10363 SW KERI COURT 1110 10363 SW KER7 COURT I, V N �o r� 0 YMyl. F Q 7 -� .. a, x { •t U 1, 001 tb ce \ A , f +� p O , WWI0.. M 4-J 0 7' Uy L :3 /. T �- S (� o '2 s x LLcon MC14 a •r; 4, l� �• t1� � `"'/ b � U � off, � �� ;. � ,�� i II 4 ! �ti o �/,\ �i#6w +ro-ati� F3'6�cttit e•_4 Y� — ". _..:. Tceza� �� lit { INSPECTION NOTICE 'V City of Tigard Building Department P.O. Box 23397 Ti(i,ird, Oregon 97223 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspection Date Requested 7m, Time A.M. P.M. Permit Address --- Owner Lot Builder The follm-,Og Building Code deficiencies are required to be corrected: X- C) 06) 7 2- Presented to *1G—Pr—Ivnd Inspector Disapproved Date CALL FOR REINSPECTION El YES ONO sass ssss INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Ole Phone: 639-4175 Type of lnspe,.,tlon Date Requested Time A.M. —t--77"PM. �7 Address Permit Owner Lot Builder ie following Building Code deficiencies are required to be coric-.ted: Presented to pproved Inspector I J Disapproved Date CALI, FOR REINSPECTION El YES [A No INSPECTION NOTICE City of Tigard Building Department P.O. Box 23397 C Tigard. Oregon 97227 Phone: 639-4175 Type of Inspection r� _ Date Requested_`_,.,9—__Z Timg/'.'C�&—_AY P.M. I� ` �, Address �_L1Q �. Perriit #-s�lI., 170 Owner _ Lot Builder The following Building Code deficiencies are required to be carre ed: ---4 cl- Q u 6 L4 n n-.1- � Presented to _ _ — � I Approved Inspector _ T �._-- �_ sapproved AetcDate _ __ CALL FOR REINSPECTION. ❑ No BUIll-DINE', PERMIT CITY OF T16A RD PERMIT NO. : 13UF380909 CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE ISSUED: 5/23/98 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P.O.Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223.(503)639-4175 PR1M. {SMT .NO. 81130909 -.108 ADDIZAESS : 10363 SW I(EPI C'T' IAX MAI:"/l,..0'T e5l 14188 1.1.300 SUR: 5WANSON G,L F:N 1-1, : 51 EIK : I ANI) LISIE : R3.2 L-01, 511E: V ALUA'T I(.')N ;'S7 P P'7 S El AC K S V.:P(]N*V : PO J. WORK (,'I ASS : NEW I7WE:I..1.- .UN11*5 : 1. L.EF'r : 1.6 USE': 'TYPE: : 5XINICA.1. FAMIA-Y NO. DF1.)POOMS ; 3 EXT .WALL GONS'T : CONST . TYPE: VN NO . HA'11*11'45 : 3 N : S : ri C)(',CLJP. R'3 PRO T .0PE:NTNGS : OCCILIF, . N: S : F : W : 'I OTAL. Ai4VA : tp31i1 NO. ST01:41E', i2 1ST' : 652 ROOF CONST' FJPE RE'A"? HE:TGH'T' : 3.8 P.ND : .'.5(:36 AREA A SF-'PAP'? 14 A T E:I) A S;I-"-M E.N'T'7 Ml-.ZZANJ*NIL:'? DASE;M I 'T F 0017 L. 140 (";APAUE 400 F:':rl4E: SPPKL.P7 ALARM'? FLOW l GPM DE.JF.:(:T7 YE'.S HE:AT TYPE GAS HDCP ACCEI-55'r PLAN ('.,Hr-.':(;K BY: RF:MAPKS : ........ ..............»....__ REJSSUE OF* NO. 6655 I-AST kFISSUE (4807,10 0 BL.-l-"AK MORGAN I PF.:PMT'r *307 . 00 W P13 SOX 683.011 r'L.AN REVIEW $1,99 1511) N E 40L 3. 1-1 97007 6833 FT PEE DF.P'T' R P H N F:.' (503) 1'41,0-6606 5'TATE". 'TAX *15 35 UTH E--'P E)E.VF-*l OFIME:NT (: HARGF*-.:S : C Ell KAK MOP'.�AN sot,(S*TO"M) 0 111 13"50 0 0 N T'11*AN I:'1NOPF"-P1J'E:t5 1.14C . SDC;( r*'T RE:ri-,.'r l 11600 . 00 T R P 1:1 1:03X 6833 PDC(*P ) *P!50 . 00 A 111.111 h MI. 97007 ISUX"s PPE.