Planning Commission Packet - 02/14/1997 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ��'� p�'�po$�� var�a�n i�9 s�e�t �� ����ra�G�� ���o°G��c�a�B he p�r����� o�' thas t6tl�, b� in ��nfl6�� �eth tia� �oli�m�� caf th� ��rv���eW�ea��B�+� �9�r�, t� a�y ��h��° �p�li�able p�9ici�� �na� ��rad��cl�, �¢�� to �th��°�r�p������ ��a �W������ �canir�g di�tr��t�r�ricanity. T'he vari���� wiil not be ra-o�t�ri�ll� detrim�r�fi�l t� �ity p�9�cy or st�ndards a� the privat� ��r�et�ii��ra�i�r�s �r� in �ccordanc� with acc�ss ���r�d�rds. F�lares rrsu�# b� apprc�ved by the Fir� �Di��ri�t, ti��r�by� prc�vidi�g ad�quate ernergency acc���. A sli�ht incre�se i� fhe lengtr7 c�f th� str�e�, �s v�ell �s the �umb�r �� �r�its, rrroiil no� dimini�h th� abilif�y ofi fih� street to pr��id� �d�q�a�� acc�s�. `Ch� v�r��nce wiii n�f be d�trimc�r�tai tca ath�r pro���tie� in the �icir�ity �s fih� orari�nce is limit�d to a 30�foo� �xfe�sion ofi tf�� 4��gfh s�f �n ��pr�v�d cul-deT��c and ��e (5) �dditio�a� lofs. ����� ��� ���°���9 ���°�a�m��n��� tha� �x��t w�a�h a�� p��u�9�r�o t�a� �at�i�� or�hag��, $�����°��h� ��° ���a�r �s���r�sfi����� ���� ��t�ch th� appl���n� h�� n� ���sl���, ��d �h���� ��� ��� ��S���c��t� �� a����r �r��s��o�� 6r� t�� ��m� ��r�a�� d���€°�c�. �°h� �p�ci�l circurn�t�nc�� vv���E�h �:xi�� �s�� th� s�rroundir�� ����9�pr��nt p�tt�rr�� th�� �r�hik�i� any p�f��tia6 cc�nnec�ior� �o �nc�ther �ublic s�e�e�, the lc�cati�n of the 100-year fioodplair� on th� prop�rty, and the cla�sifc��ion of S4P�! l�grth �7�kot� �#re�� �s a Minor CoiEector. �urr���dir�� �xi�ting develc�pmen� paft�rn� nec�s�if�t� th� provisi�n of a c�l-d�-��c �o s��e thi� �ubdivisic�n. The fl�c�dp�ain and s4re�t ci�s�ificati�r� p�eci�id�s #he prov�sion of �nc��h�r dri.��e.��y �n#� �1M hlorth [�akc�t� Street. Th� ��� ��o����� �A�� �� t�� ���� �� ��r�it�.�� a��d�r ��9� ���0� �r�� ���5 ����9�r�s �nll �S� map��iu��� ts� th� �r��t�st ��t�nt ���� i� r�����abE� p���ib6� rn�hi�e p�:rr���tir�� s��ra� +�cora���� u�� of �h� 6anc�o Th� r�qu��ted ��ri�nce vvill ir� n�, way afFect tt�� p�rmitt�d t�s� stafiu� o�� fi6�e sir�gl��f�rr�ily a�ached r�ssr�erltiai duvellings �[Ir�vv�d. 0�li other Cify ���nd�rd� wi!! 2ae m�in�ai�eca a� �iscu�s�d ira thi� r�vi��u pr�����. '�aras#ia�� �hy����e ��� �a#�r�� �y�t�c��, �uch �� 6�ut ��s� l��a'st�d �a� #�•��va�, �r�ir��ge, t�r�matic ���d ���a�s, or pa�k� �ill not �� ad�aers�ly ����t�d ���+ ��re $h�r� w���� �aee���° a� th� ����9a�����s�� �,+�r� f������6 �� ����6f�a� �� ���� �;�YE�. �xisfiing n�tur�l sysfierras, tra$fic, �nd drai��g� uvil! r�o$ b� �ff�c�ed by �hi� vari�n�� �ir��e th� im�act o�' fih� v�riance� i� Irmi�ed t� �Ifawing � �lig�t increas� fo th� I�ngth t�f the cul-de�sac �nd nurnb�r af units ��rved �y this �tr�et. 'F�� �a�r�sG��� �� �������'��a��o��d ar�� �h� v�ro�n�� r�gaa��t�� �� th� �ara�rr��� �ar��r��� �+h6�h �rc�u��l �il�vi�t� �h� h�����ai�. �"�e �ari��ce is nat selfi ienpased �s the �a�i�nce is fhe r�e��a9t of ��rr�urr�ii�rg ��v�lopmen# ��t�er�s th�t preclud� street conn��fi�i4y, t6�� lat's d�pfi� that pr�cludes th� �rr�vi�i�n �f � sharter cu!-c�e-sac �esigr�, thr� icacation of th� 10�-y��r flae�dpl�in c�n fihe praperky, �nd the cla�sific�tic�n of S'�'V �lorth C3�kata Str�et �� � fVli�or Callecfar. S�rrca�ar�dir�g exisfing e���reiopm�nfi patterns n�cesaitafi� the provision of � cul-da-sac �ea ��rv� ti�is s�b�livi�ion. 'T�ie flo�dpl�in and street classificatian precludes �he provisior� of �noth�r driv�e��y c�nfie� �VV Nca�#h Dakat� �treet. Th� �+ariance is th� m�r�imum vari�nce n��es�ary �s th� �ppr�ximaf�ly 30-fo�t �xtension and allowa�ce of �n �ddifiion�l five (�) iof� i� �h� �inirnurri vari�nc� which vuould �Ilev��fe ti�e h�rdship. �r�� �t���rs�1a S��'�as�� 1�.15a���5 re����es xhat a tr�� p�lars fs�r ��a� p������g, ���ra��sa� ' ar�d prot�ctica� of �r��� ���par�cf by � ��r�if�cl �rboris� sha91 b� provid�d vvBth � �ubeliv��ion ��{�licafie��� �°�� �e�ee �Aa� �h�ll i�clud� id�ntifc��ie�� s�f�IE �xi�tw�ag tr���, a�l���efi��xBo� of a pr��rarn to �a�� �xi�ting t�°�e� or mitic�a�e tra�� r�ma�val o��r 12 ir�che� in caBip�r, r�rhie:h tr��� ar� #o b� r�mc�ved, pr�te��s�� �rc��r�rn d��ir�i�g STAFF REPORT TO TI1E PLt1NNING COMMIS�IOM SUS 97-0002-DAKOTA NIEADOWS SUEiDIVISION PAGE 19 �����r�1� �ncB m�tho �t�i�� b� u��d �� �h+� �p�iic�� p���E����a°��� c��r��� ane� ���w �o��tra��x�e�a�o ,�n �rba�i�t r�p�rt ��s b��n ��tarni�ec� �ab�h fihes �p�li�ati�� w�i�s�h id���e��� th� ����5 �� the pr�p�rt�r �nd pr�vid�� ;ec�mm�ndati��� ficsr r�mo��! �r�d retent�can. `The �e�a�rt 9r�d6c�fies th�t fhere are a tiot�l of thirty-�ve (35) tre�� gr�a��r�€�ar� 1�- in�i� calep�r �n the se��. �°h� pr�pos�d p4�n �vi�l b� r�rr�o�ir�g �en �10) tr��� �re���r th�r� '�2� i�c� c�iip�r, fe�r��c�#�i eaf 1�2 c�lip�r i��he�. °�h� appli��r�t is r�t��nir�g 72 p�rc�rat �f�xisting �re�� a�er '{2 in�h�� in c�lip�r �n�, Q� th��, r�quired t� rni#ig��e �� �e�ce�� c�f fih� tr�es �°�rnc�v�d acc�rdis�� tio ��c�ia�a 1$.150.025.B.2.c �nd 1�.15Q.070.D. 1"he applicant �h�ll, ther�f�re, �rep�re � pi�n det�iler�g #h�� �ni�ig�fia� a�' 91 ca6iper ir�ch��. �ta�'f fe��nd � �light discr�pan�y b�tv���r� �h� �rbar's�t� �r�� s�nitigatiar� ch��t �nd �heet � caf�he p��limir�ary pl�n� that ir��r��if��� th� lo���ia�n ar�d �e�� ���xi��i�� tr��s. Th� ds��r�p�r��y i� th� v�ith the r��a�b�r a� 1�-��c�a, 16�-ire�h, �r�d 1€�-ir��h ��i�p�r ts���� �r� �h� p�ap�rfiy ��d tP�� i�t�l nc�mb�r� b�;ing rer°�caa��d. The �rbara�t �h�19 �l�ri� �h� �i����p��cy �r�d re�is� �h� rraitig�tion �ia� if r���e����. ��cf��� `�£.150.C���.� �t��e� �h��, �r�y tr�� pr�s���c� car r���in�d in ac�arc����� ���h �hp� ���tia�a ���, ���r����r, �a� r��c���d �a��� �'c�r t�a� r��sc�r�� ��t o�t in � tr�e p��r� a��cardi�g tc� �e�ti�r� 1�.�5Q.9�5 �r ��.3 3Q.�., ��d �haE! not be ��ak�j��t t� r�r�c�v�l under any oth�r s���i�n n� this chapter. TP�e �ra�er-h,� o�r��r �h�ll r�c�rc� � d��d r��firi�fion as � �s�ndition c�f �p�aro��l of �r�y d�v�lopm��� p�rmit imp��t�d by fi�i� s�c�io�� tc� th� eff�cfi th�t, ���h �r�� ��� �� removed c�nly if the tr��: di�s �r Q� hazardous acct�rdin� te� � ce�tified e�rbc�ri��. ���. ������� D ,��°'�: �����o� ��.°���,�D�S���� ������� ��ea����� ��� ����ii������o �� ��r��i� i��o ���� e�r m�r� la�. '!"� �� ��pr���dp a g�r�i�m��a�rg� �a6�t e�a�s# �orr��6� �safr°o #�� fa�ll�wis�g c�iter��: �. `Th� �e������9 ��s�4 �or���y �c�9� �ci�e ���°� �o��������i�✓e PS�c�4 ��� �p�����ab9� ������ �a°dir�a��� ��� ��h�6° appt���b�� ordi��r���� ��� a�g�a@��i���. Th�; pr�p���d sa.gt�divi�icar� corr�p9i�� vv�th t9�� C�rr�pr�h�ns�ve F'l�r� Map'� f��cii�� De��i�r ���id��i#i�! ��p�rtunity fo�° th� site, as well �s, with th� ���li��bf� p�li�i�s a�d r�gtalati��s �fi fih� R-�2 zor�� �nd a�h�r applic�bl� c�rdir�ar���� �r1d ��g�ai�tio�s. 2. �°h� p��p��ed p6�t n�r�� �u�t r��t �e dsaplic�ti�r� ��d ���� ��h�;���� s�ts��r �h� pr�vi�ie��� of C,Ft� eh�pt�r 92. �ha propased r�am� of th� �e�bdivi�iora "Dak�t� �li���9�v+��" i� ��t du�lic�ti�r�: of any oth�r piat record�d ir� iN�shingfon �o�r��y. �. ���°��� ��ad ro��� f��a�# �e @�sc� out �� �i� �� ����c��� �ca �6�� �al�t,� ��' �a�@�d�vosoo�o� ��a� r�aa�� �� ���fa�i�n� or s�abc�iara�ee�r�� a6r���y �ppr��.a�� fc�a� � s��J�9aliCA� �C���t'$� �� �� �v�d�h, ��n�r�G ������s�as� ��a� ir� a�l ����r r��@�e�� � �101���� fll� ��'� �����'E'43iP9�� �t !a 191 ��� �9RI�I�� 99���6'��� �� 6'43�&�'8�}P �I3� ��!°��� i�9" � s°c��d p�tter�» Th� sit� dca�s r��at ��ut �r�p�r���� v�ith �pprQV�d plat� that vv�uld � � req�ai�-e c�n��rrr�ity c�r�c��n��tivi¢y. I � � �, �� ���I�a���6on �a� ���ra prov�d�ci fo� ��1 �amr�o� Ar���e��s��c��at,�e Th� �ppli�ar�t � iia� prc�vided �n �xpl�nat�on �or �II cor�rnar� imprmver���n�� i�cluc�ir�g th� pro�i�i�n f�r ��blic ��rvi��� ��ch as s�w�r, e��t�r, dr�ir��g�, ��d ��r��� irr�pr�u�m�nt�. S7AFF R�PO�tT TO THE PIANldIN�CONiM15SIO�J 5UB 97•0002-UAKdTA iNEAD0INS SUdDIVISI�N PAGE 20 Str��t a�d tJt°IBfir I� rn�e�� S�ia�d��dsa S�c�io� � �o�t�ir�� �t��da�c�� fs�r �#r��t� �n� �tilitie���s�i¢�g a ���adi�i�6c�r�, trre�rod���#�: S��ticar� 1�.�6�4.J3a��) r�qs�6r�� ��r��� vvi�hia� ��ad adjoir�i�g a sie�elo�a�een� to b� r�eeii��t�d a�d irr�pro��d b�+�es� o� f�� �la��if�;�ti�►�a ofr tih� �tr�et. �outhw�s# North Dakota �4re�t is ci�ssi�e� a� a �in�r Cc�llecfior. Th� �ppli�ar�t has been condi�ion�c� ta �onstruct half �treet improv�r�ent� to Mi�ar Cc�liector sfianciards. The ap�ficant �nrill �onstruct �p��-cx�rnat�ly 239 f�et af firorofag� with �he cQnstructian c�f the suf�division. The r�rnaining 167 fie���ifl be �cansfirucfe� i� th� future with fihe redesigr� af the � bridge over F'�r�r�o Cre�9c. Th� prc�pas�d privat� ��r�:et �vil6 be designed i� a�cord�nG� �nrith City stand�rd�. ����?�w� ���°��� ���� ��� �����a���� �f��r���e ���tion 1�.'��40�30(�) �t,���� #I���� �u���� ���°ee� �9�r► �h�99 �� �il�e� w�i�h �h�w� ��� s��tt�r� of �����o�� ��d p��p���� f���r� ��r�e� f��� the Q�oura�i�rd�s of th� propo�ed la�roc� d�v��'s�n. 'T�°s� ��c�Q�n �I�o s�t�� �h�t ���r� �t i� nec���ary to gi�� a����� or �ea�mnfi � �����fa����y �t����� d�vo�i¢�ra �f �d��in�ne� ��c��, �tr�e� s��ll �� ex��r�d�ei t� �h� b�a�s�d�� �ira�� �� tW�� $e�ct tea b� d���iop�d ar�d � b�rri���6� ��a�i �� ��r��tr����d a�the �r�d �f�h� ��r��to °Th��� �tr�et ���b� tcs �d��andrag p��pa�rt��� �r� �ot c�oa�e�d���d ��► �a� ea�9-d�-��� �ira�e �h�� �r� or�t�a�e��� �a ca�n�5r�a�� �� ���°e���h :��a���� �� �u�h ti�� a� �he �e���sn��g pr����.jo c� d�v���p�d. Given �h� existinq deveiopm�r�t p��err� Qfi ��rrou�ding prapertie�, it is n�t nec�ssary, n�r p�s�ibl�, to exiend �F�� prc�p�ased str��t t� pra�i�� fn� ���ur� conn�ctic�ns or f�cdlifate futur� diori�ior� af adjoining laro�. S�r�� �,I����r�� �na� C��r��cfii�r�s: ��c�wa� 1�.°���o�D��(�� r�qa���°e� all ��c�9 str�ets a��i�� �9�u$ � ����8�ap�ra�ra� �a�� �hail �� �x�����d e�rs�hi� �h� ���� �� pro�sid� ths����h ei�c�un�fi��� �r'��n �ro� �r����ude� by ��a�6�a����nt�9 or tc�ps�gr��hec�l �on�trair��9 e�ei�ting d�veiea�arn�nt p�fi��r�� �� �tri�t �dherero�e t� �tt���° ���d�rc�� �r� ��Q� ��e��o A ��r��t ��an�a��'�ia�n ar e�����o�r� 6� p�e�l�d�d vvF���ro u7 a� n�� [��s�rbl� tea r����ig�, ea�� ����n���r� ��� ��r��� �����°� �a� p������ r����a��d e�t���B���. Br� �h� ���� o� �r��raronr����6 �r f�po�a°apha��i �e�r�s#eaAS��, th� m�r� �r��es�c� c�f � con�tx�int i� o��t �a��i�6e�# t� sho�s ���� � ��r�et �o�����ia�r� i� r�at po��ob��. °The �ppli�ant �u�t �h�a�nr vvhy th� �o�astrairot �S�°�cpaad�s saor�� r+�as�n�ble �#r��t conn�ctaan. Thi� s�ction i� �cfi �pplicable as there is na exi�ting l�cal st�e�f that at�ut� #he prop�rky which wouBd �equi�� ex#�nding ta provid� thr��egh circul�tit�r�. C I- e- acs: Sectio�s 1�a°�6�Q03Q(K� r�q�ir�� ��r�i: a c�i�d�-s�i� s���il b� �e� rr��r� �h�� 4Q0 �eet leang r�or pr�►�6d� �c��s� t� go�����r ��a� �A d�ns�B���� u�i#�e Ths �pplic�r�i ��� reques�ed a v�ri�nc� fi� �h€� standard ta ailow �h� �ul-de-sac to provide �cGe�s to 25 Int� �r�d � maximum length of 430 feet. Thi� uariance has b�en �ppra�v�d �nd is di�c��s�d in t�� varianc� sectie�n. i�ri��t� ��r��to ��ctae��t 7�,�i64,Q30��� ��t�� t�a�� d��i�r� ��nd�rds fa�a� pri��t� str��� �h�N �� ��t��li��,�d by �h� �ity �ngin��r ar�d th�t prevate �tr�ets �ervi�g r�or� thara 6 ���lli�� u�i� ��� ����i��d �vith�n �I�nr�ed deve��pmenf�. zhis sec��r�n also r�q�air�� � ���d�d rr��i���n���� agr��ment Qr th� �re�t�mro �fi � h�irnec�vv��r� a�s��i�tio� fc� p���oid� ��r fh� �a������d rraaintenan�� of ti�e �treet in p��pe�uity. The privat� �treet d�s�gn satisfii�s City st�r�d�rds. L�ts 1-20 will i�e served by a 24-foot-wid� p���d aeC�ssuv�y. �.c�t� 23-2� will b� s�rv�d by � 28-fn�#-wide ��c����vav with parkin� on or�e (1) side. The main er�tran�e is a 28-foc�t-vvids aecessway with parkin� �n c�n� (1) �i�ie, �"he Ci� _�...---- STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMPAISSION SUB 97-0002-DAKOTA MEADOWS SU6DiVISION PAG 21 a!ln��s local str���� �e� b i9x with a 28-foot-wid� p���r��nt c�n vui�h p��king c��n one (1) side, Th� �cc�ssuvay vvi(! �Ilc�w ��r � �0-fo�t �a�c��st�u�t�d driving surfiac�, c�n�i�t�nt with Fire �istrict requirements. Th�r�for�, th� prop��et� privat� �tr��fi ��tisfie� �his s�ction. The �ppli�ant has �I�o bu�n conc���i�n�d to pr�vi�� #or a be��e��� maint�n�ne� �gr�er�ent car g�ravid� a hom�owners' a���ciation for stre�t maie�tenance. �I � C�.��igr�o �e�ti�� 1�.1�4.0�0(A� st�t�� ti��t�he ��ngt�, wi�$h �rac� �h�pe of blo�k� �h�01 b� rl��i�ne�i o�aa#h du� r�gard to ��ovodi�g �d�q��te btse��ua�g sit�� for �h� ��� cr��t��npl�4�dy C.�B�a.S�4l�.��LLOS�� A� H��J�o�� ��C �r��B�Pi�IIH�i�� G�C�P,..�e�9 �irc�l�tior�9 ��a��rc�l a�d saf�ty af�tr�et tr�ff�� �r�d ���+��ni�i�ea caf lamo�ta�r�s aa�� o��ort�araa�i�s �f t�ptsg���6�y. �lock 6� : ����i�� ��e'664.0�����(1� ��t�� ��h�t th� p��om�t�r �af b�s��k� f����d by �tre�� s��i�� r�s���x��:ed �9��0��������a���d ��c��� ��e �°'sg�����m�e�y i��oe �s�c�gi��e 1. �'��r� �tw��� @ss��ta�� Q� pre�9u��d by ����ar�E ����g�aph�, �������� �� ot�a�� bc�d��s a�f�rat��or, �e��a���ts�g c➢��o�l���a�r���6; 2. F'o� �5����s �dj�����f �� ��er°s�f �t����, li�o�ed ��ce�� �igi��rr���, ��J�r c�U��t�rs �r�����a��c��� 3. For nor�-r��ecl�r��6�9 bl��k� �� �,r�gcFe Br�fi�rc�a�l p��lic cBr�uiati�� prc�viz��s �e�uiva6�nt�c��ss. This crii�eri� is ns�t ��plic�bl� as t��� �ifie i� cc�nstrain�d firom meetir�g th� s�,�cified black perimef�r du� to Pxisting d�velapmen� p�ttarii� �r�d lac�tiar� Qf th� 10�-y�ae- �lac�dplai�°�. The blc�ck in this ar�a is bouo�ded by SihJ hJor�h L��kn�a �tr��t, SdN 115th Av�nu�, ��lV Tic�ard Str�et, �nd �l�P Ti�d�rr�an Av���e and i�uvell in exce�s v'f 1,�00 fe�4. E�Ica�k Lea�c�t�: ����6�rs 1�.���.�D��(����) ��t�� tha� �+h�� b6�c� @�;�����a� �r����.r ���n 600 f��t �r� ���0�6���9, ��de�tr6a�fbsEc��r�ys �P�ali �� �aG��a��� �h�a��g�a �h� ��o�6c= i�he prope�ty is pre�luded frc�m pr�viding � street co���c�ion betvve�n �1fV North Dakot� Str�e4 �nd SW 1'ig�rd �fr��t. Sinc� the blo�k �xc��d� 600 fie��, ti�� �pplicant sh�91 �r�vid� � �edestrian p�thway �onn�cfiican t6�r�u�h the talvck �t� pravid� conneetivifiy vvith �W �'i��rd �treet. � �edestrian p�thv+iay provbded w;�h th� s�ibject ag�g�lication wauld cot�necf �o ar� �xisting pedestrian pa#hway 5tubb�d at tihe south prop�rfy line. A �edestri�n p�thvuay is �hown or� �he Gity Compr�her�siv� �'I�r� �ark Pian t� fc�!lavv Fan�c� Creek. Wi�ile fihe propos�d s�bcii�✓i�iQr� pi�n �a�ld �ccomme�c9�fie ti�e r�quired ped�sfri�r� ��athvv�y cor�n�ction within the subdivi�i�n and 5ati��� this requirement, �he �ity Ga�t�r�d� �6��� provisi�n ofi th� paih within Tracts "N° and "�ii"�v�auld �rovide a pref�rabl� lc�c�tir�r�. �'his iocation is pr��erred given th� �afh's linkage wifii� pathuv�ys wi�6�ir� the �ity of Tigard �p�n �pac� ar�� Gr�enway �ystem. �h� �pplic�nt is, th�re�ore, c�ri�ition�d to prcavide � �5-f�cat ped��tri�n ea��m�nt for f�,� purposes of mitigafing t��ffic c�ng�stion by �rovidin� cc�nnecfivify ar�d fih� c�pportunity far �iter�ativ� m�an� o�' fr�nsportation. As previ�u�ly discussed in s�ction 1�.32, #he r�quiremen� for a p�d��trian �as�ment is ro�aghlgr propm�tiora�i. The Gity of T'igard h�s id�ntifed f�nding for the c��structia� c�f a �ed�sfirian ��tho�vay alor�� 4his s�cfion o# F�c�no Cre�k in its Capital Improv�ment �ragrar�i. �°�e �ity will, therefare, �� constructing the p�destrian way i� the futur�. Sir�ce ehe �ity will be r�s�onsible for rhe constr�cfi�n o� the �aedestrian p�fihway, this code s�cti�n i� satisf�d for purpa��s of this �ipplica��or�. The Ci�yy h�s car�tact�d the owners to discuss th� wiilin�ness of the owrrers to sell �racts "�!'° and "M" tv th� City for park �nc� c�per� space. Thi� diseu�sion i� out�id� the boundari�� of fihis ap�lic�tioo� and i� ur�r�iated to ghe st�ndards and cor��i�ions within 4hi� ��p��t. STA�EPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION SU�97-0002-DAKdTA MEADOWS SUBDIVISlOtd PA�E 22 Ip�s� - ���� �r�e� ���� S���io� 1�0'�64.06�(�) �r�h6�� ��p��a frc�� b���� ��r� t1��n �.� �i��� g�� �v�a���e I�t �r�d�h, �nl��� ���� ��r��Q s� ��s� �h��a i.� #im�� th� r�i�aam�rn 8�� ���� asf t�� a��l����t� ��r�in� �i�tr���e �,� er�di����d �r� th� �it� �ia�, �!I t�u�nt�-�v� (2 a} l�t� ��amply�rsth th�� �rit�raa. ��& Fr���c��� ����i�� 1�.°�6�.0����) ��qa�ir�� �h�� I�#� �h��v� �� ����� 25 ���� a��fr����� c�s� ���0g� �r p������ ������, c��6��� ��a�¢� �� ail�y9 �nlr��� ��� ��� �� f�� �� ���h�d �i��������i�y ��r��lir�g u�it, ir� �hi�h �a�� #�e �at f�°����� �h��i �a� �� ��a�t �� ���t. A�s indg��t�d s�� �h� �at� pi�r� �Q6 la�s �vith �h� ����p�iar� c�f L�i �2 ����,3l�r�vet►"-a t�19� �t��ld�rd. ���"���a�,�e ������� �1�a���e�7� r�e��i��� ��s����ik� �dj�Q�ain� �I� �����6��ti�i �����f�. A� i�t�i����d z��� th� �i�� pl�rs, � �id���alF: i� b�ing p�c�vid�d �I�n� �1fV i��r�h Dak�t� atr��� �nd th� r��9n �ntr�r��� ��'�h� pri���� ��r�e�, �h�i�by, ��tisfy3r�� fhis �t����rd. F���L�� �',�1�lt..(°f�" �laN��4�1��: S���is��� ,��o'���.�3Q���€� (5�r����; � � (������y ���a���9 �re� '������4e�,Ot� ��t�r� ������) ��a19 �i� ��ti���� �� s������� b�l�w: ��"�.��T�n �W Nar�h D�kat� �tr� This si�� i� I+�c�fie� �daacet�� �o �� f��r�h f�akc�t� �tr�et, v�hict� i� �6���ifi�d �� � rr�a��� coElec�ar str��� �in fh� �ity's Tr�r��p�rtati�r� �I��. �h� rc��d�nr�y is c�rr�r�tl�+ ���r�d, b�t s�c�t f�lly im�e a�u�d tca �it� st��d�rd�. Yhe right-of-vv�y (R�7� a� pre��r�t mea�ur�� 20 fe�i fir�r� c�r�fi�riera�; a rr�bn�ar ��li�c�ar str��� reqisir�� 36� fie�fi �rocn c��t�rlir��. �°4'�� ��.1�i4.�30(�} r�q�air�s �h� applicar►f �o d�dic�te �d�i�ic�n�9 �O'�il te� rr���t �h� rr�inima�rr� �nridtF� ��and�rd. �°h� �pp6i�ar�t h�� andi��t�d th�f �h�y weli de�ic�t� k�� �de�it�ore�l l�C.�V�!�e� �ati�fyy this r�qtair�m�n�. �h� prap��ed p�oje�� wiCl in�re��� fih� �rrlrau�t �� �r��i� c�r� the �ity"� ��r�et �ysf�rre. I� generai, single-farr�ily developmer�t will �dd app�a�xirr��tely t�� ;1�J� vehi�le tr9ps �a�r day fcar ��er� nev� lot, �cGOrd'on� to th� In�tEt�.at� of �°r�n�pasfia�i�n �r�gi��ers (IT��. ��� tf-ois proje�ct, �h�re vvill b� �p�ar�xi��feiy 250 ��v�+ tr�p� per da� �dded t� �h� ��r����n. Th�i� 9ra�r�m�n��I ir�crea�e ira trafFic �rarr�r��� i4����ver��n# to �V!! �a�h Dakat� Str��t. TNIC: 18.16�.03Q(E} st�tes thafi t�� appC���nt �ho�lc� �ae r�quiA°�d tr� impr�v� th� str��� t� �n��t ca�rr�nt City stao�d�rd�. °�h� �ppli��r�t�� �I��Q IBIC�IGc�t�� ��9�$ �h��! WIII �fU�'I(�� � �r�I�-S$�'��� �° sr� rovemenfi �ar t��� crfi�� af �h� ��t� �ront� � �d acent to the rn�ir� dev�l� ec� are�. � � P 9 J P �° k-iavv��er, th�re is a ��srg� a�ea of the �it� �h�t c�nt�en� rn���ly 10Q-y�ar flo�dpl�in a�d � � w�tl�r�� ��j�cen� to F�nnc� �r��k th�t th� �pp(i��nt proposes �o p8��� vvi�hin #ra�ts tca be � d�dica�ed tn fil�e �ity (Tracts Y� �nd �i). 1"he fr�ntage of S'�'V Nor�h �?a�ata �tr��t, �d�ac�nt � t�a �'r�c� �1, i� n�t pra�po��cl tca be �mprov�d by fil�� �ppli��nt. C� � °' The Engir-t�ering C�epartm�nt's C�pital Irnprovement Prc�gram (�9P) c�lls f�r th� futur� r��onstructian �f the bridge ov�r Fann� Cr�ek �n SUV t�orth Llak�ta �tr���. Thi� r�GOnstr�cfiior� wiii result in a r�eed to raise the grade of the stre�t c?n eifh�r �ide �f �h� �radg�. It �pp�ar� ti�at the ��rfi�n of roarlw�y adjacent to Tract 9� ��vn�ld �� ���cte� by th�t impravem�nt. Thar�f�r�, �ta�f recomm�nds that the applic�nt r�ot con�tru�t �tre�t irn�r�vements along thafi portion �f th� �it� frontage. The a�splicant h�� pro�o��d t� enter S'fAPF RE�ORT TO THE PI.ANNING COMMIS510N SUB 97-0002•DAlCOl'A MFADOWS SUBDIVISIqN PAGE 23 into � f�e�n-��rr��r��tr� �r��������a� w�ul� a�bligat� th r� prcap�rf� oa�ner� wifhi� th� pr�j�ct �� p�y for �he f�tur� wider�ing o� th� str��t if ifi vu�r� ir�prc�v�d a� a part �f � , L���@ Irrepresva�rn�nt �i�trict (LID). �ta� d��� h�OT' r�c�rnm�nd thi� type of �greerr��ret b�c�u�� they� da ��t vuork v�r�ll f�r sca�ds�i�i�€��o a� �h�y �nrill affecfi ����r� prop�r�y ����r� that r�i�y, or s��y ntat, b�carr�e awar� �f t�� agr��rr��n� b�for� ti�ey ptar�h��e th� dvveaBir�g. �otic� c�f th� agr�e���� will �pp��r �� � �e�3� r�pr�r4, bu� �t��f h�� f��and �h�� a v�ay Eo�e p�rc�nt��� s�f ceti���� �cf��@6y ���view � tctl� r�p�r� b�fi�r� �uy°s�g a hQUS�. ��cac�s� of this, C;ItiEfS h�1i� � Vf'P`�/ �l�CLI�� t9Ei1� IC� �c'�II68�� in �hi� typ� of �gd•��o�t�nt be���.��� �f fih� ��tential out��gr frc�nn th� citi��n�. Pn iie� �f the ns�r�-r�mor��tran�� �gr�;�s��r�t, ���� r�c�arrsrr��r�c�� th� ��pli���r�t d�po�i� f�ar�d� with th�� �ity th�t v�eil� b� u�ed fic�vv��� th� fi�at�sr� ira�prc�v��ra�r�t �f th�t par�ior� of th� �fir��t vuh�n �h� �i�y reccan�tru��� �he bricig�. '�°h�� �pfic��s I��� b��s� ��i9G��d b����� �h� �i�y �r�d �ther c�e�,g�l�p�r� ir� th� p��# wh�r� �ir���ra�t����� pr����f t�c� �r�����i�t� irn��overrien� �� th� �#r+��t. 1"�� �ity ��n �efi �p � �pe�s�e� ��cca�a�� f�r #h� f�a�d� �e� ���y v�ili ar�l� b� �a��d frar th� c�r�str�ction �� �lnrth (��kot� Sfire��. �°h� �pplic��#'s fu�di�� �blig��i�r� ��ou9�d �� lir�gt�d to � ��If-�tr��t ir�proverr!�nt and �n ��tim�t� �dca�4d r���d �� b� subrni��d b� th� appiic�nfi°s �ngir��er to be reviewe� ��d ap�ra�v�d by ���� C��y �r�gin��r. �i��e th� �it� dr�e� n�t ��t ha�e desig� pla�s developad for tt�� bridg� presjec�, and th�r�;faec� d��� �€�t knc�w the ext�r�t o� fhe ��rti��f gcade �h�ng� n�c���ary iar �h� str��t, �t�ff r�;�c�md-r�e�ds the ��ti�at� ��� th� h�lf-�tr�et improvem��t be ba��d nn th�� �xi�tir�g �r�ci� �f th� str���. TI�� fu�id� �c�r t�� �tr��fi irr�prc�ver�erat �ha�id �� paid t� �he �@ty priasr �o �pprca�+�l ca�' fih� fina! plat. Pr� o .� �__���� ��r��# �r .t� TFo� �,pplic�r�t'� �I�r� i��i����� �h� r��:vv r��iden�i�l unif� �riil b� ��rv�d b� ��ioea�� �fi����� r�vi�h car�� (1) ������ or�t� �W 6�l�r�F� ��kc�t� �tr��t. Tig�rd �lfur�6cip�l ��d� (Tt��) 1�.�64.b30��) �i��a�nrs a privat� ��r��t tr� ��rve rnor� �h�� �ix �6) dvu�iling us�i�� i�' �p�ra���d thr�ug� � pl��n�d d��r�lapr����. Tha� pr�j�c� i� being pr�pa��d �s � �4�nr��d ��v�i�ps�a��ot �a�d wifl �on�i�� �� ��t��i1�d roav ha�a��s. �"hi� �yp� o� d��reioprn�r�t u��a�lly i�cl��d�s rn�����n��c;� �gre�m��t� f�r cer��ir� fe�tur�� e�ithi� the d���i�prr�e�at, �uch �� �p�r�� space, drav��v��� �nd i��dscap6ng. A pri��+e �tr��t i� ���ep�abl� af #he d�velc�p�r provid�� � m�chanism for main�en��ce b�y �he f�#ure prop�rfiy awn�r�. �"ypi��lfy thi� i� do�e thr�ugh � horr»avvr»rs' ��se��iafiic�r� �n� � m�in4e�ane� agreem�r�t �h�,t vviil �e��rr�e p�rt ca� th� ���F�'� ti��t �r�: r�corded v�ith �h� �i€�al pl�t. Th� �p�lic�n� h�s ir�c�i��ted t�aat ° they �r� rrviliia�g �� ��t�bli�h any n�ce���ry ���€�'� and �air�t�r�ar��� �gr�ernent�c� �nsure �h�t th� pri�af� sfir��� syst�rn �nrili be m�int�it��d b� fh�; pr�ap�rfiy ��en�rs. �he�� de�cum�r�ts shc�uid b� r�vi�vu�d k�y th� �r��ir��erQng �?�pa�fi���t prie�r �c� �p�r�or�i af th� '� finai pl�t. Th� �ity's p�blic oo�pr��ve����t desagn st�nr��rd� r�q�ai�� �ri��t� �tr��t� �� hau� � a p�vern�nt ��ctian �qu�l tn � pubia� 6o�a! str�et. Th� �ppfi��r�t �iil n��d �a provid� �hi� _ typ� of p�vemen4 s�ctie�n. � � �e4'TE�: � a � Th�r� is ��a�li� �v�ter av�ifabl� from a maira lir�� in S�iV hlo�h [��k�t� atr��t. T'h� �p�li��nt's pl�n indicat�� #hat � new main lin� will be ��enc��d '¢ratc� �h� de�o�lt�p¢-��rtt $c� �er�� th� ���nr Ic�ts. ___----- STAFF REPI�f2T TO THE PLAPJNING COMMI3SlOP�! SLlis 07-0002-DAKOTA MEADOWS SUBDIVI510N PAGE 24 ���IITA�l�' ��V�11��. F'ublic �anitary s�w�r is �vailabl� fir�m �n ��i�ting r�ain iin� ar� S�OV �J��th C?�k�t� �tr�et. °�h� pl�n Qndi��f�� that � oi��ns pub6ic r��in Iitl� l/VIII �� Ii35��II�I� MiElfifPl �Il�? pi'IVr��i� �a$i'�@$ system t� ��r�+� al6 +af th� n�w Ic�ts. It �ribl be n����sary th�t �I! rnanh�fe� a8�arrg the ��w pubii� ���rer il�� b� acc��sibf� ��a �et� maint�n�r��� v�hecl�s, It �pp��r� that ��� prnpa�ed r���ro��i� b�hi�d Lot� �� �r�d 23 wilf be outside o�' �r�y p���d �r��; �hi� will n��d to b� �d�u�t�d so the ra��s�ho0� v���B b� �vithi� a p���d �cG��� �rEa. Th� �pp9i���t uviEl ���� n�ed fi� d�di�at�, o� th� fir�a! pia�, a p�blic sa�i��sy �ev��r �r�d ac���� ��s�rnent ���r th� �re� �h�r� th� pcabli� ����r li�r� wviBA b� i����li�d. ��'��i� D IRJ�4C��� �'h� ���li���#'� pi�r� i�di��t�� �h�t �h� �����}g ��t�r firc�rr� �6�i� pr�j��� r�silB �� r�ar����d ���oar� F�r�nc� �r���, wh�ct� 's� la��#ed �I��g #h� ���ter�a pc�rtio� of thi� �i��. �tc�r�°r� vv�ter will b� tr�afi�e4 in �� c�nT�i�e private biofiltratiar� swale �h�� �viil th�r� di��h�rg� ir�t� th� �r�e�C. Tl�e a�pl9c��t r��ay n�ed to �bt�ir� � C�ivi�i�n caf Sfi�t� Lands (DSL) p�rmit �or �ny wark in the adjac�nt��tl�r�� �i°e� r�ext 4r� fhe cr��k. �T�(��I ��°�"�� ���6�l�''4 The �ity h�s �gr��d tm �nf�r�e �u�fa�� V�/�ter f��nagerner�� (�1/V�) r�c��alati�ns �s��bli�h�d by �he llnified ��vverag� Agency �l�S�) t����iutic�r� �nd (�rder �c�. 9�-4°7, as a�n�r�ded by F��Q 91-75} whi�h req�ir� th� cc�n�trucfi�r� of on�sit� wat�r �u�lity f�cilaties, Tf�� ��caliti�� �h�al6 �e desic�r�ed �ea rema�� �5 p�rc�ni �f�h� �Sh���hor�� ����ain�� in 10Q perc�nt c�f �h� storm wr�tes� rur��ff g�nerafie� frorr� rr�r�rly cr��t�� �rrapervious ��ar�ace�. In �ddi�i�n, a r��ir���r�a�c� pE�� is r�quired tc� b� subrrii���d �r�dic��i�g �h� fr�g�er�cy ana rne#h�d fc� b� u��d in ke��ing �he facility rroair�t�i��d �S��a�gh t9�e y��r. �'rior ts� �on�tructic�n, th� �pplic�r�$ �h�ll ��br�i� pl�r�s ar�d ��lculatir�r�� f�r � �✓�t�r qc�a�ixy €�e6fity fih�f will m��:fi the int�r�� of R�O �1-47. ir� �dditiQn, tP�e �p�lic�nt sh�ll �u��rrit a rr��ir�tenao��e pi�n far t61� f��aaaty 4h�t mus# bE revi�w�d �r�d �p�r�av�e1 �y t6i� Gity pri�r t� i��u�r�ce af building p�rmit�. �as s�afi�� �r�°�i��asiy, �h� �pplie�nt is pr�pc�sing to �r��t fi�e �n-�it� w�t�r in � bir��iifir�tion �v►ral�. The prelir�in�ry c�l�g.�latians indicai� the sw�le vvill d���d �� b� �pproxirr��t�ly 1�1� f��t long. Th� plare p�ovid�s thi� I�ngth. The constru�ti�n e�ravvings wili roe�d to pro�id� a �nore det�il�d d��i�� �t' th�s �acility. 5inc� the facility vvif! b� prid�t�4y r��in��in��, th� � �C��t'� �hauid id�nti�y hr�v�o i� �houid ka� r�ainf�ir�ed by fihe pr�p��y c�vvr��rs. � � t�F�A►L:N�lG a�B�� �R���CS� ��6�11°���a � � �► l��A N�&U 91-47 alsca regufa�e� �rosian confiral tc� red�sce th� amour�t of �eda��nt and � other pollu�ants re�ching the publ3c storm �nd ��ar�ace w��ter system resuiting frr�r� �' d��a�lopmer�t, construction, gr�ding, excav�ting, cl��ring, �nd an� other acti�ity whi�h ac��l�r�t�� �r€�si�n. Pe� R&t� 91-�7, th� appli�ant is req�ir�d t�a submit �r� �r��i�n cpntrol plan for Cgty review ar�d approval pric�r t� is�uance o�City p�rmifis. All gr��ing work vvill be in�pected by the �uilden� �ivisi�n as � p�rt of th� Site F'err�ot �r�fi�r t� �h� �!`r'� p��N1iT REt�U96��D secfii�r� th�t follows). STAFF REP�RT TO THE PLAPINING COMM1AISSION SUB 97-0002-DAKOTA ME4DQYJS SUBDIVISfOi� PAC�76 ��65`i'B�G t"'f�9��W��,� 3LI�f �It���: T'h�re �r� ��istii�g c�v�rh�ad utipity 9i��� adja���t fic� S1/�f iVorth D�kota �tr�et. ��ction �8.164.�Z�D of th� T�IiC r�qu6r�� a11 averhe�d �fiiity 1i��s adja��nt fio � d�ve�lopment t� be place� �nd�rgr��nd tar, �fi th� el�ctic�n o� the r���+�lop�r, � f�� i�-li�� �� �r�der�r��nding can b� pa4d. !� the fe� ir�-is��� i� prc�po��d, it is �quai t� �27.5�J per Iin��B f�ot �f street fronfag� �h�� con#air�� #;he ov�:rh�ad line�. �I°T� �'��N1�°T �EQI�I�.�t�: Yhe appii��n� e� r�c��ir�d tcs obfi�in a 5it� �'ermi� frob�a �h� B�iidi�g �i��i�ic�r� t� G�v�r �!I c�r�- sit� priv��� �a��o9i�y ir���alia�i�ro� (�at�r, s���r, ��arrr�, �tc.), gr�clir�� ar�d ��iv�f� stre�fiJdrsv�w�� �c�r�s�ruc�ac�n. Ev�r� thoiagh thi� �i�oject is a "�ub�ivision", which �r� u�u�iiy insp�cfi�d �cleiy by t��� �rtgineering L�epar�m��t, it will confair� a �ignific�r�t �m�unt af priv�te �tali�ies ar�d nau�d ar��s. l�h� proj��fi will be very sirr�il�ar in cpr��tr�.ectin� to �� ap�r�m���t projeGt. For thi5 r�asc�n, the Sit� �s�rmif i� appra�riate and necess�ry. �"his p�rrrait �hai! be abt�ined prior to approval af �h� �nal plafi and �h�uld t��: c�bt�ir�ed in conj����ir�n vvi�h th� public inn�rov�r�,er�t p�rrr�it �� rrao5t of the uvar� �ssociate� �nrith 4h� Sifie P�rmit will lile�ly n�ed tn b� cta���ruct�d �t �he sar�� time as th� publi� ir�prcav�rn�nt� �re c�n�truct�d. APP�..IC,���.�E ��N��'R�F��'N�fo1E 6���! P�LICfE� �a i� �a�o ��9i�� �.°�.'� �Y�B����� ��� �9�f Vl�6�d ���ldD'� �9'1e�� Cft���Wi� �'��E �� �f'�i�6C��t� a� o���a��n��yy �� p�rt��ep��� a� �al p����� �fi �h� �la��°s�� �n� d���l�p�a�nt r��rm�w �ro����. The s�ladi�isiar� 6s c�n�ist�nt with P'�licy 2.1.� bec�a��€� a n�igt7bc�rh�e�d meetir�g v�as i��ld by th� �pplic�nt, no�ice of the p�blic he�ring �as provic��d to awners �fi property� v�ithi� 250 f�et a�d v✓�s �ub�ished in a n�ws��per o�g�n�r�l circui��i�rn. �_�����: �'oge�y 3.2.2 s��t�� �haf fh� �ety �h�16 a�lcze� 8��� f�ar� �I���'�'�9CD�4a os �l�va���rn�nt ise fh� floodpl�,Br� o�t�id� th� z�ro�fi�aot �i�� �lo�c��ay whi�h pr���r�+� ea� e�haa��� �h� ���s���ors �� t;�� ��rr��f�t�� �a�� �loea�w�� p�°o�a���d �9�� l�nd f�r� �i����t9�r� �ndf��° d��e�6�pme�# s� a� ���� ���ia���`d;�� ���me��o�l as� i��u���e�l �� the �r�rn�r�F�e��iore Pla�r� �and �ase �a�p. 9t app�ar� that the 100-year floadpiain el�v�tior� is � �ppraximately at�he 16Q fioofi eievatia�n. The dev�(opm�nt shall �ccur autside of the 160 foot � �levation. �he �pplicant ��� �pp4ied for � 5e�sitiv� �a�ads� P�rr�ifi �� �i�ce ��r�it�r� �ew�r, � �te�rm s��✓er, �idewalk�, and � water qualety f�cility within the flc��d�la�� ar�a. �'h� applicant � has be�r� condit�on�� to pro�ide �inding� a� to how tii� S��sitiv� L�r��9� �p�rcav�l crit�ria �re � � satisfied, thereby� sati�fjring thi� policy. If the ap�lic�nt canr��t prcavide ad�q��te��c�ings, the � pian shalD be r�vised fo dernon�trate fiha� ro wo�k�nrill �e don� wifhin fihe fils�+�d�plain. J ,���odplains: �'oli�y 3.