08/05/2002 - Packet POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. AGENDA City of Tigard Community Development Shaping A Better Community TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 5, 2002 7:00 p.m. TIGARD CIVIC CENTER — TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON 97223 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. COMMUNICATIONS 4. APPROVE MINUTES 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT (ZOA) 2002-00004 TIGARD TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION REQUEST: Amend the Tigard Development Code to reflect the Transportation System Plan and Comprehensive Plan changes adopted in January 2002. The proposed amendments also reflect the State of Oregon's Transportation Planning Rules (TPR) which include provision of skinny streets. The specific code sections meeting amended include: 18.120, 18.360, 18.520, 18.530, 18.705, 18.745 and 18.810. LOCATION: Citywide ZONE: N/A — Citywide APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Statewide Planning Goals 1, 2 and 12; Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660, Metro Regional Transportation System Plan; Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.1.1(a), 2.1.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.5 and 8.2.3 and Community Development Code Chapters 18.380.020 and 18.390.060.6. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT �ITY OF 1"iGARu PLAIV�IIIVG COBIAMISSION ���ting Nlinutps August 5, 2002 1. CALL'TO ORDER President F'adgetf called the me�ting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall �Ivd. 2a ROLL CALL CommisSioners Present� president Padgett; Commissioners Anderson, Buehner, Mores, Munro, Scolar, S�atton, and Webb Commissioners Absent: �ommissioner�ienerth Staff Presenf: Julia Hajduk, Associate Pianner; �rian Rager, Development Review Engineer; Jerree Gaynar, �lanning Commission Secretar�r 3. PLANNINC� CONtlVlI��IOf� COIVIIMUfVICATIONS None 4. APPR�VE 81A��`PIIdG lVIINUTE� (take� oufi of order) Commissioner Buehner moved and Commissioner Webb seconded fihe mation to approve the July 15, 2002 meeting minutes as submitted. A voice vote was taken and �ne nc�tion passed by a vote of 7-0. Commissioner Sutton �bstained. 5. PR�CE�S FOI2 (iA01°IOIV� a DI�CUSS90P� Discussion was held on the praper procedure for making motions. President Padgett advised that Cortzmissianers should "move", not "make a motion", to approve; approve wi�h changes in conditians (list changes); approve with conditians listed in the �taff report; disapprove; recommend fio Council. Commissioners need to include all the case numbers in the motion. The motion also needs to list the findings (�ased on findings in sfiaff report; conditions in staff rej�ort and iestimony heard). It was suggested that specific language be on a card fior the Commissioners t� read when making motions. President Padgett wili forward suggested language to the secretary. 6. PIJ�LlC HEA�ING 6.1 ZOfVE 06�DENAiVCE AMENDMEfVT (ZOeA) 2002-00004 TIGARD TRAIN�PORTATION SYSTEM PLAN IMPLEMENTATION REQUEST: Amend the Tigard Development Code to reflect the Transportation System Plan and Comprehensive Plan changes adopted in January 2002. The proposed amendmenfs also r�flect the State of Oregon's Transportation Plarrning Rules (TPR) which inciude provision of skinny streets. The specific code sections PLAMNING COMMISSION MEETING MTNUTES -August 5,2002-Page 1 4 � rroeeting amended include: 18.120, 18.360, ��.520, 1�.530, 18.705, 18.745 an� 18.89�. LOCATIO�: Citywide ZONE: N/A � Cifywide APP�I�A�LE I��i/IEVV CRIYERIA: Stateuvide Planning Gaals 1, 2 �nd 12; Oregan Administrative Rule (OAR) 660, Metra Regional Transportation System Plan; Compreh�nsiue Plan Policies 1.1.1(a), 2.1.1, 8.1.1, �.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.5 and 8.2.3 and Community Development Code Chapter� 18.3�Q.020 and ��.390.060.G. . S'fAFF REPORT J�alia Hajduk presented the staff report on behalf of the City. She rep�rted tha# � camments f�om worksessions with the Pl�nning Comm9s�ion and City Coun�il were incarporated into the proposed cod� amendm�r�ts. she ncated that aithough the Planning Commission recommended doing away with setback sidewalks, Council dis�greed. Language was added to clarify cases for prop�rties writh more than on� frontage. Hajduk noted th�t all the proposed code amendments ' meet required State goals and policies and are consist�nt with the Tran�portation Planning Rule. It was r�commended that this proposal b� pr�se�ted before the CITs before the Coun�il pub4�c hearing. Pll�LI� TE�TiMONY � None PU�LIC H��4RI�IG CLQSED Comrriissioner �uehner mov�d the Pl�nning Commission forward to Council, the amendme�tts of the developrr�enfi cad� specified as ZOA 2002-00004, based on the staff report and the public hearing, speeifically including Exhibits A,-1 through A-5 and B; and also recummending that � presentation on the pertinent am�ndments be rnade at the CIT m�eting prior to the public hearing in front of City Cauncil. Commissione� �uttan seconded the motion. The motion passed un�nimously. 7, OTMiE12�U�INESS Rt present, there ars no m�etings scheduled for Sepfiernber. 8o ADJOURIVfVIEN� The meeting adjo�arned at 7:18 p.m. Jerr ynor, Plan ' g Corn sion Secretary � � ATTEST: P sident Mark Padgett PLANNING COI��IlVIISSION MEETING MINUTES -August 5,2002-Page 2 � � . , � � , � .y ,� � �'iGAR� P�NIVIfV� �d�A�AnAISSlOQV � ��L����� CITY OF TIOARq OREGON f"��/��0�� ����: D '° .�"v2- :5����8�� �I��: � � DO ►' - C�MnA1SSI�NER�. fVIAF�K PADG�Tl" (�RESlD�NT) ✓ _, JUDITH ANDER�ON (�i/ICE-PRESID�NT') / JODIE BIENERTH � GRETCHEN BUEHtVER GLENN MQRE� � JUDY MUiVRO SHEL SCOLAR ✓ SCOT SUTTON EILE�N WE�B _--�H_____ (�Iterna�e) S7'�4F� PR�SENI': DICK BEWERSDORFF BARBARA SHIELDS MORGAN TRA.CY �ULIA HAJDUK ; �F2AC� KILBY DU�+NE RO��RTS .; ATT SCHEIDEGGER JAMES HENDRYX ..� BRIAN RAGER GUS DUENAS � � �. � � � � E ,, _ . _ _ _ ������I� �����i����� P.O. BOX 370 PHONE 503 684-0360 Le��� m � ) NAticeT_ J_O 10 9 BEAVER?'ON,OREGON 97075 L�g��! Notice Ader�rti�irag sCi.��, �£ m���,_� • � Tearsheet Notice ).3125 SV1 i3�.J.1 I�lv��. ; �Tiqard,Oregon �7 2?3 ° � Duplica4e Affidavit Acaoun�{:s Paya3al� • e �►F�IDAVIT OF PIOSLiCAaTigJtol ' �TATE UF OREGON, co�Nnr ��w�s�irvGro�, D ss' a� K�.thy Snyd�r b�ing fies4 duly sworn, depose and sa�,4hat I am 4he qdye,rtisin� Direa4�r, or his principaf clerk, of theilaa1c�--Tual�t�_n '1`�imes e� newapaper of general ciroulation as defined in ORS 193.010 �nd 193.020; publish�d at iiqata in th� aforesaid county and state; th�4 the Tiga.rc� Tl�an��or.i.a�Lion pi�l�1 i e HPari ng, 70A 2002-00�04' :'�Y�t�E'I1t a �srin4ed copy of v,rhich 9s hereto �nnexed, was published iro the eh4ire issue of ssid ne�nrspap�r for nI�F suecessive and cons�cutive in the following issues: July 1£3 , ?.002 Sub�cribed and sworn to efore me 4his��th d.ay o f Ju l.y, 2 0 0 2 � OFFICIAL SEAL RB�IN A BURGESS Notary IIC fOf Of�gOP1 NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO.3�4589 My Commission Expire�: MY COMMISSION F�(PIRES MAY 16,2005 AFFIDAVIT The oll wi�,g' r�vi�1 be cc��side�l�'� ` `,�s „ �+�-; Ca�a�aaa�iasit�n on 1Vt��eda��4,ugus��;,� ' ���� ����6�1 Civic.C.�ntes.-�-'�c�wi���Yait,,�H�3:425 �W�Hel1 �t�rd., '�,°i$ard, ��on: T�te .ptA►'pose ;af the '�c��n�:ssion's r�vi�w i� to make a re�ara�temda�tian tp the Ccty Coti}n�cil.an t��r�equest. 'I't�e�ouncit wi�l � al�o'coudiact s?pubinc`''h�ariiig csxi the'r�quest pri�si'to making a decisiAn , '' Pu�lic o�ttl,or wnS��n testir�xany is invited. 't't�e publ�c he�rifiags on' '.tbns.�t�eF,w+f 1I;be conrl�rct�d an�ccox�an�e wr�t��:hapter 1�.35!A of. `ttie'I"agae+d ivlf�uci�p�Cqde and;t�ae rmales of pr�cedzire adogted by t�e. ';;'Gsstu�icil�t►d�vart�bt��t�d"�ty;I-Ia11 or tYie rut�es af�roceduxe set fortYa: u�S�ction ig:3�0���< ' : ' �'uether�-utfotri�a@�on �triay be�ot,tain�€i fro�n'°th�•Caty bf,Ti�ard�. ;Fle`t�eti�l�l��sxmsst�t�fl��'l���9�V?H�11�lvs�,S�'i�;r��+��9�IZ23�c�r�� 'b�Callii��5(�3�&�9-�417�� , . , ,r J O . I1�Al'� ��iV�P+TJ[D ' NT(� )2002-41�14 �►."�' at�d:`•EYaa�i . . , 'o�i� ��� ��I�i lement�t►o�< ' , ; �n t, e Agtu eve�t�z�t �o e�t� re e�ct e �'ta�aspqi•lafi�qi�a: Sj�sEeara �'l�n �d �o�pr�h�msive �?l�nn c9Yaua��� ��apted u�Jan�+,�Q+D2;Th�g5�pa+'se,d�nendtnents Also re�lect t� SYat� c�� U���a'g Traaespor�t��n .�'li�r►sung�,ItuP�s .�T'k°I�) rw�io9a 'nncl�: P,�`�r�Ixs��i'�.��` sk�ri�r str��4� °''°I'be specif�c�eacle secti.oa�s `�e�G��,�d�ai �(ieliic�e 1�320, i 8 360, 1$:520, i�.530, 1�.7U5; is 7�s����:'��b �x,c�a�°gc��etd ; :cYB�aai�� �N� PI/1� �i�ywide_" �il"����.�LE 3�'VIE� �''�`x'��• :' �t�et�v�iid�.F4��nang Gaa4s 1,' 2 amai: 12; Ux��on ! ,f��p�iries4t�tnv��Rule� {OA�.) 650, �Ie�rb �'.�gi�t�sl 7l`rans}�rta�ion Sys4�rti fl�i�n;°Cc�n3pre�►�av�.'Pla�a Policies 1.1.Y(a)', 2.4.1, ;8.1.1, $,F'.2, 8.13; 8.1,5 an�d 8.2.3:and C�anmtnnii,y �evelopgneSt Ctsde � ��.api+t�is 18�,380�20�nd 18.3�(d6Q:� a� : 'rr.�a�ti�--��lzst��uay rg,2��. .. . � , . � ' � � w ` , � u� � � � ,`.� • TI�A� _ �'�.��`d�`����� ��1����ssI(��1 C17Y OF TIGARD OREGpPd lod0'1'�,C�> �'�C)��.��?VISHING TO SPEAK ON A1�1Y�M(lE�YJS'r'�RIlV'I'T�I1R 1vAME AI�D ADDRESS OI�'I�ffiS SI�EETo AGENDA Y'fEtvi�/: �. 0 Page l of DATE OF gIEAFLING: �1 •S/ ��. CASE NUMB�R(S): �� p��-� L�0�D� . . OWN�R/APPLICANlT: LOCATYON: �PLEt�SE IDIZIN� '4�OLlR N�,iVIE, t�DDRESS, AND�IP C�I)E PROPON�+N� (For the proposal) OPPOIlTEIoTT (Against the proposai) {Print Name/Adilress/71p Jc A�'iliation) (Print Name/AddresslZdp&A„Qiliation) Namle' Name: Address: Address: Cit,� � State• Ziv• City• Staee: Zin: Nat'a�e• TVame: Address: Address: Citv� Stake� Zin• Citv: State: Zip: Name• Name: � Ad�iress: Address: Ciiv' State• Zi� City• State: Ziv: Name: Name: Address: Address: Citv' State: Ziu: Citv: State: Zip: Name• Name: p�,�• � Address• �''+hr• State: �ip: ' Cilv: State: � Zip: CiTY OF TIC�AR[� Commurcr'ty Development Shapirag.4 BetterCammr�nity ���o�ND�� �i'�� �F T0�.�1/��� TO: Pl�nraing Commission mernbers FROM: Julia Hajduk, Associate Pfanner DATE: July 15, 2002 SU�J�CT: Development Code Amendments to Irr�plemer�t the Transportation System Plan (TSP) As you recall, the Tigard Yransportation System Plan (TSP) was adopted in January, 2002 along with Comprehensive Plan amendments and became effectiv� in February. An additional step necPSSary to fully implement the TSP was developing amendments to the Develo�ment Code to reflect ch,anges to the TSP. A work session was held with the Planning �ommis�ion on June 3rd and the City Council on June 18th. Based on the commen�s received at both work sessions, this memo has been prepared to s�mmarize additional changes and to respond to questions that were rais�d. 1�PR requirement for narrow sfreets l"her� was a lot of discussion of the "skinny street" r�quirement and what wa� required. The Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) interpretation on skinny streets is that 32' streets as a uniform requirement i� toa wide. Streets �hat �re 28' with parking on both sides is a safe harbor regulation. Because the 28' standard was simply a safe harbor, we had the ability to apply standards thafi �net our own needs, within limits. For fihat reason, we developed additional criteria that sfiated a queuing plan (traffic flaw pPan) has to be submitted and appraved and off-street parking has to be provided if on�street parking is eliminated. Afi the work session, there was a question about whether parking bays or turn-outs could be requir�ci. It is anticipated that this cauld be ar� option that a developer could utilize in their traffic flow pl�n and, in defiinition, we give the optian/suggestion for vehici� fiurn-ou�s. In response to additional issues raised on this subject, the "queuing" plan has been re-named "traffic flow" plan. The "Neighborhood Street Design Guidelines" provides guidelines for narrow streets and was .developed by consensus with the input from emergency service personnel, public works department, and tran�portation engineers. The purpose given for the narrow street requiremen�s is that they minimize land consumption, are less c�stly to develop and maintain, and they reduce the amount of run-offi and water quality problems. Narrower streets also s�tve tc� slow tr�f�ic speeds without th� ne�d for additic�nal tr�fFic caiming devices such �s spced hurr�ps. I#sl�ould be noted that th��e st�ndards wil! �pply to N�'�/ local streets anly with an ADT of 1000 v�hicle trips or I�ss. It only applies to local resid�ntial street�. A concern wa� raised regarding the po��ibility te� corromercial traffic spilling onto these narrc�yver streets and causing cong��tic�n problems. Upon revi�w of the commercial sites in °('ig�rd, there do not appear to b� any ur�d�v�ioped resid�n�ia9 praper�ies adjacer�f to commercial u�e� that wa�ald be impact�d k�y�he corrim�rcial traffic (th�r� are a fevu in�tances where there are larger lots that abut the back of� commerciai development, however there is no access from the Commercia! site #o ghe larger lot). Sidewalk �9anter stri�s 'JVhile fhe Planning Commission did not recommend the requirement for plan�er strips, the Cify Council indicated fhat they were supportive of the idea but wanted some �ddition�l language in the event that the properky had mar� than one frontage and one of the fror�tages wa� � collector or arterial and mainfenance responsibility was not obvious. (Durham, far example). Language has b�en added to 18.810.07Q.� which allows for additional consideration in situatio�os like that. Additional comments There w�s an issue with the traffic study criteri�, howrever, no sugge�ted changes or specific c�ncerns h��v� b�en submitted to date. Specific �uggestions for�hange may be provided at the Planning Commissie�ra public hearing. Th�r�was �Iso a general question raised abaut th� level of service (L�S) �tandard that the �'S�was adopting. The question was wh�fher LOS F was accepta�l�. The short answer is no. The T�P, pages �-30 throus�h 8-32, identi�es key intersections and what the LOS will be wifih and without rviitigation. With mitigafiion (improvemerats and strategies identified in the adopted TSP) the ir�fi�rsection, whil� nofi ideal, remain at or above LOS E. Please refer to table �-4 for additiona! infiormation. Attached please find the following: Attachrnent� —Staff Report Exhibit i4: 1 — Summary of changes to implement the TSP 2 — Development Code section 18,705 amendmenfs 3— Qevel�apment Code section 18.730 amendments 4— Development Code section 18.810 amendments 5—Additional amendments for poriions af cade sections 18,120, 9 8.360, 18.520, 9 8.530 and 18.745. Exhibit B—Transportation Plar�ning Rule Compliance chart In th� attached da�cuments, the changes being inserted are identified with a double underline and iterris deleted are identified with a�I�eagk�. l:lrpinJjulia/TSP/PC adoption hearing memo,doc • Attachrr��nt 1 Ag�nda It�rn: 5.1 Hearing Date: Au�ust 5.2001 7:00 Ph� �1'�4FF i�EPC9R1° 1°O TH� ciTY OF Tl�iARD PLANNiN(; �C�NlIVIISSIO(V FO� TME CIl'Y OF TIG�4RD, ORIE�ON a�Cl'@O!V I� ,�PPLI�ATlt�fV SUIMI�PIARY �ILE �IAIVIE: T'�IV�P0t2TA1°I('liV SYS�'�IIlI PL�►N CAS��: Zone Ordir�ance A►rtierodment (ZOA) 2002-00004 PROPOSAL: The proposal is to formally adopt Develapment Code standards to fully implem�nt the Transportation System Plan (TSP) that was adopted in January 2002. /APPLICAIVT: City of Tigard 13121 SW Hall �oulevard Tigard, OR 97223 LOCATION: All areas within the City af Tigard. ,s��€�L����as � REVI�W CRITERIA: Oregon'$ Statewide Planning Gaals 1, 2 and 12; Oregon Administrative Rule 660; Metro Regional Transportation Plan (RTP); Comprehensiv� Plan Policies 1.1.1(a), 2.1.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.�, 8.1.3, 8.1.5 and 8.2.3, and Community Development Code Chapter 18.380.020 and 18.390.Q60.G. SECTlON I1: ST�►FF �tEC�01VIMENC�A1'IOIV: Sfaff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council for approval of the Llevelopment Code amendments to implement the Transportation System Plan (TSP) as shown ir� Exhibit A-1 through A-5 based on the finding that all relev�nt criteria are satisfied. STAFF REPORT ZOA 2002-00004 Page 1 � S�CT'IOId �II: �A�1�GRf�U(dD� I(VFORflnATl�l� The City of T'igard began iaaking at updating the Transportation System Plan (TSP) several �ears ago. With the help of a 12 member task force, agencies and staff, a draf4 TSP was produced which takes into accour�t the �xisting traffic conditions in Tigard, �ommunity needs and goals �nd the anficipated future demands on the transportatian system. The TSP and Camprehensive Pl�n amendments were adopted by th� City Council in January 2002. An additionaf step necessary fio fully implemerrt the TSP was developing amendment� to the Development Code to refl�ct changes to the TSP. The Pianning Commission and Gity Council held work sessions on the proposed Development Code amendments in Ju�e. The propo�ed ch�nges reflect the comments received at the work sessions. S��'f00N I'V. SUNi14�d6�0�'f �F �P�L9�,ABLE CRI�ERIA Chapter� 1�.3�0 stat�s that �egeslative text amendments shall b� und�rkake� by mean� of a Type li/ prpcedur�, as governed by Section 1�.390.060�. Chapt�r 1�.390.060(� �tates thafi the r�commendatior� by the �omrraission and th� ai�ci�ion by the �ouncil shall be based �r� �onsideration of the followring factors: /�1. 