhibit "A" , and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires Petitioners for street dedications to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of the street and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Oregon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for public street improvement; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in the said street area are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit dedications of the property to the public and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally by legally enforceable assurance that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Petitioner shall proceed with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements as shown on the improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard, prepared by r_ooper Consultants , In( . ( Tigard ,OR ) _ Said improvements to be completed no later than one (1) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply With standard specifications as adopted by the City, or as otherwise be or FAve b4en approved by the Department of Community Development, to comply with all torus and provisions specified herein-egard this improvement by the Council and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, and one as-built mylar, bath stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration. 2. To assure compliance with the City' s requirements and the provision hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of f 4119"1 copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof Petitioner's contractor shall be licensed, bonded and ii -ured . 1 - 3 . In the event T-hat the Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' .ntice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner' s surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Irial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit with the City an amount estimated to equal pole and luminar maintenance fees for street lighting facilities according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option B together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights, said amount being s 372 . 00 5. The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay the prescribed inspection fee of 4% of the total estimated cost of the construction; said fee being ''t • ' 6. The City agrees to install certain street identification signs and traffic signs for said street, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ N . A . 7. At such time as the public improvements have beer completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the revuirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any defective work or, maintenance becoming apparent or arising within orne (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City . 9 . Within one year of tentative acceptance of the Dublic xmprovements the Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "B" overlay on all roads 9. Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth 2 _ n 10. At such time as all public improvements h.ve been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority in each of them, CITY OF TIGARD: PETITIONER: 1'I]A1ATIN r EVEI,OPMENT , a Division o F-NAYt'fENZ.'MORAT I ON Mayor City Recorder i.es Buell, President Roy,-lstown, V.P. (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: Hayden Corp . , Tualatin Delielopment. Dig , 900 N . Tomahawk Island Dr . Suite 11r, Portland , OR 97217 (0070S) - 3 - LOT 8, WILL OW—BROOK—FARM S N LINE GEARING DISTANCE 1 S 00'12'59'E 22.47 STA \ 2 S 00'06' 14'E 11 .22 3 N 00' 12'59'W 11 .24 .b S 63 , 'CALE: 1 INCH - 60 FEET LOT 12, WILLOW-BROOK-FARM J FOUN TA INS AT SUMMERFIEEL_ D Legal Description- DedSrataon along S.N. Naeve Street A parcel c' land in the Sout' — r quarter of Section f0. Township 2 South, Range 1 Wast, Willamette meridian. City of Tigard. Washington County, Oregon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southerly right-of- ray lin* of S.W. Naeve Street with the easterly line of Lot 12. WAllow- Brook-Farm, a subdivision of record in Washington County, sold point being S 00.12'59-E 22.17 feet from the Northeast Corner of sold Lot 12. thence along sold southerly right-of-way lino N 63'03'10'W 137.85 reset to the westerly line of said Lot 12; thence along sold westerly line S 00'00'11'F' 11.22 feet to a point that is 30.00 fest from (when 10049ured at right angles to) the centerline of S.W. Neave Street. thence parallel to said conterlins S 63'05'18'E 107.07 feet to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12. thence N 00'12'390W 11.21 feet to the point of beginning Containing 4. 577 square feet, more or less. COOPER CONSULTANTS. INC. 11675 S.W. BOTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 07223 (503) ass-1911 JUL Y 10. 1996 Street Dedication Compliance PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 8107-19-64 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we T ial ;-itin Development a Division of HAYDEN CORPORATION as Principal, and Federal Insurance Com2312ya corporation duly authorized to conduct a general st!rety busi;ress in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ 4 1 , 9,17 . �I-) , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. T'HE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OHI_IGATION IS SUCH, that Lhe Principals are con.,tructing & dedicating a street improvement kn awn LL '-� . W - N:�,k located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have entered into a ;;t r r°1, dedlcnt i ti Compliancv Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all persons supplying labor, or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in ful' force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms cf this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover :,uch sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this band to be executed this 8th _ day of Augu3t 19_''` Tualatin Development., a Division 'r Principal of HAYDEN CORPORATION By: �--t, �t- seal �- (soa11 Dave La m r, F c. Vic- President By. Ro 8r wn, Vice President�- (A tru copy of the Power of Attorney Federal Insurance Company must be attached to the or ,nal of Surety this bond . ) / \ t _ A06 ' I� At rney-in-Fact (092IP) r v POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all Men by theme Preaantm,That the FEDERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 15 Mountain View RosAl,Warren, New Jersey, a New Jersey Corpora• t,on, has Constituted and appointed, and does hereby constitute and appoint Nancy L. Kummer, Raymond R. Idh 1 t.e , .lames R, n,, . - IlarILley P. Walker and Leslie L. Rudat of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-------------------------------_ each as true and lownol Attorney-in•Fact to execute under such designation in its name and to affix Its corporate seal to and dmivef Mt Anti on dx hnttalt ac surety thereon or othenyise, bonds of any of the following classes, lu wil I Bonds and Undr.,kakirfQs filed In any suit,matter or proceeding in any Court,or filed with any Sheriff or Magistrate,for the doing or not doing of anything specified in --;h Bond or Undertaking. 