�.� �ta#es that �he Cit,e sh�ll pr�c�F�ibit ��v�iopr�erat �ei�th�n areas de�ec�r�atec! as �i�nificant ��tiansl� ean the f9o�dp9ain and ws�t6and� ma�. 6�0 d�v�lcap�taent �hai9 �c��r on properby adj�cerat t� �rea� d��igr�afed as �igr�ificant vv�tl�nds on th� floodpl�in and w�tlands �+n�p �w�thira ���ty five (25� f��t �f the S�'RFF R'cPORT TO THE PiANNING COMMISSIOM SUB 87-0002-pAKOTA MEADOWS SUODIVi510N PAGE 28 d��igr����d �v��l�r�c�� �. p�v�l��r��nt ss� prop�rt� ���s�� �� th� �i������nf �►r�tl�r��� �hai! b� �elow�d a���d��° �h� pl�ra��d dew�doprx��nt s��t6o� ��' th� c�o+��o T�i� �mlicy i� �ati�fi�d �s �h� d�lin��ted tvu�t{a�+d is no�de�igr��ted a� � �i�r�i����t v�r�tl�nd t�r� �h� floodpi�in ��d ���I�nds m�p. Th� �ppi6car�fs propc�s�d dev�loprx�ent uvill n�t requir� #h� �iflinc� �f v�r�tlar�d� �.,���r (�`��lit�: P�li�y �.�.°� �rc�v�e�es tha�t �II d����oprn��at e�e�th�� t9�e Ti��rd �r��� p�a�n�ng �r�� sh�ll �orr�p6y with �p����ab0� ��d�r�9, �t�t� ��d r��ic���l �ea��� ���l��y star�c��rd�. �r�li�y 4.2.� is �atisfed �� ��e a�piicanfi sh�il b� �roveding on-sit� vvat�r q��lity tr-eatr��nt, �s r�qt�i��d by �lr�dfied ���erag�Ag�ncy f�e�oiution �r�� Ord�r !��. 9�-47. P�a�Ew�_�1�s9�fii��a �aiicd�� �01�2� �o�o°� ��� Tn�o� �r��id�� �E��� �C��: ��fiy ��&0 ����a��� �� � �on������ �fi ������pr���� ��S��a���� t��� �a�ab9i� vv���r, ���e�� �c�d �t�r�r�a cEca����� ��il �� p���A��� ��� �E�si���r� �� �a�� ����#�.r�� ��ac6 �9��� e�ti{iti�� �h�ls �� p����� �sn���°������. F'ali�i�s �'.1.2, 7.3.1 �,6�� 7.4.�4 are ��ti�g�d ��c��s� the de`�e(c�p�r i� r�quired t� �����d ���bli� s��nr�r ar�d ��te� �ystem� to this �i#� pr�ar tr� dev�l�pr���r�t. in adc�ition, the d���lc���r i� ��qu9r�d ta� �r��id�for c�r�d�rgro�a61� inst�liati�n c�f�tiBity 8in��. �6r r ��.� ��I��� 7.��� ��tE�� th�a# Fir� �i�����t�h�ll ��v��e� ��@ r��w ci�v���p���� ' ���9ac����n� �� ��a�a�c�� a��q���� �r� g�r�������� �� ��r������� �o ���� ���� ��� de°��6opr�a��'�, T'�a�i�fii� �t'�l��y Fire a�� Re�c�e uv�� prcavid�d with � copy �� ��G clevcloprn��t pl�n, ir� c�mp8i���� v�aith �c�licy 7.E.1. ��t Irn�r���m�r��; ��16cy �.1.1 gar��ad�� tha# t�e �ity w616 plan f��° «� ���� ��c! ��l�9��'d� ��P��.-`'� s�6�� &°(?�If.��l�ij/ �1J�$�P57 ��`R�� C�'9��� ���'P�tl� �'d��C�'°a �S1C� �1'6�9�i��t�t� $9.�'�UC� �p��,�h a�� ����lcspa��r��. �"i�� s�b�li�ivinn prc�posal compli�s with Polici�s �.1.1 �ind �.1.3 b�cau�� th� prop��ed ir�prc�v�m�nt� �hauld contritaute to � s�f� �r�d �fffci�nt �tre�t syster� ir� �his �r�a. T�e pr�pcas�d S!!V IV�r�h �D�kot� Str�et impr�vem�s��s �r� cc��si���r�� �ith �ity c�f Ti�ard st��dard� �'�r �ol6e��or �tr��t�. T'h� in���r��i �tr��t ��rwi�g th� �ubdavi�ic�r� �h�ii �I�ca meet Ci�y stand�rds in ��i°r�n� ��i��si�r� r�;quirerner�t� fc�r prierat� ��r�;�ts. �#r��t lr����.r�►�r��. ��16cy $e'�.� s�4e� �h�� t��e �ity �6@I �°�qui�e th� fieal�s�v�ring a� � pr�������a�� �f a�����r��o 1, ��v����s��ra#�but� ded�cat�d �tPe�t Ar h�.ae� �th�r ad��uat� �����s; 2. S�r��t r�gh�-��-�say �ha9B b� d�da��ted e�6�er� th� �tr�e$�� �e�b���dard i� wid�h; � 3� �h� ����lo��� �hall ��rrnrnit to �c�rostsaa�ta�n sa� t�� ���e��, �urbs, a�d � s�d�w�l�� �� C9�p ���dard� �va�hs� fih� d�v�9�pr��r��; � �. `��� ��v�l�p�r �h���� p��6��p��� ia� tt�� 9cnpr�v����� c�� �����i�g ��r���' �a��&��y � �r�d �id�w�l�� �o �9�� c��t��t of th� c�ev�l��rx�ent'� �i�p�ct,�; �r�d � �o ��e°��� ����������� �h��l b� mad� a��i �fi��et �ag�a� �� �s�n�9� �h��� b� w '� p�°�vid�d ����a th� sl��r�l�prr��nt is �ocand t� �r��t� or �r�t�n�9� � t�°�ff'#�� h���rd. T'h� �ubdivi�ion proposal compli�s with PQlicies 8.1.1 a�nd 8.1.3 b���us� the propo�ed �xfier��ic�n �f 6mproveme�t� to, and uvithir� th� d�v�loprn�nt, sho�ld c�n�ribut� ta � sa�� arzd effici�iit ��re�t �yst�m ir� this ar�a. �"h� priv�te sfiree� s��ing the subdi�+isian shali me�t �ity st��d�rds 'sn te�m� of d�sign r�qui�es�ne�t�. STt1Fp�REt'�UR7 TO 1'HE PLANtJING CpMfWISSIQN SUB 97-0002-DAKOTA M�ADOyVS SUBDIVISION PAGE 27 ,�(��'9�N \/' ��TI�E� S�'�,�F ���G1�8�,T'i� 'T�e ���i �f 'Cig�rd ��u'sl�larag Dav��ion has �a��e��v��d �Rhi� prapea��9 �ns� h�� ��f�r�c� ��� fol9�wira� �oe�rsrts��a�: ff constr��te�d te� � r�a�v h���� ��r�cep#, pr�vide �he foil�wing: 1. � h�rra�ov�rners' �s�o�i�tion is� �onjur�ati�n wi�� � �rrair��er��nc� �gre�r�er�t far the commc�nly owr�ed c�mpan�nt�; 2. �he c0�sigr� c�mpRi�� w�th �-� cr�cup�r�c:y r��uires�n�r��s; �. ��rLOCtur�6 ���j�c�i�r�� s�ach ��, ��v�� and c�rnices ar� ncat �16a��o�d beyo�d prop�r�� lir���; �. �trcaciure� �r��t�r �han thr�� (3) ��it� sh�l{ campf� �ith �h� �9��forrn E�uiiding �e�d�; a�� 5. all b��ildi��� ma��t be in�er�onnec�ed wi�n � sid��vv�lk �c��ssible to p�rsons �►rith c�i�abiiit�es, �rifh rout� �xt�r�dir�g to th� p�biic w��a. �h� �w� a�f T���r� l��q6�� ����r��r��nt h�� r��a�e��d t�is prr��a���0 ��d h�� �+�'�r�d th� �ol�o�ri�� ��r�m��fi,�o Th� ap�li���f sh�ll �ubmi� � �idsk �I�n f�r r��iew and �pprav�l. ���'y�4V �/� �.���a@�_��i�11��V1" T�a�ai��i�a @/�@9�y F��� ��� R�s�t�� s���i�vv�� ��aa� yaro�o�aa ��d �a� off�r�d the �oll��aArsg ���am���o Plan� �r� not �pproue� at this time. Th� �ppli��r�t �h�ll �ddr�ss th€: f�ailawing �ian nc�fies ao�d re-�u�mi� pi�n� far revieuv an�l appraual: �. Fire app�r�tus acc�s� rnad� shall h��e �r� d�r�r���tru�fi�d wid�h af nc�t les� th��e 20 f��t (1� f�et �For �of mor�� th�n ttv�rr� (�) d�r�llir�g �er�ifi��, and an L�:�ob�tru�ted v�r�ic�! cl�ar�r�c� of raofi I�s� t��r� 1� �'e�t 6 anch�s (�J�� ��c. 902.�.2.7). 2. D�a�d end fir� ���a�r��us acG�ss roads i� �xcess of 150 fe�t in I�ngth �i�all be pro�rided with ar� a�pra�ed t�trnaround. l�i���aen� of �pprov�d t�rn�ro�r�d� are avai6�bie �r�r� th� fi�� �istrict �U�C ��c. 9(32.2.2.�). 3. Wh�r� fir� app�r�at�� acc��� r��d�ay� ar� not �� s�sffic��nf �uid�h fic� acco�nr��d�fie parked v�hicle�, "Na i�ark6ng" �igns shafl be i��t�U�� c�r� �r�� ar b�th sides af th� roadway, and in turnaround� as n�ed�d (iJF� ���;. 9��.2.4). �igns �hail rea� "h�O PAFdKINL� - FiR� LANE - T�W A!!�'AY �OP��, aR� 98.�10" and shall be irrstalled� with � c[ear space �bove grour�d levef �f ��v�n (7) feet. �ig�s sh�l9 b� 12 inches w�ide, by 1� in�hes high, ar�d shall hav� black or r�d I�tters an� bc�rd�r on a whi4� �ackground (lJ�� �ec. 901.�.5.(I)(�) � (3))• STAFF REPORT 7Q THG PLRNNING COMMISSIQN SUB 97•0002-DAKOTA MEADOWS SUBDIVISION f'AGE 28 4�. �ir� �pp�r�tta� �s rca�dv��� �urbs ���i! �a� p�i y�l�c�+,� ar�d �a��k+�d "t�� PARfCI�iG FIF2� LA�fV�" �t ���h 25 f�et. L�ttering �h�il h�v� � �trcak� �f no� I��s fii�a�s� �ne �1)-inchs��d�, by �i� ��) 9��h�� hig're ��1FC ���. �0'�.4.�.�}. �. �"h� �inir�u� r�urr���r a�'�ire hydran�� f�r � �uilding sh�l( b�: b�s�d ori ��h� r�c��aired �ir� �lc�v� prior t� �ivin� �r�y �r�dit� f�r fir� prot��ti�n �y�����. °1°h�r�� sh�ll n�t b� 9��s thar� �n� (�) �re hydr�r�t fra� the fr�g 2,0�0 GPiV9 r�q�ir�d �r� fl��nr �nd �r�� �1) �dc�iti�r��� �r� hydr�r�t f�r ���h �,�Q� �P�, �r p��i�� tE��r�Af, nv�r �,000 �F'�. Fir� hydrar��� �h�IQ b� �v�nly s�ac�d �ra�a�d th� baa'slciis�g �nd th�ir locati�n� �h�l! b� �pp�c���� b� th� Chi�f(�JFC ��c. �p3.�.2.1�, 6. �lc► p�rtb�� �fi th� �x��ri�r af � �mr�s������! �+�i��ir�� ��all b� BGC�t��1 r�c�r°� th�r� �50 �Fe�t frcarr� � �br� ��d���fi w��r� m�������d 'o� �n ���arov��d manr��r ������ fihe r��tsi�e caf t�7e ��s�dgri� ��d �Ic�ng a� �ppr���d �i�� �pp�r�t�� acc��� rc��dv�s�y (lJ�'� ��c. 9d�.�.2.�). 7. Fs�� h�dr�n�� �ha61 r��� �� Zocat�d sr��re th�n 1� f��� �'re�rr� �r� ��pr�a��d �r� �q��r��u� ��ce�s ro�dwe�y (U�'� �e� 9�3.�.2.�). �. °��h� r�q�ir��i fire f9�vr �'or th� b�i9di�g �h��l ��t �x���� 3oQ�0 �aEd�n� p�r mir��at� (��ii�'} c�r�h� �v�il�bi� ��fV� �n �h��no�t�r d�liv�r�r �y���rr� �t 20 p�p. ��r��k�h��t fe�r c�l��alati�eg t��� required �r� fla�v� i� ��e�slabl� fi�,rrn th� Fie� i`��rsh�l's crf��� (lJ�'� ���. �03.3). 9. �pprav�d fii�� �pp�r�t�� acc�s� r��dvv�ys �nd fire �ght6ng �vat�� s��pli�s shasl �� ins�all�d an� �p�ratidna! pri�r to ar�y o�her �o��fir�c�ia�r� on ��� �if� or ��s�divis�or� {1��� S�c. �7J4). ��� ha� h�d ��� ��a�������� �� 6�a���� ��a� �p�������s�,� ��� h�� e������ �� c�a�m�r�f,� �¢° ��������rr�. ������"����P� �A����@���. ����.L �� ��,�,I� ���.� �:� `�"h�� �''����. ��°� 8:� _ �U�9��'T'f�� °CC� "�"�°i� �9'B`1( C�� "CI���G�W!`��ii'�1 �l�h�'i'��N ���3'��� AF �"�� _ ��F���'l�l'E �2A�"� ��' `Q°h�l� ������CJ�l, � , � , � � � �� .�'�2� � ��ri� 11. 1��7 �' F�R��'�f��� �Y: V�iiliiam D'�,�d � �/�T� � � ����ci�t� F'larer��r, AI�@� C9 � � ��riB��y 8��7 AP'PRC��lE[� �Y: Ric�a�d ���a�rs�c�r�E �Al"� F'lannir�� 91��r�a�ier i:lcurpin\wi{llscabsa-d2.dec gTqFF i2EPORT TQ TH�PLAhINING COMMISSION SUB 87-0002-DAK�TA h1E0.DQNJS SUBDI!/ISInP! F'AGE z9 ' �°°�... ..�,.,�M � , �,,�� �� 1 �- ffiYI N! �1(r'��S��P a " ° - - e 1._.0 � .s��".• � A���l��A��� � ��rN�9 �8a-- � , �,.... .�_. � r�.,, �,e,� �, .�o. •„�\ ,� � � �'�„� � � � � .p. . •.; �e..o � � :..�.. �. . , ' ,: .r. P.•.°.o:�.�'��^� ,�`,,, � � ��.�.B a �-.�.e. . �s � ` � � ' � •e'� .�. •� - i �` n .�. ,', � 1 � ..�4 • . ,_r,^ s°, '¢• I _ � . i �� .�. �E° � -.- .°°. � � � t _ �, �' ; \ e;: .+� . . � I � � e �� _, a el• _�: � � � p � B � -, i , �;�;�° °��° � � � � � � 0�%•.•��'�� . � � i �"" e `�" � � ,�: :;: � � �� � �� H�,� , �y��$°�'a �� � f 9 � m t��° ���v "a:' . . . . e . � I � � �� �e�..°�`�.°A:'''°�r� � � i I � � a ;° ��,�y�� o�e° �� �� o_ .._1 � � .�s:3.�.`�,.�-�`���. � a� � �._.. .___ � ,"°,p'�' ,��: �� I � ��',°°,�;� . �� � � i i � i`n,: ;�; �e= ° .� ��1._._.. _.._. 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F'age 1� ��rnrr��ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �'��� 15 � B ,� A ��abdivi�i�r� Appli���i�r� � �ffir���it� raf i�o�#ing arrd iVl�i�ing l��ti���s C Pr�appEa��tior� P���e� �D Titfe �'��po�t�Rsse�s�r'� 6��p/L�g�! ��s�rsptia� � � � List �f 5urro�nding �vvn��� � � � V1l�t�r ���li�y �nd t-lydre�@��i��l P�r��a�r�i� � � C� �t�bmsfit�l 6�f��� � � r,,�coaa M�ows '} 0 �Vi9u��• A�prb��r�t: ������ ����� 4 �SQ�} �.�. ��5th ,�����a� ���rr�rtc�r�, �� �7�0� � ��ar��r: f�e��r l��a��ic Caw��r: ����os� H�a�a�� 95p0 S.1�J. �25th A�►�r�t�� ����?����, Ca� 97Q05 CC?vara�r: i����� ��syk ��vel�pm�r�� C����a6t���: A�pha �ra�6c����ing �r��. 9��n s'1/�f��� ��s���, S€��fe �3t� �'�r�t���, C�� �7��� F'roj�ct ��n�g�e: I�'sk� �11911�r �.����ic�n: 10�5�� �in!6V�rch �ak�t� Tagard, €JR T�x �.�t: 1°au L.c�t 3��Q ar�d 34�?d c�n ��� �a i 3��� �� li���l� ��d� �ri��ri�: �s�rr���ani �� n �� ty d� �h�p���� 1�,32, 1�.Q�0,1�.�4, 1€�.�d�, 1�i.6J�� ��.�l,bp ��.��� �V.��y ���uV� ��. 1'4f�� �iJ.�\i�9 1�.�06,1�.�0�, 1�.��4, 1�.144, 1�.150, ��.16Q, 18.�6� � � � � � � � n.vcox���ows ���'�Z . . . -%'�nC'4.,. . I: ��E���L� 1lV��R�d�°T���l� � d���6ap��r�t ��pr�v�l ������t fi�r��t� ��v���p�r���t �����°,���d F'o�r���d ����i�p�°i�r�t�pprav�l to�ilowr th� . cor���r��tion �f � 2���c�t ���davis'sm� a� � F'lar�r��d �l�i� � Dev�ioprri���. �a.�_�k�.��r�d le�fc�rrr��#pr��,,. �°h� ��i�ti�g sot� is ab�ut 4 �/� acr�� �r�d �c�c�¢�n��d����ti�r�e st���tur��i�r�l��i¢7���ingi�fi��'s�� F�wu��, a garag�, � �fi�bl�. �h� c��r�nt ��� o� th� p��p��ty �s a �9�rgle ��r�if� r��id���� �vath i3rn'st�� g�,r�i�nirag ar�d hc�r�� pa�t�r�� i� #he high�r ar��� with th� re�a�ir�ir�� I�v��r ps�r�i�n �fi th�� �it� ir� if� ur�di��u�b�d ��t�ral �#at�. Th� �ropo��� d�vela�r��nt will red�u�i�� �h� si���rrdth fiv� "t�vvr� h�r�� b�aildir�g� �� �h�rac��r ar�d �c�l� �ei�h th� r��ighb�rh�c�d. ���i� �au�Bding wil6 cc��sa�t of��tw�en four a��1 �ev�r� �ndividu�l dweliir�g ur�its. ���ivida��� dwell��� unifi� wii! h�av� �tta�t��c� g�r��g�s �nd will include � pri�a�� ��tia c�r p�a�ch �re�. `fhc� pr�je�t is d��igr��d a� a "�or Sal�" �r���c� vuit�a ��ich eafi�h� 25 irodiwid�aal ��vmn hcme� ��i�g plc2tt�d a� ��par�f� I���. 'Th� r�sid���'s�! lest�wi9! t"��i�@ if@ �I����'C7�1'4 950 sq��re f�e�t �c� 2��� sa��r� i���. Ths� pl�� d�sii�at�s appro�im�fiely 2.� �cr�� o� �p�r� ��a�� #�a th� �ity ofi�'���rd in c�rd�r tca �il��+ �h� Cif� tr� c�mp��#e � regic�r��l bicyci� �r�il �r�d open �p�c� �i�►��g� �ic�n� F��no Greek. Rs th� �xi�tir�g t�ail � ��gm�r�fis c�n eith�r ser�e of this praj�cfi ar� ��t`�el� ���d � � b�r rr��r�� bi���l� �anncn�at�r�, d�c�A�a�ior� �� �f�is op�� � spa�� vvi�l e��bl� the City �a compiete thi� �igni�ic��,� r� r�gi�r��l link�ge. � � !n �si�iiti�� t� fih� f�ity �de�ication, �nc��h�� 3f4 acr� af �° �ommor� apen spac� Bc��s ��II b� r�s�rv�d as co�cn�� � ( � en � ace f� s�rv� th� r�sid�nts �f th� pr�a���t. `Ch� � K� P t�atai op��a sp��� pr�p���d on th� e�tir� pr�p�r�y ��aGludin� �he �i�y dedicatior� wi10 compris� av�r 2/3 r�f ta�ta�rn mEnnows �ag� 3 th� �!°��e�al �cr���� c�f�h� prop�rty. 11�an �ppresv�l �f th� Pr�9imi��ry l�l�� �r�d ���cara�p�rt}/i�g P'lar��t�d ��v�l�pmen� p��i��, E$ i�t�� �ppli�anf's int��t t� �r�medi����y �r��ii�� cc���truc#ic�n �aR��� �s�d �� btaild th� prca���t. � �� r �,.� 'fh��aroj���9s l�����d e�rithir�w�6�ir� ds�t�s�c��c� a rr����r 9 � �°��:r���i���8 ��d n�t���! �m�ni�y_�_Fa�n�a �r���. ��nr�a� �r��k ir��r�rp�r��:�� a �aicy�E���d p�d��fir��r� tr�il fcar mu�h ��' i�� l�r�g�h thr�ugh Tig�rd �nd into �eav��f�ra. �°h� C�ake�t� Ali��d�vv� pr�J�ct i� a��� ��i�9y cl��� #� � m�jor r�g�on�l shoppdng ��nt�r. �V���,inc��orr �quare wi�h it� tt�eat�r�, r�sfi���ants, and sh�ppir�€� is ju�t ��ros� I�#�;r��at� �1�° �� �h� nras�he��t. Lir���l� ���fi�r, a signifi�an� �ffic�e ��� �rn�l�yrr��nt c�mpl�x 4� �va �9ca�k� �a th� ��ufih c�f Q/���hingt�r6 Sq��re. �'h� la�d aa��s irr�r��di�t�l� surrou��din� the project sifie ��°� ��r's�d. �r� ap�rtra��e�t ps��j�ct i� l���t�d to th� r����h, �r�d ���4h�;� cr�e �� �h� ��u��i, �ir��le fa�rily hau��s fie� th� ��st, ��rd indusfiri�l t� th� ea�t. �"he �ddite�r� �a� an �it�ched re�identi�l �n�l�v� wrestcEd pro�ride mmd�r�fel� pric�d houssng oppo�tc�r�iti�s in an urb�r� neighb�anc�ac�d. T'he prapos�d subdivisis�r� �nrauld r��fer an �l�ern��iv� forr� of hau�ing ir� �n ar�� which �urrently �c����in� predomin�ro�ly sing(e familR,a �anit�. The prc�jec:o� is a�c�ssed dir�ctly frarr� North �akota �t���t�v�rE�h re��� eas�/w�s�, ar�d �o��is�� �f a 20' �id� �sc¢ion of asph�lt vvith ra� ��rbs or sid�w�ik�. � �ir��.r���a�°m�t i�n: I Th� s�te �o�t�in� 4.45 acr�s ar�d rras �0�' +>- of �ror�Yag� alor�g the front b�und�r� (Nar4h Da�c�ta Str��f). Th� !ot depfih �verage� �bout �78'. T'h� sik� slop�� c��ntly ta th�; �as�, falling at abo�t 1% ��II across DAKOTA MEAUQWS P�g� 4 � #he ���t�rr� " I� " p t���a p�rtoo� �� th� �st� t��n fi�liir�� � Bii�l� mor� �t��pl�t�a��rd th�flood �I��n or� th� �a�t�rr� �id�. ��� eas��rr� �dg� �f th� prc�p�r� i� r���hf� �efin�d b� ���nc� �r��k. �'h�r� ar� ���er�i �lu���:r� �f tr��� I�c�f�d 4hr�u�hm�afi fh� pra�p�rt�, rno�t �fi v�hech wiil be pre��rv�d i� the �arra��sed �I�r�. ��i c�f i�� tP��s vui$h�t� fh� lood pl�i�i ��'�� �°cfl �� �ar���av�d. A� �se+��l, � �lu���r �f tr��s, ��"it)V�5`� 9P� f6�P�C� �d" S7f� $�8� ��l�iC�i�ia�lt?l �Se�f9 c�P� prc�pe�s�d fio be ��tai��� �� � �o��i feat�a�� �n� r��ighb�rh�ar� ameni�y c�:nter�d o� th� p�ajec� enY�. ���L��scrqca 9c�r�: T�� �pplic�r�� pr�pc��e� te� c�a���ru�t�i�✓� ��il�i�g�: �r�� #ri-pl�x, a four-pl�x, r'� $�i/�;—L3C�lt P3UfI�l6�p, a six-unit b�aiidir�g a�r� � s�ve� a�nit �a�ild�ng; re��l�in� in 25 dweilo�g c.�naY� �s°e � 2� S�si ��a�d�uisic�►�. l�i�c��t 2/3 �,�the �it� wil � ir� i b op�� space, weth 3l4 �f th� $c�ta! �pen sp�c� b�ing ret��r�e� in its undis�urb�d �atural �tate. S�v�raE privat� str��t� (l�'r�c�� ��,4» � ���'�� wol6 ��rw� th� pr�j��t prs��idir�g �c���� �r� th� ur�Ef�, gar�g�� ��d p�rking �i�ys. F�e�it��n� parl��ri� �s, accQmr�cad���d w9thin th� �nits in g�rag�s, v��ith gu��t parking f�r th� mo�t p�r� b�i�g parali�l p�rl�ir�g. e4 r��fivv�rk c�� side�no�iks wiii prc�vid� p�clestri�� �c��s� to each un�t �nd throug�ca�t th� proj���, �s w�fl as G�nnec�ing t��pro�ect#�the�urPOUnding neighbarhao�. Pro���t �idewafks �i91 also b� link�d to #h� bicycls trai� which i� pr�pr��cd �o �a� b�ail� �� th� �i�y. , ' T4�� n�tur� c�f the 5i�e, it'� lc�catior�, �r�d t@�� underiyir�g der+sifiy �i! �mt th� cri#�ria fpr stabrr�ifiti¢�c� th's� �ppl��a4ican a� a F'i�r���d lJr�it L��v�IQprri�r�ti. This �ail! p�rmit �h� �ppliean� to de�ign mcare �omp�cf Ic�t�, �h�r��� p����r�ing the m�xirnum am�unt of oper� spac�, �nrhil� achieving � r�asonabl� densi�ry. �A�K6'['A MEAf10WS �1�� S ��� ��d �������� ���� �� ��� �����'�� ��, "��.��,�.��3������.��a�.�.�.����F1 �a��IF�l� �°h� �ppli��� i� �u�rni�tir�� � prop�s�! 9n ��mpE��� c���i9�r��� �vi�� �!� re9��s�e�� �c�d� �r�d ��rrr�pr�h�r��iv� F�9�r� r���asr���a�t�. �r��a���d 'ar� ��� �pp�a��#i�r� �s �EI t9�� i��pr��ti�� r�q���t�� ��°e th� ���ali�a���� fc,rr�, �Icss�� �a�h fhi� r��e���i�� �ddr���erag th� �p�r���•ia�����t�rs� ir� ����i���d���il ��ar r��Ae�+��d ��4i�t�; 4h� r�q�ir�d f���, � li�t �f ai1 ��rra��di�� pr�p��y ��rr��r�, �� �s�:la �� �fih�� po���taaliy �f��ct�� ��rfi��. �'h� F�I�r�n�d �,���� �e����p:ment i� �or��i�#��t �at� th� ur�c��rl�is�g �car�inc� r�quirement� and �II r�l���ant �ifiy �ar�iir���c�� �r�d �t�n��rd�. Th� appl��ar�t re����t� tt�a��61 pra�e�di��gs �� �c�mpoB�d ir��� � �ing9� �cti�ar� ir� �cc�rd�r�c� �i�h secti�n 1�.3�.'100. ���.: ,� I�C� .�.�`��.�,��' ��A.����� � � ��(��lI��M��'°�"� 1b.�0.H��0: ��SI��N°���C. D���C°��'�t��,I���N °This �c�d� provi�ion is ���Iic�bO� t� thi� pr�aj��t �� t�� �dj���rt ���� �r�d �ca�in� �r� ��fi�bli�h�� �� � Sc�v� fi��S��@�f P��iG�91�t�� c"�P�� (tl�$$f���C��� � Ul�f�� �3�:���f��. ��c�rr�in� t� ��� �od�: `°..,�r�y����S�rty ��rhirr 1��� f��t o�' �r� �stataltsh�� �r�a �6�alf r�rat b� c����/c�p�d �t � r�sid�rtti�l h�usirrc� d�nsifiy �r��t�r #�ran �2�1 r�f th� �ll��ec�a+e�sify ira �h� �dj���r����t�.�lisfa�cl ar��(�),� �ccording9y, th� p�e�j��t ��s d��ag��� to r�c�# ��c��d 125°l� of th� �d���e�t u�s�� �t� ��� �e�#; �r�a en+ithi� �"r���itiQn �a��: � ��DO' X 476` � �7,600 �r 1,d9 acr�s) � � �iaaea�um d��a�i�r in Tr�r�siti�� ��r�e � (125°is ��5� 6.25 ur�it� p�r ��re� � '� �ll�xir��r� r��ar�b�r c�fi ur�it�withi�°t'ra��iti�c�Z�n� � °�° ��.25 �f 1.Q9=fa.�� D�FCOTA RI;�&Ls�\'f� �$�Tf'• � � `�ry�re �r� n� �ms�r� th�� 6 � 1 �°� �� th� . ��st� (�r � 1 �dj�c��� ��fi�bii�h�d ��ar�� ��r��stY) pre�p���d �o b� �rithir� �00 f��t of#�is ����blash�d �dJ��r����� �r z���, 1�d��a R�12 �ItJ�T'9 �.�MOL,Y� �' �6A� , Th� �r�g��r� c� fuily �ithin th� R,-1� 9�uiti-f�mi@� ���'sd�r��i�9 �z�r�� �s ��t�blished by �h� �i�y �f Tlg�r�. �'�e p�r��a�� �� fi�� �t�12 L��d 1��� d��igr���'s�� �� b� p�r� �� �����ii�h ����� ��r �9¢�gl� ��rr�il� �f��ch��d re�id���i�l ����l�����t�. 7�� pr�pc���d ��� is p��s�a�t�d ��friyht �a��������a�� °4�.�4.Q�Q 4���0: I�B�EN�p��Al� ��f��l� ���'S �°he p�-ap��ec� ���r�l�g����t �at� wEl9 �c��npl� with th� �9f'YtE'iI�ICSt9r°]I r�q�ir�rn�r��s �� I�id ��� ir� ��cfiic�s� �g.�i2eq50, �p��i�CC�!!y: �' ,� ��.�.�'r � � Frca�t Yard 15 fe�t �ir�. �.�t �ize 3050 sf��' Sid� Y�rd 5 ��et �isr�. Lof Front��e 25 f��:�,�� �tr��t �id� �0 f��t �6�x. �I�ight �� fi��t _ R��r ��rd 15 f�e� 6��ac. �d�h�[���fh �.��1 ����g� 20 f��t* Th�re are se�eraa �x��p�ican�t� th� �'bo�e dir��nsis�r�al crit�ri� o�uhich ar� sp��if��iiy i�csu€��;d the �or�ing cod� tc� ����r�ri°s�da�� ��f��h�d �Z��aj����a �°h� fc�llQ�irrg �Ia�°i��a�ican� �pp@y #o �has pre�j�cf and ar� correfated �s#h �h� r�l�v��t c��� pr��ri��ans: �. �'�9��������ris6s�n� s�����tior� 18.8C�.0�0.� c�f#h�Tig�rd � �oriang �o�e, only �� � f�et sefib��k is r�quired from � � pri�»te ��r��fi tr�th� gara��, �hi�h is �� is �h��w� �on th� � prop���� pl�r�. �s � ���� p�rrr�itte� by ���4ion ��.�O.Q��I.�a-�, �nahp�h appii�� � to plar�n�d d����raprn����, "the �aairair�rourra fat si�e, Ic�� de�th �rrc�wi+�th shaff�r�t�pply ex;e,����r�edac�e��o th� dera�6ty c�r�rp�atatiora...". C1�n�i��alc�aB�tica�s ua+ill b�fu6ly DAF:OTA MEADOWS ���e 7 �ddr���ed ir� ���ic�� V, �upp9�rr�er�t�l �rovi�i����, "9�.9�00?�. �a ������� �� � 1�3 �0�l,�.Ai��4�� �..��,�Lt7��v���IT° Th� �p�li��r�t i� pr��a�i�g to d�v�l�� tc���� pr�j��� a� � �°6�s���� ����l�����t. °�h� Bn���t c�f �h� �I�r���d ����a��r��r�� i� �� p�c�vQd� fih� r�����¢�� fi�r �r�afin� � p@�r���c� e�vi���s��nt�h�-�a�a�� th� ��pli��t��sr� ��fl��ib6� ���r�dar�� v�hi�h ���ult ir� ��peric�r re�id�r�tial dev�6�prr��r�4. Ar� ord�� �a err�b0� �F�� �����r�t u�� of l�nd ac�d to prarr�c�t� an �cc��i�mi� �rr�r�g�r��r�t c�f lar�d �as�, s�eci�i prc��ri�i��� ar� m��� for b�ildings, cir�ulati�r� �y�t�rres, ezp�a� ����� �r°�d ufiil6ts�� t6��� ���irni�� �h� �it�'� ����i������ pc�te�4i�L T'h� f�l�r���d ����I�p��n� d��4g��#�r�r� �9�� p���ae�� th� appiic��t ta cr���e a d���i��a���t �h�t rr�a�irr�iz�s tl�� opp�r�u�i�y f�r �� ar�s�c��ata�a� �nd di��r�ifi�� 6eving �r��iror�m�r��. l°h� �pp9i��r��'� s�o��r�f �f����'sdar�� h�m� own�r�hb� ��a thi� �it� i� r�osfi��it�d throa�gh th� ����s�'�f�����c� ���r� h��� �,��€��, �ith ���� ur�Et b���g �n et� ��� 9c��o � �'fanr��d [�ev�iop��r�� �r��id�s� �h� �ppli��r�t �i�h �h� fl�xibilv�r t�a �r�a�� inr�i�id�a�l l�f� th�t �r� �r���ler th�r� �h� m�nirr�um 60� s�x� as (o�og a� th� pro�i�iar�� of th� deros'c�y c�r�po�ta�ic�r� �re m�t. D�r��ity c�l�u€a�i�r�s �r� di�coa���d in �or� detaai i� a��c��c�r� ��,92. !r� accs�rdar�c� with ��ctic�rr 1�.�O.Q60 lar�r� d �f�nY Aa6�v�e� �nd C�i��3l�vved e�f th� `Tig�rd � (V���c�i�a! �ede, thi� pe�j�c� r����s �rateri� 1 �hrr�ugh 3 � �sr�d�r �u���ctic�n 8. As ��tlin�d b�Bow: � � �. A pi�a��ae€� d��el�,�rr�er�t sh�ll ncrt b� `� �Uow�d dn ��ict�r�tia! zan�s lo����c� ir� �r��s � � . c� d�sign�t�ei as ",C�t�blE�hee� Areas" e�n th� � �c�rnpreh�ns�v� F�lar� ra��p �xa;�pt, f�r� �:�arr��ni��ie�n m�� appr�v� a planr�ed DAKf�TA MEALIQWS ���� � � ����l��arrr�rrt wifhir� �n "��p�bl6�h�c�A��"v�h�� fh� �c�rr��ni�slan �rad�: 1. ���refopm�r��of�h�las��'i���cr�,��r���� wi�h �i;� provi�a�r�� �f th� "E�st�blis�►�d �lr���"���Pa�: �. R��c��t 1���ci�n�cxs��af I�rra�; or �. ���a�l� i� rer�¢��ir�� so��i���rat �a���a��!����s����; ca� �. ��scrl� i�a a �h��ar�� af �ha�°��t�� �� �h� �a-�a surr�cenrler�� � s6�ni��arr� ��i�te��i�.D f��fure c�r b�aP�ding, 2. 7"h��l�r�r��cf c��:�e�l�p�m�r���ppr���h i� th� rrt�a�t �����bl� �rr�t�a�d �����r�lc�pira� f�re �i�a; ��td 3. T'h� sit� i� af a si�� ��d shap� th�t the compati�aif�fy provisi�r�� of�h�,���r 1�.92 can b� r�t�t. ����i�i�alEy, deve9�pr���t d� this �r���s-:y ►��d�r #h� �r��i�ic��� e��'�F�e ����n�d f����fa��r��r�� �v�c�i�� di��r9ct is ��rr�nt�;� d�� �� th� foll�wing �r�dira��: 1� �.r�s�al�� �r� effi�i�r�f ��e �af t�� I�r�d. 11�d�r���o�d�rd �ubc�i�o�i�� r�gul��i���, thi���sn�c�r�ly��rrnits minirrrum !nt s6zes of 3,Q50 sq���e f���. Th� plann�d ��v�iaprro�r�f r�guB�ti�n� �Ilo�fvr fl�xibility in I�t �i���, whic� t��s �naa6�d th� ���li��r�t to �chiev� � me�re � �ffi�i�r�t la� I�yc���t, yielding 12 �dditior��i units. � . � �) ��no�.��nt r��.urai r�s i�r�e� w�r� �reserv��. �4 � st��d�rd ��b�iv9siosa r��i,�ic� h�ve se���#�� ir� #h� I�ss of � �ie�r�i�a�ant r��c�c�rc�s �ram�ly a �t�nd c�$ �xi�ting tr��s � r�ithis� #he de�el�p�b9� ar��, �hich th� �pplic�n� ��s � ��I� fio pr�s�rve �ar�d�r the prov�sian� of th� p6anned '� d�eveicapr�ent cav�rlay distri�t. DAICOTA MEAD0IYS �a�� g � 3) �'h� e�P�nr��ci ,��Ic���r�t �i�QL��Gh v��s th� ���t � ��_� �ib9� m��has� a�' d�v�l��i�s� tF�� l�nd, !f �v�� n�t f���ibi� t�a �ev�l�p th�� p�°caj��� wl4h �r�ly 13 8c�t�, th�refore t�1e �l��r�c�d d��els��rt��n4 appb-c�a�h �hach a��in� 2� �r�i�� w�� the o�ly f��sibi� �ppr�a�h. �) �T��� �or� �ti ��i�s �ra�vi�o��a� c�f.�..h..����r 'i�.9� h�v� ���t. A� 6� expl�in�� i� r�o�� det�il in t�is s�cti�r� �f t�� �ppli�atit�n, ail ��r�sat��aic�6�$ia��/�a�nputa�ia�� h�v� b���i r���f�rr ths� pr�j���. ��.a,�.���..��9'�a1�� �,N�3���k�� �����' � p�r�ior� c�f this si�e h�� b��r� ���igr��t�d wi�h � ����iti�� �.ands CJ��rl�y. �'h�r� �r� k��w� w��land� �r�c� � �i�raifo��r�� �rea �� ��ie �i�e i� �r���r�p����d b� fiood plai�s. T'he�€; a�nsifiiv� ar��s h��e� b�e� d�lir����ed by � �i�l�gi�� �nd h�v� b��r� su!v�yed �r��d r��p�aed �r�� �r� �6��v�s� �r� t�a� �fii��h�d �it� A�,�6ysi� f���. � �°�if�nds r�p+��k ��ili �ie submit�e� �r�d�r ��p�r�t� cz�er�r. �h� w��la�ds �r�� and it� ���oci�t�� l�a�i��r�r� whr�lly cont�in�d wifihan ��i� flood piain. Na d��o�l�apm�nt, ar structur�s ar� propes�d v�ifihi� th�;�� ���OSI$i�0� i,.and� �rea� nr wi4hin th� w�t!and k�uf#�r. Cor��equentfy p�rmitYing af sensitive l�nds is �o� r�q�i���. R� �{6o��d cautright by ���tion ��.�4.n'�5 accessory u�e� ���h as la�+v���, gar��n�, r�moe��9 c��' �oxious v�y�fiati�r�, �uch a� bl�ckb�rri��, �nd in�fiail�atiar� af ��ncc�� �r� ped°rriittee�; �����t in �he �io�d���O. �'h�s€�p�r�rr�i#fed ���s a�ad m�i�t�raas��e it�rr'� �re p��p�ased on t�� pla�s �ar the proj�ct �,!ph� �nr�ineering, �il� a�s�ure the prapos�c� �v��er �, q�a��i�y �9as�g with the ��sociat�d �a�ilifii�� will me�t � coe�pli�n�e �ith al8 appiicabl� agencie�. A starm wat�r ! � � ar�a���i� i� i��lu�i�:c� ir� th� �pp��di��s raf�h�s r��rra#av�. � � �� o��3e �,��.�A� A����� � � �'his s���t�c,r� s� r��� �pplicabl� go di�e �aks�ta f�l��dc��� proj��t �� non� n� the ur�iis prc�pos�d �r� dupiex or �ir�gl� f�mi{y c�nits. DAFCOTA MEADOWS P��� �� a �����,�����'�a� ��i��l�� 'Yh�:"��a�a����ion :�t���ai�g �c�l� ��°P�) (�3�� 6�0� ��� r�q�aire� th�t �,il nnu�i�ip�lits�� revi�e their c�d� to rr:���th� �"F'�t, and khat i� th� �v�n��@��� ��id r��i�ec�� r��t b� m�d� �h�t ��y s��w d���l�prn��� b� r�q�er�d td ��mpiy a�i�� �aid �ta��a��. �'h� �'s�� �f °�og�rd h�� �r���t�d s�a�h c�h��ge� ir� it� �o��. ��r�y ��t�� r�ie��n# pc�¢te�s�� of th� c�d�th�t h�v� h�� � dir�ct ��'��t c,c� ih�� �pplic�#is�� M�ve r�r�ly r����t6� �a�� ir��a ��'���. �g.sb�t�ar�tiaP �h�n��� ta th� ��d� ar� ta b� f���d iro �'ransport��ic�n Gh�p��e� o� ��� �carropr�h�ra���� �I��oy ���pt�r 1�.�06 (��rki�� � Lo��a�9), �hapf�r 1�.�O�II (A�ces�, �gr�s� � �ir�ulafic�n), �h��s��� 1�.'B�� (Str�et � ��ility ls�proa��rr�a�nt ���nd�rd�). � 1�a��e_ ���"�'����'•�a�3��°�'s��.. ���M�'��E �°AN���� �°h� appii��nt un��r�t�nds th�t c�mpiianc� �rith �t�te, f�d�r�i, ��d I�c�l en�ir��mentai r�gul�fii��s 6� th� cor�tir��ing �bli�at6c�n of the p�c�p�:�fiy �wr��r, �nd vvil� �hide �ay fih� �p�ali��bl� �t�ndard�. ���.��� ����.� ��J�APUTR�� Acc�rdi�� ta �h� ���ader�tial ��r��i�P ��lcul��ic�r� pr�s�vi�c�r�� �i��ar� �he �a�d�, the ���b�r ca��v��lli�� ur�i�� � p�rrr�itt��i on t�i� sit� c�r� b� cal�ulat�d by dividing �he n�� �r�� b� th� mi�irn�.irr� ��� s�z�, �hic� in thi� �as� is 3050 sq��re fe��. �he r����r�a is d�riv�� by su�tr��ti�� aray s�r��6tive I�n�i�, �a��b9i� ri�h�-ofs�+�y�, and �rivate ��re��� fr�am th� grc��s ac;r��g�. The den�iiy �o�°n�.����fec�rr� �'c�� Dakc�t� �e�d�ivus �r� �� f��lo��: DAIICOTA MEADOLVS P�g� 11 0 �e4..�� �4re� i �I��aor1 ����� �q��re fee� 19�4,4fl6 �1'P��.IS e��I���La�� ���56�9� � i����� mir�u� �ubli� �igh�-c��•e��y� 2,4�� rr�ar�us Priv�fe ��r���� 2�,6�0 � c.i�9s ��t Ar � q �� �ub#���I ,�5,024 F�R�t y L���ISE� �f�C?t�S$ � �a�2�°10 �f����E�i�� �.�r�d� 2�,�3� �'o��l ��f���e��� �3,�5� �_�.��_i��a�tnb�r ot ��i�s �3,��5 (�V+�g Are�) divid��i by �05q (9�ir�. l.o� �i��) = 27 ��'�rmi��d bg+ 1�.�2,030 (��sid�n�i�f �7�rasity Tr�r��f��} 1 > . � ° Aa��l�' A�. ��'�&��� �'�O� �_. �.�� ..�_��_______._ ����_ � �-.�__���l1�� In cc�r�'�rtc�oora �►ri$� t�a� cod� rca�E�i�ra � 3� foo� 1 p , bca�lc.iin� s��b�ack �rca� �he �er�t�riis�� of �csrth D�knt�a h�� t�e�r� i�cc�rpur�t�d ir�to t�� pl�n �r�pc��al. ...��.1pne(�3A: �T�..��`� �°���5� A� #h� pu�l�������t ���s�ll �� t�e pri��fi� ��r��t i� i��re #h�r� '9 t�Q f��� ir� ��n��h, th��ev�6aper will be reqcair�� to plant ��r��t t��es ir� �c�c�rdanc� �ith this s�ctec��. TI�� �p�cific stand�rds I�st�d in ��ct�on ��.�00.35 �hall �sct2�g�:th� sp�ci�g, �iz�, �s��i! �� ot9��s�p��ifc��tins�� ir�h�r�nt to piar�ti�g caf�tre��tr���. 1$.1 U0.070: LA�i���A,���i�& �C�t���i�i� � �#re�t tr��s vvili b� plan�ed �long t�e dev�9op�:�i �acart's�n � c�f �1�� p�c�ject'� fr�r�t�g� �n i�a�th Q�ke�ta St���t, �nd � alar�g th� ��tire I�r�g�h c�fi t�e ir�ta���6 priv�t� �����t�, �s � r�q�ired �nd�r s���ir�� '��.100.030, ��d ��t�i9�d e� � 5ect¢e�r� ��.�OQ.03�. i�� str��fi�r��� a�e prapo��d alorag � th� p���on of th� pr�peo�t�e th�t fr�r��� directiy on n�tura6 � '°" op�s� �p�ce ir� or��r tr� rn�int�in vi�ws ir�ta the op�n spa�e from th� str��t fiar a��t�e�ic a� w��l as satet� DRKOTA MEADOWS Page 1� and ��a��il�ar��� r����n�. . I��f��rirog �r�d �cr�er�eng i� ��qa�ir�d b��ac��� ��+� prcap�s�d re�identi�! dev�i6�rr��nt �nd th� �ur��und�roq I����:r d�n�i�j/ �in�le-f�rr�ily I��d us��e�e9�h ��i�t��sa th� ���t �f th� pre�j�cfi. 9n �cc�rr��rrce �+�th 1 II.100.130 ��a� ����r �a4rix, a 10 f�o� buff�r�i#h ��r���ing h�� b�e� ir��e�rpor;����. ��r��r�9ra� s�acluding lar�d�c�p���, ��sa� f�r�ci�g �iiB b� �c���pl��h�d 'on �o��Pa���� ��4h 1�,'�(J�,a7(3 �r�� ��.7 Q�.��O, ��� �� �hca�r� �� �h� iand�c�p� �c����p� �la�. ��.1�2�..�l�UA.€� �L�A��C� �R��,� �r�� ���a��e B�nd�c�pir�g will b� c�nsisf�n� w�th thi� s��tic��, �r���ri�g the ���serva4i€�r� �f vi�QO�? �lsar�n�� trd�r�gl�� a€th� ��tr�nc����,rr� i��r�h ��k�t�a �tr��t, and �t the �n��;rn�l �ari�a�e str�et j�c�ctiar�s. 9�.�9�; ��°������°_�.��.�.� �/�6��ci� P��ki�g: �arki�� wrl9 b� �ccammod�t�d �d��c���fo t6�e propc�s�d priv�t� s�r��t. Ur�de� �e�tion � °1�.'i O�.O�Q �1 th� applic�nt wii� pr��eid� �t le�st 2 �ff- �tr��fi p�rk�ng sp�c�� f�r each d��lli�g. 9�� �hc��� �r� #h� ch�rt or� the �it� PI�t� (�i'�W1i1C� �Ii@P�' V+/iII b� �� gar��� �p�c�� ����ci���d wi�h th� �r�i��, ao�d 21 c����� sp���� �ar � total �f 53 �paces, re��lting in ar� ov�r�.l9 p�rkir�g ratic� of 2.12 �p���s p�r ur�ifi. ��.10���.