10582 SW KENT STREET Iw M w s aR w a v �r air nwe 1 -- 1058'% SW Kent St . — CITY OF TIGA RD C17YOFTIOAD OMMUNITv DEVEL0PAAL1,.T DEPARTMENT 0910014 PERMIT NO . : BU980,589 C 11 25 S.W.Hall Blvd.. 1.0.Box 23397.T,hard.Oregon 97223.(503)639AI75 C—"� P 14 1 M , ;)M'T . NO. 880589 ADI)PESI.i : 10,58e.? S-W KI N'T 51' MAP/LUT 2SI. 15AA r?A')O !-iUD : DOWIP 1.-(.)Nl'):I'.NG LT 63 JK -'N 4D U 5 E: RAI . 15101.) L.OT !*'I.[ZE: SEJDACKE RO PEAR : WORK (:,I ASS : NEW DWE'I I.... L.JNI'T'F.-; : .1. I-EFJ' : 5 PIGH'T' : 39 LJSF.-.: 'TYPE : SINGI E FAMIA-Y NO . BEDPOOPIS 3 1:::X'T' .WALL CONS'T VN HA*THS 3 N S E W PI4O*T . OV"I*'N.I'.N'[-,-j : fJ'-,k'UP . N E : t'.I: 'T'(*',7*A1... APE A: 1.60:1. NO. STORIES : IS*F : (381. ("J444a4* : F-IPE Ar.1:11"7 HE I GHT 20 2ND: 7PU A141-'.:A PA*TF-*:I) : BASEMENT7 310117: OCCUP . SE�-'IAIW? PATEE;: ME7ZANINE7 DASC:M' 'T L.OAD: 40 G A P A GE J118 F'IPE SPRIfl-pl? AL.AVIM'? t.9 F HEAT 'T'YPi.-. GAS HIJ!,V).ACCESS7 (:"onw? PLAN BY : rit IIEMAAKS : REISSI.A.K OF NU W f t FS N JAY E MTI 1 1:-,:N I:'lEQMIT 11:3:52 . 00 R BOX 23219:1. IN AN PIr-'V:r1:.W *2r - .80 'TIGAVID OP 97PP3 F,IPE LA.;P'T' Pi IIGNFi: i 40A) 018141 71% STAIT.: TAX 1A 1.7 . 60 C 07 HE 0 N E)k::VE:I-.OV)MF--N'T* CHARGES : T MILLIF-P JAY SIM(45-1,01-1101) 111;.? 0 0 11 A JAY MILL ' UTIEP H -.DI-:'P !:i DC(S TPEET) $600 . 00 C V) . n . BOX P32.91. Poc'(*p $i;"15() . 0 T 0 'T I(.,AV I D OR 97M.'43 V-'I***J"'A:I:D < 1111.00 , 00) R PHONE (503) 6841-4,5413 AFG'I STRAT ION NO. 30169 T'k'.)I'f)l 1. 'nsis . A0 Thill permit IS issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 cii the TMC, State of Oregon Specialf,i Codes.zoning regulations AE(:1ETV*,'T NO . and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and it Is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and PF.-.Q T.Nt'3Pr---(-.1-IONS specifications and In compliance with all P-plicablp codes and F 001-1'.NG 91[--*W E P ordinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive .covenants Contractor anu subcontractor. shall have current city LIN WALL PAIN DRAINS business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and POST & BEAM WA'TRI"I 1-j.NE void If work is not started within 180 days,or If work is suspended or PLB .UNDEPSLAS U"ITY '4PV3V-1(J1/S6l abandoned for a period of 18n days any lime alter work has AF) FT.NAL commenced. It shall be the responsibility of we permittee to assure all required Inspections are requested and approved I PLH . '1'(:)PDLJI* F11IF-PLACE (3AS LINK Permittee Signatu INSUI AIJON GYP . BOARD ISSUF,U By SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRL-) 1W§C1A1#PD ABOVE CIT"Y®F TIGA RD Pl-UMBING PEWM11* CITY01'"IFAIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT o01QoN I:1::PM1'lNO . ; PL-81130590 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223,(503)6394176 l'-)I--4IM. PM'T . NO . 