03/18/2002 - Packet POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � � ��, , �,�� ,� � ' 1 � ������ ������ �� � ,1 . ,1 I_� ..:.� � . Y:9 �7 '�` . . City of Tigard ��� TIGi4�t� PLi4NIV,IIVC COiV1�15SIC'Pd s�p�A���y nAi4RCH °I�,2002 7.00 �a.rn. TIGARD C1VIC CENT�F't—T(OWN HALL 13125 uiN FiALL'BOULEiIARL? TIGARb, OREGON 97223 1. �ALL�TO UF�DER � 2. FtOL�. �I�ALL 3. �Oi�111�1�1(VIC�TBC)iVey 4. �PP��'VE NlINtJI°IE� 5� :��N�N� �Ft�Ef�1C�IL IJPIDA�,T� �o CAPI�'�l� iMF�'R�V�IIIIIERlT PFg��l�e4tlii UPt)�4T'� 7. _ �1'FIEEt ��JSIIVESS �. A�JC)URPdM�NT 4 � � � ' � TIGAi2D PLQ►NfdIINC, COIVIIIAISSIORI ROLL Ce�#LL. ��T,�o�A�o � � � . . . � . . � 062EGON . HEe�li21NlG i)AYEn �-��1'- O � . �TAR7'NI�G TIIIII�: �� COIVInAOS�ION�FtS: � I�ARK PADG�TTi" (PRESIDE(dT) _ JUDITH ANDER�ON (\/9C�-PRESIDER9�') � JODIE BiENERTH V GFtETCHEN �UEHNER GL�NhI MORE� � JUDY MI�NF��J a// S�HEL S�C.�LAF� V SCQT SU`fTON � EfLEEN WEBB � T'HOMA� WOLCH (alterr�ate) �T6�FF PR��EN`f: DICK BEWERSDORFF BARB��A�HIELDS MORGAN TRA�Y JULIA HAJC)UK _ BRAD KfLQY �' DUANE RnBERTS MATi" SCHEIDEGCER JAMES HENDRYX BRIAN RAGER �GUS DIJENAS . : . . . . . . . � - . . . :.. r � . . . . . . . . . . . ;, � � CIT'� OF �'IGARD F�LANNINC COiVIMISSION ilq��tln� Minutes March 18, 2002 1. GALL TO C)ftD��R President Padgett ralled th� meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Th� meefing w�s hef�� in the Tigard Civic Cent�r, Tawn F�ail, at 13125 SVV Hall E31vd. 2. l�OLL CA�,L. Gornmissione�-s Present: President Padg�tt; Gommi�sioners F3ienerth, Buehner, Munro, Scolar, �utt�n, VVebb, and Walch (alternate) Gomrr�issioners Ab�er�t: Commissioners Anderson and Mores 5#aff Pr���nt: IJ�aan� Roberts, Associate Plar�r�er; Gus Duenas, Cifiy Engineer; Jerr�e G�ynor, Planning Camrr�ission �e�ret�ry 3. �L,�N(��N� GCanA1V�t�SIC,R1 ���9A(�Al1Nl�A°I°ION� See agend�:� iter� #7. 4. ,�4PPR�V'E NIEETING 8lARiVU'f�a ��mrr�issioner ���hner m�ved and C�r�ami�sioner Webb se��nded #h� rnotion ta �pprove the J�nuary 28, 2002, meeting �ninutes as s�abmitted. A voice vote was t�l�en �nd the matior� passed unanimously. Commissianer Bien�rth mov�d ar�� C;c�mmission�r Qu�hnf;r seconded th� motion to approv� the February 4, �002, me�:ting r�in�te� as s�brr�itted. A voice vota was tak�n and the motion pass�d by a v�fie of 6m0. Commi�sioner Scolar ab�tained. 5, FA�N�90 C:�.�E�C TRAIL tJP'DAAI'� � Associate F'lanner Duane Roberts introduced Bob Boothman, Chairman af the ' Metro Fanna Creek Trail ONorking Gr�up, wf�o gave a PowerPoint presentation � on the F�nno Creek Trail project (�xhik�it A). The Fanno Creek Greenway Trail is a partnersi�ip project of numerous public and private orgar�izati�ans. These , or anizations are re resen��d in the Workin Grou whose oa! is to romot� ; 9 P 9 p, � P ' ave+aren��s of the F�nno Cr�ek Trail and build su�pprt for completing thE ; ; �undeveloped sections. VVhen campleted, the trail wiil sxtencl 15 rnil�s, from Willamette Park in Portland to the Tualatin River in Durharri/Tualatin. Nine a j�ri�dictions hav� a role in the devPlopment of this greenw�y. A consultant has r�cently been retain�d to pu�#oge�h�r a s4rategy for completirsg the trail. P.LANNINU COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES — March 18,2002 — Page 1 � � The traii is divic�ed infio six segments: Vllillamette P�rk to Hillsdale Hillsdale to Garden Hom� Garden Hame to D�nny 7'railhead D�nny R�ad �o �cholis Ferryr Road Scholls Ferry Road to I-iall Bivd Hall �lvd to City of Tualatin nllr. Boothrnara conducfied a virtual tnur of fih� traiPs raute thrc�u�h each sEgr�ent and discussed the current �tatus �nd pla�nr�ed development in each segment (see Exhibit A for d�t�ils). in the 4ast three years, .�ix cansfrucfiion projects (fihree of which are in Tigard) have been cc�mpleted and fv� engine�ring projects are currently funded. Duan� Roberts pr���nted the current �t�fius and i��ues involv�d in completir�g fihe Tigard portion af the Fanno Greek Traii (�xhibit B), which is the City's highest priority t�ail system. In the last three years, Tigard has cnmpleted three sections (40% of the t�taf 7'igard s�gmen#) ancf a new section is �xpected to be completed next year. Chall��ge� to completing the trail incl�ade costs and availability of funding, as well as �r�vironm��tal cnr�cerns. D�velopment of th� �r�nt Avenue ta Main St�eet section curr�ntl� has the highest priority and application has been made for a grant to partially i�und th�� prc�ject. Commi�sioner 1/Vebb asked what �he time fras�� i� for d�;v�loprrient of the trail section �xt�nd'ing along Far�nc� �reek from downtown Tigard to Caak Park. Mr. Roberfi� advised thafi ec�rr�pl�ti�n of th�fi s�ction is unknowr� because sor�e property owners are unv�rilling to s�ll the n�eded right-ofi vv�y to �h� City and �iso bec:a�ase th� City lacks the �u�ds for d�velop�raent. That s�ctiori's prsf�rr�d alagnm�nt frorn Hall �Ivd. to Bonita f�oad is avvn�d b� an individual who is nc�t willing to sell and the portion from Bonita Raad to Durhaim i�cBude� a lot of small industrial properties, some af whom are v�+illing to seil and c�thers whc� are not. IVtefiro has al�o �een negotiatio�g to buy greenway property a4c�ng this section. The prap�rties in thi� area are �xpensive and the City does nat curr�nfily have th� rnc�ney ,�vailable to build thi� �ectian. : Presider�t Padgett noted #hat the railroad bridge over the Tualatin River at Tualafiin City Park cannc�t be re-enginee�ed for pedestrian access. He has been working to include a Half Blvd. exfiension to Tualatin Road in the Transporkation Plan. The propased extensoon include� a bridge for autor�obiles and pedestri�ns that vvould also benefiit the trail proj�ct, The �upport ofi the Fanno Creek "frail projE�ct would be helpfiul en getting thi�exten�ion approv�d. 6. CAPlT'AL BIlAP'R�!