�G���/���.���_�6���.la.A�'�� !/�h���l��° �c��s�a: As r�q�aared und�r seCtic�n 1$.�08.040 ��! �ropo��d 9c�t� h�ve dir��t a�c��� �o th� prapcas�d pri���� str�et wh�ch i� ir� t�rn a�cc��s�� fram �d�rth C��ko�a Str��fi. Na f9�g lots are pr�c�pc���rJ. �ection 18.10�.07�A p�rmit� a p�v�rr�n��i�it� of 20� f��t to pr�vid� acc��� for �i�g6e f�mi6y a�t�ch�� d��lling unifs or� ir�di�iclu�l 6�#s if b�ilt as � Pi�s�n�d LDr�it ��vel�apm�rst. � DAKOTA MEADOWS ��g� �� 1 ��� 4�0 Od��NV� �°�� appii��r�t shalE �ns�ar�that a��y sig�� r�la��d t� th� s��r�� �f th� pr�pm:�ed d�v�l���e�t �h�ll ��rr�ply wifih #�� re9����t �t�r�e�ard� �f thas cha�t�r �� t��y �r� ��p9ie�ble. �.s, ����L�� �R�T` & �D���9�°�' ���� °�� °Q,4�° �C��S���� �`���.9��°!� � `��� I���ti�an c�� rr��elb��c��, ��d � lightirag pl�e� �i16 b� ��?b�etf�s� �ot� th� �s��i �on��r�a��ic� pSar�� ��� up�ss� fca�th�r di��u��ia��r� �ifih �h� City. 1.� "�'�33�� E��� �/� �'�°�ii�th�d���gr� �f t�i�d���l�prr��nt s��°i�re���, retain �� rt��rsy �af ��� ��i�ti�ag �r��� �� pc�����9� it �aidi �e �e�����r�r t� r��c�a�� ��v�raa �r��� t� ��cc�r�rnc�d�t� fi�e��d d�v�lcaprx��n�. �r� a�c�r����� �ith th� pr�a�i�i�r�� a�f �h�� cr�d� s���i�s� a p�rmit wael� b� �pp�9�d fi�� t�� r�mov�i c�f�ny tr�es h�vir�g � tr�r�k over �ix ir��h�� �r rrr��c� e� s���r��t�r, f�s�r i��t �b�ve tP�e grQUr�d. �� LAND �����d � D��f�������`� �� ���� ;1��60. �C���6V��9�t� �'h� a�piic�s�t �rel� b� �s�bc�a��ding �h� �it� ir�to 2� r���der�ti�6 leat�. i�o�na���r, ��l� �3�'G�fJ�r t� �t�bi�liAi�iC'i91 1� bei�� �ubmit��d in ��mpliar�c� with ��ctio� 1�.�� �pl��s), �r�d �h�re�Fore is s�bje�t fc� �t�� ��r�� �@.'S�CI�;$I�f1S, ar�d �dnditions a� se� forth ur��er thi� ����ic�r� �f th� G�ad�. T'her�ffor� �hi� ���t6�r� i� r�c�t � �PPl;cab9�, � � ��.��'����° � ���"�l.l`i� I�RR��l���N�° � ��►��J.�R�� � � Str��fi,�a An �dditi�naf �en feet caf riqht-of-�a�y u�idth ,� a�ang the entir� �ronta�� wiil b� dedic�t�d 4o the City. �'��ali� s#r��t �1�ve6s�prn�nt propQ��d �� � p�rt e�f thi� �nxa•r,�M�ows Page 14 � �ppaic.�#ia�r� �ill �����p���th��+��t�� 225 f�����h�if- �tr��t ie��r�v�tr��r����b�v��h� 1�C�-•���r t��n� �I�9�±. Q� ��� �ity h��y��t� �o�ul��� d��r�i#� �9�r�� �r�d f�a��inq for th� i��ro��rr��r�t� t� th� F�a��� �r��k �ridg� �r�d �ss����f�� �c�ads �nd �th�r ir�pr���rv9�nt� withirm th� ���ek'� fl��adp9air�p th�: appii���t ��r��by �gr��s to si�t� a s�ore-rerr��rs�trar����r����r����r th� pu������f fih� f�rr��tac�ra of a Lc��c�9 I�prev�rrn�r�� Di�tri�t ta fur�d th� �#reet ir�prov�ments�r���°sng �r� thi� prep�rt� withir� fh� fi��d pi�i� �t a ��b��qaa��� d���. �"�e �r�p���d I���a�t �ii8 �Im�aa� �h� �ity �f pr���d� pe�e�t�°4�� ���i bc�y�l� ������ uvi�hg� th� 6ara�! t� b� d�d���t�d #� �eg�r� ��d to �h� li�k t�� �rop���d tr�i! s�gnn��f ��th th� ��istin� �r�iE� �r�d ap�� �p��� n�tonso�k�. ���i�� ����ro ��ra6��ry ���a�� ��rva�� i� c�r��rafi�y a�r�s��b6� �rc�rr� �ro ex���ing 5i�� ir� �1�rth I��kofi� �tr���. °@�i�� �p�l's��nt �rill c��str��� � �d��l� �" �iro� ���t v�il9 �on��ct t+� �n �xisting �ann�i� wi��i�� i i� g�r��t. ��ar�'�����'t��°�2�a�-a,�fi�: �tarr���ter rg��-n�'cr���ed by ti�� n��r ��a��9��as�e�# i� ������ �f t�� �xi�#i�� r�r����f vaell be e�fi�r��p��d �r�d �ail��t�d i� � �ri���� w�fier q�aEity p��d a� ��r�rbir���ican wa4h � bieaFltr��i�n ��aiee �°h� pr������ �t�s� f�ciia�e�� �ili �i� car���rca���t� ir� �at�p6i��c��+it� ����l��i�n ��-�7�,h���b�, �h� lJni�ed �ea��rag� /���nc� and fh� �i� af�°i��rd h�ve �gr��d tcs �nfor�� ���'�ce V��ter �A�h�����nt r�guiafic�ns r�qo.�irang th� �ar�s�r��tis�� af said ��ciii�i��. ��rr���t�e� 1��t�r � �'sr�f��wa �dequat� ris�m�stic ��ter �r�d �r� ��w i� �r�avs��c� t� �h� �it� frcam 8" Sin� in t���t6� [3�ko�� 5#r��t. !A� .�°ir� � hydr�nt o� prQ�o���i �� th� ���#s�� ��th� p�c�j��� ���d 'o� � VNI�h9�t ��O fL'�$ C3$�II I�ili$S. � � ��.�� � i � �'h� pAopt���d Plar�r��d tlr�it '��v�Eopm�r�t�ornpf��;s�aQth � �i� �ppli��abl� elem�n�� o'� th� ��enm��it� F'l�r�, and �evel�pm�nt �ode. It is �9so c�mp�ti�le �,ri�h ti�� DAICOT.�O MEAI30WS �'�P� i� sst�bii���d r��ighbo�h�c�d char��f�r withi� th� Ci�yy bot��dari��. �4d�q�at� ��ablmG f�cilBti�� and ���vi��� �xist tc� �erve th� ��v�lap��nt ��d ali srnpr����en�s waill be c�n�tru�te� �� ��ty and �th�r �p�6���b6� �ta�d�rds. � � � � � � � �a � �.�co�rn�as,ac�ows �'��� �6 N 1�'�! � L!� T°1 13925 SW Hal!�lvd., 7°igara', OR 5+7223(503) 839-4971 �AX: (50.3) 6Y?4-729T 17'lf ��Ti���D � , PRE-AF�P. HELD WITW: � ' .R.4L IN��F��TI�3tV DATE qF PRE-AP�.: � ,s. rvperky,4ddre��/�ocation(s): ���,� �� � FS�..�.�9.E..�.�� ��1�-Y � � � � �----��� C�s� P�a.(s): ax �i�p�Tax Lc���(s): � �4h�r�as€ f�cs.(s):. —— � �� ��_ R�ceipt No.:._.�.....�.— -- ide Siz�:_o_______ � _ Appli�ation Acce�ted �y: � D�$�: nperty Ovvn�rlf���d Wolc��r(s)°:���.��, S �. — ddress: ���� cS� !�S"�'�'' Phone: �'�`"2y /�p� ifij: ���'�— c�i�.. �i � ?f��� P• . Date Determined Ta Be Complete: �1 plic�rrt°: � � .� �� .�__._____..�._._.��. � � -- - -- - � � Comp Pl�nlZane CJeSignati�n: dress: �,Y F�hone: .. - City: _�Zip; _ . _ �n the own�r and the � iicant are diffierenC eo le he a C!T Ace�: - � pp p p , t ppliGant rnust b�fh�: pu►�ch�s�r af record or a lessee in po�session with v�rritten Recayding Date and hJumber. ____ _ ,... �ori�aaa� fra�n fihe owner ar ar� agent of the owner. 7h� ow�ner(s; . +�st sign this appiicatian in fhe space provided on the bacfc of this form oc sukar�it a vuritken �utharizatian w�ith tl�is appiicatica�. Re�.a�a,i�s i:ku�pin�masYers�subapp.dac � �.�.t�..��t�V�AR°� e pwn��s of recorci of th� subjecY property request Subdivisio�s prov�! t� divide a: �?��_����mnAi. �LEw91��lTS _____pare�l in�a�"�� lots betw�en � Ap�lication Elements Submitt�d: � ��� __and syuare fe�t in size. ❑ R�plication Farm "��� ❑ Owners �ic�natureNVritk�n Authorization [] Ti�fe Transfer(nsteum�nt or Deed (PrAVid��ny�dc9itians!irr�ormation re) � ❑ 5it�ll°lot Plan (�'/�"x 11") _ _ � _�,.-{�i����� � �� (#af copies base.�d on pre-app check list) g---�=m-°—�--'-- } ��� ����^r p Applicant's Statemsnt ^jP �° (�of capies based nn pre-ap�check list) ❑ Filir�g Fee (Preliminary Pl�t)....$2,1?5.00 � �� (�510 Per Lot) _� _ �'��� (Final Plat)..............� 295.00 �� � / � � 1 �A � i�t�eo�VARis4�dCE O�O'@'F9��L�P��9 l�s�A�T'tlC��V��a b��n�sid�r�c4 as p�rt of 4hi�a�p(ic�ticano �_ . { . � ��L����d'7'�: ���s�i��r �n �pg�4ic�fEvs� coa��l���, y�aa �E! ��e��d �� ���€�ik o-�LL c�� Rh� � "�.�.0 4�l��� �11�M1'�'Y',�L �1.�i��Pd'�� a� ���rib�e9 �n t�a�frca��t�d�4�aa���pli�a4ian in th�`°R�l'�&99P@d� �1Jb1511�0�I�B11�B1�'° bax. . �tailed aubat�ittal F��ucr�menh Inf�rmatiar sh�ts r,�� b�obtained, �pon r�ues�, f�r al6 ty��s og Land Us�fi,pplir.:�tian�.) E�1P€�L1��,6�l�°(����#�.�.L.C�P�l'if'Y l'1W/�1': $ �� �bav� �ca��fi��es ��t viola4e anv deed restrs�tions Ch�� r��v b� at#aGh�d to ar im�Q,se� ��a�n the subi�ct �� I�the app�i�a4ian is gc�nt�d, t�P applican�wilE ex�rcisE the righ4� gr�nk�d in acc:ordance with the terms an�i subjPC;t� all tt��conditiere���nd i�mit�tions�f the approval. /�II o#th�ab�ue�t�Y�rri��ts ar�d Yh��faC�rr�ent� in th� alc�t plan, �ttachmeriks, and �xhibits transmitt�d here�vi#h, are trve; and t�i�: app6c�nts ao acknauri�clg� tY�at any p�renit issued, bas�d on fhis �pplic,atinn, may b� revcaksd if it i� found that any such sYatern�nts ar�f�ise. Th� ��q�lic�n4 h�� read the er��ire contEnts of the applir,ation, incl�lding tl�e �olicies and crit�ri�, and unc+er�t�nds th� r�q�air�rric��t� for approvi�sg or c��nying th��application. �9G�4�'°Tl1R��a�f���ia t��vt��r ov�h�subjec�p�opesty. DAT�D this�„�, day af - . 19 ra�a's Si��ature O��e�'s aiga�atur� � p wn�r's �i�nature Qevner's Signat�r� , . ' • - � � � � • ' � 2 � �� . e � �-� �E � �i�� �' C)� ���T°��'� �i��°I�� edAdlz3LV a�S.'J'b'GAV �� 9s['ll.a�S'd6V8d�.�dt2dem7�8" A'-`n•ea8�A7 S4.A70iA�WAq�,A:s�L611� G.'�.n.�.. �B'.A& 6Wm .t" .,..y.a:,.� .!^�.��:>Jl„ ,�6,`Ad�S7`^'!^„°`.�;;;::.�• i . .. � �a):. •hy�°.,••:�.{.y`i::G . . .. ' . �.'��.aa�a.xt� IJivf�`io TJI...: . ... . . . � I� .. ;: , .. . ..... � .. . . � . • . • . . 4 ,. . . . ... ............ . .... ., ... . `��.SYd�S�'�at�$'F�oe"s1���' ... . �°.... .... ... ..Ti��()�Z 97223 l, �' i ►C,.�t°-��L-� � � �� 1 �--�i�d��� th�� ( am (represen�) th� p�r�y irii�iating ia�teres$ ir� � prapa��d ��� �-v -�- ,�'���i v�5���r- ----- af��cting tt�� lar�d Ic�c���d at (st�.�e the appraxirnate lor,ation(s) �fi no addr�ss�s) �nd/ar t�x io#(s) curren�ly r�ist�r�) ___�___����Z.-� ��' �����...�� .v —� ar��i did or� the� da� af� �� �� �"'��-�'°- � 19..�p�rsan�ily pos� ncat�� ind��ting th�t the s�� may b� pro��s� for a �� v'c.�1, � `�S�c,� apQlic��icn, and th� ti�e, d��e and plac� o� a ��:ighbor��oc;d ���ng ta �iscu� �e pro�,osai. . �Tlie sign was posted at 10520 SW DA;cata lTa.x Map 1_S1 _34�[� Tax Lot 3300 & 3400) ��� (state f�cation y�u p�sfied n�ti� or� properiy) �-.----� -�"--'�'"��--�-`� �n�t�re (Irr tt�e pres�n� c�F a hds�t�ry Fubl��) (1"}-f1S S�CTIOt� FOR A ST?.7E O�UREG�N, NOTAR'Y PUBLIC TO CC7P�iPCETFJIVOT,�R9�Q �� Subsc,7b�d and sv�orn/�rnrried ber"cre m� on the �� day af �J �lf�r`�1 ��r1�' , 19`� ,......._.- � � . ac��;�,"a. �FFICI.QL SE,", � �,��M1-��',f BOEBIF. J PFE^,IPJI�!r, .� . " '�, , ��. . `�;•"°:'- T�O7'ARY ptJGUC-QRAGQN , . • � I �� , COT�1NvS510N M1JD. 05�;4; NOT�ftY UB 1C F ORE�:Ot�l..� P:1Y CC�A�1415Si:7F�; �::�'In^�5 OCT 13. ,�^ � �� � -°------_..:�� � �Ay Cammis�ian Expires: (��� � � I �CUC,� (_��nli�� �lease�nple� inzor.=saon L�e1ow for proper pla�a�.ei�.c a�i�ct proposed proje�) �._:______...______________________ — -,--- -------�,� — --- ------------� r�;:�.KE �k pROJEC'T OR �ROPOSED ,t��: � ��-�� TYPE OF �ROP05� I5E"V�LOP:1������ � � �iame oc�.pplicanrl0�'aex: _ � �ddress or C-�ne..�.l L,qc��a�of Su�jec$ , p��, � -�ov — � I ( �� I guQ'ect P^oaer^:Ta.s l�tao(s) and I.oc m(s): � __...__._.. ------- _?...._:_._.;_�.o.-..a-_ __._....___o�______--------___ _______.____________ n.sogm�parcy�ma.uersl:a;pou.m.sY .-.r . e � � � ,�. ' � �� � �� � o����.� � �� �'� �I�'�G � � . ��.�� o� a�..��ox � . � �S� c�� �����d � . I, � Z� �-�� � L✓ �...� - � b�ir�� duly sdva�rn, depa�� �r�d ��y that o� ���b�,�',��; �'� 1 I c.�u��d t� hav�: ►�aii�d t� e��h �f th� p�r��n� c�n �he attach�cl list, � r�r�ti� o�' a r�r��ing t� dis�u�s a pr�po��d de��l�pr��n# �t (�-����-- � ����.� �°�"' �.�'„���;°"�„ � .,,° � ° - � �a � ��y �f��«� neaticx sa ��id�d i� �tta�hed h���ta ar�d m��� a p�rfi af h���c�f. i further sfiat� that s�id notic�� �r�r� encfs��ed ;a� �r���l�p�s piainly �ddr��s�d t� s�id p��o�s and v�+�re d�p�a�i��d nr� th� date i�ic�t� �b��a� ir� th� U'�i�ed �St�t�s F'o�t Ofr'ic�.e ls��ted af_— �'� �,,���-�� 1 � �p�h �as#ag�e prep�id th�r�ono �� ' �� - . -� 'h_ . � �� ''" /� �--/�-°�/2"--''�'_Z._�m i'� ��gn�i�tr� (lr� ?h� pe������ or a i�nt�ry Pubfic) r�ts st-�-r'icarv � FOf�A ST°A�C�F ORECC�f�d,t�OT�ARY PUF3L1�7�COMP'i�?ElNOT.�IZD ��ab�cribc� and s��+orr�/ai�irm�l b�for� m� on thec�'�o day of � OV � 19�� . � �`� ^+FFh�IA.L S�_.=L. �^' . ��� �OBEs��=J PFchl�;!N•.; �' � � �,,':`' FJO'i'Ai;Y E•�U�.i.i,,.p:,,`.,�.N ' � I � _'.�.� ��ri��rv.��•�.''.I��: �r.r,. 1 � / / r�O. c, �~� �� �-y .,�c.r..n„r���s��ort e;:.. �,;ts ocr��a, ���.. ` , ...___..�_ �. . NOTARY �! Ll � Ca���Q k1y Comrr�is�' r� Expir�s: _ _vplicant. ?ler.se camplztz i.�.tnx-naa�i�rx below for preaoer pla�ment R�ith proposed prajec�) r�1:�...�Y� OF PRQJEC`!'OR PROPOS�Ia :�i�fE: —W--'r_�����s=___. 1,i J f'� � °__.�_.�_______� E OF PHOPO�ED DE�'EI,pP?rfE�''T': I„a ( �me of�.pplic�.nc'C?Qm�z- I � ��acL,-e�s or C-enera.l�ac:sgon oc Su'j�ct��e . �/ °--°�°-� � � � i �bjece P:nce:-�;r�a.x�Lap�a)and I�t T(s)� � _. __----____-.__���---�----------_--__ — - e� ���'�9� �esity"mad ...�- �__�___�:-^- ..� _ �,�:�, .. �.. u,___..�.�-�.-.-�-,- �-�.�., �-: ,�... .�.,�.�,-> . . ._ ._. .�... s � � :� �� �r�'� .� - .:, . -° _ _ . - � . �,: v � ' , ,'� � � ;r-,. -- ,. � � ,, , . , ,, - . s; . - � 1<i . � � - °- : ,.r �, ;:;: ,,, . . ; � : , �: ,. �.' . ._ k• .;�..� �1�. :i s<_ ,� �. ., . � � ,� . .� ,f.� / ; 1 , t ,;. =� ''., ,�'r �- , ' :.r. ..,a ' ��(.�: ' . �_; / � �� ,, / : , � ; _ � . � _ /. / . 4 . - .. ... . - ' '�, :.,� ,r � A �C f�`Y5'�i�,F di��� � ��'�/'. - �! % a �`��y�fi � * ` �� � 7�`r�.,�Url��h� � \. �� ;�► ;l�., . �.-�ii. � t ' � t �M1 " ^ x� vqa�� . ,::� : r:� ti �� . . , + ' , ' .__ � '.ye � _ z..�.' .� .._ , . `_"..�. , . � . ,.. . i �, �, + . �. . : ; _ ; _ . .� ,, . - } h i .-n. -. . �....-. "" , � /` r j � L ~' � ,., ,. � `� � .. , �,� , � � ' r � ':� .��.. ,� � �. �. . : .� ;. ,, .� ,� �; . ;, r � :: '�:_ '..f . ,.: � .. r� � ��, r .� '�r .+� .� � R � / � � � �: ,�. � i�!�� � ` .'/ : '�. �� ` � �1� � r � w � #� ,.. i �r ,R � f �r 1 � � . �C 5� . , ` ' � hq� 4Yp` t�t4`�"ri � ,���,��� � `? � cL.,�es �e. F; i*: S�+k.1�`.v' �t d'" J .Z.' ` � l �r , �_: . :�; -;; � .Wb.. _. .��. � " .,....;'.c .:•,o-alli�'Ro-': � .. , .. . ' y ...� ... ._. ... ...,.. �. . . ....... ... . ....t�:� .. . ... . �....��: :..�' . . . . , s.`��:.4 . .. . . ."i� .. �..., ..... � . . . . ..._ . .. . .. .. � � � 4 ������������ � � ��� � �� � � � �16�af Ti9�r�,J�9o, �,�$���1�A� - _ �,/��/ .� . � . ��� ��� ,�� I A �,6C�N�o ---°-�- -�- --- ..� ����Ta �� /Y1 ��d� P �o.f.�.,..�,�.�.�.� --- �.�.ph�ne: t 1 ��°t�Z" "��� P ��AT�' L�C�,T��(�o GDR��Se �.���' �� � ��'�'� °AX Il�'��fTA� IQT: l'��__,�,� � °�� �� N �SS9�RY��'�Lf�AB'�q1���1; ��,? �3 � �,�r''�4'� t��°t�,�i��.��,as°� -- P PO��L��SC�8PT�0�€: ---�t'� _.c��l°' �sc.a�lt�l'�>ry;J �'s�J - G PR�����14�� � --� . F �����1��Ti��� �, 'a' t t� __ ,Z [�G DEStGAlATiON: ____�__�. Ci �1� i���l'�E�ENT _e_.�.�'.�,�� - - - FACt�.l�AY��: � T� �S��.Aa PHON�m 1�031 � f�fx �I��"�t�T' D�NI���B4�t��GL i�Et�tJS���li��9T� a �ir�irrium dat siz�:��sq. ft. � Ave�rage lo� width: �' ft. Maximum building height: � f�C. � e �ks: frant ..� f�. side � ft, rsar �� ft, corner /C ft. trom str�et. & �' • (�axim�m site cover��e: �' °/a Minirrium landsc�ped ar naturai v�g�tatir�� area: �� % a (F��f�c t� �s��� a�e�is�� 3�. �'�v' ) � �r�° c�rr'�•�'� .�� ..�sr�� ����.�a�rr� � i D �`(OfVAL LtJ"P C��P�i�N�I�h1AL REC�l�1R��41�l�T� � f�9inimum iet frorrtage: 2��, unPe�s lot is cre�t�d thr��gh th� Nii�or G.and Partition proc��s. � �,�. �..� ,��`r.�� ' a�t�e� ' � ��} �;�° /� �'°�'�-r �F �o� ��� T6�� d�p#1� c�f�fi lot� shall not exce�d 2'/� time� th� �v�r�ge v�idth, �r�l�s� the parcc0 is Ies� #han ��/� #1m�� the msn9a�ncarn lof�iz� af the app6i�abl� xoning dis�rict. gff���'er t�a �odr� ��c�no� ��.°��4,060 Lats) IT1� 71G�R0 Pra�AppB's�timn Con#srsn�ce NoB� ' •�r ��'��o�,�f�� Pa�ae 9 af 90 �� �3e41� ��T'�A��CC� ~ �t��t�: �l� _ f��t fro� the e�rtt�riin� ��_.�.��,'�,�'t°.�- ° �st�bli�hed ar�as: ��'� fe�t fr�� �a,/,���' �'.�,��'�'�t e,�',� • L�wi�r i�t���i#�xan�s: ���t, a{�n� t�ie �it�'�._.----— — b���d��. • @ • g�. • Multi-far�s4y r�sidential b�iBdir�g ��paratio�t; (��f�r�r� �c�c�� S����r� °!�.�€.��0) ������c��y �trtdct�sr�s up t� 5�� s€���re fe�t in �i�� m�y b� �errr�i�t�d �a� lots fess th�r� 2.5 a�r�s cn si�� - f��� rnir�ir�i�m ��tb��k fro►� �i�3� �nsi r��r !o� i�n�s. 5 �c����gy�r �tria�t�a�e �p fc� �000 squ�r� f��t ��o p�r�€!� ���E f���t�.5 ��r�� i� �i�e (��� �ppie��i�i���aaai�g c�'s�tr��t�e������ ���p�i��� steu��u���.) � f���N� i��i��T' PR�Oli�IC��I� • ��x�rr��rn h�igh��a�3� s��� is� R��, �e2, �tl�.� ��d !��.5 �����. - �ri�xirn€im h�� �a 5 ��fi �r� - �e� �� • €i���m�� h�aght �of 45 f��t in � ��2��mn�._-.`� • 6�i�xi�a�s� h�igh�of 60 f��t i� �h� �-�0 z�n�. � C ��� E311t�.�lAi� � T' F�I�O°�I�IC)�a �1/I�xi�rlut°� h�:ic,�ht �fi 1'Oa � ' or 2� f�et, �f�ich���r is I��� in m��t zon��; 2'/� stories, or 35 �e�t ir� �_7, R�12, R-2S a�r R���on�s prc�vi fh�# th� �i�r�dards of Cod� S��ti�r� 1�,��.n30��� �r� rr��t. �� m !� b�fa�e The N�t R�sic��n�i�l lJnifs alPaa�e� on a p��i�ul�r �i�e rr�ay b� c�lcvlat�d by dividin� t�e ��� �rea of the develapabl� I�nd by �h� r�tinim�m numb�r af �quar� f��t r�quir�c� p�r dvvelling �ni# as sp��i�i�d by th� app[d�bl� �oa�ia�g de�ig��ti�n. ��� d�vel�prr���t ar�� i� r..�lcu6at�d by �c�btr�e�ing t�e fol[av�ing lan�i �r��(s) frorr� th� gro�s si#� are�: 1. �li ��r��i�i�� lanc�s �reas ir�cfudir�g: �. ��r�d writhira fihe 100 y��r�Tacadplaer�.� b. Si«apes exc��ding 2S%. c. Dr�ESa�g�way�. 2. Pubii� right�caf vva�d�dicatioa�. a. Singl�-family alloc�te 20°/a af gsos� ac��s f�r p�blic fa�giities. b. �lulti�fami(y �lloc�t� 1�°fe of c��c��s a�r�� fc�r Rublic fa�ili#i�s. � �R�f���� ��c�� ���ti�� °��.9Z9 � � � �9P1.� �F F���{��P�T'1�L. D�f�58�'°f ���CI.JI..��°l�Pla: � ���P�.�; usa�G�a���c��s�iM r���-�2 zc���t�,o���E�i�u��.or�iz�p�°��v�a����n�a��r�������rv����s � � �gr��t�-�ara�opy h�e�Ifi��F�rniBy � 43,56a sq. P�. of gross site arsa 43,560 sq. f�.c��gr�ss sit�area °-� .�71� s�, ft. (20%1 ��r li� ri ht�nf wa,� � ��4 sa f4 (15_°ls���6i�.n.�i�-�f.w�v N�7': �,fi�#8 square feet td�°�': 37,02��quare f�et -- 3.050 fminimum lof area) . _3.(��,�r�jnir�t�rr�lo,d ar�a) — 1`�.4 Clnits F�er Acr� � 1�.1 �J�6ts ��r A�r�� 7�' Th��evelopm�nt�csde r�quires 4h�t 4hr�net site ar�a exisP far Ph�n�xt w;�qle d�iling uni4. 6��RO�P�d�tNG t!�!�R �F�ITT�D. 1 F TIGAR� Fre•AppGea4iae Coot�r��c�I�ote� �� a6�Ipp6cmtloNPl�minp O�Darerta�at 5astiva Fx��2 of 10 r-m-- �� �� � ���rv�e��r �� bi�ck� f�rr��c� by �tr��g� sh�la not �xce�d 1,��0 fe�f inea�ur�d a0�ng th� rigHB-�f avay Isn� �x��pt vvher� �treet I�cati�re i� pr��9�ad�d b� ��t�ral taap�gr�phy, wet0�nds ar��h�r bosii�� e��vv�t�c�t�r, pre-�xisting d��e�iopr���t. V"��r� bioc� fer�gihs gre�t�e tha� 6�0 f�e� �re ��rr�i�t�d, p�destrian/aik�wd�ys �h�ll b� ro��ei�d thr�Aa th� bl��lc. � �� ���f�r to �od� ���toac� 1�.�6�.0�09 �'���'�1�t4� �����.'°'�"��b�S ��t�J 1� �,���..�,�'°� � l����'i�4L C����9'iY T�N���Ft �'h�: �ity �f Tiy��d allo�s� � E���i���ti�i l��nsi �°ran�f�r �f �p xc� �5@�o af gh� u�it� that �e�d� �����i�� ���� ���� d���lop�d �� ���si#ive I��d� ���a� li�t�d i� th� d���ify �al�sai�t��n� t��t rra�y �� ��pdi�d t� th� d��s�i�p�b�� p��s�� �f th� �i��. ,��.�I�� �� /� e�'t�� /�°s� d��f�r�� ���� ����aca� °��.92°A�3��, 14 i� �6��s�onsibilafia� o h� ���° f�r � r��it�e�ti�i d��e�8c��s��e�t �pplir�#i�an fs� pr�e�id� � '� �Icul�fi�s� i�r b�th t��p��ait��d r��td�ntiai den�ity ��si �h� req�a��t�d d�a��i�#raa��f�r. R�S1�7�NT9�e�. ���i�B°l°�T�AC��@�I�N Regard9��s �� th� �Il�w�d hc��a�is�� d�n�ii�r is� � z�nir�g d�stai�t, �r�y pr��r��t+� uvithpn 10Q f��t of � d�sig��t�ci ��t��i��hed ar�� �h�lf nof b� �ev�l�p�d at � d�n�ity great�r 4h�n 725 perc�nt af th� rrr��mu�a ��rrr���h�r��i�� �lan d��i���tin� {r��� za€�sr��) a�f th� adj���nt parc�i, l°r��sifion ar�� �p�s!@�� ic� ���y �r�ap�rfy vvhich i� � d��ign�t�d e���bl��h�cJ �,r�a. °�h� s�b�eGt ro �� i� ���is�naB�d �s �r� .l.'��� �� ��° a���. Th� saabJ��t p�����ty is �dj�a�a��� b_ �sta6'�� _��;����� �� �h� A --_-�. � � W 6J BJR� �7'���'T Fal�el04 e�F+9� ���R��@��8�F���7`e 1. A f�#ur� str�e �an � a : �.� �. �e fil�d by $h� �ppfi���� s� c���tan��ior� v�i#h �n appi���tgc�n fo� � �ubdivi�ic�n �r p�rti#ion. `��� pl�r� �h�li �h�� fh� p�t��rrn �r �a�i�ti�� �r�d �rc���s�� f���a�� �tre�f� fr��i tH� b�u�dari�s a�' tf�� prop���d 9�r�d di�i�i�n �r�d shall ���6ud� bsaursda�i�� a� th� prc�po�e� land divisic��t and shal3 i��l�d� �th�� p�rc�l� v�it�ir� �'�0 f��� s��r�s�ndi�� �nd acijac�n� t� fhe pra�o��d I��d div��io�. b. 6ctentify �xisti�g or pr�p���d bu� r�cat��, p�i9c��ts �r �th�r tPansit f��iii�i��, �iepyc9� rc��.tt�� �n�' p�ei�sfria� ���iliti�s car� �r+�rithin 5Q0 f�et Q�th� site. 2. 1/VP���� r�eces��ry to gi�� ��e��s car permit a safiisfaci��y future divisis�n e�'adJ�inang I��td, str���� shal� be �xk�r�d�d fi� th� �c��ar�da� �►s��s o�th� t��cf t� b� d�v�lap��. �, {�����t� �o�� ����io� �s.���..r��a, � � � ����`rt ��o �r�� so���c� � � � �.I� �ubdi�i�ions ar�d ir�c�r p�s��tia�� �r� ��abj�ct Ct� ��I�r ���s r�q�i���ra��t�. rh��� P�q�crem���� s��t� � tti�t a r�i�irrtum ef 8Q o� �I� i�t� �r�at�d rezet�Y b� o�i�n��d fcsr serlar ar..�ssi�iiifij. �°h� ba�i� �t�nd��d, � which d���rrr�ie��:s �olar a �e�sibiiity, r�quir�s fihaf � &�% af t�t�l nur�be�of pr o��d iots: 1. ���nanstraf� a norfh-� �lt�l di�7'1�f3SfOf1 A��� I��St�O�E:�t. 2. Deer�on�trat� � frcnt lo� e ori���ati�� within 30 degre�s �f� firu� e�st-w�s# axi�. C �TIGARd� Nre-AppRi�l�o�a C�nfor�nce N�t�� p� ��of'p rs�i al�ppScat�lPSaaer�nepran�a Seetieao • � ���� Yh� trat�E ��° �rte�! R .ernpt��� s�te fP�am the �ol�r�c���s r�quir�rv���t m�y �,� p��QN�d f�r th� f�ll�vaing rea��sr��: 1. ���t, w��t or n �ih �I� e� �z�� er than ° . P P 2�10. 2. �7ff�it� ��h��� � �r��� (���,��ur��, veg�tiati��, to�agraph�). 3. �n-�st�: �hae9� s� rr:e� (v�g���ti�n). �+d1��g���ts adf�win� a r� cYior� of the ��% �olar lot d��ign r�qz�ir�m��t rr��y b� r�ade r fhe fc�l�c��s,�g r�as�ns: 1. R�s�uced der��ity or a in�rea�ed ���t �f�� i�as� �iv� p�rc�nt du� t� eifh�r: �. ���t, west �r n rth �fc�p� gr�at�r than 10°/a. b. �igr�i�i��t ��tur 9 f��ttar�. �. Exi��ing r�ad or I �ting p����, d. P�a�dt� ����m�r�t right-�f�ay. �. R�����ier� in ir�ps�afia�t d�:v �pa���t�e�er�ati��. 3. Pr��isti�a� s�iade (vegetafi �). � !�-��.� �v4a�� and t x4 ar� r that �ta� � �s�Pcat?�r� c�.._.�.�m�li�� u�i4�tF�e valar ' �, ar th�t sp�cif� lots st�ould b� ex�r�pt�d or adjusfed �ut. The foll�weit�g it�rn� sha! b� incD�ded ir� th� ana�lysi�: � 1. �h� �b�:;��c��� ��t dsA s��;a�ic� �n ' ����� i�i iir�e �rier�fation ��e ach propos�d la�. �. Prat��t�d ��6�r��ild6�g lir��� ��d elevan� b�aildin� site rest�i�c�i�ar��, if applic��l�. 3. F�or the pttrpose r�f id���ifyirrg tre� r�lated to ex�mpfii�n r�qu�sts, a map sh��nri�g �xisting tre�s �rvhich ar� at leas� 30 f��g g�98 �n� ��r 6 in�hes diam�t�� �t a paint A� fePt ��ov� gr�d� sh�ll �� submi��cJ. °fhss r�a�p �h�lf is��lr�d� ti� f�6;��in�: �. H�ight. �. �i�rra�ter. �. �p��i�s. d. A sYater�n�r�t d�cfaring th�4 they ar tc� b�: e�t�i�ed. • 4. �api�s of�!1 priv�te r��Yricf9c�e�s r�i�ting tr� s I�r�ce�ss. The d�si�n �har�ct�r�sYir.� df a d�v�laped s�lar-r�ri� ted lo� are high levei� af vvint�rtim� �un s#rikin� th� s��th vuail� �nd r�ofs af the hc��se, house �ri�nt��i�n n��ci�nizing south vvi�daw ar��, �r�d a so�th-slopi�g roc�f are�. i� achi�ve fhis, an� r��y utiii�� �h� f�ll�avi� : 1. �r������d aoEar �fuiQ�is�c� Lir�� o T�r� st�l�r�iusl '�g lin� must: �. B� orient�d t� witY�i� 3Q ci��r��� of� tr�� sttl�d�st �xis. �a. F��crv�id�; a mi�rirnurr�� di�t�r��� �f TO f��C�r�c� fih� rr�iddi� �f the Ir�t tc� the s�uth pr�per�y lin�. c. F�rovid� a rninim�rm dis4�r��e r,f 45 f��t fr� tt�� nor�he�nm�st k�u�ldabl� bour�d�ry �f fh� saa�j�c� lo�ta th� na�Yh prop�r�y iir��. 2. ��rfc�rrrsan�� C�ptiocrs - 7her� ar� f�n+o perf�rrn�nc� o ti�ns which ma� �� u4i(i��d a�follows: a. °�h� hous� t� b� orient�d within �Q d�gr��s af a east-w�st axi� �nd h�v� at least �0% �f tf�e ground flo��'� sau�h wall pr���cted frc�m �h�d� b. P�t I�ast 32% of th� glass and ��0 squar� f��t of th r�n��r�a fac� s�uth ar�d �� prote�t�d fr�en �hatls. . T1GAE�l� Pa�Applica�on C�rPuonco Motus .tl Appdt,Oen�RaMe+a aeWaromnt secc4aW Pag�4 of 10 �� � �.5���. R�.r����� th_ e �i� E��rt�'l�,0.��1��r�a �a f��X� i�gl��rv�'s g� r��bd����� �r�vie�a��c1 thr���h �h�c,i�q �rrrrit s�r����s `�r r��� -� e09t� �c�B�s E�".�� Poir�� �t� ,�d� PI a�� ��r�t� t� �tt'ldinca Di��.� 1`c�r f�r��r i�� a i�o��a�rdin�,c��",�,� P�i� � �� th� o '��� 4hat ar�*,�., il�t�! r�l��. P �9�G �N� r4C���� AIB �a�rki�g �r��s a�d dri���ays rr€u�t be pa��c�. � Sir� le f�mgly: �ir�s 2 caff��ree� �rr'�i�ig ��ae�s p�r dvw '�e m �ult�pi� f���i}: FZ���ir�� �.5 parkin� �p���� p�r c�ni�f�r i b�dr�carr�. F��q�dr�� 2 p�r�ir�g �y��c�� p�P uni4 f�r �-� b��r�a���. �r&uitimf�mily dvveilie�g �nif� �ith sr' �r� 1 a r�quir�d ���c�s sh�l( �ravid� ��ricing for th� u�� �f gu�st� ��ad �h�l! cc���isC af 15°/'� �f �f�l r���°sred p�r9ca��. ���f�r t� �c��� ����ac�� 1�.°006a�3�) .� ��'�.�h�� ��°/s a� ��q�a�r�d �p rn�y° �� �l��ignated ��dd�r dimerus�e���d �� �c�mp�ct spac�so ��r��r�g �f�83� �f�al� E�� di��n�ie� �� f�8i€��r�: � ��r�d�i�d ���°���� ����m �a����a�°s�r��� � ft. � if1G�l��� '�� �. � Ccarr����� park3�� �p�s�� " �n�9�n�: � f�. �{ �5 ft. a hl�arrr�i���p�� parki� . �9! p��ce�g �re�� �Feai6 provid� �ppr�p��t�iy I�caked and di�rr�nsi�n�d di��bl ��r�a� parki�g �pace�. �°h� rninemuni n�rt���r �f di�able+d �er�o� p�rkir�� �paces t � pseav�d�d, as va�il �� kh� p�rking st�EB dimensio�s, �r� mandat�d by the Arr�eri�ar� Wi$h D15abill�l�� Act (A��). A h�nd��t i� �vai6abl� up�� reque�ta A h�ndic�pP P�ri�i�g sp��e syrrtb�l �ha6a b� p�i�t�c� Qc� th�: par4ci�ag space sur��c� and an appr�p ' � sigs� sh�61 b� p�s#�r�. � �i�Y"C ��S �i:��1� r�cks a qu�r�d for rnulti-far�ily, c�rr�rr��rci�l �r�d i�du�tri�! d�v�l�spm�nt�. �3i�y�1� r�cks �hall k�� Ic�cate ' area� pro�ected �rom a�t�mob�ie Bra�c and in conv�ng�e�f I�Gati�ar�s. Bi�ycl� par�Ci�g spaces �h� e pra�ided on th� b��i� of or�e �p�c� f�r Pve� fif��en (15) requised v��i�calar p�rking spaces. 9�'iir�a�carrt n��rrber caf��e�����: _ _ li��¢�aenc�av� �cc��s vvic�t�a: �A�acim�a�rt �cce�� v�i�dff�:�__W___�,� �d4inir��a�r ��v�rrs�r�t vvis�th: --- a, � � �l9l��L� ViiA�6��Y �.Q�,�.T° � i� ir� a!i att�ch� housing (�xc�pt f�o-famiiy dw�lfr�g�) and muBfimfamily d�v�l�pr��nts, e�ch resicientia! � d�nrelfi�g sh�lf k�� co�►��ct�� by w�lkvd�� ta th� ��hicu9�r ��r�icin� �rea, ��rr�rrt�n open �p�c� �nd � r��r��ti+�r� f��iliti��. � � � €��I�i��& �R� � The City r�quir�s that CI��P WI�IOPt ar�as b� mair��air�ed b��e�n fhree an� eight f�et is� h�'sght �t roa�J/dr�v�way, r�ad/rai{roa�, and ro�c9/r�ad ir�ters�cticans. The si�e �f fh� req�ir�c! �fe�r e�i�ic�r► �r�a dep�nds� upan the abutting street'� fu�c;tio��l cfassifi�a#i�r�. � �F��f�r�� �cad�e ���^�i�r� 1$,1�m� C F T1tiARtl Pr�-Appiicati�n Canfaranse Not�s Pmgm r 6f t(I �esii ,�,u«a�is�+�q�r�xva�a s�e (�"'�� � F��i6�� �0.�D ��R�E�1fN� �n �r��� 4� i��r���� �ra���y �r��d t� �Ithe� e�d��e �r elir�dn�t� ad��►�� r�ois� a� vis��l ir�p�c4� b��ro��� adj���nk d�v�loprnents, esQe�i�lly b�t'�►��n �sf�����t la�d �se�, Qh� ��� r���air�� landscap�d b�+�t���r��s along c��i�in �ite p�rirn�t�rs, R�q�ir�d b�ff�r ar��� are d��eribed by the ��de i� k�mis �f�idth. �uf�e� �r��� s�ca�t b� acc�pi�d by a r�i�ur� �f d��i�t�c�s�s �r�d �u�rgr�en �r�es and s�r�bs �nd �u�� �f�o �����v� a b�la�ce ��tweer� verti�i �r�d hoe��c�tal pl�r�tir�g�. �ite �b��uring �cre�n� �r fe���� r��y �fso �� �r�quir�d; t���� are a�en advisabf� ���n lf r��t r��caired by the C�de. Th� r�quired �uffer �r�as m�� � be ����ap��d by v�g�t��i�s�, f�r�c��, ��ilafi��, �r�� w�ik���ys. A�9d6tii�nai inf�rmati�� on r�q€��red buff�r are� �€�i���4� ��d �i��� m�y b� f�und in th� Co�r�s��if�o C7�rr�l�ps��nt �C�d�. (f�eg�r t� ��d� ���p#er°��.1�p) , 7'k�� r�quired 4�c�f��r�idi�� which ar� �p�Egc�bl� �� yc��ar pre���sa! �re� �c� as follc�w�: - - - -- �te ����g ��rt� b�a�a�d��• ____ _�€�, �Ic��� ���t b�a�s�d��. _..�.,�.__��� ����a� ���ti°g ���n�i��a � 1e� � �6a�ng���� �c���a���. In �dd��ic�r�, �i�h�r�b�curi�g ��r���ing °ss r�q�ir�d �I�a�g�,� ___q. �'T �E�� �tr��t �r��� �r� r��€�€��e� f�e �91 ����l�p���r�t� fr��fii�g �� � �c�bli� �P p�i���� ��r��� �� w�il �s dri���ways wrhi�t� �r� m�r� t��� �OU �e�t in I�ngth. �tr��� tre�s m�asY �� plac�d eifi��r withir� t�� publi� rigtttaof w,ay or ar� pr���t� pr����y �vi�hin �ex ���t s�� th� right-�f�s�� b��a�d��°y. �tr��$ trees r��st hav� � r�qr�Aa�urz� c�iQp�:r ���t l�a�fi�re� in�he� wher� r�����sr�d fi��r���t��rv€� �r�ci�. ��r��t tr��s �houl�i a� sp���� 2d �c� �� f��t a��rrt d�p�r�e�ir�g an #h� b����Ero� wid8� �f th� propa�s��i tr�� sp��i�� �t m�turit�. �u���er infmr�s��i�r� �r� reg�latie�n� �ff��#�ng �tre�4 tre�� �ay be obt�i��d frorn th� Pl�nrain� �i�isica��. �, mP�irr��a� 07�r�e �r�� f�r �v�ry ��v��n p�r ' g �p�ces mus� b� pl�r��ed in af�d ar��anc� �fl p�rkirag �r��� an c�s°d�r t�, p�r�vid� a veg�ta�b�re c���p ect, Lar�d����c� p�rking ar��� �h�l! i��l�ad� sp�ci�xl d��ig� f���t�r�� va�hs�h �f��+�fi�v�ly s�r��� th art�ir�� lc�� ����� fr�rr� ���rnr. �"��s� �esigr� ���t���� s��y i�clu�f� t�� us� of I�nd����d bea�ras, d� f�� e�a�lls, �r�� t�is�d pl�nt�rs. �or d�Yai(�:c9 s'nfc���t�c�r� aae� e���igr� r�q�ir�rn�r�t� f�r��,~�cBn� �r s �nd ��c�s�e�. ��e��r t� ��s�� �h�p��r� 14�1�d, ��.10� �r�� �S�a�U�� F3�iV9��,AL F'�.�1� F3EC�l�ER�PVIE��� A �r�e p�n for the planting, r�m�v�i and protection �f tre�s �rep�red by a �erti���d arbora�t �h�li b� pr�a�+id�d �ar any Int, par��l or combination of fot� or ���c�l� fic�r vvhich � d�veSopm�nt ���frc�ti�n far a subdivisi�n, majnr partitian, �ite dev�lopm�nt revieva, planned �ev�lopm�nt or ca�ditior�al �s� is �Fil�d. E'rotection is pr�f�rred aver removal where pos�ibl�. � �°F�� tr�� pl�ra �h�i� ir�c��acie �h� fo(los�ring: � q ld�ntifi�atican o# th� locatior, size and sp�cies of a!i existin� tr�es inciu�ling tre�s de�igr7�t�� e� a� significa�t k�y th� city; � � =� � Id�r�ti�i��tic�n c�f a program �o sav� ��isting tr��� or r�ni�ti�afi� tr�� r�mova! �v�r 12 in�h�� ir� � cali�er. R/I6$fi�atlfJ(1 rr�ust foll�w th� repla��rne�t guideiin�s af �e��ion 1�015000`��oDo '� � acco�dong to the foEEadving st�ndard�: . R�t�inag� of les� th�n 25 p�rc�nt of �xisting �re�s caver 12. incf��s in �alip�r rec�uir�� a mi�ic�a�ir�r� ,�rogram accarding to �e�ti�n 1�.150.Q7Q.0, of nr� ��fi Ic�s� �sf �re�s; :� R�t�in��e caf frnm 2� to 5C� p�rc�nY �f �xistir�g rcr��s sa�r�r 12 inc�es ir� ��lop�r r�qui��s t�at t�re�-third� of tM� tr��s to b� rer�roe+�d be mitigat�d accdrding �c� Sectic�� 1�.1 a�.�7�.�; �, T9GARC� PraAppH�tiae��nfer�ne�Not� , P�ge 6 Af 10 �.