Planning Commission Packet - 06/01/1998 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ;=s;Ai:Si:ly:i�':i>i�:ri�''S>,,i<:>��:i::iR:i;i7i'?,!'i5,>';>i!':i:'�i!'i:>:i:iii:i2t';`i�i��`<?',i'<'.�i�;i�i�i'i;#i':>ivi:i�iiSit:i:i:i:i:i,:!;i�i;�:';!`;;5?!';:::E;i:'i � 8 �i�� �f ly'ig�rd ������ �(������� ��(�����l�� CommisnityDevelopment ���� ,�9 ,���� � 7v�Q �o�e Shaping.�l I3etterCos�zrnunity � T�9�A�� ��1��C ��N�°��. m °�� � ��,�.�, ,� "i�1�� SVV !-�ALL ��IJL�il�f�t� °��AR�, OF���C�N 9722�3 d 1. CALE. �'C� C��E��� 2. ��LL �A�L, �,. ��.��[�i�IVCa C���°i�S�9C)� �t�II��Uf�9�@��,7'�t�F�� �. .��F°��i�'� ����1°�"�� 5. 9����,l� Fi���t6�� , �.� �amp��h���i�� ����u Am�r�d��r�� (�P�) ��-��026�64� CD��+����me�t ������ (���) 3$� OA02BF����e��� D�v�@������ ��vi�� (P��) ��-�OQ+1! S�co�t�v� �.�z��s ���a��+ (�L�� 9�� Oa�2f �.�� Li�� ������r���fi (�1�) ��mt�0�4 `��I��C)l��!°T� �ii�P�ENG ��i��°�� i��t�€�����: Th� ���le�;�n� has ��q�s��t�d a ��mpr�h�r�si�� �9�� ,�c���r���n��� tea fihe 1/����r ���aurc�s �3v�rlay tc� �Il��no fil@ and ��ifig�fiio� c�f � po�ion ��eAisfar�g ��tl�rid� c�n th� pr�per�y, �itt� ��v�i�pr�aent F�.�view ��� �(��as�ed i��v�l�prn��� R��+i��v ��proval �a �91Q� ���eBoprn��t z�� ��pra�i�r�st�ly+ � 330,8�� �q�aar� �c�ot �hc�ppinc� ��nfi�r �r� ��.7Q ��r��. °���� �p�@i���� �i�s �d�c� �ac��a��t�€� ���re�v�� f�e � ��i���t� E,�at Li�� ��J�s�m�n� �p�ai°s�a�i�r� �ra r��ca�$@g�ar� ti�� �xistir�� parc�6s t� �ccam�d�t� frature c�vvn�rship� ir�ter�sts af the prc�pc��ed �it� i�prov�rr��nf�. �Q"J���,�F���V�IV� PL�N D�����9A�'I�h�: �er���ai Cor�io�n�rci�l; �-�. ��Nlt�� ���I�Ni�TEO�; Ger��r�i �arr�m�r�ial; C-�. Ti�� ��s�eral �omrnerca�! Zti�i�� Di�tri�t � pro�id�� �it�s �ar th� ,�rovi�i�n ��� �ric�� i-ang� af ��jcar r�t�i! �QO�� as�� ��r�ic��. Th� pr�p�rt� � i� als� designated wifh #he following ov�rlay dis�r�cfis �} th� �'�ar�neci ���elopm��� C7v�rlay; 2) � th� Tigard Treangl� D�sigr� C)v�rl�y and 3) th� Wat�:r ��souc�� �v�r9�oo. °�h� f�l�nr��d � C?�v�lopme�t �verl�y uv�� pi�ced on the propee�js �e� aliQ�v �9�xi�ilifiy ir� d�v�loprr�nfi ps����ic�� t� �" �Ilow rr+ar� �fFcient us� of the pr�pe�fy. Th� Wat�r 4��aurc�s ���rl�y i� a r��t��rc� �raa��ctic�n � �v�rlay that pr�vid�s �it�vide pr�tectaon sfiand�rd� for V\l�t�r Re�ource are�� r��sic�raa#ed �� t� � si�nfc��t. Thi� generall� ir��iudes 100-y��r floe�e��iain �r�d �lood�vay ar��� v�hich r�ay �e�nfain .�c w�tlar�d� sy�fi�:ms �nd tributary dr�ir��g�w�y sysfiem5. L��GA�.°T'�@�a 1��65 �VV 72r�d ���nu�; V�/CTM �S� 36�D, Tax Lo�s 04200; ��1n1A�, 014�0� �nd 2��01�A, Tax Lots 00100, 00�01, qQ400, OU409, �nd 4d2. South �ide of �V!! ��rtmouth ��r��fi, �the vvest sid� of SW 72nd P,�er�ue, in�l�ding o�e p�rce9 within �he H�rmos� S�bdi�i���r� b�at g�neraNy ncar�h of�h� 6��rr��sa Su�division �nd east of Highway 2�7. ���i�l��i��� RE1/I��l ��i7°�RI,�: �.s�mr��ar�ity ���e�a�rr�e�t �cad� �h�pt�r� 1�.32, ��.62, 1�.��6 1�.��, ��.�5, `��.9�, ��.�CDO, �i�.10�, ��.'10�. 1�.1 Q�, 1�.114�, �3 S.��6, 1�.120, 1�.�5Q, �$.'���, 'i�.�64�, t�� °�°�gard �'r8���1� �?���gr� �t��d��°d� �r�� t6�� ��tr� Fun�ti�r��l PI�� �t�n��rd�. �. ��Pli°A� RR�pE�C�'�'����8°fi° ��.�'3J��°F ��'��1"�'� �us ���s���, �if� ��gi���� �'. �T'6��� ���It���� �. A�JC�U����R��' � , � w � � i � 0 � � 7'I��,�D PE�R,NI'Jlf�� �C��11�I��f�N ��LL C�oL�. CITV lJ�' TN3A�� OR£G06d ��A�IC�G �1/�`1"'�; L� --�° �" . �°�.���°dN� °p'IM�e '7 : �`� �.�ll. ���91�8��lC,tdER�: � NI�F{1�flL�C�P� (��AE���R��(V� � __,__ J��JO`fH ARl���2���E " JI ___,�_ N'I �A��IL� . JAI��� ��I��i°C�°I _�__, f���l FIt�LL.�,NC� �.. 6�91�9���L ���F � �a�1�l� �f�63��°�V � ���� ��l���� ��°�AF� �€����N�°a `" �tI�HA�� „_., �����DC9F��'F __ �l�4C�E�� �f�i�"�9 ____ �llLL. D'f��l[��?�, ____ L.P,IJRiE iVi�B��L�O�! e �M�,RI� FtO��Ft`�"� ��1,4�V ���t��Y' � � � � � ,�UL6A �il-�J��lR� � �3R���lE R��3�RT� � � ��I�N �C�EI� � ,.6�9l��� F����F�`�?C s _ e � �—�/C4J� D1..9��,4A� h:\logsr�ij�rree\pcarolB.ms� � V CI'�'`Y�1�+''I'I� FI.,r�.l�t�P+1� C€��S�I�N i��guflar t�ee�kIl�g IVla�ut�s �@ J�.u�.e 1, 199� 19 ���.,L'�'� (.���� Pr�sir���t�IJilsoil call�d�h�rn�eti�g to c�rd�r at 7:30 p.in. Th�m��tz��;�as held ir�the'�igard Civic�Cent�r.,T�own I-�all,at 1.31Z5 S�J�IaI1 I�lvd. 2m 1�t��L,�'��. �o�issic,�e��Pr�sent: Pr�side�g Wzlsoti; C�t�missao�iers Azidersan, �as�il�, �ri�ith.,�i�ff, � — ai�d Pad�etf ` � �ommissiors��s Abs�nt: �orr�issiorzers I�oiland and S�c�lar Staff 1'r�sezat: D�ck�ewersdoi�f,1'Ia�ing�Ianager;I+�iark Rob�r�s,A.ssocz�te Pla.nz�ea•; E�rian�ag�r,Development Re��iew Er�gineer; P.ugustim �u��as,�n�ineering Ivlan��er; .Terree�apnor,Pl�i�xzing �orrimissi�n�ecreta��y 3. �I.�1°�Il�t� ��Il�11l�II����1V C�31YI1ViiT1�ICA'�IOI�TS DD ��rr���a�ya�or,�1a�xnang�€��rnH��i�n Sec�°et��y,r�minded t�e Cammissiora tha���ae Parks li/�aster Flar�IJpdate gnee�iiag wviYh tri�Cit�zen's.�d�vzso�y Cori�aitt�e was sch�du�ed for J�e 23. Sh�inform�d the Cainmission that the n�w Plan�ling Coinmissioner,Lisa Inaalcaterra, would begin as o�the next meeting,pending�oun�it appro�va�o�3�une 9. �he��ient�Qnecl�aat IVIs. Incalcaterra lived o�tszde the�i�limits iz�the Bull Nlo�tain area but�r�side+a.he 1[JJrba� , ����r�����a��. ' D�c��3��e��d��,����a�i��l��a���e�°,men�ioned his rrrbemo regardin� th����at7�il�•eQ�ae�� that t1���omrraission look at parking lc�ts. 4. A.�'PI�.�Vk:�l°��7C�S �ommission�r('ariffith rr�dve�and Cora�mis�ioner Padgett seconded a y�aotion tc�apprr�ve tl�e Apri16, 199�, m�eting nninutes as subm;itted. A voice vo�te was t�ken and the nloti�n p��sed by �` a�voie of 5-0. Corninissi�ner Andersazi abstained. � � � 5e P'LJ��.,�Q� ��A�I�1� � � � � Pr�sident Wilson review�d the hearin�procedures and criteri�. I-Ie�sked t1�e Co�ssio��o � d�clare any conflicts of interest,bias,ex parte contacks, or site visits. I�. Padg�tt rr�enti�n€d � t�zat he knew tha�Tim h�oth who was in Yhe a�dience; Ivlr. I��th wauld not b�testifying, '�'IZere w��•e no challer�ges. PLANNING COMM➢SSION IViEET[NG MINUTES- J��ne l, 1998-�age i S.1 Com��°��aea��i�ve�I�e�n A��n�m���(��'Al) 9�-OQ02/Sl��I)�r���opre�������aca�v (5���9�- OOU2A�isa�n�d 1Dee�elo�s�ne�3������`w (�'DIt�9�-dD00�f;���t�x��we��ra�is �evx������) 9$- . Q002! I.�at�,iz��A.dy�s�r��n��MA��9�-�D004 '�"ItIw�4a�J�1'�'�'��i�PP�1�T� t:�N'TE�3. ��Ol���'P�.i.e �'h�app�a�ant ix�s i•equested a��rn�re�ensYVe�'lap� l-�i��.dr���t tc��e ��V'�.t�r�eso�arces Overlay to alb�r�✓fIi�r�d rr�ztig�tz:a:�of� ps��°ti�n of e�c�sti���ve�l�c�s on the p�opea°ty, �ite I��velopz�en�Ft�view and�'l�r�a�d 1'��v��opnle�t l�.eview a�prov�l t� �llo�w d�velapmezit of appz•oxim�.ttily a 330,�9� sc��aa��e�aot shop�in�cent�r on 25.70 a�r�s. 'The ��pli�ant has also requeGt�d approval for a r�lated Lo��,in�Adjustrnen�a�p�ic�tion ta r�ca�n�gure tk�e existing parcels to accoz�unodate fiat�°�ot�vn�r�hips anter�sts of th� �S'O�70SeCI Slt� lYTl�'91�V�I7t7�11�5. ��6I�/I�l���led�IV� ��.,�,1°����IG1��T'��DI�Ta �eneral �ornmercial; C-�. .�t�l��l'd� ���IGI�i��'���1a ��a�er�� Comrflerci�l; ���'r. The 6senera.l Car��m�r�ial.Zor�in�I�isl�ict provid�s sites far the pro�visio�a o,f a wid�ra�age af�najor���ail goads and seY��ices. The properkyy is also designat�d�with the following�verlay dis�cts 1�the FZann�d i�e��lopnlent Overlay; 2)the�'igard Tri�•i�le l�esign Overlay ara.d 3)tlie dVater Resr ur�es Oe�erla�. Tlie I�laru�ed I3evelopm�nt Overlay was placed an the pz�operty to all�w �texibility in d�veloprnenf praetices�io allow mor�ef�'ic�ent tase o�tl���roperty. The�Vater R�SOLlI'C�S�VeS'��y iS� Y�SOLIY'���)%Ctt��gF011 OVeT'Ia�tI3�$�31'�VEC1�S Cl$�TW1C���.?TOtectiara staazs�ards for V+Ia4er Itesourc�areas d�signated as si�ni€aca�t. 'This gen�rally inGlud�s 100- year ftc�ndplain�nd floodway areas which inay contain iv�tia�zds systei�as as�d�rrib�at�s°y drain.ageway systenls. �,i�+CA'I'��l�a 1�255 S'�V 72nd Avenue; `+�ICTM i�'1 36�'L, i'ax �.,ots 04200; 2S 1 Q�.A�, fl 1400 and�S�O 1 BA, Tax Lots 00100, D0101, 004•OQ, 00401, anad 4Q2. Soz��h sid�af SW Dartrno��,h sCreet,th�west side of sVJ 72rad Ave�lue, znc�ud°ang��e paxcel vvfthin�he H�rmosa SubdzUision but generally north of the I iermosa Subdiviszon�sid �ast of I�ighway 217. AP�'���A�I.,E �VIEW C�'T��A.: �omn�iu�ity I��velopni�nt Code �hapters 1$.32, 1�.62, 1�.�0, 18.�4, 1II.�5, 18.98, ��.100, 1�.102, 1�.lOb. ��.IG�, ��.11�, 1�.116, 1�.120, 1�.1�0, i�.15Z, 1�.16�, ��t� �'Ig�.Y'CT�TTY�nT4�,1� D�Sl�ll �$c1TiC�c'1.F•d�an.d �h� 1i�l�ero Fuizctional F'lan �farad���is. s�r���°����°� 1'�Ia�•���.a�b���y�.�ssa�����������er;pres��t�d th�staff repor��n b�hatf c�Ftl���ity. ��s��d th�t the ap�Iicant has rsquested approvai for a Corrrpreh�nsive Plan arr�endrmez�t ta�llow a�vva�er resaurc�s overlay distric#for the f�ll and mitigatian of existi�.g wetlaraals. �--Ie not�d th��p�lic�.t�.t's request to allow dev�lopment of an approxYmat�ly 330,895 sq.ft. shop�ing centei•om 25.7 a�r�s9 and for a lot li�e adjus��nent to recor�f'�g�.zrre th�ex�sting par�els to accoAxunodat�fuhxre��vti�xship �° interest af the proposed site ptupose. � N � � Nfr. R.oberts us�d overhead graphics and slides to review the specifics��t.�e proposed � r��velap�nerit a.nd Yhe existing conc�itions. He noted the location of tlxe propo5ed shoppi�g ce�at�r � at the sc�uthwest corner of Dartmou*,1z and 72"d Ave��ue. I�e said tha�one af the severafl parcels � inyoPved�ay v�ithin t�be�-Iermos�su�,division. �-Ie m�ntioned tlxa.�the wetlands�a be�ill�d and � � � mitigated ran through the center of th�site with additional w�tlax�ds at t11� southwest corner.. �e said that the ea�terty hal�'of the prap�riy h«d an appr.oxianat�ly 10%slap�tovv�ards the 217 fre�way. He pointed o�at t�-iat a large po�tion csf th�e narth are�a along I7arttma�zth vvwas plari:�ted in PLANNING C�PviMI5�dON MEETING MINUTES- June 1, 1998�Fage 2 Ch�i�trrmas tr�es. IV3:r. FLob��ts 5aid that�he applicant�ropQ�ed fi�ve araajoi°a.xxchor�enanfis�n th�saut�ie�portior�af t�ae site vvith an additional four pads on�artrnout�(�,, B,�,D)and gv✓o aion�72"d(D,�). 1,722 parlcing spa��s�ver�phoposed throughout the sit�,incli�c�ing the parkin� structur�to Y�e�vest of Pa��. I�r. Iiobea�ts statf�d that th�applic�.nt ha.s expz�ess�d cor�c�rns with some of the canditiQn�o�' ° ap�roval. He said that staff has�•�ca�nrnended elirniraating Conc�itic��#28 (whiah reqtiured a noise study by th�applicant}. He expl�ined tl�at if the site corr►plied vv�th the 1�E�sta�ldards,arid�v°ath the City's maximum noise levels,then staff believ�d that it c�mplied witY�the r�oise ai�ite�-�a in th� 199F��ode revisions. 1��. �Zoberts recorrunended allowing a 30 mo�a�h approval per�oc�(page 8)because�e applicant has�ropased conceptual and de�ailed plan devel.opme�t reviee�v incorporated with the otheP requests. Iv1�. Roberts recQn�mended del�ting tkze first sentence�f Contlition�#37, as�he applicant has discttssed the J.ocati�on o�the trasla and recycling en�losures v�ith t1�e .fi•�n.nchise hauler who has agreed to their lacation. (��JES'�'I�I�iS��' S'�'A��' . President Wilson asked for clarifica�iAn on what criteria vvas used to determine�hetller or not traff c was an issue. �i�i�n I�ager,Dev�io�memf��vi�w��x�nr�ee�°, said t��at generally staff aslced.applic�its(in their traffic studies)to look at the rnain i�aters�ctions in the vicinity ofthe developix�en�. H�explaine�.tY�at orz�af the criteria used to d�team�ne whe9:hez�or not aa1 intersection needed signalization was Lev�l of S�rvice F�. Pr�sident Wilson asked if'an applica�pon could be denied if t1�e applic�t c��a1d�ot mitigate th� traffic z��pa�ts. �Ie cited an appli�ation several years ag��ha.t was deniecl beca�se tl�e it�it�rs�c�i�n at Locust amd C'ireenburg Gotild not handle the incY•eased traffic fram ar�hotel. 1l�Ir. I�ager sasd that if ihe applicant was not willing or not able to fully mitig�te the impa�t of has d�velopment to staff's satisfa�tion,then that would be gr�unds for recommending denial. Commissi�ner�Griffith ask�d what was the status of�iis Division of State Lands and Corps of Engineers application on��tlands m�tigation. l�fr. Roberts said that,as h�zu�zd�r�tood i�,flie Y�SL pennit from 1994 was still valid but the Cc�rps perrnit has expired because tchey chang�d tY�e permittir�g syst�rri. �-ie corzimment�d that apparently the applican�and tl��CoYps�were close to reaching an agreement and only minar changes might b�made to the general design. �P�'���f11m1�'"�P"I�SEI�i'TA'�'I�Pd e Ed C�x�°ist�rnser�,��rrist�nsen Ec��incerin�s 715���J Ham�ton�,'Tigz�ra�, said that t�ey k�ve PLANNYNG COfvilViI5SI0I�f MEETING fv[II�IUTES- June I, 199�-Page 3 b��n�rc�rk���oui�st�P�f,�d�rmcxld cor�tim�.���d�so,Q3X1 TT3�lI�"1�(3�"�P1�1 SSLl�3 GIS.SCL:SseG�fla1"�� sta1�'r��c��t. ��riT�il�flt52]�i�f�'1�t��1%S VN�S� �c�I°td1Y2�i'�p�OJ��$�Cll$�'i��i�d��T�l�&I°t�.�/�tiG�3�l�f b�li�v�d r��t th�stanc��rc��nsi int�z�t o�the�ev�l�p�a�nt Coc€�. I�r. �lnrist�n�en fln���io�a�d��v�r�l s���ifi�cs of��p�oj�et. ����on#"irrned that�n�y h�d�ve rr��jc�r tcnarzts c�srr�ir�g to th�site. He not�d�h�ix wcark on�A�l�an��a�s fox tY���r.oj�ct. �-Ie poin�ecl aaa�tha�the grournd dYOpp�d�lmc�st�0 fe��i���e I,�QJ faa�c plus�wid�h,rz��rzg it eha�l���i��to desi�n��ite plza�that�ork�d bc�th physic�ly a.a1d fun�tionally�,s an esaai��a�ic,�ly vi�bl�shopping���aYer. 1V1r. Christe�s�n said Yhat as of Iast�eek,th�y ha�l an agr�ernex�t v�rith�e �orps aa�t�o�hax�.�� th�e s�t��latz at all. ��stated tl��t he dad not�hinlc there woul�i be ariy proble�ras vviitl�gai.aaing a , x�vis�d�or�s p�xn�z�,and that they�vvoul�.work tl�ough ar��i�stzes aa-isig�g fx�o�a.�snafta betvv��r�t.�e C�rps and�3SL. IVtr. �l�a�st�x�s�r�reviewed the conditions�f app�oval of concern to�e applica�t. �e�ked tQ re�rite 411e secon�ser�tence of ConditiQn�y to r�aci"Pri�r t� issuatn���f ara,o�cuparicy�earr�it, th�s����.I work shall b�corrapleted." H��%�3�a1118C�fl1a��;1V111g�'1�1?�1$�11��C�CI1�1011�1�ilYle���/0114� ti�.e iss�z��of th�sit�ar�d/�or buildqng�ertnit vvr��.ld a11c�w�l�em th�opporb,tnit�y�o�rori�wvit,h �lle C�ty a.rad the developn�ent comiriu�ity in preparing a proper azxalysis os'tii��ra�fic sign� syst�rn. I-Ie poi��t�d out tl��k�liey w�.re�roposing to add fo�zr sign�ls ataxig]a�out�Str�et, a pxoject tri�t took tizne to ar�alyz�,design a.�d put�ogether properly. �ia said that they als� needed t��vork with.c�D�T on the FiB�`arid�artrnouih signal becaus� it ianpacted the OI)O'T conixoiled sy�tera�. Mr. �hri�tensen asked ta make�a same change�o�he last seizt�glce in C€�ndi�ion#�0. I�e s�d that they�ave�lre�dy start�d disc�.ssions vvith(JI]OT'a.�1d#1i�ig concerns abau.�t�te si�i��l. �Ie rn�nt'roned t�at they wou�d rneet with�DO`I'anc�il���ity�tomonc��vv�o continue the discussioia on"I'gg�r�'I'rian.gpe tr��spor�atio�c issues. He conf'irmec�to �€s�ssi�ner�'ac��etl:that th�ir reques�inGluded re�la�.�ng th�woz•ds"shall ob��in OD�3T ps�its ax�d a��r��a�s f�s���signal ��r�"�i�"sl�a�l b��ornpleted...". Presider�t Wzlsoi�asked wl��t the applicant ivoul�do if OI�Q'T did not�.�Sprove the si�nal work. Ivff�. Chri��ensen said tliat it w�s nQt lik�ay thai()�()T would not appr�sv�Y1�.e re�uest. He�x�a��.an�d. � t��at ODOT,tlae City, and the devel�pm�nt c�mml�ity�n�w that that i�iteB�sectiot7�eed��l to be ` � si�nalized b�cause almost�riy additiaa��l Yxa�fic froln a.aly new d�veloprrtea�t caaas�d 'at t�faal. � �-Iowever it vvorked weil vrith a si�nal. �-Ie said that Yh�y v��r�cornfort�bl�vdith the�isk of ga�rzing � the necessary appr�val,cor�fiz�ing that they could na�coxnplete tl�e signal��ZOUt�DOT � approval. � C� Cornrnissioner+Griffith ask�d if�onstruc�ioa�tr�f�;vvould�iot in�pac�the intersect��n. Ivlr. � Christensen said that most of th�construction�raf�'ic woaz�d enter�d�xit f'ram 72"d�v�r�u� haading f�r 21.7 and not gr���tly impact th� interse�ti��5. He said that h�agre�d with"shal�obtain I' �.n t7DC1T p�rmit"but argued that tl�at�vas no�the sarrie issue a.s t.��buiasii�g pez�nit v�g�sus the PLANNING COMMIS�I�DN MEETING MINUTES- .Tune l, 1998-Pa��4 occupancy permit. Commissioner Pad�e�t read the modifi�d senter�ce as"PA'30T�O I�S1X�11C�Of LI�.��C�L1p�YliC�/��Ti�l1t, the ap�licar�t shall uomg��ete ar�ODC)'I'approved signal." NIr. C�r�risg�n�en agreed vvith th�wordin�,. IVLr. Christ�nsen spmk�to Coz�dition#���,the a•�quirement for the sound walfl. �Ie not�d s�n tcne�i�e plan the locati�n vvhere a sound wal.l was not n��ded b�caus�Yhe 22 to 23 foot diff�rer�ce i�grade between the adjoining proper�izs and the shoppzng ceiiter�i�actiom�d similarly�o a sou�d w�l, and zn�t the sarne criteria as a sau�id wall. He s�d that tl��y vvould�ti�1�ut a fe�ce a1on�the er�tire property line for a v?si.�t a�xd physical k►arri�r. I-�e aslced that Candition#22 read"'I'h.e applicant s�nall conslrLtc�t a sound atten;uatiot�wall ir�ac�ordance�vith t1a�p�oposeti a�ausgical study and sound report prepared by Da1y Stanley and A.ssoci���s." Com�issioner Padgett asked for confinnati�n tha�I�Ir. Cl�rist�nsen wan�ted to sYrike the language frorn the word"tivith"to the end of the s�nten�e as it�ead now. �. �hristensen said that�v� correct,and to strike o�.t the nex�line and ta include"the future approved noise study as discussed in the applicant's n�ise study." IVIr. Rober�s pointe�i Qut th.at a chain Iink fence woutcl not meet fhe screening and buffering standards;they a�voulc�have to use a slatted or. wood fenee. Iv�r. Christensen said�13at they eo�xlc�add "along the remaining�oition of tne property cor7struct a sla#�ed chain link�enc�." Mr. Christen.sen spc�ke to Condition#41, arguin�that this conditiom�tas not�pplicable tQ buiidin:gs that vvere more than 10 feet away from the prope�line(p�r t�ie'�riazlgle d�sign st�ndards). H� saad that the 110 foot widt�i betwe�ii the buildin�and Dartr�iouth Street�uas wetlands which would be heavily�lanted with v�getaYio.n growing three ta tiine�e�t tall coanpletely obscuring t17e intent af tlze design standas•ds to provide pedestriari friendly wall:ing conditions. He explained t�iat the Corps�avarbt�d�hean to move the sidevvalk out of the vyetlancl� into tlie public right-af-way. IY�r. Ch�-isten�en ag•gu�d i:lzat�rovidi�.ig`�;%glaa_in�for an eleva�ior�betwu�en�I��e to nine feet far ail buiidings acijoining their ri�ht-of�?v�y vva,Lu�ne��ss�ry sine�th�view of the�uil�lirig�ould be obscured by the veg�taiion. He asked that Condition#41 be rewritten as "provide 15% glazing betw�en tl�ree and nin:e feet for th�first 20 feet of�acl�exteiior corner of Pads� &C fronting the wetlands." Mr. �hristensen ask�d to v,�•ite Condition#4$ similarly to Conditian#9: "`I�e applicant sha�l eonstruct a traffic signal at driveways A�B in accordance with tl�e City standairds and as ap�sroved by the City�ngineer. Prior to issuance af an occupancy permit,th�signal sl�ail be compi_eted." He explained t�+iut I3riveway 1�r�vas t1�e�e�cal point of t�ae stzopping c�i�ter, and�ould generate traffic warranting a signal when th�Tri-County C�nter opened while I��iveway B was direGtly across from the da•iveway to Cub Foods arid i#s aajac�iat�tores, an�l would�rarrar�t�a si�nal by the year 2003. He said that the agplicant prefe��d to construct both signals now because it would be difficult to install them once the Center opened. PLANTIING COM?vtISSION MEETING MINUTES- June 1, i998-Page 5 ��mmission�r Padg�tt asked foar clarifi�ati�n on the ali�n�n��.t�f t1a�d�ivevvays. Ivls. �°t7rist�nsen said�1xat L)riv��uaa A�vas��tarac�alorae'T interse�Y,ion t��g��dk the tn�,��rrty of th�traf�ac�'rom�te ���t�x��vhi1�I3x�v�v�r�y F3 ali�t���vvith the Cub�'oods driveaxr�y. I��carnment��l th��th��wex� cont�n�ix���o avoi•k with staff o�the iss�e of�ddrng th�si�nal�aaad ti�xairag��a�a v�i:���ae si�nals �or�x I-�igh��ay�99 to I-�. �s�zr�issi��er CaS�i��asked wh.a.t�hi�di�'�r��c�was i�`they made lef�th�conclitic,r�as it was, req�irang��bond a�ter five y�ars if th��ig�al�vv�,r�e�aot bLailt and p�rrz�ission�rorn�D1�T�n�the C�ty to build then�a. iVlr. �hristens�YY saicl�i�t the differ��ce w�s tliat the si�ais�rere w��nt�d n.c�w,�s�pposed to b�ing s�die�l fog fiv�y�ars to detemune wlne�e�or not tli�y���e wasr�n�ed. i le reiteratec�that th�y wanted ta hav��ie s��nals in�Slac�vvhen t1��y op�ned the CenY�r so as not t� absta°�ct business�s i��he area. Coz�unissionea Cask�le caanment�d xhat if the ap��Yicatat co�xld ii�t COT1V'1116:��1� Cl�nl'OD�T$Ilat�1�54�21�3�i��JC?°WaTY�tEC�T10W,the�pplicant w�askir��th� Cc�rnan�ssion to ov�rrule those agenci.es. � 'I'�rn d�a�a�a��ea°,L�n��s��u°���gn���°���,�J��i�� �t��ucax�#20�,���°���a��, s�id that isi�their �°�fFc•s�d;�,they had�ZOt strQngly reco�r�nended fiw�si�nals at Iariveway���4�ecause�f c�nceins�rith��tkan�them s�cic�se tQgether. �I�state�i th�t the sta�f rep�rt recoixam�nded studying the�ituatic�n year by,year azld i�stalli�g the signals in ti-�e year�vl�en the traf�"ic act�xally rriet th�wa�rants. I-�e poznted out that th�siudy�iready sho��ved that by the design year for a�l the�highwa�in�prQVerne�xts�2003),the sign�ls�vo;ald be vaarr�nt�d. I�e ex}�lained that the devel�per�✓ould pre�'er tc�ir�stall the signals now as c�p�osed to 4e�ng up�he stree�lates��n� doin��traf��study ev�ry year fQr sig�al�that he�lready Is�ew vvo�ald be needed in 2003. I�� rnei�tion�d th�import�xsce af sync�v.•onizing k1�e sigr�als. �r, �a��r rn�ntioraed s�aff c.ancerns v✓f�h the�l�s�prox3mi ,ty�#tll�di�ivew�ys and tka�pot�r�tial for a sig�aal at the Cost�a sou�h�ra�driveway. H�questioned hod,v fo�x si�nals on�3ai�.�uth in�uch clase pr��:i�nity�vo�ald ws�rk. �ie said that siaff�as unco�nfoi-t�bl�a11c�v�i.ng the t�vo si�a�als u�n�i� they kizew�vh�t the irripact vve�uld be on�tY�i��COStGO aT1V�Wa�1. I��5�9����U�'���T'�.1X1�i.�'d�G�➢ili.�fl�idTl to�es€�I�ve the issaa��vitP��he ap�lic�nt p�z�r to b�aildira�;pe�its. i-��co�n��t�d#����i�a�h� applic�nt��illing to install the si�nals, it was szmply a znatter t��'tim�ng: installation no�w ar�'ter they s�w how tf�e facility�perated ornce it was up�d r�.u�ni�g. �oznmissioaier Castile asiced��stafF allowed the�n�tallation af pipin�undergr�ur�d ia�annticipation '� of a si�naL 1'vlr. Fta�;er said that placing��n:duits undergro�d now wa�lci fac�litate th��tZteare � ir�terconrqection of the signals. 1VIr. Christeiisen pointed Q�t th�t t11e Tri-�o�n�ty Cer�ter aatd Cub �. Foods combined��ver�four tinz+�s as large as+GostcQ and they had.o�aly two signals. �Ie conc�xred �" with�Iie ne�d for additianal analysis but reiterated that the�be�ieved si��ials a�b�th th�ir dt�iveways � � were necessary iar the trar�sportatian system along iJamrttrnouth to work�ifectively. C9 w . � Nlr. �hristensen noted th�o�ther consu�tarits�vere avail�.ble torught�o answ�r Commissaan questions regarding the iss��s raised this evenin;. �Ie comirn�nted th�t skaf�h�d bee�great at working with them through this project. l�-Ie rrber�tioraed that th�y believ�d that th�y had tha PLANNIN�CQMMISSION MEETING Ivf1NLJTES- June i, 1�9&-Page Cr majra�ity of ttae Center l�as�d. I�e ask�d that th�y b�allowed to aaxr�r�forvv�rd�soozx as pc��s�ble. �� SSIOl��II7ES"�'I��d�` Presid�rzt VVilson��p��ess�d c�ncerrz a�out t��ir�ters��tic�n�f���vy 99�c�l7�rt�n�u�1i,�a�t�z���h.� traff�st��y co�cl�si�n that w�thout th�lf�artrno��flyov�;r��xd�vad�ning of�T�vy 99 this int�rs�ctio��n�ould degracie t�l�ve1 of ser��ic��'nr furth�r deve�opnlent waul�.hav�to be �L, res�rflcted�,p��a 28). He obse�-ved that the City had�s��n.a�rante��ax fianding fo�eif��x inaprc�vem�z�t. �e asked if NIr. Lallcaster vvas sa�ing tha.t�1�is d�ve�opm�nt vvou��use�ap�e remaii�ing c�p�ciry at�hat intersection, and that�ny fi.arther developme�t v�rocald��use it x�fail. �ir. I,anc,astez�re��rencEd L'he I,evel of Servxce Sutnz�a�ry ch�rt(raage 23)�h��ing t��satu�ra�io� ��,t�s�'or Hwy 99 at I�at�ano�.ith. ��explained tha��his developA�xent plu�other de��lop��nts already committed plus a 4%gro�th�ate yYelc�ed.a 98%saturatian i•ate for the in�ersection. IIe stated that�nuch n�aare t�evelopm�nt beyond t�is w�uld create�Sroblems at the znt�rsecti�n. �Ie said tkzat th�y kaave disc�assed possIlble saluti��s wit.h O��T but agreed t.�at no one h�d�h� mpney, in�luding the deve�oper,to implerner.zt�y solutions. �resideaYt VJilss�n�sked what th�l�vel of ser�vi����vas at t�e�vvvy 99 i�t�rs�s:tiot�s wi�i 217,�a11 �1vd., asid C'rre�nburg. I��r. I,ancaster said that he did not�cna�v but he ag�e�d t1x�t t?a�y�ver.� pr�bahl��,1ose t� sat�ar�tion. Presi�en�t�ilso�pozni�d out��pra�jectzc�n t�1a�tl�e�e�t�r�v��Id generate �2,C�00�ips ge�day, adding 10°/a mor��raf#�ic to I-Iwy 99 and i�s ia�ters�ct�ons. �-Ie�onceded that t�t�s�Anters�ctions w�re outsid�iiie xealrn of this ta•affic study but stat�d that this pr���ct w�u�d imp�ct tha�s� Anters�ctions in a way thal:t�aey coulr�not handle. 1VIr. �,aancaster c�isa�xe�d il�at the iAlters�ct�or�s c��ld nc�t�x�n.dl�the increas�d tra�c,st;�.t��tk�at t�iey vaer�close to capa�aty, ��said that�I�e imp�ct ori th� T�v,�y �'9/D��nc���t�inters��ti�r�vva� �?�'i�V(3�'S$�3Ji$�1 Y�le tT'�f�l�11T1�aG$(.�fSSfl�5Zc�1�2�;���r�ffic turned g��h�a�r�e�'��ntsa�Iwy�g. I�e rexte�ated th�t the l�artrnouth inters�etior�,�vhile c3.o�e,was s�i�i b�Pa��r capacit;�. �-�e pc���ated s��� that t1�ey were building in conforrria�nce wi�h t�-ie existiyig zone. .t�s��n�as they did not s�zove��� intersectic�n aver�apacity,they sh��ald be in compli�c�. � Ivlr. Ra�;�r confarrr�ed�hat staff d'zd limit tne scope of�ie applAeaait's traffic st�te�y to th� � interse�tions in the report. I'�e saad tl�at staff follo�,v�d past pxacti�e in�ecoznzr�end'ua�apprc�val for � � a develogment that w�.s undec•the cap�city o�th�interse�timn. �-Ie saicl tl�at he was not prapared ta � comm�nt about fhe capacity at the o�l7er in�erseGtions, as staff did nat loolc at�hein. � � � Mr. Cl�is�tensen mentian�d the City's current�vvork an a�x updat�d'Y'a•anspo�ation�1la�ter Pl�t�. � I-�e said that they vvuuld disc�ss th.�Dartmou�h flyover among ofher issues�ri�h OD(�T tomozrow. He�xoted the increas�in federal funding to OT���'for transportati�n projects due to the work of Ore�on senatars, H�commented that Metro mc�de�ing was no�kin�to'�igard,ar�d PLANNING COMMISSION MEF,TING MITT•�UUTES- June l, 1998-Page 7 . a said tha�they wer�w�lling to heln'I'igard wa�rk�th E)I?�'�aaYd Pv�etro�n thes�issu��. 1°✓Ir. Christensen staied t1na�ur►d�r tl��Cornprehensive�'Ian,the development dad m�et the�riter�a, H�o�served tlxat a���s�ot faar ta stop tiv.s developrreer���rom mavi�g fo��rd because of a regional probl�m. IvIr. i�an�ast�r rei�erated that'th�r�wa5 sufficien�c�.paeity f�r t�s dev�l�pmera�t , at tlie pnters��tioii of I�wy 99 and�artYn�uth. P�. t;lx�istensen Yn.e�tion�d that tlieir t.ra.f'�ic studies indicated that t1�e majority of�•a�'fic turning left anto I�wy 9�3 w�nt north an 217. , Cor�eniss�oner Paagett asked fbr va�i�cation that�he dg�veways referred to in the seaond paxagraph o�page 28�vere drivev�ays A.�F�. I��Ir.Lancast�r s�xd that vvas eorrect. C;Q�d'�Y7113S1011�Y�Pad�ett said that tonight lZe heard Mr. I,ancaster say that the driv�ways alrez�dy �varra�nted signali�ation,w�ai�h was the opposi�e of'1us recommendation in the iraffic s�udy�hat tl�e cc�nditians b�monitored after compietion of the�enter to determine if signa�s were nece5sary at one or bo�h c3riveways. PJl�. Lancaster saic�th�t th�y�took anotlier loak at it. I3e�eiter�te�d that the question was no�whether or not the signals v✓ere warrant�d-�h�y vvere vaapxamf.ed by 20Q3. 'I'1�� question was when to put thein in-now or in�ive to six yeazs. �r. Lan�aster said that he had been concerned about proper coordination�f seven signaTs in a relatively short space. I-ie said that�he City proposed a new optior�of a year by year a.�alys�s af the tra.�`fic conditions. He stat�d that, giv�n the fact that th�signal.s would be warranted in tlxe desi�n year, and the fact ihat the developPr did not want t� sp�erad the money for a ye�•by year study but would rather put tk�em in now,h�did not thinlc that putting them�i�i a couple years£roYn n�w as �pposed to iour yeaz•s f�om now rx�ade mu�h difference. ��mxnissioner Castile pointed out that it cozald malce a differ�nc�depending Qn what el�� develaped along the street l�etweer�now and the year 2003, comm�iating that othe��n�r��es/exits might warrant szgnals. I�e agreed t1z�t they did not want traffic�ignals spaced too clr�se togetdi�r. 1V'ir. i,ancaster said that they did not want addrtional sign�s. �Ie said that additi�n�t cl�v�lc��nn��t beyond vvhat was expect�d would�r�vici�ever�rnor�r�asons for the si�nals. Commissi���r I�1eff'asked�vhat the out-of-pocket cost for adding�he signals Iat�r. Pd1r. Lan�a�ter said that a ballpark estimate was $150,000 p�r sig�al, includin�tlis�ost of syncl�on;zati�n. Commissioner Neff noted anoth�r issue of what changed between no�vv ar�d the y�ar 2003. I-�[e commented that th�y might c�o things differently in the y�ar 2003 because other elements could surf�ce that they need�d to warlc into Yh�whole sahem�when they looked at tlie big pictu.�•e. Mr. Cluistensen referenced 1V�r. l�..ager's comment t�at Costco believed that a�i�nal was warrra.nt�d at their driveway for a 135,000 squar�foot development. He cont�nded fhat the two sigmals at D�-ivew�ys A and�w�uld be warrallted th�day tl�eir 330,000 square foot development apened, less thari three years b�fore 2003. He emphasized the rs�ed for tr�c con9rol at the��b Foods/Tri- Coi.uity Center driveway. I-�e pointed out that their signals would cr�at�gaps in�he t���pa�sing by th� Costco driveway,enabling the Costco t��af;ic to get in and out. PLANNING COMIvxISSlON MEETMG MINUTES- June 1, 1398�Page 8 • ' N�r.�,anca�ter pointed ant that�raffic vvarrants to�ay at thP inters��tion�f�artrnotgtfl��rci 72�'d dgd not vvaxs°�nt a signal but�veryvne l��ew that it was sx�zply a rnatt�r of tar�n�b�fmre it�w�uld b� wagrarsted. Y�t the�aty was r�quirin�the dev�Iop�r to inst�ll that sig�al�ovv rat.��r�ian spanciiii� tir�e trying to f gur�aut exactly wl���n th�sign�.l wa,s vv�a�ted. Comaxaissianer IVeff asked if at was fair that o��parcel��ols.�11 the capacity €�ii 3�a�r�rnou�li, �#3fe�tively pro3�it�itin��ny fizrr�hh�r developm�nt o�I3�trno�th. �Ie ask�d what to do iaa�-ii� 51tL1�1;1GX1. �Tl'. 8��/82'SC�OI'�SaIC��Yl��9:�i1t V�aS�Il�$G4 p,LleStl�fl1. H�noted that no p�Iicies addressed it,either at the Corn�iehensive Plan.ar crit�ria levels. I�e s�id that sta.��as�,�orked�n a first�or�ae, �irst served basis. I�Ie agreed that this could impact futu�e develc�pm�ent. , I'�.•. Bewersdorff'said that to c�eal wx�h.�is sittaatioa�diff�remtly i:he�City sP�ould have ir�pl�.�e a plan that adjusted oa•atlowed cerkain p�rtions of developrxient in the'I'riangle or a system of �nancin�a1I the improvements ne�ess�ry. I-I�vv�ver the City had neither of those. �;orrarnissioner I�1eff commented that theoretically TIF shoul�i cover t�aat. Mr. B�wersd���f noted�11at ttne�our�ty •' TIF co�er�d only 32%of�l�e impra�vement costs. P'�JB����'�ST'��l[f�l@� I�resad�YZt�lilson op�ned the hearing to publac i:�stimorYy. �n aurlieiyce merraber said that he needed more information i�efor�h�cot,�ld make i�formed corrixner�ts. l��s. C"xaynor expl�ined that t41e publie co�tld stAll testify b�fore the�:o�xnczl at the 3un�23 hearing. No or�e else testifi�d.. 1'vlr. C1�•istensen said that if the CoYnmission kept the record ope�x during th�ir deliberations,th�y would be lzappy to ans�ver a�y questions. He clarif ed�hat Tax Lot 300 vvas also a past of flxis �pplication. �Comrnissianer Padgett�asked to hear sta.ff's comaa�ents ori th�applicant's sugg�sti�ns. I�/1i°. Ra����xplained that staff pt•e�ex�r�d�i�r�vord.ing"gri��to�'in�buildir�g inspectior�"over"p�issr fo iss�alace of certif cat�of�ccu�ar►cy"on Condit�c�r�s 9�d 10 b��aat.se��firza�bui�din� inspection was the first harnrner for staff. He said tha�people often moved in a�Y�r th�ir�sp�ctio� with the technical certificafie of occuparicy corning muck�l�ter. I�[e said that Conditios�#45 t��k care c�f malcing sure that the improvements were installed prior ta final buifding inspection.. C�mmissior�er Castile asked i�staff had no problem with tli�changes th�applicarit r�qu�sted on Condition#41 regarding the windo�✓s. I�Zr. 1Zob�r�s stat�c3 that the applicaYit was prop�si�ig that 95%of the fi�ontage along Dartmauth have blar�c walls,a circumsta.riGe�✓hich st�f did not "bzlieve impler�ented the standard�ar�d intent of the Triangle design staridards to open up the buildings to the street. He saicl that siaff thought that the appliaant could coznply with th� condition. �ommissioner Padge�t gQinted out that the buildi�.gs were set back more than 1 Q feet from the PLANNING COMMISSI�N 1'�ICETING MINUTES- June 1, 1998-Page 9 str��t,�d th�d�si��staradards did nat adc�r�ss buildin�s se�b�.ck fi�rther�h�sa 10�'�et. I�Z•. �obe�#s�anarn�nt�d fihat the pe��or�that the b�.ildirags were ns�t��t ug tovvvard�the str��t��� becau�����e��tl�ds rnitigation. I�dr. �e�rerss3c�r�'f s�id�ha�s�af�'�iac�be�n caaz�c�rned that b��c�r�lis w�r�ugly. Nir. Rc�b��s�agd�laat th�re was nm r�ason in te�xns�f l���vv the sit� fian��ianed to havL blank walls�o`ua�c�s t.�e stre�t, sinc��,he loadi�s��v�fron��he��c�C aagd th� r�erch�ndise woutd probably b�s�oY•ed az�a�ide area pad not necrssas�ily�ls�r�g L��nc���P�o 1VIr. l�oberts corifirza��d that sxaff did iiot a�ree�rith th�ap�licari�'S fl�C�IA�Sg�CI C�'l111��5�O ���a��rOB�#4�. 1W1r.�obeq�ts saic�th�.t ir��Condition.#22,techr�i�ally the a�ap�i��t was coi����t th�t he dic�not ne�d a ��ntax�uQU�sourad attenuation wa11 to meet the n�iise standards. �][�sfatec�t�at staff r•ecor.amended �he attenuation wall bec�us�it af�oxded vis�a�l b�ffering and screer�i�g,it would nlatch wha���as dor�e along the other part o�th�pxoperty lzrae,and i�was a rnore p�rm.an�n�construction. I�� pa�ot�sted chan�in,�Yhe condition to the ap�slicant's r�quest fQr a sla�ced or dvood fence(tl�c+u�h th�t was allowable}. H��on��rreci w�it.�deleting the thi.rd sezatena��o�lir�ir�at�the future nois�s�.dy alre�dy�lirnin�ted witll the daletion of Condi�idn 2E. Mr. Rager sa�ggested a i•e�arding for Corlditior�#48 that woult�al�ova staff the tim�ne�ded for further disctissions with ttie applicant and fzxrther a.�nalysis of ths c�ther i�terse�tions and c�u�ivevNays on��-t�nouth. The first se�rztence would read"F'�ior to final buildin�inspectyon, signals at T�riveway�A�.rsd B shall be in�t�ll�d or, if signal'azation of said�ivewa�s is not de�r��� ta be zn the public's best interests by the�ity Engineer,�lie appiicant shall subr.�.it a pei�f�r.c�a�ce�Sr�r�d." �oirunissioner Castile expr�ssed concea�that the la.�guage irnp�ied that 9:he City�r��flraeer ix�ould rnak�th�determination at the tim�af�he fina�building z�spe�tio�. �e h�ld t�at th� det�ri�zina.tion��eded to be made before then, mentioning a"ct�op d.�ad"date for the�it,y Engineer's det�rmination. lVlr. IZ.ager concun•ed. Cornxnissioner�'adg�tt�sked how th�a�plic�aat felt about tlais suggeskia�n. �Ir. Christea�s��said t�i�t th.�y�:�u1d actd a deadl.ine date, su�h as six�c�r�t.�s fro�the�rc�ject appr�va�,t.��City �n�in�er v�ouid rriake� final deternainati�i�. He c�mznented Yhat�17��r�eeded szx m��'chs��r the design a��d constr�a�;tio�of the sigiia.I�,�Zes. ��as�uena5,C��En�a���a�,sug��sted that the detern�ina#ion be 66for eith�r or both sigrgals." He � agr�ed.tllat six mon�hs was a reasonabl�tirn�pet�iod. I�e ex�aressed his conce,rai regardin��IY� � in�pacts o�the Costoo driveway,which h�s�gg�st�d be ans�vered by#t�iie cons�altaait. � � C�'ominissionex CastiPe asked t�hy tl��y�ould not authoriz�the signal�t the interseci:i�n�aith Cub °� Foods because th�y would need tha�on� i�n any case. He agre�d t�at the�os�co and 7Jrive�vay A � � signals vvere qu�stiozaable. Iv1x. Rager said t�at th�applica:nt�res�rred inst�lling�si�nal. �,t , .� Drivev�ay A to ane at Driveway B. He su�gested furthex disctassions bet�ueen stafl`and tlle applicant. PLANNING COMMISSION IvfEETIN�'i 1VITNUTES- 3une l, 1998-Fage 10 Ivir. �ager re�d th���ntenc�t�be added aft�r the firs�rrat�di��d se�at��nc�: "T'h�Cit3�E�g�n�er shall rnake a deteranination regarding sigr�als at th�drive�vays v�ith.in six rr►onths of sit� d�velopzn�nt r�view�.ppro�val." � . Presad�nt Wilson asked the applicant if h�concur��cl. Ia�r. �k�rist�ns�n said yes. President V�1�dson closed th�p�ablic he�ri�g. ���Td�I�S��I�i I)E�I���'TIOI�IS F�esid�nt Wilson noted that the�'ri-�ou�ty Cent�r ruould�e a majar regional facility tha.t generateci signi�cant tr��c. He said that w��i.l�th�applicant's t�•�c study was good,he did not think that it�ent far eriough with�egard5 to traffic impacts on I��,wy 93 to t1�e w�st. �e commentecl tha�h�realiz�d that s9:aff had not required that information but stated that he ciid not think that the CaYnrr�ission had emou�h infQg°mmation oii the issue. H�rmentioned that�a�c an Hwy 99 was the m�jdr issue of concern to Tiga�d resic�ents according to a rec�nt su�vey. M�r. Robei-�s said t1�at 1:k�e 120 d�y x�.l��id not ap�1y because this a�pli�a�'ron inclucled a , Coinprehensive 1'lan a�menclment. He pointed out that�Iwy 99�as a lang-standing regional issue. He�ommented that evez� if they had the money to widen Hwgy 99, doizxg so was � problematic becatise of the impacts on the bu�inesses along H�wy 99. I-Ie s�.d�thai:it�✓as questionalble to ask the applicant to sol�ve�his issue. President Wilson said that he was not asking them to solve it but he was iznc�mfortable tlaal the �pplicant was exaaerbating a worsening sit�ation. 1V�r. Zob�rts revie�ve�the inlprovements th.� applicar�:t was iar�pleznenti�zg in arder to anake tl�e local system waxk. I-�e pointed out that�lie de��eloprnent hac�n�frontage aloa�g Hti�vy 99. �I�mentia�ne�l that th�ap�lica.rzt vvas not asking for a zon.e change. He agreed thaY the applicant nlade tt�e problem wars���at stated that h�did not cr�ate t.�e pr�blem. �z•esidesat�1ilson asked if iV�r. Rager��as eh��a�in�his earlier staternent tY�at i�npacts a�s�Ivv;y 99 w�re grounds for d�nial, and noiv sayi�ig t�at to the extent that an�pplicant could znitigate�within the confines af Dolan, he�vould be required to do so bu�it would have to be�ermitted. I1�1r. Roberts said no, it deper�ded s�n what kind of fixidings the Comr�iss'ran could zx�ake for denial. k�resident Wilson sa.id that he could not rr�ake findings without a report that studied thos� intersections. He observ�d that they were talking about increasing H�wy 99 traff c by 10%at p�ak afternoon times. �on�nissioner Padgett asked what kinc�of infoi7nation vvould Presic�ent�+Iilson find Ixel�ful. President�Iilson said he w�uld like the same kiY�d of informataon�aresented in the sh.idy tar the intersections it did loak at-ivhether or not those inters��tioras w�uld be gridlo��ced with this developrraent. He suggested imposing an additianal condition for a study of the Hwy 99 inter�ection�at 217,Ha11 and Grzenburg. PLANN[NG COMMIS�ION MEETIIVG MINUTES- June 1, 1998-Page ]1 �Cornmission�r�rif�th ask�d what�hat�vould a�com�lish. �--I�agr�ed fihat t.�e tra�ic c�;�I��vy 33 wa�te�•ible but ar�u�d t.hati if this develapYraen�camp�ied with the Cod��rrzd with th�7'ri�n�;l� staradarc�s,then�h�y h�,d no grour�ds fio deny the application. Commissi�nex Nef�'asked wliat v✓er��hey sa�pp�crsed�o do if they�v�re�.t�axinnum ra�a,city. C�mmissioner C'irifP'ith said that he�vas n.ot cons�in.ced that tl��y coudd not h�ar�.dl�the ca�acity. �r�siden�Wilsor�cora�nented tl�at n�ither�as h�but arg��d�at th�y had nm i�asis on wl�i�h do anake that�1eY�r�mination. ` President VVilson rei�erated his suggeStiQn for an additional condition for a txaffic study on�kaos� inters�ctions. �e mentioned dLlayirag the Yzea.rin�;if it couid ns�t be a condition�f approval. �r. § Rager s�a�gested asking the applicant ho�v➢ong�hey n��ded to prepare such a study, arid continuin�the hea�-ing�ntil after that time. Co�rnis5zoner Gri�th rei�erated his dascomfort v�ith this sug�estion. �Ie contended th.at the traf�'ic irnpact was taken inta can.sideration when they set th�zaning. I�e�skecl why did they set it at commercial ze�ning if tk�ey dic�net w�nnt the businesses fl�tere. He stated that vvith the informataon t��e;�had at the tiYne,they decided that that was t�ie use�hat they vva.nted to go there. He aske�if they vaere now sayin�that they erred in making th�t zoning decision in tlie f��t place. President�NNilson said that h�did z�ot kizov�if th�re lxad b�e�a mistake or if the tr�c c�n�itions have worsened�riore than was foreseen. Comrnissioner P>1�ff conunes�ted tl�at the questio�l was what c�id they do if th�y were at gri.dlocic. Commissioner Gri��th held that that vaas a consideration when they set th�zonir�g. l�zesident Wilson said that not having been invalved in that discussion,�e did no9;lcriow if that was e c�n�i�.ered. Comsnis5loner N�ff noted tliaf Valilsonville dvas s�utting d�wn a1�cons�ction l��eause they�o�ld not handle i1:. I-Ie aslced when th�point c�rrae that�'igard cotld a�ot ta�e any mare traffic on Hwy 99. Corrunissioner Padg�tt said tl3at, as h�e remeznbered it,�e Trian.gie Tas�Force br�ug�t���tk1� C�mxr�ission a zonin�prc�posa� foz•I�i.��d�Jse�,�z���layr�e�it�nd�o�nxner�ial C'r�n�ra�z�ri.i���; which the Coir.mission recommended that Coiu�cgl appro�re. �e pointed o�t tha±the Task�For�e did not r�comrriend a change in th�orig'rnal �omm�rcial �'rer�eral zor�ing for this area. Commissioner 1'adg�tt said that h�unde�stood Coa�rriissi�an��Griffith's point as�his consideration vvas inl�ererdt in the disc�.ission regarding what to do with the Triangde; it has already b�en addressed and accepfied. He sazd that h.e h�ard Pr�sident VJilson's point as perhaps zt wa�not taken enough into consideration or th�situation k�as changed�nd they needed to revisit it. President Wilson said that he did not think that the situation has changed since the Txiar��le stanclards were im�lernei�ted. Con�rnissirsner Padgett concurred. President Wilson reiterated that he has nev�r s�en a tr�c s�dy wi�li that i�vel of de�il. I-��said that tlus was a serious concern that should be addressec�in some fashion.. Commission�r�'a�lgett said triat the'Fask Forc�traffic stud�did nat ext�nd out to Cireei�burg and�Iall; it�overed only PLANNIi�IG COMMISSIaN MEETING NYINUTES- Jun� l, 1998-Page 12 �he Txia�gle ar�a b�t d`ad g�d��uvza t�217. �omgnisSioYaer N�ff asked if the applicaglt's traf#'ic study�vas con�istent vai.th the'I"�i�g1e tr�c s�ud.y. ll�r. I3ewersdar.Ff said that tlne a�plicant'3�Y'��C S�LICIy R��Ct�21"�1.Sf�Tlt Wl.�l�1� �551it'I147$lOri� �d�r7yin�the�Yxangle study. �'r�s�c�ent i�lilson poi�nt�d out that�hose assurrxptions includec��he ��rtrnouth flyaver vvhich�-ni�lh�n�ve�be fimded,even th�r�gh a�ws�uld help so1v�these problenzs.,��comment�d th�t ih�y had a pl�t��t aliowed a d�v�l�p�r to b�ild���ne�r�g thag the state woulr�not carxgmit the fi�ds to serve, a sit�ation w]hich he�eld w�s built to fail. , Camnlissioner l�adg�tt said th�t th�Task Force hadl believ�d�at 72°d�ould�ventu�ll�be �videnec�south of L1art�mou�h tc�tl��217 interGhange,not r�ali�ng that dev�lo�ment�lr��dy bui�t in the area vvould probably pr�cl�ade th�.�from ha�p�ning. �e said that perha�ps that was� rrii�z��.tiaig circ�.aaanscaxice ta#�ke int�consid�rati4n. Co�nassioner�Castile spoke ic�the ne�c$tc�address�ae traf.fie pz•oblean whieh would e,aily get vyorse. Comrnsssioner N�ff concede Commissior�er�riffith's�oint regardin�t1i�ad.opted��nas�g, -�� depending on what�he Tr��ngle tra��st�dy s�ad, I�e�•equested a cognpariso��fthe co�lsist�ncy of the applicant's traffic study with t11e Triangle traf'fic st�.teiy. M.i. �ev✓ersdor�'f�arrun�rnted that thi5�hol�issize r�lated to fiu�ding foz°Arn�rovernenis,noting tk�at ther�were�xo pl��c�x�rc�,�rauns ta tak�car�of tt�e Ta•iaalgle. C:01111111SSI01[1�F'P�C���rI:I'�itPl'c'�tef�Y.�1e OT1�lY1r1I qil�Sti0I1: 1��2eT�'t�V�S Yl0 fL1T1tIlY1�;, and the developm�e�t dvc�uld i•esult in gridlock, should tl7e Coinmissi�n be approving more develo}��ent in this area that would contribixte ta�ridlock? He asked Corrin7issAOn�r I�1�ff if h�would suppart the developrnent if fhe Trian�l� study s�o�ed that th�Tria.ngl�c�evel€�p�ent waulrl not put th� �Ivvy 99 inters�ctions at g�-idlock. C��nmissio�ez•I�1eif said that he vvould like the opporkunity to compare the assumptzons af the tbvo t�•aff'�c st�c3ies irz arder to gain same basas for a reaarr��ndatic��, I�Te�onc�ded Ca�rnissioner�riffitli's question on tivhy gQ tl�araugh the�onin����inan�e process if they deni�d an applicant vvho met all the criter�a, �-I��oz�a���rz�ed 3:�at�ge py�arr�a��ssue e�a�s t��i�fi�, ��i reiterat�d t11at he wotald Iilce to analyze t��e traffic stu��es. Commissioner�astile commented that while he was zlot suz°e that they c�uld hold�lais applicant hostage to thi5 situati�n, ne emphasi�ed they had to deal with this�roblem. I-if�said khat h� � would lilc�to see moi°e information on the ir�pacts on I�vvy 99, � � �� President Wilson cornn:iented that a con�parison of tra�'fic s4ud.i�s��ras rnor�appro�Y-iate to t1�� staff than to the applacant. l�r. I�obez�ts said that staff doubted that the Triarngle study�verat anuch :� � beyand 217. P+�Ir. I3ewersdorfF confirined Chat staff had assurned that the flyover�d atl��r � �DOT dependent iYnprovements�vo�zld happe�ozie day. � �'resident Wilson asked for�nalysis�r�wh�t would happer�if those improverrierits did not happen; what dad Tiga�d do? Mr. Rob�rts�ointed out t�at th�flyover�a:s a�30 mzllia�n�roject PLANNiNG COMMISSI0IV MEETING MINUTES� June i, 1998-Page t3 / • ��t could i��valve all the property�wn�rs in the'I'ria�x�le,rnea��ioning that t�ying to v�rork o�tt asi ��.•�eanent betw�en 200 property owners was a dauntar�g task. Co�nmiss�ane�Castile s�aggest�d rriaking a Y•eeo�endation to Counci4 based on�la�ir tr�f'ic c�n��rns. 1�Ir. �ew�rsdoa�''f said tha$��staff r��rt�vould include a s1.�3nrn.ary c�f t}�e �or�.mission's�or�ceJrns. Comri�issioaaer Casf.ile nated tha�the�c�rnrrzission coul� atten�i the Cow.1�i1 hearing to an.swer c�uestions. Corr�nissi�s�er Padgett z�oted tw�iss�ae�remaiiaing in Gan#ention betva�ee�s�afPaaxd�he app�i�arit: Canditio�xs#22(�e sound attenuation�vall)and#41 (�e windows). Th� ��m�issian discussed w�rding for C�n.di�ion#22. President�V�1sQr��oin�es�out�hat a se�und a�tenua�ion wall was n6t needed along the entire l�ngth. They agreed on"The appli�an�will co�struct a sotand att�tivation wall or visual screen fence in accordance with the acou�tic�l study �rep�.red by the consulta�nt and TYgard screening sta�ndards." Mr. Rob�rts not�d that th��pplicant warzted a�latted fence ar wood fence along the eas��rly k�alf of the sit�. �'Ie sai.�that sta�f could c�aft�anguage to give the applica.nt some�ptions for fencing materia.Is. The Comm��saan disczzssed Canci�tion#4•1. Pi•esider�t`vi�ilson said th�t he did not want�I�e ie�r�nd of#h�buildin��Facing th�street, citing Office Niax as an exa.tnple of what not to do. Commissioner C'Bri�°ith pr�inted��rt that�zere was a difference bet�veen Offic�I�aa�i�c�ted 1 J to l 2���t�rom the • street and 1'ad f3 Iocated�ver 1�Q�eet from the str�et. He contended that with the I�n��caping the bu�ldin�woulrl not be seen fr�m tl�e street. I'resident�Iilson and�'omrriissi�ner Amdersorz disagreed. �or�ynissiQner Ca�stite said that he preferred vvindo�s. �ommissioner 1'adget�s�ir��hat he had no obj�ctior�, lt W�3 COIISIS��IlY Wl�'1 the st�ndard. Ivlr. Rabe:rts con�rYned th�t staff vva�ted�ta delete�onc�ition#2�,chan��th�ap�raval pPa�od to 30 moalths, anci delete th��rst sentence in�ondition#37. �Ie said t�aat they would also add Tax Lot 304 to the locatbonal�Y•it�ria. ��°������n�''�V��s�oa� ����� �o �����t�h��,���i����a��a����d��� t��A�°�°����°���a�n�������rs��o� �?�:➢9�1�&��I'��AC ���'������Y"V&��4��%�`W�'�'�4 r`1$'�`s�"�Ci1�D9g&°�,��e1P���+d.,�aaa�2�7, �nd s��� �ar�yme�d��-y�n t��� ��°Oj�C�43 �b�$��A�@��d�➢'➢j➢?1C$�:O�}a�3���'A���'3���QiIIII�y �IP�t0 R"�'CQSxIIflH1'A��l� a�pr�v�l wa�� s#�ox��r��ea^v��ion� e�����r�n�n��r;�f�a��anp��ts im�evy 99��s�i� the'��a�ffi��e avit�a t°��a�d �o irn�ro�re�a�n$s tk��t ar�rao�f�ndec�. Mr. Bevdersdox£f said that staff wauld�aeed the applicant's repoi°t by Jtut� �. '�'he�pplicant zndicated �at they eauld m�et tne Jurie 8 date. Mr. Rager re•viewed what he ur�deasto�d f1�e Carnmi5sior��was asl:ing of the appiicant: to submit infort�atian to the staff 4hat w�uld be similar in nature to what was in fiheir cu.rren#traffic study(individual iz�tersectioe�s,backgro�.nd tra�fic, and level of service and impacts at 2003). He ask�ci if t�he ap�licant was prepared to do this. � I���°{��laetl��vv,�3��1��r. G���s,applica.nt's at�ainey,poi�ted out that tl��Code re�ttir�d�.hat the Council proc�edin�s be on th�record�h�t�vas made l�ef�re khe Cara�missioxi. 'i'herefore, PLANNING COMMISSI02�MEETiNt'i IvIINUTES- June 1, 1998-Page 14 � tlhsre t�as a�discrepancy be�we�n�li�{:ode prac�dures and t1a�rrnotao�. �Ie s�zd t��t�h�y dad�ot �v�nt to del�y the�race��iings. I'I0 aS�COC�W�1��CYI��I'la W�UI�tYfl�C:�9111I1115910Y7 SU���S�.$�13��2� eouncil�as�oth�r tha�the�rpteria they have�l��ac�y g�va�we�.. I��s4�ted�ka��th�y rnet th� c�iteria ua�der the Cod�and�he Camp Plan. l�r. �Vhitlo�w n�ted th�t there was capacity f�r the de�vel��srnen�, a.ai�thaf�'i;�r�l's�a5t practice �uvas to allow developmen�an a#irst corne f�rst s�rved basis. �-Ie�aid t�iat��y c�id n�t hav� iRTilspnville's policy to allocat�;ca.pacity. H�mention�d that l�ifetro did allow local goverr�nents to adopt r�easures to address�hese issues in ather way��lc'LY1�9TOVYCIef�FOY 112'�'I1e F�xctional Plan� I�(e asked that the�C�mrnission not plac��his d�velo�nrtent urader rn�are str�i�gant revievv criteria ihan�ny other a�plic�.tio�,and that they not be asked to ac�d�o tt�e s�ecord evidence fo�th�Council that�was not bef�re�h�Comrnissioa�. �'resid�nt Wilson�cknowledg�1Vdr. �Nhitlo�'s poiait. li�fr.I2ob�rts said that t�ie Coa�p plan polic� that dealt v�✓ith this indicated�hat t�ie Commission should not refer tc�the fa�t or d�gxee of t��e �xisting transportatian systern. He m�ntion�d that staff req�Zired f:he applicant to si�nalize �artmouth and 6��'or tlley wQ�xld l�ave recomrriendesi d�nial. I��cornr,�ented that th�studi�s might indicat�that the applicant sho�ild do somae improve�n�n�s to the inters�ctions,citxn�the $1.25 miilion unsriitigated impacf fro��lus pr�j��t. Commissioner Castile reiterated t.�iat the Cotnmission h�d ta deal wilh the traf�ic�sstze no�a�ttei• v✓hat happened with this developinent. Mr. Christensen pointed aut the o�ngoin� staff w�rk regardi�a�the tx•affic issu�s, 13'iCl�l�IYY�a.iFCC1A1�, �etro to u}�date�zeir pi•ojections to account for pass throu�;h tz�aff c nn Hwy 99. ]Eie said tl��f t�zey have agre�d ta gh�staff requbrements far t,raffic mitigatian($�00,000 �n offsite ia�prav�x��ents), acco;rding to the proportionality sta.ndard s�t by th�City. I-Ie said that fhe u�ur�itiga�ed tr�"zc impacts were paxt of the traa�sportation systern im�ravements ne�ded in the re�io�al and stat� systems. �r. �l�rstet�sen argu.�d�hat th�y w�re d.ain�Y.�eir�aropc�rtioriai s��re ts��-n�et f���ans�a��tatisan system neGds c►fthe C;ity,inci�din�lundi�g��al�'��th��a.�ma�uth ianpr�rti�err��ixts. �e stat�d�.Zat staff understQQCi tl�at the Cit��e�cied OL)OT arid 1�Ietr.o's assistance in r�salving this ass�e. I;[�: reiterated�hat tlaey were wor�izag with s�aff td�vazds that goal. Pr�sid�nt Wilson sai�d that no one Was sugg�sting�at tns applicant was not doia�g has share. '�`he problem was tl�a.t th�prior developments have noi c�one their share, and�th:e City vvas fac�d witih a systein�eady to bz•eak dov�m. M�. Christensen m�ntioned IVdr.��e�3as' identificatiQ�a�f th� probiem-Metro's mod�ting stopped at the city limzts and did�ot take inta accaunt all�e�z•�wth occurring outside the city Iiniits that us�d I-iwy 9R. I-�e said that 1V�t�. Du�nas was working v�ith �etro a.r�d DI�S to update those models. Ivlr. Christensen contend�d tlYat it was r�+�t fair to stop their dev�lopm�rit�rh�n they w�r�c�oi:�g ev�n rnor�e ta rniti�ate the traff�impacts than they were acked to da at�li�tim�of ih�ir�riginal PILANNII�IG COMMISSION MEETING MfNUTES- June 1, 1998-Page 15 appra�val(i.�.,buifldin�the sign�l�t I3�zt�aouth �d e���'t� a����rraadat�t�he nncp���d ba�k�ro�d traffic). I're�id�mt�Vilscsn noted th�leg�1 q�zesti�za Yha,t th�y��i�td n�t�.s�:th��cs�rac'rl tc�he��c�in��an� t�a�:has moi already been hearc�at t:��Commissie���e�v�l. T'he Cozxr�-�aass�oa�dgseus�ec��eir options. Pre.sadent VVilsa�corn�nent�c�Yhat tt�ey�ould��f��ak�firadzngs fo���t�r�al baser�upon no�-�xistent ia��rnaatioa�. � �OI17A1flfl�9�I�11C�°�;�3�➢I�ftII).�`'���&A�'$6)�Offi�flIYEl���1��D.���°flC3�t07.�@���G,��s�00�sk the��vpl����n��� ��ata��ack v����n tr��fa���aed�e��n �he��Y�,�r��nD�ur�,��nd 2�7 a�k��°s��t�mns of��990 a C'�mmissic�n�r Castil� s�id that the�urpose�a��:�r includ�su�ci��t i�orgnation in th�recorc�t� gi-ve�ounci�aaa apprc�priate basis on which to rnai�e a decision. �mmaca�issio�ne�°l��ff�'sec����d 4h��������v��� t��follow�xag�x�r��c��en4: �o��r��t��a��t��az ���a�par�son a�$°a➢1��a5daa��'�'a�eaa�g�e t�°af�c st�x�ne�vv�Efl��h�a�plican�9s �raf���4��y�i�6� g��fl°t���a��r�t��n��on �o $la�a�s��p��o�s u�ns��°�g���tFe�s�u�a�s. ��a�raa�ssfl��A��°�'���1� a��e��ecl the��aea��l�n�tn�. �ammissiflzier C�ri�fith said that l�e w��ald vote agair�st th�rr�o�ion because, �ve�with add�tio�n�� rnformatio�.,the Comrriission lack�d th��raunds to deny the applica�ia�. H�point�d ou�th�t�he d�velopanent c�tr�plie�with the ronaa�g ar�c3 the Compreh�nsive�la�a. �-Ie disaggeed�vath d�la��ing rhe pro�ect. �om�alissioner Neff said that he tlz�ugl�it that there w�z°e sarr��Conlprehensive�1an s�1da�°ds issues that might g�v� grounds for a denia�. I�e corr�xier�t�d.that tl�is was a si�.a�t��or��xa which a kaig}�rc��e�t was col�iding wi�a big pr�bl�m ir�'Tigard: traff c. �-Ie spok�fmr ta..kiyxg l�nge�•�o c��a§i��r�� projec�than one eveniYag. �e rn�ntioned Corrbn�issio��r l��dgeYt's and��esic�en.��dil5m�'s�axli�r points r�garding a rnistake in the r�rigina.l zariing or a c1�.ange in car�ditions�s a i�asis for chan�ira� t�e Caxnprehensive Plan. Commissiar��r�a�gett cat�d the OTJOT report(pag�s 4�3�0 4�) z��v���ah they rec�rnmen�i�d placing a sigria� at Daatanouth arnd 68�'�. I-��g�zotetl i�ia�they also stated t�at they had na�vidence fros� an.alysis of si�-nilar proposals that there��vould be any irn�p�o�exnent ifi t�e l�vel of sez�ic�for 99�J between 217 az�d I-5, even if the ramp coi�nections�e��.u�r�d. I-ie coY�cltaded tlaat tt�e raga�p � connections were not a cQnsideratzon b��ause tlaey would.�aot rrza�ce a�7yth�iai�better. President � �TVilson pointed out that the applicant in his traffic study said tha�as nz�ny as 10%af t1��currezat � trips on�iwy 99��vould go ove�the�iyover. � ,� �a.vo��e v�g�v�as t�T{�z� a�e�t�a�r�ao�ien f�n��c� �y a�a3 v��e�a���x�si��rn�Wilso�, � �o�a�ns��o���°s C�s�R➢e�nd �Ie��v�����y����d C�mxr�ss�a�e�°s Pa�.���,A.�de��n,a�ad � G��f�ith vo4�BS�g�oo Commission.er Padgett staYed th�t he c�id not t�ink that addit�onal stuay af tka�ot��a�ir�tersectians i'LANI�IING CQMMISSIC►N 1e4EETING MINUTE3- June 1, 1998-I'age 16 ��re ne�����ily a�art of ihis ap�licatior�. I-I�concurired�hat��vva�a c�ty-e�d�p�c�bl�m. �I�l��id th�t it�r✓as�r��ren�ir���e applicatg�n�ar�rt��ss�ha,t th.e City d�facto aca�pt�d v�h�t f�i�e��g�ations w�uld b���the�ntersecti�a�s. �-i�con��nd�d that it t-v�s not fair te��tx�e this�pplx�amt r�sponsible fo�ar�iss�ze�i�t�nra�s of city��ride ca�e���ci�ot d�pend�r�t on�vd�e�e�°or nat��a�plicatiozi��ras �ppi��ed. Coy�i�si�ner�ndersan conc�arr�d wi�C�n�is��.�ner�'ad�ett. � 4�a�zssioner 1°ad�et�saad that th��ity was s�a�k with its pr�viaaxs�c,ni�g decis�on car�lse�t had to�hang�the tra�c,plaaanan.�, and zoning concept foi•the eritire ci�y. �-Ie ernp�asiz�d tha$Hwy 99 was�1z�main arterial throug�the city,ancl any problerz�ne�ded�o b�addr�ssed on a caty-�rid� basis. �e cce}nment�d that�ven if the s�udy show�d that this dev�lo��ment vvould pu�a sfi�ain r,r� ��lflS�fl12$�TS�C�A(Ari5,he r�id not bel�ev�;that t��at�v�a basis for d�a�ial af the ap�la�ation. '�herefare lae s�.w z�o va.l�ue irz�ontinuim�the hea�ing for�e�tudy. �e��iss��r�����dg���a�v��j ��� �ona�agssaa��n�r A�clea�so�s��e��na�ed,tc� rec�t���n�te���n� �o�an����h�t�h�y�g��°o�w�CP�9g�-On02/�DY2.9�-0��2/�D�.9�-�OQl���.,�9�d��2/1��9�- O�Q4 �rnclr��i����i�e�h�n���and r�c�a�rnaea�d��i�r�s �are�ao���y g�v�n�o t�e����a°de�°o A.v��ce���e�����a➢��:n ��.c�th�an�ta�� fai���by�3-3 v�t�:�vitd�C����ss�oa��r°���a��ett, ���f���, �nd A,�a��i�SO�V�t���°��Sq c�$���H'�SI@A6+°$Rt 7V Y17S��Ay�OII�ARY�LSS���A�E°��°s'��6EI��J '�.SEUi 1`d�AA V�D�li���1�. The Corrasnissi�n disc�ssed sending thi�to Co�aric�l foY�.ppraval�vit..h a stra��ly worc�ed concern r�ga.rding the�raff c issi2es. �9'�3Y��ffit`�&����& �'HAO�'�€�,��3Ylt� ,.�'..��R'�H�S3A�IIl4��'I'����S��dB3A��S�,�� ��ce������ �g��°e�����n����� �:ha�a�es�� �r�v���sly aao��e�,�ne��atlg���°��n���^s���t�o���r������n�a�g��n�lev�l es�'�������n ��g9 a���e����a��,�����ae�d 217,�a�r���e����ci����� ���rov����ts ��a �h�'��•��aa�A������n �v�a°���k�'��c���i �nd �i�d �o�'annc���a��e�h�a��s�o ��v�g���s��e�a��a�en a�a���� �c�ticsn�a�se�9 �� ��o�e t�f 5-�< P'i•esid�nt�Vilson r�cessecfi�he meeting for a break. �r�sid�nt Wilson rec�nve�iec�the�eeting at 10:23 p.m. � � �. C.4PI'I'�L�11�PRf��1�I0��I'dT P�Z����' �JP��'�'E se� � � ��ns�an�n��, �C�tfy�a���r��er,presez�ted an ovezview of�1�ze CIP progr�rrF,asking fc+r � � Comrr�ission review ancl recorr�ne�dation. I�le clari£'ied that the l��.tt�mouth fl�ov�r�,-vas not pa� � csf the CIP pY•ogxam. He expiained that the C�P prograr�.�vas a seven year program established �a in 1994 (aa�d updated�ach bu�get y�ar)involving improvem�nts to the city in�i°astr«c�.u�. H� said that they re�eived citiz�t��npuf at the�I'X's this spring. H�n�ted that,pending�otu��il ��proval on Jtme 2�, th�pr�gram would bec�rt�e e�fective Ju1y I, 199�. PLANNIIVG COIvfMISSiOi�t MEETI�NG TJfINUTFS- June 1, 1998-Page 17 8 �r.T.�uena.�e tnerrtior�ed the funding s��ar�es for tfi�progr�m,incl�ac�ing��gas�,�a�"i� in.�p�ct fe�('TI��, str�rtn drain fund,sanatary sewer fund,�aark l�vy,paxks S�IaC;s,wa�er fua�d aa1c� rr��sc�lia�aeou�ather funds. �e as�:�d germission tc�r�ak�chan�es ir��he CIP ba.�d�et to a�lo��t� �l�e in�rea��d�a,ta�c reve�ues prc�jec��d by�h�Fi.n�ce Dir�ctr�r(�$05,620�iistead of � ,$800,004�tc��prcrjecte Ivlr. L�uena.s review�c�the fiarad restriction�. I��saad�hat th�g�s tax was used�am�apgrad�ng streets and t.�e'I'IF funds frar capacity irnprover�ents. He explai�ed�at capacity irnprover�n�z�t fizridi.ng was split wi�h 32%coming fra�TI�,or�e-third frc��n the dev�lopers,and one-th�rd �'rom tax-payexs via�ae gas tax and��er fundin�sources. �e said tlaat TIF funds vv�re fh� major fiand�ng sc�urce Tigard�.bs�d for rryajor c,�all��ct6rs. kI�rriezflti��ed that SI��s had to be used � � for capaci�y improvements,�nc��he s�or�a, ar�d sanitary�nds for i�prove�nents�n the iJSt� I�aster Plan, ��c�pt by a.gre�mer�t be�vveen'U�A and th.e City. l�l[r. I:►uenas revier�ved the p�licy issues irnpacting the use of the fi�ds. �e�entioned ih�Joint Uybari�eavices Agre�meYlt with�Nashingtorz Ca�anty. He�:omm�nted�hat eve�tually the City b ���ld annex�h�areas no�v i�d�r that agreer�z�nt,and st��f�vork�c��ith t��ro�xa�j�o deal with th�se areas. I-Ie cited ti��jo��nt project on Wa1�ut�treet. '�he�o�nty agr�ed ta I�r.T�uen�s' sugg�stion to p�.�l oirt the Walnut-Tiedernan i�t�rs�ction r�aligaa�nent for the City to do as�'liase 1 (�rith constrtdction next fiscal ye�)vvhile they s�id tl�e rest of tY�e I�iISTIF�3 irn�rov�rrn�nts�to 'WalYiut fr�rn 121St tc� 135�' as a h�gh priarity. PVfr. �uenas r�ported that they had a$1.5 rz��i�li�n backlog in prevet�tative atad Gorreciiv� maintenanc�. Th�s#iscal year th�y did�4QO,OQO wor�h c�f ba�klog�rrajects,i�a�l�din� 1,2 rriiles ot pavement overlays and 2.5 miles of slurry seals. k-�e m�ntioned additional pY•c�jects completed this year,incl�ding r�-stripirzg o1�stx•�ets thra�aghoa�t t�ie�zty,�'hase 1 �f tl�e�onita �cad proj�c�(undergrour�ding utiliti�s)with the rexnain�ng tv✓o phases s�h�d�.iled.�'or iater, speed��urz�.p installatiot�s€�n three roads(��J 12��', S�I htorth��kota, a�d S�IJ I,o�ust ��°eet), sewer e�ter�sion to�9laomes�n�'airhad�n�treet anc�F�irh�vera 4�ay�tlaro��;3��the n�ight�c�rlar�a�s��er�xt�nsion��c��ra�)y �A�LLT V��.�SA.Op C�l.S.bLI11YS1[Aidl Udl�1"d1�CJ,II4y the cont.�oversial No�tk��a�cc�ta�z��f�°ic c�ilmi�g r��a�rxr�s, storrr�draina�e r�aainte��tar�.ce at l�inevr�talc anc��1iew Terrace,parking irr�provea-nents at th��"rgaxd �ei�ior Ce�:tery a z,vaist high ga.rden at �he�ez�ter,and major s�wer mainte�ance projects. �- 1VIr. I�uenas z•evievv�d the progratn ar�as Ar��e next fiscal year. ��e carr�.tm�nt�d that cach yea� � they adcled $200,000 worth of rnainten.ance n�eds to their preventat�v��nd corre�tive �„ �nai�gtenan�e backl�og b�zt th�y were trying to get to a point wher�it was a preventative ` �" maintea7ance e�fart rather than corr�ctiv�. He xnention�d the recanstructior�artd r�aligt��nt�$' �a � �ight sire�ts. He stated that h�was changing the naAne of th��p�ed Hump�ro�arn to T�afC�.c ' � Calming�r�gr�.rn as an indication t�at tktey were looking at ot�er traf��ic caln�iaag�easures � L,esid�s spe�d hu�nnps. �o�nissioiler P�.dgett asked if the procedi�r�for the speed humps�vould remain th�sa�n�zn t�e PL,�,NNING COMNYIS�I�tJ MEETINCs MINUTES- June 1, 1998-F'a�e 18 Tr�ff'ic Calzning pxogr�tn. Iv�. I.�iaeraas said yes, it wnuld but no��ta.�f w�uld�a��at th�street in th�cc�ntext of th�networ�C of streets out�f cons�dexatic�n for th�impac�s th�.t traf'fic caln�in� zn�a.sur�s�iac�on the surroundir��;stre�ts, He rr�entic�ned tliat tl�e residential subc�ivnsinns in Tigard built�uvith�asalii�ited access to coll��tor raads v✓ere now c��si�g pr�Ulezr�s. I-��said�at it w�ha�rd ta ret�ofit solutio�zs in�llos�ar�as. Staff'n�eded td be innov�tive to slow s��eders da�vn�nd all�w ��op1e to bacicout af their drivevvays rel�.tively safely. Corntnissioner I'adgett asked ha�vv m.ac�y applicatioa�s f�r speed�aumps staff had now. P�1x.I7�enas said t1a�t at least 50 streets app�ied tlus year,af vvhi�h staf�woa�ld probably do five or szx. StafF w��alsi look at otl�er streets for�ther s��utic�ns besides sp�ed h�amps. I-�e said�1xa1:t4�os�wi�o�till ��nt�d speed hurnps could p�icipa�e in the 50%p�°ogram offered by the City in�hich the neig�bors and tlne City split the cost of the�p�ed hump 50/50. He re�ievaea how staf�c�.rne fo build speed humps in-ho�e for$2400. Mr. �uenas said t1Yat the major ma.intenar�ce progra�m fo��toYrn cirainage and sanakary sewer usin�o�tsi�cantractors would continu�. He mentioned the°Neighbarhoaci and Co�uxi�rcial sewer ext�i$sian prQg�arns fa���ase in sewer capital improvements. �-I�noted�ar�CS�d wate� syst�Yn improvements also were listvd. Mr. l�uenas r��✓iev✓ed the pro�rarn areas in d�t�il,b�gir�r�in�vaith pavin�majoa�an�iiTtena�ace v✓hich included�preventative and corrective ma�ntenance. He stated that a cons�l�atZt was providing th�m v✓i�h an update of the Pavetn�ent Ivianager�ent�ystern.to tell them wh�re tcr focr.as rheir c�ollars bn a rnore systerriati�fa.shion thaYt�i�e�bservatifln method�hey ha.ve used ia� the�ast, and t�malce the City eligible fbr stat�and federal fi�nding. I�e note�l th�t��y aniaually r�-slsiped rninor and major�ollector str�ets that had fading lines,using the�7,000 t� ��,Q00�'ublic�Xlorks gave th�m for it, aS a,Y1�b1I4'��3P�V�i1t�1�1V0 IT1�8S11T�. Ivlr. I�uenas said that pavem�nt ovexi�y prajects iil�luded Nimbus �tr�et, SW 6��'Av�nu�, and �'iedernan Av�nue(wh�re the bridge realignmen�:project ended). He comm�n.tedl that they would rrb�nitor�W 68`t'and nat do the g�averriea�t ov�rlay until the heavy r,ons#ri,icti�n equipment traffic a�ated. He review�d tlie pc�litics of th��oni�a Road proje�t, statiazb t��.�: �'hases 2 and 3 niigl�t r�ot be d�z1e until next sp�ang. I-�e�xpdain�d tlaa�t�e f3reenburg�oad at V�a�hington Squa�°�widening project was funded�i•om NTSTIP 2 arbd$�OO,O�DO�f S'�'P Ci4y funds. He stated that th�drop dead d�te for the overpass bridge extension was IV�vember 15. IVIr. I)ue�as m�ntioned that they intendecP�o bxd out the Walnut-'Tiedeman intersectian�ro�e�� mext spring with full scale construction starting onee school was out. I-ie r�vie�ved fihe need t� upgrade Gaarde �tr�et to meet rnajor collectoz•stanciaxds. I�e explain�d that two dev�lopers vyer�each doing their sections of Gaarde, leaving th�remainder out to i�lalnut t6�he CiB.y. �-I� said that the worst segment v✓as from S� 110�'to S W 1215�with the cerri��ery at S� 115'�'. I�e said that��taff�va�getting right�of way from the developer corning into i�lat area in order to go a�•ound the cemetery. �-Ie mentioned tYaat th�y did not yet have full fiu�ding fc�r the�r�aa.xde project but they]had enough ta get start�d. PLANNiNG COIv1MISSION Iv1FE'(`ING MINUTES- June 1, 199a-Page 19 I!/�r. I�uer�as e�r�lained�at a�a�c�r�aroblena vvit.�c�zng�sti�x�c�x�I��vy 991�.y i�t1Ye l�.�k c�f any ea�t-west gn�jUr expressways�r roads 4�g��ssirag��laighrv��. Tf the syst�r�pxc��r�c1�c��Sypass�s ta�I�99,1i1��Gaarcccie St�eet or�h�Westerri byg�ass,t�amse irta�rs�vemer�ts wa�ald 5igrri�i��t1� al�evia4�the Hvvy 99�Id cor��estio�i a�th�Triaxggle that tl�e C"annrraiasioners�✓sr���zic�rt�ed �bc�ut in�.h�previo�s hea�ing. �-I�said th�t Walnut was also a posszbility bti�t it already h�d YriaYly�1U1g1�5�'111D�$a1011�,4�,mak.iz�g r�gh�-of-vv�y�cc�uasi�ion�.cmn��r�i, and ss�r�an3�€�ther Go�li�ts that Gaard�v✓�s th�be�cr alternativ�. �e said tha4:z��e�oo�v�d th�6:ity t�have� d�si�n for these ir�nproveme�ts on the boards so they v✓outd b�z�eady fc�r any bdr�d xss�a�s. 10�r. 3��a�nas poirited cs�at that th�ea�it�.t irnp�•�v�an�nts�o S'�I 79'j'I�.ve��e w�uld malce it ar� att�°activ�altern�.tive ta ��IJ 72"d��enu�ix��Sroviduag a�orine�txon between��ri��arad Boni�a. T�e agr�ed that tk�e h�tnes�tong S�'79`�'presented desi�n ch.alleng�;s. 5taff avas lc�o�ng at in�ludir��tr�c�alamir�g rr�eas�r�s zri�e s�°�et d�sigr�. �I�mentior�ed t�e p�ssibility �f fundir�g this praject thro�.�gh a c�mbination of�City f�nds arad�n�,ID. I'v1�. 3Jra�a�as r�vie�ec��h�txaffZC�;�Iming project�,rnentioning S'W 115�h at C"smarde, ��113�°a sau�h of�I+Ial�ut, and SW 915t 1-�venu�ne�r�illa La Paz. He�xplair�ed that tlx� �W�lst A.venr�e project funding came from��orr�r�u.�ity I��velopaiaen�Block Cxrar�t to provid�s��et inzpxovenzents�cs part a�f enhanci�z�the area. � T�rfr. I�u�nas reviewed the park projec�of�the�'�o Cr�ek 1����fro�n 1Vlain Stx�et t� Ash S�r���. ��e said tha�i or��e they gr�t past th��olan prop�rrty t1��y�ao�ald put iyi a ped�striaas bridg� crossi�g to the other s4de in order�o avoid th�wetlands th�t the�or�s and�SL��r�eor�ce�x�d abm�t. K�ns;e�r�mpleted,the pa�li wa�ld rtan froan l��ai� Street to�ai�Blvd. 1VIr°. �uenas revi�w�d the s�v,�er extension p�ojects,��ntioning the�ivo that were b�for� �ouncil now. �][�G�mrra�z�ted t�at��e lqigli cos�of�xt�ndin�tli�sevaer beyo�.d th�three trtuts on I-Iillview(c. $11,000}�er house)�srevented any in�ere�t fr�m those zesid�nts in doing so. �-Ie YTL�7k$IOXl��i I713 Y•ecp����t� �ouncil to place a.ta��,000 cap an a residen�'s conix�abuti�n in th� zl�ighb�rhooci sewer e�t�ns4�i�prfl�r�nn(as�me�.ns of e�,c��.�r��ing hca�k ups to s�v�rer)with t.k�e �s��ar�c�l�ootia��t�ie r�st�f th�bi11�p t� a cer�ain limi�,p��h�ps�15,000 peq lot. I����i�tha� the `6�,000 plus the�dditional cos�s of���wer iz�csk-up x�c�t��a�10,�00 to ��Z,t�E�Q���a•����c�fial cost for�ach reside�t. t�r. Duenas reviewed the I�ST'I�'Paxlc Str�e�drainage project to clea��cat flie plugged u� �, systei�a arnd r�route it. �-Ie noted the X.,incaln SYreet L�rainag���n�roven��r�t�paa�t of t1��� ��J 9��c � Aver�ue iznpro�verr�ents)whicli w�u�d rerc�ute the dr�inage�ntd a ditch ad�acen#:�o th�railroad � tra�ks. I��exp�aaned that t�i�crews discov�red th�t the clrai�xage pApe for SW �15�'A.v�a�u�got � si�all�r inst�ad of larger, vvhich explain�d why tl�at ar�a v,�as floodi,ng. �€e said#�at tla�y wo�ld � intercept the dr�ina�e at�ed rou��ii c�at�ra S�J 116�'Aven�ae�o tlae cxe�k, I���rin��lie os��ina1 � syst�m �o service only t�he homes it�as built to s�rvi�e. � � � 10�f•. I�u�nas cc�anmernted that the�ity had some seri�us dr�nage prot�lems whaal���.ff vvas tryang to address thY•ough a storfln drain�g�master plan ir�th�IPubl'ac�'acili�i�s�'lan. ��said PLANNING COMMISSION I�iEETINCr MII°�IUT�S- June 1, 1998��'age 20 tha�h�kn��th�t th�y co�ld nmt salv��.l th�draanag�pr�bierris p��n��'ell 5w�a�p but�f��y ta.ckled sflrn�of the rr�ajar prai�l��ns e�ch y�ar,t�ey�a�ald nna.�c�ii�roads on t�x�p���b�er�s. 1VIr. l�uen�s info�ed the C��ission that a con�iitio�n of ap}�roval for��e Ivdatrix de�velopAn�tYt c�f Ap�lewood vv�signalizatiom�of Yhe T-��all/Sattl�r/1�oss Str�eis in.ter�ection,a pr�jec�t wl�ich �ilatrix wara.ted to cotraplete this summer. H�z�er�t�c�n�d the ri�ht�af way ne�ded f�°�r�tl��W�st �il�s aeve�c�pment in order to re-align IZoss fc�r a faur�e,�ged gnt�rsectiorz. I`�r. I�usn�menti�ned the 5ura�n�r Lake vvater q�aa�ity impravemez�t s�h�dul�d fox this surrnnaei•(off lin.e�onds and x�etlands enhanc�z��nt�. He s�id th�t the groject qe.�li�ed for s�or�n wat�r SDCs,and�hey wauld g�t a nx�tchin�grant from LJSA. 1VI�. Y�uenas reviewed the water line systepn proj�cts,including a 24 ir�ch tz°ansmissior�Iin�fra�m Fora.ner Street to�W 135�'Avenue. He menti�n�d that tk�ey ti�ere doing ot�er wate�systern iralprovesnents in.conj�uaction with street impravernents,citing s�+T 79�'as a.��xample. Mr. �uenas said that h�planned to al�ocate t��e�x#ra$5,6�0 in gas t�x�unds inta tY�e naf�'ic �alming pz�ogram�a increase it to $`76,620. �-Ie mentioned the discussions wiflth the County on znaking improvements at SV�I 121St�rad�c��lis I'erry as pa.a.�tt of the S�J 1Vort�I3akota�r�ffic calming pr�jec�. �-Ie said that sfaff vvanted to put i�i a protected left Ytun at that intersectioax v✓i�ich tliey believed waulc�help with the traff'ac fl�vv. I�owev�r the�ounty required a�raff c aYxalysis first. �arxuxiissianer Padg�tt asked if staff was lool-�ang at�he eventual signali�atioi�af S�I 121St and I`�oa�th i�ak�ta. I�r. ��en�s said no,il��at this point,tii�ugh that cou�ld cha.rri�;e over tin�a�. Staff dvo�.id moYi�tox the ar�a to s�e wh�n�raf�c vol�tn�s in��.ch direction v�✓1.t-ranted a sigr��.I. Mr. Duenas ra��ntioned t��t he took tlle NartP�Dakoga bridge o#�f the CIT�prograrn 1'or ttie next fisczal y�ar because eventu�lly tih�y vvoaflld re�ligr�the hlc�rtl���cota/`i'iedem�a� i�te�°���tia�n, eveti thou�h there wer�major�robiems�vi�h th�t reati�ru�nen�. M3•. �uenas r�vpewed th�w€�rk L3K� �as doir�g�n a�raffc plar�for'I'igard. �-Te explained tha�t trie IWIetr� 1994 ta•�f�c models were�o01Qw be�ause they did not take into aceoun�the�:�c coming frarn I'vicI�iniiville,Newberg,and Sherw�ad. I-Ie said that Me�°o was expandi�ig the bounciaries to li�clO�Iinnviile but it was kind of tat�for Tigarci. I-Ie stated t�1at st�ff��vas vvarkzng � on resolving thes�pr�t�lems but th�y need�d the�I�S study in order to inak�inia�rrn�ed ar�d � in:t�iliger�t decisions s�n�Iiere the traffic ne�ds were. He rrien�ioned the reca�nmendations io � Courlcil for funding rnechanisms�orrzir�g out of the Tigard�eyand Tomorrow Visioni�g � prcacess, i1�cl.uding a road bond. � � � �resgdent'�jilson a�sk�d if staff worked with�OI�OT�h�same w�y they worked with the�o�t;�. � l�/Ir. �u�nas said that they did work with�I3(?T l�izt ODC)'T had no mo�Py. �-Ie coarunented tha��.he I�IiTIP 3 project to irnpa•ove the Walnut/944V i�tersection was on low priori�y at the�County be�ause OI,C7T v�ould not kick in any funding for it. �e said tha�th�re were some canst�airats in FLAPJiJIN�i COMiv[ISSION MEFTI�JG MIIVUTE5- June 3, 1998-Pa�e Z1 th�:f�elin�that they did not�,varit tc�put tYi�iY furad'arag into�najax s�ate faciliti�s,like Hvdy 9�3`N, espe�ially bf the sta��w�s rao�willing to pay tlxeir f�ir s�are to fix tlzeir o�v�m fa�ilities. 1�.D�eyaas���ntioned the n��fed�ral�r�rasportatio�n pa�ka��that�o�efuflly`,vould brar�g��ney to �regon, I�e said th.ak he was eurr�ntly filling out a form fbr th�League���regon�iti�s ors w��at Tigard's cnllective tr�sp�rit�ti�r�raeeds were,lis�ing speeific proje�ts such as a b���ss froxn d��n�y 99Vi1 to I-5. I�..�r�it�rated tlxe iin�r�a�ta�cace c�f prc�vid�x�altern�.tive routes to 99W,o�k��rwise I�� 99�V araould b�at level c�f s�rvice�' for years to cc�me. Iwlr.�'9uen�ss�amrnented that the improvements to fii��I-5/217 i��terchang�(�vvl�.icl1 r�cei��d some f�dirxg in the federal p�ekage)wauld benefit T'igard. I-��said that flf Yhey c�u1d irflcr�as�th�4��c flow o�to the freeyvay�iy providing an or�-raYa�:p to I-�1`dortF�.,ia�tead of only ��uth,that�oul.d hel��rith th�'Tz�an�l�txaffi�. �;��R1T➢IS�10ffi�fl°P�S��C�$tlfl0�/�i�s�n� �o�nas�issi�a�xer Andea�on secanded9 to r�c�st����a� �p�sa�sa�r�l o�th�CIP prog�°axn a�pres�nted with th��h����s. A voace vo9��wa�s ta��Ce�an�d�9x� �racatnota�as��d �ana��iat�or�sly(5-0)e 7. ��['�� �iJSYl�tE�S Pdone �. .��J��J�l�l�d�' The me�ting adjouan�d a� 11:27}5.�. B Jerre�e mr,�'1 ' g Carrzr ssion Sec��t� / �,, ,.,� ATT T: President Nick�A1ils�n PI.,ANNTI*1G��MMISSION MEE'I'ING M[NUTES- J�ane 1, 1995-Page 22 �� ����� �� �������y � �. �e��� P.O. BOX 370 PHONE(503)084-0350 ���g�� TT 913 2 ��AVERTO�1,OREGON 97075 ��ga6 �A�9�� ��d�ct�s��a� � Ci�y of `�iqard ° C T�arshe�t �lotice 'I'he fo3lowing svill be consi�dered by the'fii�ard rlanning�o�tnASSiQe� 1312 5 SVd Ha 11 B lvd. �e�I����c9�;y,,�aa�e 1, �99�, at':3��'.I�., ae the Tigard Civic Cen¢e�- � �i.gard,Otegon 97 2 2 3 e � L�up�icate Affidavi4 T�wa��ail, 13125 SW Hail Boutevard,Tigard, Oregon.Both�ublic�ra3 -. and writter.testimony is invifed.The public hea�ng on tttis matter wil�t;e � con�ucEed in accaPdance w�th the rules of Chapter l�32 of the Tigard � 1�ccounts Payable ?vlunici�al Code, and rul�s and procedures of the P3a�ning�ommissian. Fail�re te raise an issu�in person or by letter at some point prior to the ctose of the hearing accompanied t�y sta�ements or evidence sufficient to allow�he hearings au�hority ard all the parties to respond an ihe request, preciudes an appeal, and faiiare to snecify the c;iterian from th�Com- ,A,��E�,QVIl� O� �'llBLiCATIC3d�1 mun�ty Development Code or Comprehensive Plan at which a c�mment is directe�preclades an appeal �ased on that criteraon. Further information �T�TE OF OF�EC£�P�, 3 may be obtained from Yhe Plann?ng Division at 13125 �W Hail Btvd., i3Ol�f�li'Y 4JF VYIaS!-lli�lCa i OP�l, )ss. Tig�rd,(?regan 47223,or by calling 634-417i. �,- - -- �-�-�-�-Y-��. _ -- - ---------- ��J��.��'�,��Il'dGS: being first duly swaorn, depose ar:d say that I am the Advertising ��Ts��y���1�SIJE pi��l�r A��jy�Dlbg�l�'�'(Cppj 9�_Q�02JS�T'� �?ir�ctoi, or his princi�al cle�k, of 4he`T'i a rd_'T'-�-al at-; n �imes �����,�I'1V��IV�'I���iEi'd'(�I�R)9�-093�2JFI,AP+13��I)�3��IELO&'- a raews�aper of gQneral circuiation as defined in ORS 193.Oi0 I4��1'�'F d��VI3EW(I'�31R)��-6�1011��I�SIT'i�E�..��1�35 RE�,'IEti3' and i93.020: Puaiished at—T�-c�-a�rl-----------in th� ��i.R)9�-Of302/S,�,OT'F,Ylo1�AI�J�TS'L�I�E1�T(iVIIS)g8-�4 aforesaid county and state; that the >T�I-���7IaiT1'S1F3QP��;G C�1`�T'ER< SDF 38-0 00�1 ri-Count�__�hQp��i n� ('Pnt-�r A request for appreval ta construct a 330,895 square foot�etail sho�ging a pr's�ted co�iy of wh"sch is hereto annexed, was publ�sned in the c�nter.�Cemp:ehensive Plan Amendment has been requestzd to at]ow fi31 anc mieigat;on of resources protected by ¢he Cemprehensive Ptan's en4i�e issue ofi said newspaper for_____S�E_.. ____sucesssive and Wate; Resources �verlay. A S�te Development Review and Planned Development Review have been reyucs[ed for th�� pruposed shopping cor�secutive in the folla�ring issu�s: ce�te:s�te improvements.The Planned Developrnent Review has included reqvests fo;both Conceptual and P�etailed Planned Devslo�ment ap- D'Iay _21 ,19 9� _ __ _ ---- - proval. Sensitive�.an�s Review is requested to address the proposed fi�l __ and mitigation of wetlands that are desig;,ated as significant within tne __.__ �omgrehens�ve Plar. Lastly, a related Lot Line Adjistment has heen proposed to reconfigure existing Iot lines in rel�tionship €o the proposed __ _ -Q �. ��1 � �, improvements. LOC�g ION: I 22�i5 S W 72nc� Avenue; W�TNd `�����!�� -- ���— , , �``� �'�'�— s -- --- 1 S 136C�,Tax Lot 042G0;2S]01 AB,Tax Lot 01400;anti 2S 10;BA,Tax �i Lois �Q;00, 001 Q I, 0030Q, 00400. 00401 and 00402. ��l�i�: Gensral Subscrib�d and sworn b�re me this_ ?1 st dav__o f P,1av, 19 9 8 �ommercial (C-G)with Planned Devel�pment(PD)ar.d Vdatsr Resource OFFI� �istr�ct Overlays.The General Commercial Zoning Distric;�rovides si;�s __ ���gp� fer the provision oi major goods and retail services. The Planned ry Puk�lic for Oregan ,� PdOTARV P �eveIopment Overlay provides a means for creating planned er�viro�- CO�1t�ISS ments through the a�plication of flexibie standards to facilitaie efficient �y Comr�rissio� �xpires: p�� �OMhNISSiO°� use of land. The Water Resource Overlay District provides clezr and ob- jective resource protection stan�ards. i ne Plar.ned Development Over3ay ���A�,$���� is also intended to preserve naturzl features to the grPatest exient possibie. A�'P`�-Z��S�LE R��'IEW��I�'�RiA: �Community Develapment�ode Seciions i 8.32, 18.52, 18.30, 18 R-�, l R.RS, 18.96, 1898, 18.100, I8.102, 18.1 Q6, 18.108, l 8.1 14, I 8.1 16, l i;.120, I 8.1 SQ. t 8_t 62 and 1�.1b4; Tigard Triangle Desi�n Standards:and the Metro Functional Plan. � �. ( � " ?; r r , n ��' �t � i��,�'+i, �i� pt'� r'�,�� ���.,,��q +��� 4 I h L i t ('1 E L"u�o..