BURLWOOD NO. 3 SUBDIVISION .1 -- w .. . •u.♦-. ••-.... N•/:ry/4rr.n .w •.. ,w.. a..n. .. ... ..».._..• ._...... _..w_rFu•...•..•._+ --.wMt.M. •sIv , Summary of Final Quan,"t tics 9.00' - 16 00 - - -- 16 001- 9 00 3,9 ? �-� � 3B 1) General Excavatton,lncludm(3 Nul - Unclassified S,F;SJC Y 3 2)111:"-0" Base Cour,-,z 1,49UCY Compacted Quanta 6" 2"Clans '•B Asph Conc N��'p: "`� Opp"yCgUftC,l DRAIN THRU r I 6" .{ t CU2E1 5' FROM CACH F E-OP eoPNER (p /:' S TREE f S 3I 3/4"'0" Leveling Course, 5000Y y sto,,a .vizi. s1 v�/tt 4) Class B' Asphaltic Concrete Pavemeni 8915 S Y (w4+tN DF21vE .,r,� KOT r c;':_1' 2,' •�h•-9" 2" 3/4'-0" Levelin Course CIRC++'; �_- 5) 16" Std Concrete Curbs 4,440LF Base Course i6' Stu can� Curb / \ \ 1) 8" C I Pipe, 055 L F -typical Street Section �`-- � � 2) 6"C. I Pipe �_�----- 8?0 t y /` n ``\�\ 3) 4' C.1. Pipe 610 L i Scab: I 10' n'y t1 - J k�/ 9/ O! 31 �� 4) 8" Ga(`e Valves 2 Ld p P �.1Tz.'.? 124, d IT E.:��r 5.) 6" 3 Ea. W , 'PC- )r;: �V t I I t 5 7 5� � 5•Fao►�.�w--1 • � ..s Qi ,-� � .p - 1,7-� F3I ' JPS �N lo.) 4., Z Ga ;_mac:► ,_w. ) �J / �E wA�_R SYSTEM 7) C I Valve Boxes 7 F UP v i 8'1 3/4" Copper Service Pipe 1008L .F 0 t`"`< 9) 3/4" Corp Stops 43 Ea. t� �5 �, ( r �� 101 3/4" Curb Stup A 43 Ea II ) &ow-Of Units `, Z Ea. a L 0i � `�.�� 121 Removt 6 Re-install Blow-04 Lni t I Ea 6/ U 13) Connection to Existing Water Main t I Ea. } iX M ,L �! 14\ Ftrc. I1y-lran+ Un t I [. t e',. I5 ) Al+e•na+c A'- San ♦ Bae'hft i Tr(tic h SCLC "ti C �„ l \ A 16 ) Extra Connections �' 2 k p /z o patted C)�anE J I) 8"c� ton S¢w¢r 4'tip¢ txtire :>tranyth 90L \IP l �� ' ✓� 2) 10`4 4 7 75 L F 1 Q o+ �CG'� r =,� ti �` � /% STORM 5F�, CR 4 ) 15"0 �45L F 2401.F Uj YY 0 t " \- , / 5 ) Trench Excavation $a�^4t11 -Unclass. 320 Cy Z, U �1 r. Y \ Std latch initis ilEa '�'` 7 '� Std Precast Manhole � � 1 Ea o o s `rte r� y� �i'' 8 ) Shallow Std. Precast Kenhole 3E.a Uj 3 217C 7 �.s. Bac-A�,17 icai w ti z ' ��. rG 9 `� oT /4"-0" (Irdv¢I [i¢dd(nq OfE'. v > `_ c7 C r �' 10) AILerna•1e(A) Sand 13ack('ill T►rncti om ec 7a-,r � � < r . � I Z,x 340 CY. I ) ;o' c 5 P Tee C p +td D a.- s lel ,L iae �e I Era 8 t sl rrenc1-t txcavation4 Backfill - LJnclasst{ted 9Co G.Y. m a•O' I`T' 21 4•.off. 3/4„to 0" «... Or Crave Bedding 40C-Y, O G !x� - �J 3-; 4"a Concrete Sewer Pipe 333 L.F Z__ z ,i (/ +ji ?. 118"0 1436 !.F ,- ,'. ._ _ --- - , •� •v n'` � ,; )� d .. .. .51`r�e fs �' 1/l/a fer ,Line /i ISANITARY S- WER b,8"x Wye 7;6-x 4' Wye 2. PL C !/ V r ROF/L 6'x4 Tec 2.o-: -- a. \ •� a \ � PLAN 9; 6°x.1 Tea. . N. �1 SCALE 1 = 50 ti 10.) Std. Precast Manhole I � Ea. 5L./�l L WOOD oOD H _ l .11 Lampholts 3 Ea. 12.. Conns.t..on to Ex'stin9 Kanliol;c;, 2 nn '^/ 112, AItzriiatz: A) Sand Backfill Trench CV om P0.c, i Q uLlnt, 286 ��( SW X¢ Sec. 34 F/S , R-1 w) W All l W Sh. Co. Oregon a ,5ca/e as Shown March, /967 c #= _ — - -- -- _ -- t - --- --_ _-- - -. r o — n m - - - _ _ _ _ _—_ — __ —_ /OD I Z16 U 9 — - - - - - --- - --_ Q — - - - Uj Ire ._ ._ _._._ .IY,J _ _ - —_ _--._ __— _ __ ... _ _-- _ _ —_ — —__ a t _ -- - - — — w ►- Ow nlU -- - _-__ __. O ¢ -- -_.- - --- ___ g --- - - ---- ---_ — - --- - -_ -_ _ - -1 -- - —- ---- - - - - ` - fir - - -- - -- - - _ -- _ — - - -- - - - - - - w — lid ALA _ .SLOG' - 6f oo goo - - --- -�,<Qo ----- - -- 9�o /D foo � � ---- /><o� /z fDv /3/00 1 PLATE :•PLAN PROFILE F A.S ' Ll ANNHtNT PAPER t;(, � F rA; 1 0' ' 6 fl 7Q � l'O r;o .... -w. .......... -_ .. " 2L"$.nt. r N 1 0. •1 '. � .M•.n..,A._�,yr._. ' Y ., — ...-__,.._.—. - .. wn W-1 .y,,."_....+.._.. ._�.. A ..,�,' ..y7: �7'171/Irl '� r ' s....moi..:-- ,,, r•..�iw.« - - �, �,��h1 �11�114{ X11'1l111111� .Nt�'�l� t� tititlllt1111i1'�11�1 I'll�tll t1i�11 Ill�tl t�1I111!�Illf�� III�t11't11�111 Il1�111 1111111 1111111 Jill 1l1�111 11111l1�1111111 -. ..�"''. .,I NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED 2 - 3 4 5 s _ 7 8 - DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTIC&r`TT lS DUE TO TME QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL I DRAWING. de AZ 92 a 9? q2 0? Ift �� if 91 L1 91 S1 t,I EI Z I1 01 • L 11 S E Z 1 =- ��l1�1mI1n11unllu11nu111111nu1u1f�lIIGuItIINInulllubNlhlMl��m�NN1��Ml�ff1�M►r�itlt1�11unIn114rrM1'i,8ilulrl►I�Iu1111nI11nhn111nlfnulaltlul►lullliulhntlluulunlnu11111I1111IIlllI�WUll�lllhll!l�llUllllllllhllWl!!11 ;A;; , .. M-4V. JUNE 24 1992 w.,. T tufi 7;-T•>r '� ." ,•.'r : + 10 V) pia , 7-UMr"1PARY CAV AN[) e,1,00 r7PPLINIT < G I 0 T OR cj- A A4 p-A) tit T 7 0 c acies T- 4, L4c�,'Vv- - ji� I t> - RAN v A, J, 7- lip Q ? LJ Sum M ER — IT-LL oy- 4 jo-o . - ? 40 cj IG X 1 C"2 41 c� -41 110, 7 24- 25- Ic �pf tel L 3 (1 UL Dr. SAC 04 e5 17', .32 o Vv- 4 0 6U L) 20 `ilkof 0 7- Lu uj 63 23 >- :F I}p4.r1 Ln 2� 21 22 0 27 N z v dl-- 5free ls, ;1werz1129) Storm Sewers <, 45 57 .9 1 P- < IDZ A/V f PP 0/c Z E 01174 --------�. _ -svt?� WOOD Ill 0+00 U TIS SW % 5ec. J /W) W/W PLAN 4 too WO-5h. Co Oregon A5 BUILT t5co/I? as 517own Marc h) IX7 0 IL00 -Al.4------ 114411-1—T 4 =4 4-- N -et Ark- A3 5 2� Sal T— E N, A. nZa F71 c: L V\\ A-- --LK-ARIAT 741 7- n x -4- ix -_a W-7 r _7 z 171) NL &IT-GI An r- VI 7v-- 4-- 2 IIVZ -9 A -77-r I jo R. T 120 %A c- o r1oo ba Ziod E(URLWOUD NO OF A. pi A,7 I PLAN PROFILE•4 A S. p Vo.(,V All 7 il , �07 10L. 10091-I - 4�� �&� I - 14111, IF I • NOTE I F THIS M ICROF I LME D 3 6 7 8 10 11 12 DRAWING IS LESS C EAR THAN THIS NOTICFW-IT IS DUE TO IM QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL -" -DRAWING. OE 8Z 6Z LZ 9z SZ 1rZ c? ZIZ IZ 0? 61 al LI 91 si bl EI ZI 11 01 11"hi III m 1111111 7 �—Woww goo JUNE 24 1992 - WW aCD � CD 3 • PROPOSAL In accordance with these Contract Documents and addenda thereto Number the undersigned, as Bidder, hereby (Insert Proper Numbers) proposes to furnish construction plant, equipment, labor, materials, and supplies, and to perform all work in accordance with the attached plane and specifications for the unit prices and lump sums set forth in the attached Bid Schedule. The undersigned further agrees that he will execute the Contract within ten (10) calendar days from the date on which he is notified that he is the Successful Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded. (Full Name of Bidder-Typewritten) By (Signature) (Name and Address-Typewritten) (witness to Signature) (Business Address-Typewritten) (Name-Typewritten) GENERAL CONTRAN3,13 &SUOUNTRAC- TO.M hivSf lfflE MY NABS LICENSE AN ALL NEI Li,,RY CITY PERMITS PRIOR TO PE GRIAIRa SERVIC8. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION CY OF TIGARD i-r LE 440- nnTF/t_F3 Y Afje. - TITLE SPECIAL PROVISIONS BURLWOOD III In addition to those items included in the General 5pecificutluns and in the specific specifications for streets, storm hewers, sanitary sewers, water system, etc., the following shall be ii41dh part of this contract: 1. 111 hid proposals suLmitted shall include a list of the contractors' rrnpoeed subcontractors and such list of sub- contractors shall become a part of. the Job contract, if awarded. This list of suheontractors to be utilised may be altered or revised only upon written approval of the owner or his agent. For the purposes of this contract, a subcontractur shall be defined ao any individual or organisation not normally in the full time empltyment of the contractor. 2. The item Bid for sanitary or 5LOM Sewer System, which epecifie,e Class "g" bedding of 4" thickness, would require the installer to bed the pipe at least 1/10 the pipe diameter or approximately 1" Into the bedding, but would not require the contractor to shape the trench bottom as stated in the specifications for normal unbedded installations. The item for Class '"1" beddin payment shall be understood to also include the cost of the 4" excavation below that raqulrad for the basic bid. J. By meaus of this instruction, any and all references to "Multnomah County' shall be deleted and "Washington County" inserted in place of the deleted item. The "Standard Specifications for Road Construction for Washington County" shall hereby be made a part of this contract with the provision that any conflicting provisions of those "Standard Specifications for Road Construction for Washington County" with the items and specifications detailed by this contract shall be superseded by these items and specifications. 4. by means of this instruction the time of completion, as stated in the General Specifications shall be amended as follows: All grading and general excavation shall be completed on or before July 1, 1967. All storm sewers, sanitary soars and water mains shall be completed on or before August 1. 1967. All surfacing, paving sad curb work shall be completed on or before August 31, 1967. -1- Special P[ovislOU9, Continued Burlwood III 5. By means of this instruction, the iAquidated dauwdsa ar, stat.e+i In the General specifications. shail be ar►wnded as foilow: Liquidated damsges for delay on the complation data• as set forth in this contract wil; be charged at the rate of 350.00 per calendar rlay beyond any of ttm tares completion dates llelad. Each liquidsted damage wt:slt Lr independent of the other dens&*• (i.e., 1: grading and sewer and water 11116 work ware not complete on August 1, 1967, the total liquidated damages would amount to 450.00 plus ♦50.00. or $100.00 per calendar day until completion of sash item). o. All surplus sxeavation shall be stockpiled in the areas specified by the ower. In general, these areas shall be those lots included in this dewiopment. I. Under the bid items for store 6 sanitary sewers, the item for Alternats "A' - Lxtra for Trench ;and Backfill, is to Include the cost of furnishing, placing and compae•tLu� the trench volumm under street and sidewalk areas only. Also to +s conaidered in that the conpaation requirement of the specifications shall be revised to allow Nuter settling" of the sand backfill els, and only if provisions are made by pit or sump for example to drain off settling water from trench area. 8. by means of this inntruelion the vpscificntions for I:etec Line Installation shall 0* modified as fullova ire Hydrant Unit Ftie hydrant unit shall be jtciCic metes or Lova :3-Ir'2 i't. bury, ate.' GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SCOPE_OF NORM The Contra:tor shall furnish all mate.tals, equipment, labor and services necessary to perform the work outlined in accordance with the attached specifications and ie shown on the plana which by reference are made a part here of. The Contractor shall employ an ample force if men and provide ade- quate equipmen- to efficiently prosecute the construction in a workman- like manner at a Tate cf progtese neceesary to complete the work within the period specified. The right is reserveO as the interest of the owner may require to reject any and all bids, to waive any formalities in bids received, and to accept or reject any items of anv bid unless such bid is qualified by specific limitatione. EXAMINATION OF SITE Bidders are required to read and carefully examine the drawings, specifications and any and all forms governing the work. They shall make a complete examination of the site so that all contracting hazards may be evaluated. Failure to do so shall not relieve the Contractor from any provisions of the contract. TIME OF COMPLETION Work to be performed under this contract shall be ccxsmenced on or before _, and ehatl be completed on or before _ Liquidated damages for delay on the com- pletion date as set forth in this contract, will be charged at the rate of $__ for each calendar Aay of delay until said work is com- pleted and accepted. The Contractor hereby shall have agreed that such a sum shall not be considered in the nature of a penally but as liquidated damages which will have accrued against him by reason of such delayed action. PAYMENT Work under each item set forth in the bid schedule shall include all labor, material, equipment and services for the completion of work covered In this agreement, and the unit or lump sum prices as listed for these - 1 General Specifications items shall be considered full and complete payment for the work to be performed. Partial payment shall be made on or !.efore the 15th day of each -alerdat month following the month in which the work was performed, A retained percentage of 15% of the monies due for completed work shall be held for 35 days after final completion and acceptance of all work under this contract. At the and of the retention period of 35 days, all retaining percentages shall become due and payable ro the Contractor upon satisfactory proof that all costs incurred by the Contractor in connection with this work have been satiefitd,. HCASUMMEIMS, pav"nts will be. based on the un..t. ur lump gum prices ae net forth In the hid schedules from field u*asuremant of quantities furnished and d aced in ac..ordance. with plans and specifications and as directed by the owner, Quantities shown on the plans are for evaluation only. *NS�IRAN'.:b T!+e Conttactor shall maintain such insurances that will protect him from claims of Wcrkmaas Compensation Acts, and any other claims or damages for personal or ptcperty injury which sty arise from operations under this contract. 