9350 SW TIGARD STREET 9350 SV% TIGARD STREET i v N ro co H I 7. l vl CITY OF T_IGAfi_D Wanhi_ngton ^uunty, oregon NOTICf3 OF FINAL ORDER - BY HHARINGS OFFICER 1. Concerning Case Number s _ SLR 90-0J10 2. Name of Owner: rlie Mawhiri_er Name of Applicant. City of Tigard 3. Address 13125 SW Hall Blvd. CI.t.y Tigard _ State OR Zip 97223__ 4. Address of Property: 9350 SW Tigard Street Tax Map and Lot No(s). : 2S1 2AB, tax, OIL 1901 5. Request: A re est for Senisitiv+a Lands review ap roval,_. t.o _allow installation of a storm .drainage ;�iPe._ within the 100 year floodplain of Faano Cresk. The str; _ rm sewer woul►t replace an existing opentort drainage aitch. Installation wou7.d include placing_ tmQorted fill material over the pipq tc an elevation of foo feet above MSL_ Fill would not be j) --be within the zero- foot rise area of the-floodplain, I-P jInduat,.tal Park 6. Action: Approval as requested X= Approval with conditions —__ Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper., posted at City Hall, and mailed to: —.X The applicant and owner(s) X _ Owners of record within the req ►ired distance --2L_ The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization X _ Pffected governmental agencies 8. Final Decisions THE DRCI310N SHALL BS FINAL ON October 12. 1990 UNI.XSS AN APPEAL IS FILIRD. The adopted findings of fact, decision, and statement of conditions can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall., P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal: Any party to the decision may appeal this decision in accordance with 18.32.290(8) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 clays after notice is gi•7en and sent. The appeal may be submitted to Cita forme And must be acccn nanied by the appeal fee ($315.00) and transcript costs (varies up tc. a maximi:m of $500.00) . The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:30 p.m. October 12. 1990 --- 10. 10. Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171. BEFORE THE LAND USE I IEARINGS OFFICER FOR THE CiTY OF TIGARD,OREGON In the matter of an application by the City of Tigard ) FINAL ORDER for a Sensitive Lands Review for a landform alteration } within the 100-year floodplain of Fanno Creek ) SLR 90-0010 in the City of Tigard, Oregon ) (City of Tigard) I. SUMMARY OF THE REQUEST The applicant requests approval of a Sensitive Lands Review to allow the placement of fill material on a site southwest of SW Tigard Street and adjacent to the north side of the Pacific Highway overpass embankment. The work would occur within the 100-year flood plain of Fanno Creek and would involve landform alterations including raising the elevation of a portion of the site to 153 feet above MSL. In addition to the placement of fill material, the applicant will install a stormwater drainage pipe in the site. The installation of the stormwater draina a pipe does not require Senzitive Lands Review. The site is outside the zero foot rise flocdivay. City staff recommended conditional approval of the request. The applicant accepted the condition of ap roval. No one else testified. LOCATION: 9350 SW Tigard Sueet north of the Pacific Higwvay,WC`I'M 2S 'LAB,Tax Lot 1901 APPLICANT: City of Tigard represented by Gary Affson PROPERTY OWNERS: Arlie Mawhirter SITE AREA: Less than l acre APPLICABLE LAV1t: Tigard Community Development Code ChaptAus 18.68(I-P zone) and 18.84 (Sensitive Lards) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conditional ar -i-oval EXAMINER'S DECISION: Ccnditionally approved Il. FINDINGS ABOUT SITE AND SURROUNDINGS A. ,Site size and shape : The proposed fill site is a quadrilateral which narrows in width at the south end of the site. T'he site measures about 300 feet in length and varies in width from 150 to I W feet. B. ,Site location 'rhe site is located about 300 feet southwest of SW Tigard Street and adjacent to the not th side of the Pacific Highwvy overpass embankment. Page l - hearings Officer decision .S1,R o0-0010(City of Tigard) C. Existing uses and structures The site is currently undeveloped and used for the storage of sign materials by the occupant of the neighboring building. The site is partly cove,c,-1 with grass and brush and partly exposed earth. At the base of the Pacific Highway ovetpiiss embankment, there is an open stormwater drainage ditch which runs into Fanno Creek. D. Proposed uses and structures : The applicant has obtains l a public stormwater drainage easement for the replacement of the existing open drainage ditch with a stormwater sewer. The existing open ditch and proposed sewer nm paraliel to the Pacific Highway overpass along the southeastern edge of the site. Fii! will be placed over the stormwater sewer and other portions of the site to a maximum elevation of about 153 feet above MST.,,th,- 100-year flood elevation,)f Fanno Creek. The fill will be sloped towards Fanno Creek to provide proper drainage. The applicant proposes to etcher seed the area for grass or cover it with gravel and return the site to its vrevious storage use. E. Existing and proposed vegetation : The area to be affected by the proposed la.ndfonn alteration is partly grass and brush covered and partly bare. The vegetation is thickest at the base of the Pacific Highway overpass embankment. F. Topography