05/05/2003 - Packet POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. f • � � . . � . . . . ��. � �. ���. �� � . ..... . . . . ��. .i � i ''' �I�y O� �Ig��'(� Cmvramity D�erxloprnr�u Sl�aping A Better Ccrrmumity TIG�f�� F�LAIVNIf�f3 C��IiN11SSi0iV iUle0.1P 5, 2003 7:00 p.m. TiGp.RD CIVIC �EiVTER —TC�VVN HALL 13125 SW MALL BOULEVA�D TIGRRa, QREGON 97223 1. CAI�L T'O Of�DER 2. ROLL C�,LL 3. COIUIMl1NiC��'I�IV� 4. AP'�'R�VE (�SINl1TES 5. P'U�LlC FI�AeRiNCS 5.1 SU�H�iVI�IOt� (SUF3) 2003-0(�001/ZOP�E �HANG� (ZON) 2003-00001/PLA�INEC� DEVELOPIViENT ���fIE1►V(PD�.) 2003d00001/�►DJUSI'fViEPJT (VAR) 2003�00006/ADJ4��TNIL�IT' (VA�R) 2003-00007 �RETT06V ViIOODS �U�9�BVISION REC�UEST': Approva! of a 10-lot Subdivision and Planned Development on 2.34 acr�s. The lots are propo�ed to be developed wi�h detached singi�-family homes. Lot sizes within the dev�laprr�ent are praposed to be between 5,500 and 6,$79 square feet. The applicant is also seeking an Adjustment to fihe 200-foot cul-de-sac length standard, and an Adjustment to the street improvement requirements o�the TigarcJ Develapment Code Chapter 18.810. The Adjustment woulcl allow the applicant to construct a curb-tight sidewalk as opposed to a �idewalk separated by a planter strip afong SW 108th Avenue. LOCATIOf�: 16455 SW 108th Avenue; WCTM 2S115AA, Tax Lots 130� and 1400. �OIdE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R�4.5 zoning di�trict is designed to accommodate detached single-family homes with or without accessory � residential units at a minimum lot size of 7,�00 square feet. Duplexes and attached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutional uses are also permitted conditionalfy. APPLICi4�LE REV9�Vl1 CRITERI�►: Community Development Code Chapters 1$.350, 18.370, 18.380, 18.390, 18.430, 18.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, "I 8.745, 18.755, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. 6. 8°THER BUS9NE�S :. a�,����r���r��r � � �pp ��.�y/Y,�ppq�,��qg �/.�� pe��■�/�p1A�y, CITY O�ARD � Y IOd1�Al1\M ������Ora ��e7.fV�11�6�I�� OREGON . � � ���� ���� . HEA�tING DA`PE: �'S—b 3 STARTING TII��: 7 � ���� � � �OR1�1�1i�SIONEi2So _ P�ARK PADGETT (PF2ESID�fV°C) .� ` JUDII'H ANDERSON (i/I�E�i�RES9DEIVT) `� � ��� - JODIE Bf�NERTH � / � GRETCF-IEN BUEHNER `�� Y/� BILL HAACK �� � ��S GLENN MORES ��,� JUDY MUNRO ��� �COT SU�fON ��,,,1 EiLEEN WEBB �� REX CAFFALL (alternate) STeA�F PFtE�EN�'. '� DICI: �EWFRSD(�RFF JIM HENDRYX � Bi�AD KILf3Y BARBARA ShIIELDS NIORCaAN TRpCI' JtJLIA HAJDUB� N1ATT SCHEIDEG�ER DUANE ROBERTS � BRIAN i�AGER BETH ST. AMAND C�U s DUENAS �Il"Y C)F'TIGA►F�D PLANR�I(+1(� COIUIlwIS�IORI I�ie�ting �Ainute� May 5, 2003 1. Gi�LL TO C1RDE� President Padgetf c�lled th� m��ting to order�t 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in fihe Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SV1l Hall Blvd. 2. RC�LL. CALL Commissioner� Present: President Padgett; Commissioners Anderson, Buehner, Haack, Mores, Munro, and Suttnn Commissioners Absent: Commissioners �ien�rth and Webb Staff Present: Dick �ewersdorff, Planning Manager; Brad Kilby, Associafie Planner; Brian Rager, �evela�ment Review Engineer 3. PLANN�N� COMMISSIOId COIIAMl3NI�ATIONS It was moved and seconded to endorse Scot Sutton for a 2 year term to the F'ark and Recreation �nard. The Commission voted 6-0 in favor of the motion; �omrnissioner Sutkor� ab�tained. 4. APPROVE fVI�EYIN(a 1�16N�JTES Cc�mmissior�er Munro mmaved and Commissioner Sutton seconded fihe mofiion to approve the April 21, 2Q03, meeting minutes as submitted. A voice vote was taken and the rnotion passed unanimously. 5. E�I��LIC HEA►RI�JC 5.1 �U�DIV9SIC)N (SU�) 2003-0000`1/Z�i�� CHANCE (ZOBV� 20A3- U0001/�L�►NN�� DEV�L09'IV�EIV°T REVI�1nl (PDR) 2003�OA001/Al3JU�1'NI�NT' (��►@�) 2003-QQ006/�►DJl15TI�lENT (VAR) 2003-00007 BRE°TTON iNOrJDS �ll�[3iV9�lON REQiJEST: Approval of a 10-!ot Subdivision and Planned Developmen� on 2.34 ar,res. �"he lots are �roposed to be developed with detached single-family hom�s. Lot sizes wifihin the development are proposed to be between 5,500 and 6,879 square feefi. The appiicant i� also see6cing an Adjustment ta the 200- foat cul-de-s�c length stanc�ard, and an Adjustment to the stree4 improvement requirements o'f tne Tigard Development Code Chapter 1�.810. �The Adjustment would allow the applicant to construct a curb-tight sidewalk as opposed to a sidewalk s�parated by a planter strip alang SW 108th Avenue. LOC,�►TIOIN: 16455 SW 108th Avenue; WCTM 2S115AA, Tax Lots 1301 and 1400. ZONE: R-4.5: Low-Density Residential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to aceomrnodate detached single-family homes with or PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINiJTES—May 5,2003—Page 1 wifiF�ouf accessary resider�tial units at a minimum lot size of 7,500 �quare feet. Duplexes and a�tach�d single-farriily units are p�rmitt�d conditionally. �ome civic and insti4utional uses are also permitted canditic�nally. APPLICA�L� REVIEW CRIl'ERIA: Community Development Cod� �hapters �8.35Q, 1�.370, 18.380, 18.390, 18.430, 1$.510, 1�.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.755, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 1�.�1 a. A member of the audience asked if the City Fore�ter was present at the meeting. Staff advised that the For�ster was invit�d to attend, but he had a pr�viau� engagement; the Supervisor was also ir�vited to attend. S7'a4FF FtEP��T' Associate Planner Brad Kilby presented the staff report c�n behalf of the Ci�y. Thre� new exhibits were given to the Commissioners far their review: Observations and R�Cammendations on Bretton V1/oods Subdivision from Multnomah Tree Experts, Ltd. (Exhibifi �); Response to those obs�rvafiians made in Exhibit 1 (Exhibit 2); Tree Analysis and Arbori5t Report from Vllalter H. Knapp, Certified Forester and Arborist (Exhibit 3). Kilby advised that the applicant has asked fnr 2 adjustments: an adjustment to 200' cul-de-sac length requirement and an adjustment �o allaw construction of a curb-tight sidewalk along SW 10�t" to save some trees at fhe end nf th� propsrty. Kilby stated sfafF recommends approval of the Pianned Developmenfi and adjustments based on the findings of fact in the staff report and the recammend�d conditions of approval. He noted the applicant is seeking coneurrenf annexatior� r�view. Pres�dent Padgett asked about the sign violations mentioned on pag� �1 of the staff report. Staff arrswered fhat staff spends a lot of time dealing with illegal lawn sigrrs and real estate sig►is. President Padgett also �sked who was responsible far maintaining tre�s and shrubs to maintain adequate sight distance. Staff answered that the Homeowners Associ�tion would be responsible once ifi is farmed. President Padgett suggested fihe City make it a condition of approv�l to add the maintenance into the Codes, Covenanfis, and Restrictions. Commissioner @uehner suggested it be a deed restriction. APPU�ANT'S PR��EfVTd�°TiC�N Matt Sprague, Alpha Engineering, 9600 SW Oak St., Suite 230, Portland, OR 97223, testified they initially sent a bioiogist and an arborist tn the site to identify and rnap the trees, sensitive areas, and natural resources on the site. Al�ha �ngineering then developed a plan to best pratect the resources. Based on comments received at the neighborhood meeting, the plan was revised. The subsequent plan calls 'for a narr�wer sfirest (private street). Bump-outs are planned between trees to accommodate more on-street parking. He also PLANMNG COIVIMISSION MEETING M[NUTES—May 5,2003—Page 2 detailed changes in the plan that would pres�rve more trees and �rovide for larger open spaces. Sprague requested fihe fi'c�ilowing adjustments to the conditions of approval: ➢ #5 E — �pplic�nfi proposes to s#rike this it�m; staff proposes adding wc�rds "except as approved otherwise by fhe adjustment" ➢ #7 —Applicant suggests striking this item; sfiaff concurs A #10 — Applic�nt asked for clarification of last s�ntence; staff will change fihe condition to ��te that backyard drainags and private lines will be determined during consfiructic�n plan review. Applicant suggested adding that the arborist be on sifie inspecting the work as it occurs. ➢ #27 — Applicant asks that this conditian be chan�ed from "Prior to fin�l pBat approval..." �o "Goncurrent with final pla� approval ..."; sfaff concurs. �"he applicant is in agreement with all the other condifions. Commissioner Buehner asked if the fire department had any comments about the adjustment for th� length of the priva#e �treet. The appiicant answered th�t the fire dcpartment requires a minimum of 20' of clear space and the street will have a rninimurn of 2�' nf clear space. ThP hammerhead at the end is a star�dard, approved 1'ualatin Valley Fire and R�scue hammerhead turnaround. �11�L9C 1'��Y61VIOtdl4— iN Fe4VOR None �'U�L.I� `t'��7161��N�'�- IfV �PPOS!°TIOR1 Ron Ellis Gaut, �0947 SW Chateau Lane, Tigard, OR 97224, requested to ke�p the record anen so additiona! writt�n comments can be provided, especially related to the arbarist's findings. The Pianning Gommission said they would like to hear from the City's Urban Forester. StafF advised the Commission could hold the record apen for 7 d�y� ior written testimony or continu� the hearing for more testimony. Mr. Gaut also expressed concern about the detrimen� that this deveiopment would c�use to adjacent properties. K�n Patton, 16459 SW 108t", Tigard, OR 97224, is concerned about drainag� to adjaeent iots. He also asked about fhe co�riments in the staff report about "no r�strictions in the open charinel syst�m betwe�n this site and the river." Brian Rager answ�red that #he report submitted by the applicant stated there were no obstrucfiions. Th� applicant will cover#his questinn during rebutfal. Lyle NBiller, 1099� SW Chateau Lane, Tigard, OR 97224, voiced his concern about jeopardizing the grove of trees if some are removed to build homes. He not�d that, with construction of the road at the proposed location, there would b� no way to gu�rantee protection for the big trees. He recommends th� devel�per come up with another plan. PLANNING COMMISS[ON MEETING MIMJTES—May 5,2003—Page 3 � Rick uan Wyngarden, 1 Q�83 �W Chateau Ln., T'igard, 4R 97224, chose not to �p�ak. Debra Evers, �0954 �W Chat�au, Tigard, OR 97224, also expres�ed concern about the trees. In r�sponse to a questian firom the Commis�ion, Mrs. Evers stafied that nobody has been maintaining #he trees since her home was built. aobert Speck Jr., 10976 SW Chateau Ln., Tigard, Of� 97224, agreed with the previous speak�rs and expressed conc�rn about the tr�es. He nated that the proposed road will be inside the dri� line of some of the trees. Tim Curfiis, �6527 SW 108th, Tigard, OR 97224, poinfied out that conditicn ofi approval #12 states the applicant shal! �omply wi�h the recommendations of the arborist repc�rt. Alice Ellis Gaut, 10947 SW Chateau l�n., Tigard, OR 97224, �alked about the recommendations of fihe staff report as compared with goals in the Qevelopment Code and the �omprehensive Plan. President Padgett stated the Planning Comn�ission has �o deal with the land us� issues and they cannot project into the fufi�re w(ieth�r the applicant is making a good market decision or not. Staff advised fhat Cour�cil musfi also approve or deny a development the same as Planning Cammission — they cannot make s�bjecfive judgments on whether the homes will b� rented ar not. Mrs. Gau� expressed concerns abou# firaffic cangestion and lighting in the new d�veloprv�er�t. She asked if the requir�ment thafi a hardship not be self imposed applies to adjusfiments as it does fior v�rianc;e� and if the same criferia would be applied. Staff answered that variances have specific criteria (Type II Variances); the adjustments far this case ar� judged by the criferia listed under each adjustment only. Brad Kilby advised that 4h�re are extraardinary hardships on the property — topography cnnstraints, natural resources in the southeast corn�r, and large trees. These constraint� are not afforded to other properties in the area and must be judged in that light. Ms. Gaut feels strongly that allowing the adjus�ment for the road would afFect the trees and would be detrimental to surrounding prope�ty owners. Gregg Borror, 16452 SW 109th R'I., Tigard, OR 97224, spoke about the praposed road that would be behind his backyard and expressed his concern about naise. He mentioned another d�velopment planned for the area and voiced his displeasure at being squ�ezed by mare homes. Bethanne Kronick, 10998 SW Chateau Ln., T'igard, OR 97224, also testified about th� tre�s and worried about a tree falling on her home. She stated that several n�i�hbor5 had previously approached Mr. Lissy about buying his property, but was not given the opportunity to do so. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—May 5,2003—Page 4 A.PPLICARIT'S FtE�3t11"TeAL Matt Sprague reviEwed the constraints on the project. I-ie noted that to develap thi� project with a streefi being less than 200 feet would be unreasonabie. He indicated where trees wouEd be removed and advised that �1% of the #rees on the $ite wouid be preservsd. �prague stated Alpha Engine�ring has met with rnany of the neighbors regarding the trees and run o�f. He r�ported they looked at different atignment� for the str�et and will look at ifi again b�fore the next m�eting. Sprague believes this de�ign offsr� a more at�ractive planned �nif develaprr�ent for the fufure hom�owners and the surrounding n�ighborhood. This de�ign does mor� to preserve natural resources anc� deals with site constraints to a greater extent than is required. He alsa notsd fih� maximum number of lots allowed for thi� site is efeven and fihey are propnsir�g tc� do ten. He stated �he adjustments are only for lo# sizes and frant yard s�tbacks. Peter Torres, Multnomah Tree Experts, 8325 �W 42"d Ave., Portland, OR 97219, testified he was brought in to give a third opinion regarding the trees on this site. Fle checked them for root diseases and discovered one tree with significant root di�ease. He reported that is not development per se that c�use problems with �he trees, it's root diseases and exposure of trees that were once in�ide � grove. Torres reviewed his report with the Commission (Exhibit 1). He noted that the major problem that causes trees in construction sites fio be destroyed is lack of enforcement of the tree protection plan. He recommended having som�one on the site who would be r�5ponsible for fotlowing the pla�. Torres also noted fhat there couid be problerns when people put in their lands�apin� after construction. Too much irrigatian can cause problems, espscially for pouglas Firs. Rssuming a continuance will be granted, Commissioner Sutton asked the applicant ta address how trees on lots 8, 9, ar�d 10 will be protected. A motion v��as made and seconded to continue the public hearing to May 1 gtn The motion passed unanimously. 6. OT'tiER �USIN�SS None 7. /�DJ�URN11flENT °fhe meeting adjourned at approximately 10:Q0 p.m. PLANNING COIVIIVIISSION MFETING MINUTES—May 5,2003—Page 5 � rree aync�r, PI ing Co ission Secretary . � � ATTES : President rk Padge�fi PLAN]V1NG C0IVIMISSION N1EETING MINLITES—May 5,2003—Page 6 : �A ' . � _ s� __..___ _ _ _ _ _ ������I� ���������� P.O. BQ5(370 �'FiOP�lE(50�)684-C3360 Legal �wg��,� TT J_0 2 2 0 �EAVERTON,OREGQN 97075 l.�ga� Notice Aclvertasing �City of Tigard ° ❑ 'Te�rsheet Notice �13125 SG�I Hall Blvdo • ❑ �uplicate Affidavit T7.gc�x'Cl�Ox'egorl 9 7 2 2 3 Accaurs�s Payable � � ' A�FIDB�VIT QF Pl3�LI�ATION ��������� ' STATE OF OREG�N, 3 ��f����`: C�JIAf�TV OF W�►SFi1NC�T(�P�, )�� �CCQ��,�'i�: �e TZ�_�3L[`��Y' being first duly sv�orn, depose and say that I a�m 4he �deertisina Direc4or, or his principal clerk, of 4h�',.,�g.s�.r�-�ua1a�� n T}mes a �u�swspaper of g�n�rgi circulaXion a�d�fined in C1R5 193.010 "'"`-""'—� and 193.02n; published �t T�-qa�� 'ere the - —J aforesaid countyi�qd sta e• th t th �a;�"'�"��'rk�=�'������� Public H�arinq,�S�JB�00�3-00001 q- q' cI i'.!r�"+.t�'e'u�'r 3:�-��_ a priMed copy of which is hereto annexed, e�ras pubiished in the �.,��.:,.��.p ��,,�`_�;��_���' entire issue of said newspsper for �NE successive and „�=�«;�`��h�y�: �:�• consecutive in the following i�sues: ;���,�,���,L�ag7 April 17 ,2003 �`�'�'���f�� ' Sub�cribed a�nd ��v4rn t efo me this� �th da� o�.� A�ril, 2003 �=.._zrw��x.__�.6.��.:�.t... . QFFICIAL SEAL t+ i.. f;U�ilN A 13URC�SS � ry Public for Oregon �_' ������ NUTARY�'UBLIC-OREGON � !� '�`y C,�Fq(�tl�'^�O�l MU 344569 � My Commission Expires: �,,.. �ra� cnAn _ .. ?nr,�u. AFFI�Ai/IT _ . , � . � � a+r�'R J`!"ts�`^rG` ,,,r n. . . _ � , , � %� �+�4�' � Thc f�pltawin��! � ���:�I' �� � imnieelo��I�.11�e�df�y 1V�+�,28a3,s�t 7, ����`'�°1� Com, . �Ivic Cer��er-'I`owte�'te1�,131�8 SW:g1Al1��vcl.,`X'i�arcl,4)�e�on>r, �oth�ub�ic';rsral and wr[ttem tesf's�lony�s invited: '1'1ie publi�hearing,� ar�,th�s.matter.. �1E be conduc4�d����rdan,�e�wittA Ghapt�r�8 390 � o4'the'P�g�rd�uni�i����ode,and the rules of proce�iure a�opted by ; the��l�na�iia8 Ce�tiagn.�sseots. -'I'�ea�in�PnY:�$��'subiriitf��l itt'i�ti$� <prior�o;or at the pe�blic he�r�n�'or�v�rbally at the puble�h�aring:oi�1y. :Fai�ure�aaisz;aiY issu�i�ge�son or by lettex at so�ie�oxnt prior 4a the clos� o�the heariscg aoc�nnpani�d by statements br,e�es to I suf�"�ci�t 'co �tlaw the hearing� authority and ail tl�e p 'iespond'an tl�e requeat;prec�udes an appeal,1ri(�fSL1UYe�O 5p�EClf}�t�le ; � criterzon.�rom,th��ommuri��y Development Code or Compxe�ten�l�e ' 1'i�►�t vvhich u cornment is.directed pxecludes an appeal;to the Y�and' Use�o�i'd c�£Ap�eals based on�thaE cnttrian,- ` �t�rtf�er infornreativan,ma� be obtai�ed from the Plahning,Division �s��g<C��y�$�q'. �r�d �3#bY) at .13125 S"W Hall Bivd.,og he ¢� 503-639�4171: A copy Qrcgo� 97223; �r by..ea�l�ng or on' applic�aho�►. xnd a1D docutrients and evid�nce sbbm'ttted by' bel�a�f'of th� applicaa►t'and the applie�ble crateria �r� available for ieutpbcB�oii at no costi A copy of the staff repork vvill be rnacle availab�t,for.in'spectics�at no.cost a�least sev.en(7)days priar to the '. g�ar�tyg,and,copies for all items can also be provided�t a reasonabl'e l � � oogt. , . �iIBI.IG,H�EAR�N�I�I`EMt. aURg�leT,'5ERVICE AIBE�" ��T��DIYISION(SU�)20Q3•00001/ZONE C�1!1GE(ZOI� : ' 2003-00001/1PLA1!�I�NED H� VELOPIV�[E11IT�VIEV6�(1'i��) Z003'=00UOl1AbJI.7ST10REPI�(VAR)2003-0.0006/AD�ITSTi1�1'dT � � �:� �.(�',�R)2003�,.00007, ._ �:� .c , � � ` � � ItE�iI��STs' A,ppgoyal of„A 10=1ot Subdi�ision and..Planned I�evelopme�k on 2.3�aores.,'�`he iofs are propo�ed fo be developed wit�i` detacl�ed single-fainily homes 5�ot, s�xg�q���,e feet. dewelopment are progosed to be between S, . ��6, 'I'h�applica►�t is atso seeFcing�n Adjustment�o th�200-foot'eul-de- sac leng�thh sfa�:dard, ansi az�Adjustmen� t�s'the street�impruvement requix�talents of the Ti��rd D�u�loprri«ent�oc�e Chapt�r 1.8.810. The Adjustment'„would 'allow the applicant tp cot�stcuct a curb-tight si�ewall�as opposed to a siiiewalk s�p�t�d b�r a�lanter strip�C`TM SW 108 A'venue.�L�A'�ION: 1b4�5S SW 108. t�venue; 2S1�1SAA,'���+Q� 1301 and 14Q30. 201,1E. It=4:5: Low-Density Resi'detitial Disfrdct, . Tlae IZ-4.5 zoning dXStric4;is d�signed to accoYnmodate c�etached sirigle-fatrni�ly. hcrmes v►'�x� §ruare feet accessoty residentiai units at a minimuin l�r�size oE 7,540.Q Duplexes and att�ch�d single-fauytily' units are permitted co�►ditionally. Sozne civia�and insEitu�ior►al uses are.also�rerrnitted oanditional�ly. �PPLIC�IBLE ItE'VdEW GRi'A"�3�A Co�nmunit�' I3evelo�rnent Code �hapters 18.350, 1$.370, `1�3E0; 15,390� 1�$:�3(1;.18`r510;'1�$.'705�; I$.715, i�8.7259 ;1�8,74�,_'�8,755�; 1$.765,� . 18.790, 1�795 and 1�.810. ` -� . �.- ._._,._ T.a_, .,,R..,._,��. �w..�.� ..�.1����Y�.;�������? � � ,� ����o- ����� 1APl1603-00001 tl1R1A03�90C6 ' vt�oo�ooi vxa �a ,�:..�����. �� w.� . � . �..=.� , ` �i . . . � . �,��" . �q.l�' � � � • .� .... .. 1 i .�3.4.. { r „ A_ � �x . r.m.--=+--- , r�� �...:.....=i,._... - � � � t tl „� ' L.:K-_'"""' ,,��-.�._�-�— � � � � - � ! i ��'N�'r ...;� a'«�� � , _ M;,�.; ! tis r=, r ��� 1�'bllsh Apnl;l'�,��I��, t, !. _..... TICa1�� P�A II�TG COM1ViI�STC�I°� CIYY pF TIGARD OREGON PTO�'ICE: PE�PL�VE'I�HII�tG�'O S�'EA%�N AIV�'Y'd'E16�F 1dIiJ3�'FRIN'�'�'I�Efl�t PdAli�.AS�ADD�SS OPd'Tf�I�u�I]EE7t'. AGENDA ITEM#: �. I �age�of�. DATE O�HEARING:�J/�/ D� CASE NiJMBER(S): �J � v�(J�'.-� °�?O�b� CJ��° !�b�D I OWAIER/�F'PL;YC.ANT: L�'ss Lt1a l' ��'r„�/ ��-us°�` ,��.� J7eu�/o ��� LOCATION: , /lo yss �r,�.� ��� ''�' . � �����ia 1 ��� II�Vda A'iL�I.VII'ep �iPliL'17�9 .tylVL .YJlA l+�il� . PItO�'Ol�+1�1'I' (For the proposal) OPPOI�N'I' (Against the�ro�aosal) (Print Nane/Address2ip&Affiliation) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliatio�e) Name: Name:�� �,��._S` L��'C�� Address: Address: �'���(� - �� �lrt Cc.•�°Q!.� ��. Citv: ' State: Zip: Ci State: �i,p; `��-�Z� � Namc: Name: �C.�6��� ����G76^� _ Address: l�ddress: I 6 �� ��� � �� '��'� CitL State: Zin: City: I �� �'�� State: C.�f�., Zip: � ����"�' Name• Name• ��� 1 v�� I I�J'� Address: Address: ��7�7�..+� ._��t.) �^ ���° ����� �� �...��. Citv: State: Zi Ci ���a ra � �` State "�r��7 Zip: � �.�f/,=1° �� �_ e r Name: Nazne: �,1c'"',EC. �e� �,�t.�i��1t"'�°�t2 �?CP1 Address• _ _— Address• !o T�3 J(,��(�)'�_t,' �c? Gitvc State: Zip: Citv: A Rj�-�f� State: �('`� Zi� �r����.-� 1 � � Name� Name• ��1'Jr�il � t�(�i,.K,����- � �►ddress: ' Address: �(��;�`"l �l�,l 1,:..t/\�.���G'l �~ ,,, �i 5tate: Zi ' Ci :�� 'f�� State: ��1��. Zi 4`�.��(�c�" �'� � �'�GAk� i �I�A �G COI�/IMISSI�I�1 � CITY OF �"IGARD OfZEGON PJ'O'1"ICIE: PEfIPLE�SHING'I"O SI�EAK ON APIY 1'I"�MI A�JS'I'PItIN'�TI�EI�1�TAME�NY)ADD�'S5 Oi�i'I7EIIS S��EET. AGEIVDA iTEM#: �'. 1 Page�•-of ,�~ Dl�TE OF'HEt4RdNCi: �/,�"/U ,,� _ c�s�rrv����(s3: �a� � 3 —'o v o� I p� �v 3 °r�OC�v l OWNER/AP]PY.ICAIVT: �� I.00ATIO�: . l�c�"��°"gf � /���'�' �L�AS�PItII�"� �����, ��a�ss, �z���o�� 1'ItOi'(3NEl'+IT (I'or th�peopos�fl) OPl'OIV�+N�'' (Ag�imst the pro�wsafl) (Prind Name/Address�Zlp&Ajji[iation) (Print Name/Address/Zip&Affiliation) I+iame• Name• ����"" �d...'€ a �.��. ^-�°`� Address; Address: 1 ��''�f� �V�,� �a'��"�.'��-� ��',..� Cit�� � 5tate: Zi�: Citv: '�'��'��°��� State:��'�� Zip: �� ���� _ �� � ����. Idatne: I�1ame: '1 I?st 1��'�.-°� �-� �'�,�'� A�dress: Address: � � , Ci� State: Zip: Citv•���r� State: ��d Zip:���� : Name. Name: � 'l�Vtf� � ^ � � Addr�ss° -- _Address• � ��`�'� � ����� �"�'��-�1�.�.�.��t;�,�iL,��.f�� -- l � j) ��t�� Ci State: Zi Ci �� State: !,� j`"'"°" Zi � �,. `A� � , � p� lYame: Name: ��l( �� �� Addr�ss• Address: � �"`C� r..5�'1 ( ��� QJ.�_ �jty State• Zin: Citv: � ���'O'� State: r� Zin:��Z_�_ Name: Name: 1G.�x--'j��.� E��'�°' Address• Address•���� L.lslJ l,�l��,��� L�( . Ci State: Zi ' Ci State: Zi ' ' ' , �.���,,b;� 1 Bretto�a Woods S�bdivision, Tigard, Oregon 30 April 2003 , Obsea°vat�ons and Recommendations om �a°et�oa� 'bi'ood� Subd'evi�ion I've been as�Ced by Mr. Matt Sprague of Alpha Engineexing,Inc.,to naake an independent revievv o�tree issues at the Bretton Woods Subdivision. i have a�ewievred the following documents: • �act Sheet, by Alpha Engineering, Inc ° 'd'ree Analysis and Arborist Report,by Walter H. Kuapp, February 3, 2003 • Memorandum, by Matt Stine, April 12, 2003. O�a 4-24-2003 I made a brief field visit to familiarize myself with th�site. On 4-28-2003 I made a �nore intensive visit. I have comments and recommenda.tions to make on several issues. 1. Hazard Tree No.3486 In Mr. I�napp's report, Tree No.3486, a 51 inch DBI�Douglas-fir tree, �s designated as a hazard tree, and sc�eduled to be removed.I agree that the tree is hazardous at tlais time, with deadwood, hanging branches, and oyergrown branches in the crown. I believe that this hazardous condition can be redueed to a acceptable level by crown cleanxing, and crown raising. 2. NArth boundarv trees in e� neral Apparently,the large Dou�las-fir trees along the north boundary gzew and developed in open conditioxzs. Without surrounding trees to constrain t�ae crowns and the length of branches, many branch�s grew to an unsicable length. Stormy weather, including snow, ice, wind, and rain loads, e�em4ua�ly bring these unstable branches into equilibriuna by breaking theAn off. This will continue to happen with all of the larger pouglas-fir trees along the north bounciary. Some risk rrxust be accepted when large trees are preserved around developed areas. The good news is that with one ex�eptioi�, none of these large Douglas-fir trees appe�rs to be prone to windthrovv, because they l�ave grown in the open, exposed to weather,rather than uaside a grove or stand. 3. Tree No.3110 'Tree No.3110, a S6 inch DBg-i Douglas-f�r tree, is the closest Douglas-fir tree to SW 108�'Ave. � along tl�is northexn boundary. The base of this tree, i.e.,the rooi:flare,is appro�cirnately 32 inches � above the grade of the existing driveway to the south. There are three visible buttress roots gravving towards the south. They ha.ve diameters of app�oximately 24 inches, 32 inches, avd 48 inches. All thxee were cut o�in the pa5t, apparently�o build the existi�g driveway. The stubs where the cuts were made are approximately 18 inchas in diameter. The stubs have closed off wifih wo�nd wood and bark. I drilled into tb.ese root stubs with a narrow gauge, 1 I inch long drill bit. In two of the tha�ee stubs,I encountered extensive cavity oa�decay inside a thin outer section of bark and sound wood. �e ir�.terior of the third root stub was composed of soft, discolored wood that smelled �trongly of turpentine. This roat is decayed, but the decay is not as advanced as the others. Multnomalx Tree Experts, Ltd. Page 1 of 5 1 1 � Bretto�Woods Subdivision, Tigard, Oregon 30 Apri12003 It is my apiyuon that the entire south root crown and basal area of this tree is decayed; with vexy Iittle sound wood holding the tree into the ground in this direction. The browxi roi, the � result of furagal wour�d parasites,has w�alcened this tree to a ba�rdous c�z�dition. I recornruenci , that the tree be cut down before any canstraction activity occurs. `�his removal creates�ather space for bump-out parking. 4. Tree No.3111 and`�xee 1Vo.3548 'Y'he 20 ir�ckz I�ouglas-fia�tree,No.311 l, and the 50 inch Douglas-fir tree,Na.3548, are also grawing a#a higher grade than t.he property to the south. �'he 20 inch tree apparently grew after the grad�cut was made, and there zs na evidex�ce of decay. With the 50 inch tree, the main b�attzess root to the south veers immediately towards the east along the property line. It app�ars that there was an obstruction here, and that this tree was not dannaged by the grade cut. For any geople visiting this site,pleas�be advised that there is a large wasp nest aloi�in • Tre�No.3111. There is an extensive underground hornets nest near T'ree No.3548. The grouxid around Tree No.3110 is infesteci with r�oxious n�ttle weeds. 5. Plau for the private road at the east end The proposed private road 'zs in a sensitive lacation, and needs further analysis. Tree No.3110 should be removed, so it is not an issue.Neaa°the 20 inch Douglas-fir tree No.3111, and the 50 ineh Douglas-fir tree No.3548, the grade will be raised by approximate�y 1 %2 f�. The trees are growing well above the new grade, and tlaey are approximately 15 ft. from the limit�f . construction activity. The existing paveme�t is an impervious surface with compacted sub-grade. Raising#his grade will not have an advease effect on these trees. It will be beueficial for these trees to take the e�isting driveway out,which is cutrently much closer to the subject trees than the proposed private road will be. R�moval of the existing pav�ment should be done under the projeci arborist's supervision. It is not likely that any woody roots will be encountered,but it is possible that some roots have grown to the ixnderside of the paveanent because of water condensing there. If roots are encouumtered,then they should be covered with fill right away. If the excavator works from the west end of the paveffient tovvards the easty then no�e of these potential surface roots will be damaged by being run over. The existing garage can be demolished with heavy equipment if the equipmen�stays on the existing driveway, t�fore the driveway is itself removed. As soon as fhe existing pavement is removed,I recommend that the tree protection zone � (TPZ) fencing be erect�d. This shouAd be ea�ect�d along the edge of the proposed private road. 'I'he area between this f�nc�and`I'ree IVo.3 411 should prabably be left alone until the end of th� pxoject, when new landscaping is installed. � 6. Remainder of the�a°ivate road TPZ fencing should be installed along the length of the proposed private road before work �commences. Th�entire length of the private road will be filled, and not excavated. The limit of the a�oad is always 15 ft. or more frorn#he Douglas-fir trees along the north i�oundary. The amount of Multnomah Tree Experts, Ltd. Page 2 of 5 , ' �, , BretCon�laods Subdivision, Tiga.rd, Oregon 30 Apri12003 fill ma.terial is always less than 2 ft. in depth. 'I'he trees have interwoveri, grafted roots in the east- west direction, exfenddirig up to 15 $. to the south, and also to the north,�vhere no activity is occiu�ring. In my opinion,the pratected trees�vill easily Yolerate this aanount of disturbanc�. I eto not expect the trees to decluie. As insurance, I suggesk that tb.e area l7etween the road and the trees be gAVen a soil�reatrment to improve soil fertilify and the grawth of feecler roots. The treatment woulci be specified by the project arbarist. 