12/19/2005 - Packet J r . • • AGENDA E����� City of Tigard Corrmtnity Decdcprrent Shaping Better Corrorrmrnty TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION DECEMBER 19, 2005 7:00 p.m. TIGARD CIVIC CENTER— TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. APPROVE MINUTES ' 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SUBDIVISION (SUB) 2005-00011/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (PDR) 2005- 00004/ZONE CHANGE (ZON) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005-00079 DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION — Continued from November 7, 2005 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a 24 lot Planned Development Subdivision of 4.97 acres for detached single-family residences. Three single-family residences exist on the site, which have been proposed to be removed. LOCATION: 10970, 11030 and 11060 SW North Dakota Street; WCTM 1S134DB, Tax Lots 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3700. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum,lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters, 18.350, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.765, 18.775, 18.780, 18.790, 18.795, and 18.810. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE (ZON) 2005-00009 UPPER BOONES FERRY ROAD ZONE CHANGE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a Zone Change from Light Industrial (I-L) to Industrial Park (I-P) for approximately six (6) acres located between SW 74th Avenue and Upper Boones Ferry Road. The subject property is currently developed with outdoor storage and older industrial buildings. The applicant envisions developing the property with an office use, which is not permitted in the Light Industrial zone. LOCATION: 15920 SW 74th Avenue and 16075 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road and adjoining properties. WCTM 2S113AB, Tax Lots 200/300/400/500; and 2S112DC, Tax Lots 1100/1200/1300. CURRENT ZONE: I-L: Light Industrial District. The I-L zoning district provides appropriate locations for general industrial uses including industrial service, manufacturing and production, research and development, warehousing and freight movement, and wholesale sales activities with few, if any, nuisance characteristics such as noise, glare, odor, and vibration. PROPOSED • • • ZONE: I-P: Industrial Park District. The I-P zoning district provides appropriate locations for combining light manufacturing, office and small-scale commercial uses, e.g., restaurants, personal services and fitness centers, in a campus-like setting. Only those light industrial uses with no off-site impacts, e.g., noise, glare, odor, vibration, are permitted in the I-P zone. In addition to mandatory site development review, design and development standards in the I-P zone have been adopted to insure that developments will be well-integrated, attractively landscaped, and pedestrian-friendly. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380, 18.390 and 18.520. 6. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. ADJOURNMENT • • 1L=Rl W CITY OF TIGARD TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL HEARING DATE: /..2-4-03 STARTING TIME: '`v ( COMMISSIONERS: MARK PADGETT (PRESIDENT) MARTY ANDERSON GRETCHEN BUEHNER REX CAFFALL TEDDI DULING BILL HAACK JODIE INMAN KATHY MEADS JUDY MUNRO (VICE-PRESIDENT) DAVID WALSH, ALTERNATE STAFF PRESENT: v DICK BEWERSDORFF JIM HENDRYX MORGAN TRACY BARBARA SHIELDS MATT SCHEIDEGGER JULIA HAJDUK GARY PAGENSTECHER DUANE ROBERTS ✓ KIM MCMILLAN BETH ST. AMAND GUS DUENAS • • CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes December 19, 2005 1. CALL TO ORDER Acting President Commissioner Buehner called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Commissioners Buehner, Caffall, Haack, Inman, and Meads. Also present was David Walsh, Commission alternate. Commissioners Absent: President Padgett, Commissioners Anderson, Duling, and Munro Staff Present: Dick Bewersdorff, Planning Manager; Matt Scheidegger, Associate Planner; Gus Duenas, City Engineer; Kim McMillan, Development Review Engineer; Jerree Lewis, Planning Commission Secretary 3. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMITTEE REPORTS David Walsh reported that the Planned Development Review Committee has drafted their recommendations for Planning Commission review and Council approval. It's expected that the Council will hold a hearing in January. Commissioner Buehner advised that the City Center Advisory Commission presented their recommendations to Council which were approved on November 27tI After receiving input from other governmental agencies, the plan was re- approved on December 13th. The ballot measure was also approved. 4. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES It was moved and seconded to approve the November 7, 2005 meeting minutes as submitted. The motion passed by a vote of 3-0. Commissioners Haack and Caffall abstained. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS Commissioner Buehner announced that item #5.2 would be taken out of order. 5.2 ZONE CHANGE (ZON) 2005-00009 UPPER BOONES FERRY ROAD ZONE CHANGE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a Zone Change from Light Industrial (I-L) to Industrial Park (I-P) for approximately six (6) acres located between SW 74th Avenue and Upper Boones Ferry Road. The subject property is currently developed with outdoor storage and older industrial buildings. The applicant envisions developing the property with an office use, which is not PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—December 19, 2005-Page 1 • • permitted in the Light Industrial zone. LOCATION: 15920 SW 74th Avenue and 16075 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road and adjoining properties. WCTM 2S113AB, Tax Lots 200/300/400/500; and 2S112DC, Tax Lots 1100/1200/1300. CURRENT ZONE: I-L: Light Industrial District. The I-L zoning district provides appropriate locations for general industrial uses including industrial service, manufacturing and production, research and development, warehousing and freight movement, and wholesale sales activities with few, if any, nuisance characteristics such as noise, glare, odor, and vibration. PROPOSED ZONE: I- P: Industrial Park District. The I-P zoning district provides appropriate locations for combining light manufacturing, office and small-scale commercial uses, e.g., restaurants, personal services and fitness centers, in a campus-like setting. Only those light industrial uses with no off-site impacts, e.g., noise, glare, odor, vibration, are permitted in the I-P zone. In addition to mandatory site development review, design and development standards in the I-P zone have been adopted to insure that developments will be well-integrated, attractively landscaped, and pedestrian-friendly. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.380, 18.390 and 18.520. STAFF REPORT Dick Bewersdorff advised that the applicant submitted a letter requesting a continuance of the hearing until February 6, 2006 (Exhibit A) in order to give them more time to address comments from ODOT. Commissioner Caffall moved to continue the hearing until February 6, 2006. Commissioner Haack seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5.1 SUBDIVISION (SUB) 2005-00011/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (PDR) 2005-00004/ZONE CHANGE (ZON) 2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT (VAR) 2005- 00079 DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION — Continued from November 7, 2005 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a 24 lot Planned Development Subdivision of 4.97 acres for detached single-family residences. Three single-family residences exist on the site, which have been proposed to be removed. LOCATION: 10970, 11030 and 11060 SW North Dakota Street; WCTM 1S134DB, Tax Lots 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3700. ZONE: R-4.5: Low- Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters, 18.350, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.765, 18.775, 18.780, 18.790, 18.795, and 18.810. Commissioners Haack and Caffall advised that they both had listened to tapes from the first meeting on November 7th and will be able participate in the hearing tonight. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—December 19,2005-Page 2 • • Commissioner Inman declared a conflict of interest (works for the applicant) and recused herself from the hearing. Commissioners Haack, Meads, and Buehner reported site visits. STAFF REPORT Associate Planner Matt Scheidegger reported that the original planned development called for 24 lots. At the hearing on November 7t , the Planning Commission suggested reducing the number of lots and increasing some of the lot sizes, did not reach a decision. The applicant is returning for reconsideration of the development, based on the Commission's comments at the previous meeting. Staff recommends approval based on conditions of approval. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION Kirsten Van Loo, Alpha Community Development, 9600 SW Oak, Portland, OR 97223, reviewed the revised plan with the Planning Commission (Exhibits B, C, and D). She advised that they removed 1 lot, thus creating 60' wide lots for lots 7 through 11. The open space has increased in size and the western edge of Tract D has been shortened in order to save more trees. Van Loo stated that all yards will have a minimum setback of 15' to the house and 20' to the garage; all street-side setbacks will be 8'. All rear yards will be a minimum of 15', with the exception of lot 14, which will have a 12' minimum setback. Van Loo advised that the applicant submitted a letter to the City regarding dedication of land (Exhibit E). The City asked for additional information which they are in the process of reviewing. Van Loo said they are asking for a 50' ROW for the street, from property line to property line. The curb to curb improvement will be 32' (the same as on Torland Street). This allows for parking on both sides. Van Loo advised that they would be adding between 10-12 caliper inches per lot for replacement trees. Between 25-30% of caliper inches removed from the site will be mitigated. For trees that cannot be mitigated on site, the applicant will mitigate off site or pay a fee in lieu. Commissioner Buehner suggested they choose trees that lose their leaves later in the season so there will be a longer period of time for buffering. Van Loo said the larger lots will allow the option of building single story or partial single story homes rather than two-story. Commissioner Buehner asked if the developer could guarantee that the house for lot 14 will have a smaller footprint to make up for the reduced setback. The applicant advised the purpose of asking for a reduced setback is so they can PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—December 19,2005-Page 3 • • achieve a standard size rather than a smaller size. If they had a smaller footprint, they would not need a smaller setback. Also, lot 14 is an internal lot in the subdivision and has no impact on surrounding neighbors. The applicant reported that Tract E will be connected to the street and will have a soft surface (gravel or bark chip). PUBLIC TESTIMONY — IN FAVOR Ann Braun, 10920 SW North Dakota, Tigard, OR 97223, asked about fences. Also, she noted that some of her trees are shown on the site plan and wants to know what will happen to them. The applicant will respond during rebuttal. Dan Dover, 11102 SW Torland St., Tigard, OR 97223, testified that he fully supports the planned development. He believes it is a much cleaner plan; he likes the open space and believes it will add to quality of life in the neighborhood. John Caufield, 11133 SW Torland St., Tigard, OR 97223, said he thinks the future owners of these homes would prefer this plan over the straight subdivision plan. He likes the open space. Michael Robinson, 1120 NW Couch St., Tenth Floor, Portland, OR 97209, signed up to speak, but did not do so. PUBLIC TESTIMONY— IN OPPOSITION Sean Sullivan, 11295 SW 108th Ave., Tigard, OR 97223, asked for clarification on some points. He appreciates the changes, but has questions. He supports the 50' ROW with the 32' curb-to-curb improvements. What assurance is there that homeowners will maintain the trees? Does the home on lot 17 need to be sprinkled? Can the public get copy of the tree mitigation plan? Also, he is curious about merchantable value of the timber from the property. APPLICANT'S REBUTTAL Kirsten Van Loo made the following responses to comments: • There is not a lot of value to the timber because the trees have to be taken down in pieces. The challenge of removing the trees offsets the value. • Lot 17 has been looked at by the fire marshal; they do meet the standards. Prior to final plat recording and prior to construction of any homes, the fire marshal will review the site plan again. • Trees planted for mitigation are protected by the Development Code. The CC&Rs for the homeowners association further stipulate that the trees have to be maintained. • A copy of the mitigation plan will become part of the public record and will be available to the public. • The CC&Rs will contain a provision about for the style and type of fences. Typically, the client does not go in and build a fence around the entire PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—December 19, 2005-Page 4 • • project. If owners want a fence, the CC&Rs stipulate they can install 6' cedar good neighbor-style fences. • In the event the City does not accept dedication of the property, the annual homeowners association fees will cover maintenance of the open space. Van Loo noted that, although the open space tracts will be privately owned, they will be available for public use. • The already-approved subdivision requires removal of the majority of the trees. In response to a question from the Commission, staff advised that, at the moment, the City has no say regarding architectural review of the homes, other than building height. Also in response to a question from the Commission, staff said there is more leeway to save trees with a 50' ROW. Once the construction of the Dakota Street improvements are completed, the applicant will have to provide a final certification of site distance in both directions. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED After brief discussion amongst the Commissioners, Commissioner Meads moved for approval of Subdivision (SUB) 2005-00011/Planned Development Review (PDR) 2005-00004/Zone Change (ZON) 2005-00006/Adjustment (VAR) 2005- 00079 and adoption of the findings and conditions of approval contained in the staff report, based on testimony that was delivered by people at both hearings. Commissioner Caffall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE City Engineer Gus Duenas provided a PowerPoint update of the 2005-06 Capital Improvement Program projects (Exhibit F). 7. OTHER BUSINESS The secretary reviewed the Planning Commission calendar for January and February. 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. / ,' - 4Jerree Lewis, Pl Commission Secretary A ST: Commissioner retchen Buehner, Acting President PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—December 19,2005-Page 5 L December 16, 2005 Design Group a Parati company Gary Pagenstecher, Associate Planner City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223 RE: Zone Change application Dear Mr. Pagenstecher: On behalf of the applicants, I am requesting that the Planning Commission continue the hearing on the proposed zoning map amendment until February 6, 2006. This will allow us more time to address transportation-related comments from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Our application was deemed complete by the staff on November 4, 2005, and scheduled for a hearing before the Planning Commission on December 19th. We received a letter from ODOT dated November 29th commenting on the proposed zone change, and requesting some additional traffic evaluation. We are confident that we can respond to ODOT's comments within the next few weeks and can provide the City with an addendum to the traffic analysis report by mid-January. This supplemental information can then be reviewed by City staff, and provided to the Planning Commission with the rest of our application materials and the staff report. Thank-you for your consideration of this request. If you have any additional questions regarding this request, please contact me. Since 1y Ed Murphy, A CP 20085 NWTanasbourneDrive Hillsboro,OR 97124 P 503.858.4242 cc. Richard Akerman F 503.645.5500 E hillsboro@ldcdesign.com LaRusso Concrete Kevin VandenBrink - Macadam Forbes www.ldcdesign.com Brian Bennett, OPUS Northwest, LLC Hii;sboro,oR Tillamook,CR Vancouver,VA Bellevue,WA Coeur d'Alene,iD Rocklin,CA Clermont,FL . * . . . . . .. , .. . ,•..... ..... .......... ... ...... : . .... .: .. .... . ....•••• •• ... „ : .: , • • . .. .: ...... .. ••• • • . ..- •. .7 517,7 N o7z771-1 1.1771:K(15.7.77 ;-;;;:•••11-.. .. . ... ...... . ....... ....... . .. , , , r , ... . • ....—..........,..m-.„ „,„ .......••••••••••••••-••-•••- —• ....................... -•...,...... ..,,,,..., . . ....„ ..._............................. „ ,,,,...., .._ v•-• •-•,..•. ..• • • . --,,.. . . . , l'-.ii Ei'. }..Ni•-•.-OR'IVI.A..i.ION .1.FG•i......NE) . . . . ..• ,,,• •••••••'', 'C.:- ill'•.>.' .. . . . i. .. •.',1...": I ••....' .. , .... ..-.- ".. -. ,--, . . .. . . I I I t• : : :-..,.... . 1 I •,1 • . 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" : '1'' t VentureProperties - '; I[�.-g' I N C O R P O R A T E D E_4- ¢r. "' 77P.i.eating ' . }4i December 8,2005 .c ,;Tomorr•'ow'sS•• '' t'• Dennis Koellermeier Ym:Yx�.^V: � City of Tigard Cor.iO4t ies'_ ` '� ?' = 13125 SW Hall Blvd. .414 :.. .3K'. .i:- `1 'd ''" Tigard, OR 97223 • r;�`»�_x=:T. "day: -'. .,• '°=",°"3," RE:Dakota Glen Planned Development(2005-000111)Park Land • �-,Vii::.:::d.' i t 1-:i;.-•, - ;;;:;:i ,::7:-:;,'• Dear Dennis: °` '`r'` •' "• ;':;),4 Venture Properties,Inc.is in the process of obtaining Planning Commission ' ,: °-:: %;k.='" ` approval for Dakota Glen Planned Development 2005-000111.Dakota Glen• '`i,•:`'`'';\'.},�t;tg r;-,. Planned Development,as current proposed,includes two Open Space/Park tracts. ;s. ;;:<s'�.,-,f ;2, Attached for your review is a preliminary site plan for Dakota Glen which shows r�'`2"''-' r='`'k.wx.'` these two tracts. It is my understanding that ' .;1 . 1. :1 _ :. ` g the City's Parks Department has now W L `=<t7 F; _.10.. finalized the criteria and process for the City,through the City Council,to accept "'z r `,-22::: _ ,.z • park land dons purpose is to offer to dedicate. �:=:� � �"` lions. The ose of this letter to Tract"A"and �,,: :' . ;::' .< ^�.: Tract"B"of Dakota Glen to the City of Tigard on behalf of the Parks Department ;_,,4'4:s.a f;,rfi 4.4 for park and open space purposes. ''`k :g-Y s. ,. ; If the Parks Department has any interest in these open space/park tracts,I would 2 ` .�- `• t7 be happy to meet with you to discuss this proposal further.Thank you for your r`Yr r> <:..r:; ,,,,•k: assistance with this matter and please call me if you have any questions. I can be tir ,_ ,•-, "."-'"- °r`` reached at 503-387-7602. ; ..:,. �.-.;`-.•�,_K. Sin 1 1.,4g::.9f4g..;:.!::A7.:!:!;.:::':', . if . :a_-< "-,:; w1�;: . Kelly Ritz ., _ -: President . +ci. F s'.. -.'A"i _:_=a :.:=• CC. Daniel Plaza i -:^ TX .: Tom Coffee `.. 1'--'"~ 4230 Galewood Street, Suite 100 • Lake Oswego, OR 97035 • 503.387.7600 • fax 503.387.7617 :`�• :'4 241 NW Flagline Drive • Bend, OR 97701 • 541.385.0576 • fax 541.322.9744 • • • ;)(6�b�� G 1 FY 2005-06 Capital Presentation Overview Improvement Program Update • Program Areas • Completed Project Highlights • Ongoing Project Highlights • Upcoming Projects ``, , • CIP Formulation Process i December 19,2005 •What's Next. Program Areas Program Areas • Street System Program • Sanitary Sewer System Program -Traffic Studies - Citywide Sewer Extension Program -Traffic Safety-Related Projects - Sanitary Sewer Major Maintenance - Pavement Major Maintenance - Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvements - Traffic Calming Program i • Storm Drainage System Program - Major Street Capital Improvements 1 - Storm Sewer Major Maintenance � % - Bridge Replacements y/ - Storm Drainage Capital Improvements Program Areas Completed Project Highlights • Parks System Program - --1 - Citywide Parks "- - Trail Systems : I •Water System Program • City Facilities System Program ia Street Maintenance Fee-Funded Project 6 1 . • • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights i . 4 f (. _ - i —---7 r w ' Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights Minill i, I =fir rc `--i 7 -11 McDonald Street/Highway w, McDonald Street/Highway La 99W Intersection Widening -- ,_- O/- 99W Intersection widening during construction after construction t Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights i - — 7z^^Avenue at P y4 �T y-+u Man— ,—,- �x a Hunciker(before) r w• ...N'NN.N4111%414%;-- ' 1 ----.a °f Exposed traffic - ti 11 12 signal loop s 2 . • • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights a ,j " ,iy ".,... .---.1.-• '' f ,L �- .- __:- .. 72' Avenue Y '• . Overlay 1 t •- ." tF' "-r 1 - . Project- ` - -\ - _ - _ _ - - Completed r‘.1.1- ., 72n°Avenue from Vams • to Hunziker Street Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights S - �, m Hall Boulevard I _, , ,.. 1 T Sidewalk Installation �. • t'4 72n°Avenue 4 j f:• _ y.. �� Overlay j'f, ,.s � - y-,-'- Hunziker to ! � u , Verne .na;. 1 = �rr �j - .e I i' ligli i - ' 4. .-- - .-cAtt,„ .„-z . Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights _ .� Completed sidewalk on • _. _-w - Hall Boulevard A fir-` X _ _4r .' , ,r •t P •c HaU Boulevard sidewalk ... 4 ' project-COBO-funded s 17 18 1 . i • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights -- �„ ;y North • - °' Dakota Street IV e crosswalk - - IV • -- Shoulder _paving .._ r.�r. r I t aor ., i iiii,X19 F Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights m 'U "`�,` Speed Cushions Fern Street e 7, will be installed ® pavement _ _ __ :.,. iwA henceforth for _ overlay and enhanced widening —zz ^'s—v r..rr� emergency `--.. response I- Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights al 1---_ is L £ ' ' --------a-" e •, Polite Street east of Hall e 23 24 4 • • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights -- ;• --, 1 ......... c.„... ...... . ;.v Fanno Creek - *Ilr t Trail Extension jr J ' ' _ -., *... ,.., . -my '' Marion Street ......._. • r,,a' 1 , ,..-.1.-z--\... i overlay following --"i• 4',.:// 1 if• ,....,.II ...., -- ,,'• sewer installation L ,t — f26, 26, Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights f e■.,"-- ,a-2,:,,,#'-',. ,'? %. ''"=:,-7"1.; - -- *ow:4 •-.^.*.w.I............. , .,". Farm"Creek - u l4 Trail Extension - , :t.,,""; '4 ' I' l''' ■, ' : r .- i . ierv,P, - Eat Fanno Creek Trail extension around the library Proposed Wall Street Completed Project Highlights ,• --:-._ HALL BLVD/WALL STREET -I. '' I --.T.: ::,:-N• \.._ ''''..'"'. C...... i ' ........... , Divided into two phases: , f -'''' - l'\- st-- -• _, I :1';..mok,!) : Phase 1-Signalization of \:.%; .s.'.k.2 :-------- -2 Wall Street at Hall Blvd '-":"..I ''-'' i' 4 —. _,- .1,.....,....„! _I: ---,__-: '.4.45.„,- ,j , "T_,---., Phase 2-Extension of , 'V 7:•-f. 7-7-'---.=-",-;13-1.s- ",'''— I--- "..: i r,--"-- -1 . Wall Street approximately , , 4, 1*.I'V ..,,e -- ( : 370 feet '''•_.,.., 29 30 5 . 0 • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights ,, ;,,;.':; •:, I,;, SW Wall Street/Hall HALL 84.14) 1 Phase 2 - Boulevard Traffic , Signal Installation ; -r---1-t- '- —--:::---''',;1 1 „; , ;1 ticnetss , ,,,i-77-F- 1,------, for the ., ■ ; c; -:,,,g r: ,...,,,,-, , , Library 2,..4 .1 : i---' , Fanno — Activated'12/14/05 ..,....4/iii. : .h., ',46, -----,---Z- —/ !;•:----..., ..: -1!1 Pointe -.'"- . r, 'e, ' t..--- *----- I I 1---• ---- - . .. .' 42., Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights • f, .r. • 4-. f..,,,..; .- r—• -1 1 € —1,---',-;.-7...: ."'.''.s '''''''''',,Oli-k" • . % 1 44%/ ' _ '- *i 6, ::;(I;, - ■ - ' : ,'-' i.2"',i5 'nnt." jp„,-- ' - 'fr:,' -eg - ;6(c./- 74,,i'l t - -4:), '* .1, i•' 4f., , . -k 1.....-,, i 4.-itil iT;,,f:;4;1' 114 :` -'...1t,'' Li Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony I , Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony , -,1 December 14,2005 ,..,;,‘ December 14,2005 ft/ Wall Street Status Completed Project Highlights • Environmental permits obtained •*I-- r : - • Comprehensive Plan Amendment and i; 1 -;', ,Hfr_ , ,• , ,- 1 Sensitive Land Applications submitted 1 • -- 4 ., , 1 • 370 feet of Wall would be built to .-, -_,:„:4; ,4 ., 'I I mi, ._ ,.1., ,--._ • — '''n, i .41. 1P'''' ", ' 9 provide joint access for the library and : I 4 ' _ s ■ „.4., Fanno Pointe ..‘, 1 '- : --•"'•-•-...`. _,:.:., •Additional parking would be installed once Wall Street is constructed Drainage Project 35 6 • • Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights -; ,-•. r `1-, Provides 46 new a' - fft r • service laterals Fi ; s,ry e;, —{ p61 �7w. t---�0� asp Y -nom ' _ , r. ,% s. P" _ O'MaralEdgewood Sanitary ,,� t' j Construction is completed r^_�?• Sewer Project _ "�- Correction of deficiencies nearly 38' completed. Completed Project Highlights Completed Project Highlights �, Quail Hollow j >>4.i?'" f< j P"� - >,<a is--.`, ,; f Slope ir' .K !-Fi' 4.4...- Stabilization --i 0.:/..' ': J. Y i4.S1 xu . Project '- ✓�< 'f=.>''�, {�t, Completed acs m a. '' c r', ^ 1''rk y-`,' Quail Hollow Slope '6.»'+- �, ' z ,p`9`r°Tn,,p,;.'"'" ..�y it ': r . Stabilisation-Initial pp a �„♦-*•.,...:11•..., 1 stages r i'•A,'N ?.A. art Ongoing Project Ongoing Project r A £MAD«411M. .. Walnut Street Walnut Street 121°to 135th 121°to 135th • 7 • 0 Upcoming Projects Upcoming Projects F ` !