10060 SW KATHERINE STREET 1.0050 SW KATHERINE STRF;E'.T _ w a Li Li crF— cn . z o_ Ld x r-- a U) 0 UD 0 ► o I I C~� ,Loi-�..ti-..t V- � •1--'�-r,./ C�f don 44i; . . ,..., c.� AM P 7-So co& P t4 �_ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE—PLAN' REVIEW SECTION NOTICE OF PLANS REVIEW 1"9Mn7b,<W= °I'"0'i0��®°T" �'�` (THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT) Building M-tD #1 WAREHOUSE _ _ KATHERINE ST _TICAPI) Na 80-504 Building f Address --- 24358 6. 20 i.20 County WASHINGTON Occupancy _3-2 Const. V-N _ . ..._- 5eund Value_�_. _— _Plan Fee,_ Architect 2LSON ARCA ARCHITECTS New Bldg. 6 Addoion 0 Alteration 0 Date Received 4/23/80 Owner .__GARY REI_DLINC. Address TIGARll M _ Date Reviewed 5/13/80 Stories Are. .17.4 /S_ Attic OPEN J NO Fire Wells N/> Fire Fscapes_-JA15—F1611 11 / 3 ft. Mein Fir. B.sement Ht. Stops Tot,W)d1h Stairs _NO / Vert. Shaft- Sprinklers ._= / X FULL Man. Alarm NQ S.P. __/ — Cloud Closed No Yes Area Covered Int s;se Est. Ext. ..__-'• /�—Ht. Det. Floor �(»C T Ceiling NO Roof BL -LT Sir. Members T� _ Clea No. T- N .S NIS S yp HtV, Covd. T e NIS Fuel N/S Wall saver �. GC .� nr.Htr. rencl. � Type flue._.__. 9� S Ystem *t Fut. Int. The submitted plans have been reviewed for conformity with fire protection statutes and regulations of Oregon admin- istered by this office. Items No. 28 _--- - - checked on the enclosed list ars: applicable. These items and any specially noind provisions must be incorporated into the pry rct to meet current fire protection regulations. Approval of submitted Mans is not an api.-oval of omissions or over by this office or of n-ncompliance with any applicable regulations of locai t,overnment REMAKII o; _TELLS ISA FIRE_ & LIFT S E'I'Y REY_I_Ek I'0R 11 N_I.1+L. ARM0UG-Z LQGATE,D IN FIRE ZONE #2. 1)-_BUILDING IS REVIEWED AS A VNyEVEN�TH�GIj _,MANY PORTIONS ARE CLOSE TO TYI E III. �T 2 NOTE: BUILDING IS ACCEPTABLE AS A TYPE VN FULLY SPRINKLED BUILDING. TWO SETS OF__-_ SPRINKLER PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW PPIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SAME. Exnmined by W1Lk1 A11_ ANDERSON —._�.. PACE 1 ofAPPLICANTsFILEsDEPUTYsSFM,OWNERsLLDC&IUzpT ,FIRE I)EPT.,6LEC. Copies o: _ _ ---.-- --_ DEPARTMENT OF C(sMMkSCE—PLANS REVIEW SECTION NC`i'fi%E OF PLANS REVIEW R]<�Qgpl4Xd;;^EhTHX=XX)1MMNIW_NRCYNmN",gnx ITHIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT) i `fit Building ... Pf IU _1W A_REUQ1�_F, _ _— __� 1- _ _^y GAI{!�— _ _ No. Building Address 3) THE STORAGE OF VOLATILE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS IS PROHIBITED AND THE USE OR HANDLING OF_____ GASOLINE, FUEL 01 14 OR OTHER FLAM14ABLE LI _QUIDS COMPLY WITH UBC STANDARD 10-1 . 4) HEATING AND VTILATION IS NOT -SHOWN_BUT MUST COMPLY WITH 'I'll UNIFORM MECIIANICAL CODE EN 1976 EDITION. — _____ _ -- 5) SOUTH AND EAST WALt.. REQUIRE A 3011 PARAPET OF SAME FIRE-RESISTIVE MATERIAL AS WALL UPON WHICH IT IS ERECTED. - 6) GLASS THIN 4811 OF DOORWAYS TO BE TEMPERED TO CONFORM-TU FEDERAL IGUI.AISONS. PAVGF`2 o f 2 I1-A,AIIN 1WHAI 11111 Plink r.ln'N III ,1111 •.I No I ICE OF PLANS NEVIEVJ rc, n1 IX 177 tunlniw 111+ 17111: 11If1', 15 NOT A BUILDING PERMIT) 1440Nr ooii ww7rnt c1� 01 Office Ware houae10060_SW Kat! erineSCr,_, �T.iB,Rra_ No HUR IIINIi -- Al111Nr s,ti Courcy_ Washington—o,.cupancy_ B'2 _ __Consl __ V-N — FMZ._._. 242 Pg. 1 01--9 „rchilecf Olson & Argo Now Bldg. ttt Addition 0 Afteintion O Date Received Reviewed 5-2-80 owner__—. r___ � .--------_ .--- .-____ Addrrlss —_ _ Data:F7i:TIrtrtC(1 _ ___. Slopes ___—Are,i An,,- n/_®__ ! Fitt-W IuS._.Se.e_ tem.A .Ex,ts MAItOI1N Ili.. 1h17 IJI �,lUl",. — - 101 W10114 Stnlrs. L@ /__.- _Vr'rt Shnfls. n/s. !_ Sprinklers_nI6 (See item �kl) Alarm...,_n/Si S P _pPift.8_. C,U51 1, 111 1'.I 1u1�1 1) Nu I '11.1 INi Ext — DM / —Floor _C(rllnrf..__ Ra o1 ..__._ �.Sir. Members.•..._____.__ G ASS _00— I 1'I'1-- W -n Crivn Wnll cover-____ __�_ ' _._---_-_.-- 01. un incl HI Sy'n FuCI ii I I N I The submitted plans have been ievn:wed for conformity with fire protection statutes and regulations of Oi-gon administeied by this office. Items No checked on the enclosed list are applicable These items and any specially noted provisions must be incorporated into the project to meet current fire protection regufations. Approval of submitted plans is not an approval of omissions_or oversights by this office or of noncompliance with any applicable regulations of local government. REMARKS: _ This is a Fire. Lite Safety Review of plans for a 17,530 sq. ft. office warehouse building located in Fire Zone #2. Thiv review is based on the requirements of the 1976 Oregon State Structural and Fire Life Safety Specialty Code. 1) This structure, is over-area (as proposed) and therefore must be a) divided by a two hr. area separation wall into areas not exceed- ing 9,000 sq. ft. , or: b) fi.illy spri.nklered. 2) Type(S)doors in west side of warehouse must swing In opposite direction due to the nccu ant load of te warehouse exceeding 50. Section 3303 (b) . "fAf►�� s Q 4.4 ail.. '.�-�, a Aw. V w r•V. 3) Fast and sout.h walls must be provided with pr.rapets extending not less j than 30" above the p(•int where the roof and wall intersect. Sec. 1709. 4) No storage of volatile flammable liquids allowed. Sec. 1108. 1 5) Buildings erected or converted to house high piled stock shall comply with the uniform Fire Code. Sec. 1108. 6) Not less than one 2A-10BC portable fire extinguisher is required for each 6000 sq. ft. of area. Travel distance from any point in the build- ing to such extinguisher shall not exceed 75 ft. EXAMINED BY -- cOPIES TO _4 Pg- A-1 I tuM Al IN Ilul+nl 1l[If tluntr.tION nl:;eIII ct NOTICE OF F'LA'YS REVIEW V0 r9 X ,97. TIIMAlIN 011 Wof,V PIfr+Nr 15011 C82 7601 Illus, IS N01 n II. NG rM1T1 I`IM1dIng_____Rei.d #1 Office Warehouse. 10060 SW_Keth.erine,_.Str,-,_T.iger4.--___page_2_a1.__2 A,i ip, 7) Fire stops, blocking or framing memebers pierced for utility runs require packing to equal fire resistance rr.ior to such piercing. Wold frame con- struction requires firestoppi.ng of both vertical and horizontal draft openings at maximum intervals of 10 ft. Sec 2517 (f) 8) Handrails are required on all stairways. Stairways over 44" wide need handrails on both sides. Sec. 3305 (J) 9) Open stair railings and guardrails shall have intermediate rails or closures with no openings large enough to pass a 9" sphere. Sec. 1716 10) Hardware for all doors required for ogress is required to be of simple type having no provisions for locking against egress, with obvious method of operation. Flush bolts other than listed automatic are not acceptable. Sec. 3303 (see exception) . 