�w Aosc�,c��.�o�s� � �e�air��g� �fi frerv� �0 eo ?5 p��e�ryt of �xe�ting Cr�e� e�v�r �.� in�hes or� c�ii��r r�r�ires th�t 50 p�rc�nt ag t�� tre�� t�; be remnved b� eaii2ig�ted �ccc�rding i� �ie�ti�n 1�.15(�.070.D; %' �etainag� oF 75 p�rcer�t or great�r of exis�ing trees over 1� inche� in �alip�r r�€��ir�s n� mitig�ti�n; � Identifica�ic�n of �fl tree� which �P� preap�s�,d tc� ta� r�rr�a�ed; and � A pr�og�c�i�n prcar�ram d�finir�g st���dards ��� r��t�ads t��� will b� ��ed by the ap}�licar�t �o protect CP��s durir�g and ���r co�steu�ti�r�. l r��s r�rr����d `�ithin th� petiad r�� an� {1� y��r prior �a � d�v�lopm�nt �pplica�tion listeci �bav� wil9 b� i���r�t�ried as pa�t Qf th� er�� plan ab�sve �nd will b� repf����9 �c�ordia�e� gcr �e�ti�n 1�.151�.�37�,�7. (R�f�� t� Caad� �e��acn 1�01�f�.��5) 1�'�TI�� Repia�cern�r�� �sf � tre� sh�ll t�9e� pl��� �ccca�ding �o th� fol6awing s��a6d�lAS�es: � A r�plac�ment t��e sh�ll be � s�h�t�r�tially sirniia� �p�ci�� cc�a�siderin� sa�� �f�ara�teri�tic�. � If � replac�m�r�t tr�:� of th� s��ci�s of xh� tr�� r�gn�v�d �r � . �v�if�r�l�. �h� Dir�cttsr r��y �91�w re�lac�m�r�� wyth � differen� �pec�� of equ val�rrt n tu�r�! Pesau�c� v�lUe. � I� � repl�c�m�r�dt �r�e af th� ss�� �¢�� i� r�ca� �ea�r�r��bly availa�le on �`f�e 9��aP n��rk�t or w�uld n�� b� vi�ble�, th� f�irect�r �h��fi e�c��aEr� repl���rr�ent 1N1tIl f71&?PC'. �I'1�B1 4C'i� tY2� Ifl ���f2fd�T1�� vvitl� th� followin� �orrnul�: � Th� number of repl��errs�nt tr��s reqt�ir�d sh�ll b� determined by dividicig the esxirr��P�d �ali�er size of the tree rem�veci ar damaged, by the calsper siz� af th� I�Pt��5� reasor�ably avaiiabf� r�pl�cemen� trees, !fi thss numb�r nf trees canno�t be viably facated on the subj�ct property, th� �ir���or eriay requi�•� on� (1) �r more eepiacement trees to be planted on oth�r _ prop�ety wi�hin the city, either pubfic property or, with ihe cansent of th� awrier, privax� pr��erty. � Th� plantinc� o� a replacement tr�e shall talce pl�ce in � manner reasanably calculated fio allav�r grc�vRrth tr� maturity. fn lieli af tre� repl�cPm�nt uneier �ubs�ctic�n C� �f this s�cfii�ar�, � party rnay, with th� Con�er�t of ih� Dir����r, �I�;�t ta G�amperssafie th� Ci�y f�r its cas�s in perForrr,in� su�1� tr�� replac�ment. (��f�r ta Code ���tis�n 1�.1 af�.��0 (q) �I S • Si�n permi�s rn�tsk b�: obtain�d pri�r to ir��t�il�tion of�ny sign in the �i� af Tigard. A °�usdelin�s ��r�ig� Perrnits" handr�ut is �vailab6� up�r� r�qu�st. Additional sign ar�a or h�igF�t b�yortd �ade sfi�ndards m�y b� permii�R�d if tF�e sign pr�p���[ i� reviewed �s part of� d�velcaprt��nt revi��v �pplic�tE�n. Alfierr,�t9v�ly, � 5igr� �od� �xc�ption applica#iar� mag+ be fiied for revievw b�f�re iF�e H�arings ����r. C TIGARD Pco-Appiir�ti�r����f�renc�Notes aw .e aov�adoro�+arr,.�aav�a s�e�en Page 7 0�10 � ��Nd�'�'1ti� �4N�S T�� �a�� �rc�vid�� r�g�fati�n� f�r land� v�hi�h �r� g�ot�r�ti�liy un��it�bi� for d�v�d�pr��n4 du� t� �r��� +�i�hin th� 103-y��r fleodpl�in, [1e��1�P�I t�f�Eil�lg�lAt�y�, w�tl�r�d �r���, a� s(c�p�s ir� �x���s �f ?5 ��ec�nY, �r on u�st��l� gr9aar�d. �e�g�' v,o�16 �tt�rr��� fc� preli�i��rily id�r�tiF� s�r��itiv� I�nd� a.f�as at th� pr�a �pplic�tis�a� c�nfer�n�e based oe� �v�il��il� i�f�rma�tion. �I�W�v�R, I +���1� B ��rt�__-�?i�� I rrd� ^r ,�� �� th�ir bca¢'�d� ' i� �h r ��`'��-s�lv id .��if�� ��finitio�s � ���--�-�..�.��2l�.�l�i.li_xv a��q�li,��r�t. Ar��,�� --------�-�m-. ���it'tue_lands I i i ' �y � � �����tion_ �R���r t� �QC�� �ha�t�� 18.��� �h�pter 1�.�4 ai�c� provid�� rcgulaticans far th� u�e, pr�t��ti�n, or rnodific�tic�r� of��nsiRiv� I�nd� �re��. ���ie����ial,d�lt�c��r�t i�„arahibit�d v�ithin flc�c�d�,l�ins � ' � �a� n. ��� �� T11�� , Th� �pplir�rrt sf��ll �ubmi4 a narr�ti�� v��ti�h pr��id�� �5�din�� f�� �II applic�ble �pprava! �4ar���rd�. ��iic�r� Pc� �r�v�d� � �rarr�tiv� r�� �d�qt�a��ly address �riteri� ��auid b� re�son tr� �an�icf�� ��� �ppli�ati�� ir�ce�r�pl�te ans� d�lay r�vf�vy �f��� pr�posa6. �eppli�ant sl�a�ald revi��ns cad� fo�appli��ble crit��i�. E S��`�l�N� �'1�3.fi0 � 1�.9� .,—. 1�.1�4 m.._, ��.i 5(� �..,, ��.g4 _�'��.1 C1Q .,.� fi�.3�� �I'�.�GC1 _.._._ 1�.�� .��°"°1�.1 C7� _„_ 18.9�0 � 1��.�62 _��.92 �°18.106 _____ 1�.13� ' �. 18.�6 ..�..°�`°i�.�6� ..� 18.1�� ____ �y 8.���4 �.� E'� CT° ��"lJ�3Y' As � p�rt �f tl�e �pplicatian subrnitfial req�i�em�n��, �p�li�a��s �r� �Qq�ir�d to i i��, ia-����& s���iy �ith t��i� �!�bmitt�! ��ck�ge. The irr�p�ct stuefy shalB �uantifiy th� �ffec� n�the dPV�ls�p�l�;nt e�n pt�bli� fa�i�iti�� ��d s�rrei���. �'h� st�d� sh�ll addr��s, �t � mini�um, t�� tr�r7sp�rtatio� ���t�s�, ir��t��ing bik�v��ys, �h� drain�g� sysf�:m, �h� p�rks sy�tem, �� �rvv�t�r �ysfi�rt�, tf�e sevver sy�tem a�d th� ���k� impac�� raf fii�� d�y�fap�r�ent. Fa� each put�{ec facility �yst�m ar�� type c�f irrrpa�fi, t�e study sh�l! prapo�� irrr�rov�ments n�c�ssary tc� meet City stand�rds, ar�d tca mi�ir�n�ze tf�e impa�f �f the d�velopm�nt ar� th� public a� !�r��, publi� facifiti�s sy�tems, ansi aff��Yet3 priv�te pr�p�rty c�s�rs. Ir� �i�u�fi��� wah�r� the �cametiur�ity D�velnpmen4 �ade rec�uir�� th� d�dicati�r� of r�a! Rroperty interests, Yh� a�aplicant shail ��ther sp�cifc�llp cdn�ur vvith tft� d�di�ati�an r�quirement, o� pro�rid� evide�ce whi�h supports Yh� �oncl��ion th�4 th�e r�af �roperty dedic�tion r�qu�rernenY is n�t roughly pr�p��tior�al to the proj�cted impact� of ft�e developm�nf. (R��er� Co �e�de �ha�a��r �9�.32 �e�tiio� .QSQ) When a cr�ndition of approvai r�quires tr�nsf�r tc� �t�� p�ablic of �n ir�tere�t in re�l property, the appr�rra� �!�thr�rity �h�ll adopt fiinding� which suppart the cpr��i�siQn tha� th� int�rest in real propert� �c� be transferred is rou=�hly proporti�an�f taa Ch� irn��ct t�e prap�sed d���la�r��n�will have c�n th� p€�blic. (R�f�r �a Code �t��p��r 1�,�� ��cti�r� .25n� �IGHB�7�FiOOD i�9���'IN Th� acplicant shall n�tify a!1 pr�perty awners within 25� feet �nd the apprapri�te �lT F�ciii��tr�r of t6�eir praposal. A rriini�num of 2 we�:k� between fh� maiiing dat�: and fhe m�eting dat� i� r�quired. Plea�� r�vie�r th� Land Use fVotifcati�n handa+�f conceming sit� posting and tP�e m��ting notic�. (�e��r t� the R1�ic�Inbarhoad �1��tir�g H�r�dout) tTY �i��D Pr�e-A�pl��on C�anferenca No@�s P�����f�Q �� ---�..�....y.o�. �- .�.. FtE�Y��,l�i� .�ppPicant �hc�uld cc�����ct fr�nc�is� h�ul�r f�r r�vi�vm �nr� ��pr�v�l c�f sit� servi�'sr�g cnm��tibi;ity with �'ris�� C�i��ao�al'� r��:hi�cl�s. �'���'�.�T F'�RSd�N: t�es�ny Hing vwitt� Pride �isposa! at f 5q�! �2�-�177. (R���r �� �oa��; ��cYisar� 1�3.11�) �4DDl�"iC�N1�eL �C�N���f�15 i��d �Cli�li'd���T�: ..! .����.��,��rC'��1�'�����t,���.���.���..���A�a�,�9�°��r�..� �___._'�"�./� ,�` ��.��°`.�"_.,,�__���-���r� ���� ��t�°�•,�r���,�'�r�'����� `7''.� �� ���..�t,��° r�' W �..�.�''��__�...��.��.�.�°�.%�,�^ �T� °?"c� �,����c����� �/� ��l�,�� .� � _ ��.��''...�. �'"� �' i' ���s c�;t� ,�' � � ..�_....�..���° ���,�s���r�,_�°�� .���v� ������� ����� ���� �� ,�.�,�i���� �, � � ��.� �� �. ��,-� �i�.��� � �`7~ ° �x�.-�:� - ^�,���! _ � �= ���rr� �°°.,�°��.��.. ���'��'..� � � ��,� �t�� ' � .�, �y 80 4 � �' t�- " ����� � .� .�°,'�' — J� l ��i� �°' � � ._._...._...-- f� ���l�i� __ ,Administrativ� Staff �t�vi�w. � Public hearing be�ore the Land Us� h��arings (�ffic�r. � °"" �'ublic h�;�ririr� b�for� �h� Plannir�g Cqmmissioe�. � �,___, Public hearing befGre �he P(anning �ornmi�sicn wifih �th� Cortnmis�ion � making a r�cornmendation on th� pra�o�a! to the Ci�y C��tn�il. � �On additiona! put�lic� he�ring �hall be held by CP�� City Council. � � � IC�,TIC)N SlJE�11�l1�"AL F'�C)C��� � A(! �pplications rriust b� accept�d by � Planning Divisian staff m�mp�r of th� Car�m��nity D�v�lopment D�parfiner�t a� Tiyard Cif}� Hal1 afFc�s. ���5� Nc�TEi �pplications �ubrnitt� ����R9 �P �rr^..�o� gff a�.th� cc�g�$+ .�.0 �nriti�aut Pi�e���i�ri�i�n a��.�.c�f_�;�c� m�,�be return�� �� '� a+�^s�NU?' be��ce.�tesi affier�:00 �.M. on Frida�s or 4:30 on � �aoee.�,d�ys. � :IT TlGARq Fre-Applir,�tian Gantcreaee Not�s �asie t aoa�s'riaiuPlt+iorng oeparm,me s.erisn �agW 9@f i0 �� �o�rfoi�ed �re3h M[�.��- ira�r ,���.l� f�d�d.�l..��y�.�'r �� �5„1�,�,11 in�he�� O�� � 5 `v �, l.�,�e�ts--� c�e�isi�n. ��Os������ �h unfrsOd�d �n���i�al �o� ��..,�.�-a�• °��� F�lar�e°ri�g �i�i�dan �ns� �nga�r�e�ng Divisi�n will perforrn a pr�li�in�ry r�vi�w of th� appli��tio� ��d v�ili d�te�in� uvhether ac� �pplic�tion i� ��rr�pl�t� wri8hin 3� days af the c�u�t�r�ubrnitYal. Staff vvill r�c�ti� th� �pplicant if additi���! i�fc�rm�ti��t or�d�ifi�r��l c�apie� af th� ��brtiitt�d rrt�terial� ar� req�ired. 1'h� �d�6r�i�tr�tiv� de�isi�r� ar ��abfi� h��ri�c� �i91 t,rpi�lly occue appr�xi�at�ly 45 t� 60 d�y�� ��t�r an a�aplic�tion i� ��cepted �s b�ing Gor�pl�t� by th� {�I��ning l�ivisi�r�. �ppli�ation� ir�w�lvi�g c�9f��ult ar prc��r�ct��i i�sa��s �r r�r�s�iri�� r�yi�:w t�y oti��r ju�i�di��i�ans rr��� t�ke addstic�o��l te�� t� r�vi�w. '�rit��� r���r�t��nd�tiar�� from th� �'lanning s��ff ar� i�suec� s���n (7) d�y� pr�ar� to th� publi� h��ric�g. A �a, 40 �t� d�� p�bii�, ap��a@ p�ricac9 f�ll�w� �li la�d ��� ���isicsrr�. Ar� a�pp�al o�a t�i� rratter waa�id b� h��rd ��r th��°ig�cd `� � • . � b�sic ficavv c4��r��rhi�h illu�tr�t�� th� re�s�� pr����s i� �v�i�bl� f�are� th� Pl�nniny �i�i�ion ta�e�r� req���t. Thi� pr�-a�p@i��ti�c� ��a��'�r�r��� �nd ��e nc�4�s of th� ��nf�r�n�� ��� int�nd�d t� ir�fo�rr9 th� pr�s��ct�v� applica�t caf the �rimary ��rr��n��i#� C3���€o�r�er�t �od� ��q�is�s�n�r��� �ppEi�bl� t� th� �cat�s��i�B �ev�lopm��t of a parficuiar sii� anc� tea �61ovv the Gity st��F �r�d �rQ�Q�ct�� �ppl�c�nt ta di��u�s the a���ar�uniti�s ��d c�a�str�ints �ffecting d�w�lr�pr�ent�f th� sit�. I��.�A�� �!(�'�"�: �'3�� �c����r�rs�� �r�d �:�t�� e�v�r �i! Gcad� r+��n�ie����ts �ea� ��p��Y� �� go€�d si�� plannir�c� �h�� shr��l�i appB� �o the d�ar�icsprn�r�t caf yc��c �it� �lan. Fr�9IUP� nf th� staff t� pro�ri�� 9r��orrnati�st P��uir�c� kay �h� �c�de sh�l� ��t �aas�s�i�u�� � v�a�sv�r ��' �4�� ��pl6cabl� stara��rd� c�r r�quirerra��ts. !t i� P���a���nd�d 2��� � p�o����$iv� ag��lac�n� e��h�P a����n �e�d ��ad �hr� ��rx�sx��ani�y f��:v�lrapm�r�� �od� �e as&s �r�y �e���t's�e�� af Ct�� staf�€ ��I��iv� tir� ���� r�q�ic��eeats pri9� t� ��abmi�in� an appEo�atac�ea. �dditior��! pr�-applicati�� �nn�erence(s) i�/�re r�q�ir�a i� an ap�l�cation(�) is/ar� to be sc�bmit��d rr��re gi�an �ix m�nths foflcawin� this pr�-�applic�tic�r� c�nfer�n��, unles� th� addition�9 �onf���nc���) i� de�ai°��d �� �a�r��c�ssary by th� �I�anninc� �i�ision. - �������� ��; �r�� �`�i��'�.�- ����ve�v� niv��eQrv Phon�; (�03} �39-4171 �ax: l5U3) 684-729? �yd,��,on��,��c se�tDw+:pr�aQP•e+"�91 �14.1 S4� TIt3AA� Pr�Appl6e�ti�n Co�foranc�«otns Pag�SO of 10 �eyr,�.osi�te�riow Dvv�e Saemm� �" a� ` -�"°��. � �S'�+a�o �s� CiB���1'�gard, ���gaae� P�E-A�'f�L�C�.�'1�1V ��1VF���t��E �(0�"E5 �1�G�IV���I�G �EC`C��f� �1��tC F'A�lt�IT'��S T'h,� pd<rp��e of th� pre-�pplic:afiiQn conf�ren�e is to: (1.) Id�ntify appiicabl� Comprehen�iue Pl�n polici�s and c,rdir��r�e,� pr��i�it�ns. (2.} 1°a p,avide Ci�i sYa�f�n a�a�arfunity fo c�mrr��nY c�n s��cific cr��err��. (3.) To r�:view �h� L�r�d Use J/�„pp(i��tion r�vi�w pr�cess wi�h t�e �pplic�nt a�d �o id�c��ify �ho fif�� fina! d��i�ic�r� m��ir�g authr�riYy �hall be fcar fih� �ppiicatia�r. The �xtent nfi n�c�ssary p�ablic ir�prov�ments ar�d d�dic�tior�s �rhich �h�(I be requis�d a��th� �applicant will be r�cor�m�nded by City st��f �nd �u�j�ct to apprcav�l by the apprs�pri�t� ��thc�rity. �`h�r� will �� no f�al �ecomm�nd�fiie�n tca the d�ci�i�n making a�athcarity or� b�halfi of th� Ci�y sta'� �n�il �9f �rnc�r�ed �orr�rr�er�t��g �g�r��i��, �i�y �ta� a�d the pubfic h�v� h�d an appe��t�r�i� tc� r�vi�v+� �r�d c�rnrn�r�fi or� the �pplacation. 7h� �olfn�vir�g eom��nt� are a proj�cfiican �f publi� �mprov�rrr��r�t r•�fl�t�d r�q�irement� tfi��t rn�� b�: r�a�ir�d �s � conriitir�r� of developm�nt appre�val for�our prt�pc��ed pro���t. .�i - f w�d�di��tion: Th� �iiy c�f Tiyard r�quires t�at lan� area be dedicater�' to �he public: ��.) To ir�creas� �but#i�g publi� rights-of-way to �he uitimate f�.���tio�af sfr��t cl�ss�fcation right-of- rn+��r wid�i°� �s �p�cp��� by the Community D�valapmenf C�c�e; or (2.) F�r�th� �r��tion c��'n�vv streets. �,pprc�v�� e�f� d�velopment �pplication for this sifc� wrili requir� right-�f-w�y dedic�tic�r� fcar: (1.) ��'�'�- ��'a- to �`°` feet fro�� centeriine. (2.)_� P�_ ��.,°�' to '`�� f ���' ,� .� E'�t �le.� ����..Js�e� ��.)� _ to — f��t frc�� �enterline. �-- t�r� �..���--�� ; r�,�i Js�. � �+� ��° c,,,�,� ��. ` �--�` �'„' �2-`�,�t'' ' � re .�im�rov�r�ents:. � ° (1.) _�. � 2° �_�stre�t im�rovements wil! b� nece5s�ry alr�ny �,��� �a�7/ar 0 I (2.) ��..a..�.- .__..._ stre�t impravern�nts vvil! b� nec�ssary alor�g .�I�.a- �,y�i�`" � (3.) �tre�t improverr��nts shall include � feet oi� pa�ement fr�rri c�nt�riir�e, pl�s the inst�llation of c�arb and gutters, storm sewePS, und�rgr�urrd p(�cem�nt v� u�tili�y wir�s (� f�c may b� cafl�cted if d�.termin�d appropria�� by fihe Engineering C��partment), � fii�r��foot wid� ,id��+�lk (siziewalk� may b� required to be �vid�r on arteri�la or majar collect�ar sfre�t�, �r in the C;entrai F3usiness District}, nec�ssary street signs, stre�tlights, and a t�vc� year sts��tiighting f��. ---- • 0�TIGARD Pre-Applisation Conference Nutes neirmq Oepartment Sactian Pag�4 of 3 v Ir� s�sne �����, �he�� �tr�� irt�provem�n�s �r cther r�c��s�r�r p� li� ir�prov�r��rafi� �r� �c�� �urrently pr��ti��l, th� str��t impr�or�rr�ent� may b� def�rr�d. I� suc� c���s, � �onditic�n of d�u�l�prn�na �ppro��l r�o�y b� s�e�i�ed which r�quir�s fh� prop�:�ty c�wn�r(�� ta e��cut� � n�nprerra�n�fir�n�� �gre�m�nf which w�id�s fihe pr�p�rty owr�er's right to r�enor��trat� �g�in�Y th� formatican �� a I�cal irri�r�v�rr9er�t c�i�trict fc�rmed t� irr�prov�: (1.) �� � ��v ��..�"�1�.����ik��: � oJ PPI�c'��1/ �E?lA1P.PC' �°h� ���rest �anit�ry �ewer Gn� to thi� prr�pe�ty i� a(n) � i�ch fin� �vhac� �s Ic���t�d in �,.�-.- �.°t"a �, �,� �-`�'�...1 � s�°t°',�The prc��o��d dev�l��rrt�r�t m�st b� c�r�n�ct�ci Y� a ��;�i�� ��rtit�ry° s�vver !t i� th�v�ic�p�r'� r��p�nsibility to _�..�u°� ft.�.� r��-,._ �� .� — -- — _`.� �. — ��'�as�.�.��� ��.+m.� �"�.�_.,�--�Ac i �z�a.�. �=� ��• i� �,•�+���..1 11�Ia�er S��s�alv: �-- {�°�. �'h� ��� 'JV�t�r � - Phor��:(503) ��°��( prr��id�� publ�� ��s���r���r@� i� fihe �r�a of thi� sifie. °��� �?i�2ric� �h��sld b� cantact�d f�r inform�ti�r� r�g�rdir�� ��te� ��apply f�r yaa�r� �ra�os�d dev�lopm�n�. , Fire Prot�etic�n: Yu�latin Valley �ir� an�! R�scu� Distric� (C�ntac�: ��n� �irchill, (503) 5�����G9) p�t�vid�s �r� �. �rot�c�ior� s�rvir�s wit�ir� the City c�f l°igar�l. Ti-�� Distri�t �hc��ld 3�� �c��tacY�d f�ar inf�arera�tio� � regarding th� �d�quacy of cir°culaYi�n syst�ms, the i1��;d fcar �r� h}�dr�nt�, �r �th�r q���fis�r�� r����t�d t� � �re protectio�. � � .� �a �,���'t� � (�th�r � i��: � � �.1�.—'���.�..—a� `E��. r�. �� �..�r�E� �r�..� '�...`(,-i �is� �-�__.aa_ � �-4--�� _.�2--�.�a �.r= R�"'� I � � � ��� �. � � � ��f �s 1�•.��'`� G��.�c� � �.�-�-.. �'� -a-,�.� �a'� . � OF TI6AR� Pre•Applicaeian�orferen�e N�t�s p�Q4��f� carmg Oapartmzm Ssciion � � � r � orm sevyer i �rov�m�r�t�: f�✓���,� �..�.� �.����, ,. `�.� l� -- .�...�...p _�"'�+� �� c.�� oR� v��,��1� C����.�T',� Tt�e �i4y has agr�ed t� enforc� 5urface Water [�ianac�em�nt (SW/fVi) regui�tic�ns establish�d by the Uni���f S�v�rerae�e Aca�r�iy (USA) (Resolukio� and Order No. 9'1�7, �s arriended b� R�O 91�7�) wi�ich req�Zr�� th� cnns?ruction of on-sit� uaater quali�y fa�iliti��. Th� fa�iliti�s shal9 bc� d�sign�d t� r�mcav� 6� p�r�er�t �if t�� phosphorus con�ained in 100 p�rc�nt �f th� �torm wat�r raar�o�fi g�r���at�d fr�rn n�w6y c�e���d imperdiaus su�`aces. Th� resoluiion contains � pravisi�n th�t waul� alfc��e �n ��apiic�nf f� pay � f�e in-lieu of cc�r�s�ruc�in� an on-site faciliiy provided speei�i� cri��ria �r� rr�et. Th� �ity vuill us� di��r�tion in deterr�ini�g whe#her or noY tthe fee in-iieu wiii b� a�fier�d. Sf the f�e i� allo�nr�d, i� weli be b���d up�n the �rnaunt af new impervious surfaces �reated; for e�r��y 2,�4(J squar€ fe�t, rar por�isn th�rec�f, the f�� shafl ke $1g0.00. Prelimir��ry ai�ing �alculatiar�� far �ny prc�p�sed wat�r q�ality facility hail b� 5ubmitted with the developm�n� applicatir�n. �.l1,� ��¢,a..{T�,� � �`F�4��IC �IV�PAC�' F���� I�r °��JO, �4'��hingtc�n Cracanty adopted a county-wid� i"raffic lmpact Fee (Ti�) ��di�ar�c�. Th� °fraffic ir�pact ��e pr�grarn �c�il���� fees from ��vv cl�t��lc�prt��nt b�s�d o� tf��� d�v�lcaprr��nt°s pro�ect�d im��ct �pan th� �ity's trar�sport�tian system. The applicanfi shall b� re�tiir�d to ��y a fe� ba��d upcar� the nurnb�r a� trip� v�hich are project�d to resulf frur�n fiha pr�pos�d d�velopme�t. 7he �alcuiati�n of th� �'1F is based or� th� pr�yased us� af th� land, th� �i�� of the prr�j�c�t9 �nd a g�rt�r�l u�+� based fee �teg�ry. Th� Ti� sh�ll be calculated at th� �isne �f buiidinc� rr�i� i�s�ance. ir� limit�d cir�c�am�tia�rc�s, paym�nt o� k6�� TIF n�ay be aliowet� ta b� de��rr�d ur�ts{ t�� i����r�ce a� a� a��tlpar�cy permit. De��rral �af �he payment untii occupanc:y i� per�r7i�sible � wi��:n �h� TI� is �r�afer Yh�n �S,U�l�.QO. � �. i���°r ���A�i�� P��3f�4f°� NQ vw4rf� sh�il be p�rfarrtled within a public righfi-c�f-vr��y, or shall �omm�nce, �ntiP t�� appli�aant h�s abt�in�r� � ��r�et �pe�ing ��rmit from the �r�gin�ering aep��tm�nt. Fi�6���� ��.��� ����°,Al°���� A,II praj��fi� Yhat requie� � gr�ding plan also require th�t t�� �p�ali�ant �ha81 subqnit � typi�l flaar plan far ���h I��. Ti�is flaor ��an ahall indicate the elevatiens o� th� f�ur ��rr��r� of th�t �6�c� �f€��g v�ifh �I�v��iA�� �t the ��rn�r af e�ch lot. 6�REl�AE�E� �V: ��� ���,4;C� E�J�If�E�Ri�J� C�EFA �°�1�NT Phane: (503} 639-�4171 Fax: (503) 684-72�7 in�patty�preapp.eng � ster settion:preapp-r.mst) Apni 23,t 99S QF TIGAFfD Pre•Appliaation C�nferensa NaYea Page 3 of 3 eanno�=oartmentsecuon � � , . Cl� �3'� �0���� �C�M1vllJFJIT'Y DEolEL�P1�1E�lT C,�EPART�Ef�T' A�PLl�ATIC?�'J ��-�I���CLIST �a�r,o��o�R� �: T'h� it���on �he c�e�klid� b�lorrv ar� r�qu�r�d �or th�s����sf�9 cc��pl�t�san �f yo�r �p�6i�ati�n subrr�issior� r�q�uir�mentso 1'his �he���l�t �d���ifi�s �ah�� As r�qusr�� tio b� subrrta��� v�ith y��r �g��li��ti�r�4 T�1iS 5h��� N1US� b� �'���li°6��d ��ld S�9l�i'Y!!L"��� �vith �61 other��pai�ab9� rn�t�ri�ls�t th�t9���au s�bmit y��r i��t� us��pp�li��ati��. - 5�e y�dar appiic��i�� f�r f�ar°th�r�x��ar���6r�o°a ��th�s����rros c��°��II th�City afi�'i��r� �l�r�r�in� ��visior� �� i5Q3) 639-���1, St��: ���l� L3�F�°-- ����: 0� �PC'IiC:AT66aIV & RELr"eTE(3 L?OCUPv�Ehf74S) SUBMIITTr3L f:EQUB�tEI�l�INl'S If�Ci.U�E ✓l�d�.[�ICECD ITEMS �� Apg�li�ation f�rr�a (1 co�y) � �� C°�v�r�er`s signatu��lvv�i�t��e ��a�hori.zati�� �° � Titie �ransf�r i�s�rur��n�1Qr• �rant d��d �''' �) ��piic�nt'S S$d�LYYl�flf I�c�. �f �opa� �_. as� ,t�,�}r �} �°9�61"1� �EG �. �aol� d° /��g� /OO�/1.�!`+�f• `�� �!�'C-' �`�i�� S6�'C�SPECl�IC: fmt/i�QS)lPl�.l��(S) SU�lviO'6"T'Af. (�EQU9�E�#�NTS IdN�C�.Ul�E ✓ MARKE� i�'F.M6S �a) Si�� 8nforrr�atii�n �hoa�vo��� f�d�. caf �ap�es _�� 1. VA�ini�y m��a r� 2. �ite saz� � desn�rtsfons � 3. ��ro���a�ar Bines (2 i� ak �-10�/a or S fk �or gr�ad�s > 1�%} 4. Clraie���c� �aatfierns, c�urses, ar�d por�d5 �'" S. Locations oF n�tural hazard ar�as ir��lucl�r��: � (a) Flo�dplain areas � �Pb) 56op�s iri excess of 25a/� o �r) Unst�ble grounci a (d) Areas �ith he�h s�asona( w�.t�r ��ble � ��� �reas with s�ver� s�il ercasir�n p���ntoal ❑ �� Ar�as having severely ��ak fc�und�rion s�dis o b. Locatiio� crf resaurc� area� as shoverra c�r� the �c��ro�areher�siv� 1�1a�a Inven�c►ry inclu��n�: o (�) Wildlif� habiYats � (�� o!tl�tl�nds � 7, c�th�r �ite fea�cures: �a) Rock od�t�roppings � (b) Trees with 6" + caliper �n��sr�rer� 4� feet fram grou�d level �°" 8. Locati�on of existing struct�r�s and rheir us�s � 9. Location a�d �ype aF on �nc� off-siYe nnise sources o 10. Locatior� of existing �aro6ities and �as�menxs � 11. Locaci�n af existing dedicat�d ri�h�-of-ways �" 5E�Pf'LiGlTION l UST ���� PAGE 1 OF 5 r' l,rlfvD U � �� , ' �� Sot� ���v�6�pmen� Pian ie�di��ter��;: �1�. �� �a��:i�� �,.,.�... 1. Th� pa�apo�ed site a��# sa�rr��a�din� p��ap�rties � 2. �Cn�tossr lin� 6nter�rals � � 3. The B�cation, dimea�si�s�s and �rau��s caf a�i: f�) E�isting � pl��te�i str�+ets � �ther p�blic v�o�y� ao�d �asements s�c� the sit� ar�d �r� �djoinia�� prc�p�rties ❑ (b) P�o�oos�d str�ets c�r es�i��r pub�ic w�ys � �a5����ts car� the site � (e� �It�rr�a�Q�� ro�st�� c�f c�ead �r�d ar �rcposed s�r�et§ that r�qe,air� ��ture �xter�saorl � �&. Th� ic��atica� and d9rra�r�sion c�f: - ��) ��tra���s a�d exiYs on th� sste ❑ (�) P���CiP1� dPl(� �EB'C91��itIOfY �PC'a5 � ��) �.o�din� and ��ryQ��s ar�a � (d9 F'�destrian arad bicycl� circ�.jlatio� � (e� t�u�doar cc�rnrnon ar��s Q � (� �O�S��� grcaa�r�d utilici�s ❑ 5. Th� loca�i�n, e�imer�sion� & setback dist�nc�� e�f �il: (�� Cx�sting �err�an�nt �tructures, improvem�nts, utiiigies, and �as�r��r�ts �hich �re iocated on thP siY� and an adjac�nt prog�er� v�rithir� 25 f�t o€ t�e site � (�� Arespos�! stres�ta�r�§, is�pa�a�emer�ts, utiiicies �a�d ��serr��nts os� t�� site � �. �tarm draina�e f�ciliti�s and analysis of dovvnstreao�n eanditic��s o 7. Sar�itary s�r�ver facifities � �e Th� lc����io�� ar��s fio b� landsc�p�c� � 9, The locatio� anc! ty�e �a� �autdoor lightir�g ca�sed�r'a�►� crime pr�v�n�ic�n t��ehr�i�ues o 10. �'he loc�tic�n �f m�9ib�ax�s o 11. Th� Boc�tior� af �II scruc�ures �a�d th�ir cari�r�t��ic�r� c� 12. Exesting or prc�posed s��rer reimburser��n� �gr��rr��r�ts � � ���des��,Pfan �ndi�c�ting: P��v �f C�pies � The sic� d��+�la���nc plan shall include a �,rading plan �t th� sarr�� sca{e as �he site �rralysis d�rawings and shall contain the following informatio�: 7 . Th� Icac��ion ard �x2ec�E to �vh�ch grading will tak� place �nelicating: (a} ��rrerai conta�ar l�n�s r� (b) Slotae ratios ❑ �c? S(?iI �t�E31�i7_'s�$iC}fl �?PORt75e3I(S) �" (d� �p�roxisnate tim� of ye�r fcar th� �roposed si�e d�v��ops�r�ent r� 2. A s�atem�nt frorrr a re�istere� en�iro�er suppc�rt�d by da�� f�c�ua9 substantiatin�e (�) Subsurface expl�r�t'scsn a�d gec�teci�r�ica� �ngirae�ri�g �epo� � �b) Ti�e va{idity crf sanitary sew�p a�d stmem ciraina�� servic� pro�osa6� (c? That ai! problerri� will be mitigated and how they vvifl be rr�itig�ted �'° PF`LI�ATIC7N I LiST PAC�2 OF S � lnw�USE� ��° �� �r�:het�s..°�u��� (�r� s �e�dg�:�Qi��: �la�W �af C�o�i� �� .�, ' -� `i'he si�� d�v�iea���nt plac� pr�g�e���6 sh�al� in�iaarie� 1. �Icaor plar°as indicatin� th� sqca�are foota�� c�f �il stru�tur�s prap�seti far us� �n�si#� �. T'y��ca0 �ie��tit�� d�'�wings t�f �a�h sgr�ct�ar� E) L��d�a,�� �9��e In�dir���r��e t�a. aaf ��a�i�� ��� ��� I�ncls�ap� �Ean s���le b� dPawn �� th� sam� scal� of th� sete ��aiysis ���rs a� � I�rg�e s�al� ef �s�c�ssary and sh�dl i�d'€c�t�: 1. ��scri�ta��s r�F �h� y�ri��tirsn syst�cra vvh�r� a�apli��bl� � �. Lt�C�t1OF'D �PiC� i��i�S'�g �� ��Y1C�S, k��t��rs ar�� s�r���s��s �" �. Lca��fii�n c�� t�rrac�s, d�k�� sh�fter�, pl�y ar��s, ��z� �:ar�rrc�n �p�s� s��ces �" 4. Lc�c�t9�r�, t}r��, S9�{' dilC� Sp2�IE'.� il� �?C15$ICI�, 2('!(j �J�'OpG►S�� �Alafl$ rTt�IE'P8�I5 � 5. Lar�ds�:�p�� �r�rraki��: vvho�h a�sa �.ddr�sses: (�� Sail �a�d�tions ° �b� Erc��ic�n �ontr�! rn�asur�s that �viil b� used o � �a�r� �rauai�a s; a Si�ra d�avvings s4�all b� subrnatted i� �ccore�a�e� vvi�h �hap��r 1�011� af �h� �c�d� �s }aas� �f ��� Sit� i��vel�pm�nt F��vi�v� �r prior �e� ��tac�in� � �4.1lI�911� P�P1'fii� 1:4 ��i15�PUCi 3 S9�P9. �� �°r���ac G�r��ra���� ���s����e � �) ���1�€�a�s� P����i� �o�: 9..i��,�a�,��tme�� R�@a� ��ads�aQs��e f'�!�a, af ��p4�� � �. °f►�� avv��P v� �� sU���� �,a:��s a 2. �The c�v,r�er's auti� rized a�er�t � 3. Ti7e r-�,��a scale (2 SQ,10G ar .�t�Q feet$1) inch raorth arrow �r�d date ❑ �a ��scrip�ic�r� of par ef laca�g�ea a�d baun�9ari�s � 5. Location, wic�t�z an r��rnes c�� �ir�ets, �asernt�r�ts and oth�r pu�lic ways v�+it�i� arrd ac� cerrt �c� xhe parce9 � Fa. Locakion af ai� p�rm n�nt buildings on and withir� 25 fe�� o€ ail pr�c�pe�ty lines v " 7. Locat�on �r�d wid�h d aii water cours�s � � � 8. Lacatic�� of any trees it�in 5" or great�P calip�r at 4 fe�� ad�ove � ' � �rgund I�vel � } ;. �II �I���s �reak�r th�n 5% ° � 1�7, l_acatic�r� o� existing uti ities and utilit�r eas�r�nents � ' 1 1 . �o� majo� land partitio v�hich creat�s � publie stre�t: i (�) �'h� pr�p�sed rig� �of�way locatiora and v�+idth � �b� A s�?i�d �ross-s� 'or7 �� the p�a�aosed s�reet p{us �ny resc�rve strip ❑ 12. Any ap�iicable deed res ictians � � 13. Evidence that (and partiti n will nQt preciude �fficient f:�ture land �ivisican v�here �pplic�b9� ° P��e�aF� I,ANO US@ APPLICATION✓LIST � ,� � I) ��bda�ris���a P°re�i ��a� �si��s ��d C�a$,� 9nai��tias�m �9�a. s�� ���a�� � �. ��a�e ����lir�g 3�3,5�,10�! ca� 2�0 f��g t� tE�e in�h ��d 6���f�� �cs ar�� ���s� p�r �h�et � 2. �"he g�rc�pos�d nam� �f th� �!�bc�i�✓isic�n . 3. Ve�ir�ity m�p sha`�rir�� pr�p�s�ty�S P�E�dC9�l�Shl� Cf) di`t�P9�� 1l1C� �sa81��s�r Stre�ts � �, N�,rro��, �dd���se� a�d ��l�g��a��s� recare�b�rs rsE �he �anr��P, s��v�l�p�r, �n�or�c�r, sa�rveyer as�d d�si���r �as appiicabl�} � 5o C�a�� raf ���ali�atic�n 60 �3os��n��ry lin�s o� �i��t t�z be s�abdi�sid� t� 7. ��,rries af ad���er�t s�a�divisiar� c�r n��t�s ca� r�cord�d �wn��°s c�F �dl�aar�i�� p�ec�ls �� u�-subdiv9d�d fa�d � �. ��,�s�e�ur lo��s r�iat�d ta� � C'e�-�st��ia�h�� b�s��$�rnarG� �t 2-foc�t int�rv�ls � ���� C?-1C�°P� �r���� �r��,��r than i�°I� ge �i� purpa��, E�rc�a�ion, tYPe a�d �iz� o� al! t3�� f��lovwin� (`nri�hin ar�c� �djac��� t� the prcapcss��i su#�divisi�r�): f�� �ub8ir, and priv�te ri�ht-�f�r�ys ��d eas�r�n�caes +� (b) Pub�ic a�ud priva�e s�nitary a�d s��rm sewer dines �°'` (�� �€���e�trc water r��i�s be��l�dir�g ire hyd�an�s t� (d� ,�1Sr�J�lP' p�VY�C �E'IE!�3hQ�lE� T3'�fiSf91iS5EC.3f� iEn�s (SQ,�QO vo�ts or �r�at�r� o (�) '�/aterccau�s�s �°"� �� E���1 ���eav�ti�€�s ��r ��rks, ap�� ��a��5, p�thways and �,th�r I.3PlE� Lf"1CUE�'i�'Ji�T'1C�5 C7 10. /ip��c�xirra�.f� �I�r� ��c� prc��(es ��` ps°�+�as�s� ��a�it�r}� �nc� st�rrt� s��✓�r� v�ith grad�s �a�d pop� sizes ieadicat�d Qn the �9an� �a'" 1 i. Pian of the prr�pc�s�d va�t�r �astrib+ation �yst�m, s��ovding pip� �iz�s �nd the ic�c�ti�an ��v�6v�s ae�� #`i�� hyd��nts c�°` 120 ;Sp�roxac��t� c����o•iin� prc�fii�s shavvir�� eh� finished �rad� of a9� str���s includsn� st��et �xt�r�sions for a r��s�s�abl� dis�an�� b�yon� fih� iaen��s c�f �, th� prc��css�d s�bclivis�ar� 13. Scal�i crcass s�c�i�ns af proposec3 streei right-caf way{s} �a°' � !'t. I�e Ips�diivQ� e�i r�ii �tP�c�9 Si.iujca.i ie� i�'aiis"'i"�aciii�ii ui Si'vi'�ii iCVaiEi C�d�;�i�� C� �S. Locatio�, width & directian c�� fi�w t�f all ve�ater co�rs�s & dra�e�a��-ways � i 6. �'h� pr��s�s�d lo� con�i�u���'s�nsr �ppr�ximaf� !ot dirr�ensicans and I�t r�uPnbers. Wher� (ots are to be �ased for purposes ocher th�n �, resier`e�Yi�l, it shai! be indi�c�ted upz�n such lots. 17. The loc�tion of all trees with a diameter 6 inch�s ar �reat�r m�asured at �, � fe�t ab�ve ground I�v�l, ane� the loc�tian e�f �re�p��ed tr�� plac�tings � 1£i. The existirag uses of th€� �raperty, ir�cluding the Iacation c�� a!i struct�res � � and t�e pres�n� uses of th� structures, arid a staterr�ent of which sto�tact�ares �,, � � �r� t�a r�m�ir� afree pla�i�:� ,� 19. Suppl�rrier:ta! informatics� in�fucler��: � ��) Pr�pos�d c�e�ci r�stri�i�ns (s� ar�y) r� � (b) Praa�f of prop�rty avvnership �°'� � � � �c) A p�c�pe�s�d plan for provisia� o� subdivisi�an improv�merit� 2t}. Existi�� r�afiura! feaeures ir�cluding recic outcrop�pir�gs, w�etl�nds & r-sla�sh areas � 21 . I�' any of th� foregoin� informati�n canncat pra�-t'scably be sh�wn �n the �r�liminary plag, it shall bs in�orporat�ci inC� a nar�rativ� ae�e! submatt�d with the app9icatic�n o 4riND USE APPIICRTlON J'LIST Pi1GL 4 OF 5 ����� 1) Sc�lar ,��� Cx��rulagio��n a F� Ci�h�er Is����a�io� f�a�� �f C�p�� � o fl h:Vogin�pany4nastersUt�ki isc.mst May 23,1995 LAN[J USE APPLIGTIORl,/LIST PAGE 5 OF 5 .� ���M i •• 19 ��1� Y�ell #��1 �.01lS� �9�� � ��'� �s�u �� � y �F��°' . . �������������� ��o��,w �����°�a���. ����,����o�-�,� ��a��� , �a►����n�-��r� � . �I�. ���'�'���1�'� k"���.t�� �.t�, �.��'7 �.�1'�; ��1�� ��LI,� ��0� �� t)� ���. W��� a���`�°� ���3 ' ��YZ°�'� o �k���� ����� � C�N��JM�� �P1��RR1�a��°��N ����R�T . �� ii �tili �' �l. . !' �� � � �y`,� . . � � � �� � � ;��y�r . 6oa°�A„� . ��. � e� ���'-� fNf� �1������ . � �".' -->,_,,,�.-•.� -'Q,�,'"�"-^.� w��° .���'�, , �ap;�r�?�P6�is t3��rF�R%ty fo be Of�lrafc��t��nGU, . f'le��e r�rr►2�m�r�rs�f�merie�rr �tl�Arrsur�n��rvrp�y��{�r�o�s fCJf�L9B"�51:/���S� TstU�%Pi,$lOf8P58�PA�'��. �g�n�s artd�ffi���in th�fi�lEov�ing rasun�l��ira t���ao�: � Eb�n�on, �lack�rttas,Co��,�roak,Curr�v,p�h�k�9. ��a�gla�,t�ill6aas�, H�c7 R'sv�r,�lacks�s�,Jeff�rs�n, J���phine, lCl�m�t6v, L,�ne,L'en�oln.Lin�.df�aPh��r,Pr9a.�i�r, f�l�sltn���h,F'adk,�h�rrrs�,r�, �ill�„mmaok, Uma4iHa, lJnion,l�/aPl���,�V��,4Na�hing#�r�,VVh��i�P�t�Yar�hill. Thi�titl�inforr�ation ha�t�e�9urr,ished, wri�hout�b��fge, In c��fore�ancs bvi�h��gs�id0li�a��appr�aed�y 4h��5t�t��g C9re�catt Insur�r�ce�oa�rni�alaner.The insuraetce Di�i�ior��u�icr�s ie�t�►rP3��di��i��4hat thi���r- . vl�(�desi���d to ben�Eff l�h��►t�rnat�insured�;indiscrirrtinate ta�or�ly b�nefit�InQ fnQerrnee9i�rie��til!�t b� - p�rmit4ed.��ld s�rvi��m�y�disaontl�u�ad.IVo iia�ilihr is a��tarn�ci i�r any��o�in thls P�p�t. , s:-�m � e�� • ! . _ :� �RC1iW s 1 .