Planning Commission Packet - 02/02/1998 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. . . ;.r•r..:.x . . .:'x:%:•v:+�>•.':�'.2:i•:.>:'t2:r:i::::.c::r:•::s::...:.::. ::•4::•s>•:,:.n•::.�:::::4?»>:•::.3::,+.Ei::"2:i:$it:2::5r::: ..t., .�:.�:. .�.:::....................................... . ..;:.y,.r:?::�5:'s::i5i::::gi:::5::l..c. ..t... . .:;:¢S:•i:r:S'af•..' � .;;�•}.;..::a>::f.. . :::'t:'r'•"::� . ;:i'F•':•`::i:%:.i,.•.'•.�fi<ii:';•.iii:::::ii�.i::•'::::>?:Siii�:i;':i�itiiii'.•'•ii�;�i::'•:i'i:i::?i?'ij',i',':ii:i�i;:'i�:iii�5:'2:``'':;'r'S?:;i:.i33}?ii:'S:'ti:f':3;:i:;�:i,53f?:+�:3i't:i:::S:i>::i�$:ri:$:::;t?`:v<:.• � <2.'r:.;.;::;{S .;•.:.r+.;,•; :::<r:?�;x;>: . .:..:.:.:...o-..:.....................:::...............................:..............:.:.:....:..:..:.,....................:.........................,....,.?+r:::a:>:•.:.::::::�5:::•.'•:<:;>:::5::..>;:�k�W:..x.<. � iv>:•i;l::.:•ir:•i::•'•:•:•i:•::,::•:�:��::•::•i>::•::i:v.:•:S:i::i"r:'±::�4i:•:"i:ii:>:::•:i:i:�::•:i:.. .�3.:. ..Y...:...... <:•%�:i:}if'F.<C:::::�::.v:•:;:?:?>.iYr: ::.{.}:.r,:::::.w:::.::::4i?:;,+.;:}%;•:iC•;�:ti•,.;i:•;•,:jr.; ::.;:::..•::.+.•:y:<:•r,:;i:+�S.;:,;:;t;:::�:.?:.`•:.ic2::i::::::::.:5i:•:i:+ .. ::•.••, ......... .::.::,>.;.�;;..;. � :}i:::.;:j.i:;.,.i:.r.:�:.::•.�:::L::..i.i,.i::..:::.};•:........:::..::y.•.::Lh�:}}::}'r:Y.{p}:%.::•ii:•:::.:�::::.:r:ti<ti+.•{}:"��... ...r..........r....::::iG�v:J,•'i'�:::i;?.......... .....:..........}�y: ;�i:�3i:is�i�?i::��;E:i:�i:;i;i:r :•r.•:.:�:::............................ ::i,i%.:i:::,,;;:•: ::'�:: ;;;},r: ::'f:'?::':2i;`..:it`•ii:;:•.••:t•'::;i�5:. ti4�$::�;��4'� .6�'.�,�+.���,.;�r: .^•.•?i:{L�i:ji::i;::::? i}!�i}�i}{<}•::};5.;;�y�{$iLjf:. �ii�,>��,:>��:;:G•�'.:,.J:'r'•`•{ :ti��.�6Y• .}::.n:.:..i::::::ti:::.:::::::....:.:::::.:::i.;•.;•:::::r:: �:,<?r%}y�•��'�'�$�%:::Y••''�i:�:j'>,•,,'•:4rY:•`...... ii;'y%?<':•:i;':�;i':'::';:ii3•.''•%i :::•,:1•'i'i i:S:Y:•':%i:ii: i:•,:;i:;:•,:t}>?}::5::�iY::��r:i'i':ti:;i'r ::•.r:•:::3::::;;ii;'ii3: ;::•r.'•:.•::•::•::�:•::.'•:•xo>:.;:::>:<•:r:;;;•':�i�;?:i:i::2•':i>i%'>:i;::3:s''i:i:4r:: . f5>:i>:��'iiS:t�:S:�f�S�i#::i3:;;:;::#4:•:;;:i�>:::'•:�i���:�t:::i�','.<:3:�''s'3:S:ii�:�::%�i:::;'::;'::i::�%�ii:'r,:::::::'i:::;:ii::#:>�:::.<::::::::::.:::::::•:•>:•rr:•:::.::<.:>:�r:.:s:.::o:•::;:>'•>:•::•:::.:>:,>:;.•':: :�ii•'r.'•;:;:;;':'�;�i::i:"'r':•.'';i:;�::?:::::iiii§i :.:.F•}::..�r::.{.::::::n:y.v: .:;;•y:.;.:::. y./<%$r.v v:i.K{•::�:4i}:in�:•:::::..:: ::t:t2ii�:.:.:>.