/�IVIEd�T' PROGF�Il�i 49PDe4`TE ; City Engin�er G�� Duena� gav� a PowerPoint presentation on the c�rrent Capital � I,mprovem�nt Prograrn (Exhibit C). The presentation covered the Cli� p�rocess, program are�s, proje�t highlight�, ongoin�g and upcoming projects, priorities for FY 2002-03, PLANI'�tING COMMI3SION MEETING MINUTES — March 18,2002 — Page 2 � � funding is�ues, unfunded pro�ects, �nd fihe pracedure anc9 schedule for adaption of the CVF'. A su�nmary of the present�fiion foilows. A Capita! Ir�prav+ement Proc�ram is adapted each fiscal year. The process begins wdth the fiormulation of projects through Citiz�n Invmlvement Tear��. Proposed projects are submitt�d to the cc�mmunit� for i;itiz�n inpu4 ar�d then presentEd to the City's Budge4 Corr�mittee for incc��porafiion into the City's overafl b�idg�f process in April and May. Th� Prograrn is submitt�d to the Pianning �ammiss6on in May and to the �ity �auncil in J�ane f�r approva9 and adoption. Th� finai approved CIP becomes effective July 1, 2O0�. Program ar�;as: street syst�r��, sanitary sew�r syst�m, storm drainage sys�em, parks system, vvater�y�tem, City��cilitie� system. As detailed ir� �xhibit A, Mr. Duena� described proje�t highlights and upcoming projects. A discussion was held reg�rding upcoming projects and Mr. Duenas responded ta cammissi�ners' comments and questions. In response to concerns regardirag traffic, the commissioners wer� advised tha# a traffic study will be dane in April. {��c�arding th� Citywide Sewer Extension Program, Mr. Duenas stated that the gas tax h�s ceased to be a viable si�urce of funds and therefore the City wif9 be using the sewer reirnbur�ernent districi pracess ta fund the program, tog�ther with an enhanc�� irocentive prograrr� f� encaurage resid�nts to conr��ct. The reimbursement district �ilows the Gity tc� recoup th� ca�t �f�xt�nding the sewers through a reirr�burs�ment fee to b� p�id by �h� own�r wh�n the properky is connE�ct�d ta th� s�wer. There i� no oblig�tion ta conne�t and the fee is due e�nly upan connection. The ire�entive program se�s limit�tian� an fihe amour�t of �h�; r�imbursern�nt fee for owners cor�necfiing uvithin thr�e year�. Exp�nsic�n of th� treatrner�# plants and firansmis�i�n li��s is funded by the connection fee paid by owner�s in addifiion fio th� reirnbursem�nt fee. Th� City forward� the �onne�tior� f�e to Cl�an V1/�ter Servi�c�s. All plumbing required for c�nnection is the r�spon�ibility c�f the o�nrner. Faliowirrg his exp9anation of tl�e reimburs�ement process, Mr. Quenas bri�fly w�nt ov�r the sch�dule, design�, and current status of the Sewer �xtension Prograrn. i�ef�ils on th� new Tigard Library were presented, including f.he proposed site, a mod�l : ofi fihe library, �nd the site plan. The library site is iocated r,ear the Fanno Creek Trail ; and vvilB be developed in a park setting. Hali Blvd. will be widened in assc�ciation with . the library d�vslopment. The Gity is lo�king into the f�rmation of a local impravement � ' district to dev�lap the are�. This �s a pri�rity deve{apment project for the City and a y bond is�ue will be on the May 21 ballnt. � � i Mr. �uen�s briefly autlined the priorities for fiscal year 2�002-03: the Gaard� Streef ,; Impr�vements, funding snurces for str��t maint�nance and improvemer�t, a traffic calming prQgrarn, implementation of the S�wer Ext�nsion Progr�m, storm and sanitary ; system r�;pa�rs, continu�tian of parks projects, land acquisition for new pathways, wat�r �y�t��n impra�vem�nts, and de�elopment of th�� new Tigard Library. PLANNINt1 COMMTSSION MEETING MINUTES — March 18,2002 — Page 3 � • In regard to the determination and formulation of traffic caiming rneasures, Mr. Duenas explained that the process is largely complaint driven. The City has a firaffic co�nt program for evaluat.ing traffic in ari ar�a when a complaint is received. A point system is employ�d for various traffic situations in order to defiermine the appropriate remedy. Mr. Du�nas �xplair��d 4he funding issues for regular street mairotenance a�d repair and for rr�ajor street improvemer�t projects. There is a lack of fu�nding for str�et maint�nance and repair caused by rising costs (operation�l, materials and labor) without a corresponding increas� in revenue. The cost of lic�hting the �treets and rnaintaining and aperating traffic signals ha� increased, as well as an increase in the cost of labor and materiais for routine rnaintena,nce. 7he gas tax funding these operafions has remained stable; th�re has been no increase in the gas tax in the last dPcade. The City is looking for alternatsve funding sources for maintenance, The r�:venue generated by the increase in vehicle registrati�n fees is earmarked for major improvemenfi and cannot be used for regular maintenance. Other funding snurces are also needed for major street improvement proj�cts because the Traffic Impact Fee (l"IF) funds can only finance one major project each year. TIF funds are currently being used for the Gaarde Street lmproverr2ents Project. It is expected that TI� funds v�ill dimir�ish �s development slows due t� lack of dev�lopabl� land ir� Tigard, while th� r�eed for and c�sts of major street improvements will continu� to increase. The City Council established the Trans�ortation Financing Strat�gies Task Farce fio evaluate th� r�asons f�r the failur� of the last bond iss€�� and ta determine funding strategi�s for t�oth mairrter�ance and the reconstruction and widening mf majnr streets. The task force conduc#e� a strest maintenance fe� study and will evaluate �ther a6t�rnative funding �ource�. �"he stre�t maintenance fee is a u�er fee based on trip ger�eration rates �sing the Institute of Transporkation Engin��rs 7rip Manual. Re�enue �rom the f�e would be �sed for streat, right-of-way and sid�w�lk mainfenance, and for streetlight and traffic signal en�rgy costs and maintenance, thereby freeing gas tax rev�nue to be used for rnajor street impravements. After providing a br�ef descripfiian ofi the unfunded CIP projects set forth on pages 8 and 9 of Exhibit A, Mr. Duenas advi�ed that the final sefection af pre�jects for the �IP will b� presented to the Commission for approval in May, followed by presenta#ion to �he City Councii for ap�raval and adoption af the program. Following the presentation, Commissioner Munro asked if a plan has b�en develop�ed for priaritizing projects if the street rr�ainter�ance fee is impYemented. Mr. Duenas advised that the study's report sPts farth a 15-year program for street maintenance projects. The Cifiy has a large backlog of projec�s and the plar� provides for funding a Gertain number each year. The program is set up to provide $800,000 each year, $700,000 of which will k�e spenF on current projects and $100,000 to be set aside as a � reserve for future reconstruction projects. PLAMJING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES — March 18,2002 — Page 4 � , • Commissioner