Plans Thia design prepared IIrarn .ampater input by Pacific Lr.rl or and To<a-BC LUMBER SPECIELOATIONS - TO: -4 KDDE' k1SETF. 21-00-0�0 GIRDER SUP505T NG 2-Cr, Lull DURATION i,J<;FE,r:,i - y.15 LB`. 2112 AAX MEd B:;R PONCES 4YJ '121 `q=1.n.1 B-: 2-1D KDDF q1&HTR ,Non Rept' 1- 2=1-13022a990 lar(-275U 12362 WEBS: x4 K51F TND.: 2- 3-7(-10204i 2270 7=(-2'4W 12554 -'-14 e21 4P0 d- a=E -f5c, 1-iu ADDE' #. LOALTN '- 4 '-1.'204 2270 7- `, 4 4o 4- 5=(-13 z3?) 2r40 LL = 21 515 ; '.nd no-. P _ ( 2'4C _ 2_ -i 1 +46 r Y. 4- 5,,(-1+x'32) 2'FO f. B2,1-2764) 1; '7- 2.: -131:0 r.1"2 TO LATERAL SUPPORT 1UNIF LL 'I.}t LE., l 14.01.- F4 PL' 0.0 T - "` 12'' LION, B, nNrE, LI FO.1 v - 9 -j. ii) 74S BC LATERAL SUPPORT .- 1_' _. SON. 1 Li.,; 25B.77= 6�d.0 PLE' J'- 7,t, TO _ �,u V LIMITED STORAGE 101a NOT APPLY DUE TO Tiif. SPATIAL BEARING MAXORT ItA1- H hA BP;, REQUIRED 051 AREA ) REQUIREMENTS OF IAC 2002 III IR': 2'112 NOT 9EI.di, 14c.i', L(k.A ION, 2,REACTIONS k£.Ar"T I'Y" SIZE. ,Q-Id C J.0 ] 52 70 f- 9cN_250 1- i 2 .np1 t trusses reqs real. 31' .H l 11.2°. IO5 5 f a Atc 'h 2 ply 1.h 3'0.4.71 DIA 'JN BOTTOM CHORD CHECKED FOR 1:PIF LII LOAD. TOP 111'- 0.0 1'"/ Or'v' 0� UH 0 1.25 BEIDE hails AND BOTTOM CHORD LIVE LCALS S.? NON -� �{ NON-CONCURRENTLY. in 1 rw throughout <t top chords, 1 throughout cu 2.10 bottom t Words, is 1 othroughout x4 Nek,, LE1NI Design heol�ea for n�+!on in 2 ruw;sl throughout - -tl up,l pr 3t. _4 se a:inr„ VERTt.i.AL DEFLECTION LIMITS- LL-L/240, T,.=L/IlD NIX LL DEFL - -0.113" 2 10'- Allowed ,- 1..004" UP.X TL CREEP DEFL - -0_204 0 10'- E,0" Allowed = 1.339" MAX HORIll. LL DEFL= 0.036" ;i g{I'- _._ MAX HDk12. Ti LEFL - 0.061" 0 20'- ,.... Design Lontornd to main dI'. r:E-rE.4 t1 r,g NOTE:DESIGN IS ADEQUATE TO HAVE A 1.5"DRILLED HOLE LOCATED 3"DOWN ="LEr° and c mpc.n_nts and _lad tiny c1i_c_ra. 1 FROM TOP OF MEMBER TO CENTER OF HOLE LOCATED 6=9"FROM RIGHT END. 4i„d: 1.4 ,wet, ',=n.lE t, T°�UL=4. ,BLL As'E 7-10, A11 Heialt En d, ..._. _._.- Load durationCar,-2, Exp.B, MME'R5'ii'ix1. End vertical(s are exposed to wind, lv-Of _ fr designed for wind loader ,(:___ __--_-- .--_--_ -. -----__ 10-0,3 in the pl-r; of the trope .only. 5-10-13 v-07-,33 4-05-111 5-705-00-09_.- - 12 4.00 :70/-- 14-5:t6 12 X74.00 5.17' 3----":01:---r-c---..A.-t,S--a 1-� PI-,3:o1 J ,�.r I �� 1 - '3" \,,...___, Al-3x10 F. -� .�.. / \��M-1.`i3 11-2x10 -4 „_ / �� t _ ------. - s� __.,,-`.. _ �- ,_J r- ---� -. • � M r.i.x19 l x a*aa 2x14 r; t 4,12 M-L"X14 1.5'r HOLE -- 6905-10-13 _. 4-11_03 - - E-1,.1-134 -1 1- �t ,D PROfiF 21-00 `c- 89200PE ter' JOB NAME : J-1849 STONE BRIDGE - C3 t------ ---- ------ • 7� Scale. : 11.28"3 .--.��.. WARNINGS: ---------_---- ------ fEPERA�N07E8. unless otherwise noted', ----- 1 Truss: C 3 I I.Builder and erection contractor should be advised of al Bweral Notes 1.This design fa based wry upon the and Wamings before construction commences. parameters ar she er and is for an individual 2.2a1e gmu budding Component.A,pdcabddy of design parameters and props � -7 ,OREGON X40 onpesdon web Maun must installed where shown incorporation of component is the responsibility of the balding designer. .J 3.AddAonal teuporary bracing to inose stability duringtonstruction 2.Design assumes the top and bottom words to be laterally braced at 1 �� -7Y y S 3 f)a� iii(: I e the responsibility Gt.erector.Additional permanent bracing of 2'ex.and G10'o,c.respecCvey volas braced throughout Mei length by I I C} L DATE: 1/9?