0 a()'5 139 JOB AIR)Pr-.'SS : 105W.? SW Klin'.'N'T 51' 'TAX MAP/I 0'T 2SI 1.!5AA 2400 SUB : DOVEP L-ANDING L.-'T : 63 BK : I-AN') USE : I*T 1H.M NO: NO : WORK (::I-ASS : NEW WA'TEP CL-OSF.::'T* 3 'TRAP USE TYPE : SIN('.-'sL..E UPINAL.. DKF*L..(*)W P11- VIN11141 ( ONST . *TYI*-)F-: VN L..A V 0 P O'T 0 P y 3 *TPAP PPIMEP OCCUP .to.. P3 'TUI3 SHOWEP 2 (A74EASE TPAV43 DI S 1-1 W A S H E 1:4 1 NO . SI'ODIES : 2 WA5HING MACHINI::: I I AUNDPY 'T*P(-)y 131...D(:1 . 0PAIN ( DIA FI OOP DI:-t0TN 1. SEWEP (F,r) WA11i.1'! I STORM/PAIN (FT F FKES N F MJ*I I EA "K.:Pl i I'T $ P BOX P3291. (:)P.! FILY1,I P11 RNE Ub 0:1+-AAS =7-W,43 S'yWfi;;: TAX C 0 N T WATTS K E-"-N R A KEN WATTS PLA.JM9Y:,iG C P0 BOX 23092�1 T tigmrd cir WeP3 R PHONE (503) 684-66126 REGISTPATION NO. 508713 'T 01 At- : $1.39 . This permit 19 Issued subject to the regulations contained in Titl,,#14 of the TMC State of Oregon Specialty Codes. zoning regi;iations NO . ),22`1 and all other anplicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby ........... .............. agreed that the work will be done In accordance with IN plana and DEQUIRED INSPECI-IONG speclVeations --m.' in compliance with all applicable codec d P I-B .U N D EP S I..A I.) ordi,jances The issuance of this permit does not wai,,e restrictive t:ov3nants Contractor and subcontractors shall hav,?current city POcj t F* BEAM busliess tax permits This pp mit will expire and become null and WA'TF--.P L.INF. void It ^rk is not started within 180 days,or if work Is suspended or PI-A) . 'TOPOUT abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has PATIS! mIATW commenced.It she':be the responsibility of the permittee to assure FINAL.. all required inspr.ctions are requested and approved. Permittee Signature Issued By: . — ---- SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED F6A'.*dW ABOVE —=95=11; MECHANICAL PEPKIA' CITYOFTIFARD crrYOFTWARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [)Fr.3ARTMENT 021GON Pr-FAMI'T NO. ME860591 13125 S.W.Hall M d..P.O.Box 23397.Tigard,Oregon J7223.(503)639-4115 I PPIM . P-KT .NO . 8005E19 J014 A,_,DPESS : 103(N.? SW KENT FiT 'T'AX MAP/LOT 1?51 15AA P4100 SUB . DOVF.i.P LANDING, L..'T : 61"! BK : LANI) USE: L..07' ,1 ZE : 1:1'F:M NO: NO: WORK C.1-A,55 : N ki'l,J I I PNf%(*,E <:1.00K 1. A:IJ1 HAN"AJI <1.0 'T*Yl:)E : 5ING1 E FAMILY F'LMNA(:'F. 1.00K+ AIA FIAK)LJI 10K (',ON5'r . TYPE VN 1`1_0(:11:4 FL)ANACAH.' EVAP . EP GRIP. R3 VENT' FAN A Vl;.:N*T VF.-"N'T* . F5YS)'T'F:.ri < 1_1001) 1. NO . STOPIES : P. 1:1 L..P/C 0 M U., '1?i••-1.1'!')H(' 3:N CI N En':1-1 A*T*0 R(1)0 M DWELL.UNITS : 1. 0I. -1/(:.