BURLWOOD #3 SUBDIVISIONS 1967 I �Qd%cation Q¢ /t known,' ,'Sat common, wed,'th ,Droc+ert: s Inc., a,7 Oregon Cvi�ooration, o'o¢I heraby makrt, ¢stab/ish and IBU FLVVCCI) declare /`5e ann¢xev' mdv of"Bur/wood No. 3• Aartia/ 8/ocks /, 3 -` 5 as described /n accomoany/nqq surveyors Certificate a true meo a ,o/at thereof, a// lots being of the dimensions shown and a// Straef5 c 4yaoue5 being of the widths ,-hereon ser forth and Commonwealth Oroloerrlie5 Inc. docs hereby dedicate PARTIAL BLOCKS I l 3 1 5 to the use of the ,oub/lc as ,nub;/ways for2�'er, a,',' Streets G Avenues shown on Baia' rnao. N - LOCATED IN THE S.W. I/4 SEC. 34 T.I S., R.IW. , W. 1VI. - - WASHINGTON CO . Edward 2 Z///y V/ce -/ares/ OREGON SCALE 1" s 100' FEB. 11967 PETTIJOHN ENGINEERING COMPANY INC. Shin,/¢y . DIG f>✓o'vQ•r! Ass t.- S2cr2 Lary ---- Lot C:jrva Data - Lot Blk. IN Rad . L Chord Bry. C 12 1 507 48 576 5G 51.62 Nrn8'29'5tiE 51 61 12 1 ro 58.40 311 413 37,•14 S 3o 02 24 E 3741 f`,ote ' acknow/Qd9ement 13 1 2.4642 311. 4!' 19 IC' 534'55 OSE 5.10' rt- 13 1 17022 17" 7732" 2.34-=" SGf z2 4'i'W Z3.3° ' • D2notee, Monurnanf5 Found 5l0,te Of Oregon 15 16,582' 33 71 32 z5.61 5Ej0'33 oyw 25.60 '/2" 24 Iron Qods Sat at all Lot '�""� 17 1 3S 23 S3 75.00 46 34 572 20 Saw 45 60 o D2nota s C'OL./,7ty' Of /'1'as&'? 7t017 S 5 18 1 40 26 59 75 00' 52 95' 534 25' 04W 51 86' Corners , and Sig x 30Iron Rods `onet at n f / C� `, /� 19 1 14 09 09 75.00 18 53' S 7 07'oo�W 16.46' all Block cornn,r5 and Cur V¢_ points, .717a.-' o , h/'5 �O . day o.,'7- 41L- . -_ ,967 zo 1 44'Z-3'34:' 50.00' 38.63' 5 22. 1,;L, 21"F- 37 86' before n7¢ the Und¢rs/y,7ed a no`.�/ bUh;'c in and for said Stc7t2 21 1 44'39 29 SO.OI)' 3$.97 �66'4Ga 52•E 3799 7 �' . 29 3urlwood No. E' Coun w, persona„y ac?oearQd Ed>va,rd B L/'„y and S,9ir,'ey .4, z3 1 44'34 29' SO.°O' 3897' N21*�34�1IEE 3793 I 'b¢ Ha ven, t0 me /oQJ'S0nc3//y I<WCwn w,70 b¢ 4'U/y SWO,-,? d/4' say ,45at 24 1 81'21 23•" 50.00' 71.00' N319' o ,'I� w 65 16 he Edward B. L/;'/y is ¢5/o'enf, and ,5e d/'d .say that 24 1 S oe 12" 10.00 16.77" N'5ro,3 56 14.a7' Sher/cy A O(z /7'av¢n /s the 4551 - 6ecr'¢tary of C"ommonwe-aith oroaerti¢s 24 1 �o4 1 � 533 ' 127.202 3397' N86054 37E 19091 :7C. and -Sat the sea/ affixed to t5¢ with/h /n5trum¢nt %s the 25 1 12. 47.' 57" 127.37_' 28.26 N 77'z5 2d E 29.z0 5 8 I �.F. I I East I 347 81 1 1 elf/Cio,' S/Lai G� Sc� d COr4f7rdt;On �neT t/)at 5d%q' %n.5trUn7G�/7t was Z5 1 4' lei o7` 110.52 11,IG s1:.'Os' IiE i2,i5 8.09 103.59' 111 13' 04.79' S/ n2o' o7ro SQ,ai20' ;.') 6F',/7a�,;� of 5aiq' Corooratian by dU ��Or%ty 26 1 2759 22 110.52 53 IDG' 53'9°13'27*t 53.42 ), �+ Z _� / - 0 W I h O itS board Of d%recto,5 and Sai4' FO Ward B. L/./ly and Shir/¢y A. 27 1 z7 582Z I1o.5z 53.9r6 567'11'41!E 53.42' ' 1� I q � fir'` ( / 28 1 8'46 35 110,52' 16,93' 565'34 17.E 16,91' } ly 4 3 Je ,4o�v¢n o'o acknow,'r2d9Q t))Q/r 5i9natur¢s "o .sa/'c7/ i/)strurn2nt to be 26 1 23'23' 15" 50.00' 2041' N78'2648'E 20.Z7' f' \ ���� 3 ° 41 ,�,`,o 11 •^'poi I 1 ,y6, '� b C? free act• �' dee'y of :5 9/cT C'orool-&A"01? 29 1 113' 33 31" 50.00 99.10' N 9'52' 2S E 83.Grc' 1gv o s, /L 21 1 4�l.~ 3a J1 30 1 c32!37'03'* 50.00 80.BZ' 'S86'47'OaW 72.-51 o ar 63 89 G/,0 O ?/ a► 30 1 114' 14'47" 10.00" 19.94' N 82' 7.4 0o W 16.So Off• Oh 30 1 6° 20. 