7. The utilit�ench The proposed utility trench alomg the south side of the road is 30 ft. or more from a�y of the protecCed trees. I believe that this is far enough away to a�c�id encountering woody x�ots. The trench should be excavated under the projeGt arborist's direction. If roots from the Douglas-fir � trees are�ound,then if they are srnaller than 2 '/2 inches in diameter, they should be cut cleanly by hand. If any roots larger t�.n 2 1/2 inchss in diameter are found, the utility trench should end, and a tunnel shot�ld proceed underneath the roots. Any expos�d roots should be covered by wet burlap to protect them fr�m dessication. This sysxem requires that a worker be standing by with a shovel to e�ose any roots ta be exaulined. The coniractor should demonstrate the vvillingness and the ability to tu�nel the utititi�s under roots, if it becoffies necessary. 8. The pedestrian pathwavs The sidewalk along 108'�'Ave. and the pedestrian path firorn Tree No.3490 westward, are close to px'otected trees. In order to construct�sidewalk within the TPZ areas, any excavation should be limited to the surface humus layer.Pathways should be built on top of the existing grade.There should be minimal connpaction of the existing soi1, and any compaction should be done by hand. I recommend placing a geotextile material on top o�the existing soil, a�lding an aggregate base, and reinforc;ing the pavement itself if'needed. Concrete might be a better choice than asphalt for paving material in TPZ sections. A concrets curb will be needed to contain the aggregate base. (Trees and Devzlopment,A Technical Guide to Preservation of Tr�ees During Land Development, 1998;Nelda Matheny and James R. Clark, International Society of Arboriculture,P.O.Box 3129, Chatnpaign, IL 61826-3129.) 9. Yard areas in lots 9& 10, and south of lots 1 - 10 Special care should be taken with trees close to proposed buildings, or other structures. I xecoenmend initially us�g the de£ault TPZ of 1 inch in diameter of radius for each inch of DBH. This radius should be rna�rked by a low temporary fence or string line durirtg the exploratoiy pbase. VVl�en excavation will occur within this radius, a similar procedure should be used as suggested under i#em 7 above. �'he excavation should be directed by the project arborist. If roots fram�rotected conifer trees are found,then if they are smaller than 2 '/z inches in diameter,they should be cut cleanly by hand. If any roots larger than 2 %2 inches in diameter are found,the �xcavation should end, and the structure modified. 'Thas might mean using a pier foundation or a p�foundation with grade beams in certain situations. With hardwood roots, diameters up to 3 inches can be cut without detrimental effects. It makes econoanic sense to lay out the building footprints and explore the so�l for roots 1Vla�ltnomah Tree E�e�s,Ltd. Page 3 of 5 1 1 ' . ]�r�t#:e���Voods Sul.xiivision,'I'igard,Oregon 30 April 2003 b�fore�he co�nstrraction of each structure is r�zsder�ww�y, irA case some adjustments ar re-engineering are required. Onee this is done,the perma.nent'T�7 fence can be installed under the pr�ject 2�'�30ILSt'S S�1TBGti021. 10. Tre�removats z�ear protected tree5 �lhen#rees are removed near praf�cted trees,I recommend tbat the tree stumps either be graund r�ut vvith a stump grinder,ar excavated- by digging,pushing or pulling-only a$er potential root graf�s and intea�wined roofs are ca�t with a stump grinder. Obviously,rnany of the r�mova�s will ba�e to ocaur befor�TPZ fe�ncing is erected.It should be a general nile that equipment remain at the defa�zlt TPZ distaxics from�rotected trees. ]Hope$'uil.y,xhis review will be�f so�xe use to all�arties concerned. I will be available for furt��r xeview�f an�speca�c probieims, �r�o clarify anything written here. � � I'eter�'arres,1i�1.F. ; Mu�tnonoah Tree Experts,Ltdl. Page 4 of 5 , . � � . ' , � � .`` ' � � Bretton'�Naods Subdi�isian, Tigard, Oregon 30 April 2003 Assu�ptia�ns a�ad Limiting�Comd'at�ons Multnomah Tres Experts,Ltd. �325 SW 42�'�ve. PortPand, OR 97219 1. Any legal description provided to the consultant is �ssumed to be correct. Any titles and ownerships to any pY•operty are assumed to be�ood and marketable.No responsibility is assumed for matters legal zn character. 2. Caa�e has been tak�n to obtain a]I infornnation from reliable sources. All data have been verified insoiFar as possible;howev�r,#he consultant can neittzer guarantee nor be responsible for the accuracy of ia�ormation provided by others. 3. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or att�nd court by reason of this report unless subs�quent contractual arrangements are made, including paymenfs of an additional fee for such services. 4. This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of the aonsultant, and the consultant's fee is in no way cont'vngent upon the reporting of a specified value,a stipulated result,the occurrersce�of a subsequent event,nor upon any fznding to be reported. 5. Sketches, drawings�and photographs in tlus report, being intended as visual aid�, are not necessarily to scale and should not be c�nstr�ed as en�;ineering or arohitectural reports or surveys unless expressed otherwise. The reproduction of any infot-mation generated by architects, engineers,or other consultants on any sketches, drawings or photographs is for the express purpose of coordination and ease of reference only.Inclusions of said iz�ormation on any drawirzgs or othe�documents do not constitute a representation hy the consulting arborist, or by Multnomah T'ree Experts,Ltd., as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. 6. Unless expressed otherwise,information cover�d in this repork covers or�ly those items that were e�camined and refl�cts the condition of thase items at the time of inspection. The inspection is limited to visual exannination of accessible items without dissection,excavation, probing, or coring, unless otherwise stated. 7. There i�,no.wa,�ty or guarantee, expressed aa implied,that probl�ins or deficiencies of the plants or propert�ueStz.q,n;� �. �, ot arise in the future. /,��:,�. : J/r yyr �..�/' .'�Y"� 1'�. 8. �,f,�;oss or altexation o�'aa� � art of this report invalidates the entire report. ..�rf� '•, ''`;��;-;;i� r .� , '��. i 1 �t �i ,�S`` _ � ...�s�� �i' ' d �, , �. , .� ; P�ter Torres,M.F. .��.`_<'f,���4 . ��: ,��.,; ,.,, �....,,.. : �� CCB 8910'8:';�,-•::'._:.:.�'.��;iS Certified Arborist PN-0650 ASCA Reg. Consulting Arborist No. 372 Multnomah Tr�,e Experts, Ltd. Page 5 of 5 • � . , `.., � , Waitep�.�a�pp SiCvicultsare 8c Urbaee Fore.stry April 30,2003 , � Subject: Comments on Bretton Woods (Ma�t Stine, 4/11/03) " I have reviewed the Tigard City Forester's comrn:ents regarding trees on tlie - Brett�n Woods Subdivision. My comments are as follows: 7Cree Protect�oa�I➢evices. The rscom�mendations provided in the Bretton Woods Tree Analysis and Arbarist Report adeq�ately address tree protection during construction. The project axborist has the responsibility of determining the protec�ion specifications as a part of tlis tree protection plan. 7Crees on.P�djacent P'rcrper�ies. TrPes o�neighboring properties that are near the szte will receive the saane protection as the trees on the Bretton Woods site. I�ealtla ancH Stabili4y o�'Trees + '�'rees on Nor�h�c�undar�. Trees in this area are not growing in a grove. T'hey are open-grown trees in a linear sixip. They have been exposed continuously to the full foxce of starm�inds, and have � witlistood the direct impact of the Columbus Day anc�December 1995 windstorms,the worst of the previous century. I?amage potential from these trees is from falling branches,wl�ich are , ' abnormally large due to open grov✓n habitat. Corrective pruning, . inclttding removal of d�a� and weak branches,w'ill be needed. In addition,the crown o£one exceptionally large specirn.en will need to be raised to remove dangerous branches. One of the trees in this location is di�seased and will need to be removed. ' � • 'Tre�s in Groves.Maaay of the trees growing on other parts of the site are in groves that will be preserved and protected. However, it is important to realize that trees can be retained even if others are xemoved in.the proximity. The practice�f removing selected trees, . or thinning,has been success#'ully used in forests throughout the woxld. Thzs deinonstrates that it is not necessary to preserve each and every tree in order to save the few. The idea t11at removal of a portion of the txees wi11 create a domino effect is not valid if the ' remaining tree's meet the criteria listed below: 7'61 S SW Dunsmufr Lane,'Beaverton, OR 97G07 • • Phone:(503)646-4349 Faz:(5Q3)265-�117 ' . � , ,. ' y „ ' � Page2of2 Bretton Woods 4/30/1003 6Yalter H.Knupp o They are struct��rall_ sound. This generally inearxs that t�xe trees are in a dominant position where they have developed fiill crowns (live crown ratio af 40% or g�ceater), ari ade uate root svstem, and a well-buttressed fiu�lc(heiglit-diameter . , ratio of 50%0 or less) � o They are not diseased. o• T�ey are protected duri.ng developmemt. . • Pr��eetioa�A.rea,Placement of pzotection fencing at the dripline is adequate, and in some cases more tlian.the area needed ta preservP the trees. For exa.mple,the large tree� on the north edge of ihe property will have 15-20 feet of total protection on the south side � and total protection on the north. Sinclair et al. state that most healthy trees should be able to withstand renr�oval of one-half of � their absorbing roots withouf serious eFfect.1 'I'he trees shown in � ' Photographs 1 and 2 are exaaraples of construction tolerance. These • trees are growing on a site that was develop�d almost 30 years ago in Beaverton,before tree protection measures were�im�lemented. I have lived in the immediate area for 27 years and have closely observed the continued health of these and other similar trees in the neighborhoAd. There has been�o mortality. One concern regarding root protectian will be alleviated by stump grinding trees removed within 15 feet of trees that are being retained. VVaiter H.Knapp Certified Forester,SAF 406 Certi,f ed Arborist,ISA.PN-0497 Enclosure: Photographs 1 and 2. � 1 Sinclarr,W.A.,H.L.Lyon,and W.T.Jofinson. 1987.Diseases of irees and shrubs, Ithaca,NY:Corne11 Uaiversity Press. . 7bX 5 3'�f''Dunsmuir Lane,Beaverton,0'R 97007 Phone:(503)646-4349 Frax:(503)26�-8I17 -�,��m,,,� ..�.�_�_,�,..;;� �, ���.� � < � N fe �:. � ' . . .. " -. J�Y-°"'i—F ji� . . � , `�.' ���� . . :.�. p� �iV���' ... ;u:�. :((.. . r,.�� .�. � < .T'� I'. ' , , .. . _ . . . . . .. . ..,,r�-8� ,.. � ... _ � . .. � �� +^; <i �!�' .. . � �;c.-+ i� r ',r t� �t�.;, �'_ � � L�; � � � v �:��.. �, -.. . %/:i,` . :��t. •. . '1 �' � 1 ` �. .{�� • . '�� . ��t •• �..�-r��y.�cs•lrs��o%a!'m'�''-� :" °� - —... :�tl. .. . . . ... _ � �s � ', . '����� s� . ., . , . •r .. :� - . ' ', .. . . .�; '.: y '.J .�' . " ' 1' S , � ` -�0.� \ :M"� �.�� -'-� �. . ,�". � '.� �^ './, . .. � . ��'���4�� : i,, �, i•c � �' ;(�� ,� - '� :� i4 n � r, I �'^ r , � ���3'���o a S�"'�`TM'-"whio-�.,.'� _ � �+.: �:���� � � �.•.'.• . �1�� ��� , :,t�''. .�. ..�; , �. �..i. , �, ...� � .,.�.� . - •��: e ��I � , , �nh',b�,�- a , . T'rees �n th� fVorth Bo�ndar�- I was not concerned about blovvdown with thes� trees as a result of other trees being taken down. I �m concerned about root disturbance with the construction of the new road going in, and blawdown as a resulfi of the loss of the anchnrage roots. T'rees in Groe+es- I agree that thinninc� is a pra,ctice that is done worldwide in forestry. Blowdown can also be � res�alt that accur� warldwide as a result of som�thinnings, depending an the ir�tensifiy �nd type c�f thinning. ! don't see this �ree removal �s a thinning since a thinning removes trees that ar� interspersed throughaut the farested area. This tr�e removal, in my opinior�, is a removal tr�es in a way that more closely res�mbles a patch cut. One ofi'the criteria that Mr. Knapp says will help avoid a dorr�ina effect�h�t should be examined is the adequate root sy�tern of a tree. I agree wifih all of the criteria, but I arr� curious to know if the root systerris have been measured for the#rees th�t will be retained. These root systems in question are intertwined and act as one system for all of the fir trees r�rowing on fihi� site and the adjac�nt sites. Protection Area- Although Sinclair et al. do indeed state that mast of healthy trees should be able to withstand removal of one-half of their absorbing roots withaut serious effect, the trees . af the sizes in qusstion have absorbirog root systems that extend far beyond 30-40 feet from the tr�e. i am as much concerned about the absorbing roots as I am with the strucfural roots. These trees have survived the major wind and ice storms because they do have extensive roofi systems that anchar them to the ground. fVly concern is that the anchor systems are being taken away. The includad picture� are the flip side to Mr. Knapp's examples of cnnstruc#ion fiolerance. i understand fihat trees do wifhstand and tolerafie r,onstruction impacts. They also die because of the impacts caused by construction. Unfortunately, we do nofi always know which ones will die and which ones will survive. Yhat is why the Internatior�al Society of e4rboriculture sets limifis of root disturbance at one faofi for every one inch at DBH for trees les� � 4han 3Q" at DBH. For firees larger than �0" at D�FI they recommend 1.5 feef for every one inch at DBH. The reasan far this exte�sive amount of �rofiection is because trees do indeed die from consfiruction damage. If they don't die then fhey can certainly fall over from structural root loss. Remember, the rul� of thumb oftentimes used by arborists is if the tr�e can survive the first seven years (just iike a marriage) it will usually survive the trauma caused by the constructic�n. If these trees di� as a result of the construction of this developmenfi th� future hc�meowners, and even some af the currenfi homeowners in the adjacent development, will have to carry the burden of h�ving the tr�es removed themselves when their actions did not cause the trees to die. In the warst case sc�nario, I am most afraid of the trees being btown down as a result of losing their structural roots on one ar more of the sides. If the developer and the arborists are so confident that the trees will survive fihe trauma of this consfiruction project then bonds for each tree should be placed on the trees for no less than seven years. °�•,�'b,f R '�•. I ,.�1 p � r , ' 41 Y`%�iV��F�•�rg,f't. '° . k g ����A 1 t �{µ'Ga�h���.. Jqf 3� , , at�� . 1 • �s���5"" ' ,;� `�t ��"��1..,3 �f M"'° � ��, . �4.� � ��nJ ... � �,�,,u, i Z , � �� �,�:f � �.. � "D y,f'�"s.r� ° .,f�, yee s y 9F1'MN. k°'i3 .� mGz, M"'1' �(;?! '� �°1�`�` ����� �,"��1 4 `��°1" r rl ,�� '���"ti �'�. « n�a+ . 1 y�L�s��nw.�.4'�t ���� � �,.� "�.�� " ����� � s '. , w � �.�� r���. n � yeti tl �� {R, !'' � +""t'^��'.11.�.��?'_: �.;'�� � �'��yr�'}� �: .},.a � �� 1'3A Iy� dd� E R'�� y �� ~� �ye� .. a� �. , • �..� '� '�` ����g� p ,� M s...�p )J'r y � n';�NI 'V, f A, � , hk� R��y��` 4 � �V. }' K � ��RS�� �! ' _ . 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Sv����� �X1—�Nt'cVL �� eOS�' � /7`-r ���.N-�d o� � . �� i.� N��-t�rt�y �- �-i-� !�5 �s W�-i �-- N-��-a.�-�� , b � ���- ��t� � nJ .S ��v��r l�- c�oo t�s I.��-�- � f . � . .. . . . . .' ' ,+ �Xl,;b�-� � . � �'�lt�r Ii.KnaPp Sddv€catlture�c Urbar9 Foreslry May 1, 2003 'I'I2����V.�L°�'SIS A1VI)�Rl�ORIST REPOR.T $�tE7"TO1V�OOI)S TIGAI�D, OItE�ON Suiremarya Much of the site at�retton Woods is forested with conifer trees. Most of the trees are healthy and vigorous. More than 80% of the trees larger than 12 inches in diameter, including some exceptionally larg� l�ouglas-firs, will be protected and perm.anently x�tained. No mitigatian will be required for tree removal. Site and Tree Characteristics Bretton Woods is characterized by generally flat topography. There are 85 trees larger than 12 inches in diameter(dbh) growing on the property. Most are native species, including Douglas-fir (Pseudotsu�a menziesii), western redcedar (Thuja plicata), bigleaf mapte (Acer mcacrophyllum), and grand�r (Abies grandis). Coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirons), sequoia (S'equoiadend�•on giganteum), and several zniscellaneous species are also found on the site. I�ine trees are currently dead, diseased, or hazardous, 16 trees will be cut as a result of construction, and 60 trees will be protected and permanently retained. Since less than 25% af the trees larger than 12 inches will be cut as a result of coz�struction, no mitigation is required. �'�ee �onditi��qs A complete listing of tree species, size, condition, and location is included in the tree inventory attached to this report. Some of the important characteristics include: , m 'I't°ee Groves. Many of the trees being retained on the site are in groves,where they can be effectively protected in groups. 761 S 3'W Dunsmu�'r L�aae,Be�averto�a,OR'97007 Pli�e�e:(503)646-4349 Fax:(5�3)265-8117 �, �ti , • Page 2 of 3 0 refPooi Wuods TPP S/I/2003 Waller!#:Knapp • I.,��ge T'ree Itetention. Several exceptionally large Douglas-firs growing on the zlorth boundary of the site will be p�otected and retained. Access road location and constri�ction design modifications have addressed the needs of these trees. One of tihese trees has a continuing history of major branch failure. The crown of this tree is structurally unstable, a condition that will nsed to be corre�ted by pr.unii�g. + I�ise�secl Trees. Only a few trees showed signs of disease. Pathogens included red ring rot(Phellinus pini) and brown cubical butt rot(Phaeolus schweinitzii). One of the diseased trees is an exceptionally large Douglas-fir on the north boundary. This tree will need to be removed f�r safety.t Some of the deciduous trees were decayed, but the specific disease was not diagnased. Tree Pr�ntection. The following measures will be required to assure tree protection: �efore Constructfon: 1. 'I'r���'rotee�non Area. 'I'he client's arborist/urban forester sl�all designate the Tree Protection Zone(TPZ). Where feasible, the TPZ shall be established at the dripline of the tree or grove as a minimum. If infrastructure(roads, sidewalks, and utilities) must be installed closer to the tree(s), the TPZ may be established within the dripline area if the client's arborist/urban forester determines that the tree(s) will ilot be unduly damaged. 2. 1°ro�e�taon�'encing.All trees to be retained shall be protected by either cha�n link fencing a minimum of 6 feet tall or orange construction fencing. Pxotection fencing shall be secured to steel posts placed no fur�her than 10 feet apart and shall be installed at the ec�ge of the TPZ. The client's arborist/urban forester shall specify fencing type. � See detailed information included in Observations and Recommendations on B��etton Woods Subdivision, by peter Torres,4/30/03. 7615 S6f'Dunsmutr Lane,Bea'verton,OR A7007 �'hune:(503)646-4349 Fax.�(503)265-8117 _ �� e � , } , , Page 3 uf 3 02 Brettun ff'aods TPP S/1/2003 Walter.Fl.Kr�app 3. I�esi�na��on of'Cut'Trees. Trees to be removed shall be clearly rnarked with construction flagging,tiree-marking paint, or other ni�thods approved in advance by the client's arboris�/urban forester. 4. Preconstxuction Conference. The client's arborist/urban forester shall be on site to discuss methods of txee removal and tree protection prior to any construction. 1)uring Construction: �. ��ora��af lO�Iateriafl or Eqaarpment.The contractor shatl not store materials or equipment within the T�'Z. 6. Excavation—7CPZ. • Excavation with the TPZ s�lail be avoided if alternatives are available. « if�xcavation within the TPZ in unavoidable, the client's arborist/ urban forester shall evaluate�he proposed excavation to determine methads to minimize impacts to trees. This can include tunneling, hand digging, or other approaches. • All construction within the TPZ shall be under the on-site technical supervision of the client's arboris�/urban forester. 7. Tr�e P'rotection Inspection. The client's arborist/urban forester shall monitor construction activities and progress, and provide written reports to the developer and the City at regular intervals. 8. Fina�Iteport.Af�er the project has been completed, the client's arborist/urban forester shall provide a final report that describes the zneasures needed to maintain and protect the remaining trees. Walter H. I�napp Certified Forester,SAF 406 Certified Arborist,ISA PN-0497 Enclosure: Tree Inventory 761 S SW Dunsmuir Lane,Beaverton, OR 97007 Phone:(503)646-4349 Fax:(503)265-8117 Br�dley Kilby-026� �retton Woods 2.xis Page 1 Tree# ecies DBIi onditi�n/Comments DDDD (2elain Cut 3105 eodar cedar I5 No defects noted, I S 310G •edwood 24 No defects noted. 24 3107 •edwood 13 o defects noted. 11 3108 Dou las-fir 38 o defeets no.ted. 38 Cree is decayed at its base,and is unsafe. 3110 Dou las-fir 56 ee re ort b P."Con•es, 5G Precaution:Wasp nest in trce(scc report 3111 ou las-fir 20 F.Torres 20 3127 Dou las-fir I S No defects noted. I S 3I29 ou las-fir 30 o defects noted. 30 3130 ou las-fir 21 o de.fects noted. 2� 3(3l Dou las-fir 38 o defects noted. 38 3132 ou las-fir l4 No defects noted. 14 3133 Dou las-fir 24 o defects noted. 24 3134 ou las-6r 30 o defects noted. 30 3735 ou las-fir 17 o deFects noted. 17 3(44 ou las-fir 15 o defects noted. 15 3145 ou las-fir 14 o defects nofed. 14 3147 ou las-fir 15 o defects noted. I S 3148 Dou las-6r 26 No defects noted. 26 3150 Dou las-fir 1 G i o dePects noted. 16 3150 ou las-fir 25 No defects noted. 25 3151 Dou las-fir 19 o defects noted. 19 3312 Euro ean white bireh 20 o defects noted. 20 3313 aulownia 15 o defecfs noted. I S 3314 edwood 30 o defecfs noted. 30 3315 ou las-fir 28 o defects noted. 28 3316 ou las-fir 25 o defects noted. 25 3329 Dou las-fir 30 o defects noted. 30 3330 i leaf ma le 17 o defects noted. 1'/ 3331 i leaf ma le 24 o defects noted. 24 3331 i leaf ma le 27 o defects noted. 27 � 3332 ou las-fir 19 No defects noted. 19 3333 ou las-fir 16 o defects noted. �� 3334 Dou las-�r 22 o defeets noted. 2z 3335 Dou las-fir 17 No defeets noted. l7 3336 i leaf ma le 2G o defects noted. 26 3337 estern redcedar 30 o defecls noted. 30 3359 estern redcedar 21 o defects noted. 2� 3360 estarn redcedar 35 o defects noted. 35 338I Dou las-fir 32 o defects noted. 32 3382 ou las-fir 16 o defects noted. 16 3383 ou !as-fir 40 o defects noted. 40 33$4 ou las-fir 36 o defects noted. 36 3409 ou las-fir 21 o defects noted. 2l 3A09 Dou las-fir 3G o defects noted. 36 3410 rand fir 40 No deFects noted. 40 3411 ou las-fir 20 o defects noted. 20 3413 Dou las-fir 3U No defects noted. 36 3418 Dou las-fir 48 o defects noted. 48 3420 ou las-fir 34 o defects noted. 34 3421 ou las-6t 16 o defects noted. 16 ive crowti ratio<4U;height-diameter 3422 Dou las-fir 19 atio>SO.Windthrowhazardifex osed, 19 3d23 Dou las-fir 36 o defects noted. 3G 3424 ou tas-fir 22 o defects noted. 22 3429 i leaf ma Ie 13 o defects noted. 13 Live crown ratio<40;height-diameter � 3432 ou las-6r 2� atio>50.Wi��dthrow hazard if ex osed. 24 I ive erown rafio<40;height-diameter 3435 ou las-fir 24 atio>SO.Wincithrowhazardifex>osed. 24 3436 ou 1as-fir 28 o defects noted, 28 3437 ou las-fir 22 o defects noted. 22 3438 ou las-fir 24 o defects noted. 24 3442` estcm redcedar 18 14"ma le loeated 35de ,/40' 18 3443 ouglas-fir 26 ed ring rot(conk) 2G � Bradley Kilby-0261 Bretton Woods 2,xls Page 2 3444 Dou !as-fir 22 ed rin rot 22 3445 Dou las-fir 22 0<lefects notecl. 22 3446 Dou las-fir 28 No defccts noled. 28 3448 Dou las-Cr 21 No defccls noted. 21 3452 estem redcedar 33 o defccls notecL 33 3453 Dou Ins-fir 33 utt rot conk on round,butt swellin+ 33 34G0 ou las-fir 20 Boundar frce. 20 3461 Dou las-fir 1 G o de£ects noted. i G 3462 estem redcedar 19 o defects noted. 19 3475 Dou las-fir 40 o defects noled. 40 arge branch£ailure;currentliazard. Elazard can be reduced to an acceptable 3486 Dou las-fir S l level by pruning. 51 3487 i leaf ma le 14 No defects noted. 14 3487 i leaf ma le 14 No defects noted. 14 34$8 Dou las-fir h2 o defects noted. 42 3489 Dou las-fir 19 o defects noted. 19 3490 Dou las-6r 54 o defects noted. 54 3492 e uoia l S No defects noted. I 5 3496 e uoia 13 No defects noted. 13 3496 e uoia l S o defects noted. I 5 3524 i leafma le 25 Deca . 25 3526 i leafma le 13 Deca . 13 Precaution:Wasp nest in tree(see report y P.Torres).Tree is located on higher rade than Bretton Woods site to lhe 3548 Dou las-fir 50 oulh. 50 No# i leaf ma le 14 No defects noted. 14 No# edwood 32 No defects noted. 32 85 85 9 60 IG Calcula Pi�6�Y�1�'LL��O 2"DB #Trees 85 tlt2in+ I G } G9 DD: 81% ategor None e uired Other trees: ensures will be applied,The trees to the est and southwest are part of a 3137 ou las-6r 15 I S ontiguous grove that connects to trees 3139 ou tas-fir 13 13 3140 Dou las-fir 16 16 3143 Dou las-fir 28 28 3317 estem redcedar 21,24,27 21,24,27 3327 estem redcedar l8 18 3455 ou las-fir 42 42 3456 estem redcedar I8 18 3458 Dou las-fir 20 20 3459 ou las-fir 27 27 3470 ou las-fr 22 22 3471 ou las-fir ZS 28 3472 ou las-ftr 28 28 3473 ou las-fir 18 18 3474 ou las-fir 24 24 3478 estemredcedar 16&(8 IG&18 Observntions nnd Notes: Recommendatia�s on Brelfon Woods Subdivision,by Peter Ag�nda It�em: 5.� hlearirrg Date: IlA�5,2003 Time. 7:00 �IVtl STA�F REPORT TO T�E PLANNINC C�NiNi�SSI�N �m�FTIOARD Community�DevsCopment F�� ,��� ��Y,� �� ,�'�„7���� �����N S(apingABetterCosnmunity 120 ��►YS = 7/25/2003 �ECTION I. �lPPLI�i4T'iOIV SUII�Nl�RY iiB IR�/'1� a7GR��ldG /'1�G/"�79 6J �I�.� �/��E: ����T�� �o��� ����I�O.�JO�� �A�� IdOS.: Subdivision (SU�� SllB2003�OOQ01 Zone Change���IV) ZON2003-A0001 Pla�ened Clev�9�prr�en� R�wievv(PDR) P�R2003-00001 �►djustrr�ent (�AR) 9/AR2003�00006 Adjustrr�enfi (i//�R) i/�R�003-00007 APPLIC/�NT: Alpha Engineering, Inc. OV1/9V�R. L.issy Walter Famify Trust Attn: AB Jeck/Matt 5prague �y Lissy, Walter A. & Dorothy H. 9600 SW�ak Street, �uite 230 16455 SW 108th Avenue Portland, OR 97223 Tigard, OR 97224 , PR�3PO�AL; Approval of a 1 Q-lot Subdivisinn and Planned Dev�lopmenfi on 2.34 acres. The lots are propased to be developed with detached single-family homes. Lat sizes withir� the develo�ment are proposed to be beiween 5,500 and 6,879 square feet. The applicant is also seeking an Adjusfiment to the 200 foot cul-de-sac I�ngth standard, anc! an P�dJ'�ustm�nt to the street impravemerot requirements of the Tigard Developmenfi Cods chapter 18.810. The Ad1'ustment would ailow the applican# to construct a curb ti�ht sidewalk as opposed fo a sidewalk separ�ted by a planter strip along SW 108 Avenue. �ONING DE�IGNA`TdON: R-4.5: Low-Density Resic�ential District. The R-4.5 zoning district is designed to accommadate detach�d single-family homes with or without accessory residential units at a minimurn fot 5ize of 7,500 square feet. Duplexes and atfiached single-family units are permitted conditionally. Some civic and institutic�nal uses are also permitted conditionally. LOC,�T°ION: 16455 SW 108t" Avenue; VVCTM 2S115AA, Tax Lots 1301 and 1400. APPLI�A�LE FtEi/I�W CRI�'ERIA: Community Development Cnde Chapters 18.350, 18.370, 18.380, 1�.390, 18.430, 1$.510, 18.705, 18.715, 18.725, 18.745, 18.755, 18.765, 18.790, 18.795 and 1�.810. ::j �ECTOOFd II, STAFF RECOIIIIMENDi4TIO1V ,; recomrnends that the Planning Commission find that the proposed Planned Development and street adjustra�ents uuill not adversely affecfi the health, safety and welfare of the City and meets the Approval Stand�rds as outlined in this report. Therefore, Staff recommends APPROVAL, subject to the following recom�nend�d Contlitions of Approval and Findings within the staff report: BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPI�RT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 1 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 �on���Yio�� oF ����ov�� __ TFiE F�LL�1NiNC� CONDITIONS SFIALL BE S/�TISFIED �RIOt2 T�i C�INfV1�N�ING/�NY O�V���'� IfVIPR���lil@�NT�, INCLUDING CRADINC, �%�/aV�e,TI�B� AIV�/OR FiLL Q►�7'190l�'�ES: u rni to t e ngan��ring epa mero re�n ag�r, , �xt. or r�vs��nr an approval. 1. Prior to commencing a�site impravement�, a F'ublir�h Facility Improv�ment (PFI� permit, is �•equired for this project to cover the street work on 1�8 Avenue, th� infrastructur� work inside the s�abdivision (except for ths private w�ter senrices) and a�y c�ther work in the public right=of-way. �ighfi (8) �ets of detailed public irriproverr�ent plans shall bP subrnitted for rev��w to the Engineering D�partment. IVOTE: these plan� are in addifiion to any drawings r�quired by the �uilding Division ar�d should only include sheets relevant tap u� lic im rovements. Public Facility Improvement {P�I) perrri,it pl�r�� shall conform to City of Tigard �ublic Improveo�ent �e�ign Standards, which are avaalable at City Hall ar�d the City's web page (www.ci.tigard.or.us). 2. The PFI permit plan subrnittal shal! include the exact le.gal name, address and ��lephone number of the individu�l or corporate entity who will be des�grrated as the "P�rmitfee", and who will provide the financiaB assur�nce for the public improvements. For example,,specify if the entity is a corporation, limited,partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the st�t� w4tF�an which the entlty is incorporated �nd provide the name of the corporat� contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engin�ering C�epar#ment will delay processing of project documents. 