MALLARD LAKES SUBDIVISION 48' - I -0 ap`�-QQ 1 7 161 F-8110 1?5M 9745-6851 MATERIAL ORDER NIOA N +� NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY �� r;o)k MATERIAL ORDER Dale _ Close No. WO or Sub.— a2 . �,� b -- i 12 "�'� -- -- _ - � _� �C���. : NORTHWEST NATURAL GAS COMPANY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CITY RLAT DRAWING I 17 �i , �I �liIt - NO. - ZC - TITLE �j�, r~ �lF� q( I 6 1 SERVICE _---- ---- Al «� 1 e � ' I T/P. ADDRESS DRAWING lfl 20 \ " -- — - NUMBER � �.I Q � I 19 a �rCly Ouarimy� Size Stock No. -` ---------- ------ Description 20 16 21 I.v _SII _ -, 21 ea)!1486S h I 1 �' -- 22 I U U G ('82) r 1 �J � '/ + - ._F�.2L1). 21 P� �w \t4. 1- a I 116 -�- —--.. -- 5- 1 22 �. , � - -- — .a.�elta - (T' 1 �j - - -� '83) � -- 1L r V41 r. (W �1 D "1� / o� 1 ( ° ,., UNDEROROUND PHONE _ - - 180 PRIES RIC11N0.I1.1Ud ! '� �c f EtIGR. ( INLTF. �7 rn *1490023 I Z `� / I *8883 (!7 � 12 1 S ^ � r _ I - — - !� - / I 1 2' ('79) 10 J / (841 5.5' 1— i• MATER 6�9--1554 TEST PRESSURE 1�1�1 P91O � ~�� 18 :9 20 21 �3 �W) 1 1 SEWER 6 x' -41 71 TC ST DURATION IHR 300 I — �,, r` * 4895 76' 2. `, — A. _ _PGIA 1 L�i� t� i qtr 1 1 Q _ �K7 10' I POWER 642,--5454 X 31 3 WELDS B x-RAVE) 0 <81)70' — -- / I —39' "'888 +;y'' PHONE E�.�9-•1002) DESIGN PRESSURE 6121 PSIG z t 12 24 I �(841 ° I \I" OTHER T I GARD WT R. W 57 Flo 9 y M.AO. O• I I >� 24 \ 1 4 . :( NORMAL OPER '7ESS. 31A PSIG aJ' I r' � O * 1 0 INSTRUCTIONS REPORT —_— — — - — --- \ r3 69- — 218 1 '/' T 2'(P) b 2•(ly)80 f8 90 ------- INSTALL MAIN * I �00 RE I L I NG ) / 9 t 1 I T J 2 l INSTALL IAAIN---___- 14960 C+ (80? 1 ------ -- -- u! INS�ALL 2' D 170' S „A 1•�K7 N OI I TRANSITION - W. Ipl Fi T?LNG I ~ • ' (� low LESL I E C I. ( A-45-20 1 ' / t ABANDON MAIN ABANDO 5 85 S.W. A-46-20 , Nov 1 8 5 - U - — _ INS ALL 2' I 23 22 2s �� ' `` CITY — cn ti TRANSI TION I _ 27 1 I L / aF .TI q y �. -T- ---.— �p � FITt'ING !.5' 26 ; 52' IK l 5010 I` (� J 1 / r. IC h 6 W 01 S 7 TYPE coArrNGs TYPE COATINGS., �s (79) r -- LLI C 27 F'E- c?,�E PIPE N 7v 26 I 2® yF^ �3yg ',. PIPE -- � - �D 6 Wim- -' I Q i l.�{,• / 30 \ 28 1yi� JOIN'T5: JOINTS: ..� FITTIN _-..- ,✓'7 v 1 `l 1( {r� FITTINGS: INSTALLED ANODESAL LLI ' ,. + 4 5 � 1 3 IN 29 2q 'f3 '01 } �l�Lr 29 1g INSTAIA ANODES NO INSTALLED SERVICE. 9� 0 I 64Q ---r— 32 Z�` / �1 1S /� INSTALL ScpV DATE COMPLETED: — # 27 Q I 30 31 33 I - / ��1)O?S '� CREW LEADER: I Q 31' (W) Q 14 F- I , \ ! fly, + - - — - - / N •150701 I U) $ \ 1 '.� SCALL: ), 1 0l-- TAX CODE 41 -'.3 ' ,'4 S 10- e4 r3 , 1 (N?'79 � Q` I (79) � Q� � IA� � I9 S� (r)' ? * M�io�c -_ _— 1 508 ✓ VV!� 28 (v(� ` `t 1 i/>t .,�, ii.�gdt MEASURED -----. DATE ---y—r-- ORDER� �1 '1 1 1.5 q) V -' 3 J wI ` .�1 -J r AWN _ " DO - -- -- --- ----- - CT. a cri (19>130 I I 2•cP)S.W.. WESTLUND I 32 _ - f rfcE�" DATI .GL_Z �ERI,IDE (/1 U. � I� /��•, �I c ';- j APPRCNE13 nATE ORDER: J I 1. p I \p Aw�Roten - ;� 92' 90' _ I rI r 0 33 -- —— ---- - - - 2 1 N •15025 --tea 1 S 3 I (81) 'O 80' (W) I 1 � 1 � N � h.. h ADOREsa. S. W. r"ESTLUNU CT. & S. W. 9 13T AVE:. 2' (79)(79>150 1 ��r 37 36 35 34 I / 34 �.� I I* 3S I � pay. i�JAWHINGTAONLER Sir b S. W. REtI_INU 51". I 4 I '� I �_ PLAT D MALLARD LAKES _' - - -- - — - PLAT No. DATE 91ON TOWNSHIP wuLMAP DATE SIGN 1 OF g ---- - - —_�_ - - -- --- -' - - -- - _ ___ ---- __ it A-45-20 NE ; 1 2S1W J-4 Filled ey ------- - ----- signed^" - �. -�.. - _ r� S W STATTLER S r 1. A 46-g0 SE 11 291W W '1 30 . �ry -. _ , yr. __.•� ._- _ _ is �� I I if t t l F l'E 11 1 �I 1 I I_ I I 1 ( 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I f f 11 1 1 ► I 11 f I t I f l t I I I 1 I 1 I { I L I I t l fill III 1 III I I I I I 1 I I I 1 11 I 1 11 I � 11 � >II .I' 1 � III � III � III � II � r1 II � fll � lll I � I � I �nli � l � lll ) III � IIIiII 111 { I � I � IIII1111tI 1 1 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED I - 2 -- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE;-IT IS DUE TO f QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -µ•' ''-DRAWING, 1 QE 6Z 92 LZ 82 SZ IPZ EZ ZZ 12 OZ 61 81 L) 91 GI b l E I al I I 01 f � 1 9 S t� ' E Z IOWA"' �' �„.. ._,...,, � - IUIlul1�111111111�1111�)1llY�WUll�lli1111!!lilURlll�l �► "'"m _' ". 1�11�111111111111111IIItull4yllyullul> IIIIINt�Ut1�111��uulkHluWlttre�wdu►111f111Uu�1�fu111uIIn�11HUluN�NA1l�IIln �IIIIuItIt1111f1111ttildlN IllI11111) JULY 1 �>~ 1992 F. 1 ., H r 1 I i N f t . I S.y nr C � 'f SUBDIVISION I MPROVEMEN S 1 .µF INDEX TITLE SHT NO. �3 a, Q. t '1 f. TITLE SHEET �� •�'�a° � _' ;_ STP,EE'f 8 STORM SEWER, PLAN aIs 2 OF 5 PROFILES SANITARY SEWER, PLAN & PROFILE 3 OF 5 AT RWORKS PL AN - 4 OF 5 ; <: p !'0141 a CONTROL WORKS FLAN � OF 5 I 2 3 L+ 5 7 b . 9 10 POND I ( 12 F L E. Cv{-�Y , 13 VED FOR CONSTRUCTION S. W. 91 ST. AVE. % SUED BY`CITY01 Ti1.;,41�pI DATE_. l I•- — ` S. NI. 9I bT cOuRT ----- M ` 1�, DEVLP SERV DEPT: BY L�DATE ;�4 Tf i 37 o ' 30 k W 29 28 27 /145 OPERATICNS DEPT: GYATE e 7 36 3 I 1 9 `� 1 5 CITY ENGINEER: BY _DATE r` 1 V, in V POND \ �. OWNERS : , = 5 - _. � \ \ P.O.€.Co.. s DATE. z 35 32 ?_ 20 WARD - WEST, INC. 'r r ,� � w 17 16A 4�_TEL CO: 8Y _DATF 915 EAST FIRST STREET 34 33 23 ' 22 ! 2 ( -- _ NEW B E R G , QR E . 97132 x S, O�,eLco. SY._:�ZJUATE �Y , rolix ST. vi M- KW.BROOK 4 k. w. Na4T cnAS CO,: BY,�.�p� _DATE Z ► ` Irf]wh a-n ITE PLANossr d W I NO JCA L E _ Y < F� UW IM AGENIC 6Y `" OX w hw- W RE MING ST T. F•P, ,���`�. ..DI�T� Y t Q, SGHEKLA } M PARK i s•w. _ ENGINEERS SURVEYORS Ross sr. HARRIS • M C M Q N A G L E ASSOCIATES INC ---`� BATTLER RD. �o IC�u� .� 12555 S. W. HALL BOULEVARD a `! " TIGARD, OREGON 97223 . VICINITY MkF' (NoscALE) FILE CORX 1 • i ,, rMALLARD LAKES r • MIS U , ••F..�,•.:t . ���J�:.'���.�1WrMM� i • ._ - � � _ _ _ _._ .. _ .�, .,. _.. ._........_.__«-A•r`_rL � , __.. . �T"�� '•10•�'* y • lIT �I'1 '111'Il 'lll'Il!'1'I'� IIIF111�1}111 (1�1I1�111( 11 flit IIII�III�III�II �tltli) 111�111II�Ilr1 1�1i1�1I1111111�111111111111111 111111111111111 1111�11I1111111 IIIIIt1I1t11111 ' ;_ J H� NOTE: IF I H IS MICROFILMED '—� 1 2 .-.-......-�..3 _ 4 5 6 7 r8 9 12 d� DRAWING 1S LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NJTIC&rlT 1S DUF TO THE QIALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAW 114G. (,►E 6Z 87 LZ 9Z SZ b7 EZ Zi Z OZ 61 81 LI 91 91 bl EI UI II 01 6 9 L 9 S b TE Z lewirr ���Ililulunluulnllllnllln�Inulult,�lnluul�Ilnl��ull�ul��ul��ull��I�uulnulunlun�uulmllun111�11nnllnl�I�ulalllnnln►I�r11111u1�1u11t»tllluilul�nttlultlutthmltttt�r�tl�utlllulllu111n111u1�11ultw�tt�1�iu�uulltu�wtl�tll�tlultut�lU�btt1 JULY 1 1992 u i w w w rn O— w � w CDz Q J �N C a N c x� r WCCD 17 a n CD Wro d CD- :'V CD cDW w S M w CD ACJ. G)' a on (D a 3 0 7 to O ` C1 ,ptember 3 , 1991 CITY OF TIGARD . ; OREGON 7'v WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to acknowledge that effective this date, street, sanitary and storm sewer public improvement facilities installed within the following development projects are hereby accepted by the City of Tigard, Oregon, for operation and maintenance: 1 . Mallard Lakes Subdivision 2 . 108th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 3 . Morning Hill (Lots # i - 53) Subdivision 4 . Morning Hill. No. 2 Subdivision 5 . Gallo's Vineyard SuLdivision 6 . Dover Landing (Phase No. 2) Subdivision 7 . Ari Green Subdivision 6 . renes;s No. 2 Subdivision 9 . North Dakota Street Sanitary Sewer extension 1.0 . Morning Hill No. 3 Subdivision 11 . Tigard East.. Sanitary & Storm Sewer Relocation 1_2 . Exodus Subdivision 13 . Cotswald No. 3 Subdivision 14 . Swanson's Glen (Phase No. 1) Subdivision 15. 108th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 16 . 113th Ave. /Durham Road Improvement 17 . Albertson's Sanitary & Storm Sewer Extent:ion 18 . Merestone Subdivision 19 . Clydesdale Sanitary Sewer Extension 20 . Tony's Place Subdivision 21 . Barbee Court. Subdivision 22 . Winterlake Subdivision 23 . Creekside Subdivision Randall R. Wooley, City Vgineer dj/JH:opt mein.ecp 113125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box.23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 — -- _� Rte . Kc.A cgrA 1.ar�e-S �. S�e.pS. r. Roc apera. 045, C;�e c-,A Ao CLA 'tnSpC-A�� CXJ fie- jOAa*%= rVle aJt 9`�e� u�G t- lei ,moi re p rmSeCA b', tcal�� �e a� cmri,pls-�e�d1 �e� ��Q �a,• ' - -�-S f`r1on. f3crye5 was meA�-,*vk� a.00Lj w err e...-` t� 'm �o, e b . W�k er �r e v: 1e w ;"j A�(r_ "A-,c ,t Aec..S ioe� Z C� 1e`inr� 1 I yam^ ` U W CL *E!IYI W-V-VA �To*V`. �Jb✓�o�:�,q So466AWPa�Ctr-. -Al' \P"et S L,.(oe TU[�4'S ��J�e{_ uD ere- . �. `�ur b. . � here-�-orc) ;1e- w,.� b< <%_lo•mw�- U� w R rA 15A\ c,A tos0- +Lc C-o n � � f w� -}�•: S i3cd CITY OF TIVA RD March 30, 1990 OREGON Harris-McMonagle Associates Inc. 12555 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Harriet We have yet to receive an as-built mylar for Mallard Lakes Subdivision public Improvements; nor• have we received the completed Engineers certification form (copy enclosed) . Your response to these needs would be appreciated. Sincerely, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician jr/har-mon.JSH Enclosure i 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 PFJ 3 C .s lg CITY OF TIIFA RD February 22, 1989 OREGON Ward-West Construction, Inc. 915 1'. First St. Newberg, OR 97132 Attn: Mr. Fred Wardin, President Re: Mallard Lakes Subdivision Dear Mr. Wardin, This is sent to inquire (of you) when is the remaining public improvement work scheduled for. completion? In accordance with the project compliance agreement, all work should now be done. Please submit a work completion schedule atij, also, evidence that it is intended to be followed. Should you desire to speak to me about this matter. I can he reached at 639-4171. Sincerely, John Hagman-' Engineering Technician j lh cc: Industrial Indemnity Co. of the Northwest 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,R0,Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 z/za� 7z� •' �,,�� /�//s Ley ,� I�.s G �� ►MI:AA-k-- ' 111P �.�.c.�.d cif S'zicf I � JOE) V O v TA,��s ON C-q� NA 1 le f � CITY OF TIVA RD OREGON May 23, 1988 Portland General Electric Co. Western Division 14655 S.W. Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 Attn: Jim Ryan RE: Streetlight Maintenance - Mallard Lake Subdivision Dear Mr. Ryan: I'vr received a complaint regarding maintenance of five streetlights within Mallard Lake subdivision. The .lights have been in operation since January 1986 and have fallen into a state of disrepair. Namely, in each instance, it appears as if the post-top luminare is loose. My inspector has confirmed the validity of the complaint and has identified the location of each defective unit. Please act to have the problem corrected; and, also, I would appreciate it if you would inform me of when I may anticipate that corrective work will be performed. SincerelyV, , John S. Hagman Engineering Technician 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - - -- J� - I N 0 � DEiECT/✓E' STiCEETL/C�I'/TS n V �� 1 ; h ' co m o OD N I ' N J = N N N o. 0ST., FAr PINE BROOK N �wv 4 SITE r-4 � --� = i REILINC, 37. N t` ", < SCHEKLA 4' S. w j - PARK �- _. sATtLER RD. ROSS St I o°p. _ en J _ _- a _ Y7 NIQMYM M V) ESV 3 c� VICINITY MAP (NO5CALE) — 1� MEMNON 70 rat" JOKN 1►�ott ��C.�h�M •N 'A. vu zt C �04 r►K"44- OH ���rttif. Z . y . WOw►d �\1A 10t K4`'4�.�\� V�N.�� , � 1,1,1Mfr '�Pp�.7�•M1r �� W�G�O tol I Z- Z ` ,L� P�t/s;vE 72:) Ove �e�'p.vr� .tie Tyr ��' _•`-� a?v/rte suRW- .'vE;CE- wGLX4 70 MdZib T� P.�JE 7 - S;,c.ACE V'bv 704.Z> AVE- A&V- /T MUST 8E ,e OcmE 1///9ST79'.