11/15/2004 - Minutes CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Minutes November 15, 2004 1. CALL TO ORDER President Padgett called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: President Padgett; Commissioners Anderson, Buehner, Caffall, Inman, Meads, and Munro Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Haack and Sutton Staff Present: Dick Bewersdorff, Planning Manager; Morgan Tracy, Associate Planner; Jerree Gaynor, Planning Commission Secretary 3. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS The next meeting will be December 20th 4. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES None 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (ZOA) 2004-00001 CODE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW BULK SALES IN THE IP ZONE REQUEST: A Zone Ordinance Amendment to amend the Industrial Use Table within the Tigard Community Development Code to allow "Bulk Sales" as a permitted use within the IP (Industrial Park) zone where presently this use is prohibited. Bulk Sales as defined by the Tigard Community Development Code are "Establishments which engage in the sales, leasing and rental of bulky items requiring extensive interior space for display including furniture, large appliance and home improvement sales." LOCATION: Citywide. ZONE: IP (Industrial Park). APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Statewide Planning Goals 1 and 2; Comprehensive Plan Policies 1 and 2; and Community Development Code Chapters 18.380, 18.390 and 18.530. STAFF REPORT Associate Planner Morgan Tracy presented the staff report on behalf of the City. He advised that this is a proposal to revise allowable uses in the IP zone, primarily to allow bulk sales (specifically furniture sales) around the Bonita/I-5 interchange. Staff recommended that, instead of a zone change for two specific parcels which may be considered spot zoning, a text change may be more PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 15,2004-Page 1 appropriate. The applicant has proposed an unrestricted allowance of Bulk Sales in the IP zone which under current code standards consists of "Establishments which engage in the sales, leasing and rental of bulky items requiring extensive interior space for display including furniture, large appliance and home improvement sales. Tracy reported that staff analyzed the Metro's Regionally Significant Industrial Area protections under Title 4 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. This title creates three classifications of industrial lands: Employment Areas, Industrial Areas, and Regionally Significant Industrial Areas, each with increasing levels of protections. In Tigard, there are no areas of "regionally significant industrial lands". The predominant portions of I-P zoned land is in the Industrial Areas. The restrictions on retail uses in these areas limits commercial uses to 5,000 square feet per use or 20,000 square feet in combination with other uses in a development complex. The purpose of this restriction is to limit uses only to those that primarily serve the workers in the industrial area. There are however, large areas of IP-zoned parcels that fall within Metro's "Employment Areas" designation. These areas allow a greater mix of uses, as they serve the workers, businesses, and residents of the employment areas. These uses are limited in size to 60,000 square feet in size per use. Based on the nature of the Bulk Sales Use, which requires "extensive interior space for display" the 5,000 square foot limitation seemed an inappropriate match. However, staff felt that bulk sales were an appropriate use for parcels that combined both I-P and Employment Lands designations. Tracy advised that staff believes "bulk sales" to be an appropriate use in the employment land areas of the Industrial Park zone since bulk sales refers to the sales, leasing and rental of bulky items requiring extensive interior space for display including furniture, large appliance and home improvement sales. This extensive interior space, need for large service delivery vehicles, and limited public presence are similar to wholesale sales or self service storage which are presently allowed. The Industrial Park zone is appropriate as it seeks to establish a campus- like setting. To ensure that campus-like setting, a restriction on outdoor storage is also recommended by staff. The I-P zoning district provides appropriate locations for combining light