Buehner asked ifi the unfunded projects in the CIP were prioritized for completioru if funding became aWailable. Mr. Duenas said the only prioritization has been the initiatian of the design for twa projects tha#, ifi wr�rk were begun on them, would aff�ct th� traffic volume around th� upcoming Gaarde Streetl121st Avenue project. These finro projects will have high priority unless another more urgent project comes up prior fio th� start of construction. There has been no other prioritization of the unfunded projects. PrESident Padgett corromen#ed �hat he has seen cities �utside of Oreg�n impose a city vehicle registration fee as a source of funds for rnad maintenance. Mr. Du�naS re�ponded that the Yask Force is looking into r�umermus sources of furading. It was sugg�st�d that perhaps one reasc�n for the failure of the Nov�mber 2000 bond mea�ure was the lack of public informatian about tt�e projects. Mr. Du�nas acknnwledged that there vvas not very much publicity or promo�ion of the projects. An effort is being made fio cr�ate a c�mpaign and form a palitical action committee fior the praposed new libr�ry bond issue. 7. �TFiER fBl1S��1ES� The Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force has requ�st�d that a secand Planni�g Commission repr�ser�tativ� s�rve on fhe fiask force. J�hr� Olsen resigned frr�m the �ask forc� upon th� expir�tion c�f his term on the Planning Commiss�on. Glenn Mores is the other F'lanning Cornmission representative. A question was r�aised about the n�ed for fin�o Pfannir�g Corc�mission representafives being due to poor �ttendance. Presiden# Padg�tt r�quest�d that a I�st of Planni�g Commission members who serve on corv�mi#te�s or task forces be pravided to him a�nd th�t a� ir�quiry b� made to volunteer aoordinator Sus�n 4Coepping about Gomrni�sioners' attendarice at meetings. ifi there is a �arob9�rra with a Commission�r's att�ndance, �resid�nt Padgett will ask th� C�rr�mis�ioner if he or shie wants to continue or if a replacement represenfiative should be appain�ed. IVIr. Duenas �dvised that the next task force meeting will be heBd in April. Meetir�gs are schedul�d fior the third Thursday of the month, but to date it has not been necessary for the task force to r�eet every rv�c�nth. Joh� Ol�en a9so resigned from the Visioning l°ask Force. Since Gre�chen Buehner is � a9ready on fhat tasic force, she agreed to be the new Plannin� Commission ; repre�entatev�. There will not be a Planning Commi�sion meefiir�g on April 1St. The r�ext Planning CommiSSi�n r�neetir�g is scheduled for April 22�a ' Pr�sident Padgett talked abaut the lack of attendance by Commission�rs at the jobnt j meeting with the �ity Counsel. The Cc�mmissioners should attend these joint ! workshops because they are generally held anly once a year and are an opportunity for � the Cornmission to ask the City Counsel abaut its direction on fihings. PL;AN�IING COMMISSION MEETiNG MII�TUTES — March 18,2002 — Page 5 � ' _ � �'res�dent `Padgett alsa talked �bnut the vofing procecYure at P�anning Commissiorr m�e�inc��: If a Commissioner has a conflict, he or she should recuse themselves from delibera�ion� and voting or� the i�sue. In general, an abstenfioon is used if a - �omcni�sioner mi5ses all �r part of th� testimony and th�refar�; does not have en�ugh inforrnatian or� which tC� base a decision. An abst�nfiion is not u�ed to oppase a m�tion. If a �ommis�ioner oppo��s � motian, a no vote shmuld be given so that the opposition i� included in#he recard. �O�te r�ason forthi5 i� so that the City Council c�r� take no#e ofi the vate an a 6�lanning Commissi�n recommendation and determine if rrmre infc�rmation is r�eeded; '8. ADJ�dJRNNlE(�T T'6�e rraeeting adjs�urned at 8;58 p.m. J� � aynar, P r�ning mrnission ��cretary ��� � ,� � �, A1"TEST: Presid�nt rk P�dgetfi � � i . i � 7 � i , _ � PLANNING COMMTSSION Iv1EETING MINIITES — IVlarch 18,2002 — Page 6 ��c � � � � � _ �.i�.�� ���� • ���1�.�T� ��.1 Y Conn�cting �6�� olVill�r��tt� � ��ld �l,la�latifl i'�\iE'YS � Enjoy the Fanno Cree� II� Creenway T'�ail ������ ���, � .��'.'; � „ ,�;.; : r � �aaa � `�+ �` -� Take a st�oll along the - . �,'�'1., -����:``���..� ' ,y .e b.."��n�fi; greenway trail. Wcadk near the > ?' � '; F ��; Yav ° , �� � �"� •��� calrrzingw�terso�Fanno �' `���r�� �' � �''". T Creek. Discover the � �,; � ' � hidden neighborh�od .�=� , ,� . _. treasures o f a corridor that � ' ��' welcnmes people, and at the :� _}"' � ` same time,gives nature a pl�ce to �irPathe. <s . For rnore in�'ormation and scheduled events, ' visit 1Yletro's web site ,u+rwen�.m��ra�-regi�en.org r� �o ��r�rple�ke the trail "�°�� F�nn� ��°�ek nject partners are developing an ° connect h-ails and parks for walking, �r��fi1l�/��/ ��'�1� bilcing, in-line skating,running, for the compietion of the trail. The Fanno Creek Greenway Trail smolling and bird watching input are needed.For more � orto participate in the corridor gracefully weaves through five • provide much needed habitat Eor fish rr�ent of,the plan;cail: cities and two counties. On its way to and wildlife ro's Regional Packs and ezreenspaces becoming one of the premier urban � improve air and water quality by epartment,(503)797-1731 green�vay trails in the Portland meCr�o- Eiltering cunoif,holdiilg flooclwaters Porfland Parks and Recreation;(503)823-2223 politan region,this 15-mile corridor is a and reducing auto use. Tualatin HiIIs Fark and Recreation Distcict, neighborhood dream come true.The (503)64S-b433 recreational and commuter trail will � ���� m�y �0 ��,�� City�f Beaverton;(S03)526-2424 � � Ci of Tigard,(503)639-4171 take people from the shores of the � Willamette River in Southwest Portland Togetller with local residents and citizen p��� groups,Men�o, Portland, Beaverton, to the confluence of Fanno Creek and Durham,Tigard,Tualatin,Washington Thefanno Creek Greenway Trail is a partnership project the Tualatin River. j involvingmanypublicandprivateo�ganizations. County and the Tualatin Hills Park and .c Recreation District have worlced to • CityofBeaveiton ����� t0 #�ye 1�A'�p�.1Er�i rovide trail access and �otection to • Ciry of Durham P P' • Metro A multi-use trail for walkers,rtmners, nearly half of the Fanno Creek greenway. • City of Portland(Portland Parks a�d Recreation,o�ce of bicyclists and trail enthusiasts of all Thece still is cllallenging work ahead. Transportation and