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CCCCC Q C .. .. ■f■ t ■.1 M ,. y .. •.. .��,• -0�.� . w . 11 ■a afm +nae ■• . . . . mmworpr .. ro . *,'Vm _�' 1 �i ' �' ':�=S 'C' C=C 5 'm'=i ■Q ail"CCE"'+ !Cam ='�"E�" li E==i�"iG�ii .r;.w■=="CC'I i 1�'CiQ;''C' ==C.;......;r;..as r�r.ri'w"1C�"il�i'il�'C'■�ii'r�'i �iiC�i .�iil'�i�'��"?r'�""'=;wr;.1�t � s riC'� C'�"'il'�isc: C �'�► Ce�al=CQra ■■ �' d ■ 'w"ers'"i,�wlr'�'�ii II@Jm per \i :erg "� tr �' .tr =. .� Inc ■ami �iiiICm=EC am:IL E1��rZ _.��i �1 C+� mw r■ ma. ■ ■m ■mw m ■ a w wr■mw■ m as on�'i m■ w w ► r r. u#. t ri x1' y �i ..ss rr�� rp�� * ■■■ cE: ! �! �y . s�.�re�. . .. iG.a1i1 UTALd=�a&UNNIN I ' s�.l���;e rI111lil�iEOIIIECIII:QO�ICl�11lGWCi l�1i=IaISillClsleC=:COI! I��Ci�Ia:=!111=l=I�l�li l�� � �� as�e����^� a� � 1 w �� .r.�.s. ' :m�:m�:m::r. lap � ! I� i Gi �i w�diwan� too ���:,I:m�:� � �iiw.�a �:riliti•.+��i■ri�i�� � � ������G���"� QI 964 t l .d '�I ��t iii ri 1 M a ► e r , r arrw 'a'=:w. . ,. . 4 1 ' 1 1 1 1' , I rn O' .o �N O � n Q 0 �CD "0 G)!.3 �! (D w W_F 7 ro � cn o• CD 3 CD m �Y I✓ CITY OF TICARD, OREGON RESOLUTION Na. 78-r,7/ RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT KNOWN AS S.W. MURDOCK STREET & S.W. 109TH AVENUE. WHEREAS, file City of Tigard requires that certain provisions of access and � rtes be met, prior to use of any structure of parcel of real property, and Further requires that certain standards of construction be met, and WHEREAS, in the development of a project known as "S.W. Murdock Street & S.W. L09th Avenue.", tho_:. certain provisions and standards were required, and WHEREAS, the City tentatively accepted said project via Resolution No. 74-43, subject to the following: 1) Installation and energization of eight (8) streetlights. 2) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer cepla. AND FURTHER, subject to the condit-ons of obligation of a one year Maintenanet Bond; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid items have now been and the aforesaid maintenance obii;ation has also been satisfactorily complied with, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City COUn(:i'. of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby a(_repts the public improvements constructed within said street development project, AND FURTHER, authorizes release of the maintenance bond therefore. PASSED: This //Th day of �.^��?rrr �J _r_ , 19 7r , by the Council of the City of Tigard. Ma�,)r - City of Tigard AT i ES'1 R, c. ruler Pro-Tvm - Ci.ty of Tiga.d RF.:()LUTION No. 78- CITY OF TIGARD,, OREGON STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (P.W„ ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST I. FILE INITIATED . . . . . . . . . . . . O 12/2 Z39 (1) Supplementary sheets attached . . . . . , . . . . . . 13 I7.. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSED STPEET DEDICATIONS (1) Pending Planning Commission action . . . . . . . . . ❑ (2) Approved tentatively by Commission . . . . . . . . . 13 III. SUBMISSION OF PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION PLANS. (1) Plan Check Commenced . . . . . . . . r. . . 12 26 (a) Revisions required-returned to developeo , , (b) Stamped, approved for construction . . . (1 .6T� (2) Utility Company plans received . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (3) Improvement cost estimate received . . . . [ l/ayi-U IV. SUBMISSION OF STREET DEDICATION: Letter Dated (1) Review for conformance commenced . . . . . . . ❑ (a) Revisions required returned to developer , p (b) Approved by Planning Commi&sicn , . . . . O (2) Recorded with Washington County . . . . , , . , p Bk P9 V. EXECUTION OF PROJECT DOCUMENTS! St. Dedication (1) Contract documents drawn, (within Project)..... X (a) Street ')ed.i.cation ccmp.l<ance Agreement ssan.ed ® / (b) r _ �_c��4 Qlgned �ppproec4 to ProJect) ® 2 / (c) 1�1== .1W%Ad . . . . . . . . . • ® 2.L1_Z.7.1 (2) Easements, Street F.rr,e obtained . , . . , . . , ❑ (3) Addresses Assigned . . . (4) Fees & Deposita Paid .(iA EuU). Receipt #__666,__ (5) Permits 6 Licenses Acquired Permit # . . 013 _ 1 (a) Approved construction plan issued . . . . . . . p VI. COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1�3 Note Inspection sheets and construction. Inspection check list (attached) for progress. 0 VII. FINAL INSPECTION OF CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1 _1___Z (1) Pending correction of deficiencies . . . . . . . p (2) Not acceptable, construction deficient . . . . . . . p (3) All construction items acceptable . . . , . . . . . p VIII. EXECUTION OF FINAL PROJECT DOCUMENTBc (1) Maintenance Bond signed . . . . . . . . (2) he-built drawing received . . . . . . . . . . . 13 13) Final report to Council issued . . . . . . . IX, CITY COUNCIL. ACCEPTi .ICE OF PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS MAINTENANCE BOND EXPIPES City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST � for ..�.-rk:..��-r-- t, i car•}; a INSPECTION TIME: ~ , _ I PERMIT NO. : DATE : _ DATE ISSUED :__1._L I OWNERS, NAME Mrrtj-T- ADDRESS: 0001 SIL CONTRACTOR : _ I TEST '. Air p, Water Q Labs"ratory p 4ESUL'" A,)r, - Pending p I T r . 4 I I - „ E CITY ,y ,, PortlandGencral ElectricCompany C� �I�����u I / WESTERN DIVISION / 14655 SW OLD SCHOLLS FERRY ROAD BEAVERTON.OREGON 97005 643.5454 December 18, 1974 Cooper Development Company Mr. Cliff Bergstrom P. O. Box 23113 Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Cliff: f s you requested, I had Mr. Larry Sticka of Sticka Excavating and Trenching provide two (2) separate estimates of costs for digging and backfilling the trenches needed in accommodating for our street light circuitry within your Panorama West Development. The costs are specified as follows: 1. $200. 00 for hand digging the trench on the north side of S. W. 109 Avenue, extending approximately 400 feet from our vault number 5890 in a northeasterly direction toward S. W. Canterbury Lane. 2. $50. UO for machine digging the trench on the west side of S. W. 109 Avenue, extending approximately 240 feet from our vault number 6739 in a southerly direction to the final light on S. W. 109 Avenue. I. am attaching a map to indicate all street light locations and a red line marking to specify the areas included in the trenching estimates. As I related to you by telephone, Mr. Larry Sticka would be acting as a sub-contractor for services to be rendered, so consequently prepayment should be received prior to commencement of the trenching. A LW Cooper Development Company Decembei 18, 1974 Page 2 If accepted, I will expedite the necessary trenching and energization of the eight (8) street lights. Very truly yours, Kenneth L. Snyder Service Representative tm attachment c: Mr. Nick Hiebert, City of Tigard ✓ Mr. Dan McLellan Mr. Paul Jensen ti 1� � �)NN�: . f�• ,/�'r�:'�. /rlr�. flC: '.�" l Y�1{� .h .�.5Z7' f ScAcc r" _ :..nn vF F FO+r►a AccT. _INSTALL . :�L"-,v c���JJ �C_ 2v5- /—/n l.).X tl.r: �"rr..Fl r V J89o�, l/r:N7 L/Pr.,u17 /N C!it ' /ril:F, �?LN6,9 ' r h Z LVET �Fni^: a �( " lrf 'c"A VApOF. C17V.,ruuEC • = IIf�IN� rE" �n.r/� '.' C' /ti,r1NE0ALf j V� �PrCr. 5.7.34 f � �� 1 1►u a to\ I �rf'f/aANa MCS oo_F._. r ;_r,T N•r r /N,.,f7 i L r-/ F r 67P CA9 n N S-rA L.L- W. MSr. _ r " 1 ti w, TALI un - /-i� DX U.F. S9/F.f Tt,�I/.o,r C(9 it 6'0 ME A- T/• r N': $1 r. ie l:r. (cont.) (b) (1) Motion to authorize Mayor to execute agreements Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Paterson, Apprgved by unanimous vote of Council. (c) Councilman Paterson reported on U.S.A. meeting with respect to the ext:ensien of private sewer line on the Cooper Development properties. U.S.A. has accepted the City's recommendation and the problem has been resolved. 16, CALL 'i'0 AUDIENCE _...__..._._._..__.___...._. (a) Mr. Maksym requested Council investigate the Planning Commission action regard- ing the Butler 'Tire Co. development, Council requested staff to bring Information at September 4th study session, 17. Meeting adjourned OW P.M. Cit Recorder V ATTEST: Mayor w �� PAGE 4 - COUNCIL MINUTES - AUOUST 26, 1974 :�r r August 12, 1974 Portland General Electric Co. Attn: Mr. P. Perrino, District Manag.3r 12259 S.W. Main Strout Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Petal This lett-jr is authorization for energisation of the knight (8) strec tlights recently installed within ff.K. Murdock/ 109th Avenue development project (i.q. 'Coopor Devalopmant' ) via p.G.E. 's Schedule "91". Option "am, as per our compliance agreement therefor. Very truly \ Nick Niebert Director of public Works Nri I f j cc: Accountant I SOLOMON, WARREN & KILLEEN ATTORNEYS AT Lew KENNI:T11 S.SOLOMON f3Fo N.E.12ENn AVENt?E (!rNE A. I LHEYWAnt PORTLAND, ORE00N 07200 GP.NE A.KILLEEN I _ , Ro EHT FKIrt:+MAN TFLF.PHONE 2',15-8705 .4 July 25 , 1974 C 1 C Director of Public Works City of Tigard P. O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Cooper Development 74 Unit 109th and Murdock Dear Sir: I wrote you recently and have not heard from you. Perhaps our communication was misplaced or lost prior to your receipt. Please accept this letter as our formal application to the City Council and to your office to waive the DEQ requirements which are the subject of their letter of April 1, ].974. The requirements we are seeking waived in order to develop this condominium are those requiring the installation of the manholes and conveyance of the " laterals" for public purposes . Would you kindly forward this letter to the appro- priate individual for the entry of an "order" on it and notify me as to the result. Many thanks fuer all of yo it help and your prior courtesies in the past. Frankly , I must agree that the City ' s refusal to accept ownership of the "laterals" is sound thinking. Very truly yours , SOLOMON , "RRE LN KI RKMAN c Carlton D. Wary n CDW:eh 4 1 14. (con.t) � (a) Second reading of the ordinance. (b) Motion to adopt: Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by 3-1 majority vote of Council present. Roll call of vote as follows: Councilman Cook, AYE; Councilman Norton, NAY; Councilman Paterson, AYE; Mayor Bergmann, AYE. 15. ORDINANCE No. 74-43 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCL No. 72-36 (GARBAGE FRANCHISE GRANTED TO JOHN SCHMIDT SANITARY SERVICE) DEFINING AND EXCLUDING SALVAGEABLE MATERIAL FROM THE PURVIEW THEREOF I PRESCRIBING REVISED RATES FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSABLE SERVICES THEREUNDER AND FIXING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. (a) Second reading of the ordinance (b) Motion to adopt; Councilman Norton, seconded by Councilman Cook. Approved by 3-1 majority vote of Council present. Roll call of vote as followss Councilman Cook, AYE; Councilman Norton, NAY; Councilman Paterson, AYE; Mayor Bergmann, AYE. x{,''16. ORDINANCE No. 74-44 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING SECTION 10.28 OF THE TIGARD MUNICIPAL CODE WITH RESPECT TO PARKING PROHIBITIONS ON A PORTION OF S.W. HALL, BOULEVARD AND A PORTION OF S.W. VILLA RIDGE ROAD; PRESCRIBING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Motion to adopts Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Paterson. Approved by unanimuus vote of Council present. � -1.7. S.W. MURDOCK STREET L.I.D. - Report on Bid Opening. (a) Director of Public Services d Facilities reported the:following bid was received: Kearney Brothers Construction Co. $26,879.60 The Director of Public Services and Facilities recommended the bid be rejected and the City resolicit bids to be opened 4:00 P.M. August 9, 1974. (b) ORDINANCE No. 74-45 AN ORDINANCE REAFFIRMING ORDINANCE No. 74-34 AND ALL � MATTERS SET FORTH IN THE RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF j MAY 20, 1974, WITH RESPECT TO "S.W. MURDOCK STREET SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT": DECLARING RESULTS OF THE BID OPENING HELD WITH RESPECT THERETO; REJECTING SAID BIDS; DIRECTING RESOLICII'ATION OF RIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (c) Motion to adapt; Councilman Cook, seconded by Councilman Paterson. Ap;►snvEl� by unauiwuus vote of Council presrnt. lA. RESOLUTION No. 74-43 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARU CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC l IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROTECT KNOWN AS S.W. MURDOCK STREET AND S.W. 109th AVENUE, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Motion to adopts Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Cook. % Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. 19. ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT OF MIRA PARK. (a) Director of Public Services A Facilities recommended acceptance of the easements. PAGE 3 - COUNCIL MINUTES - JULY 22, 1974 i CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON RESOLUT?ON No. 74-A RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT KNOWN AS S.W. MURDOCK STREET & S.W. 109th AVENUE, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. / WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires that certain provisions of access and egress be met, prior to use of any structure or parcel of real property, and further requires that certain standards of construction be met, and WHEREAS, in the development of a project known as "S.W. Murdock Street & S.W. 109th Avenue.", those certain prov .s ons an scan arils were required, anct WHEREAS, the City also required, the payment of fees, the furnishing of certain securities and the execution of a Compliance Agreeirent' which stipulated that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Pu.'lic Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accapt the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of once year..."t and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficienciest and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within and for said street development project, subject to: I 1.) Installation and energization of eight (8) streetlights. 2.) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer cepia. AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid rlaintr-nance Bond. PASSED: This day of �c, /y �, 19 7 by the Council of the City o TTrgard. Mayos - C. ty oi Tigard ATTESTs PL Recorder - city of Ti Resolution No. 74- 1 I NYAiNl ENANCE BOND Bond No. U 771.101 i ZJNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE, TACOMA, WASHINGTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that we COOPER DEVELOPMENT CO. i L!NI I ED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington corporation,as Surety,are held 1, 1 111° City of Tigard, Oregon i­, milf,fiJ1andjiists0m0I Twenty No Thousand Two -Hundred Fifty-Three n, 1 1.1r-s & 50/00 — — — — — — — — — i Dollars($ 22,253.50 1, I,!, ur1111 of which sum,well and truly to be made,we bind ourselves,our heirs,executors,administra- . ........)rs dnd asslyns,jointly and severally,firmly by these presents. an agreement WHEREAS, th,,sauj Principal entered into acaxct>a0mutth (Street Dedication Compliance kX Agreement) f Folhruary 1, 1973, between the City of Tigard, a municipality of Ilr, Stale of Oregon, and Cooper Development Corporation Will REAS, ,.alrl ,,,ntract provides that the Principal will furnish a bond conditioned to guarantee „ II i-i wrf of One year(s) after approval of the final estimate on said job,by the owner, against + 1, , ,�,n,w0li ,and materials which may become apparent during said period,andZZ-74- 1'VHF RFAS, thr .aid contract has been completed,and was approved on ,2�37TT3— ^hy Goff HG 0'l OW, 1111 11FFORE,THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if within One year(s) I, rl , I, to ,d .I'uroval of the said contract, the work done under the terms of said contract shall disclose t --i-hill Ill 1ho execution of said work,and the carrying out of the terms of said contract,or it shall n ,i i1 lofo(llvp nldlerials were furnished thereunder, then this obligation shall remain In full forceand lhl, ,oorijment shall bevoid. I'vi-I,1,x,1 this 17th day of �cembe 1973 COOPER DEVELOPMENT CO, --_—_ �- Principal UNITED P IFILSURANCE OMPANY MARTIN A. BOWES ANorney-In-Fact s , re \ ��' 7, c. 'cJNIT "aACIFIC rSr O INS6,.ANCE COMPANY A MEMBER OF UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE GROUP HOME OFFICE: TACOMA,WASHINGTON 96401 r m_.. . AWo sussrrr oevARlaer..r POWER OF ATTORNEY t `•.11\�' All, MIN iiY THESE PRESENTS: ).it t1w I INITFD PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY,At corporation of the State of Washington,having its princi2al a, In it,. •tt� .,f Tarr,ma, Washington, pursuant to authority granted by By-Law No. 37•A of its By,Laws, which reads as f,, nnc \'ire President,any other Vice-President,any Assistant Vice-President,or any Resident Vice-president of this 11-, 1.t:n I•.�Prnint in writing such attorneys,in-fact as the business of the Company may require, and to authorize such .f cash .f pbrm,t execute on behalf of the Company,any bonds,recognisances,stipulations,contracts of indemnity and other Gr,haia,per, ,t to rxcrcise any lesser number of mid powers as hereinbefore set forth. "mc,n shall he att-trd by the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Corporation under its seal.The signature of the Secre• as Sr,retary to.arufird copies of such powers of attorney may be original or facsimile, and when the corporate seal is affixed 1 itt% ,-v rely on said certified copies of powers of attorney as the act ind deed of this Corporation.The President,a1y Execu• Let \1,c-President,any Assistant Vice•Pir�esident,or any Resident Vice-President may revoke any appointment made pur- and all authority conferred by any stitch appointment." J h,„1.1 t ,r111,4tr, i,n,titutcand appoint MARTIN A. BOWES oft PORTLAND, OREGON - - - - - - - - - it it it, ind Io.sful Atn,roev in•Fact,to make,execute,seal and deliver fnr and on its behalf, as surety, and as its act and deed, ANY AND ALL BONDS AND UNDERTAKINGS OF SURETYSHIP. 1 „..,t".n „f .m h h a,d. ..c undertakings in pursuance of these presents,shall he a binding upon said Oomrsuy,as fully and amply,to d I t l,,.r. a,.l they had been duty executed+nd acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company at its office in Tacoma, ',l',•tntyt ,, m,tLrn,un P-PI,Pcrwms IN %VII NI SS W111FRE(tF, the UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents Po he signed xt•cut ive i•1 ,t, liVile President and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, 11,1, 30t.h Clay of December 19_ 70_ UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY t/ Gl'.RRY L. WHITE a/ MORRIS E. BROWN Atli,t By --- .�... —---_ ----- _. (SEAL) A-,tstant Secretary EXeCutive - Vlce-President WASHINGTON ss I'1 F.RCE 30th December 70 MORRIS E. BROWN „t lkt. day of - -. 19_..- personally appeared—.—�._�.____.,_—....d..— ----- GFRRY L. WHITE to me known to he the _._ .______ Vice-president and Assistant ho� ly, nf t'NI1'FP PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged that they executed and attested the foregoing 4, Nt.rd rhe,ral of std .r« oration thereto,and that By-Law No. 37•A,set forth therein,is still in full force. \1'.,..,•,. m. hand and sral beret.x�xed the day end year first above written. January 15 19 74 i Bertha M. Barragar Notary Public In and for the State of`Was`.tin ton_'_—_ 1'9coma ,•1,�I p, r u A',11INt,1 ON Rending are I'If Ht f c,l ItHY 1, 4'lIfI Assistant Secretary of the UNITED PACH'IC INSURANCE COMPANY, e 11 1,1, 'It'll ,her the It„rpn•ng mwvment Is a true copy of a Power of Attorney duly and regularly issued by said Company,and that the some •t'I n ,.It 1,.r , end effect IN wI I P:l be 11'liPR FCtF,1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of sold Company at the Cly of e Assistant$ecrearr --.l rower nr Attorney Rsv 1166 4 � .. Avoid Verbal Messages -1 / CITY OF TIGARD To: 11 From Subject: '��r _'IdG !X �a� Date:_ _'- 74� Tfif Cie 1-7 r�- r NN H I cCw1�7/e�rCr� vt a /i pc �wr/Oro✓ — ,�,er�s fhcs< cwtp�[lea! he✓G AIL WHEREAS, in the development of a project known as "S.W, Murdock Sti.eet b S.N. 1094.h Avenue. ", those certain provisions and standards wore requ red, ai t� ( WHEREAS, the City also required, the payment of fees, the furnish- ing of certain securities and the execution of a Compliance Agreements which stipulated that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . "i and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within and for said street development project, subject tox.�.•,, ...�,.,�„�,.�„,„'""'"�. Recording of two (1) Street Dedication documents. -2. ) Installation and energization of eight_ (8) streetlights. t 3. ) Placement of a Slurry Seal over specified street areas by July 1, 1974, as per NOPaVAtAlagrsement. nC, � '�4. ) Placement of a one (1) inch, class "C", asphaltic concrete overlay on S.W. 109th Avenue by July 1, 1971, as pei- the approved construction plan. 5. ) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer ceria./ Payment of arty outstandin4 taxes and assessments. .��r� .`F11F�':'LR';+°^avbjeeC•.fb ,tiK!!.,�o1�d`f't'i't�f1�"1Tf"1i81�gat�on"oar aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This ____ day of 19 by the Council of the City oTigard. C + V 1\ Mayor -j City�gar ._._ ATTEST: Resolution No. 74-x- -/ ; A �"` k j*r �n' ,~ S t A•(1'f��,� �, p1 �F .�,'���;,�"E• ` �`;..�t t''�� " P � ? .. .��'M�,'+N���k�5r,w:^,,��;,t�M'�'y • .� '„i _ !+�, � ��iya ry�..:rr UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 648-8621 ELDON HOLIT, Chairman .;emerol Manger VIRGINIA DAGG Room 302 WILLIAM MASTERS RCD ROTH BURTON C WILSON, 1R. April 10, 1974 City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: RE: COOPER DEVELOPMENT - PANORAMA WEST CONDOMINIUM Enclosed for your file is a set of the contruction plans on the above reterenced project which has been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environ- mental Quality. Very truly yours, ' 1 DANIEL U. POTTER, General Manager JStuart L. Cato, P.E. � Staff Sanitary Engineer / L� d SLC/kd 4 Enc. cc: Horizon Engineering I I 71-17 I 1 . r , 1 i-. ...-•---�I..�..Y. II -I 1 Gf' rD4RO - t;Y s� APROVED APR 1 1914__ �R; - P _ , x 'T L, C j subbfi lsct to orovlsns in letter of same F '�AN11'�itj J;�yGj x• date. 1rIE�R State of Oregon DfipAfiL54fNT OF 7VIRONMEN1AL QUALITY U.S.A. - D.E.Q. Copy 8 1974 CITY .TI4 D _l , i { RA NOAA AMC S'r i A/V,/ AR•Y it✓E`h" AV 41-� !'£AJ A0Z- --T I . - F. f4 XOC.: i 7179-Li,, A di✓? .!v !ca, v x' 6G1/►J' G ,�- bll 0• �o k4 O , yV March 29 , 1974 AP�' MEMO TO: City Administrator FROM. Anderson, Dittman & Anderson SUBJECT: PANORAMA WEST CONDOMINIUM Herewith copy of letter from Cooper' s Attorney , Carlton D. Warren, which I discussed with you ,yesterday and developed the outlook that you would consult with Mr. Cato of the Unified Seweraf;e Agency with respe^t to any further steps to be taken in that regard. If I can be of any further assistance , please advise , Anderson FAA:pml / Encl . NI fj� Pk < CM/r c/ Gia//r;( -6 s �, c,� SOLOMON, WARREN & KILLEEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW Kr.NNRTII S.SOLOMON orso N.E. iovND AvENTrE D.WARREN AlaiqF, N. KJLLEEN PORTLAND, REOUN 07200 RMFITT I.KIRNMAN T F.I.F.PHONE 2,56-879:, March 12 , 1974 Mr . Fred A. Anderson Attorney at Law 8865 S . W. Center Street Tigard, Oregon RE: Panorama West Condominium Dear Mr. Anderson: I appreciate the City Council' s policy decision on Monday, March 4 , in re ownership of the "sewer laterals" at Panorama West Condominium. I am unable to make any headway with the USA in the matter. Mr. . Stuart L. Cato at the Unified Sewerage Agency has been primarily responsible for handling this matter. If at all possible, I would eery much appreciate your -�on- tacting Mr. Cato, as presently it seems the USA is prepared to insist on the terms of some sort of operating contract between the City and LISA. As always , the developer is prc-pared to meet any reasonable request of either the city or the USA, and is prepared to go forward with the plan as devised by -the USA. The Sower Dedication umpliance Agreertient, the easements, the bond and Hie plans and syeuifications have all been prepared and are poised for delivery at any time the City is prepared to go Forward. Many thanks for your prior courtesies. Very truly VRµrs, SOLOMON, .,IKA KILLED N & fiIRKMAN Carlton J). Warrin CDW:ml (b) Discussion. (c) Council Action. 17. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard A request by the City of Tigard to change existing County zoning Within the newly annexed "Derry Dell" area to corres- ponding city zones. City proposes to change County RU-4 (old R-7), Urban Residential District to City R-7, Single Family Residential; County RU-20 (old A-2), Urban Residential District to city A-2, Multi-Family P.esidential District and County 9-2 Md C-3), Community Retail Commerriel District and County B-4 d C-2 General Extensive Commercial District to City C-3, General Commercial zoning. The subject area rompri9es 89.87 acres and is Located on the northwestern aide of S.W. Pacific Highway between S.W. Park Street and S.W. Gaarde Strept. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8:00 P.M. March 25, 1974. 18. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard A request by the City of Tigard to change existing County zoning within the newly annexed Rolling Hills area to corresponding city zones. City proposes to change County RU-4, Urban Residential District to Pity R-7, Single Family Residential and County MA-1 (old M-4), Limited Manufacturing-Production District to City C-P, Commercial Professional zoning. Tote subject eras comprises 61.7 acres and is located on both dues of 9.W. ? r%d Avenue between S.W. Hunziker Street and B.W. Sandburg Street. (a) Setting of Public Heariny 8!00 P.M. March 2S, 1974 19. ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION - City of Tigard A request by the City of Tigard to thsnge o.%istinp County zoning of two recently annexed parcels to comparable city tones. 0 ty proposes to chango existing (ounty RU-4 (old R-7), Urban Residential District zcning to a city R-7. S%­q1 o re-:l, Residential zone and County 8-4 (old C-2), C.o v;., , e Commercial District zoning to a City r-3. m-o roi zone. The City proposes minor chengar to the zoning config- uration between the proposed Residential and CoNoorrial 100109. Subject parcels are located appro■tx+ately at 11604 S.W. pattsl Highway being occupied by the Mr. gteai, 400tsurant. "d a" �► abandoned rer unsh structure. (Tex Haps 191 3411111, Too ►rare 4ir �M� j _ I 500 and 501). 4 (a) Setting of public Host in4_8100 P.IMi. 8:alr.h g''s GREENBURG - BROOK510C NEiGHBURHQOO NPD #1 (e) Progress report on planing Arfurt. 21. COOPER DEVELOPMENT SEWER EASEMCNT DEDSCAtION ma```r► ,r \ (a) Recommendation of City Administrator.---, Page 3 - COUNCIL AGENUA - March 11, 1974 36DB, Tax Lots 500 and 501). The two parcels in ques- tion comprise 1.99 acres and are occupied by Lhe Mr. Steak restaurant and a vacant car wash building, Washington County zoning now applies to the property as follows: B-4, General Extensive Commercial for a depth of 200 feet back from Pacific Highway, RU-4, Urban Residential for the remaining rear portions of the two parcels. The request is to change the 6-4 zone to the City C-3, Gen- eral Commercial zone and the RU-4 to the equivalent City R-7, Single Family Residential zone. In addition, the existing 200 foot depth of commercial zoning results in a small triangular shaped piece of residentially zoned property at the rear of tax lot 500 (Mr. Steak property). The City's request includes rezoni6g this portion of tax lot 500 to C-3, which in this rasa will place the existing Mr. Steak rear parking area in a conforming zone. (a) Setting of Public Hearing 8!00 P,M. March 25, 1974. (b) Motion to set Public Hearing: Councilmen Norton; second- ed by Councilmen Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council. 16. GREENBURG - BROOKSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD NPO #i (a) Dick Bolen gave progre33 report and stated Carl Buttka will begin his traffic analysis in April, Staff will "esp Council advised of developments, and in the interim, will begin Derry Dell land use survey. 19. COOPER DEVELOPMENT SEWER EASEMENT DEDICATION (a) City Adminstrator recommended the acceptance of th- \ indication of this sewer ;service line be deniedjNorton.(b) Motion by Councilman Moore to deny acceptance o sewer easement dedication; seconded by CouncilmApproved by unanimous vote of Council. Council requested city staff to advtse U.S.A. oaction and to suggest that. the U.S.A. consider -`,in the requirements placed upon this proposal. 20. SUMMERFIELD #4 SUODIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT (Lots #152- 233 AND CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT (e) Director of public Services and Facilities requested Council authorize execution of documents, (b) Motion by Councilman Paterson to authorize Mayor and City Recorder to sxecu++s agreements; seconded by Council- man Norton. Page 6 - COUNCIL MINUTES - March 11 , 1974 March 4, 1974 REGEIVC0 MAR 41971 1,7,1,10 TO: City Council and City Administrator ^IrY !JF T�f;pR� FROM: Fred. A. Anderson SUBJECT: COOPER DEVELOPMENT COMPANY CONVERSION OF APARTMENT COMPLEX TO INDIVIDUALLY OWNED CONDOMINIUMS There has been referred to me for approval certain proposed easement deeds executed by Cooper Development Company proposing to grant to the City of Tigard certain sewer easements to trans- fer ownership and ,jurisdiction to the City of small segments of existing sewer lines extending from S. W. Murdock into the apartment development. I am advised that the purpose to be achieved by the transfer of these short segments of the privately owned sewer lines connecting the existing apartments to the City's sewer lines on Murdock Street is to enable Cooper Develop- ment to meet a special variance from the standard requirements recently approved by the Unified Iewerage Agency. As I have been informed by staff members of the Unified "ewerage Agency and as set forth in the resolution and orders of the agency, the prescribed standards require that each separate residential unit ownership be connected through media of a separate line to a public owned sewer collector line. The original construction on the Cooper site was completed as a -jingle ownership apartment complex whereby the sewage discharges from one or more apartment buildings havting multiple apartments were ,joined into a single service line for discharge Into a collector system of the City. Cooper's present proposal to divide the total apartment complex ownership into individually owned con- dominiums has no provision for any change in the single total ownership sewer system and thus there is no responsibility pro- vision for maintenance, cleaning or enforcement of the use regu- lations against any individual occupant but rather the City would be left with the problems inherent in many individual owners utilizing a single service line. Moreover, the individuals purchasing the condominium units would presumably have no know- ledge of the unusual set up at the time of the purchase and would be left without any effective means of obtaining the coop- eration of the other co-users of the single service line in the event of breakage, plugging* or failure to pay the service charges. I eorsider this should be unacceptable to the City In its administration of the sewer system. Further, if the City becomes a party to this proposal and accepts these easements and thereby becomes the owner of a segment of each of the now privately owned sewer service lines, the City would be assuming all problems inherent in the multiple use of the privately owned segment of the connector lines serving multiple users. The variance and special consideration sought by Cooper Development Company, if granted, would also place the City in the position not only of according cooper special privileges but very easily would have established a precedent which could give rise to problems throughout the City riot only with respect to existing apartment developments who might want to go "condominium" but with respect to new construction where considerable saving could undoubtedly be obtained by the composite serving of a considerable number of individually owned dwe)ling units through the media of a. single service line. For the foregoing reasons, I suggest that the City Council and administration look this matter over carefully as in my opinion, there is no legal ,justification for the variance and exception from prescribed standards and neither the public interest of the people of the Cit,r of Tigard generally nor the individuals who would be the purch,:ser.s of the individual units would be well served by the City becoming a party to the problems inherent in the ptoposeiarranGement. Frei C l Anderson FAA:pinl �t- PL�� Projo..t: Murdock St. 6 106th Ave. Easement: L #1 Deed Reference: KNOW ALL MEN 3Y THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) _______ Cooper Development company, an Oregon Corporation, hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of tt►e sum of $ 1.00 to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon,here na ter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: Fifteen (15) feet wide An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 7.5 feet on each side, when measured at right angles, of the f61-1—OWE-rig'-described center line odckk mcxkbmc ftst3c3cottcJw*xabr& =stkacotxxxdmtk=mxx 1ncated in the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette. Meridian, Washington County, Oregon: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of S.W. 106th Ave. and S.W. Murdock Streets thence South 890 31' 36" West along the centerline of S.W. Murdock Street 236.00 feet to the true point of beginning of Raid centerline descriptions thence running South 020 28' 24" East a distance of 129.00 feet to a terminal point. EXCEPTINI, herefrom, that. portion which lies within the public right-of-way of(50 feet wid4 S.W. Murdock Street. 2. Temporary easement: None Tuyether with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer cr,;►struction purposes, of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when measured at right angles, of the above describes—perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premijes. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the .;ity will issue a written release thereof. Page 1 Easement m ;;Itoulcl it Le necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other ri,it.tcr or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other natter aria materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the , it.y shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area .111(1 1rI inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly t:i the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple anLt have the right to grant the above described easements.. Witri ss our hands and seals this -7 day of Xc 4 191 (Pres.(SEAL) , (SEAL) —(Sec.) (SEAL) - ---— —(SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) I'or a consideration, the mortcla(lo lien on the above described protwrtier, is hereby made subordinate to the easements above granted. Dated this 22_ _y day of February 1914_. Commerce Mortgage Company - -- Mortgagee Executive Vlgg President H. E. Mangan Executive- Vice-President — iIe-- — 8y Secretary :;TAT 1, OF OREGON ) Rosalia M. Faulkner, Assist.Secretary Iss. County of Multnomah ) On this _ 22 day of February —, 19 V, personally aT)iwarod the above named H. E. Mangan and Rosella M. Faulkner of Commerce Mortgage Company mo acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary Puffilic for Oregon U My Commission expires: ! .i�;rt'tnnt I. '1F ORLGON ) )ss. On this day of fare me appeared P-4--t 1. and r both to me personally k-1116 ucin-g duly worn, say t., : . e, a sa -- t ; t he President, and-,he, the s 'l-'AG 1:; tho :,ecretary of Cooney DeyrioMent i e3 the within named Corporat on, an that the sea a ixe to said Instrument is ti .:orplor.atc seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was �necl and scaled in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its L3oard of i rv�:tc rs, and F, h . t. l_ �ja... and .lug ,. . / (20 '. , --r-- ,,ckllowledged said-instrument te' �d three act and deed of saidorporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto qct my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. r?oaary ulilic` or Oregon. --- _—_ My Commission expires -r ACL:IX r'iG W1. The City above named hereby accuoLs the foregoing grants and agrees to cf)mp11y with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OF TIGAR7 13y:iffayor By: — --- City Recor er 11' OREGON ) )ss. r•�,�ml rrf ) r1n this _ ---day of 196_, before me rp peared — and , l,nth to me personally known who,Feing duly sworn, afcT say that he, the ,td is the Mayor, and he, the said - s t e Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal at-- (Irp-c;rion,-an`Tc _the said and acknowle -Tmen t o bete free act an ,ipec] rif sed mun cipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my „ffic.ial seal, this the day and year in this my certificate fist written. NNorary Pu c for Oregon My Comm-mss o exp res I'a r 3 1 ,i ;. ripnt w h h i ib H D 4Ilk � 4 � 0 Ax- �` G L y `tT 3"TA, 2,1do C -W,a-I I I -- Z-571 T.+V, 3+J3 Fr L' i 0 f� C. � J 44%4-J 1 202. ' Now 71 s•. Proje.-c: Murdock St, s 106th Ave. Easement: L #2 Deed Reference: K;404 ALL MEN JY THLSE PRESENTS: That we (I) Cooper Development Company, an Oregon Corporation, here inn fter termeu grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of $ 1.00 Lu lie paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon,— a einaft r termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TII;A14D a perpetual right-of-way and easeiant as hereinafter described, to- ,Icther with a temporary right-of-way and iasement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1 . Perpetual easement: Fifteen (15) feet wide An unencumoered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegQcation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within tLe ea,ement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purpos^-s of the easement; said easement area being 7,5feet on each side, when measured aL riu. t anyles, of the folTnwiriy'_described center line 1tkltkkaxkka fit:kkxwxatgxolOtuitgamkwatxpm=kw ax located in the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamett- Meridian, Washington County, Oregon: Beginning at the inter,ection of the centerlines of S.W. 106th. Ave. and S.W. Murdock St.t thence South 890 31' 36" West along the centerline of S.W. Murdock Street 333.00 feet to the true point of beginning of sail centerline description, ttence running North 030 18' 24" west a distance of 162.00 feet to a terminal point. EXCEPTING, therefrom, that portion which lies 'tithing the public right-of-way of(50 feet wide) S.W. Murdock Street. I'empornry easement: None T'oyether with the temporary right of ingiesq, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of •idditional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when measured at right angles, of the above describes- perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, uge and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. Phis temporary easemcnt shall terminate upon completion of the sewer cf.)-struction work, at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issue a written release thereof. Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other mc.tter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sew:r line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. WitneVs our hands and seals this ���� day (Pres.) (SEAL) (SEA! , (SOC-) (SEAL) _ (SEAL) (SEAL) _ (SEAL) For a consideration, the mortrl,xte lien on the above described properties is hereby made subordinate to the easements above granted. Dated this day of ._.FIhruery.._-__ _, 19 74 Commorce Mortgage Company Mortgagee Executive Vice Presidew H. E. Mangan, Executive Vice President _ E.xecutive ,f VVice_President —FIq— By gcr-STATC OF OREGON etary Rosalia M. Faulkner, Assistant Secretary 1 sr'. County of MtlLtmgAih.— 1 O,, this clay Of Feb�ue�y _ _, 1974 , personally appeared the above named H. E. Mangan and-Rosalla M. Faulkner z`of Commerce Mortgage Company and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary4PuPC_jP0_rOreqon_T_T_ My Comr„ission expires:__ 1sCl __ Page 2 Easement STATE Or OREGON ) )Fs. County of c:' 1.�) On this day of before me appeared ��. Z �r ,�i.v-v _ and ly- 'e qA-. Y, both to me personally whi, w o e ng dTy sworn, d-say at fic,`�tTe`s�� a Q..t,t . is the President, and-he, the said ! ,t ,_- _ is the Secretary of Coo -Dave o ent om an the within named Corporation,- and than theseal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by Luthority of its Board of Directors, and i, , t I "", and acknowledged said instrument to bla t' -TFee act aniT deed o`f said Cor oration. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. t ovary Publa for Oregon. My Commission expires The City above named hereby iccoul_s the foregoing grants and agrees Lo comply with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OF TIGARD By: Mayor -- By* — City r er STA'L'E OF OREGON ) )ss. County of On this _day of , 196_, before me appeared an3`-"— , both to me personally nown w o, e nq duly sworn, did say that he, the said is the Meyor, and he, the said __ s t e Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a mum citpa1_ corpo� ration, ancT the said and acknow l.eUge_c _t ie 'Baid EngtrumenFU S-e tTe free act an (lead of said municipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHER`:OF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff.xed my ufficial seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. Noeary Pi]T11c for Oregon My t_'om=lss on exp r� es ���---- Page 3 Basement zs'�ss' I M 0 M Z � nt `• � f t IA lb L o. k I I I r9 yy� • I I I i I Pr :ct: Murdock St. 6 106th Ave. Easement: L 4*4 Deed Reference: KNOW ALL ME14 BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) Cooper Development Company, an Oregon Corporation hereinafter ter-ned grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of $ 1.00 t„ be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon, ereina ter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and ( sement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: Fifteen (15) feet wide An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to constru t buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 7.5 toot on each side, when measured at right angles, of the fo-meowing-described center line wfthl.axtbe f=Uxwixx;K x3oem9n W orjc 4camimm x located in the Northeast ouarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon: Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of S.W. 106th. Ave. and S.W. Murdock St. r thence South 890 31' 36" west along the centerline of S.W. Murdock Street 594.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said centerline description; thence running North 790 36' 24" west a distance of 202.00 feet to a terminal point. EXCEPTING, herefrom, that portion which lies within the public riqht-of.-way of (50 feet wid4 S.W. Murdock Street. 2 Temporary easement: None Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of add;t.ional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when measured at right angles, of the above described-perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upon completion of the sewer construction work., at which time, upon request of the owner, the City will issus a written release thereof. Fasement Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave the easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existinq state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. witness our hands and seals this 1 1 day of 19 . (Pres.) (SEAL) --- (SEAL) (8dC.) !SEAL) _ (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) For a consideration, the mort(t.i(ju lien on the above described properties is hereby made subordinate t.o the easements above granted. Dated this 22 - day of _February 19 74 Commerce Mortgage Company ortgagse—By �` ` ` '7 ---- Executive Vice President r� H. E. Mangan Executive Vice President Title SPATE OF OREGON ) Rosalia M. Faulkner, Assistant Secretary County of ._MuAggMgh ___ ) on this 22 day of Februs Y r 19_1__, pers,.nally appeared the above named H. E. Mangan and Rosalia M. Faulkner of Commerce Mortgage Company and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: A? �� Notaryiii` car orego My Commission expires: Page 2 Easement a STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of. (shah<_,.. 7�., ) On this a7Y...�_ day of _��.. ,191 n ?— before me appeared leo a ?: :A„ and both to me personally c)`nowri,who�ein�J duly aworn,Sia say that he, the—sal-4 is the President, and .he, the said N• , . 11 is the Secretary of oo rDevelopment Company the within named Corporat on, anU that the seal af fixedto said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed ,in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its hoard of Directors, and / r . i I ,., L. and r d',. ,. ,_ acknowledged sai3 nstrument to e'b the free act an e o saidCo porat on. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my P hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. (7oEary Publit for Oregon. My Commission expires ACCIA"I'Ai1C1, The City above named hereby nccuW.!: the foregoing grants and agrees to comply with each and every term and cundiL•ion thereof. CITY OF TIGARD By: �ay'o= -------- By: City Recorder er--- —___— STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. County of ) On this day of , 196__, before me appeared ~--� and -`—" , both to me personally known wio, being duly sworn, did sayat-Tie;the said _ is the Mayor, and he, the said s the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a mun c pa corpora on, and the said and acknowleWc gN-d—t- a said instrument to be the free ant an jeed o-. said municipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Publico�r Oregon M`y Comm ssion exp res Paye 3 I:asement i y/ /06 a �^ z vi Z ' STAT ?I <p N" JAN C.O, /R9 f x.11 x C o JIM r\n � 1 202.a0' Pr,3je-c: Murdock St. & 106-% Ave. Easement: L #3 Deed Reference: K14OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) Cooper Development Company. an Oregon Corporation, Hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of $ 1.00 to he paid by =ITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon, ere na ter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-o£-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1 . Perpet,ja.l easement: Fifteen (15) feet wide An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way and easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an underground sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right to remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other obstructions within the easement area, but reserving to the grantors the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the right to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 7.5 feet on each side, when measured at right angles, of the folow'ingdescribed center line X*XXJatxWW kffk KK:k cgxatu,tiropMXOI*.XPX �itxuax located in the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington county, Oregon: Beginning at the intersection of the Senterlines of S.W. 106th. Ave. and S.W. Murdock St.; thence South 89 31' 36" West along the centerline of S.W. Murdock Street 500.00 tet to the true point of beginning of said centerline descriptions thence running South 090 58' 24" Fast a distance of 78.50 feet to a terminal point. EXCEPTING, therefrom, that: portion which lips within the public right-of-way of(50 feet wide) S.W. Murdock Street. 2. Temporary easement: None Together with the temporary right of ingress, egress and regress, and use for sewer construction purposes, of additional lands lying parallel to, along the sides and within -- feet, when measured at right angles, of the above describerT perpetual easement area, excepting and reserving to grantors the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preservation of all structures present upon the premises. This temporary easement shall terminate upor completion of the sewer construction work, at which timf, upon raquest of the owner, the City will issue a written releas3 thereof. f'ac�c 1 iasement i Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees, or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City shall leave ti-e easement area in a neat and workmanlike condition. The City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the nre-existing state as practicable. The grantors do hereby warrant that they are the owners in fee simple and have the right to grant the above described easements. witnefs our hands and seal this s� day of 1.9 ✓�� F -`I - --- � (Pree.)(StAL) � --- — (SEAL) r � r r (SOC)(S}AL) -- ---(SEAL) - --- ------ --- (SEAL) For a consideration, the murtq,uto lien on the above described properti.es is hereby made subordinate t.o the easements above granted. Dated this 22 clay of February— 19 74� Commerce Mortgage Company Mortgagee By / 't t" I �� Ex cur(�e..Ylre President H. E. Mangan Executive Vice President - Tit]El By -y�G.. - /�.z'T u'� il� Sgecretary SPATE OF OREGON 1 Rosalie M. Faulkner, Assist. Secretary )ss. County of Matt0QM&t ___ ) on this _22 day of February 1974, personally appeared the above named H._E. Mangan and Rosalla M. Faulkner of Commerce Mortgage Company and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. Before me: Notary u c for Oregon My Commission expires: � ? Paye 2 Easement "iir✓',v�. b:J41dIJgUWYu•..+ e:+'J.Wwnw`MMWi+wAiNl'.Ww#.Yw�.wwrw�.4w+.+.0..•ktw`uuuW:.W.w.-fv:..+r.,wbiiw:M ..,..ti.ur:y..w.... uF ORLGON ) )sa. Ir) of. �r �•,, ) On this of J..$'.14 ,19=v r-„ fare me appeared bq�h to me personally ii11Own, who 1�e ng u y sworn, say tie- said 1'.4..,.t. L .- �.. tier President, andshe, the said t.h(, secretary of coop(jr Mvelopment2nxau t within named Corporation�'� , and that-tTe se�aTTa �e� to said nstrument is thu corporate seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was rirtrrcd and sealed .n behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of lirrccf.ors, and / ,r n. 1 1 (I_ �. �, and <!' , . ” nci;nowledged sar instrument to be'U'e—r3ree act and deed of sai Co poration IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public or regon. Av Comnisrion expires ACCtr;P'CAOCl: The City above named hereby nccupLs the foregoing grants and agrees t(I comply with each and every term and condition thereof. CITY OF TIGARD By: t7ayor BY: L ecor er 4I'ATT f)F OREGON ) )88. rnty of. .