2 Surety bonds to the United States of Ama•ica or any agency thereof,including those required or permitted under the laws or regulations relating to Customs or Internal Revenue,License and Permit Bonds or other indemnity bonds under the laws,ordinances or regulations of any Stale, City, Town, Village Board or other body or organization,public or private.bonds to Transportation Companies,Lost Instrument bonds,Lease bonds,Workers' Compensa tan bonds, Miscellaneous Surety bonds and bonds on behaii of Notaries Public, Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs and similar public officials 3 Bonds on behalf M contractors in connection with bids, proposals or contracts M waneea whrsdl."M aW FEDFR"WBURANCE COMPANY hae.Wsmam to as By-Lawe,causal Mese preop"b be elgrNd by M Assistant Vic*Pnwd"am assistant Semiary and aff "Praia aw 10 be hereto sifted"we 7th day of December is 83 con"aw sea yf•::...��y ay raa oarw ea � A . 1k o AdI IC i o.«a uecw.n AeMe1rM Seeretary, AMaranl vIe►a+eawer• 'TATE OF OWW JI MY as County M Somerset on"xe 7th tray d December 19 8 3 herr•Aha Person01ly came nacharo O O'Cowwr to IN,kitten afd sY ree x,wwn M be Aaa en,aet"f ry M the FEW"L sa Sk^ANCt OOMPAMY,the crew atwn deecr'bed n and which e■ec used the Ioreponp Powis of A"onrry,.and rhe am nr:lhard D O'Conew behnp by rhe duly aworn.dd Oe1 and My MMM r it"writ se"st of she PtDE11AL POUTAMCE COMPANY and taxiwa the corpora•Mer thereof.OW the 9001 afMed 10 Via lis ng Power Of Attorney r such corponre a"rd wM 1101 aflhked by O~oy or the By-Laws rH end CC"4WY and Mai he @Vwd said Powis of A"wney as AanatrM SOCretsY d SW COmpany by like but" end 11x1 he M aepuMWd tooth GOOMO A1d:IMen and knows has to be the AssWant Vhu-PrMd•ni of said Ceamwny rd that the signature of Mrd pax••McCtesen suWtnbad b aW Power d Anrney a n the eerknhne hrx7wrMxp of aaW George kkCIaMn ad was Mrea,subscribed by sufutnty d and By laws and r deponent s hesenu Nrrial sea ))11 �1Acarwweedaed rd Bh.om b faire me"Oan offs defe abovNrary Public CE11T1FICATION P.LICE LEJiIARD aTATt OF WIN JEPMY N31ARY POOLIC OF NEW JERSEY County of Someriret My Comm salon E;Plies luno 28. 1988 I.Vol welratmnad.AeMOISM Swiltiery of MM FtDa11AL aa1N1ANCE COMPANY,do hereby cony ow nM Idol"y•a true eacefp"M M ay lax of the s"000119"M adopted by Me mord of prec+r+ on Mica It. Iee3 rd Now rareroly sonomted Morel I I. Isp and x01 Inns By-Low M n No Irm and effect "AIR TCLE xVIV lock I'AN brie.'mole taklnP.0• wait OW,.'M irMote e"M Man as above for and an behalf M Ms Camp"wiou it•,•ironed by We of ft t oolso M go h, ntaY end Shag be eesiou"n IMM htMM rd en lo"of NM CoMper j•kris'by Me ChMrwMn or"te Vbx 4Choiniflrr r Me PreehdrM r a Vb►heMOrM wh Ilhe macrctay undr Ibex reewo 9 done rtalbrw seew x01 any Ons m here deers at Yt-ratlOtto o Prf* mewelery r M AMMIaIM tlrMrrtsy► dweh.ee n My nesoautMfn d Me mord of t7trecera w the Eesetaws t:wtehhw+ee r n any Power Of Mine,•■•shed ss proAdM lis n Section 3 Wane.WAY Mento try such bandwdenennp a~011t; , as prew+dee n IMAM ree01,010 Of 01e Of @PolF0 SwAitin 3 M powers of M+wney bis rd on bonne of eM Co^hParN may and"be smmm lad In We harts end m to"of Me Can jolo y.either by IMM rxhanhan or Ma vb•CharrVW w We Preandae w ave", Pteedarht w On AMMON Vow Pleelift .Peter wan tine SK"Aary r riMrma on Ar t�ssary'.ufxIs,hese nesW" y Ossierhsarle the afOtWAre d aux dhurs may 4 arhpawad W+Ittw rA w Ahoshed �7I I hrnM,unify that sal FEDEr1Al INSURANCE COMPANY is duly kceNoW to"wac ad•My rd surety bullrrss n each d IM a',the 0100 tAM•d axis•d Aawtoe Ow ri M r otwabra.P.wno aro and•ar n nr in• PI V- KM Of C 1'r'ado wan the excel~M P­to E dwrd to& lad•W o duty••Weald lo DeoonM mots surely on poria.whdanak".sk.psi wo d w reehAred by Iaw I eM undrahened Aee4haM sec maty rA Its 0E11AL NOUPAN"COMPANY do hereby ren My x01"M to"0q Pews d AaorrMy k n AAI torus and saw 8th preen w+er^+y harx9 nx:' 6441 d s• •an r'.rr'hpr'y at Warren J 'h-s_ August 86 span a" �S'yft. r rJ i t n F. Fer•rEt+OelURd 14111s101NE11Q August 13 , 1986 CITYOFTIGAM OREGON 25 Years or SeMce � 1961-1986 Cooper Consultancy, Inc. �-- 11675 S.W. 66th Avenue Portland, OR 972.23 Attn : Mr. Donald Kliewer Re: Sidewalk on Naeve Rd. Dear Mr. Kliewer: Please be aware that we are not permitting the developer (TDC) to move the five-foot wide sidewalk to the back of the curb; at least not in its entirety. Our comprehensive plan and ordinances relevant hereto require that In areas where no-parking is intended, sidewalks must not be located adjacent to curb lines. Subsequently, it is necessary at the very least to abide by that principal at the entry-way to T.D.C. ' s project' s three lane con- figuration for provision of turning movements, with no-parking therealong, and perhaps, two lane configuration along the balance of the projects frontage. Sidewalks could then meander to assure meeting the intent of our "rules" . If you desire to do something other than that which was already approved (sidewalks adjacent to the right-of-way line) , please submit a drawing for City consideration. We regret any misunderstanding havinq lead to this letter having to be sent to you. Your letter of August 8th made us aware that clarification of our outlook in this matter need occure. Very Truly, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician cc: file JH/mJ 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 -- -- !�' lYrC� �sij ala sly ® x•:�, `�t/d sl�a�.l /io7` .sd,� sL �P�.c�etzc. `-1o�i►?�. 1.5 04VIr. dO �� I r CITYOF TIFARD No. 15797 12755 S.W.ASH �} P.O.BOX 23397 Date TIGARD,OR 97223 I � Name -- Address Lot BlocklMap Subdivision/Address Permit M's Bldg. Plumb Cash Check Sewer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Description _ mount 10.432 Building Permit Fees _ 10.431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees` _ 10-431-601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10.230-501 State sid . Tax G 10-433 Plans Check Fee 30.443 Sewer Connection 30-444 Spwer Inspection 51-448 Street Syst. Det, Charge 57.449-filo Parks I Syst. Dev. Charge i 52•449-620 Parks II Syst. Dev. Charge -- j 31.450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev_Charge_ A f 10-430 Business Tax i 10.434 _ Alarm Permit 10.227 Ball ----- -.__� 10.455• _ Fines • Tralfic/MIsdlParking _____ 10-230- CPTA TrafficlMisd/Vic. Asst. 10 456 Indigent Defense 30-122-401 Sewer Service/USA V– 30-122.402 Sewer Service/City 3(`";, 723 Sewer SevicelClty Mairit. Storm Drainage -- '—' a�ncro7t Prinyrnt. 71ancroft Int.�yint. TOTAL !i'�- C CUSTOMER PLEASE TAKE MIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECLIPT NAMF DAY F ACCT. # DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit 10-435 Sian Permits HOP TU 10-435 Public Sewer Plan Check/Inspection Fee 10-436 Public Storm. Plan Check/Inspection Fee - StreeL Dedication/Public Improvement Fee _.._.1.t(977,10 10-436 Street Opening Permit 10- 440 Subdivision Applications: S MLP 10- 441 Zoning Applications : ZC CPA ZOA PO Misc SCE CU SLP V P Street Light Fee 10 451 Document Sales En-gr- Planning .. Bldq. 10-451 Str,-, t and Traffic Signs 10-451 Land Use Actions/Fees : SDR ro VAI Z 041-110 ( 1045P) Z11 0 _ 4Ir I Ir G O f Zrij0 Ln , ON o rn RJ. rr► „ I ru Q � i � o N� N ° Xrw Ir dam,, O Mei ;ci � �_• I i, ��l � '! il�iii �l dab COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W. 