��'" C,+pco l-e), "-- G cvy�,q &> > " 0�t/�/c-S SrAW7- T*Lf- ,cm)eoocES-5 ,c%r v J z n� A107' ewgrn vc, y 64f� �x't1n 1�s L,, ( xb r\��E-e� N�-'�' f c �-4� c -�ej_ I � Z v J 7 ¢� 2 I � � � r 1 coo f.pril 27, 1987 Mr. Bob Westland CITYOF TIGAM Ward-West, Inc. Route 3 Box 160426 OREGON Sherwood, OR 97140 25 Veors of SeMce 1961-1986 RE: Mallard Lakes Drainage Dear Mr. Westland: In November of 1985 you were notified of a particular drainage problem in the vicinity of lots 23, 33, 34 Mallard Lakes and lots 31, 32 and 33 Scheckla Park Estates. The cause of this problem is directly related to the grading of the lots off SW Westland Court. Properties aijoining Mallard Lakes, within Scheckla Park Estates, are negatively impacted by this drainage problem (see enclosed photographs). In November of 1985 you indicated that the problem would be solved by the installation of an additional drainage line. To date, this line has not been installed. Therefore, consistent with our Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Community Development Code we are withholding building permits on lots 22, 32 and 33 until this problem is resolved. If the problem is not resolved within a reasonable amount of time, it may become necessary to file on the projects performance bond. The Engineering Section has thoroughly investigated the problem and concludes that several reasonable solutions are possible. Please contact John Hagman or Randy Clarno to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely, Wi liam A. Monahan Director, Community Deveiopment WAM:cn/1308W rr: John Hagman, Construction Supervisor Brad Roast, Building Official. Aandy Clarno, Development Services Manager Ferd Wardin 915 E. First St. Newberg, OR 97132 David Riverman 15085 SW 89th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 131125 SW Nall Blvd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 - --- — MRJILnm AW\ CITYOF TIOARD March 18, 1987 OREGON 25 Years of Sen4ce 1961-1986 Ferd Wardin 915 E. First St. Newberg, OR 97132 RE: Mallard Lake Subdivision Dear Mr. Wardin: Checking over your project file we find that we have not received a copy of the covenant creating the Hcreowners Association as was required by the Planning Commission. This should have been received prior to recording the plat with Washington County. Please send us a copy as soon as you can as we. will need this before we will be able to final out your project. Thank you, Robert Thompson Public Works Inspector cc: file Harris--McMonagle Associates 12555 S.W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, CR 97223 I 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd,P.O.9ox 23397,Tlpard,Orspon 97223 (603)639.4171 TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start j_ Report CAL-TOM, Inc. Tape Stop Tape 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97223 Cleaning Report (503) 620-6959 Client Operator ( IS Dat Time Location Y� %�a`1h�Zf it Line Size _ Pipe Type per_ Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation — ull Direct on WIER READING INFILTRATION � A E TOTAL B - F low Dir ec t ion[ C G D H Photo Ref Photo Ref Feet Remarks Inf . No. No. Feet Remarks Inf. No. No. 21 - 2 7 5, if 22 23 24 — 1z - 26 — 27 g — _ 28 _ 29 — -- js _ 30 31 j-� 32 33 134 TY 35 -- IT 37 TV 38 39 F4-0_ — Summary nf Line Condit ons: Codes - Pipe Condit ior) BP - Broken Pipe IM-Inf i lcrat ion Mark Grade- OW29, - - C - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alig nt -_ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint loi. ts DP - Dip in Line OS__ Off Set - - —`---`-' GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. -- -'— --- I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet _ Pipe Site PoloroidsReset,�-___ r <i TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start Report 0 CAL-TOM, Inc. Ta p Stop 16799 SW 72nd Avenue P P „gTape i Portland, Oregon 97223 8 Po Cleaning Report(503) 620-6959 Client),-thea V OperatoW�. Dat YjZE� Time Location Line Size Pipe Type ,,� Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ulI Direct on`--� WIER READING INFILTRATION C 2 A — E —-- TOTAL B F low Direction C G D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf. Photo Ref Fee[ Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf. No. 121 1 1b4 22 - J 123 E24 25 26 27 28 -- - 29 10 _ 30 — 31 IT— 32 33 34 T5 --- 35 -- 36 1 -- 37 1 38 _ 39 20 Summary nf Line Conditipns: Codes - Pipe Conditio ���' _ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade _ C - Crack 0 - Obstruttion A I I g ravRl CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi..ts DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ-- Typical Joint Lineal Feetrj __ �� Pipe Size 'v _ — Poloroids, _� Reset _ s � t TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start og�� Report 0 CAL-TOM, Inc. Tape Stop Tape / / 16799 SW 72nd Avenue ---VVV--------- Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report / Client / OperatoDat /`'5� Time Location Line Size - IF Pipe Type 4�1 Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's f� Date Cleaned / Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Wal.er Elevation ull Uirect on C_ WIER READING INFILTRATION 3 if A E - TOTAL B F low DYrection ] C _ G D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf. Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. 1 No. No. Inf . No. 1 — �,—e ` - 21 — -----— --- — J GId�Lrrf 23 24 ---� �L -- 25 _ � 26 27 — — - 9 179 / .�.1;., 128 29 _ 10 W7__,-_;q31 32 33 34 I_ _ -- 3 5 _- 16 36 39 W 38 20 - -- - 40 — ---- - --- — -- -i Summary of Line Conditio s: Codas - Pipe Condition_ _ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade �- 1 — C - Crack O - Obstruction Al ignment_022d __ _,—_ CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ-- Open Joint ►o1. ta _ _� _ DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC Service Conn. I - Infi;tratiun 7J- Typical Joint Lineal Feet r ripe Size Polnroids _ Reset w TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Start - Report 1 7 CAL-TOM, Inc. Tape Stop Tape 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Portland, Oregon 97223 Cleaning Report (503) 620-6959 ClientOperator�4ZZtt: Dat 3- j Time - Location -- Line Slze _ Pipe Type Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation ull Direction- WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL B F C C G _ D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf . Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf. No. 1 21 — - 2 22 23 - _ 24 _ 25 _ 26 — 27 28 _ _ - 29 s --- 30 IT31 IT- 32 32 - - _ --- 33 i -- -- ---- - 34 15 36 I — -- -- 37 1 38 _— Summary of Line Conditions: Codes - Pipe Condition C ?_��j BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mirk Grade _ c - Crack 0 - Obstruction Alignment CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Open Joint Joi.,ts DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set _ GC - Grade Change R - Roots H - Shear SC- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet - Pipe SizePoloroids Reset- _ i<t WW_jL=_&MqK TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Startt• Report CAL-TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop Tape / / Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620--6959 Cleaning Report I Client cvhex Operatorp�7�,� Date1Z711,� Time - Location 2 14 Line Size -- Pipe Type Joint Type — Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Water Elevation O�low ll Direction� WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL g F Direction -� C -_ G D H Ref Feet Remarks Inf. Photo Ref Feet Remarks Photo No. No. No. Inf . No. ' 1 !� 21 2 23 _ 24 - — 1 25 - 26 _ — __ 27 28 -- _ 29TF - j 1 - 32IT -- - - _ _3T ------ - - j� _- 34 -- - -- - —.�----- 37 _ -- ---- 38 _ 39 - --- �'0 _ Summary of Line Conditions: Codas - -- Pipe Condition/ -- BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade __ C - Crark 0 - Obstruction Alignm t �z. CP Collapsed Pipe 0,1- Open Joint Jo1.1ts _ -' _ _ DP - Dip in Line OS- Off Set --- T CC - Grade -Change R - Roots H - ShearSC - Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- Typical Joint Lineal Feet `�,�— �� Pipe Site ��.- Poloroids Reset TELEVISION INSPECTION LOG Tape Stam Report A CAL-TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72nd Avenue Tape Stop Tape 1 Portland, Oregon 97223 (503) 620-6959 Cleaning Report / _ CIient� �� Opera tor,S�rJdf � Dater Time Location Line Size ' Pipe Type.,g,G r Joint Type Depth Manhole Condition's Date Cleaned Result of Cleaning Flow Depth Ground Waler Elevation ull Direct on -- WIER READING INFILTRATION A E TOTAL C� low - 7 B F ' Direction(-] C G D H - Ref Feet RemarkPhoto Ref Feet Remarks — Photo No. No. No. s Inf. arInf. No. -- _- -- t 1 r- 21 2 22 -- ---- 23 -- 2 4 --- — — 25 -- 27 - IT 30 _ 31 32 l _ - 33 31 _ 37 l - — 3 B -- - ---- - rij- -- 39 --- - --- -- 2 0 __-_- Summary of Line Conditinrts; Codas - Pipe Condition _ BP - Broken Pipe IM-Infiltration Mark Grade C - Crack n - Obstruction Alignm/in - CP - Collapsed Pipe OJ- Or,en Joint s___ DP - Dip in Line OS- C;f Set GC - Grade Change R - Loots H - Shear SC"- Service Conn. I - Infiltration TJ- 'Cypical Joint Lineal Feet_ Pipe Size _ Poloroids — Reset s� s CAL - TOM, Inc. 16799 SW 72ND AVE. PORTLAND, ORE 97223 (503) 620-6959 0 olv ---- o #7 CITY OF IFARD WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON January 16, 1986 Portland General Electric Western Division 14655 SW Old Scrolls Ferry Rd. Beaverton, OR 97005 ATTENTION: Glen Butler RE: Mallard Lake Subdivision Streetlighting Dear Mr. Butler: This is to acknowledge that the City has found the streetlight installation in said subdivision to be satisfactory and, further, to acknowledge authorization for P.G.E. to energize the ten ( 10) lights therein, under Schedule 91 , Option B. very truly, R. L. Thompson Public Works Inspector cc: File City Accountant Frahler Electric Co. 12755 S W ASH PO BOX 23397 11GARD, OREGON 97223 PH 639.4171 Industrial Indemnity General For MOMS OFFICE Stats Inqu WN1• R.•.[.[1 00,040.4 COMPANY OAt1 f The City of Tigald JAN' n t1eRRtt Engineering Department Our SONO wO 12755 S.W. Ash YT877-6267 Tigard, Or. 9722.3 ewtA•CtoA Ward-West Construction Co. , Inc. eo•[1/ 915 E. Ist ` Newberg, Or. 97132 111C0,01i0N O• CONI A.tT rlvlr/. Inr11u• H/ •I.v-'I r••/.1 / •r.•b.i �_— _"" Complete public improvements at subdivision plat known AA Mallard 1_nkas located in the City of Tigard wNtP The City of Tigard ONT••[T •AiCt tDNDf Ir ICT.VI DAH •__ 247,205. _ . 247,2.05. � 7/30/85 WITHOUT PREJUDICING YOUR RIGHT OR AFFECT 1NG OUR I-(ABILITY UNDER OUR POND $I DESCRIBED ABOVE WE WOULD APPRECIATE SI INFORMATION AS IS NOW AVAILABLE SINCERELY Cy�ir� I CONTRACT COMPLETED PLEASE STATE A••.o■Ir•Tt DATt o• cor.LtnoN o• wo•• �• hA•r/d.:..,1 It Is understood that ine Information Contained herein is turn,, as a matter of courtesy for the confidential use of the turetV a merely an expression of opinion. It Is also agreed that In furs, .•—•.o■Ir•,R •cu•tANCI DArt this information, no_jWranty Or.Warranty of accuracy Or Cor I nese Is made and no responsibility is assumed a;a result of7e-1, •�••. CONT•ACT ••.ct —_---- by_the sureiv, whether such Information Is furnished_ by_the D� t a or by an architect Or engineer es the agents Of the Owner 1• CONTRACT UNCOMPI.IrTED PLEASE STATE --- -- _ A►►PO■Ir Alt ►t.CIINT•.t O. DOLLAR AMOUNT O• CONT•uCT COM•IIrtO O• Dfl.vf•tD 00 YOU KNOW OF ANY UNPAID BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL YES NO REMARKS rll aril ----"------ •TI tANAty•1 J�N� V�7Ar� s0 � ,a 1�� ♦.Tit �n ``'— � _.—— .Do•fat ., PLEASE RETURN THIS IMOUTAY _---I --- -- — I-rris-McMonagle Associates, hic. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone(503)639-3433 December 13, 1985 Mr. Bob Thomason City of Tigard P. 0. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Bob: This is an update on the construction of the subdivision improvements in Mallard Lakes. Major items of construction completed incluse the following: Sanitary sewer Storm sewer Waterworks Streets ( first lift of paving) Installation of the underground power, telephone and T.V. cable is in progress and should be complete December 20. Street light installation will follow. Construction of the outlet works for thQ lower pond is also scheduled for completion by December 20 (weather permitting) . np#i^e)y ur , J. IY l6rri s Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. JRH:ds December 2, 1985 CITYOF TI1FARD Mr. Monagle WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON Harris—McMonagle & Assoc. , Inc. 12555 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Mallard Lakes Subdivision Dear Mr. McMonagle: : This is to verify, per your request that : 1. Each lot will be situated on a concrete or asphalt surface road which has right—of—way and improvements, include curbs and necessary and adequate drainage structures, together with means for operation and maintenance, which meets the standards of the City of Tigard, Oregon. 2. Said subdivisior, where necessary, will have drainage structures and fill designed to prevent flooding as approved by the City of Tigard, Oregon. 3. A municipality owned disposal system will be available to each lot at the lot line of each lot at the time of sale or lease of each lot which meets the requirements of the Environmental Quality Commission, with capacity to serve all lots in the subdivision. 4. The improvements required, to be constructed, by the City of Tigard, Oregon are under construction. 5. A Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Performance Flond has been executed by the subdivider and has been accepted and acknowledged by the City of Tigard City Council thereinregard completion of the Improvements; said documents are on file in the City of Tigard Recorder's Office. I hope this letter clarifies the matter for you, regarding documentation/verification required to be submitted to the St ate Real Estate Division by each subdivider. Yours truly, John S. Hagman Engineering Technician 2205P (, dm,j 12755 S.W ASH PO BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 ------ A L f/I�c 1741 " ?Lett' � ut L <.