>::..,. :•::••r.•;<3i;iii::�ii:;i:;:;?i'i,:;?::;i;iii <#,,::i::i:;i:i;�:;i•,';::i?;:ii::•`::;is;.<:;:;':�:;::.?;';�'3,:;:;�';,%,'tf:::�:i;.ii:<.:i'£'r#::i«;'.,:�:'•:• ?::�i::;:5;r:•::;::;:::• :::.:... .;;.;:ia.:%;::% `:'t'iE<Y�<:��>::%:�:::;:;:;:#;ii;� �ity of T°x�ard 1°iGAt4� �L���1�J� �C)IVi�I�SI�N �am�ah�ry��c���`�t ���RUA�� 29 '��9� - 7:00 �a{�o ShR�1lll�A�[fftY CONI6P7Gildfy °fI�A�� �I�I� C��7'�� � °i'C��ii�! �i4LL 13125 S�4,S Hl��.L �C�IJL�.VR�[� TBC9A�C3, ��E���V �7223 1, ��l.L `TO 4RbER , 2. �OLL. CA�L 3. �iaeAtV�)i�V� C���IS�I�FI ��IIAIRNI�IVI�AaT'IC�N� 4. /��'��O'�� �9�9�.i1'ES 5. PA��C 6V@a4ST°�� Fall.w44h! VV�Y�'l�SF�OP Du�r�e Rob�rts, Con�ultant, ;4dvis�ry Gommitte� �. �°�FI�� �l��IR���� �. At�J��SRNIlI��N"T' ' �1��F °�IGAI�C� Pl..�t��i1�G C���III��iCJN ��ga�l�r����ing Minut�s � F'�br��r�2, 199� 1. GA��'T� O���R � �'h� m��ting b�ga�n �t 7:00 p.rr�. ir� �l�e `�ig�rd �i�eic C��t�r, �'c�vvn Haif, �t 13�2a �V��ialf �lvci. 2. ��t�L, C14L.L. ��r�arr�i��ic�n�r� F�r�ser��: Pre�ider�fi Wilsr�r�; Cc�r��rission�rs l�r�der�nn, (3rdffith, 6��dgei�, ��d ��n@ar �oraimissic�n�rs Abs��t: Gof�ra�i��inn�rs �as�il�, De�rang9 Holl�ns�, �r�d Neff �taff F'����nt:, Duane F�aber#�, Associate Pl�nn�r; Jerree Gaynor, �'��nning � Cammi�sior� Se�r�fary �. P�RiP�IRI�a ��►�i111AIS�IOt� ���lVA��l��AT8�6d� Th� ��mmissio��r�wer� advised ofi upcomir�g ra�eetings wi±h Gi�}+ Co�ncil. 4. �Pf�RO�iE �'l�ETifVC� NlINlJT�S �c�r�missic�ner Padg�tf rr�oved and �ommission�r (�riffith �ecc�nded � r��fiion tc� approve the .�anuary 5, 1998, me�ting min�te� as submifit�d, !� ��ic� v�te vv�s t�k�n and the motion p�ssed 4-Q. President UVilson ab�fiained. 5� Pe4.RFC t�A,S7'�R �I�P�,� �C3�.�C�H(3P I�uan� Robert�, ��nsultant, Advi��ry �ornrni#t�� A j�int �+�rk�hop was heid wi#h the F�lar�nir�g Cammi�sion, the Gon�ul�ants, and th� �4dvis��r G�rnmitte� t� t�lk ���a�� th� �'�rk f�����r Pl�r�. ,J��a� �9�r�c��6�c�n �n� Sa61y ll�clr�t�+r� �f�11� Gc�n��altants ask�d f�r pr�Eirnin�ry id��� on c�rrris�uni� rae�d� �nd the typ�s of benefdts th� group vvne�ld lik� #o s��. Th�y war�tea� idea� about specific ir�pro�rem�nts, �.g., park faccliti��, rr��in#enance, recre�tion programs, managing, etc. The group was informed th�t � ��irvey would be rr��iled oufi to citizen� to �sses� comrr�unity ne�ds. 7'hey �ere told that � ma�ter p9an �nd � '!a year plar� v�rould b� deueiop�d, with the mas��r p6ar� beir�g �c�rnpleted ir� th� f�91. 