11-) Surface flame spread rates of walls and ceilings, minimum req,;irement: stairway - 25, corridors - 75, others rooms - 200. Sec. 4203 12) A firefighting water supply is required within 250 ft. of all portions of the building that is capable of producing 500 gpm (minimum) for 10 minutes for each 5000 sq. ft. of floor area within building up to a maximum of 500 gpm for 30 minutes. Must be provided by owner prior to framing. Addendum 6-2-80 1) Items 1,2,3, of the TRrPD Plans Review may be deleted as per revised plans. 2) All remaining items must be complied with. 3) Submit 3 sets of sprinkler drawings to the Tigard Bldg. Dept. for review prior to any installation. 1 1f1;:) 18A 71/AI Al v rtllitAI (tilt 010111 1ION t)),lrur.l NO110E OF PIANS REVIEW .i" r I',) ta(lX 1?(. IIIAI AIIN 014 (1H1c IS N01 A BUILDING PERMIT) f I irrN( rartr I-rar ;'601 Building Reid #1 Office Ware-h' _______- 1.0060„ SW_Katherine S1=r., Tigard„ , No —IaUgI)INr� _ .AiIIIHt - Count Washington Occupancy B_;2 _Const -_V-N- ----.__ FMZ_._ 242 �Pg 1 of 2 d19on & Argo New Bldg, Addition f] Altemllon 0 Date Received __-- Ara*nect�.�..___-_._._ —_--- g Reviewed 1"i art,► q_2_80 Owner __G1_>A.r Stories _._1__.Arra_.17.#530 - AItIc ..n/�__ _ - Fire Wr+lls�Seg_item, l -_„_Exits �� MAI(J•II fl fJ-'.l MINI I 'ON_''S� I' 11Jt WIDTH Stalrs_.n/a / __._vrrl Shafts..n/8_ Sprinklers.._!// :(See_ item��1) Alrarm.n1_o SP. CI USLf> 111 I'.1 I'�I�1 NU i riLA COVI1 INl SIZE E al Ext ___ /___ Def - _ __ _ '- Floor -��—__Ceihng_. ____.__Rouf___Str Members—___. CI ASS NO lYl'I n IVA (OVD a Wall cower._ __—__ _ _-....—r_..._ 1111 1111 1'nCl ..___ ...._.__�Tyl%r thlr _._._-_-TypeHig System___._—..._._ Furf._. .._.__... _. Eat IN1 'tie submitted plans have been Ieviewed for conformity with fire protection statutes and regulations of Oregon administered by this office. Items No. checked on the enclosed list are applicrible These items and any specially noted pi ovisions must be incorporated into the pi ojer.t to meet current fire protection regulations. ApplOVai of submitted plans isnot art approval of omissions or oversi hts b' this office or of noncompliance with any applicabl(' iogulations of local goveinment_. REMARKS: Revised Plan Review 6-2-80 see sheet #2 This is a Fire Life Safety Review of plans for a 17,530 sq. ft, office warehouse building located in Fire Zone #2. This review is based on the requirements of the 1976 Oregon State Structural and Fire Life Safety Specialty Code. 1) This structure is overarea (as proposed) and therefore must be a) divided by a two hr. area separation wall into areas not exceed- ing 9,000 sq. ft. , or: b) fully sprinklered. 2) TypeQ doors in west side of warehouse must swing in opposite direction ! due to the occupant load of the warehouse exceeding 50. Section 3303 (b) . 3) Fast and south walls must be provided with parapets extending not less than 30" above the point where the roof and wall intersect. Sec. 1709. 4) No storage of volatile flammable liquids allowed. Sec. 1109. f 5) Buildings erected or converted to house high piled stock shall comply with the uniform Fire Code. Sec. 1108. 6) Not less than one 2A-10BC portable fire extinguisher is required for each 6000 sq. ft. of area. Travel distance from my point in the bu! Jd- ing to such extinguisher shall not exceed 75 {t. I i I rEXA,,INE, BY COPIES TO-__&90CD-sT{----_..-. -- 1 +nn is f ItIAIAIIN MMAI 1I17I 1'14011G1t0N (11 .,Uic1 NOTICE OF PLANS REVIEW P 0 1"IOX 177. 11IAt Al 114 014 9;111,; PIPM 0iWlt PY 7hnl 111115 IS NOT A IaUILDIN", I'LIOATI e„oic,,,g Reid #1 Office Warehouse. 10060 SW-Katherine-St.-r.,, Tigerd___ __11a9e 2 ,it 2_ 7) Fire stops, blocking or framing memebers pierced for utility runs require packing to equal fire resistance prior to such piercing. Wood frame con- struction requires firestopping of both vertical and horizontal draft openings at max'mum intervals of 10 ft. Sec 2517 (f) 8) Handrails are required on all stairways. Stairways over 44” wide need handrails on both sides. Sec. 3305 (J) 9) Open stair railings and guardrails shall have intermediate rails or closures with no openings large enough to pass a 9" sphere. Sec. 1716 10) Hardware for all doors required - or egress is required to be of simple type having no provisions for locking against egress, with obvious method of operation. Flush bolts other than listed automatic are not acceptable. Sec. 3303 (see exception) . 11) Surface flame spread rates of walls and ceilings, minimum requirement: stairway - 25, corridors - 75, others rooms - 200. Sec. 4203 12) A firefighting water supply is required within 250 ft. of all, portions of the building that is capable of producing 500 gpm (minimum) for 10 minutes fo-r each 5000 sq. ft. of floor area within building up to a maximum of 500 gpm for 30 minutes. Must be provided by owner prior to framing. Addendum 6-2-80 1) Items 1,2,3, of the TRFPD Plans Review may be deleted as per revised plans. 2) All remaining items must be complied with. 3) Submit 3 sets of sprinkler drawings to the Tigard Bldg. Dept. for review prior to any installation. .30) 18A '1,401NCERSD CONCEPTS, ING. sumiuCT , 1..1 a:.._. SHEET NO......... .._.CM . .(...._-_. CONSULTING MNGIMMIRf Lw�.iw:.....7+1 fit;... ..Y.,�: ... JOB NO.•---_----- ... Y�.............. PORTLAND, OMKGDN Ss�/� ��� / fir"" /'�.�c�r3��� .•- 4;zv.YrVtbY2, Cw� ti` �y4r 3 b> m t 3 (4P.51 b l?►Ft' : , ' a�►r�' M ie+/.,< u� icy"T-4-r 55, -s-' tv4G. P.4Awr r SRN X V; - i 443 t%-,Y 'zJ 4;5S xAfQM Al _ 3c�� skaiN[ERED CONCEPTS. INC. SUBJECT .(�,{,;;,y(,�/'„� �j'�, � �Q( �}.. SHEET CONGULTINO ISNOIMMURS '' .....U. .ct".y1....r1l�4:s°�`=tYrdld'.. --___- JOB NO.._.....�._..,. .G4 ?....._..... PORTLAND. ORtOON ..................».....»... .. ... B G D j }� H k / J , Ole r. -Go !61`,KpL •' 7yJ� G•L, 4;54- L49r /” M;11 1 2 t�. iplalmKISPIED CONCEPTS, INC, susjsc'r SHRET OF CONSULMNO ft"GINSIMS d. Job No. JPORTLAND. oloseaN ................................ ................... BY............ CIA TE hO 1 41 z 00. too, 4/14 Ile; joe e01- Ar /!5 7-S 455 404 S �7­x a", lv7hwe coi �5 /Z ears /Zx it- CNOIN[[!t[D CoNC[PTd, INC. siJYJCCT .. �^.11...r� .11 wr�.l fl.[CT NO-4—.v�CW y».».» CONSULTING wNwl«taww .lss �� 4.�+..I/ .rwC'. ...UF+•-- JOS POATLAN *mesa" _............._.......... by_....... him A! AM; r S F 3.�. !2 P Ul GINIZItCD CONCEPTS, FMC. SUBJtCT . nS.n�e c-.._.__ i� �j»,,.y �S.�CI_...._•_. SHEET NO..,._..F�.p....O/,... ..... 6C�Nf4t-�INd tN41N�(!R{ 11F....tf .C.... �. f7L�L/.. w�._.._.-• JOB NO......... �...Q..»....... p,,,.� PORTLAND. OWEGO" ...................».........................".................«� B' ...... ...�_c�'✓ LL eo. A z 7 to' /440 z A.Aso ' .2d'f oao *4 �ol.+ lm* ZC ! 1 1 I � ii .. •avh �M _ 3 t�,,.f•f � � � 4 Z « 'd••. ;./'' f r+e'•'J'•x 3 Hca .�•-�-�-�- � _ /moo _ �;,�i /773 r � � 0-o0cw,cj) `l J L/,0/A/6- D• SO v )c g �;�)- BFB 41 �� :,,�« �:sal x) - f,,�-� ,�•;s. � �� r,�� �41 f,S s 4Q� : Il ! I at ' 4�/ 1 �,�r, .•r a1tiu�ra�y.n�'YI�• ''�i'1�!�'�y`�y�"";�P�" �MS�;�".4�.