�. Cti�� �C-(G�--� •�f���•C.ai C/!�� Gz..t ,,M r>-... C�.-�,� Lc�<�-�,•= GcJc--...� i �t,.•,,v,...�.,� .-/,.:�. G:...- �Lc'e+t�...� C1�C...� �crvCu �i�'GD r��-�, K�u��.t /� 1,0,al �t •may J G�%C`�ti c-✓[--.� tic-`�-�j �/�6Z..L � /Lc.�n.-�••-r� .�.,.rl�✓.�.,. Qui, v� �•--- �'77C-�?s-r.-/t.�/ i'`�>J!'Nt( (�Gc//1.'C-T ...=. �%L�r✓y t��le.•.!'c �/��ti�, �/!�c ts.•-ti <---c��'�-cam, i(�rs-•v-�� �/L�--� GtJ Ltit�s-t. � �!.��..��� _-�11�< --�J `"~,i L,[,, t /7 t C � C✓�fw� O� �.c-� ��•/�-�. Zit:L r A c 1Tc'vlraX-r ) --7'L.-+.•`- GCS !j�C•�-!i �j'f�--!(� -��LL/ZC✓ �-f--r� �� ..��:�-l' t`l( L(✓C.G��G ./L.. G•y-- � .mss /l�t�f'l_ �K� "k.. eii J xrt .i t�' Cwt y�.1•'c / si C ,ru L `i . A/ (Xt, WI7 -141 ��-•/���i� --2��� / � cam"�'` _-5�it.-�� ��Z''�c •�^`"�-�f (�"` • -?.���}.���j .�-�--1� .�1-�.�l� —i?��' �� Com,..� � C�.ji�O.— l./�or-`</�/-�- /t�� , KO rpt/// � l-"�� C 4 `CQ-C,-Y" /-`-vl �Gc� e", C.' Ce 1,06 z Zxe) C007 ,��,, �•�•, --'/li-,.i c-+.mow.✓,/ C4.) ' v,,,, Af Alo- � �� �,rule�'�.-� � ,-�vc�'-4�" �►- .:-1 R��..'`'' � a PRO JEcr NM+E -rE 5 r DATE -fEsr CONpueTEP BY--Lff- .--111 FROM TO O/A d1 LEN T140) i<:Q01Idl/ C.0.0003082d1 TIME PASS 4' /<I�l U" Yl v Vim/ 2 _ w ,;A 5 i s ,y v y6' G 'y z -S z �77y 5 2. rr /o 15 5 I a -.31 PROJEc7 NAME 7E 5T DATE A' /31/ 5 � ?FST CDNDUCTtD By' /6"X L FAJ!M iA dt LENGTNCi1 <-O.vIIdZ/ c:0,0o03082d1 TIME --PASS _ 9 7 :z 72 3 i BILLING STATEMENT LU DATE OF BILLING: 10/14/85 TERMS: PAYMZNT DUE NO LATER THAN __10/31/85 CITYOF TIGARD —W--- - —aaoaessa----- a==-=.aa-.rxQ v_.,.==xc--- WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGON LABOR: 4 Hours x $ 27.28 a 109.12 Hours x $ $ Hours x $ _ $ Hours x $ TOTAL LABOR $ 109.12 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: $ $ $ TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES $ N/A OTHER: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 109.12 -------masa---a.-.........srss. ..I...........n aaaa as as as--------------------- +a RETURN THIS PORTION OF STAI'EMFN'I' WITH YOUR PAYMENT MAIL PAYMENT TO: City of 11�•„rd POB 2331+/ Tigard, Oroyon 9/2.'2.1 Billing Description AMOUNT OUE $ 109.12 For: 9/29/85 - ljsectlon on Sunday •- Mallard Lake Acct # 10-00000--479 Ken Leah Constructlon Inc. PO Box 489 Cornelius, OR 97113 -- --- — 12755 S by ASH N.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD. OREGON 97223PH x39-4171 ----- it II , INI, ',1(1 1 Ml NI 4J lllY'.111 1 I ilnll Illi INI, 11 kM•. PAYMI NI DIP NO 1 A11 H MAN �o�.li Irf 1 I olll)I; Hour Wour s e l I)I nl l ntllilr Mn I I u I Al SUPPI TI'S S S S s _ s TOIAt MAII RIALS AND SUPPI lt_S S. ()I In R ( i n,. lud,- Overhead) I c)I Al AMOUNT DUE 11 I L I I inl Ih •,. r l 1�1 I„i 1MtrUNI 11tH '� /Q j', � L n. I /O— DUUUU� 'f7� WIMI ANI I AL1111;I 10 ILLI_ 11 1 1 1 1 1) ,ollor ^ Yj'l v..n Otir q7// 3 Construction, Inc. /'O.. Box 489 • 915 ,% 121h Ave ( ornelrus, (hrrko- 971/3 • (503) 357-2/93 September 27 , 1985 City of Tigard 1.2755 S.W. Ash Street Tigard , OR 97223 RE: MALLARD LAKE Gentlemen: Ken Leahy Construction Lnc. will compensate City of Tigard employee and/or Inspector for the overtime hours associated with the MALLARD LAKE Project . Please send j.nvoice to: Ken Leahy Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 489 Cornelius , OR 97113-0489 Sincerely, KEN LEAMY CONSTRUCT;ON, INC. L �%r Kenneth A. H&rauf Superintendent KA11/c s 4 rhvrr.c(/�rr�t rruv nrur, uldr►v, and(winplete uibdivrsrun rleveluprnenl rr►rrs►rur►!Nn rrnuJrua•r i • i dy +.� [[VII V✓✓���� f�V�-. Yl BILLING STATEMENT DATE OF BILLING: 9/30/85 TERMS: PAYMENT DUE NO LATER THAN 10/15/85 CITYOF TIFARD rrrrrrr�rrrorrrrrsArrrrrrrrranrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrw WASHINGTON COUNTY,OREGOiN LABOR: 9 Hours x 27.28 r $ 245.52 Hours x $ $ Houra x r Hours x $ r TOTAL LABOR $ 245.52 MATERIALS 6 SUPPLIES: $ $ TOTAL MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES $ OTHER: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 245.52 s_ as v--r.a----------------I....... ar-®--:------n-sm-..----ce-anaa.a-aamsa- RETURN THIS PORTION OF STATEMENT V]ITH YOUR PAYMENT MAIL PAYMENT TO: City of Tigard POB 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Eilling Description AMOUNT DUE $ 245.52 For: Inspection on Mallard Lake Sub. Sept. 28,1985 9hr Acct. 10-00000-479 _ Ken Leahy Const. Inc. PO Box 489 _ Cornelius, OR 97113 12755 S.W. ASH P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD,OREGON 97223 PH:639-4171 III1 1 ING 1�IAII MINI 6,I)1+K'J11 1 1 111111 ()1 1111 i IN(, p If kM'. I'AYMI NI 11111 N1/ I All N 1 I IAN 1 n11Ulr Jr' Hours • 1lr,u► .1 toS ti Hours R S b Ilrpjr S 11 S I11I(11 I AIIOW Mn11 N3A1 `"� $ Y,UpPI iES S TOIAI MAI(RIALS, ANO SUPPLIES 01111-R include Overhead j 10 1 At AMOUNT OUE 11 1 1 1 1 nll I)1 '.+ r 111t illi 1HI IUN I 111111,, s 93 -S L L 1 111 �II7/ILf/w � �'•�//�`� �4/� 's��4 NnMI ANO nl)nI;I 10 nl 111111II /p to y ry ` ' /••yr (3.K (o reel iN s 61�c y 1 113 b b v N � ro ro U� r1 i U E� O U) W (n a O rd >, u) 3-) N U O a, ro E U) •H C i-+ N 04 (1) o E > O O O v C rl .0 H OD 3 0 u 0 0 44 v •11 1 U U n iJ M O U rl H H O N C -I Q 4-1 a. • N r n v c: u0 o 4..' z rn N v o v a 4.j0 c a) c, c a v u m 0 E- h CIO +� W 7 H 1 U rl• :D '',44 ?r ul rn x f r Q O >, u1 a • ry ?, a..J 44 a > z X C E- T-1 N ] u, O KC C ro O - W u .. lr in ti ro d rn c o v a a m v o x v tri a W �+ E+ :3 0 C >, ro F V ti C O N \ v a v v v m a u x � Q -J E o E ro v v a0 >.41 vv n N ° b N w � .p �� m a �r 4J x 0 N U (�! c Gam v a z � Q) 1 W v v E •.1 4 cn E� a c 7 aG v 3 a c� W.• � cn -••i U .- � CITYOF TIC;�4RD WASHINGTON COUNTY. OREGON September 12, 1985 I Ward—West, .Inc. 915 E. First Street Newberg, OR 97132 Re: Mallard Lakes Subdivision Gentlemen: r'o eN, The Tigard r ard City Council, at their meeting of 9/19/85, accepted the Subdivision Compliance Agreement 6 Bond for the above noted subdivision. Copies of the documents are enclosed for your files. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Engineering Division at 639-4171. Sincerely, Loreen Wilson City Recorder ilw/3192A Enc. vCC: Randy Clarno, Engineering Div. �— 12755 S W ASH P 0 BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 PH 639-4171 Construction Ingxctlon&Related Tests Carlson Testing, Inc. P.O.Box 23814 Tigard,Oregon 97223 Phone(503)684.3460 August 22, 1985 #CP-2152 FIELD INSPECTION REPORTS DATES COVERED: August 19, 1985 PROJECT: Mallard Lakes ADDRESS: Tigard, Oregon INSPECTOR: D. Leach 8-19-85: Inspected the backfilling of the east side of the roadway at the above referenced site. Found pit run being placed in lifts and wheelrolled as the fill was placed. The native material between the lakes will have to be removed and replaced with pit run material. Respectfully submitted, CAFU, N TESTING, INC. 1 Douglas W. Leach President 11.0 cc: Bob Westlund City of Tigard CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM SUMMAFY AGENDA OF, ist 19, 1905 AGENDA ITEM M: DATE SUBMIT ; August 12, 1985 PREVIOUS ACTION: NONE _ ISSUE/AGENDA TITLE: Mallard Lakes _. Subdivision Comp_l. Agrmnt, & Perform PREPARED BY: Development Services Dept Bond;Author. Mayor .& Recorder to exc REQUESTED BY: John Hagman DEPARTMENT HEAD OK: CITY ADMINISTRATOR: POI..ICY ISSUE INFORMATION SUMMARY ] . 'he proposed "Mallard Lakes" subdivisic„ is located north of SW Sattler Road and between 92nd Avenue and Hall Blvd. The preliminary plat has been approved by the City. 7. The attached Subdivision Compliance Agreement and Subdivision Performance Bond has been submitted by the developer, as is required by the City, to assure completion of installation of all. public facilities within the proposed subdivision, 3 Construction plans are ready to be issued and all required public improvement fee' s have been paid. Issuance of said plans is pending Council. action (as is suggested below) . ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED SUGGESTED ACTION Authorize the Mayor and City Recorder to execute the Subdivision Compliai �e Agreement for Mallard Lakes in behalf of the City; and, also, accent the Subdivision Performance Bond therefor. (JH:bs%1721P) �r SUBDIVISION COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the _ 1`�A day of �ucs�, 19 7 between the CITY OF TIGARD, a municipality of -Oregon,�ftereinafter termed fhe, "CITY", and WART)-W SL-QQNSTRlfr'fTnN INC. hereinafter termed "Petitioner". W I T N E S S E T H WHEREAS, Petitioner has applied to the City for approval for filing in Washing on County, a subdiv' sion plat kno as M_��1.a%r-A -, _.. _— illamette Meridian, Washington Coun y, Oregon; and WHEREAS, the City has approved and adopted the standard specifications for Public Works construction by APWA Oregon Chapter and the Unified Sewerage specifications for the sanitary sewers prepared by professional engineers for subdivision development; and WHEREAS, the public improvements require-i to be constructed or placed in Petitioner's development are incomplete, but Petitioner has nonetheless requested the City to permit progressive occupancy and use of property in the subdivision, and the parties desire hereby to protect the public interest generally and prospective purchasers of lois in said subdivision by legally enforceable assurances that the public improvements will be installed as required and completed within the time hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the Petitioner and Its sureties, IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: (1) Petitioner shall proceed with the development, with the intent and Purpose to complete all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees of said subdivision not later than two (2) years from the date of this agreement, and Petitioner is hereby bound to comply with all subdivision standard.4 as set forth in said Subdivision Ordinance and the standard specification adopted by the City of tigard, or as may be otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and to use only such material and to follow such designs as may be required to conform thereto. Petitioner shall provide certification of installation conformance, vin a registered civil engineer, to the City prior to City inspection of petitioners improvement work for City tentative and final acceptance consideration . (2) To assure compliance with the City's requirements and the provisions hereof, Petitioner tenders herewith to the City a surety bond in form approved by the city, with liability in the amount of $ 24--7t-ZOS,M a copy whereof hereto attached by this reference made a part hereof. (3) In the event that Petitioner shall fail , neglect o refuse to proceed with the work in an orderly and progressive manner to assure completion within the time limits, upon ten (10) days notice by the City to Petitioner and Petitioner's sureties, and such default ai.d failure to proceed continuing thereafter, the City may a4 Its option proceed to have the work competed and l�r•- POND 12 �. �— 5 W. 91 5i. A V 37 30 ► � 29 2.3 1 27 2 100% 36 2 14 27 73� 34 �3 31 I 21 23 22- 47 2 I MALLARD LAKES MALLAR_ LAKES 3 0 FMOM 1 Mau pGAlf�nn Ww94lY kt69d0► , fi W- .;+uwsa.c_ ..a •vim.. '� ..; ,,. ,w - :.. ,.- -. ._. .,..,.,. ,,.,._ .. _ t {�y � t �. .� • .'".. .. Ta ,...:�-, . -e.dip�e.....,, r t 1 1 r 1 t I' 1 1' t r i yi i i ili i r r i 1t � e1 il � tei ili iii ' ' � - . .. f � I I � _I I�- � i tt � li r� I � I � III III IIS ! � I rll ale ele el ele elel I � � I 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED --- . DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC�T I S DUE TO IM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL oc 62 82 lz 9z Sz fZ Ez - _.zz la oz 61 of i l 91 51 *1 E I 21 11 of _6 0 L 9 s E Z � ,-;,. =�c���-rr- ,``�'��;�... �+ r _y . , � 1 � 1#�tttt �e�i�atrt�t�11�W1�HM�llttlllu.�llttlltlllil+11111111111�I�I�tt,111ZiiI�Illt�liti1f11111ti�ttitDllli,�ilit�lleillf _ I�IIIMIIIII�t111�ItH�1111��1 �I�11,�11f�1�l1.�1#.iUil111�1 y- JUL y .. 1 - e t•S -- -— •- .,-•fir,-.. .-w.,,�,�....,,-_._..-r: r�--...� .. �. �. -.' '" -- - +.��i ..+K..� t r.�.rr r H �::'gar,. �n•.,,:-:. ,-:.,u ;.,. '�'., ,..r..Y^ ,a-Kryr },err.[ mom n A C D 9 F G • 1 � I I i•- _� IJ .4 L. Y N D.o!i CURVE DATA 3 O' EXIST ?- I"CCP � I I G00E DELTA RADIUS LeNGThI CHORD CH. 9f�ARING CENTER LINE �5 2 5. 72 /8 ® N t 1 • E U U ► AO' 7 1 1 ' - 119'S 9 I 0 56 11 ' OU" 150.00 1 3 1. 92' 12 7. 62' N 1c7`l$" w2 -E . 0 +00 REMOVE R IC_ADj (G� 59 9S ' 0G IS6 .00 56 . 56 1449. S5 N- 1.5 02 1Z.-E (pl 5 �y �6 / 61.µh 12g. 44 / zS. Obr N-69-34 '31" -E Ot 00 MN I ,+ MATCH EX15T• CURB � T.C. 2 18 . 3G I.E 209. 60 IN T.0 21/. 8 I E} 45"� 35 0,4 i 7i.00' 13 � 23 135. 3)1� 6q' 36 40 _. __. I.E, 206.99 our ?;,' _ _,-...._u- .. I ! Ob­ 7 T. -~ Q_+ 7INLE 3 213. 