(:)Ml:) :1.:'.1•. ;5()1 1Vt INCINLEN'10'TOR(C',OM FUKI I'YPE G05 RLP/(:"(.,)Mp 30- 115()IA I PEVAIP UNTI'S riAy INPUT HI F1 COM V' 504444 ()THER FIPE Dt-11-0G7 CAS PIPIMG OLJTl E115 1. PPE$Y? _4FMAPK!;i FER'S M T.L I F*m 1: JAY PEPM1,11, 111111110 . 00 V.,OX 2329:1. II.-AN Mik'TEW 111110 . 0(3 TIGAPI) OR 4? 2 It?3 FIXTUPC*�S 1833 . 50 r%1 Al 4-K4h0-004 A 7'143 SIA11" TAX $2 1.113 C (YTHER 0 N R T HE DT N 440F)EP'Y* A I N' S HEA'T*I NG C 0A:`1 NW T 0 h i1:1.v;In o r ci or- R PH(:)Nl:.: (503) 6118-1159 REGIS'TrIAIJON NO. 47211 'Y*O*T'Al $56 . 55 This permit Is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of the TMC, State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning reguI8ti071.-. r1F(:F;_'TP'T' MI. and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and TNsr)E("*I'IONS sp-clfications and In compliance with all applicable codes and GAS I.-TINF.. ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits. This permit will expire and become null and DOUG,11- IN void If work Is not started within 160 days,or It work is suspended or F I N Al abandoned for P period of 180 days any time after work has commenced. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and approved Permittee Signaturl Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIREJ F6A'#idW Jft*h(:V14XN 6MCNOD ABOVE 1WWJLW 'ALWALM CITY OFT167ARD5EWI:;:P PERMIT CITA"Fi6raD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0111MM F.IERMIT NO. : 50380592 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397.Tigard,Oregon 97223,(503)6394175 "ATIF P17,1M. P1,11T .NO . F.4103189 JOH ADDRE5G : ';iW KENT Sl* 1. 5A NUMBER: 351'P3 TAX MAF'/I-.O'T' 2F;J. 1-,'5AA Pd'100 1AWFA4 L.ANDTN(.', LT 6 3 1:�K I AND USE : LOT !iIZE' : !'IECTION 1.5 TWP 210 IING 1.w WOPI" I:i : Nt."J G'ING vl...F. F'AMTI Y TI-Irp. C.q:)Mj.)J.kI WJ.-tAi r,ti'l.r6iin Aikricl 1�.?() (1a4111 fl-(:)In Clllikt(`--� JMIRLAOMCI The" t43t6.]. Ilk in%W 1.111 t. 111IlLi(:I W.I.3.J. 1:)oi T(:I I-,f :i.1,e cI J.•1' t I'i cV)('a I-In I.t 0 X W! I`(491 - Tl I OD A(A 0MC4 cliJilp.in rtrit, 1,ltiI!KI­ - mrl'i'(oc� A'Vlo.o 1:)+ thta 1c)(-atticill c)f tl.lvi± 14lick;.. ffir�Wfwll1.41 the In"Wirar. J,!n 111:)A. 1.1:1(...!Ilk 1.V.cI (P.t t fl Ft in Im K Ill kt I"Gi'in(.o I-)t lj:l.V C*I'l , 1,1-1 Im i I I at t at.l.1(,)r, w 1-1 fit:1.:1. V.)r,cl lil 1:)fm"!t 3 ffeet :1.1.1 ItLI.A. th4li cH.Wtiltric't.-A � .1:1.V 0.4 1-1 . '11'.T 1.1 r.)t at(:1 :1.C)(:�ao,t,4?(J , tl-icp inintak].'Llpi- ml-iisil. Ilk atitcl !;):LckSvilwer," Per-inj.t '!'A-I(:I tjle. AJJZ4rl(-!q W:J:L:L fik IN(3TAI L . 7YPE : 1411.11L.DING SEWER IMPEPVIOUS AREA: FJXTl.JAE UNITS : 1'1-;.:NAN'T' T.MPPOVEMENT : W N E MT I L.E R ,JAY PEPMT1, 1035 . 