20' 60.52' 6..O' N 22`A6'22'W Co.fo9- a'v oo 4 42 Vo ry 'Oub;ic In ancT 'Cor Ore on 30 1 Z' 1°5, 02' 127.3z 5.J0' Nr,'D 5ro 21'E. 5.00" •1�y cornw,'s5%on 5X,0%r¢'�_--9 ,��� _ 31 1 1507 15" 127.32' 33.�O N61 15 12'c 33.90' °5 P °\j6` 1 00 32 1 28' 19 22 127.32' GZ 94' S 5e .28'O'7 E 62.30' G, t 43 '33 1 3-3'07,'04" 127.32' 73 41 581' 0 13'56 E 72.40- 5/e 1. R F. �y°o .o 1�</" 8.sr' '��� 33 1 1019 5353� 10.00' 19.01' 543' ),Z' 5•S"E 1(0.27' p/ o 9" I ' `T I I t r 1.6 9 33 1 4 ' 07'927' 50.00' 42.88 S 13' 15=i E,7 E 41 57' /\ ga;`'G 1 1g0 : '0+ °� ��• ? r" I 34 1 57' 2.c3' Iry 50.00' 50.17' S GQk' 616''.•4�E 4 0.09 i//O \� A'4- 0) ��I 1'r o ,5 35 1 54 32 13' 50.00' 47.59' Ki-57 'Z0q2'E 45.82" 1g' 0',/ ti% I ' '° `' = 01. Curve Data - 28 3 90'00 oC," 77.32 171.45' N61* 18 267w 1o9 3r S �1�' o .8r 111 ��� S 6 0. s� 38 3 23'22' 08" 1.49.56 61.00" N4o' 57'94•W 60.158. /b L R.F. doh L 45 o°�m�t ��o �, ;.. �co 0° �' • ^ Ce s' 39 3 23'22'08' 1,19.56• 6100' Nle 20'07'W 60 50' �h gs�g "s• ! \ �a (,< 1g. 0 0 0 tZ 43 Su/'vcyo/'5 1.Q/-1'1 /Crgte 40 3 24' 28'4 0" 1 19.56' 63.89 S 85 44 3d'W 63.41 ' 34� C ;B /b \ I I ,> R = 12456' r 1 1�1 0 �, 11 0 '' { s 0 6! 1yb Y L' 197.22 r ,J j 41 3 19' 48' 36' 149.56' 51 71' S 67 35• rW 51.45 " 1 Rae 6,' 4 0 0 ti o /V W. r e, t�ohn be/.Zy t^%St duly .5 worn , d¢/oo5¢ and Say , Sat I 46 .3 8413 4`3' 526.' 6' 81 00' 558'05 59•W 80.92' \� 1°' �., 4ro i 1y` �� 140 o��� 501!10 A S�� a. C 177.2.5 �7av¢ Corr¢Ct/ Sur v¢ ed an•/ .-narked with e�ro;o¢r monurn¢n/s 47 3 a 33' 28" 52.6 5G� 78,65' SG6'47'09'w 78.57' � - o ,� . ��� �} °• 1 3� 2 5 '3'45 22' 261.48' 44 52 N 31'25 44 w 44.47' S/O LR.F. cPe - ,� \• ` s ° 1 c�°° G� p: 17'72: I7"" }Se ;dnd rQ,r�r¢Senfrvd /n the anr/¢xed map Oh Bur/WOOOl ilio. j 2 5 7° I� 16'" 576.56 73.17' N57'19�4L"E •73.12' J` 0 •47 yO. s O° r n � 4 \ 1 P 6. 0 g� i S 0 , 6° 2 R= 551.5G� r 316-- 'S 1,3E ,5, and at the Inic/a/ Point- of sal(Y Surva 7 5 90 IS' 12." `3g•56' 156.83 961' 10 56F. 141.11' 5141'. 0� •o °`�� G)� 1g- °o' I a-+1 L IG7.23' found a inch /run ,pipe , a the o corner of Lot . 8lock I I o ,,ti S ��$` I o° C 166.59' Bur/wood sa%d Initia,' /�o/nt ' v • beingg .ocat¢o' N0 04 201✓ 660.04 Feet and N8_9 55'00 L�% //73. 22 feet �9 � � t ,\'�+s• 3 � '`' from the South ,'4. Corner of SG�ct;on 34 rl5.,1c.1 W., WA;'.•theoc¢ from said Initial Point N8°24'59•W, L3Urlwood/61 RF -0 121 ;g1� - �ti 1� � oo\'a. 3 R' 286.48" /4959 ft. • thence NO'02'26'E, 22/.8/ ft. , thence S89.57'34E, 177.89 ft. ; thence ,N84.52 02 E, 80.00 ft; thence -''Y °�� ���1��` �s•o.W o f h°° L :46.78' N7/ 03.52E, ///.00feet; thence 1✓/e 56�08W //10. 25feet; thence N7/ 03o52E, 22.4/ft.; thencer, A//8 .56�08W, 150.00 ft; 9�A'F'�� s 1p� ter- '11 c •Qe.72' thence- N1007 12 34E, 70.63 0..; t,5ence N58 05"5X7 , 65.55 ft.; htenc¢ /x'5.3 4/ 34'EE 37.3..36 ft.; ."hence, crest, 34,'.8/ ft.; 1�°� ,1a` � 5 � \4 �I ° o N 19p y a 00 A 0 .90 00 t,'7enc2 S0 G'2 /4'E 60.88 ft:; thence, S54 43'05"vl; ;56.03 ft. ; thence .556'1516•', 50.03 ft,; thence 5.5.3 4/:3d'W, 41.3.13 ft.; - % °�°' o �4� R : 102..32 t,5ence 5 16 18,'<oE 750,00 ft,; thence N.5.3 4/;J4E, /9.09 ft.; thence 536`18�26E, /00.00 ft. ; thenc.'e /153 �t/34E, 1,26 ft ; I �IR'F' �• ; 12 � �'" ��° 'o L- 1�>o.T2 thence 536°/B 26E 50.00 ft. ; t!lence on a /D.00 {out radius curve to the /eft (Which chord bears S4'55342-, /7.07ft.