and drainage The site drains into Fanno Creek and is in the 100-year flood plain of Fanno Creek. However, the Tigard Engineering Uepartment indicates that the site of the landform alteration is not in the zero foot rise floodway. G. Plan designation and zoning : The site and surrounding properties north of Fanno Creek are designated bight Industrial by the Comprehensive Plan and zoned I-P(Industrial Park). Nearby properties on the south side of Fanno Creek ire designated General Commen:ial and are zoned C-G. Properties further west on the south side of Fanno Creek are designated Medium Density pesidential and zoned R-12 (Residential). N. Public sen-ices anJ utilities The site can be served by public sanitary sewer and water and by power and communication utilities. Utility changes are not proposed as part of the project. 1. Surrounding land uses The Pacific Highway overpass adjoins the southeast boundary of the site. To the north and west are commercial rises. Two rail lines pass the site on the north side on SW Tigard Street. To the south of Fanno Creek is a public easement of a bicycle path and commercial uses. Page 2- Hearings Off eer decision SLR 90-0010(Cay of Tigard) I11. APPLICABLE APPROVAL CRITERIA&DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Chapter 18.84 (Sensitive lands Review). 1. Chapter 18.84 contains the regulations for land subject to sensitive lands review. Sensitive lands review is intended to implement flood plain protection measures and to protect rivers,streams, and creels by minimizing erosion,promoting bank stability, maintaining and enhancing water quality and fish and wildlife habitat,and preserving scenic quality and recreational potential. Section 18.84.015(B) allows the installat'Dn of underground utilities upon approval of the appropriate community development division. Section 18.84.015(C)requires Hearings Officer approval of landfo►m alterations in the 100-year flood plain. 2. Section 18.84.026 requires use of design..;,materials, and practices that minimize flood damage and the potential for damage. 3. Section 18.84.040 provides landform alterations subject to sensitive lands review must comply with the following criteria: a. Land form alterations shall preserve or enh, -+ce the flood plain storage function and maintenance of the zero-foot rise iloodway shall not result in any narrowing of the floodway boundary; b. Land form alterations or developments within the 100-year flood plain shall be allowed only in areas designated as commercial or industria!on the comprehensive plan land use map,except that alterations or developments associated with public. support facilities as deftncJ in Chapter 18.42 of the Community Development Code are allowed in residential arid industrial areas subject to applicable zoning standards; c. Where a land form alteration or development is permitted to occur within the flood plain it will not result in any increase in the water surface elevation of the 100- year flood; d. The land form alteration or development plan includes a pedestrian/bicycle pathway in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan, unless the construction of said pathway is deemed by the Hearing Officer as untimely; e. 'Che plans for the pedestrian/bicycle pathway indicate that no pathway will be below the elevation of an average;annual flood; f. The necessary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and State of Oregon Land Board, Division of State Lands approvals shall be obtained; and g. Where land form alterations are allowed within and adjacent to the 100-year flood plain, the City shall require the dedication of sufficient open land tura within and adjacent to the flood plain in accordance with die comprehensive plan. This area shall include land of a suitable elevation for a pedestriam/bicycle pathway in die flood plain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian/bicycle pathway plan. R. Applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. 1. Policy 2.1.1 provides the Cit:, will assure citizens will be provided an opportunity to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Page 3- Hearings Officer decision 511? 90-0010(City of Tigard) ST 2. Policy 3.2.1 provides that the City will prohibit any development within the I(X)- year flood plain that would result in any rise in elevation of the IW-year flood plain. 3. Policy 3.2.2 provides that the City prohibit development in the floodway but may allow development in the floodway if the alteration preserves or enhances the function and maintenance of the zero-foot rise floodw iy; Policy 3.2.1 also provides that the City may allow limited specified development in the flood plain outside the zero-foot rise floodway. 4. Policy 3.2.3 provides that development is within the 100-year flood plain outside the zero-foot rise floodway is conditioned upon specified requirements. 5. Policy 3.5.3 provides that the City has designated the IOC-year flood plain of the Tualatin River as greenway and that development within the lWyear flood plain shall be conditioned upon the dedication of sufficient open land area for greenway within the flood plain. 