Planning Commission Packet - 02/07/2000 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � Cifiy of Tigard TIGARD PLANNINC COMMISSION ��,��� FEBRUARY 7� 2000—7:30 P.M. � sh�p�A����y TIGARD CIVIC CI=NTER -TOWN HAL'L 13125 SW HALL BOULEVARD 1"IGRRD, OREGON 97223 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATIC)NS 4. APPROVE MINUT�S 5. PUBLIC HEARING 5.1 S�ITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW(SDiR) 1999-00022iPLANNED DE�/ELOPMENT REVIEW(PDR) 1999-00003 1NILLOVUBROOK II COMMERCIAL B�ISINESS CENTER The applicant proposes to construct a 5,787.6 square foot commercial buil�ing. LG1CA'�ION: � 11565 SW Durham Road; WCTM 2S11�t?C, Tax Lot 02400. ZONE: General Commercial; C-G. The purpose of the general commercial areas is to provide for major retail goods and senrices. Permitted uses in the C-G zoning district are public agency administrative services, lodge, fraternal and cie�ic ass�mbly, �arking, amusement, animal sales and services, automotive sales and light equipment repairs, among other uses. APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18,390, 18.520, 18.705, 18.730, 18.745, 18.7'55, 18.76�, 18.7�0, 1$.790 and 18.795. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENI' � � CIT`1(OF TICARCI PLANNINCi COMMISSION Regular IIIAeeting Minutes February 7, 2000 1. CALL TO ARDER President�Ison called the meeting �o order at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was held in ' the Tigard Civic Center, Tawn Hall, at 13125 SW Hall �Ivd. 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Presiclent Wilson; Commis;>ioners Anderson, Incalcaterra, Mores, Olsen, Padgett, and Topp Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Griffith and Scolar Staff Present: Dick Bewersdorff, Planning Manager; Matt Scheidegger, Assistant Planner; Jerree Gaynor, Planning Commission Secretary 3. PLANNItdG COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS The Commissioners were reminded about their joint meeting with City Council on February 15tn 4. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES Commissioner Topp asked for a correction to the Nowember 15, 1999, minutes. On page 12, instead of� "... s�rvices have sueerseding authority..." it should read "supersiting". Commissioner Olsen moved and Commissioner Padgett seconded the motion to app'rove the Nover�nber 15, 1999, mee#ing minutes as corrected. A v�ice vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Commissioner To�►p asked for a correction to the November 22, 1995, minutes. On � page 5, after"Regarding the height requirements, Mr. Topp would prefer lower level bui!�ings and he is concerned about the in�erplay ..." it should r�ad that he preferred lower leve➢ builldirigs to a t�ll l�uildi�g sirrrounded by a sea of parkir�g. President VVilson noted that the last �aragraph on page 5 sounded like his concerns were primarily about the three jurisdictions, but his conrerns actually dealt with fhe public improv�ment issues. Comrnissioner Padg�tt moved and Commissioner Anderson secc�nd�d �he motion to approve the November 22, 1999, me��ir�� minut�� as �orre���d. A voice vote was �ak�r� �¢�d �he motion �a�sed u�a�imc�usB�r. Comr�issioner Padgett moved and President Wilson seconded the motion to approve the December 6, 1999, meeting minutes as submitted. A voice vote wa� taken and the motion passed by a vote of 4-0. Commissioners Anderson, Incalcaterra, and Olsen abstained. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—February 7,2000—Page 1 � � 5. PUBLIC FiEARING a.1 �ITE DEVELOPMEI�T RE9/IEVU(SDR) 1999�00022/PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW(PDR) 'i999-00003 WILLOWBRO�I� II COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CENTEa The applicant proposes to canstruct a 5,787.6 square foot commercial building. LOCATION: 11565 SW Durham Road; WCTM 2S110DC, Tax Lot 02400. ZONE: General Commercial; C-G. The purpose of the genera! commercial areas is to provide for major retail goads and services. Permitted uses in the C-G zoning district are public agency administrative services, lodge, fraternal and civic assembly, parking, amusement, animal sales and services, automotive sales and light equipment repairs, among other uses. APPLICABLE REVIEW C121TERIA: Community Development Code Chapters 18.390, 18.520, 18.705, 18.730, 18.745, 18.755, 18,765, 18.780, 18.790 and 18.795. STAFF REPORT Assistant Planner Matt Scheidegger presented the staff report on behalf af the City. He stated that the applicant is proposing to construct a 5788 square foot building in the CG zone with a planned development overlay. Scheidegger advised that the project had been previously approved in 1996, but the building was not constrcacted in time and the approval time had lapsed. He said the application was essentially the same as before, with an additional 16 parking spaces. He said staff recommended apprAVal based on the conditions of approval as listed in the staff report. Commi�sioner Padgett �sked if there were any differences in the conditions from the previous approval. Scheide�ger answered that the pede5trian safety walkways were new. Dick Bewersdorff noted that the b�ffering/landscape standards were changed in the new coc�e, but virtually it was the same a�plication. Bewersdorff advised that the parking calculations provided by fihe applicant were for the entire �:enter. APPLICANT'S �R�S�[V°TR►TION Betty Shepherd from Gene Mildren Design Group, reviewed trie existing site, n�ting the �dded parking spac�s for the building. She stated that the use for the building wauld fit the General Commer�i�l zo��. She said the plan rneet� th� lanr�s�a�ing r�q�;i�erriEtP�ts—th�y�uouEd be �emovii-�g some free�, �u'� planting �r�c�re. Sh� �aid th�y�rc���ld also p�y for tree mitigation in lieu of planting all the trees. Shepherd said there would be sufficient trash enclosures and that they would be adding one more space for bicycle parking. She described the building, stating that it would be iden#ical #o the other buildings on the site, with a wood frame and tile roof. When asked if the applicant agreed to �II the conditions in the staff report, ALANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—February 7,2000—Page 2 � � Shepherd answered yes and noted that this is the last b�ilding in the development. She said that th�re would be no restaurant use in thos building. PUBLIC TESTIMONY None PUBUC MEARING CL�S�D Commissioner Padgetfi moved and Commissioner Anderson seconded a motion to approve the Site Development Review and the Planned Development Review based on the staff report, including the conditions of approval, and testimony heard tonight. A voice vote was taken and the motion pas��d unanimously. 6. OTHER B�.ISINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:47. Jerree Gayn , Plannin ommi ion Secretary � ATTE : President Nick Wilson PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES—February 7,2000—Page 3 . � TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSiO1V ROLL CALL �ITY O�A�a OREOON HEARING DATE: �- 7'O� STARTING TIME: `7 � 3� P.M. COAAMISSIONERS: � NICK WILSON (CHAIRPERSON) JUDITH ANDERSON _ JAMES GRIFFITH ✓ LCATERRA LISA INCA � GLENN MORES ✓ JOHN OLSEN MARK PADGETT ' ' SHEL SCOLAR � STEVEN TOPP _�,_��----------------.�-_�---------------------------------------------___� �__a--------------------------------�----------------_----_—�------------- �1°��F �R�SENT: Di�K F3EINERSDORFV� NAQI�l� �MITH ,lULIA HAJ[�UK LAU�I� NICHOLSOfV K�1REN PURL FOX DUANE ROBERTS MAl°-!"SCl���DEG�E; JAMES H�N�JRY�. BF21AN RAGER GUS DUE�IAS , • � COMMUNITY N�WSPAPERS, INC. �.ega� p.p.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-036Q Notice TT 9 5 6 2 BEAVERTON,OREGON 97'075 l.egal Notice Advertising + ❑ Tearsheet Notice s City �f Ti_gard �.3125 SGJ I3a11 B�vd. • ❑ Duplicate Affidavit Tigard ,Oreqon 97223 • accou�zts Payabl� AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, )sg' �� � bein9 fi�st duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Advertising Director, or his principal clerk, of the"'� � '� R'"a�ai"' n m�imes a newspaper of general circulat;o�n�as defined in ORS 193.010 end 193.020; pUblished at_—`__—_,-- a in the aforssaid county and state;that the ,, 1 1 n�ihrnnk P � � r� F,YP r; n cr �nR � A A A n n�2? t, . a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was publishe�i in the entire issue of sa'sd newspaPer for nrTr successive and co�secutive in the followirs9 issues: - '�-�-• � � � OFFICIAL SEAL SUZETTEI.CURRAN ,7anuar 2 0 2 O O O NOTARY PUBLIC-OREG�N � ��, COMMISSION N0.329400 MY COMMISSION E�(PIRES NOV.28,2UO3 �� � ,./� �_—.___---- -4-,�^�,�--�-�-�� t, �.�Iaxi-ua�°y, 2�0 0 Subscri��d and sworn �e��efore m�thi����' a� No'tary Public for Oregan I�Ay Commission Ex�aees: pFFIDAVIT �, - �== .�._., b���T�,�.�ning Commisei,nn The followmg will be cor��tod � � � _��� ,M�the Tigac�l Civic Cer�ter ;,on,Monday,February ., � —Town Ha11,13125 SW Hatl$�vd.,'I"ig�e,�4�'��The public hearing on �`: goth pub:ic oral and written testimony �: this matter will be,conducted i les anddprocedures of eheePlaning Come j Tigard Ivtunicxpai Code,and zu int rior ; mi,sston.Failure to raise an issue in person or by letter at some po' P to the close of the heari g authorP y and all the parties to:respond on the ' cient to allow ! request precludos an appeal,;and failure to speicify the criterion from t e " Gommumty;�Dovelopz►ient Code or Comprehensive Plan at which a�eals ment is directed preelud'es an appeal�to the Land be obtained f om the based on thaC criterion.Furtho�information may Pianning Division at 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,C2regon 97223,or by calling 639-4.17 a. ` ` PUBLIC HF�IRING ITEM: .SITE DEYELOPM�ENT REVYE'�?V(SDR)1999-00�z2 PLANNEID DEVELOPMEI�iT REVTEW(PDR)1999-00003 >WILLOWBROOK YI COMM'ERCIA�L BUSiNESS CENTER< The applicant proposes to construct a 5,787.6 square foot commercial � building.LOCATION: 11565 SW.Durham Rc�ad;�'CTM uS11�011Cf the • Y.,ot°02400. ZO�NE.: General Commercial; C-G. The p p genetal commercial areas is:to pfoyide for major retail goods and services. Permitted uses xn ttte,GG zoning district are pu�bk rig amusement?natmal services,lodge,fraternal and civic assembly,p' sales and secvices,z�utom�otive sales and light equipment repairs,among other uses: �APPLICABLE REV��',1$2�18.�705IA8.730, 8.745, Development Gode Chapters 18.390, ' 18,755, 18:765,18,780, 18.�90 and.18.795. ,. e _ � w �� � �.�,� � a�r .� �: I 4t� � �` �� � { , � ' 1. , �� ,�w �,.+, . � `� � I t �, ��' sw � �----� ,� `��.�� I,` , _i� + ' \ I � �"'',;= '""i i �----- � N� I °.c,F� I I I � ��, ` �� �' �{ �""'�� � � .--�-� i i I`' i i, �, I � �,,�,� i ' I �t I � c�. � /� �f I� il � ,, ;,,s SS,:a,;��1��t1 � ��C9 �,�'��u i'. �� , .� 1 5'' �� � ,I ��* �' E'�� a' ►� . . , - � � .. . ��� , , . _ .�_.J �� „ �-�� TT9562—PubDish Tanwry 3�;�� � � TIGA.RI� . PLANNING COMIV�ISSION � CITY OF TICARD OREGON NOTICE: PEOPLE'4V6rISHING TO SPEAK ON ANY ITEM MUST PRINT THEIYt NAME AND ADDRESS ON THIS SHEET. AGENDA ITEM#: Page1 of DATE OF HEARING: 7 / D� CASE NiJIvIBER(S): �' �lf �' a - D O o OWNER/APPLICANT: LOCATION: /�s �s,�w �Qo. PLEASE PRINT:YOUR NAML, ADDItESS, AND ZIP CODE -------�-- 'PROPONENT (For the proposap OPPOriENT (Against the proposal) (Print Name/Address/Zip dc A�iUation) (Print Name/Address2ip&A„�'iliation) Name• Name: Address: Address: City: State: Zin: Citv: State: Zin: Name: Name: Address: Address: Citv: State: Zip: Citv: State: Zip: Name: Name: Address: Address: Citv: Staee: Zap: City: SYate: 2iU: NaJrx�• Name: Addsess: Address: Citv: State: ziu: Ciry: State: Zip: • IVame• Mame: Address: Address: ('�tv: State: Ziv: Citv: State. 'Lip: , . , , , �. .. CITY OF TIGARD', OI�EGON �; ��� � �� PLA'NNINC� COMN�NSS'�IQ,N � � �m��r�•ao FIOe0�1L ORD�R �. 2�000-0 f PC Community�Devefapment , S�ta ' ,A�etsrr�ommuni� A FINAL ORDER INCORPORATING "CHE FACTS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS APPROVING A SITE D!EVELOPMENT REVIEW AND PLANNED DEYELOPMENT REVIEMI APPLICA710N. THE ClTY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMNYISSION EIELD A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIYE TESTIMONY OM THIS APPLICATION ON FEBRUARY 7, Z000 AND HAS REVIEWED THE APPLICANT'S PLANS, NARRATIVE, MATERIALS, COMMENTS AF REVIEWING AGENCIES, THE PL�►NNING DIVISION'S STlIFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE APPLICATION DESCRIBED IN FURTHER DETAIL BELOW. 120 DAYS = 4/12/2000 SECTION I. APPLICATION SUMMARY FILE NAME: WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CENT�R CASE NO.: Site Development Review (SDR) SDR1999�00022 Planr�ed Development Review (PDR) PDR1999-00003 PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested Site Development Reviev� approval to construct a 5,787.6 square foot building at the Willowbrook Commercial Business Center. Smce the property has a Planned Development designation, Planning Commission review is necessary. APPLICANT: Mildren Desi n Group, P.C. OWNER: Durham/99Associates, Ltd. Attn: Hande�ogu 135 E. 57`h Street 11830 SW Kerr Pkwy., Suite 310 �lew York, NY 10022 . Lake Oswego, OR 9'7035 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN � DESIGNATION: General Commercial ZONING DESIGNATION: GG; General Commercial (PD overlay!); The, purpose �f the general commercial area is to provide for rna�or retail goods �nd services. Permitted uses in the C-G zoning district, are public agency adminystrative services, lodge, fraternal and civic assembly, parking, amusemPnt, animal sales and services, automotive sales and light equipment repairs, amang other uses. LOCATIOfV: Th� subject site is located on the �ast side of S�lif uurham Road; WCTM 2S110�C, Tax Lot 02400. APPLlCA�LE �lE�lf E11V ��"�.�'�'�RIA: �ar�ar���ity Develo rt�ent �:ode �Chapter� 18.35�, 18.360, 18.390, 18.524, '9 8.705, 18.�45, '4 8.755, 1�3.765, 18.7F�0, 18.790, 13.795 and 18.810. �.ECTION I1. PLANNING COMiVIISSION'S DECISION ti� ��� �� �. ' � ��t�� ��° � , � s that���� pr'�p�`�ed ,S�te Developrr�Bt�fi,.Revi�w/Plamned�� � �s< �'��► _ �ts #�� ��plio n��: app oval criter'ia of the Tigard Community : � � e �' `-� �, � ' the����a���. ���°t"a�, 1�Q�:�dvsrsel � a#�ect:the��ealth safety��and„�� � � � �� ' � � � ,�„t�t�, �'i�'�h;R��i�r��o�e, � PROVES the req�uest sub��ct��� �; � Y �'�� ; � ��� �r PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 1 OF 17 SDR1fl99-00022.WILLOWBROOK II CQMMERCIAL CENTER �� .. • COND1710NS O� APP�t�VA� � , � ;,; , ,,� ��� �, ' ,� �;� u mi evi �nce o comp ymg w� e o owing con i �ons o e anning iv�sion. Staff contact: Mathew S�heidegg�r. , 1. Submitted verification from the franchise hauler indicating that the location of a proposed trash enclosure meets their needs and is properly screened. 2. Submit a revised plan that shows how the 65 caliper tree mitigation inches wiil be mitigated either on-site, off-site, by payment.of a fee in-lieu or a combination. If the inches will be mitigated by planting, a bond will be required fior the inches to be planted on-site prior to issuance of building permits. If the fee in-lieu option is chosen, the fee must be paid prior to issuance of building permits. , 3. Submit a revised plan pr�viding pedEStrian safety walkways that cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots from the proposed building. 4. Submit a revised plan showing the location of 16 bicycle parking stalls. 5. A lighting plan will need to be submitted to the Tigard Police Department for approval. � �; t ` ; THE FOLLt?WING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATI$F(ED PRtOR,T0` ` , ;; ' I,SSUANC� OF THE SITE:AND%OR BU�ILDING=PERMIT: , , ,._ _, . . .. ��m`it to t e ngineering epartment rian ager, , ext. or review and approval: 6. Prior to issuance of a site and/or building permit, a Street Opening Permit will be required for this project to cover the water main tap in SW Durham Road. The applicant will need to submit five (5) copies of a proposed public improvement plan for review and approval. NOTE: these pians are ii� aadition to any drawings r��uiieU by the Building Division and should only include information relevant to the public improvem�nts. 7. As � part of the public improvement plan submittal, the Engineering Department shall be provided with the exacf legal name, address and telephone number of the individual or corporate entity who will be responsible for executing the campliance agreement (if one �s required) and providirag,the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, speci, if fihe entity is a corporation, I9mited partnership, LLG, etc. Alsa speci�jr the�stafe wi hin which the entity is, incorporated, and provide fih� name of tl�e corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate enformation to the Engineering D�partment wil! delay processing of projec� documents. 8. The pl�ns for the proposed water main tap shall be revie�nred and approved by the ��a�lic Wc�rks Departm�nt as a part of th� Stre��Ope�i�g Permii. 9. F'rior to €�$uance of the buildis�g permit, the applicant shall pay the fee in-iieu of constructing an on-�ite water quality facility. The fee is based on the total area of new impervious surface �n the proposed development and w�s �alculated to be $�,058. � ,,;` T'HE FOLLO�IING CONDITIONS S�iAL,L �E �ATISFIED.PRIQR TO::,;, . �jy".,,. .. . . . . .. .. A FINAL�BUILDING iNSPE�T'IO.N: .� 5ubmit to th� Engineering Depa�tment (Brian Rager, 639-4171, ext. 318) for review and approval: 10. Prior to a final buildir�g inspectinr�, the �pplicant shall complete any work in the public right-of-way (or public easem�nt) and obtain approual from the Engineering Department. PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER N0.2000-01 PC PAGE 2 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK I!COMMERCIAL CENTER ;a . � ' " r'ey�"` Y��AP : RCYV`AL HALL BE VAL�D ;;�� ��� Iti� ��°��3QM THE' ' � � �: �fx�iari� r7 'cs �a � d t�i t �i\ . � � f � ;��..,� . �F,�EC'���/`E D'A�'..,,4�TN� P�NNIN� GOIV�MISSICC�N��'DECNSIQN.: SECTION 111. BACK�ROUND INFORMATION Site Historv: The subject property was annexed into the City in 1972 (ZC 5-7�). The property was changed from Washington County F-R, Planned Residential, to City of Tigard P-D, Planned DeveTopment. The Tigard Planning Commission recommended approval of the . development plan and program for the Summerfield� Planned Development, in which a shopping cenfer was to be located, on Februa 6, 1973 and the Council adopted the Commission's recommendation of February 12, 1�73. In Septemberof 1979, A Site Design Review (SDR26-79)was granted for Phase I and II for the Sumrnerfield Commercial Center. In August of 1983, the Plannin� Commission approved a request to eliminate a tenant mix restriction of 13% financial, 24/o office, and 63% retail for this shopping center. In 1996, PDR approval was given to build the same building being applied for in this report but the applicant let the approval expire. Essentially, this application is the same as the approval given in 1996. No other development applic.ations have been filed with the City. Vicinity Information: The subject site is located east of the intersection of SW Pacific Highway and SW Durham Road, west of SW Summerfield Drive. Property to the north and south is zoned C-G (General Commercial� and is developed with commercial uses. Property to the east is zoned R-25 (Residentoal, 25 units per acre) and is currently developed with the Summerfield Refirement community. Site Information and Proposal Descri t� ion: The Mildren Design Group is repre�en�ing Durham/99 Associates, Ltd. Partnership for development of � new 5,787.6 square foot building at Willowbrook II Commercial Busmess Center. Currently, there are five existing buildings totaling, 5�,900 square feet. The new building will closely re�emble the existing buildings in architectural style.and finishes, and will be leased to one or more tenants upon completion. The building is proposed to be office use. SECIPION IV. SUMMARY OF APPLICQaBLE CRITERIA F, surr�mary of the applicable criteria iri this case in the Chapter order in which they are �addres��d in this report are as follows: �,. Gen�.a��! Planr�ed D�Meio�men� �t�ndards 18.350.030 Pr�c���) 18.350.070 Applicability of the Base Zone Developm�nt Standardsl �. 'fi n�a €� I m n ndar � .715 Density Computation) 1�.Z3Q Exce�tions to Development Standards) �8.79� Visu�i �le��rance) 18.7'45 Landscaping argd Screer�ing� 1�.765 Off-Street Parkin and Loading Ftequirem�nts)( �8.705 Access, Egress �Circulation) 18.780 Signs) C. Ac�d�tionaf Planned Development Criteria D. ��ecifc Dpvelopment Standarcls 1 .390 Impact Study) 18.755 Mixed Solid Waste & Recyclable Storage) 18.790 Tr�� Removal) E. Street and Utilify.J.p�, vement Sta dards 18.810 (Street and U ility Improvement Standards) PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORLIER NO,2000-01 PC PAGE 3 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMdAERCIAL CENTER • �ECTION V. APPLICABLE REi/IE�W CRITERIA A �INDINGS COMPLIANCE WITH COMMUNITY nEVELOPIViENT CODE SEC710NS: V• W. As per 18.3 0.�00, the provisions of Chapter 18.3E�0, Site Development Review, are not applicable to f�lanned Development Reviews. The detailed development plan review is intended to address the same type of issues as the Site Development Review. A. GENERAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 'The Planned Developtn�ent Processe There are three elements to the planned developrnent approval process, as follows: 1. The approval of the planned developme�t overlay zone; 2. The approval of the planned development concept plan; and 3. The approval of the det�iled development plan. The site has a Planned Development Overlay. A development plan was approved in 1979. This plan is being modified to add an additional building that requires conceptual ancl detailed plan approval by the Planning Commission because of the averlay. Deci§ion-Makinq Process: A new planned development overlay zone andlor concept plan sha�l be processed by means of a Typ� III-PC procedure, as overned by Section 18.390.050, using approval criteria cont�ined in Section 18.350.�00. The detailed development plan shall be reviewed by means of a Type II procedure, as governed by 18.390.0�0, to ensure that it is substantiall� in compliance with the approved concept developmer�t plan. In the case nf an existing planned development overlay zone for any other type o# application, the application shall be reviewed under the provisions required in the chapters, which apply to the particular land use application. Concurrent overlay zone and conceptual plan applications. The application for the overlay zone and for approval o# �he conceptual development plan may be heard concurren#ly if an application for each of the actions is subrnitted. Concurrent overla�O zone and subdivision applications. If the application involves subdivision of land, the applicant may apply fs�r preliminary pfat approval and the applications shall be heard cor�curr�ntly. The subject site is part of an existing planned, development overlay. . Therefore, the application will only be subject to those requirements that are particular land use applications. A�a�9i�abilrty of the �3�;�e���� �S�v�l�pr�ent Sta�ndards (18. 50. 70 : �orr�pliance to specific develo�ameret standards. The provisions o the base zan� ar� applieable as feall�ws: Lot �ir�ensiona�l stane;ard�: The minimum lot �i��, lot de�t8� �nd lot w�dth standards �hall not apply except as related to fihe densit� cornputation unde� Chapter 18.715; �ite coererage: The site coverag� provisions of the bas� zone sh�ll apply; �uildie�g height: The building height provis�ons shali not apply. The subject site is par€ of a previausly developes� planned development. Therefore, lofi c�imensions do nof a�� 'y. iite coverac�e, �owev�r, does appl�. The �atal pr�posed site coverage incluciing al9 emp?rv�ous area is 75.2 percent. The Maximum site coverage is 85 nercenf. Therefore, the stand�rd is met. Structure Setback_PrQVisions; ron yar an rear yar se acks for �tructures on the perimeter of the project shall be the same as that required by the base zone unless otherwise provided by Chapter 18.360; Yhe side yard setback provisions shall not apply except that all detached structures shall meet the Uniform Building Code requir�ment� for fire walls; and front yard and rear yard setback requirements in the base zone setback shall not apply to structur�s on �he �nt�rior of the proJ ect except that: A minimum front yard setback of 20 feet is required for any gar� e s'tructure which opens facing a str��t, �4 rninimum frant �ard setback of �ighf fee� is required for any garage opening for an attached si�igle-family dwelling facing a private street as long as the required off-street parking spaces are provideel. PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 4 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTEi� This is an interior str�ct�ure with a setback onl from SW �ham Road. The r�quired se#bar�k is 30 feet from the cEnterline of SW Durham Road. The proposed building has a setba��k of 60 feet. FlNDING: Based on the analysis aQOVe, staff finds that the Structure Setback Provisions have been met. Other Provi�ions of the Base Zone: All other provisions of the base zone shall apply except as modified by this chapter. Other provisions related to the base zone are reviewed in later sections of this report. B. SPECIFIC PLANNED DEVELOPMENI' APPROVAL CRITERIA Section 18.350.100.B requires that the Commission make finding� that the following criteria are satisfied when approving or approving vvith conditions, or the criteria are not sati�fied when den�ing an application: All the provisions of the land division provisions, Chapters 18.4�10, 18.420 and 18.430, shall be met. The provisions of Chrapters 18.410, Lot Line Adjustments and 18.420, Partitions and 18.430 Subdivision5 are �ot applicable to this proposal. Except as noted, the provisions of the following chapters shall be utilized as guidelines. A planned, c�evelopment need not meet� these rec�uirements where a development plan provides alternative d�si�ns and me4hods, if acceptable to the Cornmission, that �romote the purpose of this section. In each case, the applicant must provide findings to justify the modification of the standards in the chapters listed in Subsection 3 below. The de�veloper may .choose to provide or the commission may require additional open space dedication and/or provision of additional am�niti�s, larodscaping or tree planting. Chapter 18.715, Density Computation and Limitations. Unless authorized below, density shafl be governed by the density established in the underlying zoning district. The Commission may further authoriz�e a den�ity bonus not to exceed 10% as an in�entive to increa�e or enhance open space, architectural character and/�r �ite variation incorporated into the development. These factors must rmake a substantial contribution to ob'ectives of the planned development. The degree of distinctiveness and the desira�ilitX of variation achieved shail govern the amount of densitx ir�crease e+�+hich the Commission ma� approve according to the followin (1) A maximum of 3% i� allov►r��! fic�r the provi�ion of undeveloped common space;�2) A r�oaximurr� o# 3% is allow�d foa° 6and�caping; streetscape development; developed open spaces, plaza� and pedestrian pathways and related amenities; recreation area developrnent; and/or reteoi�ion of�xisting vegetation; (3) A enaxirr�ur� of 3% is allowed for creation of visuai focal points; .use of e�xistin physical arnenities such as topo�raphy, view, ar�d sun/wind orien#a�tian; (4) � �naximum of 3% quality �f architec�ur�! qaaalit� ancf st�rle; harmoni�us use of m�ateriaBs; innovative building ori�ntation or builcling group�ng; and/or var6ed use o#'h�using types. The applicant ha� not submitt�d arsy rr,aterial r��a�•ding density ��icuiations �ecause Chapter 18.715 of the Development Code only r�f�rs to residential sites. FINDING: Based an the analysis abov�, �taff finds that fhe section abov� h�s been met. A�ticns to DeVe1Q��it $�andards�1�.730� onal Setback Requrrements: Additional setback from specified roadways. To ensure improved light, air, and si�ht distance and to protect the public health, safety, and v�relfare, structures in any.zoning district wh9ch abut certain arterial and collector streets shall be s�t back a minimum distanc� from the centerline of the street. Where the str�eet is not improved, the measurement shall be made at ri�ht angles from the centerline or general extension of the street right-of-yvay. The required setback d'ostan�e for buildings on arterial streets is the setback distance required by the zoning di�trict plus the following di�tances PLANNING COPrIMISSION FINAL ORDER NO,2000-01 PC PAGE 5 OF 17 SDR1�99-00022 VyILLOWBR00K II COMMERCIAL CENTER measured from the centerline of the street as contaoned in�le 18.730.1. Th�: re uired setback distac�ce for buildin�s on the foYlowing collector streets is the setback distance required by the zonBn distr�ct plu§ 30 feet measured frnm the centerline of the street as contained in Table�8.730.1. The pr�posed site is on SW Durham Road, a collector street. Therefore, the buiiding is required to have a 30-foot setback from the centerline of SW Durham F2oad. The site plan shows a 30-foot setback from the road and a 20-foot setback from the property line. The proposed building is not required to meet the underlying zoning setback because of the fl�xible setba+�ks of the Planned Development ovErlay. FI�IDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Exceptior�s to Development Standards are met. Vi p I I r n qr���18.795�: Z a er re uires that a clear vision area sh.all be maintained on the corners of all property ad1'acent to intersectin,� right-of-vvays c►r the intersectian of a public street and a private c7rivewa�+. A clear vision area shall contain nu vehi�le, hedge, planting, fence, wall structure, or tem porary or permanent obstruction exceeding three (3) feet in height. 