� 1 .w ° �1 `�, o c• C 144,70 ' an arc d/stancrz of 20.46 Ft. ' the on a 50.00 foot radius curve to the ri h -CW17ich chord bears S/6044 03 E s. s- 2.91 ft.) ao arc distant.¢ of�8/•. I' I ° I e`j. o�!` o= 17°z2' ;7 '' 70 F�., thence 559 55 24E 80.00 ft. , thence9S3 06'O/o Y1! 90./4 Ft., 30 1 m: I ' � h- -- o � 5 R•I 0 2.32 7`hencE N89 .SS OO Y/, 8c'S.23 Ft. to the [joint of be ronin I 1 \ 5/BT.R.F,��2�-0g0 1 . 'A 8, ° Oho r��, u : 31.02' 9 9 I l y .. 1 •. °° °o \i ` °?�' 1s C 30.90 Subscribed And Sworn to b¢for¢ me 1 I 1 ® r R F. �5_ �s. - d„ ° o /h/s_L_day of�eTd[�fL_ /967 o 1 I N�1 ° - me h a o �, , 589 57 94E 177. 89 {Nbe"i02E� 13 O' 3 0 0 ,,P X1.0 1 o\a y: �� 00 o •b� ` 71 OI Lfo LR.F 56.64' \ 127.25' f?O.JO 0\ /O O° ` �h 11 0 , 1h; Lb, R`85.52 Z Z IZ !I��l°=�s° 14 �' �_ /I '��. fey .0 �• �y/ L : 10G.01 No terry 'Oub/ic /n ano/for Oregon S : tips° �^° //J c oe °; �' / °\� 0• °° ioo \y 1 . 29 ° �� G=99.3°5 M, Cornm/55lon eX ire5 0 ' N. 15 s o / 4q t 5 '�°'' \�'s ° S y p �J8/' /IQy ° \� t7 I . 16 a= � o •' �, ^' 9 '' - ' a 0 N N \4. o° o° Q `. o'` �o• = 18 5834' O 6` ;j: . MI6'• e: y 15. = •/ �°�' i'y�� °� %"1 0 �7� R- 102.32.' /9(07 4plc)roved_ -- ---- 1967 r; �s- 'L Visf "'o^+ 11� . 1..' ) o• , L ��e 'oa ?,` r� ' L ! 33.89' r,; - 18 5A ti 70.00' 2.Sb1 y��03 5_ ,C`J G. o ° ''�' I 1 ' °s P 6s.\IL r �r• F \►�° C 33.73• 5 so 0 00 1 9.53- h 5957. 34 . , 2. 8 e. s�C°a � 50.00C/ty Of Ti and •ere � o30 DPkoF ,oq w.5unm¢r a,to \. L: 78.54 '' �QEr a 8 >` C= TO.71 'a o0wo 4 7141R,Io° � 32 ' �j G s' o v•m'p. - - - --- I:lr*77 �5' I I 1 �n �-1 t9: go 82 S ° ? 45.1 A,o,vrov2d_ --- --- /967 3 o, 6 19 n : R= o 0 25 y \ 9q. 2" �'�P c e s4'S5 �o E o d o o I P\ 32 i 1u 73 1 +° 50 - - - ---- _ _ --- !I0,9_6 9 57 34w•P e 0 I 6'- p y% ,N, 0 / I Q• - - --- N L S 86 x '- CP .\ o v . A 9 ,a 50' Wash. Co. Director of the OR 558 LR.F. 100.00' r Srj4E �,A° a •tn6 s N!• a N e� �-81.70" l r oa W 589 S7 34E ^ - 95 to AA Iy s� �� � ov i SS' efe �° d c a•.s 1�•c. 7`.51 Vl'ash ^o Rovrdof Comm. Dep>• of !?¢venue an<y �. �� ��.ti / o s 0, 21' o �, 33 0. sr a` o3e T �. o ,axe tion ~ ' ��,! a7 r r, -) � - � �' P - v,•'F ^' : p 9 s - • pE'jjllh._,/ A. ,v ZO 'b I Ic• Q IaC¢ �� O V / S'O •�7_ eo �� s,� �, x1 dd.g7• D`1' 23 26 / 39 1I �39 11 4-14 /7• A o0 9f 6 2 Attest ,,*,'7�s _ _ da af_ - q �., 33 - . �!; �,'' ► . I o.- 9cv7 y -- - 8- 0¢ Ut - - -._ _ G7C,o f IllO�tii: " - \o Q I 1 ti� 3 c o `\'rs• =o or oro a°j ! Y /o �' / ° �' R\c �' a �° o' s v s 0 o ' yti .'� I ° 1 I s 21 N o v o ='° ' w' 27 �N W_ ie. s s.� l� �� s N 35 v I hereby eerfity /`hat th/s /s s �,� N 22 l %:SF M 28 �, mol_ I I 34 o ° °- 1 �l t`i 3. F e r p S _ a f/-UC and exact cony Of the i0 /;3° �l o °' I1 I �+ !I ' b p' / f ��i °o I�,' �+ o WE Corner L2ron Heights Plat No j wash. Co. Clerk Of ,PacordS A// Taxes From_._ _ Td A/a1° of ,L9Ur/vYood,No. 3 , Aart�a/ � 'F '^I 11 l �' F' 5,0 Iron and Fd., 1.54 East 125.92' 1 3rs.49 x9.'1•! ;0.26 11 8.89 151.70' 194.15 93 00" �� _ - - - •. Dvw" O�_ 4)e cords and -_--_.-Enc/u5i ve, are paid. ,B/o cks 43 E 5 . N b9. 55 00 W 885.23' E,'eCfions Initial Point North Lina Leron Heights Plat No 3 1.1 ;3� 89 55 00W 1173.22 o P 2" Iron Pi a Fd. N I o - - - - Wash. Co. Oireet°or of the v o 8y D¢,outy Dept of Revenue and / - L2ron Heights Plat No 3 _L 'oo ,rdxdtioi Abpro� a'--- --- 96/ ApprovealU/r, /967 Z South !