- -----___�- On this clay of 196_—, before me ll,lnraredan I ,ith to me personally nown w o, a ng aTy sworn, say tTat Nii ,ae ,; 11d is the Mayor, and he, the said s e Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipaT�—� fA: Oration, a—n�he said _ and acknow lee_aq the sa nstrument tc be t e ree act—arid (Ic.crl' o said rtun�ipal corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my rjfic• al seal, this the day and year in this my certificate first written. Notary Puri -c or ores on MMyyCcimmiss-fin expire—S r�uc 3 I nr., rrcnt SR n/ h 1 - D Z P s A STA. 2,01-4 — e c 3 e^�a•� I �1 12 AM.- ., C I ?o2. .. - �Pa -- cam— � ::. e- _. �.-. •— � �� •---- ` CITY OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 February 13, 1974 Solomon, Warren & Killeen Attorney' s at Law Attn: Mr. . Carlton D. Warren 850 N. E. 122nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97230 Re: Cooper Development Corp. 74 Unit - 109th & Murdock Dear Mr. Warren: In reply to your letter dated February 4, 1974, the submitted easement form is not acceptable. Please note that the therein referenced "Exhibit A" locational descriptions refer to the subject sewer laterals preliminary construction placement. With regard to conveyance of ownership of said laterals and V appurtenances thereto, conveyance is acknowledged with grantor ' s r execution and City' s acceptance via the City' s standard easement form and standard dedication compliance agreement. With regard to a maintenance bond; yes, the City requires a one year (fifty percent of the construction cost) maintenance bond. To help expedite this matter please find, enclosed herewith, four (4) original standard easement forms which have been prepared for Cooper Development Corporation' s exeuction. The easement descriptions thereon should be verified, by your clients engineering firm, as to as-built locational accuracy prior to your clients signing. Further, and in reply to your letter dated February 5, 1974, your proposed sewer dedication compliance agreement form does sub- ntantially fellow, in format, the City' s "Street Compliance :agreement. " However, the City has a standard sanitary sewer compliance agreement form which, being more pertinent, does contain other verbalism. In light thereof, and to be acceptable to the City, the proposed agreement form should have the following items added thereto: 1. ) Petitioner ' s contractor shall be licensed and insured as required by Unified Sewerage Agency Resolution and Order (s) No. 72-12 and No. 71-9. Solomon, Warren & Killeen February 13, _ ,74 Page 2 2. ) The Petitioner agrees to insure that the City receives 48 hour advance notice of commencement of construction and, also, 12 hour advance notice for all requested field inspections. r 3. ) The Petitioner agrees to insure that the Petitioner' s engineer obtains accurate as-built (field) construction records of .said sewer installations and, also, agrees to insure that the City is furnished with one accurate as- built mylar thereof. 4. ) That the petitioner, i,i consideration of the C*4.ty' s approval of the application to construct a sanitary sewer within the boundaries of easements held by the City, does hereby covenant and agree to save, hold harmless and indemnify the City, its offi,.arR. agents and employees, for and from all claims, denands, damages, and each and every other obligation that can or could arise from the neglect of petitioner, his officers, agents, contractors and employees, or from trespass upon property outside of the easement area, including attorney' s fees and costs, if any, necessarily incurred by the City in defending against such claims, with the intent and purpose that the City shall be made whole with respect to any amounts it may be required to pay or be held liable for in connection with the exercise of the privileges afforded Petitioner to utilize the area within the City' s easement for sewer construction purposes. 5. ) Changes, additions and deletions as noted on the enclosed flimsy copy of said proposed agreement. Should ou Have further questions with regard to this matter, please feel free to contact me at 639-4171. Very truly yours, ■ Nick iiiebert Director of Public Services & Facilities NH: fj Enclosures v i W N r h • o V M � I V) Pill, �, + v I;. a . 1r .si Jr n n V) to of S. Gt/. /19!�R p O C K T' — • t � I W > � G. ,r, .1 O LW I I 1S tr J N d a> m Cit ! � N / oi l , M � h , y0 o /Vvr . I : , - r -_ i , - _ : , 43 - J- - -- _. t - - - - r IIr. .. . _ . - , : + I _ _1 I_ - - - - _ I - T : -1- 1 I I- I 1 . - -L + y ; u- _' - T + - - - - _ - - - - - - - : I I __ - - - - - - -- - - -- - } - - I I _ _i- t qt. 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I I MURDOCK STREET pit•. . 3 OF 13 Ill M ! .. � 1 1 1 � , � �`'��I�I'1 II�'I'111'('�111�►��1�illl I �'I'�'Irl'� ,'I'I'I II'I'IIT Ill�lllllll'III'i'I'I'�'1'I'1'`111111'I1I11►11'1111111{r�11fI1I11111,1I111�111'111�111 � 1 ' + 1_ 7 e _ !� __ I I 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 10� - ��--�+ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIQFc"IT IS DUE IT) I .Jff QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING_,..�•� OE 62 92 LZ 9Z SZ 10Z EZ 41 IZ OL 61 91 LI 91 21 1r1 E1 ZI II 01 6 9 L 9 S IP E t �HI�1111�IIN�IIIIIIIII�IIIIIHII�IIII�IIIIII�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIItI�t11�11N111t11W11�111111ifIN1 �Itt11111111111 11111�1111111U11Wh11)"mop— - JULY 1992 r1 - r' ' I I ALL SAGcj MUST cE E FILE copy 1 PRIOR TO APPROVAL F• HESE --A.IS ,- DATE - '. +l PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. BY-f liv, PLANNING DEPT. BY. __.___------ P�CI�r.��r�+� BUILUIN i DEPT. BY_ p=,T eot�y � pI=►-, vi c♦�J �•>�C � COUNTY HEALTH DEPT, BY---------- �,. '. CITY ADMINISTRATOR BY �GtCOa1 1{1��/ .' ;.;. �_ —_ 12 '19 -"77• � rod �•ryn�ter phopo6kd i , i TIGARO WATER DISI. EiY DATE_._ x "� a�s DA GENERAL TELFPIaONE BY.___ BY. �F D:�-fi:—,`___�-�_^,?s�., PrC�i Nit N•?r'r I - �1��..'• ... I, USA BY —_ A .tti N. W. NATURAL GAS DATa.�� —1 Z=-7 rx �, ti + DATE-1-2- BY-_. 5-—7 BY. DATES-�3 C ` � T. R. F. D. +. �� I .,'" "rte✓ ��,..�' � , _ - ` / _'��.�-•''r~« IN CflY�IfALI t fiC�lillD =?� ST ►Jy F'�t.Ur J �� . 1MOR Ta AMO UNAII ooMMl'= / K� Q` ?� l ad lC. to " ��' r'pG�Gl6�Jr ��►4 I.+t�! r\ Cart vim"-' �►� 3� l�G, t n .1 NA►N c l�a A SS I S �eo�oS .0 k I 1;-zlr xi ``� I �rtA Bib J I k�ClrttiC�` Lt.ty Ta Sct-d p%raJt�t t�✓1f�t t. A nrv1c , • i v1 i ! U+1 t �1F�E N I /�d�-;•. y »� �_ `�L r.2-en. C. 5 t i a"L1P i P" CAL h �. S T _ear l-Wi"Z`-�' �; „ ; '-r-�, S64 i 200 y.� `�` }« h 1 to/(N�► x k 1 14' - ' V���I_��• � IL mv hen ell ' NAOr 4 U.1.T 4. i �. 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YY _ a � , ♦ 1 '_�._ �,'•I�IITIa•-�,,rte M MIh•i..w-�,n+.w.IMbw. .y •''Y/t 1� ^M1� . ,. _ — I . II'�It'�" Ilill��l�l��ll�+�l���l�,►11��1��111�111I111(Illlltl{��� fl�� It I�Ill�llt�tl �Iltlll III�IIiIiII�i11IIII�IIIIIII�III�IIIIIIiIiIiIIIIIIIi�itilili�ili1I111iflililllilllililrti�ililiii • ( � _ . _ .. a .,;:. � �' t„ NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �•---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC1; IT IS DUE 11) THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL ~ DRAWING. --- OE 62 02 LZ 92 S2 bZ E2 22 (Z OZ 61 QI LI 91 11 bl E' 21 II 01 6 .•' 9 L 9 S b IE-. Z 1"■�� �NIIIIIIl11111111111111111111111111111l1i1111111lIIIII1111l111111111111111111111u+lulll11111111111111�11111111111111�11�11111111111�►111i111111n1iIn11i1I,VIII{111IInI111IIIlI:::!:;�i�1111111IIl1ulluullu111>71Huu1111111111111111111111n111wIlIIWnulnllllluUllll{)I1111uIn1111wInH JULY 1 � .1 � 92 SOLOMON, WARREN & KILLEEN ATTORNEYS A'r LAW KP.NNFTH S.SOLOMON RM0 N.E.122ND AVENiTE �4 (iAN01.1.E ISN WANNF.ti (iY.Nr PORTLAND, OREOON 97200 r � '1L3I L'1 A �(I A TELEPHONE 286-6706 February 5, 1974 Mr . Nick Hiebert c/o City of Tigard 12420 S .W. Main Tigard, Oregon RE: Cooper Development Co. 74 Units - 109th & Murdock; Dear Mr . Hiebert: Enclose: is a form of Construction Agreement which I. believe might be suitable in order to complete the six-inch sewer lateral and manholes on the Cooper Development project. 7 am prepared to produce a bond in accordance with the re- quirenients of the City. This form of agreement follows , substantially, the street mod- ification compliance agreement which was dated February 1 , 1973 . I wonder if you would look this over and let me know if there are any changes, amendments, additions or deletions which the City might desire. Very tpily yours , SOLOMON, WOREeD- . EEN & KIRKMAN cnw/gh Qar oren / 1 Encs . SOLOMON, WARREN & KILLEEN ATTORNFYS AT LAW KENNFTR S.SOLOMON ass N.E.122ND AVENUE GARLTON D.WARREN PORTLAND, OREOON 97230 (IFNF A.KILLEEN TE ROBERT L.KIRKMAN I.F Pft ONF 05M-870M �;`• �,r �\/ V February 4 , 1974 � d C�Td r1F ��c,AR, Mr . Nick Hiebert City of Tigard P . 0. Box 21557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Cooper Development Condominiums 109th & Murdock, Tigard , Oregon; Deux Mr . Hiebert: 'lease find enclosed a form of Easement, which includes in its t.e,rms, a grant of ownership of the six inch laterals . I have drafted this form as clotF-'y as possible to the City 's regular mimeographed form in this regard. Reference is made to Stuart L. Cato 's letter of January 10 , directed to you. I understand that items 1 and 4 are complete, and the purpose of this letter is to inquire if the enclosed easemant is in suitable form and secondly, whether or not you desirE a "Construction Agreement" . Mr . Cato suggests that what he had in mind by Construction kgreement, was simply a grant or conveyance of the laterals , which I have taken care of in this instrument. I presume that the City would desire a maintenance bond for a year, as in any public improvement. Th;! purpose of this letter then, in summary, is: (1) To inquire if the enclosed easement is in proper form; and (2) What further protections the City will need in con- nection with the six inch sewer laterals . Many thanks for your courtesies . verb-tlruly yours, SOLOM0 ,WA. F , RKMAN Carlton D. Warren CDW/gh Encs. cc: Mr. Stuart Cato Proj Easement: Deed Reference: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we (I) COOPER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION hereinafter termed grantor(s) , in consideration of the sum of S (gift) to be paid by CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation of Oregon,-- ereina rter termed the City, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the CITY OF TIGARD a perpetual right-of-way and easement as hereinafter described, to- gether with a temporary right-of-way and easement to use an additional area hereinafter described and designated temporary easement, for the following uses and purposes: 1. Perpetual easement: An unencumbered perpetual right-of-way d easement for the pirpose of constructing, reconstructing Operating, maintaining, inspecting and repairing of an undergro d sewer line and appurtenances, together with the right remove, as necessary, vegetation, foliage, trees and other ob ructions within the easement area, but reserving to the gra s the title to the lands, subject to the easement, and the ht to make such use thereof, except to construct buildings, as will not interfere with the uses and purposes of the easement; said easement area being 7 112 feet on eac ide, when measured at right angles, of the foI escribed cen er line within the following designated pre es: All that real prop ty desc bed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, which said premises ar locate in the G1ty of Tigard, the N.E. 1/4 of Section 10, Townsh 2 Sou Rang9,� 1 West, Willamette Meridian, Washington, County, O egon, d morq-"fully described on said Exhibit "A" attached hereto a d inc porated herein as though set forth verbatim. 2., Temporary sea ent: Tog wi 'temporary right of ingress, Egress and reg"wel, and use fo er construction purposes, of additiona lying parallel to, along sides and feet, when measured it right angles, of t described perpetual easement area, excepting a reserv' o gran the unencumbered enjoyment, use and preserva io . all structures prese on the premises. This tempora sement shall terminate upon comple of the sewer const on work, at which time, upon request of the nwn he will issue a written release thereof. 2. Grantor further, herewith grants, conveys and dedicates to the City of Tigard, a Municipal Corporation of Oregon, the entirety of the sewerage lines and improvements located under and within the said above described easements, consisting of four manholes located in S.W. Murdock St. , and four six-inch lateral sewer lines, to and including the "clean-out". Grantors do hereby warrant they are the owners in fee simple Paqe 1 and have the right to grant the above described sewer im- provements. Easement Should it be necessary to cut and remove any brush, trees, or other matter or materials from the easement area, said brush, trees or other matter and materials shall be removed and disposed of by the City and the City agrees that in connection with its use of the perpetual easement area, and in inspecting, repairing, maintaining, or replacing said sewer line, the City will leave the premises in a neat and workmanlike condition and as nearly in the pre-existing state as practicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned corporation has caused this Grant of Easement and Conveyance of Sewerage lines to be ex- ecuted by its duly authorized, undersigned officers, acting pursuant to Resolution of the Board of Directors. DATED this day of , 19 COOPER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BY: ROBERT T. COOPER, Press ent BY: SYLV A COJPER, Secretary APPROVED a:a to form this day of , 1974. BY: CITY ATTORNEY - CITY OF TIGARD APPROVED as to legal description this day of , 1974. BY: APPROVED this day of , 1974. C,TY OF TIGARD, OREGON PLANNING COMMISSION BY C a rman THIS EASEMENT b GRANT of SEWER LINE IMPROVEMENTS accepted by City Council, City of Tigard, this day of 1974. MAYOR - CITY OF T ARD ATTEST: CITY RECORDER- Page CORDPage 2 RASEME;NT STATE OF OREGON ) ( ss. County of Washington ) On this day of 1974, before me appeared FLOYD H. BERGMAN and DORISHA TEG, oth to me personally known, who, being duly sworn, did say that he, the said FLOYD H. BERGMAN, is the Mayor, and she, the said DORIS HANTEG, is the Recorder of the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipal corporation, and the said Mayor and City Re- corder acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, this the day and year in thiE. my certificate, first written. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My Commission Expires: Page 3 EASEMENT DESCRIPTI�.lS FOR 6-inch lateral sewer lines easements, t ')OPER DEVELOPMENC CORPORATION PROJECT, 74 units, at the Intersection of S.W. Mur0ock Street and 109th Avenue, Tigard, Oregon: The following described easements are located in the City of Tigard, N.E. 1/4 Section 10, T. 2 S. , R. 1 W., W.M. , Washington County, Oregon described as follows: EASEMENT # 1: A strip of land 15 feet in width lying 7 1/2 feet on each side of the following described center line: Beginning at the inter- section of S.W. 6th, and S.W. Murdock St. ; thence West along the centerline of S.W. Murdock St. 230.00 feet to the true point of beginning of said centerline description; thence south at right angles to the centerline of S.W. Murdock St., 127.00 feet. EASEMENT # 2: A strip of land 15 in width lying 7 1/2 feet on each side of the following des d center line: Beginning at the intersec- tion of S.W. 6th W. Murdock St. ; thence West along the centerline of Srdock St. , 335.00 feet to the true point of beginning of dnterline description; thence north at right angles to th en rline of S MLFrdock St., 166.00 feet. EASEMEN 3: A strip of land 5 t in width lying 7 1/2 feet on each side a,f�b�. pllowin cribed centerli.mas.,._ ing at the inter- secti � S.W, and S.W. M Ock St. r the west along the centerlisib. S.W. Murdock St , 479.00 feet to t a true point of beginninjc• said centerl description; t en south at right angles tb` centerlof S.W. Murdock Std. 77.00 feet. EASEMENT # 4: A strip of land 15 feet in`'width lyin `7 j/2 fwt'on each side of the following described cedt�vllines Beginning at the intersKth - tion of S.W. 6th and S.W. Murdo St. ; thence West along the line of S.W. Murdock St. , 594.00 Tqel to the true point of of said centerline description; t north at right ang centerline of S.W. Murdock St. , 205.0 •deet. EXHIBIT "A" TO: That certain Grant of Easement by COOPER DEVELO^MENT CORPORATION, an Oregon Corporation, to the Cityrof Tigard, Oregon. (a) Councilman Norton moved to follow the recommendations of the Citizens Police Community Relations Council and appoint the following: Edna Sakata - 2nd term expires November 1976 Sister Mary Isadora - 2nd term expires January 1977 Bill Hill - 1st term expires February 1977 Gary Nashif - let term expires February 1977 (b) Motion to adopt : Councilman Norton; seconded by Councilman Moore. Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. Councilman Cook tprriporari.ly absent. 14. EXECUTION OF SUBDIVISION✓COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT AND CASH BOND ESCROW AGREEMENT, Summerfield II , and Summerfield III (Lots 141-151) (a) Director of Public Services and Facilities recommended execution of agreements for Summerfield II and III. (b) Motion by Councilman Paterson to authorize Mayor and City Recorder to sign on behalf of the City agreements for Summerfield II and III ; spoon-jed by Councilman Norton. Approved by UnanimouS vote of Council pre3ent. uncilman Cook temporarily absent. 15. RESOLUTION No. 74-6 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN HOLLYTREE SUBDIVSION (a) Motion to adopt : Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Paterson Approved by unanimous vote of Council present. Councilman Cook being absent. 16. RESOLUTION No. 74- RE50LUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY C ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS -7 WITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT •- KNOWN AS S.W. MURDOCK STREET AND S.W,, 109th AVENUE , SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS. (a) Motion by Councilman Moore to table; seconded by Councilman Norton. Approved by unanimous vote of Council., Councilman Cook returned to the meeting. 17. RESOLUTION No. 74-7 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL CONSENTING TO THE ANNEXATION BY THE TIGARD WATER DISTRICT OF CERTAIN LANDS LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF TIGARD (Parcel #4) CITY Or TIGARD, OREGON N; RESOLUTION No. 74- RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING: THE PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT KNOWN AS S.W. MURDOCK STREET b S.W. 109th AVENUE, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SP.8CIFIXD CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires that certain provisions of access and egress be met, prior to use of any structure or parcel of real property, and further requires that certain standard of construction be met, and WHEREAS, in the development of a project known as "S.W, Burdock Street i S.W. 109th Avenue. ", those certain provisions and standards were required, and WHEREAS, the City also required, the payment of fees, the furnish- ing of certain securitibs and the execution of a Compliance Agreeuenti which stipulated that: "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year. . . "r and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to corrmction of hereinbelow listed deficiencies; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been receivrd and is suble,•t o the aforesaid maintenance, period, NOW, I'HSRZPI,PE, BE IT RCSOIVRD, that the City c`ounc► 1 of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby a -opts the public toprovement-e -onstructed within and for said street M�nlopsent project, subje, t tot 1. ) Recor4tnq of two 1) Street Dedication documents. 2. ) Installation and onergization of eight (R) strestlighta. 3. ) Placement of a Slurry Seal over specified street areas by July 1, 1974, as per sepasats agreement. 4. ) Placement of a one (1) inch, class "C", asphaltic concrete overlay on S.W. 109th r.venue by July 1, 1974, as per the approved construction plan. 5. ) Submission of an acceptable at wilt sanitary sewer cepia. AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSED: This day of 19 by the council of the City T Tgard. i Mayo`r - City of T gar ATTEST s ou d Resolution No. 74- pi Deecriptions for 6-inch lateral sewer lines easements, Panorama West Condominium. Located in the City of 'Tirard, NE * Seo. 10, T28, Rlw, W.M., feehington County. Qrepon, described as follows$ Ea n omen t�l A strip of land 15 foot in width lving-7.fest on each aide of the following, deseribad center lines Fieir,innl.ng at. the intersection o!' S.W. 6th. knd S.10. rdock Ste ; thence West along the nenterline of S.M. Vurdook St•. 2 .I70 feet to the true point of beginning of said centerline description= thenc ecutt) at right angle n to tbe.cetster- lino of �.W. Murdock 9t. 1 ,7.00 feet. iZ9,ao Easement #2 A strtp of land 15 feet in width .lyinv.7.5 peat on s ac.h side of the following doacribed center line: ?lep,i.nning at the intersection of S .W. 6th. and 9 We NWdook 3t.; thence west along the centerline of S.W. tdurd.ock St. 3SF,00 feat to the true point of beptrnning of said centerline lereripttons thence north at rIF.ht. angles to the center- line of 8.1y. Murdock St. 1b6:"00 feet. Easement A strip of land 15 feet in width lying 7,5fret on each side of the following dencribed center liner Bol;lnninp at the interseett,on of S.14, tithe and 9.11 rdock 13t.1 thence went along the centerline of S.W. !Rttrdook at. )0 feet to the tru a point of beginning of' raid cfin torlino dexoriptioni thence south at right angles to tho nenter- li rre ql' 9.N. w3rdock 9t. N-0-co feet. -715,SD iiasnmen t..f A strip of land 15 rest in width lying j,,5feat one acct side of the fol'lowine described center lines 3eginri:nK at the Intersection of th sew. 6 . and S#W, Murdodk Stet thenc-s Troost alone the centerline of S.'"s Murdock 9t. 1;91l.00 feet to the true point of beglrrrtng of said centerline leseription thenes north it right angles to the nnnter- line of S.W. ML-dock Ste JD*100 feet. 702.ao JAW 11 1914 CITY OF, TIaARD M C Mello) �r Ar. 4 AWN es �•M.h --.__._.�t.�'dh'p,,�,t/fL".dl T �.rpN A�I.INNI1LIf j,0 t` ' . ir/dL'r dMR N '1F T HAM + I NT p� AV 44'A4-r'4W AW Vi r it s +✓ SAAW T4'UCT J vw' r s r 4,N/rpy171b� d IIb1c'4+rr' r / +rf AS A.4 a ,;.M, a, �.•. Y �,. Ueoc.riptlnnn for s,dG•. 14%ar*4 sow-o° . noa speer a �as� �....:, .r West Coomityimm Lecat.ed an the C[tp of Tigaa•d, NE BAjoe J,0 T23, R1w, W.M., Washington hountfe rreguny demortbnd its follo"t Laia+om9u�1 . X atr'1p of ).avid .7.3 "oet In width J _p�..� 1'013erring Uatrit,wi center line,," ginnlnq at the in�.erseot.t oq S.Ww'-6th, a,nd q.w. Virdock 3fi,.; thence Meat: along, the nsnterllna of $E.,N. %MV(100k 8t. #V4,,J0 feet to tba true pol.nt of boginving of azid p.snterline deerrioLir a; tljer!e;,�I61 fh,at r.Sght angle s U ths#Lceriter. line of S.W. Murdock St.y 1.27.00 feety+r, .nt9)1_11nent, A otrip cif' 1APd 33 .feet In width lv'ing fit�j_.nn Al��h >�euL...>r.:ia !'ollowixMt d+xenrSk�xd..si�iit9Y._1�m_a'`logInnine, avis intetreactio„ of � .901tt.1 '6th. and $.M• Murdock 9t.1 thence Hast along the aantnrline er,'f� ` "�,•j 14W. Vurdoak Ste A"00 fsot to ,he ttlue� point of Uer;inning of said onnterline deeariptr..nrtt then 4,03-th at right anglos to the nonter- 11nu of A.Wo Murdeek St,-14.00 fonter� $aysment � A ntrip or land 1S root in width lytgg- �feet an oanh side of the follow3.ng described cent!' � +r ginn 9.W,, 7�hno and'8.4. WriaoiC i! ,R thevos West al,otig the aent:mrltno at` r,!� 8.W. Murdnak St. J'10.<ro feet to Cho two a poiatJ of bogj,nn ." of eetJ4 manterlinq dsscrip, i(.ni then 64+APuth„at right ark;los to the nentel- line of B.li, *mdoak st.,71.00 foetr 4-r{• „vl �MdOriafn�.��. A strip of land 1$ Clot in wAdth 1. fp l!nrir, 1 144r.1t ._cQp t ,�,�n�L•''Tier{1ru.LnR 1`t tho l nteraeoti on of.�4 9•tK. rwdodk Stet thenoe Worst alonj the <,*ritel,llnp of ' . . .1r OCl: t`.• r�j.v'.: foss tt tr.,Aa pais;t v. bopinntrig of soled cerltelrlino dosertptJor l right an;glee bo tris. renthr_ Ir lin” of S.W* Mirdock °tt.. 201 I)d "e*trr r I 1 \ CITY OF TIGARD r 4+ 1 L UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGr-NCY Or WASHINGTON COUN'T'Y ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRtCTORS IS^ ) 648-8621 ELDON HOUT, Chairman �,,��J VIRGINIA DAST `� *pornJ01 MASTERS MERS ROD ROTH BURTON C. WILSON, 1R. ��V �E �\c* January 10, 1974 \�y Mr. Nick Hiebert City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 9723 Dear. Nick: SUBJECT: Cooper Development Condominiums--Tigard System The matter of converting the Cooper Development apartment: project to a condominium development was brought up at the Unified Sewerage Agency Commission meeting of December 12, 1973. The developer had asked that certain design criteria for condominium construction be waived. The Commission denied this and stated that the developer shall follow the following staff recommendations prior to acceptance of the units for condominium occupancy: 1. Construction of four manholes at the point the 6-inch laterals connect to the public sewer in Murdock Street. 