02/04/2002 - Packet POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � � � � _'�'� �i � � � � �� � � i � _ �`� �.. City af Tigard �����r �I�ARD PLANN6NG COIVIiV91��lON s��ap������uy �EBF2t1AIZlf 4�, 2002 7:�0 p.m. ' TIGARD GIVIC CENTER —TOW�J HF+LL 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD TIGARD, OREGON �7223 1. �ALL T'O ARDEFZ �. �O�L ��el.L ` 3. C�IVIIIA!UN��i4�'IC?�1S 4�. PI��LIC k#�a4Ftl�IG �.� � zo�v� a��i����� .�������r�� ��o�.� �a��-oo003 ������c�us e�s�rru°r� ����i�G ��D� a0.���1D�ENT R�Q�D�ST: A request tc revi�w �nd amend tt�e F�elic�ious lnstitution parking requirements vwithin the Togard �omm�ar�ity �eveioprr��nt Code to allow for rnor� flexibility. The r�quest revalves around the required seating that is curr�nfily irryposed ore the develppm�r�t c�f R�ligious Institutions within the City of Tigard. The currer�t proposa! invalves fhreP curmponents: �har�ging the reqaairement from on� sp�ce�or ev�ry two seats, to one space for every 3-4 seats; Aliowing 5hared parking to occur up to 500 fe�t frc�m the propE�rfiy line far all uses; Allowing sor�e on-stre�t parking ta occur wher� �fir�ets are d�.signed and physically improved to accommodat� such parking. LO�ATION; Citywide. ZOIVE: N/A APPLIC�►�3L� R�i/I��Ct21T'ERI�►: Statewide Planning Goals 1 anc9 2; Compreh�nsive Pl�n F'olicies 1.1.1, 2.1.1, 2.1.2 ar�d 2.'1.3; a�d Community Llevelopment (�o�e Chapfier� 1�.38Q, 18.390 and 1�i.765. 5. 07HER �IJSiN�SS ..E t C. A�JOURNI�A�NT ' � � C17Y OF TIC�RD PL.AN(VING C�IIABViI�SIOfV M�eting nAir�a�tes February 4, 2002 1., CALL 1'�1 t�i�D�R Pre�ident Padgett callecf the me�ting to order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held in the Tig�rd Civic Center, Town Hall, at 13125 SW Hall Blvd. 2. ROLL �ALL ��rr�missioners Present: President Pacige�t; �ommissioners Andersan, Biener�h, Buehnpr, Mores, Munro, Sutton, Webb, and Wolch (alternate) Commissianers Absent: Cammissioner Scolar �taff Pr�sent_ ' Dick �ewersdorff, Planning Manager; E3rad Kilby, Associate �'ianner; Mc�rgan Tracy, As�ociate Planner; Jerree Ga�rnor, Planning Cammi�sion Secretary �. �0111i�lIBJNICA'i'e�t�f� The�oint a�nee�ing with City Council on February 19t", wiU begin �t 6:30 p.m. in�tead of �';00 p.m. Suggest�d t�pics for the meeting h�ave been forv�arded ta the �Cour�cil. 4. Pl1�LIC H��4F�lNC� �.1 ZOIV� OR�9N�4fVC� AIl�EfVDIVBENT (ZOA) 2001-00003 FtELl�IO�BS BNS717'I�TE � P��FtFCINt� �AJ�� AEUI�N[�iVlEN°f F81�C,�l1��T': A reques# to r�view and amend the Religious Institution parkir�g requirem�r�ts within the Tigard Cnmmunity Dzvelopment Code ta allow for more flexibility. Th� request revolves around the required seating that is �urrently impased an fhe d�v�lopmen±of Religio�s Institutions within the City of Tigard. 1°he current prr�posal involv�s three camponents: 1) Changing the requirement from one space for every two s�ats in th� main sanctuary ta one space for every three to foL�r seats; 2) Aliowing shared parking #c� occur up fio 50(� f�et from the property line far al! uses; and 3) Ailowing some or�-�treet parking to occur where streets are designed and physically improved to accommodate such �arking. L��A'TIf��: Cityvvide. �OfV�: RI/A APPLI�A�LE REViEVV GRITER.iA� Stat�wide Planning� Gaals 1 and 2; Gomprehensive Plan Pnlicies 1.1.1, 2.1.1, PLANNING COIvtN�ISSION MEETING MTNUTES — February 4,2002 — Page 1 � ' � � 2.1�2 s�rtd 2,1,�; t�nd C�I�nmunity Development Code Chapters 18.380, 18.390 and 1�,'165, �'Te�F� R�PCa�I" Brac� Kilby �rE�sent�d th� sCa�l� r�pr�rt can behalf of the City. This amendment results fram a r�,que�t by th� T�I�IaCIn V�IO�y Chri�tian Ministries, which advised that the City's park�.ing st�ndards t�o r1c�t Gonfarm with the ytandards of other jurisdictions and r�quest�d that the st�nd�rds b� reviewecl to accommodate the planned expansiz�n of r�any religic�us instit�4i�orts, St�f� w�� directed ta form a committee in conjunction with Tualatin Valley Chris4ian Mfr�istri�� in order to Inok into alterna�ives to the current parking standards, A survay r�vas apnducted and it was found that Tigard imposes the strictest parking �t�ndards compared �vith surrounding jurisdictions. One of staff's concerns is not havlhg Justl�I��tiah fc�r raisir�g the standards. No other juri�diction provided its justificatior� for allawlrtg � 1:3-4 i•atio of parking spaces per seats. Staff researcheci the issu� ghrc�Ugh varlc�us r�sources �r�d drafted the proposed amendments to allow a oninimum of ona parking sp�c� for �v�ry thre� s�eats in the main sanctuary, or one space �c�r every four s�at� Using th� �djustm�nts for �djacent on-street parking o� a shar�d parking agr�erner�t �s set forth in t�e �taff report. Upnn inquiry by th� �orrsrr�ti��l��ers, �t�ff advised that they ar� not aware Qf the Wa�liingtan County ratio, btat b�llav+� iti Is 1�tc�-2. 'The average family size in 1"igard is 2.4�. The mem� fre�m Mr, Ford, �tf�ah�d a� Exhibit A, provides data an the ratio of vehicles ar�d p�ap�e in �ttendan�� �t l�l���gate E�aptist Church. T'hi; dat� varies among the various reiigi�u� in�titu�lons It� Tlg7rd, and the aver�ge is a�proximately 2.5. Presid�nt Padg�;tt no4e� th�t r�llglou� ir�stitutlon� are in an overlay Instituti�nal �one, which is cc�nditionally allowed dn a�ll znt�e�, He �sk�d hc�w the parking requirements are c�lculated far non-reli�ious commurtf4y lrtstitutic�n� su�h as a cammunity center. Mr. Padgett point�d out that di th� use c�fi th� r�ligla�s f�cifity i� expanding, then pErh�ps ha�ving � .�eparate religicaus in�titution p�rking r�quirement is no Ic►nger rele�ant. Staff advised it7a� the calculation is d�t�rmin�d by th� ty�e of institution/use and most types are 5pecifically addr�ss�d in the code, (f � cert�in type of insfiitution is not sp�cifically addressed, it is referred to the directar fcar det�rmination. For example, the requirement for a cultura! institution is a minimum of 2,5 spaces per 1,000 square feet. The requirements are b�sed on squ�r� fo�tage and �yp� af use. Mr. Kilby stated that an exhaus#ive stu�y in Redmond, VUa�h(ngton h�ad been made on this i�su� and it was determined that the accessory uses did nat conflict with the use of the rnain sanctuary and therefor� it was nat deem�d r��Geas�ary to �ddres� those uses as separate uses. C�mrrais�ioner Mur�ro a�ked abaut ability of fhe City to determine whether or not the religious in5titutior� is meeting the r�quir�ments, ��r�d President F'adgett asked what the remedy would be if a surrounding commu�nity disput��� that the institufion was meeting the requiremen#s. Mr. Kilk�y responded that the determir�ation af wheth�r parking requirements are being m�t is nat complaint-driven by the st��rr�unding cdmmunity. When an institution is PLANN'dNG COMMISSION MEF'I'IiVG MINUT�+S -� Fobruary 4,2002 — Page 2 � � � , dov�it�pad ar appli�ation is made for Pxpansion, � parking sfudy is performed as part �f 4h� appll��tian process and thE requirements are de�ermined at that time. The �pp01��n� nnust fc�llow spc�cific crifieri� and prove that the requirement5 are met. ��mt�ti��lon�r �uehn�r cc�mrrrented that exp�nded u�es, such as evening services, I��y hav� � �di�ferent impact on ��rking than would the usual weekend rr�orning �a�vic��, Shc� a�ked if this issue had besn looked at. �taff re,�ponded that a separate �n�lysls on �u�h an irnpact had not be�r� perfiarmed because