�1� l�wl� ��'?i t�.�'1^a. ' � °��' � �'�� �'�� ��'��� ����°�° ��,°�x� �`�°�'.T.,,� � �aa�r�r��r��r��:�r�����+��,������,���,aFT��,������������,a�*,����r�,���r,a���r��r,a�����,�������r�ra�,��,�xr aer�aae�a�.���aan�asae:��^�_� * � ������I� x���������� � am�aa�yv�«.aea�3�r�s��si�ffise �y, ����:�'E$1�� ���5�'�� �: �.�u`�.���� ����� �. �'����1. 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(7�egon �o��ar��s�rt, kay 3a:ed L:ecc��de� ��ceer}��� 9, �'��i9 z� �aa��s : 726 • bag� 3'73 de�e�ib�d ae.Pd1.1.9ws.:, , . �s parcel �c�� :��,red� �a;z �kr? ScuEhra�e�. guax���. c��� Seski�r� 3Ss . ' , . . �a�n�hi� t Sc��a4:'k�,. �zaxge 1 S�e�t:oE .tt3�•.W13.lameY.te l�exidian,', -. ;. . Y���st3in��oea ��un�y°, ���c���,. .kap�nr� � �u�:•�a.a� i�� �:ki�� c�m�:�f,s�, t:>«�� • _ �� l�fld 6�����ak5�� a.�'a i:�a .co��r�ya>>�� �xor. Wi.:��i�n v�c���'z�PC2� �> . . • ' . < • P�PkE.].�,E' 1`O r+7a�.I..�`.YtZ� '9".. �k1C1 DCi'�Fy9 Yao. C:G3C9kaora� t�u��Faat� �,i5�3 r,i���a ��. . � : � ��r.�� ti; . T.'a��d wc�'..�'W�a�-7 2n. I3t�n4C 4c52m .�'8q� ,1.6?..'v7�e113I7gk:eiR �.'.�ut���..T.���?t�. . ., Reeo�c�:s, ,arz� be3.ng inor,.� p��tyCt��:�x:��+' d�sc;rit��c� �ts xo�lnw�: ' . , • e � �eginrxa;ng�.at eece �+axch.:est �arner o�`thc n�ir3 �c�okean trac�,�. . :� `�,�s.d paint ��.b�gi_iinzr>c� 'aiso. h�1ng� �lae .Pdc�rttzare. k �orr��r a� �ha,�:' . ' :j �ezha�..ri�.�xact° �� i.�r�d cona�yed .to �a,e�u�z.� �nE�eskme�i� �ompany. Eay •. . "t9 � • 1]P�d rec;t�rr3ed. ia� �r�oYe .s5S5. �ac�g 567, F�ra�Ix�.ilg3;c�t-� �riurat�r L7e�L . ;:�; • �, ' F�ea��c.dsF then.ce. aou�h �.`q.�': W�a�.•.�lon,c�. .tk�c Ea�aC .�,in� t9�, �a�:ea. . . ' ' Caak�or�: tr�ck�. a�ad. �i1�o� a7.ong: �he t���t lir,e �� t�Y� �dwd P3BG�l6�7dG'� •� � • � •'` � � . � � �ra�;�, .a�aaoa �'eer k� Eri�. �rs��hsae�t. �e�xn�r e�� .Wri� ��;.e3.�?a�cu�zi ..� • • ,,�;? • • ', .tza,ctt thLri�� .f�5��30' Weqk, alang t�}� F7�;�t�s�.� exL-�n�,s.�n o�. �h� . '• ' • , �:i �ou�F� lin� oE tt�� said F�SC:u�zb tzant 109�0: k�P�: t;ca a znt°� . � e . . Pp . •kp�en�e �l�a;�h 0°G�° F��ta ��,ra1.1a�Z� wl�k► Y,�t� �:�g� T.in� 'p:� .��� a�ic� • • ' . . ' ' �! �° Coqls,on.t�act; 4:95.0? �eet to �, ves.iiat c�n �ht�.�lorCl°a li.�ie o� �fi� . - • �`. � Jahr I,� F3ick9zn i9;J.�.C, NU� 5�t�. tl�ene.� Scukh 89,.3U° F.���r aloa�g.•. , . �A the �e.id 13'<�i�. 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OJ YBe1980 Class :Rl4 B1dg�S�`:�., :1.04 Ac: � The �nfcarmation Provid.ed Ts 17e�med Rcliabl�, But T� N�at Guarant��e1. � � — .� 3�"°'°— ���war� Tit�e/��shing�on --------- �-- � n��p�'���L���I P.�2,°,i"giLTR, R�fPa�cel :1S335C�3 00400 it� a�.1.535 STnI TZ�D�'�I�.T �'iTE �'Z�ARU 57223 ��erd ��1 :�Q25�J StiV 1�OR�3 DAItOTA ST 'T'IG1��R.� f�� 97223 ��ale��'i��: � :�3l� 1�RI�C,NOI�]'-N!�"G, IMPRC�V�NfEN�', IND ZONE Lar1dAV :$193, 8 7 0 ��1 ;.A.�RE� 1, o �7 Im�?rv[r!��V s ��.5, �.�0 ° Ta�a].AV ;$209, 050 ' 9�-56 T�.�ees � $2, �64 .'73 lephc�n� : I���Grid:6�5 7�3 Lot��e 81, 457 E3t�d'.e'ms �th� �'Be Cla�s � Bl.dc���': .FA�a1 .�7 ��� S��Vd��"� �]..��.G�G�T�.S�7.1Z1C�"�bTl - ■ Tler a�I��T�.7�S J'.�I�S E';�I�1Ia.��' S REfk��r��1 e�S13�DD QO100 ' �c� s 10635 �bV 'I'TC�A�Z.T� ST TIGARD 97223 Yfe�:d s 11.,/28/89 I�a.s��. ��4 `'� 1��I�u 2�TGTOT�T A�JE ASTOR.I.1� QR 97�.03 Sal�P'�'�CE:o$3, 442 , 994 2 :7 Q�.4 R��,MUL'r'I�LE HOUS ING, I�dPROVEMEN3'S Land�3V : $418, 7 0 Q �a1 :�C���° 6 e Og Ttnprvm�,AV: �2, �72, 06Q • Total�,V a$3 , 290, 760 ' 95-96 Taxes : $�5, 095 .25 �-���a�a�.�:a03-325-8448 MapGrid�655 D3 LotS�'o26�, $44 �d�� ��h: YB : C].ass : B1dgSF: �1c:a� . 08 � The Tn�caz'ma�ion Prov:ided Is Deemecl. �Eliab:Le, Bu� Is Not Gua��nte��. � _ ��i °� � �� St�w��t �i�l�/Washi�g�on --�---°-°°�- - �� �r a PA��'���T AR'I`HU�. 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'�i�l�/�Vashi�.gt�orz -�---�—_ �..� ?��x°s�.I���.17� J�i�S E;SI�,.R0�7 � Re����ce1 ;�.��.3��T� 001.00 :.�e s�.0�35 �Tn� 'T'TG.��2,D ST' �IGATd.D 9'�223 �fer� 011/28/�9 ���-� .�� �d T��I��IN�"�'ON A.VE AS`�O�.IA. 0�. 97103 Sal�Price: $3 , 44�, 954 � :`707..� RES,M'[J�,T�k�:C,E I�OUSING, ZMP�2��T�Y��NT�' L�n.�'U : S�l�, '7p0 ��,1 .��1��� 6 .0� Tn-tpx°�n�..AV:�2, $'72, 06Q • `�otal�`�T o $3, 290, 760 ° 5�-�36 Ta�es : $45, 0�35 ,�5 1�p�1o�� e503-325-��4�� I�lapGra.d: 655 D� �c�tSF's264, 844 �ed�`i: �th> Y�: C1�3s� : B1dqSF� Ac o 6 .03 < �. � � � � � � � � � �°n� In£ormatic�n Pra�a.d��l �s �e�m�d �te�.�.a}a1e, Btat Ts Not �uax�an���d• V. � ��� ������� Title/W�s�i���on °�°- R ���:�I���E��D SANDRA J ��fP��ce� :1S13�D� Q3600 • ' �e a 105�'7 SW I10F2.TH DP.,KOT� ST TIGARI� 97223 ��e�'d !���.1 :�0587 S'�1 I�TORTH DAICO'I'.A ST ''�'IG�1.RI� OP �'7223 Sa�.ePrice;�37, 500 � : 1�12 RES, TI�[P�.O'V�D Larac�.P,V :$2 0, 8 5 0 ga1 :VEI�TUU�tA. CUZ7R'I', LO'T' 2 Imprvm��.V:�5 6, 5 0 0 � TotaIAV : $77, ?,50 ' 95-�6 Tax�se �1, 059 . 97 .le��ac�n�a503-620-���:2 MapGrid:655 D3 Lo�SFe �d�.: 2 B�l�s2 . 00 Y� :7.9n0 C:lasssR�.4 �31dgSF:�., 10� A�: ~�� S t ewa�c '�a.t 1 e/Wa��a.ngt�oxi �-=----�.----=.-..-.-...-..------.�._� r�er e POW�T,L P�IOIV�C� I�E.� �.��'Pa.rcel :�.S134DA 03a�� ' �G a 1OS93 S6� NO�.'I'�Ti DF,I{OTA 5`I" TIG�,Fd.rJ 97223 �f�re3 e 04/�.0/9� Ma�1. e 10593 �'�I I�'ORTFI DF�ECO`T.7a S'I' '�IGAItD Olt 97?23 �a:1.�Pricc: $x09, 000 e ; ].fl 1.2 �.�5, IM��tO�T�U Land�V : $2 0, ��0 gal :V��R7� CC��J'�'�', LOT 1 xm��vmtA�T: $5 6, �0 0 � Tota1�.V :$'77, 350 ' ' �5-5H T�xes : �1, 0�9 . 97 Ze������ MapGrid:655 D3 LotS�': •edrme2 Btkxs2 . OQ YB :19�0 C1ass :Rl4 B1dgSF':1, 104 Ac: �=2� _--� St�vaax'� Title/Washingtax� — ---_ -°� ner a PA'�ECKY K�NNE'z'F3 F kZefParcel :151.3�DA 03000 '.te : 206C0 SW NaR'x'H D.�iKOTA ST TIGARD 97223 Xfercl : ��./1.2/9�: Idlail :4014 RO�E �Z" �T�NCdL3"tT��. WA 98660 SalePrice: e : �O I2 R.ES, TMk�ROtT�D Lan.c��iT e $�7, 3 8 0 gale.ACRES . 87 TmprvmtAVe $7.13, 690 � �To�alAV : $�.61., 070 . 95-96 Tdxes : $2, ?0� .23 le�he�r�e:360-69�-6598 �IapGr�.d: 655 D3 LotSF:37, 897 d:Lna:� B��ie2 . 00 Y�3 .1951 Class :Rl3 B1dgSF:2 , 420 '� Ac: e $7 �=29 , Stewart Title/Vdashington = --� � ner_ :PATECKX I��1�71�7ETH F R��L�arcel 615�.3�n�, 02900 '.�� �1Qf30 SGl I�TOR.'T`I� Dt�KOTA ST TIG.7�RD 97223 �fexd v01/1�/94 I�ai1 e�4J7.4 ROSE ST VANCOWER WA 98660 S�l�Price: " e ; 1012 RES, :CI�lPROVEI7 LaridAV : $4'7, 3�0 ga1 :ACRES . 86 ImprvmtAV: $35, 330 . TotalAV : $�2, 710 0 35-96 Ta.�ces : $1, 133 .42, lephqr�e; �60-695-6598 I�apGrid: 6S5 D3 Lo�SF:37, 461 _c3�a� Bth:1 . 00 Y"B :193Q C1ass :R13 �1dgSF':768 �c : . 86 �=30=------- - - Stewart Tit1e/Washingtor� ---- - -_� I �Car'aM�RLO ST1�TI01�I P.FRTNERS RefP��'cel : lS:L3�CB 0030Q � ' t� : 1��45 S6V �'I�DENIAN AVE TIGA�.D 97223 Xfexci . Mail :PO �OX 2�51.o TIG.ARD OR 97281 SalePricer $225, OOQ e :2312 AZISC,�ON-M�G, IMP�OVENIENT, ILVD ZONE 'Landr�V : $103 , 790 c��l :�,,CI�.�S e 7� Imprvm��V: $106, 020 . Tota�.AV : $203, �31Q , 95-96 lax�s : $2, 875 . 15 �.c�pk�.anes �iapGr_ide655 D:3 Lo�SF:32, 234 drm: ��h: Y'B : Class : B1dgSF': A� : . 7� The In,formation �ro�rided I5 Deemed Reliable, But Is Not Guaranteed. .�. � --'-°_--____. e�."�Z ���w��� �'i�I.�/Washix��t�r� ���,�� 11e�':�I��OFC��Si3'a..�iN I�v.e�'P��'Ce�,:1.��s3�IaA a4'�t30 ' �� : ����� �va rro�� �x�xQT.� s�r �i��� g��a� x��rd o��/a�/9� M�il s �.O�S°� SW Y�OR'�'H DA�O'�A ST TxGA�D UR 97223 �al.�L�xic��; $��, 000 � o �0].2 �.�5, T1"�PR��TED I,and.AV : $2 0, �5 0 g'�1 e�T��17,'�l'R�i GOC�2T, LO"I' 7 Sm�r�tA'rJ: �56, 930 • To��1AV : $77, 780 95-96 T�x�s : $1, 065 .87 l�ph6rle: NlapG�:id:655 D3 I,o���': _d�mm:2 BtY�;2oq0 '�� e19A0 Cl�.s� :R1� B1dgSF�1, 1.0� �1c: �°�� - St�war� Titl�/W�shingtc�n �-� rl�rai�T'�5,�,��� ��q�,� �SS��, �.�f�ar��l :1S134�A 04�.00 �� � �.Q56� SV3 �TOFt�."II P.31a��TA �T 'I'T(s.�.D 97223 �f��'d o 0�4/OF�J93 k�I�,il. a 1.C1��� �W �TC��Z'TI°� I���COT.2�3 SZ' 'I°TC;.�1RD �J� 97223 a�1��x'iCe: �77, 000 � : �01.� zt�S, T1�IP�OV'E:L7 I.�ax1c�.V : $20, 850 c�a�. s V°��T'7'[7�.�. Ct�LTR.'I', T,0'�' 6 Impx vxnt.�.V: $53 , 4 9� • `�'c��al�V' : $8�4, .34Q ' 95-9& 'I'�xe� : $1, 1S� .77 1���ic��ea503-E���-6577 l�ap�rid:655 D'3 Lc�t.S�': ������ ��xZ:2 . 00 XB:19�0 C1ass :R�.4 B1.dgSFa1., 36C? Ace �.-23=-_ - - m....�_.._.� ��ewart Title/Washing�on --- — _� �er>V�TII,�IAM� e7'.�NI�S �S��I� R�fParce7.o1.S134D� O�OOQ •�e : 1.CD�69 Sr1�1 NORTH D�iKOTA ST TI�ARD 97223 X��rr� s 0�•/OF3/�3 T��i1 ��0��� �Ti� 1V'UR.'�'fi D.AI�OT� S'.�' 'I'7[GA12D �Ft 97223 S�I�Px'iCe: $?2, 000 � : �C��2 �.E�, �1��ROV�D �,axzci�'V : $20, 850 �al :�1��J".t'U'1�,. CUL3F�'I', LOT 5 TmprvmtA'V: $62, 10 0 • Total�i7 : $82, 950 • 95--96 Taxes : $7., ].36 .'70 lephan�a�03-6t�4-6577 �lapGrid:655 D3 I�otSF: . dx:gns2 �t�i;2s0� YB :1.980 C],ass ;R1.� �1dgSF: l, 176 Ac. �-2��-- --- — Stewart `�i.t1e/Washingt.o� — � .�9.�reTH.?�L��� `:COD� A R��Parce1 :15134DA 03900 t� s1Q575 S�nl NOIZ.TH DAKOT�. ST `TTCAR7J 97?23 Xfex'd : 08/15/96 Mai1_ :FO BO� 230$13 T3�AR� OR 9"7281 SalePrice: e o 1.01� R�S, �MPROV'ED L�nc�.V : $20, 850 g�l :�T��T'I'URA COURT, :GnT 4 Smpr�nntAV: $63, �3 0 . TotalAV : $84, I80 m 95-3G Ta�c�s : $1, �.53 .6(3 1e�hon�s MapGrids65� D3 LrtSF': drm:2 Btha2 . 00 YB.�L98U Class :R1� B1dgSF:1, �80 .A.c : �=25 Stewaxt Title/'Washin,gton ---�� , ner:I�tEiS�HIeTYAK DNYITRIY;�ILLA RefPa�ce1 :1S1.34D� Q3700 , �.e a �.058� SW I�3'0�'.'T'ki DT�TCOTA ST 'I'IGARD 97223 �ferd : OEi/13/96 ai1 :10581 SW �ORT�i 1�AKC�`�.A ST TIGARD OR 97223 SaleP�ice: $1Q0, 000 e :1012 Ft�S, IYY��ttPFt.OVED Land�T1 : $2 0, �a 0 � gal `V'EN'I''tT1Z�1 C�UR.T, I,OT 3 T ot a 1 A V �: $8 3, 6 6 0 . �5-96 Ta�es : $�., 146 ,4$ lephone� MapGrid:555 D3 LatSI'; c�rm:2 Hi.he� . 00 YB : 1980 Class :�14 B1d�SF:1, 180 1ac: I The Tnform�tion Providcd Is De�mE� R.ela.�b7,�, Bu� Is Nc�t Guar�nt��d. - �� °`'��'"°�'°�°� St��r�x�� Ta.t�.c�/Washingtan •� � riez':DAIZEY 13.A�LF E;S�JIY.DR[, L RF:�PaiC�1 s 1.ar�,3�4D�i 0564d t� s�]�3�3 SVd 1.Q5�.'�-I PS� TIG�1R� 9"7223 �ferd o�.2/O1/95 Mai1 �Z1343 SV� 105TH PI� �'IGA�2D ClR 97223 S�,l��ric��$�.59, 000 � »10�� R.��, ZMPR�V'�D Land�1'�T :$3°7, �0 0 g�1:N017�K, �p'x' �, �1.CR�S e23 ImprvmtZ��T: �1.1&, 590 . '�ot�l.�.iT :$�.5E, 590 . 95-56 Taxe� :$2, 14� .85 1��hora.ea MapG�:id:655 �:� �o�S�`:10, 018 c1rm.3 Bt�x: '�'�3:199� C1�ss :R1�4 B1dg�F:1� 728 .A�: .23 '—�-� St�vaart T��le/Veashi�g��r7. —�--- --m sler_'e C�TMLT.�7J 1���7I�'2� Bp pP,LTL�A R�fP�.rC�� ;Zu13417A. QSS00 tc� :�.�.3�8 �'� �05T�% P� �'IG�tD 97223 �fexd :11/22/53 I�a�i :1.�.3�8 �W 105`I'�-T PL '�T�AR�J �I� �7223 Sal�Pxice; $1�5, 500 � ' ::L012 RE'S, II�/t��',OZ7�+'D Lc°�.Y1d.AV : $37, 909 g�l, :I>T�DAK, I.,O�'' � , AC�.�S .21 Impr�tL.'��7': $131, 62� . 7.'���IAV : $1�59, 520 . 95-9E Taxes : $2, 323 . n�. l�pYz.c�x��o MapGric�e 655 D3 LotS�': 9, 1�7 d�ra::3 ��ho YB:1992 ClasseRl4 B1dgSF:1, 920 Ac: .2� �=�3— S�ewart Ti.tle/Washzng�on. - ---° ner.V3ITHFtOVa �AN(EI,7.� J�AN RefPar��l.e 1S134i�,�. 00400 te a I13.50 �W 3.06TH AVF `�'TGARSJ 97223 Xferd : Ob/20/95 Maa.�. :11150 �GV 106TH AVE T:IG�.RD nR 97223 Sa:L�Pric�: e :1.0'.2 R.ES, IIdIPRO'VED La2xd.,�.V : $3�, 5 9 0 c�'�1 :IeTOk�t.'I'HE�R.�T P IN�, I,0'1' 12 Im��'�rnttAV� �8 3 , 6 9 0 , Tota1.�V a �1.�6, 28Q , 55-9� Tzxes ; $1, 593 .45 1e�k�one a MapGx�id:655 D:3 LotSF: drm;3 , �th:2o00 YB :1979 Cl��s :R13 B1dgSF:1, �28 Ac; ���4 ----------�...._ Stew��t Tit7.�/�lashington =----- - � r��raC��IS C L R�fi�arce1 :1S134�� �030q ' t� a111A0 SW 105TH AV:E TLGARD 97223 X�e�'d : 08/31/95 Pdail :�.�.180 �T�T ?06'I'i-€ A.V'E TIGARD UR 97223 SalePriC�s $50, 000 � :1012 R�S, TIbIPRC�V�D L�r1�V : $24, 640 galsNORZ'HEI�N PINE' LOT PT 13 Tzn}�rvm�1�.V. $50, '790 , TotalAV' : �75, 430 , 95-36 Tax�s : $1, 0�33 .65 �.ephax�e:503-620-3516 �apGrid:655 D3 LotSF: c1rm;2 E��h:? < 00 YB : 1980 C1ass :R14 B1cigSF: 960 Ac: ■—�,_ --- Stewar'c Tit1e/Washinc��:oxz —�--- ------� �ner:VENF��3T.,ES JOHN V Re�parcel :ZS134DA 00302 ' ts : 11.190 SW 106TH AVE TIG�.RD 912?3 Xferd e07/13/9J Mail :712Q SW 6UTH AVE PORTI,��Tll �R 97219 Sa1.�Frice� e oZ012 RES, IMPROVEI7 LandAV : $24, 640 gal :N'pRTHERI�7 PI:NE, LOT PT 13 TmprvmtAV's $50, 790 Tota1AV o $�5, 430 � 55-96 Taacesa $1, 033 .65 elepho�.� �503-2�6-754�4 MapGrid:655 D3 Lo'cSF': ��; 2 �3�h:2 . 00 Y}3 :1980 Class .R:14 R1dgSF e 960 Ac s � The In�ormatzn�. Provided Is T�eeme�. ite�.iable, Bu� Is Not �uaranteed. �� ���m � S�e���� Ti�1e/P3��hi��t�� �-°--�°■ rs��°s�F'7'� 1�TC�TA_k'T ���.�;,�� MZC�IEL� R�fParcel :].S�.34]7� �05�AC` ��� e�.1222. aV� 105`�T PL TIGI�RI3 972?� �{:fe�'d : 07 f 22/S1 �i�- :�.1.22� S�d �05"1:'H PL �'I�'AR.D OR 97223 Sa1.ePri��:$'74, 50C� s� :�-��2 R�S, TNl��d.Ot7�� Laaid�,.V : �37, 900 eg�1 :NODA.I�, �,��' 7, �.C�.�S o�5 Tn�apx�v�.tAV: $49, E�U • '_CC7�r31.�V a�"�7, ��Q ' 95-5'6 Taxes : $]t, 199 .5g el,eph�r�� :503-.55�-�'325 MapGri.d:655 D3 LatSF:10, A90 ��►�� Bth e "`I'B:1�43 Cl.ass :R13 I31dc���e l, 344 .A�e .25 ■°�--- - _ —_ .-. Stewa��: Titl�/4�a:�hin�ton -- - - . - —� in�:r:1�T��'C�iS'S'L� �YQM�S T�TC RefParce1 :1513�D� 053�0 ite s 1.�.�5� SW ��5'I°H �L '�IG�1.FtS� 9'722� ��erd ; 04/�8/9�. ail sF0 BC�� �3291 '%'I��,RD OR 97281 SalePric�; �� e.d.V�6i �.C.�e7� d6°d�d'�0 V.G1.! d.1C�nl1C1Y :a�j � / � .JQ V ��.�. e I�TfSD.�IC� 7rC77[' �.e A.C"F2.�S .3 3 ITCt�SS�"v'[tl���,r: �181� '7 6 0 • Toi��.1.7��J : �2�.9, 660 • 95-96 T�x�� : $3 , 01.0 .14 �.ephoneo503-63�7-3G08 MapGrid: 655 D3 �,otSF`a14, 374 d�ne3 B�h: XF3 ��.991 Cl�sse �sl+�gS�:2, 705 .Ac: .33 �-$"�'--- - �te�a�t Tit1�/Washington W ner;M�t'I'IN SI��.�.I R R�fParcel :lS�.3�DA 058�0 �.te :11293 SW 7.O�TI3 PL' TIGARD 97223 �fercl : OS/O:L/92 �i� :1?�93 Sk� 105''t'HH PL i IGARI3 0�2 97223 SalePrice a $118, 000 �Tse ; 1d1.2 .t�E�, �1�1PR.OV'�'L� Lar�.c�A�l' s $3?, 900 gal sI�TOD.A.iC, .TaOT 6, AC�.ES .2� Imprvi.nt�1V e $7.Q8 , �.i0 � Tota:L.AV : $1�6, O10 • 95-56 Taxe� e $2, 000 .87 1��aho�ae: Ma�Gxid:655 D'3 Lot5F: 9, 19:'7 .c1xTZ►� 3 Btl�: YB : �.991 C1ass : �1c3c�S��:1, �41� .Ac � .21 ��9 Ste�aart Titl�/Wa�h.ington ------ --� v�nersMII�I�� Da1�AI�D R;l�A1�TC`.� �NI�T �.efParc�1. : 1S134D.A 05400 ite :11.3�.0 SW 1.05TH PL TTGARD 97223 Xferd : 09/26/91 ai�. a1.i310 S[� 105TH PL TTG.�FLD OR 97223 Sal�nrice : $�.�.9, �UQ Use a 1012 RES, IP�IPRUVED T,andA�T : $3°7, 900 ga:L s NODAF�, La`Z' 2 , AC�tES .21 Imprv-cnt�V: $116, 13 0 . Tat�.IAV a $154, 03Q > �5-96 Tax�s : $�, 11U .'77 lsphon�:503-68�-4979 Map�ride655 D3 Lo�SF: 9, 1�7 drm:3 B�1�� �B :1a91 Classa �1dqSE': 1, 605 Ac > ,2�. ��].p-----�-� --�--�--- St�wart �'i.t1.e/VJashington � wner:L�W MONIKA J' RefParcel :�.S:134D.� Q570Q � ite e113�.5 S�1 105�'H �L TIGARD 97223 Xf�rd : 06/20/96 � il a 11315 SF� 105fiH k�L TTGARD QR 9722� S�.lePri.c�a $161, 250 Use : 1012 RES, IMPR.OVED Lan.dAV e $37, 900 gal .1VOD.A.K, �,C7�' 5, �iCRES .21 Tm.prvmt.A"iT: $�.17, 18� e To�alAV :$155, 1780 . 95-96 '1'axes :$2, 125 .14 , .�lephane: MapGrid:655 �3 LotSF: 9, 147 � �,�t;3 �th: YBa1991 ClassoR�.4 B1c1gSFel, �74 AGa .�I i i Th� IaZ�orr�a�i.on Pxovi.ded �s D�emed Id.eliaial�, �ut Ts Not Gua�a�,�sc�de � � �� ,�-- �.��,—�—�------- S�p�a�-r�, �'itl.�/�'a�h�.ng�a� � .�.� ner a PASCUZ�� II�TES'T'�SET7'T' R��Parcel. :7.�134�DA 03�00 ' te :*�I� SI'r� AD�PES�* ��exc�. : ��/02/g5 �� ��.0��0 SG� 2dOkt'I"�33 DAKO'TP, ST TTGARD OR 5727..3 Sal���ice s �� :10 0 2 VA.C�, E2�S I I?EIJ'�'I.AI.e Laz1c3�ZT <$4, 6�0 ga1 aACX2ES 1.�.C� Itt�p�'vm�AV: . �'otalAV s$�, 6�0 � 95-96 �axes : $6� .1J. l�pYaos��: I��p�rid o La't��°o�7, 91� ��n: F��i v YB e Cla�s : B1dgSF; �1c:1.�.� �=�--�--�-- �--- S�ewa�� `Z'itle/t�ash�.ngton —°�°�- .� n�x:�L'R�]�R��'N Jc�Hrd M;����T A Ft�fPa�e:el a 1SX3�4DA 00500 �e ;SW 106`�'li �1V ".CIGAFt17 ���rd : 04/26/96 il <7.1.120 ��l 1.06�i A.VE �"IGAF�'l� OR 97223 S�.'!E:I��1.C�a $50, 000 LTS� s1012 �ES� TI�I�RO�I.F.aD I.ic�1�.C1�.V <$37r 900 c,�c�1 el`�OZ�T�T�+RN PTI�TE, LGT 11 Tm.p�'vm��Ve $98, 680 e 1 V1.�1.C9V i c�J.JO, �O Q e 45-9G `Y'r�aC�� o �1.� �371..s$ 1�phc�ssa,�:503-639-2�23 D4apGrid: Lot��'a d�'ma.3 Bth.:3 . 00 �YB:1.978 Clas� :Rl� F3Idg'SF`;2, 030 1�Ca ��3�----��-=---- - ;�ewa.rt Ti.tle/Washiaagtor� —�-----=� ra��eTI�.�RD CITX' CF R.efL�arc�1 :�.S1�4I�D 00203 te �*NO ST'S� .ADDR�SS* Xf�rcl . i1 :13�.25 SW H_�LL �LVD TIGARI� OR 9722� Sa1�L�rice: LT�e : 915 4 Cx0'V, C:I�'1'.' Lar�.d�'V : $1.1, 4 0 0 . •��.:1.::F,CI�.�S � .�f� , N'ON-ASS�SS1a,BLE Im��vtzlt.A�T: o Tat.alAV : �11., 4�0 . 95-96 'I'a�c�� : 1.ephonea503-6d9-Q1.11 MapGrid: LotSF: 99, 3I6 dren: Bth: Y� : Cl�sse �1dgSF; Ac:2 ,28 =4—==—=-�--------------. .— 5 t ewar t T i t 1 e/Cr7a�h ing�.�n �---°-- _� Qwnex:SC:H��FER. DC��TAI,1� M;MIL'i'NN 0 RefParcel :�.81.3�DD �0102 t� : *�T� SITE ADDRESS* Xferd : 04/30/93 zl eP�? BOX 23697 TTG�'�I�b OFt 572�1 SalePrice: LTSG e�31.4 M2�C,NON-I�l�G, IMPFt(�VEN'i�NT, Z� ZONE LaridAV : $86, 040 ga1 :ACRES 1 .75 Imprvm�AV: $8�, 690 . TotalTaV e $1.70, 730 . 95-9G Ta:xe�: �2, 335 .G� ' 1��hone: MapGri�.: LotSF:76, 230 �x�m: Bth.a Y� : Class : I1.5 B1dgSF e .A:c;1 e 75 _� ---- -�----�-- Stewart Title/Washington � Owne�:P.ASCUZ�I IN�T�STMEN'I' �.ef�a�cel a 1.5�.35CB Q�200 te :10250 �W N TIGAIZ� �ferd s QC/(�2/95 il : 10250 SVd N(JR'�'H DA,KOTA. ST TTG�'1RD nR 97223 S�lePz'a.c:e� LTse :3Q12 IND, ZMPROV�D LandA�T ;$455, 490 380 480 r��leACRES 4 .45 Tm�rvtntAV: . 1r , , Total�V :$1, ��5, 970 , 95-96 xa�es :$25, �96 .�k3 ���pg�.��� : MapGr_id: LotS�:195, 584 ��: Bth: YB: Class : I2 B1dgSF: Aco4 .49 ��,L r�,�����i�n Pravided Ts D�em�d �e1i.�ble, Hut Is Not Guarax����3. �.--l� --�� � ��16 �� ��ewa�� �it1�/��s�an��on .—°°�--� � ne�:t��.�F?TNG�U� ��U�t� ��C R�f���ce1.15Z35BG 0120a t� 010`l�� �i�l CA��.�T,7� A�� TIGF�RI3 97223 Xfe�x'�. :U3,�29/9� il s 7'a0 5'Y"'r� �VE ��600 5�.��'lL� WA 981Q4 ��.�.��r�.c��s�153, 0`77 � a 3�l�Q� �l'A��'�', I�U��°�,�� �,��'td�1tT a $13, 3a0 ��l m 1���.�� 7 . 9� , ��D� S�L�T Tm�x'V'tt�.t�.�;V": , 'I'C)�c��.Ae�]' o yi7.9� 950 95-56 Z'a�t�s : $273 .40 .l��kl�ri� a %�apGrid;655 �2 T.�ot�S�'s�, 2?6 �rms �3�h.: �.�8; C].as� : �1.dgSF: Ac:7 . 9� e��.7-- Stew�x�t Titl�/Wa�hing�on ---- -�—�°--�---��-� n�r:�'A.S�TTL�'�'�Ort S��J�.� r�rC RefParcel >�.5�.358� 01200 �� oa����� s� ���c��� ��v� �z��.� ��aa� x�erd o��/z�/�� �� :�r�� �� .��r� �r26�0 s�,���r�� �a� �szo� s�.i����.��e$�.5� , o�� �� :3Q0� '"J'.Af�''�o T1�U��'I'�Z.A.Tr T.��.z1dAV e$1, 900 ��1 a���.�� a�.9, �QDE S�T,I`� Ttnp�vmtA.V. , Total�v o ��., �r�o , 9�-96 Ta�se� .�26 ,39 1��3�.cs�i� a Ma�G�'�.d. 655 �2 LotS�'e S , 276 dx'tt1� ��I7.e ��: Cl��ss �1dgSF: ACs .19 �=1��.�--�.�--� ---- Stewa�t Tit].e/Washiz�g�on .� n��:Li��I� �I�1� L� � Re£Parcel:�.S1�3�DA �301q0 �:� :1Q��� SW N0�2�''H 1���I�OTA �'7:' T�G�1RI� 9%22,3 Xf��cl :06j05%96 �1 sPt� BU� 4�5 �dES'�' 3��N2� U�. 970b8 ShcePric��: $2, Qgc�, 000 U�� :7 0�� RE�,�ttJL,T�:�L,E �3:aLTS ING, IMPR.QVEM��7TS Lan.dAV :$2�.2 , 0 0 0 g�Io���.�5 � a38 Tm�x�vm�AV:$1, 5�0, 4�0 `I."ot�.1A.V a �1, 79�, 480 � 95-46 Ta�e� .�24, 563 .43 ��pp�Q���, Ma��rid:655 I�3 �atSF:2`77, 912 drm< B�.ha YB: C1�.s� eA3� B1c1�S�': �c:6 .3� =1.9°-�-� -- ---� = �tewart Title/�y�.sha.ngt;�an. — — °� r�r o CnO��ON WILLI.AM V REf.Parcel :151.34D1�Q3300 '�e ; 10520 SGZ N��R'1'�T DP.IC��'A ST TTG�.T� y7223 �ferd. . �, `"�"• �.1 m:�Q520 5�7 NdR'T`ki DAKOTA ST TIGA.�.D (?R 972�3 S�.lePri�� � .� �� � :, - L7�e :5 0 3� .A��1�., E�'.7��.lvi DEFERI?�L Lar�d�V o $�(J, 2.�Q c,x�t� e A�RES 4 ��'7, UN�ONEI.� Ir[tpr°vznt.AV: $5�, 7�Q m�'��LAI�7D--POTENTIA�, AT�DITTd�.AL TP..X Tot�lA�J' e $�.02 , 150 :LIZ�BILI'T� 95-96 Ta�ces s $1, 3�9 . 83 ,lE�hone;503�F�3'�-5069 MapGrid:65S D� LatSF:194, 713 d�m:3 �3th:1 . 00 Y�:1950 Cla�s : B1dgSF: 1, �.22 �c :4o�� �2Q -- St�u�rar�. Tit1Ez/Washin�ton -- - — -- � Owner:BROV�'IV� R.E��CC� E Re�Pa�c�1 :�.S13�a�A 04:300 t� :1b��1 �T� I�TORTH DA�CUT� ST 'rIGAF2S� 972'�3 Yf�rc1 < 0�/16/92 � il : 10551 �W NORT�i D�KQT�. ST TIG.ARD OR 9'7223 �ale�rice : $74, OOC1 U�e :101� R��, TI�PRO�TED LandA,�(T e $2Q, �50 � aZ :�I�I�`�'[TF� GOURT, L�'�' � Im�gvmt.AV: $56, 310 � � Total.�.�7 : $7`7, 160 � e 95•-96 'I'ax�s : $1., 0�7 .35 ~� le�hane: MapGr:�c1: 655 D3 �otS�'s � d�;� Bt�.s2 . 00 �8:198Q C1ass >R7.4 �i1.c3.gSF:1., 104 '�;c: � W � i 'g'11� Ir�.�ox�tatic�n P�6vi.da�d �s Deem�d R.�li�ble, �ut Is �c��. �uaraz�.t��d, �� �'.��� , -- -- _ St��aax�� �'�.t1,�/Was�iingtar� -�-�m °�-�--■ n��o���I,EY D�LLE E;SONDI�A L R�����'��� a��°���I�P C��6JQ ' te :1.].343 ��r] 105"I°gi P�, '�IGAR7� 9'7223 Xf�rd :1.2/O1./g5 iI a 11343 S�T 105'S'�� PL TTG�Rn OR 97223 Sa,1ePx:ic� : $159, 000 se :1012 FtE�, TMP12U"�7ED Lanr,�V : $37, �00 �a1 :1�Tt7D.��t, LQT 4, AC"��S .23 Imgxv�rnt;AVo �118, 6�0 � To�a1A.V : �156, 590 ° 95-56 `I'�.�tu5 a $2, 145 . �a� l�phora�: Ma�aGrid:655 D3 Lo�SF:1Q, O�.fl dg�tte3 Btl�: XB :199�. C1a�s :R�� B1dqSF:�., 728 Ac> 023 �=��- St�vrart �'itle/Washing�on - ■ n�x'a CA.'I�MUZ,L �ENN'Z� �3;PAtTI.�, �e�Pax�el a 1S134D� 05500 ' �:� .1�348 �W 1Q5`I'F-I �L 'Y'?'GP.�.D 9722� ���rd s 11./2�/93 iI :�.�.3�8 SG� 10�TI3 PL 'TIGI�RD dR 97223 Salc�r�,ce: $245, 500 T.T�� a 1.p�2 ktE�, ZNYPR�V'ED Lanc�V' : $37, 90Q g�:L<I�OL7�TC, �,�'�' 3 , �-1C�t.ES o 2�. Tnr�p�vm�.AV'o $131, 6�0 � '�o'�a1A,� : �26�, �20 • �5-96 °1'�}ces ;$2, 323 . Ol lepho�.e: MapGr.id:655 L73 T�cst�F. 9, 7.47 cix�m:3 �3�,h. "�8 ;1992 Cla�� :�tl� B1dgSk°°:�., 92C� Aco .21 �=�.3------ �...._._...-- ,te�aa�:t Ti�le/Washington ---- -W� n�r s[�'�TH1�.OW PANt�Ia.A JE1�N RefP�rcel o�.��3�D.A. 00400 ic� a 1:��5Q S�l 106TH �itl'� �''TGAR� 97223 Xferd : q6/20/95 i.l : 11�.50 S[� 106TH AVE TTG.�RD C1R. 97223 Sa�.eFr:i.Ce a ' .'�u:. i35e e 10�2 RES, IMP�2�V�� L�.�.7d�.V :$32, 590 ��� R ga�. eP30�.'I'�iEI�.N PINE, �C7T 12 zmprvmtAVs $83 , 690 . Z'e�talAV e $116, 2&0 • 95--96 'T'aac�s : �1, �93 .45 lephoane: MapGrid: 655 D3 LotSF: ..drm: 3 ]3�h:2 . 00 Y� :1979 Class :R13 �1dgSF°:1, 52� 1�C� =14 Stewart Ta.�le/W�shin.gtora � -- ---e OwnersW�IS C � Re£Parce1:1S1.34P1� 00300 te :1.1x80 5i� 106TH AVE T'TGAR� 97223 Xferd : �8/�1/95 il : 11�.50 �W 106TH A.iTE TIGARD OR 97223 Sa�.ePrir_�o �50, 000 ���,l�'� Us� e 1.012 R.ES, TMPROVEI� Lanc�AV e $24, 640 1� ga1 eI�]'OR'I"HERDt PINE, LOT PT 13 TmpY'v�Tt��.V: $50, 79f� � �`a�.a11�V ; $75 , �&:�0 . 95-96 Taxes : $1, 033 , 65 lephone<503-620-3516 NTap�rid:6�5 D3 Loi:SF': drm.:2 Bt11,2 . Q0 XB :15�0 C1.ass :�Z7.4 �1dgS�'e960 .F,ce -7.5-- -- Stewart Tit�e/Wash.in�ton •- ------- - — - -� Owne�:VENA.BLES JO�fiN V Refl�arc�l.a7.S134DA 003�2 te ; 11190 SW 106TH AVF TTGAI2D 97Z23 Xferd ; 07/13/90 il : 7120 SW 60TH AVE PORTLAND OR 97219 Sc�.�.t�]��'1C�a ��t,-� `� TJse : �.012 �2ES, ZT�1L�FcOVED 'L3n.dt�.V s �24, 6�U ' � gal :NORTHERIvT P INE, LOT P'I' 13 TmprvmtAV: $5 0, 7 9 d . TotalAV . $75, ��Q . 95-96 Ta�ese $1, 033 .6.� leplione�503-2�6-7544 Map�ri�.:65� D3 ZotSk': dr�n.:2 Bth:2 , 00 YB :�.980 Class :k�14 B.1c1gSF: 9G0 Ac: The In£oxTnation Provided Is ��emee� Rel.iable, Bu� Is T3ot Gu�r�.z�te�d. s � � � �� - � � � St�wa�t "�it�e/V����C�.ng�:an w1�e�'s L9A aGi7��I �Iv�T��'�9��' R��Z�7tx'��:1 :1S134DA n�400 ��� ;��c� ��z�r� �a����s�* ����� :06/o�/s� �ail 01025Q �C� I�OR°I'� ��.KO�".� �T T��ART7 OFt 97223 5�.�.e�r���: Us� s�OQ2 V.��.�Iri�',1���ID�N�°I�1L �an�,.�T :�4, S�q �g�l a�3CFt�� 1 a 1.0 Tt�p�'vm���3's . T'o�a1�.V : $�, 680 . �5-96 �'axe� :��� . 11. �l.�phor�e a N(����a.c�: �,c��SF'e 47, 97�6 �drm: ���z: Y�: �1�.�� ; �'�ag�F: ��:1.10 w=2�-.. �___. St�w�x� �'i�1.efW�.s�iira��an - --- � �d12��'8�B°Z���i°�.�`�� t���� �a�w°�''��i'� .�a �P�����'G°Pa�. e��"�.���� Q���Q _ i�e :��v �.o�°x� .�� �x��.� ��erd o o�,���/s� a�.� :�a.��ca sv� :���� .�v� �y�r�xn o�. ���7� ���.����.��:��a, oac� LT�� e 1.03.� ���, I1�E'�ZJ�J'�:� L��se��'�7 : 537, 90U t��a1. a T]'O�.`��� �S 1�'�, I:,O"I' 11. Trtt��'�t�X�'V": $9�, 6�0 , Tota1�V s $�.3G, .590 . 95-�6 '�'ax�� : �1, �71.. 64 �I��pharaen503-63�-2923 i��.p���.d: �,otS�"e ���[Ct;3 ���.a� aQO Y�z1.97Ei Cl�s� :I��4 �1dgSF;2, 03Q A� : =3 Stewa�rt Ti�1�/Wa�hir�g�oza ----�-- � w�z��a'���,A�� �ITY O�' R�fPa.�cel :1.S134�DI5 001Q3 ite :*�O �TTIE ���ESS* Xf�rd . aa.1. :�.31,25 �G� �.,I, �3L�'D TTG.��.D OR 97223 Sa1el��ic�s U'se ; S1 a� Ct�V, GI'X'Y L�n.c�AV : $11, 9:�0 ��al s AC��S '� .�� , NON-��S�S5�3I�� �r�1px'vm�Ajl� , '7"af;al�-1�T a�1�., 400 , 95-96 'I"��c�� o �:lepl�ae3nee503-�29-Q111 Ma�Grid: SaotS�': 99, 316 dx't1�: �3�h e YI3 o Cl�s� a g31dc�SE': A� e 2 .2$ —4 - - St�wa.r� T:i.tl�/D�tasha.x��ton �— - --- _____�.■ Own��:SCH.F�EFER DONt"�LD M,MTL�S�NN 0 � R�f�arce1 :1�13�L7D 00102 i�.� : *N�d �TT� ��7I���s� x��ra e o�/3o/g:� il :PO Ba�f 2369`7 TTGARI7 OR 97�81 Sale�xice o U';;� e�31� �ll�C,rV�ON-M�'G, II���.OV�M�N'T, INI'J �C7N� L�.ndAYT : $g5, q40 n��l :ACI2E� �. . '75 Tmp:rvmtAV e $8�4, &�0 , Tota�Z�V o �170, 73� , 9�i-�6 '�aa�e� m$2 , 339 .62 ��,�y�g�p��: �Ia�Gr_id: La�SF:7�, �3fl �C�9.�.`�11.: Bt�'?s �X�3� �1��� : I:�S F�.dg�F e �C :1 . 7a 5 -- - --- ---- �t�:wa�� Ti�le/k1��blin.c�ton. --- — --■ Own��:�A�Ct)��3 T�JES`S�I�I�� RefPa�:c�1 :1S�35C� OO�aO it� a�.o2�a sva � �ra:��.�.r� x�erc� : os/a�/�� � � a�� :�az�o s�r �r��.°��� z�.�xo�.� sT �cz��.�.n a�. s�a�3 saa.���i.ce o � trse :�oa.2 z�, Y����v�°D z��r���r :����, �so � ega:� :7�.CR.ES � .4�3 Imprv�ntcAV: $1, 3 8 0, 4�0 � Tot�.1.AV � $1, 845, 970 � 0 9�-96 '�'�xes s$2a, 295 .4� � T��.�phanee Ma��r�a: Lot�F:1.95, 58� � Qd�.�, �th: YB: C1as� ; T� B�dgSF; Ac :� e�9 t'� � � The Ixzfo�nnatian �rov�.ded Ts De�med Reliabl.�, IIu� Is I�ot �u�.x�.n���d. � �r _ � ■=26 .�. �te�w��°t �'�.�1.�/?�as�Zia��t�n -��- �� Y3�r a F'I'%'ZG�RAT,L) S�1N�� �7' Fttr�P��'C�:Z s 1��.3�T7� 03�00 ° �� e 1�5II� �WT RTOR�I D1�K0'.CA �� ��(a�3RI7 97223 X�egd . a�1 :1a5�7 SW NOFt'I`fi �1�FC0'�R �'x' TI��FtD OTd. �7223 S�l��xic�:$3'7, 500 ' � n 2.�12 R�S, IM��.'OV'�17 Laxlda�.V :$2 0, 8 5 0 ��l :�T�I�`�� CfJLTI�.�", LC�T 2 ImprtrcntA,V:$v 6, 5 t7 0 e 'T'o��IAV :�77, 3SQ d 95-96 Taxess $1, Q59 . S"7 le�hr�r�� �.5Q3-6�0-�542 M�,p�r�c�: 655 D3 LotS�': c��.:� �t�..� .00 ����.�sa �Z��seF�.� ��.c��s�:�., �.a� a��: ��27-°�-- --�- S�.e�a�� Ti�1e/Washingto� -�-��-----�--�- — -- � 2��x:e L��G1�"I.,I, l�'iQ�XIG'.7�. 7�1�'+�.$ I2ei��ix��1 s 1S].3�DA �3:�09 ' t� e 10593 SV3 �ORTH DAItO"T� �'I' 1IG.�7.D 57223 �f��'d. :0�/�.0/9� �.i1 a 1.7593 S�rl P30RTH D.�.I�O`I'A 5'I` 'T'���D OR, "`7�23 Sa���ric�a$���?, oao � :�.Q�.� I�.�S, �MI��,(�VE�17 �,�ri�1.AV s $�0, 850 �c��.s�T��1'`1'tJR,1�. CC�L�.°�'� T,C7�' 1 • ��g5 x'�r-�ti �.�.Z7 0$5 6, 5 0 t3 , Z°o t a.1.A.�T a ;��7, 3 5(� , 95-9G T�.�C�s :$�., i?59 . 9'7 l�pxlca�e o M�p(�x'id:f 55 I73 I,otS�°: c�.�.s2 E3�'.Y1c? . d0 ��:�.9fit� �1.��SaI�',7.� I3�.dgS�':I, �.04 .�.c: �=28 Ste�ra�t Tit�.�/Washa.n�tar� --�_ ---�_.• ne�:�Z���`���Y KENNFTFi �' ��fPax��l :�.�'1�4DA Q3004 ' t� :10�00 oSTnl NORT� D.�.���`TA S'I" TTGA2� 97223 Xferd :U1/1.2/9�4 il :�01� R��� �T '�I�COW�R W.� 98560 SalePxir.�: Us� s 1012 12E�, IM�EtOV"ED La�zc�,V < $47 g 38 Q �a1;.�.CR�S . S7 Impr�vmtr�.Vs �113, �90 , Totd�AV :��.61, 0°70 , 95-96 'T��s�s w "�2 , 207 e2? l�phax��: :360-695-5598 MapGrid:655 �3 Z,c.tSF:37, 8.97 d.1:mo2 13�h:� . 00 YB:�.9e� C�ass :Rl3 B1 'c�gSF:�, �20 Ac: .8"� �=m29 Ste�aar� Tit�e/W�shing�on —°-�°� �i�:e s P.AT.�,C�� KEP�TI.v�'I'�i F' �?e�17a.rCel s�.51.3�D� Q290� ' te ::1Q63q �4�1 i�'d�'TT� DT�SZOT� �T 'TT.G�IZD 97723 X��rcl : �1/'�.2/94 i�. .�01� RO�E �T V.�NCOU�TER C�� 98G60 Sale�ri�e: L7se :1.f35.2 R�S, x�i�RQVEI� �,az�c�V : $4°7, �80 �'a1,k�,CR.ES .f�6 Imp�'�rn�t.AV: �35, 330 '�a�alA� �$�2, '710 , 95-96 T��es : $�.� :L33 .42 le�Yar�nea36�--69�-6598 NlapGra.c�:65S D3 LotS�'s�`7, 461 drm:2 Sth:1 . 0U Y� :1930 C1ass ;Rl3 �1d�S�`a"16g A�; ag� ==30 Stewart Title/�Iash�.n��on - '� � wn�x:MER.L� STATTON PA?�°I'irT�Ra RefParce1 :1.5135CB 0�300 ' t� »1�445 Sin1 'I'IEDEMAN A.`VE TTGART3 97223 Xf�rG3. . �_7. ;P� �Q� �3516 TI�t�.17 t��R. �7281. SalePri�e c $2?5, 000 � Use �2312 MISC,1�'�Nf-MF�, TINlP�.OVEM�1'�'T, I� �QI�T� Lanc��T a $�.03, 790 � �al aACRES .74 Imp�vm�P,'�l'e$1.O�i, 020 zatall�'�' : $209, 8�.0 � a 95-96 T��es ; $2, 8:�5 .1.5 -� lephox�e e MapGra.d:655 D3 LotSF:3�, 234 � drm: ��k�o �'II� Cla.s� : B1c3gS�': P.c� a 74 t� � .� °TY�� Infor.m�t�.on Fravicied Ts D��m�d �.�liabl�, B�t �s Na� G���anteed. . � L� °�� �t�w�r� Tx�l�/Washin�t�n - ■ n��:�RO�KS ���1��1 �Z�f�arc�1:1�13��� 0�200 ' te :1.055? sG�l I�OR'T�T �.�ECO'x'1� 5'� 'T'SGA�T� 97223 �f�rd :1.2/02/92 Ma�l :1Q5S7 SW 1�OR�:'I� ]�.R1�0�'A 5T TIG.�d.� �3� 97223 Sa�e?��'�..�e:�80, OOC C' :1.012 1e�ES, 2MF�r.��TEI? �,�1xd�.V' a $2 Q, P 5 Q gal :VElJTUI2A CQ�1R,�', I,,OT 7 TYngr�a�AV s�5 6, �3 a . �!'o��.�..�a�l : �7 1, 7�S7 . 95-5b �."aaces e $1, 065 .�7 .,.lephon.e�o �+la�a(sx'id:655 D3 Lc�t�F': edxm:2 B�I�a� < 00 `TB:19F3� �las� >�21� �1dgS�`s1, Z04 �c� r-22 St�va��� `1'i�.l�/Washi���or� � a7tez':�nT2I:��,tA.�'y� �7'��'a;�v ��5��, Fte?=P�.x'C��.;Z.S�3�T�.�. OQ•��0 ' �e s10563 �TnT I�C7kZ.'� �7�K0�'.�. ST 'x'ZGA�2D 97223 Xf�:rcl : 0�/08/93 I���.�. a 1d569 ���1 NOF2T�T L7AT�0�'l� aT 'T"TGAR�3 Ok'�. 97�23 5r`�..leP�ice o $77, OOQ e e]..�1�,2 ;(:..�5, T�&a�2.0�7�� ��.rld..�.17 : $20, �5d ga1 e�P�I�T`3't7R.11 C�iJFt.`I', IaCI'�' 6 I�tt�xvmt��T: $63 , 490 , To�a�.AV :$�4, 3�0 . 95-96 T�.��s : $1, 1.55 .77 �e��a.Qnc�S��-68�-6577 NSa�Gx'�.d:655 D3 Z,catSF: d�.t1:2 Btg1e2 . 00 Y'$ :1980 C1�.5s :R.l� BldgS�:1, 350 Aca �.e°!J.J�����.�.o.��.�...e.���_�.e.�� a7 1...P ttl�.L l� .L9.8.lr�'i..�dY���.L S 1��.e N d S -� -e_.�.�.�_..r�� -� nex:T�II,I�I�iS J�ES ES,SEL Re�Parce1;1S13�kDP, Q4000 ' �e :10569 STr1 �OR�"H DAKOTA ST TIG_�R.D �7�2� X�erd : 04f0��93 Mt�i�. : 10569 �Ti� Nt�R'S'FT ]7AKC3T.� ST TI�ARD OR 97223 SalePrice , $72, 000 � s 1�3.� ��S, IP�P�2.Q'(i'�L Lanc:iA.V : $2 0, �5 0 ga1 :�TE]t�T'I'iTR.A C�LTR'I', LOT 5 Tt��r�tzt.tl-1'V: $6,?,, 10 0 . Tata1X�,V : $�7, 950 , °5-96 Ta�ess $1, 136 .7C lephox�ee503-68�-6�77 MapGrid: 655 D3 Lo'tSF: drme2 Bth:2 . 