-PAID < $410 . 0()> C T PHONE (503) 6811---,6606 0 PU.415TRATION NO. 30.558 'TO'T'AL.: IaJ. `.5(:31. 9 PE CE NO. This permit Is Issued subject to the regulati,)ns contained In Title 14 of the TIVIC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations I:4E:Qt-J1Pf:A) INSPE-Kt31-IONS and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby FOOT TNG SF WE:R agreed that the work will be done In accor(4qnce with the p'ans and F:'(ItJNI)A,rT.(')N WALL. RAIN UPAIN-3 specifications and In compliance with all nplicsbte codes and ordinances. The Issuance of this permit does r ' waive restrictive P0551 & REAM WA*Y'F:*A 1-.:f.NF:. covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city IN El -UNDERSLAR (:,I*T'Y APPRCH/SW business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and S I AH F 1 NA1 void If work is not started within 180 days.or If work is suspended or PI 8.1,C)POUT, abandoned fnr a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure F:PAM.ING all required inspections are requested and approved F 1 n F I'-'I ACE: A S" I I NF T NSIJI A*T'I ON BOARr) Wr� ttee Slgnature lesued By! /4 632-41175 SL ARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE NO, : SE-880912 CITYOF TIFA� J�6 DA'T'F.' IS5,"JED: 3/;�.3/E93 CITY RD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 0"0000 1'-,IQI:M. 1: M",' .W.I . E11130909 41 13125 S.W.HAII Blvd. P O.Box 23397.Tigard.Oregon 9711�1(503)639411175 L 1,1111318 -TAX MAP/l 01' 1 1'el F)U '1 :1.300 JIB: SWANSON GPLEN L'I' : 15-1 HK LAND LISE : P1 L. S1ZEK : GEc,,rJ:C)N : 1.4 1UP . i.?111 VIING: W WORK ('A-AS$ : NEW USE 'TYPE: : F*AM1.1 Y Agall-1c.,14 . pfer-lni.t exiiii-Q.41% 1W1.0 clal.lj% T!'(3111 the CInt" h Vr 1,a t ilt], 0.1114111.1111-1, l:)vt:i.cI W:1.11 ljv:� fc)1--fir:)1AIRd :1.41 they Ii*r-M:iA foxiJi.r�e?Ill . 41161, A(Jferlc.�y (11-1011; r1clit gt1Rk1`--- all'Itilip" tl,)*n mccl.tl-ftcy (if tl-ici, Diciittii)n ti-l` ti-ic-i !-aidir" Illow"l- T *!-," fsewkpl- tm virit att. 1.1.1o* cI:I.vrv.iri , :3 fqp�o-t. irl dir-ec."titirip.1 -111.,c)m then climtlarlr^fiip qi-.LV*-4n . 1.11 nat Inti tht-4 Sicle.) Sc,+Wrel-" P*,1-1"Jt t'ho? Ajjc-!rlc:y wi,.I.J. J.Ililltm].J. m. --larm r!T N wL-.ji.1 DWF i LING UN*11*5 : :1 NO. OF E.M.-DG.S . 3. PLI.::AK MORGAN PF.a PKIA, 1111315 . 00 0 P(3 IRIX 611333 CONNECTION CHAPGoE $1 , 100 . 00 W ok 3.ri 1-1 iit cir, 9700*7 6835 I—TNE.: 'TAP I.N51'ALL . N E VII-IONS: (503) 6(34---6606 R (YTHER C 0 PRI)PER"I'TES )N(:: . N Pt) ROX 6835 T H lir, 9*7007 60"A!"r A PHONE: (503) 684-6606 G j1(:)1jr 0, ()() T NO. 30550 Al *1 1.35 0 PECEUPT NO This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained In Title 14 nritw.arwil) INSPEUTIUMS of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes.zoning regulations POLIGM-IN and all other applicable codes and ordinances. and If Is hereby agreed that the work will be done in accordance with.the plans and specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and irdinances The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive overiants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current clt� siness tax permits This permit will expire and become null and )id if work is not started within 180 days,or if work is suspended or ,iandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has ,mmenced It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure required inspections are requested And approved. mittee Signature ("W.