7'h� gr�up w�tched a video on the b�nefits Qf parks and recre�fi�rf. The group v�a� ask�d to list wh�t they ualue m�s� �bout park� ira `figard. Th�� list�d the fiolBowing: PLANNING COIVIMISSIQN MEBTING MINUTES- February 2, 1998-Page 1 • vaaikw�y� - in the vvo�ds ta get avvay frorn tra�ffic � nais� ar�d ta� in��r��t with n�tur� �v�ay frorn urban er��ironm�nt • �,g� ap�ropriate pl�ry �quiprri�r�t � v�ri�ty ir� ��tiva#i�� � fa�9lsti�s for picnics � parti�s • � pl���vvh�re� I�rg� group� can congregate fs�r�ctiviti�� � within vvalking di�fanc�for kids- neighborhood p�rk� � natur� - �r��ir�nm�nta! p�rk (like c;l��sroc�m) • increa�ir�� �c�ighbcarhood ambianc� - adds int�r�st �� ar�a - m�k�s �r�a rra�re de�irabl� • � pl�c��o �x��ci��; dc�gs m pres�rv� Tigard his#ory , � canne�� p�rks w9th gr��r�ways, bikepath� • pas�iv� parks ti�d irato w�rkpiac�s or r��i�hb�rhoods + investrn�nt in future, a legacy - inves�me�t p�ys off in futur� �fh� c�roup lis#ed the fol9ov�ring as desir�d or necded irnpr��err��n��fc�the park �y�#em: • mcar� p�rk� vvath ��ciliti�s • more cc�ordinatior� with fihe School District � maintain what we have , 4 mare mt�ney for p�rk m�infenan�� • ir�ventory of�vhat w� hav� s linka��� � at I���t on�fodd;�r park � geogr�phi�diversity - Qull Moun�ain resider�ts I�ae�� to drive t� get�Q � p�rk f�cili�j � insid� space - comr�unity center • id�r��ify und�rs��ed �reas � se��rity � �kate park b c�a���� - b�nds�and • be abl� ta w�l�t� �mali parl� � people w�ra live outside city an� use faciliti�� s�iauld contribute to co�t� � r�creationa! programs -youth sports -ti�facilities to prograr��s (ir�door a�ci outtloor} w park & rec district • park patrols • �treet front�,ge - most parks are too isnl���d o police biGycl� patrols • basic improvem�nts that would make m��nt�nar�ce easier to achiev� • doggie statians � dog park are�s - off leash areas • separafie area �or-g€�lfers to practice • imprave feids - h�avy u5ag� by �por�s team� PLAT�]NING COMMISSiON MEETMG MINUTES- February 2, 1S9$-Page 2 �. _ �� � "adopt� p�rk/tra6!" prc�grarrt � ne�d ��rk planning �xperts�� help solv� n�ed� � r�cr�ati�� ��c�gr�m c�ordQr�at�r � purchas� F�hil �.evvis Schoaa fc�r rec�r�fer � �oc�r�unsty gard�n �pae� � , , Th� gresup�nras ir�vi#�d tc�the ��rnmuni�y 1Ncarlc�hop ora F�bru�ry 12ti�. 6. �THE� �i�Sl�VE�S None . , 7o ADJAI��NM�tVT Th� meeting �djourn�d at�:45 p.rn. . � ,, � Jerr�e �'a�r��r, Plan�ing C�rromis�ion ��cr�tary AT7'� � F'ces9d�r�t f�ic e son � „ PLANNIT*]G COMMIS3ION MEETING MINUTES- Pebruary 2, 1948-Page 3 �, "�IGAR� PLA6VNIR9G �OAAAIil��SI��1 � RO�.1,�C�1LL� ca�v a� vi��R� - i ��ecc��a � �.I�� ���°�m � ��- -� �. , �����r��� ����o �.