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND. OREGON 97223 • (503) 639.4914 77710 August 8, 1986 Mr. Randy Clarno City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard, Oret,-on 97223 Subject: Sidewalk on Naeve Road Dear Mr. Clarno: This letter is to confirm our conversation of last week colcerning the sidewalk location on Naeve Road adjacent to the Fountains of Summerfield. Because the retaining wall is immediately adjacent to the new right-of-way line, you are permitting the developer (TDC) to move the five-foot sidewalk to the back of the curb. This will leave the landscaping area bet,ieen the back of the walk dnd the face of the retaining wall . This will allow the installation of power poles in the landscape area adjacent to the wall . Sincerely, COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. Donald J. Kliewer, P.E. Vice President /dd cc: Mr. John Hagman Mr. Vlad Voytilla File 1.3 Hayden Corporation 0 Rialatin Development Division August 8, 1986 HAND DELIVERED Mr. John Hagman Engineering Technician City of Tigard 13125 SW Ha11 Blvd. P.O. Box 23391 Tigard, Oregon 91223 Re: SW Naeve St. Improvement At The Fountains @ Summerfield Condominium Project Dear Johr.: I am transmitting herewith the following documents executed ')y Hayden Corporation regarding the dedication in compliance for construction of SW Naeve Road improvements per your request: 1) Street Dedication and Compliance Agreement. 2) Street Dedication Deed. 3) A check in the amount of $2,049. 10 representing the crmbined cost of The City of Tigard Inspection Fees ($1,61;. 10) and payment of the estimated cost to provide electrical energy to the street lights along Naeve Road for a two year period ($312.00). One additional item is that I wanted to clarify in writing our mutual understanding that was made during our telephone conversation of August 6th regarding the difference between the Phase IV P'at and the Phase IV Land Development portion of this project. The Phase 1V Plat pertains only to the legal sub-division of the units within buildingE 4 and 5 which are located directly adjacent to SW 114th Court.. There is no reason for "rhe City of Tigard to delay its review and approval of the plat based on receipt of the documents required for the Naeve Road improvement since these buildings have no access to Naeve Road and are not contained in the area of thF Phase IV land development area. The Performance Bond for the SW Naeve Road Street Improvements will be forth coming in approximately 5 to 'd working days. As soon as I receive it 1 will forward it to your attention. If you need any further information or if there is still any confusion regarding the difference between our condominium plat and the Phase IV Land Development, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely had Voyt is Cenerel Msnag _r Planning And Design 900 N 7 mshawk Island Drive Suite 125 Portland,Oregon 97217 (503)2834111 t- 'UxA,lun /g� STREET DEDICATION t \ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that HAYDEN COPPORATION T,) hereby dedicate to the Public a perpetual right-of-way for street, road and utility purposes on, over, across, 6,ider, along and within the following described real property in Washington County, Oregon: See Exhibit "A" , att.;:, hp.ri her To have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the Public forever for uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantor(s) hereby covenants that they are the owner in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, th?y have good and legal right to grant their rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The amount paid for this dedication is IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this Street Dedication to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers ecting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. Haydrn f'r�r .r,rati�r� _ Name Of C rwflo C t.es Rrnel , Pre sident 'Roy .B-Kwn, Vice President STATE OF OREGON ) MULTNOMAH ) ss. COUNTY OF WAIREllGI7OXX August H , 19 Hh Personally appeared Les Buc1r and Roy Brown whr , each being first duly sworn, did say that the former is the president and that the latter is the _ Vice pr s { .aL 5"Tf sr)f of II_avder, Cor-u(�)ratiori a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrixent is the corporate seal of said corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. (Official Seal ) Notary Public for Oregon My Commiasinn expires : ACCEPTANCE Approved as to form this day of 19 LOT 8, WILL OW—BROOK—FAPM \ . tiq F\ \ LINE BEARING DISTANCE 1 S 00' 12'59'E 22. 47 2 S 00'06' 14'E 11 .22 3 N 00' 12'59'M 11 .24 '-f vJ3. \ 0 � N \ 3'o\ �9•� '6S o° � N SCALE: 7 INCH 60 FEET \\ <Oy c0 Ab (\ rNT `0) ace- LOT LOT 12, WIi l-OW—BROOK--FARM \rtis J FOUN TA INS AT SLIMMERFI EL D Legal Description- Dedication along S. W. Naeve Street A parcel of land in the Southev5c qua^Ler of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range i West, Willamette Meridien, City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of S.W. Nasve Street with the easterly line of Lot 12. willow-- ' Brook-Fars, s subdivision of record in Washington County, said point being S 00'12'59'E 22.47 feat from the Northeast Corner of sold Lot 12. thence along said southerly right-of-way line N 63.05'48'W 437.63 fast to the westerly line of said Lot 12; thence along said westerly lin@ S 00'OG'14'E 11 .22 feet to a point that 2s 30.00 feat from (when measured at right angles to) the centerline of S.W. Neave Street; thence parallel to said centerline S 6:1'05'49'E 457.67 feet to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12: thence N 00'2�'59'W 12 .24 feet to the point of beginning Containing 4, 577 square feat, more or less. COOPER CONSULTANTS. INC 11673 S. W, B6'H AVENUE PORTLAND, ORE40N 97223 (503) 839-49:4 JULY 10, 1986 hips-��� c'--.�� •���-7�e�1 � s�� s�d�r�,�.�,E. J July 24, 11j86 7AObM1YOFTWARD Cooper Consultants , Inc . OREGON 11675 S.W. 66th Ave. 25 Yeors of SerWce Portland, UR 97223 1961-1086 Attn: Mr. Jim Gilmer Re: S.W. Naeve St . Improvement - T.D.C. Dear Jim: Enclosed, please find the Compliance Agreement and Performance Bond (forms) . or said project., After signature thereof by Qie pr:ncipal(s) and notary and, in the case of the bond form, by the surety, please return both documents for final processing. After City execution and acknowledgment, a copy will be transmitted to you, for your file, by thc. City Recorder. Further , enclosed , please find the street dedication form ( for signature also Subsequently, thereafter, the approved public improvement construction plans can be issued upon receipt of a check, in favor of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in the sum of $ 2,04 9. 10 ; being the -said agreement (therein stated) deposit/fee(s). Yours truly c� ohn S. Hagman Engineering Technician JSH:pjr cc/file encl . 7�� �r ,j D r„`�►•s,�ti �---'��v tom. 'F'a► 13125 SW Hall Blvd,PA.