-i F(111 INSPEUVION 639-11.'n".1 sued By j I 11) --- — — --- SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE VIEF�M:UT NO� : BIL1113009019 C11°'Y OF �'��RD Crf A!FIT i It�D YO 6 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MOON DATE ISSUED: 3/OR 1 5'25 S V Hall Blvd-P 0 Box 2339-,Tigerd.Oregon 97223.(503)6394175 P`R I'M PM'T'.NO 8130909 -J(:)B AUDRESS : 1.0363 SW KEPI: ("T VAX MAP/LAT 251 J.48B 1.1.300 SU t5WANSON (3'l EN 1...'T' : "5ZI HK : I-AND USFW. : P12 i.()'T' 'FiTZE: VAI...UA T 10N : $ 57 1 227 5F-­TBA(*;KS F1-1UNT : 21 V Afi:.'Al:r : 1.0 WORK (7,11-ASS : NEW DWI'--L.I- .UNIT!5 : i LEFT : 16 37 USE TYIDE : S:1:N('..'I F FAMJ:l-Y 40 . HEOPOOMS : 3 E.XT .WALA.. CONS'll (N)NST . TYPE : VN NO. BATHS : 3 N: S : E W LXXXJI:� . (3pl:) . : P3 ;)RUT .UPEN:LNGS : (:)C(:'(Jl:) .L..OAD N G : V.: W TUTAL- APEA: 1.R.3 Fj NO . STOR:LES : 2 IST : 63P POOF CL)IN51 CI PA.Pr.--' 14ET7 Hi'A:GHT 1.8 PNE) : "586 A14.:Y-) F&J)Al:4? RATE-0): UC(.(JN. SEPAIZ? MF-'.'ZZ(-)N:r.Nl::."? BA5F:.M' I F"1...()OP I OAD: AO U.;A R A(.-,E /400 FD4E SV)AKI 147 AI-ARM? F1..UW((,.Vl:)M) UE'TEC.V? YES 'TYPE : (;AS HDCP.ACCESS'? CORAI? AN CHECK I-'.,Y ........... l4k.'MARKS : ............. FAHJSSIJE UP* NO. 66,55 L-AST REISSUE (380740 F 0 1i31...1-'A1< IT $30 7 W p13 F'.10N 683!) Pl...AN 14FV1E'W N E Co., 9*700*7 61335 FJ�Ilri: (A.".PT R 14-11ONF.-i" (503) 681-6606 STATE 'TAX $15 35 OTHER 0 C 8 L..I-'-'A K M014GAN SDC( STORM) 111112.150 .00 N 'T'I'TAN r.)r.4Or)Ef4*T1ES S[)C(STPEF:11 $600 . 00 T P0 BOX 61333 PIA:11(*P $21150 . 00 R LA I.k:l, 97007 683!) < $40 . 00> (503) 684 6606 i4r-,c,.ar-.i,rl4A1'T(')N 140 . '30'550 'TOT AL- d1. ,"581. .';10 14-KC.F.IP"T NO This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 31431 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and it is hereby GF.WFA agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and F(I(.JNI)A'1*1:(:)N WALA- RAIN DRAINS specifications and In compliance with all applicable codes and F)(34:'11 & SEAM WA*TT.:W I I NE ordinances The Issuance of this permit does not waive restrictive covenants Contractor and subcontractors shall have current city CXTY APPPCH/SW business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and S 11-A F3 F'7 NAL_ voidIf work Is not started within 180 days,or If work is suspended or pl-S . 1,UPUUT abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced. It shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and approved F lrd;t1l A C.1-.: GAS L.JNF: :[NSUL..A'TJ:ON GYFI . BOAPD 4r m ift a e�Sig n a,u,�, Issued Rv jib GALA.. FOR J.'NS1::1KQ'j 10tq 6,59 /1J.