03/03/2003 - Packet POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. 9 � �. � � �:'� '� ,� � �, : � _. Cif� �f Tig�rd �„�,��� Shaping A Better Cmxruarity T°I�A92l� F�'�(dJIVlPVG C'.0116iP�flIS�l�i� Bett 11AAR�64 3, 2003 7:Op p.m. TI�A�D CIV('� CE(�7'EI�—�fOWN HA�LL 1��25 SiN HALL BOULEi/ARp T!G/�RD, OREt�ON 97223 1. CALL TO ORD�R 2. ROLL. GALL 3. CC'I�I�iI�IN11��4TIONS 4. i4F�PR0!/E nAINIl�ES 5. UI'E�AYE O� THE CAPITAL If�PRf�VEI�IEN�° P��2�RAIV! 6e �1°WER �IJS1�1�55 _ 7: e�DJOl1RNNlENY � ;, , ; { � r , ,i c��r� ca��i���� ��.At��a�� coM�issaor� n���t��,� nno�,�t�� March 3, 2003 1� Ca4l.L'T� �R��R F�resident P�dg�tt c�lled the meeting to arder at 7:00 p.m. T�e meeting was held in �h�;Tigard Civic G�rrter, T�wn i-!all, at 13125 S1nl H�lI �Ivd. 2. ROLL C/ALL � Cammissioner� Pr�sent: President Padgef�; Commissioners Anderson, Bienerfh, �uehn�r, Haack, Ma�nro, and W�bb Commissioners Abser�fi: Commission�r Mores and Sutton �taff Present: Gus Duenas, City Engineer; Jerree G�ynor, Planning Cammission Secretary 3� PL�4NtV6fVG GONilllll�Sl�N CO�VIfVI�JNI��4TIONS ➢ The Commissioners received a copy of a m�mn and draft ordinar�ce from Bill Manahan to the City Council. The ordinance would create a new City Park and Ft�creation Advispry k3oard. The Commission was asked to send a no�e ta City Council if they tho�ght a Planning Commissioner �hould be appointed as a member to the new board. The �ommission thought someon� from fihe Planr�ing Comr�ission should be appointed for at lea�t a two year term to help the new board "get off the ground" and then do an assessment of the position. �lo one from fihe Planning Commission volunteered to servP on the new board. The secretary will contact the two absent Commissioner� to se� if they are interested. � President Padgett talked about his desire to have the Planning Commissian act as an Annexa#ion Task Force to develop a plan for annex�tian of the Urban Se►vices Area. The Commission received a packet of information on City system development charges and property taxes (Exhibit B). The secretary relayed information from the Finance Dire�tor that there are no restrictions for use of State shared revenue, except for the gas tax. The Finance Director is against dedicating funds collected from a specific area to projects only in that same area. He believ�s funds should be spent Citywide. ➢ Comrnissioner Munro pravided an update on the Downtown Task Force and the draft recommendation to Tri-Met for platform amenitie� and elements. She noted there was a lot of discu�sion about a separate exit from the park and ride lot onto Ash Street. The Task Force also discussed installing restrooms on the PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES -March 3,2003-Page I � pl�t�arm. With fhe main#enar��e and se�urity issues involved, it w�� declded to Ioc�k��this more globally as � pa�rt af downtawn revitalization. ➢ �ri�� discussi�n was h�ld ab�ut sp�ed humps. Th� secre#�ry will call Eric IVluilen caf TV�R fnr inforr�ation about new designs for spe�d humps. 4. AP�R�V� BI��E7'9t�(a 9V11(dt1TE� �o►�missic�n�r �uehner mov�d and Commission�r Bienerkh s�conded the motinn to appr�ve �he F�bnaary 3, 2�03, meefi�g �inutes �� s�abrr�i�ec�. A vo6ce vote was t�ker� a�nd the rnotion p�ssed un�nimously. 5, C�4�iT�L 91VII�F���/'���NT' PROGR,��II UP��1"� City Eragineer Gus Duer�as g�ve a I'owerPoint presentation or� the progress of the 2002-03 Capital Improvernent B�r4gram (Exhibit��. The update also incfuded fur�ding issues and unfunded projec�s. The next Cif� update will be in M�y 2003. Th� 2003-04 Capital Improvement Program wii4 be submitted for review and a�proval by the Commission at the same tim�. 6. O'r1�E� �I�SINE�S Tt�e next Planning Corr�mission meeting i� �cheduled forApril 21St 7. ApJOUR�VIVI�f�I' Tt�e meeting adjourn�d a#8:33 p.m. Jer •aynor, annin ommission S�cretary � � / , AT'f ST: Pres' ent Mark Padgett � PLANNING COMMISSION IvIEETING MINiJTES -March 3,2003-Page 2 . 0 ' . . . � . � � ��L�'V'ili0��1 ►' �i � � . � . � �6.