Planning Commission Packet - 07/01/1996 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. e o , � ������ �I���� ����d�� ����I����� Jl1LY 1, ��96 - 7:�� P.M. l"��ARD �!!0!C ���°f�Ft-�"�1IVN hiALL 1312 a S!N HA.LL �C.�UL�V/�RC� -� l"l�,�Ftd�, (.�f���t�l� 5+7223 �. ��L�,�'C) C7�C��R 2. �OLL C�aLL 3. P�NNIN� G(��iiiVllSSiC7P� Ct���6111iV6CA�'IrJN� �4. �F�P9�c71/� IVlIP�I�TES 5. [���C�-9\/1�V"oi a�'R��T f:3EDICA'T'I�tV ���i� f3�w�r��€��F�o�d Brian ��g�r C. F'L�tVR11i��' �C)tV�IViiSSB�N BY-�0�1� Jirk ��v�er�dorff� 0 7. C3�°HER B�J�if�ES� �. ,��JC9lJRi����l° � � � � � � �.a an � � � � � S a� ��� O/P ��OO�CS6J 9 �l�YW'idlW� d0�9�'9!�[����tr08\ Ft�g�i�r I'���tgr�g i�������� Jul}a 1, 1�96 6�u V��amo��0' M�G m9�i�'\ 6�re�icl�r�t V!!i{s�� �all�d �h� rr�r���ing tc� order�t 7:30 p.m. �'h� r�e�t�rog vv�� h�lci in �he°�ig�rd �ivic ��nter, `Tc,uvn F�a91, at 13�2� ��f�i�11 �Iv�d. 2. 6�����. ��9m� �or���'ss�ic���r�_�'��, 6'�e�id�r�fi V\filso�9 Corn�i��ic�r��rs /�r�d�;r�on, ColE�on, ���r�r�g, �ri�i�h, F��II��d, �l�f#, ��dgr�t�, �nd ic�al�r �taff Pre�enfi: C�i�k �evu�r�d�rf�, �'I�r�roir�g �Jl�r��g�r; F3riar� F�a��r, �nginer�ring M�nag�r; J�rr�� �aynnr, Pl��ning Cor�rniss�cr� �ecretary 3� f�E,.AN�V9�C3 �t�i66BE�91l��IC)h� �f���U�1�a�TaC��� I�ick Bewv�rsdr�rff �n�ro�u��d �lich��! �I�f�, th� r��vv��t rr��e��kaer c�f �h� Pl�r�ning Cornrr�'ssaic�r�. �"h� Pla�r�ing ��mr�Q��idn �ecre��ry provs���1 t�� �c�r�rni��i�r��r� wi�h co�i�s s�f te�tim�??�y �iver� �t a r���nt �P�C me�ting reg�rding fV���rc� 2040. �. �a�����/'E �I���""flVC �!�lPJI°�� Corr�mbsvi�n�er �'�dg�tt ma�ed and Cor�mi�sion�r Holland ��co�dec� � �n�ti�r� �a appre�v� �h� [+/i�y �Q, 199�, m��ti��� rninu��� �s wri�fer�. lA vt�ic� �a�fi� was t�?ee� �r�d th� 4�ncatior� p��s��cJ b;r rn��c�ri�y �s�t�. �c�rnmissisan�rs Anders�an �r�d �l�fF a��t�i��d. Pr�sid�nt t�Jiison carr�cfied th� rr��n�t�s of June �, 199G, p�ainting o�t #h�t he wu� abse�� ar�d did r�c�fi �afi the rne��ing ta ord�r, �s u�ra� �f��e�. Gom�is�ianer Padgeft m�v�d ad�d �ornrni��ian�r AnderS�n s���or�dec! � rr�ofiian tm �pprnv� fih� t��it�ut�� a� �r��r�d�d. A voic� �ot� uvas faker� �rr� the mofi�n p�ssed by rnajori�y v�fie. Garr�er�is�i�n�rs Cala��an, �9efF, �nd �iil�c�n 2�bst�i�ed. � 5. ����F��f�VV�T�i���° �������'�fl� � �enior �'6�s�r��r 3�i�k �e�r�r�dot� pre�ented fh� s�aff r�port can b�h�lf �f th� Gity. � He said fih� ��s�ch�i�v�r ���e�wr�ers e��soci�tiar� wa� req��:��ir�g t�� �ity �cc�pt � dedic�fiic�n �ar�d �ak� ovQr the ��r�+�t r��inter��r���. i�� ��id the �fir��t� w�r� built ir� "� �9�7 �� prsv��� ��r���� ��d do r�ot ��et Gity s���c��rd�; �h�� �r� �ub�tandard ir� � � wi��h �r�r� S��k �iq�v��l�� can �ane �id�. w � i'LANNlN�CUi�tR�tIS�1ON NfBETINt'.,MI191�J'I'E�- July 1, 199G-Page 1 i!A —•'lid�pd .S1 L • , ��av�r�dorff ��id th�t s#a�t recom�cnd��9dn w�� for �h� �'I�nr�ing �zrrr�rnis�ian �� �or�soder the dedi�afiiAn reqta���, ���iject to the �Qnd'e�io�� �r� �h� st�ff r�p�rt. TI�� randitions were fiar 1) City�taf�to �ondu��an insp�ctiorr of th� �tre��s tc� determin� dam�y� ar d�f�;��s, vui�i� fih� Har�n�flv�✓ners���a�iatic�n �aying for�EB re��srs, and 2) the Homea�neners Asscaciatiar� ta b� r���a�n�ibl� for pr�p��ir�� s�r� h��ir�g th� �ity pr•�p�s��fihe ded���tirar� dcac�am�r�t�. � �t���l� Dla����i�6�! �� �u�ller, �3��3 Si�/ �enc��'s�v�r F'I., Ti��rd, C�F2 9�22�30 ����rr�d tc� � 9e��r sen� b�the ���chve�vu P�orr��c�vvners A��c�ciafisorr. h�e said �h� major c�r�c�rn €� with th� prc��r�s�l to ir��pec�� and ��� �h� hc�m�r�v���ra fia p�y for ��i� irroprover���nfi� or dam�ge. F�e s�id th� e���n�ge tc, th� cul-d�-��c �p���r� �r h�v� ���r� vau��e� by the aea'� Faouse �lide ��d darrr��g�;d storm sswer. 1�'lu�ll�r s�id th� horr�eo►Nners ���I �h�t �h�n �h� �tr��t wa� put in, th� �6ty+ �cc�pted it in t�rrn� �fi in�pection #r,r gradi�ig, drair��ge, anc� other things. H� �aid �hey �o not fi��! th�y hav� done ar�y�khi�g �o c�use thi� prabierra. �fe s�6d fih�y would lik� th� �c�mmis�i�n tfl iraclu�� rep�i� o# th� �ul-de-sa� �s � p��fi cafi the ger��ral cl��r� up �nd stabili�ation �f t�ge slope. fVluelp�r asiced if i� uv�� ps��si�i� for �GE� to mainta'sr� th� ric�ht-a���y �'or str�et iighfi�, ur�der th�ir �ptipn � ��riff, sir�ce the wiring is vvithi� their ease��r��. H� �aid this��o�9d sav� fhe ha�n�c,�nr�ers th� Gs�sx o�chanring the r�ghf�nf-+�v�y. fV�u�lier �ai� ti�e ha�nec�vur��rs d�rs't h��v� ex��r9er��� i� pr�parar�g d��3��tion docum�r�fi� �neE vvc�LSld Bik� tc� �it� tt� c�a� tY�is, as a parfi af�he proc���. �� �aid ��l�ey f��! lik� they'r� p�yi�g a�e��+� �v�r��� pr��a�rt� t�x�� �r�d th�y ��n'� h��� a I�t of m�t�ey in fihe Norn�op,��e�-�P�ssc�ci�ti�n. Commis�ioner Griffith �sk�ci PVl�aefl�r if he was avvare that fihis was � priva4e str��t vuhsn h� k�o�gh4 tF�� �aro��rty ar�d tl��t it �ni�s �he r�sponsik�ility t�f th� �SC�r��eo�vners to r�aintain th� privat� r���s. dVlueii�r an���r�d fhat h� �idra't rP��il, b�,�t ti��r� wer� terrn� an� conditi�r�� u�+i�i�6-i he �igr�eca a� par� c�f buying th� praper�. Commis�ioner �riffiiih asked wh�t was u�rong vvith th� c�ai-d�-s��. iV9t��l��;r s��d h� was not a�nraf� $hat anythir�� �vas wrc�n� �ith it, tF��f he �v�� refi�rrir�g tc� � 4�tt�r �rom the Er�gineering/Pl�nnir�g depar�ments �rtrhich s���h�re is sn�� dar�,age to it. Carnmissidner Gri�fi�kh �sk�d staff if fh� st�rrr� ser�v�r� �nr��� pri���e� c��- p�bia�. ��gi�eering (�a�ager E�rian R�a�r answerec� #i�at he beii����d th� st��o°� dr�inag� in fr�n•� af th� stre�t is a pri�af� lir�� ar�d �ha#th� s�nit�ry s�vvr�r is prc��ablv paabiic. Gri�fith �sk�d �hat if thi� were ��npt�d, �uould �ve b� �s��arr�ing r�;s�onsQb�ilit,r f�r th� �tc?rrn ���er as welL Rager �ns�s��ed ��s. PLANNING COMMISSiOIV MEET'I1V(;MINUTES- July 1, 1996-Pa�e 2 , K�rry R�a, 13690 �l�J Ber�ch�siev� �i., Tigard, OR 9722�, �aad et vv�s hi� undersranding tha# th� storm drain was fih� f�ity's ��d �h�� th� ��ty h�� b��r� involved in terms of r�pair and mitigating �h� damag�. FRe �9so �aid th�t D�av�d Scott (��ilc�ing Ofi�icial) b�lieves there i� ssarr�� ��p�r�tian in �h� �urb �rr�m t�� sfreet. Rea advis��l that ther� were 3 lots along the stre�t �9��� sufi�er�d d�rn�gc� g�c�r� fihe ��r���r flc��c�. H� ��id i� was his �c�si#ioro that �he Gity has ��ri��s r�s�rar�sibility ir� thi� ��iE f�ilure. Fi� advi�e�i fih�# hi� ��orr�ey h�� s�r�r�d a �lair� �c�ait��t the �ity; fhaf in the planr�ing pr�ac�ss there vver�; several rnist�k�� �ade �y ��v�r�f par�i��, is�ci�dir�g $he City i� de��io�rr�er�t o��h� ��r��4. �c�rrirnis�ioner Gri�'fith a�k�d Re� if he wa� aw�re it �nras � private sfreet when h� btat�c�hf �he prt�p�r�y ar�d it �nr�� the respon5ibiiity af th� homeowners. Re� answ�red th�f he b�9iev�d sca. R�a sfiated that p�ople ir� th� neighborh�c�d �r� �ayi�sg h��'ty� tax�s and he dae�n'� thi�k fil��ir standar� c�fi �ervi�e shoulc! �a� any � diffierenfi fhari ��yc�ne el��'�. The Comu�niss�aner� �I�ri�ed v✓ifih R�a thaf he�va� paying �h� ��arne mi!lage rate �s o�h�r T'sg�rd citi��n�, b�� the horn�� in l�i� r�eigl�barhoc�d �r� r��r� e�p�r�si�a� ���� �h� �v��age �t�rr�e, so fihey ar� payir�q � higher total daliar amoun�. ��h� Gomrrii��ioners ��k�e� st��f ifi th�y shouid r�ak�; � d�cisicara o� thi� i�th�r� �r�� iitig�tic�ri inve�i�ec�. �ick ����r�d��f� advised fiha� th� Gity /�ttorn�y i� ���lir�� e�ith fhe Bifii��ti9n m�tters �nd tii�� �h� �e��nr��i�s`�a�e�� are j�a�� rrs�ki�g � r�ccamrr���c�ati�r� �c� �oun�il regard;nc� the cied�catiQn. �ee��rs�iorf� sasd Ca��cil wi61 deal �ith �h� fi��r��i�� i����� ���t �h� i-lom�awn�rs l���c��i��i�� h�ve sugg�st��. Comrni��ior��r �riffith ask�d sta�F if fh� storm and sanit�ry �ewe�s �nre�e up to City �nd US� st�r�d�rds c�r i�th�� w�r� also ���s�andard. �rian F���er �nsuv�red th�t he believed �he sar�itary and �tezrm �evver systems vuer� �rc�b�bly insp�c��� �y �h� Gity. Patrick �o�t�r, 13�14 SVlI Clearvi�w VVay, Tigard, �R 9722�, �dvis�d th�fi fit�e sanitary and storm �r�i�ag� syst�rrr�s were th� prop�rty c�f fihe �ify. H� said th� horneovvr�ers were c�ancern�d ov�r th� lack of sorne public se�i�e� that fihey �,+�rp p�ying �ar �ut �,��r� s�o$ r�c�iving, e.g., �treet �andirrg, palic� patrollin�, rernovaf af �aarkPd c�r�. H� �aid th� hom�;�w�er� vuca�ld lik� �o h��e fihe �t��ets d�dic�ted to th� Cify. FZuth Lisicki, �333� �W Benchvi�w �'�rrace, Tigard, QR 97223, s�id �h� was e�e�� �w�r� of th� priva#� str��fis wh�n s6�� ��ugf��t h�r ho�r��. She said the�� is � !at Qf e�r�fusic�r� �e�e�u�e �c�me of the sfir�ets are priv�te arid �came are public, �o the PLP.NNING C�MMISSION MFET[NG iv[INUTGS- July !, 1996-Pa�e 3 �' h�meawn��� dn r�ot kn�v�r r�h� is r�spari�ible for an�h�t. �h� ��mrnented th�� th� hc�rr�ec�r�vi3�rs �vha liv� on priv�t� �tre�ts pay��il tax�s, buf �r� not en4itl�d to p��blic s�rvb�r�s c� t��ir s4r�et�. Ccarnrr�i�si�n�� c��A�Fith a�k�d ���� i�' th�y had an �stimate caf what this wcauid cost tl�� horn�c��+r��r�. Di�k BP�rversdor�#�nsvvere� that the en�ir�e�r�would have to de� a complete in�pec�ion and w�uid cie��rmine the cc�st at that �irr�€�. ��� s�id staf#'s r�corrimendati�n is �h�t thes� cos�� �re be�€�nd r��int�nar�c� �nd th�t bringi�g th� �tre�t �ap to �ity st�nd�rds v�ouid �e �ppropriat�, �s oppos�d t� ��ving t�� r��i of C'sfiy t�xpayer� pay the c��t. F1e s�id the inspectian ��uld not k�e dor�e un�il the Git� r�ak�s � decis3on on the d�di�atien. Ccarrrmi��ioner �'�d���t �sk�d t9��t if th�s v��s an anr��xatior� si��a�tion, uvc�uld fh� �City r�qtaire r�nr�, les�, or #he s�rn� �rnount of work �rorr� the. l�om�awne�s. ��w�rsdo�ff �n�w�re� that �ore�nally v�ith ae� �nn�x�tic�n, we don'fi �ucept fhe �tre�#s fo� mair�tenanc� unti! fihey'r� brc�ugh� up to star��lar�1. Ca��t�issior�e� �iollanc� remark�nd that, in t�e fi�t�r�, h� v�ra�aic� h��✓e ��cond ti�c���hts ak�puf �If�wing private stre�f� in n�w dev�lop��r�4s. Pi.��LE� �I�����lON �I�����o Th� Gom�nissi�r��rs talk�d abouf th� advan�ag�� � develop�r rec�ives when �iiawed fc p�t rr� �riv�fi�, substanc��r� �treefi� ��d �h� �roblems that �r`�� �fter tt;e f��fi. Cc���mis���r�er P�dg��# r�m�rk�� th�� th� horn��vvners �hc�s� ta buy the�� ho�nes �r�d �cc�pted th� priv�t� �t���t�, b�� r�ow the�� v�r�nt the City t� be�r th� �s��� �f ch�ngir�g �h� str��#� from �rivafe tn �a�blic. H�; s�id h� thought th� p�opi� vvho want to rnake the ch�nge shauld b��r th� cca�t. 9°9e �Iso said 4�� did not thi�o;�: t�� �ondi�ions listed in fihe �taff report were unr�asonable and h� s�ppc�rted the �t�ff repart. Commission�r AndPrson �greed, ii#cenir�g �he �i���iior� fa cald�r ��ighbonc�aods with gravel sfire�ts who fr�rm �n L!D �c� have #h� st��;�f� pa��d. In re�pc�r�se �o a qa�e�tic�r� fram �h� �uc�ienc�, �ic� 8��u�r�dc�ri� �aid ���t t�e h�meo�rroers �r,ight pay fcar th� repairs with an �ID c�r tl��y caul�l b� dan� �y p�i��t� er�gin�ers� �ubjec#to City �ns���c�ian. Gomrnis�ioner Holland rnav��9 to approve t6�� dedicai:iar� �s p�r�h� �ta�'f r�par� �r�d let the �iiy Gcuncil decide th� fnan�6�l �rid n'f if. Sc�me Co�mi�sicar��r� ��k�d for �larification af�he rn�tian. Holf�nd ��id �h� m�tion u�as exac�l� as th:: �taf� repart �t�t�s, vyith th� c�r�ditior�s li�ted c�n th� �fi��'r�pc�r�. PL�NNiNG COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- July l, 1996-Page 4 i . � . A q���ti�n �ua� r�is�d abca�t th� 3�' righ�-�f w�y that do��n'# �urr�ntly exist. L�ick �e�neersdc�rff �t�gc��st�d th�f �f�� 6igh� �tilit� ���s�d b� p�� �n �n �a5�rr��r�fi. �ri�r� � �ag�;r adv's��d �I�af, typiu�liy, s�r��;t ��gh�� �r� i� �h� p�blP� righf-c��v��y. F�e ��i� �h�� if �h� �ety taok th�s� ov�r ifi uvoaald �cat �� an confc�rmance �nrith �h� vv�y w� r�c�rrn�lly t�k� c�v�a° � p��lic �tr��t, I3�4� 9� I� � �R��6�I1'�4� ��UIICII ��Il ��k�. �� ��64� that � p�ablsc utility e���r��r�� c;��ld prr�b��iy �f�c�rd t�� �i� th� ��r�� �cc��si�iiity ��thQ �tr��t ligh��. A�f�r f�rth�r �i��o���i�n, ���s�i��ican�r �3�Fr��g se�onded fh� ��tion. � �os�� v�te w�s talcer� �r�d �h� o�r��€c�� ��ssc�d �n��irr��a��By. �d �/Eu�:ll�r ��k�d i� thi� ��q���t e��1� b� �i�hdr��r� in �h� ��t�r� i� t�� horr��o�rr��r� �ind �6�at i� i� �ra�t prc�h€bativ�. Th� �a�a�mi�sion�r� ad�ri�ed hirn �h�� �his aNa� ��9y a rec�mm�r�d�tic�r� tc� ��un�il �r�d ihat fh� hr�m���rv��r� could withdr��th� req�ies� if�h�y �ho�� t� d� �c�. 6. �lat�N�IR�� ���3�p���C�i� �Y-G�A�� �ick F�evv�r�sd��pr��ent�d � dr�ft copy a� by-E��� and ask�d the Commi�si�n�rs t�, ���id� �f they ��e��� th� p�rpo��. �'����d�r�fi VVi6�or� r�m�rk�d t��t #h� �ammi��it�r� �ras m�r� iil�er����� ir� havir�g ruE�� af ar��r that u�o�r� r�ot �� ce�r�piiGatec� �� F�ob�rt�. F�� s�id �� v�e�� lo��ing �or sarne�hing fh�t w�s � li�ki� bit mare �rr��i�Ex�d, b�t was nofi oppo��d tca having by-laws. He said he �rc��ld 9ike tca see �c��i�fihi��� th�t w�uid ���r��� po�si�P� �it��tign� th�t �h� by-i�w� dQn't �p�ak t�. �i��si+��t�t 1�i6'sl��rr re�fer�r�d fic� Ar�i�B� 6I, "R��p�r��i�ilifiie� c�f Cc�mr�i�s�can". Witf� ��g�rc€ �a �'i�r��i�o� t�ca�rr�i�s��r� �r�d �I�" rc�l�s, ��� �e��ld 9���� �ea ��� fi��� ��ction �ili�d in b� ���r�cil. �arrirr�issic���r h9call�r�d �ugg��fied �dopting �h� b�-I�vv� �nd �he� have �Council ma�ke chariges if they w�n�ed gca. �ommi�siar��P �ir�d�r��n ref�rred t� �,rfiici� i!, �ec�iara 'i, Arti�l� �3 "�"�e �or�imi�si�r� m�y assist t4�e Cc�uncil in th� fir�rr�ul��i�n af a �apital Impr�v�rner�f P�ogr�m...". �ommi�5is�n�r FEoEiar�d sugg��t�d changi�g ti�e wc�r� �ay to�o�ll. � Comm'r��i�n�r P�dg��t c�f�rr�d ��a /art��4e li/, �eefian �, "Rt any me�t�ng c�f �h� � cammis$ior�, � qupr�arn sh�ll b� � r�°iajori�y �f th� merr�bers pre��nt c�fi the � co�nmissi�r�". �4e fihouglit fihis mi�ht be confusing and suggest�d trans�c�s�ng �h� � �nr��d�fQ r��d "...pr��end r��mber�...". � � Th� �c,mrni�sior��rs ��Il�ed ab�ut adding a v����c�r's agend� to �he regui�r �g�red�. � ��mmi�sQr�r�er f'adgett suggest�d tha� �iti�er�s should �ppro�c� City s��fF if they '"� vv�nt�d t� p�t ar� i�em or� t�e r�g�l�r F'9�nnir�g �orrtimis�ion ag��d�. f�LANN(NG COAi1MISS10N MSETIi�lG Ii�1INUTES- July 1, 1996-Page 5 ' p e ��mrr�i��io��r F4�16�r�� m��ed tc� ad�p� ��e �raf� rneith �h� ch�ng�s s�agg�st�d far r�r�i�l� il, ��cti�r� �, ��ti�l� � ar�d Ar�i�l� li�, ��c�i�r� �. ��mrn6ssio���r G�i�i�h ��C�B�t��t� �I1� P11�$i�t1„ � �fQi� VC�f� F�i'�� $��C��1 ��1� ��t� P'610�i��1 }���5�� . �n��6mous�y. �Jf�T�: 'f'� PaR��3l� ����G�I�t' i6�l�i°9� ���A�C� 7'O ,���I�L� I'!l, ���i°!�N �, �C��ilBi�I�S9��i�R €'AD��"f'"f �TE� �4Jt�CE�T'�� �Fi/�fVC�INC� �'H� 1lV/�l��IN(� T'� ��D: "�"f/-O�IY tt��ETIIVC� OF T�� �C)N1NBI��l�N, f� C�I�C�Rl�M �F�lA�..L �E A t�AJC��IT`P �F °THE �II�.R�iVT' ��P�B��RS �F TH� ����II��B�F�". :,, 7e O°���'E� �lJ��i���� �ior�e $. A,DJO�J���i��`� Th� m�etin� adjo�rr��d �t£3;30 p.r�. � �E�rre� ayr��r, f'�r�mg r�r�i��ican ;��r�t��o �;-____ �, �T: �r��id��� �19�k��sE��¢� / a � � � � � � � � � 1'LANNING COMNdISSIt�Td IvYEETING Iv1INiJTES� July I, 1996�Page 6 e r 'CIC�ARD 6����lO�NG C�1��65�1�� ..,, ��L���L�. CSTS't7� TI�AFtO O��GOW FI�,��NG 13A"T°�w 7-/-�% G> �T',�R�°�Nta T!!��„ ?�3� P.61�. �O�'�d��������: ____ �d�CPS�'V�L�CJN ���,��RP���6��) � , — �1.1C�I�P°@� �4.�9����47P�! `' «�[�i�@�A��. �C7LLS��i �.� �r�P��L.YRI DEFF�Nf� r/ J��V9�� GRI�'FITl� � ��21� HULLJ-��lC� � �Al��1��L N�FF � fu9P,E�� F'A����` ✓� SFl�L ���IQ1..�F� �T��� PR���N�'e � ������� E3EtNC�t��C��F'� , �4�lf��NE 51Ai�'F! � 1/`��LL D'I�NDF��� __ F�A�'�ld�LfJ�E �' t��.RlC F����€�T� f��9..5 Ii�3��s4�L�C.�� � � � � � [�L���� �����T� � � — — �a � �_ ��I.f��9 �A(��� JA�!!�S i���JC���`� � � � � � h:iie��irt\j�rr�e\pc-roil.mst . 0 �tl.�� ` �'v ✓�a�� ��a �' "�i� �° ,( � � �!'° �,.e�I1�YJLl4��� ��.1.�� �a�v �w° aa���� . a�����s �1(j'T�C�: ��,� P ,��1,'�� �E� C� � �� �� T' �T�1'� � �r ��'� O� �.��1 . � AG°r .�5. �Ibl�I #: �". P`�ge ! �f� ���+ {)�°+ � C°�ro '7 / � 1�� �.t�� ���): ------ � ����I��`: �'- C- l l/l�c,c,' �¢ e e'� ✓�P C/i'C l 'U �'�C��7» 1� � �� �" Y� � � ��� Il�'f�� � Y� ���� _ �.4 ,� .�...��-��-�e.����0 m �-� ��i)� �'ar�a.�p� � ��� `� � � ���� ) ��_ ��������_�,..,�v�.�__���,_�W_����--� _ ���w�-�..� (�SSSt�esaa��/ ��� sa1 l�rirat.tY�l /� e�s.� I�ts�t�" 2���: �,d�: .,�,� ����s° I� `�,�.� ��,�"��v F'pa� �� �.�it�*t���t�° Cit O��a� ` �1 N��� I�snn�: Addr���: � A�$�x°���: Cat�/��.�it�• �at�r/�f��.�° . I�3'��: 1'�a�e. �.ddx°�s�: A.dd.x�s�: � �Cit�l���.p: - - ���tvvi�fi�t,el�i�;� � _ � s� � I'a'��; __ � �T��.�: � - � �,ddr.��s; --- -� t�a�r�ss: � � � Ci�/��at.�?'.�i�< � Git�/��t�1'�Li �a��: 1�T��. ,�iddx�s: Ad�.re��: C�itv/S�at�1�i�: m ��, Cie�vlSt,�.t�H�s a•�t���ao��.�� � , , ; ; �._ ��. ���� ��°�� � �� � ��� ��� ���� � x> ������ ���� �.�. ����r� �:�������,��-��� � ��ti�F17C?!M,t3FiE�aC3�37f17a �����ti � �: ��U�� �.�g�� �c����� �a���r���in� �::F C'�'' �xC '�'�t.��l2�a �'�t��r +�f �.'�.c��.x`� � � '1�����Oee������� �.�1?5 �� �T��s �a.7_va� `s'����:d�t3r�c�c�xs �'7 2;�3°°8�.9 9 �' � ���i9��aa� s�a�cs��€��,��. - W._.,. �, ��.�,n.��,'„� '` � � �, `�`��������ts��v�"i���c�k��a���,y�'�`i���'���i�a�E�c�ars�as��g+:�a� l��.�c�ur��� P�yab�.�:�e�r�r �-���a�� e�� I ���.��`���s�:�n,��h�'i"ig��+�a�ir���ea��;�.'�v�� . , :��ft��r��a°T`� i f�t'����,�iP,i�����a:;�`��d vv�i�3�n s���r�snt1a�y�?�x��a���.'�s��� �i�-4ae�rac�g��t�n���a���r s��li� _.._�.____�__�_.__.._ � �_..�, ����cac��ara���s��y��+��������a���it�'C.'�s�g�t����,�2 eaf th�`��g�r�. . �` ib�����y�afl�ca��r at��d���t�er��a�a�$ux�e�a�f'�he�l�aa���a��.".a�x;�i�saa�w , �LF°I�V�3e�'�S�" �� �13�3�.���,�'60P� �'a���ar�ta�r��i ass�a��e���€����y im�ter�t�►e�as�t„pr���t�t�e �-������ �g�����, � ��a�t�f�Fa�ar����arre�ss�°�y�t�u�raaer��s eir ea+ad�a�c�s�f�ci�n�t� c�d�l���Y �a� �B��t�ar���ra�, )�s. ��v�ae���ti�����aYi��r�iy���a tta��es e�s�'s����t�����s�; ga���l�a�v��� �ppe�I, ara� ��ai��t� �� �p�cifv �he cr�8�r�srr� �'r�s� ��� �, K��-��y �n��t,s�r �cai�a�n�e�3e���R=����;a�a��►c��d�'��r t�c,ex��r�9��s€eR���'��� �t��a��� � �3�6i'�¢J $IYSf dlJl`y� �44�C)9'TB, c�a��acr�� �nc� s�Y,#h�4 ! �ary dhe� �d��rtESin�, ��x�����s d�r�sc:t�f�l�ts��st.�`d�:t��t b��ssd�������t��a�5�aa�u,���� f�ir�c4oe, ar h{� prir�c�ip�i ��e�°6c, c�f the�''L t�;,���_:�1��'� � 3'�,�_z�t: �ff!cs�'�rb�����g����`.�i��tf�'r��ft���rnira��aa��ys4ara�t��1���.�� �i ���wr�g���s�r ofi ��r��r�I cicc�9e�t6ca� s� ,�ai's��c� ixt ��t� 1�;3.d5�� I�.la��trd.;`�`°�,�ra�,�s�a91�2�s'�?�y e�d�in��i,9-��8�; _ �a�ef 1�3.t3W�; �s�blishar! t����Tar�._ in BI�e� mP�at�� 'sd��us�� �ard �ta��, 2he4 4�� F�7QI d�°F���� I3erac�iv�..e�r �;��a�es Suk��S�:.r��� ���da_ca��ic�z� �. �%�ae�t�� �s,�y a�€ ��ota:v4� 's� 'ra�r�la �r�es�x�s�, �,��� �e�9�l����r� ire ?9�e ��;�������i`�'Al7"������3��i���ti���'�'���'�"�S+�I�a��,'���i`�' �1`�t� �`��e�������seat��aa��ia�� ���� t�� �.��aw���a�:aa� �w3����a�r rir a�a�t t� � � �r�fir� `s���a� Uf s�i�i ra���p�p�r fc�r_ O��% ��c��:ss�ve� �s�d ��eca�����d�ae�Rti��a[y���p��zt P�u���t��a n�iha I�ee�eh�ra��t�s��,E�� P � �� sa�t��vv����i����� ., . � . �.�����a�t��c� iss ��asa f�����is�� �.�,����: � �s����b�x�s€���es.''t`Es�Ca�eana�si��sid��9s�e�'� ����an��������a:���rc��s�u�,����������v�a�w:�g�t�������a���r���•� ��.������;k�������ci��i�at�d ¢�n g�A��€��iac,�.6�C�'�'����e s��s¢�a�a��e June ?t) . 19�ri ----_— , ���x:.�vi��r'�;���p�a�aih�r��t€'�s�hwie��ia�e;,e�,�,�a��t►���g.��r�ri�e� b��� '�'T`��-��ttlisl�Jun��, 1'9�5. �`�f-.-� - - — ._.., . �� .5�� � �l1�?��f9�+df� PitiC� :�4tiffR'Pl �4 �2 u � r�ae fhds.2.S� .._���___c�.���,?_ , ,,., �"""'�°"°'"a"�"'�: '.� f,,,�-� p,h �, �� � Gr r.,,i�C.:i�:,41. `,� xi ��7��'�' s�1 �?t!;"k!���� � — ` �-�-- '''e��) NOTA'� '�c�FiE�aOIV � l��a��a€w �'s� �e�s 0����rs �"�i ' � �.,UPd�iv; �� �.�. ;���5�� � �> �;Y C. �SIUi��,. � �Nca FaB�iY SCi ��39� � �y �r�s�es�ro���ic�� ���air��: .,�,...m,.,,.wu�.��,�..,��,�..,a•. � �������5� � - �,� � � � .�.t I . y � �+ . �@'�'Y��TB�d46t� � �� � e t��T��� a�FII���II��l�I1��1i1'i'�A'�'1`I-I��'IC�A�D P��Vl�I1V�i C��14�I�SIIG�1�.�'�'A IVf��Ti�I6w ON �Cl��➢A.'�Y��,� �,`i��� f�'�8:���lb�. ���'H� '��9�M��1LL��THI� �°d����H��C��N'C�I�o a3n�5 � ��'Y��,6.�.����,�'C�l�fi��.'�II��R�������1�I �7��3�'����fAt�����R'Y°�� �'��II�����2�Afi�����A°P���is 6�4 1 �l�Ls !�i L�. �����9I'�� �� 9�B �� ��,d9�A�91+'�'�5� � Y �LL�t�.� E�6�.���.N'�4 e�k! A��LI��N�': �er��hvievv Lst�t�s hiom�dwrner's A�sac;ia�i�r� fJ`JVN�R��}: S�rr�� B�° L A D�velc�pme�fi ��75 SW F3eav�rton-F-liilsd�fe Nighv�r�y �'orklar�d, C3f� 97225 R�C�U�S�' � Ti�e �'ianni�g �omrriissic�n will be consideeing `,�heYh�r �r root i� �eeornm�nc9 fa th�: Ci�y �ouneil th�� streets i� th� Benchuiew E�t�t�s subdavisi�n b� accep4�d as �ublic�tr�et�. The C�mmission �+vvill li�t�n tc�i�stimar�y regarding a pr�posal by th� Benchvi�uv �s�at�s t°�I�m��wner's that their�tre�t� �i� d�c�icatea ta the pu�alic. �.00A"CiQN: So�thwe�st Ber�chview T�rra��, a�UtFlilV�S� ��?i1ChVILW/ F"iace and southwest Cl�am°vi��v V1i�y. A�SISTiVE LiS°f�Rflt�� Q�VIGES AR� AVA.ILA�L� �c�R �'�I��C�f�S VVITH I�fi�F�IF��� hi��i�if��. �'�� �I�'Y 1N�LL AI_SC� �l�C�E�1/OR 7�D R,R.RAN�� FOR QUA�iFlEl� SlGf� LA9�Gl��IGF l�JT�RF'R�7�R� Ai�D QUALIFIf�� �IL.6NGU/�L INT�RPF��TERS UPC��1 �fi�QU��T. PL�AS� �CAL.L (503) 6.�9-4171, �XT. 320 (i/C71GE) �R (503) �84-2772 (°�"D!� - T�L�C�CaMN1UNI�.�T{O�B� D�V9�ES F'�� TFi� D��1F) �10 LE�S T�EAl� (��3E UVE�K P�IC9f�T� TP-i� HEAI�iBVC� TO �AI��A�tt6gr'�P�l����F�l°�"� F'�R��7°-l7�'. ANYUNE WISN1�lG TC) Pf�FS��1T 1NRdl""i��N TESTII�JIONY 08V THIS F'ROF'(?S�D ACTIC�N N�AY a0 SO fN Vi/R!Tlt�G PRIQ�R 1"O, C3R AT TNE 71ME OF �'U�LIG T��T'iIVIU�JY. �3l�L°��5�'iP,�ONY fVIAY �� P€����Pll'�a f1T" TH� P�EEETI�lG. TH� �'LABVi�l�� GUNIMISSION WlLL RE��IVE A, 5T'A'�F �ZEPORT PR���NT'�TIOfV FROM TFiE CiTY PLRNN�FZ; OP��I FC)(� TH� PU�Li� T�S"i°i�11C)�IY; APVU INVIT� BC3`I"�E O�AL �,N� WRlTT�IV TESTIN9ONY. ALL DQCUIi�ENTS i�l �HE ABO�'�-�lC3�'E� F!l_� �F2� �VAIL�:Ql�� FC?�i 1�9����TIt3� �4°� i�C� �O��f' C��2 CC�I'iEa GAh! BE �B�fR,ll��� FC?{� °�l�N�"l-�fi6E G�N°�"S (25�) PE� �A��, �!� T'F-!� �lJP�F��NT ��� CNARC�[� FOR G�Pl�S AT THE TIi�iE ()F THE REQU�ST. AT L�AST ����N �s) 9�A�P� F�(�lOR T� T�� (����'i1�C�, A COP'Y �F TNE �-fAFF l��I�C7F��"WlLL �E AVA9LAI3�.� F(�� i�'�PECZ'It�l� 8��` RaU �(7�°(, (�� e4 Ct?�� �A€V �� C)�TAINED FO�t T1N���T1(-FIV� CEh1TS (25C) ��R F'A(�E, �� T'H� �l9l��t�N1° f�AT� CNARC�� FCaR C(�PfE�A`�THE TiME C�F TH� REQU�ST. FC�R FUFtTHER lfVFQ6�MATICJN PL�AS� �Of�TkGT T'HE S�'AFF' PI..,A�![d�� R6��iaA�[��,���y�,�Qf���'F IN TH� PL.�RlNihl� DIV��IC?�! RT (5(�3� 639-+�171, TlG�RI� CiT'�' F9ALL, �3125 �W�i�L.L �3C?�3L�08'AR�, TIGAFZD, UR���N J7223. ��ENDA IT�� #� ' `� e 1!'g�li'1�.J�1'�R3�J A�'A ��'I'� �3�"'�"g�.� , ����N '�"�Da �lanning�'omr��issio�and City Couz�Gii F��l�a Engineering and I'lannin� �A�'�'�: Ju.ne 4, i 9R6 ��JIB.T�C'�": Stxeet Bedication Reqdzest in L3�nch�iuw Esta�fes . �ac et•o.� T'�.e Benchvievv Estates I�am�owne�•'s Associati�n is iequesting that ti�e �ity �.�c�pt dedi�ation �f tlne streets in their subdivision as pubiic s�r�ets. T�ie streets wer� bui�t as pri�ate str�ets al�n��ith the Benchview subdivisi6n i.n 19�7. Ir� th� �ypica� dev�ic�pz�rr��zit �rocess, st�•aets are bualt to City standarc�s and dedicated Ya th� public as a pa�k of platting of a siabdivxsic�n. In this cas�, f�i� dev�lAper did not wani to build th� str�et� to city sta�ad�rds as�c�, ther�for�, reqta�st�d �rac� gain�d ap}�raval f�r private streets. 'I'he streets were to be maintained by the I-�omeowner's Associatgon. T'he Assoaiation nr�w want�s the City t� take o�vea• rriainte�iar�c�. !� Ie�ter fr�om �he lEiorx�eown�r's �ssoci�tic,n is attached. 1'he stre�ts are partially con5tructed. to City st�darcls. �tr�et '�ase, ra�17t-of way width, �ack of s�de�ialks on one sign and a.prori design do r�ot rneet City standards. I'darmal�y, �h:biggest�conc�ni in taking a�,�er private s�:re��ts is in maintenanc� costs. The Fubli� i�Vorks I)e�a�riment has indicated that they could take over maii�tenance. Perhaps a greater issue is the �ast of repair of the �3enck�view Court cul de sac that wa,�darnaged ii� - last winter's slides. J�roperty av�mers as r�vell as th�H�meowner's Association have be�n no�ifieci of the need to cor�rect the slope haz�t•d deficie��cy. Both the Engineering and Public �iVorks � I�epart�nents recommend that the City inspect the streets to det��miiie defectiv� or c��age� areas i � and that the I�orne Owners Association pay for at�y and all repairs prior to tl� �'izy accepting �, dedication. � � � Th� priva�e streets in �en�hview �Ya�� a right-of-way of 34 feet. This does n�t incl�.de afll nf the � sidewalk that exists n�r daes it inci�de the �tr�et lights. To include the sidevvalk�1� s�eet�i�hts in ..,� the dedscation dvould reqiair� a 38 foot right-of way�ccording ta the�ng�neer:ng Deparhxxzr�t. Th�s extra xight-of way wo�zld create non confonnin.� setbacks for sonie hc�uses. The on�y practic�t effeet of this type of non conformity would be that any stxuctures would not be able to be enlarged e � to incr��s�the nor�c�nf�rrriity. In oth�r words, suGh sYana.ctures siaxiply would not be able to �xtend past�i�exasting building lines. This issue should aff��t fe�v of�lne hom��. The��ct 9:�at ihe�treet would b�non�onfar�aaaiag t�a k�ase, si��v✓�l�CS and�c��cret�entra�c�a�rom�� weli as setbacks is rel�tively incons��u�ntial if th�Ci'ry�c��g�s c�edicata�n. � � Th� }�rc�cess fo� dedica�ion �NOUId requi�•e authorizatian by the ��re�t o�v�a�rs (�orneo�er's Assacia9:i�n) by legal signafixre tc�dedicate the streets. T'h�r�qt�est r�eeds �reco��u�aendati�n��/tY�� Planning �orr�nisszon. The �zty Co-ut�cil rnust r���k��he fiy�al de�i�ion. �i�e no�l�g irt 9he �ode %'�qL1�Y�S ?a ]'l!]��4G Ile2�t'ill�'„ 4:�stimon,y �o�.id be taken by botl� aaod��s. Sta�hz� sent no�ic�. of�e pending �or�sideration b� the �lanning Coinnaission a�d �d�.inc'si �� �a� �-IQBx�� �v�ners Associatzo� and the property ar�ners. Code S��tiara 18.164.Q301�. indicates t�sati"�ight-of-way s�all be created thhrough the a�prov�l af a final subdivisir3n plat o�•m�jor partition; how�ver the Cor�.nc�� an�y approve the creai:ion of a street by acc�pt�ce of a� d�ed, providing that suc;h street is daer�ed �ssential for the puypose of gen�ral traffic circul�tion." �ode �ection 1�.1 f4.030 B. a. (i). st�tes: a. T'he Council may approve Yhe�;reation of a street by dee�l Qf d�dication without�zll compliance . with th�e r��u�ations applica�le ta subdivisi��.s or m�jor partiti�z�s if ar�y one mr rraore of the foll�vvira�cs�nditions are found by the�ouncil to�e prese��t: (I) Esta�l�shm�nt of a�tre�t is iz�iti.a.��d�y the �oi.�racit arid is fou�d to ��ess�ntial fQr the purpose of�ener�l �raffic eixculation, and�Sartition�n�ox�s�zb�iavision of laiad has an incidentat effect rather than being the prima�y objective ir�establis�ing the ro�d�r street for�aublic use; Code Section 18.164.030 F3. c. states: c. All deec�s of dedication shall be in a form prescribed by 4he�City and sh�l�nam�"�h�publ�c"as , �rantee. C ci ���1 a� tio�i Si�V C�learview Way, SVJ Clearview Pla�e ancl S'VJ Benchvi�vv I'l�c�e are obviously n�cessary �or traffic cireulation to gei to and fro�rr� ths homes in the Bez�chview Estates Subd'zvisian.. 'Th� necessary circulation, howeder, can be ac�con�unoc�ated wheti��r the 5�tc�eets are private or public. T'his is primarily a questioii of whether the streets should be rz�a.intain�d by ihe City. 'Tlh�prop�r�y owaaers in Ben�hview EsBates would indicate that they�ay taxes for thP maiiYtanance of s�tre�ts. The question fo�•;he City is whether th�se streets would create a disprogortAor�ate cost for mai�ten�r►ce. Th� City has street standards to hei�ensure the costs of xnaintenance are re�sonable. 0 9 �iza�e ¢�e s�n�°�sa✓AS�o�a c�i Iand pr�valved w� s�a,�divxd�d gn 1��7, tl�� �s�blishrrre�t of�.� �tree� is G���Y'�y Y]C9'��CID�'5$l�f�fl'4�1S1+Di1�!'U1�3O5�5��$1115�3!JD:�h�. ��� �,�� 1. �,�prove t�e dedi�atic�n��tlx�s�ae�t as xs, 2. ��r�y�e���q�e��t. 3; It.equir�the �t���t to be br��ag�t�ap tca�11 or�art crf th��it�y st�.€ada�ds �a•��ai�°,sid�vv�lcs, street bas�, ri�ht-�f way'a�iVAtSy��c.) ���a atic�n �t as s�ngge5ted t,�at the �ity �'lanr�i��g �o�nr�assi�n and �o�anc�l cansid�� ttic Horne f,wners �.ssociataon r�quest �m a�cept �edacati�n �f th� ���a�h�vie�r �s�.tes st-x��ts. F�cceptanc� of de�tic:�tioa�s�c��.tid be c�ar�ditaore�d oz�th�fofll��zn�: 1. Z'�e �;i�r sta�f w��l �oz�d�a�t �r3 dns�ectiQn of the s�°��ts to tlet�r�nirae d�za�� or de#��fis. 'I`he �-I�me (Jvvners Ass��iati�r� s�-�all pay for �ny �d a�l repair� ta �o�r��� ��isling damage or d�f��ts pric�r��d�di�ation and acceptan�e by the Ciiy.. 2. Th�����C)�xmers A.ssocia�ian shall prepare the necessary��W d�dx�at�c���l���aaxa�g���tno�n th�t will cc��ver�the existing private tracts to publi� I�.�VV. 'I"h.� R(7�J s���.Il be increa�ed ta 3� f�et�o accau�n�fc��a�l.a�f the sid�vaal�C and stree�lighki. i:\curppn\dick\b�nvded.�nexn Ob/04/96 1:0�Pll� �., � � � � � � C9 � � . � , _ + � „ 4 . . R�CeD �AY � 7 ��9� I�l[ay� 5, 19y6 James�-Iendryx �ommuni���evelopmen�I�irector� Czty of'TZgaa�d 13�.2 5 �Vt1�a�t�31vci. Tigard, C3r��o�a �7223 1`�ear 1'v1r. Hext�: I��ialct lik�to th�t�c yoli, hQdv�vea�'��la#ed1g�, f'o�•1���in�C"xary A�#'so���tend t�e Benc�eveiw Homec��vn�r�' Associat�on ant4ua�1 nieet7ir►g. �-�� a�wered ques�ior��1�ra�v�ly asi�l s�ab�equ�n�y, th� hoYn�owr�ers vvere able to conci��t a more th�raaxgh inves�i��t�on r���dang t�e coa�tiuct�oa�c�f�h� s�reets, as weSl a.s a�dh�rence to c�ai�ae�.t�i�y cas�es. �J� a�e�oaa p�repar�d ta fa�aau,y rec�ues�¢h� dedicatir�n�f th� s�re��s�az th�Bere�l��ri��JEst�t�s I Subdivisio�, tca �he City of Z'ig�rd. 1�e �Y�e �a sma11 subdi��ior�, dvith ver��little expez�tiise a�d�ainding�v�ilable to ac�equatet� mai�tairi these sh•eets. �A1� feel stro��ly th�t th� cifiy evoulc€be best served, now a�d it�.the futur�, to take thes� sire��s, �and ensure a rnore eiff�ctive can�x�l on their upkeep, and cont�nued. safety. Uur�a�l� has Y�eseaY�cfied the e:o�fiructio�a of�he�e streets and b.ave concluded the fa�lowang: On IVi��•ch 1 g, �9�6 a represent�ti��e of o�xx�sso�i�t�on t�ikecf to �3aian R�er r�g�r�'�ing Clea�-v��w Loo�. I�e stated kh�t t�?is poErtiUx� c�f the subdivision "a� bunir��o ci�y st��n�Darc�g". f�, short sc;ct�an�rn Ber�ch�trie�� Cc�ust has ssa i�x��es of ci�.rshed rock instead �t nine, but it cio�.s ha�e three inches t�f as�3halt�hich rrt��ts etai-�•ent staxid��•ds. This sectiot� of stfl•e�t is a de�d end, less tharc a 1�1ac�: long, with vea;y�.#tl�e taaJ�i�. Because o€th�low trai�"bc us�� vye �'e�l that tine long t�i�rr rrtairit�.rpat�c� cos9s wr�l b�le�s ��axi a st�•�et�i#�n�rmal or h�ea�vy traffic. '�"h��•el'ore w� �•e c•�qiiest�.��a vari�nc� s� �he city�nay ac��pt this sectiot� as const�-�sc�ed. In ac���•�ss�ng th� iss�ae o�a sidewv�a�k on l�oth sid�s. 'VV� �eques�the caty co�sicier cat�c� �gai� that this is a srnzll su�di�rision, tra�ic is fi�ht ��d �sed rri�ully by residents. 'The trenc� i�n n�w develo�ment� as dernor�s��ated at For�st�Isi�,hts, �n� ,�1�h��•e�k IVle�adows, is fia cortsti-u.�t sid�avall�:s on c�i�.ty a�te sid� af the street. Wi#hot�t t�ie sccond sidevvalk, axo utility easenl�nt problems e�ast and if v✓ill not be necPss�ry fo survey setbau�s of�he existitag hoases. t , a . � - ` 'T��hea���o�vr�ers hav� cflYSGUSS�d a p�as�als�� �e���ation to th� �a�a��;r�t��prom�. VVQ1"�e wQ�d be w�iga��o�oat�kxese a��as w�t�� coatia4g�af���k�t�a iraancat�th��r pr�b��ic sta�;�. We fee� �� �t��ast to�tc�ve�e c����°�t� a�r�+ns, n��natter wl�o ev�u�ci p��,,j�ast�� d��i��t��ublic ��°��#s, is�a��a�ra e�'°ac���at�s� c�f f�d�. 't�Ve f��1 st�ong,�-y�t�t�1ie s#reet iagh�f���vauld.zaot�r�a��Ge�sa�y. Pe���r slisc�ssaoa�wnth G�ry�I#'so�a, this�Fe��o�ald�ot b�a���ic�bl���aace vve�av�p�ai�f�r r���ratlon�f thes� s�e��lli��s ftrr t�Y���N��e�vexa��e�rrs. I� a�c�s�.or���� h�v������ay�g th.�f��•�te �orn��� px•a�erty ta���. `W�u�d�zstarzd t�ae��aa�}��s� �f�1�.�f��i�tc�all�a��� c��g� t� ��al��cf, atp i�oa�t, o��r•a�ir,Y��c�st�for s��e#�i���s������al�dava�ion�tar►� t�7e �ity �ara col�e�t fees tt�r�t��h��a�p�y tz�es. 'I`he horn��wtr���ave alg•�ady��ei�ta�.z f��r�t�s�s�ts in additiQn�o ta��;s for�s s�rvice, `The hor�eow�►ers feel that while tli�po�i�� depa��ne�t c���s��r��rla�r�ns�o�.pat�ol �c�io�as as a coa��'iesy, the po�ice �re not�� a po�i�iom to e�arce gninoz•d�a�i�p�QblL�ta.s, such as s�eec}�rag�d�a�rlca�ng�ola�io�.s. i�hi1� spee�l'u�g is alvvays a�anaer��, �mo�� s��io�as �oncern is �?��t poarly�arked velucles c�a�l�bloc�C�re� acces�by ea��erg�aacy ve�.icles s�ac� a�fir� a�tsl�esc�.�. �t tl�.s�imrne�ve ha�v��o �afe metlaod to discozira�;e oY•�e�tao��vehpcl�s�r equ�prrient p�ark�d o�the street� which�ould lead to � delay in�he�esp�ans� of vmer��x�cy ve�cles. LUe ho�� tc� hear frc�m th� cit��s �oox� a��ossible r�gardi�t��h�a�e�t st�p�thi�p�ac�ss as w� are coi�emi�ted to tlne t�sk�t ha�nd.. Yotar open dis�ussie�n ar�d cleas c�mmua�icatiari wath u�as ap��eciated. Siaic,�re�Y, s ��� ��� . Ruth Lisicki Secz•ctara�13�n:clxv��w Ho�ieowz�er� �ssoci�tiox� ������,''r M�I:e Frahl�r Tr�easurer Bench`rieEV Hozneo�vr�ers A.s�oci��.c��► cc: Jim Nicc�li � �, � b�a�.a I ASSES�PWE(dT�8 TAX FILMEI�2/14l�� ���,r� ..._._. ' �� �� � A S a� n n �' � � tl � w¢� � , �w' 4M raio a�w o�.w eutR � uxe� ut'y wo �,g� n 1 �� hn id � f�i � � 75 � � O 8 � ��' � � � S �"�b' �w � P 'm "' �f I$ � � � �t � �g � A � �g e� � � � . � �` *e �' �' 8 R � .._._.. � • r 1:,.,� ,,, � �. , � w :+ � . � � � � �_S a ts' �d�<� inNa a '��� w g � �� .�, � ' � . � orq�q�+•����n _ o rc � �p� ; ,�' �� � g�� a '� � ' a�a � na.�ro �v'�r'�'�a u ', N.L'� �D � o p J J � °a p $ � +{.''• �� � � �A y .� �a.m,�b � a� � .� • � ��✓ ."� °°." � �,� � �c` �� t - ,...� �� � & w'� 8 �$ ,r�e. � � `` s. �° E �� � � . � u� �b ' '� � � � u� � ,� �=�`�^ � �y R ��� °` � ./'"9n ��` � so . N G d' N,o '� .o�w."°mra ! 7 �'� � �P�7 � g !�, "'" R1 �I � i,aa� '7'� a� 8 � � r a, S 8 �� � � �R�" �� a $ yp y v -- @�� � �$ � � `e' � lil� �,'�' rn g Q� � �^�r��9 .,•a,e A� z � o �e� ��� �D d 1`9 � y an w:n r� , a g h'Sr U)� �� :� n. �\90���'". +rv � �6 � '� f� , _ ..� e �-{ b4• �'�2 'EB:�s �� m a _6 � �° � � ! �� �� & „�'*�ft� _ � � �� � ��C GI � �� 45 � ou�..o m e Q ¢ � BEt�P9�19 ,� r , $ �7 �._p , � ��y �� g� A`� 3� �,��• � � � a� F � Y� � {` � � � � ��° ' � ^ ;G � ° �"�� � � � � , '"� C� � � � � x �� � ��� � �� '" � � `"��q `� ° � � g�. r'/'�` �°'8= � � o p• �L m n �e �� � � � � u d w ,�° i S+ � '� �' � � � � � � �` } �y k' � � �y- r�` � ,q� W }� Q . d pwN � � ` �tl ry � ' � �° �b Q1 }� c`� D �� � ��;s.