ASH AVENUE & VILLAGE GLEN DR. STREET i r . -F-AC/JY Carps � .. ,;;..— ---__—.�_ ----- -- .. _ ...r � .. -•",ti^---•+----•- �_ p. .r -s ,•,_*• _. .. "a;---. �� ._....,._,.....�.--•._-~ _— _. aa.a a_tYwfa aJ.t..t. ... .. r . w. . aa .a .I+r .•.r• • .r....., ...• r , T­i��7 •, .,� � .- _...._�. _. ,._ ,"�` - - I �i I • � I3, h(17ry / Fyc"1 �i�d �l�rn�jo� %i,-OC 7� • 2s' �x+14 C/oo � .17Y42.f75� Z� ' 1 2 > ' \C ! I P L A N i �,� �:, ►� u�NERAI C01 _ `u-CCNTRAC- w, + 3TRACTCRa & S� �1�S �� Vi/{ �i ,11 i. VI�' frl�iiri{� S" LICENSE f • ,_ V C I^Y VL'i �hS PRIOR 1i"a ALL Fd�L' "lii 1's vh� ------------ APPROVE[ FC))- ', CONSTRUCTION A � sf c 7-�0� - C-11TY CP TIGARD - BY_- - TITLE- - - _DAT dWL 12 r — *70 r•r.� - - - _ one p f• 00 /r,,U 2lap .!'rop 4-/GD .S�•o�, --- REVISIONS DRAWING TITLE PROJECT DRAWN BY: DRAWING _ _ _--- � __..-----_. ------- _- - MARTIN ENGINEERING COMPANY A S JV St �r' STREET I MP R O V E• M E N ' CHECKED BY: ' t b4'y" CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS �1Q DATE: I CIIy of T;f hard �V 4621 S. W. KELLY AvErJUr` PORTLAND OREGON , Mikes Lockwood'° JOB: _ y MAP��� 222 - 1839 97201 A I-1 AVE��UE �� V l L.L.AGE G1 EN 1. OF 1. , � • ` . • - ._ .,�. j ... .,. r. .. _ r.•...-.....__.---..�.-. . ... ,..«,.,,, �. _ ,,,_.y.....,_-°sr+r---w+�•.•arrrm.r+,cr s. - -- a..c - ...- _ .-, , ., i1111I N IIIlIl1��111 l�'►�1� 1t�ll I4'IIIIIloll I hid I, I flll•11t1I IIIII11 III,IIIIII11iIIII�IiIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIlII111IIlIIIIIIIIII111 111I�11IIIIIIIIIIrII111I111�111 3 4 5 8 7 R A 10 11 12 NOTE: IF THIS MICROFILMED DRAWING IS LESS CLEAR THAN ' THIS NOTICfrr-IT IS DUE TO �* QUALITY OF THE ORIGINAL s .w RAWING. OE 6Z 9Z LZ 9Z S2 fZ EZ ZZ 12 02 61 81 LI 91 SI Irl 91 Z'I II 01 6 0 L 9, �, ti C Z lsakow ''�� �,,.�""✓�x ��II{wllnnllulluuln�llnllblulln�iulw111n+h1u{�1u11�I�,nulqu�l►uhNl�liulu11N1aIIInlgirllrlllnlhlll�nllllll1,Ins lullulr�►n�tl.l�nlill►n�IINItIIr�iMI�11�i1�N��I1u111ul�nnlnumllhw�NI�JIIuullju�llltluulllullul�lullnn JUNE `� 4 1992 , y� �a rn Q' 7 v=. Z!`° a N C 7' C7 w E 9'n 0C) (D M 91 L)_7.cn m (D c.)0 CDj. CL � cn Cl (D C1 l M 7 O� C1 R Bond No. 615726 e • • MA1NTEVANCE BOND • • • • w • DON POLIA(aC and MACE LOMMD KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, • • • as Principal, and UNITED PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY, a Washington Corporation, • of Tacoma, Washington, as Surety, are hell and firmly bound unto • • CITT OF TIGARD, Washington County, Oregon • • • • as nhllgee, in the sum of TWO THOUSAND SIX HUNDRLD TWENTY FIVR AND NO/100ths - • • • ($ 2,625.00 ) DOLLARS, • • for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and • Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and • b • � e4Ftpna, joir.tly and aevera'.ty, firmly Y these presents. • w • WHEREAS, the said Principal has entered into a certain Contract with the ibliRee, dated September 12, 1969 • • fur construction of unimproved section of SW Ash Street, Tigard, Oregon ill • • • compliance with standards as p.••crib.d in Chapter 200 of Ordinance No. 67421 City of Tigard, Oregon Zoning Ordinance of 1967. w 10W, THEREFORE, TPi; CONDITION Ot THIS OBLIGATION I5 SUCH, That, if the • rrt sial shall maintain and remedy said work free odefect inc uterials completion, • f v'rkn.^--hip for a period of one years ,e this obligation shall b veld, .,therwise it shall remain in full force effect. This maintenance is to include overlay on Northwest Side of Toad . i,etween stations 2+90 and 3+50 igned, Sealed and Doted, this 16th day of March 19 70 • e _""'"'�l" ���.L'�/��_, • Don Pollock Principal • e ,nc two � r nc p • • / ) • • UNITED fRC2P1 INSURANCE COMPANY // • ( Emma sap Att nay- • e • jar r;ontrsct - Maintenance Bond New 1-62 CITY OF TIGARD; OREGON * 7 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET 1. PROJECT No. : II. PROJECT NAME: 'JI 7I1. DRAWING (TITLE) s /r'' J>! PAvy, dateds Iv PLAT (TITLE) : dated: V. SITE LOCATION: VI. PRINCIPALS: (1) DEVELOPER: Address Phone No.— (2) o._(2) DEVELOPERS SURETY AGENCY: Onllld ;Vc,6c 119JK f l e.- :u Address Phone Bond No. 1-15726 Exp. Dste 3 //f/ 7 / . (3) MINIM ft o-jt, ,Engin.,ri.j Address �o i Phone No.z 2 2• /yJ . (4) INSPECTOR: Address Phone No. (5) PRIME CONTRACTOR: Address Phone No. (6) CONTRACTORS SURETY AGENCY: Address , Phone No. Bond No. Exp. Date! (7) E B-CONTRACTORSs * Innert: Strut, Sewer or Street Light. 1 September af, 1ffN Messrs. Nidbml Lockwood MO Exmald Pollack Rogte 3, SM ilia Sherwood. or"*& 97 140 _] Gaintlauens I--- I r enclosimq for Yoer tiles an iac"lttW& pY of Cash bed AgrowMfst reyardinq S. "._"h Street Tf I may be of forthwr ass fkfI1 YOU on this natter, please feel free to con so. Sincerely, ` Doris martin City geoorder UN!bnr 2ncli 3 t' September 10, 1149 hosewood Rentals and Comstruettm 11725 S. W. Boone@ Perry bM Lake Owego, Oregon 97301 Dear Nr. Hansent The City Cowmil at its meeting /60n4iivwen4hq, September 9, 1969 refeeted the proposal reoived !er t improve- sent of 9. W. Ash Street. j I want to thank you for yobooper�ivever, on and consideration extended in submitting a p osal, at this time, T an not sure just how the M ncil will be proceeding with the improvement 4? said t. We are returning y ' bid you have any questions, Leel free to call s i nosra ly, t ' Keith C. Thompson Director of Public Works KCT/bne Enol) 3 CASH BC:;Z AGREEMENT ON S. W ASH STREET f 'a ) Attc.,rne Anderson � Y presented Cash Bon.,. Agree-ne-t regarding improvement of S . W Ash Street L'evelopers Ecn Pollock and Mike Lockwood have deposited $5 000 certified check with the City as cash performance her„d for --mrrcvement of I portion. of S . W. .Ash Street I:r. acccrdar.ce with provisions of Chapter 100 of Ordinance No., 67-21 as amended , Cash bond to be he ,j for ore year atter complet !or of roadway Attorney j requeste Counc: ! a, ther:ze Mauer and C: ty Peccrder to sign agreemen, (b) Motion by Councilman Moore to author:ze Ma}-cr ar.d C.ty Recorder to sign cash bond agreement or beha:f of City seconded by Cr:jnc A' man Beramarr, Approved by unanimous vote of Councii presert OTHER. BU`iNESS A. Since the :970 -node! cars are now on market City Admiristrator requested authorization to rebid for pciicP vehicles. ( i ) Motion author -, < -.,r.c; _•eb.d for poi:c•e veh:c1es by Ceunci1man Moore: seconded by Councilman. Larsen Approved by unanimc•,.s vete of Ccunc:i present B City Administrator stated radio maintenarce contract effective September 1 , 1969 has beer signed Ety Recorder ATTEST: C/ Mayc r �sPt"'�7A�.. MEErtNd� Cov����. � i ►JuTEs 9 - 10 — ev City Administrator co:nmented City is missing two easements and the law bidder :s regiestira an extra $2,000, for restorat:or, Low bidder has stated he wt1 ! nct accept bid if City did not allow add: t :oral .2 . 000 Adm:ristrator recomn:ner.c:ed City reject a: : bids and rebid project, Bryan Morrison Corstrsctior Cc bid 514 252 15 plgs extra $2 000, fci ri.stcrat for . if al lowed tc'. al bid $16 252 . 15 . Seccnd low bidder would not accept contract carless also awarded ferry Bell Project Third bid was $24, 526 30 (b) Met.ior 1.1, Ccar.c i :man Mor- re to acthc ri ze C . ty Attorney and Admir: strator to neg•:tiate with Mr . Morr:scr., if :t :s leyai , aria award b.d _f tt.e price did nct exceed the eeccnd low Lid. seconded by Courr: 1mar; Bergma.r,. Approved by unanimous vote of Council 8 S. W. ASH bThcET IMPROVEMENT - AW.ARriING bII} (a) continued from Aigust 25 1959 Ccunr.x : Meeting \• ,r Acvni r::Qtr atcr reFcr ted easi': half r. t S W Ash Street nct cOmpieted prr..perly ar.d diff : c,,lty in necctiati.ng with dc-%e1:nper Tc-.,i, b•:ci rece: %ed cr, rr.ject $2 36; 95 Engineer' s estimate. S5CC City Fdxr,,-:strator recc:nmended ( , 'y rc ,ec t. bid, and dc+ wr..tk by staff force account 'b) Mct:cr. by Co•ancilmar M�: : e to relent '_: :d and aut.hcr' zr= City Adm+.n_stratcr to Er,: ceed w. th :- t or. city / half 7r F .W, Ash. c : c- r 1 sides f he car with y df;velciler . sccr.r.ded b.: Cas:c. i nay. ' HaiAcrar Appr,?vrd by urar. mou!A c.f C,^unci t 9. COOK FAF K :1%F.I GAT:,_'N FY-""-TEM - AN i-' t._-NC F:L: ;a) L*irf,ctor r>t Pallic Wcrki reperte ' fcilnwirg bids received: Unl; tec. F:i?e Cc :5 cyayV $5 8" 28 2% rash h: scc, R M Wade Cc` :4 aays 56. . 2 : 13 Feuer: Mach:;.c-ry Co 14 days $6 487 38 D'. rPrt�•,r ,ct F-.h2 :c W:t its rPccC;l.Tnerdc-d :c: t ract be a�+arde7 t^ apparent lnw ~.idle: 2nited . .Fie Cr 1b) Mot!.­n by Coanci , -•.ar. 'X.arQi'�.. t< accept. United F :pe Cc bid by Ccur.c: : nab. Mo. re• ,.nariim-., is vete c; C-unc _ t . 10 COOK PAPP :MFP,.VEMENT - AWA;•:.`Nl ts' I'. (a) Ui .- octor of tublic Welk% roj.- :t ,_d kids received: Cascada Cc:._tractic- Cc 9C day i 0''9 00 ,..re.uoi -r Aspha:t :c 4`, d'!y8 411. 082 00 1/��IJo 0, r(,uI .-r of P.j1)11c W,.,rk- rercmme,.dt._i teat tract be awarned eNj t:� a1,Erarer : l,.w ►: :drier. Casrade Cor t: �cti :,,n Co };y Cc-urr t 1-nar Lercm;it t acs.er.)t cascade Cor,etrue- r , 1• • ,a .,�>.e-. E'C3 bV 1 s i 7 8epteswber 5, 1969 Western Savings and Loin Association 1333 N. E. Sandy 6ouleward Portland, Oregon 97212 00 ATTBNTIONt Mr. Bob Thompson Dear Kr. Thompsoni This is to confirm Mr. Mike Lockwood has post a check in the amount of 65,00o.00 with ltyr of Tiq&r ,,`/. The check Is being hold as security 43 , p<ranhoe that S. W. %sh Street will be improved. ionditione relating to thetam of the check have been a copyof this 1stway our attorney, Mr. Anderson. It you desire a Dopy oother information, please +t w know. \ Sincerely, Reith C. Thompson Director of Public Works RC't'/bns �\. i r /jo�stw.As� AJ' IM •�-- - � ..LSI ; i<;•_ ''�''�+- dt a...,��.. ....r... . 