�/� Greenburg Road Overlay iii Greenberg Road Overlay ,t° North Dakota Street to North Dakota Street to - Center Street eillCenter Street Upcoming Projects Upcoming Project f Tf 6 72^4Dartmouth Intersection Improvements Upcoming Sewer Projects Upcoming Projects Sewer Project Lots Status i *Sr\ �j' ;; 100th Avenue 21 Planned Cherry Street 25 Planned � �"at !% 9" . 97"Ave/100th Ave 21 Planned' tr. �� � i Hillview Street 6 Planned �',,_'. ��_`. ) 112'"/Watnut 34 Planned }f{.f _ - /y . 93"Avenue 33 Planned , `� ` commuter Subtotal 121 - l.` 4.' �'.. w 47 48 .— -__ , ..__... 8 • • Upcoming Projects Upcoming Projects 1 Al • Highway 99W Corridor Improvement and Management Plan-in initial stages / f ^ zi . • Downtown Streetscape Design Project-now getting started ""` �, I( , • Commercial Street(Main Street to Lincoln Ave)- �?r ti - 'yi streetscape design and construction • Bumham Street-Project design and rights-of-way . • acquisition ' • Sidewalk Extension on Hall-North of completed It4 section Upcoming Projects Upcoming Projects • Highway 99W/Hall Boulevard Intersection • Hall/99W-Tentative Project Schedule Improvements - Project design and rights-of-way acquisition from - MSTIP 3 Project 12 to 18 months -Alternatives analysis complete - Project Design expected to begin in February - Elements include: 2006 •Dedicated northbound,left-turn,and right-turn lanes —Construction tentatively scheduled to begin early on Hall Blvd 2007 •improvements mirrored on the southbound approach at Hall • Completed project is expected to add •Additional eastbound lane on Highway 99W c capacity to the year 2025 ail Formulation Process Formulation Process • Citizen involvement process more • Citywide input through two public extensive than in previous years meetings(Initial meeting conducted December 7,2005) • Expanded opportunity provided for • Planning Commission review and - More citizen and business input comment - Planning Commission review and comment s • City Council review and comment s , - City Council review and comment • Submittal through the budget process ` • Planning Commission approval 53 54 9 • • What's Next? What's Next? • Citywide CIP Meeting • CIP Project List Finalized (April 2006) - January 25,2006 • Review and Approval by - Public participation and input encouraged , - Planning Commission(May 2006) • Planning Commission discussion and - Budget Committee(May 2006) input—March 6,2006 - City Council(June 2006) ,.. • City Council discussion and input— 'r7.3 • Program effective July 1,2006 March 21,2006 ,,d 10 \`..v° `<.-.i' \may✓ �_./ y?\ t, ;',.iie: , .,...4.,:-:. :-,. V - e/ PLANT SCHEDULE .:).- e ve rY„ TREES QTY SIZE SPACiNG BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME NOTE NO12 2" cal. As Shown Liquidambar 9t9racirlua American Sweetgum B4B alpha , , . , `+J id, a 10 2" cal. As Shown Fraxinus latifolia Oregon Ash BOB _. ....,, ‘11/711111111111 -7111111111111111111111111/111110117:1111111111111 I /► C OMMU �f 0 36 5 High As Shown Pinup contorta Shore Pine BBB ii'. ' �' DEVELOPMENT 111‘ 4,10 04 21 2" cal. As Shown Rhus t9phina Staghorn Sumac B4i3 + ) '' lIP 0 1,( 2" cal. As Shown Crataegus crux-galls Cockspur Hawthorn g4g , . P-441 9600 SW Oak, Suite 230 1100-7 0 19 2"cal. As Shown Cercis occidental's Western Recbud g413 Portia n d, CDR 9 7 223 '+., + , [T] 503-452-8003 [F] 503-452-8043 X . 25 As Shown Street tree: species to be determined the City + 1 1, , www.alphacommunity.com _� 111111* Total Number of Proposed Trees = 114 (excluding street trees) - 0 + ) Iota -litigated Tree Caliper inches = 2" X 114 = 228" L `.+ 1 REVISIONS . 10 M . X . Existing Deciduous Trees NO DATE DESCRIPTION 61■,,ii, , ,1010 ., , 04 i 1,-: X ,.„. Existing Evergreen Trees - 111*., tit • . Ar 110 !•*--.14- 0 . Existing Trees to Be Removed , # 16' 4 40.4i.s .,, A))(1 - S X* ' 11111" , ' ' 6 , 4 : 0 90111fr . EXISTING TREE SURVEY ,,.,. V. . Caliper- Or ' 1�7�. , Less Size than Dead Retain Mitigation or ' .Y: c /4 ' (inches) 13" (inches)�� 84l Willow 41 41 891 Douglas Fir 17 X 941.Magnolia 8 x 5 8 X X 8 ;Willow 31 31 892 Douglas Fir 22 X a Spruc X s 942 Sitk 7�� <<� + Imo 1 �►� 0,.. 843,Ash 26 ._ _ 25 893-Douglas Fir ,18. .� 18 943 Apple 6 x 2 - 6 X L- ✓ 944 Cherry 9 x 6 9 X X 844 Willow 32 32 894 Douglas Fir 18 18 Y 845 Cherry 9 x 4 9 X X 895 Cherry 9 x 2 9 X X 945 Willow 50 X X X Catalpa 18 18 896 Douglas Fir 13 t3 946 Grand Fir 40 40, 846 Cat �� 847 Birch..- �..... ._. 897 Do glas Fir 19 19 47 Silver Fir 21 L �� ' 848'Cherry 24 24 898 Douglas Fir 14 14 948 Pond.Pine 16 X '� 1 4,"' Apple 8 x 3 8 X 899 Douglas Fir 20 20 949 Douglas Fir 14 849 A 9SO Douglas Fir 1 1 X ,,j- : pruce 8 x 2 8 X 9ouas r 18 18 g • 1 1 1..3 13 901 Douglas Fir 16 15 951 Douglas Fir 18 x 2 18 X Mr Red Cedar 58 58 902 Douglas Fir 11 X 952 Douglas Fir 22 X 853 Douglas Fir 14 14 903 Douglas Fir 16 16 g z West. 953 Dou las Fir 31 31 t► 854 Douglas Fir 17 17 904 Douglas Fir 16 16 954 Douglas Fir 30 X '' ' X 4.#41°.' 855 Douglas Fir 19 19' 905 Douglas Fir 1 1 X 955 Cherry 18 X 856 Douglas Fir 11 1 X X 906 Douglas Fir 15 15 956.Dougias fir 26 X is k 0 +� h ., �, 857 Douglas Fir 17 17 907 Douglas Fir 15 15 957 Douglas Fir 18 X 7 858 Douglas ,...,... s _., ...... .-.... ..,.... 958 Douglas Fir 30 30-90' &. dt ..� .. gias Fir 1.� 17 908 Douglas Fir 8 x 2 8 X g , .:, .. - ;. o i 859 Douglas Fir 12 X 904 Douglas Fir 8 X- *Ayr- - - ler: : : ::Fir 30 860 oglas Fir 9 X„ X 910 Douglas Fir 23 Fir 23 X IJ11.\I4;:zcDr1\ l 30 • �Ir 861 Douglas Fir 14 14 911 Douglas Fir 18 18 961 Douglas Fir 27 X 4 ,; 862 Douglas Fir 22 22 912 B1k.Walnut.. - .. 14 14 . ASO' , 962 Fir 18 0. 863 Douglas Fir 18 18 913 Douglas Fir 32 32 963 Fir 25 X Y Y i 21 2 864.Cherr 8 X X 914 Cherry 12 964 Fir 1 , X 865 Cherry 9 X 915 Douglas Fir 31 31 965 Fir 19 X X GLEN .,. , 866 Douglas Fir 19 19 916 Douglas Fir 16 16 966 Fir 14 X 1 �/ Douglas 14 917 Douglas Fir 24 24 967 Fir 24 X X 40� 867 D Fir 4 r , a Douglas ck 968 Fir 12 x 40, �� �� 868 Mtn Ash 7x 2 . ... . . X .. .X. 918 H mlo 7 X. . . . 9 Fir 17 X /�►� ` 870 Dou las Fir 7x 2 32 7 X X 32 920 Douglas Fir 20 20 970 Fir 15 X P D �: 871 Douglas Fir 19 19: 921 Douglas Fir 27 27 971 Fir 24 X -�r 872 Douglas Fir 30 30 922 Cherry 9 X X 972 Fir 13 x g Y. 873 Douglas Fir 26 26 923 Bing Cherry 13 x 973 Fir 29 X , 100 874 Douglas Fir 19 19 924 Cedar 26 26 974 Fir 19 X `, 875 Douglas Fir 24 24, 925 Douglas Fir 13 13 975 Fir 29 X 7 876 Douglas Fir 13 13, 926 Douglas Fir 15 15 976 Fir 26 X 0 877 Douglas Fir 13 13 927 Douglas Fir 15 15 977 Fir 25 X , 01 878 Douglas Fir 13 13, 928 Douglas Fir 13 x 978 Fir 34 X • ► 879 Douglas Fir 13 X 929 Douglas Fir 12 X X 979 Fir 19 X'40 �-,. •4ø4O= 880:Acer Maple 18 x 2 18 X X 930 Douglas Fir 20 20 980 Fir 35 X X .' n� 881 Douglas Fir 28 X 931 Douglas Fir 8 X 981 Fir 9 X '' � "'�� 882 Douglas Fir 14 X 932 Douglas Fir 15 15 982 Fir 25 X 883 Douglas Fir 18 18• 933 Douglas Fir 17 17 983 Fir 21 X X : :;ir 34 X 984 Fir ir 10 x 2 10 X 935 Douglas Fire 20 20 985 Fir 15 x 2 15 X X _. ...... TREE REMOVAL ,1 886 Douglas Fir 16 X 936 Douglas Fir 15 15 986 Fir 14 X X 111110 887 Douglas Fir 16 16 937 Douglas Fir 1 1 X 987 Fir 36 x X. , .. .,.I► eft ., ,.. �� �' 888 Douglas Fir 24 x 938 Douglas Fir 15.,.. ., . .... X _..., _... _ 988.Fir 19 X PLAN �� 889 Douglas Fir 12 x x 939 Douglas Fir 18 18 989 Fir 35 X 890 Douglas Fir 20 x 940..White Fir 16 16 990 Fir 26 x 2 26 X ", 33 22 45 1 0); ::: CONCEPTUAL ',:,,,,-„-,,,,, _, NOTE: X ' - TOTAL NUMBER OF EXISTING TREES IS 150. 45 OF THEM ARE EITHER ITI GAT I O N P LA N . M LESS THAN 12' CALIPER OR DEAD TREES. THEREFORE 105 TREES ARE x X , TO k'3E PRESERVED. i . i ., 2. <- - 60 TREES ARE PLANNED TO SE RE 1OVED t0I-IICI-1 18 BETWEEN 5 AND " Ilk 15% OF THE PRESERVABLE EXISTING TREES, TOTAL CALIPER SIZE FOR THE REMOLD TREES IS 1,508 INCHES. TWO THIRDS OF THAT± 1006 . INCHES, ARE TO BE MITiCGATED. - TOTAL D TREE CALIPER INCI-ES a 2' X 114 a 228 �4 a 1pha LOCATIONS AND THE NUMBER OF PROPOSED TREES INDICATED ON THiS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (7) PLAN ARE CONCEPTUAL. FINAL LOCATIONS OF MITIGATION PLANTItse TO BE DETERMINED BY BUILDER AND LANDSCAPER AT TiME OF 1.3UILPING PERMITS. PROJECT NO.: 402-026 TYPE: PLANNING DATE: SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 • • �11� ■ • ■ 1 IN = 40 FT N:\proj\402-026\dwg\Planning\402026-PD-TREE.dwg-SHEET:TREE Dec 19, 2005-4:41 pm yano • CITY OF TIGARD 1LIC HEARING The following will be considered by the Tigard Planning Commission on Monday December 19. 2005 at 7:00 PM at the � � COMMUNITY Oregon.Civic Center - Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon. Both public oral and written testimony is invited. NEWSPAPERS The public hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordande with the Tigard Municipal Code and the rules of procedure adopted 6605 SE Lake Road, Portland,OR 97222• PO by the Planning Commission and City Council and available at City , Box 22109•Portland, OR 97269 Hall or the rules of procedure set forth in Chapter 18.390. Testimony may be submitted in writing prior to or at the public hearing or 1 . Phone: 503-684-0360 Fax:503-620-3433 verbally at the public hearing only. Failure to raise an issue in person Email: or by letter at some point prior to the close of the hearing Iegaladvertising @commnewspapers.com accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeal based on that issue. Failure AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION to specify the criterion from the Community Development Code or State of Oregon, County of Washington, SS Comprehensive Plan at which a comment is directed precludes an appeal based on that criterion. A copy of the application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant I, Charlotte Allsop, being the first duly sworn, and the applicable criteria are ava' .ble for='spection at no cost. If depose and say that I am the Accounting you want to inspect the file,pleas ..s m ‘ -sn appointment with Manager of The Times(serving Tigard, either the project planner or th- -A copy of the Tualatin & Sherwood), a newspaper of staff report will be made ava -�4. : -'st at least seven(7) days prior to the h '"' . n_also general circulation, published at Beaverton, in O y p the aforesaid county and state, as defined by be provided at a reasonable from the Planning Divisio '.**Viitr •-.- ORS 193.010 and 193.020, that 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,T 4171. City of Tigard SUBDIVIS �- Public Hearing-Dakota Glen DEVELOP = TT10718 ZONE CHAN / : RECONSID a copy of which is hereto annexed, was REQUEST: ► -r.,, f - t published in the entire issue of said P decision of . ---:/ - newspaper for November r==/ I 1 Subdivisio'- 3 = Ft Three sir 4t.= successive and consecutive weeks in the propose recons ' " following issues `` `"z>, avoid _ December 1, 2005 an °j r"/ C/11-0)( 1.0 OJLf4 33 P' j Charlotte Allsop (Accounting Manager) • / `. Subscribed and sworn to before me this / ' j December 1, 2005 ( -- 5‘)..ii,\-.ky....Q,NOTARYPUBLIC FOR OREGON My commission expires'■-)1/A6 cS I c0 I Acct#10093001 f ti�- -�-�-�-��11-ti-`- - -�.- -��-�� Patricia Lunsford ' ';. OFFICIAL SEAL l 45 - - SUZETTE I CURRAN City of Tigard / �,�,6: NOTARY PUBLIC-OREGON 1) 13125 SW Hall Blvd () �:�� COMMISSION NO.373063 Tigard, OR 97223 1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV.28,20071 Size 2 x 10.5 Amount Due $175.35 -remit to address above • CITY OF TIGARD 1OLIC HEARING The following will be considered by the Tigard Planning Commission on Monday December 19. 2005 at 7:00 PM at the , COMMUNITY Tigard Civic Center - Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon. Both public oral and written testimony is invited. ■ SPAPEItS The public hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordance with the Tigard Municipal Code and the rules of procedure adopted 6605 SE Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222• PO by the Planning Commission and City Council and available at City Hall or the rules of procedure set forth in Chapter 18.390. Testimony Box 22109• Portland, OR 97269 may be submitted in writing prior to or at the public hearing or Phone: 503-684-0360 Fax:503-620-3433 verbally at the public hearing only. Failure to raise an issue in person Email: or by letter at some point prior to the close of the hearing legaladvertising @commnewspapers.com accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeal based on that issue. Failure AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION to specify the criterion from the Community Development Code or State of Oregon, County of Washington, SS Comprehensive Plan at which a comment is directed precludes an appeal based on that criterion. A copy of the application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant I, Charlotte Allsop, being the first duly sworn, and the applicable criteria are available for inspection at no cost. If depose and say that I am the Accounting you want to inspect the file,please call and make an appointment with Manager of The Times(serving Tigard, either the project planner or the planning technicians. A copy of the Tualatin & Sherwood), a newspaper of staff report will be made available for inspection at no cost at least general circulation, published at Beaverton, in seven(7)days prior to the hearing,and copies for all items can also the a county and state, as defined by be provided at a reasonable cost.Further information may be obtained ORS aforesaid resai 0 and 193.020, that from the Planning Division(staff contact: Mathew Scheidegger)at 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,Oregon 97223,or by calling 503-639- 4171. City of Tigard SUBDIVISION(SUB)2005-OOO11/PLANNED Public Hearing-Dakota Glen DEVELOPMENT REVIEW(PDR)2005-00004/ TT1O718 ZONE CHANGE(ZON)2005-00006/ADJUSTMENT(VAR) 2005-00079 RECONSIDERATION OF DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION ; a copy of which is hereto annexed, was REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a motion to reconsider the published in the entire issue of said decision of denial issued by the Tigard Planning Commission on newspaper for November 7, 2005 for approval of a 24-lot Planned Development 1 Subdivision of 4.97 acres for detached single-family residences: Three single-family residences exist on the site, which have been successive and consecutive weeks in the proposed to be removed. The applicant has requested the following issues reconsideration based on clarification of the failed motion and to avoid an appeal to Tigard City Council. LOCATION: 10970, 11030 December 1, 2005 and 11060 SW North Dakota Street; WCTM 1 S 134DB, Tax Lots Char (AA. Okud-yo 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3700. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-DDensity Residential District. The R-4.5 zonin g l district is designed to Charlotte Allsop (Accounting Manager) accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted Subscribed and sworn to before me this conditionally. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters, 18.350, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510; December 1, 2005 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.765, 18.775, 18.780, 18.790; 18.795,and 18.810. 5 c3.3..x..koky\ Publish 12/1/05 TT1O718 NOTARY-PUBLIC FOR OREGON v My commission expires c., t►� ♦_ .1:i • Alit• 120 DAYS = 1/12/2006 CITY OF TIGARD DATE OF FILING: 12/23/2005 Community(Development Shaping Better Community CITY OF TIGARD Washington County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER NO. 2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION File Numbers: SUBDIVISION (SUB)2005-00011 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW(PDR) 2005-00004 ZONE CHANGE (ZON) 2005-00006 VARIANCE (VAR) 2005-00079 File Name: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION Name of Owner: Brent & Georgia Espy and William Jabs Trust Applicant's Name/Address: Venture Properties, Inc. Attn: Wendy Hemmen 4230 SW Galewood Street, Suite 100 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Address of Property: 10970, 11030, 11060 SW North Dakota Street Tigard, OR 97223 Tax Map/Lot Nos.: Washington County Tax Assessor's Map No. 1S134DB, Tax Lots 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3700. A FINAL ORDER INCORPORATING THE FACTS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A SUBDIVISION, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, ZONE CHANGE, AND A VARIANCE. THE CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION HAS REVIEWED THE APPLICANT'S PLANS, NARRATIVE, MATERIALS, COMMENTS OF REVIEWING AGENCIES, THE PLANNING DIVISION'S STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE APPLICATION DESCRIBED IN FURTHER DETAIL IN THE STAFF REPORT. THE PLANNING COMMISSION HELD A PUBLIC HEARING ON NOVEMBER 7, 2005 AND DECEMBER 20, 2005 TO RECEIVE TESTIMONY REGARDING THIS APPLICATION. THIS DECISION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FACTS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS CONTAINED WITHIN THIS FINAL ORDER. Request: > The applicant requested a motion to reconsider the decision of denial issued by the Tigard Planning Commission on November 7, 2005 for a 24-lot Planned Development Subdivision of 4.97 acres for detached single-family residences. Three single-family residences exist on the site, which have been proposed to be removed. At the December 20, 2005 public hearing the Planning Commission approved this request, subject to the conditions of approval within this final order and the changes as shown on the attached site plan, which includes the reduction of the number of lots from 24 to 23. Zoning Designation: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. Applicable Review Criteria: Community Development Code Chapters, 18.350, 18.370, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.765, 18.780, 18.790, 18.795, and 18.810. Action: 0 Approval as Requested © Approval with Conditions ❑ Denial Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper and mailed to the owners of record within the required distance, affected government agencies, and the applicant(s) and owner(s). The adopted findings of fact and decision can be obtained from the Planning Division/Community Development Department at the City of Tigard City Hall. Final Decision: THIS DECISION IS FINAL ON DECEMBER 27, 2005 AND BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON JANUARY 12, 2006 UNLESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. Appeal: The decision of the Review Authority is final for purposes of appeal on the date that it is mailed. Any party with standing as provided in Section 18.390.040.G.1. may appeal this decision in accordance with Section 18.390.040.G.2. of the Tigard Community Development Code which provides that a written appeal together with the required fee shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) business days of the date the notice of the decision was mailed. The appeal fee schedule and forms are available from the Planning Division of Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon 97223. ( THE DEADLINE FOR FILING AN APPEAL IS 5:00 PM ON JANUARY 11, 2006. I Questions: If you have any questions, please call the City of Tigard Planning Division at (503) 639-4171. • NOTICE OF FINAL ORDER NO. 2005-05 PC 4, BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF TIGARD Community Development FOR THE CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON s!il2pingfi(Better Community A FINAL ORDER APPROVING A LAND USE APPLICATION FOR A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION, ZONE CHANGE, AND ADJUSTMENT. THE COMMISSION HELD A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE TESTIMONY ON THIS APPLICATION ON DECEMBER 20, 2005. THE PLANNING COMMISSION HAS BASED THEIR DECISION ON THE FACTS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS DESCRIBED IN FURTHER DETAIL WITHIN THIS FINAL ORDER. 120 DAYS = 1/12/2006 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION CASE NOS.: Subdivision (SUB) SUB2005-00011 Planned Development Review (PDR) PDR2005-00004 Zone Change (ZON) ZON2005-00006 Adjustment (VAR) VAR2005-00079 APPLICANT: Venture Properties OWNER: Brent & Georgia Espy Attn: Wendy Hemmen 11060 SW N. Dakota St. 4230 SW Galewood Street, Suite 100 Tigard, OR 97223 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 OWNER: William Jabs Trust 10970 SW N. Dakota Street Tigard, OR 97223 REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a 24-lot single-family Subdivision of 4.97 acres with a Planned Development (PD) overlay. All 24 lots are proposed to be developed with single-family detached homes. The average lot size is proposed to be 6,250 square feet. The applicant is also proposing two open space tracts to be passive natural areas with benches, playground and a walking trail. A Zone Change is required to apply the PD overlay. The applicant is also requesting an adjustment to the street standards of 18.810 (Street and Utility Standards) in order to reduce the required right-of-way from 54 feet to 50 feet. ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5; The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single- family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionally. LOCATION: 10970, 11030 and 11060 SW North Dakota Street; WCTM 1 S134DB, Tax Lots 3300, 3400, 3500 and 3700. REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters, 18.350, 18.370, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.765, 18.780, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. SECTION II. PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION The Planning Commission finds that the proposed development meets the applicable approval criteria of the Tigard Community Development Code and that the proposal will not adversely affect the health, safety and welfare of the City. The Planning Commission, therefore, APPROVES the requested Land Use Applications subject to the following conditions of approval and the changes as shown on the attached site plan, which includes the reduction of the number of lots from 24 to 23. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 1 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUDING GRADING, EXCAVATION AND/OR FILL ACTIVITIES: The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 1. Prior to commencing site work, the applicant shall submit a cash assurance for the equivalent value of mitigation required. If additional trees are preserved through the subdivision improvements and construction of houses, and are properly protected through these stages by the same measures afforded to other protected trees on site, the amount of the cash assurance may be correspondingly reduced. Any trees planted on the site or off site in accordance with 18.790.060 (D) will be credited against the cash assurance, for two years following final plat approval. After such time, the applicant shall pay the remaining value of the cash assurance as a fee in lieu of planting. 2. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant/owner shall record a deed restriction to the effect that any existing tree greater than 12' diameter may be removed only if the tree dies or is hazardous according to a certified arborist. The deed restriction may be removed or will be considered invalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this decision should either die or be removed as a hazardous tree. 3. Prior to commencing any site work, the applicant shall submit construction drawings that include the approved Tree Removal, Protection and Landscape Plan. The plans shall also include a construction sequence including installation and removal of tree protection devices, clearing, grading, and paving. Only those trees identified on the approved Tree Removal plan are authorized for removal by this decision. 4. Prior to commencing any site work, the applicant shall establish fencing as directed by the project arborist to protect the trees to be retained. The applicant shall allow access by the City Forester for the purpose of monitoring and inspection of the tree rotection to verify that the tree protection measures are performing adequately. Failure to follow the plan, or maintain tree protection fencing in the designated locations shall be grounds for immediate suspension of work on the site until remediation measures and/or civil citations can be processed. 5. The applicant is required to provide factual information regarding site conditions as it pertains to ground slumping and sliding. 6. The applicant is required to provide information showing at least 20 percent of the site to be landscaped. 7. Acknowledge in writing that the applicant understands the Environmental Performance Standards of Section 18.725 of the Tigard Development Code shall be maintained and any violation of these standards will constitute a violation of code. 8. Provide a plan showing street trees located on all streets within the subdivision in compliance with the planting and spacing standards of 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. 9. Submit and implement a re-vegetation plan that addresses the criteria of 18.745.060.B and C (Re-vegetation). Provide mitigation for 1,127 caliper inches of trees. 11. Provide a revised tree protection/removal/mitigation plan to be reviewed and approved by the City's Forester and a member of the City's Current Planning staff. 12. The applicant will need to record a deed restriction for all trees to remain on-site, either independently or for all lots in the subdivision. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 2 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • 13. Provide documentation satisfactory to the Planning Commission that the existing vegetation on-site is being protected to the greatest extent possible. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 14. Prior to commencing onsite improvements, a Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit is required for this project to cover half-street improvements and any other work in the public right-of-way. Six (6) sets of detailed public improvement plans shall be submitted for review to the Engineering Department. NOTE: these plans are in addition to any drawings required by the Building Division and should only include sheets relevant to public improvements. Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit plans shall conform to City of Tigard Public Improvement Design Standards, which are available at City Hall and the City's web page (www.tigard- or.gov). 15. The PFI permit plan submittal shall include the exact legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be designated as the "Permittee", and who will provide the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, specify if the entity is a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the state within which the entity is incorporated and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. 16. The applicant shall provide a construction vehicle access and parking plan for approval by the City Engineer. The purpose of this plan is for parking and traffic control during the public improvement construction phase. All construction vehicle parking shall be provided on-site. No construction vehicles or equipment will be permitted to park on the adjoining residential public streets. Construction vehicles include the vehicles of any contractor or subcontractor involved in the construction of site improvements or buildings proposed by this application, and shall include the vehicles of all suppliers and employees associated with the project. 17. Construction access for this development shall be limited to the proposed 110th Place access onto North Dakota Street. Construction access will not be allowed through the existing subdivision to the west. 18. The applicant shall provide signage at the entrance of each shared flag lot driveway or private street that lists the addresses that are served by the given driveway or street. 19. The applicant shall submit construction plans to the Engineering Department as a part of the Public Facility Improvement permit, which indicate that they will construct a half-street improvement along the frontage of North Dakota Street. The improvements adjacent to this site shall include: A. City standard pavement section for a Neighborhood Route local street) from curb to centerline equal to 18 feet; B. pavement tapers needed to tie the new improvement back into the existing edge of pavement shall be built beyond the site frontage; C. concrete curb, or curb and gutter as needed; D. storm drainage, including any off-site storm drainage necessary to convey surface and/or subsurface runoff; E. 5 foot concrete sidewalk with a 5 foot planter strip; F. street trees in the planter strip spaced per TDC requirements; G. street striping; H. streetlight layout by applicant's engineer, to be approved by City Engineer; underground utilities; J. street signs (if applicable); K. driveway apron Of applicable); and L. adjustments in vertical and/or horizontal alignment to construct SW North Dakota Street in a safe manner, as approved by the Engineering Department. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 3 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • 20. The applicant's Public Facility Improvement permit construction drawings shall indicate that full width street improvements, including traffic control devices, mailbox clusters, concrete sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbs, asphaltic concrete pavement, sanitary sewers, storm drainage, street trees, streetlights, and underground utilities shall be installed within the interior subdivision streets. Improvements shall be designed and constructed to local street standards. 21. The applicant's plans shall be revised to show all public sidewalks located within the public ROW. The public sidewalk will not be allowed to meander outside of the public ROW unless approved by the City Engineer and City Arborist. 22. A profile of North Dakota Street and of Toreland Street shall be required, extending 300 feet either side of the subject site showing the existing grade and proposed future grade. The grades shall be indicated on the profiles in percentages. 23. The applicant's plans shall indicate that the driveways for lots 1, 2, 3, 22, 23 and 24 are located as far as possible from the intersection of North Dakota Street and 110th Place. 24. The applicant's construction drawings shall show that the pavement and rock section for the proposed private street(s) shall meet the City's public street standard for a local residential street. 25. Any extension of public water lines shall be shown on the proposed Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit construction drawings and shall be reviewed and approved by the City's Water Department, as a part of the Engineering Department plan review. NOTE: An estimated 12% of the water system costs must be on deposit with the Water Department prior to approval of the PFI permit plans from the Engineering Department and construction of public water lines. 26. The applicant shall provide an on-site water quality facility as required by Clean Water Services Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No. 00-7). Final plans and calculations shall be submitted to the Engineering Department (Kim McMillan) for review and approval prior to issuance of the PFI permit. In addition, a proposed maintenance plan shall be submitted along with the plans and calculations for review and approval. 27. An erosion control plan shall be provided as part of the Public Facility Improvement (PFI) permit drawings. The plan shall conform to the "Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Design and Planning Manual, February 2003 edition." 28. A final grading plan shall be submitted showing'the existing and proposed contours. The plan shall detail the provisions for surface drainage of all lots, and show that they will be graded to insure that surface drainage is directed to the street or a public storm drainage system approved by the Engineering Department. For situations where the back portions of lots drain away from a street and toward adjacent lots, appropriate private storm drainage lines shall be provided to sufficiently contain and convey runoff from each lot. 29. The applicant shall obtain a 1200-C General Permit issued by the City of Tigard pursuant to ORS 468.740 and the Federal Clean Water Act. 30. The applicant's engineer shall provide final sight distance certification, upon completion of public improvements for the intersection of North Dakota Street/110th Place, 110th Place/Tract C and 110th Place/Tract D. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO APPROVAL OF THE FINAL PLAT: The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 4 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • 31. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall ensure that the Project Arborist has submitted written reports to the City Forester, at least, once every two weeks, from initial tree protection zone (TPZ) fencing installation, through site work, as he monitors the construction activities and progress. These reports should include any changes that occurred to the TPZ as well as the condition and location of the tree protection fencing. If the amount of TPZ was reduced then the Project Arborist shall justify why the fencing was moved, and shall certify that the construction activities to the trees did not adversely impact the overall, long-term health and stability of the tree(s). If the reports are not submitted or received by the City Forester at the scheduled intervals, and if it appears the TPZ's or the Tree Protection Plan is not being followed by the contractor, the City can stop work on the project until an inspection can be done by the City Forester and the Project Arborist. This inspection will be to evaluate the tree protection fencing, determine if the fencing was moved at any point during construction, and determine if any part of the Tree Protection Plan has been violated. 32. A note will be placed on the final plat that restricts fences to be placed in the visual clearance intersections of proposed streets. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 33. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay the addressing fee. (STAFF CONTACT: Shirley Treat, Engineering). 34. The applicant shall cause a statement to be placed on the final plat to indicate that the proposed private street(s) will be jointly owned and maintained by the private property owners who abut and take access from it (them). 35. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall prepare Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) for this project, to be recorded with the final plat, that clearly lays out a maintenance plan and agreement for the proposed private street(s) and tracts A and B (open spaces). The CC&R's shall obligate the private property owners within the subdivision to create a homeowner's association to ensure regulation of maintenance for the street(s). The applicant shall submit a copy of the CC&R's to the Engineering Department (Kim McMillan) prior to approval of the final plat. 36. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall demonstrate that they have formed and incorporated a homeowner's association. 37. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay $1346.00 to the City for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of North Dakota Street. 38. The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. 39. Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: A. Submit for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. B. Attach a check in the amount of the current final plat review fee (Contact Planning/Engineering Permit Technicians, at (503) 639-4171, ext. 2421). C. The final plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 5 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • D. The right-of-way dedication for North Dakota Street, providing 29 feet from centerline, shall be made on the final plat. E. NOTE: Washington County will not begin their review of the final plat until they receive notice from the Engineering Department indicating that the City has reviewed the final plat and submitted comments to the applicant's surveyor. F. After the City and County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final plat for City Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Development Director signatures (for subdivisions). THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS: The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the CURRENT PLANNING DIVISION, ATTN: MATHEW SCHEIDEGGER 503-639-4171, EXT 2437. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 40. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit site plan drawings indicating the location of the trees that were preserved on the lot, location of tree protection fencing, and a signature of approval from the project arborist regarding the placement and construction techniques to be employed in building the house. All proposed protection fencing shall be installed and inspected prior to commencing construction, and shall remain in place through the duration of home building. After approval from the City Forester, the tree protection measures may be removed. 41. A copy of the home owners' association rules and regulations must be submitted to the City to be reviewed and approved by the City's attorney in regard to the following: A. The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; B. Continuity of property maintenance; (Open Space Tracts "A" and "B") C. When appropriate, the availability of funds required for such maintenance; D. Adequate insurance protection; and E. Recovery for loss sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. 42. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall sign a copy of the City's sign compliance agreement. The applicant shall prepare a cover letter and submit it, along with any supporting documents and/or plans that address the following requirements to the ENGINEERING DIVISION, ATTN: KIM MCMILLAN 503-639-4171, EXT 2642. The cover letter shall clearly identify where in the submittal the required information is found: 43. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "photomylar" copy of the recorded final plat. 44. The City Engineer has determined the necessity for, and requires submittal and approval of, a construction access and parking plan for the home building phase. The applicant shall provide the plan prior to issuance of building permits. At the very minimum, the barricade on Toreland Street is to remain in place until 50% occupany of the homes. 45. Prior to issuance of building permits within the subdivision, the City Engineer shall deem the public improvements substantially complete. Substantial completion shall be when: 1) all utilities are installed and inspected for compliance, including franchise utilities, 2) all local residential streets have at least one lift of asphalt, 3) any off-site street and/or utility improvements are substantially completed, and 4) all street lights are installed and ready to be energized. (NOTE: the City apart from this condition, and in accordance with the City's model home policy may issue model home permits). DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 6 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • . 46. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the City with as-built drawings of the public improvements as follows: 1)p3 mil mylar, 2) a diskette of the as-builts in "DWG" format, available; otherwise "DXF" will be acceptable, and 3) the as-built drawings shall be tied to the City's GPS network. The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91). 47. The applicant shall either place the existing overhead utility lines along SW North Dakota Street underground as a part of this project, or they shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. The fee shall be calculated by the frontage of the site that is parallel to the utility lines and will be $35.00 per lineal foot. If the fee option is chosen, the amount will be $11,767.00 and it shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits. IN ADDITION, THE APPLICANT SHOULD BE AWARE OF THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE; THIS IS NOT AN EXCLUSIVE LIST: 18.430.080 Improvement Agreement: Before City approval is certified on the final plat, and before approved construction plans are issued by the City, the Subdivider shall: 1. Execute and file an agreement with the City Engineer specifying the period within which all required improvements and repairs shall be completed; and 2. Include in the agreement provisions that if such work is not completed within the period specified, the City may complete the work and recover the full cost and expenses from the subdivider. The agreement shall stipulate improvement fees and deposits as may be required to be paid and may also provide for the construction of the improvements in stages and for the extension of time under specific conditions therein stated in the contract. 18.430.090 Bond: As required by Section 18.430.080, the subdivider shall file with the agreement an assurance of performance supported by one of the following: 1. An irrevocable letter of credit executed by a financial institution authorized to transact business in the State of Oregon; 2. A surety bond executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the State of Oregon which remains in force until the surety company is notified by the City in writing that it may be terminated; or 3. Cash. The subdivider shall furnish to the City Engineer an itemized improvement estimate, certified by a registered civil engineer, to assist the City Engineer in calculating the amount of the performance assurance. The subdivider shall not cause termination of nor allow expiration of said guarantee without having first secured written authorization from the City. 18.430.100 Filing and Recording: Within 60 days of the City review and approval, the applicant shall submit the final plat to the County for signatures of County officials as required by ORS Chapter 92. Upon final recording with the County, the applicant shall submit to the City a mylar copy of the recorded final plat. 18.430.070 Final Plat Application Submission Requirements: Three copies of the subdivision plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary data or narrative. The subdivision plat and data or narrative shall be drawn to the minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 92.05), Washington County, and by the City of Tigard. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 7 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • STREET CENTERLINE MONUMENTATION SHALL BE PROVIDED AS FOLLOWS: Centerline Monumentation In accordance with Oregon Revised Statutes 92.060, subsection (2), the centerline of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the City accepts a street improvement. The following centerline monuments shall be set: 1. All centerline-centerline intersection points; 2. All cul-de-sac center points; and 3. Curve points, beginning and ending points (PC's and PT's). All centerline monuments shall be set during the first lift of pavement. Monument Boxes Required Monument boxes conforming to City standards will be required around all centerline intersection points, cul-de-sac center points, and curve points. The tops of all monument boxes shall be set to finished pavement grade. 18.810 Street & Utility Improvement Standards: 18.810.120 Utilities All utility lines including, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface-mounted transformers, surface-mounted connection boxes, and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above. 18.810.130 Cash or Bond Required All improvements installed by the subdivider shall be guaranteed as to workmanship and material for a period of one year following acceptance by the City. Such guarantee shall be secured by cash deposit or bond in the amount of the value of the improvements as set by the City Engineer. The cash or bond shall comply with the terms and conditions of Section 18.810.180. 18.810.150 Installation Prerequisite No land division improvements, including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, streets, sidewalks, curbs, lighting or other requirements shall be undertaken except after the plans, therefore, have been approved by the City, permit fee paid and permit issued. 18.810.180 Notice to City Required Work shall not begin until the City has been notified in advance. If work is discontinued for any reason, it shall not be resumed until the City is notified. 18.810.200 Engineer's Certification The land divider's engineer shall provide written certification of a form provided by the City that all improvements, workmanship and materials are in accord with current and standard engineering and construction practices, and are of high grade, prior to the City acceptance of the subdivision's improvements or any portion thereof for operation and maintenance. THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID FOR 18 MONTHS FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DECISION. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 8 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 Pc BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • SECTION III. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Site History The subject property has been used as single-family residential for years. No land-use cases are associated with the site except for the subdivision application that is being reviewed concurrently with this application. The applicant has applied for subdivision review as a fall back in case the Planned Development application is denied. A copy of the alternate subdivision layout is attached. No other land-use cases are associated with the subject parcels. Vicinity Information: The site is located within the City limits, on the southern side of SW North Dakota Street between SW 115th Avenue and SW Tiedeman. The subject property is bordered by existing single-family homes to the east, south and west. Proposal Information: The applicant is requesting approval for a 24-lot single-family Subdivision of 4.97 acres with a Planned Development (PD) overlay. All 24 lots are proposed to be developed with single-family detached homes. The average lot size is proposed to be 6,250 square feet. The Planned Development chapter allows the average lot size to drop below the minimum lot size for the conveyance of open space. The applicant has proposed two open space tracts to be passive natural areas with benches, play ground and a walking trail. If the area of the proposed open spaces were included in the lot size averaging, the proposed parcels would average out to be a number considerably larger than the minimum lot size of the R-4.5 zoning district (7,500 square feet). SECTION IV. COMMENTS FROM PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN 500 FEET The City sent notice to property owners within 500 feet of the subject proposal. No letters were received. SECTION V. DECISION MAKING PROCEDURES, PERMITS AND USE USE CLASSIFICATION: SECTION 18.130.020 Lists the Use Categories. The applicant is seeking approval of a 24 lot subdivision on 4.97 acres. The lots are to be developed with detached single-family homes. No minimum lot size is required under the Planned Development land-use process, therefore, lot sizes within the development are proposed to average 6,250 square feet. The site is located within the R-4.5 zoning district. Planned Developments are permitted in all districts. The applicant has applied for conceptual and detailed planned development approval in conjunction with the subdivision. SUMMARY LAND USE PERMITS: CHAPTER 18.310 Defines the decision-making type to which the land-use application is assigned. This is a Planned Development/Subdivision, which is defined as a Type III-PC Application as described below. The applicant has applied for a Planned Development in order to provide smaller lot sizes, private streets, open space and altered setbacks. DECISION MAKING PROCEDURES: CHAPTER 18.390 Describes the decision-making procedures. Type III procedures apply to quasi-judicial permits and actions that contain predominantly discretionary approval criteria. Type III-PC actions are decided by the Planning Commission with appeals to the City Council. Type III-HO actions are decided by the Hearings Officer with appeals to City Council. In cases where both the Hearings Officer and Planning Commission are involved, the Planning Commission has preferential jurisdiction, per Tigard Development Code (TDC) Section 18.390.080(D)(2)(a). DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 9 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • SECTION VI. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Variances and Adjustments (18.370) The applicant has requested an adjustment to reduce the required 54-foot right-of-way as indicated in figure 18.810.4 of the Tigard Development to a 50-foot right-of-way. The requested adjustment is to more closely match the existing right-of-way of SW Torland Street through Torland Estates Subdivision. Adjustments for street improvement requirements (Chapter 18.810). By means of a Type II procedure, as governed by Section 18.390.040, the Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for an adjustment to the street improvement requirements, based on findings that the following criterion is satisfied: Strict application of the standards will result in an unacceptably adverse impact on existing development, on the proposed development, or on natural features such as wetlands, steep slopes or existing mature trees. In approving an adjustment to the standards, the Director shall determine that the potential adverse impacts exceed the public benefits of strict application of the standards. The proposed Dakota Glen subdivision will extend the pre-existing SW Torland Street that currently terminates at the west property line of the subject property. When constructed, Torland Street required a 50 foot right of way. The Tigard Development Codes now requires a local street to have a 54-foot right-of-way. The applicant had initially wanted to provide a "skinny" street section with a 50 foot right-of-way and a 28 foot pavement section through this development. This request was denied by the City Engineer as Torland Street will be a short looped street and the pavement width should be constant at 32 feet from curb to curb. Their application now requests that they be allowed to provide a 50 foot right-of-way, 32 foot pavement section, 5 foot sidewalks with only a 3 foot planter strip instead of the required 5 foot planter strip. The TSP has provided for the larger 5 foot plant%to help ensure survival of street trees. The applicant has, after meeting with staff on October 17 , 2005, agreed to provide an additional 2 foot public sidewalk and landscape easement on each side of the right-of-way to accommodate a meandering 5 foot sidewalk and 5 foot planter strip. They have proposed meandering the sidewalk in order to save 2 clusters of trees. The applicant has argued that imposing the 54 foot right-of-way would create an adverse impact on the ability to develop the property to the base standards of the R-4.5 zoning district and provide for marketable home sites. FINDING: The applicant has indicated that if the required 54 feet of right-of-way for Torland Street is imposed on the project, the parent parcel could not meet the base zone standards of the R-4.5 zoning district. This proposal is a planned development, which does not require an applicant to meet the base zone standards. If the Commission imposes the required right-of-way, which includes a five foot planter strip and 5 foot sidewalk, the applicant has two options, make the proposed lots smaller or reduce the number of lots. The applicant has proposed the maximum number of lots that the required density allows (24 units). The minimum allowable density for the subject site is 19 units. The Planning Commission has the discretion to require the full 54 foot right-of-way or allow an adjustment to the right-of-way standard for a 50 foot right-of-way with the requirement to provide the additional 2 feet on each side in a public easement for sidewalk and landscaping. The applicant shall be required to submit revised plans to reflect the decision of the Planning Commission decision. GENERAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: CHAPTER 18.350 The applicant has requested a Planned Development (PD) overlay zone change for the subject property. The PD overlay requires developers to follow the Planned Development process for any proposal on affected sites. The Planned Development chapter provides for flexibility in development design and allows deviation from certain standards of the base zone. The following addresses compliance with the process and applicable base zone standards. The Planned Development Process: Section 18.350.030 states that there are three elements to the planned development approval process, as follows: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 10 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • • The approval of the planned development overlay zone; • The approval of the planned development concept plan; and • The approval of the detailed development plan. The applicant's conceptual plan is to maximize development while preserving many of the existing trees located on the subject parcel. The detailed proposal is for a 24-lot subdivision and planned development overlay zone change request, to be reviewed concurrently. Per the provisions of this chapter, planned development designation is applicable in all zones. Subsection 18.350.020.E of the Development Code provides for a concurrent hearing for both the proposed planned development overlay zone and the subdivision proposal. Applicability Of The Base Zone Development Standards: Section 18.350.070 requires compliance to specific development standards: The provisions of the base zone are applicable as follows: Lot dimensional standards: The minimum lot size, lot depth and lot width standards shall not apply except as related to the density computation under Chapter 18.715; The lot sizes range between 5,008 and 9,818 square feet. The required lot size for the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet unless an applicant specifically requests different lot sizes through the Planned Development (PD) process, as is the case for this proposal. The minimum lot width for the R-4.5 zoning district is 50 feet. All of the proposed parcels are a minimum of 50 feet in width. Average lot depths range from 95-156 feet deep. The applicant has identified and detailed the requested lot dimensional standards for this development, and the minimum and maximum density requirements have been satisfied as discussed later in this report under 18.715 (Density Computations). Site coverage: The site coverage provisions of the base zone shall apply; There is no maximum lot coverage within the R-4.5 zoning district. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Building height: The building height provisions shall not apply; and The R-4.5 zoning district has a 30-foot maximum building height limitation. The applicant has indicated that building heights shall meet the 30-foot standard. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Structure setback provisions: Front yard and rear yard setbacks for structures on the perimeter of the project shall be the same as that required by the base zone unless otherwise provided by Chapter 18.360; The applicant has requested to alter the setbacks of the base zone by reducing all of the lots to eight foot side yard setbacks on all of the street-side lots and reduction of all front yard setbacks to 15 feet. Additional alterations to setbacks are as follows: Lot 2 8' side yard SW 110th side) Lot 5 8' side yard SW Torland side & 4' side yard south lot line) Lot 6 4' side yard north lot line & 8' side yard private street side) Lot 12 8' side yard south lot line) Lot 15 8' side yard private street side & 12' rear yard) Lot 18 4' side yard west lot tine) Lot 19 8' side yard SW 11t side) Lot 22 8' side yard SW 110t1 side) The side yard setback provisions shall not apply except that all detached structures shall meet the Uniform Building Code (UBC) requirements for fire walls; The applicant has proposed to reduce side yard setbacks. However, none of the proposed lots have less than three foot side yard setbacks. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 11 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Front yard and rear yard setback requirements in the base zone setback shall not apply to structures on the interior of the project except that: (1) A minimum front yard setback of 20 feet is required for any garage structure which opens facing a street; (2) A minimum front yard setback of eight feet is required for any garage opening for an attached single-family dwelling facing a private street as long as the required off-street parking spaces are provided All of the proposed parcels have been shown to meet the applicable setbacks on the perimeter of the project and the applicant has indicated that all future homes will have a garage setback of 20 feet. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Other provisions of the base zone: All other provisions of the base zone shall apply except as modified by this chapter. Any additional provisions of the base zone are discussed within the body of this report or will be reviewed during the building permit phase. Exceptions to parking requirements: The Commission may grant an exception to the off-street parking dimensional and minimum number of space requirements in the applicable zone based on findings that: 1. The minor exception is not greater than 10 percent of the required parking; and 2. The application is for a use designed for a specific purpose which is intended to be permanent in nature, e.g., a nursing home, and which has a low demand for off-street parking; or 3. There is an opportunity for sharing parking and there is written evidence that the property owners are willing to enter into a legal agreement; or 4. Public transportation is available to the site, reducing the standards and will not adversely affect adjoining uses; or 5. There is a community interest in the preservation of particular natural features of the site which make it in the public interest to grant an exception to parking standards. The proposal is for a 24-lot subdivision intended for single-family dwellings. Per Section 18.765.2 of the City of Tigard Development Code, single-family dwellings are required to have at least one parking space per dwelling unit. Each residence will include a garage as well as a residential driveway; therefore, an exception is not requested. Exceptions to sign requirements: The Commission may grant an exception to the sign dimensional requirements in the applicable zone based on findings that: 1. The minor exception is not greater than 10 percent of the required applicable dimensional standard for signs; 2. The exception is necessary for adequate identification of the use on the property; and 3. The sign will be compatible with the overall site plan, the structural improvements and with the structures and uses on adjoining properties. The applicant has not requested an exception to the sign requirements. Signs are discussed in greater detail later in this report under 18.780 Signs. Exceptions to landscaping requirements: The Commission may grant an exception to the landscape requirements of this title upon a finding that the overall landscape plan provides for 20% of the gross site area to be landscaped. The applicant has proposed two open space tracts, Tract A and B, which contain large trees to be saved, benches and a private park. However, there are no landscaping requirements within the R-4.5 zoning district. Therfore, this standard does not apply. General submission requirements: A statement of planning objectives to be achieved by the planned development through the particular approach proposed by the applicant. This statement should include a description of the character of the proposed development and the rationale behind the assumptions and choices made by the applicant. The proposal is for a 24-lot subdivision consisting of single-family detached residential dwellings. The applicant's rationale for application for planned development as opposed to a typical subdivision is as follows. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 12 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • In meeting underlying density requirements of the R-4.5 zone and providing for a public dedicated street which provides for the natural and logical extension of SW Torland Street; initial site planning exercises indicated that a great number of existing trees — approaching 100% would need to be removed. The planned development site plan meets the density requirements while preserving a far greater number of existing trees by essentially trading larger lots for open space / tree preservation tracts. Coupling the dimensional lot standards of the base zone and a desire to preserve existing trees made any attempt to meet, or even approach the density requirements futile. The resulting smaller lot sizes allow for the preservation of a substantial amount of existing trees and greenspace while providing for marketable home sites. The greenspace shall also accommodate a substantial amount of mitigation planting, further increasing the quality of the amenity. Open space tract A is proposed to function as a passive natural area where residents may come to relax. It will feature two benches as well as circular bark dust-type trail meandering through the wooded tract, accessed via the end of private street tract D. The benches will be installed in such a manner/location as to provide for a sightllne to the private street for safety and security. The planned development scenario also avoids a potentially unpleasant situation raised at the neighborhood meeting in which the neighboring owner of Tax Lot 1S134DB-006900 would be effectively "surrounded" by streets, either public or private, serving lots in the southwest portion of the site. Instead, a park-like, largely naturalized, setting will abut these neighboring residences and serve to buffer the two developments. Open space tract B will be the focal point of the community. The open space tract is proposed to function more as an active area, located centrally in the development, where residents may easily gather to play and interact. Mitigation trees shall be planted along the western property line in tract B to provide for a pleasant play environment as well as screen and buffer the active area from neighboring Torland Estates subdivision. This active space will feature a play structure to be installed atop a 600 square foot bark dust bed for safety and delineation. Invasive brush will be removed from the tract in order that the remainder of the tract function as an irrigated grass play area. Two benches will also be installed in this tract to promote parental supervision. The overall character of the planned development will not differ greatly from a typical subdivision with 2-story homes which otherwise meets the lot standards, as the average lot size drops only to 6,250 square feet. It is the applicant's assertion that there is an inherent value to the residents of the community, neighboring residents and the environmental quality of the site. A development schedule indicating the approximate dates when construction of the planned development and its various phases are expected to be initiated and completed. The applicant does not anticipate constructing the planned development in multiple phases, with construction of a single phase beginning in early spring of 2006. • A statement of the applicant's intentions with regard to the future selling or leasing of all or portions of the planned development. The applicant intends to sell all 24 individual homes for the purpose of development of single-family detached residences. Open space tracts A and B are to be owned and maintained in common by the homeowners' association or similar entity. A narrative statement presenting information, a detailed description of which is available from the Director. The applicant has submitted a narrative addressing all applicable criteria of the development code. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Additional information: In addition to the general information described in Subsection A above, the conceptual development plan, data, and narrative shall include the following information, the detailed content of which can be obtained from the Director: 1. Existing site conditions; 2. A site concept; 3. A grading concept; 4. A landscape concept; DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 13 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • 5. A sign concept; and 6. A copy of all existing or proposed restrictions or covenants. A preliminary set of plans including an existing site conditions, site concept, grading plan, and tree plan has been included with the application. A copy of restrictions and covenants will be conditioned later in this report under 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvements). This criterion has been satisfied. Specific planned development approval criteria. The Commission shall make findings that the following criteria are satisfied when approving or approving with conditions, the concept plan. The Commission shall make findings that the criteria are not satisfied when denying an application. All the provisions of the land division provisions, Chapters 18.410, 18.420 and 18.430, shall be met; The applicant has applied to subdivide the property concurrently with the planned development approval; therefore, all subdivision criteria must be satisfied. Compliance with the subdivision approval criteria is discussed in greater detail in Chapter 18.430 (Subdivisions) later in this report. The application has met or can be conditioned such that the subdivision provisions are satisfied. This criterion is satisfied. Except as noted, the provisions of the following chapters shall be utilized as guidelines. A planned development need not meet these requirements where a development plan provides alternative designs and methods, if acceptable to the Commission, that promote the purpose of this section. In each case, the applicant must provide findings to justify the modification of the standards in the chapters listed in Subsection 3 below. The developer may choose to provide or the commission may require additional open space dedication and/or provision of additional amenities, landscaping or tree planting. The paragraph above refers to the chapter headings below, where findings are made in order to justify the applicant's modifications to the applicable standards. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Chapter 18.715, Density Computation and Limitations. Unless authorized below, density shall be governed by the density established in the underlying zoning district. The Commission may further authorize a density bonus not to exceed 10% as an incentive to increase or enhance open space, architectural character and/or site variation incorporated into the development. These factors must make a substantial contribution to objectives of the planned development. The degree of distinctiveness and the desirability of variation achieved shall govern the amount of density increase which the Commission may approve according to the following: The applicant has not requested a density bonus. Density is discussed in greater detail under 18.715 (Density) below. Chapter 18.730, Exceptions to Development Standards; The applicant has not requested any exceptions within this section. Therefore, this section does not apply. Chapter 18.795, Visual Clearance Areas; Visual clearance is discussed in greater detail later in this report under 18.795 (Visual Clearance). Chapter 18.745, Landscaping and Screening; The proposed single-family homes abut adjacent single-family homes to the, east, south and west. According to chapter 18.745, no buffering or screening is required between single-family uses. Landscaping is discussed in greater detail later in this report under 18.745 (Landscaping and Screening). Chapter 18.765, Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements; DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 14 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • The applicant has proposed that all homes will be provided with a garage and at least 20 feet in front of the garage. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Chapter 18.705, Access, Egress and Circulation; and Each lot will be served by a driveway to the proposed streets. The minimum required width for a driveway is 10-feet, which will be assured at time of building permit review. The proposed street improvements are discussed under Chapter 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) later in this report. Chapter 18.780, Signs. No signs are proposed in conjunction with this development. Any future signage will be subject to the sign permit requirements in Chapter 18.780. The City of Tigard has had a problem enforcing sign regulations relating to signs advertising lots and homes for sale. The applicant's acknowledgement of sign regulations is one measure the City employs to help facilitate enforcement by negating an argument by an offender that he or she was unaware of the regulations and by serving as notice that the City intends to hold the developer responsible for signs associated with sale of lots and homes in the developer's subdivisions. Such notice motivates a developer to address sign regulation compliance with the sales people/company he or she contracts with or employs to market the lots. Therefore, In accordance with a new policy adopted by the Director's Designee, all new subdivisions must enter into a sign compliance agreement to facilitate a more expeditious court process for citations. In addition, the following criteria shall be met: Relationship to the natural and physical environment: The streets, buildings and other site elements shall be designed and located to preserve the existing trees, topography and natural drainage to the greatest degree possible; The applicant has proposed to align the proposed ublic street and lot layout in a manner that saves the maximum amount of trees as possible and avoids the grove of trees located on Tract `A' altogether. Additionally, the sidewalk alignment on the north side of SW Torland Street is proposed to meander through Tract B to further avoid disturbing trees. This will be subject to City Engineer and arborist approval. Drainage is discussed later in this decision under 18.810 (Street and Utility Standards). Structures located on the site shall not be in areas subject to ground slumping and sliding; The applicant has indicated that the proposed single-family homes will be located outside of any area subject to slumping or sliding. However, the applicant has not given any factual information to support their statement. Therefore, the applicant is required to provide factual information regarding site conditions as it pertains to ground slumping and sliding. There shall be adequate distance between on-site buildings and other on-site and off-site buildings on adjoining properties to provide for adequate light and air circulation and for fire protection; The applicant has proposed alternative setbacks for interior lots and street-side side yards; however, none of the alterations will reduce setbacks between units below the minimum three feet required by Tigard's building code. Units on the perimeter of the project must meet the base zone setback requirements as required by this chapter. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. The structures shall be oriented with consideration for the sun and wind directions, where possible; and Thirty three percent of the proposed lots have been oriented east-west, which will receive morning sunlight in their rear yards. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 15 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Trees preserved to the extent possible. Replacement of trees is subject to the requirements of Chapter 18.790, Tree Removal. Based on the tree assessment performed by Halstead's Arboriculture Consultants, Inc. there are a total of 150 trees located within the project boundaries. The applicant is proposing to remove 120 of the existing trees. The massive removal of trees is due to the grading for new streets and home sites. The applicant has proposed to mitigate 1,127 inches which will be discussed in greater detail under 18.790 Tree Removal. The applicant has not provided a formal statement within the narrative explaining that 30 trees is the greatest number of trees that can be preserved. Therefore, staff cannot make a positive finding that trees are being preserved to the extent possible and leaves the decision to the discretion of the Planning Commission. Buffering, screening and compatibility between adjoining uses: Buffering shall be provided between different types of land uses, e.g., between single-family and multi-family residential, and residential and commercial uses; The proposed subdivision is for single-family detached homes, which abut single-family residences to the east and west of the subject site. According to Table 18.745.1, Buffer Matrix, no buffer is required between single-family uses. Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. In addition to the requirements of the buffer matrix (Table 18.745.1), the following factors shall be considered in determining the adequacy and extent of the buffer required under Chapter 18.745: . The purpose of the buffer, for example to decrease noise levels, absorb air pollution, filter dust, or to provide a visual barrier; . The size of the buffer needs in terms of width and height to achieve the purpose; . The direction(s) from which buffering is needed; . The required density of the buffering; and . Whether the viewer is stationary or mobile. No buffer is required. Therefore, this standard does not apply. On-site screening from view from adjoining roperties of such activities as service areas, storage areas, parking lots and mechanical devices on roof tops shall be provided and the following factors shall be considered in determining the adequacy of the type and extent of the screening: (a) What needs to be screened; (b) The direction from which it is needed; and (c) Whether the screening needs to be year- round. There are no specific service areas, storage areas, parking lots or mechanical devices proposed with this development. No additional screening is required. This criterion is satisfied. Privacy and noise: Non-residential structures which abut existing residential dwellings shall be located on the site or be designed in a manner, to the maximum degree possible, to protect the private areas on the adjoining properties from view and noise; Private outdoor area -- multi-family use: Shared outdoor recreation areas -- multi-family use: These criteria relate to non-residential or multi-family structures and are not applicable to the proposed single-family development. Access and circulation: The number of allowed access points for a development shall be provided in Chapter 18.705; Each lot will have direct frontage to a public or private street. Access is discussed in greater detail later in this report under Chapter 18.705 (Access Egress and Circulation). All circulation patterns within a development must be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles; and DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 16 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Comments from Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue (TVF&R) indicate that the proposed circulation system for the development is acceptable if their conditions are addressed. See Section VIII of this report for more details. Provisions shall be made for pedestrian and bicycle ways if such facilities are shown on an adopted plan. Bicycle and pedestrian facilities are not required as shown on the "Parks Master Plan Map". Therefore, this standard does not apply. Landscaping and open space: Residential Development: In addition to the requirements of subparagraphs (4) and (5) of section a of this subsection, a minimum of 20 percent of the site shall be landscaped; The applicant has indicated that the two proposed open space tracts (30,006 sq ft.) equal 20% of the entire site. However, according to the density calculations, there is 180,265 square feet of net developable area. Therefore, the proposed open space tracts make up only 16 percent of the required landscaping. Therefore, the applicant is required to provide information showing at least 20 percent of the site to be landscaped. Landscaping of individual houses may be used in calculating the amount of on-site landscaping. Public transit: Provisions for public transit may be required where the site abuts a public transit route. The required facilities shall be based on: . The location of other transit facilities in the area; and . The size and type of the proposed development The required facilities shall be limited to such facilities as: . A waiting shelter; . A turn-out area for loading and unloading; and . Hard surface paths connecting the development to the waiting area The subject site abuts SW North Dakota Street, which is not a public transit route. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Siqns: A detailed discussion regarding signs can be found under Chapter 18.780 (Signs) later in this report. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Parking: All parking and loading areas shall be generally laid out in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter Chapter 18.765; Up to 50% of required off-street parking spaces for single-family attached dwellings may be provided on one or more common parking lots within the planned development as long as each single-family lot contains one off-street parking space. There are no common parking lots associated with this application. Parking requirements have been satisfied by providing individual garages and driveways. Parking is discussed in greater detail later in this report under 18.765 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements). Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Drainage: All drainage provisions shall be generally laid out in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.775, and the criteria in the adopted 1981 master drainage plan; DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 17 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • Storm drainage complies, or will be conditioned to comply with applicable City of Tigard and Clean Water Services (CWS) requirements. For a more detailed discussion of storm drainage, see the discussion of compliance with the requirement of Chapter 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) later in this report. Floodplain dedication: Where landfill and/or development is allowed within or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain, the City shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for a greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions of a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian bicycle pathway plan. No 100-year floodplain exists on the site according to the City's FEMA floodplain maps. Therefore, this criterion is not applicable. Shared Open Space: Requirements for shared open space: Where the open space is designated on the plan as common open space the following applies: • The open space area shall be shown on the final plan and recorded with the Director; and • The open space shall be conveyed in accordance with one of the following methods: By dedication to the City as publicly-owned and maintained as open space. Open space lproposed for dedication to the City must be acceptable to it with regard to the size, shape, ocation, improvement and budgetary and maintenance limitations; By leasing or conveying title (including beneficial ownership) to a corporation, home association or other legal entity, with the City retaining the development rights to the property. The terms of such lease or other instrument of conveyance must include provisions suitable to the City Attorney for guaranteeing the following: • The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; • Continuity of property maintenance; • When appropriate, the availability of funds required for such maintenance; • Adequate insurance protection; and • Recovery for loss sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. By any method which achieves the objectives set forth in Subsection 2 above of this section. The applicant has proposed two open space tracts equaling 30,006 square feet. The open space "tracts `will be commonly owned and maintained by the home owners through the proposed home ownership association. A copy of the home owners' association rules and regulations must be submitted to the City to be reviewed and approved by the City's attorney in regard to the following: • The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; • Continuity of property maintenance; Open Space Tracts "A" and "B") • When appropriate, the availability of funds required for such maintenance; • Adequate insurance protection; and • Recovery for loss sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Planned Development standards have not been met. CONDITIONS: • The applicant is required to provide factual information regarding site conditions as it pertains to ground slumping and sliding. • The applicant is required to provide information showing at least 20 percent of the site to be landscaped. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 18 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • A copy of the home owners' association rules and regulations must be submitted to the City to be reviewed and approved by the City's attorney in regard to the following: • The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; ■ Continuity of property maintenance; (Open Space Tracts "A" and "B") ■ When appropriate, the availability of funds required for such maintenance; • Adequate insurance protection; and • Recovery for loss sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. Zone Change: Standards for Making Quasi-Judicial Decisions: Chapter 18.380 A recommendation or a decision to approve, approve with conditions or to deny an application for a quasi judicial zoning map amendment shall be based on all of the following standards: Demonstration of compliance with all applicable comprehensive plan policies and map designations; The Development Code implements the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and planned developments are permitted in all districts when they meet the code criteria of the Development Code. This criterion is satisfied. Demonstration of compliance with all applicable standards of any provision of this code or other applicable implementing ordinance; and According to the analysis of sections below, the proposed zone change is, or has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the requirements for planned developments (PD) in Section 18.350.020 and all other applicable requirements. Evidence of change in the neighborhood or community or a mistake or inconsistency in the comprehensive plan or zoning map as it relates to the property which is the subject of the development application. There is no change in circumstances or inconsistencies to the Comprehensive Plan or Zoning Map that warrants a zone change from the underlying zone. However, a zone change is necessary to place the PD overlay designation on the property. The applicant has addressed the Zone Change standards and applied for a Planned Development. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the zone change criteria have been met. Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval Criteria: 18.430.040 Approval criteria: The Approval Authority may approve, approve with conditions or deny a preliminary plat based on the following approval criteria: Approval through two-step process. An application for a subdivision shall be processed through a two-step process: the preliminary plat and the final plat. 1. The preliminary plat shall be approved by the Approval Authority before the final plat can be submitted for approval consideration; and2. The final plat shall reflect all conditions of approval of the preliminary plat. A preliminary plat map is included with the subdivision application. It shows the proposed division of land into lots and roadways and includes all of the information required by the applicable standards of the Code. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Compliance with ORS Chapter 92. All subdivision proposals shall be in conformity with all state regulations set forth in ORS Chapter 92, Subdivisions and Partitions. The Dakota Glen subdivision, through the processing of this application and the recording of a subdivision plat, will comply with the applicable standards of ORS chapter 92. This standard is satisfied. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 19 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Future re-division. When subdividing tracts into large lots, the Approval Authority shall require that the lots be of such size and shape as to facilitate future re-division in accordance with the requirements of the zoning district and this title. The largest of the proposed parcels is 9,818 square feet. The minimum lot size within the R-4.5 zoning district is 7,500 square feet. Therefore, none of the parcels are large enough to be re-divided in the future. This criterion is met. Lot averaging, Lot size may be averaged to allow lots less than the minimum lot size allowed in the underlying zoning district as long as the average lot area for all lots is not less than allowed by the underlying zoning district. No lot created under this provision shall be less than 80% of the minimum lot size allowed in the underlying zoning district. The proposed subdivision is a Planned Development. Lot dimensions do not apply to Planned Developments, including lot size. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Temporary sales office. Temporary sales offices in conjunction with any subdivision may be granted as set forth in Chapter 18.785, Temporary Uses. The applicant has not proposed a temporary sales trailer. If a trailer is needed in the future, the criteria of Chapter 18.785 (Temporary Uses) will be used. Minimize flood damage. All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. No floodplain is associated with the subject site. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Floodplain dedications. Where land filling and/or development is allowed within and adjacent to the 100-year floodplain outside the zero-foot rise floodway, the City shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for a greenway adjoining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions at a suitable elevation for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway within the floodplain in accordance with the adopted pedestrian bicycle pathway plan. No floodplain is associated with the subject site. The nearest floodplain is approximately 1,200 feet to the east of the subject site. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Need for adequate utilities. All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage. Utilities are discussed later in this report under 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Need for adequate drainage. All subdivision proposals shall have adequate drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage; and Utilities are discussed later in this report under 18.810 (Street and Utility Improvement Standards). Therefore, this standard has been satisfied. Determination of base flood elevation. Where base flood elevation has not been provided or is not available from another authoritative source, it shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other proposed developments which contain at feast 50 lots or five acres (whichever is less). No 100-year floodplain is associated with this development. As mentioned above, the nearest floodplain is approximately 1,200 feet to the east. Therefore , this standard does not apply. The proposed preliminary plat complies with the applicable zoning ordinance and other applicable ordinances and regulations; DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 20 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • As illustrated in this report, the proposed plat complies with the zoning ordinance and other applicable ordinances and regulations. The proposed plat name is not duplicative or otherwise satisfies the provisions of ORS Chapter 92; The applicant has provided documentation of a plat name reservation from the Washington County Surveyor's Office. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. The streets and roads are laid out so as to conform to the plats of subdivisions and maps of major partitions already approved for adjoining property as to width, general direction and in all other respects unless the City determines it is in the public interest to modify the street or road pattern; and The proposed streets within the development include an extension of the adjoining SW Toreland Street to the west, which extends to SW North Dakota through the proposed subdivision. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. An explanation has been provided for all common improvements. The applicant has provided an explanation for all common improvements by way of a narrative and site plan. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the criteria of the Subdivision Chapter have been met. ZONING DISTRICT Residential Zoning District: Section 18.510.020 The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted outright. Some civic and institutional uses are permitted conditionally. Planned Developments are permitted in all districts provided the application satisfies all applicable criteria. Development Standards: Section 18.510.050 States that Development standards in residential zoning districts are contained in Table 18.510.2. The subject site is designated R-4.5, Low-Density Residential. The R-4.5 zoning district has the following dimensional requirements: STANDARD R-4.5 Minimum Lot Size Detached unit 7,500 sq. ft. Duplexes 10,000 sq.ft. Average Minimum Lot Width Detached unit lots 50 ft. Duplex lots 90 ft. Maximum Lot Coverage - Minimum Setbacks Front yard 20 ft. Side facing street on corner & through lots 15 ft. Side yard 5 ft. Rear yard 15 ft. Side or rear yard abutting more restrictive zoning district Distance between property line and front of garage 20 ft. Maximum Height 30 ft. Minimum Landscape Requirement - [1] Single-family attached residential units permitted at one dwelling per lot with no more that five attached units in one grouping. [2] Lot coverage includes all buildings and impervious surfaces. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 21 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • FINDING: Since the proposed development is a Planned Development, the R-4.5 zoning standards can be altered to fit a specific design. The applicant has requested to alter the setbacks of the base zone by reducing all of the lots to eight foot side yard setbacks on all of the street-side lots and reduction of all front yard setbacks to 15 feet. Additional alterations to setbacks are as follows: Lot 2 8' side yard SW 110th side) Lot 5 8' side yard SW Torland side & 4' side yard south lot line) Lot 6 4' side yard north lot line & 8' side yard private street side) Lot 12 8' side yard south lot line) Lot 15 8' side yard private street side & 12' rear yard) Lot 18 4' side yard west lot line) Lot 19 8' side yard SW 110 side) Lot 22 8' side yard SW 110th side) All of the proposed parcels on the perimeter of the project will meet base zone setback requirements. Access, Egress and Circulation (18.705): Chapter 18.705 establishes standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicle access and egress on a site and for general circulation within the site. Table 18.705.1 states that the minimum vehicular access and egress for single-family dwelling units on individual lots shall be one, 10-foot paved driveway within a 15-foot-wide accessway. The minimum access width for 3-6 dwelling units is 20 feet with 20 feet of pavement. Driveways will be reviewed during the building permit phase. Therefore, this standard will be satisfied. Access plan requirements. No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be fulfilled. The applicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant with detailed information about this submission requirement. The proposed subdivision includes plans for the eastern extension of SW Torland Drive, which will turn into SW 110th Place and connect to SW North Dakota. Both proposed streets will be constructed to City standards and dedicated to the City for public use. The proposal also includes plans for a private street (Tract D) at the south end of the property, which will be privately owned and maintained by the homes taking access from the street. Individual driveways will be reviewed during the building permit phase. This standard has been satisfied. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designated in this title, provided: Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts to establish the joint use; and Copies of the deeds, easements, leases or contracts are placed on permanent file with the City. Joint access has not been proposed as part of this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Public street access. All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections 18.705.030H and 18.705.0301 shall connect directly with a public or private street approved by the City for public use and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. Based on the plans submitted, the proposed lots will take access from the proposed public street system as p roposed by the applicant. Streets will be reviewed in further detail under Section 18.810, (Street and Utility Improvement Standards) of the Tigard Development Code. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 22 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Curb cuts. Curb cuts shall be in accordance with Section 18.810.030.N: Concrete curbs, curb cuts, wheelchair, bicycle ramps and driveway approaches shall be constructed in accordance with standards specified in this chapter and Section 15.04.080: Concrete curbs and driveway approaches are required; except where no sidewalk is planned, an asphalt approach may be constructed with City Engineer approval and Asphalt and concrete driveway approaches to the property line shall be built to City configuration standards. No driveway approach shall be less than five feet from the side property line projected except in cul-de-sacs, without approval and written permission of the city. The end slopes may encroach within the five foot restricted area. No portion of any driveway approach, including the end slopes, shall be located closer than thirty feet to an intersection street right-of-way line. Commercial or service drives shall not be more than thirty feet in width and if located on the same lot frontage shall be separated by a minimum length of curb of thirty feet. Each residential driveway shall be not more than twenty-six feet in width including end slopes, and if more than one driveway is to be constructed to serve the same lot, the frontage spacing between such driveways shall be not less than thirty feet measured along the curb line. Joint access driveways shall conform to the appropriate width standard for commercial or residential type usage. Driveways and curb cuts will be reviewed for compliance during the building permit phase. Inadequate or hazardous access: Applications for building permits shall be referred to the Commission for review when, in the opinion of the Director, the access proposed would cause or increase existing hazardous traffic conditions; or would provide inadequate access for emergency vehicles; or would in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health, safety and general welfare. The plans submitted by the applicant do not indicate any hazardous conditions associated with the proposed access into the subdivision. Standards for access as well as for fire and life safety are discussed elsewhere in this report (Section VIII. Agency Comments). Therefore, this criterion is met. Direct individual access to arterial or collector streets from single-family dwellings and duplex lots shall be discouraged. Direct access to major collector or arterial streets shall be considered only if there is no practical alternative way to access the site. According to the Tigard Transportation Systems Plan, SW North Dakota is classified as a neighborhood route. Therefore, there is no individual access to an arterial or a collector. This standard has been satisfied. In no case shall the design of the service drive or drives require or facilitate the backward movement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley. Single-family and duplex dwellings are exempt from this requirement. The proposed subdivision is for single-family homes. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Access Management Section 18.705.030.H) Section 18.705.030.H.1 states that an access report shall be submitted with all new development proposals which verifies design of driveways and streets are safe by meeting adequate stacking needs, sight distance and deceleration standards as set by ODOT, Washington County, the City and AASHTO. The applicant's engineer has submitted a preliminary sight distance certification for the proposed intersection of 110w Place and North Dakota Street. The engineer states that the required sight distance, based on posted speed, is 350 feet. The available sight distance to the east is approximately 700 feet, while the sight distance to the west is approximately 650 feet, thereby meeting this criterion. The applicant's engineer shall provide a final sight distance certification upon completion of the public improvements and prior to final plat approval. The applicant's engineer stiall also submit final sight distance certification for the new intersections of the private streets and 110w Place and Toreland Street prior to final plat approval. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 23 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Section 18.705.030.H.2 states that driveways shall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of collector or arterial street intersections. Influence area of intersections is that area where queues of traffic commonly form on approach to an intersection. The minimum driveway setback from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be150 feet, measured from the right-of-way line of the intersecting street to the throat of the proposed driveway. The setback may be greater depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a traffic impact report submitted by the applicant's traffic engineer. In a case where a project has less than 150 feet of street frontage, the applicant must explore any option for shared access with the adjacent parcel. If shared access is not possible or practical, the driveway shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible. The applicant applied for an adjustment to this standard for the driveway for Lot 3. North Dakota Street is classified as a Neighborhood Route (local street), therefore this criterion does not apply and adjustment is not needed. Section 18.705.030.H.3 and 4 states that the minimum spacing of driveways and streets along a collector shall be 200 feet. The minimum spacing of driveways and streets along an arterial be 600 feet. The minimum spacing of local streets along a local street shall be 125 feet. North Dakota Street is classified as a Neighborhood Route; therefore this criterion does not apply. Minimum access requirements for residential use: Vehicular access and egress for single-family, duplex or attached single-family dwelling units on individual lots and multi-family residential uses shall not be less than as provided in Table 18.705.1 and Table 18.705.2; Vehicular access to individual lots will be reviewed during the building permit phase. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Vehicular access to multi-family structures shall be brought to within 50 feet of the ground floor entrance or the ground floor landing of a stairway, ramp, or elevator leading to the dwelling units; No multi-family structures are proposed with this application. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Private residential access drives shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform fire Code; Vehicular access to individual lots will be reviewed during the building permit phase. Therefore, this standard does not apply. Section 18.705.030.1.4 states that Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following: a circular, paved surface having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet or a hammerhead-configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a minimum width of 20 feet. The maximum cross slope of a required turnaround is 5%. Proposed Tract "D" is a private street shown as a hammerhead. The longest portion of Tract "D" is 132 feet. The shortest portion is 83 feet. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Access, Egress and Circulation standards have been satisfied. DENSITY COMPUTATIONS: CHAPTER 18.715 Density Calculation: 18.715.020 Definition of net development area. Net development area, in acres, shall be determined by subtracting the following land area(s) from the gross acres, which is all of the land included in the legal description of the property to be developed: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 24 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • • All sensitive land areas: a. Land within the 100-year floodplain; b. Land or slopes exceeding 25%; c. Drainage ways; and d. Wetlands. • All land dedicated to the public for park purposes; • All land dedicated for public rights-of-way. When actual information is not available, the following formulas may be used: Single-family development: allocate 20% of gross acreage; Multi-family development: allocate 15% of gross acreage. • All land proposed for private streets; and • A lot of at least the size required by the applicable base zoning district, if an existing dwelling is to remain on the site. Calculating maximum number of residential units. To calculate the maximum number of residential units per net acre, divide the number of square feet in the net acres by the minimum number of square feet required for each lot in the applicable zoning district. The net development area is determined by subtracting from the gross area, the land needed for public and private streets as well as areas for sensitive lands. The calculations are as follows: Gross lot area 216,633 square feet Private street right-of-way 11,242 square feet Public right-of-way 25,124 square feet NET DEVELOPABLE AREA: 180,267 square feet Minimum Lot Size 7,500 square feet Maximum number of units: 24 units Minimum number of units: 19 units FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the maximum density allowed for the subject parcel is 24 units. The applicant is requesting approval for 24 lots. Therefore, the applicant is within the allowable density. This section has been satisfied. ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: CHAPTER 18.725 These standards require that federal and state environmental laws, rules and regulations be applied to development within the City of Tigard. Section 18.725.030 (Performance Standards) regulates: Noise, visible emissions, vibration and odors. Noise. For the purposes of noise regulation, the provisions of Sections 7.41.130 through 7.40.210 ofiTigard Municipal Code shall apply. Visible Emissions. Within the commercial zoning districts and the industrial park (IP) zoning district, there shall be no use, operation or activity which results in a stack or other point- source emission, other than an emission from space heating, or the emission of pure uncombined water (steam) which is visible from a roperty line. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) rules for visible emissions (340-21-01p5 and 340-28-070) apply. Vibration. No vibration other than that caused by highway vehicles, trains and aircraft is lipermitted in any given zoning district which is discernible without instruments at the property ne of the use concerned. Odors. The emissions of odorous gases or other matter in such quantities as to be readily e ec able at any point beyond the property line of the use creating the odors is prohibited. DEQ rules for odors (340-028-090) apply. Glare and heat. No direct or sky reflected glare, whether from floodlights or from high temperature processes such as combustion or welding, which is visible at the lot line shall be permitted, and; 1) there shall be no emission or transmission of heat or heated air which is discernible at the lot line of the source; and 2) these regulations shall not apply to signs or floodlights in parking areas or construction equipment at the time of construction or excavation work otherwise permitted by this title. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 25 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Insects and rodents. All materials including wastes shall be stored and all grounds shall be maintained in a manner which will not attract or aid the propagation of insects or rodents or create a health hazard. This is a detached single-family project, which is permitted within the R-4.5 zone. There is nothing to indicate that these standards will not be met. However, ongoing maintenance to meet these standards shall be maintained and any violation of these standards will be addressed by the City of Tigard's' Code Enforcement Officer. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Environmental Performance Standards have not been met. If the Applicant complies with the condition below, the standards will be met. CONDITION: Acknowledge in writing that the applicant understands the Environmental Performance Standards of Section 18.725 of the Tigard Development Code shall be maintained and any violation of these standards will constitute a violation of code. Landscaping and Screening (18.745): Section 18.745.030.E states that existing vegetation on a site shall be protected as much as possible. The developer shall provide methods for the protection of existing vegetation to remain during the construction process; and the plants to be saved shall be noted on the landscape plans (e.g. areas not to be disturbed can be fenced, as in snow fencing which can be placed around individual trees). The applicant is proposing to save a large number of trees within two open space tracts. All other vegetation has been proposed to be removed due to infrastructure and lot layout. The applicant failed to address this criterion within their narrative, and must provide documentation satisfactory to the Planning Commission. Section 18.745.040.0 requires that street trees be planted in conjunction with all development that fronts a street or driveway more than 100 feet long. A proposed planting list must be submitted for review by the Director since certain trees can damage utilities, streets and sidewalks or cause personal injury. This section also contains specific standards for spacing of street trees as follows: • Small or narrow stature trees (under 25 feet tall and less than 16 feet wide branching) shall be spaced no greater than 20 feet apart; • Medium sized trees (25 feet to 40 feet tall, 16 feet to 35 feet wide branching) shall be spaced no greater than 30 feet apart; and • Large trees (over 40 feet tall and more than 35 feet wide branching) shall be spaced no greater than 40 feet apart; The applicant has proposed to plant Street trees along SW North Dakota, the extension of SW Toreland, and SW 110 Place. The applicant has not proposed street trees along the private street within Tract "D". Therefore, the applicant is required to provide a plan showing street trees located on all streets within the subdivision in compliance with the planting and spacing standards of 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. Section 18.745.050 contains the provisions and requirements for buffering and screening. The Buffering and Screening Matrix (Section 18.745.1) does not require buffering or screening when a single-family detached residential use is adjacent to existing detached single-family uses. Therefore, this section does not apply. Section 18.745.060 contains the provisions for re-vegetation where natural vegetation has been removed through grading. Such areas are to be replanted as set forth in this section to prevent erosion after construction activities are completed. The applicant has not provided a re-vegetation plan, which will be a condition of approval. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the landscaping and screening standards have not been met. If the Applicant complies with the condition below, the standards will be met. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 26 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • CONDITIONS: • Provide documentation satisfactory to the Planning Commission that the existing vegetation on-site is being protected to the greatest extent possible. • Provide a plan showing street trees located on all streets within the subdivision in compliance with the planting and spacing standards of 18.745.040.0 of the Tigard Development Code. • Submit and implement a re-vegetation plan that addresses the criteria of 18.745.030.E, 18.745.060.B and C (Re-vegetation). OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS: CHAPTER 18.765 This Chapter is applicable for development projects when there is new construction, expansion of existing use, or change of use in accordance with Section 18.765.070 Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements. The applicant proposes to build single-family homes which will have garages setback from the proposed property lines by 20 feet. This will assure at least one parking stall per home. The required amount of parking for a detached single-family home is one per dwelling unit. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements have been satisfied. Signs (18.780 Chapter 18.780 regulates the placement, number and design criteria for signage. No signs are proposed in conjunction with this development. Any future signage will be subject to the sign permit permit in Chapter 18.780. There has been a proliferation of sign violations from new subdivisions. In accordance with a new policy adopted by the Director's Designee, all new subdivisions must enter into a sign compliance agreement to facilitate a more expeditious court process for citations. FINDING: To ensure compliance and enforcement of sign violations, a sign compliance agreement will be required. CONDITION:Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall sign a copy of the City's sign compliance agreement. TREE REMOVAL: CHAPTER 18.790 A tree plan for the planting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided with a site development review application. The tree plan shall include identification of all existing trees, identification of a program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper, which trees are to be removed, protection program defining standards and methods that will be used by the applicant to protect trees during and after construction. There are 112 trees on-site that are greater than 12-inches in diameter. The applicant has indicated that 78 trees greater than 12-inches and equaling 1,690 caliper inches are to be removed. According to the mitigation standards of 18.790.030.B.2, "retention from 25% to 50% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that two thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated in accordance with Section 18.790.060D;" The applicant is retaining 31% of the trees greater than 12-inches. Therefore, the applicant is required to provide a mitigation plan for 1,127 inches. The applicant will also be required to provide a protection plan that reflects the suggestions of the project arborist. Subsequent removal of a tree. Any tree preserved or retained in accordance with this section may thereafter be removed only for the reasons set out in a tree plan, in accordance with Section 18.790.030, or as a condition of approval for a conditional use, and shall not be subject to removal under any other section of this chapter. The property_owner shall record a deed restriction as a condition of approval of any development permit affected by this section to the effect that such tree may be removed only if the tree dies or is hazardous according to a certified arborist. The deed restriction may be removed or will be considered invalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this section should either die or be removed as a hazardous tree. The form of this deed restriction shall be subject to approval by the Director. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 27 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • The applicant will need to record a deed restriction for all trees to remain on-site, either independently or for all lots in the subdivision. FINDING Based on the analysis above, the Tree Removal standards have not been met. If the applicant complies with the conditions below, the standard will be met. CONDITIONS: • Provide a mitigation plan for 1,127 inches. • Provide a revised tree protection/removal/mitigation plan to be reviewed and approved by the City's Forester and a member of the City's Current Planning staff. • The applicant will need to record a deed restriction for all trees to remain on-site, either independently or for all lots in the subdivision. Visual Clearance Areas: Section 18.795 Clear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property adjacent to intersection of two streets, a street and a railroad, or a driveway providing access to a public or private street. A clear vision area shall contain no vehicle hedge, planting, fence, wall structure, or temporary or permanent obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in height, measured from the top of the curb, or where no curb exists, from the street center grade, except the trees exceeding this height may be located in this area, provided all branches below eight feet are removed. For arterial streets the visual clearance shall not be less than 35 feet on each side of the intersection. Construction plans for the streets will need to be reviewed and approved that satisfies the visual clearance requirements. Subsequent grading and vegetative removal may be imposed during infrastructure construction to assure that this standard is met. A note will be placed on the final plat that restricts fences to be placed in the visual clearance intersections of proposed private streets. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the vision clearance criteria have not been met. If the applicant complies with the condition below, the vision clearance criteria will be met. CONDITION:A note will be placed on the final plat that restricts fences to be placed in the visual clearance intersections of proposed streets. STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS STANDARDS: CHAPTER 18.810 Chapter 18.810 provides construction standards for the implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. The applicable standards are addressed below: Streets: Improvements: Section 18.810.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the TDC. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a Neighborhood Route to have a 58 foot right-of-way width and 36-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on-street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adjacent to SW North Dakota Street, which is classified as a Neighborhood Route on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 20 feet of ROW from centerline, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. The applicant should dedicate the additional ROW to provide for 29 feet from centerline. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 28 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • SW North Dakota Street is currently partially improved. In order to mitigate the impact from this development, the applicant should construct half-street improvements. Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030.E requires a local street to have a 54 right-of-way width and 32-foot paved section. Other improvements required may include on- street parking, sidewalks and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This site lies adjacent to SW Toreland Street, which is classified as a local street on the City of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is approximately 50 feet of ROW total to the west, according to the most recent tax assessor's map. The applicant should dedicate 50 feet of ROW for the extension of Toreland. SW Toreland Street is currently terminated at the west property line of this development. The applicant has requested an adjustment to the street improvement standard, reducing the planter strip from 5and a half feet in width to only 3 feet in width. The curb-to-curb width of the pavement is proposed to be 32 feet. The reg9est for curb-tight sidewalk was an option because the existing portions of Toreland Street and 112 Avenue have curb-tight sidewalk. The adjustment for a smaller planter strip is preferred over the continuation of the curb-tight sidewalk. Future Street Plan and Extension of Streets: Section 18.810.030.F states that a future street plan shall be filed which shows the pattern of existing and proposed future streets from the boundaries of the proposed land division. This section also states that where it is necessary to give access or permit a satisfactory future division of adjoining land, streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed and a barricade shall be constructed at the end of the street. These street stubs to adjoining properties are not considered to be cul-de-sacs since they are intended to continue as through streets at such time as the adjoining property is developed. A barricade shall be constructed at the end of the street by the property owners which shall not be removed until authorized by the City Engineer, the cost of which shall be included in the street construction cost. Temporary hammerhead turnouts or temporary cul-de- sac bulbs shall be constructed for stub streets in excess of 150 feet in length. Due to the existing developments to the east and south there are no opportunities for future street extensions through the proposed development. Street Alignment and Connections: Section 18.810.030.H.1 states that full street connections with spacing of no more than 530 feet between connections is required except where prevented by barriers such as topography, railroads, freeways, pre-existing developments, lease provisions, easements, covenants or other restrictions existing prior to May 1, 1995 which preclude street connections. A full street connection may also be exempted due to a regulated water feature if regulations would not permit construction. Section 18.810.030.H.2 states that all local, neighborhood routes and collector streets which abut a development site shall be extended within the site to provide through circulation when not precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns or strict adherence to other standards in this code. A street connection or extension is precluded when it is not possible to redesign, or reconfigure the street pattern to provide required extensions. Land is considered topographically constrained if the slope is greater than 15% for a distance of 250 feet or more. In the case of environmental or topographical constraints, the mere presence of a constraint is not sufficient to show that a street connection is not possible. The applicant must show why the constraint precludes some reasonable street connection. This development proposes to complete the eastern half of a looped street system, thereby providing circulation through these two subdivisions. Grades and Curves: Section 18.810.030.N states that grades shall not exceed ten percent on arterials, 12% on collector streets, or 12% on any other street (except that local or residential access streets may have segments with grades up to 15% for distances of no greater than 250 feet). Centerline radii of curves shall be as determined by the City Engineer. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 29 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • The applicant states that the grades for the proposed streets meet the standards. The applicant shall show the grades (percentage) on their PFI submittal. Private Streets: Section 18.810.030.T states that design standards for private streets shall be established by the City Engineer. The City shall require legal assurances for the continued maintenance of private streets, such as a recorded maintenance agreement. Private streets serving more than six dwelling units are permitted only within planned developments, mobile home parks, and multi-family residential developments. The applicant's narrative says there are three private streets, serving no more than six units each. The applicant's plan shows two private streets, Tracts C & D that serve 6 units and 8 units, respectively. Because this is a proposed PD more than 6 units is allowed. The applicant shall place a statement on the face of the final plat indicating the private street(s) will be owned and maintained by the properties that will be served by it/them. In addition, the applicant shall record Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) alon with the final plat that will clarify how the rivate property owners are to maintain the private street s). These CC&R's shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to approval of the final plat. he City's public improvement design standards require private streets to have a pavement section equal to a public local street. The applicant will need to provide this type of pavement section. Block Designs - Section 18.810.040.A states that the length, width and shape of blocks shall be designed with due regard to providing adequate building sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography. Block Sizes: Section 18.810.040.B.1 states that the perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed 1,800 feet measured along the right-of-way line except: . Where street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water or, pre-existing development or; • For blocks adjacent to arterial streets, limited access highways, major collectors or railroads. • For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access. The proposed subdivision creates a block that is approximately 1,400 feet in length. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Section 18.810.040.B.2 also states that bicycle and pedestrian connections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is not possible. Spacing between connections shall be no more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns, or strict adherence to other standards in the code. Each section of the block created by the subdivision is 350 feet in length, which exceeds the maximum 330 feet. However, the applicant is matching the existing development pattern of the adjoining Torland Estates. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Lots - Size and Shape: Section 18.810.060(A) prohibits lot depth from being more than 2.5 times the average lot width, unless the parcel is less than 1.5 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district. The largest of the proposed lots, lot#18 at 9,818 square feet, is less than 1.5 times the minimum lot size (R-4.5 = 7,500 sq. ft). In any case, none of the parcels have a depth that is 2.5 times the average lot width. Lot Frontage: Section 18.810.060(B) requires that lots have at least 25 feet of frontage on public or private streets, other than an alley. In the case of a land partition, 18.420.050.A.4.c applies, which requires a parcel to either have a minimum 15-foot frontage or a minimum 15-foot wide recorded access easement. In cases where the lot is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, the frontage shall be at least 15 feet. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 30 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Proposed parcel 18 has the least amount of frontage at 35 feet, which exceeds the minimum requirement of 25 feet. Therefore, this standard is satisfied. Sidewalks: Section 18.810.070.A requires that sidewalks be constructed to meet City design standards and be located on both sides of arterial, collector and local residential streets. Private streets and industrial streets shall have sidewalks on at least one side. The applicant has proposed sidewalks on both sides of the new public streets, sidewalk on the south side of North Dakota Street and one side of each of the private streets. The applicant also proposed to meander the public sidewalk through Tract B. The applicant wants to meander the sidewalk to pedestrians may enjoy the wooded open space and to preserve trees. If the applicant wants to provide access to the open space a private trail can be constructed. The trees are not shown to be saved in the arborist's report. The public sidewalk shall be placed within the public ROW. The applicant's plans shall be revised to show the public sidewalk within the ROW along the entire street frontage. Sanitary Sewers: Sewers Required: Section 18.810.090.A requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. Over-sizing: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development within the area as projected by the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant's plans show the extension of the public sanitary sewer to serve all proposed lots, thereby meeting this criterion. Storm Drainage: General Provisions: Section 18.810.100.A requires developers to make adequate provisions for storm water and flood water runoff. Accommodation of Upstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.0 states that a culvert or other drainage facility shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside the development. The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). There are no upstream drainage ways that impact this development. Effect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.D states that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the development will overload an existing drainage facility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by Clean Water Services in 2000 and including any future revisions or amendments). In 1997, Clean Water Services (CWS) completed a basin study of Fanno Creek and adopted the Fanno Creek Watershed Management Plan. Section V of that plan includes a recommendation that local governments institute a stormwater detention/effective impervious area reduction program resulting in no net increase in storm peak flows up to the 25-year event. The City will require that all new developments resulting in an increase of impervious surfaces provide onsite detention facilities, unless the development is located adjacent to Fanno Creek. For those developments adjacent to Fanno Creek, the storm water runoff will be permitted to discharge without detention. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 31 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • The applicant's engineer has proposed an underground detention system in the North Dakota Street ROW. The engineer has also provided the preliminary sizing calculations for the detention system. Bikeways and Pedestrian Pathways: Bikeway Extension: Section 18.810.110.A states that developments adjoining proposed bikeways identified on the City's adopted pedestrian/bikeway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of such bikeways through the dedication of easements or right-of-way. North Dakota Street is a designated bicycle facility. Cost of Construction: Section 18.810.110.B states that development permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits, subdivisions, and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements. The cost of the new bike lane should be borne by the applicant. Either the lane will be striped as part of the half-street improvement, or funds will be paid to the City for the striping. The City may delay striping of the lane if there is not a continuous bike lane to the north and south. The City Engineer will determine at construction plan review time as to whether or not to delay the striping. The amount of the striping would be as follows: • 304 feet of 8-inch white stripe, at $2.50/If $760.00 • 9 Mono-directional reflective markers @ $4.00/ea $ 36.00 • 2 Bike lane legends @ $175/ea $350.00 • 2 Directional mini-arrows (cry $100/ea $200.00 $1,346.00 Minimum Width: Section 18.810.110.0 states that the minimum width for bikeways within the roadway is five feet per bicycle travel lane. Minimum width for two-way bikeways separated from the road is eight feet. The bicycle lane width for a Neighborhood Route is 6 feet. Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states that all utility lines, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: • The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services; • The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; • All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets; and • Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underground will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficulty of under-grounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under-grounding in conjunction with the development. The determination shall be on a case-by-case basis. The most common, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result in the placement of additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities. An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underground and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 32 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW North Dakota Street. If the fee in- lieu is proposed, it must be approved by the City Engineer. Otherwise the fee in-lieu is equal to $35.00 per lineal foot of street frontage that contains the overhead lines. The frontage along this site is 336.2 lineal feet; therefore the fee would be $11,767. ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS WITH STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS: Public Water System: The applicant's plan indicates that the public water line will be extended within the new public ROW for 110 Place and Toreland Street. All water meters shall be banked at the public ROW. The plans also indicate the installation of three fire hydrants within the development. Storm Water Quality: The City has agreed to enforce Surface Water Management (SWM) regulations established by Clean Water Services (CWS) Design and Construction Standards (adopted by Resolution and Order No. 00-7) which require the construction of on-site water quality facilities. The facilities shall be designed to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contained in 100 percent of the storm water runoff generated from newly created impervious surfaces. In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and method to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit plans and calculations for a water quality facility that will meet the intent of the CWS Design Standards. In addition, the applicant shall submit a maintenance plan for the facility that must be reviewed and approved by the City prior to construction. Grading and Erosion Control: CWS Design and Construction Standards also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water system resulting from development, construction, grading, excavating, clearing, and any other activity which accelerates erosion. Per CWS regulations, the applicant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approval prior to issuance of City permits. The Federal Clean Water Act requires that a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) erosion control permit be issued for any development that will disturb one or more acre of land. Since this site is over five acres, the developer will be required to obtain an NPDES permit from the City prior to construction. This permit will be issued along with the site and/or building permit. A final grading plan shall be submitted showing the existing and proposed contours. The plan shall detail the provisions for surface drainage of all lots, and show that they will be graded to insure that surface drainage is directed to the street or a public storm drainage system approved by the Engineering Department. For situations where the back portions of lots drain away from a street and toward adjacent lots, appropriate private storm drainage lines shall be provided to sufficiently contain and convey runoff from each lot. An NPDES 1200-C permit is required prior to construction. Address Assignments: The City of Tigard is responsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). An addressing fee in the amount of $50.00 per address shall be assessed. This fee shall be paid to the City prior to final plat approval. The developer will also be required to provide signage at the entrance of each shared flag lot driveway or private street that lists the addresses that are served by the given driveway or street. This will assist emergency services personnel to more easily find a particular home. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 33 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • . Survey Requirements: The applicant's final plat shall contain State Plane coordinates [NAD 83 (91)] on two monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (GC 22). These monuments shall be on the same line and shall be of the same precision as required for the subdivision plat boundary. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements to grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: • GPS tie networked to the City's GPS survey. • By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. In addition, the applicant's as-built drawings shall be tied to the GPS network. The applicant's engineer shall provide the City with an electronic file with points for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other water system features) in the development, and their respective X and Y State Plane Coordinates, referenced to NAD 83 (91). SECTION VII. IMPACT STUDY: SECTION 18.390.040.B.e Requires that the applicant shall include an impact study. The study shall address, at a minimum, the transportation system, including bikeways, the drainage system, the parks system, the water system, the sewer system, and the noise impacts of the development. For each public facility system and type of impact of the development on the public at large, public facilities systems, and affected private property users. In situations where the Community Development Code requires the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with the dedication of real property interest, or provide evidence which supports the conclusion that the real property dedication requirement is not roughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. The applicant has submitted an Impact Study that addresses the impact of the proposed subdivision on the public facilities systems. The applicant has also addressed the improvements to be made that will minimize the proposed impacts. A copy of the Impact Study can be found within the land-use file (PD2005-00004). This section has been satisfied. ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY ANALYSIS The applicant has provided an impact study addressing the project's impacts on public systems which can be found in the land-use file under the tab, "Impact Statement". Any required street improvements to certain collector or higher volume streets and the Washington County Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) are mitigation measures that are required at the time of development. Based on a transportation impact study prepared by Mr. David Larson for the A-Boy Expansion/Dolan II/Resolution 95-61, TIF's are expected to recapture 32 percent of the traffic impact of new development on the Collector and Arterial Street system. Presently, the TIF for a single-family dwelling is $2,690. The internal streets within the subdivision are needed to allow the subdivision to develop and the need for these streets is created by the subdivision. Because the need for the internal streets is created by the development, the impact of the development is directly proportional to the cost of dedication and construction of the internal streets. Upon completion of this development, the future builders of the residences will be required to pay TIF s totaling approximately $64,560 ($2,690 x 24 dwelling units). Based on the estimate that total TIF fees cover 32 percent of the impact on major street improvements citywide, a fee that would cover 100 percent of this projects traffic impact is $201,750 ($64,560 divided by .32). The difference between the TIF paid and the full impact, is considered as unmitigated impact. Since the TIF paid is $64,560, the unmitigated impact can be valued at $137,190. Given that the estimated cost of the dedication and half-street improvements along SW North Dakota is $195,145 (North Dakota) ROW dedication = 2,988 sq. ft. x $3.00 + (street improvements) $200.00 x 332 ft. The applicant has proposed to complete the necessary improvements. The project cannot be approved unless the project complies with street improvement standards of the Development Code. • DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 34 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • SECTION VIII. OTHER STAFF COMMENTS The City of Tigard Crime Prevention Officer has reviewed the proposal and no objection to it. The City of Tigard's City Forester has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments: LANDSCAPING AND SCREENING 18.745.030.C, Installation Requirements The installation of all landscaping shall be as follows: All landscaping shall be installed according to accepted planting procedures. The plant material shall be of high grade, and shall meet the size and grading standards of the American Standards for Nurberg Stock (ANSI Z-60, 1-1986, and any other future revisions); and Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this title. The accepted planting procedures are the guidelines described in the Tigard Tree Manual. These guidelines follow those set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) tree planting guidelines as well as the standards set forth in the American Institute of Architects' Architectural Graphic Standards, 10m edition. In the Architectural Graphic Standards there are guidelines for selecting and planting trees based on the soil volume and size at maturity. Additionally, there are directions for soil amendments and modifications. In order to develop tree species diversity onsite it is recommended that the following guidelines be followed: No more than 30% of any one family be planted onsite. No more than 20% of any one genus be planted onsite. No more than 10% of any one species be planted onsite. 18.745.030.E, Protection of Existing Landscaping. Existing vegetation on a site shall be protected as much as possible: The developer shall provide methods for the protection of existing vegetation to remain during the construction process; and the plants to be saved shall be noted on the landscape plans (e.g., areas not to be disturbed can be fenced, as in snow fencing which can be placed around the individual trees). See comments under "Tree Removal". 18.745.030.G, Conditions of Approval of Existing Vegetation. The review procedures and standards for required landscaping and screening shall be specified in the conditions of approval during development review and in no instance shall be less than that required for conventional development. See recommended conditions of approval at the end of this memorandum. 18.745.040, Street Trees A. Protection of existing vegetation. All development projects fronting on a public street, private street or a private driveway more than 100 feet in length approved after the adoption of this title shall be required to plant street trees in accordance with the standards in Section 18.745.040.C. The accepted planting procedures are the guidelines described in the Tigard Tree Manual. These guidelines follow those set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) tree planting guidelines as well as tke standards set forth in the American Institute of Architects' Architectural Graphic Standards, 10m edition. In the Architectural Graphic Standards there are guidelines for selecting and planting trees based on the soil volume and size at maturity. Additionally, there are directions for soil amendments and modifications. In order to develop tree species diversity onsite it is recommended that the following guidelines be followed: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 35 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • No more than 30% of any one family be planted onsite. No more than 20% of any one genus be planted onsite. No more than 10% of any one species be planted onsite. 2. TREE REMOVAL 18.790.030, Tree Plan Requirement A. Tree plan required. A tree plan for the planting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist shall be provided for any lot, parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development application for a subdivision, partition, site development review, planned development or conditional use is filed. Protection is preferred over removal wherever possible. B. Plan requirements. The tree plan shall include the following: 1. Identification of the location, size and species of all existing trees including 'trees designated as significant by the city; 2. Identification of a program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper. Mitigation must follow the replacement guidelines of Section 18.790.060D, in accordance with the following standards and shall be exclusive of trees required by other development code provisions for landscaping, streets and parking lots: a. Retention of less than 25% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires a mitigation program in accordance with Section 18.790.060D of no net loss of trees; b. Retention of from 25% to 50% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that two-thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated in accordance with Section 18.790.060D; c. Retention of from 50% to 75% of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that 50 percent of the trees to be removed be mitigated in accordance with Section 18.790.060D; d. Retention of 75% or greater of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires no mitigation. 3. Identification of all trees which are proposed to be removed; 4. A protection program defining standards and methods that will be used by the applicant to protect trees during and after construction. As required, the applicant submitted a tree plan that was conducted by a certified arborist, David Halstead. The report contains the four required components, and, is therefore, acceptable. I suggest planting native species of trees as street trees such as big leaf maple, cascara or Oregon white oak. Properly sized oaks can be found at River Oak Farm & Nursery. Call Diane at 503-357- 2745. The species of street tree used in this development is not listed. The species must be approved before the trees can be planted. The applicant has not submitted a final tree mitigation plan. In the event that the applicant chooses to plant trees in open areas within the project boundaries or in the back yards of the homes, I have attached a copy of my guidelines for planting mitigation trees on the development property as the applicant indicates he will be doing. Below are my suggestions for the applicant to follow for tree protection guidelines: Prior to construction, a Tree Protection Plan shall be included with the proposed construction drawings conforming to the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) guidelines for review and approval by the City Forester. All tree protection devices, along with their details and specifications, shall be shown on the Tree Protection Plan. This plan shall also include the building footprints shown in relation to the trees being preserved. Any tree that will not be removed onsite that is within the limits of disturbance of this project must be protected. Any tree that is located on property adjacent to the construction project that will have more than 15% of its root system disturbed by construction activities shall also be protected. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 36 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit a detailed construction schedule to the City Forester with notations as to when tree protection devices will be either installed or removed throughout construction of the project. A note shall be placed on the final set of plans indicating that equipment, vehicles, machinery, grading, dumping, storage, burial of debris, or any other construction-related activities shall not be located inside of any tree protection zone or outside of the limits of disturbance where other trees are being protected. All tree protection devices shall be: • Visible. • Constructed of 11 Gauge steel chain-link fencing supported on at least 2" O.D. steel posts. Each post shall be no less than four feet high from the top of grade. Each post shall be driven into the ground to a depth of no less than two and a half feet below grade. Each post shall be spaced no further apart than four feet. • Between each post, securely attached to the chain-link fencing, shall be a sign indicating that the area behind the fencing is protected and no construction activity, including material storage, may occur behind the fencing. • Inspected and approved in the field by the project arborist and City Forester prior to clearing, grading, or the beginning of construction. • Remain in place and maintained until all construction is completed and a final inspection is conducted. To determine the size of the tree protection zone (TPZ) the project arborist should follow the guidelines listed below: For individual trees follow the trunk diameter method. For every one-inch of diameter at breast height (DBH), or 4 1/2 feet above the ground, allow 12 inches of space from the trunk of the tree. For example, a tree that is 15" at DBH must have at least 15' of tree protection zone around the entire canopy of the tree. For groups of trees the tree protection zone must be outside of the drip line of the trees on the edge of the stand. If there are conifers with narrow crowns on the edge of the stand follow the trunk diameter method or the drip line method, whichever is greater. Calculate and follow the Optimal Tree Protection Zone calculation as shown in "Trees and Development: A Technical Guide to Preservation of Trees During Land Development" by Nelda Matheny and James R. Clark. The project arborist may propose an alternate method for the establishment of the TPZ, provided the effort is coordinated with the City Forester. If it is necessary to enter the tree protection zone at any time with equipment (trucks, bulldozers, etc.) the project arborist and City Forester must be notified before any entry occurs. Before entering the TPZ, the project arborist and City Forester shall determine the method by which entry can occur, along with any additional tree protection measures. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Project Arborist shall submit a final certification indicating the elements of the Tree Protection Plan were followed and that all remaining trees on the site are healthy, stable and viable in their modified growing environment. SECTION IV. AGENCY COMMENTS The Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue has reviewed the proposal and offered the following comments: I have reviewed the submittal for the above named project and have the following comments: DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 37 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • • FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD DISTANCE FROM BUILDING AND TURNAROUNDS: Access roads shall be within 130 feet of all portions of the exterior wall of-the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building. An approved turnaround is required if the remaining distance to an approved intersecting roadway, as measured along the fire apparatus access road, is greater than 150 feet. DEAD END ROADS: Dead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved turnaround. Tract D by virtue of its design provides a hammerhead turnaround that meets this requirement. Tract C shall be provided with a turnaround(see item #3 below for alternative). FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD EXCEPTION FOR AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER PROTECTION: When buildings are completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system, the requirements for fire apparatus access may be modified as approved by the fire code official. ADDITIONAL ACCESS ROADS — ONE-OR TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL: Where there are more than 30 one- or two-family dwelling units, not less than two separate approved means of access shall be provided. Where there are more than 30 dwelling units and all are protected by approved residential sprinkler systems, a single access will be allowed. REMOTENESS: Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses. FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD WIDTH AND VERTICAL CLEARANCE: Fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet (12 feet for up to two dwelling units and accessory buildings), and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. Where fire apparatus roadways are less than 26 feet wide, "NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on both sides of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed. Where fire apparatus roadways are more than 28 feet wide but less than 32 feet wide, "NO PARKING" signs shall be installed on one side of the roadway and in turnarounds as needed. Where fire apparatus roadways are 32 feet wide or more, parking is not restricted. Signs shall read "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" and shall be installed with a clear space above grade level of 7 feet. Signs shall be 12 inches wide by 18 inches high and shall have red letters on a white reflective background. The entire lengths of Tracts C & D shall be posted as fire lanes on both sides. SURFACE AND LOAD CAPACITIES: Fire apparatus access roads shall be of an all-weather surface that is easily distinguishable from the surrounding area and is capable of supporting not less than 12,500 pounds point load (wheel load) and 75,000 pounds live load (gross vehicle weight). You may need to provide documentation from a registered engineer that the design will be capable of supporting such loading. TURNING RADIUS: The inside turning radius and outside turning radius shall be not less than 28 feet and 48 feet respectively, measured from the same center point. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS - REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The minimum available fire flow for single family dwellings and duplexes served by a municipal water supply shall be 1,000 gallons per minute. If the structure(s) is (are) 3,600 square feet or larger, the required fire flow shall be determined according to IFC Appendix B. FIRE HYDRANTS — ONE- AND TWO-FAMILY DWELLINGS & ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: Where a portion of a structure is more than 600 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured in an approved route around the exterior of the structure(s), on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided. The proposed number and distribution of fire hydrants is acceptable. FIRE HYDRANT DISTANCE FROM AN ACCESS ROAD: Fire hydrants shall be located not more than 15 feet from an approved fire apparatus access roadway. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 38 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION • • REFLECTIVE HYDRANT MARKERS: Fire hydrant locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers. The markers shall be blue. They shall be located adjacent and to the side of the centerline of the access road way that the fire hydrant is located on. In case that there is no center line, then assume a centerline, and place the reflectors accordingly ACCESS AND FIRE FIGHTING WATER SUPPLY DURING CONSTRUCTION: Approved fire apparatus access roadways and fire fighting water supplies shall be installed and operational prior to any combustible construction or storage of combustible materials on the site. SECTION IX. CONCLUSION The City of Tigard Planning Commission has APPROVED, Subdivision (SUB2005-00011), Planned Development Review (PDR2005-00004), Zone Change (ZON2005-00006), and Adjustment (VAR2005-00079) — DAKOTA GLEN SUBDIVISION. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT THE APPLICANT AND ALL PARTIES TO THESE PROCEEDINGS BE NOTIFIED OF THE ENTRY OF THIS ORDER. PASSED: THE 20TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 2005 BY THE CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION. r gv ) F Gretchen Buehner, 'lanning Commission Chair Dated this,g3 • - ' of December, 2005. DAKOTA GLEN SUBDMSION/SUB2005-00011 PAGE 39 OF 39 FINAL ORDER NO.2005-05 PC BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION I '4 110°. CITY of TIGARD . • GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM .../ \ O. VICINITY MAP .� ' G it 0 • vJ �.�W �1��-� o ���i; . . . . . SW NORTH DAKOTA ST. __ Ve _- 1 swriam•wmaiipirmaigrwurt,r7. .,....... ..s 1,,,,.1 ..,./mm•In!. '1.,7„.„,,,,, -...„,,,,. 8rTI3 INFORMATION la fLi_e___ID '2. 50' 50' 80' 1 I 002//PIIIVAN RONA 33.100 W. °POI SPACE 33.010 FF. = ROADWAY 1011 210212.0.X I i I 2 . 11 21 I 22 I 23 I 1.071‘ 1.10.019 V. IMI WEN UWE 1 5,111 KIR. I 5599 aq.ft. f1:1: 8,578 NIA. I 5158 aq.8. I 8,195 sift. I. I.§ •III.:"*k 41 I mu' :r. um r MAX LOIS 20.3 ED 'An = RAMP • 1 . ,I1 .91- ' , , Mb:POSED LOTS, 23 W I 1 20 _012:_.1 1 60. Is- 8,5C1 aq.ft. '',gig,. 7 18 1 19 1 i i 1 i I i""1•:-..:': 8582 RIM. I 5.178 KIM. I 8,889 sq.ft. 1...1 1> -----Iee -- •(iihtn. ',„ , I.' 1- :--. < II 1 1, 4 IS 5,744 sq.ft. al• ', . 1f,....1-:;:" 41,1, I I I IN • I I 102' ,/ .,, .......,....,.„,p - , , •;/ -7' 4.... . .. __ • --00 14 1 ' ' •', . . • 4)'. 1 I 15 16 I 17 : 3...., __ --—,-7,81 aq.ft. I 8,858 aq.ft. I 9,822 Raft. j ; • • • 10E10 . ....•,. : • 4V0 91 i§ 134 1••- I.— 13 5.984 sq.ft. 21 1.- 1 It= I I • SW TORLAND ''''',r,7-:•,'' ••••''', ,..;',. .„:. I . • • ANirripirmr.Firo 1 1 1 1 I I 's 5 1 4-,.1;0 5.712".ft. 8512 Naft. •• e44.,,i1v,•_,__J • Nile ...i..i (14 m. VentureProperties r .,,I 1 A ---71F—--—I I 8 1 lit 7,383 aq 1 ds.ft. i.• • ■.I ,,- 7,91 I 32 aq.ft. Z. 10V 4 L, , —I . i. •aarmarearamarsa.41 __ 44.1;' "••4`, - alpha ' . ---'''--' -.. ' 1 4t... ---i, _ __,), _...,....„ ___ ,.\ .„,.., o • o I COMMUNITY ._.:-_, .6:\h 4:•\-,' ---..N --A-'-'-7" — „....- i I 7 I 8 9 I 10 1 • DEVELOPMENT r, :-...., „.- ..\ 41/•• w -._,..-- I, -;,. 8. 5015 INA. P 8.008 eq.ft. p 8.002.q.lt. 8.895801. p.. ” I// I 1 '‘..s_.".., :----gt.V.Ea ( ) ..".•!... a ),e.e...." ..* scaLe 1.\•.,.L-_-_` ..-",,,,--,,,,...-7. .77 1.. 