03/08/2000 - Packet Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting Serving Tigard, King City, Durham and Unincorporated Area Wednesday, March 8, 2000 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call and Introductions 3. Approval of Minutes - February 9, 2000 4. Credit Allowance Request— Tom Imdieke,Accounting Manager Angela Shultis (Lois Aungier—9025 SW Burnham) 5. Water Rate Study— CH2M Hill 6. Distribution System Hydraulic Study—Murray, Smith &Associates 7. Director's Report a. Water Supply b. Regional Consortium update 8. Utility Manager's Report a. Portland 2001/02 Rate letter b. Project Updates—Bonita Road, Beef Bend, Clute Property 9. Public Comments 10. Non Agenda Items 11. Adjournment Executive Session: The Intergovernmental Water Board may go into Executive Session under the provisions of ORS 192.660(1)(d), (e), (f) & (h) to discuss labor relations, real property transactions, current and pending litigation issues and to consider records that are exempt by law from public inspection. All discussions within this session are confidential; therefore nothing from this meeting may be disclosed by those present. Representatives of the news media are allowed to attend this session, but must not disclose any information discussed during this session. Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting Minutes February 9, 2000 Members Present: Paul Hunt, Gretchen Buehner, Jan Drangsholt, Patrick Carroll, and Bill Scheiderich Staff Present: Ed Wegner, Kathy Kaatz, Mike Miller, and Craig Prosser Visitors Present: Ort Griffith, Jack Polaris, Henrw to Cochrun and Norman Penner 1. Call to order The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m. 2. Roll Call and introductions Roll call was taken with Commissioner's Drangsholt, Carroll, and Hunt present. Commissioner Scheiderich and Buehner arrived a short time later. 3. Approval of minutes—January 12, 2000 Commissioner Drangsholt motioned to approve the minutes of the January 12,2000 meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hunt and voted upon and passed unanimously. 4. Water rate study— CH2M Hill Ed Wegner introduced Art Griffith from CH2M Hill's Seattle office who is continuing to work on the Water Rate Study. Ed continued by stating the intent was to have Mr. Griffith go through his presentation and then take questions afterwards. Mr. Griffith presented information with the following outline: • Rate model changes since January meeting —� 20-year forecasts 3% vs. 1.2% annual growth comparison Debt coverage criteria and junior lien debt analysis —� Updated information: Wholesale water costs for FY 2000/01 Rate impacts of reserve accounts IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 1 • Rate model features not changed since January meeting --> Across the board percentage increases No cost of service rate revision at this time -� Water supply project startup in 2004 Capital improvement expenses • Forecasts: No water supply project- Scenario 1 -4 Base case No water supply project Continue to purchase water from Portland, Lake Oswego, and TVWD -a No revenue stabilization fund -a No CEP or SDC fund reserve No additional repair/replacement expenditure • Rate Forecasts-Scenario I _> Annual rate increases -4 FY 2000: $1.32/ccf volume charge -4 Gradual rate increases -� FY 2004: $1.68/ccf volume charge FY 2010: $2.28/ccf volume charge Caution: represents a scenario without capital expense for continued long- term water supply • Scenario 2 -� Impact of collecting additional revenues for reserve account accumulation -� Each additional $100,000/year requires volume charge increase of 3.6 cents/ccf Applicable for revenue stabilization reserve, CIP reserve, collecting additional reserves to "buy down" water supply project debt issue • Scenario 3, 4, and 5 Revenue bond debt service, capitalized bond reserve, 1.20 debt coverage factor -� Water purchased from plant; small amount produced from existing wells 1.2% annual growth rate Scenario 3: $22 M water supply project Scenario 4: $44 M water supply project Scenario 5: $88 M water supply project IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 2 • Rate impacts All WSP Scenarios: Large increases prior to startup date to meet debt service and debt coverage requirements -4 No/minor rate increases from 2004-2010 Debt service cost partially offset by anticipated lower purchase water costs —� Rate forecasts depend on growth rate, required coverage, project costs and startup date 2010-2020: Forecast 0%-2% annual rate increases —� Impact of collecting additional revenues for reserves —4 Water supply project scenarios —> Impact of increased system growth —> Impact of junior lien debt • Debt Coverage —> Typically a revenue bond issuance requirement —4 Reduces risk to bond holders -� Exact requirements vary -4 Coverage = (revenues—0&M expenses)/par debt service 1.2 debt coverage factor used as placeholder value • ,Junior lien debt --4 "Par debt service" amount reduced; does not include junior lien debt —4 Effect is more gradual rate increases Rates eventually reach the same level as with full revenue bond debt WSP funding The following questions were addressed to Mr. Griffith: Commissioner Carroll questioned why revenues were increased so significantly? Mr. Griffith stated that revenue bonds are presented in such a way to reduce risk to bond holders, one of which ways is coverage requirement. The bond issuer likes to see the owner of a system collect more than is required to just cover payment. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned if larger amount of capital is acquired to apply, the less debt service the owner would incur. Commissioner Buehner questioned the basis for the use of the 1.2% growth assumption? Mr. Griffith stated that this is a Metro generated number. Mr. Miller stated that we are currently looking at about 3% growth factor, which will come down in the future. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned the assumptions used for SDC's? Mr. Griffith stated that assumptions used were $1,475 additional charges based upon some previously reported information. Current SDC's are at approximately $1,000 which is slightly lower than TVWD. IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 3 Commissioner Drangsholt asked for clarification on a Junior Lien? Mr. Griffith stated that a junior lien is the order in which debt is repaid. Mr. Wegner stated that we would need to provide Mr. Griffith some direction to put together another scenario. As discussed previously, Mr. Wegner stated the Board would need to discuss how much to be set aside for reserves? This matter can be decided at a later date and if we are going to break it out with capital, rate stabilization, or future supply projects. The current retail costs for water is $1.32/ccf. Currently the capital expenses that have been planned are utilizing the revenues that are generated with little or none being set aside for reserves. An approximate 3% increase would generate $100,000 a year for reserves. It was stated that the last rate adjustment was three years ago but rates were not changed at that time. The last rate change was in 1993. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned whether we currently have a lifeline rate? Mr. Miller stated that in 1996 the minimum usage charge was replaced with a cost of service per use (each entity should have copy of rate model completed by CH2M Hill). This model was set up to be reviewed every 2-3 years but did not include building reserves for ownership of a water treatment plant. Mr. Wegner stated that the new scenario that Mr. Griffith will set up would continue to include a 1.5 million capital fund to"be spent annually outside the cost of water delivery service. Mr. Wegner stated that in addition the Board might want to include reserves for rate stabilization and system improvements in addition to a water supply project. Commissioner Buehner questioned the amount of impact this year by Portland increase in rates? Mr. Wegner stated that this year's increase was 1.2 million. Mr. Prosser stated that the impact on rates this year with Portland was a one time shot. If we added$500,000 to reserves within a two-year period, we would have a one million dollar reserve. This $500,000 would be a reasonable target that would increase the current $1.32 rate by .18 cents. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned if there was an industry standard? Mr. Griffith stated there is not, although you could collect enough to cover depreciation. Last year the pipes and reservoirs depreciated approximately $700,000 with computer and faculties depreciated$170,000. It was the consensus of the Board to have a target figure of$500,000 for reserves to cover distribution, capital and rate stabilization with a separate figure for long-term supply. Mr. Wegner questioned whether the members wanted to start collecting and holding funds in a reserve for future water supply project for specific project amounts or set aside funds annually? At this time we do not know what the project will be, what the dollar amount would be, or when a project would start up. He continued by stating that the next project, whatever that might be, will not have a start up component. The projects we will possibly be looking at will be Portland, the Clackamas or the Joint IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 4 Water Commission. Commissioner Buehner stated that it would not be fair to the ratepayers to not begin putting aside funds for future water source, whatever that might be. Mr. Wegner stated that a target figure would need to be in the range of $10 million within the next ten years. Mr. Prosser stated that between now and the next year, a project needs to be tied down so we will know where we are going for our long-term supply. Mr. Griffith stated that if the choice is to have a$44 million project beginning in 2004 that would require a doubling in rates. Mr. Prosser stated that we need to set some parameters and let Mr. Griffith work that into a draft scenario. Commissioner Carroll suggested that we have Mr. Griffith create scenarios working with $500,000, $1 million and $1.5 million annually. Mr. Griffith displayed a graph that showed what the rate increase would look like to collect$500,000 cash reserve annually. It was decided that Mr. Griffith would create the following scenarios: 0 $500,000 for revenues • $500,000, $1 million and$1.5 million for water supply projects These scenarios will then be broken down and display average households rate costs. We will then attempt to look at consumption patterns within each area (King City, Durham,Tigard, Unincorporated area). Commissioner Hunt also requested that in addition to calculating the total cost increase he would like to see the percentage of increase. Commissioner Scheiderich questioned how much of the supply component could possibly add to the SDC's charges. Mr. Griffith stated that without a specific project, it is very difficult to determine. Commissioner Buehner stated that the Planning Department is currently reviewing plans for a large project (Eagle's View), which could be used as a model. Mr. Griffith stated that to review SDC methodology with existing facilities and CIP plan cannot include a water supply project unless the State law allows. Mr. Wegner stated that these scenarios will be brought back to the next meeting in March as well as cost comparisons. 5. Director's Report The Board requested printed copies of the information that Mr. Griffith displayed at tonight's meeting. Mr. Wegner stated that he had distributed to the members two memos, one titled long term water supply update and water related issues. Mr. Wegner continued by stating that the memo on water supply update would be incomplete since we were waiting for the EES report on the JWC. A draft is due today and will be distributed and MSA will add to the report from the termination IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 5 point at Copper Mountain to the water service area. He continued by briefly outlining the information that was distributed on the WWSA, Portland Wholesale Contract Oversight Committee, and the South Fork Water Board/Clackamas River. Mr. Wegner discussed the second memo that provided additional water related information on Portland's turbidity monitoring, Oregonian article on Tigard looking into South Fork, and Oregonian article about Tualatin placing a$5.5 million revenue bond on the May ballot. Mr. Wegner stated that the 2000/01 fiscal year budget will be discussed at the next regular meeting in March. He also stated that the Annual meeting of the IWB as outlined in the IGA will be at the Water Facility on February 28th at 7:00 p.m. Each of the separate entities will need to post this meeting since there will be a quorum of the entities present at the meeting. At this annual meeting we will discuss the water supply options and Norman Penner has compiled a little history of the water service area and where it is today which will be distributed, and will also discuss a potential rate increase. CH2M Hill will furnish the figures and information at the March 8th meeting. 6. Public comments Mr. Jack Polans, 16000 SW Queen Victoria Place, King City relayed to the Board an unfortunate incident that his wife incurred when inquiring about their utility billing with the Utility Billing Department. According to Mr. Polaris the personnel was nasty and refused to deal with Ms. Polaris regarding their utility bill. Mr. Polaris also requested a copy of the audio tape from this meeting and will prepare his questions for the Board from that tape. 7. Non agenda items A brief discussion was held regarding the draft newsletter that Commissioner Hunt has authored. After this discussion it was decided that Kathy would do some editing to break up the newsletter for easier readability and clarity and will bring it back at the Annual meeting on the 28th of this month for the Board's comments. 