Bureau of Environmental Services) ages,the trail will be accessible to While recent land acquisitions have » Ci4y of 7igard • CiryofTualatin people with disabilities.As the commu- secured key pieces for che trail and •Tualatin HiIIs Paric and Recreation District nity continues to grow,this valuable protected important habitat,there are • Washington County greenway trail wi1L• critical links missing, including a trail • CleanWaterServices(formerlyUnifiedSewerage.Agency) . link neighborhoods,parks,schools, bridge crossing the Tualatin Rivet: Once •AUdubonSacieryofPortland community centers and businesses the remaining areas are secured, f�ulds will � �ansofFanno[reek " • provide an environment for learning be needed for trail construction. Commu- • 4o-MilelooplandTrust about local history nities will continue to acquire trail • National Park Service Rivers and Traiis Program � SWTrails Group of Southwest Neighborhoatls,Inc: ' "' provide safe corridors for walking easernents and purchase land in the • Three Rivers land ConseNancy ' and biking to school and work corridor as oppoctunities arise. , �.. "dv�v��..�l ■ .v�rar• . . . . . . . � . �. ,�. �� �' - ^w,, y � ' - . U � � .. � -. � ..- � � . ... �: . ��-�- , . r. ., _.,..- -"'_'`�.. . . _. __ ,, .Co�necdi�~ry the V4's!lamefte and�'ualatdn ravers � � �:. �° � - f � � � S � �^a-, � �������� S �"I E `--� _ ,1� � �,�s i �.�'�, r � �: ��.-,.� ��. ���' �Y T �' fi :� ``r - s ° �:: � � '�: � . ��}� � � �'- q,� ' a� ,-= � + 7 X 1 =^ - t"�'"7 � k l' ���' � _ `�` ;-� --t �' �_' -�'' � .� � �,� C, .. "� " �,.. 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C��� �" cc k^����'�,,\� `(/ l' �.�' � �,;,.� ° (alignments arp canceptual) ,-- � �� , ~� nx. cur u � �� snar �» �u � m�°!i�n � r,�.t ur p �Iik� �� _ %�s"''c�, �1�i.F�7 eslm, .'1 i p" f :��:igard <�( \ 'a i('� ��� � ['`ai��'�.�°�'W�--�l�,� `��,- �,�`' Light-rail firansit `� IL. r. °"�i s� ,.�,H .,.wa ',,,„. u� iac t �✓`'� �dSnAY�l�f7fj��� / „- `a°`5'`' i -- �`� � .� ,, � 6 „Y � ``"���,�` � <<.� � �d., !`�° 9 �w.�:� Parks and open spaces . "ni!'' ,� t , �;� { .,.�r � � i `�� ,� R�Ar ��. �..t��f{���i�' .� .J � ��n A�rf�ry'k,`�\„M�^,�"°�! ,.� .m"�r._' .7�h���s ��� �� � � I �, , r, 1��n ��!(��p� g� � `� ��,�,m l ri.N� 5 't�!' I,f�,v� d�. � r„d f �. . WJ . �. a. 1A _n . . 1 'iil�,�„� ��.. J'r�_ 1`rs.�p. �f �i j`�! �� b�=,lN%� ` �., un�n� ii,�� . � �,J1Iy;�'f� I... � `�ro 1 � . . r .ark�I �� �� r .�¢ �W � . ^ �'l,y ��� 0 Alir�ni4 � . . o�,r/r dUC�dl'9'1� u,� irsJ�• 1'os��'l� � rn .nis � � rF � 7 r aii Prp'r�-m��_��&L�t.�G�^ • �n. �I, � ) ,AJ � . �_ y � xn.,�c� u n p,e".� �5�� �-- -i 1 �... � � . .�n�n� .� � / k' � Chlu� m� � �� . '� Ll, �,I m��' ' ,;y'o�.�: .0 � . . .,, '�'�' n CE�� hur 'lilurrq i��i . bj . -'-MII }nv::q ' ..ir,�i..n��,�¢a � ni„��s" ,s�..� ,� �, rG��, `� 2. 0-Il�OSdc�l�t0 G�II��II I-80t71C' Beaverton and Tualatin Hills Park and �,� '�7����K.; ;�1 `�"he trail begins at Recreation District currentl are lannin and x���'�'zk*r :°� Willamette Park on the 2a A�po en�at bicyCe�nd pede�str�an�ou�te constructing the final porti ns ofphis segment. Willamette River Greenway,just south along the old Red Electric Railxoad alignment,Its Eeasibility will be deter- �• ������/ �a�d to Scho�ls Ferry of downtown Portland,stretches 15 mined through a public process, ��ad �11.5 Ytlil�) miles west and south through Beaverton, Zb One of Portland's Southwest urban trails, Trail access at both Denney Road trailhead This edestrian route will be con�i Ic te just west of Highway 217 and Fam�o Tigard and Durham,and ends at the P P � when soft surface pathways through thcee Farmhouse on Southwest Creekside.Trail Tualatin River Greenway in Tualatin. Portland parks and along undeveloped tollows Fanno Creek through Famio Creek ri hts-of-wa are connected to existin Park and Greenway Park with access to The trail is divided into six segments g Y g wetland habitat viewing areas and recreational neighborhood sidewalks. with aecess to a series of local neighbor- improvements. 2c Anuther Southwest urban trail alignment. hoods and trail heads. This on-street bicycle route is complete 5. Scholis Ferry Roae! and follows Southwest Barbur and �� H1S1 �OlA9@i/�B'd (2.5 tY111�5) 1. i�/i9lam�tte Park to Fliflsdal� Southwest Multnomah boulevards. From important habitat in Englewood Park, �z lT11��5� trail continues south in'�igard past the Tigard Great views from the Willamette River , 3, Uarden He►me to Denney City Hall and Library. Greenway,including bald eagle and RO�CI (2.5 6Y11�G'S) heron nests on Ross Island.The 40-Mile 6. Hall Boulevard to'Tuala#i�n Loop jogs through t6e Corbett- Special access to Fanno Creek,wetlands, Terwilliger neighborhood,through greeiiway habitat and Vista Brook Park (2.5 Ii11��5� George Himes Park connecting to from trailhead at Tualatin Hills Park and Fanno Creek enters the Tualatin River at Terwilliger Parkway and I-Iillsdale town Recreation District Community Center at Durham City Park.The 79-acre multi-purpose Oleson and Garden Home r.oads.Trail is Cook Park is just upstream on a large center. eomplete from the recreation center to meander of the Tualatin River.A future bike/ xa��m��zooi: Southwest 92nd Avenue,The city of pedestrian bridge over the river is planned. � � �,��i�i'�F � �.��. �,;�;.�;� - - - - q p i ,�•�,, i ,I`i, pa � � — I�'j I'i� '�I,`,, ill�r'IIII'i,� ui +I I�. � I �i � � P .z: <�,, � ,�� ,14Sa ��. �� �'r c,'�.�:i�. /7��'byy4't�\� i s r���ZAy * \��\�r,l��'\:: f� .(,_.=.� �c:� — ___._ ' ~ � / ������ �.' "_� 1 � \� - �� "� l::�l J'�=� . . . �, ..� �;.��— ....o�: � ,� . • , r...� �-,,`"• nJ(�Y �'� �I y���., � � Tnll �. � I,.. �`/ �Y I ^� \'.. . ,� — � ��;:�� . l ` 1 d JU niuv)i � ....\.� 1.� %y��n.. �yyl.. `\ . N" r.n. I���i 1- �...r-` ��... '��vv.n — __ _— .r�i.,.. � �.. - . The Fanno Craek Greenway Trafl is a crifical Iink In 4hs regional trails nnd gresnwnys natwork. .�. L 1�� I � 'j._... < . '61..} ' � . ----- --- / ti j � � 1 � Por � 0.-�- �y�',�� ' -- ,��p 1I �r - ��.� ���' l�� ���[1t�..r �.. I s K _ >� ,���� . i� �-._ �t �� �''.��,�' �., °a��� �"��`, ,�, M� � � �, — ;_:��.'q�;_�+p»F r ��rjc , w..'���� P '� ...F o��eo.: '��;:� 1 �� '�, �,' '�:r".� � r� , L_�. � ��f� — -- -� �Mr»� f}� Aa.���M`.° �Y�1�� 1 � � � ¢.:, , ,,. r� ' . �` '~ r�w'°. l�f� . . � � +��P 9^,.... Yw.