Planning Commission Packet - 04/06/1998 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ':<'.�:�'?<�i?<:��: `•.'•.::�::':�:;::��':::;:�;:::i;:::`:: ::�. ::?;::: �::�i::: ?::>;: #:s3�:: �aty ��f T'�g��d '�'��p1�� �(�����(�` ���������� Cr�rnmaniCyDzvelopment ���'� s� ���� � �°�Q �a�tl ShapingA 13ete�rCommunity �����.� ����� ���� � °� �� � ���� t `i3`�2� �V� �iA�LL L��IJL�V��C� �'I�l���, (3�����6 �72�3 � � 1. �,R���. �'O 0���� �. �V6�.. 6i�1.� � 3. PL.��9�IIfV� ��@�������� ��16��l��IG�Tl��J� e �. E4PPI2�id'� �lIVU°T�� 5. �P�AT� �� �t��6��I�f�Ih�G Liz N�vvtan 6. l�P��1°T'� ON �AR�G� 6�,A�'T�� P'�I� ° CB�a�n� Rob�r�� 7. �P��°�� ��! ��M��2�������� ��1��,�� F���L�'3�E� ��.�,� ��� ������ �. ��`��E� �������� 9. �t�J�IJ€�t����l�" C� �liVl�'1( �� �PA,PER�, I�VC. ����, � P.O. BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-036U IV�tice TT 9 0 7 Q � BE:AVERTORE,OREGON 97075 L���1 Nota�e A�dv�r�a�ir�� a� City of �'ic�ard "� � 'iaarshee� Piotica 1� 13125 SW Hal�. B�vd. n : � Tiqard ,Oregon 97223 • t� Duplicstw A44��t;;�,.,�'�`�^ r�...,..�M� . "oot��.,.,a�a � '��IN no� osr� � � ' Hq�boro ooifery rlot a!vaNt� e Ac�oun�s Payable • 'I'1�'�' Krie�, �av{a�rc�ut,�nin ts>arid at'�: Uffa.UVP-°��tautfgam(1�1) iF' ;obia;HR rone ' , '; $flvd.,i tt��d �Mc�ch 2,4 r�ew `� �' �. is xnv�� �lackamAs 7, Ilvsti`on� -- ir�f€3t�ri i4Re�n �Bu1�ch�5�f d�F�lD�4VIT t1� Pl.1�LICAT9�1`! Hall�3� �nsonacTua� n,rsotavta� n�+ar�cia,y.t�t�ch T�;" 'I`$9�7��� � [vll�tivaukie at�Tualatin,t m, �� i S'PAT'E t?� �REGON, ) � F��ay�:9�as�c9►B� CUl1RV�fY f�F WASHI�1GTOi�, ,ss. �' i � Kat-k�� �y� r � , 1' � I7�iP]g �IPFaY C�U{j� SWOff1, deposc� and say that I arn the Ativertising Diraator, or his principai clerk, of�he T�Q,�T'cl–T ' ' imes ' - a n�wrspa�sr of general circulati�n as defined in ORS 193.Qi0 �nd i93.02�; 3�ublished at T7 �r�r� iro 4he afore��id r.oun4y and st�4�; Qhat 4he, Me�t��:x�q N o�i�e��.7 t��,5 inr,;xi� a prinfed capy uf wV�ich is h�reto annexsd, was publi5he� isr 4he entire 9ssue of saici ne�s�mp�r gar(��—succ���ive �znt9 c�n��c�a�iv� in th�f�a91o�'srt� i�su�s: rlarch 26 ,1998 I ) 1 t-h c��f I�4�rch 1998 � 5ubscri�ied �nd s�+orn befars me this���.� v �'����� O�FICIAL S@AL I ' NA�IM �a. BaJ�i�F.� tary P�biic for Oregc�n � -� NOTARY PU9Li�-OREG0�1 '�" G(?i�MI3SI0N N0. 062071 Puly Comenission Expir�s: r:d� C+�AfiMl�BlON EXPIFlES k9AY i6,2001 A��ID�V17° ������ ����i�� co��i�so�� �o�.�c��.�. caar oF Ticasttr� OREGOtd l��dAR6ROG DE4�'E: r�O°-- � �'T�4R'��NG Ttl��:7'• ?,D F',M. ��iM[dII�SI�NERS: NICK V1IiLSC�fV (�F°Ii41RP�ftSON) � J�JD9TH ANDER�ON JIAli C�STILE _ ��� ��- � �A��� �������-� �tC°1�f �OLl�iVD � fVIB�HA�L fV�FF � fVif-1Q�6C I'�6?GETf � �H�L S�l��l��t --ooe�.--_--__d_______�W_____�__�__�____---____.�.______�___�___m�___.��._ �_�_.__,�___�_�--_---_--__�____�.___.��.�__�.�_d�a.�__�________�_�.______.___ S'TAF� ������V�': _ RI�Fi�F2� ��V'J�f���;�f���' _ �Je����� �(��`f"6 8 _ WELL D'ANDREA _, tAURIE �li�HULSC�P� _ IVIARK I�Q�BER�'S _ E3�tIAN �PJ��3L�"Y° _ .lIJLlA HAJ�IJK �, DU6�PIE RO�IEfd�'� _ BRlA� f�AGER _ JAI1/IE� FiEN�RY� � C�US DIJENAS % �L�iG(l''� h:\login\jerree\pc- o!!, s � CI'TI'OF T'IG�EI➢P��I�1IPdG �l�IIbIII`V�ISSI�I�1 R.�ga.a�ar�eetin�1VYin�at�s Apr�l+5, 199$ 0 ff. �AA.�'�I,'I'�O�k;lt I'resident�aVilso�called tihe nleeting to order at 7:30 p:m. The meeting�vas he.ld in the Tigard Civic Center,Town Hall, at 1312� SW Hall Blvd. 2. ItOL�,��I.L Cominissioners Present: President Wilson; Commissioners Castile, C'i�iffith,NefF, I'adgett, atzd Scolar Commissidners Absent: Corrunissiomers Anderson and Holiand Staff Present: Liz Newtan,Assistant City 1Vlat2ager;Duane lZot�erts,Associate Planner; Gus I3uenas, Caty Engineer;Jerree Gaynor,Flantung Carrimission�ecretaiy 3. I'Lt�IY�1ING C�IVII�IS�I�1'�d C�lYIldItJl��t�.TIOPdS: 1�1��ae 4. �1P'P]E2��1���'�'p].�1G I�/IY�+TiJ�'ES Commissioner Pa�gett moved az�d Commissioner Scolar seconded a motion to a�pxove tlge Febt�uary 23, 199$,rri�etan��iiit�tes as submitted. A,voyce vote v�as taken and the motion passed by a vote of 5-0. Commissior�er GY•iffith ahstained. S. �1)A'I'� OI�1 �'I'�'�'VISI01�1I1�1G Assista�nt C'iky 1'�Ianage��.i�14I�e�vt�aa presenteci a follow-up reporl on the Tigard�eyond Tomorrow Visioning process b��u.n in Fall 1996. She distrib�at�d a si.unr�iary of the rnore detailed report. She reviewecl t�e w�rk��mpl�ted by the Visionin��'�.slc�'orce ar�;d t�ctioa� Committees in at�alyzin�the 1200 s��rvey responses. The Task Force d�velaped target areas, dia•ectic�n statements, and a visa�n starer�zent� W�11���Il��C$1011{;OTll%11fl$��BS �I����.�p�� strategies and action plans to address the goals of the target�reas. She discusse��he tar�et areas of grov�'ch arid growth�nanagement,traffic and transportation, urban aYxd public services, and community character(quality of life). 1VIs, Newton comment�d that two-thixds of�he community ciid not have children in school, noting that th� School District has realized that they needed to educate their enta.re constituency and to sornehow i�volve thase wYtihout children with the schools. She mentioned th.e corr�munity concern over the ixnpacts of gro�vth and iricreasing traffic on existing neighbarhoot�s. Sha spoke of the concerns that Tigard be a town with an identity, possibly using the downtown as the focal point. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- A.pril 6, 1998-Page 1 Ms.IVewton pointed out that community involvement and responsibility was one of the major themes of the�lisioning Task Force, as were safety, stable fundin�g for s�rvices,ne�v developrnent paying its full share for the costs of clevelopment(including schools and pc�lice), iifelong learning opportunities, and public access to open s�aces and nahural f�a�res. Mso Newton comrriented that��hile the Action Plan Committees devel�ped strategies and action plans as a place to get started, staff kt�ew that mid-course corrections might be required in:light of changing circumstances. She said that staff intended to report l�ack to the comin.unity once a ye�r on what has been accorriplished or changed in the action plans. �he expiained that th��Ci�y departnlents would oversee the target areas appropriate to them as well as work in partnership with other agencies (such as the Fir�I�istrict and the School District). 5he said that she and Loreen M'rlls had the overall responsibzlity for oveH•seeing the entbre�ro�ess. l�Is.Newton reviewe��veral specifi� items within the target areas which she fhought the Planning Commission would b�come involved in. She referenced a Public Safety strategy to implement c�im�prevention through snvironm�ntal d�sign, commenfing that the Pl�nngng , Cc�missioa�would see more thorough design review reports by the �ity's publi� safety � providers evaluating applications�with eye to safety issues in project design. She mentioned � the Comrnission's probabl� involvement in reviewing Tigard regulations with regard to the downtown as park of the new efFort to encoura�e growth in the downtown.area. -; . Ms. Newton noted the vaxious strategies dealing with community aesthetics�hat would involve th� Commission, including reviewing th�Development Cade, defining o�en space and scenic review, cansidering establishing a site design review comrziittee, and revising the sign code. q ° � President Wilson asked for further discussion on the sfiaff report back�:o the cammunity. Ms. Newton said�hat staff would repoxt back each ye�r to the citizens on the status af implementin�the goals. Ii� addiiion, they would take a coinmlanity survey�very twa years�t� det�rmine�vheihe�•or not new priorities anc3 iss�zes have surf�ced in#he comrnunit� or if they needed a mid-caurse corx�ecti�n. President Wilson asked how staff made tl�e corxnection betweeri the information gained fx•om the survey arld the resulting Visioning document. Ms. Newton reviewed in detail the Visiotling Task Forc�process, includi�ng the staff research and preparation�work. President Wilson pointed out that 75% of the survey respondents indacated a coneern for arterials over neighborhood roads, yet the action pl�ns did not acldress arterials. IVIs.Newton explained that the fianding strategies described in the action plans were related to th�e arterials. Since the arterials were controlled by the �fiate, an.d the State claimed to have no money to address the problems, the Task�orce thought that looking for funding was something they could do to help adciress the situation. In addition,the �ity did have control over improving the coruieGtivity af Tigard's rnajor and minor collectors. PLAI�INING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- April 6, 1998-Page 2 President�Nitson spoke to pushing s�rongly forward to s�cure transportation fund�ng that�as pre�ently going�lsewhere. He sug�ested s�ending the money curr�ntly sp�nt on speed bumps o�hhring lobl�yists and grantwriters to work on securing furxding�t th� state and federal l�vels. F�e stated that he did n�t think enough was done ira this plan�o address the transpor�atio� issues. City E�y�ne�r��s I�u�nas r�vi��red how tl�e Visioning strategi�s worked tova�ards alleviating the traffic problems on the arterials. �Ie nn�ntioned�1xe two�fold gaal to force traffic onto rnajor and minar collectors while a�the sarne tirxze kee�ing nei�hborhoad stre�ts safe as p�ossib�e. I�e noted the work of�VIetro in looking at tkae region wide plc�ure and the d.evelopment of non-au�o solu�ioms (as 13wy 99�JV remained a�robl�m regardless�oi�its width). He spoke to workireg�vith Metro and�DOT to support the regional pra�jscts Tigard Yhought would best help their situation while at the same tiFrae working by themselves to provide conuiectivity within theix own city to h.e1p alleviate the arterial congestion. President Vililson commented that he did not see the concessions to"NdiVIBY"(not in my backyard) as following�ither M�tro policy ar the City's awr�best judganent. ��cited the diverter on Hawkesbeard as preventing neighbor�csad coruzec�tivity to shoppi�g centers. 1VIs.Newtan sum4narized President Wilson's comments as Tigard shauld take a tw�-pronged approach at this tirne. The City should take a proactive leadership role in regianal transpartation�l�nning and fandraising at the f�deral and state levels while at the same time doing what the City could on a local level to help alleviate the situation. President Wilson comrnented that the squeaky wheel got the grease; if they hoped to get funding at the federal and state levels, they had to push for it. Ms•Newton revievved strategies ir�the growth and growth manageir�ent target area with which the Comrrzission was lilcely to Ue imvalved. 'I'hese includ�d irifill policies,the �['igard To�m Center study,the regional study on annexatioa�, an orderly ann�xatifln of Walnut Island, ec�uca�ti��g the n/Ietzg�r r�aider�ts abaut annexatzon, criteria for a�ulexations of th��€ult 1�✓Iountairi area, and affordabl� Ilausing. 