#' KNOINICBRED CONCSFTS, INC. SUBAci7 .. /1L.r` L�.:C it���.. y 5���'�_...._. SHRE7 CONGULT1140 IENeINLafts �i.dLw:...f�s [.w. TJGI. /6��tV'..,iCr.»....._ !09 NO. ......... 'S.':............- �� PORTLA040, ORKWONeY L: ;AP14 -raa:nw�r•.•�mVer •s*ta�+r�rws�ntwnelas�M Jel jr olA ...�.�...� ...,.^«'rte..+...-�+-�,. ....+ STAFF REPORT SITE. DESIGN REVIEW TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 12420 SW Main Matzh 4, 1980 I DOCKET: SITE DFSIGN REVIEW, SDR 2-80, (Gary Reid) APPLICANT: Gary Reid, Inc. OWNER: Same 1.2700 SW 72nd Tigard, Oregon 97223 SITE LOCATION: 10060 SW Katherine Street (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 :6B, Tax Lots 100 and 200) SITE DESIGNATION: M-4PD. Ordinance No. 80-17 (Lot 200) - Ordinance No. 78- Lot 100) PARKING.; REQUIREMENTS: One (1) space per 1,000 square feet. Proposed building ar a is 17,600 square feet. Seventeen (17)- spaces required. twen y four (24) provided. 20/Cf-a( SITE PLAN/DESIGN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1 The major emphasis placed on development of this site .is the compatiJby factor in relation to adjicent residential. areas. Access to the sitanother major concern. "No business traffic should be allowed to enter/exiterine Street". Staff was instructed to work with the applicant to explorepossibility of a joint-access agreement with R.A. Gray and Company o£ Tigard Indal Park. This effort was unsuccessful. It is possible, however, toe access/egress point to the eastern property line so that Katherine protected" to some degree. Applicant has agreed to change the contion of the building to minimize the "concrete wall effect". Roof linesthe office areas will be changed. _le warehouse sections to Iteeen e STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff .recommends aU roval subject to the following conditions: 1. Al E con liti ons of Ordinance No. 78-35 and Ordinance No. 80-17 shall be met. ?. L,3ndscaping area facing Katherine Street and along entire western property line shall be raised to provide maximum screening effect between development and surrounding residential area. Planting materials shall be selected which provide maximum visual screen in these meas and mature stock shall be used. ' r STAFF REPORT SITE DESIGN REVIEW TIGARD PLANNING DEPARTMENT i SDR 7-80 March 4, 1980 Page 2 `i M 3. Applicant shall provide detailed plans which address the protection of children on Katherine Street relative to school bus operations and general use of Katherine Street. Staff suggests crosswalks, a bus shelter, and appropriate signing. 4. Applicant to submit revised plans showing building elevations. Building height should be kept as low as possible. The determining factor is the depth of the sewer line connection which will allow gravity flow. This factor shall be reviewed by the Public Works d building height adjusted acroParticular attention s'-iall be given to office construction on Tax Lot 200. (See conditions in Ordinance No. 80-17.) Only offices shall be constructed on this lot. 5. Applicant shall combine Tax Lot 100 and Tax rot 200 through Washington County. '---------- Action of the Site Design Review is final unless notification of appeal to the Planning Commission is filed with the City Recorder within twonty (20) days of the Site Design Review Actio /,6 S-24.100) ek Prepared and approved by H a Planning D.irer,tor AH vmc 1111is acknowledgement must be .signed and returned to the City of Tigard, Planning Department. Failure to return t.,is acknowledgement will result in no further act:'on on this project with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval. Sign at iL Date a CITYOF TIGARD WASHIW70N CO NTY,ORi^+ON February 26, 1980 Mr. Gary Reid Gary Reid, Inc. 12700 S.W. 72nd Avenue Tigard, Oregon 97223 Reference: ZCPD 2-80 Dear Mr. Reid: The Tigard City Council at a regular meeting held February 25, 1980 approved vour Zone Change request for property located at 10060 S.W. Katherine Street. However, there were significant changes made to the conditiuns. ^_"..is letter is your formal notificati.rn of those changes. fCondition #2. A half street improvement to Iscal street standards be provided along the Katherine Street frontage (to include -sidewalks and curbs) prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Condition #4. That offices will be the primary use. A Condition #15. Access be moved to the northeast corner directly off of Tigard Avenue, the details to be worked out in design review. The most significant change is in Condition #4. Council essentially negated your present building plans be elimina-ing the warehouse use The reference was made to the NPO #2 page 26 relative to office de-ve opment in conjunction with Tigard Industrial Park. Your options are limited to one appeal before the Council or changing to offices only. Yo �u , die ward P ninq Director Affvmc This acknowledgement signifys acceptance of above amendments to Conditions of ZCPD 2-80. This acknowledge mrnt must be signed and returned to the City of Tigard, Planning Department. Failure to return this acknowledgement will result in no further action ot, this project with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval. 12420 S.W, MAIN P.O. BOX 23397 TIGARD, OREGON 97b$'3rEPH: 639-4171 Certified Ordinance to follow CI`T'Y OF TICARD P.O. Box 23397 12420 S.W.Main Tigard,Oregon 97223 February 8, 1980 Mr. Gary Reid 12''00 SW 72nd AVe:,':e Ti.card, Ozevon 97223 Reference: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEV£LOPmENT, ZCPD 2-80 Dear Mr. Reid: The Tigard Planning Commission on February 5, 1980 has vote,d to recd-,=ec.,: to the City Council that the above referenced project be approved subject to the following conditions: 1i st:L-stantial eonstnuction or �'ev4lcpment has not taken place within cze (1) year of the eff2ctiva date of t::i.s zine change, the PLncecty shall revert back to the present R-7 zone. 2. A :"alf street improvement to local st.re it standards be provided Tong the Katherine Street frontage (to include meandering sidewalks and, if necessary, cu_.b to protect the existing trees) prior to issuance Of SUIdLaq Pe--itz. 3. Five fee_ of right-of-way be dedicated along the -therine Street frontage for street improvement purposes. V/4. '"teat offices will be the primary use, with secondary uses of warehouse busin.Ass subject to the fellc,r�g cz_teria: . a. Low traffic generators b. Low genera-cors of no.ise c. Non-Labor intensive 3. Uses confined to storage rather than e-nufact;lr4ng assembly and proressinc. Y 5. "sat Tax Lots 200 &Ucu 100 be consolidated into one (1) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Occupancy Permits shall be issued %Lntil all conditions placed upon ^.is dQ•:elop rent by the City of Tigard }cava been sati3fied zRd insc'ectlon3 GE:L L.