City Council Minutes - 11/15/2016 �1 City of Tigard Tigard Workshop Meeting Minutes November 15 2016 1. WORKSHOP MEETING A. Council President Snider called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. B. Deputy City Recorder Burgoyne called the roll. Name Present Absent Mayor Cook ✓ Councilor Goodhouse ✓ Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ B. Council President Snider asked those attending to stand with him for the Pledge of Allegiance. D. Call to Council and Staff for Non Agenda Items—There was none. 2. JOINT MEETING WITH THE PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Parks and Facilities Manager Martin and Recreation Coordinator Anthony Markey presented the item. Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) present included: David Brown, Vice Chair Claudia Ciobanu, Chair Holly Polivka, Scott Winkels,Wayne Gross,Linda Shaw, alternate Tim Pepper and TTSD representative Barry Albertson. PRAB Chair Polivka discussed a field report the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board received which compares park land and operations nationally. City Manager Wine said the council would be receiving the report in their Thursday mail. Ms. Polivka said that Tigard has more park land than the national average,but Tigard's operating expenses are well below the national average. She talked about the city needing more staff for maintaining park land and to be able to offer citizens more recreation programs. PRAB Member Pepper said they would like to see Tigard's parks and recreation program be closer to the state average. PRAB Member Gross said there are staff limitations to what they can do and he would like to see more full time staff added to parks and recreation. Council President Snider asked how many employees the city would need to be more in line with the national average. Mr. Pepper replied the city would need approximately twenty employees. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 15, 2016 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 1 of 5 Councilor Henderson asked how much money was needed to fill this staff level. Council President Snider said it could be upwards of a million with twenty full time employees. Parks and Facilities Manager Martin replied that the city is limited in getting maintenance done in the parks with the full time employees they have now. Staff is constantly adjusting their schedule to complete current maintenance. He said during the summer months they add ten seasonal employees which is equal to five full time employees. Council President Snider asked what the budget would look like if they added what was needed. Mr. Martin said that just adding additional personal and equipment needed,it could be $300,000 to $400,000. Council President Snider asked if this amount would get the parks department to twenty full time employees and Mr. Martin replied it wouldn't. City Manager Wine said the report on national park benchmarks and standards was just recently presented at the NRPA conference and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had just received a copy at their last meeting. She said it is difficult to address what the actual costs needed would be without doing a little more research,and thinks this would be better addressed during the upcoming budget cycle. Councilor Woodard asked if the city has a volunteer coordinator position that concentrates on getting people in the community involved in volunteering their time. Mr. Martin said the city does not,but that the parks department is currently working with the local Boy Scouts organization. Councilor Woodard asked if it would be helpful to put money into a volunteer coordinator position. Mr. Martin said the city used to have a part-time volunteer coordinator position that helped organize clean-up events and thinks having someone in this kind of position again would be helpful. PRAB Member Shaw discussed how many maintenance tasks could be given to someone who volunteered. Council President Snider made a request to have this item come back to the budget committee during the budget cycle for additional funding. City Manager Wine asked that dollar amounts be proposed during the budget cycle. PRAB Chair Polivka said the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members are passionate for recreation and making Tigard a more livable place. She said Recreation Coordinator Anthony Markey has really brought the recreation program from the ground up and has already started activities scheduled for year two and three. She talked about the movies in the park,the upcoming egg hunt,how they hope to start concerts in the park and other summer programs scheduled for next year. She discussed the possibility of starting a pilot after-school program at Metzger school. Recreation Coordinator Markey went over a list of programs they are currently working on as well as new programs they are hoping to start. PRAB Chair Polivika asked about the possible bond levy for parks and recreation and the bond measure for the civic center. Council President Snider explained that council was still in the early stages determining what the bond measure might look like. City Manager Wine explained a study was currently being done on the civic center, and so far council had one briefing on the topic and said the goal is to have the group performing the study deliver options to council sometime in the Spring or Fall of 2017/2018. Once this work was done they would know more. Councilor Woodard said they know these are in front of them and staff is doing the best they can with what they have. He talked about still working within the original five-year plan,how they are building partnerships with schools and how they've learned a lot from the previous recreation TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — November 15, 2016 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 2 of 5 facilities bond that didn't pass. He said it needs to be a very specific process and they are doing all the right things. He commended the board members and staff for their efforts and invited the board members to attend the next budget meeting. Councilor Henderson said council depends on them and their expertise. PRAB Chair Polivika asked what the civic center study included and if it included parks and recreation. City Manager Wine explained the study includes current city facilities, senior center and a community center. PRAB Member Winkels talked about homelessness and the need to address the issue humanly and how it is something everyone needs to think about. He said there are significant homeless camps along the walking paths and that is creating a challenge. Councilor Woodard said the Tigard Police put notices up in camps and that council is currently talking about the issue. He said there are not enough resources for addressing the problem. Council President Snider said council needs to be thinking about the problems and solutions in their discussion during council goal setting. City Manager Wine said council's direction was to ask for a group of people to head up a task force that would then bring suggestions for solution to city council. Council President Snider said it would be a good idea to have a PRAB member participate on the task force. PRAB Chair Polivika asked if council had any other suggestions for the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to focus on. Councilor Woodard suggested working with staff and bringing a specific plan to the budget meeting when they come, and to look for other activities like bicycle programs that could be incorporated into the parks and recreation program. PRAB Member Shaw said she enjoys having council's presence at their meetings and hopes someone on council continues to come to their meetings. She said council's guidance is needed and wanted. Council thanked the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members for their efforts. 3. UPDATE ON LEGISLATIVE PROJECTS AND TENTATIVE TIMELINE Assistant Community Development Director McGuire presented this item. Mr. McGuire briefed council on the legislative work plan and timeline and provided descriptions for each of the three major legislative projects staff would be addressing over the next two years. The three legislative plans are: • The Tigard Triangle Implementation • Tigard Triangle Urban Renewal • Code Amendments to Title 18,Process and Procedures. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES —November 15, 2016 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 3 of 5 He said the lean code would be coming before city council later in the summer, that the planning commission was currently working on the changes and then they would bring that to a group of external stakeholder to test before bringing forward to council. He talked about each phase of the code process. He talked briefly about the Omnibus Code and Marijuana Code changes. Councilor Henderson asked how they got to needing so many changes. Mr. McGuire replied that it has been many years since the last code update and that things throughout the community have changed over time,and the city needs to be more in line with those changes. Councilor Woodard asked about the sensitive lands rewrite. Mr. McGuire said that one area they would be focusing on in the rewrite was going to be the wetland areas because there was a need to protect them. He said there would be a lot of focus relating to goal number two of the strategic plan;ensuring development advances the vision. Councilor Woodard asked about time and resources needed, and if the plan reflected resources available. Mr. McGuire responded that he matches the resources to the timelines and if something unforeseen comes up he adjusts the timeline. Mr. McGuire asked council if they had any other legislative issues or concerns that are not on the list they would like addressed. Council replied they didn't and that the list looks good. Mr. McGuire informed council which planners would be leading each of the legislative projects they were focusing on. Council President Snider asked if staff was moving in a way they are comfortable with. Mr. McGuire replied the director would like to see things move a little faster but there have been some limitations staff has encountered and that contracting out some pieces has added to the timeline. Councilor Woodard asked about the code update regarding agricultural land. Mr. McGuire replied this particular code was regarding chickens. Council President Snider said they weren't currently enforcing that area of the code. They discussed public improvement, street standards and connectivity. Councilor Woodard commended staff for doing a good job. 4. NON AGENDA ITEMS—There were none. 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION There was no executive session. 6. ADJOURNMENT At 7:28 p.m. Councilor Henderson motioned to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Woodard seconded. Motion was approved by unanimous vote of council. TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — November 15, 2016 City of Tigard 1 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard, OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 4 of 5 Name Yes No Mayor Cook (Absent) Councilor Goodhouse (Absent) Councilor Henderson ✓ Council President Snider ✓ Councilor Woodard ✓ Ke y Burgo e,Depu i ecorder est: Jaso Hider, Council President Date: 12- (,o1/ 10 TIGARD CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES — November 15, 2016 City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,OR 97223 www.tigard-or.gov I Page 5 of 5