59 (8 T. o GuR'13 LINE W211, / 89 08 38 ' 28 . 00 443. 56 ' � 'TEE INTO W I�r �� � � , � I. 2 I I. 6f3 I.E., Z07. Z n T C 2. 212. 77 LTJ + ' Q Q ` , �' 7 f 2 90 5' 1 22 28 . 00' 44 ,40' i lk T.C , ^ v I 3 T C I. 20$,.64 O +�S _ �� �c� -7 5 +3'►. 7 10w P1'�� I EXIST. POMC f I. 209- P7 r4 � '_��- 2. 208.33 T.C.zl+�.wo '0 0 < 1 + 16.00 r.c. -21T4TRACT � I I 12 03 9c 00 00" Z3 . CO' 36. ,3 , N 7 - C Tc, 212.12 INCE T hl". 2 A " / 2 3 .v0 2G '. 6µ o0 TC. 210./1 1. 2,F1 .7A 3. 207.99 1 # 71.43 INLET G �f• Oe•µj / „ N I ' 1 m � _- 20F. ,3] ___- .- l O 90 00 � v0� � 36. 13 3 209. 43 v� _. _.I 0 + 47. 3 3 It65 91 5T guE - �' TC. 208. 63 4, t 20.9,} r' I y 1 �♦ 2�f_� ?T. 6 05. I 1 !a, 1 Two 9 32 3 2OR•oo p i00 inlltRDI N I,<r 205 .30 TC.211.9y F I T.G. 'Z// 44+6 T•C.2i►. / 1# 9' 59 42- 28-DO' 2#4.4 3' y w 2 T.C.. o8.��i ,� 2 f / �I T. C . o 1 t Z5. O1 SATTLER 1 r ti,3 5+05. +F0- ( n 49 59 43• 28.00, 24•,43, _" f * I ,r j-39. 2 3 "_-� / 6 + 77.58 5 ` 0 9,40 _ 9 + 11- 65 /� � I. L14-47 � �� = o b I u7 3 :_-1►^ N-42- 24 _1Z•' E SO S. 4� -� - -��\ N 02 Er 5 Ey 5; t.C.2rw.4+ll + !70 _ (� 111° 19' 2 Zf3. �o ,l r 2 ,. _ 0 5 L 2 2 q � T•C• � 7 b3 9 w4. t C'Ae 3µp• 40' S. W. 9 t 5T• AV^E . 9 100.70' --`1 �sN�\ - a7. ` / _ 1/ � rrC. r4. r R '' 52.UI' 13,. 28.00' 25- 42 T. C . l". - 1 1 ♦ z 1 +1 \ �p �.-- �'' � 4 � -O d S4 q8,00 I t" (I� 52 0 51 05 '' 2 8, 00' 25. 83 - i t09. 24 !� 32 .2 ofd X51 ' 3 'a / TC. y - ��- 207 1NCET I +85• 23 T� I �� ? I� 5t>?6.SI ��'� •SO •p4 �C /•SO II 3B. �J- rte' :o ---- 2 e 9 If 201. o TC.210 .e7 I,' � �`a 3 � R 150 �,� R 00 � 14 l0 109_54' 57" 28.vn' 53. 72' q + '113.6.9 t 0 • O Lt µ R? 9 T C. �• .,, , . 1'C.ZlI.e4 *5O � Z O 8. 418 ! Tc.-2 c�q. I 1. I n,7 f 2 0 7 - ` 1 i 6 3 -0 D % �G_ 10 T. C, q��---- _ __ __ TC 1Iµ t� r!--,,�� • ` - 4 - I '` - �� ` `'� �• �� 9/65.96 r r'•, "1+• C�J 32 Os 21" 58.00" 32.N8 f. 210,6 8 T C. 2/0.3+1 � �F � 8 I. 211.4 3 v �� 5� C, 214.75 ` _ . 1 + 70.73 ��F 1nl i I 3 la � � 1 :u } iii��0*63 . 3(1 PC. LTlRT 6. 4: 2, 1 . S6 2. 2./0.63 ,�T.CZI t�B� -' (2 62043' 14~ 5,q. oc 63.4.9' - - RT ry T.C..67. 21 �" / 2 -- I 7 a ; 70.8 y . T,If. 2'oB,lg t` T.0 2a6.s2 fi.G. .9Z 3. 209-71 v� T. �r�f 1z cV ~ ' 1 \ -__ _ _ I ___ , �►^, N D T_E W i I (5 T.0 b� V i J� P. C. R. !.r_ 1 ! l l� 2 + 67.67 SEE POND DETAIL I � 1��.i c19 1/2 0 i'-- J ; , T.C. 206.er + - 1 Ir' 1. 206.90 �e - �_ , ti r0 T G y TG.2o l SrIT 70►� C.:JLVERT 2' I - 36 a Gr 3 I 1. 2o6.9S i Q - 19 BETWEEN >ON05 g+3c+. zz C, �ly.we 15 { ` " : ,,, , a 17' 17 TC• 214 14 �. .o _-- B 8 V 3 � - .• 1 r TC. 0 .71 �q T. , , �, C x I S T. POND N T.C• 2►l�,2t '. . , _._ I - -- -- FJLL A INLET - 2 �-- i15 ' 15 GCP .6.66. 3Z,99 Z5 � TRACT 2 H , �' T.C.214.09 1 201.04 � 1 3� 1 1/46 i w w E 2o1.µ4 1 ti'� ►2 Inc ,' ' 20 ` I.E. 211. 0 LEGEND 1. ( 51 �a .O1 1 6 1 INLET ___ I%20\ 32 I o; I 1 17 I 1 T.c.ao5s7 -_ -- - - sola 1 1 �► NHEEL CHAIR RAMP 1,a Z02,30. \ -- In _� _ \ / �. - _ _ _ ^,\0 -_ ` OA - - - CURVE CODE 7 7 _ `-'' 4 i 2 3 � 21 +� 3 3 � 22 REMOVE Fx157 I 4 )- 04 , 16 MATCH EX15T. URB INLET- C01V5T MH TC. 2U�l•05 _! LEON I 3�T• 1 1 E. 178 -93 _ 6-5�' !x.34 76. 89 i } T.C. 203.70 E X 15 T. 2 7' C TR-=�." %_A6.%t 1 'b\-\ lJ� �i Cly 1� RLc oR� .-. . : ••t T' hl.\.. \ ' _ •r 1, •.� +. !' �... i� CVT. 3 I I I 25+ _----- 5'S/W « 5' 5/W 2,6 ,Jh� r 5 S/W 44.5 6 Ll B A.C. EXIST• Q - b _. 3'C L .6 A, G. -6 Q F `� -; ExPvSLtRE 211'2 INTI LYEAR /vv MT. _ - - AW CUT CC!- N1 l"EXPOSURE I%2 IST LIFT SLOPE PcR �Yi-•. In 6 6"CROWN E.DG E 4 4 . 4 - �Z4' i (FIN15NE0) 6 CROW 1,/Z 1N I YEAR I CITY 5TO. - maw 17��� I ( (FINI$HE0) - -- N , • I U THICK CONC .` .. _ „��l. `2 I 4 ?HICK CUNC. ..._. SIDE WALK 5. 0 16� CU�2� -2, W • 0 LEVEL COUR5E� SIRE v,.'AL K •� C f- 3' 3144 - O LEvE L C:Uu1: SE G �+�Rv I?/W T - 8� I1: O PASri~ RACK � STD. 16 GURB 12' I �,". 0 BASE ROCK ir TYPICAL STREET 5ECTION - I ;� (S. W. 915T. AVE.) TYPICAL f/2 STREET SECT IUIN ( 5 . W, 5ATTLER STREET) (NO SCA LE ) ( NO SCALE ) REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNERS : WARD - WEST, !V C. SIAL" 50' �. R, I I . MALLARD L�.. A � E S _ ° 0 TRACED 915 EAST FIRST STREET JOB No. N . H . NEW ® ERG , ORE . 97132 - � S- ORE�� CHECKED Harris -McMona le Associ STREET 8r STORM SEWER SHEET I g ates VV �• " MC• ' ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS PLS REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE F' _,._.•. 5 A• S' • DATE 12555 S. W. HALL 84l.ILEVAF'D � C REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION 5 -2 8 B S TIGARD, OREGON 977.23 mo • -- _ �' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1;-1 I- 1 t` 'i ') 1 1 1 11�1 h i r1 �1111i I � 1 � ` 111 � 1I ) IE ( I � � III1111111I11 III I llli I � I 1 1 I I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 1�0 I I 12 - NOTE: I F THIS M I(;ROI'1LMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICC;-'I' I S DUF. TO _.� QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL 'DRAWING. OE 62 92 [Z 92 SZ ti� Iz 02 61 91 LI •1 SI till EI ZI 11 01 • 9 L 0 SI-. �h--�I E Z 1&WIN +►III1nlluulnlllull�uu1cu11EnIInI�I1nh1111U1t9uI11ulcbH111IIcIrM1�rIIlIU111c111tNItIlU11111�I111II11111111{Itltlnllllal ti11111HilllMltmltl�l! m.• uI111u1�1u1111111tlII�1W1�lUU�UU�I�LU�IIII�IU�IIII) JULY 1 199 'f harge the costs hereof against Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties and in the event same be not paid, to bring an action on the said bond to recover the ® amount thereof. In the e;,ent such action be brought, Petitioner and Petitioner' s sureties promise and agree to pay, in addition to the amounts accruing and allowaH e, such svm as the court shall adjudge reasonable as attorney' s fees and costs incurred by the City, both in the. Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any, or the City may, at its option, bring proceedings to enforce against the Petitioner and/or Petitioner' s sureties specific performance of the contract and compliance will rhe subdivision standards and ordinances of the City of Tigard, and in such event, in like mariner, the City shall be entitled to recover such sum as the court shall adjudge reasonable as and for the City' s attorney' s fees and costs, both in the Trial Court and Appellate Court, if any (4) Petitioner, concurrent the with execution hereof, has deposited with the City an amount estimated to equal rental and maintenance fees with respect to the street lighting facilities within the subdivision, according to Portland General Electric Schedule H91, Option "B", together with a further sum equal to the estimated cost of providing electrical energy to energize the street lighting facilities for a period of two (2) years from the data of initial energizing of said lights . Said amount being s_ 1b51 . LO (5) [he City agrees to make and provide periodic and final inspections which in the City' s interest are desirable to assure compliance herewith, in consideration whereof the Petitioner has paid prescribed inspections fees .* (6) The City agrees to install street identification and traffic signs within the said subdivision, in consideration of payment, in the amount ,f _ C ' CTC' - (7) At iu,�h time as all public improvements except sidewalks and street trees within this subdivision have been completed in accordance with the City ' s requirements , Petitioner shall submit a "certificate of installation conformance" to the City to notify the City of the readiness for acceptance consideration inspection and upon notification by the Department of Public Works that tha_ requirements of the City have been met, the Petitioner will submit. to the City a good and sufficient maintenance bond if not already provided with t.1-te performance bond, form approved by the City, in the sum of A 4\ , r-r to provide for correction of any defective work or- maintenance be,:-,ming apparent or arising within one (1) year after tentative acceptance of tr-* public improvements by the City Upon receiar of certification by the Department of Public Works, that all requirements houve been met, and a One Year Maintenance Bond, the City Council agrees to terv,tatively accept the public improvement subject to the r2quiremernts for correction of deficiencies and maintenance for a period of one year as her'*znabove set forth. (A) That ..n addition to or supplementary of the requirements of the City ' s Subdiais-ion Ordinance and the provisions hereof, Petitioner binds itself to confor--wr to the following requirements, scheduling and limitations *Project teas __yUg '9�' • SeWer Fe* �__.1„173 - zrQ 2 '(a) None of the lots of Petitioner' s subdivision as described may be occupied for residential purposes until an occupancy permit is issued under authority of the City and no occupancy permit shall be issued prior to the acceptance of the subdivision and to the time that the sidewalk paralleling the street for each developed lot proposed to a occupied, is installed as ,A part of the development; provided that all sidewalks as required by the plans and subdivision code shall be installed throughout said subdivision not later than 3 years from the date of this Subdivision Improvement Contract. (b) All landscaping trees on that portion of each lot between the public sidewalks and the curb (parking area) is required, shall be planted in place prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permit for each such lot in.. the subdivision. Provided that final inspection and applicant for occupancy permit occurs within any calendar month from October to April of any year, such plantings may be deferred until the next following growing season. In any event, all landscaping and trees in all areas shall be planted and in place within the entire subdivision within three (3) years from the date of this subdivision improvement %ontract. (c) After tentati.se City acceptance of the public ir,!provements, the Petitioner agrees to place a X (SOK asphaltic concrete Crass "B" overlay on all reads within the development; placement scheduling to bo approve by the City. (d) Compliance with all terms and provisions specified theretofor said subdivision development by the Council and the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard, Oregon, in regard to variances allowed from the subdivision ordinance, conditions specified by the zone use classification and, also, on the approved plat(s) and plan(s) . (e) Petitioner agrees to provide for correction of any defective work and/or maintenance becoming apparent or arising during the guarantee period as hereinabove set forth. (9) At such time as all public improvements have been completed in accordance with the City' s requirements, Petitioner shall notify the City of the readiness for final inspection and upon certification by the Department of Public Works that all requirements of the City have been met, the Council agrees to accept said improvements for operation and maintenance responsibility, thereinregard, and release the Petitioner' s guarantee bond (10) The parties hereto hereby adopt the form of performance bond, copy whereof is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof, and Petitioner agrees to cause to have said bond executed and filed with the City concurrently with the execution of this agreement at or prior to the time this agreement is executeu on behalf of the City . (11) The specific requirements of Paragraph 9 hereof shall for all purposes be included as a part of the obligation secured by the aforesaid performance bond and the City shall be entitled to recourse thereto in the event of default on the part of the Petitioner, with respect to any requirement thereof. • 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to bc• executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council adopted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the _ day of 19 1 has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mayor and Recorder. WARD-WEST CONSTRUCTION NC. 