``yLng this have been carried cut by the approp,iate depart-.en:. nc cnan er will be ma.3e to 3 n tam g ppmi. d p_ _s or spect.ficatian..; unl -� •. applicatian is made to the a� ro riat, � rp P City d--par=en . andc'rian re 2paroved b1 that department. Applicaticr. for changes will be Q n FEB 12 +9W V_-'t-ng atn3 shall includ_ arplic le drs'�;:lq, .._._.. ......_ _.._ _ ..... . ........t...... ............w.w....J.....w.Mrrww.ww•r.w.-w.. --__'-- A i Paye 7 of 3 8, Crad.ing pl-.L-s on all public right-or--ways shall be submitted and approved by the Public Wo-ks Director prior to cam-mrncement of wort. ,x 9. Public water service and sanitary service shall be installed to this site prier to the issuance of a Building Permit. 10. All existing or proposed utilities shall be placed underground. Street lighting installations shall be approved by the Public Works Director. 11. No Building Permit shall be issued until the expiration of the twenty (20) / day appeal period from the date of approval. ✓ 12. Lmptovements may be banded prior to issuance of Builinq Permits. ✓ 13. That site and public drainage plans and construction he approved by the Building a-+d eublic Works CepartTent prior to issuance of Building Permit. ` Ma It 14. 'L'hat the applicant receive site desi,,-n review: approval and bond_ for_land3cape improvements prijr to issuance of Building Permits. ^� 15. Access be moved over to the northeast corner, the details to be worked out In design review. 16. The roofline of the building on the north and west sides be reviewed in the design review process for compatibility with the residential neighborhood; and 17. The possibility of obtaining access through the industrial pa-r% be explored in the site design proc,sss. This recommendation has been written .in ordinance form and will be considered by the City Council at its January 25, 1980 meeting, Fowler Junior High School, acture Room, 10865 S.W. Walnut Street, 8:00 p.m. At that tine, the City roimc_t has the following options:tions: a cotre modify, den � PP y y, remand back to the Planning Commission or determine to hold a hearing on the record established at the Planning Commission. No additional testimony will be taken by the Council at its meetrng. You will be provided written notice of the Council's action. Sincerely, I I;en Se lby Associate City Planner R:;CSv. 11 (:gee attached) f i Page 3 of 3 NOTE: This acknowledgement must be signed and returned to the City of Tigard Planning Department. Failure to return this acknowledgement will result in no further action or, this project with regards to issuance of Building Permits or engineering approval. SIGNATURE (Ap licant) DATE SIGNATURE (Owner) DATE STAFF REPORT AGENDA 5.4 TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION February 5, 1980_ 7:30 pm Fowler Junior High - Lecture Room 10865 SW Walnut Street, Tigard DOCKET: ZONE CHANGE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZC PD 2-80 (Gary Reid Project) APPLICANT: Mr. Gary Reid OWNER: Mr. Leo C. Fleming 12700 SW 72nd Avenue 1834 Allard Ave., Sp. #69 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Eureka, Cl.lifornio 95501 APPLICATION DATE: January 15, 1980 SITE LOCATION: 10060 SW Katherine Strept (Wash. Co. Tax Map 2S1 2BB, Tax Lot 200) REQUEST: For a zone map amendment and preliminary plan with program from City of Tigard R-7 "Single Family Residential" to City of Tigard M-4PD "Industrial Park Planned Development" zone on a 0.4 acre parcel. I. FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The subject site is zoned City of Tigard "R-7" and is designated M-4 "Industrial Park" on the NPO 42 Plan. 1 .601 .fit,. 2. The applicant proposes to construct a one story 11,824 square foot offic, - warehouse building as a planned development on a total 43,606 square foot lot. The plan includes two tax lots. Tax Lot 100 and 200. In May 1978, the City Council approved a zone change to M-4PD on Tax Lot 100. In June 1979, the City Council extended the planned development designation on the Tax Lot. Therefore, Tax Lot 200 needs the same planned development designation to conform to the planned improvements on the adjacent lot. (See Exhibit "A" and site plan) 3. The applicant has paid the fee and submitted all the required documents qualifiying for the preliminary and general plan and program as required in sections 18.56.010 and 18.56.030 of the. Tigard Municipal Code. 4. The intent by NPO 42 on the M-4 designated areas is as follows: The relation ship of this property to the zdjacent industrial buildings (Tigard Industrial Park) renders these properties undesirable for residential use and it .,.s recommended that these properties be used for office spare with the existing Tigard Industrial Park. Offices should be located on this site with the greatest concern for compatibility with the adjacent residences and should include screening by means of fencing and landscaping. In addition, u"AFF RLPOR.T Tir i'VPD PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 5.4/ZC PD 2-80 February 5, 1980 Page 2 only single story buildings, in scale with the adjacent homes, should be permitted. Vehicular access shoulA he gained through the industrial park rather than putting business traffic on Katherine Street. A change in zone to permit this office use should only be approved as an M-4, Industrial Park Zone, with an overlying Planned Development Zone. 'Phis would ensure that the property would be developed according to the site development plan approved at the time of the zone change. A condition of the zone change shaul.d stipulate that if the project is not constructed, both the M•-4 and Planned Development Zones will revert to the original R-7 Residential Zone. Once the planned development has expired, the underlying industrial r<,nc could be developed with any of the uses permitted in that zone. 5. The subject is relatively flat and vacant. Surrounding land uses consist of single family residence to the west and north, industrial warehouses to the south and east. 6. Sewer and water are available to the site off SW Katherine Street. 7. Traffic circulation will be available to the site off SW Katherine and Tigard ' Street. SW Katherine is a City street with forty (40') feet of right-of-way and is in substandard condition, has no curb or sidewalk and inadequate parking width. The NPO #2 Plan designates SW Katherine as a Local Street. II. CONCLUSIONARY FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has sufficiently addressed all the concerns of the preliminary and general plan requirements Stated :in Sections 18.56.020 and 18.56.030 of / the Tigard Municipal Code. / 2. The plan indicates that Tax Lot 200 will prope-A y blend with Tax Lot 100. However, the two tax lots should be consolidated into one to eliminate restrictive uniform building code regulations. -�- 3. The proposed use is in keeping with the NPO #2 Plan and the facilities are available to serve the business with standard improvements. 