1'he code provides that obstructions that may be located in tFiis area shall be visuall�/ clear between three (3 and eight (8 feet in hei ht 8) (trees may be placed writhin �this area provoded that a I branche� be ow eight,(8j�fee are removed). A visuai clearance area is the triangular area formed by measuring a 30-foot distance alon�g the street right;of-wa and tFie driveway, and �hen connecting these two (2), 30=foot distance pomts w�h a straight line. The applicant does not propose any development in the visual clearance area. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Visual Clearance standard has been met. L nd a inc� and Screening(18.745� ree rees• Section 18.745.040 states that �II development proJ ects frontin on a public street shall be reg uired to plant street trees in accordance with �ection 18.745.040.0 Section 18.Z45.040.0 required that street trees be spaced between 20 and 40 feet apart depending on tF�e size classification of the tree at maturity (small, medium or large). There are existing street trees that were aoproved by Planning Commission with the original approval for the development. The appiicant is not proposing to remove or replace existing street trees. Bu�fering and Screening: BufFering and screening is requiPed to reduce the impacts on adjacent uses which are of a different�t rpe in accordance with the matri�es in this chapter (Tables 18.745.1 and 18.745.2). The owner of each pro osed developrr�ent is responsible for the installation and effective maintenance o� buffering and screenin . When �ifferer�f uses v�ou9d be �b�tting one another except for sep��ation �y a right-of-way, bufF�ri�g, bu4 not srreenmg, shall be required as �p�cified ir� the rnatrixo F�ccording.to the code, the only bufi�ering and screenin� required is around the par{cing lot, which is de�cussed �nd�r the Screening Speci�l Provisions section of this r�;port: The only prop�rty abutting tP�e subj��t �ite is af th� �arr�� zar�i���. Th���fQre, no buti,.�ing and screening wi91 bs required. Hedges, fence�; and walls are neither required .nor prapo��d. Therefore, hedges, fences and walls, Setbacks for fences or walls and height restrictions are not applicable and are not d�iscussed in this rEport. Screenir� S eciallProvisions: Section �.74�.050.F: requires the screening of parking and loading areas. Landscaped ( parking areas shall include special dessgn features, which ei�ectively screen the parking lot areas from view. Planting materials to be installed should achieve a relative balance between low lying and vertical shrubbery and tre�s. Trees shall be planted in lancls�aped islands in all parking areas, and shal�be equally distributed on the basis of �ne ('�) tree for each seven (7) parking spaces in order to provide a canopy,efFect. The minimum dimension on the landscape,islands shall b� three (3) feet wide anc� $he landscaping shall be prot�cted frorn vehi�ular damage b�+ s�me form of wheel guard or curb. PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER.NO.20U0-01 PC PAGE 6 OF 17 SDR1993-OQ022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER • ' As indiGated on the site plan, the parking ,area will be�reened with a mixture of Arctostaphyllos u. Massachusetts Acer circinatum (Vine maple) ,and Dwarf Redtwig Dogwoods. The number of parking stalls associated with this project is 16. Therefore, two parking lot trees are required. The applicant proposes three parking lot trees, which exceeds the tre� req�uirement of one tree for every seven parking spaces. The landscape islands are a minimum of 12 feet wide, alsn exceeding the standard. Buffer Matrix: The Buffer Matrices cantained in Ta�les 18.745.1 and 18.745.2 shall be used in calculating widths of buffering/scre�n�ng and required improvements to be installed between proposed us�es and abutting us�s or zoning districts; an application for a variance to the standards required in Tables 18.745.1 and 18.745.2, shall be processed as a Type II procedure, as regulated by Section 18.390.040, using approval criteria in Section 18.370.010. The subject site, is zoned general commercial and abuts a generat commercial zoned property. According to the Matrix, buffering does not apply. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that the Landscaping and Screening Standards have been met. Re-Vegetation (18.745.060� When re-vegetation is required: ' Where na#ural vegetation has been removed through grading in areas not affected by the landscaping requirements and that are not to be occupied by structures, such areas are to be replanted as set forth in this section to prevent erosion after construction activities are completed. No natural vegetation is proposed to be removed that isn't going to be occupied by� structures. FINDING: Based on the analysis a�ove, staff finds that the Re-vegetation standards do not apply. ff- r P r in nd Lo din 1 .76 : Disabled-accessi le parking: All parking areas shall be provided with the required number of parking spaces for disabled persons as specified by the State of Oregon Uniform Building Code and federal standards. Such parking spaces shall be sized, signed and marked as requir�ed by these regulations. The ap�licant has provided detailed parking data for the existing six (6) buildings consisting of a 5 ,025 square foot commercial center. The parking data indicates that, given the existing uses, the total amount of required parking is 292 spaces. This includes the required 16 spaces for the 5,787.6 square foot building. Ac�ess Drives: UV�th �-��ard to acc��� tc� pubii� streets fro� off�����et p�rkdng: ��cess dr�v�es f�om #h� street �� off-st�eet parking or loading� areas sha9! be designed and constructed to f�cili�ate the flav�r c►f traffic and prnvid� maxirnurn safe�y for pedestria� and vehicular tr��fic oa� �he site; the nurr��er and siz� �f acces� drives shall kae in accordance with tF�e requirements of Chapter, 18.705, Acces�, �g��s� and CirculatimnY �cce�s dri�aes shall be csearly anc� p�rmanentl� rr�arked �nd defined throu��� �se of rails, fir�rnces, walls or other barriers or njarke�s on froni�qe not occupied by seneice drive�; access drives shall have a rra�nirr�um visien �lewrance in accordance with Chapter 18.795, Vis�sal Clearance; access drives shall be improved wi#h an asphalt or concrete surface; and excluding single-family and ciu�I�x residence5, ex�ept as provided by Sutasection 18.810.030.P, groups of two or more oarkin� spaces shall be served by a service drive so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street or other public right-of-way will be required. The driveway and parking will be a�phalt in accordance with the requirements. The number and si�e of the access driv�s is regulated by the standards specified in Section 18.705 and is discussed.later in this report. PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 7 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER � Pedestrian Access: � Pedestrian access through parking lots shall be provided in accordance with Sectean 18.705.030.F. Vlih�re a parking arc�a or other vehicle area has a �drop-off; grade separation, the property owner shall install a w�ll, railing, ar other b�rrier w�ich wili prevent a slow-moving vehicle or driverless vehicle from escaping such area and which will prev�nt �edestrians from walking over drop-off�dges. The site plan does not indicate pedestrian walkways that cro�s vehicle access or parking lots from the new building. Parking Lot Landscaping: Parking lots shall be landscaped in accordance wmth the requirements of Chapter 18.745. Parking lot landscaping has been discussed earlier in this report. Parkin Lot Striping: , Exce p�for single-family and duplex residences, any area intended to be used to meet the o�F-street parking requirements as contained in this Chapter shall have all parking spaces clearfy marked; and all interior drives and access aisles shall be clearly marked and signed to show direction of flow and maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety. . The site plan shows the parking area to be clearly marked. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Wheel Stops: Parking spaces aio►rig, the boundaries of a parkin� I�t or adjacent to interior landscaped areas ur sidewalks shall be provided wi�h a wheel sto at least four inches high located three#eet back from the front of the parking stall. �he front three feet of the parking stall ma be concrete, asphalt or low lying laradscape material th�t does not exce�ed �he helgh�of the wheel stop. This area cannot be calculated to meet � landscaping or sidewalk req�airerr�ea�ts. Proposed sidewalks are at least 9 feet wide, which provides for the required 3-foot overhang. Therefore, wheel stops will n�t be required. Drainag�: OfF-stre�t parking ar�d loading area� shall be drained in accordance with specifications approved by the City Engineer to ensur� that ponds do not occur except for single-family and duplex residences, of#-street parking and loading facilities shail be drained to avoid flow of water across public sidevvalks. This standard is discussed under Street and Utility Improvement Standards. L.ighting: Lights pr�viding to iliurninate any p�blic or private parking area or vehicle sales area shall b� arranged to direc����e eig9�t�way from any adjacent district. The applicant has not propo�ed any lightir�g. A lighting plan wilf need to be submitted to the Tigard Police Department for approval. S6��s: Sic�r�s which a�e pI�ced on parkenc� lots 5hall k�� �esign�d a�d i�nstalled in ac�ordan�e wBkh r�apter 180780. The applicant has not proposed any signs. In, any event, a separate sign permit will be required from the Development Services Technician� if any signs ars propos�d, which will be reviewed for compliance with the sfiand�rds at that time. Space and Aisle Dimensions: Section 18.765.040.N states that: "except as mndified for angled parking �n Figures �i�.765.1 and 'i8.765.2 the minimum dirtnensions for parking space� are: 8.5 feet x 18.5 fee� for a standard space and 7.5 feet x 16.5 feet for � �ompact space• aisles accommodating two directior� traffic, or allowing access from both ends, sha�l be 24 feet in witlth. PLANNING COMMISSION FI�JAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 8 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER The applicant's plans indicate the standard parking spaces �e 9 feet by 18 feet. Three of the stalf� will b� considered compact stalls, which are 7.5 feet by 16.5 feet, which is within the par�meters of this section of the code. Bicycle Parking Loc�tion and e4cCe�ss: Section 1$.765.0�50 states bicycle parkeng areas �hall be provided at locations within 50 feet of primary entrances to structures; bicycle parkin� areas shall not be located within parking aisles, iandscape areas or pedestrian ways; outdoor bicycle parking shall be visible from on-site buildings ar�d/or the street. When the bicycle parking area is not visible from the street, directional si�ns shall be used to located the parking area; and bicycle parkir�g may be iocated inside a building on a floor which has an outdoor entrance op�n for use and floor location which does not require the bicyclist to use stairs to gain access to the space. Exceptions may be made to the latter requirement for parking on upper stories within a multi-story residential building. The applicant has indicated that 15 bicycle parking stalls exist and only c�ne stall is required for the new buiiding. Thes� have not been shown on the site plan. A revised plan shall be submitted which shows the provision and tocation of the 16 bicycle parking spaces, thereby, satisfying this requirement. Bicycle Parking Design Requirements: Section 18.765.050.C. The followin de�ign,requirements ap�ly to the installation of bicycle racks: The racks required�or reqtaired bicycle parking spaces shall ensure that bicycles may be securely locked to tl�em without undue inGOnvenience. Provision of bicycle lockers for long-term (employee) parking is encou�raged but not required; bicycle racks must be securely anchored to the c�roun�i, wall or other structure; bicycle parking spaces shall be at least 2'/Z feet by six feet long, and, when covered, with a vertical clearance of seven feet. An access aisle of at least five feet wide shall be provided and maintained beside or between each row of bicycle parking; each required bic�ycle pa�rking space must be aic�e�sible without moving another bicycle; required b�cy�le parking spaces may not be rented or leased ex�ept where required motor vehicle parking is rented or leased. At-cost or deposit fees for bicycle parking are exempt from this requirement; and ar�eas set asicle for rec�uired bicycle parking must be clearly reserved for bicycle parking.onl�. Outdoor bicycle parking facilities shall be surFaced with a hard surfaced mat�rial, i.e., pavers, asphalt, concrete �r similar material. This sur�ace m�si u� �e�igned t�� rp���n Uvpll drained. The applicant has not prc�vided a detail of the bike rack to be used, therefore, staff is unable to cc�nfirm that this standard i� met. IIA�nimunn Bicycle Parking R�aquirements: The ��xal num�er of required bicycle parking spaces for ea�h use is specified in Tab9� ^�8.765.2 in �e�tio� 18.765.070.H. In r�o case sha91 there b� le�s than two bicy�ie parking sp��es. According to Table 18.765.2, the applicanfi is required to provid� one bicycle parking stall for the proposed 5,787.6 square faot building The applicant has not shown pre-exisfiing or prapos�d bicycle parkir��on t��e site plan. Therefore, a plan showin� bicycle parking will be req�aired in order to satis this standard. f�linimum C���-Street P�rking: �ection 18.765.Q7Q.H states that the rr�inimum and maxirr�um parking shafl be as required in Tabl� 1�.755.2. Table 18.765.2 states that the minimum parking for General Office is 2.7 spaces per 1000 square fieet. The proposed building is 5,787.6 squar� f�;et. Therefore, 16 ��rkin� spaces are ' required fior the proposed �se. The site plan shows 16 parking sp�ces which mcludes one � van accessible disabled parking space, FIR1L?ING: Based on the an�!,cis above, the off-street arking,ar�d loading standards have not b�en fully met, howev�r, if the applican�complies with the condition� listed below, the standards wii, be f�ally met. PLANNfNG COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 9 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER • � CONUITIONS: � . Submit a revised plan showing the location of 16 bicycle parking stalls. � Submit a revised plan providin� pedestrian safety walkways that cross vehicle access�driveways or parking lots from the proposed building. . A lighting plan will need to be submitted ta #he Tigard Police Department ' for approval. Access, Egress and Circulation (18.7051: Walkways: On-site pedestrian walkvvays shall cc9mply with the following standards: Walkways shall extend f�Qr�� the grour�d floor entrances or frorn the ground floor landing of stairs, ramps, or elevators of ali comm�rcial, institutional, and industrial usesa fo the streets which provide the required access and e�ress. Walkways shall provide convenient connections between buildings in multi-building commercial, institutiomal, and i�dustrial complexes. Unless impractical walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments ana� ��eigh�boring �lev��opments. The site plan shows existing wa�kways connect to SW Durham Road from the main entrance. A new sidewalk is proposed at the north and west sides of the proposed building that connect to SW Durham Road. Connection befinreen buildings has been conditioned previously in this report. Therefore, this standard has been met. Wherever required walkways cross vehicle access driveways or park6ng lots, such crossings shall be designed and located for pedestrian safety. Rec�uired walkways shall be phy§ically s�parated from motor vehicle traffic and parking by either a minimum 6-inch �ertical separation (curbed) or a minimum 3-foot horizontal separation, except that pedestrian crossings of traffic aisles are permitted for distances no greater than 36 feet if appropriate landseaping, pavement markings or contrasting pavement matercals are used. Walkways shall be a m�nimum of four�eet iro width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs and obstructiones such as mailboxes, benches bicycle racks, and signposts, and shall be in compliance with ADA standarc�s. Walkways that cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots have been conditioned earlier in this report. Required walkwa�� shall be paved with hard surfaced materials such as co��cret�, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. NValkways may be required to be 19ghted and/or signed as needed for saf�ty purposes. Soff-surfaced pubiic use pathways rnay be provided only if such pathwa�:� are provided in addition to requer�d path�ruays. The plans indicate that a wafkway will b� constructed. IVlir�imum Acce�s ��c���re���t� f�r CArrirn�r�ei�l and Indusfirial ���: �ection 18.705.03A.1 provides th� rnir�imurn access requiremer��s for �omnmercial and industria9 uses: 'Table 1�.705.3 indicates that th� required access width for d��elopmengs v�ith less than 100 parkin� s�aces is 30 feet with 24 f�et af p�vement. !/ehicular ac�ess shall be p�rovided tc� carnmercial or ind�strial us��, and shall be loc�ted �� within �(� ���t of th� primary ground floor ent�-anc�s; additior�l requireraien�� fior tru�k traf�'ic may �e g�la�ed a�� condition� of �itP develo�me�t review. , The �reliminary site plan shows the provisio� of three (3) access drives. These drives are shown to have widths of 30 feet with 24 feet of pavement. FINDIRIG: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the ��ccess, egress, and circulation standards have been met. Chapter 18.7 0.130.D lists the type of allowable signs and sign area permitted in the � C-G Z,oning District. . PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 10 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER � No signs have been formally proposEd. Signs are revie�through a separate permit process administered by the Development Service� Technicians and will be reviewed for compliance at the time of submittal. FINDING: Because signs will be reviewed and approved as part of a separate permit process, this standard has been safiisfied. C. ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMEN�S ,�l�I.s�.1�.1��,�, y�j��L�_nvironment: e s ree s, uo ings an o er si e e emen s s a I be designed and located to preserve the existing trees topography,and natural drainage t� the �reatest degree possible. Structures loca�ed on the site shall not be in areas subject to ground slumping and sliding. There shall be adequate distance between on-site buildings ' and other on-site and off-site buildings on adjoining pro erties to provide for adequate �ight and air circufation and for fire protection. �he structures shall be oriented wi�h consideration for the sun and wind directions, where possible; and trees preserved to the ext�nt pnssible. Replacement of trees is subject to the requirements of Chapter 18.790, Tree Removal. Ten trees are to be removed during construction of the proposed building and will be miti�ated for as discuss�d later in this report. There has been no evidence of slumpin.g or sliding and the topography is relatively flat. Building Code requirements will cover air, light, and fire protection. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that the standard has been met. Buff�ring, S ' m ' ili B n A ' ' in Buffer�ng sfhall be provided etween different typ�s o land uses, e.g., between single-family and �nulti-family residential and residential and commerc�al uses; In addition to the requirements of the bu�fer matrix (Table 18.745.1), the following factors shall be considered in d�termining the adeqa�acy and extent of the buffer required under Chapter 18.745: The purpo�e of the buffer, for example to decrease noise levels, absorb air pollution, filter dust, or to provide a visuas barrier; The size of the buffer needs in terms of vvidth and height to achie�e the purpose; The direction(s) from which buffering is needed; The requored density of the buffering; and whether the viewer is stationary or mobile. On-site screening from view from adJ'oining properties of such activities as service areas, storage areas, parking lots arid mechanical devices on roof tops shall be prnvided and th� following factor� shall be considered in det�rmining �he adequacy of �he type and extent of the screening: What needs to be screeneci; The dir��ti�an from whic� it is needed; and whether the screenir�g needs to be ye���-rouncl. The applicant has not �aabo�nitted material addressing this section af the code. FINC?ING: The project does not abut a residential zone. No re�idential service areas or sfiorage areas are involved. No mecManical devises on the raoftop are �roposed. There�Eore, this standard does not apply. Privac� and Noise. {dod�-residentiae str�a�tu�es whi�h abut e�qsting residential d�re(�ing� sh�ll b� located �n ��� �ite or be designea� e� � �ar�r�er, to the ma�ir�urm dego��e p�ssib�e, to �r�tect �he private areas on �he adjc�inirog pc�opert6e� fr�rrx4 view ��nei noise. The subject site does not apply because it is not adjacent to a residential use. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff find� the Privacy and noise standards do not apply. Private 0utdoor Area -- Multi-Family Use: In addition to the requirements of sub�aragraph (3)n each ground-level res�dential dwellfing unit shall have an outdoor prevate area (patio, terrace, porch) of not les� than 48 square feet. Wherever possible, private outdoor open spa�es should be oriented toward the sun; and private outdoor spaces shall be screened or designed to provide privacy for the use of the space. RLANNINC COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC • PAGE 11 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER • The subj�ect site does not apply because it is not adjacent to �5idential use. FIN�ING: Ba�sed or� the analysis above, staff finds the Private outdoor area standard� do not apply. Shared Outdoor Recreation Areas -- Multi-Family Use: In addition to subQaragraphs (2) and (3) of thBs section each multiple:dwelling development shall incorporate shared usable outdoor recreation areas within the clevelopment plan as follows. Stu�io units up to and including two bedroom units, 200 square feet per unit; and three or more bedroom units, 300 square feet per unit. Shared outdoor recreation space shall be readily observable from adjacent units for reason� of crime prevention ancl safaty. The required recreation space may be provided as follows. It may be all outdoor space: or it r�nay be.part outdoor space and part indc�or space; far example, an outdo�r tennis court and �ndoor re�reation room; or it.may be all public or common space; or it may be part common space and part privatei for example, it could be an outdoor tennis court, indoor recreation room and balconies on each unit; or where balconies ar� added to units, the balconies sha�l not be less than 48 square feet. The subject property is not adjacent to a residential use. FINDING: Based on the anaiysis above, staff finds the Shared outdoor recreation area standards do not apply. Access and Circula�ion: The number of allowed access points for a development shall be provided in Chapter 18.705. all circulation pa#terns within a development must be designed to accommodate emergenc� vehicles• and provisions shall be made for pedestrian and bicycle ways if such faciliti�s are s�iown on an adopted plan. The access and circulation standard has been discussed previously in this report. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Access and circulation standards have been satisfied earlier in this report. Landsca�ing and Open Space: Residential Development: In addition to the req�irements.of subparagraphs (4) and (5) of 5ection (a) of this subsection, a minimum of 20 percent of the site shall be tandscaped; Commercial Development: A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be lands�caped; and Industrial Development: � minimum ofi 15 percent of th� site shall be landscaped. Landscaping requirements have been discussed previo�asly in this report. FiI�DING: F3ased on the analysis above, staff find� the Landscaping requiremenis have been satisfied earlier in this report. pubpi� Transit; P�^ovis�ons f�r publi� tr�c�sit may b� requfired where the sifie abut� a public tra�sit rout�. The req,d�ired fa�ilities shall be I�asQd on the lo�ation of other �c�an�i� �aciwities in the area; a��d the size anc9 type r�� the propose� ��ev�9opr��nt and the requi�°ed facilities shall b� 16mitecl to such facilities as: a �rvaixing�shelter; a turn-out area f�r loading and �nloading; and hard surface paths connecting the development to the waiting area. A public transit shelter is already provided on 5W F�acific Highway. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Public transit standards have been satisfied. In�add tion to the provisions of Chapter 18.780, Signs: Location of all signs propos�d for the development site; and the signs shall not obscure vehicle driver's sight distance. PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER N0,2Q00-01 PC PAGE 12 OF 17 SDR1999-Q0022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER The Si n standar�s wil• re uired to meet the re uirem� of Cha ter 18.780 of the Tagard evelopment Code. q q p FINDING: Based c�n the analysis above, staff finds the Sign standards can be �atisfied during the normal sign permit process. Al�arking and loadin� areas shall be generally laid ou� in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.765. Up to 50% of required off-street parkir�g spaces for single-family attached dwellings may be provides! on one or more common parking lots within the planned development as long as each single-family lot contains one off-street parking space. The Parking standards have been discussed previously in this report. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds tt�e Parking standards have been satisfied earlier in this report. Drainage: All drainage provisions shail be generally laid out in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 1�.775, and the criteria in the adopted 1981 Master Drainage Plan. The applica��t has included a utility plan as part of their submittal material. Therefore, Engineering will review the plan and provide necessary comments. See Engineering comments fater in this report. FINDING: Based on the approval of the Enginee�ing Department, this standard will be satisfied. Floodplain Dedication: Where landfill and/or development is allowed within or adjacent t� the 100-year floodplain, the City shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for a greenway ad'oining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions of a suitable eleva�ion for the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordanc� with the ac�opted peclestrian bicycle pathway plan. The proposed site is not located within the 100-year floodplain. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the F9aodplain standards do not apply. Shared 0��� Requirements or shared open space: Where the open space is d�signated on the plan as common open space the following applies: 1).Th� open space area shall be shown on th� final pl�� �ind r�c�rded with the Direc or; ar�d (2) The open space shall be conveyed in accord��ice vvith on� of�h� followong met�ods: �y cledi�ation to the Gixy �� pubiicly�o�ned and r�aintained a� ope� �pace. Open spa�e ��ap��ed f�r dedication ts� the �i�� rreu�t be acc�ptable �o it v�Bth regard �� the �i��, s�ap�, ta�ation, ��np�ooreme��t and bud���ary and mair�fi�ea�an�e Bar��tation�; By p�asin� ow conveyin� titYe (including beneficial ownershep) to a corporation, home association or other legal entity, with the City retaining the c�eveloprnent rights to the property. The terms of such lease or other instrument of conveyance must include provisions suitable to the City Attorney for guaranteeir�g the following: . The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; . Continuity of property maintenance; � When appropriate, the availability of funds required for such main�enance; � . Adequate insur�nce protection; and . Recovery fior loss sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. �y any method which achieves the obje�tives set forth in Subsection 2 above of this section. PLANNING COMMISSlON FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 13 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER �hared o en s ace has� been discussed or re uired for t ro'ect. P P q � 1 �_�PECI�iC DEVELOPMENT STA►NDARD�S lm�act Studv: S�ction 18.390.040 stakes that the applicant shall provide an impact study to quantify the effect of deveiopment on public facilities and services. For each public facility sxstem and type of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City s�andard, and to minimize the impact of the development or� the �ublic at large, ��blic fa�ilitie�s systems, and af�ected private property users. In situations where the ommunit y Develo pment Code re quires the dedication of real pro per�y interests, the applicar�t shall either specifically concur with a requirement for pub l ic ri ht-of-way dedication, or provide evidence that supp�rts that the real property dedica�ion is not roughly proportional to the projecte�d impacts of the development. Section 18.390.0�0 states that when a condition of approval requires the transfer to the public ��f an interest in real property, the approval authority shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real property to b� transferred is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed develc�pment will have on the public. Public improvements are n�t required due to existing facilities associated �vith the planned devetopment. FINDING: Impacts are addressed in the Street and Utility Section of this report. Mixed Solid Waste and Recyclables Storage (18.755�: Chapter 18.755 requires that new constructio nin corporates functional and adequate space for on-site storage and efficient cc�ilection of mix�d solid waste and source separated Recyclables prior to pick-up anc9 removal by haulers. The applicant must choose one (1) of the following four (4) methods to demonstrate compliance: MBnimum Standard, Waste A�sessnnent, Comprehensive Recycl�n� Plan, or Franchised Hauler Review and Sign-Off. The applicant will have to submit ev�dence or a plan, which indicates compliance with this section. Regardless of which method chosen, the a�plicant wili have to submit a written sign-off from the franchise hauler regarding the acility location and compatibility. The applicanYs plans indicate a trash enclosure will be provided, but there is no evidence of proper screening . Therefore, the applicant will be conditioned to submit a plan showing a trash enclosure and proper screening far the facility. FINDING: Because the applicant has not provided evidence of compliance with the mixed solid waste and recyclable standards, tt�is standard has not been met. If the applicant complies with the condition listed below, the standards will be met. CONDITION:Submit verification from the franchise hauler indicating that the lacation of a proposed trash enclosure meets their needs and is properly screened. Tr�e Rernoeral (1 .8 790): . Sect6o� 1�.790.030 require� that a fir�� plan for�he planting, re�oval �nd pro��c#aon �f trees pr�paretl �g� a certifia��J �rborist sha91 be provid�d vvitl� a 5it� c��v�l��ment r�vii�w a�plicatio�. The 4ree plan shall include identification of�II �xisting trees, �c�enti���ti�n o a prograr�a fia save existing tree§ or rnitigate tree r�nnaval over 12 inches in caliper, which trees are: to be removed, protection program definirag standards and methods that will be used by the applicant to prntect trees during and after construction. The applicant has provided a tree plan that shows a total af 18 trees. Ten of the 18 trees are to be removed. di the 10 trees to be removed, 4 of them are over 12-inches in diameter equaling 97 caliper inches. Therefore, the applicant will be required to mitigate for two thirds of the 97 caliper inches. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Tree removal standards have not been fully met, however, if the applicant complies with the conditions listed below, the standards will be fully met. f'LANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 14 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER CONDITION:S�ibmit a revised lan that shows how the 65 c�r tree mitigation inches,will b� mitigated eithepon-site, off-site, by.payment of a fee in-lieu or a ��ombination. If the inches will be mitigated by plantmg, a bond will be required for the inches to be �lanted on-site prior to ossuance of building permits., If the fee in-lieu option is chosen, the fee m�ist be paid prior to issuance of building permits. E STREET AND UTIL ITY IMPROVEMENTS STANDARDS Street and Utility Im rovements Standards (�ection 1$,�'LQl� Chapter 18.810 provides construction stan ards for the implementation of public and private faciliti�es and utilities such as streets, sewers, and drainage. The� applicable standards are addr�essed below: Streets: Improvements: Sectuon 18.810.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned ,as a portion of an existin street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the Tigard Development Code�TDC). Minimum Rights-of-Way and Street Widths: Section 18.810.030(�) requires an arterial street to have an 80 to 90-foot right-of-way width and 12-foot {ravel lanes. Other improvements required r�ay include on-street parking, sidewalk� and bikeways, underground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This development site li�s adjacent to SW Durham Road, which is classified as an arterial roadway on the City,of Tigard Transportation Plan Map. At present, there is ad�quate right-of-way (ROW) width, and street improvements on this roadway. No further dedications or improvements are necessary. Sanitary Sewers: Sewers Required: Section 18.810.090.e4 requires that sanitary sewer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existBng mains in a�cordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary. and Surface Water Mana�gement �as adopted by the Unified Sewerage �►gency �n 1996 and including any f�uture revosions or arnendments) and the adopt�d policies of the cAmprehensive plan. Over-Sizing: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration �€a�ditional development within fihe area as projected by the Camprehensive Plan. The Willowbrook development made provisions for thi� buildeng by stubbing dut a service lateral to this locatior�. No fiurther publiG s��itary sewer impravements are necessary. Stc�r�� Dra���geo �eneral Pr�va�ion�: �ection 1�.��0.10�.A stat�� require d�veloper� t�o a�a��� adequat� pro�rision� for storm water and flood�ater run�ff. �ffect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.� states that where it is antici�at�d by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting from the d�velopment will overload an existing drainage fiacility, the Director and Engineer shall withhold �a� �oval of the development until provisions have been made for i�nprovement of t�e potential cor�dition or until provisions have been m�de for storage of additional runoff caused by, the development in accordanc� with the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Ma�nagement (as adopted by the Unified Sewer�ge Agency in 1996 and including a�r�y future revisions or amendments). PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL QRDER NO.2000-01 �'C PAGE 15 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WIL,LOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER The Willowbrook devel�ent considered this buildin locat�when master lanning was completed. The an-site storm drainage syst�m was z ed to accommodate the runoff from this site and a ser-oiice lateral was provided. No additional modifications to the on-site storm drainage system are nece�sary. Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states #hat all u�tility lines, but not limited to those required �Far electric, communication, lighting and cable television service§ and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface mounted transformers, surface mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets which may be placed above �round, temporary utility service facilities cDuring construction, high capacity electric lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: The develo�aer shail make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to prov6de the underground services; The City reserves the right to approve location of all starFace mounted facilities; All underground utilities, including sanitary �ewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surfacing of'the streets; and Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements when service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grounding Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a developer shall pay a fee in-lieu of un�'er-groundin� costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not underground will serve the development and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficultX of under-grounding the utilities outweighs the benefit of under- grounding in con�unction with the development. The determination shall be on a� case-by-case basis. '�he most cornmon, but not the only, such situation is a short frontage development f�r which under-grounding would result in the placerr�ent of additional poles, rather.than the removal of above-ground utilities facilities. An applicant for a development which is served by utilities which are not underg round and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of unde��groundeng. � This provision of the Tigard Development Code (TDC) was previously �ddressed as a part of the overall Willowbrook development. No additional requirements are necessary. ADDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS: Public Wat�er System: This site �is served by the City's �ublic water system. The applicant's plan indicates fhat they plan to tap the main water line in SW Durham Road to serve the new building. This work must be covered in a S�reet Opening Permit, which shall be obfiained prior to issuance of the site and/or building permit. S��rm Vliater(�uality: The City has agreed t� enf�rGe �urface Water Management (S11VM) regulatic��s establish�d by the llnified Sewerag� AgenCy (USA) Desi n and Construction �tandards (ac�opted, by R�solutacan and Order Ne�. 96-44� vvhict� reqi�ire �he construction of on��i�e vva�er qt�ality ���cilities. The faeilitie� �I�aall t�e d�signed to r�r�o�r� 65 p�rce�t of the phosphorus contained in 100 perc�nt of the storm wat�r r�oa�off g�neu•at�c� �rom r�e�ly cd�eated 6s��p�rvious �urfi�ces. In addition, a o�aintenan�e plan shall d�e subrrritt�cf indicating the frequency anci r�nethod te� be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. The USA standards recognize certain situa�tions wher� a site is limited on space. This particular site i� a part,of a much lar��r development that was planned and constructed b�fore water quality fac6latie� were required.. Th� �ite area is only 17,669 square feet, and if the appI�cant were to tr� �o provide a facility, e�f�ctive development of the site would be precluded. Therefore, Sfaff recommends that fihe applicant pay the fee in-lieu of a water quality facility, as provided by the USA standards. The total impervious area to be added to this site (incfuding buildin and paved areas) is 13,299 square feet. Based upon that area, the fee in-lieu wouid be �1,058. The fee shall be paid to the City pri�r to issuance of the site and/or building permit. � PLANNING COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 16 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER Grading and Erosion Control: � �, llSA Design and Construction Standards al§o regulate erosion contrcal to reduce the amount ofsediment and other pollutants reaching the public storm and surface water syst�m resaltin from development, construction, gr�ading, excavating, clearing, and any other activ�y which accelerates erosion. Per ZJSA r�gulationas, fhe app licant is required to submit an erosion control plan for City review and approvaf prior to issuance of City permits. SECTION VI. OTHER STAFF CC)MMENTS The City of' 1'igard Buiiding Division has reviewed the prop.osal and has offered no objections or�:.omments. The City of Tigard U�tility Department has reviewed the proposal and has offered the followin� comments: Developer/owner to provide minimum of double check valve assembly (backflow protection) dirsctly behind water meter. Also, we will require that additional double check valve assembly� on the irrigation line. All meter fees must be paid prior to City installing water service and meter. The City of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and has offered no objections or comments. The Cit of Tigard Engineering Department reviewed the proposal and has offered � commen�s that have been.incorporated into this report. The City of Tigard Property Manager has reviewed the proposal and has offered no objections or comments. . The City o� Tig.ard Long Range �lanning Department ha� reviewed the proposal and has offered no objections or comments. SEC`�IO�U VII. AGENCY CAl1AMENTS PGE has reviewed the proposal and has no objections to it. AT&T Cable has reviewed the proposal and has no objectians to it. Unified Sewerage Agency has had the opportunity to review the proposal and offered the following comment: E/C permit for area disturbal during construction is required. SE�TIC�N VIIL �OfV�L�S�N _ — IT �S`FURT���Cf���,REQ T'HI�►.�'TF#E`�PPLIC�►N�°e��1D TH� �AR7'!ES ? 'fQ 1'HE�� P�RtJC�E�D.II�I�S B� IVOTIFf�D �1F�"H� EfV`("��O� 1rHqS C?�t�t�l�. PASS�D: °This 7�' d�y of F�bru�ar9p,��000 by tfne Pl��aa�irng �omrr�issia� of the Ci�y c�f Tigard, County of Washington, Oregon. {�ignature box below} �....__._ �%C-/ � Nick ilson, President City af Tigard Planning Commission i:\curpin\Mathew\sdr\sdr1999-00022.rpt.doc PLANiVING COMtViISSION FINAL ORDER NO.2000-01 PC PAGE 17 OF 17 � ' SDR1999-00022 WILLOW9ROOK IF COMMERCIAL CENTER � .'u`°,:, Y r a �� �� � r" � I y �B a • • � �� •�O� � . � �� V �I O � � � , ������ a 1� -� ,� ° � � l�q, �� 0 �: . �. 0'/ � �';.. 0'.•:�I� -�� , � � �8 9 g - � A •:: � 0� A 6 Q ;\�� 6 � O�r.�.- � �—� ;la ��:� � .`��.:�, � a % ��N���i..: ����. �% � g��:.: •�?a���:�`s<:° _��.� .��..9:- ■ . � \�,������ e��, � , ��Pw� `� Q � � � • J O �1 � �� �� e �la,:��l�nu� � � � �' , � � • � ; � �• , � � � � - a ' � . - . , � o ���� . �� T a � � . . ��!�6� �-o � � e �������� � � ��''� 'a ►�� ° ��'FILlt���i� � � o •�� ��_ a _, �o�° e e a �!e a � � • � �; �,� • /�, , - � < f K� \ \I%\ � r��� � • � c1► � � ,' ..,�T ✓r���� -. . 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CitY of Ti�atd � � Inramanm a,iHs m�p Is ta yawal be.em ory.,a� . ahadd be v�Mled wMh tlr Dsvaloplmr�t�SwvicM Olridon � 137?5 S1N li�i BNd . � Tiprd,OR 97713 � . (503)839-4171 � � � ht�•!/www.d.iqrd.a.us . . . Cortamunity Development • P{ot date:Dec 20,1999;C:lntag;cWIAGiCO3J�F�33 • Agenda Item: 5.1� _ Flearing Date: February 7,2000 Time: 7:30 PM � <�� �„ F „ � . . � STII�F'BEPO�T 1'0�'�IIE ; � , : � ,�.. � �� �, : ; � .= ,� �, � Y�'�'O��TI��D : ,:CITY OF TIOARD "�� . ` e�N�N��iOM��i�i'��� � Community<AeveCopment �� ; �. � ��� � . . ; � � tr a .,:; . �.. � ,, �� � � Sda '��� 1?Better�ommunity . 120 DAVS = 4/12/2000 SECTION I. APPLIC�lTIOfV SUMMARY FILE NAME: WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL BUSINESS CENTER CASE NO.: Site Development Review (SDR) SDR1999-00022 Planned Development Review (PDFt) PDR1999-00003 PROPOSAL: The applicant has requested Site Development Review approval to construct a 5,787.6 square foo� building at the Willowbrook Commercial Business Ce,nter. Since the property has a Planned Development designation, F�lanning Commission review is necessary. APPLICANT: Mildren Design Group, P.C. OWNER: Durham/99Associates, Ltd. Attn: Hande Dogu 135 E. 57`h Street 11�30 SW Kerr Pkwy., Suite 310 New York, NY 10022 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 COMPREHENSIVE � PLAN ' DESIGNATION: General Comme�rcial ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G; General Commercial (PD overlay); The, purpose of the general commercial area i> to provide for ma�or retail goods and �ervices. Permitted uses ir� the C-G zoning district, are public agency administrative services, lodge, fraternal and �ivic assembly, parking, amusement, animal sales and seruices, automotive sale� and light equipment repairs, among other uses. LOCATI�(d: The subject site is located on the east side of SW Durham Road; WCTM 2�110�C, Tax Lot 02400. APPLICABLE REVIE�'� CRIT��C�A: Commur�i�y Developr�ent Cade Cha ters '18.350, 18.360, 18.390, 18.520, 18.705, 18.7�.5, 18.755, 18.7�5, 18.780, 18.790, 18.795 and 18.810. SEC710N II. STAFF REGOMMENDAYION �" �''', '``�f`�`ir��'�c�� ���;��, �1ty �� tig�rd �Pl��ning :comrr�ission APPR�OVE the proposal' ��, ,."', x , +�', � � � � ,; �,�� � � �����t�+�va� ;T�►e �ndmg� and�� co�clusions on which�: this��� ° �rr , , �, ���� ,�'°`�'` `�±����ir����G�ion V of�th�s r.,eport.. ; ?J7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNWG COMMISSION PAGE 1 OF 17 SDR1399-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER � CONDITIONS OF APP�tOVA,� �� �� �z �<,: u m� evi ence o comp ying wi e o owing con itions to t e anning ivision. Staff contact: Mathew Scheidegger. 1. Submitted verification from the franchise hauler indic��ting that the location of a proposed trash enclosure meets their needs and is properly screened. 2. Submit a r�evised plan that shows how the 65 caliper tree mitigation inches will be mitigated either on-site, off-site, by payment.of a fee in-lieu or a combination. If the inches will be mitigated by planting, a bond will be required for the inches to be planted on-site prior to issuance of building permits. If the fee in-lieu option is chosen, the fee must be paid prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Submit a revised plan providing pedestrian safety walkways that cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots from the proposed building. 4. Submit a revised plan shnwing the location of 16 bicycle parking stalls. 5. A lighting plan will need to be submitted to the Tigard Police Department for appr�val. : THE FULLOWING CpNDIT10NS SH'ALL BE S"P..TISFIED PRIOR TO � ` „ ISS:UAN"CE QF:,THE'SITE"AND%Q�fR BUILDING PERMITt = ;. � �u mit�to t e ngineering epartment rian ager, , ext. or reveew and approval: 6. Prior to issuance of a site and/or building permit, a Street Opening Permit will be required for this proje�:,t to cover the water main tap in SW Durham Road. The applicant will need to submit five (5) copies of a proposed public improvement plan for review ahd ap roval. NOTE: these plans a�e in addition to any drawings required by the Buildir�g �ivision and should only include information relevant to the public improvements. 7. A� a part of the public impravement plan submittal, the Engineering Department shall be provided with the exact lega� name, address and telephone number of the individual ar corporate entity who will be responsible for executing the compliance agreement (if cne is required) and providing the financial assurance for the public improvements. For example, speci,f�r if the entity i� a corporation, limited partnership, LLC, etc. Also specify the state wifhin which the ent�fy is, incorporated, and provide the name of the corporate contact person. Failure to provide accurate information to the Engineering Department will delay processing of project documents. 8. The plans for the proposed water main tap shall be reviewed and approved by the Public Works De�Oartment as a part of the Street Opening P+�rmit. 9. Prior to issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall pay the fee in-lieu of constructing an �on-site water quality fa�cility. The fee is based on the tntal area of new impervio�s surface in the proposed development and was calculated to b� $1,058. 1 ; % , . �' ' :T�IE FOLL01�91I�IG�Cf��IDITIONS'SHALL BE�S�;TISfIED.��l�0�TO � , � ,A,FIN�►I� BUILDING.�IN3PECTIO,N: Sul�tnit to the Engineering Departr�ent (�ri��n Rager, 639-4171, ext. 318) for review and appro�o�aL• 10. Prior to a final building inspection, the applicant shall complete �ny work in the public right-of-way (or public easement) and obtain approval from the Engineering Department. 2/7/20t1a PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PIANNING COMMISSION PAGE 2 OF 17 SDR1999-OQ022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER � `' ?;', , 7�t � ,, P •�B !/�►L D�� 1'8 M01Q'V'OiS`FROIVf E �'!� P,�t, A,�,��#ALL E I OR , TH � i ' �"'���^�ill . . . �. � �. � , �,or� .� ` �'FECf��,�.�1�4'� A;�'THE�PLANt�INC����GOM0111�$SI�N'S�DECISION.��� �� � SECTION III. BACKGROUND IIdFORMA710N S�'te Historv: The subject property was annexed into the City in 1972 (ZC 5-72). The property was changed from Washington County P-R, Planned Residential, #o City of Tigard P-D, Planned Deveiopment. The Tigard Planning Commission recommended approval of the development plan and program for the Summerfield Planned Development, in which a shopping center was to be located, on February 6, 1973 and the Council adopted the Commission's recommendation of February 12, �973. In September of 1979, A Site Design Review (SDR26-79) was granted for Phase I ancl II for the Summerfield Commercial Center. In August of 1983, the Plannin� Commission approved a request to elimiriate a tenant mix restriction of 13% financial, 24/o office, and 63% retail for this shopping center. In 1996, PDR approval was given to build the same building being applied for in this report but the applicant let the approval expire. Essentially, this application_is the same as tF�e approval given in 1996. No other development applications have been filed with the City. Vicinity Information: The subject site is located east of the intersection of SW Pacific Highway and SW Durham Road, west of SW Summerfi�ld Drive. Property to the north and south is zoned C-G (General Commercial� and is developed with commercial uses. Property to the east is zoned R-25 (Residential, 25 units per acre) and is currently developed with the Summsrtield Retirement community. Site Information and Propqsal Descri ta ion: The Mildren Design Group is representing Durham/99 �ssociates, Ltd. Partnership for development of a new 5,787.6 square foot building at Willowbrook II Commercial Business Center. Currently, there are five existing buildings totaling 51,900 square feet. The new building will closely resemble the existing buildings in architectural style.and finishes, and will be leased to one or more tenants upon completion. The building is proposed to be office use. . SECTION IV. SUMMARY OF APPLICABLE CRITERI�4 A summary of the applicable criteria in this case in the Chapter arder in which they are addressed in this report are as foliows: i4. Generai Planned Developrnent Stanclards 18.350.030 Process) 18.350.070 Applicability of the Base Zone Development Standards) B. 1 .715 Density Computation) 18.730 Excepfions to [�evelopment Sta�dards) 18.7g5 Visual Clearance) 18.745 �Landscaping and Scre�ning� 18.765 Off-Street Parkin and Laading Requirements)( 18.705 Access, Egress �Circul�tion) 18.780 Siqns) C. Additiona9 Wlann�d Ded�lo�ment Criteria D. 1 .390 Jmpact tudy) 18.755 Mixed Solid Wa��e & Recyclable Storage) 18.790 Tr�e Removal) �. 18.810 (Street and �1 ility Improvement Standards) 2/7(2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 3 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER SECTION V. APPLICABL� REVIEW CRII'ERii4 AI-FINDINGS COMPLIANCE WITH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE SECTIONS: As per '18.3 0.100, the provisions of Chapter 18.360, Site Development Review, are not applicable to Planned Development Reviews. The detailed development plan review is intended to address the same fype of issues as the Site Development Review. A. GENERAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT STANDAI�DS The Pla�ined Deve�lopment Process: There are three elements to the planned development approval process, as follows: 1. The approval of the planned development overlay zone; 2. The approval of the planned development concept plan; ancl 3. The approval of the detailed development plan. The site has a Planned Development Overlay. A development plan was approved in 1979. This plan is being modified to add an additional building that requires conceptua! and detailed plan approval by the Planning Commission because of the overlay. Decision-Making Process: A new planned development overlay zone and/or concept plan shali be processed by means of a Type III-PC procedure, as governed by SQCtion 18.390.050, using approval criteria containec# in Section 18.350.100. The detailed develo ment plan shall be reviewed by means of a Type II procedure, as governed by 18.3�0.040, to ensure that it is substantiall� in compliance with the approved concep� developrnent plan. In the case of an existing planned developrnent overlay zone for any other type of application, fihe application shall be reviewed under the provisions required in the chapters, whicr� apply ta the par#icular larod use ap�lication. Concurrent overlay zone and conceptual plan applications. The appl9c�tion for the overlay zone and for approval of the conceptual development plan may be heard conc�rrently if aro application for each of the actions is submitted. Concurrent overlay zone and subdivision applications. If the application inv�olves subdivision of land, the applicant may apply for preliminary plat approval and the applications shall be heard cancurrently. The subject site is part of an existing planned. development overlay. , Therefore, the applic��tion will only be subject to those requirements that are particular land use applicafions. �r.