` the astral structure is the g goer. cantlnuwsah¢aMing such as plywood sh¢adlingl7C)andlw drywad(BC). c ragwnsiWity of the Miring dart 3.2s Impact bridging or lateral bracingCS r}t�� SEQ. : K1965923 4.Noload ahouk heappMdtoany component uMdadagbadngand d.Ysaladono trus8lsthe res rawrad `° 0M e' i ` R fasteners ate complete and at net rine should an loads to be twlity ain a non-corrosive o-crrvecmnviron. TRANS ID• LINK d loads be y greater 5.Design sort.basses*rata fuses used nano a ovv¢¢nvkonment, design wpdedtoanytemp¢nent. anaarafor•a�vtenanon^¢fuss. i 5.Convenes has eo eomrd over and aeagmea net responsibility for the d Design arouses frC beating at erg supports wows.Shin a wedge i} 'r fabrication,handing.shipment and installation of components. necessary. I EXPIRES: 12131/2017 4.This des'ptis4 :eyed subject to thy limitations set forth by 7,Designassumesadequatedrainageisprovided- 7PIN/ICAi"403Lcopiesofubd,nmbefumisheduponrequest. 8.rimesshadewilocated om terlfatesoftruss,and placed soWeNcenter May 9,2016 lines to dicer with OM center lines. i MITek USA,Imc.(CompuTrus Software 7.6.7(IL)-E B.Digins mdicue size of plate in Motes. te.Fri-basic Connector plate design salves see 034-13)1,E54-1848(MTek) Thia aesig prepared f om so,pater .input by Pacific Lumber and lr-.s-BC LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS , LUI: '�4 k:DIE CA IOA 21-00-00 t,IBDER SUPPORTING 1-00-IC T:1: 2,4 KDDE 1155Th LOAD DL1RATION II5'PEASE' = 1.15 Mon-Pep) I42 012 FLAX 8-(-14 21 Odf 5W- 2I=( -0=2) 3 BC, s4 1NODE0DB #11vIT2 2- 102 1324 1- o (-140 1/3d - 2-( - 4l1 424 NEB U74) 1?94 . CE SS P L.1AI l 2- i-1471S ;.f, 2- 5=(-244E1 524 LL - PSI' Or lot nog Fgl - 4 '441 1394 1452. 553 -(-14 f P4 a- /LOP # B I' I0LE LL. s6 4- - T?42) a p Ji DL' 14 fil- 4 1 PLE 7 - n„ TO - - =f-14F21 9H�4 7- 4-(-2440) ._^4 N 'INip LL 350 .1 ULr 2 y.l1� `.1' 7 TO LATEW'1, SUPPORT - 13'uC. (JON. 6.".L PLE' ;I - ,-@ -ri I,l' _ 4- 9 ( -ES {112 TO LATERAL SUPPORT 12 VC. JON. J HEAPINS MAY. :"LRT LIMITED T P'SE DOES NOT 5i,7 DUE TO THE SPATIAL REA HCVD IRS REQUIRED 25E AREA REQUIREMENT., OP 1B 201 AND I0'' 2 12 NOT BEING NET. O.TOC- 0.0. REACTION'S/ REAc'7 IL4,, SITE 1. IV E 1 a, {' 4/ Y -1`9/ 15'4H 0 11 29 I-DCF :3 ,� ( Pl xr s e required, BOTTOM CHORD c:>ix, F ➢ FOR 11521 LOSE LOAD. TOP `1 0.0" 'F 4' 71.12,b11 0' PH Q _r,� IIDEF A 4 2 ply L '+ :.I DIA fJN AND BOTTOM '.,MORD 1l.'E LOAC3 .AsC NIH- O:ICL'RRENSL1. -. I* n it a t ;des 3 /\' in 1 1.,00“'3) throughout 2x4 top chorda, ( �r � it z 1,. th ghua_ nO batt r _herds, .1NL 2_Design hooked fd3 net(-5 ps11 uplift at 4 0o spading, YYY VVV o_ III r 1 U2; throughout 744 webs, --- -,.- g_ au in 2 rnw(s. throughput Das aebs. VEHTIi 4L DEFLECTION LIHIT5: LL-L/240, ':L=LJlfi9- IIAX LL DPI = -P.Dd4" .2 10'- d.0" Allowed =. 