'Ely By — -- THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON By: Mayur By : Recorder (,Att�c� Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Ll P1 Return signed copy to: C4. `1713 L- (00108) �a IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Petitioner acting by and through its duly authorized undersigned officers pursuant to resolution of its Board of Directors has caused this agreement to be executed, and the City acting pursuant to resolution of its Council ado ted at a meeting thereof duly and regularly held on the /C�_ day of ,;-l has caused this agreement to be executed by its Mfs'yo r and Recorder. WARD-WEST CONSTRUCTION NC. By By: T�4 CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON / y , f" Recorder (Attach Notary Acknowledgement hereto) Return signed Copy to: (00109) 4 SU',bw,sIaN PERFORMANCC BOND Bond No. YT877-6267 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we Ward-Wr2st Construction, Inc._r _ as Principal, and Industrial Indemnity CDT%any o- the 1°rtl est a corporation duly authorized to conduct a general surety business in the State of Oregon, as Surety, are jointly and severally held bound unto the City of Tigard, Oregon, a municipality of the State of Oregon, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of $ *247,205.00* lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which we, as Principal, and as Surety , jointly and severally bind ourselves, our successors and assigns firmly by these present. olE CONDITICNG OF Fit,S BOND AND 09t If ATTON Ls SUCN. that the Principals plat kn �Al r-3R-Lbl l a :d Takeas are � � � � � -r located in the City of Tigard, Oregon, and have entered into a Subdivision Compliance Agreement with respect to timely development and improvement thereof, a copy of said Agreementis attached hereto, and by reference made a part hereof; and NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal herein shall faithfully and truly observe and comply with all terms of the Agreement and shall well and truly perform all matters and things undertaken to be performed under said Agreement and under, all ordinances, regulations and conditions of the Obligee applicable to said development and improvement, and shall promptly make payments to all • persons supplying labor or material for any of the work provided by said agreement, and shall not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecutioned against the Obligee, then this obligation s.,all be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. In the event of suit or action be filed by the Obligee hereunder to enforce said contract or to recover under the terms of this bond, in addition to all other rights and remedies hereunder, the City , in the event it shall prevail, shall be entitled to recover such sums as the Court may adjudge reasonable as and for attorney' s fees . IN WITNFC0 WIF RFnF the parties hereto have caused this b•)nd to be executed this 30th day of _,7u1y 1985 ._ Ward-West construction, Inc. — �� Principal r By; sealL__ c a��r sQel 7 r W .din, ;ident Ay seal seal (A true copy of the Power of Attorney _Industrial Indemnity g2Man ._of the must be attached to the original of No .�rety th i s bond . ) � z _-- _1 Attornoy-in.-Fact pay(X n Williams (0927P) Ile WASLs Industrial Indemnky older of �Nttornru NO. 10 NW �inofn all men 4 these presents: That INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST, a corporation organized itid existing under the laws of the State of Washington and having its principal office in the City of Seattle, State of Washington,does hereby make, constitute and appoint----------------------------------DAYONNA WILLIAMS-------.---------------------------- its true and lawful attorney-in-fact for it and in its name, plare and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, •.indertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of all obligees, provided that the liability of the Company as surety tinder this authority in no one instance shall exceed the sum of UNLIMITED--- and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. Thit Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the resolution adopted by ummirr,ous consent of the Board of Directors of INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITV COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST on July 13, 1983, reading as follows: "RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board or President or Executive Vice President o,Senior Vice President or Vice President of the Company, in conjunction with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary of this Company, or the Serretari's derznee,be, and he hereby is, authorized to execute, acknowledge or verify Powers of Attorney qualifying attorneys-in-fact to act under such Powers of Attorney to execute on behalf of INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST bonds, undertakings, stipulatiora, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach the corperate teal thereto; "FARTHER RESOLVED, that the signatures of said officers to authorized by this Company ma f be printed facsimile, btho- graphed or otherwise reproduced, and that the facsimile signature of any person who shall have been such officer of this Company at thr time of such execution, acknowledgment or verification may continue to be used for the purpose hereinabove stated and will be binding on this Company, notwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be such officer at the time when such instruments shall he issued." In witness whereof, INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST has cawed these presents to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its proper officers this 28Lh day of November 1983 A COM►,t�, Attest:a��� I, INCUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THE NORTHWLST mcrApmnD i AUG. IR Itt72 o SEA"tL IA. ., .fro ;+ Lawfence E. Mulryan, Secretary R.J. pert, President 4, tiS 1, Lawrence E. Mulryan, Secretary of INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THL NORTHWEST, do hereby certify that t have romnar•d the Pev--er cf Attorney granted herein aiid the i,solutir n reLitcd herein with the originals now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and that said Power of Attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and affixed the seal of INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OF THE NORTHWEST this i0t-h day of Jul y 19 85 INCpalpAllT[D AUG 1t1.HIL = Lawrence E. Mulryan,Secretary 0 WMI.WA s - ��ti yam: � Va S lot \ �� NA No.. AS Name Address - L.ot Block/Map SubdlVlslon/Address Permit N's Bldp. Plumb Cash Check Stwer Other Other Rec. By Acct. No. Descrlptlon 14432 Buildin Permit Fees Amount 10431800 Plumbin�Permit Fees — 10-431$01 Mechanical Permit Fees — 14230-501 State Bldg. Tax — 10433 Plans Check Fee - 43 Sewer CoBnectlon - 44 Sewer Inspection ___�_ j 51.448 Street S St. Dev. Charge 52.449810 Parks I Shat. Dev. Charge -- 52449820 Parks IIS at. Dev.—Charge _ j 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst. Dev. Charge 10-43p Business 10-434 Alarm Permlt -' 10-227 Rall — ------ ---- 1U 455 Finis---T reffic/MIsd/Park111 -- - 14234 COTA Trafffe/Mlad/Vie. Aast. -- _- 14456 Indigent Defense -- 30 122 401 newer ServieelUSA 30.122.402 Sewor ServicelCity 3096 3 Sewer Sevlce/ Ity Malnt. 1 nma chic`-"-- —_- 1.1 4 - ancro PLEASE TAKE THIS TO THE CASHIER FOR A RECEIPT NAME: DATE:CI �(/l� C✓ 1� DATE: �� Z — �� M���l��es ��Es s�a�►. _ ACCT. k DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 10-220 Refundable Performance Bond Deposit s 10-435 Sign Permits HOP TU i 10-436 Public Sewer Plan Check Ins ecti.on a E_ O 0 ?.0 10-436 _ Public Storm Plan Check/Inspection Fee _ s 10-436 Street Dedicatio Public Im rovement Fee S 1_9D$AV 10-436 Street Openinq Permit : 10-437 Subdivision dli.cations: S MLP $ 10-440 Zoning Application!: ZC CPA ZOA PO SDR Misc SCE CU SLP V -- 21-442Street L. 1-051 .20 i ht Fee $ - 1Q-451 Document Sales: Engcs. Planning Bldg. s —_ 10-451 teat and Traffic Si ns _� s 1�•� TOTAL_ (1045P) ' p .w.nilYllMr��i':MMiwr.na,w....+,rMaFrN:aw.::,,uxv....:fwa4Mry+Fw.a�.uadr.:i,t.. :'..,.. .••:.,r,r„..•.x r..'.w..Y.-,..N...Nn:.�ntlw•.i�rrc�,sy„�,Wr:,:w�tdeq� ,:.n:L�iTn1W�Yuw„ .':...�•�•.; hralrris-McMonagle Associates, c, ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD, OREGON 97223 Telephone(503)639.3453 August 14, 1985 �• �- O �� �•��� of t���Q� Mr. Bob Thompson City of Tigard eLPNN 12755 S. W. Ash St. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Mallard Lakes Dear Bob: In my opinion the material being excavated from the sewer trench can be utilized for backfill . Due to the width of the trench compaction of the backfill should be easily accomplished. Si ,erely-yours , J . R. Harris Harris-McMonagle Associates , Inc. J RH:ds CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PUBLTC IMPROVEMENT FEE COMPUTATION SHFFI Project Title: _ =�p►f`.�.�►�� �K�_.SImprv . T Computed By : _ — Date 1 . PROJECT PERMIT FEE (T.M.C. 18. 164 . 150) : A. Improvement cost estimate, less sanitary sewer. . . .$ _�97 72.4.00 (Adjusted Cost.) B 0.04 x $�1�1'1_�t4.0O = 1(� - (Adjusted Cost) 2 SANITARY SEWER MAIN, PLAN (.HFCK AND INSPECT IO 1 FFF (Ord. No. 85-02) A. Contract surcharge applicable yes, (agreement name) D . Sewer Improvement cost estimate $ 4'1 — (sewer est. ) C. 0.04 x 4°i 480___x____ _ $ __ _- (sewer estimate) (fee) [or] $100.00 min. , whichever is greater . . . . . $- _ �9'19.�0 3 . STREETLIGHT FEE (T .M.C. 18. 164 . 130 (x) 6 3 .08 ,01.0) : N N A. P.G.E. Schedule No. _, Option No. Type of Lamp .,jLumens,<W&*-k-s Type of Pole ��.1K1�1 Height 'L B . $ 3,97J — x 10 $ 3�=30---/mo (monthly rate) (no. of lights) x (monthll rate) (no. of poles) $ x.30 _ + _ _.i ,W — x 24 months = . . ---Jost - _ (subtotal lights) (Subtotal poles) 4 . TRAFF-IC—PEDESTRIAN SIGN FEE (T .M.0 18 . 164 .030(u) A. Stop: @ $ "` $ (number) (each) (subtotal ) B. St. Name: C. Combo: ---�— @ $-- �3. - $- �0 D. No. Parking: @ F @ $ _ $ (Misc . ) s;ign(s) Total $ --780.6 _ 5 GRAND IOIAL (FTF- 'S DUE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$__ _.j)__0A-%,3V – R(ir.pipt No. , ` _ nate Paid: _ Check _ Cash _ 09201) Harris-McMonagle -SURVEYORS Aes, Inc. ENGINEF.RS�S � l�� TL l (LI URUSAPTT�41 SURVEYORS 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 _ Telephone(303)639.3453 DATE ATTtPO,ONTO AC GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached E_ Under separate cover via .�� ____the following items LI Shop drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans CJ Samples C Specificat ons ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ —_ I COPIES DATE NO DESCRIPTION - '1000, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below For approval Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval for your use Approved as noted ❑ Submit ___._copies for distribution A, requ�,stecl Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE _ -- 19 _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS - COPY EMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: C � 11 •nrinwros are net as noted. Mmdly nofif*- I or enol w uwfo Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County 150 N. First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 50:3 648-8621 July 9, 1985 City of Tigard PO Box 23397 Tigard OR 97223 Gentlemen : SUBJECT: MALLARD LAKES The construction plane on the above-referenced project have been approved by the Unified Sewerage Agency , If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sincerely , Terry Chamberlin Design Engineer TC:,jb Enc. 72 41i1? U.S.A. - DF �. Copy APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUED BY _ D0.TE iCITY OF TI-3.7, ,► ► DEVLP;CRv GE.Pr; E3y` DATE OPERATIONS DEPT: BY— _ DATE CITY ENGINEER: BY DA7E OWNERS A.G.E.CO.. WARD — WEST, INC . Gk–N,TELCO.: By-- _DATE 915 EAST FIRST STREET N E W B E R G , ORE . 9 7 1 3 2 STORER CABLE CO. CY._______aATE N W NAI GAS CO.: BY DATE By_ DATE UNIF SEW AGENCY: BY DATE ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS HARRIS - McMONACLE ASSOCIATES INC. 12555 S . W. HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 APPR0VFD AS NOTED UNIFIL EVdEI� -AG� CY BY t'R��Z •c— MALLARD LAKES S I 14arris-McMonagle Associates, inc. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS 12555 S.W. HALL BLVD. TIGARD. OREGON 97223 Telephone (503) 639-3453 July 8, 1985 Mr. John Hagman City of Tigard Engineering De,,artment 12755 S. W. Ash Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Mallard Lakes Dear John: Enclosed is a copy of our detailed cost estimate for the primary construe*ion items in Mallard Lakes. The following is a summary of these costs together with estimated costs for other items of work necessary to complete the project. Streets 86,537.50 Sanitary sewer 48,680.00 Storm drainage 27,649.00 Water system 30,077.50 Sub-Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $192,944.50 1'VS14 4,c a Sidewalks 16,010 s,.f. @ $1 .25 20,012.50 Street lights 12 ea. @ $700.00 8,400.00 io(.IV, c. P.G.E. trenching & transformer pads 7,200.00 Street signs 3 ea. @ $60.00 1 . 180.00 -7990,00 Asphalt overlay 513 tori @ $36.00 --18,.4-6-8.00 Grand Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $247,205.00 Sincerely J. R. Harris Harris-McMonanle Associates , Inc. J RH:ds cc: Ferd Wardin PC-, P'01ECT: Mallard Lake TI''LE: Bic! Proposal UNIT UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE COST i'OTAL STREETS : 1 . Clearing & grubbing lump sum 2. Excavation & embankment 6528 c.y. :3. Foundation stabilization rock 350 c.y. �,?.4- 4. Curb 3203 l .f. 5. Rock & paving Section I 6552 s.y. w,.