7'he Statewide Pi�nr�ing GnaBs and G�idel6n�s adoptee� under Oregon Revi��d �tatutes Chapter 197; B. Any fec@�ral or stat� st�tut�s or r�gula#ior�s found applicable; �. Any appi6cabt� Nfetrca regulat6ons; �. Any applicabie Coonprehensiv� F�lan PolicBe�; and �. Any� ap�licabl� pr�vi�ions �fi the City's impBera�er�ting ordinan�es. �E�Tl�fd V: AI�I'LI�A�L� REVIEVIt C�IT�Ftl�0. i4IVD FINDBINGS ST'/�T�UVI�E t'OALS Citiz�n lnvolvernent: Gcaa9 1 requires a� �itizen involver�aent progr�m th�t �nsures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in the planr�ir�g process. Tigard Camprehensive Plan Policy�.1.1 and Tigard Community Development Code Chapter 1�.390 provide fior citizen participafiion and notice. Notice of the Planning Commission hearing and opportunity for re�ponse was advertis�d in the local newspaper. Nofiice was sent to Department of Land Conservatic�n and Development in accordance with their notice requirements. This goal is s�tisfied. Land Use Planninca: Goal 2 requires, en part, that adcapted compr�hensive pians be revised to take into accnunt changing public policies and circurnstances. This goal is met because the City has applied all relevant Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan pQlicies and Community Development Code requirements in the review of this proposal as discusse� throc�ghout this stafif report. Transportation: Goal 12 requires a safe, convenient and e�onomic transportation sy�tem. STAFF REPORT ZOA 2002-00004 Page 2 � The TSP has b�en prepared in accorda�ce with the Statewide Pfanning Gaals and requirements. Oregon Adminisfirative Rule 666, fhe cc�mpliar�ce with which is discusssd furth�r in this report, irnplements the Statewide Transportation Goal 12. The plan has been reviewed b'y ODOT and DLCD. COM�LIA6�CL�. �PVII'�i F�DEF��L eAR9D STAT� STA�'U►TES OFd C�U6D�Li�IE� Or�g��e Adrr�ini�trativ� �:ule: �ection 660-'92-0000 thro�gh 007'0 is 6nfiended t� ir�aplement �tateeNide �la�nor�g Go�t #12 by �roes6�ing guidelin�s for lacal go�rernments 4o d�rnor���rate ccsmpli�nce vvith �c�al #12 throu�h th�ir Transpor�ation Systern Plans. When the TS�P was adapted, it was recognized thaf Developm�;nt Gode amendr�ents were needed to fully comply with the TPR. Attach�d as Exhibit B is a chart identifiying how each of the TPR requirements are addressed. Based on the information provided in Exhibit B and in �his section, stafF finds thafi the T�P compiies wifih the st�t� statutes. There are no specific federal standards that apply. COIViPLlAN�� V111T'H N9�TR0 RECl1LATBOfVS Re._.,)e ional Tr�nspor#ation Plan �F2TP�The R'TP take� th� place ofi Me�r�o F�a�actiaraal Plar� T6tle 6 (Regicanal Accessibility), and i� �c��osisten� w9th Chapter 2 0� the R�girsn�l Framework Plan. 1'he RTP provid�s a regionaf framework f�r traresp�rtation systerns aracl has its oavn criteria that mu�t be addressed that are ir� �ddition to the Transport�tion PBanning Rule (TPR� re�uore��nts. The TSP is consistent with the RTP and the prapo�ed amendme�ts include all lar�guag� required to be adopted by Iacal jurisdictions. The only specific language that needecl fio be changed to implement the RTP wa5 the requirement #o have local streefi spacing no less than 530 feet apart to address c�nnectivity requiremenfis. COMPLle4NC� V1111'H COMI�REH�NSIVE PLe4N �6)LIGIE� Gen�ral f�oiicie�: P'olicy '1.1.1(a) requires that legislative char�ges �re �onsist�r�t vuith �tat�wide planning goais and the regional development plan. . The propasal is consistent with statewide planning goals as addressed above under `Statewide Goals'. The proposal canfnrms with the applicable portions of the IVletro Functianal Plan that was approved for adoption on October 24, 1996 by the Metro Council. This policy is satisfied. Citizen Involvernent; Policy 2.1.� st�tes that the City shali m�intain an ongoBng c6tizen involv�rreent prograrr� and shall assure that citizens will be provided an op�ortunity to be invoivec! in all phases of the planning process. Policy 2.1.2 states that oppor�tunities for citizert involv�ment shall be appropriate to the scale of the ,� pl�nning efFort. Policy 7.1.3 state� that the City shall ensure that the 6nformation on ' plar�ning issue� i� availab6� 6n an underst�ndable �ormato � A request for comments was sent to all affected jurisdictions and agencies. The Planning Commission hearing was legally adve�tised with notice published in the Tigard Times. The STAFF REPOR7 ZOA 2002-00004 Page 3 TSF' h�d e�cten�ive notice �r�d opportunities to c�mment. �ecause the current prapnsai is simply an implementatiQr� af a previously adopted plan, the same level of public notice is not nec�ssary. `Transpor�ation: �'ranspor��tion Policies 8.1.°i, �.1.2, 8.1.3, �.1.5 ��d �.2.3 �rer� adop�ed at the ��ro�e �6me th� 7'aP was ado�ted to in�orparate th� T�P r��ommencl�tions int�a th� C�r�npr�hensiv� Plar�. 1'h� poli�ies �re �pe�i��ai�y �ddressed belavv: �.1.1 — requires the pian�aBng of transpo�tation �'aciliti�� to be don� in a way that e�hances livability thro�cgh �he proper I�cation of facilities, �neouraging pedestri�n trafffic and adclressin� is��es of through tr��fic �nd speeding on tocal resid�ntial �4reets. �.'i.2 — requir�s a balanced transportation �ystern that inc�rpor�tes all rnodes of transport�ti�n. �.1.3 — req�'sr�s the effort be m�d� to develop a safe tr�rasportatian systerra through the s�r�e� stantiarcls and �ccess rnanagement policB�s. �.1.5 — requir�� �khe development of transportation facifities that are �cc�ssible to ali citizer�s and rr�inimiz� aaut-of-dir��ti¢�n trawe9. �.�.3 — prav@d�s th� mireirnurn �mpr�vement level a�nd dedication tf�at shouid be required of cl�v��op�rs as a pr�cor�ditier� of deve9oprr�en4 to er��ure tha� th� commun6ti�s �ransport�tion sy§tiern fu�ctions adeq�a�tQlyo The code amendments provide grea�e� ciarificatior� af wh�r� bike lane� �rP re��airecl, requires fihe identi�icafiion and removal of gaps in sidewalks (if raughly propnrtional), has local street spacing standards that will minimize out-of-direction travel, provide greater access spacing standards and greater clarification of when transit amenities are req�ired. The prAposed development cade amendment changes are directly implementing the TSP and Cornprehensive Plan policies, therefore, the applicable Comprehensive Plan standards have been satisfied. CON1PLIe4fVC� WITH THE CITY'S IflAPLEMEBVTINC ORDINANCES: The impl�menting ordinances are contained in the Tigard Community Developmenfi Code. The applicabl� criteria idenfiified in the Development Code are summarized in Section IV— �ummary of Appiicable G�i�eri� a�u ��+�r�ssp� �n Se�tion V — Ap�lica�!? RP��is��� rr�±sria and Findings. As this staff report demonstrates, all applicable criteria have been satisfied. STAFF REPORT ZQA 2002-00004 Paye 4 s��°ri�� vo; c�n�r��n��r� �ac��c�e ��r�F� �►�D oTH��� City of Tigard Engineering, City of �'igard Current Planning Divisinr�, City of Tigard Operations, City of Tigard Public Works, City of Tigard Police, City of Beaverton, City af Durham, Cifiy of King City, Washington County, Tigard-Tualatin Schoal District, and Tri- met. Have reviewed the proposal and offered no commenfs ar objecfiions. 1"ualatir� V�91ey Fare and R��c�ae reviewed the proposed amendments and indicated that they find no conflicxs with their interests. The provisions for skinny sfireets are acceptabis to the Fire District. They also stafie that the �ire District is currently developing traffic calming device design criteria that will be submitted upon completion. The general statemenfi in the Development Code indic�tes only when they are to be installed. The Fire District hopes that their criteria will be cansidered for design details DLCD reviewed fhe prop�sed amendments and offered comments which are summarized belo�rv: � They want to mak� sure that Tigard documents its process used to develop the local street standards regarding narrow streets; a They suggest�d changes which have been incorporated into the proposed amendments that presents the narrow street option in a way that does not discourage someone from using that method and as a method that is not favored. . They provided suggested language which has been incorporated into the proposed amendments for"Traffic Flow Plan" (formerly refierred to as a q�eeuing plan). a They recommend against char�girrg the k�lack length stand�rd from 1,800 feet to 2,120 feet and provided language that Washingfion County uses that they suggest we con�ider. StafF response: The change from 1,800 foat block lengtn fo 2,120 faot block length was suggested to be consisfient wi#h the street spacing standards, however staff is not opposed fio retaining th� original block length concept. Because the measurement system is b�ing changed from right of way line to centerline, the maximum block length dimension , will be 2,QQ0 feet. This will result roughly in the same block length requirement as currently existing and as recommended by DLCD staff. Mefiro reviewed the proposed amendments and generally offered the same comments as DLCD, specifically, they suggested changes that pre�ents the narrow street option in a way that does not discourage someone from using that method and as a method that is not favored and they r�commend against changing the block length standard from 1,800 feet to 2,120 fieet. T'h� City of Tigard Urban �orester review�d the proposed changes and offered the following comments: "The planter strips should be at feast five feet wide so that large trees can be planted in order to create more tree canopy. I think that planter strips are a good idea since the trees wil! be shading much more of the street, thus reducing the heat island ; effect too common in this City!" Orego¢� Depa�tm�ra# c�f TranSportation (ODOT) reviewed fihe praposed amendments and offered comments summarized as follows: They appreciate our efforts to clarify when a traffic study is required, however a traf�ic study is not always needed to address ODaT . interests. They suggest changing 18.810.030.AC to state that a traffic study MAY (instead STAFF REPORT ZOA 2002-00004 Page 5 of shall) b� required if � �ife is within 500 f�et af an O6�OT facilit� �nd/�r trip generation from th� devetopm�nt adds 300 or more trips per day to ar� �DOT �acility and/or trip generati�an from th� development adds 50 or more peak hour trips to an ODOT facility. They request that C�DOT be notified af pre-applicatinns to help rr�ake the determination of whether a traffoc st�ady is required prior to � formal applic�fion being submit�ed and d�emed c�rripsete. �taff r�spnnse: °fh� propo�ed dev�lopmen# c�de lang�a�ge has been ameraded to include ODOT's re�ommended changes EXHIBITS: EXHfBIT A-1 through A-S: Proposed Devel�pm�nt �ade changes EXHIBiT B: Chart addressing TPR criteria �nd Tig�rd's complianc�e status G J�.ily 22. 2002 PR s�F2ED BY: Julia Hajduk, Associate Planner , V�La[.�0.�7�x. 5��.-�`� J u I,�22. 2002 A�P6�OVED BY: ��rb�ra Shields pATE Planning Supervisor I;Irplan/JulialTSP/implemetatlon/PC Staff report.doc SYAFF REPORT ZOA 2002-OOOOA Page 6 r Exhibit A-1 Summary of changes to implemenf the T'�P The foliowing is a summ�ry of changes proposed to implement the TSP adopted in January 2002. After a brief expl�natinn of the change is the code section location far quick reference. Bec�use the changes are made for several reasons; tt�e impetus for tha chang� is also idenfified (TSP, stafF, Metro or DL�D) 18.120 Added the fioilowing definitions: • Neighborhood Activity Center • Traffiic Flow Plan (�t�ff clari�icatior�) 18.360 Amended 18.360.090.11.a to define adjacent as being within 50Q fieet of a transit route. {T°SP) 18.520 Amended 18.52Q.020.8 to remave referen�e to malor collector streets and repiaced with reference to collector street. ��t�ff clarificationRSPj 18.530 Amended 18.530.050.A.2 to remove reference to maior collector streets and replaced with r�ference to collector sfreet. (�tafF clarificatian/TSF�) 18.7�5 ldentified that if direct access is permitted onto an arterial or col�ector street, an application may be requirec� to mitigate any safety or neighborhood traffic manag�mei�t impacts. (18.705.030.G.2) (T'SF�) Provided access.management requirements (18.�05.030.H) • Verify that design of driveways are safe • Regulate driveway locations from intersections o Moved spacing of driveways and streets from 18.8�0 (°f�P) �8.730 Removed reference to specific roadways in the additional setbacks section. The reason for this was that the entire list was very outdated. In additian, the intent could be met by retaining the existing requirement that in the ev�nt a sfreet had iess than the required right-of-way, the setback for a structure mu�t be no less than the required setback plus %2 the required right-of-way width measured from centerline.(18.730.040.A) (�#aff clarification) 18.745 Ame��ed 18.745.050.C.2.b to remove referer.c�te rn�i�r an� minor collector sfireets and replaced with reference to c�llector street. (StafF clarification/'��i') 18.810 Provided new minimum widths and standards for streets . Incltades lane width, on-street parking, bike lanes, sidewalks, landscape strips and median requirements. (Table 18.810,1 and figures 18.81n.1 through 18.�10.6) (1'SP/DLCD�TPR) Clarified that if the city prepares a future streeYs plan for an applicant, cosfs for time invalved shall be reimb�ursed bythe applicant (18.810.030.F) (Staff clarification) Summary of changes to implement the TS�' � Page 1 of 2 (Updafed 5-3-02) �..�..: �� _ Added sections requiring street cpnnections to be spaced no less th�n 530'fe�t�parC to address connectivity requirements. (18.810.030.�.1) 4'TSP/M�tro) Moved spacing of streets to 18.705.030.H 6Staff clarification) �larified how cul-de-sac length is rr�easured (18.810.030.K.2) (St��f clarif6cat�an) "° Provide the City engineer with � say in approving street names (18,810.030.L} (St��'f'�lari�icatao�) Removed standards that ar� conflicting with the �ngineering Departments Design and Construction standards and that would need to be amended anyway to reflect the removal of minor and majar co[lector references. Standard now says that c�nterline radii curves shall be as determin�d by the City Engineer. (18.810.030.N) (Staff clarification/TSP') Added traific calming provisions requiring a developer to depasit funds towards traffic calming if the City Engineer determines thaf a development has fhe potential of creating a negative impact on existing neighbarhood streets in regards to excessive speeding, etc. The funds would b� kept for up to 5 years and if after that time it is determined that traffic calming measures are not warranted, the funds would be returned. (18.810.030.A�) (T'SP) Provided parameters for when a traffic study is required (18.810.030.AC) (Sta�Ff clarificatROn� Changed fhe measurement af block length from th� right-of-way to centerline and adjusted the maximum block length perimeter from 1,800 feet to 2,000 feet to accnmmodate the revis�d way of measuring. (18.810.040.8.1) �Staff ciarification) Clarified that bike and pedestrian connections shall be provided when full street connections are exempted, instead of"not possible". (18.810.040.8.2) (Sta�ff clari�ication) Farmalize exis�ing policy by stating that private streets shall be required to have sidewalks along at least one side of the street. (18.810.070.A) (StafF clarifica�ion) Required developments to identify gaps in sidewalks an�i participate in the removal of gap� if the costs can be justified. (18.810.070.B) (TSP) Changed policy that planter strips are required along arterial and collector stre�ts to require planter strips adjacent ta all streets except under specific conditions. (The specific conditians are: there is inadequafie right-of-way, the curbside sidewalks already exist on predaminant pnrtions of the street, it would c�nflict with utilities, there are natural features which could otherwise be protected, or 4here are exi�ting struGtures within 15 feet of the right of way). (1�.810.070.C) (�taff recommendation/P�LICY DECISION NE��ED) Requir�d bike lanes along all arterial and colleetor routes and where identifiied on the adopted bike plan in the TSP. Identify the minimum widths various types af pedestrian and bicycle paths . (1�.810.110) {TSP) i Summary of changes to implement the TSP Page 2 of 2 (Updated 5-3-02) �xhibit A-2 C�.�pter �$.705 A.C(;ESSy�;CvFC�+fiSi �,Nl) C;TR.�;'�.JI,[�TI�1`d See�a�ns: 1�.705.010 �'urpose 1�,705.Q20 Applecabilflty of Provisions 18.705.030 �e�ea�at Provisions 1�.705.010 Purpose A. Pur�se_ The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards and regulations for safe and efficient vehicle access and egress on a site and for general circulation within the site. 18.705.020 A,pplicability of Provisions A. When provisions applv. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all development including the construction of new stn.iatures,the remodeling of existing structures (see Section 18.360.050), and to a change of use v�hich increases the on-site parlting or loading requirements or which changes the access requirements. B. Change or enlar�ement of use. 5hould the owner or ocaupant of a lot or building change or enlarge the use to which the lot or Uuilding is put, thereby increasing access and egress requirements, it is unlawful and is a violation of this title to begin or maintain such altered use until the provisions of this chapter have been met if required or until the appropriate approval authority has approved the change. C. When site desi�ii revie�v is ;�at required. Where th� provisions of Chapter 18,360, Site Development Reviev✓, do not apply, the Director shall approve, appr�ove with conditions, or deny an access plan subrnitted under the provisions of this chapter in conjunction with another permit or land use action. D. Conflict with subdivision requirements. The requirements and standards of this chapter shall not apply where they conflict with the subdivision rules and standards of this title. 