�������4�'� . • �✓�! � �� �I'�T/`l��9 ����3�� T�. H�e�or�bie fVlay�r� Cily Cou�cii r � �FtC?M: BNB6 Mo�ahan, Cit,r�l9ana�e`r ��iTE: F�k�rc��ry 2�, 2003 . � SiJBJEC°T: �rdin�nce t�Create a Park and I�ecreati�n Advisory��aard On February 25, 2003, �Couneil reuiewed the initial draft of an ordinance to forrri a new t'ark and Recreation Advisory �oard. Comments from Cc�uncil have been incorporated ' into the�ttached draft; specifically, changes in Section 4 noting that Cour�cil may appnint additional ex c�fficio members of the Board and in Section 5 wording was added fin indicate that the Board duties 9isted were not all inclusive. Council also questianed vsrhether a se�tion was needed to reference the ability tm appoint alterriates to the Baard. Atfached is Resol�tion No. 01-21, which establish�d a process allowing for th�appointment of altemates. The resolution applies�o a!I city boards or cr�onr�itkees; therefore, no specific refierence is needed in the ordinance establishir�g the Advisory Board. . The draft ordinance also includes new language presenting j�astification why the need exists for a Boardo A#tachment I:WDMIBILLIMEMOS12003WAR6C AND REG ADMlN BOARD.DOC S CI'�'Y OF'�'IGARD,O1tEG�N ORD�TANCE NO. 03- AI�t(J►�tDIletA�TCE C�A.'T1�6''i A C�'I"Y�'A1tK ANN�.??REC '�A�'I�N��ISORY BOAR.1�,DEFINFNC'ir : I�i'S Iv�ENIB'3E�kITlP,P�WERS.A.ND�U'TIES. WHE�t�AS, th,e City o£Ti�ard is a growi��g coAnmunity with increasing needs for park and recreation activities;and �E-I��.E�A,S,t.he City has completed master plans and improvements to several City parks,but further work remairas;and �VH�]I�EAS,Ti�ard lias�ot had a separate k'ark ar�d It.ecr�ation Advisory Board since the dissolution of the foa�rner Park and R.ecreation Board in the early 1990's; and WHE�A.S, the Tigard Planning �ox�nmission has ably provided advice to the City Council and staff on parks-xe�ated issues for more tha.�ten years; and W�T�?REAS, the City is in need of axi advisory group that�ari foc�.ls solely on park and recreation needs of the community. NOW,TH�REFURE,TFI�CITY OF TIGAlR�ORDAII�S�AS FOLLC3�NS: SEGTI()N 1: There is �er�by created a Park and 12.ecreation Ad.visory Board of Tigard, Oregon, cansisting of seven (7) persons to be a�pointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council, mot more than tvvo (2) af whom shall be non-residents of the City. �oard rn�mbers shall receive no compensatian. 5ECTI�N 2: The City Park and Recreation Advisory Board shall, at its first rreeetixig after the effective date of tlus ord.inance, el�ct a chairparson and vice chairperson,who shail hold affice during the pleasure of the board, and the board shall elect a secre�ary who need not be a member of the board, and the secretary shall keep accurate records of all board proceedings. SE�TIOZ+T 3: The ter�ns of the ia�itial membexs of tlie Board slYall be designated by the 1Vlayor. The � Mayor shall appdint the initial r�embers as follows: - Two members for a term of two years. - Tvvo members for a term of three years. ; • - Three members for a tenm of four years. Future appointments to fall complete terms shall be fox a term of four years. O�2Dl[P1:A�1�C�No.03- Page l 1 If ariy appoia�tive m.err�ber is unable to serve the term for which �he rnember was appointed, or an appointive member resigns prior to corripletion af th� tezm for whicix the member was appoir�ted, the Mayor sh�11 f 11 the vacancy by appointrnent for the . rernainder of the unexpired term. • SEC7CIOI�T 4: An ex off'icio meanber of the �o�rd may be appointec� by the Mayor upon the �ecommendation of the 'Tigard-Tualatin School District. The role of the Ex Officio member shall be t� acf as�e liaison for the Dishict and to share infoa-rnation and ideas about coinra�unity recreataon facilityes. Clther ex o�'icio nnembers may be appointed by the City�ouncil. SEC'I'I�N 5: The City Park and Reereatian Advisory�oaa�d shall have the power and duties ta advise the Public Works Dir�ctor and�ity Council on issues such