00 Y'13 :1980 Cl�ss :R.l4 �1dgSF:1, 176 Ac : �.�24.d ----.-...--- ---= St�war.� Titl�:/Washington -- -----�'—� neraTI�.i�eT.�ER `.�ODD .'� Re�Parcel:1S134D1� 039d0 ' te e�057a Sl'�7 N(�RTH: 17�,FCOTA ST TIC;��R.D 97223 X�:3s.:c� : 08/19/96 M�.il dA0 nOX 23081.3 TIGARS� OR 97287. Sa1�Pr.ice: � s 10�2 �ES, I�'IPROV�D Land.AV : $20, 850 c�a1 :�TEI�TUFtA C�UI�T, LOT' 4 Im�rvmtl�,V': $63, 3 3 0 , TotalAV : $84, 180 , 95-96 Ta��s . $:1, 153 .60 le�ahane s i�a�Grid: 655 D3 Lo�,SF: dra�:� B�h:2 . 00 �� ;Z�so cl.ass :�.1� �iass�:l, i�� z�c: �.-2� Stewrart Title/Wash�.nc�tnn. - .- —• �.�r:KI�IZKI�IYA.K DNII'�"�tIY;ALZ.�. RefP�.rr,el :1S134DA 0�700 ' �.e :�0581 SW Y�TORTH I��KOTA ST TI�A.�.D 97223 X£erd a 06/23/96 Mail :10a�1 SW N�RTH DAKOTA ST TIG�.I� O�. 97223 SalePric�:$1.00, 000 e s1.012 RES, IMPRUVED �anc�V : $�0, 850 g�.1 �VENTLTRI-1 COtT�.T, LOT 3 :Cmgrvmt.AV: $�2, �1.0 , �'ota1.�V : $83 , 660 0 95-36 TaxPS :$1, 1�6 .48 .lephor!es M��Grzd: 655 D3 LotSF: drm:� B�.h:2 . OQ YBo1�8Q Class :�214 B1dgSF:1, 7.80 .�ce 'I'h� Snfcixmatiorx Pravid�d T� Deemed Rel.i,ablc�, �ut Is Not Guaraa��eed. ��� ,=� °,—�.° �t,�c��a�t ".��.�tl�/�I�,�h�,rag�c��x �--� �x��'ol�Eld� M��I�.��� �V�;�S�l' �IIC�IET,d, ��fPar�el :l�l��I}� 0��00 �� :�.�.���. sw a���� �� �:���� s°�zz3 ����� .���a�,�9�. ail :��.223. �T,� �.05TZ� ��, 'T'I��D �R ��223 ��l�P�i��s"�74, 500 � :1.Q�,2 �d.��, S1�F�.C��I�I3 tl Ia�zat:�'�r s�37, �QO �al:��iY�.�K, I.,��` 7, �C�.�� .25 �rnp����,V:$�49, 64� '�c���l�t� :�g7, a�t� e 9��9� 'T'�x�� : $�., �.9� .�� 1��p1����:��33-598-�9�325 M�pts��d.a6�5 �� Lc�tS�°ela, ��Q dra°il:� ��h a Y�:�.9�k3 �Za�� aR�.3 �l�.�S�'01, 3�� �.e s .�5 ��:7 ---.��,,...�. -- S�.�va�,x t �'a.�.7..e jW�.�hir�g�.an �.�..�� • �er s�T�t��.�'��,� kiO�I�� I�T� S�.c��P�r��l �15�.�4�� 053QQ t� :�.1.��� sv� �.o��� �� ��G�.� ����� ���r� o o�/��,/g�. i1 :PO k30� 2329� firG�.l7 �IZ 972�1� �a1�Pra,C�s � o y 0�.2 �E S, I1����Jjl�� L��.G�l.�7 :��3 7, 9�0 c�a1. :1�t7�1�F�,. LO°� 1� .A.�R�� .3� P�m�SrvmtAV's$:t��, 7 6 U 1 C�4 C�S.G"L V °o q�S.L J p C2'U O � 9�-96 T���� : $3 , Olqo1� 1.epl�.an�.5t�:�-6�9-36t?� NtapC7rid:655 D3 �,a���'<1.4, 37�4 d�'tne3 ��.h: Y'�;�.991 Clas� � F1ci�S�':2, '706 �,�. �33 ��$� ._..�.� s������ ��.ti�/��sn�.������ --�-�. �.--�----� �2C��aY'�,�T�T�1" SS�F�.I R R.�£��.�CC-�� c].S134I�P. 05�OQ t� :1��93 Stn7 10a�'�H 1�L 'S':IG�.RJ� 972�� �f��d � 05/07./92 zl .°11293 S�nT �.QST'�3 P�, TIGARD Ol� 97223 Sal�Pri��: $1��, 000 I7se o 1�112 ��fi, I1�IP�t4�l�L� �,anc�A.�i' : $3'7, 90fJ c��,1. :i�O��.IC, Lf��' 6, AC1�.�S ,21 Irttp�v�ttAV. $1 Q�, 11.0 To���.�'a.V a $�.�6, G�.t7 � �5-95 T�a�e� . $�, 060 .�7 1�phc�x�.�s MapGrid.s�55 �3 T�atSF� �, ��7 d�`rns3 �tha �F3 :199�, C1�5S = L1r,�gS�'e1, ��.� A�: 021 ��g.�. ---- Stewa�� 'Z'�.tle/�tashin�to�. ---- -----� l��x°al+�fll'rLS L�OI��IaD Rp�L'AI�1'CY A�] R�ik+�x'C"�.l ;1Sa.3�T,1� i)540Q ' �� : 1�310 �� �.Q�TH PL TSG�RD 97223 �f�rt,� � G9/26/91 i�. :1.131� 5�n7 105'�'H PL .CTGARD 01�. 97223 SalePrice s $�.19, 500 Us� :�.012 RFS, I1�IPROVE]] Lar�dAV ; �3 7, �0 0 c�al r�l'�D�1K, �Q'� ;�, �CR.ES e 21 Ttnp��rmt�V s �116, 13 Q Total�i.V : $154, 030 � 95-96 '�'ax�s : $2, 1.10 ."7'7 l�phon�e�03-5��-4979 Ma�Gric�:�55 1�� Lot��'o9, �.�`7 drtt�.:3 B�hs XB:�991 Cl�s� : B7_dc�.'SF:]., 605 �1Ca .2�. ��Q ---- ----- Stev�ar't '��.�le/W�.sk�ir�gtcar� --�--- - '� Lvn��sL�Va' �IOI�TI�A J �d.efPax:cel: �.Si34DA 05700 ' te e�1.315 SF9 1.O�T`H P7a '�'IG1�RD 97223 �ferd. : 06/2Q/96 � _ il 0 11315 STnT 105'I`Ti PL "J'IGARD 0�. 5`7223 SalePx'ice: $�.��, 250 Us� :107.2 R��, �PEIPROV�D �andAV a $3°7, 900 � gal a�l'�D.�K, LC�T 5, �CRE� .21 Ire�pxvmtAV: $117, 1�Q T�t�lav : S�..s�, oso � . 9a--96 '��X£�� : �2, a.z� �.�.�# � .l�phone: MapGxid:655 D3 Lo�SF: 9, 1.�'7 � ��a3 $�,Y�., YBa1991 Class :i�.14 B1dgS�'e1, 574 A�: .21. � 6tl�1 � The In�o��a�ir�n Providecl Ts D��em�d �.el�.�.�le, I3u� Is No� Gua�an�,���.b � �� � � � � � �.����. ��J���� � ��.��a��� �-�J�.'��.��a��� LJ�a�.L 16J1'tl �`t9 A 9..�YW 1V i.7A3t� ��� A�L'�.LVl.T� � !Y� J�� 1t ��Y^��� Fe�ruary 12, fl 997 a � �. � Pr�par�c� by: � .�.lpk�a�n�ine�ring9 �rzc. � 960Q SV� (���, ���te 23C � � �'�Y°ki�n�., Oi� 97�23 � � e . �� � , .� ���3Y� O���Il$�Y1�5 1.'` ��T���� a�zt �nd�-� dr��c� �t.� o�t 1-2 � Y Y �Y P 2. ��•�����y 5��� 3 :�. �s��lt�vi�ll`�I�p 4 �. ��z15rx�r�y 5 5. ��il ��forrr�ati�n { 6. SC� Cu�e I�urnbers 7 °7. `�T�.t��°sh�d l��p $ �. �fiox°m S�we� T_i�s��n�'a�r�x 9 9, ��.t�� C��na�ity ����ul�tac��as 10�1� �'�� � �� �� '���'�� O�TA��',�'�'�° �.�� .��''�.�.v���� �i��.:�Y� �. �� ����������a '��is �.tys�s �dc�..�°�ss�� t�� �tr�cz�a i�a���� �ar�-��'����ako� ��ad��vs, whi�h is adj���r�� t� S� �������a S�r�����ar S�C���ea�bur� l�.caaci. '�'h�s� ��1��aE��gc���s �r� for �.h� �r�-sz�� �at�� �a�v�y���.�e an�. w�t�� qu�tity sys��ms prc�g�os�� for �h� Dakata. I'v���dc��vs subciivisiaz�. SIT� ���.�'TEItIS'�°I�'So °�vs d�v�I�prr�ent is a�sa��1e f�ly resit�ent��ti subsiivi5i�n c�n�a.i��itx�25 lots, wxtk�a�n�p�roxini�.t� av�r��� ����tvxau� �r��c��'42 percent. �as�d on tn� fioil �c�xv�y of�ashi��ton �o�a.raty the sa�� consis�s cri(�uatama Loam� which is designated zn �khe urb�n�y�dtalo�ic soil �ra�ip C. 'I'i���o�te°ib��i.nn��ar���a th�propos�d on-sz��con.��yanc�sy5t�zn is�.pg�r�oximat�ly 1.�7 acre� (�ee a��1a.�d �Vati�rsh�d N�a� �n page 8}. �i)R��.�3G�� I�'!.�°I'�OI�OLOG�': �11I� hydre��z°�p�s v✓�ce determined using the �anta 3�a.rt�ara Url��a�. Hydrograph (��U�), '�'yp� I.� Method. Z°ka� �k3�TH zya.ethod is bas�d on the c�v� nur�t��r ��I�1� apprc�ac�, anci alsc� u��s ��;� equ�.tians f�r�+or��pa.��ia�g sail abso�tic;x� a��d preci�itat�on�access. A valu� of 9��vas us�d f�ar the z-u.no�c�� r��nb�r for the per,vi�r.�s arua aild a value of 9S �ras used for ti�e ruYi�ff��arve n.umb�r �or the z�nperviaus a�•ea. '�'he caYculatacazas rc� siz�the st�orrr�drain sewer convey�nce systezn is based on the 2� ye�r, �4�our storm ev��t. T"�i� isopluva�l rnap used ta d�t�rmine preaipitatiaa�for this storm ev�nt v�as provad�ed by t��e �to�°rn �Rlater P�a.z�a�e�ent D�sign A�arival for the portland 1Vi�t�opolita,�. Area, and ys � �ttach�l, ��c�l�tala��oris for th�s�orxn wat�r qualiiy fa�;zlity ar�based on a 0.36 in�h,4 hoaa� storrn � ev�nt. � � � ts� � d:�ia�-��i s�a-�r�a��r.�r.wpD ��� � C�I�I�'�A.N'�� I���3I� �S�`���''SIS: '1The �1�iiFsarr�n �lo�v.A�.r�a.��ysis �i��.k��d w�s us���a sa��tt�e pipe syst��.t� c�r�v��th�peak rat� �f � z°�a�fc�r the 25-y�ar�����n storcr�ev�nt. '�1xis m��o��ak�s��f��io�ia���t�r�assutxtptamns. Thg fir�t�.ss���ion is that fla�is u�za�c�rzn in each pip�. Trie s���a�d����tie�aa as�.h�t�c2r�� head � l�'s��a�e gi�e b�rrrel ��r�e c�ntraPs cap��ity,�th�r h�a� lass�s a�nd aray b���e��t�r eff�cts or a.��t �can�cssi ��,nc��ti��s a�°e ne�t spe�i�cally addr�ss�d. •E�c�h p�p��i��� s����r� i�saz�c�a�id sl�g�d s��h f1a�t zts b�a�rei c���.�i�y��n���l f���r`lo�is �qaa�� �a �r g�r��,te� �Ixaaa �� 25-y�ar d�si� flo�r. '�'l�� cc���iaa�aity �a�ati�a� i� = 1�.V is us�d t� a�����r���il �.a�av capa►�i�. S�!'fl��'.�.`�`�I3�ZT���'�"Ya S�o��'vJ�.t�r qt�i�y�s�ro�vici�d by�bio-�i1��io�a s��v�1�e '�"h��low contr�l�aars�,c�l�d�ill.d�v�a�higta �low to th�a�v�flaz�.cl�rea. The d�si�.discha�g�t��.he bi�s-fil�ration s>�vale vv�s det�rmined to be 0.17 e�s. �'h� r�abm�� dep�h and v�lca��ty in th� s avat� was determ,in�d ts� b� 0.17 f� ac�d 0.21 fps resp���iv�ly. '�'h� l�n�th of th� svv��r���d��.to�reat the wat�r qigaii�y fl��wa� deterrnirzed f��Oe �11.6� f��t at�sl��� of�.015 ft/i�. � ; � z � � � I:\141-Q l R�HYDIf01SDItFT.WPD '��--�'�' �-�S Sve:,E:::� _... ,:. _.... . � �i-� , �e. F � ��-u� . .., � :; � .. a,+ ' �� p �+p�f � : � � _ �..�s. L�1374�e 'p�e�+ y� y� /? '1" �` � - i��1 G a7 s�t't�6° i':.t .�'�w" r� ,.�,�.<�.....v� . f - !1.1! '�'f I 6J � . . �- =. , , . . N . � _ �t,: a. � -"�''ti• 'ic.'>s�'P,d;1;;iik:�`'.`,Q (`.. 1 . . 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W iliarxi�tte: 44A, 448, 44C, 4�FD -----------------._.. B Nane _.__-------_______.._---_------_--_______-------____..__--_-----_____ Woodburn: 45A, 456, 45C. 45D ------------°----- � None ------------------ -----°-------°-------- -___�-_-----___°___----•-- Xerochrepts: � = h6F: Xerochrepts part ------•-------___ B None -----------------------------------____-___--------------°--_.-__-- I� HaploxProll.s part -----°---.------- C None --------------------.______--_--..----°----°-----_____--------_____ � '47D: � Xexochxepts part ----------------- D None ----------------_________---- ----°°---..________�e___.. � Rock outcrop part. -.. &� .••,�r•s: „a 'This mapg�ing unit; is made up of two or znora domdnant kinds of soil. See mapping txnit description for the composition and;;�;�:•. behavior of the whole mapping uYii�. �',��` ��:; <�F'. . _ _ >�: . , •t�r �� . �. � AA 8 l, LJ �dJ V le 1 d f Y� !A S Z7 L 1`7 ld 6 OJ A�y a�E 6! 1'4 S � � � P7 A A � L6 1J � J h '19 151 1'P6!°A E� V !"► 8+ ,��$p L�qI' �t�9��qp(ygCx��P/�vrp�e�yyi�1pyV��py�v�t�Ta��j@vy,�����yp�rg�� �'ic� r+�^L�•`�•�•y� ��S�aSai417 6'�t�JBYI.l'�`LdlSVIa /�V67LOa'K° Ca,a.JY�YL' 1`7�.lb�auL'd6e7 � /.. . ..�.�4��.�. � . S���S'T�RSd iN�15#1iPVCT(�� �tJ@V�FF Cl1RV�PllJIb9��f�S (��blls��d b�S�..S in 1�92) f�aa�as�T cuav� numl�ts fcx�4�c8�ci a{�r6culYura�, s��rban ar� ueb�n i�r�! us��4c�r�°ype t� ra9r�l1 dl�tel�as��, 2a�-fi�our�.#o�rr�d�ra�n. 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L'�� ���. ���d'C'a i' ee`�[��$_ ARE�4 �F��A 1N8a. F'ERi/. E3E�. ifl�°sP. 1�6�. (�IiL�) �Ct'S) Fa1'�� ,t,�lF� Fl.9�L {%} �l.1L� (%� li�L (��� Ti�� (ACRES) �AC�.ES} (ACR�S} (AGS�E�} �GFS) �FS:� {FPS) �P�1lN� AC3�5-N1H#2 0.75 0.75 �0 0.1� �30 0.6C� J� 'iO.OQ 0.88 12 Q.005� 2.53 0.27 3.22 t1.�7 3.50 '�27.OQH 1.�1 AC3#�2-l�16-i�Z 9.12 '6.92 80 t322 90 �.9t� 98 'lU.0C3 1.�Q'! 12 tD.OQS€� 2.53 0.40 3.22 �.6f3 i.93 5�_�Q Q.�� i�Fi ��-OUTFALL �.00 1.�7 �0 a.37 9t3 i.5Q 58 31.49 1.65 Z2 0.�57� 8.�8 0.19 1t3.90 9.39 4.�8 22_�Q "MFd �2-MH#1 0.00 1.87 80 0.37 90 1.50 98 6�.48 C.17 '�2 f�.t7g5d} 2.53 O.J7 3.22 4.27 �.86 10�.t�� t_� 'M�! #1 -SVVKLE 0.00 1.87 80 0.37 90 1.5Q 98 ��1.48 0.17 �� Q_OQ50 2.53 0.07 �.;�2 Q.2� 0.66 �37.�3Q 2.�f '�torm wat�r�uality discharas cf(!.'!3 cgs. E/�S��9i�EG�= O.t3i3 P���ISCF�P.GE 1.653428 �r�a= 1.87 pE= 4 dt= 10 ��e '9 9.41 Per��ous A.ea 0.3? �n= 90 �= 'i.i� Q�.2�_ �.222 imp�:rvi�u� l�r�a '9.5 c�= 98 �_ �1.20 Q.2s= E2.a41 � i � "'_ � l�.LL��A �Ir1�����C� IIY�. 10-�°eb-47 ,; 96� Si�V C��K, S�TI°�� 23t� �OIt'g`L�D, CJR. 9°�22� � C)� I�A.i..it��; I)A�Ca°I'�$. ���(:��'S �� I�1C3.: I41-01� D�.: y:\1�1�O1�1���RC�\�'Q��1t�.,� �.�a�� �ZJ�L,I�'� ��.,CLrI.,�,`T'I�I��m �.E�'��I'�C�S: 1. (:���r�li;�g t.Trba� Rtanoi"f, '�"hc�rr�as �.. S��Zti,ael�r, 3�1y �9�7. 2. �ta�fa�e ��dat�r t��.�.lity �a.ci�ities T�ch�ic�I faubd��ce ��.a�di�aa�C by �xcsvvr� �nr1 Caldwell. 3. �Jz�a�aed S�w�r .�4.��ncy R$�a 91-47 ��s3 I�c�O 91�-75. 4. I7iscussions wi�.h �J'z�ified S�w�x f�.g�n�y. R�C��JT�ED '4�t�'T�R �U�L,��`�.' 7'�E.�.'I'It��A1'I': 6S% �'k�osp�iortas �t�inoval. I'�2t�P�S]E� T�2E�s'T'N'iEI�TT NIE�'I���S: 1. Su�np�d �'�t�i� Ba�iz� ��% 2. �ic�-�'iltr�tian Swa�e �0% tata� 65%e I1�ESIC'rt�l S10I�tN�: k'��c�p�taeio�:: a.36 inches � �taa� ��aration: 4� �rours � St�rm I�.eturn Perzocl: 96 hours � � �tarz�3 `t�lindo�u: 2, ��°�ks � r�P�����s a.�z��.: � �Jaters�ed: 4.45 acr�s � Percent irrap: 42 %'a Imper��io�.s Area 1,8�i9 acres I7�si�n Storm = (1.944 ac)*(43560 sqf-�/ac)�(.36")1(41�raurs} I��si�a��ischarg� = 0.�7 �FS „�'� �'' � I�ESi�i`� C1�'I'E�dI.A.: I��� V'�lo�i : Q.90 s �Y �F 5ide Sla�p��: 4:1 (trea���C ar�a) �as�: 4 fe�t (r�corr�-r��nded) rz �'�ct�r: (b.2� (hi�1'n gr��s) SW�L� ����CT�l�,IS'�ICS: 1ei° C�= 0.17 D�SYCi� S�i��Ivi S�15CI�.�RGE N= 0.25 1bi�OV�lEL7 2/YE�t 5���.E �3= �.(1� BASE i�D'I'�-i OF ��A1�1t�t�L Z- 4.00 SII�E SLOPBS ��,�P�= O.OIS BO'I"r'OI'� SLOP� OF C�I.AI�NEL �,S,S. ��= 0.5Q AS��.Jll�t�D UIE�'�'H �N F'�'. I'�'E�fi,'I'I�E 5��....Y.7TI�N CDP �AI`�leTII�Cy'� EQUA'TI�I"d FC)R. I�t���L ���I'�-I: I�'��. 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Includ�d �re s�ctipr�� �uch �� c��F�tr�;�� p�r�ir�g, d�nsity, I��€���apin�s �igns, ��c. a� ve�si �s ��w m�t�ri�E ft�r �ed�:stri�� �ri�nt�u d�sigrs {2�4Q rn��d�ted) �r�d a��;e�s�ry r��id�nti�! ua�Q�� (204� ��s�d�t�ci�. ,� ra��vv s�cfiear� fa�r ��l� f����� v�all h� add�d. 1,�V� �916 a(�� b� r���r��o��cii�g t�� �ii�iz��tior� c�f ��c��s��� ca� t6�� �xi�ti�g �n�de r�l�at�d tc� est�blished �r���, ��,I�r ���uir�m�nt� ��d �cc���r�� �fr��4�e�� �mon� ather�. 1"f�� cr�r��ultants �re in �ro��� ca�F revi�wi�g b��fi�ri�g ��d I�nd���p� �ro�i�ions to pr�viri� fior an �I��rr���iv� taa fi��� �stabia�h�d �r�� ��d d�nsi�r �r�r�sitiar� re�uir�m�nt�. �"l�i� �ril! �Is�a {��Ip ta �n��r�: �,��pii���� wi�h d�t��s�i�� req�air�� by the M��tr� Fu��tic�n�l P��n. �:�CURPI.N\D�Ct:1COREUP.PvsERA F��l�a�1 C7F 2 04/07197 3:35 PAR � vat,� �,��,��t to crea��e a r��w Larzd lJse ��ci�i�n s��ti�r� r�h��h will creat� f�ur fyp�s c�f d��i�ions d���nding �n I�g�l requir�r�er�i�. �5e �;o��;:�� o�ear�sse� like sit� d�ea�lopm�n# r�vie�no, ��ra�n�s, co�d�ti�n�! ��� �e�d a�n���fiion� �riil b� �ro�uped �c��rdin� �o d����i�r� 4yp�. G���r�l6y, wh�r� pc����b9�� th� ant�nt wi�l b� to �B�ssify �and ��� d�ci�i��� at t�� loa���4 pos�ibl� 9�a��1 af r�vi�� d�p+�ndir�g �n vvh�th�r discr�ti��a �s invc�l��d �a� �I�ar �n� �bje�tp�e �tar�dards �� b� �rit���. Ne�r pr��+i�ir��� �'rar IErni��d i�n�1 u�� ��� �xp�dit�� I�nd di�a6�e��� �ili b� �dd�� �� �ddr��� p��fi �rt��ra� �f��e S��#� L��a�l�t�ar�. �r�� �f�P�e b�fi�er addatic�n� tca 4t°�� cc�c�� will b� th� gr��por�g ��'�li r��id�r�6��6 �ii�tri�t� ir��m �ne se�tie�n �i�� p�ra�ifted ���t�b9��. �r���x�r�r�ie dr�� 6� a���h�d th�t y�u ��r� ���te, �amp�r� �nro�P� ex6sting ��d� p�ovA�i���. '�h6� s�cis�r� wi8� b� ��vi��d ev�� m�r� ��� provid�s �r� it9ea c�f vuh�� a�� �r� tryir�g to doa �'h� ��rn� i� ���n� d�n� fo� �s�r�nm�r�i�s . • �t'1C� 911C�US�P'Ic°�E i�i�tflC��. �"he f�S13E�lfYll� $��t�i�3 �666�i9�92J�l�i9 0�� t�ll�ib�P p�g�s �f t��t. 4 ' 1:1CUP�PlN1DiCK1�ODEUP.MElu! m� PA,GE 2 C!F 2 0�lOTl�F 3:35 PIW C'�mp��r I�S 31p(.�"te-.e�aoe�x 1���, Y.�6, =.��y �.50, �,5.2, �o�a►', m.S6 D �.58) ,��, ���� �SXB,�NT&��'�,�ldlil'f;e�I��"I�C�'S � ' �'��taoa��e 18�1��10 lyur,p�ss� 1�SdQ:�1.�� a�a�a�,��>de;�a��c�r,r�ctsr - I�e,f10.0.�i1 I/s�s .��.��d 0�� 1�1Bndrrexev�ran�tl�'�xxiaaaa�rv:.l3enxetl�r 1��'1�D��b .D�v�lo�arn��ad�8e�nrlca�r� .�1��1�D�0 �'aa�pl�r�a�a�a6 R���a�aag���� ��SIO.�.�e� �'aar�s��� &. ���s�r�r��a���r,�i�rh� �iv�bi�it�::,,CBa��,�f;:8h����jor:�a�s�s.�� tta�.;;a°��!$��ans governi�� d�v�lopnn�nt :�a re�id�a���� ��nanp dBStrdce� i� �ca p�ot�ct the Iivabbfli�i,�� e�cistan� �axd,futa�r�e,residen�ial n���b�rh�ds=,;R�y encc�iar�ging prirai�ily�a�sidential d��reiopmee�z vvi�la�oi�npakib{e�����esid��ati�l��velopa�s�n4-d schr�cr�s,�hu�c��s,g�u°ks �nd recr�atio�a fa��liti�s;��y caire,ce�t�rs; n�i�hb��h�a�i cariarr�ercial u��es�'�nc& a�i�r s�s�✓�c�s-- a���pprr�pr%at�lo�ations�a�cD at �n �ppr�priat�sc�.9e.� . . . �. ����a,�e cor�s���ici�i_af a�'�rdab���h�iusiea,�.,:,P�c�otk�er piur�iiase of these re�aa��ti¢an� �s t� cr�aee i9te envi�onrnst�E in �v9�ieh canstre�cYic�e�€�f a full ��e o��ownea°-oECt�piecl ar�d r�ret�W housin���ti �ff�rd�ble gs%��s i�'�iaca�aia.��d.•""�'�ai��� �+e acG�ars�pDash�i�;bY providnng�.n�arn6�P of r�sad�eziti�l�o�tira�dis�cLc r��v�rying d��s�t�es �d r��v�tog�aa�� flezcib9� �esi� an�d dcvelop�eci� st�aid�rrd� wvhich e�s�oe��•a�� ir�no�iatam�r �nd rec�uc� hou�en� �c�sts. " � 1f3.�1�oOZ� �a�t of'.�'��sa�a��eg��ds� �'F'i��sa� 1�3.5 i a.l ar�s�rt�si her�.] A.. �T.-1 L,OS�V—�C47S1$V R�.'S8��i1�1��I)1S�Y'@��i. ��'Il� �(3i1SIlIY171�T��.qll 1'�COG3IICD�31d:�S$Fl�$�115 zoning d�signatio� b� �Iiminated b�c���e th� ��g� zt�inir�e!an Hot si�� is i�a��c�si�tent �vith o�t-c�s�;€��ls of the'T��ard Corra�sr�hensyv�Flar��n�eh�l�.e�iona!2f�4Q�unceios�ai Flan; property^urrentfy zoneci it-t shou�d b� legisZat6v�ly re�zc�r9�Ig-2.� k�. R-2 Low-I�ensity I�.�sideniial �is���. "lC�a� �.-2 zani�a� dista-ic� is �esigraed to accomrraodatc detached su►gle�famil�nc�acne�with os without�ccessory resi��nti�1_units at a mir�imu� lot saze of 20,0�0 scq��ar� fee�, for � minadnc�rza dea�sity s�f 1.4 arad rr�axicxxuan densit�r o#' 1.7 units/�et�ce�. A wid� r�nge o��,ivac �nd instdtutional us�s are also pecmitt�d cc�nditior�ally. [�a}� warit tia �timinate I�-2 as �eeli a� �-1.� �. � C. R-3.5 Low-Densit�!R.eszden�ial I)i§trict. 'I't►e R-3.5 zona�g district is desi�aed 40 � acc�mrreodate decach�d sitagl�--family homes dvith or r�vithatat accessory res�dential ttennits at a rninimum !at s�z� �� 14,000 square fee�, far a a�r�inira�u� deresily �f 2.� and °`� cnaxi�rnrnura� density of 3.S rxni�s/n�t acre. Duplex�s ar� permif�ed condi�io�aaiiy. t�, � wide range of civic and institutiana] uses are aPso p�ermittecE conditi�nally. � ta� � � D. I�-4.S Low-Densitv� �esidentiat L7istrict_ The R-4.5 zonia�g disitrri,ct es d�sign�d to accornmodate detached single-family hora�es with or without accessory resfdeneial unit5 ac a �ninimum lot syze o#' 7,500 square fe�t, foc a rnin�rrzu�n density c�f 3.6 and maxir.nea� density o�'4.5 unitsla�ee aer�. Ueaplexes aaid attaeh�d sir�gl���amil;�units .R�vdsed R�iafentra!ZoeafHg d3utric�s (Dra t I: 3/S/ 7) """'—""—°`°� n • �r� �r�i��d ��nditio�r�lly�o � �vfd� ��� c�f ca�ic �c�d in��i��is�e��9 a�ses,� �I�o p�r�e���d�aradAticra��al��, . . . . �. R? I�edatc�-�3��si�,+ R�s�d�nti�l.��e "°' " � �.��a�•I�a?:z���� dis�°I�t is des����€i to acc�mrnod�te a��h���san�le-fs�nn��y`�;��as�a�ssp d��ch�d san�l�fa�rsgiy��a�araes �i�a�.i�r �vithraut;��c�ss6ry �s�d�tial�z�ma�,�'�d ��i���xe��t'�:��ni�un�usi��c����i� �£'�;�QU ., squas�f��t�for�ru��taattaiarr��dera���pf 5 6 �d��tnum de�t�i4�df'7 4 utie�ix���i�: l�ab�l�hoata� p�r�s� �itc���ubciiv�si�r�s,�:�H§o�eiar�itt+ed,�e��ht;.;�A,�i���rig�:ci� �1dIC�EII� flEIS$ttLl�fl�iY1I US�� S��l��TFAIgGEd Ci8T1d14:1Q��Rj�'a.. . . F. �-1� ��I�da����ins���i8.��srl�n2��!b��s�ra�� ;`Th�R���-��E�1���9a�'3��&"�;��Sl�@�CI.$4) ��c�rs�a�d�t��fia��.e�$�:�af h���rs� ;s;,����z�aa���c�� s� ��;,,�paS9����� F���, �`��r a.aa�ani�aaeaa� d�����ty�f 9 6,;�rr� ����r�a d�resit3�%ssf 12et� tsaiiY���t�:�x��.<A °u���t�a�a��o�cav�c�i�,i�s���g�����s ���Ilso pe�arr'r�ci�c���c����9lj�a . ._.. . C'a. kt-25 -...`�edir.ciri �i�-�c�sitrr Re�idet�t��1:�Is�rict� ,Th� �12 .���aici�,,di5��t is d�sign�d��c�o�ai��d�t���.istia���a�us��o#'a�t tYP�s�rf r��vv��taclaed xi�$l��f�nily aerd a�aaa�t�vff�el;y.hae�s�i$ �a�ats s� �`�aaan;�i��i: lot s�a� of 3,4�0 squa.�� f���,fc�r � s�alraa�'tai¢a���sit,y of 20�� anax�g�aax�i�d��is��y'of;25 une�Aa��B��a��.:�4 �a�ait�d�o��t ��°rz�fl�ht�nc���oinni�rcial us�s��i��rxaxB��d.�tat����d�i�+id�r�a2$�;�ff�i�ryc anci .,,. . ,,,.. , . ,. .. . aa����ati�i��D �a��� � �a�i���d��a�a���iv�����o . , �I. �e.��q_�`.Iit!�edium �-Ii�,h�De�sit�t dd.��identa����'����e. •-'Ph�,�.mt� �-�i��a�i�:;dn�nct i� desi���Yo�ccv�na�ca�da�e�xe�tii�e�hc�eisin�a�f�i�typ�s�ci r��w at��hed se�n�i�-fami�y �s►d �axu[tA-fa�ily �o��i�� ur�et� e���°i �aa i�air€i�u�n lea� sm�� ar r��f�u�a�d�nsity. IV�19�fi1[�iill3i +I��I�S�L� O� IA�iW COY1S�dldb810Y1:Wif�IY%1-�1C t�iS�!'IC$ AS 30 �aa���,s1a��t ac�. A Q�arait�d:�saunt �f neig�borhat�d ��s��ssi�l �i��s �� pe�rrzai��d���r�$�n�.�d � s�ac�� r���caf�ivic ax�d 'sns�i�sa#ional uses'ar�g�ernarited eondat�c�c�alfl�r. 1�0�'��(�.�� �l.�e� .A. '�`��`a��aase�. �'a�Y�e �e.�r�ses �s�this�h�pt�r,�h�r�are foiie°'�ia'ds a�f�e: 1. A�r�a��k�d��) us� is a �as����h �s�rcaiitt�d m�s3a���, b�t�ub����*� �!d of�h� ���lf���a9��eoviszc�ns af�his tatl�. Y$'���e 6s a�ot listed�.s� �r�xi�t�d ta�s, �t tza�.� � �a�ld t� b� a sirrial�r unlist�d aased �nder tlx� pcovisaons of�hapter t$.�30. 2. A lrs�nat�d�L�us� �s p�rm�c�ed o�s�ighi providin��t�s u�casra�pfla�nc�wetkz sp��ia�! � req�is�m�ntsy ex��ptions or ��s�i�tic��as. � � 3. l�, �o�adi�aor�al tas� (C} i� a use t.�� �pprQ�ai a�f�,vhi�h is diser�tioa�aa��ath th� � ��arar��s O�ce. �ac �ppraval p�o��ss �d criteria are set far� in �h�.pter� I�.310 �r�d I�.32Q. If a u�c i� raot�i�t���s� condiYional�zse, it��y bs hel�i t� � be � �at�ailar�anli�ted used r�nder Yhe provasi�ns of Chapter I$.230. � � �. � prohibited(I�i) use is ona:�vhich is no1 g�z�xaitteci in a zo�ainp dis�ri�t urzdes an� ��rcur�stac�ces. S. Use tabl�. ,� list of perxx►itt�:d, lir�aited,canditec�nal anc! pr4hibiteci us�s i�t rs5ide�tial zones is �resented iri Ta51e 1�.S 10.1 b�lovv: �^Pevdsed Rcsr`c�e�et:aA�'ar�ri�g ,��st�tcds (f�r�,d r; trg,/oy�J z �°.���� ��SIO..� IIS� �`A��E , Ll�°� �T'�f�(�l��' .�-2 �m�,� ��� .��7 .���� A�w2S .R�a � I�SId.��rd�'���, Hous�hc�id Liveng P P P P P �' P , C°sroup La�ira� �°/� �.'1� L,',�� L'/� �,�/G �,°1C L'/C TI"s�l1Si$ii3lY�� �O9A�&�3� IV " I� I�•'1 I� � � C Fi�n�a� O��aap�ttic�n I,z LZ i�z �,a �z �2 I,z F�C�tJ31'�G '�E� �in�l� IJnats, �,4�ached 1�t l�d � ZC'/� P P I� Sin��e LTnit�, 13��ch�d �' P � P P � I' � �CCeSSOP� UH'�14S �.'� j,,'� j.4 �..� �..4 ��' �,4 Y)�pl�x�s I�1 C C 1� P P � �l!]t�-��&129I�L�i4lt5 M � � N �° � � �vlau�ufactured iJnaes P P �' � P P I� Mobilc Hprne Parks�Saabdivisiacas �d G � � F P P CI�I� (II�dS'I'I'TU'�T�h1.AL) ��a� �.T�id����� C � � C C � � Ge�lle�es � � � � C � � ��aonr�unity�ecre�tian � � C � � C G �aaltrxr�R �nstitutions Pd C C C I�1 I>1 N I3�� ��'� P/Cs P/Cs �'/�g �/�j T�/�Cs F/Cs �'!�s �rn�rgency� ��rvic�s C ti � � I�d ?d N P+fx�d�ca! ����er� IV �C � C � C C �'e�st�1 ��rvgce N N Fd 1v' I�d I�t l�T 3P��la� Sa���acar� �acileties P P P � �' � � �,��a��ous �a�stita�tir��s � � � � C � C S�hcst�i� � � � C - � � � �cscial/Frat�r�a�Club�/L„�dges Pd N N N C � � �6�1�P�����..�A�. �omcnea���ai Ia.�d�ang IV N I�I I'd �d Iai 1� ��tin� an�l Urinki�tg �5t�.blisl�amenEs A1 N N N I�I N Ie1 �nt�rtair�rtaent90ri�nt�d � IeRajor �v�n� Ent�rtainm�nt N N II'd1 hi ;�1 I� Io1 „ a �uedaor ��t�rtai�rn�nt �! N N M �t A1 t�i : - Ir�d€�o� �a��ertainmerat IV N N N I�t i� ?d � - �,dult Ent�e-�ainment N N I�I I�i td M I� ° G�n�r�! Itetaii ,� - Saies-Z3rient�d I�I l�d N RI Ie1 }�,6 ��6 A - Pers+�nal Servic�s N rit T�d T�t �t �i,6 �L� � - Repair-�)riented 1V �1 lad N I�I �,6 ��I.,� � - Bulk 5ales i�l N N Iw1 N N rd - �utdoor Sales tV l�d 'P�1 Ri N N I�t - Animal-Related N N RI I� N N 1�1 dtevis�d d��srde�atia!.Zoni�rg ast�ict� �Z3ra�`'d �: 3✓S/9'7) ,� r��� ��°���a�� ��� ��.�.� ��� �9�° �dr� ��zs a��� I�Ic���ar'�"��icl� �teiat�d . ' - �Yot�r �I�hi�t� S�I�s11�.�r���t I�1 1� � � I�t Ad lf� m ��tor �Ichi��� ����a�ae���paig• d�' I�d �' I�f I�I rd � � - 'V�i�gcl� �'ue1 �al�s I� �+i' �b Y�i � T�t � C3k'�°i�� I�1 � �d 1V I� 1!� �t Sel��ervflc�Stora�e Pd 1�Y I�t rd 1� Rt �' I�1c�a�-�,�c�ssot� Parkicag I+f I� I�f rd �� �' �� II�I�3LJST�A.L, IY1CRfltSCA'fl�I S�%"�HC�S I�I !�! i�s t�i i� c°�v° iro l�ia�uf�c���ag�ns� �resduc�i�n � - �aght Iaxde�siri�l l�d I°d �d I�d Ad Ad �I - Cien�r�lInd�s�°��! 1'� �v � � Ai M I� - �eavy Industri�l I�i 1V Y�3 �°d' 1'�" T�t rt R�i�ro�d �'"�rds I�I Tt 1�t I� ?'d l�i T�1 � Res�ar�h �d d�ev�iopcn�nt :� I�t I� I� Pd P� �i �/�r�ho�as�/�reight Mov�ame�fi Iv �d �1 �d I�& Ai � VV�'aste-R�Iated t�d � T�d Pd 1�3 i'vr l�1 �11�1�s�i� 5�1�� 7�1 l�d Ab �t �' �I � CS'T'�-I��t, A,gricuRtur�/�-�car�ic�alYazr� I' P � �' �I �T N +C�m�;��r�e� �t � � � �d T�i �1 �}et��x�ion F°�cilit��� 1�I �I Td �d 1°� I� IV� I-I�lapc►�t� I�6 T+d I�t I'� �d 1�T I\T 1'�:i►nireg � :�t I�1 I�i ?�I T�i 1`�t ° R�dim ar�d "�e��visioe�`]C��er� � � � � � � � ��al �,i�ae�![.I�i�i�Ccarradoes � � � � � � � F°=Permit�ed L—Lirn���d �=Ca�ndieiorta� tJs� �=Nr�t ��rxs�e�C�� �CaPOU�7 IiVi[l��/lYh �V�6D%'���W�fC F�S1CI�31'�S p�['YYY'AHI����9�1'l�E91:;�oup Eid's�ag�va�:h s�a�cra°an�ar�res�d���s�r�i��d �s ��r�c�iti�e��l aas�. ZPer�n�tted su�a,j�ct ta r�qr�ir�r�eraPs�'���pe�r 1�.742. '�'Errnatted b� ri�ht if no eno�� than #�ve ur�its i�t a grr�ugsirag; Femii�ted con�iticsr��l�y �f��� vr m€ar� ���ts p�r �. grouping. � � 4�'er�nnitted s�bje�t to cc�r�npl�a�ce wit}a req�ir�cnene�en 1�.715. s� � Si�a-t�om� d�y care which �e�ts �li stace requirem�n�p�ar�ict�d by righty fS"�E:S$BS�l�i�i�C�3.� C�S'B C�Y1t�P"a WP3f��& � rrnee� all st�.te �equir�rr��rats perrr�i�ed conditsoccally. � 6Limited tcs ;round-fl�ior ievel az rnultg-f�aly p�-ojects, not to exceed 1(f% af to�l gross squar� feet. 'Only �a�°k-�ncf-ride and ath�r trar►s�t-r�tated facili�ies permieted eo�ditionall}�. kt�dtine nc�tes propos�d chaa��e from�:cisting Gode; ��t n�ee5 eliminataon of p�ovisior�frnrri��rc°ene code. .�PV;�,ce��' Ro�sidentgral.�o�e�a�g 13�.rPrfcl� (l)raft l: 1S/A�) ,� 18.5.�0 040 ll�a�ai�rett�t�aaet.��arxar��nt�+e�rsiBi�.s A. P��s�. 'T1a�puc�����'this s�ta��a��tt����lash e�i�isrnirxaa�aad�ta�aa�;a�'��siti�� � bn ��ch resade�tAal�i�r►H�g di��a�t �'�,���a�t�����t'��a a����y��a��+�,������� ,.,,, �, ., , - envisioae�dn.Ah� e��r�a�ari���ctensr���bl�sh�� �li� c�al��ag �oa� d�+���perp��t;er� c�e�n �ona:°.� 6�1SdP9C�b��d �f1 S79fi11H61RU9Y! I49� 3iZ�: 1°a'��isu� that proj�ccty dev�l��� a�:,or n��r th�d�ns��3+�c�vasi�ca�c��'s�r���q��,th�,rnaauaau�ra dce�saBy fc�r���ln;zcs�stg��ys�sACt �� �e�� �st�blish�d�� $4°fQ:�f z�a�i�au�:der�s�egi, . . ' L�e NI'se�irnur����aaci�nxayra�3�nsitf��.,`T�t��aaeaar�a��cxt arad��ire�a��a�ea�sa�i�� ,., , p��afl�d � �ach a°�sad�n�a�a6 zc��aea��dis�ri€t i��Sr�s����d�a,'�abj� �,�,�14,2 bgla�vr�� ��',�n����� ti�''INIr�1lI�P�l1V�i 1�lfllt�d)�°1!'Sl�'.��� ��NE D�°N�SI�' 1�P�'1�'�s9�°II.�' lalE'?°.r��",R� GRfD�SS r��R� .�+0�'�IZE' �'A��'��' 14Ik'1�J' 19� ��g,� �'d.-2 �.o�r '143,Q€�t� 20�/0 �.4 1.7 2.� Tt-3.� �.��r $A,OC10 20°/'0 2.� 3.5 �$.�€ R-�.5 I.a�v 7,500/S,C�O(?� �0�/a 3.7-4.5 4.6-'�00 S.$�8.7 �.-7 I��diutYn 5,0a0 2Q°!a �.� 7.0 $.7 �n 12 ��divaa� 3,050 �Se/n 3.6 12.0 1�0.3 �.�25 �t��iusn-I-Ii�h %,�1�0 3�% �Q.Q 25.0 Z3e4 �-40 He�fi Atone 1�% 30.0 �i+ane I�7o�ae '�ssum�s e1�a�asn�Yic►n o£d�nsi�y tcansifkoa2 r�s�cair�r�ents im se�gion 18.40.1�40,ar oth�reB�is� ir�fil� sit�s wjll nev�e be abi� Yc� b� de��lt�ped af �ese densiei�s. Z��cpress�d �� sq�are f���. 3Percenta�e desiu�t�d fa�oraa �r�ss for r�adv��ys ar�d eas�m�nts;r�et a�r� r�p��sents a►c�ca�lly hua�d�bi�-l�nd. 'E.��ressed ir� c�vv�lli�� aanit� (��a�. �i��.iple•�es al�o��ed o� 10,Q�D0�square fao� lots, or 5,(300 squa�e feet p�r unit; tda� r��e �vas ca�l�cula�ed tsy a.ssumin� ali 5,000-sq, f�. �.atcd ail 7,500�sq. f�, lats C. Adiusiara�attsw A.ppl�ca�ats aa���requ�s2� �dja�stm�cat wfla�a�,b+�cac�s�o��h�siz�o�th� 31t�Od' fl�Il��'�0[1SLY°'dTPl�y I� �S R1C2t �AOS31R7E� &� B�COtTIiTlUd�t�I�18 pYU�(�Ttt00.3�I%1'A�ItB'1631'Al der�sii� �s �equired �y "ti'abl� A 5.51�.2 arad stil� comply ��rith all of th� d��+etop�aYe.r�� sta,�dards am th� u�d�:r�ying zo�i�� d'asi�iet, as ��ntained i� 'Tabl� 18.5103 belowe Such an �d��s?m�nt may be�r�ea��a�hy �aearis�f a T�pe I pa��e�uc�$a§ �csrr�n��d by S�ctiora I 8.32i3.03(3� usan� approval cr�te�a in Sectiora 1$.3I0.%�,�:, R�!ised.�esi e�rtia��e�rair�$ istPicts (l➢sa t 1 r �/ 7) �—� 1�.S.P�0�� �aa�welesp�a���Srax�a�a.�� �. �i����,��t�c�'ir+��a�ai�d ��,,�� de�r�t�p��W� ��:i� �e��rapl�•-wi� �lt,:�� �m�:���ac�#�� • ��v�lc�pm�r�t s��d�rds ic� ��nta�.�d r,� th� t���e�Qyi�� �iiin� dasq,���,�ac�e�at ����� �a� �ppli�saat h�s`��1G���. �r�ra�a�.��..��9������ ;� ��^���!����. 3,�!�� ���:..� 1�,3,1� �a►d.: 1�,��00 _ . d3ie �'�tl����f�'IG.� v._'tl+c�fr�H;K ;'';�•5Y �U'JH'v�(�•.a:.i� , , �q-_gr,, ai i.•, i i ../:•: . �.';.•:�'� . �d,�}�'' �d,,�'+4`�Y�.'..�r. �./�..H/if�'i����i: �/�•.di 'es %�</n i:iii'T, �����--�,��,$������,��$�.:�����,�'b.:,,;� �'r'� ��1����.� ��'�.Ld�F.l�..��1�`a�°�' �°.� �`��e�' ��1�.�� 0�.e..d.�. 51�1�ird1)�►� - ! SR-� l�b9� iB�.$ T_"�d 6 � - - --- - .@. i S�� �8.�d 3e� ;P.4� Sx� 1:.5�� se��fl�.�2 MlSBBlXli1t51 �.SIB �1� ( �.• ' L7c3�c� t�3E € 2�,0(��q.fc. ��,f�Sq.� 7,S�A.�,�. $,12���o d*�. a L3capl�x�� - ! ip.�yq.fG ��,OL�xq.�. � -�tt,��h�i aaruts l t S fi�3 .�8. e�.v��e I+Qi�. ���'1Aix� � �. - 3�ea�� ��nic Ic�� iQ0 fc, ! 6�fe. �0�i. �q fa. -3�u fl�a � �¢ta�ched caaaie lo�s �, 9�➢ft. 90 �,� ��'. , ��.xiaaai�a I..ot C�v�r� � � �(�� 2 l�ts�sas�axaa 5e�be�� , + � � -��cs�C y�xc� �9 fc. 20 ft. 2.�3 �. �S f2 - �ad�fecin� s��&�s� ; cmr�������loas �A fx. �Q fe. i !S:L ` 10�"s. -Ss"d� ;�ard 5 fL �fc. � �k. S;�. -R���ard 2.�5 fa. 15 ft A:S:� 15 ft� � - Sac����r��y� �b�erin� , anmr� r�stsiseiv�aor�ire�d'astrflcc � 3t3�k. - �s�n�ce betvve���rr�rsy line � �d fro�,t af e � 20�e. 20 ft. 20:¢. 20 k�. �€axi�aur� �%�a h� 3��. �ff�. 3Q�t� ���. � Ahi�a�t I�ncfsc Fte �.�reaa�eaat �68 � • [ll �ingl�-t�r�aly attac�ed re.�idca�zal uaits peim.itt.e��t crn�c3�r�liing pe•los wath no�ao�th�a f v� att��hed uants in Q��gaotap�in�. � C2j �a�coverx�e iancivaies aIl bui3darags and i�p�.x�aoas sair�'a��s. � t� .. � � � � � d9 � � � evss�d Rest eratial orri�� cs:rsct� ra t l: .�/ ) � --�-� �. . ��"'��"��'��,5�0 3 �.�Y✓.EL�P�IE�',��°.?�1��`l.�dA�IlV 1t��SSa►��'1V?'�i��OIVE�S (�'!)t�i''�'} S'��A����i ��12 If-7,5 ..___��o.�—- ' Saa �.54 ,�„�5ee l�.56 �� 1 .�� 1@����J� ��°�Q1'�a» I�I�'�4[J* 3F'L9U'��° �l�e7'� ���t1L�fs* Ar�iniraaat�t E.�� �'sxe . � T��t�h� unit �,€�50 sq.!� 3,Q30�.tt. Pe4��l:.g,�d. �,0�sq,ft, I�d�ete l�ana � �r unt8 � p�r u�tid � pe.�u�t -Att�ch�d a��ait� . 1,A���q S�. �'rn� � f5aapg�s��ss �,14�0 sq.f�cse l�l'a�a� 3,��f3��.�J�as�IIB a�o�e�a�e a�l�i�n�.�s�z��n ��eess� 6!�D:� .P.v�r� �.M°ansna�t t'�iid�h Pdone _ 1��ne Ydee�� i I+T��� �'��� 3���d ll�ini�uan Setb�cks -�roeac y�a� 2.0�t. XS�'L 2Q t�. X�€� ��ft� ➢S�. - S�d� f�i�g sare�e v� f co��a��t�hacae��g�6ots 2d f� 1��. 2U tt. { fl0 ft. �q�t, I43 f� m Saa����� l�ft. ; .��.[9� la 9 c.- : �k'a.(I.� i�� ' S fe.(E� �R�r�� ?