3. Prior to con�truc�ion, the applicant musfi c�btain a plumbing permit from �he �uilding C3ivision ta caver the private water s�rvices that will be installed v�ithir� the pr'ivate str�et�ract. 4. The a�plicant shall provide a construction vehicle access and parking plan far approval by the City rrgineer. T'h� purpose of this plan is for parl<ing and, traffic contro9 durinq the public improvernent Go�struction phase. All construction v�hicle parkmg shall be provided�on-site. No cc��sfiruction vehicles or �q�ipmer�t w�ll be permitted to park on the adjoir�ing residential public streets. Construction v�hicles includ� the vehicles af any contractor or subcontractnr ir�volved in fih� construction of sit� improvements or buildings praposed by this application, and shal{ include fihe vehicle�caf ali suppliers an� ernployees a��ociated with th� �rojecfi. �. The applicant shall submit consfiruction plans to the Engineering Department as � par� of the Public Facili�y Impr�vement permit, �vhich endicate that they wil( construct a h�lf-street irnprovement along the firontage of 108t Avenue. The improvements adjacent to this site shalE include: A. City standard paverrient section for a neighborhood route with bike I��es from curb to centerline �q�aal ta 16, but transition to rnatch existing curb at the north �r�d of fihe site, and trar�siti�r� fic� provide 1 g fi�et from cerrteriine ta �urb at the south end nf the sit�; B. pavement faper� needed to tie the new improvement back into th� existing edge of pavement shall b� built beyond the site frontag�; C. concret� c�arb, or curb and gutter�s �seded; D. storm drainage, including any ofF-site storm drair�age necessary to convey surface and/or subsurF�ce runoff; E. 5 �c�ot cor�crete sidewalk with a plan�er 5trip; F. street trees in �he planter strip spaced per TDC requirements; G. str�et striping; H. str�etlight !ayaut by applicant's engin�er, to be approved by City Engineer; I. underground utilities= J. street sign� (if ap licable); K. driveway apron (i�applicable); and L. adju�tments in verticai and/or horizontai �lignrnent tp �construcfi SV1f 1Q8th Avenue in a safe m�nn�r, as ap�roved by the Engineering Department. 6. The applicant's construction dr�win�s shall �how that the pavement and rock sectian for the praposed private street�s)shall meet he City°s public street standard for a local re�idential street. 7. The appIicanYs plan shall show that the p�rking bump outs along the private stre�t will provide at least 12 parking spaces. BRETTCIN WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 2 OF 31 . PLANNING COMMISSION HEARIfVG 5/5/2003 �. Final de�ign p(ans and calculations for the �propos�d privafie water quality facility shall be �ubmitted to the Engineering Departrnent (E�rian Rager} as a part of the Public Facility Improv�ment (P�I) permit plans. Included with the plans shall be a proposed landscape plan and maintenar�ce plan. 9. An er�sion �ontrol plan shall be provided as part af the Public Facility Improvement �PFI� permit drav�ings. The pl�n shall conform to fihe '°Erosion Prevention and Sedim�nt Control Design and Planning M�nual, December 2000 edition." 10. A fina0 grading plan shall be submitted �howing the existirig and pro�osed contours. Th� plan shall d�tail the provisions for surFace dr�inage of all lots, �nd shaw hat they will be graded to insure that surface draina�g� is directed to the street or a public starm drainage system approved by the �ngineering Departrn�nfi. For si�uations where the back portions of lats drain away.from a street and toward adjacenf lots, appropriate private storrn drainage lir�es shall be provided to sufficiently cor�tain and convey r�.�r�off from each lot. 11. The applicant shal! obtain � 1200-C C�neral Permit issued by the City of Tigard pursuant to ORS 468.74Q and the Federal Ci�an Water Act. Su�rnBt to the F'lanning I��p�,rt�aent 4�rad Kilby, 639�4171, ext. 2434) �c�r r�vievv� and approva9: 12. Th� applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the arborist repor�, and shall provide the City Arborist with a construction sequence including installation and removal of tree protecf�on d�vice�, clearing, grading, and paving. 13. Prior to site work, the �pplicant sFiafl submit a camplete set of construction documents wifh �he firee lacations for the City Arborists review. Should additional trees need to be removed, mitigation shall be recaiculated. 14. The applicarrt shall notify th�e City Arbori��when tree protection measures are in place so that he may verify that the r►�aeasures will function properly prior to construction. Tli� FOLLOVif9FJG C��J�171�NS SH�LL �E SATISFIED P�t6�R TO/��PRCJVI'�1L �F °TIiC FINAL PLAT: u me � t e ngeneerea�g �par�rnen� re�n ager, , ext. or e°evaew an appr�val: 15. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant .shall pay an addressing fee in the amount of $360.00. (STAFF CUNTACT: Shirley Treat, Engeneering). 16. The face of the final plat shall show a ROW dedication on 108t" Avenue to pravide 29 feet from fhe centerline. 17. Th� applicant sh�ll cause a statemenfi to b� placed on the final plat t� indicate that th� proposed priv�fie street(s)will be jointly owned and maintained by the privafie property owners who abut and t�ke access from it (th�m). �8. Prior to approval ofi the fin�l plat, the applicant shall prepar� Conditians, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) f�r this project, to be recorded with the final plat, that cl�arly lays out a maintenanc� plan and agreement for the propos�d private street(s). The CC�R's shall obligate the private property owners within the subdivision to create a homeowner's association to ensure regulation of maintenance for fihe street(s). The applicant shall submit a copy of the CC&R's to the IEngineerir�g Department (�rian Rager) prior to approval of the final plat. 19. Prior to approval of fihe final plat,,the applic�nfi shall demonstrate that they have formed and incc�rporated a homeowner's association. 20. Priar tca �pproval of the final plat, ti�e appiicar�� shall p��, �391.00 to the City for the striping of the bike lane along the frontage of 108 Avenue. BRETTON WOODS STAFFREPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 3 OF 31 PIANNING COMMISSION HEARINC;3/5/2003 21. The applicant shail either place the existi�g overhead utility lines along SW 108�' Avenue underground as a par�of this projec�, or they shall pay the f�e in-lieu of und�rgrounding The fee shall be calculated by the fronta�e of the site �hat es parallel to the utility lines and will be $27.50 p�r lineal foot. If the fee option is chnsen, th� amount will b� $4,126.00 and it shall b� paid prior to approval of the final plat. 22. The applicant shall cause � stat�ment to be pl�c�d on the final plat to irodicate that the prapo5ed privat� water quality/detention facility will be�oir�tly owmed and maintained by�he develope�or by the future horr�eowners within the subdivision. 23. Pri�r to approval of the fiinal plat, the appEic�nt shall prepare Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&R's) for this proJect, to be recorded v�ith th� �inal plat, that cl�arly lays out a mainfenance plan and agreement for �he praposed, private uvater quality/deten�ion facil�ty. The CC&R's sh�l! obligate the privafie property owners wbthin the subdivision ta create a homeowner's �ssociatio� to ensure regulation of mainfier�ance for the facility.. The �pplicant sh�1! submit a copy ��the CC&F�'s ta the Engineering Deparfinent (Brian Rager) pr�or to approval of the final plat. 24. The applican�'s final plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates on tv�o monuments with a fiie to the City's global posifiioning system (GPS) geodeti� control network (GC 22). These monument� sha�ll b� on the same line and shall be of the same precisiora as required for the subdivision plat boundarar. Along with the coordinates, the plat shall contain the scale factor to convert ground measurements fio grid measurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinates can be established by: o GPS tie nefinrorked to the City`s GPS survey. � By random traverse using conventional surveying methods. 25. Fin�l Plaf Application Submission Requirements: A. Submi# for City review four (4) paper copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor licensed ta practic� in Oregon, and necessary data or narrat�ve. B. Attach a check in the amount af the current final plat review fee {CorrtaGt Planning/En ineering Permit Technicians, af (503) 639-4171, ext. 426). C. The final pla� and data or narrativ� shall be drawn to #he minimum standards set forth by the Oregon Revised Statutes (OR�92.05), Vl/ashington County, and by the City af Tigard. D. The ri ht-ofi w�y ded�ca�ian for 108 Avenue shall be made on the final plat. , E. �90°T� VVashington County will not begin their review of the final plat untif they receive natice from the Engineering Department indicafiing that the Gity has reviewed the final plafi and submitted comments to the applicant'S SUNeyOP. F. After the City �r1d County have reviewed the final plat, submit two mylar copies of the final pl�t for Cifiy Engineer signature (for partitions), or City Engineer and Community Deveiopment Director signatures (for subdivisions). �ubmit to the P�l�nr�ing ��pa�-trrr��nt (�r�d F(ilby, 639-41719 ext. 2434) for revieav �nd �pproval: 26. Pric�r fio �inal plat approvai, the applicant shall revise the plat to accommodate � minimum of 25 feet of fronta�e for all lots within the development. 27. Prior ta �nal plat approval,,the a�plicant shall convey title for the proposed open space to a homeowner'� association in accordance with the requirements of Section 18.350.110.A.2.b of the Tigard Development Code. THE FOLLOWIfdC� COf�DI�'14NS SF6ALL BE SA�'iSFIECD PRI'OR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERI4�ITS: u me o t e ngineering epa men rian ager, , ext. or r�vieonr an �pproval: 28. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the Engineering Department with a "phator�.�rla�" co�y c{ti�F�.; reca�!�dec� fi��al plat. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-OQU01) F'AGE 4 OF 31 PLANNING COMMIS$ION NEARING 5/5/20(13 A 2J. 1"he City Engineer may determine the r�ec�ssity fnr, and require submittal and approval af, � construction access and parkin� pl�n for the home building,phas�. If the Ci En�ineer deems such a pian nec��sary, the applecant�hall provide the plan prior tn issuance of�uilding permit�. 30. Prior ta issuance of buiEding permits within the subdivision, the City Engineer �hall deem the public impravement� substantially complete. Substantial compietion shall be when: 1) all �tilitie� are 6�stall�d and inspected, for comp(iance, including franchise utilities, 2) alt local residential sfreets hav� at le�st one left af asphalt, .3) any off site stree� and/or utility impravem�nts are substantially compl�ted, and 4) all street iights are in�talled and ready to be energized. (N�TE: the City apart from this condition, and in accordance with the City's model home policy rnay issu� model hame permits}. 31. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall provide the City with,as-built drawings of. the public improvements as fnllc�ws: 1) 3 mil mylar, 2 a diskette of the as-builts in "DWG"format, ifi available; otherwise "DXF" will be acceptable, and �) the as-built drawings shall b� tied to the Gifi�'s GP� raetwork. The applicant's engineer shall provide the Cify with an �lectronic file with pamfs for each structure (manholes, catch basins, water valves, hydrants and other w�ter system features) in th� development, and fheir respective X and Y State Plane Conrdinates, r�f�renced ta Nl�D 83 (91). �ubmit t� #he Pl�nning I��p�rtme�t (Br�c! Kil�y, 639-4171, ext. 2434) for review and approval: 32. Prior tc� iss�ance of building permits for structures an the individual lots within this developme�t, the applicant shall demonstrate com�liance with the height requirement af the underlying zone. �'he r�quirement cal6s fnr a 30-foot maximum height for primary units and 15 feet maximum for all accessory structures. 33. Prior to the issuance of building permit� an the individual structures within this development, the applicant shall demonstrat� compliance with the following setbacks oe� all lots. Front Yard: 12 feet for the primary structure and 2� fe�t for garages. Rear Yard: 15 feefi. Side yard: 5 f�et. 34. At �he �im� of applicafion .��r building permits for ind'evidual home�, the applicant shall ciemanstrate that each site wi91 be a�cessed by a minimum 10-foot-wide paved access. 35. At the tire�e of submittal for building permits for individual homes within the development, the developer shall submi� materials demonstrating that one (1) off-street parking spac�, which meets minimum d4rt�ensional requirements a�d setback requirements as specifed in Title 18, will be provided nn-site for eacr� new home. 36. Prior ta the issuance of building permits, the developer shall sign a copy of the City's sign compliance agreement. IN i4D�OTIOTI, `i'Fi� ,A�PL9CAtV1'�FiOl6LD �E AV�AR� �F TFIE FOLLt�11111IVG ��CTIOIVS OF THE COMM�1tVIT1� �EVELOPNI�IVT CODE; TFlIS IS NOT AfV EXCLU�I'�E LIST: 1�.4�0.0�0 Im rowerrr�ent A reerr��nt: e ore ity approva o� certi ie on 4 e final plat, and aefore approved construction plans are issued by fi�e City, the Subdivider shall: 1. Execute and file an agreement, with the City Engineer specifying the period within which all r�quire� improvements and repairs shall be complefed; and 2. Ir�clude in the agreement provisions that if such work is not completed within fihe period specified, the City may complete the wark and recover the full cost and expenses from the subdivider. The agreement shall stipulate,improvement fees and deQosits as may be required to.be paid and may also provide for ti�e construction of the improvements in stages and for the extension of time under specific condifions#herein stated in the contract. 18.430.090 ��snd: s�requir��ection 18.430.080, the subdivider shall file witF� the agreement an a�surance of performance supported by one of the following: BRETTON WOODS�TAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 5 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 1. An irrevacable letter of credit ex�cuted by a finar�cial institution authorized ta transact business in the S4ate of Oregc�n; 2. A surety bond ex�cuted by a surety company ��fihorized ta transact business in the State af Oreg�n which remains in farce untii fihe surefiy compa�y i� notified by the City in writing 4h�t it may be terminated; or 3. Cash. The �ubdivider �hall furnish to� th� �ity �ngeneer an it�emized improvemenf estimate, certifi�d by a registered civil engineer, to a�sist the City-Engineer in calculating the amount of the performance assurance. The subdivider shail not cause fiermination of nor allr�w expiration of said gu�rantee without having first secured written authorization from the City. 18.430.100 Filir� and �e�ordin : Wit in 60 da s o the ity review and approval, the applicant shall submit the fir�al pla� to the County for signature�o�Coun#y officials as re�uired by ORS Chapter 92. lJpon finai recording with the County, the applicanfi shall suk�mit to the Gity a mylar copy af th� recorded final plat. 1�.430.070 Fin�l Piat A I��ation Submission �e uir�e��nts: Three cnpies o the s�bdivision plat prepared by a and surveyor licensed to practice in Oregon, and necessary�ata ar narrative. The subdivisian plat and data or narrativ� shall be �rawn to the rriinimum standards set forth by the Oreg�n Revised Statutes (OR� 92.05), Washingtan �ounty, and by the Ci�y of Tig�rd. STREET GENT'ERLINE iViONUMENTATION SHAI_L BE PROVIDED A� F'OLLOWS: C�roterline fVionumenfiation In accordance wifih �regon RevisEd Statut�s 92.060, subsection (2), fihe centerline of all street and roadw�y rights-of-way�hall be monumented befor�the City accepfis a street impravement. The followir�g centerline mon�aments shall be set: 1. All centerline-centerline intersection points; 2. All cul-de-sac center points; and 3. Gurve point5, beginning and Pnding points (PC's and PT's). All ce�terline mc�numents shalE be set during the firs� lift of pavement. Monument Boxes Re uired Mranumenfi boxes cor orming to City standards will be required araund all cenfierline intersection points, cul-de-sac center points, and cunre paints. The fiops of all monument boxes shall be set to finished pavement grade. 1�.�10 Sfireet� IJtility Improvement�t�ndards: 18.810.120 Utilities All utility lines snc uding, bufi not limited to tho�� required fnr electric, communication, lighfiing and cable television services and r�la�ed faciliti�s shall be placed underg round, except fior surface-mounted transformers, surface�mounted connection boxes, and meter �abinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during canstruction, high capacity elec�ric linss operating at f 50,000 volts or above. 18.810.130 Cash or Bond Fte uired I omprov�ments insta e y e subdivider shali be guaranteed as to workmanship and material for a period of one year following accept�nce by the City. BRETTQN WOODS STAFF REPORI'(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 6 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5✓5/2003 � Su�;h guarant�� shall be secured , by cash deposit or bond in the amount o� the value of th� improvements �s sefi by fihe City Engoneer. The cash or bond sh�ll comply with the terms and conditions of Section 18.810.180. 18.�10.150 Installation Prerequisit� f�r�division improvements, including sanitary sewers, storm sewers, streets, �idewalks, curbs, lighting or other requirements shall be under4aken except after the plans therPfor have been approved by the �i4y, permit fee paid ar�d permit issued. 18.810.�80 Notice tn Cit Re uired or s a not e�in unti t e ity as been notified in advance. If work is discontinued for ar�y reason, it shall not be resumed until the City is notified. 18.810.200 En ineer's Certification hl e ian� devi er's engin�er s�—provide wrilten certific�tic�n of a form provided by the City.that all improvemenfis, warkmanship and materials are in accord wi�h current and standard er�gineerin�,and construction practices, and are of high grade, prior to the City acceptance of fihe subdivision s improvernents or any portinn thereof for operation and maintenance. SECTION I11. �ACFCC3Ft�1l1MCD I�1Ft)RI1�A1'ION Site Historv The�roperty is currently d�veloped with one singl�-family residence and a couple of small outbuildir�gs. According to the a�plicant,.the site was previously a Christmas tree farm. The way that #he trees have been planted wouid certainly indicafie that this was the case. A search of city records founci no previous land use cases associated with this parcel. Vicinity Inf�arra��tion: The pro1 ecfi site is located within the Cify's Urban 5ervice Area. The site is located on fhe west side of SVV 108th Avenu� and south of SW Durham Raad. The property is surrounded on all sides by sin�le-family residences on lots that v�ry in size. There is � strearri on the property that is located directly we�fi of fihis property, and a steep slope on the southwesterly corner of fihe properfiy. The areas directly south of fihis property are zoned R-2 which calls for a mi�irnum lot size af 20,Oa0 square feet. They ar� also part ofi a planned development. Propasal.I nformation: �'he app icanfi is proposing to subdivide the parcel infio ten lots for sir�gle-family residences. Because of the trees and slopes on the site, the applicant has reGuesf�d a planned develapment to allow them to vary,the underlying zoning standards to develop around these �eatures. The applicant is also requesting an �djustment to allow a curb tight sidewalk a� opposed to a sidewalk separated from the travel surtace by a planter s#rip, and an adjustment to allaw the cul-de-sac to be longer than 200 feet. The applicant has also applied to the City for annexatiori. The ann�xation is being reviewed under a separate process. . �L������ 'i• 6fY.o��1✓��,d YY�C'�0\'�60 �'i�40����\M�9 • i�006t1��H /'9�7� ��� USE �LLd4�SIFI�A"iIC�hVe S�C71�N `8�.130.Q20 i�ts the iJse ategories. The applicant is seeking approval of a �0-lot subdivision on 2.34 acres. The lots are to be developed with detached single-family homes. The existing single-family home and autbuildings are to be demolished. Lot sizes within the developmenfi are between 5,500 ar,d 6,879 square feet. The applicant is also proposing to set aside finro open space tracts, and a third tract that would encompass the private street fo serve this development. This use is classified in Community Dev�lopment Code (CDC) Chapter 18.130 (lJse Classifications� as Hauser�old Living. The site is located within the R-4.5, Low Density Residentia! District. Table 1 510.1 lists household living as a permittecl use in the R-4.5 zone. Pl�nned �evelopments are permitt�d in all districts. The applicant ,has appliea for concPptual and detailed plar�ned development approval in conjunction with the subdivision. BRETfON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB200B-00001) PAGE 7 OF 31 PLANNINGCOMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 • SUMNIARY LQ►ND USE P�RI►All°�: �H,AF'TER 'l�.310 e �nes t e ecision-m� ing �ype to�r ic t e �n -use �pplication is a�signedl. This is a Planned Developmenf/Subdivision, which is defined a� a Type III-PC Application. Adjustments are typically Type II, hawever, when applications are heard concurrently, fhe highest decision making body will make the de�isi�n on all matters. D�CISION hAAFCING PROCEDU�t��: �F1AF'�"�R 1�.390 Describes t � e�Bsic�n-rnakong procedur�s. Type III prncedures apply to quasi-1 udicial p�rmifis and �ctians that contain predomin�ntly discretionary approva9 criteria. Type Ilf-PC actions are decided by the f'lanning Commission with appeals to the City Council. a�CTI�N V. IVEI(aF(BOi2H00� CC31V�nlIENTS Th� Tigard Community pevelapmenfi �ode re�uires that properky owners within 500 fieet nf the sub��ct site be nofiified of the proposal, and be given an opportunity for wri�ten comments and/or oral testomony prior to a decision being� made. In addition, tha applicant is re uired to post the site with notice of the public hearing. SfafF has verified that the site is posted. �taff has not received any written comment� from any neighbars abouf this application. Abc�ut a month ago, the owner of a property in the subdivision direcfly north of this property came to the office, reviewed the plans, and met with the City Arborist on site to discuss potentiat problems with the trees that were to be removed. The owner has not formally responded ta the application, but indicated that he wnuld probably attend the hearing. We also discussed fihe buffering requiremen�s with the property owners directly west of the site. SECTIC?N VI, I�lt�Fs�9Ce��L� Ft�\61E11V �C�IT�FtE�a�l�C) �IIN�IfVG� (�EN�RAL �1�6�NED ��V�LOF'N9E(VT S'T�4tdD/�R��: CHART�R 1�.350 The applicanf has requested a Pfanned Develapment (PD) averlay zone change for the subject property. T'he PD overlay requires developers to foliow the Planned Development proeess for any proposal an affected sites. The �lanned Developmenf chapter provides for flexibility in development desigr� and allows deviation �rom certain standards of the base zane. The following addresses compliance with the process and applicable base zone standards. '�°he IPtar�ned �ev�9caprnerat Process: Sertior� �.350.0�0 sta�es that there are thr�e ei�rra�nt� to the pianned develo�ment appr�vai proc��s, as fiollo�nrs: e The �pproval o�the p9a���d �euele�prnen� ov�rlay zone; e The approvaB of the p�l�nned developrnen� c�n�ept plan; and o The appre�val of th� detail�d deve�opc�en# pl�n. This applacation is �or all three element� of the planned development process, overlay zone, concept plan, and detailed plan. e4 li�abilit Of The Ba�e Zone D��ve6o rnent Standards: �ection 1�. 50v070 r�quires comp oan�� to �peci ic de�r�iop��nt standa�c8s: The pr�visions of the bas� xon� are apg�licable as foll�ws: Lot dlrn�nsioro�l st�ndarcls: TM� minirr�tarn lot �ize, lot depth and lot width standard� shall not apply except as related to th� densi�y �arnputatic�n und�r Chapter 1�.715; BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-OQ001) PAGE 8 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 The iot �izes range .between 5,5q0 and 6,�79 �quare f�et, and ther� are thr�e trac�s prapo�ed 4r� accr�mmodate the pr�vate s4ree�, th� drainag� facility, and .the proposed open space. Th� required (ot si�e for the R-4.5 znning district is 7,500 square feet unless an ��pplicant specifcally re�uests dif#erent lot sizes through the Pianned Develapment (PD) pracess. The pro osed lot widths have been varied, but all are 50 feet or wider an the building por�ion, of fhe lats. �ot depths range f'rorai apprnximately 110-149 feet d�ep. The applicant has identified an� det�iled the requssted lot d�rner�sional �tandards fe�r this development, and the minimum and maximum density requir�menks have been satis�ed �s discussed later in this report. �i4e �ov�r�gee 'The sete covera�� �r�wis4on� of t6�� base zc�n� sh�ll �pply; Tl�ere is no �it� coverage req�irement in fhe R-4.5 zone; therefore, this criterion is not applicable. �uildin height: 1'he bui�din� henght pr�visi�ns shal! not �pply; and The height restrictian does not apply within, a Planned Development as long as the develaper prUposes an alternative fihat is approved. In fihis case, the devel�per has not requ�sted an alternative height r�guirement, but has indicated fhat the lots will b� developed with single-family residences. �sc�use mt is nat proposed ta the c�ntrary, d�v�l6pment within this development wili be subject to the height requirem�nts of the und�rlyir�g zon�. FINf�ING: The applicant has not proposed a height requirement for development within the �r�tton Woods Plantied Development. CO�I�ITIO�V: Priar to issuance of building permits for structures on the individuai lo�s withir� this deuel�pment, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the height requirement of th� underlying zone. The requirement calls for a 30-foot maxi��um height for primary units and 15 feet rriaximum for all ac;cessory structures. �tru�c�ur�e �etback �rovisions: Fromt yard �anc6 re�r y�rd setba�ks for stre��tur�� on th� perirn�ter of the proJe�t shai! b� �he sa�ne a� tha� r�q�uired by th� base zone uniess ofiherwise provided by Chapter 1�.360; The applicant h�s provided a site plan that illustrates building envelopes within the development. The applicant has proposed to maintain a 15-foot rear yard for all structures on the perimeter of the project. There are no front �rards on the perimeter of the pro�ect. All lots have frant yards that face ihe private street. The applicant has requested that the requ�red fronfi yards within the development be adjuated to 12 feet for primary structure� and porches.. They,have indicated that the setback #o the face of yarage i� proposed ta rerr�ain afi 20 feet. This criterion is satis�Fied. The side��y�rc1 se�back provision� �hall not �pply except th�t all d�tachec! str�actures �hall meet th� lJnif�rr�a �iu�ilden� �ode (IJ�C) requir�rnent� for�ire �v�l9�y The applic�nt has not proposed any �Iternative sid� yard se�backs. The side yard setback is proposed to be 5 feet for all structures in this development. This criterion has been met. Fr�nt yard aar�d rear y�rd �etback requi�ernents i� �h� ba�e xone s�tback shal0 not apply to �tru�ture� on th� irafierior of the pr�ject� except that: �1) A rninirnurn front yard se�back �f 20 feet is reqtaired for �n� gara�e struc#ur�which open� �cing a street; (2) A m6nirr�urr� front yard setback of��ght f�et is req�or�d f�r �ny garage opening for�n at�achec� siragle-fa�ily dwe016ng fa�ing a prrivat� �$reet as long as the r�qa�ir�cl �ff-street parking spaees are provided All homes are pr�posed with a garage setback of at least 20 feet, and the applicant has only requesfied reduced front yard setbacks for this development. All other setbacks that are required in the underlying zone will be imposed, as there have been no requests for deviation. This criterion has been met. FINDING: The applicant has requested a reduced front yard setback of 12 feet, but has mainta�ned a 2Q foot �etback to the face of the garage. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 9 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 6/5/2003 ,� CONDITION:Prior to the issuance of building permits on fih� individua� �truckure� wl#hir� #his dev�lopment, the applicanfi shall demonstrate campliance wltF� fih� follo�vl�t� ��tbarks on �II lots. Front Yard: 12 feet fior the primary s4rt�cture and �0 fe�t for g�r�gos, I���r Yard: 15 feet. Side yard: 5 feet. Other rovisaons of th� b�s� �c�n�: All other�rovi�ac�ns o the isas� zone �hall apply ex�ept �� r�odi�e�d by �h8� c�apt+ar. Any additional provisions of the base zan� are discussed within the body a� thi� r�pc�rt or wfll b� reviewed during the building permit phase. FINDING: The base zone standards that are related to the previou�ly disc�ssed �rlteria h�av€� bta�n satisfied. PD e4p�roval Crit�ri�e 1�.350.100 S �cific I�nn�d dev�lo rreent � rov�l �riteria. Th� Corr�rr�is�i�►r� �hail r��k� ��nd�ra�� tha� th� � ow�ng criteria are s�ti� ie �w en approvin ar �pproving �vith ��nditioras, �h� cr�a���pt pl�n, �w Th� Cora�rnission �haii rr��lce '�861��l1�5 that he criteria �re �rat satisfi�ad whon d�r�yi�� an appiic�tiono Al) the pr��i�ions of the land div6sion provBsic�ns, Chapters 18.410, 1�.�420 and "9�.�3Q, �h�il b� ti1�t; The applicant has applied to subdivide the property concurrently with th� planrted d�vela.rrt�nt approval9 fih�refore, all subdivision criteria must be satisfied. Compliance wlth �h� subd�vlslon approval criteria is discussed in greafier detail in �ection 18.430. The applicatic�n h�� met ar can �o ronditioned �uch that the subdivision provisions are satisfie�. This criterion is satEsfled, �xcept as �otedy rhe p�'ovlSi0i1S Of th� 1�OIIOVWi�'1� Ch�pfe�'S �h�ll b� LYtlll��+d c°88 �4J1d�I111�8. ;� pBanr�ed d�veicapment need not m�et these requorem�nts where a de�vglopr��rrt plare prc�vide� �Iternative design� and rr��thod�, if ac�epta�bl� t� the Commissi�r�, that pronnota th� purp�se �ff tha� s��tiara. 