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 MIR EET DEDICATION COMPLIANCE AGREE 1T THIS AGREEMENT dated this day of 19 Hb , between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and Tualatin Development Co. , Inc . hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for dedication of a street to be known as S .W . Naeve Street as described on the attached 1.xh i h i t. "A" , and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires Petitioners for street dedicarior'3 to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities fr.r the development of the street and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has adopted the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction Ordgon Chapter APWA, for street, storm drain, structure and related work, and Unified Sewerage Agency Standards and Specifications, for sanitary sewer construction, prepared by professional engineers, for public street improvement; and WHEREAS, the public improvements to be constructed in the said street area are incomplete, and Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit dedications of the property to the public and the parties herein name-', desire to protect the public interest generally by legally enforceable assui . :e that public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its surety, IT IS HERFPY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1 . Petitioner shall proceed with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements as shown on the improvement plan, as approved by the City of Tigard, prepared by Cooper, Cnn�ult ,��nL�; , In(_ ( Ticard ,C)R ) Said improvemerts to be completed no later than one (1) year from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner hereby agrees to comply with standard specifications as adopted by the City, or as otherwise be or have been approved by tho Department of Community Development, to comply with all terms and provisions specified hereinregard this improvement by the Council and Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, and one as—built mylar, both stamped by a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration 2. To assure compliance with the City' s requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, with liability in the amount of $ 61 , 927 . 5'aa copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. Petitioner' s contractor shall be licensed, bonded and insured - 1 - .w 3. T'i tr►e event ,.hat the Petitioner shall fai. neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety, and such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety and in the event the same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the Petitioner and the Petitioner's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sun as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its optior, brin3 proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s surety specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be ?ntitled to recover such sums as the court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, shall deposit with the City an amount estimated to equal pole and luminar maintenance fees for street lighting facilities according to Portland General Electric Schedule N91, Option 8 together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (10 year3 from the date of initial energizing of said lights, said amount being $_37 b. The City agrees to make and provide periodic an,4 final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner shall pay the prescribed inspection fee of 4% of the total estimated cost of the construction; said f^e being 6. The City agrees to install certain street identification signs and traffic signs for said street, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ N A 7. At such time as the public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of readiness for acceptance inspection and, then, upon notification by the Department of Community Development that the requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient guarantee bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City, to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of the public improvements by the City. R Within one year of tentative acceptance of the public improvements th,, Petitioner agrees to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "e" overlay on all roads . 9. Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth 2 10. At such timt as all public improvement. i. ,e been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Community Development that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements, for operation and maintenance responsibility, and release the Petitioner's guarantee bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement pursuant to authority in each of them. CITY OF TIGARD: PETITIONER: TUALATTN DEVELOPMENT CO, INC . Mayor City Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return Signed Copy to: Hayden Corp . , Tualatin De\,Flopment Di- . 900 N . Tomahawk Island Dr . Suits lPr, Portland , OR 97217 (00705) 3 -• MIM-ALM—F&I AIWAOMMAM, Iff XMff LOT B, WILL OW-BROOK-FARM \ \ \ N'QFIi \ LINE BEARING DISTANCE i S 00'12'59'E 22.47 2 S 00'06'14'E 11.22 F \ 3 N 00' 12'59'N 11 .24 N G� `48.M • `�\ 04 \ \ \ SCALE: 1 INCH 60 FEET \ Po taw C� rNT QCT 1 � qr air or LOT 12, WILLOW-BROOK-FARM J FOUN TA INS A T SUMMERFI EL D Legal Description- Dedication along S. N. Naeve Street A parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 Nest. Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard. Washington County. Oregon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of S.W. Naive Street with the easterly line of Lot 12. willow- Brook-Farm, a subdivision of record in Washington County, said point being S 00112139*E 22.47 feet from the Northeast Corner of sold Lot 12. thence along said southerly right-of-way line N 63'05'48'W 457.65 feet to the westerly ]ins of sold Lot 12: thence along said westerly ]ins S 00'06'14`E 11.22 fest to a point that is 30.00 feet from (when measured at right angles to) the centerline of S.W. Naeve Street. thence parallel to sold centerline S 63'05'40'E 437.67 feet to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12: thence N 00'12'59'W 11 .24 feet to the point of beginning Containing 4. 577 square feet. more or less. COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC 11675 S. W. 66TH AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 (503) 639-4914 JUL y 10. 1986 I Street Dedication Compl ianco. PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Tualatin Development Principal, and as a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are i intly and severally held ground unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipax.ty of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $_ 4 1 , 927 . 