�.' �� k � �+ 1 S! a .. ~.��.. � �� 1�J !y p 3 .�� �' ��5 � �.F���}� . � �a :r ..L L4 � ��� 1 4 � ` ' t fJ4ry- �. it �y�F� � �� ':'1 �; �' , _ ��, g • .� �.f814+►ba►ae�a ' �. E ��� �� Ne f�l�k f� � � aon�?�!�ANar� � , i r/ C'. '��.. �� � � a � �� � \�•• �q �� �_ � ����id , � ��' � �.,�»�mu _I_. p� �.�,� ������ \� , � ����� ��'�{��� .�� \ +�`�, f��e� .i � - ( �:j � � ,,� :� �� _ r � _�. ��� �;� ,, � j .,} . Rt•1.. � �� �. " . `� ._...—��.:..- , . 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Martin� and �150 �W !-lamp4csn atr��t, 5uit�226 �h�iia �i1�r�in Poriland, C'�f� 9?223 �22G5 Sil� 72nd�v�. �t'SN1F�R�M�N���� ���ard, �7i� 3°7223 F�LA� �����P���"t(��90 G�nerai Cc�r�ra�erai�l; ���. ���JEf�G ���E�E��PS�h4� �enera! Cor�r�er�cia�; C��. �'h� ��r��r�l �c��am�rci�l �on9e�g C�is�rict provide��ifes 3`or• the provisio� �fi a �id� range of rv��jc�r r�t�ii goods ar�d ��rvic�s. Th� prop�rty is alsa de�iyn�t�d w6th tf�e foElcavving ov�rla9r dis�r°scts: 1.) T�� �lanr��d f��v�lopr��nt C�v�rl�ya �.) The T'ig�rd Tri�ngie ���ign �t�r�c�ard� �v�rEay; �r�d 3.} Th� l/��fier Re�caurc�� Qverlay. �'he F'I�nr��c� f�ev�loprr��nt Overlay was placed on th� prrap��t� t� allow flexibiEit� in �evelopm�nfi pr�cti�e� �e� p�rr�Qt rr�ar� �ffic°s��t �a�� a� the prape�y. �"h� VV�te� �ie�o�arc�s �v�rlay i� � r�sour�� prm#�ction ov�rlay �9�aY prov6de� ci4y��id� �r�tectiori star�dard�fa�1�`a����e�caa�rc� �r��s�esignat�d�s�ignif���nt. �.���°�"��E�e °����5 ;S� ��r�d ,4�r�r�aa�; ���'�/9 ���i�6��, �'�� �c�i a�4�f��?, ��1 t�1��, "��� �.�a� t���00; ar�d 2S101E3�, T�� L�t� C30���, �Q1411, Q�4�0f1, �0��1 �P�d f304q�. �'h� si�� is locaY�d on th� sc�u�h sid� caf S�u' ��rtmc�uth �tr��� an� �n Qhe srve�t sade of SVV� 72nd AvenU� and incl�ad�s one (�) p�r��i �vithin �h� F�err�tc�s� �ubdivdsion. Th� site 6s tathervvis� ne�rth �f th� Fi�rmo�a �t��divisian ar�d �ast of hiighv�ay�1�', � API�@�➢�Af3L� 6���l��li � ��i"9'�RIAr Gammunity �evelcaprr��nt ��d� �ectior�s �8.3�, ��.62, 1�.50, 1II.8�, 1�.8�, 18.9�, � 1�.i O�D, 18.1��, 1�i.���, 1�e 1 t38, 18.11�, 1�.�1 Cy ��.��f?, 1�.�50, 1�.��2 �'rtd 18.16�; � fih� 1'igard l'ri�ngl� @�esign �dandards; and�h� �t9�trc� �'ur��tionaB 6'l�n �tas�darr��s. � � ���TI�N 19. �`T��F ����f�i����A'X"�O�! t� � � �fi�#� pr�p����t��t tt�� �'lan�ir�g C€�r�r�is�ic�r� r��c�rrr�m��d�F��R����t��h� C�ity�c���ci6 far th� abav� r�qu�st subje�#�r� c�rt�iro ��nd�ti�r�� ea��ppr�valo �'he fRr�r�i�g� are� �c�n�l��ic�ns ar� whi�h #he d��isQa� Q� ba��� ar� r��t�d 6�a S��tion 1�°. CPA 98-02/SDR 98-02/PDR�8-01/SLR 98-OE/MIS 98-04 6h/98 ST�CFF F��POAT TQ THE P�.ANiVI(VC.,COMtJISSION TRI-COUIVTY uHOFPItV�CEPJT�R P�1GE 1 OP 42 �������� �F �����'��� �Y� < z,t, ea�� y� ��.y�r- �., ,t� .�,; ,�;ir_ ��,{•er;,a�ea� h r�:,r �t s�.�,r,,rae . � �S� , wsr , „���,a#� .;�r p�+,.�FS;� r4�.� �w�, �!���a�r;�.:� p��+ ` r1 , �s' 7 +° ��, ������`t� °` '�Ii�"�S� � �����1 �,�91r'f c �$�y g vp�u���q �, �,�,�e r ����r r '�.N� �y�P`�'t�`+,ryN4�,i�{� �:' rfi 3 � � � 3..k� . '3�`,' .'� a i�::�i� �rr3"Y},.i�nd�R�r?�sF'y�i�yKj�3;ry.�,t �i�<'��'. '��1�! �2vr F� �� y� � sSi .;ry ti tpf�,;� i.��.i#{r�'!.iP xS a'kr"��� snt '�&�y?:.�, rp t.n.Y� �7 Y 1� . r `�` ft5._y� t� t � � ��1' ., , } ����Q��a� YY� ' s, "� g�, i � �s �t ,�+, kx a ;�! tr i'�,��s 1�c�tx3.�� f � a�. �'Y+.t?i S�l c r�N� y '�.,��i�'r i�.�� )t i' z�n�,s ;4I7.PoY .p�'�; . .��q � 5. ��7v; . ��. �tb.�.�,ja�4��. (�. `h .t ,..Jr .�M ,,tfi tl.r��,'�f. `�yfgG;s, ZNt, ,a� 5� q. ( r� -�,e z�,..., fl9�,�u.,r�w�;.'� ya a'Y�?, .R:�P n,, ,..���7P'��r��r�`,'��Y ��! st;uJ�r x if�r�t,i s S�¢�1.�i� ur€l,���� C ri,W����`!�1},�'1 i x��Js1 � 5+ 4}j� ��g,1�/$','�i�`��� �a�p�.rr::� r�@q'��} ' ���q3 g1�c�;. S� '�„d .� �.�-�r�, �y�t,.��,�+r�.3,� �>'fi.;�.}�r4� F"'"t}f� �, t' p�t�''....,','� ;*�P�... ' y �j�(�4 4 �7: 4 l�l fi...3;p `t YE t� ?{,' (' ,y,�,t,� 'tQ�,.ry '� S�' . 1 � p}�',�.� ��(f�{..;�5�'y E X�°?.y y 4(1Y'a�' F.\�1�iY'��,'���Bi6Y����k'7�.�!0�����r'.`a�OA�>���9AF 1!�` �� �F�. 4 � ,.. i��: � � ��'�'Sr'��M X�{f ���.�b,�$4�fPF.,.��T;.. ..s;.r�a�,+�,��,. :'�T 2r�i 7'����,,���. ,,�, v .,, ,� 9 ;,:'1�' i e.�x�.:: ��' '�c�:z.�yb1 :���i. i �;6'.ly ��Z��l,� ��idu.�.;-. :�'� ,�r� .iY.J.� t n�'�..• 1.f�fS7f {A.jrk��'���a.�f h�4'rr'.� " �� . [�- ��.r�'1 �i...�4 :�M:�� �e�9ta�'".�,x�.,,.� 3•E Y�,y�xi« a.�.w'� "'' ��,, -. ;f,'"%^ ,LxN.r�tt,Y`�s'' t�k sr.�y-,b'�J�,t,rx�'�..'i v a�,'�yti�,�},.� a r.:.yr<,i� ���:$::.���tj ✓z.G'',�C�,";�,� ,.r�,��;�`&jy'f 5� *Y,,!;Ys l tt`� :)'.�i}�.j.� 1 (j� ''��,, =s.�, I .!,a; ..���� x K�s�b'3,r�s��ij?i Y� '�t�tv�-;r��'���',�,u;t,��''?''�SJ���`� �tl:k`: {�,1j'.}�.a N} � � �f���n+�'� �.Y �1� �44.:.,r�M��B�p'W�JM���� ������f���l��t,����� ��� .��� -. 'i�Y�" 9�!.:hti i���� E��..i'�'iA,, P � p`»i"�A. o-� 3'1d,sx, s . ��,. 3.a.f�.r,u�, s7...>> s,�.,1r ....a. ,u..�.4'�',3��n_, . ^�,,.u...1.,�. �t'P;t.d.�r.,<.,t. 4' tt ,.�.r� Ai '�s� 4 . PS .'�,�.,�;. lY.F`<�:` �. 9�riar �� i��uat�c� c�� � sik� �nd/car �uilc�ir�� ���°r�net, � publi� ��prc���r���t p�rr�it ��d ��r�p6i�n�� ��r��rra�nt ss r�quir�d for th@s pr�j�ct. �iv� (�� ��f� �f d�t�il�d p�a�li� irr�pr�v�rre�n� pl�ns a�d prd��E� �sa���r�cti�r� e�rav�6n�� �4��i1 b� s�b�it��d f�r pr�lir�ira�ry r��i�w �� th� �r��ir��er9�r� ����rtr��r�t. ���� r�dlin� ccarr�rn�nts �r� �d�r����d �r�d th� pf�r�s are r�vi�ed, th� d�sigrr �ngir�e�r �h�li the� �u�mit �igh4 �8� ��$� af r�vi��� �r��+9r�g� ��� ��� (1) it����ed �c�¢�structi�r� ��st e��sr�ate frar f6r�al r�view ar�� �ppr�rrai �t��°�'�: t��s� pl�n� ��� ir� �dditic�n ta �ny �ir��vir�gs r�;q�or�d by fih� ��i9dBr�g �i�°ss�c�r� a�d �hcs�ai� ��i� ir�ciud� �h��ts r�l€�v��t fica p�abfi� irnprov�;rn��rats. P�ebli� imprs���r���t� �9aa�s �h�16 c�n�c��r� #c� ��ty c�fi °�Eg�rd P�abl4c Brr�pr�vem�nt D��i�n �ta�d�rd�, whi�h �re ���6l�ble at�ify �ail. 2. �s a �art �� th� pL�biic i�prc���r�er�t plat� �ub�it��l, th� ��gir���ring ��p�r�r��r�� sha�i t�� pravad�d with tl�e n�.r��, addre�s ar�d t�l�phan� �umb�r o� th� in�ividu�i �r �org�a��te �r�tity v,r,aho wel9 b� r�sponsible �or �x�c�#ing th� �or�p9i�nc� �gr��rn�r�t ��d prc��6dir�g th� #6n��ci�1 a�s��rar�c�f�r th� ��ab9ic e��rpv�rnent�. �e �,��itic�n�l righf-af-way shall b� d�dic�ad�d to t�� ��a�lQ� �ion� �h� fr�r�t�g� c�f S� °'2�d >• F�v�r��e to ir��r��s� �he righ�-c�f��vay tc, 4�7' ��et �rc�rrs the ��r�t�rli��. T�� d�scr�ptic�ra sha!! b� tied �ta �he �xistireg rig�t-a#-w�y c�r�t�rBi��. The d�d'e��t6s�s� �9o�urn�r�t �hal6 �e �n �ity #a���s. Er�st�uctio�s ar� avai9abl� fi°�m th� �r�gin���ir�g ��p��tm�nt. 4. Additiona6 right-c�f-way �hall b� dedic�t�d tc� ih� �'ubli� �ic�r�g t�� �rc����ge af aitl0 C9�s�tr��c��a7h �tr��f�o ie-ocre�s�the righ3-�f-r�a�t�a �7 �e�t ��cam th� ��n���li�e. °fh� deacripte�n �f�all b� ti�c� �a the exis�ing ri�ht-caf-way cer�t�rlin�. "`P"he c��dic�ti4n docum�nt �halB b� a� City forrns. Instre�cti�ns ar� a��iPabi� �rar�r th� E�c�6n��rinc� ��p�r�r�r�r�t. �. ,� rigt�t�af�way radiu� �h�ll b� d��dica�ed �f ti�� c�rner�f ��il 72nd �v��iu� �r�d �VV� �artm�u�h �tr���fi. �'he r�.�i�s� �f��ll b� a r�ir���r��as� c���5 ���t. C, �'h� �pp(ic��r�� �h�ll ��r���r��t �tr�c�t ir�prc�v�rr��r�t� �lon� th� #ror�t��� �# ��! ��s�d ��ers�a� �� rr�e�fi �'ig�rr� Trians�le �t��adard� ar�d in ��cc�rd�r��� with �h� ��lR pl�� ��bs��i�e� �or ���vi�v�. `�h� irrfproverr��nts adj�.c�nt Ya thQ� �ate ���i! inc9�d�e ,4, Git� �tand�r�i pa�em�nf section fr�m c�rb t� curb �quaB to 6�f��tp � �. ��v�rn��i� �ap�r� n��ded to fi� the new impr���m�nf i��ck ir�fia the exi�ti�� �dc�� �f � p�v�rr��nt �h�ll be built b�yond th� �it��ront�ge; � �. aon�rete curb; � �. �torrr� dr�i�ag�, ir��i�odir�g �ny off-sit� �t�r� �r�ir��g� r���e�s�ry �c� ��ar�v�y s�r�a�� °� �r�c9/�r sa���u�a�� rur�c�ff; � E. six �6)�§oca�can�r�t� side�valks; � � F. str�e8 striping; G. str��tlight� a�s d�f�rmir��d by th� City �r�gcr�e�r; k-�. und�rgrour�d utiliti�s {�1��°�: t�� �.p�li�arot rrr��y k�e �ligibl� ta p�,y a �e� ii7-9ieu c�f ur�d�rgroundi�g �xistin� oves�h��d utilitie�); i. s�reet �igns; J. drie��way apronsy and . Gf'A 98-02/SDR 98-02/PDF�99-01/5LR 98-d2/MIS S8•U4 6/1/99 STA�F REPORT T(?THE PLANNIiJ�,COMM�SSIQiV TRI-Ci�UP17Y�4iOF'PIMG CENT��i RRGE 2 nF 42 �L. ��jea�#m�nt� ar� v�� ° 9 ��d/�r horix�r�tai �lig���r�4 to c r��� S� `���d ���n�� ir� � s�f� rroars��r, �� av�d k�y�h� �reg9r�eer��g ��p��rr� . �', �'h� �ppli��r�t �h�l� canst��c� �h� #�Il�wi�g fr�r�t�g� improv����ts �r� �11V ���rrr�ut� Str��t �� � p�rt o��his pr�j�ct: �A. �ix (S)�fc��t�c��cr�t� �ir�ew�lk; �. ��r��t ��gh��ng, �� �.����rrr�ir��d by th� �i�go �r�gi�ae�r; �. �riv�way aprc�r��; �a�d �. �tr��t �t�i�i��. �. :� !� �resfl� �f S0�/ 7�nd �Av��a�e �h�i! b� ��q�ired, �a��r��i�g �QO f�e� fc� �he s��th o� th� su�j�c� �a�� ����v�or�g th� �xisti�c� go��d� ��d pr�pc�s�d �futu�e g���6�. 9. �°h� ��pli�ant �hail �o����°��� � tra�i� ��gn�i �.q th� in��r���ti�r� ofi �VV �2r�d Av�nu� anc� �VV ��r�r�ou�h S#reef ir� a��ard�nc� with �i� �tand�rd� �s�� �s ���r�v,�d b�+ th� �ity ��gin�er. �ri�r 4� i��uar�ce �f a si�� a�d/�r b�ildin� p�rrni�, th��p�an� far �h9� �ig��! �s�r4c shall b� a�sprc�ved by�h� �ity �ngin��r. 1 C�. °�'h� ���ficant sh�.Ii ��r��truct a tr�ffi� �9g��� at �h� inte����tiar� of �1fV 6�th �v�n�a� �nd �1N ° Dar�rnc�uth �tr��t cr� �ccora�nce with t���l° arad Ci� �t�r�d�rd�. Th� ���t i�y of �h� ir�t�r���ti�an a��si�st� �af th� I-5 �naathb��nd r�mp ��r�n�ction� �t th� �VV Fl�in�� R�ad Ir����°ch�r���. °fhe 9-5 ��u�P�bour�d rarnp ��nn�ct��n� �r� p�r�d of th� �tate Nigh�n��y �y�t�� a�d ur�der th� �uri�decfic�ra �f C��t��', �nd �s �u�h, t�� p�°dpos�d �r�ffic �agr��i ne�d� f� b� ���rav�d by the ��a�c T'r�ffic �r��i���r priar �cs d��egr� �,r�d ��n�tr�cti��r. �ir.�rsa! if�sf�ilatios� rn�y r�quir� �.c�di�i�n�B irr�pr���m�n�s �� de��rmir��d by th� �t�t� °f�a�ie �ngin��r. F��rt��r�- h�ur �6:QC� �r�1 ta 8 pm w���Cda�) r��r�ual �i��ir�� �c�v���nt ��unt� at th� interse�ti�r� wiiE ��ed �o b� p��vi�ed tc� ��C3T #�r tha tr�ffi� sigr��i warr�nt ar�aly�i�. �i�C?�' �a� po°dvide� cc�pg�s a� �heir sic�n�B �v�.rr�n� cnrr�paris�� wr�rk�heet� fie�r #h� appii��r�� to� �s�. �'r�i�r �cr iss«ance o�t�e si�e �nd/or buiidi�� permit, the applicar�� sh�ii abta�n �?���' p��i��/�ppr�v�l� fio�t�iv sigro�i vutar�. �1. T°he appiicar�t �h�ll obtain �. p�rrnit �Q-�rn th� T��I�tin �/a�l�y O�at�r CBi�t�ict f�r th� �arespa�ed vvater cc�n�ecti�ns �nd p��►9i� �vaf�r l6r�e ��rk �►r��r �� is���r�G� af �h� �i�y'� ��abBic; irri�r�ver���t p�rar�6t. �fh� rc►�d�r��r c�t and r�p�ir �r� �i�' 6��r���� �il�y �h�.�9 b� ir��p���ed by ��'E� �It� t3'�T�3�c�i'C� �� � (3r�B� C2f�I"I�i�'�BiJ�IE� 6P11pC�i/�91°9�,'�°1`� �PE,'Ct�Bi$, 1�. 1"�� p�s�alic �mpravem�r�� pl��� shai! indic�t� t�ai th� applicar�t wi6i �xt�nd �n ��ghf (8�-inch p�eblic sew�r line sea�therly ir� ��V 7'2r�� A�r�nu� �s � ��r� of��� �tr��� ira�r�r���rr��s���. Th� line �hall b� �ac��nder� to the so�t4� prap��ty iin�. � � �3. Th� �pp�ie��t �h�lE slebr�it a� storrrr� drain�ge pl�n fo �h� �ity ghat cle�rly indic��es �ow �h� � starm w�fer frorr� this si�� ��vill be ca�v�yed te� Fied �ock �reek. If coneent�at�d flq�vs ar� H prapo�ed �o c��vey across �h� �dj�ceri# prap�r'cy ta th� r��st, th� a�pfEcan� �h�ll c�btair� a � p�iv��� stor� drainage e�s�rr�ent fr�rri �h�t p�•�p��y c��rr�er priar to ��ns�ructic�r�. � �� 1�. �'rior#� issua�c� �f th�; �it� �ndlor b�.eilding permifi, th� �pplac��t shal9 provid� �n or�-�ite wa��r qu�li$y fa�i�ity as r�q�alr�d by Llnifi�d �ew�r�g� Ag�r��y C�e�ig� ��d �r�r�sf�u�ti�n �t�ndard� (ado�t�c! by R��aB�tion and Qrd�r R1�. 96-44). �inal pi�ns and eaic�al�ti�r�� sh�ll b� sub�itted to th� �r�gineerinr� ��p�rtment (�ria� ���er� fc�r r�vi�vu an� �,pprov�l prgc�r to is�uance of th� buildir�g p�rrnit, !r� �ddEtior�, � proposed maintenar��� pBan �hall b� �ub�itteci aiang with th� plans and calculations for r�vi�w and appr�val. CPA 56-02lS�R 98-02/PD4�58-01/SLFi 98-Q2/l�AAla 9�-Q4 6/i198 STAFF REF'ORl'TO 7HE P(.ANNING G�7M�hISSIOtJ TRI-COUNTY SFiOPPIPJr GENT�R PAGE�DF 42 I 15. F�ric�r ta i�su�n�� of th� ' and/ar ��il��ng p�rrnit, the appli sh�El ��abmi� a pian ta the �r���n��rs�� �ep��tr��n i�r� f����r) �Y��t cl��r�y sho�v� th� uire�d b��nd�r� �fi th� new �96tB�at�d ��fii�r�d ar�a� and a n�a� 2�-f�at buf��r adj����t tra ��ch �n� (��. Th� plare �h�l! ���c� ���a�ly �h�aw th� ��t�nt �� �ny gradin� ����ir�� t� c�r��trc��t th� p���f� ����r q�a�ii4y f��ilit��'ses�o W�f�r quaBit� f��il�ti�� ��a61 �ot �n�ra�cl� ir�ta � �vv�fil�n� a��d r�ayg ��ly ��cr���h ���c� th� ��s��i���� `"buff�r"' by��� (i d� f���. 1�, R�r� �r�a�ior� ��ntr�! pl��o �h�69 �� pr�vid�d �� par� c�� th� �aubiic i�p�av�rr��r�� �r�wi�g;e. Th� pl�� sh�l9 �o�fi�orm to '°�rosiorr Pr��r�r�tid€� �r�� ��c�imerr� ��sr��r�i F'I�r�� � T'��h�i��l C�ua��rer� h��r���caak, �e�bru�rr� 'i���." ��. �°h� �p�iic�nt sM�ll ��s�vid� a� u,�d�#�c� g��techt��c�l r�p�rt, p�r �p�es�c9i�e �hap��r 33 �fi the ���, for �h� prop���� c�r�.r�ir�� �E�p� ccar�strcat�tocan. l°t�� ����rn���d�tion� c�f �h� r�p�rt �hall be i��c�rpor�ted into �h� fiin�6 gr�dEng pl��. A fiin�{ co�stru��QCan ��op�rvi�icar� r��c�r� �h�91 �� �aBed with th� �ui9dir�c� Divi�i�n prior tc� �ina! 'sr��pectirsn. 1�. °fhe �pplic�.r�t �hai� a���in a 1200-� (��n�r�B �'��it is��ed by f#�e �ity �f Tig�rd pursc�ant t� f�R� 4���.7�0 and th� Fed��aB �I��r€ V19���r A�t. 19. �Jn� �1� c�� �t-o�: thr�e (3) dis�bl�r� p��cing �paar�s frearr� �i�jor Ii4A �r�d fVi�jc�� �iP, P��j�r �nchcar T�¢�ant btai4dings sh�ll b� ��oved ne�r�the �ntra��� in f�o�t o� �!@agc�r Ili�. ��aff ��nta�t: �l�rk f�ab�t��, �'lanr�ir�� L�ivision. 2i�. 1'h� I�nds��p� pl�n �h�Bi bP r�vis�d �Ec�r�g th� �� 7�r�� ,�v���a� fr�anta�� t�, pr�av4d� �n ad�ition�l �vvo (2) Lit�l� �.�a� Li���n tre�s. On� (�} �dditi���.G �fre�� tr�� sh�l! b� �.c�ded ala�ig ���: �V11 ��r�rnouth Stre�t �r9nfia�� #Q� a t�ofi�6 r�f 3� Latt{� L�:�� Lir��l�;r� tr��s. �t�f� �o���c�: P�/iark ��be�t�, f'lanning �i�isian. 21. Ir� ���k�ir� �.�ea� the�ca�ht the �ppEicant did �eo� �r�+�nly disp�rs� p�r�s�g Ic�t �r��s at an� (1 j �or �to�ry �e�ea� (7) �p�c��. °�h� ap�lican� �h�ll adc� a r�inlm�arra �►� thr�� (3) p�rking Iat �rees �Iar�g t�� �re�tern �I�v��ior� c�f t�e ��jar �,�oc9�e�r �°�;€���� ��iidi�� 6. The �ppfi��r�f shall �I�e� �dd a ��r�ki�g iot �r�� �r� �h� ���s�h� �id� �� M�jar�4�ct�or T��a�t ��ildi�g i, �a�� raf th� l��.dir�c� do�k ar��, �wc� �2) par�ing i�t tre�s �ior�g th� sc���he��t corn�� �f iViajar Ar�chor T�n�nf ��iidir�g �@ ��d � �arkinr� I�t �r�� ta �he �as� �id� �� th� Pad � building. �t��f ����act: M�rk ��be�s, FD���l�11�"!� C�IVlSii711, 22. °f�r� app9i�c�r�� s�ai€ ��ns�r�c� �. �cs�r�d a�f�r�u��i�o� �r2ill r�ith � r�iri?r�ta� �f �fiv� �5)�fe�e�f �a�ig��, ��s� pca���bly up �o �i�h� (8) f��t if wvarrant�d. Thi� v�ra91 sha9! b� �constr�acted alc�nc� �he �r�fir� saufihern prop�rty lin� th�t adjoin� �ir�c�l�-famiiy r�s6d�nc�s. The wall shali b� of � �ueight that i� in accordanc� with Yhe weighi st�n�ard d9scussed in a futu�� �pproved hJ�ise �tud�r. a A+s�ur�ling �h,� pro�o��c� ��laambi� �iv�r i�'il4aw� �nd i1V�sf�rr� C�°�ba�pl� tt°�e� ar� c��fiir��d a� � f11ECIlla"P71 SI�E:C� S��LIAS f�"!c'�t WIII ��aCll ��°4�Q f�G� IR"B PIE;i��1t �t CYIc°°��CSi'i$�, c"� Yi'Ir�3ti�l�i�t a�J��lil� Of � 30 fi�et ara ��nter is per�nitfied. 9� twc� (2) cas�s a �p�cing �f m�r� th�� 30 f�e� on c�nter F�as � be�n prop�sed. The �ppli�a�� r��ast �itf��r �dd tw� (2j �r�e� �r pr�vid� p�oof fF�at th� � �al�r�bB�. F�iv�er lfVil�ow� and t�l�s��rn Cr�b�ppl� tr�e� �r� 9�rge �pe�im�r� tr�es. The � s�r�e�in� anc� E�u�fierii�g plan ir�clur�ed sor�e 1�1 2Q� inch- :3i� inch C?rnr�r� V1li�g�d ��onyrnous � � shrubs ar� or�dy �the ��st�r� �93 feet ofi �he �uffer. Th� ian�s�ap� pl�n shail, th�r�f�re, b� r��ised tc� �dd sl�rub �lan�Fngs �lo�g the entire r�rra�inir�g 1e�gt4� �� t�� �0-���� scr��nir�y and buffierir�g �r��. Stafif �:arst�c�: Ni�rk F��b��t�, �'1an�ing [�i�i�i�ar�. C�'A 98-0?JSI�R 9�-�2/PDR 98-01/SLR 98-02/MIS 98-Q4 &/1/�8 STAFF f�EPC�RT TO THE PLAtVf�IIVG CUM�NiSSION TRI-COUNTY St-IpPPINC�.G CENTER PAGE 4 OF�32 2�. �"�� tras� �r�� r��y�li�ag 3o��r�� ���r��g 6�aJar �nch�r 'f� baa69�ing� !f!A �nd Bil� ���61 be r�vi��� t� carrr�p�y � �� 2�����t, tw�-�v�y ���l� wid�h � �rd. �t�ff ��r���ct: 1Vl�r� Rob�c��, �'l�r�r�ir�g C?ivisi�r�. 24�. `�h� ��d � �rad f� e�st �i�v�tic�n I��� 1,��� �q��r� f��t �f b�a�9di�� �I���ti�� ���� bet���r� th��� �3) ar�d ndr�� (9} f��t ir� h�ight. For ��@� r�����, 5�� �q��.r� ���t �� this �r�� rra�s# �� �rio��ovv�d. �'he �.pplic�.r�t pr�vid�d �4CD s�u�t•� f��t ofi �h�� �I���.�a�r� �r�a �it� w':����++�, th�r��c�r�, �hQS el��r�tio� �h�li b� r�vas�d fc� p�ovide� �c� �dd°styonai ��5 sqt��r� f��t �af �vind�wed blsildi�g �I�v�►�for�. �taff ��nt��f: �,��rr� Rab�r��, f�lar�ning ��vs�i��. ��. �h� nn��h��ic�� eq�aip�e�t in�tall�tior� 9�rriit �r�a� sh�!! b� r��i���S �c� 6�cl�d� � 2Q-fo�� r���lma�rn ��tb�ck al�ng t6�P raurth and ea�t b�il�ang �I����i�r�� a� th� ��j�r ,�s��h�e� T�n�nt �uilding gro�sp. °�� �Ilcv� th� �uiidirog its�lfi to s�s���r� �th�r �o��top �q�iptn�nt e�� ��e srr�alle� pad ��iiairag�, n� r���tc�p �q�aiprn�nt �h��l be pla��d withar� �5 fc��� c�f �� e�xt�ri�r w��9 �f F�ads ,���'. �t��� �ont���: M��6c Raber��, R'i�nntnc� Divi�ia�1. 2�. T`h� �,�pEi�a.r�� �h�El r�v9�� th� buile�sng �I���.ti�� plans �� ���d�d tQ provide th� �?l�l�t�96�� p�rag��t �t � suf#ici��� hei�ht to scr��n th� me�ha�ii��9 �qu4prnent �� P�a�o� A��h�r l"�rrar�� b�a4ldir�a�� I!, IIIA, IlI� �nd I�f. �"h� a�plic�nt rr��y �I�o �r�vid� ¢ath�r �c��er�6ng alt�rrn�tiv��. �t�ffi �or�tact: lVl�rk Rob��s, Pl�ti�ing Ciivisian. 2�. Th� �i�osfled �l�v�ti�ra �f �/laj�r �r�chor l"�r���� I ��uld be s�rn� �ig6�t (�) f��t higher th�r� r�si�i�n�e� imt��di�t�ly to th� sr�ufh. �'h� �.�pli��r�fi �haii ��r��n �h� I��ding a��� f�r �.� i���t �h� I�r�gth �f �he �ruc9� �ha� �rc�u�d �enra�e this s�4� (lik�iy �5 ���t) at a height of � t�pi��6 servicir�g v�hicle. °fhis m�y be a�ccarnpiish�d through a r�a��c�ir�g �piit �aee ��ncr��� �I��� �v�ll c�r othe� r�7�th�d �� ����ave� b� �I�e F'I��reing [�i�riss�r�. �t�.ff �ant�c�: �i�rrk F�Q��r��, PQ�nnirig �ivisic�n. 28. �"h� a��iic�nt �h�ll prc��✓id� a revi��d s��i�� st�s�y �c�d rn'otig�fi�r� rn������s t4�at �ri!! r�d�c� nois� leveis �o thQS� p�rmitted in th� P�uni�ipal ��d�. For�x�rnp(�, th� applicant G��id �filize matur� ��reening �nd b!��ering �iar�tor��� �r �c�r��f�u�f �r� �ir�h� ���pfc��� u�all, �a�s�ibly �f c�r�a��r b�v�ight th�r� discu��ed ir� �h� c�srr��t n���� s#�dy. �'h� ��nli��r�t �r��olc� ���a �or���r�c� scresn walls r��xt ta ��ver�a c�f th� 6i��j���r�chc���°��ar�� 9��,�i�r�g �r��� ia�����d �f pr�vader�g the r�quir�d v+o�.61 for° visu�! �cr��ning r�asor�s or�ly �rc��n� th� fc��do�sg ar�� tc� 6�aj�r �n��or °T�n�nt ��sldir�g 0. Staff CQnt�ct: l�ark �ob��t�, �lana�i�g ���i�6�n. 29. ���ed o� th�e si�� d�v�lopmEn4 cans�rain�� �nd th� �igh�er �tr�ef el�v��ic�� �a� ��iV �2�d ,4v�r��se, it �c�e� not app�ar possibl� to e�t6rel� �rreen r�o#to� rr���h�.r�ic�6 �q�aiprr��r�t�� �erve �he �'lajor Ar�char �'en�nt �uildings a� s�er� fir�m a�V 72nd �►�er��ae. F�r this r�a�s�r�, �II ���ftcp m�chanical equiprnent tQ s�►�e t9�� �1rlaj�r Ar�ch�r �'���nt� ���11 b� �a�n��� to �afich �° th� roa$�op. Th� applicant rnay als� pr��rid� �th�r metl��ds c�� blendi�g m��hanical � equi�ment into �t�e re�oftop. Staff ��n��c�: Mas� �iob�rts, Pl�b�ning Divisie�n. �� 30. �"he a�plic�nt sh�.11 revis� the s�te arsd lat�d�c�pe pla� t� pravid� a ��ait�b�� si�e l�adB�g � spa��(s) to �ccommgd�fe d�livery �ruck� far �ii ap�alic��(e t���r�#� �hat ie��� 10,�(�0 squ�re � fe�t ar rr�c�re wi�hin F'ad� A, � a�d �. Staffi�o�t��fi: 11�a�k �s�b�rts, �'lar�r�in� C�ivi�i�n. � � 31. °fh� �p�lic�r�fi has �gr�ed tt� pravid� 6� lon�-t�� p�rking �pa��s. '�6�� �ppiicar�f sh�li pr�vide sigr�ag� d��igr���ing f�ur �4) of f6�a��e spa��� as var�pac�i/��rpo�i �pac��. �'h� s�gr���� �h��l statE t41a� th�s� "s�a�es �re �o� €.�s� by v��p�ol/earpo�l u��r� �r�fy b�tw��n th� i���r� ofi 7:00 AM and 5:3t� PM." Th�se fiour(4) var�p��4/carp��! �pa�e� �h�16 b� Ivc�t�d �� cor�ver�ier�tEy as CPA 98-02/SDR 98-n2/PDFi 98-01/SLR 98-02/MIS 88-0�3 S/1/98 STAFF REPOPT`f"d T6-IE PLARlNING�UPv1M!SSIOtd TRI-COUNTY 8�It)PF'ING GENTER PeAC�E 6 n�42 pa���Qbi� t� ra��lr� ��aildin tr��ce���, ��t�� t�a� p��oei�i�� �� h '���p�c� ��;c��s�bie par�cing �p���s. ���ff ��ant�c�: Pd�abe�Y�, PI�41�1lilt� �i1f1�9(DYI. 3�. Th� �pp�licar�t sh�!! m�dify th� p�r�cbr�� �tru���r� to prcavid�+ a minirr�unn �� 6�/� f��t of �l�arar�c� h�ei��# a� �il �ntir�nc�s if r�� c�rp��Vv�r°�p��l sp���� ar� pr��i��d, A �'t�B�ir���°t �f 7�1a f��4 og ci�ar��c� s&�aN b� pr�vid�d af �a�a�ol ar�d ���p��i �����s �re �ra�f�e�. ��aff ��nt��t: �lilark �t�be��, Pianning L�iv�si�an. 3�. �al�a�g thr�� (�� af th� �rivewa�� @��g th� sit�, th� appli�ant has p�°av9ded five (5) fe�t �fi �alkw�y �vidth. l"h� �i�� �nd i�.r��lsc�p� pl�n� �h�l! �e r��aisad ts� pra�id� � rrAer�lrrr�a�ri �fi �i�c ��) ���t o� r�ridfih t�ar ail waikway�s. �"h� �pplic�r�t �6�a9i pr�vide � ��r�tir��s��a� s6x (6�-f�����v9d� �r�ikwa�y u�ir�g rriatc�ir�g rris���ai�� pav��en� �r��t�ri�Rs al�n� �f F��s� an� (1) sid� a� �ri��w�y � fro�n the I���or �An�hor `f�r�ar�t b�aildin�s to ��9 �2�d �v���a�. T'h� site a�ad landsc�pe pl�� sh��ll k�e r�vi��d t� �arovid� � s'sx (69-ffl�t�wic�e v�aBk��� u�ir�g rr���chirec� madul�r pav�m�r�t rn�t�riai� fr�rr� i�ad � to ��! 72nd Av�t�a��. S��fg �onta�t: �ark ����rk�, �9�a�ni�g Davi�ian. � 3�. �"I�� applicant sh�ll provide a bicy�le rac:k detai@ that d�r��r��t��t�s w�er� i� use, that bicyGle ra�bc� �i{I nat biock ��de�trian waikways. ,� rr�ar�irnur� tour (�) #�et a�# �ralic��y �i�ar�nc� shall be maimt�ir��d where ti�ese are ir�cat��. T'he appficar�t �hal! r�locat� t�� prapnssd �icycle rack� ur�der �arr�r r�ear m�in b�ildirag �rexr�nc��. Sta� Gear�fa�2: (Vi��ie Fiob�it�, f�l�n�ir�g � �tVISIOI�. 35. �°he tw�-�+�y a�c��s width �ta�d�rd i� 24 ��et. 7`h� m�j�rity af th�s �i#� cor►�piies wi�� #hi� � standard �xce�� ffar th� two�v��y d�iv� �i�l� b�3�ind th� �l�jar �r�ch�r T�r�ar�t buildin�s. �'I�� loa�eng ��cks behind C�ajor Ar-�chc�r �°en�.rst ���iidi�gs IIA �nd 16� shall b� r�visec� a rriinir�num �f 24 f�et of �I�ar �rid4h. i rash �nd i°�cy�ling �n�6osur�� shall �Ise b� r�vis�d as ��eeded t� pe•o�ride a minimum �f �4 fe�t of cfear wridfi��. �t�� C�a�f��t: IiA�ric �3�berts, Pl�r�e�ir�g �3i�vision. 36. �h� applican� shall �ubrr�ifi �or r�view a�d �ppro��i � �e�r� progr�m tha� cc�rrrpii�� vv`ih �h� �t�nd�r�� fi�r � sh�pping c�i�te� ir� th� ����r�.i �c���n���6�1 ��nir�� l�i��r•9ct with �ny �peciai �imitatic�n� �s ��qu�red i��s �h� �"igard �'ri�r�ai�; I��s�ign ��ar���rd�. ����fi �c�nt��t: �A��c �ob�r�s, �'lannir�g �Jivisi�n. ��. C��ae ��r sit� ��r�flic�s th� ����t� �nd r��y��ir�g e��i��u��s lcsca��d �t bc�th sid�� of [3ri�e�v�y � �vill ne�� �es b� r�l���Y��. �'h� ��plic�r�t �ha61 ��ti�ir� �tg���ff frc�m �h� �r�c�c��i�� w���� h�ul�r �fl� t�z� ioc���can cafi al! tra�P� �r�d r��y�l9r�g ����o�t�t��s ��� p��vod� � a�et�il �fi �h� �y�a� o� ��r��s�ing ta b� �rc�vi��d �rot�r�d th�s� �nc6os�ar�s. Staff ��r��act; fVl�r�c �aberks, F'O�r�ning �ivisior�. 38. E'�st driv� �i�les behind Niajow A�ch�r �tores with "B�� �'arking �=ir� L�r��" �ign�ge. �9! e�its r�q�ired fram �ach buildir�g shalB h�v� a lar�dir�g and be cor�r�ec;ted ta ��� �r�blic �v�y via a sid�w�iik and accessible ta person� vvith � dis�k�ility. Loc�te �ir� hydrar�t� withir� 250 ��et of a11 ��'tcrior vuali� ofi �ach b�ailding. Prr�vid� � �y�rar�t filow ���t ��,d c�oa�pi�t� th� fir� flow ar��lysis. The rra�dian of the r�adway b�tween �ads � and � �hal� �ae� r°nodifi�d 4c� provide a rn�t�imtam of 20 feet af widtho �/lodify fh� turnir�g radilis �t th� s�ut�w�st corr��r of Pad� A-� and i� frant Us the �I�jor ,4nchar Tesia�t 9 buil�ir�g. Staff �or��act: Jirn Fur�k, �uifdir�g €�ivision. 39. Yhe remair-�ir°�g 6� aa9iper 1nch�s �f 8r�� rnitigation rr�ay b� �lant�d ca����6�� �r tr�e mitigati�r� fe�s paid for Yh� v�6ue af p�rc��s� �n�f pl�nting of additiar�al tr�a�. AI��, the a�piican� �nd CPA 9&02/SDR 98-02/PDR 98-01/SLR�36-02/MIS 98-04 6/ir88 STAFF REPORi'�'C,71-9�PLANNIPJG Ct.�MMISSION TRI-CQUNT�'SHOPPING v�NTER PAGE 6 OF 42 �a�y r��y ��rc�� to io��t ¢�tir�g ��ro��rr��� tr�as c�r� tri� pr�p �t �ff-sit� �Rty �p�n �p��e �s���. S4��f ��n�ta�t: �a ��a�rt�, Pl���irwg �ieoi�io�o �0. E3������ tr�e� Numb�r�d �8g�6 i� th� �,rbo�i�t'� '�P�� it��l�#!$IC��i�i1 �7I�CB �P"� SI3( ���-in�h�s ira �s�� a�d w��hin a �es�s'stive la�ds �r��� th� a��l6c�,r�� shaii ����in � tr�� ��m�vaC p�rr�it pr6�r t� t��a�ir r�r��v�i. st�4� Cantact: ��rr4c F�o��s��, �'9��n�o�g �ivi�i�r�. 4�. ��� appai��n� propo�ed �� wir�d�w� or� t�� �ort���riy �i�e��tio� af F��d �A. �°h� �p�lic�r�t �h�.11 �ar��sd� 50�f� �f �h� P�t�ildAt�g �l��>a�i�� b�tw��� 3 �t�d 9 fi��t v�ith vui�tt��v�+ �9�.�ir�g. 3°h� ��pli��nt i� prcapo�ing ta pro�rid� �ppr�xir�at�ly �.5°I'� �f�h� �nt9r� ��d � nca�9��rly �I�u�.�i�n wi�h �rar�dt�� gEa�ir�g. �'h� �ppi's�ant sh�ll r�vi��� th� Pad �, n�s�h build3r�g �I�vati�� �� pr�avid� � mi�aim�arn �af 5Q% c�f ti�� �levaf�or� �i�tw��� 3 �nd 9 f�et e�ith �6�dow gl��ing. Th� a��lic�r�� �ls� �r�ap�s�d � ���v v�ind�w� os1 �h� ���h�rrr �l�v�t�or� �f th� �'�� � b�ilding. 'T'�� ��d � k�uildi�� nor�� �:l�vation �hall �I�� t�� revi��d t� prc�vic�� � �n�e�Frr��m �f 50�/� �� �he baaildirag eie�a�i�r� b�tw��n 3 �r�� 9 f�et wiYh wi�d�aw gl�zir�g. �ta� ������t: l�ark F�ober�s, �'I�n�i�g �ivi�6�n. � � 42. �°h� p�r�p���c� !ot len�� �iil �e�d t� be r�v's��d d�e to th� I�catio� �� ��r������s ca� site ar�d �c�t�nti�.l r�d�velaprr��r�t �f fhis s�appar�g c�nt�r. In p�rkm�ular the iat li�a� al6gn�d s��at� cf Pad �, th� leat lir�� ��at�in� thrc�aagh th� ��rn�r �f E�ajc�r �,nchor T�r��i�fis !ll,�, IIl� �.r�d 9V �nd the 1�t iir��a cu�9n� #f�rnugh �h� F�ad � �iu�idi�g. �t��ff ���t�ct: Jirr� �unk, �uilding l�ep�r�rn�nt. �4�. Pr�p4sed �"�x L,o� �04QQ sh�lS b� r�vi��d d� provid� � 50m�c��t a�era�� I�t wiuth. ��aff �or�4a��: Nl��� ��abe�s, F'l��rasnc� �i�ri�iar�. � 4�. �'h� �p�6i��r�t �9�a11 p�•ovis�� pr��f tF��# th� �irei�ic�r� �� �t��� L��d� ��rmif is �tili v�l�d �nd that tt�e F�rr�y ��rps o� ��rgir����s F��rr�if has b�er� ��-is�ue�. a#ai� �c�s�t���: Pvlark R�bert�, Pla�o�Eng C�6�ision. , �� ..��aa �t� '�Yr ��,;J� 'f°ri 9:',� r,»u..-y�:,:n ri.-. � ; .£5r4 �d`�tit��r:iCS�,i.ii{,% xv r��'�S"�S.t�IKS�,'{ s;.`c��"�s� � 1'�r�S.�P'tti°`�& �i S � ��� Y ; � ar��'� s r � f k° �) r`'� '��a6 '�{'�`� i �'��;s:� � �,;, q,� ��l�� ta ��� ���,������ �������� M�:� ��������, ���'����� ,{��,�� �� z.�5���� ���n ��'�.ii. "a"rl��t:-'�t�"'�Zr€{,�.i�� a`` ..�'a. ,t? &i<.rv.,::, v ,s,';`;'4,;�.� k,sd�Se7B,cr ��"b, �.� �'A��.�-7�!j�:b4� �:�t5pix�,�i�q�luh"���a�wy`�...�r� ^i£�3 r"4�` .2��, rv '''�� '�"`�������r.� ;j` �'`�',��.�l���y �S�: r �g 8 p� r g {� ]� �,� �� K x"� �p�� � �e,��, r�'� E g ��z- h��.� y r r�� ; ��"'."��} �.Y,-�. j�' 1�'�F��"6 ����97�' Q"�Aq6`i8� �K�� D� 8��`" �s� ��Sil-u�1'� ,�yt�':�v� �t��"����p,fi�,�'��.����'� �,�f� _ .&4,,..'�'.�,, xus .� . ;` _ r. t��1 „�..�� , e�,+�:.r�...,,'av�*� ,'i�. �..j ��95��,�..i.rc„�'���u�,a�„t�...zh�aavn as��a:�;. r�i3€�i`��"'��f,'.�/;�.��k�o,�.`L�`.e�� 45. E�raor tn � sir��! b�ildir�g �r�sp��tic�n, th� ��pli�a��� �h��l! �c��,�9�te th� r�yuired pu�lic i�pr�v��n�n��, obtain cor�c�itic�r,al �cc����.�c� frc�rra �h� Ci�y, �r�d qar�vid� � �r�� (�}-���r rr�aintenan�e assur�nc� fc�r��id i�pravem�n��. ��. P@"9f3C �E3 c� �il�c'�I I�491EC�6P�C� i�l��J��'�lC3El9 x�� �p�,Ba��r�� ���i6 pr��id� �h� �i�� v�ri�k� ��p��ii� d�°�wirag� Q� the �SUbii� er�prouem��it� �� ��lica�rs: �� rr��f�r�, ar�d 2� � disk��� �� �h� ��p��ail�s ar� "�VVC,� f�rrrr�at, if �v�ilabl�; o�herwisc "�3��" �il! b� acc�pt��l�. �9c���: a� the p�sbiic ir�provern�n� drawii�gs �r�r� hand-�rav��,, tF��r� a di�k��t� is ��t r�qcai�ed. � � � �47. �"he appf�c�n� shall �ith�r �P�ce �he exi�ting overhe�d u�ilit� lir��� a6o�c� �VV 7�r�� �venu� � e� �anderground as a parfi �f thi� pr�j�c�, o�they �hall pay t�re fe� 9r�Pii�sa t�� u�d�rg�c�u�di��. �'h� � f�� shal! be caic�l�t�d by ihe �rontage Q� the �it� th�t is p�r�!!ei �e� th� ca�ildt� lin�� ��d �iii b� I � �,��.50 ��r 9ir�e�.l �oat. If th� f�� �ption es �hr���n, #6�� �.s��ua�t �rili b� � 1�,7t?0 ��� 9t shai4 be � paid prior to a fin�i bsai9ciirrg ir��p�ction. � � � 4�. �ri�r�a fin�l buiidi�lg in�p�c#i��, th� �ppli��r�� �4��{f �t�b�nit a ��rfionrt����� t�ar�d fo �h� �i�y iro �r� am�u�t to �ov�r the d�sign ar�d ��r�stru�tion �o�t� for t�a� (2) �ddiYb���f �ignais o� ��rtmoufh �tree� a#�he pr�pa��d site dri�eways. Thp� pe�om�oan�e b�ind sh�l9 ta� providPd to th� �ity �ar a p�r�od c�fi �ive (5) y�ars (60 rr�onths) frorn �h� �stimat�d �pening ��t� �f the CPF�98-02/SDR 98-02/PDF 98-01/81.R 98-Q�/A�IIS 98•04 6!1/98 STAFF�tEPOR7 7p Tk�IE Pl�hIRI�1Q Ct7MMIS aIQPd TRI-��UN7Y 5FiQPPING CEN°fER P/lCaE 7 C?F 42 b�Pids�g(�}. �'F�� �moun� h� b�nd sh�il �e �ppr���d by�f�e Ei,gi���r pri�r to s�u�mittal to�he �ity. A�. T"h� �ppii��nfi ���89 ccand�act foil�w-�ap �ig�ai v��rrant irave�#iga�omr�s �t th� ��rtrr��uth ��r��t dri���r�ys �rsc� pgr y��� ov�r 4h� �°sve (5�-y��r iif� of th� �igr��� �erf�rrr�an�� bc�r�d. �f a�ay 4r��fia sig��� w�rr�r�t, �s ��fir���9 on th� �����9 �f �J�94carrrn �"r��fi� ��ntr�l C1�vi�e� i� rn�t �t a�y �arn� d�srir�g th� �iv� (�) y��r p�racsd, �.�d ifi it i� ir� th�r G6�y �r►gir���r'� capor�8�r� �h�� sign��i��ti�an �� ��� (�) or b�th ��f th� �iY� dr�v�w�y� i� i� tha b�s� ir�t�ar��� z�� �h� pu�lic, t��� ��� �p�IQ���t �BI! b� r�quir�d �c� d��ig� ar��1 �s�n�tru�t od�� �1� �r bat� �f th� �it� drid��v�y �i�roal�. Arsy r�qu6r�� �c���! be°a�t�l9��g�a� s�►�i9 �� ��rnple�e e�ith9n i 2 r���th� a�f fih� �ity ���i���r's d°cr�c�i�t�. E3. @fi �fter th� deve9c��rr���t h�� b��r� �c��a�i�� f�� �evs 45) ���rs (�0 m�arat��) �nd �h� �riv��ay� �o rao� m��t �igr�al �varrai�t�, 4h� appli��n� �reB! no 9onger b� $i��nciaBly �°����r��ible�fi��the d��ig� �r��n�tr���i�s� ��tr�f�i� �ig��l� �t thos� 9c����ic�n�. �. !f s��sri�g th� fi�� (5)�Y�ar p�rwe�� �f t�� �����I ��r����.n�� bo�d, fu�h�r s����l �v�rr�r�� in�r���ig�tcons r�v��l �r�� (1) ar m�r� w�rr�r�t� ar� b�ing rr��t, ��� �r�ffi� sig��.!(�} sh�fl b� �a�stY�s�t�d. �°h� d��ision by th� �ity ��g6n��r Er� d�t�rmining �f � �ar��n� i� rr6�� �ha�l i�e cc►r,sid�r�d �s fi��l. �9. �If sit€� irr�pr�av�m�nt� �S�all b� ir�o�#�il�d a� a.ppr���t�, per t�� r�ves�d �it� plar�. �t�fi� �ontact: ��� R�ber��, f'6ar��ing E�iv4�ic�r�. ° „p avr �Rz�, y }'-i�"s5'�K4't4 ,�`.w,'��. y `s.sriat} a°kyrM§,r;.� 1 ,..,r, �ira axi�, �4 r.i?:�i � 4�3�Si`�b � 5,�:�;+ Qtt���� }At.i�y`f}c':..��,�('�'F�^�;t'J�'��7"a�`y'�`� ta�.'k"`*^�ir k��� a F'�4 �E '� ��?' g��y �W �°` �P��$ �� ' , r ,c � � E:�,x��x�,`�^,��� �`�a,'�,t .� � ,-:�"`�� �t�, _,���A ��cab 4 ���� �����W R`'L���I p���t�}1x�����S'S�F�� ��3�����,��g�y� t h, f' y."a t:t.� &����..�.>ax a n:���i d����"�F"'j,�� ���i'�` � j . �4 t3:.�:;�.�h z✓t�t� ...lzi w,. ..;.-s x�+Er, � ��'„�..:�,:�7.R#' a tr.,; . .+ a a�r� �' .� tti'�t�r�;'Ei�. �� �t�'�d'4`.<�;; '�1 � F � n § 'k 4�, ' $'t { .: � c. ��;�1 a , � ��£ �� ����������� r ��4'11� �'1�������i��'���.,��°'�� ����F1����;���I�� R � ; � � � �� � +� �,. ¢�'�� � ti � � � �"a"f-., �� v,�..�'�`� �a7��n���r x �rq i.,����+r�,�a.� �4"N �'. q.d. : .d��Mat d. .�'v_ �y�t..w�.✓�,fl� �?"��a,p•f�L�,#,.,.:ti•,,;�'3.s=ai�a: ax� _ e ������@� ���m ������@���� ������������ �It� �IS$Q : ` �'h� si�� is pr���ntly clevelo�ed �vi�9� f��r (�� d�iach�d si�gie-��rrriiy s�sid�r�c�s ��-id a mi��r� of ��f�#�d farr-�e�� a�c� oth�r �.�c����ry ��ru�fur��. 9t���h �� th� property �ean��is�� a rn6xtu�� r�� #�p�s �r�d v�,ri��i�� of tr��s. �`he �i�� �is� ��� � �v�tl�nd'� �y���r�a #hr�uqh Yh� c�n��r po�tior► a� 4he �i��. �'4°�i� sit� ����r�ily sl�p�5 �c�vva�d� F�ig�av+r�� ��7 #hat i� ���t �fi f�a� p��ap�r�y. ���r�� 1 a�3 �cr�� ra� fi�� ��rt��Yt� �tt�6°�6CY�i S�� $�C�' pt"t7�J�f°��! c`�ICJ§�� ��3� ��' ��!°�f�9�1���3 �f@'��Y '��'C����.�� !� P'�gS a����t� �9t�'1 $$"!� L�lashington ���r�ty°fax ��sns�or �� � "�hris�rr��� �"��� �s��". �t��er p�s�ior�� o� th� prop��y ar� al�o ��esignated �� a "�m�il V�/oodiar�d�" by th� A�s����r. � Th� �ubj�cf �ro��e�y w�� �h� ��t� €�f � �irnsl�r, �r�vio�� d�ar�l�pr��n� �ppgi�a�iar� fo� a 3��,500 � sq�are fos�t �ho�pdng cen�er with �fifi�e �ase� �5�� 9���3Q��, F'DFt 94-C?Ol��, �L.� S�-O�Q4j. Y��is � appiication v�ras �ppre�v�d by th� P��ranir�r� G�mr�i�sic�e� �.s�� bec�m� eifi��tiv� �r� �e��rn��P �9, 1�9� � bu� exp�r�d �n J�n� 19, 1996 d��t� ie��ctiority. aa � �elated �ivision vf �t��e Land� �'�rra��ts and ��y �c�rp� caf Gngin��r� �etm��s w�r� al�c �b�ained � tor�h� �v�tEands fi!! �r�d r��itigati9n car�cep�. TI1� �►i'f��lal.,l� �iVi�f�11 0� S$ct�8 L�.91�a ��Cl716� IS �til� V�IiC� ' �' for th� prc�posed uvetlands �i61 ar�d rni�ig,�Yi4n ���c���. �"�� pr�vi�u� �Rrro�y �a�� �� �r�c�@n��r5 P�r�i� has �xpir�d c�ue to � re�rg��izatic�n c�fi the �rrrn�'S P�I�.�lC►I'1V1Itt�8 ��'YI11p$$E11f� �i'C7����. CF',4 98-Q2'/�'aDR 9g-02/PDFi 98-01/SLR 38-02JPvt1�98-OA 6/i/��STA�F REFaGRT�'�'THL�'�Lr�td�!IN,fa t',QMNiISSi(?R! TRI-�OUN7Y SHC.�P�iNG CENTER PAG�8 OF 42 `J��i�a3� 9r�fortra�tcon: �'h� s�bj��t prap��ty is Ivc���d � ����ath �id� af �� ��rt�ra�th � , th� �e5t �id� �f �� 7�o�d Rv���� �r�d ir�ciu�e� �n� �1) par��l withPn th� i���o�� ��bc#ivi�ian, bu� ���r�r�vi�� ��rth of �h� �We�vn��� ��bc�i�isic�n ��� ���� �fi �ighway 21`�. Pr�ap��ti�� t� �h� �o�ath �rithi� th� hl��rn��� S�at�di�✓i�is�r� �r� d�v�l�p�d wi�h d�ta�cl�ed sar�g9�-fat�i6y r�sid�t��e� �.�d h��r� a zc��ir�� d�sig�a�ti�n o� �llix�d 11�� �rrr�ployrn�r�t (MIJI�). Ar�a�ta�h� r���h ar� �.8�� d��ign���d f�r��n�raf �or�rr��r�i�i �s�. IV�o�t �� th� p��p��ty ta the nar��� �� ��rr�r�tly develr�p�d a� ���� C�b �'�od� �h��pir�g ���t�r. Pr�p�r�i�� t� �h� ���t hav� a z��ang d��i�r��,t4�� mf �z�ed �1�� �r�pi�yr��r�t �r�d �r� ��srr�r�$!y v���nt �ar d�v�fap�d with d�t�ch�d �in�l�-f�mily r��id�r�c��. , , �it� �nf�rm�ti�n �nd �'rc�p��ai ���cri��i�n: °fh� �r�j�ct p�op���s �ppr�v�.8 f�r ��,�95 �qu�r� f��� �f gr��� I����bl� ��r�rr��rci�l r�t�iB �pa��. °fh� r���c�rify c�f the �f�a�p��c� ���t�� ha� b��n ci��ign�� w��h �� �rnph�.�i� �� ����rnrnodate sargei• s��B� dry ��c�ds r�tail�rs. �"h� �p�li�arif ha� �rop���d �w� �2� dre�r��v�y� fir� fh� �it� �l�r�g fi�� �V1! I�ar�m��ath �����t fr�or�tage and tw� (�) drBv��+a�� an fh� �1� "�2�c� Av�r�u� fr�r�#���, £� �'h� �p�li��.�t h�s prc��o��d �o d�v�9cap a•�taii sp��� d�i#hi� �� blA�9ding� �h�t wo�al� lik�ly car�tair� fiv� (5) €�aj�� �nch�r 'T�n���� �nd ����r�8 srn�il�r ��r�����. . T'h� a��l�c��a� �is� prop�s�� to p�c�vi�e se�r�� 1,722 p�rkir�g 5p�c�� #o ��rer�th� prs�g��sed u�e�. ��CT'��� IV� ARF��I���L� ���i��+' GR11'��I� ��� �'6�i�6��� �t�6VlPLi�,d��� �N'gTH C��/iMl1�lfT°t` �9�VELC��NI��T ��L�� ����"If�i��: ����t ���: ����6�� '��.�2.Q5� ��ate� �ha� �h� �ppfE��r�� ���I� p�wvlc�� ar� ������ ��a�dy �o w ���r�t��y fi@�� ����t �� d��e�iopr���� ��,�ubic� ��caf�t��� �nd ��r�pi���. ��r ���h ��b6�c f������y � s������ �a�d ��p� �� �ra�p���, ��� ����� ���16 ��°����� �trspw�v���s��� �e�����ry �� �ro�e� �i�� ����d�rd, as�� �� �i�a���� t0�� i�p��� �� t�� de���������t �a� ��C� ��abo�� �t ��rg�, p�abei� �����a�F�� �������g ��� �f������ �a°�v��� ��c�����p ea�er�e I� ������i��� �wP���� ��� �ama�����y C����l��rr���� C�d� r�q�ir�� ��� ���o������ �fi s°��� �Sr�pea°t� ir°��������9 th� ag��li���a� ���11 �s��'t�P ����6�QC���� ���i��&�° �i�'��8 � ��q�a���a��at fc��° �S�a���� �i�h�4��@��� ��di�a���a�� �r pr��s�d� �v's�en�� �h�t ����a��� ��a�� �i�� ���i �r������ d�di��'��c�� i� ��� rs��g�9y g���s�ac�r�oo��� �s� ��� �4°������d 6�p��f� �f�h� d��r�����e����� ����cs�� 1�.�2e�5� ���f�� �i��t vv6��r� � co�d����� �f ���s����9 ����6�°e� �M� �������r tc� �&�� ��k�l�c a�� �s� �r���a°��� 6� r��a p�°ta���t�, fi9�� ��p����� �������°��� ���i� ����t ��r��a�g: ����� ������; �;�a� �c���l�a�i�n �h�t ��� Bn��r��� on s°��6 �����r#�y �� b� ���r��f��°s�� �� r������ ���p�c�����9 t� t�r�e i�p��t th� ���p���� ��v�top���� �na�il ha�� �r� th� p��ls�. �°!�� �p��i��r�t ��� �¢�c�Erid�d a� i�n���t stud� addressi�g th� proj�c�s im�acts or� �ublic s��#er��. `�h� ���hir�ytc�r� �au�t�r °���ffi� � Imp�c�� Fee (`�I�) 'ss a s�it�ga�i�� rn�as�re th�t i� req�ir�� �a� rhe ti�r�� c�f d�o��la�r��r��. �aaed or� � � transpcar��.tio� irn��ct st�3dy pr�pa��d by M�. David ��rson for 4he �-�cay ��p�nsio�/��lan � 19/R�so�ufiion 3a-�i1, T6F'� �r� �x��Gt�d �� r��apt�r� :32% e�f #he #r�fi�ic i�p�c� of ��u� d�ve6rpm�r�� � �ro th� CoBlecfi�� and ,�r�eri�l ��r��� �ystem. �f#er July 1, 19�8 �4�e �ppflcanf �ill b� r�qcair�d to p��+ I °� TIF'� at �p�roxirr�a��4y ��5�,��� ����d �r� �h� 330,�9a �quar� fi��f of com��rcb�l r�#�ii s�a�;� th�t � � � has b�er� �ropc�s�d. �pecific future ten�r�t� �a�aid an�r�as� or d�crea�e Yhi� tfl��l b��ed are fhe � t�nar�t sYSix�ur�. .� ��sPd or� tr�� ���i�at� that �at�i °�i� ���� c�v�r 32% of th� irr�p��t �n r��j�r �tr��t ir�prav�m�nts �ity�vid�, � fe� �ha� wouic� �ov�r 1flq°!� of �his pr�je�t� �raffi�� i�r►p��t is �2,359,115 ($7�4,917 di�ided �y .32). The diff�renc� b�tw��s� th� T!� p�id, �r�d th� full ir�pa�t, 9� c�n���e�ed fhe CPA 98-02/�pR 98-Q2/P�R 9a-Ot/SLR 98-0?.1MI8 98-04� 6/1/�8 STAFF REPORT TO 7HE�LANNINC Ct�lu4PAIS�IOP� TRI-COUNTY SNOPPING CEN7EH �'A���o�g� �r���oti at�d ir� a�t c�n �h� �tre�t � ster�, l°�e unmit6 at�d i�re �cg �f thi� �roject �� 4h� J � �' 9 � trarrsportatic�n �y�t�m 6s �1,G04,�9�. 'TEie ��p9icant h�� �co�nrnittnd to ��r�str�cf h�lf-stre�t improv�r�ents �9on� tf�� �VV ���r���ath S#r��t fi��nt�ge and r�b�aiid a� �h� �`� 72r�d A�+en�� fironta�� wi#� �pprca�imat�l� � 3/� street imprav�m�nfi. 'Th� appli��nt has c�rr�m9�f�d to 'snsfiail tr�f�B� si�r��l� �t th� ��1I 7'�nd �venue6Sif11 �3�rfmouth Stre�� ir�t�rs��tion �.r�d �t the SVV 6�th �'�rkw�yi�W D�artm��th ��r��t int�rs�c�inr�a ;4dditio��lly, th� appi6���f has �vrrnrnitted to ir�st�iB �r�ffi� si���is at bs��h �# Rh� pr�posed aVVV [3artrr�c�uth ��r��t driv��vays �fi warr�r�ted. �h� a�plic�nt ha� v�l�s�d th� eos� �� all ��r�r�itted stre�a� irnprov�ri�ent� �t ����,0�4, �u�h o� $h� pr��oaed stre�t improv�c���t �rork �Ilouv� f�r additioa�a! tr�f�ic ���a��i�y �r�d i�, gt��re�rsre, �ligibl� fior � T'rar��part�tiar� Impa�# F�� ���dit (`C!F). �or �his r���c��a, th� t��al v�l�a� af the propc���d �t�°�e� impr�v�mer�t�s 1"IF �redits and any non `T�F cr�dit��i� w�rk i� ��p�c��� tc� �qu�l �.pproxirr�a��ly ��34,074. ��c�c�se f.he f�ta! �ra��pa��tian i�pa�t is ��,�5�,1�5, the propc���d �tr��t impr���rn�n�s ar� e�,siiy prag�artion�l to fh� iar�p�c� �g th� d�v�loprn��t. Therefor�, ti�� a�p6Bcan� is p�.yEng onl� �. pc�rti�n flf�h� pr�j��ts impact e�n th� �ranspor��ti�n systeme U�c� �1a��6fi���i��o '�°t�� �pp�6��nt i� Q�a�c���sor�� t� �auild a �h�p�i�� ���tea� �o ��r�e ���1'41'ti��'�8�9 f'�'��1� ��5'a�f1�S. �'�i� ��� 6� �I���fi�iee� �r� ��d� �e�ta�n °��d�2 (�se �p���a�ic�ts���) �� R�t�°s� G�os�� a�d ���r°s�e�. Th� propo�ec� general r�t�il, cc�mr��rci�l usr� �� the pr�p��y is listed �s �i p�rmii��d us� w��hir� the C��n�r�l C�smrn�r�ial Zorai�ag �istri�t. ��cv�ens0�r��� R��u�r�m�n��e '�t�e ��¢��s°al �o�am�r�e�� Zo�6t,g �o�tr�i�� �R��d�rd� �o��as"��d �� S���i�� ��0�2.��� �'�����f������8'� 9� C°�� Q°9'9B�'11��,8BY1 ItD$ �@"�� ��'1� t�3� �l9�B'�g� i'9'166'199'�l�� �t,bf`W9S��E7 6� 5� feet. ��v���p¢�s�o�t� ar� r�qa�e��d �� pr�vid� � t��r�a��rn �� 15�/B 9��d���pa�g or ��°��s ��t sP��r�9oped wd�ha ir�a�a�r�Br�us ��s�ff�i���. `�h� pa�c�! vu�d�h sta�da�d 6s addr�ss�d �i�hen th� l.o� i..ir�� �djus�rnen� revi��v por�ic,9�� of �he ��af� ��part. l"f�� app9icant p����s�� to 6�r�d�cape or provi�e v,��tl�r��s rnitigatio� �r�aa for �pp�oximate�y �J5,534 se��€�r� f��� �� �he ne� �i�� �r�� c�f ��.�0 ��res �f ar��. T�i� equ�ls �7 % of �h� r�et ��te are� ar�d, �h�r��or�, cns��lie� with the �ap/o rninir�rurn �on�imp�rvio+�s �uc#ace are� requi�em�nfi. ��tb����: ��c�i�n 1�e6`�,A�O �t�t¢��#�S�t th�r� �� ������a�g m�i���q ��° �°��r��r�! ��t���� �� r���sor�d ��s���t �0 f��� �h�li �� r����r�� �h�9•� �6�� �o�� ���#� � �°���d��t�i�l ������ �i��r���9 �'� �h� s�ut�y th� si�� �dj�irss prc��a��t� fi�a� is �i��i�r��t�d �a� P�g��d �s� �g���!c�y�rr���# �t1�t p�rmi�� r��id�r�tia! ���. �'@7��� �a��p�r�i�� dr�.s �Bsc� ���+���,�cd �uEti°' �e��.�,9��c� s6r��1���;�r�ily r�;�id��i�ia! ���s. �he����re, th� ��a-#oat sefb�ck is �our�d tea be �pplicable. The apg�lic�r�t h�� pro�eid�� � rn6nirr�um �fi � 40�foot setba�k e�vitt� � 2p-f�ot scr��enir�g and �u�f�ring ar�a, i� cc�mpii�n�� �ith this star�dard. ��ildin� H�6�ht: ���Y6c��� �ffi.��eQ�O ���te� ��a�� � m�a���u� h���h� �� 4� ���� 6� p����i��d ir� �en�r�l �'orra�a�er�6�E Zc��ing i�is�r���. Non� �� th� ��o���ed buildi�g eBe��tio�s caf th� i�aj�r ,�nchor buildin�s and P�ds A-l� wac�ld exc��d a height of 34 f�et, dn ��E�pii�n�� wifh the 45�foot m�xirr�um h�ight restriction. �'he combined �'�d � and F buildi�g, �v�s4 el��atio� �rouid h�v� a height af 4� #eet. �ompliance �rith th� building height �a���p�iQr�� st�nd�rds ��� �ddr��s�d b�io�w. ���t�c�r� 1�,9� ��r�ots sf�u��ur�� u� fio � �eig6�t �f �5 ���t m�a ����ha ���r� th� f�a�a! flocsr �r�� ��e� ��� ��c��d 1 �nd 1/2 t9�ra�� t�� �r�a of th� ss��9 �h� ya�� �im�r��i��� i� ���h �a�� �r� e�u�l tc� 1/� o� the b��ld��g h�oght �f�h� pro�cip�9 �truc���� �n�! �h� �fi�u�t�r� sh�o! s�cr� ��ut � !"��3i��i°Etis�� ���i�t� �9�t�'@��. 1'h� t��al si�e area i� 1,1��,492 squar� f��� and �h� ��atal building arEa c�f Pad L a�d F uvould �qual �3,592 squar� f��t, thsrefo��, fhi� st�ndard i� m�Y. 1°he yard dimensions �oc�ply wifh thi� ��and�rd �xc�pt ��r th� dim�arr5oon t�w�r�s �4�J 7�r�d ,�v�n�ae. �e�aus� the �'i�ard Tri�r�gle ���ig� Standard� r�quir� th�t r►� rnore th�n a 10-�oat b�ilding �et�ack be CPA 98-07JSDR J8-02/PpR 96-01/SLH 88- IS 98-04 6/1/�38�T EF'ORT Tt�7HE PLANNIN�G COMMISSION TRI-COUMTY SHOPPIPIG CENTER PAGE 10 dF 42 ---.�� prc��id�d, �her��csr�, b�cau a��h i6ding i� r�qu���d d� b� d��+�le�p�d th�a s�r��f r�ght-�f-w�y�nd t�� �leer�.ticar� th�t �xc�eds th� �d�rd dn�� r��t �a�� S�'V 7��d � ��, �hi� r�quir�m�r�t i� roaf f�atand #� be ap�Pi��b{� in 4hi� �itu�tic�n. 'Ti�� pr�po��� �truct��� �I�o do�s n�� abc�t � r�sid�r�ti�! �c�n�r�r� dis�ri�t. �l�r�r��d �����������: ��cti�� 1�0�0 all+��s �h� op�icsn f�� �n �pp����r�# fi� �r��t� � ���� �ffici�n#, �co�aa�°s���9� vi�ble d���lc��m�n� #h�t pr��er�a�� �a�aar�R I��c� fi��tu��� rnohil� ��pl�r���t�n� t�� I��e� ca�� d��i�r��t�o� ��t f�r�� ��r the pr�p� tE��e�gh �h� �or�pr�F����a�� �la�t. ����ior� ��m��o930f�)�'�� ��iaa��ae� L?��rete�pm�s�t #���e��w m �pp���r�l S���d�€°��) r�q�agr�� t��� � d��e9o���r�$ p�c�p���i b� f�a��� f� b�: �c���i���nt witl� th� v�ri��� �t����rd� ��€ oth�r �a���ani�y �ev����rr���� ��sde ��ct�a��. `�h� ���6i��ble ��6��r�a ir� t��� ���� ��� �hap��r� ���3�9 1�.62, ��o�Q, ��,�4� `��0�5� 1�03�, 1�a�Ud, ��01�2, ����0�, 1�a°!0�9 1�.114y °��n��6 ��.1�d, '��o°�5q, ��m1��9 ��01�4, t�1L Tl�e��d ��°9��l�I� ���g�61 ����EC��4"�S a��l� ��� ��f�� �d�6���9��R�N ���81 ���nc��r��o °�9�� �r��a����°� ��C1�6S����� 4f1�Q1� $���� ��t�����°!� YI�� F9���'9 P��'9�9fl��d 9R/A�FY�&� ��'89� 6`��J�9�, '�"h� �i�nr�+�d ����B��m�n# R����w �� ��hr�� (3} �t�p �ro�e�� a� �o@����m �d ��pr�v�B �f a p���an�d d��relo�rn�r�� �ve������a�a�; �e �°h� ���c�nci st�p i� �h� �p�re���! ����� pi�nr�ec� d���lap��e�t����ept pia�9 ��d 3n ��apro�r�l �f � ����Ql�d [�ev�lop�er�t �i��a e� ���� r����r��a °fh� ��bje�� p�aperty was �r�vi�usl�r d�sigr��t�d �vith � �I�r�r��d �evelespr��n� C}��rl�y. °fh�re�are, th� fiirs� st�� a� this proc��s was �r�viously c�rr�pi���d a�d �II d�ve9op��r�t af #his pr�p�rfy i� r�quir�d tc� be e�r�de�aken thrc�ugh �h� Plar�ned ��;v�io�+r��nt pracess. �'h� �ppfi�;�.nt h�� �equesfi�d Cr��c�ptua9 PBanned Devel�pmen# �ppr�vai with thi� applica�ic�n to ��rv�ply v��ith the s�can�d �fiep. 1'he �pp�ic�r�� h�s �Is�a request��l �irr��3tar��o�� rev��� e�� th� D�t�il�d �ianr�ed �e��el�pment �� corr��l� e�ith tE�� third sf�p ir� t�� �r�c�s�. �3ec���� th� �i�� �ev�i�ps��r�� ��vi��v �.�apl6ca�i�s� r�quires �h� l�et�il�a �l�.nn�d ���ela�rr��r�fi i�evie�+ I��el �f ���ail, �ea��araing th��� �c#i�at�s i� appropri���. ��cti�n �����,9 20��)(�) pr������ f��h�r r�a���� ������r�� �o� �l��a��d ����I�p���at th�3 have ���¢� ���r����� ����e� ,�� ��9l���a ��I��i���ha� t���� ��t�r�! a�d p�ys���9 ���9�c�ram�:nta �i� °t'h�e ��r��t�, ba���r�es���a �r�d c����r �it� e������� ��r�iO �e d��igr��� �n� ���a��d t� �, pre�er�� ��� ��ci��a�g �r���, #��a��r�pi�y9 �¢�� r��4ura� dr�e��g� �a th� g�°�����t d��r�� � �o�s��A�9 � �6i) ��r�����e� i�����si �� �h� �i�� �h�19 ��� b� ir� �r��� ���j��t ��a �rou�d �ius�pi�g a�d � �oi���a�9 � �@11� �"h��� �h�O! b� �d�q��fi� �a����s�e b��a��;� �n-��te ��sA(d�r�g� ��d �th�r �n��et� and �ffm � �i�� ��a�Q�or��� �s� �c��oin�r�g p�o�����s t� �aro���� f�r �d���aat� ��gkat �r�c� �oc �or�ul��i�rs � ��d #�r fiir� pr����t�o�; �a�) ��E� �tC����BC�� 5�°d��I �� O�"i��"6��a �@�Fl �Q�1�9���"��9�� '���' ��'8f: �616"� �l1C� �!1/66°�P,� C�9B'���iOk��g �(��r� pc���ibl�; �r�d (�r) °Tr��s ��i��� a six �6� i��h �a6mper ���s�re� at ��u� (�) f�� or� h�sgh� f��s� grs�s��d 9����9 �h���i �� �����! vvh�r� �o��ibl�; CPA 98-02JSDfi 98-0?JPDR 38-01/SLF198-07JMIS 98-C14 6/1/98 8't'AF�REPL7RT T(a T'HE PLAi�NIN�a COPAPAISSIt�N TRI-COUNTY SHOPPING CEN7GR F'AC��1 AF 42 T'h� ap�ii���� h�s der��r��tr�t ��, b���� ar� the s���ra�ity and t �� ��cap���d ��.r�d tas�, th�t �n�,i���r�a�c� �f ti�� �xi��i�g gr�.phy, w�tl��d� sy�t�m ��d t�4ior� i� ir�����ib9� while d�v�i��i�g � �i�gl� �hc�ppi�og ���t�r. lV�tur�,l dr�i��g� h�s b��� p�r�i�6e�+ �re����d through th� �it� a�� �p�f��ac� and d��vvr��tr��.�ra of th� �aqe b�� ���ho� t�a pr�p�rty th� �ppl��a�t �a� ��rr��r��trat�d th�� dr�i���� �iil �����o �� ait�r�d t� �����ar�od�t� th� pr�spc,��d �rnpr��em�n#� ar�d t��r��t s�or�ro w�ter rur�aff wi�hir� prQ��sed an��it����il6ti�s. e� ���iagi�al �oils �eg�or� w�.� pr��€d�d �or�c�r�irag ��'s9 c�r�ditic��� �r�d Qr�c�ic���s that tf�� �ite is s�sit�bl� f�� �h� �yp�; �f comr��r�i�! �tructur�s th�t ���� b��r� pr�p�s�d. °�°hi� r�p�� 6r�����t�s that $h��� i� ��a ��rid���� o�sl�rx�p6ng �r s7idd�g ��sc�ai� on tho� �i�e. �/d�6nt�r�an�� �� � 2�mfr�c�� �cre�ning a�d b�f��ring ��tb��k with r�qu�r�d lar�d����� rn���rials i� ��•ap��ed f� t��� r•esid���ially u��d pr�p�rti�� �� �h� s�u�h. ��y��€� �h� 2Q-f�cat ��r��nir�g ar�d b�ff�rin� �r�a th� �ropos�d s���a�ta�r�� will b� ��#b�ck a mir�Q��� �fi ar� �de�i�ir�r��� 20 ���t t� ��cc�rr�r�ad�te �afiher reqcair�� �it� @�i�ro��rr�ents. The dev�io�arne�� h��� b��� pr�lirn���rily c�vi�wed for �Qnnplaas�c� vvith Fere anc� Li�� �af�ty ���nd�rd�. l'h� ��fidir�g`' i�ivi�iar� 6�a� �aravid�d co�rameflts �r�d r���mrrr7�nd�d �caradific�n� �f ,�n�rc�v�6 �cocac�rni�g fi�e�� �t�ndards. Fire fieavv c�l�ul�tica�s, �ire h�dr�n� location� a�d r�l�t�d �t�ndard� wii! k�� r�vi�v��d ����n d�aring th�� ��ifdis�g ��rrnit �I�n �h��k F��rri��nr. 5ol�r a�c�ssi�ilit�r ���r�d�rds �re nof spe�E�i�aily ap�Ei���al� �a� cc�mtr��rc��! dcvelopm�nt �8s�where i� +h� [�ev�lopm�r�t �ode. ��� tca r�r�ding, �re� re�o�✓�6 ��� �h� cor��ig�sr�t��ar� ca� �h� p�c�� a� this sit� the pr�pras�d �c��rarr�erci�l sfrGCture�s �vauld h��� �olar �cc��s. B�o �ui9dir�c� I�a� b��� de�ign�d ta shade another bui;�ing. T°h� �pplic��� h�s prc�����d �� ��m�ve �xt�nsiv� r�urnber� �af �xisfirr� �ree� as p�r� ofi this de�aelcapmen�. °�h� t��� rc�rr��v�l �r�d th� �ppli��bility taf �r�� ���fi��.t�o�i r�quirem�r�ts is dosc►�ssed in detail eisevuh�r� dvithir� this r�par�. �3�f�ering, ��re�nirag, ��z8 c�����a�il�� b�i���s� ��gc���s�� ����. ('s) �u��r�m�� �h�lt �� �r�vi��d b�t���� e��f��r�r�t�p��� �f I��a� �a��� ��F�►r �a��r��l�, �a��rv��� �arag0��f�rnisy�¢�� mu9t°s�i�-f��g�� r��4s����g�ig ��� r���e����i��, �r�d ���a��e°���i)q (�i) !� �dc��ti�� tc� �h� ��q��r���a��� e�� �h� �a��#�� ���r��s �h� ��a�����r�� ������� �h��! b� ��n�id�r��# i� d�t�s°c�i�es�� �h� �d��t�a�� �r�d ����r�� c��€ ��� ��f��� �����r�� a��d�� �h�pt��° ��.��30: ��� T9�� ���°���� �� ��¢� �����, f��° ��������� �� �������� ��Q�� C�����, ���s�r� ��� p��l��io�, fi6i��� �i�a��, ���a �r����� � �����! ����°��rs (�) �°�e �a�� ��th� �auff�� r���d� as� �erm� �f��dth �nd h�9gh��� ��h���e��he ��a�rpe���; {�) 1'�e ��r��t�or���}��e�m ��ai�&� buffe�aa�� �� ���d�dy �d) �°h� r�q�erec� d�n�ity���h� ���FF���r��D ��� � ��) R�ih��h���I�+� v����r i� �t�f�����e�r rn�bol�; � � � �@oo� ��-s�f� s�r���as�� fr�r� vie� fr�r� �dj�ini�g pr�p��t6�� �f�u�h �h���� �� ���a�� �r�a�9 � ���rag� �r���, p��k�r�c� 9���, ��d �°u�eh�ne��� ��v���� �� r�a��ops �9���1 �� g�roe�6d�d �ra� � th� f�it�v�ir�g f��tc��s sh�l� b� c���6d�r�� Qn d�#e��i�i�g �h� �des����� a� th� �p� �nd , � ��t�nt af t�e s�r���in�o � (�� �hat ����� �� t�� �c��;�s���; (b) 7"�e� d9r�����r� �r�� �+ehi�E� at i� ���d��� ��ae! ��� �/��th����@�� ��r���i�g ���d��� b����r��ro�ncl; CPA 90-02lSDR 98-�2/PDR 98-Ot/SL.A 98-02/MIS 98-04 G/5/98 5"fRFF R��'(3RT 70 THE F'E.A�1�lING CON9MISSlON 1'NI-GOUI�TY cuFiOPPINCa CENTER P,ACE 12 QF 42 �"h� sdte on6y adjolr�� r��id�nti �� to 4M� �o�ath. T'h� prop���� qr ,� plan s�iov�s th�i# �h� w��� a�d �as4 �r�d� of �h� I�ajor A or 1'�n��� b�aiideng� �d�uld b� r�ug ° �t r�r�de �i�h th� �xi�tirag r�sid�nc�s. °Th� fir�ish�d pad �i�v�tior�s ot N9ajor��char� I!, IiIA, I&9� �r�d i�9 wa�6d b� ���gh9y 14 fo 2tJ f��t b�lowe th� g��.c�� �►f the �dj�inir�g re�id�n��s. 'i'h� �d��E�h�d �l�v�41o� �f �h� ro�ttop of th� buildin�� �ve�uld �e at r�ugh9y #h� s�m� �O�v�ti�r� �� ��� i�v�l a�t �f�� r��idmr�c��. �°h� appiicar�� �as ��r��d n�t t� pla�� r��ft�p e�u�prx��r�t e�i�hir� �h� f9r�t 2Q tv �q f�et ofi the ��s��hern �d�� �f th��e bua�dings. �ut b�ca��e t�e r�c�f top �q�iprr�en� would b� rotagF�9�r �� ey� i�vel a� th� a�J�ini�g r��iden���, th� �ppiic�nt �h�B! r�vi�� th� pl��e t� pr��id� a �uildi�g p�r�pet h�igh# s;sffi�i��4 tc� �cr��n fr�m vie� af ro�ftop nne�h�r�i��l �q�aipr�►�r�t f�Baj�r �4nc��r �3u;lding� ��, !lIA, Ili�3 and f�✓ and fP�e �o�ath �ast cc�rn�r�� �iaJ�r�1r���or i. ��rvice area� �uch as I�a�ir���r�as �f ���jc�r A�chor l'�ra��ts E�, ill��, IRi-� and BOi w��ld be ��r�es��� �r�r� vi�wr �f the r�sir���c�� ba�ad c�� ��� propo��d fi�ishe� grad��. ��c�u�� �h�finish�d �9��r�tior� c�f �fiaj�r Ar�chor T�n��t I wo�ld be �orne �eght t�) f��t h9gh�r than r�siderace� irrsmediate4y to �h� �outh, t1�� ap��i�ant sh�ll ��r�es� the t�ad9r�� �r��fo�at I�as# the i��g4h ofi th� tr�acOc th�f �✓�ui� S@P10iC� �IIiS �f��, likely �5 f��t, �� � ��ic�h� c�� a ty�ical s�rvicie�g vehicl�. �'his r�ay b� �cc�rnpli�h�� 4hr�uc�h a r��fiehi�� spl�t face concr�tr� bivck �v�ll or ath�r r��fl��d �� ��►proved by th� Pi�nr�ir�g �ivi�io�. E�a��d �n the �it� dev�lo�m�r�t c�n�tr�ints ar��1 th� 6�igher ��r�o4 e9�v�timn of aVV `�2r�� �lv�n�se, i� d�es not appear pos�ibfe �o entirely scr�er� r�nfto� meal��nica���uiprne�a�to serrre th� �diajor Anch�r �'�nan� buiPdir�gs as s��� fr�rr� S1�!/ 72�d� Av��r�u�. ��r�i�is ����or�, �19 �c�c�ft�p m�aha�ical �q�aiprn�nt to s�rve the Nl�jor A�chor Ten��fis sh�l6 b� de�igra�d t� rr�at�h the color of tho rooftap. �ere��ir�g and �uf��rinc� �tar��ards h��e als� b��ra �ddr�ssed thr�a�g� ��is pr�pas�9 �vath � 20-�aot s�r��nir�g ar�� k��af�erir�g are� wh�r� this sst� �djoins th� d�#�ch�d �i��l�-f�mily r��i��ntia9 �se� #o tP�� sa�oth. A ����i6�d re��ew of h�w th� pr��os�d �cr���sr�c� �r�d ��sf��rin� �re� r��ets �h� ��pli��.ble st�.��a�°ds has b��r� �dc9r�s�ec� �lsewh�re vvithin this s���e�rt. ���v��y�r�c� �a�w��. (�� ����r���c���fii�l ���°������� an��ni�h ���a���o��sr�� r�s6d�r��c�! �vv�Uings �h�tl �� t��a���d +�� �h� �it� �� �a� d��igr��c� a� � ��s�a���°, �� �h� �a�a��o��ara� d����� ����i�9�9 �c� p�a#��� #he prl�r��� �.���� �r� ��a� ��ijo���ng ��°��a�s�6�� gr�rrs �i��rr �r��# �oo���; �, ��i z� ����y k��:� ���r� pr�vi��� ���.� s��i����� 46�� �8t� o�}��a��rro�€°o�� c:�r� �c�rr��8y �vii� ���h C��p�rtrn��t o� �r�vir�rsrra�nta9 C��al��y (���� �s�es� s�andard� a�d I��raicip�9 �ode standards. t�8ovuev�;r, th� d�oise �tudy ass�me� ti�af the allo��ble r��aise I�val� purs��r�t to �he �lunicipal C:a�e standards �.r� high�r thar� �Nere in��rrded. Th� fviunicip�� �o�� was revised 'on 1996 pursuant to �rdin�r�c� 96-06. �tafif interpr�ts �his �rdir��r�c� t� b� rs�or� ��r4ng��t r�oi�e �t�rld�rd� fhan the � existing D�C� s��nd�rds. T'he applican#has inter�ar�ted �h��abl�to m�ar� 4haf hsgher rr�dxir��m nQis� � lev�l� were perm6t��d. F�iBhaugh s2a� ur�der�fi��ds ��ovu th� ��ap{i��nt m��i�#�rpreted �'rs� �t�.E�d�rd, � �ec�a�s� �DEC� �tandards ar� th� rai�xirr�urr2 ailov��bla noi�� fimits, th� �ity c�nn�t �r�d d@� r��t set � pe�mitted noi�� leve9s �t a lesser�tar�dard fhan D�Q s�and�rds. � oi� � Th� n��s� co�suit�n� assumed Yh�t the table vrrith C�rdi��nc� 96-Q6 ail�wed up to a 75 decibel � rnaxim�arn r�oi�e level from 7;00 arr� �� 10:Od pm artd 60 d�cib�l r�e�ximLam rec��s� I�v�! ��om �0 prn t� 7 ara�. Ho�vever, the first line of t�e fi�.bie ��rrriiY� naise Isv�ls to �oise ser��itiv� us�s su�h as livir�g �re�.s of re�ide�t�ai use� to bP up to 50 d��ib�ls frQr�7 7am t� �0 pm �red �0 do�ibels fr�m 1 Q �m to 7 �rr� �t �r� a�j�ir�ing nAise sensitive �as�. �°he a�iplic�nt has s�a��d th�� int�rpr�ti�g tl�� or�inar�c� fihi� way would m�k� c�r�rn�rcial d�v�(Aprri��4 unfeasibl�, h�vu�v�r, unti4 �91 �fi �h� propca�ad and additi�na.! buf#�ring ��d s�r��n6ng rr�eas�r�s �r� assum�d thi� is r�nt �vid�r�t. CP14 98•02/SDR 98-�2/PDR 98-01/�uLR 98-02/MIS 9f3-C4 8/1l98 STAFF t�EPC�R'�TO TM�PLANI�IN�a COMMI5SIl3N "fR!-C(7UN1Y�HOF'PIfVG CEiVl'ER PAC'7,E 13 O�42 e Far thls r�a���, th� �ppl���nt s pr�v6d� n�ois� miti�ation r���sur� t wil! r�duc� n9is� I�v�l�t� those p��ifit�d i� t�� �lun6cip� d�. �°h� a���lic�nt�rill �Is� n��d to Qnd��� a ���r r��is� ���iy�is ��a pra���t �oi�� i�v�ls w�th �c�y pra�os�d additic�n�l ��re�nlr�g �nd buff�rireg mea����s. For���r��l� th� a�plica�t c��ald �tilc�� m���r� �cr�er�ing �nd �ta�`�r�rrg plar�tings, �ons�rract a�n ei�h# (�)Mfora4 wa91e pa�sibiy af gr�at�r w�ic�ht, ir��te�d �f �h� prapos�� five �5)-fa�t v+r�ll. 1"h� applic�nt ��rc�id ��so �on�tr�e�ct ��r��r� v��li� �i�xt t� s�v�r�@ �� t�� �i�jor�s�char Im�di�g ��e�� �n�t��d pre�v6�Pro� � wall �or v6sual ��r��r�oeric� r�as��� or°isy�ro�r�d th� loadirag �r��t� �Aajar A�ch�s� f. �'h� �����ing �er�t�r �r�de�g pi�n pa�tially �c�dr����s this iss�e becau�� th� rr���rity n� th� sit� w�ca�d b� below grad� a� th� �dj�9r�4ng r��id�nt�al st�uct�re�. �°� cnrr��iy �ith appii��bQ� r��i�� star���rd�, �h� ��r���altir�g �ngineer r���rr�mer�ded �o�and barri�rs �Eor�g � p�rti�sn of the southern pr�p�rky lin�. ��rau�e �f �cr��r�ing ar��i bu�fer6r�� st�n��.rd�, the �ppli��nt is r�q�aired to c�r�straact a f�¢�c�, w�il Qr ��rrrr v+ei#h 9�.ndscaping �Inr�g t�i� +��#�r� �o�at���e� praperty line �rh�r� 4he site adjo:�r� sir�gl�-�ami9�r rs�id�n�c�s. T�� si�� p9a� alsa ���ts°i�ts th� I��at�or� of r�of te�p ���char�ic�l equ�prn��t �w�y frorr� th� �o�th�r� por�i�n of th� �Iaj4r A¢�c���r �'�n��� b�aildir�y�. �4dditi�r�aQ scr�ening ar�d b�ff�rirag e����ur�s ar� discus��d els��rh����vi�hir� �his report. �ecaa��e ofi t�a� typ� �f us�s �hat a�� �rapos�d �r?d 4h�ir �ri�nt�tion, rnai�t�nance o� prcvacy vdithin th€� raar yard �� 4h� �djainir�g horn�s is �xp�cted to be �ddressed thrca��h th� construction of a cca�tinuo�a� s�und atten�ation wa!! alor�g the 5o�athern prop�e�fiyy iin�. �riv��� o�s$doow �►r��: r��ir��c��aa� u��: (i� 9� ��det�c�ra t� t6�� r�q�ir���rnt� �f ��a�paa°��r�a�h (�iA�g �a�6� gro�nd i��r�l r�s�c��r��o�l dvvegia�� ur�it �h�18 �e�v� �� �a�tdee�r �Srivate are� �p��io9 t�rr���9 ��ar�h� �� no� ���� th�c� °i�������'�o ���gg (ia� �1��e�e��r p�������, ������� �aa�t�irs�a� cs��� sp���� s��a�Bd �� o�6��t�d �c�ward th� s�n; ��d �iie) Pr�v�t� �a�����r �p���� ����� �� s�¢°��r��s9 c�r d����n�d �� p���asl� pr����y fc�r t�� aa�� �� ��a� �����s Pr�v6sior� ofi cc�n�rn�n outd��r �p�� sp�ce ar�as is n�� r�q�ir�r� I������� $he ��pBic�r�t h�� r�ot pr�pas�� a re�ir�enti�l d�v�l�pm�r��. �haw�c� o��s�o�r r������osx� ������ ���sa�r��fii�� ���a (�� 1� �d�liis�n t� �u�ga��°��r��h� (ie� ��d ��d�) �� �hN� ��c�ior� ���h ��I���i�- ���I�@ozg d��sef��at��r�f sF��li �nco�p����� �h�r�c� a���bie ou�d�e�� r��re��g�� �r��� r�i�hir� ��� d���i��evti��t pla�a �s��91ou�a�: ��� St�adio urait� u�a �� �e�d in�iuc�B�g �a� (2� b�dr�om �a�it�, �Ai� �q�aare f��� pe� a��A#; �s�d (�� �°hr�� �3) �r �aa�r� [��dra�rr� �uni��, 300 �q��r����t per une4; (ii� Sh�re� outdoor recr�atizaro �p���; shall I�� r�ac�ily �bser�a�l� �rt�m adj�c�nt unit� fio� ¢��a��ns �� �r�r1� pr�vent6c�n ar�� s�4�ty, (iii) '�9�� reg��red ��cr��tac�n �p��� �ay�� pr�vis�e� �� f��i�v�rse ��) I� r��y �� �!I ��tdoor �p�a��; �r (bj It evsay �� part �€�t�do�r spa�e �r�� part in�la�or space; �or �xarn�+ie, �� o�#dc��r � t�nroi� ��a�rt �r�d i�d��rc r�cre�t�a�ra r��rra�; �r �c� it r��y be all publi� or ��ax��s�r� ����e; �r CP/�98-0?JSDR 98-02/PDR 88-01/SLR 98-02/M1S 98-0� � f+li/9�STAFF R�POP�T TO THE Pl.�Nt�ING COR4MlSSiON TRI-CdUNiY SHOPPING CENTEFt PAGE 14 QF 42 (d) It ��y 8� p�r� m�� �p��� �n� p�r� priv��eg ����ptl�, it ��o�ld b� �n ��s�d���t�e�ro��� c g �n���r r�cre�ticsr� �°��r�, �nd b� ��nl�� +�r����h ���t; �r ��� U6Ih��°� �alc��i�� �r� �dd�d �� ur��t�, 3h� flb�������� �h�il raat � le�� ���e� 4� ��u�r�1��t9 �'h� prc��i�ior� �af corrr�rs��r� outd��r e���r� �pac� �r��� 6s �ca� r���ir�� b������ th� �ppaic��t r��� �a�cap���d ���mrr��rci�! d�v�l�prro��t, �,����� �nd �i�°c�i��ios�a ��� �°�� n�rn��r o� �Bl��nr�d a����� p�Nr�t� f�� � d�e����p���� �hali � pr�v�d�d �a� l�h����r ��01 t��; (ao) ��6 ��r�����i�� ����r°�� ������ � ����Aoprn��� ���� �� d��i���c� t� �e���rraod��� ������m��r���S&Y��S'6�.8'y 'LL��6,8 (i6�) ��°�v������ �h��l �� ���� ��� ����s�ri�� ��� b����6� ���$ afi �c��� ���i���6�� ��� �h��n �� �� �do���d ���n9 � ���tic�r� ��.108 �eq�ires � minirn�m af two ��) pc�irt� of �.����s �r�a�r� �00 p�r�l�g �p���� o� rna�� ar� r�q�ir�d. �"h� �pplic�n# has p��p���d ��ur (4) po�nts csf ��c�ss �w� �2� ���� �r� S'�i 72�d A�c���s� �r�c� �� ��rtr�ac�uth Str��t in �arnpliance �ritV� ���to�� ��.�0�: °f°h� �w�-w�y acc�s� �ed�h �#a�dard is 2� #e�t. �'h� rr��Jorety �f thi� si�� co�p3i�s vuith thi� ����da�d, exc�pf for th� �r�y driv� ai�i� behind th� a��i�or ��n��a� buildi�gs. `Th� ic�adir�g dn��C� b�hi�d �fia�e�r A�ch�r �"�r��o�t buildinr�s !I� �nt� I�� �h�86 b� ��vi��d a r�ir�im�m a��4 fiaet�f �l��r�nridth. °1°f�� ��plic�n� h�� �aP�a shawr� �rr��rc��ncy ��hicle a��c�ss tca �4� l��rrr��r�� t���. �eg�l�r c;�r�r��r�6�! �c���� �c�u(d al�� #ake pi��� vi� �his d�iv�var�y. 4�e�+��v�r, b�c���� th� �dj�i€�ir�g �-I�rrr�c��� ��bdi�isi�r� es s�il6 n��rraarily used f�r d�t�ch�d �inr�i�-�a�ily r�sid�n�ial p�r�pos�� �4�� �ppli��nt has r��t �rc�pa��� to ��k� this a daily t��� typ� c��an���ior�. �he ap�aii���� �a� ir�st�ad �hr�w� � k�reak�w�y g�t� for �r��rge�c� a�c���. ����uae faur (4) ath�r dr����vay� h�v� ���r� pro�icl�d �� s�tv� this site �e� ad�oti�nal acces� is r�quir�d t� b� pr�evid��. It i� ���c�g��t�d �hat ir� c�rd�r �� prc�vade �n �I�e�¢���� ro��� ��d r����� c�r�g��t�mr� �t th� f��a� ��� �r��ao��d m�jor �nfirar�c�� th�� p�rra��.r�era# �c���� vi� �V� ��r�c��a �V�� c���aid b� �rr��i�ed if �h� �d�s�i�ir�� ��ri�os� N�ighbanc��c�d os ���v�r�ed f� c�rr�rn���s�l �a��. �"�� tr�sh a�d ���y�l��g �r°ir�ic���€r� sh�l! �l�c� b�: r��e��d t� pra��d� � �er�irr��� �� �4 fi��t o� �Ce�r r�ric��i�. 1°h� c���er�� c�� �h� pr�p��ed str��;� impr�v�r��r��� h�� b��n ���i���� �y ���� ���er���rie�c� L�ep�r�r��nt a�r�c� �he F�r� �i�trs�fia �°h� �r�go���ri�g ��p�E�r�er�t ��vE��v�� ������ ��p�rav���rs� req�irern�n#� in d�t�il els��her� wit�in tt�i� r�poct. ���di�i��� �� �ppr���� �r� r���a���n��d tc� sns�r� compiiar�ce wi4h th� appli�a��e �tre�t is�a�prov�rr��nt� �ta�dard�. �. �"he �ppl��a�� has pr�vide� � �0��9 cr� fs�� p�d���ri�r� cc��r����ic�n� �rc�a� �VV ��.��s�c��a�h �tr�et �r�d � �VV �2r�d Avenu� al�ng the main �ntr�rces 4� the �ifi�. �i�ycli�t� w�u€d 6ikely e6th�r �h�r� fih� fa�r � (�) prap�s�d ��rrim�rcia6 driv�vv��� irr�pr�v�r��r�res in�� t�� �ite ar share p���a��r��r� �ld��r�.lk ��„ impr�v���;�ts. Th� �ity's �dapt�d t�a�°� ar�d �"r�.ia lVda�t�r f�lan �I�� d��� r�ta� �ur���tly d�sogra�te a � bi�yci� �nc�/or p�d��trian �r�xi! th�a��h �hi� sit�. � � L�r�d��apir�� ��� ��er� �����: (8� R��id�r��i�l tJ�v�l�prn���c ir� �ddatior� t� th� �eq��r�an��t� c�f ��ak�p�r��r�ph� (i�s) and ��r� o� ��ction A �4 �hi� �u��ec���o�, � r�i�i��on a#�0°�'� �f�h� ai�� $h�l! 6a� la�c�s��peci; CPA 98-02/SDFi 98-02/PDR 98-01/SLR 98•02/MI8 98•04 6/1/98�i°AFF REPf,7RT T(?'�H�PLAP�NING COMMISSION TR9•GqUt�7Y SHC�PPit�G CENT'�R PAC3E 16 OF�42 (i1) �����rc8�� ���r�ic�pm � ��vsi�i��am �� �5°6�of t it��8��1! b� ��s�d���ped; ��d �iii� In���tr��l ��v�lca�r��r��a � rr�i��r��� o� �5�/�of tF�� �it�ah�ll � ��n�����ds ���ti�� (6i� i� �pplic�bB� fi� t�i� r�q���t. `C�� �pp�ic��t h�� d�r����tr���d that � rrai�irrtiu� �f �'� �fa �f #h+� �i�� vu�f@ b� I��d�c��ed �r contain� �v�#6ands rr�iti��t6�� ����.� s� �r����r���c� �a°st€� thf� r�quir�m�r��. ���tic�r� (e� �nd (iai) �r� ��8 �ppli�abl� b������ �� ���id�r�ts�� �r ind���ri�i ��v�9�pr�ent is �re�pa����. , �t��13��������o ��� 6����i�6o����� p�a�a�tr�n��� ��y b� �����r�� �c��r��th���t����a#� � �������r����� �����a �'h� ��q�ssr�����iEi�6�� s��l6 b� b���� ��s9 ��) �'0�� 6����eon ��o�9��w�r��e���fa�i���i�� i� ��e �r��; ��� ��) 'The���� �ne� �y�� ���➢�� prc��o��d d���l��rr�e�fi; �!� L�artrn��th �tr��t �nd �UV 7'2n� Av�r��ae �r� �ac�t �r���ntly�r�r��w� ��r�r�c� ��ciiifii�s. Th� �p�liaar�t h�s �hea�� possibl� I�cati�r�s �#f��ur� bus �t�p� e�� th� �it�'s �� ���firr�c��a�h ��r��� �r��t�g� sh�uld tra��it ��rv�i�� �a� �na�d� ��r�i6��1� i� fihi� �r��. Th� �ify rc��6ved n� �c�rn��s�ts �rc�� 1"Rlml���" ena���i�ar�g th�� �rc��o�ai. (��� `Phe c��q��r�ei fi���fi���� �h�if b� li����d ����a���a���e�6�� ��4 ��� .��+r�i��r�� �h�l���9 ��� ���r�a����������° �o��i�� ���� �r����c9�r��; �nd ��} ���� ������ ����� ��r�a�a�c����t�� ������a��a���#��������ia�� ��°��; �� ��r���u�h Str��t 6� ��t �r�s�n�ly a tr�rs�'s� ���+ed f��i�it�°, th�r�f�r� �� tr���i� €��ili�ie� ��n b� ����ar�� �t �hi� to�ne. ��V 7'26�d ���r��� �� �.6so r��s� � t��r��i� �erv�d r��i&st�. �°h� p�c�vi�'s�n �f �r���i� fi��9Biti�� ��f�r��f �� ��q�air�ci ai��g �h9��r�ro��g� �ither. �igs��o ��� �� ��d��i�� tc� �h� ��°���sAO�� �4 G��pt�� 1�e°914g �����: ��� �����i�r� of�i! �9��� pr��ao��d ��r������e0��m�nt ss���a ��� (9�� �'h� �Qgr�� ���II ��� o����.A�� �����ct� ���v�r°����h��i������� �. � Ali fut�r� si��ac�� at th� s9fie v�il! ��e r��'s�w�d �hr��agh the �Bgn ��rr�-�B� prc�c�s� fcar cc�r���r�ar�c� v�ith � the pr��ris9�n� e�f �hapter 1€3.1��. � � � ��rk���: � � �a ("sj �I� p�rki�� �nc� I��do�a� �r��� �h�ii ta� g�r��ral�y 6�i� ��� d� ���o�d���� w��h i�� r�q�a�r�r���t� ����o�� ir� �hap#�r 1�A1I�6; ��mpli�nc� wsth fh� ��aplicable �ar�irrg s��n��rd� ha,� b��n r�evie�o�d �I��v���r� witMin t�9:� r����t, GPA 98-07JSDR 98•02/PCJR 98-01/SLR 98-02/MIS�8-04 61�/�3�STAFF FiEPOR7 TO THE PL�NMING CaMRAIaSIOM1I Tf�l-COUNTY SHOP!°IN(a CEidTER PA�`sE i 6 OF 42 [���ia��c��a �i) A86 c�r��n�g� qr�vi�i�r�� �h�96 b� g�r��r�ily B�id ��t �� ���o�d�r��� r�ith ���� ��q�air�rr�e�t� ��:�f��th i� �h��t�r '��.�4 ����h� �ri���8� in �h� �ds�p��d i9�� m���t�r ds����a�g� paa�9 �or�p9���r��g#h �6�e�� �tar�d�rds �as �a��r� �°av9ew�d �9��wh�r� �i�hir� �hi� r�pra�t. ' �I��dga6�ia� dedi�atio�o ��� �6��r� I���feli a�cii�r d���l�p�era� �� �I����d wethir� �r �dj����� �� tM� �aAwy�ar fi�odpla��a, tF�e �i�y �Q�ase r�q�n�� the d�di�����c� �f ��fFi�e��t e�p�n 9�nd �r�a �o� a ����n��� �d��on°s�� �t�d rn�i�hi�a �h� f�c�o��l�ino `�h�� �r�� �h�l! °se��6�a�� p��@a�n� r�� � ��d���0� �lev�ti�n ��r �h� �a�r��tr���a�n r�f � ��d���rsa ��ycl� p��h����y a�i�6� �h� 4i�odpl��s� ir� �c��rc9�r�c���ti� th� ������� p�d���ria� bi�y�6� pa�h��y�lar�. �"he applican,t �ta�es th�t fill �f th� si�e th�f r�ay h��e b�e� �n 8h� 10q-ye�r #Ia�d pl�e:7 wa� don� �r� �i�e ��xrB� �980'� �r�d da�� r�ot ��r�si�er th�s� �r��s 4� �� with6n �he i OO�y��r �fle�a�plair�. If is recort�m�r�d�d that t�� �ite b� c�r��id�r�d to b� o�atside af �he 1 C30�y��� fl��od piain but th�t verifi�ation o� �his be rnad� by �equiri�g reiss���n�e af A�y C�r�� �f ���ir���rs p�rmi�s priar Y� issu�n�e of �ui6dir�g Permi�s. �'�e Ci#y has p�irk sys�errf dev���prr��nt ���� in r�la�� �a f�nd piann�d �a�rk irr�pr��o���nts. F'ark syst�m imp��� �ees �ril! be ass�ss�d for this devei€�prr�er�t pri�r �o #h� issu��c� of buifdir�g permits. ���a�ase th� 1 CDO-y�ar fi9ao�pdain ���v��QOr� �o�� n�t 16k�9y e�cist on i�i� �roper�y d�di�ata�r� o� � po�ion o�fihe prnper�y for dev�loprr�ent of�tra.dl does nc�� appe�r�n��ibge. S�r��g��v� �,a�d�: S�c�d�� ��.�� �axr���ir�� �°�g�6�tar�a�� �or i��d� �6�h�n 1�� y��rr ff�o�ipl�g�s, 99Y��Ic��'8�� �tl� t�@°�8C1��G1�V2dy� ��'1�$ �i�� �C9�J�C� �� ����!$9�� ��r��� ���i�v�a ����i�n�r� ��r��s ��a�i�w �� p�sa�o��d d��r�l�pm���� ir� �h��� a���� �� int�¢�e��d �ko impi���r�t �c°�t�cti�n r�°����ur�� ��d �ca �a�����$ r�ev�rsy �tr�ar�� ar��3 ��°��k� b� mi���a����� ����s�a�, ����ra�t��g ���ak �t�b��a��, �a�or���s�ac�� ar�� ��h�an�A�ag �u��er q��fi�y ��ad �P�@� ���� �'s�d0��"� h��at��9 ��d " p�°���rva�� ������ �a��9���0�s�d ���r���a�r��o ���������. , �AI'�t9�ndso ���tes�s� 1�e�4.�40(�� ��at�� t�a� t@�� Da���f�a� �h�l� a�pr��� �� ��p���� �w�l� �or���ti�r�� �r� ��p�i�ati�n r�q���t ��r ��s��i��v� a�nc�� ����i� ��th��� ��k1�E�d� b���� ��a�a�� �������� ��a�� �,�3 ���9����������� �a����ri� ��er� ���� ���������Y "�1�� p������d I��dfc��m �i��r��i�� o� �iev�ic����nt i� ��it��r s�n ���I��d i� �� �r�� d���gra��e� �� �ag�aifi��r�� ����ar�� �� th� ��arxa�ar�h�e��i�� P[�n Fl�c��p6�i� ar�d �!!�$t�e�c� ��� �or i� ��t�in 25 ���� �f ��a�h � ��t���d. �°h� pr�pm��d f�redfarrr� al�er�tiar� is wsthin 2� ��e� of wetla�r�s � d��igna�e�d as 5igni�icant witriira the City°s V+�at�r �esour�es C�verlay th�fi ��signates signif�can� �° v�re4lands avithin the Cornprehensive F'lan, H�w�v�r, the �asterre �r�e h�lf c�fi �h� sit� pr�sently has � �s � slc�pe of appro�imately based 10 %. The �pplicant has prop��ed 4� �x�l�a�nge fil9 �n the �teeper � p�rtion of th� the site t� th� fBatfer ar��s. Far�his rea�c�n, it d�es not app�ar possibl� tc� ��vslop t�� o� en�ir� sit� a� a si�igl� shopping cer�t�r with���t fiPling a�id rnifigating tho existi�g wefiands syste�n � thrnugh the sit�. The appiicant has sub�ni�ted � C�mpreh�nseve �i�n Arn���dm�nt applicatior, in -� cona�nc#ion w�th thi� requ�st t� addr��s th� impa�ts to t4�e va�tlands �yst�m in thi� ar�� in de�aia. '�"h� ��z��rat �nd n�t��e of �M� pro�����' 8�ndf�rr�a �I��ra�i�r� or ��v����prn�nt �nrAl� not cr���� �i�� dis�urb�nc�s �� ar� e�ter�� gr�ate� �I��t� #h� rni�eimum �°eqaaired for ��� use� Deye6Qpm�nt of the site as �wo (2) ar more cer�t�rs wc�ulc9 i���r� an in�c��ssibl� wa!!�d �anyvn type wvetland �y���rn though the site. F�r this rea�an, 4h� �ro�o�ed f;�! ar�d mitigation plar is th� minimum amnunt of work CPA 98-0?JSDI�98-02/PDR 98-01/5LR 98-02/MIS 98-04 6/1/�J8 STAFF REPORT TO T'H�PLANNING COMMISSION Tf�l-COUN7Y SHt`�.PPING C�'PJT�R PAGE 170F42 r���ess�ry giv�n �h� ��i�tar�� d prr���>t ��r�str��nt�, �as�d or� th� �r�pwy �� 4h� d���l�pmen� pr�pa���, 0�rg� ���8� s�a�� gra g i� n���s��ry�a d�v�s�p 8h� ��t� �� � �i�og�� �ho�pi�������r. ��y �n�r���h��a�� �r �h��ag� in �n�p��t� �r ��f��lte dr������ th�f ���I� �d��r��iy ar����t �v�#��u�� ���w����ri�t��� hav� b��t� rYa��ig�t�d. 1"h� �pplic�n� h�� p�c�p���� ta �r��t ���rrrnroo w�t�r r���fi€ thr��gh �h�� si�� ��d �r�wid� �r��na��� ���u�4u��s #h�t ��lor� dr�in�g� �� th�r� u��6o�� ��°s��@ng dr�,ir��g� ��tf�ms dc�w�s�r��� �� �h� �i��. T'h� �at� �I�n pr��id�� a �5mfr��f ����«�k b�ffer i� ����rrc��t��� �ith l��ifi�d ���e�r��� �ge��y �tarad�rd� t� c�f���ite �vv�tl�r�d� �r�a� �e� t�� w�st �� this �it�. �h�r� ����ra9 v�g�t�ti�� h�� b��r� r�mr��a�� d�� t� lar�df�rm ��t�r��i�� ��° d�e��l��en�n�, ��o�d�n �o�a���� pr�v�s�r�a�� of th� �u���� VV�'�t�� ��n�g�rner�� �r�g���� a�f ���hin���� �o��i� �°aa��� b� ��t ��d �x��� ��� ������� �� ��r�c��oar�� �a� ��ap��sa��� ������� w�al �e ��p9��a��d �r� �a9s� �� ���il�� �pe�i�� i� �����dar��� �ith �h�p��� 1�e10�s L,��d���ps�g ��d ��r��ra�a�g. F'riar �o iss��nce �f p�rr�et� th� applican� �vilB provi�e p9�r�� th�t �►iB! �� revi�w�d for cor�plsar�c� wEth appl6��bl� �r�siran car�trc�6 s�a�dard�. Th� u�� nf r�qui�•ed er�si�� ���tr�l ����us•�� �e�ll b� ar� �r�gc�ir�g pral�a� requi��r�ent. `�h� appli��n� h�� pr��posed I�r�d��aping �h�t th���agh th� Cor�di�ians �� App��w�i can �ompl� with appfi�abie �tandar�s �s�r a �hoppi�s� �e�t�r. F��p9a�ting #h� sifi� with �°smil�r pl�nt�p��ae� i� w��t aBw�ys appr�pri�t� �ithir� � shc�pping ��r�ter. �"he �pplicar�� h�s prapc���d . the us� af DcaugB�s [�ir tr��� arraar�g other ihat �r� ��m� c�r sirr�iiar t� tl�� �p�cies now e�i��i�g Q� the garc�per�y. Q A9P �th�� ����ati�r� E�r��i� r��ui�er��nt� �fi thi� ��a�pt�r i���r� ���r� r���e °f'h� �ppil��I��L �G:61S1$IVG' iar�ds 9°�q�aerern�nfis hav� b��r� addr�s��d within th@� p�r�ic�r� ��th� r���rfi, °��� ����r�socsn� �� ���pt�r 1�e'��;�?� �°r�� i����v��, ����� �e �v���. `�h� ��Splic�r�� ha� �ra���ed �xf�n�av� tr�� r���v�! �n this pr���r�� ir� sard�r t� u�rd��ak� �he rr�����v�; qr�.di�g ri�a���.�� �� d�ve6op th9s �it� �� � �ir�gle �hcappin� �����r�. ���11/d7�$�i� #6°C�?�� C?tl°SB�� �N�Y� �3Bc'FCI��d� �x � ��lE'!w't�l'lu��a �r�� �'arrn anc� ��� tlier�fc�r� �A�rt�pt �re�rn th� �ity'� tz°e� ��r�c�v�i r�q�ai��s���t�. ��r��liarrc� �+eith �h� �r�� r�m�val ����dar�s ar� de�6t wi�h ir� det�ii �l��wh��� �it�ai€� th� r�p�r�o a �������6 �o�����o�s�� ��d ����r�� �������9 �i��d�s����a� a�� ��������, ���aa�°�6 �����, ��� ���k�, ���r��tia� �a�d �p�n �p��� ��li�e�� of '�h� �c�m��°��t���sa�� i�l�n t����� b���'���a�f°s�d. �'@��s� pQlicie� ar� impiem�e�t�c� by �h� �p�a9i�ab8� ���r���rd� �� �h�: �c����r�ity C��vefopr�ent C�c�� fh�fi �r� �cid��ss�d �isewh�re v�i�hin �hi� ���ff r�pcar�. �����° ���c��r��� ��r�r���e �F1a� ���6�608� ���Y�S��S ��1� ��������E� ��'����9� d�� ��� �6°��f�S�� ��r�p�°���n��v� F���� �rr���d€�e�r�� ���li��t�a�n. ��ct��� ��,�5.��Q a°���a�r�� �h� ��iQ��Br�� crite�r�� t� b� �el�r����s�s �c� �fl�� th� �ropo��� �il� �ra� r��fi�g��6�� �s� �o�� ��r�� �f �er��l���6� �9� '�h� ��'��� `�.�� �CE'�'S tg"8�� ��lS� t�Ct ��1�5 St��, ��� W����B1�� �'��'��&'D�� �J� frl9� �9�� ��°� � d��s�n���� �s a pe�rti�� �f#h� �itygs ��gr�"s����r�'t���t��° 6���oa��°���: e� � � Th� ar��6���s �h�19 ��n�id�r �h� ��IE� ������u���;�� o� �ll�v�'sng #�� ��o��s��d o�a��fl���irag � ��� ful�y, �or���d�r ��th �h� 6�p���� ��a �h� �p���f�� r����r�e �ifi� �� ���spa�c�c�� �r6th ��h�r � �c���ar�bi� �it�� �ithin th� °T�g�rd �lanr�i�c� Ar��s 1"his we�6�n�s ���t�m �� parf of � IaQ�g�r c� system �hat exist� v�ithir� drairrag� are�s feadir�g to the 217 �'reew��o �urr�ntl� dhe site cQS��ain� � �.96 �cre� af vv��land�. Th� appli�an� h�s propos�d t� fii8 1.�� ��res �f th��� �,�etlarad�. A rernaining .55 acr�s �f we�lan�s i� rr�t prop���d t� b� �i61�d. T'6�is r��tl�r�d� 6� lc��at�d ra�ar the i�t�rsec�6�n �f SV1! D�rtmc�ut� �t��e� and 5W 72nd e4��r��a�. Th� 2�T �r�e�v�y bis��t� th� w�tl�n�s s�st�m dn th�is area, so thed°� is n� co�ttinuou� sy���m thaf is di�rt�pt�d b�y thi� �ork. CPA 98-02/SDR 98-02/F'pR 98-01/SLFi 9&02lN/IIS 98-44 611/98 S"PAFF FiEr(7FiT TQ THE F'LANNIN(a GOMMESSION 1`(�I-CC3UN7'�'S�lOPPIPJG GENTEFt PAGE 1A QF 42 Th� �a6��g�tie�r� �lare p���sc�s� ��-��t�bl�sh w��l���� �I�r�g �h �°� �li� €���#rr��a��h �tr��t fror�tag� xh�t wo�ald b� d��ig �� functi�� a� a �r�tO�o�d� ��d w �a9d h�v� �ppr���r��t�6� ��� s�r�� �r�� �s 49�e w�ti�r�d� �� b� fali�ae T'h� ��pfi���t pr�vic���6y r���6��c� ��r�it �ppro�+aE far 4�� mi�i�at��� pl�� �a°c�rr� th� Devi�iuel �f �tate l.�r�d�. ����d �n ��v€ew �f �xi���ng d���8�pr��r�� ��t��rns r�+Btr�i� �h� �at� E�6s�ifi�, �h� �p�Oli��nt� �ta�t�rv��r�t th�# �� oth�r B�r���y ur�c��a��l�p�d �����al �c�mrr��rc��l Z4�s��d �xist� wi�hir� th� °�'igard Planni�� A��� i���ur�d �� b���rr��4. °�h�e ��E� ��aaly�i� ��a�t ���s�r�����t� t� #h� ���i�fa�ti�� �f�h� �°����d ��t� ������8 �9��� th� ��dver�� ���� i� ��r�s�q�s�r���s �� n�� �99�wi�� �h� ���fli����� ��� ��� �����a�e�� #c� j��t�fy t�a� @���, ��e �s�� r���9 ���� ��t�� ��s���°��, T°h� �a�t�rr� ��� ��If af th� ��#� h�� � �� % sl�p� ir� �rd�r �� ��v�l�p �he �it� a� �.�in�l� sh�ppinc� ��r�t�� rnaint������ e�� #h� �o�ti�r�d� �y����vo w�u6d �ik��y r�q�adre I�rg� ���I� r�#�6r�ir�� ��l�� �hat woc�ld b� g���tly r�d�s�� ��c��� tcr th� �,+e�lar��� ��d = I�k@�y im��ct th�ir yca�l'sty. Aft�� E�n�#�°�ct9�� th� �etE���s wc��ald ����nti�il� b� tnr�E6�� a�� thr��agh fh� c�nt�r �fi f4�� �it�. �'h� �ppBicar�t ����� � ccasti �� �60t?,�d d�91��� t� ��ail� r�t�i�ir�g �r�ll� �re���d th� vv�t9�i�ds �y�t�rr�s �(�at �x6�� thro�gh 8h� ����o �'hi� �storna�� �g�p��r� �c�rree� b���d on th� 1,3da�fc�c�� I��gti� af th�-'�iiain vu�tlar�d� �ys��� �hrc��a�i� �hi� sif�. ���r� �.�d #�� �it� hav� d�si�n�#�d th� Tig�rd �'ri��gl� Area �.s �t� ���i�ay���f ��t�t��. ��s�d �� th� ant�r��¢v� ��rnr��rci�l d�vel�p��r�t th�t 6s pr�po��d, �h� �ppliea�t ���tes th�� upon corrspl�ti�n �f �his pra�ect tha� ��r�e 6�5 r�ew j�bs wc�u�d b� �r��t��. ��c���� �h� �p�lc��r�t has k�p� sor�-�s �xa�tir�g �r��lar�ds ar�d r�p6aced oth�r v��t(ar��� th�� �r��aEd be 8��� by thi� d�w�Pop��r��, th�e prapr���� �iil ��� rr�itic�a�4an wo�ld r���a�� iro r�� ��� B�s� ir� VV�t�r ���€�c�rc�� �r�,�� �pa� corr�pleti�r� of �hi� proje�t. 8� �+��i�c�la�� ���� ��a0y�a� ����3 d�s��r������� ���°��� ��e ������ �� ������c� ar� b�el�a�le 8���g ���o�10w�s���6 ���eR ��� �����.����� �� �8tl�� �118����'�9 ��ffi.4 �69�� �@l��� ���. �Q� �tl,9p��' ����� �Q���� ��i� "�""ig�e� P��r� ° � �r�� �h�� ��rs ���� �h� ��S��afi� ����� �� ��� �r������ �a��. °�h� �pplic���'s raa�� tt e�h�� d�rr�c�n�tr�t�d �9��t b���d c��a �h� i���l c�� ��sl�rata# �af th� 1`mg��d F'la�ni�c� �r�a, �l�r� ���� ��th� �rc�p�o-t� �rod th� �ener�i ��rn����cal ��nir�t� 6��sigc�afi�r� ��fi�� pr�p�r�y�i��� th�r� �r� n� s�th�r vac�,r�t �r �ar��9y a�nder-d�veiap�d �ifes pr� t�� Tigard P1���ir�g ,�r�� th�t c��ld �c�a�r��c��.t� � �irgl� �h�pp6�g c�ret�� �fi �h� siz� tha� i� p6�r�r��d. PP�ai�t���n�� r�f �h� r�v�tia��ds ��°�� �� i� ��i��� �nrcr�a@� rr��k� �car��n�idatic�r� �f �h�: prcap��y �ar d�v�6e�p�r��r�� �f � ��r��1� sh�ppir�� c�nt�r difi�i�a�lt. B �'�a� ���� ������s� �°a�ll b� p��par�d �y � ��a� ���si����� �4 � ��aa�93�� �ac�t��@�� �r �+������� ��������� ��� � ���d ���� �������� ��° ��a�� ��� ������� ��� �a� wh�� ��� q��lifi��d �t� ����� �e���cti�e �i���� am�d ��p�r���a��d in �h� prep�r��oor� a� ���p 5 ���� ���iy�is. T'he �pplic�r►ts w�t9an�s det�rrr�inafi�an �r�s pr�par�d by /�.�.�.C. T�� �ppi0�a�t ga��� f�r, Mar�in �chott a� er�virc�nm��tal �cansul�ant t� this pro�ect. l�l�� pr�j��t rn��ag�r i� �. �d Christ�n5en is F3�gi�t�r�d �ivil �n�in�er. tv9r. �hrist�ns�� h�s �xY�n�iv� ��p�ri�s�c� in c�rnpfianc� wifh 6and �s� �° r�g�f�a�ior�s. The 1���1 caunse[ fn thi� pr�j�cd �'9r. �fi�rk �1/hit9a� i� a, L�r�d l�s� At�orney9 �rhorr� � al�o i� �xp�rienc�d. � �° 9� ��s� ��p�i����c�� o� �p�aresv�d, �h�r� #h� �5�� ���lysa� �hal� b� 9o���r��r���� �� r�����r��� � en�� ��e °�igar� ���pr�h�r��iv� �i�n, ��d �h� T�ga�d ��t���ad �rad ��r�arn ��rr�d�r Map �hall c� b� arv��nd�d #� �e¢���r� �h� site froo� �h� ��ven��rya ��ca��� an �3�isting r�a� format was � pr�pared #or all d��igr�at�d sites. If this appli��ti�� is �ppr�v�d staffi �rgl6 �t�der��ke tl�� �pprs�priat� r�visi�n� �o th� r�s�urc� rr�aps. �t���t °�`r���: ���tion 1�.�0�.0�3 �t���� that a9� ����i�prn�n� �r�aj��t� fros�t6�g �as� � pu�9�c �tr��t ���li �� req�air�d �o plar�t �tr��t tre+�� in ����r��n�� r�+atF� ���tion ��e'�00.0350 ���tt�r� ��.�00.+�35 r�q�ir�� th�t sta���t $r�e� �e sp���d ��#�r��n �A �nd 4A f�t �pa�r� d�p��d�r�g �r� �f'R 98-�2/SDR 98-02/i'DFi 98-01/SLR 98-02/MI5 9b-04 6/il9a�1"AFF R�POR'T TQ'9'FiE PL4NNING�OMMiSSION TRI-CC3UNTY SHOPPiN�CENTEFI }'AGE 1S OF 42 th� �0�� �i���ifl��tio� of �h � �t �o���r1� (�a��&9, m�di�� l�rg�j. 'fh�� at�����d i� ��difi�d �y �h� Tig��°d �'rl�n D��ig� �t�nd�rd� th�� r���air� � ��� tr�� �� �9a��r ,�r��ri�l �kr�et ts� �� � �p�e��6�g v�ri�ty �ath a h��g�t �at �� f�# ��ad � at��nimur� �p��N�g �f 2� ����. �°h� pre�p�rty h�� appr�xir��t�ly 60A� feet o� fros�tage �� �VV �2nd Av�n�u� �x�lu�ive o# dri���ray �t��r�nc��. �����ss� th� m�xir�aum �tr��t tr�� �pa��ing �ao� a lVia��r arfi�rial Sfr��� wBthirs th� "C'sg�rc� �"r�angl� i� 2� fi���, � rr�ir�i�nurn c�f 21 stre�t tr��� �r� r�q�ired fo b� pla,�f�d, A t��a! �f 19, 3 1I2 c�0ip�r L�tti� �.Ir�d�ra �tr�et t�e�� ha�+� b��n pro�eid�d �t �� �Q�t ��e cent�r. Th� l�r�ds�ap� plan sh�li �� r�vis�d a�ong 4hs a1/RI 7��d Av�nu� fr��t�g� �� pro�ide �r� �ddi4i�n�E tw� �2) �i�i� L��¢ �,ind�n tr�e�. 