#� � *+ ''�j ' � i ' �� � �'c»e,. wz� x , � � � _ ���e a�.�� , �"� � � ;�8 y �$ � �t' ���, ;. ��� h '�3n�.�� O 'f-"` � `" R � � � � d _ � � ��1r/ �,�.' ,G � � s,�, � �� . �.,, °,�� ��' � �°� � `� �S � ,� � �i ° � a� �;� .S�j, � � � � i � $ e.�f� �� g l � ��t1Ll3931 3��IA�td1l�� °' e��\ � q- . F wq, N p , �� `N-�1 y ^ �S �� – � Y � � 1.—,,.� .... � ��`' .n�.� � � y � w� � � � � b p'V W c u � N# { � � f ^ - °! g �I'M Yf � L. �� � '/� bi69 .� a 4 � � ' � ��/�S�Q � ����� p���Q�� � � g� � .Y.___—�.�.e. �� �� f�dl e o � ��� �� .� � G � � � � � F n , � � �� ��^�Pa 0� Y (,'�r,�p} ra ��1�l��-i�W�ST',AT'ES H�IIvIF,C��i�.'S t��S�➢�I.��'I��f 13(�3 S���N'�lf���l PI:.A�� �"T�r:�9 CZfl��722� �503� 590-27�0 FAX�50�) 5�0���19 3es�a� 1�, 1��6 ��ty ot'T'i��rd En�xa�e�s�ng��sd�'9a�a�nfl�a�,C�msaa�s�za�aa 13�25 a'V+/�al��lvd. 'Ti�arti.O�t 97223 .�.'I°Z'N: �i�h��c�����rsd��l' • De�r 1l�r.��crsforf; '�°h�t�c yota for a11 your assis4����is�vmorki�eg�owa.rd�str�c;t d�dicafic�e�ts�'Cig�xd From��nch�i�rv�si�t�s. �'�e��t�st���f Ju��4. 1996 is d�ry�an�ise amd faerly�epee�en�t�th�cu.��nf stat�. �ics�w+�v�c,ther��a ferv t�ms�r poi�ads�hert a�t��udd app�ciate�as�hi�r�l�cael�n�s a�baghe��a�g� i�a�,i�€ia�s, °�'h� frst i���n�ln� i� �� tlzirei l��raFh�f ihe fast pagc. �'ou ar� dis�si�g �h� ���e ��s�a Cta� wiz��er�d�d�s.C?�°c�nl d��c v,�s c9���i��r�t��rf th��.�'��nou��Dia���d tA�e d������g. '�'�a��t�b�fl�za�ao�c of t��s��pe afe�Et��d�uctian c��t�r���'s ho�coafld�hcr d��e ti��cut d�� (��3s�vasi �aadt'�lett�r e�f,�iaa►e�d, 1996�. �1'�t�nk it��u1d b��Q��g�pr��se��e for th��ity to Y�ke c��s $HS� k'�`sQ�fl4S9H➢flflfi�'j%QkS�EI19S 9�}3�1%cl.,�R`S 6?�'f�S6iT�GIi�Y� P�p�Af��1��Y30%L�. Wc ar�e�r�c��ca�i t�t�ve ar� � �scat e��a�dhzs��f v�va�s��rad cesaild s��a�e�ar�h�2� �t�s�x a�g�le�'o�tk�i it e���al� ��t eh� ci�r tc� �ax 2Pad� �c�a�r. It �i�glr�aa� t�� �au.Aa��r af g�ta�s anv�iv�d iae �rai'sz�tio�., a�t���, aasd Iytigac�a�rs. .�4fl�, e�"th�a��ras a�i�Aaassp�.is�n L1a�t sare�c��lfly s�g�Aed els�str�t�aad lqc�t.�b�liz��+��a�r��zr. ba�il�,why s�s����h��ioce��ow�e�'s�i�dore b�:�.�dt�i tc�pay r�ow? Th�s�cond it�m coa��era�s the �aghe of s�y i�5aa�, �c�arly, �h� sta�t li�fits. 'V�/a�uld it�e possible fo� th�str�e l�ghts to reqn�in 8n th�publp�aat�li�y�sa�e�t s�p a�t1��y��zatl�? YCi�w�e�d s�eain�an t�►��x�s lu�aeed in t�e PT.�und���t���66t?I�"TT�BRi�"s�i�: �G�"s a�virin�i�1��d iaa tt�e Pt7�. �,t�v�n� to yaaer recoYninens#�ti�r� �i �Ir� �iorn�e�re��r°s ��oci��ia�n pgep�re tl�� n�y �,CyS'd d�a�acadio� docuea�entai��aa. V��would ii�e t� a�lc t�►ae ch� sca�'Q�'t�e �iig� �u�par� thas cl�a�c��ni. 'I`his �woaa9d �s�ure tla� grmp�r pre�c�tian a�a acco�d�a�ce sv�e4a td�� ��ris s�f t1r� �ity. (�aie ki�aae���s'� � R�sscs�iatiac� h�s bc��, paydng �(bov� ad�rag� pm�ety 'r�.��,s vwigficawk �a� rn�,inten�cc az� �t� �e see�t � ➢igRtt�and�h�r�is eat�iiznds�v�i�abl�tn p�y the cctis���attoe��yy f�. � � �/��a�ak yr�ii fcsr���r ss�a��d�a�3i�a�aaad Pua�faa�xd����ir��froat�y�u s�ra. � �G't � �in�ez°,@y, � �, �.�,..� `�� L�.4����---- Sharaa►L.P�uell�r . y . I����TDI� ���;M #� � A 1��ClI,T.I'T'IC7Ie1 A�DC�PTICI�TCa i�Et�ISE17 B�..A�1� f�1ND T�iJI.,�S C)F P�2f�C�I��(..T�FC3R.T�iE (.�12Cs�tI?E�1'I`I�7I°d��.R�1�L� CC)1�1DUf;T��I3LTS�d��S B`�''T�E`Y"I�'.r�►��`�.,A,I�TI��1�i c�o��zssz��r. �Y:�Ji Y~&6���6A.�V'�IIJ�E &.SE��B�L'S1�l�il1��P ��1VS�3�:3A6.I1�3 �� 1L:T1L' \.+l Y� CP�.` S��➢'L'��L►g ����l�d a .. '7'he�ollowing bylaw�s, rules, and regtal�tie�r�s are her�by adapt�d by the Flannir►g �or,nmission �ar the transaction of i�s b�s�ne5s: A��'����� ��er�� �ection l. Ex�lanation�nd Inte�reta�:io� !�. A nine menlber City Pl�,nning (�or��zn��sion has bee�t established��ap��r 2.08 of the P�Yunicipal Cod�. This chapter was enacted by th�Czty Cou�cil pursuant ta the authority af the hQane rul� �harter ofl'the�ity of Tigard. T'he Cc�uncil has �.lso a.dopted other c�rdinaz�ces, resalutionsy a�id�olicy statement5 �elating to the�rvanizat�ar�, po��rs, d.utie�, and procedu�•es of the Comrr�isszoa�. The�C'asnznission is empo�erec�to aciag!ar�d a��nd r�.���s and�•egul��ions, t� gavern the co�duct�f its business consistent wi2h the ��arter atid ordinanc�s of the City, and official policies pramulgated by the Council. B�. it is the i�ntention af tl�e CoYnmis�ion to s�t forth in this resolution �ot o��ly rules ar�d rebulatimns goyerning its organization and pro��dures, �ut�ls��er�ain other pr�visior�s r�lating therets�, noyv contaxr��d ir� v�rious ordinance�, res�lution�, anc[other do�a�ments. 'Fhe�t�tent is t� set f�rth in one dc�cument ihe e�sential informatson re�ating to the t�'amr��ission's org�niz�tion and procedures for the benefit oi`ll�e �Cai�mission, app.livar�ts, and the general pa�blic. A,d�'�'I�I���I l[�es���sibilitaes���;�a�r�n�s��or� Secti�n l. R�sbonsibilities. The purpose, objectives, arad respoa�sibilities of th��ity Planning Carnmission shall be as delineated in T1VIC Chapter 2.08.100, &'Uwers a�nd Duti�s �f the Cc�rnmis�ior, and include: A. Ti:�ard�oin�rehensive�la�. The Commission shall carry out�iuties assign�d to it by Yl7e Counc.i] x�i�tin� to developrnent, updating, an�.ge�eral maintenancc�of th� �'l�.n. w, �1� ��(.a II B. CQ�ital Irn�rov�m�ent Prog�ram. The Commission may assist the �ouncil in the foi�mulati�n of a Capitafl I�tZproverztent I'ro�rarrt and, after adop�ion of said Prograzn, rriay submit periadic reports ancl�•ecernmendations to the Co�pncil relating to the integra�iQYl and corlforrr�ance ��the �rag.raar� with the Ti�ard Area Compreh�nsive�'lan. C. r?�p�lication af�evelo�ment R�gulaiions. Except for those matters which �nay Y�� delegat�d to the Planning d�irector, lhe �ommission shall review and take actlora on quasi j�d.icial a � o ' and legislativ� r�a�t�rs, and ather proposa4s �✓hgch z•esu�t froan�h� appdication of devela�rn�nt regulati�ns r,antained`�vithifi th�I3e�elopnnent Cpde on spPcif�c pieces csf}�rop�rty �nd�ises pf land,�ib11�flID��, �tc. '�'h�I,eveioprz�ent Code shall be Fn',�aw��d in holdin�h�arings and ta�ing required actiara. D, ��ordina��on ar�d�oc�pe�atio�. The Cammission shall endeavo�tc, adv�nce cc��perative and harrr�onio�:s re�ationships with the Ci�y��uneil, �itizea� I�volv�n�en�'I'e�rns (CITs), ot�a�r �lanning Commissions,publxc and semi-public a�er�cies and officials, a.nd civi� �nd priv�t� �rgar�izations, with a�vie�v to co�rdinaCi���nd�ntegrating publie and pri�at�pi�r�ning and dev�lopmenial and pc�l�cy canflicts. 'The�s��zn�ssi�n znay, and is encoura��d to, �xc��a.�ge �e�eaz��h9 inf�rmatioz4, ideas and eacperi��c�s5 pa�ticipate in j��t�t me��Bngs, de�����p pro�r�ms ar�c� �rrd��t�.1ce such a��a�r far�nal �.nd iraforrn�.l aetian� co iacilitate ec����rat�o� ���d�oc�rdinati�r�. �. General VVelfare. �.Jpor� its own initiative ar direction of�h�Cc�tar�cil, the C�rnmissipn shall study and pa�c�pose i� ���neral sr��h r�easures as r,nay �e a.dvis�.bl�fo�°prrsm�tion of the�a�ablic ir���rest, h��lth, �n�rals, safety, c,omfart, canv�nience, and �velf�re of th�City �f�"igard and its �nviru�a�r�I�.ted ta its�articular�rea of resp�nszbiai�y. �. I��aies o��?r•oc���re. 'The�ornmissio�a slna�l ad�px a�d p�ric�c�ical�y review and ampnd r�zles of procedu�•e. 12u1�s of proced�re shall gavern th� �onduct of heariz�gs a��c�p�rti�ipatian of �oinmission members ot� all matters coming before the �amaini�sion. These rui�s shall be cansisten� with Stare lar� an�i�ity ardinances relating tc�the saYne rn�tters. ��3.�3�L��I� C9�ce�� Section 1. �fficer5. '�'he�Ffice�-s of�t�e�Qrrimission shall be a�haii��erso��rtd.Vice- Chairp�rsoz�. Ti�e City Corz�mu�ity ���✓�lap�n�ent L)irector, shall be the Secretary of the �Commis5ian. In the ev�nt th�Se�retary is abser�t fxom any meeting, the Secretary rnay send a des�gnee. �ectioi� 2. El�ctioc�. A�. T'he �'�°esadent�nd Vice-P'xesident shali be eleetPd at the first m�eting of eacY� odd � ntBmLered year, ar�d shall se��ve until their SucGesSOrs ar� elected and qu�li�i�d. T1�e terfn sh�l� s��rt � yv�th the fic•5t rr�eeting in January, fo�lovving ele�tiz�n. � � �. �f���e office of th� I'resident or Vi�e-President bec�mes va�ant, t�e(:orr�rnissi�n sha�.1 � �l�ct a successor f�•oan its miemb�rship who sl�alt serve the ua�expir�d term of th�p��dec�ssor. � � �. �iaminations shafll be by oral moti�n. At the close of nominations, th� Cornmission sha�l °'� vot� by vc�ice vote upon the names nomir�atecl for the office. If request�d by ar�y xri�mt��r, vvritten ! ballots shall �e used far votir�g purposes. wzm � , . '{� a S�ctiar► 3. P.s�.i�.�� A.. Except�s �th�r�vvis�pr�vi€t�d��rein,th��resident�ha�l h�ve d.he duri�s aa�� � powers to: � l. Presid�aver all c�elibera�tioa�s and m��ti��s of th��Commi�sian; 2, Vc�te�t� �11 s�u�stions b�fore th� �o�rx�issi�an; 3. Ca�fl spe�ga� r�ae�tin�s �f the�ornmission in ac�ord�,n�� vvith th�s�by��ws, 4. Si�n all aoc�ametits t�ernorializ�ng Co��issioz�a�tion pr�sYnptl�+ after appg•�v�i �y �tne Camrriission. 'The po�er to sign repart� ar�d ather docufln�nt� c���he Carr�r�aissic�rc may be de�egat�d, 1T1 WI'P�iil�,�o th� �ecretar.y. �. �11 de�isior�s�f the I'resi��nt as presid�ng offieer�ha11 be scabj��t to revi�vv by a rr,ajc�rity af�:ommassior� m�rs�b�rs prese�it upo� motion duly r�a�i�aa�d s�c�nded. Upan a mu�s�rity vote ot the yner�.b�rs pres�nt, the �onnmissi�n may �verturn a d�cisi�r� of the Ch�irpersoa.a. Section 4. Vice-Presid�nt. �uring the absei�c�, disability, �r disqualifica�tioz� of the �hairper�on, the �jic�-l�r�sidera�sha11 �xercise ox p�rforza�a11 the duties and�e s�a�sje�t to all th� responsibilitie� of the P'resident. In the ab�ence of�he Pre�id��st ar.� �ice-�xesid�$�t, the rernaining rrb��nb�rs present shall elect an acting President. Section 5. Secre��rv. �-1. The ��ca��tary shall: �. IV�aint�.in an acc�rat�, pea•rnanent, anc�cQ�aplexe r.e�ard mf all proceedings��nd�act�d be�'ore the Cornn3is�iora; 2. I�repare the agenda anc�minutes f�r all �'omxa-�ission meeti�gs; 3. Give �ll notiGes req�cired by law; 4. �nf�rm the Coanm�ssian of con•esporrdence relating to �Coixarnissioa� busine�s at�d � conduct all corr��spondence oi the�omnai�siany � � �` 5. l�tten�i all nieeti�gs and he�rings �f tlie�or�zn�ssican �r send �desz�r�ee; � � 6. �'�a�n ile a11 re uia•ed r�cord.s �nd maintait� the n�eessai fii�s, ictdexes, ma s, and � P 9 `� P t� plans. � � B. 'I'he Sect�etary shall nnaintain rec�rds indicating �all applica�io�s, app�als, hearings, c�ntin�ances, pos�pon�mer�ts, date of s�nding �otice, final disposi�ion af matters, and othe�•st�ps taken or acts��rf�rtr��d by the �mmmissimn, its offic�rs, ��►d th� Secretary. - 3 � . � C. 'I"i�e Secr�tary shall perform such other duties fc�r the comrrtission as are customary in that i•al�c��as may, frorr� time to tir�e, be r�quired by th��orrzr�ission. �4..��'I��,��� 1!/�e��i�ng� ��etion 1. Re r.�lar I+�Ieetin�s. Regular me�tings oP�he Commission sha11 be held in the �oun�il Chai�bers, C�ty �aYl, 13125 S�IV k�I�ll �lv�., f iga,rc�, �reg�n, or at such other places as , rna.y�e d�ge�nir►ed by the Corrirnission, at 7:30 p.m., or o�heg•tima as �leterrninea by the COITITY11534dIt. I�e�€ing dates ar� narnaall� chosen for tim�:ly a��ion an appli�ations submi�t�ed fr�r the�o�nmis�ion's consideration and ag•e held at least anc� a month or as necessary. �.t rre�ular me�tings, �h��ors�mission si�all co�srder�11 rr��tters properly brou�ht b�fare it without�he n��essity of pi•ior notice thereof given to a�y mea;�bPrs. S�ction 2. Special I�eeria��s. T'he P'resident�f the�'.orrirn�ssian upon his or her ovvr� motion may, or�zpc�n th�requ�st af a�iajority af the rnerr�bers �f th��omznissYr�n s�all, call a special meetit�g of the�otn�tission. LTnlesS oth�g•�vise specifiec� in the calfl, �11 speciat mee�ings shall be h�ld at the regular meeting place and time of t1�e�ommissimn. I�lotice df special t��e�tings shali be given persorial4y or by mail tc� all r�embe�s �f th� Carn�issian an�l the Secretary not Iess rilan farty-eight(48? hours in �dvance thereof. In case of un e�nergency, a special meeta�tg may be k�ald �ar�on such n�tice as is a:ppropriate in the circuanstances; pr�vicied, howEVer, ti�at�easo�able effort is made to notify al] m.embers af±h� �QinmissiQ��. Sectiori 3. O�en IVleetings. Ail xn�etings of t��e�ornmission sha�l be apen to �h�public, except that the Cominission rr�:ay hoPd executive sessians, fram whi�h tl��pziblic may be excluded, in such manner an�i for such pu�•�oses as may be authorized hy lavv. Representativ�s of th� r�ews media s�a1l �d a�lowed l� att�nd ex�c�tivs sessiails ur�der such condition� g�v�r��iiz�g the disclosur� �f infor��atian as provided b� Ia�v. Seetion �. I�lotice of PJleetin�s. A. In ad.di�ion to �otice required to be given to Comrr�ission members and th� Seci•�tary, public n�otice of a11 �omr�issaon rneetings shall be givei� an a tnanner r�a�onably c�lcul�ted to give act�►al notice to interested persons. The notice shal� co�si�t of th� tirne and place Qf the me�tAn.g and an agenda or sumrnary af the subject matter to 6e considered. �. I'Jotice sl�all be posted on a bulletin board in tha City�iall and disseminated to the City l�ecorder, local nevvs media representatives, and other p�i•so�►s and organizations as provided by law. A.t th.e d'ascretian of the Secretary, notice may also b�pr�v�ded to persons and organizations knowm lo have a sp�cial intere5t in matters �o be considered by the�ommission. C. I�lotice shall ba given not less than forty-eighC (4�) haurs in ac;vance of a rrieeting; provided, however, that in case of an emergency, a meeting may be held upon such public notice as is a�propriate in the circumstances. }�. Faihzre to provide notic� as specified in this sectiot�, shall not i�nvalidate any d�cisio� or proc�eding of th� �ornrrtission. -4n 5�ction 6. A�.�n�: Order of�usines=s. A. '�he order�ef�us;���ss at�.11 m�et�r�gs �hall be dete�•mined by the agend�which shall b� c�mposed,��gierally of�he follou�ing iterns: 1) Call to arder; 2) I�oll �all; �� ��I31Yt1UIliC�t1�71S; 4) 1�Ianutes of pfl•evi��s m�etings; 5) Old biisin�ss - contin�aanc�s; 6 I�d�w busines�; 7 �3th�r business; 8 Adjournmer�t. B. Any item may be taken out of ord�r by dir�ction of th�Chairp�rson. C. �A.ctions af the Co��ernis�ion are not limif;ed to the prepared agenda. I�. Public he�rings will be stopped at 11:00 P.1�. ua��ess there is a rnotion from the corriznission to extend the time of the hearing in progress. In the absence of that rrx�tion, the i5sue wilt be taken up at the foilawing meeting. E. "�he�ommissiar� shall not consicier a ne�u i�exn aft�r 11:00 p.m. uniess ther� is a rnotioi� by the �amm9ssion to exr�nd the tim� for the agenda it�rn. Sectian 7. A.ttetadance. If a tnember of ti�� Corrami�sion i.s unab�e to attend a ineeting, he o�• sh� is expected to notify th� Secr�tary. If aily rner�t�er is absent fr�m a meeti��gs vvithin on�ca(enciar year�r ti��-ee consecutive rrteetings witl�out reason�ble ca��e, �zpon majar�ty vot�of the C�ann�is�ion, that posi�iori s�,�ll be d�clar�d vacant. The �onrtrr�ssion shail for�ard lheir action to the l�a.yor and �OLflI1C31, who sh�i fi11 the vacant position. ��: uoruan. At any me�ting of lhe �Cammxssion, a qu�rum sha11 be a tnajoriCy af th�nembes present of the Cot�lmission. I�to action shali be taken in the absence of a quarum except�o ai��c�a�rn the rneeting and to continue pu�Iic hearings to a time and�Iace certain. For the � pur�oses s�f f�rrrc�ing a q�oa-�m, mer�lbe�°s who have disqualified or excused lhernselves from � partic�patio� in any matter sh�11 b�counted as present. � � i � Ii� the evert a qu�ru:x� will r�ot b�pr�sent at any rraeeting, the Secret�ry shall notify th� ( .,� CoYnmission me�nbers in advance af tl-�at fact, and all �t�ms se�.�da�led befo�•e tLe m�eting shall '�� � � autc�matic�.11y �ontinued kd the next regularly scheduled meeting. The Secretary shall p�s��iotice � � of the continuanc� on tl�e 1�or of th� CounGil Chambers notifyir�g the public o�'the continuance � and sp�cifying the date and tiYne`�hen the matter will�e befar;,tihp Cc�rnm.ission. o � _ S�ction 4. �a�in�. � A. Th�cor�cure�nce���a ��jority �f t�e mernbers�f the Coanrrzission pz��sent at an ap�r� rnee�in�sha�l be nec�ssary tca deterda�ine �.ny qu�staon br:foxe t�e�orrrA�ission. .�tie vote caus�s the rr►otion to fail. �. �hen a matt�r is call�d far�a vote, tl�e��.airperson shall, b�efor� a vc�te is taken, restate the tn�tion and sh�l� anr�ourace th�decision of the Com�ission a.fte�s�ch vote. �. �1o�ing shali be by vof�e vat�. �Il votes, wheth�r positive, ra�g�tiv�, saf a�stel��ic�ns, sha11 be r�c�rded i�the a�ir�utes. �. �Io��ng "in absentia" c�r by prvxy is not pe�n�tted. �. .F�mc�tian to reconsider c�n be rz�ade onl,y a�tl�e sarn�flne�ting the vot� to b�reconsidered was ta.ken. i�aspension of thi� r���as not g�ennitted. �urth�r, a motic��. t�re�onsider�nay c��tly �� anad�1;y a rnen�ber vvho v�ted c�n th��revailin� side of ihe iss�.e. Sectg�n 10. Ca�tinuances Re�nands. t�. l��y it�rn be�'Qr� tla��omrrr�issior� may b��ortin�ied tc� a subsecgue�t tn�etin�. A rnotion t��ar�tir�ue a�a it�rr�sha11 specify �he d�te�r event upc�r� which caistia�uati�sn is ��be ha��d. If a �i�tter which c�ri�inalfly requ�r�d ptabiic�nota�e is contir���ed v�it��ut setting time a�d place c�rtaip�, t.he public no�ification rri�ast be re�eated�rhen time and�I�ce ar�made c��i�in. A Iist o��ontinued i��xr�s, s�a�v✓����tl3e da�e at whi�h an ite��n✓�s c�ntinu�d, or th��vent upon �rhich�ont�r��a�n�� is based, sha11 tie reearded and kept by th� Sec�•etaY�y anci a�ad� a�ailable to th�pu�li�. �. L7��less c��herw�se provided by the C�unr_E� aapc�n reYx�ar�ci, any it�n1 rennar�€��d by tl�� Cotincy�f¢�r���considez•ation by tlxe Comrnissior� s1�aI1 be t�•eat�d as a n�vv item and proceed°angs shall be pfl•avided for as if�h� rnatter av�re initially before th� Commission. C. A rnernber abs�nt�urAng the presentation �f any�viderrce an a h�a.ri�g rnay nc�t p�rticipat� i� the deliberations �r�Final determination reg�rding the matter of the h�aring, u�nless h�o�she has reviewed the evidence��eceived. � Se�tion 11. �u�es �f�rocedur�. t�ll n.al�s �f o�•der no�herein grovided for shall be � determin�d iri accc�rdance with the 1at�st edi�ion of "�obert"s Rul�s of C)r�i�r I���vvly Idavised". � How�ver, th� �ommission has an abli�ation to�e as c�ear and simple in its pr�cedur� as possible. r �,. � � Se�ti�n 12. 1Vlinut�s. � � � �.. Th� Se�retary or a desi�r��� shal� be present at earh r�eetan; and shal� cause Eh� � � pro��edin�s to be s�enogra.phically or electr�nically recorded. .Ps.f�zll tcanscript is not required, but �,vritten minutes �ivin� a ti•u�reflection c�f the matters dis�cussec� at a��eting ar�d the vi�w �f th� �articipant5 sh�li b�prepared and r�aintairted by t�ie Sec:�tary. Execut'+ve sessiQns are�x�l�td�d frcam published minittes. o � � r u a , i �. Ivlinutes shall b� availabde ta the p�l�li�, up�n r�qa�est, ��thi� a.r�asc,nable ti���a�ter a meetzn� and sh�ll incluc�� th��c�l�o�vi��: 1� �ernbe�s pr�semt; B) Idlo�iaa�s,prap�sal�, rr��a��r�s prc�pc�s�d a�d their disposition; 3) R.��ui�5 af all votes, in�luding the: v�r� af e�cPq mernlaer b�� n�,�e xf n�t unar�i�gra�.s; ��ad �) ��ab�tan���e of�riy�iiscussion of any r�att�r. S) If th��?�air��tes �re nc�Y.yet<�ppr�v�d by th��o�a�zission, if r�qu�sted, draft a�inut�s, if availa�l�, r�ay be pr�vid�d. C. °Th� �ecr�tary zna� �har�� a r•easc�i�ai�l�fe��o�•�opies o�mi�utes and��h�r rrrat�rials relat�rs� to Corrqmiss4oYi t��t��rs. �. Corramiss��o��er� are�;��ect�cl�o vote far approval of the miz�ut�s bas�d oz�. the a��uracy of re�reseratatioa� s�f�ven�s a�th� rr�e�tin�. If there�re no correctgons, tt�e Cha.irrrzan���y deci�r�the aninut�s approved as pr�sexrted, wi�ho�t�h�ileed for a m�tis�n a�d vate. �.vote in favor af adoptang rr�inutes does not signif'y agreer�ent or disagreem�nt with the��Yrt;�issian's actio�as rna�?�oria�ized in the r�ina.ates. �. �ny Cc�mr�issi�n�r nat pr�sent at a rneeti�g r�it�s�ab�tazn fronn voti�g on approval of th� mar►u��s af th�t mee�ing. �������� Ac�v�s�� C�mar�itt�e� �s��szritznen�:. A�c�visv�•� co�nm�t�ees t�the ��znrn�ssicrl �ay b� anpaint�d by tlY� �omrn�ss�on, with the;coracurr�;r�ce af the �'carraxt�issio� r���n�ers,far th�consi�.�ration of special �assignmerats. A�t�'������ P'e��aZi��thdn a�x�d Ax��rec���r�t�f'�����vs��ae�Ra�i�s �f�'�°�c�c�ua�� S�ction 1. Publica.tio� amd I�istributic,�n. .A copy of these appr�ved b;�layvs and rul�s of prs�ced�res shall be: c�. " � �,. I�la.c;ed on re�o�d yvith the �ity I2ecot°der �nd th� �e�ret�.ry �f thg�om�x�ission; � �. �wa4lable at ea�c11 �ornmission m��ting, � � �. �istril�uted to each r�n�mber��the C�mmissior�; and � � D. Availabl�to the pubtic for th�cost af duplication. Section 2. Amenc�m�n��nc� ��.►s�ens�on. � 70 � A. These>bylaws, �les, and regula:�ions n�ay b� am�nd�d by app�oval �f a major.ity af the mP�n�aers of th��ntire�ara�rnission at a regular ar special an.eeting,pxovided notxGe of th�proposecl arne�d��nt is giver� at th�pxeceding regular�e�ting,�r�t least#ive(5} d�.ys written n�tice is d�li��r�d ta,�,�rnail�d to�heF�a��-ne ad�lress o���s�h�ar�rr.ais��c�ner. �'he z���i�e sh�ll�dentify the section or sec9;ic�ns of this resc�lu�zo� prc�posed ta b� �rr�eiadesl. �. T+totwithstanding subse�tion �above, ar�y rule of proc;e�u�e r��i�-��uired't�y �a� rnay b� su5pend�d t�etnpc�rargl� at any rr��e�i�ng by majority vot� �f t�ose m�a��bers p��sezat aa�d voti�a�, e�cept the rul��n r���nsid�r�timr�. a�dc��t�d by th��la�i�in��o��zn�ssk�n of th��i�y c�f T'�gard, �re�c�n, �vith a q��s�-��i� attea�slam�� �t its re�ul�r anee�ing of and sigr�ed by t�se�ha.irpers�n ir� au�ll�n�ic�ticr�o�i�s adopti�� this d�y t�f ��.. �____�_____� �i��ning Cammissican �i�� c�f'Tigard, �J� Adopt�d by tlle �ouncil t�is _�day of �yes: l�Iays: i:\c;d.adm\,�srree\mst\byl aws.doc �. � � i�i � � � � W � . g � 06I�4/1996 14:51 �6�-•646-6265 PE�GV L�NCH PAGE �1 r � ° • ,� ) , �0�.e' ���������� fl �.ta��.�,�. (���! ��tb g'��' -- ------ — — ._..__--=�a.- ���•�61� �0.2��s�atls� �a��1 ���-���� (f�,�J . ���o ��' �s�����'4�8 ,�if�L9��.���,s��C.�ss�r p'�rr��r�Pl - ����5 �"��a�,� A� ���leo C�. "��.tiz��a" r'��. tc� �1�� �1��,�'� ���'.���► ���.��v�°� �eaa�r�,��t�� {�J�'.r���. ��5�- ��1.��w��� ��.� .�� t����zt �s � ��r��� ��a�a�aaf�a��i�a� tc� .�.I����d o��t�.��.��, ����s�v� �������a.� ��� a�x������t�.�a�� �r� t�se ���n�,�o �ff.�A� ,���' �n������e ����r ���� �. �a �J � � x��° �� � �,���3�� ����ana�� ���°�� 7, � ������� �� ������� ���� �� ��� ������� ���.��'aR��a ,..�,��.�' a�'� .� _���3��.�at��� .��a �i�,�°�D�' �,�a� �4r' � ��� �,� ��.���°� ����,� ���,� ����e� �������e�.�� �.�� �7'�re �rr,��t�� � �'�x��� ,�t����.�d �►.�t1� �s�aa�a����.� P�t.�a�.f.a I����ag �c����'.ir�� ���� �� ���� S1ca��a ������ ����-� ,���ra� a�s��� ��� �ca������ w�t�a ��a�° �f �.�� a;�av� t�.��� ���°t.�����.�t�a ��� ��g�„ ���o ���,� ��.��Td.�������C" m��t�raa ,�a.� e��a�� .�ra�'� f�a�e ,��t��, ��l.Z �'�7--1.5��. 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G�rar�ectao�s r�er� mad�^ ��t����r� t�i� pa1i���� ��n��a.��a�d �� �1�.�� e�d�crm�r�� �asd �u�ur� ��rr��.f��---t�a� �r� agx��� o� �ar���i�a� e�ur ���ie�x.aa.i ��e�� 1��x� c�n���`s �-a�h�r th�n a f�arr�€�1,� �,�a� ��sc:r�� e�a�ta �sari�c�:��tian a �f��� �sf ��Z� ��C�. 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' Pt�rt C7� f��t"fl�r�� ��U� � Box 9529, Portlancir Oregon 9720II 503/231-5000 l��y 29, ��9C `R �ik�.' �61d`�b�f9 �X�CI!$68f� (��C�i' A��tra F���sc���! �er����° 6�t� �c�rth ����d,�os�r�u� P�t�l�r�d, LL���3�.���-�73& R�: �22��'s�r��l ��r��av� �'or"�3ig �a�" ��gaiP D���Ic�pm�a�t D��r 11�6ke: m , ��v�ral rt'����� ���, er� ���p�a���to yo�r r�qu�st, i wre�t�t� yot� ��p��s�le�g th� i�c��t'� ����s°a6 ����c�rt��r�ffo€�� ���s��d th� r�gior�t� li�it�h� i���fi�ar��e�r���e�blg �iax" r�t�il u����ro�ald b� �ilow�d. 3'l�i� ���h� �aror�i��cf�o99r��-r�p���h�����i�r 0��#�r. ��ti�� C�o�y�f Po�la�a�"� ���ti���or����d��h��ges�r�r� c�ri�ira�@I�pP�ap��ed�� . . �c�dr��� "big �o�'° es���� an the ���ur�bi� �o�th Shorep-w�h�d��r�� ��r���rs� a���t t�� arx�p��o�t�e ���'� P�rtl��d 8r���r�a�#ion�9���t�r(fi�i�� pr�p�rty a�t��.a[��r�, 1't����c�€���er����re nat ba���i ae� a�y r�lu�Ca���ar� �asr pa�t t� aa��v�ith�fi�i��t6�r�� �� I�rg� �c�l� r�t�ii d���I�pr���Y� �t�.I�. 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'�'hr�u�h rc������t�v� ���fi�vv�ark�etw����h� ��rt�nd dhe �ity,:��� . .E�ng�����r� �dr�r�s��h��� i��u���v�� ins��#ed,in#he fina! ccad��h�r�g�s aclopted.by Gity Co���ii. • � �, A� ��6s e��r�apl� ��air�t� �s�t, �h�re ar� crJrrrapB�xiti�s t�tha� i��ta��hat raZak� iti di�culC 4� r� �a�iiy irn�+�ern�nf lir�it�ti�a�s oe� �as�� 5uch �� "big bax° r���il, 6�r�u1d lik�to bri�fly. � �er�tion � ��upl� ��e�tB��r r�r,ent initiativ�s tha#snc#i�te�th�r��p��� o�this ���I�ac i � ¢���a�. I � j � �s �ra�a kreow, fi6�e F'ar���ar�ry���c�rn�d th�t�d�qu�te bl�scks caf��rate�t�lly Isac�t�d, � � i�rg� parceis of iradu�tr��l �and b� �v�ilable f�r cfistr�b�tic�� �r�d ���t���cgu�ng � ° b�asiness�s th�t supp�rt th� P��I��d�r��'� hi�toric po�itinr� ������d� ��d c�istrifau�i�ra ���ter. �i��rg��e i� o�� c�f�h� 6��t pla�e�t�ri�4�r� tF�� PortBar�d metrop�lif�n �rea wher� such lar�� bE�cks of land ��i�t, �nd th�r� �re only t3nro or t�r�e sit�s 4here that fit ti�at��te�Qry�. t�l��ro°� �Yudy of i�d�stei�l f�r�d r����rc��, Port ol Portland of9ices loc�ted in F'ortland,qregan, U.S.A. Chicago, Illinois;Washington, D.C.;Horg Kong;Seoul;Taipei;Tokyo : � 1 n 1 � y • s� e �i�G� ��Jt'$CY�1 h9��29, �5J� � � ��ge 2 . ciora� 6ra c�njs�neti�e�wv�th th�2n40 fl�ean� �u�en��s grc�up, is as� impcirf�r�t st�p in ,� d�v�iopi�g ta��t�r`rnf�are��tic�r� 6n this ��i�i�f�r�a. 1'hc���t, t��rt@and L���el�pr���f C�rr��6ssio� (P��) �nd P�rtl�r�d G�a�er�! �l��ttrs���'���, �o�� s�p�o€t fr�s�ya�r �t��`, �aS6 �xp�nd�h��s�a���O�rt th�n���ans�a�a�r�fih�t�a 3n�Ba�d��B�tk�ca�r�ty�r�a�t6�� ��a�r� ga�r�� of Y�rr�hal9, �ar�ar� �r�c�����aenb6� ����ti��. w�a'86S 9tl��P!'l���i0�1 �M�Lle��tC�� sa� �Q8 � ����5 ����r pe��ae�� ���hd����t������r������r��f 8��d���p���or�h��o�g��r� �s�t��� ���h� �i��fil�r�d ��:gioe�. ' . . . .At th��ar�t�tim� ��a���re e�����g�����saar���0�0�������a�v�ii�bli�y�f a�r����t� . . �erf is�d�a�t�aai lar�d, #h� 6���t�6s�vvo69�b� �u��in� ���ar���nsi���i�n �n�z��� • change� or�,��diff�r�r�t�r�p�����ti�at�P��rr�rafl�.d��ig��t�d a�s�"i�dt���eo�iW b�+ � . � ����lti�s�a�fi T�^c�u�c6�l� �nd Fii91�6�c�. an d€�i�g��it t���s �,t f�r�t, ��p�aa°t�s�t th��s�� � .�� ps�t�c�erag�r�tr�dict�t�y obj��fa���: f°B�w�v�r, t.��p�r���that vve wo�6� 9ik�f� � . . . . � . �ha�g�ta�rv�ra��r�ial �r�.b�th r�l��iv�iy:�rn�f! and at,io�ti���th���r� �cach ���� . �p�r�pcaat�fior�cc+rn�er�i�l.r�i4h�r���n indu�tr��l �s��;"7't��y h:a�����r�d�����at�d� � .� � . . ������r.i�i �'sstor��6Ey��u��tl��y�r��p��af�ir��i�pr�ip�c#i���r�+hi�t� �r� ��u�9fy ' • ����a�d irs�ustrial. :.As�h�•����'�r��nd th����rrpb�ts k��v��v�Iv�d,.th����p��ti�uu0�r . - . • � �. p���i� hav�b��€n�•I�����i�bl�f�r airp�i�mc��l�t�i� �����r��ra�or�:attra�iv� � . � ..�.: . . . -, .. .�f�c�ti�ras��r��c�a�dfar�r���r��6�s�rmr��aas��. '�"h��•��i�s����.w�u�d.p�°�v��� ' � . . �� . . � _ �a��d�d�n�n�iaB �upp�r�_for th�;,�'prfla�ida�°r��s��l���nd,Por�l��d��alB�b�r��i��rt�,. � - ; . . an imparfant'fin�e�vial �bj��fii�e�i�c�h� �or�: ..' ..: ,-. � - . . • . . . � . ,. . . . `.����.h��s�:afl b���er�ry�a�c��� ���r��fe�r�AfY���9fi'€�9lt8lR/B��B����IP�i�6�f9l9�� : . . • . . d�mor��tr�t�th��.the ���ar���si6!���i�v�e���p��aa�� ar�g�����r���h��������bt����d - - in�h�.�Q40 �r��h C:�a��pt�r�tM� �rr���ad: �If�i�l t�k����fu9,��ap�r�tRV��pl�rrnanr� � ar¢��sng a!I �f th� r��i�n'�)��sdi�ior��, �cacn€�irae��r�th jtsdi�io�� B��d�r��ip qr�th� p�rt �. �f IVletrca, t���t��e•t�rou�h�h�caampi�xifiie�.+evifihA��d�s�r�yir�g��he rem�rkabie . . ' e,�n�����s that exi�t�����y���sni�g th�q��lit�±���h�f�tcar�.�nr��il d��dr��e�.th�;�. • � � • � � � 6��ar�9arttl m�tr�ipolitan �r��. � . . . : � : . , .. � � � h�p� this le4#e�h��b��� �ss�fui i�.�ar�fyg�i� hcaw th� ��r.k vievvs th� �s��e af - � � � . industr��l v�s�u�-�rr�m�s��ial �a�e�f.la�d�cr��h��re�i�r�.��lf yt�u�rr��ld•�ik�t�'di���ass . � . arry aspe�t �f�hi� iss�a�f�artt��r, p9�a���i�� rri�� a��il. . . � � � 1°�urs v�ay tr�6y, � � � � . � � . t,9 � �'i�k�T�orr�� . � �x��c�ati�� �br��tor �: Jc�hr� Frege�����, !Vl�tro . � 1 ,.P . 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Pl�nn�r. Thss� lt�f91� ��d� be�n �da��d �t th� end of th� ired�x ��d ��e print�d 'sr� �� p��i�ul�r �ard�r. �����s r���9r� �a�a�� A��y �7 ir�d�x �nd th6s (Jun� 4? adder�c3um for ����rer��e �t 2he J�sr�� 12 N1P�►� rra��ting. Grc�vvth FN�n���m�nt Servic�s t��nartrr�er�i ���ff �r� pr���ring it�rrs� f�r �yeur cc�e�sider�tic�� ����9 �r� r�#�r�ncin� ��r�r� ta� t�a p��e ne�s�b�c� �a�t�i��d ir� ��roe�e it��i�es. ��t�� c�api�� �+i�l �� �v�ilabl� �i tti� Ju�� �� ra���ting fior �A�As� rra��t��rs �n� �9'Il�91'1S, °��,�nGe ycau for �a�ar tom� �r�d �tt�n29�� �c� th��s r��tt�r. T'he �am�R��e lr�de� B� �� �€�liov�o�: .LOG�L J�df�l�l�lCTlf1/'�'�/�d�!/E't;�ll��lt�P:• 1. �r����� E���°r�r tv9cR�b�r�D 2. C�r�sf��� �C�Saya� td�c���i�rt� 7. �illis�arn (t�ia�ar ��ard�ars F�b��) 12. Rc�r�@ar�d �a�a�id kreoe�l�s) �4. "P°ig�rd (PVl�yor .lirr� �li�oli) ` 2�. `��s�utr��i� �Ma��car �aui �halhof�r3 3�. YJni��rJ S���es L�ep�rtrne�t c►f $�� ir���PiQr/�i�li � 9h/i6d6�f� S�rvic� 33. VVeisoe�ville 4�t�phan La�l4braok6 � /1/C7/t!-P,�E?f°/7° �liC�lll�50 37. P���r4��rs Fi�htrle� �cacp�t�/t�r8�aa� �hay�t�r (�irk �chrcr�d�r) �'°'° 38. Audubcan �r�ci��y d�9ike �9ou�k� � �9. ,�uduhors �oci�ty (f�ik� Hour�k� � 4�6. �icycie l'a ar7�port�tior� ��lianca fl��x �urkh�Id�rD p-- 4�a �ornm�r�6�� eActiar� tJrg�n9��tlan {L�ore L.�pt�ok) '� 5�. �cz�l�ta�r� fior � !�°sv�bl� Futur� 9T�sh� Fi�rrnor�) � �5 � 63. ��ros �f �'�r�n� �e��k � 65. Fri�r�c�s �f �rnoid Ceeek (�4r��nd� Fritz) MP�4� WFi17TEP� TE5'TIfVlOf�`Y/Nl�y �J, '3996/��g� 1 ,, P � � ��. Or��on �nvir�r�r�o��t�l C�oanciB �7a . ���� ��i�r�d� o� Or��o� 1�9��y ICy�9� �c��Pd�) • � ��. Rr�d�r6�k �l�eg-�r�w� 6i�bit�t �nd Ca���r�r�t6or� r:�b�pt�P/AS��TG3��6P�B1 c�f • I�carthvv��t St�elh��d�r� 1GePY Or��tt) 7�a 'T�y�� ���caurc� F+��n�g�m�a�t ��r�n�rship ���ip H��k? ���JlV9�R�l,AL GROIJ�S: 7�. ��II .��ra.�k � �ov��k ��Pa¢il�y �. fill686�r) ' `�' ��. �e��E� � G�g�� fMi�rE� .Ce. �A/hit6ovv) ��. J9� Hir��d�l �. A�s��i�te�. In�. dJem hlinzd�l) ��€. ����� �uf9��r� �soc;@��ics� �� i�A�tr�pa9i��r� �ort���d �J�� �h�r�dBgfF �3�. N�P83P �F�iik� ��i9�! 91. ��eg��e �@�apt�� �� �h� I�t������on�B ��asa���d ��F �hc��p6�� ���ter�/M�y�c�aa��� ���6 ��t��� 9��b L�F�b�r) �9; 0�����s ��038�ff���l9P�� ��iRB�6P4¢� A��Cl�9�4�'6�4� l�6�i�y ���s) 1 G4. ��rtl�rod RAe��a��olit�ra �sso�i�ts�� c�f i����t��� Q.���a� L�o! �ITI���!/,5: 106. �oug��s i�le �oll�� 11 �. Li� ��Ili�c�n 11�. �iarg�r�� �rranhz�ltn 12C?. ��r�di�� C�a�th �23. Ca�r�a Ki�h 122. ��i! ��rker 123. ��u! ��. .��ah� P�rk�r 124. �'��al� ��uva����s 125. �B�r� �h��si� � 126. J�d� SkSr�ne� . �?.?. t�lary �V�g�l � ,�L?�l�lJ/�t.4L �.+'Rl7'7"�6�' �'���1�C1�'Y • 12�. �ity of ��a��rtra� ��i��cre �r�ke; �r°sn��d sra �h� ��y 2� ���r�c�� �a��k��D 1�9. Jef�r� �ottfried � 1�c�. fViicha�l �. Col� �41. Jim Labbe ��42, L�sp�rtmee�t �f E�a�ir�ar��er�t�l ���ii�� t���°s� ��se�s�efs��? 1�43. Reter Fry i:\gr�\paul�t�te\m�ac\en��c52�.in2 ' �;, c: Exscu�iv� €�f�i�,�r �urte�� � Mstrca C�un�if � t3r�w�h 91�anagemer�t ��rvaces �ept. �taff � � . � C'� � � :ir�L . ' �tay 29, �996 . � ���,�� � �k ��ersda Item Tio. � 6.� �'"��..°�°`°°��s�` �IT� �f ����� °'���' ' �'�„'S, ! � ,', �.p�,. + . ''� �75�5.�.Gri�llth qrlv+e.P.t�. �u�7�5��e�easef�rt.f?�i�7�7'$ 7'�L.:(a�31 S�b�2��1'�//'T�L) �/4X:t5t)1�)52a•'��91 � � �' a' �.g� ��q cf�,p��N�P 0 �4� � . i�.�� ' � R �"Wy a�y �.���! P�. �harlic�°Iai�s, �h�ir �Ietra P'olicy�d�s�ry �rsrnrnit��� � 600I°�.far�nd Avee�ta�; . ��rtlarad, C�R. ���32�2�36 . �: �IR��N G�L��'7'ki M�IA.Ci��I�°X'�'i�YCTI`�?�IA.�PI,A�T ���r Ch���'s�: I art� cnclosing t�t� c��cisat�� of`the �;ity of��avet`�oz� �ity �tsun�il.a�ad� �t �putali� ��ari�� aa� Yvlor�day, li�ay 20, 199�. �his c��cis��n indic�t�s�ounc�l's�.v�liir�g����tc� ���ept �h� 6mund t�o �air s��re �lloca�it��s caf pop�l�tir�n and �mpl�yr$�e�t bas�d on n�s �,Jr��� d�arowrth��t�ad�r���S�.t�,g� �t eh9s � �Yf11�. I am aiso �tt�chii�g t�� staf�'����r�, rr�inutes of sp�ak�rs, �nd eors��spond�nc� r�cei�v�d. W�hope this assists I�'A� ir� its deliberati�ns. � Sinc�rely, � t�. Rob 1�7c•ak� � �Tayor � � �3:sh:3176 � � E�closures S� � � c: Mike�urtoc� • � P a , 0'1�6./9'��� �� �G6�M����Itl i,f�A { �9eg�IV6�o�6� ' + ° - � 191AP�� ieD� i��� ����Itl 6��3.6�� it�A6''�la!lW�i�itlli�l�� . ' . . F'lJ��'S°E��9A�, OP�,��1 R�G081AA�EN�ATg��I� � 1. 1'he Gity �up�p�rts th� ir���r�f c�f#h� Urb�n G���h �ar��g�m�nt Functi��iai ro . pl�r� 4� �ot �xp�r�� th� l�ts� �t fhi� p�int in tim� �nd t�a4 �li �i�i�� shouid ��corr�mc�d�t� tl��ir fair �h�r� of fih� �rovvth pr�j��ed by�0�'�. �. °�h� �i�y e�iil �tri�� t�r ���o�amr�d�t� i3� gr��h �l6���io�s o� th� b���� �f��a �1�� r�xp�n�i�n. 3. "Th� n�� �a9���� �m�sire� �or���s4 �r�� �h� gr��th �6los�,��o�n f�r 2l�17 m�� rr��ke it h�rder��r fihe CiQy ta c�nt�nu� t� �ar�ply with th� t�1�Yrop�li��r� !-lousirtg �ul�. Metso's staff sho�ld a�tdr��� th� im,pli��tion� of thi�. �4. it f� th� CiBy's �m�erstanding th�t th� �onr��c�ivity �tand�id� �r� int�rtd�d to �� �ppli�c� �o newly d�v�l�pir�g ar��� �nd n�t fi� �f�� �rri�,l' r�urrib�r af v��nt par�e{s in existing d�v�loped ��i�hb�nc���d�. �'his ���auld be cl�rifi�d. �J�a�r�li, �ha I�nr��a�e�� i� Titl� �, ��c�i�a� 3, ���ign St�ndards f�r ��r��t � Ce�nnectovi�y, si��uld b� more di��r�4i���rry, �ut �tafl gc��l �ri�nted. �. it is fh� �i4y's �r�d�rstanding th�9 i�cai r�aad �c�n���4i+�n �t�r�d�r�l� ��t t�y #h� �ity are r�c�t prc�pa�ed tc� �har�g� ur�.cler th� Fa�r���i�n�i F�lan. This is th� �ity's pQSitior�. 