1�Ts.Newton revi�wed shategi�s in the transportation and traffic fiarget area with likely Commission involvement. These includ�d local str�et policies to ienprave traffic flow aiad connectivity. Presidet�,t 'Wilson observed that the City of Tigard.effectively subsidized VJashington Square and state facilities within their city li�riits (e.g. 217 and 99V�. He pointed out that thesu facilities took a significant amaunt of the Tigard police's time (25%of calls went to Washington 5quare) yet Washington Square only paid 10% of thd total property taxes levied by Tigard, and the state no longer policed i�s facilities within'I'igard�leaving it to th�Tig�rd police). He spoke to the regional facilities paying th�ir fair share of the costs. PLANNING COMMISSIQN MEET[N�G MINU�'ES- April 6, ?998-Page 3 l�s. �lewton mentioraed the COPS fed�ral grant rnon�y used to hir�a ful�-ti�ne p�lic� officer at Washington Squar� for thr�e year�. She said thaY officer h�lped tr�i�x the�ecurity�uards which fr�ed�� othex offieei•s also. She said that they wanted t� start a program to get busznesses involved in minirnizing�h�d�mar�d c�n public services by t�err out-of town �ustarr�ers or ernploye�s vvho liv�d elsewhere. . The Comrnissian diseuss€d tlae rssu�of pri�ate business paying for the use mf public facilities by their cr�starners. Co�issione�I'a�dgett comrnented that it v�as �or�accuxate�c� �c�ok at t�ie percentage of praperty taxes t�.ag�Nashing Square paid bas�d on th�tc�tal pexaentage af total eity services th�y rec�ived back,rather tham looking at it o�ly in rela.t�a�n to t3�e police budget. He a�reed with Ms. Nev✓tan that Washir�gt�n Square paid prope�y t�ces to oth�r �� agenci.es, r�entionir�g the sch�ol district in particular("�rVVashington Square sent n� chkldr�en to sehoal). , , Ms. Newton discussed the issues€�f charging far enhanced s�rvices at tk�e library and of sharing resources with the schotrf district(includirxg fields). Sh�sazd that the Task Force felt stron�ly th�t cifi�ens had a r�°s�onsibiiity for emergency prepar�dness, ar�d�vanted citizen education in this area. President Wilsan commented that it was important to fo�us c�r�the areas of majar pr�blez�rrs rather than trying to do a Iittle of ev��•ything �nd not getting an�thing done. s � �oin�nissioner Padgett asked to be excused�t�:10 p.in. �° �. L1�D 4.'g'E OPd P�1�S l�A�'TEfl2�F..,AN r$ssociat�e 1'l�a�ner I)r�ane I�.oberts distributed a cQpy of th�park questi�nriaire sent out to every fourth hausehald receiving the C'itys�ape (60Q0 surv�ys) and due back tPnis�veedc. He revi�w�d the�onsultaiats' wo�•k on��thering infr�rmation froln the camrnunity t1�a�o�gh the suavey, intervievvs with community lead�rs, speaking wi�17��m.za�ur�ity groug�s, ancl talking wi�l� scl�ool cl�il�r���bout park needs. Hc mentianed th�consultants' pnve�tory af th� e;�isti�g c�nditi�r�s s�f ail City�arks, �nd tYa��vor�shcap a's���assaon�ield�i�1�the��r�Cs maintenance staff. Mr. Roberts r�viewed tlze cnnsultants' w�rk on the Woodward Park expansion area plan(as � part of the master plan�. He nated the iirst neighborliood dvorkshap which 30 people � at�ended. He said that the next steps included reporting to the Commission on their s� iz�#ormation gathering efforts, and a site tour for interested people. � � � Corrimissioner Griffith asked if fi�ie City stiPl had funcis avail�ble f�o�the Cireenspac�s � a�zlon�y. r�Ir. R�berts said that they had morP than$500,000 left. He said t�hat$300,000 p�us � � wo�ald be used to purchase praperty on Bull Mountain with the rernainder going to purchase land along the Fanno Creek �reenway (except for$SO,OO�J slated f�r the Tualatin River FLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NiINUTES- Apri16,1998-Page 4 p�d�s�rian bridge design). Mr. l�uenas reported that the 1Vlayc�r was following up an getting the railroad bridge far their pedestrian bridge,once the railroad abar�doned it. Pr�sident Wilson asked if the consulta��t has identified sit�s fQr potential park sites. Mr. lZoberts explained that he has been recording peaple's suggestic�ris for possible park sites at meetings and checking into�heir availability. I-�e reviewed several potential sites in the�ull Mountain area. 7. iJPI)�'TE Ol�d C�1V�PI�HE�TSI�P�J�3L�C�AC�1L�'�I�S PY�Al� Ci�Emgx�n�er��s Duenas�ased a PowerPoint presentation ta brief the Commission on the Comprehensive Public Facilities Plan. He noted the eouncil goal"to develop a comprehensiv� public facilities plata that would include construction,manabe�nent, fundang, and�naintenance for sireets, sewers,sidewalks,and stre�t lights. He reported that few adjacent jazrisdic�ions had comprehensive public facility plans. He mentioned that he looked at st�eets as an asset that needed a life long management plan fc�r maintenance,repair, and reconstruc:�ion. I��coraffirr�ed to Corrunission.er Griffith that the long term goal was to put all utilities,including powex,in 1he street(this r�quired coordination with other�gencies and planning). �omraiissioner Castile askad wher�the overfl.ow in fi.he starm water syst�m went. NNArr. I)uenas reviewed how the storm drainage system flowed in Ti.gardy pointing out that Tigard vaas at the bottom of ilie system. He conf"irm�d tlnat m.ost af Tigaxd's s�wer and storm drainage systems were now gravity systems. I-�!e explained that storrn overflow went into Fanno Creek after passimg thraugh water quality detention ponds or bioiltr�tioi�swales(if the water could not be contained onsite). Mr. Duenas point�d out that no matter wl�at�'ixes�hey�did to Hwy 99'�, it wouid rernazn overtaxed. �Ie r�entianed the Oi�OT and Meh•o in�erest in a hypass for Tualatin-Sherwood from 99W to I�5 as opposed to widening 9'9W to 101anes a�nd rippia�g out the co�.rnercial district. �ie cotrunented that Tigard work��with Met�o to sr�ppa�t th�plans far�egional connectors b�cause of fihe irr�pacts on Tig�rd. Mr. Duenas�xplained that the Faci�ities I'lan was the docume�t they would use to feed the �apital Improvement P'lan each��ear because they could ide�tify in advance what improvemen�s, carrective a�ti�n,or maintenance were needed for eac�i stre�t through the Pavement Management System corniponent. He not�d th�various methods th�Public Works Department used to da routine maintenance on the stre�ts ia�trying to fix�a sfreet in tlie very early stages of deteriora�ion before it required an expen5ive fix. Mr. �uenas reviewed the Traffic Calming Prog�a�m compone�it of tl�e�'lan. He ex�lained that traffic calrning did involve m�re than speed humps. He discussed the cL-iteria and process staff used in evaluating which technique(3f ar�y)was appropriate to address a traff'zc problem. He said that speed humps did achieve the goal of slowving iraffic down. PLANNINC'i COMN€ISSION MEETING MINUTES- April 6, 19�18-Page 5 Mr. Duenas r�viewed the�ork�K�has don�on tl�d'Transportation Sy�tean Upd�te,lnodelin� the ex�tire street net�ork in Tigard and b�yond to help�s��rtair.,where tl�e City��uld sp�nd its money ffnost e�f�ctively arid�ff'iciently. �€e sho�ved slides of the various�arget areas for roa�d impr�vemer�ts. He rrientioraed the upgrad��f((i�faarde from 110�'ta 1�1 St to�naj or�allector st�dards t� accotnxriodate tlrAae�raffic that�vould come froan�eef��nd Road ar�d Nlurray R�aci. He desc�ibed the realignment of t.�e��Iainut/F'owler/�onner anterseGtion r�ear�'owler Midclle S�hao1. � Mr. Duenas described the praject to l�vel ou�SV+I 79�'Avenue to reduc�the drainag;e pr�blem caused by the lully s�eet. He m�ntioned the estimated pr�jec�cost of�1.6 tnillion funded t�•ough a cambination of City and LID�nding. He e�plained why Ti��.rd wc�uld tak�care of the�lalnut/Tieden�:an intersection(a County intersectiai�s) �s�art of a phased 1VI5TI�3 project ("JValnut frorn 1215�to 135`�') in order to get it done soo�ier than County could gefi it dor�e. Iv1r, Duenas described the�'rreenbur�/217 averp�ss widening pr�ject fiulded through MSTIP 2 (to be campleted before the holiday shopping season). He inentioned the bridge extension �1ong �reer�burg near�ascade. , IVIr. l3uenas reviewed praj�c�s completed Iast year. These included��tvk�sbeard,td�e Winterlalc��ridge,the�'igard S�i•eet pavement overlay, s��rry seals on P�✓donu�g I-�i�l and Brittany streets, speed hum� insta.11aiions on 12��'Avenue, and the N�rth I�akota traffic calming project(in its trial period). NIx. I)uenas report�c3 that staf�was now trained to dn speed hun:�ps, and they could do i.�chea�aer than a contractor��2400 per hump). Commissioner Ciriffith asked about possible cor�nections between�ionita�d�un�iker ather than Hall a�zd 72°d. Mr. I�u�nas saicl that he kzlew of�planned pathway��nn�ction pl�.nned b�twsen Banit� az�d I-Ia�l. �Ie rnea�tione� a possible�onYie�tion wixh t�ie I�artil�+�utlg flyover. He supported finding an alternative to Hall Bivd. from Bonita. He noted fh�werland in that area, comrrzenting thaC it was getting n�ore dif��;ult to build n�w sta�eets ii�w�tlasads or flo�c�plairns. Mr. I}zber�as�°�p�r��d��e DK� ti�ras rur�.�ing int�problems vvith ats st�.�.dy of the tcaff'i���aw in "I"igarc�bec;�use�e populati�n ar�d l�c�us�pr�je�tion figures frt�t�i A/I�tro eAi�a�t4o ��av. He said tlaat�nr,e T�i�.S finished redoing t�ie land uses,they would caYi��l�te their 20 year projections on traffic flow to identify�h�problem areas. �. l��Iz•. Duenas reviev��d the sanitary s��ver syst�m plan comp�an�nt. He explained that staf�f�id Fnot a�r�e vwith all tlae slated improvements in t��e iJSA master plan. Therefare staff w�uld do � flow monitorin�to det�rmine which capacft�i�riprov�inent projects were necessary. He � mentionecl t�e plan for the neigl�vorllood sewer extension program to ideritify where sewers °� were needed in the �ong term. He said that routine sanitary sewer maintenana�was handled by � I �,ry �ublic Works�rews bu.t major maint�nance was cantracted out because it often a°equired � specialized er�uipmeaat or expertise. He point�d o�t the coordin�tion of installing Yhe sewer l�ne in Fairhaven Street and Fairhaven Way before putting a sl�ury seal on tl�e streets. PLANN[NG COMMISSIOI�!MEETIAIG MiNU�'ES- April c�, 1998-Page 6 -��.� Mr. I�uenas reviewed the stor.m drainage campot�ent. He said that the US�.c�rainage tnas4er �alan addressed mostly bridges�nd�bstructions within Fanno Cre�k. T�Ie m�ntioned st�ff's inte�tion to identify th�problern ar�as within the City an.d to d�vel�p a long t�r�r ianp�e.tnez�ta.tion plan to help alleviat�the worst axeas. He said�hat routine mainteziance was performe�i by City crews v�i�h n�.ajar maint��ance contracted r,ut to those wi�th�n�cessary equipm�nt. Commissio�aer Gri�th�,sked haw much fina�n�ia1 assistance the City����e'ived from LT�A. Mr. Duenas said�that USA had some money availahle for pr�j�cYs listesi in t3ieir rriaster plan. �lle commented that they z7eeded to get the Summer�reek dam proj�ct listed in t�1e mastex pl�n, mentioning that it w�a9so eligible for surface water rnanagement funds and SDCs. Pvlr. I�uenas reviewed inajoz:deainage pr�jects. �-Ie znenYianed�hat�.he�.irant Sfireet bridge pr�ject was com�leted with feder�l highway bridg�replacement fixnds. He noted the project at Pinebrook and Vzew Ter�race to replace�he catcli basins and reroute the line to the City's system from the private system it had been on. He mentioned that the Tigard Street I3ridge�uas mot rated high en�ugh by ODOT to receive federal bridge repla��rnent funds and wauld hav� to be rebui�t using water quantity funds. Ho�✓ever becaus�it was paat of a partiGUlar drair�a�e syste�ri,they would not fix it until they fi�ced the drainag�pr�biems on Hall Blvd. , Mr. Duen;as reviewed the sid�walk�ad street Ii�ht campon�nts of the plan. He said that stai�' wotild id�ntify potential5idewalk cor�nections throughouY the city,and then develop a long term implementation plan(as opposed to tlie ct�rent pieceineal approach)to address�onr�ectivaty issues. He mentioned�the criter�a he developed for the insta.l�ation of street lights. He stated that the�rst priority for street lights would be to identify collector intersection requirements for auto and pzdestrian safety, and then to id�ntify thc local streets n��ding lighti�Yg for safeiry. �taff would the�n de��lop a Iang term iinpl�mentation plan to s�stematically address tl�ese ar�as through the Capital Improvements Pla�►. �reside��i Wilson asked about the types of s�reet lig�ts inst�lled. Ivir. �u�nas s�fld tha�#h��i� iB�st�lle�.the l�ind of stxee�Iig�tl:s that P'��cautd rnazntain,�ari7nariDy hi�;h pressure sodiiain. I'�� noted tl�e street box head street ligllts for lc,cal streets and t'rie cabx�he�d s�reet lights for collector roads. Mr. Duenas said that staff intended to iden�ify Yhe funding optioms for each e�ement of the znfrastructz.