traffic and parking requlrmma�lts ar� d�t�rmined by analyzing peak derriand, nof particular days or times of use, Pll�L,i� 'TE�TIM�I�Y — IfV FAVOR K�IIy �r�rd, 13975 �VV 27th St., F3eaverton, (�F� 9700�, �tated that he represents 1�1/est��t�a �aptlsti �h�rch and the Tualatin Valley Christian Mini�tries. N1r. Ford submitted writ�en �estim�ny in favar of the application, attached to the�e minutes as Exh6bit A, N�r. F�rd pointed out that the survey attacFied to his writfien fiestimony u�es data copiect�d �4 the church'S 91:00 a.m. Sunday service because this is the most 6nt�ens�ve� t��� +af th� church and other ��c�ssory uses generat� less attendance and p��klt�g rt��ds, H� �Iso stat�d that h� does not believF information contained in the st�fif r�port �baut the astablishment c�fi minimum requirerr�ents by Metro is correct. He . s�id 4hat Pvl�trA do�� not set farth any minimum parking requirerr�Ents; Metro standards �rovid� a m�xirnum �r�°�ount of parkinc� fhat the City may require and a maximum �m�ur�t �f p��'Itit�g tY�at the City may permi#. The rnaximum a,rr�nunt of parkir�g under Ni�tr� �t�rld�rds that the City may require is 2-fio-1, and the maximum amaunt ifi may p�rmi4 is 1,7-to�1, �nd fih� 1998 amendm�nts to the code adopted bofih of those rt�a�xlr�nums, (t Os the applicar�t's position that the proposed ratio of one space for every �h�'��/f��r �e�ta !� r�asonabl� and in line with the ratios allowed fior other us�s. Fath�r i��slie Sing, 5t. Anthony's Parish, 13665 SW Fern St., Tic�ard, OR 97223, also ��stified as tce the rea�c�nabl�,ness �nd d�sirability of th� pro�osed parking amendmLnts. Ha said ha does roofi b�lieve it wa� the City's infient to impo�e rnore re�trictive require- rnet�t5 cat� religic�us institutions at fhe tim� the code was amended in 1998. The Commissic�n shc�uld �Iso be made aware that while parki�g requirements are based on � 10D% af the institution's cap.acity, actua! at�endance/use rarely exceeds 80%. In oth�r wnrds, p�ak �a��q� i� actu�liy i�ss than th� peak capacity on which the r�quirements are based. H� �clsA reiterated that peak t�sage is only obtained at week�ndl morning �ervices and all ather u�es require less parkir�g. P'U�L.IC T�S7'1141it)NY — i!V OPPf�SITi�f� Nr�ne ; , ' P�1�Li� HEARIPIG CLQSED 'i The Comrr�issior�ers agr�ed that the ianguage set forth on page two ofi Mr. Ford's letter (Exhibit A) �apt�re� the intent of this propos�l. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETWG M1N[JTES — February 4,2002 — Page 3 � Up�n inquiry by F'resid�n# Padgett, staff explained the re�soning far the change from 1-to-3.3 to 1-to-3 �was due t� consideratinn of whaf is appropriate for Tigard and the local situation. Commissi�ner Munro stated that she is in support of the amendment. She is not in fav�r �f larg� area� of asphalt parking lot� ba�ed oro peak demand bu� are largely unus�d. �s fiar a� implcmenting this parking �lan, Commi�sioner Munro would like to see appiicants use crea#ive strat�gies and Ic�ok at all aspects of their parking needs, such as �arpoaling, encauraging public transportatic��1, p�rtnering with park $�. ride, sh�t�l�s, �tc., a� weli as being s�lf-policing, in order to minimize impact on the �urrounding neighborh�od. Commissiansr Mare� anc� Commi�sianer S�tton �xpressed suppa�rt of the recomrnendafiior�. Cot�nmissicaner Sienerth said that while she does fe�l that the current parking requirerr�ent �s s�i��wh�t sfirict, she cioes have som� Goncerns about allowing or�-street parking fior a religious f�cility. T'here should be uniformity in the parking code and they s�hould nat set a preCedent where ofiher uses will use thi� amendment as a b�si� fior s�ekir�g exc�ption� to the parkin� code. �h� supports the am�ndm�nt i� par�, but vvc�uld Bike t� limit the ratio �0 1-to-3 ratio wi#hout adjustment. Prssident Padgett pointed nut th�t sh�red parkin� with adjac�nt prc�pertie� is also an adjustment a�d that on-street p�rking can b� vi�v►+ed as shared p�rkir�g. Commi�sion�r Bienerth �aid she is in favor of shar�d parking, h�r c�bjection is anly with an-str�et parking v�ahen it impacts surrounding n�ic�hbors, She would l�ke �taff to car�sider�this is�ue. Comrv�issioner Anderson cc�mmented that on-stre�t parking is only allowed on �tre�ts d�signed to �ccommodate or�-stres� parking and are approved for that st�ndard. While on-street parking �an imped� tr�f�ic flow, it also seeves to slow tr�ffic. Commi�sianer S�ttarl noted thiat on-atr�et parking is required to be adjacen� to the facility and is no# allowed on local residential classifie�d sfireets. In addition, a s�reet must be upgr�d�d for on-str�et parking ta be allowed. A bri�f discussie�n was held r�garding str�et cla�sifications and what streets are eligibl� for on-street parking. The intent i� to preclude an�street parking an lacal residential streets, but parking is permitted on Iocal collector and cor�mercial streets. Commissioner Bushner stated she supports the 1-to-3 r�tio, but noted that rriany churches have a larger senior popula#ion tha4 cammanly only have one persan in the car. Her main concern is about on-street parking and its impact on the community. Ce�rnmissianer Webb has no objectior�s to the amendment, but also is concerned about on-street parking. PLANNING COMMISSION MEBT{NG MINU'I'E5 - February 4,2002 — Page 4 ` � Comrnissioner �utton asked what the requirements are tn ensure that a street is , suitable far aliowing on-streefi parking. Staff responded that an applicant seeking to ccaunfi c�n-street parking must present a plan showing that the street meets the requirements for and can aceommodate on- . street parking. On-street p�rking is limited to thc�se stre�ts that are nof lacal neighborhood streef�. If there is an impact, it ca� be addressed through th� conditi�nal use proces�. �ommissi�ner �uehner asked if the City has the ability to force a r�ligious institution ta address their parking needs if the us� expands over time. �taff respn�nded that the City can only req�aire that th� facility provide the required numb�r of spaces based on the nu►aiber of seats in the main sanctuary. Presider�t Padgett stated thafi h� is in support of the amendment. He does �ot feel that what�ther j�risdictians req�ire should be a consideration here. He supports increasing the ratio ta 1-to-4. This amendmenfi daes not encourage people to park on neighb�rhood streets. V1/her� an applicant presents a parking plan that counts on-street parking, that �applicant will be required fc� �mprove the �treet tv meet the sfandards fc�r ac�omrn�datin� on-street parking. He feel� that the concerns expr�ss�d a�iov� have be�n addressed. �c�liawing dis�ussion, Commis�ioner Munrv moved, bas�d on the fir�dings in fihe staff report and testimor�y heard tonight, fo recommend �o City C�uncil to adopt the prop�os�d amendrroent, includir�g �he amendment to Footno�e 6 as folluws: "Relig9ous institutions may pravide one space for ev�;ry faur s�ats an site in the main a�sembly ar�a prnvided that they supply the Cifiy with a parking plan that dernonstrafies that th� peak parking d�r�and of ane space f�r every three se�ts i5 rnet utilizing �r�y r,ombination caf the alternatives m�enfiinned in this chapter. Adjus4menfs t� the minimurrr parking af one space fior every three seats rr�ay b� granted per applic�bl� provisions �f the Code, but shall not decrease fihe amount o'f required on- site parking fo less than one space for ev�ry four seats unless the cumulative value of all adjustments granted results in an .adjusted requirement of less than one space per four se�t�." �ommissioner MoreS secoreded the moti�n. A voice vote was taken and the motion pass�d 6-�: Cominissioner Buehner voted no and Commissioner Bienerth abstained. 