� ✓ r_. Section 11 544 s.. �'' �e7t4 TOTAL STREETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SANITARY SEWER: I . 8-inch pipe P.V.C. 1293 l .f. .,�.' /U, ?9i,J'„_.4`%' 2. Service lateral pipe 4" P.V.C. 1370 l .f. / ,� �r ��� DO :3. Wyes 1 ea. ���!' �,�—QG 4. Tees 30 ea. 5. Manholes 6 '1 ea. i F. Clean out ea: tlO .riG .Q� 7. Pipe zone material 2693 l .f. 8. Rock backfill 2661 c.y. 9. Foundation stabilization rock 100 c.y. GV TOTAL SANITAR! SEWER , . . . . . . . . . , g .3, �?.!j, •►r; STORM SEWER: r , c 1 . 21-inch concrete pipe 377 1 •f. 2. 15-inch concrete pipe 180 l .f. 3. 12-inch concrete pipe 479 l .f. 4. 6-inch P .V.C. 80 l .f. 5 . Manholes 4 ea. h. Ditch inlet 1 ea. r-f- °ROJECT : Mailard Lakes TITLE: Bid Proposal UNIT UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION MEASURE COST TOTAL Storm Seaver ( Cont. ) i. Inlets - standard 7 ea. 8. Rock backfill 410 c.y.. � , 9. 6-inch gate valve w/ box 2 ea. 10. Rip rap out fall into lower lake and lump sum ��`✓'. G'� lower lake into existing swale 11 . Water leval control structure , lower lake 1 ea. el- TOTAL STORM SEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '4ATERWORKS : 1 . 8-inch D. I .P. 860 1 .f. ?. 6-inch D. I .P . 465 l .f. 4-inch D.I .P. 155 1 .f. ,'%� _Qf'?•�G 2 ea. p, ���" _ 'G•DC 5. 8" x 6" reducer M.J . 1 ea. 6. Bends M.J . & mise. fittings 500 lb. 1, 20 4 14f-r- 7. 12" x 2" cross M.J. & cap 1 ea. 399.��1 8. 12" butterfly valve w/ box 1 ea. �o�•Cr �v/Q, C� 9. 8" butterfly valves 5 ea. »'� �iti•, 10. 6" gate valves M. J . w/ box 1 ea. 11 . Fire hydrant assembly 3 ea. 12. Blow-off assembly 2 ea. 13. Single 3/4" Type "K" copper service 1 ea. 14. Double 1" Type "K" copper service 18 ea. _ 15. Rock backfill 375 c.y. 6L ,- ;7,7�a 16. Cut into existing 12" main 1 ea. `� '':' __ L__�'�✓_ TOTAL WATERWORKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 • �/�RR�S I��M��1JkC.�IE. Ate:UC , Dee c J 1 en Attached please find �_ copy(s) of a public improvement plan. Said plan needs to be circulated through the thereon noted agencies and, subsequently, returned to this office. Very truly, 7' a cc: file f" J Harris-McMonagle Associates, Inc. L EUTEM OI' "TRUSEQ` MU, ENGINE ERS.SURVEYORS 9905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 (DATE j__ JOE NO N Telephone(303)639.3453 _ _ •TTEON RC TO GENTLEMEN: — WE ARE SENDING YOU ached I-: Under separate cover via .___ ..._. ...___ the following items. C Shop drawings G Prints Plans Samples CJ Specifications C Copy of letter Fi Change order COPIES GATE NO. DESCRIPT'ON THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: or approval Approved as submitted kesubmit____- copies for approval or your Approved as noted Submit copies for distribution C s re Returned for corrections I_; Return .. corrected prints or reviet. and comment I L FOR BIDS DUE_ 19 i- PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS.�'c' L _._��il�' _. _,f�- 'L� COPY TO_—__ - �---- / SIGNED 11 enclosures ere not as noted. hendly Melly �i enc• Harris McMonagle Associates, Inc. [LIETTIEM OF UIUKS OCT L FNGINFERS�SURVEI'ORS 8905 S.W.COMMERCIAL STREET TIGARD,OREGON 97223 DATE� �� � rte.— JO• NO ,_— Telephone(503)639.3433 14TTE11 N TO GENTLEMEN: — --- -- --------_ -- -WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached Under separate cover via_ _the following items: ❑ Shop drawings XPrints ❑ Plans ❑ Samples C; Specifications ❑ Copy of letter Ci Change order ❑ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Asp THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval 1-7 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit -copies for approval For your use ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution As requested ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Return ..._._.-_corrected prints EJ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE _ 19 _ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TC US REMARKS---- COPY EMARKS---COPY TO SIGNED: It enclosures are not as noted, kindly netI/il4s at once "----_------ RN / / i-•z3 -8S CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 85- O/ PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS, WHICH APPROVES AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE (ZC 12-84), SUBDIVISION( S 9-84), PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PO 4-84), AND VARIANCE (V 15-84) REQUESTED BY G. FERD WARDIN. The Tigard Planning Commission reviewed the above application at a public hearing held on January 8, 1985. The Commission based it decision on the facts, findings, and conclusions noted below: A. FACTS 1 . General Information CASE: Planned Development (PD 4-84), Subdivision (S 9-84) , Zone Change (ZC 12-84) and Variance (V 15-84) REQUEST: Request by G. Ferd Wardin for a rezoning from R-4 .5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) to R-4 .5 (PD) (R-4 ,5 units/acre, Planned Development) Detailed Planned Development approval and Preliminary Plat approval of a 37 lot, single family residential development. A variance to the maximum cul-de-sac length of 400 feet to allow a 460+ foot long cul-de-sac is also requested. The property is located on the north side of S.W. Sattler Street between Launalinda Park and Schcckla Park subdivisions, Tigard (Wash. Co, Tax Map 2S1 11AD, Tax Lot 6500) . M COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre) APPLICANT: David L. Farr OWNER: G. Ford Wardin Farr Development Co. 915 E. First St. 520 SW Beaverton Hwy. Newberg, OR 97132 Beaverton, OR 97005 LOCATION: 2. Background Sattler Park Estates received preliminary approval in 1.979 (ZC 22-78, Ord. 79-52) , however, the project did not proceed, In 1981, a revised proposal featuring 34 common wall units, 3 single family residences, and a 3 . 7 arse open space area at the northern end of the property was proposed. This project also did not materialize. FINAL ORDER PO 4-84, S 9--84, 7C 12 84, V 15--84 Page 1 This application was reviewed by Planning Commission on September 4th and October 2nd, 1984. On October 29, 1984, the Commission President signed the Final Order• denying the proposal. The decision was appealed to City Council, and on December 10, 1984, the Council referred the item back to the Commission for further consideration. The Council indicated that the applicant should perform a more thorough survey of the land to determine the size of the ponds and that a planned development should be approved which is consistent with the constraints presented by the ponds. 3 . Vicinity Information Single family residential subdivisions zoned R-4 .5 and R-4 .5 (PD) abut the property on the oast, north, and west. The Summerfield development which Is zoned R--7 (PD) is located to the southwest on the opposite side of Sattler Street. The remaining area south of the street is undeveloped and zoned R-4 .5. Except for this undeveloped parcel, the surrounding properties are within an Established Area as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. A wooded tract adjacent to the northeast corner of the property is owned by the City as park land. It contains the drainageway for the ponds and a bicycle/pedestrian path which connects 89th Avenue with Scheckla Park, 4. Site Information The property is undeveloped, relatively flat, and it contains two small mane-made ponds near the north end of the parcel. The ponds are not identified in the Comprehensive Plan as a sensitive land area, significant wildlife habitat, or as open spare. Although not shown on the Plan Wetlands Map, the ponds and the land immediately adjacent meet the Plan definition of wetlands. The applicant has modified the proposal and now plans to develop a 37 lot, single family residential subdivision. Lots will vary between 5,000 and 12,000 square feet in size. Two separate parcels of 1 . 1 and 0.5 acres which include the two ponds are proposed to be maintained by a homeowner's association. The addition of a Planned Development zoning designation is requested to allow for a planned development instead of a standard subdivision. This development will connect the two stub streets which presently terminate at the nast and west sides of the property , The primary access to the development will be provided by a local. street intersecting with Sattler Street and terminating with a c•ul-de--sac near• the northern end of the project. The cul-de-sac is proposed to be 460 feet in length from the Intersection with the subdivision cross--street. The area around the ponds is to be cleared selectively, however, they are to be basically retained in the nattural state. The cul-de--sac street will extend between the ponds . FINAL ORDER PD 4-84, S 9-84, 7.0 12-84, V 15-84 Page 2 t 5. Agency and NPO Comments The Engineering Division has the following comments: a. Sattler Street is a minor collector street which requires a right-of-way width of 60 feet. b. Joint use and maintenance agreements should be required for all common driveways. C. The Code requires that street intersections are not less than 60° . d . The street intersection should be modified to be consistent with Section 18. 164 .030(h)(1) or a variance Lu the 25-foot tangent requirements at intersections should be requested. Q. Sidewalks should be 5 feet wide and adjacenL to Lhe curb except along Reili.ng Street between 91st Avenue and Scheckla Park Estates and along Sattler Street where they should be constructed along the right-of--way line. f. Interior• streets shall oe dedicated to the public and shall be improved to City local. street standards (50 feet right-of-way, 34 feet between curbs), i.nclud 'ng curbs, sidewalks, streetlights, driveway aprons and wheelchair ramps . g. The street section which crosses Lhe punct area should include a 5-font wide sidewalk on both sides, with the west sidewalk located on top of the west berm. Also, the street should be reduced to a 28-foot width with parking only permitted on the west side. h. A State Engineer' s permit will be necessary for the dam between the pends . i . Storm drainage and sanitary sewer details should be provided as part of the public improvement plans. J . An 8-foot side paved pedestrian/bicycle path should be provided from the cul-de-sac street, south of the eastern pond to the existing path on the City park land to the east. k. Each pond should be stocked with 1,000 Gambusia fish for mosquito control . 1. Adjustable outfall structures designed fo- a 10--year storm should be provided. M A phasing plan should be approved by the City Engineer. n. No objection to the variance request for a 460-foot cul-de-sac street. FINAL ORDER PD 4-84, S 9-84, ZC 12--84, V 15-84 Page 3 NPO N6 met with the developer and the revised plan is intended to address the reservations expressed by the NPO. A formal review of this revised plan has not been conducted by NPO R6. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant approval criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 5 and 10; Comprehensive Policies 3 . 1. 1 a. and 4. , 3 .4 , 2.a. , 6.3 .2, 6.3 .3, and 7.2. 1 .a. ; and Community Development Code sections 18.02 (a) 18.40.040, 18.80. 110(c)(1) through (4), (a), 18.92.020(a) and (b), and 18. 160. 120(b) . The Planning Commission concludes that the applicable Statewide Planning Goals relatirn3 to the applications For the Zone Change, Planned Development, Subdivision, and Variance have been A equately addressed based upon the following findings: 1. Statewide Planning Goal #1 is met because the City has adapted a Citizens Involvement Program including review of all dovel.opment applicatins by the Neighborhood Planning Organization (NPO) . In addition, all notice requirements were met. 2 . Statewide Planning Goal b2 is met because the City applied all. applicable Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies, and Development Code requirements to tha application. The Planning Commission concludes that the applicable Gtatewide Planning Goals relating to the applications for the Planned Development and Subd+_vison have been adequately addressed based upon the following findings: 1 . Statewide Planning Gaal #5 is met because the relevi.nt wildlife and wetlands issues have been addressed. The Comprehensive Plan Resource Document includes a wildlife area inventory conducted by the State Division of Wildlife and a second inventory reviewed by the Audubon Society. Neither study identified Mallard Ponds as a significant wildlife habitat area. Although the City Comprehensive Plan has not been acknowledged, the State has approved this portion of the Plan. The ponds meet the City definition of Wetland and are being reviewed accordingly. 