MERESTONE SUBDIVISION .v •A`r a AN EASEMENT SHALL EXIST OVER , UNDER AND ACROSS ALL OF TRACT "A ' FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAINTAINING STORM DEDICATION : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT J . ALLEN PATERSON DOES HEREBY MAKE , DRAINAGE SANITARY SEWERS , POTABLE WATER SUPPLY AND UfILI - T lES . TRACT "A " IS TO BE DEEDED TO THE CITY OF T IGARD FOR ESTABLISH AND DECLARE THE ANNEXED MAP OF "MERESTONE " , :AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING CATEDLO IN THE �•�.r . I /� T' IC� USE AS A GREENWAY/PARK. , S EC i Y R S CERTIFICATE ,I F I CAT A TRUE MAP AND PLAT THEREOF ALL LOTS BEING OF THE DIMENSIONS I ONS �► �► .A�L_ � �n� �.01` L.► N Er .� .� H,A. L � �-av � ,� s �n�_ .,C RV E O E E , s r--� T N A cz� �� .-)L7 • I I ; R � IWI W. M . CITY W _ > I_ � � � -T �. � �_� ��� L� �- T THE Q � � I � � T`ON L_ , h.> � S � I� - SHO�lN ANU ALL EASEMF.1� � � . r` THE WIDTHS THEREIh SET FORTH , AND I HEREBY DEDICATE 0._ AL�. �--�AV�. A I� 1=r�o � �. 5 r-� T �o � � I O R-' M _S W r-z. , PC)--r . L�_ N.�A-T� k- S u 'P COUNTY , OREGONDAI') E ' al� `r SulzvE�-r • C . S . 166 , "7 0 u -rtt..._ 1���iE.�=� , z � ,� 5 FUBLIC AS A PUBLIf, WAY FOREVER ALL STREETS SHOWN ON SAID MAP . CALE : 1 " = 50 ' suMME � HILL s ��a�z. ►� �u rlv• + 20' IZICSHT 5 - SPLJ14 PATERSOIF-' '30'5I ' 35 1 \ re59 . opcm, BK . 350 F ri . .Sa3 S �� I r 0 �.� �'.` sC�' -'t' I . 50 49� . ao o p ' , zsACKNOWLEDGEMENT , �' ' uJ ,, STATE OF OREGON _ o I S . S . 00 0 __,,. ` N p .V @ 0 COUNTY OF' WASHINGTON 5 4 0 - 3 0 20 a� o . t bi �o _ SI _ W n it9 `�00 0 �� } - rt- THIS CERTIFIES THAT ON THIS DAY OF `� - 1977 BEFORE IhC , THE ENDER- _. • . y _ - �. _144 0 0 - -- 0 SIGNED A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE AND COUNTY PERSONALLY APPEARED J . ALLAN 39• S2, t . Z I' I I H FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A FREE ACT AND � �$ , I �► PATERSON , WHO BEING DULY SWORN UID SAY THAT THE FO aEGOI Sol �t ul I .� wo ao. y in ., �� I>J. 3 DEED . �/ �, ^'! - _ � _ q• 51 ' 5"-w __._ �� 0 R T BEFORE ME ,�. _ 89,.E°3,�_ _. _ S� N tD p SUBSCRIBED BEL AND SWORN 0 0. _ 0 THIS DAY OF 19 /g fi' Flo . S.'r�l. �n MER TO CCS U R ,� O �► s 4o ES NE T �ul _ r S .�, lv ( 0 341 .34�� G S•C�' Ca 5'.C C)' ! �- �A d w 'O D a NOTARY IN R 1 L -- I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES will 10 _j 1 _� --- BOUNDARY CURVE DATA Q 4 _ _ Q \ _____.__. Ili . T CODE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH CHORD CH . BEARING ° 11 Al1 ..� TRACT `�, ,� \� .'O 0 '2 1 05') 22 ' 11 '° 1435 . 04 134 . 49 134 :, 4fr S-02" 38 ' 06"-E aQ G ., ,._- J ;, LOT CURVE DATA s f.• Salo 2 1 90°o5 z5" 20 . 00 31 . 45 28 .31 S-45°05'42"-W `' G ` . � , ti "'-------� . ._ _ ;- •.,....M ' O �� 4 49°59' ! " 20 . 00 17 . 45 16 . 90 N 540 51 ' 45 " -W 4 49059 ' 41 " 50 . 00 43 . 63 42 . 26 N-64 51 44"-W 4 �1�"iAl_ P® I1JT - i..c� • . �'S. 00, G S-00 �� • co' 7°9 • `4G' � � 5 45050 ' 12" 50 . 00 40 .00 38 . 94 S-67° 13 ' 19 "-W 0 11 to-Cats 05; , 3SF. 454:.Cho . ' 8 !1 . ... r -;': 54 12 50 . 00 23 . 48 23 . 26 S-30 51 07 -W 6 26 S la ll 4 dli)P 14113 w. _ - , o I Ir .�,' , �-�..� _ P_S.�o `', k�5 7 23011 ' 20° 11 50 . 00 20 . 24 20 . 10 S-Oso 48 21 -W , S. o F . SE:C , 3� T 15, Ir-lav, �,,,/. M�• 8 45 501 12 50 .00 40 . 00 38 .94 S-28 42 25 -E - ' _ _ 9 53012 ' 38" 50 . 00 46 . 44 44 . 78 S- r 8 13 50 E h, '--•••w --_,_ _ Jo' 10 22042 ' 36" 50 . 00 19 . 82. 19 . 69 N-51030 ' 01 " -E lye ti { C� �_- �.�.�~ = a ° t 1 II 17 . 45 16 . 90 N-65°08 ' 34"-E o•o .� � � f� <�. w...�.--- ._.... �;�=�r ..� _. � .� , ]0 49 59 4 20 . 00 _ _.. ? 13 89054 ' 35" 20 . 00 31 . 38 28 . 26 S-44054 ' 17 "-E 4 r i ��waTEs pT5' �� ' '' $ �'� ��� 13 04023 '03" 1465 . 04 112 . 10 112 . 08 S-02008 ' 32 "-E r ' A � C.` �� to DENOTE 5 PTS. SET `"Y" "' o (n � s ._ . N 1 �''� L IIA, , ', Tract A 12018 ' 32" 50 . 00 10 . 74 10 . 72 N-69000 ' 36 "-[ aQ' } � k 3d ! � ► >ZC7 D . SWE,E,'T' Glu r o t u 0 1 "- u • �,�� ',`. ._ 1_ : .� .��•. ' _ � � .,, ` � 1 ra�:t ,4 UCS 59 08 1465 . 04 25 . 20 25 . 20 S-04 49 37 E • 0 rr E- S URVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE : It WILLIAM L . MC MONAGLE FIRST BEING DULY SWORN , DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECTLY T_ z S, �- r W tl " r APPROVED THIS ::_ DAY OF �i-.l ru.�l.• zY- 11978. �•j SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8 x 30 IRON RODa ALL LOT CORNER., , CURVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES IN DIR- A P PRO VA L • C I1­Y OF TI GARD 0 �r1 ECTION THE LAND REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAS' OF VERESTONE AND AT THE INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY I SET A W 0 � +� PLANNING COMMISSION �. W Z DIA . BY 36 LONG GALV . IRON PIPE 6 " BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND SAID POINT BEIM - ° 1 f1_ d G L�.��tT E D N 00 0 5 3 5 E B Y . . � 656 . 48 ' and S-89049148"-E 660 . 08 ' FROM A 3/8" IRON ROD MARKING THE SOUT WEST CORNER OF SECTION 34 T- 1 0` Ln Q S , R-1W , 2 0 � Q W.M. THENCE : FROM SAID INITIAL P - ° 0 1 L OINT N 00 4 18 E 328. 2$ TO THE SOUTH LINE OF A 2p WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS APPROVED THIS ., DAY OF , 1978 . ATTEST THIS .._____ DAY OF , 1978 ,• - I u U J DESCRIBED IN GEED BOOK 350 , PAGE 523 , WASHINGTON COUNTY OREGONtj i• WASHING' TON COUNTY A � H m W 0 DEED RECORDS , THENCE . ALONG THE SOUTH LINE 3F WASHINGTON COUNTY ., 0 Q Q � a �. o r DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND DIRECTOR OI`" RECORDS AND hl 0 J a 0 ID 20 RIGHT-OF-WAY S89 51 35 -E 659 . 96 TO THE CENTER LINE OF S . W . 121st AVE . C . R . 1996°; THENCE : ALONG W D TAXATION CO 4 ( COUNTY ASSESSOR ) ELECTIONS ( COUNTY CLERK ) � x � � p� TER LINE OF S . W . 121st AVE . S-00003 ' 00"-W 191 . 47 ` TO A POINT OF CURVE ; THENCE : ALONG THE ARC OF 1435 .04 ' 0 �' D Q g Y Y W � RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05°22 ' 11 " , THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS S-02038106 "-E 134 . 48-' _ J W (AN ARC DISTANCE OF 134 . 49 ' ) ; THENCE : LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE S-84°40 '4 "- - _ Q 0 hj 9 W R 30 . 010. 00 ' ; THENCE N 89 49 48 _� APPROVED THIS -._.. D14Y OF 197 8 . APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF 1978 WASHINGTON COUNTY r ; LLi In �- _ 0 636 . 52 ' TO THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGINNING . CONTAINING 4 . 983 ACRES . WASHINGTON COUNTY _ HEALTH DEPARTMENT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS � Q � U �-- � ��-` -��-�, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME U1 � Q � ClI ... ,,, . • , THIS A W W ',f � � DAY OF 197�s BY ®Y 0 W (� r . Lo ui or 4y LL _ BY 0 Dl W �. Q PUBLIC - FOR GO APPROVED PROVED THIS ._-_. LAY OF ,19 7 A W O > r, :,,�.Y '-R,;: �, p MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ~i / / U. Q W11 iIA1M t. Mc W1(1AAG1„ WASHINGTON CG�t� iyTY SURVEYOR BY 2 lnao � - w w w uo _ BY BY Z 4: • ' " STONE~ MFF 1✓ n. 1►` ` .. ♦. .... .... .t ....,n. -:,. . `" .�. ._.�;M�-- .M"7 : 1 � I � I I I L I I `i I I r r I I � I l i i � II111 ) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf1III11111I1 � 1I1 1 � , NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED `` , -" I •w -• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 110 1 1 12 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICE;-- IY IS DUE TO MERES ONE THF QUALITY OF THE �)PH' INAt C1RAWING. 0£ 62 8? L? 9Z SZ bZ CZ ZZ 13 OZ 61 R I L 1 91 S I 1171 C I ?, I 11 01 6 9 L 9 S a IF Z 1 . trII�II111�III�IIII�1I11�l��l11�1��111�11111tIIIIIIIIIIIli111111II�I�1�t�I�I���1�l���t�I�IIIQII1111I111II11�I�1111�1111�11�111111111111 �I1�1111�1111�1111�1111�II111111f�i11111111�111i�IIIl.�1111�1111�IIIII1111�1U��1�((��{11�11111111111111I111111111�11111111 ,�111j�111�I11�lIjJ1l�11�j�11)� �IIN . TTTT V ------ all ./,4l#7' 040Z .SEC 7/e�v r/1�E�tiCif` C�PQSS;N� •. Nf; df.�lIERJ1L. t��l t''�de N F ORPA 604093 'NEV 1 74, ROUTINE 4, .ARK ORDER �, sa:F 900-000 -1NW r n r' JFK >►�' l�Mt�rI"' nAJ d# ' ,�"p "TITLE .1 F .r •tAii �,sr�ff/� ,4?1 � QIaTRICT I:XCHANBE .r„. '"r 4- i� NARRATIVE Ib CITY OF TIGARD -- Irrri�r�w�rnrr. rrw.�...rr.rr�.r�-r���.w .S r' I P1h��C' ACCT MATERIAL CODE DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ..,.,..........r.._...._.._-.._... ....._.. _. -._. ___ ..._._ _...._�_ ... _..____._ .. ...... ._ _. ... w.._ �.,..... ...___. .. _.._r.-........,..�._.. _..__a �..... �_..n... ., _ _.. .._- . "X 2* YAC �6 .j�c��' .G S� t ACT. i EST. 13 7; � 2c -��1 924' t4 I Aq 116S Ir r 3 AOe' T Aa L• �3 '� /rtes : 2 ' �' /' I I '' .... _ 9-7 sob /moi i 1061 C I� { sem- / � M Y IC-a_<S144 6: IVA _ _ �� �_.r_..,. . ._._. . .__._. . _ .-_......_. JLI jorC' $ l Y.1 '" , ¢ Vii. y,h. a y�7' i ` i-Vin;u• /!:', • • f S M 47 W. iTIF'IPEs Tvr �7 � '�a 4 ! I 63f� i - • 'mfr f 35..E '�+� 23-74 r�r•t Ile alp— ilk f M••/!. 191 � � I L LABOR H RS• C ! � � __-_,.....�.._,.... ..._......._._............:..a......._..,.1.,.........,.........,...,.....,1......,...........-.�..,..,....�.•.._.,.��........_.,..r,..........._ / / EST START El1T.COIAPI. I!S ACT. START SY C G �/ -`�..`' '`-.i ACT, COMP AY I � 2 J "'' AR �, Y ec JPN N0, DATE AMI.ICATiON NO. OATE Aez L cs rs_, Ilk �' .� l&7E s „t�/.r" E f' 6-//-77 c sl DATE AMOVES BY .... ` ,/t > ... ...•...............-.........,........ -��:: AW w""-.iSSi�.W...v. ';S•X � - - +' ' _ .� . y � �! 72 /��✓ SMP► y +�/ --( .-r. .. . ,. .. -. , . .. . . - ��+nr•�ri.�r.�.r r��.�.w.�.w...�r.ti..rw.wr w�rr.r+.r..wr.rr+�r�`n ■��"r M EIS E S T Q N E »5 � '� " �//+�1� �`♦'y11j/�/�� PlelJoIp'l l?*r � LINO, 1 _ I fi. , n 4•F` 43• YY f / 44 Cj V I�,/ 2 0—F 1 TwP. 11��. IKIc. v.,- y 4 y�' •r, ,r.rrp�i„ylrytT.�,.if �•.1'M.J:.. :.� ..- .. .N..Iw.. . .• ... 1 .w HaI. r i ,.� R .. .. .. r r �. >,,r •�.4x4.� ::1! . . ti. . . .>�.'Is ..•, ... .•L.. •r �1:::.1�;w +. �', 11. y..: r _77 • •' r r ._...._- ._- -. _. _ .. ... - .. .y.-v:�,.- ,7..1"1x•.,. ..'... r - IfOa I ! 1 ^tI I I � i' I 1 I � I �r 1 •t� �• I i i ! I I I. IPI t.fl � I 111 1 1 I I I � I-II 111 III 111 III 11 , 111 Ido 111 Ilt tll ! II tll �� I pll 111 Ilt 111 Int t11 II1 , � _ - _ .- I I I I � I � I I 1 � 1 I I I I ' I I I ,f � i l l l l l t � • ., _ -. I 2 3 4 _ 5 6 7 E I'0 1 ! 12 - DRAWING 2 - • NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED •�--- DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;l IS DUE TO -I-IE -QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW I NG. - - -- _--____ - - ------- -- y � OE 6Z 8Z LZ 9Z S7, bZ EZ ZZ 1z OZ' 61 of L I 91 GI b 1 El 21 11 01 6 a L 9 S v E Z 1 y'''�� M 1f1111111loll 11111111111111111Nlllllltl111 �Illllltll�iltllll 1 'I+ II..--- I �,�1111.1111111�11111 IIM111111111N1111111111u�INiII111111�I+I1111111i�Ni�i�l��lllllllllrll111111►11111;;;!�I;IIIIiu�illl�llIIIIIIIIIli4� 1111U11111111111111111i11�11�I���tJll�lluU�ll�UlllullU.1l11,U�111� _ • , . _._....... ..�.�.r..•._..._..es-• 2 � JULY 1 � b 9r -..x ...,.,.. �--_-_ .. .. - ---"-• ._r�s'w+r'-��• .wr.-..{- �wr•�r••�.-.. .,—.-. --�"apw. .._, t _....a _.. ._..... �,_ i , +III .�WYI(111� .,. �� - . ..._....._. _ .._._.. n rn O v tD p U 2 � N G 7C� C7 OD G �N O �nU) (D t.D N CL m � o` c l to 00 m ELto: CL R s�k ...._A A,vvanw tYM'�MIMYwMwMYlYii♦ A,l:t�gt�Rln�W tAV�ek September 3 , 1991 CITY OFGON TIGARD ORE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed within the following development projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes Subdivision 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # 1 - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill No. 2 Subdivision 5 . Gallo's Vineyard Subdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivision 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 8 . Genesis No. 2 Subdivision 9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewer extension 10 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East Sanitary & Stor-m Sewer Relocation 12 . Exodus Subdivision 13 . Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision 14 . Swanson's Glen (Phase No. 1) Subdivision 15 . 108th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 16 . 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 17 . Albertson's Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extension 18 . Merestone Subdivision 3.9 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony' s Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court Subdivision 22 . Winterlake Subdivision 23 . Creekside Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City Mgineer aj/JH:0pt mstn.Acp 13125 SW Nall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tlgard,Oregon 97223 (:;03)639-4171-- — lUo7 RTORLT � 6 /-5 ct n LL e C-- u UN C- —\Cd 101-1 Cc)reN '0c4 eA cx,) Jcz) 16— A 64 C-P,p Llbkk� ' CLAJ 'C^ % 15 LA. L T- 4V Isf► d ,4 ,,��f ,,,r 2 � ,J101 `T T _ AL�1jv Lo � a F 144 f .7eO,►V's .semj,s ,tee .�Cav 1 f 1, Qo wi�"/t w we 9`�• V Ava CITYOF TIFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON July 18, 1983 J. A. Paterson 12700 SW Pacific Hwy Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Merestone Subdivision Dear Mr. Paterson: We have been checking our records and find that your subdivision has still not been completed. You stated in your response to our attorney (Oct. 15, 1982) that you would have it completed in approximately six months, but to date it is still not completed. There are still some sids_ ewal) to be completed and the __ one inch overlay needs to be placed. A Please take care of this as soon as possible so a can release your project. Thank you, R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief 2I RLT/dc A e M I 1 12755 B.W.ASH P.O.90X 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:619-4171 I p+e-72Se. C_C—V use e. eNCA- IMV (,LU U. �1 fi :z • .•.. + i.�..i'^,wi>+u vfry:.H+4LM��3ebn.Ili,i.M»LW.,.��,.INwt!'MUHNJbfiudN;�iiSM1�YFabkiliWM:aN Gin411�fi��yr;M.p�py.',.. aid.NJ.nwuuw+bMyiiW'11MN '... ::, _ �.:�,iA 17�"C' `. /-� G 'eCc, /o, leO ,_. A/-e b_ SID a: E 1. Nj OD co n O+ I $ pp_ 0 `11 otic �� O Z � p a g yu� cs -1 x Y w 7 cn V�� 0 �S on, a t �— N V Nrrl ° in m N v rrl w r) lo. • 14q"r N ._.— r0 _ 8 - V r C i 0"03'N vo tj J rR L \/V �i D Ig -r 0 Ll — in N Cj N N t \ �--Tom+.-._-�� ���//i�///������✓� J.IFW M ,f;o0 i (=1 tL C ^ O O 8 p A h - �r yyi LAJ M N CY O MJ Q �i♦,"��1 W 1 w "- CCu �J M J• V h W R su � p 90 U2i J Q - -~ oz zl cn W °r, N C) r, UD - � a � M /fir Q K set 3„01,110 000 N • r ��: - - IRhIC 7 - ,.A 9 - CD N �,u`ct- J. A. PATERSON REALTY CO., INC. 12700 S W Pacific Highway Tigard. Oregon 97223 (503)639-2125 November 4 , 19o3 Mr . Frank Curry Director of Public Works City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Merestone Court A/C Paving Dear Frank: Thank you for making the test cuts in S.W. Merestone Court. I was having trouble locating a coring machine to do the job myself. It is my understanding that four cuts were made and that the average-_ thickness of the asphaltic .paying_wAs_? J che.s. This is just about what I expected since that is basically what was contracted for when the paving was done back in May of 1978. When this subdivision was put in, Theron Martin was the City Engineer , and it was becoming the policy of the City at that time to backfill any sewer, water or storm drains that were in the street with compacted native backfill and then come back a year later with a 1 inch A/C over- lay to take care of settling. If you will check ,your field inspection reports on that job, you will find that the native backfill available , in that area was so poor that rock was opted to be used in its steajl * `` obtain satisfactory compaction from sewer to roadbed. "'" � '� Regardless of what the' engineering drawings show ,as to paving thickness , the decision was made on the job by the conk-ractor, Dale ' s and and Gravel, the engineer, Harris & McMonagle, and the.