�re(each element had different sources). He mentioned the Visioning iransportation element strategy to forrn a task farce(with appropriate expertise)to look at the program n�eds and the feasible funding options for Tigard within the long texm implemeutation plan. Mr. Duenas reviewed the 18 month schedule to develop tlie plans for fl7e various ir�fiasim.icture eiements,pointing out when eacli element was scheduled for completian. He said that the ftnal plan v�ould corne to th�Commission for reviev�. Hfe mei3fiioned the quarterly update reports staff wal�ld give to Council. The Commission indicat�d that quarterly reports would be fiz3e fbr them alsc�. PLANNING COMM255ION MEETING MII�IUTE5- April 6, 1998-Page 7 Cazr�x�i�sioner��asti9��esint�d orat��t Tig�°d�vas g�tt�ra�clase to buiAcio�at�vithi�a i�s��t� limit�. �-I�a�ked if the transpnrta�tion plati took ia�ts�accou�t�h.�r�eductio�x in TII�fixnds at b�aild�sut. Mr. Du�nas said t�aat the plan rn�ie projactions based a�n h�ildout ar to the year 2Q20. �t�ff caarr�ntly reserv�d�ahat Ti'F�raon�y�anxe im for fh�majvr project�already fi�r��een. I�e �on�x8raec�that th�re has�Ire�dy beeiz a�Iowdown in applieatio�r�a�well as a redu�tion i�t th� si�c��pr�rjects. Fie said tha���vkaile they c�e�ld no�affe�rd to do ev�xyt'hi.ng�hat n.e�d�d to� dor�e,�Sriorifiizing g�roj�cts�.s part of th�pl��ing pxocess�v�u1d h��p. S. O'I'��2��1�II°�1��� 'I'he Cor�assioners�wer�rernind�d c���h��I'al�rateer I�inner oai f��ril�3�°�. 9a r���iJI�tI��I�7' � '!°h�me�ting ac�journ�d at 9:24 p.r�. ` � Jerree ynor,I'laY ` Coznrrm° sican S��r�tary � � A u��'�: F�esid�nt I�I�ck Wi4sc�r� PLAIVNINti�COMMISSION MEETINC"i MINUTES- Ap�'il f, 1998-Pa�*,e$ � ���Ci�lLlT�t' �7Rl�' �':�.�'��=#��,�-^Ya2��r�t'A:,,e ,�:��a^� ,r� �.;� a. _ ��s-�y-��,�:.sm...er��'�'v'"�-�.'"'^��'.-��.-- . r ^����fiS�� � ' Y ' � 'r x � : � !2 , r � �-. 'R s, <��x � ,y �-'`` � � �� x �� �� �� � �:" '` ;,,,,,, .�.,s.,�,.����...,�r� a� ,�- -c.�c.^�. ,� '�..c`'�„«�S.y.�.� Y,.�.�.: k � -�'Y *� . '""`" -...� 'x '4 �.".h i� ����'�'�. 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Tt��#��c la�a��d on tiae#�u�t g�t�t���ep�t��as�e�e���e��t��r�n:�.a��r��r����_ �ii�ar�Nig;t Schaai��stu�en#,'?t�F�11, ���G:'?'�e�ltsior?��sk F�rces�em�ers ' a�precia#ed tne sy�n��fism a€�ur comm�ni�}r at��ttae�isi�n�racass�a�tc���in 2he desi�n: � The largc"T„a�rtlin� irgarrl�eyara�Tor�QF,��tt�r 1.�a��( 1�cl�aii€]�ii'JE�3Ii�#�i5�Ti�3U°�3�1�S r�p�E�tre�s Cru��arni�t�h�rita��e �-I��,es and buii�i�tgs Th�pear�ln and�usi��ss��:s�o;;s c�mrruni��+ Bricge i h�journgy thR cor,tmurrt;��ices ir�:�t�¢pr��e3� ta the f�s�;e��i�r�ug�r t€��pla�n�n�,an€��r��ter��n;�- .i4�o#�ur�ssiffn E���rgces;�2r�es C�ur r�at�rat���s Hoi Air�adio�n C�fieiraiien of aur c�zmu�i�y and r���gnifi�r��f the No�€tir�a1EaQn�lass€c�t��ek Aar��aci�x���� Sur ��r f�turs��i`s�ae i�rir�hter�h���Je wo=k�og�ihez �u ach:ev�th�samr,.uni;y Sr�e i�Tani:n.Zt�17 ��_-,.,� `��"is"-s.� �='.,�:�aS.���.�'s`�:.:.�^c.Y..F.:��''�'��'b"'''��,�"�'T2"""*.3��'R���"-�3w—s" ' ":.:r.'.Y�'-<"?f"m�=� . �.w":�?,�.�.a .�^`�� .ti- ., ..c..,.:<� ...�q-.- ��:;_..,:,_�.nnr:,�"a -_�.`�%*. 'i'-�."�a""�°r'°- i::3�- ro�`rF'�' "���73" ,� nuxx�zYr�^..�«�,�^�'"�.�..�e��.'�.�,- ,�,s-,�� a� "-::^,- �� _�k,�.�..r��•..�-.s._"�.:s:+: �__�e��.�... �"�...�'�.�.,� -c�p��,.�+� __�>,._�..�_ y.. �c''":'�',�.s`�_'�a''a,5tti'"�g'���M�...:..u,,._�_e:.�:��.....�:c r�s�'„g'k�.�'��'�:�:ts..�� '�' ..�``� r,�v�"�,"�,"'���c=��--�- '�'� ���_�s . ..�� A re�naska�al�e��er�t h�pp�ned in the Tg�rd�or��run�t°{�n�he�i!o€ ��96 � and tfiro�ghaut 1997.Res�d�nts,gover�me��pro�es���a�a1s,b��iness�eoQle, °��� �g�rd�eya�ed Tor�t�r,ow pr�cess���an 6r��e�!i of ���6�nd includ�d a�d community gtoup leaders v�lu�tee�ed�o o�osk t��€��.��r�a d�terr�9ne 4h��a'l�ing�teQS: � �vi�at shoulc�be the com€n�n��d's future.Rdop�ing��5�€�arra� '�gard��+o�at� • ��avict,a a,�de sr�ety of m. d�xo�t� .. . and��� T�morra�;�they estabiished�p�ocess�hat�ou9d d��Ene a vasioc��a�our w�at s�as��a t��s of r�y �,p��� cs�mmunit��Th�y ther�iden�if6ed the re�aurc�s fdr a��l�r���ti�g�Saat�ssion • Commenis ar�d concsr�s a��ered in the co�nunity�dis�€�ss��r��v�e�t�b�sas o� through a pastnership�f an�ivaduais and or�anizat��n�. th�Com�sssniEy Susve�wRich�+as d9s�ributed in pctob�r�nd R�a�6�s�99�.The su�sr�v eo�tained aver 70 questoan�,asking f�r opinion�a6out es�ythi�g froan ar� ThT��npreceder��ed level of cooperatior�recng�aaes tEa��Tgard ac��'the ta police ta scE�aaix�h�suevey aiso as�ed f�r p�ople's o �n�ons s�o�t�he�I��� surroustding c�mtnunity as ai a sign6$icar��9uncture. I��5 a��tost fiu9l��eue6- �+as headed and what chang�s they s�ould r��ke€�r our�,tur��n add�on�0 3�6 aped.T�e cnrvi�ur�i�y has ezperience�fast-pac�d g�o���h. G�o��h is st66f P�ople inYertie�rved by phone the Cst��ecei�ed 746 respo�ses$rot�tite Catyscap� surve 1�3 feo�s 4i�e s,euospaper��nd 20 from th�Ch��heP af�o��c�,�r a�mta( 6�CUPf11Q�,hov�ever,there ar�r�o��issu�s today a�soc��ted�rith r�deveB��- �o�t,�95 ses onses.i�e sutr►ey resu�ts a�e su�arized in a sepaa�t��oc�s�r�t,ahe PC �nent and the n�ed to prese�ve��isting€nfras�e�ct�r��nd increas�c�pac�d� Co��unqty urvey Results,avaElabte at C���+HsBi, of the infrastructure.The�o�mun�ty is t��coming s��,�div�rse as'st sery�s � Once a great d�a!of baskgrau�d inf6rmaYion uvas�oll�c�ed fros�t��isinni�g as a"b�droor�com�unity"to the City of Por�land.��a�g�p�rtior�of the p�esent�teons and the communaty survek et i�as 4zme$o be{gir�t9�process of�r�aE�ng a vision ar�d t�ekldnp th+e goa�s and aetion�la�s 3�he Isad�es o#this ef��rt rnrEr�,tE� tra#fic in T��sd each day is°throug�traffie"gaang t��na�ro�d�egaanal me�n6ers Q�Yhe�sion Task�or�e:35 citize�ss�ep�se�4in�many a�eas and intet�sis shapping�tail and�om�nut�ng�a a�d f�ora�ror�in s�rr�unding�ommunigi�s. in the comrnaaatX�'h��a�k�rce de�elQP�d th��isisn�or ou��;o�u��ty�r��� suraeys.TBey then set gna�s ih�t wou96 4�eip acf�iesr�Y�at�'ssi¢�r�. � I�hen th�disa�n and goals e�ee finish��,t���s�EEs�sc�baoke is�go se�a16���a�� �'fi:���� �D���������� �.3 . ;�i� �Yi�s�Co���ttees,Yo develop Y�e a�iio�p(�ns.'�he��tion plans a�e�r��te�t� �ch9eae t6e goals#or the fut�r�. As�[etro,the Sta�e of Oregon,a�d othe€go�er�r�er����s��agencies p!an for the futur�our c�r�m�ni�y fias�a dec@de�uhat it v��r!t�t�acco�plish so�ha� . o�r voice�ri�!be heasd in€oca!a�z�r�g's�na���c6sio�-�akin�.The v�sion and pla�s r�e anake oaa the visionir�g proces���6D be a�sed b�peopBe ao�d�r�ar�9za- tio�s i�sid�ar�d�atside our�om�uraity as th�y plac��or�f��fu��re. The 6atge�#€e�ds seen in Am�r'sca���c=ety ar�also��e����he 3igard �� � �� �� - com�n�n6ty:'s�acre�sing po�ufati�n,�rafifie,a��7 crirra�o�aus����msts and heaBth car�casts i�ce�asi��faster t�a�ea�nQ��p���ro and�ar�c�r�p�te- Th� �ga�d�e�r��rd�'QmoPdow pr�c�ss is movi�rg 6a�Y����av�hase..A gs�a# tian by��hoa9s,cii�es,speciai distris�s,and caur�t�es f��prmpert�tax dollars. dea!of bac��eour�d infarsna�ion has beQn collected,a vASion has 5e�€� Resources to provide secuices an�meet resident's e�p�ct�tions a��shrink- ersat�d,goals�rer�set to help achieve 4f�at vcsoo�,and actEa�pla�s ar�in ing.At ti�is sarne ti��of�r�r�es�dous i�6reases the���s aEs�a ser���of p�ace�a acce�pissh the�oa6s. I�ss...that ses�se of fa�aii�r and�o�r�uni���'h�se teer��s,�r�d r�or���ke no� �o�s�vhat?�h�e�otire co�amaar�ity�ri!!�ie re���nsi6le��e�t�pi�m�s�t's�ag t�i�. � a�ivatal time to take stock i�the�uture and ans�re�€��e�ti€�ns iike: gQ��s.The City Qf Tgard an�inea!agenc9�s��n ta�e#he l�ad an ca��ics�:- � '�►�at shoald our comrnanity 6e Izke in 20 years? �ut some of��e a�ti�n p6ans. Oth�P p6ans�ray�equire th�i��o6vee�e�'t of � What c�n we do to�nsure Eoday's probiems don't becorre tamnrrow`s csisises? loc�!businesse� �or�-pPOfit agencies, v�i�n�eer gra�p�,cha�rcE�e�,or the ` � �!!streets be sa��and ha�+can citizens heip proYec#iheis 3�omes an�famif€es? commGr�ity at ia�ge. E�ery pe�son and asganizatiora th�t ta�es p�rt m�ilf � � �II thsre 6e adequate libraries,paeks,�rzils,and�atur�l a�eas fAr res�dents to enjoyd m�k��ga�d`�visinn a reality: � �hat is°q�aai'styA sc��o�b��? Cat�o�Tigard staf��►ill spear�aead�he prep�ratio�o#annual vis�oni�� • �EI gavernmental�ntities bs more afficient and sffectiu�? reports;�v��cta��ri9i up��te the cor�n�anis�on p�ogress c�ade�o�rards the • Now�rill c�ntin�ed grov�?h impa�t the character and li�a�iloty i�s re�+�nd esta6iished �jgjoti.Th�se�`s�6 be pu�i�shed�o cep�rt on act�vgty and as�o���ish�e�ts R�i��lEIO[�SOQdS? #or eaeh c��e€�dar year. � Wiil Tgard r�sid�nts b�mem6er�of a communoty-o€just Yho�as�srds��residents �onnected by s4r�ets and zip codes? Every fe�yea€s City sta��wi11 also�ark�rri�h�i�E��s�s arad.�tB�r cornr�ru�at�, � Whai wall happen if�rre da nothir�g? paetners to visit the vision th�ough�Q�o�uni�y-w�ide re�i�Th�s atep is'. . -. The �garsl�e�n�'To�ra«v�asocess uv@s developed�o ar�s�ve�ihe���ues- ��+port��d ta ensure that Ti�ar��e��nd Tamor'ow stays on t�a�➢c�v6th th� tio�as�n�mo�e.�his�epor�i�;ust a s�aeY!The peop6�����ro��ed�n �ga�d ��angira�times and desires of�uE cor�muni#� . _ ��ond Ta�a�srr�w be9iear��i�at a cor��unity is�oar�:ha�i a s��n of addresses— it is peopi�bou�d together by a s�a�d vi,iane 1'�i4s se�os�€dentifi�s wE�at our . :a�:<<�-:: co���nity�+i19 be�aorking on tmgetf��r to acco�npl'esh by 2Q�7. , . Wh�������� ���s �°�� �� �he �g�t�fB��nd To�a,or;o�€r pr�cess is citize�-b�sed.€�y ge��i��io�p�t f�ocn as�ar�y dif�erent p�opfe ar�g���s�s as pnssibl�the���i�n�ri�l be st��nger �'g�e�sia�iask Force didn't sta�p avith J�st d�9o�i�g a�fa�ection for#i�ou�iB a�d�are s��cessfus.The�igar�-Tuaiat�n S�hool Dist�ict a�d th�Tru��atin �e���it�b�t d�Boped dir�ctio�state���8�fQr e�ch�f six a�eas a# ' �laalay Fire&Resc�e Distr€�t�ve�e partraers witi�the��ty's�a the vi�io�i�g ����6���eas�f foc�s are: prncess.Th�Chamb�r o#Go��erce�eas�n fu�f su�p���o��4��pr�c�s�an� ' partecipated by�epresenting the��gi�ess eom�ur�6��ThE 4npu�of ou€ � C�aanaunity Character and Qaaality of Life � sfiu�ents(the fiu#ure o#��r co�rrti��i�y►as�d busmnesse����a�ecanombc � Grc�,�th arsd Gr�ih Manage�nent ba��bone)aiong wath t�€Caty and F�re Disirqc�{s��v��t�����e co��uni�� � P�blic Saf�t� residem4s}are vi�aB to�he su��ess of t�sis prmc�ss. � Scho�ls and E�ucat:on • �'raosportatian and Tra�c • Urb�n as�d Pu�ac Servi�es This s�rromary r��ort give�citizens th��irec�io�s�at��ses���,ga�l�,stirat�- g°ses�and action pia�s#or eaeh ta�g�t aaea. �.:' T��d'arection state�aent�foc each ta�aet a�a d�scribe�aC��t th�Tgard comm�nity aspires to in t�a�ye�r 2�17.