2MIM The contractor shall save the Owner from and akatnst all losses and claims, demands, payments of suit actions, recoveries and judgments of every nature and description brought or recovered against them by a reason of any act or omission of raid Contractor his agents or employees in the ey.ecution of the work covered under this agreement DELAYS AND EXTENSION OF TIME If the Contractor to delsved at any time in the progress of the work by changes ordered in the work, unavoidable cosualciee or any :auses be- yond the Contractor's control, or delays authorized by the owner, then the time of completion shall be extended for such re-isonable time as the owner may de_i.de. No extension shall be made for delays occuring more than 7 days before claim thereof is made in writing to the owner This article does not exclude the recovery of damages or delay by either party under other provisions in this agreement, INS FE.fT I ON The work will be conducted under the general direction of the Owner's Engineer and will be inspected by the inspectors representing him, who will, enforce a strict compliance with the tares of the contract. The presence General Specifications of the inspector shall not relieve the Contractor or his responsible agent of any responsibility for the proper execution of the work and for furnishing materials in accordance with the specifications. It is understood that any instructions or decisions given by the owner through his representative are to be considered instructions or dec W ons of the owner. 3 • SN CIFICATIONS FOP STREETS located in BURLWOOD III SUBDIVISION WASHINGTON COUNTY, ORRGON for COMONWBALTH PROPERTIES, W. OWNER by Pettijolen Lnginaering Company, Inc. 4145 N. E. Cully Boulevard Portland, Oregon 91218 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREETS SCOPE The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and materials necessary to grade, surface and pave the streets, and to construct the curbs, sidewalks, driveways and other appurtenant structures as required and shown on the accompanying drawings, all in accordance with these specifications. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following specifications are to be used in conjunction with "Standard Specifications and Contract Agreement for Multnomah County Construction" which is hereby made a part of this contract. The specifications hereinafter contained shall supersede any con- flicting provisions of the Multnomah County Standard Specifications. CLEARING AND GRUBBING DESCRIPTION All trees, brush and other vegetation, rotten wood, rubbish, stumps and roots embedded in the ground and other objectionable material and remaining buildings and fences as may be designated by the Engineer; the burning and/or otherwise disposing of the spoils as directed. All work under this item shall be done In accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the plans and within the limits as stated on the ground measurement and payment. Clearing is to be considered as preparation for excavation and the cost thereof will be included in the price for excavation and shall be full compensation for all work specified above. EXCAVATION DESCRIPTION Excavation shall consist of excavating and grading of roadways, ditches, approaches and other specified areas, and satisfactorily dis- posing of all excavated material and all work necessary for the con- struction and the completion of the cuts, embankments, slopes, ditches, approaches and subsidiary work in conformity with the alignment, grades, and cross sections shotin on the plans. - 1 - Specifications for Streets CLASSIFICATION Unclassified excavation shall include all materials excavated within the roadway, ditches, approaches and other specified areas. It shall comprise all. materials of whatsoever nature or character encountered during excavation within the specified areae. DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL All excavation shall be taken or hauled into the nearest embank- ment as designated on the plans. The surplus material beyond what is necessary to form the contiguous embankments or other required embank- ments shall be disposed in the form of embankment in such areas as directed by the Engineer. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL All soft or unsuitable material encountered in areas of excavation or embankment shall be excavated when ordered by the Engineer and shall be disposed of along the edge of the embankments as directed by the Engineer. The material excavated shall be measured as unclassified excavation. COMPACTING The embankments shall be placed in layers not to exceed eight inches in thickness, Each layer shall be compacted by the use of pnuematic or other similar tamping equipment to produce a stable embankment having a 95% dry density ratio across the entire fill area within all roadway sections. HAUI. AND OVERHAUL All material from the excavations shall be transported and placed in the embankment areas in accordance with the methods specified or as directed by the Engineer. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT All grading will be measured in excavation in its original position by cross sectioning. Pay Quantities shall be computed from the neat lines of the cross sections. The grading will be paid for by the cubic yard of excavation at Lite unit contract price and shall be fell ccmpensatLon for clearing, grubbing, excavating, hauling, constructing the embankments, compacting and disposing of the material as shown on the plans and as di.rectel by the Engineer. SURFACING DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall construct all the crushed gravel surfacing as shown on the plans and as provided for under the provision of this contract. Surfacing shall consist of the construction of two courses of crushed stone consisting of a base course and a top or leveling course spread upon a properly prepared subgrade as shown on the plans and provided under the provisions of these specifications. All material shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2 - Specifications for Streets MATERIALS Materials for the base course and top course shall be of the size designated on the plana and the grading requirements for these designated sizes shall be as specified in the Multnomah County Standard Specifications. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for the construction of tate surfacing will be made at the price bid per cubic yard for the kind and size of material involved in the work as the same are indicated in the bid item and designated on the plane. The quantity to be paid for at each price shall be the number of cubic_ yards of the respective class of materials determined by computation of the neat lines of the compacted surfacing materials in place as shown on the plans and cross sections in accordance with these specifications and in accordance with the instructions of the Engineer. The unit prices bid shall be understood to cover the preparation of subgrade, the furnishing, when required, hauling, spreading, blading, brooming, sprinkling, and rolling of materials, and all other work involved in the construction of the finished base and/or top courses, at the grade and to the erose section indicated on the plans, and in accordance with theme provisions. PAVING DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall construct the asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete wearing surfaces, whichever is shown on the plans, to the lines, grades and thicknesses and in the street locations shown in the plans and as provided for under the provisions of this contract. MATERIALS Whenever asphaltic concrete pavement is specified, the class of mix shall be as shown on the plans. Portland cement concrete shall be as specified in the Stnndard Specifications for Multnomah County. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT For construction of asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete pavement, whichever is applicable, payment will be made nt the price bid per square yard of completed pavement based on horizontal measurements. Pnyment an above indicated shall be understood to comprise full and complete payment for either the asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete pavement in place. It shall include the furnishing and hauling of nll mnterials, the furnishing of tools, equipment, and supplies and the performing of all work and hearing of all incidental expense. No separate or additional payment will be mide to. preparing the hone, bituminous cement tined as a tact( cont, expansion or %.ontractita .joints, tie bnrs, dowels, and metnl reinforcement. - 3 - Specifications for Streets CONCRETE CURBS DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall construct Portland cement concrete curbs where shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer, to the lines, grades and the design and type specified on the plans. MATERIALS Unless otherwise specified on the plans the concrete used in the curbs shall be Class "A" concrete. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Curbs will be measured along the top roadway edge of the curb, to the roadway end of the radius on driveways across parking stripe and through driveways on combination curb and sidewalk sections, and payment will be made on tite basis of lineal foot as measured. Payment for expansion joint filler material used in the transverse expansion joints in curbs as well as curb excavation will be under- stood to be included in the price bid per lineal foot for curbs and will not be paid for separately. CONCRETE WALKS DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall construct concrete walks where shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer, to the lines, grades and design specified on the plana. MATERIALS Unless otherwise specified on the plans the concrete to be used in the walks shall be Class "A" concrete. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for the construction of concrete walks will be paid for at the price bid per square yard for "Concrete Walks". Payment at that price shall be understood to include payment for all work and materials required to construct the walks. No separate or additional payment will be made for expansion joints or for excavation below the top of sidewalk grade. CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall construct concrete pave- ment at such driveway entrances to properties abutting the streets as are designated for paving by the plans or by the Engineer. Such pavement on driveway entrances will hereinafter be called "concrete drive- ways" and the same shall be constructed to the design specified on the plans. - 4 - Specifications for Streets MATERIALS Unless otherwise specified on the plans the concrete to be used in the constructi )n f concrete driveways may be either (a) Class "A" concrete or (b) Portland cement concrete as specified previously under "Paving" in these specifications. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for the construction of concrete driveways will be made at the lump sum price bid for each concrete driveway. Payment at that Price shall be understood to include payment for all work and materials required to construct the driveway in accordance with the plans and these specifications. No separate or additional payment will be made for expansion joints or for excavation below the top of curb grade. ADJUSTMENT OF MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS AND INLETS DESCRIPTION Under this specification the Contractor shall adjust the tops of manholes, catch basins and inlets as required to bring the covers or gratings of the structures to the higher or 1,3wet grades required by the improvement involved. With reference to manholes, this specification is to apply only when the top of the manhole is to be raised not more than three feet, or wher the top of the manhole is to be lowered not more than one foot. With reference to catch basins and catch inlets, this specification shall apply whether the grade is to be raised or lowered. PAYMENT Payment for the adjustment of the tops of manholes will be made at the price bid per each for the item "Adjustment of Manholes". Payment for the adjustment of catch basins and inlets will be made at the price bid per each for the item "Adjustment of Catch Basins and/or Inlets". The prices bid for these items shall be understood to include pay- ment for all required excavation and backfill, the removal and disposal of old concrete and for all required removal and rebuilding of existing pavement. RECONST'RUCT'ION OF MANHOLES DESCRIPTION Under this specification, the contractor shall reconstruct the upper portions of manholes as required to bring the covers of the man- holes to be higher or lower grades required by the improvement involved. Reconstruction of manholes ordinarily will be required when the covers are to be raised more than three feet or lowered more than one foot. The locations of manhoLes to be reconstructed and the amount of raising or lowering involved shall he as indicated on the plans or as designated by the Engineer. 5 - Specifications for Streets PAYMENT Payment for the reconstructing of manholes will be made at the price bid per each for the item "Reconstruction of Manholes". The price bid for the item shall be understood to include payment for all required excavation and backfill, the removal and disposal of old concrete materials, and for all required removal and rebuilding of existing pavement. 6- M SCIBDULS :JURT rACILTTI88 BUALIAM III 1+ h CUtigur �. ;eaeral Excavation - Imind- 5.c,5u R n;. ...,1 L laji!}Pied gu. Yd. Par Cu. Yd_ 1. ;'urnish 4 Install 1-1/8"-v 1,490 slwid KvsK base Cw-'rss r4 u,Y.d. � egr Cu. Yd. 3. l umish & Install 3/4"-0" 500 w. „ruehod 1,uck Leveling. ;curse � Cu. Ydr oc Cu. yd, �. 