9r� �ach case, the applBcant �ust�rovide finding�� tc� us��fy the modifilc��6an of th� �tand�rds in th� chap��r� li�ted ir� Subsecto�n 3 belovv. The �ev�lop�r ma� �h���� t� presvide or th� cornrn�ssior� r�ay req�air� �dditiana9 op�n space dedi�at�a� and/or prc�vl�ian af additBonal arn�s�i�i�s, I�nd�caping or firee �iaratang. �hapt�r 18.715y D�n�ity Corrnputation a�nd Lirnitations, tJnless authori�ed below, den�ity �h�ll b� gow�rned by th� siensity �stalaiis�ed ir� �he underlying zoning dista�ict. The Cor�nmis�ian m2�y fur#h�r �uthoraze a density bonus r�ot to �x��ed 10% a� an enc�ntive to incre�s� or �nhan�c� op�n s ���, ar�hitec�ural ch�racter and/or si�e variatiorr inc�rporat�d into tho el���loprn�rat. '��e�e f�ctors �ra�s� rrrake a substantial corrtributi��o to objectiv�� caf th� pl�nr���l d�velopcn�nt. The degr�e c�f distin�tiveness and the desirabiloty of variation a�hiev�d �hall ow�rn the a�nount of density increase which the Comrnis�ior� rnay approv� according F� th� f���wing: , A m��cimu�ra of 3% is allowed �or the provision of undeveloped coo�rraon spac�; e A rnaxionurn of 3% is alEovved fcar (andscapeng; streetscap� d�velopr���t; d�v�lep�ad op��� sp�ces, piaza� and �edest�oan �ath�nr��� an� rel�t�d arr��nities; recr��tion ar�a rl�vela�rnent; ar�d/or retention of existing vegetation; o A anaxi�atsr►� of 3% is allowed for �reation of visual foca6 points, use of exis4ing physi�a�l am�niti�s such aS topography, view, and sunlwind orientastior�; � A► maxirnurra of 3% quality of archi�ectur�i quality arad �tyle; harmonious use of m�ts�rial�; innova#ive build�c�g oroent�#ion or building gr�a�ping; and/or varied use of hou�ing types. The app licant has not requested any den�ity bonuses. Densifiy will be discus5ed iater in this repork under Chapt�r 1�.715. �h�pt�r 1 E�.7309 �xc��$ions to Dev�lopment Standards; None �pply. This crifierion is not applicabl�. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 10 OF 31 PLANNfNG COMMISSION NEARING 5/5/2003 �hapter ��0795, i/i�ual Cl��rar�c� Area�; The proposai indicates that there are three trees thafi are scf�eduled ta remain �nd are within th� vi�ual clearance area. D�sring a recent visit to the site by,staff, the visual clearance are� was observed and there were no apparent obstructions. A!i trees withir� the visuai cl�arance area mu�t be maintained in accordance writh the requirements of Chapfer 18.795, and any viola�ions of this chap�er will be r�medied through code enforcement. �hapter '�8o745, Landseaping and S�re�nir�g; This is a singl�-famify proposal adjacent to single-family homes. As such, th�re are no requirements for screening or bufF�ring from neighboring properties. however, a5 discussed later in this report, the applicant is required to landscape at least 20% ofi the site within a Planned Development. Th� applicant has provided a landscape plan for T'racts A and C, and a street fire� plan for �W 108 Avenue and Tract B. These plans have bsen discussed in fur�her detail elsewhere in thi� report, and staff has recomr�ended conditions to ensure thaf the criterion is satisfiied where th� plans h�v� been found ta be deficient. Chapter 1�.765, Aff-stre�t Parking ar�d Loadir�g Requ@rernen�s; The applicant has prnposed that all homes will be provided with 2-car garages and at least 20 feet in front �f the garages, which should provide rnore than enough parking for the development. Th� applieant has also designed the streefi such that it will have turnouts far extra parkinq. Th� minimum requirement fior household living is one space for every unit. This criterion is satisfied. Chapter '1�.705, o4c�:ess, Egre�s ar�d Circulation; and The applicant has indicated in the narrative that a driveway, that is at least 15-feet wide will s�rve each dwelling. The minimum required,width for a driveway is 10-feet. The propos�d privatE str�et improvements are evaluated under discussion of compliance with street and utilety standards in Section 18.810 later in this reporf. �hapter 1�.7�0, �6gns. No signs are praposed in cc�nJ unction with this developmer�t. Any future signage wili be subject to the sign permit requirement� in Chapter 18.780. FINDING: Staff finds that the �roposed development is consistent with the guidelines listed in the Planned Development Section 18.350.100.B.2. FINDING: There has be�n a proliferation of si�n violations frorn new subdivisions. In accordance with a new palicy adopted by the Director s Designee, all new subdivisions must enter into a sign compliance agreement to facilitate a more expeditious court process for cita�ions. CONDIl°IOIV:Priar to the issuanc� of building permits, the develc�per shall �ign a copy of the City'� sign compliance agreement. In acld6ti�n, the fioiievving cri4eroa sh�Bl be rn��: Relationshi to the natura! ancl h sical enviro�ment: e s re� s, ue ings an o er si e e emen s s a e deso�ned �r�d �ocated t� preserv� #he �xi�ting trees, topography and natural drainage to th� greatest degr�e poss6ble; The site is constrained naturally by,sfieep siopes on the so�thwest end of fhe property, the very large tr��s throughout the �ite, and a drair�ageway on ar� adjacent property south of fhe site. The applicant has propos�d a priv�te st��et to develap around several very large trees that are along the north k�orr.ier of the 5ite, and has pr�pased two large op�n space tracts to protect fihe remaining trees and �teep slo es on sit�. The Cify ArL�orist has questioned whether the location of the private street 9 woufd in �act protect the large trees on the north kavrder of the site. His cancerns are discussec� in i�ore detail w•oder the tree preserv�tion section of this reporfi. 7'he ap�lic�nt has made a conscien�ious �fit�mpt ta design the development arnund th� natural feat�ares on site. This critsriof� is satisfied. BRETTON WOOG7S STAFF REPdF:T(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 11 OF 31 F'LANNING COMMISSIOtd HEARING 5/5/2003 � �tructures lo�ateci �r� th�� ��t� sh�ll r�4t be in are�s subject t� ground �lumping �nd sli�ding; There is no evidence within the record or within any city record relat�d ta this property to suggest that the property is located vvithin an area subjecfi to ground �lumping and slidirog. The applicant has proposed a large open space tract �fi the south end of the property. The.combination of the area between the structures and the �etention of those large trees on the slope well help to ensure that the integrity of that slope 9s not cornpromised. 'Th�r� shali be �s��qua�e di�fi�nc� b�t���n on-�ite buildings and other on�sit� and off-sit� ba�ildings on adjoir��ng prc�p�t��es tc� provid� f�r adequate light and �ir circulation and for fire protection; The current pro p,o�a! doe5 not call for any reduc�d setbacks along the rear and side yard setbacks. With the exception of the front-yard sefiback, the new homes will comply with the underiying zone setbacks. Thi� criterion is safiisfied. °fhe struct�r�� shall be oriented wifih �e�r�sider�ti�n for the sun and wii�d dir�ctBc�ns, �rhere pa�sible; ant! The roposed sfiructures are oriented �o the south. Site constraints dc� not allow further building orien�ation $or sun �nd wind. 'Trees pr�senred to the ext�nt possible. Replac�ment �f trees is SubJect to $he requirennents �f �hapter 18.790, �"r�e Rerr�oval. Trees are preserved to the maxim�m extent possible for fhis propasal, given the density and infrastructur� n�eds af the developable portion of the site. For a more complete discussion of the tre� ,preservafiion requiremenfis for this praposal, refer to the discussion of compliance with the requirernents of Chapter 18.790. �uff�rin ��re�n6r� ar�d �c�m �tibilit be�nie�� ad'oincn u�e�: �u �r�r� �hall e provided 6�etw�Qn dBfferer�t type� off and uses, e.g., b�tween single-f�mily �nd r�aul��fa�nily re�idential, as�d resodential �nd �orrrr�er�ial use�, �ec�use the praposed developmenti is for single-fami!y homes in an area characterized by sin�le- fiamily dev�lopment, the Tigard Development Code (TDC) does nat rec�uire any additional buffering. The applicanfi has propos�d to lar�dscape the open �pace tracts, the dr�ainage tract, and maintain a large portian of the farge trees fihroughout the site. This criterion is inappiicable. In additios� to th� r�quirements of the buffer rna#rix (Table 98.745.1), the f�llowing factors sha91 b� consid�red �n d�terrraining ti�e aclequacy and exten# of the b�ifer required under �hapt�r 18.745: . 1�h� purpose of the buffer, for exarnple to decrea�e noise levels, absorb air p�liu#�on, filt�r dust, or to provide a visual barrier; . 'The si�� �f the bu�ffer ne�ds in term� of vvidth arad height to achieve the purpo�e; o Th� d°ar�ctiora(s) fro� which bufFering is ne�ded; e Th� r�quired den�it� of the bu�fering; and o Vuh�the�r the v6�w�r is s#ationary ar rn�sbi8e. As stated previc��siy, there is na requiremenf for buffering between existing single-f�mily homes and now single-family homes. This criterion is inapplicable. On-site �cre��ing from vi�w from adJo6ning properties of such activities as service �reas, �torage ar�as, parking lot� and rnechar�ic�l devices on roof tops shall be provided and the fAllowing factors �hall b� consider6;d °on determining the adequacy of the type and extent of 4he scr��n�ng: (a) VVhat n��ds to be scr�en�d; (b) The direc�ion from which it is needed; and (c) V11h�th�r the scr��ning need� to be y��r- round. The �ppllcant has prcaposed screening of th� private road along the north properky line. There are no propos�d st�rage �reas or other proposed activities that would require screening under this proposal. This criterion is �atisfi�d. BRETTON WOQQS S`fAFF REPQRT(SUB2003-�0001) PAGE 12 OF 31 PWNNING COMMISSION HEAR�NG 5/5/2003 .��� , Privac�nois�: �n-re�idential �tructure� which abu� �x6st�ng re�identia6 dwelli� � �haRl b� lo�ated on �he si�e or be d�sigr��d ia� � enan��r, to th� r��xirr�u�ra degree pos�i@�6�, �o pr�te�t fih� p�iv�t� areas on the adjoie�oo�g �ropert5�s �'rom vi�w �r�d r�c�6se; Private outd�or �rea -- multi�fi�rnRl� u�e: Shared �utclaor r��cr�atior� �r��� -- rnulti-family ���o These criteria relate to non-residential ar multi-family structures and are not appli�able to the proposed single-�aro-iily devefapment. Access and ci��u0�tion: Th� naa��a�r c� �Ilov�r�d �cc�s� po6�ts fo�a dev�lmprn�ra� �ha61 b� providetl in Chapter 1�.705; As discussed later in this report, the proposed development do�s not entirely comply with the access stand�rds in Chapters 1�.705 and 18.810. Th� applicant has requesfied fwo �djustment� that are discussed later in this report. A,II circtalatBon p�t��rr�s vvithin a developrro�n� e�r�ust be designed to acc�mrnodat� �rrsergency vehicl��; aa�d Referrai comments from Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue indicate that th� proposed circulation system for the developrnent is acceptable if their conditions are addressed. See Section VIII of this report for more details. Provi�ion� �ha61 be rnade for pedestrian �nd bicycle way� i� such facilitie� �re shown on an adopted plane �fhe project fronts on �W 108th Ave., which is a neighborhood route with bike lanes in the Transportation �ystems F�lan. The applicant has also proposed a public pedestrian/bicycle easemeret through the site to facilitate future dev�lopment of a pedestrian connection t� the Tualatin River if it is needed. The applicant has prapcsed a half-street improvement on SW 1 Q8 Avenue that will include construction of a �idewalk aiong the frontage of this pro1'ect and the applican� has be�n conditioned to contr�bute money toward the future cast� of striping th� bike lanes. Th�s criterion does nat apply. Lanr���api� and o en s ace: Resid�retial evelopment: fr►add6�don t� the requirernen�s o�' subpa�agraph� (4) and (5) of secti�n a of thi� subsection, a rninirnurn of 2A p�rcent of the sit� shall be landscaped; The open �pac� and drair�age tracts of fihis propnsal.canstitute 27% of the site area. The applicant has provided a landscape plan for thes� areas. It is anticipated that a �ortion of each lofi will be landscaped by the homeowner. The project will exceed the minimum 20/o landscape criteria. The planting �lan invoives planfiings within Tracts A and C, and includes a mixture �f trees, shrubs, and ground cover. T'his crit�rian has beer� met. Public transito rovisions�-r �ublic transit may be requir�d mvhere the site abuts � pubiic transit route. "fhe requir�d faciEities �hall be based on: o The loca#6an of other transit fa�6lities in the area; and 0 1'he siz� and typ� of the presposed development The requared facilities shasl be tirnit�d to su�h faciliti�s as: . A wai�in� shelter; . A turn-out area for loasling and unloasling; and . Harc! surface p�ths conne�ctinc� the clevelopment to the waB�ir�g area The nearest bus facility is 'f2 a mile from the site. This site r�oes not abut a public transit route, and this criterion is not applicable. Signs: No signag� is prop4��d with this application, but ref�r to the previous condition. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 13 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5l2003 Parkin o eA par arag and loa�ding ar��s shalB b� g�ner�0ly laid o�at 6n accordance with t�re req�ir��ents set f�r�h o� Chapt�r Cha�pter 1�.7659 lJp t� 50% s�f r�quired o�ff-str��� parkin �p���s f�r �dn !�-farrsily atg�ch�d dv��llings may b� pravides! s�n one aar rnore cr��m�n ar�ii'E� IG►�S 1dY1t�19i1 �� pl�r�ned d�v�loprn�nt as Ic�ng �� r �ach ��r��i�-farnily lot contain� a�r�e � -�tr��t paricir�g �pac�. Parking c�n comply with a�il applicable requiremer�ts of Chapter 1�.765. ��raina ��: e411 dr�in�g� rov6sions shali b� �ener�l�� faid out in accordan�e w�t� the require�erats �et �or�h 6n �hap�er ��0775, and the �rrteria on the adc►pt�d 1981 ���f�r draar��g� pl�r�; �tarm drainag� complies, or will be conditianed to comply with applicable City of Tigard and Clear� Water Service� (CWS) requirem�nts. For a more detailed di�cussion of storm drainage, see th� discussion of compliance with the requirem�nfi �f Chapter 18.�10 later in this repnrt. Flood�slain dedication: 91lAlh�r� ianelfill a�developrnent i� allovv�d withBro or adjacent to the 100-y�ar flo�dp@�dn, the Cit� shall req�ire consideration �f the dedicati�n of suffi�ient open land ar�ea for � green��y ad,oir�ing and within the flood�lain. This area shall include po�tions of a suitable �lev�tion f�r the constr�action of a p�des�roan/bicycle pathway with the #loodplain in accord�nce with the �dopt�d pede�firian bicycle p�attaw�y plan. No areas within th� 100�year flaodplain exist on the site. Thi� crifierion is not applicable. FINDIh1C: The proposed developmerit complies, or can be conditinned ta comply with all planned rleveloprn�nt �pproval crifi�ria contained in Sectior� 18.350.10Q of the Ti�ard ��veloprnent C�de. Sh�r�� �per� Space; Re�uirernent� for�hared open spac�: Wk�ere th� open �p��e i� deswgnated on th� p9an as comrri�n open space the folloenaia�g �ppli��: . Tl�e open �pa�e area sha61 be shoyvn on fihe final p6an and re�c�rded vvith the Director; and . The open �p�ce shall be conv�y�d iro accordance with orae of the following rr��thods: �y c6edication �o the Ci�y a� pub9ic�y-ovvned ancl nnaintained �s o�en spa�e. ��en spa�� prop��ed for deelicafidore to the Ci4y rr9ust be ac�eptable to i4 with regard to the �aze, shap�, locat'ora, improv�rnernt and budgetary an� mai�tenance limitations; By feasirag s�r conv�ying title (incl�adin� benefi�ial ownership) to � corporation, home �ssociation or other legal entity, with the �oty retaining the deve9oprnent righ�s to $he pro�erty. °fhe t�rrns of �uch lease or otfier Bnstrument of conveyance must inelude provisiesns suotable to fihe City Attorney f��°gu�ranteeing the following: . 'The contanued use of such land for the intended purposes; . Con�inuity �sf property mair�tenance; . Vllhen appr�priate, the availability of funds required fs�r such maintenanc�; o Aslequate insurance protection; and . Recover�for loss sustained by casualty �r�d condemnatio� or oth�rwise. �y any mefhod which achieves the objectives set forth in Subsection 2 above of this section. The applicant has indicated that the open space areas on the site will be conveyed to the dPVelopments, Homeowner's Association. To ensure compliance with City of Tigard standards, the foilowing condition shall apply: BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SU62003-00001) PAGE 14 OF 31 PtANNING COMMISSIOIV HEARING 5/5I2003 CONf31TfC�N:Pric�r to final �ubdivision plat a�proval, the ap��lic�nt shall convey title fnr the proposed �pen sp�G� to � homeowner s association in accordance with the requir�ments of ��ction 1�.350.��O.A.2.b of the Tigard Development Cad�. S ecial ad°u�tonent� �9�0370: �ustments to ee�e csptYae�t �tas�dards voeithdn sr�bdiv6sion� (Chapter 1�.4�30}. The C�erector shall ��nsict�r tl�� applica�i�ro for adju�tm�nt at �h� �arne tirn�e he/she �oa�siders �he prelimiroa �lat. An ad�ustrrtent rraay b� apprc�v�d, a�aproved with c�rtiditions, or denieci rr prov6ded t e Director�ir��s: The applicant is reque�tin� an adj�astmenfi to the street improv�ment standards on �W 108t" Avenue, and an adjustment fo the cui-d�-sac iength standard. Under the n�w Transportation System Plan, the development is required ta provid� a planter strip between the curb ar�d sid�walk. T'he applicant is requesfing an adjustment �o the sta�darc� to �liow a meandering sidew�lk in order ta protecfi some exe�tir�g #rees that are clase to SW 108� Ave. Und�r current guidelines, cul-d�-sacs ar� not to �xc�ed �C10 fieet in length v�ithout an adjustmen�. 1"hese adjustments are discussed simultaneousiy in th� following discussion. Ther� �re spece�i circumstances or �onditions a�ffec�ing the prope�ky, vNhsch ar� unusuai and peca�li��to tl�e Band a� cornpared to �ther I�nds �6rreilarly situated; In the case of the curb tight sidewalk, the site plan indicates t�at there are several large tre�s that would be adversely impacted if the sidewalk was �ot curb tight. There are several properties along this street that have developed with curb tight sidewalk�, and the applicant has proposed to meander the sidewalk in which parts ofi the sidewalk will be separated by a planter sfirip. This criterion is satBsfied. In referenc� to the adJ'ustment to allow the cul-de-sac length to exceed 200 feet as opposed to the praposed 500 feet. There are specific topography constraints as well as exisfiing developmenfi patterns that limit the ability of the applicant to extend a road all the way thraugh the development and still realize the density with detached single-family hoc�nes. This criterion is satis�ed The adjustment 6s nec�ssary for#he proper design or ffunction of th� s�bdivision; Ti he adjustment for the curb tigh� sidewalk standard is necessary for the design of this subdivision. 1"he ad�ustment would b� needed if the access were to be placed anywh�re along the frontage ofi the property. This criterion is satisfied. The adjusfiment requested for the cul-de-sac length is ne�essary to provide access to lots 6-10 of this subdivosion. The applicant has proposed a turn around to serve emergency equipment and garbage trucks. This crit�rio� is s�tisfied. The �ran#in of the ad'ustment oov61B ncat be detr6men$ai t� the p�blic health, safety, and w�9fare o� inJ�areous�o the rdgh�s of other owners �� property, and Grantin ofi the adjustments would not be detrimental to the h�alth, safety and welfare, nor, is there any evi�ence to suggest that th� adjustments would be injurious to the rights of other owners of property surrounding the site. The Fire Distric� has reviewed and commenfe� and affered nn objection to this adjustment. The adjustment is necessaay fo�r the preservation and enjo�men� ofi a substantial pro erty raght becar��e of an extraardin�ry hardsf�ip, which would resu t from �trict cornpliance wit� 4he regulatBor�s of this title. In arder to develop the property in the proposed manner, the applicant �r�ould need to request the adjustmen#s to the impravement standards fo� s�reet intersections and the cul-de-sac length. These ad�ustments are nECe�sary in order to develop the property as proposed. FIfVDING: The criteria for granting the adJ'ustments to fihe street design standards and the cul-de- sac length have been satisfied. The adjustments are requested to accommodate this development specifcally because of the naturescape anci shape of the lot, as well as the consideration of pre-�xisting development atterns in the area that would not permit compliance with the applicable chapters ofi the�DC. BREITON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 15 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � Z�o�� Change: StancBard� for IV�aking Q��sB�J�dicial IDeci�ions: Ch�pter °l�.3�0 r���nc�atior� or—��cisiora to apprc�ve approve vmith ��nditicar�s or to eny an app9ication for a quasi judicial �onirag map am�ndment���II b� b���d �ra �!! ca�the fol6ovring �tandard�: Q�em�nstrat6o� c�f �core�pli�nce with al9 applic�bl� c�rr�pr�h��sB�r� pB�r� gso�lici�� �nd e�rr�� d�segr�ation�; The developm�nt �ode implements the goals and pnlicies of th� Comprehensive Plan and planraed dev�iopments, ar� p�rmitted in all districts when they meet the code criteria of the Dev�lapment Code. This cr�terion os sat�sfied. ��retorros4ration �f �ornpfia�ce v,rBth a!I ap�li�abie �#�nd�rd� �f ara� pr�vi�ion c�f thi� ��de or other appli�able irnp9em�r�tirag ardin��c��; and �4ccording to the analysis of secfiions b�low, the praposed zone chan e is, or has been condition�d to ensure compliance vvith fihe requiremenfs for planr�ed development�PD} in Secfion 18.350.020 and all other applicable requirements. �videnc� �fi change sn �h� neighborhood or c��nsnunity or a �e�s$alce �a� Anconsistency in the compreh�nsiv� plar� or �canir�g m�p as it relates to the praperty onrhich is the subject c�f the sieveloprn��f �pplication. Ther� is na change in circumstances or incon�istencies to the comprehensive plan,or zaning map that warrants a zone change,from the underlying zone., However, a zone change is necessary to place the PQ overlay designation on the property. This criterion is inapplicable. FINDING: The proposal sati�fies the criteria for a zone change to place the Planned Development Overlay zoning onto the prnperty. Pr�limonary Stab�ivi�ior� Plat�4pproval Criter9a: 1�.430.f140 A�rov��9 �riteria: T'h� e4ppr�va�uthority rr9ay �pprove, aapprove with co�dit6on� or deny a prelimin��+ plaf ba�ed on the foilovving approval criteria: T'he pr�pos�d prelircainaey plat corr�plwes wi�h the appli�abAe zoreing ordinan�� �nd other appiicab6� ordir�an�e� and regul�tions; As illustrafed in this report, the pro�osed plat complies wi4h the zoning ordinance and other applicable ordinances and regulations. 7°he propo�ed p9afi nam� is n�t duplic�tive or ��her-wi�e �atisfi�� th� provision� r�# ORS Chapter 92; The applicant.re�erved fhe name "Bretton Woods" with Washingtan County in January of 2003. This criterion is satisfed. The stre�ts ane! re�aels are 9aid out so a� taa ��nf�rm to th� plat� of subdivisions and nnaps of major parti4ions alre�dy approved for ael$oireing p�op�rty a� to width, generai dire�tion arad in all other resp�cts unless �h� City deterrnenes it is An �he public interest to rnod'c�y �he sfireet or road pattern; and There are r�o sfireet stubs to this property from adjacent properties and existing development and topography limits the ability for this applicant ta provide st�bs for future road service to adjacent properties. This criterion has been met. An explanation has been provided �a�r all comrr�on irroprov�ments. The applicant has provided an explanation for all common improvements. FINDIRlG: The proposed development complies with all preliminary subdivision criteria. �ONI(VG DISTIRICT BRETfON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SU62003-00001) PAGE 16 OF 31 PL.ANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � R�sid�ntl�9 ZonBn Di�trict: Section 1�.510.020 e . zor��ng os �°oc is designed to accomrnodate detached singie-fa�m61 h�+me� �ri�h or rti enrith�ut acc�s��ry r�sidentia! units a� a mindmurn lot size of 7,500 square fe� . Du�pl�xe� and attached singBe-f�mil �anits are permitted conditionally. Sorne civic and ira�titutior��! u�es a��� �Iso permitt�c� cmndi�onally. Planned Developm�nts are permitted in all districts provided the application satisfies all applicable criteria. D�velo men� Stand�rds: ���tic�rr 1�.510.050 S�ates that Dev�lcsp��rat �tar�dards in r��ideroti�l aonarog s� rac � �r� con a�sn� �� a e o .2 below: The subject site and the surrouroding properkies are all designated R-4.5 Low-��nsity Residential. ��CCE�PT FftOM T/�BLE 1�.510e2 D��EL�PfN�N°f �TANDARDS Ifd R��IDEN`TIAL �C'IdES �TA�E��k�� R-4.5 PR(�PC1SE� Minimum Lot�ize - Detached unit 7,500 sq.ft. 5,500-6,879 sq.ft. -Duplexes �0,000 sq.ft. N/A -Attached unit 1 N/A Average Minimum Lot Width - Detached unit lots 50 ft. Varies 40+ - Duplex lots 90 ft. N/A -Attach�d unit lots N/A BVlaximum Lot Covera e - - Miriimum Setbacks - Front yard 20 ft. 12 ft. -Side facing street on corner&through lats 15 ft. N/A -i+de yard 5 ft. 5 ft. - Rear yard 15 ft. 15 ft. -Side or rear yard abutting more restrictivs zoning district - N/A - Distance between property line and front of ara e 20 ft. 2.0 ft. Maximum Hei ht 30 ft. 30 ft. Minimum Landsca s Re uirement - 20% For PD Overla [1] Single-farnily attached residential unils permitted at one dwelling per lat with no more than five a4tached units in one grouping. [2] Lot coverage includes all buildings and impervious surPaces. FI(�DlNG: Since the proposed development is a Planned Development, thess sfiandards can be altered to fit � sp�cific design. The applicant has proposed dimensional standards that meefi or exceed the development standards of the underlying zone with �he excepfion of lot siz�, !ot width and front yard setbacks. ACCESS �iVLI Et�RESS: Cl��P7'EFt 'i8.705 inidn�rt� ac�e�s �equir�rnen s or r�ss en#ial use: Se�tion1�.705.030H. Ac�e�s IO�an� �rnent (Sectiors 18.709.030.H) e� son ���O�tl'. � � e� � �ro a���ss repor# shall be subrnifit�d dvi�h all n�� tlevelopr��r�t propo��ls which verifi�s d�sign r�f driv�ways ar�d �treets are �afe kay ra��etin r ad�quate �tackin needs, sight distance aa�d dece9�ration standards as set by O�O , 1Nashir�gton ��un�y, the City and �SF�8T0. The applicar�t (AI{�ha �ngir�eering) ar�alyzed the sight distance for the proposed private street entrance onto 108 Avenue. They found that currently there is at least 250 feet of sight distance north and so�ath of the proposed access loc�tion. This sufficiently meets Washington County's.sight distance requirements. Alpha suggests that trees �nd low shrubs be continually pruned to maintain that adequate sigh� di�tance. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 17 OF 31 PIANPIING COMMIS310N HEARING 5/5/2003 � �ectio�n `I�.705.030.H.2 st�tes that driveway� sh�l9 no4 b� ��rrni�ted to be placed .i� the influence area of ccrll�ctor or ��teri�l ��reet inte�°se�tiores. 8nflu�n�e area �f in4er��ctNO�� i� that area where queu�s of tra�'�� �s��rrna�niy form on �pp�roa�ch �o a� int�r�s��tAOn. 1°he rninirnurn drBvewa� �etback from a �ollector or ar�erial street ir�t�r�ecti�n sha9i be15A f��t, mea��areci from th� ri�ht�of-�rcay lin� of the interse�ting street tz� �he throat of the proposed clriv�w�y. 1'h� s�tba�c m�y be g�e�t�r dep�nd'o�g �pon the influ�nae ar�a, a� cleterr�ined froan CBty Errgin��r revi��nr �f a tr�ffec imp�ct report subrnitted by the appiia�nt'� traf#ic e�agineer. !n a case �uM��r� a p�r�j�ct h�� Bes� �han 750 fe�t c�f street frontage, the applic�n� must explar� any opti�r� for �6�ared ��cess v�rith th� adj�cent parcel. If shared a��e�s is �ot possBbme or practical, th� driv��vay sha9i be p(a�ed as far frorn th� i�tersection as possible. The new priva#� �tre�t en�rance is not wethin 150 feet of any collector or arterial street intersection. ��ction 1�.705.030.lie3 and 4 �tates th�# the rr�inimurn s�acing of driveuvays and streefs alo�� a collectcar shalB b� 200 fi��t. `�h� rn6rairr�ur� spa�ing of rivevvay� and stree�s alr�ng an ar�eri� shall be 600 f��t. �he minimum sp�cing of Io�aB str�ets along � loca6 street shal� be 125 fee4. The new private street entr�nc� is approximateiy 134 fe�t north of the Kent Street ir�tersection, thereby satisfyir�g this criterion. VehBcular ��c�ss ar�d eg�es� f�r �ingl�-fa�ily, d�aplex �r attached singl�-family dweliing units on 6ndividual lots ��d muBtiAfao�ily resedentsal ras�s �hall r�ot be less th�r� as provided in Tabl� 1�.'T05.1 and �°abl� 1�.705.2; T�4�l�E 1�.705.1 V�HI�ULAR ACCE�S/�C�R�SS REG2U9�EnA�tVT�: RE�I��NTIAL IJSE C OI�. FEVIIER IJNIT'� �w�lli�g Uni�s A�inimum Nurnber eaf 14�inimum Access illficlth Minimum �avem�nt;iNldth Drive�nra �Re uired or ee e�t The applicanfi has indicated in th� narrativ� that each lot within the subdivision wil! h�ve access to the private �treet �nd that ��ch �cces� will meet the 15-foot �ccess requir�rrr�ent. �INDING: All propased iots wiii meet the required,15 feet of acces� frontag� required for single- family dwellings. To ens�uee that the minimum width pavement requiremer�t is met at fihe time of development of each parcel, the following condition shall apply: CONaITION:At the time of application for building permits for individual homes, the applicant shall demonstrate thaf each site will be accessed by a minimum 9 0-foot-wide paved access. i0eh6cuiar acc��s to rnulti-famBly stru�ture� shall be braught to vvithin 50 feet of the ground �I��� ��trance or the ground €ioor 9arado�g c�f � �t�o�vay, ra�p, or e9evator I�ading to th� dw�ilang ��its. This is a propos�l for a single-family development. This standard does not apply. Privat� resicien�ial �cc��s drives shall b� �rovid�d and rn�intair��c! 6n accordance with t�e pr�visBon� of$h� lJnefarm F9r� ��de. The indivsduaB homeowners will maintain th� access drives once the praperty is developed and sold. The T�alatin Valley Fi�e and Rescue district has reviewed the proposal and the comments have b�en incorporated where nec�s�ary. This criteri�n is sa�isfiied. Acces� drives in excess of 150 f�et in I�ng4h �hail b� �rcavided �rith �pproved prQVesions �or the turn6n� around of fire apparatus by or�e �f�h� foliowirg�. . /� �irctalar, pa�ed surFace ha�si��I a rr�inim�m turra radius mease�red from center poinE to outsad� +eclg� of�5 feet; v �+ i�ammer�i���-�or��¢ �s��d, pav�d surf�ce �nrEth ea�� e�g of the harrim�rhe�d havio�g a minAmum clepth of 4���et and a rni�nimurn v�adth of 20 ���t;. . 