1 _ `A w A ieptwber 4, 1969 Roeev000d Rentals !alas service 17725 6.M. bones parry load Lake Oowego, OWOWn 97034 Gentlemen, bclosed in your check 4)0701 ,tif}*-Om IMUnt of $20.00, which you placed on depbeilrlvltil 118 br Ash ttreet. sincerely, Doris Hartiq \ City Recorder, avj p September 2, 1969 Mr. Wmald X. Robertson Robertson 6 Mills. K-Ornays at 1AW Rockwood Legel Building 18448 S. 8. Fine Street' Portland, Oregon 97233 Dear qr. Robertsons '- -- 'Phe Tigard City Council, at its,.wenting NDndW evening, August 25th, considered goer t August 22, 1%9, Ash and heard testieiocry from Lis in the R. M. � Street area of Tigard. �� As stated in your letter, A�- clients' arty ownel by Don Pollock Investment Company aqd othersis the st�hjeat of your concern, tom# b�q 40 since 1%7. It is the on the, ning is valid and that City Council's op Id be is and not in to initiate a � r-hangs the public inter• k. I should Doitrt: fat %�k&t tho'Tigard City Soning oardinanos rs- q�4izea caRt.&ln-minimal &Ctass and agrees standards. Section 200-2 that rwgnire• that &caws• Lnd egress be pro- vided co in the'i pal sebsw and physically. The zoning code establishes h tierwnt criteria, depending on the Lumber of &0ell�g. unit,/ in the proposed prOae.-t. In the case of the subject prOV4rty• the requirement is as falloasc a min'- man of one W_j t. right of way with hard surface 'Psi"nmant over 80% of its width.with hard surface pavemenor, two access and egress t Sof„ l0-ft., also impr the developer of that width. The City is therefore requiring to improve the existing right of way with a 32-ft. vide ;k �- sant OO-sistinq of e' of gravel and Y of Class 8 asphalt from the northerlyOlhtbAsh Strest Yvs- s»ht to the proposed terminus ton the subject property. 4 9/2/69 rtaon Donald - Robe city has pe�,lt• mount t con" the to once wi * aWii asob Inst n a• est o th ovMa construction Rfor w a antic afor above inoura accept on eotiaa l�iont str,a,ati i�r) dui! mea Q,iar yr intorw.atlon. cittyoi�d �,aaems '*nA f%ttlwr iliaatiou dyours• it sN act me- Sir►cesel� ple 'Telfer +6vIvIvelft a tr ator f CAW SILT ip ccs \ �r i i I i Appr-%ed t%- . rin.:mcus o, Ccurxc . r_•esent , 8 AWAR7 E:r 5 . W '.'ER-,Y BELL :MFF,^.VEMEN:' r:�_TFICT Tabilaticr cf b:dq as fcllcw� Time of Co-tractor A.nc,:n Ccmpiet_cn George W Lind Cc S 3, 384 , 15 120 days Lard Pro= Ccntract.c. r4 ittc,a S:35, 049 . 0 33C days C J Montan & Sorg Inc, $ia: 1.38 60 365 days Engineer s Est:.mate: $!26, 000 .. ` (a) C:.ty Afimir:strator reported 1::.ds were reviewed ani recc- mended bid to awarded to C , J M%,:,taa & Scr.s for $ia _ ,:38.,60, ccm- p,et .or t.:-oe 365 days . w.t',,% the understand.ra t'.at curing :nc:e_nent weather work woald be stopc.ed (b) M•:�t:cr; iy c ,r.c. ;:mar Bercmann to a w a r o t :ctc C Mortaa & Scrf� 5eccnded by Cc-ir:ci;mar. Mcc•re Approved 1•y ,A;-d.r,*.acus vote cf Ccur.c:. presert 3 AWARE' BID ON S W. LFFCN HEIGHTS IMPROVEMENT DISTPTC': (a) City Administratct recc-mended awardir..a cf k.d to postponed t^ September 8th Ccincz : Meeting as the City )-&B r^t secired twc necessary easemer.ts - City Administrator read letter from Bryan Morrison apt;arent low bidder requesting Council consider allowing additiona item for replacing plant material . Specifications intended the Wiest of replacing shrubs to be included.. Ccurcz : refer- red matter, to City Attorney and City Admirfstrator for cor.- sideration 1AWARD BIB S. W ASH STREET YMPROVEMENT i (a) City Administrator requested item be continued to September 8th Council Meeting 11 EASEMENT REPORT AND ACCEPTANCE (a) Director of Publ.c Works stated he was unable to secure two easements on Derry Dell Project and two on Lever, He.,ght.s Project. He recommended securing of easements be turned over to City Attorney and informal authorization to proceed with condemnation if necessary, (b) Motion by Councilman Larsen to authorize City Attorney to secure easements; seconded by Councilman Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Council present Page 2 - Council Mir.�..tes 8/15/69 ROBERTSON S, WILLS ,V�D ♦TTV.NrT.AT UW J[Hnv • wlLe .� Alli+ aoccw000 Len•L eu11.a�ao �tff la u/ '6-0 9 c aiNt eracr� /+ r 969 Qwuu•N v ee•�e Y Of �cA�a Ne ens n za GARD August 22, 1969 City Counsel City of Tigard Tigard City Hall Tigard, Oregon 97223 Gentlemen; Please be advised that Mr. Eugene L. Pfeiffer, attorney, whose office is at the -:hove address, and the undersigned, represent a group of residents within the City of Tigard, concerning the construction of a proposed apartment complex in Tigard, by Don Pollock Investment Co. and others. The site of this proposed complex is located on Lot B, Burnham Tract, Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Tig;lyd, County of Washingtor?, State of Oregon. We have reviewed the plans and specifications as submitted to the Zoning Commission for the City of Tigard, by the Dun Pollock Investment Co. and we have also seen the property on which the proposed complex is to be erected, and in behalf of our clients, must object to the issuance of the building permit, for the reasons as explained below. The subject property was zoned A-2 Multi-Family Residential, by j adoption of ordinance #67-21 known as the "City of Tigard Zoning Ordinance of 1967'. In reviewing the ordinance, with specific reference to Section 100-2 - Purposes, it is noted that the several purposes of this ordinance a re: "to encourage the most appropriate use of land; to conserve and stabilize the value of property; to aid in the rendering of fire and police protection. ...; to lessen the congt-stion on streets.. . .; to prevent undue concentrations of i)Opulatioi s. ...; and in general, to promote public health, safety, convenie-ice and general welfare.' 1 We realize that under the existing ordinarne, the proposed project apparently meets the requirements; however, in view of the objecti(,ns herein stated and the purposes set forth in the ordinance. Section 100-2, we strongly urge that the ordinance be amended to re-zone this property as R-7 Residen- tial Single.-Family Dwelling. 1 l f I iry : nn•,,,• t�• .i '1'i k., ,1 is Lam, . �• .N,- ,1, realize that the property owners cannot make this motion directly, chat +he City C,-unset has the authority to do so, and for the reasons men- ,I Ir, ;,,w, we urge that the counsel, on its own motion, consider re- �nink the subject property as mentioned above. The subject property is presently served by S.W. Ash Avenue, which at the presrnt time is unimproved beyond Ash Drive. As we understand it, the hutld,-r proposes to extend S,W. Ash Avenue to along the Northwesterly lin,• f the proposed project site, but that such improvements would be only f•,r „nu-half „f the roadway. "there are no main arterials directly serving the arr.t wh►uh nicdns that all traffic having to do with the proposed project %,,,,uld ov routed along S.W. Ash Avenue to Frewing Street and ultimately t,, ti.W, pa, iftc Highway. It is noted that in its present condition, S.W. Asti Avenue is barely •,d,-,luaty to serve the existing single family dwellings located thereon, and is , ongueted even now, because of the narrow width,of the street. It is therefore our opinion that this condition constitutes an inadequate ingress and egress to the subject property and that it would interfere with pr,-per police and fire protection or other emergency traffic flow with th- additi(,n (if lh more families as proposed by the builder. It would therefore appear that the increased traffic flow would constitute .in oxtreme hazard to existing residents and children of the nrea served by f,oth S.W. Ash Avenue and Frewing Street, and it certainly appears that this prop„s••d project would, in fact, create an undue concentration of population. M,,re„rver, it is apparent that there will be an immediate increase of con- krtition „f existing streets and that if permitted, this project would render I,+, vont traffic. controls entirely inadequate. Nve.11ess to say, any or all of the conditions mentioned above would „ rtowly hdve an adverse effect un existing property %,alucs and in general, w,-odd not tend to promote public health, safety, convenience and welfare. We th,•refore urge you to take inimediate action to change the existing v., ie ,)f the euhje:•et property to condone► with the intent and purpose of the . ninR ordinance herein referred too W,,uld you please advise us of your reactions to tliis proposal in order that we may take whatever action we dean necessary to protect our clients, intei.•ats. Respectfully submitted, ROBERTSON & W�.L9 _t�KXb rtson nDonald DKR:m jp (b) MatIOrn to -ostpore until Council meeting August 25,: 1969: Ccunci lnia Moore, seconded by Counc: n G' Hallcran Approved by unan:mrus vete of Council I 15 ;. W. LERON HE:(.IfrS :MPROVEMENT D:STR:CT (a) Bid Opening - 8:00 P. M. h;ds were re,.eived fro�;n five companies, the apparent low bidder be.ng Bryan Morrison '..roc. with a bid r.�f '$14 , 250"..65.. Engineers estimate is $17 . 000 , t was reccnmended matter be held over until council meeting of August 25. 1969, (b) Motor to postpone: Counc: lynan Larsen. seconded by Council- men Bervmann �. Approved by unanimous vote of Council 16 S. W. ASH ? w REST IMPRJVEMENT (a) Bid Opening - 8:00 F. M. One bid only received, `hat of R os+ewaod Construction for $2, 361 85. 