1.004" MAX TL o BEEP DEEL = -0.110" 0 10 - E.0" Allowed = 1.139" 14A5 HOPIS. LI. DIEL = 0_025" 0 20'- c.5" 10-Oat MAX HORI2. TL IiEF'L " 10-06 --------- �.X42 a ': -`-'-07-Jit _ �` - - ---- d ��-��--_ lb1 il.d 3 o nt rn, to main e:_ndfurce-re:Hi ting "�--' - _ --- -u7-i;n D@sEsn 12 _-_ -1 12 system and campuninta and cladding criteria. E.00 Id-4 xfi 12 Wind: 1.40 mph, L+=2i.eit, TCDL=4.2,BCDL=c.d, ASTE 7-10, 9.00 !All Heights), E!icl_-sed, Cat.2, Ezp.B, DIDSFR5(Di rl, g-0" load duration factor=l.o, ,i f--+ End vertinal(s) an, sopa„ed to wind, True;;, designed tor erir:d load, in the plane: of the trues drily. -'1'2, ...ice_' NOTE:DESIGN IS ADEQUATE TO HAW A 1.5"DRILLED HOLE LOCATED 3"DOWN • 14-39;1-7 -' FROM TOP OF MEMBER TO CENTER OF HOLE LOCATED 6'-0 FROM LEFT END. i HI I% ;A '-"' ' I 59, .', lq N P4-,,y1'yl 0 t5„ y ! i I I�a-�_�-o 14-:-.71,4-] 1 1 6-0...0 - - 1.5"HOLE 19a-,1:1 -- - o-�� �,_��_l� 4 QED PliOre - \ GINkHz� AC� w `t. 89200PE 9r' JOB NAME_ J-1849 STONE BRIDGE - E4 Scale: 0.27451 -, I WARNINGS: --_.-GENERAL NOTES, - - _ P� _+ E4 i.Builder and Bracton contractor should be at al General Noes S, unless dhenalse noted: S 10:11/p*: I Truss: This design a baso,arty upon the parameters showy and is far an ndividua `e/� and Wemngc before cohstrutaon commons.,. bulktingcomponent.Appicabity of design parameters and proper I 'y OREGON 2.2x4 compression web bracing must be installed Were shancn+, rncarpaatim of component is the /j" r� L temporary braving to insure stabil Aurin responaibAly of designer. "✓J 1/s ,` 9.Atdiional to y Wing 2.Design assumes the top and bottom chards to be latera braced at �O Y '2- `tom. U.ATE: v/9;X 15 is the responsibility oftheerector.Addnonal permanent bracing of 2'o,s.and et tg'o.c.respectively unless braced throuQrout theFlen hh ,,,aaaq 14 Ste.• the overall structure is is continuousisdgong r mak bruins rewired lnereshndlad y I ` '�F raspansihiity of bui4ng designer. 3.2s of bridging orWordrel bracin ryswl(eCI. /..�R I`� SEQ. : K1966924 4.No load ahoWdbeappledtoany comment anti afar a/bracing and 4.israeannnofbun itthera bruins rewired i rartenets are tampion..114 at no pin,Aroald arty bads greater dran 5.0 a to bene NI aeospe<resiVe bacbr. TRANS I D: LINK deep,made be applied to an Design ascamea asses ere m used et a mn.corrasive anvbanment, i y component. and are far'dry canon•of use. 5.Germanys has m coMhd over and assumes no response/ilk for the i.Design Amami.seamier Ail beating N al support show.Shim en if i EXPIRES: a fabncaton,han®ng,shipneentandinstalationofcomponents. necessary. 12/31/201,7 B.This design is famished subject to the Bnitaaona set faith by T.Design assumes adequate&silage is t,,,,,ed. TPVsVICA in SCSI,copies of 0044,04 be furnished upon r i.Prescoites nalbe0th joint an both fates o(truss,and placed some,center MeV g12�16^ raw liner coincide uAh joat cesrter poet, MTek USA,Irm/CornpuTrus Software 7.5.7(1L}E 9.Digits indicate sine of plto in*Wes. i a l 1f1.For bake conneftxplate design values see ESN-1311,E5g-1988(Nadel