�bility of the Base Z�n� Develo�rnent_Standard� (1� 50.07 : Corra�liance ta specific deveiopment standards� 'Thega rovision� o the base zone are applicalaEe as follows: Lo# dimensional standards: 1'he m9nirraurr� lot size, lo� depth ar�� lot width standards shall nat apply exce t �s relat�d to th� den�ixy computation under Chapter 18.715; Site coverage: TI�� si�e cove�•�ge provi�ions of the base zone shall apply; Building height: The building he0ght provisions �h�ll nat apply. The subject site is part of a previously developed planned development. Theref�re, lot dimensions do not apply. Si7e covera�e, however, does ap�ly. The total proposed site coveragP including all impervious,�r�a i5 75.2 percent. The aximum site cQUerage is 85 percenf. Therefore, the standard is met. Structure �etback Provisions: ron yar an rear yar se acks for structures on the perirneter of the project shall be the same as that required by the base z�ne unless otherwise provided by Cha ter 18.360; Th� side yard �etback provisions �hall not apply except that al� detac�ed structures shall meet the Uniform �uilding Code requirements for fire walls; and front yard anc! rear yard setback requirements in tfn� base zone setback shall not apply to structures on fhe anterior of the pro1 ect except that: A minirr�um front yar�d setback of 20 f�et i� required for any gara e structure which opens facing a street. A min�mum front ya�d setback of eighf fee� is r�quired for any garage opening for an attached single-family dwelling facing a private street as long as the required ofE-street parking spaces are provided. 2!1/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 4 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER Tt�is is an interior struc�fre with a setback only from SW�rham Road. The re uired setback is 30 feet from the cen�erline of SW Durham Road. The proposPd building�as a setback of 60 feet. FINDING: Based on the analysis ab�ve, staff finds that the Structure Setback Prr�visions have been met. Other Provisions of the Base Zone: All other provisions of the base zone shall apply except as modified by this chapter. Other provisions related to the base zone are reviewed in later�ections of this report. B. SPE�IFIC PLANNED DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL CRITERIA Section 18.35A.100.� requires that the Commission make findings that the following criteria are sati5fied when approving or approving wBth �onditions, or the cr�iteria are not sati�faed when denying ;�n application: All the provisions of the land division provisions, Chapters 18.410, 18.420 and 18.430, shall be met. � The provisions of Chapters 18.410, Lot Line Adjustments and 18.420, Partitions and 18.430 Subdivisions are not applicable to this proposal. Except as noted, the provisions of the following chapters shall be utilized as guidelines. A planned development need not meet these rec�uirements where a development plac� provides alternative desi�ns and methods, if accept�ble to the Commission, that �romote the purpose of thes section. In each case, the applicant must provide findings to justify the modification of the standards in the chapters listed in Subsection 3 below. '�he developer r�nay choc�se to provide or the commission may require additional �pen space dedicatio�n and/or provision of add6tional amenities, lands�aping or tree planting. Chapter 18.715, Densifiy Computation and L�mitations. UnVess authorized below, density shall be goverraed by the density established ir� the underlying zoning district� The Commission may #urther authorize a densiiy aonu� nc�i to exceed 10% as an incentive to increase or enhance open space, architectural charactsr and/or ,site variation incorporated into the development. These factors must make a substar�tial cont�ibution to objectives of the planned development. The degree of distinctdveness and the desirabilit� of variation achieved shall govern the amouc�t of densitx inc:rease which the Corr�mission may approve aCCOrding to the followin (1) A maxsmum of 3°/a is al�owed fa�r the provision of uncleveloped common space;�2) A maximusn of 3% is allowed fnr 0ands�caping; str�etscape cievelopment; developed op�n �pac�s, plaa�s and pedes#rian �athways and relatecl amenities; recreation area de�elopment; and/or r�t�ntion of existing vegetation; (3) A. maximum of 3% is allowed for creation of vis��9 fo�al poir�ts; .use of existin physiCal amenities such as top��raphy, view= and sun/wind orientation; (4) � m�ximum nf 3% quality, of architectural qualit� and styl�; harmonious use of materialsy inr�ovatov� building orien�ation or building grouping; ar�d/or varied use of housing types. The applicant has not submitted any material regarding de�sity calculations because Chapter 18.715 c�f the Deveiopme�t Code only refers to residential sites. FINL�ING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that the section above has been met. .��� to De�reloument Standar� (18.730): Addi �onal Setback F�equirements: Additional setback from specified ro�dways. To ensure improved light, air, and si�ht dist�nce and to protect the public health, sa#ety, and welfare, structures in any,zoning district which abut cer@�in a�terial and collector streets shall b� set back a minirr�um distance from the centerls�� of the street. Where the street is not improved, the measurer��ent shall be tnade at ri�ht angles from the centerline or general extension of the street right-of-way. The r�quired setback distance for buildings on arterial streets is the setback �listance required by the zoning clistrict plus the following distan�es 2I7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 5 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER measured from the cen�rline of the str�et as contained in�ble 18.730.1. The requir�ed setback distance for t�uiidin�s on the follow6ng collector streets is the setiback distance requir�d.by the zonin district plus 30 feet measured from the centerline of the street as conitained Bn Table�8.730.1. The prop�sed site is on SW Durham Road, a collector street. Therefore, the building is required to have a 30-foot setback from the cen#erline of SW Durham Road. The site plan shows a 30-foot setback from the road and a 20-foot setback from the property line. The pro�osed building is not required to mee� the underlying zoning setback because of the flexible setbacks of the Planned Developr�ent overlay. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Exceptions to Development Standards are met. Visual Cleara as (18.79�1: ap er �equ res f�a�clear vision area shall be maintained on the corners of all property adiacent to intersectin,� right-of-ways or the interse�ction of a public street and a private clriveway. A clear v�sion area shall contain no vehicle, hedg�, planting, fence, wall structure, or tem orary ar permanent obstruction exceedi�g three (3) feet in height. The code provides �hat obstructions that may be located in tFiis area shall be visuall� clear betw�en three (3) and eight (8� feet in hei ht (8) �trees may� be placed within his area provided that all branches be ow eight,(8j�feet are removed). A visual clearance area is the triangular area formed by measuring a 30-foot dBstance along the street right-of-vaay and tFie driveway, and fhen connecting these two (2), 30=foot distance p�ints w�th a straight line. The �pplicant does not propose any development in the visual ctearance area. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Visual Clearance standard has been met. Landscaaing and Screening (18�745�, �freet Te�ees: Section 18.745.040 states that all development pro�1ects frontin on a public street shall be reg uired to plant street trees in accordance with �ection 18.745.040.0 Section 18.T45.040.0 required that street trees be spaced between 20 and 40 feet apart depending on the size classific�tior� af the tree at maturity (small, medium or large). There are existing street trees fhat were approved by Planning Commission with the original approval for the development. The applicant is not proposing to remove or replace existing street trees. Buffering and Screening: � Buffering and screening is reguire� to reduce the impacts on adjacent ���s �rhich ar�: of a aifferent t pe in accordance with the matrices in this chapter (T�bEe� 9�.745.� and 1�.745.2). �e owner of each pro osed development is respc�n�ible for the Bnstallation and effective �r�,aintenance o� bufi�erBng and screening. V�h�n clifferent �ses would be abutting o�ne another except for separation by a raght-of-way, buffering, but not screenong, shall be required as specified in the m�trix. According t� the code, th� oniy buffering and,screenin� required is aro�nd the parking lot, which is �discussed under the Screening Special Provisions section of this report. The only property abutting the subject site is of the same zoning. Therefore, no buffering and screening will be required. Hedges, fences and walls ar� neither required ,nor propo�ed. Therefore, hedges, fences and walls, Setbacks for fenc�� or walls and height restrictions are not applicable and are not discussed in this report. Screening S ecial Provisions: Section 18.74�.050.E requires the screening of arking and lo�ading areas. Landscaped parking ar�as shall include special design �eatures, which ef�ectively screen the parkir�g lot areas from view. Plantin,� mater�al� tca be in�talled should achieve a relative balance between lovv lying anc! vertical shrubbery and tr�es. 1'rees shall be planted in landscapec! islands in all parking areas, and shalf be equally distrib�ated on the basis of one (1) free for each seven (7) parking spaces in order to provide a ��nopy,eff�ct. The minimurrr� dimension on the landscape.islands shall be three (3) feet wide and the landscaping shall be protected from vehicular damage by sorr�e form of wheel guard or curb. ?J7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 6 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER As indicated on the slt� plan, the parkin� ,area will be�reened with a mixture of Arctostaphyllos u. Massachusetts Acer circinatum (Vine maple) ,and Dwarf Redtwig Dogwoods. The number of parking stalls assaciated with this project is 16. Therefore, two parking lot trees are required. The applicant proposes three parking lo�trees, which exceeds the tree requirement of one tree for every seven parking �paces. The landscape islancls are a minimum of 12 feet wide, also exceeding the standard. Buffer Matrix: The Buffer Matrices contained in Tables 18.745.1 and 18.745.2 shall be used in calculating widths of b�affering/screening and required 3mprovement� to be installed between proposed uses and abutting uses or zoning districts; an application for a variance t� the standards required in Tables 18.745.1 and 18.745.2, shall be processed as a Type II procedure, as regulated by Section 18.390.040, using approval criteria in Section 18.370.010. The subject site, is zoned general comrnercial and abuts a general commercial zoned property. According to the Matrix, buffering does not apply. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that the Landscaping and Screening Standards have been met. Re-Vegetation (18.745.060� When re-vegetation is required: Where natural vegetation has been removed through grading in areas not affected by the landscaping requerements and that are not to be occupied by structures, such areas are to be replanted as set forth in this section ta prevent erosion after �onstruction activities are completed. No natural vegetation is proposed to be removed that isn't going to be occupied by structures. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that th�e Re-vegetation standards do not apply. - r P rkin nc! L in 1 .765 : Disabled-accessi le parking: All parking areas shall be provided with the required number o# parking spaces for di�abled persons as spec�fied by the State of Oregon Uniform Buildir�g Cade �nd federal standards. Such parking �p�ces shall be sized, signed and marked as required by these regulations. The applicant has �r-ovid�d detailed parking data for the existing six {6) buildings consisting of a 58,025 square foot commercial center. The parl<ing data indicates that, given ti�e existing uses, the �otal amount of required parkiny is 292 spaces. This includes th� reqiaired 16 spaces for the 5,787.6 square foot building. �, �ac���s 9�rive�: � 1tV�th �°eg�rd to a�c��� to pt�blic streE,�s �'rom off-stree# parkinc�: access drives frorai � the street t� off-�tr��t parking or lo�ding �reas sha{i be design�d and constructed to f�c�litate th� flov� of tr��f9c and provide maximum s�fe#y for pedestr�an and vehicula� � tra�fic on #he site; the number and size of acc�ss driwes shall be in a�ccordar��e �nr6�h J the requirem�nts a� Chapter, 18.705, Access, Egress and Circulation; acG�ss drev�s m shalB be clearEy and permanently marked and defined throu�h use of rails, fences, � varalls or other barriers or markers on frontage not occupied by service drives; � access clrives shall have a minimurr� vision clearance in accordance with Chapter ^I8.795, Visual Clearance; access drives shall be improved with an asphalt or ca�crete surface; and exciuding single-family and duplex residences, except as providedl by Subsection 18.810.030.P, groups of two or more parking spaces shall be �erved by a service drive so that n6 b�cking movements or other maneuvering within � street or other public right-of�way will be required. The drivev�°ay and parkin� will be asph�lt in accordance with the requirements. The numb�r and size of the access drives is regulated by the standards specified in Secl:ion 18.705 and is discussed I�ter in this report. 2/7/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO 7HE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 7 OF 17 SDR199&00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER Pe�estrian Acce�s: � � Ped�strian access through parking lots shall b� provided in accorcflance with Section 18.705.t�30.F. Where a parking area or other vehicle area has a dr�;�-cyff, rade separation, the property owner shall install a wall, railing, or other barrier whic� wili prevent a slow-moving vehicle or driverless veh�cle from �scaping such area and which will prevent pedestrians from walking over drop-uff edges. The site p.lan does not indicate pedestrian walkways that cross vehicle aecess or parking lots frc�m the new building. Parkireg Lot Landsc�ping: Parking lots shall be landsc�ped in accordance with the requirements af Chapter 18.745. Parking lot landscaping has been discussed earlier in this re�ort. Parkin Lot Striping: , Exce p�for single-family and duplex residences, any area intended to be used to meet the o�f-street parking requirements as contained in this Chapter shall have all parking spaces clearfy marked; and all interior drives and access aisles shall be clearly marked and signed to show direction of flow and maintain vehicular anci pedestrian safety. The site plan shows the parking area to be clearly rnarked. Therefore, this criterion has been satisfied. Wheel Stops: Parking spaces along, the boundaries of a parkin.g lot or adjacent to interior lanclscaped are�s or sidewalks shall be provided wi�h a wheel sto at least four inches high located three feet back from the front of the parking stall. �he front three feet of the parking stall may be concrete, asphalt or low lying landscape material that does not exceed fhe heighf of the wheel stop. This area cannot be calculated to meet landscaping or sidewalk requirements. Proposed sidewalks are at least 9 feet wide, which provides for the required 3-foot overhang. Therefore, wheel stops will not be required. � Drainage: Off-street parking and loading areas shall be drained in �GCOrdance with �pecifications approved by the City Engineer to ensur�e that ponds do not �ccur except for single-fam�ly and du�lex residenGes, off-street parking and loading facilities shall b� drained to avoid flow of water a�cross public sidewalks. This standard is discus�ed under Sfreet and Utility Improvement Standards. L6ghting: Light� providing to clluminate any publBc or private parking area or vehicl� sales area shal� be arranged to �irect the light avvay from any adjace�t distriGt. The �pplicant has not proposed ariy lighting. A lighting plan will need to be submitted to the Tigard I'olice Department for apprc�val. Signs: Signs �nrhich are placed on p�rking lots shall be designed and installed in accardance wifh Chapter 18.780. The applicant has not proposed any signs. In, any event, a separate sign permit will be required from the Development Services Technicians if any signs are proposed, which will be reviewed for compliance with the standards at that time. �pace and Aisle Dimensions: Section 18.765.040.N states that: "except as modified for angled parking in Figures 18.765.1 anc! 18.765.2 the minimum dimensians for parking spaces are: 8.5 fe�t x 18.5 feet for a standard spac� and 7.5 f�et x �6.5 feet far a compact space• aisles accommodating two direction Aeraffic, or allowing a�c��s from both ends, �ha�l be 24 feet in width. 2/7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT 1'O THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE S OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER 1"he a licant'� plans in�ate the standard arking s aces �e 9 fieet b 18 feet. Three of �he�stalls will b� consid�red compact stalls, whi ph ar�; 7.5 feet by 16y5 feet, which is within the parameters of this section of the code. Bicycle Parking Location �nd Access: Section 18.7�5.050 states bicycle parkir�g areas shall be provided at locations within 50 feet of primary entrances fo structures; bicycle parking areas shall not be located Hoithin parking aisles, landscape areas or �edestrian ways; outdoor bicycle parking shall be visible from on-sit� buildings and/or the street. When the bicycle parking area is not visible from the street, directional si�ns shall be used to located the parking area; and bicycle parking may be located inside a building on a floor which has an outdoor entrance open for use and floor location which does not require the bicyclist to,use stairs to gain access to the space. Exceptions may be made to the iatter requirement for parking on upper stories within a multi-story rE:sidential building. ' The applicant has indicated fihat 15 bicycNe parking stalls Exist ai�c� only one stall is required far the new building. These have not been shown on the site plan. A revised plan shall be submitted which shows the provision and location of the 16 bicycle parking spaces, thereby, satisfying this requirement. Bicycle Parking Design Requirernents: Section 18.765.050.C. The following design,requirements ap�ly to the installation of bicycle racks: The racks required for requ�red bicycle parking spaces shall ensure that bicycles .may be securely locked to them without undue inconvenience. � Provision of bicycle lockers for long-term (employee) parking is encouraged but not required; bicycle racks must be securely anchored to the �round, wall or other structure; bicycle �arking spa�es shall be at least 2'/z feet by six feet long, and, when covered, with a vertical clearance of seven feet. An access aisle of at least five feet wide shall be pruvided a�nd maintaiined beside or between each row of bicycle parking; each req�uired bicycle parking space must be accessible without moving another bicy�le; required bicycle parking spaces may �,Qt be rented or leased except where required motor vehicl� parking is rented or lease�d. At-cost or deposit fees fior bic�cie parking are exempt from this requirement; andl areas set aside for reyuired bicycle parking must be clearly reserved for bicycle parking,onl�. Outdoor bicycle parking facilities shall be surfaced with a hard surf�ced material, s.e., pavers, asphalt, concrete or similar material. This surface must be designed to remain well drainedo The applicanfi has not provided a detail of the bike rack to be used, th�refore, staff is unabl� to confirm that this standard is met. Minimurro �icycle �arking Requirements: The total number of required bicycle parking spaces for each use is specified in Table `18.765.2 in Section 1$.765.�70.H. In �o case shall there be less than two bicycle parking spaces. A,ccording to Table 18.765.2, the applicant is required to provide one bicycle parking stall for tr�e proposed 5,787.6 square foot building The applicant has not shown pre-existing or . �roposed bicycle parking on the site plan. Therefca!re, a pla� showing bicycle parking will be required in order to satisfy this ���ndard. Minimum Off-Stree� Parking: Sectie�n 18.765.070.H states that the rninimum and maximum parki�g shall be as required in Table 18.765.2. � Table 18.765.2 states that the minimum parking for General Office is 2.7 spaces per 1000 square feet. The proposed building is 5,787.6 square feet. Therefore, 16 parkin� spaces are required for the ,proposed use. The site plan shows 16 parking spaces which includes a,�e van accessible disabled parking space. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the off-street parking,and loading standards have not been fully met, hovvever, if the applicant complies with the conditions listed below, the standards will be fully met. 2/7/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 9 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLAWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER CONDITIONS: � � . Submit a revised plan showing the location of 16 bicycle parking stails. . Submit a revised plan providin� pedestrian safety walkways that cross vehicle access driveways or parking lots from the proposed building. . A lighting plan will need to be submitted to the Tigard Police Department for approval. Access, Egress and Circulation (1�.7051: Walkways: On-site pedestrian wa�kways shall comply with the following standards: Walkways shall extend from the ground floor entrances or from the ground floor landing of stairs, ramps, or elevators of all c�ommercial, institutional, and industrial uses, to the streets which provide the required access and e�ress. Walkways shall provide convenient conn�ctions between buildings in rx�ulti-building commercial, instii;utional, and industrial complexes. Unless impractical, walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments and neighboring developments. The site plan shows existing walkvuays connect to SW Uurham Road from the main entrance. A new sidewalk is proposed at the north and west sides of the proposed building that connect to SW Qurham Road. Connection between buildings has been conditioned pre��iously in this report. Therefore, this standard has been met. Wherever required walkvieays cross vehicie access driveways or parking lots, such crossings shall be designed and located for pedestrian safety. Rec�uired walkways � shall be physically separated from motor vehicle traffic and parking by either a minimum 6-inch vertical se�aaration (curbed) or a minimum 3-foot horizontal separation, except that pedestrian crossings of traffic aisles are permitted for distances no greater than 36 feet if appropriate landscaping, paverrrent markings or contrasting pavement reiaterials are used. Walkways shall be a minimum of four �eet in width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs and obstructions such as mailboxes, benches, bicycle racks, and sigr�posts, and sha01 be in compliance with �iDA standards. Walkways that cross vehicle access driveways or parkir��� lots have been conditioned earlier in this report. Required walkwa�s shall be paved with hard surFaced onaterials such as concrete, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. Walkways may be required to be ligh#ed and/or signed as needed for safety purp�oses. Soff-surfaced public use pathways may be provided only� if such pathways ai•e prcavided in addition to required pathways. The plans indicate fihat a walkway will be constructed. Minimum Acc�ss Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Use: Section 18.705.030.1 provodes the minimum access requBrements for commerc6al and industrial uses: Table "l8.705.3 indicates that the required access width for d�v�l�p�nents vvith less than 100 parking vpaces is 30 feet with 24 �eet of pavement. ' �'ehicular access shall be provide�d to cornmercial or industrial uses, and shall be located to within 50 fe�t of the �rimary ground floor entrances; additional requsrements for truck traffic may be placed as conditions of site development �•eview. The preliminary site �lan shows the provision of three (3) access drives. These drives are shown to have widths of 30 feet with 24 feet of pavement. FINDING: Based on the analyse� above, staff finds the access, egress, and circulation standards have been met. C�h pter��0.130.D lists the type of allov��ble sign� and sign area permitted in the C-G Zoning District. 2/T/200�0 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 10 OF 17 SDR19�39-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER No signs haye been f�ally proposed. Signs are revie�through a separate permit prcacess administered by 4he Development Services Technicians and will be reviewed for compliance at the time of submittal. FINDING: Because signs will be rev�ewed arid appr�ved as part of a separate p�rmit process, this standard has been satisfied. C. ADDI'TIONAL CRITERIA FOR F�LANNED DEVELOPMEIVT� ��lationshia to ��� Natural and Physicat Envi�onment: e s ree s, uiTdings an of� si e e emen s s a I be designed and located to preserve the existing �rees topography,and natural drainage to the �reatest degree p�ssible. Structures loca{ed on th� s�fe shall not be in areas subJect to gro�nd slumping and sliding. There shall be adequate distance betwe�n on-site buildimgs and other on-site and off-site buildings on adjoining pro erties to provide for adequate light and air corculation and far fire protection. �he structures shall be oriented wi�h consideration for th� sun and wind directions, where possible; and trees preseeved to the extent ossible. R�placement of trees is subject to the requirements of�hapter 18.790, �ree RemovaL Ten trees are to be removed during construction of the proposed, building and will be miti�ated for as discussed later in this report. There has been no evidence of slumpin� or slidin� ar,� the topography is relatively flat. Building Code requirements will cover air, light, and fire protection. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds that the standard has been met. i ili B n in'n Buffering shall be provided etween different types o land a�ses, e.g., between single-family and multi-family residential and residential and commercial uses; In addition to th� requirements of th� bu�Fer matrix (Table 18.745.1), the following factors shall be considered in determining the adequacy and extent of the buffer required under Chapter 18.745: The purpose of the buffer, for example to decrease noise levels, absorb air pollution, filter dust, or to provide a visual barrier; The size of the buffer needs in #erms of width and height to achieve the purpose: The direction(s) frorr� which ba�ffering is needed; The required density of the buffering; and whether the viewer is stationary or mobile. On-sit� �creening from view from adjoining properties of such activities as service areas, storage areas, parking lots and mechanical devices on roof tops shall be provided and the following factors shall be considered in determining the adequacy of the type and extent of the screening: What needs to be screened; The directiori frorx� which it is �eedecl; and whether the screee�ing needs tc� be year-round. The applicant has not submitted materia! addre�sing this section of the code. FINDING: The project does r�ot abut a residen4i�l zone. No residential service areas or storage areas are involved. No mechanical devises on the rooftop are proposed. Therefore, this standard dc�es not apply. Privacy and Noise: Nor�-residentoal structure� which abut existing resBdential dwellings shall be located on the site or be designed in a rt�anrver, to the maximurn degree possible, to protect the private areas on the adjoining properties from view and noise. The subject site does not apply because it is not adjacent to a residential use. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Privacy and noise s4andard5 do not apply. ,i Privat� Outdoor Are� -- Multi-Family Use: In addition to the requirements of subparagraph (3),.each ground-level residential dwelling unit shall have an outdoor pr�vate area (patio, terrace, porch) of not less than 48 sq���°e feet. Wherever possible, private outdoor open spaces should be oriented toward the sun; and private outdoor spaces shall be screened or designed to provide privacy for the use of the space. 2/7/2U00 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT.TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 11 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILL0INBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER The subject site does n�pply bec�use it is not �djacent to �sidential use. FINDING: Based on th� analysis above, staff finds the Private autdoor area standards do not apply. Shared Outdoor Recreation Areas -- Multi-Farrr�ily► Use: In addition to sub�aragrap�hs (2) and (3) �f this section �ach multiple-dwelling development shall incorporate shared usable outdoor recre�tion areas within the develc�pment plan as follows. Studio units up to and including two bedroom unit�, 200 square feet per unit; and three or more bedroorn units, 300 squar� feet per unit. Shared outdoor recreation space shall be readily observable from adjacent units for reasons of crime prevention and safety. �'he required recreation space may be provided as follows. �t may be ali outdoor space: or at may be.part outdoor space and part indoor space; for example, an outdoor tenn�s court and indoor recreation room; or it may be all public or common space; or it may be part common space and part private� for example, it could be an outcloor tennis court, indoor recreation room, and balconies on each unit; or where balconies are added to units, the baiconies shall not be less than 48 square feet. The subject property is not adjacent to a residential use. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Shared outdoor recreation area standards do not apply. Access and Circulation: The number of allowed access �SOints fo► a development shail be provided in Chapter 18.705. All circulation patterns within a development must be designed to accommodate emergency vehicles; and provisions shall be made for pedestrian and bicycle ways if su�h facifities are shown on an adoptes! plan. The access and ci�rculation standard has been discussed previously in this repart. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Access and circu9ation standards have been satisfied earlier in 4his report. Landscaping and Open Space: Residential Development: In addition to the requirernenfis of subparagraphs 4) and �5) of section (a) of this subsection, � minimum of 20 percent of the site s�all be andscaped; Commercial �evelopment: A minimum of 15 �a erce�nt of the site shall be I�nclscaped; ar�d Industr6al Developrr�ent: A minimum of 15 percent of the site �hall be landscaped. Landscaping requirements have been discussed previously in this report. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Landscaping reqruirernents have been satisfied earlier in this report. Ptablic Transit: PrAVisions for public transit may be required vvi�ere the �ite ab�ats a �ublic �rar�sit route. The required facilities �hasl be b�sed on the IoGation of �th��r transi� �facilite�s in the area; and the �ize and #yp� af t�ne pro�ao�ed d�v�foprnent and the re��ired facilities shall be limited to sucl� fa�cilitie� as: a waiting shelter; � turn-out area for loading and unloading; and hard surface paths connecting the a9evelopment to the waiting area. A public transit shelter is already provided on SW F��cific Highway. FINDING: Based on the analysis abave, staff fnds the Public transit standards have k�een satisfied. In�addition to the pravisions of Chapter 1�.780, Signs: Location �f all signs prop��ed fnr the dev�lopment si�e; and the s�gns shall not obscure vehicie driver's sight distance. � � 2l7/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 12 OF 17 � SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER The Sign standards wi�e required fo meet the requirem� of Chapter 1�.780 of the Tigard Development Code. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, �taff finds the Sign standards can be satisfied during the normal sign permit process. AII parTcing and loadiny areas shall be generally laid out in accordar�ce with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.765. Up to 50% of required off-street parking spaces for single-family attached dw�llings may be provBded on one or more comrnon parking lots within the plannec! clevelopment as long as each single-fiamily lot contains one ofF-street parking space. The Parking standards have been discussed previously in this report. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, staff finds the Parking standards have been satisfied earlier in this report. Drainaae: All drainage provisions shall be generally laici, out in accordance with the requirements set forth in Chapter 18.775, and the criteria in the adopted 1981 Master Drainage Plan. The applicant has included a utility plan as part of their submittal material. Therefore, Engineering will review the plan and provide necessary comments. See Engineering comments later in this report. FINDING: Based on the approval of the Engineering Department, this standard will be satisfied. Fl�odulain Dedication: Where landfill ar�d/or clevelopment is allowed within or adjacent to the 100-year floodplain, the City shall require consideration of the dedication of sufficient open land area for a greenwa ad'oining and within the floodplain. This area shall include portions of a 5uitable ���:ew��an f�r the construction of a pedestrian/bicycle pathway with the floodplain in accordance with th� adopted pedestrian bicycle pathrivay plan. The proposed site is not located within the 100-year floodplain. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Floodpiain standards dc� not apply. Shared O�en� Requirements or shared oper� space, Where the open spac� is designated en the plan as common open space the following applies: (1) The open sp�c� area shall be shuwn �an th� f�raaa plan and recorded with the �irector; and (2) The open space shall be con��eyed in acco�clance with one of the �eBlowing methods: 9 B�r declica�tion �o �h� City as publicly-ow�ned and maintain�d as open �pace. Open ° space prc�po�ed ifi'a�� �edicatio�� ta the City must be acceptable to it with regard to the ! size, shape, location, improverr�ent �nd budc�etary and maintenance limifiat6ons; i �y leasing or conveying titlQ (includir�g beneficial ownership) to a corporation, home i association or other legai �ntity, with the �ity retaining the development rights to the � property. The terms of such iease or other instrume�nt of conveyance must include � provisions suitable to the City Attorney for g�aranteeing the follc►wing: . The continued use of such land for the intended purposes; . Continuity of property maintenar�ce; . Uvhen appropriate, th� availability of funds required for such maintenance; . Adeq��te ins��ance prot�ction; and . Recovery for lass sustained by casualty and condemnation or otherwise. By any method which achieves th� objec����es set forth i�n Subsection 2 above of this section. 2/7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 13 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER Shared open space has�t been discussed or required for fi�roject. D. SPE�IFIC DEVELOPIVIENT STANDARDS I�qact Studv: Section 18.390.040 states that the applicant shall provide pn impa:,t study to quantify the effect of development on public facilities and services. For each public facility sXstem and type of ampact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet City st�ndard, and to minimize the im�act of the development on the �ublic at large, public facilities systems, and affected private property �sers. In situations where the Community Development Code requir�s the dedication of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifically concur with a requirement for public right-of-way dedication, or provide evidence that supports that the real property dedication is not roughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. Section 18.390.040 states that when a condition of approval requires the transfer to the public of an interest in real property, the approval authority shall adopt findings which support the conclusion that the interest in real property to be transferr�d is roughly proportional to the impact the proposed develapment waill have on the �ublic. Public improvements are not required due to existing facilities associated with the planned development. FINDING: Impacts are addressed in the Street and Utility Section of this report. Mixed Solid Waste and Recyclables Storage (1� �.755�: Chapter 18.755 require§ that new construction incorporates functional and adequate space for an-site storage and efficient collection of mixed solid wast� and source separated Recyclables prior to pick-up and removal by haulers. The a�plicant must choose one (1) of the folloriving four (4) methods to demonstrate comp iance: Minimum Standard, Waste Assessment, Comprehensive Recyclin� Plan, or Franchised �lauler Review and Sign-Off. The applicant will have to submit ev�dence or a plan, �rvhich indicates compliance with this section. Regardless of which method chosen, the applicant will have to submit a written s�gn-off fram the franchise hauler regarding the fa�ility location and compatibili�y. The applicant's plans indicate a trash enclosure will be provided, but there is no evidence of proper screening . Therefore, the applicant will be conditioned to submit a plan showing a trash enclosure and proper screening for the facility. FINDING: Because the applicant has not pr��vided evidence of compliance with the mixed solid waste and recyclable standards, this standard has not been met. If the applicant complies wifih the condition listed below, the standards will be met. C�fVDITION:Submit verification from the franchise hauler indicating that the location of a proposed trash enclosure meets their needs and is properly screened. Tree Remo�ral �18.790� Section 18.790.030 requires that a tree plan #or the planting, removal and protection of trees prepared by a certified arborist sfval! be�provided vvith a site development review application. The tree plan shall include identification of all existing trees, identification of a program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper, vNhich trees are to be removed, protection program defining standards and methods tlnat will be used by the applicant to pro#ect trees dur6ng and after construction. The applicant has provided a tree plan that shows a total of 18 trees. Ten of the 18 trees are to be removed. Of the 10 trees to be removed, 4 of �hem are aver 12-inches in diameter equaling 97 caliper inches. Therefore, the applicant will be required to mitigate for two thirds of the 97 caliper inches. FINDING: Based on the analysis above, the Tree removal standards have not been fully met, however, if the applicant �omplies with the conditions listed below, the standards will be fully met. 2/7/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PIANNING COMMISSION PAGE 14 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER � COfdDITION:Submit a r�Cfsed plan that shows how the 65 c�er tree mitigation inches wilf be mitigated ei7her on-site, off-site, by payment of a fee in-lieu or a corrnbinatio�n. If the inches will be mitigated by planting, a bond will be required for thp inches to be �lanted on-site prior to issuance of building permits., If the fee in-lieu option is chosen, the fee must be paid prior to issuanc� of building permits. E• . _STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEME.�TS STANDARDS i Chapter 18.810 provides cons�triuction stan ards for the implementation of public and pr�vate facilities and utiiities suich as streets, sewers, and drainage. The applicable standards are addressed below: Streets: Improvements: Section 18.�10.030.A.1 states that streets within a development and streets adjacent shall be improved in accordance with the TDC standards. Section 18.810.030.A.2 states that any new street or additional street width planned.as a portion of an existin street shall be dedicated and improved in accordance with the Tigard Development Code�T'DC). Minimum Rights-of-Way ar�d Street Widths: Section 18.810.030(E) requires an arterial street to have an �U to 90-foot right-of-way width and 12-foot travel lanes. Other improvements required may include on-;>treet parking, sidewalks and bikeways, urrderground utilities, street lighting, storm drainage, and street trees. This development site lies adjacent to StilV Durham Road, which is classified as an arterial roadway on the City of Tigard Transportation F'lan Map. At present, there is a�equate right-of-way (ROW)width, and street improvements on this roadway. No further dedications or improvements are necessary. . Sanitary Sewers: SewerS Required: Section 18.810.090.A requires that sanitary s�wer be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to existing rnains in accordance with the provisions set forth in Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary, and Surface Water Management �as adopted by the Unified Sewerage Agency in 1996 and including any fu#ure revisions or �mendments) and the adopted policies of the comprehensive plan. Over-Siaing: Section 18.810.090.0 states that proposed sewer systems shall include consideration of additianal development within the area as projected by th� Cornprehensive Plan. The Willowbrook development made provisions for this building by �tubbing out a service lateral to this location. No furti�er public sanitary sewer improvements are necessary. :itorrn Drainage: Veneral Prodisions: Section 18.810.100.A �fiafies r� uire d��relopers to maMce adequate provisions for storm water and floodwater rur�o�. EfFect on Downstream Drainage: Section 18.810.100.D �tates that where it is anticipated by the City Engineer that the additional runoff resulting •�rom the develo ment will overload an existia�g drainage faciiity, the D'crector and Engineer shall wi�hhold approval of the development until provisions have been made for improvement of the potential condition ar until provisions have been made for storage of additional runoff caused by the development in accordance vwith the Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary and Surface Water Management (as adopted by the Unified Sewerage Ageracy in 1996 and including any future revisions or amendments). 2/7/2000 PUBLIC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 15 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILLOWBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER ' The Willowbrook develo�ient c�nsidered this buifdin� locat�when master plannin was completed. The on-s�ite storm drainage ;system was sized to accommodate the runo�from this site and a service lateral was provided. No addifiional modifications to the on-site storm drainage system are necessary. Utilities: Section 18.810.120 states thdat all utility lines, but not limited fio those required for electric, communication, liglhting and cable television services and related facilities shall be placed underground, except for surface u�eiounted transformers, surFace mounted connection boxes and meter cabinets whi�:h may be placed above �round, temporary utility service facilities during construction, high capacity electr�c lines operating at 50,000 volts or above, and: The developer shall make all necessary arrangements with the serving utility to provide the underground services; The City reserves the right to approve location of all surface mounted facilities; All und�rground utilifiies, including sanitary sewers and storm drains installed in streets by the developer, shall be constructed prior to the surFacing of the streets; and Stubs for service connections shall be long enough to avoid disturbing the street improvements wh�n service connections are made. Exception to Under-Grouncling Requirement: Section 18.810.120.0 states that a devefoper shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-groundin� costs when the development is proposed to take place on a street where existing utilities which are not eanderground will serve the d�velapment and the approval authority determines that the cost and technical difficultX of under-grouncling the utilities outweighs the.benefit of under- grounding in con�unction with the development. The determination shall be on a case-by-case basis. The most common, but not the only, such.situation is a short frontage development for which under-grounding would result �n the placement af additional poles, rather than the removal of above-ground utilities fac6lities. An applicant for a dev�lopment which is served by utilities which are not underg round and which are located across a public right-of-way from the applicant's property shall pay a fee in-lieu of under-grounding. This provision of the Tigard Development Code (TDC) was previously addressed as a part of the overall Willowbrook development. No additional requirements are necessary. A�DDITIONAL CITY AND/OR AGENCY CONCERNS: Public Water Systerrz: This site i� served by the City's public wat�r system. The app(icant's plan indicates that they plan to tap the main water line in SW Durham Road to serve the new building. This work must be covered in a Street Opening Permit, which shall be obtained prior to issuance of the sote and/or building permit. Storm Water Quality: The City has agreed to er�force �urface lNater Managerri�nt (SINM) regulations established b� the l)nified Se�er�ge Ager�c�r �USA) Desi n and Canstruc�ion � Standards (� �pted. by Re�olution and �rd�er No. 96-44}� ��vhich require the construction a�� on-sat� wa��r quality f�calitieso The facilities stuall be designe�l to remove 65 percent of the phosphorus contaie�ed ir� 100 p�rcent of the storm water runoff g�nerated from newly �r�ated im perviaus sue�fac��. In addition, a maintenance plan shall be submitted indicating the frequency and rraethod to be used in keeping the facility maintained through the year. The USA standards recognize certain situations where a site is limited on space. This particular site is a part of a much lar�er development that was pianned and cor�structed before water quality facilities were required., The site area is only 17,669 square feet, �nd if the applicant were to try to provide a facility, effective development of the site would be precluded. Therefore, Staff recommends that the applicant pay the fee in-li�u of a water quality facility, as provided by the USA standards. The total impervious area to be added to this site (incfuding buildin and paved area�) is 13,299 square feet. �ased upon that area, the fee in-lieu would be $�1,058. The fee shall be paid to the City prior to issuance of the site and/or buildir�g permit. 2!7/2000 PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNlNG COMMISSION PAGE 16 OF 17 SDR1999-00022 WILL�WBROOK II COMMERCIAL CENTER Gradin �nd Erosion �troL• � USA Design and Construction Standarrls also regulate erosion control to reduce the amount of sediment ancl other poll�tants reaching the public storm and surface water , system resulting from d�velopmenty construction, grading, excavating,� ct�aaring, and any �4her activity which accelerates �rosion. Per USA regulations, the ap piicant i� required to submlt aro erosion contrc�l plan for City review and approvaf prior to issuance of City permits. SECTION VI OTHER STAFF COIIAMENTS The City of Tigard Building Division has reviewed the prop.osal and has offered no objections or comrnents. �'he City of Tigard Utility Department has reviewed the pr��posal and has ot#ered the i�ollowing comments: Developer/owner to provide minimum of double check valve assembly (backflow protection) directly behind water meter. Also, we will require that additional double cfieck valve assernbly on the irrigation line. All meter fees must be paid prior to City installing water service and meter. Th� City 'of Tigard Police Department has reviewed the proposal and has offered no objectians or comments. The City of Tigard Engineering Department reviewed the proposal and has offered comments that have been incorporated into this report. The City of Tigard Property Manager has reviewed the proposal and has offered no objections or comments. � The City of Tigard I�ong Range Planning Department has reviewed the proposal and has offered no objections or comments. �EGTION VII AGENCY COMIIAENTS PGE has reviewed the.proposal and has no obj�ctions to it. AT�T Cable has reviewed the proposal and has no objections to i�. Unified Sewera,ge Agency has had the opportunifiy to review the proposal and offered the following comm�nt: E/G permit far area disturbal during construction is required. � 7 `� ? �� � ?..c.. 'f January 28. 2000 P P . a ew' - �' ger DATE Assistant P anner � f r �-� Januarv 28. 2000 APPROVED BY: I�ichard Bewe d �DATE Planning IVtar�ags i;\curpin\Mathew�sdr�sd r1999-00022.rpt.doc ` 2!7/20UU PUBUC HEARING-STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION PAGE 17 OF 17 SDR1899-U0022 WILLOWBRC�;JKJI COMMERCIAI.CENTER �_ r�• ��t��. C` .�, � d n�0 • rd ���d . q'_ � .,,,� � . .���� a,o .. �� . ,. c . �,���,` �. o �� v. �, o+ H � � �.9 . �•' � �,�ii; ��::�� � ��� � � - . � oe� ,;ee Q � ; p a e ,� e a �� o o�,� � i��� �;!o ya :i '� � ��..�: ��. ' � g��::�,: .�;.� �::•�.:, .��- . . '�?';���� _���r �.� , �,����,' 0��` � , �n.��' Q � � � . �; � 1 O � � � Y rI 0 I �y� O ' � •,, � �.����� �� �• � . . ' O . d n' . � .. _ ' a � . � � � p ~ \\� • `' 1 . . a � �� a � � ��., - �.e .a o -��� o g ►� ► � i�� ��� �'r,'��d�� 'y�� � 0 •� � Orp e e a i� � • ' ��� ':;~�<� �°�� �- ���. �� ,�:► ,f .� : "'�`�-, i �i'.`.,..::✓r:�.y.R���.�aY'� � . '\;\_"::,�'.. 'L �B \�Q:r.►��i�i�i�iii�iiiii�i�i�iii��i+i -� :►����������1���a����������i��� �:i��♦ •������♦ " -' p��• � •�������������� �'<;'��' i�'�'��i��i'�� �. . � .....2... i �:;;►.�. ...�.... . . ... .......... . r.,.�.� • � .0000•o.❖, �<c:.... ......., . �•�.,. � .,.,.�.�.,.�.,.�. r, ��:<�.�.�. , .,.,.�.�.,.�.,.�. . q �,❖.• . .. ❖.•.•.•.p•,•,• o.: �;<... ...,..... �!'':►❖:❖.•.o❖. � / . '•♦••••••.❖.❖. 1. �!�"'""�---_/ � ' � � ► � . � ' � � . . . I I I . � . ' 1 ' I1 1 , .• . .r. c . . U GEOORAPHICINFOHYATION SYSTEY �� � U Q �� �� � � sr VICII�IITV NIAP �`�Q��� � �� �� � _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 5 N� S'" �°�`� � �� � SDRI 99�-0002Z pG� � = = = =— = --- - � � �� WI LLOWB ROOK I I � �, ��, �� COMMERCIAL � N � � � BUSINESS e� CENTER ���P �� suBj�CT � � seT� � � ��o Q� �� o�� � �`r � �r �� e - 3 y.s�� � . `� syy °`�� � � "� � I � � � � 3 N � V o ,00 Zoo aoo .ou soo r-«c } U �Q' ����� a � � e;.. . City of Tigard . . .. hfamrlfon m Ws m�p k fory«rd ke�lfon a�iy�d . . . tMaid W wMf�d wlle Cs Drvrapnwnt Srv(as OlYi�iq� �. - . 13125SVYHiBhd �� � -- � � Tqrd OR a77T3 � . (503)63i�171 . ht4!lrwr.d.Yprdv.�s Cortrrumity L�evel�ment ' Plot date:Dec 20,1999;C:�rnagicl�AAGICOiAPR - � � � ' v■-W-�-..,. • MILDREN DESIGN GROUP,P.C. Archf[ecture Space Planning December 6, 1999 City of Tigard Attn.: Matt Scheidegger ' 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard;Oregon 97223 Re: Pr�posed Building Willowbrook Commercial Center 99120 Dear Planning Department: Mildren Design Grotlp is representing Durham/99 A�sociafes, Ltd. Partnership Eox development of a new 5,7$8 square foot building at Willovabrook Commercial Center. Currently, ther� are five existing buildings totaling 51,9Q0 square feet. 'I'he new building will closely resemble the existing buildings in architectural style and finishes,and will be leased to one or znore tenants upon completion. The building is proposed to be office use. The current owner c�f fhe praperty is Durham 99/Assoc.Ltd.Partnerskup,135 E.57`''Street, New York,New York 10022. Attached you will finc� our narrative per the pre-c�nference notes, and subsequent telephone coriversations with yourself. . We look forward to meeting with you to discuss this project; Please do not hesitate to call should you have questions or require additional information. 5incerely, �� ��r . � / ,/ Hand� Dogu I 1830 5W Kerr Parkavay,Suite�'S Lake Os��ve;o,OR 97035 50312?4-055Z Pa;c244-Oa17 , , � � WILLOlIVBROO.K. COMMERCIAL CIENTER BUI�.DIPlG "F„ . �►�pared by: Mildr�n�esign Grr�up, P.C. WRG D�sign Inc. GreenWorks, P.C. November, 1999 ';�, • � . Willowbrnok Commercial eenter New Building"F" Chapter 1 a.520 C�MIl�[ERCIAL ZONING DISTItICTS ��S'l0.020� List of�'oning Districts C. C-G: General Conamercial 13istrict. ThP C-G zoning district is designed to accommodate a full range of retcril, office and civic uses with a Crty-wiale and even regional trade arrea. Except where non-�conforming, residendal uses are limited to single�family residences which are located on the same site as a permitted use. A wide range of uses, including but not limited to adult entertainment, autor�zotive equipment repair and sPorage, mini-warehouses, utilities, heliports, medical centers, »urjor event entertainment, and gasoline stations, are permitted canditionally. 18.520.040 Dwelopmend St�ndards A. Compliance required. All development must comply with: 1. All af the applicable a'evelopment stanc�ards contained in the underlying zonrng district, except where the applacant has obdained variances or adjustments in accordance with Chapters 18.310 and 18..320; 2. All other crpplicable standards crnd requirements contained in this title. B. 1)evedopment standards. Development standards in commercial zaning districts are contained in Table 18.520.2 below: TA�LE '�.520.2 DEVELOPII�IENT ST'ArTIfARDS IN COM�IERCIAL ZONE� MUE CBD Reddentlal R-25 STANDA�tD C-PI C-C[4] C-G C-P CBD R-40 R-12 C-G MF DU" Minimum I.ot Size-Detached unit-Bouding,lndging,room�n�h9use 5,00�oq R-- 5,000 sq R-- None-- 6,000 sq ft -- Nona-- None-- None-- Nane-- -1,480 sy ft 6,100 aq ft I�inimwn LaY Width 30 ft SO$ 30 ft 50 ft None Naie Nene 30 ft None Minimum Setbacks-Fro�yard-Side facing aAreet on oonxr& tl�rough lob[I]-Side y�rd-Si�ar rear yard abutting more re�ttidive zaiing di�trid-Renr yard-Diatance between frot►t of gprage& pnopefty line abutling a public or privrete�troct. 