6. The Funcfiiar�al F�lan �rcap���� tc� �h�ng� th� �t�nd�rd�f�r �cc�pt�bl� I�v�(� of �cang�s�icar� �L�� �t�nc��r��} �n r�gic�n�! ���d� ��a�h �� fr��v��}`� ��d �rteri�l �tre�4�. 6t is th� �ity's pc��iti�n fh�t �cas�g��tian sf�ndard� be ti�d clos�iy to 4he Functi�n�l Plan iand us� type� r�th��th�n �r�if�rml� �ppi6�d � ��r�ss Yhe r�gi�n. I�► ��diti�n, Me4ro �h�uld r�-�v�i�s�t� �n�r pr�p��ee� LOS "F" �nd i4s pcatenti�! imp�ct on ne�rby I��a! ��r��ts. 7. �vt�tro should �h�ng� th� Fun�tior��! Pian lar�d ��� dAsignations f�r th� N�rth/�c�uth dTis�ard tA �e�verta�) �.t�'T �ta4ions ta ref9e�t �xi�fing C�r��r�h�r��ive �'!an d�si�roa�ior�� u�ti! t9�is L��' 9ane h�� r���iy�d a �ur��iing commetmc�e�t. �. Tri�ts��t's ral� in �rrpr�ving tr�r��it ��rvice mu�t a� d�fin�d to �r�sure c�pabifity , to �ci�iev� fair �F��r� �!l�eatic�r��. �. Th� �ifiy supports 4h� �ppr��c� mf u�ing b�sth d�sign �r�d p��f�rm��c� ' aptions in the Functicanal f'l�n, to �nsure i�ca! fl�xibiii4y ir� ��tisfg�ir�g th� Fur►ctional �'I�n. I . • P \ s�t sigb .. � . , � �`���'�' �,EP�RT . � ��� �� ���b����� . , � �, '�°�: li��yc�x I����� �a�d �zty Co�a��i� ' s � s �u��i� �-I���IJ�t�: �� M�y �9�� � � �'s�a�: � �l�.a.�e ''�'i���a�ora, �3a.��c�c��, ��� � ��ri.x� �`ta�.�T, A���, P���.p�. �i����� � to ��c���►G�e h/I �anr�d. �..iC�, ��nac�x° �ol�cy Plara�n�r • tt t2 ��.: � IJ��i� ��c���a 1V.��raa�e�ea�����s�ti�a�al Fl�n i3 �a �H�A�' A�t� 'YC��J �0�1SII3�:��I��U? . 1S � t� � 1�ie2�o �d�p��d th� 204� Cx°��rth ���ace�e in U�c��ab�� 1995. �.� 2040 e7 Caa�oe�th �ora��pt desca�ib�� � g�n��al aaethodl f�r ��cmz��ea��atiia� �r�ar'tl� in �g �lae �ox�tlaa.xyd Ail�tropoD�ta�a re�i.�r�. Tk�is wa�•th� ��t ����a ���r�x�d t2$e �g develo�zn�n� �#'PVV�etro'� �t��ian�.I �r�zrae�v�rl� �`l�. `I`hc �o�c�pC�p��mc�te� xo in�r���ed denss�e� in ce��ers, �arrido�s, �n� ��atian coxr�.araun��i��. 21 2z • P�etro �s ���ted by its �haxt�x tn d�a�log �. �i�gim�a�.l Fx�ai�wo�k P1an z3 that Links r��ioaa�l �ar�d us� gxl��raisa��ratk� r��ic�r�a.�. $�a.a�s�oxt�t��r� �.� plaa�n�n� by I)ecem�ier 1997. �i�ies are required t��hara�e th�ir z� �or��r�h���iv� �l�s a�d �o�x�n� �ades �o conf���� �rith t�e ��gi�n� 2s �'xam��roy� �'i��a by�eceanbex 1��9. � 27 " 2� � Ivx�tro is �pup�siag to adap� �he LJ�ban �r���� I11��a����e�t��zzac�io�:�. 29 �'laxa a� p�.rt �f the �.e�ion�l ��ame�v�rk �'l�n b� ��ptexr�b�r 1996. The � 3o firs� e�#'nr�� °wexe �re�aazsly c�.11.ed the IYI�t�o �Q4Q ��rly .areapl�z�a�n��ti�n 3 t 1Vl��s�ar��. �'h� A�rafl 24, 1996 ver�iox�, �hich h�s b�e�a pam�o��d hy 3z �Vletr�'� T�ck��aic� �.d�rasoxy �o�ar�.itte�s �T�C, ����, �'�'1� �nd � � �� Iv1P�C) for a����.��, �►ii�. b� ��asider�d �� � 1�ZP�.� ���°�g scheduled f�x �a �ay 2J, 199�. (�ace �dopt��'.b� the NI���°� ���a��, tb.� �ity �.i h�v� �ra 3s yeaz�� �S�pt�z�be� 1998) to na�e ne�e�s�ry ���g�s ta�t� �a�pre�ae�sive- ; �t Plaa► �nd �ani��IVdap to �oxif�ran �o tF�s F'�.nctiona�. PJ.�a. ' 37 3s • °T`h��e�ve�ton Council sc�e�.�.l�d t�e ��y �Q, i9�96 ��b1i� ���a��� t�ce. ' �� publac �arnrzaents on �he �urac�ion� PYas�. �t�'e�rall �ub�it �o�an�il �'� ao c�nclur�a�ns tes 1'vletra hy TVI�y �2, 1996 �o t�C�t this SubmY��a�� � 1��e i a A ir�cluded in the NI�'AG �gar�da for its pu�a�ic laearing o� Il�Iay 2�, 1996. az Si.aff Repon Ur�an Gro�th Maaagem�nt Fucsrtiona� Plan . • ' 1 � �i i srs� a� • �h� ��ax���e af the pr�pos�d d��'t �uncti��� fl�lar� �er�exal.Iy7 pr�vi�e� � V a$ stand�d o�ti�Y' (de�i�ra op�aon) �r a loc�l ���io�. (p�rfozr�a�n�� �t��xdard} . �s to ���� th� �'�r��t�a��.l Pla�ra r��aa��i����at�. ��� � .. . �� "I'�� ��� tJ`��I)���.'��1'C I����? � � �� - ° as � IVl�tr�ka�� d�w�l�g�d F€au�e�a�ld �nd��p��3a��nt�1�c�tio�� f�� �A13 �°�� , �� pa�h�urf�di���r� ia� �h� r��i.��. an�l�ac����a���r���.. U�d�x th� I��trc� �t TJ�&�� �ro�s�h �ar���er��a�� �°�a�ac�o��l �l�a�, �he �it�►a� re��aaa°�d �� �� �cr�nz���.��� ���� ��s�� o��h�� �rl����c�� r�a�dca �� r���� � � � 53 m�thad�lo� p����gab�d b�r I����o. � 5� ss � `I`�h� IV��tro iT�baaa (��o�crt�a Nl�.na���p�a�n��'u�cta��� ��� �ink� 1��3��� �� a�sd �,a°b�n desi� �or��rder�tae�ars �� tr�n����t�►��n g�l���i.� ordex t� s7 c�°��t� �rs incr�a�in�ly compa�t urbaxa ��ea� ��at��n ��c�a�nnnraodate th� s� �ro�rtla �ll��at,�s�ns. S9 � bo + Tn 1991�, th� St�te of C1r��ora a�i�pted � x���v���;��Sg��ti�aa� �'l�r�s�is��l�,ule 6t �'PR.) tk�at���rc� ar�+d Lhe �ity aa�� ��c�uir�d�c� �z�e � �h�ir traffi�poat��i�n sZ p1��a�.i�� �amz°k. 'X`l°a15 x'�q�.1i�'�� t�� C�ity L� ���c� G��1��� $,0 �t� - 63 ���ap��hea�sive �'l�xa �hat su�I1 iznprm�e ��r��t�aa���ctivaty a�.d pr��ide 6� �r��t�g �ed��t�iar�, �il�e, �.r�d t����it acc�s5. `Tka� x�����axaent� of the �'�'R �s � �� iz-dc�xpor�ted in ��tro'� �.��nnal T'��n����t���z� �'1�, �hich i� 66 p��$ 4�t�'1@ F'i1L1Ct�a0?l� �1�x9. 67 • • �s @ .�,t thi� st���, �1�� ���z�� a�.y°�°t:�°'�.�actao�s�.l Pi� z� ��d at �������th.� �� �°ovrk� �oca�iara i�a�ide th� ����az�� CT�$��x �rm�� �3��az�d� �'t3��). �o TTh�re �r� s�aa�� i�at�r��t gx4up� �ressin�f�� �n ��r�a��i��. ��th� LJ�� of �t b������ �,�fl0 �o �6,000 acr��. �r� any �ve��s � �ve y�ar�, ��t�� �ll.b� 7� �equa�r�d to x����c�znin� the amount of laxid ��zd�aaay ��ed �a ��cp�xd �he 73 �ar�� �row��. b�uza�axy �t t�a����aixa�i.�. �ra�, �i� ��.�sis a� req���d b� �a � n�c� 1�� �i� �70y). 'I'h� cux°r�nt all�c��a��� ��m�po��d b�r 1Vi�txo 75 (�.s���aa��.� ��a���� i.n the �T4��) �� thra�u�h 2017 �d ��Q�r ara 7s �ddi#aoz��. 15,021 d��lllis��urYifi� �,�ppra�a�t,�ly ��,0�30 ��ogle) �r�d 77 25,122 ��gloy��s v�ritlAin t�e Ci��`s ���tixa�i�c�zrp��at�d ��a. � • a� '� � 7� � 'l�a� P�i etro �sroc��s is �lsA try�an� $m ade�a�af� TJ�b�. �e�ex°ve ��a�. �h� �,. �r� uxb� �e��a��� �re i.�i���ad�d �o p�ca�ade lac��6n�fom f�tur� ���a�sioe� �f � . $t t�e u�b�. gxa�rth bourzd�.�y s�ith t�ae �oa� o�k���a,�a� uxba�a,�rorvth a�nra�� �r tn �2 fx�oa� prime #'a�r� la�t�. . . � $3 � ' •. tSJ � �� $5 85 � Staff Rcpart tlrban Gcowth Managem�nt Fur�ctionai Pi�n � . � •• ,,. 5/i5/96 � ' �7 VtI�iA`� �'.P�,�' �� T�� �I�'Y�/I�,�aE� °T�� 1���'T �I��1G�? s� � $9 "�'�I���� ���.�Id"A.�.�.�1�J.��tIZ,�'�I'�d3.�4.1NI.? 6U��R F�O�,o �� . . �� � 1"�� �I�tx� LTrbasa C�rowth �rI�a���e�a��'us�ct�on�P �'l�ra tries t�f�car� � 4� �.��e p���f`��a��roj�ct�d �017 �a��a �� a�san�il��� a�tb.� �it�, �e q� I�a°���t por�io� is �� th� c�x�txal �a�t ����i� �it3► �c���h df P►1.1�� ��ul��r�d ga ar�d �ou�h ����.����o�do �'h� �r��aa��udes ��a� pro�w��d 2�egia�al 9� �en���° ��������n d��r����) ��d����r� 3��h�R��ax��a� ��.T� , 96 �����d� C���uaL3��5. � 97 � . �� o 'I'he �t�ex a�°��� �f f�cra��d. �a���. s�a, t�� �aty �r� m�i.n.ly ua ��,xa��L Q� �or�rioxs o� art�ri�.I ��r��� �uctx �s �Iux��y Ro�d, �cho11� ��� ����, too Cas�yaaa Road, ���verto� �iil��d�,le �i��aev��, azad I-�al� ���lev�x�d. �oi . . �ox e 'I'k�� Iv����r� �u�.c�i�naT Pla� ��x��r�ll.� �su�xa�s that th� t�pe o�'�xv�� �03 th�t ha� ����rr�d i� �he last �'e�v �v�azs a� �xi��i�a��a��l�af�mily 'o�a nei�hb��°�i��ds zx� the r��� �f�h� ���� �ri].1 �on�.�c �t �en�i�i�s �f to5 appr�nzxr��tely 5 �o i utai�s �er acre ��v�r��� lot �i�� o�°�bo�at �6,U�?0 ��cxare ted f��t). to� �os i�i�'�'� IS 'P�� F'�2(��E�� TO 5�05�1' T�T TI�� �T�`X �.AI� � t�9 AC�C°��OI�E1T� 'TI-�� F'F�.a�`�C'T�I� �RCJ�V"�."�-T? tt� t t t � T`�1� �A�� 1 a S'�Qi.�1Y'�CI �Cb Faf3 � �@�I2�11R:� ���'a�R� �.�S�Z�7]�C'��A17 I°+/I�$�'t3 �� t t2 d�v��.� af�h� �,i�y`s �°�ar�����ieza5ive Pl� �d. �o�.���Vlap � �l��r a t� t��e p�oje�ied anaount cef d����ap�ra��� ��u��3��1c� ��ad e�a�al�y�a��a�} 4:� tsa Qcc�ax. . IIS ' . �!6 � This ��c;a�ical �r��.1�si� is required 1� �xac�a�t�� �.f'��r �h� F`uncti�n� P1� �t7 (pres��.t dx��'t) is ad�p�ed by �I�xr�a ��un�. �e �a�� bas a number �f t 1� ch�ng�� t� the ��rr��sr��aensiv� �l�s� az�d ��:v��apment �sd� u�d�a��r�y�ra. t t� t�� ���x��al ��nt�x �nd Sia�ia�a� Comaxaur�iti��. Qth��chaa�e� �b� � t2o r�q�.a��c� t� be consa���nt vvith th� �u���iot�al F'���. � ix i . °' � �22 s Z`h� �ro�h Cor�c�p�as ba��d an e�c�s �a.ty �aa c���at�i�. ��e a�e�i�n t�k�a� � � � �2� ae� "f�.ia° �1xar�'" �FttAis�roj�ct�d g�e��rth. � ' �2� . �' t2s � City �t�'��a�d�act�d a pr��r�in�� r��a��v c�£th� ��ur�ci 1 C���w�� � � �26 A11�catio�a fr�� 2A�� mx�d detex°mi�ed ��.�.t tbe �i�y �id.l p�c�b�bly� be �bl� �o � � tz� accom.an�d��� �he �r�ject�d �z°o�h s�'��h� area'betw��r� �Bl�n ��e�l�vard �2$ �r.�i '�V'alker �.�ad is abl� t� d�v�l�p �.� ���.�i�ated. The �e�aos��l ����e� tz9 �arayi�� Cap�city aax�.ly�sis i� � �ey �x°o,���t �nd is exp��te�1 to be r�ported . 13d to Council ii� +t�e fall af 1�96. °I�h� C�z°ry°in� Cap�city �nalysi� �ai.11 d� Stat�'Repon Ur�an�arowth Yvtanagement�'unctiena!Plan J S/15396 ' . ►�9 r�uch �o gr�dict if�hi� area� is ab�� to a�c�mrr�o�,i�,ee t�� �1..��c�t+�d �owt�a. t32 If the �t��i�na1 ��nt���ax► mot f�s�ctior� as ���a��t�d, i� � b� ��x°y . t�� d�ffi.c�lr fo� th� Catiy to �cca�n�.odate �es �ro�vxh �1.lo�ati�n. . • l34 . I3S I�T`Fi� �°xR�W1°Y$�I.Ca�:e�'I'I�a°e1 �°t�I�TI�dC��"` $� �4►C.`�'C���I�aei'I`F�+Ia, �ie�,"f !36 V�✓TiI..�,`I'�� C:I�"�E $��LIIFt�� '�'4� I�C�`� � � ' - � . 137 t�s• , m Yf t�� Ci�y ��r��t��r�v� �'t�r �he �h�n��� �n��ipat�c�s�a ��� ���t �.� a�s a��aa�i��, th�t�� �:�r�a�sa°e�aen�x�� �I��i�n��m�i�� " ���r L�� �csa����d , 1�� ��a�t� �� ������a� ��� �it�, Lh� �gty i� z�qaaa�ed �� fr�a�h�r�h��� it� aat ��mp�e��n�iv� ��an ��d ���eiopm�r�t �:Qd� so th�t it�ara �ccosn�od�t� ��x t�i� �ro�ected �°r�wth. �'h�s�chan��� ��.y l��ve ��re i�npa�t vx� ��s�g t�3 �i����-fa�ily �z�i�hb��hoods. . ��� tas s °E'h� City e�n requ�s� � �x�rnpta�n frs�rga �h� ��qu�ir�an�r�t tc� a��ept �h� l46 all�c�t�d �a��ab�x �f ha�.s�h�1d� ��d �m�l�ye�s. �i�sa��rex•, t�� C�i�y� ��n�� t�7 prnv� to TVI�t�°� v�✓�y��i� r��sor��bl� to ��� t�� �xe�ptian �.xad p�op�s� a as w���a�z�e t�� �n�&� �o�id �� �ccornr��dat�d or�t�i�e tbe �i�y� b���ti�°i��. t�� ��e � If e�� �ra�w9;ta �s���tior� �.annat be �ccarnanod�t�d, an�,� ��a�npreh�r�siv� �st Plan �7esi�raation that is projece�d ta h�v� mo�� th��: IA perc��t �f th� �Sz �ity'� �ro�th, � �� !'�t,�Lt�Y'8(� $d ��V�' 1L� C.`�dY1j7Y'�Y��X%SRN� �I�YA j3�11C1�'� . 'ts3 and z�r�in� st�r�daxds chan�ed �n ��m� ��� �� �11a� ��� �t���x �a b� t�a �cco�rnadatec�. ��s�h �e���res couid ia�cl�de �a�a�.tl�� miz�axrau�aa lo� si���, �ss mini�au�ra ��nsi�a�s and perxaii�si�x� iFr�r �c���st�a°y ��rell.srs�urY,2t�. �s� �s� k-IC�W iX�I����ii� ��.C,�TFi �'LI,��.A��Cy�1 �`1���'I"T�� �.�� t7� � �s� Fi(a�.T�IIV� 1����,C.���I� IN `�Ii� C�'�'Y? 159 . t6o � � In 199�, the �it� ��t��ated ���� �2 p�rc�r�.� af th.� k�c�usin� s�ack ax� �h� t6t �it� �asr� �ax��pl� f�zx�i�y d�v��x��s (�par�ra��n�s, dc��lexes, ��ndop ��.) t62 ar�d 4� p��c��t of t�e ho�asin��xa�Y�.s �r�r� �ix��le�f�.anily dw�l��s. '.��.as ��� m�ara� �hat�ea�vertan is �ne �f th� �e� cis�e� ir� �e �rea �n��i;i.�� t�e �5a i�Il���a�c��tax� Ho�csia�� R.�al� requirezt�.�nt t�aat ne�v hc�u�An�b� �.�1�a�t 50 �, E�s �aer��nt �axaaitiple �'�aYaily dr��l.Lin�s. -� � 166 � s6� � T�ae n�rov i�l�t�o ho�si.n��'or�cast �r,d th� �cavvtt�. �11�c�8ao� f�r 20�7 r�a3r . � �s� �al�� i���.rd�r f�$ �he C;it3y t� c�x�tar�ue �� ����1� �ri.�� �k�e ��e�xa�a��at�� � 169 Fi�u�i.a��R.uleo °I'�x� �n�usa.ng �l.��c�ti�� �p�a��r� t� s����z�� a " od � ��o �1QLE�iY1� tltlfl� L�lalt �0�� TA�J� �(5�P3��,�' V1�1��2 1��°t,� �O ���'C��.� �1�l��� �'81't"IAI� ��� � t7t p�r�erat rreult�pl� �'amil�r spli.t ��qaair�d by ��.� �1�. Ixa�t��d th� r���i�e�re t�z �ll�c�ae�c�n splits ��i� dgu�lLir��� urait� iaa&o �. di.�'�rent rnax of h�u�an� t;ypas. !73 S�aP�'Rcporc tJrtaan Gro���h Managem�nt Funr,ti�naZ Pian � 5/1 Sl4�6 � �,. y`ra � �t�o:���x mmacs�� �21�.� 50 pe.�ent�f th� n�vv hou�aang una+� bua�t an t�ae City t7s ir� ��� 1��� 7 ��a�s �m� rra�ltapl� fa�aa�y d�veili.ng ur�ts, �n�ay c�f t�ese :7s rrraul�;a�p�� �asnaly d��l.�aa�� ��°� not ��rdable to ana�ny e�plaap��� of the � ��7 bu�i�e���s in �he Cit�. r�"�is � �aacxe��e the c��axa�d om t�e str��� . t�� �y��eza� �s�a��� n�srabex� o��aaapfl�ye�s liv� �1s�wher� and d�i�� �� �a�rk i�x ��s �'�av��t��. �his i� �lread� t�ue b�c��s� th� Ca�y h� 6�,000 r�sidents tso azad fi1o09�0 er�p��y��s ea�ntt�i.a� it� b��a�d���. �ae r��id��t�r�rk forc�i� � t$t �������t�ly �2,OOA. �f�110�'�k�es�r��ide�a�effip�i�yees �°ork�d in t�z ��avegt��a (r�rhich th�� don'g�, at Ie�s� �9,aaa o���� e��loye�s �ould�a�� t$� �� ����a�a����atm ���v��t�n d�ily to �ro��. . t��a e�s d �h�� Ll�b�n i�r��rt� I��n�gern�n� �°ur��tio�a��1�a does not adc�r��� t�i� t�6 i�sue �f a�°ord�ble liou�ix��f�r ��ay �ox�kan�f�i,li�� who are ��pl�yed ��7 in �eav����r� and alsa �ra�rat to li�✓e in �3��.�a�r$�rao i�s 1�9 �����': ���..L "�'�� ��.r�$�° "�� ��'J����:`a�`� 'a�'1'���a��� ��1.�? 190 t�t � 'T'�e Regi��a�l dA,�cessibility Sec�iaz� of Ch� F'uncCio�a,l Plan cant�s ¢h� tsZ d�si� o�tao�a ��quarezr�ezat t�at r��w 1Q��� a�ad col�e�to�° s�re�t� be spaceci ,� �a,o is3 � �raa�rc�r�rXa �f 6�0 f�et �p�s�, �ha� ��-����a�� be ��l�n��� tl��n 200 fee�, �9a a�d th�t loc�l stx�et� b� �a� �ra�x� 2� fee�t vv�ide. fl95 t95 � ��rra� pa.x°�i�ipant� zx� �he �ity's ����s�raztat��n �'l�x�ag�r�l� di��u��aor�� � ►s� h�v� �xpre�s�d �an.c��n� a�b4�t the 5p�r.i��it� �f�Y���� d,�e�tiv�s. 'lYh,e ts$ �tesnativ� to tt�e�� dir�c�i�es is th� de�a�nstra���n of�onnplia�x.�� �sth tbe t�� pe�foxxa�an�e� stand�.re� o�"s�reet ���ez����io����r��� �f�� �e�� ��t � �ez� zoo s�a.a�e �.nd t�th�r ca°it�ria. 20I zoz s It is intended that th�se x�quirernents be app�i�� t� ���evly d�vel�giY�� zo3 ar�a§ �d nat t� tl�e smaLl nurrabPS of daG�axt �pa,rcel� a.� �a�sti.�� des�eloped 2o.a a��ighbor��Q�ds. if this �tazad�r�r� �w�r� t� �e a�p�a�d ������ade, it ���.�i zo5 �esult in a �equirexn�nt �o cz°e�te thro�a�h stre�t cu�a��e��%oax� i� existiai� 206 n��ghbox°k���ds �r�e�e there „�rre nnsa� �x�'�w ���. °T1�.�s c�u�d�r�ate d� zo� f�.�to �ol3�c�,o� ��re�ts where l��c� �¢,ree�s w�r� �1�m�cY. 20� '� �09 0 ��i��ar d��.x�i�io� �f��I��r� t�ae�� ���ad�d� ���ly ���d� xg ib�a�acluded 'a�a 2to the U�ban ��o�,h Iv'I��a��a�a.en$ F`un��i���1i �'�� �3.an��vitctca �n��� � x t d fle�bi�.ty a:�a im�i�ra�e��ati��a. Zt2 . z�3 ���.� �'IIAI.. T�i� �`��� �I�'FE��I�1T�'��I�iC �'���,L�S �� a as A.�'PLIE1�? , 2l5 ztb m �`h� 1J'�bar� Growth h4�.ra�er�en� �'�z���ianal. �'lan divir,ies t.he re�ion into z�� two p�rkin� seanda�d �ones, Zone �i �nd Zone �, each,v�rath di�'�rent StaFC'�tepon Zle�ban Gro�th Mana�ement F'ur�ctional Plan 5 . , , f S/1 S/96 � '-� �« rati�as �c�r ax��.�,�n;ura� p�r�n�r��la2iara� �'��tinz�nevy d�vefloprra�aat. `�he z�9 ����a�k���a� F'.�an �l.s� pr�vid�s �°�� ��du�ed zsia�i�raaaa�a �arkxa���t�nda�r�. zao ��� • Ye� �3�� �y�y� ��'���y��t��, Z��� A cor�t�n� �,l1 ��.e la�d� d��i��Ced b�► 2zz Pv��tx� �� � �te�ic���.l �"�n�er, I.N.�'�t����e .�x�e�, �1�0� �e�t�r, ���sit x2� ���,d��° or �i�s� ��ree�. ���e �i� �n�e�.d�d �� be �x°��� �rith ��od�r�n��C � 22a ��0 m��at� �r bett���eak.�°e��a�nc�r� �xad �ood��d�striva s�c�s��.bility. z3s '�3��� P� Y��D �.%��l���it��i ta� '��e�'� ���e� �p������r�c��x �h��� 226 ��'���. • ' za� � 22� • I� ��.� City, �]1 �r���inix��I�radS ar� ira Z�a�� �, �xs 230 • Sta.�'���� �.at dor�� a d�t��d �n���x� �f h�� th.�.s �r��ri.�i��s �i11 azr����t 23� ��.a°kin� requirern�nts in t�� City, but ���z� i�v�lv�d as� t�� prep�,�a�i�n� of 232 �hi� �ec�uix�rzae�a� �t the ���.or�al 1e��1. � a�3 2�a t���.� Vd"I�L T'i�� N�'�v�'' �°�r�� ��P����TIC�� �'�'.�1IJ�tD� �3� 2�s t�,F'��.I;�I?? ° � 236 237 • ��se� u�� th� R��ie�r�al'��.�.s�o��a�o�a �'I�:�. (�i,�'�) �r�����, ��e �'e��c�io��. z3� �'l�n y��opo�es to c�aa��ag� th� ���rad�z°c3s f�� a��������� I���1� af���a��s�isr� �39 �ax �e�i�a�al r�ads ��a�h a� ����w�ys ��d art�ri�l s�r���. Ir� ��a� �ity, �.�ai� �ao w�S.i ixa�I�d� �t � �xr�i�u�xa �t�� ���o�ar�� �tx°���: ��d.���Hi11� �3o�al�vard, xai ��yara �.Qad, �r.zal��i�a ��lle� �x�h�ay�, ��ax��y �i,��d, �� ���1ev��d, ��z �'��k��.� �aa�., ��av�xK�� �-Ial.l�d�.� ��i��a��y, ����.��1 ���.�.o �I�.��x° F�.t��d, z�� �S��ac��� �°��y �,��� �a�.�11�ra ��izl���°�, 244 �as � `I'�� a���v a����t�bl� c�z���stbmn ��t�zx�.�d �'ex r��aa�.�l. ���dfi d��a�pe�� 2a� ��x�r�a�x�a���au�5 �7 AIv� t� � �% �axd 4 �� tn 6 �� i� la� ��rc�r�� �f��� 2a7 cap�.c�.ty a�f�;he �n�d ��v�I ��S�r.�ri�� j�t)Sj ��. ��� �u���� ���'ia��! ��� �ta�da��d is �r� I.,�S ���. 2�9 2�0 � � 'T'la� xa�w �����t�ble ��xn��s�i�za �������d fca� ���anal x°��c�� d�xa�a� � zs2 �th�� �a�u�� fs �a p�r��nt �a 9A ��z°c��a� �f t�i� ���a�ity �f C�� ���d (�.�s �?�. 252 � • 2s� � ���e st�ad�r�is �e nrs� �ppl���i ������F�.��ly. ��� �e ���:��a�-�va��. it 2�� ffiay b� �aore acc�pt�bl� to b.�ve these 1���� ���ada�x�s�.a�. �s��� �f 2ss i:���nsa.fi,�a�c�a� like ������s �r,d st�ti�r� ��a�. 2s� ��� � L,��a� ���d cax�����i�x� �t�nda�d.� �e�by th� ���y �� ���a�aty ��e �ot 25s ���posed t� c���z��e �.ra��r t�e �'�anc�.ara�. PIa�. 65� Sta.�'A�part Clrban Growth M����mc�t Func�ional Flan d 6 t•• S/t S/96 2�� • Alth��a�l� lcaca�. �over�nar�erats an�as� reva�vm pla�n�d pub�ac �"a�e�l�.�a��f�r t�eix zbfl ab��� Ca a�cQ��a��d�t� ��a�►th ��i �dcia.ta�za�1 sex�ri��� n��sis are 2b� an�i�i�at�d, it i� n��c���Fa�� t�i� ��l�te� �o f��c�s�cs���tz��t�. � 263 �6� �I('J�I `�LoI.°��� I���)V 1�lI�'�°E�� P�I`+1 F'f��$ '�Va47'�R�T41��`I�.'�T�3 �as FI.��� ��.���i�1T���S ��RI� �I'Pki E��'���1� ��°�I' . 2s� �ECxU'�'T'I�I�I�? . 2b? .. � �s� g �`�� �'v�n�t��n��'1� ��o����� �� ��qa�� th�� �!'a�f;�°� ������� �a�th�s ��g �`ux�c��ra� �1�� fa� Wa��x �u��� ��, ����R�����a�a������a������ne a �'o �� �i�y� b� �°��,�.is°��. �s� e����x°�a t� tlai� �a�.�� ���� i�a� d��el��ed�.d � 27t a�a�r���d by� ��� �etr� �ou�ca�'.. z�� 2�3 'I'�a� �x���os�d �unc�ia�a� �'fl�aa a�pp��xs to �dd ax��t��r lev�i of�vater ��a �e��.it�r ���al��scaa� and pl�ni�ag t� th� eacis4�ng systera� w�ich cux�°�r�t�� i� z`�s m,�r����d b� ���� tT��, and �he �ity s�f�3��v�rto�. W��hi�a��aa �a��t� 2�6 � water��so��c� a���ci�� ax� worki�ng�c� e�aor,d�at� t�si� s�ca� �ffox�t csn � 2�� vv�ters��d b��a.� aa�d�� �h� pravi�ia:�s ��as�t�r�o��rt�r�.e�at�l a�x��rnea�t.�. 27� x�� � `Tlae �Iat�r Q��lits= ax.�d �'lc�od RPl�����s��z� ���s���tio� S�e�i�ra iaa t�� 2�o LJrbaaa Cxro�vt�x 1V�a�age�a�nt �`un��oaaal �l�ra ��s b��ra t�� rno�t rapiciiy 2�g ch�nging��e��ion i�a the I'�a�. x�z 2�� � I�ue to its �.uidity, t�a� �i�y has nat l�ad s��� �a �n�ly�� the �p��t,s c����a.i� z�a �e��io� or� th� �om��°�h�n�iv� �lala, ��e I��v�l��r�a�nt Cod� ar ��s� �t��� . ��5 �i�� �°��laL�t��. 28b � 2�7 "F�OT.J�D T�� 'i`�G.�,17 ����°��.'T�I�1 I.R7`�.I1�1� �1��°TI�TN ��� 2s� �C)NTINLTE Tp �� ��3�V�T �P�T `T� �t�.E�i C�I�.C)�T'�-I Y��'���IvL�I�T°P ' a�s F�'�'I'ItJ�T�iT.�PL� 1i�P? ��� z�t � Th� ��i.T��an ���wt� NI�a����nt �u�a�t��aa� I'I� ��ra�u�s to 2�z �ozatain� l�xad �xs� d�si�aaa�ions �'�r � foat�ar� ���v��a� - °I`i��d L,�$�°I.a.�� 2�3 �,nd it,� x��l�te� s�a�i�ns. Cit� ���h�� iaad,ic�t�t� t� 1Vi�t�o th�� tkii� m�p � zga C�@Sfl���1C1Y1 1� p�"�IY31�t1��, It sh��d�� �s������ �� �.��� �gp�op��t� m � Zss desigra�C�o�s uratal t�zis L�,"r li�ae ��s r���xved � fundaxi� �o�nffiat��nt t�xat � 2qs vvoa�ld ju�t�fy ��prala�o� �.xad �gnplo�x�zat �.l.sacca�oa�� �d red�a�ed p�rka.�� � �g' rec�uix°e��n� � �;n��c�.�a��io� �f�h� �addy.�.e�aa�.l ��c��srb°alaty ���o�a��ezi "� 2s� �rxtta 1i.�ht r�il. . � � 299 � 3(?Q • �01 301 ' 3U3 S�'[�epari [7rbvn �ic�wth Mana�ement�'ur.ctiotsal Plan ' . . o . Sl!3196 . � , 304 ��'C�ft����Fl."����'°l� 305 � ' �o� S�aff�e�o��aaer,ds ���a�a�il t�e th� fol�ac�a�n��o�at�o�s ax�d�r��i.de I��tr� 3Q� �rath �be fo�ibevir►��earc.ra�en� ��a tY�� drafz �D'rb��a ���vu�h 3'+�a�Aaa��a�e�at �os �aan��o�z�l Plara. �09 - ' �to 1. `'I'h.e City� ��p��rt� �he irat�nt of t�ae �Ja°�an �r��th�I������a�t �tt Fua�c9���� ���� �o �a�� �xp��d �k�� �.1C�3 �t�h.i� poa�t�in ti.m� aaxd th�� ��1 3�2 �i��� sh.oaa�d �c��rr��c�►c�ate t��ar��i��h�� �f th� �:°��►t�a ��a�j��t�d by . ��3 2019. 3I4 3t� 2. `1�b.� �a�� �°a�l strav� to �cecz�aar��dat� its �o�h �a��.��r�s oxa th��b��� �sf ;�6 xi� LT��3 �acp�.zz�ie�n. 3i7 �t� 3. The r��w Pd1et�� P�ousin� �'orec��ti ar�ci tk►� �°owt�x �l�c�.tima� f�� 2(��7 rs�a� 31� g��ce i� �aard�r fo� �k�e �i�y to c�r��a.a�u� to co�xagsly �crf�� ��� I�t��r�p�lat�� . 32�0 �I�a�sari���a�e. li��tPQ'� st��h�uld a���ss ttae itz���.��¢z�oa�s ��'t�a��. 3�1 ° 3zz 4. It is the City's undex��ta�dirag �hat th� c�nne�tA�ty �t�da�� ��°� 32s �t�nd�d t� b� ���lied �o newly �ievelopiaa� ;�x�as ���w� to the ss�� � 32�a �xumber af vac�t parcel� in existiaag d�velaped �.eig�abor�ood�. ��xgs 3�5 S�l�li�d �?� tC�.3��t�. • 326 . �z7 �. It i� t�e �ity'� ur�dex�st�.�di�+g that loc�li �oad��n��sti�n sta,ndar� s�t by .�zs t�i� ��ty are xa�t pxo�osed. �� c��n�� urad�x �h� �unc�.itanal Pian. T�is ' � 329 sfio�d be ci��ed. : 330 33 t �. °The F�a���i��al Pl�aa �xop�ses to ���.ng� the s�and�*°ds f�� acc�p�abl� �3z l�v��s t�f�����stat�n (I.�S St�ndagd.$) o� �e�o��l raads �ucti as f����v�y� . �33 �ri ���ri�. str��t�, It is t�e �ity's pge�'ex��aace that��n�e�tian stan.da�s� 33a bs �ied�l,o��ly �� �he �'��ic�iona.l I'la� l�.aad u�e ��e� rath�r t�aa�a 3ss ea�o�ly �ppli�d �cx�nss �he regio�. . 336 33� 7. TVTeer� �1�nu1d ���aa�e ��ae Fun�tio�al �'la� l�cad u�e d�si�nati��s for �h� . 3�s I`�r�a�3�l�ou�h ��a�d �� ��a�exto�a) �.A�.�s�ations to ��a�e app����a�� ., �3g desa�aa��iaa�s um'ta1 t�gs L��'Yine h�� a��c�aved a fur�d'a�.� ��xnxnitan�n�. ��o � �41 .342 �'� � t'��'\ Ixt'iC Scaff Report Urb�n �ro�vth Managament Functi�nal Plan � r � • � 4� ' �'�amd ��f�a.°�r �e���Fri�r� ce�a�.mtar��tel�gsc�rt.c�¢� . 7cca: �3�t��ra.M�t4�6faa���grx) � �a��s 5/3�/St� 7;34� � ' �rab���4co P�i'J. �or �ts�rl�.e �Yaa.e� � �������� �� ��ria �n�� �Q �. ��.a.�� �,� ��a�����a�.�� ��� a� ��� r��u���, . ��.��.s� �o�v�� ���� �����.�� �� s���. ����, ����a� c��������c� �e�r i$�. �:����: • . � � �:�f��,a�� �.�a ���rraa�� �u�a�c�z� �+�' �.�x� ���t��sr�a�r �3�mm � �h� ��a�.a�ic�n ��� � �,�vasbl� F�aC.u��� �� .��eltzks�ra �ocaa��y asa ���i�rc�� �� ��c�t�c��.r�� ���le, �a�����yo . �r1 �E�� �c�����3 ��a�r���as.��re�:s�� �a� ra�� �Sta�.�.���s� �s� �����a �a�ar��z���a P�.���c� ���s� ��a�s �.�a�a�e�� 3n '1�s��� � �� �c�a� �rb�� ����ta .�i��r�a��a� �'xa���i�sra��. �l�ra ��s e���el�p�d � tka� ��a.�at ��C d�����' Rm��r����� ��1�.� ��'i.c�o�y C�sf���eB �.rsd 1�E°AC (Y�I�tra ��r.2�iz.c�.1 a4cl�i��� ��nit���D �a3 ���c�.��.c �.�aa�rag� ��;pp����c� ka�r �he Ccsalitiora F'o� A I�i�r�l� �ts�u�� �ad ��ad�cr� ����.ety o� ��r�l�d. A� �r�r xece�at f�.�oe�� h�v� d�anon����t�d, �ve ea��t �e�i�l�tc: t�.� ���ar�es o� �tx�am�. B°kx�� wil�, kravel �bou� in thef� lba��.aa� �cl ae� axu�t ��a�� �csscae r�e�an �ear �ta�s anev���sa� �x �lr�� �°i�B� �k�e ccsn��s���s��:�, °�o �ea�lr� i�i �tc��� c��r�f�or� a� �o �a�sv.r� �i�a�ter �os ��5� �ut�ar� for �e�i��rat� �xa� �ar �ka� �u�.ls.�� csf 1a.�'� �la�,t �xis�� iaa �he �+o�tl�.nr1J �i�tx� ax�a. W� c�ca 2s��r� i��������3 c��aa�a�y �n� ' m�int�ir� aaatura�. ��r��ns�cr�ek� i� vr� gas������ ��.���alaiax� �d �as��� �-e��� cn���c��.ya Oth�x�a�rrise� av�: wil� have ��oac3x�� �r�e� �r�a� our ����le� i�a�� �acs�h3.�.g aness� �h�n �i�ckA.�s �sa� t,he eanrr��ane� u� po11u���. �-af�. �Ia��e ���acl�a�u�. f� will be ta ka�ve � "E�a,ghe� d�rxsi.�y" . Par�3arsd th�� ��.i3.1 �a�s n�.ta.v� �xou� irx i�� �r��k�!' �� cax� b� c3a��s� ��at av� � ' mus� male� Gh� xi�kat pl�znning deci��.on� no�r. Y�ta�n.y �li�aDe� ��r a�.�. ya�a,r h�rd wr�xk a,n sta��Qgt af s ��xa�iz�sx�d �ai�h �u�1�.t�� �� � lif� in 'che P��tl�d E�l�tro ��ea (�� ���t�l�ra� ���&�, ����� �Z�s.ng) i�. .i� v��r rnuch appx.��i�.t�d. �'°hi� f��ue cs�' st;sc��rn �drrid��� i� ���r ia�ap��tias��. � la�a�� tt�a�� ��+� �r�.�.l ve�,� ts� p�oe:��t thema Sa.xac�����r, � . �7'���x�y Co�L��'��� 245-9��6 . • . . ,r ���m.o �nxke ��le e�ik�sc���atphom�tr.ta�m�serlin�.c�> �a: °�h�a�lie Y���.��' �h.a���europ�.cc�m� ' ����: �l��/�s �:os�� .' �a,�j���: �r� �up�ax� o� �'i�1,� � -- il��rs Gzov�th T�lassac��[n�rat �unctiwrsa�3. ��asa 13��.ar �c:�i��9.sa��r H�l�s�s . T'�i�s �c�t� 3� i�a regaxe� trs th� IIxbasn E�re�c�ta I!la�ag�n��t F�s�t3�� F1� �ra�. '�i��.e �. . . t�������� c���€���, p1�..saaae�°� �ei dev������� �Paoaald �3�. �oa�}� �� ����e�wr� �h� . ��.C�r ����ux��c�� �&a�t� �r� �.�.v� le�t L� �a�+. � � ����.��az� ea�' �e�r 1�2i1X, � Ya��� b��� ��a�k$,sa� �o ���*osr� �a��l�ad �r��� �la�t har�� ��� ���s� � p��t �ev�l�p��aa�. �� f� �a.�she�r��na.sag to �a�k ��� ��Ci� �� ��� t�derm��aa��ol��� d��r��.o�z�r�rt� ccaaat�.saea�. T� �r�: �rssa'� ��� rS��a�lc���� ��av���.v�� i� �� c��l�tea.��, w� ��aa �r��g�� alts�u� g�ote�ti�� vrlx�� �+e 3asv� ].���. Pl��.�� ��gpe�r� �i�le 3. kle atu�t �mc� raec� �e� ��r���z�� a�sr �e�tlt�xe��s for �sa'tuxc� gE,.'fa��'��3.�YdS�3. . M1C�'1&�1 S. CO�.� � a��x r�t ri�th ��r�n�� . P������., OR 9'�229 �V �C s °Rcs�em�xy F'ur�ey 1 �fux��y�rt�i�a�fi.anetra.esx.g�vs .a , t ' i ° �+a�e�: � �'ic� �be c j las�s��rs�d.�d�a>�. ��; R��tC�?�.��t4 (�'tx�£�y�') � ����e •�/�9/96 9:�4� E���z� �l���1 a.e H�.�.�� . , � � �rz�.��isxg �� ������s r�y+� �car��e�n� �.� �ra������� a.�. �ka� �rb�ara ��ca�rtEa �.sa��P��en� �'ban.���cssa�l I���r:, p�r��eas��rl�'�3�a ic��z���a� �f �`a�i�l� 3 3mmri�s�.�e:. � - �;���x�ing �'���� �aali�gr �aad �'l�� t����cn,��n� �e�ramm��ra►�t�a�rs. � - �+��klarae� groava �raws.rdl 'arxc3 Ra�c��� ms��� ��n��, �rc�t��t�.n� �ig�.ri�axa �.���� �es� , ����n�p�ce�, �l��se� ��aa���a�., �s� c����� �n�l�.�yr �� �� �� ��s�� �.�tsr��xc�. � �an � �rs���� ��' �.h� ��s��l�a�l ���ir ��,s�� �ra�*,�Fa �sn�g��ra�n� �d �sx�a���r�a��� ��c�nnaa.���� c�iaa.��a fs�c�es�gztZ�r ��.e��e����� ����� ��giu��. � �e +��1,� ���.�� as� �ta� �x��d mas� ��.� ����i,�i�i�s�� �c� pan��a�� �3.c�Ys z3�n��.�� �e��1��a�sa� �Y�a.l� i�a�r��sa.�ag as�����1��� �a���.��a i� ��a� Pes���.r�s� �s:���.o i��r ���al� ���� ����� ��� irr��s�raci�.abl� �c�a��.�- �: a�c�xa°� thsr�3r �h�y a�,��e �� a►ex3rcrne �� �a�0�e that �ta��e c3ua,1 ���1� •��sa b� ��Yai�v�e� ia i�x �c��t�.r�ss3��°� auac� ou� ���� �'�� l�asa� u�� pl�.x�z°airag. ��a� at'� asa�a�zt�aat �Yaat wr� �°���.aa ���x��si �x� �t�� �o�1s au'd dedie�.t�d �o ��n�non a�s��ar+���.�. ��v����a�l���, tra �a� to tlze �oin�, � �tr�rxgl� �u��s��� �.r3s��a�xag �tae l�s�a�g� gra 'I'i�1� 3 oa� �lac�' L3��� ���c�h T��r��sa�t�r�t �'�a�tiar��l �1�'s �e c3�w��.��s� �ay th� j�i�a� i�2PA� (���.�x R��o�ix��;� P�lac� �vs,���r ��itt�+�3 a�ax� L�1TA.� (�z���ea T'�cYzsa���l I�civi�gry �oe�naa�t�t��) �.nd ���ci��� 7��xa�n���. �up��x�ter3 by �Pa� �oa�3.��.oxa F°�r � I�i.vab�� �u��:re �� I�.u�u�a�s� ���ie�.y �� l��rtl.�sae�o 5a.xx�er�ly, �'i�a L�bl�e � � IIIIlil � 96 � i1119 � 11 � $ I J�� ���r�� �o�-�l�.zx�, ���cqe�xa ' U . � I � � OI � � � � � � � � I� 1 � � � � � � °iJn���� yau 3��nw �k�er� yca�. r��e, you cloax�� Brncsw �hd you �ze." -T����1�� ����y � ' . � � , �C s Jim �abbe <j 3.abBae�xesd.�dua � � � � . ' � � ' • . . � e.� � ��Y ��°�� � � ' I7�I'�ItTI�EI�1T fJF . �I�1 V(It�.1�i31LI�N'TAL �� QIJALITY • . [�l�ay i7. 1�9G F �laarl'se��al�s �omaa�issioa�er 1220 S�+J�iftli�ve k`Loo�n�bt1:b . � F'o�YJakaQ,Oxegon 9720� D�r Ivis.�les: ' 4)ne c,f the nrns2 si�iri�i����c c9tal➢eiiges we face in Gl�e nnetrd�r�a has tc�do evitl��cco►�utaodada���rowtli asid still 112C�[i1d�C11V1CC111R1Gritc�I�08IS. I FS�IfC4E Yllilt�Nl��SCO�OS�t!°T6de�J of PNLT�tO's F'ha,se I of tSse�cgioia�i�'racn��work �'3ac� n��etty addres��s cliis prmbles4i. In particcilar tlus 1"i!.IC�III&1(t�E111011 SCt tI1�Il&�CI f0 Ebli[IOI�fOS1�AD�tBFS PL0110�Hd1Ya J4SC'c1I SiI�I'11S eQIS�(�tlCS 50 ii&ltlg aa�e of t1�e�nast�ff�ctive str�te�ieg�v�ila3ble, �vhich Is to ttt�tin¢�it�riparian areas.'�'his�ppra�ach i��beeer�l�oeasi to �e veay���eeav�in czducing pollut�iait fo�ds,aci�isv@ng effaeicneaes��f a�p�o Et?%.'3'h�eoses ar�eons'sderabiy Isss for Eltis form of treaf�neizt�►�opposed ta ir�ore e�a�ineered stru�cures 8iflce scttling traps,oil tts�d gr��zse sep�exatQrs. cacch G�a,sins�nd clyt ldke.By m.�i6it�inin�ripariar►zones eve aisc��r�a�b��qo��t additiotaal b�¢��t�c�fer�viadliF�. 7�sthe&ics�nr��lood control ���d the log�g tenn c�c�sts for ra�ind�rn�nce�much I�ss tE�a:�fi�s�r,agid��`ed respo��es. � 1"he prableRaa�ve�re t�ying co solve is re�il,si�ni�a��nt and wall nAf�o ar��y ef eyt�le�s�to i�cg�are it�t tltis�aieit.� F`3c1S£GI Qq Sl:��6atB'S tlg S3SalA�1tZY1i1��lCUVlty iY@ QEl£EOiV�Y CtDLillitbia RlN�C,��F►av�sd�nYified !U2�11utAnt�tl�.�� exce�d se�t�st�and21PCI5 mC�"�f�P�IiCC �C'f��IS. M4lCIl QC 1I115�Oi9CY GQ[Sl�$�YO'dl]:i(1ldf��S E9CI04'V�(5i1i1CYlI���illlb elll(d 9adil:�y� 0$J1�S°poll�►�2nts eome in grettte�vat�s«►�5 and ant���sie�f'r��n cict��qa a�a�aa���E�an tro'��deaf!nicip��i�sa7d 'eaidustrial sources. 'Tt�e�esgoY►sitsility to co�rtrol �li�se hi�la leuels as�xo f�s�diani�aE�h�d fnr tliese t►rl�sa�i�reas tl�ai�at is#'or ictdiistci�il and inunicip�il treaiuqies�t facalit�es. . Vde iiave an op}v.�rnu�ih��vitit�'itle 3 to est�blisit sound po11t�L'son pr�vention practicts at latv cost. If��e�lao�se to i�nore tliis cliance�ve will lu�v�to:�ddress che probleai� it�yet a¢l�er ways tlu�t co�ld b�inore dii�"icd►It a��d exp�ns:ve. I�vould be hlppy to disce�ss ttus fi�reher wit.h you ae your eezasvenicrace. �aii�ceeel}�, /���d�--.r''�L�e�� . 1Cevtn Uowtlar�g � �a�rfF1CG W�QeP I�A%tB��:P . KD:kd Cc; JaGi�IFsegonese. �irect�r. Groirth Mana};eieient Sen�ices. [v1ETRC+ . ;� S�ss�tn McL<�ii►, METRO Cou��cilar �' ' John Kvistad, METRO Councilor � 811 �W Sixth Rvenue�` f'ortland,C3R 972Q�4-139U (503) 2Z9-5696 • TDD {5U3) 229-6993 13F.�1•l � � � P� .� � �. � , . . � At . � �F �.:/ �'�� ���6 � y �Q� f � /t 89��q.8 9 �m Y�'� ' � a'� �. e�tJ'd �� �' �E���$`? , � �� ���'°�de ����� �a'�� Y ��i��1� ' �.�i�.'t !� �'��d>.� @�� �'����Jb°'�'��� ���� B ���~ ������ ��� �� ������ ���5��"6'��` � �R'�° aC�/'°9i,�f� .6c�Cd f / ���/?� r /�' � ��"t�� ���' �i�S � �. � � .�. ���.� ��� � �a��,�-e � �'i.��r�u�a��+.� f'� r'1�� � .���C� . �',�.5 �r��w�5�a,�'d� �e� �+�c�1F.� ���/� ��.`�0.� �1lA�t �C r- ��a C P��� �`�/1a C,��C°t°l�Y!� - � �`EJ f-�i r.J� c��oes.�e�� °���i ���� �tT� ���� ��� �o�� ������ j �� ��� . . . ',.s {, ,,� B � �°�-,�s ��� �"�t,��� B� , ����!� ;, .�. .t �. ` � ���� ���� � ^�l . � � ��� ���.� '�� ��' �'��� aa�l�, �°��✓f�'��7°'7� � a'"n..-1.�� /��°O� f� ,� �� �t.�s`� 41 C � .� r c� i��� . r �-�,�,, ���t�e c( � . ��°-� �- ���7��1 ��.. � �p;�,�°���� �: :> �, �. � �. � . . , � � � , ;� _ � � � � � � . . � . � � , . . , . , �` , «� �� .�� � fb� � R A tV D � t� ':��:. '�, ���"�� ` L�Ra�°E: May 31, 1996 'TCSo ii�e�rc� P�licy Advi�cary� ��rrrr�itt�e ����`�: �'�U9�t8�; �il�n, �r�gr�rr� s�SSiSY�P1t ! t4�: i��B'�'7°e'l�r' T���7"l1�+9�f�Y° s'�tB� !��°�� 9���'�"JI�fC"a �a��° ��< 1��6 ,�Yt�ch�d is � ce�mpl�te packe� og all written testiPnony faxed for, or distriksut�d at, th� speci�0 fV9�'�� rr���ting iViay 29� '!�9�i. I arvas r�ot av�rar� af �ar�e �and-outs beca��� th�y ��r� ��xed to rr�e �ft�r th� reroeeting start�d. In c�iher c��es, ��rr�� testi�iers only had tsn� ar twa eopi�s a# th�ir t�stim�ny+ ar�d I am pr�vid'ong yo� wi�fi ca�i�s he��a A� any rate, �l9 !V!�'A� m�rnber� wil! have t��e compB�t�; r�vr�rd, �,cad a apc�{c��iz� �or �h� r�d�lnda�cy be�au�e rnc�st �f you do have raroo�� of th� h�r�t��-�uts, but it is better �� b� safe th�n �o�ryi I �m al�c� er��l�sir�� �:i�e sup�l�rriental packe� me�nt #or distribution �t the m�eYi�� for .a�end� EY�m IVo. �. It contains materials s�pp{�m�nta9 to tha�e �rint�c3 i� the ager�d� pack�t ar�d I ��ologize fcar that ami�sior� a� th€ ms�tang. W� ar� also en�:lesing th� �ay �9 p�cket, „2�33 5 t�oun�i ?_ �ampil�tian ca�f Jurisdic�irr� �esc�rs�es." Nio�t f�l��� m��b�r� g�t this �t ihe rneet'sr�g, bc�t �gain, vve �Pe maki�� sure. if you da ��q �ant yo�se �xtra co�ies, shar� th�� v�rith o�h�r�. 'S'��r�� ��QU. 'The VllritYerr �'ssti�or�y I�d�x f�Sleawv: L0�.4�� ,�gl�tSff.�B�7°ION,�/�C7'4����1ffi�flE'P�7:• 1. Geesham (M�yar tVlcRabert) 2. �ar�sham liViayor PV1c�a�b�Pt) 7. �4illsboro (f�ia�or Gordo�i ��b�r? 12. F'ortl�r�c4 ([J�vid BCnos�les! 14. �'igard (tVlayar J'srn l�icoli} 28. TPOUtd�l� tMayor Paul Tha9hof�r3 30. United States LSepa�tm�nt of th�: Interior/�ish F� itViidiife Service �" 33. �lil5onvi!!e tSte�ai�an �Lashbrook) � � � fUOIV-A�D�'!T GRG�(J�S: ° � 37. Arneriean Fi�heries 5����ty/Oregon �h�p��r @�Cirk 5chre�der! � 38. Audubon Society (3Vlike M��ack) � 39. Audubt�n ��cie2y It�like I��uckD � � 4�. �icycle �°ran��ortation Allianee (R�x ��a�kholder) �48, �omrr�unity Action Organiz�ti�n (Leon La�rtook? 50. Coalition for a Liva�ie �uture (Tasha Harmor�! � ' � � � 6�. F��� �f F��n� Cr�ek 65. Fri���� �f 9�r��ld Cr��k tA��nd� Fritzp . 66. Or�g�a� ��vir�r�rr��rat�l Cc�u�ciE S7. 1CDt�� Fa�a�nd� es4 �r�gean dVV9�ry !C�/9� �cC►�rd�ol ��. F3s�c��ei�k W�ag-�r�wn H�bitet �r�d ��sns�rv�tion �h�p���/d�,��c��i�t�or� csf . �1�r�hw�st at��@h��d��� (C��ry C�r��ttl 71.. "�'ry�c�r� i��source �]�r+�g���nt �artn�rshi�a i��iip ���ic) � COil��IERC�4�L (�R()l.���: '�2. ��I@ J��ik � �lov��k i'�emdl�y �. IV�aE��rD �0. ���I� � t�at�� df�ark �. �i�i�9c�vvl �3� .J'srn Hir��d�l �C �s�c►�i�t�s, 9nc. �J6�t� �fiEn�d�B) ffi�� �40�� ���lci�r� ���a�D�gio� of E��te�e�c��it�r� P�rtil�r�� �J�a� �h�e�dl�r� � ��. I�6a1��' 6�Oli#c� A�1lelC�� � �31. (�r�gar� �h�pter c�� the l.r�tein�t's�ra�l ��ur��'sf r�� �h�p�i�sg ��t���rs/��ybe��rra� ���! �st�te (��� L��eberl �9. t�r��o� �il���f��Ya��ed hiau�ing As���i�tion 194el1y F�a�ss) 1(�4. Pcartiar�d N6�tre���lit�n A�s�ciatiar� of 9iealtme� (J��� L��,1 Cl7'l�'��i9�: ��D6. D�ugl�s i�f. �oll�rn 111. Li� C�dli�Qr� 119. hh��rg�r�t �r�nhoEm �2t�. ��nd+�� (�uth �. �21. C;a�� 6�ish . 1�2. ��B! �aek�r 123. P��ai �t. Jnhn ��rk�r . 1�Q�. �a�a6� �auv�g���.� � 125. ,�ls�n ����Pir� 1��e .,1�ady xlcir°ir��r 1�27. ii��r� �6r�g�� � i:\g��1p�s�l�tt�l�p��\rra��c529.ia�d . �: €:x���tirse �}fifiicer ��srtnn I�t�tro ���ncil C�so��th t�lanag��a��st Ser�eices Dspt. 5tatf � � � � � � � C'� � � j�� �-� : � �P��� S � ��6 ■.