� Corner 5ec. 34 z 34 T.►S.,RtW.,WM. '' 3 Ti' and A/ann/n9 Con7m. fres/dent 2 Sq. Iron gar Vd. F) 1967 r+URI-WOOD NO,„ 1.10 r. I. AIIMFAI�A>�i?�1%�aai�'ivI' :"�F+�Y" � ,.,._ . • I 1 ' I ( 1 � � 1 ; II I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 rM ..,..,...,.,�.,.,�' ___.__...._._._ .,... ........ .:.... . �1 � 1 1 I I I I • I I I I I 11 1 1 1 1 I l i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I f 1 ,y� .-� " - , ~ NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED ( -•-.- 2 3 4 6 7 _8 9 10 11 12 1 DRAWIr`G IS LESS CLEAR THAN THIS NOTICE, IT IS DUE TO THF QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL DRAWING, I?E 62 82 LZ 92 SZ IYZ EZ -ZZ I 0z 61 81 LI 91 SI bl CI al II 01 6 9 L 9 S b E L ia,el►M - ! tH,111111�11111111111111111f11111111111�11111111111111II111�1111111u�1111�iN11111611111-01111111111111ulfillIIll111161111111111 u1F�4111111441140 lolII111��11u11�lulllulhlullnl�lw 11111111u111u11tlullnl�uu�llll�I�WL�IIulllll�llul�lul�1jW11t1it111 F -+� �' MICROFILM SERVICE CO. 71991' Commercial Microfilming, Processing & Supplies Portland, OR. Seattle, WA. .. .-... ..,.._.. _. .. W.W. r'VS+!''- ( WWI tai ,. ;ir. '4 400 BURLWOOD #3 Subdivisions 1967 JuNe ": 1970 Pettijohn Engineering Company, Inc. 4145 N. S. Cully Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Dear Sirs: W* are attempting to update our dr nq f>1 es with regard to storm newer, sanitar,., sewer, undvrqrwmkO utility and street improvement project drawings. In the ,process, we have found that we lack the fo-1 "as--bull't" drawings: a) Rur lwood II - s deet, s drains, water Oew, s tary sewerb) Burlwood III - str 'k�� ater, storm sewer, it sewer c) Pancar am former 1 arvibw) - street, storm s , water system, sanitary s i d) ,Onoona -> rset, storm sewer, water system, sanitary sewer If itli,L �-911il sib , we would appreciate receiving two oapies of the , ngs or, pieforably, co RL the lyll. Please include an invoiceA, as we are certain we Mispon the drawings you originally supplied us with. Sincerely, John 3. Hagman engineering nepartment JMV jP November 6, 1969 ,rra.velerS Indemnity Company Logan Building 500 Union Street Seattle, Waahington 98101 Re: Maintenance Bond 1436902 Burlwood i3 Gentlemen: Effective the 14th day of December, 1961) , 4%'.4tenance gond 143G9Ca2, naininq t'omcronwe� roi.�er.t.iea�;� nc. as i+rincipll and your company a for the z►nnrave- ments in the Hurlwccod 13 S villi will be .released. Please consider thin as t noti for releasinq the 1)ond. "Xe \> i lith C. Thonpson (\ - Oireetor of Puhlic Work!; i'C'T/t,ncc: Edit"d Cealth trop. Inc. 4W. 6Pd, , qon C 0 P Y C 23 20M 7-67 �'-' OXNO/V WEALTH, INC. PORTLAND OREGON March 14, 1969 RECEIVED Map, 17 1960 Mr. Alex Finks CITY OF TIGARD Alexander Construct-T,on, Inc . P. 0. Box 23562 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Alex: I have been informed by Keith Thompson, engineer for the City of Tigard, that they will not release my bond on Burlwood No. 3 until you have completed the finiahing of the driveway approachs in that area . Mr. Thompson has a list of the driveway sites which are to be reconstructed to city