1 City Administrator recommended matter be ;.ostponed until nest Council meeting, August 25, 1969 . (b) M011"On to postpone: Councilman Bargmann„ seconded by Councilman O' Halloran Approved by unanimous vote of Council present , 17 BURNHAM STREET PUMP STATION BII)S r..w,.,.,�»• - (a) City Administrator recommended the bids for remodeling the Burnham- Street Pump Station be awarded to Cornell Manufac- turinq Company ($2„ 358.. 00) and David Pry Electric Company ($316 00) (b) Motion to approver Councilman Larsen seconded by council- man Bergmann Approved by unanimous vote of Council 18. 2-WAY RADIO EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE BIDS (a) City Administrator recommended bid from RCA of $1, 368, 00 ' for l mobile radio units be accepted,, and that no maintenance contract bid be awarded at this time, (b) Motion to accept bid of RCAt Councilman Moore, seconded by Page 4 - Council Minter S/11/&q hi '.r ar O.W02, V i a ; a 72 I " " I v °° LA. ?i R O c7 i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS PROPOSAL FORMS AND SPECIAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF S.-W.-MH STREET STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OY TIGARD, OREGON ---oOo--- 1969 STEVENS, TH�:v:FSON & RUNYAN, INC, 5505 S. E. Milwaukie Avenue Engineer® / Planners Portland - Seattle FOREWORD The documents and forms which appear herein, or for which provision is made, must be used on submitting proposals to build Street Improve- riments for the City of Tigard, Oregon which is covered by the plans and specifications therefor. This part contains: (a) Reference to Plans for Construction (See Below) (b) Notice to Contractors (c) Proposal forms (d) Typical forms for Agreement and Performance Bond (e) Certificate of Insurance (f) Special Technical Specifications PLANS FOR CONST"'.UCTION Detailed plane for this project are shown on the drawings which bear the general title, TIGARD, OREGON STREET IMPROVEMENTS and a file number and subtitle as follows: File Sheet No. Subtitle 69-P-486. 124- 1 of 1 S. W. Ash Street Plan, Profile 8216 and Details 68-P-486. 124 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS S. NV. ASH STREET STREET IMPROVEMENTS TIGARD, OREGON Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon up to o'clock PM Oil— the nthe day of , 19611 for construction of approxi- mately 155 feet of S;:reet Improvements fcr he City of Tigard, Oregon. Bids will be accepted or rejected within forty-five (45) days after the date of opening. The approximate quantities involved are as _`ollows: I . 140 cubic yards of roadway excavation. 2. 155 cubic yards of gravel or crushed stone base. 3. 133 lineal feet of concrete curl:. 4. 61 tons of Class "C" Asphaltic Concrete 5. 1 Catch Basin, Complete ^he Contractor for this work sl-all furnish Libor, material, equipment, and services of all kinds and complete the work in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the City Recorder or at the office of Stevens, Thompson & Runyan, Inc. , Portland, Oregon. Plans, Specifications, and Proposal forms for use may be obtained by ap- gineer accompanied by a deposit of $20. 00 for each set plication to the En of mans and specifications. The $20. 00 deposit will be returned to those who return the -)lane and specifications in good condition within fifteen(15) days after ',he date when bids are received. There will be a late charge of $10. 00 for plans and specifications not returned within said fifteen days. Contractors must prequalify as .required by the laws of the State of Oregon before the date of the bid opening; otherwise their proposal may not be given consideration. A certified check, cashier'3 check, or bid bond in an amount not less than five per cent (5°'a) of the bid shall accompany each proposal. 68-P-486. 124 Notice to Contractors - page 1 The City reserves the right to reject any or all Lids, waive informalities, or to accept any bid which appears to serve the hest interests of the City. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL 68-P-486. 124 Notice to Contractors - page 2 S. W. ASII STREET PROPOSAL TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND SERVICES REQUIRED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON, AS THE COMPLETE SCHED- ULE OF PRICES WILL INDICATE, ALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS THEREFOR WHICH ARE ON FILE AT THE OFFICE OF THE CITY RECORDER, TIGARD, OREGON. Name of Bidder Address To the Honorable Mayor and City Council Tigard, Oregon Gentlemen: This proposal is submitted as an offer by the undersigned to enter into contract with the City of Tigard, Oregon, hereinafter sometimes re- ferred to as the Owner, for the furnishing of all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and services required for the construction of street im- provements for the City of Tigard as shown by those certain plans and specifications which are: on file at the office of the City Recorder, Tigard, Oregon, and which are a condition hereof with the same force and effect as though they were attached hereto. This offer is conditioned on the following; declarations as to the acts, intentions, and understandings of the undersigned and thu afire( -nent of the City of Tigard to the terms and prices herein submitted. 1. All of the specifications and the drawings which are listed therein have been examined by the undersigned and their terms and conditions are hereby accepted. 2. Said drawings may be supplemented by additional drawings and speci- fications in explanation and elaboration thereof and ii they are not in conflict with those referred to in Paragraph 1 above they shall have the same force and effect as though they were now attached hereto and, when issued, they s..all be accepted as contract documents. 68-P-486. 124 Proposal - page l 3. The quantities stated in connection with the price schedule for the contract submitted herewith are approximate only and payment shall be made: on the unit prices named for the actual quantities incorporated in the completed work. Only those items for which estimated quanitities are given may be increased or decreased at the unit prices named. If there shall be an increase in the total payment for an item covered by a lump sum price, it shall be computed on a basis of Extra Work for which an increase in payment will have been earned, and if there be a decrease in a lump sum payment for any such item it shall be made only as the result of negotiation between the undersigned and the Owner. 4. The undersigned shall furnish the bonds required by the specifica- tions, and comply with all laws of the State of Oregon which are pertinent to construction contracts of this character even though such laws may not have been quoted or referred to in the specifications. 5. The cash, certified check or bid bond accompanying this proposal shall be forfeited to the City of Tigard, Oregon to the extent of 5% of the ariiount of the bid in case this proposal is accepted by the Owner, repre- sented by the yiayo.r and the City Council, and the undersigned shall fail or refuse to execute the contract and furnish the performance bond re- quired by the specifications, all within the time limit named therein and in accordance with the provisions of this proposal and the plans and speci- fications which are a part hereof. u. The undersigned submits the unit prices set forth herein as those -it which he for they) will perform the wort: involved. The extensions in the column headed "Total for Item are made for the sole purpose of fa- cilitating comparison of bids and if there are any discrepancies between the unit prices and the total amounts shown, the unit prices shall govern. 7. All schedule items for which forms are provided herein shall be completed in full by the showing of a unit or lump sum price for each item thereof. 8. Unit prices, with which are included lump sums for combination items as herein named, shall be used as the basis for computation of the total compensation to be received by the ur.uersigne d, e.11 in accord- ance with the completed shedule of prices as follows: 68-P-486. 124 Proposal - page 2 SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR TIGARD, OREGON STREET IMPROVEMENTS W. ASH STREET Item Total Total No. Description Unit Units Price for Item 1 Clearing and grubbing L.S. xxx xxx $ 2 Roadway excavation cu. yd. 140 $ $ 3 1 1 /2"-0" Crushed stone base cu, yd. 115 $ $ 4 3/411-011 Crushed stone leveling course cu. yd. 40 $ $ _ 5 Asphaltic concrete (Clas 9C) ton 61 $ $_ 6 Concrete curbs lin. ft. 133 $ $ 7 Furnishing and placing; catch basins, complete as shown on plans each 1 $ $ 8 Water M gal. 3 $ $ 9 Pit run gravel for extra depth cu, yd. 25 $ $ ,',TOTAL BID PRICE $ *Subject to correction i; extens on or addition is in error 68-P-486. 124 Proposal - page 3 9. Li naming the above prices it is understood that they include all items of material and work required to complete the contract in accordance with the plans and specifications. If any material, item, or service requiredby the plans and specifications has not been mentioned specifically among the various items of the above "Schedule of Prices" the same shall be furnished and placed with the understanding that the full cost to the Owner has been merged with the several prices named in the "Schedule of Prices. " 10. The undersigned agrees that the "Time of Completion" shall be as defined in the specifications and further, the undersigned agrees to com- plete the work required within calendar days after execution of the contract. Signature of Bidder: B y -- Authorized Agent Dated at This day of 196_ 6o-P-486. 