5. OYH�R �USltVESS Morgan Tracy submitfied a memorandum regarding planned develppm�nt ordinance language revisions, att�ched as Exhibit B to th�se minutes. He brie�ly di�cuss�d the details sefi forth in th� mernorandurn. PLAI�INING COMMISSION 1VfEETING MINTJTES — February 4,2002 — Page 5 � � � The ordin�nce revisions address the Cornmission's concerns related to density bonuses granted for providing open space that is otherwise undevelopabie and for trees protected in are�� vorhere developmen# would not othsrwise be allowed to accur. The Cornmissoon�rs agreed th�t the proposed language set forth in the m�morandum (Exhibit �) is acceptable. Th�s� ar�endments affect properties �:itywide and therefore, und�r the requirements af Ba01at Measure 56 which is n�w 5tate I�w, notice must be pravided t� all property owners at a cost to the City ofi over$6,000 tn mail 16,aOQ r�otices. �ecaus� ofi this, the Corr�mission should consider the advisability of delaying th�s� amendments until s�ch fiime a� they can be b�ndled with other �itywide amendments requiring the mailing of a no�ice, in order to avoid thi� separate maileng cast to the Gity. �l,nc�ther issue to be cansidered is an as�nendment to the development code that ` these changes will not apply #o those areas within the Urban Growth �oundary outside the City limits. The City will therefor� be de�ling with two separate stiandards until ar�d if Vl/ashington County changes its code to apply to that area. Fu�h�r di�cussion was held regarding the Coty af Tigard ar�d Wa�hington �ounty's adoption af these amen�ments. From � budgetary standpoint, staff recommends that th�se amendments be bundled with other amendmenfs fihat require th� rnailing of noYic�. Following fiurther discussian, staff was requested tn research fihe issu� and pr�vide a re�omm¢;ndation at #he nexfi Plannir�g Cammission m�eting. Rlanning Commission �ec�etary advis�d that the nexf Planning Cammi�sion m�eting is scheduled for fVlarch �8, b�c�inning at 7:0� p.m. 6. ADJC)UR�INI�N�' The m�etiing ad�ourn�d at 8:53 p.m. Jerre aynor; P nning ommission Secretary /GL�� G ATTEST: Pre dent Mark Padgett PLANNING COMMI5SION MEETING MINUTES — February 4,2002 — Page 6 �1/28/2002 15:03 5036418757 FORDGREY PAGE 82 � . ^ . � � � ,a�,� ��.,���. ����,�.�. � �,��,, AT'TORNBY AT�,AW � t4�55 9outhwait Aflrn B1vd.,Suitc 100 �vettnn,OroQon 970Q5-4404 Fa�cfn�6ld(S03)�91.R7.S9 � Te/tphonr(SOJJ 6�11-30�9 Ernall kjor'd.law@R1e.net , Jaraua:ry 2�, 2002 To: Tigard Planning Commissi�n �rom; Kelly F�rd � JE��: �te��,1. 7..or�e Ordi�►ance�nen�menx 2001�00003 Rcligi�us Inscinicc Paz�cim,� Caci�A,zmicndx�r�cr�Y. � � JD�a�z�cc��c:r.s ok x}�e Planning Commission: I ar�a �m�mber of the Citi7.�n'Task Forc� that developcd �1�� proposed amendments that ar� the subject matter of rhi� itern. � azxa ��sc� a mc,nzkxr t�f�d ger.aerai cc�tu�s�l to Westgate I�aptist Chi�rch�e 12930 SVV Sck�oAls ��rcy�.read, Ti;gard, w'tuch cw.�;r��at�y has a conditional L�,e applicat��n p�ndir�u�e�xx�ecction wit�s i�x c�evelopment c�f a new xstul��purpase b�c�ing rhat will seat 600 fox'ek�ut-ch ;;ervic�s. This t�stun�rny is e��cr.cd on beh:�lf��f �est��te I3apti�t Chur�k� xz� .f�v��of`thc pre�posed amendment. W�se�ate a�rccs �itki t&��propos�ci nevv c�rdina.t�ce with a s���e�xc�pu�s�. The prrrpas� �erariiaxa�ln�y o��r�c�tnQt� si�c o�`Ta'�le �.8.765.2 p�US'rs to req�.ure �ar�axag�f na�l�ss thxn vr�c spaec p�K �hree sea�,s iri t1Y�r��it�ass�x�.b1y area, includuig""�t�y carnbixi�tion Qf thc �ltc�a�ur�cs �.nc��d�u,stmea�.�s na�tioncd 'ax�tk��s cha�ter." °I'tie "altc�aatives" re�'�rr�d to a�c such tlluuizgs �s joit�t pa�rkin�a��:�rngnts. "A.djustzt�cx�ts» are prc�vided xzx the cc�de for sixch rhu�gs as dev��opm�nn nFxnass tran�is ira�.pxovcmcnt,5 c�n si�e, arnc!r�s.ituatie�ns where tk�c applicant p:ravcs i�,s v�lhacl� dem�d is ��ss than� t�i� applicabl�x7r�it�a4miux� packin�sta.r�dard w�auld z'ecyuire i�e accotn�nodat�d. �ran� of an adJL�stmcnt�az� reduce the zxsi.z�itnum required .p�trki��t�cic�w the cabl�migaiz�xuz�. ! N'c�sc�axac�parkia2g standazc�is stat��in fo�trnot� 6 fc�r religious iur�stitu�ions whosc a�plitat�ox�s clo not involvc adju.s�errts, a.eid �at ic not the intent c�f this pro�sal. '�'hus, rhe psop�scd t�rminnlogy is baza�lear at best, and quitc possibly, would not permit atljt�s�cnt,� to af�'ect th� zcq�ired tninim�uZx ra.tio. '2'hat is cor�tza.ry to the e�p�recss teri�.is o£ thc �edjustment provisions of tl��codes, wk�i.ch are created fo�'the preeise purpose of permitting de�rcas�s to the am�umt vf reytured�p�rlciva�;, where �ppli.ca�ile. I also bclicve it is not tk�e intien�i4n t�f any of tlie Task �orce meanbczs t�create such an ixiflexab).c provisian. Religious instituu�ns shouXd h�.ve �l�e sarmc oppart�uiity�ta apply fox a�d reccive adj�astm�nts to required p��'Jk��ng as athcr�us+�s. Thereforc, �ask the C:or.�nmission to ad�pt the fa�llowing lar�gu�ge in faarmote:6 ir�stcad of the language in th� sr.a�'repo,ce: " r 01/29/2692 15:�3 5�36418757 FCI�DGREY PAGE 83 ` ,. , , � , � Jau�ary 2�,2002 , , Fsge 2 �oo�zote G: "Rc�ig�ious iuxs�iturioxis rnay provid� 1 s�ac�fbr cvcry four seacs or�sitc in rh�main asserx��il� are�providcdl th�t they supply tk�c C�t�with a pax,ki���p�a� that deinaias�ratcs that the peak parkix�g eir.mand c�f 1 sp�e for every 3 s�ats is met u�zlizi;a���u�y catnbu�atiom of�kae a�t�cnatives an�ntian�d 'ua tJFuis c.�xapt�c. ,Adju,�t�cx.►ts to rhe minimtun parki�ng o�'X s�a�c for cvci}► 3 s�ats may be g,�ra�,ted p�r. appl.ieable provisio,ns �f thc �cle, but shall nvt decreasg the unou�r o£x�qud�'csi�on-sitE �arking to 1�s5 thar� 1 s�ace f�r�vecy foYtr seats unless th� �unulatAVc vatue of all adjustrrients gcantecl resulrs in an acfljusecd TCC���,�CCXilC11C m�ICSS tk��O�e 9pace per four scat5." For the �mmissian's ;uafo;rxx�atiox�, in 9ight nf thc�xisting standard of ane 5paec.for�.~w�t.y tww�scats ar�d�Vcstgace Bap+tist Chur�h's ne�d ta rec�i� a►�adjustm�n,t to that ra�ic�u�ldc:r existinb ac�jti.stax�.eiit proc�dzzres, Wcsr.�ate k�as Co�adrxct�d a suxv�y of its �etez�daxace a�,d vekuc!c�ount for i� 11:�0 �.m. seavicc �d-iat shovv�our av��tg� v�hacle occupau�cy has bc��a o�ac v�hi��c:for cach 3.05 person5 in �ttcndarac�. A c�o�y t�fF tka�t regvr�lls attaclled. . � hav��,o �'cason to�liev� our�a�io is si�£ieamt�y di .ffcrent t�aasx other cl�u�ck�es. C7tar av��'a�c c.ou;�t per car is lugh�r t$dan tk�,c av�r.��c family si� cited in thc st��n�at�rials. �.casans Fc�r this ir��lude carpaol��, which is csp�cially cc�mzr�ox� atnc�s�g seguors, us��a� '�'�ct, Ywh9�h st�ps by rhe chwr�h� S(?1'9'4��C�CStCl�il [f�iC� a�d disprapartionat��y hig�ez chu.rcka �t��ndance a�nong fa�nilics W�th childr�n as a��sc�d to sin�Ie adults. Th��isti.:�� r.atir� e�f c�n� ��r��� pez�vc�seats ia1 the nz�ass�m�ly are� has t,h.e effe��o£ blcrc�ix��any furth�r d�v�lmpaaxcr��of subst�uitial sized chur,�hes witl�iga tJ�,c City csf'ligard. �7c�x� s�andards r�qtur�appro:�izLnate.ty�nc acxc U£far�d fc9r�ach �.00 parl�iing sp�tes which, u�zzc��r. the exasta�a� cexic, m�ans pn�a�re o�'par.