__/_!5----------- SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESC91BED ABOVE PLUMBING PIEEAMIT CITY OFTIGrARD PEPH11T NO. : P11-880910 C17YOFT167ARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OpfooN DATE ISSUE'l): 5/23/11113 13125 S.W.Hall Blvdr,P.O.Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223.(503)639.4175 PMT .NO . 6111130909 JU`4 ADE)RE:SS : 1.0363 SW KEPT TAX MAP/LOT P51. :1./•FM 1.1,300 SUB : SWAWAM G'LEN LJ 5A 8K L-AND USE.: 1:112? LOT SIZE : I TEM: NO: NO : WORK 01-ASS : NI:W WATER ("LOSET .3 TRAP USE TYPEE: FAMILY UAINAI 1130-1 OW PPVN'T*P CONS T . TYPE:. : VN I AVOPATOPY I'S TRAP PRIMP OCCUP. 011111P. : 1:13 TUR SIA01611"A P GPIZ AGE TRAP rMJ--1WA%-Ir.-;:P :1, GARDAGE. DTSPOSAi 1. NO . STOPIr S : 2 WASHINt., MAC*+41NF 1. WEL.L. .(JN I'I'S i LAUNDRY TWAY BU)"v , MAIN WTA FLOOR DRAIN SINK WATKA HEATEP 1, STOPWRAIN (1;.**V' OTHER ...................... ............... 0 H1 FAK MOPGAN IN J:)13 BOX 60315 N E 11.1.cil h lit cir. 9700*7 6iMoli F,IXTUPES R PHONE 1 !.103) 6C-M-----6606 SIATE TAX 1F6 6.3 OTHE-P WAI-y '.5" VEN 0 N KEN WATTS, PI.A.IMPITN(a T PC) Box P309P5 R A -Ligarcl 4:11., 9 1 H k`:3 G T PHONE' 11 1503) 68A 46626 0 R1r'.:GXI!-01:4e%TTON NO. "W878 TOTAL X1.39. 1.:3 PECA".1PT NO . This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 14 of the TMC. State of Oregon Specialty Codes,zoning regulations I Ar-.::QLJ3J4F-*D INSPEX"TIONS and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and It Is hereby PI.-H.UNDEPS11 AB agreed that the work will be done In accordance with the plans and POST & HEAM specifications and In compliance with all applirable codes and ordirianc-s The issuance of this permit does not walvq restrictive WAT*Il..'P LANP. covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall havr current city PL E',.TOPUL)l business tax permits This permit will expire and become null and PAIN DRAINS void it work Is not started within 180 days,or if work is suspended or rINAI abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced 11 shall be the responsibility of the permittee to assure all required inspections are requested and approved e,rem,,t/t,-. S,q nati Issued by LALL FOR SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE ME.ClIAN 1.CAL PF-11:41*111, PEPMIT NO. : ME80091-1 CITY OF TfwgA RD RD UATE VSSUEA): F2 3/88 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PPIM. PMI* .NO . U80909 13125 S.W.Hall Blvd..P 0 Box 23397,Tigard.Oregon 97223,(503)6394175 — ,40H AI.19141--Yi- *1.0,46'1 5W lffiilvo.i� E;f — VAX MAP/1 01, 251 J'ABH 11*300 SUB: SWAN50N GLEN L'T : 5-A HK : P 1.P ITEM: NO : N WOWI( CLASS : NEW FUWNACE (11.00K AIP I--IANDLP 0-0 USE TYPE: SIN(.',IJ: FAMILY 1: tAINACE 1u0K+ AIR HANDLP 10K CONST .TYPE'. : VN FL-OOP FkJWNACF-.* 1`i:'.VAP . COOI E"1:4 (:)C('.,UP .GARP . HIIATEJ41 VENT FAN VEN'T' VEN 1' . SY511:11`1 HOW INCINERAI UP MUM 11 W IE 11-L I J N IT!i BI_R/C(Imp 11.5-3011-113 IN(7,INF-*.:PA*T'(]P(COM IFUE."l. lYi4i: GAS BI-P/COMP 30--50HP REPAIP UNI'T'S M-"< . INPUT OLA/COMP 150+HP 0,11,11-11-:141 P- F-I.PE DMPAS'? (.;AS PIPING' OUTLETS I I7)RL:SS'? LOW PRE-:5511 PEMAFIKS" .............. HLEAK MC)P('.