-Cit stief to forego the overlay since no settling was probable and proceed-'LTi one lift of blacktop as had always been done in the pasta 6 inches of base, 2 inches of 4 minus and 2 inches of A/C. Any visual inspection of the job, then or now, over five years later , shows the obvious character- istics of a one lift final paving job--manholes flush--stormdrain catch basins flush--curb exposure to finish grade--and, driveway approaches �1•�, to normal transition level off the street* Ji#I it y19i' t Yuu are asking me to add an inch overlay beyond the 6-2-29 or 10 inch specification that was contracted for. I do not think that this'k-is fair treatment on this subdivisidn. The street was built to proper standards and has held up well . I would at least like a logical explaination from you as the City' s Engineer before proceeding further to close this subdivision out. Harris and McMonagle have been the engineers on Merestone from the start and still have continuity in case you care to check out the background as above related on this whole project. �U �<e { y truly yours , C' t.0 Each Office Is Independently Owned Antl�Operated REALTOR* J 1 an Paterson ..cQUEST FOR A,Z"O'TION LOCATION: 2oevA 4--'� PROBLEM: Cort �`G'm�lt _T71 't 1 ►^ d C?�-� --- By: L 7— Date: FORWARD TO: Administrator Police Building Public Works ✓. . Library __ Recorder Planning ___ Other Department Head Response: _ ACTION TAKEN: E!t f?aiE Li ter Forwarded to: County P.W. __ State Hwy. Dept. By: __ 16— 2 Ll.-if 3 Date _ WHITE: To Orginator CANARY: To Dept. Head (9/81) 'is1Tk.'..r+SI:W�IVUYiMsr'�il';�Y�,LLN'�SiiNrl44iMnFi✓V>YSLtl'.WAIY!^L�fVki4i4i:{kN141i�R`i4iydJiM11Y{MI�i114. ., �' J. A. PATERSON REALTY CO., INC. 12700 S. W Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 (503)639-2125 August 2, 1983 Mr. R. L. Thompson Engineering Service Crew Chief City of Tigard P.O.Box 211397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : Merestone Subdivision Dear Bob: Since George Heusser will not be building on Lot 10 in the near future, I have made arrangements to put the sidewalk and driveway approach in at this time. I will be calling you when it is ready for inspection and subsequent pouring in place. The street overlay will obviously have to be done if the core sample that I am taking does not satisfy the minimum standards. You will remember that this paving job was done when Theron Martin was the City Engineer and at that time we proposed to backfill the sewer in the street with native backfill, compacted, and do a two lift job a year :later to take care of any settling. Theron Martin, however, insisted that we backfill with rock and so we did with the understanding that the paving than would be done all at one time. This was when policy was in a transition stage since prior to this time all subdivisions were done with a one lift, one paving. As you note on Merestone, the manholes are paved flush, the storm drains to the top and the curb and driveway approaches are tip to finished paving heighths. The job was obviously done as a finished paving job with no overlay intended. This was done in May of 1978. I realize that you do have me on a technicality if there is not -nough A/C paving in place to satisfy you and the City, however, no overlay was ever intended on this job as evident by the manner in which it was installed and the present condition and appearance of the street. If the above work is necessary, Harris and McMonagle will supervise same as my Engineers. ry truly yours , J`v an aterson 6 Each Office IsIndependently Owned And Operated REALTOR* .. .,.vriaM:se4..,wldW:i YYUL:rM. wf:.4'E4a•abdl}'H/i�'tiM7Wilktw..uvW City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME: _ PERMIT DATE: / o DATE ISSUED '../ 1_ OWNERS NAME ADDRESS: -Y CONTRACTOR : ­,,,�do ''EST : Air ❑, Water[1 , Vlaual 11 , Laboratory U RESULT: Approved p , Disapproved ❑ Pending U SKETCH: �'U u r .� � ��`fes � '� s/��i•. Cf,J t-z,, 179 g: 4�r , Q r e "4.4 Cvi AW4 h'1 • �okl 6 UAt L .JOIE. Afluch supplementul rel] y i — for INSPECTION TIME : 14ivr- PERMIT NO. : DATE: DATE ISSUED:..1 Z OWNERS NAME : ADDRESS : 44 CONTRACTOR :— 204 11-el _ TEST. Air ❑, Water E1 , Visugl.K, Laboratcry ❑ RESULT: Approved , Disapproved ❑ , Pending ❑ SKETCH: i y I t INSPECTO DATE CUTEAttach supplemental teel data heret:01 4 1 it I I City of Tigard INSP'E'CTION REQUEST for '�^PECTlQN TIM :.._L�/� PERMIT NO. : DATE: DATE ISSUED:—.L—L— OWNERS NAME : ADDRE S : / S — O N T R A C T O R :___ I —"""T: Air 0, Water ❑ , ViSunl Laboratory [] t -"'-ULT'. Approae u I �KFTCH: i ' INSPEClui� UAiL ICOTE: Attach supplemental test data hereto J e` 3 6 iNSPEC NON RE1,�J E' �.:-r , for INSPECTION TIME : !,�-Ccl PERMIT NO. : __ DAVE: DATE ISSUED.'—I--/— _ ._ — OWNERv NAME : ADDRESS :CONTRACTOR :__ TEST: Air [l , Water [] , Visual, Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved , Disapproved ❑ , Pending L] SKETCH: INSPECTOR DATE [NOTE . Attach supplemental test data heret] i Juste 15, 1979 i .� Xr(2r, 11,41: :',-,n.tle71en: This is to acknotwlcd^e that; t-a have no ohjeetior to t'hr, concert or %,,satin, land ,subsequently rel.-satin^,1 said five foot wide t.i:,c lot line -eneral utility easement; the city Ilan no facilities therein ror do we anticipate installation Virreof any net this datr_. ^ince rely, .til{/rjr - r 1 r 0ERAL� t City of Tigard � INSPECTION REQUEST � for INSPECTION TIME* PERMIT DATE : _� ,V?f DATE !SSUED :_-L-Z-- -CA OWNERS NAME : __ STDG M ADDRESS: ._. �- - ..__... CONTRACTOR --- - - -- - - TEST : Air ❑ , water , visuaA , Laboratory ❑ RESULT * Approved,4 + Disapproved O , Pending p _-----== SKETCH: �j AT I lementalret] 1 i NOTE : Attach supD J 3 City of Tigard /o. &--rj INSPECTION REQUEST ,//'a' ) for INSPECTION TIME PERMIT NO. . DATE: —`� /-� DATE ISSUED:---/_-Z— OWNERS NAME : —_ ADDRESS : 21r­5'- l(le-) CONTRACTOR :— ` a�e,.•�-� TEST. Air ❑, Water Visua j , Laboratory ❑ RESULT: Approved J� , Disapproved ❑ , Pending SKETCH: iNSPk z.�Ft L),A I L LvIE : Attach supplPrnental test dato keret] City of Tigard -/� INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME : ____ ^ PERMIT NO. : DATE: —'12---. DATE ISSUED: OWNERS NAME : ---__ ADDRESS : _lam/ CONTRACTOR :--- TEST: ONTRACTOR :____—TEST: Air 0, Water 0 , visual _ I , Laboratory [] RESULT. Approved , Disapproved 0 Pending L� SKETCH: 2- . I SPECTOR DATE COTE : Attach supplemental test data hereto } ...... .-.. :,.:w, .•.;-:;:�..,�...,r.W.raruwa�wrMwwkuaeikWwza� - -- -- -- �,.may. fi17Y1�1' Harris-McMonagle Assc les, Inc. L[E T,_2 T)IFTRUSETTTQIL ENGINEERS•SURVEYOk$ 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 DATE JOS NO Telephone(503)639.3453 ATTENTION RE TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU XAttached Under separate cover via-- the following items: 0 Shop drawings Ljl<Prints i i Plans i- Samples L.; Specifications n Copy of letter F1 Change order f$ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION - `Aez, tL��7z 6'v // �•je S"t �a_ ,1/YT!zea / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below. 0 For approval ❑ Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit.—___copies for approval V & your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit--copies for distribution C,A% requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return_—corrected prints Cl For review and comment 0 0 FOR BIDS DUE ._ -__19-_ __ _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS_._ . . --- ---- — _ —_—._ -- ---- --— ------ ---- -- ----FEB 0 91979 - -__-_- - -- -- - --C --0E-fife - -- COPY To l SIGNED: Z of eneleeures en net 86 Meted. kindly Mistily ul at ones October 19, 1978 J. A. Paterson 12700 SW Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Rh: Herestone Subdivision Dear Mr. Paterson : In response to your engineers request, an inspection was con- ducted by this office of the public improvements in said subdivision. The following list is a summation of items which remain to be completed and/or corrected prior to tentative acceptance by the City: 1. Street cleaned 2. Storm sewer repaired(outfall between catch basin and creek) . 3. Sanitary sewer line balled and flushed . Passage of a T.V, Inspection (this inspection will by conducted by the City After the lines have been cleaned) . 4. Sanitary sewer manhole at Station #5+54 .40, base needs sealing. 5. Sanitary sewer r..anhole at Station #2+?F.F7, base needs sealing. C. "A.C. " Overlay is pending placement . 7. Mailbox clusters are pending installation (4) . 8. Sidewalk &•, driveway aprons arespow"R"l, Installation. P. As-built sanitary sewer mylar has yet, to be submitted to the City. 10. Landscaping needs to be completed. 11 . Bikepath needs to be completed. Items ##1 , 2, 3,4 , 5,7, 9 and 11 need to be acted on by yourself before we can recommend tentative acceptance of the improvements ( ie. , commencement of the one year maintenarcr, period) to the Council . Yours truly, R. L. Thompson RLT/per Fngr. Toch. Avoid Vernal Messages A-- CITY OF TIGARD -1 To �Q� - --- From .----- -� - - -- S u L j e c t:_ . _ 1' 1.! Date: r 1 P � Y� r r= (, DrfcE r 1�21 I ti icRSON FEALTY CO., INi,. Paaf c HWY. .g;;y47223 .�;s'v / F a September 28, 197'2 City of Tigard Public Works Dept. 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Merestone Court Dear Sirs: MERESTONE Subdivision off Southwest 121st Avenue and containing Merestone Court Cul-de-sac has requested final approval through the engineers for the project, Harris-McMonagle Associates of this City. Since this procedure takes some time and since the street, Merestone Court, is in dire need of a street sweeping, would youplease consider sending the City' s street sweeper down that Court and along the half street improvement on 121st so that the City residents living thereon may enjoy a clean street in the interim? As the develop r, I will be happy to pay for the time involved with the City' s street sweeper. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I`� y truly_yours, � ICL�I JTllan Paterson J � �-o t t�('' I i H. tA tlr , �sar (V3 ►-.:, aCC44f sMe s f�:Ta ♦ � roA' �.. P,!7 L L" 1 r.,r rl n r' •',. ' - ' „r•. 7•" .- _-fir `, (� +y 1 2.1 J September 28, 1978 I City of Tigard Public Works Dept. i 12420 S.W. Main Street, Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Merestone Court Dear Sics : MERESTONE Subdivision off Southwest 121st Avenue and containing Merestone Court Cul-de-sac has requested final approval through the engineers for the project, Harris-McMonagle Associates of this City. Since this procedure takes some time and since the street, Merestone Court, is in dire need of a street sweeping, would yuuplease consider sending the City' .i street s'aeeper down , that Court and along the half street improvement on 121.st so 1 { that the City residents living thereon :nay enjoy a clean street in the interim2 As the developaZ, a will be happy to pay for th_ time involvcd with the City' s street sweeper. Thank you for your attention to ithis matter. V' ry truly yours, J. Allan Paterson I i w i 3 J� 1 September 5, 1978 Portland General Electric Comer Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, Oregon 97005 AtInt Mr. Sen Srqder Re: Merestone Subdivision Dear Ken: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the street- light installation In said subdivision to be setisfactcry and, further, to authorise P.Q.E. Co. to energise the three (3) units therein, via Schedule Number "91" , Option "B". Yours truly, %aI0IK Vr Hagman Supt. Engr. Div. JSH: vs cc/ City Accountant cc/ Nr. Allan J. Paterson 12700 S.W. Pacific Hwy. Tigard, Oregon 97223 - r Avoid Verbal v4essaqes ` CITY OF TIGARD _ From 107 Suubeject:! p.c?. �L _ Date._._ . __ t •—" his �.P�� �-� 1 v.� �r�crz.1 i 1 v �� g �_• � r� �--b-I I I D-. i N_ s « s Ewt 149' c�l 011320 10-1 TL L 3 i"(w) 2'(w) C N N 8 17' .. N » M N •q� • y 104' I _ (w) 011620 6-1113-'6,2 -" b �` 3 •�� 4 3 2 1 _179' _ I nstdl 1• Corx a0 Insulate A !nstdl 10' (w) +)11630 � - - -------� N est Le^J 7 � C7 S.W. MERESTONE CTu1 011680 I �\ . �. -s27 - (w) •11710 ri \ ME REST NE -- 9 10 11 12 13 �II 461' 011740 6-11 V63 620' • poet •1 1 W d � P8107 NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY TAX CODE. 1 ' / _ 1 r MAIN SKETCH �_- �,�_ / I W W J � J 6 G g m o wo *12035 72' 0 O (w) 17 I , ccv UNDERGROUND—PHONE PRE:SURE RATING& X-RAY 3WATEII t "• OCJ h CSEWIq TEST►RESSURE ���•) ►SIO (V N f POWER TESTpURAT10N_��_ Cf11( 1 PHONE WELDS TO BE X-RAYED-� CJ K r• ELi,-71 . DESIGN PRESSURE-_� f ►SIO r t O M A O.P. �'C) ►SIO R i NORMAL OPE R.PRESS. �C� PSIG D W GATE 2 • ♦ .--- __._._.._�.. __.- O 7 ENGR. INSTALL MAIN- FEET Of FEET OF `���•--_ F ABANDON MAIN--__-__..-.-. FELT OF FFET OF`-_" �• TYPE COATINGS PIPE „ � 1 ---JOINTS lIl ,1FITTINI;t M11695 _T 1 528• INSTALL SERVICE-_--_ iEET OF INSTALL �ANODES _ W O INSTALLEO MAIN fEET OF FEE1 tli-_,_” Q ---- ------ -- _._-. d I1�b" \p� _ a ABANDONEDMAIN TYPE COATINGS PIPF.- JOINTS FITTINGSSf INSTALLED SERVICEFEFT Of INSTAL I ED _-AN000ES�•,_-^- 1 / ; DATECOMPIETEO - ___SIGNED - cK[wLtA-pts- ---- Iwai TF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON SKt TCHI 1 1 ---------- - MEAE1/REf11�C-: .l OAT I ry k SCALE STAKED_ pAtE SSG.NO. ' rl WN r73 PLATTED l i DRADATE +�. 11` GATE SIONEV CHECKED GATE _ FLAP AMROVE01�• --- GATE � _ -42--17 --- i I CITY OF TIGARU WALIMAFMAIN WORK ORDER NO. I / SERVICE WORK OKDE11 NO. ADDRES{ l /. t +v J {c�rL_i I.L ^i...�.1�. 1 .T'-..1•r , r�;V L - I city PI.AT NO SECTIOV TOWNSHIP RANGE 7 C 1 ALE'S SAND AND GRAVEL CO. Ir 1"M S. W. Pacific Hwy, Sherwood, Oregon 140 639.7535 H Gr=I 1 1978 CITY OF TKIA U Fabrunry 1C , if�7r) 1. 'I . Pate on 1 ,'1700 Pacirir, U,-ih,v3y Ti (tn Merestonn Thea � i.orm sever modi.rication nn 171st Avenue han been made por John i1-a,)rian ' s InUnr fir February 7, 177f3. Yours vf; ,y truly, f1 ;nMr� nrin I,i jVCI. Cri . I^1C. Ar6 -y- i1. 11. Y:a1k ,,, vcjn rr�neraJ f1nnaler r #00�t?hl7 i�' ,1171n, r i J.y ,r TilJrird February 7, :1978 J. A. Paterson 12700 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: : Merestone Sbdv. Dear Mr. Paterson: Just a reminder, storm water (::owing southerly along 121st Avenue has no means of entering the newly installed catch basin .intended to c.1ceive such water. Harris-icMonagle Associates plan (dated 6-17-77) deals with this problem most satisfsctor;.ly, but needs to be carried out. Perhaps you could in.tiate action to resolve this. VAry Truly , John Hayman n f Supt. Enyr. Div. JH/bg ::c/file i �5 � I►wr �11� c�u. ���� f � Avoid Vernal Messar.;cis CITY OF TIGARD Subject �ccr--T l ems , ,- � �� e IRANAALAIRMANAm Avoid Vernal Messwies A_1 CITY OF TIGARD To: , � I" \Uv.. - From : 1 Subject: -.- Date ��,3'�.�-�.�--_— Dato:----�—_ .:.!trri' A.i.ii.Ldyip d 'll' 11_M,! !i:ibk t.W.WIVAai��u:SMfiV�'NWW.