4. irunish 4 Install Claes "B" d,915 M AoeiWItiC Gwwroto Pavement Su. Yd• par bq. Yd. Tarnish & Install Standard 4,440 v" CoucroLo Qurba Li:;, rt. Per Lin.fit. TOTAL �� 9P6GIFICATIONS FOR t:ANIMY SEWERS located lu BURLWOOD III SUBDIVISION WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON for GUhQ4Ut+'WEA7.TI1 M)PERTIGS, .INC. OWNER by Pettijohn [ngineoring Company. Inc. 4145 M. It. Cully Boulevard Portland. Oregon 97218 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWERS SCOPE The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and materials necessary to construct the sewer system House branches and house services as covered by the accompanying drawings and detailed specifications. MATERIAL CONCRETE SEWER PIPE Concrete sewer pipe shall comply with A.S.T.M. Specifications No. C14-59. CAST IRON MANHOLE RING AND COVER Cast iron manhole ring and cover shall conform with City of Portland standard for sewer manhole ring and cover. CONCRETE Portland Cement. Portland cement of a well known brand shall be used and shall conform with "Standard Specifications for Portland Cement" (A.S.T.M. Specifications No. C150-46). Aggregates. Aggregates shall consist of sand and gravel or broken stone and must be screened, washed and fr"e from float, foreign matter or other injurious substances. Aggregates must be approved by the Engineer at the source of supply beforA being delivered on the job. Coarse aggregate shall range in size from 1/4 to 1-1/2 inch, and shall be graded to provide maximum density in the mix. Fine aggregate shall be sand graded to pass 1/4 inch screen with not more than 25% passing a 50 mash screen. Proportions. The cement, sand and gravel content of the concrete mix shall be such as to produce a compressive strength of not less than 3,000 lbs, in 28 days. The water content shall be such as to produce a 5 inch slump. TYPE OF PIPE AND COUPLING All sewer pipe, whether mains, lateral@ or house connections shall be concrete sewer pipe with rubber ring couplings except where connections are made to manholes or special fittings, in which case the use of con- crete or mortar connections will be permitted. Cast Iron sewer pipe shall be staod..rd, 150 lb. class, east iron pipe, - 1 - Specifications for Sewers The concrete sewer pipe specifications shall be modified to enable the use of a rubber ring coupling. The type of coupling proposed to be used shall be submitted to the Engineer or Owner for his approval. The application of the rubber coupling to the pipe, and the coupiing of the pipe in the field shall be according in every detail to the manufacturer's recommendation. PIT-RUN GRAVEL Pit-run gravel for use in backfilling shall come from approved sources. It shall contain very little material that would be retained on a screen with two- inch round openings and screening may be required by the Engineer to remove over- size rocks. It shall be well graded with sufficient tines to fill voids where used in water settlement INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS CLEARING All necessary clearing shall be done by the Contractor without additional cost to the Owner. TRENCH, UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Sewers shall be laid in continuous open trenches except where tunnels are necessary, as determined by the Engineer, to pass obstructions or to facilitate traffic. Trenches shall be excavated to linea and grades as directed by the Engineer, with walls as nearly vertical as possible. The minimum trench width shall be such as to permit proper laying of pipe and making joints after bracing is in place, and to allow for required inspection_ Excavated material shall be piled in such a manner as to cause the least possible restriction to traffic and the beet protection to the work.. The Contractor shall not begin excavation on any portion of the work until all necessary materials and equipment are on hand for completion of that portion. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, not more than five hundred feet of trench shall be opened in advance of the completed sewer. EXCAVATION BELOW GRADE If the bottom of the trench at grade 1s in unstable material, the Engineer may direct excavation below grade and replacement with fine graded material or con- crete. Quantities for excavation below grade will be paid for at the unit price hid for excavation. Replacement material will be paid for at the unit price bid for such material. Excavation below grade which i9 made inadvertently or without authority shall be replaced with fine graded material or concrete as directed by the Engineer without additional cost to the Owner. If the trench bottom should be in rock it shall be excavated to a depth six inches below the bottom of the belle of the pipe, and refilled to subgrade with earth, fine graded material or concrete. Where encountered, rock shall be re- moved by methods which w A l not endanger work in progress, adjoining property, or completed sewer. When :he use of explosives is necessary, the Contractor shall use utmost care not t^ endanger life or property, and must provide blasting in- surance. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner and all such storage places clearly marked "Dangerous Explosives" - I - Specifications for Sewers TIMBERING The Contractor shall furnish, place and maintain such sheeting and bracing as may be required to support the sides of the trench and prevent any movement therein which might damage or delay the work or cause injury to street surface or adjacent property, and to provide for safety of workmen and public. If in the opinion of the Engineer any timbering is ince quate he may direct the Contractor to furnish and place additional supports, but compliance with such orders of failure of the Engineer to give them shall not rele,ge the Contractor from his responsibility for adequate maintenance of trenches. Where necessary to maintain grade for the pipe, the trench shall be close- sheeted with tongue-end-groove or lapped sheeting which shall he driven far enough below grade to prevent inflow of material from outside trench lines or placed as bulkheads to prevent movement along the trench. All timber shall be removed from the trench before or during backfilling, except that which is necessary, as determined by the Engineer, for protection of the sewer. or other facilities. Such permanent timber shall be cut off about two feet below the ground surface. The cost of temporary timbering and sepports shall be included in the price bid for excavation. Permanent timbering and supporta left in the trench as directed in writing by the Engineer will be paid for as permanent timbering. GRADE BOARDS LINES. POLES and PLUMB BOBS At intervals of approximately twenty-five feet grade hubs and offset line markers will be furnished by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall fitrnish ma- terials and erect grade boards and targnca and transfer lines and grades thereto for excavation or laying pipe and shall furnish lines, measuring poles and plumb bobs. Grade boards shall be of new lumber not less than 1" x 3" surfaced one side and one edge, and shall be supported on 2" x 4" stakes. Grade boards and targets shall be set at intervals of about 25 feet and at no time must there be less than three in position. The distance from the grading line to the pipe shall be measured with a pole of planed straight grained lumber fitted with an iron shoe extending at least eight inches from the pole at its lower end, and clearly marked at one foot intervals above the shoe. A plumb bob shall be used to align the pipe in the trench. PIPE LAYING Pipe shall be laid on a carefully shaped and graded foundation of undisturbed trench material or thoroughly compacted suitable fill material and supported its entire length. Fine grading of the trench bottom to fit accurately the curvature of the pipe shall be done with hand tools using linea, straight edges, and tem- plates to provide a uniform support, and shall be done about ten feet ahead of the pipe laying. Recesses to receive belle shall be made below the normal trench bottom and shall be adequate to permit making the joint, but no larger than ne- resaary so that the pipe shall have maximum hearing. Before being laid, all pipe shall be examined and accepted by the Engineer or authorized inspector, Each section of pipe shall be handled carefully and placed accurately. The spigot end shall be inserted to the full depth of the bell and properly supported to conform with established line and grade, and checked by use of measuring pole and plumb bob. - 3 - Specifications for Sewers A swab that completely fills the pipe shall be kept inside the laid pipe to prevent entrance of water or foreign material, and this ahali be drawn forward as the pipe is laid. If material protrudes inside the sewer at ,joints, it must be scraped smooth. When work is suspended the end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting stopper. All pipe laying shall be done in a reasonably dry trench. Where water is encountered in the trench, it shail not be permitted to rise above the joint or run through the sewer. Adequate pumping facilities shall be provided to keep the trench free from water, without additional cost to the Owner, and water shall be disposed of without damage to adjacent property. IA ISI lO LE S Manholes shall be con .tructed of pre-cast concrete, 48" in diameter and ghnll conform to standard s)eciricatLons of A.S.T,M., pre-cast manholes, designation C 478-61T. Tile joints shall be concrete or mortar filled on both the inside and outside of the joints. All joint@ shall have a trowel finish. DLmensions for manholes are as shown on the detail sbeet. The hottam of each manhole shall be carefully formed and have smooth curves where required. The use of split pipes may be required if the Contrartor'e methods of forming are not satisfactory, as determined by the Engineer. All surplus concrete and mottar shall be carefully removed. All stubs In manholes must have concrete stoppers cemented in before stubs nre placed. Payment for stub shall be Included ng part of the manhole unit price. DROP MANHOLE A drop manhole shall be constructed of concrete at the location as shown on the Plan and Profile Drawing and ohall be of the form and dimensions as shown on the detail drawings and it shall conform in every respect with the requirements of the City or County specifications and be subject to their inspection and approval. Before construction of the drop manhole and connection to the sewer main, the Owner shall obtain all necessary permits for such work, and shall pay all fees, cisrges, or furnish bond if necessary to insure that all requirements of the City nr county will be met. A copy O f the permit shall be kept on the work for the use of the Engineer. L.AMr HOLES tamp holes shall consist of an 8-inch Y-branch, one-eighth bend, concrete stopper, 8-inch concrete sewer pipe sufficient to reach Into lamp hole ring at the ground surface (not over 8 ft.), and standard 8-inch cast iron lnmp hole ring and rover supported by a concrete slab not less than 2 ft. square and 6 ft. thick in- stnLled as directed by the Engineer. 11IACING CONCRETE Forms shall be bllilttrue to line and grade, and shall be o° wood, metal or other approved mata.ial, and shall be mortar tight and sufficiently rigid to prevent displacement or snggtng between supports. Forms snd form supports shall he subject to approval of the Engineer but responsibility for their adequacy shall .eat with the Contractor, - 4 Specifications for Sewers All concrete shall be machine mixed on the job or ready mixed. For machine mixed on the job the Contractor shall provide an approved type batch mixer equipped with an accurate water measuring and control device, and capable of producing a homogenous mixture of uniform color. Sand, gravel and cement shall be weighed separately. The volume of the mixed material per batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated capacity of the mixer. Machine mixing of each batch shall continue for not less than 1-1/2 minutes after all materials, including water, are in the mixer drum, which shall rotate at a speed or not less than 190 feet per minute throughout t•he mixing period. The entire contents of the mixer drum shall be discharged before recharging. All measuring devices shall be subject to approval. The retempering of concrete which has partially hardened wi°1 not be permitted. For ready mixed concrete the plant sha.l be properly equipped in all respects for the accurate proportioning and proper mixing and delivery of the concrete, including accurate water measuring and control• All concrete shall have an initial mixing at the plant of not less than 1 minute after all materials, includ- ing water, are in the mixer and shall be transported in clean, water tight re- ceptacles equipped with an agitator device which shall be operated until the concrete is discharged. The plant shall have sufficient capacity and transporta- tion equipment to deliver the concrete at the rate desired, The interval be- tween hatches for a Four shall not e.t.ceed 30 minutes. The time elapsing be- tween the discharge of the concrete from the mixer and its placing in final posi,ion in the forms shall not exceed 45 minutes. The concrete container shall he provided with an approved locking device designed to prevent additions to or subtractions from the contents en