-' 'p RI� . ; 5 � j A� �� � �'�...J�'lf��- _ -' �� . . . q! ; '.i I+.,f�r �i;� � ,'E � ecj i � � �l', � b��' - ,�;, „�.7 ,` �C� NSM r {� � � � � , .wI � �� ,"',i . .. . . ��,�,7 w�.. - ----- - — < . . �. .t n!!wia d� ?,,;;� Y,�.r;� I v� s � � � �P ,va� .�.,❑ �jq� � .Bonlanat p � . n i t� ».,-Q �� if.... A� »4��} p� 1 . .E- ���'.'}��.: �S ` ��'�, . V L P rtel,. B �fimyn�. t 3�� � 1 � . 3 � x_ N . 'reWwr (p� tl �—�+++-r14 ,r a�w',� �� 1 L I���� . � � 4 '�^9- *^ .. 1 y,� r'.°'r y . �i 3. �5� o; .�'�°y � �'i � � �:.�� t F� '?i�f�C f� �j t!A `�� �� ��"'�5 "'"'�k� ��`f S, �' F : r �. ;, ..� � � � G�� �;, , + S'•: ....... � we."�d�.Hew { b �(` ---�— ,,.:� ai + � � , ', } �Y 1 k Ff�,�.�C y�i'.im ��;�,..! . . � ��� r 1'1 «� � ��,. `i.�: ,i ,.:., � 1 . . � � ThU tour oovmrn ov�r 75 milss and ia dividsd Intn 6 s�gm�nto O �It�c'11t11�t��" �15'� t0 {"'Ol�����f� � .�. .� � A. Ped��fvlan Rout� . . . . . . �� B. BIkN Roukv � . Portland G � � N����„N Portl.and �` ,,,.�,ro�„�,�� �., � :y+�,'^':i'�'"°' • �� $IIIIS�� � krmMlpor'': .. . PaY�. ._�... ���Uh�Y1j,,� ...� . �, ,�. . ,,U�� i o . °'. ..� .{]" �� G y �pi���l'oa� i b• y6 4S �r � ��_ o ��r>r�� � '�� il 91 �' Imq w4- ' 6 - ceaxl Hillsdale ° Wlllamette .�.,r iF.sa��u�oouooto�o. �. .Pafk • - ��ood, q, � � cwro� 000an.(� ,�+ �.A hA �a,i inh .�n. .n�... 8� 3 - u�� �„ �� � �.-. o qn di.Mik�ia. OT�e°� �,�,TaY�ms� �� . Clemet�ary�,'��. — —— � Willamette Park to Hllisdale•A.Pedestrian Routo(2 mi) �� ��"7� `�y� . �`. ���'��, . �t:`�. `I __ ',41�� 9` 1.,���{�'� ' � '+a -- �j i+' �i'Y Wi�f`�'��.,,i 1 � .� � � , , ti� - a?:. 1"���.��.��,ay,��.,��A� ,ti ;;, � ;,t, r "'�?�a'�;;y� Mlfllaenutte Rivar Grean�vay Trall in INillumette Park (laoking north) �e i"' �y�� �k' 'r � ��..�� --__— ... v.� ,.!�;:„ `I, t� S4�y� !� A� A �� � tr t ,�J,I I - : � i� ��i ' , On SW No6raska(at Macadam)looktng sast to Willamnt4a River 3 i � � _ y.,, f ,f ,'. 5 r Y;; ` - , Y �� ��,,� 1 4 ��", A '� i \ t , .� .`� K�,. N'���� �'.y� Rti�!: -"�. "k � --- -- — --— _: � ... � . � t�.,,: . ��� � . . - Lonking waa2 an SW lowa(at SW Vlrginia)towards George Himos Par6c in Qhe Corbatt Torwilliger I Lalr Hill Neighborhood �''''y... W��'�& '�d {�.° ��: '�' �.Y � 2 ��{„� ,, ; �� �t � +�' ta ,, 5 f�,?�;' < K.. ..u�.�. — u � /I�r h�� Yr`. e �_<, ^r +;- d- " ��t��ry� � )Yt+ .};:y�'�'r"t��)�u ��r�Y1���aF'"�7�YiC-� �• I __. —�� �tir ?+y`spe y�J16�.�X,.��� ����v�h:�1,�"'E---�"N� � N4 }^t .,j^M�7H�'K�' �+�3�r���'� � fi�},' 1� �-�i� �rl ,`�[�A � �� L y����'r'���tQ� <. � sMJ,�,��^',rw"+�J`�,'t�.^�}°h v�P� .�___ ��"4�*�`-,r�,.-5�'� �'�'r� u�.L`i�1ts�1� htii X'*��t�yf-+L� '!! �Cr�������i,d4 "i6���".,.4('Rtpk�4�'.� #M�. �, {�t��'�4 �r ?"�RO�ld������.+�"�fs�,F�� -- ._ +'..�''+ ,�;+�,v�'�ei.r,�`$b��,�P'�'��i'�j":���'2„F'tc?�, '+��t��ts� r l�Y34`� �R � r� .��}" � } w) r,to.t i.r.�yT i.�4�y�"` � ��� "��,�� ,�.� �s1;�� ��SK'n;.�x�a���.�°:. .�� ;�,...r.,�t� r Steps In Goorge Hlmes Park heading weat •P`! j��'��',; :ai�.�k �.N��. ,"r ng, y� � ,7i� . .> t - ---- �� t ;��.' ! �- �';t:� ' r � tr.` w�� � �� �`� ;-1=`� y f F"^ � • .:h�'+- ,,a 1� ...a�,a- ..ri � n Y 1� �._ � �. �'�t �„".i''�' '_ . .., . �;+��'t+t�,ky�»f;� . , •.,kot^;:.. ,aw..rskch.'�.,�0 H��dfng tn Torarilligar path irom Gaorpe Himes Park et SW Capitol Highenay tnd SW Tarwilliger Boulovard � . 4 � � - ...N^,4. . ri4 1¢� rl. �'pk��y ,.. — �b ����aa` ,� r:,' ' t� � �,'�� �'. , i r 6 .���r;; ' 'K'ij �u�;,�} —— a" ��Fi�'�r^'�'e'� ��.� 'i�'e� .. . Wilaon Hfgh School�haading wast from Burfingame Ava. � \ _>-`"----..._�._,_,----_.______�_,�,.,� - - - - \\ �� - i:.. � i! '. y ..1:.•. ..� � � . � ti � 11r . . .. .. �� . � r. _ � '' �.������o� � ��h 1 4� I III ;rn � 6...�� �v =,�,�� �`'���"�`�'iw�R, I� - - Hlllsd�le Town Centor haading wost on 5!q Besvarton Hillsdale Highway to Red Electric Routo f : �t�( h,� y, , i ;;fi �d,.�� M ��l� '�I�� I �:ti. ��'''�; � '� r;� it ..t -... �i.¢,.L,w.«.....,s....,�,�..�.. .i.. ..... .., _�.,.._i�..�.��.� Stephans Cnmk Mptural Ara�heading south on�artha Boulevard 5 ���a � Por��and r� . .;I ' , ,. t 1 . ; t^„�':N...., � s�n���. '°'�n� r�k �� ,, :��uhW1�j �.� ��s .,x � . �dWq ���y� r y�'Id' c d F'� -- � itli r i i.����b CMS i ,.,� ,��I .'N 1� . ._...__� � � � 0 in 1 'r,`4. 5 �� t�µ _;i 9�, ' � .� Wdwn,�N4m(/ h 1 .�.,.F r� � Hlllsda(e'' "y' � � W�I tta.' r., �.� � � o�j �t��� o� ; � m� �'eb""' °�po 00 ,..� � , . ,^ �._ _ � i e�dr t �� tl•��'r.* t�[� � � b' �8� i ��-n�w �� � 7�- 1 Olh � I � , r i � � ��, � '�. �� ''�I }1i • d �� � �NN ��"` v - � :,1 i'; .. - ��� y �a� , �i � G J�Afy��d yN i F�j p��r��i�i '�,e�� Yg��b�;, tw Cs �F�a4a�` �. Wlllrmotta PaNc 4o HIIIadN�•S.Bika Route(1,7 m!) 1,�f+���:��41�' .�,WP�?�^ — _ —..__._.�-_ � � � ..:.,, .. �.. . — — — u M Y ,�� .., . .... . .. f� "y� � `��� ,, � P, f� . , � --- ! a�ti'm�'vc�hm"atia�',M ...:.:�,:::.:� _:... Laavinp Yditlamrtte Park hending�outh on Niilas CouR to ButteMly ParEc � 5����f�,: .� R�',fk'�• , 8��. . ���.?��.ftiA I4 � . $11 � �� t �I `4��I�fV :"� 6 16 ; g�, I�I I .v ' > �� 1�}pn I ` '+ . e , � . .� � .� 's���G � ����� ,.4�������� � .r# ;��� � ', �',�� '! �"t�rt.r�.'2`' k�aw��v�` ��h 4�'zjt� K '�� �`�"t .45 Lk � i�Fn,fis��i �+�`4 y,� ��.5� _ �" Xi, ¢�xs� ��,t� � F� y����s ��?�'i� � � ��a�i j � �, ��.,�,�' �b�i�, � , ,�`�a�"'�� ; ��.. � ,��;� A�u�kz w���: . �, ����,�, ;�, , — - —�---- ._...ak.:a..��a.!y!�*:� �S` � � Haadinq south ore tlarbur @Ivd�pasx�np 6y Fulton Pnrk 6 � � O 1�9eYlsclale to Ga�cler� �iorn� � A. BIkolPod(Rsd Elactrle)Routo 6. Prdaa4den Routs � C. Bfk�ttoot� — Portland[o uninco�ponced Wuhingwn Comty N�o�dr,ana . � � N,��b„� �� �. .� ; � :�� �nd �:; a � , ��� r��� �t ° - � { r�' �� . i ry� . . r , <_� F �, er'.J I � i .,�' �p 5 Y � 5� ' �� 1 S� SIIIISN l '! �r kiWWyp�. , eval dil � I �� ,,��)j�dala Blke/Ped Route p,g� 4 bl� ��I - �/ fe,����`J�r ��_...... . ' F ` ' "1 .,Oj,( �.r) �?k'�� ��s S .�1 I� I )� � �Y �i��i M�, � �,,�': �j i(T�^,I.✓,� �': .a � � �` � I � Ix� — '�a . ' p, uaimam i��'����11 �i ?° `�' �'d�' �� .. I i- Y�Pedeatrlon Route if��io wtl �.j J HS + ' j ,I.. tf:1`�� . • �� I��I' �\�. 4x,.1� � �I'"d�`�,i +1� Nii � r'�R�' � d t �I i .,� ��, J� db ;;✓f�,`o' ` r �' �iI'l�,i �P�� ` rsi" �.��irdvhf� ` ' ui � �� �.a ����. � 4,, ,� ��,� Gar(Ipr�wry i �g • aV r�8iko Roule t � . t 4 _��I�aefreqn��I 9 II�� . �.. � r.I.,� S 4� i� 8a �r�: Y�nter' t �a r ,Y \v rl, r . 1 , ._. r.:"� . . � . . �fi � ,..�v'�,. ... b't �tD ., . Hilledalo Sa Gardon Homm •A. Rod Elactdc lQoute(4 mp ���'����55� 8�nlheeaP�c111^ �• 'I 'i �' �' �� . — � � .