as: a. Concea�ning the rnanagement, care and control of public parks and recreation facilities and prog�rams of the City,together with all park property and recreation facilities which may be acq�zired a�nd developed; b. Concerning the making and alterixig frozn time to time of needful rules and regulations for the maintenarice of order, safety and decency aai said parks and recreation facilities; c. Concerning the establishment a�d modification of fees for parlc and recreation services,programs,or facility rentals; d. Concerning the expendihare of such funds as shall be appropriated by the City Council for public park and recreation facilities and programs. �.��'TIOl�6: Members of the Board shall be limat�d to the two fu�ll consecutive te�rns not withstanding prior appointment to an unexpired terdn. SECTION 7: Th�Board shall comply with the Oregon Public Meeting Law, meet on a regular basis - and make recommendations to City Council as needed. SECTION 8: Inas�nuch as it is deemed necessary for the public health,peace and safety of the citizens of Tigard that ata advis�ry board on pa�k and recreation rnatters be established, an emergency is hereby decla7red to exist,and this ordiriance shall be in full force and effect on and after the date following its �doptic�n by the City Council and signature lay the 1Vlayor. ORDINANCE No.03- Page 2 1 � PASSEI�: By vote of all�oumcil�embers present�fter being read by number and title only,thi�_____day of ,2003. Catherine Wiieatley,City Recorder API'ROVEY3: By Tig,ard�ity Council this day of ,2003. James E. Griffith,Mayor Approved as to forrn: � City Attorn�y Date � I:VADMIORDIMANCIPARK REC BOARD.DOC ORDINANCE No.03- Page 3 � p �°"�C���e�1-- .. � „ . � ,I �lT1° f?��'6GAltD Commxnity Develop�nent Shaping A Better Community ��������� �Il�� OF TOC7/ARD TO: Planning Commis�ion FROM: Duane Roberts DATE: 2/28/03 SUBJECT: Urban i�rvices Area Park SDC State statues authorize iocal jurisdictions to establish park arid other SDCs, subject to (1.) the development ofi a methodo{ogy for determining the arrrount of the SDC and (2.) the dev�lopment of a master c�r capital improvement plan with cost estimates detailing how the fees will be expended to rneet future park needs. In the case of Tigard's Urban ServicPS Area, the methodology study requirement was met by the 1999 Park and Recre�tion System Development Charges study, which intentionally c�vered both the City and Urban Services Area, while fii�e 1999 Tigard Park System Master Plan, which also covered both areas, met fihe master plan requirement. Although the City has compl�ted the riecessary studies and naw collects all other City fees and charges on new development occ�arring within the Urban Services Area, the � City does nat collect the park �DC. This is because the County has been unwilling to ' delegate fio the City the needed authorization to impose the extraterritorial SDC. The City IVlanager regularly updates the Council Cammissianer on th� amount of potential � revenue lost as a result of the county withholding trois aufihority. (See attached.) The charges curren#ly in effect inside the City are $1,747 for a single family development, $905 per unit for multi-family deveiopmenfi, and $1,225 for mobile homes. Th� charges are based on f�e calculations that reflect the current ratio of parks and open spaces to population. The SDC is intended to offset the co�t of maintaining this ratio as develapment occurs. � A � � �-����� �, �� 1 February 10, 2003 �I F TI �I�EG�IV C�arlie+Cam.eron Coixnf�Adaninistrator � '�N'ashit�gtor�County 15S I�T. First�,.venue •�-I'rl�sboro, O�97124 i�e: Urbaai�ervices Area System I)evelopment Charge—Lost Revec�ue � I3eae C�aarli�: Periodically, I provide you with ir►formation on the potentia�par�s system development charge revenue lost in the Urban Services Area. As you are avvaa�e,Tigard has provided updated informatbon for distribution to the I3oard af County Cornmissioners on a regular basis. The attached memo from Jim Hendry�c