59 , lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety, jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present . THE CONDITIONS OF THIS BOND AND OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that the Principals are constructin . & dedicatinE a street improvement kri"wn as S .W . N-y,vo located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have entered into a ,^treet dedir,jt ion Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreement is attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the !4greement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all Persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or 3rosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation, shall be void, otherti,ise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City, in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney's fees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this bond to be Qsacuted this day of 19 R 'Tualatin Development Co , In x Principal — ——� - --' By: _ (seal) By: sear_ (A true copy of the Power of Attorney _ must be attached to the original of Surety this bond . ) Attorney to-Fact (09)IP) CORPORATION STREET DEDICATION ' KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that HAYDEN CORPORATION do hereby dedicate to the Public a perpetual right-of-way for street, road and utility purposes on, over, across, under, along and within the following described re-1 property in Washington County, Oregon: SNP Exhi tii t "A" at.t;trhed hor(,tn. To have and to hold the above-described and dedicated rights unto the Public forever for uses and purposes hereinabove stated. The grantor(s) hereby covenants that they are the owner in fee simple and the property is free of all liens and encumbrances, they have good and legal right to grant their rights above-described, and they will pay all taxes and assessments due and owing on the property. The amount paid for this dedication is = IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this Street Dedication to be executed by its duly authorized, undersigned officers acting pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors. Hayden Corporation Name o Corporation By: President By: Secretary STATE OF OREGON ) ) Ba. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) 19 Personally appeared and Who, each being first duly sworn, did say tat the ormer is the _ president and that the latter is the secretary of liavden Corooralior , a corporation, and that the_seal • fixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporate-n and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed. (Officip Hal) Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires: ACCEPTANCE Approved as to form this day of a 19 By: City Attorney - _City o Tigatd Approved as to legal description this day of, 19 By: City Engineer - City o Tigar Accepted by the City Council ;.his day of 19 CITY COUNCILI YTY OF TIGARD, OREGO,1 By: City Recorder - City of Tigard 17O4A F.k111B7'T „A" LOT B, WILL OW-RPOOK-FARM J Nq LINE BEARING DISTANCE I S 00'12'59"E 22.17 2 S 00'06' 11'E Y1 .22 \ \ 3 N 00' AZ'!?"W 11 .21 S �9 SCALE: f INCH - 60 FEET ��� ` '�404, 049 < .^ \ 1Nl QcQ9p�„�0'. 3 LOT 12, WILL OW-BROOK-FARM \mss J �r-OUN TA INS A T SUMMERFI EL_ D Lepel Descriptlen- Dedication along S. W. Naeve Street A parcel of land ire the Southeast quarter of Section 10. ',?rnahlp i 2 south, Range 1 Woer.. Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Washington County. Oregon. cvglnning at a piInt at the Intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of S.M. Naeve '*crest with the easterly line of Lot 12, willow- Brook-Form. a subdivision of record In Washington County, said point being S 00'1P'S9'E 22.17 feet from the Northeast Corner, of ,,zlo %ot 12; thence along said southerly rlght-of-way line N 61'05'10"w 157.95 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 12. thence along said westerly line .: C^'06'I1'E .11.22 feet to a point that Is 30.00 feet from (when measured at ^lght angles to) the contorllne of S.W. Navye Street. thence por4llel to �sid center;lne 5 63'05'10'E 157.67 feet to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12: thence N 00' 12'590w 11.21 feet to the paint of beginning Cu..talning 4, 577 square feet, more or less. COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC 11675 S. W. 66TH AVENUE PORTLAND, i.:Tr-ON 07,223 (503) 639-49J4 JULY 10. 191'6 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLIr IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHEET Project Title: '44cVE Imprv . T .� Computed By: Date- rt 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18, 164. 150) : A. Improvement cast estimaie, _ /' ?z7. � B. 0.04 x $ 192?, 59 = . . . . . . . fr,•:justed Cast)2�1,Q (A,4justed Cost) 2. SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION FEE (Ord. No 85-1)2) : A. Contract surcharge applicable . . . . . yes, (agreement name) ~••S B. Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ (sewer a^t . )- C C. 0.04 x $ _ $ (sewer estimate) (fee) _ [ar) $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . . . . .$_ 3 STREETLIGHT FEF (T.M.C. 18 . 164 . 130 (x) 6 3 .08.010): A. P.G.E. Schedule No. 191 _, Option No. 15__; Type of Lamp _ Lumens �s Type o f 4kpe I (monthly rate) (no. of lights) (monthly no. of �.�I• ( y rate) ( poles) $ _ /�� .SCS + x 74 months _-- (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4. TRAFFTC- PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T.M.C. 18 . 164 .030(u) : A. Stop: @ $ _ $ (number) (each) (subtotal) B. St Name: C. Combo: D. No. Parking: @ $ = $ Sign(s) Total 5 GRANT) 101 Al (FEF 'S DUF ) . $- A-0 Ret.(lipt. Nr, Oato Paid Choc k CAsh 0970P '\ COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W. 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97213 • (503) 639-4914 TO �L _-� ,C Y4�a., DATE 7- RE:RE: a c �/�� '7KG(- /.��✓S'.ATTN: _ OUR PROJECT NO. WE ARE SENDING YOU KATTACIIED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _ _Shop Drawings —?rlrints _ Documents Specifications _ Catalogs _ Copy of letter _Tracings Other Copies Date Item _ PEMAPKS COPY 1r) V _ CTL�) If material received is not as listeo above, please notify us at. once. 8Y ,)/1/767� COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. -- ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W. 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503) 639-4914 TO ---- DATE ?A t2 RE: ATT N.- 1r �.--- OUR PROJECT NO. WE ARE SENDING YOU 1*fATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _.Shop DrawingsDocuments _ Specifications rints _ Catalogs _ Copy of letter _ Tracings Other Copies Dare Item 00, 2 .- REMARKS COPY 'IN j /1�j � If material, received is not ao listed ff above, please notify us at once. x;1./76 BY �__ 7•��-f36 LVW4 C -7111;- /fw FR JoNN SXA', OKEVE ST, 'bMiexnoN r (PRowsEo� ��- �NtS �ese��pna� ' p�t"Et�S REvi�� YQ�e� 'fi �r U'it'1'l1ER SOL'GSS I l.)C.� r L O T 8, WILLOW-BPOOK-FARM S, w N LINE BEARING DISTANCE i S 00'12'59"E 22.47 � \ 2 S 00'06' 14 E 11.22 3 N 00' 12'59"W 11 .24 o ` 9 \ � 0S •�`�� sS s,s SCALE: 1 INCH 60 FEET \ <ON\ pq 0T LOT 12, WILLOW-Z:t4OOK-FARM m J FOUN TA INS A T SL iMiVEPFI EL Lr) Legal Description- Dedication along S. W. Naeve Street A parcel of l:,nd in the Southeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Rarge 1 Yeast, Willamette Meridian, City of Tigard, Weshington County. Oregon. Beginning at a point at the intersection of the southerly right-of- way line of S. W. Naeve Street with the easterly line of Lot 12, Willow- Brook -Farm, a subdivision of record in Washington County, said point being S 00'12'59"E 22. 47 febt from the Northeast Corner of said Lot 12; thence along said southerly right-of-way line N 63'05'49"W 457.65 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 12; thence along said westerly line S 00'06'14"E 11 .22 feet to a point that is 30.00 feet from (when measured at right angles to) the centerline ar S. W. Naeve Street; thence parallel to said centerline S 63'05'48"E 457.67 feet to the aforesaid easterly line of Lot 12; thence N 00'12'59"W 11 .24 feet to the point: of beginning. Containing 4, 577 square feet, more or less. COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. 