8. Adjournment The regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Water Board was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. by a motion made by Commissioner Drangsholt and seconded by Commissioner Buehner. The next regular meeting of the IWB will be held on March 8 at 5:30 p.m. IWB Meeting Minutes February 9,2000 Page 6 6O O ze— lam.. a Attn: Craig Prosser Finance Director • City of Tigard Mr. Prosser, lam requesting assistance from the City of Tigard Water Board regarding my current. water bill of$757.67. On January 7, 2000 I was informed by the Meter Reader from,the City of Tigard Utility Company there was unusually high water usage occurring at my"residence. The Meter. Reader asked me to turn off all water inside the house so he could.check the meter more accurately. .With all.interior water turned off, the meter reader confirmed the meter continued to show high water usage verifying I had some sortof;leak.He recommended I call a plumber to find the leak. On January 11,.1 hired 1st Choice;Plumbing to search for the water leak.problem at my residence. The plumber was unable to identify th.e location of the,leak and recommended I have a leak detection.service.come to find the exact location of the,leak. On January 12, Advanced Leak Detection came to the residence and found the leak between the house and the water meter about four°feet under ground.. Finally on January;13, 1.st Choice Plumbing returned and repaired the leak. On January 13,I received'a billing statement fromAhe City of Tigard Utility Company in the amount of$420.20. They included in my statement a Request for Adjustment Due to a Leak form in recognition of the unusually high bill which I promptly filled out and, returned. On,February l'6, I received a new billing statement in the amount.of$804.20 and a-notice of credit for $46.53. In reaction to the billing information, I called Utility Billing.immed iately to request an explanation of the credit. I felt concerned because:of thelow credit and high,remaining balance for a,water leak problem which was out of my control. The person I spoke with at the City of Tigard Utility Billing explained.how the credit was issued and informed me the leak had been occurring since my first billing cycle in September 1999; She told me the credit had been based on water usage since September which,is when.I moved into this residence.' She recommended L,write,this letter'to you to request assistance from,the Water Board'in the payment of this utility bill. My'landlord, Lois Aungier and I have been in contact throughout this process,and neither of us were aware of any water problems until.the meter reader informed me,on.January 7th. I am including copies of all service and repair bills as well as my original request for an adjustment due to a leak form. Please contact me with any questions. Your consideration in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank You, (VIA- Angela Slultis 13055 SW Hampton CT. Tigard', OR 97223 503-590-3243 REQUEST FOR.ADJUSTMENT DUE TO A LEAK e City of Tigard U,tili y.Department has a policy of issuing,partia'I credits',for leaks that are repaired in a ely manner. Generally, we expect leaks to be repaired vvithirl ten days of discovery. Credits are based on your average usage fdr the same period in previous years. This average is deducted from the total consumption used during the time of the leak. The excess usage is charged,at.the wholesale rate of water,.with the difference between wholesale and resale cost deducted.from the utility account as the Credit for Leak ' Please.describe the specific circumstances of your request: /fly• /YAC 1 i � � / . /���1��'/7/1FL ry)E= �J %l�ao fir= �Y�j iV ri3/� ��rr�i�tr���. PAZ 11 T r VV,4-D- !- 'Y 7 � 1I✓ � bDv // iii At Date leak;found: ' Date leak.repaired:_�� Account#: ocation of Service: Cu'st0mer,Name Mailing Address: J.U . /�NYI'1�- �1� �lG� Mlzy- �� Street address City State Zip Phone, DO.0 ClMEl`/ E[A1TI'111: PLEASE SUBMIT COPIES OF PLUMBER'S RILLS AND/OR RECEIPTS FOR PARTS, REQUIRED TO FIX TIIE'LEAK FOR OFFICE USE ONLY $1.32 1.30 $1.53 $1.27 $1.63 - $1.23 = ¢ RES MUR COM IND IRR Markup ANG 1'r,evious years usages 22-S #periods used Average Leak Period Leak ccl' Markup Credit Adjustment 5 Total C'redit:$ Date Issued:2 02 Issued By: 1 . • • - / • - a . . - s - s 1 , • o 0 1 111 rx� ,� ,�:r 1. � �:., ,,,, "x +.z frr�s�,,rx.:c. ✓ ,� cY"� �•. _r:r. ..:t` .1.3 �'. # ,�t3', :: E..ul•,w.,k*' t EM � ➢ � � � wvr Y.adi' �- F'�?v'!�.Sgrv^�.,. zz,�. ..'fic.,^... gr.G � �"'...`4`�Y`..'•q *,�.,�� �(7.. '..� a'«ks esu�^`s.?"?".. s`°�:>>S": .:> z..r z aea } Y�T%� :{. { ...,z �' � ����"�: .�°� a.. 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HAS,ks i M ���` • 11 1 IC 1 • u t4 �-� ip*� �.��^.-`7"'�%'•'s"�'AF_'# ter'�P` �zs REV)OUS BA �E � L --� ADJUSTMENT ENTb z D 1 11 �4LESS�P/1YMS RECEIVED a 11 MT, EMT Elm Ea • x5 ".; t3 THIS AMOUNT v o • C� OF T/G,RO: CITY OF TIGARD 8777 SW BURNHAM.ST. _UT-Itt3tNG I: MUIR =.1 ,� - 3Q0o9�'n 4f- _ 9 41;71 or. _� __ .-.: - > - - 7 ARb; YIG = RG7��1=1999": 503):639-1554 _.._ . z: SERVICE.LOCATION_; 13055 SW HAMPTON CT ANGELA& MIKE:SHULTIS CUSTOMER NO. 13055 SW HAMPTON CT \ 018851-000 TIGARD, OR 97223 TYPE RES SERVICE'DATES `� �� w ' FROM 10%6/99' TO 11/3.0/99 �,r �• �. ,�,�-.s,} •�. t��� �,� ���' 4WATER�BILLING ���� • � * �, �x�r ,��. � .:.:r C.. s•�..3-,xc',�'-»�1u ',r'-,. w.k.»�a •9 .•.sF.� rx5 ux*�„.,h'�r.T� Y�F>�..-, > a..,,..>,-t ..M s ,.,a a .t+r'�, m. ?lk��r f'A-r a t es'ft ,.„, i �`�• z,,... {,��_;�a # a •. xs ”.a r wx r vv ,'.� ., ',es«�F« #'a F_'...• "r � . %^ � flAETERRE�pING �" I USAGE= .WATPR 3. °PA ITE },PREVIOUS r PRESENT r i0.6CU ; : ,RATES -n— SERVICE;DESCRIPTION' 21 276 1.32 CUSTOMER,CHARGE 3.56 WATER.CONSUMPTION 364.32 BOOSTER 2.82, FIRE 01:00. SUB-TOTALWATER BILLING= .�......; f ...� .__ k„,.. r.�,. +• e< 7 4 *_.,r `_+-” 5.y�hss•'�,sx' X+fE y^i °'c, , .W- _ � l7 =' $ANI�' ARYS VNEpR, Sy( FCE ATERhMANAGEMENTBILLINh ;, µ « , SEWER&,SWM .. u rs: „sp.alt`arpc Y+a .,,,.....l�.a,.....a d WINTE%Ef RAGE1,130,' FT, RATES' 'SERVICE DESCRIPTION, r� BILLING AMOUNTS E SEWER BASE CHARGE 27:59 16:00 1.05 SEWER USAGE 14.70 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 7.21 SUB-TOTAL SEWER BILLING= 49.50 -Vas r GRANOIOTAL.-CURRENT BILLING; 420.20 N,N-10M OWN,IRRM wti#' 'y,�.✓' r " ;; 200 t: . t`9c x75.08 �� N 0.00 ER ME 160r? �� 1�: yy, 75.08 120 ('d 4... so a 420.20 * � , �mu - m u � TOTALAMOUNT DUE �• 40 S� d - + * a Shu'.*. �J - i Q'}. � r 0-1 k ARM ;, r�rpas mIsi Ell 'I" » a i1wQS ear T s s �" JAN MAR MAY JULY SEP NOVM �*N1�2G/OOH� ''� § f " # e AMOUNT 30 DAYS PAST DUE IS SUBJECT TO TURN OFF More information on reverse side t CITY OF TIGARD 8777 SW BURNHAM'ST. UTILITY BILLING -PO•BOX 230000 BfwNG ,1 :(503) 639-4171 or TIGARD, OREGON 972.81-199,9 (503) 639-1554 KEEP THIS PORTION 'SERVICE LOCATION: 13055.SW-HAMPTON CT. ANGELA & MIKE SHULTIS CUSTOMER'NO. 13055 SW HAMPTON CT 018851-000 .TIGARD, . OR 97223 TYPE RES' FROM 1:1/30/99 TO 2/3/00 ,U., 4 .r•°ti W- s '` i r•.hr?.:sr 9 ab., Y :�:-3 "+;".�a w. t{ y++• s .r `! � Fi ? ,�i�w _ , xN� C` �< �( y „ '�'r.�a-"-..R s a � ' S r�t's<. �•'tiK r,4� d C.« n ��`.€ 4 METERSREAY $ ( } PRE1[IQI�S, P�tESENT;' iOJ:C ,1t;a - `' ?SER-f10EESCRIP�TION-,T, ,, BILLING AMOUNTS, � , 2,321 2,562 241 1.32 i CUSTOMER CHARGE 3.56 WATER CONSUMPTION 318.12 BOOSTER 3.34 FIRE 0:00 . SUB-TOTAL WATER BILLING; 325:02 - a '� � �. ���SANITARY'SEWER&�SUREACE WATER MANAGEMENT BILLING �� ��"���� t� �� �SEVVER�&�S `�" �' : 4:� rv1-, t.'z.....s,.r ..•_..:,_-........>F..,. ..• r ... ..,.....� � a s - ,�....,. .,s-,�...>��. ,,..G`�^..'.�"-�€..{.k ,J�-*r��"v �a '�, ,n ",Z`� wM�t'�'^.'�, akkj4„WINTERAVERAGE100,CU FT• � QRATES}., b.y SERV ICE�DESCRIPTIONZ- ING,AMOUNTSr� a• SEWER BASE:CHARGE 32.61 16.00 1-05 SEWER USAGE 17.85 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT 8:52 SUB-TOTAL SEWER BILLING19400 = 280 c A;:; , '�GRANDTOTALQURRENT,,BILLING''.; zoo 420.20 160 e <4 0.00 120 0.00. 80. '• NOTAL AMOUNTEDUE' ,- 804.20 - ao x' Act _ bue Dates f7 ; JAN MAR MAY JUL ;SEP' NOV - 3/1/00 ANY AMOUNT 30'D'AYS PAST`DUE' IS SUBJECT TO TURN OFF More information on reverse side - - ------------------------------ ------------------- ------ ------------------------------------- --- ---_------- ---------------- ----:.------- PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO C.O.T. UTILITIES &•RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAYMENT ER NO: :QUE DATE CITY oFTIGARD CUSTOM _- '.`\�x,, UTILITY BILLING 0.18851—(]0(]i 3/1/00 804.20 \ 8777 SW BURNHAM STREET P.O.BOX'230000 - ` f TIGARD,OREGON 97281-1999 (503)539-4171 OR AMOUNT PAID IF OTHER THAN (503)8391554 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE NAME: CHECK HERE FOR NEW ADDRESS: ANGELA&MIKE SHULTIS NOTE CHANGES ON REVERSE SIDE SERVICE LOCATION: 13055 SW HAMPTON CT g I DATE CONTRACT 15033,SE McLoughlin Blvd.#344. Milwaukie, OR 97267 24 HOURS '7 DAYS 503 223-6447 _ ( )- (3so)= 604-5540 SEWER & DRAIN (503)-771-6117 (360 892-9009 HOME'PHONE 3 HOME PHONE ® www.mrrooterpckrtland.com CONTRACTOR #98346 WORK PHONE WORK'PHONE SOLD TO: JOB ADDRESS: i (I.St Cho-ice ,t� .h it f,� _NAME !'.? 1TjC lTP"1 NAME PLUMBING. t ! l www.lstc oice lumbin com J P 9 ADDRESS I O'r `' �^� Q YYJ � � Jvt.f / ADDRESS America's Troubleshooter CITY 'l� i C!t STATE Q� ZIP J Z. CITY STATE ZIP DIAGNOSIS SERVICE �// •/Q TRK, ORDER# / WATER PRESSURE . INIT. INIT. LBS etccp' - JOBS COMP TART LETION a• .tiu ks DATE DATE'. WORK ORDER BY rG TECHNICIAN 7 _ TECHNICIAN' ❑ CASH HECk o C' ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS / CONDITIONS: !�) I ` j _ I ocHARGE APPRVDBY QT-- 9 LO �-- y y: WARRANTY WORK A'UTHORIZATI,'ON PAYMENT!OF THIS INVOICECONTRACT DUE UPON COMPLETION iOF WORK AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH THE ABOVE WORK.I am(aleck one)0 owner;:'❑authorized representative.11 tenant of"the premises;at which4e work described above is to be done.I hereby authorized yomto.perlorm said work,and'to use such-labor and materials as you'deerr necessary'or.advisable,I'agree to-pay:the,arnnount set VALUE CUSTOMER PROTECTION PLAN y forth below upon completion:andgo pay a monthly service charge Of 1-1/2%perrdonth on the unpaid balance iI the;amount isnot,paid in full within 10 days.to the.event-of "NOTICE „ 't legal action to collect'the account,I.agree to pay Mr,Rooter Plumbing's reasonable attorney's fees aInd court costs and reasonable bank costs it my check fails to clear.I have See NO T I C E TO C U S T O M E R read,agree to,and have received a:copy of this contract,including the Warranty;Notice to Customer and other provisions,on the reverse side..)understand IKCamount set 1-YR $99.50 2-YR $149.50 3 -YR'199.50 and statement required on contract 3 forth below does not include tax.All,pxrts willbe removed from premises,and discarded unless otherwise specified herein. - - -- - I hereby authorize you to.proceed vmt the above work at the flat rate of 'on reverse$Ide. - AUTHORIZED i SIGNATURE CREDIT.CARD. EXPIRATION DATE r ACCEPTANC11 E.OF WORK PERFORMED,-I find the service anolmateruls performed and installed in NO. connection with 6e,above work mentioned to have'.been completed In accordance with this con- AUTHORIZATION CODE _ - tract.and'in a satisfactory manner.a agree that the amount set forth on tMs contract in the space labeled"TOTAL-to be the total and complete flat rate/minimum charge.Lagree to Day a service charge of 1-1R%'per.:month o_n the unpaid balance if the account.isnot paid in full,upon comple- SUB - tion.I agree to pay reasonable attorney's leesand court costs'inthe event of legaPaction.I have TOTAL - read and received acopy of this contract,includingthe Warranty,Notice to Customer and other ' 1 d hereby state-.that the above work has been installed in a workmanlike rna_nner and to the applicable pro vsionsonthe reverse side. TAX 3 building codes. X ACCEPTANCEy, Date - seivice Technician sigrnture. SIGNATURE /i TOTAL 7'- Advanced.Leak Detection INVOICE RO. Box 244 ' 2000,9 Gladstone,'OR 97027 - DATE �.. (503) 650-5325 (LEAK) — 12-- (503),548-1144 Z-(503)'548-1144 ACCOUNtNO. Mbl:'#9.36-6379 Qigital;Pager-497-7323 YOUR P.O. NUMBER INVOICE TERMS SHIP VIA GC,-�O'l V SALESMAN „/ T, DATE. HRS. DESCRIPTION UNIT ,; AMOUNT PRICE -f- d, .Qf e- % -q O- y 3 m 71 PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE SUB TOTAL Terms C.O.D.unless otherwise Indicated above. TAX TOTAL ' PAID DATE �� v 1- DATE' CONTRACT o t, �. . ® . 15033 SE Mclloughlih'BlVd.#344: 0 a Milwaukie,`OR 97.267 24 HOURS 7 DAYS ' (503)-223 6447 (360)-604-5540 `l �: SEWER & DRAIN (503) 771 6117 (360)- 892-9009 NE, HOME PHONE, 'www:mrrooteepprtlaftd.com CONTRACTOR,#98346 HOME PHO ' WORK'PHONE WORK PHONE JOB ESS r c < m1y„�a�y SOLD TO. t 1n �J . L.aIL ,iti% lAlil�i ` NAME _. " I, www.1 s .- NAME ! '` � _ tc �� hoiceplumbing.com ADDRESS } l,� , 0 vim; 'f v� ADDRESS STATE �: ZIP`t� )'1��� CITY ..i• ;•c + merica's Troubleshooter STATE;—, ZIP = cITY SERVICE jc 1 t r h iT c'v:S'j ORDER# �'�` TRK NAGNOSIS r;� ,. �J . t .'1 t r." . _ - i. f / i.J�. ,.i It W t a ATER PRESSURE INIT. - G w a(�.' Y, t'C• '! UYr . C:i* fv J, Xf �...yt . {f .dY y.� 'z J r (••i�,.: ;f:G�:;,, � i, � 1. •..1 � �:;Y'- '� - INIT:' ;7 LBS '1 !': �t vs 7. ;j ..c �• `V�' `y 'Z)•, � .� ,�'j`•`i t.{ t C' `' �l/s•^ t - -,k �7 R '•_ ,zx :} .4 ;v: ..._K G Win, 4 • G, �$?t y px�u,t=�•.TQS..Ee:"�{a¢,;cu.t>.,�.::.«,J. .. QTS.'�h. .. . �nh.-rr ..rt ,v�Mnu,.,:,D„::z:ES•.�C._R3„iIa Fc'3T>�.Iv.r.t."aa".r r$'.n....,.. -,-;.��:.:8 t:�,"�s-.k1S.vT� �l,.,�,-t.A.,. ¢, START ART ' COMPLETION L ETION DN �RPFFDARE WORK ORDERBY jQ1110W 71? TECHNICIAN j t .F TECHNICIAN ❑ CASH 11 CHECK C.C. ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS / CONDITIONS: ;(, /'.1 ,.; r .�.',o < , <, .�f'�� j C O CHARGE APPRvo BY _ fj WARRANTY I V,ORK AU " PAYMENT OF THIS I-NVOICE,,.% CONTRACT DUE UPON COMPLETION;OF WORK i tOTHOHIZATION TO.PROCEED�WITH THE ABOVE WORK:I`am(check'one)_u owner.❑authonzed representative;o tenam.of'ihe premises:as which the-work described _._c_ 11bove is to be done.I hereby authorized you to'perform said work,and to use such labor and materials�as you or advisable:I agree to pay set. VALUE,CUJ, O.MER PROTECTION PLAN - I Y ._ - - `orth below upon Completion and to pay d,monthly service charge of 1-112°bper-month on the unpaid`bdlanceil=the amount is riot paid in full within IQ days.In the event �' � - __ - i e al action to collect the account.I agree to pay Mr.Rooter Plumbing s.reasonable atlbrney s fees and CoUrt costs and t,,asonabie bank cOsts'.if.my check:fails to'CIeaLJ have -• - - g See "NOTICE TO CUSTOMER" 'ead.agree torand have tecerved;a copy o!,this contract,including the Warranty.Notice to Customer and other provisions on'dle reverse side:I enders)and the amount set QR �=YR $149.50 3-YR'199.50 and statement required on contract 3 orth below does not include tax.Allparts will be removed from premises and discarded unless otherwise specified herein. C�..1 ( - Ort reverse side. rJ / ..