�(3 fG 1S fc. 201 a, �5 fa, 2�fc. I5 tt. -59de�c r�a��a��ts�atai�a��r�re s���s2�vas ��nn��d��a�� ��f�, 30€�. . 3�P 1 t� 3�f�, �5 ft, 3��� � 17i�c�atie� �tvv�xxn pr��re� Sa,�e� 6 �r�d��xc cs�' � � 2E��t, 20 ft. ?€B f�, i 20 f�. i �0 ft. ���. i�•rcimea�s E�ei t �S ft. 35 f� �5 4 t � �&S�S. 6�D�. 64��. �iaxa�nuaa I,csc�vec�a � 2 ��%a �0� �0 �� �(3 � �0 56 8�°� I�iirea�tuxaz L..a�d��a� �.�s�uis��cnt 2�� 2C �fb 20 •�� �i� '� 20 � 2� 9� �1;�s�ps c�is �hh�%! t�a�e �,pp1p tcs�h�e��.e� on�e lot 9in�oa w�asY� th� �a�8� ��atE��iv�i [2j �,sa���er���� i�a��t��� �l.l bs�i�d'an�s ��ad 3a�p�r�r�o��sta�����. '" R�aa12�pS��ff�Iy d��c�l��xa�u�xat �'� Sicag;le��aca�ly d�1�S,a� ur�i� r � � R 8 & w .��a���'Reai endi�a e?'anf�ag tricYS� ( rarft o 3!! ) � I�e�l6 06Ei �aa,��f��aaea�B�1 el�e��ai��foses [The �c�e�5ultiea� tearra n�eds ���'f'dice�tion �n ehi$ se�eic��, which �s�!nsc�li��tes ih� last • ��at6a�� af���h �o�ring d'estcict. �Jp�ee�s�� includ�: � 1. Cre�t� a �ble by za�nin� district+.�hich s�ot�s �w�ich �eg�al�ti�sn�sct2a�C6y�pp?y. Fe�r ea��ra�p[�� �aa�gle�f�,ni9�a �ad duplesc u�ajE� �r� ex�mg�t $'ro� �i�� d�si�� r�vE��r, �c��ss/���s� rsquar�e�e�e►!s; �nd t�-2, �.5 ��d 405 fraer� l�ndse�psn$ P�qaei��¢a���sts. Oth�rvri��, th�re A� a�� ��az�t ee dc� � �bl� a�'��✓�ry ��Il is �hc�k�dy 616�6 �Sp �v��y r��ulat#r�ca cQ�alci �p��sly. 2. Jaa�t cre�t�� l�dbndra• Ies�of e��a°y p�g���ial ch�p��c•�hich migfit a�apiy. Oc�o��haua�„ �'!6S iS E�lC 61YL19'!�$�e �crc��.• reF�r�ea ixsv a"��. vE�y aa.ma a�..,�.s a-_. �__a L_ 1_1_ n S°--------5--°�,. .y.o \d6i6Ld 6da7C6dy i»iaey c�aezasee utc isx�r�c CDY c�nt�nts b�ccac�s�w�de�r�°t�xpc�t tf��applAC�t�o r�vie�v�lf af th�s�s�ct'sons,d�w�? 3. �,9�e�inat�mit�i�cthee�d ja�s�hav�54���rxA���th��a�npli�ant m�xsg�pp1y�to all ap�lacabl� se�d�ad� in �his titl�.j A�,��c.st�e�ret dw�a�re�aa�ao�e d���saP��eq¢eir�arata��s (2'a �°iar�,�d��1�3.���' '�'h� �i��c�ar as �cethcaasx�d.�a� �c�t �•�dj��a��iti.t� th� rnaraarts��a x�sid��ta�➢ a���sity a�qu�r�����dr� Y�.51�D.�Oy ����S�S CD4� II'��S°i 6�FICPC��LH��:y�.S�OV�i�LB�CD U°� 5�:320.0�0 �S �t3���9R/S: � 1. �`o� d��a�le�pxx��n��n �.a�a �n�ll si�e as fQtla�wsa a. In �� �t�12 �c�rae, s��es of.�7{ �.cre�r;sm�ller. b. ii� �h� 1�.-25 zone, set�s of.75 �cre or��naller. c. Iaa �tZe R-40 zos�e, setes of.�C acc��e seaa�ll�r. 2. ��r d�ev�taprrt�nt ora sites lac�er�haa�4h�r��ont�.ir�ed in 1 a6av�, ef th� apptic�t�fan deratc�r���s�t� by cz���ra� o� d�tail�d sit� p�«n t�aat th� sit� is sca �o�stsagned �trsg �h� pcoQ�rti��ezel 5h�r���Uy�reqa�ir�ci rrai�i���d��asity ca�aa�mt b�presvid�d arzd stiil a�ec� aly at'�� d�v�I�Q�ene 5tarzdards in ttae urid�slyxng zon�. 3. Tce b� ��ed a� ad�us�craeret in �ath�r � or 2 aEscive, th� �ppl�can�ra�ust demonstrate that Yhe �xa�ict�aaan naszx�b�r of r�side�atial ureits �re b�in� prs�vided wvhil� co�p��ing with all ap�alicable rle�elapenenc sta.nd�rds in t9�� un��t�ying zone. Ther� is nmthin� in �lae� s�c�on which precl�sdes an appticant for ap�lyi�g t� �vari�ce or adj�sf�nent to �h��e dev�loprn�mt standa�ds, as �aver�ned by Cha�t�r� i�.3 t 0 ar►d 1�.32Qe �va�er6 Ress era�+fe� �o�img Distrkcts (13ra t 1: 3/ ) ""°°"""'"°°'""°'� t�ti��a,aa9d�is is be�ause it rvill r�qac�a+�s�.�a�a�tan��f�ddiBa�a�1 s�d�ads tile�ch�ps��s�s�c�x� r�z��. 2a [��a�pplA�cioa cmanpleee?.'�t�e�st���ta��t� ' r is to¢evi�t��ppti�s¢i��fou ° �ar�pl��wit�a the ' aeatts fsac�b��fl. �'A�as�a.��ppli�,a�is t�b� ' �at'� - _ d�ci�n�i�.'��pp9ie�caos�i�r��t to 6� easx�p��t�Yar ' 's�t�e rerriee��o�pprame�e d�rey 9HRit31 It S3 81R i:W1RR��l�ft�. TL�9 th�c upon�r acv%�t�p�tati��e a�g�: �. �1�tr���i��te r�i�►r��rd em ch��fle��z��g¢h�s nanme�ua�d��"a�¢�irs���� �+a•�r 6 i�cb�i�s s,adip�w�ai�h�,r�o��I�e s�t�,�.�r�;Ar m���"�pl�ea�rs k��sisie��si��i� �g����ah�s����esa�q��ti�y�f�rr�t�. �. D���a�3���d�a�F�d �a�a�f S�e p� si�a�f�gra 3. �t��al���pl�e�?�T����a�vi��f she�pp�g����a��it�ea�ei �r�p�l i�� e��1��aaw s��oe�m�a.m s.._�, • s._ ,�a,,u:�xaa�vaxxae:�a a�'aa°s aa�6K7¢�Epd��A� �99a'�����'e�8��18�1dl���L1fj�B&.'�°��� d�asnc�n. F��°ca�1a��t1��t3a�y ar�s�g��� `t°2�p�ie�i�it�iG��� ��eht pla�ear is��t��a�e�t�ta his t�n a���e�of 9aph�afld��i�x�c�aa�i��'hi��atic���rh�et� t�t i��pr��c�°�f�Ita�ri���.t noS f�d. �. l�iu6���the��ing wTa�c!¢t2r�d�d��d ax��h�Qi�.23�.7:�0 p.�. 19�Jb _ �. Cc�cx�ndes�� �3�1o+6�bda7 A.IG$����Ss�a1l6A8�bd81�1YSf47i� � �.4���Zly b7�/�d9�8,Lq �p 1�3'/��L�yBP,'Pe 1�9'7p�f�S9 YIfl���9��S�d�@�i�� °�i F�S'�EBS�d����Q:�. ��}��t,'E'1�Q$�'�`�y'EY�il�18�D d�4�$,.���89�� ���"��Z�B� ���e. (1,����-���o ��� �yy ��g��°�s��t���� i��°r. �a°f tteen�oaa� ° ��r��p�s��e�a�b�tr���pp&i�as��.r%M�,FJ���l�a. i�V��f�zx ��app�ae��a��h���3s�e�s�n aaa��r��a�tPac s�iaa t�I��3 �.Ivtic. Ite���,as st�2�g����h���a�xx���+e����i1 t� " ' �th��r�a�n�t �n fea�ats a��ly��t�s�l�a�ll�it� t� ' �1`�� �i��ti�� a��d b�so d��c�e��to�s��egfl�i�fic���fi�8��fl��o�,a ax� �han�so�t�e� �P���ts @r�t�qu�ta�a�s h�no3 x� to. y��f�r ys�as��a�. ���12y . �� 'T��a�ta� ��3ra���� Q�� i H��(� � d�E'i�9i��V'� 5�d�e���a'�d���lA�� a� ����� 1 iMf�� 1 � � � � �� � 9 �� �6�..R� �� ����L� �9�8 tl 1—D� Ad/����s �� ���� a"''6�P�b��L�, �� ���•. ����L,�P���I� ���'�1C� ����i�1���4N ����). t�� 1����j��min t�rr�� i� �a�poma dailYl �L �� �� � �� ��.� ;�wht:���;��.,�:���:�n: :��:��a�o��cc��u��::��: :,<��..�...;., � '��� ���� � � ���t��S� �:����������:: �='�1��.� :.�,����°�� (�F��I���`;1�4��Y� :....:.,.xi�,. :.>;;�,.�. ...,,� .�;�;��:� ��:�:.���'�:;.,.;�; .� . � ,. ' !���.� e��t� ���ya' :'o��� , e�" + � I��a,Y •v g > �p � �o �"`���` '��/C�° �y :P /,�'�r. �� ,��,� �lc�� .��� a�'�' , t� O �`�� `�M�"a""" �d'� V�a �ifi'(l�Va.��(6°o� ' � Q P 1 .g d i+',( ���~av 6D /` Em^O �� /�� ��.�'Lf��G,�4�'��.e.. �d1'P ���� ;�'�.sB�!�""°' � ,,,�'��� e ,�''y - � o � � i �i I ��.r � �j'° (" � � (�+a� � � � �,� : 7 .��t�,=� ��-���' 1.��� �� � � �.�,�.. � • �.� � ,,� � �,�� '°� � � � �,�� , / � �6 .,P�s� �•a�•�,��,� � �, � � � ��`��' 1 �.:��` r,G,d L�G��,Ct1..G� �r'� 'd'"' :� � .�--�°� �°�"J'C.;. C�••-�'`�> Iw'�.11 (.� U ! '�/�%^�i°.11�f�,ea�'�l% v V4./ ° � � (�eA3 � �; .a:s� �'��-� �.'<� i�,�� ���,�� �'� �'� �;�b� �-�-��/vv'° �,� �,���t� �.I l'�''� i�� t -� �� �. ��"�° �.,��`�' � � -� �' ��"--�.� � � x� �. �.�- " �1 �' � t�� � : '�.' c� � '' "f G'��,�- � �? � i �,�, V fwnipt .� f V.e...� � 7 .�- �°��!i �.-'`�L�_'� .�e'�4"s� °�7".7�° �� � a�i�.Go€l���1 _ e+ . A . �� a o' ������ �F � E�D�D ���m���� �(I�I�(�� L�P�6� �A�1"i3'i��l ���P) 97�U�0�, ��`�������� �ona��a¢y�es�efopeBesu ������������ ���.`�°��°'�� S3ca�.��t¢srCoirunrmntje s� -�..����, �el���l�o,��'IOh� .'S1.��9�F3,Y ��a���o � _ �t� l��/�F-I�..P��7��I��C.�4� ��r�e�r I��s�d ������ &l�t.� ���p0�� PR�P(7SAL. 'Th� �ppB��r�t ha� r�c���t�d t� p�rt�i�ro �r�� (1) parc�� t�f 1.02 �c���; int�thr�� (3) �ar��l� �fi�,��1�, �4,��0 a�d i�',017 ����r����t ���p��to�s�ly. A�PLI�AW'T: ��. f�il�s f��wni�g � �R: f��. �e�r��hy �h�� 9��� ������ar��ld �tr��� "d 164�Q S�6if�r��r�b�r� ���� �°ig�rd, �� 9722� 1 i��rd, i,�t 9?223 �t�M�����N�6�/� �'�� ���i�C���°��►�o E..�� o�����#y ���id���i�l; "�—� �VVC�II9P1� i.JFii$� ���A��E.'. ������ �������1'���: ��;�id�c�#ia�, 4�.5 ��it� ��r Acr�; R�a.S. °�'h� 9�-�.� Zc�ez'sr�� 6�a��r��� ,��6c��� L�wa ��r��b#y �7���c��d, �i��9�-Far�ily Ft��i��r���. ° ���,��'��N: �16J0 SVi/C�reenb�rg R��d; WC"i"iVl 1 S13 a�C, �a,x Lo4 067QQ. ���������� ��I��l �i�l�°��9A; Cc�rr�m�r�itg+ O�evelopm�nt C�ad� ���pt�r� 1�.3�, 1�.50, '9�.92, 1�.1 A0, 1�.�02, 'C 8.1 Q�, 1�.'9 6� �r��9 °i�.�64. r� � � �..��' �.�° ���I���t� � ,� � — � �V�s#i�� �� h�r�by giv�n t����6�� �ity��Tig�rc� �ornr�un�y D�vei�prr��nt Dir��tor's d��ign�:. w � has���R4V�C3 fih� �b��e req�est s�bject to r�nd�tians �f appr���{. The findir�g� a�d cc�ncl�s�i�r��an whi�h �he d��esion is b�s�d are not�d i� Se�2iar� Oil. r yC'jTIC�OF A.4AER�pED DEClSlON MI.P 97-UQ02-DOW�dIPDC9/�f�{N F'�4R1'1'f7()Bd P�G�9 t , � . �.���I����� �� �������� �. P�.IC)�T'� ���OR�ING T'H� F8�9�L P'L44"�, `i'FI� FO�.��7�'BN� �4{N��'Td0�9S �+��A►L8��� �ATI��I��a �Ur�f��� ���r°a�oi�� rr��cl� ��s�����t������8i b� �a���� ���er i�a �� �a���r���r��g ����c��n����3) �����'��a ,.. 1. Prie�r �e� �pprov�i �� �he �in�i plat, � p�a�lic as�pro��s���t �errmi$ �s�d e�rr�p@i��c� a�r��c���� i� r���air�d �f�r �hi� pr�g�€:t. Fiv� �5) set� of det�il�d p�bli� i�raprcav�ment pla�� �r�d p�c��l� ����g���i�n �ra�ing� �h�19 b� ��b�i�t�d �o� pr�0ir°r'in�ry4 r�di��v t� th� �r�g��ae�ri�g ��par�m�r�t. On�� r�dlir�� camnner�t� a�� �ddres��d �nd th� plans �s�� r��a�p±, �h� ���i�� �n�ir�e�r ���4a ��e� �eabs�i� �ie�h� ��� ��ts �f r�vi��� �r��ec��� ��d ��� (�� Qfi�rs�°s��� �r���te�s��i�r� ���t�stir��t� f�r���6 r�vi�w �r�d �pp�o���. ��SOT�: �h��e ���r�� �r� i� to ��y dr�w9ns� r�quir�d by t�i� �e�ildi�g C�i�6�e�� ��� �hoe�id �r�9y i��l�d� ������ ��i�v��t �� p�b@ic im����em��t�.) i�u�66� irv�pr��err��r�t pla�� �h��6 �or�f�as� �ca Cf�y �fi '�g�rd �ub68� l�provem�nt ����gs� S#�r���r�s, �hi�h �r� av�ii�ble �t �6�y+ H�il. �. �� � p�st ��the ��b6i� �r���������$ pl�n �ubm�tt�l, th� �rac�i���r��g ��p�r�e��n� �M�II b� pc��a��d l�J6�6� f�i� n�r��, �ddre��, ae�d t�l��h�ra� �unnb�c ea� th� 9h�C�C6�idll�I o� �c�rpo��t� ��t� �f�ca �vi18 �e r��p����bl� f��������6rag th� ��ae��aii�re�� �gr��mer�# �r�rS pr��iding �h��r����i�! �s����r��for th� pu�ali�i�nprca����r�t�. �. �r�y ^��W���;� e�-�9t� �atiliiy ���ern�nfi� sh�ll b� ghe r�sp�r��sE�ilot� aff�h� ��pii�arat to ob��in �nd �hall be subr�a4��� �o, �nd ��c�g���d by��� City ��ic���o cca�s�tr��tac��. 4. �ddi�ior�al �ght-��w�y �haiB �� d�dic�ted 4o th� P�abli�alar�g th�frr�n#�ge rsf�`,�'92nc� A��nu� to i€�����se th� right-o�w�� (R�V1� ta 25 fi��t fr�rr� th� �:r��eriio��. A F�C�1�4 r�eli�a� r�� 25 ��e� �hali �I�� b� de�i��c�� a� fh� i�st�r���fia� �� ��J g2ns� �����ae �r�d �VV ��e�r�a�srg 2aad 4� provid� ���rri for �h� ��rb r�t�rr�, �ie3ew�f�, ��d �h��lchair � ramp. Th�se d�di�tions sF�all b��h�a�rr� �r� th�f�ce a�f Yhe �n�i pla�. 5. Th� �p,�iicant �h�ll �or���rcg�t �t�nd��d t���f�"!e} �tr��t impr�vera����s �I��g �h��rs�r�'��g� �f SV�92e�d Av��it��. °T'h� impr���m�nt� �dj�cea�t t� this �it� shall inciud�: �. Gi�r stanciard pav�men�s�ctic�r� frc�¢n c�a� io ��r�#�riis�� equ�E �c� 16 f��t; b. p�v��-r�ent ��p�rs ���d�;d t� t�� tE�e na�r imprc���m�n# back i�t�s fih� �xi��irag �dc�e of�avemenfi shali b� b�ilt ��y9nd th� si�e fre�n��g�; G. C1;P�; d. �tarm dr�ir�ag�, �ncf�din� �ray �f��ige s�arrr� drai��g� r��;r.�ssasy t� ��r��ey ���s�r�'a�� sv��fE; �. a five (5)-fioo� concr�te aid���fk; g. stree�t striping; g. �tr��8light� a� d�t�rrr�in�d by th� �sfiy �ngin��r; h. �nd�rgro�nd u�ili4i�s ��lC�TE: t�� �ppdir.��t t��y be �iig's�l� tr� pa� a fi�� ia��ii�u af undergro�nci�ng �xis�br�g o�erhead utiliti��); a. �tr��� sigr��; . ;. dri`tevv�� �pr��� (if applir�ble); �nd r��Tic�a�,�nn�►���p D�c�siov� �t.�s�-osao2-r�o�nnaa�isw�w�a��rmo�a ����a . , , � k. �djust��r�ts sn ve�tir.�l �nd/�� horiz�n�a! allgns��r�t �o c�nstruct S�! 92�d �ven�e �af�ly, a� a��r•�v�d by�h� �r�gin��rio�g C?�p�rt�r����. �. �h� �pplic�nt snali pB�ce � j�int driv�w�� ����rn�r�t �as� �h� final p6�� t� 8�di�t� ��y sh�r�d drivew�ys. '�. �"h� a��!aw��# ���lo �,���6�i a per�°'n �'r�ar� fi�� i�aai�tin �al�ey VV�fi�r �i�#�i�t �or 4�� pre�pos�d �+o�t�r c�r�ne�tion� p��r 4cs i��a��r�ce of th�: Cit}�'s public imp�ov�m�nt p��nit. �. T�� �ppii��t°s pra�po��d �t�e� dr�in�g� d��igr� �h�ll b� r��i�we� �¢�d �pp�€�v�d b� �h� �:�fiy prie�r fid ����trt9�a�n. �. �n ����ac�� ��rs��r�� pi�� �h�!! b� p6�vi�aed a� pa���tF�e ��bi�� 'sr��r���rn��#dr�wlr�g�. 1"h� pla�r� ���I€ ����� tm "�rs��i�n �e•����tis�� �o�d ��da�s�r�t ���trfl! �far�� - �S'�P���B�i �a�Eda�n�� �-i�r�db���, ��hr��ary 199�". 10. �'h� �ppli�r�# �E�all �'sth�r p9��e the ex��t9ng overh�a�d uti�i�y iir��s alang SW 9�r�d �Av�na�e uc�d�re�rra�:n� �� � p�rt o� �hg� proje��, �r th�y �hal! p�� the f�� in�li�� of ur�d�rgr�aundinge �h�f�� shal9 b� �acul�ted ��t���-oc�gag� c�f�t�� �it�th�� 9� p�r�6l�I ��4h� ��iP��y a�r��� �r�d �il6 b� �:�'�.�t3 p�r Iar���i�o�t. If��� f� r�p�a�n e� �i�c����, � �h�i! b� p�i� pri�ae ts� r�cc�rdin� �i`tF��fo��E p��t. 11. ��r��6 Pl�t,�ppl����iz�� ��bmis�io� ��qu�r���r���: �. Thr�� �3) rrtig�9�r cc�pi�� �f fih� par��ts�� p6�� pr�p�r�d �� � lar�d ��rrr�yor Ii��D���t�a �� pPc"���iC�' iil �PE?g0�8, ��� ����:��a�d�t� a�r narrati�r�. b. Th� p�rfi�ic�� �9�t �nd d�f� c�r ��rr�8i�a� ���I! �� d��a�rs� to th� �i�i��a►� �tand�rc�� ��#tar#h by t�� t�r��c�r� €����s�d ���#ut�� (�R� ��.05}, �4V��hirt��e�� �s�t�n�j, ��d by�h� �ify �f°iig��d. �. Th� r��ht-e�f way d�di�ti�n f�r S�/ 92nti Aven�a� �hali b� rr��d� �� the pa`ti�ic�r� pd�t. 12. Th� T'��latir� �l�il�y Fir� Dis�rict revi�:rn��ci ghi� applic�ticar� �nd ���t�;d th�t ��� pl�r�� w�re .l�t �ppro��d. Pla�� r�fl�cti�� th� ch�n��� li�ted ►�nder �he ag��cy ce�mrn�r�f�° ��cii�n t�f thi� ��pea�t �h�ll b� subrnitt�d ��a th� �'�al�fiir� �'al6ey �=ir� Di�tr�ct. C0�6T�GT: ��n� �irchill, �'uala�in 96alley F�r� i��strict {5f�3) 526-24�6�. 13. The �pplicant �ha91 pr�vid� a ��r��t ���� plar��irac,�. �i��. Th� ��p[i��� �h�f� �I�� b�ra� for s�r prov9de an�1P1�r ac��t�ble fiorr� of as�ar��� �or th� p��r�ti�� af ��re�� f�ses. The stre�t �r�es �hall b� pla�t�d p�or tc� th� r�leas� of th� bQ��. Y�'h�re pa�ssible, exi�ting tre�s tha# are tc� b� preserv�d may seive �s #h� r�q�ir�d street tr�� �I�ntirg�. STe4FF Cfl�lT'A�°f: 1llark R���rt�, P{�nc�ing Divi�ion (�CD3� 639-4171. P!@'�E�E O�6�PNl�PJDED DECISIOM �ALP 97-OOU2-C1taWNING/SFUlVY PA�tTITIOtd PAG�3 e � : ��. 'Y"h� �ppli���at ����! r�vi�� �h�; p��i�i�� �I�� �� �iim6n��� �he pr�vaf� �tr��t. 'f�� �p�pb��nt rna� pr�v6�� �� ���e�� ��dd�� uQi6it� e���m��# fpr L�4 � ir��t��d afi s�ir��tf� ������ing ��lV 9��� �v��u�. ��°�F6� ��N°i"�C'T°: AAllark F�c�b�rts, (�i�r�nir�g I;���i�i�� ���3� 6�9�'9 71. R�I�R T'� i��IJ�IV�� �3� ��I�,��IV� �� �°T'�, T�� ��LL���� ��8���°fl�PV� ���,G,�����'i��'���. 9�e F'P��r to i�saa���� �f btaole�i�� �S��iQ� o� ��i� ���, $�� ���i����� ���61 c�b��i� � �@t� E��r�� �t�� t�� ���I�i�� �l�vi�s�� �� ����� �fl ����ing f�►• ��a� ie���, �4! a�M�it� ������ �atiiifiy 6n�t�ii��i�r� (��f��, ��w��, �t��, �t�.)H �nd �I1 dri�e�ay ��r��t��tic��. ��}��'�: ��i� p��g� �� ����r��� #r�� ��°� p�rr��� i��u�d b� 4t�e �s�g�����a�� ��p��fm��t for w�� i� �@�� ��bli� �i�h�maf�a�e} ��. "�� �ppQ���t �h��! pra�id� �h� Er�g6����e� ��p������ ���t� ��� ��i) r�����d r�yl�� ���0� �fi t�� p�rtiti�s� �I��. ��. �'�6s�s° �� �����r��� ��' �ny �tasld��g p��i�� a�iti��r� #���� ��c�j���, �h� pu�Ei� ����rov������ ��9�1�' �b� ���f�l�t� ���St�81�l��I� C�P��I�t� F�f�3� �4� ���i6���E. �������#6�B ��r►�p6�t��s� a�1��B ����t��B: 1. �IB ��dl��ie� �r� ir����11�d a�d �������d fcar ��m�lga��, fr��i�di�g fr��ichi�� tJ��li$6��; 2. �BI f�cal r��od���i�! �tr��t� ��y� ����a��s��� !i�e+����hai�, 3. a�roy taff�ite �t���t ��d/c�r�fs9�ty ar�pa�s���m��t� �r� ��m�ai�t�6y��i�h�d; a�d �. �41 str�e� lighf� �r� in�t�i6�d ��d r��d��s� �����rgi��d. °��. �r��� �� (��a���t�� t�f t�� b�ildQng p��s�t� f�r L��� � �a�d �, �he ��p�9�e�� s�s�i� p�y �he �t�nd�ro1 �v���r qu�li�g�� �f�1��.0� p�r I�t. . �9. Fl�g 6�� ������ �er���ing �h�lf �� pr�v9d�d �I��g ��� ��€��ted p�rtior�� �fi �h� ������ ����rr��r��. �°���F �C3�d`T��T: ��rk R�b�rt�, F'i�n�ni�g �b°�i�6�� �5��� �3���71. � � '��I� �Q.P�F��'��L. SFiA��.��'V"�►�.I� FO�L 1� M�?}IVT�� � - ,�., ���� T�� �F����°I�� �A'Y�CJ��'�1� �E�1�9��R. � � � � _�°��C�� 91i: �A����� ��.� ��°i(�� � �a�� F�i��c�r�� L� � TI�� �i�� 6� pr���r�tly d�v�l��ed with a det�ch�d, s9ng���fa�ily r��ider��� ��d g�r���. �'h� ��fi� h�� �ppr�x6rv�ately � fv� {5) ��rc��t �lop� t��v��ds S�! �r����ur� �c�ac�o °�F�� �it� h�� Baec��, r��t�re fir tre�s through�ut �he �e�r�ior� �fi th� psop�rty t�at �� f� b� d�v�i�p�d. `Th� ��pli�a�t �Y�fi�s th��t iVir. �haw plant�d th��� tr�e� y��rs ��r� �� th� pr�ap�rty. �OQTlCE�F�/9�PiC?EO��(:1:IpPI h9LF 97-OOQ2-C�Jl+l9PJGIStil1W E��R�il'fC38�9 ��a4a'�4 � Os� A�I�r�h 27, ��97 th� �it�� E�s�s�d � ���i�i�n t� �pp�ov� Miner L��d �'�r#itio� 97-OOA2 s��l�j�ct �� G��dition� og �ppr���l. �e����� � n�w pri��4e str��t w�� pr��o��d �� ��ror� the p�rt6�i�n, th� l�r�d ��� d��a��aa� �sth�r �h�uld ha�� b��n s��c��� �� � �O9�jor L�r�� P�r�6tion �r ���� r���ir�d � a��i�a�� f�r �r� ����s� �����?��r �,,�� �� ���°����a�� �r ��F��r ��c��t�bl� a��th�d f�r th� la�� th�� ��� b�i�� cre�4��. Th� a�pii���t h�� r���s��t�d th�t the �on�r L�nd ���tlti�n be r��is�ca�� �ith r��i��d ��¢�daticans �f�p�r���! ���t r�fl��t� th� 9imi��tr��� ea�F a� V'�ir��ar L��� F��rfists�sr�. F�r �h��� r����s�s, �n a��nd�d ���o�i�� C��� b��r� d���s�d b�s�d �r� th� �ri��ri� ��t fc�r�h ��� �ppr�v�i ��� ARir��ar L�nd P�r��t6c��. �°s ���.�' �Y'�� � 1;�� �3��c�i��i�t7� �°he �ppii��r�fi pr��ao��� �� d�v�l�� �P�� �r��� t��t w�r� pf����d �i�h fr tr��� �si�h � �rAV�fi� ��r��t ��� ���lifo�� iea c�rd�r t� d���l�� tt��c� ��� ��r� ����9�-���ily, ��t��h�d r��it��n���. �'.���..L�� ���.��,��� R��v� C��`��� �.�� ����L.�A9��� �V6°f F-9 ��(e��t��ll°t�° ��li�Lt°��M��!'°�° Ct)�� ���°i°'!C)��: ' ��..�., �a���o ����ic�� °��0��,�5� ����s ��°�� ��pl's��r�t�h�.16 ��th�����caf��l9� ������ �s�� � w�a��������s� f�w ���a1s� �a��s�-����e�y ��di��t�s�s�� �� �r���d� �via��ra�� ���� ��p��� �h�t th� ��a� pr�����r ������t��r� ��q�asr�m�r�� o� n�t r��gi�ly g���p�e��o��� �� ��� �r����t�d impa�t� s�f ��� d��a�l�per����. �l�er��t���9y, �� �pp����rat m�y �����fi��all� �or���r r����a ��� ��s�a�gr�rr���� ��r d�di��ta�� �f righ�-�f-w�� t� �� pu�l�� �t�f� ���9'�P� �fl� g6'i�lp��'� ���.I�a/ �G1����9� �� ��t�&��1'�@�� '�'8� �'���9�-°�2�-v��y a�� �o�pl��i�� ��a ���v�P�t�t�����2 An a�u���t sta�dy �ai��r�a� pr�vid�d. ��a� appPic�.n� pr�po��s t� d���l�p ��ad�r ex���i�y r�quir�d �y�t�r� d�v�lc�p�a�r�� f�e� a�d �����rc��f �uli h�if�tre�t i�p��v�s-��nf� ��r thei� prop�r� fr�n���� o� �!!1� ��nd �ven�a�. �°h� pr��o��d h�lfi �t���t ir��r�v�ra�er�fis w�s�id ��r�n��t weth ��d ����on�� �h� �xi�ta�g sfir��t irn�����rn�n�� ar� S�i1,� �r���b�arg �to�d, an� �r� �a�i�g d�v�lop�d �� a��pl� �v�h ��rr�n# �o��l �tr��t �t�r�d�rds � a� re�ri�vv�d v�rithin this� r�por�. Th� ��pis�an� al�� �r��oses t� �or°��firuct a priar�t�e �tr��t t� ��rv� tl�i� d�v�ic�pm�r�t. Thraugh thi� a��r���d d�ci�ior�, fit�� priv�t� �t���fi wi6! b� er��r�rp�r�fec� i�tc� �r�� (1) c�r r°nc�r� c�€ti�� i�t� �s �� ��c��s ����rr���t, �h� ����rrs�rit ��y b� � �har�d ae��ssw�y at the app@icar�t�° di��r�tic�r�. ,�ny r�qui��� street imprc�verri��fis t� c�rt�in ��li��tar �r �iigh�r vc�iu�� str��ts, ��d th� c� V�t'����ir�g�c�n ��unty �"r�ffi� lrr�p�c� ��e (T'l�) �r� miti���ic�� r��a��ar�� t�af �re r�quir�d afi � the tirr�� c�f d�v�lopmeng. �i���d or°r � transp�rf�f��r� impa�� �tc�c�y pr�p�re� bJ 61�r. D�vid � L�r���a fo� the A-�czy �xp���iar�/CDoi�� I! (R�sc������a� 9�-69), T1F'� �re �xpected to � r����a#��°� 32p�'o c�f th� tr�ff�ic irnpa�t �f��w d���lc�p��r�t or� the �raBl���c�r �rt�i �rfi�ri�B �tr��t � �����r�. �r���nfi1�s, th� l°'IF for ���h trip th�t 9� g���r���d i� $�6�.00 The t�fa� �'�F fi�ar � s� d�Y��h�d, �ir�gl�:-farnd4y dv��flin� is �1,S�Q.�Q. � � �e����� th� �pp6i���t has prop�s�� t� �ot��4rca�t i��r�ver��r�t� csr� � �.ac�l Stre�t, �o 'fl� cr��it� �re ��piic�ble i� canjuro�tic�r� ws#h �he �ev�lraps��r�t �fi th�se �tr���s. �p�r� co��6�xion +�f thi� d�r��6�pment, 4h� ft�tur� build�rs c�f th� r��id�nc�s �vi!( b� reqe.�er�d t� pa� �!�'� a�f a�prc��9mat�ly �3,3�O.OA ($1,6�A x 2 dw�l�ir�g unit�). ����d on th� ��tirn��� Plt'?"f1C��L�Pe��hlDED DECISION MI.A 97-4L�2-�JlP1f�/SHHFIW��tTl'fION PAGE� � � t��t �ot�l TIF f��� ����r 32 per���� ��'th� irrtp�c4 �� r��jar ��r��t ir��pc��a�a��a��t�� �i�w�d�, � fe� th�� vvou8d �c���r 1 f�0 ��rc�ra4 �f th� pr�j�c� tr�Ffi� i�p��t s�r� m�j�r str��Y� i� ���?,�60.�Q (�5,2�� � � dw�ll�e�g ur�its). 'T°h�ref�r� th� d���l�prr��nt �f �he� pr�ij�c� wiQl r���lt in an unrr��tigat�d tr��c irnp��t c�f$7,1�O.OQ. �-�ar thi� r�����, t�r� ���t �f �Il r�qc�6r�d �nd pc��en�Bal future �tr��� i�pr�u�rn���s (�s dw�c�s��d �ith6� thi� r�pc�rt), �r� I�s� th�r� th� i¢�p�ct �r�d, �h�r�far�= ro�ag�4� pr�p�rti�r��! t� the ir�ep��t c��th� d�v�l�pm�nt. �.� � "�1�.� � �POV�� S�� ����° ����a�� 1�0°�����4� �a��a�i�� �� ��������� ������ �ppr���l ���������o�� �A��a��L��d �����a�e 1a T"h� �r�p��al ��¢�fc�a°�a��c� fi9°a���ty°� ����r�h���av� F'I�r�s 2. �°�a� ��o�c���c� ���t��m� �������� ���h �i� ���u��� ���.��°��r��r��� e�qa�ir����t� �n¢� rv�gup���n�; 3, Ad�c���t� putala� f��Bii#��� ��� ��+ai��bl��o���� �� �o��g����B; �, Ali p�o����d la� ��nf�� t� �� �iz� �n� dim�n�o�e��l r�q�������� a� �hi� t���g ��� �. A!9 �ar�p���cl �a��ro����nt� e�a��� �it�s �n� �p�lo���l� �g��a�y �����P�d� (�r�. �9a06; ��e�. �3���. °�h� prc�p���d I�� �i�� ��d typ� �f d�v�lop�a�nt ���f�r�� �€et6� �h� �yp� c�� d����y r�n�� �il��r�d by ��� ������h���iv� �I�� �� r���ir�d b� ��t�r�� '�. �'��� ��p96����� ����l�p��nf ���s�d�rds th�t irnpfem�r�t th� �pa�pr�h�n��v� P6�� d��9g��t��� f�r thi� p�ca���y �r� r��s���� �I��wh�r�wi�h�r�#ho� r�p�r�. ���� �f the pro�o��d p�rc�l� wouid ex��d th� 7,50� �q�ar� fvot r�ir�irr��rn. Th� �ro�€�s�d p�rc�(� �ar��ld �6�� ����d th� ���f��� ���rage �ridt� r�q�a��rr����, a� r�q�a@r�� �y ����i�� ��.�0. T�� par�f�, �� prtapo�ec�, wo�l�i �61c�w �h� d��rel�ape��n� �g up ro fi�e� ��) ��r�i�i�n�� d���ch��i, �ir�gl�-��rrsily r��rd�r�tia! ���9ii�g u��t�. Th� �pp8r��t �r� ��o��� t� fii� � � �onditi���f tJs� F'��it �pplic�tion t4 d�v�lop a d�plex �n l.ot �. It rnay �I�o be p���iba� t� p�r�ition LoY � in the �u�ure �u dev���p �n additi�n�l dw�iling unet dr d��l�x. �'h� par�itimre, a� p�c�p€���ri, dea�� r��t pre�l�ad� ��y����r� p��ti�ica�(�). �'67� d��r�9�p��nt, a� propa��ci, dcae� r�c�t �xc��d tl�e rm�acimurv� r��id�n�i�l c�����ty �ll���d u�d�r �h�pt�r 1�.�2 �c�r a 1.02 ��r� parc�i �na�thin th� R-4.� Zo�ang l�is�ric�. �ft�r�o�btr��ti�� �, �fi 7,50n �qliar� f��t f�r t�� minirr��� i�fi �i�� ��th� z�nir�g disfi�ict, f�r�h� �xi��ir�g h�+m� �h�� � i� tc� b� pr�s�rv�d, � �et si�� ��°�� o� 36,��7 Sqilc"�i'� �"��:t P�i'�"9�i�i�. �� f�&1l1C�if°!g t�i� Cl�$ ���� � � by 7��(�0 �quar� f��t, ���is si�� ys�i�i� th� o���r�c�r�ity to d�v�lap up tc� fc��ar (�4� dvv��iir�g �ni��. � ������ th�; �it� h�� i� �x��:�� of 10�6 f��# �fi �rc�r�t�ge a�n �VV C�re���r�rg ���d �n� �V� °� 92r�d A���u� ���fis�►� �$.1�30 r�quir�e� th� pa��ti�g ���tr��;�tre��. � c� � Pricar to r�cording �tha� Fir�al F'I�fi �t�e appls��t �ha�l pravide � sfire�t tr�� pl�n��r�g pl�r�. Th� i app{'s�ant �hail aiso bor�d, �r �arovide anc�t��r �rc�ptabBe fo�rn of �ssur�n�, for the plar°�ting af str��t #re��. Th� �tr��t t�ee� sh�ll b� pEa►�fi�d �raor tc� th� relea�� c�f �h� a��d. ��r� p��sibl� �aci�ti�� tr��s t0��t are tt� b� pr���rv�d r�ra� serv� a� fihe r�q€�ir�d ��r��� tre;e pl�ntir���o 4Jpon c�mpletion of th� �p���� per�od, th� devefoprn��t will have cornpl�ed with NOT`ICE OF AM�ND�D LIECISION hALP 87-Onq2�D�N�IBW�/SHA1M F'ARTiTiOPJ 6�AG�6 �..�._��� . , � ��� �t�t�tory r�q�ir�r����� of the �i� �i 7'egard fi�r d�r��l�pr���t ���i��, �� r�uir�d �y �eit�ri�, �. Ad�c�u�t� p�bli� f��ili�i�s ar� avail�bl�, ar h�v� ���n r����r�d to b� pr�v���c� �� ���e t�is �ite, as �et fr�rth in ���;kocar�s 1�.�� �30 (Str��t�), ���090 (S�r�itar� ����r�, �rad ��_1��.1_�a (�t�nm Drair�), �� r��uir�d by Crif�r�i� 3. Yhe�� req�ai��m�a�t� �r� ��vi�v�r�d b� #he �ngin�e�ir�g v��,���?��t in #Fei� r�p�rt. "�h� r���v p�rc�l� d� ��� �x���d � �vo and �n�-h�1f� �� a��e, 9ength t� d��th rafa�. i i� ��_ . ���t ���r��� wsdth r���ar�rr,��t e� �I�� ��t C�y �h��� par�iso �'or t���� �����an�, fh� �r�����d p�r��l co����ae�ti�€�� �����rr�� wath �i�� ��d �c����iona! r�q�ir�s����� �f th� �-�.� ,�����g C3i�fir��t, �s r�q�ai��d la� ������� �. �� prc�p���d, �h� �e�pc°a��¢����� vvi61 ��m�ly r�g�h �ity ��d �pp9i�bi� �g�r��y �ta����ds i� ��4e�f����r�s°� a�c�h Cri��r�a �, �s ��:�i�s�� �h�c���h th� �uildi�g P�r�'s� PI�� �h��k pr��s�. !�!! t�r�� �3) p�r���� ���r�?��y �r�th t�� ���i� �ol�r A��ess reguir���nt� b���a�� Yh� ns�� �� ��u�h I�� �ii�-eer��i�n ������� par��ls v�o�s�ld ����d 9p f�et ir� ie�gth. �'uti�re d���iaprr��r�� cafi �t�aa�tur�� r�� #h� r���na �����i� wi1! r��a�ir� ��m�lia�� w�th ��I�r ��I��� �'�i�t �tar�d�rds �f th� ��i�r�c���abiiit� r�q�sir���r�f� ���h� ��r��aan� �e�e6oprn��+���d�. ����c�� ��e°���.��� ����9�9� �E"�� ������,?9a9� ����&�� ��'������8'�� ���' d�� C6°����� �'9tl'���� �B� ��16�'��� �6°0����w 1. L�ot VVidthe Th� mirai�raa�r� wedth �f�� ��a�6��ng ��sv�G�p� �r�� ���1� m��� �h� Ic�t r�q�a�re�r°a���of�� app�i���9� ��n��� d������ �e ���e����: °The I���r�� ���fl i�� a� r���ar�cl b� �a� ��plQC�bl� ���an� dQ��c� !n th� ���� r�� � �8�� lo#, th�� a��e�s��y ��� �a�� �� s�a�l�a��d in th� I�t ar�a ��9�uE�����e 3o L�t ����t�g�: ���h I�� �r��fi�d Y�ro����� �� ������ p���� �hax� ���� � �ublic r��h��w����+ I�� at 1���# �5 �'��# oP h�v� � ����I�y r��c�rd�� �s�imc�� ��m . ����-��r�� ������ ����m�a�t �, S�tt�aa�k�: �����k� �I�all b� �� r����r�d b�t�� �p�al���������i�� ������. �w �s�n��'��°d ���r�ir����n f�� �la� ���o �� �h� ����i�n�d 6ot i� � �9�� i��, th� �����o��� ��� �����ars� t�� I����a�n �� fi�a� �r��t y�r�, pc����d�d ��t n� �ode y�rd �� I��� ��� 1� fe�#, �tra��t�r�� �h��i e����P�lly b� iac�tee� �� �� t� m��i���� ��p���ti�e� fir�m ��d��an� ��r���c��o � 6a ��������g �r� Ea�g ���: � �acr��� �h��� b� �P�Y9d�� ����+� ��' �S°S'�?�� �i�9� �� � � �r�� �� �°���r� �h��� �� ����� drsve �� �� ������w�� e� i���a�� ��th�n �r� ���t � e�fi ��a �bo��a�� 6ok �� ���c�rd�ra�e �mi� �����n� 1�m�a�oO�Q ��� 1�o1S�Q,�90. � ��r������ �ay �l�o b� ����a�r�� t� �a�a�4��s� �r����� ��� ����i�� 6�� �s�d �� «� ��a���d� ����p� �c�t�¢a�r ���r�a�i�� ���a� f�� p�a�����d d���6��m��o�. � 7� Far� �r�st��t��r�� `��� �Sr� d���a�� m�� ��q�i�� �h� i���ll���� e� � fir� hydr�c�� � � �h�a°� t4�� 6��g� caf �� ������w��+ a�o�alct h�ar� � d���a����l ��'e�� �� f r� fght��ag ��p�b�iif6��. �. R�cipr�c�l ����rn���n 1�h�r� � ��rnrr��n d�rr� i� �� �� pr�vod�� t� ���� rn�r�e ��� ��� ���, � r��iprc���A �a���m��� t1�at �vill �r��ur� ����ss �nd m�i��r��r��� righ� �h��6 �� r��a�rd�a waitha tF�� �ppro�a�d p��fiia� ma�, ft�9�'iC��3�'/41l�EP�c�E[�nECE�epre Mi�s7-aooz-�ei�cesawr�v���rnQ� P�a�E 7 __��� _ LL � gd A�����v��y� A�y �����seo��y shaC� �c�rn�ly �ri�h #�s� �#�r�d�Pd� s�� fo� �� � . ����t�r 1�.°80�, A�����$ �gr���, a�ai Cir�a�l���ne °��. F���dlpl�ie�: i�lh�r� I���fi9� �r�r�B��° d�velopm��t i� �li��v�c� �i��� �r �e��a��r�$ �� �� �►re�-h�radr�dwy��r ���acl�lai�, �h� City �h�ll r�qu�r� �e� d��i��ti�ra �� su����rot �p�r� i��� a��a fo� gr��an�ay ���oining a�d w���ge� t�e� �loo�ipl���. T°E�i� ��� �haa� in�l�d� ��e��n� ��� s�it�bi� �I�v��ion f�r�h� �or��tiraactao�t �f a p�cl�stra�r� a��d ��° bi���t� ���°aw�y �ctl� �� flo��pB�i� in ��cr��c����� �i�� �� adopt�� p�����r�a�a ��� ��°���y�l� �S��aw�iy pl�n. Crit��io�'s �, �, 3 �r�� 4 ��� ��ti�f�d. �°h� ��r�l�wiS6 �x�� ti�� �r�� req�or�rs��c�t c�f 7,5d0 �q���� ��;�` ���o�sr�d ��r pPOp��ie� ���ed F�-4�.�. T"h� n��uly �r��xed p�r��l� �rsa�a6d h���, i� ������ ca# �5 f��t��d�����fro�f�g� �d � ��bls� �tre�� �P f�k��� f��t �f f'r�nt�g� a� �� ���� ���e���t. Lm� � h�� dire�� �rca�t�g� �r� ��!' Gr���a�a�rg ���� �i�� �`.�! ���?� A�e��e. �r� �ati���ioro �f th� !ot f��a���g� requirerra�r�t. Lot� � �nrr�e�id �ither 6��v� a rr�i�irrru� of �� f��t t�� �ir�� a���� fr����qe �n �19V 32nc� ������ �r b� ��ss�d through a �h�red �c�ss e��erner�t varo�h L.ot 3 i� sa�i�fa�ao� af ��t�r�� 3. °fh� stand�rd� fi�r s�tb�cks, �ands��i��, �r�d cl�ar va�io� r�q�ir�nn��ts �aiEi �� re�i���d f�r n��° �fi��car�s �t t�� t'srn� �f ��aiidBr�g ��rm� Pl�n �h�ck Re�ie�. �1'h� �xistin� r��id�r�c� �c�rn�li�� �ifh the �r���, �e�r, �n� ��d�yard s�tb�ck requ'srern��t� �fi��r th� �r��t6car� �f � �e� 6ot 9i�� in �h� re�r y�rd, i� ��ti�f�cte�n v�o�h ��it�ra� �. �r�t��ir�r�°� 5 ��a� � h�v� be�n addr�s��d. ��;���� it d�a�� n�t ���fi th� defirait��a� �# � f�a� f�#o �.�t� a� ��a� r�q�ir�d to t�k� �cc��� ��p���f�9y f��� �n �c��ss e�s�r�a��t. E�����e �L"�i �2r�d �A.�ersca� i� � L���B �tr��tg L�� 2 �n t�k� dire�t ���ss fihrou�h a�V �2nd A�����, i���ev�r, th� �ppli��� �n �I�c$ t� c�a�bin� �c���� fo� the�� iat�, f�ep�ndi�� �an the �c�s� �������t ��nfg�s�tl�n � �I�g Ic�t ��#�aek ��t�r�in�tion �ali be n�����s� f�r L�t 3. Fi�g Icat ���b�a�k �t�nd�rds wiiP be applied, dvher� applic�ble, thr��gh th� �3uilding �'�rrni� F�I�r� Ch�ck �r�����. �'h�-��gh fh� ��ilding P�rm� revi��+, �G�� I11���c°�Ylt� SS1�II a� �J�t�E���Fl��t��'1 �@�lf�� F'E�'�' ��?t�� " s#andard�, tt�ereby, s�tesfying �rit�ri� 7. �rit��� �, req�or"sng � r�ciprc��l ���ss ��d rr��int���sance agr��ment, has b��r� �dd�e�s�d thr�ugh the r��r�r���nd�d �a�diti�r�� c�f Appro��l. d� �h���d r��a�t�r+��c� ��d ������ �����n��� �h�lf b� pr��rid�� �h�r� �r�r�b�r'e� acc-e�s��r�ot� 2 �r�� 3 is r�����fie�d by�h� �pplac�nt, Griteria 9 voai�l be s�fii�f�d ��O���uqS� th� r�quir�r�t��� fc�r � 'dt�-f���-wid� �inir�ta�r�� p�v�d � d;�iv��a� to ��r�� �af 3; �r ef d��ir�d, �ap �o '�ic� (2�, �f t�� th��� �3} lo�s. �rit�ri� 10 ��� � b��r� ��t �e���� th� p�r��{ i� r��t I�c�t�d writhi� th� �!0�-year fl��d pl�ir� or i� ar��s �ith � � �i���� �x��ding �5 p�r��nt. �����s� 3h� sit� ���� ��a� �dj�en �h� 10�1-�}e�r f���� �I�sr�, � c��di�afiican c�f����� $�ar�a4hvu�y p�arp���� �� r��� �ppf����le. � � Pt��3LIC �F��C9LlT`�' ���9+����J�: t,� . �a r ������9� ��o���.v�o��t�r�� (s�re���, ��i��oo�o �san�t�ry ��v��r�, 9� � �����a Dr�ir��) �h��l b� �atisfied. Dev�lopr��s�t C�de pa°ovi�i�n� r�l���d t� ���� ��g�� ���r�t��}+, ��orn� VV'at�r Q��li�r, Ex�stin� �Ot�Ei� L.ir�e 11�c�erg�oundi�g, loAl�t�r �erer9��, �i�� Per��ai�, �ra�iis�� ��d Eros�on �ent�rw� ar�a1s� addr����d b�lo�: IJQ r IGE l.7F APAEPIDED QEGISIt3N MLP 97��-t�OVVNING/S!