�4YWr.W:O'Y/M1sst'w�.al.x�dw1. W SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the J day of 0"&\UCA—i 19 78l between she CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter ,61rmed the "City'; and _ J. Allen Paterson hereinafter termed 'Petitioner '. W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington ':,.-runty, a. subdivision plat known as =STONE -gated in section 34, Towship 1 gouth, Ranr@ l WRat ;�illiamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider to _nstall streets, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground it.ilities and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fees; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard spet-ifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and ie Unified Sewerage specifications for the anitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner' s 'Irvelopment are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby I:.o protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than me (1) year from tie date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby .bund to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the stand,:rd specifications adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise approved ,)y the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to folldw -I.,Ch designs as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, a.ttb liability in the amount of $ 11,740.00 a copy whereof is hereto 3tt.iched and by this: reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time i.+nit^, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to Pc.-titioner and Petitioner's sureties, . ,d such default and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its ption proceed to have the workcrmpleted and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner end Petitioner's sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the :#i1pp''+;�'�i4'i�dMLAk.:+Y,u;71i.Liri:Uma;Wien+o4u>u..d.inwiwura./.Yisi..yi+Y.4i,.iwinaoawA:�...u�iowrJil... �a.id bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner Nd P.,titione;r's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing ird allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudgi reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's Lreties p,:_,ci.f1c performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision t•andards, and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the (;ity shall bF_ entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and fcr the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (i) Petitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with Ue City in amount estimated to equal mental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule; #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period .f two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount -:ing $ 208. 08 (5) Thr. City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections and in the ! ity's .judgment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof ch• Petitioner has paid prescribed inspection fees. 1 (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within ch : said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ 67, 45 (7) At such time: as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements. Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have '.e:en met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, if riot already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the an of $_ 10. 090. 20 _ to provide for correction of any defective work or main- t,-.n3nce bE:oming apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the ptblic improvements by the City. (8) Upnn receipt of certification by the Department of Public Works that all rt.quirem;:nts havF: been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept thE: public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of ! .ficienci�s and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's S-i:hdtvi.slon Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to th�� following requirements, scheduling and limitations! a. None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as above described may be occupied fr+r r(:s1d1:.nt1.a1 purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision end tt, otic: time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot pro- posed to be occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all =idswalk.s as rF:quired by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said ;':division not later than 2 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. * being $549. 00 Project $130. 00 Sewer -2- r+iw4t�Yiiebuaw.�utwYtacYwxwew�aau::waWrw�rdY�tiw� b. All Landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks ^d the curb (parking are::a) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final . nspection :ind issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provid�+9 that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any - aIcrtdar. month form October to April of any year, such piant.ings may be deferred until ne:xt fullowing growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas 1 },,: planted and in place within the entire subdivision within two (2) years ru1r, the d3E+� of this ,subdivision improvement contract. C. Wi.`i..lt one (1) year of acceptance of t.he public improvements the petitioner 19med to place: a the (1 ) inch asphal.ti.c conerf to Cl.ass "C" overlay on all roads aitbi.t► the dervFlopme:nt. d. Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision j-i:vtt;r,prnent by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of 'Tigard, Oregon, '.".rr:gard to variance's allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the iUGr! Ust' classification and, also, on the Hpproved plat (s) and plan (s). (10) The; panic-:5 hereto hereby adopt thf. form of performance bond, copy whereof is tr; •+ttachgA and by reference made a part he!rcof, and petitioner agrees to cause h.iv,: ;aid bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of 'hies agreement at or prior to the time this agreement Is executµd on behalf of the City. (11 ) Tbr; speciflc requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for 'all purposes be .ncluded as u part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and ir,.,, City shall, hr:! entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part - f the Pc:titiona<r with respect to any requirement. thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized -ndersigned offLcers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused agreem�.nt to be: executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its : ,ncil ..d+;ptRd at a meeting thereof dul.y and regularly held on the ,1_3 day f _ , 19 p has caused this agreement to he executed by its c r and Re cer :r. q-, n paon YB . ��- 'LLQ By THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON Bye _ Mayor_ _ 000, Recorder. j ,.,PATERSON Re4&# 12700 S W PACIFIC HWY, TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Real Estate Appraisals Insurance Telephone 639-2125 MOW w U January 3, 1978 v .� Mr. . John Hagman Supt. Engineering Divisions/(!' City of Tigard, 12420 S .W. Main Street, Tigard, Oregon 97223 :fie: Merestone Dear John: Attached hereto are the subdivision Compii.ance Agreement properly executed and the Cash Bond Escrow Agreement signed by myself and the Oregon Bank. The Performance Cash Bond Escrow is for the balance of improvements to be installed as outlined in the Harris and McMonagle Associates letter sent to you uecember 16, 1.977 and totalling $11, 740.00. This money will remain in escrow at the bank until final acceptance and thence c.•ne year thereafter to take care of the maintenance responsibil- ity which is in a similar amount, or $101090.20 to be exact. Before sales are made 1 also need to file for exemption for a full service subdivision from the Oregon Real Estate Division, Dept. of Commerce, Subdivision Section, 158 12th Street, Salem, Oregon 97310. Along with this form filing I need a letter from the City of Tigard briefly stating the following, or your words to that effect.. " This is to verify that "Merestone" (a 13 lot subdivision) is situated on an asphalt surfaced roeid which has the right of way and improvements , including curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and mainten- ance, and meets the standards of the City of Tigard. Work in the flood plain has been designed to prevent flooding. A subsurface sewage disposal system has been completed serving each lot through the City of Ti,gard' s collection system and the Washington County Unified Sewerage Agency waste water treatment plantin Durham." The above statements will satisfy the State as far as the City is concerned. Thank you for your cooperation. ery truly yours, J� lan terson SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGRFEMENT dated ,he day of _ , 19 between ,-he CITY OF TIGARp, a municipality of Oregon, hereinafter termed the "City", and her :inafter termed "Petitioner".— W I T N E S S E T H WFEREAS, Pt,titi.oner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washington '::.unty, a subdivision plat known as located Lt J& c Williamette Meridian, Washington County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City of Tigard Subdivision Ordinance requires the subdivider, to install strEtts, sidewalks, street lights, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, underground atilitips and other public facilities for the development and requires the payment of fef�s; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary scwerq prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements required to be constructed or placed in petitioner's development are incomplete, but petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lots in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be tn.stalled as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agrt,emcints to he kept and performed by the Petitioner and its sureties, IT IS HEREBY ArREED AS FOLLOWS; (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby 'ound to comply with all subdivision standards as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance snd the standard specifications adopted by the City of Tigard, or as may be otherwise +pproved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such design: as may be required to conform thereto. (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the City, ' with liability in the amount of $ ii _ -I,_ , a copy whereof is hereto attached and by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail, neglect or refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time li•nits, upon ten (10) days' notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, ,TId such defa,alt and failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may at its option proceed to have the work=ipleted and charge the costs thereof against Petitioner _�i1d Ael4ttottFrLs" svrfe�ios and in t-hee event same be not paid, to bring an action on the �._"-1 ��I � � �✓tom 4".f„� �f ��(�', y ��" 14 r , -aid bond to recover the amount thereof. In the event such action be brought, Petitioner �tid Petitioner's sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowable, such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney's fees and costs incurred 'ly the City, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City 7,ay, at i.ttt option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner's sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance with the subdivision tandards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like manner, the City shall be entttled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City's attorney's fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any. (4) Pctitioner, concurrent with the execution hereof, has deposited with the City in amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within *�XNI ' of the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule #91, Option B, together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing Electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period ;;f two (2) years from the date of initial energizing of said lights. Said amount LinK $ '2000 , 016 (5) The City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections and in the City's 4a4gment are necessary to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof ,..he Petitioner has pa!d prescribed inspection fees. (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment in the amount of $ Co-7, 4,S0 (7) At such time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within the subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City's requirements. Pe't'itioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon c,,rtificatlon by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have `:-en met, the Petitioner will submit to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond, :f not already provided with the performance bond, form approved by the City in the gum of $ Iraq( to provide for correction of any defective work or main- trnance bec— om�g apparent or arising within one (1) year after final acceptance of the public imptavemsnts by the City. 0) Upon receipt of certification by the Departrent of Public Works that all requir�unent.s have been met and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to accept the public improvements, subject to the requirements for correction of dcfi.ciencies and maintenance for a period of one year as hereinabove set forth. (9) That in addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City's Stibdivlslon Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to conform to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations: a. None of the Lots of petitioner's subdivision as above described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot pro- posed to he occupied, is installed as a part of the development; provided that all ,ldewalk.s as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. -2- �' 13000 S��'�- yi d ,r b. All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks ind the curb (parking area) as required, shall be planted and in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in the subdivision. Provided that final_ inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month for-7 October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping trees in all areas ,hall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement contract. c„ Within one (1) year of acceptance of the public improvements the petitioner igre.es to place a one (1) inch asphaltic concrete Class "C" overlay on all roads 41thin the dcvc.lopme.nt. d. Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision i:vFlr.pruent by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, .-.rgEVird to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the eone use classification and, also, on the approved plat (s) and plan (s). (10) Thci parties= hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is -,reto attached 3rd by reference made a part hereof, and petitioner agrees to cause to have: said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of '.'pis agreement at or prior to the time t74o agreement is executµd on behalf of the City. (1.1) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purpose:; be iiuciided as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and ►he City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the ;v:tition.