�h�go�is are�ri�rit6es ir�each target area that the cor�r�unity w9€I�ocus on.The stra�egi�s are spec�fiic - �te€�s aimed at ach�eving t4�e goals.T��actsor�pla�s a�e t�ae steps necessary � _.� � �_ ���°- to impler�erst fh�st�ategies.�r p�rpo�es af ghis rep�rY,�nly�c�eon pEa� 1'��G� ; � � ' s� � __ �tems sl�t�d to b�gin or#o�cornpietion i€� 1���are�oted.Since ou� �garr9 _ � �� �� B�ya�d Toe�ro�ior�a�isian is a comr��nity-�ide�f�ort,take a�in�te to revsew � ` -_ �-�; ths target areas an�decide t�ow and�vhPre yo��vo�id like t��et ir��ol�ed— � � ,,,� , x ' � partiei���ing on a car��sitte� affering yo�r ser�ices as a v�E�anteer or r , ' .��°'-�r.:�_.:�-'�`-� ' r�onitoring�ur�eagress,togeti�e�v�e�an ashieve aur com�ur�ii�'s vision. �.�-. �� _:�'f.� .. , i �_ L��I€�i����S�'Ri� ����r �� �� ���� 'T��� '�� "�'��.�.� �� -� � �t���? � The cEtizen-based►�sion Task�rce dev�io¢ed�he di�e�i��€��r o�r �_ ��-�� �omrr��nity and goals to b�achie�d by 2017.Fail�a�g is��� `���-��� '`��� � coa�munity's visiQra state�es�t. ���-�'���� � ���� �. � ��� 1Ne,as citizer�s Qf ti��Tiga�d communat�aee�omm;tte��o s3��p��g the �� �����'���,��� comr�u�ity's#�ture'sn ag�eer�e���i�h t#�e dir�ctaan g��en�hrs���h t6is cn- .� �� `-`�,���� � U����� goin�visiar�process.This p�ocess reBies o�citizen 9�€���r�e€��ar�d = � �� � 3�`� partic�pstion and cQOrdin�t�d actoa�s 6y ine cor�r��ns�y`����isEO�•m��c�rs. �� � - ,?�� '�, _� �bll�S��ti� �gard�s a safe,dyna��c cg�s€��n'���pported hy coor�anat�d��d e�i����t �.,,� � `` � p�ablic ser�ice�.�t�nd9ng for s�rvices Es s��ble as�d s�cipien�s���€�e�r sha�. ��� - . �- ��� Citsze�s are educ�t�d about h€suv��access pu�lic se��c��an��od����ac�d �������..,�� a ��t�u���y ��"�� ��� ��� their respansQbiii�y�o participat��s mem��rs Qff the ca�a���a�#� ��� ��� ��[�C��r��d �����`»�- ���x��� T9�re are a va�s��of opport�snrti�s for c�ns nf a(I���t�acc�ss ed�c��ios� ��������-��.� �g��3E ttf L�f� � progranas fos i'�fe•lon�iearn�g.Our c�r�u�ity;�c�gnQ�s��d accQp�t� ��-.��.������ E, � re���sibiBity each c�tizen�as��prornoting and supp�rt�ng qual�education. �� ° ` E � "�`� `' ro �mal!a�d lQeal 6usin�sses thri►�. �r�sin�s�ownErs ar�onvAlved an��ake '����� ��� .� -�'� -�� - � res�aa�sibiiity for the impacts their 6usirs�sses hav���the c�rr�€�unit� ��� ��`-�-� �:����� � ��� Y W �s"e-��'YF�,w,e +� E�A-i,.3���5.":����� ���� ' A camm��ity vai�e to resp�ect open spaces ae�d�e�#cs��f fea#ure� enc�ur- � -� ��.� � � ,-��� a �s�ccess to�4�ese b �uP ci�iz�ns.��n leisure�����a�d�er�ationa9 � �,:� �`� � 9 � Y � � � �����"�� ������ oppor�unitoes aee availahae�or our�omr�unit}� � �� , �`��;���� �t����"��°�}��� . Ali of these eEe�ents�o��togPther to�rom�te����r�tect�gard s `��.����-��;���rw�"��`���- ��� � ��� im��vidual identity ana�q�ali$y�#E�fe. °- � k-�-��,����-.. �� a I�I�C'i��I�T �'��s ��'�''� I�I�� IN ���.� Tgard is a safe piace to ii�re, �laq,at��do�usiness,v�����ffieie�fi p►��iic�afety servaces c��rdireaYQd b}+p�l�ee,#ire,arsd�me�er�cy ma�agere�ent pro�a�d�r�. Gitizens and 6�asin�ss���re wel9 ed�acated about�ub�€�s�f�#�s��vices;�gacd's citiaens�nders#a�d Yh�ir rol�arad respo�sibili�6es#�r ft�e safety a# themselves ar�d#heer com�u�it� a�;d business�s tak�a pra-ac�9v�roie�or their�espo�sibi�ity in pr�teet6ng their inv�st�es�t in t�e co�muni�X Pu�6ic�afety service proyid�r�plar�#or the�r servi�e delivery in s�ch a�a�as�o r�inimgze t�e negative im¢acts a�th�regionai p�puEatao�as t�at travel�o�rtd#�r�ugh aa�r �ommum�y eacn d�y Stab�e$ur�dir�g proviues uninte�rr�pted pubP�c saf�ty ser�ices at desired 6ev�ls. p�x- _6 .�d fi '�1�£ �.r��"ae `�+'HS'�' k�.,,s �=.usn �5.n+.a�++. +%+d' 2�r'�a--r �-U�yj�.... _ .� .�... F �" ,P� �� � � ` �' �: .-` �� � � G N w' '-a . � .,A � C .:.• -'4 - . . v�F-'M+. . �,y 4.�S �Y ..��TM'�- � � �Y.� �G. �!� -St' i+�'. +C L.N�g�.�pv�f�N�' �i�;�-5J'�`��'. .�� �. .� ._ � .�. . � �7 i� k� f��� _-;-�.:' ��' ...°e= -�--`- �*'it.°_�-.� .�^',i� '��,.`�"°s,�.�������1���y4�.;��3'"b' �z' �$ _��i � `��C47i. �s- =ix�- 2.,*��`'"'�-��,_�� €�_.�'',>.,'�.... �:Y---,e .'..:.,Y��.:..ik�"•t .r. ^�"°J'���.r.rti ��„s,�y�9-�,`°�-�'s 4�E'��. ,. ��::.Y�.4 ��.,4T..�����YLM�,� g �` _ t3 � ..--.� ,"" .�. ��z.j�''�R'> "��""��.,,��t3" t,.�"e.e�`�"..a��#�,.'�'"� a�, _ _ �• p �-!'.°�g`°"' { ti �"= _� ����,..���"r�.''„a����:."'',�'��.'� kr`�;�� ���r'1�S,M-�sg�`�-a� '� `CGi�������r.�f� 1- �� _-'�1,' � �.'" �_ �f`t°''�"�"'�'�"'i�` �.-�,���s �.3"'.�'F.; .�`""�'� �"z�.�.,, � - _ �c- = --� � -::. � � ��S�l68 ; �-� `��.�;�,--;;��;'��a��`�. �'_.,����`''��-..s�"��a"��t,�x��1� `�s� � � ti' - - »-.= �—��� +` � _ 4M3�r � �� �7t�� � .u,=- y�s�"�''�`� �"� 3.n����;��-s� � �f {�9 g ` �s� t� ¢�-- � s �' ��1 � m ��(�` .$��..�y���y�q � ���� � � -yb ����S}i�����]y.����p ��}�/Y��� ��.yp���{ 8S _ �� � 3 ��� _ ' tS4 __��� ��63i�'�NSISb�'�E' ���5�''� Yr`, � �4 -�n-allt8itQ17Ea'vW. c°Y�s4! �°"� _ t""� � "' ' s�,; e F9R�1i��4i C:��e.,�'� ,..%`� s� � � .�_`'�3 - �� ��. r � i � ' - OIHI�� 4�- � ..��� : � �� � „y���,�'��"�" v.,"'�"r,�+.� , , � + � . �� cg �� �`'�� � � �� 8t�s� s�P4�t�nt _ � _ � � �s�Sa ` � � �d � � 9 � ESP �v�Es �4� � � � : ' � � r�: , ce��s��rt�o� e€y _ � , £ =� � -� _ �� '= s�,_� ,;� ��� , F - �, � a� � _ - � �'" s _ -' F�S� Gnl�t�u��cre�����$:�ete���c s�fi��'� � ' t � � . - . _ _� u � ���r�n�°s ' . , r. � _ _ , _., . : . ,_ �. :� �, ; e . . � . y � v6$ �l�p bt�.s�c��r��p�gr� �� � Trac���s'sness c�H.s iat serv�cr.�.Dew��Op d�te bas� @` � '€I� �? ' � ` � e _ - � -Cond�ct icr�ta s�ar�h ta�pao��s tha��w�+sk�an oth� �'� 6�_A ., _.. . _ ,. ._ .,. . - . . � ... : _ ., : - .• . �` � `' r�i1NPf910itfEQ55 - �2) t►e�s6op�g- 11 �e�F�ic��r��n�,�s����R��ag���snt-�r�'sce � Coa�d�st 6�Q�,a�io�searct� 3� - t�e.sta�ie ;, f:►nding�sc���r��l���y��ae��a�d�- :, _ . , ,.. ; : . �n�ag:so�arc�s � Track eaHs fa��rvice f�orto�g ia�aa9 m ulsiEeaa-d�to�da���sse �)�$ ��1��; _ to ensure 2i fi�i�v fur,di�g op�o�as#n�e��E�.�al c�a�ts on:9oca!p�bfc ort �.R $ e� � e�fica�t, s�fety�nd ean�r�e�cy serv�c� � F4�ie�r cucren2 re�a�stse�rs iror� ��f the�systa� �198-'�BE98 un9a�te�p��d � Survsy�otiaer n��io€n�ide cort�r�s�'tes 4�d�t�r�ine h�w t�� �l9�-12f9� pab96c safety 6�9a�ce In�a�dalla�s a�d�gionsl service�eeds a�����n�p � A��n9cipaf Coa��d 5t�rdp to detsr�m�ho��o�art could cre�te t�or�_ 7E9���i99 seryices �#�;cient public safety ser�ece and re��ce repe�t offea�ders �t3} 3he cor�mcs�i4y 1l �e��op�nmsnunity-�ride pr���a�s t�tra€rs cs�bz�n�to 6a sei�- � �d��zte citizens to be sel�-s�fficienF�or 3he irst�2 h�ur�af4er ' �2l�7-��9�g�g is trained and suffic'sent for 4P�e farst 72 has�cs aft����+err�s�gency evers4 d�sas4er sYrike� psepared for • emer�encies 2� �oordina4e Tgar�emergency sespcs�s��rovide�s � Qevelop�igard E�nerge�sy R�spon��BNo�k 6roup f�r cesponders t� j2�31i9� eegt�larBy meet to determine j'oint neeas��td coord�nate�ffores � No9d regu0ar�eetio�gs for�nfara�tat�on sharing 9!9$-[3ngois�g � Mo�9ifiy res�ons�piar�s based Qn exercisel�al life respoose �f�� experien�es �.� �. �.� ,„�,�� , �; _ _ � .,,� . - �_ ,� _ �� ; - �-.,-.� . : �� • . r��=� . - _ e>_- �-��.�- - �..� R � � � - � � '�� �.� �I 'f r�me ` 4 s �E - @� �� i 4 � � = C • �1' : � <� i i ���c�rv �r��.�t�: ��.�� ��� �. �� �� � 2�17� �igard citizens ars invoived in their cam�u�it� Involv�r�ent is ci±9zen dreve�an�catizens ha+�the tools to cam�un3c�te e�fecgive�y�ai�h comt��nity-wede decisi�n mal�ers. aJ�lunteer spirit has been maximized thraugh co�mu�it�-�vid�cooedination of vol�nteers. Our s�mm�ni7y�upparts iYs yo{��teers�riti�ap�r�p�iate training and volunteer recognit�o�n. Tigar�encourages local,regiona!a¢��i community e�aen�s. Gidy fu��ing prioriti�s ga to events enrh�ct��ove�ouvard finsrrciaf�elfi-s�#fic'sency and�ae�u com�n�r�sty- wide erents. Business o�n►ners,pronertv owr�ers,and residenis of t��P�ain S}r�et Area display s�€ong leadership,ownership,and commitr�ent fia dowotrnn►n development.�hp Mair�Stre�t area is seen�s a"foca6 point"�or�h�cor�rs��anity.A ciear�irection has been esfiablished for a padestrian-#rie�dly dawntotwn and is being imp@emer�#ed. The Tigard community has a defined, proactive vision f�r coa�rmunity aes�hetics. Open space is a priority an��ew developmer�t ss required to dedic�te o�en areas for commanity use ��M .�� � `: �� - T4tlB�0������� .. , :: .. :� _.. " R� l�a 1 City-wifi max'smize the e€fiectia�nes� .:ik Co.nsed�r apg��ra�t�f�o�nsnun�t� b • �Qnti�aua��va�h Volurote�r Comr�ttiee Yo�ev�lop#�ur,dat'so�of � ��'1�$ _ e of tha vo6u�teer spirst to ac�amgE�s€� Volunfcrar Ga����aat�rL�mb�adsman ��ds�op¢'s - #he�r�atea�gaod for�ur _� _ _ ' : cocrsmir�niiy 2) E�h��c2 cs�€r�s��at���eer p`ra�r� . ' - * 9n�n�ory�usrestt�oluntee�oppe�tunitigs ��g9 � , � Sponsor"�lake a alffeeencE Day"�t0125191 ��� = � �- m i��e�ityscape'fa fa�ilita��Yolun4�Proge�n ,r��9g , _ '3! �tr�ngt�r��s��.l��o3t�me�►i�"s�tCl7j� � o �ofic�t is��as ro'smprove ihs CIT pr�geam g71� ; . P�g€�m �' • Re+riew use af Cetyscape faatures fior CIT�rogea� .:��l� -� �2; Citiaen inw�v�ent�ppartun�ties 9� E�cos�ea����'�����r�ic��atien t�r�ug� � Make CounGi9 m�e4�ngs(study me�eings)mo�e accessibie � .1'�� = - s�li be maxi�by prmriding accessi�ae4€�y�:����c�t��nn � Sponsor Anauai liesidents�Op�s tioa��oa�exi�ting and tserw �998 sr edacationaf progr�ms on pr6cess, - �sidents;promata volunteer a�port�n6ti�s - �ssurin�ac�ssibifity Yo infor�ation, f � Devstop a Citizen handb��k " -°�19� ,- providing opportun�ities f�r inp�rt � Improve cnmmunication of�ouhci9 dec8siar�s �� _ and est�hlishirg and�aintain�rsg a - - ; pmge�n of effiecti�e cort�aan�cat�on - , ` f�3► Previde o�portanities fa w�ek t{ Tigaa�'g G��;�e P�o-a��ave � Esga6las�Cen�ra!'Business�bstt9ct€C��l Co�x�ittee !� proa�Yivs y with Centra!�usiness � €3e�ei�p�fossiair Sta�teinent�r t6�e CRQ $�$ - District(�BD;6usinesses and _ � Explore o�tsorts::t�uts�d��pert�se:fi:e:Econo�c De�►Os� _ �.�3 � �m�erty�nsrs a�d citizens o# - Livab{�O�s +�� ' . _ dg - �gard to.set t9��cour�e fac the � [Bss°C�ee Cance�pE"ap roach�en deveEoping i�erbta�ylthem� ' _° 1� .� fut��e af the een�al�ou�e�to�n�re� • �leaef�p-k�a�nom�c D�o_pr�ent�C�a ' gg� ou s Par�icipate in i�ake a Di f fe�c�Day-10125197-cle��up 1Q���($e � ai��g RR tra�&s • P6ant t�ees �-�97-OD. _. 2i Tigard`�C��!-f�s�i�iss����#�'�gaed � • k�eaaewr xoniR code-Hoav does if p*o�mfe the rnissi��s8atearas�� � 9�d99 �agutat�a�s • °Caar�`f�mi�yarient�d bus4ness 4t��o�gh d�sign crfiterEa _ . �S�g9- ; � Ex�io��rant prog�ams,andlar�tc6�rt�f.fa�d� 9���: ' • 6�eor�ee a m�aber of Liv�ble 0s�go�r 'g8jgg . e Revis�P�rkir�g Reg�lations�n G�D � 38l9� _ � �eve6oR!nng-terin strategy w(ODOT re:99W widening and ' 9�)9� a;fiects e€�C�D - . ;:,�-.:-. 3) 3 i�ard's C��-�rk an strategies as€d�ss• • Dev�elop`Gateuaay"fPortai)��np�m►�men�s�i.