route from the mixing plant to the work. Where the concrete is transported in a revolving drum similar in design to an approved type of mixer, initial mixing at the plant may be omitted, provided the drum is revolved until the concrete is discharged and the concrete is mixed for not leas than 4 minutes after all materials, including water, are in the mixer, Concrete shill be conveyed from tie mixer to the forma as ra,-idly as practi- cable by approved methods which will prevent segregation and lose of ingredients. It shall be deposited In final position without rehandling. When discharged directly from chutes into the forme, the vertical drop shall not exceed 7 feet. Chutes shall be thoroughly clean before each run. If water is used for this pur- pose it shall be discharged outside the for-ne.. Concrete shall be placed before the initial set and in any event not later than 30 minutes after mixing. It shall be placed in the dry, and all draining and pumping necessary shall be done. Before placing concrete, all form work shall lie cleaned of dirt and construction debris and water drained. No concrete shall be deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams or planes of weakness. (luring placing, the concrete shall be compacted by puddling with power driven vibrators or other approved tools, care being taken to avoid over- working which may result in segregation• Green concrete shall be protected at all times from running water. Any water that accumulates on the surface of the concrete during placing shall be removed by absorption with porous materials in a manner that prevents removal of cement. HOUSE CONNECTIONS Six inch Y-branches shall be placed where indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Branches shall be placed at an angle of approximately 45 degrees upward from the horizontal. If the house connection is not to be con- - 5 - Specifications for Sewers structed immediately, the branch or the 1/8 bend, if specified, shall be closed with a concrete stopper using oakum and bituminous joint material or rubber ring with properly connected stopper. where construction of house connections are required by the plans or ,lirected by the Engineer, six inch diameter pipe shall be used, joined to the Y-branch by a one-eighth bend, and laid on a straight line and grade to the property line. In no case shall the grade of a house connection he levo than one-quarter inch to the foit. Laying and joint making for house connection shall conform with the specifications for sewers. If the house ,onnection is not made immediately to serve an existing property, the end -,t the property line shall be sealed with a stopper in a manner similar to flat required for Y-branch openings for future connections. If any Y-branch is placed in the absence of an inspector, the Contractor ,hall place and maintain a suitable marker until the proper record has been nn,l" by the Engineer or inspector. _'ONNECTIONS WITH EXISTING MANHOLES '-nmtections with existing manholes or sewer lines shall be made it, a ,,,or':nnnlike manner, shall be water tight, and have smooth flow surfaces an: ,�r •es. 1:F i U.111r, titer ti:, sewer has been laid and inspected and when approved by the Vi,glneer, backfill of earth, sand or fine material free from stones or ob- - 'c.nnt:le iroterial shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping around the pipe nn,1 up to a depth of two feet above the pipe in 6" layers and the full width f the trench, the remainder of the backfill shall be compacted in approxi- mtely 6 inch layers by tamping with approved machine opera-id tempera, if hackfill materials are too dry, they shall be sprinkled with water only as .directed by the Engineer. Surplus material shall be disposed of as directed I,Y the Engineer. (A)UIM ROADS where a sewer is to be constructed in the right of way of a County Road the Contractor shill procure from the proper County official any permit ne,essary for such work, and shall pay all fees or charges or furnish bond if necessary to insure that all requirements of the County will be met and the rnadwny and ditches restored to their o:iginnl or sstis£actory condition. A opy of the permit shall be kept on the work for the use of the Engineer. INSPECTION During all construction and testing of the sewer line, the City or County nay provide for the tnapect.'.on. If the city or county officials make a charge ter inspecting the wtr: ons`ructed under this contract, the Owner shall pay `t11r1 charges. EXISTING UTILITIES Host of the residents in the vicinity of the proposed work have water service. the Contractor must determine the exact locatio-t of all water mains and services and other underground facilities by test holes or other approved methods and rel)air any IIAMage caused them. SF.WF.R AND WATER MAIN CROSSINGS Wherever it :a necessary for fewer and water matnc to cross each other, the tossing should be at an angle of approximately 90° and the sewer line shall be onstructed of cast iron pipe with watertight joints for a distance of ten (10) feet nn both sides of the water main. - 6 - Specifications for Sewers MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall keep all public and private roadways. driveways and walk- ways open for public use and in good and serviceable condition at all times during the construction period and shall maintain and keep in good repair all materials furnished and work performed by him for a period of time extending from the beginning of the work until 90 days after final acceptance of the work. In the event the Contractor fails to furnish necessary labor and materials to maintain the work, as provided for under the specifications, within 24 hours after being notified by the Engineer of such failure, the Owner may furnish the necessary labor and materials to maintain the work and the Contractor shall pay the Owner the cost of such labor and materials furnished by the Owner. 'TESTING (Also see AIR TEST SPECIFICATION if provided) Upon completion, a section of sewer between manholes shall be bulkheaded at the ends and subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by water to a depth of four feet above the bottom invert of the pipe at the upper end of the section under test. After a period of one hour for absorption, the leakage test shall be made for a period of six hours or until the Engineer is satisfied no defects exist. During the test the measured leakage shall not exceed the rate as shown below Pipe-Size Allowable Leakage per Hour 6 inch 3 gal per hundred feet of sewer 8 inch 4 gal. per hundred feet of sewer 10 inch G gal per hundred feet of sewer 12 inch 6 gal per hundred feet of sewer Should the section tested fall to meet the minimwn requirements as specified, the sewer shall be drained and repaired as directed by the Engineer, and similar re- pairs made to other sections where the test is presumi-d to be representative. Test and repair of any and all sections may be repeated until thi, sections meet the specified requirements. The Contractor shall furnish bnikheads, fin Ings, valves, hose and other materials and the necessary personnel for making the test, which shall be under the general direction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide water for testing purposes at his own expense. External tests for leakage shall be made by filling trenches with water with pipes through manholes open. Quantity of water permitted to enter the pipe shall not exceed the limits set forth for internal pressure test. Flow of water in sewers shall be measured accurately by either volumetric methods or by means of accurately made weirs. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL TI,e width of the trench for pipe up to 24"Internal Diameter shall be the nominal pipe diameter plus 1 foot. The width of the trench for pipe above 24"Internal Diameter shall be the nominal diameter plus 2 feet. The depth of trench shall be from original ground or finished subgrade (if any)whichever is the lower, to the point of support of pipe in trench bottom. SEWER PIPE Length of pipe laid, including manholes. 6"x 8"W YES Number of Wyse Installed. 6"x 1/8 BENDS Number of bends installed. - 7 - Specifications for Sewers MANHOLES Number of manholes installed complete in place, C4) FCTION TO EXISTING CITY SEWER LINE Computed on the basis of a complete fob in place. EXTRA FOR PIPE UNDER PAVEMENT INCLUDING CUT 6 REPAIR Computed on a basis of lineal feet of pipe installed under surface of existing pavement. RtiCK BACKFILL Computed on the basis of material measured in hauiing vehicles. LUMP SUM ITEMS Amount bid for work specified. 'In IFR ITEMS Number or amount in place upon completion of work, - 8 - It is recommended that the Specification for the Air Test consist of two parts- The Presumptive Test and the Acceptance Test. THE PRESUMPTIVE TEST The contractor may low pressure air test the line before backfilling the trench to aid the contractor in checking the installation for any defects and proper workmanship. This test is at the option of the contractor THE ACCEPTANCE TEST The 4:intracto► shall test the line as prescribed in the specifications by the engineer o• agency after the backfilling has been completed. RECOMMENDED AIR TEST. The contractor shall furnish all facilities and personnel for conducting the test under the observation of the Engineers. The equipment and personnel sholl be subject to the app,oval of the Engineers The c.ontracto, shall clean the line before proceeding with the air test. All debris shall be removed at the first manhole where its presence is noted Irr the event cemented or wedged debris or a damaged pipe shall prevent cleaning the contractor shall emove the obstruction The pipe or sections of pipe to be tested should be wetted before the air test is started Immediately following the pipe cleaning and wettings, the pipe shall be tested with low pressure air. Ai shall be slowly supplied to the plugged pipe installation until the internal air pressa,e reaches 4.0 pounds per square inch greater than the average back p,essure of any g ound water that may submerge the pipe At least two minutes shall be allowed fo, tempt atwe stobilization before proceeding further. The rate of air loss shall then be dctermined by measuring the time interval required for the internal pressure to dec,eose f,om 3.5 to 2.5 pounds pe° square inch greater than the average back pressure of uny ground water that may submerge the pipe . The pipeline shall be considered acceptable when tested at an average pressure of 3.0 pounds per squa,e inch greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may subrne,ge the pipe when the section under test does not lose air at a rate greater than 0.003 cubic feet per minute per square foot of internal pipe area except that the minimum allowable rate of loss for the section shall not be less than 2 cubic feet per minute The requirements of this specification shall be considered satisfied if, during the time as computed according to the attached page entitled "Recommended Procedure for Conducting Acceptance Test" the pressure in the pipe line does not drop more than one p.s i. below the initial pressure of 3 .5 p.s. i greater than the average back pressure of any ground water head that may submerge the (pipe) line Acceptance Test shall be made for each first section of line constructed, for every ist reach of line installed where a new sewer crew is used, or wherever the Engineer may direct. The contractor shall not p,oceed with any construction until the prerequisite of meeting the successful installation of each section is made, as mentioned above, to qualify the crew and/or material . If the pipe instaliation fails to meet these requirements, the contractor shall determine at his own expense the source or sources of leakage, and he shall repair or replace all defective materials or wo kmanship. The completed pipe installation shall meet the requirements of this test, o• the alternate water exfiltration ar infiltration test beforr' being considered acceptable SAFETY PROVISIONS, The plugs must be fi.rml secured and cage should be exercised in their removal (The total force on a 12" plug ct 4 0 p s.4„ is over 450 pounds,) Ca,e must be exercised in not loading the sewer Fine with the full pressure of the compressor , Keep men out of manholes until the pressure has been released. If weter leaks into the line after the plugs are installed and floods the air inlet and the needle on the ah, pressure gage indicates zero then possibly the water column has balanced the air pressure in this instance and care is necessary in eleasing the pressure. If testing below ground water level; inject the air at the upper plug and/or, turn the inlet up as with a water test apparatus Reference- Low Pressure Air Test for Sanitary Sewers by Roy E. Romseier and George C • Riek. From April 1965 issue "Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division ASCE" Low Pressure Air Testing of Sewers by William J. Chase and Harvey W. Duff. Presented at the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association Meeting; Vancouver, Washington; November 5, 1965 a N U " 'e N �+� 8 St 1 R R c rTrTTITMM J O O o o O qq o o O O o A n �O n 1ryy V 114 � O� Id n 16 .ti • n N •• d � d d O � � O ^y� W a �U / I 111 ,lil, 11111 1 i t 1 1 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 Ani it tl a.-Of 9 -. -- " SAA a a it Ito ]JAI ll Jul n � U iT 1D SCldfi)UL& ,V7tuu(x3D xl1 UNIM a= ecu if►ssf�[Lad tertfet, 410 PRF- :ra7et�h L 1Mtall 4 t 40 _..it,'1 :SZ:.