�eir��fcnr�ac�200 attendees. '�'c�c���v�lap �� � as��nnbly are�fQr 600 attcnd��s s�ck�as the'�tTestg�ce px�vpos�, guxder �.l�e currerzt starxda�d appraxi.m�it�ly�icc� acres rnus� b� dcvat�cf g�parking. A,dding r��.e bui�ding itself vv�it�t an appro�riate ntunbcr o£classroorns tnca�n� th�c it eakes a�our acre sitc tu buidd�a s��d��,trn size churek�, without alzy tons�d�ration of��1ncr. u,ce.5 such �s o�tdn�r a�hlc�ic facilities. 'I`b,er� ar� ve�'y£ew sit�.s rema�ix�i�g within nc�Czt�tlaat will acc�rz�modate thaC si.y.e chureh, anc� alina�st none that will ac�c�tx��moda�e a lar};ex churela. 'I'he a.r�a.c°.nd.tnent �provided by th�is propa�sal lx�or.e yc�u is des�r�,tely i�e�dcd. . T"l�ank yot�. , � �� � • � �11/28/2002 15:'03 5tl36418�57 FORDC,FEY ' PAGE 04 �", � ' � � . e 1N�STGATE B�►P'TI�'T CHURCFI 12936 SW Schalls Ferry Road,Tigard,C�R 972�3 11:00 am Servoce �ate � Att�n�anc� Vehicles Ratio 'l�J17/20a0 237 80 2.� 24-D�o 199 70 2.84 31-Dec 192 71 2.7� n1/d7/2001 2�2 79 2,9� 14-Jan �1D 7� 2,6a • 25-Feb 2&d 80 2.56 04-NIar 204 67 3.04 . �1-Mar 237 81 2.�3 18-Mar �65 72 �.6� ; 25-l�ar 211 69 3.OEi 01-�ipr 221 » 3.47 0�-�Apr 223 79 2,8� 22-Apr 229 78 2.34 2�-Apr 22'i 69 3.20 06-Nlay 1�9 69 2.74 13��1Aay 222 7� 2.85 20-P�l�y 191 78 2.45 - _ 17.Jun 1�8 52 �.82 24-Jun �30 �7 3,43 0'1-Ju! 215 70 3.07 0�+-Jttf 233 65 3.5l3 . 15-Ju6 211 61 3.48 22-Ju1 219 6� 3.35 1�-Al�g 223 65 3.43 q�-aep 238 69 3,45 3tl-�ep 25J 7? 3.36 67-act 229 83 2.7� 14�ct 235 77 3.05 21-Qct 214 7A 3.06 T�tal 6373 2089 3.05 'fli�chu�ch does not have v�hiGe coUnfis far d�te�missing fr�m 4his a►ialysis. . � . . �,��,�b�-� , � � ,� GYTY OF 71�ARD Community . Development Shaping A Better Community �IE �fORANDUNI CITY QF TIGARD, OREGON 13125 SW Hali Boulevard Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 Fax 684-7297 1'O: f'lanning Commissian Nlembers FB�08�1: �ll�argan Tracy, p�ssociate Plar�r,�r �A�"�: February�, 2002 �U�J�CT: Planned Developmen�Ordinan�e L�nguage �evisions Foliovuinc�4he workse�sion with the Plana�9ng (;rammission on January 28, 2002 regarding the P9anned Developmen�Ordinance, staff has prepared suggested code language revisions. These revisions are intended to address#he conc�rns related to density bonuses granted for providing o�en space that is oth�n+vis� und�velapabl� and for frees protected in areas wherp development would nat otherwise be ailovded to �ccur. Please review fihese sug��ested changes and advise as to whether the arriendmerlts address the Carnmission's concerns, and if so, when the formal public hearing process for adoption should occur. Due to the fact that the Planned Development Ordinance afFects all parcels within the Cifiy and that the recommended changes constitute a further"limiting af uses" on proper4y, citywide notification pursu��nt to Batlot M�;asure 56 will be required. Plcan�aec�D�veloptnenis 18.350 18.350.�00 Approval Criteria B. S�ecific�lan:r►ed developrnent a�proval criteria. The Comnussion shall make f.indings that the following criteria are satisfied when appraving;or approving with conr�itions,the concept plan.The Coxnnussion shall rr�ake findings that th�criteria are not sa�isfied when denying an application. � 2. Except as xioted,the provisions of tl�e following chapters sha11 be utilized as guideluies. A planned development need.not rneet these requirements where a development plan provides alternative designs and methods,if acceptable to the Coiruni.ssion, that promote � the purpose of th3s section.In each case,the applicant must provide findings to justity the � . , � . � � . • , ^ modi�ic.atian of the standards in the chapters listed in Subsection 3 below.The developer rnay choose to provide or the commission may s�equire additianal open s�ace dedication and/or provision of additional arne�ities,landscaping or tree planting. a. Chapter 18.715,Density Comp�ztafi�on and Limikations. Unless au.thorized below, dexisity shall be governed by the ci�nsity estab�ished in the underlying zoning diskrict. The Comrnission may further authorize a density bonus not to exceed 10% as an incentive ko increase or enhance o�en space,architectu.ral c�aracter and/or site variation ir►corpo�ated into the clevelopment.These factors m.ust make a substantial cankributior�to objeciives of the plannec�develo�ment.'Tk►e degree of distinckiveness an.d the desirabili�y of variafion achieved shall govern the amount of densiiy increase �Thicla the Cornmission may approve according to the following: (1)A maxirnum of 3% is allowed for the provisian of�andeveloped camnnon space�exclu�ive of areas contained in floodplaul, slopes �reater than 25%, ctrainage�cva�s�or wetlands that would otherwise be preclud�d from development; (2)A maximurn of 3% is allo�wed for landscaping;streetscape development; developed open spaces,plazas�d pedestrian pathways and rela�ed araienities;recreati�n area develapment;and/or reE�ntion of existin� vegetation; (3)A maxirnurn of 3% i�allowed for creaticm of visual focai points;use of sxist�n.g physical ameruties such as topogra�sl�y,view,and sun/wind orieni:ation; (4)A axiaxinnum of 3% gualit�y of architechxral quality and style;harmoniotas u�e of materials;innovative building oriezit�Yian or building grouping;and/or varied use of housiulg�ypes, � Z'ree Yterna�aX 1£3.790 18.790.040 dnceaativ�es fo�'Tree�ete�.ti�n � A. Incentives.To�ssist in the preser�ration and retention of existing trees,the I?irector may apply oz�e or xnore of Yhe fol�owing imc�ntives as part of d.evelopn�ent review approval and the provisioais of a tree plan according fo Sectiox�18.790.Q30: 1. �ensity bonus. For each 2% of c�anopy caver provided by exisfing trees over 12 inches in caYiper that are preserved and incoxporated into a development�lan,a�.% bonus may be ,� app�.ed to density can�pextations of Chapter 18.715.I�To more than a 2Q% bonus rnay be � granEed.for any one development.The pereentage density bonus shall be applied to the t►� i�umbex of dwelling t�.niks allowed in the underlying zone,;This bonus is not a�plicable to � tree��reserved in areas of flood�lain,slopes greater than 25%,draina�eways,or � wetlands that would.otherwise be precludecl from development. .� . m �3 � .� ; _ ;• E � � .�_ _...... ..�._..._ _ _ CC�IIAIINIJIVI� fVE\PRI��'APEIR� �0gal P.O. BOX 370 PHOI�DE(503)684-0360 NOtiCe �`r �9��� BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075. I�ega1 N��tice Ac9�aer�ising �ity of 'a.'.igard • C1 Tesrsheet Notice ]_31?.5 S�°� FIall Blvde e;'ic���.rc9.►O.r.�_qc�n 9 7?,?3 • C] Duplicate AE�idavit Ilrcoun�:� Pa��%�b.le • � ��FVf�e4i/AT (3� P�J�LICATIf�N S?�,T� AF �REC�OIV, �OUr(iTY bF WASF61hllGT�Id, )s5. 0�--�-�� `� .�r la�ing first duly sworn, depos� and say that I am the Advertising DIP@G40i', or�his princips! clerk, of th�'�-.��'�"Tuala.tin T�m�� a newspaper of gea�eral ciro�f�ti�n as defined in O�iS 193.�D10 �nd �93.02�; published at m�s.��.r� _ .�ir► the aforesaid cvunty and �ta4e; tha4 tha n n n 3 ��1 i c� T-TQ 7 i n q./�C�1.�-2.9 0 7 -�0 -- a print�d copy of dvhich is h�r�to annexed, wras pub0i�hed in 4he en4ere i3sue of saed newsp�per for Oi�1�_ _succ��sive �nd consecutive in th�folfnwing issue�; ��-�..�'�::.�.�'��-'`^,-"�-'`T-`�-- OFFICIAL SEAL Ja;nu�ry 17 r?.0(�2 SUZETTE I.C12RwAN COMMI5510N N0.�32�400N NIY CO(NMIS510N EXP{RES NOV.28,2063 — — -.