2. Statewide Planning Goal X10 is satisfied because the proposal will provide for a variety of housing types as contemplated by the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission concludes that the applicable Comprehensive Plan policies relatinc' to the applications for the Planned Development and Subdivision have z,een met based upon the findings below: 1 . Policy 3 . 1 . 1 a. is satisfied because the applicant has submitted additional information relative to the ponds and it is the opinion of the C;.ty Erngineer that the seasonal water table is not a sign'.ficant development constraint and the subdivision is appropriate. FINAL ORDER PD 4--84, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, V 19-84 Page 4 2. Policy 3 .4.2 is met because review of the City Comprehensive Plan indicates that two inventories of significant wildlife habitat areas were conducted and the ponds were not determined to be significant. Also, the revised site plan more clearly identifies the ponds and because the number of lots has been reduced, the houses in the development can maintain greater setbacks from the ponds. Some fill will be required for the proposed cul-pie-sac, but it will not affect the integrity of the ponds. 3 . Policy 6.3 .2 is met because the revised plan shows a reduction from 11 to 7 lots on the north vide of the ponds and therefore the revision is consistent with the density transition section of the Community Development code. 4 . Policy 6.3 .3 is satisfied because the density of the revised subdivision plan conforms with the density limitations imposed by the Community Development Code. 5. Policy 7.2. 1 is satisfied because water drainage issues do not represent any significant problems that can not be addressed during the engineering design phase of the project. The revised site plan and the pend and roadway detailed plan illustrate that the established drainage of the ponds will not be inhibited. The Planning Commission concludes that the applicable sections of the Community Development Code relating to the applications for the Planned Development and Subdivision have been met based upon the following findings: 1 . The revised proposal is consistent with Section 18.02 (a) because the density of the development is reduced and is consistent with the physical character of the property . 2 , Chapter 18.26 contains the following definitions relating to wetlands: Wetlands Lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near (within 24" of) the surface of the land is covered by shallow water. For purposes of this classification, wetlands must have one or more of the following 3 attributes: (1) at least periodically, the land supports predominantly hydrophytes*; (2) the substrate is predominantly hydric** soil; (3) the substrate is non-soil NN1� and is saturated with water or covered by shallow water at some time during the growing of each year. *Hydrophytes A plant growing in water or in soil too water logged for most plants to survive. A list of hydrophytes is maintained in the Planning Department files. NNHydric Containing acide hydrogen. FINAL ORDER PO 4-84, S 9-84, 7C 12-84, V 15-84 Page 5 �r s XX*Non-soil Lacking the qualities of soil•-not firm, unable to sustain plant life. Only the ponds and the shore area may be considered as a wetland under these definitions. 3 . Section 18.40.040 is satisfied because the number of lots north of the ponds has been reduced to conform with this section. The original plat, required that at least one lot needed to be removed and this has been done. 4 . Sections 18.80.110(G)(1) through (4) are satisfied because the revised information presented was complete except for the lack of a landscaping plan for the common parcels which contain the ponds. This must be submitted and approved prior to recording the final plat. . 5. Section 18.84.010(a) does not apply because a Sensitive Lands Permit is not required fur- wetlands areas . 6 . Sections 18 .92.020(a) and (b) are satisfied because the proposed density is within the limits imposed by the Code. The R-4.5 Zone allows for a maximum density of 4 .5 units per acre. Chapter 18 .92 of the Code provides a method for calculating the allowable density for a specific proposal . Park land dedications and public facilities (e.g. streets) are subtracted from the total to produce a net acreage. The net acreage is then divided by the minimum lot sire (7,500 square feet) to establish the maximum number of units allowed . The answer for the density calculation varies depending upon the disposition of the ponds. If the ponds are not dedicated to the public, 44 lots are permissible on the property. When the ponds are subtracted from the gross acreage, 40 lots are allowed. If the proposed park land is dedicated as shown, 38 logs are permitted, Regardless of the eventual status of the ponds, the 37 lots proposed will conform with code requirements. The Planning Commission concludes that the applicable sections of the Community Development Code relating to the Variance application have been addressed based upon the following findings; Section 18 . 160. 120(b) is satisfied based upon the discussion below; A variance may be approved, approved with conditions or denied provided the Planning Commission finds: a. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting the property which are unusual and peculiar to the land as compared to other lands similarly situated; b. The variance is necessary for the proper design or function of the subdivision; FINAL ORDER PD 4-84, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, V 15-84 Page 6 r . The granting of a variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to the rights of other owners of property; and d . The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hardship which would result from strict compliance with the regulations of this ordinance. The applicant proposed to have a 460 foot long cul-de-sac street and a street intersection tangent which both required variance approval that meet the above criteria. The above criteria are met because: a. The previously determined street stubout locations of S.W. Reiling Street determined the southerly intersection location and configuration. The position of the cul-de-sac was placed so as to provide more usable ground adjacent to the ponds . It is felt that a variance of approximately 60 feet in length tends to preserve the area adjacent to the ponds . b. The variance requested is the minimum required to sc-rve the land adjacent to the cul-de-sac and preserve the ponds as opposed to using the City standard of 400 feet and causing unnecessary construction directly adjacent to the ponds . The design of the street intersection is the most appropriate method addressing the street alignment problem. C. Surpassing the 400 foot cul-de-sac by 60 feet is not significant in nature, and adequate emergency access can be provided . The additional lennth will not have any appreciable impact upon the function of the street and adjacent property owners will not be af`ected by this variance request. Due to the low traffic volumes anticipated, the street intersection will be appropriate. d. Because this is the last parcel in the area to develop, no other alternatives exist to provide access to the northern portion of the property and to connect Reiling Street. Denial of this variance will result in poor utilization of the area north of the ponds. C. DECISION Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission approves ZC 12-84 Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission approves V 15-84 . Based upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commission grants detailed approval of PD 4-84 and preliminary plat approval of S 9- 84, subject to the following conditions: FTNAL ORDER PD 4-84, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, V 15-84 Page 7 I . Standard half-street improvement to minor collector _standards including sidewalks, curbs, street lights, and wheelchair ramps shall be provided along the S.W. Sattler Street frontage to match the alignment of existing improvements. 2. Seven (7) sets of plan-profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, stamped by a registered civil eng' ,• er, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to he City' Engineering Division for approval. 3 . Storm and sanitary sewer details and pond details shall be provided as part of the public improvement plans . 4 . Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Division has issued approved public improvement plans (the Division will. require posting of a 1.00% performance bond) , the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlight deposit. Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement shall occur prior to, or concurrently with the issuance of approved public improvement plans. 5. Joint use and maintenance agreements shall be recorded for all common driveways and copies of the recorded document(s) shall be submitted to the Planning Director. 6. Additional right-of--way shall. be dedicated to the public along the Sattler Street frontage to increase the right-of-way to 30 feet from centerline. The legal description for said dedication shall be on City forms and approved by the Engineering Division and recorded with Washington County . 7. The street section which crosses the pond area shall include a 5-foot wide sidewalk on both sides, with '-.he west sidewalk located on top of the west berm. The parking shall. be deleted on both sides of the street if such a design is acceptable to the City Engineer. In lieu of the elimination of parking, one sidewalk will be acceptable to the Commission if approved by the City Engineer. 8 . The applicant shall obtain a State Engineer' s permit at the time of approval, if applicable, for the dam and related improvements b(atween the two ponds . r9. Each pond shall be stocked with 1,000 Gambusi.a fish for mosquito control. 10. Adjustable outfall structures designed for a 10 year storm shall. be provided for the ponds . The design of these improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer. 11 . A landscaping plan for tracts A and 0 shall be submitted for Planninq Director approval . 12 . After review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer, the final plat shall be recorded with Washington County and a mylar copy of that recorded plat shall be submitted to the City Engineering Division within 15 days of recording. FINAL ORDER PD 4•-84, S 9--84, ZC 12-84, V 15-84 Page 8 13 . Survey conditions apply as follows: a. Compliance with Section 18. 160. 160 (All) with the following exceptions and notes: Exceptions: (1) 18.160. 160 A.2. Capped 5/8" x 30" I.R. ' s on surface of final asphalt lift will be acceptable. Notes: (tj'—U,160. 160 B.1 . Point numbers for all. points in C.S. 20,223 have been increased by one. Ex: point No. 56 is now point No. 57. This was due to improper point numbering in S.C, 19.947. (2) 18. 160. 160 B.Z.- Local grid Coordinates are acceptable. The City will make transformation to State Plan coordinates. 18 . 160.160 Monumentati_on, Basis of Bearing Requirements and Acceptance of Improtsements A. Monumentation 1 . In accordance with ORS 92.060 subsection (2), the centerlines of all street and roadway right-of--ways shall be monumented before the City shall. accept a street improvement. 2. All centerline monument shall be placed in a monument box conforming to City standards, and the top of all monument boxes shall. be set at design finish grade of said street or roadway , 3 . The following centerline monuments shall be set: a. All centerline-centerline intersections . Intersections created with "collector" or other existing streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "collector" or other street has been established by or- for the City; b. Center of all cul-de-sacs : C. Curve points . Point of intersection (P. I. ) when their position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) d . All sanitary and storm locations shall be place in positions that: do not interfere with centerline monumentation. FINAL ORDER PO 4-84, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, V 15-84 Page 9 14 . A covenant creating a Homeowner' s Association shall be submitted for Planning Director approval prior to recording with Washington County . Said covenant shall provide for the continuing maintenance of Tracts A and B. 15. Lot 7 shall be moved to the north side of Reiling Street if possible. 16. This approval is valid if exercised within one year of the final decision date.. The rinal plat must be filed within this time period or the approval shall expire. PASSED: This � � � day of 1985,1985, by the Planning Commission of the City of Tigard. ,� Bonnie Owens, Vice President Tigard Planning Commission 092.6P dmj FINAL ORDER PD 4-94, S 9-84, ZC 12-84, V 15--84 Page 10 rp P\ \,P IV 8A 4 14 of S OD IMD ai 0 1+0 P .