4. The applicant has expressed a desire to receive approval of the general plan and program level if possible. III . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the zone amendment from R-7 to M-4PD at the general plan and program level subject to the following conditions: STP-FF REPORT TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 5.4/%C PL) 2-80 February 5, 1880 Page 3 1. If substantial construction or development has not taken place, within one (1) year of the effective date of this zone change, the property shall revert back to the present R-7 zone. / 2. A half street improvement to local street standards bL: provided along the V Katherine Street frontage (to include meandering sidewalks and, if necessary, curb to protect the e:dsting trees) prior to issuance of Building Permits. / 3. Five feet of right-of-way be dedicated along the Katherine Street frontage for street improvement purposes. &. p4 AC., Let. I,pc,- .6q s . 9` AC. 4. That offices will be the primary use, with secondary uses of warehouse business subject to the following critieria: a. Low traffic generators b. Low generators of noise c. Non-labor intensive d. Uses confined to storage rather than manufacturing assembly and processing. 5. That Tax Lots 200 and 100 be consolidated into one (1) prior to issuance of Building Permit. 5. No Occupancy Permits shall be issued until all conditions placed upon thi.e by the City of Tigard have been satisfied a,ld inscection.s VeriRvinG ttiis haw been carried out by t-he appropriate department. 7. No char,jes will be made to approved plans or specifications unless formal applicp.tion is made to the appropriate City department and changes are approved by that department. Application for changes will be made in writing and shall include applicable drawings. S. Grading plans on ail public right--of-ways shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Director prior to commencement of work. Y 8 Public water service and s."litary service shall be installed to this site prior to the issuance of n Building Permit. 1Q. A11 existing or proposed utilities shall be plac?d underground. Street lighting installations shall be appro,,P d by the Pubi.ic Works Director. 1.1. No Building Permit shalt. be issued until the eepi�^n of the twenty day ar;Nal, period from the date of approval . �/ 1: . Lmpravements may be bonded prior to .issuance of Building Perm-its. STAFF REPORT TIGAR.D PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 5.4/ZC PD 2-80 Fer,ruary 5, 1980 Paye 4 V 13. That site and public drainage plans and construction be approved by the Building and Public Warks Department prior to issuance of Building Permit. 14. That the applicant receive site dEsign review approval and bon f r lands�A2e improvements prior to issuance of Building Permits. Prepared by Ken f bApproved by Alc ' oward Ass ate City Planner P1 i g Director vmc l Gary Reid, Inc. January la , 1 ,80 lie : Zone Charge on Tax Lot Tax 200 .arrative : Yavure of the proposal and the reason for requesting the particular action ; ;,e arc proposing a . office warehouse use aimed mainly toward the type of person who will require a small office and a warehouse, to receive an occassior.al Shipment of materials. '.ale visualize he will then distribute this material to retail outlet; . (See marketing rection below for further discussion) We are requestin the zone chane as ,;e ha.vc purchased the lard in order to comblre it with the tax lot next door, and this will provide us with a large enough parcel upon which we car i;xpand the unit development office warehouse planned for next door. This vrill allow us to build and design a sin.;le unit :which is more practical. 2 . :low the proposod use is in conformance with Tigard' s Mooted Comprehensive Plan ; This area is designated N4 with a request for a planned development designation in accordance with N.P.O.#2 ' s comi:rehensive plan. 3 . Com,-unity need and/or public benefit derived from the proposed action; Our rrnarke ting survey indicates that there is a need for a facility that will allow a small 'business mar to obtain drive-in storaSe with a small office. This provides a needed support facility for the comr7unities retail businesses. It makes this property a productive project enabling it to produce many job opportunites and adding to the tax base. 4. Any charges in environmental , economic or social conditions and/or charges in availability or public services, or access, and/or any other aspect of community development directly affecting the sutject site that would justify the requested action ; Generally, Ti and and Sl, Beaverton Is beai.nnit?v to have a ;neat deal of industrial, commercial and office development creating a. demand for support facilities of this nature. Sewer lines have recently been installed to this site and ast r. r��.ir�.a,,e easement has been obtained .na . .� As part of this projects devej_opmerit•we ,till widen the street. c . '1-111y the propo^ed location for your propesed land use is more suitable tear, other loc?.tions in the City zoned to allow the proposed uqe; 4e are lot e ware of a.ny available shall parcel,7, located adjacent ,a major trarsportation link which would allow thi typo of facility to be built. The aiming and physical setting also contributes to the de-,iand to develor� this site. IYM' Gary Reid, Inc . January 18, 1980 Program Ele .tonts_ A. Ap,?licant' s market a.naysis of proposed use; ';ie corsultc i the following organizations, Gary Vaiiilect - Appraiser Forris Biggs - Jack "McConnell Coldwell Darker - Mike Campbell Giley Company - :Dill Seal Ile h�.ve reviewed tae e,,istinry facilities in Tigard and in the Beaverton area. The con 5er!sus wa^ that small warehouses that could accomodate, drive in van was needed. Factory representatives .,ere the most to ica� us ers; however, af�er, Yrholesale distributors, service companies, contractors, engineering and survey firms, as indicated in the prior zone char Se, are also logical users. 9. Prof sed ol;!nership; One e ow er of the entire building. C. Operation and maintenance proposal ; Each business will ' maintain his own interior space and not he cello. d to store materials exterior to the buildins. The building owner will r„aintain landscaping and building; exterior. D. Taste disposal facilities; There will be dry waste ( ie: cardboard boxes) which will be internally stored until removal by the garba, e service. Tt,A ', -^oom facilities are connected to public sewer. There will be no nanufacturinr., which aill have general che:r.ical waste. Li;kiting in the r;eneral area; Lighting will be attached to the building. It will to maintained by the owner and directed so it will not create a problem with adjacent residentipl uses. F. Dater supply; The building will be attached to metered City Water. :'a ter will be used only for bathroom facilities. Public Transportatior , Tri-met bus service is available on Pacific It�'y. , r_,r(,anbcr. ;; and ';Jalnut Ave . ,i. Coruiur.ity facilicie.s; Prot applicable I . General. timetable of development; This structure: will be constructed as soon. after zoning approval„ as pla.n8 can. be com,)leted and accepted and firnarci.ng obt!airel. We would anti ^ipa':P a late spring or early summer start of physical construction. 