00 R p . t3 . ROX 231091, CONNE'(,'T'T('.)N f.",HAI--4GvE T i:G,A 14 D Ora 97 12 2 3 L TNF I A P J:NwTAL.L. Pi 10NE 4y"1103) 6 14 75A3 C 0 N T MT t.,L.1: R JAY R A JAY MILLF.14 DUILDEP C p . cl . ROX 23P-91 T 0 *Y'I(.;ARD 00 9722.'''.3 L I I PHONE (503) 6847 - 543 REGISTRATION NO. 30109 TOTAL. This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 of the TMC, State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations PI—XIFIPT NO. and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and It Is hereby ............... agreed that the work will be done In accordance with the plans and 174EQUIRE17 INLSPECTIONS Specifications and In compliance with all applicable codes and r,rdinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive ROUGH IN covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and void If work is not started within 180 days.or It work is suspended or abando-ind for a period of 180 days any time after work has comme,iced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections an. requested and approved. U Per'mitte gi-g-nIii-ti Issued By: SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED F6N.*dAW d#WA1 1PRXN6@§r,*1§eD ABOVE C17YOFTIFARD /� FLAN CHECK APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (C"YOFTWARI) PLAN CHECK 1 Q 13 125 SW FW Blvd,P.O.Boor 23997.Tigard.Oregon arm(609)0904175 PERMIT — -- DATE ISSUED JOB ADDRESS: /Q S ? S,�U. �< le S TAX MAP/LOT SUB: dcvPr n LOT: (�, t -- Lt.ND USE: " 3n VALUATION: '� Zp SETBACKS: FRONT: �r ::EAR: � LEFT:, _ RIGfiT: WORK CLASS: HEIGHT: r - TUCAL AREA: / �} USE TYPE: ,5 FLOOR LOAD: 1ST: CONSTR TYPE: _151_ HEAT TYPE: VD: 7.zp OCCUP GROUP: /�3 DWELL/UNITS:_L_ .3RD: XC,UP LOAD: NO BEDROOMS: BASEMENT: NO STORIES: Z NO BATHS: GARAGE: IMP SURFACE: APPROVALS REQ'D SPECIAL NOTES ITEMS REQUIRED PUJJNING: REISSUE OF: LIST SUBCONTRACTORS: _ ENGINEERING: Li ST REISSUE: BUS TAX: FIRE DEPT. : ^ FLOOD PLAIN/ CALCULATIONS: — OTHER: -� SEN LND.: TRUSS DETAILS: M PAPnJ.NG PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN: _ PLAN CHECK BY:� OTHER: COMMENTS: _ -S-n s-7't '-- - �- ACCT-Ti DESCRIPTION AMOUNT OWNER 10-432 Building Permit Fees � ,;. , C,u NAME: 10-431-600 Plumbing Permit Fees d , -5 ADDRESS: 10-431.-601 Mechanical Permit Fees 10-230-501 State Building Tax (5x)/1,G04f,'(03F� 10-433 Plane Check Fee .�2k,6� A�U'FY �-� A3 (f, q1 PHONE: 30-443 Sewer Connection (20X) 30-202 Sewer Connection (801) CONTRACTOR 30-444 Sewer Inspection f 3y� G NAME:_ j/ /` I 2,51-448 Street System Dev. Charge (SDC) $ /�_C,0 ES ADDRS: _ 52-449-610 Paiks I System Dev. rharge (PDC) S 52-449-620 Parks II System Dev. Charge (PDC) d 31-450 Storm Drainage Syst Dev Chrg(SSDC) PHONE: 10-230-505 TRFD (95X) 3 '' 10-435 TRFD (5x) ARCH/ENGINEER 10-230-506 Washington County Fire 11 (95X) — NAME: -' �- G` vy 1. 