'Th� �it� h�� �ppr�ximat�6y 1,Q9� f��t e�� �rorat�g� �x�l�a�e�� �f dri��way er�t��.nc� ar��� �r� ��/ C�a�c��o�th �tr��t. The appii���t h�s pre�pc���d f� pr��i�1� � te�tal �� 3�, 3 a�d i/2 in�h l.itt6� �ind�r� �tre�t tr��s alang thi� fr�nt�g� �t 2� �c��t �n c����r. ��s�d �o� gh� ��c�nt�g� I�ngth c�n� (1) �dditian�i str�et tr�� shall la� �dded �lo�� the �VV C3ar�rnouth �fi���t �rdn�a�e �o� � total of �g Li�tE� L�af L.ir�d��a �r��s. ��nd �J�� ��aff�r�n�an� ��r��ni�qe S�cfi�� 1�o1�AoA�Q r��a��r�s tt��� �� a o��a�s�ur� �h� b�a��r �����t� a �r��aos�� �o�rs�er�eal ass� �r�� �����h�� �mn�l�-fa�aly�e�i�3e�c�� a�u�t ��nt�iro th� fio9l��in�o �) � 29�foot �rAd#� f�d� p�rkor�� lo�� �f ��r� ���� �� �p�c��9 �� � ��� �a� �r��� a# � ���t��� ��a�i�g b��e� �s� th�ir h��gh'� �� �����ri� �s�a� �hr�b� �f var�`sng �s����rs ��s�d or� thed� �i�� at �I�nti��9 �) the ��afF�r ��a�# �Bs� ���t��� �ith�r a r�� �f e��rgr��� �hr�b�, � fi��- fo�� ani�Ar�a�r� he�gV�t #�a���g or �r� ��r�h�� ��rrn wdt� ��r�c��r��s� �hra�i�� wrl�i�h w611 pror�6d� a C�6'�t161Y�9019� S6�t ����fimo� ����er� �rit�a�n t�� �2� y��r�. �°�i� �rit�ri� i� ne�t fo�nd to k�� ���iicabl� ts� this �it� t� the ra�rth and �r�st beca�as� th�re are rr� �xistio�g ���id�r�fi�.l �se�. T'o the �ast th� �ar�p�rty i� adjoir��ci by r�siderati�l ���� b�t �a�ca�rs� �� �2�d ,Av�r��s� ir�t�rv�r��� screening bu� n�t buff��ring wa�ald ne�rmail�! apply. �la�w�v�r, bec��ase th� Tigard Tri�r��l� [���ign St�r�d�rds r�q�ir� �ha� �evu buiading placeme�t b� v+�ifhin 10 ���� �f �Ys� public r6�hfmc�f-�+�y tho� st���9�.�d is fnurrd Ya b� s�ap�r5ec��d by the T'igard °�rf�ngl� Desigr� Siand�r�i� ir� ��is c�s�. ,�long �he sc��a�h�rr� praperty lin� scr��r�ir�g �nd �u�f�ring �g fhi� ��� �r�r� t�� a�lj�ining �eta�hec� sir�r�lem��r�ify r�si���tia9 �a�e� is r�qaa6r�d ��d h�,� b�en pr�vBde�d. � �Oafc�a� b�af��r �ri��i� h�� bPera �r�vi�R�d as os ��q�air�d b�tvv�en detached singl�-farr�ily re�iden�i�� u��s ar�t� corr�m�rcial us�s. A 20- fiaot b�fif�� i� �Isra r�quirec� b�t�v�en p�rkir�g fots o# 25 ��a��s or mor� adjaera6��g d�t�ch�d �ingle- f�rnily residen�iaE us�s. �fh� t��ai Inn�th af the seE�e�r�ing and 9�ufferi�g �r�� i� 1,�73 li��al feet. T'he toY�i �r�� �s �9,��6 (1,5�3 X�0). �o car��i� �rith �h� s•equir�� ��re�raing st�nd�rd� ar�� �p�lica��� �a9s� �#��d�rds �h� �.�p�i��.�� h�� pr��po��a� �� c��as�rt�ct � �;c��tir�«o�� �d�� �����c��� �rr�l� �I�r�� �hi� �r����f� lie�� 's� ���n�d�.��� v�'sth �h� v�v�igflt �ta���ard dES�uss�c� in the l�ae�� �t�dy. �3�e ta �it� grading, th� h�ig�t of thi� w�l{ �ill 9i6��1y �e r�uc� h�ic��er ( up to some 21 fe�t) �s vi�w�d �rom 4he a�a�li��r�ts prnp�rty. ��sed c�n m��irri�r� r�c�i�� ger��r�ti�ar� �tandarda the wall vuauld Idk�iy be r�a t�i��uer than $ f��# as vie�red from th� neighborbr�g rss�d�ntia! pro�er�ies. , I�oving firnrn �es� to east towards ��l/ 7�nd, tl�� appiicar�t �ropcas�d �� pl��t �6 Da�aglas Fir tr�es w9�hin the fir�t 3�i� li�e�l feet of bu�fier lerigth. [3�a�agl�s �ir �rQ�s �r� c�nside�ed large �p�cimens a� rr���us•ity and can k�c� pia�ted at up to 3�-foot sp��ing. �"he appl9�an� has prcap�s�d to �ightly pack fihes�tre�s �og�the�at 10-foot spacing whi�h �omplies with the t�ee pi�r�ting standard. For th� n��t 1�0 feet �he applic�r�t ha� propos�d f�ur (4) �c�9ur�bi� Riv�r VVillnws a�� four (4) 1N�stem �rabap�ie tr�es �t v�ryi�g spaca�g. Stafff wa� unabl� ts� find � di�cussion �f th�se part9cui�r spe�ies. A�sun�ing the prcapQSed G�,l�mk�i� F{iv�r �1lillouws and Vllesfern �raba�ple trees ar� de#i��d as m�diu� �iz�d �peci�s that r�ill r��ech 2�-4� f��t ir� h�syht at matu�ity, a m��eimum �p�csng af 30 f�et or� cent�r is p�rmitt�d. 6r� two �2) cases a �p�.�ing �f rn�r� thar� 30 f�et on ce�ter CPA 98-02/SDR 98-U?JI'DR�JS-01/SLR 9a-02/MIS 98-04 6/�/y8&�"AFF R�PQFiT 7'p THE r�LHNNiM�G(7MMiSSION TRI-COUN'TY SHOf'�ING CEh�7ER PAf�E 20 OF 42 h�� b��� prop��ec�. �'h� �pp' t ws�! 4h�r����e ��ed to �dd tv�c� tr��� or pr�v6de proo� that t��s� �r� a�rg� sp�cimsr� tr��s. �or th� t�t�xt 1�0 f�et, th� applic�r�t �a� �gain prop���d to �i��atly p��k 4�g�th�r 1 p �ougia� �ir tre�s �t 1� ���t �a� c�r��er. Ag�ir� b�c�us� th�s� ��e ����Bd�r�d I�rc�� �p�cirn��s �t r�aturity thi� pianting ca�pli�� v�ri�h th� ��and�rd. �c�r th� r�ext 151� ����, �he ap�li�ar�t h�� pr�pn��d t� i���r�p�rse som� thr�� (3) �xtra ��arlett C?a�5 wi�h 13 [3ouc�l�s �'ir fr�es. Ot�er tr��� �� �h� �arr�� �pe�i�s �r� �I�� pravid�d but wQr� r�qui��� �� ord�r�c� sh�.d� a�joirzEn� �arkin� spa���. �ath ��� ec���ider�d i�rg� �p�ci�s �h�refo��e the �p�.�ir�� �fi the:� tr��� a� 1�-20 f��� c�r� ��r�t�r�x�c��ds th�����ing �t�ndard. ��r the r��xt ?93 f�et, th� applicaro� h�s pr�posed ta 9nt�r�p�r$� �orr�� �in�t�era �x#ra �a��la�t �ak� r�ri�h 31 D�augi�� Fir tr�es. Qther tree� of the s�rne sp�cie� ar� als� pr�vid�d but were r�quir�d in are�er�o �h�ele adjoir�inq parki�g spac�s. Bath ��� co��id�r�d E�rc�e �pec'se� �h�refur�th� spacie sg �f thes� tr��s at 10-20 �e�t on center compl`e� with the sp�cir�� ��a�dard. ����u�� th� �c�eenir�g and bu�fer9r�g ar�a has �ppr�xim�t�l��1,46� squar� fe�t �f �rea, � mir�im�rn o� 31�4 five gallon shr�abs ar 628 �n� (1) g�lla� st�r�a�� are requor�d. Yhe sareer�ing and �uffering plan ir�cluded some 171 2.4 inch� 30 inch ��rarf Winged I�uonymr�us �f�rub� a� �rily the �astern 79� ��e� c�f th� b�a'��r are�. �h� scr�ening �nd b�aff�rgr►g pl�.n �h�.11 �h�r��ore be revis�d to �dd shrcab plantirogs ai�r�g the entire remaining len�fh �f th� 2Q-#oot ��r�enang �nd b���ring ar�a. ' ��reenira����ci�8 �rc�vA�ae��s: ��ct��r� ��a1��e��Q�.�) r�q�air�s #h� ��r��o�o�g �f ���k@n� a�nd 9�ac9i�o� ��°���o L��c���a���i ��r9ci�� �r��� �h�Ql ��cl�sd� �p����l ���a�� #�a��r�� w�¢c�a ����t6�s�ly ��r��� #�� parkEng lot �r�a� fr�m e�i�v�. Pia����g r��ter��l� t� �� ir���al@ed ���aald ���Ae�� � r���tiv� t��l���� k�����a� I�� 9y��c� ��ad er�r�R��Q �he•�skab�ry��� �r�;e�. 1°r��� sh�l1 �� p8�r�t�d �r� €�ncl���p��i a�l�nd� �n al� ���3���� �r���, �r�d �hali �� equ�ISy �9�tr6bu�e� c�s� i'h� k���i� �� o�� ��� ���� €a�° ���h ��a��� �7� p�����g �p���� i� �re��� �a ��°���d� � ��n�py �����, 'T�� ���i��a� d6�ra�a��QS�� �� ��� B���i���p� 's�����s �h��! �� �hr�� (3)�f��f�wid� ar�d �n� a�r�a���apa�� �@��6@ �� �r����t�� frca� �eh���9�� d�m��� b� ��me #c�rm ���F���I g�aard or ��rb: �as�r� o� thA propcased design of �he si�e �h� rn�jori� ofi �h� p�.rking iot �r�d aer�ic� �r��s wiif b� screened by Yh� buildir�g� �her�s�lv��o ��ar�icar�� of th� ��.�kes�g 9c�t ai�r�g th� �1l� ��r�rrinc�#h ��r��t fr+�nta�� �oii! nn� be �crse�red �y buildir�gs how�vers th� proposed ��etlands �r�i�igatior� area �Ic�ng t�ri� f�+�€�t�g� r�voui� p�c�vie�� � r�€nim�rn of � 35�f��� ba�f��r b�twee�o� t�� par�ing !ot �nd SW �artrreo��h S�reefa A minimum �f 246 parking lot #i°ees �vil{ �e req�ir�c� �o serr�� th� p�apas�d 1,72� park�n� �paces. Prss�r�tly, �or�e 29�3 parkir�g lot tre�� ar� �rapo��d. �3eca�a�e 1,�?� p��rkirrg space� �re pr�p�sed this provid�s an a�erage ofi on� ��) parkEr�g lot�ree far�vPr�rr 5,7 parki�c� �p��ces. In c�rtai� areas th� a�plicant did nofi ever�ly disperse p�rking iot #ree� at or�� (i) ��r �v�� ��v�ro (7) �paGes. Th� �ppiicant shall add a minimum �� thre� (3) �arkang lat trees alon� th� w��t�rn �l�v�tio�i �af the Major ��chor la The d�ap66cant shall �Iso �cfd a parking 8at tr�� �n th� soufh �id� of �/I�jc�r Ar��hor i, �a�t a� the io�.ding dock ar��. The �pplic�nt shal! als� �dd tv�o (2) pa�king IQt tr��s a�long the south �ast corner of Majar Anchor I, °fh� applicar�t shall �.Iso add a p�rking lot tr��ta th� �as# �idQ of th� Pad B b�ilding. Landscap� islands though ou� th� de�Elopm�r�� h�ve a wid�h di��n�ior� �� a4 leas� fiiv� {5) feet in c�mpli�roce with the thre� (3)-fo�� minimum wAdth standarda Vi��ai CB�ar�r��� �r���: ��cti�n 1�a�02 r�qudres that � c��a� �ri�isan ��ea sh�91 b� an�ir�t�a��d ��a th� ���n�rs of al! �rop�r�y adja�enf t� ir�t�rse�#io�g right-of-v�ay� �r �i�e int�rs��tio�o o� a �aub6ic str��t ans� � ��i�sat� driv�w�y. A cl��r �oision ar�a shai! �ontaan �� v�hi�E�9 hed��, pEar+ting, f�r���, �nrali stru�tur�, or temporar+� �r p�rman�nt �4��tr�cfi�o� �xce�d6r�� �hree (3) �PA 98-t12/SDfi 38-02/PDR 98-01/SLR 98•07JMIS 88-Q4 6!1/38 S'CAFF R�E'ART�'A Ti��PLA�lNING COMMISSION TRI-CAUNIY SHOPPING CENTER PAGE 21 (?F 42 , f�� in E��i�h#. 'Th� cod,� pro � th�t ��$�r�a��ior�� Yh�t m�y �ted ie� tMis �r�� �h�ll b� vB��a�lly�I��w b�t����s t��r�e r��d �i�ht (�� t��t ir� �aeigl�� ��) (tr�� aro�� � pl���d vv�thin thi� �r�� �r�e�rid�d th�t a81 br�r����� fs�f��v �i�t�et (�) ���t �re r�rv��v���. � �r6��aal �I�a�ranc� �r�a a� ��a� �ri������r ���� ��rm�d by ����u�rang � �q�fo�rt �ist�r��� ��e��� 4'h� �����t �•�ght��fa��y ��d tF�� c9�iv��nr�y, �t�d �5��� ���r���to�� �M��� �c� (�� �2)y 3���oe�� �i�t�o��� ����ts wmth � ��rai�ht � lin�. �lpcar� r��vi�� t�f t�� �'>g�r�4 °fri�r�gl� G��si�n �f�a�dard�, t�� �9�ar i/esi�� ���radards hav� b��r� f�car��9 t� b� ����r�ed�d by �ew�r�"sgard Triar�gle ���ign s����d�rds such �� buiiding pl�cerner��. As inc�i����d €�s� ih� �it� plar�, �r�pos�d r�c�r��sr��r�� siqn� have b�e�r� prc�p���c� �aithin Cle�r Vi�ic�� ar�a�. t�lh��� po�sibB� et is sugg��t�d that�h�s� sig�s be r�i�c�t�d ��r traffii� �����y r���on�. �A6��ma�� ����t���t ��rk�r��e S���ia� 1�.'�O6d�3�.(���2�) r�q�6re� � a�o�ammas�a o� ��� (1) p�rks�� �pa��e ��r ���h 4�A ��u�r� #e�t grc��� �9�a�� ���a� fio� a S��n�r�� ����i� ����� ��e. A m�xirn�� �� �0°1� �� r��uir�� �i�rkeo�g s�a��s ��� b� d���l�ga�d a� �o����� ���k��� ��a�c��, �'h� �pp9iran# ha� pr�pns�d to pravi�i� 1,�2� p�rking ��a���. A��a�rr�ing �r�� {�) sp�ce f�r��c� 4Q0 �q��r� f��t �f �r�ss ff�or aYe� f�r 330,�95 �qu�r� ���t �f �en�r�l Retai! ��i�s �Js�, � minimum o� �2� p�rki�g �p�ce� �r� required. �or this re���r�, th� prop���d parkir�g c�mpli�s wi�{� th� minin�urr� par�i�g rafiira �tar�dard, Th� ��p3i�an4 h�� pr�po��� to 3L�� ��rr�p�c� �pac�s which is i�s� �ha� �0 "/o �33� spa����, of th� �2� required parking �p�c�s 0� c�arr�pli��a�� u�l�h ��ct��s� ��.�06oA20(J} pa�kir�� I�t� th�� p��vid� 6� �ae��s� r�f 2p pr��er�n�i�d lor�g ��rm ��rki�� ��ac�� �h�li �r�v�d� �� 9��s# 5% �� #he�� �pac�� �s ��rpoo�/�+�r� po�9 �S�r�i�� �p�c:�s. E��h �� th� prc�pra��d vanp��l/��rpoo9 �p��e� �r� fu6� ���� p��6�ira� �pa���. ���h ����� sh��� ��v� �Ag��g� d��ig�a���r�� �o� u�� �n�� b� ��r���ol/���p�w9 ���r� b�tv���r� �h� hc�csrs �f 700n �r�a �r�d 5:�0 pm. �'h� �pplicar�t t���s a�r�ed tr� prc�vid� G�3 6a�g t�rm p�rking sp�c�s. �'t�� ap�licao�t st�all c�esign�t� fea�r (4� �f th�s� �p�.ce� �.� v�r�pcaol/��.�z�s�i �p�e��. en te�r�s o� conv�a�i�rrce th� �pplic�nt sh�ll irsc�4� ti�� fo�r (4) va�pa�Uca�o�l �pac�s as �a�ver�i���6y a� pras��bl� ta f6�� rrya6r� buiiding �r�tr����, �f��r�rc�visie�n �f �►�ndic�pp�e� ������ibl� ���ksr�� s���es. ����ss�� e�.�S�6.&��� ������ ��3�ti ����9�9� ���°F�6���,0Y�� ���8� ���1� � ���°9��t�� ������f�' ����Y��'0�� ����h� �� �' ���i �/2 ��e� ��� th� �nts°� 9���i (��a ���or�m�d�#� ��r �ac���� �nd �r�.r�p�w��� a�c� 6 a�� �B�f����c��° �1� �t��� ��v�E�o A�u�rnca�g ���I �r ��h�� �����R ����� b� ����i�l��! ��� ����� fr�am p�rk��y� �t��a��u��� t��� ����� pa�b9i� �o���as6�� a��ee�� � ���nd�rc� ������a ��e�r�ra�e �r�� ��ra��at �s� �a�°��a��d. �3��c��r°�� �'s��c�� p��°�s�� ������ ��� ���� ��¢°�e�d �y� ���ks�� �tr�a���r� m�a�� b� ���e��r�d �ar����� �h� bi�yc[e ��r6���� ������ ��N �� �o�� th�� '�f�� ���� �r�r� ��� b�eldia�r� ��a������e �"4�� appli���� ���� �r�p���c� ���� �s� a�� � p��kir�� �tr�ct�ar� �c� ��r��� ���� � �r�d �'. Th� a�plic��rot F7�s d�sigr��t�d ps°�f�rr�d p�rkir�g spac�� �djac�n� t� Pad� � ��� F b�a# did n�t d��i�r���� ��r�1t10I �t" li�6l�l�t�I 5����5. �����se c�arp��B �nd� v�s� p�ol sp���� ��y �� �r°�voded ei���.�here oc� sit�, tP�� �i and :3/�-fdot cl��ra�c� h�i�ht standard ��n be ���d fnr th� p�.rks�ag stru��ur� �nfranc�. 1°he ap�licant p��uided a ce�aran�� heigh# of 6 1/�, � �r�d 9 f��t ���sp��tiveiy �t dh� thr�e (3� � �r�tr�r���s tc� th� �arki�g �tru��ure. °['h� �p�0i���f �h�.i9 rr�t�dsfgr th�� p�rici�g structcar� �o �rc�vid� a � minirt��r� of fs and 3/4 fieet �� cl��r�r��� ��ight at �II �nfir�rac�s, if n� �arp�ol, �rar�pc�ca9 upace� �r� � provided. Th� �pplic�nt shal! pr�vid� 7 �r�d �/2 ��efi c�g c9�ar�n�� efi c�rp��1 an� �ar�pc��1 spa�e� ar� � provsd�d. �h� �tr�a�t�r� �� w�s� of �ad F tha� ha� frt�ntag� �ra S'Ji! 72�d �,v�en�a�. Fo� tt�i� re��or�, � �h� ����r�'�i���ra standards �r� nc�� appli���iie. ��q�ir�� b����l� par6cing �p�c�� ar� �hown �nder an � aw�inr� on �h� west �I�vati�n of F'�d F i� carnpiiarec� �vi�h th� cc��ered bi�y�l� pa�cir�g standard. � ua j °� Ir� d�s��a���ran� ��rd#h �ll��r� a�a� �l�� ��p9Q��nt �r��t� ��v� ���t�d tha� b�car��� th� appl���ti�n or����a�1�� � C��pr���n�a�+� �I�c� �a���dm�r�t �hat #k�� F�n���car�al �I�� �#��d�r�� �fi th� NI�#ra �0�� p���a ��eply��this ��pl�c��s�r�. Bn �aarticular th� m�x���r-� p��eir�� ��tie� standards �p�ly to this �it�. TF�is �it� is desigr�ated �as � ��n� E3 are� wrhieh os �o� ��ar��i�ler�d ped�stri�� ar�d transit a.cces�ibl�. 1Nithin fhe ��ne � area maximum par�ang rati� restri�tA�n� �p�ci�y t��t � r�tio �� r�� mor� than 6.2 parking sp�c�� per 1,Q0�1 squar� fe�t of �rns� fla�r ar�a �i��i9 �e prarrid�d. ���a�!�� CPA 98-02/SG�i 98-071PDFi 98-01/SLR 98-02/MIS 98-Q4 6/1/9�STAFF REFdJRl"T(�TNE PLANf�l�lG CONlMiSSIQ�J 7RI-COUN'fY SHOPPING CENTER PACaE 22 QC 42 t�� applsc��r�t h�� prQpnS�d 33 5 sq�aare ��e4 of r�t�ii gro�� ��a o r�n�r� ti�r�n 2,�5� paricir�g �p��s� �ar� �aa d�v�iAp�d or� �it�. Th� �p�li�ar�t h�� prcap��e 1,�22 p�rki�g sp��es ar�d th�r�for�#his sit� �o�� not �xceed th� ma�irnurr� park@ng ra�ia ���nd��d. 'Th� ,�meri��t�s vvith D���bisit��s Ac� (ADA): ����a�n 9��°�Q6��2�(�) ���ar�� �ff��tgv� e�r� J�a�u���6� �9�20 �li p�rkia�s� ����� �h�li be provi��d vv�4h t�e req�sr��! a�umb��� ��d ����s �f di�a�6�� p�r�o� pa�kon� �p���� �� ��a��if��d �y a�qaai��ble �t��� �af �r�gora a�ac� ��d�r�l ���s���rd�. �II dis��led p�r�o� �ark�n� ��►a�e� �h�Bl �� �i�ne� a�d �a�k�r� �� t�� p�v���rat �s r�qui��� �� �he�� ��ar�d�rd�. T'hi� ����ic�� rec���res 2� dis����eE �a�ki�g s�►�c�� wf �� ts� �,OQO p�r�ar�� ��a��� �r� g����r�ded. �r� �cldeti�na@ �p��� a� r�qa�ir�� for ��e�g �00 �p����� or fr�cta�� �h�r�of. E3�cau5e 1,722 parki�g �paces �re prop�sed �. r�inerra�r�e a� ��i handic�pp�d �cc�ss�ble parking space� are required. �VhP pian proraides �went� �ir�� (9) c�isabled par�ing �p�c� in c���90anc� vvith this r�q�ir�ment. 6t is recorr�►ne�d�d th�t or�� (1) �f the thr�� (3) disabled p�rking spa��s �rarn i�ajz�r IIIA and P�aJor 9V be rnov�d r��a� th� entr�nc� e� fronf a� 3�laj�r IlI� �� that har�d°mc�pped par�ir�g spaces will b� a�ail�bl� in fror�t �f th� �tor� entr�r��� af f��j�r�nchor 111�3. �����C�61�9_C�o ����IOtI '�$.'�o�.�D���P� �'�COP�@�'�� ��1� C'�� �9�y�I� ��PICA6IC� P��{� ����� �A�° ��C�'1 15 r�q�air�c� v�hi�ul�r pa�k6�og �pa��.� d� ��e� d�vel��a�e�t. �icycl� p�rka�ag �r��� �h��� �a�t &a� . Noca�ec� with�� �arkir�g ais9�s, &��vd�ca�ae a�easg or p�d�sYrian v��y�. �ased an �he 828 parking sp�c�s that �r� r�quired ��r this d�veiopm�nt a minirnum af 56 bicycl� �ar{cirrg sp���� �.r� r�quir�d. Th� plan not�� th�t bicy�le r�cks for 115 �i�y�ie spac�s ar� prt�pased to be �rovic�ed. �'hes� bicycle ravks are disp�r��d throug�iout $he sitr�. The �pplican� shail pravide a bicycle rackY detail that �demonstr��e� +�vhe� ir� �as� th�t bicycie ra�k� wili not blr�ck pQd�strian walkways. 1°his w�ill res��aire a �o�ar (4�)-�oofi mir�im�m wi�th clear walbcvuay be rnaint�ir��d. �'Vhere �os�ib�e �he �pplic�nt shall refacate the proposed bic�cle racks �r�der co�er n��r maon b�aifdir�g �nt�arr���e 0����r��t Lo�d��� ��e�o ��ctioa� 1�.q�6eQ�Q r�c�uir�� th�� �veay co�s����a�l or i�d�s�tri�� �a�� f�a�cir�g flc��a� �re� raf ��9�3U0 sq��re f��� �r �raoa��9 �h�f! h���; �� 9���� �a�� ('!) ����t���fi �o�cii��,� �p�c� �� �i��, This s�a�dard has b��r� �ddr��s�d or� part of th�� �i�e b�;cause ea�h a� $he Niajor l��chor l'�nar��s w�r� �rovad�d with a lo�dir�g �p�c�. °�he �pplic��t �isa �rr�rk�d � sfianda�d �utra���bil� p�rkir�g spac€� in fror�t �� �ads A-r a� lo�dir�g �pa�;�s. ��e t�th� siz� �� � parkin� spa�� ar�d �h� siz� r�f ��li��ery tr�cks that may��r�ric��i�i� �@fie the d��ig��t�d i��di�roz� s�:��c�� da ��t �p�ae�r ad�q��.t�. �'h� applica�� shafl r�vise the �ite aP�d fanc9scape pl�r� tQ �rcavi�� a �uiY�ble si�e Ip�dir�g sp�ce� t� ����rr�mod��e d�livery tr��ks �or �II ��p9ic��i� t�r��n�s s�a�.c�� �f 10,OCt0 squar� r'��t or mor� �vithin �'�.a� �,, E� ar�d �7. This �4�.r�d�r� i� reat ap�6mc;abl� wh�re �a t�r��nt occupi�s � ra�inirnum o� �O,QO� ��u�r� ��et. A�c���: ����ios� �8.1��.(��0 r��guir�� �h�� ��rss�er��c�9 u��s �ruhi�h a��qa�i�� r�e��� �h�r� '�66 p�►rR�ar�c� �����s ��o�rn�� a anarai�a�r� �f �nro (2� a���s� p����� wl#�a � �ac�¢��� ����Fa �� �� d��� a�nc! � �i�°sr�b�r� p�v�rn��nt wi�i�h caf 2� ����o �'h� ap�lic�nf has pro�c�sec� to �rav�de four (A�) pr�irats of access, �wo (2) each to �W �a�m�u�h Stre�t a�d a� 72nd J�v�n��, 6n compii�nc� with thi5 r�quir�m�nt. The m�jority of this site cnmpii�s v�it�h thi� sRandard, excep� for thp t�rvo-way dr�ve aisle bshind the �iajor Anchor`fenant buil�in�s. T'he Boading docks behind �ajor An�hor Ten��t buildings IIA and EI� shall be revis�c� a rnir+imur� o�24�eef af cle�r width. �tia�k��v�: ��ct�o� ��.10�,O��B(�� r�cyus�°e� �ha� � w��kuway @�� �xt�n��d ���� #h� grour�d �loc�r �nt��n�� e'f the s#raa�ture tc� th� ��r��t ti��� prc�v���� ��� �eq�ar�d ingr��� and �gr�ss. �J�9�s� �rrm�ra�ti��l, �a��kvua�y� �h�uld t�e �c����tru�t�d 6������a � r��vv d�v�6optx�e�a� ��d negghb�arid7g �4�v�log�rr��nts. l�/h�r�r��r �equ9red w��kv��y� c���� v��m��� a�������da�iv��vuay� or parkir�g i�t�, such �rc�ssing� sh�91 b� c��sigr��d �¢�d �oc�t�d�or p�d��tri�r� ���Fety. ����ir�d vdr�i9c��ys �h�l� �e g��ysically ��p�ra��d fr�m rr�o#or v�h�cB� #r�ffi� ��� ��r�Cing by �i�h�r � trrimir��� �dx (�) inch v�r�i��i ����ration (�urbed�, or a r�dr�i�ur� t�1r�� �3)-fic��t h�ri��r���! ��paratmor�; ex��pt CPA SS-02/SDR 88-021PDR 98-01/SLR 98-Q21MIS 98-04 6/1/98 u7P�FF REPORT TU THE PLANNIPIG COAAMISSl4N TI�I-COUNTY SNOPPiPJG CENTER PA�'aE 23(�F 42 th�t pe��$�r��r� �����an�� of ic �i�6�� �r� ��rr�ait��d f�r ��s�a n� �r����r�h�r� 3�f��t if ���r��r���� ��nci���p��gs p� �r�� ���k����g �r �o�tra���ng �������� m�t��ia�� �r� ���do lR�a9��y� �h�9e �� a �@r���u� �+f ��ur ��� fi��� i� �v�d�h, �ac�lu�i�a� �fi �+�hi��� ����h�r��s �r�d ���tr�a���ar�� ���h �� r��elb���s, ����h��9 �6�y�8� r����, ��ad �igr� p����, �r�d �h�8� be A� ��r¢��a������ �i�h A�� �ta������e Th� �,��ik��y ���s°�li wid�t� r�qu6r�m�r�t i� �n�dif@�d by �h� �°�g�rd °�r�ar�gB� I���ign ���r�d��� �hat requir�� sBx (6� fe�� �# f�t�l v��dfih �r�d i� r��+ie�ved �!s�t�h�re �rit�air� t9�i� r�p��. �°h� City wid� s�ar�c��rd af f�ur ��� fi�et �f �ar�o�s�ru���d ��6kvu�y wadth d��� �pp9y. �r'sc�r t� �����nc� �f ��ildir�g 8��rrroit� �IBII��i�CI �9�6� �I��1� OA(fII �f�; r��iewc�d f��r cor�plian�� with thi� �t�r�s�ar�. �°he �at� �nd far����cap� �lan� �� p�op�s�� da n�� r���abr� p�d�st�ia� t� ����� clr�ve��y ���i� �f mcar�tP�a� �6 f��t. �� n�a S��tio� ��a�14� ls�t� th� type �� ��6�w��a� ���r�� ��d �A�s� ��°�� p�r�t`s�fi�d ir� #he C�n� Z�rao�g �i�S�Q�t. Th� �pplic�r�t pr�v�d�d � d�#ai9 �f � pr�po��d rnonu��nt �ic�s� ar�d pot��tfal 9o�a�e��s on �11� �ar�r�auth �tr��t a�d S�i' 72�d �v���ae buf d�d �ot pr�orid� ��� �sth�r d�f�iis or � �ign �r�����. `f�� �ppli�as°�t �h�IB s�b�if �ar r�vQew �nd ap�are�va9 a, s'sg� prc�gr�� th�t c��rpii�� with th� ���r�d�r�s fc�� a shop�i�g ��r�t� in th� 4a�ner�9 Cos�r��r�i�.6 �orai�� Dist�ic# �vith a�� speciap li�it�ti�r�� �s r�q�aar•�d �ay �he �'����d T'riar�gl� C���ign �ta�d�r��. The �ppli��r�t �i�� propc�sed � fre�rnray r�lonur�ero� sign in th� stsaathwr�st c�r��r�f tE�� �i�e. �ec��se �hB� �it� is �nti��i� b�yond 250 feet th� pr�posed "freeway" sign i� no� p��it�ed. i��x�d �o�i� ���t� and 6��cv�l�bl�� ���r�c��� ���t��an "��a'�1� r�q�ire� ��aa� n��m ��n�#�a,��tio�a ira�ea�p�r�t�� ��n�ti��ae ��d ��i��u��� ����e f�r ��-�o�� �#��ag� �r�cY ��i�i�r�t ��9i���ie�� of ����d �c�9�d v���te �r�� ���r�� ��g�ar��ed F���y�i��ies pra�r t� ��ci�p�p a�r�d re���a� �ay k7��O�r�. 'Th� ��ag�9i���� ����t �6�c���� ��e ��� �f ��� ��31�w��� ���� (4�� rn�f6�csa�� �� d���r��t�°at� �arv�pl��r�c�m �a�@r�a�rn �t���a�d, �a��� A�����m�o��9 �o�p��h������ �����i�n� ���n, �s° Fr����i��� ���aA�s� ���i�� �r��,5���-��. °�h�� �pp6i���� va��� h�v� tr� �uk���roi� ���c��n�� �� � pi�ta �v�5�6� 6s�d°s��t�� cox¢��9i�������h �h�� ���t�or�o ����rd���� �� ����� �����d ����en9 �h� ��p�i���� �°s6� h�v� �� ����s�# � ��ci���s �igr��r�tf f��a� th� f��r���is� �s���9�� r�g����n� ��� ���mli�y a�a��#��� �r��4 ����������e��, �°h� �ppE@cat's�r� prc�vsd�d th� ��ca�ic�n c�f �r�s�a ��� ��cy�9ir�c� �nclsa��a��s th�d�agha�t th� sh���pi�g cent�r. The prapas�d i�c�tic�n� d� n�t �9lor� th� cenf�r t� ��r�p9y with �i�� twc�-way �isi� �nridrh �tar�dard ofi 2� f�et b��rbnd ��j�r �r��ha� °�'�r��nta III � �a�d lII�. �'h� �r��h �n� re�yciing e��lcasur�s s�ruing ��jcar c�nch�r ���ar�t� 99gA �ar�d il�F� �h�6! �� :��v���d ��a ��m�ly vvith �h� 24-fioot twa-vira� �isl� wic�th st�r�dard. DLI� Y(? S9f� GC7�I�PICi� �il� �€�Ii CUS$�d'11�t'� CC �il'1�1I�j/��a �a.t'EC111� in �r�r�� of �.r� �ncfosur� or c�nflict� v�ith rraatqr6sts ent�rir�g �r ex9tir�g fi�� sif�, f6�r� tr�sh ar�d re�ycling er�cl�sures lo�afed at eith�r side c�� Drive�vay C wilB r7�ed tc� b� r�:Bc�cat�d. �'h� ��pli�a�t �hall abtain �ic�� c��� frc�t� th� #r�n�6�€�� ���t�r h�.ul�r ��r ti��; la��,toa� e�� �91 t�asha ��c� r���cii�� �������r�� �nd provid� � �l�tail afi th���+pe saf ��reenirrg �� b� �rr�v�d�d �r�a�s�d #h�s�: �r��la��r��o �`s�� ����A�����t R��i�v� p e��►��c���l �t��d����: ���tg�� 1�01�a��9�0��)(1� ����i�°e� ���t � d��r�i��m�r�f �a������1 b� f��r�d #sa E�� �c�ra�6�t��� �pt9� �h� v�r���a� ���r�dard� aaf �h� �' ��c�r��ni�y �e�r�ie�pr����� ��d�n '�'�a� �p�����k�l� ��°s�er�� s�e ��i� ���� �r� �hapter� 1�.�2, � �SDe�B�g !�.6.79.Oy d�.��q 1�aSA�g ��.ws'F,P9 9�m�:d68g �6d.1 o�j 1�n��ld�y 6 4Y.��i'p} tl 9:$c���9 9�.6 Y� 5�.C�op ��o i�og � 1�.162, ��.'9��49 t9�� '�og�rd �°ro��ga� �����r� ���nci���� ��d ���� h��tr� ��rw�ta�ar��i Rl�r� � ��anc��rd�e T'h� ��°opo��l'� �on�o�t����vvi�h tt��s� ������s�d� °s� r�ve�vv�d wi$ha� �ha� rega�rf. � Th� propc�sal contains no �7srnents r�lated to th� pr��ision� ofi ��de �h�p��rs ��.�� (Pl�r�ned � !7�v�l�apm�nfs�, 1�.9� dDensit� t�omputafi�ns), �8.94 (�1a�safa�tur��/��bile FQ�r�a� R�g�9ati��s), �r � 1�.14A� (,�cr,�ss�ry lJs� an� �tructure�) v�hich �r� also Isst�d �ar�der S���ic�� 1�.��Q.��d�.A.1. Thes� C!-��pter� ar�, #h�refior�, ��und 4m be inappli�able �s approv�9 �t�r�d�rd�. CPA 9E1•02/SDR�8-0?Jf DR 88-01/SLFt 98-02/MIS 9�-04 £>/1i�J8 S7AFF REPQ6iT TC3 T'HE f'LANPbING COPrIM15SION TRI-COUNI'Y SHQ�'PING CkN7�R PAGE 24�F 42 �ecfiior� °6�.�2�.'1�0(A)(2} pr ' �� �th�r �it� ��v��e�pm��t �� ��proval ��a�ad�r�� �at �������rily ���er�d E�� t� �a+is�o�� caf t9�e pr�v�9�u�i� li� � �e��ior�sn �°@���� �t��r �#�nd�rd� a�� e����er �d�9�����d ��aaav� �r���foun�l n��t� � �p�pla��ble. �'h� pa•opa��l c�r�t�in� nn �I�r��ra�s rsl�ted fo the provisio�� of 1�.120.1��.3 (�xt�r�Q� �I�v�tic�ns), 1 II.12�.1��.6 �f�riv�te �s�2��or l�r�a�: R��id�rafi�l lJ�e), 1�.1�0.1�0.� (aha��d �7�tdc�e�r I��cr��ti�n Areas: R�sidentea� �J��), 1�.�2Q.��Q.� (1 dOpyear�Ic�e�dp9ain), 1��120.��0.9 (IJ�rn�rc�tie�� c�f Sp�ces) �nd �r�, th���f�r�, gs�u�c9 tr, b� ir��ppii�able as appr�val �4andars�s. F��I��i�nshi�tc� th� 9V�t�ra� ��md ���i��9 ����r�naw��r��: ����o�� ��,��Ae1�a,(�)(�) �t�t�s �h�t b�i�dfia��� s6��9� b� soc���d fio pr����+� ��ce����� �����, ��pog��ph�, ��ad �ro����a! e���i��a�� ��d t��t tr��� h���n� a si�c (�) in�h ca��p��° o�° �r��t��, �ha91 b� pr�s�rued �� r��6���� by ��� p9�nt�s��� �f e��a�l �9��ra�t�r. The �ppli��r�t h�s pr�pos�d t� r�rnov� �xisting trees on the site ir� Qrd�r ta acc�rrirr�adate th� r�assiv� gr�ding and fi!! work ��c�ss�ry f� d�v�l�g� � �ha�ping r;�nter c�r� thi� �i�� yiven ���t�pogr�p�y. �uffe�6�aqs �CB'���'19B"�� �C1d COIY4Y�s'�tlBJlI9$�l ���f��S1 c�C�p�AB'�@k`�„�§�95��: �e����� �€�.1�0.1�A,��)��4)f�� �t�tes #hat ba�fi€�rE��g ���0� b� �eca�radee� ��r��s� daf����e���y��� �f 9�nd use�o "fhis s�andae°d h�s b��n address�d by �h� �pplicant �hrough �h� I�nd u�e scr���ing a�id b�a�erir�g �anfair�eci i� ��ction 1 II.�OfJ. ���t6o� 1�,1��.��0.��)�4)(b� �t�t�s th�fi �r��S9$� SC�°�°��`9911f� �9"�E'�9 �6��'@lU t3� �t�j�l�1i11� �3P���6°�f�S d)f �aa�h tE�ing� a� s�r�sce ��ad stor�g� �r�a�, p���a�� Ir�t�, ��t� ���h��nc��1 ���rs�e� ��a rc�af fo�� sh�6f b� �rov6d��. �cree67ing o� #h�se ar��� is discu�sed els�v�sh��� wi�hin this repor�. �'ri� �r����nd iV�i�ee ���ti�n 1�e`���.1�0.(�,)(�) pr�erl�i�� th� fa0ic�v�ine� �rava�y a�d P��e�� �#�r��?�rds: �). �tra���ur�� vuh��h i��l��� �°��ede�#i�9 d���l��ro� �a�ats �9��l6 �r��aid� c��a�d���° �r��� ��r ���� �roa,�aa� f�c�cs� �n64 ��a �I�'9(' �4.61I�9!'��� �h�II �3� ��'!��'��C� 99'9 e°A 3"��!'R���p�E�s�h �ro����� �reea�#� �p���;� ��a �d���r�c�g prc�p����� �ro� �+°s��rv �s�d �c�i��e ��. ���id�s��o�l ��ailcJira�� ���II 6ae i���t��9 �r� �h� ����a� o���� �6�� h��'s�� �6a� ���uu��f r�oi�� O�v�i�o ��. �� �i�� aa�e� w�i�h �rea�� �s�i��9 li���� c��° ���i�� �6��DO �� b�x��r��d �Fr��aa r���d�����9 ����e ;��a�i�r���ic��� A �nc� � ar� na� �ppiic�.b6e b�c�L4�� tt�� appfi��o�� h�� r�ot prc�pc��ed re�QC��r��i�� dPV�lo�m�r�t. °f�� a�plicant ha� proposed a cr��tinu�us sour�d �#fi�rruatian w�li afon� the sc�u�herr� prope�ty line �ca �dd�esa vietiv. i�i�e applican4 I�as prQ�o�es � land use s�r��ra and buffp� that is revi�vded E!s�wh�r� within thfs repo�t. � Dc�r�a���at�o� o� �p���s - Crit�� ���ve��a�r�: S��ti�� 1�.'��p.'���.���(�� ���tes that s�a°aact�ar�� � ��s� �i�� impr�ve����� �h�EB �� d�signe� �� $h�� p���i� �����, ��a�B��a�abts� a�°��s ��ad �ara�a�e � � �utdoor a���� �r� �I��rl� def8�+�d 6n �a���� t� ��ta��i�h g��r�o�� d���i�� a �igh� t� b� �� �he ,� �p���, era �s�d�� t� pre�v�de f�r �ri��� pc��ves��Q��a �rt� t� ��������� �aai�t������ re�p�r��ebelo�y. � The a�aplicant provided a plans fr, th� F'olic� D�gaar�m�nt fhat ir��l�ad�d s�curi�y lighting. °fhe F'olic� • � Department did r�ot have any carnmen�s or concerns wi�h t�� plans as propas�d. � �r��� �re����iora aar�� ��f���: S�cti�n 1�,1��0`���0�,���'BQ) �°�q�ir�� th��vv6n��v�s �� �o��t�� �o �h�� ar�a� �aai��r�bl� 4c� �rime ca� �� �uruey�d by t�O� oc���a�r���9 �n���i��° l�a�nds�y ara� s��u�c� ar��� �hali be i���t�d 6n a �ay that �an �a� �i�s�rv��l by o�h���°�9 �rsait ����� Ic�cat�d ie� iig�t��i �rwas t�aa�rsng v�hi�ul�r ar pedes�rean �kraffi�; �xt�rior 9ight6ng I�v�i� s�f��t�d a�e� ar��les �hail b� orient�ca ��uvar�� areas rr�6n�ra�l� �� �rwmey ��c! I��ht �Fdxtur�� �ha9i b� provid�d �r� �re�s CPA 9E•02/SDR 58-0�/PDH 9E3-OilBLIi 98-0?JMIS 98-04 6/5/38 STAFF REPQRT TO TI-IE PLANNWC COMMISSION 7RI-COUNTY SHOPPING CEN7ER PAGE 25 OF�d2 ��vir�g p�d�stri�r� �� ��hi��! ra#fic ��d �� g��t�nti�lly ��ng�r �r��s. ��paraY�d laundry �re�� �re n�t pr�p���d for s d�v�lopr���#. 'Th� B�alic� �7�p�.r�me�at h�� r�vi�w�d this d���9�prn��t �n� has w�qu�sfsd t� revi�w �h� s���ri4y Bighting �rad �.ddr���ing plas�s for thi� d���laprn�nt. ���e�� ��d �i���al�#io�: �e�tion ���1�!?.�3�0.��)(��� �°��uar�� �h�� �9�� �e�y r��.g���; �1 7'�� n�srra�s�r �fi �li�a�red ���e�� �c�ir�t� f�r � c���d�lo�me�� �i�al6 b� �� pr�s�ri�8�d ir� ���t9r�n 1�.�Q�.�IQ� b.� A!6 cir��i�ti�n ����rr�� �.►uuBt��r� � d�v�9�p��A�� ���lB b� d��igr��d �� ����m����t� er�t��'g���y��l�acl��; ��� �a� R��vi�a�n� �h�@9 b� ��d� �or pet��s��s�a�tnr�y� �r�d l�i��+�l���y� �� ���M f��il��c�� �r� �h��aa� o��s �� �do�t�d �lar�. Th� ap�14���at i� prop�sing four (4) ac�e�� points �hiGh ��r�ply wi�h �l�� �f�n��ras �fi S�c�i�n �8.1 d�� �°h's� �9�n ha� �e�� r�vi��red by Fir� €�istroct st�f# ��d was gen�rai9y found #s� cornp0y with llnif�arrr� �ir� Cade star��ards. �riar ta the issua��� �� b�iiding p�rmit�, aray n�c�:�sary mi��r int�r��l modi�ic�tic�ns v�ill �ae re��ir�d. The City'� adop��d �'��•k �nd �e�eenway Pi�n do�s o��t or�dica�� �h� exis��nc� �� Bic�rcle or I�edestrian Acc���w��r fi�rr�ugh t�� �ite. P�s�i�� '�a°�r��a�e ���t9�n '1�.`1200��Oo(���1�� req�o��� th�t �5�� �atr� r����v�g �.) P��vi�i�r�� �i�hAn ��� ����a �h��l �� ��c9���e� f�r p���id�a�� 40� �r����� 's� ��� �e�e�s�pm��� p��pa���! �� �dj���r�t �e� ����t��� or pr�po�ed tr�ra��� r�u��; �.) `Th� ��q��w����a�� ��r t�°arrsit ���sliti�� �h�Sl b� ����d ��o (�a) �h� �c���:t�or� r�f other tr�r�sa� fi���l�tc+�� ir� �h� ����� �n� �ii.� °�he ���e �r�d typ� �f th� �ro,���at; �.) �'h� ��i��vvi�g faceNeti�� �a�y �� r�c�uired aft�r ��� and �rimi��� r�vp�rru: �I,� �3us s#o� sh�lte��; �ii.) �'��nou�s f�r �����, ��� �iii.� C��ne�t9�� }��t�� t� t�� s6�eltes�5. South�est 72rad and �1N Da�rrao�th Street �re npt �re���tl�r served by trar��i�. � cc�py of the prnpos�� d�velo��nent plar�s hav� besn provided #o T'�I-M�T'. �{1e �ity h�� r�ot r�ceived any cr�mment� concerr�ir�g this propc�sas. �ar��� a ����i�� ��.i��.��p.13 r��a�i��� t9�a� t�� �i� ��vi�+�n �.� All ��rki�� �r�� I��d�ra� �r��s �h�6S &�� �����ra�d ir� ��c�rda��� ��th tn� r�quire���fi� �e� f��h i� ����ia��t� ��.°�06.4�� ��d `I�,106.�9�, ����t��°� ��.�d2, �/i���l C6��ran�e, ar��➢ °��.�Q�, A�c���, ������, �r�d �ir��i��6�a�. �'�rkir�� �tand�rd� ���re b��r� r�vi�wed e9s�wh�r� with�� �hi� ��por�. �a���c�p�nq4 ���ta�r� ��012�.`��Oo�����4� �°�qaa���� �9��� �F�� �u�t� ������; �.� �!� �an����pa�g sh�l� �� ���i��s�s� B€� a���¢9�C'���"i�� ���� ��� �'��F�7�'�El°l�@'9#� ��'� '����9 ��ro �hapt��° ��.�OOa ba) !r� �dda�ion �o th� �p�n �p�c� an�f r��r���son a��� r���ar�m�nt� �� s�b�������� � �r�� � �bc��r�, � mi�a6m�a� �� �0 �/o �f �h� ����� area ir��B�di�� p����r��, 3o�ding �r�� ���c�� ����� �h�11 t�� ��r�d��ap��e�; ��t� �.� �► rvair�irnuan of 15 % �f th� gr��s �ct� �r�� ���1! b� l��d�c���d. ��b.�'sGC$iE��l� 6� �8�� � CJ$ �hl� S��t1C�3�i't'� c�6'� C3�� $6B.��fi� t() ��' �p�?I6�r��1I� ��C's3.�9�� th� �p�lic�nt has prapo��d a correr���rciai de�elopmer��. �ub�ec�ian � is �a��r� �c� b� �ppli��ble and h�s b��r� r�viewed els�v�here v�ithin t�i5 re�c�r�. B�r�ir��g�: ��cti�ar� 1�.120.��0.(A��15� r�q�ir�� tMa#�h� Ce�y�°e�ri��; �o) A�8 dr�6ra��� p�ara� �i��E! b� c9��i�ned irt accord��c� vvit� tB�� �ri��r6a 6� ��� �cl�p��d �9�i �a��t�� dr�R���� �6a�ta (�rain�ge s°equirerner�ts have b��n r�vievv�d elsewher� withi� �l�is r��wrt. ��°�visi�an fc�r�h� �taradi�a�p�d: ����°se�n ��.�2Qe1�Qo�����5) �eqaa�r��#h�t�he �i�y��vs��9 a.) �Q6 fa�'slite�� for�he ha�dic��p�d sha61 b� de�igs��d in �����•d�r�ce �v��h th� r�q�i��rr��r��� ���fic�r�h fo� OFi� Ch�pt�r 4�7, The a��licar�t h�s �d�r�s��c! #��s� r�quir�rr�ents pr�lirnin�rily by providing 29 har�dicapped �CCk?SSiI��� parki�g spaces. �'rior f� �s�ua��e of building perrr�it�, t9�is ��tir� d�v�i�pment will b� r�vi�wed in d�tail for complianc� wifh h�rrc�ic����d acees�ibility r�quirerri�r�ts. �'c�c ns: ���#i�n '4�0�20,��Oe'�7 ��qc��u�e� th�� �h� �ity re+�i�� t�a�� �i1 �o�n {�9ac�;r��nt ar�� �ori���u�tion �h�ll b� d��sg�ed i� ��ec�rd���e �nri�h, r�q�ir�m�nts ��g �u�h 6r� �f��p#�r 1�.114. A!B proui�i�ns �n�9 r�gut�t�c��� c�f th� �sr�d�er9ying �or�� �h�l9 �pply aan���� r�odrf6�� �ay �#h�r CPA 98-02/5DR 98-02/PDR 98-01/SLR 98-02/M15 98-04 &!1/98 STAFF REPc�RT TO THE PLANNING CQMMIS�ION 1'RI-COUNTY SHQPF'ING CEIVTER P/�GE?6 OF 42 ����i��$ �# thi� �i�le (�vg., �h i�nn�d deveiopr��rr�, �h�pt�r 1 e; or � V�riaa��� ���n�ec4 e�n��r �h�p��r i�e�34, �t�.) �ppli��.�t ha� no� r�qu�st�d s�gr� rrnit� i�s ��nj���tion w'sth t�6s applicatican. �� dis�u��ed �ls��l��r� wi�hin thi� re��rk th� ap�licar�t wBll nee� �o d�v�lop � sigr� p��grar� far�his �entere l��s��r��is�� �s���6��0�� ar�� ��qa�la�6os�� �f th� �JnderBy�nq ��n�� S�c�i�r� 1�.12001�O.�R+)(1�) ��quar�� tl�a#�h� �ity �I�o r��i�vv a�9 ��h�r un�lerByin� ��q�i�er�es�#s ��f the �c�n6�g di�tri�t. Tii� �nd�rly�ng z�ni�g district re�ui�•�rr��nt� ar� review�d �I�ewi��r� �ithin this repo�. 'Tr� ��me���l: ���tio�a 1�.1�t9a0�:� r�q�aire� �h�t � �re� pl�� ��� t�� pl�r��a�gr ��rr�ov�9 �a�d �r�t���ac�n �� tr��� p���ar�d by � ��rtifi�� �rb�ara�t �h�19 �e �ar���ded �vi$h � ���� d�eo�l�pm�n� s���,o��enr a��li�ati��. 7`he tre� p9�n �hall �r��lud� i�9e��ifi��#aor� ���II e�cos#ir�g ����s9 i���ti�i�atian s�� �i pr�gs��� to ���v� �x��f�ng tree� e�r �atig�t� fr�� ��moe��8 e���r 1� io�ch�� ir� ��Eip�r, v�t�ic� ��e�s �r� t� b� �e��r��s�, p��t�ction pr�gr�m d�fa�i�g �#and�r�� �n�d rv��th�ad� that �i61 b� �as�d !�� th� �pg�lic�nt f� �rc�te�t fire�� duro�g �r�d ��er con�#r�ctivnv �a�er� or� t�ie rrs�ssive gr��i�og r��c�ss�ry to develo�4his �¢��� th� applica�# h�� praposed to re�ove ali exBsting tr�e� an th� pr�ap�rty. �'ree rerv�oval a� �ppropriafe b�s�d or� the t�p�+��aphic c�r�deticsns, ��e� pla�n to develop the si�e a� � �ingie �ho�ping cent�r. 1°h� ��plicar�� h�� d'm��u�sed �h�.t fhi� site ���pres�nts th� only iarc�efy �nder c�evel�p�d, large scafe camr�erci�l site avail�ble in th� °fig�rd E'ianrri�g ��ea. .� A t�ta6 of 5� trees with 99? c�aliper ir�ches w✓ere ideratifiied c,n thi� �it� as h�aithy nan-E�empt trees �ver 12 in�he� in diar�et�r. �cam� 267 tre�� exis� �n fih� �it� r�ot rr�ciudic�g th� e��r�pt �hristmas 1°re�s but rnany �# t6�� trees c�n sit� were �Iso �xe�+p��d �rad�r th� �ilasi�ington ��unty �`a�c Ass�ssor's "smail woodlands" ex�mption. A tot�E o� -•i.62 acres of th� �i�� is exempt from �ree mifiigatic�r� �e�r this ��a�on. �eeaa�se a�l �f ���e ha,alt�lr tr�es c�ver 12 i�ch�s ir� diameter arr� proposed 4o b� r�moved, 100 % of �he ca9ipr�r ir�ch�� Ic��� �r�; r�quir�d Yo I�e mitigat�da �h� �.pplic�n� h�� proposed t� par�ial6y �niti��fi� 926 c�Eip�r ir�ches ra� s�te k�y up�izing lan�f���pe plar�tir�g� t� � 3 a�d 1/2 c�lip�r 5ixe. �f'his equals 1 �nd 1/2 inches �f additional c�liper siz�. in prepa�ir�g the t��� rriitig�.tior� pEar� it app��.rs thaf �h� ap�lica�t ira�lud�d exerr�pt tre�� at 12 irrch�� in di�rro���r �s p�r� �� th� �re� r�etic�atiorr plan. T;� wc�ui� h�v� rer�uir�d �n addi�i��o�i 33� ca8i�,�r 9r�ch�� of tr�� rt�itig��ia�. Th� applicant has pr�paseci $o re�ove 7r�es wi4hin v�e#iar�ds �r�a� th�t ar� f� b� pr�served. If i5 n�f ciear e�vh� th�s� sp�cifi� trees (N�rr�b�r�r� 88-9� in tre� rer�av�9 p8a�� �re n��d fo be r�rnov�d s�nce the �v�tl�nc�s �r� t�ii� ���a is t� �� �r���rv�d. ��s��.��� �h��� ����s �r� � i������ ir� si�� �nd withen � ssE°es�ive I���ds areas the appli�ar�� sh�{E o�tain a tr�� r�r�ov�l �errni� prsar t��h�ir r�rnov�i. �'h� applicant h�s �iaa agr��d �o frar�s,�.�l��if ��r�ne �,50t� c�li�er inc��� �f existir�g Christm�s trees a�t an ��f-sit� I�cation, �s a tree miti�ation cr�dit for a fufur� d�v�ic�pr�n�rit proj�cf. � rem�ining �6 caliper i��hes may be plar�t�d off-site or tre� mitic���iar� f��� paid f�r t�� �a9u� e�f pu�cha�e a�d �fanting �fi addi�ior�a� #re�s. Aiso, tM� a�piicant and �i�y may� agr�e t� locat� �:xesfing �hr�strna� trees on t�� �roperty �t off-si�� Ci�y open s��ce site�. ��s°e�t Ir�prc�v��ra��ts� ��cto�an ��a°9�4.Q�0.�.1 s��t�� �hat r�c� ���elss��ri��t 5ha19 o���ar �s�8��� th� d��►���p�a�r�� has �r�n���� �r �g�p�ro��d ac�e�� t� � ���ls� �tre�t and th�t �treet� a�r6thin a�d ��lj���n� �h�ll �ae i��rov�d 9n ��c�rd�n�� v�►6th cardinanc� st�nd�rc�s. The applicanfi ha� b�er� require� t� c�n�tr��t �tr��fi irriprov�m�nts ir� acc�rdane� �aith thi� section. Th�s has been revie�ved elsev�here �v�thin this r�por4. CPA 9f3-02/SDR 58-0?JPDR 98-01/�LR 99•02/MIS 98•Oh 6l1!98 STAFF RrP�RT TC3 THE PLANNING CQiVItv�ISSlO�! 7RI-COUNTY SHOP�PING CEtvT�R PAGE 27 QF 42 �����GL� �����N S�"A�ll� , ����g� �t�ra���d� ��r �u�li� �tr��� imgar�v�r����� ��� ��s� r��� d�v��op������ ��d ��r��v��i�an p��j��t� h��r� ���n pr�p�r�d fo� th� T'igard �r3�����a 7'���� d��ig� ��a�od�rdl� �e�dr��� ������� irnp¢��t��� g��d�r�e� p�°6��cp�!$ adc�p��� f�r tha� �'�g��d Ta���n�l�, �r��B�ad�r�� ����#in� a hi�h�y��l�#y a�i��� ��� �mp6�yrn�r�t �r�a, proori�it�g � �o���ra��nt �����#ria� �nd b�k�vv�� ���t�rr� vvithin th� T'�Ea�r�g��, �nd u#ili�irag �tr��t���pe to �r��te � high qu�9i�� ���ge 4�r �ne ��°��, ��9 ��w d����o������ �r� ��pe���� �ca ���fr6������the �h�r����r �n� �����ty ����� �r��. Ir� �C�('�9t9�t'� �� r�e�t�r�g �h� d��agn �t����r�� d���r9b�d ���ow �r�� �a�@��� ¢�e��lopr��s�� ����d�rd� ��q��r�d �y th� ���������s�� �r�� E�u��da�� �����, ����i����nt� v�ill �� ��e�e�i��� �c� ��c�6��t� ��d e��rov� p�a�l�� ��r��t�, ����a��t �� �����e� ���fi�it��� ��c� �� ���n#��y ���r��, v�at�� ��� ��c��� dr�in�r��s ��� p��ti�i���� d� �a��d�r�g �u�a�r� t���a�p��at��s� ��c� p���a� ir��r�����r�t proj���s r�e��s�a�°� �i��ir� ���`TO��rd �°s°i�����. °�he f�ll�a�ri�g d��9gr� ������r�� �pp�y�� �9E �iev������r�t lc�c���d w�thir� ti�� �'og��°� `t°�9��a�9+eo �f � �tae�d�rd #o�n�! an #F�i� ���ta��a ����I���� �a�9� ����h�r �f����r� in t�ae ��v�eoo�m��t ����, s��r��Nards en �hw� �e�ct�s�� �i�a6i gov�rr�< �TR��T ��h9�l�C�'e�'��Y� . AI� �e�r�lc�pm��t rxe��� c�er�s�n�trat� how one (1) �f th� ��ll��s���� �t�r����d c�p���ra� �rvi�! �� rra�t. i/�ri���� r�f �tP���� �t�r�d�rds may b� �pp����c� p�� �6�� ����ir�����:� c�� �h�p��r '��.�34 wh�r� ���og���h�/, ba����r� �t��h �� ��il���d� �r fr�ew�y�$ a�� ���6r��€rra�m���� �on��r��s�t� �u�t� �� major s�r���s ar�� a���+��� �r�v�nt �#r��� �xt�r��io�s ��� ��a�r���t�a�s, ���fi�r��n���a�ic�� �o L���� str��t �����ng �6���1 ����r at �r��er���� o� �� ���s �h�� �igh� (�� ������ i����°����ior�� �a�� m�l�e 9�. 7'h� �ho�e�� ��hi�f� ��6� ��er p�bli� ��r��ts �ro� � �o��l �r�g�r� �� «� ��Il��t�r ��° �re�t�� ���wlity �� r�o ���r� ��,�a7 te�d����� ��r����e��iy�� ds���v���o c. 'Th� ���r���t �a�d��t�i�r� trop �� ��bli� ��ght-o����y fro¢� a �cn��t �ro���s to � �o�l��t�� �� g������ ����n��� �� �r� ��a�� �h��� ��a� �ra� e�s��-h�l��F�� ���������3��� dB�t���ea Cai�en tP�� �act that the iength o� ��/ ��rkma�th �'tr�et Q� Q�,�Qt� �ir���l f�et, approxirr��tely �ix (6} ir�t�rsectinns waa6d b� r�q�ir�d ta m��t t��es star�d�rd. �as�d c�n th� n�a��o�er of �xis�ir�g ar�d pl�nned streets, thi� star�dard is consider�d t� ha�� b��n rre�� withc�ux �l�� �xt�n�@�n o� a s�r�e��s� � th�ough �his �i��. Irscl�s�ing �h� int�r���tion� ofi ��+! ��r��-?a�.9t�a �t�e�t �t �� F'��ifi� Hi�h���, �� � Dartmou�h �tre�t af the �Banne� t3�ck�c�� ��ad, �1/1f L?�r�rrri�u�h �tree� a# #�� piann��l fly s�ver to a� ;W Hali �oule�ar�, SV�/ D����ou#h Str��t �t SV�! 72r�d �4�e���, �'� D�.�trr���th �tre�� �t �VV �(3th �° f�ved�ue, SV4� C3�rRmo�oth Stre�t �t SV1/ 69th ,4v�n�� an� Sl�' ��rfimout� s2re�t at !-5o a tot�6 af � sev�n (7) infi�rs�Gtinr�s �r� exist�ng �r planr��d within th� �f'ig�r� �'�ian�i�. �Qr this r�a�an, �.r� � ext�nsion of a str�et #hrough th� Tri-Counfy Shapp�ng ��nt�i- sit� frorn ��'V CDarCmouth Stre�t i� � no� r�quired. Giv�n �h� �act th�t 4h� i�r�gt� o� aVV 72�d Av�r��a� throug� th� T'ri�ngl� i� 4;400 lin�al ��e#, approxi�r�at�ly six (6) intersections o� �iN �znd �Qv�nue ar� r�q�air�d thr�ugh �he �riar�gl�. Inel�a�irrc� th� ir��t�rs�ctio�s ofi :�V1! 72nd Av�nu� at 21�, S1n4 7�r�d ,�ven�� �t SW Ha��pt�a� �treet, SW 72nd Av�nue �t 51N Gc�nzac�a �tre�t, �►M 7�a�d AvenUe �� ��/ �evelar�d Str��;t, �VV� 72r�d GPA 98-02/�DR 96-02/PI�R 98-01/SLR 98-(32/Pu11S 98-(kl 6/9/9$S'CAFF REPQR'f TU T�l�F'I.ANMINC�COMMIS8i0�! TRI-COUN'f'Y SH9PPiNG CENTER PAG�28 OF 42 ���r��a� �at �1/V F°I�rmasa Way 72nd Aver�ue �4 �� �7a�trn�u tr�ef, S� �'�red Av�r�u� �� �1l� �tinton ��r��#, SV1l 72r� �nu� at SVU ��yi�r ��ree�, �V� r�d Av�nu� at th� pl�ilned �stter��ia� c�f ��f Atlar�ta Str�e�, �V11 72nd �uer�u� �t �h� �I�r�a�ed �ac�Cag� �t�ad �r,d SV1/ 72n� �,v�nu� �� ��' F'��cif9� 9�ighw�y; a t�tal �f �1 inter���t6nrr� �r� exi���ro� �ar �5��n�d wi4hir� the �'€��rd °�riangl�. For thi� r�asan, an extensic�rr c�f a �t���t t�rcaugf� fh� �°r����unt� Shnppi�� C�nt�r �o�� frorrs �VV 72nd Av�r�u� i� n�t r�q�ired. � �h� shar���t v�hicle trip ��er pcablic ��reets frorn � I�c�l origin tm a �all�c��r or gre����fac�fitg� i� eia� �c��� than twice t�� straic�ht-lin� �is��nce stas�dard, has be�� ir��erpr�t�d a� th� �is�anc� frorn a drovr�w�y entr�r�ce ta a �a1l�ctor �r ia��i' CI�SSi�l��$E()I� �4�'@��. 9n thBs c�s�, �he proj��t me�ts this reguir�r��r�4 b�cause af front�g� �.nd pr�pas�d driv�way a�c�s� t� �w� (�} ���or Art�roa! str�ets, �l�B D�rtrnc�uth ��r�et ��d 51�/ 72r�d Av����. T'he shor���t p�d�strian trip 5t�ndar� has b�er� 6nterpret�d t� rn�an th�t a �edes4�i�n should r�ot hav� �o t�av�! more than one and �n�-�alf (1'/a} tim�� �E�� �h�r��sf �traight lin� d�stance firom the �ri�ew�y �nt�ance to ti�e f•�r�h��t pr�posed huiidir�g entran�e. °�he d�i��w�y is ar� appropriate �oir�t �fi rn�asur� in thi� e�se becaus� ali i��r (4�) prc��os�d driv��ays ir�ter��ct with ��re�t� desigr�ated as fVlajor Ar�eri�l�, S�14 7�nd ,4��n�ae ar�d �VVV Dartr�nc�aath �tre�t. �c�r �h9� reason, the dra��way �ntr�nc� would exc�ed the coll�ctc►r�tandard st�ted iro the crit�ri�. °fl�e f�rthesf mair� entr�nce o� �la�or An�hor I to �VV 7�ra� A�enue a��e�rs �o b� the m�st appropriafi� distance to u�e to m�:ascar�� c;on�plianee with the �tandard, �°his dist�nce is th� f�rth��t point � pedes�r9ar� would hav�e to w�iP<fr�r� th� publpc �tr��t intc� the sit�. � pedestr�ar� wouid have a �traighY line dis�anc� af 1,186 fe�t ifi �he appli�an� pr�vide� � �alkv��:y all �he w�y fo �1N 72nd ,�venu�, as has be�n req�ired. A di�fanc� of ar�e ar�d a��-haif (�'/�) ti�es �he s4raight line path i� �,754 lir�eal f�e�. Throu�h the rPCamrri�nded Go�diti�ns a� �Approv�l, th� �ppiic�ro� �vc�uld prc�vid� a distance �f �,235 lineai fie�t whi�h com��{�� wi�h shorte�t p�de�tri�n frip sta�dard. ,� �p p� yp�p�' g��gy�yp�ry�a A 9�� R,7��1'479A�A ��B�9i�f8�A��"19mYs�m � �I� ��9/�I��S��B1� 3Y1U�$ 991t'�� ��'i� �(DII�V'aiitl� �6�"�' ���A�P9 ����'1i��PA'��. 6� � �����I u� �n� ��) a�s�� �r &a�g��° � pG����a� ���s���pme�� p���a ���� �� �������d ��s���������a�g h�� th��� ���ndacd� 4rrr �h� o��rall p�r��9 c�� b� ��#a �a�i�nc� to �h��� ����s��r�� m�}� b� gr��#ed if �he ��aterpa �oun�i �� ���tio� 1�.334.Q�0 (�wi��ra� fi�r �r��a�ing a �l�re�nc�) �� �a�r���ed. �a�OE�a�s� �l�����n# c�s� ��i�ar ��d �'�r�o�° �r�����a�� �r�d �6�� �'�r��� T �d,seldES-m�� �h�61 �����y � r�'sr�i��� ca� 5�% �� a!I �tr��f f��sr�t�g�� �6orag I��jor and �in�r a�r���sai �tr�et�. �uiBd���s �i��@I S�� ����t�d �t p�ablic �ta°��� i���r��ct�c�n� on �a�c�r �r�� 6�9n�� �rt��°a�! �tr��t�o �Th� site has a��rnxima�el� 674 feet of fr�ntag� or� SVV `��nd ,4v�r�ue. The applicar�f h�� prap���d tw� (2) pads �vith 3�1 fie�t of length which is 50% of the sit� firUnta�e on SVV 72r�d �v�nu�. °�h� �ite ha� �pproxima�ely 1,27Q fiee# of fi•antage on SVV C�arkmouth �treet. �'he appli�ant ha� pr��osed four (4) pads v�itra � total buildir�g fength of 714 f�et rar 56% of the sit� fror�tag� on �V�l C3��tm�uth Street. For these r�asar�s, �he �pplicatinn as propos�d complies with this �tae�dard. �ufilcl�nq ��tba�ck - °fh� s�ir�irn�rn buEleisng s�tb�cl� frorn �u6�iic �tr�+�t rig'�t��of-�vv�y c�r d�dic�ted �vetl�rrd�/bu�Fer� ��d c��her �nvir�a�rn�el�al f�ata�r��, ��yalB �e !� feet, th� rr��a�im�a�a ��aaidi�g s�tt�a�k �hall b� 10 f��t. Pads� A, B �r�d C �anr�ot cornply with th�s sta�ndard if wetlands mifir�ation is pr�vid�d alang th� s�te's SV+! Dar�m¢�uth Stre�t frortfac��. �'��Is a ar�d F co�npl� �vith this standard t�n the SVV 72r�d A����e �ro�tage because they ar� pr�oposed �r� be b�ilt t�p to the street right-of-wa,y. CPA 9t3-02/SDFi 98-02/PDR 98-01/SLR 9H-�2/MIS 98-04 6/1/98 STAFF REP�SRT TO TI-IE PLANNING COMNIISSIDN TRI-COUPITY SHOPF'ING CENTER PAGF 29 OF 42 �r�a�at r�a�� s�fi���lc d��i�„n a d���p��g, �� �r��d�, or � �� ����d �xp���3�n o� th� p��e�tri�r� ���h ���t b� pra� cl �s��ve�r� � �tructur� ��ad � �a� B� �tr��� ar ������v�r��e I� � ba�il�ic�� a�ut� ��r� th�rs c�r�� (1� �tr�+�t, �h� r�q���°�d �r��aro��m�a�t� ���i! �� pr�v�cl�� �n z�li �tr�et�e L�r�d��a���g �ha�il b� d�ve��p�� #� �ra Lp1 �t���i��� �n puks��c �tr��t�. ii�ardp ��rf��ed �r�a� $h�iC b� ��r��tr�a���� we�h ���r�� co�s�r�'�� �r �c���s�l�r p�vi�a� r��t��B�9sA ����h�s ar�� �th�r �ta���� faar�i�9�i��� ar� �r��c�a�r�g��e 7"h��� �r��� �h�i9 ��n�ri���� t� #he ra�°ainirn�rra ���d���p�r�g r�q�arrer��n� p�r �e�t6�r� ��ofi��a5� ��) f�. '�h� L-1 lan�sc�p� st�ndard �ppBi�s tc� th� �VU' �J�rtm�iath �fr��t �r�� SVli 7�nd Av���s� ��r��t fro�t����. '�hi� stand�rd is na� found tcs ��pl� �a t4�� �Vi/ �ier�osa t�J�y �rsa�#�g� b������, daa� �o its n�.rrow width, errr�erg�r�c� v�hicl� a�c��� �r�d pc�ter�t9�i fut�r� sat� ��c��� m� �e� b� ���vE��� thea�gh ±his frc�r�et�g�, Th� appli��r�t h�� pr�rK�cssed tr� con�truct th� F��d � �r�d � b�e�dir�g� up t� th� S�! ��nd �uenu� fra�tag� rgg�t-af-v�ra�/. aorr�� parking �.re�� �ill �I�� h��� f��r�t�g� c�� th� �'V� P2nd e��er��a� right-c�f-��y ��at �h� �ppBicant �ar�pos�ci � 1�tlf�a�t-�id� p�s°�c�r�y lana�sca�� �e�tion 4o par�i�lly scr�en this p�r6<ir�g. Als�, th� t�pe�gr��hy ar� thi� ar�� ���m7� �h�.� th� parki�ac� �vc�uid b� ��rn� 12 �e�f ��Ic�w t�e grad� �f th� stre��. �lar�� fih� �V9r' [���rr���a�h �treet frca�t�g� th� �.�pii��rrt is pr�c,l�ded frc�m corr�plyir�g with ths� ����d��°d ��� �o �h� ��tl��d� fill and �i#igatiar� prap��ed for �hi� ��fire firahtage. As r�visec� t��rr�gh th� r�ca�r���d�t� ��r�d�tio�� �� Apprc�v�B 5tre�t tree planti�gs will cc�mp9y with the Tigar� ��'s�r�gie D�sign �����ards �s i� r��r�ev��d �Ssewhere withir� this ��port. VIi�Rkw�� �earn���fiian te� ��eldin� �n�ra�r���� � � v�r�lk�vv�y� ��r�n��t6o� A� c����r�;d ������� t�e b�s6d�ra�'� �r�t�a�a�c� ��d t�i� ��I�li� �tre�t �r ���es��tvay pc°��od��� ������ �o th� �rca�aer#y, 'Th6� v�a9kw�y ra�a��� be �a# lea�s# �ix (�� 9�et a�i�1e ���i �� pav�d vdeth ��ar�d ����r�et� or moda�E�r p��sio�� ��te�°i�l�. �ui�c�ir�g ��������� �# � ��rr��r ro��� a ����e� s�r��t @�t�r����i�� �r� �rr�ou�a��d. `�h��� �r�a� �I�ai� ��r��r���t� �� �h� ms�a���� i��d����sir�g r�;q�oo°�rn�nt ��r ���t��r� i 5.�2.05a (A) 6. Except f�� Fa� �, � wa�kw�y s��t�m ha� t���r� prr�v4d�d to �ac� r��iro er�tranc� o� th� propc�sed pads fr�m S�if' �2r�c! Av�r��e and S�iV Da�trr���th �tre�t. The walk�vay sy5�ern utilizes maad�alar pav�mer�t raiaterial� �f vary�r�g v6+id��s, �long �hr�e f3� caf th� driv�ways ii1t� th� �it�, the applicar�t ha� �rovided fiive fi�et �� vv�ik�ay widfh. Th� site �.r�d I�ndsca�e pl��� shall be revised to pravide a rninirnum of �ix (6) fe�t off �+vir�th �or �l6 v��9kway�. l"h� app96�ant �h�l& provid� � �e��fiir��au� six ��)-g�c���vdode w�ikw�y �seng ma#cher�g r�nodul�.r pav��r��n� ��a�a��riafs aian� �,t I�d�� e�r�� ��) �id� o� ��iv��ay � �re�r�r th� �lajc�r �6n��e�r �'���r�fi� to �!�' �2r�d �v��u�. �'h� �it� �r�d l�radsc�pe plan 5h�ll be revised �Q �rovid� � �ix (6�-�oog-�vid� v��ik�r�y ��ing rr�atchir�g r�odul�� p�v�r��r�f �e���r��is �rom �ad L� �r� �i�/ 72nd l�v�n��. `�h� �pp�ic�nt �1�� previ��asl� ���r�:���d �c��c�rn� t�at uv�l�v��� ��r�r���;#ica�� tc� �°� �'�nc� �1ver��a� �ould r�o� me�t �andicapp�� accessibility st�.ndard� d�a� tn the topeagr�pll�e o# Yh�a sBE�. �'his �rgum�nt is noi p�e�sua�i�� because, �,rt�il� �l��h vu�.lkvu�y� may ��f b� l�andi��pp�d ��c���ible �outes to the sit�, ifi no walkway cc�nne�fion iv provided a� k�y lo�a�i�re�. °�h�� ����ald c�rar������aril� III'Yl9$ �GC��S �O t�1P �IfG' �y PlOP1-Fi'clC1C�ICa��c d �3�i'�OI�a, or b� p�r�can� who hav� � f��ndic�� bu� may � stiil be abfe ��o us� a rnore convenienfi w�lkw�y c�nn�ction. � � �` ��rkir�� Ic���t��i� �a�d ��r�d��a�� ��si�� - P�a°kic�g f�r ��aa���r��� �� p�as�� �d���e�t t� ��bli� � �#reet �igh�s-of-�v�y �ra�a�t b� i���t�� �� t�� �a�� �� r�a� �� �s��8� ��r��t��u���d ��ilda���o �°h� `� � lica�� has n�t ra osed to devela arkir� dire�tl �d ac�nf �a �he ��re�� d�a� to �c� ca ra hic � P� P p pp � � 1 (� 9 !� � � and bu6lding pl��ement standards or� th� ��'V 72r�d �,v�r�u� fr�r�tag�. �arnil�rl�, bt�ildir�g placer�er►� � standar•ds, ar�d wetfand� r�itig��ic�n i�s�es on the SVV D�rtr��u�h �tr��t �ror�t�g� �ar�ci�d� placem�r�f o� parkir�g ar�a�� imm�dia��ly a�dj�a�ent to th� str��t. �'arking ar�as r��uid, th�refore, b� � minirr��m �f 16 fieet frdm th� �d�e af S��l �2nd A��nu� a�d 35 ���t from �he e�ge a� 4he SW D�rtrncauth �tr�e# right-�f��ay, �ar th�s� re:as�r�s, r�o �p��i�E �aricing icat �cr�enang and/ar buff�ring standarc�s ar� r�quir�d. CPA 98-�2/SDR 98-02/PDR 98-01/�LR 98-Q2/MIS 98-i34 �,'9(98 STA�F REPOFiT T(�THE PLANNIN�COMMIISSiON TRI-COUNTY SH(�PPING CENTEFl PAGE 30 OF A2 a ��1�.�IPI� ���IC��I ��'�N[�A . �I! noro-r��id�rat@al ��aiiding� �h��! cc��p0�r v��th th� ��ll�vui�g el�sagn �t�a�d��d�. V�ra�n�� �� these �t��d�ar�� r��� !�e gr��t�d i� th� �r6�er6a ���srmd an �e��i�n 1�.'!340050 (�ri4�rw� fo� � Gr�r�ti�g � ��ri�n��� i� s�t�����d. � Grat��od fia�r wir�dov�� - AI6 �tr����f�c6ng �I���ti��� �nrithsn t�� ��6�d�ng ��4b��� (G� �� �� ��e�� �B�ng ��Ibii� ��r�et� sh�ll Q��B�scl� � �rai�o�um �# 5Q°/w �� $h� ���ur�d ���or r�a�l ���� wit� w��do�+�, ds��9�� �r��s �r �9o�rmv�y �p�n6t�g�. '�'�� �ro�r�d ��oar �r�l� ���a �8���9 b� rn���t���� ���� thr�� �3� f��t �b��� �r�d� t� no�� �9) �e�t �bove �raei� f9�� ��tir� v��dth of td�� ��rc����fi�c�r�� �lev��oc��. `Th� g�c��r�d #9��r u�v��dc�vv r�qa�ire��n� �h�l� !�� rr��t �rithir� �h� g��►�no�d ����r �+a��� �r�� �ra� ��� �9��� �o�rvvay o��r�ing� ft� gr�u�e�! t�v��a �7p tc� ��% �f �h� �ra�r�c� f9�or w�nc��� re��ir°�m�r�� r��� �i� r��t �� �n ��lj��c�ing �i��r�t�a�¢� �� leara� �s all �f��,e r�r�t�or����� �� I���t�cf �t � ���e�i�� ��ra��r, �a�ed o� the �ri�ratation �� �h� bullding� on t�i� �i�e, #�9s �f�,r�d�rd app�i�s �8 �h� �asf�rn �:i��ati�n af Pads � a�nd F. l"h��� �r� ��aildi�g �I�v�ti�r�s #a�ir�g �h� �VV 72nd �ver�ue fror��ac�e. �'he P�d � and [� �i�vat@�n h�s 9,050 ���ar� f�et af bc�i(d`s�g �l�vatio� �rea betwe�r� three (3) �nd nir�� �9) ���t i� height. Far this r�a�pn, 525 �qu�r� fee� n� thi� area must b� v�rer�dowed. The app6icar�t �rQVid�d 240 ���a�°� #ee� of this el�v�tio�► area with �ind�onr�, fih�r�f�re, thds �I�v�tic,r� shall be r�vi��d t� pr•GVade a� a�ditio��al 285 squar� fe�t of winds�w�d ��ilding �levation. . � 1°h� 4�ad � �I�a�t@or� has �5� �q�aare f��� �� b�ail�ir�g �IPV�tion between thr�� �3) ar�d nine (9) f��t ir� heic�hto �car �hi� re��a�, 3��.50 �q���� ���f �ust coa�t�ir� wir���w�d �r���. F� tofal �f 413 �q�ar� ���� v�as pr�avsded, in compli�r��e vvi�h tl�i� res��iremenf� As �araposed, �'ad� A, � and � wo�ald b� �ep�rat�� ��orn �4�/ C��.r�r���ath �tre�� �u� to �he ��c�pc�s�d w�tl�r�d� rniti�atio� �.r�a. T'h�;s� bu�lr�ir�g� wo��d r�nge �r� di��ar�c� ffrs�r� Sll�` C�ar�rr���ath ��r��� fror�o 1� - 2�0 feet. [�u�h �f th� r��rtherly ele��ti�n of Pads �, � ar�� � would be s�me 4�0- 6�1 ���� frarrt �VV €��rtmouth �tr���. Fc�r thi� re�s�n, th� wind�w gl��ir�g r�quirer��nt is not applic�ble bec�us� #h�se structure� would not b� v�ithin th� 0-10 �o�t s�tbacic. Houv�v�r, thi� ciesign ha� esser��ialiy� prop�s�d uvind�wl�s� w��fs fcar �arr�� 45"/o af t�e st���f firr�r��age along SW �a�trraau4h �tr���. Thi� d�sign �ea4c�r� do�s r�ot app�ar to m��t ih� ir���r�t �f �'9g�rc1 1'ri�ngle ���ign �f�r�da�ds. �"�� �pplicar�t pr�pose� r�o wir�dov�� o� tM� r�ortherly �I�v�tsor� �� Pad ,A. A� e� rec�r�am��d�d thaf �h� ��a�li���t pr��id� 5Q% �# �h� bual�ir�� �lev��i�rr b��w��r� �hr�e ��) ar�c� �i�� (9) ���t �r's�h wir�dow glazir�g. �'h� �pplic,arit is p�oposing t� provide appr�xirx�at�:ly 3.5% csf Yh� ���ir� Pad C� nor�h�rly eieva�i�n uvifh windUw gla�ing. It is ��cc�mmer�ded that ���is �I��r�tian �� r�vi��d to provide a minirr��.�m o# 50% of the �lev�fior� b�tw�en �hre� (3) ar7� nin� (9) ��et vvift� vuind�vu glaz�rig. Th� applicant alsa propQS�d a �ew windor�vs ar� #he ncr�her� �lev�ti�rr of th� 6�ad � buildin�. The P�d � C buildi�g �arhh �I�v�tio� shali �Iso be revis�d to prQVid� �, �riinirr�urn r�f �0°!� o� the buigdi�ng � � �1�v�tion b�t+�e�n fhree (3) ar�d nin� d�) ���t w�th �rindow gl��ir�g. �a � � �u�9di��f��ade� � �acad�s ti°��# f��� � pu�Zl�� �tr��t ��aE� �xt��c� �� m�r� fi�ar� 50 f��# � v���ho�at pr�vidong at 9e�st �r�� (1) o� �h� �o9��wen� �e�t���sa (�) a ��r6��ia�a i� buildit�� � rr�at�rda6�; ��r) � b�aiidi�g offi-��t �f �t oea�t �-f�ot� (�) a �r�l@ �r�� th�t 6� �nt�r�iy ��parat�c� � ��am c��h�r v�r�ll �r��s by � prog�c�i�n, ���h �s ae� ��°��d�; ��° �d� by �r���h�r ���gg� f��t�r�� t���t r��Q�ct th� ��ai�c�ing'� ��r�a���ral �y����a No ��il�ang ����d� ���8! �xt�r�d for ��s�� thas� 3QQ ���� �+ritho�t � ��d��tri�o� �ar��e�t��� b�#���� a�r thr�ugh �h� bu�le�ing. This stand�rd appli�s to th� norkherly �1e�ati�n� c�f Pads A, � and � �nd th� ��st�ri�O �9�v�ticar� of Pads D and F. P�ds ,4,f3 C ar�d Q will n��d t� be re�i�w�d for co�raplia�c� �iti� �hi� st��dard prior t� �he is�uanc� of buildi�q �ermi�s. 9f a Co�dition of Rpprov�l is reg�air�d th�t �I�vatiar�s hav� �. minimum of 5Q% CF'A 98-�2lSDR 98-02JPDR 96-Oi/SLR 98-02/MIS 98-04 6/1/98 ST'AFF REPC�RT TO THE PLANNIiN�C�M�AISSIOPJ 7!�!•COUNTY SHC3PPING CEN7ER Pl�GE 31 OF 42 of �+irrdaw �lazi�rg be#w�en thr (�) �nd �in� (�) ���4, 4his �vould t sa4i�fy this �tandard. 9f a �c�r�tidtl�n rsf �lpprav�l is r�at r� d to �dd w@ndow gl�zin�, the �@� rtt w696 n��d 4c� a�dr�s� th� �ta°sidin� F�c�d�� �#and�rd� or� �f! of �h� a�orerr���t��r��d �ppli��bla building ele��ti�r�� �xc�pt for t��a �€��t �Ig��tion �� P�d �. 11���th�r p�ot��tio� � VVea�h�r protec#ia� f�r �ed��t�l�ns, ��a�9� �$ ��r���ag�, ��r���ae�, �nd �a°���es, �h�ll b� pr�o�rric��� �t t��iidar�g er��ran���. llU��th�r pr�a�e��iora i� �n�oaarag�d �O�r�g �u�9d"er�� fr�r�t���� a���a�ti�g � ��abii� �id�vv�lk ar � h�rdtl������d �x��r��s�r� �f � sid��ra9k, ��acE a��n� bt�olding fr�r�t�g�� bet�v�en a b�siidin� ��atranc� ��c� � pub9ic �tree� �� ��ce��vd�yo ,�v.�r��n�s �nd ��r�op�e� �h�l� n�t �� b��k ii�o Th� fr�r�t �ntranc� c�f e��h fvt�jor A��cP,�� T�n�nt buildir�g i� prap�sed �o bo �r�v6d�d with � �caver�d Qr�try as p�rt ��4�i� bui@dirag en�r�r�c� treaY�r��►�f. °�hg� ��andard 9s �I�o �ppilcable tc� tn� builc�6�� er�trances t� 6��d� A - �. °B°h�s� el�v�ti�ns h�v� al�o be�n d��i�n�d �ti�h covered e�tr�.rac�� as arch9t�ctt�a�ai featt�r��. ��ai�dira�It����r��is m PB�is� ��r��r��� t�l��kg �I�O� �`���i����y ��sr�r�g�ted �s���@, ply�vvor��, �h��t pre�� b�ar� �r v6��9 �it96r�g c���/ no� 6�� �a��d �s ��4��6�r �e�s�h a�����ral�e ���nd��w�n ��t�ra�! ��y b� p���� ��nc��t� or pB���a c�n���t� ��s��k �h�r� the ��aa�dat�o� o�a��rgaN a� �o� r�v��9�d $or ���� tharo � fe�t, Arch6�ectural �iev�tions h��� be�n provid�d with a U�ri�ty of fir�i�h design ma#eriais. (�dajor entr�nc�s ��e provided u�ith sog�i�i�ar�t Bev�ls of archit�ctural detaif� ar� each applicabl� �uildir�g �levatio¢�� 'The �ide �ind r�ar �le��to�r�s a# th� Nlajor Ao�chor Tenant buildings ar� prr�posed to be c�r�strt�cted wi#h s��it fac�a ae�ncr�t� block v�ith concret� �c�ent barod�. �tuceo cornic�s �r�d �ofur�n capital detail� h�v� aiso b��n pro�os�d. �i���� a�d roe�f 9ir��� a �a�c�p� i� the ��s� r�f a bu'sidin� �ratr�e��� ���tur�, �oofis sh�lE b� d�seg�c�d a� an �sct�r�����a �f th� �rim�ry c��ter��9� a�s�d f�r t�� ��ild°sr�� and �h��ld r��p��t �R'9� @3LiiIdI9t1�'� �tr�.acta�r�! �y.�ti�rv� ��s! ��°�hif��ta��a6 �t�6�a �a��� fr�r�t� �ns! �a8�� roof� �r� a��t p�rma�t�d4 Th� ap�'icar�t has �oot prc�posed to us� f�l�c fra�t� c�r fals� raof� �s �ar� of th� b�ilding elevaficans �nd, therefar�, compiie� v,+ith �hi� ���n�a��� �s pr�p��ed. �oo��rv���n�ed � �i,��n� - Ai9 ro�f�m�ur�t�d �quip��r�� a���s� Ob� �������� ��°�� �a��nr �r�rn �d������ pu�Gi� �����t�. �s°�t�I�fi�� �����!� ��� O�E1�6" ���7S��d"&4�s°,���t)� �6��9�����`it Ilt�f,.i�� b� ��� ���Fr ��' �+��9�9���� fY�� � 9'E��'� �&� ���� �?t�B���9�'� ��'CD�'4 �dj���i`�� �P��2I8� �'�1'��$:� a� E3�6118�'3B���o �ol�r h�atir�g ��ra�l� �r� �x��p� ���� �hi� �t�a�ci�rd. T'�� applic�nt l��� d�sigr�ated ar�a� or� th� �V9aje�r Ar�chc��° �'enar�f buiidi�g� �fii��e rcaa�fap �n�eha�ic�! �quip��r+t �va�ld b� inst�lled. Thi� limit area app�ars �raffi�ient on �h� ���th �r�d �a��t sid� o� 4i�e IV�ajor�nahc�r ��nan# �+a�ldin�s. Th� ���h��i��l �q������t ir�st�ll�.ti�s�s lir�ii �r�� �I��6� b� revis�d tc� ir��l�d� � �0°�l,Q� ti'1i1168T74.8C�"1 S�f�?��k alorag ti�e nar�4� �r�d �as� b�aild��� ���v�ti�ns a� �l�e ����� e����c�r �'�r���at bui�c�ir�g�. �°� a«a�v �i�� k�uilciir�� its�lf �o screen ath�� rc���top �quipr�ent c�� th� �m�li�� p�� b�iiding�, s�o rcroftop �quip�nenf shall b� �E�ce� inrith6n 15 #�e� of an ex��rior v�aif �of F'ad� f�-F. �i���: 9n �d�@ition �� fih� �eqr�6r�rn���s of �h�p�er ��0174 a�f th� �J�v�lopmen# �od� th� fo�l���ng �t�r�dard� sh�ll �� e��t� �onin� �i�tri�t requfatrcar�s � �ev�i����n� ����ir� th� �°� ZA�9�61� �i��i"9C$ �M�SI 1'74��$ ��t� ���11 requir�nr��nts �f#he ��G z�ro�. Signag� r�quir�r�rent� �r� r��✓iew�d �Is�+�vher� uwi�hin this repo�t. �.A�J�S�APIIV� A�l�3 S��I��NI�V�o T°v�r� (2) I��eS� �f �ar�cl���pir�g �r�d s��°��ni�a� �tand��°d� �r� �ppla��t�ie to th� 1'ig�rd 'Tri�o��9�. °�he 3���tiara� rn�h�r� th� I�r��l�c�pang �� �cw���lv�g i� r�e�uir�c� anei th� d��fih e�f th� land�c�pi�g or �cre�ra6�g �� d�f6ra�d v�rithora this s�c�ion. 79���� �t�n�a�d� �r� minirnaam CPA 98-02JSDFi 58-02/PDR�8-01/SLR 88-02/MIS 98-04 fa11/99 STAFF FiEPOR7 T'O 7HE PLAPINWG�C�[V1MI551(�N TRI-GOUNTY SHOPPING C�NT�R PAGE 32 OF 42 re�uir��er�t�. �tigher stand � a�ay �� �aab��i�uted �� i��� 81 h�ight li�i��ti�n� �r� rr���. IL�i �e�w ������a y ��r ge�a�r�l B��d�c��ir�g �f i��d���p�d ��e� ��r��n�d are�� wit�on ��rking lo��. Th��dard agaptdes �o �e�b�c6s� �� IVl�j�r �nd I�in�r A►rteri�i�. ,lVVh�r� th� �etb�ck �� � mir�Br�aa� af 5 f�et b�tar���r� �h� �Sa�kir�g iot �nd � M�jc�r o� M�n�r Ar��ri�99 #r��s s��Q� b� �ia�a$�d at 39/2-�r��h �al���s°g �t a ��scim��a �€ 2� ��e� �n �entero �hr�b� �h�IB b� �f � vari��y th�t �N19 �roasaded � ��fo�� 6�Qgh ��r��n ar�e! a �A�/� ���c��� ww#hi� a��e (°6� y��r. �resur�d�over p0�nts rre�a�t f�ll� �c�ve� th� r�r�naw�ci�r �f @��d���p� �r�a �v��hin �o (�) y����. A�y fr�e pi���ec� �n �ac��s� �sf � 2 Rr��� c�lspe� �hall �� �l��i�9� fc�r f�ll a�itig�ti�� c��tiit. �ou�hwest 7�nd �v�n�ae and �Vi/ D�r�rnc�uth �4reet ar� b�th d��ign�t�� �s Majc�r Rr��ri�6s. �his s�cti�n r�e�upr�� tt��# I�r�dse�pinc� t�e provided in �ccr�rdar��� with ��ctiar� 1�.1 c��1. T'h�se �tandard� d� r�c�Y �.pply t�, the pr�p���d d�sigr� b�c�u�� �arkBr�� w�uld b� �etb�Gk � r�ir�i��m �f 16 f��t fram the public righ4���-way. T'he a�plican4 did provide 3'/a inc� c�lip�r stre�e� tree� a� part of the tr�e �rai�ic��.tion pl�ra. ��# L�n� �dg�s�a�a�n� - At�t�r��a9 �t�r�daa�a��e ���#i��o ��.°��2,060 ��nt���� tM� ��19o�ver�� sta�dard� for app�ov�E e�f a 90� 6��a� �d�e��tr����fi r�qc�e�t: �� aclditaa�a9 p�rce9 ms r�a�# �r��t�d by th� L.�t �in� �d�u����n�, �a�d th� ��cis�iro� gaar��t reduced era �iz� �y �h� adjustmes�t �� n�t r�ciucec� ia��o� the r���9�a�� ��t �iz� ��#abgi�h�d by t�� zonirng do�ta�i��y �y ��d�ac6r�� ��� ��� ��z�, th� I�at c�r �fr��tt�re��) �e� th� Ir�t ��ll s�r�t �� an vioE�tro� �f th� �ot� d�v�l��s��r�� a����n�r�g €�P�tri�# r�g�9�t6cas�� ���°�h�f s�A��ra��9 �ns� `��� ����Itir�� p����9� �r� ir� �e�r�f�rmi��nr°s�h t9�� di����ior��� ��a�ae9�r�s �f����c��sr�� db�t�i��:. �"�� prapos�:d Irt iine adjustm�nt is consistent �vifh th�s� standard�. �'h� propcas�d adjustm�r�t wilf reconfigure the iot lines but �o acldition�l parc�l vvill be created by th� adjust�e�t. Th�re is no rnir�irnum Bc�4 �i�� �tandard ��tia� is requsr�d to b� m�islt�.ir���1 in �th� ����r�l �r�rnrr�erci�i �anir�c� Dis2ric�. Ex�ep� fc�r the n�avly pro�ie�s�� Tax ��t Qq400, �h� 5(�-foot av�rag� �id�h ���t�d�rd h�s beer� m��. A �onditir�n af Approva9 has beer� r�cornrn�nded to requir� Ta� �c�t O�D40t3 $a �i� r�vi��d t� �omply with the 50-f�at av�r�g� wid�h st�s�dard. �f�fe��I ��'�a�R�id�f�&� ���' �..0�� �6"��#�� �Wl6`�F� @���, F��9°�I�l09"� I�r���s�s S��t��� ��.�6�.Q�0 ���#�s t��� �r� �d���o�r� f� ����o�� �h� ��a�e �t�r���r��, a Le�� Lm�� �c���a��rr��r�� ���� �i�s� ���� �Y�� #o�l�wen� ��i��ra� �ppl����le ta 8o�s �r��►t�d thro�a�h th� tV�in�r L�a�d i���i�i�r� �ro��s�: 1. �,�t �'�dth: 'T'h� an�r�im�r� �eadt� af #h� iaa�i9c��rag ��v�l�p� ar�� sh��a �r�e# th� lat � reqaai��rn�r�t ���h� �p�9sca�Be �c��Br�� d��trict. I � 2o Lot�re�e °f�e �ot ar�� �h�lp b� �� requir�d by th� appl��abi� zc�ni�� distri�t. ds� t�� �.. �a�e �f a fi6�g l�ts the acc�s�v�ray rr�ay �ot �� ia��l�d�ci �e� �h� �ot �r�a eal�ufa��c��, � 3. Lrst Fre�n�a�e: �a�h lot crea��d �hr�u��i th� p�a�t�tia� �rc����� �half �r�nt a puk�li� �I�ht� � c�f-w�y 6a�r �t least �� f�et, or h�v� a iegally r���rc�ed €n�r�am�r� ��af�a�� inrc�� ��c��� � e�s�r�er��. a 4. a�#��ck�: �e'tb��ks shal� t�e �s re�uor�d �+y th�appli��bl� ��ni�� dis'�ri�t. 5e �r�ra� Y���d D�t�rn�in�t6o� #or FI�� l.ot: U!/h�n tn� pa�ateo¢��cJ i�t i� a �lag !�#, �6�� c�ev�lop�r m�y d�t�r�i�ae th� �ocatior� of th� �ront ��rd, prov�de� '�h�t n� �id� y�rd i� I��� th�r� 1 Q f��t. S�r�actur�s �hall gera�ralBy be icacated 5a a� �o �axi�nize s�paratia� fro� e�€istin� �tru�tu��s. CPA 58•0?JSDR 98-021POfi 98-01/SLR 98-A2/MIS 98-04 6/1/98 S7AFF REPt�H'P TO THE PLANNIf�C;COMMISSION TRI-COU(VTY SHOPPING CEtvTER PAGE 33 Q�42 6a ��r��@nc�„�r� �0� 1��� �cr�r� �ha61 b� p�oao6��d �Bcsra � �r�per� 6ir�� o� � I�� a�f r�co�d vv�es�e 4ho� p�v� ive i� ar� �c����vw�y i� I�����d 6r� ter� f�t s�f �n �b�tti�� N�t iea ��c��rd�a��� with ���tion� 1�o100mOF80 �nc� 1��`!00.090e ��re�n��g �ay �8�� b� req�aired �c� m�i��ai� pr�r����fm� �ba�t�ing ��t� ��d to pr��ici� �a��bl� o�at��or r��r��tion ���a��f�r p���o�ex! cievelopm��ta �'o �i�� Pr�t�ct€on� °�l�� f`sr� di�tr��� m�y r���air� #h� e�a���ll�ta�� �f � fir� �y�r��t v►���r�e t�a� i�n�t6� �f aa� a�ces�en�ay r�csulc9 h�v� � �l�trir��r�tai �f���t�rro far�fi������ c�pa��l6t���m �. ���i�r��aE Ea��men�s; �VVh�r� � c��m�n driv� e� tx� � ����rid�d �� ��r�+� rn�r� 4h�r� on� (1� I�#, a r��aprra�al ���em�n# th�t v�i6! �n���� �c���� a�d ��i���r����� a��g��s �ha�l �ae rec�rc��d �rotF� th� �pp����d p�rti�A�� ��pe 9. A��������o A�ty a�c���vv�y ��a�i� ��mpty �rith t�e ��a������ set fcar��, sa� �hapt�� '��.10�9 ���es�, ��r���, a�d �i��tal�teoa�. 1Aw �tooc�ta6aa�a �B��r� la�dfiil ��adVcar a���a���p��r�t 6s �6���s�d v�Q��ad� �s���j����t�� �h� o��a ���d��s�-��ar �loc�dpla�i�a, th� �a#�/ sh�l! r�qa�Ar� �h� ci�di��t�o� o� �u#fici��t �p��+ land a��� ft�r �re���ns�y �dloin�r�g �n� aflri�hir� th� �9��d�l�ino 7°��� ar�� sh�lr B��9urJ� �o�6c�r�� �� � �6t��1� ���li�tiOS� ��B' ��'t� �09����'�.6C��0� �� � �����5$�'m��s�y�l� p��hiAl��' �il'Ifh �h� flooa��ia0� 6� ���ordar���vvith th� a�€��pt�d �d����°aa�{bi�y�f� ��thvv��p��na Th� �ppi�ca�fi ha� propos�d #a re�onfiigur� the eight (t�) �xi�ting parc�l� �h�t compri$� this site. The 50-faot ave�ag� Icat v�idt9� of Criteria 1 is �r+�t excegat �ar th� are� sho�+� a� prc�p�s�d Ta� LA� 00�400. B���use of its ur�us��l �h�pe, t�is icst d�es ��fi m��t the �ra�rag� �+idth �t�n��rd. Criteria 2 is not applic�ble b�ca�s� th� C�neral C��imerci�l �or�ir�� �i�tri�t �o�� r�ot h��� � rninimurr� Icat �ix� standard. �riter�a � is s�tis�ied as 4he Ic�ts wauld have ir� �xc�ss r�f 25 fe�t of fronta�e o� � public �tre�� ar a re�9prs�r,�E acc�ss agre�r�e��. Cs•i��ri� � is ��� b�c�uve �h� �.pplicar�t doe� r��� hav� a rr►inie�e�rn s�tb�e� req�air�m�n� �Inng th� �1�/ 72nd Aven�� ar�d S1�V ���ma�at�► Stre�� freantag�� a�� th� �ppficar�t pr�vided a s�tback �n ��cesJ af t9��e minir�u��tandard alo��� �he sau#h�rn prop�r�y li�e f�r scre�r�ir�g �r�d but��ri�g p�r�����. �rifieri�. � ar�d 6 ar� r��rt �p�lic��l� a:, t����� Ee�f� are ��� r�sid����a! fl�g 6c�t�. �'hro�qh �h� buifdin� p�rmit revi�v� prac�ss, ffir� �ydr�nt� will b� r�view�� f�� ����sist�s��� �vi�ha lJCtifOt°tY1 �ire Code �t�n�aed�, ���rebv, s�tisfying �rit�ria �. �rit��i�a �3 wil! b� r��t k��c�u�� a �h�r�d a�c�s� ��re�ment �vili be provid�d. Cri�eri� 9 is satis�i�d thro�gh the �xistiny �ce��� pr�vided �� th��� I�Y� via thei� str��t frontag�. C�riteri� �(� is r�c�t appli�abl� �� ��a���; �ar��l� �r� �a�withie� th�filocadpiain. � �9�'��e °�h� ��9���e�g �6�i�i��a ���te� ���� ��� pr�����d ��at ��e��� �siG{ ���� fo �e ����i�e� ��� �� ��� 6����N�� �¢ ���°������� �� ����� ���� p�����¢�� ��:d��r����¢���� �f�hi� shop���ac� ���t�rn f� ���ta��l�r, �he �o� lan� �iigr��sf �o���a �f Pad �� $�� ��t �i�a� �����°e� �6�����3� t�� s��r��r �� �A�jc�c� ��ac9re�r T�n���� iliA, �31� �a�c� ��; �01� �E'i� dOt I�11E:� Ct.l�id9� $�"9�`Q3�.9S,��'1 f��'1� �r.`°�C� F ��31�C�99��0 � C�x�c�'stoor� o� �ppr�r��� h�� ���� r���c°sr�d �� ��a����� �h��� ���:a��e F'tJk�Lf� �,4ClLlTY ��fV��Rl�l�: ���tior�� �t�.°�64.C�30(�3���(a� {��r��fi�), i�.1�4.09� ���rtm��� ���e�°�, ��d ��,�G�a�0� {�t��� i�rai�s) �ha91 b� ��tasfif�d �� spe�ofi�d ��I��o ��F����'�� The pr�poved d�velopm�r�t es barder�d by S�/ 72nd Aver�u� d� th� �ast sid� �nd �9N Dartmouth Str�et c�n th� ���th sid�. � small partian o# the southem boured�ry �f fihi� site �also b�c6c� �p to �VV+ _ Hermosa Way. 1"he developm�nt will h�ve tw� �2j poir�#s of acce�� on SVV L�artm�tath �tr�et! t�ith CPR 98-02/SDR 88-C�2/P�R 38-01/SLR 98-02/MIS 98-(34 6/9/98 STAFF�iCF't3R�7l�7ME PL4Nh11RiG CtJBJlPV11S510N TRI-COIJNTY SHOPPINCa CE�TEFi PAGE 3x4 C7F 42 ��� (�) ��II ����s� driv�way e�i�� th� �xs�ti�g �����r��� ��q� 4 ub �os�ds/�ffi�� �A�x s�#e, �n� �c�� ��� f�al! �GC��s dr�vaw pproxirn�t���66� f��t fA.erth�r tes t �st. °!�l��r� �ill �l�� b� 4v�v� �2} ft,i9B ������ drl��o��ys e�n�� �i�V 7��d �Rv�nu�. �°raffic ��ud �indin s P�tr��i� Ar�p��� ��udy, ��t�d F�br�aary ��9�, ��s s�b��tt�� �i�� ti�� ��F� �ppl9�atic�n by L��a�as#�r E�gin��rir��, Th� ��r�o�� �f th� s��ady w�� �� d�t�rrr��e�� h��r th� �r�ffi� �r� �hE� �re� v�i6B �d��rea�� �v��s� t�a� �a��nr de�eie�prr�er�t b��ir�� e���r��ior� ar�d t� det��e�� 6�p��t� �� �ri�inity ir�t�r��ctic�ros. �'h�a ef�dy ar��ly�ed the �r�lE�wir�g Q�#�r���ti��a� ir� th� �r��: 1� ��! 32r�d ,�r�er��a���9igh�r�y 99VV, 2)�VV C�ar��outh Sfir�et/�iighenr�y g9�/V, 3)�`�J C��.tts���8h �tr��t1��'J �'��ad A��r�u�9 �nd 4)�1N C�ar�rnc�u�h 5����4/�� ��t� Av�r�e��e 'T"h� st�dy ��su�ned �haf 109/a �f th� tr�p� g���r�.��d �y tha� ��ar������nt w��o9d �� p���aby �rip�, wh�ch ar� �rip� th�t we�e �ir��d�r �n �r�� �1) �a� 4h� �d��c�n� �tr����, �ik� �1�! D��trr�c��ots� �fir��t or S`� 72r�d P�v�nu�, �ar�d �ver� dove�t�� in�cs �he �h��api�g ��rot�r. !# �va� �i�o ��s�rn�� 4hat �0% c►f th� n���v tri�s w��id b� �i����d tr6p�, r�hich ar�trip� �hat rr�ust I�a�� th�i��r6gi��l dir���io�� of �rav�{ tay ar� erot�r��di�t� rn�dw�y (�1n1 �arfrnou#h ��r��t �r �V� 72r�d �v����) to visot t�� si��. L�bv�rt�d trip� �n thi� c��e �v��id b� �r6ps f��t rnust le�v� their c�rig�r�al dire�ti�� a� 99`�I ta �i�6t tf�� sit�; �ar��e th�y f��ve th� ��t�, �h�y v���9d retur� tc� th�'sr �rEgis��! dAr�ct9�� �� 99�. ��af� fi�ds th�t both ����mptior�� are rea5r�n�b�e. ��i��d upor� Ir�fo�r����on u��� fr��a �°F��� ���l�F3�T'g��i, �i�th �ditocar�, L�r����tar �ou�d t��� ��tal ��ew#rip� g�n�rated by thc� �it� �v�uld be 1�,��'� tri�� p�r• c���, a�r9fih ��2 n���rip� ����ra��c� during �he �A�I P��k F��eaur a�nd �,�18 raew trr�� �en���#�d d�arir�� the �P�i �'��� F���sr, La�r��ast�� �l�c� us�d an ���raq� �% �r��h r�te i� t��ffi� p�r y��r t� help d�ter�r�d�� v���� ti�� i►��a��� �ro�e6d b� in th� Ye�� �Of��, �ith #h� ���r �ite ir� pia�� �r� cap�rati��. l.lsir�g th9� inf�ra���P�n, L�r���st�r ��ur�d ff��t �igr���s a�e warr�nt�d at #f��� �1�V �a�trrr�oaa�h ��r�c�t/��l E�rad �v�n�� a�� ��' L7�.rt��a�ath �fr�e�/S�!' 68t3� Aor�n�� ��t�rs��to�r��. `fh� ��pli�a�f's �I��� i�d���t� #h�� �r��! ��r��t��ct th��� ���n�Bs �� �, part c�f�heir pr�j��t. � L�ve! of ��rvic� (L�3�) an�9��is, u�s�g C3�C?`�'� �iC��,AF' sc��#�ar� p�°�c�r��i w�s incl�ded i� tY�� s�ud�. �!(���� d�fi�e� �.�� F a� � ����rati�n ��i�� �� 1.02 0�g�����r. °�°n� ���ly�i� #ourad �hai ir� �lear 2ap�, cor��ideri�g backgrt��ar�d tra��iG al�d�� �rr� 7'ri ��a�nt��, th� i��er���qioo�s �vi!! ��ncti�n �s fc�llows: � �ag��rvay� 9�V�'/[��r�rr�a�at�� �t����: �,�� � ���§� ��°/a ��t�.t���i��; � F°9ighw�y 99VV/��dV 72�d A,v�nu�: L�� �3�� �s�h ��% s�a��ar�ti�r�; � C�ar�ma��h str���fSVV 7�rad �ver�u�: L�7S �-� v�rith ��% s�f�r�,tion; � D�rtrri�uth �tr���f/Sif1f ��th ,4v�n��: L(�� � �+i�h 93a/o ���ur��ican. � VVh�n �he prnpos�d s6#e tri�s ar� add�d t� th� �"ear 2�1Q3 ba�kgr�u�� ts°�ffic, the i�t�s•sec�6or�s �rill � f�nctian as �c�ilows: � � � Hi�h`�r�y 99VV1�"�/' i�ar�rn�uth S�r���. LC�a �-�' vd+'sth =3�°!0 ��tu��.�'sor�; � � �iighv�ay 99VV/SW 72n�1 Av�nu�: Lt)a a-� wi�h ��% sata�r�tian; ,� � L7�rtmo�#h ��re��/�t�/ 72nd Aver�u�: L.t�S � v�ith i��9/a ����ra�icar�= '� � ��rtrrr��u�h 5tre��/�V�J 6�th �v�r�u�: 9,.�5 F �i�h � 15% ������fi6�ar�. ifi tr�ffic �ignais ar� ins�alled by the ���I9G�P34 at [3�rtrr�out�l72r1� �nd �artm�uth���th, these int�rsecti�r�s wi6i �per�t� at Lt�� � a�r�d B r�spectiv�ly. CPA 99-0?JSDR 99-02/PDR 98-041SLR 98-0�/FAIS 98-04 6l1/98 S7AF�'REPf�R�TC7�'F�E PI..ANIVING CUNdMISSIC7M TRI•GQUNYY SHO�'PING GE�T�R PAG�35 OF 42 �DC}T �9'OVl��C� ��7BT99Y4�61�� �i/0 ���&� $t7 RB�lS ���II��tICI�! �5�� �IS �r� in �hi� ��port). ��C�7' �t�� h�d r����rnrn�nde� ���k�,i �di�i�ns ofi �p�rau�ip ��ach ��: 1 ��id� � �i�n�! at ��i 6��� �����a�/�V�° t��r�rncau�h �tre�t, 2� p�a�id� additi�naB q�e�ai�g an�lys�s �,t th� inxer�e�t��n� af ��VV1��'�� �arkrr���th �nd �9V�0 s1�! '72nd �4v�r�u�, ar�d 3) pr�vid� r�S��9�EO�1r�I �Y���@C ie�p��� anficacrrr9ati�� �.� SVV �2nd Av�r�u�/sliJ Fd�rr�p��r� �tr��� ar�r� �4 t�� F�ighv��,y 217 na�h��u�� a�d �e��t�bo��d rar�� t�rminals �t �� ��r�d �6v�r�a��. �3s� A�1�� ��, �99�, ���� t��t wi�h �C�C��` �� di�c��� tM��� c�r�ma�r�t�. C9��'T ir�cli�at�d th�t ���y rr��t with th� �pplica�st �r�d L.a�ca�t�r t� dis�u�s th� pro��c�. �C?O°� h�� �ia��e �cha�g�d ���ir ���ora���r��ati�n �a��d up�ro f�ar�h�r r��i�w�fi th� �bav� ir���r�e�tic��� ��d h�� d�t�rr�in�d #hat �� �n� �#3 ab�v� ��uld b� dre�pp�d. l`tt�r��or�, �C��`f �ill �t�nd by i4�eir r��c�rr�rra����ti�� f�� � �igr��l �4 ��V 6��I� A����ae/�V�' ��r�r�a��th �tre��. �t�ff ha� i�clud�d �� appro�riat� �c�r�c�i�is�r� i� �h�� r�port. °fh� s��dy al�ca �r������d �i1� n�w �r�v�way� pn�c� ��� �4i� �nd gr�c��� �h�t v��rr�r��� ��i6 b� r��t f�r b�th driv��r�ys on ��f C��rt�outh �tre��. H���vc�r, L�r���sfi�r prc�po��s �n he�id afi� ��a in�tailing #h��� �ig�als u�ti9 th� ���el�prner�� �� �ra9By ��ar��4ructed �.�d u�d�r �ap�r���o� fe�� � ti�e. �°h�� s�a�g��� �6��� ���aus� c�f �h� �la��� �ra���ai�y �f th� dri���r�ys tc� ��� �l�4 ��red Av�reu� int�rs��tian, �gra�� qu�u�ng r�ay acc�� vuest c�f �`�`t1 72�d �v�r�u� whsch w�aald �aa�rti�9�y �im�k th� ea�t�rn drier�wa� �c�r part c�# ���t� sigr��l �y�l�. i�an���t�� r��orr�rr��:nd� �h�� tra'ffic c���i�io�s �c��id be mc�n6�ared f�r � p�rioc� o€ �@rne by fhe �ity to d�t�r�i�� gf th� sigr�al� sh�c�ld �� ir�stalled. Staff finds �i�is c�nc�pt a���ptabae and r��or�mend� the applica�t pr�vid� fiin�ncia! a�s�ranc� �n cov�r tP�� c�s# o# c��sign �n� cor���r�ctzor� ca# th� �v�� (2� �dc�a�iora�9 �raf€ic s�gnal�. This fin�n�i�l assa�r�nce shoulci b� hel� by th� Cit� f�r � p�rs�d o� fiv� �e�s�s (60 m�ar�th�) �a�ya�d #h� date �f accupa�cy �� �h� buildings. �'���, th� �ppl6��r�t shcs�ld b� req�ir�� to �+r�o�id� ��il�wmup sigr��i w�rr�r�� �ra�ay���' �v��r 1� m�rath� a�er �hat fiiv�-y��r� p�rir�d. I�, d�rir�g �hat 5-y�:ar �a�riad, signa! �v�r��r��� �.rr� �rs�t b�se� �a�on a����1 �r��fiic g�r����a#�d �y ���� d��r�l�apr���#, �nd i� 's�a $h� �i�� ��c�6r�eer'� c�pi�i�rQ sic�r��liz��i�r� �f on� �1) c�r b�#h �a# th� c9ri��v��y� �� �€thit� th� p�abPm�'� b��t ir�teres�, then th� �p�ii��n� sh�ll d�sag� and co��truc� �h� r�quir�r� �igr�����) wi�hira 1� �nanth� �f th� �'i�y �r�gin���'s �iir��ti��. �4�172nd Av�nu�^ �rn���d frnpr�v�m�nt� �9�/ `�2�c� e�v�i°aca� is clas�i�ied �s � rr����� �r��r6ai s�r�e� is� �h� l i��rc� �'rsar�g9� F'�an. �°i�� r��h�t-��- w��r (�?C��f) �equ6r����Ys firar f�l� s��r��t i� �� f���. �f �r���r��, th�r� 6� �pp�o�ir��t�l� 2� f�e� fror� �enferlir��. �'he appl6c�a��'s plaa� indic�t�� th�y �ill dedi��.t� ��ditio�a! �i�i�l to t6�� pub8ic t� pro°�ec�� 4�I ���t �r�� ��nterli�e, whi�i� v�all ���t �h� �r�ar�g9� sf�.o�e��rd. Th� �ppli��n��rill �I�� ra��d �o d�di��t� a �%�VV r�d�l�s �t th� �arr�er �# ��l �'�r�c� �m��r��� �nd �V'� t��r�rraouth �tr���. �'he ��C�i� r�.d6�� ��a�i r���c� t� b� �� f���. �t pr�����, S� ���It� eA'o/�PIU� I� �ld.��� �i�� f� �1�3$ �46IIy++' 9�'��3�°01fEC� $C) $P�� Ti°i���le �ta�ad�r��o �'h� plan indieates that �h� ��pl��ar�t wil� c€�ns�rl��fi f�Ei�uvidth �fi���t in��r�v��nec�ts �lor�� �h� f�or�t��� �f a1iV 72nd Aver��e to �r�vid� �ive ian��, �� ��carda�ce vuith th� �'rf�ngi� F'8a�. ,���iti�r��l 6��1N � dedica�ic�n ��ay �e r��c�s��ry o� th� �as� sid� a� �h� rc��c�uvay, but a� is �t�ff'� �r�derstar�d�r�g fh�t � the �ppii�ant c�w�i� fhat presperty �s weli. �fh� fiv�-i�r�� �mp�c��✓emer�� wil@ P��Bp ��ci�if�t� t�rraing � rr�a���errt� snfa �nd c��t af �his site, �r✓hi�� vdill ����er� �h� c��er�.il �r��fic imp��t anto th� roadway a� 5yst�rn. � � ThP twa (2) fuil-ac��ss dr�iv��vays into the �it� fr�m �1� 7�nd �.v��u� �p���� to �� d���gn�d �a � fun��ion adequately. LO� a� th�s� driveways is �xpect�d to b� B or bett�r. T�ae sauthern driv�way i� �h��v� to be aligned with the �en��rlin� �f �V1� �Imhurs� Str�et, �l�iIGI1 W6I� ��I@VB�t� a�9� left turning mav�mer�� conflicts. CPA SB•Q2/SDR 98-02/PDR 98-01/SLR 98-02/h�il5 98-(}4 6/1/98 STA�F l�FPORI'TO THE PLANNING COA�4MI5SIAN TRI-COUNTY SHqPPIiJ�CEPJTkR FAGE 3&!?F 42 I S1lV C3�rtm��a�h Str��t fmpr�v�r��n �l�l �ar�rv�cru�� S�r��t is classe as a rnaja�� ��teri�.l in ��� '�ri�r��o 0�� �nd requir�� a 94�f��t R01�. Th� �ppBic�nf'� �I�arm i�dica��� fh�y w6ll d�d�e�t� additiar��6 R�`�!� to pr�vld� 4� �eet fr�r� c�r�t�riin�. �'�V C�ar�mrruth �tr�et �vas irr�pra��d �vitF� ���� I�n�� �i�a�� g�i� sit� fr�rstag� as a ��� of � �1�7, ��� is n�t f�lly 9rrrpr��ed �✓ith sid�waik �nd �#r��# tr��� a� p�r th� 1°riaA�g9� ����c�ard�. Th� �ppiicar�t's pl�� 9r�dica�t�s #hey vvilY ccar��i�'�� th� imprc�v�m�s��� of �V61 �artmr��th �tr�at a9or�g 4h� �it� frontaga a� � p��t ���hc� pr�je�t. �igr��is �t�h� �it� dri�ieway� wr�r� pr�vi�LO�ly dis�����d in t��s r�pa��t. WAi'��: T'h6s �ite f�915 withir� the ��rvic� �re� ofi th� �"�a�latln Ofal9e� VV�t�r �ti�t�i�t (Tld�NC�). Yhere �re �x��fir�g p�a�li� wat�r lines in SVV D���►-i�o.cth �tr��t, �VV 7�r�d Av�r�sa� �nd �9t� i��rt°�asa V�ay. "�he appli�ant°� nl�n sho�v� cc,nnectEans tn a!I �xi�ting uva4er lin�� id� c�rd�r t€� �.d�qua�ely s�rv� th� sit�. T6he plan also i�d�ca4es the appiic�nt will �ay ��r an �pgrad� �f the �xisti�g water line in �11� F���r�osa i�lay to either� 10-ir�ch or '1��inch lin� (pl�r� sh�ws 10-ir�c;�h, but narrative �ays �2-in,ch�. The City wil! ex�e�t the appiiaant to co�rdinate with TVN/t� wi#h r�sp�ct �o vv�#�r ��rvice and p�bii� m�ir� co�s�ruc#iar� req�irements. No p�rmits for public ir�prov�r�e�t� �nrilB �� issu�d by #he Ci�y ur�til a per�afi �rom °fV1lV� is s�btair��d by the applicant. � �s46Vi°T�►�X ���V��� • T'h�re i� an �xi�tir�g �-inch p�bBic �e�Ne� r�ain th�t is lac��ed a� ��V �a�m�uth Sfre�:t ��j�cen� to tha� �it�. T�� �pplicant prop�s�s �o �xt�nd ��w lir��s i�at� �he �it� to �erv� fh� ��ridu� parc,els. Sir��e �his d�v�io�rr�e�t wil! r�sult ir� s�p�ra�fie pareels, �he ne�r seuv�r 9irs�� wil4 n��d to �� public lin�s. Th� ���r�61 layou# of th� p�ablic lin�s app�ar to �e �c��eptabl�, �s a!I manhoi�� wil6 �e located within pav�d �arking or driv� ai�0e ar��s. F�nal d�sign shall b� approved by the �ngine�rQng [��par�m�n� p��s�r to �anst�ca��i�r�. � °fhe �i�y'� fVl�aster ��nitary S��er �lar� indica��s �h�f a p�ablic sewer lir�e should be ext�nded so�o8herly in SW �2r�� A��nu� from the ��in li�� in �Vl1 �aotrrac�u�h 5fr�et in order fo�proper�y serve ,��r��ls al��g 72�d �,v�nu� ta th� top �f th� ridge ��ar �'UV �irrih���# �tr�et. The �ity's pc�lic�r fc�r f��� d�;�a���pr��r�t� is that �ubli� ���v�r lin�� a�r� t�a b� �x#�n�led te� p��pe�tg� bo��ad�r��� �o ��r�� adjacent uphill, tar�s�w�red prope�ties. �i�ce th� app6i�arrt �rill be �ons�ruct�r�c� n�w street imp�overn�nt� ir� �W 7�nd ,4v�r�ue, ar�d �inc� �here ar� �n��w�red proper$i�s uphil6 csf this ��t� �n SW 72nd A�o�nue, the ap�ii��n# should �xt�nd an �-ir���� public sew�r f�r� ir� �V�/ �2nd r��+��r��a� �s a part of th� stre�t imprc�ve��nt�. ST�3�B1� ��AO���i�� l"he slop� of this �ite f�lls primaril� fic� the w��t. �h�r� is an exi5tir�g drain�e�� cha�n�l �hat cuts acro�� �he northern por�ian o� the sote, f�owi�g frc�m th� r�o�thzast fo the s�u�hw�st i�to �ed F�ock Cr�ek. T��re ar� also ��tlands withi� �his sit� tha� v�Qll be parti�il� flil�d and mitig���d �n the �it�. �"he appiic�nt9s pian sh�ws that �h�y wili corsv�y �II st�rm �rat�r run�ff fram th6s �6t� ir��o Red i�ock Cre�k. ���v�ver, Staff has concern� weth th� prpposed �lan. First, the p6�n shows � por�io� ofi the sauth�rn p�rking area fio thE sauth ef the Major buildings to be conveye�d ir� pipe, th�n a �wa6e adj�cent to the sauth kaour�d�ry ca$ the s�t�. `fhe swale ��g�e�rs �� termonat� at th� sa��thwest r>orn�r of th� �ite and the plan is �r�cl�ar a� to haw th� w�t�r wrill be c�anv�yed from there tti �he CPA�38-02/SDI�96-02/F'DF�98-01/SLR 98•d2JMl�98-04 &/1/98 aTAFF REPt)RT 7U THE F'!�/�NN!P�G�OPAMISSIqN TRI-COUNTY.�sHOPPING CENTER PACaE 37 OF 42 �r��lc. T'he �I�� vvi98 be canc� t�d �t #hat p�int, s� dir��� d��c� �nto th� adj���r�t prc�p�rfy w'sth�ut �r� ����rr��r�t rraill r�c�t � rrr�it#�d. ��cc��d, t�� �ppl6�a�t'� p��r� �i91 a9�o n�ed 4� i�e�rpc�r�,t� �► stor�ra �ra6n�ge ���t��m #�r �1�/ 72nd ���n�s�. I� �p���rs �hat th� rur��t� fram thc� r��e� str��# irr��ar�v�rrn���s ��uld b� c�cr����d �r�#�a the dr�iin�g� char�n�9 �h�i �ro�s�s th� �6�� tc� I��d R�ck �r���, �°TQ+�(�6 �/�1T'�F� t��J�L�°�o Th� �ity h�� �gre�d to er�f���� �urfa�� VVater fVi���g��aerat �SV�96�� ��gul�4i�n� ����blished by th� lJnifi�d ��w�rag� �,ge��y (IJ�A�} [7es�grs ar�d ��r��tr�cfiia� �t�nd�rds ��dQpted by Fdesalutic�n ��td !C�r�9�r Na. �6-44� �vhi�h r�qu9r� th� �c�n�tru�#i�n of or��si�� �v�t�r ��aality �a�iii�i�s. `�he f�ciliti�s �ha�l1 be d��ign�d t� r���v� 65% of fih� �h��phesru� c��atafra�d i� i 0�% �f �ha �t�rm watar run�f� g�r��rated fir�c� r��;�viy creat�d ir�p�r�ic��a ��arf����. 9ra addi�i��, a �riai��enan�e plan is r�quired te� b� ��a�rr�itt�;d ir�d`c�tir,g the freq�en�y ��s� �n�th�d to b� �a.��d in kee�ir�g �h� ��cility onalr�tai�ed fhro�ogh �he y�ar, �'rior to iss�anre ofi � �i�� a�dfa� bueld6r�g p�r�it, �he �pplica�t sha6l �ubrnit p0�n� and �af�r�iatsor�s f€�r � �v�t�r ��aiity ���cli�� th�� wila r���t �h� i�ter�fi �f th� U�� ���i�n a��ndards. in �dditi�n, th� a�pli��n� �I��lI s�k�mi� � rr��°sn��r��.