1'he maximum cros� slope o#'a r�qa�ired turnar�und is 5%. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 18 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 Ther� are �o acc�:�s drives propo�ed that would exceed 150 feet in ler�gth. This criteric�n has been met. V�hicie t�rr�outs, �p�°�vidin� � m6nimum fiotal driveway wiclth of 24 feet �'or a di�tance of at least 30 f�et), rna� �S� re�uireel �o �� to rede��e th� need for excessive vehicu9�r backing m�taor�� i� ��tua$io�n� �Faere �wo vehicle� �raveling ar� �ppo�it� directi�►r�� me�t or� driveways in ex�e�� of 20q f��t in length. Ti�ere are no prc�pos�d driveways i� this development that exceed 200 �ee� in length. The deepest lot in the proposed development is 130 feet, therefore, this cr6tsrion does nof apply. V1lhere permitfied, rr�onir�a�r�o viriclth for droveenray approaches to ar�eri�9� or �c�6lector s�re�ts shall b� no le�s fhan 20 fi�ef �� �s to avoid traffic turnir�g fr�rn the �tr�e4 having ta �rait for tP1'FFIC e)f!$i01� tF1L' �1$�'. The site is not adjacent to a collector or arterial. This standard does not apply. FINDING: The propased , development can compIy with all applicable access, egress, and circul�tion requirements of Chapter 18.705. �EN�6'TY CCiAliPl1TA1'IUNS: CHe4P�ER 'i�.715 Density C�Ncul�ti�r�� 18.715.020 �ef6nitoon �f reet clevelo�rnerat area. B��t deve6aprnent area, en acr��, shall b� d�termined by �ubtracting the fo�iowirag land area(s) �rorn th� gros� �+�res, vvhich i� a!I �f the land eracluded an the i�gal descript��n �f the property to �e develop�d: . All sensitiv� land �r�a�: a. Land within the 100-ye�r flo�dplain; b. Land or slopes �xceeding 25%; c. �r�inage vvays; and d. VV�tl�rrd�. . All land cledicated to the pulalic for pa�°k p��po���; o A9i Eand dedic�te�l �or p�blac rights-of-vvay. i419her� act��l lr�farrnation is not avaii�b9e, the foilo�ring forrnula� rn��r be u�ed: �i�gle-famiiy developra�ent: alloca�� 20% of gross a�reage; Mul�i-farr�ily d�veloprr�ent: allo��te 15% �f gross �cr�ag�. o e4il land prop�sed for �riv�t� streets; �nd . A Ic�t af at le�st the soze r��uired by th� applicable base zon�ng di�trict, ef ara exister�g �6e�veliing is to remain on the site. Calculatin maxirrr�um nurr�ber of res6dentiai undts. Tc� c�lc�la'te the maxirx�urro number o residen�ial units per net acre, divade the nurnber of �quare feet in the ne# acres by the miniimurn n�amber �f square f�et r�quired for��ch lot in the ��plicabl� zon6ng district. The r�et developrnent area is determined by subtracting from the gross area, the land needed �or• public streets. rthe calcula�ions are as follows: c�rpss Ic�t area 101,930 square feet Str�et d�dication 15,590 square feet St�e Slo �s 1 260 s uare feet �5, square eet To c�lculate the maximum allowed density, net developable arEa is divided by the rninimum allowed squarP fc�otage within the zc�n�, as follows: R-4.5 zc�ne $5,b$b77?�00 = 11 �w�l,ing units FINDINt�: Th� pr�posed ten dw�elling units do rot exceed maxiPnum den�ity of th� net devel�pable area. t►�is �tandard is rn�t. BREITON WOODS STAhF REPORT(SUB2003-tl0001) PAGE 19 OF 31 PIANNING COMMISS�ON HE4RING 5/5/2003 ��� Calcu9ati�minirne�m number of r��identi�i aanits. �� r q red�o�r� �.5 0.040, th� rn�norr�um numb�r of residential �ar�i�s �r ��t acre shall be calcul�ted�y anoaltiplyir�g the rt��xitretar� ntamber �f units det�rmined 'on �u�section � abov� by 80°l� (0.$)e The minimum re�uired d�nsity is det�rmined by th� follawin� calculation: 11 X 0.80 = 9 FINDING: l"h� stand�rd for minimum density is met. �NVIFtO[VAIiENT�lL P�RFORf1A�►N�E �TAIVDARDS: CHAPTER 15.725 The�e standards require that federal and state environmental laws, rules and r�gulations be applied to development within the City of Yigard. Section 18.725.030 Performanc� Star�dards regulates: Noise, vis�bie �missions, vibration and odors. iVo�se. F�r th� purposes of ne�is� regulation, the provisions of Section� 7.41.130 �hrough 7.40.210 �th�Tigard M�unp�ipal Code sh�ll �ppBy. i9isible Ernissi�r►�o Vi�ithBn �he cornr��rcial zonin� districts and th� industrial park !P) zoning di�4ri�t, t ere shall be no �se, op�ration or activity wh6ch result� in a stack or o�her point- source �mission, oth�r #h�n an emissian frorn sp�ce heating, or the emission o� pure uncorrebined water (���a�� v✓hich is visible from a roperty lin�. Departrnent of �r�virc�nmental �luality (DEQ) rules for visibl� �ra�issions (340�21-0�5 and 340-2�-070) apply. Vibration. tVo vi�aratic�n oth�r thar� that cau�ed by highvvay vehicBes, �r�ins and aircraft 6s erra�it�ed in any givera zoning distr6ct whi�h Bs discernibie w�thout in�tr�c�r�ents �t the property r� in� of$he use �oncerr��d. Qc9ars. 'The eo�is�eons c�fi �d�ro�s ga��s �r other matter in such quantBties as to b� r�adily d�t�ctable a�ara oBr�t beyonr9 the property iine rsf the use cre�ting �he odors i� prohib6ted. D�C� �°ules f�r�ador� (��0-02�a090) agaply. Glare �nd heat. IVo direct or sky refle�t�d glare , whether frorr� #'io�dlights or fi'rom high fierraperature �ro�es�es such as combustion or v�elc�ing, which es vasible at fhe lot 6ine �hall fae p�rrni�t�d anc�; 1) th�r� sh�ll b� no ernissron or transt�i§�ion of heat or heat�d air vmhich is dis�ernib�� at the lot line of the sour°ce; and 2� the�e ree�ulati�n� shaEl raot apply to si�ns or floocllights i� arking ar��� or c��stru�ction equipment at th� time af c�nst�uc4ion or �xc�vation vvor�otherwise permitt�d by+ thi� title. Ins��ts and re�dent�. All ov�ateriaBs enclue9ue�g w�stes shaBl b� �t�red �nd ��E grounds shall be 1'Y1�i11��iE1� an a rnar�ner whi�h �ill not attracfi or �id the prop�g�tion of ia�sect� or rod�c�t� or , create a h�aith ha��rd. ' This is a detached sin�le�family proje�t, which is permitted within planned developments in the R-4.5 zone. There is nothing to indicate that thsse standards will not be met. However, ongoing rnaintenance tc� m��t these sfiar�dards shall be maintained and any violation of the�e standards will be addressed by the Cify of Tigards' Code Enforcement Officer. FINDING: The Environmental Performance standards are met. L.�lR��St;�►PING AND SCFtE��41P1G: CB°I�4P�'�R 1�.745 �a e� es stan ar s or a�n scaping, bu�fering ar�d scre�r�ing �o erahance the a�sthetic ��aviror�m�nta6 q�alcty of the �ity. The R�.a zoning district does not require any landscaping, however, plann�d developments require that a minimum of 20°l0 of theQ i4e be landscaped. As di�cussed previousiy, the common areas that are to be landscap�d constitute 27/o of the sit�, and additional landscaping will b� planted �vith the development of ea�h]ot. Bf�E17QN WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUb2003-00001} PAGE 20 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HFJ�IRING 5/5/2003 Secticar� 1�.745.A�0. stakes t��t all d�v�B�pr�ent proj��ts fronting on � public stre�t, private �tr��t, or a prov�t� driveway more than 100 feet ir� lengfih aft�r th� �dopti�n o�'the� titl� shalt b� reqaair�d to pl�a�t str�et tr�e� in ac�c�rd�n�� with th� sta�d�rds in Se�t�a� 1�.7��.040�. The �pplicar�t h�s provided a lanc�scap� ar�d street free plan .for the development fio Enclude the plantir�g of 10 red naks along the front o� the lo�s facir�g the private stre�t. 1°he applicant has also propos�d to retain the e�sting tree� at the front portion of th� site to sati�fy, the stceet tree requirement afan S1IV 10�� Ave. However, when th� applicant proposes ta use existing trees, they must apply �or a�ype 1 adjustrr�ent and demonstrate that the firee wilE not be lost as a result af any cui�ing ar filling �round th� tree during construction. Th�y must al�o demonstrafie that the ground around th� tree is orely �Itered fr�r drainage purposes; The applicant did not requesf the adjustmen�, but it is a�parent frc�m the plans �nd the discus�ion in fihe stre�t improvement adjustment portion of the narrafi6ve, that the applicant can meet these standards. The str�et trees are acceptable species. This criterion is sati�fied �uf�erin ar�d ��reenin -S�ction 1�.745.050 � ering �n �cr�enang a� req�ar� ta r� u�� the dmpacts on adjacent uses which are of a cliff�erent type in ��c�rdan�e writh the ma�rices in this chapter(T'ables 1�.745.1 and 18e745.2). The subJect sit� is surrounded by single-farnily developments; therefore, there is no requirement for buffering �nd screening for this project. FINDING: As conditianed, the.proposed developmer�t will comply with all applicable Landscaping and Screening requirements of Chapter �8.745. I1fl6XED S(?LID 1NAST� AND RECYCLA�LE Sl'()l�,G�: CWAP3`�Ft 1��755 Although lis�ed as a review criterion for this application, this chapter is only ap�licable to multi-unit residential buildings containing fi�ve or more units and non-residential construction. Therefore, this chapter is,inapplicable. The applicant has stated thafi they intend to serve the site as any other single-family developmer�t would be served. fJFF-STFt�EI° PAR.6CBIVG a4f�lD L�/�DING RE4�UiREMEfVTS: CI-6APTE6a 18.765 This Ghap�er �� apg�locabl� or dev�l�prr�ent proj�cts wh�� �here i� n�ew construction, exp�n�i�n �f exi�ting use, or cha�vge of us� in accordance vuith �e�ti�r� 1�.765.070 IVlinimum �nd M�x6rnurn O�f-�treet ��rki�ag RequAremer�fis. The proposed praj�ct will create 10 lots for singie-family dwellings. Submittals of detailed plans for the construction of hom�s avithin the development are nof necessary afi this time. 7able 18.765.2 requires that ane (1) off-street parkir�c� space be provided per detached dw�lling unit. There is no maximum limit on parking,allowed for detached sir�gle-family dwellings. There is also no bicycle parking requirement for single-family dwellings. Staff notes that there i� � 2Q-foot req�aired setback from the face of garages to pro�erty lines in al! residential zones. To ensure that homes canstructed in this development comply with the�e �tandards, the following condition shali apply: CONDITION:At the tim� af submittal for building permits for individual homes within the development, the developer shall submit materials demonstrating thaf one (1) off-street parking s ace, which meet� minimum climensional requirements and setback requirements as speci�ed in Title 18, will be pruvided on-site for each new home. 1'REE ��Ni�3i/A►L: CH/�P7E� 18.79fl /�tree pian ar�he pl�r�ting, remov�! ar�d pr�tection of#rees prep�red by � cer�ifi�d arborist shall b� �Srov'd�d �vifh a site de�eBopment review application. 1'he tree plan shall includ� id�ntifcation of all existing tre�s, id�ntification of a program to save existing 4rees or rr�r�aBtigate t�ee removal over 12 inche� in caliper, which trees are to be removecl, protection program d�foning standard� an�! methods that will be a���d b�the applicant to protect tre�s during and after canstruction. BRETfON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 21 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5J5/2003 •� �°he applicant h�s provid�d an arborist report dated February 3, 2Q03 from Walter Knapp. In the repart, the arborist st�tes th�t there are � tota! af 85 tree� mor� than 12 inches in diameter at 4 feet above grade. Th� reparf states tha4 9 trees are considered hazardous, and that 16 additional trees will be removed to accommodate construction. Remaval of #he 16 trees to accomrriodate constructian represents 21% of th� trees over fwelve inches that are on site. Since the applican# is ret�ining more than 75% of fihe tr�es over twelv� inches on sit�, there is no requirement for mitigation. However, the City's arborist has raised several concerns in his comments as to whether or not the development would b� abi� to save the large trees on the north prop�r�y line. He contends that the location af the stree� in proximity to the trees would jeopardize the survivability o�F the trees. He has recnmmended that �he street be shifted, and tha# lots 9 �nd 10 b� included in the open space to ro�ect the !arg e trees �� �he west end o�the ro e� . The rimary concern is wind damage and the possibility of affeeting the tree� ta the ext�ntptha� there root structure is compromised, thus rendering the tre� a hazard. �taff recommends that further �tudy be �fforded to the trees at the northern property bour�daries. �nce fihe �onsfruction documer�ts are complete, a more detailed analysis could b� perf�rmed by the City Arbori�t to assure that those trees that would be sev�rely affected by the construcfiion be remove�. At that time staff would recalculate the mitigation requirements. FIIVDING The applicant has pr�ovided a tree plan and arborist report to address the protectian and remaval of trees on site. To ensure that the trees are preserved according to the plan9 th� following canditions shall apply: ��NdITIONS: o Th� �pplicant shall comply with the recommendations of the arborist report, and shall �rovide the City �rbori�t with a canstruction sequence including installation and removal oi`tree prQtection devices, clearing, grading, and paving. . Prior to site work, the applicant shall submit a complete set of construction doc�m�nts with the tree locations for the City A�borists review. Should additional trees need to be removed, mitigation shall be recalculated. . The applicant shall notify the �ity Arborist when tree protection measures are in piace so that he may verify that the measure� will f�anction properly prior fio construction. Visual C�ear�nce Areas: S���ion 1�a795 lear vision area sha�ll be rnaintained on the corners of �11 property �djacent to ir�ters�ction of 4wo stre�ts, a stre�t and a railroad, ar �r driv�eNay providing acces� to a pubiic or private street. �i cpe�r vi�ior� area �ha61 con#ain no vehicle hedge; pBar��ing, �en�e, vwall structure, or temporary or perrnaner�t obstru�tion exce�d'or�g thr�e d3) fee� in he6ght, measured from th� to� of the curb, or wrhere no cc�rb exi�t�, frorn the str�et�enter grade, exc�pt the tre�s exceedir�g th�s height rnay be Isacat�d ir� #his area, provided ali branche� belovv eigh� feet are r�rnoved. For art�rial stre�ts the visual clearance sh�l6 not be less than 35 feet on each side of the interse��ion. No specific plans far the constructior� of structures are required #hrough the subdivision process. Corrrpliar�ce with vision clearance requirements shall b� canfirmed through fihe building permit process for all homes to be constructed within the developme��t. The applicant ha� not illustrated the clear vision areas on the plans for the intersectian of SW 10� Avenue and fihe private street, but has indicafed in th� narrative that fihere will be no ob�tructions placsd �nrithin these areas. Thes standard is met. G. ItiII��CY aTUDY: SECTIC)f� 1�.390.040.�.e � ea�uere� t at t e applicant sh�Bl include ar� impact study. The study �hall adclress, a4 a minimum, th� tran�portation system, including bik��va�rs, the drainag� systern, the parks sy§tem, the water �ystem, the sewer system, and th� noise impacts of the development. For each pubii� fa�ility syst�m anc9 type of impact of the development on the public at large, pub9ic facilities syst�ms, and afFec4ed private prope�y users. In situations wchere the Comro�unity Devel�pment Code c�equire� the d�edication a�f real propert�+ interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with the dedication of real properky, enterest, or provicl� eaide�tce wh��h suppo�s the ��nclusion that the real pr�perty dedication requirement is not roughly propor#sonal to ths projected impacts of the development. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001A PAGE 22 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 The applicant has submitted an impact study addressing the required element� abave. FtOI�GFi PR(�F'OFtT'60NA►LIT'Y�N,d��.Y�l� Based on a transportation impact s#ud�O prep�red for,the A-Boy �xpansi�n/Dolan/Re�olution 95-61, TIF's are expected,fia rec�pfure 32 p�rcent of the tra�c �mp�ct of new dev�lopr�nent. Presenti�, the TIF for each residential trip that is generated is $225. According to the Washington County TIF ordinance, 32 percent of a projects impacts are met by its TIF �ssessment in Tig�rd. This leaves 68 percent unmitigated. The actual cost of sXstem improvements per trip generated by new developmenfi an fihe Tig�rd street system can be determined by the following equation (Larson, Mackenzie Engineering, Dolan Findings, June 1995): �226 d�vid�d by .32 equal� $706. ($226 i�the re�idential use trip rate per trip 1'6F assessment according to the Washington County TIF ordinanGe). According to the iTE m�nual figures �nd the TIF ordinance, a single-family d�ta�hed residentiai unit generate� 10 av�rage weekday trips per dwellinr�.unit, per day. As there are ten new dwelling units proposed, 100 trips are generated per day for this s�t�. �L�ess Mitig_ated Cosfi� eTh applicant i� required to make half-street improvements to the right-of-way along 1�0 feet of the projects frantage on SW 108t�' Avenue. Afi an approximate Cost of$200 (estimated cost) per linear foofi, this is valued at approximately $30,000. The appli�ant is also required to contribute $391 towards the future bike strips that wil! be pu� in p�ace on SW 108 Avenue. Estimate of unmiti ated im acts u mpact is equa to 0 ai y trips x$l06 = $70,600 Less TIF Assessment 10q daily trips x�226 = $22,600 Le�s Miti ated costs = 30,391 �q�t e unmitigate mpact o : 7,609 FINDING: Using the above cost factors, it can be determined that the unmitigated impacts of the development exceed the cos�s of the conditions imposed and, therefore, the conditions are roughly proportionat�to the impacts sustained and thereby austified. STRE�T e4Nt� UTILiTI' INIPi�OVEIVIENT� 5T�4NDA►F�DS: �HeAPl'�f2 ��e�10 �p er . prc�ve es cos�s ruc o�r� s an ar � or �h� �rr�pler�r�ntation of public and prBvate facBloties and ut�litoe� such as �fireets, sevvers, ar�d drainage. 1'he �pplicable standards are �da�ressed �elow: S�reets: imp�rovement�: Se�tion 'l�.890.03A.A.1 s4�t�� th�t s$reets vvithio� � d�we6opment and stre�t� �dja�ent sh�ll be i�nproved ir� accordance with th� °TD� standarciso �ection ��e�10.030.A►e2 states that any n�w stree� or �dditional �treet �nridth p�lanra�d �s � portoon of an existin� street �hall b� declicated �and 9rnprov�d in accordance with th� �DC. 6Vlir�imunn Rights-��F-V11a�r ar�d Str�et Wie9ths: Section 18.�10o030(E) req�ir�� a n�ighborh�od route str��t t� have � 54-foot right-of-wa� ewidth and a 32-to�t aved section. Other improv�ments requir�d rnay inclucie on-stree parking, sic�evvalks �nd �ikevvays, underground utilities, �tre�t Nightir�g, storrn dr�inage, an�i street trees. This site lies adjacent 4o SW 108th Frvenue which is classified as a neighborhood route with bike I�nes on the City of Ti�ard Transportation F�lan Map. At present, there is approximately 20 feet of ROW west of the cen erline, accordinc� to the most recen� tax assessor's map. The applicant proposes to dedica�e an additional nine feet of ROW to provide the r�quired 29 feet from centerline. SW 108th Avenue is currently paved, but not fully improyed to meet current standards. In order ta mitigate the impact from this development, the applecant proposes to construct a half-street improvemenfi �dJ acent to the site. The required curb-fo-curb paved width fior this type of street is 36 feet. At presenf, there i� 20 feef of pavemer�� from centerline to the curb line along the east �ide of the roadway. This is explained because 108 Avenue previously was classified as a minor collector w.hich required a total paved section of�0 feet. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(5UB2003-00001) PAGE 23 OF 31 PUWNING COMMISSION HEARING @/5/2003 The applicant is conc�rned with some exi�fii��g tre�s along the west ed e of th� roadway that they waufd like to pre�erve. Th�y propos� fo �xt�nd the pavement width to 1� feet west of�he c�nterline for mosfi of the sifi� fror��age and would trar�sition the �urb line a4 the north end of th� site to rrtatch the exi�ting curb. The required 36-faot wide paved width wc�uld be accomplished, but t�ie crnwn of fhe road wauld be offset frorv7 the pavement c�nterline by appraxirr»teiy twa fe�t because Afi#he 20-foot sectior� �ast of the RC�W centerline. This condition is not unccammon and Staff beli�ves a safe tr�nsition can b� rnade. There is a probler� with the applicant's plan as it pertains t� the so�th end �f th� sit�. �'here, th� praposed curb iin� would b� terminated afi 16 feet frorn cer�terline. The probiem is that fhe existing p�aved width Qn th� �ast sid� is or�ly 17 f�et, south of 6C�r�fi Street. City a�builts shouv thafi wh�r� fihe Kent Street intersectio� was consfiructed, the curb line or� the sou#h side of Kent was built at �7 f�et from cent�rlin�. If th� applicant's projecfi ends with �he curb line at 16 feet, the remaining pavement �ection woufd only be 3� feet which would not meet the current standard. Staff recommends the applicant b� required �o tra�sitian the curb line at the south end ofi the site so that there i� 18 feet from the centerline to the curb. Ad'ustment for Curb-ti�t Sia'ewalk: Becaus� o thE trees ad�acent to the southeast corner of the site in Tract A, the applicant would like to move fhe sidewalk to curb-fii ht to minimize the tree impacts. Ad!'ustmenfis to street standard� are covered under TDC 18.37Q�20.C.11, virhere the Director must fnd fihat fihe following criterion is satisfied: "Strict application of the �tandards will result in an unacceptably adverse impact on existing developmenf: on the proposed developmenfi, or �n natural fe�tures such as wetlands, steep slope� or ex�sting mature trees. In ap rov�ng an adjustment to the standards, th� Director shall determine that the potential a�erse impacts Pxceed fhe public b�nefits of strict application of the standards." The trees in Tract A �djacent to the roadway are between 15 ancl 19 ii�ches in diameter, and are considered mature trees. �y moving the sidewalk ta the curb line, impacts in the root zone of the trees can b� minimized. Staf�fir�ds that the adjustment would nat adversely affect the public benefits, as citizens often comment thafi they do not like to see mafiure trees being removed with development. The trees adjacent to th� public ssdewalk will also provide a nice streetscape �or pedsstrians. Staff rec�mmends approvai of this adjusfiment. Future Str��t �lan ane9 Extensio�o of Streets: S�ction 1�.810.A30(F) sfiates tha�t a �'uture street plan �hall be fled vvhi�h shovws the �attern of exis�ing and propo�ed fut�a�e street� from the bound�rie� �f the proposed land di�riseora. This se�tion �Iso �tates that wh�re it is necessar'o to give ��cess or perer�it a �atisfa�tor°y fufia�re div6sion of adjoining land, str��t� sh�ll be ext�nded t� � �he boundary lin�� of the trac#to �ae developeci and a iaarricade shall be cons�ru�#ed at the �nd of th� street. Thes� street �tubs to �dj�oir�ing proper�ies are not considered to be cul-de-5acs since they are inter�d�d to con#inu� as through streets at such time as the adjoining �ropee� is dev�loped. A barricade shall be constructed at thQ end of the �treet by the propert� awr�ers which shall not be r���oved until aufihorizecl by the City �ngineer, the �o�t of vvhich shall be included in the street co�structian cost. T�rnporary harnrre�rhe�d tuwncauts or temporaoy cu9�de� �ac bulbs shall be ��anstructed for stub streets in excess of 150 feet ira length. The applicanfi's circuiation plan shows that it is not feasible to extend a public or private roadway fu�ther to the west becaus� of the creek. Also, the slopes approaching the creek exceed 25% and would not support the grade requirements af a public or prsvate street. In addition, th� land to the north and south of this site are deuel�ped �nd there is no strest connecfiion potential in those directions. The circulatio� plan show� that properkies west of the crPek could reasonably develop with street connections to 113 Avenue. Street Aii�nrnent �nd Connectians: ���4Bon 1�.�'I0.03U�G) state� that staggeren� of s�reets rr'ak6ra "T`" intersections at �ollectvrs and art�ri�ls §hal r��t be d��igned so that aogs of less than 3�0 f��t on suclh street� are created, as measur�d frorn the centeriir�� of sa��h str�et. Spacin b�tenre�n loca6 s#reet intersections shall have a rr�inimurn se aration of 125 feet. All enr lo�ai ��r��ts whi�h abut a dev�lopment site shall be extended vui hin the sit� t� provide through circulation when no# precluded by �nvironm�ntal or topoc�r�phical con�traints, �xist6ng �e�eloprne�� pa���rra� Qr strict adherence to other standards ir� this code. A s$reet BRE'I'TON WOODS S'1'AFF REPORT(SU82003-00001) PAGE 24 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � • ��r�n�ction or �xt�nsion i� �reciuded e�vh�n it i� n�t possible to red�sign, or reconfigure the ��r�et p�tt�rr� �o prov�d� r�qa�sred �xt�r�siear�s. In the �as� of environ�ren��l or topographi�al �����raant�, th� rr��re pr�sen�e of a coa�s�raint is not �ufficient to sh�w th�t a �treet conne�tion i� �ot �os�elbl�. 'Th� appfi�ant m�s�t �how v�ehy the �onstr�int precludes �mme r�asor�able street connectiora. As was stated above, the steep slopes and creek ta the west preclude exfiension of a public or private roadway further to th�west. Cul-c�e-sacs: 1�.$10.030.K �tates th�t a ��al-demsac shall be no m�re than 200 feet long, shali not pro�icie acces� to gr�at�r�han 20 dw�lling units, and sh�IB c�nly be used wher� environmental or topogr�phica0 cc�nstraints, existing cDevelo�m�nt attern, or s4rict adherence fio other st�radards �n th°s� cod� pr��lude �treet exterasion �nd �hrough circulation: . All �ul-de-�acs sh�ll terrnin�te vvith a fiurra�rc�u�do llse of turnaround config�ratoons other than �ircular, shall be approved by th� City Engin��r; and . Th� I�ngth of th� cul-de�sac shail be m�asured along the centerline of the roadvvay fr�rn th� ne�r sode o�the intersectBng stre�t to the f�rtlh�st point of th� cul-de-sa�, . If a cul-cie-�ac i� more than 300 feefi lon�, a !ighted direct pathway to an adjac��afi �tr�et rn�y be required tca be provided and d�dicatec9 to 4he City. The applicant proposes a privats str�et that would have a length of apprc�ximately 500 feet. Again, the adjustment criteria �c�und in TDC 18.370.020.C.11 applies: "Stricf application of the standards will resulf in an unacceptably adverse impact on ex�sting developmenf: on the proposed devefopment, or on natural feature� such as wetl�nds, steep slopes or exrsting matu�e trees. In ap roving an adjustment to the st�ndards, th� Director shall determine �hat fhe potential a�erse impacts exc�ed the public benefits ofi strict application of the stanclards." The site is over 650 feet d�ep, which poses a challenge immediately when it comes to serving developable 1045 with street frontage. In addition, as was mentioned before, the steep slopes and creek to the west preclude any connection to the we5t. Existing development to the north and �outh also preclude sfireet connections. Therefiore, in order to serve the developabie portion of this site, a street of over 200 feet is necessary. The impacts to fihe �teep slopes and �reek channel would exceeci any perceived public ben�fit of a through street, especiafly when fihis str�et will only serve a tot�l of 10 homes. Staff supports this adjustment. Grades a�d Curves: Section 1�0810.030.M state� that gracies �haii ns�� eacceed �e� perc�nt on �rteri�ls, �2% on colle�tor streefs, or 12% on any other street 4ex�ept th�t local or res6dential �ccess �tr�et� hnay have segm�nfs with grad�� up t� 15°/m for destan�es e�f no gre�ter than �50 feet), and: The new private street will have a gradient of less than thr�e percent, thereby meeting this criterion. Private Stre�ts: �ection 1$.810.030.S �tates that design st�nclards for private str�et� sh�il b� e�tablished iay the City E,ngimeer. TG�e City sh�li req�ir� i�gal a��urances for the continued �o�inte�ance of pr6er�t� �tree�s, such as a recorded rnaintenance agreement. F�rivat� str��ts �eevin� ra��r� thar� six clwelling� undts are permitted only within �alanned dev�lopa�en�s, m�b�le home parks, �nd rr��lti-farnaly residentiaB clevelopm�nts. The applicant proposes to serve a total of 10 homes with the private street. This would be permitted with a Planned Development approval. Staff supports the applicant's plan because the site is constrained to allow th� widfih requirements of a public street. The applicant shall place a �tatement on th�face of the final plat indicating the private street(s) will be av�ned and maintained by the properties that will be served by it/them. In addition, the applicant shall recc�rd Canditions, Cov�nants and Restrictions (CC&R's) alon with the final plat that wi01 clarify how the private proper#y owners are to maintain the private street�s). These CC&�s shall be reviewed and approved by tne City prior to approval of the final piat.. The Cifiy's public improvennent design standards require rivate streets to hav� a pavernent secfiion �qual to a public loc�l street. The applic�nt will ne�d �o provide this type of pavemenfi section. BRETT'Ot�WOODS S'fAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) ' PAGE 25 OF 31 PLANNING COMMI5310N HEARING 5/5/20Q3 Paved VP�idth � trav� width of the priv�te street is proposed at 22 feet versu� 24 feet in order to preserve Tract C on the no�th sid� ar�d ex�sting tre�s, as wel! as to provid� adequa�e depth for the new lots. Figure 18.