1 ■ ■ r.str�, ', :i.l, �.�. ■■■\\\ l` cont. Pg.2 T, i�-rl1 1 i" r,m `i on n design te�:uit; Architectural desi�m. Olson - Ar-To Arrhitects Larij::cape udsl.rtn: Oregon Lard Plo-nn.inrr Inc . Civ11 Enaineerin�: i�IcDou; i Cary Reid, Inc . January 18, 1980 Preliminary Develo i,iert Plan? Pl [-, ELerient;� A. Pronosed 1?nd use, and densities; The proposed lard use is office !warehouse. Land coverage tabulation i, available on the site plan. B. Building types and intensities; The building; will be basically concrete with wood and glass office fronts. See site plan for intensity calculations. C. Circulation pattern ; The entrance provided from lot 100 be utilized to serve this property. ';le have addresse-1 the need for automotive parking; and have considered the turning radius of Vr used for distribution. The warehouse is designed to allow drive in doors for the vans. D. Parks, playgrounds, open spaces; Parks and playgrounds are not compatible with tMs project. Open space is landscaped. E. Existing natural feature; The three existing trees along Katherine will be saved. There are no ot',er topographic feature^ or other significant vegetation nary heir!, Inc. C cont. pg. 2 4 6 . Th.? impact or effect the proposed devolop:nent use, or activ: ty will have on adjacent sites, occupants or activities and on tl-,c immediate rei�tlborhood; Immediately adjacent and to be incorporated into this project is tax lot 1.00 whichh-as been zoned exactly 3s this request. There was specific testimony aL the zone cn.dnge hearing on lot 100 about this property as ail additional phage to !.is zone change . A. common access was provided Between the two nieces property to be used in common when this piece was developed. Behind both properties are high bliack concrete walls of existing industrial warehouse, making it very poor property for sin jle family hoaxes. To the west is the existing; house from which this property was partitioned. There is only coe residential home -xcro'3s the street. In addition wQ have kept the building almost coi-npletely on lot 100 using lot 200 as a buffer to the residential area. Our entrance s to the east. of the residential buildings so that any traffic generating noise would not cross in front of the homes. vle have kept the buildirg ma:;s toward the east pro ,)erty line with the i7aximum lar?dscaoing toward the homes. We have also lowered the building adjacent to Katherine to expose the rii: t -.um Ma.,,,-, toward the street and residential area. 7. The types of public services rece ait:..ted by your proposed development and the impact thc:,t your project may have on these public sarvic:es; The builelin,s will be predominately concrete with wood to soften the lines in the office areas, minimizing the need for fire and police protection. . Water and sewer lines are installed. The use of these � facilities will be minimal_ since there will be few employees and only a few bat-room facilities . There vrill be little electric power requirement sinca manufacturing will not be conducted,i.r warehouses the lighting and heating levels are minimal. Schools and parks will not be used tn conjunction with 'these facilities. Streets and roads will be impacted; however, they are used primarily for di,stributior cf goods to local user;, which would occur even if these facilities were found in another area. Only a fear office people wCulu be r,,:riployed who would utilize pu'o lic transportation. . FOR O C . OA5QUA Z-/NA a .-AA/ TE5 ,f hJti'C ,f :'n c�+K✓ �' M NGOV '� • :ti,t�TE yt �jr �.� ,'/4t"<, /t"',L � : C•1�"� ,,• //t! LOT 72FA'� LLE' MOS'TN /G RD ��'C ` r... .'�lr' • .!!� ,'N7c'il/a: c� c•;a.,►iF.._ NW%,, SEC. 2 , T25, ,9. ? CaENO 7W6 Af E-�� L+a 7-4 5 yV.�, SE-C. 3 s, T/S, 12/ 4 �EFEZEtirc. uEE✓ ��E,��iv;, �. C-�c� ►��r�n. . •: W.45N/NI�TOAI COCJAI 375,' QFC -!L!`_„a� ^F ,t/4� . ,1 _',L`r '5 �,�' , •'. � � �a KATNER AIE ri7—!5 t , ACEA 36., 5 0• n G. yr� � •� � ��. <. 5 terw — AREW /$, ZG/ W 5%. 35 r., 5 w eco. 217" -3 _ yr ow Fp �2 G�a IL •r 'L..v�� � .x•11_ �....�:+�.. ... ._>_.��a�d?�.�..a.a:�. r�Y'.. � �'�/�• / .� �.� „ O d ltI 1 N cfillFee•,, Fb 9 9� 4 � a o u C\j0 ` LiJC\j o n l Q' t u LLJCf) N ItHit H U I w �1 � �,i b9 1 r ..�.�. �' .•1 `J �•� a y o,w('.. -" Q'S ., .uii/ /7.. .:v./, •:. L�.f ham/ tom, Y W W W OnS x„11 ,: 1 p? We in \ �O M ' ►e0h ar 16. � 9c' �6 196Lij s\ 10 el n \�eh3r p7 4. jnoo � �o�d � r o g�2h cr W7 •o F j• �•�' N ,'�� ��,J • •_Or tj a � N, c'� lA 4 2 Oz Vol I c. i • 10 W} in N f- t I C\j may, ��� �•Qyf-_ LTJ I_ L_.._.. 0 9 G 2 _—---- - z 9 £9 3,91P000 N LLJ o rn m n CD � w w w BUIIT)ING NI::RM11 AIlh11 ICA I ION THE UNDEHSIGNED HEHLbY ;,I ;' _IFS FOR APERMIT FOR THE WORK HEREIN INDICATED BUII..DER PHONFlp6t@!W2/ OR AS SHOWN AND APPROVED IN THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. OWNER PHONr _. Td`I$ LnT NO t/00 � Z - - -Aols �) .7QN1 �r y I/�r�G 0._ ,/� �AG �• , ENGI� � G � e �.40MQfr/L� E Pp" ,Il..q%F i1D 'R,1-TIJWE V':EW CJP' �.�•>Upli'ION C�HEPAIR � ���t14EWAI IDFIREDF-',lGE C�Oi'•' �llrl J4 " 1 [1nFLf010USI*'°Ah0 0CAH NUHT (1JARAGE 0ST;,;.16FL]S1 AR IA4-PA ,,, TYPE X.N_ _FIRE`r ZINF Z n' ANC"`CK BY (C4m+ DPce 1�� O. 614k. all p Q - CIAKS 444f&..._.- qe f aa-0e, p)J , wl*J , Alm m eld. —,D t0i raiN6. �4EJ';. 1 23 NO SfQ41ES AF'E���y6Z.' J_9EiDRf,C,h1$ `.VAI ,Z9,Sj900 JACV j F g0NT r�I REAP 0-5W7$IDS /� 11 ( 00 - Ij PEF`.i:T IS IS%UFD SUBJECT TO THE RFCUTArIpNS CGNTAINED IN THE 6UILDfNG (Uf)E k lul ILATIUNS AND ALL APPLICA13LE CODES AND ORDINANCES AND IT IS HEREBY AGREETHAT HE -���. D S WIL L NF DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND IN COMPLIANCE WITF ,:,t tai �1 � ' SGI APPLY-ABLE CODES AND ORDINANCES THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT 'WAIVE rJ ;tgICiIVE COVLNANTS. CONTRACTOR AND SUB CON1RAGTORS TO HAVE CURRENT CITY RuSINES', e Ta, Q `:SE SEPr.RAIF PERMITS RFOUIRFD FOR SEWER. PiUYEING AND HEATI^JG. ^•f�. r:.FA � RPCP,FII NO Y.�ON• __..._._ PCIC -U 5f(.II R CONNECTION �; _INSPE.CTION� $ ,- Sf-WLR SURCHARGE " Comments : p goi3 TRFD), S+.CaICi ZAf .S-8-80 9w 1 y c 12 3 or 0-00--'- -q—fVntow - -- T- Ix-®4 '' ,�PI�►�n h�, _�JDbD nl�t��.�Re � �+�ir�o 4cc�•r,, Al��� s':.l gv 1p -25-Sv Tot"Ral� olw*. obryFk ,►� Iwn. Tigard Building Department PLAN CHECK REPORT f Building , E I _ _-_—_ _ —� —_- Permit# Address Occupancy 3',2 Building Type - Land Zone y 'n Floor area B. —_ 1. __ 2. . Other Total Area P7.4472— Allowable Area _U _ Allowable increases - - 44 0o 10k,9400 C 1.