18.705.030 General Provisions A. Continuing obligation of propertv owner. The provisions and maintenance of access and egress stipulated in this title are continuing requirements for the use of any structure or parcel of real property in the City. B. Access plan requirements. No building or other permit shall be issued until scaled plans are presented and approved as provided by this chapter that show how access, egress and circulation requirements are to be ful�lled. The applicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant with deYailed information about this submission requirement. C. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same access and egress when the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land satisfies the combined requirements as designated in this title,providad: L Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeds, easements, leases or contracts to establish the joint use; and Proposed Developnient Code changes to implem�ent the TSP Page 1 � � 2. Co,pies of the deeds,easements,leases or aontracts are placed on permanent fite with the City, D. Public street access. All vehicular access and egress as required in 5ections 18.705.030H and 18.705.03QI shall connect directly with a public or private street approved by the City for public us�and shall be maintained at the required standards on a continuous basis. E. Curb cuts.Curb ct�ts shall be in aacordance with Section 18.810.030N. F. Required walkwav location. On-site pedestrian walkways shall cornply with the following standards: 1. Walkways shall extend from the ground floor entrances or from the ground floor landing of stairs, ramps, or elevators of all commercial, institutional, and industrial uses, to the streets which provide the required access and egress. Walkways shall provide convenient connections between buildings in multi-building commercial, institutional, and industrial complexes, Unless impractical, walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments and neighboring developments; 2. Within all attached housing (except twa-family dwellings) and multi-family developments, each residential dwelling shall be connected by walkway to the vehicular parlcing area, and common open space and recreation facilities; 3. Vi�herever required walkways cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots, sunc �rossings shall be designed and located for pedestrian safety. Required walkways shall be physically s�parated frorn motor vehicle traffic and parkirig by either a minimum 6-iYlch vertical separation (curbed) or a minimum 3-foot horizontal separation, except that pedestrian crossings of traffic aisles are permitted for distances no greater than 36 feet if appropriate landscaping,pavement markings, or contrasting pavemant�ate:ials are used. Walkways shall be a minimum of four feet in width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs and obstructions such as rnailboxes, benches, bicycle racks, and sign posts, and shall be in compliance with ADA standards; 4. Required walkways shall be paved with hard surfaced materials such as concrete, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. Walkways may be required to be lighted and/oi signed as needed for 5afety purposes. Saft-surfaced public use pathways may be provided only if such pathways are provided in addition to required pathways. G. InadecLuate or hazardous access. . 1. Applications for building permits shall be refened to the Commission for review when, in the opinion of the Director,the access proposed: , a. Would cause or increase existing hazardous traffic conditions; or b. Would provide inadequate access for em�rgency vehicles; or c. Would in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health,safety, and general welfare. 2. Direct individual access to arterial or collector streets from single-family dwellings and duplex lots shall be discouraged. Direct access to collector or arterial streets shall be considered only Proposed Develop�nent Code cleanges to implenient tl�e TSP Page 2 � � if there is no practical alternative way to access the site. ,X,f_cl_atcck �auc,�,5,s a5��.r,.�at4�d.,_k��% lli� �'i1�� t�i�%:.a����t�cnll�c ..«q��?�c� ���tig�►ti4.—tot��a,)'-fi�f,�y �c i_ �.ei��s..�?�lzc�4t�..—tt�ac n��1n���,i?2._��1�(�`1-�-�'1-�.►—�.���Lc��.�S�ec�ec3���.��lic�Yl�l�l-zY.-.:��e ����nbi-�c,4i °l�l,i�x1.?�Y in��z�e, �. tiv��] nol be lu�zitecl t� 4�ac c,pz�s:�xuc�?on_of a vell�ol�,t.ux���z��u.��d or? t11� s���.lc��I��nia�ate l�ie �e.c-sJ. t',9�'.<1 ve,l,��c,le tQ back���.1 Ur�ta_ll�c�A�c]w�.Y,. 3. In no case shall the design of the service drive or drives require or facilitate the backward movement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley. Single-family and duplex dwellings are ex.empt frotn this requirement. �.. Acc�s�f��l�eme�lt 1 An aqCe�s.�e}�UIt sllala„��c�41b7?�tlted,.w�t�al],a�4��v Clcyelqpr��e�at ptU�)c�s�ls w.hach_yeirheS desi�;t� pt:��avGways_a�ad.si���t�_are�ake.bY�.,mcct�nb a�equ�te st�ckala�necci:s2 �a�h�.:.d�yta�14e a��d dcG�l4r�.t�c�r�St.allcl�xcl.�<1} S�t__l_2_y..()D�?T,_Wa_5.h�n�lc�n_..�,��G1ntx.L1?4_C,�n�.�AASI��I'.�) �c��� �_ ����,��.a4a.r.xs�icta.��� �r.�'a4�.l,�ty� 2. Drivew .�shal]not l��e ��rt�i�ted ticLe l�c' i t�e intluc;nce are�l of cc�llect�-q•� rteci� _��eet ...........__......................._...�Y_................__..................._....._...........1.._........_....................._..............................iZ............._............................................................,........._............................................................................................................ ..... . �tersectio�ls.__In.fluence_acea_of intersections_is_tl�at area_wllere,_c7u__�ue�_of_traftic c�mm�ly form.c��l_a��piq�tch tq�n_mt�isectiQn _llle nun�mum drlyewa�s��l�ack�r_q_m�c,qll�ctqt.qr ,.___._.. ar.t.�ra�l S�r�el.lntezS4Ct�gn.sk��l.�._be 15n_f.�et:_:Tn_G�S41��4�...�'QX�.��?G l���t„Pk 1Ya.y Ir�'ae_Q;f fh4. intei scetii��s�iee�tp th,e tI�'Qat qf_the��t ppq�e�i di�veway _I_Ile setl�a�l<m�y�e;rre�t�,t- ____ s:i_c��r�cla»��s��tk�� �„t1.G���,c:e__az�ca 1.�_..S1Clei.i»1nPd.�ic2�11�._i�..��?�,e�r►e.V.ic,lY..Ql..a...LXat{�G tn�.�ac.t t_�.ti2_�??'�_S�Y�?�,??k��4��Y 1��4__�1?��i4ant'S_.lydf:ll�ex?�:�.n4�t_,._.In�G�,ye_wliet•e—a�:l�ct��t5..:.1.�s5 thln 1_5.(). feet ot stieet,fi,ontry�*e the��� ILai1t 711ust c,�c�t�re any_o�_��i�t�i sl�aied ac,c,es� with thr,adjacent pai ce] It sl�ared acc.eS�15_n _ �o5stble<�r��tac,t�c�, thc d�iv�.way 5hall l�e l�l. ac,ec�a,�5 fa� tr.�m lhe ___�._._. .____._ in_ei sc.c.tion_as po_��i�s t�le_ �,__.The_1�ZiX1i71i.um^s�lern�_of cl�.�ive_K!�,ys:.�nti str�e�s...�l�pii�Ta cpTlectot�h�ll be.�OQ{eet _1 he t1�t1,1171�L1.�4�<1C1t1,�Q� C�t.1.Y4lY�..Y,S�1�C�.S.XCG�IS��.�i1�_1:�,._d��411<.l.I...4I1�.�I..h.� �)0�..�4C1',. 4.�......._:J:l e miX�a.z�;u�x�_5.��.dG.�n,�.Af_l�c4t�._st�_c4.ts__�.:ls��.�..a..l�c.�]_;it..r,.e4.1.51�all.�l,��.._.1.?5...:1_�e.L., I. Minimum access requirements for residential use. 1. Vehicular access and egress for single-family, duplex or attached sin�le-family dwelling units on individual lots and multi-family residential uses shall not be less than as provided in Table 18.705.1 and Table 18.705.2; TASLE 18.705.1 VEHICULAR ACCESS/EGRESS l[tEQUIREMEN�'S: RESYDENTIAL USE 6 OR FEW�R UNITS Number Dwelting Minirtnum Number of Minimum Access Width N[inimum Pavernent Unit/Lots Drivewa s Re uired Width . 1 or 2 1 15' 10' 3-6 1 20' 20' i Proposed De>>eBopment Code changes to�rnplement the TSP Aage 3 TABLE 18.705.2 �EHICULAR ACCESS/EGRE�S��UI�1�E1�1TS: 1V%ULTI-F�IIL7o'ItESIIDEI�i I'IAI.US� Dvevelli�eg�Jnits 10Yinime�m Nutnber of 1'0'�initna�ttr Access Ndinimu�aa Paveraaent _ IDriveva�ays ltequired Re uired Sidewalks,�;tc. 1-2 1 15' 10' 3-19 1 30' 24' if two-way, 15' if ozxe-way: Curbs and 5' walkwa re uired 20-49 1 30' 24'if two-way or 2 30' 15'if one-way: Curbs and 5' wallcwa re uired 50-100 2 30' 24' Curbs and 5'walkway re uired 2. Vehicular access to multi-f�mily structures shall be brought to within 50 feet of the ground floor entrance or the ground floor landing of a stairway, ramp, ar elevator leading to the dwelling units; • 3. Private residential access drives shall be provided and maintained in a.ccordance with the provisions of the Uniform Fire Code; 4. Access drives in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provid�ed with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus by one of the following: a. A circular, paved surface having a minimum turn radius measured from center point to outside edge of 35 feet; b. A hammerhead-configured, paved surface with each leg of the hammerhead having a minimum depth of 40 feet and a minimum width of 20 feet;. c. The maximurn cross slope of a required turnaround is 5%. 5. Vehicle turnouts, (providing a minimum total driveway width of 24 feet for a distance of at least 30 feet), may be required so as to reduae the need for excessive vehicular backing motions in situations where two vehicles traveling in oppasite directions meet on driveways in excess of 200 feet in length; 6. Where permitted, minimum width for ciriveway approaches to arterials or collector streets shall be na less than 20 feet so as to avoid traffic t>.irning from the street having to wait for tcaffic exiting the site. J. Minimum access requirements for commercial and industrial use. 1. Vehicle access, egress and circulation f.or commercial and indusfrial use shall not Ue less than 21 as provided in Table 18.705.3; Proposed Development Code ehanges to irnpleneeoit t/ee TSF Page 4 �� TABILE 1�,705.3 �+�IIC�JL,�ACCESS/EGItESS�(�iJ�1tlEMENT�: �016�1ViEIt�I.�L E4NI)I�US"Y"IZIAI.TJSES Itecpuired Paa�kang 16'd�niiaauan 1Vuxnber of Minirsaurrt A�cess 1VIin6iraurea Pavetraent Spaces Driveways I3�qaired 'VVadth 0-99 1 30' 24' curbs re uired 100+ 2 30' 24' curbs required or 1 50' 40' curbs re uired 2. Vehicular access shall be provided to comrnercial or industrial uses, and shall be located to within 50 feet of the primary ground floor entrances; 3. Additional requirements fox truck traf�c may be placed as conditions of site development review. K. �One-wav vehicular accesspoints. Where a proposed parking facility indicates only olie-way traffic flow on the site, it shall be accommodated by a specific drivev✓ay serving the facility;the entrance drive shall be situated closest to oncoming traffic and the exit drive shall be situated farthest from oncoming traffic. L. Director's authority to restrict access. The Director has the authority to restrict access when the need to do so is dictatecl by one or more of the following conditions: 1. To provide for increased traffic movement on congested streets and to eliminate turning movement problems,the Director may restrict the location of driveways on streets and require the location of driveways be placed on adjacent streets,upon the finding that the proposed access would: a. Cause or increase exis�ing hazardous traffic conditions; or b. Provide inadequate access for emergency vehicles; or c. Cause hazardous conditions to exist wliich would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health,safety,and general welfare. 2. To eliminate the need io u��public streets for movements between commercial or industrial �r�perties,parking areas shal]be designed to cannect with parking areas on adjacent properties unless not feasible. The Birector shall xequire access easements'uetween properties where necessary to provide for parking area connections; 3. To facilitate pedestrian and bicycle traffic,access and parking area plans shall provide efficient sidewalk and/or pathway connections, as feasible,between neighboring developments or land uses; 4. A decision by the Director per 1�.705.030 K.1.-3. abovP may be appealed by means of a Type II pracedure,as regulated by Section 18.390.040,using criteria contained in 5ection 18.370.020 C3 Propased Development Code changes to lnipd�men�the TSP Pag=e 5 � � �xhibit A-3 Ci�apter i�.730 EXCEPTI�N��'C��]C'6�ELOP'M�1vT STA�A�� Sectia�ns: 18.730.010 Purpose 18.730.02� Exceptions to Buildimg Height Limitations 18.730,030 �ero Lot Line Setback Stand�rds 1�.'730.040 Additional Setback Reqvirerexents 18.730.QS0 1i�Ifscellaneous Requirements and Exceptions 18.730.010 Purpose A. �'urpose. The purpose of this chapter is to present exceptions to the height and setback standards which apply in various zoning districts as detailed in Chapters 18.510, 18.520 and 18.530. Flexible and/or more stringent setbaak standards are designed to allow for the maximum use of land and to allow for a varied building layout pattern while ensi.u•ing there will be adequate open space,light, air and distance between.buildings to protect public hea7th and safety. 18.73U.02a �xceptions to Builclf�g�teigh�Liax►itataons A. Projections not used for human habitation. Projections such as ahimneys, spires, domes, elevator shaft housings, towers excluding T'V dish receivers, aerials, flag poles, and other sirnilar objects not used for human occupancy, are not subject to the building height limitations of this title. B. Buildin� hei h� exceptions. Any building located in a non-residential zone may be built to a maxirnum height of 75 feet;provided: 1. The total floor area of th�buildin_g does not exceed 1-1/2 times the area of the site; 2. The yard dimer.;;ions in each case are equal to at least 1/2 of the building height of the primary structure; and 3. The structure is not abutting a residential zoning district. C. Building heig�hts and flag lots. 1. Limitations on the placement of residential structures on flag lots apply when any of the following exist: a. A flag lot was created prior to April 15, 1985; b. A tlag lot is created after A.�ril 15, 1985 by an approved partition; or c, A flag lot is created by the approval of a subdivision and the flag l�t is located on the periphery of the subdivision so that the lot adjoins othPr residentially-zoned land. 2. The maximum height fox an attached ar detached single-family, duplex, or multiple-family residential structure on a flag lot or a lot having sole access f��m an accessway,private drive or easement is 1-1/2 stories oi•25 feet, whichever is l�ess, except that the maximum height may be 2-1/2 stories or 35 feet,whichever is less,provided: Proposed Development Code changes to�tmplsmenP ehE T�'� Page 6 �.s� .. , � a. The proposed dwelling otherwise complies with the applicable dimensional requirements of the zoning district; b. A 10 feet side yard will be preserved; c. A residential structure ori any abutting lot either is located 50 feet or more from the nearest poinl;of the subject dwelling, or the residential structur� exceeds 1-1/2 stories or 25 feet in height on any abutting lot; and d. Windows 15 feet or more above grade shall not face dwelling unit windows or patios on any abutting lot unless the proposal includes an agreement to plant trees capable of mitigating direct views, or that such trees exist and will be preserved. 3. VVhere an agreement is made to glant trees capahle of mitigating direct views, the a�reement shall be deemed a condition of approval under the provisions of Section 18.390.030 D. 4. The tree planting agreement shall be a condition of Chapter 13.360, Site Development Review, for tl�ree or more attached units or a multiple-family residential structure, or, at the time of issuance of building pernnits, for single detached units, one duplex or two attached residential units. 18.730.030 Zero Lot L'ane Setl�ack Standards A. �plicability and limitations. The provisions of this chapter apply to the R-4.5 and R-7 zoning districts and are limited to single-family detached dwellin� units. The provisions of this chapter shall be applied in conjunction with: 1. An application for planned development approval under the provisions of Chapter 18.350, Planned�evzlay.:ient; 2. An application for subdivision approval under the provisions of Chapter 18.430, Subdivision; or 3. An application for partitioning approval under the provisioris of Chapter 18.420,Partition. � B. Approval criteria and conditions. 1. The approval authority shall approve, approve with conditions or deny an application for a zero lot line development based on�ndings that: a. There shall be a 10-foot separation between each residential dwelling structure or garage; b. No residential dwelling shall be placed on a lot line which is common to a lot line which is not a part of the overall development; c. No structure shall be placed on a lot line which is common to a public or private road right- of-way or easement line;and d. A five-foot non-exclusive maintenance easement shall be delineated on the plan for each lot having a zero setback area: Froposed 1)evelopnaeort Code cbanges to implement the T5P Page 7 ��s (1) The easernent shall be on the adjacent lot and shall describe the maintenanc� reyuirements for the zero lot line wall, or deed restrictions must be subrnitted with the preliminary plat which addresses the maintenance requirements for the zero setbacic wall of the detached dwellings; and (2) The easement shall be recarded with Washington County and submitted to the City with the recorded final plat prior to the issuance of any building permits within the development. 