--w,...~�-�._-�,- Sub�cribed and swrorn to be re rn�this n f ;ra n au ry,2 0 0 2 �, �� Notaey Public 4oP Oregon NAY Comm6ssion Expi�e�: !������ A��ID�V9T , . � . . � ' � � �i a� .. 1'' k �'' . � � � � �� `�r ■��� ' � � 1 � : OR��e3P1 ��_ ' ; �'I'�te, fiollowing w,i�l -be con�s�d��d 4��,`;tkae' 'd'1�na�d � ;, C,��uu�� on,R�Itet�4Yf'�e���1' 49 2002 at 7.30 g�.�t. at the ; agap�d��vic CentG�,''--'LrQwn�l[att, 13125 SW I�all�oulcya�d,Tigard, ? 'L ti' `�un. � ` , > ; , � Pu�ili�ortal or Wretlen t�esEimon�r is inv�ted.fi4�publi���ting-on this � '�Ei:�r wil�.be lielfl e�der'I'itJe A�ant�xules'o�prciecdur+e,a�apt�d by E6q��:aD�cs�l,;,and �v�l�b��ai'.Ci�ty'I�1�as ti��ilea;of.proc.edur� �t f�rrth ia�ection 15,3��4.Ob�Q� 'I'he P��n�ing�cn�iussiot�'s'rey�ew i� for 4�purpaosc a�nna,l�en$a reccaqnmer��9�n to.the�ity�ouncii�� �e .r�quest. 'Tt�t€ Councif wall 4hen h�crld � pub�ic �aria�g on .ilie �zg,�est prioK so nnakpng,�decasi�nt ' ; ; �;Qr� ee�fcArntatio� may .b� cibtained �crn the Ci�y cif''�igar�d �anu�in���vision at 1312�Si��sli�3tuaE�,�'AB�e+d,t'�g�n 97223,�¢ b �aliin 503-639-41?1.. ' ' �i�t�I�I�:IaINtY�T�lO�d: °`� "� �1!d�i.)I�1DI�1�I:NCE A1� ' �1l��(��)?.QQ►�-(t�03 ; >��LI�IOIU�F1�5'i'iTiJ'1'!E PAI�CII�TG C(�IA�A1M�t�D1i��P1Tc 'g�Q��'A rrxl�est to tiediev�a�d am�ncl the I�eDi�iwe�s Iassd'etu�iot� ! �rl�ing.e'i5quiec�e�+ts vvithit�.¢hc 7fi�.Coev�ersansulty Dev�lop�ent ',, �od�tm a�lmo+� �ur.more�3ox�ba��ky. �' e I��u�st rEVOlv�s artsspxaci Efe� I Y'�➢lii� St�Q11�1� �it$K AS CW'PC11�)',i�'nposed on the abev�dope�nt af 1 Relwgt9ug I�nshtutto�ns wiEtti�dtr,��nty of Tig�rd.:'f'I�e�a�'P+e"�opq�i. 'iinva��e�tkirea�i�onnent�: ' . ' � ..�r�g�n��th�,reela�irem��it�srzi oe�spacs�for evei�t�uo s+�a¢s,'t�.� --oi���f��very'?�-!�'s�ats: ` ,, 0,, �1t�wie�� �haseaf par�in� �t� occur up to S00 feet;froera tlie �pro�rk�r li�ne-for�al!°usess � , ` ' , �� ; ♦,,. Ailowia�g somc on�stra�t p�rlcing• Yo oc�ur-`�v6�ero sEreets � ;cicslgi�d, aiW ,phy",sically `i�n�srovai� to 'acco�neadate sueh ' �,'��� ` , , � 'I.�a�"l�1Y�1• ���!Wride. ,ZU1+�L:.:AY/A. .A;lPP�.���B1LE REdI(EW; I ���'��tlf:�d St�tGw�de P1an�aing C3o�ls 1 a�i,2; �o�as�ve . ' Plaa� ��'olxcies �:l:l, 2.1.1. ,,.2.1.2 an�d:,213;;,aac9., ms�unity ; � ��tel�pm,e���ade Chapters ii#:��Q Y���� �d 1$765. � 'A'�l!9990='1'ubl�`s�r 3anuary 17,� . _ ,. .., °ri���� ��►r�r�ir�� cca�nnnr���ons � � . �. •°�����L� . CITV.O�ARD � �� � ' � - OREGON ���►�Ir�� ��-r�: � -�_o .�- s°r��Ter�c �inn�:�:�� �„ COIl�IUI9�SIOfVElZS: MAl�K PADGETT dC�A�62P�R�ONj � JUDITH AiVDER�ON � JO��F_ �IENFRTFi � GRE�"�FOF_N BUEHNER � �I_ENN MORES JUDY iVIUNRO SHEL SCOLAF� �` S�OT SUl-TO(� � EILEEN WE{3� TNOMAS W(7LCFE (alfierr�ate) ____�-------___�____Ae_____________��_________�._—_-------_�_—_—__--- __�.�—_-----�--_______�__.____.�_-----_o__.�_�._______..___________________ STAF� �R�S�Nl': . � DICK B�IIV�F�SDORFF BARBAR,A SHIELDS � MOR�AN TR.ACY JULlA HF�JDUK l� Bf�AD KILBY QUANE RQBERTS MATT SGHEIDEGGER JAfV9ES HEIVDRYX �F21A.N f�AGE� GUS DUENAS TIGA.TZI� � I Ca CC.�IVIIVSI SI�I� � PLA.N �I S ��,. CITY OF TIGO�RD OREGOP! NCD'1'ICE: PEUPL�WISI�ING TO S�'EAYC ON AI�IY ITEM M�JST PRINT TIiEYIt IV�tv1lE�►NgD AI31)RES� ON'I'I�IIS SHEET. AGEI'dD,�ITEM[#: '�. � Page,�..of I DA'I'E OF HEARING: / '7/� o'- cAS�rrvMS�R(s>: D �v/ - �b�a3 � O W I�IER/APF'LICAN'T: LOC�,'I'ION: . ---_ d'T.�A.SE���� YO�TR letAl�, ADD�SS, AND �� C�1)E FROP'(J1�FE1�1'i` (For the propasat) OPP4�I�lENT (Against tlie pro�osal} (Print Name/Address2ip&AffiliationJ (Print Name/Addre.ss2ip&��liatinn) I°Iame: l�`(1`� �v'� Name: � -� Addreas: I3 �� ��-���7��` � Address: _ Citv: �e"� ' ' State: ��'�� 7� 71p: �� G� Citv State: Z�: ' [ji/�S��4f'E' �F�1+1,S�' 4'�tYc,�^�_ Name: �f��.'�` �i �i'�-1 Name• ��� . Adcire,ss: 0.��.!.'l� �?'`� "�L�G�� Address: �'--' r'� -� 3 �itv: /' ��- State: ��` �Z'rl.r � "�"`" Citv: State: Zin: Narne: Name: Address: Address: , , � � C� State: Zip: Citv: State: Zip: � 1^-' � � Name: Name: .mY �p ' Addcess: Addres$: � �� Citv: _, State: Zp: Citv: State: Zli): _ :� � Name• _ Name: Address: Address: ��ty� State: Zin: City: State: Zin: � � l�gencl� Item: Y• � hl�aring D�te: �'ebrwary 4.2002 7ii;n�. 7:3Q PM i � , _ STA��REPQRT°��TNE P�ANNING COMNl�SSiON ��n�FY����� �ommunity�DeveCoprr�nt F�O�N�ClTY a�TiGA�Di��1��0� SkapingABetterCommunity ��Cl'IOIV I. �1:PPL9��4�'Nt��l �UIIAIIA�R'9( Cd�iSE �i411AE: COf�E /A�f1�6V�IVl�(dl' TO TFIE �HQ►l2ED PA►FtKNNG �4N� Ft�L6GI0US IN�TITl1°TB�N PAt�KINC� �2�GlUIR�M�RITS _ CA�� NO.. �one Ordin�nc� Arraenclm�rat ��(3A� Z��Qp1-U000� P'FiOP��A►L: 1"o revaew �nd amend the Religious Institution parking requirerr��nts within th�; �figard Development Code to allow for more flexibility. The r�quest revolves aroun� tf�e r�quired seating that is currently imposed �n �he development �f EZeli�io�as Institutions within the City of' l"igard. l"he curr�r�f prU�as�l involves three components: . Ch�nging tl�� requirem�nt from on�e spac� for every two seats, to one sp�ce far eve�,r 3-4 s�afis. . Ai9c�wing shared parking to occur up to 500 feet from $he preperty line fc�r all �s�s. m Aliowing sorne on-str�e� parking to occur w�ere stre�ts are designed and improved to �ccornrric�date such parking. E4F'PLiCAN7: Tualafin V�II�y Christian Nlinistries OVV"��Ro N�A 9905 SVV M�Kenzie Street Tig�rd, OR 97223 �Z�RIE: N/A. L�C:�►1'IAN: �ityvvide. a � APPLIG��L.E � FZ�'VIE1�1i CRlT�RIA: �ommunity Devel�prr�er�t Code (�ha ters 18.380, 18.390 a�d 98.765; � Comprehensive Plan Policies 1.1.1, �.1.1, 2.1.2, and 2.1.3; The Metro m 2040 Plan; and Sta�ewide I�iar�ning Goals 1 and 2. t� u� � _ S��Ti0�9 I'I. S°�AF'F' RECOAIIYVIEN�AT'10IV ' ` �taff recomrnends �hat the Plar�ning �ommission alter fihe Religious institution parkir�g j r�eq;�airernents as determined �hrough th� public he�ri�g process and make � recomrnendation t�fih�Tegard Cify�ouncdL ' t Oe4200'i-A0003 PAG� 1 OF 8 2!4/02 PUBLfC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION �� � S�:�TIC1N IIL �A4„�KC��tOIJfVL� iNFORMATION A� th� role of religian within our society evolves, the use is expanded and redesigned to accoi�nrnadate the: function nf their respec,tive purpose. F��ligious institutions have changed the way th�t they operate. One can no longer �ay that religious instifutions are comprised �fi a mair� sanctuary and several �mall classrooms for Sunday school. In addition to Boy Scoufi� and Girl Scout� there are aerobics se�ssions, art I�ssons, counseling, day care anc� schools. Serving th� larger comrnunity there e�re clothing banks, foo� pantries, meetings for varied 12 step pragram�, soup kitchens, and even drug treatment centers, As a result, neig�►bors c�n feel their communities are overwhe�rn�d by churches now operating day and r�ight, seven days a week. Many af the Religious Institutic�ns within Tigard have indicat�d tha4 th�y will be seeking to expand their facilitiss within the next few years. Sev�ral of the ministries approached City staff about amending fihe parking standards to reflect a standard that would be� more in line with other jurisdic�ions ar�aund Tigard. Staff cor�ducted � survey of surrounding jurisdiction requirements, and faund that the Tigard D�veiapment Code w�s stricter than surrounding jurisdictions. However, a literafiure review of profes�ional sources show� that Tigard regulations are in line with professional rec�rnmendations. To that ��d, �taff was directpd to work with a parking committe� to come up with a resolution and proce�� with an application to amend the code. �E�`TI��1 8V. �U�liIIAARY C►F e4PPLI�A�L.