maintenance standards , and I wish you would contact him immediately This bond 1.9 coating me daily interest on the time that T, keep it enforced. If you would please look into this matter as quickly as possible, it would be greatly appreciated . Very truly yours, Edward B. Lilly Vice Presidai t Commonwealth Properties, Inc . EBI.:fl cc: Mr. Keith Thompson January ,10 19611f Mr. Ed Lilly Route 1, Box 2638 Went Linn, Oregon 97068 Dear Ed: The Cit} Council during its regular meeting on January 8, 1968 , a,:cepted the street,- and sewer for maintenance.. Your Maintenance Bond will be retained by the City for a period of one ,year. Sincerely, -- Keith C. Thompson Director of Public works KCT/dl The officr of petti�c�c �KglKccac.cg ea., 9Kc. REGIlTFRM ENr-INEFRS 8 SURVEYORS 4t43 N E.CULL.Y BLVD. PORTLAND.OREGON 97218 TELEPHONE 281.0901 TRANSMITTAL NOTICE To: Mr. Keith Thompson I Date: -)ecember 4, 1967 Engineer c/o Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon Project: Burlwood III Subdivision Transmitted Herewith Ey x; Mail Messenger 1 Copies Dated Description and Title 1 Nov 30, 1967 AS-built drawings Burlwood III P.rmniks: Cr Pcra dm Ea9cKec?efq ea., lite. By A. �L Octoher 10, 1967 :qtr.. Art ilartig Pettijohn ingineering Company, Inc. 4145 id. L. Cully boulevard Portland, Oregon Dear Art . As you requested, during our conversation of October 5, I am sending you this letter to confirm a variance grant:ec3 your firm for the Berlwood IIT subdivision, in that four foot sidewalks would be allowed along the curl) in this subdivision and 13,,r.lwood IV, as pre,,Aously constructed in the I3erlwood Ru,.-division. However, as I pointed out at the time, tit,.:! City policy for a five foot sidewalk on the property line will be required in ether subdivisions in the 'I'wgard area. - Very truly yours, Keith C. Thompson City l nginesr KCa'/dl OAtAfON WEA LTH, INC. COMMONWEALTH BUILDING 171 S.W. 6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97201 At C.d• 507.228.8111 June 2, 1967 Mr. Keith Thompson City Engineer City Hall 12420 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Dear Mr. Thompson: "Surlwood #3 For your information,, you will find enclosed copies of our letters to the utility companies relative to our proceeding with Burlwood #3. Very truly yours , COMMONWEALTH PROPERTIES, INC. Edward B. Lilly Vice Presid^-it EBL:ct Encl . a,I 5 w Lith AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 ANCHORAGE,ALASAA BOISE, IDAHO CORVALLIS-EUGENE-MEDFORD-McMINNVILLE-SALEM,OREGON SEATTLE,WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO-SACRAMENTO-SAN JOSE-MONTEREY,CALIFORNIA - ONNON WEA ITh! INC. M O R T GAG E B A N K E R S O F T H E W E S T r COMMONWEALTH EUILOING 421 S.W. drh AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 A,—Cod. 503.220.8141 June 1, 1967 West Coast Telephone Co . Aaministrative Office 315 N. W. Cedar Beaverton, Oregon 97005 Gentlemen: Burl-wood #3, Tigard, Oregon This letter is to inform you that Commonwealth Properties Is proceeding with its subdivision located at 121st and S. W. North Dakota , known as Burlwood #3 in the Tigard Area . Enclosed is a map of the proposed subdivision. Engineering drawings may be obtained from Pettijohn En ineering Company relative to street grades and