-4 ro" CD fo--- Ak , !IC h Ok IA 141 00 '1S 40NI713b M 4 d O � N v a� N N �N 3 cn c 17 NI db bM M 1; N 1 ab w3illrs M s - "_ .,• _ as, w- a Chtoo ( 1 �r OL o If; �4 N I (rl ao .•,'r, I ac • v 4 p ��j d'f�_. j O ✓� ' �~ QPQ, � r 0?'L °1 rr1� N48VM M er►' •b� 'r�� �1b � ' ,'C 9 9c 19•'' j M m w NN m • ' F _ ►� ry -� U -i — �l ki Ou x � R a r10 .1 � � III h i tT IL •Sh � � , Z C c' d � 7 i ? ,50� � 1 � CL UJ elk I u O O O ry N • ww • W-jyj CICY OF TIGARD, OR. DEVELOMENT SERVICES DEPT, DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT NO. : II. PROJECT NAME: III. DRAWING (TITLE) : --dated: IV PLAT (TITLE) : dated V SITE LOCA FION: V1, PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: Futlo y3p4Lbk_tA4*) gpis E 7-%P-%T %T' Address Phone No. (2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY _,'______ Address Phone No Bond No. Fxp, Date (3) ENGINEER:._ Address Phone No. .�6 (4) INSPECTOR: Addro i s Phone No (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address Phone Bond No. Fxp Date (7) SUR­CONTRACTORS� _ !)7165 dmj h n-� o 5 5e � Juh e�i ✓i �_�i ort �h 4.1 a 37 30 36 ; " 35 �.`` 32 a '` 25 34 33 23 Z �' 'v r : � YO"• f t •, , ,ir�e +.:�� '�.' ,\,•r �ri ;� ,�,.i. fel�e"��,•��1 r ' V 7 e l r N 1�f,',y V �'�iijl/ , • Ttj,}i t i i.+:� i! ,1, /�4 It 1 ... ♦. PDMD ,. OK 1 '�2 07/0• � - 15 touRT . •, POND L 17 16 2.1' • a k •� /UE 195-13L�/LT� /v1`r'LAk'_ S11/aL.L �E • f'+2c�V�,DE4 7r� rN� C.�ry, 5201 20 _O "1 Mti 7o 5300 5200 71 6, a: 4700 �?4800 a 21 16 JN 15 51. 5400 22 4600 '- P`y' R 20 5500 o 4500 4400 b w 23 13 P� 94 4G A J J\) \ �? 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'= 50 N,n ^ 6900 ` 'Q` TRACT .� N 21 _ o n --� TRACT it b~ V e C-IOn6800790 e 900 t^{y../� �� 'y w 4" ✓�I N to 4 P 1 2 2 �' n 0/o� n 12 7 /~ ;n 144009Be m o 6700 10 &f 3799 34 54 54 °0 23 9 5200 15300 15400 155 14300 /-� 9g^' 18 0_ 19 g 20 g 2 0 :0 6600 �� I to ' S.33M g, � 24t f� r o 1 8100 10 6201 0 —� 14100 ` RAft a 7 �•� a so 5i.e1 7. • 6ila� ?B' g . a 16000 15900 R 15600 13400 *o ,""pb' 26 - - 0 1;=000 •- 25 = 22 °o e b 'Y n S , Ln �� - 25 'C V •s ) 0 16100 26 ti 13200 0 74 000 �� Q� n 27 R 50.01 a 5Le1 90 ^ 4�� 1•+a Q � o --- i� 27 e' 13100 , n % 6 16200 15800 15700 °� °Oaa \ 000' 28 $ 12800 )0 28 13900 �-IF 16300 n 24 23 n. a 12900 ,s " \ � 5 L, R 292.62 64.s1 31 0) � 13000 63 _ a4 e4 as 0a 30 a �. 13800 16400 16500 16600 16700 P 29 d k, .� AF 9 30 31 32 tos ao r't6 �� n0 54,6 F 13700-1^ 5T.04 33 - . 12700 N 10 3 S.W. 32 1 WEST"NDIn 04.64 4'T !( ,o _600 .p �� p IN16H00 � 17100 6704 ry16900 « eti •0s 17000 1'2500 12400 1230( 13500 -F p 3� a 36 C, u 35 34 = 33 j 0 0 i I 34 - 35 36 -INI`SAL .T. '� ao �' N 0e•x7'10" w � e4' 53.07 : 140 so 60 TO PU6LIC viii;<////////////7/i//i 4/////////////////N//////////i//r/////////i/i /i • i iq/rir�,i////,%///L/i///////////////////1//////////////////////////////////////�,%/!.i//// o e°+ r a un 777 IAn' W.nf 1 A ® C C R G I I i I I I 4 IMF- Cr 40 _ _ — - - —--- MCI UN —. ILI it� - .— ____ I — p, i;' Ar Q Cr 2 _ — — -- O - — ---- -- - --- --_ _ — - -- -- NJ Lu m — — --— _ 2— -- --- -- - -- — - _ ---- - - - - -- -- _ - _ 2 - - --- ------ _ — _ _ N _ - 200_ __ -_ __ — - - ' - -- �- - - -- -- -- ----- ------ --- --- - _ - -_ _ �., - - _ - - - _ _. _ - aa-• 195 o+ at 00 _ — -- '— —�_. _____ — _ ---__ _ ____ - __ -._. --- -_._...__ --- --_. . _ Cyt t1y�,• — _ 3 - -- — — -- _— ___ _ _ -- - --— -- 3 -- — -- ---- -- Cal brif --- --------- Aft AA I AL 209 -._- ff Y'J e4 4 — --- _ — _- - - - - - -- -_ _ _ _ — -._ .—.._ .—_� ter LAlk lit } Aw - — _ _ ---- -- --- -' - -------- -- - - ---- ---- -- --- - �VA - --- I�� +_q 0 *.00 2+00 3tOG 400 ♦ao I DESIGN LAKES scAlEREFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: , 4 ?O/.Y�a1zOWNERS - WARD WEST, INC.J. RIi TRACED 915 EAST FIRST STREET MALLARD ' . ,os No, N . H . NEWBERG , ORE . 97132 -- STREET 8& STORM SEWER z � .LGUN CHECKED Harris Associates SHEET REV. DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE7� ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS \a DATE 12555 S. W. HALL BOULEVARD PROF i LE REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION R' 5 - 9 S TIGARD, OREGON 97223 OF S Z i MALLA,:(1J a 5 0,F F w _ '"P"'"""n'w""'°IMI� _/ t .� . ,......., /.,.-.,•..... .,.uM..w.o« +.ar•..,E-�,,,�,,,v,,,Ku+++,..,....,.�...�.. :...•- -;y- w'"� .-... .T y_-` _ ' i. -�+r.awa+'!rw►r+o..^«_.. ._ _. ., �.., ;:^.', .., `., _.._. -_ _ IrI�II �� s , 1 � ��■Q����'��r�Illlll��'I'Il������1�lill t<I�I�IIIII��I�I IIIIIItllltir�i��II•� ' I) FIIII IIIIII �II III I�IIIIIIIItIr��- �ItIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIII�IsI�'�'�IIIIIIII�I�III�I�.Itl��rlll�lllllll�lll11�1��11111 �.,. ... ' NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ►. ! 2 ._.�..3_.�. 4 5 6 7 DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE--TT IS DUE TO HF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL • ►)RAW ING. 0E 62 Be L2 92 S2 1r2 E2 2' IZ 0z 61 81 LI 91 SI bl EI 21 11 01 --61--.x•- 6 1 9 SI- 10 EJL 1•- zz PE '` � dllllllllllllllllll111111111I1111�1111l111(�1111Gu111111�11I�1��I�I����I��t�I�il��t��llltI1111111111f�111.11111IlIIniu�111I11I1I111111I�H1rl1IIIl,I,Shu►I1i111nI1�fit111II1111c11111f�u1IInuI1n11lNdy1��,11111I1I1111u1I11n1111111wU�nIll��I1�IluWlllllulnl�ll�(Ill�wlnll - JULY 1 1992 -„ ....�. .. .�..�..�. -,n.;n../,4..- ,. .. ... ... _- _.. .. - �.. ... _. • .. _ �r-n!MF:rr. ;'�"'�C4�•rz".�iy,y�," � .'".�.* ,.;-'3r« m,+, „r.F,n- ,.. ..- , A ® C D E F G . i L !!- L-I 1+ A L Y N P A I T �o ` ! -A �, "r 8 9 I D -- EXIST. FOND 6 3 �. s o = _ UO ' .o _- ?+6 2.6 9 TRACT ! 1 f 2 rN 044 0 #00 C-LINT: :.+ ry � h �\ r` � ry y n O �Od 8 LANE � " e " ! 3 4. + ^I .\ \ n O J M H A -1 11-40 .1 N / A ,,.,,LL'�P��c� '�f,Jcx11JGER SNI►.�_L_ P '�+C< A-�+ t Nu -T- /�Nv A . L.• 3` �- � ,�— '' �'? �iIR, n�T' REFGR � ) To , « _.._'........__••'_.__ ._ ._ - _•_•....--'---^--- - - -!••-. - ±— — __-_•_•...._ I r-,��`^ M N 8 I f r, / i v b W�'tt� 30 L�: A�`D NIP -0 84 H PIPE N-02 24'11= � A B C I r CQIM QCT ION NOTES : 1 . ,roti fy Tigard Water District pr'iur to corrlmenci ng co-ristructi on . 2. All work shall be in accordance with A.W•W•A• standards . 3. All work will be inspected and approved by Tigard Water District. .4. The fire hydrant shall be installed upon a pre-formed concrete block with 1 112" cubic yards of crushed 1 1/2" drain rock . Tar paper will be laid on top of drain rack to separate rock from earth cover. Fire hydrants shall be "Modern Mueller Centurion , A-442 , 6" 14j , 51/4" MVO, 3-port, 2 1/2" NST hose connections , 1 - 41/2" NST pumper, 1 1/2""Pent Opr Nut , open left , color: yellow. Fire hydrant assembly consists of 12"' or 8" MJ x 6" Flg tee, 6" Flg x Md gate valve, 6" MJ x MJ holding spool , etc . . i I 5. Mains shall be tested at 150 psi for 1 hour with a ma xitrnlnl loss of 5 psi . Static pressure=85 psi . Pressure-reducing valve will be required at each meter location, installed by Tigard Water District L.A r1 ' Gx►sT. e"G V 6. Tigard Water District will install all copper services prior to bl acktoppi ng of streets . Metersr— - will be installed by district upon individual request for same . t of bearjn surface at each tee , bend and blow- . 8 7. Poured concrete thrust blocks at leassquare fee g off' location. h I �I I 8. Oregon State Health Dept• bacterolog•ical test of water main required. r4 Ln i 2 3 11 1 ` ��r '�• , T 5 � N`• � 1 ':R 7 '•-J�. o ?�, 8 9 jp E/15r. POND sf \ / TRACT 1 - 12 x 8" M•J L'Ross t,'llfM6 •'� / �3 2— 1 ' 12 M..J.5HEA VE -- - - �' \ I l 4 I A' M.J. BurrEQ B'B• F. V. : . \ FLY VALVE .. c, w• w I- r C3�rree ftr le+av,E 1 70. i o 135` CL 52 A 55 �-f I __ E d C Y - - � I - 9•'X 8"M.J. TC E 3 7 �0 3 .8 M.J. 1 8 X$ M..1. 1 s•». V. ►c! y H.J.TEE� ;� A55EMBLY ! -6M.J. G.V. ,CL 52 5�-----( Z I -y M.J. G. V. cO ----______� i cr \J - �'T Q b " 8 E L END �p 4 6 1 w 2 7 `,� ._ _.. __. �� 1 2 8.0.A55E0aLY F H. 6„ CAP TA v r ; A S S E �v 1 2'•G LOBE •- . MBL�/� - w�rH T 7"I�P. VA L V E, S a 3 1 _ ` METER S D X 6,F+.wv' /0 19 I 1 9 �. ` ��\`_. `-- SIDE WALK -- \ s � iAJ -. 45 � E X 15 T. POND 2 32 i �, TRACT 3 v1—i I / 2 b L�w OFF k' �A55EBLY — --- J aG 20 4 ,CAP; TAPT 2"\P. T, ---- U WITH !2" GLOBE VALVE II SET IN C. 17 /6 ,(� CONCL. METER r it R •---�...� -_ 15-1-P-91wA L K Co Elrrb f T.E.. - 2 i ' �a E'XiST, g (,.v. s. 4— a . MALLARD i SCALE REFERENCE INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNERS : WARD - WEST, INC. 50 J. P S rs. + +� TRACED 915 EAST FIRST STREET ,oa N°• e N H. vEweEFG , ORE . 97132 SHEET PLAN 4 CHECKED eS oc• a#esH Harris - VcMora r W. L . M` liq ENGINEERS- SURVfvnRS CRIPTION t—TIM-1 APPR. DATE , R H� DATE 12555 S. W. HALL BOULEVARD OF REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION "IR 85TIGARD, ©R'EGON 97223IL `'IALLARD LAKES I { I I 7 (D 1- NZ A&WAma — t �' I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 `11 1 f r 1' ! "r ) ) 1 1I ► I i r Jill 111 111 111 rel I t ► ( 111 r 1111 11t 111 Ill Ili 111 ill 1�1 111 111 ilt 1111111 111 1�1 t!!. t' I11� ( 1 1 1 1 i' IIS IiT I I ll 11 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT ICFs ' T IS DUE TO L jif QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -- --------� �• M •'J DRAWING. �E dZ 92LZ of _..42 02 Ez 22 Iz 0>! �t BI LI 91 91 1►I EI ZI I I of d • L 9 S b E Z t ►r1I1111I11i11111t11111�1tulltlt111ttIN1l�)IIIIHtIllrtlttttlftttl�nwlNt�lis�t�IN111k1IHttlrttt�llil�lN�hri�11�1�t111I111t1trtllllrr�rI1111Nr�iltl!l1111 itl�Mrl�lNl I(lt1If111�11IIlllll�llllrlill��)Illt)I II11111111t11111111)U11N�N1{Illi�llll�t�l1t11)1t11tI1�ll�1�Nr1 JULY 1 1 Ic 92 D F G A 9 C i r 30 r $TO, CITY DITCH 4 3 r INL � v 22 .50 O co TRACT A 212 • l UPPER LAKE - - � 2 `N• S. 212 . 252Io - - s 1 12. - -- __ i f ,, 95 ' 6 PVC S= O. 022/ ---------------- 2 0 6.6 O % - �►ST. GROUND .� AL ,: 35' - J5' CCP 5 : 0- 0 /6y, ---___--_-- t01 j � 6 G A T E v �. 205 WIT14 BOX M-H RIP-RAP --_ � ).LL It � _._ SE� �RO U N p E. 20 ,oVVA R LEVEL TO DRAIN LAKE -11--- GUN T IDOL SECTION A - A ( 750 5. W 91 ST ) E �\ "G. V. WBOX SCALE 1" = 10' HORIZ. \ / � ESM T I b• - < 13 C S' VERT. 210 \ - A 205 W 0 .60 L30X � Air1 RIP -RAP �'7+ 50 ST. MH ` _ � •. 11 32' 6"PVL S • 040P5 % EXIST. SLOPE \I.E 202 •OD ,� I,E 201,2a S E C T I O N B - B 4.;;� — Z ZA SCALE zz { ;: 5 VERT I I I T �\ 1-- \ { SEE STRUGTU!•? E DETAIL ) RIP - RAP A P, R 0 N T 0 E '� \ 1 OUTFALL of SLOPE ; �•- - _.. .. EL 207. 60 31/4" EL 206 . 60 19 A 3",K6" PLANK 3x t3` PLANK FL. p �. EL 205.6 RACT _ o ' \LOWER LAKE �;>> � �o , . % • o Q�1 r � • W, 5. 206 60 f ° C UT- OFF WALL 17 Each pond shall be stocked with 1,G00 Gambusia fish for mosquito ' ._ SECTION 8 - B )NATER LEYIIL CONTROL 20 control . A covenant creating a Homeowner' s Association shall be submitted for S TFC U C ru R E D E TA I L approval prior to recorn with Washington � Planning Diroctor app dir \ SCALE � " = C- 0" 4" County . Said covenant shad provide for the continuing maintenance �• of Tracts A and 8. A landscaping plan for tracts A and a shall be submitted for Planning 0Director approval . / I 6 y - 77 7 Z1< 3yt. Zx 3Vy PLANK 'o - - i, . •,,. - v i'" LANK SLOT 5 LOT y ®' O ELFV 206 . @o r s 2 � _ - - 6" G V. U I 3"X 6 ' >t 4'' 03Yj P A N K :O { cV a 3"X 8 X 4'-03 FLANK `'•'`•", -,.,..•...............,......-__...._._ ---•- o .� `�.AC� ►�� � sale` �RvF !e I SCK 5=c Rh Fli'�LiT`� e A SCALE • 1 " - 20' 'F <u►��, o� A s��t:�Aee ��h� f r \ 1��'L-tC.A�\aN- lJ,r-�-► T��E �a�-ham �►.:1Gr,1.�t1..R f �Q .� .. 1 s R� R�b ' 'z� t�c•C A��> •�� _E . CUT - OFF WALL 1 ,n SECTION C SCALEI' SCALE REFERENCE. INFORMATION AND NOTES: DESIGN OWNERS - WARD _ WEST, INC.J . R N. MALLARD AS 5Wc3WN TRACED 915 EAST FIRST STREET JOS NO. N. HNEW6ERG , ORE . 97132 --- ' _- POND 8 CONTROL WORKS SHEET 5 ------� ' CHECKED Harris -McMonagle Associates r,cca0P1 W. L Mc ENGINEERS- SURVEYORS PLAN DESCRIPTION SUB. APPR. DATE .,ffF_;;�-� -''p;�,`�j DATE 8905 S.W.-COMMERCIAL STREET Of REFER TO TRACING FOR LATEST REVISION �- 5 Z� 135 TIGARD, OREGON 97223 , .r+a, :w►ttfltFkt�, µ x c"sl� r O • ' _..I.�1.I I '1k._1C+1.1.�11...,1�I11.;1i17.1..1 1,.11.1M1w11.,1.,1.1a.r 111~I 1IllI' fYL_i,ll,.I,fI,l.1 fill I ill flYI l !!1'9,11�11'.1-�111Ifl....- IIiA t111r�1I.(I I1 lilt I1I;(('rII I1I IlI �w b✓.^ t� v : 3 4 5 8 7 _ 8 _ 9 ib II 12 Or, NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED --� DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIai -IT IS DUE TO O'LQUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL _- ___---..------- _ —_-- ING. OE 62 92 dZ 92 SZ 102 E2 ZZ to 02 61 81 k 1 91 SI bI EI ?+ I1 01 -6 9 1 9 S b E " �rlrlillulllnllnllllnh���� nIIlII11mr,�mlulrlltaim,ll+alar►Ilnul�nr�uinl►I►I+Ii1+rl�fttthl++It111iu�II1u111t+1i+11lb�lnli<I +1lnn�Illtltittl►ntltttl�Iltdtltt�Ittlltt ImIImIIIIIIIIn11nt1itWll�tlllull�Julllltlll1111IIlilu1�11UiIii► , .,. I JULY 1 199 2