�"'! . ea � . , ��°�' �� 7'f�� ��Y�� �C �i7`� �i��tL �°°�,�. � ��a��A�&�tc cto�+lay�� , ��br�t�a��a,��u��ii Pr�sidler�� J�c{c Gaila�h�r, �oc�r��itor, P��iti�n 1 �la�di�t�e�aiVe�,Counc6l�r, �n�itian 2 . Rz�y�l Fi��hr�ar�,�ou�c�8�zr, F�ositaor�� D�br�No�h, �c�uracilor, ��sitao�4 Rob�et M�ore,�oun�ilar, F'�ssi4i�n 5 ���id �ichra�r, �nuncilar, �'a�itadc�6 � 6�lay 2p, i 95�6 � s�� ;�e�hs� �r��ar��s�, t�ar�ct�r� Grc�aw�h @�t�����r��r�c aervit�s . . E�E�'i�0 St3Q h4E�rara�l,+�ve., . P��6aa�d, C3�9?2�2 [3�ar�ahn: 1 wr�ulcf recor�nrrner,d ttie�ddician af a Ffch Llrban Rese�vve Sgudy Area C�pen House in Mu(z:�omah Count;r. ! acn ��ak°sng cht'.s re�quesc be�:a�se of the idc�l �nterest ar3d pcaeenti�( irnpaec� che cdvo �ansi�uou�st�dy areas�rrc�c! for che �icy af�r�shar�, €�arc(ar�d�nd C�uncy r�side�u. �O.c�ou know, S hav�higf�tipficed �o bath MPAC and the tvBecre�o�n�iB ch�poc�rscial c�st burden s�c�aa���.ion c�f�ege�r�as wQUld plac� 4n�ur raxpayecs. Gresham cc�uld pay� signi�cant portiart ot'che �nfrastnat��se eosts �aeede¢i zo provid� urb�r� servites ec� these areas. Furtherinore, c�rar. of�e ten�o srudy ar��s th�c lie sauth o#'Gresham 6s �e lar�esc�f ati t�e poe�ncial sices c�iat es e�c,w�eir��sc�a�ied. i f��liev� t�fultnorraah Cr,a�nty residencs sh��ald have�n a�,porxunity ca discuss cJzls imporCant assu�arvithin our cammunifaes 3� tlZ��e:an be���ne b�Ct�r ir�f�rt�ted. Ptease concacc rne at your earlisse cc�nvenience reg�rding my r•�q��sc. �aVe c�r�a1�(y wili b� �9,ad t� �elp t`�etr�scaff Y�r�d an a�a�r�>�r�ate iocacion 6f vve a�� a�ale co have a� e�pen h��a�e 8n P-�tc�3ss�am�l� Craunty� . `4'ours trx�fy, ` ..e�—�_S�.-� Grassi� McRoben � P�iayor � G M:f�RJmc � c: MPA� � � Chairman Charli� �fales � �ommissioner i�a�i Saitzrs�an � ansxas�,�� � I � ' �i • i333�1W EASTPv1A1�PARKWAY, GRESH�IM,f�R 97030•3873 TELEPHONE:(503)61$-2584 FAX:{503j 66a•7&92 r�av-�9 �s ��:�� ����o�aM�.�w���r� ���s �a.s�� ���� ���1 ��:�� ' �@ d .� p�� � aA ���tl�� �� ��� ���� � ���� ������� �aa�i�tvlcRc�b�t�� M�y�r ��br����h,��ur�esl����id�r�4. ���k��9l�gh�r, G��o���lor, ���i4i�� � �I�udE�C��l�V�rt, ��u��io��, ��i4e�ts 2 �ay��l �4�rshtr9�r�,��r���lot� P�si4��s�� C���be����h, C�s�nciE�r, Pc��'staar�� ����������, ����a�il�t, �s��iBi�e�5 ���id Ei�hn�r, C�aunGiE�r, P��i�a�s�6 e , � ��� 2�, 1�4� � ����� Q � ��� � � ��ti� �c�ni� ��S�s, �,����lrs�ah - - --- . - -� M�'T6LC3 -- --- — - •- ... _�..__.._. ._..�. __..___.. .---..� _ .�.�a,�r<omemma�aoms.mm.mab�m ���E�ra��d .A.�v�o, P��B�r��, �R �7"2��-27�b t���r�ariie; . °�6s ie�t�e��ae��ains carnm���s �t� �h� l�p�81 �9�, I�9& drafg ot r9�� llrb�c� Gr�swe,°� ��aa��r�e�c�t ��n�e����� Pl�n. 1 w��oc�� $o fl�st ct�an�C�h€ ?�i�cr��c��o �°iTA� and��a���19�w��saa����� t�lP,�� w��h�v� ��Ep�d t� d��elop t�ls deafe pla�. `�hls Rlan ��E1e�es a €�aadra�ark ef�or� s�a dev�4�sR and . it�pl���rts � c��@t�a�a1 serr�¢��+ s� �tearaaQ� �roa��h. �/hit� �i�rn�n�s a�ehe Pla� �a�r r�oc�� e� ����c�r��'s Ei��a�f��thl�sh��@d �cs�(et our dlffer�n��s�ve�sh�d�t� ehe ��y sQ�i��ar��a�c�l�c�ae�e w� ��l,���RI°llf9 P��CM. �u�fine4 �9�s�are s�aa�t�n�r�t�o���e dr��'� f�r�v�sid���tl�� �y �°i�',�C. �99id'��69�:ed�i5 LRr�es �3 - �2, �rr�re�p��: The �����p��f�a�9ra� ��r��rr��rvc�§e,���dxr���s��a�ap��� ��he pr�scaipst�� n���ue�s §S a v��+���d I��a. �6s avti! �lN�w l�eal ����a��a��u �a°�ater flexlblll� t� �ta�� ch�ir�a� craeshod.� Cq�Chiey� 4�1� Y��J�t1a@ �b��C[iY�s 1r�sc�3d ��h��+I�a� t� 9Pt9pl�rn�nc��GSC Ofl� Yilet��d, 1'itE� 1: ��qulc�ae��zat� f�r �i���Q����d �crrpl��rr���t ,�accs�rn��daeSon Gi��s 8€x - 9��, 5��d�n S E, ��?r��e�a: l��s�e�cls��s provldes �hac 4csca( �c�v�ms�i�n�����9d p�����!'vEsiQn�f!�u e4�°ac are°�no��er�a��re-�t�r��s��h�e'a�i'�i�s�a�lm�m��9oc siz�'�f�a���8�1��d�o�-�is • _ _.� _. �c�i�d cFoat ti�ls se�cic�n ataly�pplies t� f��s shac��e fr�� �r�a�e �hyslral ���sc��fncs. F�C�Dt�f��l�i In � C�c���a�� c��r� �r� 1�s�s�n st���lo� f,�1�4b sl��e) 2������ ��r�cF��t�v'is� ch� r�t�ai�°i�a� ivt��ze E. �ff th� c9c�+'s �il�i�lde P�a�+ssfe�i ��nser�8�st tJl�tr9cc g�r�Q�rds. ��Sect6osa �. F�r�re so�pp8y ��i10 (�¢� � eE�e� che cicy wv�ld b� �nc�c�r��in�In�re���� dev�l�p¢n�r�t daraxtcies c�n ia.q�d,�hich hawe ph�6�f � c�nser�t�cs. '��o�r���r�, ie e�����dv'�b0� am e��e� �~�ae thfs��cCl�sa ��S r�����p9y tr� 6�at��tlsft hade � P�Yaica6 c�a��t�'�ln�s s�a�h �s sc�ep s��s��s, �r��s�fr�iaw �tre 9+���ar�E�c�d pl�I�s, ecc, �! i� !� � i ��3�t��r����a����'��►s��v, ��ES���, a�s�o3a�sai� T��,����r��:{�o��sia-��ea �ax; csoa>��s-7ssa I"�dY—��-.! �6 14:1'9 F'RQ�1:CC�`1M e�h4l�RLY�.�.. 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P��'��C�s��c�id�n��c��qe 6�a1 � �xp�rlrr�enracl��r wi�h evc�lvin¢3cr�ee�c�l�n �ie����s ci�ac�6v� prEar9ty c�s pcd�stf6�ns ��a@ �r��si� � c�aa�v�o�a�nc. � � � � � � 2 s . i _ � :�� �it��ate '���e Pgir i9�� �a�����n�„6�a`ea����i �drs��an, b6�ge�l�, ��d c�ata�9��rt��t�d 9��l�� �i�a����s�re ��prlgt��+0��e c��Yral tl�e a��3��ro,1 ce�c�ra, se��a��omt���@�ir�� �0�s�r���s, ���As�r�r���r������s���a�9��A a�s� c�m���l dist�ces�l������r9�s��� o:s� �����c��." �I����� 1������a Lit�� �A�Q��6 tiwfi�a�v����o "!. ��a�r s�t� �a�ch��e�s��e��si� rE�����a c�lhtc� ���e���d�e�p���s�ae���d r��s��i�.'° � ��l1�fl �: ��50�63 ��11��P�� ��P �����f���di���°�i�'@�° . �6�es ��3 - 53�8 �rraaa��.ng: �r�sbam s�zp.p�res a e���a�.cd�d.l�c�i_seveeta�seem,�and.f.�s.re��d��I��._ _. . _. a� �s���adr�aer�� !n t�9� to t�np(�r���t gt+ls R.u9� 12 r�qa�l��ra�en€e '��ls pr�p�s�d�ec�Do�s�e�� ��s eh� �,"i� (���i�s�a13'e��r��r��io� PI��)�vIE! faa�9a���d�sS����nda�ds ��r���t���tR�ty, t9��a pp����ds � ��z�rtb� p�°��i��sr�ndard� for ec�ts��ccfu0�1� t�s�€���i�� ��elanmd�.�., csal•d�-��s �s� 6a���r char� ��� �e., �ike �r�� p�des�c°I�� e�n�e�cl�o�s w1�s t�Pnlen�arra spa�En� �f 3�� F�v, 2� tc. w8d�skin��st����s, 6��� fe, s��ci���f I��al ssre���riid�, $i� �����at b��� �e� re 1�.�.�I�a(m,�_eq6�,,,� � ��r��1C'�� n �h�����c� �zr��ls� � ti�sea��G���.0 < �r� �4 s�� �aer��x� � 1 r�.a�&?��,6�e ���,rfi'��a�a�� 4�0_ c9��. Z�9 ��srf�df€uD�ns w��8d haw� �pr�c9s�ly t�e�as�r� ►�aclos��/°{�ca1°`�r�d �P��e$'P��g� cr6ps �� r��i��3 . f��llf�i�s �nd a�ply� p���ls� a��t�of�ed�s�ar�/�at�r v�hici� tr�v�l �Is����s����r,�f Fa�r�c n�tar�� � x plar�s. 'T�ere h�s �e�� n�toca�a�ad re�{���5 e�h�le�i re�i�a��r�d �gr�������: p��p�s�d d�f��t�t�au, ��R6�y �s�d �l��r�������x f�r'°9c�caB'°ar�d B�Y��9C���Iv� �c���P s�t�t�r��h��ie�a�Q p�c3�st�@�a�a c��v�i €��se��c�. .� �����rr���d��i��o �'�+r L4c�es 49� • �3�, �!� ��st�a� C3�s��o� � �. P�rf�s�r����� �gac3caa: lR�rn��� � p���.�s� sc�ndaeds fr�� b�� o�c�asns. R�v6s� ��xc c�ssace �l�ac �eee�s� ��z6�a�d P�rf�r�i�ne� � s���iards as�41 �►e ad�p��d fn ch� �egio�al °�ra�a�p�rtas6os� Ftan. 7�i� p������� ss��sdard� ��d����€��d�D ��c��lc�6 e��@�w 4r� �ae ���i�na1 ��a�g���att�� �oa�� pr�c��s th�s��ar. The Transp��c6o� �l�e�n4r�� Ru1e re�ul���r��i��al and @��ai e���tnita�ecs���e���c�� �.a�a8 ��d r��i�na0 ���f_���fd �l�s��y eaaBLas� the tkke�l�r+�acc��f.pr�c�s�d ���d�r��s��a ��h r��i���! .______ �.., o-- and l�s�! Sranspe�s'�a€li��i S;v�Qert��I�r�s.���I B�C�I��fP4AdI���S T691�St�tllpR�t7��ltf tfiC�SS&f�S��9T�glqt�'�L it�th t�� R.'I"P E� local7'ra�p��ci�� Syscer� �l'�s, widnR�or�e y�a�af��ad�qt4�� (����s�f��r B���). � T�ti�e�lil�ssur�s r6t���e ����eaP t�r�� frYm� p�'a�as�d fcsr�Il �aan��B�t��l R3att ���r�s��, � ' � ' � � . � • � � w � 3 �' h1AY-�9 JF, 9,�E':� �'F�C�1:��9M.CE�h�, LY� P�f�l_�� T0:�0� f�7' 17J1 ��;�:�,� . ` � * � a S��to� �d ���ar�O�hlc9� P�rf�r���aee ���edaeds �d�a�� S�° ���e Ca��aet���s: �'he�{t��f C�r�s�at�sera��giy ob)ecas�� e�� In�iac�Dara�f ch� �ro��d h�o�r�€�h��0e P���rr�a��a�c 5san��rds in che �J�F�! F�n�ela��tal Piaor. 9NhBle ic�y be r��e�ss�a�+ e� ��e�����y r�v9sin�aA��eaaeassa��rr��st¢��'�o���sel�ra�s�a�a of el�� R��las�9 �'ra�p�reasion ���c�, '�Otl�6, ��ei�3ro �as�re�cc�r� Is pre�r,�t�ceB it�c�s�sBster��wBe�t ��Rd�n�! �ra�trh ��Is��t���c�s�gspocxed � �����a�a��h�6c�8�n�l��AS. . 9�ds�s�����rd���dG4pt�e�A 391]l9d�tt �5��t 9i16�1��IY9��3�1f�. T�� ��a�9�r¢�Ee �c►r ad����� �Fai��e�s�sr�. 1�to °`�nsa�s�e�s� ad����� b��ae�e�b��s��sransp�s�aaties�servBc���d 1�n� �ts�d�si��x2l�ra�.°° 1ME`T�� I����s�ff�i��t�ic6�bt��-i�-�b��hic� scaces: '°��°l�P9dcYt�PiCS �� �fleittc0�'+!1�8 p6��45/ dC@iC�b�E����d e€�er�pr�hcroslvc p@��s, �a�c�9��� tase s�s��.tao�s`�blch SI�rE1Pi���¢iy_sf�ec��,er��r_s�e;�,t�_f.�cliley shxll. as���� �hxs��l�wrd l�r�d �s�s ar�cor�sEsae�nt c�leh c�e ld��e9��d func�9��, c�pacicy ar�d Icv�i a�f s�nr(ce�f ° . ' t�� ���!llcy,°' R�E7'�,�? 0s ��e a�m, m�m�s,i�a �s�c�l��al pfa�,, b�rc�do�clr�g a n�w pta�. lt�ay��a�€�� r�ec�ssary tc� c3�ae��� ah� 4���1-�f�ervic��ric�ria in���h ��rlsal�a6o�. 8e !a�lr�ady �+e 4�a! �a��Is�ecclae�'s rrgp�a�si�ei[Iry zo detars�➢�e wh,t t�eas�r�s ar�apprespri�t� t�accra�ar��dac� �ro�ch ar�d ��s�r��rad ch�tr��rnp��h��tslv� p{�t�s atemrdin�l�. R�wPs�� �c���es�4can �roeas�r�s ra�ay be th� r��hc��! �or��s� j4lr'iss9iCtle�k`1S t��v�SCl1IPt Sp+�;CIP1C 2�4CD 13[td tise eypeSo bt�e shce�td ��,e b�m�n�ateei f�r sh���sclre ��roea, �°hps pra�sr�al has ehan�ed 6ra�tfcaBly rrom th�soc�ccpe�ed�Qn�69y dlses��se� �y �IPACOjpACT' �� �c��+ernb�r, I 49�. �'he c�t�zepe ha� �Jpidly evolved fr�� ��aa�r c�a9era�c�� ��ea�e�esclon !n c�I�a�aB c�ns���r�d �ealn s�r���with �aod pedeser@ar�, erarasd� and bl��ie n�twoa� �d� cuee al� for e�e re�ia��s r�advua�fundl��pr�hlerr�s. 'T��r��+�.s nc,s�eci�� �ar�g�sai �ar p�lt� t�a�ers eo�v�n �ar�.sic4��unt41 a,�� T?a!�rn��t1n��n �larch 29eh. �3el���drafe lnt��Qe�r �rr�as�r�s�hi�l� �a�a�ld 6�av� t��t0� Br�p��t�ra �leh�r pub4B��r prevac� Inv��cm��+u have b���discus��� ag iec��th ��,d c���rr�ed eo s�b• c��ar��e���.e�h�r� a��nse�s�� �aul� �a�g S�� e�a�t���. 1"�Ps ��as�P�� �r�4ch �+�ul���fec�b94(i�o�s��' d�p�a�s�F i�v��cs��e�c fn cransporr��ian cap�c0ey has �r�c�lv�d li�cfe sr�bsc.��cl�� ���i��. �G;aa�c��� P�aP r����seae�r�g ah��f1��ce o��e����s¢i�n �r�ag��s�lalii�►�r�c��Ey In ci�e f�rst dra�e s���. M!� b�Be�ue ��e� rr��asur� evhrc� c�ufd ��rla�asfy ePOde t�� Ilvablllc�a�f�h� regian 3houid oroly b�a�prraved�fter a re�ic�na9 ceas�s���eas !s rea�hed b:ased An p�bGg� QnForanatlan ae�d I�put. 9r�e�erlcn �s�emd�rid� ran��s�iqra r�eaxures cou(d be a wind(ali (er bl�boz reta6l a�d creh�r sV�e�l�t��t a�eo a�a�'�He �er�erat�sr�. 6y r�-deflr�ln�e�ng�scla�, che pr��osed meas�r�r.reaces 4n che�r�n�r� "fr�� �oad�aa� rap.��icy. �!�d�v�foper or a�ser is requlred co �ay P�r eh95 e�pa�ltyi. Ft�s��reh ��d. .��... �._ _ eY,�EQrI�fiCR�9�V�3�1�Va�f9 fF9dIB"��k�°J�paeley Is q�ick{�o�onsu�ed �y 3se�Pea��d Qern�nd. 1'9�la �easu�� w�ufri pr�a�de a a�+lndC�ii f�r 6�r��a�aca-Qepe�s4�nc de��9�s�m�ntx chat are ur�wi4lln�Ra r��ak� ah� i�vestrrss�cs in hf�w�y sapacfty ra��c9eQ c�er�eec the extstl�g l�vei��f-s�rvie�st�ndards. Any r��o�� l�����'-s�rvl�� ?�resoc�eai��l.tPd �� eefa,i[��r,�fe_ed to a��l� �nlv eo caro�e�����4„h�r���� c�ced bw etg� In�r���e�! d�cttles ca1L�ffoe t, n ch��eJ�rs 2�40�rawch,���, 4 MRY- � . TCDo�� ?�7 �7�1 l�:P1, ._ . . . . . �4• Li9'N't.:� w.���. �a imieux.se.�w+ r�M.. • �• +� . @ � • ! �r�zh�r�a a�d 1°��alt�a���h �s�n�����lts��� Tt�P�� Ir�P��� F�r e� r�quPre���s d�v����s��n�¢��� F�r addle�ms�al c�paclty n�c�ed dua����wt�. 'Pfi�basi� Por e�ee f��!t� chr�shold�f LC3S �'�". 9�1e ��°��o�a��mrd t��a� more 1��l���ffic�r�daPd�il�4��p�rdPY� �6s F��dBnR sa�s°s� ��d e6ie�B��� �r�� �bfl�c4�� �f�e�'�l�r�m�set t�m�k�������r�+�f�'•�4�� F��d�����pe�av���r�r� ��t16 ces���dcaa� rea�h�s th�p�o�s��l s��d�r� �f c��i��r�����C'��d°�°0p ��������������e I o �c�����i � �a��Pb a�pr�p�i��� c��an�@�a�s�r��� ��r��r�����s�aaa���ds 6� �6a� �.������! ����c S�se�ers����c�r�sf�t� R`i�. ��c9��u� i�is �l�� �s��s�r�c�4��� �cr��r�+na���saa�a�$e� ��r°�ro��►t�r ��ObiK@�SgP� r�a�r�ev��gd �i���°I� t� 9�qz�ts e� g6�����6o�al 3�eB�t, tr�ns�g, p+�d�SBfI�N a�tl� ���y��� ��S�t493 �6e9a ��so �a� r�dways �urir���o� �tax��c��PS. T�D�P°� �,3� �3Q�67 l���EI3��ii4 �P�tl�E&��� I� ��i���Lj°9�_.. — — �enpa�es�n �lr qaaalligs s�r�e�y��'��se tysiac�s. 'P��eP� Bs ils� �a��i���Gr chs`[.�is gr�p��t !� � eAr�sls�nc with th� �ll��� �b�e��B��s d��il��a�lth Tr�rSSp��tla�ca�r Pc�Esiie �erwic����� F�c9E9al�s. N�app�rer����nsld�ra�0on has b��ro��ve�t �o tha (IvabBti��t"t��6�ie�a�r��e2� ��a� g��t��-t�sr+�u�ta x��� �a�#rs�scraz�� �trlv�rs �v�Hd1��'ce���csKa� Isst�rs�etQo�s�tt re�la�t�l r�ad�a�s, �. 9�r�t�lr��d le� ch� ��F�1 F�ncaic�nal Pi�r�, '�Itl� !�•Settl�n � sh�uld bt revl��� tc� be a� �pt9�a�ai ���d ��t�9t�d c� ���l�ati��I�pace� �aC 2��Q ���r�t� in �ff��c�d R��t���! �ent�r� �a�d ��r�8ds�rs. �t'� r���ore�l �-ansp�re�eian f=c(llry �x�t�e�s xn��s�p��l� 1���10�s�nilce (t�r�ita(1� „�"y �a�� ta�r�0��c�� �r�e�e� i�ct�dd��the F�i� Sh�r� �pa�l�+ �c�r�4�s�sfi� tJnics and ��pi�p�enc Id�nclfied i� '�l�t� 8� �ee�l�sa �, th� ���g�sti�a� ������cr'�rst s��h�lqu�a �ltc�ui� b� t�st�� �P�E qa dec�rartirse 9�eh� ,�rasbiee� �an b� �If�vE�ted. !f�hess t�c6�r�iq��� d���t �ed�ar� �a�q�stlgn �� �n acc�pc�bl� 9�v�1, � I��i isan��B��fc�� sh�aaid be all�ovred a�e nac req�lre� ua ado�s� ��w�r B�v�9 �f sgrvic�, ncat c� �xe��� E.�S ",E,'. '�he `���nsp�r�ac�o� Piar�nPn� �!e r���a6r�� ���� u�es e� ba �ssr�s�sce�e wich e?�e pi���ed ����st�y �I`tr��spcsre��s�� ��el�#�1e� (��R�+��-��-��� (i?(�p�, 54��� � I�v�l �t's�ev'seg "F" ��c�e�s �h� cap���� ��¢ta� ���o6ft�, �r� h�u��f ��'s'$�3d�4�I� �l�� ��G699'i� �E`B� RS�I� ��P f��L�IF'�5�� !E"S��AB•��a��ra�r��s. �3lIA.sF'� Cty�dopC�d �F��� iO��C R���� �(&�T°�IC� "'E°' ��E �e s�ecl�c �ransp�rra�t��aa ����id���s a�Pe�ted �� �r��eh �r@[i raot be an ac�epe�b0� bas� fssr a� ����pcl�n e� �o�p1E��e��al�h �'Icl� !. . bii9�i;� t4�is ,��apr�s�ach w�cal� nc�t res�lve alt th� re�len's tr��3porr.�efAn d�fic�enc��s, i� is a rc�so��b1� i�c�rir� ra�ea�ure �r�ca0 a d�clslar� c�n E�e rr�ched �� p��t �t�h� ���fon�! Yr�nsp�rr��1�� P!a€�. �'6tk� �: ��f��lc��e�� -- —�,3a��� a���a s���; �a�,��aa�io��nc: `i°��r��r�°ra��'�fl�@d�n��fw�:�"_ . .__ _._ __.. . ... .. .. - _. _ . E���carra�i� inf�ifl�►Ifiey, ��s ��d�ics�d a�c��s aae PrOar���er�l�enu � c�. � `���rs esy,al�,4 � �w-�..a � �'° �tr�Ee 1��F�ca�r� � � ������� � � G�'"i:�R6r�c �: �i�e ��art�an, E��e�sc's�r� ���8���, F°��tro lR�acf� �'it��rland, t�f�cr�a �ou��llar �a�t �Cvlstad, �"ie�r� ���t��ilar ensro i�,n , � ;; . , �4 P. q . • . � ��� . . �::CITY �� H I L.LS r��J ��e 6:f � po�o��7 t�+tc�y 23, 19'��5 P-ionara�6e Charles Hai�s and Nierrbb�rs �e�ro Po{icy Advisory Con�mittee ���IE Crand Aver�ue � Porfiland, C3R 9720� C3ear Ct��ir F3r�l�*s csnd �ViP�C Members; On Moy 22nd, our �ifiy Council and �ome representafives fram our Planning Camrr�issian c�iscuss�d yaur April 24, 1996 IvtPACfJPACT �?raf# Urban Growth Managern�r�f Funcfic�n�l Plcar�. Uur gen��cal corr�rr�enfs r�n 4h�si Plc�n are s4at�d beic�w. Our specific cc�mrnen4s ar� Titles 1 - 7 of fha�t Plcrn are ex�ressed in the att�ched pages. �iillsbaro hcas provid�d input into 4he Region 20A0 �rocess since its inc���iar�. Alonc� th� �°day, we • � have cansistently sup�orted fh�se 2�40 development conc�pis fhat wil! k��nefit aur Cit�. Sfc+4ion Communities, a Downtown Hiilsboro F�eaiancsl Center and other cancepts that su�pc�rfi �illsk�aro fight raii frt�r�sif have aur support. As yau know, s�vera! of o��r Station Community Plans are ver�r cla�E ta c�cia�atican !ay ?he City. While cliff�rPr,t r�sidenis suppor� different aspects of 2�40, �here is wid�s�reac! c�rv�rntanity concem in HiIIsP��ro fhcst incr�as�d �esidential den�ities and conce�trr�fed dev�iopment under 2C5�d in c�r�cas aufside aur Statian Commur�i#ies and �enf�rs v✓iil increas� lo�c�l traf�ic co�c�esfiion and I�ssen livpbiii�y in those areas. Thcse prQblems will becam� par4ic;ulc��ly s�cu1�� if inc:r�ased d�nsiti�s occur initically without supporting pubiic transporiation services. T� mi4ic�a#� t��se prol�lems, ifi is vi4af 9hcaf transit services throughout Hillsboro and in 4h2 aff�cfe� cc�mrrtur�iti�s �� availat�le af fhe time Ohcst c�evelopn�en9s which irnplsmer�t 2040 cQmr°n�nce. !n fr�c:t, the succ�ss ir� Hillsbc�r� of ligr�f rail transit as a travel mode ancS a solution tn the irr�minent fraffic congestion in our comrnunity rassociated ,vith 20�40 densities, hinges upon coordinated local pu3�lic transii services fihat fieed our light raii transi9 system. �N� do not b�lieve that such servi�es wilf �� avc�ilable in Hillsbaro ir� the imrrediate fu4ure. R�s elecl�d �ff�cials, aur canstit�ents expecf us to mc�raage 2040 impl�rrientation in i-iiils�oeca s� that it contribufes �c�sitivefy to the c�ualify of life in aur�ity. The detailed, regulc�tary c�p�r�iach in y�a�r Funcfional Flan pr�ven�s fhis. As your rsgional ap rtner, we ne�d 9he c�bili9y to rnalc� �aur plans a�c� crdinances in4o programs 4haf serv� both fhe 2Gd0 dzvelopmeni �onc��,ts ar�d our IoGCSB planning needs and priorities. Accordingly, we pr�fer that the Functional Plan estc�blish non-prescrip#ive �alanning obj�ctiv�s and requirements rc�ther fihan detailec� rec�ulatory stc�ndards. Ench lo�al jurisc9iction should be ailowed to im�lemen4 the 2040 concepts in ways that are consist�;nt with fhe presenP vclvc�s and conditions in their communifiy. 123 Wesl Main Street, Hillsboro,Oregon 97123•3999•503/881-6100• FAX 503/S81•6245,� AN EQUAL OPPOq NNl fY EA(P10YEN PNINTEO pJ AfCYCI E0 PAPER x� � �:` �;le�r�arabt��ht�rles 9�ales c�r�e�tv�P�,G PvS�m�rers AAt�y 23, i 99� ' f��e��2. 'v�e e�p�sr��i�fi� f�ass� �9#sc�s 6a� the R�r�i�n v�ary in #��rns c�f planning �s��a�k�iiiti�§ c�r�d �a�l�tion, � . S�arrae �ifi9�� nrss�y s���c� �cs ��iy c�n ivl��ro f�r ���hn's�a! plar�r�ir�� ��idt�r��� v�'3��� �t��e+r�a�g P�a�ir , �ler�s c�rrd �e��ala�tjgn� tc� i�a�i�rn�nt 24�40. P�I�A� ��n addrsss th�s r�eed �a�r �la�ing #he • r��uscr���-c��i�n#�c6 �r�v6sions wh6ch ar� nc�w in th� F�ncfii�r�ai Plan ir��� m�sc�e:i 2C��Ci care�is�c�n��s tM��c�an s�rv�t�s���;hrai��0 r�s�ur�Ws�c�r such citi�s. 6��9cs�a��,e��6�io�rc��e c��r pr�f�����,�:fc�r��n-�rescri�#i�re s�i�j�cfiiv�s an�r�c��sir�rn+�r�fi���i i'i�f�:s � - ! s�e��s���i�ic ��ad ��t�°af�c� sf�r��a�c�s. Piec�s� ur�d�rs�c��s� th� �ic�si� pr�rv�is� v�d�r8�ir�� thais �P�ferenc�: Nletrc� s�ao�alc4 fca�us or� a�ef6r�ir�� s��c�ional �aie�nr�in� r��j��ti�e� 40 �� �a�rse��c� P�� lts r��oenral ��rtners �i��sa��h 49��ir 6r��a! g�9s�ns ean�i irv��9�m��ter�� �arc4yrec�ro��s. FO�ws� t�!! c�s °°�,+�c��", to accar��alish; rar�r� n�� °'�ca�v" fiU �ccorr�p�ist� it, ir� the �unc�scin�i P€�r�. T6�� '°h�w �cs"s°' �b��a�lc� �p��c�r B� rncsd�i 2d�0 ar�ins�n��s a�ci not the Func4ic�r�a4 Plesn. As y�ur���i�ncs6�pc�rfn�r,�v�1�r�k f�ae��rd f�v�orksr��wiih�c��ir�fhi�mc�r�n�r. Thr�nfe ya� f�r th� ex4er�ded a�pe�rfunity� 4o c�rnrr��r�t an this I���s? dre�f# �f yeaur Functior�al Pla�. VV�e icaok f�P�.vare� #� ye�sar��s��r�se to Qur c�rnm�nfis. Re��ec�ft�l� rroi�t�c�: . ,�'" s/ � � � , ' . ta�t�a� Fc� r f�tc�sy+ar �atfarh: �. � � N . � � � � �3 4� � � e � � ' ' . �°��e�te�¢�€���'��ss���s�6�°�rre�s�Y: ���Qi�6rs�t�'��o����a�m � � �,1.a, ° �„ � �r� ��nt Ac��rte�es�q��9�+� � A�����ad����car 20�7 �-laaas���ld¢I-I�i) � R�fl�ct Hiils�orc�'�2b17 hF�aasd �m�,�S$WTl1�t�5 ��rnpl�y�n�nt(�r�p.)A91oc��emns: for ets�i in�area in T�bie 1 af'�itl� �: * 14,�12&3�-II;, 5�,�47 Etr�p.. ' � ��,454 I�H; �1,��� �r�R. �� . � Th�sieagle farni@yls�a�itif�e�aily 6��usie���rti�i�a �i@lsb�ro e�a�uir�d en"y'itf� 1,'�'�bl� 1 �c��a�l1� restracts d�veacapa�nerag o�'S�u��ts�d�rtzit�r��y sk��s�e�ho�sin����a�s�o�f�r��i��aa�i��v�tho�� �vid�nc�that th�e�s�a�k�t�va�����ga�t Y�a�r�c���r� rsflix o�r a sa�stiained, lan�-������zs. 1'�a���� ��e�not sup�sort st�ch ragad r�,t��s�v�n th�ta$�r� s�pports the co�c�pt r��`���a��r housi�g n�aax�ns �i�lsbora � IvFandator,�ac�t�ptie�n of unin�r�ai.�m r�sid�ntial � O�utside L�ght Rail Statiorfl areas,Yhe rrearketplac� d�ms�¢ies�nd re�inimtam FAI�s vd��ce ���her t}�a� z�ab'sng�hc��td est�bli�h r�einim�a�a �iil�bssro la�cks s�!f��ie�a��-i or•��np. r�sider�tial zanang d�nsitAes��d�ia�ir�sva���. a�a�a�atAe�tc�acca�a€xaod�te its 20 P 7 5uch densities and F1��s should n�t b� �,.li3�ations; Qr wh�r��-Iillsboro has ar�p�cial��estabt►sheci. �caf��ie�t�apacities but its�vera�e�cteaa9 d�nsAt��s�r�belov�+$0%of the dens'sii�s ��rrnitt�d by its zaning�ode. ���2:���i�na�F��i�ss�k�as i�v . � ,�p�ly miiqi�urr� and m�xim�rra parkara�sp�cg � .��r��that parkir�g space rati�s s�a�a�fld be ratios�s show�Y in�c�n��� �r�d�dn a lawer �n St��iora Co►r►rnunit6�es a�►d tsa�asit I�arkgng I�aatim�arn 1l�Iaga and a�2e�ional carri�os-s. �7�tsid�Yhese ar��s,.�,I�.S�.ti� ° . ���king Siarad�rds�'able incc+r�as�ted into R�.���ix�.�sh�►u1�3 be e���blis�aed. Title 2. � Hilisbc�f�a does r�at suppor� rna�cirr��crr� �aa��ir►g ratios. Ndarket factors wi�l e�zcr��ara�e ow�n�a�s ta build on{y�nough parki�g spaces to r►ac��[�eer prc�j�c�meer�s. � I-�illsboro Gz�n��t su}�port�,y r�aximu:m parking ees$ricgio�s �s�area��vhe►•�p��tic t��.aaskt is��t � �ssc��ed witlhin a r�asa��bl��cr►a�p��ic�d. Publ6e � tsa�►sit r�iuse be availab(��t the¢ics�e vvh�n 2�4Q �„ lar�c� a�ses�re d�v��raped;oth�rmvis�,a�ac � �ransport�t�on s��tesn �viE!:�oi�`��a��io�a �rop��ty, � � g� � PaemQVe from ��ne A in the�aeking 14�aximtsr�n � , I�Iap arras that �ave insuffcient or no�aubiic transic s€rvices at ali and are not expected to ��a��e such sen�ices in the f�aresee�ble �'uture. 1 0 °�'�'�'I.�;3a ��Yer aagli �c ���aa�zl_lA�a��g�,e.��gs� �4i�n • � Am�nd�i���anp. �I�n&C1rdi��nc�s�a: � A�etro sh�uid naB s�i prescrzpta��s��nda�°d�for * Ad�pt r�l�vae�t pt�cts c��'�f1�d�2r��ater natural r�aoa�r��s prot�cti�c�; ioc�i�����met�ts Qu�iie�y�c �'�crod R�a�n���merrt M�d�3 sia�ou9d s�t such standardso ��donance;�r �` �R�ow YE�at�hc�'l�� i�e CBrdi���ac�s cc��pfy � iVI�td°c,shauld se�s�or�-pr�scriptiv��oals f�r Irr��i yvit4�°C'atl�3 P�rformarac� �ts�r�dards; ar gov�rnrneni reso'urce onventory and prot��t�or� * �dapt a cc��banation oa�ither options. pro�r�ms far"re�ionally significae�t c�so�s�ces". � Pr�p�sed'�'631e 3 PerforerianG� �ta�zdards: � �/d�tra stso�id d�feae"r��icreaally�i�cii�c��t * �ioc�d P�#;�a�aii�n Sta�adards. re�our�:es". �` W�ter(�v�1�ty St�ndards. � VIJ�tu;r�a�ality��'lo�xd P�d1��►���r�e��nt,Ar�a �'rot�ctit�n St�r�darr3s. * Fish�Rc �'ildfafe I�abicat�onservation�,F�� Stari�ar�s. � �,Q�4: �etaii d��r��,la�!�gnt � �ndustr����s • Prahibi2 retail uses exc�eding 50,000 sy. ft. � Hillsboro does not support Tiele 4's�s:stri�tann a�f of�r�o�s leasabie floor�tr�a in desi�nated "big box"rPeai! outlets in Hilishoro's�tnplo�rrient Indus€ciai and �mpioyen;er�t.t�rea, exc�p7 if: ar�d industrial areas. l�any I-dills6oro r�sider�ts * ti�e use ss a la�v gerserati�ng, land- shap at such outlets. Such�eses g�lace l�s�r��rnand , cons�un�ptive use wit6� low parking demand an suppanYing p��blic facilit��s��zd utiiitie��a�� �nt! has a ca�nmuni4y or regionv�ide many ind�strial uses and business�s. �-�ilisba�o �narket; or lacks �.ocnrnercially-design�ted sg�e5�hat ar� * the s�e�itic Industrial ar Er�ployrner.e Area suitable for such outlst�a.nd cn�st lao�C to at� aiready contains subst.�ntial amount of enciustrial and �mployenent areas to pravide su�h retaiig�g. sites when nseded in th�futzare. ��_�.�.�..e��n�R.�s��e��ibfisE�_ � Esta�ilish regiona! screet r,�esian concepts for � It is essential that Titie 6 prescribe a rr�ajor, through�vays, boulevards and streets ar�d immediate role far publie transiY in implerr�en8ing roads. 2U4�1 land us�straYegies in Hillsboro. � Adopt Camp. Plan& Or�inance arne�d�n�nts th��require p�d�strian�xrcl cransitaorie�le�d elements withir► baulevard�. � .�mend Camp. Pians&.(3rdinances go require � Hiilsboro does nat supporE detailed design new residei�tial and rnixed use developrnents standards for road��ays in Tit9e 6. Such � t�cocn,pl�either�vith a"�����s� ��tlmea" neighborhoor�-ievei road stand�rds ar���prapreate (�oc�i Str��t�'lam�th�t i��t����rt specific onfy vvithon foca( deveic�pm�nt e�;�uiatit�ns. � and detailed road ri�ht-of-�uay design star�darc�s)or"F��rfo�-rs�ance 5t��dards" (fa�r regional facilities and local stE•eets) that provide for stree[connectivity. . � _, _ _ , , . x o. a�; , � ° , � � �raa�a����rr�tp�a�6a��c�rd'an�n�e5 to apply � �4 se�rn5�vvlcvvard ec�ask tfae pufslic to iAVVex i�s 6o�v�r tc��i rc���s�ay per�'a�r�nan���E�O�) tol�r�n�e ts�tra�fic�c�e�g�stirrca s��h�t 2�940 � �t�ndaeds and�gwio�st�p s�vievv�arc�cess: (fl) ct�a���p�s s�ay b���hi�v�d wixhc►�t���s�a�c��°sr�� . �o��es49c�n aa�alysis,��d(2��otages8i�►n pubEic twaa�s�t to e�s�s�r�n�pf t�aa��a°��t�c . a���ag�e�aer�t in��v��waea�pcopased ��mj���s. �c�:��e�ta�aa. �„ � � ' � � � � �7 � � I 3 F t LE Alp. �48 U5�2�! 'J5 1��U,� I[�:6'�ilv E3tX?�i� CJ�,�L.f�N f NG �aU� �;�3 7��,�� :� � • _.....�._._._._.. ,� _ • ., �` Ci�Y C��' . �'._._ Ch�rl�e^Fia�as. Cwe�eroi��3�n�r '..�. ' � �°�r�������q � Lo'O�`�'� I.�ziblS��. �C17u*tvlE�, �IF'��e�i' S �2��.��. �9t9y. ��fPl (��� ... .. ..._— - F"orLlanrl.C)r��oey�7�0�-19G6 �(1R�:�C3 �7F $'l.t���11'�fC°i 'Eel�pti��e: (50���23-7700� . FAM (�03j�23-?�� ------.,,�______..._ ��y�9, 1��16 T'c7 th� �I�tro�'�ficy /1d�esrary Cozai�tte�; 1 s�in �vritaa���n bdh�lf�+f t��d�'�aY-l6��d ['I�nxtix4�;C�am�i�s�un �nd th� �ur��ta�f �l�aa.rzic�� tc'Nxpres���appc�rt ���r t�� U�baci�rc�wtii ��j�a�etn�alt ly���cr,csn.�9 t�l�a�. . '�he pl;�n �c�g���acaan�sifieui4a�.utt eha�le���es for thc�(.:ity�nd cDbor p�artne�•s in ¢h�.� H•e�is.���. !/re�e,�re re�dy to tak�a�n.e�ur r�ti�ac�e�sihility a�nc� .rr��lre��y r�izkia�� �trici��5 �n itt��i�m�attsa��; th� Faa�ctior��I �'Ian �aard �he 2U4U iyl.�n. T'h�Cit� h�s �Jla�cat�d hzs�ds icx thc� u�scum�n�t��ac�p��t to m�ke th.e n�ec�ed ��d�c�r��{ ��a� �hiqT4��S. C�����t11Vk'S�iDl� 111�lOLlSA�Y�;a�n�l ir��r�st•ructuec to mak��Fhe ., �dv�Ic�prner�t�;���i;;s� re�li�y. � �71� T'l.�dl!'E1I7�C.C)JYi.d7"11S5t�dPYt �'►a➢S�K�'►I's'�S�C�SiST�`i�'C�iIC�'Tli �'I7a1�d.Il ()j I�LdP f'l'�;��i�i�-�! !:?c3P�ilt'i'8 �.��TClG1�3ciEP_ r�Ctb'E £Tit?�:at kii� re�liiretn�nts c4f th� F�mct�Qn;�l�'l�t. lt is ncDt ���y,a�atc�:�rrn�ca ju�•isdicteons mi�ht h�ve f�vver�:li,,n,�e�s fc� i7�1ke l�t�n cakt�c.�i°s. ��+�'er��r�it dvil.!b�i�x�part3tlt f��r li�6etro ko�irin��binrt re�fUn-wid�ccssxt�li�'����'a�. ��r aa�td��ee��ze� f�a��t�if�tre: P�as t)t��uthepriQ� to re�juirc I�c�il ju�i�dictiat� to �,°��:��c� khc,ir n3�ps�ac�c�l c;cyd��� tU�axn�fly wit3� tlt� f�ttcta�na� pl��n. V�1�lzcf}�e kt��t th�x�are nczt�ny instan�:�h w��n f.vi��r�da��n Fc�u�e it��utlz�ri�y. !-lo�ree�er, sf tlZ�rc�t'•�j�.a:-iyd'zsfiosts nc�t e�rr,��tllcar f�ir�ha�.g�r��c�c:o�yra�t��h�"tr� €�da wha�t 6� ��e��s��xy ti>rnak�e t�le re�ic,���j8 �l�n wark. In t��:z�y d�f cl�ia��li,�tcc, t1�c, Plannie��;Cirrnc�issi�n vvashes tr�crr��l,lsi�e tlze iz�ap�a������asf F1 �E'�'FQCFIIYi�YICI��dlil'�1P1"�S i7��,1PiT�CF1. rJl 50t11�t"d�'6 CD�iT �c,�aig�.c�l3e'a�ivc� �'l�ac� e�z�� rr�e�y differ frc�att tha��ie��i�a�ian§e�tve�iz�na�d in �1�� . 2U40 Pl�n. 'e�+ll'� will �c�t oux i��a��sir��;,�m}�loy'm�nt.�nd trar�sr��ortat�iesn�c�Ails, E�u� e�tr�ast hava tl�e El�xi�ility tcy d�ai with lc�caliaed�oa�in�; i;�s�rt�s aa�s� to provic�ie fc>r aclJttb�mt�nts t�a�tAr��cle��:��rad�rds. IVi��trc,4�tau1�� cneati�are,� �h�C"i�y'� ov�rd�ll cn���li�c�ce witk�a �exfc�rm�nc�s#e�dard,n�,t mur inciivide.ral�z�d 1p�lic�tec�a7 ��f � �'�1�'C(.)l"�E'�!'YYlc��f�. /8 fin�l su�ficst;c�n is �c �Ceep t�yr�7K tr�get clfii;cL�r� in�ut thrc�da�fauut thi� �.,la�nnia�� . g�ro��ss. �ur�xperi��ic�l�as b�en tha4��c�bt�tt�r pl��tne��; h�}�p�r�ti frs.�m lh� br,tceai7r���, rd�ti�er�harl frc�rra th�� tvp-�c�wn. Yc».ar-jc�� is tm t�ke ct�c eit�zl,r� in�teC �tZC�; l�.�v� ir g-itid� thc�2f�41)�arr�ces�. Sc�mecittt�s tltere �7ny be ccat�fli�tit�����al;:, Ftrr exampl��up�c�sitioii tc�d��yity aslc�9 at th��ante titnc s,ppz�yitiun fo sprawl. `t''uur Pan Equal �pportunBty C.mployer Ci�y Governmenc lnfarmat�on TL�D (��r !�#�aring F, �p��ch irrtp�ired): (5Q3) 923-�i�6� � �[L� ��, �4� t?�»,�29 °�6 15:fJ° t D�PDY, �UREt1�t L3F ��'1�.�4ie�ei d�IG 503 �323 7�00 p� 3 , �, . � ' j�b as ta r��t�n��i�e thc►s�cc�a���idtirt��;cr�al�e�ro�s �•�,�9c�M��wid� 9e��1�n�al�s����. �c9dica��p�c,�la.�abc��ag et�e tr�deoffs. �3�.ltro Fa�,��au�a l�at mf�ffc�rt ir�tv��tiz�a� �s�ovc�l���e�a�r�t. Yt is i�.p�y°k�atzt �ca��oC�t�s7&c.�Ct�z�f�tt�.aa:��c+�:��a� �er��� ���t�vc�l�r�tl�� , �ua@siic. � � 7'E���3c�a�atiQ���'���g��a��ubmiEf�r�g�ge��i�y���ta�Rtl�gra.�th�ag d�rrr�c�r��Ta����l��tr �c�r�xesti�a�xd�ss�sn�,�iv�s u� �lae c�p:�cigy f�'��ccug���aai�t�e�a���7�39�X?�ac��ar ���a��ia���a�i���a�r�h�n�xt 2U y�.bg�a°s. 711e�i�'�c��j�+ct��v�a5 t�a ave�Pr���i� ��d �silY�r���t�� 9���bP@B��f�ur eam�rau�i�y in kh�f�c�of c�r�c�a�tl�:�a�a��vth in tP�� r�����. .r���:���.�s��rti�i�a���xz€af x��;acas��i h�s�asia����d j�E���s �aaar�of tl�� �t��te�r,.�Lt�9$!��61I� a1�tc°81't911�'�O]A�$. �9AF3'Rll�.°'e�.�eA�67�R1c�� �A)fiY�k�Sgc��e���1t�ta�sa�� • ��d jc,�s�ir� th��aur�b�a°;t r���d� to e��e�t e�zar f�ta��h�ra��lls.���;san. '�h���t� ��t�,7iei5 coaxara�i�t�a� tc����l7�er a�Nc�r�i���tas�.�a�fat�L�r�in���z��d�v�le��a�aient � p�s��,�a�t�ar��;e�tfr����ae�e����pla�e,a��a�rin�th��vail�hili�y�ff agfa�sd�ble huu�ist�,�t�a.��tr�n�th�r�i����aar:cei�hb��nc��casts. '{�I�ar� r�.a:�� tv�e��t t���c4a��l�,����f th�F�,r►�tiagaa!I��aF1�ared ic�k fc��w�ard tc� evcvxkin�; �vitlz 1'��trcj to iz��lemea�t i# t�ir�.�u�ho�.�t �h�r��;i�az. ;�incer�dy, . ���:-�-��...,C.�;�,�� � ����a �. �E��w��y� �����t��� . � � � � I � � � � �a � � � .� � , � 1 T� �i�y 2J, '6J96 �. ������ , �IB�AC t�etres Ft�r�ipr��!C�nt�r 600 h���r�e�d�a��;�ra� ��sr#�at�d, t��' �7232-273� . �e�r��A� 9'��rnb�r�: C?n b�h�lf c�f th�Tig�rd City�ouncil, ! �m foruvarding the#�6l�v�ing�c�r��n�r�2s�nd�oe���rrss re��rdin� k�� 4�rban �ra�kh N9anag�m�nt F�n�ti�na! F'6�n. � Th�Tigar� �i�y �ouncii �eco�nizes the r���d f�r regior��l �l��rtin�to deaf wi4h gr��h i�sues th�ti ���c�th� livabili�j of th��r�a for ev�ryor�e. '�'k��C�un�iE recog�i���th�t�Jl�tro's ch�rter � �rn��s��rs EUl�tre�to Bead tihe�fFs�rks t�creat�t9�is �egic�r��l p��r�. �ar R��tra tQ��ac���d, i�os n�c��s�r���at M�tra��ogag� loc�!gov�r�rnents. !t is�d�w��o ra�u�t b�Earac��he n��ds c�f the r�gior��s�h the n�ed��nd de4ire�of c�ur citi��ns. 111�� r�c�ac�ni�e th�t st�c�ec�ii� �a�dlir�g r��icanai i5�u�s ea� r�nly occ�r if�/letra�nc� i�cal}urisdictic�ns forge��e€fective p�r�n�r�hi�a. I�e�r�s�i�y d�v�:lc�p� v�riety of plan�, but it is the aities th�t�.velf have t��;x���t�the plan. ,�ccordir,gly, it i�i� aur int�r�st�o b� h��vify invralv�d in crea�i��g fhe tun�tt��vhich we�II m�a�t m�rch. Tigard int��ti� �ca parti�i�aY��s a fiul! partn�r in 4his pr�c���. VYe are v�ry diss�tisfi�d vvith the tim�tl��t we h���b�e;�given Yo address tt�is imporYant is�ue. i/t/e c�nsid�r�ur corr�m�nts to be preliminary at�his �oinY, a�d ex��c4 t��continu�t� r�^spor�d t� f�ar�her dr�fiY�of the do��r�ent. With the amourrt�f�i��th�t�e�h�v�h�d�� r^�vi�w�h��la�G�arr��r�t and th�c?cr��rrseri��;� it�xist�Eac��,y, v�e c,�r��?s�Rp�rf a�pr�o��! af t�e Funetionai Pl�n. c�ur camm�nts are in twc�parts. First, en�e want�d td pravide the philasaphical b�sis for khe s�cond par�of our comm�nts evhieh �re�p�cific requested cha�nges tr�xhe Urban �rawth F�t�na��m�r�t Functio�ai �'(�n. bli�c Prac�:�� ir� Tj�� �ince the draf�caf kf�e �=uractian�l Plan h��be�n��rai9able, th� �i� Cour�c�! ha�been k�rief�d�� � �raoro4hly k�asis, �ith fir�o v�e�rk s���i�sn�can Yh�cantent c�f th� l�I�aa. �O�ditionally, th�C!ty h�sY�� � fc�rurra for VVashington�auniy juri�ciiction�to discus�the Pian dvith R���ro's ex�cutiv��f�ic�r. � � � Ci�y �2��i has m�t v�ith each of the C.1.7''s(Citizen lnvolv�m�nt Tearn�y durin� th� mc±r�th af�/9�y ko � provid��n ov�rvi�w of t9�� Fur�ation�l f'ian. !n��dition, staff ha�+e dev�:laped �n iryfsarrn�ti��ai .� c�u��ficann�ir� (��t�ched)to provide�n �venu�far writt�r� pub4ic��rnr�ents. � � � 110Pit�t this lekt�r, we int�nd Yo summariz�t�� ir�put th�t we have r�ceived on ti�� Functionai f�E�n 40 � this peain4. �ome of tt�� issues have been pre�viously pr��ent�d�o MPA� �n� the Metr�Cr�ue�cil, but k�ear rep��ting �t this time. 1312� SW Hall Blvd„ Tigard, OR 97223 (5Q3) 63�-4171 TCD (503) 6��1-2772 1 . r �$�aa���vi�h Rt����a�r�ti��1_�i . $ �s�v�ra��nc��nc& La���d��ntroi Th��'uiao;tional Plan wiil require lac�l jurisdictions tn�dopt�r���y af its�i�m�nts ir�t��n�ip �arnpr�h�nsiv� �Sl�ns. 7'�Sis ra�ov�s d�cision €n�king i�arth�r�way fram co#ize��an�pr�p�ert� �awn�rs of a m�nicip�lity_�th��r�r�r people who wil! be aff�cted Uy tPtes�d��6�ica�s r�g�rd9�tg i�nd �s�and e�rawth. �fthough AAe€r��as pro�ai���4h�ap�artur�i�y for pubEiG ir�pud��th�fomn raf r�gion�l p�sblic open hous�s, �nd de�pi¢�the f���i efforts ga pr�vid��nfaem�tic�s�r�g�r�i�� dh� Funcfi�nal Pl�n, th�r�ality ��n�y �e that the rr�ajori�y o��i4iz�ns in Ti�ard wiB6�tr�t b�t;om� �u��r�of gh�ch�n�es��soci�t�d tivith Yh� �I�ro w�r�n�orr�pr�h�r��ie��p9�aa�and 1��1 , c�rdin�nces�r��e��nded.to implement tt�e Fun�tiar��l Plan. Ti��r�is gre�t�c�ncern that�at� Cauncils�nd I�ca! ��li�y rr�k�r�wiil b� req�ir�d tc�impler�n�nt c�de�€�d plae� r�vis'sc�n���u�r which gh�y hav�r���ontrol and hav�had fiftl��bili�ry to imp�ct. W2 ha�e r�is�t1 t�i��coc�r.�rn ' consis4�ntly thrr�ughc�ut the process, �/letr�a'�ctarr�nt means fc�r��th��ing inp�t frarn munici�alities is M�AC. l`his stru�ture�oe5 nnt fully senr�th� ner�ds af th�City. �ecau�e ifs rale is �rimarily to advis� r�ther 4h�n to govem, MPA�d�es not�ullaw citi�s tr� h�v��direc4 say in pnlici�s Qhat w'sl!gav�rn t��ir futu��. �lc�t only does Tig�rd lack dir�;at input to N@eYrn, It c�150 I�CIfS CIIP�Ct II1QU4�0 I�AI�AC. A S�PUC�t1i'@ 9��ving an� repr�sentative s�:rving��veral citi�s in Washingt�n County impli�es tha2 the jurisdiGtians have no dif�ering r,r conflicti�g inter��ts. �A�tro m�st d�veiap b�tter v����fcar cities ko provid� meanir�gful inpuY so that each distin�4�amrnu��i4y l���a voice. m �af� ��y3��pportunat9�� �h� l=unctional Plan, by d�termining wh�t p�rtic�alar design type and density i�appropria�e frsr the�ntire r�gian, does nnt�Ilow Yhe Gfe�ryi�;oppQrt�aniYle�th�t Tig�rd h�s aluv�y�had th� ability ta prr�yide. �'h�t opportunity incl�des not only t�ee ability 2c�provide for��den�e, urban iiving environrnent, bu4 also the ability�nd place Y�pro�rid�: Easg��ot, up�c�l�d�e+eiop�nent�, � variety df r�tail oppc�r�tani�ies�nd �anv�nient parking ��t!�c��s�E�c:u�ts�m�rs�nsi r��id�nts. P his�xpecteci life style�also includes snme his4ori�ayricuitural u��s it�a4 are a part af Tic��rd's ihi�4ery, ' 1"he uity of Tigard's comprehensive plan and zoning ardinanca currently contain Fhe abilit�tU accc�mr�od�te the numb�r af hou�eholds ihat�/ietro h�s�slc�d us to�ccomrr9od�t�. 