�`YVetcorr�40�gard'► ��9� ir�g-�esth�e��s • I€�st�ll s�eecial street lightortg fi�tur�s rsfi��tirsQ tE�e 9$�9S � Fan�o Creek:Sho�case dhis amenity,�se as a conn�ction �$=0� tu co�r�turir�y � {nstail public r�sirQOms gg.p� � � Develop conrsecti►�ty plan-pedestr�arestbicqcEes through CBD 98t�9 • De�iop ames�i4y impea�emer�t list fior impl�enentation 9$-03 �4� Dere€�p�aa�B ap��oa�h far 1) Coa�nity��4s-�c�{o��p�€iloso�h� � Crea4e sYa�dy group to pr�pose eriteria for Council�4st�d�it� 9�0�9. spunsortng co�smumty ev2nts t�ad en City e�e�d sponsg�sia�p �srent phiBosophy �stabCishes balaroc��mang po�uiar � Eonsider neuv��Ygr ev�nts to careg o�t Gos�nci!'s pfiB9osmphg+ - g81�g � ar traditia�a9 sta,dir��eu�nt�, � �isti;€guis�€approaches to events that ase targeted fa�r 6acai 9�I99 r€ques?s fi�r sappe�t cfi new eve�ts €esider�ts vs.those YhaY draav regio�uuide g �u an�kmaE��GEty reso�axes � d�e�e6op fundin�criteria-confront fim'sted S and�ee�t 981�9 taxpayer�irection � � Gity-spon�ored even4s mast ha�ve communitybased saspport 96199 �j � E�alLate ev�nts annualEy base�on critee�a est�6fshe�an� 9�►99 d�fned b�City-Ebent�hilosophy i 2} Comm�snity��nts•i3ea�Ho��r� � �ieat�stt��ygr�up tv look ad Qther cOm�u�aity eveirPs 9�►99 usad�rsfianda�l�,stsp-bY-step � �eveloR°havr to"pacic�ts for e�ent�+olunteers 98l99 proeess 8a assi�t�rrent aovfr��t��� � E�co�scags evee�t orgar�izers to develop other f�nding r�sources 98{93 � Erscoueage events-bo�h ald aid new� 93l99 � Ee+aivate City u�nbceli�insueance palicy;consider r�ders fmr 98f99 sanctio��d events/costs pro-iated lreser!on magnitude nf ev�;,� ��1 DeYelop st�rate ies ta balance�eeds 1) Com�unity�sihet�cs•B�esnce g Develap a 9ist�f inethods far dedicatioa or acquisitiors �8lgg a of�aew a�sd�n 1 derv�lop�ent►vineeci �e�lopTent ara�aesthetic ne�ds of oper�space to proe�de protection of defined � DP42rmit�e i�tax incent�ve�rograms are possib}e gg�gg aesthetac ua9iEies�lue�by F3�ose � Revieu�Dev Gode to balance aesthetic needs wi4h 9�)gg who alrea�y Iivelwork in T�ard deveEop�r needs � Define ter�s such as"ope�space'and"see�ic vi�ru"irs gg�sg Deveiapmerst Gode � Be proaetiv�cor�mit tn stand by the vis�on;risGc is supported 98&�eyond and appreciated � � ` "� ,��� � Consider establishing a site design revigw comm ior 9gt99 �� ����,� ��}��,� � �k��ts�� E18YBIGpIl1�pF4p8ftiES .,� �-��.,� �;��� u � €stabiish aes2heticaliy pieasing designs fnr roaduuays 98198 � � ���' �'��` �'��" �'� �'_ �� ��'� _ � Revisit sign eode:e�farcemen4 and reyalatinns gg�gg ��,�-�� _ ,:� _ _ - _ - -� � -K=__: �� - �;�� �' �,,,��.� s•D'' � � _ �' - � � � . � � � e �" I � � � I . .. . .. _ . . � l.��i�i�.lT�S�R4� � ° ! ' e ° • ' �� ! ����r� �r� s ���.�r � �. �� �� � 2�1°7� - Tigard continues t�grovu Grawti�is aceor�moda#ed�.���I�protectir�g#he cfiaracter a�a€�Be�abi�ity in ne�a�d est�blished�egghburhoad�.T�e City��co�arages arad sup�ogts private sactor programs to m�intain cia����e a���ffordabi�housi�g. 1leban services aee pro+�id�d to all citizens�ri4t�ir�Tgar�°s t�rban Gro�th�oundary.Recipser,ts o�servaces pay their share. L,�cai and smafl business�s�re�nco�sraged as�n imp�rtant�ar�o�our e�mmu�ity a�d aur eca€���y. T�e City of Tgard is an active part�c�pant in reg'son�i i�s��s. St�c;�ize�s a;�ed�ca�e�about Essues in oV�r�gion and take advan#age o#op��r��s�E�ies�v par$i�ipate in decision-making processes. , � �. _ . . ., . , _- r�.:� �OAt : � ��� - - -� ��N�L��lS� � � � � �- :, #�� Acco�rnodate grouvr�h wh�ie 1} �ra�t�infr�f,at��d�e�si�����s� '�a��� � [ieve��s�r���a fiariocation`of aa�san�t��i�'' ! s�ere� � � rotectong the char�ct�r�nd ;;r�e�f o�c:e��c������ssr�a�at���tn��r. EvaE�aat��safra5teucta��ae�ds to;�c6r�m��ate nfi i, � � P�� ��^ability of aew and esta6lished .�i��a��f�st�[�gao��aka _ ��d incre�s�d�e�siYies ` ; _ t � � # �" a�eas i � Cons's�ec co�nerc'sal aoni�ag @n�u�4�A�ant�t�+ ` '_ � ' - - : � Evaluate�rhethes;it is appr�priate Fa_maiai�aire�hhe abifi�g+#or n� ���'3� : e � _ - ��side�tia9 d�6o�me�+t on la le�s< =4 . � Frotect�at€�ea0 res�ucc�-are�s��tri tt�impa�Bs a€incc�ased gmnaalit "lt���`� � ` , � +� P�avade an aduc�tivna!�ienaent that infuri�s a�d educate�iiros pub1�s .� - � , . �, .� . . ���$ �� �:��t9d�ass t�� �:`���tt�r and�i��r�a� .= �•• �!€�ss pedestria�issues sn th�i�m�e�t�� �1�&3L� � �esigriaf�a��a����„�t.�ii��034�S�aurth�@�o � Cirnsid�r s�deuetopr�nt o�existsng ind�asfna�{a�ia€€he T�C�rs2e� =-it�-�� r � Rev��u c�sridor'dens�ti�s ta-determi���r{�$�d�nsiti���a � �T I1�8` : = �' � Pravide an ed�ca4ional element that i�f�cros a���u�stes the� ��X�'� ; �3)" �dr�ss plan��g`a�a�TO�e��s�es,as�oc�atsd;- • Expiare the irr�pacts�fi an��ati�mg so�e os a!��i the�letage:ar� '�?�� �` ��th fihe I��ia�aaE�ar��.. • Explore accommoda��on o#h3�hes derasits`es in th�,Sieg�onal c�ters :'��T�€� � _ � As pa�8 ofi the Reg9o�ts!C�atter Mast�c Pca�sni�g effart.'�c�rpar�t� �3��7� . , , - � � � �. � �argsr siudy�as�a � � _ � �� -� + F��ri�e a�e educationai��t that infor�ss aa��e��te�t�e puht'€� '�t��70� = #23 t�r6ao s��sir�s a�s�pr�i�i�ed t� �'f�� �g[��lan��se ta�-a����s{y.a�nexatioh cf ��" � Ca�ate a�d implsment a pubf�c i�iorrraat's�n plan � ,��9�� = ali�itirens w�ithin Tig�rd's usban �ain�at ssia�sd • G�eate a piaro to e�raluate and p��id�ra�sss in�rxs�stua�, 12f9�� . gtau►+th hounc�ary an d�cipienYs ' ,, .` - � Pr�cee d�t h a�arteexations w�troaie+er�E���e��b tau�. h t Z 4�a�: of Se�viC�s p�y tC�e![share 4' � P�ce�d�ith a�nexation of'.the reensdnd�r�f'�sErwt lsB�nd _ �2�t2�9 ' e : � L'r��€s a�r�emeroc wath C6ynt�Yha�e�i�hGs6�ua�d�r w�sa�r,�o�stea�s =1�197��r Catp will a�cept Co�n�r fac9lito�� �Y , . 2� `�O�t CPi�@[6@.$�13�93Y{'�iCl65.'�Y�£di-�il��S9�6t ;'` ' � Pe�vhde targ�te�ed.prog�m ai�d at n�omess and s�ific��� �Y — _- . �rttat,�t�f�nmog�s.�����6t�i�tain �Rou�t��n;a�as . .�- _ �r�ll anne�. � Reach�gr�e�t�9th WW�sh Cnty that s9l�ars ful�peovBsiar�of s�� ;7� _ , ._ ` !��G6t�@�c�u€1����alace sen+ice���a�n�ti�a� _� _ : �► Esp�r,d abiiity to ge�����ac.w�ir��s fo�p��aision�f s�ss t��s�iE 1898 �oe��a�a9� �1 ��pt a ptgaa�d����acat��efzger resi�e�ts` � �B�a�ea�est of H�i6�s priori��;creat�p�b'�c isafio pr�gcas�that�se� 999� ,: � . ab�ut'��nettat�o�¢ga�gard CPt14 ss_a partnes,eeacii�s aut�o n�co�rs;�phasizes�aeft�o� u joining�gaed ard emphasazes the set�ntaoas���etzger`s identi€y 41 Kareg GitylUrhasa�s�h�cs�r�a�Qnrs�xex�ts�n " #3; Th�C�t�e���ueages a�d 'i� 9rn�ler�e�t a ps��6sm to�d�c�i��gard ci�izens � Start cmrraa�unitX dialog�se o�iss�aes assaciatad with afiford�b�h�si� �i�� s�pports priwate sector about the 3mp�rt�rsee��affia�dahie hQ�sing • �efi�e cammumty goals for af#osd��Ee hous's�g to��ter�stin�Y�rge4 31��•6�3� programs to tna�ntain diverse - � �r�p�re wrritten matenafs tha8 r�fl�ct ghe com�nu�s"se�'s goais BI�� and a#��iabEe hQUSing � &�evelop��treach program ir�cluding�itys�ape artieles,Rr�ss release� 7�98 s�aking�p 's,outre��h to 6usine�ses c�urch�s,�enior�e�ete�s and camms�raty�a��d�rganiza4ions o �€�pfe�e�t aut�eacE�program �1��-3�498 �} �6ake 6nc�t+ti���a�€aans a�eaelabi�to proaiders � �Caam study car�a�aittee ��g� of a�Fordab6e��s�€��a��its � C��3t�e c�nsider waiver or eeductio�of SL�s,tax abat�s�t�Sr€�on- 2d9�•6�9� prs�fits,andlar pr�per��r tax reduc8�o�ss f�r af�Fo�dabl�h�usir� �ea�t� e � Cocao�iittee coaas�der targeting#e�ar�ci�l inc�ntivas t�s�ec''c aseas 2l98-6188 o��n�c�ty � Stud�r c�m�aittee repoM issusd t�.City Coo�ne'sl 6(9� ffi Cmu�cii cansid�rstinn o€reeomsn�sadations��study ea�it��e 7t9� � im��e�ent Councii dis�ctio� 7d9� � pe�lnp outreac�pro�ram to"advertis�"e�eenii�s 8;98 3} � Re�iee�e City's z�r��g����a�d���sprehansive � Cat�sid�r�aini�num+�es�sities,inc9usion�r�zQnisag�a�erssity b���ses as 10� Plan pa�ici�s�a�r�u�de s�ax�u�o�poe#aanities tn�1s to encourage afforaabie i���sing sr� fisr afford�b��h:�s�s's�g 4i Inco�porate a�€�s€����Eao�sirsg p�6�c�ss into • 9de�ti€y opportunit6es to peov9de��fiordabg�€�ousin�an r�ix�ai us�a�eas ]0(93-d1�6 st�dy o�s7o����ia�,�I�s��q,�c o�her mixed � inclr�de d�scussions oc�afforda�le�aous�ng en p�b6ic wkshops in�ixed i0�9�-�`I9� �se a€eas sas�areas � �Y�it�poi'scies a�d zomng cade language Yo refi�c�desired a#�orda�ie SQI93-�l9� hor�s�ng�apoetunfties in�noz�d�se ar�as 71�� � l�apEeme�Y olicEes . • Cosasider�o�slhousing ratso as a�incPnti�e to foc�s ho�sing iQl�I-7f9� 51 Streng#hen ii�r���+�s��n Cit�N��asn Cnt�and � Ho6i s�rr:r��Y on aff�rdable housing with poficy makers,devei�p 9198 o4her VVash Gs?t�c�YPes to joirtly pTovide eamm�ani�y aaad teehnscal reso�rces to id��t�fgr sssa��s af€ardable hausz�g seruaces � Summit�allow-up to cansider jaintly paavid9€�g t�ctanicaE assistance#as i0198 deveiopers of affordabie i�oas'sr�g • �onsidsr�ncrease in number o��CnBy�d�rts�a�s�7�ard i318� 6p NOMELESS•is��iemer�t programs�ime�at prevenYing ha���ess�ess 3) HOMEL�SS-3���s�igat�toois t9,��vvid� emergency i��us;�� � <. ` . �4) locaf and small busis�esses a�e 1) Aetain and ass�st'�caE��sis�esses encouraged as�n important part �nf our communiiv a�d economv �� li .� 'u-;u _ � rY��''"�N�t . . _ . . _ .�� ��� LEt;!!3il�lT'lf S�RIP I� . . i ����� s���� ��� ���� � � . �T ���'� Tigard ar�a�es�dents�rave access to good quaiity p�6i��and pa i����sc�aoB�.RQ�id�s��s ofi��o c���aunit�au��ther or�ot`�hey��vve child�en i��e sc�ooi s�stem,under��and the importance of ed�ca�tion and Ea���h�y can hel�pr�m�te�d��atio�of aug�omr�u�a�tX�he p�abiic scho�is h�e�tabEe#undin��h���h s�ate and ia�a!f�ndin��ptions. Curri�ulum arsd extra•c�or�cuEar progra�s aoe imporiar�t and are v+�li suppo€te�thr�u�h vo6unteer�local fte�ding�a��6�a- creased p��tr�ersi�ips v�eth busar,�ss and goverram�nt. Ne�de�lapr�ea�t assist5 in paying for ne�r e�ucatQ�n gn�r�struc�ure requi��d by gea��a�n�i�e cor�m��itK Put�iic schools and g+a�emm�ntaf en�ities in our c�rrqreunst��ct�e���a�n�r i�day-to•day o�ra��ons�rtd o�r cos�s to fa�at�t�ra��f€'ir�ient � ��i��. - �'i`����° � r- � _ �N.�, � s �. �, � ` - ` �� i1� ��3s�si City+ if 1�'tify s�sots�.�� �. g.$��� ' o��t� � . � ; f �7 �� : �ii�eoek �tt�g!i�re�ee���� : �e�tean�i�e�e�st a�sxhoai� • : �re � t� ��� act�aty pr�t�taaf������ ' � ���c�ease-��r "��an�n �,�etic�and . � � ,�T� �' � t¢ . _ , : � • �'�t�n�tit��fic�mo�d�t�i�sc�s�s�rt�ff� ; �7� ` �ir:_; e�ccr�agio�ti�ity ; ��n� ' , . ; : ; ._. p�sgs�rs ior y�wng � ���t ser�or a�"�s°�d o'dh� ' roo�e�ti�coor���f t�h .:���° l�e::= P��s . rw _ - t���c�'�v'sty�ced��t+aaa cJasses 2� I�v�st���s a Y�x�irt��1�sai� � is�i�t�th�fi�a3i��rei�ti�nat�p�etra�scha�ls,��des�rc��;p�ic -FaM.�3 '' aataeca 8�;pro��aa aft�-scha�l s��s �nd�acre�tion�is�aic� a�6��r�qrems fo�s��€�a�s o �p4o�tF��ityis��!fi�in��ree�s fa�rmed�9B�s�a�d�shE�nd� ..�9T" _ �und��tt�t�hiet�s'and ac�ri�es s �eeate a Gitizens Tas��aee t�nn�k�a reco�t�s�bor�t forr�s�rk m� �tSpti�9�: . �ecse�tios�district or ast�bNshi�g a 6ity�.ry t�#�nd s�nt�ctivsties � esta6�ish a tr�Co�n°s4�S�hoais Pt�aa►ns(o�feai�g�r-sc�o���4�oaa, �7�Ss6�� ' i�ter�st ci�s�gs fo��uiYs�s rrel9 as 1�9 P�P�D thra�+g�+��ark�d - ��creation Ds�trict � C�ate a�s' rn�ss+tai�gr�t be�the T T���n Scla�! 3�s+ � Distri�t�r��t!�cifses�iE T'�gard an�d Ta�al�t�tn o�nsct achooi pro#��ties ussd f�r€ecs��a� ' � �2D E�ucation�6 oppo�tu• 1 i tlse aoluni�rs tv suppor�tc��� � Increas�dolunte�aRssai�n sc�oo�s to 6�eHp t�ac0�rs��!�rsordic��te a�ti� �!!�7-S;� n�i�s�r��d�nBs en pr�i�e�dditionel l�arni�€�aQ���c��a- • ��k fian�i€�g#ar�aiu�te�r��gr�isrator�t sas9a schmo!30� t,t�a��sin��� �lll�3-6�� T ard-�slrtia� �as for�t�sdents l�e�ent '����='�� ga d • �se�tder s?u�aants to�`k with�voung ai�d�ti4s �a�x{'�p�.'d 6�t� � Cc�ps•parent rs��ced�o be.���d��Yh�dsfiaite tw��Srie� ` t . �i18�-Bi�� . � Caar�inate�c�ai�ment,iraeau��a�supA,ort fa��lI cora�nity��snti� 1� 2� �laxa�nize the�a�sf d�strac��iE�ises � C�nsad�r usias�ac6t�gi farai�o��7ctemded�y scl�dt�l�4a•�#f�r enri�i�t�a�d 1� r�medi�!peograms , . � �`��`'�t��chndls and city ��1 €��i�e tit��ot�t�t9��f9��€a� � �re��g�a�'�y�o�st�on ofi School�Aedia 5�'sa�'u�t�t ti��ig�e���lie t�bcsry , 7iS�' �nsr�s�rant;vt!'s9l:woek �ove�n�en8�n pr�nd�s�� � Tg�d.f�r�s an€�cafion�i Act��itigs Speaa�r �7►9�- w toge4h�r to�axuni� �upport sar�i�es#or the Tagard- - � �f88$8'�d 2 S!lBitlfl�f�9f9S�P�e9�1�1�11iBErt�OP TIQSfI�N���i zSCI80QI 3t!l�it�S 5��� �lli��IC98�Q{8iCi8d1Cl8$ TuaG�nn�choo!