�n. ����'�sdo����a �����v���a� �c��������o�, � �u�i���������r� o����� .� d wt ��� ��� �AROLYRI ��FF�e�C �� J�4i��S �F2iFFl fH �''/ ��� !�C)L6��� � �/11CHl�Ei� NEFF �-�� N���K F'�D��l�i' `��/ S�I�L SC�iOL�R ��A�F �l�E��A�T: � F�l��A�� ���.f���J��',�� ,�. ���6�J� ��i��t� .,� 11�1LL D'iAtV��t� ._,_ l�IOF�I� 61iI�HOL aG.1N � .�. P101ARK R�����°S e. BR�p+iV �P�i�LEl' � a- � JULI,q FI�JD�K �lJAh9� RO�ERTS � � � °� B�I��J ���� J�f�E� F���I�R� � � � � GD�S �ll�NAS � � h:\log in'4�erree\pc-roil.mst i. ; � , P'�rk� I���t�r P'�a� �'��k ��r�� ��nnie `V�ilsor� �'�� ��ad�l �3225 S�1 Villa�e Gl�r��ircl� 15$1 S S�$�th A�e. Z'i�ard, CDit 97227 Ti�ard, �Dit 97224 P'�xor�e: �20-60p9 �es: 6�4-�3�1 �on �Iucts�n I��� 'Tigard-Tu�latin School]District Sally 1vlcI�tyre, Proj�ct I�laaaa�er 13137 SW Paci�c Hwy. Jane I�end�rsc�n, Pxoject�ssc��iat� Tigard, OR 97223 Laray Wight, I,aridscape.A.r���e�t l�us: 5�4-2235 1�9 E. Sth Av�nu� Suite 28 �a�� I�ic�li Eugene, O�97401 141�0 S� 141 st Ave. ��as: 541�fa�3m3193 Tigard, OI�97223 �ax: 541-683-4079 �u�: 612-�200 esrnail: mige�agerae�gond.n�t y � � Res� 590a0737 � �T�b.a� �u��an C'�t� �t�ff 6960 5W�linton Deaane Roberts, Plar�rrir�g Dept. Tigard, OkZ 97223 Joh�x F�oy, Operatioa� Dept. R.es: 968-67�3 :�ir�.VJolf,Poflice�3epto 13125 S��-€�li�lvd ��ra5 �o�t��� Tigard, CDR.9'7223 9600 S W�tiverwaod L�.n� Buse 539a41 B 1 '7'igard, QR 97004 F�: 6�4-7297 �us: 916�29Q� e-rnail: duagi�@ci.ti�ard.or.i.as Reso 639m5039 �arbar°� �lxlri�� ta��s sw P�tnf�a�r��� Ti�;�°d, �R 97223 Res: 598-673�3 �arbaa�a F�t°x°est 16672 SW 89th P�a�� Tigard, OR 97224 IZes; 620-�661 �eot� VVhite 14423 �W 130th Av�nue �'igard, OR 97223 Re�: 620-�2.13 Btas: 295-1903 i/irpn/dr/paickk.ad 0 ► �1�T O��'1�1�C� I'�r1c ���t�m.�Ia�#�r�1an � , P��JEC'I'INI'I'IA'TI�I�' TVI1��'I'��T�: P�T�.ICS 1!/i�S'I'EIt PLA1V''�'�.S�G ����� �eb�.aar�2, 199� ������ T. I1�1'TI;,OD�J�'TIO1V/��It�dEVV * �ld�risvey Cot�tmfttee/Planning Ca�rrtmissaon.introductio�s • Project Infroductiorc � + �, ��' • Master Ftun 1'roGess G'v�rview IT. �?ISCL"lS�I(�l�I • Benefits of Farks�I{ec�eafiion • Need�d'Imprer��nent� � Facilxties 0 11�Iuante�an�e • 1�Iaru�g��nerat • Recre�tiorc.�ro�r�arta� • dZelated d'lanning Effor�s � h��sfer Plan��blic Infoprr�tio�t and Public Involz��rnes�� Op�ort�er�i�ies III. 1li�X'd'S'I'I�PSlC�.��E �::�:�r:� 1������• �l�a� ��-a���s �;.�� � ���?