2. The approval authority requires the following conditions to be satisfied: a. Deed rest�•ictions shall be recorded with Washington County which ensure that: (1) T'he 10-foot separation between the residential structures shall rernain in perpetuity; and (2) The 10-foot separation between the residential structures shall be maintained free from any obstructions other than: (a) The eaves of the structure; (b) A chimney which may encroach into the setback area by not more than two feet; (c) A swirnming pool; (d) Normal landscaping; or (e) A garden wall or fence equipped with a gate f�r emergency access and maintenance purposes. b. Easements shall be granted where any portion of the structure or architectural feature projects over a property line; and c. The maximum lot cov�rage for zero lot line shall not exceed the maximum lot coverage for the base zone. C. A�nlication submission requirements. All applications shall be made on forrr,s provided by the Director in accordance with Chapter 1�.350, Planned Developments, Chapter 18.430, Subdivisions,or Chapter 18.420,Partitions,and shall be accompanied by: 1. Copies of the plat plan indicating building and easement location and dimensions, and necessary data or narrative which explains how the development conforms to the standards; 2. A list of names and addresses of all property owners of record immediately abutting the site; 3. All other requirements of Chapters 18.350, 18.430 and 18,420 shall apply, 18.730.040 Ad�itional Setback Requirernents A. Additional setback from s}�ec�i�iec�-roadways.=�e-e�stt�-t�M^r^�.°a '���',' ,,,� ° ,�',, �';^,^r�° � � � � #�i�t�c.�t-tl3e� , , , . . , . . , tY-�;tt�e� Proposed Develapment Code changes to lmplement the TSP Page 8 1XC1, +L.,, ,,i�. �,�• ..�• ��.�! +1,,, �,+ �.1..,1 i�„ + ' 1 �� 1-i-c�t�in-� � �-r'rb-i",-�ii'�� .,F��ri'.,� i ���.,.,�.�„ ..f al,. ..a�.�.,+,• .;,� (;c�zcc.zTizi.:i�c�iz�..'iirrcT. . -E�i�i �—���'v^�"';,�-rni-��'n�z'cN?�5-�'-�-1E?-T-G�kF3i=@f�-S2{�c�f.=�E-f�•13�E11-i�E9--�UC-�ti��C-�-1�1�5-A�l-Ei���,"Ff�i�•�-•"si-Fi.n:r`c"u-c:r'"-i�}(?-S�CIE� E��£L'-1'E9E�l.;«��I t�„ �4.� .���,___1;..��.:,,� ,..'1„� +7„� 19��fi,;,...t�v-m��ii•u,i=r'v'F,'S-i�E3E1S'�il-E:'(�-���i�3-E�4@ g-z�� ,-.e•�,.1:.,� .,4'tt,,, �i,.._.�a.,� a.,I.,..,.�;,�'T'„7�1� 1 l� '1'2/1 1 ^r�i, -G�rin;urxzc.a-rn-i-aaic�v-��- ��---�i-}.-E'i�ii�-cit=ri-�'J�'c6-��. TI,., �..a �.�•L.., 1 ,a',{;fi#�}6�'. f r-�cmi�.�rii�c7,'rrra„��. G:�I-}�-6H�-�1:�_v�cc�=iv,ccii .. -cvni ci�'ra n �rJ-nic�`�v'{.l�n.,l. .a,n4n., 1�„ a c.-�-'�'rriii.`�-�-arTi-i�ii=.i j�i , 2(1 l� f� ,,,-li�E�-n.�r� i:1�-rv—n:�`v=r-4�1�,'Elj's ' 33 •i�f.' �,+'fL.�, .,�,. .,�• ,r., s,7 ,T.,'L.7�, 1 Q '7Zl1 1 T A 1?�Tu '9 4'7'2(1 1 � A 11�L'17TillN A Y /"'T,�'4'Ti 16T T7V'G C:9i'T72 A!''7!L?G'�T�i�xA�� . . . , ..c r.r.c�r.cr.rr.A rx�-cr.r�--i-xrrrc.:x�nnca.7 . . �'�'�VA1'C �7'-�E.`r'.,t G�r.-���,r�,. rmr-vri�uc�,r. � QZATv-r.z T�i:-.i.-iu-i rir�'tt���i3.�{$v=i��3i�r'r�-}��i rircr"1 4Q-r��c �:'�-�Q��}e�� 4�-*�ee� c�zt c,.i,,,ri.. r�e,...., n,..,,a �,..,,.,,..+t.�,,rt�Gi�2_j�S ri�,,,.�,,.�;,,,,� .t.;�a, ni,� c,.�.,,ti� u,,,.,..,n,,.,a� cn a��,�a L-C ctx�t�,,..�.,.�,n,.,,,a n.�,�.,,,,,,, r.r„ii n,,,,7,..,.,..a „„a . -�,-�,�ot,��-o��-�a-�Q S'�1xT TT,����.,.R.,., , ` �'.,,- •�ci�i�'� a�2Gi !"'�.11�.�.r.,,�Qf,����� v��'t�r���r��'�� �v��c� ���1�c��ftixc& ��'c`Hi4L$-f"•,"4.,+'l.Q�1, A,.Ef}tF@� ��i�c.-i �� „u,nzt3-�`w'1°.��•.,F'/,Qf:l, A..�,£i=ci"� ���-�@@� c����v��La'r'r��cE)i}�. '1 h �f,,.� �;��e�«�-F�c� 3E��'ee� �,�-'-�R-E�1�l-A4ett�r��eE+�' 38-fee# S��J-�3��.�t�S�ee� �"�e�t G''lxl!''..c...,,.7�„T2�,k��'E`ZJs�'E� .�v-icci � � E:ATr.-"?,�3�i-^c-1-�i-�EF�@'' ��1��� oTf�a riaFiiccri?-�?c9&��vc'c�2��c�'1���uci��E�"����i���ft'�fki� ���tr�e��� 3{�-�ee� r�x��«,,,,'i,a;., c�+,.��• �n r.,,� �i-���itEl���'0&,'-� ?n �z'E,'� C7-Y1`liTL7TfC'7'1�'�'.�1 J VnTGGT ��FE,'E,'i�3 E}��E7iZE� �{1-�{,'�i c�a������0&a zn F� �;���£4433,�4'f��� �n ��,,t: � ' "��C�iilc�r�t-FL"'' -�c;-r�,'E.'� CSx7 hT.....7.,..L Qa«�,.,a '2!1 (:,.,�� � .. . �-rcc'c C7� T"7-rmr��t���&�.-�rr'ciz"• 1!1-Pr��'�c ��-(=d:LaS-t-H{-,=ii'ir;-�crtF�(,w-t�t{�� �v-t{.'� c�911��ft�E.'"-�i�Ef3� .�t�C�� ��;�'�t�e�-�5'�tee�{48 �'���=o=��e��b��T��Eei.-��t���=�'�� �'cx� c,:►,,,ri�r��o.«.�.li,�+..,00..;�•., :,,,o,.,,eG�t62�S-bV���3 l • ���i2�TA��S-��£f'j�-�9&,�� �n E��,+ Propose�l Developinent Code changes to implement the TSP Page 4 �n xae� s e �B!► ti i��t�tv��r� a e -C�,°r1-rl . A'Yl71iT4l110T A i !'G'TliTTi'12Y iNPi 6'P�'Tp7P���l1Y�1!/1��1�,��,� � �'a-tYr'•'i1'o-�a iic�e e e ���% - r5-'vr'-Ci�l�r"iii'r�;"1,-1'fl«:..� 2!1�F� ����2f�'i�('.�T-t&H-1�ti�t�i-tl� �n +�„�. b��i-g�t'tl-�t�et,, �n �.,.,,. S171T�{7..1.,,,�f CM.�.�4• '2!1�i�r�i: � c��lT/.'�.--ov���tTrrrv��L � �!1 �f.,i� ��'r vaci•n-c=ri:-icAG-�•,,,,�•�v�xc7r,-'v'�'rnra�i#�lfriir�kY • „� '2n r,�„�� .C`�'(XT^/ll�•�-rv-ci=r��r"rc-izu�./n..,,i•1, ..1�'T).,..;4tE�'xr�'r's�7xi�'d� '2f1 fo�i� ��?-r��rP.1}tke �^-feek � ����7(1'7t�1, [��r '2I1 F..f: i .-rcrr�. ���iEk�'- c�A��-��1-iT=c�tHe ln r,.,+ '� T 1 1(1�F1, A.,�..,,�. `P&��@@� CySx7 1 71�t A<,�,,,� Z!1 F�± � �T...d CZco-c�-i�T n4Ti4i-iZi•.vc,,,=�7., f..l)+.�4'�'I.� .. �,.i�;..,i `!tl�r'.L,a�a,� e t)�rimiixc.�r ctzT Lf,,.�„�i�l.,,1-r�:v-vUi•�'.�m-��-`r�r'v�iii•.ci�•16 •,,a� 1n �f o� �--The minimum yard requirement shall be increased in the event a yard abuts a street having a right- of-way width less than required by its functional classification on the City's transportation plan map and,in such cas�,the setback shall be not less than the setback required by the zone plus one-half of the projected road width as shown on the transportation map. ,�t' i' 11 F i,•„ �,,,... +�. ��L.._, �..,wl;,,� �'�r�3G-�ii�}�1u't�--crlStisizcc-�i-^vili-x;;.. � 2. VVhere buildings exceed a horizontal dimension of 60 feet or exceed 30 feet in height, the minimum wall separation shall be one foot for each 15 feet of building length over 50 feet and two feet for�ach 10 feet of buildi7lg hcight over 30 feet. 3. I7riveways, �arking lots, and common oz• public walkways shall maintain the following sep�ration far dwelling units within eight feet of the�,n•ound level: a. Driveways and parking lots shalt be separated f�om wrndowed walls by at least eight feet; walkways running parallel to the face of the structur�s shall be separated by at least �ve feet; and b. l�riveways and parking lots shall be separated fram living room windows by at least 10 feet; walkways running parallel to ihe face of the structure shall be separated by at least seven fe�t. C. When no yard setback is required. Im zoning districts where a side yard or a rear yard setback is not required, a structure which is not to be built on the property line shall be set back from the property line by a dastance in accordance with the LJniform�uilding Code requirements. 1�.730.OSU Miscellaneous IBequireir►ents ancd Exceptians A. When ab�tting properties have non-conformin� front setbacks. If there are dwellings on both abutting lots with front yard depths less than the required depth for the zone,the depth of the front yard for the intervening lot need not exceed the average depth of the front yards of the abutting lots. B. When one abuttin�prope_rty_has a non-conformin� front setback. If there is a dwelling on one abutting lot with a front yard of less depth than the required depth for the zone, the front yard for the lot need not exceed a depth one-half vvay between the depth of the abutting lot and the required front yard depth. C. Storage in front yard.Boats,trailers,campers, camper bodies,house trailers,recreation vehicles or aommercial vehicles in excess of 3/4 ton capacity may be stored in a required front yard in a residential zone subject to the following: l. No such unit shall be parked in a visual clearance area of a corner lot or in the visual clearance area of a driveway which would obstruct vision from an adjacent driveway or street; 2. No such unit shall l�e used for dwelling purposes except that one camper, house trailer or recreational vehicle may be used for sleeping purposes only by friends, r�latives or visitors on land entirely own�d by or leased to the host person for a period not to exceed 14 days in one calendar year, provided tha� sueh unit shall not be connected to any utility, other than t�mporary electricity hookups and provided that the 'nost person shall receive no compensation for such occupancy or use; 3. Any such unit parked in the front yard shali have current state license plates or registration and rnust be kept in mobile condition. ]�, Froiections into i•equired yards. Proposed P�evelopment Code cl�anges to implement the TSP Page 11 1. Cornices, eaves, belt courses, sills, canopies or similar architecturay features may extend or project into a required yard not more than 36 inches provided the width of suoh yard is not reduced to lass than thrPe feet; 2. Fireplace chirzlneys may project into a required frc�nt, side or rear yard not more than three feet provided the width or such yard is nat reduced to less than tlu�ee feet; 3. Open porches, decks or balconies not more than 3G inches in height and nat covered by a roof or canopy, may extend or project into a required rear ar side yard�rovided such natural yard area is not reduced to less than three feet and the deck is screened from abutting properties. Porches may extend into a requi�ed front yard not more than 36 inches; 4. Unroofed landings and stairs may project inta required front or rear yards only. E. Lot area for flag lots. l. The lot area for a flag lot shall comply with the lot area requirements of the applicable zoning district; 2. The lot area shall be provided entirely within the building site area exclusive of any accessway (see figure following). A.��l I�tC)'T I1�tC:I..UDET� I� LO'T .A.�A LO AR� ' F. Front yard determination.The awner or developer af a flag lot may determine the location ofi the front yard, provided na side ya�d s�tback area is less than 1C�fe�t and provided the requirements of Section 1�.730.010G, �uilding Heights and Flag Lots, are satisfied. i � Proposea!Develop»ient Code changes to�mplerrrent the TS.1� d'age 12 � � �xh"tbi� 1'�-4 Chaptex 1�.�10 STREET E11V1�TJ'T��,�"T`§��1V�1'1tOVE1V1EliTT STAIOTDA][�� Sections: 18.$10.010 �terpose 1�.810.020 Gen;ea�al�'ro�visions 18.�10.030 �treets 1�.810.040 Blocks 18A�10.050 Easements 18.810.060 Lots 1�.810.070 Sidewalks 18.�10.080 Pu�lic Use Areas 1$.�10.090 Sanitary Sewers 18.81Q.�00 Storm Drainage 18.8Y0.110 Bikeways an�l Pedes#raan Patln�vays 18.810.180 �tTtilities 18.�10.130 Cast►or Boa�d Itequirerd 18.�10.140 Mo�auments 1E.810�150 Installataon Prereqaaisite 1�.810.160 Installation Confforanatim� 18.810.170 Plan Check 18.810.180 Notice to City 18.810.190 City Inspectian 1�.�10,200 Engineer's Cea�ti�cation 1�.810.210 Complet6on�equirements 1�.8�0.010 Pe�rpose A. Pur�ose• 'rhe purpose of this chapter is to provide construction standards for the implementation of public and private facilities and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. 1�.810.020 Generall'rovasions A. When standards apnlv. Unles� otherwise provided, construction,reconstruction or repair of streets, sidewalks,curbs and other public improvements shall occur in accordance with the standards of this title. No development may occur and no land use application may be approved unless the public facilities related to development comply with the public facility requirements established in this section and adequate public facilities are available. Applicants may be required to dedicate land and build required public improvements only when the required exaction is directly related to and roughty proportional to the impact of the development. B. Standard specifications. The City Engineer shatl establish standard specifications consistent with the application of engineering principles. C. Section 7.40 ap�lies. The provision of Section 7.40 of the Tigard Municipal Code shall apply to this chapter. D. Ad�ustments. Adjustments to the provisions in this chapter related to street improvements may be granted by means of a Type II procedure, as governed by Section 1$,390.040, using approval criteria in Section 18.370.030 C9. (Qrd. 99-22) E. Except as provided xn Section 18,8P.0.0305, as used fn this chapter, the term "streets" shall mean Froposed Aeve%pment Code charages do tneplen:ent flee TSP Page 13 "public streets"unless an adjustment under Section 18.810.020.D is allowed. (Ord. 99-22) 18.84�.030 Stre�ts A. I�n rovements. 1. No development sha11 occur unless the development has frontage or approved acoess to a public street. 2. No development shall occur unless streets within the development meet the standards of this ch.apter. 3. No development shall occur unless the streets adjacent to the development meet the standards of this chapter, pravided, however, that a development may be approved if th� adjacent sireet does not meet the standards but half-street improvements meeting the standards of this title are constructed adjacent to the development. 4 Any new street or additional street width planned as a portion of an existing street shall meet the standards of this chapter; 5. If the City could and would otherwise require the applicant to provide street improvements, the City Engineer rnay accept a future improvements guarantee in lieu of street improvements if one or more of the following conditions exist: a. A, partial improvement is not feasible due to the inability to achieve proper design standards; b. A partial improvement may create a potential safety hazard to motorists or pedestrians; c. Due to the nature of existing development on adjacent properties it is unlikely that st�•eet improvemPnts would be extended in the foreseeable future and the improvement associated vvith the project under review does not, by itself, provide a significant improveinent to street safety or capacity; d. The improvement would be in conflict with an adopted capital improvement plan; e. The improvement is associated with an approved land partition on property zoned residential and the proposed land partition does not create any new streets; or f. ?,dditional planning work is required to de�ne the appropriate design standards for the street and the applicatiori is for a project which would contribute only a minor portion of the anticipated future traffic on the street. 6. The standards of this chapter include the standard specifications adopted by the City Engineer pursuant to Section 18.810.020.�. 7. The approval authority may approve adjustments to the standards of this chapter if compliance with the standards would result in an adverse impact on nahiral features such as wetlands, steep slopes, or existing mature trees. The approval authority may also approv� acijustments to the standards of this chapter if compliance with the standards would have a substantial adverse impact on existing development ar would preclude development on the property where the development is praposed. In approving an adjustment to the standards, the approval authority Pro,posed Developnrent Code changes to ini,plement the TSP Page 14 � _ , � _ , shall baiance the benefit of the adjustment with the impact on the public interest represented by th� sfiandards, In evaluating the impact on the public interest, the approval authority shall consider the criteria listed in Section 1�.810.030 E.1. An adjustment to the standards may not be granted if the adjustment would risk public safety. B. Creation of ri�hts-of-way for sh•eets and related purposes. Rights-of-way shall be created through the approval of a final subdivision plat or major partition; however, the Council may approve the creation of a street by acceptance of a deed, provided that such street is deerned essential by the Council for�he pur�ose of general traffic circulation; 1. The Council may approve the Ereation of a street by deed of dedication without full compliance with the regulations applicable to subdivisions or major partitions if any one or more of the following conditions are found by the Council to be present: a. Establishment of a street is initiated by the Council and is found to be essential for the purpose of general traf�c circulation, and partitioning or subdivision of land has an incidental effect rather than being the primary objective in establishing the road or street for public use; or b. The tract in which the road or street is to be dedicated is an isolated ownership of one acre or less and such dedication is recommended by ttie Corrzmission to the Council based on a finding that the�roposal is not an attempt to evade the provisions of this title governing the control of subdivisions or major partitions. 2. With each application for approval of a road or street right-of-way not in full compliance with the regulations applicable to the standards,the proposed dedication sha11 be rnade a condition of subdivision and major partition approval: a. The applicant shall submit such additional information and justification as may be necessary to enable the Commission in its review to determine whether or not a recommendation for approval by the Council shall be made; b. The recommsndation, if any, shall be based upon a finding that the proposal is not in conflict with the purpose of this title; c. The �ommission in submitting the proposal with a recommendation to the Council may attach conditions which are necessary to preserve the standards of this title; and 3. All deeds of dedication shall be in a form prescribed by the City and shall name "the public,"as grantee. C. Creation of access easements. The approval autharity may approve an access easement established by deed without full compliance vvith this title provided such an easement is the only reasonable method by which a lot large enough to develop can be created: 1. Access easements shall be provided and maintained in accordance with th�Uniform Fire Code Section 10.207; 2. 