dated February 7, 2003, indicates that since June of 199'7, when`i'igard began providing urban services on Bull Ivlountain,906 single-family units and�3 multi-family units have beez�pernaitted. As a result, a potentia( $1,117,133 of system developanent ch�rges have not been collected due to Iack�f a Pat•ks SDC for the area. Since July of 200?, less than$68,000 o�revea�ue has bee�lost since only 47 single-family �e�mits were issued. I look forward to discussing v�ith you and tke Board of County Co�runissioner5 the prospect of creating a parks sysfem development charge for the Urban Services Area before the next building boorn for t�:e area occurs. � Sincerely, � � William A. Monahan City Manager c: Jirr�Hendryx,Tigard Cxty Cauncil encls �� .,1 1\TIG3331USR1DEPTSWQM181LULETTERS12Q031CAMERON_PARK SDC.DOC 1 ,':� ]3 7 25 Sli�Fiall 61vd., Tigard, OR 47223(5Q3)b39-4171 TDD(503)684-2772 . � � � � � � � � � � Tg: Gus Duenas FR(7M: Greg �erry SU�J�CT: System C�evelopment Ch�rges Summary DATE: March 3, 2003 A SDC is defined by statute as a "a r�imbur�ement fee, an improvement fee.. assess�d at time of 9ncreased usag�... or ossuance of a development permit." The reven�aes must be kept ir� a separate fund and used only on capital capacity improvements identified ir� a ma�terplan. �tormwater QualitylC�uantity �DC This fee is imposed by Clean Water Services throughout its service area. Generally, developmEnts are required ta install water quality facilities that treat runoff before it reaches fhe receiving �tream and water quantity faciliti�s that cletain fihe runoff before it leaves the site. If installation o�the faeilities is nc�t feasib.le an the land fio b� developed, the City may allow the developer t� pay this fee in�lieu o� constructing the fa�ilifies. Both fees are based on the amount af additional impervious surfaee. Single family houses and duplexes are �ssumecl to have 2,640 square feet of imperviaus surface. Current rates are: Single family hncase, duplex, �225 / unit for water quality $275/ unit water quantity Commercial and fVlulti-family $225 /each 2640 sq. ft. for water quality $275 /�ach 2640 sq. ft. for water quantity Expected Revenue 2002/03: $50,000. �anitary Sewer Conneetion The sewer connection fee is used for capa�ity improvements to th� treatment plant and the large sewer lir�es that lead to it operated by Clean Water Services. It must be paid before a plumbing permit is issued and is based on the number of plumbing fixture units. Single family hous�s and duplexes are assumed to havs sixteen fixture units. Curr�nt rates are: Single family house, duplex, $2,300/dwelling Commercial and Multimfamily $2,300/sixteen fixture units .� ' 6 �xpeGted Revenue 2002/03: $294,000. �Il�ter ��nne�tion `Thi� fee is us�d to construct storage, frar�smission and distribution fac6liti�es �hr�ughout the �ystem I� is imposed at #he fiime �water me�er es purch�sed and is based an the sizS of the water rneter. Single family ho�ses typically use a 3/a- inch m�ter which result� in a connectian fee of$2,041. There is an �ddition fee for high elevation services. Expected Ftevenu� 2002/03: $675,000. h\ENG\GR�G�R�quests,complalnts�3•03 sdc.doc _ . July 1.2001-June 30 2002 . Estimated Property Tax for e House With an Assessed Value'of - $227.755 City of Tigard Unincorporated Washington County Incrsase or{Decrease) Unincorporated Washington County incr�se or(Decra.ase) Taz Area 23.74 Tax Area 23.78 Wilfi Elnneication Tax Area 51.78 Witlt Anner.ation Taxin District Rate Amount Rate Amount Rate Amount Rata Amount R2te Ainounf . Schools Ed_Service DisL-NW Regionai 0.1538 $35.03 0.1538 $35.03 0.0000 $0.00 0.1538 535.03 � 0.0000 SQ.W . . - � Portland Community Coilega o2828 . $64.41 0.2828 $64.4i o.0000 $0.00 0.2828 $64.41 0.0000 50.00 � Tigard School Distrid-23JZ 5.9B42 $1,364.07 5.9852 $1,364.07 0.0000 $0.00 6_0000 $0.00 0_0000 $0.00 BeavertonSchoolDistrict-482 0.0000 go.oa o.0000 go.00 a.0000 go.00 4.6930 g�,ose.es o.0000 30.00 � � Total Education Taxes` 6.4258 $1,463.51 6.4256 $�,463.51 0.0000 $O.OU 5.t296 $1,16829 0.0000 $0.00 _ : Generat Govemment � Washington Counfy3 2.6957 $613.96 2.6957 $613.96 0.0000 $0.00 2.6957 $613.96 0.0006 $6.00 Tuaiatin Valley Fire&Rescue' 1.7752 $404.3'I 1.7752 $404.3'I 0.0000 $0.00 '1.7752 $404.31 0.0000 $0.00 PortofPortland3 0.0701 $15.97 0.0701 $i5.97 0.0000 $0.00 0.070i $'15.97 0.0000 50.00 � . � CiLyOfTigard' 2.5131 $572.37 0.0000 $0.00 2.5131 $572.37 0.0000 $Q.00 2.5131 557237 � . Metro3 0.0966 $22.00 0.09fi6 $22.00 O.p000 $0.00 0.0966 $22.00 0.0000 50.00 V112shingtonCountyEnhancedPatrol 0.0000 $0.00 1.0534 $239.92 {5A534) {5239a2) �.0534 5239.92 {1_0534} . (5239.52) - Washington County Road Maintenance O.U000 $0.00 _ 02456 $55.94 {02456} (555.94) 0.245& $55.94 {0.24b6} {$55 a4) . Wash.County Slreet Light AssessmenY� $0.00 $35.00 (535.00) §35.00 (535.00) - Total Gene21 Govemment 7.1507 $1,628.61 5.9366 $5,387.a9 �.2141 $24�.52 5.9366 51,387.09 1.2�4� $24�.52 Generat Obligafion Bonds Washington County 02659 $60.56 0.2659 �60.56 0.0000 $0.00 02659 $60.56 0.0000 50.00 PoAland Community College 02683 $6�.11 02683 $61.11 0.0000 $0.00 02683 $61.11 0.0000 50.00 Tigard School Distrid-23J 1.0476 $238.60 1.0476 $238.60 0.0000 $0.00 0.0000 §0.00 6.0000 50.00 SeavertonSchooiDistrict-48 0.0000 $0.00 0.0000 $0.00 0.0000 $0.00 1.0736 $38l.17 0.0000 $0.00 Tuaia6n Valley Fire 8�Rescue 0.0531 $12.09 0.0531 $12.09 0.0000 $0.00 0.0531 $1209 0.0000 $0.00 PoR of Portland 0.0006 $0.14 0.0006 $0.14 0.0000 $0.00 0.0006 50.14 0.0000 $0.00 CityofTigard 0.0658 $14.99 0.0000 $D.00 0.0658 $�4.99 0.0000 $0_00 0_0658 $14_99 Metro 02273 $51.77 0.2273 $51.77 O.00OQ $0.00 02273 55S_77 0.0000 50.00 Tri-Met � 0.1372 $31.25 0.1372 $3125 0.0000 $0.00 0.7372 $31.25 0.0000 50.00 Total General Obligation Bonds 2.0658 $470.50 2.0000 $455.51 0.0656 $14.99 2.6260 $598.08 0.0658 $14.99 Grdnd Tofal 15.6423 $3,502.61 14.3624 �3,306.11 12799 $256.50 13.6922 $3,153.47 �2799 525S.SU Notes . 1 Assessed Vatue no longer equa!s Market Value 2 Annexa6on to a city dces not change the schooi district that serves the area 3 Permanent rate set by Measure 50 - � 4 Eduqtion Taxes are limited by Wleasure 5 to no more�an$5 per$5,000 of Real Maricet Vaiue,but Measure 50 establistied pertnanent rates per$1,000 of Assessed Value.The dtata rpesented is irom the Washingia�Counry Assessors Office which is resonsi6ie for monitoring tax 2tes. 5 Those areas that are served by Street Lighting Districts pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the street lights.Washington County reports that the average annuai ass�ssment per household is 535.AcWal assessmants tihl! vary by distrid. ��{�i oi{' •�� A � ` � c�t�ar'Tibarci ' ` " ` Presentation Overview � ;: � �ar"��i'��I > , ' ; ` o Project Hi�hlights � .', ��,��� �� OIYip1'O\/�nll�ilt ,_, ;� �'�Oregoing and Upconung Pro,jeets , ��.���,�� �� ' � � unding Issucs :��� > ` i �� :�nfunded T'rojects ° ,.a �. U C��'�� � F'. i H p _ �'�w�►�t�s�reXt� ,_ �; ,, ; � u � � ; : � ; � ' � ,,�� x ' M�rch 3,2003 I t` i`y, 4 �.r. .`�:q :� < � ro' � }.:�'� t't ' �. S F ,; Project Highlights � � Project Highlights t ` ..r'` � SPE[ ? < ���` .� '� ; s�;� " : IP' =a!f'' 4 � ' + 5 ,�,y,,�:u,�tR'' �� '.e;�i �y. .�, ,� �.�' ' � ; a �,.�;'•• � . r� � � {� v �i 5 t r� 4,� � 4. 4 V � 6 �v-t�R'r 3� � . . � ���4 _� ; y � ! North D�kota Street � t}+�',�,�� �,�,;��* : , ;t� � ' Fr Railroad trucks und f, � �+ �' � h .� , ; s @ ; approaches � 5 NF � .,i;�_� ��'� North Dakotu(121��to I 15���) �` ° ���,,'� a "'��;���. �' � t �'� `; .< � , � s � + } ! : � ' ; Project Highlights ; ;a�; Project Highlights ��i �� �° 't; i c'r �; , jt� � _ � Yp a'k;. Y' t! Q':��� Af'. ( � ���,5 ..SI• �� ( .�.� S �1 y i..' 1 n � � 1 t � � li �, 3 �4 �5 ',l � � North Dakota � ? �,�y ; Railroad Track v,- g �e t Repair and ti� �' ' ; �• Overlay Project „ � ; �� ';; 5 i 5 1 ('roject Highlights � X. Project Highlights � � ;, �n �rr Vi�����'ti4�1'i�, i�'-� 4 } �� S . 1 � �. E�� i�"'-F: i'h�� 1,S'+,� �". r ,i ,�.�t r �ir ..�rre..:.