��� pl�s� fc�r the ���i16Yy th�t must b� r�viewed a�d ap�rav�d by th� �ifiy prior to issu��ce �f ttie buildin� p�rrnit. The �.p�ii��r�t'� �I�� a�pe�r� to indi��t� t��t �h� wat�r q��.l4�y r�q�air���r�f f�r �his �rc�ject wii6 be me# b� pr�vidang �anrn (2� bs�fiiitr�t�o� sw�3�� �r� t�� sit�, o�r�� (1) eo��ted adjac��t tc� south sit� boundar�r (di�cu�s�d in pr�yiouv �ectionj, �.nd �he o#h�r n��r the n�rthvuest ct�rner �f �h� �it� acfj�.ce�t ta � "V�l�tl��d �ldifiigatio� A�r�a'P. �t�ff h�� ��re �2) ca�c�rns wf�h th� appBic�nts pr�pos�d �I��. �ir�fi, fihere w�re no water qua�8'st� ��Ic�l�tiar�s ��b�r►lt��d �nr�th the �Df� appl9��tior� tca �upp�,r� th� propaval th�t twa �2) ��v�.��s c�r� �i�fequat�ly s�rv� tE�9� I�rg� si�e. �t��f ��� d��bt� th�t tw� �2) swa��� will rr���� th� U�A �rit�ri� #or v�at�r quality tre�t�rient. �ricz�" $� i�Sl9��G� q� $�1� �lt� ��I(�O�i' buiiding p�rmit(s�, th� a�plic�nt �hal! ��bma# fi�a8 cafculatior�� te� th� ���in�eri�g C��partrn�nt ��3riar� Rag�r) to shaw tl�at USA criteria�vill be m�t. ���ond, the �c��th�r��t �w�1� ��� nc�� �e i�c���d wi�th�r� �uh�t vuii! b� �8�� r��� r�i#oq��ed w�t��r�d, �s ��r �1 a� ��gula�iaara�. ����f co�ld ncot t��� frc�m �d�� ���Qi��r��'� �n�t�ri�l� wh��he� �ir �sca� t�� ��vaE� wil� er�croach into �he naw vvetland ar�a. �'�ior tu i��u�rroce of th� �ite a�d/or build�n� p�r�it, th� ��plican� ���a16 �u�rr�it � p4�.n t� �he Gity fr�di�a2i�� �h� s��q�i��� ��orv w�ti�n� ba�c����� �r��ed�d ��r rr�ita��t�c�n ta m��� th� [��L p�rrr�it r�qu�r�r��r���) �.r�� th� �x#�r�t �� �h� gr��ing n������.o� �c� �c�r�����ACt th� �w�l���)o i�o p�ct�o� �� �h� ��t�� q��ii�� #��i9itpe�(�) sh�.@9 b� Eo��t�d wit�i� �he wetland �r�a. �n addstion, a 25-fic�c�t k�t���er v�ill ���d to b� st�avvr� or� #he pi�e� �.dJa��nt �o th� r��vu t�etl�.r�d ��und�ry, T'h� wat�r quality f�r;6lity(i��; r�ay �r��ro�c�� into t�e bufi�er, but ar�iy by 10 f��t vuith �p�araval firom th� City. �. ����9�ICa A�1l� ��tO���tV �OP�7°���,: � � � IJSA D�sign �r�d �Canstructson Star�d�rd� �Iso r�gc�late� �rosion cc���roi �� r��iu�� th� �m�u�t of � s�c�g��nt a�d �aYher pollu��nts r��chang �h� �a�sblic s�c�rm ��d ��rfac� �va��er �ys�e� r���6tlr�g fr�rrai � developm�n�, c�r�s�ruction, gr�di��, �x�����in�, ci��ri��, �r�d ��y c�4��r �c�avi�y �vhich ��c�l���.t�� � � �r��iar�. f��� U�A regul�tions, �h� app�i���t a� r�quired t� �ubr�nit �.n �r��i�� Gontrol pl�n far City � revie�v �n� �ppr�v�l prior tc� i�s�a�r�c� e�� �ity perrr�it�. Th� �°ed�ral �i��r� VVater Ac� req�ires t#�at � (Vati�r��! �cailutan� Di�c�i�rye �lirrair�at6on �y�t�ni (�1F'DF_�) er�sia� co�trol p�rrr�it be is�u�d for �.r�y d�velopr�n�nfi that will disfurb fiv� or m�re �cres of I�nd. S9nc;e thos si�� is �ver #iv� acr��, th� de��loper will b� r�q�9red t� ob�ain an �1P�ES Cf'A 90-02/SD(�98-02/PDR 98-Q1/SLp 88-021MIS 9Q-04 � C,li/98 ST,AFF EiEPOR'f 701'HE PLANNlPVG COMMISSIQN TFiI•Gt?UNTY SHOPFINQ CENTER PA�E 3&�F 42 p���t fr�r� th� CiBy �ri�r t� tra�ction. 1°his p�t�nnit wil� �e 9�� �,l�ng w'sth thc� �i4� ��d/�� b�ai9ding ��rre�i�. ��I�°�'�IV� d�'���ki�,�4� �l�I�,1`T''� LI�l�S: 7'h��� ar� ��i�tir�g o��rh��d �'t�lity lar��� aic�s�g �V'� '72nd Av�nu� adj����t �� thi; �€t�. S��t9�r� ��.1�4.1�t� e�f �h� �°N1� r���ir�s �I� ov��h��d t�t6iity lin�� ac�j���nt �o a d�v�l�p�er�� tc� b� pi�c�d und�ryr�a�r�d �r, �� t�a� �l��;tic�n ef th� d�v�E�p�r, � f�e a�a�ii��a �f �€�d�r�r��r�d��g cars �a� paid. !f , th� ��� ir�tlli��a s� prop���d, it i� �q��! to ��7.5�0 p�r �ine�.l ���� c�fi �t���f fre�r�t�y� th�� c��t�'s�� the ���rh��d lis���a °Che �r�r�t�g� �B�ng this �it� is 6�0 Ilr��a8���tP �h�r���r�th� f�� w��aid b� � 1�,70Q. ��C�"i�N Vm �'�€��� ��'�4�� ��nAt�B�N°�'� 1°h� �6#y ofi Ts��rr� ��69dmr�g �ovi�`�� h�s r��6�vv�d ���� �ppl���#i�� ��� 6��� �ff�r��9 t�� ��19��en� ��m�����e '�1"h� �ropo��d I�t IBn� ac��u��r��r�t �il! n��:d tc� �� r�vQS�d #� ��fi6��t pra�o��d bui9dir�g fi�s�tprints a�ad ��isting/�ofi�nfii��, f�tur� �djc�ini�g b�ildir�g ��c�par��y ty���. �'h� ��ot�ch�ical r�p�r� rr�u�t p�ovid� �ecomrt��ndatBor�s fs�� i�q��f�c�ic,rs ��r,a��� thi� i� a r�r�1a�� ��s�obility. ��lo�ate th� fra�h �n�losur� ir� the r��r af t�l�jar R�nch�ar Tena�� buildir�g i19A ta rr�air�t�in a c9ear wi�th Af �� f��f. Pc�st driv� aisle� b�hind M�.�s�r Ar�chc�r �'�r�ar�t �tor�� "�!o �'�rking Fir� �.�n�.,, A!i exit� req�a�r�d fr�a� �ac� b�.�iidir�g �h�!! have a 9ar�dBng �nd b� ��n��c��d f� the publi� vvay vi� � sidew��k a�d �.cc�ssital� to �er�or�s vvi�h a di��bilify. Lra�a#u fer� h�rdrar�t� �vi�hirs �50 f��t �� �II ext�riQr v��lls c�f e��h bcaiiding. �rc��id� � h�dr�nt flo�v t��t �nd �oe��i�f� �i�e fir� fl�w �.nalysis. 'fhe r��di�� of �i�e r�adv�ay b�twe�rr i'�d� I� a¢�� � �h��� ba: €��di�ied ta pr��rbs�e a rni�d��m �f 2�0 f�et of wid�h. (��di�y t'�� �urr�ir�� ��di�s� �.f ��� s�u4"rawes� ctar��� �f Pa�d�m��� �r�c� in �ro�t �f �h� ��j�r Anchor l°enant I b�ildir�g. � N���o �a ��� '���h��i��9 E���S�� ��s pr��rad�d �� ��dr��� a�q��f��t��r�. �'���h ���l������ �nc� � l��di�� do�k ��� r���@�°�� �� s��e9i�i�� t� p��viei� � ����r v+�aclth a� 24 f��t ara "c�� �r�� b�hin� t�a� ����r A��h�r T���r�t �u�ldwng� �o �cse�pl�C �a�t� #h� �trs���r ���r����a��rat ��d� �t�����°d� f�� ��r����� �c����a � r���m�end�d ��r�d�t6�r� c�f ��a�ro��l ha� b��� �r��rQd�d �h�t av�fl �°���ir� �&�� ath�r ��ted o����� �c� b� ��Pds�e���d pri�� to i��u�rs�e �a� ���9da�� p�n°����o `Y°�� ���r����a�n�� ��rar���� ��p������ P•��ue�eed �hi� �pplic�#i�n and prc�vi��d � c�r�m�nt concerr�in� the prc��os�d tree rnitiga�i�n �llowan�� for �,50p c��iper in�he� of Christmas tr��s th�# �, �r� t� be r�lncated t� �6ty propsrfi�s. �°he de�elop�� sh�ii bncur t�►� �ca�� �� reloca�e�� ��� � tr�n5plan�ir�g tc� b� �iigibi� for rnitigation �r�dit. City staff da�s n�t h�ere prcap�r �qp.�'spment n�ed�d � for this tr�nsplant�t�on work, r+�r has t�� �ity budg���d i°��nurc�� fic�r tilis u�ork. � � -� Tf�� P����� �3�p������ r��r9�v��d Y�i� �pplir�fior� ar�d h�� �ff�r�d r�� cor�m��ts rs� �bj�c�i�ns. � I � � S��1"It�tV `Vw. 64�(���1� ���6�i�f�`�� @IA�t�°ea has revi�vire� this ��plicafion and has th� f�llowir�c� cc�mrr�er�fi�: Ti-re ap�lic��t id�r�ti�s�d th6s ar�a as a �ovu� C�nt�r �i��sir� th� i�l�tr� 2�40 pl�.n, th� Tigare� Triar�gi� i� a�tu�lly id�ntified �.� an employm��t cent�r 's� th� 2Q40 plan. GPA�9-02lSnR y8•02JPDR 99-Q1/SLR 98-02/I�AIS 98-04 6/1/9�STAFP REF�SRT TO 7hlE PLANNING COMNI1�SIf1N TRI-COUNTY�HOPPINC CENTER PAGE 39 OF A2 �'h� Oreg�an �J����t�aer�� of �" �poxt�t@carc h�s ��vi���d thi� ap #i�r� and ha� fh� f�ll�w�c�g �c��rtrrtg�t�: Tha�k yr�u far prc�vidir�g �h� �pp�rt�r�ity t� �omme�t an th� �b��� ref�r�nc�� pro����d d���l+�pra��r�#. 1°h� proposed d��el�prre�n4 is do��t�d �ri4hin th� �°i��.�d °fri�ngi� whach is d�fir��d by Ir�t�r�t��� 5, F�agh�ay �1� �o d �i���rr�y ��1�V. ���ordir�g to t�a� Or�qea� �l�qh�ay F'Ea�, �nt�rsta�� 5 ha� �r� Ar�ter�ta#� level of ir�porfian�� �r�d ��th �ighv�ay� ha��e a �t�tewid� I�v�t of ir�p��t��c�. Th��e f��iliti�s ��rv� regso��B, �f�t��vid� �nd ir��er�t�t� #r��el. �l� h�v� ar� �n#�r�5t i�i �r��s�r�ng ��Oat �rapms�d {�r�d u��a� do not n�gatively irra�act 4h� ���� ae�d ��fic6�n+ �per�tion �f th��r� f��i�itie�, 4����a ��ref�al r�e�°s�e�s c�#�h� �r�fi�i� ��pc��t ��t�ma����! b�th� �p�aii�a�t f�r � 3�►0,��� �qu�r� �ca�t �ef�i9 �l�app�ng ���t�� at 72n�1 as�d �J��m���h ��r�et, a�� h�er� d�t���in�� th�t t�� app[°s���t �����a� �e�� the ��9i�i�s �f the �°i�ar� �carnp�°�h�r�s���� �'i��a. ����afi��Bly�9 thc� H��o►��v �?i����ti�re� ar�d P���r�a�+�� �ra�eri� #4 �s�� �5 �19oit�m� 1, �'��R� BII-1, pm 0��25� �nd . 3°a°�t���►r��fian �o�e�o�� �o°B o3 de ��c! �. ��w��a�� 2, ����i�� 8�, �e5�� �r� n�t a��t. �li�h�e�� ��l�,���V� ��9� ���OG'��9`@�� �R°6#�G�� �$'� 6� °G�� i'!'Z�191f�iL1� � �4'�5�8'le���� ��4s�"� �4f �I2&,'�,'� ��1 �rdw�e@p�i �r�d �r������ r��te� r9�rar�g th� ���i$ �69bF�99 �red �b��c�6�r� #� i� 4i�c� s��a����i� � r�as�n��sl� I�v�9 �t sp���d �n ��°in�ip�� and a��ri�l ��a���� ciaar��� th� �f�����k p�rec�d�ti,� Tr�ns��►�t�tier� P�Ilcy $.1.3 � °fh� �6�� �I��YI Req�Br� a� a �re��ndati�n �o ��v�Bopra�eo�4 th�t: .� ` c#. Indi�6da��y dev�lop��ss �S�r�i�i�at� i� the Qrr�pr�v���nt o� �xi�ton� �tr���9 ��rb� ��d sid�w�9ks �ca �h� �x��ra# ��#he �6���lop��n�'� i�apactsy �r�� �. Str�e� i��ar�v����ats b� ��de �a��9 �tr��� �9gn� �r �ign�9� �� pr��e9d�� r��en t�� c�e�r���pnnera� i� f��r�d t�a ����#� �r 6r���r��i�y a �r���� ����r�a l"h� tr�#fic s��dy sho�nrs tha� �are �han on�-third (�I/3) of �he sit� g�ncr�ter� trips ar� �ntici�Wt�� �� a�aes� the site vi� th� l�ighwa� �JVV/�!N €�ar�mc�uth a�ree� fnf�o'��cfiran. A�c�rdirag t� t�e �r�r� �iiqhway �'��n, th� c�perati�c� st�nc�ard �or 9�Vil is � I�v�l �f 5e1'1lIC� (�.��) �9 fnr si�n�iiz�d ir�ters�ct�or�s which �q�a#es ir� � �aximu� v�i�amc �� c��a�ity ���ia �� 90%. �°his irat�r���tic�n ds curr�r�tiiy �per�ting �t � ��7 i af � v�i�h a �/c caf 83%. 4�1'i�he��t th� pr�pc���d de�elape��r�t, the ir�t�rsec�ec�n is ex���4�d tn �p�r��� �� � LC�� of � �rifih �. v/c o� 9��/a in �h� y��.r �003e �, °JOC C�.fi�C'! O�i 99% e� c�p�r�.ting at �apacity ar�d ��ythi�c� gs•e�ter i� �o�sid�r�d to b� f�iling. V1/o�� fhQ �r������d dev�l�pm��tq t�� i�t������i�� (ir��ludir�g backg�•s�und �raffiic) a� ����c��d �� be �� � �.�� ��� � a�e��� �/� c�� �9%. ���?°� �on�id�r� t�� ��cpect�d 'ar��r€��� is� �h� �r/c ra�9a � signific�i�t d��r�dat�or� of tr��Ei� t��nc�itEar�� �.� ��rr�p�r�r1 �s� �h�t �urr�r��iy ��i�t� �� ��19 �� r�h�� �v€�u�� �� �xp�ctPd if� th� y�ar �Oq3 �ri�4��«� th� pra��sed dev�l�pr��ret. TF�� 99�/��r�rnauth atre�� int�rs��tio� is �xp�c��r� to be ap�r�tin� �t �a�a�ity wifh th� prupos�d d��elapment. llnder such circumstarac�s, progr�s�ior� ofi tra�fiic aec�n� th� highw�y wo�9d be virtuall� irnp��sibl�. Cl�seuir�g and delay� ex��ri�nc�d on the highwa� �nd sid� str�e� �✓a�ld b� �;xpect�d �o b�cor�� s�v�r�. Motorists on the highw�y �nd side s�r�et woufd typ9�ally hav� to vvaa� �hro�agh a number of �igr�al cycl�s fo be s�rv�d, r�sulting in I�ng del�ay� and �XG�:SS6VE? q���ir�g. Th�s� cr�ndifians �re �x�ected tc� I��d tc� �rrati� rnar�euver� by rncstr�ri�ts (ru�ning r�d lights, driv� or� tha sho�alders, etc.), which c�ufd aggr�va�e s�fety con�erns at ar�d n��r th� iretersectio�. Bt is C3D��"'s pe�sifi�n ti�at witho�i� th� widening �of 99W to six (6) lan�s b�tw��r� I-5 and �iighway 217, that �he de�reiopment wiU intensify firaffic on 9911l4 and in p�r�i�u6ar, #he int�rs��tion of �`J�J �artr�o�a�h Stre��. 9fi the City �haoses to approve th� proposeci ciev��o�r��nt, w� r��orr�m�nd the follawi�g b� iriclude�! as Conditions of A�p�oval: CPA 9�-07JSDF�98-O7JPDR�8-01/SL�198-C2/MIS 98-Q4 fi/1/9�STAFF�i�Pf�RT TA THE PLANNING COMPvIlSSIOP� YRI-COUNTY aNOPPIFIG QEIvTER PAGE 40 OF 42 �. °('he �ppli��nt b� r���6r � in�t�ll � tr���� sign�l � t�� int� ti�ra� �f �9/� 6��1� Parkw�� �rae� S1�VV �a�trn�la�� ��r °�°h� �r��������'sc�� R� ��arr�ntly �o�ot d by �� �,II-way �t�po T'h� ���t ig� c�f �h� 6r���rs��t's�� c�r��i�t� �f th� I-5 s��thb�ua�d r�rn� ��nr���t8��� �� the �W �°i�it��� ���c� inte��h�rag�. T'h� I-5 �o�t��a�e�d r��p ���r��ctiar�� �r� p�rt� �f th� ��at� , ��igMw�� �yst�,r�a ar�d u�d�r �9�� ��ri�di��i�i1 �� ���1�, �s�c� �� s���, th� propo��d traffi� �i�n�l �f th�� enter����aon r���d� �c� b� �pp�c���r� ��th� �t�t� 1'r�'�i� �r�gsr�e�r prinr t� d��igr� ao�d �c�r���ruc�iar�o �i�r��i ir�s���l�ti��ro r��y r�aqc�dr� �dc�eti�r��8 i�ap�t�����rtts a� d�t�rrnirt�d ta�a th� ���t� �"r�f�i� �ng�r���r. �ou�f��n h�o�r �� �.r�. ta � p.m. �v��kd���) ��reu�l turn �c���rn��t ����ts �t th� ir�t���ec��a� �ii6 �a��d t� b� pr��id�d t� l'��(��' for th� t�°atf9c �ign�! ��t•r�.r�� �n�lysis. �°h� f�rrnat ahoe�rro �r� 4h� �t���h�d t�•�ff6c s°sg��t w�rr�r�t c�arr�parisor� worksh��fi� �hc��ld b� us�r� �� part caf th�vv��r�n� ���i�r�is. 2, �°h�r� i� di��u��i�n ir� th� r�p�i� ��g�r�ir�c� ar� �����io� �s� �� i��r�rr�a���4� �#r�et v�v��# ra��r 6��ghr�r�y 2�7 �rac! ��9di4��nai r�m� �onr���4i�n� tc� ��� hi�ha�t��. C��(�T' ha� revi��ved �rid �r��l���d �irniSar pr�pc�s�l� ir� t4�� p��t �r�d h�s r�� �v6���c� t��� �h�r� �vould b� any irt�preaar��ent ir� I�v�f: c�f ��rvic� fc�r 99V1! k����r��n i�i�h�a�y 2�7 �r�d E-5. ���'T uvil� r�ot �41�vu� �dc�i�'s�r��i �c���� �� F#ic�h�rr�y�1�. � �➢���: �lthg�gi� �h� �orw�p�°e6����iv� �tan P�l�ca�� �.1 a3 d ��d � �9�d�� ��}07' cit�� ��� appro�ri�#� �� a��r��� re9�ti�� �o �hi� �pp�i���oc�r�, th� ���Is��nt i� ���9��� by them��l�r��4 te� pr�v�ad� �tr��t o�aryr���rrra+����� �h�� v�r��l� ��� I���� �� 9�1,�0 �i�il� fih�� gm��c��s��en� ��y �� ���d��1s ��d���n� 9�� i� a �ofi�i���t �a�a��� �ai9Bior� ���i�r �ro�e��th��e�vi�B �rr�p��� �o��:n� �f��i��ir�g b���r������» �►r��f€�� ���r�r�g� ������r i-��� r�v9�v�o�r� �h� �p�9"s�atic�r� ��d h�� �h� f�l9o�rir�g �c��rar�a�nt�: ��€�i#��v �ewr�r: �9�� de��i�pr��r�� shnuid �� �a��°��ic��c� �vifi� � ��;ar�� afi disp�s�l fior ��r�ifia�y se�nr�r. 1"�� ���.r�s of disp�a�a sho�ld be in acc�rd�n�� �i�h R �. f� 96-4�4 (�Jnsgi�d �iew�rag� �g�r�c�r'� �r��s�ru�ti�r� �f�r���rds, J�aly �996, �ditia�). �r�gone�r �he��ld v����y ��a� p�b�ic ����a��ry ��o��i° i� ��r�iB�bl� �� �ap��IS �c�j����� p��p�rti��, c������d�d ��s�a�� �� r�qt�i��s� by � � � 9�-A��. Sto�� ���v�r: �'�� s����(e������� �hc��i� h��� �.c���s �c� pub9i� �tor€n �����. ��gir���� �I�cauld v�ri�� tha� pubiic �t�ara�r� ��v��r i� av�flabl� �c� �.sp�hiiB �.dj�c���# prap�r�ie�, �s������ ��or� ��avi�� �� r�c�uir�� �y �i��� 9�-��. h���r�c�gic ar�d ��dr�l�rc�9��.i �r����si� �� ��c��r� ��r�r��y�r��� ���t�r� i� ��������y. If dcawr�s�r�a� �t�rr� �c��rr�y���� ���� r�c�� ���v� �h� ��������a �c� �����r����� �c�l��� s��rcr�g �. �5�y���, �4�-h��ar �torr� �����, tFi� ap��ica�� §� r�spor��ibl� f�r ���������� flov�. �ater C�u�ii��r: �, De��loper sh��ir� pre�vide a ��i�r t�U�Iti�1 ���Illfy $C� �r��� th� ���r irr�p�svi�u� �u�ac� b�ing � c�n��ructed �s p�r� af this dev�l�prr��nt. � e� � Fload�lair�/�er»��P�e A,rea: � if �h� �ivi�ic�� a� ��a�� Land� is �ati��ied uvith �h� 6 er�ca�r�i-fil{ ar�c� rr�it�ga4i�� pi�n� �ar�h� pr�p�s�d � proj�ct, th�n �JSA will b� ��ti�#i�d. T'h� ir��rc���a��r�t plan� �houid sh�vw �om�let� r�itiga�ian.�rork � ar�d veg���t�d ���ridor�r�h�n����r��/reatora�ia�, per � � C� 96-44. �rosiora �c,n�ro4: �joint 12Qt�-� �rc��i�n car�tr�l p�rmi� is r�qt�ared. CP/�,98-07JSDR 98-02/PDR 38-01/SLA 99-021MIS�£i-04 6J1f90 STAFF�EPOR"f YO'fH�f�1�8NMIN���MMI$SIQN �'HI-CQUNTY�HQi'PiNG CEfVT'ER PP��aE 41 OF 42 D�vasior� c�� ����� ��r�d�/�or � n ir���r�: �4 [3�L.PRs°rra� ��gps c�f �ngi�e� grr�it i� r�quQre�d for �ny �ork i� t �tiar�ds or �r��k ��rrid�r. ,� r�vis�d ��piicat@�r� rra�y n��d t� b� ��be�itt�d f�� f�arth�� �ppr�v�! if ��arr�n� �I��� dpf��r #r�rn origin�9 ���B6cat�at�o �r �i�u��: 3'�� ��pOi��n� ���te� �6��� ��9� o� �r��� n��r cor���d�r�d �� b� �r�thin th� '�Op-�r��r fl��dpi�in o��c�rx��4 ira t�� ��r�y �99�0"�. �c�r th�� ����on9 th� ���li��n� d�e� r��� c�r���d�r ��� p��i�� �f �h� �it� t� �� �i��`so� the 100�y��s� fdo�d�1�6� �r flo�d��� �����. The a�a�sii���a� i� ��+v�r� e�� ����it��� L��d� on t�i� �st� a�� h�� p���aJde� � e�r��9ar�d� c��li�e�ti�ny� �ag ti�e a+v�tl��c�� �� p�a� �f th� p��e� saa�►��tt�l. ' T�a� �pp������ �rovid�c� � ��-f�o� �uffer to ����6�� �r�tfa�si� �� �he a���� o� �h� s��j�ct �ar�p�r�. ����u���h� m�jari`dgv�f th� ��-$it�v�r�tEane���ro�ld h�v� �5 fe�'� c�� rr��r� bsa�er v�ridth, ..� ���u�ti�� of �a�a#�+�r ��dtl� a� permis�i���. TM� ��d�c�� b��F�� �id�� i� #or only a�r� ��z�re�� ea��er� �nc� �� t�� ���ti��r�s dn thbs �r��. °PF�� �p�li���� i� ��rr��t��/ �p�t�6�g �ar �r�� ��r�� �fi ��g������ ��rr�it�. �°h� a�pla�arot ��ra°�r�tly ha� � �i�6���� �f ����e Land� �err��� �rad a� �n th� �r����� a� rer��evdrs� th� P�rr�it� T'����fiin ���le� W�t�r �a�tr�ct revie�re� th�s �pplication �nd pr�v�ded tF�� fr�ilc�wir�g ��m���ts: Us� c�xi�ti�y st��a�a�s to proper�y. Fir�li��� r�qusre D��A �t right-�f-�r�y. Pot�bE� vu�� will r�quir� pr��sure r�gulation (f�f�t�: pr�ssure curr�er�fi9� exc�ed� £3� �si). (�i�t�rs fha� ar� 1�/� 6nches �r 6�rc��r r���air� d�uble �h�ck v�lv� as��mbly da�n��rearr� o� �h� m�Y�r. °�Y�� ap�li�a�>t s�?iC us� �'4iUV� C��'T �� �02 or �F `�OQ. lJpgrade wat�r fir�� €� 5VV F�e�rnc�sa VVay to 1�-i�ci� �l�. �ank m�t<ar� �h�li be �r�vided a� �Vi/ B��rmn�a V1Ja,y �ntr�anc� fits� v�riou� ��r��n#�. A ��-s�ch BT�Y va9v� and � t�vo (2�-inch �.�. �ss�m�ly ��a►6i b� prc�v's���. ���i�r� �r�yin��r �h�!! rn��t with Tualatirs V'all�y�IVat�r Distrir.t ��tu C�av��) pri�r t� p{�r�e s��r�itt�l fc�r p�oj�ct. �c�rfi��ad ������I ����tr�� (�C�� h�� revicewed 8hi� �ppli�ati�r� and ha� c��fer�d �� ccaa�mer�t� or Ubj�C$ic�nS. �/�� ? �.._ � 11�ar�22, 193�3 F'���AR�[3 �Y: (�i�i°k ����¢�� C3�T� Assoeia�e Plar�n�r GGj/�'1���'�� d��.'6'��� �a��, � fVla��� 199� RPP�3C�V�D �3Y: �ich�rd wersd��ff I�A�"� Plan�i�g �ila�r�ag�r I:\curpinunark_rlcpa98-2..rpt CPA�J&-021SDN�J8-0?JPOR 98-01/SLR�3II-0?JMIS 98-04 6/1/98 S'FAFF REP�ORT TO 7H�PLEINNlNG CAMMlSSION 'f�il-COU�1'r`(SNOPPING C�NTER PAqE 42�F 4� . 'a�.�[• •[ fY � � f � � • ` � � ' . ( I Ig � � e � � °! g i a 1 � P�� q �:i j � � � � � �0� � ��:�._ �_ P '...•\• .. _ ..�_ yI la.m•.v:i+.:l�!Ilillfilllii:lll .e ^_.._....� ` __ � . �__.. ___\\_�..... .�(�,r\`......\�...\F\ .•\ �` - �� � � � � - 6 fg ��`�` •\s. \♦ •.\\\ \\� l L`'�a ♦ � f ,,,y �� � F}� �a= 0�y;^�� • �� � �. �t\`` . a !t: , � 6� a � ..:'o. e � j°iR A et i� �rci.il:. I, .i; � •" e � _ p� ..\ t♦ �\\\\\\\•.���..1�_ � � n� �•'%i�/ � ,.�t� : o�c G'�� .�•.:�a ,�i;1�.C..���. ��_ � � � �� •,�s� r"s l:"'' ^ . �4 P'"�•,� i s i o.:- (Y ' • '44S4r.Il/i:.:/• •:/! T � ,is 'i. -----�- : e e,.��• :�.,._,°;�;^�:�.,....,. _ ,o;;,;� a� � 4� ; ,J, �,/'` ' e i � :�t ,•tP"�Z at�•, :��•^T. '•,��' fij� �:i � ^�� ���/ � l� �. v� � v �. � �_ ...s �Y \� `p :,.>:o_.. ;;. :, = •' ��;;� n - __�± �O°O �b�� e � m-�a :�� : �;. .., _ �e _. ,, a.o. . , �;�' • � . 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'� • �m � - _ d � '�.�-�`-�-�--� � - pi"tGP�° '�e`s8� '� --'s-°°—� � i =-- �: o` (sfi..Y � � �alP ��92AIWt A'VgNBJE ' •g �e �a• a F � L : 3 : : � g �g$ • � • 6 - P f =� �1 �� � Eaeii Ssaia6 � ' i � `� �� ���°� � �°��� � �L� I � �i�� ��� � . � � ��- -- -- _ — — -- - � �_-- ,�-� __ ,� �� . a � � � 1fEDO9A0NIC tiiFOR1C�Y1Pkti 8O34�I) � �$ �j I E � � ����B��I� � c. i -- -� w.m,.m..am.o�.>mw.�mmc-,�.�mo. � �G,�� / �, ¢ ---� ,�/ �����°°���� ----r- -- f..__ �����°°�6�i�� -_ I�"T� � �������a�t � � —_ C_I _ 7 S�R 9�-���0� r ' ��}Sv6��i P�eeels _ �±r o�a— � F��� m���°�Q�'� _, i � �.�.A��,..�..�...� , � �r�Ind6tat�d ir� ` — ,.�.�m.a.,.�.�m... � o �ros�-N�t�h$�ar� '_��- 1 �� -- ��m����� ' � _— '_— itdT I_ �. _ST _ I ,— �_ oN_1__ - - -- ����P��� � --z,--_ �_�_I_ �_ — —� m CE�a�R �� --—_ O1 0 � � / --__[]4.4TFfpU7i�i 57 _—_- -- � _ �� _� - �- , , , �� - —a �� � �- - - _j D R J � — �_ . � . . . ` � � � r a�, PI. / � R�e 6� • � � � �� � F� i`=33ffi9+s4 � � a i � c�a�a s: d '�' C'it}•af T'sua� u,r�.�r�,�,�s:.�is ra g���y.�,a �.u�Y����s�a�. ��szs s�t wns s�a �; � n�..a.oFa s�� � . . (303)614A179 _ . _ . . . '_'__' _. ' ._' ._____.' . � ---- '-- ---- - ----- --- -- ------------_ .. - ---- --- - - �— � - ; hi�lfmvw.c3.figard.m.m ��o�S'������ Piot dai�:Apr 3,1998;c:lrr�gi�imagic09.apr �Ed�.i�A,l�'�i�l��°� �PLTCATION FOI� SI'�'�DEVE]LUI'IvI�N'T REVIE�, SENSITI�E LA.NDS�V'IES1V,I�LA.Te1I�,TED DE�IELOPTvIENT, �,a�'LII�1E ADJU�TIdlENT, �i C`OlV[Pit��IEIYSii1'E�'LAN AMENDIVIENT FOIt A GENERAL C�;�MME��IAL TtE'�.P�.TL CEN'�ER � ����.1��� ����� ����. � ���.r�� , �,p�lic�a���nd I��v�la��rnent �+�ns�it�nt. En�a���r�a�n�al �srn�ult��at: Christensen�i�gineer?ng, Inc. 7150 �W Hampton St., Ste. 226 Dr.�artin Schott Portland, Oregon 97223 1147'7 S. Toliver Road p (503) 598-186b f(SQ3) �98-1868 � 1Vlolalla, �lZ 97223 Pr�ject P�Ianager: Ed Cluiste�asen, P.E. '�'�•aa��a��°ta�io� ��x��ultan�: (�dvn�a�s�: Torra�,ancast�r Gardan R. iVlartin, Gorcion S. �a�-tin�c Lan�ast�r�n�ine�ring � �heila 1V.�artizi 800R�V 6`�Aven�ae, Suite�06 12265 SW 72nd Avenue Port�and, OR 37209 Tigard, C7R 972?3-8604 Iaoc��a�n: L.�gal �onsult�n�sa S�uah�f I�artznouth �ti•eet,�✓est of�.�I. ��gle and Caates 72n�Avenue, noz�th of�erinosa Fstates 222 S�JV �olumbia gtreet, Suite 1400 �nnd��s�oi Palxner Acr�s. �ortland, QR 97201 At�orney: I4��rk Whitlov� �bxs��aab���������� 'I'arlow Jardan Schrader :��b�,�a.ry 2, 199� ° P.O, Bo� 23066� Fortland, OR 97281 �'ina�Subrraf�t�l I�a��. Attoiney: Doug Van lJyke Iv�arck�27, 1998 Archatect: Mulvanny Partnership � 838 SW lst�lvenue, Suite S�0 Portland, QR 972(34 Praject Architect: Sake Reiildersma ° IIob iCabusreiter � - � 'I'A�I..E OF C�I�'�EI'�1`I'� Fa��'�I'IE�7C.,e.,....e....... Page 3 1 R.80.130:SI A E CC?I�ITIONS SC�ENIrIG 18.80.140:ADDITIONAL 18.102:VISUAL CLEARAI�ICE GENEdi�L FIVFORMA'fION REQUIRED IN AREAS II'�Ff?�14'iA1''Y�1�1 .. ... ......... Page 4 WAdVER OF TtEQUIRE�/lENT 18.106: t'irF-STFtEET PARKIN�i& Background InforcnaYion 18.80.150:1�ETAILE�PLAN LOAllING Vicinity Infarmation 1�.80.160:GRADING AND 18.108:ACCESS E�GRESS�c SiYe Information DRt1It+1AGE PLAri CIRCUL,4."TION Proposal Description 18.�0.1.7�:�'1�IlE LE4.I�IDSC,hPE PLAN 18.114:SIGNS Phasing 18.80.180:SIGN DItAWI1VCsS 18.80.190:E%CEPTIONS'1'O THE SI7f'�I)��/EI.�Pll�YL�iVT YaB.�C�I3IJI2E���Tt UNllERLINE'I,ONE,YAI�D, 1�`�EW ,.a.......... ...... �'�ge 47 A9��I�I�i�Pd�AIGIPI� ..........�'age 7 PAR.ItING,SIGN PROVISI�NS Submission requirements 18.32; QUASI-JiJ�ICIF�L DECISION AND THE LAPTDSCAP�NG .Approval Standards MAKING PROVISIQNS 18.80.200: SI-�.4i2ED�PEN SPt�C,E fl�E�'ELO�IVIEIe1T c4i ZOI�1Yl�G]�IS7CRICT 18.8�: SENSITIVE LANDS A��iIINISTR�.TF€�N �....... . �'age 48 CI.ELSSIFIC.�"I'Y�1�T5& OVERI,AY I7ISTRICT 18.144:AC�ES50RY S'I'RUCT`URES I��€JIItEi'vl�l°tTS . ...... ......Page II 1�.150:TREE REMOVAL 18.62: C-G GENERAI..COIvI1��fERCIA�. �'.h'T��'.�S4)TJ�C]ES(i�) 18.62.0�0:DIMENSIONAL OYERLt4'a'IDI�TItIC�' ..... �c'a�e 27 �i,�,Nl3 Y1I'Vy�IOI�i�4c I9E�I,E.1I'1b�tE1��' R.EQUdR�MENTS 1�.85:010: PURPO�E �'�"r�PVT9�tD� ....�......o�., �age 49 1�.85.030:A.PPLICA73ILITY AND 18.162:LA1VD llIVISIQIV-MAJOR�c t���k�,f1Y DIS`I'I2.I�"I'S .. ...,, Pa�e 1(f CiENEiZALIZ�D MAPPI�G i�rI1NO3t LA�1D PARTI'I'IC3I�TING- 1�.80:PLANNED DEVEL�OpMENT 1�.85.140: PLAN ANiENDMENT LQT i,1NB ADNSTIvIENT llISTRICT JPTION(�SEE OP'i'IOILI) 18.1��: STRE�,'T'&UTII,ITY 18.80.015:Ti-IE PROCESS IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS 18.80.020:A.�MINISTRATION AND ET+1�ItON1!',�IV'I'�.I, Strcets APPRdtIP..L PktOCESS R1�T�.,'XS�� .. ............. �'��e B7 Saziitary Sewer 18.80.030: EXPIRA.TION OF Executive Summazy Surface Water Itux►-Off APPROVAL: STANDAI�DS FOR Wetland P�Siitigation Domestic Water and�ire Flow EXTENSIJIV OF TINiE 18.80.040:NONCUMFLIANCE: BON[� JU�ti5I5Y�;'I'�OtdAI,i�l;�'�.AIVl) ��%'g'IO1�I.�3,.4Pd�L`g'SIS . ... Pags�2 18.80.050:APPLICABILITY OF Z�P1� D�T'ER1V�1'�.4,'�'��IlT�� Proportionality Analysis AS CONDITION OF APPI2OVAL ����l�i��"I"�CbI'd e.,,e..a o o, �����29 'I'raffic Access 5tudy 18.80.060:PLR1V DEVELOPn4ENT Site Uescription Acoustical Study ALLOWED A.T�1D I3TSALLOWED Wetland Delineatior�and Authority 18.80.U7U:APPLICABILITY Ii�1 Regulatory Context �EfiTI�N 18. 070 DE�I�N ALLOWED USES Methods �T�NDARi9S ............. .. �age 55 18.80.080:APPI.ICABILITY OF BASE Results Str�et Connect�viiy "LONE PROVISTOPIS Mitigation Site Design Standards 13.80.090:APPLICABILITY OF SITE Ref�zences �uilding Design Standards DEVEI,OPMENT REt✓I�W Signs CHAPT�R S�J�I'I.EI6'��IV'lt'.�L Entry Portals 18.80.100:PHASET�DEVELOPMENT �'�.OVI�ei�lal� ....... ...... �age 42 Landscaping and Screening 18.80.110:APPLICATION I 8.96:ADDITIONAL 1'ARD Street and Access w�y 5tandards SUBMISSION RL�QUIRENIENTS: REQUfiREMEN'1 S Neighborh�od I��eeting CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT 18.98:BUILDZI�iG HE.IGH'I' PLAN LIrdITA'�dONS�XCEP`I'I01�1S pp�p�NDiX 18.80.120: APPROVAL STANDARDS 1�.100:LA�TllSCAPING& 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-COC.JI�tTY CENTER Page 2 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD,LT.A,CPA � A:. ... . ......... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . M1 1r k9�.+Il 0.3�1H'I�'f A � 'x�k��.�35: �511�A, 2511�, � Y5136��7 Tax Lots:;� 1Q1, �00, 3Q�, 401, 4Q0,402, 1400, &4��?fl � Site 5i��: o ,� 25.7���res - �f�er r.�;ht-c���ay d�dic�tiorz �aro�s I.,easable A.re�.: 330,895 sf: I�Iun.�ber o�i�arking Spaces: 1,722 or 5.2Q sp�ces/1000 sf C.�b�A 11 S �3icycie Spaces T�,ands�apizag A.rea: 195,534 sf�ar 17.�7%c��'site area Applicable Cad� Cr�l��ia: C'ommun�ty Cr�de Ch�pters 1�.32, 1�.62, l.$.�4, 18.�4, l�.Sa, 18.96, 1�.�$� 1$.��dy �.C�.�Pildy �(`�.�Lf�y �f.7,�t/Cly �t�.���q �R.��e./y �t�.i��� ��.���g 1�.162, 1�.164y � 1�0_070 ; i i ' i � i 03/03/98�k'PLICATTOI�I POR C�I�O:�5-1�2.01 TRI-C(3iJNTY��I�TTEI2 Page 3 c�f EO �DR,SLR,PD,�,ILA,CPA +��I�1�][�, �1�1�C�R�I��I�I�1 A d�veioprnent request far Site D�;velopmen� Review, �ensitive Lands R�vie�, Planned d�ev�loprraent, Lot Lin� A.djustment, and Comprehensive Plan Am�ndment approval to allov,� th� constnzcYian Qf a caznmercial retail complex anci rela�ed p�ablic and private fa�cilities. ���lk��°�aa�d In�'oa�ana��m�a: �� "JCh� proposed development site is curr�ntly zoned �General CommerGial ur�der the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. Tk�is site is the la.rgest camrrxercial pa,rce4 of Iand av�.iiable in this area urider one�wnership. TI�e sit�is Iocated within the area known as the �'igard Triangle, bordered by Interstate �iighv�ay�99W to the north,I-�igh�ay 217 to the west,and Intersta�e S to the east. The Triangl�has beex�the focus of an ongoing glanning efforts by the City of Tigard avei•the past seven years due to its regio�al si.gnifxc�nce. Th� population base wit�iin a 10-mile rad'aus is rnor�than 700,000,and is rapidly increasing. 12.�cently, the ""Tigard Triangle Design Standards"(TL�S) was adt�pted by the Cit�Council ig�r�sponse to tt�e new Metro 20�0 Functi�ax�a1 Plan. The applicant's proposal addresses all of the cancepts and requirement� contained in the TDS, and �he Tigard Comrnunity l�evelopment Code. '�6c��ti�yy�r�ffo�°�n��fo�: Surrounding the site is ��I?artmt�tYth Street(designa�ed a major arterial), constzucted by a Lacal Iraiproverraent �istract with participation by thi� property own�r, runs adjacent to the northern property 1in�of�he site; SVJ 72nd A.venue (a major art�ri.al) barc�ea•s the eastern bound�.y; a�orth of Dartmou.t� lies the new✓ly �onstruc�e�l Cub F'aods I2etail �enter�rAd t4 th� northeast, Costco, a large box retai��r, to th� west of tt�e site lies a 7-acre wetland within an 11-acre rernainder par��l i�nder��st�o awi?ers�rip that is rnostly proposed 4:0 �e retained �s opPn space, ho��ev�r, the I�artmou�� t7yover extensiori �an I-5/217 tool bax iir��xvvem�nt� �Nill ir�paat thi� site someday; to tl�e soLith lies ��V l�ec-mosa VJay �°A: SW Bevela.r4d �treet cunently zor�ed for Mixed Use Employm.enY(1ViUE)�nd some of t}ie para�l� immediately adjoining this site are currently registered as businessas. StiV Btmh�,irst Street "T's" into SW 72nd Avenue approximat�ly 100 fe�t noz�tY� of the southern end of the eastean boundary. To the northeast lies vac�.n.nt general commercial and MtJE zoned property. SW 72nd is currentiy under-iinproved the entire lengtl� of the ea�terly �roper�y line. A short widening of the 72nd Avenu� Yntersection was 03/09/98 APPLICATTON FQR CEF JO:95-102.01 TIt.I-COL�ITY CENTER � Pxge 4 of b0 SDR, SLR,PD, LLA,CPA � consfir�.ccted �t S`W Yaartrraouth by the �ub�'aod�development. Dartrnouth is parkzally improvec��o a 5�lane configura.tion �cro5s most of the north�rn boundarry af the szte, A se�tion of Dartrn�uth adjacent to Red R.ock Cresk axld the turn signaXs w�r.canted �ith this project have ye�to be �unded arid constructed. It is �ntici�ated that these impravs�nerats will b� funded with a fut�are LII�, In addition,a landsc�apir��concept has bee�z devel�ped for the �ar�rr�outh street scape in cot�junction with the previa�us Ti�ard Triangle Plar�z�ing efforts but v�iil be modified �eth tl�is proaect because of t�e required wekland relocation. �it���a��r�eatioa�: s � T'he praposed devslopmer�t site has seen many uses assc�ci�t�d with fa.rn.�ing and the raising of free range chickens. Currently, the �ashingto� Department of Assessr�i�nt and'Faxatzon has 3.93 acres of th�site adja�er�� to I,�z°trnouth r�gistered as a Ck�ri.strnas tree farm and �.63 alang the drait�age registered as a farm wood Iot(see appendix}. �art of the site is�lso register�d as zion-irrig�t�d crop land. Spread thrcughout the site are numernus'auildings,�arns,and farmi�g struetures�s well as four residenc�s. The site �ri11 be cleared ��' all existing structur�s �nd tr��s �rio� to site development. T'he existirig dr�ir�age that bisects the sit�,in accardanc�with our approved watland till pei°mit, will be relocatesl adjacez�t to Dartmouth Street. �ropa�����s�:ri�t�ca�a: TY�e applic�.n� fs pr�pc�sing a�has�sl coznzraercial b�i�d�za� scezxaa°io far the site e�ue to construction uchedr.iling. This proj�ct includes�331,1�9 sq�are feet of gross leasable co�nmerciaUr�lail space. The vast rnaj�rity of the c�nter wi.11 �c�ommodate dry gaods retailers. In k��ping with the access spacing standards, t�ere will �e two accesses into the center o�. b�th Dartrnouth �oad and t�xro on 72nd Avenue. The first access �oinx alcng Dar�trzouth Ftaad is op�osite the exis�ing acc�ss f'rra� Cul� Foods. The seconc access is some 600 feet i:o the west where I3artm,outh turns to the north. �ne access point,Dri�ieway C�vill be provid�d on SVe�'72nd Avenue, � approximately 300 feet south of the L3artrnouth Road int�rsection ancl � Driveway D is 260 feet further to the south. A rv�a-ranted ti•af`Fzc signal will �,,, be placed at the I7artrnoutk�/72nd i�reet intersection. Another sig��ai wilP be � warrarated at both of the Da�tmouth d�iveways l�efore th�fuil build out of'ths � � axea. These will be fur�ded either tl�rough LII�or�'rans�ortatian Tanp�ct Fee � (TIF) credi�s, � 03/09/98 APPLICATION�'�R CEI JO: 95-1a2.01 TRI-COU1�iTY�ENTER Page S of 60 SDIt,SLR,FD,LLA,CPA � Th;e site topograp�zy�lopes dowril steeply frorn an el�vat�on c�f 242 feet�t the southeast coraier of the sate to a more rrioderate slop�tYu•orxgh the anaddl��nd bottoin po�tzons of tihe site at an elevation of 160 fe�t sor�e 1,350 feet west at the we5tern edge nf tk�e p�np�ri.y;an avera�e overall eas�-w�s�t drog of 6°�a. I�ue ta the substantial sl�pe, both alternativ�s will nece��it�te �xtsn�ive tapographic r�canfiguration. As a cons�quence of t�s�natural topographg� ar�d the severe slope access restrictions associatec�with the AmeriGans�vith Di�abilities Act (�R) and the city pedestri.an reqtgirements, an extensive a.mount of an-site grading is proposed 'an arder tc� rn�st the �oals of a � pedestria.n friendly c�mplex. In additian, all of'the �rees will be remaved fxo�n th� sxte except those at tha int�rsection of I��rtmouth Road ancl 72nd l�venue (per Section 1�.150). Further, an existing drainage svv�.le �vhick� adver5ely bisects the site wYll be r�located along �artnloukh, and vvill be incorporated into the project as a landscape feature as atlowed by our wetlar�d#�ill perbnit, and the TDS. ; • Four driveway� �noted as�i-iveways A.thru I7)wilt provide access to and from t��zis project. Tawa of the Driveways {A � g) run rnorth-south to Dartmouth,aa�d the other two C&.L)}nan easti-west to 72nd 1�veiiue. ��ithin fhe site the driveways �wi11 interconnect, providin� exaellent ciyculatiart throughout the center. The driveways will vary izi v�idth fxoin�80 Yo 24 feet. An alternativ�pedestrian access ways r�etwork witl sirni�arly provide a grid connectin�th�inaj�r�at�s to���her. Driveways"A."asid"�'"at their in�ersection with Dartmouth will be �bQ and 66 feet wide, including sidewat�s,resp��tivelg�. Il�ri�eways C and X3 intervectixzg 5W 72nc�.P��renua wi11 be 30 feet wide, including sidawalks and planters. All the driveway paveinent widths meet 6r exceed. the cornr�ercial dr'rvevvay a�c�ss paving requirements found in th� Tigard Publi� Im�xovement D�sign an.d 'TI7S Standards. �h����g The site will be phased by construction schedule only. �ompletion �f the entire center rriay take upwards at' 20 manths. The rriajors will be � constructed first utilizing the pads for�onstruction staging areas. �11 at'the �. on and off-site grading, ur�derground and surfac�impr�vements necessaiy � for occupancy and the erection of the majors and pad stz-uctures will be � � completed in a timely fashion in order to get the tnajors opene�l withix�t�e earliest tima frame possible. The pad stru.cture� •will be erected tipar� °"� completion of the majors, � w � , 03/09/98 APPLICAI'ION FOR CET JO:95-102.01 TRI-COUNTl'CENTER Page 6 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD, LLA,CPA P�'t�C�+�iJ�� ��I�I)�+CI�I(�N�IA�1�1� 1$.32: �TJASI-JiJUI�IEII,I��CISI�N Iv1�II�(y 'The a�plicant is sut�mittin� a proposal in complete a�inpliance vvith �k�� rel�vant code and�omprei��nsive�l�n requirements as of I��.reh 6, 1998. Included in the applic�tion is all the pnformation requ�sted c,n th�app�io�tioti �'orrr�,along with a narc•ative addxessi�ng the appa�op�iate criteria�in suff cient detail ic�r review aaad�ction; th�required fees; and a lis�of al�p�rs�ns wki� are surrounding�he property as well a�o#her affected p��riAes.'�'h�prdposed retaiP cent�r is consistent r�rith Y1�e und�rlyi�ag zon�ng requir�ments arid all relev�nt Ci�y ordinances and standards. Excepting for the�xis�ing Plannecl Uevelopzri�nt Ovexlay,the projeat cauld oth�rwise b���aluated th�ough the Caty°� adminas�ratpv�review process. �'he applicant requests that al.l proceedings be aomplied into a sa��le�ctio� in accorc3ance with sectioAi 1�.32.�0�0. T1�s request is nnade beeaiase the desire is�o bufld out��Zis center this year. As su�h�nd b�s�d upor��he extent of tfl�e information provided, the hopa is staff can. e:cpedite the a�plication proceduxe and timing ta accammodat�our�radii�g schedule. . P � � I ��p MS � � �y�� iYs r� 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR. CFI JO: 95-102.01 TRI-CGiI1�tT i'CENTER �age 7 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA � ��llTll�i� II.�IS"Y"I�I�T ��ASS��'IC��'��31oTS � �C,�iJI���;1o1T� 1�.�2: C-� GElVEIZAI.,C011�iMER.CIA.i, � '�h�purp�ose af�he�eneral Cmmm�rcial Lan.d IJs�design�.tio�s is t�pravide for zna,jor r�t�,rl �oods and servxces. Th� uses �lassifp�c� as g�neral c;�z�gnercial rriay involve dr�ve-iz�services,large�pace users,a�dml�ir�ation �f retail, s�rvice, or whmlesale serUices. �'he u��s perrriitted rang� �ram autom.obile repaa�and se�vl�es, �upply ar�d �quipmea�t stores, v�hicl� sales, �a a��f� in rest��rants ta laundry �slablishr�ents; and it is i�t��d�d that these t�ses �re adjacent t�a arterial mr i�laj�r cQli�ctor�treets. The appli��.nt is �r�posing to dev�lap th� site �ith se�eral of rhe eom��erczal uses �er�nitted outr�ght undez� sectian �1.623.030 A.2,. The applicant dQ�s nat anti�ip�te tl�e developrn�nt either c�f any civi�use types permi�t�d ua�der section �1.b23.03d A1, �r any�'onditional��es�ermitt�d under se�ti�a•� 18.62.040, A1-�. 1$.62,050: �IMEI�TSIOI*1AL gtE�LJII�IVIEN'T5 �'h� propased develnpm��t site vvzll cornply wit1� the dimen�ion�1 re�tabr�rnents as 1aie3 out iru s�ction 1�.b2.�1S0 specif���11y: a) A 0-foot setbaak wi11 be pl�.�;ed along all sides �f the projact, excluding the snutl�erly lot Iina that abuts exist�n�single-farilil� re�ide��ces whic�z are gn the 1�Iixed Use �mplcsymer�t zone. S�ae�i�cally, no frant, rear9 �r side••yard setbacks are r��uirad ��g1d�r this or ad�p�cer�t�onings as sp�eified ur�d�r sec�ic�i�1�.1�(3- a Cs2. b) i`dc� �tiild�ng will exc�ed 45 feet in height ex�:�pting t�wers, �,v�ich rnay be up to 7� feeY in h�igT�t. � c) "Pda more than �5%of the sixe will be covere�witn im�e�vious � surface" includit�g all buildings, parlcing, aaad site acce�s. Izz p �ctuality, as plan.ned, this site excee�is the minzz-n�.zn l�% ' landscape apen axea. Specifically, this 25.74 a�re proj�ct 9 provicies I93,023 sf or 17.24%perviaus suz�f�ace for landsaaping � �nd. open space. The excess open �pace Ys tl�e result of tl�e ; irregularity in the shape afthis si��and the�w�tland reY�abilitation reqtiiirement. 03/09/9$ APPLICATIOIV FOR �IEI 30: 95-IU2.01 TRi-�OLJI�T'1'Y 4:ENTER Page 8 af 60 SI�It,SI�R, I�D, LLA,CPA 'f'�xer� are num�rous additianal requar����ts rel�ted to the proposed de�velopr�ent w�hic���vill be detailed in the fotl�wing r�arr�Ci��. 8 � 03/09/98 AP�'LTCATIC3N FO'R CEI JO: 45-1Q2.01 �'RI-COUNTY CE1�ITER Page 9 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD, LLi�.,CPA ro �`�IE�.,.�.Y���'�.'�IC'�CS 18.�0: F'L,AIVl'JET�1�EVE�,QI'MENT�ISTRICT 7'he �rapased development site h�s been c3�si�nated with a Pl�nne� Develaprr�ent Overlay I�istri�t (�D). The int�mt cf the PI� being thai the applicant is provided the means for cieati��g��la�ned environrnent tllrough the application of flexible standards which Y�esult i�a superior commercial development. Also, to enabie the ef�icient �zse �f l�nd and to �trangl� promote an�cononaic arran�ement o�land use, �pec��l provisions are m�c�e for buildings,circulation system.s,open sp�ce and utiliti�s that maximize tl�e site's development potential. �'he overlay �lso peirrtits th�+ appflica�Y t� create a development that rec�gr�zzes.the relationship between buildings,ths use of open space access-ways9 and thereby maxirnize the apportur�ty for inno��ative and diversified working environinent. The applicaait shali�comply with all applicabl� pravisions of Title 18 r�ecessary �for the application of the project r�quiz°ements of a �lanzg�d U�velaprnenY. Said pravisions are detailed bel��w an�. throughout the narrative. 18.80.015: 'I'HL�R�OCESS The applicant und�rstands �hat the planned d�velopment desg�Zation is applicable to this gen.eral comrnercial zone a�nd th�� tt�e processin� of�h� deveiaprnent�lan through Detailed�nd Cornpreh�nsive I'1�z3 xevievv will run concurrentty through approval. 18.80.020: �MINISTRATI��1�I'�D�'PR�'�.�.I.,PRQ�ESS The applicant plans to s�bznit a d��ai3Qd plan a�this tizne corisistent with the requiremPnis��`the administration anr�apprmval process. A pre-a�giication conference was held with the City of Tigard on Janua.ry 23, 1998. .4 neighborhood meeting w�s held with the adjoir,.ing neighbors an D�cer�ber 5, 1997. Notice the plan development preceding�vill b�complied with per section 1�.32.134, and the application shall be in accorda�nce with c1_aapter 18.32. Further, the applicant understands that they are in a F'lannad �evelapment zoned de�ianation. Finally, that the detail�d �lans as submitted will be reviewed by the Coznmission and will not require I3irector's decision as to their corripliance with the�onceptual pl�n. C73/09/9�APPLICATION FOR CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-C'OUN'I'1'C�NTFR Page 10 of 60 SDIZ, SLR,PD,LLA,CPA 1�.�O.Cf30: ��1'IR.�.'�'Yd�' O� �'�'�.�J�.��.,: S'PANi�AR.I�S ���t. ��1'ENSI�P���T�li�E A �i�tail�d p�ara is submitted for revi��v, t�.erefc�re, $his ��c�ic�� da�s r�crt appi�. � 18.8a.040: I�C3I�1CO�✓1�'LIAN�E: �3t�rdT) T'he a�plican.t understaYads that a bond rnaybe pasted if�cci�pan�� occ�rs before�he proje�t is completed under the cri.teria of this sectiogi. 1�.�O.OSQ: .�FP'�IC�II,ITY O�'Z�I�iE A.S�Oi�I1�T�'I�I'�I C3�'�PRO�IAL� a �'he appliea.i�t undez•stas�d5 that the apprc�ving�uthority m�.y condition this prmj�ct based uport subsections of thas section. � 18.8Q.Q60: PL�N I�E�1'EL�J'PIvdEN'�A��OVVEI)�.I'�DISAI„I,�S�VEI7 This ��roject lies �vvithgn a Plas�ed I?ev�laprn�nt zc�ned designation and therefo�•e, �his section�iaes m�t apply. 1$.80.070: �PLI�ABILIT'Y Ilbt�1LLC3WED�`5�S The applicant und�rstarzds tha.t �he us�s �Serrz��tie�l �,tatrflght �ithin a com�mercial zone sk�a11 be allowe�i witla�n this dez�elopraZ�ziY. 1$.80.080: APIPLICA�3II.,IT1'-OF��.SE ZONE P12.�VI�yC?P�S �'he applica.r�t understands that the b�se zoa�e provisions �and�rli�e�viti_Zin this �c�rnmeicial g�r�eral zc�nin�desi�natior�shatl �pply to thi�pi•oje�t. 18.�0.0�30: AP-����.�I�,F'�� �3� S�'�E I��'��L�l��v1ET�°�' ������1' �HA�TEI� �'he elements of the site d��elopment revie�v criteria swt-forth in chapker � 18.120 h�,d�een developed in detail as subrnitied. The proj�c4�pplic�at h�s �, prep�tred this proposal i�t sufficient detail to approve tk�e det�iled plan for � this project as r�quired in section i�.120. � 18,80.100: ��-�AS�I� �E'��,�,O�M�iV'� � � � This proj�et is nc�t �ioposed for any phasing other thar�the phasing c�f th� building constructi�n. As impl�ment�d, the projeo� anajars �ill be 03/09/98 APPLTCATION I'UR GEI JO:9S-1a�.0I TRI-COUI�TTY�ENTER. Page Y 1 of 50 SDR,SLl7,Pl�, LLA,CPA constr�zcted �rsY oatil�zin�th�pad area�for the s�a�ing€�f cor�st�action. No ��her plx�sing is req�ested at this tirxae. 1�.�O.11fl: 1��PI,I�CA'T��3IaT STJ�I�vIISSiC�IV I�F(�iJIR�Ii�EPd'T5: �'t31�1C��TUrtiL D��1E�:,�pIvSEI�7�'P'LAI� 'The � licant is subrnittir�� de�a�led plaris in s;orr�plianc�with tt�is sE�tion pp �xd their requir�ments of the conceptual dev�e�oprnent�al�n criteria. 1�.�0.1�0: �PPROVA.L ST.t�.NB.�S 'I'he dt�pro�al st�rldards cont�ine�in this sectio�are rrac�r�f�lly d�veloped �lirougho�t the re��ining body of this narrative. I3�t�.zl�d d3scussio�s zn � relatianship to the natural �nd �hysical enviror�rnent are atsn discusseci �tl�roughc�ut. 'T�ie r�latio�ship be�v✓een th.�parking,buildings,�.n.nd adjr�inin.g �tre�ts make retaining t1�e existing topc►graplhy izngossible. A detailed grading plan, �5 W�II aS 1TE�3'�Y710V3��71�T19 and the�7i�risis�n of�tate La.m�s (DSL)permit for the rel�cation of tl��drainag�a�d wetlanc�s on this site had �een contain�d and cliscussed throughout t��barly a�'ihis t�ac�. The r��ed�or. Gons�ructing t�ie b�il�ings and remova�/relocatimn of t�es� enviroxiraie�ztal f��.tures is r�are fully devalaped in the sectior� �� the W�ter ��sa�rc�s C)verlay�istri�t and ti�e�orn�sr�l�ensive�'�an�.rn�nclment for the relocation of tl�e drain�.�e anci wvetland feaiures on tl�is si�e sec��ic,n. �.geological study is atYached her�in, an�.there is no evidFnc�e�fslu�npi�g or sliding a��this site. There is ad�quate sixe distanc�b�tz,veen buildings for a.ir car�ula�ioii, �l�ilt, a�d fr�protection. AIl�ees o�the�ife sk�all be rernoved wzth a c�+rr�.pliarat rriitig.�tic�n plan implemented for their replacemenY. Buffer scre�ning �a�d �ompatibility b��w�en tt�� joiniz�� uses ��a11 �� cor.raplied�vithin accaxdance in the sec:tions contair�ti�re in fcsr. t�e��neral commercial requirements designation. �n-siYe scre�niglg shall be maintained with a 20' landscape braffer around tha perarzAet�er of�he praject � adjoir�ing residentia� uses and with the scre�ning and appropri�te s�tbacks � of inechanical equipment on the raof tops of th� retail majors. The � adjoining residential properties shall be bu�'fer�d fram noise and foz privacy � by m.eans of grad� differentials, sound walls, and �eavy vP�etative � landscaping. C9 � °� This project is desi�ned to provide for adcqtiate circulatiora arac� access in conjunctzon with th�se provisions. This proj�ct has, a5 pr�posed, eontains 03/09/98 APPLICA'TION FQR CEI JO: 95-102.01 TRI-COI.JI�ITY CENT�R Page 12 af 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA 17.24% tandsc;�ping. I�io public trazisit as avail��le �das�xn�ng this �i�� c�r wit�xin 1,OOC� ���t O�k�'37.5 Si1:�. ;igns �hall be pboposed i��onjunc�io�l tivigh the'Tri�.ngle I3�sign Standards and alt oth�r prc��isians�pplicabl�i�a s�c:tian 18.Y 14. T�e p�rking its thas d�v�lvpm�nt has been l�id o�t pe� s�cti�n 18.�06 in the provisior�s of fhe'�'I3S. �.11 the da�air�age prr�vidsd wi.thgn this Flan Dev�lopment is I�id aut in a,ccordanc� with chapl•ers �8.�4 antl provisions a�'the�J'�ter k�es�urces Overlay, c�apter �.�.�5.��. 7'her�is nt� , flr�od�lain i�adicated on this�Sroperty, per th�FEM�i FII�M�'anels. 1�.80.1�0: SI'�� COP�dII�ITIt�IT+IIS All px�visions within�h.is site an�,lg�sis s�ctiom cc��ntained herein a�id�nore fuliy ciev�lop�ei in the narrative ar�d site plans atta�hed. I2eso�rce�reas and com�rchensiv� plan arnendmen�s addressing their remo�val and i�location axe rr�ore fully developed in the vomprehen5ive�lan ari�endment section. All trees greater than 5" in cayiper have been identified on 1;he sit� pla� and a.ppropriat�rr�itigatic�n�ne�sures far tl��eir removal�z replacer�zent h�v�been �re�ared by tl�e praje�t apnli�a�lt. The locat�on a.ntl type of i�aoas�sources are indica�ed in �h�prnject nar�ative and iz� the sound strzdy contaiiY�d hereir.. No nther pi°oject hazar•ds or Iandslides Were id�nt�iied witl�in 4hP gecalogi�al study prepared by Carlson Testi�Zg, the srszls consultaxzt. 18.�0.140: AI��+ITIC)NAL 7r�F�I�A.TiOIed Ri?t�UIREI�Il�V�A1V'��OF �QLT�itEl'e9:ENT It is understoad that the�irector may reql�ir�information in�dditi�n to that required by this cl�apt�r andlor the L irectar inay waive spe�ific r����ireanents for infor-matiorz in accordance v✓ith subsection 1�.32.0�0�ubseGtions�1,B, and C as ap�licable. 18.80.150: D�'�'A:ILED� PI.,fl.�T 'The applicant is submitting fQr a detailed plan at this tim.e�vhicY�includes the following: a sitE plan contaiz�ing the etxtire property and surraunding properties,boundary lines,ar��i d.imensions far the peri�net�r of th�praperty, � at least one benctzmarlc, i��ntifzcation of �he site, Xocation of adjc�ining � plotted streets an�public i�ight-of ways,loc�tions,dim�nsi�ns,and s�tbacks �„ for e;�isting st�ctures, impr.avexnents, and utilities, the loc�tion and � dimension of entrances, par�Cing, pedestrian, bicycle circulaiion, autdoor � � open spac�and above ground utilities,the locatia�of a.reas to b�landscaped � and the location and typ�af street 1'zghting�with specific consideration�iven � to crime preven.tion. 03/09/9II�PPLl'CATION FOR L;FI JC); 95•-102.O1 TRI-�OUNT�I C�NTER Page 13 of 60 SI}R,SL�t,PD,LLA,CPA 18.�0.1�0: �..��I7IN�`r�.1�1I3 T?Yt��NA.�E�L.f�t 'Tl�� ap�licar�t is sub�nitting�he �r�din�a�zd dr��nag�pl��vk��c�i�ndi�at�s th� �r�ding to t�c� pl��� or� thgs sit� �itlx c�n�crur lia��s and the nat°�ativ� inc3ud�s a st�tern�nt from�regis��red e�gi�zeers, supp�sx�ted.i�y factual dat� �Pl� 6�P�.1�'lc��*� ��CII1�1�5 23'�1��51�rigCl lYE GOl"1�C1Y°117�Y2C�'L'VI�;���3�{:Z��'�l��,stex° �r�ina�;e Pla�a and nther ider��i�"ic�tioz�az�f�rm��ic�n r�quired b�this s�cfi�an. �'he project based�pon subsectimzis a�this s�ctis�r�. 1�.�0.170: 'T'���,�1VI�SCt�''��'LAI� A landscapin� plan �ias be�n subgnitted which �ndicates th� typ�, sp��ies, and gen�rai lo�atian Qf fih�plant anat�Y°i�ls to bs plac�d ma��his site ir�cl.iiding �h�trees tcs be remav�d ar�d repla�ed. TP�e landscape arehit�et�.tilizeci fo� the plan xs the s��r►e architect that pr�pared this sate l�.ndsca�,ing for the Cub IFoods proje�ts,�xor�h o€I�artrnc�nth. The lax�dscap� ar�hitect, �hristoplxer �reshley, i���var�off t�ae und�r�xmur�d is�gatic�r�, soil cs��adi�iQ�s tre�.�rr��nt and sta�rkpi�ing requarerr�c�nt��xec�ssary for th�develrspment of this�roj�c�. T1aei°e�'c�re,ihis mater�al is�ot provid�d at this tirrie. If the Cizy�uishes this infonnatior�to be provided in or�e�°fUr this detailed pl�a�ro be car�g�l���d, the�pplicant vvgll ha�re such infaz-�ation�r�pa�ed,or s��ffmay�ca�c�itin�th� c�evel�+pzr�ent to �rca�✓ide this with �he gras�ing �erqnit. �er €�ur prc:v�c�txs discussion with staff, an irrzg�tian�laxi do�s nQ��x��d to be subrrait��d�n�il eo�a�tructiox�documents �re prep�red. 18.80.1 B0: SIGl�i I)RAd�TI�11�GS , , � � The specific si��loc�tians and szze in canj�ancti�n wi�h sectio� 18.111�, an�. the'TS�S are included h.ere i�. 1�.8�.190e ��CE�'T��JNS '�� T�E T.JI�L��'RL�E Z�P�k,, �I�L�, �'�,ICli�tip, �'��=��'I�C}�a1IS��I`1� .f�.I��:3 '�'I�� L,A�]l�S���'1�I� PRO�lISIONS No exceptions to the underline zonin�r�quiremegi.ts are bezng requested at �, this titne. � � 18.80.200: S�I.f�ZED OFEN S�AC1c � � °� I�to open space shall be dedicated wiih this project. � w ae 03/09/98 APPLICA'I'ION FQR CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-COLTN'TY CLNTER I'age 14 of 60 SDR,SLR,PL�,LLA,CPA. M 1.$.�4: ��NSI'�d`J��,AI�S ��/�RL.�►�I I�IS"T�IC�' .�.pc�rtiun�f this site has b�e�n designated per tl��r�cen�ly approved VJater �.�sc�ux�es (1�) �v��lay DistricY �rith a Sensa�i�e La�d,s ��r�riay, Ct9d],t�Plli%1�W�C�aI1C�5. A�'ixll descriptir�n of t�ie irnpact�tcs 4he�v�tlan�s per the Verater I�.�sdu�ces �W�) Ov�rl�.y I�is��� requirements ir�tended tcs resolv�; canflicts t�eriveen dev�topm�nt and �n�servation ��' �igYiificant � �vetl�nds, streams, and rip�.rian �,omidors is �ca�tain�d�e?��in in � s�garatie �ectie��coYltainxn�an ESEE Aa�.atysis o�'Alterx�atives�id I*t�ed. Hfow�v�r, 13r.. Nlartin Scha�t (th� �roje�t envir�n�me�tal cansultant} has ��mpleted a jurisdictianal wetlaaid detenn.ination and delineation for�he site ua�der the dirPCtica� of the applicant. The applicant has prace5sed �he r9SL �eamit ' application and ccant�ined h�z�in is the"Wetlai�d Fii��ernxit," �ven so,due to the e�istence of areas identified as sensitive Zanc�s under�ecgioz�1�.�4 and 18.85 of th� WR., Yhe applicant will adtlress this sectacari ofthe�ode. I`�ote that no portion of the dev�lopment sire li�s within the 1�0-year floc�d- p�ai� as identificd by the �oi�s of�ngineers as ic��nti�ed by t1a� �II�1�1 Pan�I�10276 0003 B. Sensitive land regulations are intended to maintain the in�te�rity of the rivers, sfrea��s, and oreeks in Tigard by minimizing erosiai�, groznatiixg bank stability,maintainin�enhanced water quality,fish�Zd wa�dli�'�habitats,and preserving scenic q�.iality a�d recreati.onal potent�als. In short,the intent of • this chapt�r is, in this case, to ensure that th� cu�-rent quality and fi�w af water irita Tted�Zc�ck Cree�are not disrupt�d and 'zts quality diminished. Howevez°, th� pxaposed development dc�es necessitate subst�ntial topographic r�cozifiguration. As a co�zsec�ue�c�;,t��e ap�licant tivill be lar�;ely filling the exzstin�wetlan�is and relocating the dominant ar�d deve�o�ment constrai�a�ng east-w�st draizlag�sr�vale to the narkhez-YZZ boundary G�'the si1�e. �n-s'rte rr�itigation will be req�.iircd tc� eomper�sate for �h� �aropo���d alteratior�s. T1ie pro�cssed east-west d.rainage way will be incorporated wgth , a pedestz�an trail systezn which is in ke�ping witl�Yhe�ity'�own tr.azls plar� and the'1'I��, and will act as the project's wetland mitigation site. The developm�nt wiYl create a considerable amount of irnperviou,s surfaces, Th� ovexall drainage systern wi�l be closeiy con�rolled and engineered to ensur�that qua�ity of water leaving the site meets the criter�a of the YTnified Se�erage Agency and the Bivisian of State Lands. T'his will be accom�lish�d by utilizing sediynent coller,tors and biofiltratiUn. swal�s or comparable tech�lology�, 03/04/9�APPLICATION FOR ~CEI JO:�5-102.01 TRt-COtJNTY CENTBR Page 15 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA � ` _ '.� , : '�'he��locat�d dras���;e swal�will b�engi�e�r��a�xd l�tad�c��sd to enstare 1��r� stability wi�h zniz�ianal e�o�ie��a. A nai�i���i�zn �r�� �Zor�$ ��xxttr��ut� �.aad vv�ll be�ev�lop�d i�to a nat�nral p�kw��a�d�v�ll �on�ist af a seri�s a£s�.�11�oc�ls c�a�xect�d 1by riffl�s�d ra��.s. �'hu§n�t�,a.l�ar�a�r�all be ��ata�e�. wnti�a �a r�zxtttire csf �xt�er�etit species, scr�h-shraab, and fs�gP�t � camm���y vve�la�ad flora. .A conceptual rx�iti��tion g�I��as b�er�appr�v�d �" �• b� �SL an� �iscussed wxth repr�serxtafives a�'tlh� �ity �f Tigard. Th� ��tur�.Y tr�il�ay is c�snceptza�ll�c���is�eait wi�l�its�ro�a�s�d parPcs a�d tr�il � �ys�em ar�this area, pr�vidirb�b�th�scernic atad xecre�ti�n�l�m�mity. .�11 o� the wet�arads �n th� sit� �r�ll be Yreitiga�ed or�-sit� per our a,ppr�v�d "���laaa��a11 F'eY�ai�." ' �ect�on 1�.$4.OlSC; stat�s, °'.�an�l,�'vr�rta alt�ratzprts ar deve�a�tr�ent�wi�hir� �veticxrad c�r��zs tha2rneet thejur•isdicsionad reqaairemert�s czz�d,�err�aft�r�itPria of the ZJS Army �or�s of Engineer�, 13ivisian of S`Pate .�ctn��, Unified �ewerage Agen�y, and/or aFher federczl, seate. or regio�zal agencies �o ��P r�qa�a�� � s�aas�t�vP l�a�a�,��rer�nsz�. �1!oth�y�applicu�le City requireartents must be saPi�fied, i�cluding sensitive land permits,,�'or areas »ieetin�rzon- tivvctdanrl spnsatiwe lc�a�c�erzteria." This project has rnet the appi•�val criteria for sez��iti�� lands �or Sectio� 1$.$4.Qi.�C. • D3/04/98 APPLIC;ATIUN FOR CEI 30: 95-102,Q1 'TRI-C�iJNTY CF.NTER. �� Page 16 of 60 SDR,SLR,�'I3,LLA,CPA ��F$�'�+lE� � �sc�a��.��5 (w�)ov��..�.x t�g��r��'.� 1$.�5,010: :'tT�tk'p�E Th�pu��s�r�f th��Iater]R�so�rces (�.� C3v��°lay�istric�is intencled �o r�solve cazx�icts b�tw��n c�eve���,znent �nd ra�a�s�rvaYir�n af si�i��a.�at �v�tlands, ��r�ams, and�i�r�r���ori-idc�rs, �p���fiea�ly�Rxis a�ap�er altaws r�asonabl��ca�a�omic tase ofproperty�whil����ablis�ing cfleax��d obj�Gtiv� staz�adagds ro:prc,tec�signi�icant�vetland��:tid stx�a�ss lirni�d��velopr�a��t ira �.esigrzate�d repat�ir�g corridn�s; maia�tai� and en�an�� wa�er qualit�: �n�xir��ize �lc��d. stor�ge ca�acity; pr�se�ve native plant aav�r; rr�ira�n�aia:� str�azn bazalc er�5ion; xnaintain arnd enharace fash �r�d v-vildlife h�bi��.ts; ' conserv�e sce�ic recreatir�nal a�nc�educatianal value�of�ateg•resaurc�are�s. 18.�5.�30: A�"PLIC.�BILIT�.'�Nl� CEIV�RALIZEI�1"d11�k'JPIN� The City af Tigard Y•ece�rtly m��ped t3�s Ripari�n area ar� xhe su�ject property. This area is cc�incid�nt,but r�at iraclusive of all the�etlands�wi�l�in the subject sike. 'Fhe applicant has subrnitYed a d�tailed plan indicating all the�vetlands or�the su.bject site. 'This wc�rk was�er�ar�ed in eanjuYxction witY�the application fox a wetland f 11 p°rmi�,pr��ared by iVlartiii Scl��att at�d Chri�t�nsen Englneer�ng, In�. for vvl�ich a� peranit was ap�roved in 1395. ��cau�e th�se�uetlands ar�n.oa�v indi�at�cl��.ti�� Ca�rs�r�hensive Pd�n f�r �h�`dilP�., a��sm�rehensiv�Plan aY�iendz��nr for the fi11�d re�o��.tion of the subject wetlarads has b�en applied for ��ith this pesxr�it. Th� cozn�lete speci�c �rv�ter r�sources and rip�ri�an set back �etenrrainations, w�e�iands �tudy, and ESEE anal,ysis for t�ie Comprehensive �'lan .�,meaxdrnent xs coz�iained here in. 1$.85.140: PL�I AMEI�TL9101iI�NT OPTIOl�T(E��F C.��'TI(.�1�1) 03/09/98 APFLICATION FOR CEI JQ:95-101.,G1 TRI-CnUNTY CEI°]'T�IZ Page 17 of 60 SDR,SLR,PLl,LL:�.,CPA �, � �+°,5��+� .Al�t��.,"Y��� ��` .t�1����T�.����5 �I�Il 1`���� �ATEit�,�f�U���S t�V��i.�'� �OI���k�'cE�1��V� P�,�a.�i��I�T�Al���l�'� I3y Ed�hrist�ns�n,IP.E. , �'roject 1Vlanag�r 1l�artin SG�ott ,� En�iresz�ment�fl�wzlsultant ��a ���w�.�tlo,�� �,���a ca�5�z��t � 03/09/9�Al'PLICATIdN FOR CEI 30:95-102.01 '�RI-COUNTY C�NTER Page 18 of 6(3 SDR,Si,it,I�D,LLA,CPA �i������a��p��eae�9 L�c�t��� m�ari F��story '�his prap��al zden�i#'�es a c;c�rnz�z�r�A�l de�reloprn��at�c��a�°i��'car th�2�.'70 a�r�'I'�i��o�a�ty Ce���r site loa�ted w�sY of S�R' 72nd ����ue �nd so�.th of�VV T.�artr���th�tr��t in t&�e"�ig�r��°riang��ar��,�a��and�d by Interst�te 5,F-�ighway 217 and�i�hway 99�. �'h�naxth�v�st a�rner of tl�e sa���ns ca�nti��.s�us'c�a portic�n of Td.ed R�ck Cr�ek. Ti�e soufiher�'�orandary ofth� sit� i� adjacent to the�ierrrac�sa�'ark subdivisic�n. � In 1995, t��e�roj�ct received approvaP fa�site dev�lopm�n�; condz�zr�zaal on t�e relocatzon �f the oa�-s'st� �retlands. �,. C�xegc�n Divi�ic�n c��St�te L,arzds(DS�.,)I�.�mowal/�ilt p�rrnit vvas�ssued o�August 2, 1996 to f 11�� ezcisting coflx�prehensive .l'la� �7Vater �es��.rc�s (�P�,�.) �etland� and draxnage and relacate them ne�t to Dartm.�uth. �ubsequently,the�ity caf Tigard adoptecl�CPWR requiriz�g a Co�prehensive Plan�rnend�ment to �11'an id�ntified reso�ir�e. How�v�r, our�SL perrnit to fill�he wetlan.tls requires mitigation of th.e fill ii�pacts by �°elocatiUn of�he wetla,z�ds �s indzcated on t�� landscape plan. !�capy of the�SL pezrymit is en�l�sed. T'he si�e drops do�vrs stea��ly fa-om an eiev�ctior�t�f 2�2 feet at the southeast c�rner af Yhe 5ite �o a.rd elevation af 160 �'eet, sc�me 1.354 ��et w�s� �.�tk�� west��n edg�of t�se pro�erty. The�v�rag�o�verall east-t�vest drap is 6%. E�, fla,�t poxtian at the b�ttotn of the site has been filled. There are fivo draina�;es on the site. The main drain�ge nins in an east to�est clire�tgon the length of the pro�erty. The other draina�;e farms the eastem toe of th� fill area and fallaws �tl�e ftll u.ntil it reaches th� western �dge of tlle pr�per�y. >. � 'Th� fzr�f parcel within the site was bought ir� 192� by t�e I�Iartins. By 194�, �he sit� u�as substantially confi��rec� as submitted. '1'he proper�y was c�ri�inally farmed and us�d for grazing �'arm �.ziira�als unti� 1950. �n the �arly 1950's, ��11C�Ce�"i L'2.ITA6`)J�Y� C(3X75�1°4EC�Md, �uhich a��;��acity l��ld up to 30,000 c�ickens. Ir� 1�799 feed prices ruined th.�chicken buszz��5s aft�r whi�h.tinae Xhe barns a�d the p�•operty were us�d for part�ime gr�zing , of horses. In 19II0, �he northwestern pozfi:ic�n af the property�✓as plant�cl as a Clzrist�nas tr�e f�n. �'resently,there are four resid.�ntial stb-�cttares on �' Yhe property and five out buiid�zags. Tha propet-�y, except for the � Chrishnas tree �arm, has no other agricultural uses ar value. � � In 1993,the�ity of Tigard,in anticipa�ion of the commercial d�velo�ment � within the Triangle constructed the three lanes of S�V+I Dartmouth Street � and adjoining properCy ovvners 2 lanes to servic�the adjoining commercial �+ propei-ti�s,includiazg the Tri-Cnunty Center. hlso in 1993,a portion of the �ub�ood pr�perty on the narth side of S W Daxtrnotbth S�re�t and the w�st 03/Q9/98 APPL,ICATION FOR CEI JO: 95-102,01 TRI-�COUNTY CENT�R Page 19 af 60 SI�R, SLR,PD, I.LA,CPR side 4f ?2nc� was d��r�lap�d wi�h over 140,000 s�u�xe f�et csf r�t��I �ozxazx��rcia,l stt�ctixres. In 1��4,� 135,OE�����aar�-faat Casst�c�z•�ta,il stc�re was co�xst�azcted. ]Furkh�r,ia� 1996 I��tra�dopted the ZO�tO�ra��✓th�raanag�ment plan�r�ich d�signated the Tigard 7Criara�le as�to�vn.�e�t�x si�i�eazitly el�va.tiax�;its re�ional st�tt�s. A�lditionally c��taine�l an The Metro 204t3 plar�, 314 u�tdev�fl�p��acr�s of cc�mm€y��ia.ily zc��.ed l�.nds vver��x�anptec�fronz th� inaximrzm building size of�U,000 squar� feet, of�vhi�la t�i� site was sp�ci�'ical7y included. 1VSUre rec�r�Yly,the 7Cigard Tri�.r�gl�e was the object of a stre�t p1�nn o�erlay. A set c�f street ciesi�l stand�rds and nec��zonirzg districts�were adopted ta " craate an area o�' high qualit� mixed us� empioy�e�t, by 11t1�D.ZEllg conveniex�t p�destrian and bike�ways, ai7d aesthetically pieasirig sCreet scap�s to devei�p a disrinet image far the area. That plan was�dopted on Ivlarc�25, 1997. �ra�yect D��c�iptic�n� �a�d �aarg�c�se �'he 'Tri-County �snter is prdpas�d to be developed wit➢� �apw�rds of ��3�,000 square fe�t afre�ail ancl comrn�r�ial usss, �n 25.?0 acres alI of which is aztrrently zoned �'or general coar�a�eraial us�s by the City of Tigard. Th� proposed dev�lopr�zent siie is also desig�aterl as g�nera7 cc�mmercial und�r the '�'igard �omprehealsive P1an. The center is the largest commercial parcel af land availabJ.e in this area. �'�e cite is under or�e ownership and is the cent�r piece of the Tigard Trian.gle`s coanrnercially developable larad ar�a. L�cated within the ar�a ktnown as tl�e TigaY-d Tnangle,the szt�is borde�ed by�-iighway 99VV to �he north,Highway 217 to�he v✓�st, and�nierstate 5 to �lYe dast. Th� Tria�.gle lxas b�en uneler P:k�e rnt�Y�s� fac��; c���ng�in� plarulin� efforts by the City of Tigard fc�r over a decacie. �7ith a population base within a ten mil'e radiu5 of over 700,000 peopie, �he Tri- Cou�.ty C�nter site is the mos� prs-err�in�nt, comm�rcially viable atid develepable site within the existzng PoY-tland i�aetro rnark�t. Confounding the development of the site, there are tvvo drainage�iitches traversing the property which n�ed to be relocated. Thou�l��rtly cane of the ditches is sha�vn on th�CPWR,the twr� contiguous vretland are�s are on the CPWfZ. The main drainage course enters the par�el from the northeast cornep of the site and traverses diagonally bisecting the site into thirds at its western mosY boundary. Tl�� otYier smallefl• drainage cours� 03/09/98 APPLICATION k'OR CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-COUIVTY CEIN'TER � Page 20 of 60 SUR,SLR,PD, LLA, CPA � collects�.t the basa nf a fiil arsa.and trav�3s in a south�rl d.zrectir,r��rnund Y thc ba�� of the fill to �Ix� sc�tithvvest�r� corrRez° af th� par��l, The mo�t noxtheasterly one-thir°d of the north�Yn draina�� s�val�v✓hi�h bise��s the site is propo�ec�to b��•eta.ined. �'his s��tiCn�rf th�draina��svvale is m��t cor�ti�uous to SW I9artrncauth �treet. 'The re��i�ang portion of this a dY°�ic�a�e �vval� is pxopas�c� tQ be r�l�ca�ed �dj�cPr�t ta S� I��r�rnouth Street and wilt r�cor�nec� to �.ed �ock '����k as it crosses under �artmauth. The relocation of Yhe drainage swale vastly impro�ves the developability nf. � t�is site, opening up th� r�xiddl� for both buildings �nd parkin�. The retocation of thzs drainage ccourse adjacent ta �W L?artm�uth Stre�t, and Yh�corres�onding��edestrian cozri�or plan as gropasett has been shc�vvn to planriing ofif cials at th� City of T'igard and h�s anet with their approval through our previous develo�sment perrnit. Based on t�►e relocation of th� northerly drainage swale and the developments as proposed in the site plan, z�pproximately 0.�5 acr�s of P�abitat of the I.96 ac�es af wetlands identified within �he site would be preserved. With the relocatidn af �he d.raiila�e carridar l�etween the proposed clevelopment site and 5W Darti�outh Streat there will be an additional 2.0 acres of habitat creation with this project. �n cancex,t, this ` drairzage s�ale wauld be reeonst-u�ted to per�'ortn as a broad rrYe�ndening stream and planted with associated wetland trees, shru.bs ar�d upland shz�ubs. I�i total,the landscape l�uffer b�t�,ve�n the zetail developrnent and sW Dartmouth StrEet wi11 cantain 2.42 acres of landscaping, wetlarxtl habitat and created habitat. A.�a�ysis o�'�l��g•n��6v�� a�� I�I��d A. Tri-County ��nter�egior�al Signi�c�nce The Tri�-County Center site has an uz�matrhed potentiat for camm�rcial , cieveloprr�ent when corngareti to other sites within the ;'artland m�tro market. C�ntra?ly located within the Tigard Triangle,the site is bound by Interstate 5, Highway 217 and �ighwa_y 99Vd. �ased on f�DOT ear cotmts, over 220,000 cars �ass by this sitP on a daily basis. In 1993, Dartma�xth Street was constructed coru2ecting Interstate 5 to Highway 99W,specifically to seive the��mmercial developmPn�s�vithi:n the Tigard Triangle adj acent ta this corridor. �Iith Cub Fnods and Costco developed, the Tri-County C�nter site is the only comrnercial parcel und�r an� ownership which can be; developed that will t�ave regional significance. 03/09/98 APPLICATFON FOR CEI JO:95-102.Oi TRI••COUNTY CENTER Page 21 of 60 SDIt,SLR, PD, LLA,CPA �Nith develo m�er�t a ravals t�e Tri-Caunt ��nCer is �x ec�ed to b� P PP � Y P b�ailt-nut ira 1999. �'h��W I�artnzouth Corridor became tk���'c�cus of Tigars�'s pflannar�g ef�'orts for t�,vo fur��arraental reasonsP its IlI1tC�7.i� prc�ximity t� transpert�tion fa�iliti�s and its lar�e s�.pply af vacalit land near ti�e oenter of the Portland nzetxopolitar� region. T'hs Tri-Cour�t,y Cent�r is ser✓�d by ir�.mediats acce�s paint directly fr�m Ir�terstate S, :�-3ighway 2�7 and to xnufltiple access�s r�ff af''rlighway 99W. ihe daily traf�ic volumes pas�ing the Tigard Triar:gle is�nly exceeded by down�owra's I-�ighway 405,Interstate 5 and Interstate 84's highyvay systern in central Po.rtla�ad. The Tri-Cc�zinty Center li�s �vithin the �erater of this vast �ranspartation n�tworlc. �JV�th the opening of S� I�artrr�outh �treet a�� int�xsectio� improvements at the SW Dartmouth Street �nd SVt� 72nd Street intersectians vvith Highway 99W, the T�i-Coun.ty Cerzter site became the largest commercially viable�vacant piece of property in the en�ire metro inarket. 1V�atro�vide,there is no other developable commercial property�h.e siz�of the proposed Tri-Center's,that has the transport��ion�'acziities adjacent to it as needed ta make th� uses as pr�posed ecano�nically via�ale. To inrrea5e the accessibility within the '�iga.z�d Ti-ian��� to the cornmercAal pr��erties, the City of Ti�ard consYructed in 1993 and 1994 av��• �4.5 millian worth�f�r�s�;spor�a�ior��'acilikies. 'I'h�s�ir�cluded tPae cor�stru�t�on of SV�l I�artmouth Stxeet coxv.�ecting�-Iighway 99�N tc�Interstate 5 and�l�.e lowering of SW 72nd Avenuz at HigY�way 99W. In the �uture, an additional �1.�' IT11111U11 is }�z�o,jected to be spent on widening 5VJ Dar�mouth Street canstructing traffic signals at S W 72nd t'�ve2zue and fi�IJ Dartmouth 5treet and impraving tlxe intersection of�Iig�.way 99�V at SV�J I��r�ma�utlx StrEet. It is e��ect�d�hat the Local Improvem�nt�istrict�rssts to-•d�te associated with the Tri-Courity Cent�r vvill �a�cee�i�3,600,000. B. The City of Tigard Plaz�ning Actiorzs �nd Overlay Districts The City of Ti�ard has undertaken the number of planning actions tc� facilitate the development�,�vithira th�Tigard T�-iangl�. Pursuant to Oxegon statewide planning goals, the �ity has dev�loped and adopted a �amprehensive �and use plan far the '�igard T�iangl�. Tlle plari specifically designafes the Tri-County Cet�ter site as commez-cia? development. In order to facilitate developrnent within the Tigard Triangle, a Sec. 18.80,Planned Development District Qverlay�vas glaced on the Tri-Cotinty C'enter site, and the Trian�le I�esign itandards 18.070 03/09/98 APPLiCATION FOIt CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-COUNTX CENTER Page 22 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA, CPA r TD5 `rr�s �d� t��t increasiii, �hbs site's im ortarzce. ��th �f th�se � ) P � P s�rdin.ances Were developed to provide flexibility for khe c�esign af's��peri�r davelopme�ts suGh as is proposed with this project, The pi•oposed development site has been d�dicated b�the City of'�'i�ard. tivith a c�pitalized pfan, capitalized development, c�pit�tized ov�rlay, ea}�itali�esl district. The int�nt bein� that the applicant�ias provided the means for ca•eating a planning envixanr�tent thraugh the applic�a�icrn af flexible sYandards, re�ulting in a s�aperior commer�ial developrner�t. To enable the efficient use of land and strongly prornote �n economic ar�angernent of Zand use, specia.l provisi�ns are made�ithin thi� d�strict for buildings,circ�alation s�stems,oper�spar,e,an.d Litilities that ma.�cimize � th�sitie's develo�pm.ent potential. The overlay also permits the ap�plication to create�developrr�ent thak recognizes the relationship between�uildings, the use of op�n space access ways,thereby maximzzes the opportur�ity for izuiovative and diversified worlcing environrnents. 5ignificantly addressed in t1�e TDS, the area betvre�n Dartnnouth and this �enter were i.dentified as already Y•elocated��etland natural areas. Fuf-ther, the building setbacks along public streets were identified�s"18.070.�.2- �uilding setback-the rninimum setback frorn public street rights-oif w�y or ciedicated wetlands/buffe�•s and of�b�;r environrnental features, sha11 be 0 feet. The maxin3um buildiz�g set�ack shall l�e I O f�et." '�"he setback�s previously approved�hrough DSL was identi�ed on the"Tigard Trian�le Street Plan"exhiYsit(page 14)as a natural area, During the TI)�taslc force meetings,the relocation of 1:hP�r,�etlarzds bisect:ng this si�e was recogniz�c3 as a bsnP.fif,to tl�e quality of fY�n stg�eet sy�tem tiesigri implern�nt�d in�he �igard Triangle. A.s stated, the '�I)S "shall gav�rn" over all othcr conflicting standards in the Tigard Coznznunity �evelc�pment Code - including t17e WateY•Resources Ovea•lay�'3istrict. C. Alt�mative develo�ment sites within the�'igard Triangle As I�resented, there are no other sites witllin the Tig�rd Triangle t�at can � be developed i� the canfiguration as shown. 'I'here are no �ther sites withia� the Tigard Triangle that either have the infrastructure in place or c�n be planned for a canunercial development o�'tlgis kind, Developzzig a site with the charactzristics of the TZ-i-Cou.nty Center r�ould req�xire substantial rezoning of properties adjacent to L7artnaauth Street wlaich du not exist. However,this alon�waul�not su�'fice as a lone criteria required for the development of this site. Be�ause of its topographic conditions and existing transportation facilities, only the Txi-Cour�ty Center sit� can be aftordably and economically developed in khe manner shown. 03/09/98 A�PLICATION FOI� CF,I 70: 95-102.01 TRI-CQLINTY CENTER Page 23 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD, LLA,CPA d C�aerea�tl tt�er� are n� ot��r sites wzthin th� �'rflan 1� �vl�YClx could b� Y9 � d�velop�d in a p�a�tical mann�x. '��e�aajo�ity�f�h��Srop�a�y �ri�hi�.tlx� 'Ti�ard '�riangle is brok�n up inta stnaller resid�iatial p�rc�ls v��hach ar� ��nec� IViix�d LJse �rn�ioyrnent (R�UE). If I'e�U� prope�ties �oul� b� Y°e�aned for coz��znercxal us�s,callectively�cq�agrin����e�cr�ag�a�eedea��o �ervic� this type �f retazl c��cter �vould. b� e;c�r�rne1� dif#icu�t arad exp�nsive. 'I"h��esultant�ar���vvouad requir��m�ch mo��e ir�ter�siv�ar�d � expensxv� r�taal devePa�pa�ent uc�r �o afford such a retail site. �an�equera�ly,t�Ye applicarit�ar�ot practicably acY�i���the pr�j ec�purpase by purchasing ar�y of tl��se��Sroperti�s�ver�if they were avail�abl�fr�r sale and tievelc�pment. Applying f�r a Cornprel��r�siv� �'lan P�a�iendm��t {CP1�� in orcler ta dev�lop the n�ces�ary c�rnnn�rcial and�r�tail sup�cart uses on 1°�I�[.JE praperty withir� the Ti,�ard Tri�gle wc�uld also not be practical. �.ssuming that a cdmpilation r�' NILJE properties was avaitable for purchase within the Triangle equal to �hat of Trt-�otYnty Center, they woutd not be adjacer�t to the�ollertor trarzsportation syst�rns. ���a�se of �h�hi�her traff�volumes generated by thes�retail�ommerci�el uses,�he�e patenti�l �tlner sites�ould not b�pr�ctical far coaa�amer�ial d�velopment. lY��t•eover, acc�uiring the CPA. fi�orn the �;ity w��i1d be di�'ficult �c� obtain b�cause of the rezone and transpartation f�cilpty r�c�tt��e���ts efth�IVietro 2040 plan changes. �y r�zoaxe to aa�ore intens� �s�s �vc�uld �°�sult in castly o�'f-site improvements �o �Izghv✓ay 99, �igh�vay 217 amd other re�ional transportation changes. �� �vefl� if properties c��.ild l�e a�qu'rred within the'I'i�ard Tri�rz�le of equ�.l size of the Tri-Co�i�ity �enter site, rezoiling, econc,mia, ta•ansportatio�.9 pedas�rian access,�r�d.top�graphzc con.straints wsatild limit th�ir��iabilit�. Th�r�for�e, the subject site is the anly pr�zcticc�l siee withim t`he. Tigard Trian�le for the fulfall'rnent of the�roject�urpose. i7. On-Site�4.ltern�.tiives After 25 yzars of inarketing this site, the only serious developmen� � coi�siderations have com� frorri big �ox retailezs such as �tib �oadsy � Costco,K-l��Iart,4V�a3mart9 and�'red Pvleyer. After�xhaustive site anal}�sis c�i� of alternatives and years of marke4in.g the si�e,it�vas det�rmined there aYe � no practicable alternativ�s fo achieve the pro�qect p�irchase a�ther Yha.n to ..� develo� the 26 acre site as �ubmitted. In t�rder�o construct the §it�vvith � the existing swale and vvetland identifisd or�the CPVi1�2 would make�khis � � siie impractical to develop. 03/09/98 APPLICATIOI�I POR CEI JO: 95-IO2.01 T12I-Ct�UNT1'CEI�TER � Page 24 of b� SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA � 'I'he retail�enter develo rr��nt�with th�axistiin, wetlarids and�wale�auld P � be dy�func�i�nal for a numb�r�f reason.s. First, th;� c�nt�apiec�s of'the r�tail center, the arachors,would ess�ntiaflly�e cut n�f from th�remain�ier c�f the ��mple.c. T`he �arking for the anchors wmu.ld need t� be pla�ed tavvards the so�zth.weste�coz-azer Ufthe project segrsg�t�ng th�m fraxri the c�t�er si�e retailers, This would z�ot be a.ceepta�l�frorri a retail stanc�poia�t, r�ntlering the c�r�terpieces �seless as anchc�rs for the oth�r retait�r�who r�ly�n anchor's draw to customers. Second,th�costs assoc:ated wxth t�e de�elaprrient of the site wou�.d slcyrocket. These �ncreased casts �vould result fr�m hariz�ntal ar�d verti�al utility res�ri�tior�s r�sulting frarr� a � �e�;mented sit� developtnert, zncreas�d grading C05tS �.S50CRa�e(� Wlf�'1 �confined space construction and#he placerr�ent of doct�.ing and pedestrian access way constraints. In addition to increasing tl�e grad.inb imp�cts as � ' a result of much deeper�lls in order to make the site pedestri�n frieaYdly, , a much more exter�sive retaining wall system would be required witl�in the prc�ject. This would result in tP1e w�tland bi�urGating the site 'being en�.losed in a re�aini�ag `uall c�nyon adding as much as $f QOt000 tc� the cost of the project for retaining walls alone. These are u.njustifiabie costs given that much of the l�abitat would still be impa�ted. �illing in tk�e wetlands west of Uriveway "�" and rerouting it avo�ild require the r�storativn of approxiz-�ately 1.1 a�res af wetlands. I�etain.ing them, woi.�ld 'zmpact approxinlately 0.5 acres ofwetlam�ts. Since impacts to the r�;�tlan�s are unavai�.able f�r �ny site d�velopm�nt, leaving � development tivhich is zmpracticabl� due to the ��sts in excess of a.ny reasonable economic return vvhil�at the same tirne leaving a dysfunctional wetland intact,should be avoided. Due to��arket consideg ations,there ar� no practicable alterr�atives ta developing anot&�er site other l�a.m as sut�mitt�d �es�Iting in relacating �he vvetlan�is w�st a�'�rivewa� "�" placing the drainage contigu�us Xo SW Dartmouth Stree�. The ec:onomic benefits of the development Y�1ust also he addressed. 'The pro�ect`as proposed wotald i•esult in ap�Sroxim�tely�750,000 in t�x rever�ue for the State of Oregon per year. In addition,taA rev�i�ues for the City of Tigard that would result from tne build••cut �f the project wo�lcl�be in excess of $80,000 per year. t�t l�uild-out, over 625 people wauld be erriployed by this project. The e�onomic ben�fit ofthe praject as farrn land would be mininnal and the associated �ocal Improvement I�istri�t payments would far �,cceed the farm proceeds resultirig in a potezxtially , dis�strous econornic situation for the land. owner; potentially .foreclosure of the property. The market niche for this type of property is very narrQVV, givan the interest in the property it�value as a cqmmercial developrr�ent is extrem�ly high. Given the interest in this parcel for the project purpose and the f�ct � 03/09/98 APPLICATION FQR CEI JO: 95-102.01 TRI-CQLINTY CEN'I'EI2. Page 25 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD,LLA,CPA � @hat tin r�thex sites within the P��kland zn�etr�rnarket�� rovide far the5e � ne�ds s�t�sf�ctorifly, this proj���is�ssential. Ix�tod�y`�capitally�d�v�rse �li�r►at�,proa�cts mtist be develaped within�v�xy s�rict�o�t guid.�lines. Th� viabili�y caf thi�pro,j�c�is premised nn th�basis th�t a na�ior�al r�tailer�i11 attgact quality perip��ral retail us�r� to �ake tk�e cent�r p�o�t�b��. , A�cnrdingly, sinc�there are no pra�ticabl�alter��tiv�e�i�e�either�vithin the Tigard Triangle �r rvifhin the fr�et�mpoli�an m�r�eeY servpcia�$ ��is marke� ni���, d�nial of this proj e�ct euourd �l�ce exh•ei�ae pres�ur�s on �x�aan�ling the LTrban GrowYh �ourbdary or rezanir�� e.cisting �rop�rtgr, �vvhich is next to impossible to p�rform. C����ns�tory�Ye�l�a�d 1l���a�at�on In orc�er��com�pensate for the ua�avoidable impacts resul�i�p from the Tri- �ounty Cente� sxte's development, �inal plan.s have been c��veloped �c�r off's�ttir�� t�.e imss of values and �'unctions du� tn tYa� propos�d w�tland irrapacts and a DSL,p�rrnit abtair��d. As stated in tY�e perniit applica�ion addendurri, th� w�tland xnitigation p]an Yzas cievel�p�d from th� goal statement to d�sign elemen�s,to implerr�entatinn, �s a result s�f a it�rativ� proce�s in which�arious �xperts in�vetland design, wild.lbfe hataitat, and Yeydrolo�i� eng�z�eering havz giv�n input. �'MC&�IB]fIfA�H'�� � a Given that a 'U� .f�.rmy Ce�rps of Engineers and ]D�IL permit have been obtained for. implexn�a�ting�h��rojeet purpv�e and th�TDS identiified this mo di fica tio�i as justi f ia b l�,t lle Cc�unci l�'nou l d�e�€i t he Cornp�e h�z�sive Pla� to ��fl��t the ��� miti�ati�zi �f�ha� habi��t. �i�h T.��IL's pez°ir�it implstnez�Yed, thi� irnpact can be znitigated. Giv�n t�ae ret��n�iQn of this r��llarra..d, the socio-��or�omic lo§s �rat�ot be mitig�tec�. Ther�for�, this C'�'A sho�lc3 be �,ppxoved to rels�c�t�this water�esoua��ces r�atural are� as pra�posed 3��th� Applica�.t anc�th�TLsS. U3/09/98 APPLICAT'ION FOR CEI JO:95-102.01 T�.I-COLTNTY CBN`ll"BR Page 26 of 60 SDR,SLR,PI,,LLA,CPA �+1�tVIIt$� �I��T�'�AI., �►Pd���'S�� �;��ca�ti�e S�ara�rraary � ---�-_____ 'This proj�ct was evaluated by the Lot�p�s €�f �n�i�eers Yn '1995 for a w�tlan.c��ill pennit, .A.s a result,�e�vetlan�f°t�l permit�vas re�eivec�in 199; and the mitigati�n requir�rney7ts ai•e cant�,iried in thz� applicati�r.Y, 'The wetland�'ill p�rrnit for Yhis devel�epment and is contair��d ir�the ap�ser�dix. L9r. IVlartin SchotY vi�. ASC .�'x, Incorpa�°�ted, cc�nducted �he udetland deliraeati�n anci coordi�ated th�perrnit proce�s far the 25.70 a�re project. '�V��t�ane➢ I�I�ta��tacrz� � f�s a�proved by th� Corps of Engineers, the appli�ar�t is �equ3red to relocate the drain.