of er utility locations . If any additional information is needed, please contact me. Very truly yours , COD24ONW1ALTH PROPERTIES, INC. -�-e i 6 -/L' i Edward B. Lilly Vice President EBL:ct Encl . j cc: City Engineer, Tigard, Oregon i MAIN OFFICE 421 S.W.6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 BRANCH OFFICES ANCHORAGE,ALASKA BOISE.IDAHOCORVALLIS EUGENE YEDPORDWcMINNVILL@-SALEM,O%<_GON SEATTLE,WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO SACRAMENTO SAN JOSE-MONTEREY,LAt IFORNIA CCOMMO NNONWEALTORTGAGE BANKERS OF THE VVEST NWEALTH BUILDING 471 S.W. 6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 M..C.d. 503.278.8141 ;Tune 1 , 1967 r..rtland General Electric Co . 12259 S. W. Main Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen: Burlwood #3 This letter is to inform you that Conunonwealth Properties is proceeding with its subdivision on 121st and S. W. North Dakota , known as Burlwood #3 in the Tigard Area . A plat of the property is enclosed with this letter. Engineering drawings may be obtained from Pettijohn Engineering Co . relative to street grades and other utility designs . If any additional. information is needed, please contact me. Very truly yours , COKMONWEALTH PROPERTIES. INC. \c, ,) l 1(/V,, e�kt,t t- t C. Edward B. Lilly / Vice President EBL:ct Encl . cc : City Engineer, Tigard, Oregon I� I i MAIN OFFICE- 421 S.W.6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 BRANCH OFFICES- ANCHORAGE,ALASKA BOISE,IDAHO/CORVALLIS-EUGENE-MEDFORO-McMINNVILLE-SALEM,OREGON SEATTLE,WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO-SACRAMENTO-SAN JOSE MONTEREY,CALIFORNIA fMq(v�' ONNONWE�4 LTH, /NC. O R T G A G E BANKERS OF THE WEST NWEALTH BUILDING 421 S.W. 6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 A,—Ced• 503.229.8141 June 1, 1967 Northwest Natural Gas Co . Beaverton, Oregon Gentlemen: Burlwood #3, Tigard, Oregon This letter is to inform you that Commonwealth Properties is proceeding with its subdivision located at 121st and S. W. North Dakota , known as Burlwood #3 in the Tigard Area . Enclosed is a map of the proposed subdivision. Engineering drawings may be obtained from Pettijohn Engineering Co. relative to street grades and other utility locations . If any additional information is needed, please contact me. Very truly yours , COMMONWEALTH PROPERTIES, INC. Edward B. Lilly Vice President EBL:c.t Encl . cc: City Engineer, Tigard, Oregon MAIN OFFICE 421 S.W.6th AVENUE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 RANCH OFFICES ANCHORAGE,ALASKA'BOISE,IDAHO/CORVALLIS-EUGENE•MEDFORD-MCMINNVILLE-SALEM.OREGON SEATTLE,WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO SACRAMENTO-SAN JOSE-MONTEREY,CALIFORNIA IMMUNE i x.1+1' S2 OREGON STATE BOARD OF HEALTH STATZE OFFICE BUILDING 1400 S.W. 5TH AVENUE PORTLAND OREGON 97201 MAILING AUDRF.55. TELEPHONE: r o. Box 231 All I- CODE 507 PORTLAND ORE—N N7207 -226.2181 Al rl r: 11—R.-2221500 May 12, 1967 Mr. A. J. Her.l.ie Petti john Engineering Company, Inc. 41.45 N.ls. Cully Boulevard Portlande Oregon 9721 Ree M • 8 164rlwood III subdivieien ft&fts OrWn C 0eaT llir.e Plane, and specifications for the construction of water lines and cowori) to serve the above devclopmente an submitted by your latter of MRy 2e 1967, have been rcr.