�iL/dliRii _� Cu. Yd+:-•--_.__ j'sc Gu. Yd.,__.__.___._.___._.__.._ urn►Ai� 4, Utstall 4" 325 �rnYu + tn�cYll 6 1,439 ]FLU {�1tM. Ft. ,___,_.iMr Llp• r� ._..._...._..._.._... _ 173 JAMS rurn/oh cn install I '*4 1 Sd1ljm0�;919 .JWY* _._. � ..___._..fir►�l:�!'____._. ..___._ _..._._ �raloh t. Lwt4k11 6 X4 2 —1 Un rm1f FuvnLsh 6 jaskall 4,44" 20 furnish 4 lastall 6`a4" 1 t:+. Furnish & com"twtt 11. ['urnloh G CoMttWK 12. Gonnost"m To BKLstLfyl I "Wim" 13. Atte Mts (N) bttea Vol A!S Baa/ 1fsM11 �MkElll vu. Yd. Aw 011. 1r. SPC�I1'LCAT IOH.Oi FOA 3TOM 531MM located In MR-WOOD III SODIVISION W,�.h!lLNO?O!! CC'7'T!'Y, OREGON ,or CO}RU NnALTN PROPURTIRS. INC. U;iNRA by PattijuM IngLuetrlap Company, Ine. 47'-5 R. R. Cully savlevatrd Portland, Orogen 97213 SPECIFICATIONS FOR STORM SEWERS SCOPE The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and materials necessary to construct the sewer system as covered by the accompanying drawings and detailed specifications, MATERIAL CONCRETE SEWER PIPE Concrete sewer pipe shall comply with A.S.T.M. Specification No. C14.59 CAST IRON MANHOLE RING AND COVER Cast iron manhole ring and cover shall conform with City of Portland standard for eewer manhole ring and cover. CATCH BASIN AND INLET FRAMES AND GRATINGS The frames for catcn basins and inlets may be either genuine wrought iron or structural steel as the Contractor may elect and shall be of the design or designs shown on the plana. Gratings for catch basins and inlets may be of genuine wrought iron, structural steel or carbon steel castings as the Contractor may elect, and shall be of the design or designs shown on the plans. Wrought iron frames and gratings shall conform to the 'Standard Speci- fication for Rolled Wrought-Iron Shapes and Bars", A.A.S.H.O. Designation M 100 (A.S.T.M. Designation A 207). Structural steel frames and gratings shall conform to the "Specifi- cations for Steel for Bridges and Buildings", A.S.T.M. Designation A 7. Fabrication may be by riveting or welding, as the Contractory may elect. Cast steel gratings shall conform to the "Standard Specifications for Mild to Medium Strength Carbon-Steel Castings for General Application, Grade 65-31. A.A.S.H.O. Designation M 103 (A.S.1.M. Designation A 27). Welding shall conform to the standard requirements of the American Welding Society. CONCRETE Portland Cement. Portland cement of a well known brand shall be used and shall conform with "Standard Specifications for Portland Cement" (A.S.T.M. Specifications No. C150-46). - 1 - Specifications for Storm Sewer Aggregates. Aggregates shall consist of sand and gravel or hroUen stone and must be screened, washed and free from float, fcrelgn matter or other injurious substances. Aggregates must be approved by the [ngireer at the source of supply before being delivered on the Job, Coarse aggregate shall range in size from 1/4 to 1 1/1 irch and shall be graded to provide maximum density in the mix, Fine aggregate shall be sand graded to pass 1/4 inch screen with not more than 25% passing a 50 mesh screen. Proportione. The cement :;and and 9: a"e' -t-ro• ns th• _,nc• t-F- mix shall be such as to produce a e,ompressive st•-ergi-h of pot leas char 3 000 Ibe. in 28 days. The water content shall be such as to product f: 5 inch slump. TXPE OF PIPE AND COUPLING All sewer pipe, whether mains, laterals or house ronre.:tions shall be concrete sewer pipe with rubber ring couplings except where connectlone are made to manholes or special fittings, in which case the use of concrete of mottat connections will be permitted. The concrete sewer pipe specifications shall be modified to enable the use of a rubber ring coupling. The type of coupling proposed to be. uses shall be submitted to the Engineer or Owner for his approval. The application of the rubber coupling to the pipe, and the coupling of the pipe in the field shall be according in every detail to the menu.. factuter's recommendation. FIT-RUN GRAVEL Pit-run gravel for use in backfilling shall come from approved sources. It shall contain very little material that would be retained on a screen with two-inch round openings and screening may be required by the Engineer to remove oversize rocks. It shall be well graded with sufficient fines to fill voids where used in water settlement, INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS CLEARING All necessary clearing shall be done by the Conttactur without addi- tional cost to the Owner. TRENCH, UNILASSIFIED EXCAVATION Sewers shall be laid in continuous open trenches ex-ept where tunnels are necessary, as determined by the Engineer, to pass obstructions or to facilitate traffic. Trenches shall be excavated to lines and grades as directed by the Engineer, with walls as nearly vertical as possible. The minimum trench width shall be such as to permit proper laying of pipe and making joints after bracing is in place, and to allow for tequired inapec tion. Excavated material shall be piled in such a manner to cause the least possible restriction to traffic and the best nrote on to the work 2 Specifications for Storm Sewers The Contractor shall not begin excavation on any portion of the work until all necessary materials and equipment are on hand for completion of that portion. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, not more than five hundred feet of trench shall be opened in advance of the completed sewer. _EXCAVATION BELOW GRADE If the bottom of the trench at grade is in unstable material, the Engineer may direct excavation below grade and replacement with fine graded material or concrete. Quantities for excavation below grade will be paid for at the unit price bid for excavation. Replacement material will be paid for at the unit price bid for such materia:. EuccWa..icu btloc. a,.i,& .4hi,.h is made inadvertently or without authority shall be replaced with fine graded material or concrete as directed by the Engineer without additional cost to the Owner. If the trench bottom should be in rock it shall be excavated to a depth six inches below the bottom of the bells of the pipe, and refilled to sub- grade with earth, fine graded material or concrete. Where encountered, rock shall be removed by methods which will not endanger work in progress, adjoin- ing property, or completed sewer. When the use of explosives is necessary, the Contractor shall use utmost care not to endanger life or property, and must provide blasting insurance. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner and all such storage places clearly marked "Dangerous Explosives". 1PSKR ING The Contractor shall furnish, place and maintain such sheeting and bracing as may be required to support the sides of the trench and prevent any movement therein which might damage or delay the work or cause injury to street surface or adjacent property, and to provide for safety of work- men and Public. If in the opinion of the Engineer any timbering is inada- q„ate he may direct the Contractor to furnish and place additional supports, but compliance with such orders or failure of the Engineer to give them shall not release the Contractor from his responsibility for adequate maintenance of trenches. Where necessary to maintain grade for the pipe, the trench shall be close-sheeted with tongue-and-groove or lapped sheeting which shall be driven far enough below grade to prevent inflow of material from outside trench lines or placed as bulkheads to prevent movement alon, ^a trench. All timber shall be removed from the trench before or during backfilling, except that which is necessary, as determined by the Engineer, for protection of the sewer or other facilities. Such permanent timber shall be cut off about two feet below the ground surface. The cost of temporary timbering and supports shall be included in the price bid for excavation. permanent timbering and supports left in the trench as directed in writing by the Engineer will be paid for as permanent timbering. 3RADE, BOARDS, LINES, YOLES AND tLUMB R%S At intervals of approximately twenty-five feet grade hubs and offset line markers will be furnished by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall furnish materials and erect grade boards and targets and transfer lines and grades 'hereto for excavation or laying pipe and shall furnish lines, measuring poles - 3 - Specifications for Storm Sewers and plumb bobs. Grade boards shall be of new lumber not less than 1" x 3" surfaced one side and one edge, and shall be supported on 2" x 4" stakes. rrr,de boards and targets shall be set at intervals of about 25 feet and at ne time must there be lees titan three in position, The distance from the grading line to the pipe shall be measured with ,r pole of planed straiiht grained lumber fitted with an iron shoe extend- ing at least right inches from the pole at its lower end, and clearly r+Irked at one foot irtervals above the shoe. A pi -mb bob sbalL be used to align the pipe in the trench. PlPF LAYING Pipe shall be laid on a carefully shaped and graded foundat.on of —disturbed trench material or thoroughly compacted suitable fill material Ind supported its entire length. Fine grading of the tret.ch bottom to fit a,curntely the curvature of the pipe shall be done with hand tools using lines, straight edges, and templates to provide a reasonably uniform ; ippr+rt, and shall be done about ten feet ahead of the pipe laying. Re- raages to receive belle shalt he made below the normal trench bottom and r.h.,il he adequate to permit making the Joint, but no larger then necessary that the pipe shell have maximum benring. Before being laid, all pipe shall be examined and accepted by the Ingineer or authorized inspector. Each section of pipe shall be handled arefuliy and placed accurately. The spigot end shall be inserted to the N11 depth of the bell and prorerly supporter; to conform with established i '.ne and grade, and checked by use of measuring pole and plumb hob. 4 swab that completely [1119 the pipe shall be kept inside the laid Pipe to prevent entrance of water or foreign material, and this shall be drawn forward as the pipe iq Laid. It material protrudes inside the sewer at joints, it must be scraped smooth. When work is suspended the end of the pipe shall be closed with a tight-fitting stopper. All pipe laying shall be done in a reaeoneoly dry trench. Where waiter is encountered in the trench, it shall not be permitted to rise above the Joint or run throtigh the sewer. Adequate pumping facilities shall he provided to keep the trench free from water, without additional .(,qt to the Owner, and water shall. be disposed of without damage to :0 Ja- ent property. MAMIOLCS Manholes shall be constructed of pre-cast concrete, 41" in diamet(r and shall conform to standard specifications of A.S.T.M. for pre-cast manholes, designation C 478-61T. The Joints shall be concrete or mortar filled on both the inside 1 outslde of the Joints. All joints shall have a trowel finish. )imensions for manholas are as shown on the detail sheet. The bottom of each manhole shall be catefully formed and have smooth 1!i—q where required. The use of split pipes may be -nquired if the ­ntrartur's methods of forming are not satisfactory, as determined by lir Fnp,tneer. All surrlus concrete and mortar shill be carefully removed. - 4 - Specifications for Storm Sewers All stubs in manholes must have concrete stoppers cemented in before StUba are placed. Payment for stubs shall be included as part of manhole unit price. URhP MANHOLE A drop manhole shall be constructed of concrete at the location as shown on the Plan and Profile Drawing and shall be of the form and di- mensions as shown on the detail drawings and it shall conform in every respect with the requirements of th? City or County specifications and be quhject to their inspection and approval. !Before constructLon of the drop men'aole and connection to the sewer main, the Owner shall obtain all necessary permits for such work, and 011111 pay all fees, charges or furnish bond if necessary to insure that all requirements of the City or County ,rill be met. A copy of the permit shall be kept on the work for the use of the Engineer. ,:ATC H &\SINS. INLETS AND CONCRETE SUMP R1NCS catch basins, inlets and sump rings shall be of the designs as shown -m the Plans and/or detail sheet. The depths of the catch basins and the nomher of sumps to be installed shall be as indicated on the plane or as urr!p rBd by the Engineer. Pipe connections to catch basins and inlets shall be installed in Proper Pesl.tione and shall extend through tine entire thickness of the wall with no projections beyond the inner wall surfaces, and the joints ghA1l be made watertight by a carefully places mortar seal. Grating frames shall be set in full mortar beds and shall be attached t(, the concrete in the manner indicated by the Plana. concrete sump rings shall be precast as shown on the Plane. I'1..ACINC CONrRETC Forms shall be built true to line and grade, and shall be of wood, metal or other approved material, and shall be mortar tight and suffi- • lently rigid to prevent disnlacement or sagging between supports. Forms ,1111 form supports shall be subject to approval of the Engineer but re- +1101g1hility for their adequacy shall rest with the Contractor. \11 orcrete shall he machine mixed on the job or ready mixed. For ma,hine mixed on the job the Contractor shall provide An approved rc bat,h