�10.6 provides the "skinny street" standard for roadways that vvould otherwise requir� a 24-foot wide paved section. There are twa crit�ri�: 1) the applicant must provide a minimum of one (1), off- street parking space far every 20 feet of restrected street frontage; and 2) na parking is permitted within 30 feet of an infiersection. The second criterion i� met b�cause the first parking "bump out" is w�ll over 30 fiset away from the 10�¢" Avenue inters�ctian. Tne first criterion does not appear to be met. The applicant_s "bump nuts" provide a total length #or parking of approximately 210 feet. With approximately 20 lineal feet needed per car space, these bump out� wc�uld provide approximately 10 additiona! off-street parking spaces, as mentioned in the applicant's narrative. The restricted portions of the private street (those segments not adjac�nt to a bump out} total �pproximately 240 lineal feet. One parking space per 20 feet vuould require a tot�l of 12 additiona! off-street parkin spaces. Therefore, the applicant will need to revise the street plan to I�ngthen the burnp outs so �hat a total of 12 parking spaces are provided. Staff finds thafi the applicant should easily be able to meet this standard. �lock �esigns - �ection 1�.�1A.040.�► states that #he I�ngth, width and sha�ae of blocks shall be clesi���c� wi$9� due reg�rsl to pr�v�ding adeqaaate building sites for the u�e contemplated, ca�sad�ration of n�eels for conv�r�eent access, circulation, control and safety of stre�t t�°affi� and r��cagr�ition �f limitatior�s and opportunities of gopography. �lock Sizes: �ectior� 1�.�10.040.�.9 �tates th�t the p�rimet�r o�' blo�ks formed by s�re�t� shaBl not eacceed 1,�00 fe�t measured along the right-of-way Bir�� excep&: . '�Vhere street Io�atBon is preclusieci by n�4ua�aO #�pagraphy, v,�etlands or �ther bodies of water or, pr��+exis�ir�g developm�nt or; d For block� adjacent to arfierial �treets, limited a���s� highw�ys, rnajor collect�rs or r�ilroacis. . For r�e�n-residenti�l blacOcs in w�hich internaO public circuB�tion provides eq�iv�lenf access. Because of existing development, there are no further opportunities far connectians. This standard is met. �ectian 1�.�10.040.�.2 also states that bi�ycle �nd pedestraan conn��tions on p�ablic ea�eme�ts or right-of-way� shall be provided uvhen full stree� co�nection is no� possible. Spacirag b�tween connections shall be no more thar� 33Q feet, �x�ept where precluded by envirvnrn�nta6 or topographicai con�train�s, eacasting devel�pm�n� patterns, e�r �trict adherence� to other standards in th� code. The applicanfi has p�opo�ed to serve the site with a sidewalk on one side ofi the��ivate street, and to stub a pedestrian path to fhe western property line. There are no f�arther oppo unities fnr making a bicycle/pedestrian cannection within this development. This standard is satisfied. Lot� - �iz� arad Sh�p�: �ectior� 1�.810.0�0(A) prohibits iot depth frorn bean� r�ac�re than 2.5 times the av�rage iot vvidth, unl�ss the �arcel is I�s� than 'i.5 '�ame� th� m6nfr�um I�� saae of the applicabl�zoning d'ostricto None of the pro osed lots exceed 150 feet in lengtf�, which is 2.5 times th� average lot width. This standard is satis�ed. l.o� Fror�ta��: �ection 1�3�810.060(B) requires fihat lots hav� a�t 9east 25 f�et of fr�nfi�ge on public or p,rivate street�, other than �n alley. In the case of a land partiti�n, 1�.420.050.A.4.� appli��, w�ech requires � p�e��el �o �ithe� have a mir�imum 15-foo� frv�tage or a minimum 15-foot virBde �ecorded acc��s e�s�ment. In cases wher� the !ofi i� f���n atta�hed single�farnily dwelBing danrt, the fron�ag�shali be at least 15���to BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SU62003-00001) PAGE 26 OF 31 I'LARlNING CONiMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � All I�ts with the exception of lot 9 have 25 feet of frontage anto fihe private street, This is not a sfandard that can be c�eviated from through fhe planned deveiopment prncess. This criterion is not �atisfi�d. FINDING: Lofi 9 does not have 25 feet of frontage on a public or private street. CONfJITIaN:Prior to site work, the applicant shall revise the plat to accommodate a minimum af 25 feet of front�ge for all lots within the development. Sidew�lk�: �e�tisan 18.810.070.A requires that sidewalks be ce�nsfru�ted #o rr��et City design �t�nd�rd� and b� B���t�d on bc�th sicles o#arterial, colle�tor and loca! residen�i�l stre�ts. The applicant vvill construct a sidewalk along 108t" Aven�e and will canstruct � sidewalk along one side of the r�ew private s�reet. This st�andard will be met. 5ar�itary Sewers: Sevvers Required: Sect�or� �R8.��0.090.A requ�res that sanit�ry s�wer be� install�d t�a serve e�ch new d�v�lopment �nd to co�an�ct development� to existing mains in accordanc� with the � pr�ovision� se't forth i� Design ��d Constru�tion S�andards for �anitary and Surface VVat�r flAanagement (as adc�pted by �lean V11at�r S�rvic�s in 1�96 and inciuding any future revisions or �mendrnents) and the adopted policie� of the comprehensive plan. �ver�sizing: Sectior� 1�.810v090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall in�lude con�iclerateon �ff additional develeaprr���at wi4hin the �rea as proje�ted by th� Cornpr�hensive F'lan. �'here is an existing �-inch public line in 10$t" Avenue that has ample capacity to serve this site. The applicant will extend a new 8-inch public line within �he private street to serve the new lots. ��orrt� Dr�'sr���e: Ge�eral Pr�v�sec�r��: Section 1�,�1p.100.A states requires deve9opers to m�k� �dequ�te prcavi�ion� f�r s�orr�� water �nd floor9 w��er runoff. i�cc�rrr�modation of lJ str�am Drainage: �ection 18.810.100.� states thaf a culwert or other r drain�ge facil�ty sha I be large �n�ugh to a�ccoenmodate p�tential runoff from it� entire up�tr�ann drainage ar�a, rivh��he� irt�ide or out�ide the developmente The City E�ngineer shall approve the nece�sary soze of the facifBty, based on the provisions of Design and �or��tru�tion Standards for Sar�Btary ancl �urface VVater iVlanagemenf (as �dc�p�ed by �lean Water Servoic�s in 2000 �nd including any future r�visions or amendment�). The ap licanfi's narrative indica#�s there is an intermittent stream t�at exists jus� to the so�th of th� site an�partialiy crosses the site through Tract A. Adjustments to the storm drainage sy�t�m in 108t Avenue rriar�� years ago stopped the discharge of streefi storm water into this ch�nnei. At present, there does not appear tcr be �ny regular flow of storm water. Based on the location and minimaf flow of this channel, it does not pose a thr�at to this development. Effect on Dovunstrearti Dr�ina e: Section 1�.810.�OO.D �tates that where it is �raticipated by the Gity Engineer that the ad�itional runoff resultin� from th� developrn�nt v�eill �verlc�ad �n �xistAng dr�inage f�cBlit�, �he Director and Engmeer shal9 vvathhold approv�l of the develapmerat until provi�aons h�ve b�en rriade for omprovernent of the otentiai cor�dition or rr untii prc�visior�s have been rnade #�r stcarage of additional runofiF c�used y the developrnent in accorcl�n�� vvith the Design and Cons4ru�tion Stanelards for Sani#ary and SurFace Water 61A�nag�r�eent (as adoptecl i�y Cl�an V1later Services in 2000 and including any future revisian� or arnendments). This �ite lies within '/�-mile of the Tuala�in River and there are no restrictions in the open channel sys�errZ between this site and the river. 1"herefore, onsite detention is r�ot advisable. The flow� from this sit� �vili be tr��ted then releas�d int� the intermit�er�t stream channel that flows in a �outhwesterly directian. Sir�ce �he develciprrri�nt is servec� entirely by a private street, the storm drainage system in the private street must also be privately maintained BRETT'ON WOODS STAFF f��POR7(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 27 OF 31 PIANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 �ik�enr��+s ar�d P�destri�� Pathvva s: Bik�vvay �x�er�s6on; �ecteon 1�e��90.110.A �tat�s #h�t e9eveloprnents �dj�ining proposed bi9c��uvay�s id�a�tefied on �i�� �itx's adapted pedestri�n/bikevvay �lan sh�ll i�clud� pro�'sior�s for the future �xtension of such bik��ays thro�gh the dedic�fiior� of ea��rn�nts or righ#�c�f-wa�. As rn�as stated previously, �08th Avenue is a neighbarhood route with bike lanes. There are no bike lane� strip�d in this area at preser�t. �o�t of Construction: �ectiors 'I�.$�0.'i 1 Q.� sfiates that dev�lop�aent permits issued for pfanr+ed aunit clev�loprr��nt�3 �onditao�ai use permits, subdivisions, and oth�r devel�pments avhich will princip�lly berae�'et from such bikeways shal! be conditian�d t� 6nclude the cost or �onstruction c�f bik�vvay improv�ments. As a pa�t of this application, the applicant should contribute toward the future bike lane stripe on the west side of the raadway. Th� amo�ant af the sfriping would be as f�llows: . 150 feet of 8-inch white stripe, at $2.50/If 375.00 . 4 Mono-�irectional r�flective markers @ $4.00/ea �6.00 39 . Minimurtn VNidth: Section 18.�10.110.� s�at�s fihat the minemum width fior bikeways within th� �^oadway is fve feet per bicy�le tr�vel la�ne. Minimurn vuidth foa• two��vay bekeways s�parated from the road is eight f��et. The future bike lane will be �ix feet in width. l9tilities: . Sec#iczn 1�.810.120 �tates that all utiiaty fines, but root limit�d to those required for �9ectric, cornmunicatoon, ligh$ir�g and cabl� teEevision sec�ices andl related facilitBes shall be placed und�rgr��rrd, except far ��rface rnount�d tr�ns�ormers, surface mounted conr�ectBon boace� and met�r cabinets whi�h rnay� be placed.abov� gro�rrd, ter�porary utility seev6c� fa�ilitie� during con��ructian, high capacity elec�ri� li�es operateng at 50,000 volt� or above, a�d: . 1'he d�v�lop�r shal6 m�ke aBl n�cessary arrangernen�s vvith the serving catili�y gc� provide fhe un�erground ��r�ic�s; o Th� �at� re�erve� th� right ta appra�ve locati�n of a91 surface tno�nt�d faeilities; . l�ll u�ndlerground u�i66ti�s, ir�eiuding sanitas� seanoer� and storm dr�ins in���lled in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the �ur�acir�g of the stree#�; and . Stubs fcar s�rvi�ce connecti�ns shall b� long eras�ugh t� avoid d�st�arbing th� street impre�vemen�s �rh�r� ��rvice c�nn�ctions �re rn�de. �x��ption to llroder-�r�urndir�g R�q�ire�ent: Sectoon 'i�.�10.120.0 �tate� fihat � d�w�6oper shall pay a fee in�lieu of under�g r�►ur�c�on� �o�'ts when the developrnen# Bs prop�sed �o �ake place on a street where existing uti9�ties v�hich are not underground vvill serrre the developrnent and the �ppr�va6 �uthori4y det�rmines that the cest and technical dif�'icuity o# ur�der-gro�an�ling th� aa4ilities outv�reighs �he b�nefit e�f ur�der�grou�ding in conJunctio� with the cleveloprr�ent. The defermination shall be �r� a �ase-bydc�se basBs. 7he rr��st cornrnon, but not the on[y, ��ch situation is a short frontag� developm�nt for which under-grounding wou9d result in the piace�ent o#' addational poles, rather thara th� removal �f above-ground �atilities facilities. ,An applicarat for a develops°r�ent which is served by utiiities wh6ch are not �rader�round �ncl which are located across a public right-of-way from the ap�licant's property shall pay a �'ee in-lieu of under-g�oundi�g. There are existing overhead utility lines along the frontage of SW 108th Avenue. If the fee in-lieu is proposed, it is equal.to $27.50 per lin�al foot of street frontage that contains #he ov�rhead lines. The frontage along this site is 150 lineal feet; therefore the fee would be $4,125.00. ADDITIOIVAL CITY AND/C1R AC;ENCY COtVC�RLVS iIVITH STREEI' AfVD iJTILITY IMPROV'EIVIENT BRETfON WQODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 28 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 • Publi� 11Vat�er S��$��rr�o iT�f�`i s site can be s�rved from the Cifiy's rnain water line in 108th Avenue. Since 4he City does not p�rmit public wafier linPS in a private street, the applicant will ne�d to bank the water meters as shown on the plan at the entrance to the subdivision. Storm Vil�t�r�ualitv� Th�r y�a� agr�ed to enforc� Su�f�c� 1�later Mlan�gernent (�!l�l�i) reguiatiens �stabl9shed by Clean� ilVater S�roodces (CWS) De�i�� �nd C�+nstruction �ta�da�ds (aelop�ed by R�e�ol�tBsare and Order tVo. 00�7) which require th� con�truc�ion �# oa�-�ite wa�er quality facilitie�. `Th� f��iliti�� �h��� �e des�gn�d �o r�rnove 65 ��r�ent of the phosphor�s �cant�in�d in 100 ��rcent of the st�rrn wrater r�nof� generated frorn r�evv6y created ir�perrriou� surfaces. n ade�i�Bon, a ox�air�tenan�e plan shall be �ubrnitted indicatir�g the frequ�ency ancl m�thod #� be used in keepang the f�ciiity mai��ained fihrough the year, Prior t� construction, the applicant shall submit plans and calculations for a water quali�y facilify 4P1�t will m�efi the intent of the CW s Design Standards. !n addition, the a_pplicant shall submet a maintenance plan for the facility that must be reviewed and �pproved by the City prior to construction. The applicant will meet CWS water quality specifications by praviding a 100-foot long biofiltration sw�le in Tract A. 'The swale, along with the onsite storm drainage system, must be privately mainfiained. The applicant's CCR's must provide clear direction tn th� futur� home owner� �s to fihe maintenance responsibilities frar Tr�ct A. C�radir� anc6 Erosion Control: VU Design and or�str�action �tanc6ards� �I�� r�g�ulate erosBon control to reduce the amo�r+fi of ��dim�nt and oth�r pollufi�nt� r��ching the p�blic storo�n and surface water syst�rn resa�l�ing fr�rn d�veloprneret, �or�str�ctimn, graddng, ��c�vating, clearing, and any ofher activety �rahich acc�lerat�s erosion. Per C1nIS r�gulations, th� �applicant i� requir�d �o submit an ero�ican �ontro9 plan for City review ar�d appro�al prior to os�uanc� of Gity permits. 7h� Fed+�ra�l �lean 1N�fier Act require� th�t a� Na�sonal P'ol9utan4 �is�harg� Elimination Sy���m (fVPC3�S� erosion con�rol permit be issu�d f�r any developrrr��nt �h�t will dis#urb fiv� or rriore acr�� o land. Si�ce this set� is over five acre�, the cleveloper w►ill b� requared to obt�in an NPD�� �ra�nit fso�n th� Cit� prior #� con�truction. 1'his permit vvi61 be issued along with th� BY1 s6te ��d or buildir�g perr�st. A final gradir� plan shall be submitted showing the existing and proposed contours. The plan shall d�tail the provisions for surface drainage of all lots, and show that they will be graded to in�ure that surface draina�ge is directed to th� streef or a public storm drainage system approved by the Engineering Department. For situations where the back portions of lots drain away from a street and toward adjacent 1ots, �ppropr�ate private st�rm drain�ge lines shall be provided fo sufficiently contain and convey runoff from each lot. The appiicant will be required to obtain a NPDES permit, as this site is over two acres in size. e4ddress �4ssignm�rats: The�it�igard i� responsible fo� �ssogning addr���es for parcel� v�ithin the Cit of'Tigard y0 7' �ncB within the llrban Seo�rice �ounda (USB). An adclressing f�e in the amount of� 30.00 per �ddre�s shali be asses�ed. `This fee s�all be paid t� the City prior to a�pr�rral of the final plat. The City of Tigard is re�ponsible for assigning addresses for parcels within the City of Tigard and within the Urban Service Boundary (US� . An addressing fee in the amaunt of $30.00 per address shall be assessed. This fee shall b� paid �o the City prior to approval of the final plat. For this project, the addressing fee will be $360 (12 iots and/or tracts X $30/address = $360). Surve ReqTrements: e app icant s i�nal plat shall contain State Plane Coordinates [NF�D 83 (91 on finro monuments with a tie to the City's global positioning system (GPS) geodetic control network (�C 22).�These monuments shall be an the same line and shall be of the same preci5ion as requi d fior he subdivision plat bounc�ary. Along with #he coordinates, the plafi shall contain the �cale factor fio convert ground rneasurements to grid m�asurements and the angle from north to grid north. These coordinat�s can be established by: BRETTON WOQDS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 29 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 . GPS tie netwark�d to the City's GPS �urvey. o By random�raverse using conventional surveying methods. In addition, the applicant's as�built do-awir�gs shall be tied to the GPS ne�twork. The �pplicant's engir�eer shall provide fihe City wifih an �lectronic file with points for each structure (manhoies, catch basins, wafier valv�s, hydrants and �ither water system features in the development, and fiheir respective X and Y Sfiate Plane �c�ordinates, referenced to NAD 83 �91). �E��'tON \iNL C�l'�l�R �i',A�F' COiIA�JIE(NTS 1°he 1'igarcl �uilding D@vi�6o� has reviewed this prapo�al buf did not provide any comments at this time. Th� �i�� off Tic�ard Op�r�tio�s i�tgiity Mana�er has reviewed the proposal bufi did not provide any comments at this time. The Ci�y �f Tig�rd /�rbor�st ha� reviewed the proposal, and has provided �he foilawin� comments: All trees on the neighboring praperties must receive fihe s�me protection guidelines as the trees on the applicant's sit�. if the �ree prafectic�n guidelines outiined in the conditions of approval are nat followed, moved af�er b�ing ap�roved in the field, knocked down during construction or are r�moved prior to the end of constructior� the proj�ct will be: + Immediately shut down until the fencing is reinstalled according to 4he condi#ions of approval. � s F_ach impacted tr�e shall be bonded fior seven years in the amount ofi$5,Q00.00 p�r tree. o Corrective acfiion will taken by the applicant to address the damage done to the Crifiical Root Zones of each tree. Corrective action rnay include, but not limited to, loosening compacted �oil, repl�clr�g graded soil or removing filled soil. , A fine of $250.00 per day shall be assessed to fihe applicant for each day fihat the fencing is down. I am very c�ncerned about the health and stability of the trees �hafi will remain onsite. One of my conc�rns lies in the fact that their root� will receive extensive damage from the consfiruction of the private drive and the homes. "fhese trees are growing, for the mo�t part, in d grove.. As a result they hade developed root systems that are intertwined and shared. °TP�e loss of neighboring and acljacent trees will have advers� impacts on the trees tha# are retained due to exfiensive root loss. Additionally, the tr�es serve ta protec# each �ther during periods of low, mod�rate and high winds. Removing trees from this grove could very well have adverse impacts on the remaininq trees in that they,could be blown over since they will be directly exposed to wind� without the cusfiomary protection in addition ta 4heir root systems already having been exfiensively compromised. There is nnt enough protection �rovided fior the "Retain" tree� to avoid detrimental, and probably irreversible, damage to the roat systems. One of the functinns of tree roots is to provide anchorage for�he tree i;� the soil. Not properly protecting the root systems can cause sev�re damage and death fio the neighboring hornes and families. If the firees do not fall they coul�! die as a result of the extensiv� root damage and fhe future homeowners will b� stuck paying for fihe very expensive job of removing the dead trees. If the developer is serious about keeping these trees, a more extensive root protection zone should be required. Putting the tree protection fencing at the drip lines for the majority of these trees will not be enough protection for the raot systems. One suggestion would be to not develop Iofi.10 and reconfigure lots 8 � 9 to allow for adequate tree protection for the remaining large trees. This would alleviate a large problem regarding tree stability on th� r�orth�ast portion of th� development. BRETTON WOODS STAFF REPORT(SUB2003•00001) PAGE 30 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � In �ddifiinn to the cornment abov�, I would suggest eliminating the private driv� on the r�orth�rn porfiior� af the development and tie into th� existing raad locat�d just south �f the dev�lopment. I do not feel that thinning out the canopies of the remaining trees is a viable or wis� aptio� �s a soiution to the stability issue� regarding the tr�es located on the northern boundary line. The trees will suffer imrner�se roof loss, which will have advers� impacts on the overall h��lth of the firee�, nnt ju�t the stability. l'he t�-ees �nrill experie�ce diminished abilitie� to take up w�ter and nutrients as well �s s#orage a�d conductic�n of water and nutrienfis. 1'h� 'Tigarci �alice I�epartrne�t has review�d �he proposal and i�dicated that they have r�o objec�ions to the propasal. SECl'iO�B VIIl. l�C�EIVCI( CAC1PIilA�eI�YS The Tu�lat�� !/�iley Fire and R�s��� has reviewed fihe proposa! and offered the following cc�mments: DEAD �ND ROADS: [�ead end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet ira length shall be provide�wit an �ppraved turnaround. Diagrams of approved turnarounds are availabl� from the fire districfi. (UFC Sec. 902.2.2.4) T'he prop��ed ha�rnerh�ad turra�round is acceptable. NO PARKING SIGNS: 1Nh�re fir� app�ratus roadways are not of sufficient width to accor�modate parked vehecles and 20 feet of unobstructed driving surface, "IV� Parkinq" signs shall be installed an or�e or both sides of the ro�dway and in turnarounds as needed. (UF� Sec. 902.2.4) Signs shall read "NO PARKIfdG - FI�E LANE - TOW AWAY ZONE, ORS 98.810 - 98.812" and shal( be installed with a cl��r space above grade level oi`7 f�et. Signs shall b� 12 inches wide by 18 inches high and shall have black or r�d letters ar�d border on a whifie background. (I�FC Sec. 901.4.5.1)- (5ee diagram on back} R10 Parkir�g signs shall be provided ira the har�am�rh�ad turn�round. SINGLE-�AMILY DWELLINGS AIJD DUPL�XFS � FIRE HYDRANTS: Fire hydrants far single-farr�ily wellings, dup exes and sub-divisions, shall b� p aced at each intersecfion. intermediate fir� hydrants are required if ar�y portion of a structure exceeds 50Q feet from a hydrant at an intersection as measured in an ap�roved manner araund the outside of the structure and along approved fire ap aratus acces� roadways. Placement of additional fire hydrants shall be as approved by tf�e Chief. (U�C Sec. 903.4.2.2) SINGLE-FAMILY D1N�LLI�IGS - REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: The minimum available fire flow for smg e-fiami y we ings an up exes s a e , ga lons per minute. If the structure(s) is(are) 3,6C10 square feet or larger, th� r�quired fire flovN shall t�e determined according to UFC Appendix Table A-III-A-1. (UFC Appendix fil-A, Sec. 5) ACC�SS AND FIRE FIGHTIiVC� WATER SUPPLY DURING CONSTRUCTION: Apprnved fire apparatus access roa ways and ire ightmg water supplies shal be �nstal e and operafiional prior to any other construction on the sit� or subdivision. (UFC Sec. 8704) Cdean �d'�t�r �ervices, PGE, The Oregon Division of State Lands, ilerizon, �nd �Aiashington County were oti�ed, but no additional comments were submitted. �°'� April28 2003 . ra i by D l�— Associate Planner � � A�ril2� 2003 . ic ar e e o -U1A'T��— Planning a ag�r BRETFON VUOODS STAFF REPART(SUB2003-00001) PAGE 31 OF 31 PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING 5/5/2003 � � �� H . . GEOORAPNIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DURHAM �,���e4� ��� � a` S �UB2003-0000 ! ¢ PDR2003-000�1 ZON�003-0�0�1 '" � VAR�003-00006 = VAR2003-000�1 , � 0 � T ���s���o �RE�TON WOODS A ►� � � SU�DIVISION v ~-' � _ �a W TlTA � TITAN LN C m � R5 FER � _ r _iID � A . !— Y � r F�� • 'J O T ` � � � � :ti . `�.'�- _ _ - �� SULL ra-r .�p {---' . ��4?�' � -���HONf7w _ V � _ _ 8�8�°R0. _ � ,.` DO R CT rfluak�.M.p �, `� ! WAY � N - . � 0 100 200 300 4p0 SOp Fql� - � 1'�354 fset I `p,-CiN����� c,�y o�rg�a ��� � � Intonnation on Ws mop u forgamra!{crxtipq oNp uq � . � ' � ahould W vaAfiod v.vffi Iha Oa+rsispmaM S�evio�s-Ciri�fon.. � . . . � . 131T5SWHaRBtW�. .. . .. � � - Tpa•d.OR 57223 - I. isos)esw�Tt hCplMwr.ci.tlp�rtla.us � . Community[3aveioprrent •_ Piot date:Mar 26,2003;C:4nagic�MAGICU3.APEt ���� �_ . � � ,- , � � - % � '� i . , . . � � ��� �2 , � � ��\ 15 � � /�i�� � ��` ��`` � ( . 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March 21, 2003 Brian Rager City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Blvd � Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Bretton Woods—Sight Distance Certification Jmb No. 328-014 Dear Bria�: I am writing concexning Bretton Woods a 10-lot development project located on SW 108th Ave. I have attached an exhibit to represent the sight lines north and south on SW 108�' Ave. for the proposed access point. The siglit distance measurerxient was taken 10' from the face of the cuxb and 3' from the centerline af the private drive. Cizrrently the sight vision to the north an.d south is adequate, but to iinprove and rnaintain the sight distance to the sauth any low growing branches and under brush need to be regulaxly trimrned. Sincerely, ALPHA.ENGINEERING, INC. �`�!�?�� ��� Brent Fitch,PE Proj ect Engineer Enclosure: 1 � N:\projl328-014\Word132814sight,doc Plaza West � Suite 230�9600 SW Onlc • PortlAnci, Oredon 9i223 �ffice 5U3-�k52-8003 • F'e�s 503-�152-tia�b3 �}v��-�v.ail�hu-en�r.com • L�. . . a � i i Y` r• . .,.. , r. ' � �r �. 3.00' -�-- 1 �4 I � � '� W I � � �' J � � 2a �I � I � 1 � _ _ _ � `� � . I - - _ lo 0 � � � ' -i ;� 1► �; � ; ; � �� 23 I �I � I � � t. � I i( � > � -- \ � � �� � � \ �� � \ 22 �� i � � 2� � ? �i / \ � �`� i� . / ' � / / I �I I / \ / / ;� I6.00' — � — — — �— — �L _ 1'4�10' u•v,noa�rno� � �� �' � '. �� ',Fl� 2 �FlR ,_-56"FlR I� . .� ' _ ._ _— —._ }'��R., "' Q ��' /, �Y...._-,`__�)�o'na W �: � r _ ' "�.' .%;. � 4 .; ..�...... .. ,�116 � " ��1 ' � �I .R WOO�I j �f I ... ., 3.00=� ,� � :••4;�JSe .•.,.•r `�� •r ^: '�• c+��72'D:CIOUCLm /'S 13 C. Q '� ..';',. . �� 15'FlR ,: I WOOD 1"D llfill£�... � _ (� I :D'NOOfI � __�� -..�^____� _� � I: , r'___.� r'__—� 318 ; C� II i � � I � 78 F_ .� ' � �i I I I I � I ': � I I I S.SOOSF I I I 5.5925F I I 3131 3129 '1 � I� . � � . � � � �S'i I 0T 36'F�I�i 3'FIR_ �, � � ; � I I � I 3135 ��6���0"F�•' � I � ' � � J �___ 3�!` U� 1'FIR�71�2'n��! �. t' r � taa td''Fttt4'� t .:iR ..��� I � ��3 \, _J I 1 ��ECIDl10U5 _�Y�4 FlR .��, � ' � �� L �' ' __ _ —__J !c'y3312 30"fIR � fi' . R �_'-_"--_,__._._._.... ��•220'UECIOl10U5 3�g 3145�-�� _ -2',FIF 11.666SF, 1� LL �� ,,,, ;r��,z �,�� 14"FlR ' �� � S.W. KENT STREET � "f�DAR''�',�'�'�'�.-Td:2I'f.m6 y„/ . . _.C�R� � 'y __ _ ^ `7 FIR ^, 29'FlR 3137 � ��• ��� 327 3139 �' ��� � ,'IB'CE�AR � Fl��FIR O _ ___,� m 3140 'r� �— ''— j �:i" a F16�4'S2�5. _/� — / I � - _ E — — —— .— — — — — � ' �ji2'nLOEti I (n �i m I = i��. i ! .o - — _ �—_ _ � _ — _ — — _ _ _ _ _ — il � I� � � � ;: �t � I TAX LOT � ;� � � 1900 � I� - I � ;! I m k �I m i� I � � � 1 f _ �,i �; y ' ; �`� !� I SCALE: 1 "=60' � N I f l If V 0 ; DRAWN BY: BEF DATE; 3iziios Z � REVIEWED BY: DATE: J ; PROJECT NO.: 328-014 a 1'�=6 0, .Ag.P'HA �l'�INE���A7'C� INC. � PLANNING�►DEV&IAP1�+'N'P 9ERVICE9 a 9URVEYINC � SCAL,E: — n ; OF!'ICS 603-462-8003.FAX 609-462-8049 ,'- PLAZA 11L3T�SUPfS 2S0 6 9E0� 311 OAK+PORTI,AND.OR 97223 ' Nr\ ro \328-014\dw \RLANNING\32814v1s.dw � � � '=+�, . �'� � � �''�,. � ALP�IA �NG7:�I�ERING, IN�".. March 20, 2003 Job #328-014 Brad Kilby City of Tigard 13125 SW Hall Bl.vd. Tigard, UR 97223 RE: Bretton Woods Dear Brad: The access management criteria per the notice of incomplete ar� addressed below. H: Access Management 1. An access report shall be submitted with all new developmefit proposczls which verzfies design of driveways ccnd st�•eets are safe by meeting acleqzeczte stc�cicing needs, sight clzstance ancl deceleratzon stan�lards as set by ODOT, YYashington County, tlie City ancl AASh'"TO (dependzng on jzarisdzction of faczlity.) The'development proposal for Bretton Woods has been designed so that driveways and streets are safe. As the development is creating a private residential street providing access to only lO lots, stacking and deceleration standards are not cause for concern. Attaclied is a letter addressing the availability of sight distance showing the standard can be met. 2. Driveways slzall not be permitted to be placed in the influence area of colrectoy or artericzl street intersections. Influence area of intersectzons is that czrea where queues of traffic comnzonly forni on approach to an intersection. The minimum driveway setbacic from a collector or arterial street intersection shall be 1 SO feet, measurec�fYOm the riglit-of-tivay lzne of the intersectzng street to the throat of the proposecl driveway. The setback may be grectter depending upon the influence area, as determined from City Engineer review of a tra�c impact report subrnztted by the applzcant's tra�c engineer. In a case whe��e a � �roject Izas Zess than 1 SO feet of street fi�ontage, the applicant must e�plore any option for � sharec�access with the c�djacent parcel. If shared access is�iot possible or pf�actical, the i drivetivay shczll be placed as far from the intersection as posszble. � ,, This item does not apply, as SW 10��'is not a collector or arterial si:reet. s� � � � � Nt\proj\328-014\Word\32814ICilby03.17.03_ltr.doc 1�I�za�Jesi • 9uiie 23Q �95�4 S�O�lc • Portl�nd, Ore�on 97223 Office 503-452-8003 � k ax 503-�52-80�3 •wtv�v.al�alx��-�;n��•�cc�ni a . t �, . � w 3. The rnininau.m spc�cing of drivetivays and streets alon.g tc collector shall be 200 feet. Tlze minimum spc�ezng of driveways czn�l streets along ara arterial shall be 600 feet. According to the pre-application conference the minimurn spacing for drive�vays and streets along SW 108t1i is 125-feei:therefore this item does not apply. 