manufacturing, office and small-scale commercial uses. Only those light industrial uses with no off-site impacts, e.g., noise, glare, odor, or vibration, are permitted in the I-P zone. Bulk sales are consistent with this description. Staff believes that, to limit the commercial use to a "small scale," certain restrictions should be placed on "Bulk Sales". These restrictions include limitations on size, consistent with Metro Title 4 requirements, and standards to PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 15,2004-Page 2 require that all merchandise be contained indoors. To limit Bulk Sales to IP zoned employment lands, staff opted to describe a general geographic area rather than list specific parcels. The downside to this approach is that certain eligible properties are excluded. The upside is that as these parcels consolidate, partition, or are given new tax account numbers, the geographic area remains stable. Tracy referred to Exhibit 1 which illustrates the parcels that qualify under staffs recommendation, as opposed to those that are excluded. Additionally, it shows the IP zoned parcels that would not be eligible as part of Metro's Title 4 compliance. Commissioner Buehner asked about Metro's concern for loss of industrial lands in the area. Tracy responded that Metro reviewed the proposal and determined that it is consistent with Title 4 of the Functional Plan (Exhibit 2). Commissioner Caffall asked about the traffic impact of the proposal. President Padgett said that would be a site specific issue and would be addressed during the site development review process. This proposal is only for the zoning. Commissioner Meads asked for clarification that all IP properties east of 72nd would be affected by this proposal. She wondered if there was any available land in those areas. Tracy said that a predominance of those parcels are already developed, however, there is always the possibility of redevelopment. APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION Bruce Vincent, 825 NE 20th, Suite 300, Portland, OR 97232, the applicant's representative, provided copies of a PowerPoint presentation (Exhibit 3). He reviewed the proposal with the Commission, stating that the applicant agrees with the recommended amendment language suggested by staff. He noted that the retail items will be bulky, like furniture, rental equipment, large appliances, etc. Vincent referred to the letter from Metro (Exhibit 2). He believes they meet all the applicable criteria for the zoning amendment. He noted all the businesses inventoried in the IP zone area that have bulk sales. Paul Schatz, Ill, 6600 SW Bonita, Tigard, OR 97224, gave a brief history of his furniture company. He advised that they are currently a non-conforming use in the I-P zone and, as such, cannot expand their business. This amendment would legitimize their business and give them an opportunity to grow. Commissioner Meads asked for clarification of the area affected — it is just for the area east of 72nd Ave. as noted on Exhibit 1. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 15,2004-Page 3 PUBLIC TESTIMONY None PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Commissioner Inman asked if the Commission would be approving the alternate action as shown on page 9 of the staff report, Section VI. Staff answered yes. Commissioner Inman pointed out that footnote#2 on page 9 should be corrected to be footnote #4. After brief discussion, Commissioner Inman moved to recommend to Council to approve Zone Ordinance Amendment (ZOA) 2004-00001, with the alternate action as corrected. Commissioner Caffall seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6. OTHER BUSINESS President Padgett reviewed the Planning Commission's current board and committee assignments. Commissioner Meads gave an update on the Park and Recreation Board. The Commission discussed the possibility of using Park SDC money and grant funds to build the skate park. Commissioner Buehner reported on the Planned Development Review Committee and the Transportation Finance Committee. Commissioner Munro gave an update on the Downtown Task Force. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Jerre nor, Planni g Com sion Secretary ATTES : President M,1k adgett PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—November 15,2004-Page 4 Exhibit 1 — Consolidated Map of Affected IP Zoned Parcels 1'"* '� .F-y # `� �+Ill: �`_ir,i_-ri7i'�u-Ar...stir-i ■ + a1►a '"t-. E iI:; I~ rr ■ �� r:?