��x_ _ 9 00 ► Occupant Load 0. __�sq. ft. (3 sq. ft./ occupant= ---.— - � 1°ces`__- sq. ft. C �OD sq. ft./ occupant= �srtt�a+ __sq. ft. 0CI. sq. ft./ occupant --- n t h e r Total load _ s f t. C s . Ft.= Value -- ----7— q / q Permit ___��.__1 __ + x _____1•g'r�_�_ . _ --_____._L�_. L.-_—__ Plan Check 4% __ 23. 2q Totai Sewer acres= _- L. U .s x 660. 0 0 Surcharge Insp. Fee Total. 70 ..__ _��___ aces (a 50. 00/space /SOD Parking — Spaces Comments : --S20---------_----- ao n ;uJ Y, 44ag,6, S+. . 016� _ lb-(Op. 40 cocoo 11-6 x 3f& 4t(* ,24-o x ,2,v-4 4" I 3'�-°r' Iz-3 x 20- 24f lr.920 & 1��,zJ zyz, 7e0 SiTc �LoRK. y�Yo go BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO DATE -. _ -.___.-...-... — �q-3s.21 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR APERMIT FOR THE WORK HEREIN INDICATED mUil_DER OR AS SHOWN AND APPROVED IN THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS otv"+ERNrIarF� _ _ Ta)t LOT N0.199-6?Af .. . .. T � JOB ADDRESS O ✓ V I� �x� � -2.,...S_._.I_-R. ISIS WNER t'EC� VIION •/�r O Q n \� f�/� d� ENGINEER �•M y� �11JnG UIL.UER fa1�I�i ��___. __ ADDRESS,L"G 00 W •••7:—k4—- �' i•�,.M��f'�/�V rr.--_�� ..._.. RF VInDEI C�ADDITION LJgEPAIR QRENEWAL OFIRE OAMAGF [3L)LMOLItION TRUCTURE NEW C7 RESIDENCEO _1[]ICOMM ❑EDUCATIONAL ]C,DV'T ORELIGIOUS(3PATIO CARPURT 00APIA01 ❑STCPAG!L�S�AB ._......_ �- .«r..._..__.� -�..�::-_ ..M.:.�:��._.'.'�'^"�-='......—.___.W..-•�r:.�_ _._.. _.». _.._.�_-._..:mow"" ........ ,Q�t!�BLDG TYPE_ FIRE ZONE 'L PLAN NECK bV�_ I�PA!N_Y�:. 1�AN�USE t�Jrd� _. __ _�anssn:_i..__«._..�,sest. _.« �... Of mow,, o �ITLvo�R.K,` �! T_. —1 - - -a'' ft`< <t9ot"R_ i 1 _ `,F1JER PERMI T1 ---- �G LQAD FLggA_I.AN.Q.. _..w SIDIF BU,LDIG DEPARTMENT BACKS F N (,t T RONT REAR LIFT�.. SFT$1 D! .. _ ._- .._...__..._.....�_ ..__ _. _._._.._. . ._,_...._ ..__.._ .._....... -_-.-.._ _.. .._. � SIRIGHT F'ormlt THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED SUBJECT TO THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED IN THE BUILDIN(; IMUS, if PIe,l1 Check 7,2 ,YSQ.,- RrOULATIONS AND ALL APPLICABLE CODE! AND ORDINANCES AND IT li HERESY AI.iAEFO THAI 11.4 WORK WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPE�IFIGATIONS AND IN COMPLIANCE W'TF Sub rotes - 0 ALL WILL ABLE CODE! AND ORDINANCES THE IlwSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOER NOT WAIVt 11 - •j—�tiS ArStRICTIVE COVENANTS. CONTRACTOR AND BUB CONTRACTORS TO HAVE CURRENT Cliv BIISINIV Slaty Tex f I IcFNSE SEPARATE PERMITS 4#0UIPro FOR SEWER, Pt.UMBIN(.s AND HEATINU, ;DC Total _ .. . �- - Nf7C# Lapte, it ev _ ADPL CANT UR AQrN1­ - App+ovld� _ ..Ll� _- Receipt No _. - ._-.._._ _.... . _ «.... _...._..�. r SDC - 00 + 20 @ �a. au PDC -- SEWER CONNECTION—$ !2 !20 5[_u1_LR INSPECTION____ Ad Sf.WER SURCHARGE S� 37 7 p_ Comment,e: __ 3� gg3 • �° tea.--�...•r"' JUL June :'5', 1 7F U ------------- ria r l ey R. Adams 11£,1114 SW Pacific Highway Ti(-ard , Oregon 97223 ZL: 7147, 4-73 Ueur "r. Adams: Enclosed is a copy of Ordinance No. 73-35 which was ar,rrover? Ily tl.o Tigard City Council at their ref-filar rieeting' of "By .2 , 1r- Your request was approved with the following conditions as set forth in the enclosed ordinance. I 1 . If substantial construction or development ?gas not ta�en FM{a-4Ar6 place within ons-(I ) ,rear of Vic effective date of tci is zone chance the property shall revert. Lach to the present 4"k4f/AM P.-7 zone. 2 . A half street improvement to lOcPl street stanrturCs be provided alonh the 1;atherinr F:reet frontal a (to include meandering sidewalks and , if nocesnary, curb to protect the exirt in ; trees) . .3 . Five feet of right-of-wny lir, Jer',icated a,lon5 the !-a,thcrDic, Street frontage for street improvenent purposes. The imnrover.,erts shall be designeO to protect the lar,,•e oal: tree at the intersection, of 81; Katherine an ' Tigard Streets. 4 . That offices will be the primary use, with s(- on0arp uses :ancillary to the office 1.csc,3 arc' su';.j' -•t t1- t' 7' { criteria. a. Low traffic generators b. Low ;;enerators of noise b . tion-labor intensive d. Uses' confined to storage rather than manufacturir.rr assembly and processinf-. June 29, 1978 < ,r ..arley R. Adams 5. That the developer agree tc noovile joint a.coe � with Tex Lot 200 at such time as that lot is developed by the Planned Development. Landscl,,in!• aculc ',e pl:teec. wit1,0111k the area on Tax Lot 100 where the access width is to oc- cur. In order to assure frnture Joint access a joint -.-cress agreement shall be recorded with the deed of Tax Lot 1n0. 6 . That zero setback be required alon-� the west pronerty line and five (5) foot setbacks alonG the sout', and E,a.rt Property lines. 1i ;,you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel fren to .,ontict me or the Planning; Department . Sincerely , Doris f'r.rti City Pecorder Dil/p jr Enc . NOTE The following acl-_nowledraner.t rant he receiver; 1.�v t"e city of Tia-ard within fourteen ( 14) day-9 of vour receipt of this letter. Failure to return t'iis acknowle_drment r^a,�r result in ne.tion by the City of Tij�ard . I hereby acknowledge this letter docurentinn the action of the Tigard City Council . I have received and re,,' ti-is letter and I arrec. to the decision here documented and to atiidP ry any teri,is ano/or conditions attached. ti�gnature 5 7 � ate , MW ur• e� s� s� S�I'A.TE GF OPW-G1N Adopted 1-1-7R -- DEPARTMENT OF COMM-RCE Fire 6 Life Safety PIANS REVIEW SECTION Plan Review Number CHECK-MARKED REGULATIONS, IN ADDITION 'PO ANY REQUIREMENTS APPEARING ON THE ATTACHED REVTEW NOTICE, MUST RE INCORPORATED INTO THIS PROJECT. Approval of submitted plans does not constitute approval of any omissions or oversights nor of noncompliance with any applicable regulations of local government that may exceed rtate requirements. 1. Structure required to be Type throughout due to area, height, occupancy, _�Flre Zone. 2. One-hour fire resistance ratinq required for all interior construction. 3. All living units required to be completely separated by one-hour tire resiative construction. 4. Exit corridors require neparatlon from any other area by one-hour fire resistive construction. Sec. 3304(q) 5. Ooor assemblies of interior openings to corridors are required to have a fire resistance rating of not lees than 70 minutes and must he self-closinq or automatir_-closing. Relights in rorridors require wired glass set in fixed (steel) framing. See 1973 State Strcctural Specialty Code, Sections 3304(h) and 4306. 6. Storage rooms, closets, laboratories, shops and areas of similar hazard require separation from other areas by at least one-hour fire resistive construction. Furnace and boiler rooms require one-hour fire resistive cangtructior. 