1-��cess shall be in accorclance with Sections 18.705.030.H and 18.705.030I. D. Street location,width and�rade. Except as noted below,the lacation,width and grade of all streets shall conform to an approved street plan and shall be considered in their relation to existing and Proposed'd)evelopneent Code clianges to ienplernerrt the TSP Page 1S planned streets, to topogra�hic conditions, ko public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relati�n to the proposed use of the land to�e served,by such streets: l. S�reet grades shall be approved by Che City Engineer in accordance with Subseation M below; and 2. Where the location of a street is not shown in an approved street plan, the arrangement of sCreets in a development shall either: a. Provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing streets in the surrounding areas, or b. Conforrn to a plan adopted Uy the Commission, if it is impractical to conform to existing street patterns beca.use of particular topographical or other existYng conditions of the land. Such a plan shall be based on the type of Iand use to be served, the volume of traffic, the capacity of adjoining streets and the need for public convenience and safety. E. Minimum rights-of-way and street widths. Unless otherwise indicated on an approved street plan, or as needed to continue an existing improved street, street right-of-way and roadway widths shall not be less than the minimum width described l�elow. Where a range is indicated, the width shall be determined by the decision-making authority based upon anticipated average daily traffic (AL�T) on the new street segment. (The City Council may adopt by resolution, design standards for street construction and other public improvements. The design standards will provide guidance for detenmining improvement requirements within the specified ranges.) These are presented in Table 18.810.L 1. The decision-making body shall make its decision about desired right-of way width and pavement width of the varzous street types within the subdivision ar development after consideration of the following: a. The ty�e af road as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan Transportation Chapter - Funetional Street Classification; b. Anticipated traffic g�neration; c. On-street parking needs; d. Sidewalk and bikeway requirements; e. Itequirements for placemenic of utilities; f. Street lighting; g. Brainage and slope impacts; h. Sixeet tree location; i. Planting and landscape areas; j. Safety and comfort for motorists,hicyclists,and pedestrians; k. Access needs for emergency vehicles. Proposed Development Code changes to implement the TSP Page 16 ��-��� ��� �� �� �r� � � '��g � — est� �9'-88' 44'� �-4 �i�er-Ge�leste� �A'- 48'- �--3 , }-a��� 39'- 34'- � a.=T'��g�t-s�e0�-vv�3; r e..,,mt,,,., t cnn n rim � �, �, � �.�589�x�'x�a32 ���.��i �'- z�$'- � . � � ��T a....Tl..,.. �Yhl1 A TlT 'YC � -�-� • ��3&.�.. Ch�n�a'. • Ytl- �O-' �s--C .��:�@vo-��iftt�t--��� � � �i � •� #'e�g-a��-Se�r�e-t�s-�,,..e 4�� �g-t��} �-e��e�.� �8'--r-�.�it�s ^''-�n3 ���s-fer-�a ' �v-T,'��� e^_,o'—�;��;� n����a�a� -�'- �'- �9' �'- i . ,� , � �, ?� _ Proposed'�evelopment Code chariges!a implement the TsP Fage 17 �ab�� 3�.�10.1 �lrtinimLm Widths fnr Str�et Gharacter�stics � ,-� , �� � Tyne of 5tre�t � @ ,�j � � � ` �I _ �, � � � � Arterial 64'-128' Varies 2-7 (Refer 12' N A 6' (New Streets} $'{Res. & Inti_Zones� 5' 12't'� to TSP 5'-6' Existin tr et 1�' Comm.Zones Coilector 58'-96' Varies 2-5(Refer 11' N/A 6'lNew Streets) 6'(Res. & Ind.Zonesl 5' 12'{'� to TSP 5'-6' Existin Streeis 8' Comm.Zones N i hborho Rout 50'-58' 28'-36' 2 10' $' 5'-6' 5'-6'�z� 5' !�/A Loc�l-. - — — - — IodustriaUCommercial 50' 36' 2 N/A 5'-6'�Z� 5' P_�LA_ Loca[: Residential � • Under 15�0 ADT 4'S0'{3} 32'/28'�3� 2 8'{both sidesl N/A 5'-6'�Z� 5' • Under 500 ADT 4� 28'4� 2 8' tone sidel N/A • _l7nder 200 AD-i' 4 '('�/�42'_ 24'/20 2 fvo Parkin N/A Cul-de-sac bulbs in � 42'radius N/A N/A Pd/A � Industria! and radius I Comrnerc�af zones Cul-de-sac bulbs in 47' 40'radius N/A � N/A N/A N/A Residentiai zones radius Aile : Residential 16' 16' N/A N/A N!A hl�1 N/A Alis : Business 20' 20' NIA N/A N/A N/A N/A ' Medians reauired for 5 and 7 lane roadwavs. Thev are o�tional for 3 lane roac�wavs. Siclewaik widths for these streets shall �e 5 ft with landscaoe striq: 6 ft if aaainst curb lif qErmitted in accordance��rith 18.810.070.C). "Slcinnv Street" roadwav�vidths are permitted where cross secfion and review criteria are met. Refer to corresoondina cross sections (Fiaures 18.810.3. 18.810.4 and ;8.810.5)for details and conditions. Proposed Develo�p»ze�:t Code changes to implsment tlze 3'SP Page 18 �:i��,,1..,-�., .`�..1.� .A.,�:k.4.r,�.aas_�azr�n��_('xc�54...:�vc;tac��4 :.ry�„`,�Ki`l ,t'p': . . _ �`�4 �J��-_x � ._.. ,.1 p`'�'" . , .,J 4 I�, _°+'�5 ,; . ,_._._.�.... _ .� ��'�8^,10�5,6' �6'Blke..�...............1..�:............_..f........_._�.�.'........._...�b'�ke_�,5,5'...}8:1,0'�•5, R/W 64'-68' � Z L�II�64=68'� ,.�a, .,..,-"� _::'r;,e.�� ".:�'•�,r�" ,:,�r._ ..��I'%y._ �;' c��._i-::, ...'..,,.i�, "� �` �.� ' ,�L...:� ?('>.-i: �.;�- .( - J �� ,T�..., 1?_�MedlaN ,5,8-1��6!Bike�....�....12�.......�....�...Turn Lgne_..,._...._�_.1..2:_.._._.�6'Blke�5,_5' �8-.10',�,:5 I----�______..._._.__.___..__.._—».__R/W 76'-80' ____...--�_.�--.___.__._._--..� 3 Lane 76'•8U'RNV ,..,:� . .-..<<<. ....., ,:,��c _�,�.- '-_�L�_ .. �> . �. .:-. . . ..... •�;. . . . �;, .�Ir,�...-., ._ ... -- l,G J�� ��� '���.;:. ,. , �...> ._..,�' q _._.... .:.,,1 . .....: � , . _ .. , � '�•1 � !. � 12'Medlan/ ° -.—,�� �5 8 10.,_. 6' .._�.b_Bke.�_. _...1.?�_ ....._�..._ 12'.__...�.Iu[n.Lane� �_....._.1?'. ......{__ .�2'_ ...�6 81ke,. a..5_ �8_1.0' �5, R/W 100'-104' , 5 Lane�00=104'R�W - �..."..yl' .%ry' _ A%� - ?�VS� ��..:hj C h �f�, .�. ..... ,:1., e•°in--.._„. '`ti /t�IJ H.�:::, ' �, a fN:.:::. ..':..tC�� 1 h ;rr .,..,.; J` v .�....w_�r. �,r {;,� _ _.... � , . : � . � , _ .... � �,u ...._. - _„ �' � 12'Medlan/ 5, 8-10' , 5,5' 6'Blke, 12' 12' � 12' �TumLaa�� 12' � 12' 12' @ke6' 5�'•5� i....._..._..........................�........................._........... .............................._._................_..........._.............RM!.1..?4'-..128'........................._.._..._............... ......_ _......__ _....... ._. ....._._._..----._...._...._._.._._......_...._..__.....___...._........_....._..._...__..._...._....._..__..........�.._............................7_Lane..124.'.:.128'..RM!..__......._._............_...._........_. , Proposed Development Code changes to implenxent ehe TSP Page 19 � Figure 1$.810.2 Colleator Sample Cross Secrious ,.., ^`:;,�,��,��`' •�,�,.�.�� .,:a....�.l�j°�'`, :.:.,�ir,, i� � � � ;� �, �G � , � � �(��<1 .�._...�__.�__ ..�.._ 6-8' S 5' .b...81k.e........ 1..1..�....................._.......11' 6_��ke 5.5'.........6.-�'.:.. , � 5 '�.h_..._...}....T..�_�.. .....�.......... � f �........... � .. . t I F--__._._.__.�.___._ R/�i�58'-b2' .�__�.��.----I 2 Lane S8=62'R/W _.,, ..;, .: _.. ,....ti .��„ ...� x� �.1. . '.2:�I:k. :..���f_ .Y'I�rJ..,a �.' • � .' ;�. � � � ti FI . .'::. . ���.,. ".: .c. �� ,-a �� � l �'�_�, r�,_�l � � � '�....._�. . _ . . .�� 12'MedlaN ��5�6-8'�,..5,5',b',Bike..p...............L�.�...............-I-.Tur.rl_Lane.......�..................l..l.'...................i.6',Bike.�..5:5'......�6.-8.'...i.'S �_..._.._�..... .. ....... ..... ... _R/W.7Q'-74'..._...... . .......... . ... ............ ......._..� �Lane 70'-74'RNV �*�f�.r,` _..��/.S�..L(� :' ,',�t�C;<M1 ..' ,;.. .<....� _a _.._' ... • __ :' 4 � �G ::. 1 '" " � `y ,��i���,� " / 1 � .� � .\I� � � . .i.....:`�� .._... •r^' J.,.icS�+sit+ _ ,\ ': . �� '�g.`'s' ( ._�_ 4C�1. ' � �� .. ^.�:� '"`�'"� 12'MediaN 5,5._..i 6 Blke ...__....1.1.'. 11... Tur.n.Lan�.._... 1 1 11 6 Bike 5 5 6-8 5, ,5' � �...t...6-8 { ._. f ........... ... �. �........... ..........{... .._........ .i _�. �............ �.� f..._.... ..:.............,......._.._... ..._. ..........._._.......... �. RLW.92:-96'............ ..._....... ......... _ _; . 5 Lane 92=96'R/W Proposed Developonent Code claan�es to im�lemernt the TSP Page 20 �}�1'�_'__��14.3 �7:4����s�a;.hs?sz�1.�;R,s?utss. :S.sarn�nl,s;....Gra:n.s.4_.S4.c;.t�.s�.n� �'^i.. ^` i' �.f"....�" r_i jS ,\ /.. "i.l v � ( �� ' � � � �i }�1..,..: '�' � ,.�.�,�� �t�„� ,,� �.�,.,;�,�5��,. r ��+1` i."'' „ , 1 f� � ���,� � �R�,_ � - �.���� ' 5.' � f5 5' ,5.5' � 28' S.5' 5' .5' .5' 5' 5,5' � 32' � 5.5' � = , --,-.� —�—�—r, ----I--+�q----- -I I—�---t-1 �...._._. R/W 50' _.� � _.... __..._..._.. R/W�4 _ .. . _ . _ _ No Parking on One Side Wi#h Parki�g on�ofh Sides +~Y`�J...fr c`. �� 'I,.f'r^ . _� .,,�- q.. r ;;I�1:.._.:::: .: �7 1>;...:.... � 3 `,�4• i. ,f f,. �.�; t ' , ii (14e��r � �'�-_�� 36' 5,5._, b Bike,_...12' 12' 6 Bike 5 5 5� � � � 5 5� 5� . �.f.._.,. ......� _I______.{ f_ _._.f _�_ .,......,� _. ,..; f -----------___-----—�58� I �th Bike Lanes/Mo Parking Tigure_18_S 10_4 _._._. I,ocal R.esidential Streets;<1,500 v�d A. Standard(sample) B. Skinny Street Option(criteria) ,`;_ _.:;: _ :tp�: .r,r:� .....7 i:..:�... _•- +D. • ..; .. . � �'�; __ ���;�..:. ,�----- � . � ���, � . . _, a.�:...�__.�. .M�µ.�.._.� _.�.. 5 � �5.....5.__..._.5.5 ��.._..._32._._��__��.�.5:5...._:_.__5'F.� .� � � � � . r._��_...{..___{� � , ..__..._............_....�..RM!..54......_............... ............._..........._........,....._......i 6.�� -, q �y" p rk i : ,� r..T_.....,...._......S±n:"..��.....��...E , . .. '�� :Ni t�n 'rnv.l g 1 aa' .�. � S' 'iRantMg (�InB) pl�nN« p ��• • • ^tli :' On-street Parking � � ` � � Gwewoik 6tnp �: ...___._._2@� $p1p Sldewelt � P rammL �� I/ � —� Rlghc•of-wny' . ff perWng on both sides, blocklength not to exceed 600 feet Criteria: • Traffic Flow Plan must be suUmitted ancl approved. m Not appropriate for streets serving more than 1,000 vpd. • No parking permitted within 30 feet of an intersection. • Appropriate adjacent to single family detached development only. � Proposed Developmsnt Ca�Ce changes to irnplement t6ee TSP l'cage 21 1.:i�u��.--�:��..��..._..5 ls?cal .es�...ei�aal..'..t �el��.:.5�� '-1�-� A. Standard(sample) B. Skinny Street Option(criteria) 7-�° F' �. n . .�� �:..,'I x'....� ...:"Y�La.:..i .�...... ,.__. � i ... nG.t...'.x:,. .. ,��. / . ..,,.'���+� � �'�. ��. (�_,..._.� �_ ���l�r�x��nr . , � _ tr �5� 5' _5.5'f_�_ . 28'_._ . � 5,5'., 5' }5 � � . RIW 50' � ; r ie.�r � 0.0' �PlvMinp�� har�llone w 0_.0' . 62esidential ILocaB Str�et/Cul"UG�SCIC � 5����5iuF0 ��trg! 6,F.5' 61dew�lk YA'__� Sllawulk One Side On-street Pprking '�wm•^� � 16' tl, /B . RIOht.ahwq' . Criteria: . Traffic Flow Plan must be submitted and approved. • Not appropriate for streets serving more than 500 vpd. • No parking permitted within 30 feet of an intersection. • Appropriate adjacent to single family detached development only. + Must provide a minirnum of(1)off-street parking space for every 20 feet of rest�•icted street frontage. �igit.xG._a._�_,_�3.1.5?,6 �t?4al�45i4��,CAh�l.�.5t�_4.�1_�?_Q.t)_v.�.S1. A. Standard(sample) B. Slcinny Street Opiion(criteria) ,�-'"{ 'f' .:—�\r=,` .�:��Y�C� ...n,�`!.' —_ �...,,�lir'.�(� _ �� � . .3tr.{c� � �(+c,kar,�„ � � - �= , � ,5� 5� '; !�_��� zo•��om,n� ', �.�„• ` � � � � , ,, �• t..............� 5' :Pl.an!liig PWnN^9� y. I. 5 �5,5._�—.__...._..�4'...----.._.__...__..._..I---5_5..._�_5...__:.{ ..._.. s��P S�.�P v.._.... SlAawalk 51den�lk I-_-----....._...__._.......___.RIW 46'._.......,......._......._......._._..._.._..__._.._.._.._., ..._._.._.............._......_......._.__a:�..._........__......._...._..._...�: Cul-de-saalResidential Local Street ��h�.^�.�^Y �� �� Criteria: • Must provide a minimum of(1)off-street parking space (No parking) for every 20 feet of restricted street frontage. • No parking permitted within 30 feet of an intersection. F. k'uture streetplan and extension of streets. 1. A future street plan shall: a. Be �led by the applicant in conjunction with an application for a subdivision or partition. The plan shall show the pattern of existing and proposed future streets from the bouridaries of the proposed land division and shall include other parcels within 530 feet surrounding and adjacent to the proposed land division. At the applicant's request,the City s�a�l-»�....prepare a future streets proposal.... Costs__of the_Citv pre�a��;_a .{uture_ shee_.�p�o5al _shall �e Froposed Development Code clianges to implement the TSP Page 22 � z:41:��11zt�:�:�ecl...,��a'......t�.G._.1.aa��c,...i:t�v.c�l.vc.ci,. A street proposal may be modified when subsequent � subdivision proposals are submitted. b. Identify existing or proposed bus routes,pultouts or other transit facilities, bicycle routes and pedestrian facilities on or within 530 feet of Yhe site. 2. Where neoessary to give access or permit a satisfactory fu�ure division of adjoining land, streets shall be extended to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed, and a. These extended streets or street stubs to adjoining properties are not considered to be culs-de- sac since they are intended to continue as through sireets at such time as the adjoining property is developed. b. A barricade shall be construct�d at the end of the street by the property owners which shall not ba remaved until authorized by the City Engineer, the cost of which shall be included in the street construction cost. c. Tempoxary hammerhead tunnouts or ternporaiy cul-de-sac bulbs shall be constructed for stub street in excess of 150 feet in length. ��..__.:y�_e�t.s.�.�_c�n�._��,d_ac�es_�r,���n<��s;m4i�l,..__IZ�fct'tt?.._L�3 7.S).5.,4�(?��.;..i,... CCII. Street ali�nment and connections. l Full street connecrions with s��cin�c�f no_more than 530 fect between cOI111ectic�71�, is �eguired ------------._...__.._.....__....----......_..----..... . ----....___.._..�_.......__.._......_.............__..._........�.._.. e�ce�t..�w.l�ere,�p�:evetite��:::_b.Y.:._�az rx�rs_..such__�$_-:__�p1�Qb'?:�1�:1i:Y:�::_x;�:i Irq a�1s:�.. .:ki ee�vaYs_. .l?i e:e�,1 st�i?�; deyelppl���tS__���Se pXPV�SZQX?5..._eaS��?7�nks__cA�ei��ll.t�:_�l;.Qth4� re$t1icttPn,S. ex�Stin��>>Qi_t0 1VI�y 1 1�99$_which.�xeclude st�eet_c9nnect�pns A Xull �t,reet;.cqnn�cxior�..t-naY a1sQ.be.exeinptecl due t.p ��.3..::._ . . . . a..;�e�...U.l.�.k�c�_.Wa le..r.._._f,.�.�tIJ.X'e..�,f.:�'G��i.�at�.�11.s...W S?.U.�.c�_��.1�...1�.����.1....�%.S2X�5.1X.41_C.Li.S��, � « „ • � � st�ee�: ?�. All local ^�an�-�=.L n���h1��2�:��t�ct rc��ite�__a1��__collector stre�ts which abut a development site � shall be extended within the site to provide through circulation when not precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existing development patterns or strict adherence to other standards in this code. A street connection or extension is considered precluded when it is not possible t�redesign or reconfigure the street pattern to provide required extensions. Land is considered topographically constrained if the slope is greater than 15% for a distance of 250 feet or more. In the case of environmental or topographical constr•aints, the mere presence of a constraint is not su�ficient to show that a street connection is not possible. The applicant must show why the constraint precludes some rsasonable street connectioi�.. 34. Proposed street or street extensions shall be located to provide direct access to existing or planned � transit stops, commercial services, and other neighborhood facilities, such as schools, shopping areas and parks. 43. All developments shauld provide an internal network of connecting streets that provide short, � direct travel routes�nd mininzize travel distanGes within the development. Proposed Development C'ode changes to implement t/:e T�P Page 23 .. � . . J� �... � , . � � . �� . . . � ��. Intersection angles. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect at an angle as near to a right angle as � practicable, excepY where topography requires a lesser angle, but in no case shall the angle be less than 75°unless there is special intersection design, and: l. Streets shall have at least 25 feet of tangent adjacent lo the right-of-way ii�tersection unless topography requires a lesser distance; 2. Intersections which a�e not at right angles shall have a minimum corner radius of 20 feet along the right-of-way lines of the acute angle; and 3. Right-of-way lines at intersection with arterial streets shall have a corner radius of not less than 20 feet. ' �J. Existin�ghts-of-way. Whenever existing rights-of-way adjacent to or within a tract are of less than ( standard width, additional rights-of-way shall be provided at the time of subdivision or development. 3I�.Partial Street Improvements. Partial street improvements resulting in a pavement width of less than ( 20 feet; while generally not acceptable, may be approved where essential to reasonable development when in con£ormity with the ather requirements of these regulations, and when it will be practical to require the improvement of the oth�er half when the adjoining property developed. �X,,.Culs-de-sacs. A cul-de-sac shall be r►o more than 200 feet long shall not provide access to greater I than 20 dwelling units, and shall only be used when environmental or topographical constraints, existing development pattern, or strict adherence to other standards in this code preclude street extension and through circulation: l. All euls-de-sac shall terminate with a turnaround. Use of tumaround configurations other than circular,shall be approved by the City Engineer; and 2. The length of the cul-de-sac shall be measured fro�n the_�enterline_iiltersec;tion.k�int o _tlle_t��c� streets to.,the r�dius�c�ii�t_of tlle.bulb.a�tg-t�e-e�errt�i�e r^�a.=��•��-^m +'�°„�a��� ,�.�o,-�o..ti:,�,.