�r with respect to any requirement thtreof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned offlcer,, pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adoptod at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the day ,f , 19 has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and R�-card=.r , J. IN1�cv`. ��.ltersov� By: By; THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By. Mayor By- Re c o r d r yRecordEr .3. Ir A B C D E G H I I I 1 I I I I • O * o0 TO - 0 + 50 50' A/C -7APEIZ TCS M AT H Ex 15 T. P�/M'-1- I 3 A , 1010 01-00 [3 E U '/2 5-T --_ - -r to I �- 1MPVTT ' . K . oy,J�7 � I O f T. 1. :: I f3 D, I I Gro ► (10 S, (Y) V�- t - r ec 4 c, a �; '6 c v m Q 3 10 to Ngyp ' ` z. . :5TC , 17G 7 \ -�� r I ro ro - - II --.— r� o ----1— ,-r C ' 7 GG 7 = 1 . '7 �� 1 I t5 / ES1 � � 3zzi tal - � — �/ 7, 8 C7- � IV SP - isI ,E?31 NI-4 17ZTti OU T r I t BCD - 1 -I-5T AVE - �- � S � � j I IE = ICoZ,ot IIV L-= � E S-T'O IU E C-T _ ° _ _ f _ --_ - IN� � I r 0+00 ME{ZESTOIJE � --- ISO/ 1 y NOTE T C= I '7 Z . �_ - in �`� I '`I'~ � r -7C- _ \ T1 .�'� - 7 1. S� Q 1 ��_ J Q0� 0' In- 0 I 0 C) NH Dt00 044.14 - I Qv TI \9I 3 •TC : I `I . Z3 8 dl '� x� �, 7�1 m _,,,,,6it sros� ►� Pw�e.��N 8 Pi I N �? T N n _ , I _ aJ �' "� y$.,dl Mwk so _ vIQN '� � �, n �� V lT It =� 1• y7 hC. " I I + 15 r+ IV o � 20 � ILIS !1 t J1 J G r III G` 9 u 1 ,, n7 T C '= 173, Qow 11 _ , Q v n ] Q) to �' i u + WI n�� u 7 r) 111 I I I I - lJ r �?Q. 0 v p 2 _ 10 I I I Z >< U �I �� 1- � T � 1 0 3 = o 0 �, �� C I - oo� CJS - U T ! 0 rr) In L`-J W m O 1 D 010D1 — �VA N� '� o + ti 1 .Cp11 t I- O0W ,4 0`0 to Ill b cds E IoO8a OU-F 2.. �_ 0\9 •� �tn9 T N N crll 1����e����.� ��� I C = <o g I t�.: c I k 0 Lh J - G��N�.a I ? X 0 rl it W U1 } rr I It '-10 6s <:2u FAL-L- -- _ -- 3 (IJWu ;I!1W IE - 161. 80 3 +00 IZT. E!�>C� "CSF O _-_ -- 'TAPE� TO MATCH d I-_ Ek ISATU.T fF'V/�MI-L_'TI.Iv`T O /: T.i�" ✓I r ' V .IZT. 5=0.004(1 Ag. Ilio' E XI S = OS.OTO. ti1QO 2- EXIST Cv7- - I� 6 ._7I ''CSP p *�a4 1 =1E ! 5. sx�r L I - GENERAL N () TES: � 5 G S Cr,��, eje� CNrIp I I . ALL WORK SHALL HE PEkP0RMEU IN C'`NFORMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND WITH THE CITY OF �u+r1��•�E+�• + T IGARD (CITY) STANDARD-S. IN T:lE. 171 EVENT OF A CONFLICT tCT'JEGN THESr PLANS AND THE CITY STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE. N N 1 7 30 2, ALL SANITARY SEWER WORn SHALL BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH BOT;1 THE CITY AND UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY STANDARDS, - OA Korp. 5T 3" LL. 'C" A/C , - 3 Z° Is-r LIFT ' ` I U 3, NO ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SHALL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL .ACCEPTED BY THE CITY .AND THE ENGINEER, ( ----�� I" IfV I YrZ. IITII.ITY LSHT. d ^-/�^' MATCH EXIST, EXIS-7. PVM'T o • .b /o -,� ---_ � I t1� `walk ..----- H •�� �� ° : _ 4, ALL TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL AND METHODS SHALL r - IN CONF 1RMANCE WIT}! THE CITY `TANDARDS. 5TG. IG" CuIZE3 -" T ,;�u C)/%A./ � „ ' sTD, �' �uIZ>� Z„ L. C /A/`- 5. ALL PERMITS AND LICENCES NECESS.ARf FOR THE PROSECUTION AND LHE COWLETION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE SECURED AND PAID w/Co EXP. o THk'U C�/w w 7' Ex P, �y "_� \ `\ FOR BY TPP CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. ONOTES1 wc4p ko�:.r• C. I r v r SIT t 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NO' IF , ,ALL PERT1NE�iT. COMPANI_S OR A,ENCIE:� WITH UNDERGROUND reelrArra4 I✓< �� I' i I I �,� I--I A�1- - S'I �' �E S� I FACILITICS 1N Til PROJECT ARF^ SO (HAT SAID FACILITIES MA1 BE ACCURATELY LOCATED: IE : POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, WATER O f=F - SET C l�Owly �` 2� c,�y r� .v►e�vr�. res4 " IS I . �,�/, 1 2 1 s r A�/E E . SANITARY AND STORM _-�,WERS, �,rvCu�oy �Prohy relwre-a- 1 5 W 1 f I 7, THE LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND IS NOT GUARANI-ED TO I pTHtf;INE 3) �I�r ata�d.ard w�ai1C4rC cl* rs BE ACCURATE 1-e lA�rec� to�I Ih��o►lsdLp ;11 Zrin 'red 10ew oIS1 W _ 8. ALL t1V\JN LINE SANITARY `_Ev1LR PIPE SHALL BE 8-INCH CCrICR :�= PIPE AND ALL SERVICE LATERALS SHALL + E 6-INCi-I CONCRETE PIPE, ` I � I � �T`�' �11 A,� _ 3__ i 01 I I j I I 0 1. s � c. «^o` �o� uK r-' ori rtdpo«�:r��o� r �+w. �e sc iH� w�Ws Ce. ''!�� ow.w ► S s. Pere 9 - s V"VA cs.esF , f rrh w I cv - - --� tT Lull? � j Q Aer++� K ! t � J . ! ±' L, fh � to � ---- O � " D • �l � �3�0t p � r'`�O�Z1Yt��bh >L� .a��ta1� C �7I�O �� �ISO 1_ N T- 0 �.. o�N �' - - 1�. I B POFIQtt11 Z '0- 1 • _ , (54 r - E . 1.Oy -+j - U _ ce li7 ; QO �+� 7P rGOn } ( � Clv , _ 7- -7 5 -1 LEE OOiii- 't . -- - f Vi j o G/o ; uv _ , + jfz o F I L E i Ul _ �5� /o / j j 0 n- �ti1 I --- --- - - I N L i � 3G�,,^� 8+-1 2 i I I O :+ ow S. M E17- S O N.:) EE" Com-. �'`.-- J ° - I ( ( - --- p - - I _ t 4 -� P ' , 4- _ i 1 j 3z 7. relpLq -----,- I _.. _ �1 _ - 1 _ � 1 , r ' l ; 17 l o. • I r —. _ -- + � c", Q I I Soi p'.Fl, erl�/cs�lerll i 0 I- i �• - - \ 3 j pi N I i 1 _,. Ill OrJ I Q�� N i •}o t s�tl�►+�� c �or It_ �� N ! 2 2 b' Q — t _ ---- ,���G°: �'(J c, �p gal ,Prle� _, - I - - _ -- - - _ - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - 1 N hr+ate., Io o C,A,P, _ 00 00 0 i - o I- ►`� r ° S.W. I a I s AV ; ! At�J I A1 `-� S WEE r ;0 I 0 �0 40 _ 19 Q9 o2 w 1 I W l 1 - -- ! - ._ l 4 II Ir W1-w w - — - C Ot tU UJ OL REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: --- - _ " ,U DESIGN �CAIJ� M ERE STO �� E = H ALL SPACES MUST BE ENDORSED � � e.was �.•�$ -1 �_ 1-I OWNER- DEVELOPER : J. A. PATERSON I„ - PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS 3, �`0'"'' 12700 S.W. PACIFIC HWY. Job No. TRACESTREET IMPROVEMENTS 81 _ FILE COPY PUf]41C WORKS DCPT. DY , 4gW-v �.�. /" ,`..I DATEI-C- TI GARD , OREGON u AT SHEET hL.nr�rjlrlG DCPT. -' SANITARY SEWER CHECKED ,Harris-McMonagle Associates BUILDING DL'rT. BY. :]AT�� _ �- ` ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS - COIJMTY HTAI:;;i DEPT. ,�Y. PLAN 81 PROFILE REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. I DATE - -`. D•aTc- ---.-_---- DATE $9O5 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET Clt'l' ADNIMISTRATOFi ItY _1 - I Q� 77 REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION TIG TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Of I I arNr_.RAL TELEIIr-Ior;l; [,Y I E F H A B C -;1- dj,r5.. 4 - --- ----- -------...- ---- l r . nOb eQ - Uy MEkES IUiit rtlrl�nL GAS ------i- P. G. r- 6Y - -- ? OF .._ DAT1I T. R. F, D. BY -� DATt-- S-I Z All T I' IF�IIII I�lilll (111111 `FII'1I1 i�illl�Illl>ji rl�l (I e�III�IIfIII �IIII11 Illlllllllllr)t< IIIIIIIIIIIIII1�1111i(111(111(1 111�111I11111(I'TIIIr(11111111111(III(III►11111 ',.„. � �. • NOTE: i F THIS MICROFILMED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IIS I I 12 r I o DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICm-*-IT IS DUE TO QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I ► DRAWING. -- -- - OE -OE 6Z 92 LZ 9Z SZ *Z EZ ZZ IZ OZ 61 BI LI 911 SI 41 EI Z 11 01 6 9 L 9 S �r EII------ Z ��III11IiIIII11111rI1111II1uI111111N111111}�11111111IIIIIIIII111111I�l�IIII�rIIPIrIa1111111I111111111�111)111111111111111IINIIHII�IHIlU1111111�1 t�lllllllll�tlt►�1lIIIIIIIIIIU�IIIlllllt�lt���lllllllllllllllllll�lllllllll�fll�Illllllllllllllllll�Ill�IlUl�lifll JULY 1 19 92 i t 1 f f I X S J Y Y C *,3" T Ft E ` C. . .. .._.._....... .._... ..._ ........ ...._«._...•a_.,..r.+.....,.. .w_w w_......w.r..., +r w.r..,..y ........_..... ..iwr-, _.r....n..w......- _...`.. .. .... .... .... .w.. _.. .. .. _ .. ........., ..,. .. ... .. .. .. . r fCX,•s -. .,, � t ' CONSTRUCTION NOTES : ,? 1 . Notify Tigard Water District prior to commencing construction . 2 . All work shall be in accordant i. th A . W . W . A . standards . 3 . All work shall be inspected and approved by T . W . D . Fire hydrant a n t assembly consists of 6n MJ x 6 " Flg tee , E " Flg gate valve 6 " F1 g y spool. , and Pacific States tire hydrant , S� MVC 3 or_ t 2-2 NST hose connections 1-� r p ( , ' pumper ) , 7 6 " Flg connections , 1a " Pent Opr Nut , open loft , color : red , traffic model . . i 5 . Poured concrete thrustblocks at least 6 square feet of ar- zng surface at all tee and blow-off locations . 6 . 36 " of 3;! 4 " minus gravel for al- 1 mains . 7 . All sanitary sewer lines 10 laterall,, or 3 vertically of water main shall be encased in concrete 6 " thick 10 ' from r M E 5 C 0 U 4? T , „... Y crossing . Where crossings are they must be made at approximately90 with at least 18 ” separation below water ''•_.__..... ....._.._ .. ... � t'_ '..-,......_.r_.• �..._...._.�__-_-._....r._�_r,_.F_M.a....... .-._. .. .�_.r-r_,r.w....wr.� w-...•.....r rw._.r..-..a__..r+w.r .' � � line 8 Mains shall be tested at 150 psi . 9 . 0 . S . B . H . bacteriologic -tests required . N c0/v c,,: TAir TJ-R 1. 0Individual pressure-reducing valves will be required at each . ' � arq'wL CUP �^ + 1. meter (on the customer side ) . Static Pressure : 100 psi . •' �' _...._._ ... '' f :'R r) F O.S E,D 's .d. J. � !.c/S TA j, L Co'' s7.d.. 11 . TWD shall install all copper services " G. ,• fN. ; : � N P'` CT .9 !N5 TALL 8 : prior to blacktopping of streets . '' .� 6 T,f'F 1 , ` ► 4" r'. e. 'N zI Yr Meters will be installed by the dis- trict upon individual request for F ! t same . 12 . Upon completion of installation , contractor will advise TWD of total construction costs to which will be added 10 % for y # /p �# district .insp�: ctions , water loss , overhead , administration , j '6 `v ' permits , samplings , etc . , and 8 '1 for engineering , including � " as- built " drawings , updating master ma intersection maps , TN A C - 13 . Materiel List : 6 u . 1 . .(Class 52 ) . . . . . . . . . 390 ' 8 M.. ga _(_ ,ra 1ve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 " Solid Sleeve ( Long pattern ) , . 1 *_.___.___ w_.._.____._.�.._....._ ._ .._�___._.. ..��.. .....•. . _ - .... ' 8 x 6 MJ x MJ tee . . . . . . . . . . . . • 1 6 MJ gate valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 .. plug w/ 2 " 1 . P . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Fire r. � ant assemb � . . . . . . . . . . . 1. I ' hyd� 1 r T' IGARD WATER DISTRICT _4178841 S W COMMERCIAL STREET r TIGARD. OREGON 97223 TELEPHONE (50 3) 6 39-1554 WATER PROJECT A VlqUF MERESTONE - 4 OF Fj ' Iic belt I Sanive, P,E, Admiiiirtfroc)l ji Scale 19 APR 0` 9 1"1 Y i � xrrw r . -A r.• , .w�- *nMelrtlA . PollIII ,.. r � ;. . ,...•''• 7f1 . �¢�.a. _ . �. ,..., -^- -'1f�."+1:. ;NWMiW'i�..�, ^��k+.., ..w.._ I I I I I 11 I 11 1 1 I i _ I C 1 � � I III 1 1, 1 I I Ilr � I I � I r 1 111 ! Ili 111 III III Illllli III III 11 ! II 111 111 III 111 III ! II - _ . ' 2 _ 3 _ 4 5 6 7 8 12 ' NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED 9 10 II- _ DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN rte. THIS NOT ICE;"IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING. 0 621 92 LZ 97 S2 bZ FZ ` ZZ IZ 0� 61 91 L I 91 S I b I E I Z I 11 01 6 9 1 9 S b e Z TTT .,� '` F!111111111lIIIIltltltl�ttttltt11�1tltllttl�llit�11111lltlllltl�tttll�tltl�tt�l�ii►I,1�ttIIIt1�1111�U11�11u.Ifill�llll111�1�111111111�!lI1�1111�111111111f11111111tliili�f111�111IIIIdIIIIiLlillillillllllllilll�l�W�ll�Illl�lllt�lllllllll�llllll. I ! I II 1111 wl�"nui uul�uul��l�I�I � u ul�,ui i .. r w w w Avoid Verbal tlessages A-1 CITY OF TIGARU To :--- From: Subject;. '� ` PAW ! 'I �+'• , C M�rtir///:��'�' c�-vt�/r.4�1 r vr�,� t7G.*r✓f i ex.I ! r r....,p 1/e t ri , rr " fG.!INtr.r tr�wLC r � I ♦,1,.r w.(�r ,.«r t - l �` / ( i-t.c�t�fF � t►'wr+I��:- C..I..��y�l�'�'l • J (( rtKKddd( F�6r4e> jowr'•( rral/ —ritFN. ,. .$ca�astir�-lcci. �5�� •ICY /�/Gr-N 5 �.4�// Y"G � /S Y;cR lte�.�, tt'.yrl'r Y"ILF :artier , � • , i�•.L��1"s ��1 vt� �c �7G�, �..1. �,P.��/�c , Fi'1[Ccc.v�I�-VV � �'C.TU►t.t. 4#s1ri�. y waI MW HARRIS-MUMONAGLE ASSOCIATES amc;]NRIC HPG_Fin RvaTURA 8005 N.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 9-229 RECEIVED Tzi.IcPHONIC (503) 039-3469 DEC 2 L) 1977 December 16, 1977 CITY Of TIGARD Mr. John Hagman Supt. Engineering Division City of Tigard 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Merestone Dear John: The following is our estimated cost for completior, of the public works construction in Merestone subdivision: Street overlay $ 2,500.00 Sidewalks & aprons 3,420.00 Bike/pedestrian path 2,970.00 Street lights 2,200.00 Mail box clusters 650.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $11 ,740.00 If you have any questions concerning this estimate, please give me a call . Sincerely yours, .tee..-----'--' J. R. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates JRH:ds cc: Al Paterson Decet:iber , At i-I: r. J. :',11 en Paterson Patersor R-altY Co',:Ipany, Inc. 12706 S.". I'acifi.c Highway Ti ard, _'re~on Re: : :cr ostone Clutbdivision Dear `,r. Iaatcr on: ,,,Nwa This is �rit•ten •t. re•-ind you of t1jr, potent-U-11 traf- fic llazarc' whicli �:ce..�, to be eli-Anated therein oaid sub- division; t1ae bazar'. beins an unlorotected bridge abut-iont/ pavei :ent ad,-,c on 121st Avonue. TrA have been oettin te:.:porax- ;� out, but they are far fro;, adequate(sa rliorse type) barricades The approved coristmction plans for your develop .lent u specified that foil :., st provide "bride abutanent che.nnelizinr; devices" (!,a. roflec•torized posts or rail) thereat, clue to the road-.ay . i(�0:z_*n Please oversee such ar.tion. The hazard to the r iotorinm public and t_he potential liabili.t 7 to yoil is very real. Yours truly an Supt. i h,-,r. Div. .T"II/nr w RLT t n _- 01 . i 2lV10% _ _ o v. a0 CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. __..--- . ...._. . ... . PROJECT TITLE' .c�� ;.SATE �2F. SS 1 )ATF ,.�F ,•ia, 10BLEM3 ITEM iv SP F..C;TORcis�. [:12] FRIDAY 1 C`7 224th day - 141 days follow AUGUS r ��'• y� .r�s ��.k: ..l'_��4._GKN �_.�-�.,.....��--K__�..�r�•�f_ftIi>4_ � _______....�:�.1/.�:�,�'�,G�iL'_.t,.y.�tsv:/�l__,?�/I,k_JNt,•-a•i-�•/_Q_•S'w_ !''�l1rd..�/�.�/'.,d'w.lC3�y��,,( - ;� ,_ -���•ft�'�sCli4�A[�u.��/�4'�'�v..,�>_��IYA.l.n.r-•�L .-�•f.-� Y�`��-�.'�- �l�f.•/ _. -M4• mo-t-4:144.E4 G.�_�,� -moo � .-�� ?��c-►-�--�C, � �{' E��,.; t�/�+- ��. , /n:6- Ifo,-t,,e 1977 2251h day - 140 days foll^%,v 77 V— /�1�104L/l CA wALMRA 1977 223rd day 142 days {ollov. ,r THURSDAY AUGUSTf _,/._..--- ----------_ _.......1_..._...--,/- ---- - -- ` w' !L✓ac(l al �i�'l��f �l��,l'^ts ��YT, ._/%CJuinj .Srw�. E�K,Lf•nf o»f�O�e�_.f7� �� .,.3 e eLet� 2tc •7 RI7y[_Clip+ ' c (1.3o ,I(.o.riji Pet: /N,14 crag �Pv/. Si G•) 1".314eii.lf 5...., d C �� �r� vK d0•�•"� � a✓ ..�C.+rk�Ga.'�f rl•� r% �i'�G�/•L �G+�f O. . �✓✓`L"r<�C �i�+,� �r�^� R �f�C�p1M_ Ina/ /1��j�ti J,./ '� C�1n. r✓iz.f�,J/a� /f.., .. `p u �iNs�..1 c +� " O�I�GCC_�✓ "moi ._C��sE's^ /. 7.fes.C' �W s rs�1,r L4 44' ' II /L-I1'a_i ('�.. Q'�'i� f .r-G ti •...t�- �T� /f„�y1. LfA� Q`pnLi -CL— AA IILA ten; r�n`�' ,3'/7 T T//C.0 Lt") u r "'I' 1 ' sw lYom-t AUGUST �1 WEDNESDAY 1977 ;'nd day . 143 days fellow �V 9s-/vo` f � .fi�/U:. . s G. .z,.r.,� c,,,• �G,3 -- 9�'e t u.,. .I�r`�=y�y�r,�i l./ Cb 30 t MOP, AUGUST TUESDAY 1977 �14lh duy 15, Clays 4' -4,T 0. -e 0', MIA /Va "o o of oluk-- Mo tdc , Af 6 ci 5e3 {'j)clays (0��0•, � s A»•,•,,,'•�, Ir,. P.nlurn Dvc MONDAY _ 11 • � `' Id ir=tit/C..