�ge �fiirtb.er to th� noxth, where it vvould fc�llow 17artmouth Road. The mitigation area �will be developad into a natural parkway, and will consist of a seraes of ponds �or�lected b� r�ffles and Y1ans. The area wi11 t�e desig.racd to bP a m.ixture af Pmergen�, scrub-s�a�.b ar�cl forested corximunities. 'I'his concs�ptual rnitig��ion plan has been d.iscussed with representatives of'the City of'I'igard,and i�consistezat v�itla its parlcs an� trail syst�rn plans. The w�tland m.itigation grading and pl�ntir��plari is incorporated in th� sifie developm�nt dra��izlgs. A.sCG Inc.conducted a wetlarad d�lineation on an appraximately 27.4 acre project area located off�W 72nd. Avena�, �'igarc�, C)reg�a�x (T.L.'S 10�3, 101, 300, 400, 401, 402, Sec. 1, T2S, Rl W, �I.Mt.). The projecg area�s bounded on the north by I3artm�uth;�oad, and an�he East by �VV 72nd Avenue. The site has gentle slope� and drains t� the�vest. The �ite is partially developed and�as sev�rai houses, c��.icken b�rn.s and various oi.2t�uildin�s. �urxe�.tly,most o:Cthe�a�zd�vel�pe��7�r�ions�ftl�� site are idle,but some Christrnas trees 1•iave been�lar�t�d in the northwest corner of the site. The site used to b�a chicicen farrrt where free ranging chickens vver�raised. � Most ai the undev�loped portions of the site are dominated by gxasses or � grass likes. Small area.s of tl�e si�e are dorninated by scz-c,�.b-shrub � vegetation, cnniferous and deciduous f�rest. There a.re s�v�ra1 differenk � grass and �rass lilce communities�n the site; fescue, t�entgra�s, cutgrass, � and cattail dominated. The scrub-shnib connmur�ities are located along tl�a ' � drainage, the edge of a fill area, and along the forESt edge. There are tv��o � scrub-shrub coinmun.ities; rose aa�d black�erry. Th� canif�rous forest is dominated by 3�ougtas firs,and ha�a blackberry under storeys. Ther�are 03/09/9�APPLIC;ATION Ft9R CEI JO; 95-102.01 1'R.I-CC�UNTY CBNTER Page 27 mf 60 SBR, SLR, PD,LL.h,CPA ttv��c��cid�a�z�s fc�x�si�or��i�i��;Clre�c�n��k arad CDr��on��h. �'he a�ak ��t�na�tu�ity�s lc�cat�d acij�.c�nt ta the c€��if�r�us�sh. 'I'�e s��ra�rn��a�aity as lcacated �dja�ent tc► tYae�onifsr�u$cr�rz�murxity, �r�d t�e a�Y�ccrn�.zxtu�xity as loca��d along the�✓estern.ed�;e o�'th�prog�rky. �ot��a�ve bla��ti�rx�es an th���der stor�y. Tk�ere ar���vo dr�ixia��coiirses�n the site. Th�Ynaiz�draina�e trav�r��s the si�� �'rogn east to w�st. `Th�othex�lrai�xage�evelop� an the sit� �.t the t�►e c�f a �ill ar°ea. In add�ti�sr�, �ed R.ock Ci•�ek is l��a�e� ��as� t� �th� na�th�est af tl�e sit�. The �aydraicsgy c�f the �it� is assa�iat�ci wvitln the thes� �raina�e. T`he 5��r►�appecP�'our soids seri�s on th�site; �1.loha,Huberly,Ver3��og-t, �nd �1Vaodb�m. Botkx the �uberly anct V�rboort seri.es �re �yd�ic soils. 1Vluch o��he 1-�laha and�om�Qf t��`oT�rl�oo�soils have fgll r�ateriai ov�r them. T&�e fi11in��V�uxred in tkae early 1980's. Ther� �ra thx�e tivetla.nds on tl�e site. The biggest v�etland is �sscaci�t�d vvith the anain drainag� (1.47 acres), af whic� slightly�ore t�.ax�half is em�rgez�t anc3 slightly less than half is scz-�.b-shrub. �'here are approximat�ly 0.32 acres�f wetlands ass�ciated wi�the se�ond draina�e. The �✓etlar�ds along this drai�ag� axe palustriri e��r�ent. �inall�r,there is apprc�ximately 0.�S ��T�S(3����U3�2721�T11�T��AIt},V����C�4 in�he northwest corner af th��i�e. '�hi�ivetlaa�d��wit��n the �T�od plai�a o�'�Ze�3�mck Creek. 'Th�d�,veloper intends�n develop�ng the prc�p�rtv iz�t�a�arg�co��rnercial facility, and proposes to relocate the xra?n dra�z��.g� arbrl fill mcs�Y csf t�e w�t�a��s. T'hese�Slans ar�cs�nsistent witi�a'T'i��a�on�ng,T'I3A,�n.r��rails pl�ns. � � � � t� � ea� � Q3/09/98 APPLI�ATION FOR CEI JC�: 95-102.01 'i'RI-COUNTY�EN'TEr't F�sge 28 of t�U SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA .�LT�ISI3��TI�I�I�;� ��7('LAI'dI� DE�.'�FLiVIII°+1A'I'IU� t�l�I� I)���1��,�L7i IC}l�( SIT�DE�CR.IPTT�N ASCG Inc�i�ora�ed(,P�SC�)w�s hir�d t� ct�nduct a w�tland delin�atir�n �on the propei�ty loc�ted at 12105 �.W. 72nd Av�nu�, T'igard, C9re�;€�n ('T.L°s 100, �Ol, 300,400,401,402,1'rt� 1/4 of Sec. 1,T2S,Ftl W,�V.1V1.) (Fig�rel). The site �.ased to bP ap�roximtately 27.4 acres, but apprQximat�ly an acre �vas 1QSt whe�. Dar[mouth R.oad was developed. �erceral�y, fhe site is within the area known as ttze Tigard'T'riangle. It is an I.shaped parc�l�vith S,�I. 72nd Avenue fo�ing its�astern bo�andary, and�artmouth Road forming its northei°n boundary. The site gentiy slopes r�the west, and the soutlawestern q�arker is r�xostly flat. The fla� porti�n is an area which k�as been filled. There are two drainage on the site. '1 he main dr�.zna�e nins iza aix east tm w�st direction, and r�ns the length c�f tI1� property. The secornd drai�a�s forms at the ea�tern to�of the fill area and f'allot��the fi11 uz�tii it rP�.che�the vvesterti edge of the pr.operty. �her�are appr�xima�ely�iine sh:�ictures reanaiiiir�g arz the site. Tllese struc�ures cansist of.tl�u ee chi�ken ba�ns, out buildin�s and hauses. The property us�d t� 'be a cl��icken fatm where free ran�ing chicicens were raised. Currei7tly,�h�hotases are occ�.pied,�ixrisYmas�rees nave be�n pl�nted in the southwest cornez of�he property, and the rest o� the praperty is idle. VVETLA.I� DELII>TE.A.TIOTl!�l'�1� t�.lrJ7'�ORITY� �� The U.S, �irmy Cozps of Engineers (C0�) r.��;u1a��� th� dischar$e of dzedgecl or fill inatPrials into waters and �djace�t wetZands o�'th�TJnited States 41nd�z• author�ty c�f S�ctic�n 404 of tl�.� £:'l�an �1Jak�� Act {F�deral FLegister, 1986). I�o�•purpases�f the�ectiari�0�pe�ra�itCing prc��arax,���e �OE a�d other federal agencies define �vetlands as fc�Ilo�,vs (�ederal �.egister, 1980, 1982): � Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surf�ca Qr�-aun��vater at a frequency and duration s�.ifficient �o support, and that urider narmal circumstances do support,a prevalence of vegetation t;y�ically adaptecl for ?ife in saturated soil conditions. In Oregon, the Division af State Lands (DSL) regulates rernovaUfill permitting in wetlands under Senate bi113(I�AR 141-85-t�0�to O�R 141- 85-090) and uses the same definition. 03/09/98 APPLiCA'TION F�R CEI JO: 95-i02.01 TRI-CQUNTY CEr1T�R Page 29 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD, LLA,CPA i l���LAT��� �����XT I� 19$7 the C�� publish�d a manual (CQrps of �ta�ine�rs Wetlands D�lineatia��i l+Jl�nual or 19$7 manazal� which d�scr�b�s metho�s far dete�ninin��he ext�nt af jurisda�ti,onal w�Cl�ds un�der�ectian�04 of the �lean�later Act(Envia•r�nixiental�abor�ta�y, 19$7). '�v�ro years flat�r The �eder�l I�fl�n�ial for Ictentifyir�g and De1inP�ti��;J�.risdi�tional VVetl�nds, pi�blislaed as a collabmra�ive efft�r�by Jazrasdictional�1�tt�n.ds,�.Ru.blis�ed as a collaborativ� effort by the CCiIE, U.S. Fi;�h arid Wildlif� Servic� �USF�VS),U.S. ��avironmental�'rotection A.g�ncy(�PA), and "LT.�. Soil Cr�nservation Service (��S), revised tt�e 1987 xn��nual (Eed�ral Int�ragenc��ommitte�for�Rletland 17elineatiQn,�r 19�9 rr�anual). Bath the C�E and DSL�as�d�h� Y 983 rrAAanual�antil !992 when the 1�92 Energy�na VVater Iaevelapment appropriation.E�ct w�nt into eff�ct. '�ta� Act lirr�it�d the C�E(�'ed�ral pei�nitibng agencyj t�a usi�g the 19�7 m�ival for tietermining the extent df vvetlands undei•fedexal jurisd'action. Oregon �otitinued to usn th� 19II9 mantzal until March 23, 1993,vvh�n tkte�irector of I�SL signed � policy statement r�quiring the �gency to us� t�i� 1987 xnanual. The policy statement was the resulY of th��PA agre�ment�tc�use t1n� 1987 manual. 1�1E�'HC)I3S , The analysis of wetlands cc�nc�uct�d on this site was bayed cn p�.iblished rriethads �`or irriplementing Sectir��n 404 of the 9• Clean Water.�.ct. The 1487�nar�ual was used to satisfy tl�e xequirements of the i�E and I�SL. Bach rr��.nual re�quzres three p�raxneters to be examined: vegetation, soils, and hydrology. .According t� tLhe 19�7 manu�l independ.ent avidence afhydro��.ytzc vegetatior�,hydric�ails,and wetland hydrology must be prasent for�area to i�e declared a vvet2�.nd. Tt�e analysis of rvetl�nds on tlle projact sxt�v✓as conductsd by reviewing and aY2alyzing existing site-specific literature and by field irivestigation. 'I'hese two approaehes are described l�elow. Litera�ur� �teaaaev� The following sources of information were ex�.mineci for itzclica�ic�ns that jurrsdictional wetiands rnay�xzst on the proj�ct site(see�,���1�1C�S for cornplete citations): 03/09/98 APpLICA'TION FOR CEI JO: 95-102,01 TRI-COtTNTY CEItiTER P�ge 30 of 60 SDR,SLR,PD, LLA,CPA � • Hydric 5oi�s c�f"t�ze�.T�it�d States, 1�91 �ditian • sQ�t s���y o��vasnr��t��c�o�nty, 19�2 ° IVati�nal�1Vet.land Inve�tory, 1381 'Thes� saurces vvere revi�wed �'or infortnatir�n. abeut the ve�etaticsn, s�ils and hydrology ofth�site prior to tetd investigatzo�. �at�-�'p�cd�c �'feId Inves��a���� Tfl�e Routine(,�nsite 13�t�tmia�atior�Method(19�7�a.n.nual,p. 52-fs9)was us�d to d�tei�zline the wetlarad bounciary. .l�reas ��' homog�n�ous veget�tion w� den�ified for sampli�g �v�ge��tican t;�e, p�re�nt c�ver, hydrology and soil characteristics um�ather side c�f�he we�land bounda�y. SamP prots were establisl�ed t�repre�ent the diff�ren�plasxi�oYnrnu�aities faun�i a�the sit�. For each sam�le plot da�a on vegeta�ica�x,hydrolo�y,a.�d soils wa�c�llected,recarded'zn Yh�field and later tr�.nsferr�d�o data fbrnr�s (App�endix). Areas where the wetlan:ds were e5ti�ated tU�Se greater than. � �'ive acres ti•ans�ct weR•e establi�h�d, �ith the transec� runnin� �ither parall�l tu the major watercourse, or per°pendic�la.r to the hydrolmgic gradiei7t. Th�decisior��n the c�riPz�tation of the t�az�se�t is bas�d on fieltl canditions, and �s Yna.de in the field. �• �����ati�a� �� ' � �laz�ts gxo�vin� in wetlands r�iust l�e speci£'ically �dapfed for life und�r s�turated or an�erobic conditions �nd ar� cc�mmonly a°efened to �s hydrophytic v�get�tion. Th.� U.S. �ish. and W��dlif� S�a°�race in co�peration wi�h the I�tatia�zal �nd�tegio�aal Interagen�y I���ri��r �aa�els pu�li�hes regional lis�s �stirriatin� the probabipity af pl�nt speci�s' occurrence in vvetlands ,(�.g., Fish and �Uilci3ife S�a�rice, 19�88). Eacli sp�cies is given a�indicator statacs whi��rep��ses�t�the Iik�1i4���ad that it �ill�e fourzd in a�e�laY��d. �ategaiie5, de�r�ed in �'abl� 1, ar� obli�aYe (�BI.),facultative wetl�nd(FA�CVV},facuTta�ive(�'A�),£ac�zltati�e ugland (FACLT}, or upland (LT4'L�. Plants with an irzd'zcator statius of C3�L, FACW, or FAC are considered adapted for Iife in satura.ted ar ana�rubic �, sc�il conditinns. � � The�ercent occ.urr�nce of e�c�plant species within the l�er�i, shrub, and � � tree layers was estiznat�d at each s�nnple plat. �k�rubs wi.thin a five-fc�oi; � radius and �rees �wi�hin a 30-fc�ot �adius af the cen��a• of each plot uw�re � zdenti$i�d. and recorded. Witliin the plot, all 5peci�s w�re recorded in i,� � d�scending order c�f ab�andance, and dominant species were determiraed. .� D�minai�t species were calculared as those t�at,wh�.n ctunutaYiveiy total�d 03/09/98 A.PPLICA7'ION�OR CEI JO:95-102.01 �'itI-COUIVTY CF,NT�R P�ge 31 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD,LLA,CPA � i�a d������i�s��.rder�sf.abu�daax��,smrn�diately�xc��d 5QJo c►fthe ��rial c�v�r f�r�ach ve�etative stra��xrn p1u��y additia�raal sp�c�es rndividually r�presez�tin� �d?a/� �r rrfr,re e�f th� tatal a�rial �av�� for �acl� ve�etative strat�xm. The pr���n�e o�vv�tfland��get�ti�n was d�t�rrs�in�d acc��din� tc� tFz� �n�ir�tox status e��'xh� daminarifi spaecz�s w��hin �arh ve�ctativ� str�tun�n, Ac�ording to th�; manual, a sampl� plo� is con�ad�r�d to k��v� ��tl�nd ve��tatian if rnor� th� �0% a�"tiae r�urraber c�f doz�n.zr�az�t �p�ci�s pr�5ent k�a�te an indicatc�r sta�.a�of 0��,,�AC�1,a�v'�r k��4C. �y 1987 sta�.dards, t��flA1Y%k�.Y't�3�D�C18S c7Y��J'IOS�Xl�3�S�Z�CL`121��Yl��1T�ee ms�st c�omia�an��p��i�s gror� eacla of the four st�ata(h�rbs, sa.plirigs-s�rtabs,�vvo�c�y�rines, �r����. If only one or two str�ta are ffepresent�d, �h�n tlg� �i�� xnost d�xni�ant species fr�m�ach strata are s��ect��. � � � � � � � � 03/09/98 APPLIC.h�'ION PUit CEI J'O:�JS-102.01 TRI-C�UNTI'CEIvT�R Page 32 af 60 SI�R, SLR, PiD,LL�.,CPA � 'T�ble 1: Tlefinitions af Ir,.dicator Status Ir�dica�or �ygnbol �efinition C)�L f�bl'rg�t�. Species t���t dccur alnlost alivays (e�timatec�proba�zlity��9%� �n v,�etl�nds ttnCer nattaral conditiarns. �A��VJ �ac�altat�ve w�tland. Sp�c���tt�at usually c,ceiir ir�w�tlar�ds(estirnated pr�b�bility 6'7 t� 99%),hut o�cas�c�t�a�l� are four�rl in ��n�v�t�ands. F�.�; Fac�ltative. Species th�t are �quall�lik�l� to occur in wetlar�ds vr no�w�tlands (es�irnated probabilitg�34 ts� 66%). Facultative�ap4and, Species that usually � �'�CLJ �c�ur a�nan�e4lands (estirnated probability S7 to 4�9%),b�ut cac�asyc�r�ally are fo�and in wetlarids. �Jplaa�d. Species that occur alyno�t always UPL in rzon v✓etlands under nt�?mal circumstances (estima�ed prc�bability� 99%� I�n indicator. �pe�i�s fot•vvhich NI insufficien� i�f�rrc�ation�,vas available�c� clet�z°�ng�e an�ndi�a�4r st�tza.s. Sources: �'ederal Interagency Corr�maittee far �I+Ietland I�elineation, � 19�9. � Environmental Laborata�ry, 1987. � Reed, 1988 � � «� S��is � � Hydric sails, de.fir�ed as soils th:at are satura�ed, flooded, or pond�d �ong enou�h r�uring tlle grovving seasons to devetop ana�er�bic c�nditions in the 03/09/98 APPLICATZON FOR �EI J0: 95-1Q2.01 TRI-COUNTY CEN'x'�ZZ Page 33 af 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA,CPA, � u er a.t-� of t�ie soil ro�le are one �haract��.�ti� ofwe�lands L3SI3l� PP P P � � Sc�nl Cariservati�n 5e�vice, �1987). � list of�ydric soils of th� �Tnited 9 Stat�s v�as compiled by the Smit Con�ezvation Se�vi�e (SCS), i�x �os�peratio� �ith �he �latianal �'��hziical �ommitte� for �-iyd�ic 5oils (`ftTTC�-IS). All soils are mapp�d in cc��.itity sail sttrveys. �-Iow�v�rT th� mapped boundaries of S�S soil ty�es arc not at a�ne �n�ugh resoluti�n for delineatiz��boundaries�f jurisdictional zv�tlands. �rrors of omis5aon can occur on S�S maps. Inclusions of upland (norz wetland) soil may exist ir� hyd�ic soils an.d upla�ds may Y�ave inclusions �f�ydri� soil. 'Tlherefore, field e�amination of soils is im.poxtant for accurately delin�atir��the�xtent of hydric �oils. �Iydric soils exhibit certair chara�teristics that can be trbser�ed in the field. Field ir�dicators includ�: high c�rganic cantent, ar,curnulation af suTfiiric material (ro#ten egg odor), �reenisli or bluash �rey calor (clay forznatian}, iron �nd m.anganese �oncretions, spots or blotclnes of color (rnottting�, and/or da�k soil colors (low soil chz•oma). � soil au,�er, excavating dow�to a�epth e�f at Ieast 1� iYlches, W�.S LIS�CI to sample soil�lon�the�vetlancl bozir�dary. Soil sartiples�vere checked fflr pr�sence of sulfide �ases; organic cc�nte�.t was estzriated �visually and textually; and soil colors vvere deterrrained by using a M�insell soil colar cl�art (IGollrrzorgen 1.�75). The 141un�ell soal calor chart provides t�.e s�andard for�hree attributes af color: laue, value, and chrama. A.ccording to the 19�7 manual, hydric soi].s ar�requiz-ed to be inundated or saturated for seven or more consecutive days durin:g the growing season. Soil color is exarnined in the horizon immediately below the A- horizon ox within 10 inches of the surface,whichever is shalla�✓er. ��ydre����Y Wetlands, by ±heir very name, must have vvater. Jurisdictional w�tlands . are chara�terized as ha.ving permanent or periodic inundation, ar soil '�' saturation far a signi�cant portion of the growzng season, defined as five � �°° percent or rnore of the growing season. S�tzzration aicurs whez� tl�.e � � capillary fringe is within the maj or portion of the rac�t zone{usually within � 12 znches of the surface). Areas meeting one of these criteria are � considered to have wetland hydrolog�. � w � Ponding or soil saturation for five per�ent or more af the growing season ° during ihe grawing season is direct evid��iae of�vetland hydrolo�y. �are 03/09/43 APPLICATION POR CEI JO:95-IQ2.01 7'RI-�OUNTY CENTE�t Paga 34 of 60 �DR, SLR, PD,LLA, CPA sc�ils and dried al�ae �r� evidence t�at a sit� was prevaou�ly i��nndat�t�. Oxidized rhizo�heres alorag l�ve r�ot��anrx�ts�lsa indicates sc�il satur�,tion for. fiv�percent o.r rnore of th� �awin� s�asc�r�. �l.t each sau�a-�pl��Slat,�s�vetl�nd hydrology was asst�rr�ed i�'posi�ive indicator� vde�°e�S�esent. ��t�an� �3et�r��a��na�ia�� . �'r�sence ox ab�ence of r�vetlands was based an soil, ve�;et�tion, and hydrolo�y d�t�a c�llected at sar�ple plots. Fc�llo�in�procedu��s outlinea in; the 1987 m�n�aa�, sa�nple plots �ith homo��neous v�get��ion �ere deterrx�ined to be wetlands if wetl�d �l��act�ristics w�re present o� judged to be n�ormally pres�n�(barring hum�..n or u�usual nat�ral events) for a11 three parameters. I7iffi�ulties in wetland deterrnination car� aa�ise as a r�sult o�disturbanc� c�r iri problem ar�as. Both human (e.g., cl�arimg v�getation� �.gricult�zre, �lling, �ncl excavation)and na.tural(e.�;.,m�dslide,fir�,and beav�r dams) event have potemYial for obliter�ting�eld i�dicatoa°s�vvithin�n�or mor�of the three��vetl�.nd parain�ters. Iri d.isturb�c�site�,both field a�d offsite d�t� �ay be used to determine the presen�e of a wetlaaxd. t9ffsit�infoi°znation such as i�.storical records,aerial ph�to�rapl�s,previou�sai�,a�d vegetatie�n surveys may indicate the presen�e Uf a jurisdictiona�w�k�and. sc�nr�e site are probl�rn areau because field indicators may�.at be�r�sent tt�-o�ghout the �ear. T'ro�ilern �re�s �� ��ist a.s a ��s�zlt nf ch�gi�.g environxneYltal condit�ons that occur s�asonally and not necessari.l� the result o�'hiimai� or�atural distuxbarr��. Acrordin� to the 1487 maraual, a1l three a�ar�meters �h�rdrzc soils, h�droph�tic vegetation, and vvetl�rd hydre�logy) must be presc;nf �'or an area to �e cieterrniz�ed as wetland. Drumlins, season�l wetlands, prair�e pothales, and vegeta.ted flats exemplify prabl�i�n �reas. �° RES�TLT� � s�- � � Revie�n�of the literature indicated that�here w�re possible wetlands on t�e � site. The rIWI and topography rn�ps indicated hx�o drainage on the site. t� The soils survey indicated the presence of two hydric soils. �hydric soil � survey conduct�d by Roger RedA�m canfirrned�he presence af hydric soils � on the site. In addition,a wetl�nd reco�naiss�ce�oriciuctecl in l�ecemb�r of 1993 determi�ed that there v�✓ere a.t least t'�,vc�wetlands e��1 the site. Th� 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOIZ CEI JO: 95-102.01 7'ItI-COUNTY CENTER. Page 3S of 60 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA, CPA w�tlands wer� assaeiated Evi�h the drain� e. �'hree tr�r�sect were g established,�nd sam�le pl6ts�✓ere�stalali�hed along the tr�s�ct w�eere th� plant cc�rr�munities �hanged (Figur�2). V���t�t��� There are f�ur corrtmu�ity ty�es on the urnc�ev�loped partio� of t��e site9 gr�ss and nrass lilce•, �.eciduous scrub-sl��.ib, ��cida�ous farest, and conifer�us forest. I'he grass an�i �rass like coralm�nitzes dazm:in�te most of the site, This commur�i�y �ype is ca�npased c�f se�veral dz#'fer�nt cormmunitie�. Tall fescue (Fes�uca c�rzsn�'inacea) daz��nates one o�the cammunities. C)ther assoc"�t�d s�ecies �nclud�; colonial bent�rass (�gros�is tenuas), per�n�ial ryegrass (�,aliurra peYenne), a�rd ree� canag°y �rass �'�halcaris arundirzacea). 'The :reed c�ary grass is only found in a fevv sflnali scattered patches. The portion�s thi�comrrqunity locat�d in the northwest portion of tlie site has�aeen plante�l ta�oaglas�rs,�✓hich have yet to dozninate t1�te community. �a�lanial bentigrass b�cames doi�znant in th�a.reas wlxere fhere ap�e�rs ta be slightly more soip moiskur�, and.c�n the fill. Col��ial�ent�xass a�ea��y exclud.e other species i:.� �he low-lyzng ar�as wh�re it is dorr�inant. �3:owever, there is one a''�e dvhe�e there is a signifir,ant arr�s��nt o�`tlia-e�d Yush (Ju�acus filiforrnzs)� Iia a.c�diti�n, there are sev�ral �veedy s�a�cies ass�ciated wii�� tha col�snia�b�ntgra�ss on the �ill. Cu�grass(Leersia r�ryzoides)doz�nir��tes the ar�a a�tjacent ta th�l���r�fth of the maii��rainag;�. This cammuniiy occurs on,bu�:��hat appears to be � rea�izt allL�vial cieposit. T�aexe are s�veral d�ad oak.� �t th�up�er end of this commur�ity,which appear to ha��drowned. There is ar�abrupt�dge betvreen this�omzn.uz�ity an.d�he a�ljacent fescue doanin�tec3��mmunity. There is �ne sm�ll �rea which is �ominat�d by cattails (7`yphc� l�tifolia) axzd soft nush (Juncus effusus). �'his community occurs along tl�e lower portion of the second drainage. This comrnunity�xtea�ds off the site. 'I'he � se�b-shruts comrnunity type occurs along the draiz�age,and along t�e e�ge � of fhe forested areas. The scrub-shrub coanrnunity along�he upper third � af the rnain c�lrain�ge is dc�minaYed by baldhip rose (Rosa gyrnr��carpa). � There are several scattered small Oregon ash(�'raxirius latifolia)tre�s,and �'° Uouglas hawthorns(Cr�ztaegus c�ougdasii). The herbaceous Iayer is poQrly � r� developed due to the heavy canapy af the roses, but #here is one small � patch of slough s�dge(C'arex obnupta)under one of th:e C).regon ash tr�es. 03/09/98 APPLICATION TOR CEI JC):95-10?_.Oi TRI-COUNTY CENTER F�ge 36 of 50 SDR, SLR,PD,LLA,CPfii �-Iirnalayaii blackberry(12ubus discolor) d�minat�s the other scriaby�kinib commur�ity four�d �n the site. T'his cormrnunYt�is fou�d.alon$the low�r mid�le partion nf the main rlrainage, along th� edges�f'the £�1 ar�a, and along the westerri pr.op�rty lin�. Most of this comaa�.unigy consists nf ° ° dense, impenetrable thickets. Outside of a few doug�as hawthonns9 ar �ther trees which were established prior to the k�?ackberry,tlie blackberry is almost the only speci�s found in the comamunity. 'I'h�deciduous forest community type is corziprised of two cc�minunities; Oregon oak(Quercus c�arryana)and Oregon ash. 'These two communitie5 anly camprise sma11 a�eas af the site. �he oak c�rnmunity zs located along , the ma�in drainag�, and coi��ists of an oak ovea• story and a Himalay,an i�Iackbeiry under story. tl�is co�;unimity used to extend �tzrEher downstream tl�an it cu�-rently does, 6ut due to rec�nt chartges in�he sites hydrology som.e of the oaks �ppear to have drowr�ed. The�regan ash community occur�along the westerz��dge of the property. Mosty if not all,of this coinrriunity is located west af th�site. T�e Iocaticsn of the westPrn property line had not been identified when the�elineation was conducted, and its exact location could not ba determined. Himalayan blackb�n•y clominates the edge of this community. �owever, within tl�e community the blackberry thins a�it. There is a smali stand of I3ouglas firs adjacent to th� oak commtznity. ]Himalayan blackb�iry dosninates the un�er stoiy. '�he bl�ckberry was r�cently bush hogged, and currently the stand is c�p�n. SoAls The�oil�Conservation Serviee(SCS, 1982)mapped four soil seri�s on th.e site; Aloha,�ub�rly,Verboort9 and��oodbuzx�(Fi�Y�are 3). Both�-Iuberiy and Verbooz-t soils are idsx�ti�ied as hy�ric(�CS, 1991),and�he.E�.loh�a a�-cd , were nat. Roger Redfsm mapped the soils v�ith hyd�ic characteristics,�ut ciid not identif'y the soils (Appendix B), The Aloha series consists of soils which are somewhat poorly drained tha.t fomied in alluvium ar lacustri:�e si�t on broad valley terraces. These �re classified as Aquic Xeroch�repts, which are Inceptisols with an achric �pipedon, with a Xeric tnoisture regime, and have aquic condiiicrns. The aquic conditions of these soi�s generally occur 18 to 24 inches deep,whictY is below the depth for hydric soils. The sail is rz�ottled(10�'R 4/2-7.5YR 3/2),matrix has a high chrotna�lOYR 4/3). Since the matrix�s high,ev�n 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR CEI JO:95-102.01 T]EZI-COLJN'Z"Y CENTER Page 37 of 60 SDR, SLR, PD,L�.A,CPA tl�ou h the soil is mo�tles� the soig does n�t�aa��h d�ic indic�.�or� and is • g , Y = nox a hydric sozl. 7Ch�I-�u�i�r1 seri��cor�sists af �orl drair�ed soils�hat forn�ed ir�r��i��d y P Y alluvzurr� an terrac��. It is cl�assi�'ied as a��pic�ragiaquvpt, which�s an Inc�ptisol with an aquic inoistua•e re�ime, and��as a fragipa�. '���y hav� a 1�v✓cl�cor�aa�10�5/2� asad nnottles (SY�t�/4},w�aflch indicates i��y�ric conditi�Y��. In additic�a�, the�have a IIIvv cap�bili�y, °wY�is;� i�.dica.t���h� sozls have seve�e limitafiion�iu�to excess�rater. I�iuberly SoYls�re k�ydric, The VPrbaort s�ries consist o#' poor�y dra.in�d sc�ils tl�at fazm�d in ��ratiized, mod�rately fine and fine textured alluvflum om bo�tarn lands. 'Th�y are classified as T'y�sic Ag�ialbolls,which are IvTc�llisols with�albbc � l�crrizog�, and are typically undea•cultivatiaz�. They k�ave a Ir�va c�.pability clas�, and are listec� �s a�zydric s�i1. The Wocsdburn sei�ies consist of moderately well drain�d soi1�th�.t�'orxned in old alluviurn ar�l�r��d valiey terraces, 'They are classified as�quuli�c Agz�x�rolls, w1�ic,h �r� Pe/iollisols with a xeric moisture i�girrie, and typic;ally under c�ltivation. Th�y l�ave n.o indicators of hyd�ic cor�diti�ns, and are not hydric sails. e A.signi#'icant ama�ant of�ill h�s been pl�c�d i�a i1�e southvv�st car�er of the site. The filling taol�place zn tYae eas�ly 1980's. !�cQm�aris�n a#`��e soii survey and tlie location of the f�ll indicates that int�st c�f�he fill �s over h,loha soils. Tl�e fill rnaterial app�ars tc�be af�aixed or��in,and c�.n.n.at b� � xnatc�aed to any of'the Iocal soils. ��€�ro9�a�Y The hydrology of the site is as�ociated�ith t�se two drair�age �c�ca�ed on fihe site, ai�d Red.i2.ocl��r.�e�C located�c�rth�jest�f the sgt�. Tn�.ddi�ion,�n some areas there appears to be a seasonal l�igh water table. The upp�r half of t1�e mair�draimage is�eeply incised, and is three to faur feet deep. This portion of t�e drainage app�ars fo have exper�enced � significant down cutting. Th�channel becoznes shallow�r half r�vay down � the drainage, an�l by the tirtYe it reaches the lo�ver fi�h of the drainage � length the chanrxer is pc�orly defined. Tt appears that sed:rt�ent frarr� the , down cut area�vas deposited in this area, and the area has becorxie wett�r. � � Th�re are several dead oalcs adj acent to tl�e drainage vvhich�.p�ea�to have e droWned when the area became w�tter. The drairiage is a perennial streapn. 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR CEI JO;95-102.01 TRI-COUNTY CENTER Page 38 of60 SDR, SLR,FI?,LLA,CFA Th��"Ylir�,�was ne��r cor�pl�ted,and at res�ltec�rn�svval�b �twe�aa the ffill �r��,a.n��he ut�falt�d��ea. �"he�v,��le�c��ne�ts witk�a dr�inage�hich vtir�s � b��a�tifi�d an the soil�ua�v�y. �'h�svval��ppears to aoll�ct xxYairaly sur�'�ce vvat�r. �c��✓e�er, t�e a�ld zlraiaaage app�a.rs t� st��i°r�m �spri�.g ���ated Yi��r th� s�utherr� ed�� of' tl�e sit�< T�dgin� frurn tlze ve�etation t�e drain���appears to have perennial flows. a The �aort�aw�st coi°xaer of the sita is witliir� th� flood piain of lEted Rt��k Cre�k,vv�i�h is located just to the a�orthvvest of�he site. 'I'hese t�vv-�yirag sail� haore a high �rot�r7d dvater t�,�le dur�r�� the 1�,2� wgz�t�r and �a�ly spring. ' '0�����nd �eti��°eaai�ata�n '�"�ere are t�r�e �vetlands, which total approxi�ately 1.8� acres, c�n �he ' praj ect area�'igure 4}. A�1 of the wetlands�re withir�����ed Rock Cr��k � drainage basin,but are separated ai�the site. The�cain c3rainage runs tl�e length Qf the site. The dr�in�ge�as�erenr�.ia� flo�xs. The soils along th� drainag� were identifi�d as havin� hydric indicator�,�nd were id�nti#"ied as the�i�a�er1�svil ser��s,which is�hydric soi1. 1'h�xe are tl�ree �l�nt communities alon� ti�e draanage. �'he upper portic�n of'the ci�rainage is dominated i�y roses,ervith a f���cattered.�regr�n ash ar�d I�ouglas h��w�thoms. 'I"he middle por'�ion of"the drainage �aas Douglas fixs on the north side and O.regon �ak s�n the so�.th sisle. I-Iima.layan �ilackbeny �c�m�g�ises ��� �nder story Gf Loth forested _ c�mm�natie�. 1"��st rsf this u�sp�r�/S af the dra�nage is not a we�l�ncl,but ' there are a few sma11 wetland areas alang its edges. Figtare 4 indicate�fihe tap of the bar�c ef the dxaina�e, ar ihe r�vetlan�.edge. Th�ch�.�el irz ti��towex 1/5 c��the�iraina�e b�comes poQrly defizaed,�d water spre�ds aver this lo4v flat �r�a. The sails in this area are satur�ted or in�ndated for a signifi�a�t porti�r�of th� growin�; seasozi. Cutgrass is the d�minan�speci�s in this ax�a. Since �'° this are�meets alI three wetland criteria it is a wetland. � � � There ar� approximately 1.466 acres of'wetlands �nd drainage cha17ne1 � along the drainage. Approximat�ly O.bS acres ar� Palustr�n errr�ergent � wetlands, and approximately 0.64 a�res az•e �'alusfrin scrub-sh.z�z�i � wetlands. The drainage channel is a�proxirnatery 0.1? a�res. t� � The second�vetland is assoczated r�vith tl�e athe�draix�a�e fourid�zi tlae sit�. 03/09/98 APPL�Ct�TION FOR CEI JO:95-102.01 TR.3-COUN"TY CENTER Page 39 af 6� SDR,SLR,PD, LLA,CPA "Y'h� upp�r portion of this draina�e v✓as fbxx,.'��i w�Zen fh� adjoin.ing �.x�a was filled. �t app�ars to coltect �urface ru��f� �'he �regetafaoxx in t�� �.p�s�r partion ofthe dzainag�is comprisec�of colanial b�nt�r�ss,azad sc�� n�s�. '�'he 5c�i1 rnatches t�e des�ript�or� of the �T�b�r�y seg-ies, �d li�� ?nydz�c indi�ats�rs. 7'�x�a�e app�ar�t�bs a sprir��lacated �t th�start mf�he ori;�in�l drainage, '�'he soil� w�re �aturated to ��ZUt�dated �il�Y°ing the si�� ,, viszt. '�h�vegetatiorz a�tl�e spring area co�sisted ot s�ft rush,r�ed car�ary �ra.ss, �o�oni�l bentgr�ss, and Himalayar�b1a��ber°zy, E�elorx�t�e 5pnn�area there is a vv�ll�defax��tl tlraana�e cta�nne�. There was szx to t�vel�e inahes of s�anding vrater in tlie channel du�ng the�ec�rr�ber site visi+. �at�ails�vere th�dominant vegstatio�. �Iimalayan blacl�b��y daminated the banks afthe�hann��. Th�no�h ban�C af'the�har��l i�tlle s�u�herti edge af the £'i�l. There are approxxmately 0.31 �.cr�s af wetlarads alUng this drainage. 'Th� we�lands wauld be classifi�d as palr.istriYi emer�ent. The third wetland is located �n th� �ai�thwest corziex c�f the site. It is approxxmately 0.06 acres. This area is witt�.zn the#lood pla.i�of]l�ed�o��C Creek. ;�he soils appear Yo be the I�uberly soil�eries. I�Laring t�e site uisit the soils wer� S��LlT�.YeC� �O the surface. The vegetaticsn cc��sisted c�f doug?as hawtlaonl, rose, reed can�,ry grass a.zi�c�lanial�ientgr�ss. 1Vlosi t�f the vv�tland would.b�classifi�d as Fal�.istian�ar���gent. IVIiITIGATION The City, in anticiy�atior� of fi�rther developrrient in Yh� Tigard Triangl� . built Dart�zouth Road. 'The road w;�,s de�ig�ed to acccaaxtm.odate the future develaprs�ent o�Tri-County�enter. The City c►f�'igard�oned tne property as �orrzy�ercial; as was the adjo�r�ing prapez�y to �he norfh (Cub Faods), Th� �raperty �wners are �lannirag an de�e���iz�� �h.e si�e szrr�il�r �� ��Ze Cub Fa�ds development, a lar�e commercial facility. S�rch a facility �vould require filling most of the wetlands, �nd 01t�1�Y' �LIIV�Y"�121� or x�lacating the rnain drainag�. �. � Tl�� developer is �roposing to relocate the drainage fiart�er to the z�ortka, � where it would follc��v Uartmouth �Z�sad. Th� xnitiga.ticrn area woulei be � develop�d into a natural parlcv�ay, and would c�nsist of a s�ri�5 of ponds � connect�d by rif#les and runs. Tl1e area would b�desigiled to�e a r��ixture � � of emergerit, scn.ib-shrub and forested communitie�. This conceptual � mitigatian plan has been discussed wit� re�resentativ�s of tlle City of �'igard, arid is consastent with th�'T'DS. �03/09/98 AT'PLICATIQN FOR CEI 30:95-102.01 TRI-COUN'I'Y C�NTER Page�40 of 60 SDR, SLR,�D,LLA,CPA I2.el�ca����of the dra�na�;��c�ul�l��'�°�ctyvely rra�ti����far th�loss�� ati��.e av���and orx the�i�e as�tated b�r the�roj�ct�7��:.per�it. .�t��rrapts�vill�� rra.�de to avaisl as n��ac�of th.e w�tlarads an the sit�as;�ossi�il��req�ia�e�3 �iy t�ae pr����ets I3SL,�p�rmit. ��'�ItEl�1C;�� Environ��nta1 Lab�orat�ry, 1�87. �'o�ps mf' .cra�tne�rs �°etlands D�Izneation M�anuc�l, "7�"�cllrtic�l �&2.epe�s�t 'Y-87-1, U.S. �� En�;ineers �aterv�ays E�cperixyzent Statioar, Vi�ksbrug,l�S. V .� �'�deral Interagency C�mrr�ittee for�r�J��l�a�d�elin�atior�, 1�389. F'�de�al � hlcza�ue�l,�'or I�'en�ifying and �elirt�c�trn� 1z�risciictianrxl �etlar�e�s, U.�. ��ny�orps of Engi��ers, U.�. �n�vzA�on�enC�l]P�Qtecti�n Ag�ncy,U.S. Fish ar�d iUildl4fe Serviae, a.r�d L7.se�..A,. �o�� ConservatPOn Se�vice, Washin$to�n, D.C., Cooperative'T�chnical Pu.blication. 138 pp. Fecleral,��gister, 1980. 40���.Paz�tt�30.��ctAOn�04{b�(I),�uid�lza�es for Speci�"acczti�n �,f I�islaasal Sites of l�red�ed c�r.F'ald A�1'cttet°aal,Va�. 4S, Nc�.249,pp. II5352-�5353,U.S.Govt.�'ri�z�i�g Office,Washiyggton,�.�;. Feder°al .Regist�r, 198?. Tzfie 33, ,NQVig•cztiort an� Navi�ablP �'aters,° �'hczpter ii, �egulatoty.�ro�r•ams of'tFie Coaps of�'ngineers. Vol. 47,N�. 1��, p. 31 S 1 t�,ZJ.�. �iavt. Pr�ntin��ffiLe, 'VJas�ington, l�.�e Federal Xegister, 1986. 33 e�1� Parks 320 t�rough 330, Regul�a�ory Prograrras of the Car�s of En�,jineers; Firaal IZzale, �101. 51, No. 219 �p, - 41206-41259, U.S. Ciovt.Printing (>ffice,Washir��to�a, I�.�. �Cc�llmorgen ��rporatian, 1975. 1fi�Iunsell �'r�al Co lot• Charts. i�✓Ia�bet� I)avisi�n of I�.t�llmargen�arpora�zoaa,�altir�ore,I�, �eed,P.B. 19��. Idatior�al List o�"Plant Species BJiat C.��cur in Wetic�nds: Northwest (Region 9), U.�. �ish and Vtlildiife Servic;e,�3iol�gical Iteport �8 (.26.9) 89 �p. �. � �T.S.Departrnent ofA_grisult�.re,Soil C�nservation Service �991, Hyc�ric � S'oils of�he rJntCed �SCcztes i:z Cooperation with �he I�atimnal Techyaical � Co�nniittee for�yc�ric Soils. l�isc. l�ub. Na. 1�91. � � (�ry U,S. l�epartm�nt of Agr�culture, Soil Cons�rvatian ��zvic�, 19�7. S�il „�� Surwey c?f Cl'ackarraas County Area, Oregon. �J.S.D.l�.. Soil Canservation Service, �Iasl�ia�gt�n, I�.C., 293 �p. 03/09/98 A�'Pi,ICATiON FOR CEI JO: 95-102.01 TI2I-COiJN'�Y C�NTER. Yag�41 of 60 SI�R,SLI�,PD, LL.A,CPA �XTa���.,�li��l'��' �.. �Yt��ISX��iS 1�.96: �DI)I'1 FCaN�.L YA�I�.�CC�LJII�.k,1�EI`dT5 �ec4aon 1�.96.020 id�ntifies speca#ic, narri�d st.r�ets wh�re additicsn�l setbac'�s frorn cent�rlin�axe�e�ui�er��a�ercnit better�ig�at, air, and visio� cleaxa�lc� �o be attair�ed. The a�ditzonal ��tback res�uiremen� alon� S'UV I�artar�outh aiad SVV 7'2"d !-�venue is �7 �°eet. The Site P�arr subrni�ed identi�es those setbacic requir�rnents as being a�i�t. 18.9�: �LJ7[lLI3Ild�.ir�-I�T�]Ei�'LIMITAT�C)I�� �X�EP'TI()IbTr The applicarzt acknos�rledges �hat p4rtions of the,proposed development ynay exce�d the pEnrraitted 45 fset in slevation�Sroviding tha�the proposed s�n�ckeare is n�t��thin 75 ��et of a residen.tial zoning d�strict,the t�tal floor area of the �ite does not exc�ed 50% of the site azea, and that towers r�vill not exc�ed a height of 75 feet. All roof top equiptnent will be scre�ned as lCeC1l11P�iI by the Commi�nity Plan a�ad �he ac��.stical rnitiga#ic�a� recornznended Acaustical r�port. 1$.100: L�1V���A�Il�tG & aCREENIlVG Sections 1�.100.8Q �r .1�0 da not rec�uire a vegetative buffer be pla�ed��a pr�perty zor�ed �••U wh�n directly adjacent to a nonxeszdential zon� property. This site plan does provid�for a vegetive buffrr alorxg portiozas of' the I-�er�nosa Fark residet�.tial lats p�r the City �•eq4aireinent, and the �coustical Report which addresse�the noise rnipzgatao�r�quir�z�a�rats. 'I'k�e �ther reason to�ave a buffer is to visually obscure�he�•esidena�s from the retail cente�. In t�.is case, eit�er a sound�all ar x•etainz�g v�alfl�vi11 be us�a� tU rnixigat�tile noi�e from this proj�ect. Pracfically sp�alcarig,given#liat ov�x half of fihe residenc�s adjoining thzs pr�ject (�otv 1, 2, 6, and 7) �re currently o�s€rating as i�usinesses, and that this �Yea is in a transitiozz to an 1VIUE use, it does izat make sense,given a rraare th�n adequate mitigation to require a vegetive buffer behind NTajors 2 �hrough 5. However, a 20' vegetativ�buffer will be placed along these lots. � Substanti�l mitigation landscapin� will be planted alon� th� parlcway �roposed on the m�rthPrn boundary of the site. �ectioaa 18.84 provid�s rnore substantive details of the proposed plan. �11 interior islands arad pad remnants as well as the entirety of the site's boundary will be intensively landscaped. The sf ze, species, and distribution of the landscaping far both proposals has been identified on the �.�tached Landsca,p� Plans. Additionally,the landscape plan ir�dicates the planting of larg�r than 2-iz�ch 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR C�T JO:95-IO2.01 TRI-COLTNT�'CIENTER Page 42 of fi0 SDR,SLR,PD,L�.A,C�'A � calzper tree§. �'he app�i�ant prop�ses tl�at�Il tie�s pla�t�d��exa�ss�f 2- inch �alip�r b� iaacXuded for fka� mitigatimn totals �or the sit�. 7'his � proced�are of platiting larger trees will give the proj�e� a fe�l m�'b�ir�g a more�matiire center�s less parking lot antis�p�ic. Bec�us�t��r�are��r t�r�r+e diamet�r inches�o b�riaitn�ated ti�an.ca�n r�as�nabty b�plac�d c�r�Yhis site, the app4ica�t pr�poses transf�rria�g m��.y of 9;1a� fir "�Christmas trees9' a� groups throughc�ut t�e cgty as r�iti;ation camp�n��tic�n. With o��i• 1,500 trees,�6,OC�0 diameter inches are transfe�able. The applican.t wo�ald requesr that any aznour�t used for transfea° mitigation be cr�dit�d for th�ir future praj�cts miti�ation. �'he caliper ofrrAitigable tir��s are�neasur�d at 6"abav� the root st�m pex ti�e 1Vurseryman's Associatic�n. l 8.102: VISUAL, C�,E.A.,�A.Io10E�,.EA.S . IW�t applicable in the'y'DS pla�x. 18.106: OFF-�aTREET'�'A.I�I�[NCi &L,�?A..UINU The Site �'lan subrnitted pravi��s far s�flbsta��tial"ty more paaking spa��s than required by the Code. T'he number of parkirzg spaces created is necessaz� to attract tlze typ� of client, f�r which thzs site is rnost suit�d. W�th��at a minirnum parking rati�o caf�5.� spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor arear the ap�licant will nnt�e able tc�in�rket cerfain por-tican.s of tih.� si�e �ffectively. This �roposal contair�s 1,722 parkin� spaces, including 1,315 st�idard,68 pr�ferr�d,308 cc�n�ipa�t,29 handicapp�d ancl 10 lo�dir�g spaces for a 5.20 spaces/GL� in tla� 330,�95 sf. c�nter. The propc�sed g�a�eral parking 5talls are�' $" x �� feet;a.nd th�eornpact stalls aneasure 8' � 16`. In�ccordarice with America�.s with Dis�bilities A�t(ADA�,�i�abled �paces have been distributed�hrou.�laout th�site at�h�zn�s�accassa�l��reas �nd nnor�than�neet the mir�imuin ratia o�'l�aandgcapp�d to sta.rr�ci�rd spac�s r�quir�d by cc�d�. �z� additioa�, t�e preferr�d paxkin� spac�s �xe l�aated secand only in tacation to the�antiica� spa�.�s. �en��-�� ��r�ci�n�: The a�plicant is proposing to construct puY�lic par�:ing at a ratio as previously stated. This mare thari meets the minirn�.un re�uireznents of 1 space per 400 square feet. The applicant is proposing to construct 300 camp�.ct�arking spaces f.ur a ratit�of 17.4%campact spaces for the total site. I-�owever.,the�a�aplicant undet�staY�ds tha#up to 2S%of th� proposed parking nnay consist of�oanpact stalls. �is�bl�d�arkar�g:Aggregat�parking areas proposed by the ap�licant wi11 contain at least #he rninimuan num�er of disabled parking spaces as rriandated by the �imericans with I3isabilities Act. 03/09/9H APPLICATION FOR CEI J0: 95-102.01 TRI-COUNTY CENTE�t Page 43 of 50 SDR,SLR,PD,LLA, CPA ' ����cF� P����n��e L.ockabl� bacycle r�ck� s�a�11 b� lo�a�ed a�a ar�as �rat��ted fi°�ort�auto�obil�tr�ffic a�d irt�on��rue�t lc�ra�i�ns withiYg SO feet of the entranc�s af the pr�pUSed g�n�ral r�ta�l s`c�res. �3r�e bicycle spa�e or f��i�ity will be pravid�d for every 15-�f�een v�hi�ui�r �arki�ag spa��s i��r��ified. �pe�i�°�cally,a total of 11 S bicycls sp�,c�s will 1��;c��ate��a�-s��e �.d vvill be spread a�ccsrdir�g ta the r�tailea�s GL.A percenta��,�.g.1VI�jc�r�I �, �ou1d hav��0.2/33n.2 x 11�,ar 10 bik��p�ces loe�.ted�vithi�50'of their �ntrance. ��n�'�'�r��'��°���g: F'ive pere�nt of a�t pa�kir�g vvill be r�served fc�r car p�ot�r.van pool��z��;in�and v✓ill b�,Ic�cated��c���d only to bic�cl�parkimg • a.r��i h.as�dicapp�d spaces ir�tlz�preferenti���ocatiaa�of�he resexv�ci spaces. A total of 68 preferer�ti�1 paxlcing sp�ces r�ill b��r�vided. Th�p�kan�1at v�✓ill be Iandsaaped in accorcl�.nc�wit�the r�quire�ents of Chapter 18.1(�0. �,r��ctin�o Lo�adin�facil3ties have been ident's�ed��a�he proposed�ite Plan '�ff�r the Pads arad the Majors`uhich wiAl use�rad.e separ�.�ed la�din�doc�s. Specific laad'zng areas are identiried as prospectiv� �enants g��duGe 5ite �lan5 for each pad upon development plan review. it is a.nticipate�l that the tenants for Pacls 46.A,,, tl�rougll "E" will lo�d tl�°ot�gh their, frant door�. �'arking for�hes�Fads will b�restricted duxing bus�n�ss hours so tha��1�e c�elivery of goods does not in:tea°fere with�er�eral par�Circg, Lo�dir�g�paces for these�'�ds will have sig�ed restrictians on therrr�for toading hnurs.'�l'he pad loading spaces are indicated on the site pl�n. 1�.10�: ACC;ES� E��S� Rc C�R�LTLATI�N , �'h�pt�oposed dev�lopment has four ingress poilltis From ghe pu�lic stYeets ��Zto the site,�✓i�t�a possibie fifth access c�f�'afF-��t-�osa.Way in the future. 'rwo dz�ve�vays ar�1€�cat�d on SW�?ai�tz��o�zt�a aa�t��✓s�rz��re will be�c�ca.�ed c��. S�RI 7?r�d �4�e��.e. It is araticipa�ed �hai �. �raff c si�na.�� v✓i�l b� warranted at both of the Dartanoiath entx�rzces prioa•to the full buil�l out af the projects fro�ting L7at�tmout�. �treet. t�ccog�d°zr�� t� the Transpoi�tation Analysis, a traffic signal is�va>-ranted at the intersectic�n of SW Dartmoutl� and S W 72nd�.venuP. Tl�ese sigr�als will be installed with this pr�j ect az�d � fund�d by an�,ID or alternative�n.a�cing m�th�d. Tk�e fiznding mechanism � � is inore fully�.ddressed in the Pxop�rtionality Analysis. � The �two egress paints on s�N l�a�trnouth are desigxjed with t�� 11-foot � antrance lanes to the site and three I l-fc�ot exi� laz�es. I�rivew�y°'A"will �e � allow for a double left an� right turn lan�s for• th� �gress sx�ovemenY. °'� L)ri.veway"�"will allou✓a through znovement to Cub roods,a.r�d right a�axd 03/09/98 APPLICATIOI�1 F'OR CEI JO:95-102.OI TRI�CQY.11�iTY�ENTER. Page 44 of 6U SllR;SLR,PD,LLA,CPA le� turn mo*�e��r�ts. �'he enfran�e ac�.�l �xgt lanes �orsnecting to ��7 T3�r�rrzo�.th �ill l�e sep��ated by a l�nd��ap��.island. The�ntrances onto S�J'72n�i Ave�a�e�vill y°ovide fu1�movem�rats,but will � ��t hav�a land��aped isla.nd. Ths pxopose��n.tranc�s r.ne�k the d�signat�d tnis�irtiu�driveway spacin�;requirert��nts fog°i�1V D�xtrt�outh,ant€S�J 7�nd Av�nue, and�n�et "stacking" stora�e raeeds. 1'�de5��f�� A.c�ess: The pr�posed developrrx�nt i�a znul�z-b�ailding retail compl�x. l�s such,it wzll b�provi�ied vvith a grid af convenient pe�estrian connections be�v✓�en buildings m�eting.A�A access requirements. Al3t� access is requ�red to be pravided�i om.one�f the�ccess dri�v�ways intm th� center. !-�n accessible routP 'rs�ravided from I�riveways�,L,and I)to afll the buildirags. The�rapos�c�walkways will be physic�lly separated frozt� the vehiculax parkAng and acc�ss ra�ute exc�pt where pzdestrian cr�ssiz�gs are nee�ss�ry. At these points,tl��walkway�vi11 be�alled o�zt thro��gh�he use af pavernent a�larkings ox alt�rn.ative �n�.terials �ssociaY�d �vitt� walkways. Ma.ixy czf the relevant partions af the cad�th�.t wall play a r�zaj�r rc�le in the design and development of this proj e�t have only r�ceritly come into e�fect. Substan�ial chan�es ta the code �xe to be $'ound zn�'ransportation ch.apter of the Cornpzeh.e�.lsive Plan,Chapter 1�.106(�arkgng�c I.,�ading),�haptez° 18.108 (Access, Lgrs�s 8� �irculatian), Chapter 18.16� (Street � Lltility improvement �tand�rds). �$�1:a1�.5�70j7j�1I1�,T,be it far b�ying th��,vee]cIy gr�ceraes,lur�ber�`or t�ae deck, +�r plar�ts far the garden, is not conducive to alt�rna.tive m��.es of tratlsport�tion. This�anc�pt w�s recognized by 1vl�tro whe��h.�y���mpted all CG zaned prrsperty in the Tigagd Triangle f�otn the"�3i�Box"ret�iler5 �ca�a�ras�vhicka they ar�applyin�, Fu��ther,1�1P�1�}�F'�C0�11iZ�5 YII��1�1TCj �'ri�i�zgl�as ari au�oYn�biie orient�d d�stina�AOn shop�ing center. Tr�ps are made specifically wi�h�rie inte�t of purchasing iteans. Tlsere are very f�w , people that would choose to carry more tl�an 1 S lbs by hand rather th�n load it in their car regardless of what they are purchasing. �. � The key issue is that the us�of pede,strian,bicycle, anc�niass transit, as an �. alternative to the car is valid and should b�strongly prom��ed,encouraged �' and in�reaseci if justifiable. Dictating ux�tried arid �conaznicalty � � unjustifiable regulatians on a proj�ct of this gnagnit�,�de, should not b� � proposed. It could hann its feasibility, and is completely out of characYer w � � with large sca.le site developrnent criteria. 03/09/98 APT'LICATION FOR CEI JCD: 95-102.01 TRI-COUNTY CEI�ITER Page 45 of 60 SI�I2,,SLR, PD, LLA, CPA � �ar��iZ1 ��nsid�rati�n Uf the �ee,ds �f the �aa�muni�y and of t�iis d�velcspr�ent�n�tst be t�.�C�n ir��o a��caunt by�he C�ty vrhen a eritical�spk is fiak�;n �t t�e propc�s�d la�ou� �f��.e �ite and ats ped�es�r�an c�rient�d n.�eds. The �araject k�as besia desigrced t� accomimadate �caepY�d anti prov�n prec�dents wit�ir�r�asa�.with r�gard ta the lticatzon c��'the prczpc�se�i pacis and th� supportan���ai•�Cing given th��con�rnic, topograp�ic, and nat�ral x��sr�ur�es constr�ints. This plan �xc��cls tl�� p�d�striaax friend�y r�quirerr�ents of'the �ode. A� st�ted by 1VI�tr�, 'Diffe�rerat ey��s o,f'retczil uses als� have di,ffere�� .pczrking aAZd visibility rec�uirements. �'zcper�fnark�ts, discount stores ear�d �t7aer "big box"or large buila'ing retailers r°equi�-e ma�e parlcing(per unit offloor space)'.Vlar�y potential develope�s su�h as Castco and Target ia�ve ver�r spec�fic requireme�tts r�lating to parking, access, visibilit}�, and circu?atio�, to ma.xizx�ize the potential f.or the store's economic viability. Because of'their size and auto �riented Iocatfon,both af these alternati�es vvi11 require �rnpl� parking. This requirerri�nt is due to the par�in� reservoir capacit�ne�d�d for shoppers�vha stay for long periods of tirne, noP because af th�nrzmber of vehicle trips. Ztz pr�viciir�g rn�xt.�peciestriai� aa�d bicycle access points along�uture transit carradmr an�i by creati.ng grade tz-i.endly acc�ss ways within the d�v�lopm�nt. The depth �nd location��' the 5ite along �vitli proposed us�s demands a develapanent tl�at is rn€�re depen�ent on automobiles. �ivsn the fact that there are not �nau�h r�sidents ir�the Triangle to suppor�this center,mak�ng it�holly pec�estrian ori�:nt�d dc��s not anake sense. '�'ri-Iv1�t was contact�d and th�re �r� no plans to provide p�.zblic transpo�Catfan.ta thzs site. Furth��°,'I'ri-Met does n�t service eit�er I��rr�outh�Z.�ad �r 72nd. Avenue within a l OQQ feet of tl�.is center. The:efor�,the inte�t of th�code has been m�t. !� traffic study prepared by Lancaster Enbineering, accorx�paYiies tl�is applicatgon. , 1�.11�k: 5IG1V� �. � The�pplicant shall enstire fihat any signs related to tYre genPral canstruuti�n � of the proposed developinent shall �ornply wiYh the reieyant standards of � this chapter an�l the TL S as they are applicable. A ty}�ical freestanding sign � is attached for review. T�ie fre�standing signs meet the regulations as � discussed in the TDS section d.3. 'The applicaz�t understands that buxidings � ma.y have ths�all sign coverage �quivalent of 15%of their building wall area. Additional signage requirernents are discussed in Yhs TI�S section. 03/09/>8 APPLICATION POR CEI 30: 95-102.01 T1�I-COLJNTY CENT'ER Page 4b o�'60 SDR, SLR,PI?,LLA,�PA � i I'�.`� AE'�'�+I.C��'l��+1�1'�'la�'�1'I��' ��.12q: S�'����'�'�I.,tJP1vI�NT I�E�IIE�JJ The ing�nt of�he Site Iaevelcapr��nt Ite�ri�w is t� img�lement �h� Czty a� T'���rd's �€�rripr�hensxve k�lan, �nd �ther approved st�xdaxds iyi the City`s cod�, to e�Y�aizc�th�iga.turafl and r�ar�-m�d��r�vir�nme�t and to rnaint�.ir� a�xd 'amprove the qualatie� o� aaad th.� relationshi�s betwe�r� indxvidual buildia�g�, strucCure� and physical dedel�}��er�ts�uvhae�best ce�ntribu€e t� ttn� �r��. �r� compl�ance v�zth t�'rs chap��rs° provisi��as, t�e �pp�ican� has helc� nurner�us rrr�e�tir��s vvik� st�f�' in addAti�i� Y�s the pre-app�ic�.tion confer�nce on I7�ce�b�r 3, 1997. �he pr�p�ssed building d�velopment�viil e li�ely be �.il�ased �.fter•the ir�itial �nfrastructure irrnpz�csve�nents ag•�iax p�la.�� due to the size and cornpticated �c�nstruction requiper�aents �f t�is site. Thers is pot�nti�l €'or rninor modiiications of ttg� d�gail�d site plan and elevatassns note� in thi� prapasal. Thes� chan��s will depend �poi� th� needs �.ad wants of the pr�5pectiv�tenazxts. A neighbc�nc��oci me�tin� for this��ojec�was held on De��rr�b�r S, 1397. �ube��ss���a xe��ag�°e���ts - 40 �omplete s�ts of tlie ap�licatiora s��ll be subrnit�ed as request�d by staff in the�re-application con�erence,and shall include: a complete narrative citing corz�plianc�e wii:h th�r�lev�nfi pUrtzons of the '�'igard Com�prehensive P'1a,�1, �`l�e Com�unity��vel�pment Cods, the Ti�S and all other a�plicabl�re��zlations; 20 f�all siz� and 20 1 f°'x 17" rsductis�ns of th��reliminary plans i�cluding,o'�n-site Analysis,a Site plan, a Gradin�l�lan,a�tilities and I�rainage�lan,a�andscape�'Ian,a I�etailed plan, az�.d a Tree Suzvey F'lar�. �. �'ee �'or $10,780; a Xist o�'all names arad addr�sses of persans who ow�properiy within 250 feet of tne site, and an affidavat of �nailing to tYie atljacent landor�m.ers notifying th�e�? of ari �ppoY�znity to review t�2is prQpos�l. ��g�o��� Sf�n��r�s - �'rovasi�ns fox all Ch�pters 18.84 through 1�.164 cited in this sectian are noted, ane� their xelevant sections addressed , throughout this n�rrative. Q3/09/9II A.PPLICATION FOR CEI JC�: 45-402.U1 'I'RI-CCJLJNT��ENTER Pa�e 47 of 60 SDR,SLR,PI�, LL,A,CIPA D���IJ(��Ii��l�i'I' � AIA1�IIl�t��'C����3P�1 1�.144: AC�ES�C?�?� S'PFL�JC"��S The app����nt, �wh.xl� �ot identifyi�zg aa�� acc�ssory 5true$ui-�s e�r� t�� prnposed�lan,actcziawled,�es th�t t�sey ruill be buil�ia�assc�ciatioz�wi�l�th� identified�ad sites. Any sucl�structures will co�p�y v�ith th�cr��eria�aid dQwn tzrGd�r 1II.144.0'10. Th� locatior� �f dumpsters l�av�b��n identifi�d c�ra t�is�lan pursua�a�t to a rrae�ting �ith "k'�~�de." Ivlailbc,�c lc�catioz�s a.z�d a li��.�i�y� plan �vill be submxtt�d v✓itlz the Fina� Const�uctis�ri pY�ns at�.d u�on fu�t�zer discussions with Yh� City. 18.150: TF�EIE Y�.ER�i(�V�L Th.is propert}�is�egister�d with the�la,shingt�n County Small Woodlaa�.ds ASS�ciataan,and as such,r.ises f��•coix�merciall�g harvestimg csr�hris�mas tr�es are exertipt iC�om t$�e trae rerr�€��ral gei-�xiit�eq�.ir�zn�n�. kiaw�v�r,�h� �ragon Fore�t Pra��i�es Act allows tk�� �i�y of �'z�ard to a°�g�l�te c�mmzi•cial forest practaces on la�.d within �l�e�.7rban Growkh II�oiir�darry {�I�S S2'7.722(2)(a). The�ity enacted a tree nlitigatior�ordinar�ce in 1395, and the a}�plicant wiil seek�he �ecessary p�t�rr�its vv��n remavin� a�n-s�t� trees. T'h�trees identified for tre�comm�rcial log harvesting ar•e idex�tified on th�"Existing Canclition&T're� �urv�y"plan. Thxs plan Was pi°epared in accordanc�with the reqtiirernents ofths�asl7in�t��County.�ssessars �f�ce �s direeted by Jol�n�sautscl��i�, �'a�-rrra S�pervisor. A trse removal and xepl�cemer�t plan has�een pr�pared a�nder ihe g�zidanc� of Pet�r °�orr�s, a SSA �C�rtifi�� Arbor�st. �Ie nc���. t�at tl�e grlding re�uire•rner����r�tt�'ss gite r�q�zire�l t��r��slc�v�1 �f�11 �r��s. I�accarc����� with t�e tree removafl requirements, t�e a��Ii��zit �tas specified c�n fhe remcsval plan�l�e nurnber,ty�e,a�-�d dzaz�eter in.c�ies c��'tr��s to be Y°emoved �n the 6SExisting Conditiozl � Tree Survey" piaz�. It is antended th�t all nonexempt trees wi1.l be mitiga.ted an-site as ia�dicat�c�on the"Lan:t�scape � & Tree IVIitigation"plan. All trees planted i�dvi��diametErs in�xces�s of � 2-inch calipPr will receive credits far mitig�.tion abave tla�2-inch�I�ntin� � requirem�nt. This crediY will allow miti�ation o�-si�e and give the new � center a more ma�ure appearance. .P�dditio�al mitigation allotvance ��id � credits are sought for fhe 1,500�4-znch cali�aex trees transferable from this � site to tr�raugr�out the �City. � 03/09/98 APPLICATIQN FOR CEI 30:95-102.01 TRi-CQLINTY CEP�ITER Page 4�of 60 SDR,SLR, PD, LLA,CPA �A1W$� L��`V'iSy�I�1 �i ��+''�E�..,�I�1V��1�d'�' ST.�1°Jl�t��� 18.152: I.,A1etL7 T��\IISIC�1�1 - 1L�AJU�. � ?V��P�1OR L�+►� PAI�.'T?��'��I`1INGr - L�T ]LiI�T�l�Jd.35�TMEI*1T The ownErs wil.� b� retainin� the sal� awr��rship of tln� site t�.r�ugh tlle dazz•ation c�f this applic�tion. .R. lot lin� adjustm�nt�vil1 be requir�d for ta cr�ate�se�ar�.t�tax lot for IV1ajc�r 2. �.separaYe�,s�t�,ia��f1.dj�.sY�en�plara has i�een prepared under the requirements of this section. In cor�j uncti�n with the provisions agthis s�cti.on,thc a�pPica�Yt unc�erst�nds that purp�ise of this chapter is ta pr�vide�-ules, re�ulatiQns, �d star�da�ds far governing lot line adjustinents. I�10 partition is beang requ�sted at this tizne. A lo�line adjustment plan l�as b��n incluc�ed in this s�bnaittal which adjusts the lot for Major 1, in ac��rdarxce r�viYh th�ir leas� agre�m�nt. No , raew lots or illegally �reated lats will ra�ult frorti t�.is lot line a€ljustment appro�✓al. The ap�licar�t und;.rstanda that if. tn� 1�g line adjustrnent is eomple��d in 1'/a yeaxs ta the satisfactir�r�ai Washi�gton Co�znty and the �'ity of Tigard, that the applicant rnay receive a 1 year exte�sion provided that no ehanges were made tc� the c�riginal plan, the applieant c�n shc�w ti intent of recording withi�the 1 year extet�sion period, anei there h��ve be�n no cl�anges in the applicable comprehensit�e glan polzcaes and ord'anances p�•avisions on which the appr�val �vas based. �urihe�, the ap�licant understands that al1 the criteria,codes,and provisigns flfthe ur�derline�one and coz�tained here in the plan developmen.t criteria are �pplicable to fhis base plan. V 18.164: STREET & UTILITY IMP�C�3VEMENT 5TA1��T�,� ��e-ee��, 'With good planning by ihe City of Tigar�, SW �artmouth h.�s been mostiy improved to handle thz pxoposad developments i� il�e �.rea. Dartrriouth Street has beer�fully im�rove�l vvith�urb &�rztf�r across rncs4 of the site. Howe�ver, no sidewalks have been constructed, nor has Dartmouth be�n constructed to the ultimate 5-1az�e cor�fguration crossing f�ed P.ock Creek and elsewher�. The applic�nt will be miti.g�ting the existing drainage swale that runs east-west through the site so that it aur�s adjacent to the southerly right-of-way of�W 3�arkrrzouth. The applicant intends tQ incorpnrate a rolling sidewalk into this tandscape to create a mc�re pleasant and pedestrian friendly frontage, thereby corrbpletin� the half-street improvements to�W Dartmouth,except for fi�e R�d 32ock�reek 03/09/98 APPLICATION FOR CEI JO: 95-102.01 'l'ItI-COUNT`Y CEI�iTER Page 49 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD, LLA,CPA sectio�a. 'TY�e r� 1�t-of-v✓� �f SW Dartmnr�th will be f��l cledicated to 47 � Y Y fe�t. SW 7�n��.ven�� curr�ntly has a tc�tal nf 22-f�et of�sphalt paveyn�nt. It wilt b� fully irnprove� south u�°�he Dartnnouth ja�nctian tc� th� southet-c� baundary of the project. 'The right-csf-way will be Fiilly dedicated�7 feeY fram c�nterlix�e requirxng a dedi�ation c�f 2? fe�t. .�4 h�tf street impro�v�ment wilt be made tl�e �ntire l�ngth o�'tfie ��st�rly p�°�periy ii�e, A aYi�.tapered back by�t�ipirig to tlze existiran edge o�"p�verr�er�t to th�south with a 10:1 taper. .1�.request will be rr��.de to the�Cit�r]�ngineet�to elose SVa� 72"d ��.✓f:i1Lt(: �OT' ll�! �O �VVG W�e�CS 6V�11�� �k105t. 1111�1�V€;TS?�d1�S �T� ��;lYl� COA13'�1°�i C��(�. A traffic �ig�aal will be placed �t the inter�ectiorz of 5W 72nd �venue at �artrnouth Street fuiad�d with a seconsl LIi� or TIF cr�dits. Any fut�re w�.r-rai�ted sign�.ls will be caordinated with the existir�g sigflaal at the int�rsec;tion o�'S'W I�artmouth, and S�I 72nd to��.s�re a srn�oth east-w��t flo��v of traffiG. �'�a�i���°y s�w��°e Sanitary sewer service is cuar�n.tly prcavided '�y an existing�r�n1� line t?aat follows�ed Rock�Cre�k to t�e west ogthe site. In addition, a numb�z of' sei-�✓ic� la�t�rals were pz�ovided for the sit� when I,a.g-trriouth was oonstnzcEed. A.11 proposed s�r�ri�e litles will ti� into t�e s�z-�ice laterals as �how� on th� �rading and utilsty plan. I�Ta additi�nal saraita�-y sewer:,er�ice�vill be requia•�d. ��e�Y°���������-�L��W���°. Storgn�✓��er xu�aff wi.il�e c�l�ected ira a�pri�vate drainage system and dir��ted.to a private ar�-site sYarnl water qualz�y systezr� prior to its releas� inYr� the �xist�ng �nd �nitigated. drain��� svv�l�s �n� w�ttands that currentl� �ar�s thrcugh �he �ite. This is beizlg perfoz°rne� iY1 coral�ati�nc��vitl��Zesol�ztic�r��1-47�w&zereby,�h.�Uni��d���v�xa�e f�,ge�cy and the Ci�y c��"�'��ard h.a�e a�reed to�z3fc�ra��rzzface ZVater�an�.�ernez2� , �-eguiations requiring the �amstrd,action o�said �'a�ilities. The syst�r�a �uilt consa.st of g�a�ds ancl rn�chanical tre�tm�nt syst�ms that wial �ventually discharge inta Fted l�ack �reek to the east. � � ; The drainage swaie that currez�tly ru�.s through the site has been identified �„ , as a we�land U�tl�e applicant and has been p�rmitted by the.P.�-tny�orps of �'°' Engineers and will be accordin�ly znitigared per il�s '4U�etla.nd�i11 pe�mit. � pp� P� full disGUSSion of the mitigation measures required for ihis im�act �re � contain�d herein. � I � 03/09/93 APPLICATION FOR CEI JO: 95-102,O1 TRT-COIINTY CENTER F°age SO of'60 SDR, SLR,PD,LLA,CP.h 5 �'er��ar drainag�cal�ulati�x►s a5 attached,nd �i�tention is xes�uir�d for this sit�h�cause�f it� lovver basir��r�xirnity�o the'I'u�ila.�in��er. ��t�i�ing �ovv��ba�in storrn w�ter runoff exa�erbat�s flr��di�g. Additi�n�lly, non� �f th� otner}�rajects clev�lop�d ira this are�l�ave b��n requi�e� to instatfl det�rition faciliYi�s. ��El1C3kiC�V���C�IIIC�FIl'��+I09'Ha .E�deq�zat�doinestic v�atier�nd f�r�flow is pr��ided to the site from �ither S�'72a�d Averaue or I�artYnouth S�•�et. � In card�r fo��tter servic�ghe si�e,a new 12 inch r�vater rxeazn�vi4l be insta.11ed down H�rmosa�Vay to sen✓ic�e Nfa�pors 1 - 5> � � 0 P 03/09/98 A�'�LICA'1'IOI�FOR C�i 70;95-102.01 '1'RI-COUI�'�'TY �EA1'�'EYt Page 51 of 60 SU�,SLR,3�D, LLA,CT'A � �I�I�'IOl��.A�T�.LY��S; �'a°op�rtY�aaa�ity�n.�lysis .Ap�Slicant has ici�ncif ied t�e fal��vvin�firanspoztatic�r�inn�rav�m�nts that ar� rlecessa�to mit�g�te the impact��fth�Prc�ject: C(�I�'�GUC�JU�Pfl��.YECT IMl'12�'1VEIVIERt'i'� - Based�n a negc�t�iated price agreernent with Itobinson Constnictian�tlnr�ugh Christensen lEngineerin��he SW Dartmouth��reee and 5W 72"d A.venu� improve�re�nts are(see�ttach�ci estimat�from ChrisCensen Enginee,rin�,Ir�c.}: � �;onti��a��s�yst�eax�I�xp��v�anem#s= � 228,884A0 COS'T OF�JFF-SITE IMPTtC)V'EIVIEIr1T'� - Signals at driveway"A�c B"and SW 72"d Avenue�inst�lled priar to occupancy): � 369,OOO.GO Traffic signal at 6$�'&Dai�outh: $I 15,000.00 Trat'fic si�nal modi�cations at High�vay 99�Dartrr�outh; $ 4,�OO.QO �of�Dfi=�zte Ca��t�= $ 488,�Q0.00 O�"f�ete�yste�In��a�d�exn�a�ts= ;�7�2,�84.00 �n�ii��erin�and�onstructimn admini.stration � 85,5�6.00 City�Slan c3xe�k and construction inspection fe�s $ 35,b44.00 �s�f�y�����¢�iga-����s�at��n��i°��tyo��a Costs $ 834,074.00 I �J3/09/98 APPI.ICATION�OR CEI JO:95-102.01 TRI-C�LJNTY'CENTEI� Page 52 of 60 SDR, SLR,PD,L,LA,CPA A iic�t a �es that th� doltar v�.li.te of the �rn re�emen�s as �utlined P� �" n.P ��5d1V����f�1$��`7/St�l11 IITlj52'��J�T91�I1�v)a�r�r�ugl�ly prt�partiana�tt�th�to��.l txar�spc�rta�ion imp�ac� c�f th� d�v�lapr�ent �� €ietaal�d �n the proje�t narrativ�. �A.�r��icaa�7 a�ree� Yhat dcvelopgn.�n2 ap�ro��afl af �k�� Fraject ra��y b� ca�ditian�d ups�n th�c�m�kractiiora af t��Systerr�Itzlpxcav�tr�.e�ats. �.pplic�t gsr�apms�s that th� funrlia�g of�h� �aystes� �a��YS��v���egats corne fr�rn ei�Zier �ar a cc�rnbination of the foll��wxr�g sourc�s: (i� �y tYa��pgli�ant(<Applicarit�vill apply for T� �red.its f�r�hs p�r�z��a �f th� ��st�m Imprav�xra�nts�hat ar�e�iigil�l�.)y or (ii) 'fh�o�ugh a Local Iixaprov�ment L)istr�ct�LdL3)th�t is fcarrn�d�r a�reed tcs �y affe�ted property o�wn�r� priar �� oc�t�pancy. ����i�ant understands that the Qwrrnrs of�h��c�stco Site ar�d ihe���F'ood's�ite and oth.ers have wived �heir right to �°�monst���te ag�in�t as�s 7.I� tc� irnprave S`1V]�ar�c�tith�greet. A.p�lic�n��r✓iI��.gr��to jai��a�an�,II3 for the 5ystezn�m�rove�ents. � � � � � � � , � _�__v..______ �.�. �� 03/09/98 Al'PLICA�'ION F�R C�I JO:95-102.01 TRTi-COU�TTY CEt�TT�R Page 53 of 60 SD12, SL,R,PJ�,LLA,�PA �'�°�ffec.�.�ce�� �tr�el � At�ached is a� tra��� ar��,�ysis pr�p�r�d by �,��ast�r Ea��ir��ering. Tk�� upda.t�d stud�shodv� that ald�he pr�vzm�zsly evalu�at�d 'a�np�°ovem�nts �rad pa°aj�ctians ar� still y�li�. �[csw�ver, u�ith the ��ild��z� ��'��st�a� �ub �'oods and ott�er °Tig�.rd Trian�R� p�ojects lY2�Ilflf�flII1� ��1flS a�t�, tll� int�rs�ction at ��V' 6�r''A�re�u��.t I��rkmo�t4�wit�r��u�r� a,t�af°�ic si��,l. ,•� �'�.r�her x� is u�xc���s�ac�d �h�t vritla the builds�ut of �tais d���l�pm�nt, ;addi4ional prmje�t�i�a tl�e Ti�arc�Ti�an�i�r�ay n4t pr���ed�a�l�ss irn�a�ts � to tn� I?artm��th �2oa,d at Hi�h�a}� 99 ir�ters�ctaon is i�prc�ve�., �f th�y cause tla�I.,C3S sa��.g�atioz�1ev���t�h�i�t�rs�ction to�xc��d 10�°fo,r�s�.IYing an a I,�S of� per the �.�ncas��r .�n�;in��rir�� I�i[��raor�adu� t� ��i �hristens�n date� �arch��, 1995. A�ota��e�al ���ai� , As� acc+u�tical s�udy, prepared by �3a1�-Star�dle� �d �.s�ociates is conlain�d,������ ��a������������������t����gt��ati�a��,r���a���. �p�cifi�aRly, ��af�is rec��z��eaad�d to review the �Yaxch 23, 1�98 l�tt�r dLi�I121121�$�1�8�3�CI.�C 1111$I�c1�lOT1 CY7$�1'���OY�1��xLiC�C�C�af�kTl��T��S�9�131X1L1 n,. the Iv��.jors. � � � � � � � w � 03/09/9�AFPLIC.4TI(JI�1�'OR �EI JO:95-1U2.01 TRI-�CJUN'I"Y C�NTER Pag�54 of 60 SL?�2,�LR,PD,LLA,CP.A �EC'�'�O� 1�, 070 ���I��1 S"�'.�1V��R�� This site is located w4thita an ar��kna�wn as the�'iga�d'Tri�gl�. �►s�uch,thzs �r�ject is res��ired to rme�t the mgnzmurr�de�i�n�ri���ia.�s d�fim�d by�h��ity of Ti�arci, �rdir�ar�c� No. 9'7-2, Th� Ti�a�d Triar��t� str�et pl�n de�ign ���.nc��,rds s�t a rriinirnum c�.teria for prajccts devel�pin� �vithirr Yh� Tiga.�d T�i�z��l�. As adopted,if stand�x�ds wit�iin�he developtn���L�des con�lict with the str�et dasi�n standards, �tandards fourzd�r�this sectior�shall gr�ver.a-i. � �. St�•�et Cor�n�ctivity. P'rojec�s within th�Tigard'I'riangle must ine�t �ither the design optioa� or per£onnanc��ption, In this case the Tri��Cour�ty C�nter wil�implement t1�e perforra�an�e option �s its stamdard requir�rn�nt. 1. I�esign �Opt�on. . .��s�anse. l�Tot a.pplica'�le. �5. F�T�Od'i11`�uPiGe Op�10Y1. �°ces�o��,s�. a. local str�et spacing - The locai street spacing is requi�ed #o occ�.r at intervals of no less than ei.ght intersections per mile. Given tlxat the length of • Ijart�nout�k�oad is�.4,100 feet,6 intersections wouid be re��ai�ed to rne�t this standarc�. Tlle number of itat�rsec�ions curre�.tl,y ex.isting or pr�p�sed alor�g l�artmouth R�ad �a•e - �€ighWay 99, Eackag� �.oad, �vV 72°d I ll9�h � 68th A�veilues, �nd Int�rstate 5, meeting this criteri�. b, sho�est vehicle tr:p - The poi�t af local o�.�;i� ��r a ve�i�le r�n.���be the furthest parking space within the sieveloprz�emt, v�hi�h would be th� �o�th west comer of the site. This sec�ion of the per�orrn�ace option requires�k�at the shortest vehicle trip over a�ublic street or Yn kind facility from a loaal � origin be prc�vid�d at no rrraare tt�an tvvice the st�ai�ht l�ne clistance bet�ve�xi � a point of local origin to a �oll�ctor/Arterial street. 'I'he straigh� Zime �' distance from Drivewa,y "A" to the south w�st�ixa ec�rn�r c�f the site is �75 � � feet. This �r.o�ects maximum travea. distance from �tie south v✓est�rr� mQSt ,� parkin.g space as identified on the site platl is 980 feet, which �nore than � meets these criteria with a maximum distance �.11owed froni a � Collector/Arterial street of 1,�50 ieet. Therefore,this site complies with this � � � � 03/09/98 APPLICR,TION FOR CEl JO: 95-102.01 T1Z.I-COUNTY C�I�ITER Page S5 t�f 60 SDR, SLR,FD, LLA,CPA � p��furn�.anc��sption�riteria. c. s�aort�s�pec�estriara trip -'I`he perfQrmance for t�i�shnrtest p�destrian trip a�tic�t����kires th�t lacal stxeet spacin�be proaid��l at z�a rr�c�r�than csn�and oz1� �a,lf the strai�ht liza� d'zstan�e b��we�r� � poin�� �f local or��in to a Coll��ctor/.Asterial str��t. Tl�ereft�re,ih�r�laxir�a�arr�distance thai ped�atrian� , may t:ravel from tl�e drivev�ay conrnectinns a�Da��mauth itreet or SVV 72"� Avenu�shall b�nc►rrxore than 1'/z tirn�s ghe c�i�tanc�(�6�n feet) from either L3a�txnocz�h Street or SVtr 72"a A,V�d111E�to th�d�or�vvays of th�Maj�i•s. T'his pr�jects proposed store fiant er�tranc�s as id�r�ti�eu csn �he site pla.aa me�re than rneet ghESe criteria vvith a rriaxim�n� di�ta�ace waticing distance alon� pedestrian raut�s from � C�ll��tor/Artetial str�et of�710 feet. This site , cc�mplies with thi�pe�forrra�nc�aption criteri�,. �. �4te�3esign �tandards. � 7. �3uilding placernent on Tv.[ajor and�in�r Ar-terials a�d Che �tr�et. IZesp�aase, �U71(�111�5 occupy 710 �inear fe�t of the �,296.71 faot of I�aa-�mouth�.c�ad frontagP, eq�uatig�g to 54.75%a�ccr�pa�cy. �'neregoi•e,t1�e criteri� fou.nd in.this sit� des�gr� s��da��s is m�t for�arhnoa�th��ad. B�ailding have l�e�n placed �i� 7�°d Avernu�, znd occupy �2% af �1�� tror�tage. Tt��refore, ��'l.� CYi$�T1S �flE121C�li1 t�11S 51�8 f��S3�T,2`i St822t�1TCI5 1S iTle$ �OY'��°d��/eYilde. 3. �uilding setbac�c. �"b��por�sea The'�"�S, azlticipated that the v✓etlazld mitiga�i�n would a�cui° �lan� Dartrr��;�th Street and e�ther streets iri the rigard Tria�g�e �a.d therefore, the building setba.ck rec�uiA���z�ts af th�s se�tion ia�cluded wetland ar�as and athez�fl�ivironm�nta� feati.�res. Tl��'�u�td'zng se�ba�lc foi the buildin.gs fronting I��rtrnauth Road is 0 feet frotn the contiguous wetlands. Th�ref�re, khe criteria found in this site d,esign standard is m�t for Dartn�outh Ito�d. � � Where not exempt,buildings have a zero(0)�to te��10)-foc�t setbac�c to both � Dartmouth and 5�17'2"a Avenue. Thi��riteria is niet. � � 4. Front yard setback design. � tae ___,� e_ I � 03/09/98 At PLICATI�I`�FOR CEI JO: 95-102.01 TRI-COUNTY CEY�ITER I'age 56 of 6Q � SDR, SLR,PD,lLLf1,CP� �t�sp�ns�o This project is irnpraving t�e side�a.lk�ldng its entire fronta��. A sid�w�.ile shall��comsttuct�d from the szd�wal��ri ISarfcixtouth Str�et�r�d S'W 72na ,A.v�nue ta the fr��t of the bu�ldin�s. Landseap�ng s�i�Ll be pr�vided tc� an L-�. �ta�ad�ard adjacent to Da�trnauth 5tre�t arad SW 72nd �v��zue. Ther�for�y t�lis st�ridard has b�� met. S. Walkway car�ection to buildiaig�ntra,nces. �tesp�r�se. �, walku�ay has been pr�vic�ed be�wee�. Dartznouth a,zgd tY�� entra�nce of the build'zng v✓hich is at least six (6� feet wid�, arid including pedestz-ian crossings, w�ll be pavec"t with scQred a�n�ret�. Th�refore, this ��it�r�a has bevn r.net. a 6. P�rlcing location and landscape design. R�s�sernse. The parking for this proj�ct has been loc�ted to the side c�f�he parc�l fiarthest from the intersectian. Less tha.n 50 percent af tl�e street fruntage on eithar leg of t�ne �roject wit4 corctain parlcing. I,andscapin.g along both �artmQ�.a�h �treet and SW 7?.°d A,v��nu� wi11 contain the L-1 I,andscapin��taradard. This se�;tion has U��n coz�zpli�d dvitlx. �C. �uilding I7eszgr� �t�ndards. ' 1. Ground flovr windovvs. �es,�r��a��. Over SO percer�t of�he s�reet facing�lemer�t�va��ix�the�3�.ialtiing ��tback �0-IG �ee�� alang t�.e public str�ets hav� c��rer 50 p��c�a�t s�f�he ,ground fl�or vvall area c�n�aining windaws,except for the�xenlpt ba�ildzax�s aloi�g]�artrn�ut� Str��t. This c�i��i-i�l�as been met. Z. �ugld'zn�fac�,d.e�. l��s�r�aase. Th�buildings within thi�proje�t have a�aurnb,sr of facades wYth rr�any vaz�ations zn the build'zng material,anti no side of�y�f t��e buildings extends for more than SO feet without providing at least a variation in � building materials, building v1'fsets or other fea��zre5. The cr�t�ria for tk�is � section hav�been met. � � 3. Weath�i•praCectian. � � � �e,s,�ors�e< Canopies for pedestrians are provided at tihe building entrarzc�,s. �.a All of the pad bi�ildings hav� covered walkwa.ys. 'Th� criteria. for this section I�as been r�et. Q3/U9/98 AT'PLICATIOPI FOR CEI JO; �5-IOZ,Ot TRI-COUN'Z'Y CENTEtt Page 5%af 60 SDF�, SL.R,PD,LLA,CPA 4. �uildin�mat�rials. Itespora�e. Plain Goncrete bl���,plain�oncr�te,corrugated metal,plyvvdod will no� be us�d as a finish c�� t11is projeaC on this project. Th� finis� material f�sr this project is mairaly a�rivc;t style stuaco. �,.ddizional co�ing, space fraznes, an.d glazin� is �xcsvici�d in a pteas�nt combinatin� for ara '' �verall pleasing look����ee extieric�r of this structure. The critez�a far t�is se�;tion hav�been exceeded. 5. Roofs and roof�ines. .dtes,pora�e. This building's entrance fea�ure, roofs �nd raof�iaxes are an extensic�n tc� �rimary inaterials and �resent pl�asant and l�arrm�nioas integration of th�se styles of�uildii�g materials. 1Vo fals� �'rogz�� or false roofs wi11 be constructed wi�h this building. The criteria af this seciior� have been met. 6. Raof z�ounted�qu.i�me��., �espot:s�e. All roof-m�unted�quipment v✓ill b�sereened�°orn view from the adjacei�t putilic streets. All satellite dishes anci other ooYnrnunication �quipnzent vvill be set back or posationed c�i7�h�raof so#hat exposure�rom ' acijac�nt public stre�ts is minirsz���d. No solar panel�vvill be in�talled with these buildings. The criteria f'oi•t1Yis section has be�n.met. D. Signs. 1. Zaning district regulations. Res,��saseo �.11 si�ns for this project shall comply�it�th�noriresidential development standards as discussed for the C-G �one and shall xneet the sign rec�i�irerra�n�s f�r t�e �ammercial zorie �s id�n.ti��d ix� ��ctgon 1$.l 14.130C of the Community Development Cade. Tf�e eleznents of this sectian has�e b�en i�net. 2. Sigxi area limits. 12espota�e. i he sign area limits as zder�ti�'ied irt the Catruuunit� �evelQpment Code shall not be exce�ded. I�o area iracrease f�r si�ms uri�l be requested. The cri.teria for this sect�on has been met. 03!Q4/98 Ai PLICATIOIV F(JR CEI dC?: 95-102.01 TRI-COtJI�TTY CENT��t Page SB of b0 SDR, SLR,PD, LLA,CJPA �. �eight timits, .�Y��p��s�. No signs shall have lettering talS�r tl�an'�en�10)feet. The�,v�ll sbgns of the building do not�xtend a�ove th.e roof lin�. �O�'l�I�Ilt 112CY�aSe for signs is requested. 'I'he criteria far thi�se�ct�on has been anet. 4. Sig�a Iacati�ax. �Z�spans�. �ree standing sigais shall not be placed withi�the L,-1 lanc�sca.pe areas. The criteria for tl�is section has beer�me�. � �, Entty�ortals. Z. Location. �es�re�ns�. 'I'his site is not l�cated �t a entry portal. Th�refnr€,the criteria of th.is se�;ti�n d�ies�ot a�s�ly. � 2. D�sign. �e.��on��, This site is n�t locat�� �t a entry portal. '�h�r�f�z°e, t�e cxiteria, of thzs section does n�t apply. F. Land�caping and �c�-�enmg. 1. L-1 Low�creen. �t��,�r�a�5e. .A� 1�r�ti��a�ing pl�n has been attach�;s.l tivhich.coznplies wifh t�e L-1 Low 5creen ele;ments as contained in this sectiion. It is und�rstocad that �aiy tree plant�ci in e�ccess af two (2) inch in �alipers s�a1l be �tigible 4'or fii�ll xniti�atis�n �redit. '�h� land5c�pin� eler��nt� x�q�aari�� cotnplian�e within this section have been met. 2. L-2 �eneral Landscapit�g. � d�e��onse. A Iandscaping plaal for the on-site gen.eral laaldscaping has been � provided which nleets the �alanting st�n�a�ds as identi��d in Chapter � 18.100 Landscapii�g and Screening of the�omrnunity�av�lopznent Cc�de. � It is zand�rstood that any tre� planted in excess of a t�o (2) in�h �alip�r � shall be eligible for full rniti��Eian credit. The l�.n:dscaping �l���er�ts � attached herein comply yvith this section and therefbre, the criteria of t�is � corrxponent Qf these stand�rds have been m�t. 03/03/98 API'LICATIOP�I FOR CEI JO: 95-102,01 TR]f-COLTN�'Y GENTER P�ge 59 af 6a �DR,SLR,PD, LLA,CPA t�r. �tre�t and A���ss way�t�ndards. ��s�caa�se. 'This s�ction. contai�as na�rr�erous �rresr� �d defzci�nad��. �h� z��drnra}� �ross s�ctians da n�t �dd �.c�, �r�� dc� ��st r���c� �xistiiz� ��a�tin�a�tic��s csf �X15�1T1�, row� creatia�g � g�t���i�l �a.fsty h�xard. �'�i�refore,vve have chos��tcr r�ain��in tl�e si�sa�n.�rit���af"�o��ia�uaty s�f'��i��rsraent a�d design tlarmugho�t th�Tz���l�'��s a�iort��d'a�a��s secti�n a�nct�r the "Land TJ�e/I�esign Pri�ri�y99 tabl�. As prop�zs�c�, t�ae a1i��n� af�tr�����eets this crateria. I�s�i����a°�aa�►� 1VV�ee�in� a A nei�hborl�ood rrae�ti�� wa� l�eld 13e�erraber 5, 199/. �'fl���`e vve�P �p��oxir�a��ly 12 p�opl�in�ttendara�e. I'rimarily,tfi�ey�ver��;unc�erned "vvith howr this project was effected b�r tlhe TI�S, far tk�ey did not want t� see t�is praj�Gt�.dverssl��f�ected b�the�r irnplern��.��tio�. They sY�,ted�hat the'�'II�� vvas r�ot hein�implea��nted properly by the Ci��and were�:�nc�rr��d that theig proper�� was g�ing to be advers�ly �ffect�d b� ��.e '�"5��. In �en�ral, th� IVeighborht�od r�ae�tin�d'a�resse�into �g�ipe s�ssi�r�about�he'TI��. On�, �vtn�rg�n� vv�s naade a�a�t the ira�.dequa�y of tlie �raffic �a�a�zt� i� th� '�"ri�.rigle. . � � � � � f� � � � � 03/09/'�8 AFPLICATION FOR CEI 30:95-fl02.01 TItT-CC�UNTY C:EI�iTER Page t50 of 50 � SDR,SLR, PD,�,LA,CPA �.����E��T�S�'�� � _ 3 i � � m � � � ,� �u' � ��� � � � � �; ��� � ������ � - � � �� � � � � � _ � . �� � � � � � � � - � _ � - ��� � � � � - ��� � � � ���� \ � 3 � � ��.��� _ � NALL BLV6 ' � .. �06� � � � � tl �� . �.: � �� � � - ' ��`` � p � �' BP $� Y � 7 ��t �b0 � � D � ' y'IF M�g • � } � � . . �; . . �� / � _ � fip � � � .�� J �� � �t �� � , �� ��.. Y� - ����� ���� � � � � � � » � N � �: � �d � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � � -� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � - � �� � � � � ��_ � � . � ��� � s �� ����� �� � - = "� � � zz � � �� � Q , � w� �� - �'p � �� S 1 �� �g 0.��S�8 V&J ��� � �g� ���T����� Z��..°. OEPAATYENT Of COWFUNITY pEVEIOPktENT. PWdNIFtG DMStOk +�izs s w ��aouiEV�ao.ncaao OREGCrv. 47223 �'ffi�S.� ?2dV1�e�'dl�i,T� e€,�ta¢�s.+cma.�ar�s�s,�aa se3¢v�ro� ¢ PHOt+E. f5031 63S—at7t Fe,x. (505)684-7247 �� �� ��� �� ' Fi�@d��ffi�p€��i06 � . f�_`r.. . . � . f°_ ��� . . . ,,; , , �� , _ , ; �.�.� �^� ` o ��E,� �i� �,��.��_ � . • ' � � �� �� � HANDICRpp�D PARKihlG � � � /��,�� TO7AL SiTE hREA {PFtIOR TO a�eu�R�a�'ti7,�LU� � � � � e C��APACT F'ARFClNG C F9iaN9'.IGESRA77OCALCUB.f}70N5: o-�s � aRAWHIC SCAI.E � \ '� � R-O-W- DEaICtiTIaN): 26.31 ACRES p�yp >e9 tl ��, � PREFERE'NTIA� PARKiNG P �ty � � �° / � �. awruou�H u-o-w�r_notH: ia�o.ee' � TOTAL SITE P,REA (AFTER ei.na ti ib+.se' (iI4! � �a�� � / 6UILDINGS ENVELOPE � R-O-W- DEDICATION): 25.70 ACRES �oa a: aim,a�� y r+ �� i iµa•eu w � `o �nc cno- xo3.5a' R� , r To��.B�s „�.e,� SCALE : I�� = 5CD i / � ��,` �'e, � � TRUCK ROUTE �`-� TOT,ftL BUILDItdG AREA: 330,895 5Q.FT. z Faarrace s�oaiR-o-w. ae.nx � � �� � / a � PEDESTRlRN WALI(�lJAYS 5iY 72ND AVC R-O-W�CNCiM: tl9496� � �°'1 �''e / � Ktt��o �0 '�, GP.OSS LEASABLE AREA; 330,895 SQ.FT. a��o na.es �,y� � �� �s����✓� �� / sq.�°j�+v�,, \ � '�„ � COVERED 51DEMlALKS m m�o��e s�oc F: �arae• �� REQUIRED LANUSCAPF AftEA: 167,G62 SO.FT. (15i rota o�ocs: aai.xo' �i �'� � 'ao �.'�� �„w�, ` F3UILDING PAD DIVIDER --.. ..� � R FNONf/LE BIUG/P.-O-M': BoSMX � F'ROPOSEp LANOSCAPE AREA: 195,534 SQ.Ff. (17.47�) � � � �, �,ti� NPICAI BUILDING EFITRAPvCE � F,��T����A��: . --� p�°/ nus s�acucR `� �,p�``�1..,,y' �, TYPICAI. 1'RASH [NCLOSURE � STANDARD: F 1307 SPACES o. � 1�'�—'0 � �" °�.� ' PADS DES�GNATED LOADIiVG SPAC[S LOAD I'REFERRED 68 SPACFS � g � ,p� ` .n`.„. � �.� COh9PACT: 3q8 SPACES � � y f, °'T„e, � �� - HANDICAPPED: 29 SPACE.S °-.��. �.` "^o,� ���g �ip � ' lOADING; 10 SPACES `�V �'Y .A d✓ a � � `� �`'°`�a �.3r„�� °`�e, � I4LL t�zz SPACE.S e„�„� �,� � �� �- `"�.,,,_ PAP.KING RATIO : 5.20 SPACES/1000 5 �M ' -.o,„������, "^�.., 81KE RACKS- ; 1 15 811<ES v, �.,.,,�"'� i1'M�AATPB3 �� i � n si ��°�.���..�„0 1 �`C1, ���f'd4A9, I ' i �I � � II I � I i � � � � �� � ; u` � � a"a±t *„„�..�M��°�e e �4��"`a,�`� � l��b I 8 i i 1 8� � ,4�2 '''.�' � `�r�,.� �`` — ..._____. � N - ";� �q r�i `� � � .. a� ��— � � � ��� 0 e ��` �=-• — � �� � �,• ��swnd�wMnrv ,p, � � �� � FFo174.1r7 s� .. -.. �°0'.. �'—-,.� $�'c � f%�/ Q a} �n u '^ �� � j�18/��'y-�j � RF.IESSG � c �g c -�._..._....�� - ,. 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I' b � �'A� �-t)' hi �L�A��'EC.DiV . � - � . �.,,,�� —ur�.�,� �� }�� �1.Iti'Ni LPG. /[GLlt4!GFItFLC.41T. Yf�:fUtf9 �Y. R 1�: . . - �.�y��^�.V.�'�..� #tf„1``�v5:1<..�v�iq`�j:a����.i°••`�.- ...� �•+1+�♦ -i?n 1. n� .�� a. r � �... ` '����c').< +yy�,$�� _ �-1��I' I�li i�...i, ,.. I' ;.: _y , a i,i'/ , . s,♦ �` _.1 ,� " -' ' i'0'Y�Ld' h�.A"6d' 'dYff�a�0 N.m�,.YaPd'U"S i 8`ie�� � MIR.CAP I'L/�9Htitl PniML'O� ' . . �i!G Wli CIC�'OfL� MR iFJp1 tlIWIN PAIN9{9 � � � YO MATG�SUIWIIQ9 .. � rinn ca.o� � . . � � wau+rtiv.*rr iur-' . 