1.9setio , -y4 •-,/I\V ... . = DAKOTA GLEN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT S TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION , CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NOTICE: PEOPLE WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST PRINT THEIR NAME AND ADDRESS ON THIS SHEET. AGENDA ITEM#: 5. I Page I of DATE OF HEARING:12- / f / 05 CASE NUMBER(S): S t.o (5-D S - o bo I I / p 012 .D 67)J — c)00 OWNER/APPLICANT: t C -`e-v, <ji. h Cp I` U is LOCATION: -� p.l I I b( 0 S tA) N CY PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, AND ZIP CODE PROPONENT (For the proposal) OPPONENT (Against the proposal) Xku (Pr int Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation) Name: 7G,4 1 O Name: �lGl-YA�Ii �O�j 1�N Name. 1 v S L{-.IyA Address: I)2-0 14) CGCX STJT NTFf fV Address: R42 S 5‘,Q tC7 \ CityPOIVIAN 0 State: Oil Zip: 177-al- I l ity: $ 5 State: 6-1 Zip: q-1-2-2-- Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: • Name: Name: • Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: •_ City: State: Zip: *TIGARD • PLANNING COMMISSION A!, CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NOTICE: PEOPLE WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST PRINT THEIR NAME AND ADDRESS ON THIS SHEET. AGENDA ITEM#: $ 1 Page0-of DATE OF HEARING:'-/ /99/ b'S- CASE NUMBER(S): 6 ovS -00 U I/ OWNER/APPLICANT: LOCATION: D 6 T rf Cam- l- N PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, AND ZIP CODE PROPONENT (For the proposal) OPPONENT (Against the proposal) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Ajfiliatiop)J (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation) 1\ Name: `i :Cr I R, v Name: = =-- Ijp •• .A Vt h 4,7kattfi 5.17 Address: / ) _St) Tar, y S( Address.--t-"-- _- City: I l6/q+0 State: CA Zip: i X2 ) City:1 i 901 V State: d Zip: 017 1 2 3 Name: Name: D/47/`'l Address: Address: ///62 �v�� �®r/cf7 / City: State: Zip: City: /,C Ar./ State: GJ Zip: / Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: • Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: r • • 'alpha COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT December 12, 2005 Matt Scheidegger, Planner City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Dakota Glen Subdivision - Planned Development Reconsideration Hearing Summary Dear Matt: Subsequent to the hearing on November 7, 2005, the applicant made several noteworthy modifications to the Dakota Glen PD design, in response to the comments of hearing participants. The changes are significant to the Planning Commission members because they reflect the concerns and design issues expressed by both the public and the Planning Commission at the November hearing. One lot has been removed from the southern bank of lots, east of the large open space tract, along the south property line. There are now four lots, and each lot is 60 feet wide. By eliminating one lot in this tier, the design facilitates preservation of 6-8 more large trees. It also allows a slight enlargement of open space tract 'A' and places only four homes adjacent to the large lots south of the subject property, where five were previously proposed. The northern bank of lots adjacent to North Dakota Street has been re- arranged to place the larger (60 feet wide) lots adjacent to the neighboring property to the east. A conceptual tree removal mitigation plan has been prepared to illustrate the proposed location for landscape installation. The total number of "caliper inches" of removed trees (approximately 1,000 inches) will not all be replanted on-site. However, the proposed mitigation plan demonstrates that the new project will be well landscaped and that adjacent homes will be well screened from the new houses. Approximately 250 "caliper-inches" of approved plant material will be planted in the side and rear yards of the new homes. The preliminary plant selection includes a variety of landscape materials; adding color, vibrancy and biological diversity to the "nature- scope", which is valued by the whole neighborhood. The final mitigation planting plan will be reviewed and approved by the City Arborist and the Planning Director on a lot-by-lot basis to achieve g y- Plaza West,Suite 230,9600 SW Oak,Portland,Oregon 97223 [1) 503-452-8003 (F) 503-452-8043 • • r , appropriate balance between species, location and long-term health of the plant community in the neighborhood. The original Planned Development Application requested a number of variations from the underlying R-4.5 development standards. The following enumeration clarifies those variations- based on the current plan. • All lots will have a minimum 15-foot front yard setback to the house/porch and a 20-foot front yard setback to the garage door. • All street-side yard setbacks will be 8 feet- measured from either the property line or the back edge of the sidewalk-whichever is more restrictive. • All rear yards will be 15 feet minimum, unless identified below: o Lot 14- minimum 12 foot rear yard The developer has made an offer to the Tigard Parks Department to convey the two open space tracts to the City. Regardless of the final disposition of the two tracts, the final plat will include a public use easement on the two tracts. A consultant will be engaged to perform a reserve study to determine the appropriate maintenance and replacement costs relating to the open space tracts so that commensurate fees can be assessed through the homeowners association fees. Sincerely, ALPHA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kirsten Van Loo Senior Planner II • ^--'--` SW NORTH DAKOTA ST. r 1 '.... 4 ��. ......n. ..... a ... 8 INFrz nom. 0 Iso V. ROADWAY ' I t3ITE INFORMATION LEGEND 50' 43' 22 N,, 50' 50' 60' 1 3 Om I OPEN BPACF: 33,010 S, E"I� =EWA. I I 1 I 2 • 21 I 22 I 23 I LOTS: 1.4,019 se. 1 1 OPEN VACS 5,111 WI. I 5,699 1q.11. 1 I 6,576 sq.ft. II 5,158 1q.lt. I 6,195 1q.lt. rota: 00010 111171 ss, Q 0019 II? Y FI B].IB9 sF, O RANTER• trj IO Q Nw EE01. 19 1 1 i i ...1 !WI t I w ors I 1 l I PROPOSED LOTS: ]0 I I 51' —L_57 gig ` ' 1 108' 1 �'^ -- '--°---- 60' , .f 0 64' S0' 60' Io 6.50007 sq.11. g H '� 1� �. 18 19 20 I • I I ' 6,682 sq.ft. ' 5,178 sq.ft. I 8,689 eq.il. ■ I------199--- Ca . - i° I� -1 < I % ■ ;,."•.: 1 4 •.I 1 I" 5.741 sq.11. I I f �e , or d �— — �/ _ TRACT C 4 Ry, 4 • I; I OPEN •I.• 6 ----4_191 sq.ft. �— 48'—� y SPACE 1 f (:1-,, '1d'— e -- ....n I TRACT B `I 7,912 Bq.I1. i • 14 IN I 6,648 sq.11. 1p I I I 1 I 1 I 15 I 18 I 17 . ' ' ] __ _ 7 161 sq.ft. 6,858 sq.lt. 'nD /` --�52' 9.822 94.11. 07' m 152 _ _ ____ _ __,____________-• 13 ' _ _ f 5,964 sq.ft. iri I • 1 I 152 152 SW TORLAND I W .. 26' __—_ —___ 1 I I 1 115' 1 c,65 eG.lt. 5,780 sq.ft. 50 50——— 64'—_7 .3' 1 111' 1 — — —-- 115' —I I. 8 11 Im 7.38.1 sq.11. ' :.V) 7.932 sq.fl. ' e • I 96.. . ..., .•.,111' — IfA�TD --- 3.as ry 4e alpha 35, 2s— eu:—� ao--715' COMMUNITY OPEN 1 I T I I I DEVELOPMENT SPACE 1 7 ' 8 ' 9 I 10 '' b TRACT A 6,015 401.11, C'6.008 sq.11. r 6,002 1q.lt.1 6,89599.111 O 25,078 49.11, I I I 1 I I I 1 I • I I SCALE s4 60' � _ __ __ __ __ _ —_ ` i' I... i DAKOTA GLEN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Nnti ( ■1\0'1---- . , 111 i, • N." - i , 1 0 IP , -," \ - -1,-i;;._-,_ ,_, -g el e 0 ii. . 1,Aromv,4 b i - 11 ' / illriN)su 4.4.1„ i I 9' y-- - ! 414W/Allftriwt 411-4141 :4e o, / 0 -.Ls 4, 0'4' "Ar" tw•TOFX" i or .1 jpgrarr,, Alirp I II!' ApiA "4 -4-3 ' Alp 0 rie •-4 le 1, i - " j•j , ir s•, • 111, tif," - -.4111pr .411PrAr a.: Alltrila' if 1 ' At' jo,44,011 Are, _ 4, API,0, 0 40 1 "" -4r---otor.4 I 0 , / ALA Etc444 , i I ----,‘„, ,0 f dirol .4" . . IIW4 4-411rOPAIFPW/' Air '-'44"11114(4.0 ;44 Atka I raft, • sINIIIIIIIP ' -...r---Arie • , ' : si Allftir..„ -44 :/ Ator dig,.., dr;;OC -s---,--41/ ' /441W. Ap,--- -41■14.1"440,1" , , ot -7 -■A ill I I I ri , , 1 17,4Alliptior' _rus..„4.h.4‘, _ 41Lietf -,4,-,i ,,, ' i ..• 44111Plii Igiblir ' 41--1"411-ri ' ' 4110 a ---- .4. / 1 dj - J. i 40 .... aillLe•/ ift. i , Sliftw 444-44t4 44,1 s,_ .. • / ildt.44/ , ......r , // .. 40evilli 1 P. ft.410540r: —4 4 /: /0 -4 44-416L.4. 0 / / 0111 4■■ , a # / ..W 0.1 i , '402444:4H' i i _ 4 4` ------- & d 4S-i 0"11ris,. e, -4 44 4444 — 4,, d / - ... . I i .....„......„, 4 4.......4.40, , 2 -"7----___ / ,i / 40 ib'sd-44"1 it/ . ••,,e" , - -4 0017/...,44.4440( / ,-, 4 • • • PvQ- • # ' r J / / / /F. / / /ude Je, /ne-a441 r A1,... ie "0, • „ ?,; ,, , , /jR, , ORM,, czy 4 .; , / 6 r 1 .I1, ., °. .I ft, ,7 '/ ��L 14L:. - A4-- P sue. . _A ---r ZOLA& /(2,4.. .11Lt&I Air&ii7indi 02422 le-aele ___Liro ',I, _1,.) 1 /yriz-i&. 4----As'a. 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Creating Brian Bennett Tomorrow's Vice President John Caufield has written a Co'� Land Acquisition Realtor thought-provoking Soapbox f Today '' ("Tigard neighbors get a lesson in i 4230 SW calewood St,Suite 100.Lake Oswego,OR 97035 I' _ Civics,local government,"Nov. 503.387.7600•fax 503.3827617 7).I am wondering:Where are brianb @donmonssettehomes.com the priorities of the Tigard ■ Planning Commission? Do the members of this com- - - - --— • ' mission have any concern at all - for the residents of the various — Tigard neighborhoods who are being impacted by construction? Or are they only interested in helping the builders to make — o , ( n I �i�A' \I�L J money? — I think it is time for the city of • _— Tigard to start listening to its citi- ., �° zens and act on the behalf of the ���5 - -- people who already live in vJ u1i ;yy Tigard.The members of this ---- commission and the Tigard City -- ' --— Council need to make our neigh- - borhoods more livable and give - 0 our children places to play. III __ ANNE BRAUN Tigard - ia-4)-CtS 13 buts Tedit)r ��_2 �.,� • • • ... i i 111•t1_/. 3 �J ! a ' c fizigi4. ..,0 ,/12,,,,,,Lon,3 ,,,,,,.,.., ,,,t- ,,pyo Ditt.h.4. i iejyi...e.e:...., - ��� ° ' . _. ,5- / i1 • ,e-itti_lia-- ay) 4.-L_Pliao-yi,),701/2 ,aieLeivi7ei.A, idavtg-pyrwAlt: o...,141T.0-.,t,-6,4...4 VIL.49-t ./4—i2i2.4/ 4, __ _ ,,,. , iris �� '"� ••ry-�� l a %alt �. #7 . I I', J� i/V� �iav Al2-ag-d12-) -4.eiela1224.J (ii_ 1.0/140.-CL'6.1. -�� �2 2, i ftet—ivt-1 , • _{, & .2-1: } :'YC.c'`� ci►�?� 1 { )- -. r jii&--- w'Ct"a'1 j /:Z4L .ødi 4 Ji • ' 0 l i�rd 1 o 1 ' � _ —/YL -- .of e -- &w6- 1-(- .9 :./Y2-6-t-1- 1. Yr-OTC., - 1. v'' % I 0 - i / / t�/ j C :: i, �. r� :ice i • ' • t /at. /0 9ao 51 vv. IV • 0 tl`� i r i; ill ►' • S. t112)24tMr/t'gti ICLW I . • &X)4I6A Al t iiii- VelltUrePr Us I i•-■ ' YF' 7 E D. . . cis Brian Bennett . Vice President To wroz Land Acquisition _ Realtor IU • -- - • ' 4230 SW Galearood St,Suite 100•lake Oswego,O8 97035 i 503.3817600•fax 503.387.7617 - - - .- -- - - - - - • brianbOdottmorissettehomes.com i__________retv4_6. .gto,of ),Ley _d_X-orie,i-r _ffittA...L&At ____ a.. • LL)-0 p4-erakaade' -*cLtr% _. 272e _40442i (M#-&y0 4_,4,0_0-Pt& .24 ,d_a_ve4(201_, 1 (caret-in 1/1-74-174." 11,010 ' rir;' pro 41r" Cry , "6-a4re4...J Z■!- 2gityrz.) W ho J -t e).Ja4 jd -gfietz iie-iitt- b-ca-e-4-, ?1:12te0;- i, 44,01 17070- /0201,14L/n,h4d4e)r /C14,4441 ZZ. Ztt P,Ct:461 outx4b ---/Q/2eiCSaAct 0/4 - V244/04,- 44.)-di z ryTtee._, .2011_, LL9P 22LL.1 ,47/4j v—efeo-d2, er" i• Jill: • • • 3 s A, ziA.e.,,,, ,a4 dd)t• -Zle..; ed-o---°e,L4-e ', - /... 1 , ., ' 122 _ Al, 4 „... , , , ii?..„ _..? -:_ap...t, , v' , s i# A ' --41",64)1 AfL4, �. f/!40"eil :M.4-- OCZAglai" .., . / ' it I / IthAfildie-21 h Cli d ,wC% PLC.7nt-1-1 - 17-e-e---ft-, 17 A Enc ) Y Am-- - 42,4,-t _t,--,-, /C41.42.W eAc-J.,Z072) ,,e2_, demr2e/24/772.6ne r/ - - - - -- - -- 6301,,oze jii.e.e, .., etfreveruttAt 6)2 Ci1YV V IrribitAll"ted - _145--- _,,___:.__ ____:_____ , , Se a7 oS -�P- ,4 of • we 4p ' J .-- - - - - - RECEIVED - _ -- . . . .. _. - - OCT 0 7 2005 - --- _ arty Or TIGARD . . -. ._ _____ _ _ __ __ . _ __ ----1 . _ ... ii _ &. - 0 , 1,_ LAS i. , _ -i 7-6/3— -- s, I ■ I . / , - /; ,, , 4.-/7er _/ 7,7 `Th A A., 6 }h., n _,d,. A /0Nil r AZ At.AZ,71fri ,f52rre tI iel tstlfros- • • Ab, CITY OF TIGARD 1,ii• COMMUNITY .1ui'►'k OREGON NEWSPAPERS I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 6605 SE Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222•PO The following will be considered by the Tigard Planning Box 22109• Portland,OR 97269 Commission on Monday December 19. 2005. at 7:00 PM at the Phone:503-684-0360 Fax:503-620-3433 Tigard Civic Center - Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Oregon.Both public oral and written testimony is invited. The public I Email: hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordance with Chapter legaladvertising @commnewspapers.com 18.390 of the Tigard Municipal Code, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Planning Commission. Testimony may be submitted AFFIDAVIT O F PUBLICATION in writing prior to or at the public hearing or verbally at the public hearing only. Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter at some State of Oregon, County of Washington, SS point prior to the close of the hearing accompanied by statements or evidence sufficient to allow the hearings authority and all the parties I, Charlotte Allsop, being the first duly sworn, to respond on the request,precludes an appeal,and failure to specify depose and say that I am the Accounting the criterion from the Community Development Codc or Comprehensive Plan at which a comment is directed precludes an Manager of The Times(serving Tigard, appeal to_the Land Use Board of Appeals bacrrl nn rh.,• • Tualatin & Sherwood), a newspaper of J _ uo!leoo!lealg'WWI Jalenn pue UMe! general circulation, published at Beaverton, in the aforesaid county and state, as defined by 'Tap yl!nn pia paoual pamo!uew 6!!npapuoJ ORS 193.010 and 193.020, that y 6inn u91131!)1 yl!nn pals! pue sialunoo al!uei6 •ola`awoy weamp wolsno ino6 'lanai u!ew aql to lsow lnogi wt l s!ooyos a!ep�an!y/ad�oylunp smog pommy ilim stgeq IA auo pue!IN oml City of Tigard moos lealE pm diotnuna 'swoapaq amyl Taal aienbs.igiz sago gppZ u! Public Hearing-Upper Boones Ferry palenl!s canoe .EE'l 'Ianal 1I!nq awoy a!Als uewsge�o pau!elu!ew�S!!nlgnea8 TT10717 1.$ puei pue Rol 000`EEPS mem lipuquanun , ei=r-ma ,‘,. a copy of which is hereto annexed, was t " published in the entire issue of said newspaper for 1 successive and consecutive weeks in the g Qd � - *7 following issues December 1, 2005 au � �,,�� -... r9 � ... a . . Charlotte Allsop (Accounting M nager) Subscribed and sworn to before me this December 1, 2005 1 ...... , Q<� C�.�. ,,„,,•, NOTAR UBLIC FOR OREGON My commission expires '- -'\ %& ooL° 1 ( c `7 LN.Acct#10093001 ,���.�.ti.�.�..-�- -- .-�-�� Patricia Lunsford 6) �v!.., OFFICIAL SEAL J City of Tigard 1)=� ,N' r SUZETTE I CURRAN `()) 13125 SW Hall Blvd () v� COMMISSION NO.373063 ) Tigard, OR 97223 (( MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV.28,2007() Size 2 x 11.5 `- - -�-�'�- - - -�--,-�-�- - -`�-`-�v Amount Due $192.05 •remit to address above 0 'c ; li CITY OF TIGARD + , COMMUNITY .�!ar.-,�,!. OREGON M NEWSPAPERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 6605 SE Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222• PO The following will be considered by the Tigard Plannino Box 22109• Portland, OR 97269 ommission on 1VIottc - 11_299.1.Lt_afit tm at the Phone:503-684-0360 Fax:503-620-3433 Tigard Civic Center - Town Hall, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, Email: Oregon.Both public oral and written testimony is invited. The public le aladvertisin hearing on this matter will be conducted in accordance with Chapter g g @commnewspapers.com 18.39'0 of the Tigard Municipal Code, and the rules of procedure adopted by the Planning Commission. Testimony may be submitted AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION in writing prior to or at the public an hearing or veror bally by at letter the at public hearing only. Failure to raise issue in State of Oregon, County of Washington, SS point prior to the close of the hearing accompanied by statements some or evidence sufficient to allow the hearings authority and all the arties to respond on the request,precludes an appeal,and failure to specify I, Charlotte Allsop, being the first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Accounting the criterion from the Community Development Codc or Manager of The Times (serving Tigard, Comprehensive Plan at which a comment is directed precludes an Tualatin & Sherwood), a newspaper of appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals based on rho+ general circulation, published at Beaverton, in Further information may be obtained from the Planning Division the a county and state, as defined by (staff contact: Gary PagenstecherZ at 13125 SW Hall Blvd.; ORS aforesaid resai 0 and 193.020, that Tigard, Oregon 97223, or by calling 503-639-4171. A copy of the application and all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the applicable criteria are available for inspection' City of Tigard at no cost. A copy of the staff report will be made available for' Public Hearing-Upper Boones Ferry inspection at no cost at least seven (7)days prior to the hearing, and; TT10717 copies for all items can also be provided at a reasonable cost. ZONE CHANGE(ZON)2005-00009 .. - a copy of which is hereto annexed, was UPPER BOONES FERRY ROAD ZONE CHANGE REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for a Zone Change„ published in the entire issue of said from Light Industrial(I-L)to Industria Park(I-P) for approximately newspaper for six (6) acres located between SW 74m Avenue and Upper Boones 1 Ferry Road. The subject property is currently developed with outdoor storage and older industrial buildings. The applicant envisions successive and consecutive weeks in the developing the property with an office use,which is not permitted in following issues the Light Industrial zone. LOCATION: 15920 SW 74tn Avenue and. December 1, 2005 16075 SW Upper Boones Ferry Road and adjoining properties. WCTM 2S113AB, Tax Lots 200/300/400/500; and 2S112DC, Tax. CJkOJIIOk CLUA Lots 1100/1200/1300. CURRENT ZONE: I-L: Light Industrial. District. The I-L zoning district provides appropriate locations for Charlotte Allsop (Accounting M Hager) general industrial uses including industrial service, manufacturing and production, research and development, warehousing and freight movement, and wholesale sales activities with few, if any, nuisance characteristics such as noise,glare,odor,and vibration. PROPOSED Subscribed and sworn to before me this ZONE: I-P:Industrial Park District. The I-P zoning district provides appropriate locations for combining light manufacturing, office and December 1, 2005 small-scale commercial uses, e.g., restaurants, personal services and Q., �� fitness centers, in a campus-like setting. Only those light industrial, uses with no off-site impacts, e.g., noise, glare, odor, vibration, are NOTAR UBLIC FOR OREGON permitted in the I-P zone. In addition to mandatory site development review, design and development standards in the I-P zone have been My commission expires f lo\A a_I a-� adopted to insure that developments will be well-integrated, 1 attractively landscaped, and pedestrian-friendly. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters Acct#10093001 18.380, 18.390 and 18.520. Publish 12/1/05 TT10717 Patricia Lunsford (� ' ` ' '• ' City of Tigard ►J ��, �e Si i :1�� :IL G""�" apNmY.w 13125 SW Hall Blvd (1 �- -- 0. IIn IN �'>� Tigard, OR 97223 I 1ON200s-00009 NfY COMMISSI 1111111111 Size 2 x 11.5 ����1~�'�. • n UPPER BOONES FERRY a ROAD LONE CHANGE Amount Due $192.05 i ,, •remit to address above UMW . MO 111111w ll, dF' 11111111/ 7 M_ lir . - ; a- . 11)0,..,,,,,i.,.„16„,„„,,, , 1 ,........ A I In ii A. I I I gd Ahl' im...11•11 MI----SF"All--- •TIGARD • PLANNING COMMISSION !�!► CITY OF TIGARD OREGON NOTICE: PEOPLE WISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST PRINT THEIR NAME AND ADDRESS ON THIS SHEET. AGENDA ITEM#:5,z Paget of' DATE OF HEARING: I Z./<CI / O s CASE NUMBER(S): ( Z�f\)) 200 S - 000d OWNER/APPLICANT: LOCATION: PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, AND ZIP CODE PROPONENT (For the proposal) OPPONENT (Against the proposal) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation)• Name: V \vi ✓ Name: '1:c= Address: 1 IA) AA'AV CC-1< S Address: Ci Z J State: Zi.: 22 `i Ci' --; -%r - a Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: - Zip: City: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zip: City: State: Zip: • • Araditivai up. CITY OF TIGARD Engineering Department Shaping A Better Community MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD 13125 SW Hall Blvd. • Tigard,OR 97223 Phone 503-639-4171 Fax: 503-624-0752 TO: Planning Commission ^ .� FROM: Agustin P. Duenas, P.E. ` City Engineer DATE: December 8, 2005 SUBJECT: Capital Improvement Program Update At the Planning Commission meeting on December 19, 2005, I will update the Commission on the projects that were performed during the summer and fall of 2005. I will also preview the CIP formulation process to develop a list of projects for incorporation in the FY 2006-07 CIP. Attached for your information and use is a CIP Progress Report for calendar year 2005 prepared by the Engineering Department. This report was recently completed and has been made available for review at the Tigard Library, the front counters at City Hall and the Permit Center, and for viewing and downloading through the City's website. My presentation will include elements from the report, specifically focusing on key projects completed since April and May of 2005. Attachment—CIP Progress Report for Calendar Year 2005 c: Craig Prosser, City Manager Vannie Nguyen, CIP Division Manager iderglgusVnemorardunstmemoandum to planting commission-dp update 12-19-OS.doe / \ / \ . , ..., - •-,•• -..i , •,,. ....I. i 1..........„ .._ ' • ' • • • ..• A,, i),...,h,ei J.-if II''''• I;"1.4 1 .2,:,01,•-•,.',) i':1./.„,.. '• 'I , . „h .• .1. .1,..4.1.1..,i•••.:; *'‘Fn f.':: I': 1*„.1,0:1• .il I• ' • • •4 ..1,1:Fil.:::::::',4:::: :•••A„: .:4:::::•:6•4;*:::::;:._...•:'--*•:::*::•••' ' ii........:::::g.........:::*;:•:•**1'1,1c::::::::::: .:''':'•'"''''''' - -::.-::•-• ••:::::::::-:::• , _. ••••• . ::1-!:•::::::::: ...::::.,:::::.;:.•:,„:: fib:: ....!*:: .::::1,07: !:•!...":":':.!14***I'7.:14:1.07111. '''..!!!. -.:: '•.......1. 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I . . • Bad; Slarruntaat Road. (at Friary 99V11 . . . . . . . . : . • . • •: • ••• :•.• •• . •• i• • .• .•:: •,. • • ••••!•:.• .• ••••:: • I •••• • • ; Corarnastial Street (at rtlain Stress) . . . . . . . : . . . • ra.', a.- • arrata•Zt'iraraa: ' " •.gi.SL . . . . * • 2.. ;;;;;;; ;,;/- • ; * * . . . . • ' 444 144.441 +-I:44,4414 4..7.1•••••1 41•1 rrie Ff.::i:.-..:1 1 St rc:i.,..........t. .S.i:::+1...,.....nry'::......1 1 ix: , I:,il:::::isfr....s. 1 f:L.I ri,...:...t.FF ri :„. . :........ .........„ ... :. .:. .. . . : - ... :- .1-. :. . . 1. ..: .: . : : .. : . — .......... . . . . .. : . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idiv , -.... „ :',. ii,41....1.1-'.. ..... . . '.. itri.***. ...*...11/1V......,'..:'.4....):*.g..... 1 .4 A.-...!'t...: #.4.. . . ,...: ...::-:.....::1:14.4. . .i..4.,........,47.;...r i;...N.i...,:i..:.:;-::?...4.1 it *... -. .......r,-, < ..,:f.,...::::PS,.:''.,..• •.;. i I.1 .-..;:i.:'. .....!!'`.. 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Whenever the gaps in the traffic flow are infrequent, the left-turn movement becomes highly difficult and is often unsafe. The problem will become worse as the residential developments along 108th south of Durham are completed and generate an increase in traffic volumes at this intersection. A traffic study conduted by a consultant indicates a signal is warranted at the intersection. The design will be a joint effort between City staff and a traffic consultant to produce a set of design plans ready for bids in the early summer of 2006. Fanno Creek Trail — Segment 7B This segment of trail is part of the Fm_____ _ _ (FUTURE) � P ` FANNO CREEK TRAIL Fanno Creek Trail system, which runs SEGMENT 7A through the City of Tigard from 1 Beaverton to Tualatin. This project installs an 815-foot long by 10-foot P J ,5 FANNO wide Portland cement concrete trail, - _ _______""r-- ORFFk which will begin from just south of ---—FANNO CREEK TRAIL Fanno Creek on the library site, then 0 SEGMENT 7e meander along the creek, and end at the proposed Wall Street. o I Completion of the trail segment north m of Fanno Creek to connect to Hall 1 Boulevard awaits the resolution of a `I eeLic c crosswalk location connecting the ` existing trail west of Hall Boulevard to i - ,►0 the new trail. Location of the crosswalk 5r" ""!"""' _ _1 '. (FUNRE) 1 is under review by the Oregon F_ ri_ FANNO CREEK TRAIL Department of Transportation(ODOT). = Q' i i. . A SEGMENT 7C (( Constructed with Wall St Andersen Pacific, who was awarded the contract, began working in "O' rut " ∎\\ November 2005 and should complete the project before the end of the year. 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Page 15 IOU/ f174=9. Below are lists of the various topographic survey and construction staking work performed throughout this calendar year. Topographic Survey for Design Projects: 1. Highland Drive Storm Drainage 9. 79th Avenue Sanitary/Storm Sewer 2. 108th& Durham Signal Improvements 3. 72nd Avenue Profile 10. Rockingham Storm 4. Summerlake Culvert/Bridge 11. Bull Mountain/99W Improvements 5. Benchview Sanitary Sewer Access Rd 12. Fanno Creek Trail-Segment 7B 6. McDonald/99W Improvements 13. Tualatin River Path 7. Hall Blvd. Sidewalk 14. Fairhaven Sanitary Sewer District 8. 79th Avenue LID 15. McDonald/87th Avenue Sanitary Sewer District Construction Staking Projects: 1. 70th Avenue Storm Drainage 5. 117th Avenue Sanitary Sewer 2. North Dakota Crosswalk 6. Rockingham Storm Drainage 3. McDonald/Hwy 99 Road Widening 7. Ash Avenue Reimbursement District 4. Omara/Edgwood Sanitary Sewer 8. Fanno Creek Trail-Segment 7B Miscellaneous Projects: 1. 125th Ave well elevation 7. Commercial St. right of way 2. Fred Field License determination 3. Gaarde Street monumentation 8. Anderson monumentation survey 4. Omara/Edgewood monumentation 9. Urban renewal district 5. Library tree monitoring 10. Review of 12 subdivisions, 9 minor 6. Main Street right of way determination land partitions and 6 annexations Visit the City of Tigard at www.tigard-or.gov