�--<;�y �, �s' ..�iLC4✓�.C�.-r.tt�ty�.,•� L'�'•ti�L� +�TL-L�GN•-7 �..l�i.l� �*� � -V70� .+y1.r � -�zf -�'•�...�-�'G•���,�:-ts� .1C=Y7^ /�rt�� �G'rlw't,r G L'A..F c!Z .�Gti `G' f'ti.'�.�r.✓L �-!�'u`^•++i��/ G L• .• . Almk 1► ��:, ,<;a..yl/l.wti /"c'' C f.(.�-t, '� �i"�t,t.�f'i„r �� ,Lt. + /� Ay R,�.t't-�. �Iti/w a.��.1 �ti� ���-Y �CrYr7 /L/1 f/ li�i�GC.0(• I'LL '!Qr•/ 11?�I e ,►� - _ � /n Cd-L4 --c�t�M�.,w(•C' y 4 �C c,.t-�/C c' i•a , �+�y.«ccro�j�,.�% �1'••� ,moo c�--� �1�•... �z'?�u'+r�. . r� j 1 i _V t i Yn i 7�f / 6 k 'I�J�'�+'v�� �'�C �.t..��r�e-'�-/��yi �EId.►'�A.t�+�+ ��! �•c'r'���f'k(� �L� I'�C+J C��� J... Pty fl �,►-�... � �f p�F�c�.e Vty 11..3u .'?; f�yr KLe�yr••Mw Le' .� �/, 5 Sr�rn-►,+cwe fd C.� . 'r � I�`c�{ -w` '•�//�'-y -c�--7 4,�{�• �p o�/c+�Q.�•r vt y� l.ry,,.,,,/��� w r.ICy;, 7 . J vk f/ eJ Nil r"4 3 ryt� 1977 210th day • 155 days follow i x JULY LL9 FRIDAY ' f �J�� .l'/'f Scr f✓.�. L1:�.,... ,,�� ,� �/•5.�• V f�{� r' 4JG ad. � �,� _ r`• i�, yrj•' .J�f/I7ll+r �C�`�d � rw�.. •��Ir. r .-j�` ✓rXt 7c-!� (�.sY.-�-`.-f -L�.'� c- y[ moi/ / +�/ �•-� r�.tea,.�j_./rs�(. n < .e f ��s p s-K r te. s•-+y,� .tr►� "d,4 Ze lk L'�✓ s / -tSZ�w rL �iLt.d ,I� .,yyCi L/.I' �(s. Za / /� �7� 3. . , ,c �� •�Ci,, C' L; ' r awl u 1X /� ..-• Q c,1,1�. �'I C C.. ! 5...�C�, . �..,mac/ •�,� �v,� Ste'. I Mown JUL WEDNESDAY f^77 2081h day - 157 days follow ' �� - Gk.✓ . .....±�'w� S w s /,(a c f O a't C�t cot{e /r �. -1 /f P, ,/( 054'1, /y J L G C4( k�� C.c'.o -r, �l l / J"� y.3,, '-e svG 54,,1 0MUILM—RAPRJ 1977 207th day - 158 days followrl t TUESDAY 26 JULY 7,0o Urns 1 qa k /✓o_W ave' /Yc wor/C ['rk6 �/tt«! tt✓yr/[Ih .vw LDq�C /7/��.�il.� -- - '___ . /. '�' ILi lU,'/V d�IAG�G u�l'. G'r/"►�'n-l(1—G X-C...uJj �-CYtirw.4_�T.'_.�✓ ..;y.�.G�..�, � �l /J-Lw__./!s v 11 M A 4 ,/ .__ ✓Jw�+1 �sf%.� �i s/; �i_-ON w�-.t 701 eA � �, ' rr�• ,a-r��f' d�at.��I'.J� �_�ftie -r+.�.-�--r�,•-Ptf �t�s� . c,p.,�,.�� at'v' to /(a ATI 5.1-Ale M b-,A Q y� 0 A 4 f,, o �t • `f''l�(-,h.,c� /S�.0 c•!s f a, . S i•,71y....,—�t.c.� f U , //�t�,, JULY 2 S MON DAY G~ t 1977 206in day . 159 doVj 3, �'f� —_ u.•. off' C A .0 ` # -Cl.°-, � � t ...�.' .,mss ..�- .r �i.• ..t,�:sa�1 No w c.rk -Ey�4s l�ve Q n /Y' /O WOY !� .�ey1't'`'�'u,.�,f+.-rr Ci-��C•�. �-+� � S r✓13 �o�K C ............. ��C �i•.a„ nr /�''�v/-, J/d t✓. �'a.-..-� •..... -,cmc Cf' /,•,�� Cry �-�-< < , t Arty • 162 days fc ,a FRIDAY [22 JULY �� 9) Suhny z p,. ?Jo. r s>f' /V w. c'---S i G,rc. IV6 �orl< 6� ! s�► .:. �s li;, 6pr/ u yuoh S-Im e /Vo woo-A flio � _�1� e f�rcy L1JOY !�'t� f+r. h�Q�-� Z,n f SP«:.• /SIS f4���h r, t �. I��l'fr{t�G''.�Q/.t�.et./t� �•�. 7rlU�tl�i �-i...e� ,Vo�e�� 1-ir�+, 4 / .. IV /P 'C U/4 c 1(6c-// 4/10, d Uft+�un.� �,�,i� -7-7-70 y F C�t�'(��s•.�E�.f,ct ..y �L�'7 -v-t.4 . JiIP ��i✓rr /OC A, s11 �.. to .�0.I�/c/L PiJ � .•f ��t. •.1-/.,y ti°,,r,y,�Jai�� .r Jap./r,j �r s r�� c� F�•. c.C�, q C ' 'roc �•...,, '�.�s4tr(.�.� C/ � �c;1) C u llr a /4o h r.,, �„�...,.. •-'�', •*�+�/, ���/� � .','�f� QST •-U(.k�� .,...,-�ll l�%i�+.(� . �'Lf� `N/,G ,.+�...., fit-, J-11 i14 �`� .�Lt. �• j r �- • CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY PROJECT TITLE' ")ATE R F S S ? ; '.)ATF Ott-l ..a� •�'�tt �E"* _ c�er- IROBLEM9 TEM LOW3'an ,_ 5�!,_ SPEC Toot. THURSDAY '77 ?02nd day - 163 d ' -- Suhn 7 4 14 � F �JuCl..n C -41 kr •. - .. .. y�'�?�rY!^ �- %�.,.�,Qi+�_.LLtef�s1 B.tt�1t_ `S�4✓-��^-e� a-� _ , + .. Y�3 0 •.a..,,, _ �c�'/l0'u �cr�-6/3i�1�.�.aJ�na.�/l�u<. ,xrr �.�',.�.0 Q�# ' Iso,ten�__�--z✓o.z,� .,�., C��,,,,/�-,R.� a.�, �z2�r�r.,�-��„� ._ � _ M t . <�/ir�t ar�C°iu.•.�..✓ snrfw�"'7 �Lt�, Eo • , ... /O:.�o ' �/d!�!t•�/� ,�.,,-eQ a�i.wti u�t.� :•�l��l.S/O adu'7vra 5�7rfi� "C4ti!.XrLn.� C`L /���/ —` FAL% i/ ./1�► '� v!f!w - --- - - lit: Md 4Y&41; �:D.S 1/1u�16rs 4`P • C �' � •${O►'h .�t.0 0+"'�4�wv/.4,MC•�f,...l�- •�.1an wary � . Ol 1,a f Se �vf�„ a$•v� . l3 S�e�fid Gaw1.,.fv c ��y.�.���/, 14�t �,yo Mc kt���� st ; talK_��o_tia_ �QwR•�•6.,� s/d�wce�� n�w .atic fir�.t 40 MONDAY JULY k 0 L 51 ell 6t, et. 4"4 "T'("_u/1 AA— "�p-eoo ?)of t -4v =I MD ef �/o el,c I C.41 7776• C.'t, so cf. j 5 006o �•i'1.<c "I /,o 444 Pll It)u to i U FRIDAY I U AY C '7 19601 dory • 169 dogs la,pr �J y 71 GG��'z/t• C'c,/ ,•.�GrC. ci� ;� ' �� 71 y•f. .� • C "`! /1c""'/`Z�,.-i=L;� se� /�!so Sw j,,t /��,, �f�_ �/ �OJ�.h�" <' � Y � '�v•� K r�•V I•{� 1. .� C"-l. / .r is • ,i ,, C..`, r.e j t'�,,i :h;�,� `cF� Ca, •C'j% •� �-,oeG/--yn.r.-t�-c....y fib, 34 !�. 1•'st ..f 113 1977 195th day • 170 days c THURSDAY 14 JUL 4,2 I .Clav{ -+(C ..rarf--���tv�f'.-t'-/i4.�� G' /�.JI�s•s✓ �J!rcc -1�i�� Lea< cr ;Wel w... ,4 la, t 7Jio,..�,s�-- .� �'G.G• �,•s �='F���• � �� /u,,, �C I a31 ZL�c•�`c Hyl ZZs, 4C sL� /�a�'l'C���, 4'cE'f' oud Cil/L �s,� lo.ccI /f1 k:. F,� .�/� ��F�w•%�l a-r.�+t �c ���(L,..�..0 J�w�_• �t.id �ow 7/j' I IJ'r/Cto•lR�� 1�7��YJI .��-fl�.� �LL'/C✓LM�({^�� � Q��•L�, 3 , 1 /1. .3o le Luc✓ c� � � � a04/1.733- S cl a,l /74s /f,r Xvo.,, i <<�*,d . •P"6 EoceP/f `jai fle,uvi/HV tau co ,.�Yl LIL( L<��1 �l�c c�(J rt.✓'C/r�'. .•�-.Ll s�7��n.+t� rl' D�/ C /<J�.f Ccs///0C., ({ C/4 Lc c•c ,, Q eel 1 �Lf Gf7.,�..tr+�.�cc/e`wC.�J�Qc�•P � -•� GtKe... !/,a�� r�ti!' ..�� I-CL,(;Ct.`� r�,..c(/T.t r.�-/�s�, amu,•,,,.v�• ,�.0. /.3u 0 •=?�c� Ui�f-�i.[ _,.w•*s..-Q_� !.�-we/ G��--,.v-� -�i.-r'1•C-i--F � ye_../1% / ,7,�U �j�f�•1�+.Gtt i D � �iw L�,•. �L♦/-0 L'f �. ._7 fc%ti4.�r `9 11.4 e.1�.....� �y� �t.n s✓( 1 U L�.S I .a., •¢S�y ,�iJ'e`�,d{01'� �-( �' n,�{ o.(y.c,..� � �+.•t..,a�-�,..y V u; ��7►�0-+� .c./'��l o+.•�a f�i•�. %d'�Se, �j�.7 G�c'C/y�.f.��.f F r I d r�. /� 11.10. 0011-( c r.,Q'r9ozCl r•.1 .. • l s... G,r.Y< c•• ti•4 . .Z��G Cm c.tie tea. waw G,�yr w...- 'tCctild ,Jnhh fr '�cr IC+id� r� �d CG 7L'i7el•e�.+ L /AGM 5•-• Mere . - � 1977 19401 day • 171 days follow J Y WEDNESDAY V.� 'v ..f._�-{�.. _�al_•<1.1N1��t/-G�� Ws�•� .'71'10 vim.. •'C�«_Z��i1�-,rG�-��.'y-�. �/t)ti'dkey4 � , � f►41L.r�+ � /D� , .4fit•�!_���'t�..iCw�C', .-C��i �Gr*�•C J,3 `/�'-�l C�� : fir •t-u�� .,�...�r� �r. 5�� G.'•.r�d'�. /C l'c.�Z ` �-s� .�yve.E'c t —e+-s�•eQ ,-c�- �'�et�-�1 5-e r F�b.�ti. ��.,-f.� Cd 444 rs�- t0 �1t.�" .c�,�w�'•.cc-c-��t� •� Z�c _.�1 fC �t.C' ���^'rd� �1.'�;. 1917 193rd day • 172 days IolloH [E2 TUESDAYJULY (cy - GS �e►�K�77 rte li�u Q- l 1 4__�,' 14_Gt1[4 a_'�R _d ut.ti.r.�.( 1� ti►a co �.c.►�f Ct ,• t.rc'4_. .Q - � /�%�u CCt.-�. , ,�.<,-t,y `mss•-✓b.v-- �:?.�: r�i�-s�.GGC.� Kr/I��,�r(' J�c'd,� / .�1-�c.l,� `��.�{ Zilp�c�.�j '���f• �J, Gf tf�r�-+.�..+vttr- ���-et n�-L /.2�,"U -���u� ...ra. , i.• ' S�{ G.-cilc..✓ ..t..� .�•nr�..a-7 _v „ � „� �a% 3 v crt-/• 3 4_1�7 .3v / u�r�fy��l _ C .-.2«� �!t��(f Jl_� (J � c (JC�••t �,� CITY OF TIGARD, ORE ENGINEERING DIVISION, P W. DEPT PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY JOB N0. .�.- - PROJECT JATE 7_ Fs'_ RES 9 1 ;)ATE �. •�� .ter, .�. -y �, ► ROBI.EMS �t�. ;• STEM (.OMI ASPE'CTORfiZ:*A94-- AMIL �► , r 5 1977 187th day . 178 days follow I WEDNESDAY 6 JULY `f lac. y,7 o{ a.",! 7►t+. T04�.r�. 0,4c- 6,x ��,^' •scan Mt✓fi•/�. m/S.>!j i��•I�wr�1 'uta//J/l/'1/Or14j/(_. C4/lid �4 /�,�.-.� t,',l 1 �`' 's/� �o„�v� "�'...wE.//�P�t•�! ��,d. C,� stn�da.d. - O U p.,,, �fi^ta•�`,,,a..: �p r. �Q .�Cv.✓ .o-.,��..,,.-'�'f''-� �tid�� Co�N! Oo+et..c 9:1 i Floud (!41,A ; / c Md AtI y ( ,� � .,er'0 E-Wt. /r � is 6����q 701 c �d /-J/�X4 .041111 _7rt'Ac C_ 7:(II G/n r) Q / 0,4 C -6 C,# l - � �� �Ic i�IoNa y/-v m r�,G'c'.e , w�� � 'iat, . c••� sK� �/�Mik{ w oe f l;. c_.✓ s rK,��. -�.: /.. -�� C:� /o_t d..,`. us y 1,311 .3vr� 44Cte �w yv C/oNd C �1:� dvc / 76� . �t. 02.30 _Std mm t {',,.P� /V : 60 4;e,^, Soa ft,r5 .x¢•..11 �u,•�� �,,� COIL • 1977 186th day - 179 days follow JULY TUESDAY _J 6QP.0 �t�(t..,' 'rts ono. ,cels,✓�✓..c-n-n?a-Cl-r�.��, �*� �" � /4� �,. , 1 lam?1 .j.4•L�1-t. ,�.[L �Za,trYrt•I'� SL✓1 S/s J� R I' f �. Cla.O C,.-t�kr t�1C1/.7 YE,L 0/4. v u tPe.,,�..,..L,,P .. „ 1 /r.,� ,t... , 87c�'y►►-r,�,R�.��/6�. !cesCP -S�i �, 'C�.R.r �JiM��,) Gr�+..� � , 'C�nrr �✓ l ��L.r>+rrl 7y.( i'/./1 �I� r n.J1ac /( .5/111 =[ e .S,4 G Nth/� +C/us.1 ,.W1,( .4•{-►*�-G�.y�.t /.�. .Pj./� /.2 3o �,' iu/'�,.��,,� � trC CA'�c.'fo.Po«1�-►�+r•-e -��:,.�.� � � o-ve-►yp�ty . .�Iy�� . .� �L(,'. •7�i� t►�•,-.� /-G / 7 _-rr / c<�/// 1�y✓ C'�t/tli 6r�,R... �•rt, 3,0 u 9rvP,4to ) �( TC�.,7�y II 6ro ke a 4,A�1.E'-�. 3"'; D,•o` Cort c-/ &'-V , 17 ye..� {jn.. l ct t'>/pe-1-1 '57.I'� . L/C, ��+..i`e 9" ,c 4' 977 182nd day - 183 days lolls; J T FRIDAY 1 � J � 'cs�r ��/�L.fl.�st,�G �.�,�-/l' oZ�� ��/�'! v7��/����1�` a�'E�ty.��j �.�•d�/ �!.�ZOJ cuf�..� ..Lr?Y�ysl'�r1�,.Ls+y.LLQ ,AWL ✓ c -1J7+/-'L�G�.t� I `� L -t%,r ���� cid/7 s�h+�,y-�rte-��r-1r✓./ - / ✓✓✓// / y.•�'!.� ic. 0!"Lr _/��(, .. crT.. +✓r1s cn� �s.y Y't+� . C41 a 77 7 7 '1 �%i� ��S'cL/.��rrrv�A1�.c,..-.� .a' to- .�-�f.�ri.z F e�t''�'� Gt✓'. j , �[�.��' .,�,�F+,C/�.l LG Gf''�4c. �-c, .!?��� o�+"►► (�=�•'..�.j c, l.c> fy}.s.r►+o-l..�y . G.�✓ 4/�GrAftu A/ A--/e .f� /Y w AY(,A,kOL all �••t �• ►�• �� LL�4'ti! /G `'�%(.GN'ti/)'�-f+� G(� � �./ �4-�. �'f 'tel c.c.H+..-t��t jytf•�. cam- -�Mt , o?� 7 L.•yG,..�-�-� �!"c•�Gt,.I•^+ �JQI.� �j '�"__/`. ;v-tM' '.�hd..si .. *, �n a.,,»#;�r a •wMi,�,4 ,�.. +.0 r.-af_ ._ ,+:. .## yy� CITY OF TIGARD, ORE . ENGINEERING DIVISION , P W. DEPT. PROJECT INSPECTION SUMMARY J 0 B NO. PROJECT TITLE: &Jrrts l�on-c DATE: Z_/ PROGRESS T 0 t)AT E :jed Ste_{ SS M T.__.3:A ,� -�__ �l= •_ � �,,,._�, SPECIAL PROBLEMS: EST. % PROJECT; ITEM COMPLETION' -- - OMPLETION: _ sem. a� ,_• id-�+ �, INSPECTOR._ /-e__. ,_ Q GElIERAI TELEPHunE eOfnlPAnY OF THE nORTHWE5 T, me. N, Tigard, Oregon June 16, 1977 City of Tigard 1.2420 S. W. Main Tigard, OR 97923 546- 22:,727 - BURIED CABLE ADDITION - MERESTONE COURT OFF 121st Enclosed for your information and approval are two copies of the above Job for the purpose of providing service to the new 13 lot Merestone Subdivision. If you have any questions regarding this ,job, please c-,ntact Mr. Ed Moore at 620-0305 in the Tigard Engineering office. Very tr,,ly k'-1- � C4 }'rank K. Wolsky District Engineering and Construction Supervisor c A p8rt of General Telephone& Clectronica S 1977 i x,:.1 d y . I o,i ,I r„n, .. n MONDAY Z� •C4+ /„` \V��'�t - — -........ir.yyl�IApl�,fri+tll.rlgt..... u..+mr• r1.1,Nf1NM.bn+InWreer.•.LNrY,>•.n•-. . /',.: c •'i./I e-.10/re,,y l C.y/..J J r.7>r..5l't'f�+yl '.S.Cw.� .� /�f i r I l r'•r r�P .7 l�� .,..«..........W. ...,.... _........•...+.rr.w.. ` (r 11 Ilirn:•ar... a.e� k..nl'C...a.^•a:�'_r , L y'/� �✓.•.It ..//�,r4/�<.`- (tyi,r wOr/C/rry I.r. ,SjCJ•!!t.tya ��r.InSa✓prat! %�..��. /�qrt C1r7G '�'�IU 1� /�ci•y,e �t i!/�e r / •�Q/,a If ati w v r/ 7^r �'�:d f�-ir!an //A . G.,1� Cha K03 t' <<�c„•� �.,--.-4 fs' 7 'Lrtv7rw,•.�/ ..��w• /.t�t.��tcy�, z-� �, rc./a��.ti�/�. /;1:,•d,jAt 113/ir,l a/ s/r�F�✓n. G/ 1 ♦uric '1 ��•K"�p/.,rrrr w•/"���-!� /�/ .l'�,flrJrlfr f/I�/ NI)Ct i�I•flwJ� Ir•:r.,`/,,r, ��I. 'INI/a [/•t%:/+ .'�.':l.�/ ren ��-.,: _ , .._.. .,' .J, .-„,,,.........«.__, 4r+ .,�i x5����+^ (« aN� fdtt, �cc('.Ji,,y CIL cat, 4.AA: - � 5 �✓ w� l / �l{{ '# ..5'6•I /J il/ � /a,s�ww�e•,enaM,.ewr..»1J�. =�vuuu�....,.t..,..,.„..••” S/r/Pr •i�r/ 7 "yr l'dS A,`'C/✓Cc� :'>/ 5.... /.?rY,�4P .y..iaC1N♦/�t)��, / ,••1'CJr:i/9 �''ro,•'I.>.•trcls-d �n.r`>✓! / �'l,'.�. 7.Cw r�2daJ /'�ia,ecr�,.'•.t J/�!�=�. s�-asrst7ru t�u-fir//C� �;r+c /;l) J-`�,•.� � /� ,,I-r/c✓ •..� —S-Cc.�/'//rGC.,✓aej l�-��rJ /f I Sa..� 4/Y't..L� • r / / .av /t.[ f ►+r�. ro•I r/ �J LtG'� />/ d e-I �/�/ ..b. • y��i).S vra_ i •✓•s!' ti a�i{.I Gam' %,�fi If/I �,1,,� lrp1/,,�. F✓t,ri!'/ �'I.•9' �,•. C�(� d,. _ti F•. nn rr- 01TY OF TIGARD TY 1"6frW-S I;e.*t L 4Y3 ' ' i � w LQ , vf, �>r �' , HARMS - MCNIONMILE ASHOCIAT' '00MMERVIA7., MTR%wr TIG ARD, ORMGOrq 97999 FILE COP Y MERE5TONE 5TORM .SEWER HAAotif G- 17- 77 w� a �jam/ '� '�/�•R. 1977 168th day - IYI days IUlluw JUNE 17 FRIDAY Foust of the Sacred Hoort 'y S'a t' I., .r,.t..l,rl��lJ/� . /. ,,• 41-A-1044, , . 6..�<� o,..s., cc k Nal!44 /L r t -L,'• 'LNr d 4.4 -714 � ,, , tit• el • ti..�'. 3t"Z'� un�(�t�-cva..,C�I�.�,,,-/�'-�'.�...�l �K Cr•.'T/r ►;��) . "/r�t'�'f� ,' tea...�s�lt� �'f� .t l C st t/L✓• L4 P/I f si J /C,r 1�/1tJ►r s /S •�.�� �,(, /istVr `►` ; �s ha.4 A t('-t.diet /Oj" ..�. r�/•/'��/��4 1724 5� �' �'•Zc .� -t"t y .tY[.'f'"''�-dam�"►•1. .+ten. �i jar-.. C' .,, I / ✓j �L-y. C�'t .JZ{'tr� .�t� Ccs ta- tit t'.( ..1. C� ,C`L't� .s/-�.... .+�✓It11 r..yew'�•� �'G/'�ty /c��r,�...rty'r✓� �/ j /s,r/(. (Jrl. JV LIr'C� '�-�^!t� fVl. !t•(� t�[(V (iu..,. / _�) `j '>: /�%J7/• /� 1 t�y N, .r�f..r!f .:t rt •.,4-+� t•,. /J,tc.,,. { ,�: c,..r�• :i 31 /7�� ��y/I tv. aC! i,k'a.•, �,I/s ��t�'{ , �j stiK/ ,(`N►..C..: r'�yr/„y /G <"\ r{.-/�..�. L //I sJ• 1 0 L;•4 W If ...ey �J t'~ �`� ��s •� -'J S..�!Cr .S[.,/Z/S1/'b''t11'. �t'i!� /��'�Lt Cr-rK .�`.v�r< tr�l.t �`��•�.., 4'►�-F ..*4t:,,•it Vur't2 �/1�-! Ls;,�� .:Z'1 al•�E� .-..,.,x�-,G.'/P �J..,->'K r+.. City of Tigard INSPECTION REQUEST for INSPECTION TIME: PERMIT NO. :-_._.— DATE: . 1/52DATE ISSUED ._ / / OWNERS NAME : -- f A 1*44otJ ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR : !)AL kk< 1� ------- TEST : Air 0, Water 0 , Visual Labnratory (7j RESULT: Approved , Disapproved [' Pending D SKETCH: die e�W!Z-AUC72 L�f INSPECTOR DATE [OTE . Attach 1101)10montal toot data bereto7 R � s 7�77-r'v O o U 0n nme; M! CA a N .. O O 0 w 0 A e Y O n � O O O upi Y C N O x n h !Oc, s .J C ' v x O 111 rlrnrrr!r *i l j rrI I1111I rrTmr1n11n�m�rrrrrm rJ�r�rmn O p p O �, U O 01 is N _ d 0 O p O 6 1 {- O ti CL �Q I O I Y O O � z p ^, O O O O p O O 4 0= ri w ui V M N N n O Lt I— �III�IIi�llllll�(IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIIII�jIIIaIIII�Ihlilddlhhhll�I!IIIil161�1!I,I��il,lili l��!I I I I,�! l i l ! I I l i i l ii I Q ~ <t v 0 3 I 1 in N o , v a) O (•. 44 O W C^ I Z v O o a � � W i o ►- H O N U U Q U V13 WLn O N N + O IY W W L cCLt- ►- Y M `a 1` � W ui U ✓1 . p 4 U r S cnU \ V Q O O (n z 2 Q) � F U W t� y PRCCEDURE FOR CONNCTIN ACCEPTANCE TEST 1. Clean pipe to be tested by propelling snug fitting inflated rubber ball through the pipe vaith water. 2. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs , Brace reach plug securely. 3. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground wa+:er . i.usert e pipe probe by Loring or jetting, intc the backfill material aijacciat tc the center of the pipe, and determine thy-: pressure in the probe when al , passes slowl, through it. This is the back pressure due to ground viater submeigEnce oWit the end of the probe. All gauge pressures in the test should be: increase.] by this amount. 4. Ad,i air slowly to the portion of the pipe installation under test until the eternal air prejsure is raised to 4.0 prig. 5. .necl• exposed pine and plugs fc_ abnormal leakage by coating with a so.p solution. Lf any failures are .observed, bleed off air and ren.ke necessary t:epairs. 6. After an internal pressure of 4.0 psig is obtained, allow at least two minut,--i f.,r air temperature to stal,ilize, adding only the amount of .air rcquir,d to maintain pressure. 7. After the two minute period, disconnect air suppiy. 8. When. pressure decreases to 3.5 prig, start stopwat--h. Determine the time in soconds that is required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psiq. time interval should then be compared with the time required in seconri.3 as compo :ed on reverse side of sheet. 