9aclt-0'A[C ct G 4Nf�In.td0' p� N'fL.GW1f1'QlPLF9)MWN� �-WR..PR4�C- N!dGMfk�'WT9 PWN9l�.1'N' � � � �T'lYRM1�4. �Q� .m�'� sra snaGr.a�e� �y�.,, .- - ' _ ..__ .. t"�-a.� � � � . * . . - ' '' " -� . � —e _ Y ' . __ _— - _. — _' . +' � � TCYL('9TCYJ. � ' _ _ __'—_— —_ ______. __ ' _ _ � � ..�._ -k'"-^%i:' t�.!::__' " '_ _ __"'_ ' "' _ ' ��':' _`_` CLdN✓lAAwv�st � � g� �Y� ��r�• � � i � I �.'C�h! �°.F 4�',�F�y�1'..."' " a � � i'� °�r°� �° �L�Ye�ST'6� ; �'��+1�,� ' c;` � Pd9��Fi,�NI�A(��F dG�� 1°1''�' �� - — y � . I/4•�I'-p• - _ '. ' s� � {V..Y `. ., . +��f�� "�.y � �' � � � � � o��a� �6� 3�� �4� ,MULy�(�Y � � � ���'��✓l�� ����1��� , / t��'RTf���5N I� � �, n � AAtl� ITEtiSPS �,° �t ����f ���� . . . B�SV fpli AVf o7A.PRPIIWD.6i 712D/ ��� 501�271-YYp fM t!Olr7P1-l901 .�aF808S 1NCC�PJl� "g7'lQNI��lF�E F�?R y,�y�HTrar,�_ —- - CC9�J�!`TY R SP�CIAL ASSESS(NE�JT OF FARMI.P�Nf . R4�$098 . 2S 1 i BA-OQ300-. .---y-- ����i�� � MAft71N, GORDON S ET hL � MARTIN, GORDON R ��EtUCf1 Thls QUeStI0i1f131Ce t9; PJame an �2265 sw 72Na ricaRO, oR 97zz3 JERFiY R, 1-IAf�1SON, C���CTa� D�pt. of Assessment�Taxatinn - �55 N. First, Suite �30 R4�$061 •2Si1BA-00101 Hilisborc�,OR 97124 P1ARTiN, GORDON S ET AL % MARTIN, GORDON RICHARD 12265 SW �2ND AVE T"IGARD, OR 97223 . � S�bmlt corrsple2�d forn� P!b 1ATEF1'�HRN Aprl!15 �E�cJP��tT1'DE�CF3tlf�7'It7t� As sho�n on your Property Tax Statement- Use Additional Sheets, If Necessary i �Account # Map &Tax Lnt Number �cres �'� R � � � / — o� D 0 D ( �3_D�G3P ��fs'�o9 �5 ,l I {��,(_ �.o f �Oa , �'g PVfaTi�� !�normal,yearly excise or inoome tax return must be filed wiYh the Department ofi Revenue by the farmland ownar or the opera4or of the iarm unit. The filing must include a Schedule F or a�chedule shawing rental income eceivod by 4he owner of the iarm parcel. ND IJSE; F'leash tndicrx4a bolow thg number of acres used,per activfty,forthe years shown. Recorci Tlllable pasture s Croplend. Also record m�tupe archards, perennials and Christrnas 4rees as Crapland. Wasteland is defined �s: "dry or eovere� wfth water, nefther economically tillabla nor gr�eable, lying in or adjacent.to and in common wnership with a farm use land and which is not ourrently being used fior any economic farm use.° ({OFi 15.203(2)(bj(�) hlo4e: Total acres shown above mus4 be accoun4ed for. L.fif�D USE Acres/1995 Acres/19 94 ticres/7993 Acres/1992 Acees/13y� Irrigated aropland Non-irrigatecJ c�opland � �j� ����_ � �7 —�M� �� Non-tillable pasture Immature orchard, parennials �� ��� �Christmas treps _ �, �J 3 � , �8 j', �1.7 , � � Farm woodlot (20 acres max) � e � j� ,1 �3 , �� ,�63 . ,b Homesike Y , 0 � . 0 � 0 I� G 1�O Forest land Wast�l�nd� , y7 1 , y7 , 97 , l7 � `�7 Qther�d���ke� �'arws q,3o � q,30 q�3o y,34 �t,30 Cl !� thl� bux Is ch�cked, pl��s� ssabm(t � cop� o� y��r �chedule "�° car oti�er In�rirr�e �ax sch�dL91�. Failure to �rovide tho required income information in a 4imely manner is grounds for disqualification. Oregon�1c3mlrrlstr€�ti�+e R��le 150�308.37� r�quires th�assess�r tn�end a c�py of inaome fnformaglAn reaelved Yo the Audit [7ivisfon, l�eparfinen4 of f3�v�nue. _� w��� . Af�6�l`i°lO��.L [N�7'�Ci�Tlt�f� If yau are farming/gr�ir�g this praperty, pleass fill aut 5ections ��nd 4. If th� properry is farmed[gra�ed by someone else, ple�ss�skip Section 2, and fill out 5ections 3 �n�! 4. if botf� apply, please conmplete each Section (2 throuah 4} as app(icable. �eck�c�a� � INGG�M�R�ClUIREMFhJ'T'S; Qrugon law r�quires that fand not witt�in an exclusive farm�se zc��ne shall rne�t cer�dir� a�Er�Isa'��rn iri�am� res�uir��uents to be eiigiblQ for farm u��a��ssment: ,� � 1"he f�rrr� unit daes not meet the farm incc�mo requiremants unless in the thre� out c�f fiive ��landar��ars imnlediately �areceding the cal'cndar yQar in wh�ch the tax year begins, the unit praduced a gross incQme from f�rm uses in the amount applicabie to the unit size: For calendar year 1991 and before: For calendar y�ar 1992 and after: � � L�ss th�n five acres; $500 � a Six acres orless: $�.50 g Five Yo tr,v�n4y acres: �1�I0 per acre �+ More fhan 6 to 3Q acres: b700 per acre ° � T�nrenty aores or more: at least�2,Q0� ` e iViore than 3G acres: $3,000 � 3°h� fiar�� ua�8t�n�luei�s �f! I�n� �p�pa#�r� as can� s�€�sit �ay�� ezp�r�ferr (r�g�rdl��s �s�a��r��rsFaip c�r��x ����cant b��ncE�ries). Please indicato belav��the quantity of livestock and/ar crops sold, anci the incoma reca�ved far the ydars indicated. �1C�T�: resr Iiv�s4a�k,ycau NiU�T ded�act 4h� p�rrhase price frc�rn th�sal� priee k�efia�e Ir�cii�atira� #h lncom� ffa�ic�v�. �PO�v/Lives4�Ck Soid 19 95 19 94 y 9 93 'i 9 92 y 9 91 Kind Quant Incoms QUW1L Incomo QuerrL Income duen4. Income Quazrt. Income =r r c:l�i�c ` v�s � ! o > ��.�,y _, `' �zc7,G�a b�2 �2,Z`f,G� ' �' u �e �`� ,2/0 v" 0 Sa 2��.. ��Qd ...... Below, please indicate the same type of information as fnr 2he Cra�s/Livestock Sold, but this information is regarding yaur�arrr praducts used by you personally, or for your farrn operation. ThE v�lue indicdted sh�uld he fhe amount of maney the product would have been sc�ld for in the narmal marketing afi 4he crop or lives4ock. NOTE: 1"he (neomo frorn products solcl ANQ used porsc�nally all aoun4 towards tha minimum income requirem�nf. Hawever, by Oregon law, no more than 49% �f the tokal requir�d incnme may b� for personai use or for f�arm operatian. �rops/Li�+as4ock Ussd b�C7vrner c�r i9 95 19 99 99 93_ i9 92 19 91 In F�rm Operatlon — ^ � � Klnd C]ue�rtt. Incnme Quont. Income C2usnt. Incomo Quanl Income QuanL Incoma r�sf�Kas rcc 9, , 3 0,0 5� z 4 / ��,� S � 2S(X3 � ucc-. !e . 0 G,eD ' L6. . UD D 0 6 �.�,YO 00�6 /�/ ,00 � - w 7s�6 � a J��' I � . ' b �(p o 6 _6 / � .�, . � ��ctio� � - L�A�� 1�1F���/E��"l�D� �����m�7'� °�'�i@� ���T!(?M ORi�,�°' �� �"�l� t�f��F�7'4�� i� �1�°f 'T�fi� �VV►��l�R R7' aS °t"t�� t�,�hV�i�11t�N�13'� Ft�SF'C��alBlLi"�7'G� ��°T�IRE 6P��C2Alli� {NFOf�tVtA�'I�YV �=��� °r�� ����a°r�� c�� ��v �,����� �,�a B�fore cc�mp9eting this secilon, pleasa read"L�ASOd propert�inforrr�ntlon"�gctlon ln GENERAI.ihIFCDR�AA1'f�iV. BegfnNnc�in 1��2,the farm uni4(fotal farm operAtion)must firs�meet the baslc minimum incom9 requirements,AN�tho foilawing wlii a�pfy to parcels that are farrned as ono farm uniY but are no2 under the sam�owri�rsh(p: " Cash and net sha�e crop rent musY be one-quarter of 4he gross income reyu(rernent C7R, ** �ross Incomd must be one-half of the yross income requirement. FBPRItld by: �� Addresa: Use ot Lnnd Loesed: �ca1 i �,.a�n�/ I'2.l 0� S�' ?�v�.cl/�o ��ctS�U�re -�c�v� �tOV`sNs ' T'D�ar�l. U�2 �i7a�3 7nlaphone�`: �\/0� y(�(:l(�CI.�(1 J°� � . Number of Acras Leased To Thls nperator: 19 95 19 94 19 93 9992 �g 91 Cesh Rent� � ` ,� Q,D � � .��5 Net Sharo Crop RenY° � �ross Income** To v�rify that the rc�c�uirements�f ORS 308.407 are bei��g met, pl�ase submit the follo�ving statQment from the O}aerator, c�r a similar attached statemen#2h�t inciu�ies 4he fallGwing: Total Farm Op�ration: _____��� (Acres) Year Incame fro� total�era4ion: 19 95 ❑ L.�ss than $650 ❑ B�tv�een$650-$30Q0 (Pl�ase indicate) $�� ❑ Ov�r$3,O�Q '19 94 ❑ L.ess than$650 ❑ E3etween$65Q-$300Q (Please indicate) $_____�� ❑ �v�r�,fJ00 7g 93 �j��5s than$650 ❑B�tvveen$650-$3000 (Flease indicate) $�_d _ ❑ Over$3,OO�J 19 92 l� Less than$650 ❑ Between�650-$30Q0 (I'lease indic�te) $ L�1 Over�3,000 19 91 ❑ Less than �65U Lal Qetween�650-$3000 (Please indicaYe) $ J, S Y0,�0 0 Over�..9,000 �---- Qperator'ssignature_ /�/�-�- ,���i�a���. Date S�Gtfot� �t ���[.��A.�"!t�PJ I daclare un�ier the penalties for fals�swearing as cnntained in OI�S 3Q5.990 (4) that i hav�examin�d 2his doGUment, inclucling any attached schedules, ancl to th� �iest of my knowledge it is truo, cr�rr�at an� complete. Sigi�aturg �fi t�wngr�_r��.�� � �_N� _ D�•c� ��.�__ , - � PJD , ------ — 4�lsy wl:th 4cr P�celvA Q�t�... v� RCarnplets hems 9 and+or 2 Pa addlUorssl��e�rlome. �oifawfrsg��r�al�Q�(tsr an en gCwnpl«t•tcame 3��aa and Ab. �+ �Print yocu n�ue and addseaa on the r�ver�m o11Nl�lorm ao thAl w�can rotum thio 0M16i1 f88�: flj � c�rd 90 vau. �' °� +�httaeh ihlr locn�90 iho faont aP 1F�n n�a3iplmcen,sx os�bacdcli sgmce doa�not 1. � �,ddtt§�ffi��'9/4C4�ECAss '� � �tm1Y. d �Wdiw°(�etum Jiecnlpt Requeafed'on 4t�a mellploc�bo�ow ihe articla nun�ber. 2. � F��s4[ICted U�IIV�f�+ tg � ■Tha ReBum R+'sGelpt tvili ahow 40�+htam IhQ erlida arae dallvored mrfd ih�u d�1e �•�nsul4 pnsbn��fer{or fi�g. �' a � d�livered .�.� � � 3.Article Addressed Ro: 4a. icie 6�uiv��er � a� .� '�" ��� ° �.....,.� � �J e v`�`�S �� 1°� �.�cn�, �. �. ,s��oe ry a � �c. c� ��-,�s�e.s�U�C � t�i v° � r '���'� .�. -��..x�.����.-. �t Re��sce�ed r� c�n�ri�a � .. u � �'�"' J�,, �� �"�,� ���t�� ,��fJ Cl Fxpross FAail /"Q I�surod � .. � t , �� 1[X�V`'� .d '` � / g��"� 7�.C�ta a{�ncelpttorMarchandlse .f�l �C�t� � � � �. X1 � � .� �-��� p � __ - � � a.Received Eiy:�PrtnP Name) 8.P,ddresseo's Address(Onlylf requs�ted � � and da�ds p�lti) � � 6.Sigr�• � {1� crbrA�ant)- a N Form 3 11, Uecember 1894 Gom�stic ��turn Re�aipt � --•---� . ` �,.,.. � ..,.. . ! s nA il -... First-Clas a UNI7ED aTATES F�USTAL SEHNICE . Postaye��Fe�:s Paid USPS ; I'ermit No.C-10 ' _ -�� � f�rint y�ur nam�,ad�Jr�ss,and Z!P t,ode in this box � , � _ �`_....:�-, . �� ''� '(� � �- �. �Gt r^�� �i\ � ,�. � S— ��� �i a�.�.�. ce� /��� . oC, �-�-� y � �� � � � 2�.�3 °���� �--- (l�l„I„�i��i�l��l�l��ll�l��l��l1��11����1��11�l��I � � ;1�„��. � � � ��� �������� . .����������p ���• . P�,�P1�CE�2�� CI'��L �N�►I�7EERS, A(VI? SURVE"1'pRS �k ����,,n���r��r���rg���r���•����,�c������n��r�'I'�BJAN'T�'H'I�S ���. 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Afl av�i(able 6n one fixture. ��lec� �h� nfigFi-p�rfe�rr��aar�ce �r��°t6��a� �a.ara� refi€;ctars when -� *^;- . .. you need wid�iy �lispersed, even � : �•`�;.;:::�•° ��=., ,�^ . illumin�t6on. �r ch�ase � 3 , R....,"��.�.':,•',�.�;,�;y • � •i�� :� ':�:�. . . .. .'-�:!'a?�lR.� ,i'� �3@�C'��EJB"8'�;�� �2l..Nt'i'➢ � � ' c.,,, : . . k.�'.,4.3°;�:,. -�� . ref9PCtar �or �h�r� ��t-off � � � � �:�., ' .•'.� � � � � � �~:?•;, . . • �,; ;, � s ��i�� ,� i � �� t;-,�. applicafiioe�s. �pecify ona �1 ,^`:��,�' �i��� 'I ' � ;.• �: �;„ * ��;:`i . fixture — 2he Gha{lenc�er. e:F�s�•m�;:,;. ...;:,�n'. n 4�Y�•�iM1� ��°� ��a�� ��a��t �e���s @�. �".�° . �;�.,,..�• ;� '�!tFt+.,"�`` � ��;+ a; . ,. �? . ,: c 4r �� ��s�a.-��: • ��,; ��:��e¢�� �fi�� �-9�gk���� �4�sa�iae�e�� z ��.��i�..�w,�:�:�-:s,ti�s.•,�t`t"ai,a���., 6e� L.6s���ee�� � Totai optical flexiL�iiit�r. 1-iighest ��nsfirucYion quality. 4'ros�res�ive E � sf�'ling. Easy insYa�lakicsn. Easy Fllr�l6't$CP'9r'�PEC�. Lca�n✓ve- �F'�.�. Competitively ,�riced. . � , , � When you seie.ct the Challenger,' _' you s�ake ra� �caa�gar'�r-�a����. � •�°� �� � ° Ft. ' a �E.�., x; ,r �'�.� �9�'�.'�,si' �{;.s-x � �. �°° R��g4`� ��r` �{. r �q�`e�'Y�`�,fix . � �eas�r.��r�a� �G�� �csvv�r a�4 �(� j ; L` ; '' qn:t'� :(s��, :'.ti;F�•:i•�"t�;:r'�.'.'y��`���."-4,�. � Saut�e�a�ici2y �- IVow ynu have e A���°, '�,��,%.,y.�`-.t,,,,,��,` a,� ':` , . r � s-=; .` "J: ' P mmC '�la'.t���.J�"+YS'a4$;Ai�"�'��.�W. ,�� � i the power ta dramatic�lly sim{alify II � your next 1i�hting praject. C�t� e fi��a�ar� n� �al& 6� '��@c�,. A variety of optics. :;r w....,,t::;;^ <.: .. Na camy�romises. Specify the �haileng�r ��:`:.`�'`� °¢�` '�:.. ~`: 4 Z1.` ( 'h.t � '� .> � "� � 'fi� J'' ,• �'�:�W 3, > .�il� ?''� r:�. and discovc�r the ps�wer �f sirnpiiciYy. 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CHV-Vertical 2-Type II 320 HPS-H(flh Pressure Sodium CT-Contoured 3�i7V BRZ-Bronze PCR-Pholoelectric Controi Burn 3-7ype III 400 400,750 kValt �lass AROV 9(.K-61ack Receptacie FP-Forxard Throw 750 MH-Mefal Halide P.17-Mulli Tap PlP-Platinum LL-Less Lamp Perimeter t00Q 320,900 Watt Plus l7G-Quick Connect Package FA-Automotive SMV-Supar�ietai Halide(Verticalj BUF-BuPt NO-�lo CJptions Perimeter 400 4Vatt ' WHT-White 5-Type 5 Square MHR-Metal Halide Peduced GRN-Grsen Envelope 1000 Watt CHH-Horizontal 3-Type II I 400 HPS-High Prassure Sodium f-Flal �um Ff-fonvard Throw 75p q00,750 Watt 7empered 1000 MH-MetaiHalide Glass 400 Watt CT-Contoured SMH-Super htetal Nalide Glass" Q00 Wat4 PviHR-Melai Halide Raduced Envelupe 1000 Waft � . I EXAiVIPLE OF A TYPICAL ORDER -.: ;�v,:�..��,�;;.<_� . . , ���� . ,:.� :���;��.���,:'��.�.H� �� �� ��.� . �����: '1000 Watt Nfetal Halide is a BT-37 Reduced x:};, P Envelope l.amp. - '' � '"Use to Match Vertical Appearance. ° � ' �R � � g � `'� �escriptio� Order Num6er � FI<120V-Single Fusin9 143d64 � FK277V-SingleFusing 143870 gt�2" , , - — I 12" DFK208,240V-DoubleFusing 143871 DFI<480V-DoubleFusing 143873 I FK347V-Single Fusing 14387�3 3�np �iat�PA='�.H � 2HSS-Ezternal House Side Shield 543586 BLK J��Zu 5ac� EPA=2.0 � 3HS5-Extarnal House Side Shietd 14�507 BLK 2��8• I � FAHSS-Exlernal Hous=Side Shield 14�587 BLK _ _ 28" --I � FPHSS-Exlernal H�us�Side Shield 1435A7 E3L1< I �4 f�C 120V-Pholocell 122514 � PC208V-Pholoceli 122515 � PC240V-Pholocell 122516 . ,,.� PC217V-Pho(ocell 122517 PC480V-Photocell 122519 20� RPPC-Round Pale�lale" 1a 19d0 CLR BKA•60�EC•6-CLR-[xtended Bracket 142a62 CLR tor D90;Q90;790'or TN 120'�.tultiple Fixture Mounting — "•`BKA�RBO•�NM•••CLR-AluminumWali 12�113C1R � ' Mount Plate � � °Accessories are field installed - LSI NEUVEAUx -• � "' '�" "RBquifBd lof EC•6 Exlended Qr3Ckel. • A Mam6ar ol the LSI Commarcial/Indusiriat�.ighting Group CHAL•d/97•IOM-�3� 10000 Alliance Road,Cincinnati,Ohio A52d2 m1997 I.51 Industries Inc. wous�a�es� ISt31 783•3200 Fax f5i31 984�t335 PriNed in Ihe U.S.A. � �'����°".�'����s,,A,��mrast. ��2� S�V�2a���.�ve. ��rt���c�, �"J���21� �503� 45Z��1�0 IS��erti��d�rlaorist�pi�1-0650) CCB 891q8 24 N��rch 1997 rd�x. �dvv�rd C;hrgst�ns�n '�'e�Ci�.�Ia�vela�prn��4 �,L� 0 9 I1�� ��1 k��mp�on �g. �'mxt�at�d, C)�.97223 ��: A.rbaxist R.�p�rt �or'Ta�i-��ur�ty ��r�ter at ��r�axaouth �t. and 72z�d l�v�., 'Ti�a.xd, �3r�gorl I+�d�. �;hr��t�n�en, < �'oll�e��i�g is t�e P�.z�b�oa�st l�epart required by th�'�'igard 1'vluni�ipal Co�le f�r th� ar�a known as t�ze '�i�ard Traangle. ��t`���'�'�T'OI�� ������ "�"his r�paa�� is part of the T�°e� �'l�n �.�quiterr��a�t 1�.150.OZS, �nd deal� wit�h th� Ad�r���ficat���a o�'�°�� sp�cies axld dz�m�ter� t� b� rex�oved �t tl�e �it�. `�h�r� is � disc;���ic�n. caf sp�c��s be�a�g a•�rra�v�d, �r�d s��s�est�d r�pla�eaxa��zt spe���s. A�����r����' � h��� ����d �c, r���v��w wt�ric��°€���dur�� i� th� ��1�, r��i�vv ��� sit� rn�� wit� tr�� lo��ti���, id�iltify t�°�� sp�ci�� ��h�n rraivsi�.g �•��r� sit� x��p9 �.r�d ta dev�lap � Iis� �f��•�� �p�cies ��a,pr��iz�t� f�r x°�,�1a��tin� �s �aa�t c�Ft}��� rniti���YOn ���n. �����������rs I 11�ve obser�eci the �ark pr��eslures ����� c_r��r rn��sur�ra� t��e diar��t��s �.t 4 ���i ���v� ga•oun�. lev�i. `T�eir rneth�d p�•e�d�aces accurat� r��a�ur�xn�nts. �!!��, � �3�.V� �Xc�d't11t1eC� $Yl� Si$� 2�R��5 �?�ltl�3.�S�t�, ��titl�d "����c��.n� �ent�r Onsi�� � L"'$.���y.SI�y9S dra�vz� by �k�.��ist�nsez�, �n�.g �r� 3-�7. A#'ter �v�l��ne t�e �r�ti�°e par�el o� � �ar�d &�eing addr�s��d, I h��d�� faua�d t�a� tr�� l�c�ti�sr�s �n t�is si�� r�ap �� be � r�����r��Ul�� ac�txx�t�. � � I h�,v� rn�de �r�und id�ntif��tion� �a�'t�ees 12 inches and �v�r that appear an th� � Slf� T1���3 �3�1t dV�'11C�'i W�T°e ri0� �TE�/IOtl��y' 1C��T1�P�1�C�, an1 Y�ave ���ck�d id�il�xfi���i�ns z-�ad� �� c►ther�. i hav� f���c� �h� �pecies identificatio�s t� b� ac�urate. z 'The ���t ��rr�c�r�, �:ci�t�n� �•�es ar� �r��ar� �vhit� ��� ��.�x� aw rr�:��,)s �r��s�n a,sh (F��x__ i���.�), ��u��as��� (�da���� ..����}, �,�mb�rd� p�p�a.r � � �,�,), b�ack cot��or�v�ood (F�n�t�l�c '���ca��-��, ��.�.pirz� s��ci�s (1�� spp.�a T��r� �r� ���r�r�.l a��l�� (��5. �g��e} �r�c� ���r��s t�'�t�tas. spp.�. "I'h�r� is a si�gle �'ilb�rt (�a�ryl�� avellan.a.), �. s�n�X� �Bi�li�h. �r�1r��fi �.�u�1�n�, regia�, a single bigl�af m�pl� (��ia�xx�.��a�a), � sir�gl� �il�r�r r�a�1� (,.� ���c:�,�v��,,,�r„�, �iY1C� � 511��',l��1�3�I�! �Y'8� �� Sp�•� �IS��J��It��1 ��ti�a�ian'�;�ite�ia: '�li� �'ig�rad 1'�unaei�al C�t�d.e �r�visi�ns r���.r�ix�� r�plac�x�ent �r�es requi��s ze�l�ntYn� vvi�h the same ar � su'bst�ntialiy si�7iila�° ���c��s . �1�.150.070 �J.1. and I�.2.j R��i�w of��� site �►lar� ind'zca�.t�s th�,t s�abstar�tia,l gra�in� �,�.ci ��rrrov�l �f all �e�� �v�r 12 inches in diamet�r �ui�1 b� r�s�uirec�, �ith th� �xception of tr��s foux�� i� �he �nit�gatioz� �vetlands alor�,g I)arttrris��th �t. Al1 �f these 12 rr��h �nd 1��-g�r ,�' � dia����r �r�es ide�i�if�d a��� Y�� �r�� rniti�;�tia�n pl�,n �ill �� repl��ed acc���i�g to �h� '�ig�rd �!iur��ci�al �c�c�e �;��.pt�r ��.�SOy �itl� s�pe��es �is�ed i�� the rec�a-r�nendatioa�s, be�c�u. T�� rnitig�ted t�e�� �.r.� identifi�d on tR�� �ar�ds��pe plax�. `NTe underst�nt� t�i�t, a��ordin� t� the 1�ur��cipal �atie �ha�t�r �8.��}(3.03 5, ��I �°��s �l�r�t�d �il.l b� 2 i�ch�s c�x l�.rger �xz ��li��r �t � �'��� �.b�v� �h� �xc�ux�d, and ��a� ��15�uc� tr�e� V�IAl�. T�C�1�� 1C�i�A�c�tl.C32I C:"�(�1$. �'..�i�.����: Ir� ax�y areas �with �c�rnpacted ��il, Lc�uglas-fir �r�es �nd large pin.P t�°ees sl�csuld��t b� plant�d �vi�hnLtt S�iI �I'eStIl1E;I1t, or th�y�vill nc�t �sta.��ish � ���� r��,� sys�ezr�. ��lhi�� �ak tr��s a�d C�r����l �sh tre�s dc� ��iy�c�ar�y ira �or�.pa.���d s���, �.nd d�cli�.e due t� ���t d��t�. L�m3�a_rdy po�lar �a•e�s and b1�c�c ��ttc�rc�r�s�d ���s a.r� �ot� ��s��ptik�l� t� br���a�e, anc� ��i� fc�rm�r sp�c��s is �.1r�a,c��b���� �ill�� �fi Qn tl�e site hy � c�zn�C�� �.�s����. ]�dei�l��r �1�s�r.�l�. b� r�p����d. .�.ppl�, ��ie;rrry, ��c� E�g�ish.�wa1�u.� �r��s �11 prod�z�� �iLtit ��icl�i�ec�mes � s�f��y a�ad s�nitatia�n�t•�ble�, c�I1C� � �.C��J'IS� �.'��,�12'1S�2°��4��T'l�fl17..� �I1�S$. Si4ve�° mapi� an�i�igleaf�napfle �re�s ar� l�.rg,� �rees af w��k struc�ir� �r�d s�ould not be �l�a�pt�d at a sit� li�C� xhiv. . � T'here is no �rarticular�roblem vvit�i ftlbe�t �nd h�11v �� bc�rd�x�Iants, �ut th�y � shc�uld not b� plan4ed vvithin �arkiBa� l�t� d�e to th�ir spr�ading ha'�it. � ���I�1��i�A°A'A�rid� � � � The followin� trees are s�rrn� sinzilar species that rnight be useci to repla�e �xisti�g ��,, spe�ies in the rr�itigatio�a plar�. 'T�is Iist is not mean� �a 1�� �a�h��stive. '�'li� eul�iva.�° Viking Development LLC PeYer Torres,.-�rborist 24 March 19s�7 I , � choi��� c��'tl���e sp��i�s sk�c��.ld b� �i�.�� i�. ���s�.�t�,ti�m �v�tk� a 1���1 r��.r�sc� ��p�r�. �r�i�r��s�t� p��cerrz�x�� �f t�e ������s I��t�t���.st b� �c��sid�r��l. ��c���-���c�.r�.� ��r_,��� �Nest��redc�c��r �`I' 'a n�ri.���1.i�)- sev�ra� ��I�iv�,r �h�i��s ��n�y��ct�st ��'u��s�.�i�.��.j� tha�i°r�l��s �u��ivar� o�1�r I�r�xxw�y ���51� �Ac;���� �a���d�,� ��v���� ��.������-s to �hc�o�� ��� �ed�a�1e (A__�e:�° ��� Iz•r�) �.�, "�.�t� ������a� I��ugla���r (�,�,��,�� xn r��� .,�°z�'.) . �rr��ller � .�� Western ���t�r�ir��i ��3��- ����� s�,���.�`�1�� 1'�.p�xb�xlc�a��� (,��x� ��. �rn) C��ot-yb��✓er t��� ( �S�l��c���.�t���;.�,�) ��Il��peat (�.�,11�.��n,��R e.�. "�.a°ist���atp, ����c�d a�h (_�a���� xvc°�.�,) '��un��rcl�ud �l�arn (���...��if� s`'Tl��.r��l�r�1��.�d"} Ar��ua•r�.��le ��� �) �s°�stl��c�i�e �i�� �P���� ��°i�fi..�a,) .�,�.st�rra r�d.�u� ���r��,�����c��� Fl��.���a�'s�r�a� {�t�a� ���a1�'n�a,�. �����1 a�k ( L�s�,�.�ia.) (�-c��d�r� ��.i�t�°e� (I�c��Zr��ter�.� ' � �i�� �a��p�� ��F e� �;ir��r7�m) ��pa.r��s� �a�1e ������1� ���1 ���xs� d���+r�c�d ��;����?,��) J�.�aa.��s� s�x����Il ��,, �ax ' ������) J�p�r��s� t�°�e Iil�� ���°�.��..�L�} �I1A.I.,��'Y��'�'��Pd�� �5���"�'��NdS�.�Pd���i'�`�i� ��P���'�4�I�T� I �.rr� � c�rt���r� �r���i�t (�I`1-D��Q� �r��. :� ��r��xster�c� wi�I� t�� ���z��.��:tia�r� �on�ract�r� �o�.rc� ���� Ct��I�3��. Field insp��tions v���°� ��d� �� �� �az°�;�i 1997a � �'he �e�d ins��c�ions �,ncl c���p�i°�s�r� t� �l�r� �✓�re l�rr�it�� �� �a�°�as c�es���i�d �s mitigati�r� �r�as, ai�d nt�� ��.ere ��xstit�� ���� ar� �€� be �et��n�c�. � I assurne that inciiv�dual �r�e rr�e�s�.re��a�t� �r� ��i�ect, a�d that alI �r��s 1� i���i�s � in diarri�ter at 4 feet abca�� g�°�und �evel ��ve b��r� �c�c��nted f�r by ����z�� � I7evelopa��r�t ��.0 �ers+�r�rflel. � � �'.�'9 �,.��-t'�-°.�_ � � �����° �'���5 'Viking Devefopment�L,C Peter'�'orres,Arborist 24 March 1997 r� , ,. t` . J��10'�t�L�.5SOC1�t�S �1977 �. Toliver T�d. l.vdolali�, C)I�97038 Pvlarch 2S, fl 997 Ed�hriestensen Ckuiestensera Engineering, rnc. 7"150 S�!J�Iam�ton St., �te>22b � Portlund, ()R�7223 �e: "7["t°i-County Center-Wetland t�elineation and I'eimit Status Dvar Ed: - Wetland delineations �.re valid �'or five years after concurr�nc�by tt�e �regon I3ivisian of Stat� Lands, and the U.S. I�riny Coaps Qf Engineers. Cozicur-renc�was �bta�ned in 19y4. The we�Iand delirieation is valid�:hraugh 1999. The wetlan�i fi11 permit is still current, but it will have ta t�e renewed in 3une of this year, i2enewal does not require any noti�cation of Tigard. D��,vvill ask if yau vrant to rpizew the pe�-�nit, aiicl wi11_ readily r�nevv it, 'There are zio proUlen�s wi.th either the d�lineation, �r t�.e p�rrnit status. Fl�ase call if yo�z havc� any questions. � Sincerely , ,�'' ��/" ---.-___� y � "—._ °�------___... ._—_. _ ....._ ��1"tiTt�.. �.�''sC�'lOtt, ��].�. ----•�` �, ,,� Fram : �1EiR irir_orFor��terl FHONE Nr. : 503 620 1842 Nov,07 Y9'3E ].: 19P��1 P01 - - ---�--�-..�.�,.-.-9..m.._.�.._ _. Nc�v�o�b�nr 4, 19�6 �'�!°1 d JL 0 �aRac�� s. �r���rir� �z��a �vv �z��s�,v��u� � °r����� �!� s��2� 1) ] VI,FC� f�J OP R�: �t�te P�rmi4 t�o, €��-���� 5 T A T T�. i. � t� U a P'�rmit�lrnendrn�nt _______ .�. Washington County :TA,7'�LAI�L�DGAf�U Jt,d�PJ A.K}'9':EHAFiGR �' C�vcrnnr �3Qr'�i' �i°. �i2�lil: d'Htl.Y.}il;-:1.1f�1(.� Sectrtncy�f Slt+lC T�is Ict�er will �crvc to �mcnd /1t��cl�man4 A, Conrli4ir�n f�P�. � th�i r�eds Jlh1 11JL1. �9 fb7��QW9� Str�Pi�Tre��surer 775 Summer Strcat NF L'�p�ratian of ec�ulpment in the ��:41ve flowing s4reairr shall be :>�����,,,ar,�7a�o-�sa� (`�U3}378-�8U5 b�tw��n S�ptemb�r 3Q �j�� J�ly 1, r�aA �Sn3�3rn.�n�aa TTY(503)378-4615 it sr�ai) rtt�vJ r��d �s follows: C7p�rat�or� of aquipr�e�t en fiFie �ctiv�e �towir�g sfrs�rr� ;hail be beew�en Jtal� � �nd ��p���Fa�r 3t�. fi�is i��fier should �o at�ache�' �nd t���e � �ar�c�f F��mrav�l-�il! Perr-nit No, 925�, �II �fh�r�c�nditians ofi th� p�rmlf r�main in�'or��. ' � � If yp�a h�ve �ny qu�stians, pl�ave �o�atact s�t�►•r�ffc�. Siricerefy, ��:�� � Wiiliam L. Parks � Natur�l F�esourc�: Cnordinator � �'leld ;�pn�°atlan�-West�rn �'d�gion � � emond.dac G� � � c: Da1e I-4asic�rn, �or�s vf�nginoors � � Don f3enn�;t4, �r�gon Dept. �of Fish a�d Waldli4e ,y,, , Washingtan Counfy l�lanr�ing � ---..._=._._._.___.._._,_..__..._„__ _ — .._._._._____.._.�... � � , � � ra����,b�� �9, ��gs � , '• � F. MF� JED� C�NNETT TAf�4_OW J0�7R� and �CNK�lD�R ` 1600 �W CEDAR HILLS �3LVD — SUI��E "IOU I� IVISI �JN Of= PURTLAlVD OR 9722.5 S'1' A T E L A N D S ST'A'TE LAND BOAI:D R�,; RF-92�6, Gordon 1VIa��tin JOHN A. KITZHABEI: Governor Dear Mr. Bennett: PHIL KEISLING Secretan� of SEHte 7'his letter is ii1 reply to your ietter of�tovembei-7, 1996 wl-iich requested )��I HILL State Treasurr_r clarifica[ion of pern�il condition No. i(a) wl�ich states: 775 Surnmer Street NG Satem,OP. 97310-1337 "1'he 1�etland stlall be consti�ucted prior to or conctiixe�lYly with the (50�) 378-3305 construction project." q r�x (503) 3�s-�sk-� TTY (503) 378-4615 Since the .1�ivision of State Lands jurisciiction is clearly deI]ned in �IZS 19b.800 (14) "Waters of This State" the consti-uction referenced in tlle above condition only pei-tains ta impacts associated wit11 �veti_ands or stz-eam habitats at tl;is site. Therefore, placement oi fill at upland locations is not withizl the jurisdictioll of tlle Division, unless specifically addressed in permit conditions. The �ermii lan�7ua��e �vill not be rnodified as requested. The Division h�ls r�o juz-isdiction co>;cerning the upland stockpiling activities that have commenced; however, thc applicant should check with the local jurisdictiozl to malce sure of rompliance with local ordinances, Please cont�ct our affice if tive can be oF fi.irther assistancc. 5111C(;I'C�y, �. � /� t��, G���°�-�`6 �� � �^ 0 � tiVilliam Parks � Natural Resource Coordinator � Field Opei-ations--Westel-�l R�gion � c: Gordon ivlartin I.:C� C�1I"1Stt;I15Ci1, ��.�. e �' o :1Jivision of�tate Lands '`•,�( , r 1 7 � e Pe�•mit No.: .��£' �2:�6-Renewwal 77� �u�a�nei• Street , � 9 � _�_ �_ � � � Pex zslit 7`y�e: _ .I�'em. I+',rld �al�nx, OR 9731.d Watez-�,�,�ay: .`.(`r-i,l.�...��c��iock C;reFlz � �78-3805 r � -�° �� I �g--� -� � r ,Coi�nty: �a�hina�n � .�. ��� ��`�' '`\. �'��.� _� E:c:�is•ation Date: �une .��. 199� -- !�'����r�l ��.�'.r �1- `sT �" VT��-���:���� . �eJ lAIJ AAltl1�,11'JS:a� _i.9.Y .f���Lt'1b39C81y4,rd:e v�lAr� �Y.'6s7 .RJ�.YJOf11 P�� AJ-i?.�� A� JC.�JC11:'111i.1W1 A.8..L1� Cr��:k'�]Eg�-q;r/�-trJy[�QryIy�T^�� r�rD������CRr�-y�q7�� ]Q� `�� �,.'.�'?I'..4�r �JC]��^y,pCTOP�7't�v�Tq�l"-�1�T7`-7��'T`Y�-��p�- x°'�p�P�I-p.-��[Cry.-A�-.�� ��t�N�, S l�eJ.L'i�A 3.Y.J A 1�a'' ���.C:e�i9_L'�.C� V�1tl.P�1..11�.f1`4�..1 A.s.LU�J A 1'.i� l.l.L�! �..t.l.yX),I�JLLLti�Atl.� � .t']1.V AJ' �1.1/' �.��1!9� .�JC..,��`a�����T��.�.1, CO�T�1�9�q��: 1. Tliis permi'c cloes not autliorize tres�ass on L�fie lands o�o�f��rs. The �ernlit holde�• shall �bt.aix� all ziecessar•y acces� pex•mzts oz� i-ights-oF jvay be�oz•e entez-in�; lands orvnPd by anothez•, �':; 2. �'his ��ei°rnit dr�es not aut�ioi•zze axay �vork that is ' � ixi cozzzp3xauc� �vith local z�nxng or other local, s�.ate, oz- fecler�l regulatiox� ertainir� ' �t' }tl�e OZJP.1'c'1t30115 authorized by tliis pea•mit. The ��ernait; holder is a•esponsi�le fox° obtaining tl�.e necessary approvals and pez•zni�s before �roceeding uiicler tl�.is permit 3. All �yorlc done u�.�ler tiiis pei•n?it niust ' on�;�ily vvit�l Orpgon Administz•ative Rules, Chapter 340; Standarcls of Q,u�ality for �'ublxc Watez°s of Oregon. Specifiic water qualit,y provision.s for �lus project are set forth ori A.tta.chinent.A. 4. Violations of'the teri�ls and cond'ztioiz��f't�zis ��er•xz�i.�t az•e subject to adxx�inisi:rati�e a:ad/oz� �egal action which may a•esuZt in z-ev�c��tion of�he �erinit or dam�ges. Tl,.� pe7•rxiit kioTder i.s responsibl� for the activztie� of all�contx•a.c�oz°s or other opez�ators involved i.n tivoxl� done at �:he site or ux�dez- tliis peruut. _4' ,'. 5. A copy of the permif; shall be � table at tlie �vork site�, enever operati.ons au�horized. by the ��ernlit az•e being condLi"ctetl` `'' 6, Employ�es of the Divisi�.i�� State Lands and all�tr� a�ithorizecl re�resenta�Lives of the Dzrect,oz� shail be perm 4�;a"I access to the projec • `��a ai: all reasonabl.e times for tlte purpose of inspecting wn�'�ez•formed under �Ius ?��nii't. 7. Ax�y permit llolc�.� y�.o object.s to the coa�cliti ns of tlus perxa�it may request a heai-in� fronz tl�e Direcf;or,l; i� riting, within 10 day�of� � datc: th.is permit �vas issuecl. c�, NQ'I'ISE: If z•ezzloval-i. ��m state-owned sub�m� g�:d and subn�erszble lazid, �;lae ap�Xicant i � must conzply `vitli leasing and z•oyalty provi.sions of' ORS 27.4.530. If the �roject involves � creation of ne���ncls by filling on. state; ���ecl stl��merg�d or subn�ez•sible laz�.cls, you. rnusi; � co�z�ply «<it,h Ol��'-2�r�1,905 - 27�.940. `I��..zs perniit cloes not z•elieve the pez•z�1i4;tee o�' azi � oblibation f.o see�,i�e appro��riate 1.eases fro _�.Yie Division of State Lancls, to con:duc�; acti��ities � ozl si;ate-a�viled submerge� or subrszersible lands. I{ailuxe i.a conlply �vith thes�; rf�quirc:ments � rx�ay i°esiil� r.ivil Ol' CI'1I111T1�11 Ilc'1�1J11�}7. ]+rn• inoz•e informa.i;iozi about these requir�Jnellts, � please c�r�. �ct�.lie D1Z"1S1UI1 Of StZtG I�ands, c37�-3805. �arle A. J soii, i��IanaUer �V�stei•n Region l+ielcl Opc�i�atioz�s Oregon Division �f St�te Lazlds � > 1���'L__�'�1�� ���-�.�.��=_-- ������ z�,_r��?_ - �A,u oi-�zed Si�rn�t�ar� I�a�"tc Y�.sued ATT�C��I�1`d'�',[3, �pecial Conditions �'oz• Nia�ei-ial Removal/I'all Fermi.�lVo. �J256 1. 'This permit aLithox•izes tlie �lacez�e�.� of up to 26,350 cubic y�rds of�lI nza�erial anc�. t�ie ���m.ova�. o� up to �a9,200 c�xbic yarcis of xnatei-iaJ. i� �Snctio� 7.., T2�, R1�I (�ed l;.ock Cre�k 'T`i•ibu�tary) for commei•cial developmex�t as outlirled in tlie Attached per�t application, znap and dra�vir�gs. T�is per�mat also �uthorizes the a.•emoval of inatPria�. necessaiy foz- wetla�dlstrea�z crea�ian as specified an sJ�ecial cc,�.ditiora 7 b�low. 2. Turk�idity slzall �oi, exceed 10% above natur.al st.rear�a turbidities as a xesixl� of the pxa,�ec�;. Th�e tuxl�icli�y stax�.siaa•d may be Exceedecl for a li�itcd dur��;io�., (�ez• O� 340-41) provi.ae� a11 racticable erosion control measures h�ve beer� ixnnlerxiented as a�pLica�3le, :inc�uciiz�g, but not linai�ea to: , -us� of. filter .b�gs, �ec�iment �ences, silt curtains, .leave stz��s oi° berms, or other measures sufficient to px�event offs��te rnovement of soil; -use of an irnpervious matez-ial to cover stockpiles when unat�ended or du.z-zng a rain event; -ti�vaste materials and spoils shall be placec� at an. appAO�red up�a:�d disposa? site and a�ot an ansT unauthox�zPd�vet].and areas; -a).l areas of soil tlist�•bance sl�.al� be seedecl or othei~wise z•evege��ted �vit�i native s�ecie, upon ��omplPtion of construction to preven� su}�sequent �z•osion. 3. I'ef;roleuixx products, che�xii.cals, or oth.ea• deletei-ious m.at�i-ials,shall nat be allo�ved 'co �nter 'tlie �vatex•. 4. Operat;ion of ec�uip�ent in the active :�io�ving �tream sk�all be between �Sep�ezxx�cr 30 az�cl Ju1y l. 5. I�fo fresh conc�•ete sha�.l come in.to cox��tact svith tlie active flo�ving stream. 6. Reuioval of e�sti.ng woody vegetatzon shall be mini.�al. �ITT��`I'IQ.i� ��NDITIONS 7. Tl�.e follo��i.ng ��nditious a��ly to t.he replacement sti°earx�/wetland as desci-ibed in the application and as aepicteci om :Fi.guz•es 2 tl�.•ough d. a. The �vetland sl�all be consti-�zcted pi-ioz• to or concuz-z•en�tly �,vith the construc{;ion pz•oject. 1�. Tl�e wetlancl shall �ie exca�vated oz• n�aintainecl as outlzned on Fig�re 3 �vitli slopes iao steeZ�er �lian 3:1. •- page on�- .�A.ttach.rr��x�s�A a �'age �;wo ��' 9256 c. T�ie shoz•eline of th.� vretland v�aa��. �e �eeded or planted with g�-�ss �.�a.cUor legumes, natave shru�s �n� t;r•e�� �s �.esca-ibed�.n£igure 2 of the i�and�cap� Plan. Tr�es �.nd �h.z.-a.abs s��dll b� af the s�ecies indicated.�v'a�t�. the ndditiox� a�Black 'Z1wi.nberz�.T (�.,�i��exa�a-�.�rolucr.ata), plaaatan,g:s �h��.l be spaced a �.�.i�u� o�°� �'e�� �.(�. �,�ith some clusteg�ing of v�getatio:n. F�llowi�:g plaLZt�n� s�f the ax�ea, �hc veg�:tatioa� shall be allowec�i t� establish. a �atux•al c�aaz°�cter �th zn�imal x�.a�nt�nance. `�he cz°ateria for success �hall �e 8q% suz-�rival for a pe�i�id of five y�;ax s. �. 'Tlae issuance of this �a•�nit is conditaon�al upon ests�blishmen� c�f repJ.aceraaerzt wetlan�s o�'a��ro�ana���.,y �.0 acres and the preserv�tao�. s�f 0.41 acz•es of e:cistin��etlasac� �'or loas af�..J5 aei°es of vve{;land habi��t. �. The ���vly d.x�eat�d wetla��. a�.d pi°eseY•veci wetland sliall be fenced. with a xs�nz:rr�.a1 �'ouz° foot h�gh�v�rayl coated fe�ace to protect the area fram k�.rxmar� i.m.pacts. � IV.[t�I�`I'�I-�I1�I� C�iZVDI`�IOI`�� 8o To axasizxe a success��ul hab'x4;�i;rep�.�.cen�ent t�e pezxnittee s�ali, fox• a pei-�ar1 0� five years, mainta� �Iie �w��land �r�til �regetatzon �.as become establ'xshed and �lae az•ea ia fiznc�zoz�.z�.g a� design�cl. 9. ThP ap lzcant sh�ll estab3.i.sh fixecl photo points. Pkaot;os shall be ta��?� annual�y fi-om�the es��.�l�.��.ec� po�.ts �'or �noz�itoz°�ng�uz•�oses. .I�. pho�o daca��o.�ratation re or�: �h�li he su7�mi��ed anraually to th� :�iviszozz of Siat� I.,a�.ds for a pei°zo�of�iv� years a�t�r tivei;Iancl eons�;rixction. u✓\� r���l� itL V_SL.�.�.L_�-e.f1d A 1�J,�,ry- 10. 'I'�ac �vision of Sta¢e Lanc�s retains �;hP aut,hoY-ity to z°equire a�propz°ia�� coz•z•ecti�e actions to f.lze zztitigatzon si�e in.'�17e even��he ne��ly createc� ti�ei;lancls ar� no� i'-u.nctior�is�g as desig�ed ��rithin a gez�iod a£�.v� yea.i s. �, �.1.. 'The I�ivasion of�tat� Lands �-etains �he �uthority �o terapoz•az-�ly halt oz• rx�.odi�'y � the pa�oject in case of�ticessave iurbi�.i.ty or dan�a�e to natur�l z•esou�.•ces. � � � �Tuz�e 14, 1997 � �9 ta� �.e � � .J������ .� ����, � � °�° ° ����.V�� �`j e �`` .�������'�� � I a ���r��T ,�.������.z���� �c��� � �- �.�„�:.�: �. ; l�� f�rrr�y C��°ps ��� 2 � 1994 • S�� ���lt„ae�r� 7}{IS A?PUGATI0�4 4+i1LL ME�i THc fG�UIRE!+1:�'`n5 OF EOT}I ACcf` � '�,�..•'• ! g �4 P�rtianc� C3istrict 1 pa mia ��i .��r i, c�a•�. . � _ �l� Oregor�Division of Stc��e l.onds fJumbpr '-��?��'r�i� i , Gorps Acfion ID Nurnber � , � SENC ONE �I�NE� COf'Y C�� YC�U62 �,PPLIC�YION 7t� �AC�I ��ENGY � District Engineer Staie o�Oregan ATi N: CENPP-PE-RP Division of State Lands P G Box 29d5 775 Surnm4r Streef NE 5alem OR 97310 Por�icnd, OR 97208-2946 b031378-3805 a03/326-7730 �,�;. busine�s ph�ne n (;�d3) ��0--�47?' � Applican�Nam2 Go�'don S. ?rlax'tin y homa phon� N and Adciress a:aGr�� ���• 7�I�u tsvcirut FAX� ��03) f 2�-J.B�^ Ti�a�:d OF. 9 r���3 I�,.an1 � busine�pnon� � O Cc�-App�^ --.�_`"--•---._..__...__� � O A��o�ized Agan� '-`�-----._________ hom? phonc n c� Contractor FPJC rr Name and Address _____ '"-- _______� - busine�s phane m Prope��y Owner hor��? phone n (d C1�erznt tticn applicC;�.) �--°---�`��� r sn � u Name and Address -----_._____,___ *° O �Y PROJcC7 �.00ATION S7aet, R�ad or oth�r d2scripilv2 IOCUii0i1 LPgol D�s:rD�on Quorfer Sect�on Township Rc�ng� P ;:� �� ,�I �--� Couny Tax tvlcp� i�r.Lot; ^ In or Near(City or io�vr�) ` ' / I �Uv /L/� 3G o� '�f CU� �"�/� `/G2 ,( � �J� �I C-✓c.i h•���C�c-v�,_ P_.----- -- T' �"'� l..on Ptud -� River Mii� Lati�ude y Wa�er�.�cy I w_.�____..-.-�....- � J a , ronted 4o the Corps cnd the Division of Stat2 Lands? � Y�5 � NO Is cons2nt to enter prop..ry g �� ...._. � -y������� F�ROPO5ED I�ROJECT INFC7RPv1ATION J Activiy Type: C� Fill � Excavation(r2mova!) Q In-Water SYructure � Mair�tain/Repoir an Existing S�ructvre E3rief Uescription: �,�?�� '�"�r�� ,�-;t'• �S for a cor:T:'cx'cial cevelo�?r.�eritcubic yards for tfi�e totai projec� � Fill���ill involve ___---• cubic yarcis annually and/or � ��;�;;�__ cubic ycrds in a yve�land or =-low the ordinary hign wcr�er or high�ide ine r� F 1 �'"" � Rock �Grav�.l 0 S�nd �Silt o Clay 0 Organics � O�t�er ��x'l=ctt��w7- � FI�� v^II b° � Ri,'��C:J �angth; widfh: _. dcpth � Fill I:ripoct Area is _ �-.�J Acras; ___._--- - - "'� RQmoval �vill invo(v� ,_. cubic ycrds anr�ual;y cn�/or �1�.��Q__c�5ic yerds for the tot�l projeci � A� \! � � __ _^_ cubi�yords�o_�he ordi�ary �igh��:a�er or high tide in2 4 � ' � Grcvel � S�nd � Sl�t a Clay � Orgonics � Otner �i Removal `vill b� �� �iprcp � Rx� R�moval Irnpac� ArPa is ___1_,�:i Acre:; _. 12ngth: wic;r�; _� d�P�n , °i'ril �, ��c�� Es�imat�d Compleiion Dota CCi:obi'r 1�, 1c;cv�, Fstirrated Stor� Dat� ^ , Q �� �'li!I cny mot��nol, construction d�bris. runo`�, �tc. antar�V�etlancl or�vai2rv�ay? � Y�s I I` yc-5, deSC�IbG' ti�2 tyr^.� Gi diSCh0��3 C1r1C1 ShQ`::th2 diSChCrg2 IxQtion on the sit2 plan. �, � I �, �_o._._.---••-�-.°-°,-°°'"_`"_- —_._.�.._e-- -- ----- - -=v .a.,. . , ' .�_._..�.__ �_.__,_��.�.�... �._..�._...�,,.�.._.�,. 4� FSROPQSED �R(aJECT Pt1RPQSti $c GES�RIP�1t��� Pr�)ect Fur�os� and Need: �'tl,;Ltar-tin's, 4}��prsap�.rYy odr�eers,g�roposea ta d�;�•elop thc 25,85 �cru sit�intc,a��.q,{�On pius squarc fect GoczunerciaUrataif ccnter. '1't�e�ity of Tigard�as 7oned ehc sitc for enmm��cia�usc, antl it is the tast large�omrn�c•cia!prop�:cty iQ ths Tigvd T�3ngl�,a��d aA�af tiac f��v undeveloped larg�p�rc�ls iir eli�;Ciry Limits, Pfojecf D�sCripiion: �erc is an e,vs€ing dema.cacl fnr big-bo�c dLvclopr�euts in ttas ML•Ti2J axes. The prajece cUCisists oi'd�:���lnpi�g tll�site ineo a 3�O,OOp-r squar�foot Gar:zmerciaVretail ceuter and asscx:iated parS:iv�. Thc center piecc of thc proposed de�•elapment rvould be a l II�,S00 squarc:feot pad,�a�hich�vould b�use�for a bis bo� • ret�i]center. Ici addition thcre�3•auid bz 5 -7 srriailer pasis. Mast of tue rest of the sit�:�vould bc�ecl for pari:ir��. Ttzere arc�pproaimately 1.96 ncres of«•e;la.nds on ihe siie. '�°he dcvelopment�vould directly unpacl I.S� acr�.s pf the �.}�etlwds. Tt�e watland impacts�r•onid be mitigased partially on site,and pa.rtially off site. S�e attachc:d Ana/vsis ojAlte»iarn.�es m�d Neer�s report for a ruorc d�.tailed�roject description. !-1a�v m�ny project dra�vinc�sheets are inciuded with this application7 _.��_ �t01"E:A compiet�appiica�ion mush include clrawings and n iocQtion map su�,mrti�ed on separGte 8'�'zX 11 sheets. � - � ' � F�R�JEf�T Itv9PA<'T5 �ND H.I.i�RNATIVES ���� D�scribe al�emative sit�s ond projact designs fhat were�onsidered to av�i� im�acts to�he waferwc.��or we4land. '�1�ere are no other available sites�r•ithin tk�e Tigard Triangl��C�at meet the neecis for this t}pe of developm�nt. I.n additioa,ihe developer h:u o«ved the pro�erty since the i 9'l0's. Th�}�ar�ta}'ing 4o d�velop the properiy und�r iheir a��-nership. 7�ey�aave been trving to develop Qie peoperty for a�pro:tiruntely 1 S ye�rs,aad anly recc:ntl}'has LE�eu been any in�erest b}•commereiallretail eoncecn�. Since ehere wcce not an.y other setes available ta Yhe dee�elopers ihey con_;idered four different projec4 desiens. Ste attach<tl.�lnah�sr.r ofAlterr�atives�and Need report fbr z dztailed dLSCripticn of ebe four diEfercnt alternati��es. Describe��hat measures you will use (befar�and affer cons�uction)to minirnizG impacts fo tha wcsterway ar we1�lanci. - The p�rtion ot'thP site that �,vill be unde��eloped r,vill be clearly marlced., and a silt fen�e or hay bales �v�11 be installed along its edge prior to any clearin� or �xcavation. Con�truc�io�� in and around the �etl��ds �vill occur durin� the dry summer mo�aths to reduce runoffanti sedirnentation. Prior to tl�e pr�ject going aut f'or bids an erosion control plart u�ill be develaped. �unoff from the deveioped area ��rill ente; a ��ater quality/d�tention zacility prior to entering either �he wetlands or natuy-al draina�es. �'° NOTE: If necessary, use additionol sheats. � � .�,�__..�..___._e_______�___�.� � O �DDiTiOP1AL PP1FUi2MATlOPJ � Adjoining Property O��Uners and 'fheir Acldress2s anci ahone Numbers � � C7 s� � Has fhe proposed ectiviry or any reloted ectivity received the a�terition c�f the Corps ofi Engin�ers or fhe Stnt� Uf Oregon in the pas°, e.c;., weticnd delineation, violation, Qermit, lease request, etc,? O YE5 � NO If y�s, what idPntification nun�ber(s) w�re Ussic�.ned by the respective ag�ncies: � Corps n ____ StAt� Of Or?�on:; _. � � 'TY � �JUPJtY �IANNiN� �EFARdP�lehaT � ��17 � (�o tae campleled by lo��l�lanninr�o�ic C�This proje�Y is not tegulateei by the locai com�rehensive picar�and zanin�ordinc�nc�, C�This project has bcen reviewec�and is cansi�-tent with the 9acai comprahensiv� plc�n and znning oreSinanc�. l,.)This project has been revie�Ned and is noP consis�en't uei�h the Ic�cai comprehensiva pian�nd zoning ordinanc�, ' Consis�ency Qf this proj�ct wifh 4he local pfanning ordinance eannot t�e �etermin�d unfil th�e foilowing local cppro��ni(s) c�re c�btainecl: ' I d Conditional Use Approval evplopmPn�Permit , �Plan Amenc�m�n'r � ( �Zc�ne Change �her 'J.�v��,�ve. l�a��' �"�Lt�',r�'/�C.� An applica�io� has 0 has not been mar�? for local a�prova�ch2cked ebove. ...-� .� ,� , '_' ��������� � � �(`'�`�r �� / � �t�� ��-G�� � Sic�nature(of locol�(anning officia� Trtle City/Cour ��� �O �:C7ASfP,L �QhdE �[R7IFICATlC�N If the propos�aC;�^'d�escribed in your permi�appiic�ion is v✓ithin ihe Oregon coasfel zone,the t�llowing cert'fication is requirecj t�fore your appiiccfion con be proc� °d.F�,public noiice will be issued wit7 t�e certification s4aher�ent v�hich will be forwarded to the Oregon Depdrtrr�n4 of Lanci Conserv�tion and „ ��lopment (DLCD) for its concurrence or objection. Far addrtional informcrtion on the Oregon Cocs'ai Zone Management Frogrem, conioc4 epa;trnent at 1175 Court StreeP NE Solem, t�regon 97310 or coll 503-373-CX�O. , CERTIr ON �TA7ENiE1�T i certify thct,to fihe�s�of my lmowledge a�d�li°f,th� acfrvity described in this aNplicution compiies wiit�the approved Oregon Cuastal Lone Manag�m�nt Progrom and will be completed i�a mo °�consis�ent u�i�h 7he progra�m. Print�iype Name r��° Applicant Signcrture Date � O�� SlGNA7U�Zr F�R .�OIM' f�PPLiCAT10N � �RE�2UIRED) P.ppliccr�ion is h=re5y made for the ocrvities described herein. I certify 1h�f I om familiar with'rhe information contoineJ in the appiicc�ion,and, to the bes'of my Imowledge ond belief,7riis information is true.complete,anci accurdre. I furfher cer�ify Thcrt I possess 1�� outi�orty including the nececsary req��si'�e property interests to undertake t�e proposed activi�ies. !under.s'ond ihet the �cantinc�of�ther permits by Iocai. couny, s�a'a or tnderai ogencies does not releese rr� from the requirement of obt�ining the permits requested betore commencing the proj�ct. I understorid 4hat Iocai�rri�s may be required b�fore the s�ate removal-fill �rmft is issued. i urxier�tand�at � poyi��ent of the required state processing fee does not guoranteQ permi;iss�cnce. � � � �Print(fY�Name (eoarpiicann i��P- � �i � - .� , � �%�•../s�zri ,,��. ��� ��� ,c��. -- —. � � P�P��cont S�pncr�re _L�`"-� (cccppl,�onp Dota � � � I Ceri(y tho'I me��act os the duly outhorized ooen4 of the a;�piicont. P�int,iy—,�Ncme T'itle Auttio:�ed Avent S��'}:.^.::? Dcte –_ °-�r���n-- — . � , - --- -- ��___�_---�-� - � JUPPLEtvlEt�f1'Al. `NETL.�4N[� IMPACT �NF(�RM.A71C��� (FCJR�/VEl'lANC3 FILIS CJNLI') Site Candifions of irnp�ct area ir�npact ar�a is o C.)c�an a Esfivan,r � River � Lc�k� d Sfirecam �3 Freshwater Wetlan�i NotQ: �stuarian R�soures (2epi�c�ment is required by s�ate law�or projects involving intertidal or tidal marsh aiteratic�ns. A separafe Wetlands Resource Conipensntioi�Plan m�y be a�pended to the application. Hos a wetiand �Plineation been complPted far fhis site? � Yes 0 No If yes, byr Wf7on�; pr. �/Iartin Schatt 152 SE 3rd Av�. (S03) 266-6946 �anby, OR 97013 [�escribe �fihe exi�ting physicai and biolo�ical cha�acter of the wefilancJ/watsrwQ��site by area and iype of resource (use separafe sheets c�r�d photos, if necessary) See the enclos�d r�vetland cleiineation report for a descr-iption of the site. �' The wetland fi�nctions were assessed using th� rnethod developed by Reppert et. al 1979, and �t is attached to tfie apolication nacket. Resaurce Replc�cement t�iifigafion Describe measures to be taken to replace unavoidably impacted wetland resources Thc projcs;t«'ouid isnpsct appro�imateh' 1.5� acres of the 1.96 acres o£��'etlaads on ihe situ. The tivetland iulpacts ��•ould bc mitieated for parcially oo site and partiall�'of�t'site. 'I1�e project proposes to relocated u�ost of lhe drainage ��•hich bisects tl�e propert}•furthcr to lhe north. It n'ould run parall�l to 3�artrnouth Road. 1�he relocated portion of thz drainage and iLU associated ti�'eLLwds�t'ould b4 0.41 acres, and tbere�3•ouad be a 2�foot rvide bu.�ez•strip on both sides of t}�z draina,�. Thc�o'ecland along the draivage��+'ould be planted to scrub-sh.rub species,tivith a grass/sc:dge understor�'. 1tie of�-site mitigacion would be located adjacent to Cook Park. It tvould ev]arge an e�isting s�•etland ntitigation are�by 2.2 acres. The e;�isting ani[igation area consists of a pond and island comple�with the steep baul:.s pIanted to�•ces and � shrubs. T1ie islaucis are prim;irily emergevt r��etlands. Tt�e proposed Lnitigation was designed to complc-�ent the � c;usting tnitigation�u'�a, and to replace tbe�3•�tlands impacted b}'the p:oject. �'he proposed nutigation consis4s of � 64� d�.velopiug cmergent,scnib-slirub,and fores4ed s3•etlavds. No opeu waterfeahues are proposed because th��?:isting � niiti�ation suea alrcady has a large pr�portion of open�vater. Ihe emergent wellands are designed to be nvaow bands � beh��een scrub-shrub and/or forested bancis. The sccub-sl�rub commtwit}�Svill coasists of a nearty solid stand of nutka � rose,�vl�ict� is the scTUb-shn�b couimunity that ti��ill be impacted. The forested bands trill consisi of a uu.��ture of(Jregon � ssh and Doug�as ha���thorn. This is intended to rc--plac�;tne 18 Oregon as1�that are evithin the�vetland that�vould Ue � impactcd. Se�initigation cncloscd cizitigaUon dra;t-ings. .�I Location: N.�. �-/�, SEC.TION 14, 71�5','NSI-IIP T2S, P,.4riC�' k.1.�'�, i'r?+: TI.� �J_G00. � ' Beca�se ihis in°ormaiion is not n�cessor��for a corn�lele application, you may submit this she�t oncJ other�nvirc�nmental infarmation�`tEr submitfing your applicaPion. lY�3 A 6�/l 1 A��IY l��INS� �V 9'e�!'LAI�I� l,y.i'iP,��7(':i �TI�A,L�i'{ll dl�l(/'li..���;7 . 'T'he projcct would impact appraximatcly 1.55 acres c�f'thc J.9b acres o�'w�tlands an ?lie�roject ar�a. �'here wauld b� �pproxii��ac�ly J.4] dcres ot'emr.r�ent wetland,°and U.14 acr'�s of' forescJscrub�shrub wettan�ti frUcd. �3�.ET]L�.t�I) �'UI�p�G`"�'I a�i'�S 7'hc wetlftnd associat�ec� ��vith the cir�ina�e w)lich bis�cts the�ro�erty was evalueled usin� the T�eppert method. Thc bvetland h�d rnc>der�tc or)nd�,�values fc�r nine`vetland �'unctir�ns (see attached evaluution formti), 'i'!ie ruetl�nd ha�f a rnod�rate valuc f�r thc .N�tural 13iologie�l Functian, Two of 1h� tllrce sub-catc�ories nf t13is fi.inction had rnoderate valt�es, �.rad anc had a �,ow��aiue, T'he e�hemeral nature of Elle clraiila�e, the lnck, of�pen water, and the smal! si�� of tiie wc:ttand wcrc tlie lirnitin� features, '�'he wetlanci receivcd a lo�v scGre for thu �quatic Study Aren and �efu,rac functi�n. ilgain this w�s clue to its smRif size, lack oi'�er�nni�tl r�,�ater, and �•elat+v�ly fe�v 3�abitai types. The I�ydroIogic Sup�oi�i functior was �iben a tnnderAtc valuu even ihou�;h it received a low Mnd rz�oderat.e vAlues for i!s twc� sub-c�tegOri��, 'I'lie ephemcral n�.tur e of'the draina�e evas t��c major limitin�factc�r, The Shc�rcline Pr�tec;tjon funetiUn had s lo«, value bec��ise of thc size and conditi�,» ��P tl�c draina��e. 'I'��e small sice of the wetla.r�cl and the composition o�'the }�abitr�t lc.d �tlie los� to m�derRtc values of the Stortt�� o�'Stor�n 'J,�ater function. Thc sm�ll size of'the wetl�r�d >��as the re�son thc Naturdl Grouradwater fi„�netion received a lo�v value, The Water Yurifi�:uti�n ft�nclion }iad a ir�oderatc ov�r�ll value, but t�c �alues shauld be low. The z�ature c�f the drflina�e; its location, and ils sire limits ihe poten7ial af the wslland to ef.�eetively puri�y wfiicr. Tlfe wetlancl h�d low value fc�r both the C:taitt�rai and �.ecre�tionfll functions. This was due to iPs sizc, location, �nd �wnc�rship. '�'Y,�T'L�7�� l�z�"I'I��3'�'I�3It' The enclosed wetl�nd miti�;atiori p)unti flrc desi�ned to repJace 1�u-etland fiiilctions that u�p�ild be losi when thc pr�ject is develc�ped, '1'he miti�;Htion on site (�.�` � acres) would pa►-tiaily o�'sec so�ne �,f thc )oss af��ildlife habitae (tlatural biolo�ical fixnction). It tvould still �ra�yid� a corri��r through the site, but the quality af ihc u>rricior�vould bc sigY►ificantly paocer thsn the �urr���t draina�e and �ssocir�Leci uplands, The rcducii�n in siTe would result in � reduciion in net pz•irn�ry� production and food chain supp<�rt, "1'hc already law values of the tvetlAnd for Aqukt�c �tudy /�rea �nd Rrfi�ge ���ould further decline, as ���c�uld the iloocl s(arabe function. The flo�d stora�;e func4ion would be rnitigated thr�ubh tl�c development ofs��atcr c�taality/deteiiti�n iaciiities that aro T�equired by Washinb�ton County �i�d the C:ity, The�round �vater rechr3rge potential of P.he ���etlnnd is alrendy lo�v, and is not exJ�ecYcd to b� si�nificz�ntiy aftered by ihe reciuction ofwellands on t}�c site. The ,�•etlands on thc si�e ;�p�,ear to be water c�ischar�;c: ��ints, �rad nc�t rech�r�e �reas. Thc currcnt �ti�nter purificfliion value for Il�c wetland is l��w tc� modcrale, and �vi4h the propased an ,. * , �it� miti��,�ic►n the v�,lu���a4'th;; f��nctica,� �13ozrld �c ,�ppr'(DXII11Att��y $(iC SRI71�. 6�c�g�t th� c�ltura! and r�cr�tio�ai �s�a��tiaras �cr�r��r�cly �r� 1�a��, �nd rnay a�ctuaily increa��c�a���ihe �re�,p�ct �N £�u�lto Th� re1�t.�Y�d �raic��g� �e��a�a hau� A }�atl�s��y ihre�ta�;�t t1��kat��}eo• are,a, v�rhi�h wobtld be Lc�th �cs�heti� �d b�us�d �'cir r�e���tiasa. T'h��'unc;tl�?Il TT16mt ��'�C{�d (��r 1}l� ➢)�-��c)��� �j��,���p��e271 ir��aUl(� �� ��le d7.iztUd�B� }310�A�t�Sa, S�r7ca �her� �s ��t �raau�h r�qi�r �tisar� �otentia� c�n �ite ar�c�itiflnal F�niti;atican is prc��o��ci off'�it�. . . . Thcre is sc�rr�� exSs�Ar1� � ' i �ti�an on the �ite, a�l� ghe propc�se�f rruti�;�Y.ior� v��as dc:si�;rrcct td ��r�piar.nent �:�� �x'tsYin� �niti��tic��a. entl}� s•��osl c�f�1�e cx�stin,� miti�dtia�r� c�nsists an�9 i�Sanc� cs��p�e�, �„nd dnqst �+Fthe wet a . ' enaer�;enc. '!'la�yz'e is �.• c�resUscsub-shruia �ut�`�r �l�sng Its �d�;�. !'hc p�c�pos�� naili�acft�n . t°�c�rnaurat c�f fc�resg, scrub-slu�ab and �m�r��F�t �uv�tlanc�. °i'h� f�nrest � - �c•uh�ayctl�n , he loi�� narrc�vv uands wit�a t�a�ads ` a��mea��;�nC ��tl cra them, �'lie en�cr�enl wetlxnc3 �r�u �d�t,���taring thc late e�anter Ei%1C� '�F,.t'� .� d d'i,�. ""�,. . "� Tty� o�`site ' ' �an sh�uld �nhatace thc: existin�; biolo�ical a�unctit�n ,"af'�:."s�.#ie� ir�'sti�atiora • ��e;a. Xt wvotald in�;r�d " > 2.2 acres, and vanul ' �'�it�t div�rs�ty, 1n add.'ttic�n, siEi�� jt is�.�thira k}a� l OQ y�a,r�(cyt�c i io atin TZivcr, it wouid incr�aqe the �lc�od stara�e fi�nction. Th� sr,it► _ ° s for sc,inr �;;c ' �tad pia.r�tin, tr��s ttr�d slsrd,ibs, br�4h �v��tld ' �xsc tti� flnod sic�rtl�c of th� �a►-c:a. I�ir+stfly, ' the sit�i� �djacerat 2o C:oo�. �'ai•k, �n eai-th� Ti�;ard I�i�h ;,chc�c�3 �oth the cultur�l and reci•�aCis�n� ions s4�n�Id dm�rove. � � � � � � � � w ,.� � � . . . . ., ,.::.. .,...<.' ;�.. .,.rr..;;� r.`.r,•� ,, f +�,%� . . . :.. r .. ,: .,.,. . ... ,... ., .. , ...:. . . ., . ..::.. .. .. ... . ..:... .. . ... ...:.. .... t„ . ... „-.,.. . . , , :... . . ._ . ,. :�:. `�' . � t , � ��� �,. �i t'''' � ' « �rt�}+^-"t.� y � i � �T �� � ���� +rTM+ur r � �ri ��.i f��y�,�''�{, � � . � .� ; � ��5 �5 r . � 1( ll) r°'� t w qpY ti'���S p'.'y" �`{ i f 7 t ,J Z�;� ri'�� �'�• � e �.� � . t � �,y � � ±*!; - � 1 � � F n � 1 � ���,t�^'-� � - � � r i:. �. i - �� ��-, ��. a a '� y � �� y. i�� r�3 'r � .:� j,._.< � ? � �� t�� ' �.�ti � J^ n�'+ t .A.r�� - t� �� -� ..r >'.`iD • .. : ..,.' .. . . � ;: t. ,,. v.. ,wi}:. '''�...u" .�,,,,.,.�;. � /' i ''i ! r � �' n � n n 9: � f, $ !::' h �,,:C._e::�. I f �� � 1 `4i P�.'�: t . �� . 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'.��'�� ���� � � °Y`.�� .�.�'�S, � C��' �� �i`�� .���.�.��1�s �. � � �"����T., C�I�?g����� :I�,.s C�.�' ��°.�.� �. � , 9 �I� �� �.�f�l�����: 1. �''�ais �erxnit daa�� n.a� a�z"��ao*_-az� trespass a�. th� la�.cis of a��Lh���, 'l�l�e p�.ra�i�; �aa��d�� ��.ali ��ta�xa �� �.��e�s�:�y �.�ce�� pP�°�$,� c�r ���x��-of�va� k��f��e ����ri�ag �:�xad� ovvxz��. b� a�ath��°. � 2. ��is �erx�it ��es a�ot aa�th.or.iz� ��y �vc���C ��.at is ��� �a ��aa��liance w��;h l.�c�1 za��i�g� ar oi;h�e�° isscal, �ta.t�, a� �'ec�er�� x•�,�ix��tatrn �a�r�aza�zxa� ta th� o exatioxis a�a�h����d �y �l�is �aex°�a�. �'i�� ��x°�.� la.�ider i� r���e�x�sa�ile �°r�r c�btai�.n� ��e �rece�s€��y a�a���vals a�d p�r°z�ait���f�r� �roc�e�.�.ra����l�r t�xi� p���s�.t. 3. .�,.3.� av�r� �30�� �u.�d�r ��azs g��z°r�at mu�t ctrm.pl.y wi�;�x ��°e�t�� �r.l�i�is�x°a�;it�� Rt�I�s, C��.a���r 340; ����d.a��.� o� Q�.a.�Rity �'�x 1'�zbl�.c V�Taters �� �x���Q��z. S��cific v����x q�xalaty ��av���ox�s fo.r t�s �ax�j�c� �r� ��t f'c�rt� ��.x.�.tt�.clx�ea���. 4. �iola�ti��as �,�'th.� t�rx�.� ��d �t��di�iaxa� of th.is perxni� are ��k�,���t �� �.���is��a�ive a�xd/�r �e�;al ac�iaxx w�aicka ffia�r re��t i� r��r�catzoa� af tl�e perx�aat ox� c�.as�a.a�es� Th� p�rs�i� hold�r a.s x°���zt�xa�g�l� .ia�i �&ae a��i�t�.es �af�I� �;�ntxactor� or �t��� ��a��ato�s iiavr�'�v�d i�a v�rma�� dflne a�B:�Se si�e c�r �,axa.d��t��A� perx�i�. �. .F'a. ca�ay of�1�� �erxr�it sk:iall b� a�ailabl� at the wca�� �z�� �xr�x�n.evex �p�x•a�ions au�h.r��i�e�. by th� �S�rx�� axe b�ing�eond�zc�ed. 6. ��za�.�loy-��� �f��.� Da�ri�i�� o�°�i;��� ��.nds ax�c� aII d�l�r ��.t�ic��ized r��Y•��e�ta�aues o�th� �ir���s�z• �h��.l b� �e�°a���te� ����s� �o �1ae pz oj�:c� a�°�a �� a�.X r��s€��aa'�1� ��m�� #'or t�� �SUr�a�c ��'im�pec�i�g�wa�r?��r��fc+rrna�t� und�r��.s �erxx��. 7. �.y �ez•�aa� �o3e��r ��z� c�b����s t� �he co�aditaon� e�3.' ��a� ��r�a� r�.ay r��u�s� �. ��ax4.�ag �x cr�f;kAe �z:r���ar, a�w�t��,�, °w��kk�a�a �.� ci�.�� �f��ae d�at� �;hrs ����aaa�;vaas �s��z�c�. �'ICE: If re��aav�l �s �°�or.n. s��f;��o��d sxzbxr�.erg�d and ��ab�.ersibl� I�n.c�, th� ap�licant ��u.st con-�piy w�t� 1ea�i�.� aaad ro�talty �a�°�ov�sio�.a.� of OR',S 27�.5��. �f �lae y�roject involves �����iflx3. o� r��� I�x�cl� b�r �.��n�g t�r� �taf�e-c���d �izb�erg�d or su�?���°sik�i� T�.rads, ymu rnust �` eo� I wa�;h ��,� :�7�.g0�i - 274.9�4�. 'T`his � P Y p�r�zt do�g �.ot r�iieve t�ne p�rmif;te� m� �� � obligataox�. �o ��c�are ���rz�a x-�ate ��as�� froxn �t�� I)iv��ian of state L�nd�, to ��ud�i��; acti�s�ti�s r o� state-otiv�aed s�aba��rge a�� subxx�ersibl� laza�.s, Fai�ure to co��ly witka �3���� ��q�.area��.�a�ts � m�ay� nesul� i�. �iv�� �x° e��.�x�al li�ba�i�y. I�'or �.�re i�:for��tion abt�u*� �;��s� re��aire����.ts, � �Iease cont�ct �kxe �i�����.�f��ate I,�.���, 378-3$Q�> � � E�,r1e A. Johns�z�, �/Iam�.��z° � �V�st�x°n �,�gio�a �+9iel.d ���r��zts�s C)regar� I��vasioxa o�'���t� ��.�as�� ...- _ __-, ��,p��ra r X� .l�a��hcir' �� � Ik��X��i ' p k� .7 Q d„`.A.�A��'$L�..A.$tld�dY l. .CS. ��ae�ai�i� �o�zt�ations fo� ��t�a�a�al ��sav�1l�i�l �'�;x�a�I`��. 926G 1. �i�pe�°�t �.�z�hori���tlx� ���c�a�a.�r�t o�'�xp to 2f�,3�0 �tz��e y�are�s of fil� ���ra�1 �a�c��ppP r�anc���l e��'tap � 5�,`�0� c�.�a.�y�ar�� �sf�:a��e�x°��1 aas �ecti��. 1, '7'2S, :�,1VV(�ea�Zocfl� �����'�'rr�bu�ary} for cm�s�x°�i�� d�v�la�p�.��at as oiYt�i�ed a�a tl�� a��;s���.ed ��r�� a����ca�ian, zn.ap and�r��i.n��. �✓ `�'laas �ae�xns�t a��o �uthoxize� t�.e re�ova3. of rna$ea��. �e��ssary fc�x� �re�,��x�o�/atx�axr�cr��tio� �s ���cn�ed izx sp��i�.l couc�itior�. 7 b�lr�w, �. '�ir�adaty ��.s��l nsat��:�:e�€� 10°,o a�bove �at'tz�•al c�r�a��aa��idi��.e� �s �r���x1t o�° ��t�� pre�ject. '���tu.r�ad.aty��and.�rc� r�.av��; exceed�d. fa� a la�aa.a..��d �3uratioxx, (��r �F�, 3�0��1� �ra�de� �1� ��.ctacab�e �ro�ioxa co�.�:x°ol ��;�s�:tr�� hav� be��. ��z�l.�xxa.��a�ed a� �p�T�cabl�, i�c�udixag9 b�.x��.s�t la�.ni�ec�t�oa -us� e�f filte�ba��, ��d�x��aa�fex�ces, �s:i1�e��t�irasT 1�a�re st��s or k���axi�, �r �t�ac�r ��asz�.r�s ��x�:�acie���;o �rev�rst offsite ixioves�.�s�� c�f�c+i�; • -ta�e a#'aa� arnpex�i.ous �ateri�i tr� co�er �tackpile� wheaa�a.riatt�nc�ed or cl�zrin.g a �°ain even�; ��vv��t�xxia��rial� amr� s�oi�s sk��il���IacECI a� �.� a��rov�c��.���.a�.d dispos�.l site �nd �est in �ag�un.aiz��ox�z��u��tl�nd ttreasy -al�. areas o��aal dis�tarb�xr�.c� s�.a1l.ba seeded a�c�tla�x°wi��z��*veget���a. wit� �a�iv� �p���.���ax�o�. co�.�l��za�.caf cans��s�tio�z fi.� p�°�v�nt s�.bse��.en� �ro��.t�zt. �. �etr�l�u�xa��°s�dtzc�s, �h�sx�.aca��, ea� �-��Z�x e?�1�te��°z��as aa7a��ri��� s�xa?.I x�at be �lAo�vecl tas �ra��x 4;I�.� v�r�ter. 4. C��a�r�tio�. �s�'�c�a.��s a�.eni,an tlx� �.c�ive z`�c��v��� ��x��a�ra. ��.al�b� be��%��e�. �����xnb�r 30 aa�r� �'ui� �. �. �Ta fre�1� coa�cx���� s�.ail ccra�r�� �za�;o �or���ct�wit��1�� activ� f�ovvi�r�; str�ax�. 6, P��anc,�r�.l���°��st�g vvuody v���;�a�ios� s�a.all be s�uix�.a�.. � � ��:'�'����°IC?� �i�I`�ITI��.,�T� I � 7. �`�e fallo�i�g �sarad�ti��� a �l.y�sa �h.e re�lace�e�.� strear�/w�et�a��. �s �escribed ' � arx th� agplieat�.c�r� �d as �e�ict�� o��i.g�xr�s 2 �hs•aug�4. � a. Tl�e vcr�tla�ad ��iall �a� c�a�s��°azcted �rimr ta �sr �mz3.�����.tly wat� th� � constrazc�ian p�oje�t. ta� °� b. T�ie -�r�tlaaad s�.�.Al be e�rc�v�ted or �ai�t�a�.�r� as au�lz�ed �a �'igure 3 �ritl� sI€���s z�o st����r tka�a 3:1. - �age orae- � . .� A.t�a�h�.e��.�� �''��e�wa �� 9256 c. �"k�� �h����zxA� c�f t�.e���l��xc� ��.�� be ��ed�d r�r p���at�d�zf,h. ���� €en.c�/�a� �.��u�a��, xaat��� ��.�a.b� ��ad t��€�� �� d��acs°ab�c�iaa��.�a�e � �f�;�a� �sx�.�l�cap� P4�r�. '�-��s �d ��rcx�� sh.�i� b� ��th� �g�eci��ia�..aii�a�;ec��it�a ���; �ddz�tf�n of�I�e��v�a�ber�(�i��a�rx��)> ��aa���s�s �h.�l�b� ��AC�c� � �.�.ax�.ia�uax�e�f 6 �e�� �.�. �z��xa �c�x�.� cl�z��rnz�g��v�������ax�.. �`csll�v�s�.�����a�an� ��'��Se �.:���9 t�z.e�r��eta��r�x���.�.�1�� �I�o�a�c3 to ��f.ab����Z �. �xa��z��.�.���ax°�e�x v�i���iina�l��.�.�.��a��.c�. 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State of Oregon District kngir���r � piYiSic:rtl taf S4t�t1'�LQCIC9S ATfN: �ENPP-PE-RP 775 S�rr�rr�er 5f��ef NE p p 6ox 7946 Sai�m C�R 9731 Q Porfilanci, C7R 972�8-24db 503f37�-3a0� �03/326-7730 btasiness�hone# (JQ�7 620-w�77 1(� �,p�licanf M1tame Gox°c�on Ss Adar�in home pr,on�# ar�dJ�,ddress i���a� a��� 1�nu �vrzr�a� �AX# (�03) �'2�-���^ Ti�a,rc] 0:? 97a�3 _� business phone# C7 Co-AP�iicanfi G Authorized Ager�t i�ome ph�ne#8 O Cc�ntraetor ^�"` FAX� No;���anc�Acic�ress .��.°'°'...��__._-.�._"".�---° --�- ----------f -�"'-'—'�^ b t� e �honP# j F'roperty C�wner �"" "°----""------_ home phone# � (�t different iR�an epp�icnnt) � Nam�c�nd Address -----_..,._�,_, FAX# ! � Q PROJECi LQC?,Tl�RI v___-- -- y L� al Descri�fion �a� e— S'rre'� e�T, Rocad or ofher descri�five I�ca�ion �u��.�r Sec�ion Townsf�i� 9 ! ;`�'z S �!', � � P ` Counfy 7rax I�flap# 7ax�ot# � In or Nec�r(Ciiy��mown) !U J ✓c=�% �G�i� �(GOl �JCJ/1 'Y�02. `�` �.�.�( , �'"2 ____�G..��.; ��-ti��`�-s-.._ _----�-, .._._. _._._�.�,T' r. --- (2iver Mile Latitude Lc�ngitude �idaterwQy is consenfi to enter prUpe��1�y grant�d fio ih�Carps and fhe Division of Stafe Lands? C...� YeS 0 Na Q �°m' - �RCJPOSED �R�JE�T �[�FC7l�t�t,ATl�t� Activity Type: � Fili � Excavation(rernova!) � In-Wat�r S�ru�fiure � Mc�intain/Repair�n Existiny 5tructuce P ;,r;-,r��,r-,gnts fo� a ccx�:�rcia.l �evelonr^cnt „"_„___._...__._.._.._-..------_-..-._._ - Brief t��scription: S' �Ub��yqi•ds for the tai`al projPCf � FRlC wili invcalve _.___________..-.--- c�bic yards annuaily c�nd/or � l�;���, !_ cubic yords in o wetlond ar�elaw the ordincary hi9h�rr�i'er or high tide lir�� 1-� � �Cia � Orc�anics •�Other ���c�t''a.l �'��l � Fill wiil be � Riprap Q Rock � Gravel �'Sand � Sit, y length; v � �vidth: �._____.----- �e�th � Fii4 lmpa�t Area is l.�� Acres; _,_..-_.-.-- - � �� cubic yards fior the foi'al prc�je�t ���a�'ca(wiii irivolve cubic yords annually and/or ^ ��=s�.� � cubic yards o elaw the ordinary hi�h�n�afer c�r high tide lin� � � (� Organics a C�ther ..,__._____: � � R�mov�r� will be � Rip�aP � Rock �Gravel �Sanc� � Silt C����Y a��th I q�rt'��av�ri Impac�t l�rea is _ 'i �;�_.Acres I�ngth: ___�,. width; ____.________ �:L013G'x' 1,✓� �t'� . � Estimated StarP Date ^nril 1 y 1 C��� Esfiirna9 ed Complefion Date _ Will any material, cor�structiUn debris, runaff, efc. enter a weil�rnd or wa4erN�ay? �1 Yes (.� Na If yes, describe tt�P type of discharge an�J show 'rhe discharge location an fhe site �Ir�n• I �� ! .�.�,Y....�,�.,�- ,��-•..a.�.�..� ' �� � ��P��E� P�c����z �u��c��� � �����i�r� ° Pr�j��8 Purpos� at�d(Veed, Tt�v IVP�r�tia's,tbe px���rty���r5,peapbs�s co��d�lop ct��2�,85 t4CYC SiiG ii'bdo u 3�0,�00 ptus squa.r�F�ed�ammerc;igUretail eeaater. �°he�:itJ+s��1 fg�rd has ao��d th��it�for comr�erc�ul usc,a�d i4 is tb�lust larg�csse�s��r�i�l praperffy iu the"I'igard Tri��gl�,snd nr�z�f ih��'�ev�a�dev�iap�s3l�r��para�(�s�g t3�s;�i�y L�aacs, Pr�j��t(��s��iption: T'�ere is a�e:c�stin�dema�d foe big-bo�dev�i�paa�entx i�a St��li�F'TRO t�re�. `I'iae proj�cq cons�sts o�duvulraping t�e siE�into�3�40,000+squax�e f,�t caara�aarcit►Uretail c�taBer a�zd�s5raciat�d�Sarkgsa�;. '�e r,�utee�i�c�af th�pro�as�d dev�iapan�at sv�uld be� 4��,�i3Q��ra���f�Y pnd,�vhich e�rooald b�used ferr a�a�bo� r�¢�ii cent�c. In$dditioa Et�ere wi��ld b�S�7�rn�ller pa�.s. Ivf��t m�'G�.�resi��the si.e���utd be u�es�f�r par�g. �a�re�re�p�rou��s,;�➢.96 ncr�s of avetl�ds��the site. °fhe c��velaagz��nt�svs�u3d r�Ar�cfly i�pact 1..55�cA•��€sf t�e ° �vetfla�ad�. '1`t�e vvvtiand'sm�paets woulc�b�e aaitig�t�d partially on sii�,�a'd putxa�y��'site. Ses�rreached�tnalvsis ojAleernatrves ancf Needs���ort f�r�r�ore d�tai��d pr�je�d des�sip¢ioza. Now rnany peoj�cf drawing sh�ei�s are'sncl�acieJ wi4h fhis rspp�ir.�tion? —_- - � -- ' � � �s�7�:�compiet�applicafion mus�Y ir��l�cie e�rawings anr�a io�cxl'ian m�p sul�mi�P���n s�paeaf�8'/�X 11 s��efis. �5 - ' PRG3�ECT {tv�F',��tS /A�D �i.l'�RPd�T1VES D�scr6be c�it�matiue sites and prdject designs fhai�were c:onsider�ei tp avoiei isnpac4s to th�wcatervvay or wefilcr��. �7'hea�e ars sao othea�availat�le sites�e�ichin►_he Tigard Ta7a�g1�tbai�raeet the neects for Qhis type�f de�ela�gmer�t. iu 'additio8,th�d��velapes�i�,o�v�ed ehe��eop�rty si�ce the i 420's. T�i�y are xrying 4a d�velop td�e pro�erEq under th�ir oevraership. 1"l�ey bave�ree�tz��g te�deveI��che prop�rty fc�r a�prosunacely 1 S vears,�nd o.nIy reGently���s their[.�eexi a.ny ia�¢ere�t by connm�ccialhe4.ai1 conc,�r.ns. Si�ace t.��re�svere not any oc€ZZr sit�s av�ilabl�tQ th�e3e���loper�Yhzy cons;dered faur di£"i'ereut prQject desi�ns. S�e attac}�zd.�nczly�sis of.4faemcrtfves and[Veed r��ort for�detailed descriptian o4`the fos�x di.�"erenY alterr�atid�s. � M e Q�s�rik��whcrY m�asur�s you wilf use(b�for�and e�fter cons4ruution)�to rriinir�i��impc�cts ta the wafi�n�*rc�y Qr a�aetic�nci. ' A h� pt�rtion of th� �3te that �il bP unc�evelop�d v�ill t�e �3��r1y rr��.rk�d, a.nd a silt fer�c� �r h�y t ��le�will be ir��talled along its ecige pz�oy-to az�y ci��.rin� ar exc�v�ttipn. C�nst*ucti�n i�. ac�d , a.rorxt�d the�etlands vvill oc�ur d�r�ing th� �rr�r surrun�r manths to r�clu�� n,rylaff�d s�diz��ntatiocl. I'rior fio the prt����� �ain� r��xt �°e�r 6a�ds �n �r�s��n �c�r�trol �atan�%ill be ds�ve�l�ped. �unoff from the devel�ped area wil( enCer a v✓��er qi�alit,y/d�t�a�tion facility prior Yo enterir�g ei�her tl��� w�tlari�s ar z�atur�l drainages. t��TE: If n�cc�ssary, use additioncal sh�ets. � m�,�, � � ��DfTi�?NAL �d�FURt�Af��'lUd� � P,cljoining Property C.�u✓ner� an� Ti�eir Addr�sses an� Phor�� lVur�bers � � � � � '°� Has Yne proposed a�.tivity nr any rPlat�d c�cfivity r�ceivec� the a�tenti�n af the Corps of Engir7�ers or'fihe Sfa�Pe of�regon . in th� �aas�, e.g., �,ve�iand d�linea�`ion. viniation, permif, lecas� r�c�uest, �tc.7 O YES � N�? i#y�s, what identification r�urnbQr(s) were assignec! �y the e�sp�ctiv� ag�ncies: �c�rps # � State Qf C�reqon# ��_� _�____�__.m ' � �'�„� 'Ty � �(7l;NTY PLANNING I�EPP.RTMENT �F "':�IT ; (4A be��mRleted'ay lo�al planning�i� C�This pr�je�t is n�t regula4ed by the fc�saf��mprehensive�Ic�n and zoning ordinance. C�'i't�is pr�sj�ct i�as been r�vi��ed and is cansisPenf with the Ic�ctai cornprehensiv��lan onci aoning ordinanee. C�This prnj�ct has k��en r�viewed ond is nat c�nsistenf with the lo�al compr�h�nsiv�plan car�d xonir�g erdinan�e. �`�Q�is st�ncy of this project with th�Ic,ccsl planning ardinance�anr�e�t b�determined unfi!fh�fcsllowing lacal ap�roval(s) �ar�nbfiair�e�: ..---"_ a Conc�itio��al use F���roval ��velopm�nt P�rmif �Plan Amer�dm�nt �3 Zane Change '"� � �. � �'.�,�� �tner '��bt�, ...�. �' An c�pplicofion ///�"'''J��� has � hcas not b�en made fo�locai appcovals checked above. •A"y�'���,+�� '�'_ F ` �+- Q • . !c� �.� � • Sigr�atur�(ofi Iacai plarininy official} T"rtie CiiY f Cou i � De � ���.,_..e....m � - - --.���.� ($'� ����� �QB��f,�.l, �O�VE �ER7(FIC�4Tl�F8 If 4h�proposeci acti`�' �descnbed in your permit app(icatian is within the�r�gon caaxtal zorie,the failawin�ce�tiflcation is rec�uired beforP ypur applic:aiion can t�proc�t� d.A pubiic notice will be issued with th��erfific�iion stcitemen4 which will be forwarded to the Uregnn [�e�rtn�nt oi Lc�nd Coru�rvcsfiior�ane� lo�ment(DLC�)for ffs concurrente or objection. For aGdifionc�l ir�4emnation on the Caregon Gocastal Zane f��ianagem�nt Qrogram,contact epartment at 1175 Cour4 Sire.�3 NE.Scale�m. Oregon 47310 ar cali.5q3-373-�0. �EI251 ON STfaTEMiEN7 I r.ertify thct�,tc�the tac;�t of my knowledge ancl b�lief,th2 prop octniify ciescribeel in 4his a�piiccation compf�s wiff�the approved Ore{7on Coartal Zone Mcaria�ement Proc�ram ancJ will t�:completed in o ma consistent wR97 Yhe program. �rint/Type N�me � Trtle ApPlieanP SignalUre —�� �� �� Date ~`„�^� - - Q �(�fV�TUl�E "rnR JOitYT�PPLICATIGFI (R��I�i�ED) f�ppiiccxtion is hereby mad�for fihe activfies described her�in. I certify that i �m familiar with fh� infoimafiion cc�ni�ained ir�Yne capplication,ond,fo fhe best of my 4mowledge and belief,this information is 4rve,camplete,e�nd ac�urcrte, I furthier r.prHfy?hoi I poss�ss the authnrity including 4he n�r.essc�ry requisfte property interests Yo undertoke th� proposed activffies. I undsr�i•and 4hat�th��rar�iing r�f nther �rmiYs by local, co�nty, stcrte or fpderai ag�ncies does not ralease me from th� requiremenY of obfiaining the permits r�questeti bef�re commencing the project. I��ndersiond that local permits may ba rae�uired before fhe state rerrioval-fiif pe�rnrt is issued. I undsrstand Ynat payrnent of 4he required state processing fee does not guarantee permit issuancs. ' PrinP/7ype Name (coappliCant� rnP � , � .i-�.r-�,-�i,�� �'",�� /��t���-' ,a.�., � --L.G?����`. � Applicant Signature (c�pplicanp L�e4e ' i certify that I may act as the duly authnrized ac�ent af�the a�plicc�r,t. � ;: . Print/Type Name ~ rt�e . � Auttior¢ed Ayent Signoture � � �pa I , ND IMlPACY INF�RMA'f! � UPS�LEMENTRL�VETLA ' �FqPt N/EiL�:Plq�ILLS�NLYj Sit���r��it���s�B i�n�c���ar��a I��;aci�area is � C�c�cn �Est��rry � River C� LQk� � Stream � Fr�shwc�tei W�tlar�d fJ�4o: EsP�arir�n���our��Replac�me��t is rer�uir�d by s�a�e la�.v for p;�j�cts in�ralving infiertic�al c�r tidal marsh t�lt�rations. A se�arai°�We�lc�nds Resour�e�ompensation Plar�may tae c�ppended 4o th�c��plic�tiar�. M�as a weflc�nd d�line��ian be�n corn�ai�fe�fc�r this sit�'� � Y�s � �!o If y�s, by wht�rr�: �?r. 1��rC�r► �chott �52 5� �rc� ,�.rr�. (503) 266�f�946 C�.�by, ��L�7C 13 ��s�ribe ti�� �xisfing Physicc�i cand biological�hcae�ct�r af�he we�land/wai��nnr4y s'st� by ar�a anc���e c�f r�:source(us�separat�sh��#s r�nr!phofios, if necesst�r��) See th� enclosed v��tl�r�d delineation report for a de�c�ptian of the site. �'h�v✓etland frurictinns vvere assessed usin�the arc�thorl d�velo�ed by Fteppert �t• al 19'79, anrl at �� attiached to the application p�cke�. � :• €t��c�urc� €d�pEacemen��it���tio� � Desc;rib�m�asures to be ic�ken to reg:�lace unavoicic�I�iy impac.��d weiiand res�aurces �. . 'I'he project e�,•aul� ivalpact�ppro�a:lmatel5• 1.59 acres of th� I.gFs�crps of tiw�eilands o�t�e sit�:. '�he�sv�tland ivapacts ' �vould be miti�ated for gaRially on site and partially off site. "I`he pY'oj�ct proposes to reloca€ed�ast of tia�drainage Zv�ich bisects the prop�rty furttter to the n�rfh. It tvoaald nui parallel co l�ai$mouth Roa�. Tbe reiacat�d�ortion of'th� tirainage and a�s s�sated wexl,ands�auId be 0.41 acres,�d t}iere vr�uld be�25 fuo2�vid�t�u�er sUrip oa�i��tt��ides of the dsainage. Z'he w�tland along the drainage would be plwt�d Yo sc;rub-sh.rub sp�ies,�vith a�rasslsedg�undee�4or4�. T}ae aff-site mitigation would b�loc�t�d adjacent to Ccx>k Park. It s*rould enlaxII�an�x�,euag weuand mitigatian area by ?.�2 ttcres. Th�exisG�g zniCig�tion area consists of x p�nd and isiand comglen avifh th�ste�p t�auks pta�ted to tr�s anci � s�irubs. T�ie i�lands are�a-i�zxarity;a►ergeat�va�lands. 'Ttx�praposed araAti��tio���s c�esignc:d to c�a�apl�ecl�the ex.i�cing�akiaation area,and to r�lace�he wedands u�apacYed�y�k��g�rojece. �se pgogos�d uaiYigation cosa.ists of � developin�ezn��•gen4 scrul�-skzsub,and forested�ve¢la.ncis. �do�pe��vnte:r features aee praposedl bsause tue e�tistir�g � mitigation area atready ha.s a lar�e proportion of epc;�water. T�e e�aer�en4 wett�ds��designed ta b��ara�ow ba�ds �. b�tween scn�b-shrub nud/or forested baa�s. �iae sazu.b-�Paz�b'u eom�m.c�ni.�.ty�;�11 crs�s�.sPs of a ne�ly solid staaad�r�'�utka � rose,which is 4he s�rub-sbnab co�unity 4L�.�t wiXJ.be�xxipacfed. The f�oa•esE�d ba�gda�ill cro�sist of�m�ixiure s�f t?r�e�ort � nsh afld L3ougi�►s harvthorn. 'I'his�s int�nded 4o geplace t}ie 1R C3re�on ash�tat�xe�itbirA th°wef3a.nd t�ia4 wps�ld be � i�a�ar,Yed. 5ee�itigatioa enclosed mit�gatio�dra�vin.gs. �9d � I�ocat�ion: N,E. �/4, SECI'I01� 1.as TC)VdI�1�� �S, 1'�lNGF Rl�'d, WP,� `TL �1�OC►. � " Because this information is not necessc�ry for a completc a�pli�ation, you rnc�y submit this sheet�r�d ofher envircarirnenta� informQ4i�n aft�r submittin�your�p�lication. �..�.�...__ --�-- � .�.,__._._.�..�._.,u� � � - �� IO��'�`IG�'Tl�)TV 1'()�. �►'JH��'�,�,�1�� lTdYi'��C�°:� 'F��7'�.,r�1�1.Tb .�I��°A�;�'� fi�e prE3jcct vvquld ianp��4 �p�i•uxin��tcly 1.55 �ci�es �if'thc J.c1� A�res c�t'vM�tl�r�ds c�n th��aroject �re�.• '�"taer� �r�a�I� b��ppro�in�at�ly 1.4I ;�cres a�'emc�-genl wetfa�d, �n� U,14 �Cr�s o9" fe����t/s�r�ab�s�s�ab�veY��t�ds fsll�c�. �'�.'�T...�l�� lC�J't���'��:bPdS 7'hc w�tland as�ociated wiY}� the dr•�it�age v,�liir.la i�isects the prop�rty��s evai�zated usin�t��� ���ap�a� ar�cthoa�. Tf16:lPJG���9BCI �1t1(� Yl`9UCD�fFi�C CYP`1�E�Y��i�UC'S �tDT'Tltil�W�ZI�,Y7(� �LlI'lCL1UI]5 (�°� attach�d �valu�.ei�n forms), '1'}ie w���Ifl��cl hac9 � made�•at�v�luc for gh�tolatur�l �3io3c��ic�l Furaction. Two o�'the Yi1i-�e sub-�;ategoa•'ae5 �f"tl�is �'i�r�ctiorr }7ad mod�ratc va���s, as�d �nnc had a low v�.lue. "6'he eph�m�r�4 nstur� �f tlte ttrdin�b�, eh� l�.ck nf open w�ier•p a��d the srna!! si�� ssf tlae vv��l�nd �rerc tlze limitir�$f�atures. 'T�1� W�ga�3YC� 1��c�ivcd a ic�w seora fc�r the ,A,�ttatic Study �lrc� a�d R.�Cu���°unction. algain this w�s du�t� �es sr�al! si�e, f�ck o�'�erer�ni�i vvaf�rp and s•�l��iv�ly f�v�ha'�ita9 ty}�es, '�l�e F�ydralogi� �;tai���t�t fun�tic�n vvas�iven tt modera�G va��o� :;v�n thr���h it r�ceiv�d a Irsw�nd mUd�ra�.e valu�s for �ts t��<:� sub-cai��,ori�;�. '1'he�ph�r��rsl n�t�r� of'the dra�ia�a�e v�t�s 6h� majt�r li�nitis��factar, 'T'l�e ��c�rclinc Prc�¢��eia.� fiinctic�n had � ]c����ral�« be��«se c�f'thc size �r�d cca��ditir�n ��f thc c�raia,a��, Tt�e �m�l! si���if 2h�w�tlanc� and the C�r►7pos[tir�� c�f the h�.bit�t ted 4he lov�r to tiZnder�te values of the �torH�;� csf Stc�ran 1yJ�ter �art�F�an. 'i'h� srr9ail size c�f the wet�fftyci was the re�son Yhe Na�ural C'ds�tandwater fiar�cfi�n receiv�d � lorr�v�(�e, The"Jdater�'urifi�r�tion fianclion }aad a mocier�tc;pyerall �v�(�e,i��at t�e 'val�,►�s s�pa�ald b� lr�r�v. '�he n�tur� c�ffhe dr�in&�?e, its locaiion9 €#Y!d B1S $1,7� IlI3'tt(S�°f9� �'PG�G3'1$i�1 (7�' th��a�v��i�s�t�t� eff�rkiv�iy purify w�tcr. T}�r,�rctland hca�i 3o�w valu�f�r both th�C:��lBr�a•�l Ar�d IC�Ge��t�t�n�! �.tnceit��a�. T�zis '.A�FH.:i CIIiG tCD i�� �p�Cr locaciaY�, �nd ��wa��rship. � ��'�'�'�..,�� l�Jt�'&'�6�A'['l��d 7C$�� �j�pc;l�s�d w�tl&nd miti��fion ;�lan5 Arc dc�i�n�d t� �•eplace��,co� �tiv�tia.nd �°ia���ctimr,s th�2 wo�ale� be Ic�sf �h�rt i�h�pr����t �s deaeic��a��, 'l'h� �ni�i��t�oia nn site �f�# aCr�s) vyaul�d p�rtia69y �PfscY salne nf�hc loss r�f�rildlife���it�t (txatural biolc��ic�l i�rnction}. It wruld slili �rovld�� �or�id�zr �hrb�ug� th��ik�, but eh� q�a�lity Uf ihe u�rricior wouicf b�sibeit�aeantiy ���r�r tha� �he curr�r�t �„ �ir�in�a�� arid �..fisoci�led upl�nds. Th� a-�.c�tx�;iiar� in si�e•w�ultl r�sult 9n a x�dtactit�t� �n ra�t prirnary � productiUn and fc,od c;hain suppc?rt. '1'i�c alr�nt3� low vafu�s cDi th��ve;tl�n�fo�'��a�fi� SL�dy � �F�� €4tlC� .R.�fl1�G,' 1�018JC�I fll'e"th�r dcaiinc, as rv�stafd 2he i�n�d sqora�e furxctic�rt, 'Tki�flocsd sto�'��� � �' fian�SiQ� w��td �� rnit.��atecl �hr���g�h tf�c d�v�Ic�g�dr�cnt t�f���t�r c�ua�it�dc�e��ittia:�f�c�ili��e4 ihat�.ar� � � t'equir�c� N�� 'l�1�,��inb*�on �s31�t1ty t�tad ilie C:i�y, Tp,e�rour�c� ���2Pr rechr�•���cat�r�ti�l of th� � w�t��d is �lr��d� iovv, and is not exp�eogec� L� �e signific�ntly �Ite��d �y the Y�ec���tion c�f wellar�ds � on t�� si��. °The w�tl�nds an tla� sife app�ar�� }�e water c�isch�r��poit�ts, �nd r�nt rce�ar�e ar��s. �'he c�arr�nt �vaCer puri�ca�ion value fc�r 6he wetl�nd is low tc� �noclCrate, and`�itli 3he propos�d �n .. . ' ,° � ����a�ti,��t��rn th�v�9�,���f th��.anctsc»a �hoteld t�� ���o�c�xirn���l�sh�s�m�. �3oilt�h��i.sytur�l s��� ���;r��is���l f�ar��tow�s �u��aa�ly �r�lt�w, �aa� ena,y �.ctu�ily i��r��.s�car►ce ih���ra�,g�ct ia bc�al€. '�h� �el�a��t� d��i��g�wca�agd ����c R path���y t�r�au�;����k��a��a� �r��,whic� r�s���l� b�t�r�t,h ��S���ti� �►c� b����d �'�r re�r��t�c�n. `��a���s��fi��i��;ct �!�'��t�� tay t�a��rc��,c��ed sl�v�ic�prr���zt �c�uld be 8��n�t€a�al �ic�flc�gi�al, ;�i�acc g��� is nc�t �r�ais�h�a�its �!i(3n �(s$.�t,ti�) C�n 5Lt8 tiC�G�Bt�C3t��I fi�ifEs�ltlt�n pS pF'6��C9�� �yfT��1��. . '��'l4�7°�!S SC111C�d �xi�ti�ag�v ° a ��can a� t,k���i�e, �n� th�pr�p����i a�dti��ti��� �,�s��sa���d �� �saaa�plir�a�s�4 �.���xi�B���miti��tics . �s�t�y t7A��� (5���1��;9L3��111�;1Y1fl+J�;s��i�%l CC12tS15$3�, r�d isl��d ���p1��s9 ��d rzu�st ��fih� �r�t • �r���r���t. 'c`I��a•�is � �r���/s�ra.�bm�l�r�.� b��3`°�r �l�sa����s �cf��. 'Th� prop��cd r��ita��tic�s� �� �szn���t.s�f�°�r�st, scs��a�a•��P�s�b ar�d ��ra����a���t��a�c�, 7"f��#`�r�s# � - irub wctl�ra s l�e tc�ia���rsc���r b�r����iih b�.ztc�5 �a�'����rg;�a�t o���l c;r�� ��, �'�B��Yri�F�CY�E. °id�Yl€93�d Wf9U da�ra�������t��r��er �r�d ��.p r��. , . T�� a��'s��� ' . ° ii�r� sh�uld eni��riae ���e �xis�a��; b��lo��al functirs� � •° � ingr x�it��atia� dr�tz, b�w���ald gc�c;rea > Z.2 ��rc:s, �nd �vvau ' �t.��a ►��t dsvexsity. !n additi�n, � sirac�it g�v+rithi�l th� �OC1 ye�.rr!lc>ca , � ��i�I�S�er, it ��r��ld 'ar�cr��s� �h� flocad stors�� �aa���iun. °�°he a�,i�i> ' s oi• �oan� �x� �€�d �1�s�ts�� ire�� ��d �kaa�ub�, pt�tln e��suld ���ti C�d� fl�ood st�arta��c�f�h� ar��. �in�.11y, h� �it�i� �dj�c�n� tQ C;c�ok�'�A°k, �ca ear��.he�'���cd Izi�h S��nc�i Uc�Yh tEae �sa1?u�'a� �aad r�c:r��¢4c.��� " gr�ygS SkDt'���d i�T3�r��y�V�. � 6 � � � � � � � � d�! �i ___-�..�:�n,nw� . . . . ,�.�.a, .���T�,,:�� � . ' � �� .o.._ .� - - :� _ � _,.�,�._/'..�— �� ��� � �r�l�� � �.�°' � a � `� � . � � � / � �. ; � � � � � � .� � ���� �� � Q � � C,,.����� ���� � � �� � � � T�' ��• � � . .. .., � . . f„�; _., _, �LT"td�.1�P � b�7�'... .. � ��� �. ll,� m L.,dtVp �:,. � u��� ;r: �'�,� __.._._... .,�. W �<C'' .:�,t�;' �r .. ,<. . 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IfPaaia��gscsAr��r+�. a a; r� �; 4 � —�.., .,.�,�..� �. _._.._..� -- - — - . ��4ff31�"1�J�!'�, '���� � h� ������ �. ��,f���� `���&5 ��0' ���lC� �iO�Rll�� � E 1"3����D �F� 97��� I7I 'ViSI�3 �,1 � � ��: �t�t� F���f�'ti$ R�O. �����5� 5 7'A'T � L. A I�T i�S �'�r�it As���drri�r}� .�.__ ��i���irzg��c� ��ur�t� STPaTE ZA�D'SCDE�ItT) Jax�r�. xzT��a��a�� Governor ' �P�9° �f. �c-'$C�9l�: PE�IL ICEI5LII�dG Secre#ary aF Stz,ke `�t�ev ��t��r vvi(1 ��r�re tc� �e�end A.tt�chrn�nt,�, ���ditbar� l��. �� th�� re�d� JI_�HILI. �S 1�f3�OC?�l�a; State"i'reasurer 4 7i5 S+arnrner 5treet 1`�E C��€;t"c��fUP� �$F;C�i31�PB1�l�� A�6 ��� ���iQ1l� �O�Eii��.�. S�t��I�'i 5�3��I �?� S�le:ca,�R 9%310••1337 b�fiv��er� �e te���;r 3� �r�d J�a@ �. (503)37�-3�05 � � FAk (503}37'8-4344 7"I'3'(503) 37t3-4615 Ifi �h�3i €�o�nr ���d �s fo9icvvs: �p�r•�tior� o�ecg�aipa�er�t i� �h� ��ti�� �l��ri�g str�ar� ���i� b�; b��uv��r� ��a���t 1 ���� ���fi����� 3�a T'hi� ����r sh�u3d b� �����h�d ar�d r��d� � ��rfi �f F����,��i�F°�61 l���rnit �fca. ��56, �il ����r�c�rsc#s��c�s�� c�f�h� p���i# r�rr��°s� ir� ��T��. If y�u a1�v� �s�� qc�e��i�r�s, pia�s� ��r�t��t��r��i�e, �i���r�iyr , � ���..�� � � ��eE��� �.. r����� � Na�ur�i 3�e��urc� �ac�r�i���tc�r � �"4eld C3p�rations-VV�ste€��a €����csr� � - � ampnd.doc � � � c: �afe �i�sf���, t�carp� c�f�ngine�r� C�car� E��nn�tt, �3r�go� Depi. �f�=i�h and lNildiif� � llVashir�gton �aurr�y �'i�nni�g � ,: �.._��. __. _ _ A� � Et�Cy9N���RS �Y _—�=:�\ ��h �p 1��� �caly � �tanc�I�� & Assacoates, I��. �400 5.W.GrliPifh brive 5ulte 296 Beaverton,Oregon 4�7�05 r (5C13)646-4Q�0 , ` Fax(S03j G46-3385 � �'1'�°i�t���x� �a��x►��r�sy� �'1�� �.�. �-Iat�ptar�, �ui�� 2w5 '�'i��rd, �r��o�a �'7'2?� ��0 548�-1��� .�,�a: �� �h�ris�er��ra It�o °�'�i-Cousaty ��xa�e� - �arr�,er �-iei��.ts �ra� L,��t��n.s '�a1�o 1a39���< m D�.1�-Staz�d��� 8i �..�ss>ciatesp �c. dm�a� ask�ci to deterrr��� �khe m.iti�atiqn th�t �rill b� ��c�vaix�c� $� !l1.51.1Y'� �1� YYC9flS� Y'1C�l�tiltl� �t`OYtl #�1('. �CC5�.1t5SeC�. 7'Y'A-C.�Ul1�l.ty ��Pl'���° XXl �'1���'�, Ck�e�caz� �v�l �ra�e� �.he city arbd st�t� rzc�is� ge�r.zlations, assuming t�ie deli�very tz�cks do rsUt izxagnediatelgr ��,��r ��f�heir �n�i�.�s ���r s������ a loadi�g dock. �s �s � sB.�ppler�aesat $o caaa� r��xa�t ��.t�d �'��a.�car;� 16, 19�8 %� ��xic�a �t �r� a�suzs��d th�� t�� de�iv�� t�a�� ��� ir.trs��d�at�ly tta��� r�f� �ft�r rea���� �. �oad'zxx� cicack, � �."h� r�oise levels ttxa� �rill r�e�iat� f�eara� �h� ".C'ri-�o�an.ty �erater w��� �r�c��ct�:�. �t ��ais� �s�nsit€v� pr€��extg�� � �e vir,a�a�ty �f t�� sit� �a��,� a �c�rxi�uter �arag�ar� that �ll��rs th� �tecl°sc�i�� �f��.� r�oise that �%ill �a.di�t� frcrrz� �y nu�za�e� c�f�.oise s��c�s. °�'�xe �rc���x�n an��tz��s t�fla� ��f�cts �af �tr.