�+..00F f,.+i.,o F.-at,e�+.. 3. If a cul-de-sac is more than 300 feet long, a lighted direct pathway to an adjacent street may be required to be provided and dedicated to th�City. ��. Street names. No street name shall be used which will duplicate or be confused with the names � of existing streets in Washington County, except for extensions of existing streets. Street names and numbers shall conform to the established pattern in the surrounding area_aild as_��l�c�ved b___the___it� ( �n�;ineer,: #��I. Grades and curves. _.___1_.,—_Grades shall not exceed ten percent on arterials, 12% on collector streets, or 12% on any other street (except that local or residential access streets may have segments with grades up to 15% for distances of no greater than 250 feet),and: —1-2.. ('enterline radii of curves shall�i.�,,�s._:det.�rmi�ed:_by,.t:�e_,��,Xy__En.�ineer,,,�l�° ,°��+�,,,., �nn F.,_� .+o«, � cnn � � ' 7I � !1 {.' ' 17 1!1!1 f'. + �L, - +..-.-+-.. �x'rccrrE�.r��vv-zcc�9�3 ��1ft-J0�$OrrcEt@'ra—�3�ee�-�-�fEeneetsr,, " . -i scrcc,�a� &1� 7 C�+.-o�a� 7„a�,.�o.,+;,,.T . ,:�1, , „11.,..�.,,, �„a,�,. .F.,.,,.t;,,.,,,t ..1.,,,�;fi,...a:..., „�•...,�a .,a...,.,+, Proposed Development Code changes to impdeme►it the TSP Page 24 f�}tiE.sN�(3—�--�H��(?E�-=UF}�}—ft—S�(��r}�{�f—`T4�,.,.,1i.,..i;.,,,9 �,1,.,II .-. ;�i�«��^n���.�;����1-'d�f.a �A�-7rfj�i. T.,.,,,,I:.,.Y�. .,�;1.'—�'�.��E�t��Jl�3��1--E3-��3�—!�}t,-•,•,erc�ii—vrii r;iri.-8��i� �1,, ��,d..,� ..+ rl,�, tr�t�i'�e�t�it�-skf@@ti�-f"'�r�t}�+3�E'C� �}p, Curbs, curb cuYs, ramps, and drivewax approaches. Concrete curbs, cue�b cuts, wheelchair, I bicycle ramps and driveway approaches shall be constructed in accordance with standards speci�ed in this chapter and Section 15.04.OS0; and: 1. Cancrete curbs and driveway approaches are required; except 2. Where no sidewalk is planned, an asphalt approach may be constructed with �ity Engineer approval; and 3. Asphalt and concrete driveway approaches to the properiy line shall be built to City configuration standards. 91?.Streets adjacent to railroad right-of-wa� Wherever the proposed development contains or is adjacent � to a railroad ri�ht-of-way, provision shall be inade for a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the land. The distance sha11 be determined with due consideration at cross streets or the minimum distance required for approach grades and to provide sufficient depth to allow screen planting along the railroad right-of-way in nonindustrial areas. ��.AccPSS to arterials and��-collectors. VVhere a development abuts or is traversed by an existing or proposed arterial or���-collector street, the development design shall provide adequate protection I for residential properties and shall separate residential access and through traffic, or if separation is not feasible, the design shall minimize the traffic conflicts. �'he design shall include any of the follawing: l. A parallel access street along the arterial or�a3�t-callector; � 2. Lots of suitable depth abutting the arterial or t�t�e�collector to provide adequate buffering with I frontage along another street; 3. Screen planting at the rear or side property line to be contained in a nonaccess reservation along the arterial o��-collector; or � 4. Other treatment suitable to meet the objectives of this subsection; 5. If a lot has access to two streets with different classifications,priinary access should be from the lower classification street. QaZ. Alle��ublic or private. I 1. Alleys shall be no less than 20 feet in width. In commercial and industrial districts, alleys shall be provided unless other�aermanent pxovisions for access to off-stre�t parking and loading facilities are xnade. 2. While alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, the corners of necessary alley intersections shall have a radius of not less than 12 feet. �,,�..Survey mnnuments. Upon completion of a street improvement and prior to acceptance by the City, it � Proposed Develo�ment Code changes to implement the TSP Page 25 � shall be the responsibility of the developer's registered professional land surveyor to provide oertification to the City that all boundary and interior monuments shall be reestablished and protected. �;T.Private Streets. � 1. Design standards for privat�streets shall be established by the City Engineer; and 2. The City shall require legal assurances for the continued maintenance of private s�reets, such as a recorded maintenance agreement. 3. Private streets serving more than six dwelling units are permitted anly within planned developments,mobile home parks, and multi-family residential developments. =�=�J.I�ailroad crossin�s. Where an adjacent development results in a need to install or improve a railroad � crossing, the c�st for such improvements may be a condition of development approval, or another equitable means of cost distribution shall be determined by the public works Director and approved by th�Commission. L�V. Street si�ns. The City shall install all street signs,relative to traffic control and street names, as I specified by the City Engineer for any development. The cost of signs shall be the responsibility of the developer. �W. Mailboxes. Joint mailbox facilities shall be provided in all residential developrnents, with each � joint mailbox serving at least two dwelling units. l. 3oint maiibox struchues shall be placed adjacent to roadway curbs; 2. �roposed locations of joint mailboxes shall be designated on a copy of the preliminary plat or development plam, and shall be approved by the City Enginee2•/LJS Post Office prior to �nal plan approval; and 3. Plans for the joint mailbox structures to be izsed shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer/US Post Office prior to final approval. �'-�. Traffic si� The location of traffic signals shall be nated on approved street plans. Where a � proposed street intersection will result in an immediate need for a traffic signal, a signal meeting approved specifications shall be installed. The cost shall be included as a condition of development. i �Y. Street light standards. Sh•eet lights shall be installed in accordance with regulations adopted by I ths City's direction. =�Z.Street name si�ns. Street iiame signs shall be installed at all street intersections. Stop signs and other � si,gris may be required. �,E�A,. Street cross-sections. The final lift of asphalt concrete pavem,ent shall be placed on all new I constructed public roadways prior to final City acceptance of the roadway and within one year of the conditional acceptance of the roadway unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The final lift shall also be placed no later than when 90% of the structures in the new development are completed or three years from the commencement of initial construction of the developrnent, whichever is less, l. Sub-base and leveling course shall be of select crushed rock; Proposed Development Code cha�:ges to impl�merlt the TS.� Page 26 � 2. Surface material shall be of Class C or B asphaltic concrete; 3. The �nal li£t shall be placed on all new construotion road�vays prior to City �nal acceptance of the roadway; however, not before 90% of the stn�ctures in the new development are completed unless three years have elapsed since initiation of construction in the development; 4. The final lift shall Y�e Class C asphaltic conerete as defined by A.P,W.A. standard specifications; and 5. No lift shall be less than 1-1/2 inches in thiakness. (Ord. 99-22) A�3 _1�xa:f',£�a�.S��a�>. When, in the ot2tni9�LALkhe Git.Y_�n.9ib��r, t�I ��o�2��d c�?_v�lop nt wiil ,... c_��ak� �q.�ti� t i c�nsfiti�l.on exis�ip_.q�e�h�4�iq2d s�Qe�, such as ex��$sive spe�d�q t� �v_eloq��m�.vy���e�ir� to rovid�[���l�rli���l���P measures mav be reauired .�.�,1�1�;,,���� �,��y�lc�pme�#_and/or.aff�it��ssLeel,..'z�,��►zpt�priate_.. As._an,.alternative..the._develotier_ma� be_..rea��to dey�psi# funds_with_the_�1t_v__,to._hel��2y_f�r traffic calmina__mPasures that become ��essar�(_once.._the,develn�ent is,ocr,�pied and_the Cs#���meer_determmes._that,the additional traffic from the develop�#Li� ts r!aae���_-tb�need f�r_.traffic.calmin�rneasuies The City.Enq,ine� � . . ......_ . . ...._................�..._.. ��termine the amount of funds reauired,._antl...v1i11_�oJlPCt said funds from_the de_v_el.oner prior to_the iss��nc�a�_�_.c�rtif�at�.�f.Q��un���u.or_�n_kh��c�s�Qf__s��d.i.vis��n,_p.ri.or tp._t.h.��AArQV_�.I._Qf..th.e.fin.�.� �.I.�.k.,_...._ZL��...f.�n�.s.....wi.l.l.._.��......h.�.i.d....�.y..�t.h.�...�.i.ty.._fQ.r_..._�...�p.er...io�.�...af.._f..i.v_�....(.�.�.....ye_�.r..s.....f..rQ.m._..t.h.�._..��t�....Qf..._i_�s.�a.n.�e.__of G�.C�J.fI_G�k�'...5?f QGGUI��.[tGY.,....Qr in.#h��_��s.e...�.f..._a_s_ub.�.iv_.[s.Larz...k.h.�d�t.�....A.f.._f..i.n_�I._pl�t_..�.p�r_.Q.v.�l,.._..An.Y...f..�..nd.$..._n.o� �I.���.by_th_��I.�.Y._WL�.h�J�_Lh.�.�l_v.�_Y..�al"_tIC1�_�_K��CiA_d._w�l �_�C�f4lC1S�_��_t4_t_k]��.��Y��o��.r� � Tra.f�c._�t►��� nC;:_ r �i t id h �rec i• i f c 11.new r c; �. n:ed�t�..�e.,..._pt�._.cieve..l..p..ine71.��..._u�lc�er__hn.�_.qf the -:._:_,� ._,�.t��f_c._�<G�..��..s_:��1_U4_.-:_.1.u_x.ec__.__a_._a_.....:__.._::.:_.U_:._x�:a.:.� .._._....�. ...: .-- ---.lz-._. _...------- ---� . _.._.. k;ol.�:ow,a��.�.:cixcGlr�st:a�lc�s.:;. o , ,. . _, . . . . . �_,_ ..w1i411 l�#�y b�n,ex.1ke..a.l0/,,c�x,.�'�at�r ulcr�ase m_��1Sti?�b:.:�?�fil�.tc�.::hibh_col,lislc�n.,intei�sectipns ad4��la.;C.ec�h.y._W.ask�xa��to��(,.�a�x�tv., 12,._..__T�'���....�;G�,�?�s�1iS?n4_:.f,�:�tr�.....c�_cv.��.4�1_rpe�lt....�r�,.�SZ_t�C_._C,'.atY.__;;Lx�t%t_sl�..tk�.�._�1S�it�.�.�f._�.Sac.4.5.5_..�ln.d.._tl�c...4�j..5tillg �A�T„tall_within tl�e_f�llowi�,can�es: E.x,x.S:Gi??,�..,�p�'�' �,[,);�;:::IQ.,U4::ad:�ed:_�Y::�eve,�c?.�111ent Q=.3.,�.(?(t_vtzd. ,2.�Q()._v��.�. �_.Q.�a._C.��)t�.Q_�zct 1.S)().Ovn_�l >6�v�I ��.:.....ci. and/c�x c, _lr�i?��_'�-�,�'-��l�n._f�l a_�� elc�i�nzc.nt�dd5 50 oi i�i�e.-1.� .�<,. . .. tri��, ts>�n 2i�(�T_f c��litJ':. I 18.�10.040 Blocks A. Block I3esi�n. The length, width and shape of Ulocks sha11 be designed with due regard to providing adequate building sites for the use contemplated, consideration of needs for convenient access, circulation, control and safety of street traffic and recognition of limitations and opportunities of topography. B. Sizes. 1. The perimeter of blocks formed by streets shall not exceed ?_.,Q_QQ.-�$A9 feet measured along the � � ,,� �...�..,;�� ��nt4�._],u��_�.�_41ae sti_4ets".^ " except: a. Wlxere street location is precluded by natural topography, wetlands or other bodies of water, or pre-existimg development; or b. For blocks adjacent to arterial streets,limited access highways,��collectors or railroads. � c. For non-residential blocks in which internal public circulation provides equivalent access. 2. Bicycle and pedestrian coxulections on public easements or right-of-ways shall be provided when full street connection is tx�t-�ess+laleexem te _l� .B._1_above. Spacing between connections shall � be na more than 330 feet, except where precluded by environmental or topographical constraints, existin�development patterns,or strict adherence to other standards in the code. 18a�10.050 �aseane��� A. Easemants. Easements for sewers, drainage, water mains, electric lines or other public utilities shall be �ither dedicated or provided for in the deed restrictions, and where a development traversed by a �vatercourse, or drainageway,there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of the watercourse. B. Utilitv easements. A property ov�ner proposing a development shall make arrangements with the City, the applicable district and each utility franchise for the proviszon and dedication of utility easements necessary to provide full services to the development. The City's standard width for public main line utility easements shall Ue 15 feet unless othervvise specified by the utility company, applicable district,or City Engineer. 18.�90.06a Lots A. Size and sha.pe. Lot size, width, shape and orientation shall be appropriate for the locatian �f the development and for the type of use contemplate�,, and: 1. No lot shall contain part of an existing or proposed public right-of-way within its dinnensions; 2. The depth of all lots shall not exceed 2-1/2 times the average wiclth, unless the parcel is less than 1-1/2 times the minimum lot size of the applicable zoning district; 3. Depth and width of properties zoned for cornrnercial and industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street parking and:service facilities required by the type of use proposed. Proposed Development Code chRnges to iniplement tlee T�F Page 28 B. Lot fronta�e. Each lot shall abut upon a pixblic or private street, other than an alley, for a width of at least 25 feet unless the lot is created through a zninor land partition in which case Subsection 18.16Z.050 (C) applies, or unless the lat is for an attached single-family dwelling unit, in which case the l�t frontage shall be at deast 15 feet. C. Throu hg l�ts_ Through lots sh.all be avoided except where they are essential to provide separation of residential developrnent fronn major traffic arterials or to overcome specific disadvantagcs of topography and orientation,and: 1, t�planting buffer at least ten feet wide is requi�ed abutting the arterial rights-of-way; and ?. All through lots shall provide the required front yard setback on each street. D. Lot sicie lines. The side lines of lots, as far as practicable, shall be at right angles to the street upon which the lots front. E. Lar eg lots• In dividing tracts into large lats or parcels which at some future time are likely to be redivided, the Commission may require that the lots be of such size and shape, and be so divided into building sites, and contain such site restrictions as will provide for the extension and opening of streets at intervals which will pennit a subsequent division of any tract into lots or parcels of smaller size. The land divis�on shall be denieci if the proposed large development lot does not provide for the future division of the lofcs and future extensioii of public facilities. 18.810.070 Sidewalks �.,__�4—Sidewalks. All industrial streets.��1ci.,�i-ivate_.._�h'ee1�s,:sha11 have sidewalks meeting City standards along at:::;lea,�t,,one side of the street. All other streets shall have sidewalks meeting City standards along both sides of the street. A developinent may be approved if an adjoining street has sidewalks on the side adjoining the development,even if no sidewallc�xists on the other side of the street i3.=.Rec�uii�emellt of'd�velo_� 1. ns_part ot �nY__.developm�nt,��tTopc_sal, c�r_ehan�_e—�1_r_.._�ise.._�:e�':....S�IIt?ng _ir, an ac�dlt��na1 1 000 .._---..._...__._._.._ _vetlic]e,�ri�s;4t;.tl�.Qr�.:1?_ei'_�1_�Y_,.._a�1._�p�71Xc�t�l_�h�l�be.,le.4lulred__tA._identlf�_dilec,t,.saie�1 25_x_thc.st7ai�;ht line c��st�x�ce��e�lestrX�n,rpu�es w�t�1�x�_.��2_inl�e_pf_thezr sitg tp_�1���x�$it.t�cilihe��l�d,�Iei�;lib.prh�qd Ac,tivity ��E,t�?(:e1:S_(4_G.�(?2.1_5..__Pdi1�4,.l�l�?axle,s ��c.,.�_.._ fn__�dc�it��i�,_t�� �4V..G_1P12�r��Y__�c tcquitc�d tq_17a1,t1c.��aLe ii� tlle rGi1�S2y.�l.._S�:k._an��a�2G�_i:K1�.4.1�e_n.eC���4X'i�il.._�.YSt�T�I...C�:l'k,.-_4 i.l�...a„�,j.:�I.Sx1:�iec�....�.Y...11�.t'....c���.Gl:c?.�1..in.�1�.t. _...---------_?�.._.�I.'l1.1125�re._a.��n�aisti��_S�S�cW�lk,_c���_ll1e._�.a��ae_..si,c�e._��..1'l�e._Strcc't_..as._the_cl�_Y.el.�t7ment.._:lvillli�._.�.Q.4 feet.of_a_cievelonrrzent site ul eithec.diY,ect���l�the sldewallc �hall be extended tiom the ��te to meet the ___...._ _ exist�n� ��ciew7lk._SUb�ect t�tc�u�*l�pro��ortlonal�t�%�even it thc s►de�val:k_do�. ��ot__ cr-�r� a neibhbo�hood d;GkiYItV C��?t�.X�.. �B[;.Planter strip requirements. A planter strip separation of at least five feet between the curb and the sidewalk shall be required in the design of a�y ��*°w�' � �"°�+�r street:s�-�-..���-;����� �a�°�°„'� *� +'�°-s�, except where the following conditions exist: there is inadequate right-of-way; the curbside sidewalks already exist on predominant portions of the street; e� it would conflict with the utilities there are si(rni.tica�.t �latural featuces (.lar(re tcees water f'e��t�u•cs etc that would l�e 3...................._........................._...........1+�.........._...............__............__._................._........._..._......._........................_k............b...._.........._............_2......_....__........................................................3.�....._.............................. ................................... e ' t ' w I ire r w i re er° re x's �n , •► � de.sl.�c�__..d._a..£_.....k►e.._s�de...._..a.l.l�._v��xe..._._QGat�.c�__as_.x.�_..u......_._�,.....�..._..._..1_e..._...._._tk�......_4..._a__...._�.....z....ta...... �_�h_G.�.tG.x..es._._in._clo.se _____Y.__..�_.____...__---_---------- -----.._..-�---__-----,T._�.-------_....__._...._._....__..._..._........__,�.._...----------..__....._._..------....:.. �2.�.9�xz�ai..._.�.tp....t�:e_�_s.1x.�.et..._..15:..._k:�G.t�....p..i__le�.s..t�4c�di.ti4x�al.....G.ansx.del_at�Q.�i..._fqr.....ex.�m .tit�.......the..._..��nter..._s.t�'i . ..................._...._.lJ'_....................._................_......_...._..._�_._...�.__...._._.....---............_._..._�_..._._..._..._.._.._....,.............._......_............._.._............._..._........�.._....�.._....,.............................�?......._...�_......._............F............................................1� x.e. .s.izxeme�at...zraa _.be...r�v��a.4�_�...�ase.b �_G�s.e_b��.xs..�.#'a... .xo _e�_. ...abuts...