2. Execute a 15-ft. wide easement to the r,ity for the entire length along the center line and 10 ft. beyond the cleanout for each 6-inch lateral. 3. Execute a construction agreement making the 6-inch laterals public sewers. 4. Six-inch laterals shall be inspected by television and be air tested prior to acceptance. Item No. 4 to the staff recommendation which dealt with revision of declara- tion of unit ownership was not accepted by the Commission. I would suggest that the developer rebubmit the original sewer plan showing the above additions for approval by both the City and the Agency. I think that the approval could stop at the Agency level and would not have to be forwarded to DEQ for their approval. Please keep me informed of the status of this project. I Sinc sly, � f 5tn�irt I . .�&to, P.E. Staff Sanitary Engineer SLC:ed cc: Solomon, Warren & Killeen, Attorneys at Law 1:+N.k.n..,.'+yS1f..+.urJ:.Sr:ri4m 4ti:A4faw:iC+:'rYfiC'd>»pA.'ed`k +�RW1Nf i+WNu..`(4#Nr 9iei1¢iwX+:9ti'• " ``-".,."."i JialdtitiirN':'LWivii "' ` "Wow. YW.wf Cooper Development Co . P. O. Box 23113 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone (503) 639-7862 January 10, 19711 City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: Mr. Nick Hiebert Res Panorama West Condominium Gentlemen: Please refer to copy of a letter from Washington County (attached) outlining certain requirements we must meNt to make the project acceptable for condominium dwelling. Item 1. We are in the process of getting drawings and bids to complete this requirement. I rc' Item 2. The easements have been written. Item 3. This will he incItided in the legal agreement. Item 11. Deleted Item 5. T)^e laterals have been air tested and accepted by the City of Tigard. On completion of the manholes we will have them inspected with television cameras. It is our understanding that upon completion of these items and the necessary revisions tri the declaration, the sewers will be acceptable. Very truly yours, COOPP PKVELOF ENT CO. Ry Pyfford N.. gstr CRq:dh Fnelosure MM IMF rir WASHINGTON COUNTY Inter—Department Correspondence Date December 12, 1973 l" llnified Sewerage Agency Commission F "'"' Stuart L. Cato, Staff Sanitary Engineer Unified Sewerage Agency subject Panorama West Condominium The owners of Cooper Development apartment projects in Tigard would like to convert the project to condominiums. Approval of the project is being held tip by the State Realty Board bE,�ause the City of Tigard will not Eivo the necessary approvals for registration. The City is using nonconformity of the sewer system construction with Unified Sewers e. Agency requirements for serving condominiums as a basis for holding, up approval. The sewer lines were built to serve an apartment complex, and they consist of 6-inch lateral viewers laid to line and grade from a tee in the 8-incl main and terminating at a cleanout . The building sewers connect to the 6-inch lateral. In order to conform to Agency regulations , the lateral sewers would have to: 1. Be 8-inch public sewers . l2. Connect to the main in the street at manholes. r 3. Terminate at a manhole. 4. Have separate aide sewers for each living unit. C� 5. Be within a 15-font wide easement. The owner haccont:actai the Agency and requested help in obtaining the necessary y release from the City through the Agency. The City of Tigard conciirn with the following staff recommendations. The staff recommends the owner meet the following regilirements prior to approval of the system: 1. Construction of four manholes fit the point the 6-inch lateral connects to the public sewer in Murdock Street. 2. Execute a 15-ft. wide easement to the City for the entire length alone the center line and 10 feet beyond the cleanout for each 6-inch lateral. Execute n construction agreement making the 6-inch laterals public ` sewers. 4. Revise the Declaration of Unit ownership so that tile_ side sr!wer j f and/or hnij4ing sewer and pipe running under each b:lilding serving the Ind dual living units are cli ,i ly defined as general common elem to be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association a,p si.ich��anguage be reviewed by the Agency Counsel prior to final ripproval. 5. 'rhe 6-inch laterals shall be inspected by television and be air tested prior to acceptance. 'rills recommendation covers the Panorama West. Condominium only, which denl.s with conversion of apartments to condominiums. Respectfully submitted, le//�� I SLC:ed CITY OF TIGMD, 01t9GON RESOLUTION Nb. 74-__ .. 1 RESOLUTION OF THE TIGARD CITY COUNCIL ACCEPTING THE PUBLIC IMPROVEM%NTS WITHIN A STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT KNOWN AS S.M. MURDOCK STREET 6 S.N. 109th AVENUE, SUBJECT TO HEREIN SPECIFIED CONDITIONS, ___ WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires that certain provisions of access and egress be not, prior to use of any structure or " parcel of real property, and further requires that certain standards of Lonstriiction be met, and WHEREAS, in the development of a project known as "S,M. ]Wrdoc Street a S K. 109th Avenue. ", those certain provisions and standards were required, and WHEREAS, the City also required, the payment of fees, the furnish- ing of certain aecurit±es and the execution of a Compliance Agreement which stipulated thatr "Upon receipt of certification by the Department of Public Warks that all requirements have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public 4mprovements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year.. . "r and WHEREAS, said Certification has now been received subject to correction of hereinbelow listed deficiencios; and WHEREAS, an acceptable Maintenance Bond has now been received and is subject to the aforesaid maintenance period, NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereby accepts the public improvements constructed within and for said street dew lopment project, subject to: 1. ) Recording of t (1) Street Dedication documents. 1. ) Installation and enargization of eight (9) streetlights. 1. ) Placement of a Slurry Seal over specified street areas by July 1, 1974, as per 4QPas4te,agreement. 4. ) Placement of a one (1) inch, clad• "C", asphaltic concrete overlay on S.M. 109th Avenue by July 1, 1974, as per the approved construction plan. 5. ) Submission of an acceptable as-built sanitary sewer cepia. h. ) Payment of Any outstanding taxer, end Assessments. AND FURTHER, subject to the conditions of obligation of the aforesaid Maintenance Bond. PASSEbt Thir day of , 19 , by the Council of the, CityT5 igard. 1 Mayor - ^gtyT` ATTEST: Ci Resolution No. y CITY OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23667 12420 S. M. Mein Tlgwd, OreW 97273 December 20, 1973 Cooper Development Company Attn: Cliff Bergstrom 12750 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Cooper Development (Murdock & 109th) Dear Cliff: Prior to commencmert of construction of the hereinabove referenced project, the City Council of the City of Tigard stipulated, within a compliance agreement, the following item: j "lupon receipt of Certification, by the Department of Public 1 Works that all requirements have been met and a one-year Maintenance Bond the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements subject to the requirement for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year . . . . . " Please note that the City Council can accept public improvements, subject to correction of deficiencies, at their discretion, upin our certification, provided a satisfactory maintenance bond is submitted therewith. Recently, you requested final inspection to obtain said certification and subsequent acceptances results of said inspection were sent to you via letter dated December 12, 1973. We see no reascn to believe that the City Council would delay acceptance, if you continue to proceed as you have to resolve the deficiencies noted in the aforementioned letter, even though 1 all items listed therein are not complete. The next Council meeting will be January 14th, 19731 acceptance is scheduled thereon. Very truly yours, Nick Hiebert ri Director of Public Services & Facilities I NH: fj J ` . Cooper Development Co . ----��-_ P. O. Box 23113 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Phone (503) 639-7862 E^comber 18, 1973 T!r. I.eonarc? V. Cook, Jr. City of Tigard P. 0,. "ox 21557 4 TiPard, 71regon ile: Cooper . rvelopment Co. (Murdock & 109Vi) Yonr lettFr 12-1.2-73 '7 i'nAr '.'x. ^onV Item 1. All items corrleted or will he by 12-21-73. Ttem 2. .Items are ordered and we expect to receive them the ,year s end and will v.e installed on arrival. Item 3. Wcrk Veen contracted and will be coTT1ete3 h;; July 13 1974, Them he Work gas been contracted and will he completes ry Jule 1, 1974,, 'L-A=. Item K. Si c1ew,i'.k will be poured Thursday, re ^riher 2'), 1973. 1 /��� +n a ,a v � P Tter h. a..-buil sPr_a is being worked on will ne completed by ------- ", omner 21, 1973- 4 t Tfp r -id is su'^,ti ttarl with t�,iq letter. Cn t�ii s Ky l r- we are rPquestiniz acceptance of the strei,t. cj/-/ ..Sc)w;e fNG' e f Very `xi,7 v- ynnr3, _ Cooper_Cev lormentIly . 7T A-5 i/4 . � C trTnr'� �ero3t2'bm 9ristrurtion ":rerintendent C1Z°tdh 1;nc?osvre a i ■ CITY OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23557 P tj: Copy 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 December 12, 1973 Cliff Bergstrom, Supt. Cooper Development Co. 12750 S. W. Picific Hwy. Tigard, Oregon 97223 Res Coop,-r Development (Murdock F. lU9th) Dear Cliff: As per request from your office, I made a final inspection of the hereinabove referenced development today. There are several items that require your att,:ntion prior to final acceptance by the City of Tigard; they are as follows : (1. ) The following items pertain to the south -2nd of S.W. 109th Av,:�nuo only: (a) Removal of the stockpiled lumber and debris. (b) Installation of on,-! (1) street barricade. (c) Formation of a swale to natural drainage lin,i hith 4" pit-run rock. (d) 'Xedication of a one foot (1. ' ) street plug. ,2 ) Installation and en!ryizati.on of (3) street lights. (3) A "Slurry Soal" over the outlined street areas on S.W. Murdock Street and S.W. 109th Avenue ;.)y July 1, 197.1, as p­r our letter dated Octcjber 12, 1973. (4) A 1" Class "C" Asphaltic Concrete overlay on t.h3 remaining portion of S.P1. 109th Avenue (as outlined on th.2 approved street improvement plan for. S.W. 109th Avenu(!) by July 1, 1974. 1 � 1 extension of the 5' sidewalk on the east side of S.W. 109th Avenue to m(aet the new driveway apron. (See the approved plan for S.W. 109th Avenue, (Sta. 15 + 39.431 ) ) . (F ) Submission of one (1 ) "As-built" sanitary sew(.ir sepia. (7 ) Submission of a one (1) year maint,,nance bond in the amount of $22, 2`,3. 50 prior to acceptance of public improv..mer.ts. HLE Cory Cliff Bergstrom 2 December 12, 1973 Cooper Development Co. Please contact this of.f..ce upon completion of the aforesaid items; at that time a final acceptance inspection will bo made, and if all City requirements have been met, the Public works Departmorit will recommend acceptance of cooper Development' s public improvements to the City Council .as per Street Dedication Compliance Agreement, Paragraph (8) . Sincerely, Leonard V. Coo Sr. Public works Inspector. Hiirton Hrr,s. Engineers Commerce Mortgagr Co. Graeper Properti , s, Inc. ra: , Cooper Development Co . P. O. Box 23113 Tigard, Oregon 9';223 Phone (503) 639-7862 December 6, 1973 City of Tigard 1242.0 S. W. 'Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Ile: Street — 109th and Murdock 3cntlemen: The above mentioned street has been comrleted and we hereby request the acceptance of the street by the City of Tigard. At the time of acceptance we will rive ,you a maintenance bond in the amount of $223254.00 for one year from date of acceptance. Street lights are on order but have not arrived, they will he installed immediately upon arrival. 'Dery truly yours, CoOFER DEVELOPMENT CO. i or er,7s CRAsdh R-CE-WED L)L� 1U19-13 CITY OF TIGARD SOLOMON, WARREN & KILLEEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW KENNETH S.SOLOMON Ono N.E.122ND AVENIIF C/ARLTON D.WARREN GYNE A.MLLFF.N PORTLAND, OREGON 67230 L ( I91•� ROBERT I. KI B.tiMAN TELEPHONE LM5,18705 December 5, 1973 CITY nF TII;PRD Mr . Nick Heibert Director of Pulic forks City of Tigard P. O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Panorama West Condominium Dear Mr . Heibert: When the USA resolves the question of the sewerage permits , and connections , this is the kind of statement that I should like to have executed for the Real Estate Commissioner ' s office . I wonder if you would look it over and let me know if you have any objections to it. Parenthetically speaking, I have talked with Mr. Krahmer. He is going to take the matter of the quirk in the regulations before the committee on December 12 , 1973, and before the Board on December 18 . lie believes, as I do, that thare is no justifiable basis in regard to health and safety for differentiating between condominium structures and appartment buildings , since this par- ticular condominium structure is constructed as an apartment building and fully qualifies under all of the applicable sewerage, health and safety regulations. Thus: It now appears the Board will react favorably to our request to either change the regulation, interpret it so that it does not apply, or give us some sort of special consent to "condominiumize" this particular project. Many thanks for -our prior courtesies . Ver::ON., r y yours, SOIL WARREN & KILLEEN C'\ Carlton D. Warren CDW/gh Enc. t ,JNa r DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES STATEMENT TO THE REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONER, State of Oregon. RE: PANORAMA WEST CONDOMINIUM RE: Cooper Development Co. development of 74 units on each side of SW Murdock at its intersection with 109th Ave. , Tigard, Oregon. Your PNI - C172. The captioned 74 unit project is constructed for seventy-four lining units. The project has sewerage permits, which are fully pail for and issued by the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, Oregon, which said sewerage system is an approved public sewerage system. DATED this _ day of 19_ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES By, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES STATEMENT CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE: OR00IG DATE PROGRESS TO DATE : reRr� l) ��cX4 rA SPECIAL PROBLEM3��-&E . I'17Q ! _� tiv7-1.c. EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:_ Qv � INSPECTOR iKIM&= CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE'-- DA T E ITLE:__DATE :1 L= -- - -- r'R0GRESS TO 1)AT E ZilR 46A4 . _ CA - SPE IAL PROBLEMS: - wL_ lot I/�12�.�✓l/��-T� _�. - ' _ *,F— rxi, V Ec✓/4Y� _"'7�. ... _ APT :-._�! / _. _ EST. % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: 1. INSPECTOR j44oL-_ w w w t .�I .w November 1, 1973 Oregon State Real Estate Commissioner State office Building Salem, Oregon Ke: Panorama West Condowinism Real Estate Commissioner's Filing No. C-171 or C-172 Dear Sirs we have been requested to Write a letter to you approv6ng the above captioned Panorama 'gest Condominium on S.W. Murdock street. Under -normal circumstances this would impose no problem, however this project was permitted and constructed as ar. apartment house. We are concerned as to the legality of this action. According to our rules on sewer connections, each dwelling unit must be individually connected to a public sewer. system. This u .it was hooked and plumbed as an apartment complex. We have ckecked 1)regon .;tate laws concerning this type of action, but cannot find an answer.. I have enclosed a letter from Mr. Warren for your review. -e would appreciate hearing from you on this ratter and if we can be of any assistance, please call. sincerely, Nick Hiebert Director of Public ervices h Facilities NHYIw Fnclosure 4 e Grae r Properties, Inc. p p OCT 31 Igo 25 Groenridge Ct. Loke Orw.po, Oregan 97031 P. O. Box 137 Phone(503)6368196 CITY OF 1 IGARO October 29, 19'7.) 'r-vclo-le.cent Co. i k,)x 2311i OVc. Gentle-,ren: As lessees of t}l,- Can .erbury Hoi&ts Apts, just below Your developement in Tirirci, TM do appreciate havInR Mur,?ock trout inprove!i clthough at timec it has caused cur tenants concidprable inconvenience. At presp.t, altrou�,i; '.hp st.re�t rforl- secr,s cor^plete, the driva,rad to o Ir rarl,i"r arerc are still accessible onl,v or. a termor„ry hasio and create a hazard fcr anyone using them. I'fter rer.eat�d cr Ile to Tar office re have not been able to contact an,^jonc mho could give uc an ansvmr a. , to when our drive,-ay aprons "muld be installed. If, duri.,i,; this imer, rr do not receive vn ar.cfir as to rfiAn 011r drive.,,- aprons rnll be installe,3 rre 17i7.1 be foreni to soot: ro('resa throlarii the prorer authnz-�ti.es. Reopectfttl l;;, e.,anterbu*^,, 1'cirhtr, Anartr;ent,- , , Nil.ltvn Cramer rely he ro chect at the told—,-h-re rninhor abm e cr :•ou ray call. our nnnr rer, l r. Rex Dior, v t the amrtmnnt, 639-031h., cc: "its► T'nn�_nper �' "'.ty of Ti�az^cl Via 7erW 'i'cd f „_..^�--«r.+�-.. _.. • ,. ..» . _ . C�Qf'��1.� ...FSR?y� N � �.V�o� � .'9 •.,_ M ' h r M cv W � . a a f+ �W o -N a' u c �► cn O 2 O L o m OJ O v p MY � J f1 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. _. ___ PROJEC TITLE:- - .. /oil _ - ZF PROGRESS TO DATE : T/✓/ff�c �! - SPECIAL PROBLEMS: -_- _-_- -- ------- - EST. % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: -_ -Do !Q �l IN SPEC T O R tmwzwx®r �� s.�a.»n.yl...�.:......r.» �..•.errs.��...�www.r.v.r.. ✓ w....a :u.i.w.� FCITY OF TIGARD, URE ENGINEERING DIVISION a vd DEPTPROJECT INSP CTION REPORT JOE N0_.._— - PRO JEC T TI DATE: �© 7� --- NROGRESS: - /3 711// c 'VOTE S:,._- !FATHER; r .....+i.r..•....-».++rwrwr.« +mow... ter_ww.�..n.�ww� »i.1t♦�7.�.IR.��y�WY CITY OF TI GARQ, ORE. E"JGINEERING DIVISION, -' W uf"PT a PRn„tCT INSPECTION REPORT J08 NC PROJECoT 'r PROGRc.SS /(/c��✓,a�:__,_-__.— __ NnT F Zec-s LIAW WEATHER I N S r~ OR __ CITY OF TIGARD. URE cNGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0._ PROJECT TI ` DATE: . V_ - - PROGRESS'- 4v__r1n"17"y NOTE S.— ,VEATHER; w.ar.�.- :_...+.........�. ...�rw. a Value www. .rw.r CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. � ENGINEERING DIVISION, W OEP- PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOy AJC. DATE: ,jb -ge_ � PROM.SS . _ _ - -- -=-L-lhrTvh" r NOTES : WEATHER -L� � --- - _ _ ----- --- -. _.__. I N S CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOE! N0. _ PROJECT/`TITLE: �7 (-7,jag:�L' � PR G SS 0 BATE : P ETED _poyR/�tlEr 2�R�v�-wA-S� Rp2o�/s 5,kE A 04 /U- -fir- 2r _ i�1 SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST. %, PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:_�QO_��t-1N/mss _ - -=~ ----_7c - �. --ter ----- INSPEC TORAdoh"""'- CITY OF TIGARD, URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB a PROJECT TI' DATE: --_12. _ — — PROGRESS' I "401 E '4EATHER; k IN CITY OF' TI GARD, ORE. F NGINEERING DIVISION, ,: w DEP r PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J C 9 NC. -- _ - PROJEC Y - -- ___ _--- ---- _ r 4TF, —1�-- ---- _ --- ------- FARO pp.S -Ad rG . . '-_LJ - - _ ss,!►._ ��t/j11,X cYr� L�j Y oma,' /V1c/2{ N CT;F/S WEATHER CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON CONSTRUCTION/INSPECTION ` (P.W. ) PROCEDURE CHECK LIST NOTE: UTILIZE ONLY clearly marked APPROVED PLANS, plan revisions, change orders, specification9, etc. ; I. SANITARY SEWER- (A) Commenc,,d instal'*#-inn. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .... . . . .. IM 6 (A) Completed installation.. . ....... ... . ..... . . . . ... ... . ..... . . . . ® g /y 73 1) As-built field notesfiled. ... . . . .. . . n a) C(,!-,- ^..nt to engi.neer.. . . .. . . . . ❑ / I) A—built field not(-q received. . . .. .. . Iq a) Filed in project folder. .... , . , p (C) IwRpecLed and Tested.. . ..... ... ... .. .... ... .. ® 8 /6 / 71 d11 lines l) Tent nomnnogrAphs filed. , . . . . ..... .. . ® "OK" (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .. 0 II . STORM SEWER.: (A) Commenced installAtion... . . . . .. . . . . ....... . .. QQ 6 /15 / 71 (B) Completed installation... , . . ,. . . . . ,. ... . ® 8/lU / 71 1) AR-built field notes filed.,...... . . . 0 (C) lnsrected. . .. .. . . .. . . . ............ . ..... . . . .. 0 (D) Tentatively Accented by City. .. ... ...... .. . . 0 / III. CURB: (A) Commenced instAll•tion. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... . . . . ® 7 /l8 7_ 1) Bpnch M,••kR sot. . . ... . . . . .. ....... . . . ❑ 7) Bv..nch Kirk for-itions filed. .... .. . . . . ❑ (B) Como IPted instal t ,t i.on...... . . ....... ... ® 10 '1-h ' 74 (C) Inspected... ... . . . . .. .. ... . . .. . 0 (D) Tentatively ,icerrted by City. ......... .... . . . ❑ Ik, . STREET e (A) Commenced GrAdinq. ... . . . .. ® r, 7„4 1) Sub-grAen in4rerted.... . . .. ... .. ..... ❑ a) Tpst data filed. ... .. . . . . . . 0 h) TentAtively accepted by City. p (B) Commenced rockinq. ... .. ....... . . .. . .. . . ... .. . 13 g "A �-2, 1) Soh-br„e+ lnspocted. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. U a) Te.Rt data filed. . .. . . . .. .. ... 0 b) TentAtively accepted by City. 0 (C) Commenced Pavinq.. . . . .. . .. . I.... I..... ... .. . . ® 1) PAvina ini+pected. ..... .. ... . ...... . 0 / a) Te-Rt data filed. . .. ... .... .. . [] h) TentAtively Accepted by City. 0 (D) Street tentatively acre+pted by City. . ........ 0 V. PARKING LOT: (A) Commenced gradinn. . . . I . . .. . .............. .. . . 0 1) Sub-grAdp in-spected.................. 0 a) Tent, data filed.. . . ... . . ... .. 0 h) TentAtively accepted by City. (3 / (B) Commpnced Rocking.. . .. . . . .................. o 1) Sub-bare inspected.... .. ......... .... O A) TI:Rt ditty filed. .. . ...... . . o h) Tentati%-e.ly Accepted by City. C) ' CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PROJEC TI' poG _'- %n�f DATE: _Q PROGRESS: i NOTE _ ?i� _ ? 5-- C�� ✓3-� �.—r-�-r _ s - !41c.� _. NFip v� a JEATHER: 1�.�.-- - ---- --- - - ----- CI'T'Y OF TIGARD, ORE, ENGINEERING: DIVISION, -'W DEPT J09 NO, PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT PROJECf-�' DATE' PR0GR SS KT1 n0fl��`'�� ��k.1JT Jo 2 -p -6r��-C�21 ���� NOTES ' WEATHER -._ _ � � p t. fi Oota er 12, 1973 Cliff Bergstrom Cooper Development 12750 S.M. Pacific High*+aY Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Clift: analosed, please find one dopy of a proposal which was accepted by Pacific sand i Gravel Ceapany October 9, 19731 said document, indicating that a slurry Seal is to be placed on the roadway in question, prior to July 1, 1974, satisfactorily�:olve$ 973• problem outlined by fay letter to you � Very truly yours, nick Hiebert Director of Public Services facilities KHIfj ancloeure CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT I N S PECI ION SUMMARY J 0 B N0. -- - --------�q� _ -- -- PROJECT TITLE: — D A T E :-1 ��,� _ ----- -- ------ ►'R T 0 f)AT F : 77b to �4�oti5'.--- __ SPECIAL PROBLE $; d -scry / ON �3 V _ Gc Amo-- 577�L��IsNS ------------- ------ 77, Agu '?"��.��Y����t-- 'v/R� _ �v _rn�T_�N__���-_.lam►-/O-?3 EST. % PROJECT,- ITEM COMPLETION;_-/o ` o.._y��?�!, SF��E•1L wiz-�3, i - o -: INSPECTOR CITY 0!, TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0._ PROJECT TI DATE;40 PROGRESS: ` —T�_✓/7:3C 'T-r'..EZ�_—��?! ` S/6/�/J7'�jLtlr✓r= - NOTES: ( .Bf/? s i�.►Y, p ��1�'F - A,W-ti- WEATHER; 6S �2 a.�.....rrr.•,.r.w...�.,r.lra.vn� CITY OF TI GARD, OIRE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOH 44 Ld. --- -- I PROJECT DATE: .&_— PROGRisSs RE�l/?l?EQ._�BL�'h _�p � ,�_` _.VI` Jr'l9 NOTE; WEATHER � W — _ __ INSR.. OR __ _.�-- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO.. . ...- - — - -- PROJEC�`,TI DATE: ,�1�' $ 7-:2 - - P R O G R E S S:_—&PA*- e',vrR41c,ZMe-f /'YI ey" /i✓ NOTE WEATHER; ----- _._._ --_. __..-------------------- -- ---_ Iii •� C;j _. ...WU.u..�M.in...� n�.I..MIS ... ��q IM•.MM CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, -- W DEPT PRO11ECT INSPECTION REPORT J08 NC. _ DATE: - PRO(3R.S S oc - - - - --` -- i NOT F S : 410S741Y7 . .. vPl` .`IF.' v�, �l� j�i4�Ew -�. II�PcI�.-QsGfo_--_ r 2 ,?T udirot Ac ._fN ��.[�� .�._ RE-�'-IEJ��Q_.�f1rl�1C_�'l/��a,B� �t✓�e-_.C��i�.,� ____.___ WEA T HER ____ ---- - I N S P 0R Page No. of Pa es 'I ASCO PAVING PAURIC SAV. ':PFY IA1,TY St"RPACiNG P.O. Box 7047 SALEM, OREGON 97303 �2�' ,"'�. �.;r ,-��►��-° Phone (503) 393-2839 ..... ^7 R h Lt'Mi �' rrml►dpAL BUpMITTib TtJ ... ... .._ PHONE 01 1' DATE p Pacific Sand anti Grravol { a93-090 10_4-73 IRTa1:Ff JNAME P.O. box 2206 IfJe S:>,ttrry Seal CITY, ITAr6 AN12 ZIP CODE JOB LCYCAYION :>alom, Oregon 97303 I Tigard, Oregon ARCHITECTSDATE OF PLANS � I00 PNON John Saxton Wo hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Slurry Seal the dosiFnated Class f3, ASG surface i J4.. epw drlvelopwa*ent in Tigard, Oregon. _ te!<8L,_to be sealed is ;St;O square vaxYte. _ _._...- IPride_iz . •34 per aware yard. .._.. 