#AN 0 1-)1:1 BOX 68*35 1-')1 AN PIEVIEW W Hil C)h OL cir, 97007 6835 F I XT 1.1 AE:S N - TA X $2 03 E F"HONE: (503) 6134 6606 STAIIE OTHE:R C HELL HIZ'A*TXN(.v INC. 0 N 1.55,50SE'. PIAZZA AVE. .r c.A.at::ktom a,% C)I" 97()1.:`.i A PI-M)NE (.r.$0311 'k"IA3-1-184 C PEG15144ATION NO . A417 TOT'AL : 111115 2. 6!'.") T R PECK I P'T NO. This permit is issued subject to the regulations contained in Title 0 INSPIEUVIONS of the TMC, State of Oregon Specialty Codes.zoning regulations GA 1 1. 1 N F.H. and all other applicable codes and ordinances, and It is hereby POS T FUEAM agreed that the work will be done in accordance with the plans and I'A1 KA-4 IN specifications and in compliance with all applicable codes and I::-I NAL ordinances. The issuance of this permit does not waive restrictivp covenants. Contractor and subcontractors shall have current chy business tax permits. This permit will expire and become null and vold if work Is not started within 180 days.or if work is suspended of abandoned for a period of 180 days any time after work has commenced 11 shall be the responsibility of the permittee to Fissure all required inspections are requested and approved farm/iltee Signature CAI...I... rron 'rN9PF*C'1*T(' N 639-411 Issued By SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FO'A WORK OTHER THAN DESCRIBED ABOVE CITYOF TIOARD- � PLAN CHECK APPLICATION ` F L.AN CHECK # > CffYQFTIGARD J PERMIT # COMMON" DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT oaEauH / DAT F ISSUED 13125 SW Halt Blvd. P.O.Box 93397,Tigard.Oregon 97M(603)839.4176 JOB ADDRESS: l0� Sw _� ' TAX MAP/LOT SUB: 4eltl LOT: LAND US : rL VALUATION: _ OWNER y^ Y SPECIAL NOTES NAME _1`Lt�-�' � �?—� REISSUE. OF: _ ADDRESS: �--�'r`� Gam. __ LAST REISSUE: FLOOD PLAIN/ _ SENSITIVE LAND: PHONE-. -- APPROVALS REQUIRED CONTRACTOR PLANNING: NAME �.,�E�—_ ''c:_ 5 ._� ENGINEERING: _ _._"_._ ADDRESS: __ FIRF PI PT - ---- — 0 f HE R: ITEMS REQUIRED LIST/SUBCONTRACTORS: _ ARCH/ENGINEER BUS TAX: -- — NAME: — CALCULATIONS: ADL RESS: TRUSS mrAILS:~� PARKING PLAN: LANDSCAPE PLAN: PHONE OTHER: �— PERMIT # A(;CI 11 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT AMOUNT PD, BAL. DUE 0q' 10--432 00 Building Permit Fees 9/0 10--431 00 Plumbing Permit Fee: tLU 10---431 Oi Mechanical Permit Fees 10--230 01 State Building Tax (5%! pl Building / 3 3)" Plumbing c. Mech 10-433 00 Plans Check Fee U, VLi Iding Plumbing �- Mech 30-•443 00 Sewer Connection (20%)� U ark O� 30-202 00 Sewer Connection (80%) - 30-444 00 Sewer Inspection 'S _ 35 -- 51-448 551--•448 00 Street System Dev Charge (SD(,) to C,OO 52-449 01 Parks I L:ys"-em Dev Charge (PDC) 52-449 02 Parks II System Dev Charge (PDC) 31-450 00 Sl.orm Drainage Syst. Dev Chrg 10-230 09 TRI-U (95%) 10-435 00 TRrD (5%) -' 10-230 Ob Washington County Fire #1 (95X) _ 10-435 00 Washington County Fire #1 (5%) ^� 10-22.0 00 Amart/Wedgewood TOTAL. REC # APPI WANT STGNA1014 ' Received By: l�'�C.__ Date Received: ht 3587