7'�a� mark�t reality, hc�wevsr, is that we are currently d�v�loping at ab�ut 40%of fh�allowabl� ��mpreh�nsive plan and zoning d�i�5ity. This t�ll� u�t�r�t 4he new r�sident�e�f�'igard�r� �oming her��eek;n� a par#ic�lar iife style that includ�s� r��ighborhaod of� particuiar densit�. Wa intend to ceantinus 4o affer that opportur�i�y. If, iri�v�y�ars, we find th�t we�re co�tinuins� in buifd out at a low�r densiiy f�an all�vdec] by our cod�s or assigned to us by !lA�4ra,w�do n�t want to be f�cPd with M�tro en�orc�merit prc�cedures. Therefi�r�, w�object t�lirriitation� which would force us to not only ignore mark�t conditions, but crea4e t��nsities whiah are objectianable to our public. 1'he propasal to iimi�r�tail u�es in �mployment and indusfri�al are�s#u 50,000 fe�t o�grass le3slbl��Pe�al5o limits th� lif�atyle choic�s in Tigard. Tr��"big h�ox" indu�tri�� ���vide a s�rviee of econoniically priced goods tP�at�re an ir�portant ehoice for Ti,yard re�idsrit�. Additionally, ruPrent providers af cvrnmercial facilities af�en car7Yain a v�ri2ty of"retai! uses" under an� roaf dvhich could canc�ivably be counted a�se�arate retail �ssers, ther�by avoiding the limitation. Again, we�annot ignore the mark�t. Why cre�te lirnitations and rul��that wili caus� iniaginativa property owners and r�tailers to create innovative w�ys to comply v�ith , 2 � e q �('�1��9�I I4tFlit�iAlIYII�"��t�ing�rs��a���hem." Al�a, th� 5�,000 square��aot limit ma�work f�r a d�y�64ped Pontl�nd, k�!at n�t for a thri�i�c� r�t�il b�seei sut�ueb, � T'ra�r���r��ta�ta ���u�� As a gr�w✓th co�c�Rt t�at r�li��h��vil�an t�e�v�if�bifty of tr�n�it, t���°unctin��6 �I�n°� 9irt�at�tiaan�an p�rking�nd requir��enf��c,r��y�a�n�!�a��s�ib6iifij and der►�it���sum��h�� tr���it i�a c���41y�vail��le r��A��se tsz th�citi��ns�9 7ig�rd. l�lhi9�thi�may b�tr��Q��tt3�r j�a�isdictior��i�th��l�te�r�gio��her�sub�t�ntia! inv��trr9�r�f� h�v�ar���b�ong rr��d���9egh� �i6, �his i�ntst tru�ir�'Tig�rd. �th lir�aiY�d�biiity Q�a�ces�pubiic tr��sp��t��i�n, fh��ity sh��agd not b� r�q�afred to�ss�am�th���rra�r�gie�e��i�h�r���pe�pui�tior�a�oth�r J�r9�d���ti�o��. e4s9diticar�aliy, it i�critoc�i eh�t I1n�tr�c�a`din����o�d g�in�gr��rra��n4 w's4h O��T�n th� Pegi�n�i 52P���i d�!5lgf!CO�i�L'�5$5 SO¢Iis�t��i�su i���OPYti�1C1E1 d��6�li�O� �$�f8�P�F1SpOY���I�Oti�CfIlfiG���"��� �r��Q�rt e��7sg�re9'�4r�n�p�art�tia��►����rk.'�th ir�pui frs�m&h�Ci�O, a cnmmon�i�ie�r feer �he�ppe�r�r�ce, tra�sporta#i�n r„�pabiliti���nd fur�ding st��t�gy for�t�te facils4i��e�nu��� �ro�ie�ed. T'he locations and co�t for p�oviding the"�caulev�rd €�esigr�"a��nvi§ian�d ie�th� Functiona! Plan m�st b� resolv�d. � Cl���ty r�f Re�n�l��i�a�� 0.�r�d�r5t�ndinc� th�x ghe Funct6nnal Pl�r� in its current�orm�c�ntinue�to��a�r�ft 4h�k�vill �hange�fter th►e public input irs May and Ju�e, troPes still exist in the regulations th�?rr��b€� co�nrnent sliffcult. For•insfance, th�Title reiatir�g�o Wat�r Qualifij�r�d �'Enad i��n�agerrent inciudes�n nptinn tc ade�p2 the MeYro W�ter C2uality and Flaod BVlanagem�nY mo��!�rdinar�c�. � This ordinance ha� not y�x��:�n d�v�loped. Ir� th� Definiticans se�#iar�, dsf�ition� s�.�ch as ' °��on�mic infeasibility"and"prior commiYmenYs"v�rhich figur� int�th�d�Y�rmi�atir�ro af th�e Cit�'S compliance have not�e�:n dev�l�p�d. ��portuni4y rnust be prr�vided f�r�ar�:fu! r�vi��v �nd cammer�t an ghose sections of the�rafit�rhich hav� not to dat� been av�ilabfe ta u�. � lleafui�c4�cf �ara�6�t�� Obvi�usly, the vvark��saci�4�d with amenciing crrmpr�hensiv� plar�s�nd zo�i�g c�r�Ssn�nces to c�mply with the requirem�nts ofi th� Functinnal f�l�n°u�i41 �lace a h�avy burd�n on th��taff of ihe Ci4y. 7he financial as�istanc�of Metra on provi�ic,n of stafFng to�ccomplish tl�is uvork is n�cessary. VVe estimate khat af l�ast$250,00a v�i61 be necessary tA cnmplet�the v�ark req�air�d by khQ Fu�ctiQr�al E�ian. 1Ne hav�nc� resourc�s t�fund Yhis work. 'Th�nk yo� very r7-iuch�or th��ppc�riuniry tc�cbmmen4�n t6�i�v�ry imporf�nt issue. °Che d��isiaro� th�t�ar� �naefe will c�r��a�ly irnpact kF�e�urrent and tuCure r�sid�t�ts ofi Tigarti�nd we ir►t�nd tn���y � v�ry involved �n thg process. � �ineer�ly, ', � ,-�,�� ., � �� � Jira� Ni� i � 3�ay�r w � , Attachments 3 ; , p, ' , , . , n �ec�mm�rid�d�m�ndrs��r�fs�o�h�Apr�l 2�, 1996 drafit of th�lJ�b�r� �ro�ih 6�t�r��g�r�t��g �ur�cti�na! �i�r� (�eleki�r�s�r��hme�r����-�, with�dditian�in brld�: . T`I7'L� 1: ���dl�l4��t�6��f� 4���t F��7USlfdaa��►,�t��fUlf'LCb i��A�P��A���fv�Hflt��7A`T3�h! ���$It3�'!�, �@F4�'$�: "dt�ring th�p3a�ni�g p�re�d by th�prev�t��nark�t s�r a�c���I!" �orr�nrai�r�tu: ��t�'�IP'{d�BCi�I�3G19'd�'Pl�C?r�gliif�'CfJf11[)1'9LlP19tl�S$O�S4'�oiSbf�����5����$ �4C8lS�Ek�g�?@10EgP2.8f9'1;�Bt� c�Pd�r t�a��r�s���9�t�is�crd�s�d d�n�iti�s is��t�cc�p��bi�s��r pl����e�f�ar�ifhi��"�q���. S�c�iota 4{�)1) l..ine�3-104 ��m�ent: 'Th�proc�d�r�for��t�b!@al�iny YFro���tirra�t�s ds�ce�s��� i�thi���ctian �r��ur��rt8iy undQr c�nsider�tioe� by 4h�Cr�mv�+ktz i��n�g�m�nt Cr�mmit2ee. 7"h�fn�i r��fiho��(�gy th�t is �dc�pt�d will irr�p�ct th�fnal grav�kh�llocatio��arg�t, 1`��Ci#y of l'ig�rd canna����xp��ted t� �osr�rv��r�f an 4his�e�tion until thafi gr•�wth �Ila:,aYio� is known�nd th�qrow�th �lio��tioro�ariabl�� h���b��n�esf��lishec�. Implerraent�tion of th�llrban Grawth ��lanac��ment Ft�r�cYional Plan�h��alci be d�i�y�d �tntil th�fnal grov�h allcac�tit�n d��isions are mad�and�v�ivated by lor�l g���rnrnen�s, �s�d iPa��V�li�b's0i$y Of t#�'b8�1 reSeNe 13�1dS Yo��commod�fe t��t�r�vuth�r�knowr�. �LC�1C9i4 �J.��} �9P1�.' '��5 �°�� £�R � , • ��� Gc�mment: Jurssdi�#ian�da not have khp�bili�y�a c�em�n�tr�3�ar��r�s�c���ib4�€or��t�rr�nir�ing vdh�re the �ra�rlcet is�r is r�ut 1ik�ly to buiBd. S�ction �.(D} Line 156-158 '�Laca!grsvernm�nts f7av�adopY�d ' ��;_s� :�i�d�a����i�#e�-#k�e�•�ea-�ar.,e,-�-,°�d!�onir�� d�signaYi�ns that prr�vid� �4 ��a#-�i f��th�8 jurisdic:Yian's exp�ct�d ��pacity fiar housing uroits t�r���ployrt��r�t; �,�d,� Cc�rr�rn�n�: �1+1�do not agre�4hat msrrimurr�den§it+es are an �ppropriate rr��ans af prrzv@dir�� tcaP�ur populatian ir�c;reasc�� in the fiufi4ar��nd it does not mak�s�ens�to 4ry arzc!�pp6y thi��f�r�r��rd te� �m�loymant. Y1l�Pa�iieve khat csur�biigation is to assur�thak z�aning a�nd compr�h��a�iv��fan�d� nc�t prohit�it ar di�scourage the der��iti��and will accorr�rreoda±�our gr�wrth alir,��ticxn�stho��t ��tifiri�illy chc�osing�reas rn�her�ir�cr��s�d d�n�ity 4uill b�foroed �o occur. � � � S�ctic�n �.(E) Llne 'E59 k� � � `°B��ccs� ��c�u���, i�+�tr�will prc�vi�e gran��raoe��y�t��11a�rr ju��ss�li��a�e����� ,� ��'�tr#��to revi�:�e�th�ir public fa�ility c�aacitie�and plan��nd ta��t�, pr u�n � provid��as¢��6ic�g sa�rc�s tsa provide planned public facilities to accarnmcad�ta�grQwrth � �vithin Fhe plan period; and" � Comm�nt: The City �fi Tigard N�ill require the a�sistance of Metro in the evaluatic�r o�the City's haldinc� c�p�city as it r�la4es to puk�li��aciliti�s. �th4ut this as�isfance, this requirement resuits 1 • . - '¢ � , 6n�n unfu�d��9 m�ndate ta ac�ompl9�h st��o��th�4 th��bky ha� nc�4 antici��t�d arsd d�s r�of E�av� the re�aurce�avith whiah to cornply. e�dditianally, it i�i►npca�tant not ot�By to id�nti�}�wh�r�pubiic faciliti�s�r�n�ed�d, but also to 6d�ntify v�heQ��er�her��re av�il�ble fu�dEng�c�urce�ts�provide thQS�f�ciiiti�s. ° ���tir�rr 5., �..'se�e �9�� R�ca�as��¢�o��at€an��r t�dd��a�s�a� . �. �ri��to ffs�a����S�p�ic�a��f�he IJrb�n�rov�h M�ro���m�w�t�ur��tlot��� Pl�e�, ��ae��p���t�+ ��e��������r���9�J�sri�d�a�ti�a��9���!9�e���pt�a� �y t3��trss Ga�s���Ul�s���6C ���h�l�c�t3s�re a�f�ra��s re���+a�s for���5�jear6€�6�tion�. �otrrm�ng: VVe h�a�par4icmp��ed dn�!!e�f tF��work t�th@s pc�int in e�t�bfi��iing gr�ss�o�66wc�tic�n �r��t��nd h�v�:fully ev�fuak�d fh� n�mb�r��ive�Yo us 9ay A�tetro. It.�pp�ars that th���ei�bl�� aas�c� in arri�ring �t those n�mb�r�ar�curre�$ly under��r��ider�ticr���r r�vi�itin�nd�6�a4 th� e��ae�9a�r��rill v�ry iik�ly�h�r�g�. Thi�, �upled�lth th� unc�r��ir��y t�e���xi�t���t�hcsb�ot��a�h land vw'sll b��vailable in url�an r���rv�land provide�an tar�ci��r pic�ut��of crus requir�ro��nfi�. �r��i0 l�c�l juri�di�#�ons knc�w uvhat th�y�re exp�ck�d to�ccc�mrnodat�for housing��d�rnpde��sr�a�nf, ar�� t�r,vd rn�ch I�r�d�vi!! �e av�i9�ble�tc��ccc�mmcadai�th�gro�vth w�eannot e��luat��h�i�°rpa�t� �f tt��exp�cted gro�vth. ' P�io Pr��r tc�firsaf ar���t6�ra o�t�� tJrban Cr�vv�h 6VI�n�g�tnent�a�r�ct6ae��l F�I�n, I�e�i�i�tev� ��a�afi��t's�� �h�90 E���@vera rnrh�r� o���oning y� r�q�ir��ta ���t • jcary�s6��giaa�ai�����'st� r���aa��c�a�ret�. ,A�t i���t o�rte�ZU�aii� ���r�e�g s��@�������g��a� Ea��i�eare��dac�6c�r��� 9���8 @� �����ee�#���ta�a�ny�rt�h� p�8a��tfal ���tat�3�a�� 'CE�������� notagi��tion��ro�i ca€t�ae h,e�ririg�h�i8 ��Pa�rn� kay l���s°w a�sd �t I��st�s��B+�etro Ccaur�cafor�h�i9 3a� ia� af���ad�ra��a�tp��h�aror�g. . Cornrnent: Although 1+21�.ro has h�ld numerous apen houses san the i�sues a��aciat�d vrith the Ur+bara C.�rowth Ma�agement�un�teQna9 Plan, 4h� publi�uvill nok reaily b�Geme in�olv�d untii ,j�arisdictians�r� required �o rex�ne p�r�Rerti�s 4a rne�t the goals of th� �lan. l"h� 9�I�n shpuld nnt � b��dc�pt�d u��zii Yhe publi� i�as I�e���given �i� opporfiuni4y to#tnesw�sp�:cifically�rahat the i�lan ���r���t�ri��ir�resp���r �n�i th�ir n�:ir�i�barhoods. Mekro�nd tl�e lnc�l j�risdb��ic�ri h�v�an obligatiAn tv h�ar that te�tir�o�y anrJ r�action of the public b�fore gra��th alloc��ic�ns a��fina9ly tiekermined. �inc�thi� i5 ar� o�ction�rzat is im�o�ed by P�ietro, it is also incumbent�pon fViptrcr tea �ay fr,r the necessary notifcatian. �ectican 6.(A.), !_dn� 174 "measured in �ous�hold�����er75ity per net deve6�pec�acre." Comm�nt: The City af Tigard (ard rnae�y ath�rj�arisdictia��)do not hav�any mear�s af ca��s�ri�g � 4he 19�Q - 1�95 actu�l built�m�. m n c��rtsity. Gon�piling th�sa�figtares wat�ld be a m�j�r�slc � ar�d ffi�e figures may not be av�ilable. �a�ing ordinanc�s aommonly aAow a partiGUlar buiBdi�g fi��t � prinY to occur in cammercial a�d indu�trial zan��and do not r�gulate the nu�k�er of er�ploy��s � within� buildinc� sh�ll. It is nofi cl�ar why this inforrn�tion 6s needeci. � S�cYion 6(�} Lin� �3€31-982 � � "Idietro r�commends�he use of minimum densi#y r�quirements as a �r�ferr�d measure ta �-+ achii�eve actuaf builc ci�ri�itie�-ia-���+ ;;�n-�r-e�." � � . P � �ornm��t: Vde pre¢�r this w�r�in�that i�giN�n aa a r�c�mra�erad�tio�i ra4h�r tha��r�quir�rv��r�t p�at�1low�juri�di�ti�n�to have th�optican t�f u�ing rnen6�nurri d�t�sitit:��loe�g with the�t9��r str�tegi�s th�4 a��listed, naQ cstily [r� mixed us��r�a��s is propt���d, b�ok�r��I!�rea�. ' �"i�'L�2;. ��GiC�i�AL F'�,R�fIN� F���.i�Y . � S�ctian 2. (F�), Line 216 "r�. Lc�c�i t�av�r��r��nts �o�y�de�pt�m�nd�r+�rrts, of n�c.��s�ry,tr� II'l�i�PP�G1��" ���rn�nt: "fh�ir���r�Y r�f t�i6���c4ie��i r�f�e��ca�h�������it�n�af��hi�l�r�il����r�v�9�d����a�rrkis�g a�� r�qt�irem�nt af the�'r�n�pc�rfation C��I�. Jurisdictioe�s�rifi, �g cc�i�r��, b� P��IJiP����D C�P'Y1�3��! with aP!a�p��ts�f this �-tal���vv�ll�s �►G�'s�znn�mairr4enanc�p1ar� �nd�mplc�y���omr���� �ptie�r�. "T'a r�q�per�l���6 g�v�rr�rv7er���t€�u�e p�rkin��s a����t�gy�r�r�rauvYh r�a��r�g�er���i a���r� � ��e� rn�� pr�f�r#� u�e e�th�r s�eat��i��i� �ot appr�pri��e ir,��am¢v�uo�iYie�v�h�r�fh�rs�h����� b��n �n inv�st;n2nt ie m�ss tr�nsit. Ti7e r�ductio� �rf p�rking is d�pe�d�a�t c�n the���el�bili�gr�� �lt�rn�tiore m�an�ta a�c����omm�rci�l�it�s and the type of��t�abl�shment vvhere the goc�ds purcha��� c�n b�e�sily tr�r�s�4sted wiC�r�ufi an �ut�r�nobife. �arki�� shoa�id b�arr opti�n fr�r i�cal �oy�rnm�i'it�ta �4's�i���s�r�re�v�th rr�nac�er�7�nf�nd �rof a r�qu6r�rrt�nt. �ectidn 2 (�j(3.), Lin�228-22J • 3. "�k��nsure th�t�r� administrative or public h�aring process for cor�,idering r�tios for individ�al or joint d�v�l�pr��nts�#�r�s�14o�e��fjus�eo�ee��fi�r�a�r��c�g;" ►, �omment: it m�y not be n�c�ssary car d��irabl�ta e��ablish a n��nr procedur��c�allow �dju�t�n�nts fivr parfcing. Loca�;urisdiction� sho�ald only be requir�d�a:n�ic�te that th�r�is�n �v�nue t�yaf allow�dj�stm��?ts. ��ctinn 2l�) , Line 2�� "�. ' �-�d{e�'sa�-��-�s�NN�fira��a�ii �o���csP on an 2ar�nu�i b�sis:" Comm�nt: If Metro wishes ta m�nitor this infiormation, th�ir staff r�sourc�s shouid �i� u�ed�� �ampile th� n�c�s��ry irrforrr��tic,n. . T'17L��: WA7��`i C2l1r`�l.!'i'l`,Af�lC) �'L.QQU h�A�l,��E�i�6�T CC3�1S��:1/�TIC?hl �ecfiic�n 3{A), Li�+�270 � � "A. �it#ar--a��p�-t � AA�a,���cza��a�-��'s+�a�„ � �c�mrr»nt: Th�dacum�nt refe�red tc� in this iin� ha�not been written. At tihi� point, �v�: ha+�e rse� °� ic9���hat st�ill cofif�in or�ehat our romments will b�. Becaus�ef fihis, rsf�renc�tQ ghis � d��urr�ent is nat�npropriat�as � g��r4 af a �un�tiorsal F�I�n @h�t the Ci�+ rr��sf r��ct to ac�d � �ornrrrunic�t�tn our ciYizens abnut wi4hin 24 manths of��aption. �ection 3{B} Line 293-295 3 t � u�. �4l�ter�a��lity. T9����rpQ�e of th�s��st�nd�r��i�4s pr���r�t��id�iBc��a�or �nh�nc�rrren�gf wat�r qta�iiky a�s�ciat�d�ith ���t��i�i�! ta��� �-�e�dr��► �# ° �� �. ' � C�mm�nt: �th�ut gne pre�vis�rs�r of�p�cif�d��i�iti�an s�f wh�t thi� r�����@t�(�rh�i c�c�c�rn�t��7, �vh�t d�fs�ition of�u�t�r qu�lity`?wha�i�� bo�o�r:�c's�l ���`�), 4h� r�f��enc�@��V'i�t��nd L?�� h�u��o �neanin9• . S�c�i�n�(�('9)) � Lina 29�«301 � � � � . ' ���i��-�fr� '� �°.,r�'.�-��� . , � . c�r„ � �r�s����t: �t���ad h�v6ng th�st�nd�rd� r���rr�r1 t������t���hr���t t#��r�i� ����y t� d�;t�s•rrzir����S�t 4hi�`v�i! ��an for a foc�!j�ari��iction. {fi i#is�p�rmii kh�t i� n�c�ss�sy fr�rn�h� �t�te, Yhen it is not r�ec�:���?�y to include i�s this dc�cu�nent. S�c�i�n �&(�(2}j, Lin��03-305 -€�-�&a�' ; �., �nrnment: �ith�ut havir�g th� docurr.ent c�r that ptirtion of�he dc��ument sp��ifically re��rred to, �h�r�9s n�way ta d�t�rmi���rh�tt�er�t�is i�an �pprc��riat� st�nd�r�f�r a growth manag�ment �iocum��t. , a�ction�4(�(3}), Lirse 306��0� ' a, � � �r�r� n I,.�y� ""F"Y� °�'��R'�fCYl9�S "°'p Cot�m�nt: !/l/ithout h�ving rr�ore�pecifi�informatior� as ta what ihis stanc�ar� m�a�as and u��h�� the permit� and regul�ti�n�ars 4h�t are no��ire�dy r�quired �y ��Cl, this �t�r��l�rcf simply presents a confusing r�quir�rnent. iection�a(�{�9a.j) �.ine ��d-31t� ,��n�ur�t�s�t i�i t�e I�ndsc�p�d �r���xpcased soil is st�biliz�;d-�o-��ia�-{s�� da�to m�int�in �Q peresni ve�etatian r,ouer�vithin thr��y��r�, �ncludsng repia��n��r�t o� r�mov�d tr��s�nd �ha�ubs{�-��-�a��t};ar�ei" � �, � Comrr�ent: Th� phras�, <`at th��arliest pracficabie ciate", i� nr��cEear. "��e h/6etrca pl�r�t list", r�fi�r� � to� docurr�e�t�hat ds��s ea�t�xist a�d i�xh�refr�r�not apprQpria4�to irs�P�d��rs �hi�drac�►���t�t y, thi�4ime. � °"� �ec3ian�(3(4b)), Line 3`i�-320 � � "a�le�u " '����r���-€� ' �r�s'=�s�ta}��*d-�-�a� ��.a�i8���►d-F €a�i�,° 4 P A ��ae�men4: l�hi�r�f�r�Fc�� ��cti�n af a dncur��r�t th�4 h��nat y�t b�en cr��ted. Thi�prca�ei�ic�a� �hould no4 be includ�d in 4h�Fu�ctior�ai F'lan �ngil t��docume�f and this �ectior� �r�avail�bi�for P�1bl��V. ��ctis�n 4(�), Lin� 32�-33� . � • .�i���-s�a�da�' �-�sm���i�#dt�ta� 'k�-e�a'ska�e-�dae�-� ' �-�e�-���a��-9�oa'a�;�� �91�� �� a �c+�nm�nt: �Jntil iY is known�h�t the substantially�quiv���nY�ffe�f c�f the�VleYro VV�ter�tLa�lity and _ �I�e�d �ild�n�g�m�n4�c�d�i�rdin�nce is, this sec�ion�hc��sld b�deletec� in 4ha4 ic�cai j�uri�c�ictican�da nat�n��what i���ing r�quired of th�m. Se�kir�n 4{�(3)), Lin�36�-36� "�eq�ire th� revege4ation o�di$turbed�reas with nativ� plants to�� r�rc�nt eov�r wiYh�n three ye�rs. C�isturbed areas shnuld be re�lanted v�ith nakive �iants on �n BE��a��6�� l�ist-e�a��ppraved !ocally adopted plant li�t.-� � +�t-�-is�vr+�#i€�-t ' '.�. C:orr�rner�t; Sir�c�no MPtro approved list�f plant nar� PAetra prahiuit�d iist of plan4s�aci�ts at�his Yirme, pl�riting�witP�in disturhed are�s shoufd b� left to loca!ap�srav�l. �ectian 4(b(4)), Line 366-370 . `-'�#� �ts�l+fe-(d3��t�J}--se�s�d � ' ' or�. Limit in��te�ar�d�:u�lopment arkivifies Yhat�o�ld impair gsh �nd wilcilife during k�y lif�-cyGle e�rents-�sa�cla�-te-��i�-�i��a��� �9� ��€-1�-�va#e��'$ . �-�P�'i�N€� ��:,, C�mment: !f ther��re s�ecific requirement�for in�stre�m dev�lapm�nt activi#ies frorti khe documents that are referr�d to�ha4 should be adopted regionally, then those rsquireme�its shcauld be ma�€� a part of this docum�nt rather than inciuded by reference. S�cRion 4, Line 371-372 � "M�tro sh�ll complete LCDC Goal 5 �cor,omic, sacia9, envir�anenent�l and �nergy {�S�E) a��lys�s �y beginning with the inventory of loc�l �5��, mvith 9oca6 i�ap�at,�nd �d�ntif�inc� � gaps Yhat�� � M° Cornment: �ocal input rnust be as�ur�d as part�f any �SE�that is accomplished by fVs�trn. � � � 5ectior 5, Lin��78-379 � � This litle �h�ll n�t became a:fi�ctivp until th�2�er9�€��ke�frc�aXO�h�ta��th��th� Me�rs � �ouncil has�dapted a Mode!Code and map that�ddr�sses all �f the prpvisir�n�af this ~� title. � Comment: J��risdictions should be given time to address the provisioris of 4his document anei incorporafe appro�riate provisions int� their cornprehensive plans and or�iinances. � 5 • � ' � . �1� : _ -ai� �ommer�t: li i�tF���ity o�'i'ig�wd'�positic�r�t�aY k�i��°it9�shcaald be d�leted�r�m th��rb�n CPmv�h PA�esag�m��t F��ctis�n�! P3an, �Ve�r�c�rr�rr►.i#t�d 8�a pr�vidir�g�,�a�ri�ty c�f r�3�il�xn��i�ro��s i� fhe �ity�nd iimitir�g retail tca 5d,00C3���4�!r�r�s5 6����bl��r'es tnake� na�e�'��e. �°h����afe�yrt���tt �r�cE industri�l are�s�r�ir�t�nded g��� ms��d €a��, �r��th�t mix caf u5e��hould tz��14ssr��d�t t�a� dis�r�tion af loc�A planning commission�ar�d�ity cour��ii�. A lirnita4ian of a0,0�0 feet 6�f���at�9� ' �r����ems arbitrary and waulrJ b�dif�ic�it to�nfc�rc�. . `Ti°�'L��. �Y�C310E�AL������I�iL6TY � ��;cEior��, Lin����-�6� �awrt��nY�r d�sign�t�d oet �h� ��ui�vaPd ��sign Map, a!I�i4ies�nd c�u�ti��within th� bi���ec����`rs� ar� h�r�by requir�d tc��li�w ianpl�rr�ea�t�ti�n�f bo�lev�rd design +�I�m���� as imprave�t�nts�re rnade ta thes�f�cilities. �aeh jurisdiction sh�!!adopt�mandm�n4s, if n�c�ss�ry to en5ure t�at th�ir eompr�h�n�iv�plans�nd impl�rr�nting ardin�nces rec��ire Gon�6deratic�n c�f the Eollo�rving �ortirnent: V�litho�t�h� arnendm�r�ts recornrr�errded, tiiis provision s��ms tQ assurrie ghat�i4i�s and Gounties hav��he abilit�to impl�ment bouleu�rd design. In some cas�s, the ��ul�v��rd m�y b��vi�hin ��iky'��irr7its�rad t�a�aspa�tation plan bu4 is und�r the jetri�dictio�c�f th�stat�c�r ca�r�ty. En �ther��ses, mon�y rna� �aot b� �v�ilabie ta"implement boulevard de��gn �9�rner��s", �r�d to require�city to dc��a wc�al� be unreasona�l�. T'he amendm�nts recomr�ended r�;quir�th�t ciCy'� rnake uvhat�v�r�r�e�dm�nts ga�heir�errrpr�hee�siv�plan and impl�menting �rcEinances�hat would ailc�w bc�u!evard d�esigns to occur. �'ITLE 7: �C3�/9�'LIR�d�� �'F�(aCE�UR�S Sectian 1, �.ine 58� ��functior�al �f�n�'skl�in tNV�n�y-four month�a�fi�e�tfi�ct'sv�tl��e fl�#his e�rdinarrce �arae��66 �B�qn�trot� oc��iue9�� in ti6�i� d�curne�t ha�o� k�es�e� ��o�4�t9 �y �Ae2ro��aanc¢I." �c�rr�m�nt: When City's are giv�n 24 nionths to cornply w�tt� th� requirements ofi fhr: e-unctirana! Plan, �amplianc�should be bas�d or� a com�l�te docurnEnt thai contains all of th�re�uired gr�v�rfih alioca4ior,s, or�iinances�nd plant lists wi4h vvhich camplianc�is r�quired, e�Ylt� �I!dG�Bl1lC9t?CI5 tl��t are ref�rr�� ��iri kh�docurr�ents. �ection 2, Line 6Q'! ��6�6ti��saE �ane�a�age 'e���r�a wil� �j�a�v�����a���rtg���c�rsev��!'s��a���E��h�i��6���Ey�a� r�:c��°sr��9 ��r the�� � ik�BBlS.r' � � � �arnm�r�t: W�uvill r��uir���cEitional 5taf�to pro�ide th�i�chn+ca! an�ly�is nece�sary 40 � orr�{�I�ra�ent th� Functiana! F'I�ara and �r��rQVid��n analy�i�of public fa�iii�ies, tra��par�at'sc�r� s���ds � �nd r�vi�ian� nec���ry io e�ur cocfes�nd ordiraances. Although we dc� not�r�nt this wc,ric�a�� � done by Metr�a, ur�r�o��e!that lVletra�ht�ulc� provide fundinc� to accom,�lish th�r�quir�d ua�rk: � ii8 � � Sectio� 2(�7e)), Lin�617-618 6 9' 4 ���. A r�cQrr�rr������i���mr�uher�t��urr�c���mod�ted grow89�ceuld be I�a�ted t��d�-�c^���$�,�� ' ����as��n4: 5inc��� �ray nc�t ii����pproprlat�ly•l�ca�ed i���d��a�n���d a��arba�r���n�� �dj���r�t t�aur�ity 9irnifs, �me fe�l 4h�t v�te�hauld h�v�:�I�xibility in aur P�:cort�m�r�d�tior�a�te � wh�r�t�n�ccamrnod�t�d gravuth woisl lo��t��. S��tion 3, Li�e&50�651 ° . ���r�l�kr�e h�s����pt�d���r��l��n��p€��, ���c��n��to����preh�r��iv�pl�r�r�r i��e�9�rra�nting�rdinance dh�ll t��c���i������fih 4h�f►ar��ti8�1�I �S�ft C�'�41df"�Y11�f��S Ct�f���i�l�t� 9P1�IEf�S � $�iCaU��9" Cr��om���: C��y'��r�gEV�e����r�nth��a prc��id�for is�ipl���n4ing ordin�n���, and durir�g Qh�t tit��, �ity'�sh�uld a�mt��r��q�air�d t�cear�ply vvith an ordin�nr,e th�t�h�y�r��tili e��iu�ting. e���P �h��it� h�s adopted impl�rt��n�ir��ardinance�ar�d Ni�tro has agre�d wifh the City°��pp�aa�h,�9B �t�r�carr►preh�r��iv�pi�n�and ordina�c�s sho�ald cam�aly. i"!"�L��. C�eflni#ions Line C�7�-6�0 "D��ignaYed �eneficiai Water I�ses rrzean�th�sarn��s the Berm as defin�d by the Or�g�n Qepartment of V1/ater R�sn�arces." � �arnm�nt: 'The d��nition from C3�3VV'R shr�uid b� r�pe�t�d rather than refer�nced. L�ne 698-699 � "Hazardous materi�ls means rnateri�ls d��crib�d as haz�r�ous by Orec�on ��partrnenY of �nvironrnental Quality" � Cc�ra�r�n�nY: This definiiion grorn DEG� shouid b� repe�#�d ra4her thian r�f�rer���d. P�. � E� � � �.d � � 4t�! �,d � � . — _— � __ _ � F � d . � i Ib��� � � • � � �pA� , . ( n � � � + . 'e's � � ��� �� � � � . � � � r � � � '' � �� � � � � � a � � . � � ,� . . - �� � � 0 � �� ��r ���"a��d �s �v�1��i��� ,'�i�zxr� 2t��� �. �83�v��° y�i�� f�r ��� ,�e�� re��r� �o ar9e�r�� i��� �� ���k� ��d l�r�i�a�°rg}�. _°��>.,.,� �. �}�+a� �Sd�� ara,�y �� ��� �oll�a�vin�. : � � �,� � � `• `a irnaciv� �:ri�e�s in �I�anin� r�r � ��� ;� . �� � =� •� �,^�e?r ��:�n'sa�r�c�e��: {� � �'`�: , � '`1 (,;, a:ti ' . ,o,,,o ' �C :i.� �iL,1�5 CrJiT.(�fE.^;t.^.SiV� � �I ��� r.1 I� � -• /''� � I�e:' � q� _�� s ,. ---°—��._....� � - � �::df'�� C::I';2:1Y q�rin� . , ie�__"°�'—_.� J �I:ICC' C.�''`i � � . . �.QfaP":�:'1t �:i' ^C?f^f'S. �--�,�,�:% � , ' � df:c.f'�i���:1t5. C�aiC:�S. 61i1C S�OCCS: 'f E� . , -v �� '� ' �� r�o a;:c , , � , � ,���,� Mm�was creae�ci aft�s v�ar�ers In t3��regi�rr�4�se�cf�r�t�r�! g�v�ms9s�rrc ka,r�a��r�stn�ixsu�s s�f regfac��! �i�niPlc,�nce in ch� ,vt��n�llra�n ar��, !�ix eri�b(� kay s�a��B�e�r�ac4 w�as�o�e�t�yp�e� �7r��c�s� L��I���Bur�[� 1977.'1�a�vc�e����ad��►e��1'+�E�xs�3u��da� �'� 19�Z.whi�h c��s�rtib�r��r�i�S3PEti��ar eh�,���;rs�irs�udtr�� ��b�(��6'�'tL'fl2'qF a t1�fpE`t�I pI$tl�t 6$1�s�L��l�Aa3�cr�f��4�rs e�par�stkal��rrr �E��° s�re r��i��e�!�p���g�,�c�taef�e�..i�as�us�a��te���n Lle� BaJ�td�ry.��e�i�s���S�rf€.s a�s�mp��s�����. �����l�'� ���t� W�wsli h�v��rnanv a��5 t.�LJ�r�os�p�ple IE�ic��!r�ehe lbq�rra r�iart by c�e y�ar 2fl 15.7igard is presjecred :a accarntexa�i�te o��r !a.�oF :h���opie rai�ir�g eri��iey's�c;puiadsars eo ov�r 50.�. �e��r�aeitn�tely .� s ^ n�vo-�ieus gg d���rows#��vi!! r�s�le�fn�an peopte rr�o�i��into e��rc:�i�ra. '. �� \ Th�ZG�Conc�pt map is or���a�i QP���IiC9�4 Mdtt�'t�4POY�4t1. W� :���,�gc� �..�.,..._ rte�ir�e hao�2#sL� pi:�a c.�aewr�t��ri�e�fi� t�e�se.es� e,arsctrns caf Tt�xa�°s ' r��zesa�a r��������a�P� 1 iravelie�g in ct�c e��iar�. as��v�Ei as in'iiva�e�.is difi�eult aer,�u���F ���\ inadequace Fa;ilitic�. �ajcr highways vvi;ici°�r�s.;i�mav�.m�ne. �rr,d � ."��� irac�uacc srr�c r.onr��c:ivir,�. [e is g�:Gng mor�difnc�lt b�us��r rhe , , � , r irc��s�c9 us��af:,ti�u„ar. ;dlsaear v�hie:e us�i�c�using:re:��s�s in�ir�c ,� '•.,\ . � ��t� ,, ���va:er;ei(�r�er. [n rriany�lae� �eccie da;�oc;�4 �i�•.valkiese{. vvaic¢ng — ;or aar.sie�r fiG�t(1Gd'hfL^�C1�. '�,'�n� ea d�`�e iP��*�ing NeoDlc cos�r:n s�°��i��s is :mpa�arie. ��we � � �.v�r;;,o °nak��vailabiE:°:ore ;rave!c:;cie:s`or•�v�lkirg, rikfng aa�d ��ta,gn� � 8� :''�::�s :�r scQres s�.;1cQi�. jc�bs. a�d rer°e�don? � -- �-- -- - � � ��d����°�/�'/�� � "'� � , cC�'2C;'V. f11g`"iWd�'S, dP,� ��ciscirg c��:e:ccr.;e:�c�r;�.k�s�ans,°�:c,:cn rr ��, .e�•v -�,s�cr.sr.cr,c�r�rer�cr,s exve^sve. - :� , � �_�-^i �;, ��� �.�-��Ccr.c��c c.�ils;or 4ePere�nr.e�::v,;� ��^�a�a� ��?�nCor�.cc�s. •, . "�I " .!�,, ar,,. �e-e�3c��ssicii:^� ,,, SCP�IC°�. YVe^e°� .., ce�:ce �e�v imcowa^: " �'°'----- '� _�r�^e�`ivic�zr.c', ac�essibilir�ar� :o�;garu. � s� � � � �s �s � � � � �s � � � � � a� ,a� � r� �a �a �a �sn � � � � � � � � , � ' � . � � � � � �b'�`� � � � . � � � � � ��,������tb � ��� � � � � � -�-�--- -- 9 � � --- � - - - ._.�._.._._ � � � � � � � � � � �- -- - -�-----____-- --- - - _- � � � t -- - ---- — � � - � p -�--�-�- -- - - - � � �-- -_ __.� -- �--- - _�..�-- - .�....�..___ � � i � -- ._ - — - - ---_ - - - -- - - - - - � � -°°a — --- . �m. � � -- _ Y'��.�,p����A�� � ��e����te"��� � � -- 1 � � � � ��-�--�---- � _--- ---- ----- ____�--�--�-- � � � - - - -- � � � --- - _ ' � _.�__._____� � � --- � � � � � - � � � - � � � _-_____ � � � � � � � . � �° � � � �.�,�'������i����. � � � � � � _ � � � � � -- — � � ----� � � � � � �e a� r�¢ � a� � � e� s� � a� � � �4 � en� � �.v � � �a � � �s � � �e �e e� r a � ' � ,� . � - � ' � � � ' � � ,q� �p�gs/ /@yy- �l@B �0 .�O �� � � ��G"�'�tld'1i6�O �����ti � � . . eeul�nlnw[n��w�tx� � . �� � � � t. Sh�a�af��r��arit��Far�e�vvvcch b��r�rir�ri¢y;vr tft��;t^��f 1°1g�r�7 [� �J � � � � 20 5h�aaa9d���xd's Cra�b�c#ir�ted ca: . � � ' � � 't'��,�9�in Se��t Ta�arr Gde�e�r an�4��ashir��ea�.Sc�u�s�lt��i�n�l ;"� �� (�] , L� � ��r�c�r? • E Ttt��tatsir��r.s?(��d. �°i�lC 9t��l....) d � � I� � � � � � E.�isrirq�e�eis�h�rilcs�s?' � � � t� � � a• Sho�a��i 1 ic�15CCS �:'tC��dP�l��Pn�iC��flCt���dtfl iS4 i�S�8YlE7I(3}�R'1�,'1t I� I� l� c� � � r�r��s7 ��ard Tri��le. 72nc�Co�c�c�r...) � � � � � � • Shoulel Tigar�i s�apgaorc ex�i�t���u��L�sbart Growch L.� � � l� � � �c�ue��aryf�IG3)? ' � ��..If nat.wosaid yau�cc��r r�ar���.�s�r�s�!apc:i�nx i�ligard � `�,'1 ['� � � � 2c��c�ommodace growm withie�dq��ci�ri���G�2 � � � � 5. Staoulc4 Ti�ard 11ar�i�c,h�Qmv��F"�3tg�ax" r�:ai! � � � � � � (Goscco. Cub r"acc:s...) bv limbdr.g rh�sia�and �cca.ciAn oc chese s:ores? � � � � � � �°��������i��r � ���� ���o� � � � � 6• i�i-:��e re!i�s�r� �a.�s���er�gmand ca j�s.iCy improv� � � � ,� � � �ransic o�rvi�s:.S�toul�r��v�do�m�:nc oc yc,u�irr��nd h�s,a�in�sscs ���ir�e�d co major s�r�:^cs,hsar c,:n e�sily � � be s�:ve� hy iri-:i�lee? � � - � � •. .�r�:r,or�s.;eec;.oriii�c�;Qrs n�eaec in��aar�? � � � .� � � s. eno�a�c cvnr�e�°M�ns�r rrads:�ians are �ic;;�:i�� v�3�CIO("IY;d QY�r � � � � � � !f,"11,�.fiQ'V� c1UifJCY:OCIIE::OUL�9 � � � a . � � l��lg�a���h���s � � „�'�",� � 9. .i,ianv;i�arc .^.�ig��cora���ca �cc iave a ciacd wnera•�cc:ti.a.n '°, � � - . _. � � � � � � �,vzik °c� 5��:�z�. �ir,e cr�rteee,icur^�ig!^cars ;r,rcrtaily. ��1ou,c � �.ve -^r :o acc;ess�.v�ys :o�.:eae� :-�se �:ac�s:' � � � ,�. �o .cu :hi::;< ., s '.rdc�:�r.;:c �rer� - cr�c�s�r,� ��. � � � � ces,�ns arc ��s�' �ris ..�uic ;r,voiv� _~an�� ;n .ne :cc,�;�cr, J J � . � � ,.�.c , ��s cr,cusirg -at:r.e c:ry �;cws. • � � . .. �c?s .^e�:�:-.i:�'^.:r� or :e�ig� ar�_�rere:�l ..,e�.s s• r :,� '� � � � � •�:�:..r��� �u;icir.�.s :a -:,r,;;,r �-e s,c°••+aik .ns;��c a�rc.e :�rur:g . � � Cf� .?'e'.i�t°:3:Cl:� A r �. b . � J: _ r_ r _ _ � _�:�. . � , � � � e ����ILtJqg� � , ��� � ,.<. .,�a',�,� �� � � • � � � �.. � � �, � . . 1�07 • . • ��1� ��, 2��6 , I���a�c� �s�1�ey �d��sc�gy �o���atte� ��°r��) ` ���c� �'.����ar�l ����� COQ �T� ���azac� .A�v� �o�la�at C}l�. 97�32�2736 . ���r �.��'A,� ��ttab�xs: 'T�� `rr�uxci�le �i�y �4unciP has �evi�w�d az�d d���uss�l. th� drafc LJrhan �rowt� T�ar�,g���� �ea�crional F�la� a�a� vvish�s to ���?.r�e�s tk�e foll�win� con��rns ti�vi� tk�� p�cs�as� docu�i���. �LtY' �flTS� ��IIGGYA'! %S 6�lll'�1 'Tg°autdal�'s c�wellx�g u�ut �p�4ity all�ocatioa� sho��n in T'a�s�� 1 �f�a� �r��t �,1an, �'rc�utc�aJc stxUngly ub�jects to tha foi�anuia us�d by ];lZetc� sea�f r�nder the ���o l�pt$a� � . (��r�a ��p�r�ic�r� ��'tJae �J'G�) b�cause it �I�e��ates a dispxr�g��ion�te sh�z°e �f thc ���ic�t�'s a�.c��� ci��glia�� a�z�it� �a '�r�,�t�ial�, L1�a��r I�letro's fo��.uia, ad� �iti�s ia� th� xegioz� �re �.l�a�ated �m�.� ad�a�aozaa� h�ausi.n� ur�ts9 t�ut fide 5electe�.cit�es are ���o�at�d "e��ra" �anits. Thase �'iv� cities �r� �'�rel�a��t, (�r���z� �aty, �resh.�, �ai��t �ra��, ar�d T���xtd��l�. '��outdale, be�;aus� of c�ur��, �ec�ig✓�s ��� l�x•g�est pz�aport�o�aa� �Il�c�tic�n o�dv»ii�� t���� a,� t�a� ���r� a°��k��. . A. f.��u �xaxx�pl�s svi.lt illustrate tP�� prob�eA�, '�zau�da�e k��s I�ss tf�� �t% c��i�i� regio� ho��ho��.s {Q.6a�"o according to Iv��tro's 1394 �'t�ur�,$), yet w� �r� ibeir.� �s�ed to acc��t 1264 "e��i`� ��rel�i�z� u�ats by 2017 �ander �e Zem �ptaora. '�k�,is ���tr�sts ��th �3:ald�bora� (3.J�.�'o �af�rl�t.�°°� house�Za�l��, w�tacla�uides �he l�ro 4ptioi�is alla���d c�aa�y 22 �`extr�" d�v�lling �ar�i�s. ���v�rr�� (S,Q�% �f I°�etro h�a�sehalds) �s alloc�t�d ca�.1y 6Q� "�xt��" dwell�u�.i�t�n�R�r �i� �',�x� ��€��,. P�d 7C�gard (2,$2!o af r/let�cs h�useholds) i� �Ila�a�d onl.y d73 `��xt�a" dw�ltgng �nir�. ��� �r� . �11�r�.y o�ter ex�,ples. '�'hese�xuarYbers sk�ow�tt�t'I'rout�l�, ira propoxttior�to �ts si�, �s ��,�a���. �o �c�ep2 zmany tic��s t��e "�xt�" dwellir�u�lits �tloCated io otk���i[it;� oa�ihe ed�� of�tl� IJf��,'. Tcnuc�l�l� is alrea�� gzo�vAng fas�. �e do z�ot�illi�p� acc�gt r�e "��tra" d�r�si�� �IR������ca st���has �ssisn�d it uYa�dcx° the °Lxx� �DpUon. A]l 2he catze� in 2he r���oz� oca the ed�;� of��� LICaI3 are uz�cie� si.na�ilar grcawth pressure. Xet T�autdale is being asked ts� do £ar mare t��.a�a ot�er����s siiziilai•ly sacuated. 'This is �at�ntly unf�ir and�atAOrztalt�us. 7'��se is no car�5ensus �'o�' ��t�c� t� d�cre� thaC �. selecied fe�v ciries shc�uld suafer to b���etit•ot�i�r citi�s. C:\W PUATAIP,DMIN11'19fi�,14FACM.AYO.LTR k�4 <5C I�I[�I.INc; t1VF.NU.f, o '('Rt�IIfLALf. i?� a7�.k�-Z��`-� � ?O3 C�C��-5 -, � -�� • ( ) . .1T. P11A ..�) t�7��3 T'C�C�/1'�,;; TELf,f`H�1�.F. (1Vf,l" (�)(,.�1) bEK.4��I��: �.,�,p [�nMc-.�nn 1'7c��l�r.,vcl�Pooer ,�-_ t<i�ti�� �:�` ���. ��•�� .�.,-.� _ , ,, ��.�, �r�►d�����t i���i � � ��:�rq��:�� w ;ra-�.�� �.�:� ,P . . .s 1 . . � . . ., . . . . . . ��x �he ��c��r��s�B�� r����:�x,�.�, '�"�•outd�l� ���s th�t ��tr� dXt�� �s�� �ity's �`��Cr�" �l��ti�+r� �f dw��lli� u�a�nts �a�d�r �h� 7���� �pt�r�ar. . ���c��da �� a�b,��e to d�,c ��¢c��• v��ai�l� �������e� s ds p�°������::�. Re� '�'atl� �, �ecctd��4 �t ��� �3r�� �1�. �� b�Iaev� �b�t �a�re s�y � ���� ����y� ���� �sscaca�t� r�riCh lm��r�� ttt� l��v�� ���er�►��e (lL(3S� s��zd��i� �f�erf���atau�� �� �.c�c����d ��a �� �a�cta����l��t. �� s�r� �c��a��a°� ��ga:�°�ss�dl by ehe �a�� ���t��z�aaa� C�a��a� "�r�����C�c�� C���i�te� a�d �a���.r�v�� ��kz� ��sc���ati�n which �tat�s: "����� s��uXd �a�t �s��t �.he ����s�d �o�a��st�oa� ����wr�s �f ��rf�►�°���� a���a� � r�cct�ica� �ra�P��i� h�� b�����a�.g��t���� �e������ by �ach j�xx�sd�����.�,► �'�; ������� ��� �� �bj��ti�� r�a��c� A� �a� ������ h� ����� �r� �� �ub�i� ����rc� �� ���'� ��a� ��ttt p�ab��.����iz�,�, �� �p�z°�i��� t12� ��t�a-�k� ��� �a� c►�a t�.e da���t f��t�e��,i���� a,�d �rr� �i12 f�l��� �kae c��ta�x�x� €�f��as p����s�l �r��� �t� �1 ���»�i�r�. .. S�ce���y ����s9 � ��°� �� �����r���� � � ���z �a���n���a� ����r �, � � � � � � � � � � � � C:1�'I'DATAIADM IM 1496��f PACh1AYCJ.�.'f R „ . . . . . . F .. . . _.. . .. .. _ . �� �8 ' , �S+Q' d �� � � �.T���� ��.��� �3����°����� ���� r�t����� � � � - � � �I�&� �T�� i�VI�.,D►�,.�iF'E S��V��� oy'p� 9 , 4 .� �e����it ��ate IDf�iC� ��i�0 �.�, ��tl� A����e, ��et� 1�0 � �o�tl�rsd, �r����n �7.�6f ' (503�23��C�79 ��n �5��) 23��fi1Q5 . • Nt�y 2�, 1 g�6 Nletr�p�slft��oPi�y�dvi�o� �arrima�tee(�/lPA�C) C/O lE���a Gr�ove���raa�ernes�t ��.r�i��s Y�ep��txnez�t �OQ�7� C1�and�.�ren�.��, • k'�a�lardd, �re,gon 9723?_ �e: Th� Urbaaa Cxowt�i Managerrient F'unctional I'Ian as developed by Water ��s�ux�es!�clvis�ry Corinaxiittee (�WI�'!�C) and the Metro "Cec�-anical t�.d�ri�m�y �Carrunxttee �li��'.�r)with spec�al �nlphasis on �'i�4e 3 l3e�r�hair�3�Ies a�Yd M�'t�.0 s�x�mbers: The 1.J.S. �'ish �rid tiVildtife S�r�ic� (Service) is keeniy xrrterested in MPAC's effs�a°ts t� �stablish a regia�al �rban gr�a��vth management plan that is sens�tiu�to �sh and wildliie a�d their habifats. 'T�ae Service i�1��ents solutions to IiNing zesaur�e probleans by fa�ilitatiia�partn�rshi�vs with �th�r�'eder�l, �'ta.�� and �ra�al �g�z��ies and the priv�.te sector�o und�r�ake need�d zx�anagez�i�nt �cti��ss �s�tti p�IiGy d��isions. Th� S��i�e iinds l�titude for ii��otverr�erat�z�der sev�et�al �utl�ox�i?ies.' In a�ic�i�icaz�, the Ser�i�e l�zas�ar�iGipat�d in sev�ral prograr,ns tha�addr�ss acquisitinn, protection, and res2oa�ation of critical n�tive habitat for�sh�sid wildli:fe. The doint V�nture, �oasC�l �n�aerica, Cm�urnbia River Pdati�nal �stuary Frogram, Partpzers �ar Wildlif�, ivletro �r��n.sp�ces, Jobs in the W�a�dS, Co�s�a� Ecosys��ms, and the Wet�anci kz.�s�rv� �'ro�r�ms�.ave all been appii�si in Oregon utiiiziz�g Servi��.paria�er�hips �ui�h other reso�arce agencies, tocal �overn- m�nts, and private Ia.ndowrters. �'hus,ihe S�rvice is in a u�iq�e gc�siti.on to offer techr�i�a� • � ' ��xidan�e and financial zracez�tives for protection arnl r�storatio�n of Oregon's fisl�� a�nd waldlife � � resources. � � � � � � � ' Endatig�red Spec�es ,�et (15 tJ.�.C. 1S31etsecJ.); Anadre�moixs Fish Conservat�an A.�k (16 CJ.S.C. 757 e�s�c�.); �o�stal Wetlands Planning, Protec�ion, and Restora�tion Act (16 U.S.C. 777 et se�.); Fedez�al Fower Act (l6 U.S.C. 791 et seg.); Fish an� Wildlife Act tl fi U.S.C. 742 et seq.); Fzsh a�ci �Iildlife Coordir�ation f�c4 (26 U.�.C. 661 et seq.); and the Migratory �ird C�nservation Act (16 U.S.C. 715 cd seg.). prrnted nrr rutbleachrd rec}�cled paner p m 6 TIl�e Ser�ice is c�rr�ra��y r�ar�azi���ng to d�v�elo}��n�cor��ima�base��eaYn apprc��ch��r���sivin� #`ish axaci �rild�ife r�1���d gssez��. �J'�h�.ve ss�m�d a Ivler�noratad�a��.�af��r���a�nY wit�n�1���T�#a�raal 1�a�ri��e Fisiz�ri�s S��vvi���d t���r�vZrae�an�r�tal 1'r��ectia�a�4��n�y in�rde�t��a��rnc�t����ater �c�c��era�poa�an� �ffe�ti�r�a��ss 6�Htta�e���heri�s, wildfli�'e, �Il��1'4Vfl�'C5I9I31�Y'd$�� �3�'O�IESi�d�i%1 �src►t��tir��th�paci�c�o�tP�west's irx��la�eable��c,�ys�e�as. VVhile th� �raitf�l �aiaph�si�i�pr� ��ia�tic;�onserv�tic�n�v�tr�sp��i�9 fcs�us ca�s�lrnonids, it a�aneatat ta �aitii�a��ly k��v���n.uch urr��der apglic�tio�. �"h� l��r�:or�.txdtrr�a�lsa�c�rnrnit�th�3'�dera� a�e�aci�s�a� fo��ra��xtaa�rslup� �v�#�st����d Ic��al�o����a�rats as v�r�ll as�riv�te fand���rs. . `�'�� ���v��� �s��cre����Py i���i�r���vit�a th� ��te's �h1�t�r��.