mixer equipped with An Accurate water measuring and control de- 110, +end rn peble of producing a homogenous mixture of uniform color. n,d, gra,-el And cement shall he weighed separately. The volume of the ^txel material per batch shall not exceed the manufacturer's rated cp,- ;••t• I t v of the mixer. Marhlne mixing of each batch shall continue for riot lees than 1-1/2 -fes after all materials, incl4ding water, are in the mixer drum, which - S - Specifications for Storm Sewers shall rotate at a speed of not less than 190 feet per minute throughout the mixing period. The entire contents of the mixer drum shall be dis- charged before recharging. All measuring devices shall be subject to approval. The retempering of concrete which has partially hardened will not be permitted. For ready mixed concrete the plant shall be properly equipped in all respects f the accurate proportioning and proper mixing and de- livery of the ..,ncrete, including accurate water measuring and control. All concrete shall have an initial mixing at the plant of not less than 1 minute after all materials, including water, are in the mixer and shall be transported in clean, water tight receptacles equipped with an r.gitator device which shall be operated until the concrete is discharged. The plant shall have sufficient capacity and transportation equipment to deliver the concrete at the rate desired. The interval between batches for a pour shell not exceed 30 minutes. The time elapsing between the discharge of the concrete from the mixer and its placing in final po- sition in the forms shall not exceed 45 minutes. The concrete container shall be provided w,.th an approved locking device designed to prevent additions to or subtracrionb from the contents en route from the mixing plant to the work. Where the c.increte is transported in a revolving drum similar in design to an approved type of mixer, initial mixing at the plant may be omitted, provided the drum is revolved until the con- crete is discharged and the concrete is mixed for not less than 4 min- utes after all materials, including water, are in the mixer. Concrete shall be conveyed from ttir mixer to the forms as rapidly as practicable by approved methods which will prevent segregation and and loss of ingredients. It shall be deposited in final, position with- out rehandling. When discharged directly from chutes into the forms, th; vertical drop shall not exceed 1 feet. Chutes shall be thoroughly clean before each run. If water is usod for this purpose it shall be discharged outside the forms. Concrete shall be placed before the initial Let and in any event not later than 30 minutes after mixing. It shall be placed in the dry, and all draining and pumping necessary shall be done. Before placing concrete, all form work shall be cleaned of dirt and construction debris and water drained. No concrete shall be deposited on concrete which has hardened sufficiently to cause formation of seams or planes of weakness. During placing, the concrete shall be compacted by puddling with power driven vibrators or other approved tools, care being taken to avoid over- working which may result in segregation. Green concrete shall be pro- tected at all times from running water. Any water that accumulates on the surface of the concrete during placing shall be removed by absorption with porous materials in a manner that prevents removal of cement. CONNECTIONS WITH 9XJITING MAI Connections with exiatinN manholes or sewer lines shall be made in a workmanlike manner, shall be water tight, and have smooth flow surfaces and curves. BACKFILLING After the sewer has been laid and inspected and when approved by the Engineer, backfill of earth, sand or fine material free from stones 6 Specifications for Storm Sewers or objectionable material shall be thoroughly compacted by tamping around the pipe ui- to a depth of two feet above the pipe ;n 6" layers and the full width of the trench. The remainder of the backfill shall be ct.npacted in appr-)ximotely 6' in layers by the tamping with approved machine operated tnmpers Tf backfill materials are too dry, they shall be sprinkled with water only is directed by the Engineer. Surplus material shall be dis- posed of as direcLed by the Engineer. ';AUNTY ROADS 14here a sewer is to he constructed in the right of way of a County Ra-0. the Contractor shall procure from the proper County official any permit necessary for such work, and shall pay all fees or charges or Burnish bond if nacesaary to insure that all requirements of the County will he met and the roadway and ditches restored to their original. or satisfartory condition. A copy of the permit shall be kept on the work for the use of the Engineer. IrSPLCTTAN During all ccs,struction and testing, of the sewer line, the city or county may provide for the inspection. If the city or county officials mnl,e a clarge for inspecting the work constructed unuer this contract, the towner shall pay such charges. i:XISTING UTILITLES Host of the residents in the vicinity of the proposed work have water service. The rontrac:tor must determine the exact location of all water i.afrts and sarvices and ather underground facilities by test holes nr ot}•er nppro,;ed metho,',s and repair any damage caused them. *L1INTENANCE Tne r.ontractor shall keep all puhlic and private roadways, drive- wnvn and walkways open for public use and in good servicc-ble condition at all times during the construction period and 81-.:11 maintain and keep in good repair all materials furnished and work performed by him for a period of time extending from the beginning of the work until 90 Ways 7fter final. acceptance of the work. In the event the Contractor fails to furnish necessary labor and materials to mnl.ntain the owrk, as provided for under the specifications, within 24 hours after being notified by the Engineer of such failure the Owner may furnish the necessary labor and materials to maintain the work and the Contrnctor bhall pay the Owner the cost of such labor and mater- ials furnished by the Owner. TI-MING Upon completion, a section of sewer between manholes shall. be bulk- Iended at the ends and subjected to a hydrostatic pressure produced by ,inter to A depth of 4 feet above the bottom invert of the pipe at the upper end of the section under test. After a period of one hour for ab- sorption, the leakage test shall be made for a period of 6 hours or until the gngineer in satisfied no defects exists. During the test the measured 1r,nkage shallnot exceed the rate as shown below: - 7 - Specifications for Stor in Sewers Pipe Size Allowable Leakage per Hour 6 inch ;> gal. per hundred feet of sewer 8 inch 4 gal per hundred feet of sewer 10 Inch b gal. per hundred feet of sewer 12 Inch 6 gal, per hundred feet of sewer For pipes over 12 inch diameter, the allowable maximum leakage per hour shall be n 4 gallons per inch diameter per 100 feet of sewer. Should the section tested fall to meet the minimum requirements as specified, the Newer ah:it be drained and repaired as directed by the Engineer and similar repairs made to other se,.;ons where the test is presumed to be representative. Test and repair of any and all sections may be repeated until the sections meet the specified requirements. The Contractor shall furnish bulkheads, fittings, valves, hose and other materials and the necessary personnel for making the test, which shall be under the general direction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide water for testing purposes at his own expense: External tests for leakage shall be made by filling trenches with water with pipes through manholes open_ Quantity of v,Aer permitted to enter the pipe shall not exceed the limits set forth for internal pressure test. Float of water in sewers shall be measured accurately by either volumetric methods or by means of accurately made weirs. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL The width of the trench for pipe up to 24" Internal Diameter shall be the nominal pile diameter plus 1 foot. The width of the trench for pipe above 24"Intarnal Diameter shall be the nominal diameter plus 2 feet The depth of trench shall be from original ground or finished subgrade (if any)whichever is the lower, to the point of support of pipe in trench bottom. SEWER PIPE Length of pipe laid, including manholes, MANHOLES_ Number of manholes Installed complete in place, SUMPS Number of sumps installed complete in place CATCH BASINS Number of catch basins installed complete in place CA'T'CH INLETS Number of catch Inlets installed complete In place WNNECTION TO EXISTING CITY a19WER LINE Computed on the basis of a complete Job in place EX'T'RA FOR PIPE UNDER PAVLMENT INCLUDING CUT & REPAIR Computed on a basis of lineal feet of pipe installed under existing pavement. ROCK BACKFILL Computed on the basis of material measured In hauling vehicles Specifications for Storm Sewers LUMP SUM. ITEMS Amount bid for work specified. OTHER ITEMS Number or amount in place upon completion of work. - 9 . W UID ::CHRDULB STORM SRNRk FACILITIRS UUALNUOD III _ IT1Yrt CUAIWITY UNIT PAiCIi AI•l0UiJ1 1. 'iuclauslfied Tranebi 2uU _.�xca�utlun L llackfill Cu Xds Pur Cu Yd Furnish & Install a" 9U _—w;nr rate Sauer P1N LLn L. P4r Ltn 1't !'urnLsh a Install 10" 580 _ 111 6a►rat Pies Lin rt, Yar Lin. vt- ,, Furnish a Install 12" 745 (.0ACtaLe Sawar P1N - Lin Fte Per Lin Ft P rnish 6 Install 15" 170 _�'' c i _te Sewer piw Lin Ft Per Liu Ft r-irnLsh & Install. )2 1 ._.... L0" EmrOLs a,�rSi3i.Tea `ach _ Per Bach rurr.ish h Consttvcr g —..-._..i+.kARAP-1 d-4N" mitt Rech _-- Per tach Furnish & Construct 1 standard L*:scast muhole Each Per Rath furnish is construct Shallow 1 atandard Precast Manhole Rach pir Raeh �. 1'utnisb & Inscell If of 27 3!4"•0" (crawl 8addine yu. 1fd. mer cu. ypeclal Ditch Rxcavation 50 ---- Cu Y/ par Cu Yd TOTAL 1�. Alternate (A) Satre for 180 rend backfill Trench Cu. id. hr Cu. Td. SPECIFI(:ATIONS FOR WATER MAINS 10Cated in BURL,WOOD III SUBDIVISION WASHINGTON COUNTY, OREGON For CMMONWEALTH PR')MPTIIES, INC. OWN!;R by POMJ0110 RnRinwer tne, Ca1"ny, Ile. 414% W. R. Cully Daulew*d h►rtlrnA� pryer 97218 SPECIFICA."IONS FOR WATER MAIN INSTALLATION SCOPE The work to be done under this contract consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, tools and materials necessary to construct the water system as sham on the accompanying drawings and detailed in these speci- fications. MATERIALS CAST IRON PIPE Cast iron pipe shall conform with applicable sections of Federal Specifications WWP-421x, as amended, or A.S.A. Specification A-21.6, for Class 150 cast iron pipe. Pipe shall. be cement lined and seal coated. Pipe joints may be either mechanical joint or Tyton joint. GATE VALVES Gate valves shall, be iron body, bronze mounted, parallel seats, double disc, non-rising stem with "0" ring packing complying with A.W.W.A. Speci- fication- for 150 lb, valves equal to Iowa, Stockham, Mueller, Pacific States, or M & H valves. Valves shall have mechanical joint ends with 2" square operating nut and open left. TAPPING SLEEVE Tapping sleeve shall be mechanical joint Mueller H-615 or Iowa F-5205. TAPPING VALVE Tapping valve shall. be mechanical joint Mueller 11-667 or Tows F-5200. FIRE HYDRANT UNIT Fire hydrant shall be Mueller 3-1/2 ft, bury, 5-1/4" V.O., 6" flanged bottom connection, two 2-1/2" N.S.T. hose connections, 1-1/4" pent oper- ating nut open left with sidewalk flange. Auxiliary valve shall be same as specified above except with flanged ends or mechanical joint X flange ends as directed. Fire hydrant tee shall he mechanical joint X flange or all mechanical joint as directed. Flange bolts shall be galvanized. Gaskets s:.all be asbestos cut ring. Cast iron valve box shall be ns specified below. Clamp bolts and clamps if required shall conform to Water District Specifications, if any. - 1 - Specifications for Water Mains CAST IRDN FITTINGS Capt iron fittings shall ba mechanical joint for use with Class 150 cas,. iron pipe. CAST IAQNN VALVE i)OXES Cast iron valve boxes shall be the slip type not less than 5-inch inside diameter shaft and shall be equal, as determined by the Engineer, to boxes manufactured by the Rich Manufacturing Company (925-D or E; or Industrial Iron Works (standard). Boxes shall be of sufficient length to reach from the body of the valve to a point 3 inches above the ground surface. _COPPER PIPE Copper pipe shall be Tyne K water servl.e pir— CORPQRATIQN SMS Corporation stops shall be Jonxe (J-1500), Mueller (H-15000) or approved equal. CURB ST_cIPS_ �ClT b H!ovs shall be Jones (J-1525•, Mueller (H-14255) or approved equal, COPPER UNIONS Copper unions shall be Jones (J-1529), Mueller (H-15405), or approved equal. COPPER COUPLLN rS Copper x I.P. couplings shall be Jones (J-1535), Mueller (H-15450), or approved equal. LEAD Lead for caulking shall comply with Federal Specifications No. QQ•L- 156, PACKING Packing for lead joints shall consist of "Fibrex", rubber packing, Hydro-ring, or approved equal. INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS CLEARiNQ 4ND GRUBBING Contractor shall do all learing and grubbing necessary to permit proper installation of pipe and to eliminate possibility of stumps, loge, brush, or rubbish being mixed with th! backfill material. A sufficient amount of all stumps and stump roots shall be removed so that any future removal of any remaining parts of the btumps and/or stump roots will not e­ ginger the vipP. All stumps. roots, logs, brush and rubbish jhall be burned or dis- posed -f to the satisfaction of the Engineer. TRENCHING_ The dfpth of the trench shall be such that the top of the pipe shall not be lees than 36 inches for 8-arch and 6-inch pipe and 32 inches for 2 Ilk I 12 INA . 