124 Proposal - page 4 AGREEMENT* THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19 , by and between (the official narrie, form of organization, and address of Contractor - if partnership, name of partners) hereinafter called the "Contractor" and (the official name, form of organi- hereinafter called the "Owner". xation, and Address of Owner) WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, Pursuant to the invitation of the Owner, extended through an officially published "Notice to Contractors", the Contractor did in accord- ance therewith, on the day of , 19 , file with the Owner a proposal containing an offer which was invited by said notice; and WHEREAS, the Owner has heretofore determined that said offer was the lowest and best submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED: First: 'That ►.he Contractor shall comply in every way with the re- quirements of those certain specifications entitled: (Offical title of the specifications and a statement or the limits to which they apply) Second: That in consideration of faithful compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement the Owner shall pay to the Contractor at the times and in the manner provided in said specifications khe total sum of _ _ which sum is subject how- (the basic contract price both in words and figures) ever, to increase or decrease in such proportion as the quantities named in said proposal are so changed, all as in said specifications and proposal pro- vided. 'Note: This form is subject to change by the attorney or other-person author- ized to represent the Owner. Agreement - Page 1 Third: That the time of completion is _ (the number of days, the limiting date, or other provision which is consistent with the proposal) Fourth: That the contract documents which are hereby made a part of this agreement by actual attachment or by this reference thereto are as follows: 1. The "Notice to Contractors", being the invitation to submit a proposal; 2. The Specifications named above by title; 3. The Detailed Plans listed and described in said specifica- tions, together with those which may be issued as supplements thereof, and 4. The Proposal of the Contractor,which was submitted on 19 , the original or a conformed copy of which is hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Contractor and said Owner have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day and year first above written. Contractor sy And Owner By_ _ (Tit Ie) (Seal) Anil_ (Title) A,L,,rectnent - Pn�,,v PERFORMANCE BOND* KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, (the official name, form of organization, and address of the Contractor and, if partner- as Principal, and ship, name of partners) (the name and address of _ :L corporation, duly authorized to do a general the surety) surety business in the State of as Surety, are jointly and severally held and bound unto (the name and address of the Owner) in the sum of (the basic contract price, both in words and figures) for the payment of which we jointly and severally bin(. ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, firmly by these pres- ents. THE CONDITION OF THIS BOND IS SUCH THAT WHEREAS , the Principal herein (name of the Contractor) on the day of , 19 entered into a conLr act with the Obligee herein, which contract (the official name of Owner) consists of (list of the Contract Documents as named in the contract, including the contract itself) -- --- --- - ----- - - ---- ------- - -- ------- ---- ---- -- -------- - - -------- - *Note: This form is subject to the approval or change by the attorney or other person authorized to represent the Owner. Performance Bond •• Page 1 all as hereto attached and made a part hereof, whereby said Principal under- takes to do all labor, furnish all plant and equipment, and furnish all material in accordance with all the terms and conditions set forth in said Contract Docu- ments; and promptly :o make payment for all labor, services, and material and pay sums due the State of for industrial accident insurance; and to save harmless the Obligee from any claims for 4omages or injury to property or persons arising by reason of said work, as s,it out more fully in said Contract Documents; and to do and perform all things in said Contract Documents required, in the time and manner and under the terms and conditions therein set forth; and in conformity with all laws, state and national, applicable thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal herein shall promptly pay all persons furnishing labor, services, material or +.nsurance to said Principal, or to his subcontractors, or to their assigns, on or about said work; and shall save harmless the Obligee, its officers and agents, from all claims therefor, or from any claim for damages or injury to property or persons arising by reason of said work; and shall in she time and manner, and under the terms and conditions prescribed, well and faithfully do, perform, and furnish all matters and things as by them in said contract undertaken, and as by law, state and national prescribed, then this obligation shall be void, but otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is subject to the following further conditions: (a) All material men, and all persons who shall supply such laborers, mechanics or subcontractors with material, supplies, or provisions for carrying on such work, shall have a direct right of action agai—st the Principal and Surety on this bond, second only to the right of the Obligee under this bond, which right of action shall be asserted in proceedings instituted in the appro- priate court of the State of and insofar as permitted. by the laws of _ such right of action shall be asserted in a proceed- ing instituted in the name of the Obligee to the use and benefit of the person, firm or corporation instituting such action and of all persons, firms, or corporations having claims hereunder, and any other person, firm, or corp- oration having a claim hereunder shall have the right to be made a party to such proceeding (but not later than six months after the complete performance of said contract o nd final settlement and judgment rendered thereon. (b) In no event shall the Surety be liable for a greater sum than the penalty of this bond, or subject to any suit, action, or proceeding thereon that is instituted later than twelve (12) months after the complete performance of said contract and final settlement thereof. Performance Bond - Page 2 (c) Said Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration, or addition to the terms of the contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifica- tions accompanying the same shall in any wise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extensior of tirne, alteration, or addition to the termF of the contract or to the work t,i to the sp:.,ifications. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Bond to be executed in this day of 19 (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (Principal) Witnesses: (SEAL) (SEAL) (rFAL) (Surety) Countersigned: By_ _ Rt:sident Agent Performance Bond - Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify to: That the following described policy or policies have been issued to: (name and address of insured) By the (Name and address of insurance company) Description of contract: Limits of Policy Expiration Type of Coverage —_ _Liability Number Date 1 Workmen's Compensation Statutory 2. Employers' Liability $ Bodily Property _ Injury Da.nage =° 3. Comprehensive General __.Jiabil i ty A, Premises & Operations $ $ $ $ B. Blanket Contractual $ _ $ Independent $ $ C. Sub-contractors $ $ Products Liabilicyand $ $ D. Completed Operations $ _ $ 4 Comprehensive Automobile $ $ Liability (owned, hired &t $ $ non-owned) _ 5. Other _ Expires 12:01 standard time at the address of named insured stated herein. *Indicate the f 'lowing property damage liability features : Yes No 1 . "Broadform" including occurrence and care, custody, and control 2. Explosion, collapse, and underground damage exclusions The insurer agrees that it will notify in writing, of any material change, expiration or cancellation of the above described policies not less than 30 days before such change, expiration or canceilation becomes effective. It is fur'. Ae; agreed the above named owner, his officers, agents (including the enginoer) and employees are i.n- cluded as additional named insureds but only as respects the performance of the above described contract, (Name cf insurance company) Date: Authorized Rep_ usentative SPECIAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION 1C-01 GENERAL The specifications in this section are devoted to features of on-the-site construction which are particular to the construction of streets for the City of Tigard. Specifications fc. Construction of Street Improvements for the City of Tigard, Oregon shall govern the work where applicable except as modified In these Special Technical Specifications. 1C-02 OBSTRUCTIONS It is believed that there are in existance some underground utilities such as water, sewer, telephone and gas lines of which there are no records and the locations are not shown on the plans. The Contractor shall repair or replace, at his own c.cpense, any such installations damaged as a result of his operations. 