� 'w r � t 4 ,�, �� y n:� i A)hi � ± . �;,y � r�..�. '^' .,�-.� s .� r9s Tt.��c%''i r � �'n�.5���� �"• "�"CKrd .��Sg vr� '!^u��,�` �� �. �r'y� �.1j� .�,��"�, �. �-''�i'���114{�k�.�'�4 T,1�.�7 !���V�� � ; >�- ' � ���?�1e��7��'�� � '�,? • .. l ���.F�'}zN4'�+',�� 4`�df � � . �.r � r �� C�y���"���� �� 'e�4� , , � �,. F ..t^ � �� T `�.. � � . . , ,'�' r ' '� - " � A �� :, Rose Vistu Sewer ,�;��m��,��i � � J ;;t undSlurrySe�il i ��'*���� , Projects � � 4 x � r'`� ;�� E'roject Highlights �� �� ; Project Highlights , `; ; ' r� � i�� ; Walnut Street } �a:�lu ,y i. ° ��" ����' ° Afterpaving ,,� �j Locust , �� ��`�� `�' Street � Si i�N5� A i . 3 �.�,Yt f* �L9� Y i � .�� f'� �,1 4*t e,�v � �Yd9�` �` e r <� "1 �,,,�.�n�`��,.' 1 Y 3�,4} '`'�'�,�,s ';�s � i � � , ���a:.'��, .s,w�t.�,�`s '�� !`.r��) �k�t — a � ' y . 1 �"�.��,� k . �.r ��: . Beforepaving ��' � r y ��f� � ��r s + ° Striping � F �� � ; School Street '-�� � ; � Projeci � , i .:a;�.,b...�s � , � s io 4�� . � p Project Highlights � rc Project Highlights � +� � � q ,Illt ] 4 �"il i I �1 ( � . I II b � �'r„ r 6 J i �+' ✓ F i { � �' .� �i { � � f i �`r � � S , � �,.,, � ' �;.,;, ,:yt �� , } ; ���7 ' ` � n.; � ��z4z�� �, a� � �. "°'4'•- � � S • ..x ��*5��. r ',"�3:�, ��. � ° ' �� �,, r '1,uL e k �'- ` � � ' ( y t l,` � � �5 `, L 'p: i: 2 � � � � : °' Project Highlights �, �,; , � Proj�cts In Progres� � �r � � a s. ; ����'� �� '�'� 'I � �: � •, � F :�;, `r I� i: � � � •L 7 � s � ? i � � r:. � f �a fi l �; d J � :. 4, , ` ,� " .� �S . . '�! � �5� ;1GI'0 O J Ill][ , i IJ ` �d t � � ; ; �c Watnut Street � '�� � '� Proposed Wall Street Local � �; : < and 121 St Avetlue (oesi9n on�y) 6 e ; Improv�ment District ' � ��` ._ .�Connects Hunziker Street with�Iall :' ,;w � : ` �, ���Project Status ; Boulevard t P Project design in progress on boilz ' ,� ',•Key route in new Transportation , �. , i y � projects ' x" �ystem Plan s � '' } ►Coenpleted projects well be re7dy for any t r'♦ ;'A�Proj�Cted to Carry up�0 7,000 vehoeles t " ; ` future funding opportunities ,;. = ; per d�y � r:. b '' � :.�Would aileviate congestion at fhe ;�, • � � ``� ; �IalUScoft'i�slI'lun�iker inters�ction I '�_ �� ' � a ;I 4 is -:; t r iF z 4 ;� i t �'. 4 r Lid Proce�s � : ' Project Status � � '� , t�; �i ; � 'lPreliminary Evaluation Report '- 'op�eliminary Engineer's Iteport being '�Preliminary Engin�eer's Report 4 ' garepared � �•Declaration of intentiom to f�orm the ��< s •DeHaas&Associates is the rlesign ' (��strict '• �; ' (�onsulkant � ' ��District formation i �'�`Design issues: wetlands,crossing of ;ao Construcfcion ot Ienprovements ; �'anno CreQk,neov raelroar�crossing �Spreading of assessments by .� °j `�Conceptual Re�ort to Council— ,: ordinance � � � March 11,2003 y°. ; �;. i � �' t n ie 3 , ,f,,. � � ` ` �< �;`�i ard New ���� � Recorr�mended Alignment � r �� g } ; �,.,, � � ; . �Library Construction ty��. k � . �� .i� y �" W.t��n.�e��..4on 7 "- � ° i� `�Bond issue passed May 21,21102 , , �� ��.,� ; . � � . . , • Z � i � i� ; ��'y �: s New libr�ry deta►ls � �� � � ~�s;•�*'�c :l • / ,y' �, �►47,500 square feet '�.� �, ,�"<:. / � � ►two story buflding z _ � J ? '� � .f t � ►Sitc selected fs east o(Flall Blvd near City Hall " ' � � 1 � y � � � , �,T`' �� - �' � : � }� , � r-Y.'' , ,�U'a�_ � - � . � . i; 't � �� i� ¢ ; zo k i � ;'i;' �� ; � Proposed Library 5ite � �;' �s New Library Site Plan x � � �� � �� Q�� � � � -- � ��. , ; ' �r�, , � „ ,��� 4�_..�, � � 9 ,. t �r. *' �,-_. ..__� P��„ ,��"'' � y'• � � � � _ °-- U . ' ' _4 �:` �r � a ' � �� ; �'"..��-r �� _� s � ,, � � � • � : ti ;, '�', ' f ���'� � :� 1 � �� � .� �� �5 � � } � i , � ' I �'' � ' ��. .� _ `.�,. � �'� C , � 1flt .7 i�l.. � � . . ,_ . � 'ti r � �..;:.:. _ . _. � �_i . .. . : 1� . � f' � f , �' . ,. i, � 21 3 f : r . ' .