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OREGON t Edward' 8 Li// - Yice -�i¢si s FEBO 11967 y SCALE I 100 / PETTIJOHN ENGINEERING COMPANY INC . Shir/may . U¢ fqa va n - A �� t. - S ee re Lary - ---- Lot Curve Data -- Lot Bik. L� Rad . L. Chord Brc3 . C 12 1 5.07' 4 8 576 56 51 .62' Nfoa29'St3 51601 I � 12 1 � 58' 41" 31 1 48' 37 94' -=, :50* 02 2.4 E 37 91 Note 13 1 2` 46 4Z 31t • 40' 15.i0, 53455 05E 15.10" • • Danat25 Monuments Found f� CA`nQW 1� dy���7ef7t 13 1 17 22 17" 77. 32' 23.4-4 S 62 22. 43'w .3.35• 15 1 18. 58 34' 77 32 25 01 ' S 80° 33' 09w 25.49' 24 Iron R6ds S(1.t at al i Lot a o Da,nota.s '/i SA:9 0 Of Ore �n 17 1 35 23 53 75,00' 46.34 S72 020 3Ow 45. 0; I ` 5 5 15 1 40 2.(0, -59- '15.00' 52.95 534 25 04w 51. 86 Corners , and 51g 30 � Iron Rods Set at' C'DU�I'y Of h%Shiny fon 19 1 14009 06' 75.00 • 16.53' '57" 07' 00'W 18.48' all Blor.k Corners and Curve points. 3¢ �;` r¢m¢mber(?d . ,7`2a,` on ,j�i�s _SO_"' da ofd o(y_ _ ;'967 20 1 44°29 34' 5x. 00' 3e.97 szz'4 5 1- 3r.sb' 3urlwood N0. Z before rn¢ the vnd¢rsi' ,�7e�' a no��ry ir2 god for- Bald 51'ate 21 1 44.239 29' 50,00' 38.97 s�6�46� si E 37.99; 22 1 44 39 2`j 50,a0• 38.97 • N(ot3 33� 39 E 3'7.99 � I y , E Covi7,�`y ,persona/,y �r�oearev` Edward B. !i.;y and 5hlr,/2y �. 23 1 4439 29" so.00' 38.97 Nz3°54,1 ► E 3799 I D¢ Ha v¢r1 , o /%7e ;o�'sonally krJOwn who be dU/y � >vOrn dig' Sdy �,�at 24 1 8l 21 ' 12" 50.00' 71.00' N39 06 15'w 65. 18 ,c � , • , ' • -�- s (z ar7d h¢ did' say that 2a 1 96'06 12' 10.00' 16.77 N �I"43 SoE �9.87 ►c � I I I 1 he Adwa/-CI 3. L'/ /y !S f,�1�: �'rc� Q !Q� rlf, 24 1 73.43' lo" 25.00' 32.17 ' 1, 53° to' 5 Z 99' < - I7I/770/)W a/7`h ,oro 81 erfie5 ° 13 91 ' N t3F°54 37 E. 13.90' 5 I A. ,Je fr<� V2n /5 /7c7, 455f SeCrCAdry Of C4 e P 24 1 to IS' 37 ' 127. 32' /8 I.R.tr. i East 31,13, aft/X, fo j �wlrh/n in5trurn¢of' /5 �hQ 25 1 12° 42 ��7" 127. 32' 28.26 N ?7° 25 20E 28.20' 9.09 103.59 111.33' 104.79' off. �iG►, ' SQa/ of said Cl , ansa' that sato' 7//.5triJrnGzrJ,' was 25 1 �Q IB o7" Ito.s�' 11. l 6 5 220 5 12 E ►2.15 -� `� (p Z w / b �. �,/ 3 0It 26 1 27 513 22 110,5Z' S3.�J6' S 39� 13' 27''F 53.42' j ) ,��� in ;� 5i ,-2e.d and 5_ea/eco' in b�_,�ia, af' sai4' Corporation by au, ,horny ,� ° �rO 40 Go , - 39 h/ 0 9 f Edward B. L/'!/ and Shir/¢y A. 27 i 2 e sa�2' 110.52 53.9 0' S67 11'4 t3 E 53.42 f, `� 'S1� at �1'% °�; . �k°/tel` b of i,-s board of �`irPC. or,5 ai�o' Sd,4 � y 2s i F3 4e �5 H0.52.' 16 93' s e5`3a' 17"E 1�.9t" th¢ir �/ na 1i'(1ra5 7`0 5ai4' inS,�ru.�7ent' 7o be, 28 1 23. 23' 15" 50.00• 20.41' N7e2o-4a'E 24.27 � h0o ` s• Z 1 .~ 38 J1 De �rav¢ c�'o aeknc>w�ed�e 9 ,c ' 29 1 11 3° 33 31 50.00 99.10 N,30 5L' 2S'E t33.(o6" \ 'p\` B' (0,5-69, 6/. a r2(L 3 c f G7�Qe d �Of �c,�iq' L Crr�O/"o�� /On . • 30 1 91 3.1' o3• 50.00• go.8z, 586.47 o8W 72.31 •°\��z ,�� 00 0 o 19.94' N 82. 24* oo�w 16.1'34' 4 3o i 114` 14• a7• 10.00' ° \� �►`` oo �ti.�60 42. °:� ^+g�• oc,�a a� 30 1 r►° 20' 28, 60.X52. 6. 70 ' N 7.1 06'22,w r.roC p\ 1, ,�•� o .� o z L� 30 1 2` 15' 02 1:.T. 3Z' 5.00' N ro9° 5ro' 2t"E 5.00' �,'oAry ,oubllC fn And dCOr Ore on ° ° Q 31 1 15 cal 15'' 127. 32' 33.Go' N61 15' IVE. 33. 00• �,ti'� o L� 43 0. � - 'lyo ! 156.0 4\ Cornrrli55/On Xp�l'eS^_ Lir_ ---_ 32 1 28° 19' 22" 127. 32' �z.94' 550° 28 07E X2.30 ' 8 tih'� y � S/A" I.R.F. ,ly° % s, 8.51" o��o,, 33 1 33° 02-'04" 127.32' 73.41 • S 81° 08� 50 E 72.40� ,�� 33 1 (013` 53' 53 10.00" 19. 01' 543° 12' 55�E 16.27' .0\�, = goo // G0 �s� 7 1 hsp 33 1 45° 07�57" 50.00• 42..80 S 13° 15• S7•'E 41.57• /o �� Qq ° h- '� / 57 29' Cv• 50,00' 50.17 $(o(o° 38 34 E 4 8.09 �'� h o i 34 1 I ° �/g �.a.F. , �s � � 'o � � Curve Data 3 5 1 54° 32' 13 50.00 47. 5 9' N 57 20�4Z�E 45.82 �, fig. o ,'8 115\ S o• 6F 28 3 90°00 UU ' 77.32 ' 121.45 N131 Ia 26 w Iog•35 s= ° o s/e i.a.F, \ °�' ti ti� 45 ° �` h. 1ho �� /��� ��� oB o = 9043' 38 3 23° 27_" 08•' 149.50 61.00' N46. 57 5�w 60.58" Ito ° Iv 70° 20'o7'`w 60.515 g ` _ ° ' 39 3 23 22'08• 149.5F�' !01.00 `' S � `6 C' � 0 1 R 124.56' °` < o s 5 °\6� �� �,' 40 :3 24° 2K40" 149.56' 63.89 S 85+ 44 3o'w 63.41 • �q� �B o ti' 197.22' Svc v2 yurs Cir, , /Ca � q I 3 I�• 48' -3 149. 5b" 51 71 ' 030 35, 52 w 5L45 �(°� L �3 2 a ,�g� 1 ��\a' O •\t-,- C 177.25' r ;�i' fin h2i,7 f,�i"s c;7'U/y" .� Kyo�,7 d0-/t7OSE ar7c� _Say tha I 4(0 3 8 48, •49, 52E.'�E 81.00' S 58 05 59:w 80.9Z �, -t° 0 4.6 `` �(` �g' o .'d; _1_$1' a0=a' 1 ti yti• oe JOS 9 ,/ o r rnanvn7ei7�s 47 3 13`' 's3' ZS' 52G� .5� 78.65' 566` 4'7 'O�Jw 78.57" '�i p''`'� �J off`!;: 0O �,C,� Q' L1 17°22 17 �70`� ✓�L COrrr'Gt; y JCC/, vG>y�4 o'nd /77ar�'ed W%t,�7 p/'O L - ., ° " X5'44 w 44.47 5/6 I.Q•tr. �. 47 p �6: 00 O \s'�16 �� Z FZ' 551.510 rj 9 •45� 2 2_• 2<01.48' A 4.5 1�I 3 l fie ,'end r-�2,c>rQ senfed /;� jhe �?rle2Xe�` map of Sur:�wood NO. 2 $ 7° ,� 16' 576.56' 73.17 ' N 57019'41"E 73.12" �_ n \ �. �� tr o �, , ° ° 10 5o'E 141.11 ' /�, o C 167. 23 ' E i f f�I�L 1121;1 'a/ �Oi17t cif 5.91,d Survay ? 5 90 1512" `39. 5G' 150. 83 581 0 o p o �= p0 \ '' a G - 166. 59' r incf7 iron of a";� the S , . corner O1`' Lot I , �3/ock I ° � ��� •.,.+ � \( �, ;\s- � ` �,� a 6 : 9°45 z2" foUrd a T P �ated �/O04 20 y✓ X060. 04 feet -9174 N89 55 00 w 1/ 73- 22 feet- L�urlWood s + sot, �3. �, ° �e Said lni•7`ia" P01' t be�n9 /o.. ° p . 0 3 R- 2,t3�o .48 from �,on 34 T.IS. Q/ �'V Y1!�/. th¢nc2 from .maid Initia/ Point N(3 24'59"W, 5/t51.R F-'O `s�oo t,� ° .��= o° = 40.70' f,7e SOvth , 4 Corner 0' 5CC , , „ , a ° i1� �s• ° /49. 59 ft • thence NO°02 261E, 22 . 81 ft. ; thence 589°57.34 E, 177, 89 ft. • thence, N84 52 .02�f 80.00 ft thence, - s ° �' ` IL .� �- 2 '� c 48.7 i056 '06'W) , e ' . /'✓/8°56.08 Y� //o. 25 feet ; thence N 71 '03 52 �, 22.41 ft ; thence A116 5(o O8 W, 150. 00 ft.; ° , �1�.0� �, 5��ti s� =��'' rr o = 9a oo" 00 fee. , the nce- Y 65. 55 ft. � thence, N53 4/ 34'E, 373.36 ft. ; ,`hence East, .3'478/ ft; ?a1` °�'ti1 ,.�A` � \4 v ,a o°°0 4 R : 102. 32' • th nce A167 /cam�.34E', 70.63 ft ; t'lence N56 0557E, ;`'pence S 0°02 /�' , X0.88 ft ; th¢nc¢ .554°43 05"W,, /56. 03 f t , thence, 556015 iC2 W, 50. 03 f-1: ; thence 55.x, 4/ 34 '�V, 41.3. /3 ft, Z 3 �'� • �o o : IroO o o s >` - 160 72' f-1 . ° /00. 00 ft. thence A/ 4/3•1E, /. �,� � o n 53� /8 �� £ Z�O. 00 . , thence 1\15.-.� 4/ 34 E, /9. 09 ft.,' thence 536 /8 ��E, �, ° o , 26 f t ' \ �� o i2 -'� � • o s C 7 .. ,tie c e ars S 4 55 34'E'a,.. 7.07 ff , thence 536 °!8 2<oE, 50.00 ft. ; thence Pn a /0.00 foot radios curve to the left 411�1ch chord t C� ` s. o = 17°z2 ►7 an arc distance of 20.46 ft. ; thence on a 50.00 foot radius curve fO /he rightCw1 /1Ch chord bear-5 5/�0 44 0.3 �, \ ! m: � �`��, 0 S 00 0 �6F 5 R = 102,32 72 / ft - n arc distance at x/. 70 fit. ; thence 559 55r24E, 80.00 ff. ; thence 53 O� 'cJ�o"W, 9D. /4 Ft., � `� oy ,��, y �- �8 °- o r� L 31 .0Z .9 ) 9 I ` \ 5/8i.ct.0 13° ' % •�' �h' • ,r► /\' C : 30-90, thence /V 89°�5 00'd�Y, 885. 23 f t fo 17e point of be9ir7nin9 , I 15 F. t���� ° o� ' Z � 'd \ '•'�a o �s� iso ° r -bed' An S w,�rn fo b c fo re 1 era 5o s. ,, ` �, S,vbsc d m¢ 1 5/131 R.F. ) zE N�� O i G° 13 A 4' yg'�°' o° .0 ��°' _ 71 of 26 1 589 57 .34E 177. &9� �Na4 510 �� ° 1 0�s o° �o ° �a ►; > R ' 85.52.' fh/.5 _ Olay Ofl�dreh ,/967 - - o e`' o �`' 5 I.R.F 50.64' 127.25 80.00' 0 4 ��\ o ��o p oq , ►_ - 106 .01 /8 ti Z 0 o' e 1 De ti 29 °- �e,' C: = 99.35 ' ,b in and for Ore on ° ��sd o1 ,4 N• �5 �'s��= y�° 5 ,r'�°i �� ° ° st, IVotar Du 11C q 17 01�. 16 �, 4 a p ° ,� y Q �'�� I o - '� oo ✓ o ., a o. o° ° a` 7} R : 102.32 My Corn,77/55�on ex,oir�5 -7L. - 0 1 9 -��, e s: �` �5. �� \�Ly� �6: �`'�a° oo �� �`'�' 3.3. 89" S � . L . lv - ►;; A 8. �= rr a� �'1 5'j-`i'i o o' � o P �° °o sF C = 33.73' /9�7 4poro ved --- i m 18 \ �a 70.00' zg.6 �1� t �r�J o0 0 �, s, le S ° - --- - - -- - ' - - _ , S a9- 34 E �j� - 1 �e 8 O z -t1' � R 50 O' - -- - - _ -- Cif y Of T and N -7 a8 ti �� 96.50' �-� ,�� �. CP 3O `` as1 s 121.45 •R��a�1b opo- �6� L : 78.54 2 a rAl ce C 70.71 ' 9 6w ) W. summa. A \�+ s O 15 . h'► =►a �,Q NQF -- - 'o S. 8 z6 :s° - �° °`° opt , (0 °.. 4 `:,5 0: , r 4 ► R - -- -_- - - - --- - - .-- � f'J, ►., g L 32.17 96.90' 2O. G J� O V o�Q: �(^ ''� (o? 6� 145.1 - -��` 6, 1_= 20.46 ,•C 11.07 = 1�.tr � � 0 s ��.`\ yv $0.82' yg, \0 94- 2 �\,v C e` 5A 55 j�E ---- -- -- - -- -- - ---- ---- _ /9("07 -� :=� � 0 19 25 p A,c7 vro ve _ - - - - - m co - I m R ►v Za N P �� 32 �,;' 73.41 0� v�° R=5° .9 0 yo Q a0 `� i2.r6- ^' So S 'rv. ��I I >\�' - 4. 93 37 Ie R - _ N to O �e �6 7 uo o ', � •o ' S0 5 L.R.F. 100.oo' i ►f t5 _ - - 34E , Ac, � s 6 r¢ ss a N' 0 4 cp C.9. 5 16.4q~2.91 OR /t3 Dw 89".4 7 4 E .� S I �(` /` S Wash. Co. D/r¢Ctor of the Z ' o O S 3 ;� 95.10 5�� \IAS 96 2 I o �,� \3, - (A,` - -- - - - --- Dept. of Ye venue, and * .0 ��►� _J 33 s9s l�'ash �0 3card of Corwm. '° �=L- ��'/ a �� �� o '° place �' ,F s y� eo s� Taxa tr'on . 1�Q >D. ,� 20 ,� r 26 s3 9 °' 29 / a� °�r. a1 °° �� �, 9 7 38 9� S4 2 3 '"_ Q. �\S W� p ocOtp O'o�y v1r. _- --- - - - - - - - - X07 - �,c0 .. - h, , O ti �� ° ��6° 01 a 3 8 De/ovty �� '� 2 I N �o V - ' = o a 1' 2 T �j �►. - . �d, s3 �.o��, 34 I,�.. _ 9cv - ,r �p NIo 22 .6 ,, �' - ;' wN 28 0 �� f hereby' cer'fify That this /s ° �, •�- F 3 °U '`' o �° N,E . Corner Leron Heights Plat No. 5 _ --- r o' o �.�? `g 00 10 5,g Iron Rod Fd., 1.54 Eacat a true and exact copy of the /,1 tn � - - t 125 9Z' 13ro.49' 25.59 30.26 118.69 151.70' 194.15' 93.00' // 7_ s From _ ro ,o/a t of !3urlwood No. 3 Dar, /al _ --- -- - •. '� -y yYash, ('0. Clerk or ,�ecoras A axe � � � ' _ EnCA1,5i v(z , are ,,oaid, 8/a cks I, 3 � 5 . N 89° 55 06W , 885. 2 3' North Ling Leron Heights Plat No, 3 d f_,'►? Cfions Initial Point N89°55 oow 1173. 22 2 Iron Plpq_ FcA 'r for of the o `� wash. Co. D! ec z- Leron Heights Plat No 3 - T . 7 4 Dept of �����o_n u�2 and . - --- - /96 7 ° . 8}� Odovty Appro�'eq'_ ,'Q+xdtio�, Approved ____ ____ /9007 South '-� Corner S12c. 34 34 T,i5., R1w,,w. M . -►•-� vt - Was, , c.o. 5u�-'veyor r a nin �-_ Comrn. ,oresia'eot 2" Sq . Iron Bar �i . Sy Dep y Ti9a d �'/ 9 1 . .;nwksawtir,. w 1.uY yyl . ._. ... a.... .. ..... . _..._ __ .. " ' er,=r,u.¢waps -• .w.,.., , i. .ire-. .... .++.. ".S''.TMMTrti. ... - ',.a"'fin i+aJY+IL, tP' a, r - r � . '1► K .•' • .. , .- , .�� . . ....�' ..si , ^_'^ .r "-I!a' ^T.T'++•V ..,rr.-._i . ..•,►. �r.�l •,. w.. . +r • .x. ... .._..,. .. 8 `' .w _. 1 `t�i,,r411 � II1 �1 �� 1 Il � jil'1 � 111 I � r� 1 � �� 111 � 11 1 � llllllill � r� y � { 1 � 111 � 111 � 111 � 1 11111111111 ' 1111l � 1 s I i 1 1 - ----- - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 130 11 12 NOTE : IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOT I(T'rt_--1T IS DUE TO INF QUALITY OF THE OR;GINAL _ r DRAWING. OE 62 92 12 92 S2 b2 EZ z2 12 02 61 Q I L 1 91 S I b l E I 21 11 of 6 a 1 9 S b - E 2 1 $WA� �� +ttllhtl�Ililltllt�tttt�ttttlttit�tttt�It11.�IIll�l111�1111111111ttu,tttt'tilt!!+Itltatt�ltN1111111111�111111t1111111�I1>tlilli�ilti�ttlIl�illllllllNllil111i111it�iii111i11�111i�IitI�111�1111it111�I111�U1t�1,�1� �11�t1U�1111�1111�11111I111�1ll111UIIIll�IlllWll�Ullill�Itll�1u�11H � - . 1 ' Specifications for Water Mains t inch vi-e lower than the around surface or the adjoining road surface, whichever :s lower. Any uneven ground surface, adjacent to the trench, shal' be leveled off or the Depth of trench increased as directed by the Engireer without additional c*)st to the Owner. Whatever existing water or gas mains and service pipet, telephone conduits or other underground structures interfere with the Installation of pipes at normal depths, the depth of trench shall be increased to permit proper installation of new pipes under such existing mains, service lines, telephone conduits or other underground structures without the use of fittings and without ad- diti^nel cost to the owner. Wherever an abrupt change in elevations of ground or street surface occurs, the depth of trench shall be increased to pt_vide for a uniform grade without the use of fittings and without additional cost to the Owner. Wheve coarse gravel, rock; or boulders are encountered, the trench shall he excavated an additional 2 inches in depth and backfilleo . 