9. Li.alt size and length of all portions of pipe_ un"-'r teat in t�'--i to one shown on reverse side of sheet, 10. By use of nomograph, compute K and C. Use or.r.:.es � 3c.i enter these values in the table on re-rerse side or sweet. 1].. Add all values of K and all values of C ic; ,i:'pe uadar Last.. 1.2. If the total of all C v-rilues is less t•.halt ct.e, enter the notal c. ,l K valur-S into the space for "Tir,,(. Required in Sr-,ci.r.-da, " 13. If the total of all C values is greater. than one, divine t.h. ty values, by the total of all C values, to gait tj. Tc make. tbi.s i. , to the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read to W. C 1r p ' O Tr n 0 p C1 n '')G >np n O M O O O :r1 v 7m �, c+ O O O ti n M •� i. i ni c) i .1 M O N C V .9 V O n C I� lL S OO O Y O Q O ? O O O O p � r N O h O Y) nl .J C n M N O 111,1111111117777771T jribTrTrT>� 1111111411111111 l 1111 ill O J c O 09 hO M A N d0 O d O OO O•' W 1 [L W Q cr a Y I O p • i 2 I-- O O o O o 7 O O O O mm r w vOi a 0� n O n O W V NN < f' Q Ylll�llll�ltllllll1�llll;Ilil�lllllllll�llllJllll�llthldlhltl9ldi�il lililt�iltltl l � 0 cr h- R w- Cr 0 W I `A v w !' �� 1v; V y' V,cr r\ t7 f NCD O Z. c 0 a C' O u1 O a �n W W U O !n j, 2 W Z U U U 1 w w Ov~i N ♦ o z a cr w w a. W t n w v w Q �+ O ILL �, W1 z z U i J W d bgt- �. o v)O O O in O of n O O A r N N r ■i M C [1 Q n T I Jill 1111111 1111 1111 v q M III �. r� g 7- O O O O O O + O O O ^' O p y h p O O ^ � C n nt N - 2 ' - O ij1 I TTM I I o ri 0 o0 b C J O O m 0 b 10 L r aOL or < 0 O Y O e 0 Z f- O O , O O O O p O h O O O w « O (Y H- It �III�IIII�IIII�IIII�IIiI'Ilil�lllllllj�ljullllll�illhltlihlllil I w � J r 3 � � w � v) , vi m r1 w t f� v o No z W 2 ^. -J �.P O O U H O CL O N N O rf,. z \\, 2 cr w W n -� `J O .. C3 W w a- 0 0W 4 CL U O w a N O�) N ¢ILL F H �_ a o z 4-1 a Z O J + ~ O L] J v rn � ►- a I I A R IZIS-MCM0NA(I r,F, A fiISOCIATES RM(11 NVPC RN-NDRV-ti ORM 8005 N.W.COMMNRCIAL NTREWr TIUARD,OR64I0N 07229 TcLcrnoNc (509) 9:10-3469 May 23, 1977 Mr. Theron L. Martin Director of Public Works City of Tigard City Ball Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Merstone Dear Theron: We propose to utilize the material from excavation for backfilling the under- ground utilities in Merstone Court. The method of compacting this material will be either vibratory or water settling. This is the same methods we have used in Bellwood and Drookway Subdivisions which are very near the Merstone Project and also in the Clydesdale and Summer- field projects. These projects have experienced little or no settlement after paving with the final lift of asphalt. We are hereby requesting that you allow us to proceed using the native material for backfill in Merstone. Sincerely yours, h - �James R. Harris Harris-M(Ionagle Associates JRH:ds .-, 10 G( y j � .W Avoid Verbal Messages A-1 CITY OF TIGARD 1 To:---MA -Y from : Sut.)ject : T E1.X4a BAeKF1LI iu Date :_ --a-20 -7-7 _-ZLL�G�� I N M E RE11STC71,111� 58DV� � 1I I I r �.> Lov�tr�t� 101 I,J� S 1L151��a 1'x .71t\1v/: m-a cr1-4 (C?r��1,� �or Seer e:v� Srretk , oq w7 1n MtrGl.+cV\1� 5kb�luisiov� -Zio1n5 tot- lJ,-�c� curs7� rc'a�,lre Z''_O Crus�.cd �GGC. YJ�c ��i '� Iv\ ^�-r ��r'Gci r���.���^ oYWJ7 CUs/• R�S� � QR�E� 1,;0. `]1-°I S,�E. CTIv►.1 2 ITEM p `� I rY aZ :.�_/� UsA 3,� MER.ES"f0►JE SBD , d'PI^' ro�ed pl�ln s��1{G� 1 � s�v, , .a.,c�.J1t1- wC�P1L Srn� 1(1r cCv�}prinn to L� 4y �' 1✓<,�JA, ZtII9V..I�.�1Cr%! WS SpCC �TIcGt +t�G proJecH�,H- ccY YIOT �lS ��a C c c� X1I o tc�s �a�e 6te reQ�.�•e"� �v �e Oo ret wt Jo�r.�� �• � A, � � J 4,� e1'C�F-c_ 51✓1Ce rn 'OPPe_7� Cv�rl�Kct, rrq�weLF LISA t'E�,, � �(?�EE' 1J0.'70 IDS SE.CTIO►.l„8 �ITEHi A -� ) w:�5 bAC %JPr- P.S. IJ1a1� N1�let.� tt �,�e rc��� I ION S recel.ie�� a,n.c+� Slv�ce S•k� �� c_�.nv�o� w � �} boclCc,u .It •e.N,. ..+e..� �y�abl,gL < <� b7 Crd,K7NCC (U•s.A . Rts. cRD�e No.� l -q flows �, 1 I ol�a. N o t►`.y `.+d t c .AN.., SEaT1cki No. 1 L-1E I.. �1 MV►.11CIPA11l ccbE �VTI111LE"1Z" �1 II I��c►`• its u � t►t�i.� S V I = C 2 ;00 2 ; 10 Pw` �Leoi 60 h 3 a-�►15 � Y- Avoid Vernal Messa(les A-1 CITY OF TIGARD 1 To : . N1 �t From :---- GHQ ---__-_ Subject: TkE��' !� L�AC�C_ Il Ir!J_ t�l� Date:____ —zQ-_77 ---�- � I ti H1��E�`tc�1.lE SBDV. � I 1 l Ci7�1�t��1 ♦Or11111.�%7S btSl�1 � t1�J!'_ batK���l 1wJIF�r S�►g.q- rl.��t .0 u,7 Ire N�trG4tov�[ 5kb�lrvl�lwv� �.� U,S,�, Qe NI��F �oNS �ocroc� curs 11 g 1 RGCc �zcit\ �v� -4r -Zvc rlc",V.ts- oT p�l i� U0, -71- q -,�)Edllc J 2 ITEf�I tj a I �r ./ USA EXNIT3iT', hs r rovCc� I�rn 51�tGS ���� JII S�►n , ����' CGvltO�►'ti �r��j LJA, IZe ��rc'v► S. Oct II CuSNC N W S S"LIC rt ci �py SMG profit c� He 14ne�Y riot NS a ha &A,VOA e1 hnv a �r he hy.l.�'� ,,, �roJecl s �.��� 6ee . r te+��rrt�► �c �IV ao rret w,c ��1..e1 Id, 4.) The ro(ol;P -dote -:n 'OPPt rs� �varr�r.ct� �tyµt �� �, ptr l.lSlt SCL47ID►J 8 EVEN "A-�bw�s wt ver I'.Jr AJld.ly �It.�oe.►� tt 1 r re ce- c zKe� /51 v%1« c_�.,ra� w-�rvG reg1+1� rov+s b��11c �� ►�. ,,,, �,�..� . \0 %5 .� �� b (/rQ1M7NG[ �U.;.A . RAS. � 0PbE� ► 0.-71 -q , i d,+.. N ..�; ., �� s ...►,!� .. �E N01 1 I1EM ' f MIAIJIQifsAf_ ccQE �TItLE lZ � � w� 11n�e•wr� 1.q �� ►h�.►c »� -6r 13 J k g t~ C (�C��ko��•� 1 16.1 �-1ck.6r� � r r1�ti11�.f�1o��4+. ro tC �vv rKr4'V' N�rr1y p.� rpe- r � '�O e�C 'S1:ti 1 t)T - TRAVELED RIGHTS OF WAY �v O CR 1SHE RO(-K,CL'r.AN, NATIVE Ni TERIALS IN--- DENSE, HARD AND COMPACTED BY MF. (HODS APPROVED EASEMEN AREAS BY THE AGENCY vi l NOTc SEE SPECIFICA 10 S SELECT GRANULAR MATERAL r FOR MAXIMUM ALLO L.EIN PIPE ZONE- 95% I TRENCH WIDTH COM PAC TION�� q ' •1• �* l � •' ., �1 \ IBJ Lo D 12 3 IC-1/4" GRANULAR 13E001NG 4 MINMLJM OR 0/4 STA DA.RD TRENCH UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGPNCY OF WASHINGTON COUNTY 326 N E LINLOLN ST 1 HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 111AqLMLm1MLPK==� (' 11"Y 01: I E, 'DRQ Date ._Aro,.)unt s Jollars Nome. cash M.0. Address/ _cjleck� 1 41 Bldg, ✓ St.Opng. But.Lie. Pl6g. P.6cins. L Bike Lie. Fled. Copies Sow.Serv. Sewer Filing Fine&F. Assmt. Z,,ning ror: Parmil # CITY OF TIGARD BY: 16637 ra+ C p I I E F G I I H O * 00 TU - 0 + '30 50' A/C. TAF r_= Q_ 1 v II Y MATGH ExIS1­,•, r1' -r G.T. !w'/1L FL?lL �W O IO G.F. S 120L1 rE o+oo BECK iz s­T- — � - --- — -, -�- i90A0 'N 72?E"NC.�S/ I r-1 hv''r, K"r. ' Tp= If3D, '1' /,,VG . SN/--VD/C.9 TE'p I I W � �lAC r. _ o gfL LJw X I. TC= 0 u z -1-c rl oo — -- — 1 '7(0 . 07 r r7 - _--�__ ___ _ _ I` a (� 3 Z 7. 8 P 5 = O. - I I ( t E ro.(0 7 M�-a S.W. M E k �STOK-) E C-T, c O LLI �+ 30 �w DIST �vE _ _ �u' - _ - - I IE _ I;� 1 ,81 0U'T E (Z-F, e , _--O O M EIZESTOIJE W. M E IZ E S OIE I 2 _ _ ? �---r c - i �s• s� O � �Z.o I 1 ry \ 7 tri _ 9 i Z.TC 1 7y. 58 l�, V �0 �Q _Ln _C) g / IRI R1 rU O I� �� ^ . .,� ( / T aj '~7 ?01 M ``' m 0 Irt uI U r.J v __ n GI�1 `�U! (� U^ I_t 7 1. 4 7 1='C-- fu G- - x� -,(-0 ,� 20 _ N b U s ,, „ ,n nJ �T �,_�, / UST c�1 � O (� N� TSI 7 I`' ' j1 0 Wo'er Q r Q W �. 02 10 I ► I � I- / 3 _� 02 'A u T r� W � � ICS I I IZ i d �2j 32 - 0 R7 4 i 00 3 ° i Irl 13 0 o F i V In - o _ T- - I -� '0ou, XT7 rD o oI N 0 M Int`-_j W OD0 p 0 + yy,�y ,"H I- O ' Xi �0 In to r IL=_= Iroo 8a ou-T- 2 - 0\93 ,� �1__ N T' UI 3 L E 160 ; c�g I IU - Q - It ��D 55 Qu-r-FAL1 -- - ! - X ILI -L W till C1JV1 ,� Il 3+oo IZT. +=NLS _UIZB . 1 - ti�1 .��1 g„CSP (�1iWtj2 r (�)!1 I E = I ro 1. C30 'TAPE.I� 1"'O I"1 H-1"C H d 5=0, C70 M 0 , - EXIST. j'�'M'T _ ti+ � .�7� Eh�C1 r` 5- rola°z'i tiro E _ I arc Ex is-r. io c: sp .4 .� w �� w w w wr 'AUT F/�l-L_ I I�l'TO i . I t` i P v T .IZT. S O,00�i O 2 EX15T CIZ, _T-r = ICoC8 .-71 - ' I = IroS,oc, IE = ISO. BCo 1t�1 GENERAL NOTES: I 1 ^7 ' _ 17 _ g ' _ j� I 1 . ALL, WORK SHALL EEE PERFORMED IN CONFI;RMANCE WITH THESE PLANS AND �J; iN THE CITY OF TIGARD (CITY) STANDARDS, IN TILE I' a EVENT OF A CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE. PLANS ANL) fHE CI'1- STANDARDS, THE CITY STANDARDS SHALL, TAKE PRECEDkNCE, I ' 7 ' — r�✓usc_ rU _ 13W N �_ -• ;yt —�' ' 30 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER WORD: SHALL BE, DONc IN CONFORMANCE: h'ITH GOTH TFL''_ '�ITY AND UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGENCY STANDARDS. 3 c�,okoT-1,, fi=r Z° I s-rL IHT I 2 ro 5 IZ _ IO c rc r r T C r I W7 I 3 i" 11V I YIZ• 5/w MATCH EXIST"._ Ex15T r�Vr-I''T 3, NU ITEM OR PHASE OF WORK SiIALL BF. WISIDERED COMPLETE UNTIL 4CC_P ED BY THE IT AND THE ENGINEER. J y•�_ �" e 7�i _ 4. ILL TRENCH BACKFILL MATERIAL AND MLT11ODS SHALL BI-. IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CITY STANDARDS. rri „ _. . STD. I�," CUIZBJ HZu D Z /ti -O W/G” EXP, T �iM • J�, T 1 D W STL•, o UIZL=S �� F t r E i W 7 Ex F, Z /y "-O 5. ALL PERMITS AND LICENCES NECESSARY FOR THE PROSECUTION AND SNE COMPI_ET11.IN OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE SECURED AND PAID S" I Viz" �J t a--� S 1 I , - o !-OR BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOr TO CCMMENC ING CONSTRUCTION. Przo,a� 2' CSA S 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ^IOTIFY ALL PERTMENT COMPANIES OR AGENCIES WITH UNDERGROUND SITE \ 1 CHL S I_C_T 1 O t� ` _ 1 _`'�� I C A l_ H / L_I— - ST�`F ET ��� j FACILITIES i�l THE PROJECT .AREA SO THAT SAID FACILITIES 1l1Y BE ACCURATELY LOCATED: IE : POWER, GAS, TELEPHONE, WATER, --- SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS. OFF - SE-i- DOWN 5• W. I Z t S AVE , __ _-- , SW _ 7. TdE LOCATION Or EXISTING UNDERGROUND FACILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS fS; FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND IS NOT GUARANTEED TO KATHt(�11U� � �E ACCURATE, W 3 _ 8, ALL MAIN LINE SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL CE 8-INCH CONCRETE PIPE AN:' 1\LL SERVICE LATERALS SHALL BE 6-INCL! CONCRETE PIPE. I WIM _4ni--' I f { E) I �; i I Q.I N Glu,-, I II I T I r I ! 0) I '� Ott L1! / N , (} - 7 N I 11 J 1 G IZ O F L E (yI I W - - - - (_ 4- o - ---i ] — -- - -- I I - 1j 5. NIE� - _ c I +I + I U I + 01- - I' 5 1 o rJ E c.�T ,` , - - �,2 I RJ i o,+ _ _ + 0 ► t r - - - , - _I ,ao �io ; i 119 i I /� I i �4- i a `� X I -- _ t I .1 Z0P'1 1 L E 1- (7 Ul - 1 i I to „ /sem /° TIL 0 -- --- — k n- / ,-��' 8 } ? I + n + III - �r • S E, 1_ S l' o I` . I , ..� , r G - 1 �_ _- - _ i -- -- t --- ---- -- :_ - -- _ _ -__ 4 - ! � _;LZQ�_ lla.� ___.....�.._..—.._.L- ----._. _ _�,Z__. . ..�----- --_.—.._ � -------- .—_ _.,.. ' ._. _--•------ -_._ ---- --- 1 . — ---- - I � I �----_ _ i ZL8 " CSFB' = p ��� ; t I ► / I t — O 3 I ! s , • , nj _ 2 _ 1j 0 r 1 U�` r ! o S w 1 I ► 5 �✓ �► - I o 00 1 ; co o o _. - --- --- _.� At�J I A1,,,.- ,S E w tE 1 I } 0 (o _uLLJ -i--- ______ __—.— ___1_ _,_ 1 1 p2 w1� f'{ O I I_E*� -� �•9 9 u go _ it Ld J f + o I - - -' --- - I � n t + O } to-- _ REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: -� "' "`— " DESIGN <. ALL , ;�'�ir:i iVII.)Sr DE ENDORSED H OWNER- DEVELOPER : J. A,. 1"ATERSON © I cA PRIC'4? TO AS13t)RO, A! 0.- TH;=.yc PLANS M E f� E S TO N E - _O t-1 CIRCULATION COPY --� � ) 7 TRACED 12700 S. W. PACIFIC. HWY. '» s--- PLIOLIC WORI.S UCI'T. BY DATE . � STREET IMPROVEMENTS P R O V E M E N T S 8. 1°� NO = TI GARD OREGON PI_^,Nr:lr;�, o�rr. L �. v^.r :• .__ .__ _.__ _ ' - ...,. _ CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates SANITARY SEWER '""T REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE COUNTY Itr!,.t.: i o:- I t: r. . D ".Ie__.__ J L ` m ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION CI'i Y �,r� �1r�tr.';r �,;r� . __ I DATE 8905 S.W. COMMERCIAL STREET PLAN 5 PROFILE I �;� VI I a 771 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 _ OF A 9 I GENERAL TrLCPWOIVI: / ',(may ,y� I S ' 'T -)� I I I I D --_-. _— C U S A r I F d H N. VJ. NATt.)RAL CTAS I'. . P. G. E. DY- r`1 DATE �___..._ --- - - - T. R. F. D. 9Y. !� "7_ DATE.". �7 "' j � • ".�.'�`. .., , ''""� " . ..»- --}�. 71T T..- ". - r+ !t���.- r,R+Prr3!""'!!NIS.--�..«`^"„M1�'!'TtlC-- -•_•._...._. 1 ,.�i.,�-..,M._ - ., , .. .".'�' +• ;�y< `�. l��rt' Irlr�rfr�rlr�rlr�rlr�►I;��Ii�If�l� �, T1�I���III� rII► II (Ilr�rlrllt �III�I) IIr�rlrlLlr�n Illrllll(III�III�rlc�llrlrlr1r11Ir,Llr,rlrlr�l,rlilr�llrlrlr�l,rlrlrlr,rlr1r1r,r a NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED � '" —I--- • =- 2 3 4 5 8 7 9 9 ILO I ! 1 2 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICXr-1T IS DUE TO .11* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL. DRAW ING. OE 6? 9Z Le 9Z SZ 1rZ EZ ZZ IZ OIIZ 61 61 LI 91 %1 fpI ci 2 1I 11 _-01.1_ 6 0 L 9 S -111 IE.•-.1'''.Z II.t."'-�an" �H1111111nI11unlnrrluulunlrrrrlruul�IH, „p�11u1ualtr►r1LrullurlwulnrrlH11�1111Hlllitlllllllll111!1luullul�r1il11r>H�lui) (IiIn1111LIn11kHR11r1It�tii�rt�uuln11in11iNIIIrWluulnolln!1�uubll1Wd11IIIIIII�UU�IIIlIWI>�llllIII111111 JULY 1 19 92 AN EASEMENT SHALL EXIST OVER , UNDER ANq ACROSS ALL ('v TRACT "A " FOR THE. PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAINTAINING STORM DEDICATION : KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT J . ALLEN PATERSON DOES HEREBY MAKE , - DRAINAGE , SANITARY SEWERS , POTABLE WATER SUPPLY AND UTILI - ET ,ESTABLISH AND DECLARE THE ANNEXED MAP OF "MERESTONE " AS DESCRIBED IN THE ACCOMPANYING LOC /� TIES . TRACT "A " IS TO BE DEEDED TO THE CITY OF TIGARD FOR ATED IN THE USE AS A GREENWAY/PARK. �S.W. 1 /4 SECTION � � T- IS , , - . _ .-- SURVEYOR ' S CERTIFICATE , A TRUE MAP AND PLAT THEREOF ALL LOTS BEING OF THE DIMENSIONS 5_",�k t-l__I 1-p ���/l� .sE � F` C') © T ! a � �= t" IG o lu 'T �' �� ✓'. L U 3` I R - I W W. M . CITY OFTIGARD , - o� RTH AND I HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE s �-/,� Lt...- yam, v� ,� l o � � T � �r,� ?- - © SHOWN AND ALL EASEMENTS OF THE WIDTHS THEREIN SET FORTH , 5 4 /! IS' 7 Z 617s S � � s I?v � � . s 13 1I ?1,v� Ls✓T�pLC0UNTOREGON ., DATEJANUARY , I PUBLIC AS A PUBLIC WAY FOREVER ALL STREETS SHOWN ON .,AID MAP . r SCALE : 1 = 50 '__ __ _ IC • _ BK. 350 Re-7 . SZ3 ,� I I � ai�� F. '� .. ALLAN PATERSON ? 1 . 091 .r�89. 8 `T ' 13 0, o0 ' P7 . SO' 7I , SO' ��lo . 00' I - ACKNO'4TEDGEMENT : ujallow STATE OF OREGON (., o In _ ° I S . S . i `� �°i�'; OD Q N 0 �-r IV 0 � � COUNTY OF WASHINGTON 6 spa �0 3 - o 2 ao 0 0 .. 'L, �'- �• s , ° O h 1 77 BEFORE ME THE UNDER- 0 89's ! 3S _ W 0 0 i ° aD 0 t` THIS CERTIFIES THAT ON THIS DAY OF 9 , y�o �►- est • 0 0 - > I S 'T. y ! 3 +� 0 - 0 _ -- I 0 SIGNED A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID STATE AND COUNTY PERSONALLY APPEARED J . ALLAN O - o R: z 0 d W 0% s �y ��4 3g• Sz' �o 2PATERSON WHO BEING DULY SWORN DID SAY THAT THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A FREE ACT AND .01 , 4- 71 . 50 •7 1 . S O° 7�, . 13_ .T < I ll leyo.00' �� • 3� L DEED . Ln 0 • 1• = o ._ N g� s 3.5 W 3a2_ . 8� N i� _ ` p SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME �. -89r5 35 - _ Go . �p �� - THIS QDAY OF 1978 Q _ S.W. M ERESTONE COURT L r 2 MERESTONE r ti N o I O- 34.30 GS.oU CoS.00' Sy , '? ' N 0 Q (,l, ti . u1 O L _ NOTAR UBL I C I N AND R VR N 1 . � ` • 6 r 0 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES f ' . �.�' Cj• 3 O ' e Z S ' I �. ,?/ r. >> W I BOUNDARY CURVE DATA ; w � I •> �, o •� 4 •' N in - � - O ? H CHORD H BEARI G If If �,� " A • u 0 N Lp � 0 CODE DELTA RADIUS LENGT C O C N 2 TRACT A .?' 9 0 !� - 1 0 00 �' - ao �' - �, ° , gp 0 0 � I I 00 � I2 � • 13 p _ � 05022111111435 . 04 134 . 