__.._ . : �; ; Project Sfatus � ,: �; $ Project Status � �� � z ' � ' � •SRG Partnership selected as the project �'' } ` o Schematic Desig�n Completed `� elesigner �,' o ; s Design Development Completed �? � � ; •Construction drawin s in �Construction Manager/General g ' (�ontractor process selected F �a progress ? �-C;ity's Project liRanager-�hiels Obleta ` �rojected Schedule: Segin ` 3ohnsen � ! � construction Ju�ae 2003 ` ; ; •Complete cons4ruct6on by 2004 •CM/GC-Hoffman Construction � ' •Open new library late summer � 2004 s � � ti z� � � :� 4 � U camin Pro ects ' F. . p � j GaardP Street , � �: Gaarde Street- s9w to 121 st ; t: , � Highway 99w to 121 st `• �Existin�;Conditions ' r �& a ��� s��: S ►TV�rrow,hvo-lane facitity �.? �=�� ,� ,,�r >No de�ned shoulders ' S ` ' [ � �Froposed Improvemeo�ts ��; � �_+ '' � � � '� /'fhrce-l�ne facility k���h� �� ►Bike lanus on both sides '� � :"�'�� �"�;,{ ��' '�'��>� . ��� � ���fR�[� � Y t_�� • 1 �Y�' �� � ; ►Sidewalks on both sides ' �.� � ,a� ��� ���� ' f ►Streetlights € ; ; f � 4;' �r �t��r'::� ���� ��.: n.a�,:3� u d� iLm�. IS ]6 ` ,° , Gaarde Street- 99w to 121st � ' Upcaming Prnjects ; ,� �. � Pf0)8Ct �tatUS ��� ' Greenburg Road Improvements ' '� ?�! ''s w l�ederally funded MTiI'pro,ject ; ` o Projecl was bid in February 2003 •Widening of Greenburg Road(Washington j ' O�id Opening t►eld on February 24'�' Squarc Drivc fo Ticdem:in Avenue)to 5 ' r ; 9-Bid Award to Council March lltti "� ' �P uject Status � �-Construction t s` ►Project agreements executed with ODO'C ►Utility undcrgrounding-spring 2003 ����W�shington County ►Road work begins simimcr 2003 ' `� � ' �Washington County will aclminister��i•oject ►Project campletion in fall 2004 t for the City ' ►Authorication of funds for 4'rcliminary s,� : Gnginccring is in progress ! n � _x .�: k; � lJpcoming i'rojects , ��� �, R;Upcoming Projects � ' ; Greenburg Road Improvements �'. � '' ; Signalization Project i � i i � . Durham Road/98th A�ienue 5� i k^ � �'.�.� . S�f_j����t t�'r— i 4 . f.y l+f(7�, � i. Vf .. k . • � � � °�ik'���!,r,,'y�''+tti� �.� 1 3 t' .$ � _ �a!'� c :e` �i . l�`Fi�' d ..:_,y:�tY'..�f^ 5�i .+, 'i � �. �-�� _ �,_ f �,� �, �'E s �', t` �. 4 Y �? , � r � � a � +!'� ' � � ;' ��' y '-9 5 �`� s' ; no y 'd 5 ;� , Signalization Project ` �Signalization Project � +,` s �' purham Road/98th Avenue � +� ;�.?Durham Road/98th Avenue � ��' F� '� 4'� r , � S ��,`, � i k�� 7 r. -I�D. �T�'�� '1�r, � j� „,. " 5's j �i ` �; � t �t � r ^ \ } 4 , /. '�' d f , r e f I { > 't io� �A �'�'��a7:a�� � �, t� 4 �t {• ����`�e� ,� �: s � -- � � DurhamRoad/98thAvenue ' ,w�l{� Farmulation F'rocess ��� � ',�� Project Status �' � ' � t ' -�; � ` �9begnn Noven�bcr 2fi02 ' ; �'Irro,�eel inpisd-IVovember 2002- � � •Project awarded late January 20(13 # ; ': ,jsua�Ntery 2(103 ` ; •Notece to Proceed issued in�ud- ` �i>r�►pc�sdci pru,jdct list�nalized ,:; . F � � �February 2003 �' ' �pds�ding;bud�;�t reveew _:;- ; � s Completion exp�cted in June 2003 � ,` � 'e�l3teclgsl Cottunitt�;�review ' � ; : `e�A'Isu�ning Commission review and < <� - r E}� AQ)�Da'd)VAI � � �D A��proval by�iky Ce�uncil „ �; ,e �� >'Propos�d Projects r � 'F'roposed Projects "`' ; ';FY 2003-04 ` �;, ,' � ; 3�Nta,jor Pra►,iccts ��� � ��Pavement Overlays s Con�eno,utio►e of G�urde Street Phase 2 ►Walnut(Grant to Highway 99W) � y Improvemenls ►Greenburg Road(Center St.to 99i'V) 1 WaiO StreeUHall 13oulevurd Intersection � �►114'h Avenue(Gaarde St.to Bull � ; C nnd upproache:; Mountain Rd.) ►Ilul!Mountu4n/Roshuk Road Safety ►Errol Street(112'h to Fonner SQ.) � Ini�rrovemen4s �s Reconstruction °' 1 Crconburg R��ud(Shudy Lane to � '17cdenum)1'1�onl ►Bonita Road—815'Avenue to Bridge y � �S lfi 6 � �, `° ; ,', ' :i�rop��ed F�r�j�cts , `_; �� ' Funding lss�aes ` �e R�i�h��►acl C:rt�H;�lu�; �idpulr , ?" 1` ��Lack of funding for preventative and p r A ►'Pi�slumti�►flvuesuu((�ruenb�p��ti lo ' coraective pavement maintenance '!'Igard Sle�uul)ul It�freck!� y :;� ; h ►F'Y 2001-02 provided$207,000 for all + �AI'r�►poKe!d W��II 5to�eut 1�9� ;� . '� skreets-related work � j /' /Compl�tu P�wll�rdip�rry IEngiuecr's p �� , ►State Gas Tax wi31 not be a viable option , , le ������r� . 