11675 S. W. 66TH 4VENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 (503) 639-4914 JULY 10, 1966 s COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING I ARCHITECTURE 1 CONSTRUi'TION SERVICES 11675 S.W.66th AVENUE • PORTLAND,OREGON 97223 • (503)639 4972 TO DAT); i RE: 10, A,rTN: �UG-r. / OUR PROJECT NO. 72_';;_1 loll WE ARE SENDING YOU )� ATTACHED v UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _Shop Drawings ZPrints __ Documents _ Specifications Catalogs _ Copy of letter --Tracings Other Copies Date Item REMARKS ✓/t ./ Q s.s - e i I COPY TO If material received is not as listed above, please notify us at once. 9/1/76 BY �� COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W. 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503) 639-491.1 77720 i e,.,tC_ f"C� `` ri1�► �SSvI e, � Al July 14, 1986 Layse T.b.C ' k City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 •` Tigard, Oregon 9722.3 Attn: Mr. John Hagma^ Engineering Technican III Re: Naeve Road Imporvements Gentleman: In accordance with your request we have looked at alternate routes to provide sewer service to the property directly north of Naeve Road. We have discussed the matter with lialatin Development Company (TDC) and they agree to work with the developer north of Naeve Road t9 provide sanitary sewer service. As you are aware, the sewer lines in the Fountains development were not sized to handle al' the flow fr)m the area to the north. Alternate routes could either bE to the east or west on Naeve Road. Since TDC is building only the southerly half street,a new sewer line could be installed in Naeve Road at the time of construction of the northerly half street and externa east to 109th Avenue or west to Pacific Highway. We trust this is the information your require on this subj3ct. Sincerely. bonalu J. Kliewer, F.E. Vice President DJK1sg s � w COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNIN ,/CONSTRUCTICN SERVICES 11675 S.W. 661h AVENGE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223• (503) 639-4:14 TO DATE r / 0' Z?ff(�" oY Z RE: 27 Z Z > ✓� �� ATTN: OUR PROJECT NO. _1 7 72-r--) WE ARE SENDING YOU ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _Shop Drawings _ Prints XDocuments Specifications _ Catalogs _ Copy of letter Tracings Other Copies Date Item / REMARKS COPY TO If material received is not as listed above, please otify at once. �1 � ; gv COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. - ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ff 11675 S.W. 661h AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503)639-4914 l� TO DAZE e) 7ZLs' ATTN: � l c' OUR PROJECT NO. �C•s L L,J C� �l-- WE ARE SENDING YOU ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA Shop Drawings Prints — Documents — Specifications — Catalogs _ Copy of letter —Tracings Other Copies Date Item r � Iwo -_ter 1 , n A(.Se 4!.%%e4 dull kR }a�,�� P.M. � Pr-e v t t_ c�+K.►,+�,t.K'L y '1e ►tit t Cl REMARKS _ �� j. /• )�,Mamie • t • • COPY TO �( c – If material received is not as listed above, please noti fy us at once. 9/1/76 BY t COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W.66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503) 639-4914 ��/!C J• L,ll x � � DATE z 1 ATTN: OUR PROJECT NO. WE ARE SENDING YOU �-ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _Shop Drawings Prints — Documents — Specifications_ Catalogs _ Copy of letter _Tracings Other Copies Date / Item _ Z121 - I P.E;dARtCSdd 7 CUPY TO _ If material received is not as listtd above, please notify _ at once. BY 9/1/76 MINA&= iUALATINIDEVELOPMENT COMPANY 4OkK WITHIN PHASE HEAVE ROAD 22 Jun 8f �'UPIIC RISYT-OF-WAV LINE-HALF STREET IMPROVEMENT ITEM UNITS OUANIITY UNIT COST SUBTOTAL IDC ACCT NO. COST �.1kEET kL1R1 1 CLFA'ING AND GRUBdiNG AC 0.:'1 19,11011,00 1;,900.83 11,909.83 �] 2 ETCA:'ATION CY q.(10 s4,2!1 10.00 J '• EM'vANKMENT CY 6`0,(,0 68 s3.00 s1,9.U.U0 68 4 734-INCH MINUS ROC; CY 42.00 112.1"10 1504,00 68 5 7-INCH MINUS ROCY C'' 110.00 19.40 11,598.00 $4,1'52.00 6B 6 1-1/2 INCH AC CL. B SY 1022.00 15.25 55,365.50 $5,365.50 71 1 1-1'2 INCH AC Cl. C SY 1022.00 15.25 $5,365.50 t5,365,50 70 ------------------------ CONCRETE WORK SUBTOTAL 116,683.83 116,683.83 1 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES SF 140,00 12.10 $714.00 72 2 6-INCH CONCRETE PAVEMFNT SF 0,00 $3.15 $0.00 72 6-INLH ESP, A66R(SATE CONCSF 0.00 13.15 10.00 72 54601 SIDEWALK SF iM.00 $11.04 $4,700.16 15,414.16 72 STANDAkO CURB LF 460.00 15,80 $2,668.00 $2,668.00 67 WA1EF' WORK SUBTOTAL 18,082.16 18,082.16 1 8-INCH WATER MAIN LF 450.00 124.00 $10,800.00 62 FIRE HYDRANT EA I.00 11,200.!1!1 tl,200.00 6^ 2' BLOW-OFF ASSEMBLY EA 1,00 1300,00 1300.0( 62 4 8-INCH BUTTERFLY VALVES EA 3,o(I $350.(10 t1,050.00 I13."k 62 ------------------------ STORM DRAIN WORK SUBTOTAL $;1,350.00 $13,350.00 1 CATCH PASINS EA 0,00 1500.00 $0.00 60 15-;NCH PIPE Wi CL.O LF :x,00 522.50 10.00 10.Q0 60 ---------•-------------- SUBTOTAL 0.00 to.(10 o- -------------------- _ t,4' ' ,too NIySTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSI 538,115.99 5,*.8,115.99 CONTINGENCY 0,±0 $'..,811.60 S ---------- PUDGET COST PRELIMINARY 141,921.59 COOPER CONBULTANTH, INC. COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. ENGINEERING 1 ARCHITECTURE I CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W.881h AVENUE• PORTLAND,OREGON 97223•(503)639.4372 TO e14 C, C -Fq g rC! DATE Junes �p -- RE: _ElurckLi c� 3)mme4eW ATTN: Mho;. �p�� AG ry�AN OUR PROJECT NO. 777 2 8 WE ARE SENDING YOU t,- ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA _Shop Drawings _✓Paints — Documents _ Specifications _ Catalogs _ Copy of letter _ Tracings Other Copies Date Item (off REMARKS �To hY) `the fnclos ed }i, (uv)`-I n J L Co�P_ yr_0.�? _ LLC-vL CC CIf Li r^c J4f� C� r Ifo Jh �UU-)� O� c K) AP,. U"�� �� I IeS cxv-e- chc,-ns e � ► �e ryY)e- - CF3 ackdad. Ac-C=ci!5 QQet)e Was mouesk cosLia'' c _ COPY TO ��� If material received is not as listed above, ase notify us n rte. BY 9/1/76 i �1 s -z5 -�� i �G'� -5 ,C�I'yiy7lry� S l`/l>• / .SLiG7/ �.�'Z./ .,�r"G`� For- pomap RE CEHE R fie, 31 10 ourrs MAY 2 0 1986 Z700 T,�ps I b/my - D uutf''5 7M T4pS (°/ tAY CITY OF TIGARD 'S105�0 t � ;o -mrf J cwr r- LPO 1 R. S.r = 7o umirs Cry to�ePs�ip AUr .� �� � N VVV .��11 • N + Z 3S0 01 Ap k I•„r A ----------- .w. .��rrq►..w..nmw�ww��....,-.--w.._• _ 1' •iM1 '1- LN 'i ✓ 1. 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(4Er_-r1�p,) Hogt7_0 JTAL +i� _4� 12`cI�G .� \/E(L7ie_ L SC-ALI.: III - 5'-O"'I *? �I • , , ,��_ x. _ ,r, rSTE G' CHC IL h�a9 _e..• M a 2 `v ..�..� < , t -cvN c rz- -r .Z�.TA►1�UN6 QP�V EL W1 FI t•.-'T Erc cwTN ` •.-rE J T"•S r i �'PT.e .) Z FOUNTAINS LOM)OMINIUM P v ECT UJ TEMTiz,14r\NC._Er11�� — It 4rr , R J �L.L ,�� NOS � . � �z k<DE1.1 CZ>Z _T1cN —_ _ S.C . 8•Z� I��o rj I s�'f ta.,f As'7M - _. NAEVE STREET 4iX-L r• �icdT'T (S0DPN,(2_ 7 2�' '�'�I 90 TOMAHAWK- IsCAlvil pc. Cr�LLJMW DETAIL � I..�JAI__l� `�F LT ION 6 OF 6 ��ZrUIU pEpT. h�7PT�-FIND M A RaPa o NMI 10, R�1T IV , , _ urs wr .-.... �:r--�•*r- �.1+--•�I�!�".1-!t!; - �w.+.�cW..,...,a.... .. - t ._- „. t l ( I I 1 I I I I' I I M' 111 I h III IIT Ij ,III Ilk"111111111 IIIIIII Ill 111JI1l 1111111 IIIIIIl III Il l'. ill (tall 1111811 1►1Itj1 111. ` ��I I l l l l t II-i��l t �l�r t `► l�f f t�j''"""i i I I t � 1 � - t I I S I I1 I I I I I I I I I I ` r ` NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 7 e 0 10 I I Ig Orr.