■l. •:rVri r Rn _'s� Pr Y F r�ur j �M r ■r u� iM■ +r4., iti ii. 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III, J 11 1114111:4"Zr,�11J:_ IP zoned parcels (east side of SW 72nd)that would allow"Bulk Sales"up to 60,000 square feet. o % IP zoned parcels that are excluded from bulk sales allowance based on being on west side of SW 72"d g IP zoned parcels that are ineligible for`Bulk Sales" based on Metro Title 4 restrictions. 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 2736 E ( (:f T E L 5 0 3 7 9 7 1 7 0 0 F A X 5 0 3 7 9 7 1 7 9 7 ^ RECEIVED PLANNING METRO NOV 1 5 2004 CITY OF TIGARD November 10, 2004 Mr. Morgan Tracy Associate Planner City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Mr. Tracy: Thank you for providing the staff report for City of Tigard file No ZOA2004-00001 in response to my letter of October 27, 2004. Metro staff has reviewed the proposed amendment to the City's Development Code. Adoption of the amendment as proposed, which limits "bulk sales" in the Industrial Park zone within Metro designated Employment Areas with a 60,000 square foot restriction, is consistent with.Title 4 of the Urban Growth Management Functional Plan. Please submit this letter into the record for this action. If you have any questions please contact Tim O'Brien at 503-797-1840. Sincerely, // / : Michael Jorda► Chief Operate Officer TO/ff I:\gm\community_dev\share\Compliance\TigardZOA2004-00001 response.doc cc: Jim Hendryx Andy Cotugno Mary Weber Recycled Paper www.metro-reg ion.org TDD 797 1804 .... ..�l.,. .3 :n't` 4.:: .a.. S .. :. .h ye .:... § 3 ,:n »t) S, ) _* t� b� +•t, a1 V•V V , t a:i5 lialsnpui VI Iei3J9WWOO .:. 0IA1O . .. �e!Tuapisa s A,aobae o as pieesii a o peU6!SS a s nn ssauisn8 uoe fl . suoi g as n ai daaoa Aq s is�C n� asu ji sasn :,:,,,,..,_..--..,; ua uaun 10 AJOTUOAUI A8AJnS PIeR19PL1 !M . ses pue OUOZ aeI8 !JTSflPUI o S ! 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Industrial 1 Maher Irish Dance St Commercial SC N Commercial 1 Thermal Flo Commercial/service SC N Commercial 1 Classic Interiors Commercial SC Y .,;Commercial 1 1 Pen Power Concepts Offices/whse SC N Industrial 1 West Hills Catering Commercial SC N Commercial 1 Action Fundraising Service SC N Commercial 1 Lakeside Motors Service FS N Commercial 1 49 Hunziker and Sandburg Business Type FS/SC Bulk Tigard Use Category Bulk Sales?Yes = 1 Chinook Trading SC ? Commercial 1 Covert Engineers Service SC N Commercial 1 Blue Wire SC ? Commercial 1 Selectron SC N Commercial 1 Fax Back Inc SC N Commercial 1 Viable Links SC N Commercial 1 CSM SC ? Commercial 1 ACS Testing Service SC N Commercial 1 Allied Van Lines Service FS N Commercial 1 Pro Source Commercial WC N Commercial 1 Gensco WC ? Commercial 1 Central Sprinkler Commercial WC N Commercial 1 Commercial 24 All Phase Industrial WC N Industrial 1 Industrial 4 Port Plastics Industrial WC N Industrial 1 H.J. Arnett Ind Industrial WC N Industrial 1 Bulk Sales 1 Telecom Labs Inc WC N Industrial 1 Sensory WC N Commercial 1 Stowaway 2 Commercial WC Y ?,-Commercial 1 1 Spectra Floors Commercial WC N Commercial 1 Perlo McCormack Pac Offices FS N Commercial 1 Progressive Insur Service FS N Commercial 1 Climate Conditioning Service SC N Commercial 1 Amer Lazertech FS N Commercial 1 Northwest Med Teams Service FS N Commercial 1 Tigard Tual Admin Service FS N Commercial 1 Western Freezer Commercial FS N Commercial 1 TOC Mgt Services Service FS N Commercial 1 Western Family Commercial FS N Commercial 1 28 Tigard Street Business Type FS/SC Bulk Tigard Use Category Bulk Sales?Yes = 1 Kadels Auto Body Service FS N Commercial 1 Alias Construction Service SC N Commercial 1 Commercial 16 Closets To GO Commercial/Retail SC -,-4 4 imo:,r,,,, ;Y� Commercial 1 Industrial 4 Northwest Refinishing Industrial SC N Industrial 1 Western Plumbing Service SC N Commercial 1 Bulk Sales 1 Greenway Electric Commercial SC N Commercial 1 PDI Group SC N Commercial 1 Precian Test& Bal Service SC N Commercial 1 Fry Electronics SC ? Commercial 1 JTD Inc Industrial SC N Industrial 1 NW Dryer Industrial SC N Industrial 1 Barrier Corp Commercial SC N Commercial 1 lnnovite SC ? Commercial 1 Endurance Product SC ? Commercial 1 Pak-Daddys SC ? Commercial 1 Westside Dance Acd Commercial/Service SC N Commercial 1 AFM Wholesale Commercial FS N Commercial 1 Willamitte Electric Commercial FS N Commercial 1 JND Fire Spinkler Industrial SC N Industrial 1 JBC Roofing Commercial SC N Commercial 1 20