1'Jelr'Ie {.p t , t ��mf• Ir,t,. i i'rIClI` ht fit Mt plrttp0thereby to furnish material and iaho►---complete in nccordance with above specifications, for the sum of: ne--tbotzet". tell-hundred, twenty-give and no/hundredths..• �M ,dollars ($ Pe moth to be made ea follows. Ilpott coa'pletion All rnitNlet Ik swranteftl to he -s cpeeifled A'I Noll► le he completed In a worknulallke AUlharized manor►Y.reMhlg to etnndrrd pramicle. Arr, AllaA err n►derlatlen from dare speOfftatlors _ � roNino !afro cods, will to raer.Ided mslr upm wrltlen orders, and will MconN •n terra 91 nelure._. thatpl iwrr Mrd about the eelltWo. All ;.ljrremm.�tj :ontmnent upon tgriklt, •celdenln or dila s tw"ndvatn rnrNrn Nter In carr, sta film, tornado and other necerl, +neurente. Note: This proposal may he a.r •gtk � r en"s corijw satyr insurance withdrawn by us If not accepted wlihln j,) !lays. ,erb en fi,'ly c�urrrd Irl workm Aute ttNtlCp of ro olBdl l The nhove rices �� �* p epeOka- ,- , 4*ns anti conrlttinns atm sAti.4fac rory and are hereby accepted. You are aulhonzod to tin the wurk as spncifled. Payment will be Olpnntur made all outlinod above. - / •� r -I 41ner•+t r CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. _ ---_ -- - -- PROJECT TITLE:---- �)cl - - PROGRESS TO TE : �� �✓cR4 or.xi 6r P�yj2E`� SPECIAL PROBLEMS' lrt�"�1tJrr - L1��L(�._CIGG�CSr; ��PL¢. PNS /O? EST. % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION' lei f INSPECTOR_^.__ - —' CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION a W 108 NO PRO*tECT INSPECTION REPORT , PROJECT TI <.J1ZDoc DATF: -- PROGRESS: ! A.THE, Y ��*M • •vA..M �•.�..+NM�r^II�•u.a.�•pwMN�4rW+ CITY OF TIGARD, ORE, ENGINEERING DIVISION, - * 0EP' PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JO9 NC. PROJECT``"� DATE: E'— --_ L..._ P R O G R:=.S S _ S NOTES : --- _ W E A T H E R S- %z--- ___ -.- ---------- _--- _-- CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW .)EPT PROSECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO_ PROJECT TI j Dee, DATE: PROGI, ESS' Le r"4tut8 C&nx A16-- Z>;21 40Tc ,-!.__ )M,0-5*-r M& HEATHEN CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, [)EP` J09 NC. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT PR3JE(,r_`_r' C+-._jDcj JL DATE: 1 - T kl A 0-fir) PROGR'-SS PM-r1.11 ([` NOTES 4P -:70... A WEATHER INS" J` oso'oo' NORTH i •j 4''GO��G. APRON DO `moi►-- - - �`t6, + 1 `NI44�� 0 H I ON 5c.K&-arN f 1 2 I 44r3vP40 APRON y 1? CPC Oo P&A.M IT, FSY V. 4S 4L GATT= w/141 ,j, ForrrearH ,, ab. El .. ry IL r'e. + CL 41 IV SAb c�� - Ib'LE X PP'R �0 �-� elp go - -5 4-' FA-V E D10 t 0 I + r'?•0' lu �� r'¢ 4 1-7 cc to W. 1 , � oil �4b ? i F ' i I to �• G J'�' �• 50. 0\Q -�- �•',• LEG F- 1-40 = NOT, J� - J btOKOOM "G'' ur41T5 4Blo 5Q, FT, - J2 - J 66PR00M rJWs -rs 0b 5Q, FT, Ar,►- AVTpPoKT SrAc �S 1o'�c2o' PA2r 01' •rAK �.Or 4-100 Q.. bEDR001�1 6 ' uN I r5 r Q e�44f�Lt- PARfC ,r14 sPaGEs bdOROOM H„ UN ► r5 a e Cos so. t=T9w� N . AL.A. A151.65 rft '5,-7 AcRES J2 - 2 r✓EDROOM ''J VN t fg Q t Sill 50. FT, ,, P'A2KI NG 25' WIDE ��� 13 uN rT'y� gGRE Y -14 <v aomr aK STRI 105 AS SkOW N ' + VrOAACM& sheet J J 1 - PARKS NG 5P�1 Ge�3 TOTAL. 51T6 E PLAN 40'-Q„ MUR 70CK STREET 1 ,�•Iy ,_h'' N y....•_., �M ia1!+ b1' �Pi��n,.sIA,I1Srn�!"v' . 9'"at�i54►':�F=u , �. �'.�.•� .a r . a T r -" '•'_ � -. �,�- ;` w � + �� . .ti` ,,�•. '..�� ^, _s-. ..F �T- -YYi1G^i +aP'.'.°"�:_ -.r..-«n+.r A�,�y,,_��l�n�'!".x_..wr.w+rn' "•Hwm_..:.'..�.y ._.w. __.� '� a _. ._ .^^.'_"-•-`�. �.. - _ - :J- 1C' � ..._. P1� 1r 111 (�1IIlI 11.1111 r1l�tli �It�lli i�l�lll ��1�111 1�1�'�II i illi �I1�111 11111 11 II► 111 11► r�lllli 1 til ill ��i SII 1�1 111 1�1 X111111 if ��T rI� 1�1 11111111ll�tr�l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED •� —I--� 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t 0 11 12 ;! DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN --- ' THIS NOTICG;-"IT IS DILE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. �,.. OC 6z 92 J2 9z 5z rz Ez z1z Iz 0z 61 91 L1 91 S11 bl EI 21 It 01 _Q 9 L 9 -I,-•J�.-•IIP fE-- z 1"""" ,.• 11P11111111111111111I111111111111)Ilnllln41111lU1luNIuulNuluul11ulIIIOhio11111111111,W141"11111I1u11n}11uu111111tollmN 11111111iIu111n11u11}ilft111111ititl '�llttH�111�ttN�1111 n1nllIfold fill imI11tt1)IJalm"11�11u1111110"loultud11 hill JULY 11992 r, i,.: 7777T111P ��� ,,s, .I,. i ,, ? -..rC� � 77 ri 4-:'n a •,..:. , ,. "�� �•'���C�"�•'•'•""•".�.�- - '�M'�'�.�..-_. ....- ..—+.w1r,r„r_..�_�r -...-.r.�.._-..-, _ - ,,,. _ w,,,.....�.rw..:.:'i.a - � _ .� ^+r p' e 'TE'WL7 � SAL To RI C.�� L� ' 1 �( /fit, t t /�L • -+�►— }-- X i + ti - ' 74 U t VI L (_ L..1.�1 f��� r,,MA.11 IN sheet ... 1 i I 0�' -+I►- �-- ._ ___- -- i '- fU ENGIfJEERINC T -1111-`�GJ _1F � �,_� d�' of `, j c date ,..�, t f:�.\'l SL�Y+Ef�. CUtZN: 150• i �\ Y �_, (�.1 { t -'� •�-� p a ti f M 1 C� 1 �� RE C L 11140 NE HALSEY !� J •'t t OCT 10 1973 � .1�J f t�9 scale. ` PORTLAND, OREGON . 7wg no 4 CITY OF TIGARD �I , � ( JD CSU T� - Ml�TCE-i EXI'>TII�ICi h'��'' —� '.,Apar, New CUKr� PV .I F MLKAT c - I - AT-IF0 10 t V4 t'LK � t G/ y } �>f Co W 10 9 /DT A. 10 +DC TO t � . - ! I • �• i ,,r j_ ( _- ._.._ ._.. - -_ _. ... .. _ .-. _..•i _.-._..r Rrw¢'y,RirtL�tc:s!artySa•'iCr7JiYp771►t1RA"3Q.cT.':T•.[�TT•rr _ -r+c,.: 1 Y_a':^^z-sZ.L':-�t•,m_-'.r•-r•y:�:• - t - � _...._,.r• •;-,_•` • •Q •-•, ` _ �X.1(J ' K.0`;ooq'� ' ; rY.. .'tom' ;'j' I A I L r•;1 P,r_'. +rt ,:� r .. 4; p ,� !` D. •' � 1 I / IN, r1 T .r n1Y•r�n, Y t ■ co5. Z SO -' ` PRIOR ryG1 / - i s 1I� i _.___. I.A N S �0 PROF/-, TQp(rt` l L 1 ls> I: ( VI FIjf�LI'� WOI'h:E3 ]�f s� Af ?L. P� - V j1 EIt y - J C,. r}, I Inlr'I,;- ocF•T, c � `�� � 5 00 L .�. ,'�,'r7� �� `�i��/�• u S • I + y EXItTlQ(3 NOW Ola TIl',> ,b/it I N. VJ. NXI Ut2AL GAS 13Y_ D49 1 1J 1, ' ilk E3Y-_ -------_____-_ DATE___._ ..... Q' W u I t 3 yz I (dAC4 r �2 a � < < ;�s►� D L /►1 rCN /1/'k'oti'-S _3 -,�. pJt � _ ICO -17 + —17 6—91 I L ------ t a � PtlJLTet) tXI �TII�!iu , 4 st * I I ¢ ;Lf�F'Er'0•aZOL >T{AJ >r� — - - -- • ,- - ` ilLt Lrr �I I ! CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , PW- DEFT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY �..'8 N0. PROJECT DATE: - .- - -- PROGRE S TO. DATE : SPECIAL. PROBLEMS' EST % PROJECT,, ITEM COMPLETION:_ _ �e1 INSPECTORA�P� �........ s. .. ...n - r..wr•� n � rig CITY OF TIGARD ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT: PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOEL NO PRUJEC 7 - —_ - — - --- - DATE: - - - - - - --- PROGRESS: __.�RF_.o Gv/2�3,s B� g-r SiDe D�c l0 - N OTE S. �,0-7- Or _ . __- -�'� C�frt Tc f f i9{li�✓S o--. p vlf"�5� I"ATHLIq ,. .w..,.--•....ter. ....r•..r_ ..�..�.... ., �....r . .,...u..r.. • ..•.�rww�ws�w. -—^.�.+---- .ww�rr•rrw . w.wr�wly�N� CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, -'W i)EP' � PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JO9 NC. PROJECr—Y' -- 1� 41 ID DATE; , - - - __ --- PRO OR .S S I,DrJci!fL/�e/f_�'.11,E•� ,BEcs NOTESWEATHER: _ ... - --___-- _-_-_ INS" ' _ OR �y a September 26, 1973 Clift Oergstrow Cooper Development 12750 S.N. Pacific Hi hway Tigard. Oregon 97223 Dear Cliffs An previouely discussed, the paving gradation used for paving S.N. Murdock Street is not as per the Cit-IS* specifications. During our meeting with Mr. Woods of Pacific Sand ` Gravel, I suggested two possible solutions to this problems 1. Complete one inch. Class •C' overlay. 2. Slurry Seal over entire paved area. I have no preferwnce over either method but require you to advise us one week prior to paving as to which method you c11oos•. It you have any further questions regardinq this problem, please feel tree to call. Very truly yours, nick Hisbert Director of Public Services i facilities Metj CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION 0 W I )EPT PROsjECT INSPECTION REPORT ,JOB NO- 7ra2l�- PROJETI DATE: ;2 PROGRESS' -C NOTE ATH F -1 /9 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, - W 0EP " PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J08 NC. D A-rE' .g' PROG ".9s Pc4!7-AAW le e-7r-- evr4ocl AV A:eFlu IV 6-4V Zy- 6E7_7 Cr- —4tpV A/ WEATHER INSr ' OR A vr CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. PROJECT TITLE:-/—W.4egi)CU� DATE --- PROGRESS TO DATE : % ' W.E,�/� . sE( A-&Tx5 SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION'ID6'7p-_S.4,tl, Y4641*1Z - - - -- INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. PROJEC TITLE: DATE :_ )- -7/- - --- - PROGRESS TO DATE : SPECIAL PROBLEMS' _. EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:�� - - AP - - --- Gam - G,G• IN SPEC TORA��R4fOL -...,.. .� .. .. n.. .., r� war.+.mow . .. .• ��w..�� �.www�:w�.r. CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION 0 W 0EPT JOB NO pROjECT INSPEPTION REPORT _—_ , PROJE�� T1 DATE: - 4 -PROGRESS.- 4 ROGRESS:a Cl /EATH It ?o CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. I ENGINEERING DIVISION, --'W DEP' i PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J09 NC. I PROJEGt-1 - DA'f E' NR()GR'..95 doe: �JnT t_q ; WEATHER .r.....--___- _.. CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROSECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO—. FROJEC TI DATE: – _ PROGRESS: - AM�-r14J COTE S. IN r CITY OF TI GARQ, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, -'* 0EP' PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J09 NC. PROJEGF—A' DATE: – -- PR O G R 9 S NOTES : 1L°�s1,�� !� WEATHER C.c.l� tri CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. _ _ PROJECT TITLE�j PROGRESS JO DATE : -SAILl, - iIvvF n 'ry �. s ml r_w_ 'we 5 Ifur, 4 nd s. SPECIAL PROBLEM$' -_ fal�fp- -rj+ops ,- pfr, EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION' - r :1 "LV - --- ------ -�. -._mac--_- 7.rn nT��'�I�n�6•- INSPFCTORJ� CITY OF TIGARD URE F_NGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT JOB NO- PROUECT INSPECTION REPORT PROJEc�-Tj DATE: PROGRESS: P"Nis�,�n _1.��t�ri1�N c�--'—.���d'1��.V.D�2. p` .S�����/1�,/� !'4C-TE ./EATHE� ---Agog" CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, aW DEP" PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT 'J09 NC. PROJECt'-7 DATE: PRoGR-U;.95 � -�7W-?r7.'fa r -s' ;09 NOTES WEATHER INS" CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW ;.)EPT: PROSECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO_ PROJECT Tl PROGRESS: -�1�T.�.f"�- S jf 1.I� �� a!!Ay , 5 E.c�E i 'VCiTE `••JEATHEh' �S._u&1191-41.1 --- - ---- r CITY OF TI GARD,, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, �W DEP- PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT � Joy Nc. PROJEG DA'rE: PR0(3R .9S lN�?/`K4.!!v '--/_QG�t�•' Q/pA/�t1S � ' 157 _S7,jv !'J WFATHFR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. - -- PROJECT TITLE: DATE:- _- PROGRESS TO DATE :14 ���-n ��x� �S"• - -- _ U' 3/�1-tll AUY7? SPECIAL PROBLEMS: -4.41 .5_* `_Ala} EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: G -- --- - - - - -- ,drud ri -see ritjA) _ f}N. 56w��2 . YN ---- -_- - -- ?1 n n INSPEC TOR J4/1 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO___ P j�yjEJfi RO 'AT PROGRESS. . .......... WEATHER: CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. PROJEC;FT456e_;�--cV jig Di PROGRESS . ZA-1 NOTES : WEATHER INSPr- - CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT M JOB N0. _ 44 PROJECT TI- 112 �- DATE: -- 13---7-3 - ----- - PROGRESS:_ 5-rtgg E- F'RL'//✓G ®/� �1yRy-UG-� '—.� ,�-/ i _ �0���1/OIFI� ►1 �r � 'VOTE 3:---U-6 INID�14� L4�_.��... ',HEATHER • oe-- ---- - h -- --IN,a- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. _ P RO JE C f—T w _ - - -- ----- - E: , r ' PROGRESS , f0d'_/IA/ - LV 4eiAtk- Da." vQ00�, sz- - — -- NOTES : - WEATHER _.�— w w w �•t CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEER;NG DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT I N S'PECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. -- PROJECT, TITLE:_ Iv d 6 k DATE :-- :-- > - - -- - -- PROGRESS TO DATE : SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION:_JL'� 700 - �iC�.[/�_�_ 7H G � y ' INSPECTOR _ lL oLmrim C:TY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION a W -'*PT PROsjECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO_---_. __- PROJECDATE: - ------- - _- - PROGRES I�� b�� �,tY�'�' bl - --- --- !VOTE !E ATHk,,, t CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW OEP- ! PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J06 NC. P R O J E G�r / - t _ -------- --- __ DATE: _ PROGR'_.Sa PPL y'//t-G�� 1 C`Q cc NOT IF:S WEATHER O INS' i 4 CITY OF TIGARD uRE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW ;.)EPT JOB PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT NO_ PROJECT D AT F: - - PROGRESS: AC-TE _ I 0 6�E-2 ;' O� _5`1-JZF-A1 � ,L,Ef Z-. /T` /' ATHI•. 'It)� l/L - IL CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. ' ROJECTEERING IN PECTIONNRE P��OR � RT � J06 NC. PROJEG DATE: PRO OR S S /i'-' S 7'?3GL -�D_.._��r�-h�_� '� /✓ ��> �S/O o,� NOTES : `_ --- ---- � WEATHER _ 7 — --- - ---- -- - -- _ OR in lO N N N N O + J v N � O�n O on 0 O n 0 10 N OO O O NA D A O N M Q N O N O IO I. U J N O O O 0 00 07 • x x O S O 0 0 N O n ? M N 0O Ln O n c M N _ Z O F 3 0 U 0 o 0 o o 0 0 0 h O a n f M N M N _ O O p O f) O O Q � � � n (p < u O � r O Y O 0w tl - lZ r O O U O O 0 O O 0 w u, p 0i O w vUi p ,7j n O U O W OD N N n 0 'Q' J LV cr r Q O W J` 'A yILY 1 co In ui 7 m0 W ��. 1 Ci z d N O z w w m °- Wo w v U hi ? ^ N& Q 4 Z 2 U_ w �• 1 O ~ N H J F v O U w m En W H PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, insert a pipe probe, by boring or jetting, into the backfill material adjacent to the center of the pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when air passes slowly through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submergence over the end of the probe, All gauge pressures in the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutes for air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that Is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse side of. sheet. 9. List size and length of all portions of pipe under test in table similar to one shown on reverse side of sheet. 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K' and C, and enter these values in the table o•i reverse side of sheet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. 12. If the total of all C values is less thin one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required in Se.onds." 13. If the total of all C values is greater t0an one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to got tq. To make this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. (C) Commenced Paving. . . . .. . ........... ............ ❑ i _ 1) Paving inspected. .. .... ................ p a) Test data filed.....•... .. ..... p b) Tentatively nfrnptedby City.... (3 (D) Parking lot tentatively accepted by City...... p Z _, VI. SIGN: (A) Street name signv i.ngtalled... . ....... ........ (B) Traffic signs ingtallod.. .. ... ............. p __Z VII. SIDEWALK% (A) Commenced installation.. .. ........... . ... .....M H/4 / 73 (B) Completed installation. .. ...,.. .. . .. (C) Inspected. ... . . . . 13 (D) Tentatively ace -ntod by City............. ..... 0 VIII. STREETLIGHTING, (A) Commenced installation..... .... .... ..... ..... O (A) Completed installation.. ................. .. . .. 13 (C) Impacted. .. .. ... .. . . .. ..... .. ............... (3 (D) Tentatively accepted by City.. .. .... ... .. . . . p 1) Authorl+etion letter to Energise filed �— 1) . LANDSCAPE- (A) ANDSCAPE:(A) Commenced installntinn. .. .. .. . . . 0 (B) Completed installation... . ... . . . . ... .. .. ... .. o (C) Inspected..... .. ... . . .......... d (D) Tentative;y accepted by City.. . . . .. ... p ' X. GENERAL AREA DRAINAIE? (A) Building rain drains inspected......,. ......... 13 (B) Culvert+ inspected. .. . .. . , CJS (C) Drainnge ditche* inspected.................... C)�_ (D) Tentatively rccopted by City. ....... . ... ...... C1 ---.�. NOTES PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE, REVIBY Fli. TO INSURE COMPLETION OF CHECK LT.ST AND FILING OF: 1) Approved Plan Revisions 2) Approved Specification Variances 3) Change Orders/Extra Work Orders 4) All Correspondence/Memos 5) Daily Inspection Sheets CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. --- 7 -_ TV- PROJECT.-TITLE: //l � l�'� ��� 6� e' 1 DATE 73 : . _ --� _ -- - PROGRESS TO DATE : ��t'��1I'� ,E_i/`!1 ftp SF"�G E �� �l- 5'rt C/'�i"/�'•i, SPECIAL PROBLEMS: _ -- - - ou EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: 1' ��-�- rc /L INSPECTOR A C CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION, P-W DEPT JOB NO PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT � PROJE t Kl� P�-' PROGRESS: JOE N OT E S 71- WEATHER: INSPECTOR------ CITY OF TICARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB PROJECT TITLE DATE PRO GREP '. Ct Me yw)'Ror ---- RA 7-� 2 0 4-4 7 E-- XA NOTES : WEATHER 44 INSPECT—OR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE:_ ky_ DATE: "'� --- PROGRESS: NOTE S' WEATHER; — INSPECTORf — CITY OF TI CARD, ORE. ENGINE.FRING r.lIVISiON, PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. _ PROJEC T ITLE � -y DATE: ---' /. ---- -- -���--- PROGRESS ' ejewIPL0 /�'�i � ell —---- --- - -------- NOTES WEATHER ! _ INSPECTOR -fit s o v rn m ny O ID m N 0 M m m M N N N - a f J N v ra y• « O O rn rn aaa0000 m rin n f M m O O aI mm Nr O O m O Q O 0 OU m Omm 9 n re N N O N - N N - O O O x U J N v O I t ITY (bay 8 O O O O O N ♦ m N O Y n N ' M N n f m N O F RT J U I1 O O U O O O O O O O rn dD ►- O Oi to m n ♦ m N � O n m r n f M N - p . O � O O tJ p O a IL a a t p O .�. O Y IL 0 F O : � Z F Q / O 8 O O U O b O O O O m s "'� O 01 N m n V m N ON n O p W e c J W � � L J Y I (^ aJ O b L7 �OD J � _a m a r y W \ U MJ wl H U O to Q ~ Q 2W z N l M K! O Q C U H W ` (J N W o V)w W j� O 10 ^ ZCL cr y I W 0. `I W W J � U C 0 � \ \ W W LL 2 J D U H IU) ZO IL (Y) cn C ~ N v 0 ] ( 1 W En � t (n �1 W H i PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe with water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be t sted is submerged in ground water, insert a pipe probe, by boring or jetting, into the backfill material adjacent to the center of the pipe, and determine the pressure in the probe when air passes slowly through it. This is the back pressure due to ground water submergence over the end of the probe. All gauge pressures In the test should be increased by this amount. 4. Add air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to 4.0 psig. 5. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, Bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minutes for air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air required to maintain pressure. 1. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 8. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start stopwatch. Determine the time in seconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig. This time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconds as computed on reverse side of sheet. 9. List size and length of all portions of pipe under test in table similar to one shown on reverse aide of sheet. 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K and C, and enter these values in the table on reverse side of sheet. 11. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. 12. If the total of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values Into the space for "'rime Required in Seconds." 1.3. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to get tq. To make this division with Die numuaraph, use scales C and K, and read tq. CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. ----_ _ PROJECT TITLE: LI-211'r le' L-' ! / ' DATE:?' • i i ----- — - -. -- PROGRESS TO DATE : f�i N.0 �c-t- 2- .S :uo'a"E4 t' { /l. SPECIAL PROBLEMS' - ------ EST ROBLEMS' __ _-_EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION; INSPECTOR/ CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION, P.W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N0. — — - - - — --- - —_ PROJECT TITLE' DATE: '"- -�-� PROGRESS: 1�'.�a-1'1P -.1�►�: NOTE S:_ - -- - --- WEATHER • �- INSPECTORC A -- -- CITY OF TI CARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO, PROJECT TITLEJ(r - DATE: �� � ----------- _ -.- - PROGRESS ' .. �^ 'Log"e NOTES : z6w- Zl- WEATHER INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, P.W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO PROJECT.�E:--:- 111%2neles DATE: _ -_4_ �i PROGRESS' X'PDX4 ----- A-I& NOTE -.44 e-;p pet WEATHER:-- INSPECTOR CITY OF TICARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB N 0. sz PROJECT DATE' PROG;*,..:SS : �-�_ �N�S - �/E'- .t� _. . l� ✓ _ NOTES ' - WEATHER INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARO, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE:. _��/ PROGRESS T O DATE .' f�//✓�/i(/�G Z»/�=f'jjT� ,�/, SPEC!AL PROBLEMS' EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: �9-7�xl#&/'46-oe- � 1 ----------- ---- INSPECTOR • C:TY OF TIGARD ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION a W ;.)E PT. RROsjECT INSPEC ON REPORT JOB FROJEC 1- DATF: PROGRESS: _ _LGlc�l _ 'F /t/G— . !VOTE 3. iN ..... .+��,. "&wrw.•..ra « r.•..ry,n y i CITY OF TI GARD' ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, ' ,& 0EP" PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT } P RO E -:r — PRrR_.S5 /NsT L«!> rrr�T&#,z ^SOTr SO.LY NEAT HER _� __•.�'kaC'�_ 4 CETY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION a W 0EPT PROACT INSPECTION REPORT r JOB NO—.- . PROJECT— TI � - E�-_ �._ ----- --- -- D A T F: - -- —- — - --— -- --- PROGRESS: ��-}/i✓L��✓� T�J� V'�' •�'� .--L- -.//tr' a OTC --------- -- P- ATHF CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. I ENGINEERING DIVISION, -: W 0EP' PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT � J013 13 N C 1PROJEC, / DATE: -� � -- ---- -- _.- �- 1.1 NR(")3R'_ SS � �T -1 t/iC -- I'llf��1✓G/i✓ `• !r-*L- NOTA S ' WEATHER ciory OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT TITLE: DATE:-h :7,' —2-3- PROGRESS TO DATE ljji4 ' Ale.IlVe ,2 mp SPECIAL PROBLEMS: FST PROJECT/ ITEM COI`APLETION'-.--Zs7;-7 ---s v2� Dleeq IN SPEC TOR, �� _ i C:TY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW i_iEPT PROsjECT INSPECTION REPORT Jae No }} PROJECT TI DATF.: _� --- �n P R 0 G R ES S:_ 1r-ATHF Ir CITY OF TI GARD, ORE. �'uO�ECTINSPEGT ENGINEERINGjsION, --"A, r�EpT � ON REPORT J08 NC / - - -- -- P RO J E G-- -f' NROGR:-.9a �;X 1�N�_ _ �'1_j}Z_r✓L SCK% NOT r_S --- --- -tel.. _ -- -------- -- NFATNFR `v CITY OF TIGARD .)RE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW OEPT. PROV' ECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO PROJECT//TI SL _- ------ — t DATE.: _1� PROGRESS: NOTE -3-- ?+1 VOTE 'a... IN CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, = * OEP" PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J(D3 NC. PROJEG 'r — � I DATE: oe NOT WEATHER CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. I ___ ----- -- PROJECT,. TITLE: l tIzW oe-ie cU DATE: PROGRESS TO DATE : -ALk7ifti";-)Pl! le 9Q SPECIAL PROBLEMS: ' 1C'/{tn&F= 2_ k"',r- l Cyt/ ZZ /CE EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: - ------- _ - - /v.- INSPECTORXI_ ('6wof'4 EMERPAMPRM wn�rvi•.". sem.._wmr�r CITY OR TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W. DEPT. PROJECT I SPECTIAN REPORT w 08 NO_ - - -- - - - -- -- x DATE =_t -_ -- - oe PROGRESS: _—B-th -- -- --- _ - - L NOTES: WEATHER; -- — - - -- IN';a .�.....�� _..�.. _,ter.....,... CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. E ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW, DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. PROJEC r- DATE. L PROGRESS . > �f T jt��. � " Sf.�t✓ c�i� NOTES t WEATHER _ U" oe iNSPr�' -'OR CITY OF TIGARr,, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W DEPT PROJECT INSPECT1011vt REPORT JOB PROJECT. Di,TE: PROGRESS: X7 -?'o �mLe"ft Ale— N 07 E S: WEATHER: lNiP CITY OF TIGARDORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J09 NO. PROJECT DATE: PROGRESS . NOTES . WEATHER lNspu.- --oR CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB NO. PROJECT, TITLE: DATE'- -�-__1=� ---- - PROGRESS TO Dgo Sit/^ SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST % PROJECT/ ITEM COMPLETION: S �r_ INSPECTOR CITY OF TIGARD, URE, ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO.-- PROJECT 0.PROJECT TI - DATE: -_' / y — - - — - PROGRESS:- +,�. Tr}L1�Q -� �`" Ta �l"/� 42'6 -- --- J 'L--�� i.�,-�.-�'-�---LTJ-�. . ..�Sf}�✓._�f_c��Ers�_�. _..._ — _____. NOTE S: T1�7 �E_ _Zc��.iL1��E lL �- '� �T 4-A WEATHER: IN CITY OF TIGARD� ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION RLPORT JOB N0. — PROJECr 7 DATE: - -` ------- PROGRESS , X T_.�r✓�� y.?. ��_ �s ' _"m /9PP�'A ' '�- - n- NOTES : WEATHER Jr �_ ----.. IN3PE'_ OR S _- CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT , JOB NO_-- - - -- PROJECT TI' DATE: —" . PROGRESS; •..��1'_',. �?-�'cc✓E/�_. , , 1 NOTES: "gti'_11:.�� s' "� t���/r✓ �v�hy./f•' �.._ 1�%'l! f.l`). _L' _G' y__ /_ri� WEATHER; CITY OF TIG,ARD, ORE. ENGINEERING DIVISION, PW DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO. P R O J E Cr, r--77 i ,_ --- - ---- -- -- , DATE' i _ - �- PROGRESS . 4^ }'r?f�y.�/- ,���% .r�1/, �f�''�,4.