-ieiwed and are approved subject to the following proviciiionn: 1. All v,aeter lines must bo flaushad and otorilized in conformance ulth Buard of linnith standards and tests must indicate that the mater is free of bacterial contaami.nation prior to une. 2. All. materi.an and 1iorkmanship roust conform with Oregon Administrative 1hxles 1+2-005 to 42-030 gorarning plumbinr and water m1pplieEs. 3. The installation of the lines must conform with the regulations of the Board of liealth and ",anttnry Authority relative to the noprarnti.on of water and wiwer limas. 4. ,'hes construction of the houne or building :3ewera shall be of the name quality and *hall meet the requirements of the Sonitary Authority in regard to materials, watertightnesi� and location, 5. No roofq ourfacee foundation or other ground water drain lines shall he oonnected to the Aanitary sowerwe system. OM rw Por. A. J. Hardie may 12, 1967 He: W i - Burlwood III 3ubdiviaion Page 2 Fi. The construction (;herl.l be under the oupervi.ri.on of the conml.ting enginoor who, at the completion of tho nrn iect, ahhnl.l cortif,y in writing that the work was inspecter.i by him and found to comply with the approved plane. No ehawles or dgviationsa shall be made without prior written approval. )na ©et, of pinnas with provisional apps avnl noted, is rete_rnmd for ,your Very truly yours, 'tgrold J�. Milliken Assistant Chief Sanitary Flagincer 'I111:AJ- �i s dk ccs Mr. J. A. Jen+aRn, )i nt.rict Engineer ccs Washington County Health Department ccs Washington County Planning Commission ccs T'i.garl Water District ccs Tigard '..anitory District ccs Oregon Pante Reel Z stmte Comm:l.e cion I ...l:L::':iRY.Y1Ni1^/ 11C'!'l.+G:'e.�aL' i'1YJh1+.wlSAIIMH.t4d�14NW4GM.Wu1ifRWNi+.41.Ja+tww.:.:. '-'-.'.::' - _.-_.,..--....-�,Ws91E'1V1MPY►1M'RMbr6WMM✓w'Mb+Wn•..-. 414: N.S. CULLY •OUIEYARD PORTLAND IS,OREGON ra�c�tioNc ARRA COOc Goa aaa-0901 May 2, 1967 Mr. Keith Thompson City Engineer a City Hall Tigard, Oregon ! I Dear Sir: Enclosed please find three (3) ccpies each of the Plans and Specifications for the proposed streets, storm sewer, sanitary sewer and water main systems in Burlwood III Subdivision in Washington County. Your early review and approval would ue greatly appreciated. Please return two (2) signed copies to us. Yours very truly, PETTIJOHN ,".NGINEERINC COMPANY, INC. i K�7 f' jA. Uffardie Alli:kb ✓ Encl . FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION 520 S. W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 April 26, 1967 VU: J. A. Feigion 22.6-3361 - Lxt. 1983 Commonwealth, Inc. 421 S. W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon Re: Burlwo,)d No. 3 - OS-1589-B 1�F;aird, i�regon Gentlemen: This letter is written to amend and extend the requirements not forth in our Subdivision keport, dated September 7, 105, and amended December 16, 1966, on burlwood, US-1589, to the 43 lots known at; $uriwood No. 3, us-1589-B. Knclosed is d form letter for your completion. Please check the ap- propriate box, sign, and return to us. chis will enable us to accept applications on individual properties in the tract. Very truly yours, . Oscar t,ederson Director &nc l o su re CC: iWashington County Engineer, Hillsboro, Oregon Washington County Planning Commission, Hillsboro, Oregon Vel:err_ns Administration RECEIVED DRE ICTOR 4�i��HiNuIUN GUuN1Y NOV 26 1958ADV. .PLAN. e� ��.