10-435 'Vashington County Fire 01 (5X) `— ADDRESS 10-220 Amart/Wedgewood - PHONE: (n y S -C. � 0 2 TOTAL lVlq,,6PREPAID dy A - f'b'O -S y G FEC 1 / BALANCE DUE Vt Received BY: ` Date Received: � rs� /CITY OF TIGARD MECHANICAL PERMITI'1lrntit M 5q( Description Table 3A Mechanical Code Ott' 1'11141 AMI City of Tigard 1) I'effl,lt Fee •0• _0 10,4,X1 1, 125S.W. Hall Blvd. --- �-- -- ._. _._ _ _.__ .. .___ _. P.O. BoX 23397 2) Supplemental Poutilt 3.00 Tigard, OR 97223 — - — `- 639.4175 1) Furnace to 100,000 BTU ` 6.00 incl.ducts R vents _ Furnace 100,000 BTU 4 750 2) incl.ducts 6 vents Nan"of nevelntxrwlr t 3) Floor Furnace 8,00 incl.vent Job Andress 4) Suspended heater,wall t eater 600 or floor mounted heater Address _ _ — - Tex Lot Map No� 5) 'Jen)not incl,in 300 appliance permit Lot (nock Subdwision ---- Repair of heating,refr ig., 600 Name for name of business) 6) ding,absorption unit Maiurp Address ----- Ptarle 7) Boder or comp to 3 HP 6'.00 Owner absorp.unit to 100,000 BTU Boiler or comp to 3 HP-15 HP 1100 C 4,y/Stale �- Zip 8) absorp.unit to 500,000 BTU - Name - 9) Boiler or con 1p 15.30 HP 15.00 absorp.unil'/z^ 1 million __ _ Mailing Addraaa pttorsa 10) Boiler or comp to 30-50 HP 22.5!J ahsorp,unit . -1 75 million Contractor --) Boiler or comp to 50 HP 31.50 r /state zip11 absorp.unit 1,750,000 BTU - suu clry T.x No Air hartrlling unit to 4 50 R�pMrol'on No 12) 10,000 CFM - Air handling unit 1 hereby ocMnowiadge that I have read flws app4scaton that the lnto(mittion given vi 1 13) 10,0OOCFM ++_ 7.50 coned,tMt I am ow owner or authorized agent of the owner,Ilial plans sutxnitted are M —-- - — -- - compuence with stale tewt,trust I am registered with"state Buitders'Board,that the 114) Non portable 4.50 number given H caned (II exempt from State reg Straiton please g ve tease,below) evaporate cooler Vent tan c:ornne,.ied 300 to a single duct Ventilation system not 4.50 - -- 16) included in appliance permil _.-- Hood eeirved by 4.50 17) mechanical exhaust I Sq}rutwe(aww or rgent) _ralet 8)_ Domestic type 71,00 F------ Ocinerelor IOcecribe work 0 addition ❑ alteration Q ropair f 1 ---- ----- -- - _ to be done` rasidonflal Cj non-residential Cl _ 19) Commorcial or industrial 30(X1 .— type Incinerator Existing use of buildingor rolml ?0) Other i.e.,wotXWova,water J P y _-_ __ heater,solar.clothes dryers.etc Proposed use of _ bi 'lding or p,operty______ ?1) Gas plputcl tine i11 Inut tnl(lol., 7 �1 Tyre of fuel- oil l I natural gas I I LPG 11 electfic I I I _ .�--------- ;�; ) Mutt)Ih;tn 4•r�cr rn111r'1 �IQTi�E SU8-T0TA1 THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL- AND VOID IF WORK OR CON- - 486SURCHARGE STRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 5Of0 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR PLAN REVIEW 2S%OF SUB-TOTAL /0 ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER TOTAL J WORK IS COMMENCED. - ,lur.ull Cnrnlihnm. I I II• tiro! • � tis I'.t1.lt�x ,',1111 CITY O I'l( ;ARD PLUMBING '11qu-d(11 TM ApplocAnts must hokl 1),rKon Reglstration 10 ctx)dud A Plumbing ` ,I� M F I U.)