` � .� - �tc�ri� � ;�. �� �n�e r.n�a �a�s' �", ,.�%^�°���� � �.J 3xr�` .--�;.." _ '�'.;�"�� ;"�^�''i � � �,�F,� � i�.._ } ,��,, 4` �� � �, -.,�: � :,. _i I'"�% A i,I:.'L � r� „y�L�-� �m�"�4^�',+'.:.'Y"'"--,^---f �^��ti ��, _ � �j ,�"1�.. #: ^•� \ �t}�� RI »d��� f� �'._._..�r c,,,, *�.; ' , t' �..�'�a�^�x�. �' , A n;.;C. . �.4`? W �'tiE"d � , ____.-s�1j.'3' � The hlstoNe R�d Elactdc Lino � 7 � � ;ir"'�� r� �',�,•�a. — �iYwtr,4�����k'�'i ���d �r , � �r '�n�� rr;� � BI � �R�"'"' ■ .9 Y 4' �i Haading wast on SW Capitol FOwy�paat the Red Elar.tric CaP4 (tormady Bortha Statlon on tho Red Elactric Nna) k,•t- ,' ' ,Alr ''�!'� ��� ..'. _ __-- — i x ,Ti �P� � �� -. 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P�k n � � w000a�10� �.i!*, � _.� y o0 000r.��'' vermon� � • � ' � .°qy° Wlhon'Hk �tWid o.: . �..{ . Pedeslrinn Roule� .� lis.- �taun o��„� „� r�' Hlllsdale � - o, , "' "' �" � i ... @f a�' Da000.� I' A n r�u ", d% p . " p*� o �,.� ' oh� �':s fiar��erden ome ;Hu�ue°'�Rq ,s�ke�owe � U�od I�,R�eqeatiAh 'I i � � qp• .. nter' �......�._... v�e�0 ".. . . ,�a Hllladale to Gardan Hnme - B. Padostrian Route(3.5 mi) � " " ki�^., 'a:,- \;',� �}�A f 1-.0 � // t : `. i � � � �`� � ` \ + �I, r f,7'.,. 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F?l.�{ I w�« �w ��� � � � ��w� 1� �'.1 v� a : ° iflen }� >q � r k �Su'��,�e i A nmtii� ° � �{.m'�����,.&'0(�t�j 1"-'��I�da4�.Bike/Ped Ro�ut� o�-j�1���`\ti`:��+�%� ' �. `cv� a j ���,� ",� '� ;� �: i ��x���rn ,� � �G���afF �I�'�4'' n '?s�;�I.�r � '.--,f�`°a`�`�.«a�.)' ii�� �a �� �i w . �' ' � � ( � '� `' t. '' �.4� ��., Q � �,.� � !a r '7 �erf� � ark t ¢ os.} < 7 }` ��,¢a � � 1 I �r��� � � ��"RY � Y:.� .���oa� v,t� i ��. !7 � �wid � r �i.Pedestrlan Route � �'��'°^ N � ws�►; �t�,� �i� lI� wbn�J �� ���Nitlsdaio°<���"j;... ��...:�;�y �n'���_71� - m �li jT'�� ( "��a i S �4i � ,.��� '1� _ �i. ��k�x.'�� ��� ������ � �. .. �, k ' ��k �f� . . � � Rrda ' � "� Ci 7S � �r � '�i��� NG1J1¢ �-�Rt�.��.�J 91ke Fioute t � ,< J� yl*. ' �-ta`�Y�°}TM�;����I I !( I Iv��(� i �'`,��w0� �i, }f ���q'; �r°�,�7�.e'a»Gil �:.1: '! � �r, �J rr ..:L�6��,�+(°�...i�C,'t I t?i'�. 3 . Mlllsdal�to Gard�n Hom� - C. Bika Routo(3.7 m0) 10 � . � � � ,��': ��� I�� ,��j��i ��, � .- . .. � e ,._.� . ; _ . . . ...� . . � �Ike I�efs on SoNur soutsvard(arrow)�hsedinp�woet � . � . . � . .�� � . . . . . . , . � ,a -:. . � �:��,� i.;�,. . .. . � . ..'. � �1 . . . . .� . ��� , � � . � �Ikq I�n�A on MuNnammh�oulov�rd(rrrow)0mndln8 weaf � . .. _ ._ .. _ . �. � . Gard�n Hl�o�e to �.�°° ; D�nney Traidh�a�d � � , � ,J .,. , ... . . unincorporned CVashington C,owity . ; -WBeAye[[on 1 11 � � �i �-�-��!Za � �� •- � �_r, �,�b�� � � ij�l- �����k'`����? ' Nta.akai xmr ��\ •� ,� f:��r-• �.�f �r...r��,n, .� �� ���,, , �, , , ,,�,..'l � �w:i�.1 n � '-�:- �po�Ya�o� �,� �� � .�' ��'Porrta ' � t) � % ��: . krol/Gx6: °�rar�� !�: r f �� � r � a o� � °� .�� ,� a� �� . � � J' ,J� �'i: , _� (..j �'r ,�o' ��`.�.��' �1�� ��y.°`r`ra°"� ° Y'IT�� s �� �5(Srd����j�-l�I 1 �..� �ll ,{'' I� F� � � `` t f�darte--�...� i �'k >— E� M�,pn"S'� � }„��,yY��.�.pWT�i! �..�}-� r�,+tyF���rF� � _ (tt , � CdfC�ru�c}��,"'�:f_L` ...�.?�T: � fa.k ' �'`G�;�' :.�. '��'-',-! �) 'I �f rs�' �,� p,.�;� .�-' _a N�./I..t.��:. ,i161t��", , i�7 T`I ��"�'.11 I"rr .�._I---1 fl l.I—..,.. Gard�n Home to Denn�y Road Treilhaad(2.5 mi) '��{5 t� p' I I'�qlrl ati � P��I ; � t .�t - .rs — r �,�� ` ��. � � "�G.�SW�Y�' :'� 4 .. � "�� ', ��' y �.���'s� �.` �7 � � �!� 'x. ;7 Y ' zG:ix y, t"�.:'K"•�'+ ° 1 � ,.i��*.n,t#2y'�����s�v,�,��r«t°.°� r`�`"`:'hl 1�t1. ' � . w.. ;4u�.� _ �, t u ,,�i.'�� Yt ��' �. � Tnil u!Garden Home R�cranQon Canlar oH SW Olesm�Pioad � � 1 ;� `t r .� ,.,1 i,fS � ` f,. ,� ..'�i �'� T+ � ,�f`I.� 1� �� ��� �,:'.: /.. �� . � °'"""'"" -`� Bridgo over Fanno l if f�� Cnak h�ading w�st '�^w�� to Vista Brook Prrk K.�ate�.,..._~'.'�,... � 12 i {9 � �(. � r a � �s�k � � `� i `�;` ,. a , � 1 1 ,; � ' � s� . i �:, 1� � � � , r. '-,- � j:: t �� ,.,a ,+' �� fi.�„� �' �r �4,` .'c.�., � „�-�°":''�".�"���` a � ��� !A'��R"s��nh � �* �r s aw ``'r' ��.•-Yo�.�� ,�•ei � .�,� , �.,� fiti� '�"� ��� . ;IF�1 f ' ` � - ��, � ! 4,� f4:�,� °i� ���+, , �i, ����� � � � '�• `(: .d `� A � n r n� . , ��iv,�f�,�-.'r; �� � ��, �/��u`L���f¢Y�y '��� 15 �� ; 4 et � � � � I I � ��''���X� ���,��i111��,,�Y�", 1 � l i''; � i', ���5t�4f d,�,t �t d . ', '�. 1 � I � c �ti� hk;�E�,U -,j Fy °` ��; � ��..`.�.�...""y��.e�.�.:. � ' �� �f�i 1 �c""f p . , i �'7,,r 1{ �� �����.. 1''. 1 4..+ . �t . � � , �r (�� .1 ��..:, V �m -�+r.t y r 't�f } - ,�, �• —..-r�+ ��, r': < - iM?r�' -..'ir r i.rr �r., ,. .,.a. � �� ;� �%�,� - r���a`,•.F `�a�u L�j kyi��' 'Sy y,i, t :,��* ��, ' r r :��k�xx,�, t � �r.*�t i � �s�: _� x� E , , , ,�'f.,�r:y�+ ��������.�i � r .,.1. t'Z.'. '�:•�bar'1" ll �ij�, 1 .,it4�l�' �`. .: ; �'!� W,`k{ '�f°kr A�'u +..7.L._ �.» I���uti,. n q� '� .6.� —,� . .: �QVC 4.�C4 4 ��y, s.k4 r?-�?.'t�.-.++w ���"'''�'°� �� ..� 1 �� � + ` � 'fHa"�-^°.��'�'���it�Xaa. • ' Jr 'i n'�'�>1(�x�"' r•, 5,ro�, �.�. _.. v t-�Y'.ttr�'�'�,�'!�'S v.%� Y:K�r 1 � �" - r'`r!s:�"•, ".`;� c= ..�%, . i . � � ��a ,,� � . �{: n` . `!1 � `� '�r�.��' ,F y,+ 9;i,a t'�;'iG^::tW{`r ��e ��i� — IY :�.hl 1� I tric right•ot-way e — .,,`Lr�:. .rix4i � ��. � ,•t��,��`.��!..�2.,� _'i`� -+,r, � - !��.- � — r, , :,�+. Heading west wiQh pnved trail ending ahead at SW 92nd Avenuo 8 Allen Boulovard — - i ' o • � . .. .... ._ .__. ______----- r ��r.,.Y,�� � ._ �I I',�'�I I��' I�'��i��Y}'. �I� ii � � • ' ,d � �:e, � �� ..xiC ' �SX 7 �..� .� �'i� x- +%i �i.'4��Q�+1Mr�x� �g�E4��r�n`�,r ir J f�v (at'5�;� � � d i ti .c .�s.c d r., *+:;...."�,r.�r+3 's h',�k6 t'TS� '�3 tY� W"'d� �,�it�,�a.,,�"�,.��,.�._.f.�.