��� �„��-�'. Onvenlury Exissing Condilians ldcszlify Ca�ainiunity yeeds �evelop Dra6't �eve3op tlae Masfer P9an _ g Reco�mnaea�ilatioas �� � •Park and Open Space System Assessment •tnterviews wid�Community Leaders •Facilities •Priority improve�r,ents '.. � •Recreation Resources Assessment •Communit Surve; •a s, y •Maintena�ce •10-YearCapuallmprovementPlan �=': � •Maintenance and Management Assessment •Community\�orkshops •Managemen[ •Funding Strategies 1���Y_ •Advisory Committee Meetings City of`Tigard �ar1c��yst�m 1Q�Taster�pan t��p€�rt��i��e� t� ��� I�v���e� Comntunity Cummuaity �ommunity Cor.�munify Community Community Community �'ark 1"v,aster Plan City C¢unci! Worksho�#1 Survey Workshop#2 Worlsha��3 Worlshop#d V6'orP:shop#5 Works6op#6 Task�'orce PresentaEion Meetings Creating a Vision Wa[ch your !lelp define goais �2evie�v and S2cr•ieevi��g the Revie�v and 18eviewit➢g tLe A Park Master PIm2 Tiie ds-aft Nfasrer At[end this first maitbox as 4000 fur modificaFions to comment upon Draft Mast�r Plan comment upor.a YDraft Plan for Task Force wit!be Plan will be workshop and learn residenES wil!be Woodard Park and preliminary Review and preliminary design V!'oodard Park formed to provide presented to the about the MastPr chosen at random to the adjacent ciry- findings of the comment on Master for Woodard Park Revie�v and in-depth review of Tigazd City Councit P[an. Tel!us what respond to a o�vned land. master planning Plan .. �vithin tlie context comment on the Niastee Plan for approval. The yau value most Communiiy Survey (Vinter 1998 process. recommendatb�ts, of the Drati Master preposed Schamaiic recommendations. public is about parks, as part of the Spring 1998 �ncluding priority Plan. Plan for Woodazd Members will encet�raged ta :ecreation,and open Master F1an improvements to Sunin�er l998 °a:k. represent a vaziety attend this session. �ace in Tigazd. process. Your existing facilities, Suntu�er 1998 of communiry Falf 1998 elp refine response will ensure maintenance and interests. The Task community goals that the Master Plan management of Force will mee[ and identify needs rellects community parks,acquisition of throughout the for facilities, needs for parks, ;and for open space process to ersure programs and recrea!ion faciGiies, and future parks, tha?the Master Plan maint�nance. open space. Other and recreation reflects commanity Si inter 1998 issues,such as program needs. mxin!enance and deve!opmenL {i'intervSuunaer funding strategies Spri�tg 1998 l998 will also be addressed. {3'inter 1998 I