•F-/k`" .. �'`' �% �`�' � . NOTES :. WEATHER t_ O_R_ — — IORM N.. 761—WARRANTY 01110—CORt.ORA110N.� <..r...vF•.., .t 19E' I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That STAN ADKINS, BUILDER INC. it corporation dui, aganized and e.Yi.,ting under the laws of the State of Oregon hereinafter called grantor, for the om,ideration hereinafter stcdrd,does herehy grant,hargnin,sell an conrcc Tonal CITY OF TIGARD, a Municipal Corporation , hereinafter called Orontes and grantee's heirs, Successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the rrnement%, hrredifaments and ap- nurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, situatrd in the Counts, of Washington and State of Oregon,dr<crd, i,ss follows,to-wit: Tract A, LANG HILL, in the City of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon pT SPACE INSUFFICIENT,CONTINUE DESCIIPTION ON REVERSE SIDE) To Have and to Hold the same unto the said grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And said grantor hereby covenants to and with said granter and grantee's heirs, successors and assign, that grenfor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the shove granted premises,fire from all encumbrances and that grantor will warrant and forever defend the above granted premises and every part and parcel thereof age;nst the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. The true and actual consideration paid for this ertsonfrr,stated in terms of dollars,is f 'I However, the actual consideration consists of or includes other property or value given or promised which is serf of the consideration (indicatr which).' the whole In construing this deed and where tha context an requires, the singular in6':•drs the plural. Done by order of the grantor's board of directors,with its corporate seal affixed, this 4th day of June 19 73 . (SEAL) BY ) 1 W President Rv Secretary STATE OF OREGON, County of Washington « Jtlrer 4 1973 Personally appeared Stan Adkins MI& who, being duly sworn, each for himself and not one for the other, did sap that Vli>Ql{MWA< WA be. it the president VXd'XkXXftAK j4xXhw YWrfkfX of Stan Adki'1s, Builder. Inc. a corporation, and that the sent affixed to the foregoing instrument i. the corporate Real of sold corporation and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said corporafion by authority of its board of directors; and each of them acknowl- edged said intrumrnt to he ifs voluntary act and deed. f Before me: S,0f. (O►FIrIAL Se.AL) Notary Puhlic freer OJn' My commission expires: 3/9/76 40/1—TM mm.—►.it....IN.<y.b.I. � it..1 at.►II,.bl.,,h-l6 6,6.1146 t..CM....,661. 01.11-„1—106r.,N.n....d M M.1Nr SNolnl S.NIM. WARRANTY DEED STATE OF OREGON CORPORATION County o/ is. Stan Adkins, Bldr, inc. I c•rtifv that the within intro- mens was recrived for record on the TO InoNT uu rwl6 dap of , 19 , OACo.RURRv110 at o'rinrk M., and recorded City of Tiqard L.RRL IN COON..OR RRCOSOIN. ;n book On pilot. or as Ties*wool filing fee number Rt.r- _ u6Ro I nrd of Deed- of said Cnunfv --Airta RItcORD1N0 atTu PIN Yo - J Witne-S my hand And leaf of County affixed TWO C• ey Deputy Q W [D h m 2 W W V Or h L IA. ` I - . c 4.. W 1 v Z Irk V d 4 O �. o v' i ,L J I u •t r I f. t n �1 ►` �� 'f c) Q r Q r;) W x W 111 � p r1 - v Ilk LIU �l v � W H r t ws,l..r . . r / ,:,.� A,. ____-� .- w..a_ ._ __... -., .. --r �-- . s .. - t t. w11rw,Y�r.�...........�,+....'..e •r-.++'w.+r.«..-w."•__...,• _,_+.-+. ..r-.......,..+w. , 'o , �' 1 - 3 _ _ __. __ �_ _ �_ , _ i 5h6p i- 1"w ___._, 74 UPJ 11 -� :. ,,, , ' a� - �xT - 0 a'wAl_.1�\ -rn .. , / I I' t x 1 k-�-TIN 0 1A v c w,A,Y . ' ;Il 1 '� 1�, ;'~I�f,.• .�'�.'.� d t n t 4r, • /' 1 � ' Q _-i_ r-- -....-.........__.._,.-_ --..- - --.,_----,_•,.-_•--». _�:__,... 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CNiCAQO R" �`••` If1Id7 •• �.I„li,M.I,,,y1.,.,, _ - ` fIII111I��IIIftIIIII111111111lllt111111111111111111111111111111'111111 11 1111111 , [I111111IIIIII�tj1111illII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111illilliIIIIIIIililtlll�ltlllll�111111fililllI r 4 I �: NO1T : 1 1 THIS MICROFILMEIJ I - -- -I----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 i 1 12 ORAWINI; 15 LESS Gl_EAR THAN � Y_____ _-sv � -_ ----r----- ------____, THIS NOTICE, 11 IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING• OE 6Z 9Z LZ 9Z SZ b2 fZ '�' 12 OZ 61 81 LI 91 51 bl EI ZI 11 011 6 8 L 9 S b E I 1 '1„"" I11111I1111111111IIImIIIm111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'n1uu1111111111111111Imil111111111111II11111111111111111111.-II,IllIII1111illI1111II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIi1Niiliii1I111111111I 1111111111111111111111114111111111111111J111111111I11111I11111111111 . CJTil-4Y 1 19 9 2 -r - 1 •,. .-IY, .. 'AJf '�, t W' t,4 �r , - - - - '�•: .. .+-..._..«..__.__....._.._-«---+yam,..._....-..._.•--•+•_--r-•+•+• __ _ .._..__. _-_. .._. _. .. COOP t K Lt-VELOP f4 LOT T -TIL t Y ..p.. ..lt.J• YCAOQ CDAV� IT • s-<D Y mow, w 'S• �� -- �, BUR 1"0 N h...l l ' `t .,�I x �3��wy y• �g�b/�� ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS Portland ws, w All► Lbend newberg +� �.►-" ! J 1L J { ^�Tti �, 1 ;•`� � � N ��� '� '� '� � � {,� � �• (����'`+ s•� . E.. h� "�'`' '�t' ;(r:" L" - � �� t^• W• G �,h, c.� � `�" � C?' .�►' �O° �, _ � � 1.... �WIL�•i r � --- — i -- -- --- - ,' W I , � I MU�'ur1 t~x.I�Trf.1C� •� ! � d1• ,... r°o L45TAILlb T ttl"D OFA A. LU g NI I C L) 4a my e MiewT !J F� y� Q 6 4+ z fA I . FLOW )MALL l3E MdlKTAINr-G Ili t_x1 rlt�.lU '� 0. iL1�.�HDL L Tt N E dT b L f-.1 OT ! I 1. ALL '`.G�tJ i i 1��':' hL vv'�.i ''vti )Fk?\ �f�&-L C�"...i c�F',h i TO TME-. tt.;li^, titi l',J Z. �hISTIhiCz Mt�.�.11'tC'LC-� `�CiL�LL n�� F -'A_)I•'Z_D �. r f z • � A , � ;•` w U(� t F r C-u �:k1�t�.�Cal'� l :t�la�,.` '� � anti F.iCaTG�t�i C�'k,t.�TY h 1 To E�?Ul�f.. CR �G i•T�:.i� Yr��� -f•r1 E IF, OF'aCGII�L � CGI 011 f U� u s 1 L. & L ,DTt't�F-.� � OKK c '`�t'`VSI. eCk1 V�.r Wi 4 tt- �1 ` r `r- �"4�'Y4f :, , t�► 5 trtbl.,L. ral:� f�,CF <:I!L'T of THC F�.LGV�, ��'CGtr1:_�TIC_t� ,� . A.•_. F-QX a. DF e)Cl� T I NL! `:)E W E F\`� A-1. D �:41A l L ;'�E v' ti s Jr N : - - _. .-- --- , I _ - - - - -- - - w I I 1 , , , I - I _ _._ :. i , • '_ _ I _.. 1. .. -�- - - - -I - - - -� - - -1 - _i _...: I — _t , _ — - - 1 1 1 — , I { I r _ I , Y. J I I I i -r -r I I I , , r I 1 I , 1 I T I I I I, T" , , t r I I I I — - I I - - I 1 , I r , I , I 1 , , i , I ' , 41f,-1 , } I I 00 T- I , t _ I I I I _ 11 T ' t I r i - _ - t - Y I 1 t , r I I _ - - — y I _ . 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OE 6Z HZ LZ 92 S2 bZ EZ 22 IZ 02 61 91 L1 91 SI bl EI ZI II 01 6 9 t 9 16 b c 2 �►�{Iltnlnnllnll1111llulllln�t}ulnullnlllllllllllllulluuluu�nlilt��}IunlnnllullUlIIIIIlII111IIIIlI1111IIIIlIIIIII}!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlII111II111IIIIlIIIIIIIn{I{1nInnIInIIIIIIIIIIlI111u1111IIIIlIII11U1JIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIII!! u 1.j y 1992 a a Cooper [development Co . lii l,,., 11 Il.i;,-ll,rook Rd. ShcrxNo ml, ()re go ii 9-1 1.4() Phone: (50:3) 639-2792 (39.786 2 i M:iv 21, 1973 I Stan Adkins Builder Inc. 8959 S. W. Barhur Blvd. Portland, Oregon Re: One foot, street plug, S. W. Aiurdock St., Tigard spar Mr. Adkins: I Tn reference to ,your conversation with Mr. Cooper and Nick Hisbert, City of 'rigard, regardi; g the one foot street plug on S.W. Murdock Street, Tigard: WP have agreed upon your deeding of the street plug to the City of Tigard i that we will pu, a one inch overlay of asphalt on Murdock Street from 106th ) Street to our property line, approximately 104 feet, upon completion of our i work in the street which rensists of sewer line, storm sewer and water main. WP also auree we wi 1'L, as muc'i as possible, use 109th Street for our construction t ) ject. lI 1 Very truly yours; , 1 ��/�ri��l.'t- C11f�! ord Pergstrom Superintendent 1 C?s9c C.C. City of Tigard 1 RECEIVED MAY 2 2 1973 r,ity OF T19ARD � Avoid Verbal Messages A_1 CITY OF TIGARD } J To: C 11:� From:` Subj(:ct:� Date -_ _ /4 - 7.3 7�e G•l / /t rt / ...�f^ ..Ki r, i ,1T/ �.:� .:UC !+ r //r r 0- c r+a)G W.;f' �c*ry� ri+C =C.'C'0► a 1'G cf c s tr j �l C N��O ©f/ IJ TQC T tri ..ry a��c e De/ H / I�e e+/N}+/@I"'1� w�IM�it T7�C 0���� bre'o-y /e or/rte.- /�^ � s/+t,i'w • �, errors✓�� �. 31✓ Ce NCIYC C'1 //�t / /,acm-1 41 C T7, 'A/�'e_' .z w• .-r e�C , F.a n Fr c/�caS,..-r .f � I-,rr�► ,OH.1 ,�►lo f'f%n it Z"7 CGT a! �Cr T�J I7r/ ey�se oiec� !-�l�icv►+ �..�-.Sol o/N/� ��.-�e� a roe m�' �l+i.� e�ec�,�llalio.I �rC(q✓ eY �D C ��r.7.'7�/�.S • �' r�'.�c,tg'f i>N .w rimae it / / cC.rfirr+q,Hq �r 7f<I-• e A 50 foot width roadway ritudtO in Secc•ion 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. , Washington ,! County, Oregon, 3escribed as follows: beginning at the vast lr corner of said Section i0; thence N 89058' l.i" W along the southline of "Lang Hill No. 2, 330.00 feet; thence N 0o51'50" E along the west line of Lang Hill NO. 2;913.13 feet; thence S 89140'00" W 310.00 feet; thence N 0051'50" E 20.00 feet; thence S 89040'00" W 250.22 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 0051 '50" E 144.43 feet to a point of curvature; thence 157.91 feet along the arc of a 125.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve beats N 37003' 13" E 147.61 feet; thence N 73014'36" E 12.6.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 57.47 fret along the arc of a 175 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 63050'36" E 57.16 feet; thence N 54026'36" E 47.49 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 47021124" E along sa4.d right of way 51 .08 feet; thence S 5402636" W leaving said right of way 57.93 feet to a point of curvature; thence 73.83 feet along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 63050'36" W 73.50 feet; thence S 72014'36" W 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 94.74 feet along the arc of a 75 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears S 37003' 1.3" W 88.57 feet; thence S 0051 '50" W 141.28 feet; thence S 89040'00" W 50.00 feet to the point 0f beginning. ANDERSON & DITTMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW TIGARD PROFESSIONAL CENTER 8665 S. W. CENTER STREET P. O. 13OX 23005. TIGARD. OREGON 97223 639.1121 FRED. A. ANDERSON DERRYCK H. DITTMAN May 11 Doris Hartig, Recorder City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23557 Tigard , Oregon 97223 Re : Street Dedication - Canterbury Lane Dca.r Doris : I return herewith proposed Street Dedication document which accompanied your memo of May 2, 1()73 with respect to Canterbury Lane , unapproved for the following reasons which I have previously discussed with Nick Hiebert : The referenced document has an Fxhibit "Alt containing two descriptions , one noted "corrected" and the other "original" , and there is no indication as to which is to be effective as part of the ease- ment grant . As noted with Nick, ar accurate descrin- tion of the area actually involved ONLY should be included in the document , and under all the cl.rcum- stances it would apnear that the restated description page should he initialed by the grantors to avoid any misunderstanding concerning their actual intentions . When this has been clarified , I will be glad to add the apnroving signature as requested. RF.CEri/ED very truly yours , w4Y i It it) ANDERSON & DITTMAN �Tv K DORM FAA:cb Fncl . n r I i .X Q3 c�" uride G'cnic. wed i'rc.�� Culb Is CL OG Ot/G' � /'�jot 2//'Yi � h i •D.30' G(/�dc G vqc. �urd 0 X01. I La 4t /qL/G cC Cie 14Gi/i' /V0 Z No. Z vl V 4 zel Qal w of �Of S7j CG 1'���(/9 O?` 1* end o� J-WM�r-Soct- qty sue ;r� 7A Mrd, n_ re �D ✓..� ,/iDr�ZDn E/79�r7eer��q � ,�G,�v�'y.�/Iq f CITE' OF TIGARD. URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT JOB NO PROJECT41. DATE PROGRESS: ---- ------ 'VOTE S: 7 kAOr PX ..,L�s. ------ - - -- hzv '15 y" '4EATHER; CITY OF TIGARD, ORE. I ENGINEERING DIVISION, a W DEPY j PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT ! JOG NC. PROJEC r PROGR'.S; _..----_- - NOTES ; - WEATHER -_-_.__-_------ -___ ----_ __--- -- --------- r CITY OF TIGARD URE ENGINEERING DIVISION PW iiEP7 JOB PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT N0._.__ PROJECT TI at DATE.: � "�- PROGRESS'-- 1 NOTES.- _ i CITY OF TIGARD, ORE:. �.NGINEERING DIVISION, -'W DEP' PROJECT INSPECTION REPORT J08 NC, PF?OJEGr " 7 DATE: ¢'•- S� L151.� _.. NOTES -------- --- - - -- iLI rhe dor fn home ownership Y//#CO SECURITIES-1NTF.RrLfUI%N ?AIIV . /.vr 1.146 host LlurnsiJe`;aver.l5rnlnnl.Ilrekon 9721d qr RTGAGh BANAENS Tel..'• 1.5011 March 27, 1973 RECEIVCC) Mr. Nick Hiebert, 28 W3 Director of Public Services F Facilities CITY OF TIGARD City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon 97223 re: CANTERBURY LANE Dear Mr. Hiebert: Enclosed i!, executed Street Dedication which has been the subject of recent discussions with your office. Sincerely yours, SECURITIES-INTERMOUNTAIN, INC. Warren L. Kirby f Vice President WLK:eI encl . cc Mr . Bunn Industrial Realty Co. file I WII I1ATH ks SrrrrrL•.Rrllr im.tilr.drnnr. Ilil.hin0m; Pal,r Alta. San pie/o,California STREET DEDICATION "OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That J=gtt It, Lake Sr. and M.,_J!ako h+i an G Mor and Ruth Graewr hereinafter called grantor(9) , for the sum of $ 1.00 _ constituting th- actual consideration for this deed, do hereby give, grant and dedicate to the Public (or) tr the City of Tigard, amunicipality of the State of Oregon, its successors and assigns, (strike inapplicable part) a perpetual right-of.-way and easement for street, road and utility purposes on, over, across, under, along ind within thr following described real premises in Washington County, Oreqon: EKHI RI1" "A" Attached To have and to Huld the above describr•d and dt-dicated rights unto the Public (or) to the City of Tigard ( -trike inapplicable part) for thr, uses and f•urlw)ees hereinabc,vr -4, - 1 The grantor (s) hereby covenants that he (th-y) ire the owners) in fee Miml,le and have s good and 104.1 riu' t his (their) rights above do, ,-riI - i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor 1al has Ih•tvt-) herrunto qet. hi.a Itheir) hind(q) and seal (s) this_���_. - day of Fetrrosr�_ _ Iq VAL) L L�(SEAI 1. L�.lalJl;ak. (SEAL) �..-'i(Z�.Icl.r1 ) 1:rJL`- (SEAL) --- _I:SEAI ► �_. . _.,__..�....,..�- - -..(SEAL) - (SEAL) _.._ .__.-._ ..�_M..._r.__(SEAL) Contented to this 12th_ day of March 1113. I 1 i i APPROVED �� 91IN LIFE � :,LUNCI] (;1* 'ANY OF CANADA �ell.���.�/ - ENiEI(ED - Fl A2 l`'nnlit � ^Fr•t Pso41dent \ J.1). 11,ntve���-- t' rr.ecrrtary , Lai STATE OF OREGON I , ^C, /I,YA) ) SR County of 1dn,tiagtm ) BE ,T REMEMBERED, that on this 23.,j_ day of Febraars , 1973 b­forP me the undersigned a Notary Public in and for the said County and State per,onally appeared the within named Willett R. Lake Sr. and Janet M. Lka and WUII&i Graever and Rath Graavar who are known to me to be the identical individuate described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed tho name freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto net my hand and sr.,1 th1 ; __ 23rE• day of February -- lq 73 Notary Public Otegon My Commia4ion Expirest �ggs „t, K race lipua+< ;•,1,'?76 it.oproved .:s to form this day of 19_ By:_ City Attorney - City of Tigard Approved av to ,legal description this day of _ / 19 BY Wil. ✓ // .. rte- Approv-r] t:h� ;—..��._ diy of ------- 19 I CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON PLANNING COMMISSION By t Chairman tiff Irl�ll<11 l 111 \It1\'lltl \I. On this 12th (Lt\ of March, 1973 hefort. me.1111s'ared M.A. Canning and J.D. Burwell Iroti1 to nu'Icn,-wrt to hr,e 1iUp t,r tltc Presidt,nt and kv reiary reslleviivek of the tical Lift, 1,.• ' I•1 (';made, the orl„uatinIII h a ett,ruted the attneved instrument,will arknow-le(IQed ht,sairl 411 from, t, 11. 11141 enlunt.uv ;e t ,nil,Jrt,,l-,I •.lid I4stpo at ion, for Ilio uses an11 purposes Ilu•rein ne'utione.' amt --11, t11 • , Ihev weir wlhl,rited to vwvote wli,l instrument,and that the seal mlia'd is the rorlw(.io, .'n'„I satin rurpur t6.,i IN \1'ITNESS %VIII NLI11', f have Iwreunto set my ban l;Ind afTisrd nn 1111, ,,I %(-;11 the da\ am! tirst shove written. / , A Milan Tillie 411 ,,. 1 hr 'o rmu. -,"ri,.. Ilse herein, M160.9111 fn/R"I 11M-6Mr 7,10.1 1•nn(.d m(•.114114 0 Nle Coaoni.ann i.b,r hit, EXHIBIT "A" CORRECTED A fo,.t w ith roadway situated in Section 10, Township 2 South, Pm•tge 1 War,%, Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, 6oscribed sts follows: Beginning at the east 114 corner of said Section 10; thence North 89 58' 15" hest alooy the southline of "Lang Hill No. 2@, a distance of 330.OU faet;thence North 00 51.' 50" East along the westline of "Lang 81`11 No. 2" and "Lang Hill", a distance of 913.13 feet; thence South 1`390 •1J' OU" West 310.00 feet; thence North 00 51' 5011 East 20.x', ; thence South 890 40' 00" West 250.22 feet to th.-a true point. of Beginning; thence North 00 51' 50" East 144.43 feet to a point of curvature; thence 157.91 feet along the are crf a 125. 1( :out rafius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears North 37o 03' 13" East 147.61 feet; thence North 730 14' 36" F:ayt 126.31+ feet to a point of curvature; thence 57.42 feet along the arc of a 175 foot radius curve to the left, the lopg chorl if said curve bears North 630 50' 36" Past 57.16 feet; thence North 540 26' 3b" Ea,t 47.49 feet to a print on the southerly right-of-was• of Canterbury Lane; thence South W) 21 ' 24" East along said tt,ght-of-wa; 51.08 feet; thence South 540 26' 36" We3t leaving said r>_aht-of-way 57.93 feet to a point of curvature; thence 73.83 f-.- along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius :•ltrve to the right, ' he long chord of said curve South 63'' 50' 36" West 73.50 fee : ' hence South 720 14' 36" Weat 17.6.38 feet to a point of cur-a' ure; thence 94.74 feet along the tire of a 75 fuot radius curve to the left, thy long cnor•i f said curve bears South 37" 03' 13" West 88.57 feett thence South 00 51' West 1.11.2N feet; tho,nce South 890 40' nn" West 't0,i)t feet to the true point beginning. EVIBIT "A" )P 1 ,1NAL A 50 toot u' '1!, in 4er.tien In. T28, pt!!, W.N., Washington County, Or,,,,n, foltown: liegittnit .; at tic ,•net r, t i . -I enr•t C,•ction 10; thrtue N 89o58'1P W along th, r•outhIf i "3 ;,tit No. 2, ilU.uu feet; t t U 0^51'50" E along the gest line ut l.a . . 1. ,.,J ,,ct, Ut,r.ce 5 eq "'V0011 W 310.00 feet; thetwe N U"5l'50' ! 20.00 fret: thence S 8914n1nn" W 250.22 fr•••t t� the t ' ' ^c 01111K, ("("ACP N 0051'Sn" R 144,43 feet to a paint of curvatru-,, :Ion. 1'tr .91 feet along the arc of a 125.00 foot radius curve to the right the long chord of said curve haars N 37009'13" E 147.61 feet; thrnr•., . t ' r -:I vaIutc• . thence 57,42 feet aloe the a:, „ to the left, Cite long chord of sald curve bears N 631'5U136" t; 57.16 feet; thence N 540?6'36" E 47.49 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Canterbury Lane; thence 5 47021'74" r along saild right of use 51.05 r.1`•t thence S 54o:'t ' ' t, 1. tv i i .t it of acv 57 v 1 f eo t 'c. a ;+(1 turvat, '•e; t' err u, „ ',,nn f t t,t to rite right •tip 1• U a• Irars 9 61, t' •," f• JU feet; thrncr S ^"l5'11`" 1 t t• t to .t p 113 a cutlet nce 94.74 feet Mond lht 1:, of a ii t rn ,e cu yr tete Icit, the chord or said curve bears ti t: 88•i7 feet; thence 3 Oo51 '5u" W 141.28 feet; thence S 89041000" 1: 50.un feet to the ;•pint 0f beginning, i ,A tA �. `/Air t 00 1 ' 1 1 i t �QOJ ' f f., r •It �� �vR���,r r-- N r � r_ F t .7 1: 1 ^1w CITY of TIGARD, OREGON SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT DEPOSIT- FEE COMPUTATION SHEET PROJECT NAME �V NOLt,->OCK F $•W I G (1) Project Permit Fee (City ord. 88-48, 800.X, Por.°Air).: @ I'f% of ecti�'ed improvement cost G� 7. Gz 016 X Imp o ement cost) a (2) Sewer Plan Checked Fee(U.S.A. Ree.70-12,Sec.9,Par.°e.T. @ $10.00 per lot with a min. of $100.00 (a) $10.00 X,. (no of lots) x (b) min applicable ❑ (3) Street Lighting Fee ' (a) PGE Lighting Schedule No. (b)Mthly Rate Option No. _ typeoflight lumens o�^erg^1 e (mthly rate) (no of lights) nance type of pole mo%n mthly rotex� no of pale! — Subtotal ) lyc= 12mth'e � � �. -4 ���= + jno o mlhe 2yr=24mth'e ubO (4) Sign Fee (stem M Instollotlon) (per sign ) (no.of sign) stop X - °* Street Sign ,�f, :-X =$ Lomb. Stop/St. Name )( - =$ No PorMng _—_X._ X `- (misel. type) (mise) type) Subtotal /Q . . . . • . . . >� tU 5•OG w b Receipt No. 7Lilirl� Dof@ Paid s f 0Z 7W ORALID TCTAL LJ check RLQUIRED Ll cash ( I money order � r 'f - r6.,, .,. ,... ...:..w,«�,.� .w..:,,..�awxwr+mmwww�pay�d���NuWw✓ 10. 4t I 1)3/15/73 VOCH 02,''744, l ,l� Ir r rt1 L.()r ViL0CK K7;) .5,i1,41)1. r?f"1 DA rF TAIJ I RU) 03-11i P7 4 r r v n 1_ IJ ES o r r l_fa610 v1L_ V4P rI�iPiFr7 1nw Kf�"r J>1h 117:5► 7'1 , 7,3O ►rl , ' �i3 , .7rJ,1 1,11:5► 7:5��Irf1. ri'� '�► 7r)f� c f) qF i\l r i A 11i ► lli,f „��r.r .a �S 920,000.00 47-3584 Ducember ^9, 1972 at 10:27 A.M. 4. R. LAKE SR. , AND JA:JF'T M. LAK, ,•7ILLIAM GRAEPER A, RUTH GRASPER, as tenants by the entirety See property descriptive attac.hei a:3 Exhibit "A" Sl I1Ll)l'l.li li This1 ull.v dtv, not insure loss I•v rc,twn of the shatters %11016%n ur rcfcrted to In tilts Miedule except to the extent chat the owner tit .ulv rnortga.cc or decd tut trust Is e\}'rt's,I/ Insured In P.Irigral•hs numbered 4 and 5 on the front of thi, 1•,III,\, PART I. 1. 'r,l\c, Ur a\,t',rlti,nt\ w111t11 .Ire 11,`t ,11,1%kil dr c\I,IIn1: 1101, 1`\ tilt 'UL"r,d, ut aily ta7tlllg Altth1lrltY that jet ls% ta\er or,lrt�rittetlt, on rt,.11 l,toj'ett\ or 1`\ the l`ul`11, I"C'0 '. ,,ending lrrutecding, tllr vatJting owning (jr hant:IrIa ,`t ,irtvts ,Ir hlL:hw.l.'s l•rc,e.dul4 tntr\ ,`t the ,u,iman,c or under therefor. An\ f,l•:t•. rlghtr uttcrt,t,, or .Elim, \\111,11 art' mIt sh 1\\n I 1 the rul,ltt rculyds 110 which tuuld be J, crtalne :'t• all intl`c4t1,rtl A ;did latld it I,\' Ill.iltmg inqulr\' of l,t•r` Ill III lrlls\essltlrl thereof, 3. I'..I;l'11N1nL tL11 C1> Of t'.I,etllellt or N-01.11 Jtt I;,jt rllu\1t1 I,\• the 1'01i, resordsi unj�atentvd tlunule .I,utnr, rr,cr\.Iu, r.; ,+1• c\tc1•tions In patent, or In A,t, .I.Ith,alnn�: the Issuart,c thereof, Nater rights, Halms ur title Io \vatcr. lltt,dar\' illler, rhlltt,ll;t• In .Ilt'.1, L11041.1,11111ctits ur Jilt' other fattb whlth a ,,,rr.•.t ;ur\cv would .II•.I,!se. PART 11. I.I.n.. tn,.uml r,lntcy, dclett, ,111,1 ,11hcr m.lttcrs at!t,ll n1!e to sJLI Jami or to whith said title .l�'�ett, as h.rt`I11•Il tet ••'t f+Irth: ' City lien dated April 27, 1970 ir • • { - ,, • F, '�0 nen:t»tLn1).1. •�� t^ 1:�., , ,- 14 ' interest payabtr3 :11 - i:istalln0:1%D pai19, bttict:iee unnail , xo An eaerrent crligted by ist!11' e�'�, :"4. ..p :or'irrl G;:t,�bet' : 0, 1�1•ovisions thereof, dat'e's SQp •eraeretr.91t j. lc,,�•tL' eat. re :oN ,ed 1 Book 0, Pae 1- 13'sun c »,� oar 963 in B 72 t>. '�t,� i�� 1z• ,.1. a ,,1 �4 r t NP. 29, 196n 1n 3rok r , i'r.,�o ''ar public use as m road, street or ?ti�;h�ve;,, '.n,J tir1�`.�, t!1e ur3e o° eF,.^e for public utility V%irpesl3t, n;•e.• a :,tr of lc'•1 'i, (50) feet in width. ..1 irltt;•1,••►. •1t, ::'=7'!, • , the? ter,,1.a.r.a 3. An c ien',ent t"t•Ct�ted by r' •11'rl' ••raj' 1l:•, liover c'e'• 1r�', •ovit�iona thereof, tro tod at.���:e'"hE,r * . nK_ s for the l.o. �r hook 7�4, P;-i.re 1)�t, ^or rrr.d erg 1 u„ili �,, r l:'P- benefit o'' grwitarEl renninder lt.t'ie-0 '-.•inF so�•therl;, Cr and con- enefuE to sf�.it1 trope~by, a strip of '! and fifty (SIO) feet Fin width bei 2r, ) ar. on etch tide of the fcllowIng denr_rihcle, _er;�erlinet Ccmtmencinp at a, point on the carterl ine ci' the eEseren t to n the 0 feet grntthear�t�:r�• Prot ti:f' City of 'riolyd 7 - fl.e` t o of said property; thence South '�' ' � woatA�v feet F^st. of thence South 7l 4) 151 tett, 2'-1_ .set to ; the Went bn,indary Int nald pr;perty; t?,O"•'a pnr�orelorcleans 2t:o feet East of til© said Werlt b, ondar;, 'est, the South ] i-10 of gal j 4� !•'art ttTL., ineludintr the •ter,►c �.nc! pro•tIatinn ther Ofj anted Mar'-.h 120 ' U6(, recorded Arr1 . 101 a\ ., Fuge ul, Ptort(�a�,e Re =or'?s, �,1ven to fle+•ure t11c cayrrent o: • $650,0000.001 with int,t3T•cnt thereon and s,ich :%uture advancea as may be provillcl t,,ereI 1, execute. b;i '+riliita.. ;rReper and d and wife, Glen L� Wilcox t".nc9 Ir�rreine Ruth creeper, husban Wilcox, Misbar,d and wipe, Keru,ety, J. Kadow nn.l 7n11e.s N. }Cedow, Tr�eban•1 nnci wife--and Che rlen L . �l:ent.errl, o 13 in c►an, to '"".....`►,... !;vn 1.1 fe Annurar. company a oils •ati on. Li- Policy No. 47-.,_.j. Schedule B Continued 5. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions the=-eof, dated August 21, 1969, recorded August 21, 1969, in Book 754, Page 457, in favor of Tigard Water District for water pipe line. 6. Agreement between vestees and the City of Tigard, recorded January 6, 1970 in Book 768, Page 55. 7. An easement created by instrument, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated September 29, 1910, recorded October 7, 1970, in Book 794, Page 644, Deed Records, in favor of Tigard Water District, a municipal corporation, of Washington County, for a water line over a 10 foot strip that begins at the SW corner and runs 250 feet parallel. to the South line. S. Taxes for the year 1972-73 in the amount of $21,401.08 first quarter, PAID: Balance UNPAID. 