�ie�,3 Heading w�st,croasing SW Allan BoulevarA st Scholls Fervy Road 14 II '� � III II Trail at Beaverton Maintenance Operations Center f I��[ 11III `x Ir i1Y Trail at Greenwood Inn Y Trail through Greenwood but parking lot 15 Landscape enhancement between Greenwood Inn and 217 view from potential trail alignment Heading south along SW 105th Ave(south of Greenwood Inn) heading towards SW Denney Boulevard Heading west and turning south,crossing Hwy 217 at SW Denney Road with view to Traithead 16 0 Denney Road to Scholls Ferry Road Beavertrtonn Narua.wm- a-�', r ' SW Denney Road to SeboRs Ferry Road(1.5 ad)Ya hIA f Denney Road TraRhead 17 e w Heading south on traA through Fanno Creek Park from Denney Road Trailhead Access from residential area adjacent to Fenno Creek Park p. f, X40 x, =v. Heading towards SIN Hall Boulevard from Fenno Creek Park 18 Looking west at SW Hall Boulevard Crossing View of Kell Center Wetland Park from trail Heading south past trailhead at THPRD's Fanno Farmhouse 19 i � d Heading south on trail(and bridge over Fanno Creek) through THPRD's Greenway Park Heading south on trail through THPRD's Greenway Park Fr' Trail through THPRD's Greenway Park 20 AAL Trad through THPRD's Greenway Park Heading south on trait to underpass at SW Scholls Ferry Rd O Scholls Ferry Road to Hall Boulevard Tigazd 21 - NSEeWbmrtrvao j SW Scholls Ferry Road to Hall Boulevard(2.6 mi) B 1 f• i Trail and Fanno Creek under SW Scholls Ferry Road Heading south on trail through Tigard's Englewood Park 22 � All View from trail of enhancement planting at Englewood Park =_: Looking west at trail crossing SW Dakota Street as -P Heading south(arrow)over bridge at Fowler Middle School 23 Trail to bridge over .. Fanno Creek from SW Main Street In downtown Tigard - Potential trail crossing SW Hall Boulevard near Tigard City Hall Complex Hall Boulevard to the City of Tualatin Timed to I)u�hadTualatiu 24 ,;_t". - SW Nag Boulevard to Cook and Durham City Park(2.5 m) - East of Mall Boulevard looking east along potential IWU alignment t Looking west on SW Bonita Road crossing Fenno Crook 25 Potential trail route heading south along SW 74th Ave to Durham Road(preferred route along creek) t Potential trail alignment heading south,crossing Durham Road Entrance to Cook Park heading to the Tualatin River 26 k 1 A E ar Rail with trail option to Durham City Park F r 1' i Heading south along P&W Railroad corridor, potential rail with trall alignment High quality habitat near Durham Treatment Plant 27 j' LTi II� III View of enhancement plantings in Durham City Park Heading south to City of Tualatin along P&W Railroad corridor, railroad bridge over the Tualatin River t� View to Tualatin River from Cook Park 28 The Fanno Creek Greenway Trail Is a partnership project of many public and private organizations: 29 Efix/ki&4- B CURRENT STATUS • Fanno Creek is Tigard's highest priority trail system FANNO CREEK TRAIL • Trails rank high in citizen surveys • Goal is an uninterrupted trail along Fanno Creek N TI GARD —Main stem trail is 40%complete —Northern portion is more advanced than southern portion —Newest segment is TiedemarWYoodard Park completed in October 2001. a I II 1 CHALLENGES TO COMPLETING MISSING SEGMENTS • Overall challenge is retrofitting the trail within the developed stream corridor. Specific challenges are: • Financing • Wetlands and natural areas within the corridor. 2 ,4—Tigard Wetlands -- f / Speck challenges(continued): �—j rt7 Unwilling,unreasonable sellers -City follows willing seller policy City Ci offers fair market value for needed <! iJt 7f-" right-of-way No alternative alignment in many cases \. ! •f Parcels within alignment are"must buy"or essential properties ---�'"� 1 •Alternatives to"must buy'route include: bridge crossing,on-street trail,rail-with-trail,waiting for a change in ownership. r FINANCING METHODS TYPICAL COSTS • Before Dolan decision in 1994,pathways were $15,000/acre for land in floodplain mainly conditioned by development $40 Per lineal foot for 10-foot-wide asphalt trail • After Dolan decision,pathways are mainly installed $200 per lineal foot for 10-foot-wide boardwalk by the City. $50-65,000 pedestrian bridge —based on span kmo and need for pilings $20,000 per acre wetland mitigation on City-owned land —$3,000 per year for required 5-year monitoring and reporting. OVERALL COST TO COMPLETE MISSING POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES SEGMENTS • Roughly estimated at$1.5 million,exclusive of(1) • Park SDC's neighborhood connections and(2)pedestrian • Grant programs bridges over Tualatin River(estimated at$1.0 -Recreational Trails Program million) -Land and Water Conservation Fund -Local Government Grant Program -T-21 -Community Development Block Grant • Greenspaces local and regional share funds 3 �}swhy s ,� � � � �•. s v� k 4f t v r �=•fid' ,T���' ����4 +� ,}� ,y. ,�.'-a ,°LS �.-� f � t wmai'-'.� .'-�.... ti.•L SO, 5 rWAS . �f. 3Z Reasons for too priority status: serves multiple objectives and provides the greatest rant J 9 9 funding potential • Extends regionally significant trail • Fills portion of gap between completed sections • Improves public safety(undercrossing upgrade) • Promotes downtown revitalization • Includes no extraordinary costs 5 City of Tigard Program Overview Capital •Process •Program Areas Improvement *Project Highlights Program CO Ongoing and Upcoming Projects Update *Priorities for FY 2002-03 •Funding Issues Mazch I8,2002 •Unfunded Projects •What's Next? z Process Process *Adopted each fiscal year(July *Incorporation into the City's thru June) overall budget process *Formulation begins with •Planning Commission hearing May) presentation to Citizen Involvement Teams (November) *City Council hearing (June) *Project Input from citizens •Cit y Council Approval(June) (November and December) •Effective July 1 (beginning of new fiscal year) Program Areas Program Areas •Street System Program •Sanitary Sewer System Program ►Traffic Studies ►Sanitary Sewer Major Maintenance ►Traffic Safety-Related Projects ►Sanitary Sewer Capital C ►Pavement Major Maintenance C Improvements ►Traffic Calming Program ►Sewer Extension Program ►Major Street Capital 0 Storm Drainage System Program Improvements ►Storm Sewer Major Maintenance ►Bridge Replacements ►Storm Drainage Capital Improvements 3 6 1 Program Areas Project Highlights 121st Avenue Springwood Before project begins •Parks System Program Drive ►Citywide Parks ►Trail Systems pavement Inlay, •water System Program Slurry Seal •City Facilities System Program & Embedded Crosswalk Lights r t Project Highlights Capital Improvement Program Division 121st Avenue Paving completed but before roject Highlights Embedded @ markings and light installation Crosswalk Springwood 121st Avenue @ 'ghting Drive Ihive Pavement Inlay and lurry Seal 1i 9 10 Project Highlights Project Highlights 121st Avenue Pavement Markings Completed 121st Avenue Pavement Markings Completed SpringwoodSpringwood Drive } _ Drive C � Pavement Pavement Inlay andInlay and lurry Seal Iurry Seal '1 Capital