�osph��c ��asc�rptir��a ara� dis2�3�� �nd �� ��. ����ade �� ��f��t a� �a�at�� s�r�h � ��se ��a°r.i�a�, a.r�� ����t�t�oa�. �a��c� e�r� �h� r��a�l� ox �uo ��axse s�ud�, �rve �anc�ude �rie r��ise radiatis�g �'r��xa th� prop�sed Tc°A-�,"ot�ty �er�g�r arar� frarrz th� traffi� �enerated }�y t1a.e ret�il ���fier wvi11 m��t the C3re�Qri T�L�51X'tiT11�l1$ Ol� �YP"V1FJ�PI2�� C,�LI�I1$�' i'bt3?S� %'��11IatPOIYS �F9.C�a $�l� �'1��1 ���,i,�ard IV��ni�ipal ��odeg ��the r�c�mrnended zniti�aYi�n x�a�asures �re aax��lem�r���d. 'I`h� re�aznrrr�end�� rnitz�atiari rraeasur�s az��lud� the fo11ow3.a�g: � C�xxastz-uct t�vo ba�ers sou�.h of t.�e iylajor I, II/ AAA�� Fidt� SdI�A ��alA�lSl�Sg �.s sho�rra � ar� Fi��re �. � � � and � � � ��yzstr�actin� adjc��aa s�ati�t �arri�r� �rz the sot��h asxd e�.s� side� �f th� ei�at 20-t�;� � �°c�ofkop tara�� (an �✓1ajc�r � ��iildi�.��. . � w � � �a�riers sh.oti�Id be �cal°sd �>4 p��cis per sc�uare �c�o�) a�ad ai�tight. E�axr����s of �aar�er rn�t��a,ls �re: 1 162 unch t�zi��C fix, 1 1/4 inch ihi�k p�y��od, 4 �rzci� thiick cozx�rete pan��s z�r �oza�r�te blc�ck. .P. be�m al�r�� c�c � c�njt,uictiorr wit,� a wall can be u�ed. 103483-1.1et 1 ;, . : . _. . ,. . , , ;;'' � �� �� �30 19�� �'�i��u�a�y�re#c�m T����.�c�ica�r� ���c'�S� ���I ��� � �Il'�C� ffi15aflL��i�J81�l�l�'� �� C�ZI�.'3�;1�I�.S� �a���x�1yB :���-��.�.ti��e � �s�i���s, ..�irri�.� . �" �..✓�_ �n• a . �3��P.�Y�H �o ����.��, �<�. ��i��kl� �'`'�1�821��' -..___ a � � � • � � � � � � � � �03g83-1.�et � . `,�< ;. 1 � � .�', � � S a r � '�" . *x"` r a � 4� � �� � '; '. : {i;. I '/.... � P �I ' ��1 t. � .... ' ... ,: � ��" -Y'+ .y..' `[� X , � ( 4 k i`e f _ .t _ ': .... ` ..i S .v 3 i. �^Jk _'..fi . �'7� : S jf _ #' Z _ �„ } .��4,r k,;' _ s - �': f .►., (.J i � Y.� �'d ,l �. _ ! ; �� / a, 1'�� �� I� '� ., _. �.i ��'�i f� . ,I.' �s" .►�� .,a �j•�►.�'-;= . , ,. ... . ,: ,� , . , ,.. ; . :_ f . . . r ��4� ;. . _ � y �� ��' � , ; . . � ,, ' :,�.;� -_� � +� !�� � ����ifGf�l�I�1 3 i l►r�'�i��, � • _ yy� /� •�i� .'`ea ri'�.�.+i�:��y�,�aa tiri�w �.x���.�i f,q,,;4,.� r,. . d3�..:.. �r �:::..SI'i'Y.a.�..:�-• �._ 1. ,<„>:- � �= ty 4 i. :r..r,G'h[.�,����f��,��/�! .o'. � �ti► t}. .a� `K� � � s � '. ♦.� . � ,��yY .��1�i��i�.(�, � : � .: ' �. , M . 7 (�riR;.F�.: � .-.yL;4��j� � � ' � ........ .. _ . ..... . � . . . ' � . _ �� � . l �� • � lw. � .. s tt� ���a� ��t ��� � � ,�� ,� � ��� �� }: � �: . , S �y ri.�> .. • � ... j.. ! _ � #�' � ! r. a. s. �? �;Fy q.. �! _ ' ♦ � , . ��i��.�:�i Y ` � •''�R '�-� �.' �fit°t ��� o. s, � ��� �i�.�2... � .{' � i.. Y �� �. . , . � .. yC '_. , � -.�. ',' �' � �� �� ....../� �� _ . �: ;. :. .. ' , . . . � .. . I � ' _ � : ., �. . ' ' �-i� � Ta " ' t .'_�. � . ���v,� " . ... �" !„ • � � �� ��� � � t- �,,,,,, -.. .� � ,.. ...�..�a4w�� � � �,�..►���� �►1� � 1�� ��`� ��r.f-..�j � , . ,� ���: �:.,,���� ti��ir��,(���� . ��'1 ��� rr !' a.� � > �is �� - r.�:�� �-�—V� � V: �' : : �i : f: �"' ��� `—"--.�-,.,,e���,.,; _ _ , . �{ , r . , � - �ri� = f �. .> � =�..-�#i , � r?� �= ti . . • - , . � - � - z - , . " ,< , .. .�� ��-, �.— � , 1..�? � j�. �' ��t�j�,,,�. �� � ., � . : . � . . .. . 1 ' ' .� � a . '�,i.......�,,;e-,� .. .. . __-._ . .. � � .f. '� - � ��`�a/ i . j, � '�. E, �`f�M: f ; ��► � .. - • � � � 1. � x� � , .:'' . .� �,.r� Y.� - '�` .�.: +�:� � �' � r� .. ._ .� `4, .:' , ,}R➢'#�� Lr y "�� ,� .; �,� ��� . . 1 ,t ' _ . ., . ,,.,�;,`� - , �� 4� - •' , � f�: � � � .. ._. . ``"�."`"-"-"�}..., `, .. � � � �t �"* ` �.t�" �,s ��:v�r � _.: y -.t.' �� � 1Gi a -���a����j� 4 �I �r . : . �T'�. � ....>.. � . v!1t Jrc�f� �� {�'�( � � �^�. .' „-. `` �.�..-,��� �: ;� t �� , �� ` ' `���.:.�.,�.:::� �� ,, �, ; .: Y,�,.,�., ,;�,� . . . �► . . - , , .; :_ . . . - . . ;r „ ����. • , � .k��: . � �� ' ._ - . ' • . ... .� ... . �. � .i�-� s,.� ` �• �. ,, r=: �f �; ..,. ..- .. . � ' — •'/�`>�.r ..::�:, '� ?''. ' _ _ _ y . . :. ��. .r - � } ::. n . :v. .., is.��.�_ l:� t 'ir: �. . t • .-.. � �v � . . . a... i - + v . � .� t- , . . ,—,,.- ���':. ., � � Eh3�IPd�ERa . �� •-a=�.- � � _' � '.-�y�� � �'�bru�ry 16, 199� �uly p Sf�.��die� � Asso�ic���s, in�:, nvoo s.w c��ffi�n o���� �, Suite 21b � Boaverton,Oregon 970U5 (503) 646-4420 , ��1�'Z���.`Y15�%Y �''Y1�1t'tf.'�1'`�1'i� Fqx (5Q3) 64b•33e5 7�a� �e'�. 7Iafl1�3tm�, ,�Lis�t� �2C '�'iga�c�, C)r��on '3'7?2:� Att�: � �hras�ens�x� � . �'ra�ra: �a.lg��Staiacile� � Associ��es, �s�c. p i .� �✓���".���`�� p� ��y � ,�/���" ,�.'�'��ZJ �wt�---.- (�`� 1���. n � ��.r .�;' � •.r�.��t�����, � �� �a�'�. v�' �i1�i�rn,.1V.�. �ollie�a�rs k�,�, � �e�r�� C�. ���lee, F.F'. Assn�i�te �n��rze�� �'z-a�cipal Re: I�le�is� �tuc�y f��° E'�c�posed '�'�i-�ourity �C�nt�r Fgl�: �.U39�1 0 �aly-�t.�z�dle� 8G �.s�o�:iates, Inc. was as�C�d to conduct a noise stuc�y to ir�sure �he z�oise radiaY�ng from the proposed 'I'ri-�ou!aty ���.ter in 'I'i�ar�t, C�rPgon �vvill ��zeet state I3epa�tsn�:nt of �nviro�rra�ntal ��zality noise r�gutatians anc� thQ �ily c�f �'i�;ard 1�/It�.icipal �od�. 'I"�s report present� the results c�f th� stucly acid ot�r �onela�sic�z�s based on thc�sa resulk�. • a �.o� ����.�� �ased an the res�lts of o�zc° a�c�ise study, ��e conclude �he norse radiating from fh� �r�pc�sed Tri-Caur�ty Center and frc3en th� traffic �ec�erat�a �y the retail center �vi11 meet the city and state noi5e regulations, if the recornznended gnitigatior� mPasures are implement�d. The reconlrxiended mitigation measures i.nclude constructing a 5 foot hi�h barrier sout� af the Major II and III-.A �t.�ildings and east of N[ajor I buy.ldi�.g, as sho�vvn in Fi��.re 4 and constcuc�ing a�jornin� solid ba�iers on the sotath and eas� sid�s of t�ie eigh� 20-ton rooftr�p units (ox� I�iIajar I buildir�g). Idot� that c��litiery tcucks xnust be tuzx�.ed off imr�zediat�l� �.ft.er �, reac;��ng a loadin� dock. � � � � z.0 �I'�'� ������'���t i � °I'he Tc-i-County Re��il Cent�r in Tigard is proposet[ for a sate located `vi�hin xhe tc�a�gle � fa�ned b� I-5, I-Iigh�vay 2�7 (also known. as Beaverton-Tualatin I-Iighway) and �`igl�way 99�V (also �:r�.o�vn as Pacific I�ighway} (see Figure �). '�he proposed sit� is �ac�rde�z�i on th� north by SW� Dartmouth �treet a�d an the east �y SV�J 72nd �.venu�. '1'h�r� are pr�posed to be 5 st�res located in a row alang th� sauthern par�t af tkz� site. Th�re �vil� �e 6 oth�r �et�3i buildings (labeled "pads") locat�d a1on� the nUrth an� east �dges of the site t�vhich wvill be di�idsc:t into �-�t�il style stores (shown in Figtere 3). ao�9�1-Z.icc 1 , A� 1 1"ebrua�y fl6, 19�� Te�-l�ounty �et�ter 1'�►e topa�raphy vf the sit� slopes u� from the �west sicle ta the sorath���t corner. �°�ae �;c�5tiri� �l��ation r�f the �vest side is bet�ve�n 160 �e�d I�i3 feet abare s�a I�vel. °l�e �uis��� etevatiorl of the east side �s between 204 feet at tk�� nor�h�as� �o�ner and 242 feet at th� sQ�xth�ast car�er. � - "�'h� p,�oposed sit�; will�be �r�ded to e�v��. �ut the chaalges is� elevation. `�'h� Yop��ra�hy �all slop� �,�p from the narthdves� r�flm�r to the sourheas� corner. "�'h� west propec�ty 1in� �rill s4op�� �a�r fro� 164 f�et �t the x�orthwe5t comer to 1`7£i a�8$ 1t �O ��1� S(JUt�l'6U�est aoc�zier, lhe noe��i property line �✓bll siope �p at 199 fe�et from the �orthwest corner° �a th� n�t�Eta�asl; coreaec•. 'I'Y►e soufh pro�ac°t:y line =�ill slope �.tp from the soulltv✓FSt corne�' to t�2� sot.�t.h�est corner., a� 2��? fe��. A retaixv.n� wall dvill t�e constz-tacted alori� n�uch af th� soc�th property lir�e c�f t?xe pr�jec�. The �ei�ht af t�ie r�taining wa71 relati�e to �he adjacent access road �rid �ar�eiatg ax�ea is sho�✓n in Figure 3. 'lh� retairzing wa11 r�eally begi�as south af the eastern si�.e of M�,j�r 1. 7'he heigk�t var�es fearn 0 t6 32 feefi ab�vs th.e el�vatiori nf the land e�ix �h� site. �1n aerial photograph shoWing the resides:itial properties closest to the site is shc+wn in �i�ure 2. "�'ha closest r�siciential prog�erties south of the site are located an the north side of S'W Herrnos�. Vi�ay. The clas�st r�sidential propertias east of the sitie are tocated east vf ��JV� 72n�1 Avenue. In addition there is a residence loc�ated on the southeast cornar of Dartrriorxtl� an.d 72nd. The only vegetation that will be lor,atc:d between the retail center and the closest �esir_l�z��:es is �rass and a few tr�es. 3.0 �`ACIr..,I�'Y �,1'�� �P�;�fA'T'1Q�l�E`s.i., II�1�'OIt�✓%.4.'�'I��I �'he tenants o� the IVIajor buildings are �xpecCed to be 1ar�e retaii stores. Z'h� �i �latfarsns �vill Le rented to smaller ratail style stores. The stores in. the Tri-County Center witl operate between the hours 7 A��� and �.(3 �'M, 7 �iays per week. Luring the hoiiday s�asor� (2 �r�eks before ar�d 1 �ve�k a��r Christmas), the horxrs of aperation for some of the stoxes may exten�. to °7 A]� to 12 r�nidni�ht. TYiere �;�ill be vely little traffic associated �.vith the �enc�r on and � off the site after operating ho�rs. � �— � Deliveries, garbage pick-up, r�cyclable pick-up, and parking l�t main¢enance will c�r�Iy c�cct.r.r � � between 7 Ai� and 10 �M. � � The noise saurces thal are expectec( to radiate noise frorn the retail center are as �ollo�vs: � rooftop H�"�C aquipment, ��-affic associat�d `vith the r�tail c�nter, automobil�s i�i th� p�r.l�in� lot, �arba�e trucks, rec,yclab�e trucks, �eliver}� trucks, la�vn maintenance, ar�d routine pa�-king lot mainrenance eguipment (such as par�zng lot s�v�eps and leaf blo�vers). There rna� �� fork lift used ta load and unloaci delivery frucks. 1Q3981-2.1ct 2 l�eb�airy �6, 19�8 Tri��aunty Cen4er �� is �x�eated that more that 1na1f af thn tnrr�e the �c�rk lift is ope�atir�g, it Ps insic�e a building or i,nside a ta�ack. �"h� engirt'�s c�f the� deiidery �ruaks �vill b� tutrted aff amr:nediaiel� aft�r �ockin�. �i+�ise radiati.zi� from all o� tlTe s�urces except lawn mainte��nce is add�essed ir� tY�is noise sYud;�. flregan �EC� (OAR. 34�0-3`�-035 S�ction (5)(i)3 �xPmpts sounds create�l by 1���. cara xr�azz�t�t�.ance and snovv ��rno�al �;quaprner�t. It is our understa�a�4n� tiiat f•autine parking lot maiz�te�iazic:� equipra�ent �such �.s park.i�� 1�fi s�ree�s and leaf blawers) will only operat� be�ween the hot�rs or `7 1�..14� a.r.r!d 1� �'IV1. A.ccordgn� to Jim �az7ciac �f �.oS�insan �a�nstt�u�tir��, rooftop eq�aipment for the T�ajo� T v✓i11 cons�st of r�o a�nor� than � 20-ton, 3 10-ton, � 5-�on, a�d 2 �-tan packaged rooftap units. TlYe 20-ton units vvill be 1oc,ated near the center of th� �:�ajor I building. "Th� otk�e.- units �vili �e spaced throughout #Iie coaf. �✓lajor II, Niajor III-A, [�vlajor �iII-�, 1V1aj�r IV, and Pad C ��✓ill �ach have no inore tha.ri one 10-ton packaged roofta� unit anc� 8 �-tan packag�d roof�op �..uiits. �'ad �, I'ad E, �'ad F, Pad �'a� and I�ad � �vill ha.v� azo more th.�n 5 5-tt�z� p�ckag�.d rooftop u.ni�s, The e�:pected tenant �f �ajoc I has uss� Lennox andustries fc�r� other�ro���i5 in t.h� I'ortland arc�a. I-Ience, for tl�is s�udy, we have �sed the noise da�a for Leru�ox pack�ged rao�p units. � � 'I'i�.e roof o� all af the buildink,s (Major I through Iu and the 6 pads} will be appros�irnately �6 feet above the finished floox elevati.ons. There tivill be a 30 inch high air tight solid p�arapet af•oun.ct the pe�imeter uf �ac17 �f Yhe k�uildir�gs. r�.cc�ss �o the �I'z�i-�'ounty �enter will be �f=f af a`a'�T �3artmouth Stceet in 2 locatio�s and �i'f of S�I 72n.d Avenu� in one location. � �.�i I�d(3I�� C:���''E�IA �.1 �rc�Qr Ilepari�era� �f ��v�a°onm���ai ��a[ity � The Oregon Departrnent of Environmental Quality (DEQ� noise regulations (QA� �hapter �°' 340-35-035) control noise radiatin� fe•om "ne�v" and °existing" industrial or eorrame�•ci�1 7ioise � � sources. 'Y"he Retail �enter irx 'Tigard �vzll be located on propec�ty that has never t�een. used � for a commercial operation. Therefore, �the I?�Q reguiation for commercfal sound sour�es t�& Iocated on a pr�viously �nused site witl apply to the Tri-�ounty C�nter. � � —e The :DEC� noise regu�ations for a ri�w naise sot�cce locatecl on a pr�viously tin.used conlmercial site states the raoise radiating �rom the site can. �not increase the existiri� acxibi�nt ' hourly statistzcal L.,,o and L50 noise le�vels by more tharz 10 d�A at a.rly a�prop�zate n�ise sensitive receiver (comrnonly krc�wri as the ambient degradation rul� in the regula�ir�n), nor exce�d the rnaximum allo�vable hourly statistical �,0�9 Llo and Lso sounc� levels at any 103981-2,tct 3 �'eba�u� 16, 339� �"e°�-�ounty Center approp�iate nois� sen�i�ive r��eive� lncaticari. �'he k�aur�ly �,al„ �,,� and �,5� seac�d l�vels �r� d�fir�ec� � ft�ose sou�a ���els at th� rec��vvr tl�at ar� ���aal�d ar �xce�d�d 1�'a, �.Q'�o and 50�I'o eaf aat �c�tar. `The ap�r�pri��e n�ise sensitive rec�i�er l�eatian is c��fyr�e� as a�s�..� ;�e�i�t 25 fe�t fr�r� � ��szde�.ce, moteie �hurch, 5C�10(�� OT' �lOS�71��Z b�' $�'1P �I°C3�3f�CCy Y.lEl� +C3� ��1� II`aC1fa�� S�d1S1�iV� pra�r�gty w�uch �ver is f�rtlaer fx•�m the noise �ourc�. 'T"l�� anaximum allowa4�le �auz�ly �t�tasti��� n�is� lev�ls ar� shd�vra �a Tabl� 1. T�T,� 1 ��� 340-3�-035 � �['�,ble e �r�d 7['�bl� $� �I��� �,�ed ��a���ag �e��ust�°g�.� ��d ��auar�e��•�e�l �ag�� �c�ur�� Stanti�.��i� A11n�vable Stafiisti�,ai 1�1'oise L�vels i� Aaa.y C3ne �l'ioc�r d25 f�et frort► a�y residenr�e� T.�aytime i.irz�it ('; t�.l��T - 1L� �M) I`di�ltt�irne I.�icnzt �1(� �1� - � ��� ..�.____���.�.�,� �,Sq 55 �Fs 50 cl�� I.��o �0 �t�3�. 55 �1��. LQ, 75 c��� 6�1 dI3A. '1"�e CS�egolz �.��� (C9AR. 3�Q-35-735 �ertzon (5)(i)) ex�rnpts s�u.nds createc� by �awn t�are rna9nte��a��e ��.d siio��� �er�aval equipYnent. �02 ����� I'���e���a�a� �`t��G� T`he �'igard IV�ur►icxpal ��d° contr�ls nois� �°ac�iat�ra� �rom noise 5out°c�s oa� l�c� uv�c� in �Yz� f�1lc��in� wvays: "i�c��se ser�sitiv�,:' "�om�mercial,'° a��d °'indust�ial." �'he enaxirr��r� �ilc��ab�� �.�is� levels �.x� s��o�vr� in '�'abl� �. T'rie �dliz�� of enga.�es an.c� �tcx�liar, es�c�ipz�c�r�� �z� za�catar vehicles o�2 �ri�vate prc�p�rty, r�n.ich exceed the noise sta�.dar�s specified, s1�.ali �o� b� pernzi�ted for a per�od gre�t�r than fiv� rn�ntates. � � � � � ' � � � � � 1039II1-2.[et Q �'�'brt�ery Y6, 75�98 ,.,� Tri-�ou�aty C�ntcr �.���.� z ����„�c� l�a��Ic�pa�� ��de 7�4Qo�.7a - 'T'��1� 1) I�T�.�ia�a��ra F�ic�as� �,��el� L�nd �CJs� Ivldxirnurrt �1'oise L�vel �Pla�ved c����iurae (�� f��� fr�m any r�sicien��) �?aytxt�� Li��if. �'7 � - 1�Y F�I1) �1i���time �.,imit ��t0 ;�5� - 7 AI'dI) I�Ie�ise �ensitive 50 d.�� �4t� c�P.�. �om�r.e�cial 75 d�.Fb o4 d�.A i�dustr��l _ �S d�A _� � 60 d�3A �� �3�se� c��. the "i'igarci I�Qunicz�al Cade, rzr�is� fr�m the '�'r�•�Ct��at� �eri4�z° c� n�t �xcee�l �5 d�3d�. �.tzr�t�� daytia�rie hottrs ar�d 60 d�� �itcring nighttime haurs, as rn�asu.recl �5 fe�t frr�rn �y r�sidance. �n �dditior�, r�aise fror�a thti idling of engine5 �nc� auxiliary �quiprr�ent on �o�or ve�icl�s, car� ��c�ed the r�na�.irnurri norse leveis for frve �irlutes or less. �w\l �/A��Y��Vi SY1VB.�Y4JL.181$ 1.�V�AJ.Ld �Ld V KJ�l.J1�T L� gJ1?L ♦ ��A1 V$r�$ 'Vhy g3t�L..� 6JN.$AJ �`a deYermi�e i�t�e BEQ 10 d�l�, arnbient de,�ra�a�ion �1e or the maxirnurra alla����sle rule ,vo�zlc� a�ply to the r�oise �adiatin� froin th� z-etai! ces�t�r i?a '�'i��s•ci, $�'l2 ii171�fl�%l� IIU15f', �.�'V�'� 1Y! Eh� vici�uty of tl�� sdte ��e�ds to be d�tee�lz�.ec1 �a� the tim� p�riod �h�r� ncrzse �al� � gen.er�t�c� l�y ih.e r�Cai1 csnter. lrlois� rneasuremerits v�rere made by �ICrC�, I�ac. �ngine�rs frarn 5 P1V� on �'rid�y, Se�atemt��r 9, 1994 fio 8 AIV� Monday, SeptPrntier 1�, 1994. The arnt���nt nais° 1�V�I dV�S Y71(?X1SgOY'eCI 1� �;�12 �OCa�EOt7. 5�'1QSBlSY AI1 �1�1AC° Z. 'I'h� sotr.agd ?neasurecl �vas prima�.ly n.oise frorn �-ii�hr�ay �17, �"Jl.tti �t dISO zY1CItIf��S #I°��f1C C3Y1 �.�, I-�errnosa 4�I�.y and trains. �r.aring the rnea��rPm��ts, �vveaYh�r n�zsP v✓as alsc� pic�k�d �ap. °I'hi� naise included rain ar�ct rustlin�; cf the �ree leaves frorn the wind. � � � � � � � � � a� � 103982-2.ict j y d Febr�aary 16, 1J9g Tri-�aunt� �e�4�r ti 'I'he rr���s�.ted sc�w�d le�rels ar� shav✓n �n 7'�b�� 3. �,.C1.6J�JbJ � .A��a�nt �-��aa�°�3' ��o ��� �,5o S��a�c� �,�v�i �Ie�en�-eanerat� � �egat�mb�r Ia12� 19�34 �Day�.�_� Ti�xne��i�oucly LIO (d�A)��_Hou�ly�.� (�A) � 6 &'M - 7PM �8 46 Fraday _"°""°"". �__�_._ 9/y/94 7 �'M- 8 PIvY 47 � 46 $ lPM - 9 PIvz �35 �43 9 PI�S - 1C PM 45 43 1p k'Iti1 - 11 �M �16 �� d3 11 I�Nf- �2 midnighf 40 38 12 rnidxiigh¢ - 1 � �dU 37 Saturday °" `�°°� 9/10/94 1 ANT - 2 Ai�I 39 37 ?. A.1�1 - 3 l�IVf 3b 34 3 AI�S - �b �I�f 35 33 rd �ivf - 5 � 35 33 5 .r�.Prt - 6 A:1VI 38 35 6 AivT - 7 �i.TvI �3 � 40 7 ATVI - 8 AM 4%i 42 5 �IvI - 6 PM 53 50 6FM - 7PIv1 51 �s9 7P1� - 8PM 51 50 8 PM - 9 PM 48 �E! 9 PN.i- 10 Pivl 47 45 � _.._______ � 10 �IvY - 11 PM n? 45 ��« - � l.l PM - 12 mid�ight 4� �3 �°' -.--_.�—�. .�..__._ � ,� 2 0 A2�1' - 11 ANT 45 43 0� Sunday �°" �� &� 9/11/�4 1? AM - 12 noon 4"/ 44 � � w_...___..� � 12 noon - 1 PM 45 43 1 PIVf - 2 PM 45 43 2 PM - 3 PNS 45 �3 1039t�1•�2.let t5 Febe°uAry x6, 1�98 1'ri-�ouniy ��nter I7�y�M—�� 'I'ime I-Tnuxty Llo {dB�,) �ocarfl�L,,� (d�A)�y.. 3 I�1V� - d PM 48 � � �d5 s�nday . ..�� _ _��.. gf 1 i194 4 PIVI �• 5 T�IvT 48 �4S 5 �'�v1 - 6 �'� 47 45 6 P�iT - 7 PM �38 �6 � ��� � s Pr� �a �2 �3 PI� -9 PM 49 46 g A.P�1 - 10 PM d5 dS �U PTV,t- 11 �M �6 �d Il. �'IvI - 12 mfdnight 45 �6� 12 rrcidnight - 1 AM 43 4Q Monday ��'� �"�" 9/12/94 3 A.TvI - 2 A.lv� �&p . �? 2 �R.T� - 3 AT�I 40 3b 3 �NY - 4 A1vi 40 38 �! A.M •• 5 AM 43 40 5 �M - 6 AIVT A9 �d6 6 AM -7 �.iV� 51 �9 7 A�f � 8 �iM 5:i 51 � 8 AM - 9 A.M 52� � 5� �� °I'he qu'retest hot�r �.,o �� �so Yneasured d�y�irne f 7 .�Vt tm 1�1 �'�) sotu�d ��v�ls �are �f. ���. �nd 42 d�iA, r�sp�ctively. 'I"he quietest ��our L,i� �n� Lso an�asured c�ayYime (1Q A�ItJT t� 7 hTV�) sc�und levels sv�c•e 35 dB�4. and 33 dB!-�, respectively. `F'he ambier�t saux�d 1�ve1 � measurement results indicate �he a�rjbient degr•adation b-i�1e will ap�1y bECaus� thc 1Q dI3A. � increase rule �vould resr!lt in sounci levels belo4v th� �El� maximurn allosvable saunc� 1���1s. � � � � � ��f���C�'��3 I'�3�I�� ��T3��,��1'�� ���3I� �`�� ��.".���.., ��I�d'�'�� � � ��.naby�i� �roee�i�r� � �� � �'he noise levels that �.��ill rac�iate fcorn the '�'�z-�ounty �ent�r tivere pret�icte�i at the n.earest noise sensitive praperties usi91� a computer p�-o�rarn that �llotir�s th� pcadiction af th� noise � th�t �r�i11 radia�� frorn any numb�r of noise sourcas. The prograrn i��cludes the effects of �tmospheric absorption �.nd ciistance and it can include �he effect oF factars such as bec-ms, ba.rriers, �nd vegetatia�. 1039b1-2.1�t 7 , _ , , feb�°u�y �fr� I99� '�°�d-��asnt,y ��nt�r l�f�is� ��v��s ��diating fc-om Ykte '�'ri-Catixity C��.fier �✓ere pce�licted at 5 posntac�ns r,�:asen tta repr�.serxt th� ��sidences v�ith th� gceat�se �k���e at� b�:Yn� advers�Iy irnpact�d &�y tlie p�c�pase� ca�era�ian. �(`'ne nc�is� I�v�ls w�re pe��d�ct�c� �t }�sitians 25 fee� to�ard $�ae site fronn tk�� �xista�� hrarr��:s. �'l�e pasitic�ns are �ab�l�d 1, �, �p 4, and 5 in Fi��r� 3e 'I'h� lo�ations �r� �.s fal��ws: L,ea�a.tp�r� �. �'h� ele�s��t laorrae s���1� �� 1'��jUr �. �,oc�vecl west of �ha ben� in S�J' I-i�x�o�� �agj. �.ocaezon 2 1`l�� cica;�st �cs�ase �aut�� €�f I���c�r IT �z�d IIIp� (s�c� �kiE hc��� �cs tti� �v�s� will b� re�nc�ved). Locateal n�e�th of 5�1 I�ermos�. �ay. L�c�#iar� 3 �..ocatect s��tka of ��IJ ��r�ns�sa 'iT�aY= �PP��xi�a��e1y �6a feet w��st af �W' 72�cd A�renu�. �,.Ithc�u�h ti�s ����tian as fatther frorn ��e }auildings, th� el��vatioi�. at �P�is 1o�ati�n is rnrzc� ���her� thari. �t I r��atic�n� :� �nd 2. �er��e, #hps flc�c��tican �vas chc�sen t� ansure that �he noise 1.��e1 i5 fcorn ��I� SP$� 15 �,iO�OVJ $�1� C��tA��t1t321S e�� 7�� �QC�11�115. Lac�tiar� � �9ne af trr� cla5est hoza��s east of the szY.�. �,o�at�� east c�f ��I °7�nd !-�ver�ue, �ppra�irnate4y �00 fe�;t s�r,�th o� S'�I I9artmoutk� �F�e�t. � Locati�r� 5 'Th.e�horn� loca�ed Ur� the nnrtliaast ccsrrie� caf ��+T D��rno€��h ;stz°��t �nd 5�4�1' 72nd �,.v�n��. Txt eva�t�atart� tYz� sit� g�n��atcd �Qas�, �he lcsuc��st ��ssabl� �our a��y��a��: �ax� ���ttis�� �.�is� �v�s pxedic�ed a.r�d cc�mp�i°�c� �v�� �th� d�.y�brr�e a.�c� ��ighttar��. F�ef�r��e� �s�i�� Iev�Is ��r ��atomr�bilesp �arba�e ir�xcks, 1�Ii��r1r t�uc��, l�af blo�ve�s, a�nc� parking lca� sw��ps v��r� o}�tain.ed from p�blished r��ez°enc� clata ai-�d moise dat� an�asured t�y I�SA. 'Y'he �°�f�r�nce sound data tis�d � �e��ciictirt� the z�oise radratial�; f�orr� the x�trfto� H�'�.G �caiits �as obtairied fro�-n �Ian ��t2gxetf. r�f T e�o� Indust�.es. '�le x�ferer�c� �oise� ��ta �sed ir� tl�ie �alysis ��� presented ir� �'�b1e �4. � � � �� � � � P� � � 103981-?..let $ ��t�rtaAry lb, 1948 °4'a�-�+�u�sty �;�nter �'',�.�I.,➢E 4 F�l',��t°��l�l� SQY.i�"9� L,�V��S �.T��€� Ati p'f et�g��:lil� '��1� P��luL' Rc�,oCgi�.$fl➢1��k°4�� �A`�i°3m�r��ee�ty ��a�t�� a ' _ Disxae�c� F-�oucly 5ta�istia�l Nc�is��evels Zd�A) Sour�e gft) Y-�„ax �-o� ��io X-su 3-ton Y.,ennox �'ackag�t9 �Yoofcmp unit (LC�/�..�sB036) S+1A' 85` �2� �21 82Y 5-tnn L�anaax �'ackaged Raoftc�p uniR {�.CB/T.�'s�QbO} Nl�t1 gy' g2i �2' $2t 1�1-ton L.�nc�ax JP�tckaged 12.0o�'�op uetiY (T�T�fI.��3120) I�'A' 4Q' $"7' �?1 $7' 20-toea Lennc�x �'�ckagecf YZooftap unit (LC�/L�x�240) NA' 95` 92` 92' �2' automobaie� drivir�g slowly 50 55 53 52 49 s�uYomobile- idting 50 45 �85 45 45 gaxl�age truck 50 7� ?0 6� 61 recycling tn�ck 54 68 63 5� 58 fork life- o�erating ?0 79 76 �3 70 delivery te-uck (heavy semi-tr�ucks) 50 73 73 64 64 leaf blowes� 10 91 91 8£� 83 pu•kin,�lot sw�epec 5Q a`.i 31 78 7S 1 �ounct pawer Pevel. �n predictixng tl�e Iou.de�± ru�h�i�riP hour (�0 FIO� - 7 .t��t} nois� 1�v�ls, �.h� loucl�st �ao��ible situatic�n �vas �sscxrn�;ci. The fo�lo`vi.ng assurnptions �c�vere mad� for the anal�s°rs: � �.11 of the s�o�top units ��e operating contin�ously �rid si���zltaneausly du�g ��� entir•e loudest ni�;httimc hour. "d"he rooftop units �vl.l! be locat�d clos� to ��e cerater c�f both b�aildin�s. 'I`lae source height of the n.oise r�diating from the r.00�top t�x�zts was � assuPn�d to b� 4 feet �bove the roof elevatior�. '�'he ro�ftop eqt�ipt�;�nt is assurr�ed �ta � be �ve�.Iy distributcd s�r� th� r�rsf taps, being Iocatec� no closer �ha3�. �n f��t from. tk�� � side of any building. � �° °I'o pr��iict the lou��st d�yti��e hc�ur �f AM - 10 PIA�I) nois� le�rels, the fallca�zng a�su�nptions � wec°e made: � � � fl1l of the roofkop tu�.its �are op�ratin� continuously and sirnullan�ausly cturi.aa� t�e °'� corn�let� daytir�ie horzr. � 20 caz-s �vere idling u1 the rnain p��•kszlg la� (north of lVlajor I throu�;d� IV� simultaneously �for arz entire kiaur and 10 cars w�re dri�'rr�g slo�v�y zr� the ma� }�arlcing 1ot sirnu�tan�otasiy for the entir� hocar. �03981-2,let 9 , F'�bC988Cy 16, Y998 'fri-Co�nty �enter � 4 cars r,vere idling in the parkia�g iot south af Major I through I� si�nult�an.�ously fox aca �n�ir� hour a�d 2 c:ars were dr�ving slowiy in the par�Cing lat sou�h �f IV1ajc�r I �hro�gh ��' simcaltaneausly far the entire hot�r. � A leaf l�low�r (the lauder a Ie�f bl�w�r �nd a �arking lat 5weeper) is rapera�irx�,� cnnst�ntl� ir► the �z�Yn parki��; lot fog t�� entire hour. � � � garbag� truck (tll� le�u�.�st t�f the recy�girig arfd garba�;e tru��Cj a.s �+dli.xYg at #he w�rst case loadzng dock for each r2t��iver dttriz�g IS minut�� c�f t�e loudes� hotar. � t� fo�le lift is opee��.ting �sutside at the waz�st case loading d�ck fc�r eac� �eceiver far' less than 30 rninutes nf the lo��est hour. fic� predict fhe Iaudasfi �.ois� Ye�re1 duc�►g the extes�ded l�ours (that c�r�ld �cGtcr° dtiri�� Y�� holiday season) (10 PI�/'i - 12 midnight), the follo�vi�1�; ass�rr►ption.s w�re rnade; � A.11 0� ttze rooftap units are operat�g �on�in�szot�sly �aixd s�mczltaneousl� a��rir�� t�Ze carrBplete daytime haur. � 10 ca�-s �vere idling in the rnain parking 1Qt (aiGrth af Major I ihrot�gh I��) simultaneously far an entir� hour and 5 cars were cirivie�g sla�vty i�a th� rx�a�n parlcin.� �at simultan�.ously for the entire ho�c•. ���.�y��� ��q.���.� '.��e lo�d�st haur statis�ical �ound �evels �era pr�dicte�. a� th� n�ar�st r�sicieza�es� asss�rrx�n� �xa rnifigation �n�a�Gtares are used. The resuits ��e sho�r� ixz '���al� 5. �I�t� s�.Q�1��i b� xna.d� �hat th� noisc lev�ls preserited in Table 5 �re the Ioud�st noise l�vels t�iat cauld �ver be ex�ectPd �o radiata Frorn the� site but they are not �;on:szder�d typical. 9.039�1-�.let 1� F�bru at-y ��, 1998 firi��ounty Centec �''��� 5 I,�aaed�� d-�v►�c� Llm �,e�� �,�o Pdc�is� ���yels �'a°tae� the '�'a°i-�ot�rtt,gr C�n��� lD�.r;a�� l(��.yt�sn� and ���6�ttirrm� ��dars ��he�ut Ad�➢i����,1 I+�itag�.�io� Fr�di�cted �.a�adest Predicted Loudest Fredicte,cP I,oudest Nighttime Nour il�yti:nc Hour �xtended�Iour Ilesidence Locxtimn (1Q]PN! - 7 AM) (7 f11�I - ln �'M) (10 i'M - RZ micfnighS} Noise I..evels Nois�Levels IVoise I evels . r-m� F-oi I-io I-so I-�:,� �-oi A-io �-so ��,w� �-oi �in Lw d�A dBA d�A d�3A, dl'3A dBl�, dBA d�1� d£3.� d�A d�H. ,�IB.A. 1 - south of Nlajor I 37 3d 3d 34 64 5� 54 47 37 34 34 34 ? - soiath of Ivl�jor IIT-A 39 36 3� 36 69 6a 60 53 33 36 36 36 3 - soutli of SitJ �Iermosa Way 49 46 �6 4b 60 55 54 �tB 49 46 �iC 46 `4 - ea�;t af SW '12nd Avenue 33 30 30 30 60 �4 44 45 41 39 38 33 �______��_.�._. e _,___ . 5 - northeast �f��' Dat?mouth 31 28 28 28 59 53 48 44 �10 38 37 32 �treat and SW 72nc� Avenue C➢reg�n ��� l�loigc ��irnit S� 45 4� 75 a4 52 66 45 43 Ti�axd I�ioisc L,�mit 60 7 i 60 Qur analysis sha�vs that the noxse radiating from retail center could e.�cee�l t�� ID�tZ maxYrnum houa•ly L,�o and L50 noise le�v�l Iimit durzng nighttime hours at Loca'tian 3 �nd tlut-�n� c�aytirne hours at Locations 2. � 'P4�.��I�;�'EIJ NOIS� ��.�gA'rII�IG T'�.f�IV� 'I`RA�'�'I�; CaEA1�Itf1.'T'ED ��` 7I'I��� �;�"�iI� C�,NT��. A compz�ter versioaz of the Federal �iighway I�dministratiol� �toise P'rediction l�c�c��l was used to pre�ict future noise levels due to iMCreased traffic on SW Dartrnouth stre�t �d S�J '72nd Avenue. This rnodel calculates the sound press�r� level at a receiver �ue fa t�affic � :�7aw�ing by a receiver at a coYlstant speed. No barriers tvere incltcdecl in th� �n�tlysi�. � Vehicles �vere assurned to be iraveiing a� 35 miles pea• hour, The predictecl future �eak �'� traffic hour volurnes on S� IDartrnouth 5treet and StiV 'i'2nd Avenue �vere g��rovaded by � Lancaster & Associates, �nc. and �vere �,�sed io px•edict the traffic gensratecl nois� le�el at the °°°� 5 noise re�eivers previotasly used in this pr�oject. 'I'he predicteci traffic vol�.�m�s dur�g tfie � � pea�C �M weekclay hours �re shown i� 'I'a.bie 6. � � 1039$1-?_.let 11 ����,.��•y i�, iss� 'I'ea�ca�tr�cy cen�er A I'A�11JJG � � I��°�dic�ec� '1�°a.'t-�°ne "�sa9airn� D��i��� ��a� �'�!c �'i� �S�°�f�i� �e�a�r wa��a �,s�s� rvgx�aas�et t}�� '�`r�-�.o�a�ty ��r�t�t° -- �..�.�.___._ _._.� ,.m.,_,,�--- ¢r•affic predicted traffic �r�dir,ted traffic preciict�ci tot�traffic w Itoad dic•ection voturnes witlzorat Eh� voPeimes €rarr+ ch� voiurrees with t4�� rctail center retail eQr,te� Aftice cornplex SV�I�artmo�th ��,s! y24 120 G4`d Ftoad' — — .__.�.___ ,�..- - �_ Wes4 4Q7 120 S27 SW 7?t�d Narth 3E6 155 ��1 ,Aveazue' - °� South 383 130 � 513 1 ne� the closesk c•esiclences �ihe noise xadiatirl� �frorn the traffzc tc� �he 5 resir.�eiitial l�catic��s v��as �redl�te�I. °��b9� 7 �resen�5 the predic�ed lou�est traf�ic aadise levels �;en�ratpd by traffic duri.n� the p�a� PI'�l[ tr�tffic �iour. '�.A��� 7 Pr��x��ed �.S+ur��.s� °l�a�a�: t�i�ise �.,�a��� 9��c�erat�d b� ��� '�°a-C�unty �e�����° a ra€'t�i� �ui°�a�� th� �'eaf� �'I� '�'r��€�� ��e��° Hourly soueyr� level �ourly saund Ie�vel 'I"��a's.hou.rfly sound Resident'sat Locations (dB�) fc•om traffic (dBI�) I'ram Fhe retait level {�iBA) �vith �vithout the cetail center trzffic oniy the�etail center center traffic I-io r-so �io j so �io �so �1 - �outh �f ivlajar I 46 43 � ��43 40 � �t� T 45 2 - south of Major TII••A 48 45 �S 42 a� 47 3 - sautl� �f SW �iecmosa Way 50 47 47 44 52 49 � .�.____...�. _._.,.V._.______ .. .�._._._ � �1 - east af S4t� 72nd Avenue 61 58 57 53 67 59 � . _.___ � 5 - northe�st of SW Dartmouti� 6b b3 59 55 67 64 � St�eet �nd �W 72nd Avenue ,� �. �.�. _____w_m__,�. � � � The traffi�� y�oise study shows that th� nois� �rorra the automab�les arri�irig aa�d. l�av�a�.g �he � retail center during the peak traf�ic haur are belc�w th� �regon Z�EQ haurly �,io and Lsa nois� limit of 60 and 55 dB�1, xespectively. In additi�n, th€; nois� caused by tra�fic �ea�n �he retail center �vill only add 7. ta 2 d�A �o the existir►� noise Ievel (�vl2�ch is t�alo�v �l�e 1U �BA rnaxiYnum xncrease). 103981-2..tet 12 �'ehc�.cary 15, 1998 'Y'ri-�ounty ��ater 1���'��,�'�bi��I I�tE�.��J�2F'..� 'I°k�e ffotleati�ir�� xs�atl�atieaz� rra�asu�es r�i1P ����ac� tl�+� nc,i��. l�v�ls r�di��ing; fr�rr� fihe �ri-�ot�atg� �(:Y1S�R' L'C3 T'�S1C�011$1�.I pY'QT�9�t'�1�5 �O °�Ilt�`412"! ��lE'. Sti1t� c`11�LO. �O�a�l �IY"fil�:�: � Car�sYruct a bar�i�r sUUth c�f Ivlajar II and I�I-.�. �c� ��5t of I6�aj�r. I, a� sk�c�w�. in ��gtaz� 4. `7�e bar��ar sh�suld b� at Yeast 5 �eet abc��� the �levation r�f fh� a�jacent ac��ss aoac�s, J � �a�astn�ct bar�iers on th� so�ath �nd east s�des of ��.� � �4-tnr� r�sc�a�s�� �its ��sa �°iajra�° � I). Th.e tc�p c�f �he bat-cs.�r� sh�uld ext�md at lea�t 2 fe�t above the �op csf tkae �units and b� no �at-�he�- tr��n 1�? fe�t awray f�om e�ch aubie. � �3ar�i�r� should be solid (�4 pcsrzr�c�s per square fno�) �.nd �rrYig�t. Examples nf ba�e-�er rnaterial� �re: i 1/� inch thic�C fir, � 1/4 i�c;h thick ply�v�od, 12 g�ge she�t rrr�etal; � ir��h thi�k ccsncrege paneis c�r conc�ete block. � t�eraYi alane o� i.n cor�j�nction v✓i� � �va11 e;�nn be ta��d. �;t7t°d�L,�J���l�i ��sed an tri� res�.lts �f o�xr nc�ise study,�we concluda the naise radiatir�g frdrn �Ye pr��osec� �'g-'s-Cou�lty Ce�ter �ncl f.rc�r� th� traffic ��x�erat�d by tk�� r�t�zl �ertt�r tivzll rzz��t t�� city arid sta�� noise regulations, if th� recc�mrnende� �nitigation �neasures �re �4npl�ar��:ntEd. �['1-�e recornmencted ��itigatian meas�res includ� co�structing a 5 foot �i�;h ��a�rier ��u�Yi of t�e P✓Iajor i� �d II�-�. buildiz�gs and east of �ajor I ��zld�ng, �� sh��n in �'i��x�� � �nd c��stn.actin� adjoining solic� bacriers on the south and east sic�es �f the eight. 2fl--t�n a-dc�fta� units (�ia 1l�Iajor :� buildfn�}. Nat�; tha�C deliv�ry t�ruGk� m�a�t be turnec� oif icnm�t�Iately aft�g r�ac�.ing a loadiz�g c�ock. � � � � � � � � � .�a 103�$1-2.lct 13 em�a;�Mw4 �.�. tt+l�q. s s � e (ld q�1�y•�� ` P3� aL I .•.e..e...� ..� ,h� .o...�.. y � = I �M.' !NP�p�,@.Qog,�1 ,p��, W F�� I � iw �� � a4�ej'��� nW C� tl4 �9 a •� B M�Par �a� �a� ��� �x re�� x+ 5✓F 6 i 9 C A"�"'�+f`hwuvsa� � al Mr1MlON �y S � f � �� f / P' n � � `� � �1 tl � 6 a �.,�nca i��+C`'4 e$� � ^r �'� ' � tw �c `o '8 � QC. �k�v^^ �"ST"�'"�"� Firo -� ' � � G �� I ' � :S � k�< � !�1 '' , � � .. � J' }4'e x :�n •Ur ST �• ��or�nraa a* > 1°04aa�n s � � ���� ���w� � � t 1 ..W�� , r ' �� a �J ' V i��ur�ro "o.. � �• y� � E !� ,c °�~.1 �d o�q�� � j�� y "F. �.. �rj�'� 1wy� 9 ks<f�o.v ^� "O'F st Mft�li S f �+`ta� q ,1 ` .L�Y. �n' (• ^ ���� .m �Sd� � 9 . ,�„'� � L. .� A$ �.�a m� � � SPEIwtqlOa �g ria��l'. �� , �s....�. � .e�.. � �.. a,.,.�..�t�Cy. Q .� v� i � j � �y� � 1/t13R � C .l� • M ♦�tl N�1�< 1n �� �' �. 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'�he analysis vvnil °ar�clt�de l��r�l ��s�r��z�e calculationsy ���ffre si,�r�a.l w�arr�r��s, and � c�iscussion af site �c�;ess. Ira addAtio�, fi�ture roar�vvay zz�apr�ver���t �raj�cts fr.caz�b �1�� A-S/�i�hw�y 217 S�bas�� '�'r��spc�a°tat�Q�. ��'la�x tivz�l b� ��:agrain�a. :t�et�ike€� in�orrnatioz� Qn ��v�l of' s�rvice9 tra�f�c cc�uz�ts, t�°ip gen��aziUn �alcula- [i��as, and I�vel o�s��°vY�e calct���tions is ir�c:tu��ci rn the appe��lix ta t��s ��port. , � � � �s � � � � �� _3p � ,� � �l�W�ASTER F.�GiNE�RING L����'1C7f°J ��'���7lF�7�lf�1V a �'he sit� �s Zocated ozi �l�e ���ztt��vest corn�r �f,S� �.�a��z�.oa�t�i Stre�t �nd ��N 72nd Aven�ae in '�ig�rd, �rego�. '�'h� si�� is �p�roxi�natety 26.31 a�r�s xxi si�;� �nd is �ro- pos�d tc� be ��veloped with � totaX c+� 331,1�3 square f��� of ��tail devel�,pment. �`he develo�n€e�t vc��ll coils�st �f fiv� or r�ore �ajcar t�n��ats, s�ver�1 o�atly�ng pac�s, arz�l a �n�ziti-t�n�nt bu�ildin�;. t1n area �ap sh��✓i�� the locatio� is on pag� six, an�i a map shawing th� propos�d �i�e �nd ihe exis�i�a� l�r�� �on�°ig��a�iony and t�aff�c ct�r�trai d�- vices in the vicin�ty of tl�.e site Rs �r�p��� �e��r►. 'I'I�e site is �roposed to lxave two p�oira�s �f �ccess can �7a��znouth �t�e�t, �attz one �all ��cess drzv�way opposite the xetail d�velopm�x�t t� tl�e �art� and �me f�adl ac�ess driv�w�y iarth�r w�st. Ther� vvi�l also b� t�� full aGC�ss �.riveways csn 7�,"� �.v�nu.e. '�he stu�y are� censists of the �nterse��iar�s 9ff: � SVV 7z"d l�.��riue at �3ig��ray 99� � �'6� ��rt�r�oi��ka �tre�t �.� �iig�e�vay �'9W =� �� I�art2no�ath �treet at ��I 7�"d 1�ve�.u� � S��J ���-t���zth Stree� at �� 68`h A�enue ]E�Igh�nr�y ����1 is r�nder the jurisc�icticsa� af t�.� Or��o� T��pac•tan�nt c�� '�ranspor- tation (c��CC)�), and is cla�sii"ied �s a �ighv✓�y of �tate�zd� lev�l of irr�po�t�r�c�. �3igh- way 99�7J is a fiv�.-l��e facility with two t�ra�a�h �anes in each d'zrection �nd a �c�ratir�u- ous c�n��r tuz°n dane. '�l�e pas�ed �p�ed i� 35 �zplz xn th� vacinity ax gh� si¢�. �. :�� �artz�ou�h Str�et i� ��c��r th�j�arasdic�ian cs�t��e �i�� t��'���agd a�d �s cP�a�- � sifi�l �.s �n Arterial roa.d��✓ay, �artt�nc�uth, street v�rx�s iz� widtr� are� �he nurnb�r �f � � lan�s i�a �he vbcini�y �f i�e ��t�. Ir�ediatel� in �ront ��t�e sit�, �artrrdoaath Sta���t is a � fi�ve-lan� fa.cil'zty, �ith two t�°au�h. laz��s �n �ac�a dirs��t���z �nc� a cei�.ter ieft-t��ra� la�e. � '�Jese of tlxe dxdveway s�rvin� t�ae retail d�velop�n��a� ��n�dia.tely �ort�a �f tn� site, � � I3actmo��th n�r���as t� one �✓estbound lan�. �Ftw��n 72"d rZv��aa�e a�nd tt�� i-S south- � bound frP�way rarrips I�artr►ao�tii is a t1r���-3.�ne fac��ity. The posted. speed i� 35 rraph on I3a�•tz�nauth �tr��t. '�he int�rs�ction o�' �artrno�atl� Sir��t ar�d �Ia�hw�y 39�7d Bs co�traS��e�l b� a six- ptiase ��tuat�ed tr�ffi� si�s��l, wzi.� a c�Gle I�n�tix of 1��0 s�c�nds du�ing �tie everum� �4- ,�� �H `L�h�A�TER EW�6NEERI�lC p�ak hour. '�her� �r� pr�atect�d l�f�-t�ar� �an�s ar��t �h�s�ng on borh ap�ro�ches of �igl�tw�y �9�T. Daztrraau�h Str�et fl��s r�ira���B�r�-s�par���d pPaa�i�g. Sti�l 72°� �.v���� is �arid�x th� j�tr�scfli�tgon �f �h� �ity qf °Ta,�ar�i and as classifi�d as ar� Arterial x•oadu��y. �!� 72°� Av��iv�e �s a t�v�a-��.�� ��ci���y �aiith �� �aa�t�ao��h �trP��, vvi�ka wide�ein� �o accc�rns�od�t� l�ft-�urn 1an�� a� xn�jar in�°r5�ct�ox�s. °The post�d speed is 3S rr�p� in t�ae vi�ir�ity of t�� sxte. 'T�e int�rsec¢ic�b� ��' '�2°� Ave�u� and �a�t- n�.s�ut�a Stre�t is co�tra�Il�d by S"�'�� si�n� an �II �o��° a�proa.��es. 1'��rthbo�a�cl 7:�nd �,.v�nue k��s � st�ar�d fihr�ugl�/r��h� I�n� �nd a lef�-t��r� tane. �o��thbo�nd 72"d .�.venue has a ��f�-t�a.��ra l�?�ae and a s�:ar�� �hr�ugh/r�ght Iarae. Hovvever9 �t�e roadvv�y is flared on �he right s�d�, �r�c� m��zy ve�iicl�s ��;x� observed usir� t�ie �widen�;d p�rtion of th� ro�d- way as a rz�he-c�arra 1ane. l�axt�r►au�h 5tr��t has le�t-�zr� la�es in l�oti� dir��gior��, a shared t�c�ugl� /xigl�t lane ar� t�i� �eseb��ar�s� dir�cti�n, ��d 5�parate ��rau�h anc� right lar�es in the eastbuund di��cti�a�t. The ar�t�rs�ctzoaa of 7�"� Avenu� ar�c� .�i�tivvay 9��+1 is Gc�ntroll�d by a five-ph�se �c�.iaterJ tra.ffac s�gr��l, �✓it�� a cyc�� le�lgth �� l�U 5�cand� d�z�i�g the �ven�n� peak t�ou.r. 'Tklere are pr�t�ct�e� lef�-t�rn ��r��s ane� p}��sing on bo�h �.��a�aa�hes e�f �iigl��a� ��`JV. �'he r�ortkz appro�ch of this irit�rsec�ion is a dri.t��v�ay serving a Fre� li/ieyer store. .SFv�I 7:�°d A�enl►e/Fred �/Ieyer driv�vvay has daes not have pro�ect�d Ieft-turiz phasizg. ��d' 6�"' �ar�way is ��nder t�e j�ari�dictio� of t1�e �ity of I'igard. �nci is classifi�d as aY� Arteria3 �oad�vay. 6�`" k'ar�Cz,vay forrt�s a ��ur-t�gg�d i���rse�tios� �ui��. Dartrn�c�th � Stx��t, ��it�� th� ss��xtk�ba��ri� �n a.��d ��f �•a��ps �€� �h� ��•� fr���c��y a� ��� �a�t ��; c�� th� zntexsection. '�'h� igltegsecei�r� i� r�ntrr�l��d b� S'�'OI' si��s on at� four ap�roac;h�s. T`t�e �ff ra�np has a shared thro��h/lef� �a�ae and � sep�r�te �ight-t�.2rza larze. ��`h �ark�ay r�as Ieft-turn �a:��� an �ath dire�tz�ns, sepa.r�.t� tl�o�gh �a�d right-turn lanes in. t�e i�ort�a- bo�r�d directA€�aa, az�c� a sh�r�d �k�s��.i�h/r���Zt 1a.n� ir� ��e �outhb€���� dir�c�ion. L�a�t- �o�.it� St€�eet has a l�f�-turFl lar�e ���d � ���,x�d tl�rougl7/ri�h� 1�.ne. Trz-I�Iet raute 7$ travels b�Cvveerz Tigard ancl ��averton 'Tr�r�sfl€ C:�s�t�rs �rAd �asses near t.he sit� an b8"' �'�rkway. 'I'ri-P��t R.otat� 95�; passes r���� th� sit� �� Paczfic � �igt�tu�y 4vitl� th� n��rast st�� a� 74`" �,vera�a�. I*�eith�i• ��o�t� �r�vi�es �ir��t �c�ess to � th� sit�. � I�a�.r��l t7.�z�na�� a�r�ov�rr��nt counts w�r� mad� �� th� st�c�y �.r�a iz�t��-se��xon.s � duri�g P✓�ay and J�an�, 1997 a�d durAn.� Ja�au�ry, 1998, �rorn�:iJ�3 to 6:fl0 F°�o '£'I�e peak � i�oua°s arv ey�aically fror� 4:4fl to 5:4�J FI�. �in�e th� pr�opos�d lai�d us� is e�pecte,d to '� generate appro�.i�nately n��-faurth a� ���.� trips d�arin� th� Araor�7r��g ��a.�C hour �s t}ie evenin� p�ak hour9 onl� ��� �v�niza� p�ak h��r w�as e��rr�ir��d i€? tt�xs analysis. 'The peak ho�ar vol�r,��s far th� �ve�ing g�e�k ?t�ur ar� s�.c�w� ix� t�� traffic �ovv di��r�x�1 Qn pa�e �. -a- �� ,� _ ��a� ,/ dcr:cen ca;� LARLN � � ' 4`� " g 36 14 PePoa �� ��--.. a 5T. m � � NENTLIitA'°"'^�....-^° Vk1dillRA 8S9 y��� P6� _f 73 3��ND,AV 1� ��__������• – � Si> �–.� pICKfNSdN � w �s 0 yt �� �y > � � � � a � y ,�, a ldCUST� � � ST. � r= f a c a t ' _ .._ .._.___. W � � �w � o MAPLELEAF ���_,��,_ 5f_._.8�_– � px„ 6� , � � A �AF m J w � � bb ROMOHR �aT. K 1 5T. ��E—�_.._J����r.-- 9 p �AR a a Q � � UAK �T. �'OdK ST, a s 'x ����'' o ' � � ��`�� � � "f � o Ps9S.A�iItJ� � � ������B—.� �" 5� .--�'-'�.h� Plcvp ST. Ptr�� ST. ;,�.a, �.� � C t � � ��� � SFRUCE N _ � ,r„ ' `� SF. e_SPRUCE SF. � ��� ��0��ST,��� a, ---�r_...� �� � �� F �� '"� c� �FV � d ..� g..� ° .,� °a � en ��(;1 ,��,� G �+�� '.��.' p I � �y A \ � � � "' SS. x a � j a a YNaar� � �, J�' 6`�i �� 6 STEVE ST. a � n �'�p� ' g /���v�� � > a '�,if� / ^@� lESSER w AY a t� / na.P. d9J.�9 � µ3 � ~ � y. � � � H � m m � 1M � e ro � �' . � / 5 � �. PFAFFLE '� ST. J �,, ` `P° �.\� � r^ �' o C T Y � "' � y � °i ATl,AN14 SY. „ � 'NAINS J � ..1 Q � x p � � 6AY�UR � Q 4 ST. . � Q �� Tp �`–.! � � _DLlVE.I_ L �SY. 1� � � i�$ � ��� _ � � � � UUTHVlEN ST. / �� x sy-. �� � M1 CLftdYt)P� 5T. I� � °� i � i p� �'�6.�.�����' o ° � s /���75 96 t � �� 9 J� �i �_.__ -� •�,_ �5��� �..__�..._....��° � uTis.°� ' I f "R+o....—A � � C \,•. .o�\,\``�\\\` OR. J�P`�`J \�� ���'�� ' ' �' ��yr�OE � �IMHUR55._ f „i R > f ,' �1i .� s r. .�— KN�t( ���`•� ERMU � SA lYq�_�� T d > �r � � FRANKLfN ST. � •'a� � �E�ELkNU SF . �"`----- C�EVELAND Si y _^� �, � S 50�1tl00D, U.Y PNII IF.NlS � r �'" — IlKE stH `° � .�u :�, ..�. R r� C..B � �y1, GUNZAGA 59. � w. � � _ � � � \ � F4AI.APYUN c. � 5T. p° � � o .°"o � ```S'�____ � [^`----~— m� v � � A a• � � h . ��+o° �°i PAw1Et� � � ���y �/ °•,� iian�osaccu � l J,� CR /� ~ �RE�TVItri AVE. �\ ° I .�, / �> _ (' � ea.a. xa:.ss � �. „ II ,.....,. _ � %,�,,`. ��__ .__ �d . .�._.�.._ .,,.; . :'��� �:S. �� ��� .;•r,,;s;><,;� :�;:���.�AS�°ER �NCIN��RIN� ::.::::.:::: :..,::::::::: � .� _�_ � -m��,: �� ��1� �i„�`� � 1��� 9 � � �`� � � ��r,�� .��� � � Qo�`�° �� �� ��� � ��� � �aP NC�ines Str�et �� � �� � � �� � ��� � �. �"`.� » ��rtmauth Str��t r � ' � � , ������� � � , ��� � ,� _ __ _ �.. .� � � o � � a STC� All—bNay �T�f' sigrr ; o � ��� � Q � ca �a � � 1'rta!`fic `..:rgraal �� h � !j� � Nampton �tr�et � � fi� �`�'.F � �'� � s�'��� � � � � � � � � ,,y��:.,:;;,. — �.. _�IGI��� �A� . �r:������� . :�.:: ';': ; �:>::'<>:�': , , a o :�.� ::;.:�: E��s��n� ��n�s ��d T���f�� ��r�tr�� ���i��s .,::: ;::;�;�:���STE� �HGi����l�G tricnt_1.e�wg :'�:>^::<::•>',<`,:<::i:� s:�:;> -�- .e,�.. .�... ..� .3� ��� & � p�,� .� �'��6� r,�°� �' rs � ���� ���� � �QGl4,�G � � �a� 9��� C��C,> �11�,�� .��3��'i�i a�� �,�� �� r ���� ����" .. 5°•��' ' HUr��s srr��t �����`� � ,,.� � 9 15 oo�a`�o � a�6 E J � �—30� :vcro� . E����-) •Ti 57 157� ���� ���� 4�aa-3 ��?� ���* J`� (�t�rtmJUth Stre�t � d y@ _ i ��?���� � ` �� � ��_ _ J ��� ,�. _ ��':� ��.�� Ir � �.J��,,l�, ,,c' Y p3 .���' �'�t� 3.�4� —� t�r.r�. az r-� �:�N� � � � � � � o,��, � n � �x� c`v � �� �� � � ,� Ham,oton Stre�f G � 9��'F �� ��^� �� � c . � �� `"'�`���;'.:'r•2i::E':! ^ �i F( !�6 �� ��6�'V�P�� =::f:=;:.�.:.:.�����A �p �p �°�i��in� �� Peak ��a��~ ;'`;;.,��,�fi'i���� �IV��d11������ lricnt_2.dw9 ;;j;:; .,:< -c�- � ' �, � �:�t�C��T�R E�9GINE�RIP�G Tf�lf' ��'�11ElQATO�Ii� 'To estg��t� the nurnb�r o�'t�ips th�t wiil b� ge��ratedl by th� prQposed r��ail cle- v�lap�e�€, trip rates from .T�,�' G�'�.�.�7'IOIV, 5ixt� Editioa�,.,publ'ashed by t�►e Irc- stit€at� of '�'rar�sportatiar� �ngineers (�'T�;), �vere used. 7'lhe erip rates used vv�re fc�r lana�-�ase c�,de 820, �{aop,ning C�nt�r. 'T�� 2rPp generation r�tes �r� bas�d on the �qt�are footiage of the e�ieire dev�lapmer�t. '�he calculations zndgcat� that there wi11 b� an e5�nmat�d total �f 1354 trips �en- �rat�d �luri�� the evenarig peak �aur. Qf thesr, 6b4� witl be �r�tering and 720 will U� exiging �h� site. 'The exp�et�c� daily tr�ffie vcalurn� is 14,722 trips, v�i�h half �nt�ring a�d half�xitzng the sitc. '�1�e �mrnxn.g pe�I� hot�r trip ��n�rati�r� is expected to b� al�utit �ne-fou�°th �f �he eaen�n� p�ak k���r ��r��ra�ion9 sa an �raalysA� was �aat made for �he morning peak �ou.r. �ince t�� land �ase is retail oriented, nia�ay of tl�e: sit� trips ar� ex�ect�d �o be macle fro�nn passing and div�rted traffic. L�i�erted traffzc are tri�s eo tlxe shop�p��g c�n��r ' that r�use leave the�r �rigi€�at dir�c�iar� af tra�e� �y �ra grag�rz�ed'zat� roa�vd�y (L)a�trnc��.th or 72"d Aver�ue� ta� p�t:ra�xiz� tix� s,ite ��xd r��.�rn in thear origina.l d.irectior� o� travel. Thzs is n�os� apparent ia' traf�c fr.c�rn �-Ii�hway �9��1 tl:x�:t l�aves th� ;�igt�way t� visit th�. si�e aYAd retur�s to �ighyvay 3'��J. '�'Ya� dri�v�r may leave �,vest3�c�nd Highway 99W �t ��nd �ven�e and return to thP �iighway via T�artmouth Srree�, or vic� versa. A pass-Uy tr.ip is a trip diver�ed frora� a roadw�y inam�di�tely adjaceni to the s�te ��3artanout� or 72°�) which visi�s tPne site and returr�s in �h� ori�i�al directian of txaveP. I'ass-by trips are reiatec€ to the �anc�umi of passir�g traffic vol�aznes. Infc�ra-n�tior� �bt�flxa�d fxarn �'R.Id' �EN�.�?'d�1+1, �ifth Fdi�ion, Wc�S t.���CI t�D �S— � �i�nat� gh� pez•cea�tage af sAt� trips th�ct will b� div��t�d trips ar �ass-by �rips. �asPd c�r� ' � the square foata�e of the total deve,loprnerat, appx�xirnat�l� 30 pe�ce�t of �II �it� trips � will be div�rted ar pass-by. Since the valume af traffic is p.resentdy lov✓ �n I3art�duth � ��re�t an�l 72od Aaenize, few�r p;�ss-by tr�c�s are li�Cely to occ�r �s cGm�ared to a similar � sized d�v�l��me�e locat�c� dire�xly on a maj�r axt�rial. �or this rea�on, tT�is a:►alysis � will assume 1Q p�r�ent of th� si�e trips are cii.v�rted traf�'ic �nd �.�1 p�rcezrt are p�ss-by °� tz•affic. A,.s ro�d�vay in�proveme�gs occ?�r and traffi� va��arn�s inc.r�as� on I7artmo��ath Street �and 72°� �venue, a highex perc�rrtage �f pass-by tri�s yvill o��ur, but s�oi�fc� be offset by a lo�v�r per��nea�e of divert�d traf�c fror�� �-Iighway 99VJ. -9- �.� '.��. � . "� �'L���AST�R��GiNEERl41� �ince the site g� naL w�ll s�rved by transit, no r�ri�ac�ion gn site trips w�s made for alt�rn�ate A�oc��s af tr�m�l. .A. surau�ary �f ��Ze t�ip ��iaeration cal�ul�tions �s sk�€�w� iz� t�xe 1`ollowi�� table. "Th� trip geFieratini� cal�ulations are included in t1�� appe�d'�,c ta this r�p�rt. 4 a l �[� Y+6w � � ���g I�tley& m/I -IO- d� L�PIC�ST€A EH�I@�EE�1�6 ,.���. �7l���P' ��+.',��,��C�I� �T.JI�iVI��I' � � �'ri-�ounty �ez�ter ,�a�t�a�i� �xi��� '��t�l 1'�1�5 �'x. i�s 'I'�'i�'-� A.M,��ak.F�'�ur �12 .1.35 ��7 �➢ivert�d 'T�ig�� 4�0%) -2� �21 -�2 Pass-•�y 7Cra�s (1�?%) -21 -�� -42 '�'otal Id'ew Spte �'rips �70 93 262 � . Pti�IS�c�k l��ut� �64 '�2a I3�4 Diverte� 7Crips (10%) -b6 -�6 --�.33 �'as5-�y T'rigs (10%) -66 -66 -133 Toeal yd��v �it� Txips 5�1 S$7 1118 Weekday 7361 73fi� 1.�722 �iv�rted '�a�ips (1(3%) -7��i -%36 -14•'12 ' �ass-By Trips (�0`�0) -736 _736 -147� • T'ot�l New Site 'Tx��s 58�9 5�R9 11i7f� -a i- � � pt 5�:, w� ��CR�TE��NGiNEEAiNG . T6�`�P 1�F�7"f�'l��ATlC�1V '�'h� dircctic��a�l c�as�ributiaxa. r�f th� txips gen�rat�d by the g��apmsed �'xb-�'o�xnty Ce�ater v�as �stgtx�aYed froin t,�z� ra�iut� of tY�e flaattl �ss�, the ����b� �az�dl x���s, ��d t�a� prxr�ra�°y �o�te, vv&��ch. �ilt s�rv� t�� sit�. Since the d��velap�a.��t is r�tai� �A�e�te�, thP vast a�aa,�orit,y �f nev,� t�ips vviY� �Se ta and from resiri�r�tiat areas. 'I`�� siz� a�d �atair� of some of the la.r�e tenants dictat� tt�at �he �n�rket ax�a �s�r a dev�lopment a�'th�s size ez�- eo�p�ss �ev��ay rniles. I'atrons will ras� the I-� �r�evaa�, i-�ig�rwa.y 21.7, and �i�iiway R9V4', in addition to som� �o��l r�ads �o patrc.�nzz� the site. 7"he traf'fi� flaw d�agraz� oza.p��� 13 shaws the dastrib�atis�n of�ta� p�aj��ted mew spte�-��ner�.t�d tra�s for th� pro�osed shapping c�r�t�� far the e�r�x���z� pdak hour. '�he estga���ion of site rlista°�b�atioaa r��.ects �he pr�xim.ity ar�d de�xs�t� c�f r�sides�aiai areas, aaad c��pa�es �o cathe� studi�s �on� fc�Y• praj�et� in th� �r.ea. �'h� �zagrarn �n ���� �4 shov�s t�� �ew site trips, anci t�P �liagrarn �� pa�;� 15 513�4�/S tll� �1.'de�'��� dI1C� �?�S3-'�3� 5��� tTfl�3 fOt' f�'Ae �V�IRI�1�,' �eSYC �TOlBd'. I�T���t1V� i�01lAXT�CS inc�ica�� �iiv��t�d �r�d p�s5-by �ri�s which l��ve the ori.�ia��� cizrec�ior� c�f �rav�l t�� p�- �ronize th� site. � � � � � � w � -12- o�� ' �g�1� , `Q�E • ���r�d d P'°°E�`� � � � ����� hlair�es 5treet � ��a�'a �`�. �,o �� � � � � � � °�� °��� �a� /`� Darkm�ut,h Sto-eek ���� ( 2� 10� i ��`���T I i �� _ _ J r L� � � a � uj x 3 � � � Q�� � � �✓ � » v� � � � � a `' l�a���ton S�reet �'G 'O � '�O'� R �r � � '�P„ N� � /�� � � /L'"_ S� . �� �.� � .�'St?�fa� � � :;: . :����:::} �i�� T��P aI�T�I�UT�Q� `�$ �'�:: Imb�und � Outb�u�d ��r��n�ag�� r � ����: :�:,::�:::�:.::.:::.:�;: N�r� �it� T�iR� �° P�� P��k Hour :�����:�A��°�� �NGI���Rii�� ::::}+::ti.;;.::, tricnt_3.dwg M1::}:.� -13- � , � ' �,��1 Q�� ������ � �t,��'�� l .� � p�� ��y� � �'�j, �pG�4�G .` � �i .� �5�� �r �Q °.'.`� ,�p ����� �� �'� k•, �'o .��,� U�� �, �`��� HC�ines Street �O Ga E-'�3 <-��.L? .�p y �a��'' <'1 T r�' 1 t15--� °°� 0°�, �r _ 1`� Ut�rtms��rth 5treet A � �. --�— ��� i ���J��T � D ,�.-c� � � i ��� ._ J �:�� �—7�. _____ � �—. � � �" t��.� �.�� a� � 1�40� u� 0 1 U5---� �1 T(�' ca cv�v � � ��,. � �Q � .� °� oao E-48 � t�.1.�a ,G"s7 0,�; � � � � � o-�' ��1`� �'.� � � :� �vs� �,Q� � ^ � � 46� �- �� Hv�m�pFor� 5@r��t f 1 r 'S�� 1J �d. . N "�+.o�„ C �.l- �.1. �`'� �� f �r@� t9�' �fi ss' '�T �� 132-� � 15 � N �� �� :::�<r;r:�,> �:`;<...�a.;�::: ~ � ��6 6.., ����� ���:<:::<:': ��;�`.�::::::::: PM Peal� I��ur I::;��`�:�ASTER EN�IN��Ri�G tricn4_4•dwg -�4- .� �1 . ����--�,� `a�i� �� �� ��� �' � r d � � � �e� . c�°�`"�'� ��,��u, � ���`E`e s�� ca � � `°-'�. ��Q��y'� .� s ��� � ��� ��°. ��� `� � Haines 5kreet ,,.���''�► o 000 E—� ' ��.� .,�r o.�' �'�ra o� �o� �. � /�. � DprQmouth Stseet A � —�� �---s I ����"��" � �- �- �� i �97�° _ _ J� r — "'N� �8� �1 I� L_ __s E`�.�.L� w�' �`2 _4� � ° tp J'� �'I`r� � ��. . o � .� U'7 N('�a -5� i ! �� / � i'�o �——� . c x � ��� vr 2�r , ca,,� � � a��i S� 4. .-.�-�' �`�r� ���, b � �, --s-� �d��, " � � �4 -� � � ,� He�m�ton .Street � � 13. �`�'.� � �� � � � � � � �� ��A � �� �� ��,� ' � a -� �'(` �.�' �''f' � �� ��� � P� �l� 1� � i Z � l.�d ...� �^ ����l�1 �� �6V� �6������ �B 9� ����a.7 ::.;::: � P� P��� ��Ur ;:;.:�;��:�A���� ���I����II�EIJI fricnt_5.dwg i`;::��: ���. �...._..... -15- . � ' d €.;... .!:� L�t��ASTE����Gi�E��9PdG QP�R.�+�f�IVAL AO'++J�I E�'�d� � .. ,•„ �acicgroz�rd '1'raff'i�c �"do c�tY��r c�eve�opxrrer�es ira �he area b.ave been �pp�°ov�d �v�i�� wauPc� �or�tribu�e traf�c to the 5lili�� r��`�8 1.11�8Y'S�C�1dPll5. I�owev��, the City m#' 'T�g�rd would like ta ��c- alnin� a fi��� yea.r �aorl�t�n, or `Year 2�l0�, analy�i� r�f tkae ir�ters�c�ne�ras on Hi�h�✓ay 99�3d. Arr av�rage y�arly gra�t� �ate c�f fo�.dr percer�k �vas useci �r� reflect ac� increas�e ir� t�at�gh traffic an �ig�av✓ay 99`t�. Since th�e adjacent ar�a� is mostly b�i�t o�zt v�iit�a t�ie �xception c�f the propased ciev�lapment a��c� �djac�x�t vacant la�dv no �r�stivth v�as �tt�ib- �t�� to the tur�ing gn�venients into �� �ue af the side st�eets �on �ig��vay 99�. Also, s�o growth wa� assigr��d to I��rtmouth Stree� c�r 72"v .�ve�ue, as all fut�ar� groweh in this a��a will b� at�i•ibuted to �lye propflsed c�evePopment and d�v�iop�xi�nk �f other vacant laazcl in the viciigi.zy of the sit�. A ��affic f1o�v dia�rain sl�ovvit�g the 20�3 backgro�nd t�aftic wolurnes f�r the evenimg peak ha�x�• is s��own or� p�ge 17. 1� c�aagra� s�c�wir�g the total c�f b��lcgr��nd traffic pl�s t.he site trips ffxarr� th� p��pas�d develol�n�.��t As r�� pag� 1�. °s p I —15— �-� -.�,..�.� .�.�. �g�J� �� � lQ��. ,� t�'�� F,,�' ,��'a � � �` �,�,.�� ��� �. QG���c� �� ��� P r�9 „�1 a��� ei �v 119g2 ��9��°'Sl ��� ���� �qJ � �� � /��� �r�0�' ���Q�� �p P°lcain�s Street �r� � ua � ''L � � E--3Q6 °a�'a� E-- 15� �J L� �I,�L? ,�'S7 s.�7� t s,��` �"►T r� 4G7�) �'�� �N� � y � °'� � /`� t?�e�tmoufh St��et ( P�C,�J���" � � ,.�"' � _ i � �`�_ _�-� `��� ���� �_ J � ���—� .� a o.� a �� �' �i'�r� �.��. � ��n t�s-� �:°"' � � � � � A � � a � ��,, �C (5' � T3 � � � ! h � I � fiom,oton Sfre�t y� ���� 4Or, ��n ��a� � � .�� ������������ ` Y�� �0�� �R�F�'i� VOL���� ;:� : �:::..::.: PM Peal� H��� �::.: ::'£:•':iiS;:<'': ::�:�:R�:�A�T�R ��C�NE�RING tricnt_S.dwg _Z']_ , :� / �� �� ��Z�� ��0a� l�p,� � �! ��� cp,',�� "�+ �fi �� FOG+�eG�"' �� � � Q��..� 0�p��i� �'� '"'^�. ��1g�a� � ��°c'�P �,�� �s���j ��` r tZ°t^'� ��� � � � �`�'cr � �i3`��q ����� p �~'°'~-� � Naines Str��f 6� a� cv � 16� Naa� c—2O4 � �v� .�57 26S-� '��1'�`(� 422� ��� 7-� c��- ,...... /°� Dortmalit6i StreeQ � ,--�-- � � �-1_ �—655 ( �����o� � ('-t "u�ovr.� '�4� .� � �1�' _ _ .� s.� �'~� ��- �--31� '�"1 �I� I_.._. __., � E--��,L3 .� 1�'3' sQ3—� � ;� rso� �1'�`r� "r��-� ... �.. ���� ���� I t 6�, .-cti � �,� "` � 10,9 °' d a�M �36� � .�x 3 f�L3 � 1.22 �� � � � �'` 4.. t 5 a � E 1'�`►-3 �,�� � w ,� � 5S5—i �`�',.�j n � � 60� � Narnpton Stre�t � D 4 ?r".' � � �t6�.1 � ��0.. � � AO r7 �T u7 �S'fi+ �J� ��V ��P � �.! 7.3� F 1� 5-� `E"].�. , � �4S�, `�'i 17� ��' Af� �� � � _`"���«<'`�;: - - ~� -}� 59�� ��I�� :::� �.:::..;: �F.�� �Od� ��CKG�OUND _:.�� �: :::: P� P��k Haur :�:t:: :�;�;A:��;�ST'E� ENG��EER��� - _ tricnt_7.dr�g 1� i� �.,� LAH�A�TF,R E�G{�JEEH6NG . 7r�affic Si�ncal �carr•ants A traf�c signal warraYxt co�pargsazl was,rnasle ta� d�t��min� if a traffi� signal is or wilJ. be o�arraneed a� tt�e unsi�n�lYZed �r�tersectir�ns of I)artrnou2h ;�tr�et at 72°`' Ave•- nue an� at 68`'' ��rkrv�y. '�`he t1�l�r�imsarrz 6�'ehicular �r�lu�e. �arrant, �YaP Irtte�°�-uptia,� of �'�rtti�u�us �'raffic �Nar°r�an�, and tk�� �'e��C Tlou'• T�'czrrttt�t �'xorri the �✓1�1l���, �1V r11�7F01� 1"�4.�'FIC �e�lV'd:�tOL D�VI��S, p�bfla�h�d by the F�deral �-ii�;hway Ad- n�inastratxoza, �v✓�re exarnine�.. T'he results of th� s�gnat warY•agi� cor;aparisdz� is contained irr the �ollovving table: Int�rsection �Warr�.nt 1 ��rrar��� �arr�nt 11 �artrnouth Str�et at 72"�Av��tue Existireg Con�c�itions I�c� Nc� I�10 `�ear 2003 Bac�ground + Sit� '�xips Ye� Ie10 Yes .�artmouth Street�rt 68"' l��rkway Existing �onditiQ�s �10 No 'Yes �ear 2003 Bacicground + �it� Trips Yes I`�10 '�'�s ��rt�no�th ��t��ct cz��ast�rn .�rivew�y E1C15C111g COi1C�1�i�JF1S I�To No I�T� � `�'eafl 2003 L�ack��aun.d + 5ite Trips �c� Z'�� �'�s �artraaoutla Stre�t at �V�stern,Drivewcry ��isting Canditior�s I°d!� NA NA 'i�ear 2003 �a�kground + ;�i�� T�•i�s I�10 I'es Yes 72"�.�.veraue at 1�lortl�er°�a I�rivev�ay �7C13C1T1� CO11C�.fl1110Y1S 1'dA l�It� NA 'Year 2Q03 �3�ckgro�nd + Sit� 'Trips �o Pdo �o �1A - I�Tot �pplicable VVlarrant 1: l�Iinirrium 'Vehi�ula� Vol�zrri� �arrant V�Jarrant 2: Interruption of�ontinrxoyas T��ffic �4�Jarrant Wa�rant 3: I'eak �-Ia�ar �Iarrant -�9- ---�� i �� 'LAPlCASTE��MG�N�ERIfdG As �a� b� se�n, �igz�a� r�r�rr�a�ts ar� curr���ly r�v� saCa���t� �,� �h� i���rseceion �f ���tmo�at� �txee� aC ��nd �1v��.�� for exzstir�� ��af�c v�sliar�a�sy b€�g tvvo r�f �h� waz°r�i�t� �vY.11 b� satisfi�d wrth th� �dc�btzora s�f si�e traf�'�� �r��aa th� grop�s�d '�'a��-�au�ty C��iter. lFor t1�►� inters���ior� of .L�ax�rnat�th 5tx��� at 68u, 3'ar�c��ay, �he P�a� �o�r �'ar9 z�ant �s currcntly sa.tisfi�c�s �n�. the ��iilf �.tPl.1R' ��'lCl I11���°rLip�1C7d3 �J� �`011�1174,1dLY3 'I'raffic �arrants will �� satis�'i�d wi�h �h� ar�dgticrn c�f sit�-g�n�rat�d traffi�. '�he znt�rse�tian of��r�ano�tlx 5�r��� a� t�i� ��b ��ads �n.tran;c� (East�r�x l�rive- �ay) do�s nat ��rr�ntly satASfy any of t��� v✓ar.r��ts exaz�ira�d, btat �h� ��ak I�oux a�d Inter�xp�ian af �onti��ud�s 'i'ra,�fic warra�sts �vi�l be satg�fi�d with the addit�an ��' sate- �e��erat�� traffic. ` '�'I�e �a�.aa� inzexse��ican of I�art�outh S�re�t at tk�ti w�stern driv�way v✓i11 als� sati�fy the I'eak I-�o�r �rad Ir�t�rngptian of Contin�ous Traf�ic vvar�ants wi�h the devel- opfnent of Tri-�oitnty �e�ater. The futt�r� driv�v�rays axi 7?"`` 1�.v�nu� will r�ot satisf'y atay �af tlle warr�nts exar�a- �ned with the d�velap��erat o�'�he center. I,ejt-�'r�rr��,�zne `i��rr�rnts �ir�G�. 72°� t`�.v��ue tuiP� �� im�r��e�l t� a �i��-���� sec�Han �lo�.g �ile '��•i-C�,u�ty �entea� prop�rty ��oa�tage as part c�f tl�� ciev��opnxer�t, a ��orthbound l�ft-�u�ra l�a�e w�t1 b� assurrl�d at th� pro,3ect drYV��ays ala��tg 7?nd f�i.V�11UG. C.'apacity A�calysis 'To det�rrt�ine th� l��el af service at the ��sac�y area irit�rsectians, a cag�aci�y �nalys�s was Gc�nd�cted. '�'h� l�ve� of servic� can rangP frorn E�., w�ai�� z:adi�at�s vez�y �° little �r° no d�i�yy �a lev�l �, �v�a�ch indi��t�� a l�igia d��r�� �af cc�ngestiar� �,i��i c�elay. � T�� ar��lysis was zna�e �OI' �%iS�1��, C€7d3CI1�fiO1�S, '�'�ar 2003 1�ac�cground �oradi�ions, and �, Y�ar 20Q3 backgraund pi�s si��-};�n�rated �raf�c. � �x � '�'h� study area ircters��ti�ns v✓ere arr�dyzed �sing t�.e S1�R121YZ�(� �nter5�ction � s�ftt�ai•� SIC�Cf��'� �nd unsi�naliz�d �oftwar� IJl�SIC$IO dev�l��cerl �y ��C�'T. � The z��sults of tt�� ca�a�z�y analysis sh�w thak �h� sigr�adizec� �n�ersectaoa� of Dartmouth 5treet at Highvv�y �9Vd is curr•ently operating at l�v�l o� servsc� I� tlurir�g evening peak houx, ��ith a sat�raci�zi level �f �310. �'�ar 2003 bac�groun� volurn�s -2(?- ht +s! � sd; �L�N�t4S���F�JGiN�ERIMfi 1�suyt im l�vel o� ser�ic� �', �vigh a s�ttaratiaa� ��ve:� r�f 9�%. �,ddiEion of sit�-�eiier�t�d tr�f�� frorrF th� p��pmsed `i ri-�'�un�y ��n�er will d�gr�d� ��ie levet of servicc ta b�- ev�r�e� � and �, vdi�l� a satur��ion I�vel �f 98%n. �1ith a �-�config�r��ao� �f the so�th ap- proa�� to ��•�vad� c��uble l�ft-ta�rn la�gs anr� a'shaz•ed throu�h/rigtit lane, �h� I�y�l of servace can �e i�pr�v�d �o �, wiEh a satura�tiox� levei r�f 96�fo. 'T�ae� sagnalized intersec�ic�n of 72"a Avenue at �lig�iwa� 99�J is c�arr�rtly opea•- ating betvv�en Iev�l c�f s�r�vice � az�c� I7 durirz� �v�z�ing pe��. hau�, wxth � s�tura�aoia iPV�I €��f 77�. ��ar 2Q03 bac�ground voltxzr��s res�alt i�a �evel af s�rvicP �-E, wi�h a sat�.ratio� l�vel oP A7%. .Additial� af si�e-generated tr�f�'ic f�orri �1�e prt�p�sed 'Tri�- Co�raty Ce�ter �i�l aioe change Yh� leve� of sexvi�e or salura.tian l�v�l, '�he un5i a�alized in�ersect�c�n of 72"d t�.ven�e at i�a�tmouth Streee is curr�ntly g aperatin� b��v�een I��r�l a� service � and E duxin� the ev�nin� �Sea� hotir, vvikh a satu- ra�ian level �f�9%. 'Year 20t33 b�ckgro�r��i voluznes are not expect�d tc� �hange wi�h- a�zt developgnen� r�f the si�e or s�rro�snding vacant la�ad. A,dd'ati€�n of site-generated traf- fi� frarri t�e pro�os�d Tri-Courlty C�i�te� v✓ill �;IY�.rage the Iev�l �f servic� ta 1�, vvith � satura�io� 1�ve1 flf 12?.%. .As � sagnalized int�rsection wit�n prot�cted Ieft-�urn p1la�in�, a P20�-seca�.d cycle l��ngtl� ar�d the e�isti�ag approach la�es, t�is finterse�.t�orz is expe�t�d ta operate at ievel of se�•vic� �, rr✓gth a sa�tzxa�aora lev�t df 73%, for Ye�r 24�03 ba�k- gz�ouz�d traffic pid�s the site-generag�d traf�i� from Tri-�or,ar�Yy Ce�ater. The ur�sign�l�z�d ?s�t�rs�ctio� of 6�`�' �'axkway at �artzno�th �t�eet is currenYly c�pe�ratir�� at levet of �e�rvi�� � dur��a� ti�� �v��kiaig �eak l�o�r, �vith a s�turation �evel of 93 0. °i'��r 2a03 E�ackgr��nd vaR�r��s are �a�i �xpected to ch�.rige wi�ho�.�t s�evelap�en� af th� site or s�irro�ur�diri� v�caz�t land. Addgtio� €�g site-gener�ted t�affic fros�l the pr�- posed Tri-�ouz�ty Cez�ter watl chax�ge the lev�l of ser�vic� to F, with a sa�.aration l�vel af 115%. As a signalized int�a•secta�r� v�itil prntecte�i ��ft-turr� phasing on 68`�' �'arkway, a 120-5�cond cycl� length �nct t�e existimg a�pr�oach lanes, this intersection is e�cpec�ed to operate at leve� ot service I�, v�ith a 5atur��ion ;�vel of 6�%, for �ear 2003 background traff�� p�us the site-geaaerated traffic froYrA Tri-Coaanty Cerater. � 'Tl7e unsignaYized intersection et �axti�.outh Stre�t at tl�e Cub �'aods clrive�vay � ��astern Tlriv�v��y) is �t�rrentl,y opera�ing at level of service � during the eveni�ig peak � hour, with ar� avazl3ble r�serve �f 274 vehic�es. Witl� tP�e deveP�pr�er�t of 1.ri-�ounty � ��ntex•, � s�ut�, approa�;lt �vill be a�deci, �orir�in� a fa�r-legg�d in����s�ctio�.. �or ��a8• � 2003 background plus site-ger�erated. traffic, am�l r�iraor mar�i�'ica�ioz�. of �'�e �ub �oads � I?rive�v✓ay t� �rovide fc�r tl�c�u�,h �.overnents acro�s D�rttnouth, th� Ievel of service is � expected to be E, wit1� an available r�serv�e of 53 vehi�les. A.s a s�gna�ized intersect�om, with a 120-secor�d �cycig and pratect�d Ieft-turrr phasing on I�a�ri��uY� atreet, this inter- se�tiori is exp�cted to o�erate at level otF�ervi�e A., with a saruration lev�1 of 4�%. -'?1- 4�i, �P�GR�1'E�ENGINE�AING �'�.e fii�.r� tee-sha�ed infie�s��Czon of laartmo�zt� �tr�et wz�la tl�e pxojeGt �vestern drive�ay as ex��cted to operat� at lev�l �f s���vice � as an uns��z�ali��d inters�ctic�a�., vd�t�i ��a avagla�bl� x��serve of � �e�icles. A.s a sA,�rt�lized in.ter�e���an, �it� a 12f�-s�ror�d cycle and pr�tect�c� left-hxrn �hasi�ag at� Dartans�uth Stre�t, t�ii� ir�t�rsectaon is expeceed t� op��ag� �� �ev�l of�s�rvice A,'with � s�tur�ti�n l��v�l of 49�. T�e f�a�r°e te�e-sh�pe� Prit�T3���lOE3 of 72"� ,F�v�nue �✓�ch ��xe praj�ct �.orther�a dxiveway is �xpecte�d t�o c��e�ate �t lev�l c�f s�°r�vi�� � �s an ta��fl�na�i��d i�tersectio�9 gq witta �.� avaiiable rese�ve of �56 v�la�cles. An a�.alysis was not d�n� �o� t2�� so�th�i�► drive�,vay as �� is expece�d to l�ave rn�c� lower volurne�, a�d wil3 op�rat� at l�ast �s well a� the �narthern drfve�vay. . T�h� resu��s of' th� c;���acit� ana�ysis, alar�g vvi�h the I,�v�ls �f Service {LOS), satur�.�ic�n lev�ls, an� the �.va�labl� re��r�e are sY�cawn �ii t�.e f�llowan� t�bl�s. �'abl�s slg�wir►g �he r�latgonships �etw�exa leve� of s�rvice anci satl.gr�ei�n� flevel/a�ailable �eserve are inGl�ded in fita� ��ge�adi�c t� this r�port. � -22- �.�. _�,,....�„�,..„.�,� � �� �ANGASTERI EPlGI�E�RIM� � �E�'�%� ���° ��:�L�3�� S�I�A�tt�' '�'�°a°�c�e��t� ��s�t��° �1� F��lc ��a�� C➢�f�T L�S ��teir�t�on �ighaway ���at Darirn�o�sth �t�^eeP :��i�tizag Co�c�iti�:�� I� �3% � �.'�ar 2003 �3arlcgrc�u�ad Tr��'�c E �3% X�ar 2003 �a.ck�round + �i�e 'T�i.ps E-F' '�E% (���otif'i�t�rec�) � 9�i°Io � .��'igh�vay 99�V'at 72'��Aven�� �xisting �,o�aditions C�-� 7��O Y'ear �003 �a�l�grc��nd Tra��� �-� �7% �e�r 2�Q3 �ackg�r���nd + �`it� Tra�s ���' �7'�0 ��zrtmr�u�h �'tr•�eX de �2,"'Aver�u� �xistir�g �o�ditir�a�s �-� 89I4 X�a.r 2��3 �ackground + Sit� �'rips � 1�2% (s�gna�iz�d) C '73�� �rart.rrzouth S't�°�e.t�t 6��`'`�v�,�ue Existing C�nditians � 4��o � '�ear 2UD3 �3ackgrounc� + �ite�I'rips � 11S%o {si�na�iz�d) �3 G4�� L,Q� = �..,eve� �f�ervi�c �attzratiora Z.,,ev�l -� Ual�rn�-�o-�apacity htatia � � � � � � � -�3- 3�.� .;� LA���STEA EP�GI�EERING a L����. ��' ���V���, �i�I��P��Y 'I°ri�C��a��y �era�em P� I��� H�e�u �e�rt�aaouth .S'�reet ot�'astern�rEVe�vay �x�stia�� C:or�d'zt�c�ns C 2`7��* I'��r 20�3 ��G��ro�.r�d -t- Site �'xips � =��'� (szga�aliz�d� � �'�� I�artrreac€t`h ,Stre��aP Ud�estern D�iv�wuy Existizig �:�nditi�n� �� - Year �QU3 ����C���u�d + Site �'rips � 5�' (Sfl�12i�IflZ�C�k� � 49�Io ��,�a�ve�r�t�� c�z IVv�thern 1��ivebvr.�y �xi�t�z�� �ondi�io�as �� - I'��r 20Q3 �3�ci��rolind + �ixe 'Traps � 36t5* I,OS = �,ev�l af:s�rvic� 5anrxation L,ev�l - �olurne-tr�-������ty Ra�ia *�vaita�l� I��s�r�v� - �1`�I7ic1�� �er I-�our � � � � � � � w .�a _��_ � ��::< 'F lANCASTER�NGiNEERING Fu.tcsre Roadway Ixn�r�ver�c�r�ts Sevez°a.l rrRa.jar ra�d�ay irr�pravea��nts ha.v� been reca�r�iryz�i�ded ia1 the I- S/�dighwczy 217�5u�area Tt•�a�as�or�atio� Plan �nd ac�op��d in�o ���� +City r�f�`'zgard C`�m- pr�hensive Plan �hi�h r�i1l iar�pact traf�fic i�a �h� vic�nity �f t�e p�°o�os�d �Cr.i-Caunty C'e�xter developi�ent. ��rors���nd�d impresven�ecats z�c��ade: � 72�d A.v�n�� is propased t� b� v�idened ta a five-1��.� facil�ty, wYth two tla��csugh lanes in each dir�cti+on arzd l�ft-t�arn lanes at insersecti��s from Bo�- z�i�a R.t�ad to �-Iigh�,v�y 99�1, inchrd�r�� improverr►e�ts to the �i�hvv�y 217 int��ch�nge. � i�artn�outh ,�treet is proposed to be �v���n�� to a fiv�-�ane �acility �rom 72°a F►�ea��oxe tc� bff�,' �'a�k�vay. � �ar�anoa�th 5tr�ee� is expected �� be realig�awd v✓itt� a three-laa�� c�v�rcrossing oi I-iigl�wa� 217 (I3ar�xa�auth �ly-o�aer) wit� a �oz�nec�ion �o �a�l �3a��e�ard. Csn arad off-rar�aps ta �i��way 217 frorrg D�rt�ns��ath �tz•eet �vi�l �be con- s�ructed as f�t�re phases af��YS �r�provegne�at. � �Jad�rg I'di�hway 99V� �� sax €I�..rotxgZx Iazt�s vvat� c�rn 1�,��s �t ia�t�rsections frartfl I-5 to solath of�Ii�hway 217. i t�er� ar� addit�oaiai izaxpr�v��er��� �hi��Z wil.�° �at �ir��tly ��pa�.0 this stud� �re�. T�e tflmiz�� ar�ci a�lznra�ate i�rplerraen�aCion �f the abov� iiz�p�ov�rne�ts i� n�t kYi��n. i-�o�vever, th� net �ffe�t af th� i7��rtrnouth �ly-�ver �ill�be t� red�a�e $I'��Y1� vcsli2rnes an �i�hw�y 99i�I �.s I)artxnouth Street a�ill �er�e as �a by-p�ss route ta th� highway for m�ray driver�. � �an��rvatir�e assu�lpti�n u✓as rn.ade tha� 1� �,e�°c�r�t r�f the tt�rough tra.ffic �rfl �Iigraway 99W wi�l be dav�r��d ta �art�x►outh S��eet as � r�suZt of the co��tructi�n of the fly-av�r. �as�d �n ihis �ssurr�ptis��, ar �apa��ty arzalysis v✓as rna.d� fcar the study �rea ant�rsectio�zs (not includin� the dri�re�vay in�ei•s�r,ti�ns) ta r�e�eAra�ira� �t�e i�npa.ct of��i� �1y-o�er. A t�•affic �1��v s�iagram sho��ing tha assu�ed gsa�provez�xent� � to the Pe�t�rsectiQ�s af ]���•t.xnau�h Str��t vdith 72°d Ave�ue amd 69`h I'ai•k�ay r5 e�n �a�e � 26, �.z�d ihe re;�bseel t�af�� v�l�.z�aes as � r�sa�lt c�f a IO ���•�en� c��v��sior� ar� shovv�. oi�, �„ page 2�. No irn�ra�venYents e�ere ass�rr�ed �'ar �igh�ay ���I. � � � The ��s�lts �f th� �apa�it�� ar��l,ysis sha�✓ th�t the inter��c�aorz aF I�igha���y 9��J � at L�ag•tzn�uth St�ee� is �xp�cte�i to op�r��� �et�v��n ��vel of s�rvi�e � an:�i �, �igtaw�y � 99W ai 72�d �iven�ae is exp�cted t� a}��rate at le��el �f servi�e �3, �artrraou�3� Str��t a� 72"d A.�eiaue is exp�cted t� oper�te �€ �, arad Uar�r���t1� Str�et at 6�`h �arfl�wa}� x� ex� �eceed. �o apei°�te at C. -2�.. . i . '�'� g�ll ��"� � t���y � �� ��oy a �� � � � � ����`G , � �� ' �� ��� ��� �� ,�,r-�.�,p Main�y Str��t � � � ��� s �� � � ��� � ��i'� � � � � /�. � � i �e�rtmc�a�th atre�t + � i A�����° I i ��/T`�' _ __ J L_ ._� � � Q � � � � Traific SiCfn91 t�,�y ,� � � F� � w � � � � s � Piompkr,n Str�cf <. �p� �"�'-F � �p � s��'N � � � � � � �R�&9� � ,�..�...,... ____ - ��M����°��V����',� I��R�VE�E�TS � _ :::��;:::: �s����� L���� and T����c ��n�r�l ���i��s '!'::����AS�°�R ENG����R��� tricn!_�.dwg �::::::��:::�� ��... a � e25_ „.�. �, ���1 1G��,1�� ��c�a,� g cy�, ,�n �ca�`�°” �y� �� �'`� �ayeG ` e 6 �°��� dc^����N� p,� 9� /`�1 � �,���.� Ar��1�`�e • aa dt°' 6� �,��� � �`. • ��,i S � ya'e, ����Q��� '��r��s� �� ,��� ,,� Hoi7�s StP�et ��� ��DO F�.��-3 � �s�-a° �1�r� �t��-3 ��.,�.�. �� �� ��' ,/'� DarFmou�i� SBreet t� . �q � ��. � ,��� � �'�'�J��°�' _i � a 'C.. � � � �Q�``` � �1� _. _ _I °��,� ,;—��io � .p, �'•�� .G" ��.� r�a�` �'f'r� �,�--� ��6;. rs�� ��, � o � � s Y °� � t3sA,�, •¢ � � e�j' '�Vc � � � � ! ,� Hampfon Sfre�t � f?�°'F , ��. 5��� �� � � . ��� �Qa� ��c�c����a����� ����� � : .�: : �:,,5;, , .:..,::.k P� ���� ��u� .:� �:.�_:: ::�:::...,:::,..:::��: '.:•4ii'•'!>::.�:s} ':�:�����TE� �t�����E�l�� �l��h C�r����h�n�iv� ��an ��pr���r��n � ;;:y;:A;�`v::>ti�•.:'•.;;;;; Rrit;nt_�.r1�vg �,?,•.'.i<;�£;�''r",d:w��,..��.,a. .a. - °��_ 1 ;�, #"flAfl��ST��E�Gl�E��IMG �on�lusaons �'h� ir��ersectio�t c�f�-�i����y 99� witte T�arlr�outh Stre�t is expect�d to op�r�.��e at a� ne�r �ap�cnty ��r �.'�a.r 2��33 b�ckgro�xbgd pr�s si���-gen�a��.t�d ta°���"�c �a�ndi��ans. �s other develo�me�t occ�.�s :� ��� ig�uxa�diaY� �raa of'I'ri��s�ura�y C��t��, ��is int�rsectYOn �ill g�°r�babl� fai� dug°izag tlxe eve�an� p�alc h�ur. If ezt3xer th� LDar��r,uth Fly-ov�r er �rid�a�in� of Hi�ts�ay 99�JV oGCUrs, �Yi�re sho�ald not t�e � capacity pxable�a at ei�b.�r t�e inter��c�aon of I-�i�k�way 99w t�ith �artrsna�ath �tr��t or �r� 72°a �v�aau� for �he f€�res��- ab�e fi.i�a,�e. �ithout eith�a• �f thes� im.p�overr►e��s, levels o� servic� will �nost lik�ly degr�de ta 1�, or fi.arth�r d�ve�opax�ea�t w�Pl be mstr�cted. I'�•o�r�see�1l�itiga�iofzs .As was pr�via�sfly disc�assed, ?2"d .A'V�IEIIe trd11l t7� Wl(.���1�C� $O 1$� Lx�k11Tb��� V'V1CYC�1 as � �°�v�-lane fa�ility vvit.l� �I�e deve�opm�i�t of the 'a'ri-�ouFity �enter. AdditEOnalty, t:affic s�gnals sk�ould b� i�zstall��. �t the int�rs�.�tions Qf JDart�r��►�kkn S�a��et vvi�r� 'l�r.d Av�nue and u��th 6�`�' P�rkway. .l�ltl�c�ugk� sig��t wvarra�ts will b� a�av� at ��e tvvo driv�- �vay ii�ters�ctiails �n ��.rtraxc��eth f�v�n�e, ih�r� is e;xpee¢�d �a be: I�ve� o� s�rvi�e � a� th�se driv��ay�. �ec�u�� of the p�oximgty af tl�� dri���,�ys tc� t�i� "72°d f�ve�.�e inCer- sectian, sor�e c��a�uing rr�ay oc�ur west oi 72nd Avezxu� whi��a wouid par�zaily i�lo�k �he �a.seerra drivew�y for part of �ac�i si�n�l �y�l�. "�/ie� tl�is ir� ra�i�d, �� �s recoa�u�riend��. t�iat ��a�'�ic cc�ndi�bons �e rno��tar.�d �'�ar � period of ti�a� a�t�r coin�l�tior� of the c�rat�� �v d�t�:rar�i�e the n�cessit3� �or �raf�c si�r�als a� or�e �r bc��Y� �rive��ay ii�.te�s���ao�. 'V+I�th consta�.�ctioax of ihe �artm�outh FPy-�v�r, increasec4 traf�c volu�.�s on �artmo�uth �ili n.ecessitat� tr�ffic signals at the c�rav�ways. � � � � � t� � .� , -2�- e� a� . �. . ;:s L�RG�SI'ER�RGltdEEHIING a�B��iPItAR 3° � �. The pro�:,oseci tand use is expect�d t� genera�e ap�raxira�at�l.y 34'i �r�gs �enera�ed d�az�Yn� Yhe anr�r�iz�g ��ealk ho�ax. �f these, 212 wil� b� eneeri�g and 135 �ill be exitiz�g th� site. �� es�ixxnat��. tatal �f ���� trips wi�l occux �urIl�g the �vex�ir�g �ea�C l�our, v✓irh 664 ent�ri�ag �r�c� 72� �xitAi�g ��xe �Yte. The �xp�cE�d d�zly tr�ffi� Wolur��� rs 14,'�22 trips, wit� k��.lf ea�terin� �nd half exitin� t�xe site. �"�n p�rcer�t af the tc�ta� driv��v�y ' trips �re expect�d to &se div��te� traf�'ic �rom �Xi�h�v�y 99��I, ai�d ��en� p�r�ent of tlie ta�al �F•iveway �rips aa�� expects�d tc� b� �as�-�y trips f�ozn �artrrxou�l� St���t a.a�d SVV 72°a �.v�ii�ae. 2, �,.dja�er�t te� the site, .��J �'2�d .Aven�e �s prapos�e� �o i�e �znpraved tm its ultimat� w�dkh a, a fo�.�r-l�ree xo�d�ray �itl� lef€-t�a•n lar��s. 3. 'I'r�ffic �;g�aal w�,�rar�ts a�°e n�� c.��rz°en�ly s�.tisfied at the ir�ters�ctxon �f I�artmozath 5�r�eY at 72°a ��v����. 'Th� �e��: �s�ur �'axr�x�t is sat�sfied fc>r �artmoL�t� �t �a8`" �ark- �ay for �1�►�: �v�ga�r�,g p�ak h�ur. l�or 'Y��r 2003 �a��Cgr�uznc� ��u� si�e-g���r��ed t�affic vol�ar,��s, th� Ioiilrnirnurr� �Ie�icu.Iar �alu�ie `�dar�ai7� ar�d t�� �'�ak I-iarar �iarr.ar�t wi�i t�e satzsfied fo�• 6oth �nt�rs�ctioYis. 4� 1he signalized 'znt�rse�tion �f ��rtiaao�ath �treet �.t Hi�h�v�y }�'Vt/ is ca,�rrea�tly op�r- atira� �� icv�l of ser�ic� D da�ri�g �v�nin� pe�k ho�zr, v✓i�h � s�tura�i�n ��ve� o� �3 i'o. Xear .2003 bacl��rc�ur�d volumes r�sult �n level of s�rvic� �, witk� a satlaratiora 1e�ve1 of 93%. .l�d�at��t� �� 5ite-��az�r��ed. tra�f�c �r��rz tt�e prt��os�d `�si-��l.��ty Cr��t�r ����� d�- � �rad�: tl�� l�vel of s�,rvice to t�se�v✓een � aa�d �', ��ith a sa��•atior� l���l oP 3�!. �ith a �° i•�co�.�'i��zratio�-� o� ih� soaz�tx �p�r�a��� �a provid� �.oa�bi� Pe�t-t�rn lar��s ��d a sh�r�d � � tlnrQU�h/rig�t laa�e, t�€ l�vel of se�@»�� �an b� �r�preaved �� �, w�t� � s��ratica� lev�� of � 9�%. � � 5. The si�nali�ed int�e•sectBOZ� csf r�"d l���rxa�� �t IZi��way 99� 1S Cllt'i'�Yl��� operatang °'� betw�en 1e�e1 of service C and � d�rrn� ev�n.in� peak liour, wi�1a � sat-�zra�ias� lev�l af 77%. Year 20�3 t�a�kground volLflrnes resutt �� leve� o�sezvice I�-�;, vvith a sat��ra�i�n level of 87%. .�dd��ion af site-genei•ated �r�ffic f�cs�n t1�e pro�as�;i Tr.i-��anz�ty �ez���r wi11 no� cl�ang� 2h� l.�vel of servi�� or satura�ior� ley�l. _��_ ---�--� ��� . `zIA�C��TE�E��i�i��RIMG �. The �nsp,gnabized a�at�rsPCtion of 72'� �.ve�u� at l��rtzxz�a�.th �Yxeet is Gurrently ap�r- �tia�� b�tvve�fiz l�vel r�f service I) an�i � r�uri�� k�a� �v�ni�xg peak �our, `vith a saturati�a� devel of �9%p. '��a�° 2�03 i�aek�rouz��fl vo�uane� �r� �c�� e�cpeeted tc� cY�aflag� �v✓i�haut d�- v�loprnent of Phe sa�e ar s�i•rc�uai���a,� v�c�:nt 1a�ac�. A.�lditinn of site-�;enera�ed �r�fi�'ic �i•ar� �� �r�p�se�i '�'r�-�csuz�ty �ent�e� vrill �h�n�e th� ����1 of s�rvic� tc� �, �viti� � s��u- ration X�vel o�` i22!. �.s a sa�z��l�zed inters��t�on �ith �ratectesi lett-turn ph��ing, � 120-secai�d cyc�s l��gtta a�zd �ne �xisti�g appra�cta lai��s, �his inter.�ectin�. is ex��ect�d tc� aperate at flevel r�f s�rvic� �5 vvid� a sa�a�ration level o�73%, Por �'eaz 2C�G3 b�ckground traffic plus the siEe-�;e�,erate� tr�£�c frcam� Trs-�dlt�t� ��a���r. �. 7. T'�e� unsigriali�ed ir�t�rs��tis�n o�'6�`h �'arkvvay kt �artrmouth S�r�e� is �t�rrently op�r- �ata�sg at level df service � durisrg the evenxz�g p�ak ho�r, with a s�t�uratio� l�vel a�93%. Y�ar 2003 bac;�.�;round v�lrxi�es are �aot �xpe��ed to chang� v✓ithout d�deloprr��nt �f the sit� or s�ara�o��ding; vacazat Ia�a�. A.dd�tio�g �f sft�-�eme��ted tr���'ac fror�l the pj-ap���d �ri-�oun.Yy ��ntcr v�ill chang� th� l�ve1 �or servic� ta F, �vx�h a s��uration level r�f 115%. .�s a signal'az�d int�rs�c���� wi�h g���tected I��t-t�ar� p�aasir�g or� 68`h �ark�ay, � 1?0-se�ond c�cl� leaa�Yli and �he �xistir�g approa�h la�a�s, t�is int�rsecti�� �s �xpect�d to op��•ate a� i�vel of servic� �, wbth a satur�tis�n l�vel o�b4%y ��or Year 2G03 b�ckgz�ound traf�� plus �h� site-g�rierat�� traffi� frorn �'t•i-�aunty C�ent�:r. $. Tlae ua�signaliGed �a�t�rsectior� of �3a�tr�zo��h ��r��� �t th� ��� Poods c�riv�vv�,y (�astern I��iv��ay} �s c�arr�ntly o���atin� �t l�v�l of's�rvice C dua•�r�g the �v�a�in� peak hour, with �n �va�labl� reserv� of 274 vahzcl�s. V�iti�r th� d�v�Iaps��en� c�f `Ta•i-Cou�ty �Center, � south approach will be add�c�, ��I'1�1�II� a i�t�L1T����,g�C� PP1��TS�C�IORA. �O�' �ye23° �00� bac4sg�•o�nc� plus sit�-�rn�r.at�d t��ff�c, �z�d mirx�ox modific�tion af tl�e �ub FQO�s Driv�way to pz�ovide Fe�r thror��;h a�s�ov�nle�ts acress ]L�a�trnouila, �h� ievel of seivice is exp�cted to t�e �, t�vi�h an. �v�il�bl� r�sexve o�'S3 vehgcles. As a si�nalized intersec�iorg, with a 120-seconc➢ cycle and grQ�ected le�t-tur� pl�asing oz� �7artxnouth Str��t, tl�i.s inter- section is �xpect�d to op�rat� at level of servace �, v✓ith a s�t�ararion l�v�l of 40%. 96 '�lh� fu�.�re t��-s13a���d int�����tic� �� �artrr�outk� �treet vvith the praj�ct we��ern drivew�y is e����ttid �o op�rate at levet of s�rvice � a.s an unsigr�alized inters��t�c�r�, wi�h� �n avaflla�I� res�rve o�5 v�hicl�s. .�s a signafli�ed �r�t�rsection, �avith �. 12a-secazid cyci� �rid prot�ck�d left-t�srn pl��sin�; o�. �aA•trr.zo�ath Str��t, ��ais i�zt�r.sectiara is �xp�eted to op�r�t� �t 1�v�1 af s�rvice �, v��ith � s��aration l�vel of 4��'o. -30- i �v �°,. ::s. LAPiGA�TE�ENG9�E�RI�� 10o Th� fut�a.r� xee-sF�apec� ir�t�es��tbon of 72�d Av�r►ue.dvifr.� the prra3e�t aaorthez�i� drpve- �vay as �xp��t�d to aperat� at l�rr�l c��s�r�a�e �3 as a�. �.in�igna.9i��s� an��rs��t�t�r�, vaith �ra availabl� r�serve o� 3�5b v�k1iG1�s. Aa� an�lysAS w�s aa�t dQZae fc�r Lh� �c��ath�r� dr�v��ay as it is exprcted to h�v� i�u�;h. lovdez v�olur�.es, an� wi�1 op�raa� a� least �s yv�19 as the nortk��r�a drivevvay. A1� A�.1t�.o�xgh si�nal �va��r�rc�s vvill be r��� at �ne tvvo drive���y antersecti�ns o� ���t- xrao�uth .�v�n�a�, th�x� is �x�ect�� to be ��v�l m�� S�TVICC � �.t ��I�S� C�i'D.J'��FJ�1�S. T3ecause O� t�l� �7S'OX�Ifl�t� O�` g�� �sIV�V3��y5 '�d) 't�t� ��"d �v�r��e ixi�ers��tion, scxne queu��b may �cci�r �v�st af 72"d l���r4ue a�h�c�i �,voa�ld �artia�ly �loc� th� �ast�rn driv�vv�y for p�..-t oi ezc:h signal cycle. �Jith �Iais i� �aand, at is r�co�nmer�ded r�at t��fific C(�IICl1t1011S be rnoa�i�c�res� F�a• a period of tir�� ��'��r ca�pl�tic�n of th� c��nler �n det��rraine the necessity fc�r traf�c sib�aals at ar�e or both drivs�u�y i�xtiersectiaz�s. Vdi�li corrstz-�ctio� of the �a�t- �o���t F�y-c�ver, increa,��c� tra�'�'i� vol�arra�s �r� a3�rtrnouth wal� n�cessi�a.te tra�fi�.�si�;nals at �he dxiv�ways. l�e `TVi�h �onst��uctioi� of �?le I�artr�oi�tka �ly-ov�r and su�s�quen� cii��rsion of trafti� fox� �i�hway 9��V, th� iz�t�rs�c�ion c�f Higt�v�ay 99�J at �ag•t�aouth Sgr��� is �x��cted to operate tr�tv�feen ��v�i of��r�ice � ar�d E, €Iigh�vay 9�� at 72°d Avenue is expecte�i cc� ��aerate a� l�v�l of se�vice �, �7�rtg�c�u��i 5�re�t at 72"� Avenue is e�pected �:o op�rate a� �3, �r�d i�artz�au�h S�r�e� �t 6�"' �'�r�Cway is �x��cted io c�p�rat� at �. � � � � � � 27 �� .� -31- £ �A `,L�N�AST�R�NGINEERl�G -� - AP��1Vt��X � � ' -32- -,� _ P �' ; � �>.� � ;.;:.: �T�AEWGINEE�lNG k'F'y::. `,}r,.;i�`�; 9 � Tl��Y/�� F..6� ���V/6�I� • ��ve� of s�r�ic� is us�c� t� ��s��sbe �h� �ua�ity d�f t�af�ic �3c�`v. �v�9s �f servic� !1 to C: s�b•� corns��Dei•��! goe�d, �r�ct r�rai ro�cis �r� �usu��ly desgga�ed f�� ��v�i c��' ser�v��� �. t7��bar� str�ets 7Q�d sigt�al�z�d ir���f•y�ctac��as �r� t.y��a��ll� d�sa�r��c� f�r i�v�! �f��rvic� �. L�N�f of service !� �s ��r�s�c9�t��c� 4� b� tpae ��e�Qt �f ��c��stabie �9e1�€y�. �'nr r�►�si�i��liz�d ii�te.�s�c:��r,a,sq ➢e=rel csf s�rvsc� � is �;���r�lly �oras�d�r�e� ��ce��¢a����. �-��r� is � H�IOG"� Ct711"9pl�t�: L�CSG9'�p�E�Di7 ���eV�IS OE�S�fiVICe: I���€�! �f se�-o�i�e r�: tlery l��v d�6ay a� stz�ers�ctao��, �vdth Ali tra�'C� sige��,! c�cl�� C���I't11� �➢il(� 99p �EQ11C�Ci 6ViYllffP�' fl�i'011��l 1?3f19'e $�11H7 OIIE Sl�PIaI CyCIC;. C�� l�aglirv�y�, io�v vo6uzti� a�sc� l�ig�2 spee�ls, wit�� s¢�eeds not Xest�'ict�� by e�tlaer �ek�ic8�s. I evel nf.��er•a�ice .�: ���r�k�a�� S�?CCCBS b��69�fZ!➢lfT �� t�e ��'�'ecfed Zy �€I��r trlf�a�; shoe�t tr�ffoc cflel�y� �t 31lECt'�eCl!(DI➢S. �I�,��1�N' i9V�C1�� int�rsec���r� c�ei�� �h�a� fcsr l�v�l o�' SEN'V➢C� A C�SUILItt�T ��i'0991 F?1C1�'� V��9lCIeS SQO�i�11ilQ;� Lei�cf t�f s�a•►�ice �.• ���rEl�ip�� s�ec�l� at�d ar��a�aettverat�ility c1�sPl� ��c�ritrc�[1�c& by ailzur te����c; iti�,her c{elays ak inter�e�tit���s dl�an f�s- Ievel �f service �3 due Qo � si�s�i�� �asit ni�egit�er of vei�icles sto��ir�g. P�dnt �il s��ti�[ cye;les �°le7r �I�e tiv�itE���; v�lyic;�e�. `����s �s tl�c x��cot�3�z�ei�c9ec� de�igii st��acl�rd foe s��rrai iii�Pi�uays, I er�el qr s�,�r-e�fr� .�3: "�'ol�r�b1� ��er�ti�r� ��eeds; loaag tra�fc ��Aays c��e�ir �at i��- H�fl','"i��dE(383S. �I'i�e SI1�Ili�81C� L11� �tDi1��C5Li�le RC i30�1CC8E7��. e�OQ ��'�l�fiC S@�iled�S h`ll�fill�/ v�iz�cl�� stc��, �n� �he Pro��ordicsn of v�lz�r,les p�o� st��g�pi��g declir�es. T'(n� e��►a��ber of signa� rycde faiiEar�s, far which vePro'sc�es �n,.�s� �u�i� t�,a•oe��h m�fle �i��r� csn� sp�:t�! cy���, a�� ��oticea�le. TIYis is cypic��ly t1�� d�sig►� 9eveI for �rban slgciatiz�c� su��€rsec�eans. Level af s�a�vr�� L': �ZesYa��c�ec� sP��cls, vea-y l�e�g trafC� del��s a� tr��'�a; �agraa3s, at�d erafi�c ye�lu�iaes ta�1r c���cat�'. �'��'45�' BS 9SItSl�E?I� SC2 ��Yc�� �Cl�/ fnC�I'LZi�T1l�11, �'o ����t�eg° ➢iow mir��a•, W1II C�ll5� C]l9�iiC;� �(7 e�0i'[]4 ?�11CJ S�CF/iC� �a a��teri�rrate flo tevel of s�xwACe �'. = rT'rafi�c ,i�t��l �ycle fai�t�re� �a�� fr�q�r�r�� �c�u��en��s. F�i• ueas��;e��lized �s�kea•s��t�r�ns, � l�vefl e��s�a-vi�e � €�r be�tee �s ��t�er��ly ��t�s�dered a�cceptabl�. � I evel of�eruice F: Ex�res�a� cflel���, r�st9ltiEag iei �orag qu���s �uhiclz ri��y at'tera � p �°��� �ith c�tl�ec trafCc m�ove�z�e�a��, �°l2�re �ra�y be s�o���g�.y of lazz�; c�ur�,tEOr�, E��ad � s���c�s xa�ay do•�p to zer•o. '�'T�ea•e rn�a� ��e; fa��q�pe��� �ig�,�� �y�:�e f�B6rar�s. �.ev�d �f s�,�v`sc� �' wial dy�ically r�s�9t �l�ex� v�l�icle arrsv�B t•�ate:s aa�e �r�Bt�r ���aB� �apacity. �t xs �ar�sir3er�d i'r�ace�pt�bl� by z�aost �riv��-s. , :,... , a <., �C��CASTE���GINEeRiP�G �E��'L C)� S�/�4'/�� �f�f�"��l� �C�� SI�I�lAL1��� ii�l�'l���S�C�'IC.�iV� � �.,�VE�., ��' �IO�,�TI�vd�-TC�-Ct�P�-1�'I'T� S�R�TICE I�i��3 A e 0.60 �� �3 Q.61-0.'Tf� , � 0.71-U.