�Ir.r. r.. . . .. .r.r. DRAVING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT IC&T--IT IS DUE TO { QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ^�� � RAwING. 0E e2 9Z tt •a .2 tt EZ ZZ IZ 02 61 RI tl 91 O1 VI C1 I1 II OI • t 9 S E Z 1'""'" �►l1111111111111111111111►u111111111111111�,11111ttt�ttN�I�ullluluUinglnr>p1uItH1�In111tItNl{atltt�Nltltt}I�nullutl!H11Nt�tltlt 1NIIINI�Itt{ q�unllnl�nullttl�ulllTllul�r�IlWll�IllHltilliti1�1111111�1bIN ` JULY 1 1992 AIIII ___ Mwwwwl i. - n ., ., L :..;.:. .,.,;,; r 4 , +x4e re:;,..ka`r�rr• rW': �'.w�m%rM".r.v.�-wt• �! +1•kn'i4w .n-• -, .-. .. r •. ., .. - .'Til. RT�tt^i _ t .. .. :. ... .r, ., +..1. F' t 4�, 7c-? '&;/4 4f .:5;oafe ddo .c fie® Qs `i�iiro� moo/%res 7`i�� /i�� fI(.'l.G7 `�LC' •�j���J�U//j �?/d.l��'Qi 7`t�v"/5 NC,5 �/iWy "t.'"ew ��aG�JiiyO/�/c• ,�O(!/.t�.7/', ES�,P�.� -�/'CP.c��S� �O�Yiif3, PK./ 3 —IXe ,54ve4 ",ow ,Ovo �,,oz io ee' /,!p ,,�ivP �i►rx�cfG� ,1iY r'f�c . 1a,4o,& plee B / �T� 1-4, ZaO ��ls•�/��� /(leve . 'a 0_-5o7,` lwve C'aICu 4t 74ellNs, Plek rrors 4e-,7 A�e've- ee► be �ol4 ,,se �.., .>�.,�v�v�.� old, I-eu, "'�7 : '56""'o-ow dy c �04tc '.:kee 4 'CF /00/4 A4 elt j-f 4�wcl.4 -704�6 rc lv. 1el;;'c*!`I I AS 4-W �✓/<1�--' i i�� �C T_- � /.S ?�Q.4o—e L-� /r16� . �— Xeu.-e- -74) Cr7'L ��r 4 Aet Akio ej,7'L C,/,o d'�'3' /�Cay�'6J !L��l 7 ! 7` ��;'.. l_ ��c'l��Z;L-- L�--�� C''c�s'�s '7"c'�j'jcu.cJ- !-�fi� p�•6 e/'�✓', t ,/ONS/ Av/ apr� S-t -dG �.� M44r$OW is eL4*JJAOr1Xb AS A AWAAMM CoL"erat S T/rIGCT, (GO 0 ALOW 40' C.—C. l TN/O 400AAC fAB/L1r7')o . 2.) 7Wc A T'TACNe o p!i!'oAt%s4G. /NGvCAsw'S 7 vvi Armw ,DL✓Xd.-C O°' ,IaA,/T eOuMYANpS 1 ocsoov` or" ,DCjvjc4vAwA1* 7r,HC /FCQ&N/rCA #V#V4 ow• . ror&'ET' ��NI�otGviC/7GV T �iVb1� TMC .210 " C.-C . SCC r7CAI ) tCLA77 VC sty rMC AlAlAL. W A!'Cs . ;low bLlii -VJ. "OUT Lo ps to � - F? ? l n. la cI CL u sw rc �i D IL 1 _ � ' _- R-2 j R X12 1 P Nw r US Gt LD 0 r _UNG°CN 3.� P , R — `T 5 -- sw ru+ooaN r r woo ♦ IN'T R (PD ) J R - 0R T u r , ° y 1 In , D` G A�Lojtj 'K IN G 15 R— F� 2.5 R �� C I1 r T . , CQUNTP111 MEN, 'r 1 , Own On amm, tN1 DNrv7 — i t 1 T U A L AT 114 N � I /" COOPER COPJSULTANT89 INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 SM, 66th AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503) 639-4914 77727 Nk. / 20, 1986 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Subject The Fountains at Summerfield Naeve Road connection Dear Mr. Hagman: As agreed in our meeting on May 19, 1986, I am submitting for your consideration a proposed layout of the left turning lanes at SW 109th Avenue and at Pacific Highway. We feel that a full 44' wide street (minor collector designation) is not appropriate for Naeve Road. A smaller roadway width would likely serve the area well since Naeve Road tees into S.W. 109th, a local street. Additionally, the plann, d traffic volumes on Summerfield Drive are going to be much higher than on Naeve Road. The City 's plan map indicated 200 ADT; surely Naeve Road would not generate as much traffic as Summerfield Drive. We respectully request your prompt review of this proposal and noti- fication to CCI of your decision so that the design review can be completed. Respectfully, COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. onald J. K1 a er, P. Vice President cc: Vlad Voytilla, TDC /dd �ultziom� C7o tp� son, e To—__ Date_ tJ e. NIL YOU W OUT M . '� , Phone_ —� � TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL RETURNED YOUR CALL WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU RUSH V 0d- 57 gyp , COOPER CONSULTANmrs, INC. ENGINEERING/PLANNING/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 11675 S.W. 60h AVENUE • PORTLAND, OREGON 97223 • (503) 639-4914 77720 April 25, 1986 Mr. Vlad Voytilla Tualatin Development Co. 900 N. Tomahawk Drive Portland, Oregon 972.17 Re: Naeve Road Improvements at Summerfield Dear Mr. Voytilla: Today Don Kliewer and I met with Mr. John Hagman at the City of Tigard. The purpose of the meeting was to determine whether the City or the County has jurisdiction over the design and maintenance of Naeve Road. Mr. Hagman indicated that the City had initiated a resolution that would transfer jurisdiction from the County to the City. The reason this determination is important at this time is for design criteria for Naeve Road. The City and County standards do vary. As an example, the City uses vertical curbs and the County uses curb and gutters. Another difference is the County requires a 46-foot wide curb to curb street Improvement. The City requires a 40 to 44-root curb to curb street improvements. Both the City and the County will require a 60-foot right-of-way. After our meeting with John Hagman, I called Mr. Ron Aase at. Washington County to discuss the design criteria for Naeve Road. Because of the pending resolution, her. Aase indicated that we could use the City standard. He would like to review the drawings along with a copy of the resolution when we are finished with final design. Based on the above discussion, we will proceed with a half street improve- ment of Naeve Road with a width of 22 feet in accordance with the attached City of Tigard drawing. 77720 Por. Vlad Voytilla Tualatin Development Co. April 25, 1986 Page 2 Should you have any questions, please call Don Kliewer or me at 639- 4914. Sincerely, COOPER CONSULTANTS, INC. James A. Gilmer, P.E. Princinal Engineer JAG/sw attachment cc: John Hagman, City of Tigard Ron Aase, Washington County COOPER CONEULTANT®, INC. O w N S � > QO z Q z_ Q > 3 t\ \OV J a a Q 3 0[ a a 0 0 \ _ w a > F - :R o w J U W w w w cr Cf)� � dU) \ Z Z X X ►- �- O O 00 � O W ct: � 0 W U U 0 Y d D J J W W V1 l M 4 Q U V Q N U 0 a N \ Z U :co 3 _ 1 yp O 1 cr cn (nr W O0 a a N, N °� w --1 tq cv J J M Y W U U N J _ C 0 � N \ cJ N M (V rr - W J U p O � / Z d U W N f` liJ Z N N Q O W O U W _Z -O O Z x 7_ S w — F- rl J S OU) _ W J fw]. w J �_ W = d N W w O = V U > d (n — W ►`7 x Q tr cr W W w J w a: >- F-f" Z (7 W d "M 00 — Z z J ZZcd h (r 3 _j _j W w -—�rc J_J h Z CO d Q Z2 cn O X X w h w (n(nU U J Z w Z U to(n (n O Z Wwm Z — < W 0 x0� o- gin W X :D 0 0 w Z w C7 U (V — (O 0 0 h O Z CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 84-_V6 PC A FINAL ORDER IN THE MATTER OF, THE APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REQUESTED BY TUALrATIN DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, APPROVING THE REQUEST, ENTERING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS. File No. PD 3-84. The Tigard Planning Commission heard the above application on August 1, 1984 and September 4, 1984. Vlad Voytilla represented the applicant and Neighborhood Planning Organization No. 6 also appeared in support of the application. One letter was received in opposition. The Commission finds the following FACTS in this matter: 1. The applicant, Tualatin Development Company, requested approval of a Planned Development consisting of 112 attached residential units. The property is zoned R-20 (PD) (Residential, 20 units/acre, planned development.) and is located betwen S.W. Summerfield Drive and Naeve Road at the west end of the Summerfield Development (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 IOD, Tax Lots 1100 and 2000). 2. The applicant's justification for the project is in Planning file PD 3-84 and the minutes of the August 7, 1984 hearing. 