�a�qricY � P�rk an�Reer�ation a�str%�t as-s�re.spa�sibility for ssse,€�ptce�p.sY��and ��e arad addres�iundic�g �€�cos�fo�ggms,fie4�,u�cEaas saom� s�oetf�l9s � aev�op paid d!�te�rs po�ons fmr+roc�8�onal trair�+ng�ithan t!�Citgr ar+d catrx�oi4y 1 Ye� - ��4} �,�Ent�c�t polici�s °s) Sup�ort pel9cy cha���s th�t�.'sli � Thraugh I�gisl$t�on,impas�a development 4ax on all r�ew constructior�qresidea��i�i �i6t�at 2 yee€5 ��{,p����.�� pro�anote the D�stroct s ab�3st�to snd coma�srcaal►for schoals ' �igard-�a�latir+ �r�vide adequate scksaol fa�a@'s8�e� � Prav'sde tax incent'sve#or land donated to schoQls Z Yg�� School�isirict to � iar�rave cQS�era�ion be+�gav�t ag�a�s�ta�o�, and pl�ss i y�ar �� �����g��q� � ��ta6n BegcsQat�ve approval to pass 6andllenlr mea��res abome 8he iimi�s imposed by ��re�rs an�centro9 th� o�easo�s 5,47,a�d 5Q q�aii�y of��rv4ees � l��islati�n shoaia permit develnpmsnY mora�oriutaos�nE'sl aii school infras4ruetur� 4 yeass it prov�des s�ude€�ts isss�es are res�Ev�c� 2) School�§fic':als wii!ceest�a 3orsg • Explose th�possibiiit��fi co�str�scting tvm+o-stnry sch�olx en the f�stur� �'�6�i�24 months range pia�to add�ess futu�e grow�Yh • Co�gi�ue to i��iud�9assd acque�ition in future bond ei�ctians;ereate a 5 to 2m�eae Within 24 mont� p!an for gEO�th and acQuire psopertees sufficien#for projected enroil��? � Build sr�a9ler scha�ls-smaller iaeildings that can be vsed and so(d is�the fc+��ss� Vkrithi�24 anon�hs whe�4hey are no lo�ger needad �F� -:�:; � _ ��� � . - �,� � �*`� � � - - � * � � 6 , +„ .. f"— ,, , �:�- �°^ - �. ��� - e ' - s a , . ' x.Y..-' _ ,: � t ..,,�.g. �� � L����6Ll7'�'STRiP . . � . � ; . r����� s� � , m ��� � ��� �� Z�D�� Tiga:d ta9�s a pr�ac�irc��ofe 4a�re�ioe��l transpa�ta�9��a�la€�ning.�a�nding s�urcQS a�dive�se,i�c�a�de a�giona!r�s��rces an�a��adeq�a�e ta buaid and maint�in o�r tr�nspor��tio�syst�m. . E��h t�pe Qf street sa$e1y ha�dies��e traffic it is���i�a�ed t,�e�v�Loca9 tra##�c i�s��m�d by a�velf-con�ected s��eet���a�ar�tha��ini��z�s tr�ffic 6mpact�an r��ighborhoods.T���d's ar�eriais and r��jor�ol6ector��r��ts�ccom�oda�e thsouyh-t�af#ic��duc'sng�€�e i�apac�sf regionai tra�i�o�a locai neigfnbor�c�Qds� Alternat�r�e transport�t9�n meti�ods are af��rdabi�a��auail��si�e Use of a�fiernafive trar�sp�r�aYi�n is encouraged. „ _ }_ �. -� .� -� L �tR�tf6�, > ��1 tl�� ' � � � �1�r = � 't� �Discaur�ps�hrouugh tra#t'�an fo����L� +� �s�C�rpr�hensaw�.�aaf�c G�q Pa9gt��Y`Y� � �;�,_�F�1� � � r a� �ra#�c s�f� �; t Traff�c CaN�g�grar� = - - �, `�.� --._ Y . t � '�q . � _ �' ��@�S� �-� e�.�-s�`�s �,�T"ti..� �� °'� �-�`��� 4._ : . . . . �._ ��^��_� ��� � ' . YC(7l1d:� . .� � �� a..;,.f � � 3 � . .�.- � � Sx x'^�^ 5 .: . � �aBM� �& ,,0� if5�A[8�$ltB81' � � ~ �� �3[���!�.� . _ . ". .t � _. = .-.�.�� 'r �: ,�- � 3 ..,� :.. - . 2d Ene��sage;�+raugh trafific Qn e�a�a€����� �' `: g�! ,� � �� i�of rea�co�cta�rs� _ CEP :� ` _ ara��nte�ais �� €d��a��nd_pr�ts c�e��d�augh r�t�. = . �37 _�� � � �. ,t�k��, - •� �� P _, � , r ��_ta mape co�gar�t��t��st�us�; ._:��� _ ; a' ���aFa6st�L aecess_�nea�or c�fors' ' 7� _ 9 � ,�ne�d"; �. ��;us�o�e�us&�g,l� �99pR9 - _ � � �a�ate re�aaorel o€�lx�s,���.��` � .9Ti5� _ . 33 Reduc��c�u�#s�aed oo r�igt€��r��od�tre�s �� Str's�t:en;�r.��¢�F�s#�os�)�ed�e . ' Ca�t�a��s . � �iig9a�r#i�s,#s�r s�-�rioiatron�� ' rtioads �s�l�� _ s T�af�-c" � lEn�t� �7d8�-D� � �e°�pl�aa�tea..�;c�t��a�aires�a�P�aate As ios se6�ty � � Co���les��c�ss;tca co8le�tor:eaads ' �. �r�s�.�+RP•� _ �`2# @� 91 D�foR a progr�a�Q i��6�at� �- R��a�exi�la�st�ts ta i��oi�nec3e�for fea�i�st�of:con�ct�oa 97lS�` �dra�fiic ftov�r Co�pre9�ensat+��an � -Re+ri�ar�t�ras�ir conn�tin�eaisting'st�ts w1C sie�s�lan : -97�98 , � P�o�i�iae;str�t connsc400ns u�Qrde€�f in�oe�ar�c� 97l98, . � Develop f�r�i�g strate�y for Cityf�ande��t co�tioag� S'7l9� 2) l��k fior additi��sal�oints������tivity � tls�str�e s�ster�st�s�y to�tem�c�e�esi�abl�conn�ction p�ts ��19$ � ��en4ifg ar�as uf,:��temate routes 97i9� � - . � . Cst�sh RAW ''' �Pangrar�ta sat�.carridar � � t�afte�i SP„ ; g Amend�ompreP�eo�,sive 7rai�spoct�fsa�t�9ap�P�an 4o r�tect��r�sulf� g1i99 ;;� .., � C�osd6naYe�rith attaer jtrrisdc�fions for cunnectioa���in4s �3)9� � 3I EdenYify a4ternate transp�c�a�i�n�odes � Enhan�e.off•s�r�et bikepa�9�IP��esYrian�sthway conn�c�ivity 6�g8 � De��r�sinQ optimu�r�u3e fa�a�Yecnat��odes 6t98 • Expld€�f�rr�ati�n of 7'�gard TWI61 t�l98 � Explure raii ca�urs�ate 4p�eons 1?�nths�ore-�r 9l�sss; di Encourage usss of alternat���d�s � �ndo�s�m�sat of inc�eesed g�s,�ax ard registratio��ees 98(S9 � Fravvide HOV lanes Cont@nasuus � Redcaced fiases for tra�sit a�sers C�iliFflS6BEl5 � E��a�a#i�na!camRaigr.iQ inc�ase awareoess of a9ter�ate modes Cantir��aou� 5) E�courage deaefopmsnt af After�safe�3odes � Coard'snaYe v�ith a2hee jurisdictions fos continvit�o�va�ous moc�es 12l97-Ungoing �. Participate.in regional eftarts�o deveEop&promote use mmt�Eter�ate�oaes �sntinuous . - � �equir�deve�apmert o#b4kapathlpedesirian wa9kvvay c�nneciivity 7198 . w Revie�v ana provide con�ecteons in existi�g areas 97l98 � R�e��r and update existi�g i�ikepaihlpedestre�ss walk�ay snaster pla� �195 6� Design and E�spi�tnentatioca��Tr�f#ic � S�nchronizatiQn of state,e�unty and city 4ra�fic sigraals CorstEn�aous �low�nh�r�ce�ent � Reduct�oo of:wr�-way left#�rn l�nes Car�Yint�ous � C�ordina4'son with oth�r Jurisdictia�s f�r cont9r�uity af en6�aneed#fa� COP4fElit9Dt15 � ��ph�sis a�s4r�et str"spang Ongoi�g � lncra�sed street lighting thro�gh�ut Ci4p s4reets Each F'Y � �mphasize rr�aintenanc�of a�as�PoEr�c6ear sight d'ss4as�ce es n�cessary Each FY � �►�proved s��nage on fr�evaays and artesiais FY 97(98-EBr�goiaag #�3) ldent�'�nd 1) EsYab9ish a 4ask force to�xa�in�e�rPant � �siah[ish a tas�force to examine curren�fandir�sources and p�ssible 7198(i�r�o.acti�n .-dev�i�p ��d�sossible near so�rces of fc��€�s�ag r�e�saurces�f fund3ng period9�ina!repor��o fiunding Co�!ncil BIS9 � resoa�rces 21 8mpfemen4 task force r�c�ms����Sa�ians ���" �� �. . ?� - , ������� . ,�,� � .� ���.�- .�.���,�� 1� _ _ � � �. a�. � r�� �- - �� � . � � �- ��� -� ,��` � _ - s` � ,(, r� f� � ��',( �� � � � � - � ' v:,a_. � �j.-�.,. � � � a � � LE���I�il'1�S��i� o � , � � � o � �r���o� �r� � ���� °� �� �� � ���� ��sac��ban S�raices�such as aece�s to parks,r�c�ea�sa�al op�o€�s�nd��es aa�d Gbrassesi�r�pra�ided to�igar�l citizens thr��g6a property t�x�s and�e��far � ��nt9ce.Citizens ar�charged foc e�hancea sat�ice�����o�t-#or-s���ice basis. - ��pa�s�ora a�t�e infrast€ucture recess���t�s�r�e���►���5 es paa�far by gaouvtt�e 1�a�efifiort to#acilitate��e rnast ef�icient deli�ery����s�c urba�a s�rvs��s,�artne�ships a�ith b��inesse�,speciai intere��g€oups,and other�om�su�oties ar� e�sc��raged. Ci�ize�s are eaucat��ab�ut basic ur��e�����Q�e�,and hg�r to aecess a�d pr�se�e#he service�, 60SL � EG� " �ii0���h1S �`� #�1�. ��vri��ie a steble -�i� ��a��'`���s�v��s � Det�rm"sne�sh la�eary servic�a�°b�sic`�d�� �: = a s� SeOe���n'ha�ed'���es that co�9d 6�s�6��o us�r ises �{� � ' fnn�Og�a�fcr ghe i�m�h��#���'�'te� s �etis�mane v�ich msek�t'sa fos�dditio�aB f� a�8�€brs�seca�css -�998 '���- ; o�basic s�r�is�s `�h�d"ss�� � P�s6���dr�c�t�n an°Ei�r�r�f�t" Bs�ic 3�c�$�se�d � Estab�sh ap�a�peiai�f�es and trecki�g p_�oc�ss � ^ s ic a peia �tla�Or�an�'�rary � Es�6Csh�dget pracQSS�iret a�ox�ta f�s��5r�ry� �_�:` Assn�i�4s�ss� xa - . - • €val�a4e�r�c�ss�Or cost��roa�ss Z! •��t ��� €���� � �mara�9�te tit�ra2uae s�arc90 ' nf p�rt�si�ps bs�psa�lic 3� �' � ��` ti s � ��y�R�������s�a�a�ics� f�b�aa�s andfo�school�+�i8h i�esses �' � � Cca��e tas��rce to��+ri�w snfoF 1D c�eana�s�thsn sseKa��a�e��s pot� �7�. pa��s�d e�p9a�eratr�uriai ca��ce�#s ` • . , � ��l���ue�toori�ar�ing pa�tr�s�s3nps t���vai�as���•�rof'�6��$ar�s , 8!�-12� .: � �x�8�re cfl�ce��of as�o��ca�ectioaas �l��-3d99 ' � Ex�fae�conr�t of r�au�i risusB or ca�ttss�pmsrst � �D[�!3-3� . . � �x��se��ncs�af di� �tai collecfson"{Pmttes��ft�r��l5aok p�cess� =3!� : � � Ev�4u�i�p�s�Ebifity af eon.sgrucr�g��ry 4a se�p�c a�d 11pgh�c4aaaf °4Qi�°•31� ` • Ev�9�sa8e g�s�5i�ety o�shs�ing si��f be��blic 9i�aary a��a6�+r.�at�s t�36�-3�9 3i S�k ait����eu€���a���s� fiant�:�g m�ch�a�n �2) Crsa4e a special g�a�ks and :1 �9op�st€�rt t��;��at.��a�as� � Edu�ate p�rcnsrstcstia�ns abou�pifua progr�ra ��7-��� �ecre�Y��n d�st�ct�+ith t6�a pe����as sehoa!����h�t�a� � �iather u�la+�E�►s�n�sdaf#arsq�or p�9�t Rra raa� `��3•�►�� ��t of T aed a�hesdor � Ceeate at�et€�and�on•athiahc c�c�atson��pro��� '�d�l-�196 Y � � 9 '�$�7-3{9� t6�s proc�as�n saisamta'sn3ng � Deaeiop tcsin;s�g fs�r st��f and aai�ntee€s 56197-369� rs�mDersh"sp�sr�cit4z�� � Coop�e�ae��th�cisa�ng te�gues and g�ou�s �Q(97-�!� � Addr�s latch�ey 9ss�es 1�F�7-�l9�� � �axE�taze use of�x�t�ng f�cil6t�es � AA�9r�ss�h��t�rm f�a�a�3ia�g op'�o�as,9ras�ts�fees,ha��'sp gcasa4� �€![97�3E�8 � t€ai I�r�m�p�ogr�� 3i��: ° ae pe�ri�f��d�termAn�s�a�c�sss of progra��nd�e�€to co�otiaa�e 4i9�-5,'9�' 2i G[��te a task f�ec�reg�rdi�sg d�eiop- • App6int tas4c f�rc� ��g� �:r��of a pazk��d ee��a�tsor��astnct � Eda��a�e�earts�ars(cQtize�s re:c�mrttunity recreat6an�eds�nd s�qe f�'siities ��•1f9a • Dea�l�p i�t�rnst and�resentatod��or noca-�$�iat�c€s��ea�io�aa!�eds t��8-t¢g9 � �ssess catr�a�us��t��ds and reso�rces ����-��9 � ��v�9op eomaewnigy�ulde pa�ner�hip 19��-1�9� • Deuelop aaed ati9ar.@�itistin�scCaAOidp�rk fi�cii�t'ses and p�oper¢ae� �l99--?�CQ * � Cre�t�a pastneeship�o maentain ex'�stu��faciists�s 1�99.110Q • A��res�fundia�g€ssues-burdfl�v�Prop t�ces,P��t�suPP,9sants,faes 1i99-1E�4 � C�•6p�itts ex"s�Yin�ie�gaes and groups �1g9-1IQ0 ,__ _ o � Incie�d�5r Cen4�r aa�d senao�s as an essential p�eY of t!►e�isttict's peograms 1 f39-i;r9a #3i Th�City��ucates and 1! �Ado�t edtsc�8ion�!�n�p�es�n#��ac�aa � � De�{o{�co��rnanity�i�e p�rfoership to educate citeisns aboa�t neeed to 36��-�101 saappar�s c��n efforts to pr�gr��n fae�tlat��s��d open s�a��s proeect arsd preserve wetlands�nd open spae�s. . 6n � Prepa�e 9ist�f pa�sib�e land a�quisition si��s��a�i a�siae and outside City t0iS7-11QQ und�rsYand ti�s'�mporta�ce � €ieelair��ehat 9ands�re aleeady have ��oQ �f�9aad-plains and how Yhe � s Addr�ss fu�d�ng i3su�es 1�197�16L� areas a�e m�aped a�+d � imp9e�as�t schooi e�ucatio�al program �19�'11g� �rotectad � P�rs�ade asea �risdi�tions to aCic's a�e i€�co�s��Yium �`�9� �44 �.:ti�ehy par8�c'spa8e in 1) �rrn consorti�m of s�eighbos's�� 1 � P 10�9� cegionai d�iopmen4 of �€�risdact9ons to d��:�o�r a s�g�ns�a4 wate� � inffort�water users ofi progsess oxater sou�ces an�adequa�e, pla�at fior l�il9asnet�e�ever�ated iRn6vativ�funding mecha- � �eSa g g o 199�•99 nisms to deveBop those 2) �evei�p plans��r s���se�a4ee �nate En ineerin F`rcn to proc..�d . s��ree�for�igard users producd��n asad suppBy whil�exp4�ring focal Qpt�ons a� Educate s�ater users in�onservation methods 3f9�-810� far wa��r reuse arsd �) Conservation-Re���-�9tesna�iaes 6 Q��Q�ways t�con4ro!acc�ss t�r�ater weh'sch�ouEd naY a9(�gs�t6 tQ 9i9�-SI07 gr�un�uvater s�urces oUtgrosr�water s��piy � ��5� ��.�����L�� . . . � �,- ' •.F=<' .� l,i��%Q��'$g�f� �-` �'�1?� S°t�'i� �-I'�� �i3�VC't. _ �...