7 � in one or two more yeais ►Rucefvu Comicll d{recU�m uis ceLxt r�teg� :�Street Maintenance Fee proposed as a .: ��'Craii 9'r�►,il!CI!1 " d source of revenue for maintenance /1�1u�nn(',ruok'1'rnlL ('.ri�nf i�►ANala�zmd � ! ` , � �' floll io ncrv l.It►r�e�;y yile n , �<;'; c, ; �x l, ° Is ��' � ' �tre�t Malnt�n�nc� ��e t ,� ':; ; Stre�t Maintenance Fee ;o U�ur fuu bosed oR�i��161µvnurtN{un ruluv : i a�i C;ta�e I>e iu{llulud i►y(:ouncll ucUin� r ,"� ; s. �1�epart to Council on the puiulie , ` rocess conducted-December 17 � ; f e�'1'�osk Uoi�uu o�ueoanm�,�d�iy�o�iulnlunnu�u �.j '� ? � ' ` �,IumuedH ; 20tl2 ar ' (' ►S���uu���uohuoiu�ni�u 4 ? Further cDiscussion w6th Council�rn `�.►NOVV�nitlnlonimca a {.� � �March 1�,2003 i' � .' ►t;lduwu�k M��lutwiuncu ,; ,* s Direction on possible implementation � i ►Slrnul Ilµl�l uud xlµnol syeluiu unurNY contx nnd � dvill bE sou ht at that time mu{nluni�nca ` �;� g 1 9 Wl)III(I NIOO/�llUlll011��IIN(I!X lIOtI UIIOW Yur � ` ; , � , � muJor xlreul Im�»uvusnunlH : � ats � lu � 4 +�; � �� '��. ':� � � F1° �.�� � � `` Funding Is�u�s � �� ; Funding Issues i � ` "o'1'he'1'ra�fCic Ianpaee�t Fue('E'If�)t'cenc0y ': �sThc'I'ransportatflon Financing ; cmn only f'inance oe�c��uiJa>r proJict : 5tr�tegies Task Foree :� emci�ycar '' 1 Iims recommended the Street �Ths TIF ftuedln6 eldonin{sl�es i�s � � Maintenance ree to Council deVelopment SIoWS ; i ►Wiil be reconstituted to add�ew ;s Other feending sourcds s�re nceded io � ; s Will continue to look at new revenues for � accelerate needed nw,ior wtreet improvemenk projects ; muJor street improvemenLs �I '' ti 42 � � Unfundecl Projects ` Un�unded Project f ; � � 121st Avenue(Walnut to North Dakota) ; '; a1 121st hviuuc(Wahiut to North ID:ikot�i) . + •Wahmfl Si,rcet('Cicdemsm lo i21�;1.) < h,,�" � •121st Avenue(Coaardc to�Vs�inut) . ; ' � °' s,l3urnham SU•eet(M;ii�i ti1reM lo Ilsilq ; "••.,, ,`F � i �,I�oemcr Strect(Ws�inut tu 11511i) �s ,,•. y �� pa r � "= s'I'igard 5U•cei(Sout4 Sidc-Miiin lo i �. '� '1'icdema�a) v� �, ��; • , � � t � t A f �, I� 11 � t �,r :' lJnfunded �roject ' �' ` Unfur�ded Project �Y `.Walnut Street(Tiedoman to 121st) , '.� 121st Avenue(Gaarde to Walnut) , ,: � '= � � ,;, ,,r�f ' � ir 4 f � �p �� � rr�. -�..1 .Y,. ,I� � �:; ��`:. � � .}�f� 11,��: .k� t S I . a t �,`t'� LQ1 "., 'T+'�h t:h t �Y'.. . ` _ (y��'',S� I� '- :.7'��;�3���>>����+�� �C�,: i� .7 � , o�T •1���s1`v� . rti �n � � � � r � ��� q 1�Y ' f +I ,:,4 4 L r, � c'�,.'�'��� ,:�.. i tIt:41:tJ�i7;�d�kt��A'�IG'4�i�N �(;.:�. .11 ( � f JL a . , �_._ f , i �.._.._._- t � ° lJnfunded Project Unfunded Project � f r ` Bumham Street(Main Street to Hall Blvd) Fonner Street(Walnut to 115th Avenue) ' -�; '� e ,_ � ``` ;,u���'}���`�� r y � � � ' � r�� i� Cenm�wrn Lum auly �, � 1JJk�I�: whuro nrcArd � ,� '�. � �. : a�A �� ��. 1 �`r`! ��, i f% ,i�� (� Y_ �t`.r+� � �., 5 � 1� II ' � 1 .. � ��i�. ': .: S .y....._.�+.._�... _...... G' �r y ! ` ` � ' ��4 �+ { 4iSi � ^ty � � i, 1 s � tt� . 'f:,' �'. �] aM }' � 8 4 ` Un#un�ed i'roject VUh�t's Next°? �:Tlgard Street(Main to Tiedeman,S.Side) n �r�i�s`l 1� tei� � i ; � ' •I�Text br're�ng: 1VYay 2Q03 ; • ►Revfiew and approvnp of flhe FY 20O3-44 T�.�� Capital Im�provement Progr�m projects ' �e BJpdate on the�eew Libe�acy project ''-''�` 9 ProposerD W�ll 3treek�ID progeess ►Update of tiae Gaarde Street Projec@ i �9 !D �ity ot 3'igard <�� Capl$al ' Innprovernent ; Prograrn lJpdate March 3,2003 9 � D eA� �A �q■ CITY O�ARD � � �I���� 9 ������� 'iJO�l�lI���M� OREGON � � 9\0�` ���� � . �Ea,�lt�� ����: � ��' b � sT',�l2`FlN� TIIN�: °7� c�z�.� �OMMlSSIONEFtS. _ MARK PAl�(3ETT (PR�SID�Ni'� �� JUDITH ANDERS�IV (\/8C�-F'RESIDENI") ✓� JODIE �IEN�RTH �---� GF��TCHEN BUC9�NEF� �-�� BILL HAAC� GLENN �/IORES ��� JUD�( NlUNRO SCOT SUITON �-�'� EILEE�! WEBB REX CAFFALL (alterr�iate) -___�------------------------------_-___�---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------___--_------�_-�-_-_-- STAFF F'�IEa�IV�'o DICK BEWERSDORFF _ JIM HENDRYX �RRD KIl_BY BARBARA SHIE�DS MORGAN �'RACY JULIA HAJDUK MATT SCHEIDEGGER DlJA6VE ROBERTS BRIAN FL4GER BETH ST. AMANL� ✓ GUS DUENAS