�►'���'�r �G�Aq?M�N� CUA. PLAN. CITY OF TIGARD zoi,�rrc_ _ APR ;27 1967 BUILDING C w,dAL RETURN T0RECEIVED 1 t. !:rCOM1._'N1hEALTH NNONWEALTH, INC. R7; iVEL)OR TCAGE BANKERS OF THE WESTMAR 7- 1967 BUILDING ,.'421 S.W. 6th AVENUE/PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 Ar C.d. 503.228.8141 CITY 01" March 7, 1967 Mr. Thompson, City Engineer City Hall. 12420 S. W. Main Street Tigard, Oregon Dear Mr. Thompson: I have attached the hardboard and marlar for the final platting of Burlwood No. 3 in Tigard. Also attached, at your request, are 12 copies and 1 sepia of the final plat. This plat follows the design which was approved by the City last year and is consistent with the total overall plan. Upon the establishment of the recording and surveyors fees in Washington County, a check will be sent upon request. If there are any additional questions, please contact me. Very truly ,yours, COMMONWEALTH PROPERTIES 1 15 Edward B. Lilly Vice President EBL;mcf Enclosuren MAIN OFF ICT 421 S.W.6th AVENIJE PORTLAND,OREGON 97204 BRANCH OFFICES ANCHORAGE,ALASKA BOISE,IDAHO CORVALLIS-EUGENE-MEDFGFtD McMINNVILLE-SALEM,OREGON SEATTLE,WASHINGTON SAN FPANCISI:O SACRAMENTO-SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA i M]6aAL lipUSING ADMIINISTRATICU I 5,10 southwest Sixth Avenue Portlend, Oregon 972104 December 16, 1900 vui J. A. veiglon 226-33bl, 1lxt. 1983 Col monwealth Properties, Inc. 1,21 S.W. Sixth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Buriwood O9-158`3 Attentions $dwnr�i B. Lilly Rei Burlwood 03_.158v A Tigard, Oregon (Sidewalks) i Uontlemens ude It was indicatedc�onnFKAnof Formthis office to A64 submittedibyl you Junnei3,sl��for� e• Burlwood. An the inclusion of sidelAilks is considered in our lot varies, and sidewalks are installed on tilots, please consider the fallowing a requirement in various eAxrlwcodaubiivisions 1. Install ,,11blic sidewalks of Portland cement concrete yqual to sedating aidewelks in Burl- wood-Very truly yours, p Ir- Oscar Pederson Director cos Yeterens Administration City Lngineer AV DEC ] 9 Wbb CITY of TIGPID I MEMO R0UTI i SLIP Data Action i nom: KEITH C. THOMPSON 7- T /J 1n.u.,1v Circulate Coorduinion �((✓�W Ora a.Y FOH In(ormetion I Note and Return Par Conver- t .—..— -------- Soo Me 51 on et u re RFMARKS w Edi I�E� e 7 I 5 ---22 / f q4 3 2 1 13 14 TERM K" – ^ C R 1992 SIV.--- c X391-- AKOT —1-ST - — — ,2J 3 :41 `V6 �l , �, r.q t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 L W 0 0 4 D-� No 2 � 33 32 31 301 29 28 27 26 24 23 22 21 201 19 18 17: 1 r - 1 a r. -S.W. BURLHUGHTS ST. ' 25/ 20 19 18 17 16in 11 12 13 14 15 16 ..' Cr Q• 4 15 } 9 10 Q a l 1 12 14 9 13 n °l 5 i y y7 I �h1.1 19,�'� 6 r4 I ►- --- 'J 1 '( 4t > q v I » d � Jllo a�c 21 6 10 4Q�0 �` 'h��_ I 2 a r L _ _ LD v i' .. 1 22 � o.• — � �,� � I � �,a3'' � �t�ago^�'� \ j� \\��' t, ' � . I V --t99e---'� RIVE ^, '�a'' _j —^ r 'eN: 23 ', 6 7 I .e , 9 10 \ -` 'o` `�\;�d� �i pVl \ V\ .,'�4 �tfl = I p l 'e✓. ' /y� Of. 1� I �a 4 rly r' w 5 GtJ s`�-M 1� i\S \�•s _, ' ";1 '"� + . /� -T' � 1`11 i � i`� ► a I 1�. I 7 2 ,llj�• �� ✓ I0 ./ 1 f - I f I 83 X72 73 74 75 76 77 78 G79 80 81 = 82 �i ,� 7 .-