(((.. . . e herebyau_thoriie you to proceed,with the above'work at the.flat rate ofE UTHORIZED IGNATURE C" CREDIT CARD I'' �1 y Uv EXPIRATI®N/b/>\TE ACCEPTANCE OF WORK.PERFORMED-I find the,servlce ano materials performed and installed in / f1 C' l7/ V NO. - v - connection'withjlhe above work mentioned,to have been completed in accordance with this can- •� C JTHORIZATION CODE - - tract arid;in:a satisfactory manner.I;agree that the amount set'.fortWon this contract in the.space 3. _ _-. - label ad to be the totahandcomplete flat rate/minimum charge.I agree to paya service charge of 1 1h%per.month on'the unpaid balance it the account is not paid in full upon comple= SUB f t/ tion,l agree td pay reasonable atlorney sl.lees andRourt costs the event dfiegal,action:I have TOTAL - - read and..received a copy of.this contracti.including the Warranty,Notice to Customer and other do hereby state that the above work has been installed in a workmanlike manner and to the applicable provisions on the reverse side TAX uilding codes. t r , X ACGEPTAN,CE 1 .. ::;�I 1 �. k`r `. `. to Service Technician Signature v TOTAL SIGNATURE /� t MEMORANDUM TO: Intergovernmental ter oard Members FROM: Ed Wegner RE: Information on Water Issues DATE: March 7, 2000 Newspaper Articles Articles on the status of the Willamette Project in Wilsonville, letters to the editor and 'Soapbox' article. Tigard Times An editorial that appeared in the Tigard Times on March 2, 2000, stating the issue of the decade is water—whether municipal drinking water or stream-side protection. Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy A copy of the executive summary presentation to the Regional Water Providers Consortium Board is attached. I will be reviewing the complete document and making staff recommendations to the Consortium Board in April. If you have questions or thoughts on the subject, please let me know. Capital Improvement Program We have talked about the capital improvement program as we have discussed the rate increase proposals. Enclosed is a copy of the plan that was adopted last year. The plan will be reviewed and revised after our rate study and hydraulic study have been completed. Comments on Proposed 4(d) Rules Staff has been working with various groups in providing comments on Proposed 4(d) Rule Governing taken for the Upper Willamette River, Spring Chinook, Salmon and Steelhead. These proposed rules are dated December 30, 1999, (Steelhead) and January 3, 2000 (Salmon). The date for receiving comments was March 6, 2000. Attached is a copy of the comments by the Regional Water Providers Consortium. I also have the comments by WWSA and League of Oregon Cities. Proposed Portland Wholesale Water Rate Please find attached Portland's Preliminary Rate Information for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 along with a memo from Mike Miller explaining the impact on Tigard and its partners. Fiscal Year 2000-2001 rate will be $.88. Proposed Fiscal Year 2000-01 Budget Review Attached is the draft of the budget summary for Public Works, Water Division. Help inform citizens about water issues Three months ago,the Tualatin City Council voted for$5.5 million in revenue bonds to bring treated Willamette River water into the city's water lines. Several of us objected at that public hearing and proceeded to form ourselves into Tualatin Citizens for Safe Water. By Jan. 31,our 30 wonderful vol- unteer petition circulators turned in a final count of 910 signatures,sub- stantially more than enough to put the Willamette River drinking water by-mail ballots go out on April 28, other topics. proposal onto the May 16 ballot. we hope to provide information to We hope you will help with our We were pleased also that the clarify some of the misinformation campaign to provide useful informa- Circuit Court rewrote the city's pro- we have heard. tion to the citizens for their consider- posed ballot title"question"to ask, For instance,some people are ation.We could surely use your donations(qualifying as tax credits "Shall the city issue$5,500,000 in afraid that there is not enough water revenue bonds for water system sup- available.But are Tualatin citizens for individuals up to$50;couples up Ply and distribution with Willamette to$100).Do please send us a check River source?"(Emphasis added.) aware that,not only do we lie made out to Tualatin Citizens for . plenty of water for ourselves for now Safe Water,P.O. Box 1284,Tualatin This has now become Measure and for some years to come,but we 97062. 34-11.We hope you will be joining are also providing 1 million gallons r your us in voting"no"to the Willamette We lday te later about some good help.And please,the city of Sherwood? Thank you so vote h"no"May 16 River source! In the next weeks,until the vote- water options for Tualatin,among on Measure 34-11! last summer. Is this just a means to get people to vote"yes" for the water revenue bonds both cities have on upcoming ballots? Bull Run watershed has been des- ignated as one of the six purest water Why not plan with sources in the country. Only 25 per- cent of Bull Run is currently cap- tured and used to supply 40 billion Portland for water? gallons of water per year to about 800,000 people. Sherwood's Mayor Hitchcock stated in"Sherwood water vote bal- The Portland Water System Plan lots due,"a Feb.24 article,that the for Expanded Southwest Service is a city simply cannot afford to go to the detailed plan for serving the needs of Willamette if other cities like Tigard Tigard,Tualatin, Sherwood and don't,but he continues that a deci- Wilsonville until 2050 at reasonable sion to not go to the Willamette will costs.A copy of the plan is available put them in a"world of hurt" on the Internet(www.«ater.ci.port- Hm.What? land.or.us/pdf/swplan.pdf). The next article about the letter The plan was sent to Tigard's from Tualatin's mayor states that the mayor in December of 1998 and pipe Sherwood just installed in copied to the mayors of Wilsonville, September of 1999 might not bring Sherwood and Tualatin.Why aren't them water five months from now. they planning with the Portland Is it possible that Tualatin has Water Bureau to meet the needs until grown so much in a year to demand 2050 while we all work on cleaning almost 3 million gallons more per the Willamette River before we drink day? I called the city of Tualatin and it? was told that Tualatin and Sherwood MARISSA HOULBERG used 8 million gallons a day peak Tualatin 1 ' Thirsty Wilsonviffe ' faces two attacks a paddle." A city councilor says he's The suit asks a Clackamas not worried about it, but a County judge to render a declara- tory judgment in favor of the i protest leader says the city plaintiffs.A ruling could be four to might be up a creek five months away. The second action,also initiat- By DANA TIMS ed by Scott's group,questions the THE OREGONIAN legality of the city's plan for WILSONVILLE —Just months stretching the water it pumps ago,Wilsonville appeared to have from eight local wells to meet dodged all obstacles to becoming existing demand until its new the first city in the state in nearly treatment plant ;s competed in three decades to tap the Wiliam- spring 2002. ette River for drinking water. The city's "public facilites Now, new legal challenges, strategy' is one of only a handful packing the potential punch of of such plans approved in Oregon pushing Wilsonville back to pertaining to drinking water. square one, have city. officials Scott's group contends that the scrambling to defend their plans. city erred by failing to take into The first and more serious consideration sufficent altema challenge is a Clackamas County tives for water should the Wiliam Circuit Court lawsuit attacking as ette River treatment plant not be invalid September's citywide vote built. that authorized the move to the Michael Kohlhoff,Wilsonville's: river. city attorney, predicted the chal The lawsuit contends that city lenge will fail. "I feel very confi-; officials purposely misinterpreted dent we adopted this pursuant to: results from the Sept.20 election. state law,"Kohlhoff said. Voters were confused by dueling The state Land Conservation measures on the ballot, the suit and Development Department is, says. . On one hand, they approved a scheduled to consider the protest;measure requiring a vote before at its March 9 meeting. the Willamette could be used for A ruling in Scott's favor on ei drinking water.On the other,they tier front would leave Wilsonville went ahead and gave the city$25 facing escalating demand with no million in bonding authority to approved or foreseeable way to, build a Willamette River treat- meet it. ment plant. Bennett Holt,a Wilsonville city The suit, filed by anti- councilor, brushed both efforts Willamette forces, contends that aside. "I'm not even worried' another vote is needed to ask vot- about it,"he said. ers specifically whether they want Even so, the challenges are; to drink from the Willamette. forcing city officials and staff "If we win this," said Charles members to log considerable Scott, a Wilsonville resident who time in efforts to make sure that a helped filed the lawsuit, "this city spigot that hasn't even been built is going to be up the river without yet isn't ordered shut off. Don 't go to the worst possible source (Soapboxes are guest commentaries SOAPBOX They have 15 million River. from our readers and anyone is gallons a day Please vote welcome to write one. Geneli GENEexpandable to 60 "no"on Measure McLean is a member of Tualatin million gallons a day. why should Tualatin 34-11 on May 16 Citizens for Safe Water.) However,Wilsonville on the Willamette of the ballot measure titled number ro osed 34-11. chose the proposed P take this health risk when there are River as a drinking Why do the city councils of Our Bull Run system is one of treatment plant on water source. these small cities such as Tualatin, the purest water systems in the the Willamette River Please send a Sherwood,Tigard and Wilsonvillenation,so clean that it doesn't need —Where the other options available? ere are sources contribution all favor going to the Willamette deformed fish have toward Tualatin filtering,only minor treatment.The River as a source for future drink- been found—as their Bull Run is piped into two reser- such as the Clackamas River or the Citizens for Safe ing water? future water source. Water,which gives voirs,which are in a protected area The populations of these cities where man is not allowed to con- Why should Portland water system... a full tax credit laminate this pristine water source. strongly oppose such a source. Tualatin take this y (get it all back)up Shouldn't these city councils be No toilet discharges or chemical health risk when to$50 per person acting on behalf of the citizens there are other or$100 per cou- pesticides infiltrate this source. rather than going against their options available? le.This will help In addition to not needing P P wishes?Something isn't right about There are sources tine water source. defray expenses expensive filtering,it also flows by Y P this formula. gravity to Portland and surrounding such as the Clackamas River or the If the city wants backup from incurred in this fight against We elect our councils to do our cities.reaa:iring only minimum Portland Water System Plan for another source,you don't go to the Willamette River drinking water job,since the citizens can't all go pumping needs in a few areas to txpanded Southwest Service. worst possible source,such as the coming to Tualatin.Mail contribe- and hear these measures presented. maintain pressure.This,in tum, If we spend all this money,$5.5 Willamette River,but the next best tions to P.O.Box 1284,Tualatin A measure as important as drinking minimizes electrical power needs million now and possibly another source,such as the Clackamas 97062(503-692-5227). water,which concerns our health and your cost at the tap. $5 million later on the Willamette and our children's well being for The only city that is hurting for system(or who knows how much years to come,should go to the water is Wilsonville.The city has more?),it will reduce our ability to people for a vote. wells that are stressed under present cooperate in the revisions that the Councils come and go,but we demands,and the city feels that the Portland Water District has in store live with the decisions they make. water table is too low to increase for us to provide distribution to Drinking water is a public issue flow by drilling additional wells. Tualatin,Sherwood,Tigard and affecting all of us,and you would However,the city could have Wilsonville. think that common sense and logic installed a pipe to furnish Bull Run The Portland plan would have n would prevail and that these coun- water to these wells at a cost of even greater redundancy,enabling / J cils would want this measure to go about$12 million. water to continue to flow should a to the people for a vote. These wells would act like reser- line break.This plan is to fumish Instead,the Tualatin Citizens for voirs,supplying Wilsonville with water out to year 2050.Portland Safe Water had to take the city of much cleaner and less costly water Water has a record of continuous Tualatin to court to get them to than their proposed$92.5 million water supply for more than 95 / clearly identify the Willamette (their share,$25 million)treatment years and has acted responsibly to n River in the proposed Ballot plant with all its high cost of pump- its customers during that whole /l1 Measure 34-11 since the city had ing,treatment,filtering and distri- time. failed to clarify the source except in bution. Tualatin officials say they need the final summary. It is understood that Wilsonville backup,but the truth is we already Our argument was that it is could have gotten water from the . have backup from Lake Oswego essential for the people to know the Clackamas River Treatment Plant, and the south shore well field. water source,and for it not to be which would have served Tigard, Tualatin officials want to commin- hidden somewhere in the summary Sherwood and Tualatin as well. gle Willamette water with our pris- The issue of the decade is water If you had any doubts before,they should be settled now. The issue of the new millennium is water. The city of Tigard has backed away from its rush to the Willamette River as a new source of drinking water. It will,in the meantime, evaluate several other options,including a return to the Clackamas River as a water source or taking water from the Trask River system in western Washington County. Meanwhile, citizens in Tualatin through the initiative process will require a public vote on whether that city should go to the Willamette as a source for treated drinking water.And in Sherwood,voters will decide in a March 14 special election whether the city should issue$18 million in bonds to pay for enhancements to the city's drinking water supply and dis- tribution systems.Would that plan include water from the Willamette? It could,but it likely won't if cities like Tigard and Tualatin don't treat Willamette River water as well. What's all this talk about water mean to you? In communities that are unable to provide for a reliable, sufficient water supply, restrictions on growth could occur. Significant taxpayer