20 ft 20 R 0/20 R[3J- 0/20 fl [�]- 0/g0 ft[S]- 0/ZO ft[3]- 0/20 ft[3]- 0 R[6]- 0/20 R[3]- 0/20 R[3J- 0 ft[6]- 0/20 ft[3]- 0/20 ft[3]- 0/30 ft[7j 0/30 ft[7] 0/30 fR[7J-0/30 R[7]- 20 ft 20 ft 10 R[9]- 20 R[9]20 ft x0 ft 20 ft 10 ft[9]- 20 ft[9]20 ft OR[6]- 0/20ft[3]- 0/20ft[3j- 20R20ft 10830ft 2Qft20ft Muammwm height 33 ft 33 ft 45 ft 45 ft 80 f.t[8] 60 ft 60 ft 43 ft 45 ft Maximum Site Coverage[2] 83% 80% 85% 83'% 83�h $0% 80% 85'/0 80%[l l] Minimum I,�twbcape Requum�ent 1S'/o 20% 13°h 13% 13°h 20% 20%[10] 15% 20% [l�. Tl►e provieian of Chapta 18.795(Viaion Cleamnx)must be eatisfied. [2] Includes ail buildin�u►d impervious wrfaces. [3] No retback�hall be required aaccxpt 20 fat�hall be requ'ved where the zone abuts s residential zoning districd. 2 . , � � Willowbrook Caanmercial Center New Building"F" [4] Sce Sedioa 18.320.OSOB for eite and building daign Wmdards. [3� No froed yard�atback dull be required,exoept s 20 foot&mtt yard�efbadc auli apply within SO fat of a raideatial disRrict. [6J There�haii be no minimum&ont yard utback requircmont;howeva,conditiom in Chapten 18.743+�nd 18.795 muat be met. I�1 7'here are ao�etback requir�ts,exo4pt 30 feet whero�commacial uae within a didrici abuls a re�idential zoning didrict. [8] 'Il�e maximum heigM of any building in the CBD zone within 100 feet of any raidentid zoning dialrict�Ftall not exceed 40 fe�t. [9] Where the iide or rar yard of attached or muhiple-1'amity dwellinge abut a more ratriclive zoning dieiricl,auch setbncks ahall not be less than 33 feet. [lOJ Lrndacapad anu on e�tirting devaloped property in the CBD�hall be retnined. Huffering snd scraning requiremrnta eet foRh in Chapter 18.745 eh,all be met fa e�astic�g a�ed new develapment. ' • [l l] Lot ooverage includa all buildinga and impervious eurfaces. •AMukiplo-fimily dwelling unit ��IN�i The�ppUcaast proposes a lot size ezceeding the minimum requirement. Required:A sq.ft. Proposed: 17,669 sq.ft. . The appl6cxnt proposes lot width ezceeding the minimum requirement. itequired: 50'-0" Froposcd: 74'-6" The�enoysant meets required set backs; 0 ft st tQee front,0 ft at the side,0 ft at the e�ear and ezxeeds minimum requirements at the cor�er from the street per Pre-application notes;the b�ilding is set at 45'-0" from the centerline of Durham Rd.,hence,eaceeding t6e min�rna�m requirement of 30`-0." The npplicant proposes 75.2% (bailding coverage 32.7%,impervious area 42.5°✓a)site coverage, less then allowed maYima�n of 85% and,proposes 24.�% landscaping ezceeding the required 1� %. �lrea % Covera�e Si�e area: 17,669 sq.ft. �uildim�area: 5,786 sq.ft. 32.7% Impervious area; 7,513 sc�,ft. 42.5°/m L�ndscaped ar�a: 4,370 sq.ft. 24.8% 3 � • . WillowUrook Commercial Center . New Building"F" CD�apter 18 730 EXCEPTIONS TO DEVELOPMEIVT'STAND�4RDS 1�730.010 Pttrpose . A. Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to present exceptions to the height and fetback sta►uiards which apply in vcrrious zoning districts as detailed in Chapters l8.SI0, 1,8.520 a�nd 18.530. Flexibde a►rd/or more stringent setback standards are designed to allow for the muximum use of land and to allow for a varied building layout pattern while ensuring there will be adequate open space, light, air and distance between buildings to prote�t public health and safery. FINDING: The applicant meets the Zonia�district lot�imensional requirements,and setbacks. The Lot does not abut residential zona Tl�e appGcant'proposcs to set the building at 45'-0" from t6e centerGne of 1Durham Rd.,ezceeding the minimum requirement of 30'-0" per Pre-applieation notes. � � a. , OG � � • � � ..� m �9 W J • 4 � • � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" Chapter 18.765 OFF,STREET P.9RKING AND LOADING REQUIREMENTS 18 765.040 General Design Standa�ds ,A. Marnte►rance ofarrrking areas. All`parking lots shall be�i;ept clean and in good repair at all Hmes. . Brealus rn paveci surfaces shall be repaired promptly and broken or splintered wheel stops shall be replac�ed so that their funedon will not be impaired. B. Access drives. With regard to access to public streets from o,f,j`-street parking: 1. Access drives from the street ta o,�`=street parking or loading areas shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic and provide maximum safety for pedestrian and vehieular tra,f�c on the site; Z. Td�e number and size of access drives shald be in accord�ance with the requirements of Chapter, 18.705,Access, Egress and Circulatiori; 3, Access drives shall be clearly and permanently marked and defrned through use of rails, fences, walls or other barriers or markers on frontage not occupied by service drives; 4. Aeeess drives shall have a mrnimum vision clearan�e in accordance with Chapter 18.795, Yisual Clearance; S. Aeeess drives shall be improved with an asphalt or concrete surface;and 6, Excluding single family ar�d duplex residences, except as provided by Subsection 18.810,030P, groups of two or more parkrng spaces shall be served by a service drrve so that no backin� movements or other maneuvering within a street or other publie right-of-�vay will be required. C. �ding/unloading driveways. A driveway designed for continuous forward�low of passenger vehicles for the p�urpose of loading and unloading passengers shal!be located on the site of any school or other meeting place which is designed to accommodate more than�5 people at one time. D. On-site vehicle staekingfor drive-in use. 1. All uses providing drive-in serviees as defrned by this title shall provide oin the same site a staeking lane for inbound vehicles as noted in Table 18.765.1. FINDIN Th��pplicant is proposing 16 standard parking spaces,includ'eng(1)one van accessible disabled p�rkinE space, and 1 6ike perking stall,per�'re-application notes. 5 � , • � Willowbrook Comanerci�l Center Ne�v Building"�" Chapter 18.705 ACCESS,EGRES.S,AND CIRCULATION 18 705.010 Purpose A. Purpose• The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards and regulations for safe and e,f,)`'rcient vehicde access and egress on a s�te arrd for general clrculation within the site, 1�703.020 Applicability of Provisions A. When provisions annlu The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all development including the construction of new structures, the remodeling of ezisting structures(see Sectio►a 18.360.OS0), and to a change of use which increases the on-site�rarking or loading requirements or which changes the access requirements. B. Change or enlargement of use. Should the owner or occupant of a lot or building change or enlarge � the use to which the lot o��building is put, thereby increasing access and egress requlrements, it is unlawful and is a violation of this title to begin or maintain such altered use until the provisions of this chapter have been met if required or untrl the appropriate approval authority has approved the chartge. iC. When site design review is not required. Where the provisions of Chapter 18.360, Site Development Review, do not apply, the Director shc�ll approve, apprave with aonditions, or deny an access plan submitted under the provisions of this chapter in conjunction with another permit or land use action. P�. Con ict with subdivision requirements. The requirements and standards of this chapter.�hall not apply where they conflict wiPh the subdivision rules and standards of this dtle. 1�703.030 General�nvi�sions A. Cont�riuing obli¢ation ofpra,r�ertv owner. The provisions and mcrintenance of cacces�and egress � stapulated in this titde are co�rtfnuing requirements for the use of any strur,lure or parcel of real property in the City. B. Access pdcrn requir�ments. No huildan�ar oth�er permiP shall be issued until scaled plsrns are preser�ted and ap,�roved as provided by thts c/urpter that show how access, egress and circulation requiremerrts are ta be fulfrll�d. 7'h�applicant shall subm�t a site pdan. T'he DireCtor shall prov�de the applicant with�etailed informaHon ubout this submission requirement. C. Joint access. Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land rnay agree to uHlize jointly t�e same access and egress wlien the combined access and egress of both uses, structures, or parcels of land sadsfies the combined requirements as designated in thfs dtle,provid'ed: � 6 ' � � Willowbrook Commercial Center F+Tew Building"F" 1. SaHsfactory legal evidence shall be presented in the form of deeals, easements, leases or contr�rcts to establish the joint use;and 2. Copies of the deed5, easements, leases or contrac�ts are placed on permanent,fale with the Ciry. D. Public street access.All vehicular access and egress as required in Sections 1�.?05.03�N anr! 18.705.0301 shall connect directly with a public or priUate street approved by the Ciry for public use and shall be maintain�d at the required standards on a continuous basis. �. Curb cuts. Curb cuts shall be in accordance with Section 18.810.030N. F. Reguired walkway location. On-site pedesPrian walkways shal!comply with the following standards: 1. Walkways shall exterrd from the ground,�loor entrances or from the ground floor landing of stairs, ramps, or elevators ofall commercial, institutional, and industrial uses, to the streets which provide the required access and egress. Walkways shall provide corrvenient connections between buildings in multi-building commercial, instituHonat, and industrial complezes. Unless impractical, walkways shall be constructed between new and existing developments and neighboring developments; 2. Within all attached housing(except twu�family uwellings)and multi-�'amily developments, each residential dwelling shall be connected by walkway to the vehicular parking area, and common open space and recreation facilities,• 3. Wherever required waldcways cross vehicle access drivewcrys or parking lots, such crossings shall be designed'and located for pedestrian safety. Required walkways shall be physically separrrted from moGor vehicle tra,f�c and parking by either a minimum 6-inch ver�ical separation (curbed)or a minimum 3 foot horizonta!separallon, except that pedestrian crossings of trafftc aisles are permitted for distances no great�r than 36 fiet if appr�opriate landscaping,pavement»aarkings, or contrasting pavement materials are usecl. Walkway�shall be a minimum of four feet in width, exclusive of vehicle overhangs aesd obstructions such as �il8oxes, benches, bicycle racks, and sign posts, artd sha11 be in campliance with ADA standards; 4. 12equired walkways shal!be paved with hard surfaced materials such as concrete, asphalt, stone, brick, etc. Walkways may be required to be lighted and/or signed as needed f�r saf�ty purposes. Sof1-surfaced public use pathwcrys may be provlded only if such pathways are , provided in addltion to required pathways. G. Inadequate or hazardous acc�.�ss. 1. Applrcadons for building permits shall be referred to the Commissiofg for review when, in the opinion of the,Drrector, the ac�ess proposed: 7 � � , Willowbrook Commercial Center , New Building"F" a, Would cause or increase existing hazardous traffic conditions;or b. Would provide inadeguate access for emergency vehicles; or c. Would in any other way cause hazardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and pr�sent danger to the publ�c health, safery, and general welfare. 2. Direct individual access to arterial or collector streets fi°om single family dwellings and duplex lots shall be dfscouraged. Direct access to ma,�or collector or arterial streets shall be coirsidered only if there is no practrcal alternadve way to access the site. • 3. In no case shall the design of the service drive or drives require or facilitate the backrvard ►novement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley. Single family and duplex dweldings are exempt from thrs requirement. I. Minimum access reguirements for commercial and industrial use. 1. Vehi�le access, egress and circulation far c��mmercial and industrial use shall not be less than 21 as provided in Table 18.705.3; TA�L,E 18.705.3 VEHICUL,AR ACCESS/EGRESS REQUIREMEIeTTS: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL USE3 Required Parlcing Spaces Min6mum Number of Driveways Req�ired Minimum Access Vb�idth Minimum Pav�ment 0-99 1 30' 24' curbs required 100+ �or 1 30' S0' 24' cearbs required 40' curbs required 2. YeMicular access shad!be pa�vlded�"a cammercfal or industrial uses, arui shall be located to within SU feet of the primary grouncd,�loor entrances; 3. Additional requerernents for truck trctffic�acry be placed as condations of site developierent rev�ew. J. One-wav viehicular accesspoints. Where a proposed parking fcaciliry indicates only on¢-way traf,�'rc flow on the s�te, it shal!be accommodated by a specffic dr�veway serving the facility; the entrance dr�ve shall be situateet closest to oncoreting tra�`'ac and the ex�t dMve sh.,�rll be situat¢d farthest from oncoming traffra K. D�rector's cruthoriPv to restrrct access. The�irector has the authoriry to resMct access when the 8 . � � Willowbroak Commercial Center New Buildi�ag"F" need to do sQ is dictated by one or more of the follow�ng conditions: 1. To provfde for increased tra,f,jSc movement on conges�ed streets and to eliminate lurning movement problems, the Director onay restrict the location o,9'driveways on streets and require the location of driveways be placed on adjacent streets, upon the finding that the proposed access would: a. Cause or increase existing hazardous tra,f,�'rc conditions; or b. Provide inadequate access for emergency vehicles; or c. Cause hazcardous conditions to exist which would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health, safery, and general welfare. � 2. To eliminate the need to use pu6lic streets for movements behveen commercial or industrial propertees,parking areas shall be designed to connect with parking areas on adjacent properties � unless not feasible. The Director shall require access easements between properties where necessary to provide for parking area connections; 3. To facilifate pedesh�ran and bicycle traffrc, access crnd parking area plans shall provide effrcient sidewalk antY/or pathway connections, as feasible, behveen neighboring developments or land uses; 4. A decision by the I�irector per 18.705.030 K. 1.-3. above may be appealed by means of a Type 11 procedure, as regulated by Seation 18.390.040, acsing cri•teria contained in Sec#on 18.370.020 C3. FINDING The site is located in an eaisting ccmmercial development which has (3)eaisting access routes out of the development:to SW Summerfield Ave.,Durkam Rd.,and Pacofic Hwy and, hence meets th�minimum acc�ss req�nir�ments. C�rb cu4s° Curb cuts.h�ve been provided in the ezist�ng development. Nev�+carb cuts will match ezisting curb cuts in accordance with 5ection 18.8110.030N. Walkw�,ys: Eziisting wulkwa�s provide convenient connections between ezisting buildings,�nd a new sidewalk is proposed et tire North arad West sides,coauseeNng to Durham Itd.. 9 � � . VVillowbro�k Comcner�ial Center . New�ui�ding"F" Chaptcr 1�780 SIGNS 18.780 Signs • FINDIN The eppGcant proposes no aignage at this time , , 10 . • � Willowbrook Commercial�enter New Building"F" Chaptcr 18.745 Lti1VD�CAPINGAND SCREENING 18 745.010 Purpose A. P�ose, The purpose of this�hapter is to establish standards for landscaping, bu,f,�'ering, and screening of land use within Tigard in order to enhance the aesthetic errvironmental quality of the Ciry: 1. By protecting existing street trees and requiring the planting of street trees in new developments; 2. By using plant materials as a unifying element; 3. By using planting materials to deftne space.�and articulate the uses of speciftc areas;and 4. By using trees and other landscaprng materials to mitigate the e,f,�'ects of the sun, wind, noise and lack of privacy by the provision of bu,f,�'ering and screening, 18.745.020 Applicabiliry A. Applicabilitv. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all development in�luding the construction of new structures, remodeling of existing structures where the landscaping is nonconforming(Section 18.760.040C), and to a change of use which results in the need for increa�ed on-site parking or doading requirements or which changes the access requirements. B. When site development ree�iew does not caDD1V. Where the pro�✓isrons of C.hapter 18.360, Site Devel�prnent Review, do ruot apply, the Director shall crpprove, approve with cor�ditions, or deny a plan submitted under the provisions of this chapter by means of a Type I procedure, as governed by Section 18.390.030, using the applicable standards in this chapter. C. Site lan requdrements. The appdicant shall submit a site plan. The Director shall provide the applicant with detail�d information abaut this submission requirement. 18.745.030 General Provisions A. Obligation ea:maintain. Unless otherwise provided by the lease agreement, the owner, tenant ancd his agent, if any, shall be jointly and severally responsible for the maintenance of all landscaping and screening whic�shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance, shal!be replaeed or repaired as necessary, and shall be kept free from refuse and debris. �. Pruning re uq ired.All plant growth in landseaped areas of developments shall be controlled by pruning, trimming or otherwise so that: 1. dt�vill not inderfere with the maintenanee or,repair of any public utility; 11 � � o � . Willowbrook Commer�cial Center New Buildling"F" 2. It will not r�estrict pedestrian or vehicular access;and 3. It will not constltute a traffic hazard because of reduced visibility, C. Instaldation requirements. The lnstallation of all landscaping shall be as foflows: 1. All landscaping shall be installed�ccording to accepted planHng procedures; 2. The plant materials shall be of high grade, and shall meet the size and gradin�;standcrrds of the American Standards for Nurberg Stock(ANSI Z60, 1-l986, and any future revisrons);and 3. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this title. D. CerH,t'icate ofOccupano�Certificates of occupancy shall not be issued unless the landscaping requirements have been met or other arrangements have been made a►ui approved by the City such as the postrng of a bond. • E•. Protection ofexfsting vegetadon. Eristing vegetation on a site shall be protected as rnuch as possible: 1. The developer shall provide n�ethods for the protection of existing vegRtation to remain during the co►tstructron process;and 2. The plants to be saved shall be notec�on the landscape plans(e.g., areas�ot to be disturbed can 8e fenced, as in snow fer�cing which can be placed arouard individual trees). F. Care oflandscaPirtg alongpublic rights-of-wav.Appropriate mathods for the care and maintenance of street trees and landscaping materials shall be provided by the owner of the properry abutting the rights-of-way urnless otherwise required for emergency conditioras and the safery of the general public. G. Conditians of approval of existing vegetation. TJ�e review procedures and standards for required landscaping and screening sha/l be specified in the conditions of a,pproval during development review avid in no instance shall be less than that required for com�entional development. ' H. Height restricNons abutting pu6lie rights-of-wa,�No trees, shrubs or planHngs more than 18 inches in height shall be planted in the publie right-of-way abutting roadways having no estab�ished curb and gutter. 1�?4S.040 Stred Trees A. ProtecHon of�ac►'sdng vegetation.All development project�fronting on a public street,private street or a private driv�wcry more than l00,�'eeP��length approved after the adoptinn of this�etde slr�dl he requ�red to plant street trees in accardance with the standards in,S�ction 18.745.040 C. B. Street tree planting list. Certain trees can severely damage utilides, streets and sidewalks or can eause personal�nj�ary, Approval of any planting lisP shall be sisbject to review by the Director°. 12 , � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" C. Size and spacingofstreet trees. 1. Landscaping in th�front arrd exterior srde yards shall include trees with a»:inimum caliper of two inches at four feet in height as specified in the requirements stated in Subsection 2 belvw; 2. The specific spacing of street trees by size of tree shall be as follows: a. Small or narrow-stature trees under 25 feet tall and less t�ban 16 feet wide branching at maturity shall be spaced»o greater ti�an 20 feet apart; b. Medium-sized trees 25 feet to 40 feet tall, 16 feet to 35 feet wide branching at maturiry shall be spaced no greater than 30 feet apart; , c. Large trees over 40 feet tall and more than 35 feet wide branching at maturity shall be spaced no greater than 40 feet apart; d. Fxcept for signalized intersections as provided in Section 18.745.040 H, trees s,hall not be planted closer than 20 feet from a street intersection, nor dloser than two feet from private driveways (measured cat the hack edge of the sidewalk),fire hydrants or utility poles to mcrintain visual cle.arance; e. No new utility po�e location shall be established Gloser than frve feet to any existing street tree; . f. Tree pits shcrll be locctted so as not to inelude utilittes (e.g., water and gas meters) in the tree well; g. On premises udilitfes (e.g., water rrnd gas»aeters)shall not be installed within existing tree wel!areas; h. Street trees shalt not be planted eloser than 20 feet to dight standards; i. 1��ev l�ght sta�adards s�rr�l not b�,posidoned'aloser than 20 feet to exisnng street trees except �a�hen public safery dictates, �hen they may be positianed no closer than!0 feet; j. Where therr,are overhead power lines, the sr`ree�i�re�species selected shall be of a type which, at ftall maturrry, will nut interfere with the lines; k. Trees shall not be planted within two feet from the face of the eurb;and l. Trees sluxld not be planted within two fest o,}'any per»ran�n�f�ard surfaee p�rving or wadkway: (1) �'pace between�he tree and the hard surface may be eovered by a nonpermanent hard surfdce such as grates, bricks on sand,paver blocks and cobblestones;ana� 13 � � . Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" (2) Sidewalk cuts in concrete for tree planting shall be at least four by four feet to allow for air and water into the root area. D. PrunrnQ requirements. Trees, as they grow, shall be pruned to provide at least eight feet of clecarance abor►e sidewalks and d 3 feet above local street, 1 S feet above coldector street, and 18 feet above � arteria[street roadway surjaces. E. Cut and fill around ezisting tre�s. F.acisting trees may be used as street trees if no cutting or filling takes place within the drip-line of the tree unless an adjustment 1s approv�d by the Director by means of a Type I procedure, as governed by Secdon 18.390.030, u�ing approval criteria in Section l8.370.020 C4a, F. Renlacement ofstreet trees. Ezisting street trees removed by development projects or other construction shal!be replaced by the developer with those types of trees approved by the Director. The repiacement trees shall be of a siae and species similar to the Prees►`hat are being removed unless lesser sized alternadves are approved by th¢Dfrector. G. Grantin�►ofadiustments. Adjustmer�ts to the street tree requirements mrry be granted by the Director by mearrs of a Type 1 procedure, aa re,gulated in SecHon 18.390.030, using approvc�!criteria in Section 18.370.020 C48. H.. Location of trees near signalized intersections. The Director may allow trees closer to specified intersections which are s�gnalized,provided the provisdorls of Chapter 18.795, Visual Clearance, are satisfied. 1�745 OSO Buffiring and Scr�ening A. General provisions. 1. It is the intent that these requirements shall provide for privacy and protection and reduce or elimanate the adverse impacts of visual or noise polluPion at a development site, without unduly dnte►,�'errng with the view fro�n n�lghboring prop�er�ies or jeopardizing the saf�ty o,fFeciestrians and vehicles; 2, �u,f�`'ering and sereenfng is requirad to reduce the fna��ts c.n�rdj�cent use�which Gr�of a different type in ace4rdarnee w�th the rnaMees tn this ehapter(7'abdes 18.7at5.1 and!8.745.2�. The own¢r of ec�ch prop�ased development is respons�ble for the ir�rtallation a�e,f,�'ective maintenance of bu,,�'ering and seraening. 6i'hen different uses would be abutting one another except for seppraHon by a r�ght�f-way, bufJ''ering, but not screening, shall be required as specife�d in the matrix; 3. In Ifeu of these standards, a detailed bu,fy'er area landscaping and screening plan may be submftted for the Drreetor's approval as an alternative t�►th�bu,�`'e�°area landscaping and seseenirtg stcrndards,provided it afJ`'ards the same degree of bufJ'eping and screening�rs required by this code. 14 ` . � � . Willowbrook Camm�rcl�l Center New Building"F�" B. Bu ering and screening requirements. 1. A bu,�`'er consists of an area within a required setback adjace►rt to a properry l�ne and having a depth equal to the camount specified in the bu,f,�'ering and screening matrix and conta�n�ng a lengfh equal to the length of the property line of the abutting use or uses; 2. A bu,fj`'er area may only be occupied by utilities, screening, sidewalks and bikeways, and landscaping. No buildings, accessways or parking areas shal!be allowed 1n a bu,f,�'er area excepl where an accessway has been approved by the City; 3. A fence, hedge or wall, or any combination of such elements, which are located in any yard is subject to the condidons and requirements of 18.745.040 B8 and 18/745.(J40D; 4. The minimum improvements within a buf�'er area sl*.all consist of combinations for landscaping and screening as specified in Table 18.745.1. In addition, improvements shall meet the following spectfrcations; a. At least one row of trees shall be planted. They shcrll have a minimum caliper of two Inches al four feet in height above grade for decaduous trees and a minimurn height of frve feeP high for evergreen trees a�the tirr�e ofplanting. Spacin�for�trees shadl be as follows: (1J S►nall or narraw-stature trees, under 25 feet tall or less than 16 feet wide at maturity shal! be spaced no further than 1 S feet apart; (2) Medium-sized trees between 25 feet to 40 feet tall and with 16 feet to 35 feet wide branching at maturiry shall 8e spaced no greater than 30 feet apart; (3) Large trees, over 40 feet tall and with more than 35 feet wide 6ranching at maturiry, sD�all be spaced no greater than 30 feet apa�rt. b. In addition, at least 10 frve gallon shrubs or 20 o;ne gadlQra shrubs shall be planted for each 1,000 squar�fee8 of w�quired b�ff�r area; c. T'he remaining are�;sivall la�,v�ar�ted in l�n mr other living�grou�d cover. S. Where screening is required the following standards shall apply in addition to thase rec�uired for buffering: d. A hedge of riarrow or broad leaf evergreen shrubs shall be pdanted which widl form a four- ,foot continuaass st^E���en of the height spe�ifled in Table 18.745.2 within two years of planting; or b. An earthen berm plcrnted wit�a evergreen plant materials shall be provided which wtll form a contin�uous screen of the height specffred in Ta�l�18.745.