4. The minirnum spaczng of local streets alo�ag a local street shall be 125 feet. The zi��m�,un spacing of local streets accessing SW 108`h is 125-feet. The Bretton Woods plail demonstrates 134-feet of separation between the new private street and 5W Kent Street as measured from centerlines thereby meeting the requirement of this si;andard. Sincerely, ALPHA ENGINEERING, II�TC. � . Breni:E. Fitch,PE ;�.ry�-�-�� Project Engineer '��i�' ���'�,Q p����'s f ' �5 �� IN $�, �'��� '� � 5462,,7��/'� ' �+-��7'_ 0:3,EGQN . �,Q A��R. 12,2��r G'^�' . ��T E F`� EXPIRATION DA�: j 2 31 �U3� .� � 'i t c Ni\proj\323-01�1Word�32814Ki1by03.17.03_ltr.doc ,,� .,�� . ,, � � � ,� ��L�I�A ENGINZ,ERING, INC. March 20, 2002 Job #32�-014 Brad Kilby, Associate Plaruier Cit�of Tigaxd 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Response to Coznpleteness Review Letter—Bretton Woods. Dear Brad: The following addendum has been prepared to respond to item.s listed in the City's letter addressing applicatioii completeness. Each of the concerns or completeness items identified in your letter is presented below with our response. 1. A sea���ice px-ovider letter fror�Clean Watea•�ervices. RESPONSE: The service provider letter from CWS has been submitted to the City for review. 2. An �cce5s report purs�ant to 7l'�C 18.705.030(T'�) See attached documentation meeting the criteria for this code section. 3. Your Pla�xs shov� 10�t�street ixnprovements being only 16-feet frozn centerinne,the TSP designates l0�th as a neigl�borhood route wath �i�ce laa�es t�xe�reby recyuarAr�g 1�-feet of iraprovea�ents from�enterline. The existing paving on the east side is 20-feet and with ot�r proposed 16-feet the standard for 36-feet of paving is met even though it is slightly off-set. The purpose for not proposing 18-feet of paving is so that we can better preserve existing trees that are zight on the edge of the street. We believe that the transition can be made safely and adequate improvements will be in place rather tha,n putting the existing trees at rislc. The final design will comply with the recornmer�dations of tlle City En�ineer based upon his review of our proposed improvements. � '� .i 1 Pl�za West>Suite 230 •9600 SW Oalc • Portland, Oregon 9i223 Office 503-�52-8003 • k'a.e 503-452-80�3 _ •w�v�v.�alpliu-eiig.r.om � J Y1 `ny !' T hope these addiCio7lal materials are lzelpful towards the City's review of this application. We believe this addendum.responds to a11 the items identi�ed in your letter and provides t11e rnforxn.ation necessary i:o be deemed coxnplete and begin the City's processing of this application. F�ease feel free to call me if you 1�.a,ve any question regarding these additional znaterials at 503-452-8003. Sincerely, A:LPHA ENGINEERING, INC. , ;��'��'��`���.. Matthew L. Sprague . Proj ect Manager :4 :( ; r z � '� , , ,, ;: , ; � �`' . . :.:. .... ::.. . ;; y,i ' r . t;. _ * , � , � �. �;. V, � :;. f 7 .� � �' 1= t �il� I A" � � '4��+ 1 � ' �� '4„,� en�: � 7 � � . ;;. V�t 4 �:� A � �S�F t �r � j(em! Yint�A` � � '� V� ll � ( � � � f;�� j, � � � � :�; .� � , o f-.� C .0 � � < .e� „ , �". o � .. �a �,° . �.. . • ,. ��f�9 I�:r yr <�. �. _� ,� U . . .,, . . . p . 7 � . � � �. � . . ,�< . _ . 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CIYY C.+P 4lGAR� ; � ,I Ip�g , ���.,,i �,,.,.��i 4� i I ' AREGO� �AlrIC)`IJS�';PE�Nt.iT' A►P.F' F 9 '�,��;A°T'I'��V File#i`�� —� Other'�Ca`se�#� ' �`' �Date:Application�Complete��._ Dafe By.��� Receipt# ��. � TYP� OF PEf2N11T YC)flJ AR� P��P'LYi�I� F�R (v�Adjustment/Variarice (i or II) ❑ Minor Land ParEition (Il) ❑Zone Change (fll) ❑Comprehensive Plan Amendment(IV) [�Planned Development(IIl) [�Zone Change Annexation (IV) ❑ Conditional Use (III) ❑ Sensitive Lands i�eview (I, il or III) ❑Zone Ordinance Amendment(IV) ❑ Historic Overlay (II or lil) � Site Development Review(II) ❑ Home Occupation(II) �ubdivision (II or III) , ress i avai a e � ��I-� �� �o���h �-5 1 ( S �1 �-1 Lo`� 13o I � I � ba .3� �G�S ` � �. - � .� ,4����. �. ,��.e�e..r, ►� �",,,C. �? ��� s l,� ��.�, ��. �2�� ��-���c� �12-- l �Z�� �3 - �(5� -���� �� 3- �(�a - �'b 4�� �a��� � �� � ac is i more an one �Jo�L-�e,� L-�ss �,�.��� ���.s-�- , i l���� � sw t c��� , �� A-�d �� � �z 2 �/ � . � f' �� ✓� �." 4-�� '� �When the owner and the applicant are different people, the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a IPSSee in possession with written authorizafion from the owner or an agent of the owner. The owners must sign this application in the s ace rovided�on the back of this form or submit a written authorization with this a lication. easa e speci ic �, 1�c�rt �� " ���J ✓�Q� � G-- l 0 - �o �C V/ m-� i ---F I �ac w�.f � � I,� ��. �� n�� �( /-�-� . C,.; , ��-.��� „n- I n .-:_. .. �c.A�n.. See _r�.�. � �. � 1 r. ' Ti , �� c.�.. " � c�/`� �S�� ��— �t APPL.lCATIONS WILL NOT BE _ACCEPTED VUITHOUT ALL 6� Ti!iE REQUIRE� S0.DBM1'�I'AL ELEN6EtdTS AS D�SCFi1B�D IN THE"BASIC SUBIVIIT�'AL REQUIREMENTS" INFORMATION SHE�T. �T°H� APPL.iG�N7' �fi/�aLL ��9�`Tl�l( T'H,4T. If the �pplication is granted, the applicar�t shalf exercise the righfis granted in accardance wifh the � terms and subjecfi to all the conditions and iimitations of th� appravaf. ♦ Ail the abov� s�afiements and the �tatements in th� piot plan, attachments, and exhibits transm�tted her�with, are true; and the applicants so �cknowledge that any permit issued, based on this applicafion, map be revoked if it is found that any such statements are false. � The applicant ha� read the entire contents af the application, including the policies and criteria, and understands the requirements fUr approving or denying the application(s). SiGNATUaCS OF E,�C{� B�'WNEFZ OF THE SUB,IECT' F'ROPERTY AR� FtE(�UIRED. � ' �� � C�.� ,���"���.� � Owr��r's Signa� Date ) �vvner°s Signa�ur� Date �wner's Signata�re Date Qwr�er's Sigo�a$ure Date * C3wner's Signature Date i . Applicant/Agent/Represen#ative's Signature Date ; , FicantlAgenURepresentat��e's Sigt�atc�rs [�ate � � ���� � � � � � . . � .... �.� '. � P .. . . iSrl���8��11`!!?IN �� � ¢° 4� � � l� 1�.- � � .- � v� � � � � � ���1����`�I�i��°i � • PROPE�'i°� lC�FORN'!�TlAN 1) � Praperty: ,71GARD OR PN: ��4734 Levy Cade: p23.7�4 Ait APN: 2�-1-1�/�U4-0130'i-�01 rd#: f�rap Tax: �1:40 Use: R��IDE�1Td�L LO'P County: �7AbSHt�lCa'YC�iV,Ofd Tax Yr. 20�1 Delinq: Total Velue: ;700 Census: 308.ti4 Tax Apprs�l bist: 023.7d Land Value; $7'00 A�lap Pg: IUeigh Code: CCDOK Imprv Value: T-R-S-Q: 28-9a�15AA Schaol Dist: 023 Taxable Val: �700 Jurisdictian: T1�4Ra Exemptions: Assd Yr: �OQ9 ' Subdivision: iIVILi.C21N�Fi00FC F�lFt� 9�o Improve: Uwner. Li�51`1�IA�.7ER FAhV6BLY 1'�tltST Owner Vest: / /TR ILI��Y NVALTER�.&DOiZC3THY H Phone: Mail: 1�d55 SW 1�6TH AVE;TIGAi��OFt 97�2�-�509 R006 Owner Transfer= Rec Dt: Price: Boc�: Type: Sale Dt: ���� ��i�v�ar�c� ar��o��w�rr�n� - LAS7 SALE PRIOR SALE Reco�rding/Sale DatP: m5l�3/1J89 Saie Price/Type: Document#: Deed Typ�: Excise#: fVttg Laan$/Type: � 'I st Mtg RatelTypetTerm: ! / . 1st Mtg Lender. 2nd Mtg Loan$/Type: 2nd Mtg Rafe/TypelTerm: � I . f Titfe Garnpany: Selier. New.Construction: Othe�Lasf Sale Info= #Pa�ceis: Type 2: Pend: �!°rE 9n9FC)RAlla�'T187�l�! Zoning: Sewer Type: Acres: 0.Q5 �ounty Use: 1002 Water Type: Lot Area: 2,'E7S State Use: 1002 Electric: L4t Width: Bldg Ctass: Tax Fire pist: Lot Depth: Tax Garbg Dist: Garage uap#� �lood Panei: Cur�Type; Carport SqTt: Panel Date: 5treet Type: ` Parking Sqft: Flood Zone; View Quafity: parking Type: ' View Type: � Win2�ata� Page; 1 of 2 INIP'RO��I{��lN`T IN�t�i�lYI�TIO County: 1��s1i1��°ra�, Af'N: R20Q473� .�oss Bidg Area; Total Rooms: Construction: dglLiv�ng Area: Bedrms: Foundafion: BaselMain Area: �aths(FuI�/Hal�: Ext Wall: Ground FIr Ar�a: Ttl Ba4hs/Fixk: Int Wall: Upper Area: Yr B�uiltlEff: Roof Type: 2nti Fir Area: #S4ories: Raof Matl: 3rd FIr Area: FBreplacs/#: Roof Frame: He�ted Are�: Dining Rrr�s: Roof Shape: �a�emer�4 Area: Family Rms: Hsat FueL• �asemer�t Fin: Basement Type: Heat Type: Sassment tJnfin: Pool: Parce!Fu�eL �lSF: F'orch'�ype: �loor Type: Patio Type: Floor Cover: Porch 1 Area: Cqnditian: Air Cond: Pe�io/D�ck 1: Frame: F'atio/D�nk 2: Style: E�uipment: #�Bldgs: �Res. Units: #Gomrri Ilnits: lnspeat Entry: Bldg Type: r��GAL fNFORIY�AT109V L�al Piat BkPg: Lega! Blkl�idg: Lega[Lot/Unit: Legal Dese: Y4iELL�W-B6i00K-FJ�RIVi, LOT P1'28,J4�RES.�5 � Win2Dafa� Page: 2 of 2 . : � — a0.°3��'s U/!1'1fUC Y: ilrmr.l6V� O'197e.awr� �.. a.��. , 6ent b)AUG, 22, 70G2i1 2�3�P�1 . �rtE�(D�1 TiTL���4ti��v�'�p(Al�'ilP Ponl,er.rd,O�47�01 ,.� , P���so�)�.a�sa �su(so3)2zs-8saa . r����a'r��abi�ti.� �i �lushiug�ti(oR} \r,�' �J �--� ��2� ��d� °������ ��a����� �-----�----' �e�droor�x : 3 Re[�cccl9t : �.5115:�.A,OY4f�} �a8kroo►rea : 2.Q0 R: OFW T: n2s S: 15 Qt AE ,yr.�ta 1��'hod : Forcdd peYC61�lOR1b� : �•Q��W.�tCi��yTNSI pdP� - QVtt1CC, : '�..1S�y , �� �G/ICP.� 5i�re�Ad+�ss t 16�55 5W 40X'Tt�Aore Tz�d Or 9127�i �isi,wasDeer ��A���$ : ]6455 SW bO�Th Ave 1'ig+� Nood�an htrnc :�Ov�ner "Ter►ane: �� : Yes �'cltp . . Gtet'ure Type : De9ael�� Gprage SF' : ,9Q� Lor Acres : 1.29 Lor SqPY : 99.751 ' ,�amFtn�aF � �� BsenUAfmSF : 1,156 SATT T- '� B.r�mLow+SF' � , T.nan Atraount : Btdg SqFt : 1.890 'Ikancf� - : O1J�C�1'2o01 . 1srFi�Sq!'� : l.l58 13ocu�aent : 15347 t�onder {j er.�L.4F' . LoaaTxPe . PP S�►a p�iee ; ���aia�S�le %succosc Itau , PvrrTr S�fY , ��T� �lesci�gType : Tntct\Tcustt� �tn6,�9�t : 5�8 %OWAOd ; 1 W ��p� : 470 3'aa1-8ui/c : 19�6a � ,�3'r�r�Ir : /442 � ��r A1�7D�'� YZIVIATQO Flaor Covrr : Cm�st ��ype Arr��t : Foundaiion : Canerere FYg Ivdlcc I.s��nd ; 31�3,710 ���t�,y� . • Roof Skapa • �S�cnue : S70,A60 ,���,y�d : 30 }�oofR�fratl : Cansp SHtngle ���� - y,�.� Codc : d�7S 1nre�iarA�a9I : LapY�'add MkC Total : 5233;fi7Q 'Y ���Ng��j ; �lapDradc 01-0�'I'�xes t 51,497.38 Canst 71'PP : Wd Str.dlSht� Sclaool Diat : '� • �xz ftr+ish ; 5hakx Asscssc�°�ot�] : 5139,U7�1 ,� ��� J° . _.....o.- �i�t'_E�`�'����iP��Y�i �,�p{'srld : b�5 G� Cl�ss Code : Rla : 'I'�n�: 308.02 Bloc� : 2 C�l�sus MallIt�t� : 1�.�624 �srovo�ne'1(�+pe; �pi°� � WiAowbrook Farm Sra�divia#on/Plar , • N�igh�o7�od Cd : COOK Y ea�cd �,�Ild USG , W1Y.LQW-�1ROL)K-FARM,LQT p'�29,AC�� Lc�aD : 2.29 � Wehle. B�ut�s t'sntoed. .d T1,.�+.tar,nMNnn�rnvfded Ic llcecti'ted 1� � ------- -. - �� �`� �� z -d 8008896EOS XdW�21 =�-�aqwel ewiIf� �'vt �6� ZO �0 �aS >. - ` � :, , = - ,.. . ;;. £. . ., :; . > . :. . ,, ,.., . . a- � �:. - a' - � ���: f � .k� � � ����OA fiLT � Y� �. . .: : -' ." ' �. -- �. -. . . . '_ . : , ..� :� � �: . . ... .. �.. .. . . ' . . r? .��:� .�� . .. . �- ' �: .�:. " ..<.__,--. . . ,� :. . ,; . :- . .� . .. ...� ...... . . .. ...� .....:�_ ..����'�- t' _ .'�:n Q, ..� , � ., • .. .�...:t. .... .,�. .. .. ..�:.. . ..._., . . �. �-... . . . . �.�... . � � .. .-. ... - .. .�...,�..�- . .��.:- . - ... . . .: ._.,- . ... � .> .;-.: � ; �— - �.,,. G � '- .t.:���'��':�':: _�--._�; : . _ _ � . � '� �`.�• � ' - ' 0 " �4�1'" �%�o- ,�� � S �y ' � F . ._: '? . •'.,.: :�_.• ' ' " _ . ° ;`. . • . . ' _:. , "� � �' ' .: _ �.�,: . . .r� ' .. . . � ^�� `� .i: :", -; '- ' � : + ' .:.' . ...'.' ..... t ..,. .., .:.: . .� . . . �... .:, , .�.:.:.. :..�. _- : �-� • ��;::., . ' . :�:-` _ . •. � _. -, . : �: '. ,. . .' �. .� �> ,: � . , , , a .:'t . ._ . ... , . . . � ... . .. . , . ' '�'n �` � � m' c . _ . , . , - - (xt� x ; � e ,� �. . ._. ., r . . -� �.__. .. _ - � � .. .,. � . o _ . .��. . . � . . FACTS�EET Project Name: Bretton Woods Proposed Actions: 10- Lot Pla.nned Development, Subdivision, Street Adjus�nents Tax Map: 251-15AA Tax Lots: 1301 & 1400 Site Size: 2.34 acres (101,930 Sr) Location: Located on the we�t side of SW l O8th Avenue, north of Dover Court and south of Chateau Lane. � Zoning: R-4.5 (City of Tigard) Owner: Walter Lissy Family Trust 16455 SW 108`h Avenue Tigard, OR 97224 Applicant: AEI Development Al Jeck 9600 �W Oak Street, Suite 230 P'ortl.and, Ck 97223 503.452.8003 Applicant's Representative: Alpha Engineering, Inc. Matt Sprague (Project Planner) 9600 SW Oak Street, Suite 230 Portland, OR 97223 503.452.8003 � �a°re?ta�r�rt ��<'t�nrE'w ..,�.�.....�,..�_.,�.a,�.l,,...�...�..,.�,.�.........„,...�.-.�iLf�laa r?s��;irtc>e,°i�r,;, f�rr. t � , GENER,.4.�..I1�T�'�RIVIATI ON: The applicant is requesting preliminary approval of a 10-lot single-farnily detached subciivision via a planned deve].opment appr.oval and adjustments i:o the street standards. The subject sii:e, specifically identified as Tax Lots 1301 and 1400 of Tax Map 251 l.SAA, is approxirnately 2.34 acres and is currezxtly zoned R-4.5 (Residential, 7,500 square foot mininzutn lot si.ze)by the City of Tigard. There is an existing house, garage and barn on ttle site. The site contains grass,underbrush and various pii�e, cedar,maple and c,ther deciduous and evergreen trees remaining fram a Christmas tr.ee fann. Larger trees line the nor�hern boundary of the parcel and will be preserved in an open space tract. The site slopes gentJ.y fiom noY-lh to south with steeper slopes of approximately 30% in the southwest corner of tlie site. There are no wetlands or drainageways on the site, however there is a stream to the west of the property. VICINI7C'Y 8z SITE INFORMIA'I'ION The immediate area on 1:he east side of SW 108t"Avenue directly across from the project site is developed with single-family residential homes.Development to the north of the project site is developed with siilgle-family homes on parcels that are approximately 7,500 square feet. Parcels to the west and south of the project sii:e are 1 to 3 acre parcels with existiilg single-family homes. Site Loeation - The site is located on the west side of 5W 108th Avenue just northwest of where SW Kent Sixeet coz�nects with SW 108`�'Avenue and south of SW Chateau Lane. A private street located in Tract"B"will p.rovide access to all lots. The existiiig horne and out buildings will be removed. The private sheet h�act will extend west and tenninate in a hari�xnerhead as a steep ravine and drainage way exist immediately to the west of the property a11d do not lend to further coiuiectivity for automobiles. Correspondingly, none of the adjacent developed parcels provided street stubs to the project site. A sidewallc along the pri��ate s�ieet connecting to a side�tvallc iix tract C will provide pedestrian facilities and an opportunity to ensure coilnectivity standards are met in accordance with the area transportatioil plan. Existing Uses The property currently contains a single-family residence, detached garage, and some outbuildings. All stnictures will be removed. To�o�raphv Tn general,the site slopes downl�ill fronl north to south froin an elevation of 157 feet to an elevatioli of 135 feet. The slope averages 5% over the site, although a small section in the very southwestern corner of the site has a slope of approximately 30% slope. � However, no development will occur within lhis area as it is within Tract"C" a.nd presezved as open spa�e. .��P�'it.'()f4 �'0(If�S�,..�...... ,.,,.,�.....�,...,,.,....�.�......t.....�..............�.m.,�2w...,�,....a.,.,........,�.....�,...,........,.,.»...,,.....,...�a�..al�i�d�7�`17�,�1ItCL'7'�'lf;;,Mifi(:. - Vegetation Trees are dispersed throughout the site with grassy areas surrounding the existing home. Many o1'the existing irees are tl7e remains of a small Christmas tree farm. The existing conditions plan illustrates the type and diameter of the trees on the site over 8-inches in diameter. Surra�ndin�Land Uses The sizbject site is located in� developed area of single-family residential developxnent an relatively large lots. Parcel sizes range between 6,000 alid 10,000 squaxe feet ta the north and east, 30,000 square feeC to the south and a 3.74-acre underdeveloped parcel to the west. All of these parcels have single-family homes on them except for an open space tract north of the northw�st con�er of the site. Tran�ortatian Tlie project site is served by SW l OSth Avenue which is a public street leading to DL�rhatn Road. There are currently x10 Tri-Met bus routes on SW lOSth Avenue near this site. The closest route and stop is on Highway 99 wliere bus roui:es 12 and 95X can be utilized. This service is approximately 1/2 of a mile from the project site. PROJECT D�SCRIP'�'IC�IIoT When the project team completed initial review of the site it was apparent that the approach to development needed to be from a resource point of vievv. Prior to design, the teain arborist and biologist visited the site and developed a plan demonstrating areas of highest natural value for preservation. The design team tlaen reviewed this information and developed a design. 'The layout subznitted for revievv by the City is the result of tllat effort. The Bretton Woods Planned Developinent will be a quality single-fainily residential developrnent vvith open space areas that will blend in seamlessly with surrounding residential development. The use of a private st�•eet versus a public street will allow for the project to reduce impacts to a�id retain a row of mature trees lining the nor.thern boundary of the development in a safe and appropriate maruier. The private road will thread its way through a canopy of Douglas fir trees along its north flank. There a�•e two prop.osed open space tracts will provide common gatheriilg spots for the residents of the development and will provide a buffer between the nevv development and existing developnlent to the nortli and SW 108t1'Avenue to the east. Tract C is ahnost 16,000 square feet and cozitains a vegetated corridor along the wesi boundary preserving native vegetation and la.i-ge trees. It also contains a pedestrian pathway leading to the east for future connection to future developmeni:up and down the stream corridor and to potential development on the west side of the creelc. The north boundary of Tract C contains trees as large as 56 inches in diameter which from a resource statidpoint are worthy of preservation, The second open space Tract(A) is 11,666 square feet and serves two � purposes. It is located witlun an existing bowl along SW 108th Avenue. Its southei�7 half and immediately adjacent to SW 108th it contains part of a grove of large Douglas fir, F.r"t�e>,:tE»t YFonrls; �,a....�w.�....�.�....a,�....,�.,,,.,.3,,.�_�..�.�....�...�,_....� �tt�rfacr f�tt�,�:r�c�erin�, tnc•. Cedar and Coastal Redr�vood. These natural features v✓ill reinain. The nortlierri part of � this bract�will contain a curvilinear vvater quality swale blended in with native plantings that will fiiush out the natural environment while providing needed water quality. Overall�he open space area on site is 0,63 acres in size which is 27% of the entire site. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the 2.34-acre site into 101ots and 3 tracts. All of the newly created lots will be developed with single-family detached hornes. The proposed loxs range in size froxn 5,500 square feet to 6,879 square�eet, vvith an average lot size of jus9;over 5,9Q0 square feet. Tl�e minimum density for this site is 8 l.ots and tlie maxiilium density is 10. SW 108t�' Avenue will be improved by finishing the required half street improvement along the site's frontage. This improvement will consist of a 9-�oot right-of-way dedication for a total of 29 feet fr•orn centerline. The proposed half-st�eet improvement will include a 16-foot paved surface fiom centerline, ct�rb and a 5-foot varying in location sidewalk to protect existing trees adj acent to the street. A private street will be constructed within Tract"B" extending westward approximately 525 feet from the SW 108th Avenue access point and teiminate in a haanmer head. The private drive will provide access and utilzty extensions to serve Lots 1 through 10. The develaper will construct the private drive providing 22 to 28-feet of paving with curbs on both sides and a 5-foot sidewalk on the soi.ith side. The sidewallc will be located within a public easement. T'he different width for the street allow for the construction of"bump- outs" for parking areas. There are three locations where this occurs and those locations were specifically selected so that areas adjacent to the largest trees could be as wide as passible. The"bump-outs"provide a total of 10 on-street parallel parking spaces for residents and visitors to go along with the minimum 2 off-street parking spaces in the garages and 2-off st�•eet parkiug spaces in the driveways. The subdivision l�as the potential to provide parl�iiig for 50 vehicles even though the need would be rar�. Sanitary sewer service is cw�rezitly available iii SW 108t�' Avenue along tlie easten� property line of the project site. A new 8" line will be extended into the site to serve Lots 1 through 10. AdPquate domestic water will be�rovided to the site by extending service Iines with individual ineters banlced on SW 108� or a master meter and private water line froin the existing lin� in SW 10$t�' Avenue to serve all lots within the development. Hydrants will be placed to provide adequate fire suppression to all lots within the development. Stonn �vater runoff will be collected via a system of pipes and catch basins witlain the newly constructed private street. The water ��vill then be conveyed to a storm water quality swale located withill Tract"A" then to an existing intermittent drainage along the south boundary. The Storm, Water and Sanitary utili.ty lines in the private street will be moved as far � south as the City v��i11 al.let�v ��rithin th.e right-of way. This will enst2re that any trenching for these utilities will be no closer than 25 feet of the existing large trees on the north �}f'i'$X{>Id�'P'O(IlIS �r �.........�...,.r..,...._........,.,.«,...,.�4...�,......,.,�..........n..m....,.e.....,.... .'iI�{t(7 I.Ilj;i?if?C'r'Ild�;� iliL'. � � boundary. This change from normal desigxi is a response to keeping those resource� healthy and intact. :�'�°LIC.�L�+ D]E'�E]LOP'T�NT CO�JE �RI'I'E� 18.350 PL�TNEI)]DEVELC?��N�EIV`�" 18,350.100 AP'PROVAL CJL3�T�RIA Planned Developments are required to addxess specific development approval criteria. This facilitates the Commassion's ability to malce findings that the criteria are satisfied when approvia�g or approving with conditions, the concept p1an. The specific approval cri�eria are addressed belo�r. 1. As this project is a planned development subdivlsion, the criteria under section 18.430 must be inet. AIl of the criteria described in 18.430 have been met as deseribed within section 18.430 af this project narrative. 2. The provisions of Chapters 18.715, 18.730, 18.795, 1$.745, 18.765, 18.705 and 18.7$0 are to be utilized as guidelines for a platlned development. The provisions for these chapters are addressed under their speci�c titles and chapters within this nan ative. .� This planned development proposal will not be �eeking a density bonus as the proposed 10 lots meet the density standard for the curr�nt R-4.5 zoning district. However the applicant will be seeking exceptions to the development staildards of the R-4.S district as addressed in this narrative. 3. In addition to items 1 and 2 above the following criteria shall be met for a planned development. a. Relationship t.o tlze natzcral and physical enviro�zmerzt: (1) Tlie str^eets, buiZdings and ot7zer site elernents sl�all be desigr�ed and located to preser-ve tlze existing tr�ees, topogz�aphy and natu��al d�^ainage to tlie gi�eatest degree possible. Tlus project has been developed with the idea of preserving rnany of the existing trees, topography and natural dzainage as one of the primary concepts of tl�e developznent. Desi�ning the project from a resource viewpoint has allowed the applicant to meet this objective. Tlie project proposes utilization of a private sneet rather than a public street to preseive as many of the mature trees as ; possible along the north and south boundaties. Open space tracts allow for preservation of trees, topography and natural drainage along the east and wesi � boundaries and bui.lding envelopes further define the locatioi�s in which t11e unit must be built to agaizl, protect tk�ese features. The developer recognizes the �,�'J'E£R`t'IE �i'l�t,'�f�'.M�»=����,�me-�..a....,.x..a,,.�.,.�..��...r.�.�W..�s m,...»,w................�r.....�..�.,��9......,�...,...A .�r�'7�rQ..i'lr�f7lC['Y'iJtLa, �ffL:N enhanced valu� retaining these trees wi11 pxovide to the developm�nt and the ' suz-raunding area. Overall, the development wiXl retain 81% of the existing trees greater than 12 inches in diameter. �Grading on the site has been kept to a x�nimum and siting of the water quality facility was done in�:ecognition of the trees and natural drainage of the site. (2) Str�uctures located on the site shall not be in areas subject to ground slumpzng and slidi�ag; The site has gentle slopes where structures will be located and no risk fof slumping or sliding will exist. (3) There shall be adequate d.ist,a�2ce between on-site builclings and other� on-site and off-szt.e buildings on adjoiraing prope��ties to provide for adequate light. and air°circulation and for fire protection; All homes will meet the required setbacks for the R-4.5 district ensuring that adequate light and air circulatioi7 and fire protection is accommodated. (4) 77ie structui•es shall be oriented witlz consid.e�•ation fo�� the sun ar2d U�znd dif�ectioizs, where possible; and The geometry of the site lends to very favorable southezn sun exposure for the rear of most of the houses barring where shading of sunlight will occur from trees that will be presezved on-site and large trees off-site to the south and west. (Lots 1 through 9). All lots relate well to wind direction from the southwest. (5) Tf•ees presei�ved to the exte�zt possihle. As described above, the project does an excellent job of preserving trees to the greatest extent possiUle (See Sheet 5 - Tree Preservation Pla.n). Per City calculatioil methods, 81% of the trees greater than ll-inches diaxneter will Ue preserved. This is accomplished through thoughtful design and intense preservation inethods utilized in accordance witll an arborist's recoinmendations. b. Bufferuig, screening and compatibility between adjoining uses: (1) Buffering shall be p��ovided betrveen diffe��ent t.ypes of land uses, e.g., between single fanzily and rnulti family��eside�itial, aizd com�nei^cial uses: The proposed single-fatnily dei:ached hornes are nat a differezzt type of use � ' froan surroundillg uses,therefore this criterion is not applicable. .,....._,��.,�...._...�..,...,�.....�....�_„_..._....�.,......_ .�,......�..._.�......._��.w.,.. �;r'�!'wr.carc �f%r�nrfs 6 • .f6pl:rr�.;¢r�irrcc�i�rri�;, r�rc� r , (2) In addition to the requirements of the buffer matrix (Table 18.745.1), the following fcxctors shall be considered in dete��rrzining the adequacy and exten.f of the buffer required under Chapter 18.745: As the proposed uses are the sazne as surrounding uses, the buffer matrix requires no�buffer. (3) On-sit.e sc�•eening fi•om view ft•orn adjoining properties of such activities as service areas, storage areas, parking lots and mechanzcal devices on roof tops slaall be provided and the following facto�°s sha.11 be consideT^ed in d.etet-mining tTie adequacy of the type and extend of the screening. There are no areas containing activities such as service, storage,parking or mechanical devices proposed with this project and therefore item 3 does not apply. c. Privacy and noise: Noi�a�esidential st�•uctu��es which abut existi�ag ��esidential dwelliizgs shall be loc.ated on the szte... No non-residential structures are proposed. Therefore item c. does not apply. d. P��ivate outdoor area—�nulti fanaily use. The project is desi�zed as a single-family detached residential development. This criterion is not applicable. e. Shai�ed outdoor recreation area—multi fa�nily use. The project is designed as a single-fanlily detacl7ed residential development. This criterion is not applicable. .f. Access and circulation: (1) The nu�aabe�� of allowed access points for a developJ�2eizt shall be p�rovided in Chapter 18.705; See Section 18.705 witfiin this narrative. � �dTY'6'lF'()Fd ��i����iFs; � ��.._,...�.�.�.,.....s..,....�.,.a....a»�,v.............�..,...7,....,.,.�..e,....,.........,_....,...,.....s..,.....,A...,. .tIC1OiC r�Pth'37Yi?t';%J1i;, �I�C. (2) All ci�^culation patter•ns within a developm.ent must be designed t.o accommodate emergency vehicles; and The private street is of adequate width and �Nill terminate with a hammerhead tuniaround thereby accornYnodating and facilitating maneuvering for emergency vehicles. (3) Provisions shall be made fop•p�destrian and bicycle ways if such facilit.ies are shown. on a�a.adopted plan. No pedestrian or bicycle ways az•e shown on an adopted pla�i. However the plan does call for connectivity for pedestrians should a through street not be possible due to topography, railroads or existing environmental conditions. As a resu.lt of the proj ects inability to provide for future extension of a street due to the deep drainage corridor, the proj ect is proposing a 5-foot gedestrian pathway within Tract C to facilitate non- auto traffic circulation. All adjoining properties were developed without any pedestrian or bicycle pathways stubbing to the project site. g. Landscaping and open space: As illustrated on the landscape plan, the open space tracts will be either landscaped or retain the natural vegetation or both in the case of Tract "A". Additionally, tlie individual owners of the lots will landscape their own yards according to tl�eir desues thereby providing more tha�1 20% landscaping for the site. The aominon area will undergo landscaping resulting from the installation of the water quality facility as well as the adjaceilt open passive areas. h. Publi.c tr�ansit: The site does not abut a pul�lic transportation route and therefore no provisiens for public t7ansit are necess�ry. Transit service is available on Highway 99 approximately %Z mile from the site. i. Signs: No signs are proposed at this time. ,j. Pa��Icing: Each urait will accommodate 2 off-st�•eet vehicle parking spaces as required. � »�,�.