9. Contract, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated November 1, 1972, and recorded December 29, 1972, in Book 903, Page 460, Deed Records, between William Graeper and Ruth Graeper, vendor, and W. R. Lake, Sr. and Janet M. Lake, vendee. w w ORDER N0, 117-3'5911 :)PSIcRTI-Yr1 111 A tract of land in the Northeast quarter of Section 10, Township 2 South, Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon, being part of that certain tract conveyed to John D. Annand et a1 by due-A recorded June 22, 1967 in Book 60, page 166 and more pau•ticularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which is the north line of the ;southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 10 and 5 chains gest of the east line of said Section, and is the northeast corner of said Annand Tract; thence West along the north line of said Annand Tract 560.2.2 feet to a point; thence :south along a line parallel with the east line of said Annand Tract 100 feet to a point] thence .East along a line parallel with the north line of said .Annand Tract 250.22 feet to a point; thence South along a line parallel with the east line of said Annand tract 20 feet to a point; thence East along a line parallel to the north line of said Annand tract 310.0 feet to a point in the east line of said Annand tract; thence North along the east line of said Annand tract 120.0 feet to the point of beginning. 301 ♦•y• y ? t� j/U;3) �, 51At ry r ' 400 eAR las 30L -ego 14 �*3 iri..r� • W _. _ . /I �31 ^ •H 4^i t r. 21Q SO2 -+ 2 n 501 Li"•p I F 11 Ae. ANC At i 01 00 At �r y 00 7 �� 9 1„ 10 X "� ►i A E J a A SE i- rl Ry Ar '� •RO ���, 4800 /Z e�\Q-3 4701 �,°•� '• t+e ,. iyo � CAI N A N4 I \, ti v �+MrwiwYDt�i M f E i 2A,• _ �ro 2 4401 a� w ?/J I � p A j r; March 14, 1973 Securities-Intermountain Inc. 1336 East Burnside Street Portland, Oregon 97214 Attn: Mac. Kirby - Mortgage Loan Dept. Dear Mr. Kirby: As per your request, enclosed please find one copy each of the "Cooper. Project" Cash Bond Escrow Aqreement and Street ro,dication Compliance Agreement. i'iie city of '.i'igard will w ieute the aforementioned documents at such time as the follow ng has been accomplished. 1 ) A tit.l•) report is furnished to the City certifying ownership is vested witti the signing parties of the aforementioned documents. 2) Vacation of an existing one foot wide street plug known as 'rraet "A" , Lanq Hill Subdivision. 3 ) A title report is furnished to the Uty certifying whom is authorized to sign a Street Derii.�-,at icer) ftr that portion of roadway (proposed 109th Avenue ) between the development tract and existing Canterbury Lane. I hope- the ,jx),ve answers your questions, if not please feel freo to contact me at 634-4171. Sincerely, Nick Hiebext:. Director of Public Serviced Facilities NHtlw Enclosures - 2 CSL OREGO SL HOMTL IPMAR73 MR- WARREN L. KIRBYP VICE PRESIDENT, SECURITIES-INTERMOUNTAIN, INC. 1336 EAST BURNSIDE STREET. PORTLAND. OREGON. 97214- STREET DEDICATION RE= 700.119 - CANTERBURY HEIGHTS APARTMENTS ACCEPTABLE- WILL BE MAILED TODAY- nENIS TOAL, PROPERTY INVESTMENTS SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CUMPANY OF CANADA END A certified true copy of telehram received March 12 1973, from Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada �) Warren L. Kirby, ;1 '+ Al r N .AX,� c ,A-1,0-1/s.r, eV N 0 Si OpLl �• £ 0 \ N � 0 O 0 0 06 W roV � �f ^ N M � r ; � `�• N 01� f ly- N o M ( 00 ua �I - rh N * 11 \ N J aQ (}n �, NJ C �: J � N fJ• N fn vi a li 'h V O w cc I- o It • s s • • \ N3 •� M y. O �1 � v O ♦ � U Mir U � n1 v N � 0 �► ♦ 1 �•� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ca VI V► �' L+ r � �' e "r� I j Rl`� �� 2 f, M M 00 Ci r � •N r; r `� • r ; �1 ,� 0 � \7! V) O w a N b y �► r N4() a nay 00 W ; i �+ co a: cn U U o v U U . A numbm br;�D5. f-mnlmtr-t�mj J1140 N.E. rbLSEY f'OKTLAMP, OKZ-630" , 977-Z0 �Nor��: 252- 4032- uE �i<Ar �a� L L-'l l� L A 50 foot width roadway situate in Section 10, T2S, RlW, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the east k corner of said Se�A?n 10- thence N 89058' 15" W along the southline of "Lang Hill No. ,_2, 30.Ob Leet; thence N 0051.'50" E along the west line of"Lang Hill N0. A913,13 fee - thence S 89040'00" W �� 310.00 feet; thence N 0051'50" E 20.00 Teet; thence S 9 4�0 b��W 250.22 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 0051'50" E 144.43 feet to a point of curvature; thence 157.91 feet along the arc of a 125.0) foot e radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears N 37003' 13" E 147.61 feet; thence N 73014'36" E 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 57.42 feet along the arc of a 175 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 63050'36" E 57. 16 feet; thence N 54026'36" E 47.49 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 47021'24" E along saad right of way 51.08 feet; thence S 5402636" W leaving said right of way 57.93 feet to a point of curvature; thence 73.83 feet along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 63050'36" W 73.50 feet; thence S 72014'36" W 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 94 feet along the arc of a 75 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord o,: said curve bears S 37003' 13" W 88.57 feet; thence S 0051 '50" W 141 .28 feet; thence S 89040'00" W 50.00 feet to the Apoint of beginning. i �V1 MAI? 51973 L)Y r c ` CITY OF TIGA C J, — RD nol. JFR ( Fl ! A . C I ATE 'rpCAT „•. WrIT Sb.tt f 9AST 10 CIJAMI ,1•R fro. r� + �� .I 2 3 � 1� S T 6 rp J 8700 1L ♦ � �f� y .� W •lb,`� ,,p S✓ p9� n 1300 i �' , TRACT 'C* i''y R., (SEE MARchy ONO 49,z2"w N E R U RY � /j4l r i� p � iDASPx _ 4500 29 n\ r v! L 4 y IL ' ' ji 4 00 8 0 7c i< t0 4200 1 30 9 6D 36 1r H 4100 35 4000 34 [AIT 2yQ,: ► 33CAST319 A ' ' 3600 2 a 32 ^ 3700 M. 1 3500 31 8801 TRAC 4 3OAr : V 3600 1 » 30 1 N 3400 3 3100 29 28 27 26 Q ( n IOT331 10 t ^' G N Asa i"rSo-� Ip { I \� •' IC.S No 12,250) T��S\ W • M It3,10 8500 x7rc 77 x9410 H4 p 8210 820074 A h 18800 61009 too r� /O 42Ac TRACT 73 ~ 9000 • 72 p m e a 7900ul 7f 1 - - I 0x t_ 7 7C)0 R � 2 Pilot C9 0 7600 ti ' I w I nut- 'CSN �C�S. EI�JC�If�l �t�iN.G J1140 N.E. MiSL5EY PORTL,&IQD, ORE630" , 977-7-0 A 50 foot width roadway situate in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the east k corner of said Seq ion �10� thence N 89058' 15" W along the southline of "Lang Hill No. 2,330,00 feet; thence N 0051'50" E along the west line of. Lang HIJ14. N.0�?�j4 3d.J3 felt,; thence S 89040'00" W 310.00 feet; thence N 0°51'50" E 20. 0"`Leet; {~ fence S 89040'00" W 250.22 feet to the :rue point of beginning; thence N 0051'50" E 144.43 feet to a point of curvature; thence 157.91 feet along the are of a 125.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears N 37003'13" E 147.61 feet; thence N 73014'36" E 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 57.42 feet along the arc of a 115 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 63050'36" E .57. 16 feet; thence N 54026'36" E 47.49 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 4702i'94" E along said right of say 51.08 feet; thence S 54026'36" W leaving said right of way 57.93 feet to a point of curvature; thence 73.83 feet along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 63050'36" W 73.50 feet; thence S 72014'36" W 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 94.74 feet along the arc of a 75 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears S 37003' 13" W 88.57 tees; thence S 0051 '50" W 141 .28 feet; thence S 89040'00" W 50.00 feet to the point of beginning. )c ec / r t � F r, 0 6 ' ' UT i 41AR 51973 CITY .OF TI GgRD "N 41 3 � q IN N; N' N � •; ` I '�• •Lj 1 ` I W � � Q U. a � iA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O �� u m I J go kn U N � O W U Q ..J N •� � U I o 0 � �UI�,TUN f3f�,U5. ENCaINE�,t�iN� 31140 N.E. M,6-L.5EY F 0KTL,&KicD, C_7RCCf3OtiJ , -=+7Z-Lo F'Nora�: 2-SZ— 4032 A 50 foot width roadway situate in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the east k- corner of said Section 10; thence N 89058' 15" W to along the west line of Lan Hill N0. t'3;13VfeeE; thenence N 0°51'50" _F,,,-� along the southline of "Lang Hill No. 2, 330,00 feet_; thence 310.00 feet; thence N 0051'5011 E 20.0050eet thence S 89Ce S 8984000" W �� 250.22 feet to the true point of beginning; thence N 0051'50" E 144.43 feet 913.13 re, to a point of curvature; thence 157.91 feet along the arc of a 125.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears N 37003' 13" E 147.61 feet; thence N 73014'36" E 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 57.42 feet along the arc of a 175 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 63050'36" E 57.16 feet; thence N 54026'36" E 47.49 feet to a print on the southerly right of way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 47021'24" E along said right of way 51.08 feet; thence S 54026'36" W leaving said right of way 57.93 feet to a point of curvature; thence 73.83 feet along the arc of a 225.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 63050'36" W 73.50 feet; thence S 72014136" W 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 94.74 feet along the arc of a 75 foot radius curve to the left, the long mord of said curve bears S 37003' 13" W 88.57 feet; thence S 0151'50" W 141.28 feet; thence S 89040'00" W 50.00 feet to the,�point of beginning. fi-�►"uG /IIZ 5 1973 CITY O�z TIGA RD ti 10 C"no �t Z 3. Y` +� 8700 L o t fn • w ISw TRACT.. oft Fri ArrER a "40 RY 1���`• �1pe H 461 ' M r d , N I 4 O 4200 1, a 36 4100 35 2" 40T 4, —-.-1-L is -----_135.33 ► 3900 I� . �^ • � 33 S1o . 3800, 8801 h T36C�Q 37� 4 304c . '0' 3600 " 30 0 f 3400 3 31M 29 28 27 2B I n tfr n rr �. I N 1 3000 w I IcS. Hn 12,201 1Wes. !.. Et5to B \ rG 77 R Bt10 8M • j R �._.._._ _»v� - --•-- �831 a��_ � �. 4 8200 8210 74 8800 ' /0 4ZAc 6R� 8100 r 73 t8000 � 7f va �2 a: W r Q1 ^ O 4 7800 x f... Z U 7100 9 I O u ti 7410 BURTON BROS. engineers - land surveyors c bend 382-6347 5-319 s.w. canyon court newberg portland, oreoon 97221 538.2955 292-0163 / 4 A tr\`t,of land in�the Northeast quarter of Section 10, pJ 2 South,\Range 1, West of the Willamette Meridian, Waphl on unty, Oregon, bung a part of that certain tract coneY� to ohn Annand et al, by d d recorded June 22, 1067, in Book 647; ge 6, and more particul %pp described as follows: Beginning at aint which is in the Nort It of p Southeast q,iarter of theNor east quarter of saide a on 10, and 5 chains We6t of the East lin of said Section 10, 1the Northeast cor- ner of s A,.d Annand tr t; thence Wes 3 fee . 'along a line par,,,llel y to the East line of, sat Annand tra t 20 ,~f t. to a point- tr.ence West 250.22 feet along a ine� para . o the North line of said .1nnand tract to the true p n of egi ing; thence N 00 51' 50" E , 12.$5 feet to a point of c✓u v ure; ence 164.22 feet along the arc ' of a 130.00 foot radius etiry to a right, the long chord of said i curve bears N 370 03�\ 13" '15 . 2 feet; thence N 730 14' 36" E 126.38 feet to a point of car at re; t e ce 55.78 feet along the arc of a 170.00 foot radius cuiv >�o the lent, the long chord of s,.id curve bears N 630 50' 36" F .53 feet; th nce N 540 26' 36" E 47.49 feet to the southerly rilh -o -way of Cant bury Lane; thence S 470 21' 24" E along said r g t-o -way 51.08 fee • thence S 54026' 36" W leaving sa d "qgh-.: --way 57.93 feet; the ce 75.47 feet along the arc of a 230:0 foci /redius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve be'ari S �• 3u" W 75.13 feet; +he e S 720 14' 36" E 126.38 feet. tSon .e ,d8, eet along the arc of a 7 00 foot radius curve to the 1 �t,s the long chord of said curve bear S 370 03' 13" W 82.66 �7 feet; th ce S 00 51' S0" W 142.85 feet to the int of beginning, ro�a�'� x. t 6 1E, C—, STREET . _STREET DEDICATION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT 1 THIS AGREEMENT dated this /JT day of-�.f�, 197 3 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipalit-y of the State of Oreqon, hereinafter termed the "City", and COOPER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, hereinafter termed "Petitioner", W I T N E S S E T If WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for appiuval for dedication of a street to be known as S.W. MURDOCK AND B .A. 109th as described on the attached Exhibit "A", and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard requires Petitioners .for street dedications to install streets, sidewalks, street lighting, storm sewers, underground utilities and other public facilities for the development of the street and requires the payment of feest and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adoated the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA, Oregon Chapter, and the Unified Sewerage speci.ficationa for sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for Public Works construction; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be r_onatructed or placed in the said street area are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit dedications of the property to the public and the parties herein named desire to protect the public interest generally to assure the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premise and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its contractcrs and contractor's surety, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Petitioner shall proceed to complete all public improve- ments as shown on herewith improved plan and as approved by the City of Tigard and prepared by BURTON BROTHERS ENGINEERS dated DECEMBER, 1977 Said street to be completed no later than one (1) year from the date of this agreement, and petitioner hereby agrees to comply with standard specifications adopted by this City, or as may otherwise be approved by the Department of Public works and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform ther4to. 2. To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions thereof, Petitioner agrees to have its contractors tender to the City, surety bonds in fore approved by the City, with liability in ar amount equal to the contract price o. $_44, 507.00 prior to issuance of its permit to the c3ntractor for construction of said street. 3. In the event that the contractor shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive msnner to assure completion within the time limited, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to the contractor and the contractor's surety, nad such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work completed and charge the costs thereof against the contractor and the contractor's surety and in the event th-e same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event that such action be brought, the contractor and the contractor's surety shall be required to promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may at its option bring proceedings to enforce against the contractor and/or contractor's surety, specific performance of the contract and compliance with the standards adopted by the City of Tigard, and in any event, in a like manner, the City shall be entitled to recover such smmn as t;ie court may adjudge reasonable for the City's attorney's fees acrd costs, both in the Trial Court. and Appellate Court, ii° any 4. Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lightir7 facilities of the subdivision, according to Portland General E',setric Schedule #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights, estimated to require the sum of $7.75 — per lighting unit per month. 5. The City agrees to make and provide periodic final inspections as in the City's judgment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the contractor is to be required to pay the prescribed inspection fee of 1-1/2% of the total estimated cost of the construction. 6. The City agrees to installation of street identifications and traffic signs for said street, in consideration of payment in the amount of $105.00 7. Petitioner agrees to installation of street trees along both sides of said .-treat and landscaping as .may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Said planting and landscaping to be accomplished before final acceptance of the street. Street Dedication - Page 2 of .3 FORM Ne. 24 CKNOWIEDOME NT—CORPORATION. LTEVENX NF6G LAW PUG.CO., PO.TLANU,OME. STATE OF OREGON, ss. County of Mu 1 tnoma.h.. . ..... .... On this 2 day of February 1973 before me appeared Kenneth B.G. Mue 1 1 e r and Rosa 1 i a M. Faulkner both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he, the said Kenneth B. Mueller is the V Ice President, and he, the said Rosa 1 i a M. . Fau 1 kne r is the Assistant Secretary of _ Commerce Mortgage Company the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corpora- tion, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and Rasa 1 i a M. Faulkner and Kenneth B. Mueller acknowledge said inhtrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed i. '••' t. my official seal the day and year last above written. Lu Not PP ubiic for Oregon. My Commission expires roRm No. 21--ACHNOWLPVCMENT—CtORPORATION. nn STRVENS.NESS LAW►U[.CO. RORUAN0.ORE. STATE OF OREGON, aa. County ofPpe (- ' ._ t^CQn this .................day of... r. ......, 19.....3r etld before mea awed... '. .......,.4..:',� f.a... .::..._f.=.................................... ............ . ............... . ......................... "I --'r. ...4..). ....4',.J�:.�l' ,.4:.................. .. ............... .... both to are personally knomn,who bein/ duly aworn, did say, that he, the Said...... ...........................................---............................... is chi ........... President,and he, the saidL:... ...................................................... is the, Secretary . ... ..... ............. of ......................................... the within named Corporah'on, and that the seal affixed to raid instrument is the Corporate Reef of said Corpora- tlmT, and Met the said fnstr umcnt was signed and Sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board ofDirectors, and., ,—&......... .................._................................ . and ...... .. ... .. ... . ......... .. acknowledged said inrsftumenf to be the free act and deed of ,said Corporation. IN TESTIMONY WHERFOF, i have hereunto see my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. .......... .............. Notary Public for Orcgon. My Corrlmisaion expires 1 B. At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements, contractor shall be required to notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the contractor will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if not already provided with the performance bond, in form approved by the City in a sum equal to fifty per cent (50%) of the contract price to provide for correction of any defective work or maintenance becoming apparent or arising within one year after final acceptance of the public improvements of said street by the City. 9. Upon rec ipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements have been met and a one-year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept- the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as herein- above set fc-th. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this aqreement pursuant to authority vested in each of them. COM CE MORTGAGE COMP NY ` t Vice President Kiev k enne uel e , c e gy A st. Secretary 'Rosalla au ee Atti e" r" ry cI'rY OF TI(IARD By:. Mayor y:. Mayor By -- -- — Recorder Street Dedication - Page 3 of 3 RECORDABLE NOTICE OF COVENAN'. (Short Form) WHEREAS, the undersigned, hereinafter designated Petitioner, and the CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, hereinafter termed "City", have here- tofore executed a certain by the terms of rhich documentation Petitioner has agreed to perform certain work o� to assume certain obligations generally described as with respect to the following describer] real premises: NOW, CHEREFORF., Petitioner and the City do hereby execute this short form document in recordable form to be recorded in the Records of Washington County, Oregon and thereby give all persona constructive notice of Petitioner's obligations to the City, and the City's interest in the above described lands. Complete copies of the basic documents underlying the obligation to the City may be irspected by application to the Recorder of the City, City Hall, Tigard, Oregon. Executed this _L.^ day of _ 19 Petitioner, CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON / By: Pres. By: — Recorder BY: .� .�, � Sec. STATE OF OREGON ) ss. County of Washington ) On this __J_, day of �-L r,'—�,/�r� 19 personally appeared the above named r-- and acknowledged the foregoing instr :ment to be his voluntary act and deed. Before me: 1. 1 11,11U.Q �_. Notary Pudic for Oregon My Commission expires:_ FY►.iTrTT "A" A 50 foot width roadway situated in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. waahington County, Oregon, describrrl Aa Rol lnum : Beginning at the haat one—quarter corner of said Section 10, T2s, PTT, tis. ". WA4htngton County, Oregon t thence N 840 five 1.4" w, : ?ono t},•• --nl,f► 1 i.nro of "Lang Hill No. 2, 330.00 feet ; thence N (11" 5! ' >n" E alrmq the Neat line of said Lang Hill No. 2 61.1.84 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S 810 31 ' 36" W, 509.75 feet:; thence S 00 51 ' 50" W 155.46 feet: thence S 890 40 ' 00" W, 50.00 foett thence N 00 51 ' 50" E 597.85 feet to a point of curvmt"re7 thence 164.12 fent al.nna the sire of a 110.00 foot radimt curve to the -1.c+ht , the 1 nrr rhnrA ,,f r<i icl curve ?-•mars N ?!70 03 ' 13" E 153.52 feet: the*nrr N 71014' 3F" E 175.38 feet to 1 mint of ccury#tare: thronre 55.79 feet alone the! arr of a 170.(10 foot rnlium curve to the .left, the lonq chord of saiM curse lheAYa N 610 50 ' 3F" F 59).5:3 s'eet. ; thence, N 540 ?h ' 3E," E 47.40 foot to the sout3-erl.y richt-of-way of C-nnterbury Lanes thencee S 170 11 ' 14" F alone mAi� right-nf••way 51 .08 fgets thence q 5.10 ')r ' 36 " W leaving ,hiri richt-of-way )7 .9'1 feet; thence 75.47 feet alone tt.A arc of A 710.00 foot radius curve to thy+ right , th.p long chnrd of o;nV rt:rvi, hears S 610.1 50 ' 36" W 75. 13 foe!tt th,)nce 4 71c' 14 ' '1F" E ")(,.18 Resit: thence 88.41 "asst along the arc of a 70.00 foot radius curve tc the left, the long chord of PPAA Ctarvn FAar4i � 370 03' 111" V7 P2.66 ,'eett t:hernre S 0" 51 , 50" W 192. 3" ;eet : thence N 890 11 ' 16" E 501.23 FeroL; th(mcn S On 51 ' 50" W, 50.00 foot to the trite roint of beeginnin(j. r,�y �1 , EXHIBIT "A" A 50 foot width roadway situated in Section 10, T2S, R1W, W.M. Washington County, Oregon, described as follows : Beginning at the East one-quarter corner of said Section 10, T2S, RIW, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon; thence N 890 58' 15" W, aloal the south line of "Lang Hill No. 2, 330.00 feed thence N 00 51 ' 50" E along the West line of said Lang Hill No. 2 634.84 feet to the true point of beginnings thence S 890 31 ' 36" W, 509.25 feet; thence S 00 51' 50" W 155.46 feet; thence S 890 40 ' 00" W, 50.00 feet ; thence N 00 51' 50" E 597.85 feet to a paint of curvatures thence: 164.22 feet along the arc of a 130.00 foot radius curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears N 370 03' 13" E 153.52 feet; thence N 73014' 36" a 126.38 feet to a point of curvatures thence 55.78 feet along the arc of a 1.70.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 630 50 ' 36" E 55.53 feet; thence N 540 26 ' 36" E 47 .49 feet to the southerl_ right-of-way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 470 21 ' 24" E along said right-of--way 51.08 feat; thence S 540 26' 36" W leaving said right-of-way 57 .93 feet; thence 75.47 feet along the arc of a 230.00 foot radius curves to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 630 50' 36" W 75.13 feet; thence S 720 14' 36" E 12.6.38 feett thence 88.43 feet along the arc of a 70.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears S 370 03' 13" W 82.66 feet; thence S Oo 51. ' 50" W 392.39 fe!ett thence N 890 31 ' �5" S 509.25 feet; thence S 00 51 ' 50" W, 50.0(1 feet to the true point of beginning. i UNIT_-,"D SEWERAGE At,ENCY OF WASHINGTO?r COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDI"�-- 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 61C-862. DANIEL O. POTTER ELDON ROUT, Chairman /." , General Manager VIRGINIA DAGG WILLIAM MASTERS ROD ROTH BURTON C. WILSON, JR. N r? CiTy a 19i.� OF T i�'ARU ,January 29, 19, City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: RE: COOPER DEVELOPMENT - TIGARD OREGON Enclosed for your file is a set of the construction plans on the above referenced project which has been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environmental Qua II ty. Very truly yours, DANIEL 0. POTTER, Genera? Manager Cv/ ��� Stuart L. Cato, P. E. Staff Sanitary Engineer SLC:vr Enc. cc: Burton Bros. /-,''N',O'+ICD F0,-i' CONSTRUCTION CITY Gr E ADDRESS -fli�E fl cod"'9 In oust GENfR�;L R r+ fna/it? n9 to cilM` nom t 1' n ►' RS & S03-RQrITRgR- o``�pa�Yspe`lro� mad des and fi►YN :,, � ,��� ' E'jSE 9 L;,.,_ ;. Aj 1 6Qjor 1' w..._ , _. �, � r o r �. 