�._, v. � .:- ;: ,_ � �°igaYd, �?�'�g�r� 97223 ' (5�)'�) C�9-41?�. (phc�r�e) • (5�3) 654-2772 (�'��) ��tt�:\0���\ci.t�gar�.or.us (we� �ite) T�te foliowing sta#f msmbers at C's�y o#Tgard vuould be�apRy to�ns�ver your�usstis�ns - rEgarding fhe Tr�ard�eyo�d Tomorrpw procESS,the contents o�this r�p�rt,�r the ongoong � ' � ` eff�rts of our eo�r�unity to vaork$owa�ds the fut�re we�ave chs��en. �� ���: �� � � ,� --��-� .�-.�,.�,,���-r ��I� Mona�an. Ci#y�la�s�er �iz Neu�ton, �ssista�t to t4�e Cdty�6anager :�- � � ��_��� �� _" ' �`�����x �.,.��� pho�e i5Q3i��9-4171 lex te 3 0 6) p ho n e(5 0 3)6 3 9-4 1 7 i a e x t.3 0 8) � � _ �� ,�2,,y�a � �'w�. �� ��,;, ;� e-mail ad�ress:bi�l@ci.tigard.o�.us e-r�a31 address:liz[�ci.tigard.�r�s � :, �reen Nsills,Sr.AnaEysfilRisk E�anager ...: . r:.�_ p4�one(5031639-4171 �ezt.327) e-��il addr�ss:loree�@ci.�igard.or.us j 0 .� W ' `' . P'�r�, �ecr�a��ia�� �°�,c�Yty � C)ge� ���s� ���d� .��s�$s���� "�' � � �� �'�� c�f�6e T�an�a! : .�``. . 1"h��ifiy z��'y°ig�rrd c�ntly is��ti��i�,s P�a°lc Sy,���1�i�#er�txn tc� -� � , m�t th�����aaty's parflc,r�c�atic��a�'acality, �d op�n space n�d�to ��.���,����'. ... �he y���00�. T���t�����t�r Pl�r��1�c��h�d�ue�9�p�ao�� =��" �d�ora��s of°Ti��xxd ci���s,th�,s su�v�y�S�i��n�ail�d t���d�aan :�:�Kt �Y .�° ,. , � saax��le e�f h��eh�lds. Ple�ss�rx��t��^I����t�a saac�ess by �� � c�>ffi�l��i.���ac� ' ��i�saaa�vc;ye ��adin���11 be a�d t�B • �c�oYnx��nd f�a�park�9 mg�n��es,�d r�c��ta�r�f�c��i�a�s �d t� d�t���ha���s��ap�t�aat facili�ae�sh��z��.� fuaaded. �:osy ot�ee�aP� E312S."rVii I-Iafl Co�xpleted sa�v�ys�y be r��tuurued b;�a�aail�ar haald d�liv�red�o on�r�f "�"'r��cd QR 9722'� Phone(303�639�4i79 th6 l�1as�6�'P��EI SUE've}�I7r�p-�OX��t f.�i��,iaSY�,C1�►I-�ll, SCEU�E' � �'ax tso3-�a-�z� C�nter9 or Cl�mber�f C�ra�rn�rce, To be in�l�ded a�x xh�e tabe�latioa of . sua��y res�lts,sua�v�ys rnust b�z�ned by.F°r°�ay,�pri110, .�9J$o �'or mor�infora�atacan�Uou.�thas s�~v�y or other I��ex�1��ubl�c i��ro�w��nera��p�r�a�.ita��q �Sle�se cc�t�ta�t I��.�a��,.oberts a�T'i��ard �a�j+�i�1le 63�R4171, ��t, 347' 0 - - --- - �T�iYS�,�Uf�681:P� _��� ' .� �,,.�,,,.�-°�.�..-_ ���_ ` ` �� ..� , � . ' - �: . ' �� 3.,.. ` ..-, r . . �Y�'7f �3�' �'IGA�.I�.� 13125 Si� �AI,L 1'I��kYA �R 97�23 !}��eeadding,pleas�staple ar tcrp� '�?"�"�.::.��4,a►4 �{��tsitttec�+��ci�al�r��rli��ra���leBoo6s{er�fila�o�r�9lFli�� �� T.�ti+�,� � �� '�fCEa7'i+t:��. . ... � r . �r . - . �:�` ���'�:�:r'i r.:i'^ �, � ,.. . ' , ��4.fc:...,,,...��.�_... .. .. �..,.. ....... �'g�r�v *� _ � +1ldY d���6J0.r A 16i'd\ � 1 �1�a�s�n�to��ch of�th�follo�ving qu��ti�rr�by pDacirag a check�a�rrfl��J')�n thc t��th�t �c►rre��nds to�aur des�.r�d answer. Be sure to read all pos�able respc�nses befi�re malcing your �����an. '1'�e infar�ati�n y�u provide �s c�mf dential�nd will r�ot be sissociated�aith yo�a�rn� or�dd�ssa � C �1'I'Y13E O�'P ���FtIE�°�O�I FA�,�� `�ae�i�af'T��azd p�r�systez�x�cludes a variei�r�f���lities���aty parks, nei�borlx�ad p�k�, �aa�aear p�rlts,pock�t p�r�,�ee�a�es and gre�aa�ys. Pl�aas��assw�r th�fotlowin� qu�stions ab�ut yo�����'�e�s�park�d recreat�on facili�ies. � Whicla�af the fol�mvvin�park au�d�cr�tio�t fa�aliti�s h�ve you�r yoasr f�nily uscd in the past _ ° ye�r'? Pdease�check �eaacr respova,tse,far�rach,�acility lister�below FJsed U�xd �reque��ly �nf��ucatly HAon'8 7[{��w (�orc gh�n (��ce a Where Thi� . ��ce a mont6 or Did Nast ��ciYity Hs/ m4oath� kas) ;Jsc 1�4o Aosvver il) �%�) ��) ��� � Conureteraaty Pur&s A. Coak Fark (] � � C� B. S�an�rlalc�Park � � � C7 IV�e�6aborloo�oa`�e�ks �. J�ck Farr� [� � G] � A�. �ooc€aad�ark [] � � � Len�sar Pcsr�s E. �n�l�wc�osl Pa�k � � � F. �arer�e Creek Park G� � Cl 1''a�ic��',�arrlkr C'x. �arnrm�rcia.l P�rk I� C] � C] �. I,ib�rr�yy�'ark � p � G� i. l�lain �treet Park � � '� � J. �✓andcr�ill Park � p � � �oae�ara�ai�y�'��s��� IC. S�naor��aater C] � � Cl '�1 If y�u.or your family visiteal City reereatian faeilitits+�an�e�m�e�t6 0��l��,is ther�a z-�n �°� you didn't visit them mar� of��n? Please check up to a�vo r�asor►s. �. A.No tirrae � H.Desir�d facilaties✓actavities n,ot off�r�d � B.No anterese ❑ I. �'c�s�r f�cality ataai�tenance D C. Too far l� J. �1�/autdated facidities C� D. No children �! 1K. lDon't know vvbere fa��alities are C] E. No transporta�ion C� L. Sa�fety eoncet�s C� F. Foor healtlt or disability � l�:t. •Other C.� G. Faciliti�s too crowded/always in use � N. T3��a't know/Nio answ�r Crt,y of�'igard Park, RecreQtion Facilite�s, and CJ�err S�rx,rce Ne�ls Assessment pa$�� �.�-� � � r ,3� �`h�n xc�u vr oeher aner�nbess o�'yatar family visct park aa�d recreatissn facilities in'Tigard,which of the fi�llc��vir��activit�e�do yau du? Ple�se check ali that a�rply. .� A. �alkirag/hiking `� �C. 10���tings -&� �.�icy��tin� � L.Han�ira��ut/Rel�rin� �� C.�i��i�/1barl�caa� � Iv1.'Ten�ai§ � �9.�utdcpor�s�r�certs � N. 1�iildlife viewin� . � E.I�ur�nin�/jo�gin� � d. Dc�g walkin� � F. Skateb�a�d'ar��oiflerblading � P.Ghildren's Pl�y � � G.\Ielleybal� .� �.FaotbalUSc��er � I-i. �iask�tba.9� � R �as�balUSa�ball � I. Boatin� � �. Recreataon prt��r�ra �write ira) � J. Fishiaag f� T. Otl��i•(vvrite in)�_ �� In�ener�l,ho�wouId you r�2�the saf�ty of Tigard's par�rs and gr�endvays? l� A. �/ery saf� f�l D. Veay Uns�f� ❑ �. So�n�wh�t safe '� E. Doc�'t knowfNo�sw�r � C. Som�whae ursafc � If yo��arEced �,sonne�l��t�en�afe�r IZ.v�ry ucas�fe in Qu�stior�4.ab�v�y ra�hat cause�yout ° to #'e�l unsaf'e: , � In�er��rafly l�ov�woiald yc�u r�t��he anaant�ec�ax�ce c�f"B"igard's park�and gr�en�vays? e ❑ �,o Exc�ll�rrt G� T�. Pcx�r � �.�'raod C� E. I�an't know/Ad��n��.ver � �.Faer ���.�.'�'IOtY��OG � �urren�ly,th��aty�f Tigard dca�s r�ot gsovide r�creation pro�ra,�ss9 su�h as �ft�r�scho�l progzarras �d yoaa�:h sp�zts� Pra�ams axe off�red to T�igard r�saderats t�r+aa�nan-prr fit or��nizatic��s,th� schooi district, and thrt���h the Tu�la�in k�glls I��r� �� �.��r�aiio�a�isttr'rc;t ("I'�P�}. � I?o ye��a t�aink rnar�recraa�ion pro�raat�s�h�c�id be o�'er�d to Tagar�i c�sid�r�ts? � Cj �.Yes � �i° B.rto � In general,how shou�d r�creativr� pro�rams offer�d to 7`i�a�d residents be manag�d? �"I�r1s� � ' �a che�k one. � � A. No char��e—the Gity sfrould not be respoa�sibl�for providia��r�crea�ion peograms. y� � �. 'The City should prc�vrde r�crea�ion pro�raa�s foe resident�. � C] C. A new re�re�tic�n distr'rce should�e f�rined to pr�ovade gecreatio�pro�a.ms. � �, D. The City of T'igard should jcai�s th�Tualatin�-Ii�ls Park a�d l��creation Distcict � (THPRt�)ta incr�ase access to��'s recreation programs foc Ti�ard r�sident�. t� ' � f� E. 7`he City should evaluate how residen�s can receiv�the�reatest i�vel of recreaeion � -� � service at chc lo�vese cos�. Ciry oj7"igard ParJ� Recreatron Facilities, and�pen S�ace Neec��lsseasrraent t�a�e 3 � � - e . � F,A�II.I`�C'Y Y�VIP�B(�VEIiTE�t"TS Novv w�'�d lilc�to �sk you.r opir�ion about w�;�s to ir�►prorre park�,recr�ation fa�ilici�s,��i�pen space in'Tigard tca provade maxara�um �enef t ta c�sidents. � � �oc eac�of Yhe recrea�tian faciIities fis4ed,pltas�indicat�tivhe2h�r yac�thia��xistin�f�ciliti�s • should be improv�ed,new�fa�ilities addesi,or no improv�r�nee�t is ne�cied. �'lecrse�hec�E �or<w respofrs� for each faciliry type lis��d below. Ienpr��e Add - �d� Dam't E�isgin� 1New Improvete�e�,t ICao�ee�/ FaeiOity �'cilitY 1Ns�ttd�d lYo snsaver (r) (2D t3) f�) . !�, �asketbalfl courts ❑ [i � �. Chalar�n's play�a ❑ � � C. Community gardeaas L� I� � . L�. Fishing�rea Q C� � A. Football fieids � Q � �3. Group picnic area � [� (� C. Off leash dag park � � ❑ I7. (�utdoor concert area (� (� p � E. Out.�oor voi��yball e�urt � � � � F. RAllerbladcJSlcateboard fa�ility C7 � ❑ C's. �tunning tra�k L,] (� [3 � �-I. Sc�c�r fields ❑ � � I. SaftbalUBa�eball fiefc�s � � � � J. �wzr�min�po�I !� ❑ � Ca 1K. �'�nnis cQUrts � ❑ �l � I.. `JValking/runraira�trails ❑ p [] � � �ldhich should 4�e the top three prioriti�s fc�r facility imprav�m�nts or adcied facilities? I'leas� m circle the letters in ��s�stie�n 9. rabove�iarat corresporad e�yo�ea�top thr�e pr°iariti�s. ��l'&.�1\�lCA1��HrtA.l�diA1�� �v.9�3��� ��16���C�l.l7YS' YF.F�I.d�l.1�YB�SV r VJh�n pla�tn�ra� �parks and r��r��ta�n sy�tern t� se�v�y�ur n�eds �'�r th�ra�xt ten years, tt�e City caf Tig�a-d e�r�pxoceed �aa�v�ri�ty caf d�r�cti�ar�s. k'1e�.5� _�ras��r�ts� c�u�stic�xys t�°iat f�ellc�w t�s �elp us d��ermin��,vhat you r�alize ab�ut par�CS and re�r��i�on �d to i�i�aatify your hi��st���riey in�pro����r��s. ��o W!-iat do you ihink is the mast itnportant contrib�tion�hat paa�ks and r�crea��ion can make tv the City af Tigard? �leas�ch�ck ane of the fcllowi�rg. ❑ A. Providin�pcssitive a�tivities for yau�fii � �. Improving comm�anity livabiliry C� �C. �,nh�cing aomrnuniry identity � D. Cantril�uting to imp�oved physical and mental h�alth ❑ E. Providing opp�rcus�ities for social ineeractio� Q F. Providing loev-and nacost recreation ap�rtur�iti�s � J. I'�•oviding easily accessit�le park f�acilities and recreation oppartunities C� :I. Preserving che natura�l environment � I. Providing�nvironment.�l education opportunities C] J. Other�evrite in) � K. Dan't know/No answer City�f Tigcard Pard� Recreallon Facilities, arrd p�n,Spa�ce Nseds�ssessment p��e qt . " . � , ��* �rorn the iist beluw, please r�te the priarity of�ach pc�t�ncaai pali�y oc dir�ctia��b�s�d on a sca6� of high pr�or;t�,,enedivan pri�rity,oc low priority. ,Ylease ch�ck ,ymur respons�. Don't E9i�h R9adiu�o L.oeto t{e�ow1 �:���t°�l P�r}�S��tett� �s'nprov�t�tex�� �'riority �ri�rity Pri�rity N�A�sw�r 6') (�) (3� f$) A.imp�°o�e existing p�rks � � CI � B. Est�6l�sh snore c�rnrne�nity�aarks(usually 1 S � � � � ��r�s c�e rra�re i�a size)far active r�creatic�n such as team spores and�rc��p pi�nics. C.,4dd rr�ore neighbanc��d p�rks(usually S to I3 � ,� � � � acres in siz�)to provid�close-tc�-horn� oppo�tunities, L7.Add mcsre induor fa�ilities, suc}a�.s corn�nnu�ity � � Q � c�nt�rs, �qu�tic�enters and indoor play areas. E. A�c��air�arid prat�ct more natural�a°�as�d �1 ❑ i� 1� streaa�a corrida�. F. �on�,ect park system erail se�ents. (� �! � �.. G� ravide natural areas where n�eded to bal�ce � C� ❑ ❑ corram�rcial9 iaadustrial,or hi�h density development. If�ou had t�ck►aos�a s,in�l�pl�nraia�g priosity that the Ci�wotale�underta��wit�ain th�ne�t ��• �v�ye�s, rvvhat�vould at be? Pfeeese�ircle tTxe lettet°Jra Qu�seaon 1 Z. a8e�v��hich cart�esp�rtrfs Po your to�priority. �iJI�II9�i�� �uzaen�Iy,p�rk facilities�.re f`unsi�d by propea�J t�ea,tas�r f��s, d�az�aticans, f�cil�ty r��t��, �rants5 ii�eergoverr��ntai revenu�s, a�d sysieans d�v�lopr�a�r�t�h���s fr�m ho�si�� . �d��rel�p�ent. P9�a�� 3n��ver th� ft�lloe�bn�q��stiaa�t�a heip tas d�terz�.ine ho�+th�s�s�rvg�es shrauld b�fi�ad�d in tkz�fia��. ��� Plsase indic�te w�aethee you strongly su�a�ort,sup�ore,c�r cic� no�support th�us�o��a�h�f�h� followin� potenti�l €'�nding 3our��s for�cqui�-�asg n��p�rks ar�� i�ra��ovi���n� a�aaea���3e�are� e:�i�ting pa�°kg ��t9 e'��s���io� fa�i99t6g�d�apii�l istl���vert�et�2s�, Plee�s��herlG yysa�er r�spra�as�s. �&�at�°F 5tr�ra�ly �90 N�t Y�novr/ �uppor4 5erpport Su�2pFa�'e i�da�.