�.,,.�,�..,r.,.�.,_....�..�...�..�..._..a..,r...�..w,....�.,,�.,,., - ._.._...��.,,.,..,�,.T.._.,..T�_�.�..., , :�r�rs�tn.�e bI%v��tl!; 8 .�1��lx�t �.rsl;irte:�r7�ff,x� i�rc:. � k, D��ainage: AZl drainage provisions shall�ie generally lazd out in accof^dance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.775, ancl the critei�ia adopted 1981 �riaster�clrainage plan; Provisions for storni drainage have been laid out in accordal.ice with the requireinents nf'the City of Tigard and Clean Water Services. l. .�loodpla.in dedication: Where landfill and /o�° development is allowed within oY adjaceizt to t.he 100 year floodplazn,,.. There is no 100-year floodplain located on the site. 18.350.110 SIiA�iE]D l�PEN SI��CE A. Requzrements�or�shared open space. W7ie��e the opeta space is desig�zated on tlze plar�. as common op�n space tlxe following applies: .1. The open space area sliall be slaawn on tl2e fznal plan. ar2d ��ecorded with tlie Dzrector; and The open space has been shown on the subm.itted plans and will be recox•ded with tlze Director. 2, The open space shall be conveyed zn acco��dance witli or�e of tlie following methods: a. By dedicat.zon to the City as publicly-owned arzd maintained as open space. b. By leasing or conveying title (including beneficial own.ership) to a corporation, home assoczation or othe��legal entity, ��itl�. the City retar'ning the development r^igTits to the p�roperty... c. By any method which achieves the objectives set forth in Subsectzon 2 above of this sectians. The open space will be conveyed to a homeowners association or the City of Tigard in accordance with the requiremeilts of the City of Tigard. >a•azt���i:�t%t�f�c�c ..�...._.,......e �.._.....,..�..,.�,M,. .�9�.�,,.,..�..�.......�.,.,.�Flpfa�.ear.�,,ir3errran�;, ��ic.•. 18,370.020 AD3tT5TI�NTS � C. Special adiustments The applicant is requesting an adjustment to tlie street improvenzents alo?Zg SW 108t�' Avenue. The applicant is�roposing a curb tight sidewalk for the southernmost SW 108th Aveiiue frontage in oxder 1:o preserve several large fir trees near tlie southeastern boundary of the site which are a few feet bel�ind v��here the proposed sidewalk will be. The applicant is proposing to curve that sidewalk along the northern portion of Tract "A"" into a wide planter strip in order to preserve tWO nlature Coastal Redwood trees and a large Douglas fir tree. The applicant is also requesting an adjustment to the 24-foot paving width of the private street and to the standard that cul-de-sacs or perma�lent dead end si;reets ilot exceed a length of 200 feet. In essence the street proposed will function better than a street having a consistent 24-foot width. This is accomplished by providing two-way traffic circulation within two 11-foot travel lane5 £or a 22-foot width. In addition to the vehicle travel la�ies, 3 locations have been plaruled to provide an additional 6-foot of width for on street parking accommodating 10 vehicles. In these areas the width of the street is 28 feet. This street will be approximately 525 feet in l�ngth from SW 108th Aveiiue to the terminus of the hatnmerhead. It is not feasible to serve the site with a dead end street less than 200 feet in len�th. Adjacent properties are arranged in a inanner � where no stub streets�were constructed to the site boundary therefore creating this hardship. It is first necessary to recognize the coilstraints of the site in order to understand the puipose of the requested adjust�nents. Those constraints are as follows: 1) the access point to the site has a substa,i�tial tree grove located near t11e site's southern SW 108th Avenue frontage. The location of the access point is driven by both the location of the exzsting honle on the property aild providing maxixnwn spacing from tYie SW 108th and 5W Kent Street intersection, ai�d; 2) surrounding properties are already developed without providing st�eet stubs to the project site. After careful site review it has been determined by the design team that the best way to serve all the lots on the propei-ty, preseive significant natural features, respond to neighbor concerns and create a unique living envi�ronment is the private street as shown. 18.390: Q�CTr�.SI-JU]DICIAL D�CISIOliT 1dI�I�iG The applicant is submiiting a proposal in complete coinpliasice with all relevant code and Comprehensive Plan requirements. Included in the application is all the infornlation requested on the application forxn, along with this narrative addressing the appropriate criteria in sufficient detail for review an.d action; the required fees; a list of all sul2ounding property owners, as well as other potelitially affected parties. The Subdivision is consistent with the underlying zoning � requirements and all relevant City ordinances and standaa-ds. � �.�';rEttt�tr i,%E�f�ll� .�_.,�...,...,�.�,.�.,�.._..�,,.�..�.,.�.,�..�...�............M.,......,...,...,,,lO�....,..m�.�....,.,�.�,�..�.,......�.,�,�..,_.�....�,.a .�l�rl�t�xl���,�,i�,��r�r�d?ti'�l«c:� � 18.430.Q40: SUI3DIVI�I�N��20�� CI�I['�E�1-�: �°�LIl0�I1V�Y P�AT . The applicant wi11 be subdividing the site into 10 residential lots and 3 Tracts. A proposed preliminary plat has been submitted in conformance with applicable ordinances as reflected by this narrative and the preliin�nary plan.s. The Washington Coun.ty Suivey Department has approved"Bretton Woods" as the proposed plat name. The private street has been desiglled ta provide maximum spacing from the SW 108th Avenue/SW Kent Street access point. �� This docranzeni: sezves as the nanative for the project asid contains an explanation for a11 of the common improvements proposed. 18.510: R-4.5 SI1�iGI..E FAMILY gtESIDENTI�I. The praperty is currently zoned R-4�.5 by the City of Tigard. The purpose of the R-4.5 Land Use designation is to establish sites for single farnily detached and attached uuits for medium density residential developments. The proposed detached single-family homes are permitted outright per Table 18.510.1. 1�.510,2: I)EVE]L��MENT STANID Al2DS I1V itIESIDENT�AL ZONES The proposed development site verill com.ply with the dimeilsional requireinents as laid out in Table 18.510.2, specifically except where changes to those standards are allowed and requested through the pla�med development process. Rec.tuired Setbacks Other Requirenzents Front Yard 20 feet Lat Size: 7,500 square feet rninimum Side Yard 5 feet Lot Width: 50 feet Street Side 15 feet Height: 30 feet Rear Yard 15 feet Garage 20 feet ReQUested Adjusted Setbacics Front Building Wall 12 feet Tliis adjustment helps the applicant to pull the front building wall of ihe honie forwaxd on the lots while maintainiilg the 20-foot setback to the face of garage. In so doing the project can better preserve some of the larger trees on site along the southern boundary. In addition, the plans demonstrate building envelopes withixl which the home must Ue constructed showing the � setbacks proposed. This allows for better control of house locations on the lots and therefore better g.rotection for the trees proposed to be saved. T��^�Tmm�.,..M��.��,w�..M�.� ��.���w����•,w�•vF. .�sr'elf.t>rt H�'rxfrls �� 1�� �l(�t�al:'r�nitr:rer•urH, Irtc•. Requested Adiustecl Lot.Area � The applicant is requesting an adjustXnent to the avera,ge lot size requirement of 7,500 square feet as demonstrated on tllP plans. The ctu-�'ent plan contains lots wluch average 5,900 square feet which is sirnilar to the mzninlum lot size of the district and consistent wi1;h a few other lots in the subdivision to tlie north. This adjusted lot size allows the applicant to preserve natural features within open space areas, meet rninimum density standards, address concerns of the neighborhood relating to large trees and provide a well planned single-family subdivision responsive to the site conditions. The planned development process allows the applicant to request differing developmcnt staridar�s than described above. Tlus project is proposing a 12-foot setback to a porch on the front of tlie homes, This will allow for the flexibility of applying neo-traditional standards of having homes closer to the street and creatiilg the opportunity for more interaction amongst neighbors.No changes axe proposed for the side or rear setbacks. 18.705: A,CCES�/�GRE�S & CIRCULA'TI01�1 '�ehaeular Ace�ss. As required under section 18.705.030, all proposed lots l�ave direct access to the public or private street. Curb cuts will be in accordance with Section 18.81Q.030N and each Io1:will have a single driveway at least 15 feet�vide. 1�.715 e lDE1��I7C�C�1Vl�'U'I"�TIONS According to the Residential Lensity Calcul�ttion provisions withiiZ the code, the number of dwelliiig uxuts peimitted on this szte can be calculated by dividing ihe net area by the minimlun lot size, �wl.iich in tlais case is 7,500 square feet. Subtracting the public right-of-way dedication and pxivate street tract from the �-oss acreage derives the net area i1� this development. The � density computations for�ret�on Woods axe as follows: Net Area Calculation Gross Square feet 101,930 square feet (2.34 acres) Minus Right-of way d.edication 15,590 square feet ; Steep Slopes 1,260 square feet Equa�s Net Area subtotal 85,081 square feet/7,500 square feet= 11.34 dwellings � Minimum Dwelling Units Required: 11.31 X .80=9.20 units Tota.l Un.its Proposed: 10 Single-family detached homes. � �'�'r'�t:Pt?ll �•�(1lJf�iµ....T,.....,.,,�..,.�....We.w....�.......,..,,........�.,..�......,�»........�..�,....,�...,,2,..............,,.�,,....«..,....,........,....M....,.,,....-a..,....Ft,]Jlc??�:'1'lJ.?'(I1S.'l�?'%Yt�;.�RFit.'. 18.725: ENVIRONIVI�+1oT'TAI. ��+�'OI2.1l�(�l�10E S'TAI�I��iRDS The applicant understands that compliance with state, federal, aa�d local envirorunental regulations are tlze continuing obligation of tlie property owner, and will abide by the applicable standards. 18.745.040: STitEET'I7E�EES �treet trees will be provided in accordance with this section on the public and private streets. The specific standards listed in Sectian 18.745.045C shall dictate tlle spacing, size, as well as other specifications inherent to planting of street trees (see Landscape Plan). 18.7�51�J[I�D SOLID WASTE/REC�'CLII�TG�7CO�2A�E Waste/recyclables management will function in the same maruier as any oth�r single-family detached residential development with ctubside service. 18.765: �F�'-ST�ET PARKING Each lot will have a minimum of iwo off street parking spaces to sei-ve the detached single family residential homes, 18a775> SEIVS�T��E L�iDS RlE'b�IEW A drainageway exists on land adjacent to the proposed site i:o thc west and anothei• to the southeast. There is also a st�aall area of steep slope in the southwest corn.er of the site which will be in opez� space. This development proposes no development activity within a sensitive area however proper methods for protecting sensitive areas are being put in place by tlus development. A Stozmwater Connection Permit fronl CWS will be obtaiiied for all proposed develapment and tlie proposed developxnent will comply with all codes applicaUle to any existing wetlaalds. An assessnlent of sensitive lands by a wetland biologist is included in this application. Tlus assessment has determined that the proposed development will not create site disturbances to an extent greater than that required for the use; the proposed development wi11 Y�ot result in erosion, stream sedimentation, �ound instability, or other adverse on-site and off- site effects; nor will the water flow capacity of the drainageway be decreased. ; 18.790: TREIE REMOVAL '� Tree plari reguirements A tree preservation plan has been developed and reviewed by a certif ed arborist, including the � location, size and species of all existing tz�ees. The plan identifies individual tx�ees for removal or • retention. Except i;hose trees that are dead, dying, diseased or dangerous, only those trees located �1'f!fY<)11 ��!OOf�t ..."'"" 13 .,......,.,.��.............�,...,...._....��ll7�::1.'r}r;r1lC['!':*!r� r,`t`.�. � within the proposed street rights-of way, private street tract, utility easexnents or within or affected by the proposed building envelopes axe designated for removal. A.s the project is retaining 81% of the trees greater than 12-inches in diarneter, initigation is not required. The tree protection standards propased include fencing, mulching, proper equipinent storage, soil protection, rnat and rock root protection, responsible grading and excavation and quality assurauce by the project arborist. The feneing praposed will be established initially by the a�borist and revised,reviewed and approved by him when the need occurs near any trees. At th.at time he can appropriately designate the fence location and make recommendations and observe construction activities. The applicant will Work diligently towards protecting those trees show to be preserved on the tree pratection plan. 18.795: VISUAL CL�A1tA.NCE�REAS Any future landscaping will be consistent with this section. The intersection of the proposed private street with SW 108th Avenue will require the preservation of vision clearance triangles. Currently there are two Coastal Redwood trees located within the vision clearance triangle on the right side of the private drive exiting to SW 108`�' Avenue. The applicant proposes to preserve these trees and trim the branches high enough to provide for better vision. 1�.�10: STREET &UTILITY IlV�PR�3�EIVIEN�' S'T�ii)ARDS Stree�s: The public street (SW 108t�' Aveniie) will be constructed with a half-s�reet i�nproveinent to City sta�ldards as ilhistrated on the plans. The roadway will consist of a 36-foot paved surface with curb and 5-foot sidewalk. The southern portion of the half-street improveinent to SW 108t�' will have curb tigllt sidewalks in order to preserve a cluster of fir trees to the west of the right-of- way. The northern portion of the half-street improvement to S� 108�h will have an wide planter strip bstween the sidewalk and the curb. The planter strip is wider than city standards in order to preserve several mature trees directly adjacent to the edge of the curb to be built. A request for an adjustment to street standards is addressed elsewhere in this application. The private sireet will be constnxcted to City standards as shown on the plans. The pxivate street will be consta-ucted to a 28-foot width where on-street parking wi11 be allowed and 22-feet everywhere else which facilitates 2-way traf.fic. Tliis design clarifies where parking is allowed aizd where it is not. Curbing is proposed on both sides of the stxeet and a sidewalk along the south side wrapping to the north at the end of the street to connect to the pedestrian pathway leading east. The proposed layout will provide access to homes on the site. Sanntary Sewer: Sanitary sewer service is ciu-rently available from a�l existing line witlun SW lO8th Avenue. A new 8" line will be extended into tlie site i�i the vicinity of the hammerhead to serve Lots 1 through 10. � �:R'e�:t`r.r1t !F�lOtic ..,.�m..�.....,...,...».....,...,..,,._.�_...�...._...,...- 14 ~_.. .,....,_......_,_..._..,..�.�...... A�(�Ita l.it�f?iCn.irttY, lf,t_., Su��ace 'V6'a�e�r Run-off: Storm water nuloff wi11 be callected via a system of pipes and catch basins withixi the newly constructed public and pri.vate street. The water. will thex�be conveyed to a stoixri water quality swale located within Tract "A" then released to an existing intermi.ttent drai�age at the sautheast corner of ihe site. The proposed storm facilities will be constructed in compliance with Resolution 91-47 whereby; Clea�n Water 5ervices and the City of�igaxd have agreed to enforce Surface Water Management regulations requiring th.e construction of said facilities. IJoYnestic�'�ter: Adequate doniestic water will be provided to the site by extending a new line from the existing line in �W 108th Avenue within the private street tract to serve all lots within the developinei7t. � Hydrants will be placed to provide adequate fire suppression to all lots within the development. 18.�64.120 This section rec�uires averhead utility lines adjacent to a development to be placed underground or at the electian of the developer; a fee in-lieu of un:der grounding can be paid at a rate of $27.50 per lineal foot of street frontage. Tliis site has no overhead utilities that will need to be placed underground and therefore this section does not apply. 18.�10.0300 �7Ck3.�]E�'S A. Improve�nents. The proposed subdivision has frontage on SW 108t�' Avenue. A half-street improvement and dedication of right-of way are proposed to bring SW 108`h Avenlie into conformance with City standards. The pxoposed private street meets all of the applicable requirements for improvements under ihis section except for length and paving width in specific locations. Adjustanents to the standards of this chapter for the length and paving width of the street are proposed and addressed in Chapter 18.370.030C.9 as allowed under the General Provisions o�Chapter 1 S,�10. B. Creation o��hts-o -�va,�,fo�•str�eets aTZd related t�ur�oses• With tlle approval and recording of the final plat of the Bretton Woods plailned development, the necessary right-of-way will be dedicated for SW 108�h Avenue. The proposal contains a private street in a tract z4 to 30 feet in width. C. Creation af access easements. A public access easement will be recorded over all tracts and sidewalks as necessary to facilitate vehicuJ.ar/bicycle and pedestrian circulation. � �s��.�t�r�rt ��7�etlE ......��is �.,..�.......�..._....�.......,..... .�ll�lta l;r+f�(I!C°F'iiY�,'.^•AItC'. � D. StJ•eet locatzon, width and.�rade. The proposed street location, width and grade coniply with the requirensents of this sectic�n with gra.des to be approved by the City Engineer. The private street is not intended ta continue to adjacent properties for reasons described wit�iin the adjustxnent request for exceeding the maximum length of a cul-de-sac in Chapter 1�.370.030 c�fthis narrative. �. Minimum ��z�hts-of-i��ay and street wic�ths. The proposed 5W 108t�' Avenue right-of-way is 29 feet in width from centerline. This includes 16 feet of paving with curb and sidewalk. The pr�posed tract containing the private street is of sufficient width to acconunodate improvements necessary far a street generating less than 200 ADT. This includes 22 to 28-feet of paving with curbs on both sides and a sidewall{along the south side. F. Futu�°e street,plan and extension of streets. A future streets plan has been submitted with this application showing the paitern of existing and proposed fiiture streets surrouiiding and adjacent to the proposed project. All items required have been placed on the plan. The proposed private street is not designed as a through street capable of being extended for future development to the west due to an existing drainage way with steep slopes on adjoining property to the west. Extending the street to tl�e west will not provide for a satisfactoiy future division of adjacent land. Adjacent land is facilitated a.ccess by existing public streets to the west without the need to construct a bridge crossing the 40- foot deep drainage rorridor. However, because this corulection is impeded by topography and environn�.ental conditions, pedestrian connectivity via a 5-foot pedestrian pathway is prol�ased to accomnladate non-auto circulation. I. � Existin�rights-o,f-��av, S�JV 108��' A�venue is the only existing right-of-way adjacent to the project site. With the proposed 9-faot dedication of additional right-of-way west of centerline SW l pgtn Avenue will have its ultimate right-of way wid.tll. S. P7�ivate Streets. � The design of tlle proposed private street is approvable by thP City Eiigineer and legal assurances E�r the continued rnaintenance such as a maintenance agreemeni will be '; recorded. The proposed private street will only serve ten lots and is permitted under a �� � planned development. f�'f'�/.t'f711 3'��()(J(�S M......,.�.m.�......<.�,.�-.�...o...a..ob..�.�...�..„.m...,.,,,...,�.16 ..-..�..��,..�...,.n.....,�.........,.��,m.......�,,...�...,m;i:j�ltct l:'fFj;fl�r�r,r•1}+t`•: =1rt:.p � Z. St��eet cross-sections Cross-sectioiis of the l�alf-street anc� private street have been provided on Sheet 4 — Preliminaxy Street/Utility Plan for review. 1�.810.040: TiI.,�C� A. Block Design. The purpose of a good block design takes into consideration tlle need to provide adequate building sites, consider the needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traf.fic in recognition of lirnitations and opporiunities of topography. This site unfortunately does not have an adjacent street stub to facilitate the creation. of a block pattern and therefore the applicaiit can contemplate no such pattern. In addition, a deep drainageway exists to the west of tlie site wluch creates a limitation on providing a connection in this direction. Therefore in developing this planned unit project, the private street is nat proposed to be extended westward. B. Sizes. No opporiunity e�ists with this developmen.t to create a block design which would be reviewed by this code section. However iii accordance with B.2, a pedestrian connection via a public easeznent in an open space tract will be provided to facilitate non-auto circulation. Other conneciions exist in the local area to the north and south which provide non-auto circulation. One is approximately 60 feet north of the site however it is not known if this is a public connection and the other is approximately 360 feei to the south from the end of SW Dover Cotu�t. Opportunity exists within thc local area to create a corridor of open space between the Tualatin River and Durham Road with good coiu�.ectivity for non-auto circulation benefiting the development of passive, natural open space areas as a benefit to the City and residents. SYJl�1VIA�t.�I The proposed Development complies with all applicable elements of the Comprehensive Plan, a�zd Development Code. The proper steps have been taken to enstu•e compatibility with t:he establ.ished neighborhood character witlun the City boundaries. Adequate public facilities and services exist to serve Che developrnent and all improvements will be constrr�cted ta City and other applicable standards. ,� :, IJ � �at�etr.:�ft T�'c�nr(,r...�.....,._....__....__� '�_ 17......,��........�.�....w._�....�...�.,.m.3!,�-�Itr.I:rth�i�t�cr•ilz�, �ur.:., _ � � ��9�1����l��t�Y� ����I��l�9�aTERla1�.5 � � � � � �� � � � � .� � � +�J r'°� �' � C .� ,.-' C'� � � � �,1 :� C� G �€�,���!°�1�1�2�� � ' ALFHA ENGINEERING, INC. N�veinber 19,2002 RE: � PROPOSED 10-LOT PLAi.�II�ED DEVELOPMENT ' TA.X MAP 2S115AA, 'I'AX LOTS 1301 and 1400 2.34 AC Dear Resident: � Alpha Enginearing,Inc. is representing the Developer of the property described above. We are proposing a 10-lot Planned Development for this location. This property is currently zoned R- 4.5,Low Density Residential. Prior to applying to the City of Tigard for the necessary approvals, �3 v✓ould like to discuss the proposal in more detail with ihe surrounding property owners, : residents and the Community Involvement Team. The purpose of this meeti�g is to provide a forum for the applicant and surrounding property owners/residents to review the proposal and to identify issues so that such issues may be considered before the formal application is turned in to the City. You are invited to attend a meeting on: : I?�cember 4�h,2002 . City��'�igard—City 7EIaI1 '�'ovvn�a1132.00m 1312�SW Y�aAl Bivd. Tagard,O]L��7223 @ G:�O�°.1dI. Please note that this will be an informal nleeting on�rel�minary deyelopment plans. These plans may be�altered prioi to the application�to the City. Dep�nding on the type of land use aciion requirad,you may receive offiaial notice from th�City of Tigard for you to either participate with written comments and/or an opportunity to attend a public hearing. Should you have any qnestions regarding this proposal,please call me at 503.452.8003. Sincerely, �l a���5pr��c.,c� Matthew L, Sprague "� Project Planner =� EnGlosures Plaza�/est • Suite 230 �9600 SW Oak •Portland, Oregon 97223 Office 503-452-8003 •Fax 503-452-8043 •��z��tr.�lpha-eng.cmn • . 1 W I I �--�' v —� . , � ` OEOaRAPHICINFOM1 TION SY3TEM D11Bki�_f� Ai�EA �I��f�l�� � � — �5�0') FOR: Sophia Mek{cers � . :-��,o��� _ Alp(�a Engor�eering R�: �S B 15AA, I 30 6, 9 40Q _ _ X � -eo��=_�me� 4 $115MBIEtS - �� ri oct ,` .` �: - � ' 2611CiMOTl6l �! ' E1ISN[P708 . >S5t151U8090t. / ri1�A0.004Ge : :. :;;.. ��:� ":, ".- :��. - � : �:` . �a: :� <.. _.: ., , ,: -� � '<: ti :i. 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Ii11LYC1LOG tlSACB313G �` . � zcvseoaaeo City of;Tigaid' rifisnoeuine= . i �� � - '� Informaflon on ih s map is for general location only and shouid he verified with the Development Servlces Divislon. 13125 SW Hall Blvd I �— —_ Tigard,OR 9�223 I r_ _ j (503)639-4'17'I hltp:!lwu+w.ci.ligard.or.us ( _�I._—_��� ---- — - Plot date:Nov 6,2002;C:\magic\MAGlG03.A°R Community Dev�lopment _ .. . ._ _ __ 1 � , ' _ ' �. ' .. . � . . . . . � - ���E � e:c �:v�1r� -� � 21�C�Z �� -- � �F�OJE�T f�AME� I�,� Ss S 1. �c�.,v.is ic�vti . . 1V1��TINC.LC)��4Tl�-[�1 --�-- �a ro� C�1 �-- „ ��-�:�\ � -- � �IAME (First and Last) A�D�E��� TELEPHONE NUMB�Pi. . f3�T I�JQ V�G � ,�� � � !n/ T7�'�.✓ L/t/: ��Ar(,l� ,`�,�,�- `� �5�3. ,� � �l° ►.2�G�-Mvn � Ow�-n-,r+,-n-�� Gr�,�. � d� �-`f �iy Vt.c��,� ��2 -� �� � . q z 2��t.� G Z�i—�s p�i ���c � � . 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' D,N�T.�C-Es`T0.?'F#�ALi RES �EL�1'W ' ;, ,��4 {������pst��� � ,� y�� r� . . . i �a����' r ia�ia ut i _.� i, �i. ,,,,, � �i�. :,' ,' :� :.?. .. .. �. ;� C����������,i �,iuPl��ra�h�`[9iv�saon �� ' . . . . �`3�,�t5�1.,:�����iali�!�o''�levar�tl � ' „�gar,d,;tO,R '`9��22�:'`�i��8;9 . �.� fN�9�DDI;1;8�N8,�;HE,APPLE�ANT S�1CI:L�t1,�MIT.i'i�IS��F�IAAVtT,& C�P#,ES!QF ALL NOTLCES��1T�'HE�IME OF,rAPPL9(:A�'lOM.; ����.,'��a i, -��.�h i�. �(e K..�.�rs __, being duly sworn, depose and say that on the �� day of ND Y, 20 OZ . I caused to have mailed to each of the persons on the attached list, a notice of�a meeting to discuss a proposed development af(or near} � 1�(�C3� a copy of which �rotice sa m�iled es attached hereto and made a part of hereof. I further state that said notices were enclosed in envelopes plainl addressed to said persons and were deposited on the date indir,aYed above in the United States Post Qffice located at�Y� ��7�- � `�!t�C�C7 i��N C?�!C-��,t , with postage �repaic!thereon. ignatur� (n the presence of a Plotary Public) POSTIN(�e ., I, (�'�r�'�1(�( �� I�aG1(�1'�'1 , do a�rm that I am (repres�nt) the party initiating interest in a proposed ��C3- L_Q{- �Yln [7l_(�!�I�affecting the land located at (sEaEe the approximate location(s) IF no add�ess(s)anc9/or t�c lot(s)currently registered)1 G ' ��p .�5 I I a�?A I �X L�'f"L� I�� � ��k� , d did on the_2_�"�h day af I�C��f• , 20�personally post notice indicating that the site may be pcssed for a e''1! i'1�°�O�PB'���C�1.'1�pp�ication, and the time, date and place of a neighborhood meeting to scuss the proposal. ,--� . The sign was posted at�crr��,� Cr� `� �� (state location you posted notice on property) ignature ( the resence of a Notary Public) (°fF�liS 5��7'ION F�ft/A�TAT� CDF C9E2EG0€V, NOT�4RY PdJ�LI� T'Q��Mp�.ETElNOTJ�RIZE) STAT� OF C�C.'lC7� ) Count� of��i1�lC�T6fi.! ) ss. ��P�sc�ibed and �v�rorn/af�°ir�vaee� befcsr� rne can the 2.�� da�r af �.(�V�,�,�' , 20C��2=. . ` OFFICIAL SEAL KELLY ANDERSON •.. ;' N07ARY PUBLIC-OREGON ^� - ) COMMISSIDN N0.356943 �'�\� MY COMMISSIpN EXPIR�S APR,18,2006 �- NC�TA PU�LiC ���OREGOFI �'1 �a�r�i��i�;� W� i��s: �� �th � plicant,plea�e complete.the in�oeanation below: — NAME OF PROJECT OR PROP05ED D�/EL�PMENT: �---��-`7 TYPE AF PROPOSED DE�/ELOPMENT: I� ' R C?'r V'_��l��f' t°V°�`Y7k�Y1F'' Add�.ss or General Location of S�bject Property: Subjed P�perty Tax Map(s)and Lot#(s): h;Voginlpatty�rnasterslatfidavit of ma�(ng-posUng rxiighbo�tiood meeting.doc 2S115AD-03500 2S115AA-02300 AHLBRECHT TONY&CHRISTINE CARTER SHARON L 16685 SW 108TH AVE 10560 SW KENT ST PORTLAND,OR 97224 TIGARi7,OR 97224 � 2S115AD-O68Q1 2S115AA-08300 ALDER JON P&JUIE M CAVANAGH JEFF S&AVA S 10647 SW RIVER DR 10587 SW TITAN LN TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S115AA-03200 25115AD-05600 BACHMAYER f3EVERLY M CONKUN RICHARD&JANICE • 16450 SW 108TH AVE LIVING TRUST TIGARD,OR 97224 BY RICHARD P/JANICE C CONKLIN TRS 3145 NW 100TH AVE PORTLANn,OR 97225 2S115AD-05800 2S115AA-02400 BARBER-BAUMANN PAMELA L COOK GARY R/SUSAN E 10734 SW RIVER DR 10582 SW KENT ST TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S115AA-06400 25115AA-09000 BORROR GREGGORY A&KELLY D COOK WILLIAM B JR&ALICE E 16452 SW 1097H PL 10727 SW TITAN LN 71GARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 75AA-06700 2S115AD-03400 ' BOWMER DARRELL R& COX MICHAEL A& SONYA M WILLIAMS ANN M 16Al2 SW 109TH PL 16697 SW 108TH AVE TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 2S115AA-09100 2S115AA-03500 BRICPCL�Y JAMES M/KATHRYN A CREWS WILLIAM O JR& 10761 8W 71TAN LN JO ANN TRUSTEES TIGARD,OR. 97224 157 CHAPEL DR MILL VALLEY,CA 94941 + 2S915AA-06000 2S115AD-05700 BROST PEI ER W& CROWDER FRED R&BARBARA J KATHLEEN A ' 10710 SW RIVER DR 10878 SW CHATEAU LN TIGARD,OR 97224 TIGARD,OR 97224 { 2S115AA-05900 2S115AA-01500 `� BRUNE ALAN K&KIM A CURTIS TIMOTHY E&LISA fvi � 688!-ULLARY DR 16527 SW 108TH AVE BELVEDERE TIBURON,CA 94920 TIGARD,OR 97224 195AFa-07400 2S 115AA-06900 CHER MICHELLE C DAVIDSON TIFFANY J& r 634 SW TITAN LN FISCHBACK LOUISE C TIGARq;OR 97223 PO BOX 2371 LAKE OSWEGO,OR 97035