1C-03 SURVEY MONUMENTS AND PROPERTY CORNERS At some points in the work excavation operations may disturb existing; survey monuments and property corners. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate ant: reference these markers ahead of his opera#-io-is ana restore them properly and correctly all at no expense to the Owner. The <'ounty Surveyor will supply information relative to the approxi- mate locations of some of the monuments and corners but final respon- sibility for location, referencing and restoration shall rest with the Contractor. 1C-04 CRUSHED STONE BASE The crushed stone base shall be constructed and paid for in accordance with Section HW-05 of these specifications. The base shall be constructed in. two courses, which courses will here- inafter be ref,:rred to as the "Base Course" and the "Leveling Course. " 1C-01 The base course shall be constructed in two spreads of approximately equal thicknesses to a total compacted thickness of 6 inches. The leveling course shall be constructed in one spread to a compacted thickness of 2 inches. The sizes of materials to be used in the respective courses of the !%ase shall be as follows: :Fame of Course Size of Material Base Course Leveling Course 3/4"-0" Each size of material sha'.1 he uniformly graded from dust to its speci- fied maximum size, Of the 1 I./2"-0" size of material at least 301% of it shall be retained on a screen having 3/4-inch squire openings, � ne. dimensions used in thu above size specifications shall be under- stood to be the limiting diameters of the pieces of stone as measured by laboratory screens having square openings. The percentage of material passing a screen having 1 /4-inch square openings shall be as follows: Percentage Passing 1 /4-inch Square Screen Size of Material Maximum Minimum i . i L"-0" 50 35 3/4"-0" 60 40 iC-05 ASPHALTIC COtiCRETE PAVEMENT The Oregon State Highway Specifications for "Asphalt Concrete Pavement," (Section 320 Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Issue of 1964) shall apply in its entirety as fully and comp:etely as if they were con- t-jined herein. The aspahltic cement to be used in the asphaltic concrete shall be paving asphalt of 86-100 penetration confirming with the AASHO Standard Speci- fications for Asphalt Cement (M-20), except that the flash point as deter- mined by the AASHO IMethod T-48 shall not be less than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 1C-02 The class of asphaltic concrete to be used in the pavement shall be Class "C" and will Ie paid for at the unit price bid per ton for asphaltic concrete in place. 1C-03 MOLMEM Tj Un ,h U) V� v> <n 0 X 1 rl `` �1 �+` `► n o Hto n n n vT cR to t!} r. H � N a 0 :c 1.4 u ro W r.I ac a (X41-4 u v u v 5 u C H N W H W vi o y bo mrl 4J c o m o v n i C > vi O to O �. u `tJ U t i 'd co p `� C N . O• N W O O y m C '" td rJ U U bo �,4 O U t V �Q O V U t± tid C 0 a 1 u, „ In 41 in rd rd y U cd a k U 111 u m a C) U •' Q C I N M LO O t` oO LT Mt c� WASHINGTON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Specifications for Road Construction The following requirements are set forth by the Washington County Department of Public Works for the purpose of furi,;.phing to a person or persons developing a sub-division the information necessary for the proper construction of streets or roads. It is anticipated that such streets and roads outside of incorpor&ted towns will be come County roads; therefore 3.t is necessary to con:,•- truct such streets or roads properly, using good materials and workmanship- * A plan and profile of streets or roads to be constructed shall be submitted to the County Engineer for his approval before st,aj�ting constructiob, and he shall be notified of the date on which construction will begin. It is alsi required that 6 progress schedule of work be submitted for approval. //C /• 4. - PROFfss�. GIN QF 39 9� oPEG.)N q y 8, J' A. Mh1I CLEARING AND GRUBBING Description Under this specification the builder or contractor shall, unless otherwiba directed by the engineer, clear the whole area of the right-of-way upon which the road is to be constructed, and remove therefrom all things and all matter, the removal of which is necessary or desirable as a preliminary to the grading work, or desirable from the standpoint of safety and roadside beautifications. The things and matter to be removed from the right-of-way shall include but not be limited to the following: trees, timbersagss doremainseof old.brush, buildgngsstumpst wholly roots, branches, sticks, boards, planks, + or partially destroyed, walls, fences and bulkheads. The removal of stumps and embedded roots will not be required on areas outside the construction zone or in areas where the embarkment is greater than (4) feet. Stumps remaining; in embankment areas shall be close cut and other embedded wood shall Holes resulting from the removal of stumps, be filled with suitable embankmciit material, the material being placed in layers not greater than six (6) inches and each layer being thorougtly compacted as it is placed. EARTHWORK All earthwork shall be performed accurately to the lines, grades and cross sections as shown on �,r as indicated by the plans. Excavated materials suitable for use in embankment construction and back filling may be used as indicated on the plans. All embankment material shall be deposited in l.ayerd not to exceed eight (E) inches, each layer to be thoroughly compacted. All excavated areas Shall be thoroughly rolled before base material is placed and any soft spots shrill, be removed and replaced with suitable material thoroughly compacted. Preparntory to the construction of the base, the subgrade (including the entire top surface of the roadbed) shall, by means of sprinkling work, blade graders, scarifiers, rollers and other suitable equipment and means, be shaped up and brought to uniform crown and grade, to proper superelevation on curses, and to a smooth surface free from ruts, humps, depressions and other irregularities. Immediately before the bas: materials are deposited, the subgrade shall be rolled until thoroughly compacted. Any inequalities that may develop under the rolling shall be eliminated by blading, sprinkling and further rolling as required. Excavated material containing marsh muck or any vegetable material or other material unsuitable for embankment and back filling shall be disposed of and removed from the right-of-way. All. road beds, ditches, and other excavations and embankments shall be trimmed accurately to lines, grades and cross sections as indicated on she plans, and shall be finished in a thorolighl,y workmanlike manner. CRUSHED GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCK BABE COURSE Description The base course shall be placed on the subgrade where indicated by the plans and shall consist of a eo�llacedfinr gravel, aecordtalus rock material nneer may se newiththe lines, grades and crossctions, direct, and shall b p heretofore approved. Materials CruEhed gravel or stone base course material (Tables 1, 29 and 3) shall consist of hard, durable particles, or fragments of stone or gravel crushed to required size and filler of other finely divided mineral natter. The portion of the material retained on a No. Four (4) sieve shall be known as coarse aggregate and that portion passing a No. Four. (4) sieve shall be known as a filler. When produced from gravel, not less than fifty (50) percent by weight of the coarse aggregate particles shall be particles having at least one fractured face and if necessary to meet this requirement or to eliminate an excess of filler, the gravel shall be screened before crushing. The composite base material shall be free from vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay, and shall meet the requirements for one of the following classes. Class I—Material (coarse grade). Class I material shall meet the requirements for one of the gradings given in Table I, using A.A.S.H.O. methods T-11 and T-27• TABLE I Requirements for Grading Percentages by weight passing square mesh ;:.deves A.A.S.H.O. T-27 Sieve Designations Grading A B C D 3 100 2 inch . . . 100 100 llZ inch . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 inch . . . . . . . . 35-65 50-80 100 No. 4 . . . . . . . 10-30 15-34 30-40 25-45 No. 200 less than • 10 +0 Class II—Material (intermediate grades). Class II material shall meet the requirements for on the gradings given in Table II, using A.A.S.H.U. methods T-11 and T-z7. TABLE II Requirements for Grading Percentages by weight passing square mesh sieves A.A.S.H.O. T-27 Sieve Designations Grading A-1 B-1 C-1 D-1 3 incl; 100 100 2 inch . . . . 100 IY2 in:.h - 0-80 100 1 inch 4575 5 0-60 No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 14-45 20-50 22-55 3 20-50 10 12 12 12 No. 200 less than . . . • sem-' - ,...�._._... - --.ra.. w--�- - - - -- _ -'—_«...•-- -....... That portion of the filler, including blended filler, for Class II (2) material passing a No. 40 sieve shall have a plasticity index of not more than six (6) , as determined by A.A.S.H.O. Method T-91. i;oarne aggregate for Class II (2) material shall have a percent of wear of not more than 50 at 500 revolutions as determined by A.A.S.H.O. Method T-96 (Los Angeles Rattler Test). Class III—Material (stabilized). Class III material shall meet the re- quirements for on of the gradings given in Table III (3) , using A.A.S.H.O. methods T-11 and T-27. TABLE III Requirements for Grading Percentages by weight passing square mesh sieves A.A.S.H.O. T-21 Sieve designation Grading A-2 B-2 C-2 D-2 3 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 2 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . 65-100 100 UY inch . . . . . . . . . . . . 70-100 100 1 inch . . . . . . . . . . . 45-75 55-85 70-100 100 Ainch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50-80 60-90 70-100 3/8 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-60 40-70 45-75 50-80 No. 4 . . . . . . . . 25-50 30-60 30-60 35-65 No. 10 . . . . . . . . . 20-40 20-50 20-50 25-50 No. 4.0 . 10-25 10-30 10-30 15-30 No. 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 5-15 5-15 5-15 The amount of fractured Class III (3) material passing the No. 200 sieve shall be less than one-half that passing the No. 40 sieve. That portion of the filler, including blended filler, for Class III (3) material passing No. 400 sieve shall have a liquid limit of not more than twenty- five (25) and a plasticity index of not more than six (6) as determined by A.A.S. N.O. Methods T-89 and T-91. Coarse aggregate for Class III (3) material shall have a percent of wear of not more than fifty (50) at five hundred (500) revolutions as determined by the A.A.S.H.O. Method 7-96 (Los Angeles Rattler Test). Filler for Blending If filler in addition to that naturally present in the base course is necessary for meeting the grading requirements or for satisfactory bonding of the material, it shall be uniformly blended with the base course material at the screening and crushing plant or on the road. The material for such purpose shall be obtained from sources approved by the Ergineer, and shall be free from hard lumps, and shall not contain more than fifteen (15) percent of material retained on a No. 4 sieve. CONSTRUCTION METHODS Placing ar_d Spreading Materials of the kind and size specified for the course and/or layer shall be spread in the required quantities and shaped to specific cross section and smooth surface. The spreading and shaping shall be so performed as to prevent separation of the coarses from the finer particles of the material. The depositing and spreading of the material on the prepared subgrade, or on a completed layer, shall commenoe at the point farthest from the point of loading, unless otherwise directed, and shall progress continuously without breaks. The course o:- layer shall then be bladed and rolled on, if the Engineer so directs, bladed, sprinkled and rolled until the course or layer is thoroughly compacted and until its `.op surfi :e is smooth and conforms accurately with specified or indicated grade and cruvn requirements. After each course or layer of the base has been compyetely compacted, the top surface shall be checked for smoothness and accuracy of grade and crown, and if any portions are found to lack smoothness or to fail in accuracy of grade or crown, such portions shall be scarified, reshaped, recompacted and otherwise manipulated as the Engineer may direct until the desired smoothness and accuracy is obtained. Additional filler material may 5e required to be blended into the base material when and if it appears to be necessary to obtain the de^ired smoothness. Rolling The rolling of the subgrade and of each of the layers or courses of the base shall be done witn suitable three wheeled ten-ton rollers or with special pneumatic tire rollers capable of providing compre,;oion of 350 pounds per square inch of tire width for the full compacting width of the roller. A single roller will not be expected to perform the rolling for more than thirty (30) cubic yards of material per hours, and additional rollers must be provided when materials are being placed at a greater rate. The rolling with three wheel rollers shall in all cases begin at the sides of the roadway, and shall. progress toward the center of the rr=dway thoroughly covering the entire surface of the subgrade and each layer of base with the rear wheels. Rolling with pneumatic tire rollers shall be so done as to cover the entire surface of the subgrade and each layer of the base (at least twice and/or as necessary to provide uniform and thorough compaction.) Along curbs, headers, and walls, and at all places not accessible to the roller, the loose material shall be tamped thoroughly with mechanical tampers, or with hand tampers. ,each hand tamper shall weigh not less than fifty (50) pounds and have a face ;rea of not more than one hundred (100) square inches. Sprinkling The sprinkling work shall at all tires be 80ject to the control of the Engineer. It shall be clone only when and where directed by the Engineer, and the rate of appli- cation shall be as he directs. The sprinkling shall be done by means of tunk trucks equipped with suitable spray bars and adequate control apparatus. In general, the sprinkling work. shall be done at night or in the early morning hours when the loss through evaporation is at the minimum. Curb and Gutter Sections Curbs anL 'or gutter sections shall be as shown on the plans and shall be constr- ucted in all subdivision areas. No a-j-haltic concrete ;urbs or extruded Portland cement concrete curbs will be acceptable. 1 .�•— - — - =1':L r•"^'6y—•r— - •_nrrti .3.1Q--"•�c-tt:{.M..�iY.W-'Mi1M3R.Yi/..Mn'•`+�Mwlr'...,_., ..lft4w. v. '_WWMV��AU�YMSY^'J'T'. 0.2w Driveway Sections Permits will be required for all driveway entrances to dedicated streets and County roads. Minimum width of driveways at the property line shall be ten (10) feet and a minimum of twenty-two (22) feet at the curb line. Additional width may be granted by the Engineer. Maximum width of driveways shall be twentR (20) feet for residential areas and thirty (30) feet for commercial areas at property line. Minimum distance between driveway openings shall be eighteen (18) feet. In commercial or industrial areas the distance between driveways shall be eighteen (18) feet for either end and twenty-two (22) feet or -.-iltiple thereof. Asphaltic concrete driveways ohall have a minimum of six (6) '..,ches of 1Y?"-0 crushed rock base. The asphaltic concrete shall not extend beyond the property side of the curb. Where no curb exists, the asphaltic concrete may be extended into the street to meet the existing, pavement, but will be subject to grades as indicated by the Engineer. The minimum diameter of culvert pikes allowed for driveways shall be ten (10) inches and at all intersections the minimum shall be twelve (12) inches or as the Engineer may direct. The minimum length of all driveway culverts shall be eighteen feet. Drainage To provide proper drainage, all storm sewers installed shall be of a size as approved by the Department of Public Works. It in anticipated that some "Dead Eiid" ;;txeets may create a drainage problem dua to water flowing from the end of such streets onto private property. The developer will be required to provide any ne- cessary drainage fo relieve the situation, including all easements, cost of constr- ,iction, etc. The daveloper will be required to submit a drainage plan to the County Engineer's office for approval before any construction has commenced. The plan to show profiles of drainage lines, size of pipe, depths and final out fall, loon-I.Aon of all lines and catch basins. The standard roadbed section shows the minimum specifacE,tions f"r roadway con- struction It is understood that the "typical section" shall apply and that any variation shall be approved by the County Engineer. Concrete Sidewalks Portland cement concrete sidewalks may be constructed by the contractor or developer. They shall conform to the specifications of the County Engineer for concrete sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be located one (1) foot inside the right-of-way line or as directed by the Engineer. Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet in width and four A) inches in ,iepth. All concrete to be Class "A", 3,300 pounds per square inch compressive strength in 28 days. Inspection The Engineer or his :•epresentative will inspect the project at intervals during construction. It will therefore be the responsibility of the contractor or developer to notify the County Engineer's office when conotruction begins, and at each stagee of the construction, thereafter, so that approval may be granted for each stage of construction as it is completed. If at any time when work is to begin and an inspector has beea requested and the contractor or developer fails to begin work, he will be required to reimburse the County Department of Public Works for the time lost. Final approval can only be granted wh,:n the work has been completed and each stage approved by the Engineer and a map has been provided showing the location of Fill utilities in relation to the streets. FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Where sewer, water and other underground utility lines have been installed within the travel portion of the street or road, no paving shall be placed for at least one year except as follows: 1. Where all excav;.tions have been backfilled with granular material and properly compacted. 2. Where excavations have been perly compacted, by water settlement and/or mechanical means using existi excavated material and a performance bond has been furnished to Washington County in the amount equal to $5.00 per linear foot of trench. Bond is to cover a period of two years. 