-1175 busirims(x must Ix fxanx rty lnvnrr/lnxralcu not lilting outside help. Name d Dewbprnent PlumhmK Permh Nn - Morena - (1'fecnpt►or� ORS 814.21.610 (YUAN PRICE AMT Job Tar Lot Map No Address _ FIXTURES lnl - f)lock Subdrvlslon Sink - _- _- -__ -- 7.50 S D anis a rurne suisss Lavatory 7.50 �v Tub or Tub/Showe(Comb. 7.50 airing ass Shower Only 7.50 ):L --_-- WalnrCkmel 7.50 Owner City/ tete 1.0 _T___- - .------_ - Uishwantx+r 7.50_ Garbage Chsposa! - M - � - 7.50 7� Washing Machu a -- / --- 7.50 /1Z Name - - _ _� - -- - - Floor Drain 750 _ 7.50 y s� WaterHcaler-- ---.-� � Laundry Room Tray _ 7•`50 Occupant CNy/Stale~ —Lp Unna! 7•� Nat" Olher Fixtures(Specify) 750 7.50 ass Cof*sctor cay/state zip -F� 7.50 -±71 MISCELLANEOUS _ cny —B"i Tar No sower 1 at 100' —_��— _ 30.00 State s-N) fd-f4o. uia s s o r -*a.Addit 100 -- __ 15.00 (Residential) Wrier Servioe 1st 100 20.00 'Z.O I homby acknowledge that 1 have read this applicasort,OW the b*X1,11stion -Water Service aa.Add,12M'y -- 15,00 gNon is omrect.that I am mgislerod wM ft Stall Bu*Wf Bond.and mato Storm d Rain OraJn 1 at.100' - 3000 _have a Stage Pkattbing ioortse rsat Mea numbers given We otxtett Thal ON --- — pk-,tw p work wig be done In aawdence with appNOW0 provisiora Of Ore. Storm 6 R.in Orain AWN.100' _ 1500 gon Revised f U*Aes Chapters 447 and 093 arid appkwift oodes and that moboo Horne Space 2500 no hap wO be enpbyW un m Noosed under ORS M (N eeempt eakc- Bach Flow Praver►tion -- State regtalratian.please give mason be". HDMECW^IERs-i hereby cor1My tW i am MN owner 0190{xoPerty de- Dovbe or AM1-Pollution Oe»ce 7 SO sorban wove.at which loc tilon i propose b nsaWe a pM nitlfftg WtstaNatlorc taor Any Trap or Waste W my own use and Mils property is era bsklp Coo NON lad 11r OW-Masa or rent- Con acted in s F'akte - 7.50 Catch begin 7.50 Wisp.d Eida1.Plumbing 40.00 Per IV spodaNy Floqueffed Inspoco" . 4000 Per H1 AJW of Plrynblrq w1thin an Exle"Bldg 15.00 nvn AUTlgfttZED SI(311.ATURE pat^ Mew Bidg.or Build.Ad~ 26.00 min - - Pain tk�tin simle family Deecr*io w(0 new[_) addition(� alleretbn[) :a>a' ( 1 d.0211 int 15.0.1 t2 resident be clone_ - residential(1 non-residential E=_XIS&V use of txNdiro c4 rxoperty - - - VJO-tOTAL arqpowe Iia. _--- - --- -- _ TOTAL WYTVE TM pomd bs ncfnas nAl and r.Ad M oak or consInmA7n salt wtW is nor nom wartoad 1lttklin W dayalsr Or oormilrw an or WOrk 40 WAVW dad Or abandoned kw a poftd d 1W days M any Arta after world M oonvfuMttrd t�at� ►�� ,..., rat