� CF�ITERi,A Cha�t�r 1�.3�0 stat�s �ha� I�gisi�t6ve text �rn��drnents sh�l[ b� �andertak�n by r��ans of� �'ype 8�! pra��da�re, a� go�ern�d �y ��ctiora '!�.390.060G. �hap�e� °iffi.�90.060G sfiates th�t the recor�re�endation by the C�o�rnissian and th� d�ecision b� the Council �ha61 be b�sed on consider�tion of th� fodlo�ing f��tor�: . 'Yhe S#at��Ad� Planning Go�l� an+d Gu�idelines �d�pt�d u����o� Oregan d�e�risec9 �tatutes Chapt�r 197; Notice was provicled to DLCD 45 days pri�r to the first scheduled public hearing as required. 6n addition, the Tigard Develapmenf Code and Camprehensive Plari have be�n acknawledged by DLCD. The fiollowing are the applic�ble �tatewide Pl�nning Goals that �re � �pplicable fia this proposaL• �ta�evu�6dc Planning Goal 1 — �itizen 9nvo�vero��nt: This goal outlines the citizen involvement requiremerit for adoption �f Compreh�nsive Plans and for changes to the Gomprehen�ive Plan and implementing documents. l"his goai has been met by complying with the Tigard �evelopm�nt Ce�cle notice requirements set forth in Chapter 18.390. Notice has been published in the Tigarci Times Newspaper prior to the public hear6ng. Two Public Hearings are held (on� before the Planning Commission and the second b�f�ore the City Council) in which public input is welcome. Staff has also worked with a comrnittee of citizens t� review the alternatives. Th� City CIT members wer� also notified of the �roposed change�. ZOA2001-00003 PAGE 2 OF 8 2/4/02 PUBUC HEARING STAFF REPORT TQ PLANNING COMMISSION � � S�atewici� Pl�nr�in� CoaN 2 — Land IUse F'I�nn�ing: This goal outlines the land use plannin� process �nd policy framework. The Comprehensive Plan wa� acknowledged by DLCD as being consistent with the statewide planr�ing goals. The Development Cod� implements the Comprehensive Plan. T'he Dev�loprr�ent Code establishes a process for anr� policie� to r�view changes to the Develrapment Code consistent with Goal 2. The City's plan provides analysis and policies with which to evaluate a requesf for amending the Cade consisterz���ith Goal 2. s �ny applicable Metro re�ulatior�s; 7wo Metro reguiations need to b� consid�red with regard to this req�est: Title 2: (EVl�tro code 3.Q7.�10-3.07.220) Regional Parking Poli�y The Metro 2040 Grc�wth Concept calls for mare compact dev�lopment as a me�ns to encn�rag� �ore effir,ient use c�f land, promote non-aut� trips and protect air quality. In additic�n, the fed�rally mandated air quaiity plan aclopted by the state relies on the 2040 Growth Concept tially achieving its transportation abje�ctives. This titfe established r�gionwide-parking polici�s th�t set the minimum numb�r c�f parking spaces which can be required by loca9 governments for certai� fiypes of new development. It does n�t affect exi�ting developm�;nt. Parking maximum� �re also specified. gy. nat cre�ting an over supply of parking, urban land can b� used most efficiently. The City of Tigard irnplem�r�ts this policy through its off-street parking sfiandards. Currently, Tig�rd's parking standard for religious ir�stitutions is the m�ximum minimum allowed by Metro. The proposed amendment wili act to reduce the minimum parking star�dards for religious institutiac�s to 1 spa�e for every 3 seats in the main sanctuary or 1 space for ev�ry four seats in the main sanctuary a� long as � parking plan is provided that iilustrates that fih� 1/3 requirement can be met utilizing variances, adjustrr�ent;>, and the alternatives proposed as pa� of this amendment. 1'itl� 3; (Il�etro �ode 3.07.310-3.07.370) VIlater C��ality ared Flood Manag�ment Gonserva�ior� The goal of the Stream and Floodplain Protection Plan (Title 3) is to prot�ct the region's h�alth an�d public safety by reducing flood and landslide hazards, controliing soil erosion and reducing pollution of the region's waterways. The propused amendment will potentially redGice the amounf af imp�rvious sur�ace, thereby providing additional opportunity for water � to be filtered through natural system�, and allowing run�fF th�t would othenn�ise tax the stormwa#er system to be accommndated on �ite. . Applicable Corr�preh�nsiwe Plan Polici�s: Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.1 e1: This policy states that all fufiure legislative changes �hall be con�istent with the Statewide Planning G�als and the Regional Plan adopted by Metro. As indicated above under the individual Stat�ewide and Regional Plan goals applicable to this proposed amendment, the amendrnent is consistent with the Statewide Goals and Regional Plan. ZOA2001-00003 PAGE 3 OF 8 2/4/02 PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO PLANNING COMMISSION � Compr�:f�ensove Plan Policy 2.1.1: This policy states thaf �he City �halt maintain an ongoing citi�en involvement progr�rr� and shall a5sure that citizens will b� provided an opportunity to be ii�volv�d in all phase� ofi the planning process. This policy is �atisfi�d because n�tice of the proposed amendment was mailed to all Citizen Involv�ment Team (CIT) Members and ti�e amendmenf was discussed �t a regular monthly CIT meeting. In addition, notice wa� publish�d in the Tigard 7imes of the Public Hearing and notice will be published again prior to the City Council public h�aring. Public input has been invited in the no#ice. C�r�n�rehensive Pian Policy 201.2 and 2.1.3: In pertinent part, this policy states that the Citizen Involvement Team pragram and the Citizen Involvernent Team Facilitators shall �erve as the primary means for citizen pnvolv�msnt ir� land use planning. Poficy 2.1.3 states that information on land us� planning issues �hall be available in understandabl� form. Th�se policies were satisfisd because notic� of the propased amendment was mailed to all Citizer� Involvernent Team (CIT) M�mbers and the amendment was di�cussed at � regular monthiy CIT me�ting. An attempt was �nade in the written nc�tic;es and th� amendment itself to make the proposal ur�derstandable to anyane who reads it. � Any ���iia�b6e pa�c�erESi�n of th� �ity'S implern�ntir�g or�9in�r�c��. Ca�i� Sectic�n��.3€60: �i"his section r�gulates amendr►ients. !t outlines th� process �or r�viewing Developmenfi Code Text Arri�ndment�. The prasen� amende�rtient wil6 b� r�vi�wed under the Typ� IV legislative procedur� as �et forth in the ci�apter. Code S��tmc�n 1�.