3. Where no utilities have been constructed within the traveled portion of the road or street, the street or road may be paved, providing the Engineer has approved each stage of construction. When the project has been complet d and the Engineer so notified, he shall make a final inspection in company with the contractor or developer and report his findings to the County Boarl of Commissioners. .ay- =-"�^�.:s.ts...�.1nwi,.�.ar.r+„: -- - - - - _ •.�..a.rrc. -...._......y. - - - - --- _.ar...��.�i...r._...x.....s... p i ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT DESCRIPTION This specification shall be understood to apply to pavement and wearing surfaces consisting of ane or more courses of asphaltic concrete. The number of courses of which the pavement fu, -any project is to consist and the cross- section of each course shall be as sted by the plans. COMPOSITION OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE The asphaltic concrete shall be composed of asphaltic cement, mineral filler, sand, and crushed rock mixed together in the proportions hereinafter specified. For convenience of reference the sand shall hereinafter be referred to as fine aggregate and the crushed r k shall be refe—ea to as coarse aggregate. ASPHALTIC CEMENT The asphaltic cement to be used shall be paving asphalt conforming with the A.A.S.H.O. Standr,rd Specification for Asphalt Cement (M -20) . The penetration limits shall be 85 + 100. MINERAL FILLF'R Mineral filler shall be finely ground stone, Portland cement, or other arti- ficially or naturally powdered mineral dust approved by the engineer. It 'shall be free from clay, lumps, balls and deleterious material ai►d shall conform to the Standard Specifications fol Mineral Filler for Bituminous Concrete Pavement, current A.A.S.H.O. Description M-17. Collector dust mby be used as mineral filler, in whole or is part, provided the dust or ;.he resultant mineral filler mixture conforms to the above requirements. COARSE AGGREGATE Coarse aggregate shall be clean crushed rock manufactured from sound, hard and durable ledge rock or gravel. The coarse aggregate shall be of uniform quality, clean, hard, durable and free from thin or elonfated Fieces, sand, di.cintergrated stone, dirt and other objectionable matter occurring either free or as a coating on the stone. The sizes and grading of the coaree aggregate shall bt. such that when mixed with the fine aggregate and mineral filler the resultant mixture will be of the sizes and gradings specified hereinafter. Each size of aggregate shall be well and uniformly graded t-tween its specified maximum and minimum limits. FINE Ar GREGATE The fine aggregn'Le may be eitt.er natural sand or a manufactured sand or a uniform combination of the two. It nhall be clean, hard grait,ed and moderately sharp and shall not contain more than two (2) per cent of loam, clay or other objet*ionable material. All shall pass a 10-mesh sieve, ane, when ready to be incorporated with the asphalt, shall contain not more than four (4) percent of material psssing a 200-mesh sieve. -1- ..c ONE CLASS ASPHALTIC CONCRETE This specification provides for one class of asphaltic concrete, it being referred to as Class "B" Modified. PROPORTIONS OF MATERIALS The materials of which the asphaltic concrete is composed shall be of such size and gradings that, when proportioned and mixed together, they will produce a uniform mixture which, when tested by means of laboratory screens, will conform to the requirements indicated in Table No. 6, and to such other requirements as are stated in the following paragraphs. TABLE NO. 6 Class "B" Modifled Asphaltic Concrete Size of screen which all aggregate must pass 1 inch Percentage of aggregate, 1 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch ------------- Percentage of aggregate 3/4 .inch to 1/2 inch 14 to 23 Percentage of aggregate 1/2 inch to 1/4 inch 14 to 23 Percentage of aggregate 1/4 inch to 10-mesh 17 to 35 Percentage of aggregate No. 10 to No. 40 1.1 to 20 Percentage of aggregate No. 40 to No. 200 5 to 17 Passing - 200 3 to 7 Percentage of asphaltic cement 5 to 7 The percentages stated in the table are percentages of the weight of the complete asphaltic concrete mixture including the weight of the asphalt. The aggregate passing the ?n-mesh sieve after the collector dust and mineral filler have been added shall .net the requirements indicated in Table No. 7. 'FABLE No. 7 Class "B" Modified Percentage passing 10-mesh sieve and retained on 40-mesh 30 to 50 Percentage passing 40•-mesh sieve and retained on 80-mesh sieve 16 to 32 Percentage passing 80-mesh sieve and retained on 200-mesh sieve 16 to 32 -2- HEATING AND SCREENING AGGREGATES Preparatory to the proportioning of the materials, the aggregates, exclusive of mineral filler, shall be heated to required temperature, and immediately there- after shall be separated into sizes or grades, one of the sizes ur grades to be aggregate passing the 10-mesh sieve, and the others to be the sizes or grades above the 10-mesh sieve for which separate percentages are stated in Table No. 6. The heating shall be done in a suitable rotary heater or drier. HEATING ASPHALTIC CEMENT The asphaltic cement shall be heated in kettles or sumps so designed that the heating will be uniform throughout the entire mass and that the heat can be posi- tively controlled at all times. The temperature to which the asphaltic cement is heated shall not exceed the maximum of 350°F. PROPORTIONING The aggregates shall be proportioned in a weight box mounted on app •oved multiple-beam charging scales, the different 6izes of aggregate being wekghed into the weigh box one at a time in the pr;portions ordered by the engineer. The mineral filler shall be wei6ned .9eparately from the aggregate and on separate scales. After weighing, it may be added to the aggregates either in the weigh box or in the mixer. If added in the mixer, it shall be added at the center of the mixer. The asphaltic cement shall be weighed on separate dial scales limited in capacity to three times the weight of asphalt required for one mixer batch. The number of pounds of each size or grade of aggregate, the number of pounds of asphaltic cement to be used in each mixer batch shall be ac; the engineer orders. The quantities ordered by the engineer shall be such, however, that the proportions cf the different materials and sizes of materials will be within the limits herein- before specified. All weigh scales shall be of suitable type and in good condition. Their accuracy shall be proved to the engineer at such reasonable intervals as he may request it. The main weigh box shall he equil,ped with a discharge gate so arranged that as the aggregates are discharged into the mixer, the different sizes of aggregate will be blended together uniformly, or a continuous flow mixer with accurate control of 3 gates and 3 sizes of aggregate will be allowed to replace weigh scales. MIXING The mixing of the asphaltic concrete shall be done in a mixer of the pug mill type, the paddles of which rotate at a speed not less than seventy (70) nor more than ninety (90) revolutions per minute. The mixer shall be in first-class condition, and the n+imber, type and arrangement of paddles shall be such as will quickly produce a thoroughly and properly mixed asphaltic concrete. The properly proportioned hot aggregate and cold stone duet or filler shall be conveyed to the mixer, first. The hot asphaltic cement shall then be added and the mixing commenced. The mixing shall continue for at least forty-five (45) seconds after all of the materials, including asphaltic cement, are in the mixer, and as much longer as may be necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture of unchanging appearance. The volume of the bttch of mixed materials shall not be greater than the rated capacity of the mixer. -3- HAULING AND DISTRIBUTING The mixture shall be transported to the place of deposit in suitable dump trucks each load being covered with a tarpaulin while in transq.t to prevent un- necessary loss of heat. From the trucks, the mixture shall be distributed between the side forms in a layer of the thickness required to construct the course or lift, by means of a suitable spreader box. The temperature at which the asphaltic concrete is deposited on the road shall be between the limits indicated in accompanying Table No. 8. TABLE N0. 