�� 4 � �U.81-0.9� " � 0.91-1.00 � > 2.(�0 ° C� ���7"�B�f� L�'��L �� S�f��l9 �C?� �I��1C�tif.�Ll��1a f!l�T�'�'���°�Ic�l�f� L��i�L, ������TIE: OF C��'A�I i Y� SE��ICE (�ars per I�o�ah) �. �, >400 � Y �3 3Q�-�9� � f� ��Q-29� � ___._..� __._o____s_._�__�.��. I � L� 100-1.�g I � � � �-9� � � �� °� � �0 _ :.r-.���..�...: - _ -- T�V'.PE�,S� N TUR�V MQ���T CQTJI�S' SY � - - ���R.'I' �_ - - �- _ �trrx ���� .�.� F�z�fxv���� s� �.__�_..�._.,�..��d.�� �� e, Tw �..2% P=.a°7 9 ______M�._�_ � �k 08 a bATE t��' t�OUNT: 0�.,12 9/9 S � �1��. DA°Y' O�' t+�E�K: Thu �. s4 �.42 212 TT�7E �T".�Z,T�;'D: 1�:OU � � 'x'Ti�IE EC�DE�. �.a:0 0 I-i a-19:3 2 • �� m �-�1713 �5 rp� +� �7 a p � �-3.1. rTr 1.= 6'i.la l� �'�?b Z.o23-Y <4--].63`7 P•-.9Sf� �=.97.2. �,�3 6 5 T�'tT=TC.)�'Z�,L I"�TI'RY VC�LTJA�E � o �G T=pTRU�K.� BY APFl20�CE-I �r� I I"s. P=�HF B�' a�F�RQXICI3 2�.1.6-� 1.9 01-� - - }�I�FC 241 RO 66 Peak Hau.r =—�-_- I650 • �.a':35-17:35�T�'a:Efic Sm�.tl�y � T= .7% P=•895 �387 T�V-�624 (50�) 64�.-6333 � E1�ST �iOUNC) SOU'.�H B�UIVD I�l'OR'1'i-i �C7iJNl� - -CnTFST BQUND FRMUME PET� � `i � � .e � � .� �� � �� � �-� �a �' � �� � �1LL 16:QO-1G:�5 28 117 3 4 13 1`7 24 �� 1 5 6 110 2 330 1� :�5-�.5:10 37 '136 1 5 7 ll I7 6 6 11 140 1 378 7_6 :10-16.15 33 13Q 7 2 7 YO 19 4 1. 3 137 0 353 16:15-1� :20 31 115 4 5 11 1CJ 23 � 9 11 132 7_ 356 :L6:20-16 :25 32 108 ? 5 lZ �.� 20 4 4 4 133 2 344 16:25-16:30 39 110 5 4 1�4 17 1.0 3 9 7 143 U 3�1 16:3U-15 :35 43 I21 2 4 11 1i 19 8 2 2 133 0 360 16:35-7.6 :40 46 '128 4 6 11 1.9 2,0 8 3 7 141 0 393 16:�0--16 :45 29 15� 4 9 12 '18 23 5 8 9 129 2 403 1.6 a 45-16 :50 50 125 0 5 9 7_7 25 3 & 8 145 1 39� 16 :50-16 :55 44 116 � � 13 17 20 6 12 0 132 "1 :i70 16 :55-1.7:q0 41 136 4 4 6 12 14 G 6 8 142 0 379 17.00-17:05 4S 127 0 1 11. 21 ?.9 7 7 2 l07 0 357 17:05-17:7_0 a4 153 3 4 l3 1.8 1�3 10 2 3 175 U 433 17o1Q-17:15 2� 139 2 4 9 16 17 7 7 8 140 1 371 17:15-7.7:20 40 146 F3 3 15 15 �7 4 3 4 13� 3 394 1 i:20-17:25 4C� a_23 9 2 13 �_5 1'7 � 5 6 1:33 2 374 17:25-17:30 27 132 4 5 16 2� ?1 8 2 6 143 0 392 17:30-17:J5 ?6 143 7 7 1� :L6 20 7 5 4 1'l4 �. 36� 17:;35-]_7:4C1 42 160 0 2 7 1�4 Z8 4 5 3 138 0 3�3 �7:4.0-17:45 32 153 3 8 '11 13 19 9: 3 2 l�g 1 36"7 17:45-17:5Q 3h 134 4 3 "13 16 18 8 7 f3 13�- 2 �g� 1.7:50-:J.7:55 31 130 � ]. �.3 16 1G 7 1 7 1.43 �. :370 17:55-18:00 29 :L11 6 2 9 18 26 3 2 5 120 1 332 �. � d� --- -- � Tota1 Survey 856 3148 91 99 27Q 382 470 136 120 13� 3�23 22 8a51 PI-�F . 82 93 .6 .6F1 81 .9 ,89 .83 .63 68 91 a 46 .964 � o 'Ixucks .4 2.7 0 2 l.l 1 .9 0 e8 1.5 2 .3 0 2 � Stopped �uses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Peds 0 2 Q 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 � -- _ � -- � Hourly Totals °'� 16 :00-17:00 4S3 1437 41 57 126 176 234 58 71 76 1522 10 4421 16 :15-1'7:15 455 1533 3� 55 132 193 238 71 75 69 1657 8 4521 16 :30-17 :30 460 1601 45 51 135 211 240 81 &3 63 1656 :LO 4620 16 :45-17:45 442 1653 45 49 137 202 2,35 75 63 54 1623 10 458n 17:00-1� :00 403 1651 50 42 144 206 2.36 78 49 58 16Q1 1: 4530 INTERSE I�T 'I`fJ?2T�1' 1�IGVENTEIQ'I' CATJi�I'x' S RE��RT �� 7�1V5� �A,�'.,i�IU� .�,T I�TC�-T4VP,�' 9'�'W / �''(� � ♦ � `I'= .f3gs P=.F382 .�°________._..�.r.�_._._ N �3Q7 � �ATF� QF CU�. 1/2�/9� n (29:3 I�A�' OF Pl�F�: W�d R �5 91 1�1 T:II�'IE S�.AR.`.CEI:1: 3.6:0� '1' TTME EI�TI)ED a �.6�Q 0 H �t-�.£340 m-a � �� �-w7.7y5 99 -� �4a T� 2.6o T= :1e3� 1556-� �-1638 P=.��35 P=.912 71 113 'I'EV=TOTAI, �I�T'T'RY VOL'l'� � .� � T=oT3tI7�CK5 &� .PAF�RO�.0 @� � r� �=FH�'/T3Y ,APFI�.OACII �72 6_...r 1�,4-� dldc �.0 7 10 0 1.17 Peak T3our �?.7� ♦ 1�;a0-1.7:50 Tr�.ffic Smi.t�y T= 1% P=. 923 �3f�4 7.'EV=42:L2 (503) 641-6333 �� ��s�r so�rm � sov�r�x Bavz�m rrax� BornvD raES� �aurm� �rc� ��z�zoD � • � FROM - '�'O � -e -� �� � �� �� I f� .� � L �1LL 1h:U0-16 :05 7 95 � 9 5 8 £i 11 � 9 15 139 3 31.8 Z6:05-15 :10 2 109 5 3 12 6 4 7 14. 9 14C� 8 325 16s10-16 :15 4 136 9 6 6 7 7 6 16 l0 �O8 6 321 7.6::15-16 :?0 4 97 4 8 4 9 � 12 18 5 1.35 5 306 16 ;20-J_6 :25 4 128 8 E3 4 14 1 8 ��0 3 13� '�� 32G 16 :25•-1�5 :30 5 96 9 10 5 10 6 9 7 3 128 2 2y0 16 :30-16s35 2 lU5 14 12 4 18 8 6 8 8 131 � 319 16 :35-16 :40 3 1.14 2 12 � 7 7 13 19 18 129 4 332 16 :40-16 :45 4 109 1.0 9 7 11 9 7 11 1? 136 � 329 16 :4.5-16 :50 6 99 6 4 4 5 S 11 12 7 1?5 2 287 16 :50-16 :55 4 123 12 6 7 9 8 4 13 9 126 4 325 16 :55-17:00 5 12� 6 7 3 7 6 8 13 7 I:32 4 324 "17 :00-17:05 a 123 "10 7 8 5 £3 10 9 14 �.�8 4 354 17:05-17:10 c� 139 9 10 10 10 8 12 13 9 1�6 3 357 17:1.0--�.7:15 5 1?.8 7 6 8 10 9 8 18 1� 131 2 344 17:15-17:20 5 1�10 7 1Q 8 13 :l3 6 l�i 12 ZSO 3 373 17:2Q-7.?e�5 9 131 :LO 7 6 �.0 9 9 13 6 164 4 37� 17:25-17.30 6 l33 7 11 7 7 6 11 21 10 140 3 362 17e30-17;3a 2 131 0 9 9 11 12 5 16 5 13�3 1 345 ].7:35-1'7:40 �.3 128 6 1Q 13 8 �3 8 15 '7 1�0 6 342 17:fi:0-1'7;45 3 13U 9 5 B 14 1.0 7 17 9 131 2 345 17:45-17:50 3 1.34 10 7 4 17 10 1.� 13 �.3 132 8 363 17:50-1�:55 2 17_F � 8 4 11 6 5 1�4 9 �.2G ? �07 17:55-1C� :O�J 6 120 7 � I.1 10 4 8 10 15 7 35 3 338 Total Su.rvey 120 2880 186 192 161 238 177 203 325 227 3211 9U 8010 PHT' . 85 . 98 .8�3 .79 .76 .7a . 86 .83 .£35 . 81 .9 .69 .946 � T�'titcks .8 2 . 8 0 1.6 0 .8 1.7 1 .6 .9 2 l.l 2 Stopper� Buse� 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 Peds 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 9 0 Hourly Totals � � 1.6 :00-17 : OU 50 7_337 94 94 65 112 7�4 �02 15Q .106 1569 49 3802. 16:15-17:15 58 1387 97 99 68 116 8C1 108 151 107 1581 41. 3893 16 :30-17 :30 G5 1460 100 101 '7G 113 96 105 166 124 1638 �0 4054 16 :45-17:�5 74 15?_1 95 92 91 110 1.02 99 176 107 1631 38 4136 17:00-18 :OU 70 1543 9?_ 9� 9F 1�6 10� 101. 175 "121 16�2 41 420II � ��.� a��= _ �� Td�E�t���fi Z"[1F�.N' a�9�6�'�IV'I` CO[�C7�I' �tgNYN�I�; k�C)R`��,��- I3 ---�9oC7'I'�t ST%�F�`T' 1'��° 6 8�I 1�'�I,�' � ��7s J � ra ��� �.°7�S ��.�55� 1�,�."�'� C)� ��1I�'a 0�/�9/9'7 � 1��.� ���� ��� �� ���: ��� � 2�& �9 1.£�� '�'�I+'� ���R'3'�D: �.6:t9Q °��I�IE E1��I�e 1,�e�t? �-I �a---�4�? �.� j �-� �--3��k �08 � � �-�.6 6 '�� a E�% `I'= 2.'7°s ��4 �� ��-�7�. �=e�ti� P-.956 � . �, � • 5'� °:�1=�d'Q'1.'� ��' V�LiJM� �, � '�""�°�'�2�TCIGa k37�' APPFi.�At�i �-a � r� �=P�� �� .€���o�a�t ��o .��. �ro°� -�� ��� ���� �c��x� -- �?5�3� 249 � .i.6:5i�d1.�e�� T�affic� �n�i�l��° -� '�'= 2.1� �'=.Ha9 �425 T�1=�.9�6 T��ffac~ Sur�r�y �'5��.-�r�.�e �.� FAST BO� ---- ��U`�'H I30UI�YD � NOkt.'I'H BC�i� 6��T �C7UND - �'�P�� F'E o0� j ,�J � �-a� �7 I r�° � �v `�4. A.L,L � � -m �6:�0-�6 o U5 i7 23 9 22 9 17 3 :11. C 6 1.5 -7 s12�3 16:���1�:�0 0 18 �2 1F3 '1 1� 4 20 29 10 1.4 4 1�� 16 :1Q-1.6:15 2 3U �5 2� 7 7.6 3 11 ].q 6 1�. 5 140 15 :,5-1b':20 1. 2� �.5 �E3 1'1 27 2 � 8 6 �.9 6 Z42 16020°16:25 6 22 9 22 8 1.3 4 £� a1 7 14 ? 133� 16:�5-15:30 3 26 :1.3 23 9 iQ 1 �.2 8 3 � :12, 129 �.��3C�-�1G:35 � �25 20 �.7 lt� 17 2 2'T 7 0 7 13 � 154 1.6:3S-3G�40 0 23 3 24 1� 14 � 26 8 2 14 1Q 142 1.d�<4(J-�.�0�5 3 35 1� 20 �3 15 0 1.8 f� 4 2�- 5 Z�� 16:45-16.50 {� 31 10 24 6 9 1 22 � 6 11. _9 1.3� 16�50-1605� 0 30 1£� 19 �.0 18 2 �9 1�. 1 l4 19 159 1.Ei m 55-1°7:00 0 36 12 3� 9 12 �. �.f3 9 fi �.3 6 155 l'7�C30--x7:05 Q 24 �3 28 �.�. 11 4 �1 �.]. 8 :L5 9 155 21:0�-�'7:1Q Q 31 22 �1 � ��4 � �� �2 � 1'7 I5 �92 1.7 a 10...1'�:�.5 0 25 '?3 17 20 �S 4 �� �.3 6 .13 :�1 1�� 1`r:15-�.�a 20 �. 33 18 1� 6 �l � 3Q 1.?< ? �.i �.2 17Q i r:2�-x.�:a� �. �.� �� 2z s �.s � �.� � a a.� a.o i�o 1'7 s 25-1 10 30 2 3� 2]� 18 5 2Z 1 �.4 9 6 �f Z� 149 1'7 a 30-�'7 e 35 0 40 1f �Q 6 "l3 4 �.� 1�. 7 10 2�. 153 7�7:��-17.4� Z 34 23 17 '7 19 3 :�'7 �3 6 12 23 1'75 1.7s4C3-17:4�! Q 33 17 �� 7 �.2 45 16 1.0 4 12 1.4 I�9 17:9�-�.°7 c�s0 ?. 32 �3 2? 3 g � �� � a �.3 13 �.�6 7_'7 a 50-17:5� �. 3� 19 13 2 :�3 1 �.� �a 5 7 �4 I29 17 c 5a-1.8:O() 2 22 �.7 1.4 �2 7 � �.7 �3 a � �� ��s � � Tota� Su�`v'ey 2� 6y8 3�1 483 192 "�51 61 44� 256 �.24 3�7 �62 3�68 �„ PHF .5 .9 .�3 75 °7� 7� 73 Ei8 67 75 �� �72 .��9 �.. o Tzr.tc}es 0 .'7 .G 2.3 306 2.8 3..� �.,� '?. .7 �e� 3a7 e4 2 „� ����peet Buses 0 Q 0 €7 0 0 Q f? 4 Q a � � Pec7s 0 2 - Q _0 9 0 Q 1N C l 0 _ �. � � � Ho�rly Tota�s -- � 16 :QC�-�7:00 I7 32� �.45 262 108 179 27 �00 122 6� 166 9� 1°�11 16:15-�7:15 15 33� 167 265 115 1��. �9 240 1.`�� 60 Z73 g13 1�2� 16 :30-17:30 9 35� �.83 257 104 18� 3� 269 132 55 163 ].�3 18�9 16:�5-17c45 6 383 :�05 2�7 Q2 182 32 246 1.4� S9 16� �.G2 1�23 �7�00•-18:Of� lI 3`73 216 221 �3� 172 34 24 s �3� 60 159 �.&8 S.Ei7'7 r � ' - . •.. •.�, . .�,h,.nn„�:xr•I,�vc����Y.r•SMb9�.wSt � T�T�.'ER� OI�T T[F.�.I�7 N10�'I�3'�' C:GI7�"Y' S _ RE�Z7RT �� --- 2N1� i4`V'ENU� A�' �?I�,I'tTMfOU�''ri �T l��� � �' � 'I'= �.5�S P=.�54 - O l��.� ° r��� �� covrr�: �s/o�./:�� � �� �..6�i ].C16 '256 I7AY UF in1EEK� �.'kau T TIi� ST.�RTEDs 16:00 Fi a°-4��: ,�J � L� d-3 62 TINi� �ED s �.8:0 n � � �5 -� °-44 '�'�= .7 a � ��.��� 3z4 4-� �-232 �� 3 a 5g• ].2:1 7'=o�?3 � ,� �'$� �=�'C73'�L, E1V'.�IZ�' 'VOLU�?� `I-�T�CC��1� B�i' �PL�ROP,�C€-� �8(J -� �� � f� �'-PHF x�5�' ,�Pk2O,�C� ��� 207 2°7 447 -•� �312 Pea3c F3att� ---- _------.-._...,__.�._ ______. � - T6:35•-�.?::35 'I'raffic S�itl��r T= 3 .9 o P=.�9t� �3£il TE�7=153& 7'r�ffic Survey Se�.�ric�� .�.__ -----.---..._�,.�.......� T I I�.E ����0� �T 130IJND SflC7TH BO� N C I R T H �3�U1� WE�T BGUNL) FROM - Z'C? � �� j �a � � � � � �' '� �� � .�__ L --- A�L�'L 16:Oa-16:05 14 23 4 1 1�. 4 �l�Il - 16:05-7.5:TO 9 ;3 2 0 1_0 5 10 15 6 12 2$ 0 111 16:�.�7-16 :1.5 9 3:L 4 � g 16:15-16 :2Q 6 3C a 3 E3 5 1Q :Ly 3 1� 20 � 131 I5�20-I�i :�5 5 33 6 3 1� 11 31 17 � 16s2a-16:30 ].5 34 2 4 12 4 11 17 "1 7 26 2 135 16:30-16::35 10 27 4 3 13 10 7 1'"1. �. 7 1.$ 0 11� 1G:35-1�E:�EO 15 35 :3 1 18 8 13 12 5 5 24 � 1�x4 16�40-�.6:�� 5 �2 5 5 I.7 11 5 19 2 3 1� 4 114 16:�5-�.6:i0 14 2�4 S 3 9 �S:SQ-16 :�;5 9 30 4 4 �7 10 16 16 � �,� �5 � 1�� 15;55-1.7:OC 10 28 :� 3 14 F3 9 22 Z il 23 a 134 17:70-17 r 05 10 �2 5 1 10 10 14 ltl 3 7 15 4 �.:Lg 17cp5-�7:10 12 �5 5 6 11 13 17 17 0 5 21 � 137 17:1�J-17:15 9 �9 2 4 �.l 1CJ 1.� �7 (3 5 2'� 2 1�(l 1°7:15-17:�0 ��. 25 2 5 12 9 10 20 4 9 :L8 6 131 17:2Q-17 :�a 12 �4 4 � �5 9 T1 1Q 2 10 29 2 13U 17:2�-�l:�0 9 34 1 3 7.5 6 1.7 22 3 � 1.6 � 134 17:30-�17 0 35 5 25 7 3 1fi 6 Z� 14 2 9 13 ]. llg �.'7:35-1?c40 1:1 24 1. 2 13 3 7 �6 Z 1.� 1c� � 1�� 17:�0-]_7;�5 5�2 1� 5 2 :�5 �C3 °7 �.5 1 � 2% 3 1�.9 17:45-1`3s.�0 1Q 27 S 4 �.8 10 12 2.0 1 7 12 6 �.33 �7:c0-17;55 5 23 �. 2 �3 2 16 13 1 8 21 2 T07 7L`7:,,,�•-g8:p0 T� 18 2 2 7 11 11 �5 I 8 11 � 10� Tc,ta� Sux-vey 245 628 8/ 69 303 I89 :272 390 5.� 184 �45 81 295Q �HF 89 .95 .8 .7 .9 .8 ,£32 8� ?5 65 .88 79 a967 a �rtaeks J..6 ,5 0 2..9 3 �,.6 .� 3 .8 �2.� I1.4 .2 �,'3 2.S Pec�s�ec�. ��ases O � 0� �0 0 0 � 0 � 0 {� 0 _ 0 0 0 5 � t? 1 0 Hou�ly Totals ' � - 16:Q0-17:00 123 344 4� 31 15Z 5t� 124 18S 34 97 2�� a"7 ��86 a_6 c�.5-17:15 �22 335 48 40, 154 �.06 136 19f3 2,� 85 239 40 1527 16:30-17:30 l26 316 42 �� 162 � 11Q ]_42 2�5 26 �34 23Z 43 152� 16:45-17:45 �.24 298 93 90 15� 1.00 1�3 207 7.G 93 236 44 1510 17:00-1� :00 122 284 41 3$ ].52 99 x�48 2p5 ;a.� 8'7 225 �� 146�t � � ----,i���s�� �i� r�av�c�rr c�c�� st� �oxT � r��.�no ��� �T cr.� �oons/���xs!�� �;tivA� 1��� : -- - - �r= o a��.�s�.______�.�_.___�___. � � �i4� � n.��� Q� corn�z�: �:�,>�s/9� �j !27� I�AY OF W�EK: W�d �2 "110 0 3 3 'I'IME BTAR'T'ED� 16:0 C1 T TTME EP��D: 1F�:Od F I �a-3�i U d� � p-r �-�3$5 1�7 -� ��15 T= ,40 'I'= On 42'7 �m �--?'70 P=.9�1 �=.75� p 0 r�'�V'=T0'�AL �.1�I'L'�ZY VQI.,UME � �, � T=o'T'�2UCKS BY AP1'RCJ�,C'!-I �� I f� P=PH� B� IaPFR.OA.G'�-i 584 —�� 460 —� erlg 0 Q 0 Peak Holzr -- - �p c, 17:00-18:00 'Tia:Efic Smithy �= 0 a P=0. �d TEV=:��.12 (�03) 54Y-6333 � �T k30[71�D SOUTH�BOUND NGRTH �3t�iJND 6V��'I' BOUIVTU TIME PERIQD s �° � FROM - TO � —m � °�� � ��' �-! I ��' � � A�L 16:00-7_6:�5 0 26 � 1U �J 5 0 0 Q 0 28 �l 85 16:05-16 :10 0 31 10 12 0 0 0 0 0 Q l� 8 /8 16 :10-16::L� 0 35 12 11 0 4 0 0 0 0 19 12 93 16 :15-16:20 0 4"1 12 7 0 S U 0 0 0 2� 13 102 16 :2U-1S:25 0 33 1.2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 16 6 72 16 :25-16 :30 0 25 17 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 19 10 �34 16 :30-"16:35 0 3? "13 16 0 4 0 0 0 0 15 9 88 16 :35-16 :40 0 29 9 10 0 3 0 0 0 U 2� 6 80 16 :40-16 :45 0 ?.7 17 21 0 5 U 0 0 U 24 9 1�3 16 :45-16 :50 0 36 "15 9 0 B 0 0 0 0 18 6 92 16 :5U-16 :55 0 28 7 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 22 7 77 16 :55-17:00 0 32 9 10 0 4 C 0 Q 0 22 5 82 17:OU-17:05 0 34 11 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 14 7 '71 17:05-17:10 0 27 14 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 22 � 83 17:10-1.7:7_5 U 28 1�4 11 (7 4 0 0 0 0 25 12 94 17:15-17:20 0 41 14 4 0 6 0 0 0 Q 33 14 112 1'T:20--17:25 � 34 18 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 31 13 103 1`7:25-17 a 30 Q 34 13 16 Q 2 0 0 0 0 27 7_0 102 17:30-:1.7 0 35 0 43 12 2 0 1 0 Q 0 0 24 6 88 17:35-17:�0 0 37 13 t3 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 9 95 17:�0-17e45 0 38 �.9 �2 0 1 0 0 0 0 19 9 98 7_'7:45-:17 e 50 0 38 11 15 0 7 0 0 0 0 13 8 92 1'7:50-17:55 0 �9 8 9 Q 4 0 0 0 0 19 6 85 17:55-18 :00 0 34 10 13 0 4 0 �J 0 0 15 13 89 Total Survey 0 801 298 238 0 80 0 0 0 0 517 214 21�8 PHI' 0 . 9 .85 .74 0 .55 0 0 0 0 .74 .74 .876 a Trucks 0 .4 .3 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 .2 Stopped Buses 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hnurly Totals � 16 :00-17 :00 0 374 14]_ 128 0 47 0 0 0 0 247 99 1036 16 :15-17:15 0 37l 150 120 0 45 0 0 0 0 2�4 98 1028 16:30-17:30 0 381 154 127 0 �3 0 0 0 0 276 106 1087 16 :45-17:45 0 41.2 159 1Q2 0 33 0 0 0 0 285 106 1097 1/:00-1£3 :00 0 427 15/ 110 0 33 0 0 0 0 27Q 115 1112 � F� �y "�; ���C�ST�A ENGlNEENiNG �'f�19� C��i�E�,AT'BC)IV �ALCtJL.P�`�I�IV� Land Use: Sho�ping C�nter • Lt�nd �Ise �'ode: �20 �ariable: ?000 5q �'c �ross Leasable l�rea �araabl,� �atue: �3� � 1�I� P'��,I� ��� Pl�� �EAI� I�C3�. �'rip Ita�e: Ln(T)-0.596Ln(X)-4-2,3�� �"�ip I�ate: Lr�('7')=.66Ln(�)+3.403 Enter Cxit Tc�tal Erater Fx.it �'ota� I)ii•ecti�zlal M M� � �ir�c�ionat �istriblbCion 0.61 0 3g �istrabution �1 �R Q 52 _ Trip Ends' 21�. : ; 135 .::. 3�� .i 'I'rip �rids ���_ ��'"�€�� . 13�� '' L�����1�`Y S,A.'�'�.��i�' �'rip �ate: �,n('T')=.643�.,n(X)+�.o66 �'rip .�Zate: �n('T}=.62�Ln(X)+6.229 ce. � _ _._. � � �' Enter Exit Total Ente� Exit '�otai � � � l�'rrectional L�irectianal � �i�eribution 0 5 � 5 I�iscril�ution � � 0 5 s� ` < � Tri� Ends 73�z 7�6� ��`7�� ' Trip Ends �7(�Z 9;���. . i. ���Q.� ; . Source:'fRIP G[NERATIQN,Sixth Edition �assd�y �'�r��s �i�� af�ho�ping �en�er: �31 '���' � P�ss-�y T�ip ��r��r3�age: 29.9 'lo Ln (�'���-�3y '�'t•i� �'ercer�t��;�} = -0.3�1 �.� (�� -�- 5.3"1G � � � � � � � � � —...� IN���fi����0� � 1 _ ��E ,�� = � _ A��� ��a � 9 9� �:�7e�5 �� �Y3��CT: °Y'Ft�-�'Ca€Ji�T7°'� G�iy7�'EF2 �,�]ta�':��': �At� ��t�.Ns ����: �;���r����\�RZS�xa�.�x� ���ac �caca�: ��s ��c CI�1': °S°TCa.� ��E�UZ�A'�.'��R10 snoxe tk�a�az �SOQ,�l00 D��C12TP'.�'IC)k1; 'SCE� �Cf0:3 I��ICl�1�s�LTi�y 'I'�F'P`�C�" IN°T'�AtS��'3.'�tJF�T �,(7� � L)°lE 72D7D X��l�I�iLJI� �ATZSEt,`�,'.��C)�' � �9� .103 .07fl - �-� �.as iza. �= 12Q �=1�8 X'= �2 �� � . � 1019 .566 _. 1019 .Sa"6 � SO .03fi � 63 .036 .057 99 -� .526 9�7 -� � � .52fi y47 --�. aA��C��� a� .039 71 � � � � HTGHW.A`Y' 9�T�eT i�-S V/C - .14�5 xo� ioa z12 �-r,� �r/C - . 62� .061 .Q56 .062 `.COI'F� d-1��1�. = .10(7 r�x�axravra v/c. = .050 Y.'+i�i = Adjuscsd V'n].umes .X3i�{ = V/C A30�/I�IE1V`X' V'07.�UT�$ IvICt'VF: 5.n.�.`fJI�'PTC3h8 MOVEF.�I3'I Lf}S �PPR L' T FZ TO�' I, T R T, T R �OUTI� 1.07 100 177 384 89� 37& 33� I�--E; � A LdOF2TH '12Y 91 �3a 307 7�� 59� �9� C H 13 WF.S� 96 189� 71 2063 89� 62�5 :YS� Y�-� Y5 � E�ST 113 199.3 ��d 2150 57� �9� �S� C D-� 7�-E �, '.CFLL7CECS pEI� Y,�t�'E � APL�R � � D2ST C4�1�ThT E�Fi.�SIfi7G gp� SOUTkI 1.0� Oa:t i2.ft �7-� °I,k;F� xtJ��IS 1d0� PR.U�'�CTED i �' N'Ofc'1'H 1..0$ 0£t 12.�t Id-a - �'tic,�ht `%'u�'xi Ov�r'la�s ,� � �IE�T 2.O�S Q�t l�.f��. E-�T -I.E�FT TLTLtr?S PRCa'1'ECTED �r7�Ts3 O`JERL'�E � EP,ST 2.0� O�t 1�.�t E�-'S� - Ri.gh� Turn Uv�.�J..ags � a,J _ L�� vo� �xr� Av�x�.ts��) za�n �zr�(���y r�av�: s�o�c���t) �EG �1.� S.OS C .APPF'i I, `A' ft L `� Fd 7,. T R SOUTHf 569 SQUTH 22. 6 22.� 2�.5 �3.4 43.a 6£�.� 1�5 1:3a 223 AI�R.THf �7� � D70RTH ?_2. 6 22.6 ��.6 9�.4 93.� 93.9 16� 2�2 �52 W�ST 3676 WE�T 7.8 `78.5 78."� 10�.2 �7.5 37.5 �.54 545 �Y EAST :37416 �.A�T 6.� 77.6 77.6 1A9.1 38.4 38.4 �9 6Q0 6Q0 `��E�,1'�'�I� ����.�Ia �VVL�.I2��T� �1�I..��I.��`�'���I� � l�ajar �tre�t: i�a�trr�o�z�;� Str��t �IfiZO� �$'L'��k: 72nd Avenu� �xisei�g Cat�ttlt�or�s �umber af Lanes for Mioving F1.DT'Un Pvlajae St. tlI7T on Minc�r St. Tr�ffic on E�.eh Apgroach.: (tata➢ af both approa�hes) (hi�fiet-valunae appraach) Majar 5e. NiirZOx St. 100% 70% 100% 7i)%a e VVA��ANT 1 �larrants °JVarrants �Id�.rrar�ts "a�larz�nTs 1 �a �,850 6,200 2,650 1,85Q 2 or more 1 I0,60U 7,4(� 2,b50 1,850 2.or mor� 2 or mflre �110�6Q0 7,400 3,550� 7.,SQ0 i 2 or mQre 8,350 6,200 3,550 2,500 WAI2ItAhIT 2 1 1 13,3Q0 3,3� �,350 950 2 or nlore 1 15,900 11,1GQ 1,330 950 . 2 or more 2 or more 15,9(.� --_ II,100 �,750 � 1,250 1 2 c,r more ].3,300 9,30Ci 1,750 1,250 hlote: A17T volumes ass�me Sth highest hour is�.6� of the dally volume Warrant Used �L 100 percent of stantlard.wrra�ants us�d 70 p�a�cent oa`standard wacrants us�d ciu� to 8S2h�ercentile speed ira excess � N��af 4t7 znph or isolat��ccrinmunity�vit.h population less than 10,0(i(). Number of Apprc�ach IV�inimuxr► Is Signal Lan�s 'Volumes VOIUITIPS Warrant Pvi�t? Warr•artt 1:Tvlini�nurn Vehicular Volurtte NYajor�treet 2 8,840 10,600 1Vlinor Street 2 3,810 3,550 I�I� � Warf•ant 2:1'n�erru,ptiotz of Co�ztiraaeaus Tr•af�5c � P/[ajor Str�et 2 3,890 Y5,9Q0 � Minor �tre�e 2 3,810 1,750 I�1c� � Warrutzt I1: �sulc I-�our War•ra�C-tllll�Il��crlc I�our � � �Vlajor Street 2 - 3 � Ndin�e Str�:et 2 - - ° I � � tivarrartt d 1: Peak Hour 6i�rarrant - P��1'�'eak�loaar , Major Stre�t 2 889 Minc�r �treet 2 381 420 No �ry.i�O.LAA.'R'�6.+ 1.D��A.61!�"b.� �1 A �� 'VC�A�.Bd��L76���.i'�� �ajor 5taeet: �.�arttnau��i SY���t Nainor 5treet: '12.r1d A.�aea��� Yecr-2�03�ack�r•aund -F Slte Tri�s P�ie�mber o�`Lanes For 1Vlovin� A.�aT on ivfajor St. AT�T on ft�tinor St. �'raffic an Each�►�proach: (total of C�oth appraaches) (higher-volume approach) PV[a'o� r St• Minar St. 1Q�% 70% 1Q6% 70% WA�tRAIdT 1 �„A/arrants �Varranes �Varrants Warrants m 1 1 $,850 6,'l0() 2,650 1,850 2 ar mo�e 1 10,500 7,4QJ 2,650 1,850 2 or more 2 or more 10,600� 7,4Q0 3,s5� 7.,500 1 2 or mor� 8,850 6,ZG�0 3,,50 2,SOa wa�R�r��r z 1 1V� I3,34� 9,300 1,�50 950 2 or more 1 15,9(}fl 13,100 1,350 950 ?.or m�re 2 or m.ore �15,'9('iQ� 11,1OQ 1,750 1,Z50 1 2 or more 13,300 �,30f1 1,750 1,250 No;e:t��T vo(umes zssumc:IIth liighest hour is 5.6%a of the daify volume Warrant Used w ?i 100 percent ot standard warranes us�d 70 percent of standar�l waxrants use�i dtie to 85th �ercPrrtile speed in excess �� of 40 mph or isolated cornmuni[y �ith pogulation l�ss than 10,000. Number of l�pproach A�Tinimum Is Signai T anes Vo�um�s V�l�ames �7o�arrant Met? l�ar•rarat 1:Mi�Fimum d�elzicul�tr Valurne Majar 5trec:t 2 12,14Q 1U,600 Ivlinor SYree[ � 4,670 3,550 I'c� Warr�ru 2:I�taerrr�ption of�'ontinu�us �'raffzc a Niaj�r Str�et � 12,140 15,90t1 ' iViiai�r fitreet 2 4>670 1,750 I�do � ° Warrunt 11: P�ak�Icur Vv�rrant-AM Peadc Fd'our 9 �tajor Street 2 - � Ivfinor Screet 2 - - ° 9 a Warrant I1: P�ak Hour Wi�rrant- PhT Pec�k Hour � I+/tajor Street 2 1,214 Minor Street 2 467 380 Ye� � '���'��d; �����.� ��� '� �1�.��:���"1�`���� P�ajQ� Str��t: ��at�i�u�� �zre�t 1l�anc�� St�eet: 6�th Paxkv✓ay ��xisting G'orz�,�i�ic�n.s Ijdurn�er of Lanes �or�oving AT7'�on�tajc�r it. AUT on iv�xnofl• St. 'Fraf�c oz��ach Approac�: (total af botta appa�oaalaes) (I�igher-vol�r�e ��pco�ch) P�faior SY. Nlinor S?._ � 10('i% 70% 1Q�% 70% '�IP��R�.poT 1 �/arra.nts Warra�sts �!�rrants ti�larcancs 1 1 � 8,850 6,200 2,650 1,85� Z or anore 1 10,L'�0 7,4(?0 2,b50 1,85Q 2 or zxiore 2 or mnre �10,f0� 7,40(? 3,55� 2,SQ� 1 2 a�• more 8,Bi0 f,.200 3,550 2,5Q0 � WARItAI+1'i'2 1 � 1 13,300 9,3t?0 1,35U 950 2 Qr znar� g 7.5,9(30 11,iC�(? 1,350 950 2 or mare Z or niore 15,�30t3 � 11,1a0 f�,7S0 � 1,250 1 2 oz mor� 13,3t�0 9,300 1,75q 1,250 Note:ADT volumes assume 8zh highest how•is 5.6%a of the daity volume �/arrant �.Js�ed � X My 10�percent af stanttard warxa��ts used 70�nrcent of�tandard�arra�ts used due eo�Sth p�rcebliil� s�e�ci irz excess �����of 4J r��ph or isolated commnnity with pagulation l�ss tha� 10,00fl. Pdumber of �pproach 11�finimum Is Signal Lan�s Vo�umes 5lalu�nes �arY•ant I�et? Warrant 1: Minimum �e/ticulttr 1/olu�ne Majc�r Sireet 2 8,99f3 10,6�0 Mimor Str�et ?, 4,77� 3,SS0 T�10 � tiVar�-ant 2: Pruerruption of Co��ztinuous i'raffic � R�aj�or 5tru�t 2 �,99� IS,90Q � 1�1(inor Str�et � 4,77t� 1,7�0 P�To � Warrant 11: �eak.4'our IWarr�ant-tIM�ec�k�Iottr "� I�ajor street � ° � ,� Pvlinor Street 2 ° - ' W � Wur�•a�it 11: �eak Nos�r t�larrarit-I�M'Peak Hocsr Major �treet 2 39'3 I�linor Street 2 477 420 �&s .4t'J�i.t'!�Y�+�6. i.7�LTl�L�.�r �'6'��,t�lV� �.t�.Jl.r�:g.l�.�`�'Y�J.`�� �iajor Str��t: I7artmouth 5�r��t �ina� S�x��t: 6�t�a���k�r�ay I�'ear 20�33 + Sate 'lri�s Ncamb�r of Lanes foa�l�ilovin,g ADT c�n iv�lajor St. fi�T on l�iinor Sc. Traffic An Ea�h/-�pQroach: (total �if bath appraaches) (higher-v�lume approach) Maior 5t. 1!/�inor St. I(?C3°l0 70%a 100% 70% WARRA�1�i I Warrants �,�larrants �arranis 4�!arrartts l 1 8,�5� 6,20Q 2,650 1,850 2 or rnare 1 1Q,6Q0 7,4Q0 2,650 1,850 2 or xiriore 2 or areoce 11�,b�0 7,40� 3,550 ?,SQO I 2 orznors 8,�5�9 6,20Q 3,550 2,500 �VARRAP�TT 2 1 s 1 �� 13,30Q 9,300 1,3�0 9S0 2 0;•more 1 15,900 11,100 1,350 95Q 2 ar more 2 or rnare 15,9'OQ� ll,l(X? �X,'7�0 1,250 1 2 or mare I3,300 9,30� 1,750 1,250 Note:ADT volumes assu�ne 8th highest hour is 5.6% of the daily volume War;ant tJsed Y �1�percent o�'standard warrants use�l �70 �er�ent of staradard warrants used du� to 85c1��ercentile speeci i�excess of 40 mph or isolated cor.��muniry with papuiation less than 10,000. IVumber o� Approach Minimum Is Signal Lanes '✓olutn�s Volumes VJarrant Tviet? War-rarzt.t:Minimurn Vehicasdar ✓olume Ndajor Streei 2 12,140 l0,fr�J P�inor Street 2 7,190 3,550 �'Ps War�arct 2:InteriupPiort of eantintaorss Traf�c IVlajor�treet 2 12,140 15,9(30 Minor�treet 2 7,1}� 1,75Q �To Wa���arzt 1.�: Peak Nour Warran.t-A�i�l Peerk.�dorar � I��iajor�creet 2 - Minor 3Yreet 2 - - - Warrcant I1: Peak Hour Warrarae- PPr1 F'eak lYauY Major S[reet 2 1,2,i4 Minor�treet 2 719 2&0 '�es � 'I'I�.�'FI� 5��1'��,� �.� �I�1�' �°.�.���3�.A.�'I+C��� 1VBa.jaz° Str���: �3�rt�a��� S�r�eE , I�fln6r s�reet: �ast�rn Ll�iveway � ,�xastang C;"vraca'ita�ar�s IVumber of�.anes f�r ibiav�.ng ,4I)T'a�Majc�r 5t, A�'�'on tJiinor St. '�raffic an Each Apprnach: (tota�oP both approashe�) (hi�her-vcsluxne approach) Major St. Minor St_ � I0�% � 7�l% It70% 70% ;bVA�Rx.AP+i'� l i�/arrants V'Varrants �Narrants Warrants I 1 ��8,850 5,2Q0 2,650 I,850 "l or anore 1 10,6t�0 7,40(3 2,650 1,850 2 ar m�ore 2�r an�re 10,6� 7,41� 3,550 2,500 1 2 or;nor� 8,850 6,?.OQ 3,Sa0 2,5G0 'a�dA.RRAI�IT 2 1 I �� . � 13,30C? 9,30U 1,35� 950 2 c�r more 1 15,9Q0 11,Y00 I,350 9�f 2 a�r mor� 2 c�r rr�ore 15,900 1i91t�7 1,75U 1,250 1 2 or more 13,3130 0 9,:�00 1,750 2,25U IVote: ADT Nolumes ass�me 8th highest hour is 5.6%c,f±I�e daily voitartte �JVarrant Used ��% ILO pei•cent of standard warrancs used 7Q pe�cen¢�f s�andar��arrazits used du� ta 85th perc�ntite spe�ti irr eaeess �of 40 mph or isolated cc�n�anuni�y v✓ith populatiori less th�zn Ifl,000. Number of Ap�roach Ii�1fl11I�li1IT2 Is Si�r►al �,anes �viuz�es �otuzn�s iRJara•arat 1Vdet? Warrarit 1:Mininzum l��/ticutcar Valcc�ne N�ajor�tre�t ! 10,450 8,850 � Mi�dr Str�et 1 8�30 2,650 l�v �° �larr�zrat Z:Intes�rcgptiaar of�ontF�casaus T'r�ffic � l�ajc�i• Si�eet 4 10,450 13,3(30 � Svlinor Stree[ 1 &80 1,�;0 �to � '�i/arrant 1.1:Pcak tleur��arrant-Al�l�eak.f�our .� � lviajor �tre�t I - � Minor stre�t � - - M .m4 6Varrant I1:Peak��arPr• Vi�arrcant-Ph�Perrlr I�oa�r• P�Iajor Street 1 1,Qll� I�ii�or Street 1 88 I90 P�I� '��F�I� �I�-I�A� �t�►�.�I9T�' �A���.TI.,�����1�" M�jo� S�r�et: �artra���ath Str��t I�Iinar �tr�et: �astcrn �ri�e�ay Ye��,2t?�3 + S'ite Tri�s Numbec•of L,anes for lb�ioving A�T an h�Iajor St. ADT an Mi.n4r Sz. Traf�c on Each Appraach: (tatal of baU'�approaches� (.iigher-volume approach) Mai6r St. 1VT►nor St. I�S7! 70% l0il% 70% WARRANT.1 '4%�arrants i�JarranCS V✓�rxants O-Varrants 1 1 � �,�50 S,B00 �2,650 1,850 2 ar rr►ore 1 10,600 7,4�W 7.,650 1,850 2 or more 2 or more 10,600 7,400 3,550 2,5a0 P 2 c�-more 8,850 6,200 3,550 2,50� 'WA.gtltf�.i�1T 2 1 � 1 � � 13,3(30 9,300 �Z�3a0� 950 2 orcnore 1 15,9C}Q .lI,I04 1,350 450 2 or more 2 OP Ti101'C 15,9G0 11,1�4 1,750 1,250 1 2 ob•ma:e 13,30� g,300 I,750 1,250 Noce: ADT volumes assumr,8t4 high�st hour is 5.6%of the daily volume Warrant Used X 100 percent of standard warrants used 70 perce�.t of scand�,rd warrants used du�to �5th percentile speed in excess � of 40 m�h or isolated cocnri�unity�v�th population less than 1t3,�40. Number of Appro�ach M.Iinicnum Is Signal Lanes Volumes Vc�lum�s Warrant I�let? Warrant 1:Mirtimtsrra 1/ehaeufar ljolume it�ajox Sereet 1 13,700 �,Sgd� 11�inor Sereec 1 1,360 2,E5a No � Warrant 2:d�aterruptiov�of Contirtuous Tra�c � Pv�ajor Street � 13,700 13,3�0 �"' R�Iizzor�treet 1 1,360 1,350 �1'es g � � �t/arrant 11:�'eak Hour 1�larrnrat-AM Peak�Z''ou.r � Ia�ajor�treet 1 - � Minor SEreee 1 - - - � � Warrmu II: 1-'eak HQUr Warrant-PM 1'eak l�ortr Ivlajor Street 1 1,370 Iviinor Str.eet Z 1�6 fl25 I'e5 m ' L$.��;���.�'�� � ������ ������.� �� ��� � � �ajar S�r�et: T�artnaa�nt� Str��t l�in�r Stre�t: �I�st�ra� �riv��ay ' Ye�xr-.�(3(�3 + S��e Tri�s� I�I�arnbet•of Lanes for P✓�oving �,F7T�an iVlajor 5t. /��3T ora 1vlinor St. '�'raffic an�ach Approac��: (t�tal��bottt approaches) �{higher-volume ap�roach) A�TATajor St_ TvYir�c�r�t. lOQ% 70% fl00% 70% WARTZA�I'T 1 V�arr�2s VJaxrants Verarrants Warranss 1 1 � 3�850� 6,20(? 2,65€D�v� 1,850 Z OT'dE101'e 1 l�y�� 7a4Q� 2sf°i�Q 2y��a �or m�r� 2 or. mo�•e 10,�5CX? 7,4(}'0 3,55Q 2,50(3 1 2 or m.ore �,�SQ 6,200 3,�50 2.,5(DQ �a����rr�r z t i �:�,�aa� �,�at� i,�s�� 4so 2 �r rrzore 1 15,9U0 ll,t� 1,350 950 2 or�zore 2 or more 15,9Q0 11,1(30 1�%5� 1,250 1 ?,or moee 13,3�Q0 9,3fl0 1,7�0 1,250 Note: AIDT vofumes assume 8ch highest hour is 5.6%of[�ae daily volunie 'Warr.ant [Jsec� � J� �lOCD ger�ent of Gtanciard warrants used '7�p�rceYlY�f standard v�arranis usec�du� ta 8�th�erceniile s}�eed in exces� � of 40 rz�ph or isolated commuc�ity with popt►lazion less than 10,000. Nuanber of Approa�h ithinimum Is Signal Lanes 'VoIumes �t'olvmes �IarXant �ec? L�arrajat 1:l�ldrairnuna Vehicular �olurne �Iajor Street fl 13,550 8,�50 14bir�or St►•�et 1 2,6()Cl ?.,650 P�� �. Warrmtt 2:Interruptlon of�onfc�zuous Zr�ffi� � Tvlaj�c Street 1 1.3,5SQ 13,300 � l+�xiraor 5treet 1 2,60� 1,350 1'e� � � War�zant iX: PeaPc.�il'our�arran�-A�l�I'eak�oaar � Pvlajor Str�eR 2 •• � �tinor Stre�f I - - - � � V✓arrant d 1: �°eak I�our t�/�r•r•ant-PN�P�ak�QUr Major S�reeE 1 �,355 Miz�or Sti•�et Y 26(? 120 '�'�s ���`��� ����E�� ��. ��' ��.Y.�:������� Tv�ajar� >treet: 72nd Av��sue lVlinor �gr�eet: IVarth�rn �riveavay �'�r�dite�ra T�umber of L,anes for Ivlc�ving A1aT on iviajor St. A�T'on b4inoz�st. �'raffic oze Each Approach: (total of both appraach�s) (hi�t�er-volum�a�+praach) IVIa'r�or�t. IVIinor 3t. 100% 7U% 10C3% 70% V✓t�,�€ItAI'�i i 1 War:atsts� �R%arrants `rJarrants Warrants 1 1 $,85t�� 6,20Q 2,65� i,ESO 2 or moxe 1 10,60t3 '7,4t� ?,b50 1,8�0 2 or more 2 or more 10,5i�0 7,400 3,SS0 2,500 , l 2 or more �,850 6,200 3,550 2,500 WP�T�"�A2�iT 2 1 1� �1_3,30i9 � 3v300 1,350�� g50 2 or mare 1 I�,900 11,100 1,350 950 2 or mare 2 or znore 15,s� 11,1� I,7�0 l,?S�J 1 2 arznore i3,300 9,300 1,750 1,250 Note:AI3T volumes assume 8tl�highest hour is S.6%of ehe daily volume `�Varrant Us�d �,'.�100 percent of standard�,varrants used 70 percent of standard warrants used due to 85th percentile speed in ex�ess ' �of 40 mph r�r �s�l��ecl comrr�unity v�vitt�population l�ss than 10,000. , Nuzr�ber of Approach l�ffinimum Is Signal �.anas �Ioliam�s V'�l�irnec �larrant iVl�t? 1�✓ar•rant i:1Vlinimum �'elalcular Volume Majar�treet 1 9,540 8,850 M�nos Street 1 '1,U10 2,6��J I'd� �arrc�nt 2:Interruj�tion of Continuous �'raffic Ivtajar Streec 1 9,�40 13,300 1Vdinor �tz�eee 1 1,010 1,350 I�Io Warrar�t 11: Pecak.�our W�zrrant-Al�i Peak Hocar ralajor Street 1 - Minor Street 1 - - - Warrant 11: Peak Hour 4Varrant- PM Peak I�our Major Street 1 954 Minar Street 1 101 220 1�Io x��������z���� �� �� � � _ �����x �O�o �� �:�� :��� ��a�,�a���� ��z��cc�u�v�� ���r���. �a�x��: a����: �� �°i��:: c:\�������q��a���z�.��� ��� xca�: � ��a�c C:��X: '�I�.T� �OPY7I�,T'��l+T: m��s� �k�,an �00,t3A0 za�sc�t���xr�ra: ��as��r�� c�t~tr�x�x��t� �����s��x°��rt �or � � �.�,�a�xr�tcac��� ������� sa������a�s = �3� .a.os .iza C= �.4�1 ��.24 �= �.6 � 195 2i2 - � � ,p �`- 82� .d56 � 824 .�SB G5 .03? .oa� �o --f� ` .�5i ezz -> .�S1 622 --;.. � �����.� � .156 280 � a� �c� �S %3IGF3tnT�i1' ySYd 1 �59 163 5& AT-, V{� - .21:3 .091 .097. .037 �_�. �.,� � �ax �.'tax'P�7a 1��F3��2 = .11 A, d�17�dlxf[.� 'SF,/C = .OA3 XXX = I#dju�ted Voltunes .:�7� = U'/C P3U't7%IE1+TT Vq%,L7MES M('�S7E �AT'Uk�.FiT]:C72�7 Iip'�E2�ATT S�O� .�P�'FZ. L T R TQ�.° L T k2 Ia T. R �OUTH 2�d1 80 f6 387 93�s fl3� �0� D 1D �,. 170ItZ'H 212 14� 5� 40$ 9:�A 75� 75� I) G C Yr'EST 50 1Ea23� �143 �116 59'k 82� 36� l� D P, �AST 5a 163'/ :1:C 1'7Z� 74�§ 83`� 8.�� C �J D � TS�UCKS P�I? 7�TE � t�p�l� � T�7ST 1�1TD`�kI �Fi7�,STi�� � �OUTH 1.O�a Oft :L C.�t E+T-S -L�IRECTION �EP.A.F2�,T%C?l� � NUFiTH 1.0� G�t 12.f� �E TnTiST 2.0� O:Et �.2.f�: E--�d' -7.,E�'T �URA75 �ff�.��FG:T�D b�'TI'H t7'�T.�,�LF�.P � EA�T :2.Q� O�t 12.�'� �-T�7 - Ldight �urri Oererlag �e __� � m,R LE� VOL �T� .�iV�TI,(seep k2E33 �.'T2����e� 2�lOVF; ST�I3AGE(fL•j LFG 1�1�' LOS C APPFt L T Ei T� T R L T R SOLTTH 96g . S�JU'SH I5.8 15.8 15.g 120..2 1�Q.� 120.2 �92 ?�2. 7.14 NQR'PH 512 NORTH �1.2 23..� 21.2 114.8 114.6 11.4.� 354 �i3 32� TT�TEST 3779 WES� 7,� 79.6 79.5 :1.2�i.5 56.4 �6.4 �2 681 235 �?�ST 337� EASa 7.5 79.6 79.6 1�9.5 56.4 55.� ].�0 6Q2. 691 �r����s�c��e�rr a �. ,�c� �� � � r��.�r�s�:� _z�/xo �� �: ��_:�� �..�.. ��a,�c�r: ���-�o�r�� ��rr���. �,a�ta�•rsm: ��.� ��s �xi�. �:1�����.parT����x�rza�x� ��a�e �a�za: �r,s ���c CI`�°s': TItAA.� k'pPL7IsA.��(?�: adae��� ��tr�ru St�Q,OQO DM�SCgtz%'�TCJ?�: Y�� �OfP3 ��,�'�I� �JC���� . -- ��.�TT������'�:f��7 ��1:5 = � D.�iFtTMC7iJTH s�R:��,.0 ��,'I'LTRI�°��(y�7 = 93�5 g� ------- - ---- .�09 .1�2 �� a.�d7 ���� �� 1s 196 212 � � � � ].Od2 .556 . 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A7ORTH 2].2 �.�� 54 4,Q£� �3$ £�k�s 64� � D n T�ST 5(� 1975 443 2�69 66� 91� 31� A E .�, �.A�7' S5 19g2 11 2f�6II Q2� 9�� 93� � E E � 2'k;t1CKS �EL7 L.�hTE � A.��Ft � LlIST WIAT&�i 1PI-L���1�TG �i SQL7�.'E3 3..0� C��� X2.£'t t�T°5 -I��F�G`�T{?3�7 �u�PA���C7Id � NQF2TH 1..1�$ Of'+� 12.�'� 1�I�-� ° X3�.g'�'t� `�'u�xa 4}vc�x'�.��Z'i � T�7EST 2.0� Of't 1�.ft E-� °•A��'� `�LT�i3s 1��.OT�C�ES� F�T?"'y'F� C3VEF�P � ��,.5� 2.O�s 0£� 12.�'� E--Tn -- Riqkzt `�tarn Qse��.aXa � - � &i�t ,� ��'�'^ �'�� ���''i .���a��e�'v"9�.`>�I �.''+� r�x�''�SCC� ���'' �"J`.�'� '�a�a�`' c��� x.EG� �.°.c �,as c .A�r�PR 1� T R E� °P It L � F. 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NOR.�'H 121 9J. 9�a 307 �7� 56� 56� L1-E gl � WEST 99 �8E0 71. 2Q�0 �'7& �5� 14� D-� I� A EA,Sx 252 1�60 4�4 2?56 �7� �37� 97� U�E �-� D-� � ��x�cges ��;n x.�.r� - - � .T�E�PFi � D�S`1' 'WT17�I3 P'I3Aa^TIdC �' SOUTH 1.0� O�t J.�C.�� fl�Y-� -T,�E'T ^sL?RNS 1+��� PR�T�C�`E%� �9 �- NO1��kI 1.0� Qft �2.ffi N-S - �La�k�.t �'ur� Qvexl�.� - � b�T�ST 2.0`� Q�� A2.�� F°�I -%a;F�T �cJ£d2dS P%tC�T��`��,L� '�^7As�I O'4Y��� J � EAS'r 2.0� 0�� �.�.ft E-W -- Ra.g�h.t Turri C?�r�s:�.�p --- - � � Wm# - - - L�G SIdI.s '1.'T�E 1a��3.�5�(s�cj �ED TTI�E�(�ec� Yv1c35� STrJkt�,.G�4�'i�) LEG 1�.'� LOS C F�,.��bZ :L 7C F� I, � �t L T 22 �nUTH B3� SbU�Ci 27.� 27.9 �11.0 10�.1 1Q8.1 9�a.d :167 15t 4a0 NORTH 467 ATC7Et'�'F? 27.9 27.9 �7.9 1d8.1 10�.1 �.(�8.5. 1£�8 250 2S0 TaEST. 371Z ��5�` �.3 87.0 87.0 1�6.7 ��.(� 49.0 1�0 K€34 52. �1�5� 4041 EI�B� :t3.�. 94. 9 50.9 :i�2.� ��.1 d'�.1 2�7 �6�1 5�4 TJN�I�NA�TlED ��TE�SEC�70N C���CI�X CAL�UL�TIOIQ �QRMi �O�R-W�� STO�-C�NT�OLL�D INTE�SECTIGN 2/10/�998 8 :49 : '�5 F`I LE N.AME: `l'�.I 3�XPM CTTY: TTG.AF�.D •g INTFP,.SECTTON: DAR'i'M�LTTH ST�ZE�T @ 72ND ,�l.V'��T(JE M�'I'RO S S LE: O�TER 5 0 U, Q 0 0 L'�AN� CON�'I GURA'I'1 OI�T: 2-f�AN� �� 2-LANE COCJN'Z': Pl�i ��FAK �i(]UR. ALTE�.1�'.t�TE: �XIS�IlV'C CONI7ITIOI�TS LOCI�'T'IOIJ �I��I`T: �a�.RiLYST: D�V'E CRAM D � A �B . � . ---------------------•----__-_-------------------_.__------------------------ I AL�PR I A � i� � C � D ------ ------- --------�----------------------------------------------- - I �VOL I 45 ( 33�, i 1.�R. ! 103 � 2�32 + ��4 I 147 I 207 ! 27 I 126 ( 165 I 42 STEP 1 DEMIITTD APd?F�. .1�. AI��D APP� B = 8Ei� . VPH 1�P1�Ft C ANL �PPR 1� = "71� . VPH TOT.AL D�MI»I�lD -- 1b03 . VPH ---_--.-- -----------------------------------�----------------------- STEP 2 SP'L'I'I' APPR A AND ,A�PR B = 55 0 -----------_APPRvC_.�TD .APPR D = ------------�5 0 STEP 3 :CNTEftSECTIONS BERVICE & SATUkATTt?i�T LE�7ELS D�L1�Y � LOS = D-F SATURA.TIOIet LEVEL = 8� . � � ---- ------------__-----�--------------------•-- --------�---------------- ------ -- � STEP 4 LOS C VOLUMES � FOR A LEG = £3 0 7 . VPH Ii'OR B LEG = 7 6 7 . VPH ,;,g FOR C L�G = 67� . VPH � rOR D LEG = 56Q , VPH � FOK I1�TTFR�ECTTON = ��Q4 • �p�i �u � VER 03/93 � U1�7STGNAL��EI� x�17'�R.�EC`�'I�O�Z CA.P.AC7'I'Y C�S.T.aC�U'L�'.t'�C�T.J FORM FOL�R-'VdAY �`TOP-COd�ITRdLLEI� I�ITEI�LS�rTT.OI�T ?/10/159� 8 : 51 : 58 F I.LE N73NI��: TR I 3�'UP�'I C I TY': T��AP.ID XNTl�aRS�C�.C70Z�7: DXIRTIYIOTJ'TH STREET @ 72ND �VE�11'7� ME'I°k0 �T�E: OV'�F2 5�0� 0 0� LAI�'E COIe7F I�URA'I'I ON: 2-LAllTE BY 2-LA�TE COU�dT: PM �?EAK �C7UI� 1�L'T�R1V7-�.'�'E: �.''E�1.3� 2 0 0 3 BA�'FC�R.OLJ1�Tv LOCATTO�T PLA..N� A.rT1�LXST: DZa.�I'� L�-1.M D A � C ------ -�----------------------------------------------�----�------------�-------� � APPk�. I I� � B � G I ----------- -----------�-- ----------------._--____-•------------------------- ----- IMVOL ( 160 ` �43 ( 11& � 13�3 ( 3�14 ( 48 � 142 + 20H � 41 I 1�0 I 2�.2 '135 I STEP 1 �EMAND APP�. 1� AND .�PPP B = 121�4 . V�H .A��PF2 C ANU A.PPR D = �35b . VP�I TOTAL DE1�id1Nll = �0 7 U . VPH STEP 2. SPLIT APPR A. A1�I1] �PP:�. B = 60 0 .A�P�R. C AND APPk 1� _ --�U___�_____ STEP 3 INTERSECTIONS aERVICE & SA.TU�.�TION LE�I�LS DEL.AY' & L,O� = F � S��TUR.I�T�ON 'L�VEL � 122 , 4 � ----------------------------------�-------------------------------------- ----- � �°`� STEP 4 L05 C �IOLtTMES � �'OR A LEG = �39 . �VPt-� .;,N FOR. B LEG = `7 Q� e V�'H �i0 FOR C LEG = 5�� . V1?H t� F'OR D LEG = 5 G�� . VPH � FOR IDI'I'ERSEC'I'ION = �.326 . VP�-I � VER 03/93 I���������ON --_� ��� �� = � ���� ���JF� � 1� �� 9:��:�0 �% P�O��'�': '�'�t�L-C:���''�` �� °�°�F'� �l4.��'�'�': T�Z�`� ��Y+� �i��: �:������a\��x��x�,��.� �r�a� �a�v�: �a ���s �zov� �z��: ��� �c��e���xo�s: ���� ���� �o�r o00 ��'.r2�������: ��°'� eGtJV� �Ls��s�a�� °�° .t'?��� ����a� . � �T�T°$'t:°�$u�'�:7CTQI� 7afe}a^� ^ f. ��.°3''�Ol�.'I�Zt7�3' = 7 3$ 721v'� 1��PA7UE Y �M 1�C9 �=1Q� �=� 16 .x�� .os� :�a� iao � `� -_._._ -.�- �da .aax � 7.33 .076 ,092 160 � � , .246 443 -� .000 � '� � - n�.�ou�x s���m �����,P' � � � � :��z z.�� .oaz .xs� rr-s �r/� - .2 ia� �-�r �/c - .�2s �.�c��� ��� -- .�.�� kIIPiINtUM 't7,/C = .�5 0 zr:aa =: Aa�ust�a �roi�es .a�csc = �/c Mt74�'d�^�N'T 4''ULtJPy1.�� MQ� �.�3�LF�.�7':LOY�1 Z�2C)�r�IH2QT �.,OS .APPR S.� T R T.qT L T R L � I2 SQLTTH 142 20Es �61 �89 73� 53�5 53�5 C �. A 1vQktTH 1�?0 2'12 135 ��'� 'P3� 7�� 73�; G C C C�iJE�T 1.60 ��3 115 71� '7�� '�3�k O�S C C F� ��1ST 133 31�4 4B 4�� 73� 6.5� �5'� C H � TI2UCK s P�la �Tk: �'�' I�PPF2 � �7I��' j3'IDTk �F3.�uT�d� � ' - � SOCJ�.'F3 5.0$; 0�'�. 12.£"t 2�7-u -�LEE".P '1'L�E�a Pk�C3`.CEC`�'�lJ T�I`1'H CJV,� '�'.,F�3? � NO�2T€� 5.O�S 4f'� 1�.£'� 1�7-� - R.zq:a� '�txsn 4vc�x1.�� 6dEST 5.0� U:�'t 1�.£t E-W -7..��'� TL7�2A�T5 ��t.QTI�C'��d� T7�TFI (7��2I.+�1.F� '� EI:ST 5.��; 0��. 1.�..�t �-Ts� ° 3Zi�ht `SurzY Ov�r�.�gs � dLl � - � -..� _�.- �-- T�E� V'O� �ZI� A,VA.TI,(s��} I2Ea� T�L�(�e�) t�30�TE S7"4RAG�(£�a LEG �T LUS C A�P�t L � I2 I, T R 7.. T R SO�'�Ei 9�1 SOt��FI �.4.2 �5.8 3�.f3 IOl.E3 RC�.2 9p.2 :�09 ��9 2t39 N'C��t�H �54 NORTH 1.2.0 �3.G 33a 6 104.0 ��.4 £42.4 1�0 41� �i16 C^IE:S� 1419 F]EST 16.0 42.� 57.1 i.�Q.C} 73.1. 5ffi.9 2�3. 475 10�. �AST 1191 �A.ST Z�.� 4A.2 40.2 102.7 75.8 75.� 1�7 40�. �07. ur7sx��r�z.�x��� r��r�x��r�zorr c�.��.�x��t CA.L,C�JT.��iT:CC7DI �'�3�.�I FOUR-inTA'�I S'TOP-CO1V'�'R.t'�T.,X,EI7 I�l'T��R.S��:':�'�C��' �/�.Cf/1.�9� t3 . 53 : 0 F:LLE P51�M�: TRI4E�P1Wf �zTY: '.PI�A�3.D Ii+1'�EI2��CTT�I�3': DARTMOL7TT�i ST�.�ET @ 68T�-I PAF2.KW.�.Y METRO S I 7E: O'S1EI2 5 0 0, O Q Q < LX�NE C�1�F:�GTJFtA�'T'I�'JN: ?.-LANE B5.' �°LAI�E COUN�I�: PM PEAK HOi7�2 AI.dTERNA'�'E: �;�SS`I'ING CnNDITI0�7� LOCZ�,Z'I�Idt F'LA1�T: AN��Z�.'ST c DA.VE C�.�I I� �, B e c , ----- --- -- ---------------------------- _-____.____.__---�----- ----- -------------- I API'Fi I A � � I � I ___�________ -•---------_.__ --------------------------------------------•------�- ( �VOL I 163 I 317 I �7 I 5 J I 15]_ I 166 , 32� � �49 ! 14� I �.�? I 89 I 206 STEP 1 DFMAND �PPFt A ANI� A�'PR 33 = 861 . VPH � APPR C AND APP� D = 8�9 . VPH TO�AL D:�NII?�I�7D -- 17 6(? . VPH ----------�------- STEP 2 SpL' IT APPI� .A AND AP�R. I3 = 50 % _.APPR C A1VD .APPR D = � ----SQ-�--tl------- STEP 3 Il�TERSECTTnNS SERVICE & S1aTURATION LEVELS DELAY & LO� = � q., �A.TUR�TION' IaEVE�'L = tl � -----�-----�----------------------�------__----------------- -------_53-__'p__----- � � STEP 4 LaS C �TULUMES � FOR A L�G = 7:3 S a V'P?� � F'OR 8 L��G = �5� . VI�H � �'OR C LEG = �4 8� . VPH � FOR �i :C.,EG = �8 S e �TPH � FOR INTERS�CTION = 1�82 . VPH VER 03/93 UN�I�NALIp�q�7 � TN�p���[ R���T/ I��1yy'/��qP��'�1CI�yY� C��C{.U/ I��T7IO� F�RM �9�.e�iJl�`w��YY�C2.l, 1.7.i�1.7��l..iJ6tl 1�R�7.1.1_'..11'+l� .3,1V.L IJ.RI.7LS..1 1�1.V �/1Qf1998 E� s53 .41 F I I.,E �f1.�Nt�: 'I°F�.I��F'TJP1�I CTT'Y a TICa�R� ]:i�7TEt�.��C"I'IbNo 17�R�'MlC�UTZ-i S�TR���' @ 6£3T�-T �fiRKWAY �� METRO ��lE: � C}V�R, 5�C1, qQ� L�TE C01��'TGLI�.T:�dN o 2-I.,7�NE �g.� 2-•L�.V'E CQtTIJ'S': �?M PF.7�� HdLTR AL'1'ER1+T.ATE: XEAR �o a� + S I'�'� '�'�d.Z �OC'A'I'IC71V P�.A.�I� A1�TA�YST: DP�VE CId.1�M _� ° `� ' A�_. _..� � c � ___.___-----. ---------------------------.----__________-----------.------------- � ���R � � � � � c � � ------------�--- --------------------�-------____.____^_-----------____------ IMVO� � 268 ' 422 ( �7 ` B7 I �t�4 � 1.�� 32 ( z�9 1�k�1 I 182 I.m �89 2D9 --------._�-------------------__.___�__.--------r---__-___----�----�-------=�-________ STEP 1 DENI��.ND APPR A P��'D APPR B = �:L24 . '(7'PH APPR C AI�TD APPF2 i� = 952 . VPH TOTAZ DE1`�tA��'3� = 2 0 7 E� . VPH ---____.-----------------.._.__------__.___-----_____--------------- --- STEF 2, S1'LIT RPPFt A. PI�TD APPR � = 55 � APPR_�_AND��PP�_D_�__ ------�5---�- ST�P 3 INTERS�CTIC�IVS SEI2VTC� & SATCJR.A.T:C�N L�;V�:I.,S ]�FLI�Y & T OS = �' � S�3TUl�'I'ION ZE�T�`L = 115 � a � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � � STEP � L05 � VC77��ES FC�R A L��G = fi 0 6 . VPH .� FUR B 'LEG = 793 . VPH[ �] FCR C LEG = 3 8 9 . �IPH C� FQR L� L�G = �2 0 . VPH � �'OP TNTERSECTI(�I�T = 1404 . VPH � VER 03/93 ����'����f;",���I�T =��C".� 7:CA �-�.. _I)��.'� �'� 2i�1���� �.0: 1�:4� P�! L��2i�J��°�P: TY�I°GC►YJI�Y'!'Y ��P�'�.'�� .�3.F1Ia'��T� T1At� �3�� �'S.].e�: C:\�LGC�a�'"�Le'L'�3�.°iF�"gZ1PY�.�I.Cx �'1E�I9If F�OLJ�: �'Y+t E��',R� gIQ�LYI�d �;���: �+��� P��U��Yt?3�Ye aa►os� ��a� 50f�,04Q D��CFtIA'�I�N: %��lR 20�d3 ��%�f�R�U33F� �i- ��?°� 'Pl���a � -_ � ��T'���tS�Cd!tl.'��� �5.7� � E3 $ SF�'i'L1�I�P�T'�O�d �° ��`�� C= 9.2� G;�=-1t38 X'= 1.2 �sT� �.�,r�.x .x93 .1.95 348 Z82 a�� � �- .000 261 .2.45 .x54 168 � �� , .236 029 � �' - � � � Da�Trto�rxx sxr��T ����.�� � 32 24�9 1Q1 .Q7.9 .138 .078 Y�T-.ns 'tl'/C = .2�33 E--T�` V'/G �- .293 �s�'.L`F3L ��Ft = .x 0� AqIAITNlC1N! V'/C = .050 ?�t -• �ldjust�d volumes .7cJ�C = V/c _ MQVL�t�T'I' 'V'4LC7t�'S %30Vk: �A'T'C1E2,A'Z°:GO1V TdlOV�`2'�2Etd'1° T,Ua A.PP�t L T Et `�QT L T Et JL T R SOLT.T.H 3� 249 14,� 422 30�5 &�d�§ d1� A B 1� hIO�.TfI 182 89 259 �,30 644� �i4� 6�€� B H H Y�ST 26£i 422 7 6S7 64� 53�k 5:3� � 1�, � E�.ST 57 2Q�1 ].b6 427 64�5 6�1� U�; .�.� B A � � 'I'FtU�KS k��Y? Z.�27E � � � APPI2 � DYST bv:�D�"E� PH7�IS�NG E°� i � uUUTH 5.0� flf'�t 1�.��C: AT-� °��'�' '.PLPT;I3� �'�tp'�°�CTED 4�lTTkE O�F�7C.,d�� � NOI�tTT�I 5.O�S Q£t 1?.�'�. A�T-•a - Ftic�ht �urn C��r�r_1.a� ,,,,� 43E;ST �.0� Qft :�2.ft �-'PT -��kT xt3Aat3'S YY(a'� Pl2fJT��TEI'J S� �AST 5.0� O�t 12.fi. �-S�T - Rig�� �urn Qa2!�3ap � �..�__ - �8i .ad -.,- - _. x,�c vc�x� 2�z� �.va�:�x,8���' �r� �zr���PC> r�aa� s�a������' LFJG IaT LOS C a,L�PEt S. � F3 L T F� � T R SOL7TH 721 . �UU'�� 1Q.0 27.6 27.6 106.Q ��.4 9�.4 49 329 t81 �IOR�H 152�. NURTH �0.� �E3.5 38.5 95.� 77.� 77e5 251 394 3�4 43�ST. 1495 WEST' 59,5 59.5 59.5 a6.5 55.'a 56.5 s^.2�a 36� 360 E�ST 1469 EHBT 59.� 59.5 SO.A �5.5 �e�.s 35.6 �J.9 219 97. ���IG��L���� � T - I�T�R��C''TTON C�PA�T�� CALCULAT30N FORM 2/10/199� 8 : 56 :41 FI�� �AM�: TRISEXPM C7��: �IG�RD P�I�LYST: DAVE CFtAD4 IN�'ERS�CZ'?'ON: DARTMC)L7`I'H �TREI::'T' @ EA�'TE�.N D1�.ZVEWfi.Y ALT�'RN1�,TE: EXIST�NG CC7NDI�.�'IOI�'S METRC� SZ�E: QV�R 7o�OB000 �OUNT: pM P�AK HC�UR. TY�E O�' C��1'T`ROI�: STOP S�OCA.'S'IO1V' �Ta.�.�T� APDR01�C�3 CODES ARE L.�N_N� 1 2 3 � _______________.._____---.-_-----___------------ t� 1 2 � p,. B2 2 3 ---__-_-__�-------- --------_-_--_------ � 1 3 �RP�DE= a 0 a - G�.�E= . 0% CRADE= . Oo SPEED: 35 MPH C RESTRICTED SIGH`I' CdD� IS Z D4INOR STRE�T A.DJU�TMENTS - �CCEL�ERA'S'ION L.�.NE? NO CURB RADIUS OFt TUR�7' A1�GLE? :[��O -------.-------------------------------.__________.________________ _ ( APPROtiCH I -----�--A----- I � I -------�----�---I MOVE A.T AR BL BT CL CR VOLt7ME 306 11.5 157 467 33 11Q PCTi 1'7 3 3 6 1_21 ZANES 3 3 2 STEP 1 RIGHT TURN' F�Z.QM C CR COI�T�'LTCTI�TU FT,JW� = N!H = 1�3 . VPH CRITIC.A.I., GAP = TG = � . 5 SECS F'OTE�TI�.L CAP1�,..CI7'�" = M1 = �152 . PCH SHAFtED L.P,.nT� - SEE STEP 3 NO aHA.RED L.�.NE �EMAND = 121 PCH �-1V.AIL,ABI�E R�SERV� = 1C31 . PCT-i DEI�.AY & LOS = A ---------------------------------.__---_--_._------------------------ STEP 2 L�;F'T Ti7RI�T F'F�OM E3 BL �ON�LIC"I'I1�G �'L(�W5 = M�I = 421 . VI'H CRITTCAIa CA.P = TG = 4 ,5 SECS �'OTENTIAL LAP.ACITY = M2 = F373 . L�CH UEI�i�-11�7D = BT = 173 PCH � ` C1��p,CTTY US�D = 19 . 8�. v � T.NLI�E�ANCE �ACTaR = P2 = . 857 � .AV�.IL�ABLE RE�k�3ZV� = 7 Q 0 e PCH �, �EL.A`�� & 1_,O� = 1�,. �'°° -----------------------------_._---------- -------------------------- � � STEP 3 LLF`I' TUR.N �'ROM G CL � COI�T�'.LZCiII�G FLOCC�TS = A4H = 930 . VPH .�.9 CRTTIC.AZ GA.P = TG = 5 .5 S�CS POTENTIAL CAI�ACITY = �`n3 = 362 . PCH AI3JUSTING FOR IMPF.�DANCF = N13 = 3�.0 . PCH . .. . .... . ! �ST�P 3 CC�NTIZ�'CJF1� G� NO a�-I.P,.�.Ela LAN� ��M2�1U = 3 6 PCH 13V'�TL7�BL,E RESEl�VE = 27�4 . �CH I�ET.,,X�Y & Lc��S � ,, � SI�AI2El:ll L�E DEI�AND = 0 ��Fi PC�'.P�N'T°IAL C�.1��CTTY = M13 = Q . PCH A.VAILPaB�,E RESERVF = p • P�� DEZ.,.�.�- & Y,�S = I�/� .._....�_.�_�._�___.i__"_.._°..___°___.°___P...__..__._.____y._._._�___1_';°___'_...__ LO� C VO�LYNILS: LEG C VFT-�ICLES P�R HOUl�. ��� • VER 03/93 ' M -� , ~� �cuz���r z o� �,a�a,�s r�rsr��r.��TZ�D INT�F25FCT'ZUI+T c�.��.c��� �.z� 4-w��r �.�r�r�RS��z�zoz� �/1a/�.��� � : �. :�� �'ZLE I�T.AME: Tk�.TS�'CTPM C 7:TY: T T G.AFtD �TAL�YST: I3A.VE CR�T�I INTLRS�C'I`Zt3N'. ]�ARTt'�[QU7.'H 5'I'k�ET @ E�AS'.I"�F2I� T�RIV��T�.'Y AL'I'ERNATE: �CEAIt 2 0 J� + �I T� TS�7: IvdE'�'S�O �I LE: ��l�R 1 l7 p, �0 0 COU�f�.': �M PEE�A �aL7R TYPE OF' CC�1�7'7.'£.?�7L: STQ�p I�UC1�TTt��1 PL.P.i�T: A,P�'RUACH COUES ARE , D LA1�7E 1 2 3 4 GK�I.7�- . 0% .A 4 2 3 � � � 3 (�I�E= . 0% C1 6 ------------------_._-- -----------------�_-_ T� 1 6 , ,�1, B G1�ADE= . Q o - ' GRADE= .�o S�EED: 35 MPH C R�STRICTED STGHT Ct�D� I� 1 MIl�TOR S'�'REE'T` 1aDJ"[7ST1�;EIV�'S - ACCELERATI�N L�NL.? NO CURB F2ADTUS OR �'L'1RN At`dGLE? NO -------- -------._--_____-.___-------____.----------------------------• � .APPR ( A � �3 I C I D MOVE AL AT ��,.R RL, BT }3R CI., CT CR � DL DT DR VOL 154 565 60 :�22 360 109 C3 5 136 33 3 107I PCH 155 a.34 69 6 15(? 36 3 11�3 L_z1ATE� 3 3 2 2 ----- --- -----------__________________-----------___-----------_--------------- , STFP 1 RIGHT TUS�2N E�'i�cJM C/L� CR T7FZ COI�TF'L,IC'I'ZNG �'L�C�WS = I+�H = 313 . 235 . VPH CRITTCt�L GAP = '1'G = 4 e 5 4 . 5 SECS POTEl�TTIAL CAPACI'I'Y = Ms� = 978 , 1060 , PCI-� DEMAND = 15 0 11£3 1�CH CAPACITY L7SED = 15 .337 1:1 . 132 % IMPEl�ANCE FA�TOR = . 891 . 923 SHAR.ED LAtV� - SE�F STEP 3 NQ aH1.�12.ED LANE RESEF2VE 828 . 9�2 . PCH DE.L.A� & LOS � A � --------------------------____--------------------�----------------------------- � ST�P 2 - LEF'I' TLTRI�T�', F�t.�M �/A F3L AL ' � C0IVFLIG"I`II�T� FLOWS = MH = 625 . 469 . VPH CFZITICAL GA.P = T� = 4 , 5 4 . 5 SECS „�q POZ°�NTTAI, CAPs�.CI'�'� = PfI2 = '7Q4 . 831 . PCH g� D�I�TD = 134 169 PCH g� �z�.PACITY T7SED = 19 . 02 2U . 35 0 � INIPED.�NCE FACTQ�. _ . 863 , 852 ""� A.V,AILI-�]3LE �2.ESE�Z�T� = 570 . 662 . PCH U�L.A�.'' & LOS = A 1� ST�P 3 TH�U MOVE���T F�OM C/D CT DT C.0Y�3F'.LTC'I':L�+T(� b�Lt�bV� = M'I° _= 7 3�0 . '1316 . VP� �RITIC�L GAP = 'I°G = 5 . 5 5 . 5 SEGS P(77�.'Erd'I'Te�,7a CPd��l.C�T� = M�73 = 2]�5 . 222 . PCH TM�EI).A.,1�TCE .ADJ'U�STP�II�I�T � M:� = �.58 . 1.63 . PCH �EM�� � 6 3 PCH C.�PAC I'I'Y US�ED = 2 . 7 9 1 0 3 5 a IM2�EDAI�TCE �'AC'I'QR = F�3 = . 982 . 992 1.�T0 SH.�.F2Ell LANE I�V1�ZL:�I3LE RES�RVE= � . 0 . PCF� L�ET�l�.Y & �US = Iv/t� N/P, SH.AREll .L_z1N� i�7ITI� TaEFT '.L'UR�T — SE� S'I'EP 4 Y SHAR.ED LAI�TE IJEI�TD = 0 0 PCH � PnTENTTd�T� CAPACTTY = M13 = �J a 0 . PCH AVAII�ABLE RESER�IE = 0 . U . PCH DELP,Y � LOS = I�1'/A N/A -----------_-- ---------�-----------------------�---------.____------------------ STEP � LEFT Ti7RN FROM C/D CL DL COI�TFI��CTTNG FLt�WS = MT-� = 145U , 1457 . CTP�-T CRITICI�L G.A� = 'I"G = 5 . 5 5 . 5 SFCS POT�NTTAL CAFACIT�I = NIN = 187 . :�85 . PC�i ADJUST FOR INIPEDANC:E: 126 . 119 . PCH NO SHARE� L.A1VE DEM�].�TD = 0 0 PCH AVAIT�A�L� RESERZTE = 0 . 0 . PCH , DELA.Y & LC�S = �T/A I�T/A VdIT�-i L�FT & THR'CT SHARED Ta�TE UEIvT.ANn = 75 39 PCH C�ZPACITY OF SH.ARED L1�N� = 1��# . 12� . PCH .AVAILkBLE R�S�RVE _ �' � �i • �'�� DELA'Y £� LOS = � � W:LTH LF�'T, THRU, � RIGHT SHARED L�E J�EN�I�J.VI� = 0 0 PCH CAP.ACIT`.� OF' SHAIZE3� L�ANE = 0 . 0 . PCH AVATL�.BLE RESERVE = 0 . 0 . PCH DELA.Y' � LOS = IV/A D1/A. LOS C �IOLUMES : F'UR 'LFG C �OR 1_,EG D VEHICLES PER HOl'TR 282 . 289 . V�R 03/93 / �a���������csa� � �. ����,ac� �~�, ---�+�,��J�z 2/�.��'�/�� �.�:a�: �.� .� �RQ���`: '�RI;-GOLFN'1'Y tdE�E�.'�1� 19,1�;l�,°.�'a'9.°: DAVE Cl� ��.�.�: �:����,���\��������a.s�.c� �� ��ra�: �rs ��.ic xc,t� �I'P1'.: °1'��al� Pt�PL�'�'g']��JI�S: Ititax'e t.k18S1 �a�O,QOt� 13�SC1'�I�'���fiT: Y'�.Y� ��7�� �.I9�K��,OC.DZ73J �f- �uI°i'� °�E3T�S _.._.�.._,_ ------�- ��d���5��'�'SD�E �,o�� = laa e� ���'L��°.C�f�tS = ��� EA�`I'�i�.17 I?E�IVEW�.S.' - ' �= �.�CY �=-]lQ� �.'- 12 .040 .o�o �� , _� �� ,�. _ �-- �35 .130 �-- 235� .130 0 122 .070 .085 154 � �� � .374 3�.3 -a- � � -- .Y74 313 �`J6 6;�L,+.�� � � � � T�A.�2TY�SOIJ2'FI ��'R'F�L'!' � �a io .o�a .oo� �_� t7/C = .0,7 � E-'W V'/C = .244 • T�TAL .F�I�3L�,�S� -_ .106 �Il�t�g�it3l�1 �T!'C.� _ .t�50 XXY = A.dju�tec�. Y�olunies .SCX� _ �//c AIf��I�'AI`I' �7FJL'U'MEu M0�7E �'uATUF2FaTZ02� I1p�Yy3EId`�' �C?5 t�P£�E2 I, T F3 TU'S` L T � L T }Z sovx�� �� � a�� ��� ac�� �o� 1a.� �. � � I�7�EtTI3 �� 3 107 7.�3 �30� 4a$ O�S � ,F1 P�. &7EST 15� 56�a CC� ?'79 4Q� 4Q� 40� d�. A A ��ST 122 350 109 591 41�� 35� 35� Rs A � �"' `�R.i7CFCS ��:I7 �t�NE � -- � �:P�R &S DSS�' �dIDTH 19Hf��SN� � SOZIT�-I 5.O�k Oft 12.�� J.d-5 -T�EFT �U32tQ5 2dlaT PROTEC'rFD � �TdRTH 5.�� Of�. 12.f't Y3-�a ° I2a.ght T1arx� Qva�z1.�� � NFE�T 5.Q� 0�� 1�2.�� �•°T�i °T��°`� �t3�Ya� P�Q"1"EC��T3 'fn3'3�H O��FtY�,.� � E.�.aT 5�S3� 6�f� 22.f'� E°T�1 - Ri.c,�ht �ux'n O�sc3r�.�rr � � � �EG vc7l� TzA1E .7a�AS�(s�c) �I� ?'St�(sec) r!tU'c�'� S�UR�,����t) Y,EG A� �,c�5 C r�F�Y2 T., T Y2 � T 7�t L T R S�UTK 88Q �CJLT�H 20.�1 ,?.0 o A 9a.6 9fi.� 95.6 7i;.4 9� �4 3.a�. bTC7FtTF3 930 TlC3R.�T� ?0.4 ?0.4 �2."�.+ 9�a.6 95.S �3.6 �a� at? 10�. i�7E5T 2S�i2 W�ST 3x.� �2.4 6�.4 5�.2 53.6 s3.f 1�� 2a0 25U EAST 2999 �1��'1' ��.2 55.8 ��.8 90.8 fa0.2 6Q.2 36x. 2Q3 209 ' ' D - T - 3TF�R�E�TIQIV CA.7?I��I'I'Y �l-1LL TIOI�� F'Okl�t L1NS I G1Vg1L I�� 2/�.0/�,998 10 :26 0 4 P°Z L,E N�lE�: 'I'R I 6�iJ�M C I TY a 'I'S GA.I;.I? ANA.r.,Y'ST: DA�'� CRAI�t INTERS�CT:ION: Dr'3E'tTMOLITf�I �Tk2E�T C� WE�a'�'EPN DRIVEWAY AT.��'�RI�AT�: XEAR. 2 0 0� BACKGROUi�Tn Ni�'I`RO S I ZE: OV'E1R 1.0 0, n 0 G GQUNT: pM PE�3.IC �OUR TYPE U�' f�DI�TT�t.C.3L: STOP �,OCI��'TC7t�d PZ.�.N: APPROACH LODES AR� LAI�TE l ? 3 4 ---------�----------"_-�-------_____._______---- ?1 � 2 P, B2 2 3 ------------------ ----------- C 1 3 GT�.UF= . 0 0 - C,R�IaE= . U o GRAD�'= . 0 0 SP�ED: 3� M1�H � RESTR7CTLD SIGI-IT COUE IS 1 MINOR S'L'�2Ha�T ADJUSTMF�JNTS - P,CCFLE�TION LP,N'E? N'O CURB �tA.DIL7S OR TTJRIV .1�TGLF? NO -------------------------- ---------- -------------- --�-----------.__ C I � �I�PROX�CH � A � g � ------------------ ------------�--___--__.-------•------------ __ MOV�� .AT �R �L B'.P CL CR VOLt7ME 6�3 �.82 65 455 192 :13� ��.� �� 21]. 150 � LAD]'E S 7, 3 ----------------------------------------�___- ---- STEP 1. RIGI-it TURN FROM C �R COiVFLIC.TTI�7G FI�OWS = P�IH = �13 . VFH CRITICAL �AP = TG = � • � ��c� POTENTTAL CAP.ACITY = �1 = 881 , PCH SHAR�I� LAN�' - S�E �TEP 3 NO S�3ARFI� LA.I�E D�I�iT�N� = 1.5 0 PC�Z A'VATT.,ABZE R��S���d.VE = 731. o PCH DELA�I & L�a = � S'TEP 2 LEF'T TU:RN �'1�.C71`� B $L CONFLICTTNG �'I�,OTnTS = MH = 825 . V�'H CRITICAL GP.� � TG = � . a SECS POTEI�TTI�L CP,l��CJ='I'Y = I�I2 = 569 . PCH DEP�.ARTD = �L = 72 PCki � C�1�ACITY USED = 12 e 65 � � TMPEDAI�TCE F'A.CTOR. = P2 = . 912 AVAIL'�.13LE RESERVE _ �97 , PCH � DLI�I�Y & LOS = � � ___.____________.____ -----------------------------------------._______ � . � � STEP 3 LEF'T TURN FR.OI�S C GL CO]�1FL7CT_T.I�TG rLOGVS = MH = 1264 . VPH T W C�TTIC.AL GZ�.P = TG = 5 . 5 sECS °'� �'�O'T'E1�ITI�L CAP.ACITY � M3 = 2�'7 . PCH �-1DJUSTING FC7R IMPED.�ICE = M3 = 216 . PCH �r s�r�� 3 co��r�n.�v�� cL i�a �x.�a�� z.�r� z���D = 2 z�. pcx �J�T.LA�3LE R.ESEFZ..�'E = 5 . PCI-T � D�S,�.Y F� I,fJ� = 5� SI-iAREI� LANE ]�EM�T:U = 0 I�Cki POTENTI�L CX�.�1aCI'S'�' _ �[13 = 0 e PC�T AV�IL,AB?�E R�S�I2V�; = C1 . PC�I DEL�1.Y & S�C?S = N/pA � _ �LOS^C M V'OLtI'ME�: ^ LEG C V�T�ICLE� �ER. �dTJTt 375 . VER 0�/�3 •` :, t � �. � � � � � 4�E � � �������c��o� � 1.���� �� =-�-- _ ����l�� �8����a �a � �� :�� � ��to����: �a���-�c��n�a�� ������ �a��e��: ��.� c� ���.�e �:Os��c���'em�x����.��.� �� t�o�ta�: � ��:.�c �aor.a� ����: ��c� �ca���c,,����r�: ���� ���� �oo,000 n��������arr: ��� a�o� �,,��c����_����� ����� �... � IL���Paa�C�T�D7 �435 � 1� ��'I°URl�.'��Q23 P �4 g� ��x�FN7 ��TVEW�,� C= 1�fD �=1Ua� Y= 1? .�. - �a----�- �3 3 .9.2� �--�--- �3 3 ,12 9 g 65 ,03'7 �� .22� 4�3 ----� .�29 413 ---�a °�,p��' � e�QA.6��.�� � .—...�.� �� �f �?�.�C�t'l�`I�1 �°2'1��;'.� 192 �9 .iio .oa� n�--s v,r� _ .zio �—w v/� _ .�°rs 2�n�.F,� ��� _ .ioo z�xrrxr�crr� v>c = .a�c� e s�cx � ad;Umt�� vozvm.�� .sc5c,c � v1� _ _. - R'!t?�'uk��' �lt��,�� @�CJSE� �A.'�F,�,'STO�SS 1�4QVF'�E1+7m 1:�05 A£aP�'. I., 'Z` Fi T�t)'S 7e '�' h2, Zi 'I' R SaLdxFi 1q� 4 ��,�� 32� 49� 0� �.9� �. . . . .� N�kZ�CH CS q 0 � Gt�s (7� (D� . . . . . . . . . '6�7�9'� 0 6d� 192 Q2a U� 49�Y 49� . . . � A �AaT 65 �S5 0 530 39� 2A� C��s �. A . . . � ° .____� �Fu+'� �e e._...m.._.._.._...e -- - --^° --_ � ��ts�t�c� �,��� � rar�� wr����� �a�a��za� � �Q��y�'� �.d�f Q�� �.°�.�� �°� "�e�i�'"�° °.P���+° 1�$��.1 A���}�°�"eC."�.�I''.t3 Y+1C)I��`g$ �.Q`� L1�� �."�.�."'�� �'^�� ^' �.1,��'6'� °1'81�YY �'{7�%'�.��J � �3�°i�a'.� �.f1� V�'� a,eX.��. �i°'� °�e�sE°'� �.'��a� ��.(���.�:��'e� �x'.�'� ���� � �.F��3° F.Q4� 0�'� 12.�� �,°'{d ° R�.C,7�°d� :CtPr%] Ji9&��'1.a}� � W � _ IJEG VO�, `�'S;i�; Ati'1�I�.(�a�p� �D TIt�f���� T�C�V� sTqlR.�,G�(f�3 L�G AT l�C7S � 3#��P�B. � � '� 1� m L 7C R 3� � R ��C3'SE3 �Ot74 ��JC7�°l� 9C1.6 0.S7 �4.� �5.4 U.Q 73..� 23� 0 x4� �0��� f� tdt�Ft'�kY 0,p p.0 t�.4� 0,0 Q.0 0.t5 0 t1 (3 i�;�T 2587 ��`�' p.0 63.5 f�3.� 9.0 52.5 '�2.5 0 �,^e3 323 �,Ra�' 22t�5 l�.A�'P 1�.� °�7.4 O.G ].�2.1 �3�.6 Q.(3 9& 1�6 n ��z�������� - � - T��s�cmro� c�P��zx� ��zc �oN �o�� 2/�Q/199� �1 : 8 : 19 FILE NAMEa T�T7FUP� CIT.Y.': TSGARD fiN'�LY�T: ��VE CRAM IrdTERSECTIC�N: °72N'D �3V'ENU� C� I�ORTH�R.I�I" DRI'(I�G�1A�`.l" AZ�TEkZN'A7.'E: YF.�R 2 U 0 3 H.�CKCR.C)LTNL� ��I�TRO S I��a C�V�;Fd 10 0, 0 U 0 C(7UNT: L�M P�;AK HOUR TY�� OF COZ�ITROL a STOP LnC�.TSON PI,.AN; .APPROACkI CODES �,RE LAN� 1. 2 3 4 -------_..____.____a__ ,________.____ __....—.----___._-- .� 4 1.�. B ' B 2 � —_____�__=________ _-------,.-•..------- C 1 3 GR��,.DE-- . Q% i�ftA�E= . 0 0 GR�?,UF= . 0 a SPEED: 3 5 I�IPiH C RESTRICTEl� SIGI�T CODE I�S 1. MIN012 STR�E'.!' 1�U�.7L7�"I'IdIENT� — • ACCELERATION LI�NP? NO CURF3_12ADTrJS_O�._TTJR�7_Al�T�LE'?^�NO____ � APPE20E1CH ! t� ( B ( C I - ---------------------•-----�------------------�----------------- MOVE A�' AR B�, I3T CL CR. VO'LUME 365 88 130 371 28 �46 PCH 1�� 31 161 ----L:4NESA-------- - � Z 2 STEP :L ftICHT TURN FROM C CR CONFL I CT.T.NG FLOGVS = MH = �0 9 . VPH CRITICAL CAP = 'I'G = 4 . 5 SECS POTENTI.A.L CAPA.CZ`I'�`�' = Ml = 885 , PCH SH.�RED LANE - SEE ST�P 3 Nn SHARED LANE S�EN(1�.I�TD = 161. PCH .A�I�ILIaBL� kZ��Ek�il'E = 72� . PCH DELAY & LOS = A ------ -- -----------------------------------------------�------ --- STEP 2 LE�'T TURN F'ROI� B Br� CON�LICTTNG FLOTnTS = IdII� = 453 . VPH CF2.ITI�AL GAP = TG = 4 . Q SECS POTENTIAL CAPACIZ'Y = M� = 955 . �C�-I DEMAND = 13L = 14 3 PCH � C��F�d�.CI`I".Z' U�uEU = �.4. . 92 % IMPEDA.NCE; FA.�TaT2 = 1�2 = . 895 I � AVAILABLE R.�S��RVE = 81.6 . PCH DEJ:.,AY & LQ� = ----��------ � ____________________________________.�-------_____ ---- � � � STEP a LE1�T TL7F�'�' F'�'OM C CT� yry CONF'LTCTZI�dG �'Ta�7W� = MFI = 910 o VPH � C�.T'�IC.�L GAP = 'S'G = 5 . 0 S�CS °"� POT�IVTIZaL �APP�CT'i"l � N13 = 4.�� . PCH AD�7U�TING FUR T��'EUAIVC� = P�l� = 397 . PCH �T�P 3 CQNTTNU�D CL, 1V'O �H.A,I�.Ei� LAN�; )��M�TT� � 31 FCH AV�1.ILABLJ� RFSEF�VE = 3G6 . PCH z)�L�AY & T,�.7� = B S1�i�R�1� LAN� nN�Ni.F11NI� = 0 PCf-T P�TEnT`Z'I.AL C.�IPACT'I'Y = M13 = U . PCH AiTATL.�LF 1R.�SET2VE = 0 . 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' . , . . �� � �+ Iv[eQt�c�rasbdum t� �ity Ccau�cil 1997rt9� �'��ita€ tea�pec�ver�c�t �`rs�,�r�z P��� 8 �axaae! c�� be �.��� €�� r�p��r and m�int�s���� ��aj��s �aiy€�id� �d for ��te�asioa� c�f th� �xi��aa�� s�rst��� tn uns��o�rcd.�r�as. °I'h��d�c�iled pcoj��t lo�tir�� $°�r t�97-�� a,rad tl�� f�i� 7-y��� pc� �� as��►c�ed as �p�ndix �. � 'ih�twr�P��jects ch�t �� pc•e�pased�t�s �i�� �������A�y Sew�r F�s.�din��re�.s fcstic��a+�: � N�I,ghb�ri��od �'ewer �it'te�sie�� .P�°a,��r�s� °�� �a��g� h� �=� SQ�sOQ� . �er� xg����ssfi.ctly �egapl�m�t�t�d fr� �►� ��bm�7 C�� ��a���t �f�r. ,A �c��r eaet�axsian pe�j��� o� °�"���rd St��et e�� � ��sa�g�l���d °n�a �� f�t �f l��g �d"�� �°�r�ve�a S��ar�� . � . ��rt��is��� �rc�j�cti is ��arr�a�tiy in ' �&a� ��fa�al stt;A�es �f c��s���bc�r�. V�'� �rcag��� to busl�et f�� this p�azgr�er� �� � co�i��ui�a� ��sas ��cQ� �as��! Xr..�r. °tti�r� � �ve� �r��s tt�a� h��� ��s�r.���d �r���rest isa p�ieip�ti�i� ira ch� pr��r�.�s �'�c s�cast y�ax, �.�ed w� ��ici��t� �h�t �t I�& �a°i� trz �rta r�rill �x►ag�r�a��xe . . . . - dc.�°i��fi.�� ���a'. . : . ..... -',. .., � . .... .. . �. .�� -� :r; @ �;�rr�1€crry ,��wer- �iajor� R�c�a�rt��zar�ce a�r°�ag��ra�e `l�ais pr��,r� � 40y��B3 � w�s ��t��lis���d at �30,�t3f3 rz�ad�w�y tr�rou�h �Y ��1996-�?. . . . � �. . � �°hes� �.�eis d�ta�Id � a.�es� �� e:a���t� e�aa� ��a�r�r� r�paar ., . , �,. � ;�: ' �r�je�c.s tt-��t ar� l�yand �� r�pa�r �.pabql��z�s c�f the �iablic ��; .. . �. , ���; :`� �.�`�,:. �c�r•'�s ��p���at. "(°h�� ���s,�� i� ���ct�d t� b� a con�i��a�ng pccs�rar�� �r� �nfi�c�y�a�. �`�'�B� � �����°�'��°�I� �°���� � �'he sta�i�n d�in�ge �u�sdin� h�.s e�� s��� r�t�� t�f s��Y��� � dh� s�r�itasy se�r�r �crid. `�� ��ii�� is ��r�er�lfly e���rv�c� fear��araer�tly a�a�lc�a�a�. �a��11 ��ss��ts t.h���oer�� up ciuR-arag the year. Fun�aang ��rc�� �� ��v�r ��3C's �a�t be ��� ��a p�aj�:��.� c���E����� �fx th� �I5� Ia��t��° k°t�a. �'h� ��i��l�c� ' p�ojec� 6istir�� as �t`e��h�d �s ,�1pg�ee�d�� I3. 'I"Fa� �r�s���� ��-��tl� �coposed fc�r �IP �udg�t ��.e i997�9� ar�e�s faf�rs�s: . . � . � m Storrn ;�rcr:a�a�� 1l.��rj�r° .�s�r�st�arar�c� T'r°o�°aa�r: 'I°�tes ��-c��;�a � �Q,��� � addr�sse� �rain€�r J¢oma c��'sa�a�� pr�bt�rats r�qr��rir�g r�ore th� , � ��x-rna�l in�i�c�r�a�rt�� �f��art. 1`t���� prt�b�e�s �e�Ra�d b� �esolv�d � throu�h prepax�t6�n caf p�c���e ��e� p��k�ge� th�� r�u�(d g� � th�c�ea�h tt7e bid p�e�c�ss fm� �c�az��actia� b� i�c��s�d � cor�scrvrt��r� co�tcac�o�s. T1�� pr�gratta �a.� es�ablished in � prevaous y�ars, b�t �� r�cae gt���ia1Qy iB...aa�c�ed in F1' t 996-97. Th� prc,g�-an� was re-eseablish�d A� �i�i-��! 1�9�-97 :e� ctae amount of �40,�OQ co r�solve rr�ir�oe c�ra�na�e probl�ens ' Mis��,r�randum c� �City Counci 1493-9� C�pit�! 6r�p�ror��meaat Prograrr► Q�a�� 7 est�blished bcad�tcs for ��e p,r�j�ct.�. C�n� �Sre�j��t, t6�� ff�a�lt ��u��a�aa �o��i Gr��;e�s���� ��qui:�etio�a w�s ab�nndc�n�s� dsse to e�t�pri�ac���e o�°th� t�d ��a�a��������rrc�a�8. L��t�, �c�c �S�a�j�ct, . ch� ���I�r�c+c'dmFanrao �e��k paxk ���in��tia�r, w�s ��aa�d�r�ed �e��a�� �h� �av�nccs �f�hc 1�c� c�g�c�d t���cq�a�itir�n �aver� unwil9��z� to s�l6 t� �h�cscya a���� praj���s ir� 4�a� �eoposed �e�� eea+cia�d� ��er�i �r�er�way ta�Al ����rents, '1°h� �asm� P�k>z�alrc►a;d �.�ck� er�l i� a s����ai of th� "��S�t�� �rs�r aa��aia� s��m c�.l. 'I'ta� �c,�k P�rkf�St� ,�,wen�� g�i� �s � a�'f sfa��t +�f' ��,s rr��in ����s ta�al. `�'h� E��9L°�oaiata R�ad tr�l �d eh� �o�it�ur��c�a �.oa�t �l �c ���c�c�ats o�th� ��a �r��� rga�ira �5�� er�.ii. ���v�� af#sh�at� �a� this rst�.ir► �te�ra ta�e� �� id�nel�ed. °��e are�lc�af� twm �a�r�it�tac�� n�ag�bsarE�sxsd �cia��cen�ans, . �rc� ��IL'�orut� EZs��d �a�i�h�rt��d �c�aan�+cti��s, �d �� �i�cad�c�i P�g�r'�/�At�uc ���t �id . �o���tam�a. ��atocr�x�tsc��r ora th� �i��a�����i��s�s ��' ��a����trail ���r���ae� �v�s p��+id�d b� �i� c�c�ract� �:mra�pt�t�c3 F�.naac� �re�k�'r�e �tud�. it �� ia���c,�t�at t� n�ee t��t e�se con�t��tion costs c�f et��s� co�e�tirr� era�ls r�k�e��t eh� �ox� of �a h�d �p��$'a�� t�ail. iJVher� �onditaoc�s �r�pt, tPi�s� �S�EC(dBI�C� FQS�a �-t�y � red�a�.�d @�y tl'e r�pt���c�aea�t of h�� ��ar�'a�� by � cr�s�� rc�k stu--�'°�c�. �i'h� a�aid�nti�a�d 10��1 �nd regi��al �°s���a���c� �roj��� prern�rraly kc�e(�rde �.h� �c���d�ioaa aff ri�ht-saf��ay fr�r th� v�xie��s tY•�i! �rgr�s�tr�.s. . �`he on�y p�rks pr�j��t ��rnin�¢e� r�u.���� ��e ��°�"revr�w �ei�� �ra.s �ae c�pta��:��nt of zkse c�tc��r play stx�uctur� is� ��ac�dafd P�.rlk. In r���rea�� taa �.ho� r�cg��s¢,� �r.a.c�d�.�� for t�►ix �res���t I�� b��r� added �o the 1�.�97-9E prer�e�� Ei�d. � . .. .. . - • , . ..., .... . :� ..•:, A majar ia,nkn��r�a ir► p�tt�n� c���th�r t�e �S�rks ��P is �� �xt�rat, tirsai�g,��ad cc��t �P �� Cossl P�r� e:�p�io�n. F� p�rk xt����c �t�a �+i�r ���e��tiz�i�g�� i� seh��la�I�d fcsr�a�cnp�etas�ra in cx�ic�-��39�. Fc�r ps�+�se�t pua�pc3ses, es�ica�at�d aaaYO�ts h�v�.b��e� in�lud�d ar� t�.� �ark.� �T�' to r�se�-ve �.�ssd� f�r tttis pr�j��t. . . . As �s�dA�a��,d 'an �he �I�' (7u�rv��vv s��tac�ne 199�3�24t�3 ye�ur �raj�cts ar� ��� � t�c�t��v� last. I� regard ts� thks, th� u�da�ing of eh� �ity p�rks rnas�er pi� is 5c�a�duled ta o���s in 1997. T�a� i.aprl�ting work pro�ca�n wall l�ok �� th� loa�� r�r�e �c�ds o�'the �arnAn►.ac�aty, icier�tafy iFi.�$tu� p��C sices, estabfish pr��rities f�r d�v�t�apc�a�rat, �st �ce���n�n�i fi��d�r�� stxate�i�s 80� ���pl�srn��at E��� pian. Arr�pie appor�w�ities wil! be ���aiable �or� citi��r� invc�avem�cat �s c�a� �aarka pd� is deve(�ped. E3egir�nin� in 1 R9$, r�visions tc� the par�ss CiP priqriti�� vv�(1 L� d�v�lo�d �i2�an c�� fr�n�vvosk of chis new park� plax►. ' � . 6 � �t���I�.� ���f�� ������ Y��l.a� The s�itary s��ver f��ding ha� �der�� s�ur��s that are r�s��v�d fQr n��inc�r��nc� r�p�irs �n curr�ntly unknown prvjects, capacity �cp�raci�s a�s r�corram�rtded from tft� E.1 s� @�a�t�r �'��t, �d , for the I�(eighbort�ood S�iver �xt�nsdos� P�o�r2�m. The uru-e�trscted portiocl of t�e �a�rtiY�y �ew�r i �1�moa�a.n�ur€, �a Cdty �:o�r�ci@ 1997�98 �apita! (rnpr�vern�n� i'r��r°ar�� f�a�e 6 ar�t�ers��tior� tss�c�e��c��d�,����� ���fi���tlor�. [t v�+ca�a�d 'anclaad� th� �ppr�����s os� ����s€���t �.�d �i��a����ti�an af th� r��li�ned �. � tft�EC�a�4;f�d,�1 €f� �CC�iPii�� ��i�N�[l� tt'�Y�9� �9��. Prc�g�ety� �aa th� �r�uchar�s� ce�rn�r �f ths; i�t����tic�n vv�� ��q�aic�d a�r� � �4�50 sh�ed��se b�six �itlZ ii��h���gt�sm ��un¢y �o ����aner����� th� r��Iag��nt, �lth�ea�� �� ��tB�an Qf �a9�a�t �tr��c is ie� �� �munty, che prca��� �� ca����ry ta� �ae�•e�t � s�e��r�a� �xistar�� tr�c pr�bl�rn i� th�h��i r�f ihe �icy. ����a�cra�e�i�y ����������E�{��6�������.���� P¢�g��3� . �. s��rn�:nt c��f �1 st P.venu� ha.s �ra �gapr�vcd for ���6.� turad�n,� �f�`�cti�� .tuty i� 199�'. °�ta� prajecc enr.crmpasse� ehac se�ane�t �f 9I�t A��ra�a� tzet�r�� C'rr��n��eg �.��� �d Lix�co�ai Str��t. Th� �xistin� st�e�e is §ubsE�rse��,re� in va�ad� �rtd �s q¢a �e� c�3�c�.iEa�n. 5ad���ks, �t�e�����&.s �eac�. ° stoc�rr ds•aana�e �a��fliti�� ar� s�abs�ad�d c�e 1�c��a�. �B� �fD%9f�flxdC9T15�Y�����il���� �?'p�'b�fi:�YP �OA' P ttae �aar�y childre� �kir�� tn �aaid f�o� th� sch�r�t 6�� st�p dca��t�d at t,�e i�ie�rs�taan c��'�lst o Avenue �nd Gr��r�t�ur� IZcaad. T`h� s�o� c�f ��i� �rr>j��t i� vvi�fer�zrc� ssf ehe �t�a��i,�� �tr��� tc� st�radard width ax�c� ��n5tetiction caf,..�i��wa�ks, ��arbs, str��tii�h¢s and s��rrri. clr�r.anag� impr�vern�ncs. ��dev�alk c�ar���a�taorr w��l ir�eluc�e l�s�dre�pp��d ac��s r�aa�a�. �I'h� i�gz���r�� facilir.ie� v���l �a7.ha��� �d�s��ra �ci v�hacu�ar��$"ety. . . . . r.. , t..,... ..<<.. , T�a� tc,tai p��j�c� cs��g i� ��9Q,Q4��, ����a��56,E�d �r�����C'r ,fa���iir�� �z�d�2�,2�➢Q aa� ���r �Zding and i�-kiz�d col�r�i�aution. ��.Ft�� �`Y��`�'�1�$P'����.�b'1 .�ct�ch�d a.s ��pencii:c B is t�ie p�rks �oamp�r��nt c,�"�� caty"s seven-yeaa�iP, vvhac�i ��i�s .�ut� 199'i. `Che a1�n �s an. u�dat� af the����y��r�TF' ��at tc��eepaer i� t99�. � Revenue sources f�r p�rk C�P's �e v�ciea arad i�c�dAd� I�ark S��s��r� L���r�lop���at �kxax��, (�[�C's), �oea1 ax�d r��i�raai shar� �,r�e�nspa�es b�nd c�ea.st�r� fi�ds, park tcvy f��sy axadl d�nated f�nds. "Ch�r dan�€ed �ar�ds i�clud� � ��c�rae �l OQyQQO �6erk beque�t £rs�zz� � �'a3nr��r Tg��r� c���si�nx � a�-zci a Prg��aos�d eeaa�r��e�e°y arae� aen-ki�r� c�arafr�ibu€it�� ���� �sac�.4 y,�su� sg�r� I��cn�� �c���ef �� � cc�st mf acc�.aicira� land an.d i�peovflng Cook I'�rk. �i� T`�acan <�ive� ��stni�► b�d�e a� � � pcstential Qppc)rttarbiYy for join� a��ae�t� r�+�F.� i}1�: �iCy m�T'�a�.��atfla��kd �V�h117�tO83 'C4��, � � Urafoa-�an�tely, an?c�r►g the eight pr���cts ��thor�a��d $"e�r f�anding itl 199�•��7, c�r�y ��te wa� � completed. This lone project �•�..5 ��� acquisie'ron of 3.h� �t�ree-acre �'�m 5tr��e Gc�er�sp���. T�� � projeccs, the North Dakota!'d'igar�i trai� c�nraection aatd C'ook. Fark �xp�s�c�n, �rQCe d�I�ys:d and ar� incfuded as cornrnitted proje��ts iti th� 1997-�� list. �`v�o projects, tiae �3o�a� Stre�t ar�d Co€�k Park Greetls�ac� acquisicions, were dr�pped because the purchase priees .�rec� ��t wA�ktin the , � I'vtrm�srand�sra to C�ty CcruraEi: ��197-�� Cap�t�i I�prs�vem�nt grarrs F�a�� 5 a�d'atir,r�, as ch� d�fafno�c I�l�red aa��a i� �sr��c�d, �'Ei� faand'an� wiU b� rec��ir�d tas i�atpa�ca�� 4�lst �,vcn�a�, ��.�ra9� �tr�ct �d �+,'�l�cag ��r��c. �°h� °CI� c�s�rv� i� curr��a�l� i�g°��, ��i v�lt ���av�a ev�r� l���r i�s thc ��a� ��ac� �as sh�v�a in Ap��zd"s� �.. °fhis �n�re�.s� iea t)he a��s��v� a�il� �rao�� �i�CC�y ��Q c��� �s ���r�r prcr���ts � iz�ei�x�d anr� aar�pl�z�a��t�d c�r��c� �t� ta�ras�rr��ac�� �a6� i� ���t�c�d. Sa�a�ifa��t dr��do�� caf th� �sea���aa�aara�s�r� e�s����d 'as� th+����tt s�v��i y�s, �°��T1���°e�r��r�pccaj��ts��t�p��apc'���.� �'a�r th�at�xt ��� �aad�ct �"��°a►t� � fc�l�a�: � Car��nlrase°� �t�arr��I�+���t��rJ' I�aterse��ian: T'hss proj�a,:� 1� � S�9Q300 ��d��11y �.er�al��, �.esd t.�� �eey°� s�aar� ra�' th� �ra,��t �o�e a� �0.�75��"�. °�°°,�� �a�prav�c����x t� efl�i� �r���a°�ect��rn ar� n���s�+ � � Fza� s��s�aeac���fi ������ �d ����yo `�`h� ��a�j��t �s ���� � ��rai�ar��d �ie�� � �YS°�"YP' �����ed pc�ject c� wbd�� �►� ���nbus�A2�? ����p� artid i�p�o�P �r�e�ab�ur� �ta�€� ��t �� �a��a��t+��€ r€��a� �3�i�� xngerr��tic��t. T�xxs praj�� � � �n���d�� i� th� �Y 1995��� ��P ����i�ctg baat �°iaara�� were a��� � eacg:�r���d ��x��� �� �c���i�n �r�' �� �s�je�t i�� �tit� �k�a�� . . p�r�°t�rs��d �y' O�C�T. '�°tr� �x�ai��t d�s��ra i� ��g�:cted �i�a � � ' ���a���tesi t�y a�pE���ses P 997b �nd ac���r2���a��t�t f�r bad� is � :_ . . .. . �xpec�t�d te� fc�ilaw sk��s�t9�af����rds. ; . . � � . -. . . : ;�. .. ,.. .. � �3orr�ta Reand,�°r•w� the �2eaid��er� I'ra��s tc� ��e �'tr,►.r�c� Cre�k � �A�,040 f3rxr�g�: �.e� �rsaj��� �i��pl�tes the s��e���c �oi Bc�r�ita �.aad � . � � . 6��rare�ez ��S �c�a�l�v�.c�! aa.r.ra� 72�a� �vp�a�a�y e��� h� �sst b��n �tE2�iSd�V�C�. �S arn�(ud�s va�d�nirap, �� t.Far r����ay� .�� �r�vid� �alkw��� ��a�x ��a sid�s ��3 �apgrad�s �th.� �t-��ie �.�lr��d r�raassire� ��. ��rai�.a �a�d. ��s proj�ct v�r� ��p��n�I�y r��f�r��d bec��s� ��Ye ��as � S�'C3C1� �56�5i'S�F�1Q� �k%��c �� �c� ����tiz�� . tra�ks v�voutd � con�olid�ted in�o �r►�. Sin�:t� �t is n�w•a�p�,r�r�t tk�at �is ���nso�idat�om wi11 a�at c�cur, th�r� d� r►e� r�eed to del�:y �r�apl���t�2��¢�r� �at �ai� �r�j�a. °��� p��j��� ���f�e��:; I�n,�sd acqubsit�¢�n �o �cc�rrur�odat� the wid�n�n�, c��sa��. �nd . �esrrs�cta�z� c�f conc�e�� t�amGr.��.d �rossire�� �e the t�a� c�il�;m�d , � e�ack�, A�SL�.I��I➢2BI1 E3�3�GfJCCl�ICtC �1���1+�le'��J ��'�t;�€�C�'C?S�YEI� S��IR�I • � sy�t�aa� ar� �h� ��ad����r� ser��c, �sze� �d�r��e�u��f irc��t�ot�.�g�sr� c�f . � averh��d �afi�it��s �n �.h.�t poi-ti�n a�road. � � � lf�t�frr�d �tr�eet07°a�dPrrrr��a ,�r��r�e�� Inte���cPit��t cR�eals,�ra��rlt r�rrd � $Q,f3Jf� � Sdgr�adizatiar� (Drsigrr�: �is prt�j�et �s ta d�si�� �he � r�aligruner�t s�f e.he �xisting '�V�,�nutl�'i�e��e�ar�lE°�se�rfl�r �tre�� � �t I � � M�mcrartdca� tc� City Cc�u�cid 1997-98 Ca�ila! Im�roverr�erat �'rc�gr�rrt k'age 4 �[5,000 ar� a 50-SQ crost sharirr� basis dvi�h resider�t:� �xh� �vist� �m ��cc��ap�c� i��he pro�,carrn. � � '1'rax.f�e Staada�� - 'C�ais �r��r�.�n �va91 cc�rrc�lece the � � �0,000 `T'r���o�-tatdoaz �yst��i Plar► �i�� r��ri��r�g th� v�°ac�a�� st�dies �.irca�y ��a�e�rn�d and cans�li�iatarc� t��rrt f.s�r ,fu�a�r� iC�1t�5A�:IA1�t1�Yl�l�, �IR �CIC�9�fil�F➢, th� f��s �zzder tt�is prc��raYYa `wil� b� �s�d to �ss�s� i�a t�a� ��v�loprrae�t �af compreh�iasi�r+e pra�v�ac s�r�e� plaras. . � � .Ped�sdrran Im�Zrav�ments - (;r��at �4ve�ue: '�"�iis �r�j�et wi�l � �0,000 pra�rid� a ped�strwan �ath advn� �sraan2 �0.v�[aue co���tir�� 8�e e�istzc�� wa.�ka�r�y along �'�rk Street �ath �"c�baol ��reet ai�d pravadi�� p�ed�st��i�a��ss to �.�� `�°igard �l�zn��.� S�h�c�i. .� °Th� ir�itia� pr�s�s�d ��de�tri� v�vaE�Cwvay pcojee� e�✓as �'�•�C Sts��t frorn �IJaticiz°�s S�r�eY to 11£Dt�. �ev�nue. I-Iowever9 public Anp�1 dusang the CIT jai�t m�etin� far �roj�c;�s i� tihat tti� drain�g� p��lhl�nn r►e�ds ta b� r�sol�,�ed, �n�. a p�c�est���� ��.thway v��ule� b� r.u�desir�bla: sin�� it dvo�l� �nco����e spe�ding on �1�is stre�t. �he dr�ic��ge pr�jec� �or Park Str�et i� ir�clu�ded uricier the �t�x�n Deair�a�e Prograrrg. i ! �Fqc� � 79th�venue� - .�esign �rncl�iiglats o�6�'ay: Th� in:ti�l �esigca��' � �� tfzxs �a�c�j�ct ��as �e�r� ��rf��n��c� i�ic���e �3� �Y�.�J ��fl�;1S1��F°ti3� st�f�: �'�xis pr�je�t �i�t p�ovid� f�s�c�a�r�� �°c�r ��fl���it�r� c�f a� engier�erii�g�o��s�flt�at �°a� t�s corriplete�.h� �esigr�cs�'�h�er��ir� st���t t`rorn ��ax�ham T�oad t� ��nita Ro�d. �'I1e ��op� af the project wi!! inc(�de examcn�tic�r► c�f the rights-of�v�y requirements far t�a� gar�j�ct, botta fi�r stc�et cn�arYSion and stor� cfraina�;�. Ik v✓i�[ also id�ntify th� firsi,�ing r��puYreira�nts for rights-of-way, storral s4rainage aild �tx�et improveanents, and inztiate the rights-of-�ay acc�uisition tc� t4�e exte�t th�� �unding allows. � � � ��ca�rem�Q+��d 'Y'rat�'°°�c I�aps��t �'�e �°TY�'� �r°e�,�e�si� � �'° TIF Fuxtdi�g �a�a �� us�d orn�y ��aa• hi�h�vay a�� traz�sit catsitat Qm�r+�v�xx�ents �r����a p�'dvid� � � ,�a additio�al capacity t� rnaj�r �r�a�p�r�ati�� syst�rris. This ��c�ic�g is la�iY.�d fo r��.a.js�c c€�l��cY�r � and arterial str��ts, and 5(�% r��st "�� ��er�t on ar��ci�� str�ets. r� ma�or por¢��� c�f ch�se �a.i�ids ar� I � beirig held in r�serv� uiltil ou�� trarzsportati�n J�9�nning is cor�ptet�d. Th� Ti�ard `Cra�ra�le area "°� wiil neeci rnajor improv�¢n�nts to develap str��ts td art�rial and �najor ccsilecta�r sY�€�d�rrls. €n a , A�fe�oor��ndum t� Cif,y (';�u 1997-9$ �a�aita! [m¢�rc���cen Pro�;r�rr� P��z .3 T'I�e fc�ll�eaing c� � brieQ'desc�ri�€imra �f zh� prc�,je�ts r�c�rrarrt�tad�c� f�r e i�s �'ax E�mclirag eteact yr��..r: � �"�arra�al���c��r�oj�crs: 7'h�s� �,r� projccas chac tea�� b��n a9r��dy � 3Q,OOe� co�asgaitt�d �d ar� r���rir�� ���apl�Ca�c�. �as a��nt��r��d ps��fl�rusly, sa�cast �a��R�� �� e� pr���ctx fa�� �°� 1�S�G-9�' �sr��°� irga����n�r�t��! d�ri�� F`�° A6W�7. Th� �����es�t M�j�r - Rfi��t�a��a�� �ra�e�.a� �r���uded ���e•i��� ��° ���t�a .���a��a�, • pavi�� �f`�r�v�l s����s��h � �,l���f �t���xd 7�� ��rcna��, �N����y ca�°�a���d� �����ar�, ���k��c�aa�� ��a �a����a�r� �.a��d �d 1'a�d��s�a �e������e C��n�r �n���r �r�,��� �a��;l�d��i r��s�������ss�a �f bm�t� ��d� �f d��in ��r�� �cmc� C'�arr���a�.! St����, �ad �e t��� �a��1l�tiaar� c��° o� �v���a��.chs� ���:d A�t�r�ecti�ri. T`�a� ��r �e��r �ablg���i��,s aa�eea �`c�° a��w � - Cas��4 y�ar �r°� for th� �'9�h �rr���,r�carh� �Z�c� �'s�n�Y9 ih� 79�n r`�v�n�� �s��irni�a�° d���fl�1"i� a�d th� ����i ��� �ra�c�rn P►-�j���. .. . • Pcrverra�ra8 .�f'�jor ��frat��n�sr�� ���,�a°aea� (,�'tl�'h�.�') � �p4S flS �� � �� �� pra,��er,� c��'ec�rr�tiv� �d �r�rrc�atativ� a�u����a�n�� art �i! tha� ' pavc� scx.:e�s ii� 7°i��r�o i� acld��s�s ��as� sta•��ts �ac �:a.n ��il� b�::�a��c �c�cn ca.��ctiv� �� ��vr�n��tave x��a��. �'ha�� �ta-��8.� : .. . , th�� c�s�� 3� �-��aav���.t�d �.@���x�t� t�is �r� �ar� �l��abfl� �`t�r recc�a���cid�aaa. °�`h�� �s ��xr�t�t�� a baGk��� of �1�500�4300 arz corr����w� s���r�a�a9 r�g��i�, �d sla�a�y s��o `�h� g�a���'ent � o���r���r arad ���aar �ckfl�a� �[€�r�� as ����� �a� ��,��9�D,��O. �€��«�� ctaat �a� �ande��x�� f�,�- �i� ���1� ti�c�� �� � ��a���r �'ts�° � �rPM��a�azx�� �x��tr��r�t. ���r,��s� �`ar ehfls pr� �t� �+� ���a� �ro� �h� f�av�eca�a�E �'9�r��1�� ��e:k�,�� l4�� ��,�Z�.�s�ax ��, �d fro�z �v�.l�a�ei�n �f Ehs��e ��r��t� ah�t ���c� �te�.��.t� K�o �x�e�� che ��y�rrr��r�c �i�'� �x���r,�y. °I'kb�s �x���rx �t���� ��� la��gsa incr���d �iorr� e�ae 14�9���? ��P a�ozsx�& fl�x � ��t�c�pt t� rrit�r� rapid�y re��sc� th� c��rz-�a�� �aa�kt�>�. � 7'he ,5'pe����esrap �ro�;r�r� a �as prc��c�ra3 �ra��v���s �t�adin� �'e�� � � �� ��' �„ ires�lfati�� oi spe�d h�.irrs�as caa� �tr��ts �aa� h�r�� ��eat°d�r . • . � demos���a�.i�c� t�3� c���d for �cjsta��atcaaa cef�kae�� ��� ���a�� A � devic��. T'h� pro���a f�e t�g��97 i�c0uc��d �2f�€� ,,�ven��9 eta€; � seceit�r� csf I���t€� ��k�s� ��a•��� betv��er� � �S�� �d 121 sY � A�enu�, �ad a s�cti�a€� of I.,€yc�ast �ere�t. �'��. prca�r-aa-n f�r �°�l � c � 1997-9� vail! inclu�(e �4S,J0� itt Ci�y-fiir�ded }�rojec¢s plus � � �1emc�eae�ducn ea �ity �ouncil I957��$ C�pita.l. Cmp�rovem�nt Pro�ram Page 2 subrnit�ed tc� and apprav�d by City CQUncit p�ior t� �l�e be�iraniea� c�f the n�x� �is�a� y��r (luly !j. Thas overvi�� w�s pc��e:nt�d dug�n� ttr� n�[�r�h �'('�' n»�tar��;� this y��,r, The��aira� �'i�' cneeting in Ap€il prvyid�d e�� CI'T rri�rn4�rs with che oppc��c�niey tra prc��rid� inpu8 ineo ��c pra�cess and �o nc��rain�t� proj��ts for e�v��a�tican �rad �ssible ia�clusi�n imen ehe pr��radxe. �'h� �'I�r�� Cc�crirry�ssi�asa r��oa�w typieaRfy ps���d�� at�och��Uppoc-trA�rity for �ubl�� c�ren�rnerrt �an th�' �r�upca�s:d p��n. A,�t�x ���ew b� �h� Flararair�� Casn�ission, �l�� �rl�a �vith subs�q���e fYCOtfl�l���RA9Y�D if aa�y, is su�rte�tted, witl� Ca��n��sica� e���r���ncfa8son, €a th� �ity C��cil fnr revi�w aias� �g�pa��ru�. �c�t,���I crnay rn�ke �dd�taan� �tod'a�►��tl�� isa th� p1� draran� i�s r�dd�r�r and �a�a�x�v�9 �►r��ss. °�Be �p����=�� pl��a �er�a�d � �� a�pr�v�d �°api�l Ien���v�.���t P'rogc�aa f�r ck�e���t 6sc�1 ye�°. . � . . . . . . . . �c f�9la�vea�� susx�nar°r...�s e�� pro�r�m ��i��� �°�r th� i 99?-9� bud�et y��. A�y �h�ges Qd the pec��rraria sir��ce Pl�a.rt�nin� Ccarrimission ap�ravat h�ve b�ea� in revisiAn� t� the budg�t�d amaearats ba�e� ar� �s��t�r� �ar�diaag �rojecgio�s �ror�a ►�i� D'ae�ctor of Fin�c� (S�e Ap�eaaciiac I). It as impc�c��r�t eo c��st� a:lh�t �ac�t fia.ndis�� s�ur�c� �ias r�stcicdio�� on the types of�►eoj��4�_8.�at.czua he. cons�r�z�t�d. �'r�j��cs c�a�atoe 6ae move�t �ars� �ne fu�c�in� so�cr�e ta �a��h�F� ���a�ai��d �ac�ay���s: ar� Rhas� �e�j��ts Lh�t �v� i��n p5��ac��ly �p�ar���e� foc 46!�17 �.ti���, bud,�i��� a�e�e be�n,: cc�mglee�d a� of J�� 3�, 1�97. The s��i�c �ist� d�' pr4je�t� �re c�n2ain��� � ihe �ppen�i��s . assc�a;i�¢�d �✓i�Fa ea��a af�e�pea��;c�a.cr�ac-�a�.s. . , , • . . . � .'�_�-. ,..:,,:;> . , . .. s _ . _ � � . . � . .i�.."�.•` ..� .,. . . . �g�/°��, �t`ro H�91 d t-��. �1�'A.L�1L0�w.�'.�A�&.�!.!��i !C�.�A'�»'Y@.C��dvA, - . -: ..., . .. . .�J+���'�'���.�'1��� ���Zi�°�� Th� f�lt�a�aa� ��a��trr��Q�r�aJ���:r� �r�pm�f�c• �9�'��m9�. f�corn�l�t� ti$ti��;e�f�t�prc�j�cts��d the Fuifl %-y�ar�rGgc•�m i� aY�a�hed a� ,��S�c�s�i�A. � . . . .. . � . . d ' . ' • f�e���a��nds�� ��rr:�� ��aa.� '�'�x� �'s��r��o�� � . •,. . . .�i � . The g�s �ax g•�v�ra�x� c� b� us�esf fs�r �}��ei�e�g �h� ��(l��srsr �rad I�a� s4x��� ��i� 1Cfl�aY°d9 wich�ut r��tric;t?on. I-�c�weveg, �.as revenu� i:� tim.i�.�d �,nd 'es �.�t s�.f�'icie�� to fi�id �fi th� stc�e� irnprcrv�rr�erat z���ds of th� �s��r. Z'h� tota.i �t:�t� �� T°�c �ra�a�eat �ha� �`mr �a� �7/4� �.�c.�1 �e�r a �° is bas�d on cc�ent �ud���,-y gr����tioeas, a�hicti �cati�{pa¢e.�d�.ition�l i�����nu� a� eh� �:crsnYm� . , � y�ass. If th� actu�l rev�ctues fa�( s9�ort af¢��� �rs�i�i�aated �.rriocsa�ats, t�� p��c���e�s w�a�� � sca.4��i backc � to confoem tc� tk�e ackuaE �ands r�ceived. 'I`Faer� �rece n�rnerous maj�c stre�t projece�� iax���een�r��ed � �u.�ing !=Y 19�6-97, which expend�d pr.�cdical9y �18 �hc: �� t�ac fiancfs availabl� far €h�t �s�al � year. There are c�nly � fe�w prc�j�ets thac s-eyuia�� carey ov�r Cu��dic�.g, aa�td �hose p��aieLt� are� aS or � nearing cornple[i�ri as of .6unP 3fJ, 1997. � ' ��' ������� ��T"4f �F 'r��'AI?��', ���E),CtiI 9 ��': �Rl�/ �:�fl9.Pi�l� ����; ��bd�Rll� �. �fl��Q115, P.�a �i[�/ �i1�ll➢�f ��°�`�� .b�rt� I�, �997 �AJ;��': 19��-�9� ���i�l Ir�pca�car���►t P�a�r� . '�ais c�a���a�t pa�s��a�s c�� propESSed 1��'1m9� ���r��l �r��rov�eta�a�¢ Pr�gr�a ('�IP� fc�c ��e�e�v �a�d apprmval. T'�� �t�ing �o�ra�issic�a� �p�eorr�d th� �95�7-9� GIP �vvith nc� rt�od°a��aEiar�s � c�wrix��; i�rrae�ting eaf.��.�eae 2, !997. - r �$��C��°C6lt�L� �CI�� �os��-terr� �tapit�l Ie��rov�rr��nt F'r�g�a�ra, �r��ts�,41� adc��t�d b� �e ��ty �ou.ea�i� �a��f1.u�us� 23, 14�4, id�ne��ed pr�jec�s for�hc i 994-�5 GaP �'rm�t�rsa �rd pr�pas�d � 6isc c��'pr�je�����'ar th� c�ext 6�y� p�t-a�de T'��e ��pi�a1 [a�rpro�r�nn+emt k�ccrgc�aaa ic��lu��s Qatipsov�rn��P� �o the�sta���t�, : stac-ctn dg�irg���, s��i� s�vv�r, w����-�c� p�k� sy�t�¢i��:�`}a� ��reet, sdc�� dr�i�ta,��, �rt�i �t�ay s�wer CIP's ar� rraaa����t� by �e �ngia��eryn� ��p�.rtra��a�Y. `i�� �i���r S�steeri. �IP is rna¢i�ged by t�� Pubiic '�J�rrks Departct�a�r�t, ani� e�� F'�,rlc� �I� i� �ra�e���ec� j�iretAy �y� 2he �'�ana�ie�g arid �A1�in�eri�rg t��g�nents. ' � � • � . Ttae �apita9 Ic��praevecn��a� Pro��� a� upe�a�ed each y�r, �d i� r���et�m�3 �n� ,appe�sv�d b�r �� �ity �o��ii. "l�ka� C:Il� forrr�uCataon ds ,�p��e fx��t� t��e y�ly ��er�ciaa� h��s���2 �,��s��ss bs�t i� ��,���s��� �s� �� ��a�a� fi��caQ ��ax b�q� � �h� a�p�rata�aa� �a��y��to `�ts: �t�� ���rra 1g�s.� �se•r�,����� for s�bsequent fis�ca� ���s, t�� pm}eces shaw� ar� t�n��v� �� �rm �t�bj��c e� �:h�g� cl�r�,� �� �'o�rri�lacion �ar�c��s f�r ��ch s�c�f� budg�t ye�. T"he ���, t,'�rtst;��o the adca�tic'r� pra�es�, t��er�for� estabtishe� the bur�get fnr �ach fisc�t year arad s�rv�s as a p(�mg d��um�e�c eo guide [�1�P 353�%'�Sfi!'�l�Gt�iE'� ifli2j�i'04✓��y�,l�Cl�S pV�C �2� f���L1bi/3�� Ef f�r`�x'So I��arin� ���i� b�d��t y��r`s c��t�, 9he r�v�nu� �s�ir�a��es �r� adjtas��d9 t1h� pro���� e��� es�i�aY�s ar� 6e��ie�er��, ��d the prc��ca.cxa ac�d pro3e�;t pri�c�tie� �..r� r�••�v��t�a��d b�.s�d t�n �h�g�s i�� �i�a ��a.,�tsY ciii�e�a in¢�uY, anc� �dd��as�n�I dn�a ��uhi�1� ra��y ��orn� �v��ta��i��. �'h� I9�6-9 a ��1� �Y�e� � 6�y��r pc°��°a�r�, t.4�� 19'�7-9$ CYk" ' r���rn�t� t�he 7-�+ear���icad oa�giaaatly�s��E�iish�d gr� 199�. 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