�r�.or�.tl��n...c�z�e.s.ireet fr.ar�t�r�.< _..�1__._.._...___.__.._�.._Y------�--------�--...__-----�..-----�--___��?.__..�_�'_�..___....__._..._,._,...._.._.._..-�---.......--�------._....-----_...__b...... ' Proposed Development Code changes to i»iplement tlre TSP Page 29 � � � F:':D. Sidewalks in central business district. In the central business district, sidewalks shall be 10 feet � in width, and: 1. All sidewalks shall provide a continuous unobstructed path; and 2. The wzdth of curbside sidewalks shall be measured frorn the back of the curb. �;�.Maintenance. Maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, and planter strips is the continuing obligation of the I adjacent property owner. �r.Application for permit and inspection. If the construction of a sidewalk is not included in a I performance bond of an approved subdivision or the performance bond has lapsed,then every person, firm or corporation desiring to construct sidewalks as provided by this chapter, shall, before entering upon the work or improveznent, apply for a street opening permit to the Engineering department to so build or construct: 1. An occupancy permit shall not be issued for a development until the provisions af this section are satis�ed. 2. The City Engineer may issue a permit and certificate allowing temporary noncompliance with the provisions of this section to the owner, builder or contraator when, in his opinion, the construction of the sidewalk is impractical for one or more of the following�-easons: a. Sidewalk grades have not and cannot be established for the properiy in question within a reasonaUle length of time; b. Forthcoming installation of public utilities or street paving would be likely to cause severe damage to the nev,�sidewalk; c. Street right-of-way is insufficient to accommodate a sidewalk on one or both sides of the street; or d. Topography or elevation of the sidewalk base area makes construction of a sidewalk impraclical or economically infeasible; and 3. The City Engineer shall inspect the construction of sidewalks for compliance with the provision set forth in the standard specifications manual. ��'r.Council initiation of const�°uction. In the event one or more of the following situations �re found by I the Council to exist, the Council may adopt a resolution to initiate construction of a sidewalk in accordance with City ordinances: 1. A safety hazard exists for children walking to or from school and sidewalks are necessazy to eliminate the hazard; 2. A safety hazard exists for pedestrians walking to or from a public building, commercial area, place of assembly or other general pedestrian traffic, and sidewalks are necessary to eliminate the hazard; 3. 50%0 or more of tlxe area in a given block has been improved by the construction of dwellings, multiple dwellings, commercial buildings or public buildings and/or parks; and Proposed Developm�ent Code changes to implement the TSP Page 30 4. A criteria which allowed noncompliance under Section E,l.b above no longer exists and a sidewalk could be constructed in conforrnance with City standards. (Ord. 99-22) 18.810.0�0 Peablic�Jse Ae�eas A. Dedication requirements. 1. Where a proposed park,playground or other public use shown in a development plan adopted by the City is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Coinmission may require the dedication or reservatian of such area within the subdivision, provided that the reservation or dedication is roughly propo�rtional to the impact of the subdivision on the park system. 2. Where considered desirable by the Commission in accordance with adopted comprehensive plan policies, and where a development plan of the City does not indicate proposed public use areas, the Cammissian may require the dedication or reservation of areas within the subdivision or sites ' of a character, extent and location suitable far the development of parks or other public use, provided that the reservation or dedication is roughly proportional to the impact of the , subdivision ori the park systern. B. Ac�uisition by public a�enc_y, If the developer is required to reserve land area for a park,playground, or other public use, such land shall Ue acquired by the appropriate public agency within 18 months fotlawing plat approval, at a price agreed upon prior to approval of the plat, or such reservation shall be released to the subdivider. (Ord. 99-22) 18.81U.090 Sanitary�ewers A. Sewers required. Sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new developinent and to connect developments to existing mains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by the iJni�e�i Sewerage Agency in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. B. Sewer lp an approval. The City Engineer shall approve all sanitary sewer plans and proposed systems prior to issuance of developm�ent pernnits involving sewer service. C. Over-sizin�. Proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additional development �vithin the area as projected by the Comprehensive Plan. D. Permits denied. T�evelopment permits may be restricted by the Commission or Hearings Of�cex �here a deficiency exists in the existing sewer system or portion thereof which cannot be rectified within the development and which if not rectified will result in a threat to public health�:sa�ty, �nrcharging of existimg mains, or violations of state or federa] standards pertaining to operation of the sewage treatment system. 18.810.100 5to�m IDrainage A. General provisions. The Director and City Engineer shall issue a development perrnit only where adequ�te provisions for storrn water and flood water runoff have been made, and: . 1. The storm water drainage system shall be separate and independent of any sanitary sewerage system; Proposed Dev�lopment Code charages to implemenE the�'SP Page 31 2. Where possible,inlets shall be provided so surface water. is not carried across any intersection or allowed to flood any street; and 3. Surface water drainage patterns shall be shown on every development proposal plan. B. Easements. Where a developmsnt is traversed by a watercourse, drainageway, channel or stream, there shall be provided a starrn water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse and such fiirther widtl� as will be adequate for conveyance and maintenance. C. Accoxnmodatian of upstreazn dra�'nage. A culvert or other drainage faoil.ity shall be large enough to accommodate potential runoff from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or autiside the development, and: l. The City Engineer shall approve the necessary size of the facility, based on the provisions of Design and Canstruction Standards for Sanitary and SurfaGe Water 1Vlanagement (as adopted by the Uni�ed Sewerage Agency in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments). D. Effect on downstream draina�e. Where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the developnnent will overload an existing drainage facility, the Director and �ngineer shall withhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition or until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance with the Design amcl Construction Standards for �anitary a�d Surface Water Management (as adopted by the Unified Sewerage Agency in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendmPnts). 1�.�10.110 �ilceways aa►d Peciestrian Pathevays ��--Bikewav extension. .�..._......Q.S._a._.Sl.�ild_s��:4�,_.1z.�ke...l.�r�e_5__Sh.�ll....��_.x�.�,7u.a��4d....al.tzi��._.all.._Arterial_..�nd....�,'.c?.l.leciczl�...�_�u.te.S._�nd._1vhe��e identttxed_o11 the C_itv's aco�ted bic�!cle_Llan rn the Transpo�tat�on S�Stem Pl__i� TSP, �Developments adjoining proposed Uikeways identi�ed on the City's adopted pedestrian/bil�eway plan shall include provisions for the future extension of sueh bikeways through the dedicatiQn of easements or rights-of-way, provided such dedication is directly related to and roughly proportional to the impact of the development. _._�F_1_n:Y..i1.�w_5lree�isn��r�ein�i�.1;_.�?x�1CCt_sh�ll xnClu�1��,>i�Y�1.G.�.an��_�.s_rec,]_uii_ed._it�.�1�i.s cl.t�c.u.i»ent 3.. a�1.c�_�a1._t.l��_�c�.�t�lcd...l�ic;�41e..�a,�.�_ __ B. Cost of construction. D�eveloprnent permits issued for planned unit developments, conditional use permits,subdivzsions and other developments which will principally benefit from such bikeways shall be conditioned to include the cost or construction of bikeway improvements in an amount roughly proportional to ti3e impact of the development. C. Minimum width. ..__..__.__....__1,..1.....__Minimum width f'or bikeways within the roadway is five feet per bicycle travel lane. ._ __ .__.2.._.,_Minimum width ' �__�_:t:_�_se_r_ _.� separated frorn the road is �tt�ei� . .��p�._fe�t l.�e,yvid4h.ma�:be xecluG�d tU.:���h�_(:$.�#eet tf khere�ze er�,vlrpn�ner�.ta�__ax��th4� c,ol��t��znls �,�_;._...�.-�::�-��__,..�_:�'��_.�a�i�naaaa_.__�r.�x�_r�idx�kx..:�'�x.:��el�s.t.si��n,.ax�.ly.Tpf�s_t�_��t�atk��_i.s._�i.ve.::CS,Zk:e:�t_, ___..�_�...._.._.4...,�..._.��.s.��t�..;il.��,(�.a.�d.S.._.;FS)X_�?x�e.....��,C�.....X2.��1G�S.�',1.�-1�Y.�I;,y�_4,�,.a.�.l...�?�.��4e�'�»X��4� �?Y 1�1G ����Y I�1���.11.G4:1'1. Proposed Development Code changes to imJsde»eent!!:�TSP Page 32 �Cvm:nr� I 18.�10.120 Ut6lxtees A. ilnderground utilities. All utility lines including, but not limited to those required for electric, communication, lighting and cable television serviees and related facilities shall be placed underground, except foY•surface mounted t�ansformers, surface mounted connection boxes and mater cabinets which may be placed above ground, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above,and: 1. The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with th.e serving utility to provide the underground services; 2. The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; 3. All underground utilities, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of the streets; and 4. �tubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street innprovements when service connections are made. B. Information on development plans. The applicant for a development shall show on the development plan or in the explanatory information,easemer�ts for all underground utility facilities, and: 1. Plans showing the location of all underground facilities as desca-ibed herein shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval; and 2. Care shall be taken in all cases to ensure that above ground equipment does not obstruct vision clearance areas for vehicular traffic. C. Excention to under- oundinQ requiremer�t. 1. 'I'he developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding costs when the developrnent is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underground will serve the development and the approval authority determixies that the cost and technical difficulty of under-grounding the utilities outv��eighs the benefit of undergrounding in conjunction with the development. The detennination shatl be on a case-by-case basis. The most common,but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development for which undergrounding vvould result in the placem.ent of additional poles,rather than tlie removal of above-ground utilities facilities. 2. An applicant fox a development which is served by utilities which are nat underground and which are located across a public right�of-�vay from the applicant's property shall pay the fee in-lieu of undergrounding. 3. Properties within the CBD zoning district shall be exempt from the requirements for undergrounding of utility lines and from the fee in-lieu af undergrounding. 4. The exceptions in Subsections 1 through 3 of this section shall apply only to existing utility lines. All new utility lines shall be placed underground. D. Fee in-lieu of undereroundin� Proposed Development Code changes do sm�plement the TSP Page 33 1. The City Engineer shall establish utility service areas in the City. All development which occurs within a utility service area shall pay a fee in-lieu of undergrounding for utili�ies if the development does not provide underground utilities,unless exempted by this code. 2. The City Engineer shall establish the fee by utility service area which shall be determined based upon the e�timated cost to underground utilities within each service area. The total estimated cost for undergrounding in a service area shall be allocated on a front-foot basis to each party within the service area. The fee due from any developer shall be calculated based on a front-foot basis. 3. A developer shall receive a aredit against the fee for costs incurred in the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities. The City Engineer shall determine the amount of the credit, after review of cost information submitted by the applicant with the request for credit. 4. The funds collected in each service axea shall be used for undergrounding utilities within the City at large. The City Engineer shall prepare and inaintain a list of proposed undergrounding projects which may be furided with the fees collected by the City. The list shall indicate the estimated timing and cost of each project. �Che list shall be submitted to the City Council for their revievv and approval ann.ually. 18.810.13Q Casix or�ond Req��red A. Guarantee. All improvements installed by the developer shall be guaranteed as to worlananship and material for a period of one year following acceptance by the City Council. B. Cash deposit or bond. 5uch guarantee shall be secured by cash deposit or Uond in the amount of Yhe value of the improvements as set by the City Engineer. C. Compliance Y•equirements. The cash or bond shall comply with the terms and conditions of Section 18.430.090. 18.810.140 Monu�axents A. ]lteplacement required. Any rnonuments that are dishirbed before all improvements are completed by the subdivider shall be replaced prior to final acceptanee of the improvements. 18.810.15Q Ynstal�ation Pa�ereqraisite A. An,proval required. No public impY•ovements, inaluding sanitary sewers, storm sewers, streets, sidewalks, curbs, lighting or other req�irernents shall be undertaken except after the plans have been approved by the City,permit fee paid,and permit issued. B. Permit fee. The permit fee is required to defray the cost and expenses incurred by the City for cc�nsfixction and other services in connection witYi i;e improvement. The permit fee shall be set by Council resolution. 18.�10.160 Installation Conformation A. Conformance required. In addition to other requireanents, improvements installed by the developer either as a requirement of these regulations or at his own option, shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and to improvement standards and speci�cations followed by the City. B. Adopted installation standards. The Standard Spacifications for Public Works Construction, Oregon Proposed Development Code changes to tmplement the TSP Page 34 Chapter l�.P.W.A., and Desi�n and Canstruction Standards for Sanatary and Surface Water Managemeart(as adopted by the Unified Sewerage Agency in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments)shall be a part�f the City's adopted installation standard(s); other standards inay also � be required upon recornmendation of the City Engineer. 15.810.170 Plan Check A. Submittal requixements. Work shall not begin until construction plans and cflnstruction estimates have been submitted and checked for adequacy and approved Uy the City Engineer in writing. The developer can obtain detailed information about subrnittal requirements frorn the City Engineer. B. Compliance. All such.plans shall be prepared in accordance with requirements of the City. 1�.810.180 Notice to(:ity A. Commencement. Work shall nat begin ui�til ths City has been notified in advance. B. Resumption_ If work is discontinued for any reason,it shall not be resumed until the City is notified. 18.810.190 City Inspection A. Inspection of irnprovements. Improvements shall be constructed under the inspection and to the satisfaction of the City. The City may require changes in typical sections and details if unusual conditions arising during�onstruction warrant such chaYlges in the public interest. 18.810.200 E�tgineer's Certi�cation A. Written certification required. The developer's engineer shall provide written certification of a form provided by the City t?:a± a?1 impravements, workmanship and materials are in aceord. with current and standard engineering and construction practices,and are of high grade,prior to City acceptance of the subdivision's im�rovements or any portion thereof for operation and maintenance. 18.810.21Q Comple#io�Itequireanemt§f'I'o be com�sleterl.} Proposed Development Code clranges to implement the TSP Page 35 �xhib�t A-5 ADDITIONA.I.,ANIEl�TD1VIEl�1TS 1�.120.030 Add the foliowing definitians in alphabetical order and renumber the remaining definitians accordingly: "Nei;�h.borhood Acti;y.ii:y Cenier"..-._A use s�ych�,as_scllo�ls,_,pai�ks.,_1�ih�:ari_es.,_sl�:�ppii�yr_areas_, �m�loymcnt._centcrs or�ools_wh�ch urov��e iecreational_o� social.seivices fo1. �iou�s oP ._���1 __._..._.�._._ __ ._ . . "Traffic Flow Plar�"—A nla.n subinitYed witli a�roposal for skinny streets that shows flle potential,__.qt��.uin.g.....patt��e�7�_tllat_._will allow�,fot,safe a�ld..,effic�.e�1t....iravel.....of_.enze2�_7�ency ��ehicles, servicc vehicles aiid_aassen�er vehicles_wtth mimmal disturbance._ T1vs mav include a co�nbination oF st7ate�ic di•ivewav locations turnouts or other mecha�lisnls which_wi_l.l fosler s.�fe_a»d:.�effcient..trayel�.. 