4ra R qRD Or Otew-ottk0' Qup rA �s to yrrN ENr 4/S a� V CoNST of c pajME O 3 oRS 470,155 UN ASN RrQ 14L44ffr 0,F k) ,pN LQ 4L IR6 er Com CAPPROV L D "� S JAN 18 1 713 1 lower �wele A&-1710 .MFiED SEWEHIGE G Z- *,olvv,,r.It me),-j - - - y-��--lover- 21 111, kris/S 441 STUART L. CATO, P.E. STAFF GANITARi ENGIP'TER APPROVED a+ JAN19I�_ _ I' Cf SjM0 d,. d r,L iluaun C� .tic,:,.aP �. Y PRLLIMINAHt, Beaverton t Fugene ��•. COMMERCE MORTGAGE CONVANY ""g°°u'' * . _ Patsco 800 PlItOCK BLOCK Portland P.0,BOX 3347 . PORTLAND,OREGON 97208 . AMEA 503.972.1811 Spokane Vancouver Walla Walla January 24, 1973 Vakimd City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Gentlemcn: RE 74-Unit Project on Murdock Street Street Improvements In order that COOPER DEVELOPMENT CO. , an Oregon corporation, hereinafter referred to as Developer, may comply with requirement detailed in the Engi- neers Drawing by Burton Bros. , for the Developer and the City of Tigard, hereinafter referred to as City, we hereby advise you of the following: i I. COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY hereby assures City that COMMERCE ' MORTGAGE COMPANY has funds available in the amount of $44,507.00 I and that these funds will be disbursed only to City upon the i request by City, should the conditions of. the Engineering not l be complied with. 2. City must notify COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY should the streets not be accepted by the date specified in the Engineering, of the amount necessary to complete the streets, and this notifi- cation will be in the general form of a demand letter fur such amount. Thereupon COMMERCE, MORTGAGE COMPANY will , within ten (10) days, send to, City such amount. The assurance made herein by COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY are made with the intention that j City rely on them. 3. COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY understands that City has established the amount of $44,507.00 as an amount adequate to complete the street in this plat. It is to be specifically understood tha'_ COMMERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY accepts no responsibility beyond the assurance steted above. Yours very truly, COOPER DEV40PMENT CO. COMMERCE. MORTGAGE COMPANY By: l iff-�L r7 c'ct3 �r By:..G���L/ Robert T. Cooper, Pr sdent � Otto W. Ohm, Assistant Vice President CITY OF TIGARD By: Chairman Residential Loins • FHA VA - Conventional I Incorne Property Loans Apartntenis • Commercial - Industrial f No 10. N-ACKNOM IDGMIM—Ct .MAMN. • •rlie .�rarr STATE OF OREGON, County of Washington On this 24th day of January before me appeared OTTO W. DHM a ' ------- both to me personally known, who 6014 OTTO W. OHM a du�y_s urn, did gay (her he, the said - A95,1n kle VICE Prr.ridenr, and he, the said ----- i is the ---- Secretary of r.,M ERCE MORTGAGE COMPANY the within named Corporation, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said Corpcwa- tion, and that rhe wires instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Dowd of Di►er nor., wrul )TTO W. OHM and ------- mvkrxw-irtav •wr-+ r•vn&rir ro be the free act and deed of said Corporation. IN TEsvMONV WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Y ll 1 Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires t < C tOOM Na f�—ACI(NOWUOOMIN/_�pM►pUi1pN, .+aVtN$ ..aa LA*ru9 Co roarue0.MO STATE OF OREGON, 4 N. Ci unty of Washingtot, On this 24th day of January 1973 �i before me appeared -- -R03EKT T. DOPER arld �R both to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that fie, the said ROBERT T. COOPER is the -- President, and he, the +aid ----- is ---- is the Secretary of COOPER DEVELOPMENT CO. 1' the w.rhin named t orpriration, and that the seal affixed to raid instrument iq the corporate mal of said Corpora• tion, and thar rhe • ,rel instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board r'l lu r. .►i.r ROBERT T. COOPER and ------- acA�.w t,t. 461r' 'rtrl-tent to be the free act and deed of said Corporation IN TESTLMONy WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hard and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires ) %c_ .. �• :.� V- 7(.a t � . OF WASHINGTON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 150 N. FIRST AVENUE YANti HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 i3 199n BOARD OF DIRECTORS (503) 64e•e621 � DAt LEN. POTTER JOhr4 C. ANICKER, Choirmon Generol Monoger I_YEl L GARDNER Room 302 JOIN HOUT WrLLIAM MASTERS BURTON C. WILSON, JR. r P \/ L X Jnnuary 23, 1973 Oregon State Department of Environmental Quality 1234 S. W. Morrison Portland, Oregon 97205 Gentlemen: RE: COOPER DrVELOPT1rNT TTGArD, OREGON Enclosed please find two copies of the plans for the sanitary sewers to be installed in the above referenced subdivision. Please review and return both copies to the Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County, 150 North First Avenue, Hillsboro, Oregon. We would appreciate your approval on these plans as soon as possible. Yours very truly, DANIEL 0. POTTER, General Manager Merrill A. Meigs, ,.thief, Division of Field Operat-ions Construction ='i;vr CC: City of Tigard l,% 72-16 s sheet Nc ' date: ?OS. �celel Rs ,)TQM ,�lIT6KI ��V� -, EYORS WE-P- d ws. no. ewberg ALL aidA, ..:J) MUST LEE EH, ORSED -~ PRILR 10 AF,-RO'vAL 0,= FLANS PU^�_tQ tYnRK3 D=?T. BY__��y_ D",TF PL%r., !- 'T. D1_ - . •----- D'. i2- - 1'E--7Z COUNT V t;�. ! PH O"t'T. V.__ Dr"l C__� ! I CITY AIT'.8 ;;.t"''Ott BY_. -_ DAIE_�__.._. hGH •��� L IGARL wvlriM GI;T. BY _ 1 9--7Z � P- , -- --� DATE_L�-. OENIKRA . lrvLxpmo r. BY ­ DDATE-- USA fly s.-L-CCft DATrL7_Ll-�)3 D 4TE A L 6.72- *ialLK Av ... M DAM n wk ' M • ► w r • t .P .w i .0 W ,t s'• �w. �n 1 T 7 M . fi 'r 3. � k t Vol r PF v r_ !1' y k' . M r • . :• iCC 'iC■■Cis'C�� �i' ' 'iiC�i3CCCC9i'i�ii�'iC!■1CC®'i'=iCCC:CC'iC■'9i CC9C'CCi'C■r1ri' �i'CCC�i'rCCi'■■CCC:CS' ! 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I I / BE/VO'5 At, --------_-- n,fA/;/ ,AGE GGvE'R F tiFiL1IL1F � , Z %7 . GES/._>.1i ::/•tAC:'E MAK/M!J M } ^'I "C're h/D DCS _5'U PPD JrG T T D �C � • vSED /N ,r1GC c'ASE� ►�lE./4� r'`^ ter-~ EC _ e ' C,A! . x T�C f1Nj�f1 GVwE /V67eE jC� CONT/V/U U6 A Z /CY Tro ' ctRJEv?A!H - NEC' 4 ^ KQ 21 I nR )OIEKE 1 . gL WEFT I, f TSE f2.dM 6. My t)7 I. e ; 48• !�aGuT - I.�._.._.. ._—_._- • �.`°• �• �+_ -- ----•-� � /� ''•VER /Z PEE ;' 4-7t 6 p I . i . — w_ ._. - a6" /✓/A/�/r r.^,.E P�SE�' -- ELD W l-.r&E 6L WE2 TCS _ Q I � ti• l `NkI1J'�"f'CsL L &h ICES-'D TO 1Vj$ 0-�-- /',� M C R T 11 i� nl I I'-"NUI.;E COV - 4. F iZAAAF, lQ MAKE S VAWACO- c.Rc /T I =L'' ._- � I ° f+ / I I F/LLE. ':M�i•. �'/ � �.. ,�- ' JAKE Se%F'Fik F SMC.�7T/r N Ca•7 M1 •¢"�<t q,Lj/E / I r �'/�F- N r 0 ` iC'�M GROdEG //J✓f-k- tS '�.T1 -- _ _—.._ _ I j1'f'�. 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Vim'/✓C <I G,L sloe .. f q. f �,,.lj/✓UCS 4 I Ly /0,jrA4L V I' _ ( P..Gfu w/tN tJ©ESE R•/ ., T 1 F ' S T n/0A RID T�E C/y �, :�y, -- - �_.__ .:� ALL wOP I ttZLL COOPONVA TO _ NE, - _ OF , , � 4 THE UN1FIEo '5EWE .oc-►6: 40eky-1 cr wAt"IKICITaN COL# 471 , f� PE 16 in I- S 1;r 4L 1C. 1 �, 4L •� x CTs A- T lei MWA ' _ ;u� � ,;F�;, ,,,fir• ' � ..• �,. t�lb'hijljri ill►Il�a�ll 'Ir '►1rj'I' tf i�r i�l 1[f rlt 11I , ' � I• � � I 1 i`�lI`r�t w( IlIlIlIrIr�►�rIlIlIrIrIiIrIl�rIlI1I1I1I1I1I1I1I�I�r1(1I�I1lIl�r1r1r � I1-IrI�I11I1I111I1I1I1I1I1I.���I1)111 M ' NOTE: I F TH IS M ICROF I LMED `� " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IIO I i 12 ` DRAWING IS LESS CLEAk THAN THIS NOTICiv-•11 IS DUE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL R bRAWING. OE 6Z 8? 1? 9Z SZ bZ EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 91 Z1 91 SJ bI E1 21 11 01 -6 9 1 9- S_-- b E Z 1a"�'" ` ��r111n11nnL1111III 111111F111111lilt 111111111111111Ill limIIFIIIInu111uluulnill ifIIhot IIll if 11111loll 1111,1►n1Jill llilnlIll ill InIlnIIII1 11111111InuIJill IIIIIIIWIIll�If11IUIIl11lII11l1I1111I1111IIIlIwpI1111 s BURTON BROS. engineers • land surveyors bend 382-6347 5319 s.w. canyon court newberg Portland, oregon 97221. 5.38-2955 292-0168 January 12, 1973 A tract of land situate in Section 10, T29, R1W, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon described as follows: Beginning at the East one-quarter corner of said Section 10, T25, R1W, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon; thence N 890 58' 15" W, along the south line of "Lang Hill No.2 330.00 feet; thence N 00 51' 50" E along the West line of said Lang Hill No.2 478.13 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S 89 40' 00" W, 560.22 feet; thence N 00 51' 50" E parallel with the said West line of Lang Hill No.2, 455.00 feet; thence N 890 40' 00" E, 250.22 feet; theme S 00 51 ' 50" W, 20.00 feet; thence N 890 40' 00" E, 310.00 feet to a ioint on the West line of "Lang Hill", thence S 00 51' 50" W along the said Wect line of Lang Hill and its Southerlv extension 435.00 feet to the true point of beginning. r I Avoid Verbal Messages A-1 CITY OF TIGARD (,To: From: Date: rpj u B UR - TON BROS. engineers land surveyors f bend 382-6347 402 St. Paul Hwy. 564per*�reed portland newberg, oregon 97132 233-6389 538-2955 19 Dec. 1972 Job no. 72-73 City Engineer City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon Dear Sir: The followina is the estimate of construction costs for right-of- way improvements at Cooper. Development Corp. 's 74 Unit Apartment development in Tigard : STA 10+2K to 15•x-00 SW 109th ,150 Ln CURBS R 1.40 1330 475 LF PAVING 4.40 (2" ave. thickness ) 2090 STA 15 - 00 to 15' 39-43 Sw 109th 39.43 LP ROAD P 25.00 995.75 r,TTB TOTAL L1405.75 cTA 15+39.43 to 19+93.43 SW 109th 4 4 LP ROAD n 25.00 11, 350 FTA 1.465 to 6+74 SW MTJT�DOCK 509 L'-' ROAD 33.00 ( includes drainage ) 16.797 STORM SPWFP. , FTA 0+00 to 1+65 SW MURDOCK 165 LF 9.00 1020 SWITARY S?;WFR, STA -0+10 to 6+99 SW '1r1RDOCK 709 LF f1 15.00 10,635 SUB TOTAL0� .. TOTAL 449507.75 Yours truly, Burton os. Engineering, v2 c- I R. F. Lcnm!e Bnl;ineering Dept. ep : Cooper Development Corp. BURTON BROS. engineers land surveyors V�I bend 382-6347 402 At. Paul Hwy �554-peril errd-rea d portla�d - newberg, oregon 97132 � �-C-' 538-2955 12 Dec 1972 job: 72-73 City Engineer City of Tigard Ticard, Oregon Dear Sir: Enclosed are four (4) sets of improvement plans for Cooper Development Corporation's 74 unit apartment complex in Tigard. These plans are for your use in obtaining the necessary permits for construction. I understand that ,your office will route these plans to the appropriate agencies concerned. Fours truly, 9urton Bros, Ergineering R.E. Lowe Engineering Dept. CITY OF TIGARD; OREGON * STREET DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJF''T No. . II. PROJECT NAMES MURDOCK STREET,& 109TH AVENUE 7- -COOPER DEV., TIGARD, OR III. DRAWING (TITL'•:) s COMPOSITE PLAN (Storm h San.-S)3ateds 12 / / 72__�__� IV„ PLAT (TITLE) s none _- dated:___ �___ __•_____ V. SITE LOCATION: South of Canterbury Lane & West if lu6TR Avenue. VI. PRINCIPALS: (Jim Nishmurs &-(Iliff Bergstr m) (OWNERS:R Bert T. Cooper & Sylvis L. Couper) (1) DEVELOPER: Cooper Development Company 1275(TS.W. Pacific Hwy. Address Tigard, OR - ehone No. )39-7862 (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY Address_.____________.._.____._-.—' Phone No.--- Fond No. - -------- -' Exp. Date__-Z-Z —• Larry Sngrass (3) ENGINEER s Burt ,n Bruthers Engineers & Surveyers 5319 S.W. 'Westga'C Address Portland, OR Phone No.?,,2-',O32 (4) INSPECTOR: Le''nard Cook � w•..--_ Address_City_'f Tigard Phone No.- (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: —ID,n McL,ughlin _ �.• AddLP.99— —_._ .._._...____.___• Phone No.�__, .. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY s_-_______—�_M_ ___— • Address • Phone No._ _----_�• Bond No. Exp. Date (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS:-!_,__--__—_M_- • Ingert: StXget, Sewer or Street Light. IL Graeper Pro erties, Inc. 2041 S.W.58th Avenue • Portland, Oregon 97221 Phone(802)292-0189 November 18, 1970 Mr. Stephen M. Telfer City Administrator P.O. Box 23557 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Telfer: In answer to your- letter of Novetnher 17 , please accept my apologies for not sending you the subject letter clarifying our financial problems , as we had promised. As we informed you, the contractors on the Canterbury Heights Apartment project, namely L & L Construction Co. , whose principals were Charles L. Shepherd and Glen Wilcox were not bonded and completed the job leaving over $100 ,000 in unpaid bills. Half of these were in the form of legally filed liens and in order to prevent foreclosure , I have person- ally paid these off. There was also a large construction loan at Security Bank, which I am paying off gradually. These payments , together with the deficit operation of the apartment, which has never had less thatn a 25% vacancy factor , has pretty well stripped me of all my ready cash. We have every hope that this condition will not be permanent., and can almost promise that we will be in a more liquid position in the spring of 1971 . We respectfully request that you give us permission to extend the deadline for the improvement of Murdock Street until the spring construction season. This will also give us an opportunity to study the rain run-off and make proper provisions for that. We trust that the above will be sufficientanswer to your reminder that we had failed to send this type of letter. Sincerel yours, WILLIP14 GRAEPER , WG/an November 17, 1970 Grasper Properties, Inc. 2041 S. f . 58th Portland, Oregon 97221 C�-- Attentiona Milli aepPr� Gentlemen: / Approximately one year has * ps s_ nce the original discussions regarding the im v nts to be made to S. N. Murdock Street. In late November o 1969, i as `�ireed they completion date for the impro merits d be July 15, 1970, During the month of July is past r, when it became apparent the improvements w nc.+: made, a meeting was hold in my offJpe to. ,furh bt_ an the problems. At that time it ww agried that-ttfi pc-operty owner would provide this of with a totter clarifying the financial prob- lems att4ndant wi this project and requesting permission to sxtethe de no for finaling the improvement. To date, dotter has been received by this office. Please of your intentions on or before friday, No r 20th or I shall have to turn the matter over to our Ci Att;rney for appropriate legal action. Oineerely, Otephen M. Telter City Administrator am/j p ✓"MEMORANDUM TO: City Administrator FROM: Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Murdock Street DATE: July 21, 1970 Attached is herb Mohr. ' s street plan that he says is his latest revision of Murdock Street. It doesn' t conform to the .requirements discussed in our meeting November 5th. It looks 'like the original plan submitted for improvement of the street before they did the paving. Recommend that we have Mr. Graeper and his engineer meet with us to discuss preparation of plans and specifications. Also recommend that we agree on a time schedule. we requested completion by July 15, 1970. Respe t lly, KCT/jp sncl. �lov�r icer z 1. 1'!Er•� Mr. ChAr lea L. Shepherd 110 S. W. second Av+enuo Beaverton, Orergon +7005 ""ar -buck, This letter is to cmnfirx unit; aar during the Y,"ting of Noven b er 1), 1`1 +9, rogarc�t?R lmrwovnrwellts "or S. W. fturdork Street and avkwwlodgtnent rxTthe receipt of your letter dated nicw*w4bor 12, 1' 9. The agreencents mivle .luriml that moettrv4 were as follows: (1) That plans and spoor ticatio&W for the ir+provewsnt of S. W. murdoc:k Str o/Ot world be prepared *A soon as possible, including these items && outlined in the city's letter to you Qvtober 29, 19611 ('l) 'That said plans and apeciflcations would be sub- mitted to the city with a hbnd guaranteeing im- provimont early next Dtunemrt (.3) That, the rAtty would 4KWoo to not withhold the oacupancy c_otti fic ate nrovi4ed that a tetter of intent be suboitteed, , .:Ecnowleadginq our verbal agteemeint,s of that day. Navir4 rkcoi.vo.0 your letter, ivatice is hQr*by given to the build!kng depart rant that. certificate of occupancy may tae issued Oithout the .tiVrovr+mentn being tx"letod on S. W. Murdock Otihmt. In ':losing, I would like to two recluestKo one, that you inform the city mea to the anticipated data of submission of the engineering plane, epwcificatione and bond, aml twee, that the Maty !or (m"plation of the road be July 15, 1970, rather than August 1501. 8incer�]�j►t Keil tti C. "MWOon KCT/gyp airector of Public Works cc:c Ken Rarlioiw Ri ch a-4 R, Or aeneer. 41enn wilcCM Mob Hill TO: Washington County Department, of Public h,.%Oi tb FROM: City of Tigard ?)ATE: SUBJECT: (Sewer) (NAM) Servide Address and/or Tax Aecnunt Number 10825, 10695, 10675110790, 10770, 10,660 S.W. Murdock - KttowTl as Cooper Apartments (74 units), � It is hereby certified to -`ie Washington County Department of Public Health that the above noted property can be adequately served with (Sewer) tUK+l I by this District. ,dYgnatu4,,,/ Gotnments This ap2roval is Given only for avartment use n,) approval can be given at this time for condoinitiium use. r . N M113 ` N n. o�o{� � �• M N �' `� M • o ! p U a o 0 ulk it It v� a` is 1 X a � " o M " oaf `1 M, I, N � N M a f vo N • ± M � •p of O " le 0 �� o h �L • o 0 uj O • ' to Nto a n • Li W 1 ° x1 '00000ow h � 010 ., = 3 ^ o o 4 N A X11 •o h ° + �o c caPt R, I�E�fI, -74 !Jn J BURTON BROS. engineers land surveyors bend 382-6347 5319 s.w, canyon court newbery portland, oregon 97221. 538-2955 292-0168 A 50 foot width roadway situate in Section 10, T2S, RIW, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon, described as follows: Beginning at the East one-quarter corner of said Section 10, T25, RiW, W.M. , Washington County, Oregon; thence N b90 58' 15" W, along the south line of "Lang Hill No,2, 330.00 feet; thence N 00 51' 50" E along the West line of said Lang Hill No.2 478-,13 feet to the true point of beginning; thence S 890 31' 36" W, 509.25 feet; thence S 00 51 ' 50" W 155.46 feet; thence S 890 40' 00" W, 50,00 feet; thence N '10 51' 50" E 597.85 feet to a point of curvature; thence 164.22 feet along the arc of a 130.00 foot radious curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears N 370 03' 13" E 153.52 feet; thence N 730 14' 36" E 126.38 feet to a point of curvature; thence 55.78 feet along the arc of a 170.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears N 630 50' 36" E 55.53 feet; thence N 540 26' 36" E 47.49 feet to the southerly right-of-way of Canterbury Lane; thence S 470 21' 24" E along said right-of-way 51.08 feet; thence S 540 26' 36" W leaving said right-of-way 57 .93 feet; thence 75.47 feet along the arc of. a 230.00 foot radious curve to the right, the long chord of said curve bears S 630 50' 36" W 75. 1.3 feet; thence S 720 14' 36" E 126.38 feet; thence 88.43 feet along the arc of a 70.00 foot radius curve to the left, the long chord of said curve bears S 370 03' 13" W 82.66 feet; thence S 0051' 50" W 392.39 feet; thence N 890 31' 36" E 509.25 feet; thence S 00 51' 50" W, 50.00 feet to the true point of beginning. CF AG i F �1 I r �, y BRUCE. J. KORTER MnrWnge I.aan neparlmer.: �. SECURITIES-INTF.RMOUNTAININC. '1q! Mortgage Bankers 234.5n4t W r 1336 East Purnarde Street Portland,Ore.97214 C-jr- rho-� o5 ILI LJ foo � 1;.�. y � , PK�pEFtTY LINE PROF T Pr .if�V �,Jf l x�,DNM,101,� JOIIu� _ + 6 ► ��, cR �, r ^ �•�, .�•l/?� PRE--I�tJULVEl-. _ �' _ � - _. PTS � I. TO I>t t1&'N1LXt, AT LAC rl NC IA,11 LSF �, aluf�NP�r. < [� / °�Af�Lalv°Ji '►„ J 'IA1� _,� � � /'`�' 5173 � w�,_._ ' , 'fhAi IE F'��`, '> ti ^ ur.c- AT GTN�r.. qtr P� , l f� ��.._..�..._.__.__.__......� dot*: �. F E �. F I L L EK � BURTON �;x��l��u-. �� r.,:_��vll��►. -Vlrll�•�1ir -rHf� �.�. � f � /� � BROS . T- d MA>< MAIM C1• Z� ��. Ufa: , c a" 2 �I.:,t� " p r � J►y\�. ,ti a�' 1TC I%- Pt' -M&LIA-L. WU- scabX'PliIxLI M�DILFiAL. WITM n M►tOAUN'� - _ ! TL i a....L�...% —4-- 'S C G.v2:'. E�' .�.�-'�""'' - TOP DF C►N',t: ;� �i�jos �J ` E N 4 I N E E R S � Ttt f C.I��j4f: ri ^ `/.. __. --_ - - --•_.._.�.._. ., .._ _ .� ,� '� ` ~`---- __ _° == H.LeVV 10La H, , L A N p S U R V E dCl R S, •Q , T \' � Portland l and T' �' f '� �� ('� „� CGuTFt,. 'ii r JC. IPI �' Imo' o �.. �.',l l ,`� -CSf�14,, '�.:' �'GDl�a ` J + I '°.�f�L, IA1 J k:f~ 1a r t°Ic'-h, f `(' ii t� Tt►1�1._+ k `1 a bond nowborE « w ry n A _ Df-G1 t" flE „Jl'. IUT' ryHJLL�.r, F',/( /1T �� �•Y d w - - ?/'� - C W `F L RGCK LE VC I►a.� �UU1 r �.��r vi sr: y� 7 A D t �'`.J"1 •�N6.. f :._Jl.�t'�T� �..T H` l., �.J'� .. .-�iJ I..C• ` '' Z i a.. i `, Qa v ADD i''A,f K I^�!s 1.C i" s e t 77 pr'a c �- 1 I� ►1.�L- dN^Kr A� Aga '?(JIL c'DI.IUIYIOAl6 KEf.�UlE1'. y f� C��;CI`•,�-�E t'rf`�t.bl'`',i(�j(•i `.�ZC�EItiIC':1Tf'1 - __. _—_�.. _...-' ---_ _-_ _ . 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J I U Wil.i'�, C C�{ J e d :�� ,�; ��`� ,•'tip. �� U' t C TT M11PD0rY STREET - — 1 C P s L i �1i �111�i i1, 1,l,I,r,1ll�t���i'I II) �IIII �11r�11T1 1� III II I�IIt�lli�lj�i111111 III�il1�111�r1 IIIr�IIlI111�III�III�II1llrtltrlltllltltl�rt�tltlltl►1fI1I►11�IIt111�11111t1111t1 NOTE: 1 F tH 1S M ICROF(LMED - ( - ` + 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 I O I I 12 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE-c- 1T 15 DUE TO THF QUALITY OF T4 ORIGINAL �✓"bRAWING. 0c 6Z 9Z LZ 9Z sz bZ EZ ZL IZ OZ 6t1 •1 LI 91 51 bll EI Z,1I '1 II 01 6 9 J. 9 S �/-r--•'b 1, EI-- Z 1I-"-'-�"" 10!1111111111111111loll III Il111111I11111111+ 111"111IIIIIN111t1I111111111�11NIIItI�11111I11�1t111111111111�IlU�111111111I111111111�11111111111111111111ill III 111li11161111111I11iII11uIIN�1111`IIIIIIIH 1111111l11111111�111111111�1W1HNI11111111LIIIW!l�llU�Itll�11)111I11�llit JULY 1 1992 I.....rte.......-.u-.-...ru.._.n.... a........_.�.n.�..� .,..r.r•.......rr.....w._„_... ...I....rn"+w��"'"' .....1,..., P, A17 (Jorff\ pt-,VtLu"t PROF�sr, 1 'c� 1 FI @E � ?T wow."-- 53 5373 BURTON C�C�M ��`� � ���1�� w'►�R fl ao s. ��.t• � J�, t 0 ith I t IYi#s y �M 41�.! 19 D E .197 CQ PRE ;a, ,,�,, � PRELIMINARY i I i 4 i L (3 � ` �' _ -------� �>i�',►�C�((C�t�.1 C� �.�d�F,�,�G� (SIJ w of F - I t_--- � ^ I i I ..•.."�.. 4`� PVC C'I PE F�I� P`�F f7 P,A.►1`15 ►1�IPFpVF MP,IIT i s r+c: 4" Cd�)T 1�1`l 710USC C.QNIU TI N �' �G O / I I ZQOtj . J � .� •�' ,�" � k.._.�.-,..�_•. 1 °. _. .�,_..•��.......•._.•--.....••--�-�--�'"� i i :� i i 2 �l ill l`- � L� l�N 4 it �1 - _� M E u T I AT � 1 IT � tl6 NI DRAIN Z04 V, Poo o L. v I � I .263lu _ `� �✓ - 7 I r N �2L1Z w I V w ' a - Z �� '� ✓'/� � ..� � NCI R _ 01 zC) g zlc o `moo .,n� � -F} � � Zo 15-,_- --�•--.� ---- �`; ;• ►At ';5 �.V1/ N� lJ P1 C� O C `JT << .�� a� t — MAA t6�ut-tNIW l�,c�) -Kc A - 4LI 1,IK Id ` tout `tet ►>' Mri M b(Eri z►o 7 J A 4 r r I i ►9N, 74p ZOO CD (00 . Z Z hJ 159a 40` E r�o�l �v�✓a�E �D ►JATUP\,pL w r ��.� n ,M,M••.�II�..•ww+rtrypr,.,-• Mme.. _ � �1 ►'^^±�+� _ - __ ,MINS:anl.�':Y.:- G'-•-.,., _-_.. .._ - a...r ... �r �. - '�► I' � I 1 Ifl 111 I I 1 IT1 '611f1 1 1 1 1 IXI1 f '1 1 1111 i t 1 I 1 ► 1 �► �. !' I 1 i 1 I I 11 I � 1 i� � 1 I I 11 I, • + � � 'n -.. 4 �., .. 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SMe.ali�lliyi'yi .. ,. - ..-,< Y NEM .kOUK• C15028Y12EC110H10 X 10NEM AObK' CH088 2ECUOV 10 X 10 I<@nEtEr B L'?2EFS CO' <uro�102.lVN0V Dbi 100X 1110 146EWr,rrr KEnLLEr 9' E23EH CO' e� EIVMDV16D F - I i 1 rI ' {Y i. I a .A i I t ------- ----- 1 h , t - - km` .. r fill Y1 :� V : � . . godvc I . p1 F 1_ i 1 ..I•,+ir �1,� I , t 1. _ .��. •� . , IN, V, {- I I ' r i : t- f' ty r • I - Y� .; _ l• .. - 1 _;. _ _ _. L.., r ',.y_I '~. i,,,l �'..'_ 1 t Q w MUS I1x s r� r 1 _. -T . . _. . ��s> u 1 . tmt jai ; r fi i. Auk Y H 7 41 7CME' — _... ... r , ... . _ + Y t ..__}. — r i IT• r t •' I i I - - i YY i 1 : I� I i 0 I 2 3 4 5 _ 65000 , � oo r !700 17.00 '- 3.00 t �m�?/ i�4y �a Excarotian v rep of Curb sane &lev , / ��% /'� ,� NO/PTH � _ 6 6 , cis Fin�sh�d Grode C� g (6"Exposu.•••e� " 6 ,,; -� -_ - _ - -- C,4ncrvty Curb \t �" R.i _ 0'. \ a'q; •o o ,� 0 0 0 0 Hca + : o v___—_ p!e p��o�•a '' /, .t. `1 ` R .O�t.S oe mi0'o • oop eoar°6 :On O� o Q O C/o© Oho � a a a` law 1 t"CILASS "B" A.C. WEARING COURS A I � 6'" 9A 5-Z" COUPE �2 0'.) /K•'° �` � -� 2" TOP COURSE �lr"-0") UCz SMAR, • VIP 0 f T I'P I CA L STREET DETAIL r PL AiV } so �y 5.W ,WUk-V0CK •"3)rfe 'ET � Ls �97 33 9 Curve4- 90000,00" ' . R-2LJ 00 • v �q, t Y � b 1 ''0 9'r QG Az 750/9'30" • " R=/00.00 Q` !_ - :3/47 p \y 3 ti T- ; . ..r t:`, �.,'/L'�Pih I_r.i,.-/ '•�. •E.r..•Y.•i lr7.r .l,_�r�r. crW�"! ��Cj.l. `' • CANTERBURY HEIGHTS N 4_--- / STREET DEVELOPMENT PLANS `5. W MURD'XA' 5TREE T' / i CL I I. CIVIL 2114INS221 ` r:v�1r11_,c1: pE'fER50N BUILDING , HIQL9BOP,O,OREGON I SCALE AS NOTED BY MA,KN T j .P JOB N0 386118 NOV I3 ,1968 "pow 1 00AL i' ,71'T,71 '. Ill.. r it (IfIfI���I� 11�I�11 IIIi1�IlI�rI n III��IIr�I�rirll�r�111�1�1111111I1111111�111�111IItll� �II111�111I111111►f111111'� 1 ,_ - - 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED �"'� —'--i ` _ 3 4 5 8 7 8 8 10 I I 12 J DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICXrr-IT IS DILE TO THE QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL or 7 .r4-y+" RAW I NG. _ - -------- OE aZ BZ ? 9Z SZ fZ EZ ZZ Iz OZ 61 81 L1 91 5``1 bI c1 21 11 01 6 9 [ 9 S'-.J --IIE---. ,s"'.-�. 1�!rlJlnllulllnll1u1111u11mi�111111�111u11111nflulllliul���iliiulur��111nlllllllu11111u1r11ililuln11111u11n11iN1�111NInItINll�1n11111�n11}!ArlrtNlrrtr�ru�rrll�rrlrirNrlAll�rll�j�rr111111111111uIlnullluhW1�W11W�111111111�Uulrllllrl�I�H1► ' -low ir JULY 1 19 9 2 .