�d �-��alth Progra�rt, �t�t�w�.��r�t��� sY�.��x��e��r���v$'�r���I�d�, ������z��s�a��at�r pl�za�,�h� 6217 �c��.�tat���xp���at �s��fl�tYi�n�'rc��;r�ts,�d ����oz�'� �,�a�st�din��reshs�va�ez°��tland c�iterga d�sigr�ation. "T�.��f�s�� to�rc�t�c� �re�o�`s unYque�nnd s�n�atave n�tur�l areas shaul�i nvt b� t�e s�le ��arden ofr acx�sx��le ����I a��QVez•a�enx�r th�gariv�t�s��tor. �ecosys2erz� level �ppra�ch t� �sh ar�d v✓ildliff� h�bitat prot�ctiora 'ss need�d. r11P�1C Y�as an o��p�rt�nity tv help faci�itate this �pproa�h by d�v�l�pzza� � str�nger�ea�d rnore���i�abte Urban�Sro�vvth Pv1a;�a�ernent�'ux�cti�n�I �'1�. CB�II'e11E�tR,L�Cf3�li�ENTS .� "v�I�provzt��d th� fallowin�camr��n�s i�the hope they vvill be viewed as a team �ffmrk�atd S�.at the�t���li�tru�t vdill be �iven fair c€�nsYd�ratian ir�th.�pl�naigng process: � �hile we c�nce�t�xally siapp�rt rna�i�tai�izx�a t�rgeted Urban�r�wth I�m�d�zy (�J��), we recogn.i�P th�rte�tf �or�7exrb�lity��h�n developznen��r�ss�res i�sid� the U�r� are ft�rc€�1 tawz..�c� �e�sativ� fis1��r�d vv�lcll�f� ha�ita�s �e€�a�s�csf Yt�e �carcit� builr��i�l� l�rsd� alt�rrzatives at�sid��he U�a�; o Generally, tla� S�rvic� su�sports the adop�ian�f th� �anguage in Title 3 a�'th� Ur.ban Cxrow€�l�an�g�ment F'unctional P�l�n(U�'rMFP) as developed by th�joi�it �NR�'AC and �ITA.0 and the speci�c la�a�uage s�pport�d�y th� ��alitior►�'c��� �.ivab�e F�a�.�r� ar�d��uduban S�ciety of Portlafad; o The �ervice ��appc�rks the integration of. �tatewide T,��use F'tatxrzing �'ioals S �isli and Wi��life I-�abitat and 1fi�etlands), 6 ��Jat�r C�ualitY), and 7' (Ha:za�d.�r����tt� �„ heln f�cilitat� the UCPi/f�'P; � c�i� SP�C�F'IC C(3T�h/'t�i'�"�'� �b�s�a Ivxay 20, 19�b �Ya�t WR.�AC It�co��.mendatio�s�r� � Titl� 3: V�Iater�uatity a.red �l�od Iv�ariageza�ent �onsez-vltion�: � � � Unc6ec ��ction � (Perfc��mance Standa;�s) A.(2 c�r 3?), lin� S7, �1��d�sig� flac�d � hei�ht shouId �e defiYZed, at � minimui�n, as the 100 y�ar recurr�nce inter�r�l; o Und�r Section � (Perforanance Standarc#s) �(2), Iine 86, the rvc�rd "Prohibiter� . . .'S .. , , .. , ,, . _ � , , 3 s�c��zld Uc�°�pl��ed �ith"Idr�nnatave . . ."; . a L3e�der�e��iora 5 (Fist�a�a�i �Jil�l��"��ans�rv��iora Axea�(I�)�1)C�3����� ��� . ������ti�ns�, larae� 134-141y�h����ae�d�tc�be�hierar�hi��l��r�sid�ra�i��of ' alt�rrx�ta�es, �void�G�ar�d�ar�aa�i�taorr,�d c�rn�aens�tory anita��tic���f�a�� �. �:?CC��9$Pply�C9ffi"IYY�F3�Z�'11C�9.3R'�O��T1�J EC1216�, an�Itading r�ads, is �ranted. A.n��c�Y°s���� best an�es�.g�m�nt pa��tic�s�ppr��.�h sh��9�£be�as�d im areas wh����d�r�ra�d planaaiaag of ia��'x�stz�nc�are�Pa�e�ent is passib�e; . s� �.Trader���,�i�n 5 (�i�i��a� �'Jgk�tlife Cot�s�a°v�tian l�.rea:��)(3), �i�i�s 1�7-��51,t�e �����64�r�hi��ted�'lan�List'y�hc��ld be e���ag�d�o"I�Ic��x�Yiv�P'l��t�,���'s arrsd � t�a�c�a����ts �f"l��al�y z�ative��ar�t�or�a�nut�aty a.�ad���.€;tir,fideliiy"s�sauld be � a�id�d. At�o, th� ��rvi�� sup�arts the '�(}percent thEeshold Q�r�ativ��1�� co�smia�a����+lariizati4n after t��ree y��rs as a test fc�r prnj�ct s�sc��ss; o [1rad�r S��ti�n 5 (Fish�r�d V�lildlife Cons�r�a�ion Area) (�)(l�ish�d ��ld�if� I-i�bitat Pr�Y��ti�r�)(3), lines 172-Y 76, th���rvi��d�es no�s�ppo��his a��a�x�st t� ins�tituticr�alaz�t1�e fragi�ewc�k for i�t�or'sng���v�o�i 5 infc�ra�a�t��an f�r j�arisda�YAC�ns�c�ep�e�3'�y I.,�CT)�Peri�dic F�evi���rder a�er.�ari�aaay a, �913. � Past�ckn�wl�tigment�l�.ri t�rrie�dmen�(k?P�I��) should b�a�a�v��labl�to�l �t any time b�Yw�e�n�'eriodic �t.eviews,,��ast as it is for a�gregate C'.rs�a� 5 r��ot��ces; an� o �.Tr�d�r Se�timn 7 (Variances), li�aes 199-2�2,there x���ds ��be 1aai�uage th�t gives �OC�I JtiJCiS(�Y��ILI1S�Li1C��I111e5 (9a*'1 Wr1�P1, and to what e�t�nt, v��ia�ac�s are �.pprc��arg���. �.1�Q, �t�pp�ais�roc�ss �liac�I�i be�stablish�d�'s�a�lc���� c��zz�r�s�.�d � xe�sc�ur�e a��nci�s to�r�t�r irato in �ases«h�re tlxey beli��ae a v�.riane� fs r�njust�y all�rwed. � Tliai�lc y�u ��r the opy�oz�nity to conunPnt on the Urbari Gr�«P.h Ivlanagen7ent Function�.l �l�n. If you t�ave any questic�r�s or eoncerns about these comm�mts, pl�ase call Jo�Marshall �t 231- 6179. � Sinc�rely yo�rs, � I � • ��%��-� � � `��asseflt IJ. F'eterscrn � t�c�gon 5t�t� Offic;e � w � cc: OI)F�JV I�LCI� m o � ' � .�1 �QQ��1 S��6J�����8'�� .. � �1iiBs���&R�, t�ro 9707� c�v� =°� � c5o�ab�2��o�t ������(�J����, (�03)b62-1015 FaY . in ORE�hI (503)682-08�3 T�[7 . . i.°'.IL�� ?�s 1 J�V ���.�li� �iales, �Ysair I�����°c� �'oli�}� �civiso�v ����itt�� � ���c� R.��ic��ial ��r�t�s� 6t�� NE �ranc� �'o�'�ia�.ci, OFt �i 232-2736 ��: D�a�t Ur�axi G�owth �+1a�a��m�zat ��r�ctic�raal Pl�n ��°a�° �h�iri�aa.an Hfa��s �nc� nnezn�ae�-s of :�IPAC: Pie�s� acc�p� tl�� fodla�iz�� cor�xrr�er�ts �� ivIPAC �o�°i�id�rs t�e Apr�� �-� �.��ft of th� �rc�posed U�i�� �ro�vvth 4[�z�ag�m�r�t ��ar�ct�c�r��l P�a�. T'h�se a�-e stagf cornr�ents t�a�.t �.o not �efl��e�t t�i� izx��t of eh� put�lic:, o�r �i�� Flanning Cor.riaxiis�ic� or Catv Lo�z�cil. 'TY�o�e decisir�a� ��1�k�rs TTX2d'N �a/l�s�l �O Si.B�TYIIC �.�(�1�lUZF.�I �t7�.Tk7lE'.xl.t� �r����' iI2 C11� j3i'�C�S�. O�r Ci�• Co�.�cil h�s air°�a.dy �or�e o� record �u�porting �he c�nc�pt o�' . `��arlv� impl��rier�t�tian°' izi �z°d.�r t�o �ini���e tl�e �x�n���ss�rv � co�v�rsifln of i ural la��is. €��e e�n�inu� to ��.ppo�t r�a� effart, but �e cio h�ve can��rns abou� xn.ow�ng too quici�y �vi�h a �ro�e�� t��� d�xr��ds pubiic invol�rerner�t anc� t.k�ou�htf�l c��cisio� zr�a�Ci.n�. �/ez� ` L3.�T.�� �341.�7Il.0 IZ1�U.0 YliiS �E'�Zl Y'���flV�C� C�71.15 f��' c`�� C�1E lOC1I �.E'V�1. Please not� t�iiat V'�lilsonvil�e dn�s no� ha.��e a �rotix�g a�ember o�a. �it.��r �I�.�►C or �ITAC, b�t �ve z��rr�ai�� vitall� ia��er��t�3c� ir� t�f� re�i�n�.l �l�r��ang �i°ocess. � VeJh�r� ccarr�ments ref�r t� � �pecifi� lix��, thev ���ly �o �ie ��az-Ai 24 �ira�t. �c�m� Q� t.��e l�ne r��r��er� have �ch�i�g�c�. sYnc� t�.�ra, ��.t a�I �� t.k���e coza�rn�r�t� address th� April �� te:�t. In the irat�res� o�' b�����y, ehese �ar�zr�a�nts are pr�sexzt�d ir� t�.e fc�rrra of a lnst. 1. F�r��ormance Star�dard�. The text clearlv stare� ��t citi�s ar�d co�araties have the option of usin� perf�rmar�ce st�ndaxds. ThiS 4��p 'SerUng The Corr�rrriunily W1th PnGe. . provicPes �t c:riCic�al aa�ount of ��.�ibility. VVh.�tQVer �ls� you cla �vf t� t�a� F�ar��tic�r�al �tan, pleas� r�tair� t�e optioca c�f allowxn� 1��:�1 jearisc�i�tic�ns t� �zse �erfaz��ar�r.� stanc�ar�is t� �rc��v� cQ�r��lian�:e. ? pe�rnzs i��r���,�.o '���,��°@ �r� r�urn��o�xs �la��� in th� te�t '6A��^x��'C� ��lC%1111SS1VC �a.�d'Y�9.1�,�� ��.�.� wS�C?fl%ki:d�ar �i�:Yr`�eV�9�� n�C��QE�$��°l�.s.8��yev �ec�� is u��c�, ra���� ��a� man��to� ����uag�� �Ik�ile tY�i� �� �.��3�"OpI'l�lg� 1&1 � 1CJT2�—Y'�2�� �.1��.Y1�'AflI1� CIQC�dTT1�lCiC, ir� a�der to clari� I�I�trc�°� �����r�.��c��tiQns, �t cac�id �z��ate �r�t�l�zns ixa tY�� f�a�ur� �t��n �t�� �aa�ctf���.l Pl�n is ��c�p�ed a� �r� c��d�r���.ce. 'Th�� �oi�lr� �� �l�.�ifi�d vuzt� �o�� �.��itiQ�al l���ua�� i�e �e i�t�°���a�t��v ��°���°�.�h�, �:���azni�g t���� suc� �vorcl� a�re a�.visog°v c�r�l� �.r�� �.cat � i���r�d�� i:0 �� CO��S�C���°kbC�1 121�Y��at�S lY1 �.Tlb� Y�v�.v. :�.' �'it1�K�..�. r�g.%���,.s�1�1�5. 5�ction 6(�33 0� this T'itl� ir�clu�e� a z-ef�r�nce to d�velUp�ent at "t30% c�f perrrii�teci c����ities." If it is th� gntent of �.�is 1a�gua�� to rr�a,�i�iz� d�r�siti�s, it shc�tild bp a���z�cied to cleaxli� stat� "8�% of �� ma,�irnurri densi�ies perrt�.iCted wiCho�a� �. d�zisit�• t�canus." Ir� ou� Ci�y, Perrni�ted dera.siti�� ar� ��cpresse�d as a �°�.r��� (e.�., frQ� 1fl to 12 ur�its;'a�re� and c�ensitv bon��e� �.re �rant�d �c�� s�e�ia1 �ro��ets. It coul� b� ar��eci that �dev�loprnent at 8 aanitsi acre �✓Q�ld rr�ee�t t.�e �equ���me�zts caf th.� praposecl te�ct rv�ere 10 tc� 1 Z urxts/acxe a�°� s�e�ifi��i, b�c�.�s� it cleaxl�• is 80'% c�f p�rrnittet� d�xa�itv. Ar�c�t�l�r� corng�lieati�r� for our City sterx�� fr�m t�� rel�tic,��s�gp �a�t���� c���- C�z������rasg�� Pl�.� �Ia� �n� c�ur� ��ni��; �vla�. ��I� d� r�c�t t��ve �n "c�p�n �pace" znn.an� c�t��ory, b�xt vv� l�av� two c�ifferent �ate�o�~ies af op�n �pace sh���✓i7 0� our Plaz� Ivl�p. TY�n� z�ra�ans that ��y �i�r�r� piece r�f praperty zx�ay be zoa�ed Foz- residen�ial dev�lc��z���t, �►ut: t�e a��ua� d�n�i��� w�iR�h m�y crs��ur t1�.er� is Iiax�.it�d 'Y�� �7��F1 S��C� CIE'.�A�YI��1�I25. Ev�r� �itta a lit��r�i �a�ic�✓ of �ncoura�gin� �tye t�an�fe� aY densities frnm one por�ion af a site ta �o�.h�x, ehe� r�sult is g�n.e�allv �i��✓�l��rr��nt that app�ars to be at a rr��.ci� lc�vver �.ensity �� v�ould �ave b���. pe�°�itt�cl ay z�onir�g. VVe ' . ase �xo�a�ful ��at �I�t�� will �ae�x s��ch ci�cum.stances in zrgand when � 1t�c�I ��risdic�tio:�s subs���zently seek e:�ce�ti�ns to trie �ropos�d � h�u�irn� a11oc�.tgt�n fi��z°�s •�. �'��le ?: Parkin �'o�xc�. Th.e t��ct rc��rs tc� a °'P�rk.ing ivia,�ci.muan �Ia�" which is not att�ck�e� to the propose�. Functional Plan, �nci which we hav� noc received. �✓e ha�e been toid that our "cor�vn cer�ter" �nci "corridor'° arPas a�e s�zbject to th� "Zone A" �rovisions, , i��� t�Ca� is no� coz��'nrrn�ci in t�is �c��um,�nt. V�/e r�ca�a��:rad t��t a ��a'� 5pec:ific a�etYnitic�n of t�� bc��.r��aries of �t��e� '°.�" �nc� ��B" �c� in�la�dect a�itl�ir� t.�e te�:t. Al��.a�.��h �k�er� bs li��lv to t�� rc��sid�rai�le cl�ba�� ���ut th� ���s��cz a��stat�lA�t�ir�� pa.��i�g r�a,�irnurr�s For var.ic��s l�z�cl us��, ��� �so�osecf stanc��ar�d ��iat ��.v cause the rr�c�st �rc�b�e�s is t�� �ra� v�rl�icYa vvould prec�l�ad� lo�.al jurisciictior�s .�rc�rr� r�q�.i�ir�� �o�� C�.�.�. c��`�� ��..�kir�� �pa�� per r�si�ei�ti�l �anita �.�t���a��i thi� a�.�v k�� a �°��.s��a�i� �ta�da�� i�a s��� lo�at�c��°��, ��. c���a��°� it ��a� �����.1�� ���� �ffc�r�s tt� ��.��u�°�.�� i��zll ��v�l��r�.��to I�. c��°���° to �.�� i��'�11 � �.��a�ic��s��i°�t ��c��pta�ale tc� �sra,blfshe�i r�e��h��rk�oo�.s, i� i� ���i�� `��� �k�� ia����Y d�v�lr�prr�ent �aav� ,�a.iraixnal pk�ysica4 ia�a��cts o� �� ��i�h�aa°hc���l. If�uff��ienx c�ff stg��t p�.��c.in�g i� not p�ovic��d faz� t�� f��iil ci�v�lcap��nt, r�e averficaw �G�rkin� is ��cre to ���s� � z�e��.tf�� ��actaor�. in t�.e r�cig�bonc��c�d. S�rr�� cor�r����arzi�ies that hawe a11c��ed accc�ssr�z�v liviz�g t�nit� (,�gra�x�d� 1��ts"� �� �.n znf�Il r.�.�t�ad hav� ��.d to incre�.s� ��rl�.r�� �equi��r���.�s. �'h�}� �iawe fo�xr��. thi� tQ b� �he arsly w�y to assu�� that tl�ose ��cess�ry� un�ts ca� �� �cic��d to �stabli����ci r����hbor�c�o�is v���:�louL cae�sin� pro�lerns fc�r the e�istirag r�sicients. a. �irle 3• VVat�r Ouali�� and ��,o�ci i��lana�e��nt. �s �-�ceratrv �.� Nlay 23, �I i�C wa� sti�� r�vie�ving �z�apa��d lan�u��� fc�r 7'itl� 3. �/hile vve sa.ippor°t the st�ted inter�r. of Xk��s Tb���, w� �ir�p�lv ��.v� r��t ��ct �.r��qu�.te �i�� �:o ��v��vv a�c� �°��p�nc.� �:a �rk�at �s �ra�c�s��. �'he L•�fi�rence to "ciesig� �loQ�. �leva��or�" on Iia�e 29� vvil� ����i a ci�aiz��tior�, Tk�� �a.z-���� �arQC�ci�.r� su��est��. on li�e 38� is a v����l� �oc�l to a�jo�d "t�ngs'° clai�s as tl�e T'lan i� ix.�pl�rn�ntedo �i�vrrev�r, th.e r��f��emc� tc� an "un�a�z:lda�te Xot" an Iir�� ��3=� �caul� �en�f�� fror.r� � �i��or�ti�z�. S�me ar�o�.nt o� b�.Pld'az�� ��.y �A pe�r�zgtt�ci on a �i��n °. � �ot, anc� tY�e s�t�aatio� c�ulci �till z���uit ir� a v�.izci clai� of �°��ulatc��y �' ta�ix��. It is pc�ssible to ��h��ve tP�� objecti�� r�f lirr�itin� � de��lo�xn�z�t i� �.�s� are�s witY�o�t r��tr�icti�g it Lo �l�e paiz�t ����°� � t�e pubii� �z1I ra��ci �o �o���r�s�.te �� �r�r��rty awner. Tca �a so vviil � rec�uixe �or�z� r�csre cietai��d langua��. � 6. Ti.�I�C: I����or�al �,��.,�.�.�ibi�it��. Th.is Tit3e �or�t�i�5 �. t��a�-n.b�r o� potentiall�- vola�ile issue� tr�at we have not v�C haci am.pl� ��zne to ' � , c���at� �,r t�i� toc�l l�vel. t7�r �.a�y cc��tir���s �o r�ly �r� � level of . s��xt�� °,��� cr°it�ri�� fo� �1� A�t��°���C���s. UI� h��re r�c�g��d �e� litxl� �:��l��atgo� fa�� �,e �rc�pc��ed c��n��s ��.��ir��c� i�. S�ctiora � c�� .'���� �. W� ��,v� �.���� tcaX� �hat Ch� r��e�°�n�e ct� "r��io�.a� ���f��iaes�� �n Ii�.� 556 ��oa�l�. ��ply� t� �ll����� a�r�� Wi�s�rzwiZ�� l��ads i�z c�us c���a�xr��ty�, b€�t vy� ��v� �s�t ���x�. �ny s�a�t �� z�aa� l��elin� �.�s� �� „r������1 f�.�i�ati��o" '���� ��� a� ��L�S F/E'° z��li�� t� �s triat �a�ic gn c��� ciz�°cc�i�� Qn ��s� a°o��� ��1� �� �a���itt�d tca coa�.� t� � ������t� ���.�dstil� d�.�°i�� ��� tv�oa�c��� p��i���o �'�i� �ill c�rt�r�ly �.� � ��� � �� ��°����� ��t���.t��� �.��.�s c�f �����r�atior�, pr��i��c� �k��t �.�� 6 �����s of �a.�as� ���r�.�.��� ����� �i��� �t����.t� r��.€�� �h.a� ��.�.bl� �h.�m to ava�� �ia� ����i�c��k.. �Qo�e�✓��°, �✓� �z°� cQ�xc��n�c� �a�, �vi�ac�ut cor�sid+�rab�� ��.biic i�ftar��.ti�� �.x�d cieb�te, �� ��.k�lic r�a�tion ta t�.is provisiora alor�� ��uld c��r�il t�� 2���i �la�r�i�x� p�ocess. 7. Y�l� i: �c�rn 1��c� P�� u�°es. L�ne 602 re��r� �o "��c�r��ations." �'his s��uld �� char���d t� "��ccepti��s" �� ox�d�r fca� �t �� cox��c��°rr� �vzt� tYx� r�rr��zxd�z° 9f t�e te�c� E�.�., �i��s 1�0 �.a�d 2��)0 Tka�k �ou fo� �k�� opgortuni�y tca corr�xr����. VVe a�o�� tY��.t ��s� - c��.xr��nts az°e ��el�fu� t� vo� �n.d tY�at tl�e�- �vill ca�at�i��.�� �� irr�proweci �Ia�a�ir�� fo�° t�e re�zcano If yorx o� ���.�r. s���� ha�� �.�zy° c���s��o�s a�ca�t �y of rh� tk�in�s f�clud�e� �i���, �l��s� ���a ��°�e to �ca��ac'� m�. S��c�reiy, . �' � �a-..�-�"'..�.°`�----��,.�,��_ �����'2�.Y1 �S�`l�i'OO�C, �CF Pl�.�.�-ii�.� D�r�ctc�g° 4 c� � � • � �c: Arler�e Lo�l�, City I�Ianage� � hti�p Burton, �,�ecu�ive �fficer � Pa�si�.i�� t�f�ic�� I�v�sta� arac� �oa�nciT rrlem��cs � I�i��c�r ��.rri�rzei ���� �Jilsa��i�l� City Coun�ii�rs � ��� Pl�a��z�z°�� �ornrr�isszt�z�e�s � � � � FF2I�`1:CQRlJfk.L18 ODFW T0� 593 797 1799 FKiY �4� 1996 ^r�S9F'f•t P.QlA � $ e�, • a.a.. ..vmv .�.�r . p�y,} �a.i.rypa � �oarf�p.+ � iuro ���� �d O;IA � '6.e . A,� FlOM y/ �_p �� !'1.1�� �o�q i'YP�.� • , � �Y Loulm pq,y..�'4� D 3ekp!mr�.+re Fmtt� lObp'afe g y�� � ❑Qoceor �ReN.m u Car br P�4 (g D't'i laL4�e.e Cve p��'��t � .- ---�. ...�s .I � �������n �°��l���i�� ��a����� � � �r�gp��hM���� ' P Cs. �:�72� � Gorv�llis,dregon 9733� Wl�y 29, l�S�a - - �t"m . �9ty ���nSssianer Cirarlie Hales MPA� Chair �JG l��t�o 6ro�tth Manageoient Serv�ces 600 NE Grsnd PQw�l�s�d, �R 97232 • pear C�s�mis�9�raer Hales; I a� L�� �t�r�°�nt Presiden4 of the tlregnn Chapt�r� af �he 4Uaerican Fisheries Soci�2y whlcSe r��presenCs about 55v pro��ssion�l fi�4��ry and ayuatic sci�ntis�s. �e a�eques2 that you �.dopt� the l�nguage 9f� Title 3 af the Urban ��^rsaC6� Manage�+�nt Funr.41cna1 P]�h as dev�lop�d by t�e ,�o9nt I�RPAC (lJater R�sour��s P��lacy 6�dvisory Committee) and MTAC (i�e'tro Techn�ca1 Advisary C�rran9ttse}e �nd �he specigic ]anguage st�ppart�d by tf�e Caalition for A Liv�ble �ut€tre a�d Audubon Society o£ Port7and. R�t�ntiar� �f Lhe la�g�aye �n T{tle 3 �s are isnp�rta�st s4.ep fc�r pro�e�ting t�ater quality, for� 2haughtful manag€m�nt of �iaaoaplains, and ��rr fish and w�1�11fe habitatc protection in th�e Por2land r��trapoll4an �rea. Ia� nur pr°ofessiao�a�' judgernent as 5Cien21545e a�'tians such �s tP�e Urb�� Growtir M�nagem�n2 Fcsnctiorsal 3�1a� and T1t.le 3 are of �m��rtar�ce �ar ttie pra�e�tian and resE�rr�tiQn of �ish res��srces and fish ha�itat, Urban ar�as Cantr9bu�e ta �he loss �f sdetland and ripar�an �abitats in Lh� stata, and rrill h�ve an 3ncr�asingiy larger effect in the f�Lur� becaus� af ths �ate of popuiaLion s�rot�th and the consequences of such graw�th. Du� to the9r heavy impact on Zhe �neir�anm��4., ur�ban areas �eer1 �o take ti�e lead in la:�d us� �1ac�nin$ whi�cEr t�in9�nizes Lhat lmpact. As � planni�g �ger�cy, 'P9etro can ma�age l�nd ease as a toal 'to infiuence �he �mpac� of graoath nnd urban life an �h� envirdnment. Urba� develapment and its effect on fish ��bitat will have a large in�luenee san LbQ �urr��nt effarts Lo �onserac �nc� re�tare fishery �esaurces fn th�e reglon. A air�ft ��port t� kakional M�Yi�e Fish�ries Sprvi�� �ecartdnends sEmilar� ievels of prot4ctiac� for f�rest �n� rrunt'orest (ur�an, agrieultureo range) ��ncJs t�at have salmonid strea�es. 6ec�use sal�ronid p�puia.29ons Y.ha.t �r� of �r�a� soci�l, cu1kura;, �nci �c�nom9e imp�rt�nc� r�iy a�n s'�r�ams in 2h� �rban �r�as, i4 is 4ncun�ben4 0� the paann9ng agencies to ree�gn9ze th� ' can�rfbutio» af stre�ms in th� ��aan �nvf�°an�nent ta fiis� resaurces in the stat� and t� t�9�� �easu�es �o prof�ct f9sh habt��t. �:�fectx fro� sievelop�renfi. mccur not ��ly in 4�he imnediai� ar�a but contribut� to �he cumul�tfve �rater qua�ity doeanstream �fi the urban areas. The recent flooding h�s iliustrated Ll�� imp�rtance of protecting wetland �abitat and riparian dreas. Limitirog or e�i�lgating the imp�,ct on these areas from development will not, anly provide benefits for fish and rsildtife, but will also have important �conomic benQflts by reducing property damage #'ron floods. PR�d���URIoL 1 S Q�W TLt: a�� 7J"t i'�94 WIFIY 29 P 1'396 '7�3'3r�M �'.� . • , a W� f��1 �ha� p�^op�r piar�nir�g �ar�d �a�°1y a�t��� ��� �cnp���an� steps �oa�a�ds q����c���n �f f���d�Tia�r�s, v�nt��°s�a�d�� asod ��sh ��d as�ld��fe h�bi��t �r�� �ha�. �'it�� � pl�,�s �n �mpurt��� ���� '�l�a���P1�P!'�9i�1 ��°f���i����i. � �'�a�nk y�u g�� �h� �p�a�tr�►iity �� ��asa�ent �n�i f`�r �oa�s��e�°�r�g �ur r�c nd�tlanso �� �� h�ve ��t i��ad th� t1�� �o ��v��� �ve�y el��nent �f 71�1� 3, o�� a�i]� �����d� ��ii�ar �dd��i�a�ai coon���ts iat�r ��is ���mew�. P��ase ���i • : fe�� t� ��ra���� r� i� ya� �a�,v� �n� q�a�sti��s. ' • � 5����a°�� � � ; � ���� i ��A k ���;°��d��, ���s�9���k ; f�r �h� ���c�a���e � ����� ! ���-7��w7�Z7 . � s�h�o�dk��s�s.����,��� . . • i i + f • f i i � ' � : � � , • � ; �a � � aa� �.a i"�`Y°� � 1�c 1� �FtC�'i:�C�t�t.C!-bAf�LI� H�L.�S 7�:5�3 7�7 i��i �d�:� � «, ' � P'�,� ��I '�e 1�:�i 0°°.tdle4db �tJ� C��' ����� ��` F���T � � ����P�e�l�t���v�ar�s�� ' �6�� `T�. ��pg�Pli� k�l�l� �P��m ���� ��1��� . p� �°�g @ 8°��a H�Ue�� 19 F'�'E���cf �b''"�.°&�'��B �9�9��9�W5�0@ �� 4 16@� a� �d67��� f � �ti�1� �� b�h����t9���a���� ��l�f��f �����d �d ��09��1���4�� �o��fiti�n ��r � L�v��i� ����'� �9ffi���� ������� �r��r���3������� ������g ���u�tc� �cg� y4Ur��16 �aap���f�a��'3t@� � ��.ng��g� �hfi�� h�s b��� ��� ��a Ita y��b������� S�7'��� i�V� ri�,�e�� h�1d����P��,� �a��ti�tp�c�#���1� �a�d hA1f'A�a b�tfi� �f a�rhi� � �'� t���tD�r, �� ��t� 1ang��g��vhs`�h l���pp����� ��f�� ��tir� �04�? �r�r�t�O ������� ��a��ti�rc�l F�i��, �rhil� �1Ef ��l���ir�� pr�t����n ta 46��i� r������� �� �r� ������ tr� p�r,t��thr����"�4�9��. 9 ���rrr���t�,h� �r��� ���t yt�� �����°�Y tt��T'�6� 3 � l����e th�7 h� b���t ���a� fr�s� ���#�t�ffi�'� �°�'�� m���t��. �'������9� �� �� • . �������� x�y� t�r i� �t� �$ �9�-�A21 a�� �m�a� �te f��c��e��t�l���,�� i� ��t� h��� . �� ���Q�ar��. • i ���i �� ���F►� ��� 2�h i���,�4�� �It�t �il�g������� �1��t� p����t ���� d�t�il� �re����� �t t��t tie��. ' � � � �ic�� ��l�� ' ���� b�����c , � . . . � . . � �� � � � � c� � � � � � � .. :�i5t 1�'�+V C:u��a�l1 Ru;a�l� Purtla�t�,C��s�a� Ayal�9 :�Q�J2�Z-G�S; p�t s4�/��2�b��� � ► �'l.J�'1.19.7�1�1 ��'w.+�br� �.r" ���J.�rL`°1d°�1� Iraspiring pe�pte ao lAVC arad praeere nature. . �1����� �h�ir �h�rli����9e� �nd �C��� �ammit��� ����� �� t��� �r�r�d F'�rt��ead, C�R �7�32 ���� �h�ir �I���s �r�� MPA� �rs�mptt�� �i��b���, 1 �r°r� �r���ntir�g 4�sti�aca�y �caday c�n b�hait �f �h� At�d�ab�� �s�co�ty cs� �artl��id �r�� c�ur �Irr7c��t �3,�3�Q m�rr�b�r� v�h� ����d� tt�roughca�t 4h� �'��ti�nd rr��grc��lit�n r��ic�n. VV'hil� rr�y ��rrar��t�t� ��dl fwcu� �p�cif�c�ily �r� �°�ti� 3 �af th� Crt�w�i� �an�ge��n4 ��gic���l �'r����v�rk �9�.r�, 0 arra �I� r��dr���n�ir�g ��� a� ����ndi�� ��r°rib�r �f ��� i,��Iiti�� 3=car P� �i��t�l� �=ut�r�. �as ��ch, 9 ar�°� �I� ��s��ra �u�pc�r°t t�� �ta�iition'� ����irr�c�r�y r�g�.o�dgr�g ��.6r �ha�� a�fic�rdab9� hou�ing, tr�.n�pcart�ti�r� ��:��ar� an� c�th��°T`itl�� �rhi�h y�� �iii �ar��►d�r t�i� ���r�ing. �PJt76le there are s����fis� �+t�y� ir� whiGh 'Title � cc�i��d b� �tr��gth���d, r�y r���rnm�o�d�fiiwn t� yo� i� t� ��p�t th� l�r�g��g� a� it �ur��r�tly app��r�. i �at c�n bcath th� MT��. �.�d Wf�PAG �nrr�m3���� �n� hav� be�n pr��ee�� �t r��rrs�r��s �e�ri��� �a# �h°s� ���c�u���. Tt�e �no�t r�c�t�� rt�ur�� c�i di�ct���i�r�� inva9v�d �ww� ���ti�g� �fi �jc�in� ia`��3���lt4�'i��� �u���r��ni��� v�+�i�h �c�c������1 �����s rai�ed by t���� rr���6a�r�, �fit�� ' ��ach �d'1mA� h�d ��o�h�r �p�or���i�� ta rr��ke �har�ges, whict� ih�y ded. `�a±i� 3 h�� b��� r�f�n�d in+ith a fit�� tc�ath�d ��r��� ��d, �� r�� ��ir�o�n, r�pr���n�� �ni�irr��! pr�visi�ns ta pratec# and m�nag� ���r Yh� Eang t�rm wl�at v�� r�f�r t� �� gh� r�gi�r�'� {�r���fr���ruct�sr�. � �a��er th�s� ic��+���r� ���ifi�p l4���by lir�� ��rr�m�n�s �an Ti�l� 3, B thir�h 'st ���lc� be ��r� pr�d��g��� to ���p b�ck ��d r��iew w�y �°i�l� � a,pp��r� in th� lJrban �rr��h �i�r��g�rre�nt, Ph��� i c�t th� F��ian�9 �r�r��r�➢�r� Pl�tn. ,�� yQ� ar� �.��r�, t(�� °� ��i�r��l �ra��wor� �la� i�t� b� �vrif��n �s�i�og th� Gr��vth �r����t; F��t�r� ��i�r� � ������r��, �r��rth �an��pt, ar�� F��gian�l Urh�n �r�v�th ��af� ar�d t�b����iv�s �. � �&���GC�'�g. `�"itl� � i� �a�ta--an ir�t�r�B p�.�t��_�f �. 2��p p�cka�� that i� i�t�r�d�� t� � 'sr�t�gr�t� f�►�d us� ��d transp�rtatic�n p1�nr�ir�g �it� �th�r gr�w#h rn�r��g�rr���t ���E�. � �c�r your �r�i�arre��tic��,, �h� ��Il�a�v°sr�g ar� �x��rpts �rc�� �h��� �arlier d�ci�i�r� d��t�rry��t� � whi�h pro�id� �h� p�ei�y b��9� f�r �h��� ! °fitl� � (���€����: �a � � �ut�re �isicn: C7�r �I��� sits at �f�� ronfiu�nce �f gre�� rivers---fh� G�Eur�bia, Lewi�, ��r�d� �nc� th� 5151 1`T�ti'Comell Road, Aorclan�i,Oregon 47210 503/29.2-6855 FAX SQ3/292-1q21 PrenttAon rm-tJtd paprr. I b . y , �!illar�e�Y� ��d at� 4ri��t�rg��---wh6ch domin�t� ��� ��r�d�ap�, W�: o i/�lu� ths� �t�r��eEVat�on �nd pr•���rva#ir�r� o� r�atural ��d h's�tc�rie lar�ds��p��. c� �i�lu� a ii9� �9a�� ta na�ur� ir�c�rparat�� i� #�� t�rban I�nds��.pe. � ��j�� �, La�� in i����r��-�Ir� ��5 Y�i� ��gi�n �� r�ca�r�iz�d �� a �raiqu� ���y��rn, �r�c�w� �o�r��� in��90�g�n4 is�feg��ti�n r�g �rb�rs 'dr�d r�;�! de��lopm�r�t �� ew'sde�c�ci b�: 1. 9��r�v�d �6r ��d �v�4�� q�a�la�y, �.r�d i�c��a��d bi��e�r�r�'ty �. �iab��r�s �f �r��n �rer��i�g Gr�e��p�c�� �r�d ��rks wi�hin w�i�i�q di�t�r�c� �t ���r,y h����h�ld 3. A �I��� at�d ��p��rtiv� i°�l��i�n�hs� a�,�n� r��t�ar�! r���ar��s, 6��d��p�, �h� bt�ilt �r�e�ir�nr��nt, �r�d th� ���ar,arny �f th� r�gion; ��d �. �����r�d ��o�ys��ms �r�t����d fis�cn ��t�r� d�gr�d�#i�n �,r�d d��lira�. T'h� �ut�r� ��io� doc�m�r�t �[��lir�es �pe�ific ��ti�r�� t� �chi��r� th� ���ir�ti�n� ii�t�d �b��e. Th��� incit�r��d: +� M�r��g� w�t�rs��d�tc� �r�4�cto r�st�reo �r�d �nan���th� i����rit�a ea� ��r��m�, �nreti��c��, �r��i tlr��dpl�.in� and th�ir multipi� b�t�iogic�l, ph��i��R �n� ����i �a0u�� � �r��te �.n irrt�r�a������c1 mos�i� af �rb�n �sar��t t� �d��pr��d fa�n� r�s���°ati�n �nd r�d�v�lc�pr��nt r�u�� pr�c�d� �.ny f�at�r� car���r�i�n �� l�.r�� t� �rt��r� ����. n Value th�� q��lity �� r��t�r�l r���r��� �nc� th� f�n����� �+iFh o���r v�ri��l�� `���� �s�e�sir�g the ��st� anci b�n�fit� �f n�v� d�velopment �i""h� �t�t�r� �simn dc���ment �h�� €�tatii�ed �rh�t indi��t�►r� woc�ld �� o���d ta �e��r�i�e �vh�th�r th��� a�#ican� hav� ��er� ������sf�l. �'f���� ir�di��tei� �iii i��lud�: °fh� r�tarnb�r saf civer� �nd sxre�s�� tha4 r�e�4 en�tream fl�w r���ds d�rirag th� ��ar�m�r � mar�t��; numb�r �9 wat�r bodi�s that �°s��t st�t� a�ad 9ed�rai i�atream w�t�r q��.���y � � � �t��d�rds; r�ur��r�r �►g rev�r� �nd ��r��m� ir� a ��g�raded �ar�dit��n whi�fi ���a� ���6�� � r��Y�r�tit�n �f�ort� u�d�r way; n�t Ic����r ��in flf av�tfands �c���ar�d ta ���4 ��rv��r; � � r��rnb�r �f �p�ci�� c�f plants �nd �n6r��l�, �a�d fh�ir distri��ti�r� �c�r�p�r�d with ���� � ��r��y; ��r��r���g� p� �p�i�4ior� livi�g a�i�►�in � �����r t�i6� caf t�th � ���i�hbe�r�t�c�� � ��rk ar�e� � r�a��ral �r��/�r��n�p���; �a�mb�r �fi w�t�r�heds r��.��c��d #c�r ���i�i��� � v�i��s; i1Ui?1�3�1" �� t��j�� t�l�� ��"D�' f�t�I�CI I�a 3P1 �S7fi"I�II�.�1C� Wf��l �°��$� �t�C� $�5��'i'�I aIP � Q�ality ��d vi�ibglity star�d�rds. RlJGGO'S, �o�l I! Urb�n Form (��tura! �nviranm�nt): �r����ar��i�r�, ��� �nd �r����i��ti�� �� �h� ��t�r�,l ���ir���r�ent t�� �t�� r�gi�� si�e��Bd �ra�iar�tai� �nd �nh�nc� envir�n��n4�! qaa�ii�y �►hif� �4rivEr�g fcar �t���rd�hep a�d , �ar���r���ic�� �f � brea�d r�r�g� of n��t�r�l ����r���. �?bj��tiv� 12: �d�r��er�� ��� ��r����s��n8 s�f �r�t�� r���r��� �hr�t�9d be ���r�`s���� or� . �rd�r t� Er�pr�v� �,�� q��alit� ��d ��a��a�� ���fa�i�r�t €��aan�et� af �u�ac� w���r a�d � i�1'�Ui�c�iRd���i' �i��i1��e{� '�C� $�U t°�6�C1. . � 6Vie#r� v�sill d���iop � l���-��r°s� ��gi�r�a! strat��g�t�r ���p�e��n�iv� �rat�r r��tar�e� rr�an�g���t��, cr��t�d in �aart��r�hip �e�� th�jtsr0�dic�t�oras a�d ��e����� �h�rg�i w��h plar�r�ing ��d r��r��go�g �o�t�r r���ur��� ��d �qu���c; h�bitats. 'Th� r�gi���i �ttr���gy �9��U...: . 1 e ���a�.�� ����r�h�d�Rc� prca����, r��4��� ��� ����r�tc� t�� r�t�ti��s� ����t pr�cti�a�le th� a�t�e�e�ty �# �����m�, e���f�r�d� �an� fl�oc�pl�i��, a�� t��ir s��it'spi� �ic�6ogic�9, �hysi��.l ��� �oci�i val�es; �. �c��ply �rith �f�t� �r�d ��d���.! �r���r ����i�� r���air�r��r�f�,. �. i�rc,rr���� ��6�i-�bJe�t'sve rn��i�g�m�r�� �f #h� r��i��'� ��t�r�h�� 4c� th� ��€rr��arr� ����t �r���i�a�l�, �nd �. ���tat�r��� th� t�s� c��.t��f��og�u�� r�lya►�+� oe� ���u��9 ������s�� fc� �d�r���f9a�o� �t�ntrs�(, s4arr� vvat�r r�aar����rr���t, ���orm�iBy high wir�Y�r �nd I�w �umm�r �tr��,� �6��� �n� �onpcaint pol9��ic�r� ��d���ic�r�. t� P'lar��ing��,�tivi�ies d� achi�v� the �b�ve shall: � °i. �d�r��`sfy fih� ��sfi�Ar� ���c�r�� r������ �nd ��rr�in� ���a��i�s�s �f �h� r�geca� far ���ir�r��t�d b�r�e#i�'s�� �s�� a� �e�t�r r����rc�� �rhi�k� r�c�sg��z�� t�� m�l���i� v�1►�e� o� rur�l �,�d r��b�n �v���r�h���. . �. �iranifa� regie�r��! v�r�#c�r qu�4ity �r�d q��ntit� �r�r�d� vi����vi� b�r��fi�ial t��� �t�r��ard� �da���� b�r f�d�r�l, st�t�, r�gi��aE ��d #���� g�v�rnr��r��� i�r �p�Gific v��#�r r��sur��� ir�pr��t�r�t #� th� r�gi��, and c�s� the r���Bfs�c� �h�ng� �vat�r �I�rrone�g ��t�oritie� t� a��c��pii�h �rat�:��h�d m�r��g�m��it, �. 4�t��r�i� �r�ac� �nd r�r�6 ��t�r�l��d ��r����m�r�� i� �aordanati�� �r6�h lc��ai w�fi�r � ° ���lity �g�r��i��. a � �. ���I�at� th� c��t-��ffie�tiv�r���� �+f ����rr���i�� �raY�r r���r�� r����g��n�n� $ pr���ic��, i��ludir�� �n�s�rrvat's�r�. 8 � �. �res�rv�, ��stare, �r�ai� and enhan�� w�;i�r badies t� ��ir�t�in th�ir b�n�ti�i�i �s��. , e . 6. iJtilize public ��dlor pri�rat� �artn�r�hip� t� pr�m�te m�lti-�a�j�rtiv� man���r�ner�t, �d�c�tio� �n�l st��ardshop �f the r�gi�r�'fs wat�r�h��5. �bj�tis+� 1�: �V�t���l �r�as, ��rk�, Fi�h �rad,�9dbif� �i�bit�t Suf���i�r�t o���e �pac� ic� th� t�rb�n r�g°sran ���II b� �cquer�d, �r �th�;�wi�� ps��t��F��, . ��� rr��r��g�d�4� p���'sd� r�a��n�bf� ��d �c�r����ai��� ����s� tc� �i�e� t�r pa��i�� �r�� ��$��� ��f���i�il. e4f� ���Cl ��3G� S�/���f'�f ���3�b@� (J$ �����I('9��1� C9�' �P'1��91�6i1� 87��63�� w's�dii�� �a��9 pi�r�# p�p�Eatie�n� ��rauld b� e�tabl��l��d. ° a� ����tafi�bi� t�r�t�t� �e�� ��tti�g �side��r��ir� ��o�a�4� a�rod �yp�� �f op�ro �p�c� ��alE b� �d��4�fied � �rridor ���t�r��: �°N� r�gi���6 �9a€��i�� pr�c��� ���il b� ���d �� ���rc�i���� th� d���l��rrr��r�t a� a�t�r�c�r�a�����d r��r��8i���i �r�d �iBdlif� �dr��ds�r� ��th�� �h� ��tropoif��n r��i�r�: � �. P� r�gior�-vui�� sy�tert� �f traif� �hould b� d�v�9�p�d �a I's��t p�t�li� �ns� pr�va4� �p�r� ����� r���ur��� �i�hir� ��°�d b�Yw�en juri�di��io��. �. � ��gi��9wid� �y�t�� afi linked sic��ifi��n� �vildli�� ��.�ii�ts �hau6� b� c������ped. : `��i� ������ �i�c��id b� pr���rved, r��t�r�d �vh�r� �,p@r��ri�:t�, ar�� r�anag�d f� r��ir�t�i� t�� ���4or�'s bi�di�r�r�it�. �. ,4 Vwf'sli�r��tt� �iver ����nw�y �'lara ior �h� r�g��� �hould be im�l��n�nted b�r fh�turr� �f $h� ���t�r�'. F'I�.r�r�i�� �ctivitf�� �� �.�h€�v� Yhe �bov�: 1. I��CI�f'fj� �i'��� �llfl��ll�1 ��lE', f��lfltl i�1�"!�f� ���P� ��?��� G��:�IC��I��l�� ��i�� P�C�ilt�, �T '�lQI DP� �h� f�t�r�, �'s��� �dca�:�d I�r�� �s� ps�n� �r�d c�rc��h tr�r�r��, ar�si a�t�ta rn��� �l���� fut�r� r���d�. T�rg�t acr+��g� �h��ld b� d���lop�c� �ar n�i��bc�nc�sc�c�, c���tur�it� ar�d r�gi�n�l �ark� �� w�ll a� 4or oth�r typ�� a� op�n spa�t� in order t� ���� ��c�� ���d� wiiil� �harir�� r����an�6bilit� fi�r meetira� r��trc��calit�r� c���n �p�ce �'�m����. 2. ��velap mtaiti-juri��9R�tic�na{ tools fc�r pl�nni�� �nd financing �re� prc�t��ti�n ��d� rraairat�r��nc� e�f c�p�r� �pa�� �esourc��. ��rti��la� �ffie��io� wiil b� p�id ta �a��� t�� B�.n� ��� pB�.��ir�g �yst�r� ��d p�rmi�kirig pr���ss ar�d �o th� p��sib9� d���9���a�r�t of a. � @��cl�b���ki�r� ��st�m. . � � �. �ndu�t a d�t�.il�ei bac�l�c�ical field ir�v��tory �f �h� r�giat� #� ����bli�h �r� ����r�t� � �aa��iir�� �� �+�t's�� �viid(i�� ��d plant ���a�ia�tee�n�. °�arg�t p�p�@�,�Q�� ���l� ft�r ���ti�� � sp��i�s wi�i b� ��t��0i���d �hr��agh � p�bPi� prc��Qs� �h�c� �ili ir�clud� �n �n���.���� t�f � �r�bi��t �i�dus��ry to �€��t�in n�tiv� �c�,��latac�n� aY targ�t l�u�l�. � � �. �'h� ��fi+�r�l �.r�as, R�rks �nd a��� sp��� id�ntifi�d nr� th� Car�v+�th �����p� �1�p sh�s�uld b� ��quir�d, except in ��tr�ordir��r3r �ircumst�r7�es, ir�m v��liiny ��li�r� �r�d b� • �a rer�o��d f�c�� ar+y r�ginna! ind�r�t�ri�s crf bus9dabl� I�r�d. 5. �opul�ti�n� c�� r��ti�� pl�n�� �r�� �r�ir��i� wolf b� ir�v�r�t�ri�d, cstdli�sng 4�ols s�a�h �� €�e9�fro's �I a �t�d Park� and tar��n�p�ces g�r�gr��a, t�r��r�r� Natural �I�rit�g� [7�tabas�, �r�gan's �aAP A��I�+si� P�ogr�m and �ther r�ie��r�t pr�gr�r��, to ��v�lc�g� �tra��i�s to rre��ntaan 4h� �'�c�i�r�'� bi�div�r�i#y. 6. l,l�ilizing �4r�t�g's�s �hoch �re i��luded in �r�gt�n ��p�s�tr���� �4 �i�h arrod �Bd�ii�'� �. �Idiif� L3iv�rsit� Prc�gr�r� �nd �r�rkir�y with �tat� �,r�� #ed���! �i�h �n� �ildla�� . ��rsorar��l, �i�v�lcrp � ��r����y�n m�int�i� f€�� �egi�n'� biadiv�rs��y. F�n�fl�r, I �o�id lik� tt� r�f�r t� ��� r��fi�'s�i�� �i lnfr��tru�tt��� whi�h w�� in��r�ac�r�t�d ��t� the RtJ�G�°s d�finiti�a�i �c���ias�. T�� r�goona! definititsrt �f i�fir�s��u�t�re is r�c��v: B�fr���rucfur�:�iaa�l�, w�fer�,��fi�rr��, ��wa,ge�,��r�rrase �y�fer�� f€�r�P��rr� �r��n�g�, �ir�c����, tr�n��ar���iarr t��iliti��, ��rk�, �ch�aal�, ara��u�li� �'��ilifi�� �����ca�r�d t� �ie�p��t fh� tur�c�ic��ain� �� �i�� �'�v�io��ci�a�rtiar�� caf th� �r��eirorrr�enf. ����s o��h� �r�r���e9o��� parr'ivn��f�h��r�viront�en��u�h ���fc���l�i�a�. ri��ri�n �r��' ���i�nr�zo�res, .a�'�un�w�fer r�charcl� �r��c�r�ch�r�e �r��� and Gr��ra����es th��t ��'�vec�� importan� ft�n�tior`�.s r'�f�P�d t� rrr��irtfi�ir�ir�c� Yh� �e�x�n'S �ir'�nd vv�f���u�li��. r��'c�c� th� ne�d fwr�rtfr�struc�t�r� �x��ns�s�r�d ccara�ribut� f�a th� r��ic�r�'s���fii�c�f lif� �ur�d�ri9r��d ����s�n ta I�ighfig#�t tt�� �����#�astru�t�re elem�r�t). �iy re�sc�n for outlinir�g th� �5c�v� i�f�rm�tion i� �o p�int out�h�� th� F�3���� 8 ���ic�r�a! F��.mewnrk F'lar�, �"i�l� 3 4ar�g��ge is neither c�u4sid� �f�� s�op� �f �h��t �E�tro �ns� the l���P j��risc�icti�r�� h��e �,greed t� includ� in th� €��r�bcar�al �r�r�n�ewc�rk �I�r� �or � p�rfii�t�l�rly �mbi�ious fsrst �3�p. 4��rly impl�m�nt�fiic�n of T'itle 3, �iod��i�h�t�gh it rroay b�, i� crucial ta the �arly irr�ptemer�tati�r� �f t�e Gr���rth Con�ep�. �c��xr��ry to �r,c�r��n�n ����mpti�� an 4�� ��rt of �cam�, �h�: n��r� fsar�'R#9� � is �ot r����t�d by c��r r�cer�tly p����d �135.6 m�lliar� b��d mea��are ta �cq�er� C�r����p��es �4 bn4h �h� r��io��l �n� Ic�cal l�vels. �� yc�u �an ��� fr��+ �P�,� RUG�J'� ar�d �r�� readiny the �r�ens�aces Mast�r Pfan, acquisi�ion is a sm�N part ofi Yhe r��ior�a� �#r�t�qy tc� p�otecfi th� r�gion's Greer�frastructur�. 6V1�tro ��c� i4s re�ios�a! p��tn�rs have, wi��ly I fihink, f���as�d ir�m�di�te ��tenfi�� � �n �hose issues �vhi��� can act�alfy be ir�pl�m�nted in �h� she�� �erm: � F3�m�v�6 c�f #io�dp8�ir��, w�tl�.nd�, fload pr�n� ��al�, �te�� �lapes ��d �tr�am �c�rradQr�-pabs��:t 15,�00 �cr��--grcam the b�iid�bl� I�nd� ir�v�n4sry. r� �oc��i�� on ��r��m cc�rrid�rs, v��t�a.r�d� �r�d fE�c�dpl�s��---'sr� th� shc��d��r�--��� �hr,s� �r�as 46��� h�v� �he gr��t��� �at�r��ia! to �r�dr�s�tt�� r�gior�'s fl��dir�g ��r� e��t�r q��lit� i�>u��. This �tr�t��y r�cogr�iz�s Yh� dispr�po�tion�Y� ��i�� caf �q��ti� �co�y�t�nls far their multip!e ualues. a Establishing an eighteen �nonth ti�� fra�� f�ar dev�lopment t�f a consist�nt, regi��- a , . � . , . �id� �t��@ 5 pr�gr�r� th�t ���r�;�� ������ not irecl�sd�d 6� T"i4B� 3. . Tf�� an9�cav��t t� �ur�up�art #�r'Tstl� 3 a� it i���rre�tEy�ira�f�d ��th�� it r�pr������ c�nP�th� �i��t s��� 9� ��dr��sin� �bj�ti��� �f ��� Fc�#�r� Vi�i�� d��ur��r�t, F��f���'�, �r�d �h� �r��ih �Qn��g��. A grc��t d��.l �t�r� ��9a ���d �a 3�� ��,�c6t�d�ei �� Yh� R�g9c�raai �r����c�r�c F�i�r� �� �s��qu�f�iy �ddr��� ���gi���B bic�div�r�i4y, �t�rnpr���r���v� water��ed mae�����i�nt, r�i�rr��i �a��r ��p��� ��d �oc���rrvat'sc��, BC!'li�I�������9�i� 6�1� �etr�'s �r��r���a��s M��t�r P[�r� �nd �th�r�r���r��i n��ural r����rc� 6�����. J�st a� . w� t���e p�s�i�spat�d ��ti��Py �n th� �i�v�lcapr��n$ ��th� ��rly i�pi����tata�� �tr�t�g6�� ���di�d is� T'�tle �, th� ,�ude���t �o�i�ty �f P�rti�r�d wrill be i�t�c�l�� 6n , . �n�tarir�� �Pi �l�r��r�2� �� th� ��s��r� ��ic,r�, �rov�h �����p� �r�d RI��G�°��re i��l�c��� i� �h� ��gi��a9 ���rr���c�rk �l�n. . �������oy. � � , � . r�;�� ����� u�b��, ��t�«�;�� � , � , � � , ��2)��� � '1`esti�o�y be�forc�tl��,�OflCfll ID4?IiL'j�I�i(.�'�I151Y�C�I�11�1illec c��� '3'r������r�atic��� arac&�h� n P�€t�op�liean �'�licy Advasory�o�r�itte� , �- -� � . Re���ark�4�ld�r,B�s.ycl�7 r�s�a�r�.�tio���iance � 0�liil��ro�th rates ma.y l�deb�ted tlie fact th��t������i��'� ��pul�tic�c�����r����ot. w��tceae�s e����as�a� s ���sa�,an8e�ss��aarcwffid� It 4s cnicial t��t�r�t�k�t��l�r��v'sew. �E',Il��.lS� BJ�t��1 ���€'.��C$()f()�@I'�C$ItJ�S O� T�7C��`.11$S �eee�ae�����,�;a��e � • �!�C�IlS �1'��3 1�1 ��2�y��'��f�. 