�r�sover �1) {Z➢ (3) f4? l�. Sloter appeoved bond issu�e�sp�cia� property ❑ C] '�, [] taac) B. System developnre�nt ch�s�es(fe�s ora new Q �, � (� develop�n�nt) C. �usiness Rartnerships!sponsorships C� � � (� D. Partnerships�n+ith 1'i�ard t Tualatin Pubiic "�, (� (� (� Sch�ols for joint us�of facilities - � E. Incorporate as a regia�nal park district to obeain ❑ ❑ Q � fus�din� fi-orn nc►n-residents as�aell as resadents F. Othec(write in)� ❑ � [] � City o�'�'igcard �ask� ��ration FacdBdties, ,vrd pper�,Space Needs Ass�ssment Pcage S I .. .. : ... . ._ .. `� . .._ '�. . • , • . ,.�. 8 .;.. � . . . , . • e � ��`��: .�f;ycatar°r�sra�ver to Qu�s�ae�n 14�a. rve�s str°ott 1 ste �a°�c�r su Qa•t a.a►. r� �Y PP PP r � .Yara�appoe�P a , vtsP�r cr�p�rov�d bored is.�ue),�I�c�.s��r�rs�ver�estions 1 S. anr�1 d �J',y��a�'�nat sup�rd a�►�te�° aP��°r�wed b�rad'issae�,ple�e praceed eca Q�r��stdpaa 17. ��� In l 9�9�°i�ard vo��rs p��ed a S-year p�cH�i�Qry. A.nutnb�r of futtir�i�npro�r�ar►er��s co�ild b� ��a�ced through a b�nd ineassure�r oth�r ps�pec��+t�t ss��srnernt. Pl�saada�t.��rrh�thc���u � s�ron�ty suFP�a�,suPPost,�r do s�s�t suppo�t finanai�ag cach af thc t'�Iln��ng amprr�v�anen� � t�ara�a��la�bond�e�ea�or pr+��ae�t� ���� .�'le�e chc�Jro�r�s�a�s�. ' �aa'g �.. S�r,�n�ly �a�dot IGno`v/ Ge�es°�1 P�a°k Syster�e I�proeeae�ent� ��PP°� �uppoe°� 5uppore Pto�.oeav�e� (iD (a) (�� d�) .�. Irnpr�ve�ci�t�n�Par'k� � �i (� � �. lEs�ablish mcsrre ear�nr��unity�parks fas a�gi�r� � i� ❑ �`p . secr•�aka�a►�a�ch�s t�a s�c�.s and gr��p picnics. �. Add moa�t�eight�rhoad p�rks tar proaide�1��� � CI � � to-ho¢ne appo�nitnes. � i). Add re'ore inid�r facilati�s,such��m�unity � � ❑ � ° �e;nters,�quati�Gcraters and andoor pl�y�e-eas. . E. E4cquire arsd prmtect ans�re z���ral ar��s and � � I� � streea�a�carrid�rs. �. �a�r��ct park sys��r.��rai�s���ra¢�. � � � � 6:�. �'rov�de nat�r�l are�s wh�re r��eded ta balance � Q � � �omrrsercial,indus�rial,s�r�r��densitv d�vel�pmeaae. �. �rnpcove p�ek�aint�nanc�. � l`� � � I. Ir�pr�rve recr�tion pragr�rn�. � [� [� � � °To�ha4�xs�t wcs�ld yo�a b�v�alla��ta p��r far rns�a°�p��,�cre�t�on faciliti�s,�d cs�a►sp��� � �&arou����d�r��sa�re�r sth�r prop�r�y t.aa��ss�ss�ent? �'or��ch 9f t�e fo�lowi�g,p���� inr3icate e�nc�Yher ycsu are very willin�tm pa.y,somew�at�°sll�ng ta p�}+,�r�cat�arrili��to p��r. �de�e.se check yaur�espc�a���, I����t ��� ����vv��# A?a�e :��acs�a �'s6���� �i�l�is��¢� '�iUgm� ,�t�� ¢���y P'�p ¢ae�'ag� .4a�aev�r (a) 4z) ��) (�� A.Approxa�aat�l,y$�0/y�ar�or the a�er�,�e home � � C7 C] � �.Appr4xim�Ydly�960 y�ar for t�'e av�rag�harro� C,� � � [] �.,�pproxiar�at�ly$D44/year f�r the awer�ge h�rne G� �7 L� � �City o�'Tigard Par�, Recrealion�'racxliei�s, uand�Open Spac�Needs r3ssess�e�t ��'ag�6 ♦ o . d o d ��+�6S.d6�FJd B� �'�r st�dstac:�1 pcaaposes,we wo�ld 9i�Ce t��ow the b�ck�ro�nd of sc��y r���nd�r��s. 'I'he i�'c�rm�txor�you pro�de will not be�sa���t�d�th your��or addz�e�.s, Ple�se�h�eck ,ro�r r���na�,se�. , � 7}•• �� � , � �, � �� Is�which ar�a of'Ti��rci d�yau 1'ave? � ` � =.. (le�,�'er to,erap) m . , r ,• . �.�:��_ � Ao F.�st ��_.:.� � ❑ H.South � �-�d..�-�t - �] C.Ce�t�l � '� ❑ �D.West �''' ' --,- ' -_ a ' � � �. Qut�ed�T�g�e°d�►8y�i�tnits ° . �` � �� � � . � �, � �,�'�'"� - �C�'���e�c..�--(��� � . , ..'*� _.F; ._f -. ° v�-- � "--�,-�`� �,x�",� i � �- • �f�� � � � \:, � __'�� •' ���.1����_°• ! ,�/ � �� w1 ��•1�1^'xito�er~ ' a�. ` � I ",1 .,..:,,,.�"'N�k,.'��� � a 4 $ . �°' "�'h_ - • ` -��'��,-.- _ . • _•� 's _ . � '�o�hich�ge�rs�up ds y�o�b�lon�? � C� �. �-24� C7 d3. 55-69 � �.25-34 � �. 74 years and o�er �, �.35-54 f C� F. I7ec(zne t����r � ���rra�ny chiidt�n aac�d��a�e 18�curxe7ntly levi��ir�your�auseheald? � � �.I��ea� f�3 I�. `T'hr�e �.C��� � �. �'csur or mmr� � C.'Two � F. I?eclin�to ans�vec ��� l�id yt��z vot� ir�xh� [ast three el�ctians? � r�.Y�� f� �. I��ciin�����v�r � �.�d� @�hi�h e�f th�foUawig9�d�scr�be�yoau ethni�back�c�v�ad or ra��? ��m L�7 t�►.,�sian or Paes�c Island�r � i�. C�u�a.si�n or White � �.Afri�ara F��e�i�a a��(a�k (� F. �ttr�r: C� C.�iisp�nic Cl �'s, D�aline��as�svv�r ❑ T7.1�atav�l�za�cr�can ��. VV'hat is youc��nd�r? . � l�al� � �. F�rt�ale '�'�PtK X��J Ff)�.YpiJ�'I'II�I�AaFd� I�'l'���7Co 4t�sr��tnbe�t� r��ya�ur staxvey by ; mail (fc�llow th� ia�stxucii�r�s oct tt�e fro�t page),�ar t�arad-delivcr it t�one of t,h�IN1ast�r Pl� �� Survey L3rnp Bax�s�t the �er�ic�r�C�ncer, Library, �ity�°iall, ared�hamber of�ommerc�. �� Sux-v�ys ffiust b� re�a�cd by��►t�il �(�, 1�9$0 � , r. . Cfs1'e�jTigard Parl� R�cr�srtion,Fwcilitl�,�d�pttr S�ce l�e�erls A.�s�ss���nd Page 7 , - . . . :�:: .�.;:,:,. , . .. ...;:,.,�.....: .. � .>,�. �d �:� y;, - _�... --�- � �� 11 �I�t� I V�ork �ch�d��� � 1st Quar4�r 2nd Qua�ter 3rd fluarter 4th Quarter 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter I� �P Task Nams [3uration Start Firrish Dec Jan F�b Niar Apr Ma� Jun Jul Aug S�p Ock P�ov L7ec Jan Feb Mac Apr May Jun 1 Gompeeleero�iv�P�ubllc FaciNQy ff�l�ns �91 d�ys Tua 1?J2�19� �'u�60223�9 ; 2 $tree�d� 391 c9ays 'Tu��2/2�/fiF Tua�1��199 � , 3 � Evaivate�xisting Informa4ion 15 days 'i'ue 12J23/97 �ton 1/12/98 4 � 7ranspartatian System Plan Upda?e J3 days T'ue 1 F/23/97 Thu 4/3q/9� 5 � ldentify Add'o4ional Studies 20 days Nion�t/Gi9$ Fri 5/1/98 : 5 Develop Tasks 21 days wAon a/4/58 AAoaa 6/1I9A 7 CDevelap��crlity Plan 217 days Yue 6/2/98 '�Ued 3/31/99 ' 8 � IdenEify Funding UpCians 21 days fVlon 4/5/89 iu9on 5f3/J9 `� 9 � �stabEisQ�l.cahg-7eren Implernentafiinn B�rogram 2i days 'iue 5/4/99 Tue 6/1/99 : 10 � Submi4 Pian to Pla�ming Commission 9 day RAor�6/71�9 Mon 6fT/99 �j� 11 � Suf�mi:Rian to City Council 1 day Tue&122l99• Tc!e 6f22l99 � e 12 � Progra��Report�to C3ty Gauncii 261 days Tu��l27/96 Tu��1/26/99 � I I I 17 �8 .°,anitary Sewrer 3&� days 7'ue 1�J23/�Y 7ue 5111/9g , 19 � Eva(ua4e Existing Information 24 days Tue 12/23197 Fri i/23J98 20 Identiff additional s4�dies 15 day� Mon 1/28/98 Fri 2/13(98 ; 21 � Evaluate Sy�tem Cond9fian 4d days R/lon 1/5/98 Fri 2127/98 � i 22 Perform Sys4em Capacity Edaluafion 65 days Mon 3f2/98 Fri 5/39/98 23 IdenYify Line Extensions 11(l days P,Aan 6/1/�6 �'ri 9�l30/98 24 � inc�rporate US�FiEastee�lan Ftece�mendations 185 da;�s fUfln 2l1Fi/9� Fri 1�/30/98 25 Flow Nianitoring&�rogram 1 da� 3�ri�b/3/9d3 �r't�l3l9� 2fi � Ev�luate C�pacity s,�Sr�iaNer L.ines �6 c��y� Rfior�5/�/9� Fri'�l�r`�8 27 Frepare Facility Plan 129 days Mon 7/619R 'fhu 12/31/98 28 � Submi4 Plan to Planning CommissiAn 9 day Mc�n 4/5J99 tu9on 4/�/99 29 � Submit f�lan to Cify Council 1 tlay T'ue 5/19/99 7ue 5111/9� ���� - 30 � F'rogress Repocts to Gity Councdl 261 aiay� Tua 1V27/98 7'Ua�9/26f99 � 8 � � 35 36 5ts�rm Dr�irnage 33fi days '6ea�1?123/97 7'ue�I6/99 37 � Evaluate ExisBing informatir�n 24 days Tue 12/23l97 Fri 3�23J98 38 Identify additional studies 15 days Mon 1/26/98 Fri 2/13/98 Praject:Comprehensive Facili4y Plan T�sk Progress Summary R�Iled Up Spiit ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, Rolied Up Progress Project Su�nmar,r � Date:Fri 4/3/98 Spli4 ,,,,,,, „ , ,, ,,, , Milestone � Rolled U�r Task Railed Up N6iiestane � Extemal Tasks Page 1 M1:1 1� -- r �1� !,� �1 ���1� � - - �e � A �VOC� ���'l��ll0� — 1st Quar�er 2nd(luart�r 3rd(�uartar 4th G2uar4er 1s4 Quarter 2nd Quar4er ID � 1"ask Plame 13uratian S4art Finish L18c Jan Feb Mar � Apr May Jun Jul Aug 5ep Ocf Nov �ec Jan Fab M�r Apr May Jun 39 Evaluate System Coradition 44 d�ys �AA�n 9/5/99 Fri 2/2T/9� 40 F�e�iaren�ysYem Capacity Evaluation 65 days tWo�3/2/98 Fri 5/29/9� �9 Identify Problem Area�and Po4�nti�i Projects 9 itl deys Mlon 6!1/39 Fri 10/3Q/98 , i wl 42 � incorporate U5A Nlaster Pla��Recammendations 6�4 days Man 90/5/98 Thu 92/3i/96 ; I� ` 49 � Prapare FaciliYy Pian 129 days Nlon 7/6/98 Thu i2/31/98 �� ; 44 � Submit Pian to Planning Commissic�� 1 day AMon 3/8/99 Mon 3/E/99 � 45 � 8ubmi�F�lan to Ci4y Council 1 day Tue 4/6/99 Tu�e 4/6/99 � ,��� 46 ,� Progres�Reparts to Gtty Ceunci6 2ti1 days 'Pue 1127/98 Ti u�7l26t93 � I � � 51 52 Sidewalks �O6 days Tue 12P2319T Tu�212�199 53 � Evaluate Existing lnformation 34 days Tue 12/23/97 Fri 2!6/S8 � a 54 Identify addifional studies 15 days Mon 2/9/98 Fri 2/27/96 '� 55 Id�entify Potential Siclewalk Conn�ctians 65 a3ys P1Aon 3/2/98 Fri b/29/98 56 � Prepare Facility Plan 110 days AAon 6/'!/98 Fri 10/30/9� � P i � 57 � fdantify Funding Optinns 2.5 days Mon 1 f/2/99 Fri 1214/9@ � 58 �stablish Long=Term Program 25 days PAon 12R/9A r=ri 1d8/99 � ' 59 � Subm�t Plan to Planning Commission 1 day Mon 2/1/99 Mon 2/1/99 � � , 60 � S�abmif Plan to Ci4y Council 1 day Tue 2/23/99 7sae 2/23/99 � �a� 61 ,� B�rogr�su F�epor�€o CiQy�oaanc9B 97'6 c�ay� T'aa�if�7/S� i'ue 9122,'9g � i 6 � � 65 66 5tree4l�g�ro@s ��J6 d�y� T'a��17J23l97 "fue�2/9/�9 , � 67 � Evaluat�Exi�4ing(nfarmation 31b days TuE t2/23/97 Fri�l8/93 a � 68 � Icientify Collector and Intarssction Requirements 40 days Man 2!9/S8 Fri 4/3/�8 69 � Identify Locai Street Requir�ments 45 days Mon�/6/5a Fri 6/5/98 � 7p � Prepare Facility Plan 85 days RAon 6/8/38 Fri 90/2/58 ! 6,1. � , 71 � Identify Fundiny Opfions 2�days �hflon i0/5/9� Fri'!i/6/98 � 72 Establish Long-Term Program 25 days Mon 11/9/98 Fri 12/91/98 � „� 73 � Submit Plan to Planning�ommission 1 day Mon 1/11/99 ARon 1/11/99 , � �1 � 74 � Submit Plan to City Council 1 day Tue 2/9/99 Tue 219/99 � y9 � 75 � Progres�Reports to Ci4y Coue�cit 171 days Tue 1/2.T/98 Tue 9/22,'9E� � � p � f Pro'ect:Com rehensive Fac�lit Plan 9 �Y p P 0,,,,,,,,,,,:�,,,,,,,,,,. P 9 � ProjectSummary � P . � Task Pro ress Summa Roiled U � lit Rolfed U Pro r�ss Qate:Fri 4/3/98 Spiit , ,,,, ,, „ ,,, , MilesYone � �tolled Up�'ask Roll2d U PAilestone Ex4emal Yasks i� ' ����, Page 2 � Jir�°� H�r��dry� �ornm�nity D�v�lopm�r�f Di���tor Ci� of 1`ig��d 24 tiA�r�h 199� � ��: D�;r,.��r� c�� P�rk CJ�ar �tr. @��ndr�x: i g�oar�t�� �h��k you f�r y�t�r ���i�tan�e �nd Jtali� H�jduk's fol����hro��h on th� is�u�s �ihi�h �nr�r� �f c�n�ern. ifil� �ppr�cia#� your e�forts ��d h�p� tt����h� n�w p���ess th� Cifiy is pursuing tca �ssure ��r'� ��ighb�nc��od i�v�lvem�nt wi6! �liev�i��te tl�� pr�b���ras �f th+e �c�rren� pr�c�s�. I have ser�t o�t fly�rs to all the P�rk �tr�et neighbar's. Th�y I��k fc�rvvard �o t�� CeBy + ��dres�ic�g our cons;�rn fior schc��B �g� children by placing a designat�d �rns�v��lk or� Park �t�e�t at the t�rant �tr�et int�rs�ction. Jir� I vr��uB� �sape that �� part �f y�ur�utur� prr�cess fh�fi yo� �ril� r�qu�r� r��r� c�mpiet� �p��i�a�a�r�� be pr��id�� by th�,�pplicants ��c� that �i��c�ri�l ar�fc�rr�atior� i� e����r�or , ti�e plann�rs to b� av�are �f. AI�� B wo�ld str��gly sugg�s� tFrat wh�n the Appiirant h�ld� a r�eeghbe�rhaod rrr��ting th�t the t��ighbors wr�� ar� dir��fify ��jac�r�t to � �ubje�� , propert� b� s�nt � ��py �f t�� pr�-�ppli��tio� not�� and th�� �ddi�iv�a! c�pi�� be av�if�b9e �t th� ��igh�c��t�nod r����ting, so $h�t aBl p�rtie� ia����v���,il�h���,I�� �am� is�forrr�a�iar� �o vv�ark wath. 1"hi� u�ril! �l�o �P�vid� �h� ��:'sghbors� �I��"t�i� aty�r Appli��nt k��� hi�tsea��� infior��ti�c� ��aat h�� b��� r�s���d �r ir�f�rm ���� �f���rr�� ��iq�� �� si�� i#th�y �xi�t. Agai� 9 ��n4 t� fi�ar�� �s�� �or�ea�rs ar�� Juli�'� r�sp�a�s� t� c�ur��������. Slf��k�Y�E�i, 9 �'���i����� --� �t��°I� �l��3�7 �Note Chas. H, Tigard Grade School is wa.thin the 14 mile of' 'this n�iol�borhoocf aware af the �chool xule 89i� living witYzin l� mile th� students shall �walk -z�o school bus is proPideu, " Many local pa..��nts wo�rying about increased hea.vy tra�.fic a.re �ither d��ving �their child to echoUl or l�a;iing designated pa�°ents �o wa,l�c groups to and from school dailye cc : Supt. of School i�is�t. 23J -- Mr, Russ Joki