�90: This chapt�r establishes standard decision-making proc�dures for reviewing applications. Th� amendment under con�ideratian will be reviewed under the Type IV legislative procsdur� a� detailed in �h� ch�pfier. Code SeGtia�n 18.Z65: This chapter establishes parking requirements ir�tended to provide sufficient vehicle parking in close ��roximity ta #he various uses fior re�idents, cusfiom�rs and employees, and fio establish standards which will maintain the frafFic carrying-capacity of neark�y streets. These r�gulations are also intended to establish vehicle-parking �reas which hav� adequate capa�city and which are appropriately Ic►cated and designed to minimize any hazardous condifiions on the site and at access points. The present amendmenfi will satisfiy this purpose as illustrated in th� following analysi�. ZOA2001-U0003 PAGE 4 OF 8 2/4/02 PUBLIC HEARlNG STAFF REl'(JRT TO PLANNING COMMISSION � � S�G'Tl��D i/. aTA►FF A��4LY51� The pt-�posed amendment �Ilows religious institutions and in cases of shared parking, other u�es, �ome added flexibiiity. There i� an inherent conflict between required p�rking based on peak demand and actual need as peak demand is not always consistent. And, there are many pros and cons tn accommodation of parking. The arnendmerrt under consideration would reiax the curren# one space far every twa se�ts in the rrtiain sanctuary. It wo�ld alldw religiau� in�titutions to utilize several altern�tives to meet the underlying ratio of one space far every three seats in the main sanctuary. Ti�� benefits of requiring I�ss parking include le�s impervious sur�ac�, more spaGe fnr development or open spr�ce, and less �tress or� the Tigard stormwater system. The dawnside is discussed im m�re detail below. In order to realize fhe current propo�ai, the following ste�s were taken. Sta�' was approached by the Tualatin Valley Christian Ministries (TVCM), a conglomerat� of Tigard Churches, to review and amend 4he Tigard Development Code (TDC) to allow one space for ev�ry four seats in the main �an�tuary. A� a r�suit of this request, staff began researching the validity of the problem. 6t w�s discavered in a survey ofi oth�r jurisdictional requirements (�.xhibit B), th�# Tigard wa� in fact sfiricfier than the surrounding jurisdictior�s when it came to parking. it was also discovered in a lifierature survey of prafessional resources tha�t parking requirement� for rsligiaus institu�ians varied dramatically across the country. In same insfances the rafiio wa� ane �pace for every ten se�t� in the mair� sanctuary, and in other cases, the r�equire�rien� was one space for every fwo seats in the main sanctuary. Th�re seer��ed to be no re�l justification far any orae �t�ndard. Staff proce�ded to conti�ue r��e�rching alternatives and solutions that would accammadate the Relig6ous irrstitutions in "('igard, but tho�e same alfernatives and sol►�tions wc�uld also have to reli�ve Tigard neighborhoods o$ added congesti�� and conflicts that become a probi�m during religiaus acti�iti�s. �s indicated ir� the previous discussion, citizens vaius fhe righf to peacefuf enjoyment nf their neighborhoods almost as much as their right to freedom of religion. The prof��siona! resourcE;s, Eno Faundafiion for Transportafion, Inc. and Institute nf Traffic Engineers (ITE) both indicate that one space for every two seats is ap�ropriate based on demand, but concede that the actual requirements are highly variabie. In describing �aarking demand, the Eno Foundation states that, "...parking demand is c�efined as the accumul�tion of vehicles parked at a given fime as a resu/t of activi�y at a given site. Dernands may reflect maximum accumulations during the ' aver�ge day, peak day of the week, or during the peak seasan of the year. Irrespective of when they occur, parkin�g accurraulatians result from interactions between three traffi� variabl�s: total daily trips attracted, time pattern of arrivals, and avPrage lengths of stay. To illustrate, two sites with tB�e same land ar�a and floor�pace may attract equal daily numbers . ofi' vehicles, yet their parking accumulations can be quite different. If at one location cars arrive nearly simultaneously and park for�an average of�ight hours, ifis parking �ccumulation could be four tim�s that of the� secand site, if fhe seco�nd site's vehicle arrivals are spread ouf evenly over eight hours and the average length of stay is 2 hvurs. Thus, in determining pa�ki�►g needs, the arrival pattern ar►d length of stay (parking duration) are as importanf as the total number of daily vehicles attracted."(Pg. 37) Z.CA2001-00003 ' PAGE 5 OF 8 7;/4/02 PUBL{C HEARINC STAFF REPORT TO F'LANNING COMMISSION � � However, ir� the case of most religious in�titutions, peak demand is not met as frequ�r�tly as mo�t uses. So, staff could concede that at times nther than m�in service 4ime�s, the requirsr�ent �f one sp�ce for every two seats in the m�in sar�ctuary could s�em on�raus. Ac�ording to the 2000 Census results, the average hau�ehald size is �.48 persons in the C@t,y c�#Tigard. Assurr�ing every househald ir� 7igard attended � religious funr,tion in only one car per famiBy, the nn site parking ratio would need to be 1 space for ev�ry 2.48 seats in fhe sanctuary to accommod�te all �arking on site. Sfiaff realizes that every household in Tigarc� d�aes not attend only one church, but all of the parishioners are not 1°igard resid�nts, and we traditianally pi�n f�r worst case �cer�arios. T'he IT'E manual r;onducted parking studies ofi religiaus institutions that show a direct correfation with the rE:quirement of on� space for �very two seats in the main sanctuary. Th� res�its of their studies are illustrated in the following table: DAT'A IP�.t'T�1N1� �4�lJATlOf�i 8QQ W 700 ei. � � 6Q0 C� tt3 ' � 5U0 a � � 0 4 � 400 :� � � , � 3p0 t�. �c � zoa � �� _ � �oa � ' d a - 20� 400 60Q 8Q(3 1,Q00 1,200 1,400 X = NUM�Ef�O�ATTE6VD��S O ACl'UAL DAT�POINTS FI'fTf�O CURVE �ite�d cuPV� Eq�,at�on: � = o.4J5(X) — �S.o Ftz = 0.�49 ZOA2Q01-000U3 PAGE 6 OF 8 2/4/02 PU�LIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TO PLAIVNONG COMMISSION � � Religious In�#ifiutions are defined as, "places ofi rc9igious worship which may include related accesso� �ses such a� offices, �las�roo�n�, auditoriums, social halls, gymnasiums, and. nfiher recreation�l actidities" in the Tir�ard Dev�l�pmenfi Code. When these ancillary uses becor�ie a part of a particular institi�tiian, the activities on site increase, and so does the demand for parking. There does not a�pear to be �ignificant overlap with religious services, so th� cnde does not place any additiona! requirement� �or the accessory us�s. However, religiaus institutians are permitted conditian�lly or outright in every re�idenfiial and commercial zoning district, and r,ur inability �o treat fihem individually as it relates to parlcing, undoubtedly creates conflict ir� those institutians that are located within or close to neighborhoods. As a result, the stricter standard is more appropriately impos�d to prevent conflict. The am�ndment beforP the Commission is an attempt to balance the need� of the neighborhaods with tl�e needs of the re(igious institutians. The proposal was draffied as a result of r�search, department�i camments, and the cooperafion of a parking committee camprised of two representatives from the TVCM, ane represent�tive from a neighborhood that recently voic�d concerns regarding a Church parking facility, and one Planning Comrnission member. Th� proposed c�anges to the �ode can be reviewed in Exhibit ",40" T'he only change that was not agr�ed upon by the committ�e was the ct�ange in ratian fi'rom 1 space for every 3.3 se�ts to 1 space far �very 3 seats. StafF inade this chane�e in light of the census results. Staff obser�ation is that in fihis day large numbers of si�egle and two person vehicles attend churches. The � �pac� for every 4 5eat �fi�ndard may ri�ve been more rel�v�nt in a time�evhen mare families and larger families attended Church t�c�et'h�r. In stammaryy th� changes in�lude rel�xir�g th� base standard to o�e �pace for e���ry #hree seats, permit�i�g religious institutions fio �ount on-stre�fi parking where the street is adjac�:nt to the sifie, desi�ned, and