expense to ensure safe water supplies could be another consequence. In the case of streamside protection, development could be restricted within 200 feet of each side of a stream.And significant habitat restoration or enhancement efforts within developoment areas will likely be required. Property owners in downtown Beaverton and along the Tualatin River in downtown Tualatin or near Fanno Creek in Tigard are watching the roll- out of such policies with interest, alarm and suspicion.They fear that their opportunity to develop or redevelop their land will be halted and economic activity in Washington County harmed. They could well be right,unless there is both a measure of science, economic and community balance and environmental protection provided for in the discussion and the writing of rules and procedures.There cannot be one without the others. Whether the issue is municipal drinking water or streamside protection for fish and other wildlife,the issue for this decade will be water.Along the way, as the issues are studied, debated and resolved, moderation and balance must be imposed for fear of someone or some community drown- ing in negative consequences. P. Regional Water Providers Consortium Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Board Discussion Draft Report ^' February 22, 2000 MONTGOMERY WATSON EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction The Regional Water Provider's Consortium (Consortium) is seeking to develop a Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy (RTSS). This Strategy is an outgrowth of the regional cooperation that began with the development of the Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) and continues with the work of the Consortium. The purpose of this Strategy is to develop short and long-term visions for regional transmission and storage, and to identify the institutional arrangements that can facilitate these visions. The Consortium determined at the outset of this process that the Strategy should identify ways that future planning could complement and. integrate water supply improvements that are already happening in the region. The RTSS should also provide the information that water suppliers need in order to make informed decisions about future transmission and storage projects. The Strategy was developed in coordination with the Consortium Technical Subcommittee (CTSC), and the Consortium Technical Committee (CTC). These groups provided regular input and direction for the development of this project. In addition, review, comment, and direction on work elements was received from the Consortium Board. Public and stakeholder input was received in two open houses held over the course of the project. Montgomery Watson was selected to prepare the Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy by the Regional Water Providers Consortium in response to a request for proposals. A contract authorizing this work was signed and dated June 14, 1999. Major subconsultants for this work were Murray, Smith & Associates (MSA), Financial Solutions Consulting Group (FSCG), and Gary Fiske and Associates (GFA). A number of other consultants with experience in local regional planning acted as advisors and reviewers of work products on the project. Projected Water Demands One of the most critical variables in determining the requirements for water infrastructure development are the water demands that must be satisfied. The Portland region as a whole developed a regional forecast of future water demands when it developed the Regional Water Supply Plan (RWSP) in 1996. Subsequent to the RWSP, a number of water systems continued to modify and develop their own water demand forecasts. Some of these forecasts were prepared as part of developing Water Master Plans to fulfill the requirements of the Oregon Health Division for water system planning. Other forecasts were developed to better represent the ongoing changes in water consumption and the impacts of conservation that have been observed since the RWSP forecast was prepared. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-I Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 For this project, water demand information was provided by the member agencies of the Consortium. Because the demand numbers were obtained from a variety of different sources, they are not consistent with respect to the assumptions that are inherent in the forecast from each water provider, and comparisons in forecasts between water systems should be made carefully The current water demands for peak day and average day consumption, as well as projected demands to the years 2020 and 2050, are shown in Table ES-1. The source of the demand information for each water provider is also indicated in Table ES-1. Table ES-1 shows a total projected year 2020 peak day demand for the region of about 550 MGD. This rises to 660 MGD by the year 2050. The total projected regional average day demand in the year 2020 is about 260 MGD. This rises to about 315 MGD by the year 2050. Existing Supply, Transmission and Storage for the Region The metropolitan region is currently supplied, or will soon be supplied, by six major sources of water. Major sources are defined as those with a capacity of 10 mgd or greater. These major sources are: • Portland's Bull Run supply • Portland's Columbia South Shore Well Field • The Joint Water Commission (JWC) Water Treatment Plant utilizing the Trask/Tualatin system • The Clackamas River utilized by four water suppliers • The Willamette River supply currently under design and construction • Local groundwater. Water in Portland's Bull Run watershed is stored in two main reservoirs with a total storage capacity of about 17 billion gallons. The Bull Run supply is then conveyed by gravity via three transmission pipelines (Conduits 2, 3 and 4) from the Headworks to a 50 MG reservoir on Powell Butte. Transmission capacity of the three conduits ranges from 205 to 210 mgd depending on hydraulic conditions. Portland's Columbia South Shore Well Field is located near the Columbia River between the Portland airport and Blue Lake Park. The firm emergency capacity of the Well Field is considered to be approximately 90 mgd. In addition to the transmission systems associated with these sources, the Portland system includes a major transmission pipeline from Powell Butte to eastern Washington County. The Joint Water Commission treats water withdrawn from the Tualatin River (including stored releases from Barney Reservoir and Hagg Lake) at a Water Treatment Plant in Forest Grove, and pumps it to the 20 MG Fernhill Reservoir. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-2 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Stonmary -draft 2/18/00 TABLE ES- 1 REGIONAL TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE STRATEGY PROJECT SUMMARY OF EXISTING WATER DEMAND INFORMATION OCTOBER, 1999 2000 2020 2050 LOCATION ESTIMATE PEAK AVERAGE PEAK AVERAGE PEAK AVERAGE DAY ANNUAL DAY ANNUAL DAY ANNUAL PORTLAND Portland#I PWB 0.8 0.4 3.4 1.7 3.5 1.8 Portland#2 PWB 9.4 4.8 10.0 5.2 10.5 5.4 Portland#3 PWB 73.2 37.9 73.9 38.5 78.2 40.5 Portland#4 PWB 36.3 18.8 39.0 20.3 41.3 21.4 Portland#5 PWB 18.1 9.4 19.1 10.0 20.2 10.5 Portland#6 PWB 1 1.7 0.91 1.8 1.0 2.0 1.0 TOTAL PORTLAND 139.5 72.3 147.2 76.6 155.6 80.7 EASTSIDE Lusted area districts PWB 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.2 1.8 0.9 Gresham PWB 15.5 8.0 20.4 10.7 21.3 11.0 Rockwood PWB 14.8 7.7 15.7 8.2 16.0 8.3 Powell Valley&Lorna PWB 10.8 5.7 12.0 6.2 12.5 6.5 Wood Village RWSP 0.8 0.5 1.0 0.6 1.4 1.0 Fairview I RWSP 1 0.9 0.6 2.5 1.7 13.9 9.0 East URA PWB 0.3 0.1 4.3 2.3 5.3 2.7 TOTAL EASTSIDE 43.4 22.9 56.3 29.8 72.1 39.4 CLACKAMAS Lake Oswego MP(LO) 16.0 6.0 24.0 11.4 27.0 13.0 West Linn(SFWB) MP(WL) 7.8 3.1 11.2 4.6 12.7 9.8 Oregon City(SFWB) MP(SFWB) 8.7 3.7 13.4 5.7 20.3 8.6 Oak Lodge WD RWSP 9.3 3.5 9.7 3.5 11.3 4.5 Mt.Scott WD MP(MSD) 6.2 2.4 18.5 7.1 30.0 11.5 Damascas WD MP(MSD) 2.4 0.9 17.1 6.6 27.0 10.2 Clackamas River Water MP(CRW) 16.0 7.0 25.4 11.4 31.9 14.3 Gladstone MP(CRW) 2.6 1.2 2.6 1.2 2.6 1.2 Milwaukie RWSP 9.0 3.5 9.5 3.5 12.0 5.0 ICanby I RWSP 4.6 1.5 6.0 2.0 9.3 3.5 TOTAL CLACKAMAS 82.6 32.8 137.4 57.0 184.1 81.6 WEST SIDE West Slope,VV,Bur,PH PWB 4.1 2.1 4.4 2.3 4.6 2.4 Lake Grove PWB 1.0 0.5 1.2 0.6 1.2 0.6 TVWD(Wolfcreek) PWB 38.1 19.3 64.4 32.9 69.8 35.2 TVWD(Metzger) PWB 6.1 3.1 7.3 3.7 7.8 4.0 Tigard MSA 13.8 6.0 18.0 7.1 19.4 7.6 Raleigh PWB 1 1.2 0.6 1.4 0.7 1.6 0.8 Tualatin PWB 11.7 4.6 13.5 5.4 16.2 6.7 Sherwood PWB 2.3 1.2 7.1 3.7 8.8 4.5 Wilsonville RWSP 7.4 2.7 10.7 3.9 18.5 6.8 Beaverton WMP/RWSP 19.5 7.8 25.8 10.3 25.8 10.3 Forest Grove WMP/RWSP 6.0 2.3 8.0 2.8 12.0 4.2 Hillsboro MP(Hills) 1 21.3 9.61 50.3 20.91 67.5 31.0 TOTAL WESTSIDE 132.5 59.9 211.9 94.4 253.2 114.0 Notes: peak day-maximum of daily demands(mgd)for June through September average annual-average day demand(mgd)for January through December Basis of Demand Estimate PWB: Portland Water Bureau 1999 Demand Model with conservation RWSP: Regional Water Supply Plan MP: Water Master Plans WMP: JWC Water Management Plan Clackamas River Water (30 mgd), the South Fork Water Board (20 mgd), the City of Lake Oswego (16 mgd) and North Clackamas County Water Commission (8.5 mgd) each have separate intakes and water treatment plants on the lower Clackamas River. Each facility has its own pumping, treatment, storage and transmission systems for delivery to its customers. The Willamette River is currently being developed as a new source by the City of Wilsonville and the Tualatin Valley Water District. Other communities in southwest Washington County may also participate in the project. Anticipated initial capacity of the new water treatment plant is 10-15 mgd to serve Wilsonville, with an intake capacity of from 70 to 120 mgd. The initial project is scheduled to be completed in April 2002. Several water purveyors currently rely on groundwater as their primary source of supply. Some of these are the cities of Milwaukie, Wood Village, Fairview, Wilsonville and Sherwood and the Damascus Water District. Many other providers also rely on local groundwater for emergency backup or to meet peaking needs. The RWSP identified that most of these existing regional sources of supply have the potential of being expanded in the future should the need arise. Supply from the Bull Run could be expanded through construction of Bull Run Dam No. 3. A new supply conduit (Conduit 5) could be built to accompany Dam No. 3, or as a replacement and addition to the existing three Bull Run conduits. The Portland Water Bureau also completed a Master Plan for the Powell Butte site that would allow the construction of up to three new 50 MG reservoirs at the same elevation as the existing Powell Butte Reservoir (530 feet) and a 20 MG reservoir at an elevation of 600 feet. Expansion of the reliable capacity of the Columbia South Shore wellfield could be accomplished through drilling additional wells and/or aquifer storage and recovery using the Bull Run source. Expansion up to 120 mgd is being investigated. The water treatment plant for the JWC Trask/Tualatin system is designed to be expanded to a 120 mgd peak day capacity and the planned future phases of the second transmission pipeline from that source are sized to carry that capacity. The RWSP identified the Cooper Mountain area as a location for a future large (50 MG) storage reservoir at approximately the same elevation as the 530 feet Powell Butte reservoirs. All four water suppliers using the Clackamas River as a source have the potential for expanding their water treatment, storage and transmission systems. The RWSP showed potential expansions of up to approximately 140 mgd from this source. Applications for additional water rights to expand the withdrawals from the Clackamas River further are currently in process. The RWSP also discussed a large storage reservoir (50 MG) along Foresythe Road on the south side of the Clackamas River. The existing water rights of Wilsonville and the Tualatin Valley Water District on the Willamette River would support an ultimate 120 mgd capacity from this source. To Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-3 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 utilize this water, transmission capacity would have to be built to the north, to the proposed Cooper Mountain Reservoir, to the City of Tigard's 10 MG reservoir, or to other reservoir locations within the area served by the source. In the RWSP, the region was considered to essentially contain three main nodes — East, West and South. For purposes of this analysis, these primary demand nodes roughly correspond to Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas counties. The combined year 2050 peak day demands for these three nodes utilizing the demand numbers from Table ES-1 are shown in Table ES=2. Also shown in Table ES-2 are the major sources in those nodes and a rough approximation of their current or anticipated development capacities. As indicated in Table ES-2, each node is in approximate balance between demand and sources within the node to the year 2050, assuming that these sources are developed and utilized as planned over time. Currently, much of the demand in the West node is served not by sources within that node, but by the Portland system. Table ES-2 Peak Day Demands by Node 1 I EAST: Portland and Eastside 227 Bull Run 210 CoSS GW 92 WEST: Washington Co. 253 Tualatin/Trask 120 Willamette 120 SOUTH: Clackamas Co. 184 Clackamas 139 Every water provider should have the capability of obtaining an emergency source of water in case its primary source is unavailable for any reason. The capacity of this emergency source should be able to meet average annual demand. This would provide water for typical domestic, commercial and industrial use even during the emergency. Most water providers in the region currently have access to some emergency backup supply, with some exceptions. Most of these exceptions would be eliminated if the Willamette River Water Treatment Plant and an interconnection between water treatment plants in the Clackamas Basin were completed. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-4 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 Use of some of these emergency sources is based upon interties between water systems. The main existing interties that are currently active between water systems in the region that are not used routinely as water supply connections are: • CRW—PWB: 4— 8 mgd • Milwaukie—PWB: 2 mgd(not active) • Milwaukie—CRW: 2 mgd • Milwaukie - Oak Lodge WD: 2 mgd (not active) • Lake Oswego—PWB: 1-3 mgd • Lake Oswego—West Linn (SFWB)—3-5 mgd • Beaverton- PWB: 2—4 mgd • Beaverton—TVWD—4 mgd • Beaverton—Tigard— 1-2 mgd • Tigard—Lake Oswego: 4- 8 mgd • Tigard—TVWD: 2 mgd Although most providers in the region have access to some emergency source of water, there are limitations on these emergency connections. In some cases, (such as for those providers on the Portland system), the capacity of the emergency source may not meet current annual average demands. For others, such as the suppliers in the Clackamas Basin, the emergency supply is simply another supplier using the Clackamas River. Thus, if the Clackamas River is lost as a source for any reason, emergency supplies would not be available. Table ES-3 Annual Average Demands (Emergency Demands) by Node EAST: Portland and 95 CoSS GW 92 Eastside WEST: Washington Co. 60 Local GW and 15 Surface Water SOUTH: Clackamas Co. 33 Local GW and 10 Surface Water An approach to strengthening emergency connections in the region would be to require that every water provider have access to both a primary source of supply that is one of the six major regional sources, and to a secondary source of supply that is another of the six major regional sources of supply. Table ES-3 summarizes how the region currently looks Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-5 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 from this perspective on the general nodal basis. Table ES-3 shows that the emergency demand for the East Node is slightly greater than the 'existing capacity of the Columbia South Shore wellfield and both the West Node and South Node require improved emergency connections. Evaluation Criteria There are a number of potential visions for regional transmission and storage. In order to select among these potential visions, criteria by which the options can be compared are needed. Several previous regional planning efforts have considered criteria for evaluating the options for regional water projects. These previous planning efforts were reviewed as a basis for identifying issues and developing the evaluation criteria for this project. From these past efforts, a draft list of criteria was developed. The criteria were reviewed by the Consortium Technical Subcommittee (CTSC) and the Consortium Technical Committee (CTC). Final draft versions of the criteria were reviewed by the Consortium Board. The final version of the key issues and evaluation criteria are given below. It is recognized that some of these goals may be mutually exclusive, and therefore, transmission and storage options may do better at satisfying some than they do others, or that compromises that provide only partial benefits may be needed. Efficiency. Maximize the use of current supplies before developing new ones. "Weather-driven" reliability. Minimize future daily and seasonal shortages, including their magnitude, frequency, duration, and number of agencies affected, that result from existing supplies and infrastructure not being able to serve demands. Emergency reliability. Minimize future shortages, including their magnitude, frequency, duration, and the number of agencies affected, that result from unexpected failure of supplies or facilities due either to catastrophic events or other causes. Water quality. Meet regulatory drinking water standards for all water delivered to all providers. Maximize the ability of individual providers to choose the source(s) of delivered waters. Maximize consistency among providers and over time of delivered water quality. Minimize adverse water quality impacts within the transmission and storage system. Transmission and Storage Cost. Minimize cost to the region of developing transmission and storage facilities. Maximize the perceived fairness of the manner in which costs are shared among the region's water providers. Source Cost. Minimize the cost of source development. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-6 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 Transmission and Storage Environmental Impact. Minimize adverse environmental impacts due to construction and long-term operation of the facilities. Maximize environmental benefits. Source Environmental Impact. Minimize adverse environmental impacts of source development. Maximize the environmental benefits. Regional operating flexibility. Maximize the ability to use water from various sources in order to meet demands throughout the region. Long-term system development. Minimize the foreclosure of long-term supply and infrastructure options due to near-term actions. Ability to meet immediate local needs. Minimize limitations on local agencies' abilities to meet their short-term needs. Legal/regulatory feasibility. Minimize legal and regulatory hurdles. Facilitate regional growth goals, standards, and requirements. Institutional/ inancial feasibility. Minimize the magnitude and difficulty of required institutional changes. Minimize the difficulty of reaching agreement on regional/local control issues. Preliminary Scenarios Four basic scenarios were developed to represent a broad range of visions for regional transmission and storage. In addition to the four scenarios, a "base case" representing the existing situation was included for comparison purposes. Projected water demands to the year 2050 formed the basis for facility sizing under each scenario. These scenarios are: Base Case: The Base Case includes not only the existing transmission system, but also several transmission facilities that various water providers in the region have already committed to building in the future. While some of these projects may not be constructed for a long time, they are nevertheless considered as "givens" from the point of view that planning for additional facilities should consider these facilities as if they were certain to happen. These projects include currently planned transmission improvements of a new 72-inch diameter line from the Joint Water Commission to the Tualatin Valley Water District, a new 96-inch diameter Conduit 5 for the City of Portland, a 60/54-inch diameter Willamette transmission line north from Wilsonville to Tualatin, and a 30-inch interconnection of between some of the water treatment plants on the Clackamas River. Scenario 1 - Holistic. Scenario 1 reflects the concepts developed as part of the RWSP. This concept envisioned major regional water supply sources connected to regional storage facilities through a transmission system which allowed each local provider to Regional Water Providers Consorth ni page ES-7 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 ultimately use one or more of all of the supply sources to meet peak season and peak day demands. The model for this approach is the electrical power grid system, whereby a transmission network is established that allows various source generation facilities to be utilized by customers. It allows any potential excess capacity from any source within the region to be brought to where demand is needed. Major elements include a 96-inch diameter transmission main from Powell Butte to the Clackamas Basin area, a 60-inch diameter transmission main from Clackamas to Tualatin and transmission pipelines to carry 120 mgd of water north from a Willamette River water treatment plant in Wilsonville. This scenario also assumes that new regional storage reservoirs would be built in Washington and Clackamas Counties in order to smooth operation of the regional system. Estimated cost of this scenario is approximately $350 million. Scenario 2 - Emergency Interconnections. This scenario reflects a primary and emergency source approach where each local provider develops or selects its own primary water supply source from one of the regions six major sources. Each provider also independently or jointly develops emergency average day demand backup supplies from a second, separate source that is another of the region's six major sources. The Powell Butte to Clackamas connection is built at a smaller diameter, 54-inch, than in Scenario 1, the Willamette transmission pipeline is only sized for 60 mgd, and the Clackamas to Tualatin pipeline is not constructed under this scenario. Estimated cost of this scenario is approximately $100 million. Scenario 3 - Zonal. Scenario 3 reflects the development and use of regional storage and transmission facilities to serve zonal supply sources developed to their maximum capacity. The regional transmission and storage facilities are sized to serve two specific geographic areas, east and west, from these sources. The east zone is served from the Portland and Clackamas River supplies and the west zone is served from the Joint Water Commission and Willamette River supplies. The dividing line between the east and west zones is the west slope of the West Hills that run south from Portland through Lake Oswego and West Linn. It allows for each of the major sources in each zone to be transmitted as needed within the zone and provides a small intertie between the zones. Estimated cost of this scenario is approximately$250 million. Scenario 4 - Subregional Interconnected. This scenario reflects the ultimate development of existing sources and supplies to serve expanding water demand needs. Included under this scenario is the further interconnection of City of Portland, Trask/Tualatin and Clackamas Rivers supplies as well as an east to west connection of existing Clackamas River supplies. It assumes that the Willamette source does not expand service beyond Wilsonville and perhaps Sherwood. Estimated cost of this scenario is approximately $200 million. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-8 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 Institutional and Financial Concepts Development of a regional transmission and storage strategy may require the creation or expansion of governance institutions, and can entail new financial commitments by the participating water providers. Selection of an appropriate institutional model and a sound financial structure are linked to the selection of a desired transmission/storage scenario. Some institutional and financial approaches are best suited to specific scenarios; others are relatively flexible and universally applicable to any favored scenario. Several different institutional models were reviewed for application to the regional transmission and storage scenarios that were considered in this project. The use of Intergovernmental Agreements was found to offer the greatest flexibility and opportunity for regional consensus building. This study also examined several financing instruments including volume charges, capacity charges, membership dues, buy-ins/buy-outs, regional SDCs, local SDCs, and capacity leasing. All of these options have the capability of being utilized in developing regional transmission and storage projects. The exact ones that are utilized should be selected as part of the Intergovernmental Agreements that are formed. Evaluation Of Scenarios Against The Project Criteria Each of the preliminary regional transmission and storage scenarios, including the Base Case, was considered against each of the evaluation criteria identified above. Rating of the scenarios against the criteria was qualitative, that is, numerical ratings were not assigned. Scenario ratings were reviewed by the CTSC, the CTC and the Consortium Board. Some observations can be made about each scenario based on the evaluation. Scenario 1 - Holistic. This scenario consistently ranks highest for the criteria that relate to the benefits that the regional transmission system generates. These benefits are factors such as reliability, flexibility, efficiency,' and the ability to take advantage of environmental benefits. At the same time, this scenario consistently ranks the lowest for criteria such as cost, legal and regulatory feasibility, and institutional and financial feasibility - all indications of how difficult it will be to actually build this vision of regional transmission. It also ranks lower on the ratings of implications for source development, because it creates an unconstrained market for source that could result in overbuilding of source facilities. Scenario 2 - Emergency Backup. This scenario provides moderate benefits in terms of improving regional reliability, but does not allow much benefit in terms of environmental enhancement or efficiency. However, it has the lowest cost of all the scenarios (except the Base Case) and would be the easiest to implement. Scenario 3 - Zonal. This scenario provides the same types of benefits as the Holistic scenario in terms of reliability, environmental impact, efficiency and flexibility, but not Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-9 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 quite to the same level as the Holistic scenario (perhaps 80% of the benefits obtained in Scenario 1 are obtained in Scenario 3). However, the cost of Scenario 3 is only two- thirds the amount of Scenario 1 and it will be considerably easier to implement. Also, it is less likely to lead to overbuilding of sources, because supply and demands are more matched at the subregional level. Scenario 4 - Interconnected Subregional. This scenario has a cost that is a bit lower than Scenario 3 due to exclusion of storage reservoirs, but does not attain the same level of benefits for the region as Scenario 3. The main reason is that this scenario does not include any substantial development of the Willamette River as a supply. Because the Willamette is the surface source most resistant to drought of those involved, and because it is the least susceptible to impacts from the Endangered Species Act, having it as part of the regional mix adds flexibility and reliability that cannot be achieved without it. Scenario 4 also will be more difficult to implement than Scenario 3, although not as difficult as Scenario 1. Base Case. The Base Case does not achieve enhancements of reliability, efficiency, flexibility, or environmental benefit. Its cost is of course the lowest, and since it is the "do nothing" alternative, it is the easiest to achieve. Public Information and Involvement and Consortium Board Input Public information in the RTSS planning process has been provided directly via public information brochures, and indirectly via newspaper stories. Staff for the Consortium prepared an information brochure concerning the project and mailed it to a 3,800-name project mailing list. This mailing list included individuals that expressed interest in past regional water planning activities as well as environmental groups, large water users, regulatory agencies, water suppliers and others in the region. Consortium staff also provided a briefing on the project to the City of Portland's Water Quality Advisory Committee. A number of articles concerning the project have also appeared in The Oregonian newspaper. The first Public Workshop on the project was held on November 9, 1999 at the Oregon Institute of Technology Conference Center in Milwaukie, Oregon. Approximately 20 people attended the Workshop. The Workshop covered the project evaluation criteria, scenarios and financial and institutional options. Comments received at the workshop indicated that participants were in agreement with the evaluation criteria that were being utilized. They also felt that the scenarios that were being proposed represented an adequately broad range of options for discussion. The Consortium Board has provided input and direction for the development of the draft RTSS. At the Board's September 1999 meeting, the evaluation criteria and scenarios were discussed. Modifications to the evaluation criteria were made to address Board comments. The Board commented that the range of scenarios being presented represented a good range of options for further evaluation. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-10 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 The December 1999 meeting of the Consortium Board considered the draft evaluation of the scenarios. Board members identified which of the policies represented by the evaluation criteria for the project were rated as "most important" for the RTSS. The criteria that Board members rated the criteria as most important were: • Emergency reliability • Water Quality • Cost Discussion at the meeting indicated that the Board members felt that the vision for the RTSS should not be constrained by issues of legal, regulatory and institution feasibility, short-term needs, or environmental issues. These concerns would be represented in the higher projected costs for some scenarios or could presumably overcome with the appropriate level of effort. This was why those criteria did not rate high. In the discussion of the scenario evaluations, Board members expressed three major points. These were: • Improved emergency interconnections (such as the Emergency Scenario 2) between and among water systems in the region are vital. These interconnections would improve regional reliability and improve access to emergency supplies of water when there were problems with an individual source or system. • The costs of a transmission system that allows very large quantities of water to be moved throughout the region (such as the Holistic Scenario 1) does not appear to justify whatever added benefits this approach would achieve, compared to less ambitious regional interconnections. • The long-term network should be consistent with the decisions that communities make that are now looking for new sources of supply and should be phased and built from the nearer-term improvements. The uncertainty concerning which sources in the region will ultimately be utilized has a serious impact on any commitment to a large transmission system. The most appropriate transmission network might look different depending on the source that Tigard, Sherwood and others in southern Washington County that are looking for water, chose as their primary supply during the next few years. If the source for these communities becomes the Willamette River, then perhaps the Zonal Scenario (Scenario 3) would be most appropriate. But, if the Portland system or the Clackamas River becomes the source, Scenario 4 may be more appropriate. The RTSS should be phased in a manner that allows nearer-term improvements to be made to improve emergency interconnections, but then allows the longer-term network to be consistent with source decisions as they are made. Regional Water Providers Consorthan page ES-11 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 These three key points become the primary drivers for the recommended Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy presented below. REGIONAL TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE STRATEGY Based on all the above information, the recommended Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy is: Build interconnections between and among individual water systems within the region to increase the reliability of supply to individual communities and to the region as a whole. In the long-term, develop either a Zonal or Interconnected Subregional transmission and storage system, depending on the source(s)that the communities in southern Washington County that currently need water, develop for their primary supply. Develop these projects through intergovernmental agreements (IGA's)among those benefiting from and participating in the individual projects. Specific elements of the Strategy should include: • Each community in the region should have access to both a primary supply and an adequate emergency source of water. • The primary supply should be one of the six major sources in the region (Bull Run River, Columbia South Shore Wellfield, Clackamas River, Trask/Tualatin River, Willamette River, local groundwater). • The emergency supply should be sized to meet at least the annual average demand of the community and should be a separate source from the primary supply. Preferably, the emergency source would be one of the six major sources in the region that is not the community's primary supply. • The sizing of interconnections between water systems should consider future potential peak season and peak day supply needs as well as emergency needs. Sizing of each specific project should be reviewed and modified at the time the project is actually designed and constructed. • If a new east-west transmission connection is made within the region, it should be via a route that allows connection of the supplies from the Clackamas basin to be to both the Portland system and Washington County. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-12 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 • While the primary elevation for the transmission connections should be set based on the existing major storage reservoirs in the region (Portland's Powell Butte Reservoir at around 530' elevation and JWC's Fernwood Reservoir at around 520' elevation), not all of the transmission system flow need go to this elevation. Much of the service territory in the region can be served at elevations in the 450' to 490' range. Pumping costs from the river system water treatment plants can be reduced substantially if a portion of the flow goes to the lower elevations. Similarly, there are portions of the region that require higher elevations for service. As specific storage and transmission projects are designed and constructed, these elevation issues should be considered. Pipeline design, however, should be based upon the pressures of the 530' elevation so that there are no limitations in the utility of the transmission pipelines. • The timing for construction of each project in the Strategy should be determined through negotiations among the project participants that are interested in building the project. The benefits of putting this regional transmission strategy into place include: • Improved protection against loss of any water source for any reason. • Improved ability to bring available water supplies to communities that may need water. • Improved flexibility to respond to environment concerns in source waters. • Ability to utilize lower cost water sources in the winter when water is plentiful and to close higher cost sources during those periods. • Improved ability to utilize surface sources as part of aquifer storage and recover projects. The institutional model that is recommended for implementing the elements of the short- term strategy is Intergovernmental Agreements (IGA's) organized under ORS 190. This institutional arrangement offers the greatest array of options for developing detailed system guidelines. It allows relatively easy "evolution" to accommodate future changes in institutional scope or mission. It retains local representation and control while entering into the regional strategy. For each of the projects under RTSS, IGA's could be developed between the project participants to identify cost allocations, operating responsibilities and other obligations and requirements. There are several projects that are currently already in the adopted Capital Improvement Programs (CIP's) of various water providers in the region. These projects should be Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-13 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 considered as consistent with and as components of, this recommended Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy. These projects are shown in Figure ES-1 and Table ES-4: Table ES-4 RTSS Projects Projects in Planning JWC Supply I1 72 JWC/TVWD Intertie 48 Willamette Supply 63/54 Clackamas WTP's Interne 30 Conduit 5 —Phase I 84 Powell Butte Reservoir II 50 Recommended Additional Projects Powell Butte / Clackamas 60 Basin Intertie JWC/WCSL Intertie 60 JWC/Willamette Intertie 60/54 Possible Other Projects Clackamas/Wash. Co 60 Intertie Conduit 5 —Phase II 84 Conduit 5 —Phase I1I 84 Cooper Mountain Reservoir 50 Powell Butte Reservoir 1II 50 Powell Butte 600' Reservoir 20 Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-14 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 h °1"oP Vancouver co/ljrp'6/'o R/ve� cOye Comos shougal CP n ment Isl°nd r ry i Forest Cp P Grove e" z Hil sboro O RA /P r— — c0: N/ 72 Portland PB II ^� 42" *e• �. R 56" Son dY River Beaverton 44" Gresham WTP LJ 4" 80' 68" 36' Br. R 60" (CP R R t Si 24" n 5 6 24' a� Lre CP 5 I—t R PAF PAF n 38" °'• 36' �A O.O(` PAF U 6'- •OONDUIT N0. /O 1 O: PB IV S \ PAF Milwaukie PB 600 (0: Gaston Lake 7 OO "' PAF O' c4,• PAF ,6 Lake swego �j0, ...... J2� Tigard R Q King Cit Durhoe / Gladstone a WTP Y — — y3 Clockamas Sandy TU010tin P PAF wrP Tualatin Sherwood WTP z R 24" 30 N 10000 0 10000 20000 West Linn LrRA 24" R Oregon City LEGEND v EXISTING PROPOSED T � CP nI Wilsonville 7 WATER TREATMENT PLANT WTP WTP O� 9/ WTP N op GROUNDWATER WELL SUPPLY STORAGE RESERVOIR i oQ ° Canby PUMP STATION �- a River �N� Figure ES-1 FEBRUARY 2000 CURRENTLY PLANNED (CP) _ CP - D�/�CT REGIONAL TRANSMISSION AND U RAFT RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL RA STORAGE STRATEGY RECOMMENDED FUTURE (RA) REGIONAL WATER PROVIDERS CONSORTIUM PA POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL FUTURE _ (PAF) M � OM'OOMOIY WATSON :J .. O.ngon MSA • The second transmission line from the Joint Water Commission water treatment plant in Forest Grove that would connect to the Tualatin Valley Water District (TVWD) and the transmission improvements in the TVWD system to bring this water to its storage reservoir. • The transmission line from the City of Wilsonville's new water treatment plant using the Willamette River as a source, north to its termination point. This termination point is currently assumed to be within the City of Wilsonville, but may extend further north depending on upcoming decisions of other communities. • An interconnection between the water treatment plants using the Clackamas River as a source. • The downstream portion of Bull Run Conduit 5. • A second reservoir on Powell Butte. Several other major projects are recommended for further exploration consistent with this strategy and are also shown in Figure ES-1 and Table ES-4. These are: • An intertie between the Joint Water Commission and the Portland system. • An intertie between the Portland system and water sources in the Clackamas basin. • An intertie between the terminus of the Willamette transmission pipeline and the Joint Water Commission pipeline. Also shown in Table ES-4 are several possible other projects that depend on future decisions about the regional water supply network. The routes shown in Figure ES-1 are representative of the general corridor that the transmission pipeline would take. As discussed in Section 5, there are multiple alternative routings for each pipeline. The specific routing for each pipeline should be determined through more detailed study of options and negotiations among those water providers participating in actual project construction. If the communities in southern Washington County that are currently looking for a long- term source of water(Tigard and Sherwood) decide to use either the Clackamas basin supplies or the Portland system, then a pipeline from the Clackamas basin to those communities should be constructed. If those communities decide to use the Willamette River as their source of supply, then the Willamette transmission pipeline should be sized larger and the connection to the JWC system completed earlier. If those communities decide to use the JWC source as their supply, then the JWC interties to the Portland and Willamette systems should be sized larger and these connections completed earlier. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-15 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 Other local connections or improvements in connections between individual water providers should also be undertaken as part of the Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy. Examples of these may include: • Capacity increases of the existing intertie between Clackamas River Water and the Portland system, • Reactivation of an inactive connection between the Portland system and the Oak Lodge Water District, • Improved connections between Portland and Lake Oswego, and Portland and Milwaukie, and • A connection between Fairview and Wood Village. While these connections may not be of regional significance by themselves, the cumulative effect of the sum total of many of these improvements could be of regional significance. Regional Water Providers Consortium page ES-16 Regional Transmission and Storage Strategy Development Project Report Executive Summary -draft 2/18/00 3 WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1999/00 $90,000 Replace 460 feet of 10-inch cast iron water main with 12-inch ductile iron; 460 feet of 8-inch cast iron water main with 8-inch ductile iron; and 175 feet of 6-inch cast-iron water main with 8-inch ductile iron on SW Tiedeman Street at SW Walnut. This project is part of the Tiedeman/Fonner/Walnut intersection improvement project. $750,000 Install 3,400 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 131 st Avenue to SW King Arthur. This is to be completed during the Counry's project that wii; be funded by NiSTIP 3. The County project consists of widening Beef Bend road from two lanes to three, retaining walls, sidewalks, storm drainage improvements and vertical and horizontal realignment. The County postponed this project during 1997 due to Measure 47. $60,000 Replace 800 feet of 6-inch cast iron water main with 6-inch ductile pipe on SW Lincoln Street from SW Greenburg Road to SW 91s' Avenue. This is an on-going program of replacing old cast iron water mains with ductile iron pipe as part of the City's street improvement program. $401,000 Construction of pressure reducing stations within the Bull Mountain system. The pressure reducing stations are constructed as needed, when new subdivisions come on-line. On Bull Mountain properties below an elevation of 580 feet are serviced from the 713-foot service zone. At an elevation of 430 feet, the water pressure becomes excessive and the operating (working) pressure must be reduced. Depending upon timing, we have identified two proposed subdivisions (Autumn Hill and Quail Hollow West) that would require pressure-reducing facilities. $260,000 Install 2,700 feet of 12-inch distribution main on SW 150th Avenue from Bull Mountain Road to Hawks Ridge (Bull Mountain system) $140,000 Install 1,450 feet of 12-inch transmission main on SW North Dakota between 115th and 121 st Avenue. This will complete a 12- inch loop to SW Scholls Ferry Road. $1,340,000 2000/01 • 1 $285,000 Replace 4,000 feet of 8-inch cast iron water main on SW 79th Avenue between Bonita and Durham. This project is in conjunction with the SW 79th Avenue Street Improvement Project. Included in this estimate is the replacement of three fire hydrants, installation of a new fire hydrant and relocation of 33 water services. $950,000 Install 5,600 feet of 24-inch transmission main along SW Walnut Street from 121 st & Fonner to SW 135th Avenue and PRV control Valves and Vault. This project would be constructed as part of the Walnut Street improvement project. $565,000 Install 4,400 feet of 16-inch transmission main from SW 135`h Avenue and Walnut to SW Barrows Road. $1,800,000 2001/02 $760,000 Install 3,800 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW King Authur to Bull Mountain Road and 99W. This is the second of a three-phase project to increase water transmission to the south side of Bull Mountain. $1,000,000 Install 4,000 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Greenburg Road, from Hwy 217 to Bradley Corner. This would include a bore under Hwy 217 ($100,000) and a PRV station and new meter vault ($100,000). $1,760,000 2002/03 $380,000 Install 1,900 feet of 24-inch transmission main from SW Bull Mountain Road to SW Gaarde Street. This completes the new 24- inch loop project from SW 131 st Avenue on Beef Bend Road to SW Gaarde Street. $320,000 Install 3,300 feet of 12-inch water main on SW 121 st Avenue from SW Walnut Street to SW North Dakota. This area was identified as needing additional reinforcement from medium sized transmission facilities. $252,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on Bull Mountain. $952,000 2003/04 $300,000 Install 1,900 feet of 12-inch water main on 99W from SW Canterbury Lane to SW Beef Bend Road. This water main will j reinforce transmission facilities to the south end of our service area. This cost includes a rock allowance. $160,000 Install 1,620 feet of 12-inch water main on SW Scholls Ferry Road from SW 135th Avenue to emergency access to apartment complex on SW Barrows Road. This will complete a circulation loop for this area. $400,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on Bull Mountain. $860,000 2004/05 $410,000 Install 3,200 feet of 16-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 146th Avenue to SW 150th Avenue north to future reservoir (410 zone). $1,300,000 Construction of 1 million gallon reservoir on the northern flank of Bull Mountain with an overflow elevation of 550 feet. Also included is a pumping station ($120,000) to transfer water from the 410 zone to the new reservoir. This is within the Bull Mountain system. $54,000 Install 1,500 feet of 4-inch water main on SW Scoffins Street. This is to replace an aging 4-inch cast iron water main that has had a history of increased maintenance over the years. $1,764,000 2005/06 $410,000 Install 3,200 feet of 16-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 146th Avenue to SW 150th Avenue north to future reservoir (410 zone). $500,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on the southern flank of Bull Mountain. $910,000 Please note that these water capital projects are subject to change depending upon which water supply source is chosen and constructed. Additional, some projects may be moved up, delayed or postponed depending upon the outcome of a hydraulic modeling study of our water distribution and transmission system. WATER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1999/00 $90,000 Replace 460 feet of 10-inch cast iron water main with 12-inch ductile iron; 460 feet of 8-inch cast iron water main with 8-inch ductile iron; and 175 feet of 6-inch cast iron water main with 8-inch ductile iron on SW Tiedeman Street at SW Walnut. This project is part of the Tied eman/Fonner/Walnut intersection improvement project. $750,000 Install 3,400 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 131 st Avenue to SW King Arthur. This is to be completed during the County's project that will be funded by MSTIP 3. The County project consists of widening Beef Bend road from two lanes to three, retaining walls, sidewalks, storm drainage improvements and vertical and horizontal realignment. The County postponed this project during 1997 due to Measure 47. $60,000 Replace 800 feet of 6-inch cast iron water main with 6-inch ductile pipe on SW Lincoln Street from SW Greenburg Road to SW 91s` Avenue. This is an on-going program of replacing old cast iron water mains with ductile iron pipe as part of the City's street improvement program. $40,000 Construction of pressure reducing stations within the Bull Mountain system. The pressure reducing stations are constructed as needed, when new subdivisions come on-line. On Bull Mountain properties below an elevation of 580 feet are serviced from the 713-foot service zone. At an elevation of 430 feet, the water pressure becomes excessive and the operating (working) pressure must be reduced. Depending upon timing, we have identified two proposed subdivisions (Autumn Hill and Quail Hollow West) that would require pressure-reducing facilities. $260,000 Install 2,700 feet of 12-inch distribution main on SW 150th Avenue from Bull Mountain Road to Hawks Ridge (Bull Mountain system) $140,000 Install 1,450 feet of 12-inch transmission main on SW North Dakota between 115th and 121 st Avenue. This will complete a 12- inch loop to SW Scholls Ferry Road. $1,340,000 2000/01 $285,000 Replace 4,000 feet of 8-inch cast iron water main on SW 79th Avenue between Bonita and Durham. This project is in conjunction with the SW 79th Avenue Street Improvement Project. Included in this estimate is the replacement of three fire hydrants, installation of a new fire hydrant and relocation of 33 water services. $950,000 Install 5,600 feet of 24-inch transmission main along SW Walnut Street from 121 st & Fonner to SW 135th Avenue and PRV control Valves and Vault. This project would be constructed as part of the Walnut Street improvement project. $565,000 Install 4,400 feet of 16-inch transmission main from SW 135th Avenue and Walnut to SW Barrows Road. $1,800,000 2001/02 $760,000 Install 3,800 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW King Authur to Bull Mountain Road and 99W. This is the second of a three-phase project to increase water transmission to the south side of Bull Mountain. $1,000,000 Install 4,000 feet of 24-inch transmission main on SW Greenburg Road, from Hwy 217 to Bradley Corner. This would include a bore under Hwy 217 ($100,000) and a PRV station and new meter vault ($100,000). $1,760,000 2002/03 $380,000 Install 1,900 feet of 24-inch transmission main from SW Bull Mountain Road to SW Gaarde Street. This completes the new 24- inch loop project from SW 131 st Avenue on Beef Bend Road to SW Gaarde Street. $320,000 Install 3,300 feet of 12-inch water main on SW 121st Avenue from SW Walnut Street to SW North Dakota. This area was identified as needing additional reinforcement from medium sized transmission facilities. $252,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on Bull Mountain. $952,000 2003/04 $300,000 Install 1,900 feet of 12-inch water main on 99W from SW Canterbury Lane to SW Beef Bend Road. This water main will reinforce transmission facilities to the south end of our service area. This cost includes a rock allowance. $160,000 Install 1,620 feet of 12-inch water main on SW Scholls Ferry Road from SW 135th Avenue to emergency access to apartment complex on SW Barrows Road. This will complete a circulation loop for this area. $400,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on Bull Mountain. $860,000 2004/05 $410,000 Install 3,200 feet of 16-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 146th Avenue to SW 150th Avenue north to future reservoir (410 zone). $1,300,000 Construction of 1 million gallon reservoir on the northern flank of Bull Mountain with an overflow elevation of 550 feet. Also included is a pumping station ($120,000) to transfer water from the 410 zone to the new reservoir. This is within the Bull Mountain system. $54,000 Install 1,500 feet of 4-inch water main on SW Scoffins Street. This is to replace an aging 4-inch cast iron water main that has had a history of increased maintenance over the years. $1,764,000 2005/06 $410,000 Install 3,200 feet of 16-inch transmission main on SW Beef Bend Road from SW 146th Avenue to SW 150th Avenue north to future reservoir (410 zone). $500,000 Reserve fund for a reservoir with an overflow elevation of 410 or 550 feet, depending upon growth, on the southern flank of Bull Mountain. $910,000 Please note that these water capital projects are subject to change depending upon which water supply source is chosen and constructed. Additional, some projects may be moved up, delayed or postponed depending upon the outcome of a hydraulic modeling study of our water distribution and transmission system. REGIONAL WATER PROVIDERS CONSORTIUM Portland Metropolitan Area March 1, 2000 CONSORTIUM PARTICIPANTS Branch Chief City of Beaverton Protected Resources Division National Marine Fisheries Service 525 NE Oregon Street, Suite 510 Clackamas River Water Portland, OR 97232-2737 Damascus Water District City of Fairview Re: Proposed 4(d)rule—West Coast Steelhead and Chinook City of Forest Grove The Regional Water Providers Consortium (Consortium) of the Portland City of Gladstone Metropolitan Area is composed of 25 water providers (cities and special City of Gresham districts) and Metro, the regional planning government agency. The service City of Hillsboro area of the Consortium member agencies includes approximately 1.3 million City of Lake Oswego people. The Regional Water Providers Consortium was formed in 1996 to implement the Regional Water Supply Plan, an integrated plan to meet the Metro water supply needs of the Portland area to the year 2050. City of Milwaulzie Mt. Scott Water District The Consortium recognizes the need to support fish recovery in the Portland Metropolitan Area. One of the policy objectives in the Regional Water Oak Lodge Water Supply Plan is to "minimize (i.e., avoid, reduce, and/or mitigate) the impact District of water resource development on the natural and human environment as City of Portland well as foster protection of environmental values through water source Powell Valley Road protections and enhancement efforts and conservation." However, the Water District Consortium is concerned about the mechanism NMFS proposes to use in the Raleigh Water District draft 4(d) rule in regards to how we obtain water supply. Rockwood Water PUD (J)Assure that water supply demands for the new development can be met City of Sanely without impacting flows needed for threatened salmonids either directly or City of Sherwood through groundwater withdrawals, and that any new water diversions are South Fork Water Board Positioned and screened in a way that prevents injury or death of salmonids. City of Tigard The Consortium supports the policy of improving conditions for listed fish City of Tualatin in the watersheds from which we obtain water supply. However, we are Tualatin Valley Water concerned with the implication that Metro's Functional Plan or city and District county ordinances would have to address water supply issues and that those jurisdictions would be in the position making water right determinations. West dope Water Logistically,this is complex. The supply of water to urban areas within the District Portland metropolitan area comes from many different geographic locations City of Wilsonville and sources, and includes both surface and groundwater. Currently, about City of Wood Villade Rvoinnnl Water Providers Consortium. 