1�I��s��q�ait� lit�ra�ly at th��'�rk i� th�r��d. �li�( �e�t���s� to liv���re�l���y tc��th�r, tr���l b�c��1�s9 a�c�c�rg��:���u�li�r�s�ad���i��bar��a�l���� �r c����c�t�t�a��to��il� �ome� �vitla lar�e lots,rely r��t�e���ar�abil�,��d shop ac n��l1s and work in c��i���arlt�? °I1�er��°�ex�t���s a��'�th f�r�s to e�r��ir�e hef€�re�we�a�ake�aur dec�sions. '�"���arst c�oic� is rep�eser�t�d hy kiollarzd, w��re clt�es�r�cr��pa��, cv�Y�ing a�d bicycl�r�g���ased fc�r th� r��jority�Ctrips,�d 1'�ia�d��d�►��e�spaces are preser��etd ar�d�ccee:�sible. In ad�itiaa�P HQldazzd's�ccs��oz�y� t�n�of t➢Y��ec-on�est ir� tlle�c�r�cl�vl�ile x€s pop�l�ti�n e�e�asi�y appr��ir�ates eha� of��.n�ladesl�, Ur�f�rtaanately,the��zmples of th�at�����path--c���i��i�� ���st }�ractices—�r� ��t s��lZ��r►�. It is tl.�e pa�� piQrsued�ay-most r��jc�r�rr�a�ri��n c�t��s a�d p� �i�s �e�l ta decayin�;��er e�ties �d��d�r��b�arbs,stru�;lir�g sch�als,l�s� �f:�aar�Ia�°��a�� g��ee�,paces, u��ea�t��y air, �t�llap5��econc�r�ies�nd greai dispariti�s b�tw���af�i�ea�t � . suk�ua���ites a.��i irrr�a��rish�d�i�y d�,��l��rs. L��troit, Cl�ica�;a, Los ���les, �uf�al�, ��c. '���l�ile tli�s pa�r�y� may s�Prrt s��k aA�c!al��rnist, th� tre�d towar�zh�1��2�r�a��i� alr��y ap�ar�nt in t�tis r��iony �s sho�� by t�e ���sear��� ��RP�r�s�nt�tive!��°o� C�r��ld,�;hi�� r�an}°�f y�ou are f�milia�•�t�.. '��Jho wcl��d 9i�ve prec�icted forty years ag�l��t G�esl�arrt's �op�alatior�wouid ia���ase��r�fact���f 20? TI�e ces��lt�af M�tro's a� travel be��vsor sr��✓ey s�o�s tl�at��kno������a b��ld �ora�m�nities wh�re wal��.r��ac�d cg�cling wc�rk, I�t a�eas �f the r��ia�t with gc�d p�destri� a.�d bicyclin�env�r�nments--whicl�rr��ans havi�g�c��d f�zc�llti�,s�d ca��e�ai��t acees� �a w�lere oz�e�ant� to gt�-�aa�kirtg�.�d bicy�l�r��a�e ��ed for mor�than�0�Qf��rip�. Contrast ghis t�ar�as b�i�� up ����r the past 30 ye�����t� se,�r�g�te�l�d���, � �lisc�nne�ted str�e�sys�.e�rts�d very loev de�sity h�r�sit��v�h�ce the aut�r�€�b���as �s�d�a� � 90% c�f��ips. � , � Re�earc�� �as�}��� t�ac th�re ar�two fact�cs �ece�sary for sigr�ificar�t �a���f�i�ycll��ar�d � '� w�lking. N�qt�iC�' IS �tP�9C1��1t �?��it�elf. � 6?�. �ox�o�z � 6�as��►..a�ezr,C,Sra��ora ��,�.07.���z �irst ar�c!faremost is a�rban forr� �o�ciueive t.o��a�kin� an� bieyc9i��. Use of tl�ese ma�l�� �.����L �re I�bg�a �;•d�en c�ev�lopmes�� i� cor�p�ct and las�d�ses are mi�ed. l'et, w�°�tPYC�ut ap�rnpri�t� 6TAbQIM�VT��9 PAWT.CClM �acilitics, i.c.,�ide«�e�lks anci bike��a}js, ��c�ple �ti��Il be a�raut� to ica��c the g��fc�y�f t���ic�ars. j '""""�:Y�4m��.`°"°' `�'e can se�e tl�is �nost clearl}�in bicyc(�ng rat�s: Con��llis i���s � ti�ncs �ile cate of bir.y�le aas�as � •HOtVC �re�,s of samilar i�rb�n �orn� ar�c�c�errsity i�1 f'c�rtlanc9, t�ecause �0°ri, �f its �irceriais�nc�cc�ll�ctors �o�s��6�c►��� xwx �4a�/���-Os8�9 � h�v��iic�cle l�cs. �till, �ven z�ithout �dequate bicycle faciliti�s, tN�e innec c��sir�� r�ca,�h�aorl��ocls mf Portlarscl (za�c.a th��e tirnes hieycle usa�e (anci w�ll�a�g} fc�cs�d er� ty���e� s��b���l�a���l�v�lc�p�i€:r�t�. � �}�s�otild�����e abc���t[�i�cyc�an��n�w�k�s�g% I�irst�f�l�, ���s th�t�r��ood�'�r bi�y��r�� �,nc�wa�kir���ee ��sc�ci:���st cl�sira�l�areas�s�t��e���io�t���v��»d shop. �'Jit�e�s�.he incr�clible draw of N�'✓��,rd, Ri�er�l�ce�d S�I�aw�hort�e. The��are r��ional att�cti�r�s � b�c��e yoii ca����t�r b�ke to�ml�lticud��f d��tir��t�o�s,��er�si����sid�w�k�afe�nd n�t be ass�ul��d by�t�� nc�isc� �r�d stir�k�f Ar�c. �r�a�si����c�i�t�e.�e are�l�c�t�� . r��c�n. '�� �;���t�p��s 0oi�d�rtd�i��r. � S�c�r�d,�n�b�i�����p➢e �o switc�� t��ra��in����bi��i��e�c�i�c�s��ie te��er��.��d��x�a�td ����ab1i�reso�ar�es, air qtaa�ity�a�c�l�ra�of a��.t�tar�e�e��.ent tr����rt�t�on sy�t��. �� c�'��`fc�rd t}��alte�n�tive anc�s�eitl�er cat� tl�e reside�ats of lhis r��ic�n. '!�'e t���sti.r���.�.5 that��rrcir��axld�pera.ti�g �n aut�m�bile c�st� be����n �25a0 aa�d ���60 ����a��. . �€��r��u�e�ake ti�i�sl�ifi? ' '�,����111�7}�a�0�(lI1�T [�lf'�a€'j`�tttl�?��fl"l��tlR��.g01� ��a5l�C�S �O�k �f��ai2S0C��Ti�1�,d.��il��lt. 'Y���•�e �itie� address �i�e isssies ( lrav� r��ecl: . Ti�1e 1. �Io�xp�nsion Uf�he �arP�ar�gr�wth ���a�dary. Rez�r�e t�e���i�r��e red����€�p�rr►et�! a�d infitl ie� cc�r�pact, �u.ed t�s��an�t�r. Ti€le 2. Redi�ce tl�e��no�ir�i c��'l�pl��cl iglvest���lt in parking. This ��ees ��Ia�cl�c�r d�v�lapment�s ��efl � allo�•s cie5ti�ations t�b� c��ser coge�t�er, making�,��king a.�d I�i�j�c�ing �or� �nab�e r�lte�nati���s. T�c��6. I�tipro��� accessi�ilit}�b}'��C]`�"li`It1�, C�91i1�'C��C�, ir�cai str�et ���etvti��r�cs �rith �hs�r� k�l�cks. L'pdatie let�e( of sere�ice�ta�ae�ac�s �o al�oc�-a m�re b�lai�c?c�a.�proacia t�ccar��es�i�n. �.���h roacl desigr� t�3�d�ases wf��t���sur�€��high q��dty J��d�st�ia.ri �d b��y�l�����r�cic�, '�'h.e�3ieycie Trar�spc�rt�tio�AIl��rac��r���ye�u �o�dc,pt th�s��neasures, �, � � � � � � � � � � rnsa�•_.��a.�,� �.a�� a� :�-� c�cc��.-w x��.s�c��co �����a����� �e �� ' , � � � � � ' . � � ��fi��....��{� �����J F�.�,��g�.,�����! iQ01 �t���aselia�e � HQltsta4ro,�� � �Z�23 • WL�sn 6�5-66�C� � Ci�Pe�t Assist�race 6•4$-n8zg • Fez C�3-4175• M�� 29, ��9� ii�r, �h�r9i� �i���s, ���ir � t��tr� ��ii��Ad�i��r� �or�r�i�te� 60� �. �. �r��d Av�. P��kB�r��, C�� �72�2 ��° Ur��� �a°��h ��r��g���n� F���ti���l �i�� ���� ��ar�ir�e��ie�r��r F�al�� �nd M��b�r� ��i��'.��. �Y� �pqr��i�t� t�� ����rtt��i�r �� ���t�m�r�� �r� ���� t�rb�r� Gr��4� �a��g�m�r�t ����ti�nai P6�� �r�� �ppr�cs��� �iI �h� �ff�rt� �y i�P�� ���ards th� ����0�����t ��d ar�pl�m�nt����r� caf th� ���rc� 2p4fi� �l�r���r�c� �r����. �c�rv�r���ity ���i�r� �rg�ni���io� i� ��sa��i��liy ir��alv�� with �h� ����s ���h� ���r��ir����ly 4Q,a00 ��o�or����ily di�a���r���ged per�or�s ��� r�sad� irs 41f��h�ng��r� �vur��y. A m�st ��°sti��l iss�� far�his ��pui�ti��, i� th� �v�ii�bilGt� �fi ��c�rda�l� h��a��n�. ���s�s ���� ri��� �r��ipitau��� �v�r t�� 9��t d���d�, 11���r��y r�t�s g� th� �f�c�r��b1� ���#�r �f�h� h��a�i�°eg �raar�efi �r� ��ir���r� p-2°I�. 'The V'���hi�g��n ���n�r �-3€�����g Ac�4h�ri�y w�e�ang 9i�#s �r� curr�nt9��rorr� t�v� @� thre� y�ar�. � 1�fi� �rg� �PA� �Q di����ly �d�r��s th� i��u� �f a�ford�bl� h���ing in �h� �'���ti���l . � Paan �s c�pp�se�d t� 1���'sn� thi� issu� f�r � later step sr� th� pl�r�nin� pro���. � � ��th th� �it� �t`����d�r��rt ��d '�l�shingt�� C��s�ty h���� dEspl�y�d i�#����t 'sn ,�aa ir��lu�ia��ry��a�bng �� � ��m��oi� �r��9 p�t�rati�lly pali�i�2�1�y a���p�abl� a��hi�l� f�r � �d�r����r�g �ffr�e�9�t�1� ho�si�g �mn��rns, ��fih Yl����jc�ri�d4cgi�ns ��� tB�� ��� ea�'�'i��rd � �r� ���rting to eng�c�� 8r� ce�r�°��r��ti�r�s ����t � v�riety o�o�h�r t��is ���bi�bie t� "s prarnc�t� �ffiord�bl� h��sirag d�vel�prr���t. � B��a�d of Due�•lrr� Rr�ur•rnl,atiir Chucl�Ca,rF�enler !�ia��r Hoh Drak�� � C�mmi�sinner Andc Du)•c!: �E gtur�a�rl Eir�.inann �3 1is�or Gordon Fuhrr R Jrff Fish Cua�ialu�u�Fli�rc� W Nolly Granl e CoumilHOtn,�n nurlrnr G�'err� a Cind) Hii�l � �9a}or Ct�lt Hurlvo�:�. 9 �hi�lrt Hulfm�in• Clinrinue Kon•ia J��hn A�•II� e �1.�na L��rc�l�� • S,+ml� �4iUu a �i���r L���q�,lrn s Pri<cilla O�u�rn • F:.ilnna Pir61e ! Di�l. P��m o �hrrn Ru�inirm _ .... „ _ ,. , �, ., r.. ,.. r�....,,.. �..r�i,,,.,\.,. �A 4 1'�,u��i�(i�� Aanncv ��Yae�2�^^�d3�. &i1�9� f�,;'�,'� "6dCG`.�l;C't.�'3i L i:.4..�l�Li�'i� �•��6�1'8�i,7..� $�'�4l+� " �" .,:, ' ,E: � ' ' • • . , , f�r. �h�rG� 1-��ke�, Ch��P . ��y�go �!��� , . P��� �°�� � V�� ���i��� that �PAC h�s � �o�iq�� p�r�p���m�� ��d � as�eq�� �p��a�aar��t��� r�s���M� , ��u���g ���rd�bi��ty ����� ��a� �� i�e ar���rai ��r���'��� r�p����0 g���h d���t�. �� �@�������� f���►s���°���s�� ��� �a��a�����4���. �s�� �t�, . a �� �� � . ��c��L��fi��k ����i�g �er���a� ° � ���� . O'I��PC°r�PPC��/C&'I��C'f � � � � � � ---d � � � e � C C3 f� �. I �J � F C� �t .e� L, Y 'V' � � �' LJ T � P� � ,,�r �„,�� �•• a�t � �pY ? � 1�9� r� �� r����r � ��x �r���; r��y z�.,�.��� °I"a�a ��� I���re� ���a��r �id����r� Ca�rn�yt&�� � '' . �he Tvietro �'ec�a�i�al .��i�iso�y �aa���tt�� �. ��o�a ��,� �����in� C��►�f��e� ��o .A�faa°�a�l� �ou�f�� i���ac� ��a {�} f�� XJr��� �xa��t� I�Iana������ ��.s�c4n��x�� �1� �nd fb) �� �3��ir��2'�'e��� .A�a�ys�s �i�����ao�Dr��t �9�l1� iTl�iil�5 �T� �'L1C2�3S1?Gi C��S�l].)?l�i� �i1�: �ud�.I'ti�tl �u'a ai i,iT�uui� �tdZtdl'��j �i��l'C�C3I1 Q11 key affcar�la�ble hausin� iss�aes fa�ir�.� o�r gegis��. �T� i� a �sou� a��4 rn��a-�r�a �����.i��tiar� w�rl-.in� to �n.scue �n eqYa.i�abl�, �ffors�able �xad ���t�.inabl� f�x�� ��� �k�� I�artlanci regian. ' �a� Ynerx�os �+�er� ciraft�d by �he ca-chair of C:L�'s ��,.ff�xdab�� ��oa�in� �ax�Ca�� �ratzp �mr.i wrere dis±pik�ut�c�. tu ���aral �lected of�i�ials �r�d g�vernmea�t�i s���E xra�zxt�sers �ox r�vi�:w pr�or t� adt�ption t�y t.�e ftall Ccaalikion. �ir�ce t�2� t?�� pt�sa�acsn staiea�enfs have been acia�sted by the Coali�.ox� �nd �re now� �ffx�ial �I..� �ali��. �Ze fir�t mem.a �antaizls spec�fic propcs�ed c��n�e� to �'hase I of tl-��e .�I' (r��w kalo�ra� �s th� �Ja���n �ro�vt�. I�Iana�ement Functianal I'lan) as przn�e�. c��. .t��xil 16, 1��5. �°i�e secc►a�d znenr�o i� a r�sp�n�� tc� the �-�a�zsi�� I'���ds .P�naly�si� �is��xssaaxZ T�r��'t ��"qT.�.) c�a�ed March 1996. T�re� �nain �oints hi���zgh� wh.y th� :E�T� s���a1d nc�t ��co�� tk�� fqcu� o.f the deba�P ab�u� ��ow i�a �c�dress �1o��in� �ff�rc�ability: � 10 The model upan dvhich �h:e �T�4. i� ����c� �'aoes not address �� r�ar afforc�able i�ou�ib�g need� of lavv an� anod�ra�e i�eoinz �eap.le; 2, 'T'he xnQdel does n�t ad�ress fair sh.a.re �c.�als; 3. �'i�e sno��l z� n.c�f ��srrtnl�� enc�u,gh �o �x�laiat �r su�gest �voa�kt�b1� �����iox�s ��r the �ffa�rci�ble h�u�iz�� prc�k�I��n �a�ing the re�zon. . �f y��a lza�e ques�aor�s c�r res�a��.ses �le�s� �.zr��t ��zn t� T�ask�a �rr�r�n, c�r-�taa�� c�f the �fox�alabl� F-�ousin� iNc�r�cing Grou�, �t 23�-4553, og �t� T,�ck ���tic�, �T.� I'ra�x�sri ��orc�in�tor, at 497-1000. T.�ar�k you fc�r your time and considerafiion in reviewing th� �r�clt�s�d :�nateri�l. 534 Southw�t IhircJ Avenue,Suite 300 Ponland,Oregon 97204 ph: Sa3 497-]Q00 fz:503 223-OOi3 zackgfriends.org � . .. A.. . .. . . . .. . . ... . . . . ' ' . . . .._ . . . . } . � � , ��y�'��.g��9 '�"�; IbiQt�aa Cqus�ci�csr� �.r�d �taff,aeBC�a�th���z�t�r�s��d p�s�i�� . :c.��� �'��li� �a�rm��, ���li�ie�a� ���� I,pva�Zl� ��ttxr� �'�: A,£��x�ab�e �o�sing g��u�s a��t��°°�Ia�.snra� �I�eds �.��lysi� ����e,a.ssx�n ���fto d���d ����I� �99Cm �� th� ��-ch�nr°off��a�Affcs�cl�k�l�I-���ts��ag V�J�r�im��raup�a�th��o�fli�i�n$'cs�� Li��bl� T;axt���, I w►oulc� l�c� �ca ��r���� t���etr� �o��r�xi �ra�staf�fox�a�a�luc��� �ga:�.�ti�l ' a: �t��lys�s c�f���asg����f�rd�bifli�y ara �he �ausing 1�J���s�,.��py�YS�¢�isc�x�s��a� �ra�t c��t�� M�r�h 1�9� (�-�df�.)e I I"���%�E'. $}i�t ��'i� flT1�CI'�iSi()Id CD�a�.��C)Y'f'�d�'97.�9f� �S� N�F'Ia�l�4�J'�� ��9� r�c�anire���s�ata�te fc��t�tis l��d.--suppl�y o�i�r�ted documerit, �n� Yt is l�ear�e�ara��o se� R��krn t�&Cir�g thi� initi�l step to��x�d� �x�rx�.i��.in.�t4ie ��ssi�l� ��fec�� of�he �stc����.in� . �roa�rth forec��ted �'or our r�gie�n ora houszra�afEoa•da'�i4ity. I art�t e�t�cea°r��d that �he �IT�1A a�ot be�v�e the fo��.�s �Y th� d�bate ��out �ow to �dctre�s ht�a�sin� a�foa•d�i�il'aty. '�'he F-��1A�ro�a��s ��rax�e a��e�ul iaafor�tation and a �t�r�ir���la�e for th�d�b�.t�e �rvLtrZd wkaat�p�ro�ches �va�I �� ne���ci'ta pres�rve ��ford�b�e housi��� � �s part af ou�°livabl�f�st�re. �t s us�f�zl��s� as B�a�ated, hodv��ez�, f�r t�� re��orts. F�r�s�, becaus� ik as �r�iti�ely f�cusecl on t.he issue of i��tcf supply, t�e ana�ysis ifi pa��s�r�ts is �v��r 1'arnited cc�fn�ar�d �o ail a�f the po�sx�I� f�ctors ���xt cc�ul� ��fect �o�zsir�g cost. ��c�r�d, b�cau�e it is � �aum�r�cal�na�ysis geapl� a�� Iikely �a �p�r�d a lot of ti��e �c���sed on �vheth�r or r�ot th� nuz�ttaers �x�� �.Qrrect. lz� �he encl, i� p�o�ably do�sn't raa�tt�a�� lot �vhet�iex x Qr y ���ayrt�er of�partrrt���s rentimg fo� u�red�a��;300/�zionth�aa�t ex.�st �za�dex th� 2040 sc_e�a�ao;it is clear �h���kh�r� is, ��c� w�i ca�yti.r�u� �o be, � ��ri��xs ��far��bl� l�c�a.asir�g prc�blem if c�rr�a�#regaon�l �rc�z�r�� �rayectia�s�ire ����iz.�do Th�s, a��a� ��e ��u�.y ��ia�ts��fi rra�o�� �°Ie��iy is �he r�ePa tc� lm�k b�y�nd �h� e�.p�nsiax�c�a°r�strae�iasra�f ti�e ��r�d sLa.p�iy �c�A�ather k�sols fc� �d�x�s� t���ffar�tabz.l��y iss��. I� ��th�se��ols f�i�� sh��ld be t�� ffoc�.ts of ciisLUSSic��1 at Il��tr� and in local jurisctic��ori�. �'hat s�a�, Bt is sf�� ia���rta�t t� �s�dexs��nd �alh�t car�t�a�a�tiot�s t�ae k�NA car� an�k��o our un�P�rs�an�£iaag of t�e afi`ord��le �ausiz�g sssue. ��aa��e �i�hla�hts o��t�� study "I'�i�.t P���d te� �e I�ax��f ff��li� IJisc�ss�ior� � �r�d�r f�7e 20�0 seen�rio, 31,500 uriits �ou�� r�quare su�sidies in ord�r to }�rev�z�t t}�e �����z�t�ge oE people ���}�►a� ar� p�yi�g inc�r�.ir�ate percentag�s of the�r�co�e for housin� and�or Iiwing i�t insuf#ici�nt c�r us�s��� hou5ing frorx: iricr�as�. '�'his �i���arra�s�t�at r�o ne�v��blic polic.�y ts��ls� (beg�ans���cmeasiirag subsid�es) �.re i�ra�l��en��d to a�dress a�faxda�i�ity fls��:a�s. Tasha�--Isu�mon J 802 SE 27th Avenue, Pc�rtl�nd,�r�gon Q7214 n (503)239-1949 � Fa,o:23?-0781 1, ' e * � �'� , 7 , � Y�1�w Ilouse� are �e�u�� ��rger gh�r� c�id oe��s (�g. 11�. k-Ibuse size is s�ror���y rrelat�d to a�'(�rc���silit��., . � lr��:c�r��es for 1QeM a�d �r�der�z� xn��r��e ��o��i� �are nr�t ��.p��cted t� zise av�r the�Q �k�s�T �.°►��'6C�Ca !H3 PLc�J f�S"i"5"I� ��OOt71Cf�£�'�, �.�go 12.}. ��t1�51It��CRC�'S�PE L}'.�1����c� �c� ri��. , I-��r�c� �h��ff�r�rd�b�li.y ��p �l[1 �r�er�a�e. � ���era the stu�iy'��s��x���Zt�c�r�t��t��Oi�,O�Q A� $�� t�2Ti3�AR'p'lUFi'1 �/a�3�L �� �RlY4Y��t ��°d'�//r��� �uP�li��ss c��e ba�g��e��n�n �����'s z�z�xk�t,4�Jo c��t�� ����c�n's sga��le ���ra�gr }a��s�h�ic�a �axe➢g��n� ���az��s �h�� #he rrr�a�k+�t r�°�fli no tom�er sazpply. Ca���a �S&A'I°�g��l°�5S1.2YTt�3�IlCl%tS, 40 �o �f fih� ��fl��g�a������-���aal�r r��t�l ��c��k (730000 e�rr���s} r�a�t tor t�ss thar� t�e �e�ts t��� ���°k.�g �rill sugpd� art a��er� �.��ts. S��ce����xra�� £csr lo� ��� r�cs�.r��t� izic�z�e ��api� ��°�mat e�F��t�d to �se ov�r th� ���d� ��r�sad t$�i� ra�us� lead fc��or� p�c�ple p�y�r�� �aor� fesn c���sing. �'��ee �ey I����s 1) `T"h�e 1Vdo€iel I?�es 1'�0��dcSz���s T'he 1���1 .A,.�f�ssc�a�te ���asi�g l�I�eds �f�.c��r ar�d �c�cierate Irscdme I��op��: The sin�le most important fhing #� ur�d�r��arld a���at #}te �NF�. is tl��at th� �nal -- the �'yl�£Il °° O� $�l� lYl(�(�i'I Y5 t�'t2 5��ft..15 t�U(3. �1c��i 15, ghe sE�ad� fare�as�s v�hat needs �n �e �toi�e to h���e the p�z•c�nt�;e of �e��f� p�yin� �noi°e t}��n i� ���as�raablez fox ht���in���t � Ar���e�se o���r t�e st�cly period froyx; i�,�h�t xt c�zrren�l�� is. Th� s�ud}�, t�er�faxe, �oes not � �•elage g� �ny of the c���aer �urrent �tar��ing effor�s ar9ur�d af€c�rd�ble housin�;, �ll oE �vh��h �:�� fc�c�zs�d oz� �agc�ring out wh�f the �a.a�rer�� �nc� �arop�e��d r�e�d fo����`�a��b�� �o�s�rag is, ar�d h��w ta rr�ee� that need 3 Z'h� I-�1�1� concl�ades t���t �arader t�e 2040 �ceraar�c� a��1,50� �a�aits �^✓er�sa�t�sidi�ee� eavdr tk�e �ieA# 20 y�ars the percerttage of pe�ple payia�� m�re f�.a� i� �easor��1�I� fQr ho�zsa�� �✓ouid not incr��sE. This �ear�s #hat th� actu�l rBUrs��er c��£a:��ai_iies �:�pe�-ien�ir�� s�rfc��as �a�s�ng �.ffc�rdabil�ty probl�n�s �n;o�xld increase si�nific�ntly. `�T1is is na� a�c�ptablP �ubd�c poli�^y� frc�rr�a the p�rspe�tive �f�ra �z�ovcia�l� h��ssi�a��civ�cate (�r a �°���c�rasib�� �i��i� serv�a�t �P �lee��d offi�i�al}e . �'he repc�rt dQ�s �at st�te �learly ��at �t is �olda�� co�st�r�t the statu� quo. °�ere rocald �e m�ray p�o�afle �vh� �l� laak�t :h� x���a�t �s a����an�s �as�w �d �l�is�k#t��t under �he � �O�l�sc�naxio zf th� �c��ez��nent s�absad�ed 3�,ad0 ut�ti2� ovex�tt�� next 20 years �ur � a- ' � � �°3'fae 5k�dy �y�c�n�a.�e 11 Ehat tE���l�eft up iea�cr�a�i��;��te�epr�sc:�,Es the rcarttiyiuie���n�rr�a�i�. � �o��seho4d ineorr���aad kl���r�wth in assets of tH�h�n�e buyg�¢�;pop�alaf�on. Bu#�he st�ady alscz s�y�,�a� �' fasstnote 9, that kh�staaciy dae�s�c�t�xpect ie�c�srs�es far low aand rs�ac��rate i�cccsrne pe�pie#o r�se irs th��ext � 20 g�ears. Th�rs, tfte oraly��r�clus�on I c�r►�ee�s that l�ve�arld mod�r�te ir�ccsme peaple will pay�n � increasing propo:-rion o�their incanges for hausi�g if the builders don't start buildin�sm�lte;horrres. Pe:haps Netro reecls tc play� role fin encoura�ing khem t�do so. • z The I-IUD standard is that peo�le slyould �ay no mare th�n 30Io�€their incac�-�e for housinfi. 3 See the jurisdictions'Ca�as�olidated P�ans for the errost compr�he�r�sive housir�g r�eeds as�essnner�ts avail�ble. T1sha t-iarmon m 802 SE 27th Avenue, Par�l�nd, Orc�;c�n Q7214 • (503)239-1949 a f�a.�: 239-0781 � , a , �a � ; ' , ��Ec��d�Ral� �a�a��r��p� x� �,�ta�� �� s�rld�ed. It i� c�-i�i��l t. tl��.� pe��a�� tcs ��1�� �ta:�dx�rr��rrtal �A�a.�a�d���t�nr�ar�g. �gse�r� s��st l��s� > �1 "�'hs� M�d�l ��i�s �1c�t�,.ddre�� ��ir �hare ��ats: . �..�t�c�sts about �,�hat kinds (size, d�nsi#�y, �E�'crd�biRi��y) of hausira�r�v�114�e b�ai�t iA1�1�'g� �g�@ ��S�CR 0� X� W�4c�$ �U�'�"�i1YIy �?�lSt5, 2) th�c��nsitie� reflec��d �n the I�f�t�a��0�0 .�, rmap, ��d 3) the,a�r��d u�on empl�yrrt�a�� dis�riba��ican ����m�Ces. k� r�viev�rir��; th� �harts �t the ea�d a��'t��� clo��aaa�en�, it��p��rs �� ane that the distrib�tion aE af�sarc�abl� ha�tr's�a�� ��edi�c�ed ���s�e�t��dr�ss the I�3J��C1s �o�l Yh�t "st���cA��ti a�ac� af�s�r�abp� 1h����g � �v�il�b�e ta h�us�holcis c�f�11��Qme lev�is fh�� .h��/��a an�rr�ber���t�c��?) war�kA�� ar� ea�.h�az�i�s�i��ic�n"� Ix a� �z��i��l �h�t wve b�e�ira taikiz�g now ab�►c�t a�v�����f� S�Rc�TPb� �'YY8��F15 c��CI b��lgl �� b'J.fl1�Ci li 1d'A�� $�'d�'�'iOC3E��1S4� FM� dT� dUlll,�. �o�th�� �°�q�€���, 1� 9�a irnpo�t�n� t�hat ik b� �learly st�ted that ex���ti�,� this �oal is ai�t �a��of�h�.�s�ur������t� �sf , t�a� a�or�e�� � 3) T'�a� I�vAodefl is �c�t CmFn�gQx En�ca�h tc� �xpl�fln �ar Sca����t�������� ,����g���, ��� ��� Afford�ble ���zsi�g Pr�blem F��gng ��a� .���i�,� T�e k-�NA. a�c�d�ls � fairly simple trade off b�t��en Iaa�d costs (as effected by ts�t�i l�rad S�PP��' ��d zO�g) and housing prices. There a�°e many okher factaxs th�t affect hocxsing p�i�e� {consta°�ction casts, infrastrucfc�r� �os�s as ���,resea�t�d by both��rs��r�s �evel�pnnenf �h�r�;es �nd othea•goverru�ent ����en�iitures eequir�d, bu�lc�ira�;�����x�� ��ivg�°onrx�er�tal z°egulations, i��iterest �ates, th� �ize of th� �ocases b�zng b�aalf, e��o�5 ��d rnany �nm�e fhat affect the g�p be�we�n ir,cam�s �r��i housi.ng cosfs (bv�ge l�vels, transp�r�a�ion costs, taA rates, �tc.). For the st�cfd to be at all accurate ir� �rec�i�tir�g �hat �vill hap��en to housing affordabilit�� un�er diiferen� ��rtd s�ag.�pl�y s��narios, the�e ott�er factors h�ve to be considered -- p��iCUl�arly those that are dar��tIy ec��aneLfi�d to land use, �ike�ii�fere�tces i� irtErastruc#uz-e �o�ts if one is building ort new/�urr��agly taa�s�rved �and Y�s. doinb if�fili. The model a�so fails, 1 believe, ko �ccurat���� }:aa-e�ic� t�l� �ff��f� ��r�G��as�s�r� ��t-€� SlY��L7I� OIl �'IOUSI.:tli� �11rIC�S. Oil� It��t� O71I�� Iaok at the I���v Ya��c �ity r�z�arr� axea �o �ee that �n uxzrestricted la�d supply is �ab�s�lukely no �uaraa�te� o¢h:�using affordabili€�. Peopl� iF; that regi�n �c�mzn�ate up to 2 h�urs eac� �ray a�nsl sPi�I pay ouh-ageous housi�t� priees. �'h�saane can be seen �n many ather z�ajor rtaetr�paiit�n �r�a5, T}�� e�Sy l��d/:.heap �o�ts�-���q�atica�i does�►'t alw�ys halci az� t�e r�ai �aa�r�d, Ia� addxtioz�, ��a� affects�f�ciciing si�ficantly smaller agra��.nts �f l�z�� to the in.v�r�tozy th�n i� �ta��Iesi ii2 th� ��sy l�.nd scenario wiL have even ��ss pre����abie �ffec�ts iri �er�s of�oweran� housi.�ag costs. It is i�pc�rt�r�f �ca r�c���s�e t�a�g�r�d°a�Y� 9�a�� to tl�e baxi�dab�e xr��r�r�tor� d�e� �Qt��ato��tac��iy I���g•�oa.�sisi� �e�i�es, �he ���a�zc�nship b��w���I�ns� su�ply a�id housing �ric�s is much �xtore cc�nnplex, and �II �vailabl� eWade�ce �r�c�z�i 45csnny Curidur ar�;e��d �vat4� tr�e on Uur rrteeti��; �ha#the rnur�el as ot�t�ds is�s reasv�able:�ppeaxirn��i��i oE faiz�share as any other 1 �roposed. This is not the case. Even if eve wec•e to�ccept the ar�;um�ent�hat the use of future��nployment p.rojecQions as a basis Eor the mo�el deals adequately with the fair sh�re issue Eor incoming residents(ar�d I do not), the modei �dr��esses neither existing jurisdict�o�ta.l i.nequihi�s nor existing shelCer poverk��. Thus, if this document's 20�0 projectiun is realized we will stili end up,for instance, with rs-sany, many loev-wage earners e�vorking in Lake ps�ve�o ivho c.aruiat affard �o live gh�rs. 55ee ccmments by City Commissioner Charles HaJes in tl��attzth�d art�cle. Tasha Harmon m $02 SE 27th AE�enue, Portiand, Oeegon 97214 • (503)234-1�49 o Fax:239-L1781 . � , e �lsee�vhere ir� th� �o�n�y ����e5t5 �hat k��u���� J�rx��� rrs�qurck[�� rn bcaotra �i�ti��e re��rciless of l���i sup��y, rxnles�.th�er� �r� ����i��� �u�91�c ���i�y �o��s ir� �����ts� ����f�r s����a�i�tiv� ��e�s�a°e.h ���'J� ���� ta� �xp�a�d ��r� LJ��3 �� �rev�n� �� �fff�rdabl� ���as���; �r��n�? �t.16 c�f t�� �rgur�t��ts I �rr►.��kir��, ���� aa�ci gn t�ee r�.c�r�d�t�til�c� ea�it�q�� ��t���°I�.�. �p�aw, l+�ad tc� �he �c�z��lusior� tF-��t �}���t�dy u�d�r cc��n�s ��a� :tcar�eb�r�rf.�ara�t� ���t . ' �ra�u�d }a�ve �� be sazbs�ciix�d a� s��°���°��a s�l�� t�e r�g��a�'s afa�rr�able �a�a�sira�pr�k���a� ��aa��r�k�e 2440 sce���� if�a�vt{ter pttblyc pclf�y ste�rs are tca,��ra t�c�aldt•�ss�ffa�•€��il����sa��so 'I"he f��aci�m�r�t�� F�o���� ��it� �as���tk�s stcady �s � �u�c§e �or ss�i�r�r���h���f����l� ��o�x�g�a� �rasgs is �h�t a����v�s ��rt �f the �quatis�aa �iat� r�a�r�y €af the pa���i����ts�f��3� �a�y ���d �cee��rio �a€��. �ta��a� ��a�ig��csly� �ossls �vk�Aeh �a� b� ��ed �� r��aac� ka����a�� ��s�s ar�d e�ca����;� tl�� c$e��l�spa�e�g o��ra�r� ���si�� ����rd��le t� d�,�� ��� ��aa��.����� i���a�� p�a���e �aa���r �he 2Q�0 sc�r�a�o. " It i� possi�al� that s����, c�re£-�ll� �e���te� �xp�z�sir�ns a��th� tJG�, develap�d �s ��s��a�t, �iAed s�e�c��t�, �i.��e� us�, ��'i�C153$°011`����G� T'1t1���3(3E'}lQ�Qf�S, locat�� ra�ar js�bs, c�uld be � produ�tiv�e p�rt ��th� �tr���e�y for addx�essir�g t�-�e �ffdsc�able ho����� ����i� i�r t��ae re�i�rr. �n����r� �he n�c��5aty c�f s�sc�b �xpaa�sior� is �afi ye€ sup�sc�z�ed �� �h� d�.�a a�v�il�bie. In; ��°e�� waith �r� e��erabundar�c� of ind�strflal �Q��� lart�, t�is kia�e� a�' develo���nt �t�c��ld �� d�s�ae�����ad vn parts ��t�at �ar�d. P�✓I�r�v o�ti�e ��her tc��is #�� �ddr�s��r�� the affc�rsi�ble �o«�izt� e�is�s a� tl�te x�gissaz �Y� a+�dresse� izt th� aytem� mn �h��e I of the Regior�al Fr�me�voa•k P;ar�, �Iso �iated �'��y 9th, 1996. ��raer�l �orm�ra�zat���nd ��ax�a�era�: �Nlc�r� ��t�z��d Ti.����x�s� !e� t�� ��e.�iz�� i��eEis � A�ta�ysis � � 1I1�' S�LiC'�V dS �lc�Y'(� $C? F'��C� �Fts� HA3Tt��T�ta?1C�, �Q P3°�C�S CE� �� C����'��' c���� ��r���a��r f�i�ndly. � a��vv st�ecz�ic �A�Yr►pl�s: 7.> "T'h� ��or�l "c�eynand" z�eeds#o}s� cl�ax�ly �iefinecl. Th� au�h�ars ri�t�e ir� fc������3 th�t dem��c� l�as "�a� ��ex�ble e��f�ruti�n.."��z� �his ���fi�it��r is raot pro�vzci��.. Tl�s i� k��, si.aa.c�, as �h�y r�r���, th�r.��: is a diif�z�ez�c� ��fi€v��n "de�and" �ra� "r��eci". �'�r�� of the ��s�a�af��tot�sir� ta �as� "��marad" �pp�a�rs tca s�e �}�at ��� anodel as�uz��� t�a�t a saga�ifican�pere��t��� oE the pc�pulati�� o�t�e r��ar��z vvail c��.ti.r►►��, �ar�d�s�the 20�0 se�n��i�a, t� "c�emand" icavv-q�a�li�y ������,���uf�aci.�x�t �. � to z�eet t��ir r���ds, �t gxices t�at ar� �oo kugh rel��i�� �a ar�c�arale. � � � � 2} Iv1a�y c�f t�►P ��.arks ar� �gff���it �� read. �i�u�e 1Q, �ra�T�bl� 3��� p�r���t�l��y � prob�egn��ace% � � � • . � � -v.-�-- 6 One example uf such a tu�l i5 the graduated land gains i�x adc�pted 20+year5 a�;u by the�sfate vf 1%errnont. �I l�ave many still un�nsbv�red questions about Table 3 aa�d l�ape to meet�vith Metro staff soon ta g�t ' more of tl�em answered. T�sl�a I-iarcnon • $02 iE 27'th Avenue, Por-tland,Or�or� A7214 • (503)23q-1q4q • �ax:239-0781 , e' ,* . S� 9 � �� ���aa��� �E��a� rra}�fiaans �f t�� �7u�y ��� r�af �1�� tater�. �'hi� rs��kes i� d�ffieult to understa�d or deb�t� the fin�faa�gs. � �'lie ��.]�4 �eanflat�s sir���e Eaa�i�y hmrnes �vi�h harr►���v�ership and r�r�lte farx�il� :�sl�C�[Y1�5 ONi�I7 Y'�'P'��c��S. I �xrac�ersf�a�c� th�t �t �� �rr�possx�le tr���4 ���a�x�t� cc�unts c�f �h� sr��l� f��rai�y z��ea�t�ls ir� th� �egis�n, bcsg c�xa� r���d�e��ly 1��k g�a ��e����r�ta� ��� th�t it is a �igraific�nt s�o�k. In additior�, th� �as� f�vv rn�nt&�� hav��eera a��ab�ta����l ��'�f1Fl� �i� qf��1� �()$11�Q �C0I7��'�'SIOt"@ I"i'4�!'IC�$ tdl �0�'��1Y��. °�l�s �s �i�nAfic�nt b�f� €crr� `�h�t �t t�Yls a�� �b��.at �►cas�fbl� d��sita�s, a�.�, b�c�aa�s� a� wg�l h�v� �he�fff��t��f �fispl�ci�g a si�ni�ca�t ra�ambe�of��x��ra� r�rat�rs s�r����c low�er i�c�r��th�s� tta� �e�� b�ayl��s. lNJt�il� zt m�y �at b� p�ss�pble �cs rnc��l�l #�aes� wariabl�s d�ae tcr ar�s�a�ffi�ie�t c�at�, $he narragiv� she��.l�d �s�dr��s th�rra. . � T"h� �-IT�1.A ��sa���s �h.�t th��� �II be �a�o���sz���d �pra,�l� f��rai�� �����u� �Sx���u��d (}��o ��:), ��d �to ���asi����s� �ac�����a��rs�i'rp �".���Ie �). � ¢�act, t���� �s �i��c�.�2 �ct�vi�I �TZ $�l�fi"6CDIi�7I°CD�Pf u����r b�aildirg�s��isi�iz�d �a��l� ��r��� t�crr�a�s fo��o�h ��r�t�t �nd hazx�eowrtershi� afi this point. �rT�ere Ys �lsc� st�c���pr��s�a�e c�r� ncanF�afits fro�r� th�n�i�hborho�ds �o c���inue to da s�a, p�rti�u��r��r fan c���zt�o�rx��gsJ�i�s. � ?�ae �IVf�. predicts �l�aat �.z�der tt�e �04Q scen�rio }�ma�six�� pxices ��fl� �ise bg� �aaa�� 6% o��A�O.y���•s, s�cx� � p�.rr #o incre�sQ densi�y/snn�l�e�1ats, I �i�.� t�s �c�r��Iz�s���. ' a�at�ik�ly fc�r� nuar�b�r c�f��asc�ns: � . 1) �urrer�t �ates �f}to�sin� sost increases ac� sagaa�ficarr�ly abo�1� 6fo 2) �Zecen� histcar°y f�°�m� baom �zmes in C�li�or�►i� an� �ttt�r ar�a� sti2�ge��s �hat hcsusin� ��ces a��e lik�ly t0 COTifgltl.l.E' �O Y'I5� c�f C1�Sp $i� ��'l�lY'�i1TT�'T1E ���91('� T��f' L��Y' � sig�ifica�ig �eric�d �,���xteo 3) ��;cept i�a ar��� c���x�r�rz�e�y ��n�en�r�t�d �aov�rty (�co��t��ing a strc�n� u�ban �x€�wtl� bc�ur�c���r �h�uld hel� pr�ve�t) r��ts �rarl h�rne �rac�s �r� �a�at�ch r�ra�� elas4i� �a��v�z°� �h�n da�vvn�vard zn high g��v�th si#uata�r�s lik� t�e o�� �r��ict�d. �a.r th� Poz°tl��� re��can, sa �� �ar� �am� lakely to ha�re st�az�� e�u�e�e�v��li�g ����d� t� t�� rapid �nc�-��.s� ��ri�c�s ov�r th� 20 y��ars. �)�'he �1�1�,. �p�e�rs t€� r�iy u�aa� dEpr�ci�tion��Qxis�ing st�ck ta cc�ua���rbalanee the r�p�d�y irzcre�s�ng cos�t c�f nev�� homes. �V� n�P �mt s�ein��pz'rc�s fall an �axg� �esid�x�tial ura.it that is safe to live in, and with a �ovr� �nn�rket, subst��s��rd ���as�� � rc�� l�ts�ly �e b� �e.�t f�r low income p��pde 2� �i�e ��o ��s���r� k�e �x�ar�C�# r�vvill �t�s�r��ly encc�u��ag� th� c�emc�litia�€�r 9.apgr�r�an� �f����i��s�cflc�m�h�t �i�he�r r�a��s/pric�s c�xa b� chargPd. � � °�"1��ass��a}�t�t�sa �f�ep�°����ti�n sx��d �Ea�v� i��ds �� th� a�sumpfie�rt a���'a�l�3 th�t � � sig�i`i�a�t�e�rnb�r�af a��l�i��arr��y uz�its r�r�ti��fr��I��s ��.a��2������#� �,�I g�� � "pro�iuced" (�ri� ��:ist) �at.�o�t ihe �rc���isic�n e�f s�ab��ad���, T��r�� ra�g�� ��,��y���g� I � �r✓�rk�v�#h��e�b�� #c� ��~m�aa�� ����v c�� reh�b@��d �art�ts fa�� �tza� prz�� ����, usBx����� � ��bsidA�s� �a�r��en�ty �vailabl� for r�c�r�-��eciaP r���c�s h�g.a�ira�. Sorcrty �car��or � c�a�a�irrn�c� th�t the x�ac�el }�red'zcts that th�se �ara�#s �+rill bs� ���at�c� h�y t�e � de}�r�ciatio� of existir�g �nits, and that these �aniks �vc�uld alr�os� c�rYaanly be °� substar�daxd, if they �Aist�d at all 'ar� �his r�aarket. 7z�ha I-iarmon � 8�2 SE 2�th�'�venue, Portiand, Qregon 972�4 • (503)239_144� o ��x:7.�9-07���j�� ,....,.,. , ,.,. � �.. . , . ... ... , , b � . � ��er� af�li� ��4�a� ira�r���� ������ae 2Q ye�r ��r��d 'as araly 6%a� R1��9°��T� c�th��' �r€��le�s th�t th�s��a�y dc��s �o� �a�d��ss i�i i��rns rsf the r��1 ir�}��ct ��n ��oNl�. ' 1� ��al �st�te �,�rk�ts ar�vs�l�til� -- �eri��ae�uk str�an� �ublic �o�icies in.saap�art of aff�xcla�al�ha�as��� z�a�y pe��i� vv��l l�s� ���fr hoanes ar�d �aa�u rmor� av�11 . � ��perie�c� ��v��� >��6t�r�c�v�rtv dia�°dn� 4h� �apid p�-i�� ancre�s� ��a�o�s �ik� t�� �r�� w�e �r���xz���.tly ��:�eri��a�i��, evea� if the ov�ral! �rs� Ar� pri��s�rrr���6�y���s is�ot��tr�an�. . 2) �xcep$ir��r��� �f��ca°�rn��y eo�e��at��ted ��v�rry, the pri��� �sf�a�u�ax�� � , �ffc�xc��bi�ta ir�����d �.n�d�r�t� �re���� pec�ple ��r►c��tia i��z���se s�i�r�ifi���#�y f����r t�a��f�ac�aas�����fwx°sk�bfle�a�l� tca ���lt�y p�c�pE�, �m �1��iar�pa�t an l��r ��d �e�de�°�t� a�nco�� faa�aili�s is lik�ly �o t�� dis�r��artao��l, ��r� ���afia��ra�iy e��rs��th�ra��a��v����� p�ace ��af�a����a. 3� ���� �nc�s.rx�s�� �'c��le��v ��d rn.�ci�a°��� ��a�€s�a� �e�s��� �r� :�c►t �gs�x�o 7'�a�����, ge�a f���, ����������xay� �s��,v �acaa�� ����1�. �ss �azzs�s �r��d�i�gc�r��l an�re��� �n ' t1a� �a€�'€�r���Zxlity ��p afi the �a`�;���i. . A,�fcs�°c���ie h�u5in�ad�m��tes ��� p�oduce�s �wr��ld a��re�a��� ar��ppa�ta�ni� �� be ir��s���r�� �ra r�visae�ns to �h� �c,us�n�P�leeds .t�.ss�ssmer�t��d afiher f�t�.re aw�a�k mn ��� �max�aaa� �ssue. �N� are a� a�,s�o ��Aious to h��� �o�rze �ccu���� �a#a��nd ��ec�i��is�xis a�out �e�w t�a� �r��v�t�t�rt�t�a�e���t strate�ies Met�z� as �pr�si��r�g uva���ff�et ho�x�A�g af#c��d��g�it�, ancl �✓� hav�e a��ze���o off�r i�. #er�s �f�x��ri���e i.a� �✓hich �� �ra��a�ci ��� ms��eling. - , I�you ?hav� �ny q�a�staar�s ab��at ti�is a�e��o� �1��se eall rxe� �� ;L39'�553. "�h�t�y�t��. far y�ixa°�:ansAder��aa�a c�k t�a�s� �ssu��. � � t- � � ;� � ca � � � I ' T�sl�a Harrrion m $0�SE 27kh f�venue, P��i�nd,Orepon 97214 • (50,7,)239-1949 � �'nx:Z3�-0781 d + o ..�w..r.va�........ i � TH��UUhlKKF.StS J61dRNAl � PAQE fS ' waaai au.aoee � • � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �' �' �l1g ... � � � � � � I� ` � � as � �g > �lith�.ime prir,�going throt�gh�l�e �a � ro�f, many are blaming Poriland's � � . �Jrbnn GmwTh Bauxid.ary. �u.t�closer � � � irispectit�n reueals other sca.pegoats � � E � , ��aemma�� 5K A HOFtEF1UII-DER residential devel- �scc nr real esuee�gent why Por�land 6ous� iug pe'sce:erc akyrc�ketiag snd yea'll likely hesr a atandaed refrein: the ur'�an s{rar�th d beuadsry. e ry yk an dnvuonmeocalist or ciry planner �d ihsp'!➢blame myt5iag bat Ehs bours6erY• �truth is,ao itudiea 6evx been doce to Co..^umsnt � w9iy 1�iog�iees a1e e.'welatsnE ao feai�d ahat eole , k playal by the la��esible lime eround the tri�wnry are+i � �'` 1 tiwa etcros urtsxn xpnw3.But ctxre'a wa deaying PuRlsnd 6onsiag prices�ee apirelias wo fast ffor a+c mr�a toad. os tlu ed�e." 31s0 kYouseng prices heve doublod in fust aeven ye.an.'�he A aeetpliag o(c�eoflom'seu caid it's eimplistic to¢ingla medimn hemc priee in Nlulmomah.C1uk.amAS r�nd waz6- aut�he bauodery u the sole eulprit m deny the ba+ndary � � � dn�to� eauntiu climbed tmm 564.000 in 198� to ia¢Sx:nr.Thxy aunnii=tbst a variery of fsetorc�re at _ j $118�0�Inst year,eceading[o olu Realtere Multiple i��ot newcocfecx,�aieur devnlopmont�itnndards rad &t20 j Uiatin6 Suvicc. �1 �u�t jq;he p�st yenr or w.PorUnnd t�ecarsc lrss n!ford• a d�Mieeed land wppty caused by tl�o�oundory. ;� nbla tlun Scaule, SecaYSn'.r•no.n,].�Vsges,AOYU[I and Ckiiu tAoorlea alwund: 1 $ni�,x,ewxxding eo e s:ady by eha Neri�nal Real @xtese •WLee�bout th�ae detn equiry bandiu from GliPomia, ggp � �_. � inbzx and E&Y Ksnrteth�ve�thal Real Estate Liro�p.In who wwe the prienc eespeQw�s!or ri�i�t twme eosu�usi f E��4.l�rxtlead tanked nt tAe 27th manbat4�dnble lswu• a few yeara e;oT in6 mu'ket of thc eetion`o 7U Iargcst c+F:ftv etcas. By •�t abou¢iowxr Inirrxtt ra[ss,ahie0 allow people � A �,ti� 1995,Pwdand fell to 23rd tea.ct efJoidable in�he nation. so otlet mnre for a house wi�hout aixllin�out hiSher uco+.wwa v �pbn p.9a'isy„ette,�'Ntxvo em�ocitoe lead'eng tlu a6etrgs monthly paymenu. , How ab�uut higfier dnvelap- to expnad Ne urban�or,�th beafad• mant foes aod micter codes 4or �;a gp y�y2��t��A 7n�o��W�a 9�DY ss�5 µy,�yt the UG8 is the a�lpcic for ��quskc ax[ery, soii ero:ioo ��+ , riaing iand pric�. whieh is ehe �' r.nd reoss draiosgc7 . °majot lpctor°driving up lke sost • aNLwt abnut thc eanswedon ei h�Fne:. �sBor ehoruge eaur.ut by Fon- foh so frxl t9e piach ot hi�t�ee Lnnd p�ieea.euYf�'a�q A�' pArossasettn,a rcsidcmiuf Asve�oper 7' a Icnd'a eomputcr ehip booen" Lolo.na�'.�om'txt er d�to6eatust ui tar4iaa e�'s s� and homebuildcr by tnde.bought e pnd what slwue thus4 Y��PP�� Plnnnina st Pnriland a�ate Un9vafsi4y. ►and !or 5a5.000 w 540�W0 �n !. &itchens and a�har ameniiiet "�hee psvp�e �'6°n w b�lieve thnt tlae bss.�e�ary acre two ycan sgo."Coaipanbla bui7dara mre paning iato nesver w�uld boeoms s biodiar eeavaie4°�aei�rx,`�u��. Iand his gone to S 130,f�4'ao _ ^�M �omes" xieaily apa."uletive bchsvSor."AnY'r�us bneidrn 43f7 F��t xcce; he aays. "lme�iue WIi6f . QG� 71t • ' � �� ,,, eve're going tn !ie paying if we 3 � •Fiaally,how do you meisurc price of SFn4�d thot in tuen drovc up home pnus. �. � thc imp�ct oo hoasin� prices tiomsbaiidus end odius wey dse pcsce ag°x^'� (rctsx tiiis UCiB juft two or thrx when o ciry b�eeomea ao in shat 9rive9 tbe merket.Prica for tl�a eicistu+g hrur�aa�tN°=k yr,ar_fcom naw." ��e tloek here for our quilin• t:nd io(nllov eloael)''aehind. Cheriie Flates, ■ Fortlaad eiry 7 I,nnd Ntict inllatioo is mast scvu ia Wiuhiagron C�n°e�' councilor sn6 Porv�er homebuilders lobbyist,t�ys it'a e of Iife despite our low woaes• "mythology" to bl�me the haundary ior the rcgion't �o�'riC�l��id bc enu h�3owei'if ufie U B went�awsy. �Residr.ot il proparty afon Sehofi p.eny Road mtsld(o� houaing sffa�dability crisis. -da "1�st look ai whet heppeaul in thc last few yern oul IIut hclhinka dbe��m a�ilt��e morep�uu: in thn e�y�er Iater,3timilcr I+ad do�4t�e#a��IQ(a' nur the boundnry and tell me thtt'a r+harc 1he ufYordsble prixs,ond pre�d� F mort��gp.ppp nn ecie.i.0 e e�xeat dse1,7aad In tbe - bcwsiag'a hapguning"Helcs soys."Ilxe atTordsble hous- wminE yean• CaxSs,�de$�aD - ins happ.;ns on in-fill ei�es.Tha ezpensiv�stu1T happeox You tloo'i have lo wxit until t1��M's ze�o supply of l�nA �� •1 i � 1 1 1 1 _.. . .. �.�tt�i�i�����i��R .