3. Relevant approval criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1 ani 2, %sprehensive Plan Policy 2.1.1, and Chapter 18.80 of the Community Development Code. Based upon the record in thin case, the Commission makes the following FINDINGS: 1. Statewide Planning Goal fl is met because the City has adopted a Citizens Involvement program including review of all development applications by the Neighborhood Planning Orge-tzation (NPO). In addition, all public notice requirements were met. 2. Statewide Planning goal #2 is met becaase the City applied all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies and Development Code requirements to the application. 3. City of Tigard Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the Neighborhood Planning Organization and surrounding properties were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. 4. Chapter 18.80 of the node is satisfied because the development is consistent with all applicable criteria contained therein. The Cosnission adopts the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1. Based on Findings 1 and 2 above, the Commission has determined that the applicant's proposal meets applicable Statewide Planning Goals. 2. Based upon Finding 3 above, the Commission has determined that the proposal is consistent with the relevant portions of Chapter 18.80 of the Code. Based upon the above findings and conclusions, PD 3-84 is APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1 . Seven(7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the City's Engineering Division for review. 2. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after said Division hae issued approved public improvement Flans (the Division will require post:Lng of a 100% performance bond), the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight. deposit and also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to the issuance of approved public improvement plans. 3. Vertical Datum shall be City of Tigard (N.G.S. 1929). All existing and established temporary bench marks in the vicinity of the project P:Iall be shown on the construction drawing. 4. Compliance of 18.160.160 (all) with the following exceptions: 18.160.160 A.2. Capped 5/8" X 30" I.R.'s on surface of final lift will be acceptable. 5. The on-site sanitary and storm system shall be maintained by the homeowners associate except for the main sewer line serving the project. All 8" publicly maintained line shall have corresponding easements that are acceptable to the Engineering Division. j�- 6. All sever laterals serving more than one unit will require a joint maintenance agreement to be approved by the Engineering Division and recorded with the plat. 7. The storm and sanitary manholes at the north end of 114th Avenue shall be encompassed by public easements. 8. The on-site drainage ditch(s) shall be constructed to provide for ease of maintenance (wide 6 shallow, grass lined) and public safety. 9. The detailed plan shall be submitted for the Planning Director's approval prior to issuso:e of building permits. Said plan shall include the following modifications: a. Revised landscaping plan which to consistent with the visual clearance Chapter 18.102 of the Code. b. Buildings shall be relocated to meet the setback provisions of the R-20 cone. 10. The existing stub street off of 109th Avenue shall be vacated and maintained by `he Homeowners Ansociation. 11. Additional requirement for 30 feet flight-of-Way from center line will bt required for Naeve Road, anti shall have half-street improvements to a minor collector. This requirement shall be fulfilled prior to establishing access to Naeve (load. 12. The project a:,y be developeid in phases for up to seven yearn from the date of detailpA. approval. A new application shall be required after seven years have passed, or if major modifications including a recreational facility are proposed. 13. This approval is valid if Detailed Approval for at least one phase is obtained within one year of this conceptual approval. Ir. is further ordered that applicant be notified of the entry of this order. PASSED: This 3 AW day of aelwlGt , 1984, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. A. Donald Moen, President Tigard Planning Commission ("M:pm/0677P) h ` •1 1 41, • ,• 11.1 P C t� ,{, c�e'!.l'.1�,1. • V DU-�•' rQ11AN\kK1S • Y .. 1' 1'1�w1 • �\1171� Ns�.y^ •A, -.. ... .1.x '1.' �4M / � G v � z � ICDGZ 1: 119 6 ? n PER POLE ` r m p p �nG1N s Z N —4 (n -n Ln n� p p m < d ; 3 TEL. POLE "� m r L � I 2 ?_ 1 NCOI M y CfT09' V3 cn JIL SW I o � 74 n$ + �I fttj (I Oil; N sir 6` • e1 r 2 re VIC �� 'ice►o 6' t 16 o N r 7 r •. ,n ' .a � ��m p •►OG, \O• �� N O t o / ���c06O• #I N k\� / '� 3 L(11 r; y fn lop to i ; u I I I ot V 5 O \ \YL r 1 v' / r s��+ C► tt� 1p il ul O M �'"-day g .r& / �`• off''• IlI r �► Y. 0 p 1 p6\� , / . u1 . �� � gyp` v S�p All- 'Z CD rl �310d0 or — ,f ak4Az 11- q � eX 64, o59. .vN x 'A C4 I V a CO e ,ju KA J Y 1 Nr � F ' / I lijiVIS h �- W W 0 til r! 1 i I w Q Q •e Old e-, I WLL 1 310d "III � Q T ♦q � Q � � r � �j � n1 �i W in 3 —� at, y IL - � _ 1, a O S LLU1 I1 K N T N m J N b� W u� d N Q a ¢ a to t J cl 3704 id..3m0d u z h l t w 4 a m rc alotw m �, L' v `\ c *o \ J .19 go w Io rb w IZ) C7 1� \ C30vol \ \ Jr cr \ , moi [ccio e ��ii U t L-i u u uall III�ISI�MI IJ 1111I � I. 11 loll mill , 0 O � HFIA Q. ;� 0 Wd �Iiil�i�il�Nl _ ui 1111111111 1111111 mill I I III m no to ���IIIII�1111111k.. will III mill I I Z, riiiiII111111 1 qMilli I n� ��IIII� � Illflll� t. i 1114 www w ME IMENUM I� FNM. willI�, In III III 111 1111111111 1III�I�N�I�1�111�II � fill 111 NIGHAAJ 370d �t3M0d u a �[ 02 r.�yZi� z -1 w o W cr �ra 3'lnd '131 .,� t� abs r.00- � _ p r lu ao } i� �it� I • Z T LJ A \ i M!4 '3*ho:5 I a u '31()d 81MOd f. I mp p W �, v of v' d d > j W w UJ' cr uJ I v CC t44 r ,J ,r dc �- �vl.414` Q 3 3 z Vj 43 tj -� y C T�1 i l C C1 V co wig r• 1� Teo oil - � un C Qco ZAf OO� Q NN m O - 1 r– rz x I g r 2 v HE .♦ n to f1 r�- Z n ... �+ "Jul •- 9, 1 s C" � POWER POLE CD 1 O r -iv+ a CONC, D/W - A P/L }6 CONC. D/W 2 TEL. POLE 0 POWER POLE o n ° r in I. I MNF■ r LL. coo N L h Q ° 310d a3Mod - 14 I"d 11131 /1 VI �1 ARM -)NO3 cc m 0 JNO� �~ � I �c ~ Q W � Q U- 3 .r Q o0 F > Ix : 0. w >- >- F- �n u h>- ~ ►- C^►- v1 v u. FS- '� a r- Ir� 4. U Crg c� � aw �J A c� O r- z r- 1-- u t .i Q wj 11 ►- cn ►- U. p Ir+ y} 310d 83MOd i i n duj CL N t W ? Z N W 7 - W � oc n CO9L~ IL S?.j F W a ~ 3c W M V+ qG u c'k = � p � 3 LID C r- v ✓i r-. F � r1- � 2 �. � J � cp �•r• � V Q w k w J !F VS CO tJ �J qui -J .J N • v iJ o � oc : � n uMu11 Li Li U I Li 11 son 3 �l Imo Rio, I MOM . N u 1 C] = S 9R - Q • ter// �V LV_rlY�_.-' ~ � J x X o 0 10 ?3, 9-11 © r( ` 2 .8 \ S.P. p � K } CITY OF TIGARD, OR, OEVELOMENT SERVICES DEPT. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : ` II. PROJECT NAME: `> C C /y/4l. III. DRAWING (TITLE) :! dated: IV. PLAT (TITLE) : dated: V. SITE I.00AfION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: � �i��»1i<� l�°✓e-.�©larYic�r� -in 1-.�� , Address Phone No. -26-S- 4111 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Address __— Phone No. Bond No. Exp. Date I, / / (Jini C�.�iayr r (3) ENGINEER: e^sis"1/�rt4 -Lit Address fir./%,. G1, 97zZ 3 Phone No. 6-,S?-4714 (4) INSPECTOR Address_ _i_ Phone No (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY A(;ENCY: Address Phone No Bond No. Exp. Oate—1_ (7) SUB--CONTRACTORS 02165 ; dmj