8 Temperature Limits Claes "B" Asphaltic Concrete Degrees Fahrenheit to which aggregates are to be + 350' heated before mixing. Degrees Fahrenheit to which asphaltic cement is + 300° to be heated before mixing Degrees Fahrenheit which asphaltic concrete is to 230 to 300" be deposi'ed on the road + Maximum degrees SPREADING OF BASE AND LEVELING COURSES Asphaltic concrete for base courses and leveling courses may be spsead .and finished by hand methods, using hot :3kes and other suitable tools and checking the the accuracy of surface grade and crown by means of suitable templates, or it may be spread and finished by spreading and finishing equipment .io designed and so operated that the surface of the courses finished will be parallel to the surface to which the wearing; course is to be finished. SPREADING AND FINISHING OF WEARING SURFACE COURSE Asphaltic concrete for the wearing surface course shall be spread and finished by means of self-propelled mechanical spreading and finishing equipment pratided with a floating screed or strike-off assembly to distribute the mixture into place for the entire width of the course of for such partial width lanes as may hbeecreed practicable, and to strike it off at required grade to required crown. assembly shall be adjustable to give the prescribed cross-section shape and the prescribed elevation of strike-off. A pull box type of spreader is preferrable for all alley paving. The term "screed" shall be understood to mean -,y cutting, crowding or other like action which is effective on the hot asphaltic concrete mixture without tearing, shoving or gouging and which produces r finished surface of uniform texture. The spreading and finishing machine shall be equipped with devices to roll, tamp or otherwise provide the required initial compaction. -4- JOINTS A. Construction The mixture at the joints shall comply with the surface requirements and present the same uniformity of texture, density, smoothness, etc., as other sections of the course. In the formation of all joints, provision shall be maee for proper bond with the adjacent course for the full specified depth of the course. Joints shall be formed by cuttink, ')ack on the previous day's run so as to expose the full depth of the course, and the exposed edge shall be given a light paint coat of asphalt, if necessary. The frost mixture shall be raked against the joint, thoroughly tamped with tapers, and rolled. B. Transverse The placing of the course shall be as nearly continuous as possible. The roller shall pass over the unprotected end of the freshly laid mixture only when the laying of the course is to be discontinued. COMPACTION OF MIXTURE After spreading, and as directed by the engineer, the mixturo shall tie thor:,aghly and uniformily compacted by a power--driven three-wheel roller and tandem roll,-- roller, weighing eight (8) tons or more. Polling of the mixture shall begin � �CA311 after spreading as it will bear the roller without undue displacement or heir ...'eckinge On the first strip spread., rolling shall start in the center and continue toward either edge. On subsequent strips laid, rolling shall start on the edge adjacent to previously laid material and continue toward the other edge. Initial rolling shall be done longitudinally with tandem rollers and/or three- wheel roller. The rollers shall overlap on snccescive trips. Alternate trips of the roller shall be of slightly different lengths. The speed of the roller shall at all times be slow enough to avoid displacement of the hot mixture. Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing the direction of the roller, or from any other cause, shall be corrected at once by the use of rakes, and of fresh mixture where required. Sufficient rollers of the der rnnted types shall be furnished to adequately handle the output of the plant. Rolling shall proceed at an average rate not to exceed 350 square yardr, per hour per roller. Rolling shall continue until all roller marks are eliminated, until the surface is of uniform texture and true to grade and cross section and until the density of at least ninety-two (9 ) percent of the theo- retical density is obtained. Final rolling shall be done with tandem rollers. The theoretical density shall be computed as follows: 100 DENSITY Mineral Agprc g,.te by Weight Bitumen by Weight Sp. Gr. Mineral Aggregate + Sp. Gr. of Bitum^n To prevent adherjon of the mixture to the roller, the wheels shall be kept properly moistened, but an excess of either water or oil will not be permitted. The roller shall be kept in good conC tion and shall be operated by competent and experienced rollermen. The rollers shall be operated in such n manner that all parts of the pavement shall receive eubstantia_'ly equal compression and be free from objectionable roller marks; At all places not necersibie to the roller, the mixture shall. be thoroughly compacted with hand tampers. Hand tampers small weigh not less than fifteen (15) -5- pounds and shall Live a tamping face area of not more than fifty (50) square inches. The surface of the mixture after compression shall be rmooth aad trite to the esta- blished crown and grade. Any mixture which becomes loose and broken, mixed with dir , c. • in any way defective prior to the application of the fii:ish coat strall be remove" rued replaced vitt; fresh hot mixture which shall immediately be compacted to conform with the sur- rounding area, all to be done at the expense of the contractor. Skin patching on an area that has been rolled shall not be allowed. TACK COAT Where the asphaltic concrete is to be placed on a concrete base of an old concrete pavement, and where it is to be placed against any metal surface, a thin paint coat of asphalt shall. be applied in advance of the placing. The asphalt used for this purpose shall, when applied, have a temperature between 3000 to 350° Fahrenheit. The application shall be thin and uniform, care beir,g exercised to avoid accumulation of -I phalt in depressions. All. currn in contact with orphalcic concrete shall be primod. The use of emulsified asphalt for tact coat will be allowed. No traffic other than that necessary for confitruction pvxposes shall be allowed to come upoa ary c.',ur io of the pavement until the course has cumplf.tely r.oaled ;.rd et. THICKNESS OF LIFTS Those coursee of t"e pavement which are of uniform thickneos shall, if their thickness does not exceed three (5) inches, be conat.u.ted in a single lift or layer. If their thickness exceeds three (3) ine•hos, such courses shall be constructed in two or more lifts, no one of which its more than three (a) inches in thickness, and each lift shall. be separately distributed, spread and compacted in accordAne.' with the foregoing specifications applicable to the particular course. Any course rf pavement that is of non-uniform or variable thickness shall, at places where the maximum thickness, is not greater than four (4) inches, be constructed in a single lift. Where, the maximum thickness of such a course is greater than four (4) inches, the course shall be constructed in two or more lifts, no one of which has an average tha cknee.s greater than three (3) inches or a maximum thickness greater than four (4) inches. In this case, each lift shall be distributed, spread and compacted in accordance with the foregoing specifications. Where n course: is to be constructed in two or more lifts, the thickness of th•_- r rpective lifts v),all be as the engineer orders. Unlc,ss otherwise ordered by Vie enrinecr, the tnp surface of each lift shall be parallel to the top surface of ti,e fininhed pavement. SURFACE SHOOTHUMOS, The su•face of rs.> top or wearing surface course, when finished shall bd of uniform texture, s.noo:h, true to crown rand grade and free from defects of all kinds. The snjothness shall bc, such that w!l,en tested with a ten (10) foot straightedge placed an the surf.cc with its centerline parallel to the centerline of the street, • the maximum devintionq of the surface from the edge of the straightedge will nowhere exceed one-tenth (0.1) rf all. inch. -6- : s 4 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION Unless otherwise ordered by the engineer, the construction of, each course of asphaltic concrete pavement shall be such as to prevent hauling over freshly placed pavement. The placing of asphaltic concrete will he permitted c;niy during dry weather and only when the courses or bases on which +he materials are to be placed are dry and otherwise in good condition. No asphaltic concrete shall be placed when the atmospheric temperature is below 40° Fahrenheit. No asphalti^ concrete mixture shall be deposited on the road, the rolling of which cannot be entirely completed before dark. The placing of asphaltic concrete mixture at night will not be permitted. SAMPLES Whenever called upon to do so, the contractor shell, without charge, i-ovide the engineer with test samples of asphaltic concrete cut from the completer] pavement or the individual courses thereof. He shall also provide the engineer with tett s9mples of the asphaltic concrete mixtures and all materials entering into the work. KEASURFMFNT AND PAYMENT For the construction of asphaltic concrete pavement, in accordance k.•ith tt�c foregoing specif:^ationn, payment will be made at the price bid aer ton for the respective class of asphaltic concrete used ir the work. The quantity to be paid for at the price bid for a given class of asphaltic concrete shall be the number of tons of that class of aspholtie concrete mixture specificaiiona and the orders of the engineer. Payment as above 7.nd.icated f•hall be understood to comprise full and complete payment for the aaphalt-.c concrete pavement in place including the furnishing and hauling of all materials, tools, equipment and supplier, the performing of all work raid the b,.aring o!' all incident,]. expense. No separate or additional payment will be made for the preparing of the subgrade, for the trim,ning of the shoulders or for any other detall of the work specified to be done, unless otherwise specifically provided for in the special provisions. Avoid Verbal Messages CITY OF TIGARD To From Subject Date Darrell Hayden Ray Davis vua�4 /l" Gla. Rt. 2, Box 608 — Beaverton, Oregon BEAVERi'ON PLANT - 41/2 M1.W.OF BEAVERTON 646-3126 ON FARMINGTON RD. Corte- -Craw e ,cAbE PACIFIC STEEL WAREHOUS- CO. 865 N. W. Sl. HELENS ROAD P. O. BOY. 10223 PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 FOR s � a 222.3811 PAT ANDERSEN BEN 1 RAUB FRED WEHRLI 4 1 l L y I L �� 0