49 134 . 46 S-02 38 06 E A►C . I. z �o N00 Q7. QJ 0000 � a c 0 - 0 -fu 0 _ N .� I LOT CURVE DATA rq '� �` 1 90 (��5, IS 20 . 00 31 -49- 28 .31 S-•45 os 4� -W 49059' " ° 59' " 20 00 17 , 45 16 .90 N-64° 51 ' 45 "-W 4 9 Ivi-T1 � In E T - �� � � �� . 00' x,5 .00' �s . c�o' ry• y�° rn 4 495941 50 . 00 43 . 63 42 . 26 N-64° 51 � 44��_W 0 A L PO 11`7T LOC . ? I 5 45 ) 50 ' 12 " 50 . 00 40 .00 38 . 94 S 67 13 19 W t ►v-oo: � s1 ' 3S"E z�ti . y�'-� M 6 26° 54 ' 12" 50 . 00 23 . 48 23 . 26 S-30051 ' 07 "-W S _ 89 4 9 Lie -I- G �.o . 08 zs.�cs' ° 7 23° 11 ' 20 " 50 .00 20 . 24 20 . 10 S-05048121 "-W S. ice W. oiz . SEC . 3y, T IS, i� I v 'z� 8 450 50 ' 1.2 " 50 . 00 40 . 00 38 . 94 S-28042 1 ?5 "-F Q - 890 y9 y 8"-W Co aro . 5 9 53012 ' 38" 50 . 00 46 . 44 44 . 78 S-78013 1 50 "-E s 3Q' 10 22042 ' 36" 50 . 00 19 . 82 19 . 69 N-51030 ' 01 "-E in .�. try - o y8.; L E G E rJ D 'H`�'"� a 10 49° 59 ' 41 " 20 . 00 17 . 45 16 . 90 N-65008 ' 34"-E - I� •O� , F � w• H0 � � S-44° 4 ' 17 "-E r C _____ • DENOTES PTS . F'D . � ' S ��� �S , 13 89054 ' 35" 20 . 00 .�1 . 38 28 . 26 _ ° 5 � 2 "-E � z5 I 13 04023 '03 " 1465 . 04 112 . 10 112 . 08 S 02°08 1 3 ° r, O DENOTES PT5. 5ET 0 10 . 74 10 . 72 N-69 00 36 -E a U1 a . �,�„ x 3p" Tract A 12018 ' 32 " 50 . 0 �. ° �: Tract A 00059 ' 08" 1465 . 04 25 . 20 25 . 20 -U4 49 37 -E }: SURVEYOR 'S CERTIFICATE • i I , WILLIAM L . MC MONAGLE FIRST BEING DULY SWORN , DEPOSE AND SAY THAT I HAVE CORRECTLY I 33 y 7-- iS, tz - � � _ �-_ zs, SURVEYED AND MARKED WITH 5/8" x 30" IRON RODS ALL LOT CORNERS , CURVE POINTS AND BOUNDARY LINE CHANGES IN DIR- APPROVALS : APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 178• R VALS CITY OF TIGARD ECTION THE LAND REPRESENTED IN THE ANNEXED MAP OF NERESTCNE AND AT THE INITIAL POINT OF SAID SURVEY r. �1 W 0 I SET A PLANNING COMMISSION ; .1 W 2" DIA . BY 36 " LONG GALV . IRON PIPE 6 " BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND , SAID POINT BEING LOCATED N-00°05 ' 35 "-E BY Q Q 656 . 48 and S 89 49 48 E 660 . 08 FROM A 3/8 IRON ROD MARKING THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SECTION 34 , T- IS , R- iW , W . M. THENCE : FROM SAID INITIAL POINT N-00° 04 ' 18"--E 328 . 28 ' TO THE SOUTH LINE OF A 2q ' WIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY AS APPROVED THIS DAY OF , 1978 . ATTEST THIS r. � � r U1 u �` ____� DAY 0 F , 19 7 8 r U J D1 DESCRIBED IN DEED , 2 v m W BOOK 350 , PAGE 5239 WASHINGTON COUNTY , OREGON DEED RECORDS ; THENCE : ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY Q d 0 _j � il S ° DIRECTOR OF ASSESSMENT AND DIRECTOR OF RECORDS AN r. 0 u hi 0 Q a. AID 20 RIGHT-OF-WAY S89051 ' 35 "-E 659 . 96 TO THE CENTER LINE OF S . W . 121st AVE . C .R . 1996 ; THENCE : ALONG SAID TAXATION ( COUNTY ASSESSOR ) ELECTIONS ( COUNTY CLERK ) t Lo d- CENTER LINE OF S .W . 121st AVE . S-00003 ' 00 "-W 191 . 47 ' TO A POINT OF CURVE ; THENCE : ALONG THE ARC OF A 1435 .04 ' 0 x �' 0 q By BY -- , 2 w U! W RADIUS CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 05022111 " , THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS S-02°38 ' 06 "-E 134 . 46 ' -- _i W (AN ARC DISTANCE OF 134 . 49 ' • THENCE • _ ° � �� � . ° �- ) , . LEAVING SAID CENTER LINES 84 40 49 -W-R 30 . 00 , THENCE : N-•89 49 ' 48"-W APPROVED THIS _._._ DAY OF 1978. APPROVED THIS 0 ? 0 W �- _____ DAY O F 1978 LL � �- S 0 636 . 52 ' TO THE INITIAL POINT OF BEGINNING . CONTAINING 4 . 983 ACRES . WASHINGTON COUNTY WASHINGTON COUNTY I- _._---.. _ HEALTH DEPARTMENT U1 Q - --= ~ -~-�' 4 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME E T BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS � W 111 W Q � W w _ ul J ; f it r'. ,�;` io,NAL THIS _,. -_DAY OF 1978 BY BY I-- �Qt p� LJQO `� Qd -- Ji �,,,, J BY ' C I N FOR OREGON APPROVED THIS DAY OF ,1978 -- w ] � �' MY COMMISSION EXPIRES U 0 �1 Q �' '1 '`' ;' ' �.---'-�' / WASHINGTON COUNTY SURVEYOR BY �- IR j. W"ILLIAM Mr, a:� t�atiL� - 4444 0 W _ BY - W BY s MERESTONE 6 OF 6 4110* �,. .T. r- .,l.-www.. ...:...*..... •�....-..+.......r ..+.+w+ra.►-•+.wF1��.1� :. -. .al�ti.0 .. .!.. e, -YK�Y....,,,, ,•w_ �.a*; _ .�,i1u.. '(: 'NYWib�t�'''}M* � 1`Ilt' Illlf l 11111� t 1111 [~11 I<� 1 �1 1 � �� ! 1 � 111 �d II1�t�r � rllr i II ! III III III II ! II ! 11 111 r� � III Ilr III ! � ! 111 111 111 111 111 III 111 � I 111 111 111 I ! I 1 � 1 1 � 1 1� 1 111 1 � 1 � 1 I I I � 1 1 1 _ � 1 � NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED - 2 3 4 - . 5 6 7 8 9 10 t l 12 •� • - ' r ..r..�n. DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICE;� 17 IS DUE T / THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL •�..�......-"DRAW 1 NG. (�E 62 92 12 92 S2 b2 1-2 22 12 02 61 81 L 1 91 S I b I E 1 21 11 01 6 9 L 9 I "r1'°' • �!IIIIIIIt1111111111111Ittt11111111tI1I111�II111UIIII111II111�Itttlttltlttltltt�tlttlllllll�IIIII1111111�-IflIIIIlIIIII�II111lIIillI�,II�1N1I1lIIIlIIIIIIIIIIlItIIIIIItNi�1111I1i11It11LIif11I i II11111111 IIIIIIIIIIIII111l1i1111 r� - �,,, 1 t ��U IlIIIJ I,11�l1U.�1!l�1lUIl111ji11111111 ,w , t• C:l'i Y 0 TIGARD DEVELOPMENT DEPOSIT FFE col, pUTATION SHEET +OJECT NAME I,1( VCST00C SBbV, - PROJECT NO..._ --.-- is n . (I) PROJF..CT FEE (City ord. 68-49, SOC. 10, Par. A ). SO 451, a)Total estimated Improvement cost .. ... x b) Less %:n. newer est const. cost......... . Adjusted improvement sublotal3_ (2) SFWFR FEE (USA. res. 70-12,900.9, Par."B°): o)Sewer plan check fee 0 (nspoction fee , �c I) 10.00 X _—�.l Cor' (no. of Iota) 7_J 100.00 min. M b) Permit fee 8 connection charge paid, . •..• ••• • •: C c1SeWe► district contract surcharge paid •.•••••••• • (district name.----•— � (9) STREET LIGHTING FEE : a) P.G.E. lighting schsdrlle no.--I b) Mthly role option ...... . no.. Yi Iryoeoffghty lumens—' � [ •� x (mthly rots) (no of Ilghfe) , type of pole owpeo*d`o M 3 _ -�--' -!— (m1h!y rate) (n0 01 Iighis) lyr. a 17 rnIWe (subtotal) Y 0 2yr - 24mth's •6riw1 X Z� (suDtotnl) (no.of mfhs) ••• • • •••• . • • ( 4) SIGN FEE (Item I nrtano/ion) (,per Sign) (no of el on) STOP i' - X ----- ' ii RESTRICT, OCCUPANCY 11------x STREET SIGN O} x COMB STOP/ST NAME �fe ';_x --I---- x 0' NO PARKING x x # �- mea yon --X = V 4r 'InUel type) ._.. � ..... ... .. .. . . � G7. '" _ RECEIPT NO - IIATE PAID -becik QRAND TOT cosh t] money order M • t I Insert' lows r,strest,ur %,.:I'd' Mian 2 UNIFIED SEWERAGE AGr,NCY HECEIVED OF !A AY - 9 1977 WASHINGTON COUNTY CITY OF 11�ARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING-- 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 (503) 618-8621 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Joel Wesselman General Manager RAY MILLER,Chairman Room 302 8II_L 9LOOM VIRGIN11, DAGG MILLER M DURIS May 5 , 1977 RICHARD C HEISLER CITY OF TIGARD P . 0 . BOX 23557 12420 S . W. MAIM TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Gentlemen: SUBJECT : MERESTONE AND SUMMERFIELD,PHASE IV Enclosed for your file are two sets of the construction plans on the above-.referenced project which have been approved by this Agency and the Department of Environ- mental Quality. Very truly yours , Engineering Division Unified Sewerage Agency Vr ('4 Enclosures � 4 r + t� 0 C�;,.h 4sy 72-4B WASHINGTON COUNTY ' ADMINISTRATION BUILDING— 150 N. FIRST AVENUE HILLSBORO, OREGON 97123 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RAY MILLER,Chaurnan DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS BILL BLOOM JOHN F.CROCKETT,Director VIRGINIA DAGG ROOM 201 May 2, 1977 (503)648-8886 MILLER M DURIS RICHARD C HEISLER City of Tigard 12420 S.W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon 97223 Attention: RE: Merestone & Summerfield Plat P10 Subdivisions Gentlemen: Regarding the above referred to subdivisions, it appears that no county roads are affected by these subdivisions, and therefore, have no comments concerning these developments. We wish to thank you for the opportunity to comment on these subdivisions. Yours very truly, Ju-come J. Morse, P.E. Chief, Engineering Services �ZBy c _ Lyle Sharp Permit-Inspectsrt Supervisor LS:js l 0o w PR0 ED Rett to da D visio da ns Yi le ter � {T IR TAL Q ALl -- MCS 2 :3- MOD 0 oo c� o APR H197 Water Q ality Div Sion 111 i It ►� _- De . of Env, onment Qualf� O --- — . I , I W uJ _ fH--------- MERESTONE 4`=A` ��� �� STREET IMPROVEMENTS 8, JOB No. `;ANITARY SEWER SHEET PLAN 81 PROFILE i Of I h 1 _ Af'F f OWED AS NOTED ApQEj1pY BY / J Z6-��� t' /, 1. .�i� .� - 1r � . •� ', ' , .•'• IVARRM-!ONAii IV*AMD.on � int F PROJECT: Meristone SUBJECT: Preliminary Cost Estimate Summery n� This cost estimate is based on the approved preliminary plat. Item -cost Streets b Site Work $ 18,315.00 7'y OIC ]'/(, Storm Drainage 8,262.00 Sanitary Sewer 13,850.00 Waterworks 69836.00 Street Lights 2,200.00 Underground Electric 4J�8.QQ Sub-Total s 50,451 .00 ` HARRIS - McMONAGLE A' MATES LEVE M OF 1UMMADUM L 8905 S.W. Commercial Street TIGARD, OREGON 97223 DATE JOB NO (503) 639-3453 •TTEN NON v�- i0 l/ - VVE ARE SENDING YOU XAttached ❑ Under separate cover via --_----_the following items: LJ Shop drawings X Prints 1-11< Plans ❑ Samples f l Specifications ❑ Copy cf letter L] Change order COPIES DALE NO. DESCRIPTION i-- , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: XFor approval ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit_ copies for approval ❑ For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit--copies for distribution O As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return____corrected prints ❑ For review and comment ❑ ❑ FOR FADS DUE _ 19 _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US RFMARKS COPY TO_ SIGNEq�,_`✓ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us of once. M.me-4 Now bow 1m w on.IWAK so U CITY OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23557 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 February 22 , 1977 Allan Paterson 12700 S .W . Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr . Paterson , Please be advised that the Tigard Planning Commission at their regular meeting of February 15 , 1977 approved your request to create a 13 lot subdivison in a R-7 zone . This approval is subject to the following conditions : 1 . 5 ' be dedicated and a half street improvement be provided along S .W. 121st Avenue for street widening. 2 . A pedestrian/bikepath to city standards be provided through the greenway portion of the site with a 10 ' wide connection to the cul-dc-sac. 3 . The unnumbered lot be dedicated or easements provided for greenway purposes . 4 . A street tree program be submitted for staff approval . If we can be of any further assistance please do not Hesitate to contact me at this office . Sincerely, ` Richard Daniels RD: sf Associate Planner Note : The following acknowledgment must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen (14 ) days of your receipt of this letter. Failure to return this acknowledgment may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard Planning Commission. I have received and read this letter and I agree to the decision here documented and to abide by any terms and/or conditions attached. Sgnaturb bade vs'::;FF REPORT A(�'-NDA 5. 8 TIGARD PLANNING CO'd".9ISSI0N February 15, 1977 - 7 : 00 P.M. T•.+ality Junior High School - Lecture Room 14650 S .W. 97th Avenue - Tigard , Oregon DOCKET: 5-12-76 REQUEST: To create a 13 lot subdivisi.": a R-7 zone . LOCATION: Kest of S .W . 121st Avenue , south of S .W. Summercrest Drive APPLICANT: J . A . Paterson/Harris-McNionagle Associates I . BASIC FACTS : 1 . This site is designated "Urban Low Density Residential" on the Tigard Community Plan . The site also contains portion of the greenway system as specified in the Tigard Community Plan for the portion of the site along Summer Creek . In 1969 the City of Tigard approved two zone changes on this site (ZC 3-69 and ZC 4-69) changing a portion of the parcel to C-5 from county zoning Suburban Residential and changing a portion of the site to R-7 "Single Family" from county suburban residential . A conditional use permit was granted at the same time for planned residential development to consist of townhouses , four plexes and duplexes. Phase I development plan was approved in 1970 but expired along with the conditional use in 1972 . 2 . The Planning Commission on January- 4 , 1977 denied a pre- liminary plan for failure to establish that the subdivision is free of flood risk . 11 . 11NDINGS : 1 . The applicant is requesting creation of 33 lots with the minimum lot size of 7500 sq . ft . and the creation of a 325 ft . long cul-de-sac extending west rom 121st Avenue . 2 . The site is approximately 4 . 79 acres. Generally eloping from the northeast to southwest towards Sumner Creek which traverses the site from the northwest to the southeast . A large marsh like wetland area along Summer Creek dominates the site traversing from east to west. the vegetation rang- ing from low grasses to typical marsh vegetation which }Melds to brush and some large cr(.ond growth conifers interspersed with some mixed native d(tic-iduous trees . 3. A portion of this site in the flood plain district as defii,ed by the Ti bard Ordinance 74-50 and identified by Washington County Dnpart.ment of Public Works on sheet 5 , HUD 701 Pro- ject :73-16-06 . That project defined the intermediate region flood as the transition in vegetation and soils from wetland type to drain or dry lands type in this area that transition c►ccurs at 165 ' elevation . Average water surface grade is about 1 ' fall and 600' stream length . Accordingly , STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 8 TI GARD PLANNING COMMISSION SSION February 15, 1977 Page 2 the historic flood level at the site can be expected to have been about 169 ' . A comparison of 1972-73 flood elevation to the intermediate regional flood ( 100 year flood) is risky because of the statistical nature of projected flood inter- vals. However, the 1972 water surface elevation of Fanno Creek at the Main Street bridge was approximately 1 ' less than the statistically projected intermediate regional flood nater surface elevation . Since the tributary area of Summer Creek upstream of this site is subject to development rela- tively near future, an additional 1 to 3' freeboard ought to be allowed making the lowest flood free elevation , assuming full development intermediate flood , on the site is about 172 ' elevation (USGS Data) , 4 . Surrounding land uses to the north and east of the site is single family residential about four units to the acre. No development has occured immediately south or west of the site although a 10/35 acre parcel southwest of the site has been purchased by the Tigard School District 23j for an element.ary school . The school district site will have its access on the south of the site. The development plans indicate a possible construction in the next two ,years contingent upon gond levy approval in spring of this year . 5. Evidence indicates that soil in this area is poorly drained , local complaints of drainage problems and marshy soils are common . 6. Sewerage is available approximatE-ly 60 ' from the east line Of the site and the developer to ccrnnec•t each building* site to the -V-_1&4. 'SpuEr line. tYY 7 . An 8" Public water main is located at S . W . 