Improvement Program Division Capital Improvement Program Derision roject Highlights Project Highlights North Dakota from Scholls Ferry to Springwood Pavement Kable Street Inlay and Overlay and Speed Slurry Seal Hump Installation 1J 14 Capital Improvement Program Division Capital Improvement Program Division Project Highlights Project Highlights y ` Fanno Creek am�o Creek 1, Trail System rail System Segment 3 Segment 3 B IS I6 Upcoming Projects Gaarde Street-99w to 121 st Gaarde Street-99W to 121st Existing Roadway •Existing Conditions ►Narrow,two-lane facility ►No defined shoulders Proposed Improvements ►Three-lane facility ►Bike lanes on both sides ►Sidewalks on both sides ►Streetlights 3 Gaarde Street-99w to 121st Upcoming Projects Project Status Greenburg Road Improvements •Project design 70%completed •Federally funded project under TEA- •Land21.acquisition currently underway •Widening of Greenburg Road •Implementation (Washington Square Drive to C ►Complete project design inhouse CTiedeman Avenue)to 5 lanes ►Advertise for bids early 2003 •Project Status ►Utility undergrounding in the spring ►Execute Intergovernmental Agreement 2003 with ODOT in next few months ►Road work to follow in summer and fall ►Consultant selection and project 2003 design to follow 19 2D Upcoming Projects Upcoming Projects Greenburg Road Improvements Signalization Project Durham Road/98th Avenue 21 II Upcoming Projects (Design only) Walnut Street 121st Avenue and 121 st Avenue (Design only Gaarde to Walnut •Project Status ►Consultant selection completed and Ccontracts approved by Council ►Project design the remainder of this calendar year ►Completed projects will be ready Walnut Street for any future funding opportunities iedeman to 121st Avenue 23 24 4 Citywide Sewer Reimbursement Districts Extension Program *Established a five year program *City installs a line and sets a to provide sewer service to all reimbursement fee residential areas within the CityOwner pays the reimbursement . •Uses City-initiated fee at time of connection reimbursement districts *No obligation to connect or pay *Includes an enhanced incentive fees until connection program to encourage residents to connect M Reimbursement Districts Project Schedule *Reimbursement Fee- limited to •Prioritization of projects over a 5- $6,000 (up to$15,000) for year period owners connecting within three •Initial priorities based on cost per years connection `May be revised based on various onnection Fee- currently `criteria $2,335 •Easements required •Plumbing required to connect Street construction programmed house to sewer •Lot owner interest •Health hazards identified n n Projects in Design Stage ewer Project Status Council approved the sewer reimbursement districts for ;i`= i }' ►Howard Drive(35 lots) (►Errol and Former Streets(41 lots) Pro ect designs;a -• j ign being completed rr` :_. >. •Bid advertisement and construction A _ - =_, .4 A expected during next two months --- - 30 m igard New Proposed Library Site ibrary Construction *Construction Committee is guiding conceptual design process •New library details C►47,000 square feet ►two story building ►Site selected is east of Hall Blvd near City Hall •Model available for viewing at the existing library 31 32 Tigard New Library Model Tigard New Library Model Front View Rear Vie, 33 34 New Library Site Plan Priorities for FY 2002-03 0 Gaarde Street Improvements Phase 2 Construction •Evaluate and develop alternative }.,.w (_funding sources for maintenance and major street improvements OAdditional traffic calming measures 0 Continued implemention of the Citywide Sewer Extension Program 33 16 6 riorities for FY 2002-03 Priorities for FY 2002-03 •Storm and sanitary system repairs •New Tigard Library •Continuation of Parks Projects ►Land acquisition of proposed site Land acquisition for new ►Design of new library building and pathways site development ►Construction of the new library •Additional water system ►Funding source-proposed bond improvements issue in 2002 37 Funding Issues Funding Issues Lack of funding for preventative and corrective pavement The Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) maintenance funds can only finance one major ►FY 2001-02 provided$207,000 for project each year all streets-related work 4The TIF will diminish as State Gas Tax will not be a viable development slows option in one or two more years Alternative funding sources for *Other funding sources are needed maintenance will have to be to accelerate needed major street established in the next two years improvement projects What is the City What is the City Doing About it? Doing About it? Transportation Financing Strategies Task Force actions to date Task Force formed by City Council to ►Evaluate reasons for failure of ►Recommended initiation of a Street Maintenance Fee Study November 2000 bond measure •Draft Report presented to the Task Force on Determine funding strategies for C February 21 •Corrective and preventative maintenance •Presentation to Council on March 19,2002 of City Streets for discussion and direction •Reconstruction and widening of collector ►Continues to meet to evaluate streets to meet current and future traffic alternative funding sources demands II d 7 Street Maintenance Fee Eae ed Projects •User fee based on trip generation rates venue(Walnut to North Dakota) •Can be initiated by Council action Street(Tiedeman to 121st) •Task Force recommends 4 maintenance venue(Gaarde to Walnut) elements Street(Main Street to Hall) ►Street maintenanceROW maintenance Street(Walnut to 115th) ►Sidewalk Maintenance treet(South Side-Main to Street light and signal system energy costs an) and maintenance •Would free up gas tax dollars for major street improvements 43 M Unfunded Project Unfunded Project 121st Avenue(Walnut to North Dakota) Walnut Street(Tiedeman to 121st) 4: Unfunded Project Unfunded Project 121st Avenue(Gaarde to Walnut) Burnham Street(Main Street to Hall Blvd) II � 47 48 8 Unfunded Project Unfunded Project Fonner Street(Walnut to 115th Avenue) Tigard Street(Main to Tiedeman,S.Side) ccmu nun 1 w Y ro What's Next? City of Tigard Final Selection of Projects for the CIP Capital FY 2002-03 CIP presentation in Improvement ay 2002 to Program ►Budget Committee ►Planning Commission Update Presentation to Council for Adoption CIP effective July 1, 2002 March 18,2002 51 9