6. Policy 4.2.1 provides that all development within the Tigard Urban Planning Area shall comply with applicable federal, state and regional water quality standards. IV. HEARING,TES'T'IMONY, AND NPO& AGENCY COMMENTS A. Ifearing. The examiner received testimony at the public hearing about this appli, ation on September 25, 1990. A record of that testimony is included herein as Exhibit A (Parties of Record), Exhibit 13 (Taped Proceedings), and Exhibit C (Written Testimony). -Chese exhibits are filed at the Tigard City [fall. B. Summary of Testimony. 1. Jerry Offer testified on behalf of the City of'Tigard Planning Department and summarized the staff report and recomme idation. 2. Gary Alfson appeared on behalf of the City of Tigard and accepted the pivposed conditions of approval. C. NPO & Agency Comments No NPO or Agency comments were received other than those of the applicant. V. EVALUATION OF REQUEST R. Conq)liauee with Chapter 18.84 (Sensitive Lands Review). The proposed use complies with Chapter 18.84, because: a. The installation of underground utilities is permitted upon approval of the appropriate community development division. b A landform alteration in the IW year flood plain is pertnii.-r,j in an industrial zone if the modification is related to and necessary for public . 1:,,)Oil facilities such Page 4- Hearings Officer decisinn SIR 900010(City of Tigard) i as storm sewers. p' c. The proposed placement of fill material on the site will enhance the floodplain storage function. d. The proposed filling will utilize materials and construction techniques intended ; to be resistant to flood damage. Other Community Development Code requirements relative to floodproof construction are not applicable to the type of development prcposed. e.. The proposed development is outside the zero-foot rise floodway and therefore will not result in any increase in the water surface elevation of a 1(X1-year flood. In addition,the proposed alteration is small relative to the size of the flood plain,and will not displace a significant amount of water. f. The development of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway on the site is untimely as a pathway exists on the south side of Fanno Creek, and the Tigard Bikeway/Pedestrian Plan provides for the extension of the existing pathway to the West. g. Approval of the US Corps of Engineers and Oregon Division of State Lands is not required,because the proposed work is not within a wetland or river channel. h. Dedication of open space is not necessary,because a pedestrian/bicycle pathway is already provided on the south side of Fanno Creek. C. Compliance with applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. 1. The proposal complies with Policy 2.1.1, because notice of the application or hearing was provided to the neighborhood planning organization in the area and to owners of property in the vicinity of the site and published in the Oregonian. 2. The proposal complies with Policies 3.2.1, 3.2.2., and 3.2.3, because ,he proposed landform modification is outside of the floodway and will not result in an increase in the elevation of a 100-year flood. 3. The proposal complies with Policy 3.5.3, because there is dedicated greenway open space on the south side of Fanno Creek and the site is inappropriate for greenway development. The site is inappropriate for grtenway development because it is removed from Fanno Creek and surrounded on three sides by industrial&velopment, the Pacific Highway overpass embankment, and SW Tigard Street. 4. In order-to comply with Policy 4.2..1, a condition is warranted to require the applicant to submit an erosion control plan ensuring compliance with interim erosion control measures for the Tualatin River Basin as part of the grading permit application. VI. SITE: VlS 1T BY IIF.ARINGS OFFICER "I'lic Hearings Officer visited the site without the company of others. "age S. Hearings Officer decision SLR 90.00/0(Ciry of Tigard) J . VI1. CONCLUSION AND DECISION The examiner concludes that the proposed use and.associated landform alterations comply with the applicable approval criteria for a sensitiv+;lands review permit. In recognition of the findings and conclusions contained herein,and incorporating the Staff Report and other reports of affected agencies and public testimony and exhibits received in this matter, the examiner hereby approves SLR 90-0010, provided: BEFORE T iE CITY WILL ISSUE A GRADING AND SITE WORK PERMIT: An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the public improvement drawings. The plan shall confonn to "Erosion Control Plans-Technical Gilidance Handbook, November 1989." (Staff Contact: Greg Berry, Engineering Department,639-4171) THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF IMPLEMEr-TED WI"ITIIN 18 MONTHS OF THE DATE THE DECISION BECOMES FINAL. gDATE, this 1st day aer, 1990. Larry t.pstei s Officer Page 6- Hearings Ofirirer de(•ision SLR 90-0010(City of Tigard) r PERMIT TO CONNECT City of Tigard Permit No S20 PERMIT is GIVEN TO_ :�) /7/QrJ OF TO CONNECT A TO THE SYSTEM OF CITY OF TIGARD AT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES UNTIL NECTION IS MADE AND INSPECTION OF CONNECTION HAS BEEN COMPTED. PERMIT FEE PAID s �1Ca CITY OF TIGARD •.frfi!' / Uri-••—�C_r�:__,_y�!„�' 1. �wuw,iu��,w„sowawnwnwnw,Iwns�.”.r...�.�.,�ww�vsuw,�iwownwaw/ CONNECTION INSPECTED AND APPROVED Data - !<uperintendont y