�within two years. The unplanted portion of the berm shall be planted in lawn or other living�►rou�a�cover; or 15 , 1 � � Willowbrook Commercial Center , New+Bui'lding"F" c. A fence or wall of the hetght speci,fied 1n Table 18,7�3,2 ahall bs consfrucfed lo provlde a continuous sight obscuring scr�en. 6. Buf�`'ering anci scre�ning pror�isi�ns shall be superseded by�he v1,t�on olearance requlrements as , set forth in Chapter 18.795; , 7. When the use to be screened 1s downhlll from the ad,/o�ning sone or aae, Ihe presorlbed hetghts of requtred fences, walls, or Irrndscape screen�ng shaU be ineaaar�d fro►ot fhe aefua!grade of the adjoining properry.In this case,fPnces and walls»u�y exoeed/he p�rmlff�d slx foot.hefghl at�he discretton of the director as a co►rcltdon of approv�al, Whrn the gradra ar�ao stsep ao as fo make tdte fnstallation ofwalls,fences or landscapin��o Ihe requlrtd hrlghl ImpraoNcal, a detalled landscape/screening plan shall be submi�fed for approval; � Fences and walls a. Fences and walls shall be constnected of any mattrials eomtmonly uasaf�n/he oonstrueNon of fences and walls such as wood, stone, roek or brlek, or olhe►wlse aaeeplab/e hy fhe Dlree�or; b. Sueh fenee or wall construction shall be�n eomp/�anee wlfh other Clry rsgulallons; c. Rralls shall be a minimum of six inches th�ck; and d. Chain linkfer�ses with slats shall qualify fnr sereer��ng, Hawever, ohaln llnk�finoes wffhoul sdats shall require the plandng ofa contlnuous�xrgreen hedge fa 6e consl�ered screening, 9. Hedges � � cr. An ev�rgreen hedge or other dense evergree��landseaping may saNsfy a requl remenl,�"car a sight-obscuring fenee where r�quired subject to the height requlremenl�n SeeNons 18,745.040 C2 a and b; b. S'ueh hedge or other derise landscaping shall be prnpert'y mar�ntai�ed and sha!!be replaeed wfth another hedge, other dense evergreen lan�lscc�p�ng, or a fence wh�n�f ceas�es f�o serve fhe pur�o�e�af obscuring�view;and c. M�+hedge shall be�rown or maintained a�a he�ghP greater than Phat perr�ltted by�isese regulations for a fen�ce or wall in a vis�on elearanc�araa as s�t,forth�n Chapter d�,795, C. Setbacks for jences or evalls. 1. 1Vo fence or walX shal�be constructed which exceeds Phe sPar�d��cls fq Seetio�s 18.745.040 C2 ' exeept when the approvcrl authoriry, as a eondition of approval, allows that a fence or wa//be e�nstructed to a herght greater thun otherwise permitted�o miNgate aga�nst pateqdal r�dverse e,ff'ects; 16 ,�'4 � . � • Willowbrook Commercial Center N�w Building"F" 2. Fences or walls: a. May not exceed three feet in height in a required front yard along loca!streets or eibrht feet�n all other loaations and, in all other cases, shall meet vfsion clearartce area requlrements�n Chapter 18.795; 6. Are permitted up to six feet in height in front yards adjacent to any des�g�ated ar�er�al, ma,�or collector or nainor collector street. For any fence over three feet in he�ght 1n the requlred front yard area,permission shall be s•ubject to administraHve review of the locallon Of fhe fence or wall. 3. All fences or walls sha11 meet vision clearance area requirements in Chapter 18,795; 4. All fences or walls greater than six feet in height shall be subject to building permit approval. D. Height restrictions. 1. The prescribed heights of required fences, walls or landscaping shall be measured from the actual adjoining level of finished grade, except that where parking, loading, stora�e or s�milar areas are located above finished grade, the height ojfences, walls or landscaping requi�ed to se�reen sach Areas or space shall be measured from the devel of such improvements; 2. An earthen berm and fence or wall combination shrrll not exceed the six foot height limltaKon for screening. E. Screening:s,pecialprovisions. 1. Screening and lerndscaping of parking and loading areas: a. Screening of pr�rking and loading areas is required The specifrcations for this screening are as follows: (I) I�zndscaped parkin�►areas shull incdude special design features which ef�''ecPivel,y screen the parking!ot ar�as fram view. These desig,n fe�atures may inaluc�e t,�e aese of lcandscaped ber»1s, cdecorative walls and raised pdanters; (2) Latr�atscape plsrnters may be used to defane or screeta the appearance of o,f,jrstreet pawking areas from the public right-of-way; (3) Materials to be fnstcrlled should achieve a balance between low lying and verNcal sh�°ubbery and trees; (4) Trees shal!be planted in landscaped islands in all parking areas, ar�d shal!be equally distributed and on the basis of one tree for each seven p�arking sprrces in order to provide r�canopy e,fJ`'ect;and 17 , o � • . Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F' (S) The minimum dimension of the landscape islands shall be three feet and the landscaping yhall be protected from vehicular damags by some form of wheel guard ar curG. 2. Screening of service facilities. Except for one family and two family dwellings, any refuse container or ct,isposal area and servi�e facilities such as gas meters and air condrtioners►s�hich would otherwise b�e visible from a public street, customer or resrd'ent parking area, any public facflity or any residential area shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood,fence or masonry wall between five and eight feet in heighP. All refuse materfals sdrnl!be contained within the screened area; 3. Screening Qf swimming pools.All swimming pools shall be enclosed as required by Ciry of Tigard 8u11dfng Code; 4. Screening of refuse containers. Exeept for one-and twafamily dwellrngs, any refuse eontainer or refuse eollecdon area wh�eh would be visfble from a public street,parking lot, residential or eommereial area, or any publie,�'aciliry sueh as a sehoo!or park shall be screened or enclosed from view by placemerit of a solid wood,f'ence, masonry wall or evergreen hedge. All refuse shall � be contained within the screened area. F. BufferMatrix. 1. The Bu,f,�'erMatrices contained in Tables l8.745.1 and 18.745.2 shall be used in calculating w�dths of bu,�j`'errng/sereening arrd required improveme»ts to be installed behveen pro,posed uses and abutting uses or zoning districts; 2. An application for a variance to the standards required in Tables!8.745.1 and 18.745.Z, shald be processed as ca Type II procedure, as re�ulated by Section 18.390.040, using approval criPeria in Section 18.37U.010. 1�745.060 Ro-vegd�tion � When re-ve„Letation is rer,�,uireci. H�here natural vegetation has 8een removed through gradi>ig in areas not a,�''eeted by the larulseaping requirements arui that are not to be oeeupferd by structures, sueh ' ar�as are to be replanted as setforth in this section to prev�nterosion after construction acdvities are eompleted. B. ;�'re,FuraHon or re_veQetaHora. Topsoid removed from the s�r�!'ace xn preparatio»for gradrng c�nd construcHon is to be stored on or near the sftes and protected from erosion whil¢grading operatians are underway;and 1. Sueh st�rage may not be loccrted where it would ccause su,fJ'ocation of root s,yste»as of�ees lntended to be preserved;and 2. A,JTer enmpledon of such grading, the topsoil is to be restored to exposed eut and fill �►nbankmer�ts or buildi�g paeis to provide a s�itable base for seeding and planting. 18 • • � Willowbr.00k Commercial Center rJew Building"F" C. Methods ofre-vegetation. 1. AccepPable methods of re-vegetadorr include hydro-mulching or the planting of rye grass, barley, or other seed with equ�valent germination rates, and; a. Where lawn or turf gr�ss is to be established, lawn grass seed or other appropriate landscape cover is to be sown at not less than four pourrds to each 1,000 square feet of land area; b. Other re-vegetation methods o,f�`'ering equivalent protecHon may be a�nprovea!by the approval authoriry; - c. Plant materials are to be watered at intervals su,f�"rcient to ensure survival and growth;and d. The use of naHve plant materials is encouraged to reduce frrigation and maintenance demands, TABLE id.7f3.1 � ' BUFFER MATItIX PROADSED USE 1�STING✓ABU7TING USE Sinale Uniu,Ddaclre�ManW'ocnorui Unitr Mtachel Single flniu and Mu�qf'amily,I-S Un�ts; Dyp/sxa AltocJ�rd Sinslet Unitr and Mub�joroiily,S+Unilr Mobik Home Parks Conunerctial Zonn(CC,CG,C�P,CBD) Nwsbbor�rond ConrniaaaQZons(CNj Mlxsd U:s Enrploy-roant LialulnduaArialZonu(IP,IL) Nsary Indurd�ialZo�ux(IH) Porktnr Lwr I-Sd S0+spacu ipaca ' Ddadl rat Sins/s Uniu;Maiu}J'ac�w�d(Ir°.�At�adrsd Single Unitr and MuMjlan�ilY, r-s v,aa,��r�.��s�r�v�;a� A!�{J'an�i(y, S+Uxdtr Mebilt Nome Parks Coiwnwrcyal Za�a(CC,Cf;,(;F',c;B3y)Ndghborhood Can�m�al Zone(C11�Mixu!Use L�m,ployn�ert2one(MUE)I�ht Indrudial Zo�e(IP,Il,l Haary IndusbialZone(!H)Parking Lmis Arecrial Streus —A A A C C CD D C A A—A ACCCDDCA CB—BCCCDDCA CC C—CCCDDCA DD D D—AAAD-- CC C CA—AAD-- CC C C.�lA—AD-- L�E B BDDD—D—A FF F FDDDD--D CC C C------- DU D D------- Nots: Su Sable 1 d.7fS.1 far oltanative combinationr for rneding tJrae sw�cning requiranents. O�rtions WidtO�(fed) Trees(per linear feet of buffet) Shrubs or Gra�ndcover Screening A — 10 — Larwrs/livinggroundcover — B — 10 ZO'min/30'nucx spaeing Laryn/liven,�groundcover — 1 10 Shrabs 4'h�dges C 2 8 1S'►nin/30'�spacing Sl�rubs S'J'atce 3 b Shrabs 6'waU 1 20 Sltrabs 6'laedge D 2 IS 10'nri�e/�0'�nax spaci�rg �/aru6s 6'jcnce 3 IO Sl�rubs 6'waU 1 30 d 0'�rin20'max spaci�g Slsrabs 6'1Ytdge or fince E 2 2S �lerubs S'ea�lteio bum�r wrrll F — 40 IO'niin/20'r,�az spacing Skrrtbs 6'kedge,fence, wall or berm (IJBKffirs ore not r�qw�ired b�en abrttling uses t/tat aie of a different type when the uses are aeparated by a sdred as specified i»Section 18.745.040 A2. [2JAdjustments froen these reqairenients can be obtained see Sedion 18.370.020 C4. 19 � � � ' Willowbrook Commercial Center , New Building"F" FINDIN All�pplicable code issues 6ave been addres�ed in the landscape de'i�n of this site. Inst�llation . and�nnainten�ncd of new p�ant materisl as�ve11 as protection of e.�iatin�landscapi��are addrased in�he specificaaons. �treet�traa have been plant�ed in ezce�s tW code,�nd buffering andl acreenring meet requirements aa s6own in the buffer matriz. 20 � � � Willowbrook Commercial Center N�w Bailding"F„ Chaptei�1�790 TREE RZ'MOVAL 18 790.030 Tree Plan Requiren�ent A. Tree plan required. A tree plan for the planting, removal anu�'protection of tre�s prepared by a . certified arborist shall be provided for any lot,parcel or combination of lots or parcels for which a development applicatBon for a subdierision,partidon, site development review,planned development or conditronal use is fided. Protection is preferred over removal wherever possible. B. Plan rec�uirements. The tree plan shall include the folloeving: 1. Identifrcation of the loccrtion, size and species o,�'all existing trees including trees designated as signifrcant by the city; 2. Identifucation of a program to save existing trees or mitigate tree removal over 12 inches in caliper. Mitigation must follow the replacement guidelines of Section 18.790.060D, n accordance with the following standards and shall be exclusive of trees required by other development code provisio�s for landscaping, streets and parking lots: a. Retention of less than 2S%of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires a mitigation program in accordance wiPh Section!8.790.060D of no net loss of trees; b. Retention af from 25%to SO%of existing trees over 12 inches in calaper requires that two- thirds of the trees to be removed be mitigated in accordance with Section 18.790.060D; c. Retention of from SO%to 75%of existing trees over 12 inches in caliper requires that SO perce�nt of the trees to be removed be mitigated in accvrdance with Section 18.790.060D; d. Retention of 75%or greater of existing Prees over 12 inches in caliper requires no mitigation. 3. IdentYfrcaiion of all Prees which are propo�ed to be removed; 4. A ppoPection program de,fining standards and methoc�s that►vill be used by the applicant to protect�rees during and after construction, . � C. Subsequent tree removal. Trees removed wfthin the perrod of one year prior to a development appl�eation listed abnve will be irrventoried as part of the tree plan above and will be replaced accordirag ta Secfinn 18.790.060D. 1�790.040 Inceretives for Tree Rdention A. Incentives. To assist�n the preservation and retention of existing trees, the Direetor may apply one or more of the following incentives as part of development review approval and the provisions of a tree plan accarding to Secdon 18.790.030; 21 � � ' Willowbrook Commercial Center . New Building"F" 1. De►rslty l�onus. For each 2%of canopy cover provided by existing trees over 12 inches in caliper that are preserved and incorporated into a development plan, a 1%bonus may be applied to density computadons of Chapter 18.715. No more than a 20%bonus�:ay be granted for any one development. The percentage densfty bonus shrrll be applied to the number of dwelling units • allowed fn the underl,�ring zone; • 2. Lot size averaging. To retain exisHng trees aver 12 inches in caliper in the development plan for any land division under Chapter 18.400, !ot size may be averaged to c�llaw lots less than the ininimum lot size allowed by the underlying zone as long as the average lot area for all lots and private open space is not less than that allowed by the underlying zone. No!ot area shall be less than 80%of the minimum!ot size allowed in the zone; 3. Lot width and'depth. To retain existir�g trees over 12 inches in caliper in the development plan for any lamd division uncier Chapter 18.400, lot width and lot depth may be reduced up ta 20%of that required by the urrderlying zone; , 4. Commercial/industriaUciv�c use parking. For each 2%of canopy cover provided by existing trees over 12 inches in caliper that are preserved and incorporated into a development plan for commercial, industrial or civic uses listed in Section 18.765.080,Minimum andMcArimum O,f,� Street Parking Require�ents, a 1%reduction in the amount of requrred parking may be granted. No more than a 20%reduction in the required amount of parking may be granted for any one development; , S. Comonercial/industrial/civic use landscaping. For each 2%of canopy cover provided by existing trees over 12 inches in caliper that are preserved ancd incorporated into a development plan, a.1% reduction in the required amount of landscaping may be granted. No more than 20%of the required amount of lane�scaping may be reduced for any one development. B. Subsequent removal ofa tree. Any tree preserved or retained in accordance with this secdon may th�reafter be removed only for the reasons set out in a tree plan, in accordance with Section d 8.790.030, or as a condition of a�provsrt'for a conditioraal use, and shall not be subject to remuval undew any other sec�tion of this chapter. 7'h'he property�wraer s/aal!record'a c�eed restrrction as a eora�'ition of approval af any devedca�ment�ermit a�`'ected by thds section go the e,fj''ect thae such tree rerwy be rem�ed onl�r if t�e tr�e dies or is hazar�'ous acGOrding to a�¢rtifaed arborist. 7'he dee�' riesdriction may be removed or wiPl be considered irrvalid if a tree preserved in accordance with this secHon should either die or be removed as cr hazardous tree. The form ojthis d�ed r�striction slfall be subject to approval by the D�rector. C. Site cd�evelopment modifrcatio�s grr�nted as incentives. A mocii,fication to development requirements granted under this secNon shall not confYict with a�ry other restricHon on the use of the property, fnclud�ng but not lirnited to ease►nents and conditions of development dpproval. D. Design mocPifrcations of public rmprovements. The Cfty En�gineer may adjust design specifications of publie improvements to aecommodate tree retenHon where possible and where it would not interfere with safety or inerease maintenance costs. 22 . � � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" 18.790.OSO Permit Applicability A. Remova�ermit required. Tree remova!permits shall be required only for the removal of any tree which is located on or in a sensitive land area as defined by Chapter 18.775, The permit for removal of a tree shall be processed as a Type 1 pr�;,edure, as governed by Section 18.390.030, using the following approval cr7teria: 1. Removal of the tree must not have a measurable negative impact on erosion, soi!stability,flow of surface waters or water quality as evidenced by an erosion control plan which precludes: a. Deposits of mud, dirt, sediment or similar material exceeding 1/2 cubic foot in volume on public or private streets, adjacent property, or into the storm and surface water system, either by direct deposit, dropping, discharge or as a result of the action of erosion; b. Evidence of concerztrated flows of water over bare soils; turbid or sediment-laden flows; or evidence of on-site erosion such as ravulets on bare soil slopes where the flow of water is not frltered or captured on site using the techniques of Chapter S of the Washington Counry Unifaed Sewerage Agency Em�ironmental Protection and Erosion Control rules. 2. Within stream or wetland corridors, as defrned as SO feet from the boundary of the stream or wetdand, tree removal must maintain no less than a 75%canopy cover or no less than the existing canopy coder if the existing carropy cover is less than 75%. B. Et)`'ecNve date o,f permit A tree removal permit shall be effective for one and one�half years from the date of approval. - C. Eztension. Upon written request by the applr�ant prior to the expiration of the existing permit, a tree removal permit sha118e extencfed for a period of up to one year if the Director,finds that the applicant is in compliance with all prior conditions df permit approval and that no material facts stated in the origi�ral application l�k7ve changed. D. Removal permit not required. A tre�removad pewmit shald not be required for the removal of a tree whi�h.: !. C�bstructs visual clearance as defrned in Chapter 18.795 of the lrtle; 2. Is a hazardous tree; 3. Is a nuisance a,f,�'ecdng public safety as defined an Chapter�40 of th�142'unicipal Code; 4. Is used for Christmas tree productfon, or land registered with the Washington�County Assessor's o,f,�'ice as tax-deferred tree farm or small woodlands, but c�oes not stand on sensitive lands. E. Prohib�eion ofcommercic�l orest . Commercaal forestry as defined by Section 18.790.020 A2,, ezcluding B.4 above, is rroY perrniFted. 23 � � ' Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" 1�t 790.060 Illegal Tree Removal A. Yiolations. The following constitute a violation of this chapter: 1. Removal of a tree: a. Without a valid tree removal permit; or b. In noncompliance wrth any condition ofapproval ofa tree removal permit;or c. In noncompliance with any candition of any Ciry permit or development approval; or d. 1�noncompliance with any other secdon of this title. 2. Breach of a condition of any City permit or development approval, which results in damage to a tree or its root system. B. Remsdies. lf the Director has reason to believe that a violation of this chapter has occurred, then he or she may do any or all of the following: 1. Require the owner of the land on which t`he tree was located to submit su,fficient documentation, which may include a written statement from a qualified arborist or forester, showing thaP removal of the tree was perrnitted by this chapter; 2. Pursuant to Section 18.390.�50., initiate a hearing on revocadon of the tree removal permit andlor any other permit or approval for which this chapter was an approval standard; 3. Issue a stop order pursuant to Section 18.220 of this title; 4. Issue a citation pursa�ant to Chapter 1.16 of the Municipal Code; S. Take cany other action alleawed by law. C. Fines. Natwithstanding a�ry other provisAOn of this title, any prrrty found to 8e in viola�ion of this chapter pursuant to Sec�zon 1.16 of'the 11�'unicipal Code shall be subject to a civil penalry vf up to $S00 and shald be required to remedy any damage causecJ by the violation. Such remediation shall include, but no�`be limited to, the following: 1. Replacement of unlawfully removed or damaged trees in accordance with Section D below;and 2. Payment of an addiHonal civil penalry representing the estimated varlue of any unlawfully removed or damaged tree, as deterrr�ined using the most current International Society ofArboriculture's Guide for Plant Appraisal. 24 LY�: ' � � Willowbrook Gommercial Center New Building"F" D. Guidelines for replacement Replacement of a tree shall take place according to the following guidelines: 1. A replacement tree shall be a substantially s�imilar species taking into consideration site characteristics; 2. If a replacement tree of the species of the tree removed or damaged is not reasonably available, the llirector may allow replacement with a different species of equivalent natural resource value; 3. If a replacement tree of the size cut is not reasonably available on the local market or would not be viable, the Director shall require replacement with more than one tree in aacordance with the followfng formula: The number of replacement trees required shall be determined by aCividing the estimated caliper size of the tree removed or damaged by the ealiper size o,f'the largest reasonably available replaeement trees. di this number of trees eannot be vrably located ora the subject properry, the Director may require one or more replacement trees to be planted on other property within the City, either public properry or, with the consent of the owner,privat�properry; 4: The planting of a replacement tree shall take place in a manner reasonably calculated to allow growth to maturiry. E. In lieu-ofpavment. In lieu of tree replacement under Section D above, a{�arty may, with the consent of the Director, elect to eornpensate the City for its eosts in performing such tree replaeement. F. Exclusivitu The remedies set out in this section shall not be exclusive. FIN�3�P�G ZS-5Q%percent of ezisting trees over 12" in caliper have been retained on the sete. Miti�ation of two t6irds of the removed trees(3Q calep�r inches)will happen at a site to be determined by the 1)irector(s��t. 18.790.060-D-3) 2S � � . Willowbro�k Commercial Center New auilding"F" C"hapter 18 795 VISU.4L CLEARANCEA�AS 18.795.010 Purpo�e A. Purpose• The purpose of this chapter is to establish standards which wil!assure proper sight dis�ances at intersecNons to reduce the hazard from vehicular turning movements. 18 995.020 Applicability of Provisions A. When provisfons annlv. The provisions of this chapter sha11 apply to all development lncluding the construction of new�tructures, the remodelieag of existing structures and to a change of use wdtich increases the on-site parking or loading requirements or whi�h changes the access requirements. B. When site development review is not required. Where the provisions of Chapter 18.330, Site Development Review, do not apply, the Director shuill approve, srpprove with conditions, or deny a plan submitted under the provisions of this chapter through a Type I procedure, as governea'by Section 18.390.030, using the standards in this chapter as approval criteria. 18.795.030 �sual Clearance Requirements A. At corners. Except withira the CBD zoning district a visual clearance area shall be maintained on the -- cpr_t��r��,�'�r-�l��pgrty..adja��nt�o the intg.�se�tio�e p,�"hvo stre�Es,,u str�et;ar�d a-�ai�road{o�a - - V^ driveway praviding access to a public or private street. --�--_.._____._..__._ B. Obstructions prohibited. A clear visinn area shall contain no vehicle, hedge,planting,fence, wall structure or temporary or permanent obstruction (except for an occasional utility pole or tree), exeeeding three feet in height, measured from the top of the curb, or where no curb exists,from the street eenter line grade, exe�pr thr�t trees exeeeding this height may be lacated in this area,provided all branehes below eight feet are removed. C. Additional topographical constraints. Where the crest of a hill or vertical curve conditions contribute to the obsmection of ctear vision areas at a streeP or driveway intersection, hedges,plantings,fences, walls, wall strucheres and temporary or permahent obstruations shall be further red:sced in height or elimir�ated to comply with the intent of the reguired clear vision area. � 1�79S 040 Com{�urt�rtions A. Arterial streets. On aYl desrgnated arterial streets the v�sual clearanc�area shall not be less than 35 feet on eaeh side of the intersec�ion. B. Non-arterial streets. 1. Non-arterial streets 24 feet or more in width.At all intersections of two non-arterial streets, a non-crrterial street crnd a driveway, and a non-arterial street or driveway and railroad whe►•�at 26 . • � Willowbrook Commercial Center New�3uilding"F" least one of the streets or drideways is 24,f'eet or more in w�dth, a visual clearance area shall be a triangle formed by the rfght-of-way or proprrty lines along suah lots and a strarght line joining the right-of-wcry or property line at points which are 30 feet distance from the inters�.�ction of the righr-of-way line and measured along such lines. See Figure 18.795.1; FI1o1DING ' � Groundcover or lawn is plae�ted�vithin the visual clearanee srea and will not e�ceed a height o�F 12". 27 • • � . Willowbrook Commercial Center , New Building"F" Chapter 18 390 DECISION-11�AKIIVC PROCEDiIRE� 18.390.040 Type II Procedure , A. Preapplication con�erence. A preapplication conference fs required for Type 11 achons. Preapplication conference requirements and procedures are set forth in section 18.390.080C. B. �nlication req_,uirements. 1. Application Forms. Type II applications shall be made on forms provided by the Director as provided by Section 18.390.080 El; 2. Submittal Information. The application shall: a, Include the information requested on the application form; b. Address the relevant criteria in su,fJrcient detail for review and aclion; c. Be accompanied by the required fee; . d. Include two sets ofpre-stamped and pre-addressed errvelopes for all property owners of record as specified in Section 18.390.040C. The records of the P✓ashington Counry Department ofAssessntent and Taxation are the offtcial records for deteYmining ownershap. The applicarrt sitcrld demonstrate thcat the most current assessment records have been used to produce the notice list; e. Include an impact study. The impact study shall quantify the e,fJ`'ect of the development on public facilities and services. The study shall address, at a minamum, the transportatron system, including bikeways, the drainrrge system, the parks system, the water system, the sewer system, and the noise impacts of the development. For each public facilit,y system and �pe of impact, the study shall propose improvements necessary to meet Ciry sta►sdards and to rni�a#mize the impa�ct of tdae devel�,�ment or�the pubiic crt large,public facilities sys�ems, ancd �r,fj"ected p�ivate property users. In situations where the Commurrity Developr►aent Cade requires the dedica�ion of real property interests, the applicant shall either specifrcally concur with the dedication requirements, or provide evidence wlzich supports the con�lusion that the weal property dedication�req�irement is raot rc►ughly proportional to the projected impacts of the development. �'II+TIDING: Please��efer to athched Impact stuciy report. 