18.360.090.A.11.a change from: Provisions within the plan.shall be included for providing for transit if the development proposal is adjacent to existing or proposed transit route change to: Provisions within the plan shall be included for providirig for transit if the development proposal is adjacent to or...witllii�_SUU.Fect.of„existing or pronos�d transit route I 18.520.020.B change the 3`d sentez�ce from: Separated from other commercially-zoned areas by at least one-half mile, community commercial centers are intended to serve several residential neighborh�ods, ideally at the intersection of two or more major collector streets....... change to: Separated from.other comrnercially-zoned areas by at least one-half mile, community commercial centers are intended to serve several residential neighborhoods, ideally at the interseation�f two or more�je3--collector streets....... I 18.53�,OSO.Ei.2 change from: The site shall have access to be approved by the City Engineer to an arte�ial or major collectogs street..... change to: Additional TSP implementation eode amendments Page 1 The site shall have access to be approved by the City Eizgin:eer to a.n arterial or� I collector street..... 18.745.Q50.C.2.b chamge from: Are permitfed up to six feet in height in front yards adjacent to any designated arterial,rnajor collector or minor collector street. changeto: .Are permitted up to six feet in lieight in front yards aaj acent to axiy designated arterial,�N ^"°^t^r or��collector street. I Add�tio�al TSP implementation code amendinent�s Page 2 Exhibit � Attached are the '�R requi�e�.nents �,vith��xplanation of h�w t�iey axe adc�ressed in the �xisting City of Tigard Development Cod� and in.the�rmpc�s�d amendments. (Where there is a d�sh�d line- it indicates �hat t�ere is not a standard to be addressed,just an int�o in to the s�andards.) 660-12-0045 How Addressed in current code Proposed amentiments R it uirement ) Local governments shaltl adopt land use or su�division regulations for urban areas and n�aal communities as set forth below. The purposes of this section are to provide for safe and convenient pedestrian,bicycle and v�hicular circulati�sn consistent with access management standards and the functio� �f affecterl streets,to ensure that new development provides on-site streets and accessways that provide reasonably direct . routes for pedestrian and bicycle travel in ar�as where pedestrian and bicycle travel is likely if connections are provided, and which avoids wherever possible levels of automobile traffic which might interfere with or diseourage edestrian or bic cle travel. T-3icycle parking facilities as part of new multi-family �-$•�65.OSO.E states the rrL�irnum idential developments of four units or more,new retail, p��g r���ements for al�use office and i_mstitutional developments, and all transit transfer �es. This is requir�d as part of stations and ark-ana-ride lots; any land use review. (b) On-site facilities shall be provided which ?g•��5.050 pravides bike parking 18.81Q.Q7�is being amended to include a accommodate safe and canvenient pedestrian and bicycle design standards requireme�at of the developer to show connections access from witliin new subdivisions,multi-family to neighborhood activity centers within /Z mile of developments,planned developments, shopping centers, and 18.705.03C�.F {Access,Egress and develop�nent aaid require consideration of commercial districts to adjacer�t residential areas and transit ��iculation—required walkway improvement requiremen.ts depending on stops, and to neighborhood activity centers within ane-half location) addresses walkway proportionality. The amendment also required the re uirements for multi-famil , removal of a s in the sidewalk within 300 feet on Fage 1 �f 8 660-12-0045 How Addressed in current cocie Proposed amendments T�'R p. uirernent mile of the development. Single-fan�ily residential industrial or commercial the same side of the street as a development developYnents shall generally includ�stxeets and accessways. development. (subject ta rough proportionality). Pedestrian circulation through parking lots should generally be grovide�:in the form of accessways. 18.810.040 (Street and Utility . Imp�ovement Standards—Blocks) addresses pedestrian c�nne�ctions when f�1 s�reet connections are not possible 18.810.070(sidewall�s)requires a11 public s#xeets to have sadewalks (A1 "Neighborhood activity centers" includes,but 18.120.030 is being amended to iaiclude a is not limited to, e?�isting or planned schools,parks, de�nition of Neighb�rhood 1�ctivity Center. sho in areas,transit sto s or em lo ent centers; (�3) Bikeways shall be required along arte�ials and Sidewalks ciaYaently are required 18.810.110.A is amended to include the major collectors. Sidewalks shall be required along along all pnblic streets. requirement that bike lanes be located an a11 arterials, collectors and most Iocal streets in urban areas, Development code does n�t have arterials and collectors and any additional ro�tes except that sidewalks are not required along controlled a bike lane requirement but refers i�entified in the TSP for any new canstr��cti.�n or access roadwa s, such as freewavs; to the Ci 's com rehsnsive lan. im rovement ro'ect. (C) Cul-de-sacs and other dead-enc�streets may be 18.�10.030.K regulated cul-rle- used as part of a development plan, consistent v,rith the sacs and states that they can't be purposes set forth in this section; more than 200 feet long. IF a varaance is granted and the cul- de-5ac is greater than 300 feet, pedestrian connections are req�ired. This is in addition to the block length standards which may also require adciitional pedestrian connectioms through a block. Page 2 of 8 650=12-0045 How Addr�ssed in current code Proposed amendments . TPR R uirement (D) Loca1 governments sha11�stablish their own 18.81� establishes staazdards that There are amendm.ents which address street standards or criteria for providing�treets and accessways regulate street spacing and blocx spacing and block length�,ho�vever,they continue �onsistent with tb.e purposes of this section. Such lengths in�ending on limitir�g out to limit out-of-direction travel and provide greater mea�ures may include but are not 1_imited to: standards for of directic�n travel. clarification to increase zfficiency�nd safety. spacing of streets or aceessways; and standards for excessive out-of-direction travel; (E)Strests and accessv�Tays need not be required where 18.810.044—�Iock Iength one or more of the following conditions exist: standards p�ovide for this (�) Physical or topographic conditions make a exception in the standard. street or accessway connection impracticable. Such condi#ions include but are not limited ta freeways,railroads, steep slQpes,wetlands or ot�er bodi�s of water where a connection could not reasonably be provided; (u) Buildings or ather�eaisting development on adjacent lands physically preclude a connection now or in the future considering the p�tential for redevPlopment; or (iii) Where streets or accessvvays would violatv provisions of leases, easemen#s, covenants, restrictions or other agreements existing as of May 1, 1995 which preclude a required st?�eet or accessway connecfion. (c) Where off-site road improvements are otherwise �Y�'oad is required to be required as a condition of development approval,they shall co�slructed to the standards include facilities accommodatin�g convenient pedestrian and called for in ou,r code. As shown bicycle travel,including bicycle ways along arterials ard witl�in this matrix,the code qnajor collectors; requires sidewalks but additional amendments have been made ta Page 3 of 8 660-12-0045 How Addrsssed in cu.rrent code Proposed aanend.ments TPI�Re uirement define required bikeway locations. (d) For putposes of subsection�'t�) "safe and canvenient" means bicycle and pedestrian r�utes, facilities and unprovements which: (A) Are reasonably free from hazards,particularly The eity's Nlunicipal code types or levels of automobile lraffic which woald uaterfere prohibits obstructions Qm public with or discoFarage pedestrian or cycle travel for short sidewalks triPs� (�) �rovide a reasonably direct route of tra�el � The access standards,block betwee� destinations such as between a transit stap and a length standards and requirement store; and for side�valks provides a In addition, an amendment is proposed to have the (C) Meet travel needs of cyclists and pedestrians reasonably dir�ct route of travel developer review routes withi�i 300 feet considering destination and length of trip; and considering betvveen d�stinations and meets (approximately 1/4 anile}from the develapment site that the opti.mum trip length of pedestrians is generally 1/4 th�travel needs of cyclists and and, if progortional,make necessary to 1/2 mi1e. edesirians im ravemen�s to com lete" a s" (e) Internal pedestrian circulation within new office parks �8•705.030.F requir�s walkways and commercial developments shal�be provided thraugh �'�'ithin commercial developments clustering of buildings,construction of accessways,walkways a�.d similar techniques. To support transit in urban areas containing a populatio�greater than 25,000,where the area is already served by a public transit systen or where a determination has been made that a public tra�sit system is feasii�le, local governments sha11 a�opt land use anrl subdivision regulations as grovided in{a)-(fl below: (a) Transit routes and transit facilities shall be designed to SDR standards 18360.09Q.11 support transit use through provision of bus sto�s,pullouts requires deveiopment to provide and shelters, o tinnum road eometxics, on-road arkin transit amenities as re uired b 1'age� af 8 660-12-0045 �Iow Addressed in current�ode Proposed amendments TPRR uirement restrictions and similar facilities, as appropriate; tri-met during the development revisvv(if praportioraal and 'ustified (b) ATew retail, office and institutio�al buildings at or near major transit stops shall provide for co�venient p�destrian access to transit thro�gh the measures listed iti(A) and(B) low. (A) Wa].kvvays shall be�rovide�connecting �uilclang entrances and streets adjoining the site; 18.705.030.f (�} Pedestrian connec�ions to adjoining properties shali be provided except where such a connection is 18.�10.070—sid.ewalks is�pr�cticable as provided for in OAR 660-012-0045(3 j(b}(E).Pedesi.rian connections shall connect the on site circulation system to existin.g oa� proposed streets,walkways, and driveways that abut the progerty.VVhere adjacent properties are . undeveloped or have poten�ial for redevelopment, streets, accessvvays and walkways on site shall be la.id I out or stubbed to a11ow for uxtension to the adjoining property; (�:) In addition to(A) and(B) above, on sites at major transit stops provide the follotiving: 18.360.090.11 requires (i) Eith�r Iocate buildings wit�hin 20 feet of consideration of transat facility the transit stop, a transit street or an improvements as part of intersecting street or pravide a development review(which pedestrian plaza at the transit stop or a covers ii to v). B�ilding street intersection; placement standards are alrsady (ii) A reasonably direct pedestrian in place in the Tigard Triangle connect�on between the transit stop and ar!d as part of the Wasiungton buildang entrances on the site; Square l�egional�enter. iii A transit assen er landin ad Additional standards for buildin Page 5 of 8 560-12-0045 How�ddressed in current co�de Proposed amena�nents TPR R uirement accessible to disabled persons; placement outside of these transit �iv) A�easement or dedication for a oriented areas are nof appropriat�. �passenger sheltep if requested by the transit provider; and (v) Lighting at tl�e transit stop. c Local governments may impleYnent 4(b)(A} and(B) @V�.ile not specifically designated ve throu�h the designation of pedes�ian districts�nal �edestrian districts,the Tigard opt�on of a�propriate implementing measures regulating Triangle and the Washington �evelopment within pedestrian districts.Pedestrian districts Square Regional�enter mus#comply with the requireme�.t of 4(b)(C) above; imp�ement the requirements of 4 C (d) Designated employee parking aseas in new 18.765.030.F required parking develop�ents shall provide preferential parking for carpools lots in excess of 20 long-terin and vanpools; parking spaces t�provide preferentiai long-term carpool anc�vanpool parking for empioyees arid other visitors to the site. (e) Existing development shall be allowed ta redevelog a Not specificaily grovided for,but portion of e�sti�g p�rking areas for transit-oriented uses, would not be d�sallowed since luding bus stops an�pullouts,bus shelters,park and ride n�thing on the code prohibits it. tions,transit-ori�nted develogments, and similar facilities, where appropriate; (fl Road systems for new development shall be provided 18.810 has street standards that that can be adequately served by transit,including provisions provides for adequate width of of pedestrian access to existing an identified future transit pavement and tun�ing radius, etc routes. This shall include,where appropriate, separate that wi11 provide for transit. accessways to minimize travel distances. Sidewalks are require3 along a11 ublic streets �age 6 of� 661�-12-0045 �Iovv Aadressed in czzrrent cod� Praposed amendments TPR Re uirement (g) Along e�sting or plarined transit routes,designation Existing zonang along transit of types and densities of la�ad uses adequate to support transit. routes is transit supportive—no changes are needed (5) Im N�O areas, local governments shall adopt�and use The Tigaxd�'riaaigle area, and subdgvision regulatic,ns t�reduce reliance�n fhe �Tashingtc�n�quare Regional tomo�ile whi�h: Center are� and Central Business All�w transit oriented t�evelopments (T��s)on lands District zone have pravisions for a ong traaisit routes; mixe�d use �evelopment and stree�and design standards wluch (b) �mple�ments a derna�d management program to meet encoazrage transit oriented the measurable standa.x�ds set in the TS�in respense t� 660- deveYopment 012-Ot334(4). (6) In dsveloping a bicycle and p�destrian circulation plan TSP provides bike and pedestrian Proposed amendments specifically require as require�by 660-01�-0020(2)(d), iocal g�vernments shall master plan. The development pede�triau or bike imprave�ents if shown an the identify improvements to facilitate bicycle and pedestr��an code czzrrently requires walkways pedestriar�or bikevvay plan,if ra�ghly trips to�neet local travel needs in developed areas. and sidewalks,however we need proportional. Agpropriate improvem�nts should provide for more direct, io amend the code ta specifically convenient and safer bicycle ar pedestrian travel witl�in and requ�re if shawn on the pedesfirian tween residential ar�as axid neighborhood activity centers or bi�eway p1an. .e., schools, shopping,trar�sit stops). 5pecific�neasures include,f�r example, constructing walkways between cul-de- sacs and adjacent roads,providing walkways between buildings, and providing direct access between adjacent�xses. (7) Local g�vernments shall establish standards for local Curr�nt code required pavement The TS�,which provides tke foundafiion for the streets and accessways that minimize pavement width ar�c� widt�a between 24' aud 32' far amendments being proposed,was developed`uith total right-of-way co�sisten�with the operational needs of the local streets (actual width the help �f a Citizen Task Force and Technica�l facili . The intent of this re uirement is that Iocal de ends on ADT and whether Adviso Committee an.d involved several u�lic Page 7 af S 660-12-0045 How Addressed in currer�t code Proposed amendments TPR R uiren�ent gavernm.ents c�nsider and reduce excessive standards for parking is provided on the street) information meetings to gather in�ut and local streets and accessways in order to reduce tlle cost o� and up to 12 feet per lan.e for comments and 2 formal public hearings. After�the construction,proeide for more efficient use of urban land, arter�al streets development and adoption of the TSP, a group of provide for emergency vehicle access while discouraging City Staff�om Planning and Engi��eering aud a inappropriate traffic volumes and speeds, and�vhich regresentative from Tualatin Valley Fire and accommodate cox�venient pedestrian and bicyc?e circulation. Rescue met over several manths to develop cac�ie �Tot withstanding subsection(1)or(3)of this sectian, local language t�implernent the TSP. The discussions t standards adopte�to meet this requirement need not be included the TP�"skinny street"requirement. opted as land use regulations. After r�view and rliscussion, it was determined that�he safe harbor widtkis were acceptable, provided a tra�c flow pla.�was sub�tt�d to v�rify that the distri`i�ut�on of driveways,no ` parking areas, ete woazld a11��v efficisnt queuing and traff c flovv as the State's"Neighborhood Streets I�esign�uidel�es"assumed: Additional ass�°ances were nee�ed to e�sure that adequate off-stxeet parking was provided for str�ets tlaat had parking an one side only. It was determined tihat the existing�wisith standards would remain for those that did not wa�nt to submit a traffic flow plan or provide additional assurances far off-street garking,but the option ta go to�arrower streets would be provided as well. While technically,the � wider street wic�th is the default because n� additional�ocumentation is required,bot�street zvidtln standards are acceptable and available for develo ments on local streets. Page 8 of 8