1120 S.W. 5th#601, Portland, Oregon 97204-1926(503)823-7528 R National Marine Fisheries Service March 1, 2000 Page 3 Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Please do not hesitate to call Lorna Stickel at (503) 823-7502 if you have any questions. Sincerely, /16 Rob Kapp air Regional Water Providers Consortium c: Regional Water Providers Consortium Technical Advisory Committee S• t MEMORANDUM TO: Ed Wegner FROM: Mike Millero� RE: Proposed Portland Wholesale Water Rate DATE: March 7, 2000 At the February 9, 2000, of the Water Managers Advisory Board, the projected FY 2000-01 wholesale water rates were discussed in great detail. The bottom line is that the overall rate to wholesale purchasers will increase by 10%, in our case the rate is reduced by 29%. ' With the new method for purchasing water from Portland during the summer season, the ability to say within 10% of hourly and daily purchases from Portland, all wholesalers achieved a peaking factor of 1.0. Meaning that none of the wholesalers "peaked" on the Portland system. With none of the wholesalers "peaking" last summer, the costs are evenly distributed to others in each of the service areas. In addition to spreading the costs evenly, Portland is passing along across the board increases. The contributing factors to the cost increases, outside of the peaking factors being 1.0, are: Y The five year average cost of government debt, per Wall Street Journal as outlined in the current 25-year agreements, increased from 4.8% to 6.25% which increased wholesale rates 3%. y Operating costs make up 5% of the rate increase. In Portland's FY 2000-01 proposed Budget, new and enhanced projects total $2.2 million. These program enhancements include work force planning and development, Endangered Species Act response, response to regulatory compliance, CIP and engineering support staff increases, and GIS maintenance. Demand reduction to recognize TVWD increased reliance on Joint Water Commission water, which increases rates approximately 2%. Due to the way the rates are calculated, according to the current 25-year contract, rate of return fluctuations greatly influences rates. The most vocal of the wholesalers was Gresham. Gresham's cost to purchase Portland water will increase from $0.475 to $0.61 per ccf. This represents a 28% increase, and they were wondering how they can .pass such a large increase to their customers when Portland is only proposing a 6% increase to their own retail customers. Gresham is wanting to find a new way to calculate the rate outside the current agreement. Portland stated that they used the •4 Y methodology contained in the 25-year agreements and we are stuck with it until the contracts expire. Portland also stated that this is one of the reasons to participate in the new contract discussions. Tualatin Valley Water District will see a 20% increase in their wholesale rate. This is bad news to Tigard since our cost to purchase Tualatin Valley Water at Baylor Street is based on TVWD's wholesale cost plus cost allocations of the Washington County Supply Line, their O&M and JWC costs. We are estimating that TVWD's cost of water to Tigard will be over $0.90 per ccf in FY 2000-01. So what does this all mean? As you can see in the attached rate table from Portland, there is no $0.50 per ccf at Powell Butte. In fact, Service Area 1, which is serviced via the conduits and should have the lowest rates, is at $0.61 per ccf. How Portland could ever hope to have $0.50 per ccf water at Powell Butte, as stated in their December 1998 proposal to provide water to Southeast Washington County, was black magic at best. ori,'^No Erik Sten, Commissioner CITY OF Michael F. Rosenberger, Administrator 0 1120 S.W. 5th Avenue F ' o z PORTLAND OREGONPortland, Oregon 97204 Information (503) 823-7404 Fax(503) 823-6133 BUREAU OF WATER WORKS TDD (503) 823-6868 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 1, 2000 TO: Water Managers Advisory Board FROM: Michael Rosenberger Administrator I �' SUBJECT: Projected FY 2000-01 Rates Please find attached preliminary rate information for FY 2000-01. These rates assume that all districts maintained the 10% peak flow pattern last summer. Once the peaking factor analysis is complete districts with peaking factors will have higher rates and districts that maintained the smooth pattern (did not peak)will have slightly lower rates. There are also possible rate changes due to budget adjustments befiveen now and the rate ordinance in May. The "Requested Budget" document will be available at the February 8 meeting and mailed to districts not at the meeting. Volume rates by wholesale customer are listed on the attached Table 1. These rates are based on the Water Bureau's preliminary FY 2000-01 budget and calculated according to the 25-year contract cost of service methodology. The table shows a comparison between the "Projected Rates 2000-01" and the current"Ordinance Rates". All districts in a service area have the same projected rate because we are assuming all districts have the same peaking factor. A breakdown of O&M, Depreciation, and Rate of Return charges is summarized by Service Area on Table 2 - "2000-01 Cost-of-Service Allocation." The Service Area unit costs shown on Table 2 are the service area total costs divided by the total consumption in the service area. Table 3 shows comparisons between FY 99-00 and FY 00-01 for both overall wholesale costs and costs per CCF. Overall average rate increase to wholesale users is about 10%. (Inside-City increase is projected at about 6%.) . 4 Preliminary FY 2000-01 Rates Water Managers Advisory Board February 1, 2000 The fac'o-Is contributing to the 10% increase are: The five-year average cost of government debt (per Wall Street Journal).increased from 4.8 to 6.25, which increased wholesale rates 3%. Operating costs add about 5% to the rate increase (inflation = 3% and enhancements 2%). In FY 2000-01 budget new or enhanced projects total about$2.2 million. These program enhancements include—workforce planning and development, Endangered Species Act, regulatory compliance, CIP and engineering support staff, and Gla maintenance. Demand reduction to recognize TVWD increased reliance on Joint Water Commission increases rates about 2%. As you can see on Table 1 most customers' rates are increasing more than 10% because the rate calculation assumes all districts operated within the peak use pattern. Costs are shifted away from districts with higher peaking factors last rate year(i.e. Tigard and Rockwood) and are shared by all districts. Anne Conway explained this potential cost/rate shift last June and October. There will be further rate adjustments to reflect the final peaking analysis. A discussion of rates is on the agenda of the February 8 WMAB meeting. If you have questions before the meeting please call Anne Conway at 823-7468. These proposed rates will be reviewed by the Commissioner-in-Charge and may change because of City Council action on the Bureau's budget. As provided for in the 25-year Agreement, purchaser will be sent a copy of the rate ordinance and notice of the City Council hearing. CITY OF PORTLAND TABLE 1 BUREAU OF WATERWORKS RATES BY CUSTOMER CLASS DISTRICT-- Projected Rate Current Rate % Change from NAME FY 00-01 FY 99-00 9900 to 0001 SERVICE AREA AVERAGE 1 $0.61 $0.51 19% GNR $0.61 0.533 14% GREEN VALLEY 0.61 0.533 14% GRESHAM, CITY OF 0.61 0.475 28% HIDEAWAY HILLS 0.61 0.533 14% LORNA 0.61 0.533 14% LUSTED 0.61 0.533 14% PLEASANT HOME 0.61 0.533 14% POWELL VALLEY 0.61 0.475 28% ROCKWOOD 0.61 0.558 9% SKYVIEW ACRES 0.61 0.533 14% WESTSIDE 0.61 0.533 14% SERVICE AREA AVERAGE 2 $0.79 $0.66 21% PALANTINE HILL 0.79 0.656 21% BURLINGTON 0.79 , 0.656 21% SERVICE AREA AVERAGE 3 $0.88 $1.09 -19% LAKE GROVE 0.88 0.668 32% TIGARD, CITY OF 0.88 1.232 -29% VALLEY VIEW 0.88 0.752 17% WEST SLOPE 0.88 0.703 25% SERVICE AREA AVERAGE 5 $0.62 $0.52 18% TUALATIN VALLEY WATER 0.62 0.518 20% RALEIGH 0.62 0.547 13% TUALATIN, CITY OF 0.62 0.547 13% Average Wholesale Rate $0.65 $0.59 10% CITY OF PORTLAND 2/1/00 2000-01 COST-0F-SERVICE RATE ALLOCATION TABLE 2 BUREAU OF WATER WORKS COST ALLOCATIONS BY SERVICE AREA COST COMPONENT SERVICE AREA 1 SERVICE AREA 2 SERVICE AREA 3 SERVICE AREA 5 TOTAL AREAS 15 COST $/CCF COST $/CCF COST $/CCF COST $/CCF COST $/CCF SUPPLY GROUP O&M 1,509,247 0.178 35,817 0.189 568,302 0.189 1,879,231 0.178 3,992,597 0.179 DEPRECIATIO11L.—_ 1,044,355 0.123 24,553 0.129 389,571 0.129 1,300,337 0.123 2,758,615 0.124 RETURN ON RATE 766,152 0.090 18,023 0.095 285,963 0.095 953.947 0.090 2,024,085 0.091 Subtotal $3,319,754 0.391 $78,393 0.413 $1,243,835 0.413 54,133,515 0.391 $8,775,497 0.394 S.E.FEEDER GROUP 0 0.000 08M 0 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 DEPRECIATION 0 0 329 0.002 5,228 0.002 17,502 0.002 23,059 0.001 RETURN ON RATE E 0 0 605 0.003 9,600 0.003 32,140 0.003 42,345 0.002 Subtotal $0 0 $935 0.005 $14,828 $0.005 $49,642 0.005 $65,404 0.003 TRANSMISSION GROUP 96,084 0.004 O&M 0 0 5.744 0.030 88,872 0.030 1,467 0 169,077 0.056 2.106 0 181,951 0.008 DEPRECIATION 0 0 10.768 0.057 RETURN ON RATE E 0 0 10,976 0.058 172,913 0.057 1,997 0 185,886 0.008 Subtotal $0 0 $27,488 0.145 $430,862 0.143 $5,570 0.001 $463,921 0.021 REQUIRED PUMPED TRANSMISSION GROUP 0 0 220 269 0.010 O&M 0 0 0 0.000 220,269 0.073 DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 0.000 29,255 0.010 0 0 29,255 0.001 RETURN ON RATE E 0 0 0 0.000 12,407 0.004 0 0 12,407 0.001 Subtotal $0 J $0 0.000 $261,931 0.087 $0 0 $261,931 0.012 EXCESS PUMPED TRANSMISSION GROUP O&M 0 0 0 0.000 3,401 0.001 13,553 0.001 16,955 0.001 6,131 0.002 24,429 0.002 30,560 0.001 DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 0.000 — RETURN ON RATE E 0 0 0 0.000 2,264 0.001 9,022 0.001 11,286 0.001 Subtotal $0 0 $0 0.000 $11,796 0.004 $47,005 0.004 55001 0.003 WCSL 10%GROUP 0 0.000 06M 0 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0 DEPRECIATION 0 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 6,008 0.001 6,008 D.000 RETURN ON RA-11E B 0 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 10,519 0.001 10,519 0.000 Subtotal $0 0 $0 0.000 . $0 0.000 $16,527 0.002 $16,527 0.001 GENERAL 08M 1,582,185 0.187 37,689 0.199 590,409 0.196 1,968.254 0.186 4,178,537 0.188 0.017 176,333 0 DEPRECIATION 141,799 0.017 3,356 0.018 52,296 .017 373,784. 0.017 RETURN ON RATE 119,359 0.014 2,830 0.015 43,861 0.015 148,370 0.014 314,419 0.014 Subtotal $1,843,343 0217 $43,874 0231 $686,566 0228 $2,292,957 0217 $4,866,740 0219 TOTA- SERVICE AREA 1 SERVICE AREA 2 SERVICE AREA 3 SERVICE AREA 5 TOTAL AREAS 15 COST S/CCF COST $/CCF COST $fCCF COST $1CCF COST $/CCF O&M 3,091.432 0.364 79,250 0.417 1,471,254 0.48, 3,862,506 0.366 8,504.441 0.382 DEPRECIATION 1,186.154 0.140 39,006 0.205 651,557 0216 1.S?6,716 0.145 3,403,433 0.153 RETURN ON RATE 885,511 0.104 32,434 0.171 527,008 0.175 1,155,994 0.109 2,600,947 0.117 TOTAL $5,163,097 $0.609 5150,690 50.794 $2,649,818 $0.880 $6,545,216 $0.620 $14,508,821 $0.652 Totals may not foot due to rounding 2/1/00 WHOLESALE RATE CHANGES Table 3 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 % change Wholesale Revenue $ 13,500,000 $ 14,500,000 Demand L= 23,000,000 22,200,000 Average rate per ccf $0.59 $0.65 10% Components of the Costs Operating and Maintenance 7,800,000 8,00,000 9% Depreciation 3,500,000 3,400,000 -3% Return on Rate Base 2,200,000 2,600,000 18% Total $ $13,500,000 $14,500,000 7% Details of per CCF cost-See "2000-01 Cost of Service Rate Allocation"Worksheet Operating and Maintenance 0.34 0.38 Depreciation 0.15 0.15 Return on Rate Base 0.10 0.12 Total $ $0.59 $0.65 Breakdown of the Average Rate Change In $$ In %% Inflation - O&M $0.02 3% Changes in O&M 0.01 2% Return on Investment 0.02 3% Demand Reduction 0.01 2% Average Rate change $0.06 10% Return on Rate Base Rate Base $297,900,000 $302,000,000 1% Rate of Return 4.7% 5.6% 19% Return on Rate Base $ 14,120,460 $ 17,032,800 Assigned to Wholesale customers 2,200,000 2,600,000 18% % assigned to Wholesale customers 15.6% 15.3% In FY 00-01 the%to wholesale is lower because there are more pump costs for City customers FY 2000-01 Budget Review Department: Public Works Division: Water Budget Summary % Change 2000 FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 from Financial Actual Revised Request Revised Plan FTE 16.00 17.00 17.00 0.00% 18.00 Personal 672,210 849,142 919,526 8.29% 966,177 Services Materials & 2,732,359 3,894,074 3,240,328 (16.79°/x) 3,600,000 Services Capital 149,983 168,590 78,000 (53.73%) 105,000 Outlay Total $3,554,552 $4,911,806 $4,237,854 (13.72%) $4,671,177 Workload Indicators % Change FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 from Actual FY 99-00 #of outdoor residential water 40 50 150 200.0% audits performed #on youth,education 10 26 34 30.8% presentations #of conservation workshops 1 1 2 100.0% Miles of pipe flushed 216 220 225 2.3% #of meter connections 14,800 15,300 15,600 2.0% LEOf wells 4 4 4 0.0% Storage capacity 24.5 24.5 24.5 0.0% Effectiveness Measures % Change FY 98-99 FY 99-00 FY 00-01 from Actual FY 99-00 Reduction of seasonal water 10% 15% 50% usage by participates of residential audit program % of teachers rating the youth 85% 87% 2.4% education programs of high value % of attendees rating 85% 85% 0.0% conservation workshops valuable Reduction in peak day usage per person per day %of system flushed 45% 68% 51.1% Department Results Statement Tigard has a safe and reliable water system that meets or exceeds all EPA and Oregon Health Division standards for water quality. All the while efficient water service is provided under normal, peak, and emergency situations. Budget Highlights ■ The budget request is down 13.7%, primarily die to the reduction,in the cost of water from the Portland system following the reduction in the peal-pricing factor. ■ The division is transferring one position to the Finance department and adding one new position for no net increase in FTE. • Overall, materials & services is down due to decrease in the cost of water. Several line items are increasing, however: ✓ Water sampling costs are up due to the return of Well #3 to service ✓ Repair and maintenance is up due to the increasing age of the system ✓ Change in the definition of capital outlay ✓ Budgeting for repair of hand-held radios ✓ The division is proposing several program enhancements to improve water conservation efforts in the City of Tigard. ■ The requested budget is well within the 2000 Financial Plan projection. Issues .1. Water Rates and Operating Costs The 2000 Financial Plan projected a serious decline in the Water Fund fund balance. The department is currently examining possible rate increases, which have not been raised since 1993. It now appears that rate increases in the range of 12% per year will be required for several years just to maintain current operations. In addition, the City should start building reserves for the future cost of a new source of supply. Required rate increases could therefore be substantial. Given the financial outlook, operating costs should be closely examined. While overall costs are projected to be down in FY 2000-01 due to the passing of the Portland peak pricing penalty, the department has requested program enhancements to improve water conservation efforts. Recommendation: Rates need to be increased substantially. The department is carefully documenting the need for this increase and is working with Tigard's partners to ensure that they understand the need for the increase. These efforts should continue. Requested program enhancements to improve water conservation should be funded. Conserving water reduces future demand and could help to give the City more time to develop additional sources of water. w:�',c•�r : . ............SFr.. ..:r:..r.: r. .............::....:?....... .::..i..1.;.v....rr :.::.......:..r..rr...r. ... ..,. .. ..» �G�?:�.,.:J.,.:r.w:•f`2h,}•:»:.. ,.. ..r......r..f .....:.:........ ......... ....}..:.r .......r.......rr :......r.......r..r�..:.:.........:..r...r:.....�n.:.x.,,r..:.:.rr+:::.;r:,•}:•:rF. ... r:{.flf .J. ..f..:.:.r....... .$'..0 :.t... .:. ...ln ...r...?A.f... : ......... .:...f. .v ....r.. ..... »...r.: .r .. ».\f:•. ffv fJ..... � F..:. ...::Y::N::::?r»:•.:.f{ .f.».... :..:.......xfir...r :....rr fifix•:.+..f f :.......r:.rrr l{:4:......r} ....::.:.r:::.v:::::........:.n.:..............r. ...,.. :%n.....n...: .................... 'F .t....fn.rf•.?.Jx. rf .: ?r....f. ..: ....»::...:::::•:v::w:::-.,.:r.y:•:::::::::::: .... •r......... ... x. 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IrF rrt ,..............:Kmi .ee,-e :iHiiiiiii-, lie PLEASE REGISTER DATE: March 8 2000 MEETING: Intergovernmental Water Board Meeting NAME - (Please Print) (Do you wish to speak?) Yes or No kathy\\visitor