7. All vertical openings such as stairr•aya, trash chutes, etc., require full enclosure of one-hour, two-hour flre resistance. Access ways to such shafts require self- closing and latching r_lass B fire door assemblies one-hour rated, one and one-half hour rated. Sec. 170h 8, hLtic areas require draft barriers ae per Sec. 3205, not exceeding each 3,000 square feet. (9,000 sy-,a.re feet where sprinkler protection provided) Sec. 1205 9. Joida created by ceiling-floor systems require draft barriers not exceeding each 1,000 square feet. Sec. 2517(f) 10. Building projections such as balconies, a ves, overhangs, etc., require fire protection as per 1976 State Structural Specialty code, Set -ion 1710. 11. Fire stops, blocking or framing members pierced for utility runs require packing to equal fire resistance prior to such piercing. Wood frame construction requires firestol,pi-nq of both vertical and horizontal draft openings at maximum intervals of 10 feet. Sec. 2517(f) 12. Corridors require at least 6 feet in clear width. Drinking fountains or other equipment may not operate in a manner which would obstruct the minimum 6 foot width. Sec. 3317 13. Handrails are required on all stairways. Stairways over 44" wide need handrails on both sides. Sec. 3305 14. Open stair railings and quardrails shall have intermediate rails or closures with no opening- large enough to pass a 9" sphere. Sec. 1716 15. Exit doors from lobbies, corridors and rooms with potential occupancies of 50 or more are required to swing in the direction of exit travel. Sec. 3303 16. Exit doors from lobbies, corridors and assembly areas require panic hardware. 11. Hardware for all doors required for agrees in required to be of simple type having no pro- visions for locking against egrses, with obvious method of operation. Flush bolts other than listed automatic are not acceptable. Sec. 11( (See exception) 18. At least 44" (inches) in clear width, without projections, is required for exits and patient room doors through which patients must be transported in wheelchairs, stretchers or beds. Sec. 3318 19. Sleeping rooms require at least one window readily openable from inside without special tools and providing a clear opening of not less than 5.7 square feet. The minimum net clear opening height dimension shall be 24 inches. The minimum net clear openlnq width dimension shnll be 20 inches. Where windows are provided as a means of egresa or rescue they shall have a finished sill height not more thAn 44" (inrhes) above the floor. (Over) 2.0. Surface flame spread rates of walls and ceilings, minimum requirement: stairway - 25, corridors - 75, other rooms - 200. Sec. 4203 21. Combustible acoustical material required to he secured with staples or equivalent metallic holders or a heat resistant adheuive capable of withstanding 1000'? for one-half hour. Sec, 4202 22, all curtains, drapes and mimilar furnishings are require6 to be noncumbustible or rendered and mdintatned flameproof. Sec. 4205 23. with standard spacing, rows of seats between aisles may not exceed 14. Rows of seats opening onto aisles at one end only may not exceed 7 seats, Also see continental spacing, Sec. 3313 - 3314 24. Standard seat row spacing must provide a space of at least 12 inches from the back of one seat to the front of the most forward projection of the seat, immediately behind. S„c. 3314 25. Posting of capacity of assembly areas as noted is regrdred by State Structural code, Sec, 3301(j) 26. treating, cooking, air conditioning and similar service equipment are requirei to be approved and listed by a nationally recognized testing agency, such as O.L., Inc., and to be in- stalled in compliance with agency's specifications and recognized safe practices. The installation of ventilation systems is required to be in substantial conformity with the 1976 Mechanical Specialty Code. corridors are not acceptable for use as supply or return air plenums. 27. A dust collection sys,.em is required for shop areae for nonportable ma-hiner emitting or produc'ng duets. (Refs Sec. 1008) bust collection equipment to be located outside of building or in one-hour separated room equipped with automatic sprinklers. A.S.M.E. approved pressure relief valves are required for all water heaters, installed either in separate water tank port or in port for hot water line. Shutoff valves may not be located between a water tank and relief valve. 29. A firefightinc water supply in required within 500 feet of building that is capable of producing 500 qpm (minimum) for 10 minutes for each 5,000 square feet of floor area within building up to a maximum of 500 qpm for 30 minutes, or provide a 5,000 to 15,000 gallon reserve water supply as required. 30. Interior wet standpipes at least 2 inches in diameter located and equipped as per Sec. 3904 are required. Coupl-,n7s and connections required to be American National Standard Thread. Where standpipes are actrved by anrinkl•r piping, Hee 1973 NIPA Pamphlet N13, 3-7.7. Sec, 3804 31. Approved automatic sprinkler protection throug;,out occupancy is required. 32. Approved automatic sprinklers are requi.rcd over and under stage and in all auxiliary areas, including dressing rooms, storerooms and workshops. (Sec. 39021 33. Stage roof ventilators displacing at least 5% of stage floor area, openable by hand from stage floor and by fusible link or other heat activated device, are required. (Sec. 3901-06) 34. An approved fire alarm system conforming to 1972 NrPA Pamphlet N72-A with signals audible throughout building and manual alarm sending stations adjacent to exits from each floor or area are required. 35. 22" X 30" access to attic spaces is required per Section 3205. 36. All exit doors and access ways thereto are required to be identified by approved electrically Illuminated signs served by two circuits with one separr:te from all other circuits. Sec. 3312 37. An emergency power system is required for the Tgymnasium, _ auditorium, building to maintain exit illumination for rot less than one-half hour in event of publir utility failure. Sec. 3312 38. Fluorescent light fixtures installed on combustible surfaces are required to be U.L., fnr., approved for such mounting, or installed to provide at least one and one-half inch air space between the fixture housing and combustible material. 39, conformance with all requirements for the .removal of architectural barriers to the handi- capped is required in compliance with Chapter 31. NOTES: I. Local regulations or insurance standards for most favorable lnr.urance credit may, and often do, exceed these minimum state requirements. 2. This review does not cover O.S.E.A. (O.S.H.A.) regulations, 3. This review does not cover Msdi.care-Medicaid regulations. 4. Oregon State Health Departoatlt. c oo c o 9 to &ok , 9es,41 17 3 ov P TL a 7 My T-- Lef o