28 OESION INC. ; 5o3 803 9944s Sep-27-99 12:58PM; Page 2/2 � ~ � . R C� E S I G N I N C. September 27, 1999 Mr. G�ne Miidren � Mild�en Design Group 11830 SW KerT Parkway lake Oswego, OR 97035 RE: Building F Wiilowbrook Commercia)C�nter impact Study findings Dear Gene: in review of the Willowbrook Commercial Center addition WRG Design, Inc, presents the following findings regarding impacts to the public facilities by the prlvate development of building F. l'ransportatian; Access to the proposed building would be via SW Pacific Highway and SW Durham Road, The PraPosed develc,pmentwould add two additional parking stalls increasing the overall capacfty by less than 1%. StD�m Orainage: A lateral connecNng to the public stoRn dreinage system is prese�t The storm dralnage volum�from the site was accounted for in the original master planning of the slke. The previous applicatian and issued site development permli approved the similar sturm drainage system. Sanitary Sewer. A lat�ral connecting to the public sanitary sewer is availabie to the site from eariier phases of work. A lateral is available te the building. Slnce the proposed finlsh ficor elevaUon is higher than the surrounding existing gradas, and the existing lateral meets minimum cover requ�rements, gravity sanitary sewer service will be provided. Water, The City of Tigard maintains�a 12"Cast iron waterline in the North lane of SW Durham Road. The water and sewer department has stated this line has adequate capacity to draw potable water service for the development. Fire: 7ha building wi11 be non-spnnkled and fire protecfion wili be provided by existing hydrants at the intersec[lans af SV�I PBciftc Nighway, SW Summe�eld Qrive, and 5W�urttam Road. it is our opinion that the d�veloprner�t of the VNillovvbronk Comrnercial Center Building F will not neyatively impact the surrounding pu.blic facilities, Sincerery, WRG Design, Inc. Br�an DeHaas Pro)ect Manager PLANNERS o EN6INEERS ■ LANOSCAPE ARCHITECTS ■ SURVEYORS 1045Q �W Nimbus Ave., Portland, OR 97223 / (5U3) 603-Q933 (fax) 003-9944 f C��E-�,�,,. • YJ,-4<<a.�� � � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" Chapter 18.755 MIXED SOLID WASTE A1VD RECYCLABLE STORAGE 18 755.030 Materials Accepted A. Materials accepted. Except as provided for in 18.755,040 G and I, the storage area must be able to accept at least all 'principlP recyclabl�materials"c�esignated by the Oregon Environmer�tal Qualiry Commission and other source-separated recyclable the local government identifies by regula#on. 18.755.040 Methods of Demonstrating Cor�rpliance A. Alternative methods of compliance. An applicant shall choose one of the following four methods to demonstrate compliance; 1. Minimum standards; Z. Waste assessment; 3. Comprehensive recycling plan; or 4. Franchised hauler review and sign-of�:' B. Provisions. The following provisions apply to aIl four methods of demonstrating compliance: 1, Section 18.755.OS0, Location, Design and Access Standards, except as provided in 18.755.040 G; 2. The floor area of an interior or exterior storage area reguired by this chapter shall be excluded from the calculation of lot coverage and from the calaulation of building floor area for purposes of cdetermining minimum storage rPquiremen�s. C. .ld-finimum standards method. 1. Description of inethoc�: This rnethod speci,f'ies a minimum storage area requirement based on the size and general use category of the new constn�ction; 2. Typical application of inethod: This method is most appropricree whe� t`he specific use of a rrew buildBng is not known. It provides specific dimensions for the minimum size of storage areas by general use category; 3. Application requirements and review procedure: The size and location of the storage area(s) shall be indicated on the site plan ofany construction subject to this ordinarace. Through the site plan review process, compliance with the general and specific requirements set forth bslow is verifred; 30 . � � VVillowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" 4. General reyu�rements: a. The storage area requirement is based on the predominant �se(s) of the building, (i,e, residential, offrce, retail, wholesale/warehouse/manufacturing, educational/instihetional, or other), If a building has more than one of the uses listed herein and that use occupies 20 percent or less of the floor area of the building, the floor area occupied by that use shall be counted toward the floor area of the predominant use(s). If a building has more than one of the uses listed herein and that use occupies more than 20%of the floor area of the 6uilding, then the storage area requirement for the whole building shall be the sum of the requirement for the area of each use. b. Storage areas for multiple uses on a single site may be combined and shared. c. The speciftc requirements are based on an assu,ned storage height of 4 feet for solid waste/recyclable. Yertical storage higher than 4 feet 6ut no highep than 7 feet may be used to accommodate the same volume of storage rn a reduced floor space (potential reduction of 43%of specific requirements). Where vertical or stacked storage is proposed, the site plan shall include drawings to illustrate the layout of the storage area and dimensions of containers. S. Specific requirements: b. Non-residential buildings shall provide a minimum storage area of IO square feet,plus: (1) Office: 4 square feet/1,000 square feet gross floor area(GFA). (2) Retail: 1 D square feet/1,000 square feet GFA. D. Wcrste assessment method. 1. l7egcription of inethod: The waste assessment method trxidors td�e storage area siae to a waste asse�sment and management program for the specifre users of a r�ew building; 2. Typi�al applicati�n of�ethod.• This method is»ao,rt appropriate wher�the speci,fic use of a building ts known ancl the type arrd volume of mixed solid was��e to be gen�rated can be estimated; 3. Applrcation requirements and review procedures: a. A pre-conference with the solid waste coordirurtor/plan check staff is required if the wurste assess»sent method is proposed. The applicar�t shall obtain a waste assessment form fi^om the local jurisdiction; b. The form shall be used to estimate the volumes of source separated recyclable/mixed solid 31 , , �;._ � . . � V6�illowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" waste generatsd. From this information, the applicant can ciesign a specifrc managemErnt, storage and collection system. Techniques such as a compactor or cardboard baler mc,ry be implemented to minimize the square footage of the site which must be set aside for a sturage area; c. The waste assessment form shall be completed and submitted with site plans required by the local jurisdiction. The plans must identify the size and location of interior or ezterior storage area(s), specialrzed equipment, collecdon schedule, and other features required to accommodate the volumes projected in the waste assessment. The solid waste coordinator for the local jurisdiction shall review and approve the waste assessment as perrt of the site plan or development review process. 4. Spe.cific requirement: 7he application shall demonstrate that the mixed solid waste anci recyclable volumes expected to be generated can be stored in less space than is required by the minimum standards method. E. Ca�eprehensive recvclingplan method. 1. Description of inethod: The comprehensive recycling plan method is most appropriate when an applrcant has independently developed a comprehensive recycling plan that addresses materials collection and storage for the proposed use; 2. Typical application of inethod: This method can be used when a comprehensive recycling plan has been devedoped for a speeifie facility. It is most suited to large nonresidential uses sueh as �tospitads, scF�ools and industr�al facilities. The comprehensive recycling plan method can be used �'or new construction or expa�rsaon that rs subject to full Site Development Review, as govPrned by Chapter 18.360; 3. Application requirements and review procedure: 7'he comprehensive recycling plarr shall be submitted to the local solid waste coordinator at the same time site plans are submitted for site plan review. The applicant shall submrt plans and text that show how mixed solid waste and recy�lc�ble generatecf by the proposed development will be served under a cornprehensive recycling plan. T'he location, desi�n and access star�dards set forth in I8.75S.OS0 are applicc�ble to raew storage areas only. F. 1G'raQChised hauder review method. 1. Applicability: 7'he franchised hauler review rrieth�d is only available in jurisdictions with �'ranehise colleetion serviee areas because there is cerPainty as to w�aich hauler will aetually provide service to the proposed development, once it is constructed; '; 2. Deseription of inethod.• This method provides for coordinated review of the proposed site plan by jthe franchised hauler serving the subject properry; 3. Typical applica�ion of m�thod: This method is to be used when there are unique ca�nditions 32 . � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" associated with the srte, use or waste stream that make compliance with any of the other three methods in�'easible�. The objecNve of this method is to match a specifrc hauler program(e,g., rypes of equipment,frequency of collection) to the unique characteristic(s) of the site or development. The followfng constitute unique conditions: a. Use of either of the thre�e other methods of compliance would interfere with the use of the proposed development by reducing the productive space of the proposed development, or make it impossible to comply with the minimum off-street parking requirements of the underlying zoc�e; b. The site is of an irregular shape or possesses steep slopes that do not allow for access by collection vehicles typically used by the franchised hauler to serve uses similar in size and scope to the proposed use; c. The proposed use will generate unique wastes that can be stacked,folded or easily consolidated without the need for specialiaed equiprnent, such as a compactor, and can therefore be stored in less space than is re�uired by 18.755.040 C. 56. of this chapter. 4. Application requirements and review procedure: The applicant shall work with the franchised hauler to develop a plan for storage and collection of source-separated recyclable and mixed splid waste expected to be generated from the new builcting. A narradve describing how the proposed site meets one or more of the unique site conditions described above plus site and buildirtg plans showing the size and location of storage area(s) required to accommodate anticipated volumes shall be sub»xitted for Site Development Review, as governed by Chapter 18.3G0. Adetitionally, a letter from the franchised hauler shall be submitted at the same time that describes the level of servrce to be provided by the hauler, including any special equipment and collection frequency, which wrll keep the storage area from exceeding its capaciry. 18.7SS.050 Loca.zon,Design anciAccess Staredards for�torageAreas A. A,��licable standards. The following locatiori, design arrd access standards for storage areas are appdicable to all fouP methods of'ctin2pliance, descr,='hed in 18.755.040 abode. B. Location standards. 1. To encour�rge its use, the storage area for source-separated recyclable shall be co-located with the stor�rge area foi• residual mixe�ai,solid waste; Z. Indoor and ou►�door storage areas shall c�mply with Uniform Building and Fire Code requirements; 3. 5torage area space requirements can be satisfied with a single location or multiple locations, and can combine both interior and exterior loca#ons; 4. Exterior storage areas can be lccated withrn interior srde yard or rear yaru'areas. Exterior 33 � . � � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" storage areas shall not be located within a required front yard setback or in a yard adjacent to a public or private street; S. Exterior storage areas shall be located in central and visible locations on a site to enhance securiry for users; 6. Exterior storage arecrs can be located in a parking area, if the proposed use provides at least the minimum number of parking spaces required for the use after deducting the area used for storage. Storage areas shal!be appropriately screened according to the provisions in 18.755.050 C', design standards; 7. The storage area shall be accessible for collection vehicles and located so that the storage area will not obstruct pedestrian or vehicle tra,f,jic movement on the site or on public streets adjacent to the site. C. Desi�n standards. 1. The dimensions of the storage area shall accommodate containers consistent with current methods of local collection; 2. Storage containers shall meet Uniform Fire Code standards and be made and covered with waterproof materials or situated in a covered area; 3. Exterior storage crreas shall be enclosed by a sight-obscuring fence wall, or hedge at least six feet i►a height. Gate openings whicti ailow dccess to users and haulers shall be provided, Gate openings for hauders shall be a minimum of IO feet wide and sltall be capable�f being secured in a closed and open position; 4. Storage area(s)and containers shall be clearly labeled tn i�ndicate the type of materials accepted. D. Acces,s standards. 1. Acces:�to storage areas aara be limitea for security i•easons. H'owever, the storage area shall be '; � aceessible to users at corrvenient times of the day, and to codleetion service personnel on the day ' and approxi'mate time the,y ar�e scheduled to provide collection service; > � 2. Storage areas shadl be designed to be easily caccessible to collection trucks and equipment, � considering paving, grad�:�and vehicle access. A mi�timum of 10 feet ho�izontal cleara�ce and � eight feet of vertical elearanee is required if the storage area is covered; i 3. Storage areas�hall be aceessible to colleetron vehieles without rcquiring backing out of a driveway onto a public street. If mnly a s�ngle access pofnt is available to the storage area, acdequate turning radrus shall be provlded to allow collection vehicles to safety exit the site in a forward motion. � 34 . ,. • � Willowbrook Commercial Center New Building"F" FINDING The applicant proposes the use of eaisting facilities. 35 �V'. ' .. . • . .. . . .• .. , . . � • � r � ' . ' . . . . . � � • . � . .��. • . • .. . . . . �'.� . .. . .. � �� • ..� ' . .. ,. . I� . '�I�C�y��. � , , � . � . MILDREN:I�E51GN�iKC�UP,P.C: ' ,. ' . • . • . Archireccure . " . , . . . . • . • 'SpacePlanning September28, 1993 C:ity of Tigard Atn:Matt Scheidegger 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard,Oregon 97223 Re: Proposed Building Willowbrook Comrnercial Center 99120 � Dear Planning Department: Mildren Design Group is representing Durham/99 Associates, Ltd. Partnership for development of a new�5,788 squ�re foot building at Willowbrook Commercial Center. Currently,there are five existing buildings totaling 51,900 square feet. The new building will closely resemble the existing buildings in architectural style and finishes,and will be leased,to one or more tenants upon completion. The building is proposed to be office use. The cYarrent owner of the property is Durham 99/Assoc.Ltd.Partner�hip,135 E..57th Street, New York,New York 10022. We look forward to xneeting with you to discuss this project. I'lease do not hesitate to call should you have questioz�or reqizirP additional information. Sincexely, !.�. � Hande ogu . • . I1830 SW Kerr Parkway,Sui�e 325 : Lake Oswego,OR 97035 � � 5031244-0552 Fax244•0417 , 09/3A/99 TIlE 09:57 FAI 50� 244 0417 �II31�EN �fiSICN CROTJP PC �001 . .. � „ .. � � • �' � � s � . . . ... � . . . � � ... � , .. � . . j . . � . • �•ii nRF�,y�gSIGN C�t�,OUP,P.C. ' /�nhicrcauR , . Sp.ae�Ptuinint . ' Septesnber 2B,i� . � . ' ' ' .City of Tigaz� � � '. . _ ' . Deparkenent af Pla*+n"�a�d.DeveLopmetif� • • 13125 SW Hall.8lvd_ . • ' • . ' � Tigasd,Oregan 972Z3 . ' .' ' . Re: Site De�ign Review . ' ' . . , ' Willowbraok SDR 96-a0003 • • � Greetings � • . � Mildre,n L?esi.gn Group; P.C. is authori�ed to apply for ttae attached land ise review � proced.ure. The properEy v.pon which fhe re�vi.ew is to acrur is described as fo lows: Properry Address and Locarifln; ; . � � � , 11565 SW Durbam rd.,Tigard,Washington Couniy,•Oiegvn,Tax Lot 2S 110DC � ' � The undersigted i� t.he Legal.O�w�ner of the property and has the authority t � grant E[vs ' � . perrrussimn. ' '� . Sxgned. � . . , �� ���� � � . : Pa-u!(�'.t�lirt�in, Vice President , [�,L,�.Q,,,.�.,_., f �t a„�,� !.�'- � , : � � . �:.���wr..,�,a.�.�.,�� . . . . ' ' • � • 11830 5W Ken•Pukway,Sulre 325 . � , Lak�Oswe¢o,OR 97035 . • 503l249-0557 F�:244•0417 ., ' .'s!�/9G_ -C8:VY. '[T�uo ��co r v.�.=---- = . ....---... _ ._._. _.—_-- — _' .:. .. �,� _.. ,..,.____ . ...__.__ _ . ..__ __ _ _ .. . . ___ �r • .. , .. .. .� ��.. . .. .a C Y • ..�e. .. � � 1011MIM..N�-�IYr/IMr'1�f�1.-a1AMO�Y►0����!!+!A_ . ��ti�s.�+� • - d ...•�• •° � . r �_ _.. ..:- . •• ' -- . °_ . .: �,f,�i,. �;i x ._ '`-..-. 14A�TfA]i31�`DC�7A7�13'�'iin7 !^::�.'--�!" C('��� �] ^� � ' t�w��r�awow�w. �J U r .7 ( n�,. -"".' �". `�'-�► ��T� , . . . , �. S� .a�ll[1Mww�1i.rYA�1[7Rl1Cf1:!'7.:` .�... .�`CQ�:.�.. ...-.._.•- •._ .. •.: -� •c�/ tl►P$t4M G�••,ine, 't� ���eeepeoa�lorr•d�dp ar�M++ip•d aid rsistira� tt�. P'��+'�+''�°�..P .Ai�?aF:�fil�����O�.x�[i.I�12.'CJ PEF�I'P�t� + �OnYrfa wncl 1Ms►T/rffs t0 I1IJ� A�.�'r��.. 1' ..�._......�.. .............�........:...: ......�..... .......,�..... ,� ......... ... �.. �... ......./lxe v/ respf •s .:Gr#Ittef�; flM�� fb/lOVr/t� d�ap'�bed twl P�S�+/fY rrrCUmbr�ACtr P . � ...---:�_... ...._.�.... ... ............... _..:.. �h��..._........ .... Camty, C�+riaR. to•wit; • • ' apetl��rall�;�avt la�rtt�-hesein �itvwted-in-• . � :i. ' �.:_��� � t�'„Il� �i�ID BY-,� �'Il�RATED F�EIN- tt�� r�o portlAn of the real. P�Y �''''�Y� herKin may bc � �� �' �sfore July 1. 1994. � u.r.ed fac�tt�. sa2a of rG3�ri.a1 ra�l Pr�"�Y I� ,i � ` ,� s-•cs »�u,.�,�,r•u ��rm''�L�u�F�IBIT�°'�''�l�i�.i� c�1�lO 14T� DY 'IH.LS � 7'M asid p.oPertY ia 1m irom •�t t+�CUMDrarKea •xa�ct , �! • f�F'Ef�;,7]��]F�Pp 'tv�.'PF�) M�4. `�4: ��• a'�O.OQQ. , (N�rr ertmF!)' P►'!lh lhe rsqvisCanCrt�a ol OR5 93A�0) �7�e tnx• cpn.ida�,u;on for fhix cvnwey[;ncT i� f.Z•. � . i�`II .... ... ... ............... . . .... .. .. ... .. .. . ...... .. .. _ _. , .. ... . . ... • ��1� ..................... ............ ...... .... .. . . . Jur.p �S �985 (?pnt'Dy OMet p( thc,�wllfbs'r bt,wrd nf dire�.•^•• wil!► ii+ �u�a�,rw�e rr�l altised o►�... . � T7ilS IbiST�L13lEIK'T CK)LS hPQT GL7ARAH'TEE'YNAT AAiY ,��� FITF�I�TAL CE5 C'D- .. ' AI.RTT[XJiJ1R V68 Tf�NY HE MADE �F TnE PROP£RTY ...._......�._....,.. .. � ... ., . ...... .. ....... piEC]�Z2�ELa 1N TN=E [NSTAtJ1[ENY. .l L1i7'fER SHOULD y�1t ,�r �/' �i�1�/ �'!��- P7rside�tl ' C;TlL'C7c WtT2i Ti{� .A7'TRblRZJ�T7: CITY OR C6UNTY Bj. , l{ . a . PS..J�xTfTtva DBYAR's�1t3T►'7' TO YT►R1FY N?PROVSY�USIS. ' gj. . 5«r�rery. ! (Catrolt�ezx Sz�u.) � /91�,1���-�ri� ),►. Jur1e Z 5 , �s A 5 srarc� oF ar�aean,c«�nr••oi ��„T �;,,,,� David H. Rusaall zrar' ..A.�_e.rA b�+�� 7ilrl duly ���n.did arti rlut thr fn�mrr i.�h. V 1G8 D�tsidrnr ynd-v��v/r-Jw�r'te-er4 -.etrn�n+n �r RF.�ILTY FIMANCIAL SERVICES C0. .i corW+��A�n.ud rnar rnr wd alt�,.-d �.. fJ� IY.P�'u:.�R �.,.�n..�.n� I{ fl.f CIH]tK111�y�� �,cd'+*°'��ion and tAyr �eid inaf�un�'nf M'�i�l/nt^d s�J seM fJi b.�11 e) ,sid �� .�ion b�� ■u�ti....v nt i.. hearJ sl dlr.eturrt Mnd r�e� ol thrn� aokne++•fryeih� .ai�1 in�rrurm�M ro br/I� ��•�n� �•�e �nd�j� U �// � " `• (Cl�rrc�++. Sr,�.) ., b.dwr o.•�: q N�lan J�uFAr Jrw l�r�+n: M7 tva��••»ion �•p�r�i: �/��/o� �.-- .1-----�—_.- - �.. �— .- . .._. Y• YSAR$AN'1'7r A£ES7� � ��� ��°"���, 5Td7E OF C)REGOlV. ��.. cawn ' ...On•..t Gna�nf6' n� Dt1�tf�Ai�,/99 hSS�.'� LYNIITF�7 's�- � � '�'� 1 crft��1' that �l�r x•�lf+rn inxtru• � p�NIP „ .T �; �.a,,.a,�r•.. .ao«sa �.���1�.� mrn� rroa rrr.�l�ed �iu rr.ru�d �n rhe .uv..sw .�e.�nr w �� dny� °t r a � �YA7'F� � �'����' � �,'cliri L hf, niitl f��vrctrd p�!Lr1���...• } .�, s ��J��+ �"O• on y� c,��. y� �g{7 �k re�l ��ifvmr �Vn, �� C.�Q 6.��Z 1'Jab� �°�y e�+�`�.�.� / 'Y'�`h�n��Y(�l•x., tir (1. f�n.ullll'/if ��� �l1C •I�tMM�• Rf `'�7�� 1�; 77 S�jtiia= 5tTl�-.''t ` � mr '�rut:rvliJrn iYu� , NL`SY �1r}C� � Mw�•QQa�e.a t�• � o TJr-t'd� •7! •axf �'ti��n�i'. r` irnr,. my liAnd nnrl v:il n! � Y` � ur.re�dirN�U r�1+��oll reu.+a..w�n ou y if f rxrd. .i.�il►�MM h IfN�MM��naW s���1MI49 AB�OC�'� �`tI'PE�] C��Ia7.'3�lE.�2,SH P —��c%,Cazl. I4arka Rea1CY ��iccs •.•"� `�� � ;77 W;�tBi' SCr't�t � � s�. nepurr gJ�W Yark, NY .�,QQd�. �"' n�Mt. .ao��sa. t:r . ..,_.....,_.. iL�-• _.sr--- '.a:s..+. ��... ._. G 3:]bld 6S b9ZLZe^.OS �Q 1 �C3'I}I�OH 3NO.LS3C1'I8 ' 4�I0?!3 [ I � E i S6^6Z-lIODI ,, Sent By: WRa DESIaN INC.; 503 80� 9944; Sep-27-99 12:58PM; Page 2/2 •J � R � � � � � N � �� �. SepYember 27, 1999 Mr. Gene fu9iid�ren Mild�en Design Group 11830 SW KetT F�arkway lake Qswego, OR 97035 RE: �uilding F 1Nillowt�rQOk Commercia!Center Impact Study findin0s Dear Gene: in review of the Willowbrook Cammercial Center additlon WRG Design, Inc, presents the foilowing findings regarding impaets to the public facilities by the prlvate devel�pment of building F. Transpartation: Access to the prqp�ed building would be vi8 SNV F�acific Highway and SW Durham Road. The Propased development would add two additional Parking stalls increasing the overali capacity by less than 1%. Sko�m Drainage: A lateral connecting to the pu6lic staRn drainage system is present Th�storm dralnage volume from the site wes accnunted for in the origlnal, master pianning of the site. The previous application and issued site development permlt approved the similar storm drainage syst�m. Sanitary Sewer: A lateral connecdng to ihe public sanitary sewer is available to tJ7e site from earlier phases of work. A I�teral is av�ilable to the b�ilding. Since the proposed finish floor elevation i�higF�er than the surrounding existing grades, and the existing I�teral meets minimum cover requirements, gravity s�nitary sewer service will be provid�d. 1/vater: The�ity of Ttgard maoin[ains a 12"Cast Iron wateriine ih the North lane of SW Dufiam Road. The�water and sewer department has stated tt�is line has adequate capacity to draw potable� water sensice for the development. Fire: 'The building will be noe�-sprinklsd and fire protectlon wil!be prt,vided by existing hydrants at the inters�ctlons of SW Pacifi�Hi�hw�y, SW Summ��eid Drive, and SW C��rp�am Road. It is�aur Opininn that 4he development qf 4he 1MA��►brook CommerGial Cent�r Buildin� F will nat nega#iveiy impact th�e surrounding pub!(c facilities. S+n�ereiy, iAIRG D�sign, Inc. � Brian DeHaas Project Manager PLANNERS e ENGINEEftS ■ LANDSCAPE ARCHIT�CTS ■ SURVEYORS 10450 SW Nlmbus Av�„ po�tlond, OR 97223 / (�U3) 603-9933 (faX) 603-9944 .. � . ��i'(!(rJUIF � /ll�if4�U.f(R. . ' ` , ' � � � • ...�.-_� MILDREN DESIGN GROUP,P.C. ' Archicecture � SpaCe Planning July 29, 1999 City of Tigard Attention: Julia Hajduk 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard,OR 97223 RE: Proposed E�uilding for Willowbrook Comm�rcial Center Project Number 99120 Dear Julia: In accordance with the public meeting notices dated May 26, 1999 our off'ice opened the Town Hall Room at Tigard City�-Ia11 on June 17, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Our off'ice closed the conference room at 7:25 p.m. due to no attendance by the public. Enclosed are copies of the neiahborhood meeting letter,8.5 x 11 site plan,Affidavit of Mailing and Aff'idavit of Posting Notice and a Sign-in Sheet for neighborhood meeting attendees. Should you have any questions please call. Sincerely, � �� �-���`-'�- Betty K. �hegpeard enclosures c�: Durham/99 Associat�s, Paul Challancin 11830 S�V Ker•Par;�va;,�u�te��5 Laice Osr;e;o,O�9?C35 �03i?44-0552 �ar 244-0�17 s � ' BLVES�I�IA.', � � ACCREDITED A ° MANAGEMENT HOCKLE� , ��°` '�`'}•,.,���.��'j ORGANIZATION° Il E A L T Y. 1 N C. �CdSing�5ii�ts�(l18fl28C1MRt maincenance May 26, 1999 Sally Christensen 15625 SW'76`�Ave. Tigazd, OR 97224 RE; Durham/99 and Associates Limited Partnership Dear Ms. Christensen: Bluestone& Hockley Realty, Inc. is the Properiy Manager of the property located at I 1565 5W Durham Rd. Tigard, OR 97224(map#25110DC, lot#400). We are considering proposing a new 5,700 square foot building,with the same construction and use as the other buildings surrounding the concerned project. • Prior to applying to the City �f Tigard for the necessary p�rmits,we would like to discuss the proposal in more detail with the surrounding property owners and residents. You are invited to attend a meeting on: Thursday,June 17, 1999 City of Tigard Town Hall 13125 S'W�Iall Bivd. Between 7:00-8:30 Please notice this will be aix informational meeting on preliminary plans. These plans may be altered prior to Yhe submittal af the application to the City. We laok£orward to specifically discussing the proposal with you. Please cal.l me at(503) 222-3800 i�you have any questions. Sincerely, BLUESTONE&HOCKLEY REALTY,INC. St�ven Bluestone Property Manager 3835 S.W, Kelly Avenue • Poctland,Oregon 97201 • Main Office (503) 222-3807 • Facsimile (503) 222-6459 ($00) 859•8043 • E•mail:bhrealty�telepott.com • CCB+�63068 Licensed in Oregon and Washingcon � � ' � : � � � APFIDA�?IT OF 1VLAILIN :�� STATE OF OREGON ) )ss. . � City of Tigard ) � �, �'T�v'�11� nvLU���0 N� . being duly sworri, depose and say that on ��ti? alO� . 19�, i caused to have mailec� to �each . of the persons on the attached list, a notice of a meeting to discuss a prop�osed development at (or near) Ic �� S su� DUrz�+�m ��, �' �'��►�n,� On. �r�aa4 a copy of which notice so mailed is attached hereto and made a part of hereof: I further state that said notices were enclosed in envelopes plainly addressed to said persons a�d we�e deposited on the date indicated above in the United States Post Office located at 1'{c�'�-C�� 4-QPdA�(JW 1��'� �(�I�Z�AN O j 02 �t"T a Z��'f , with postage prepaid thereon. Lj�, . Signature (In the presence of a Notary Nubiic) (THIS SECTION FOR A STATE OF OREGON, NOTARY PUBLIC TO GOMPLEfFJNOTARIZ� .� Subscrib�d and swo�n/affirrried before me �n �he��day of "��� , �9 � � e OFFICtAL SEAL CLIFFC9(iD�. HOCKl.EY ' COMMISS ON N0.3 EGON MY CQMMISSION EXPIRES DE ,2002 NOTARY �UBLIC OF OREGON � fvty Commission Expires: (Applicant,please complete information below for proper placement with proposed project) -------------------------------------------i . iNAME OF PROJECT OR PROPOSED NAME: � TYPE O�'PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT:_ � �Name of A.pplicant/Owner: I �Address or(3eneral Locatioa of Subject Property: I LSubject Property Tax Map(s)aad Lot#(s)----------------- - , i h:W qin�palty4nasters�af(ma��•ms� 1 , . i � � AFFIDA�7IT OP POSTING NOTICE .:. ; ��t�T��!53��l�r�(�)L��i ��E1XS G�k'!l'k�7�b.�+�,�F�`�a il�u�It����:�T�a,r�r��i�t�v�iv ;�' G:ity o�Tig�urd '. . • .: ; ; _ Plannin Division ' , ,: ,. . g : :: � x8.x25��#`all.�ot�e�ard . ,. . � `` ". ' ' . :'. .. . :>: , :; Tigard,OR.;97223' i I,�TEJEl� $LU e�,i 0lVE , do affirm that I am (represent) the party initiating interest in a proposed �0 rv�m . 2 � F�C. �,�it.�L d1 .r�IN(� affecting the land located at (state the approximate location(s) if no address(s) and/or tax lot(s) cuRently registered) 6f 5(�� �tA) C�(�R.Ilf�l� 21�., 7'rbA20 ,,d�L Q���� , and did on the_�_ day of � UA�F. , 19� personally post notice indicating that the site may be proposed for a - ' application, and the time, date and place of a neighborhood meeting to discuss the proposal. The sign was posted at_ A L-D/��a. O(��H A f�''1 � (J. , �U�'t' C�sT D� PR0�0.S�.,C� �R����-f�i Si(�lt - (state location you posted notice on property) � Signature (In the presence of a Notary Public) (fHIS SEGTVON FOR A S�'ATE OF OREGON, NOTARY PUBLIC TO COMPLETE/NOTARIZE� Y��` Subscribed and sworn/affirmed before me on fih��day of � ��� �g �� OFFICIAL SEAL CI�IFFt�RD A. h�O��LEY ` RIQTARY PUBLIC-0REGON COMMIS310N N0.319063 MY CdMIMISSION EXPIFiES DEC.21,2 NOTARY PUBLIC OF OREGON fVly Commission Expires: (Applicant,please complete information below for proper placement with proposed project) �------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- �NAME OF PROJECT OR PROPOSED NAME: � �TYPE OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: I �Name of Ap�olicant/Owner: I IAddrese or General Location of Subject Property: I , I LSubject Property Tax Map(s)and Lot#(s)______� I ---- ------------ --------- _i ' • h:Voqinlpatty4nasterslatfpost.mst ���. 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