-I�Ni P/lC�TITlON PA��� ' y . . � � ��� 1°hi� ��te i� ������nt t� SVV �r��nt�urc� Rc��� �nci ��V 92nd �v�r�u�. ��c��h���� �r�����rg ���d i� �la��if�d �� � ��j�r ��li��t�r str��t �r�� i� f�i�y irx�prc���c� �dJac�o�t tc� t�q� �i��. N� �dditic�r�a0 i°igh�d�f-�v�y dedi�atior�� o� �t�e�� er�pro�+���nfis aPe r�ec��s�ry (�xc�pt for the �2n� �v�nu� i�t�r�ectioQl, v�hi�h +��E! �� discuss�d r��xt). ,��1f 92�d fAv�r��e ����hr�e�� ��r�a A����� i� � ��c�8 r��s��nta�l �Xr��f th�t i� pa��d, b�at n�t ��prca��d, t� �ify �t�s�d�rd�. "i°h� ��i�ting R��V�id�h i� �pprs��i��t�ly �t� f��t, �F�� ��p9���nt pr�pea��� tm d�di�at� �n �dditi�a��l fv� �5� f��t t� giv� 25 f��t fr�rri �er����6ine. `T�i� �2��U' d�d'c�ati�n wilP be �d�quate. 9r� addi�6�n, th� applB��r�f wil! �e�c� t� d�di�a�� addi�canal ��ifiJ �f �h� in��r��ciior� �� ��k� rc��r� f�a�the ���rb r�t�r�. Gi� d�sigr� �t�nd�rd� �!9 f�r � ���r�di�s �f 25 f���. �'�i� dedica#i��n s�a�ll a6�� be �he�wn o� t�� fa�� �f t�� �r�al plaf. �h� r��d��y ����c� o� �V1! J2�r�J Avenu� is p�v�d, b�� �h�: �tructur�l s��ction do�s �ot �p���� �a ���t �Bty ��arad�rd� �ar � lo�! r�sid�ntial s#re�t. In �rd�r t� r�atag�t� �he �ddEt��a��� fir��f� #h�t �il� 6�� ��r��r�4�d fre�m 4hi� d���)�prt�e�t, th� �p�li��r�t will ��r�s�r�s�t h�i��i�r��� ist�p��v�t���rtt� oc� S`JV 92t�d P�v����e �dj���t �� �hi� �ete. �'h��� err�prca��m��t� 1Al9�I �1�� 9�i���i�� iP9�fr�9�����8�9 O� � GU�� ��$4�6i1 �� �u�l� �'I���1���� ��1��1�� d�� �h� ��'8��6'����9��d �ti �r���h�a�� �o�d, �hi�h wail! �•('��C�� iil � YT1P��h ��f�C 9�'l�������BP�91. Th� ap�9i��a�� wi�l be r��a����d #t� ���ig� a�c� ��r��tr�art �he �tr��t ir�r�rc���r���t� �ta �ity ������rd�. Any �ec����ry p�ve���$ tap�r ��q�ir�d t� ti� tlle ��� irnpre�v�rrt�r�� intca th� �xi�ti�� �dg� of p��+��ra�r�� �h�il be ��cor�pli�h�d b�y���d gh� sif� fron��ge. ��ce�� �ri61 b� pr�vici�� t�a th� new Icat� tl�ro�gh a n€��a p�or�d drir����y �ant� v'E� 92nd ������. if �he c�r�v��io��9 e�'s9& b� sh�r��, �h� app6ic�nt �alf ���d t� pE�c� � j�i�# d�id�w�y ����rner�t�� �h� ���E �l�t. � it�r f S�vver - Th�r� 9� �ra �xisfi�� �-i��6� public �evwer lane ir� �W ��f-�d �,����� �l��t �ar� ��deqa��t�By ��rve thi� �i��:. �f"h� I�cation of the s�wee ta�s �hala b� �ppr�v�d by th� �a� pri�r tc� cc�n�Yr��ti�a�. �.�r� Dr�i�.� 1"here i� �r� exi�tir�g public �torm tlrain��e line in SVV ��eenburg R��d �h�t coli���s �tr��t r�ar�a�, ar��ludi�g t�� c�t�t7 ba�in at th� no�th�a�t ca�ner c�f t�� ��� 92ro� ���nu� ir��er���ti�as�. The �pplic��t prppas�� tc� ��t�s�d � p�blic �tear� line is� �V1! 92nd P���r��ae� er� �r�'er te� pi�k up the �fir�et drai��g� �nd pot�nti�l ru��a�fi from this site. Th�: pl�n �i�a indi����� th€; 6�f dr�inag� r�ay b� pip�d dir�ct6y south �hrougt� an ��sem�r�� ov�r �.�t '! tc� th� �fiarrn pip� in ;�/V C3r��nburg Rc��d. NOTICE OF AMENDED DECISION MLP 57-Q002-�CriNWiNC/SW4W PARTITION � �AGE 9 � " � � �"��� d��ig� �of t��� �t�� s�st�rn �i�alB be r��i�w�d ��d �ppr���d b� t�� �i�j pri�r t� c��n�t���tinn. °�h� applic�nt r�r�y ���d �� ��3ju�� ��� I�e�td�� of th� �xi�gd�� c���h basir� �t ��� stre�t �o��er in o�d�r t� ��mpi�t� th� n�v� c�rb r�tur�. , ���.�„�t�r ���it�r °Th� �o4y h�� �gr�ed ta �nf�rc� ��r�ac� `+/�ater M�ra���m��� ��UV�) ����f��i��� - e�t�bli���d by the L��i�i�a ���r�rag� Ag�ncy �11��4) (R��e�l�#it�n ��� �rder 1��, 9'0�47, �� ����d�� by R��? 91-75� �hi�h r�q�i��� th� consfrRJ+�ti�r� �f a�pSlt� i�V�Y@C �l.l�I��/ ���III$!�>. Fc�r �ati°e�El �6t�� su�h �s thi�, th� R�O ��kc�� �a� esc��ti�r� t4��� �es�ld �lB�� ti�� ��pli���� �� p�y � f�� i�-6i��a �f��n�t�a��t��a� �� �r�-�t$� $��6I6�. �t��'o` r���r�rraen�� �hat the ����€��r�fi ���fh� �f�� in-li�u. �,d'��,r��rt��ic�n Gontrcal . fl��A �t�0 ��i-47 a6�� regul�te� �rosi�r� c�n4roB ts� r�dur�e th� asr��a�nt af sedi�rrer�t �nd oth�r poU�tanf� re��hir�g the publi� st�� �nd �ur��ce wat�r sy�te� ���ultir�g fram d�v�lsap��nf, c��str�acfii�n, c�r�dcr��, �x�av��ing, �I�ar�s�g, ar�d �r�y oth�r �ctiv�4�e th�t - ����I�rat�� �rc�����. P�� ��� 9��7, the �p�la��� a� r�q�ir�d to ���rnit �n �rc��ion ��a�tr�l �alan for Cii� r�v4�� �nd �pprc�ar�l ���r t� i��u�n� �f�i4y �e�e#�. �i�t� 4o��rh.��d lJ�ili _� � Th�re ��� exi�ting averh�ad ufiliti�� �r� 5il!/92nd �v�r�u�. ���ti�n 1�.16�.�20 of�h�: �Ni� r��u�re� �!I �v�rh�ad �atility lir�e� �dj�cer�f to � d�ve8op�er�4 �c� �� �a1�c..�� u¢�d�rqr�cared or, �� th� �i���ion ofi the d�ve0op�r, � fe� in-lieu �f �rod�rgr���di�g �n b� p�id. Ef th� f�� ira-lie� is propo��d, it °ss ��u�l tc� �27.5A p�r lin��f foot of s�r�ef fra��t�.�g� th�t c��#�'sr�� t�� o�s�r���c� 3one�. �'�' �rr�ifi R�qt�i�d . Th� �ppii��nt i� r�quir�rl to �btain a �ite �'�rmit fi��m the �uildia�g Di�asi�n 4o cov�r a0! ar�- �it� pri�at� utility i��t�il��is�r�� (w�t�r, ���e�r, s��mn, �2c.�, �nd dr����ay �r��tr��ti��. T�i� p��i� �h�,�i b� obt�aned prio� ta i��uan�e csfi th� ���Rt frca€� th� �nggn���r�g D�p�r�rn�r�t #� a�law�nrr�r� ir� �h� F�Cii�'. 1/V'�t�.0 �hi� �ife lies �avithin T'ea�0�tir� i�ail�y �/V�#�r Di�tri�'� (l1/VOl�� ��evs� are�. `�h� �pplsc�n�'� p1�� indi��tp� th�t ther� i� an �xisting publi� w�t�r lin� or� s� �2nd �v����. . Ar�y prc�p���d cas�r�ectioa�� t�, �r �xt�nsi�ns �f, th� pc�bli� w+���r iir�� �d�a�li b� rev����d a�d ��pr�v�d t�y �'Vl�f�. N�TICE 6F�EivDeD�,�CIai0P�6 NLP 97-0�2-�7N�1f+laNC/�hlAFl�f P,A��TTE�� PAGE 10 ' � . . ,, " �'f��� ��.��� �������� .. Th� �a�'s�d��� �ivi���n r��i��oed �h�s ap��li��tEOr' ��d ��d th� f�llowb�g �cc���aer��: L�t� � and 3 ��r� ���ily �r�ir� �hrc�ugh fh� ����r���������4 �i�� caf Lot � �� �if�!�r�����r� F���a. �°h� P�9��� �3�p�c���� r��i���� tl��� �ppli��t��� �nd ���d �M� �'oll��obr�� ��rr�rr��r�t: ��dr��s�� �r� n����d t�a �a� �ark�d f�� ���h h�rr�� c�n �'�f ���� ��enu�, �o �r� ��� I����� th� ������� e���fy. ' �o ����r �t��fi��r���nt� c���b�ec�i��� �a�� ���n r���cv�d. ��„��1� �,,.� AG�h�9�� ����A�B°�T'� �'�� 1'a��la�an Vall�y �ia�� �is�rict r��i���d thi� ap�licati�� a�d ������ �h�� ��� �I�ns �v�r� � �RP����d, i�l�n� refl��ten� the fsal9�v�in� ��er�m�r�ts �h�B! G� ��brr�ctt�d t�s �e�� �irchiii �fi th� FE�� �a9�r��a�@I'� ����: �'sr� ��p�ra�us �c���s �s�ae�� �h�ll h��� �r� �r�aab�tru�fi�� �idti� a�� ��t i��� �h�n 2� fe�� (�� f�eet��r ��t m�r� �h�n �ro (��dw�lling �nsti��, a�s� �� caa����t����! �e��i��@ �l��r���� �fi r��t I��� th��a 93 �e�t9 � ir��h��. ��JF� �ec. �02.2.�.��. 1il��r� fre �ppara�u� ac�c��s road�v�y� �r� n�t ��s�a��i�r�� �'sd�h tca ���ca�nr��d�t� park�d v�hocl�s ar�d rr��int�en th� �ini�u� �a-faat�wid�; ���b��r��t�c� dri���r� ���F�c�, ���c� �'��king� �ign� �h�fo t�� it��#�ll�� �� ��� t�r ��th ����� �f fi�te rs��c���� �nd i� t�sr����ear�ds a� r���d��. (��� 5��, 902.2.�}. Sigr�� ���II r��d "iVO �'�F�.f�if�� - �9FtE L�ai�� � �C�VV A°�l�Y ���&�, ��� ��.�10" �n� �i��lg b� ��st�l��d �vifh � cl�ar s���� �b�v� gr���d I���I ����v�n (�� �eet, Sigr�� �h�Bi b� 12�ir��hesm�ide by '6� ir�ch�s high ��ad sL�a6l h��� �l��� or� red I�#��r� �eros8 bord�r c�� �rn�h�t� b���Cgr��s�d. (lf�C 5��. 901.4�.5.�1��2) � ��). . �[c� �ther�,gen�y� c��me�t� nr abj�cYiar�� hav� b�er� r�ceived. S �T'i R�, VII: , P�.C�p��$� A�1�� �PP�A� Ih1Ff�R�liA�t�� �� �l�ati�� v�s�a� ps��t�d a� �6ty 9°la61 �nd m�iied ta: ��.Th� ��pl��nt �nd c�wn�r� J�,__ C�v�n�r of r���rd v�ithi� the r�q�ir�d di�fi�n�e �__ A���t�d ��vernm�nt ae�enci�� Pf01'10E�F,ANI�Ni9El�DECISIOt�! NiLP 9��OGD2-�O'MntlM�a/SFiAW PAEaTlT1�ON PAGE 19 � � ' �. Fin�! ���6S�ioE�4 . . '�'�i� D��@�i�3� �H�,i..L �� FINAL,�N ID�i���A'�A��6L.��, 199T �lR�L��S �4P@ �l�P°��� I� FlL��e �. ,�r�y party �ca �h� d��e�fo� nna� appe�i thi� d�cl�ion 9r� acc�rd�r��� �it�a ��c;ti�n� ��.�2.2�0(A) an�3 ����i�� 'i�.3�.3�Q of tkr� Commaar�i�y D�v�9s�pment ��d� �hat pr�er�d�� th�� � v+��i�t��s a�p��! rr�u�� �� �I�d �vi�hit� t�� (�0� �ay� ��ter nsatic� has b��� giv�a� �rac9 ����. '�h� d��dli�e f�r foling ar� �pp��i i� �p��i��d ��I��e e h� �p���! f�� ��hedu�e ��d � �pp��B fi�rrr� �r� �v�ia��6e �r�m th� ���r�cani� [��v�l���er�t ��p�r�r��c�� �r �l��r�ing �������an ��°T'���r� ��� F°I�II, 13�2� �°�F��10 ���6���r�, `Tog�r�, �r���r� 9I�2�o :.; �°�� ����6P����� �tLi�l� ���A�J A���� i� ��30 f�.�.��,AP�i���a �9��>�� �t';�3�: �� y�u h�v� �r�y q�s�����r��, pi���� �lo th� �a� of�"ag�rd Pi���is�� �Die���i�n ar ���rn�r�i�y L��vel�pr��;�� �����r��r�� ��`�ig�rd Gity 9��Ie, 1��2� �VVII N�l6 ��ul���c�, "f's��rd, ���g�� �t (�Q3) 6�9�4171. � ��.�.,.._ .._._... _— � ��'�A�, `�97 F'����F��� k�1"; ��� �����s �,�T'� R���ci�t� F�I�n��r, �4��P --__ .��ril � '9 997 A�F'�(��+'�C� �V: �3i�h�rd �����d�, �AT� �'B��nir�� fVlan��� � �. � � I � � � � � i:ICURPLWW9f�RK R�Ad1LP97-02.i7�C J NQYiG�Ut=i'�(iENuru uECiSi�rd fna9.:-Si�2-�.�1��";��'t'.vf��'�;',!�!°A.RTlTEL'4: �Ar�ia _ _, . . .. _ .. ...°_ .. �:: �, :::f. ; �: _ : , - ,, > . - . _ . ; . .., - � �. , I , �; . . , ... � _ .. . ._. ..,, . ,., . .: , ,: . : ,. : ii � „ . . . �. , ,..., . _ . � ,.,. . . _ , �,,. . , , . _. � '.'► t ';..,�� . 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C � �C r !�� L, �r �. ��. �t . � . � ,: . � � .��� . r ��,�. � . . �� . ..� - .', �.' . �.�� � �� .�� � � � � - �� �. � i � � � / �� ■ - � � y� . - .�� � � _ ■ ■ � ��►�� .: �► � _ � �r � ,� � *},. �'!`� i � � ♦ : '� � � �� ...1► � � .,, �► . •�► s;� , . ' ' :� �. '' a�� `I I.: .'I ;� . . .,.r.:. :�. . R. - .. • � : � :., � t , :... - � .�, .� .� �� �1°�� ������P���= fh��� �.��� P.O.��x 37o PhO�I�(�03)SB4-03&? ��a�i�� TT 8 814 BEAVERTOfV�C3REC;OP1 970i5 �.e�a�i No�i�e �s���rts���� �City o�' Tigard � � Tearsheot I�o+tice 13325 SW Hall Blvd. � T�gard,Oregan 97223 • � Duplic�t�A�fii�avi¢ �Accounts P�yab�e � � Z'!�e fmlflov�+�?�rr✓n�l b��conside�e�by 4h�'3`ib�d�lat��si���anr�issao�on �m���9����,1�'t' ���<�0�.�,,�t i��'�'igar��ivic Ce�ier—To� �ad�, 1'a125�.�i'.�all Bo�levard,Tig�rd,+(3regAr�.�:ta pt�biic aeal and . v�cidten icst�r�ony as insrited.�'ke pr,ablic h�an��g on�hi�matter cr-ill be r.�sn ,4��!.i'iA�O�� OF �'���.8�i431�iV �uct��i����e�rdance w�i�h the ruies of�;hapge� 1�.3�of tfie'Tig�r� I��ai��pa�i,��e,a8d re�des�nd�aa�oceda�re�oa�he�la€�ciin �mmission. i�AYE C��OR��{�9V, ) �an��re tcr raise�n nssue in p��son aa b;�1�tYer at scm2 poi�t prior to tt�� ��E�IdTY(3F VdASNliN�T4f�, )ss' elose of itae h�aria►g,acecsffiganied by ststem�nls ar evidenc€sufficient to alPoav td�e h�a�i�ags�uthority and aii th� rties to res��d�n 1he se eaest g, Kath�?' Snvd.er g�e�.I�des an ap�seal,and fa�lure ta spe�y the cri��rian from the Co�� �eisag #'s�s4 duly swror�, d��ose �ra� sa� that i am 4he �ldv�rtisen� ��iky I3ev�lopm�ent Code or Ccr�prehens�se 1'1an�t which a r,omment is €2�rect�r, d� his p�inci�ai ci�ric, mf the�'i c�a r�—'T'i a 1 a t i n mizne s d'ue�ted�Crec4udes an appea4 bas€d on�$�t�riterion.�ur3her inioranatioc� a nebvs�a�er af genea-ai es�culatE�� as defin�d "sn ORS i�3A�0 may be obtained fram the�'Iarsssing I�zvisior�at 13I25 S.�.I�ali�ivd., �n¢i i��.024?; pt�blish�d a't`T'i�T.a rn �n the Ti��rd,(3re�ou 97223,or b;�c�Il�ng�5{�3�639-4171. ��oresa9d acaur�ty and s4ate; t�at tF� ��J��C ��• A��ea� fa Tr� —(�c�„nT� �'P..�ter ' �a piirsYed ;;opy off �hich is her�to a�nsxed, was pubiished in �he �����'���°�`��-��CEP��� ID���'�D�t'S�I�l'i'E���'�'1"ItD�1< $setire issue o�said ne�r�pap��for �rI , successiv� and �PPEA�.O�'��EQUES��'!3R�.�IF��C�'�P.'S iloT'T�RPRE�'A�C3I� co�a�ect�8ir�e i�s �he foli�v�i¢�g iss��s: U�I�T�It�i��?Rd�D013 Il�E'I'Il`dCp�L'JB?V3F`Y'I'AI.�I�UIREFrfEEI�t�°.�n Nlar�h�5, 1997, Yhe�ir�ct�r deGli�sed�o accegt a SaYe Developr,ient May 8,I 9 9 7 �evde�,�'laniied I3eve�opa�ent R�vievd,ar�ci�e�sitive Lan�s appIications. The Directcst did nof acce��Yhese appiications because a required neigh- bar�a��sl meeYang c��ce�nang th�se r�quests had not xa�cen ptac�.g,(?�,�_ 'L�t�Pdo 1198�ta�1223�5.�.72n€�Avenuc;WC:I'�2S1�1BA,'Y'ax Lots ' 0010fl, �01�1, t!(33(3�, 0�3400, 00401 and U0402. .���I.I�.�gBI.E �yg�`�d���R�A,: G,',mffivaity��veflopment Codz Chapter 18.32. t��mpr�hensFVe PIan I'olq��r 2.1.2.��NE: G�neral �ommerciai(GG}; �vith a Plat�ed I��velopm��t�P����rer�ay.�'he�-G�one ailovvs public Saabscr€z�s� a�d s�rorn to �ore me 4his�t_h r�a�rrn f r��; l 9 9� agency a�ad�dmn�istrati�e s�rvicPs,p�bdic supgc�re faciiatiws,special and F5C9 � ad�inistsati�e services,fi�anciai,ins,�ance and reai estate services,busi- � ness supp�rt s��ri�es,and eati�g a�t�cirinkirg esiablishznents,anlong i�Qtary �li�f�r Cr�gon � e€h�r�s�s.'I'he�'Lt�Jver��y pro�►tt���,r�ea�s far cr�aEing glann�d en- vi�s��en�s t�uo�gh the a��ication of f�exz�le s�n�ards. A�y�ommissioc� �x�ires: .��,�o.�.,�,�-- �i��tD�V�T �! I II� ��� �,• � � , .. .. -, � , �� � �� �.-. �_ �;.� � � ,,� - r �. i . � '�� � - �r� ;; ' � � �;��. ��� a fi ' . .. ',:>,' i: .. �� 1 �' !B l .. � � �f� � � � . \ �'.i�� ' ,� , ' .��'�" i,1 i . e - .d� . . !:}� �+ � ;: . � ,.F„f-� ��•, � �� � f '� �-�.'r`� '' � � � � { � � � �- � � � � � '. '.°�:. � . _.. ::,�:.��. :�� � ; �; ; �<<. . � .� ,�� � �` �:� � _ .. � . �'�T4��1a�tish 1�'ay 8,ig97. . , ,;",. , .;; . � � —..�••� � � ��� � ��a� ���" ��'1V11�1J,������� ��� � �o�°� � ����o�� , ora��e�� �'O`�(:� �rT� P�C1�� I�]��6� ".�`� ��� l��T � �� �F�'I' ��'�� �$.a�I6�: t�,,Y� �1'�°� �D � � �� ��...��1 I��Y'�'�� .��v�A.I�� �: ��� ����,���� i��'� �� � (xe � A ].� / �� ��� �' ���): � '� �y °� . �. � a� � ��' � F�������: �,A,`���'e ��,�'� � � '7� � � � � S � � ��� � �� � � ����' �G��� �� � ����: � �������m�����m����m����o��������������s�����r��� F']E�O��°� (������a�� ) ��'�l��b'�° ���' ° �� �rca�s�� ���������������=-�w��m��om�m�_�+��,��_����.����������.�������d�����.� (d�°artt li�'�»a�l.���p t�e.�`°ilsu�za�rx) �'f�s£�1':nars�/.�t�1�'� ' +�� �EIffi�: „_,,,�c�tbflt�: �.��' �C�t�.l'�5�.�..,�....e..,.�,... t �iH$'�'✓�'����e o�,�., �„ Ce"8.�.4/�t��.�.�.+�s i °�°°"� i i . �g�g�; �flKt't�: �aa���: . - —- � �.aa����: cx��.�c���„ � �a���s����: � �r��• � r���: � �.a�• �..�...� �da�s�: ._ ��t es�ar,�a �A� r��.��8. - z���- r����.s.� -- - .��a���: � �aa���: Ca�►/��te,a'�i�• Citv/�tat�i�: �1'�.e: Na�e: e�I�,�; s: Addr���• ' -�- ---- i � �lt�}►�1.�t8�?U' �il�/��'�'�,�EinU: k:\1a�\�nuPP�.�et ��x�E� �� P.Lo�.�. , :1!'resir:u���nal I.imi�rd Li:abiliev t:umpane� LA�'G)FF���S I�tO(f iC�l?�!��nt�r Ar��taorage '�2.2 5.�.�oH�na�9� Setlevs�� _ 'I"�' �. �ll��iT�I Ip�relsa�d.C)regon 9'�201-6793- � S�ae41� 'f�com� l�irect l�ial: (50�}721m3�34 V�aaa�aacver,�.C. l��an�3ffc�e: (SQ3j�2z�g515 Facsirnile: (5q3)721-36�i6 [r�eeeaee��naii: ¢vvymsan'�,a�bogle.c�m 72374/000(3 i M�y 16, A 94� �� �'�,��T�i�i� T�Sz°. �iit����ka�xk�, ��eeza�Pl�a�r �%$�fY��3��C,� �.���$ �.�. �a'�.�1 �OL1����'C� �"F�aYd, �IZ 9��23 �t�: A.�rpe�i nf T`ra-C��ty��nt�r��°��:tt�r's Inter�a�e��e�r� I,�a.r.r M�a°. ��b�rr�: T�s �etter falle��ars up on�tu�tetephora�coz�t��er�at�c�ta ax e�rliex this vv��k re��•dir��4he �'l�s�in� �aa�i���ar�h��n� �ra��e�,bc�v�-r�f�r�x�c�d 'sssu�, vvhic�a i��cY��dt�l�d fcsr i��.y 19, 19�7. �1��rouid lik�to co�ein�ae t�a�h���n�a�€�w s�t�'c�e t��t daa�o ���aa�.d���t�td�t st� cc�r�curs v�i�th�c��a�ra����requ�s�, �aas1 h�.s r�����c��pl���c�n���s�r,r��si�ra'�Jt�i� l t�, 1997 �genda for con�inaa�ce c�f th� he�ran�. P1e��pr��e�t thas ls�fier�c� �hhe Cam�ssiwn, �zad th�y��.fn���ur�.ssista�a�e. Not�th�t sh��ld t�� �c��.rAissic��fc���ry re��r�d��y�h�req��sxec�ca�ttaar�c�, v���o�d al��zna�iv�ly r�quest t4�at r�cord of th� �aeter be h�ld op�a� far a rrsinim�of s�ven(7)days. Pl�ase cail me wittt any co�urie�ts �r t�u�staor��. V'ery i�aly yotxes, �CfC'rL��'c G'rA�.� P.F.,.�.�. �� � � , � �----°. � � 'T°y�. '�7dyrr�ar� � � � CC: CrfJPI,�QY!MdtixFl,SY. i!R Go�dan P/Iartisa,Jr. "`� Ed Christens�n, Vilrin�D�velapmen¢ btark Wtzitiovv, E�q. �G�ND� r��� ��.2 , E � �It��f Tlp��d Concmunity�DeveCopment �� SfiapingA BetterCam�reuniry . � F �'1 D, '��s Pl�r�r�ir�� �or�rni�sion ���e �0�r� ��b�r�� '�'d.G�,� '� ���. i'��y �, 1937 ��J��E�i', App��ai �f � [�irectnr'� d�cisio�� �ot to acr�pt th� �'ri-�c�ur�ty dev�lapment applic�tio!n vvitheaafi carnpl�tie�r� af a r�quired Neighbcarh�r�d fu�c�eting. ���9C�e..ro.�¢ Qn �/6arch 25, 99�7 the C3ir��tar de�lir�e�i �s ��c�p� a n��u d�v�iop€��n� �ppli�a�ian far�h� �ri-Cau�ty . �ite a� SV1/ C3�rtmnuth S�re�t ��d ��/1P 72�d Av�nue. 'Thi� applica#�an �ra� not �c��pt�d bec��as� �he app@iGanf h�d not co�d�acti�d � ��i�h�or���d �6�c�f4ng. Darin� �I�e �'r�-�pp6sc�tic�� �o�fer-�r�c�e, th� �pplica►�t v��s pr�vided v�ith �Cc�n��r�n�e �9afe� ar�d a �l�ighborhood f����ir�� handoufi tE�at �p�ci�ecally req�oir�d fihaf �hc� n�ight�orhaod �e�tin� b� h��d prior �o subrnittai �f the d�v�l�apr��r�� �p��ica�ior�. ������'�r A.���i Th� ��p�lf�n� �fa�e� �h�� the applic�tian was incorr�ctly r���r��d tc� th� �p�licant �s an inconiple�� �ppfic�fiiC��t d1,i$hout �ilowi!�g � 30-d�y p�riod fiar the r��uir�c4 mis�ing �app�ica�i�n ma�eri�ls tc� be ��bmi�#�d. Th� ap��llar�t �Isc� �t�fe� t�at num�rou� r�c�ighborhooc� r9-ie�tings were held �n the pr�vi�us �eve4o�ment appfic�tion for a ��b5t�r�tiall� similar sft� pfan af fih� previo�s site plan. Th� DirectAr d�t�;rmined �h�t the ap�licafiion c�uld nof �i� �ubmitfi�d �nrithout c�mp6etiorl af the r�quired t�ei�hborhsa�d Ndeefiing. T�i� �ubrraitt�l r�quirern�nt is �p�cif�aliy �f�t�� in t�ze I're- a�plicatia�n G�nf�r�r�c� nr�t�� th�t were pravid�� �o th� applicar�t. l�he site plar� �ha� vv�� �resented � f�r review at th� Pr�-appliG�#ic�n l����ting in�lud�d �ubs��n�'aa! r�visions. Th� rrew pian pr�g�os�d ta d�let� the pr�v3+�u�ly approv�d c��ffi��s and mak� revisia�is to the remaind�r of th� site. Thi� pla� ccant�ir�ec! su�st�ntia6 r�visaons as c�mp�red uvifih Site D�ve�apmer�t RevE�vv++� 9�-0019 fih�t wa5 previously �ppraved �For�h� proper�y. Th� b��i� far this requirem�nt is s�at�d within �eGti�n 1�.32.0�0 thafi pravides th� Dir�c�or with the a�athority to req�ir� �dditionaf ir�formafiion b�y�ar�d what is expre�sly ��t fortrti vuithin subr��ttal requir�ments �f th� Community Dev�lopr��ent C�de. T�e r�quirement �or � 6�eighborhood [Vl�etin� priar tc� submission of a develapment appii�afion i5 bas�:rl �r� City Ca�ncii Palicy. This h�s been r�ade a requirement to pro�ide inform�fian to pot�r�fiially �ffected n�ighboring prop�rfij owr���s prior ta submitfial. � ��� F'age 1 of 2 N�ighb�rt�ood �le�tin�� alsa pr�vgd� th� �ppli��r�t with a for�am f�r �ddr�ss�ng r�ei�hborf�a�d e�n��rn� pric�r t� s�bmit��� �f �n ��pli���i�r�. �J�i�h�ar�rho�d r���ti��s ��� �i�� ���fuf far �do�i9�r r����n� ir� �6���rn�tar�c�� �vher� d��r�lc�prrro�r����� �r� pr�pca��c� fcar � sit� ��er � p�ri�d �a� ����r�l y��r�. �v�r �ir� �xt��id�d period af#ir1�, �€�w n�ighbori�g pr���s� ovvn��s rn�y b� in�ee�lv�� vvha did n�t f�av� a pra��rt� oe�r��r�hi� i�ter�st�h�n th� neighbc�rin� d�v�la��rn�nt was fir�t pr�pc��ed. ,���onr��������r� . It i� r�car��a�nd�d fh�t the Pl�nnrng ���mi��i�n ���y the �pp��6 �r�e�inc� �h�t �h� ���r�ifit�� r�qui�°�m�r�� h�� �c�t ���r� rs��t. ��������o e"��ape�i �lin� fc�rm �l�4l97 � v ��c�e I��ker�r�rn a��e61��fi's �tfiorn�y ���ppcarting th� ���ea� 3/�5f97 - 7 pa�e ietfi�r fr�c�m the ���y r�: subr�i�tal r�qa�ir�rn��t� i:\cury�InUnark_rltricunqy.apl � C � � � ) � a � Paye2af2 0 � � � � �� �"`����� 1�9�5�I�l'H�ll�ivd., �g��rl, ��� 9�;���(S�J�) 63�-�1?f �A�•(5p�') 6�d-7297 "�ha Cit� �f 1ri��� s�a�pe�rt� �h� ciQi��ra's �ight t� p�rC3�6p�z� i� Psa��1 g��+��nn��Ra 1'€���d'� �.�r�d tlse �a�t��, tN�r�fe�r�a, ��8��u�����r�i4ic r���inta��r�t�P��4i➢ie�a� ap�e��6� �� ��r��ie� t�nd c���decisi�►a�. �h� ��@lowing f�r� ha�� ���r� clev�iap�d 3�a ���i�t y�a� A��lttag a�+ ��p�a�At� E��d u�e d��i�i��o i� ��csp�r��ar�. 'P� ����r�ra��� �h�� �3li�� f��� s��l� b� r���B��� ��i� ����v��� asay �c����i�ns �ar� i��v� r�g�rdis�g th� �p�a�a� p��c���► �8��;�������t t�� �E��o�6n� �ie�i��ea� c�P�@���t2�v ����rd�r at�h�p�ro���lf�x 6d�t�d �t������e��t�aa�f�r�, ��I���Y�F;�,d��'��� �, �,.o. ��R�Ti`,��� � ��'1� �ra�p�rr�y ��d��d�.�b�r���) �r�d E�a��(x) a� �� A plic.�t�a� ���ng , ,:...:; :;; ::: � �.. . . --�-� � �a����o$�): � A¢3p��0�t8: r`w, � �o� . ���. �o- 5 C.dJ ��'"..�.�� � . .. . `' ^� C������e{��: . ,/� � G I.a.�.m.e..o m.�...a.� .�� _��d r-�[.%�vv J � �5 o,J ' V�,,.,s•r5� r GSc�¢�C. �'�4'r�6 i��., .�rs.,pp°°, h9�a�ne ��1'�����ii ?�A�� 7: G �,�)�v�,'I�� )���t r��...a.,..�� � ��.'�'� « � �v . -, r���`��� ,� �' . � . � �.-+' 6 �P' ✓° �'�- -, ,,..- r- ( �v�r�o�. �,. _s�R�� ��9�flis���3oa�Aa������: ��.U� � �v,-�a,� �. �� �h�V` � ��t�: ��/��-�-- , �!� � �� � c��,��-s , � ��°�������: C,s.��h��.�-�� �8p��ie���'�,�������: �z 2 2 �s c� ���,�w,�, . 5=� ir./G-,L —°�"�.�y.,° � ( � �a��: _�����,��) �el�'/`�1'A$$��: _PC'r''7cr..o��C�� �¢: � '7 3�°, / . ��� W0�'PIl�jf: l��y �����t9�rG�������� ��R�ach�d:(��s'.. '�2� - 36�-/7 ' : ��8�a _ . ��h��i�d �3�t� ���i�es 9��'� �� Fi��lo ►z�.�c� ��, ��a.ae� i��ie h9o���ff Fi�r�! C?�i��sa��V���iv�n; __ j i z �� Sp�i�ic t�r�una� �'�r App��E�r�evi�vv: R�Qt10R�D ��9?°T°��a ,..�,��M�PdT� , � ; r -- '� �°f��1�����. c.�� s ,-c 'v s.�� -�r � ---- �� � � d /�ppli�a�i�n �l�mer��;ubcvtitt��: ,� d J'-����s , ,. �o.rc��w . (�' App��9 �iiirs� F�c���ompt�t�ci� , ' � � �, 7 . l �e�-- ��r-1 �.,� � ,�.--e ��. v..s I�, � ��!€�g���c���o�a�r�c���o�w> � � e � . ,— r:-/ � ,� � � �j � . a���o������c�� s z�.aa � ��.._se `�. �{ �� x� � ^ r :•r'r 's P;B84gIQP3&3V�f'6� � �.qg .e � 'v F34stma�Carr�� '�fSi�a'4o Cb4�+�4und �9.743.eS9 �.,, �0 7effi+sa�al � \ i � Z� f��,�,�.'-�.�G �..�' — -� {-l=. � �G�) � � � (�� -Z � � � 7 � � �,�?�) , � �/', � Sigra���ar�(�)a�4'App�i€���(�jo � ,�, � .;.�. s''+L � �� �;��� ' a � �,r, / /"7 -- � "i1; — o�� � G%�+..( �`^l.«.�a .��^T7 ,'L.� �-..r Ci�7�, C�„ � �4 �T r' C '�:/"� �� /t� .n �}' .�� ��, ,; ,, ,.< � .,:��. .���ti',�. � - �;1 � �° ��� °�- V' -- �a� ' �-C a J r l:J� b..ai �„ `P Cr �✓'� r �..+-C / Ci/�7!' C 4�'r/- <'C�✓ �C� °'C � � /�..� l - �"°q�Y ��o-r h� "yt°-�e rut.,/ -Il,'- GCr'r.?v.,crC', / 'Gr �«. � .L���AL FtUAQ�`ii F�RRO�'pR LAIdD U5�taEC(51CN5 1��F��AOLli'I�ICdNA6 MIVFlQTtPdt'a.4�AG�i pAC�9�F 4 OC L.�c���.�'�� �I..�,.c. � .11'rntra��unal I..imucd Liabilin•Cumpane LAW OFFiCES 14`uu Kuiiv Ce�.�: Seattle 222 S.W. Columbia Anchorage Portland, Oregon 97201 g��(��os� Tacoma Mark Q. Whittow lv9aiez Office: (503) 222-7515 Vancauver, �.C. Facsimile; (503) 721-3b6fr Wash'sngtan, D.C. Yakima 729'�4-OOi101 l��YL� �, �.�`q� ��Y12eS �,� �it'IIt�.Y�Ys Cornmurr�fig� l�ev�lc�p.�r�.en�t Dir�ctarr � �ii) DEX,T��� �iry c�f Ti�d — — — — 13125 �V'v' �-i�l Blvd. T'�gard, �F� 97223 k�e. Re�•A.Pplic��.on �ubaz�.it��I. gor �'z�.��aiznt}r Cez��e�; A�ap�al of R.��s�.l tc� Acc�pt Re-l�gplicatic�a� Bear tVix. �ien�: Thas firm rspresents t�xe Mar�a�s (�o�do� �.. 1Vl��rtin, �h.�ila 1V�. I�T�., �.d Gc�rdon S. l�ia�-tin), ge� o�vv��xs of �,.� p��pes�ry s�zi�j�cc ca t�e ai�ove-se�'�rexzced re- applieaza.en, �� '��ng I�e�r�lc�p�nent, L.Lo�., the a�apla.r_ant. �nclosec� �.�le�sc find � c:ogs� of �rvur I�Iarcla �5, 1997 letter tn Gc�rdon IVlaxtin. �d V�ig L�evelr�prr�ent r�f�asxng acce�tariee of theix applicarir�n su�bsr�.i�tal rr�ad� the same day. Yn�.�r letter appe�s tc� be in �he foz� of a ��aectcar's d��:i�ion c�r int�zprec�tio�.. �'his Ie�cer pre��nts °the a�p�al by �}x� Mar�i.ns anr� Vil€i.x�cg Develo�Ynent of that decisior� or interpa•etatican. Pursu�.t to Cd7� § ].8.3�.31Q, ��a�. ag��aeal� of decz�i�zn� ox interpretations anaci� t�v the Dir.ector may be appealeci to zhe Planaiing Comn�assioz� or H��in�s 6�f�ic�r p�stia�t to Subsecta�n �8.32.090 . . .." Authori�.y eo hear such appe�s appears vest�cl in. th� Pla.i�.nir��• Com�nission, pursuazi� to C1�C � 1�.32,Q9(3.D. "�he requir�anen.ts for � n.��zc� �f appeal caf a Directoa's decision ar� conr.ained in �DC § 1�.�2.34Q..F�. VVe I�eret�y address the appl�cable cri.�ei°ia of !���e provisior� by t.l�e fol�awing inf��r�aat�on: 1. "A reference to the appliear�on sought �o be appealed or reviewed.'° 'I'he ap�lic�tion sought to b� appealed is that application for �he TriaCo�� Center at che southvvest carrflez• of SW 72r�d and �V`T Dartmouth, whicl� vvas delivered to the D�p��r�t of Co�xntiuuty Developmc�t on M�rch 25, 1997. It 3a�es l�,p E��r�dry:c . A�rs:� 4�, 1997 Pa�� 2 ir3cluded applica�iQa� f�r �.�prov�l �f Conc��at�u�. Pl� R.�v�e�r� Sa��. D���elop���.t ��•�;P� S��.si�ve Lar�ds Revie�nr �d a L�at Lin� R�ju����,�> 2< "A sta�e���t as ta hc�wr the peti�ion�r qua�es as a party." _ ��C § 1t�.32.��a..� ���.�eys standi�a.� to �pp�� a �3�°�ct��'s decisio�a �o "�ay p�rsor� ���tle� �es na�ic� c�F th,� d��:asao� �d�x § I�e3�,1�0 . . .o" V�� D�v�lc�prrs.��t, a.� tYLe �pg�lC�1t, �nd �S� It� ' s, �s f�� o�raa.e�� af �tl�e sub�e�t prcp�:c�, a�� �ac�C ex�tit���l �� �a���� o� �� ����si�n. ��9� � 1�.3�.l�ti.r�.�..�u. 3a "'Th� spec'�f'ic �:�uaxds fc�r t�a� ��p��.l a� r����:`� 'Tl�� ta�y refi.�s�d to ��c�pt th,� subj�c� re��pp�c�timz� � vi����io� of stat� l��nr in t�vc� ��.���: (�.) ��gres�r�ta�i��s �o� the �gp�ll�ra.ts delivere�i � coza�p�eted ap���.ea�c�n �e��zz�i ����c ��� �x� �gpl'ae��ac�r� f��, a�.c� s�ppa��.� n�°a�av� ar�.d s�t� pl� to ya� �f�ce �t �4;3� p.an. s�� �VI�r� .�5, 1��7. � s�t frart� z� yo�� l�tte�, yoaa refi.ts��i tc� ��cept de]��r�x?� ca� tkze re��pplie�tic�x� at t3�a� �ime b�c��se i� wa�s not c�r��l��e. P�suant to O�S ��27.178(�}, vvhere �z� appli���ia�� �or a d�velc�pm.�zn� p�s-�i.t is ax�cQ�xplete, t.�� �i�y rziust "n�atif� rhe �p�Ii�ar�t of exact�y �rh.at �foa�a�ia�. i� �s�si� vvi�a �� d�ys �f rec:�ipt �� €h� �p�slicat�o� and �'tmvv t�� �li�a�xe to sL�b�t t�x� m�ssi��ix�'�rr����az." (�anghasis �c����), �,s st�cla, st��� l�v� pro�ibit�d, el�e �zty �a� reius��� to a�c�pt �h.e �p�lic�t�r�r� a� of 1�I�r�lz �5. 1997. (�} Aas r�cog�i�e�i by� sraff i� the pr���.pplicatic�r� c��ez°��c� not�s, thi� s�i�rnit�al was �. re-apgli�ati�r�. ��� tlx� �°a�i-�auzx�jr ��r��:��, a developxn��t vvi�c.h v��s previc�ra�ly accep�e� and �p�arc�v��. by �clz� C��cz�.e t� s��a., � r��pc��se t� �e cc�ntent��� r�.ad� �ra �o� ler�er t�a� t�e �p�a�ac�s.� failed �o �.c�ld a "n�s��bc�r�oo� �eetin�,,` the �pplic:�nt had alr�a.dy held n��r�us m�etig�gs �vi�h t�e � �ognart�ariit� Inve�lveme�t Teatx� regard�� � subvtaa�.tial�y sasnal�r site � pl� o� th� pr�v�c��as �pplzc��.o�. � �. '°�'he d�t� o� fil�� �fi �h� �a1 d��is�o� ca�. th� acti�an or, �a Che c�se c�� � � � decisio�x by r.he Di��eto�, �� da�� �he a��eisic�n was �°sJ.ed and t�� d��� xzota.�e �s� � the finaD: a..�e prca�os�d de�'rsioa� vw�s �iven." .�a YQUr l�tter is d�.t�d Iylarch �5, 1997. ��JGL���t�TES PL.�,.c. Jaanes �'.�: i-i�ndxyar April �, ].997 �ag� 3 Es�cl.cxs�d ple�se �d o� ch�ck in the �araounx to ca�r�r tth� r�q�air�d fee �aa� t�i� appe�l. Whal.� it appeaurs �iac r.h�.s appeal $o�s t� tl�e �lanaaia�g �om�assior�, we request Ch�C ie be subr�i�teci to vvhatever �ppgoprn�t� revie�g 1�4d�; t�� �orr�issi�nr�, �°i�arin�s C�fficer ar Cou�cil. Please provi�i� us �ely nc�rie� c�f any hearin� her��ax, as vor�ll a� ev�a�s of any st�f reparc� publishesi for s�uch hearing. 4T�e apgreciaee ;ycaur ass�sranc� iai this ma�er �1��5� 1'eGl Ti'�'� �Ct C�arriaiix�i iiac e i�� axiy c���rats or qu��t�e�z�s. ��zy tavly ��t�a��, � I.E& �`rA'll°ES P.9..I.oC. _ /� r � � / I��`'� �a"$CIC �, ��A1�C3�d9T ��ia�u�� ��: ��Ia��� ����lo����� �.,ag.,a�o ,, . ��° gyo ,E�.��a�e� !�', �`.�_ ���'.�,t,�� (Name) , tts: ����7'°"� � (Title� s 8 � � e �tDwim�� Bn.cl. ec: T�� t1+la�tax�s Vikin� D�velopra�ent [����L��rt�Errt��-t.z.�nr:l ('° ��GL�C�`l.�f�TE� P.L.L.C. . �' F �� ������ �il�r�h 25, 199? C��rdon [�I��te� i/iking ���el�prr�ent �'i 50 �W i�arnptan Stre�t, �uote 2�6 �'c,r�l��d C.��t �7���, _ R�: Appii��o�� ��brr�ai�t�9 f�r Tri��c�un4�r ���t�r 6�1���� b� �d����d th�t y�s�r �ppli�#ic�n fc�� th� �b�d� �ot�d pra���$ �oi01 �nt b� �c�pteci �eith�aat c�r�p6�t�o� of � �s��gh�i�f�r�cad r�ae�4ing. 1(ou h��� �rat�d �hat t�i� m���e�� �a�� n�t a���u�r�d, and �ariii n�t�c�a�r f�ar �oe�� ti�e. �'�ti� d��i�i�r� i� k���g b�s�� �n �ou��il p��i�yy. �i�+c�r�l�o � ��j�r��� y� rs%�� �'`s Gea. Y° ✓° .,J��l'1P�� �.�. }°��P1f�P� �c�rr�r��a�ity ��v�6�pr���t �i���r�r ' �: P�m �e�ry � �ill �v1o��h�rt �il� i:�cn�,.o�.;E�R��vena��ci.cnrr�v.c.rr�e i 3����1l�Hall 61vd.. Tigard, O!�97223(503)63�+-417] TD[?(�)6&1-277� , -�--M�-- - �C.���� A� P.L.L.�, ,1 Professiona!Limited Liabilitv Cumpanv [.A�IVV'CiFFIC�S t400 FCQIIV C�ne�r �.�chcrragc 22Z:�.i�V'.�otuanbia �el6edaee '�'FG. W�IMAA! Pcte2l�nnd,�e��n 97201��793 - S��ttl� L�ir�ct�i�l: T�co�� (503)7�1-3634 al�cac�sav��, �.C. iVd��n O�ce: f 503�222-151 S F��sirnile: (503)721-365� d�1Y���i Eti'1a9l: tvvym�t�bogle.ecsc�t "Y29'74iQ�OQ d Pv��y 1�� 1997 a �� �A������E l�/[z°. l�ar�I�ob��t.s, �iia°rent Flann�r �xty c�f�°i�ard 13��� S.�', �ai7 ��ule�ard 7'ig�d, OR �7223 �.�: ,Ap���l�f T°�a�-Cou�ty��r����1C���ct��'s Int�����tflc�� �e�INir. �.a�b�rts: T�s l�tt����ll�w�up�a�our telep�ioa�e�car��e�s�tidz�c�f��rli�r tt�is�,��k r���.rdin�th� , P'l��� �or�r�ai�sirar�h����r� t.���ba���mr�f�r��ced issu�, �ar�ch is��h�c��,1�d f�r�i�.y Y�3, 1�97. 't�le vv��ld ��1����a�ss�t�r�u��tz��earia��novY s�t for�lhat da��, "U'V�x�d�rstagad Y,�at st�ff s�rtc;����#.���s�g�����r�q�a�s�, �d h�r���r°+r�d�pYa��ar�f�i���srx�a�xssit�az'�.��� 16, 199'�ager�t�fa�cor�Xi�u�x��s�f t�i�h�arin�. Pd���pr�s�t�t t�.a� f��ter to�e Co�2ssiar�,�nd��k�au fca�y�eaa°�s��ta�G�o 1�1������ s��uld th.�Go�issBS��£csr a�y r��s�n der���h��qu�sted�m�tx���e,����a���d alte��t��ely r�qc�e����t�ecm�d o�ttx�m�tt��b�h�id o�r�for a�c�alirBata��f�eve�a(7}d�ys. ���a�� �all zn� sxa�h axay �caarz�n�nts s�r qu�s�i�s�s. '4��ry��y�a�rs, �t��I,� �c �A.`I'�S �.�..L.�. � � � � � � � 'I°y I�, �'y��a � � � cc: Gosdmn Martirt,�r. � C'sordors lYYartin,Jr. Ed�taristensen,Viking TJevelo�rner�t Nia�k Whitlaw,Esq. 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