121st Street . ---•---'Pm-- No mention is made of facilities for a storm drainage. City Policy is encouragement vf' on site retention of storm water run off however , an Hlgineering study of drainage and retention facilities appropriate to this site would be necessary for .final determinations to be trade . S . S.W . 121st Avenue is currently a county rand with a 50 ' ri ght-of-way .. Tigard Comtriuni ty Plan designates S . 121st as a collector street renuiring a 60 ' right-of-►►.ay thus nec•eFait.ating a dvdic•ation of 5 ' along S .W. 121st Av(,nue as shoNn on the ,prel mi nary Plat . 9 . S .W. 121st Avenue is in a deteriorating condition and in need of improve rnent . Hall' street i mlrruvement along 121st. appears to be in order . .10. S .W. Merestone Court is Prni)osed is to city standards of 50' right-of-%,ay with a 50 ' radius cul -de-sac. Sidewalks will be provided within that public right-of-way . i J : STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5. 8 T I GARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 15, 1977 Page 3 11 . The lotting pattern as proposed designates a large area which includes S .W. Summer Creek as it passes through this site with no mention of dedication of this greenway .�-.-._.1 area has been made or the provision of a pathway through this area as called for in the pedestrian/bicycle pathway/ greenway system. 12. Lotting pattern as proposed conforms to the minimum parcel size of the R-7 zone but with the flood plain as noted in finding n2 lots number 6•-13 appear to be unbuildable with- out fill permits in that a 20 ' front yard setback is re- quired in the R-7 zone I,berefore minimal building space is provided for those lots. III . STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends approval with the following conditions : 1 . 5' be dedicated and a half street improvement be pro- vided along S.W. 121st Avenue for street widening. 2. A pedestrian/bike path to city standards be provided through the greenway portion of the site with a 10 ' wide connection to the L!ul-de-sac . 3 . The unnumbered lot be dedicated or easements provided for greenway purposes . 4 . A street tree prograr, he submitted for staff approval . MINUTES TIGARD PLANNING COASAIL6bION February 15, 1977 Page 9 5. 8 -12-76 A request to create a 13 lot subdivision in a R-7 zone. A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels . B. Public Testimony : Jim Harris presented a preliminary plat . o Miller questioned price range of homes . o Paterson stated that they would be in the $40-60, 000 price range. o David Osburn also submitted testimony . C. Staff recommendation : Staff recommends approval with the following conditions : 1 1 . 5 ' be dedicated and a half street improvement be provided along S .W . 121st Avenue for street widening. 2 . A pedestrian/bikepath to city standards be provided through the greenway portion of the site with a 10' wide connection to the cul-de-sac . 3. The unnumbered lot be dedicated or easements provided for greenway purposes . 4 . A street tree program be submitted for staff approval . D. Commission Discussion : Nicoli moved and Wood seconded for approval with staff recommendations. ------- �.a.,,The motion was approved by unanimous vote. t; 5 . 3 C; DITIONAL USE CU 36-76 A reqs t to locate duplexes in an R-7 zone. A . Staff . ort : Read qy Daniels . B . Public. Testi y : David Osburn disag ed with the buffer concept for duplexes . o Paterson stated that is was the most palatable .- C. alatable :C. 'Staff Recommendations: a I CITY C OF TIGARD P. O. Box 23557 12020 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 January 1.0, 1977 Allan Patterson 12700 S.W. Pacific Highway Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Patterson : Please be advised that the Planning Commission at their regular meeting of January 4, 1977 denied your request to create a 13 lot subdi_viissiigLLat S.W.-121st -ann3-9676ston Co urt 9'e—ca U-97 it�is­tEiapp e icl� ant 's responsibility to prove that his proposal is free of flooding risks and it would not be a detriment to the City, and the neighboring and future land owners . Actions of the Planning Commission are final unless notification of appeal to the City Council is filed with the City Recorder within 15 days of the planning Commission action . If we can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me at this office . Sincerely, Richard Daniels Associate Planner RD: sf Note: The following acknowledgement must be received by the City of Tigard within fourteen (14) days of your receipt of this letter . Failure to return this acknowledgement may result in action by the City of Tigard. I hereby acknowledge this letter documenting the action of the Tigard Planning Commission . I have received and read this letter . Signature Bate - -- Note: The Subdivision is being re-submitted as recomrnended with additional data February 1st, 1977. cc : Harris-McMonagle ALE'S SAND AND GRAVEL CO. 11 �. 18600 S. W. Pacific Hwy. Sherwood, Oregon 97140 639.7535 !LEGE IVEU JAi"i - 5 1977 CITY OF 11GARD December 30, 1977 John G . Hagman, Supt. Ener. Division City of Tigard P.O.Dox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re : MERE STONE Subdivision Doar Mr. Hagman : At ,he request of J. Alan Paterson we have installed reflPctorized posts at Merestone Subdivision per your Jotter of December 8, 1 977 . Yours very truly, �)AL ' S A D GRAVEL CO . INC . Alien (l . Kalkhoven General Manager A rl K : j cc : Harris McMonagle Associates J. Alan Paterson s IINUTES TIGARD ?' ,ANNING COMM.�oSION January 4 , 1977 Page 4 Jim Harris , Harris & Mch9onagle, st ed that the zone change would be in compliance w• the comprehensive plan . C. Public Testimony: o Bonnie Owens and D id Osborne questioned a zone change need. D. Staff Recoi;imenda on : Sta /moved ds approval of the request based on the findstaff report and material submitted by tt . Goldand Tepedino seconded to approve th, propon the stafffindings. Theapproved by unanimous voice vote . C 'SUBIDIVION 5-12-76 (Merestone) NPO VII A request by Allan Patterson to create a 13 lot subdivision with an average lot size of 7500 sq . ft. at S .W. 121st and Merestone Court . (Wash . Co: Tax Map 1S1 34C , Tax Lot 1100) . A. Staff Report : Read by Daniels. B. Applicant ' s Presentation : o Jim Harris, Harris & McMonagle, stated that the City flood plain information for that area was incorrect and that if the homes were 2 ' higher ( 1681 ) than 121st ( 1661 ) there could be no flood- ing danger . o Wood asked if the applicant had supplied any engineer- ing data to support this claim. o Allan Patterson , realtor , stated that his knowledge of the property supported Mr. Harris ' claim. C. Public Testimony : o Ralph Chapman , Betty Miller , Mildred Banner stated that there was a flooding problem on the land and that further development would aggrevate the situa- tion . Ms. Banner stated that water had reached her fence line . From this information staff determined a flood plain elevation of 169-1701 . D. Staff Recommendation : Based an the lotting pattern shoring a number of luts UF Is 1 G:'sfth PLA;yI�ING COMM_*, ION � lana �r� 4 , 1977 being unbuildable due to flood plain problems the preliminary plat plan be denied and resubmitted showing 1 . A 5 ' dedication along S .W. 121st . 2 . Cross section for half street improvement on 121st . 3. Cross section of S .W . Merestone Court to City standards including a pedestrian/bicycle path along S .W. Summercreek. 4 . The flood plain portion of the site be dedi- cated to the City for greenway . Staff added ,;5 that the flood plain line be established . - - o Ha:•ris asked that the subdivision be approved with the condition that the house be built above the flood plain . E . Commission Discussion : Moore moved and Phillips seconded to table the proposal until the flood plain ebuld be accurately determined . Tepedino stated ti.,it he was opposed to tabling the proposal , that it should be denied since it was the applicant ' s responsibility to prove that his proposal was not in thr flood plain and it, would not be a detriment to the City and the neighboring land owners. The motion was defeated in a 1 to 4 vote with Moore in favor , Phillips and Sakata abstaining. Tejjedino moved and Wood seconded to deny the proposal Lased on his earlier statement . The motion was approved 5 to 1 with Phillips dissenting and Sakata abstaining. 5 .4 CONUI 'AL USE - CU 35-76 (Fought & Company ) A request by ught & Company to locate ra i 1 roaa trackage and outside st.or in an M-2 , General Industrial zone on S .W. 72nd Avenue, n of S .W . Bonita Road . A . Staff deport : Read by niels. B. Applicant 's Presentation : Arlin Anderson, applicant , stated the railroad trackage would be along the property 1 level with the- asphalt on which a gantry crane would vel . CASH BOND ESCRO'J AGREL':._..,T THIS AGREEMENT, made this - day of 19 between the CITY OF TIGARD, hereinafter termed the "CITY1, and 1 `, hereinafter termed the "PR_1_11 PAT and ` hereinafter termed the " _ 11 Asscciation . W I T 11 E S S E T H : 1.,,HEREAS, the Principal has heretofore executed a Subdivision Compliance Ar;reement , with respect; to the development, constr-.action and improvement of a rtes dential stzbdivi.si.on ,,ii.thin the City kno;,m as a copy of said agreement to;r--ether vwI a particular le.-aldcscri.ption of said lards being attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof: and IEREAS, the Principal has proposed to the City that there be entri.sted to the Bank the sum of '� l f 4 ' as a cash performance bond to ass�_ire the City that all-'req.iiremen s o said Subdivision Compliance Agreement shall be properly and timely performed and to assure that the costs thereof shall be timely paid and all requirements thereof met; and ','HEREAS, the Bank has amreed to take title to and hold in a trust capacity the sunt of and hereby acknowledges � custody hereOI to be MeM pursuant to the terms and provisions of said Subdivision Compliance A, ,reement as hereto attached, and it is desired hereby to set forth and define the conditions applicable to said bond. 1101,11, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall faithfully observe and t;iriely comply with all. requirements of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement and all ordinances and rer-ulations applicable to said sub- division, and if the Principal shall well and truly perforin all matters and things imdertaken thereby and hereby to be performed and shall promptly make payment to all persons supplyin;- labor or material for any prosecution of the work, and if the Principal shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the City on account of any labor or material furnished, and if the Principal sha.?.1 promptly ray all contributions or amounts due the State Industrial Accident Fund aria the State Unemployment Compensation Fund, and shall promptly as clue make payment to the person, co-partnership, association or corporation entitled thereto of the monies mentioned in Chapters 279.320 and 279.510 O.R.S. and shall promptly comply ,aith al.l withholding- and payment requirements of Chapters 310.1E)2 to 316.212 O.R.S. with respect to the collection of taxes at source, then upon full completion of all work and the furnishin7; of evidence satisfactory to the City that all. requirements hereof have been fulfilled, and if the Principal shall execute and deliver to the City the Haintenance Bond described in said Subdivision Compliance Aureement, then the Bank shall thereupon release to the Principal the said cash bond deposit: PROVIDED, however, that the obligations hereof shall not apply to any money loaned or advanced to the i-rincipal or to any subcontractor Pa! e 2 - Cash Bond Esc,., ,,,,; A �reement or other person in the performance of any such work vAiether specifically provided for by contract or othenriise. IF, however, the Principal shall fail to literally comply ail:h all requirements of said Subdivision Compliance Agreement and all the requirements hereof, or shall in any particular perform the work in a defective mariner, upon 10 days notice by the City to the Principal and such default or failure continuing, thereafter, the City is hereby authorizes to have said dork performed or the requirements of the Subdivision Compliance Agreement breur;ht into conformity with the terms thereof and ,•iith the Citv's ordinances and regulations, and the City shall. be, and it is hereby, authorized to charge the sa.ii:e against the ertrusted cash deposit and the Bank agrees to pay therefrom all amoun-cs certified by the City to be changeable thereto. Nothing herein con- tained shall be constried to constitute acceptan^e by the City of any responsibility for maintenance of the improvements nor shall the City by reason thereof become obli;-aced to any person or property o:.rrier for any loss cr damal7e arising by reason of the manner its which said improvements ,iere constructed. Further, the City be, and it is hereby, authorized in addition to the foregoing, in the event of sttch default on the part of the Principal to charge against said funds all costs incurred by the City incl,..tdinF., Attorney 's fees in exacting compliance therewith or herer:ith, and the Bank agrees to disburse said funds for said purposes upon certification thereof by the City. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing in accorclarice .pith the terms and provisions hereof, the City ai;rees to furnish a certificate of release of said deposit or such portions thereof as shall remain after fulfill- Ment, of the requirements hereof. IIT 1ITTIESS IMEREOF, the City ond.er a_i.thority of resolution of its Cit-,Y Council has caused this agreement to be executed by its ;Mayor and City Recorder, and the Principal and the Bank have affixed their corporate signatures on the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY : CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON B Hayor By: Recorder Page 3 - Cash Bond Escrow Agreement PRINCIPAL: J . A ) �v vi (Attached Corporate By: Acknowledgment, here. ) By: By: BANK, (ASSOCIATION : By: By. Ri � J / J I'(9aCM Office is iN eo"J"rly ah)pejaN our4if II Rt_.S ( Cr M 74 � Cts 4 �v vLv'c1r1. � h a�-� . � WD're National,but we're Neighborly ,, * � � DEVE LOPr-,ZNT PROJECT GEf;ERAL INF OR1,1ATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. : T I . PROJECT NAME: __ _ M1ER .�T�?N► _ _ -__._w.� ____ III. DRr',WING (TITLE) - --- _-- _- _-- -._ date_d :- ---------_ __. IV. PLAT (TITLE) dated : r V. SITE LOCATION: ,---- -- ------ _ -._- -_-- -_ VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: Addrr's s_' sv—JOIL?L3 Phone No. (�) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY:__.- -- -- -- ---- - -_- --. r F1r31 �;s Pl,,r rw Nn .- P_;nd No. Fxp. Gate ( 3) ENGINEER: C X905 �.w, CoMMss�IAL bt, Address =j W+ _i , gIzz Fhone N0.439'3453 (4) INSPECTOR:____+ Address__....__... (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address-__ -- Phone No..._-. _ (6) CCNIRAcroRS SUi,FTY A:3FNCY :__ Addiess _ - ._ . ._ .. . _ ._.._.._► Ph_,ne `a7... Bond No..�. ---- -�- •---------•---------' Exp. Date_ (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS :.-. .-.--.---. -.,--- ------ -- ..�.__-___ ._. _�.. _ -_ _...• � � r �ho-� o � 5 5e � : � ho�c� � oc� I� r�� � .5,� s��a ��, �,