'h fine metertal sorted from spoil bank or trench side. Extreme care must be -?xet--ised to avoid pipe having an uneven bearing. Bottom of trenches (hell be finished to a uniform grade. No objectionable breaks in grade or al!a,meof: will be permitted. Fv' o vsted materials shall be piled in such manner as to cause least toss+hle restriction to traffic. Wid'h of the trench shall be not more or less than 12-inches greater than the outside diameter of the pipe to be installed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, BACKFILL Backfill shall be tamped to a depth of 2 inches above the pipe. Remainder of backfill shall be compacted to eliminate excessive settle- ment. B ,uldere shall not be placed on top of pipe but shall be placed alongside of pipe or hauled away as directed by the Engineer. All surplus mot.erials shall be heaped up over the trench or disposed of as directed by the Engineer„ leaving the surface in a neat condition. Any excavated matertal deposited in existing road drainage ditches or on existing road surfaces shall be removed, leaving the drainage ditches and road surfaces in as good a condition as now exists. PLACING PIPE AND FITTINGS Pipe shall be laid true to line, without objectionable breaks in grade and ha%� a firm bearing the entire length of the pipe. Great care must be used to a+e that no dirt, rubbish, stones or other obstructions cf any kind are left in th- pipe when laid. During any suspension of work the ends shall be kept closed by means of wooden plugs or approved equal. When necessary to locate valves and fittings in the proper position, as determined by the Engineer, the pipe shall be cut to the exact length re- quired to obtain the proper position. Extreme care must be used to see that no contamination enters the pipe. BLOCKING WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCgS All tees bends, elbows and any major changes in direction of pipe line ,hall be blocked as directed by the Engineer, using not less than 3 cu. ft corcrete, or approved equal, without additional. cost to the Owner 3 Specifications for Water Mains CUTTING_F".PE -� It necessary to cut pipe to obtain proper installation on curves or otf•t, chango in direction, the Contractor shall do necessary cutting as direr•ed by the Engineer without additonal "at to the owner, LEAD JOIKIS For toured lead Joints., heat lead until, when stirred, it shows rapid flange of color, remove scum and place lead in each Joint at single pouring using runner which will permit filling Joint to top of bell. Caulk to wale-Right Joint without straining pipe. Make no change in pipe alignment after joints are caulked. For open bell joints use specified packing tightly driven in place, certertng spigot in belt and leaving 2 inches depth for lead. ['or proca.ulked lead joints the wotk must be done by workmen experi- en'ed in u:h work. Caulk lead to a watertight joint without. straining pipe. GATE VALVES Gat- valves shall be placed in a vertical position at locations determ+ iee by the Engineer. TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE Tecping sleeve and valve shall be installed and tap made as directed by the Engineer. VALVE BOOS Valve boxes shall be placed in a vertical position and backfill around box well compacted. t FIRE HYDRANT UNIT Fire hydrant unit will consist of flanged hydrant, flanged (or me- chanical joint x flange) gate valve, cast iron valve box, galvanized bolts and gaskets, Fire hydrant shall be placed in a vertical position on a precast con- crete slab or flat rock having a bearing surface of not less than 2.25 sq. ft. Hydrant shall be blocked as directed by the Engineer using not lase than I cu, ft. of concrete. Not less than 4 cu, ft. of clean gravel shall be placed around the base of the hydrant for drainage. Concrete shall be 1-)-4 min Flaying fire hydrant shall include transporting, assembling and placing hydrant, valve and valve box, excavation and backfill, furnishing the O AArg bearing base, blocking, and drainage materials, and servicing hydra-i' SERVICE LINES Service lines shall, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, be located in a direct line between the motor to be served and a point on the mein directly opposite said meter. Service lines shall have a minimum of 30 inch cover except where crossing road ditches the cover may be reduced to 24 inches at said road ditch Service lines shall extend from the new main to the property line. 4 - Specifications for Water Maine CORPORATION STOPS Corporntion mope she]! he placed in a position as directed by the I'nrineer. unless dire,-ted otherwise by the Engineer, stop shall be set at +5 degree nnt;le. The price bid shall in:lude tapping the water main and fnmi lin„ and in,itnlling atop. rTh 9Lop3 s}tnll br: connected with the new copper service litter end I'C'%)VIING :VtT1:i',LALS Ln th11.. event it is necessary for the Contractor to remove any existing v, lve.^., cc nthmr materials to proporly install the new work he lone, un In this ccrtract, such meceri.ale remrved shall be the prop- -rtv rt. the Owner. ".'he th,rP-r raaervea tail right t, remove other materials, w t ^(yet. ifiP(! .:) ;te ;e±awed by the t:Untrnl[rr, at hie expense, provided II:aL , Tie removing o: such rther mw:ertals by the Owner shall not inter- fere will , inc•renge tite ng,_ r.f, or delay the vDrk to be done by the Con- i:-STT I JG on- i:-STTNC TJnll pi:•e, va;:-Pa and flttingr, exc.apt the last connection with the "xi+ting mains shall, after being piacad and before the trench is back- ffi:ed, be tested Lr hydrustetic pressure of 130 lbs. Pipe shall remain m lr`r test pre,gsure for net lase than 30 mi_iutes, or until the Engineer f^ s.ttlsfierl no Pxist. Any defects shall be corrected to the catlsf- tion of the I�r.gineec. Contractor shellfamish and place neces- r•ar}' fittings, wit,to.it ndditioual cost to the Owner. If corporation stop is removed, hole ghnll ti, plugged with braes plug without additional cost it, the Owner. Contractor wiLl not be required to pay the Owner for water used in testing and flushing mains. c'IIi.IJRINATION 11pe shall be thoroughly chlorinated and flushed as directed by the rrginr•or. Contrnctor shall furnish and place necessary fittings without additlonai cost to the Owner. If corporation stop is removed, hole shall ',e plugged with brass plug without additional cost to the Owner. Owner gill furnish necessary water for chlorination and flushing without cost ro the rlontrnctor. IA INTAININC SERVICE The Cnntractor shall, in so far as possible, maintain a continuous inter service to existing users, provided that he will not be responsible for any Interrupted service caused by conditions not ider his control. 1 AVE',tEIJT CUT AND REPAIR rnvement cutting shall be done in such a manner as to permit the d ne cssary pavement to be removed without damaginj the adjoining pavement. ',, irregular edges will be permitted. i iww'-OFF UNIT'S Rlew-off units shall consist of 2" threaded pipe, 2" Bata valves, cast Iron vnlve Box, "2" TEF., as shown on the plans. - 5 - Specifications for Water pains All water shall be removed before backfilling trench. Backfill shall be made with selected material well tamped in place to within 12 inches of surface Suitable crushed rock or gravel shall then be placed and well compacted to a depth of 12 inches. When so directed by the Enginect, asphaltic concrete shall then be placed in a manner satisfactory to City, County or State Department having jurisdiction. OTHER CROSSINGS All crossings of public and private roads, driveways, streets, avenues, and walks shall be made as directed by the Engineer. Al . crossings shall be made in such a manner as to permit the placing of water pipe without injury to pipe or coating. DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED MATERIALS Materials to be furnished are assumed to be in good condition at their respective delivery points. In the event any of the materials prove to be defective when tested in place, such defective materials shall be removed and replaced with good material. The Contractor shall make such cuts as may be necessary and make use of short lengths of pipe as directed by the Engineer. HANDLING MATERIALS All materials shall be handled carefully and any damage caused by handling shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer. MAIL AND PAPER BOXES All mail and paper boxes in the way of the work shall be moved, main- tain,?d during the construction period in such a manner that the mail carrier can place mail in them without getting out of his car and shall be replaced to present position both as to height and location and roadways in front of boxes left in as good condition as now exists. All material necessary to maintain and replace boxes shall be furnished and placed by the Contractor. ROAD SIGNS All road signs damaged or moved by the Contractor shall be repaired and replaced, leaving them in as good a condition as now exists. RESTORING SURFACED AND IMPROVED AREAS All hard surfaced, graveled or otherwise imprcved areas, including all arean in streets, avenues, public and private walkways, public and private driveways displaced or damaged by the Contractor must be restored leaving such areas in as good a condition as exists at time work is done. USE OF EXPLOSIVES When the use of explosives is necessary for the prosecution of the work, the Contractor shall use the utmost care so as not to endanger life or property, and when directed by the Engineer, the number and size of the explosive stud] be reduced. All explosives shall be stored in a secure manner and all such storage places shall very clearly be marked "Dangerous Explosives". No explosives shall be used until Contractor has provided blasting insurance. ORDER OF WORK Work shall be prosecuted in the order as directed by the F.ngtneer. 6 Specifications for Water Mains PARTIAL USE OF WATER SYSTEM In the event it is necessary or desirable the Owner may make use of any part of the water system constructed under this Contract before the final completion of the Contract. Such use shall not constitute an ac- ceptance of any part of the work before the final acceptance of the com- pleted contract. INSPECTION Durinf, all construction and testing of the sewer line, the City or County may provide for the inspection. If the city or county officials make a charge for inspecting the work constructed under this contract, the Owner shall pay such charges. MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall keep all public and private roadways, driveways and walkways open for public use and in good and serviceable condition at all times d,iring the construction period and shall maintain and keep in good repair all materials furnished and work performed by him for a period of time extending from the beginning of the work until 90 days after final acceptance of the work. The Contractor shall also provide and maintain necessary warning signs, barricades and flares or lanterns during the con- struction and maintenance period. In the event the Contractor fails to furnish necessary labor and materials to maintain the work, as provided for under the specifications, within 24 hours after being notified by the Engineer of such failure, the Owner may furnish the necessary labor and materials to maintain the work and the Contractor shall pay the Owner cost of such labor and materials furnished by the Owner. INSURANCE T'ie Contractor shall carry Workmen's Compensation insurance to covet his employees while on the work and public liability and property damage insurance to protect and hold harmless the Owner from any and all claims for liability that might result from the construction. PERMITS The Contractor shall secure all necessary permits for the work, unless otherwise directed, EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL The excavation and backfill of trenches necessary to install water main pipe, service pipe and fittings shall be paid for as part of unit price of said p.pe and fittings and shall not be considered an Additional pay item. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT WATLR MAIN PIPE AND 3/4" SERVICE PIPE Length of pipe laid including fittings. MECHANICAL JOINT GATE VALVES Number of valves installed. MECHANICAL JOINT TAPPING SLEEVES Number of sleeves installed. - 7 Specifications for Water Mains MECHANICAL JOINT TAPPING VALVES Number of valves installed. CAST IRON VALVE BOXES Number of valve boxes installed. FIRE HYDRANT UNIT Number of units installed. 3/4" CORPORATION STOPS Number of corporation stops installed. 3/4" CURB STOPS Number of curb stops installed. BLOW-017F UNIT Number of blow-off units installed PAVEMENT CUT AND REPAIR Computed on the basis of lineal feet of pavement as cut. CONNECTING TO EXISTING MAINS Computed on the basis of complete job in place. LUMP SUM ITEMS Amount bid for work specified. OTHER ITEMS Number or nmount in place upon completion of work. - e - BID SchEDUL6 WATER SYBTih FACILLTIBS nUk'.WOOD III _ IYEN t)UAtiIITY C.9IT Pi;ECit uulU1.I 1. Furnish 6 Install b9t1 P Gant Iron Pips _ Liu. rt. 1'.^r Liu. 1't• -- 2. Furnish 6 Install 900 d" Cost iron Pipo Lin,PC. Por LLL, rt. 3. Furnish h Install 690 4' avast Iron P.pa w Lin. FC. Nr Lint rt. 4. Furnish c. Install 2 j' Gate valve Each bx Each 5. Furnish & Install 2 W, Gateyalv1 Each 6. Furnish 6 Install 2 fate Valve Bach cr Bach 1, Furnish 6 Install C2st 6 Iran dalyuponon __. cn rnrn).sh to Install 3/4" 1,110 copper Service Pipe Iain &r A rt Furnish 1. Install 3/4" 43 �_.corpofr[ion !timet &M&h { ), furnish 6 Install 3/4' 43 curb Stoas [ach per lash M it, r1urnish 6 Install A ._..,.._A� Oft Dt►ite ._...._._.._ �._�h.._.._.�_.�_..�+s..�BCc�--•--_.___.______...___.__ ?. Remove 6 Re-install 1 "ON of 11. CAmnoctian 1 Mf�%;ftcmin 1.4. Furnish h Install 1 _._ f irelel drswt Vnic _Y�i eh � per Yach TOTAL_.______... CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON • .y�,¢xtev+st.-. DEVELOPMENT PROTECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET I. PROJECT No. t [I. PROTECT NAME: .. u to '4 _z2_T: III. DRAWING (TITLE.) _A—datedt IV FLAT (TITLE) % dated:w7- V, SITE LOCATION: VI . PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: _ ) Address / s. Phone No. (7) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCYt Address Phone No. Bond No. Exp. (3) ENGTNFER: Address Phone No. __ (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No. (5) PRIME. CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No. (h) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCYt Address Phone No. Bond No. Exp. DA to ' (7) SUB-CONTRACTORS: * Insert: Street, Sewer or 8trest Light.