improv�d to accornmodate on stre�t pap•king, and allowing shared p�rking to be ac:commodated at site� fhat are �p to 50Q fee$ away from the site as appos�d to the 300 feet currentl,r in the cc�d�. The 500-foot sfiandard would appiy to all uses. This amendment came about after st�ff researched the stafie Transporta�con Planning F2ule �s it relates to the acc�ptabl� vvalking distance for pedesfirians. Typicaliy, ped�strians consider a quarter of a mile to be acceptable in ped�striar� c►riented developments. If an applicant c�n show that the one space for ev�;ry thr�E; seafi� can be iliustraF�d in a parking plan utilizing � �omhination of the above measure�, adjustments, aind variances, fihen they would be requiired tc� onfy accommodat� parking afi one spacE for every fiour seats in the main sar�c.tuary on site. SECTl�IV VI. t�1'HEI� .p►Ll'�RNAT9V�S Leave the code as is- The sfiandard would remain at � space for every 2 �eats in the main sanctuary, no on-street parking could be count�d, �nd shared parking would only occur within 30Q fieet of the front building line. Accomrriodate parking af 1 space far �very 4 seats in the main assembly area without any other changes. ZOA2001-OQ003 � PAGE 7 OF 8 2l4/02 F'UBLIC HE�RING STAFF FtEPORT TO ALANNlRG COMMISSIO�! � SECl'IOPI Vil� en►D[�17lONAL CITY �Ti�FF & OU°TSIDE A�E��'1( CO&lIINlEfV'�� The Tual�tin i/all�y F�re and Re�cue C�ep�r�rn�nt has had an opportunity to r�view tr�is prop��al and has faund that the proposal does not �onflict with their interests. The City af 7'igard Engineering Dep�rtanent has h�d an ap�partunity ta re:view this propos�l and have no objections. 1'wo �iti�en 9�volvernent Tearr� NAernbers responded to the proposal and one indicat�d that she had concerns with the lack of parking/planning in the Tigard dawntown. �'he oth�r �1T merr9ber had no objections. "The City �f 'Pigard Public 1lVorks �nd Oper�tions Depar#mer�t ha� had an opportunity tc� r�view this propc��al and have no abjections. The �ity o�'Tigar�l Polece D�partrrren� has had an opportunity to revi�w this ,proposal and have na �bjectinr�so V�l'asf�irrgtora �ou�nt� D�par�rn�nt of L�nd lDs� and '�ra�aspc�rtati��a, �L��, Cifiy of'fwgard E3t�ilding �iv�sosan, ODOT, Tualatin i6�19�y VVat�r Di�tri�t, C���� V"Jat�r �eroaic�s, 1°ualatin Hi�Bs �ar�e �nc8 R��r��tinr� �6str��t, a�d P�etro Lanc! u�e and Pl�roning Grouvth Il��na�er�ent have �I! h�d an opportunity ta review fihis proposa! and h�ve ofFered no . camrrrents Qr obje�tions to the propas�:d Zan� C�rdinance Amer�dment. �x�r���nn��r� �acl�6bst A— C�rrrrnur�d�y Devel�pment ��acle Chapter 1�.765, °�ata0� 1�.765.2 Exhibi� � —Juri�dact6on�l Surer�y 6Zesult� January 23. 2002 _ F'RE.PAI�E� BY:Br�ad Kilby DATE Associate Planner , � � ; �---� � � l� ;� _.._ � . . , /-�,c, ����`� Janua 23 2002 ; APPROVED BY:Rich��rd Bewersdo,rf� DATE �, Plan�ing Manager ��a ZOA�00'i-00003 PAGE 8 OF 8 2/4/02 PUBLIC HEARING STAFF REPORT TC►PLANNING COMMISSION �� � � ex�i�e�r � Reli�iou� Institution Parkin� e4mendment Prop�sals 1�.'T65.O�Q (�ener�i Provisions � �. Lac�tion of v�hicle parkinq. The location of off-street parking will be as foiiows: • 1. Off-street parking spaces fnr singl�-farnily �nd duplex dweliings and single-family ��tta�hed dwellings shall be loc�t��d on the same lot with the dwelling(s); 2. O�f-street parEc6ng iofis #or uses not listed above shali be located not fiurther than �98�-500 feet firom fihe �+�g-e�t:f��ro.c�.�ertv line that they are required to serve, measured +�-�����ealong the masfi dire�t, � publicly accessible �edestrian route from the ��-�roperkx Iine with the fiollowing exceptions: a. Commercial and industriai u�es which require more than 40 parking spaces rr�ay provide fior the spaces in e�cess ofi th� required first 40 spac�s up to a di�tanc� af�0-500 fe�t from the primary sit�; � b. The 40 parking �paces which remain on the primary site must be availabl�for users in fihe fiollowing order af prinrity: 1) Disabled-accessible �paces; 2) �hort-term spacesy � 3) Long�term prefierenfiiaf carpool and var�pool spaces; 4) Long-term spaces. ' C. Joint,_parkina. Qwners e�f twa or more u��es, �tructures or parc�ls of land rnay agree to utilize jointiy the 5ame parking and loading spaces when the peak hours of bperation d� not ov�rlay, subject to the following: 1: The size of the joint p�rking facility shall be at I�ast as large as the ��mb�r of vehicl� parking spaces required by the larger(est) use per �ection 18.765.a70; 2. Satisfactory legal �vidence shall be presented to the Direcfar in the form of deeds, I�ases or cantracts to establish the joint use; � � 3. Ifi a jaint use arrangement is subsequently termin�ted, or if trte uses change, the requirements af this fiitle thereaft�r apply ta each separately. 9�.765.070 flAinimum and Nlaxirrtium OfF-�tr�et Parking (tequirem�nt� D. �xclusions to m6nimum vehicle �arkina r�r�uirements. The fallowing shall not be counte� towards the computation of the minirnum parking spaces as required in Sec�ion 18.765:070H: 1��--0n-�tr+eet parkin�c . Parking spaces in th� public street or alley shall not be eligible as �fulfiiling any part of the parking requirement; exc� t• Reliaious Institutions may count on-street arkinq around the .�erimeter c�fi the use�provided that the fallowing criteria have been satisfied: aj The nn-street parking is on a �treet that is designed and physically improved �a a�commodafie parkinc� within the ri hq_. t-of- wav• b The streefi where on-str�et parkinc�is�ro�osed is not locat�d on loc�l residential classified streefis. 'fabl� ��.765.2 IVlinir�uen �rad �iax�murn I��quir�d OfF�stree�Vehicle �nd : �i�ycl�: Parteing Requirernents � ��IBgRO�s 1.0/�3 r6i seats on � In�titutior�s main as�embly ar�a M rs� Relic�ious instifutions may�rovide 1 space for ever,�r four seats on site in fihe � rn�in a�sembly area provicled that fhev �up�l x,y i�� Citv wefih�a parkin� plan that demanstr�fe 7 that the �eak parking demand of 1 space far ev�ry 3 seats is m�t utiii�inc� �ny combin�tioi� of the alternafiives and adjusfiments mentioned in this cha .t�r. m, ' � ElCC � � ; t� '; � �� � ; Oa '' �J . � � '' >,� . � . � �X&�IBIT Ic3 Th� foJlowing survey was conducted in the la�t week of�eptemb�r, 20Q1. It is a representation of#h� answers received fram jurisdictions that responded to e-mail and fielsphone inquirEes, as well as, information gatihered from online resources. The City of Tigard currently req�ires a minimum of one p�rkir�g space for every two seafis in the main assemb(y area. �ity of Gresham - requires a minimum of .3 space5 for e��ery s�afi ar 1 spa�ce for every six lineal feet of bench seating wi#hin the main sanctuary. �'he City of Gresham alsn r�cognizes a maximurro of .6 spaces for ev�ry 1 seat or 1 space for every 4.5 lineai feet af bench seating within the maon sanctuary. City of�'u,alatin - cequires a minimum of 1 space per 4 se�ts or 1 space �or Every eight f�et of bench length. City a� Hi6lsboro - rec�uires a minim�am of .25 spaces per seat. �ity of Po�tlar�d - requires a minimum of 1 space for every �00 squar� feet within t9�e main assembly area und�r one standard, and 1 space fnr�veryr 67 �quare feet of rv�ain assembly areas ir� �nather standard. Standards are determin�d - by the underlyireg zone. City ofi Beaverton - requires a minimum of .25 spaces for every 1 seat. . � : m i . 0 1 1 ! .; r