<-._m<._---_---- - .. NARC}i 29. i99S ��SEE�ad�ESS,��t��iPd�U@i0P�4E� f'RGE 2� � pri�ce iee€I�teo�. � �t50.40t3 S15d3.[3�S —"°'°°°'° °��$oaesat�� geices t� ��rtfland, ,{ust w�� ���2� ������ �� $�t2 �NRii�� ��'���5-�° ��8����6 �60�9� �8i'�G���° ��ses€i�g�c�s��my.w�eald�a���4en ri�- ��aa� ���➢3�t� ���°�OiiV�t�'���� �sa�anya��y,"►��ecs�:u�°�i€,. m CantinueG 4rom page 25 ��t othe� eiti�s w+ith e�p�ei �r�iv�th �$�QQt� . 5320,��'OQ ha�er�'R exge:�denced t�e sasn� pate�r€i as ncigh6or;�oQd sotd for�10�.dQQ�ea ac��. � �o�tlsrad, 6P�augh p�c�asans on boet� sides �n Oreg��t �aty, lar�d r�rice taikes ha�e t��tS58�G�dC�il�Y�F45imi 4L d�f��eF[tt Esii�s bcen less drarnatic,thoo.�gh stigl i�t�a�doa� te�pgove 4h�ir go�snts. bIc=digit range. �ats that cosc �30,�iQ� �9D,000 590.�Oa P�ike �u�anp lVt��a€s �z�ce�ti�e �f�ce�, . threc yoars a�o now Fun sbcaue �8�,000, S�`j'S SEl�6g�+ ����@� li��lOfl'S �1LI�5 1V1�I3 [ Zell says. hBg�r�st �s��sit�g }�rice� h�v� ge�r ca A new i�te�ro stud shows th�ce ace �g61i�1@S OFI g6Q`Vf�1. 1 �bo�at 25,�00 acres of residenti�lly x�n�d S6flA0� �� S60>�UO � �th�rs point fo�,�s Vc�a.s,c�rher�haug� �and left inside th�UGB.But r%i�eh a�ehac i�o �riczs hsv� beer► se��t� desg3cc � ➢aae� is tied up in 1:C�1f1 farrns o� ti�s in �a�,F��eg ;sop�$acbg�a i�a�tux. L�s �e�as tt�rd-ta-bui3d oe un�esirabl�sii�s. ' $3�,On� �r3c�s h�ve b�en ?�ept �a� check b�cause `°Ie's not the percep�3on of �c�rC:ty," 330,006 pR Y' Ndorisseete clai�ns. `°There is 5c�scity:' '�S °87 'S8 '�9 '96 °91 `�J� '33 '94 `95 '8�'87°�8'�9 °90 '�1 '�2'93 '9� '�5 tt;�r�is a�s 6°°'-�'135iflC S!! 1 ' o�ree�v.ous- �����asaa drt a+��t mc�,u�:��nr���to ar.g$I��Te�say5 tvYi8ehel���EJ'.S. ��rePc. Qcegon Title insurar�ce Ct�. has CbT!- �r�inmuittpiafist!na�ervSc�. ���g��o�s�rfy,V4r�eS�6.,pr�set�gs a.�iaater- C�UC��C3 e1I1 2X�Ci151VC a51��'�S!$ �� CCCC4IC Seurcen:Fos�fwa6Aul¢.�plslSsti+�Sxvkee.Aoo!£etsler^.ayGtY. �Oa+rca:MulUi��ilatlr�gSa:�Swe�9�:aAcCeu�P! Iort�9a�ropo�9ta+sPatGnnd.�Dregen �5fi?!�CLDTil�l3SI56X3s �rC28iSC f€}Z�S �POt�l1 �ausir�g trends. �at �.ita., ehe c�smpsny'� . svd�f€�y vuhble ��ly lh�tt6�ag�y adoptin� pr��ide�►t, es[irttates fhe av��ag� �rice t�� ro �ri� tax li�it�tim�, kr�ow� a� �alta� g�'�t'�'�'a-traara�em��t��lie$�s. a e��sv €��usi�sg lot in th�e �rca has Eripled ���ort.P��Ylar�d reYnairas o���f t�ie ct��ap� p- � �g,��s� r�ces�cros�the Caiaam�i�4�iver si�ce fl910, fr�r�z ��,0��to�25.�OPJ. �st hmusang s�a���cts a�sa�g �s��oP c�efes �Fcasur�S,p��ys a�4��i�aca�a¢re�t�. P ��li��a�ria Esuycrs,�]cas�fron�th�sale�f �n�he Wes2 C��sc,�r�g�n�s�ne�ted. �.b�y�r�aii pay aas�re for a h°usz�6eh� ��a�s�a�cardinrcqas$eh��Futei�1�List n� eh�:r hur�es. d'ad speke prices her�, �it� �inc ahe L��� was adop��d afe�r a�°rce �4,OOC! pr��r�y �x loa€� thase � SflHTAB�RE Y � � � snaintsi�as, but he cl:inks tha���as �s��art- g�se in pc�c�s in the Iaee '7as and b�f�re house ��i�ka � ��,4�G s.�l. IVltt�ri�g H10t�. SGtVH���f C�SC�C�O�i[1t�i. }ived ph�nomenon ir, 19�9 ��d 193�e.'i'i�� ��s eaghe-�e�s p�rio� Q� stag�ar�� �asice�o .�nd�r�p��ty�ax sed�c€io�a rnakes it eFs�ag- �n �anYr�st, ps�c�s xhcs€ug an��e eh�n S� �JGB has b���s �ra incr��singly ncscgceabi� s ud'cs��r�fes mr Ge�aad Iv1's�dc��er �roari Y4�C,b�a�s�She�hofl�i�p�ms2s ar�f€������ss t5fff tFa�f Q2 t�ttvAt y�s�, �cc cd'ang co�e _ facios 3is�ce�ro�nd t992,hc���s. � h�w easv�r�n9r��ea� s�gutaEioa�s a�so Etea�tors lYtu�tigl�I.�is�a�g���i��. "Afe�r y�ars of ra�id grasvth, eFEe ���� �,�5���,�� • tend�a driv�a��i t�je casi of�t hoca�e,I�dild- Is��r�ssett�beli�ves��cxa g�"in��c�'salfe bssundary fsccemes cr�ore s'sg�ifcan�," � says Jahn A�Yitchell, rfrief ecQCa�n�isc w6t�r PvSi4dner, recen�ly 3�is�d �y� �Yoeiss�tce to ��re�c�L�c�r tAkeel��ater�a�°sns po��v�aid b���ssnded� che fa�t �he UG� s��eds ccn U.S. �3ank. as�alyae t���r€�s (��d pc���etYS�ns, �ays che � P �f�cia�s at Nlctro, v✓ho car�iroi the €7G� zs one af the"'ar�ajc�r susp�ecES'°be9�iincl �°fi�te��'zn tt;e horr��dg��ItL'skewise�?i�a �+�dt�vesscflsts om$y�i�[tflie sho r�����o UCp�.dosvn��ay the i�npact o€t€��b�und- Pmet3and�S S�IC�It@��3Qi7ct��g pTfiC�5. ary nn �ousing g�rac�s. �ie discouncs th� irn�a�ct af low ie�'s�r�st buiid�r a�ds adv�ns�d securbty syseectas9 •..I.he tand's cheaper,,>�:c savs,"but aft�e �j I� areas and esther f�aEUres �� � n�v� ��ae e�rerythin� gsts rn�sae e�ges�seve.'I'�� ••�`d3�er► acc�untireg �flr ie�tl�tiaca, t�ae cates. Tho�� dropp�d nationaity, ?v:ild�aer p •Y e g' ° ahe�os�of�ca�ian�ti�g . . . pric�of hausing has�ssen 6nly 3.�per�ent n�tes, so ih�t does�'t ���lain �a�hy Pare- home,��at adds�o t�e pri��tmg. cQSt rsa avsra�. in the Ib yeary ch�c the t3GB �as be�n xn ta�d p�ices are rising f�seer t�aa� �Ise- setce,���Cnodvledg s��n-�i�c�&'a� a dd a f�Ec�for�l�c��g��fatmer;�s�o�s r�a e place,'• argued 3s�hn Frcgor�ese, �/Irtr� �srh�:�e. � gro�vt� m�n�gea�en¢ dir�ccor, bn � Ian. � Buc i'�tld�7�C do�s sus���� th� �R3� bustl'srbg economy �end co Fuei &�ousi�g sgr��vl:' - ;�+s' �n :sT; � `y;n-.�„�.s� " _ ::4.•_ -..a� Y 3E„f• ��, � ! o . � �� �g d' � _. .. �.. . -- . �_ �� . . . . .. _ .. . . . . __ .��_ . � v m � _. , ��Y 9, �996 '��� �etro �or�aac��ars a.��. �k��€,ar�d €�ttae�°inte�est�c� �aa�ti�s ����a� �'���� ����a�d ���ta�i�r� £a�r� L'av�ble �utaare r�� .��faxd��le �ousing I��aa�� in I�h��� I �f th� T��gio�.�� �ea�ax���+rork I'���� ' p�r�fec�ran.�p�°il 1�, 19�6 � � �`����a���ia� fnr� �,ivr�bl� �uxt�r��'s .�.,��rs��ble �m,xsing'�Vc���cir�g�r��ap, as rria�t cs� y�t� �a�� a�vare, �as beeaa rao�k.in�with Met�o ��czz��i1 �o in�fle�cl� � fxa���,��°�C �a�� �def�°es��x7�affs�rc��bi� �a�using issa�es �s ��rt a�E#h�20�0 pl�ar�rting��°ma.�s:� �c�r a���� y���r�o�v. �t flS I'E���x�delI'9�tA �@� ,�/�.�$Y't? I�tQ�Vi1"£� �j1��t� $U 1I11�7I�I11�I'lf IY1$�Pfl%B1 g'Yl��s��'�r t��t rnrill rriov� us �rac�re quie�y to�vard.s khe 2040 gaals. l0�uch of�v�iat is �omtainec� in I'hase I, espeeial�y r�(ated fi6 d�r��iYy, anfill, street C:OTtiIE'�Ct1V1�, �Yid ��rkin�, axe im}�ortaa�t �te�s to�vards c�e�t:a�g � rr�arrre li��b1���x��� . for all of us not c�niy in terms of#he quality �f��r neig}�bvr�a�cc�s but�tEuo i� �erarts c�� the �kfordability of o�cr corz���anikie5. IZP.�ldll'3Ii�^"y Iiifl}'III�'dttITl G��I1S1��' i'LC�i.11i'E'Y'��I?t5 IS � �arti�ular�Iy irrt}�ortant ste� t� take as guackl� as }�ossid�l�. I ��r�me�id th�e Itiletro C�ua�cil f�r �his work. I arra c�z�cErned, haw�ver, that these inter±r� m�asur�s do no't adczress housir�,� �ffo�siZ�ila�y �.ir��t�y, �xe�e�t by requi�ing ti��t l�ac�I j�lriscli�tic�x�s "pe.rax��t th� ek��cted c��velopr��ent at de�sities lilc��y to be achieved duran� �5�� plart�lin� p��f�d by the pravate �nar�efr or•assisted l�aresi��g prograrras...°' (l�nes 77-79). �✓Vhzle �his is a� i��or�ant �eq�ir�a�ea��, ir is i�suf�cient. Tl�ere are a�a�.y c��h.�r sfeps t1��� s�iald, ��d 5h�ia1�, be . ��3c� �s parf of�'h�se I ���ove us toe�v�rd5 gs•���er t-�o�x�i�tb af�or�c��bi�it� for� �ide� x�nge �f�eaple ia��ll o£oa�ir c�ara.mu�ties. I �EalizN t��at there is stiil a great deal t�f analysis Yh�at r�eeds t� be don� to id�r�tifr� go�ls �z�d paali�c�es that �nro�tic� rncave tas in a s�ai�s���ial �wa� ���r✓�r�s �hp goal id���i��d y��ka� �U�C90s that "��a��icient��d �f�ordabl� lhausir�g fs av�il�ble �c� hc�us�ho�c�s af�ll igl�t�me Ieweis ih�fi h�ve �r.�.�xx�ber�vorlci�g kn �a�4�juri�cdiction"1 (see �n�� �ez�a �x�#h� iti�usitau� N�E'C�a Ail21I�5FS, also ciated Ie�ay 9t��, 1996). However, t�xis ��kces th� need �e� ��ss �r�ssi��. I�th�re is no additiora�l�a�t��t���iz� the indei-a�x�t rtteas��s �P��t�sk�lo��i� �uris�iietiona to begin to ad�dr�ss hr��nsi.ng afforcfa�ility is��es� w�zvi�i be that ar��t�h fur#he�behia�d in o�r�tte�npts f� �d�ires� th�s� issi.��s �rith�izt the 2440 fr���cy�ic�� �re rr�o�✓� ir�to �'hase �I. l�Iith ho;�si�g praces r�sin� qraicl.�g�ar�d l��d u�e anal �ev�lop��n,t ��i��� be�n� �xiade �ow �h�t �v.�l �k�ap� ��.r�a��uraatie:s fr,r t�� long-ter�, i4 is �ti��l that�urasdaegions irtcludl�affordabi���-y issues iri ��.eir pl�r�z�.ari� and irriplem��tatimn a I would like t�nufr that we ma�y ne�d fu revisit thi�lan�ua�e�t�;ne puint,�ince thece are m�,ny pe�p]e (�lderly, ,peciaf needs,�ingie parents�vith young ch�idren,disabled, etc.)who aze lower income and do not e�ork. The responsiGiliYy for housing these people shoaald alsQ be�pread over the�vhole a�egion througlt a f�ir sizare�Ilocation. T�sha Harmon � 802 SE 27th�venue, Portland,Oregon 97214 p (503)239-�94� � Fax;239�7g1�� � � . . g�roc�ss�s �s sooa� as ��mssi�afe. 7"0 �v�id this assi�e r�e���v �ail� create lar�� crses ir�car�sistent w�tl� lo�g t�r�n �rc���h }.�odirg�. ��rr�� ��Seeafi� �u�g���ioa�s: � ��+t�r'T���� 1,a�c�i�n 3, add a Section, �3�Th��3'& �1$��d "I'rovisia�r� of Affordable �-T�usi��" dha4 1) ��ti��a���es the d�LJGGOs �oal4hat "�a�faicient�rad a�faxdable�aousira� is �av�ala�Y� �o ho�s�hois�s caf�il is�crsrx�e Bev�ls���t�i���� me���r(liv�g or?) �wc��kari� in e�eh j��°isdfl�tio�'° (I°rn r�o� s�ar�� az� c�us�tir�g h�re fa°oa� t}�e��s� �e�cer�f v��sis�n}, . and 2) suggests t�.�t local jurisdict�ons �v�ll be r�s}�c�r�sible for meeting #his, ilmw �t�ll �roacl, g�al, an� dhat Ivletro encatbr�ges #hezn to begi�e �o z�dctress the iss�ae nowa ci�spit� the lae�C of�olid goals. In addition, require juris�ic�ians ta sazbmit a draft doc�ament i�cludim�: 1) a �eeds sta�ement on af�ordable hauszng in their comrn��iti�s, 2} a �zs� Qf th? tac�l� the jur�sdaction already uses to e�cc�urage th� dev�la�rn�nd e�� aff�rdable �ausinQ, 3) an assess�ea�t �f the mo�fi signi�ieant barriers ta afs�rdabie l��ausin��rod�actiraa� t� m�et. the needs identified in their n�ecis���l�si�, �nci �) a� e�vervie�v o€ste}�s t}7ey w'ill take t� �c�dres� �n� ��a��net raeeds id�ntified.� � I��tro would, over thQ next b-12 rr�c�nths, r�eeci �o work on re�s���bl� f�ir. �ta�r� housing g�als 50 #hat you would t�e abl� to evatuate the plans and �ssessmea�ts s�b�i��eci. W �.J�der'I'itl� 1, S��taoa��, �,(�) it 3he��u�d st�fe th�t one o$t�te "amea�.ities ar�ci f�a4ures �r�vi�e by t�� c�e�elQ�er" �hat waa�ir� pern�it �ddi�ic�nal derisity sho�ald b� �, �h� provision of�an4ts �fforciable tc� people at or belc�w 60% of�r.ea zrbecizan i�.co��. �• � (���.a �o�a�d ��i�n�� tt�te perc�s�ta��, lbu�CQ% c�f���FI is wka�# is us�d �or T�x �r�difs} i �'° � � � � �I�te����:'iJ� 7, ��ctz�n 2, �, I have concerns tt�at eox��unitae� t�hat ��ve � s�st�r��tzc��ly ex��ud�d rxi�l�if�r�aily de�elc�prr3er�t�rad �st�er�nd� �;f��fc�r��b�e � � � � � ""� Z Each�ntitlement��mmunity� has to prepare a CunsUlidated Pian �vith znuch af this irafurmatior��n it fvc f-TUI��nyway. 5maller jurisdictions may haere to rely on County d�cumen�s, and may have Iess ir�foe°m�tior�thabz lar�er jurisdictions,but it would at least get them focused on the issue. Also, all jurisdictions have recently filied out a survey kor khe CLF about the toots they are currently using to faciiitate the deveiopmen#oE affordable housing,�o they could submit that data they collected for thaY exercise. 'rasha Harmon � 802 SE 2�kh Avenue, Po�•tlarr�,Ore�oon 5�7214 g (503)23R-19�r9 • F�;:23�-0781 ro � � � ����I��.ar��ra� ��y b��Il��vved to cor�tyx�aa� to �ic� s� �¢nd�r the�e m�as�r�s �anc� it �}-►p��xs tc� �1�o�nr� th�rn 9�ev��y i� ���ey h����� "Sa�bst�nti�� �r�as wh�eh�a�a�re �rgc�z° �oa�m.n4rn�nts #m d�v�lop at d��lsati�� i��oa���s��n� �v�th Ii�fefi���;rov��h tar��ts"��a� aff ,�#h�h�a�esehol�s�r�d �er��pl€ry��nt ��c��v�h al�o��tions �c�nraot be a�c�rr�anod�tes� at t�291St�1�5 �I'�0���1459'95 ��`8E' ITt�3°}t�t �9°assP���d���c��rarpxs ivilE lr��l�baeild��a�°i�� th� ����rt��; p��ic,�". `1"}Y�? �iAI'�f �Nl�� ��fl�IIlliB� g�'lE �5a:Y5�l.it�y �'C9'6R/�� p�t��T%Ill 131�C&Y'��C�.�.���i� that hav�enc�uxage� devel����ae�t or�l�r�e lc�ts ��ad h�v� �a�ilt ���s h�c�usi��th�t�s 7tt��t�f�xttal�, s�-n�l�, ar affa�°d�blea The��ca�ac� iJ����t���°p�°�a�uc�.ve tc� ����a��i�i�l� h�ausi�.� gcsals b�ca�s� �r�w zra��h:se�b�idi��c� (�s�i�ted) ��s�s��a��� l�kely tc� �e b�a�� ��p���� ��xea�d�� s�r��a��al�aa�a�dieta��a�s�xp�art �nd ox� fa�a�d�ra�a it is ��e�x���a� ���at la��l.p��isdi�tA�aas la� �encoaar��ed ����xon�l�r scap��s��� t�t����ff��s���d fi�a ��a�°��a ��r/5��p�caa� �ds�itaoraa� f�ra�aa��sou��es fQr sa�bspciiz�d ����rd�bi� hau���� �ev�ls�pg���t. T�"�.15 ���'t�'dd��€' 1S �1�CL'�y fQ EI3C43ZdT%3�(? $�i�1'd��f) �ad.� Y�12 gb�3�Q5d��. I �� �i��a cs�r�c�r�ed that �his Section ���s fr�r "a reca�axt��r�d��inrt for rvhere t�� �na�co�nmodated �r4�vth coulc� !a� l�e�ted ad�acex►t tQ �,�� �itv �s°�oun�y" l�fforda�sle h��sia�� �l��st al�v�y§ c�,t �mor� ts� �er�re t��an�� pz°c�du�es in pra�er� ���es. di the Ph��e I lan�uag� is �a�r�� to open up #h� pc�ssibilifiy �hat scarrae jurisdictions �vill b� �ske� to �teet the ho�si�t�; neeel� �er��rated by �rn�tr�y�-ra��a� ii1 c�th�r jurisdicti��s, �'Idase I :sh��id ai�o �iscuss a �racess fc�r tr�nsfe�-si�a� �€�t��,ar��� �r�zx� t�e emp��y�er�t an�/o�up�er-end ha�asing-yic� �csrs�rz�ure��ies t�a�t aa°� �tot rn�etir�g their a�fa�-de'�t?�� �1(�L15111� c�Ilt��OI'�1Qs.1StL1� i�GI1S1� �t>c.'1I5 f0 ��'9� �qlXlk�1L1I'1.4Yf�?5 . I'I. �h�t ar� pick.ing =.�� the sl�cic. �t�i�r te�cal4 a�d ap�r�aches t� f�cil���te �he d���1��r�ex���f�Q€��°�iabl����us�n� tkaat I�etxrs ca�ald �ras�ura�e �x�eq�xir�j�.��sdgcti��� t� �nrca��rt��;� as ��.�t��P��.�� I: � L`�a�Y��e aIl builda�Sle (nor�-�nv�rc��am�nt�Il�r se�.��#i�v�, ����°c�pg°i��p��, ����,�) �,�x- Eor���lc�sed �rop��zes to n�np�°c��.� �or��r�a.�,�t��r�s C�r�e�ele��a��ea�� �s�ff�r�da�le housin,� (c�r�s miaQd �:se i�.cluc�ir�g�ffo�d�hi� ho�.t�ir��gz� a�rprc�pri�te zor�es), � Stre�mfline fhe �er�za�tti�� p�aces� gar housing, beir�g alev�Iope� to se�-v� ��a�sle at ��'�S�lc���0%, of area rr�edian ir�corrae; , 6 3�e�raase/ePi�ni��te uz�reas�a�����r��ux���ary b�rr�ac� (i� ��€� �re�s c�f�sa�►r��, s�t- b�c�C��quir�mer��s,, r.��s��ra st�rid�rds fhat �re u�n�c�ssa�ly z�igid, datfic:�l� approval pxc�cesse�, etc.), � 1Z�qraiz�� i,nclusiona�y �c�rii.��ft�����r �i��y�l��rxt�a�t a� firansit ��ar�e��; �. « �Q�s�-ut la��lly cc�ntr�iled €u�td� {C���, �r�a��y ���.erated �y�I� ���a��t�r�ne�at�, � �L'Tl2%�� 1Fl.lfflf� C�DIIc��"So r��l �st�te tr�nsz`�r t�,�t, ��c.) to tl�� r��ve�oprxa�zt�a��' � �Inclusivnary cc�nin�r�quia�es that a s�t per���at��e vf the z�nit;;prc�d�zcecl in a�iv�.�r,r�sidertki�l��c�e��� � °� �ffordable ko peopl�at 4r below a gi�en incorne. Thgre is�me ciiscussion t�k6�sg pl�.c�at khe�t�ff l��r�!�m �, PvrtZand cuerently about vsing�r�c3�asionary �osting res�ulrea�nent5 for prmject�receivfng trazisit-o�eent� � !� �ax�batemenks. The fundamental raHonale g�thak 1) tl�e value af the Ias�d on�vhich the kao�seng ha�b�en � ""� built h�s increased due�o p�abli�inyestrr:�nt in transit,and 2)tlle developer is b�in��gver�a tax �baterr�ent, therefore the jurisciiction has the right to require same specific return to the cominnunity, Wendy Chenabini at the Poa•tland Bureau oE�-Iousing and Cominunity Developrnent has det�l�. She czan be reaehed at�23-23R2. Tasha�Iarrnon m 802 SE 27tl� Avenue, Portland, Ore,�on 97214 � (503}�39-1949 q F�x:23�-07$1 t , �- , � , ' ��, , }����a�ane�tly �fEs��d�'�1� &rssc��er�� f�� ��ca��� at or be�cavv CO�o �����a me�ii�� f ncai�te; � � l���a�ride fe��vaiv��s �n� pr�pea°i�r fi�� �r�i�r�a� �ap r�onpraaff��-d�����a��d pa°�����s ��r�xng�eo�l� �� �r b���rN b0�%, �r�?��� n��d��� ietc��,�� (ar any ofi�r��°�a��j�ct t}aat � �aaararatees �errna��iz��ff�a°d�bility); . • �r��te a �a�nc� b��.�C.i�g�Srs��r�m�h�t would iaot�h�lp c�evelopers of peaare�n�ntly . . ��fordabi� h���ia��acqa�ia�+� �p�x��rg�t� I�nd a��'��d�in t�.� ra��ea�►al pi�:�rxi��c�� ' rq►h��e y��ioaas �.�d.� �f ci���lc,�grc��t sl���.atci c�cc�z�; � Irn�I���z��� ��pla���aent a�z�t��r�aza�� �hat�a���d r�q�aa°� ������p�rs e���a�Y����a�a��a� ����.�i��, ��aza�..����aalr�r��a�t��l, ��c�e�tic���l, �s��c�v��°�rx�e�� p�°r,�j���� �� �������, �a�a�t £or�u�i�.f �n� �ff�r�.���� h���ar��ci��trc�y�s� by th��� �����c��. T hc�pe f�h�t th� I�fetro ��aa�c�.l�ill coz�s�d�r s��r�gtttenis�g the a�'¢�rc�a�l€� h���iz�g I����a��� ��ac� tac�is �n Pl��se i, anei t}�iat ihe�c�uncY� v�il� re�f�ua���n� �trea��t���a�t� e��nm.itrraer�t t� da�ixa� t}�e �.�f� �a1l�ctio� �nd ��se�rc�a r�e���J��y to �a������a�d �nc� o`��d��'�.'S� ��'Y� IS.rii.d� 6,��Oi1Silfi���EC39CG"$'��3fllII$�/ c2S VeT� �331(3ij� fAI`V!'a'krf� fl71 ��IS �1r�I9.tlI�`i� �?Y'��E�So �f�'c�rd��i�e hoc�si��i� a �r�itieal pi��e c���r�a4in�1�vabFlitV. Ie���ro is ar� a a�r�is��� p�siti�r� t� prc�vici� I��r��a��ip or� t�f���s�a� a����s th� r��ian, T�e����e �1�n� a��s w�U�ark.�n �h� Ei�id wha �re.a�or� tki�r� vv�iang fic� ����s r�saurces and prdvad� st�a�,� s�ap�c�rt fvr� y��ar eifoa�s�. �� Xf�(3�C �i�I''Wr�Y'4� t['3 �tYX°f�'1.6'F�15�i155YOtt ��$�Y�S� iSSU�5 dV4��'f�/�ike� I�'y�u h�ve �rit� �taes�ions �b4u# this r��r�c�, please c�ll me at 239-�5a3. T���kya��a �c�r ybur�ortsic�er�ttiUn of the�e ��,�z�s. � � . � • � � � o-� � � . � � � T�sha Harmon � 802 SE 27th Avenue, Po�°t4�nd,�r��c�n 97?.14 Q (�03)��-�9�� � �'�x:�v39�7��. MAY��S 96 1�:1� �ROM:�OMM.CN��LIC 6��LES T0:5�3 797 17�1 :� b 65��901�96 �9;3� ���-29��11�5 t�� �'I��l.. �! � � �� � � � � � � � . ,a� .: ��e :�+: ,k�,a ;�, ..::u.:�.-:.rs. � :`�.� ; •�' . ° •.N �� .•...w ';�tiv .i� o::'�'` Ai�,. '� 'V f ' � rY•. . ., „ ,.,: �'•' � ��� (t� . j• ' � ' � .V', ., • ..:�. '�; •.. ..i ,. � '' n� .,r `f'0;�°4 �?:.� .��}+h •. � .A �bM �Y' :.a:.:.:"•;'•a+a � � ,��A :� �' "�S' :,i`�,:. •il..,.. . ' . � . ,. riSEY_y1 ,� 0:.q "!�:!. `, �'.; v..dY; � , ��r•Y�� `��� �� Y4.•. , , . . � � Y: { 'V�•� : 4>.. ��:k:«.Y. ..1� ^°'► .lv :•1 .+;' • � ! � �� � � � ,a �����. ���6 ' ������� �/45�t'��`P� ������`a�&�� • A3� Y P�tl�t6�e�� 97��� , . �.�: ����►sa�Q��f TJ�e�� ��t�ta��x���i: '�"i�I�� . � I������b�^ I ��e�c�n�o�s h�I��lf�f�h��"�.N�'o��'�r�r�� �����, �5�91{��3)v�lt�s���a�i���er �i�as.�t�c�tc�eti� r���:�i��a�s�tc�r�2ion af ttk�����t��k����ssls�d. �"�.ArS'������ ah�m����t.i����d� ���raie�re���a�r ' ��l li��axi e���a��� azz��i�d�1���'s��d 'a��t� �l�eira�iv�r�a���. ��a���� °�����e x���t��� e�f`e��� �f utupa�t�t�����rrae car�ador�, ���e�s,�a�se�pm�la�ed e�y�. 7 �a�t tc�d��i'b��r�vi�w�rsmt��'th��e��ara��i���a9 btat I r��t�3��t�s��criT� ��ar���c�s����r�rkar�����r�l�g+��sd��Yh�n����r�liy��zci��� '��� su����t x�� f����a� �i °�'i��� 3 �� ��� Urb�� ����°t� i��a���e���t �'������� ���� e� ������� t�� ������i�� �a��� ���9 i�a����n�� vai�a� ot t6� �e���e���� � �igi�ir� �h� �V�t�r �����ty ��� ���� 3b���������� �,����e �l��xs���e�����f���T����ra4����a���I��cs�s t���s��k��p� ��4�cat�s°���. �ss�v���h a�.i�ff�l1 ��r�Y,���I��I�������r�� ar�����. Y�� k���y. ��t�r�h�c�, �l�plaf r�s cap4�,�d I��ld�his�.�tr,th���f��y�ele�c a�b������� �AI'athc�u� �lsss� 1�ins, flovv��n�at�et f�eepr�sd f�YC�,t�i�or a�d hi�h�r. e�va�i� i���� mxad �s� �r�k��d g�s����p�r. �i���h��ea�iv�r�ind t,��,���bl���� wor��. ����qa�ality�� s �h�e. l��llu�s��d�c�,��v��m 9��-e��'����� �h��a�e c�t���r��r��r�scd bg��r�tle�d�r z� �e�w���� - t�v��.,���;f`c��d e �.9cr��� �t��.�a��r���C� �d&�.us ���iuj�g�i�'i ���dc�ra'��tt��, b�t��d�s�s�� als�t������Pgr�t��t�t�tity. • I��€�e y�a� �s���c���d��I nc►�1 r�uas, T h���a��er�a��k� ��rh� ���a� t�a �iar �°��€ '�i� "�1�k��`°i�d�tas rh��c��eaf i �b��e��c� - a°�safs, ��a��, �a°i����y��..nd sid��allc� -�d the ls�ss of$���i�aa�,d�r��s �a����,sa��l1 �v� �ae9p�d��ra��1 a�e.t�r��tit���qaaa�,�cy. Tb%�c���bl���rriy sp�ll��� f�r�� �a�e��C�, ��e�an��c ��s��€����a�r�aau��a���+uilt�x�a���th����k�, if�+�€��.'�ac�, A���"��,/,S � ece��:. I� �'��t, �zx�ay pe��(e eaa�e w��h��e►e a��d�r��aad�e�t ct���sae, I ��c, �'o�m s�a�aa�e�ire�p�ov�the sit�Yic�a� � t��vyd�P��9�tn}�, ta����@ sysg�gns thst�a�i �rovi� ���s ags��val�es�t�e�'�r;�t�s��ost-eff'ecciv�t��t�k� c��ineerirag�� `vag�c°�tari���ppersa�h�s. T"��°f��l�3 Ia�g��e crf the[�rbsri�oa�th �r4's�aa$emc�c Fun�cior�al lPlan�co,gra��� t�is and sct9 in p1�G�cl�t�ald�l�nvs far fb�re ����lopine�e. • .�..�.. �� �1 !�R�i.� �' � 5� ��:� 7�:��3 797 1791 � . � ��i29<1�9� 49e�� � ���°2�3—�1�5 ��@ �Z�A�. �i e � + ����,'�a��� ��4 ����� d�'�� �,�'�° �°� �� 9����' ` ,�d�s►�t���� ��� doaae� i�,�t����dav�ta��eI➢i�i��k�y �or 1��a�' a�c�vr taa�l�ci������s d��fl�p� ��c�o ������d c� ' �,v��.�a c�itt vvo ����i��ea�,� th�Y ���l�rp�at���aly° . '�e���t����iea� ��eh���������d t�t�� �r����1�s�t ah�d�ei��t v��. ' °� I� � ����se�,�����r$������.�� ��� tb�d�i�p�. ,����a�yg i� a�i 9�����.a ��p���� �� � ° ��� �� ��i� . ��������� e��� �e �. ��s�Q�i�°� ��a� �,� ��� �, �da���ac�a9�fl� ��ka��a�d��� �a�������a����s°t°fYt�� lr� �e��1 �a � ��n� �� t���dg �� ��°�. 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']C�a�p��c i�rs�t�ri��t��a��'a�zl�a�e b��aa������a� d����p�r�ad.the� u�'t�r� �aa�h�I��r���,t���f�r f�. ��r��'��o ���k: � � ;�������5��a����1�� �� �;��a�I��ri.11 pt��i�������� �t th��s�e �a,aey�� ��.a�t���a �%��a���r�a ���t�s�a� ' �� t���°°��. �.�o �I6�Ei�� �POYP1 C€9YZ1FY3,S��1 9�51AC' a�d��k���s,��.� . p��i���, r��a��e�c� . �r€�a�a P,�� �entcr fa��t��er��a�&�oe�tian, t�t�arc�at��t pr���rbua �����t�d�ar�. �d g b��i���aii is a v�a�r���f���rga���, �',�.5�,,�'e�°���� �r��k���al���k°a�v����f A��1�'�'�,�,���I�W�. ��a��as�e�� a�f�he.�l�ta� � ' �t�r���h�nac�l��t�:���1����t ° ����� qtaalicy af lg�'��►��1 �d d��r�is a modcl f�r t��x�s��a, � .�.��o���a��� C'���fi���� 1°���� ������aan��h ��t�'���i ���a a.aad i�a� sg�i�� �����ata d by th��e��iti���'o�a Ll�eb���aae��,�tad� � scsci�ty csf P��cl�at�. 'C��i�a�� ���.��� �t� ��sc� ��'�r� �� ' �d�a,siciv�d��lc��t���a���. ,{�11�'�ea�r ts��� �e,u�ath� . � $t'�ba�d � '����p�zt t��i�.t�����'i€��3. ��r �a�l� ��a w�b �h� „� �a��.t ir���s�� fs�r��,��sc,����P��zR���ae. � � � �Bat �yf � �, , � . ' 1 4 AY� g .. � � a � -�.- —d_�"G"" �—°�r�.' m�� �.,,' g �I��1�� �€� �!I ���r�� �'�lo�� ,�d�ro�c�r� a�� ���i�oc��� R�l�ker�a `'r d ���a�c�r���h� r�o�i��d T'6tQ� � i�n��a�g� �� td�� (�r�wth i�dana�err���Y ���e�r��! ������r��� F�I�r�e ����ar� �s�rr"sc��r ��a�������a� va�hoch �� ���� � ��fi���av�, ��d ����r �ra� �ab���ia��, i� �ritc��@ �� p��b�i� ��,�pR�zr� f�r in������d d�n��ty �+a���� �h� Ur��� �����h �sa��d����o �"otl� � y��s � ��ro� ��� t�w��d� prt�vac�i�� fihi� �rc�t���l�ra. . In `I°i�l� 6, F��gia�nal A�ce���bi�i�y, 6 req��s� r�vi�icari of t�� v�ordir�� �� �e���c�� � �, 3 b, vvi�i�h req€��r�� ��I-������� �ca �� n� Ic�n��r �h�� �C�t� fi�e�B ��r�ir�� �� ra��r� thar� �� �r�it�e �� �c��ath���t �t�rtl�r�d� th�� ��s�.�6d r��k� ��r�� I�ts �nb►�i��abg�e b������ of ���r�r�sr����t�f ��r���tr�ir���e 9 b�ii��r� giv�n ��� �@�ai�:� ��f buildir�� e�n+��� Ic�t� �rs ct�l-d�- ��Ca alil!'�I"9iP� �Q°I� ��x� iM�ll� I��iFlt�� �$P'���1`1 ��A!"Pl���� i�'���$, �� pr�f�r�bl� �� �'9t19��f1'�� �l��'� �f3�, C�o.�t�1C�� '�P1� �J��, �r �ra���rig �tre��� t�a p��vi�� �onr����s�i�y�. �`h� �ri��rsor� �h��aid �r��E�d� �n �xcl�s�or� €�r �tr���� �ri�h e�v�r�r�rr��nt�6 �ar��tr�ia�t�. �a�il�rly�, �r�d�r #2 �f th� ��e��; �����c�a�, th� r�q�is��� rn��irt��rr� di����c� �� ��r��� ��������aar�� �t r�€� r�or� �h�� ���7 f��t ir��er��0�, �h�ulcl a�d th� ���f�s�i�n '°����p� �vh�r� enw�s�onr��n��! �mrs�ts°�i��� �P�v�r�t �u�h ���r����9Q��." I �up�sc�r� ���iu��n, ��� ��a4iti�ar� f�� � L�v�bl� Fa�tur�, �r��i 1��?�3 #rienr�s of C�r�g�n ira tf��ir ���-nm��ts on th� i�����r��l Fr�m�vvc�rk �'���w ��sp��t�uliy �ubr�ifit�d, ���-,�.,�z� �' i���raci� Fr�tz � � ��r��tc�r, Frierod� c�� �rr�c�l�9 �r��k � °� �-1�6 �'�V �'��c�r�� Str�efi, � P�r�l�r�d, f�lR ��.2� 9. c� � � � � ' . . . . e. . � 0 R E' G � N � . � E N N I R 0 N M E N T h L • . t 0 U N C I L � �� . , . .oo�RQ o��s��c�oRS . °I'�s€i�ony fx°�arr� t�i� C7r��r�n Ez��i�a�n�raen�l �oun�il � . ���.,��ns �� ��� �� �rdi� th� �u��r�t draft ��th� ' 3ock k1ills � ' � �' � Ponland , . �.Tr'��zi �ar���h Y'�Ianage��iat �`u�i�ti��-��1 Pl�a � �ee'Pr�Sd�c�a ' . I�/iay 29, 199� � ' � �aoise Frisbee s , La&s Osw��o . . � �d6a�a���°P , � � lHe Rein � I �� f��yle �laa�i, th� �'�ter �ro���rn �i��tor f�r the �r���aa � . �nr�lond ���,�,r�r�ment.�d C�ra�ci� �d a rra�r�taez �f t�i���J��er 1Zescaur�es P�a�icy Advi�ra�yy Pa�lano'derson �qT1���t�. rJEC; is a st�.tew�de �c►��-pro$it �r�vix�nrx��ntal ea�g�at�o�a v�ith a�or� . . aan�re�a�cock than� 1'7Q0� �ers�b�rs, apprm�im;at�ly 6t7 p�r��nt c�f �r�crzsa a��sgc�� w�¢���n th� Urb� , ' � . Panl�nd Cso�utI����ut�d�y; � . . � . . . ' � Gndaay Berryman• .' . � . . �edfnr� . �� �r�u1d lyke t� t�s�fy� ,1%'! favor �f ek�� °�ztl.� ffi 1�gu�g� �h�t h� b�Y�a � �usnn s�kol�losser sut�ma�t�i Y� c�u an the cv�xe�t cira.f� c�� �te T.T�ba� C�z�ca�+rth 1'�aa�� ���a�t �'�anc�aara���' llundee � � . • � �anis Carpen9er � �g�Il. 'I��s ��.n����� h�s ��en ancl��d� i� �arder �� i�npro�c�an� g�r��x�� t��qt�alz�y . • ponland� � � ca�t�ae waYcr ��soi.arc�s on �hich �his z�e�a�a� dep�rads �h�� ��e��gul�ta�n ����!s �nd lohn Carsan ' �h� �C011(3tny d�velC�j�s. � ' • ' � . Portland . . � Nea Duhnkrack ' �Vith�5�1t�tT�tt��ifiot�tc� °'�at�F ua�. �xd�lcx�?��� e����iE�c�aa�c;a�at��n°` . P�►��a�,d.� � � � � t • . Andrea rdmonds . YY: �utur� t�rb�n �r�v�rih Pnan�g���a�;�at, ��r��i�r� �riil�r�a���a�i�s ���c�rie�� f���la� � ��rtlund � � a�d st�p:sl�ap� d�v�l�a�zm�t��Y.insuffi�i�r°ati at��rat��ra �c �rc��i�F�, st�r�rzar����P ������n ' �athy�erosee. �d deg�d��iori t���aabi�at �.l�ang th� wat�a�v��ys. . � . Porifand , , . � �6`��u�"0n tv�ar� �dits �o t��TitIe.7II hav� rnc�v�d stron 1an u� e that wa��ald b�st ro�t .. to Gtende ' � Y � � g � �ro w4�son ��resourc�s .fram �r�ss�ar�s ar ci�v�.lopr�en�in tr� a.�od�l CDtdia�an�e sh�t���tr�s vval.l . ��arrland dev�.lop. We i�ill IooR. t�a th� de�eloprr�ent c�f this fn�c��l �rdinan�€; �o cor�t�r�n. rr��ay . � �Il�am i.�er�p � .s�i�'ic r��i�erneaats ehat h�ve been.������d fx€�m '�"i11� III. � • Pw�land � • � � . . �°����2 Iri add'a�.on, �h� Iink caf 1�✓I�trs� �°�gic�r� �r���c�aon of �atefl�. r�ss��r� t� t�ae . ✓ � � � onary�yle McC�rdy S�it�C'st��l 5�rrts�'es5 ps���t�at�I or��, �spe�i�ly�vh�re�aps betwe�n��cal�s���r�r�ent � . i � �o�torid efforts exist.. ' . � 1im Owens ' � Poniwnd � � � . � :�a sob siac�y �'�.+C nlusk xecogrii�e: Elzat this fi�st st�p t��r�t�t �at�r re�€�ur��s �al,�l� f��� o� ' .Ponl��d. � regic►n dev�lops�iri.l.l b�r�fl�cted in th�cost �a.vzng� to lc�cal gov�rr���n�s�i� tatiliti�� � Terry Ihatcher in. the�rr �apacAti�s as r�rat�r pre�yad�xs, v�asC�wa�er a��n�caes, a��►rl p�ov�d�rs ��' �1� � �or�lond � . relz�f in the future. Ann Wheeler•Bartol � Bend � . � lnvinia Wihrol Than}c you for khis op�ortunity to expr�ss aur sup�ort of th� prever�tior� o� sher�ood . further degradation of our waier resc�ur�es. fzeeutivr Direc3or lohn Charles SYO S tV 6th Avenue, Suite 9a0 • Porlland. Oregon 9110a IS7S 505•1T2•1963 + F,1X 503 222 IAOi . � t4p'r' � ''9E� Sf�:57 (kJETMOUSRNDF'RIEi�d��q�'C3�;�uDi�i l�fl PC9� , ,� � 5�6�W'['�tn�a4ye�u 30�0,�rtD�sad.�c�e�au����,p��axs(S S�-9(�Q•F�►?�: �(p3 2�i-+�73 �.��� c a ��I�,,k�'DS �� ������ --�.— ��� �a ��� . JAh� �a��r�!�� . M��r 6� I'�� �r�ad �,��ue � ��'����o �� 47232 . ��o �ab� �rc��e �I�s���n�E �a��ctsc��� &�1� . I��C�,� , ��z Joh�a: ��� �.� � ���ip �f g1a� �sa�a��e�e� T ��d� �t �i�h� �t t�i� �,�C h�i� s� p� �f t�� Co�itaos� far� � l�.iva�bl� �a�� �rad �OQQ �'�a�n�q €� �s����g� �ts�de tay ���e ���li�oa� ��z�bb��s �� eh� ��a�l � sa�� a,����ad�� ��� � 3 ��a� ��a� ��a� ��x� �a��a c�a����a�s �s�y. . , �.. ���rail �+�r�a.��� ' g` '�1� ���ad��a �'c�r � L'ev�ble �'uttaa�e xepc�m�s oarer 3� ,�g�a�,�s a� �� X��� �, ��� iW� �� l�� siFYV� �LV��G��M �Osw6a!$4 UG86dJ�Y4.gl4.L��p �0��� sx^Y'V6saeAi/ ��WIi.eVf�e/ scac;iae jaa.�tn;�t �� ��r-�aty ��rit�.tia�itiaaa. �y af �a�ar ��a�x � 6�� t�te� ��ce�z�e�a bu� to t�a�c c�i�i�� � �,f y��r �€� vve a�e pr�aa�iaa� �e� ��a��ea�t� �s a pa��l rxtt�ea� �' e�a�n �s�$ s�fl t�a� ixa�vidta� e� t�¢ify. ; Iea �era��3, �� s�pp�rt t�� U'�� �usa�t�crcaal �1�a �d �.r�� ya� �� �d��G at. �b�a � ' �'e� �t�cr��e��a�� p����s�� �e �l �enti4sa � �. �c��e�a�. '�`�s d�aae�e�e� as &� ��t��'s rn�j�r st�g t��� �'�aE � �taa� that �s r�i��re�at �i��� �h�.ra ���ry ��c r�����3��t � region. �I� �ra�ow vvh�t 9vi�1 ha��rs if �we o��at�a� $� gc�w �� d���I�p � oth�r ��� har�e. �nd �s. e� so�c exce.tae. v�e ,��de dt�n� ��r� ar� t�� a��tt pa�� - �ve wa�ll �.c�c��C lak� "��tle, �ee 3�s�, �1t�it, �a�8 yv� hav� ��� ����graaep �a� - t�Za�v�agRi � ��i��a�a�I � �ov�s�mec�t �� a a�,�iva�� ��sGe.� �f��d aa� p1��a�,� �� �e°�as��tigy� � t� ��r�tt� �� ��h��e a a�etr�peali�rra � w�a�a� �e►� �p���ts�rsi�r �s �e�$rle, � t�. ee.���e�ai�ly i �a8.a.t, �a�� �"oa�b��� whi�� �upp�a�aa�� ��r pr�aa��iv� �� �c��� andustr,i� a�' fas�a��aa�� �'o�,;trj�. �d to�ari��. ` f �4'e ur�c yoaa to �s�t ��t av�r�.tl�y ib�3$g�d d�w�m �a �,��a��ds a�ui �e�b�s�, beat : r�ch�r r� �sa�c� ora ��g�� ��� �� ,� ��t�.r� s��e�n�q do x�� a►�a8 buad �hen h�wr d� �� ' �,c�� l�se��? . � � � . � � i . � rE��r �0 '"�6 lp:�8 �rdE'rwaU�A�•�Dr•�f EFJL���Ft7REGUP� �,�� pq� �. S�afic: Coa�a�c�+t� �ra 7°i�l�s � 7°itD� 1; �da�.saa�� �c �enpls�y��ra� ���c��t�apdgi�t�n 1�e sts+Dr��l�r �up�es�t �tic �"� "�'�x �h�" �oc:aGior� r�f�aapta���c�a� �d �rnp1�;���a�t, � by r�rhi�ch �1 �i�n�s �aad ccrt�e�t��s �va�l �nd�v�c t� �st�eaac�da� �i� pr�je��ed 2� y�� • �wt� �►rAa,�� t� �t�� '�l't;�. 7'�� ��a� co b� t� c�aeTy ��dib4� a��t, if �� � �e� � ���s��� ¢� �rh�t �e paab�i� tr�s ���e��&����y �P . �d i4' �v� �e t►��s� � �ri�vas �bt��t s�nvn�� t�a dc� b�et�� - �c�aa�y, o�r �s� - �n �S �e�p�letan ��. . i�� h�e�� ��a� c�m��a�t ���. ia� �ddiez�ra � �o� �d �dil! � m�de b,� "�'� ����� ����-�� ��r����� �s�u����: �/� sh€zaa�d ���� � caasrar���a� aris� eaydea�t,�t �t��'� �� ��� �ca b� ja�st � �t�clent �d iaasao���i�� ea��h theAS aa� ��larad �.s va�� � ��t�� ��' �a� �sa�����1 ��sx. �Jh�Ie w� g��i� �a� ���r��a�. d�v�lvp�e��t �� �� l�r��sc �o���� ��' laaad a�sd th�,�t�re wac��e� a�t �p�s�a�, t��� h� b�era �o�t rar� �bSC�l!'�iE �D� �'!6)'Yd �Tt� COI��ffid�g�I �!3(� 111dl1S�9� SCCLOI3 ��41 �S� "�row �te�r,", oth�r s�s�c �a�rkin�, �td �a�� E�s a��e stv�a� a�isC�sa� ir�tra �t�� �Yc��, �ad, �le�,rly, p�ei�itt� is not 8�n� �niy �ra�C�aa� b� ��ici� �� �3��°� �� �� l�e� �a�r� �4�°a�i�saY�y. 1�e rccvrr��cr�d r �s�dia�� pol�c� k�a��age te this eff�ct. Ta� �ddi4ac��a, � ����y S� �,�,C �si M�trr� �hc�raid , csansader ad€�ptir�g ���"ic mia���a�a a��i�y ��ad�sds �'�r t�.sidenEial d�v�l�pr�ent �d � t�a�a�aaa�a f�sas�a�e�� ��os f�� �mpP��°a��art �o ��aw �+l��td �,y�isdietion �c��Is� �at ��. Ticl� 7: �;a�r�pli�� 1��€iuc�s If �, Ic��1 �av�emm��tt �a�atcluc��.s th�? it eaai�c�t �o��a�a'�t,e aLt �e �'�ir shaa�ee po��z��ca�a� �red esxaployre�en€ gez��xth �l��a�d �v at, �nd �r��te�d ��ax�a���d� t�a�t t3�� �A��s� b� dRre�t��9 6� �ra ��cp�ad�d �1GB area, ��r� eather the loc�l ��v����t ar �6�a sh�tald �� �� � ����r�g� �rf &�e infea�tiru,�c�r� �end �rvic� ar�pa,�t ��' th�,c ���r��n., 1°t►is sh�uld incl�aql� �sa �aady�� caf �a� s��wer, w�t�r, a��ds. �d sc�r�a�at� infr�stnacc� and �'ire, ���'�, �� �hus�� serwic�s �ae �dt��ald b� �cair�d; v�r�k ¢� �� �rs�yal.d b� t� peovid� t��s�, �aa �ddit��a� 24 t�ac icrs�s �'a�3rca �� cssrm��at � of �e �+�! �d ca�n•a�a�ptatsa� �f n��r� �. �a�tr�s; �d �aa �t�sis of wha tiv�uld p�� �"�r 2h� �ssss. Viie rec�ar�m�cad addin� laaeg�ase Bo c�is �ff�cc. � '1'���➢e y�u �or cur�sid�a�t�on e�f €�� ��rr�a��r�is. ' �i�ac.�r�;T�, � i � ,.�� � �����.,� ; �� ���� ��c�-ay . ��afi� A€toexa��, �� �aa�c�s of �Deeg�r� . �€��la��� fox � �,i��bl� ��a�r� I • .� , » �o��y,t��,����9��p�� � Rocleri�Y� ��a�-�r�a� 6'-���aa�at �rt� �����t�as��a�� h,�����° . A�s�ci�t�on +�f I�l�wth�ea��� �t��6h����PS � � ° ° � ��� ��„� ��tr�'� 11�°i��n ���a�e8h �a�ag�r��ra� ���o�te�nal Ria� �'�°���,�s���,�o°� �� �$ �$��C�� fo��'6��'if�� C� Q�`t� �i����79���� ��1^�i71 T��timn�� pr���nt�d to th� €��trc� �c�u�cil -- M�y 29, 1996 {�uy (�rcuti -- �cammuni�a4ic�ns Diree2ar — f�ad�rick Fl�ig-Se�wri Cfa�p��r � ! arn � rr��mbe� af tF�� Rod�ri�k �a;g-�3rov�rr� �}��.pfer �f th�'��s�ci�tion c�fi h�a�9��ae�t ��e�l�►��c��r�. I �i?��1�' ���t3 s�C$!E/G 1�3 '��l@ �SS{��i��if��l �C7t' t`�'3c�fl�/ ��r"��5. DUP'fPig ��1� �3�St��'UV���f� § B��V� �7��C�tt°i� 1fiCY�?�Si�3�_ 6y awar� c�� Yh� potenfb�i fc�r ur��� gr�wfh �e de�trcay fiish�ri��. Th� 1�{iBia���� ��si�� ss I�k�ly f� k���E7� f�r��� ira C)r��or� t� Icaase a!I ifs �af�non �nd st�elh��d to urbar, dev�l�prrr�n�. l�his c`,�rim �t�Yer�#i�l ha� in��ired rr�� 4c� vverk t� is�volv� t�e,�s�ca�iatie�n nf PJsar�hw�st St�eih�ad�r� r�t�re in lo��l �r�ti regic�nal i��u�� v�rhich irr�p�c� �i�h�ries. fi�r exarnple, � w�s r�spc�risibl� for se�uring �i�soci�tion o# �Eorthv,r�at St��lf��a��r� s�ap- p�rt f�r 4he PJl�tra Greensp�ces ��mpaEgn. t�ur rr�em��rship includes many ;,�asc�n�d angler� whc� remember cl�arly hae�v murh �nor� abur�dar�t �i�h�r's�s w�r� in Yhis region t�v� c�r �ven five or six c�eca�les �go. Far nbvious reasans, �any of fh��� m�r�b�r� vievu €��c�nt �nd or��oin� grovv�f� uvith alarm and �ee 6�ie�ro nat �s �� e�fecfdv� r���sag�r of gro��h b�u� as it� evil advocafie. i am pie�sed that rr�any c�f �he fiP�st year pu�€;h�ses made u�cier xhe c�r��n�pace� E��n� mea��re hav� been in imparian4 fish ,�raducir�g drainag�s, but a ye�r ago, conv�in�iria �ur m�mbprship that tE�� �r��n- sp�ces r�easure was fish �ositive, w�rthy of �t��lheader support an� �ot � r�ferer�c#um on Evl�t�o ta�k haurs o# phone c�liing, e��eeting an� �rguing. 9f fihi� r�giUnal gau�rnn�enf wish�s t� prc�v� �#s�lf as r��C�t�hy af ihe name ''man�c�er" as opposed t�a "c�rowth advocat�,"then i4 i��as a I�ng long ro�d ta t� tr�avel in fi�h- eries pr�tection. The first step is to �ecognize our Metro Region's uniqu� pasit:on and res�c�r�siE�ild�� �r� th� tisheries not just in lacal streams, but in the �ntire WillamPtte 8asin. Oregan is facinc� a fisheri�s crises which h�s ��arly en�ed eomm�rcial salmon f�shing ir� our �t��� ar�d ��vhich is likely tQ �nd rnost spc�rt salmon and st��iheae� fishing witFiin the next tvventy years. �he ��jsar and grovvin� cause of thi� c�ecline is aur �xplyding papulation and the urban d���lapm�nt��hi�h �am�� hanrJ in f�anc! wi�h it. °fhe is�p�rt�nc� c�f�h� ��tr� f��gion ta the tt0liflar�nette a� a fi�h kiilPr is �r�ll �loc�m�r�tec� by C2DF�1,� SY2�iStiCS Wf�iCh ShOW/ ,it�r�ifir,arotly higt��r losses �f out miyrating hatchery �molt� from the �lacka���� compared to th� ��rne �to�ks r�E��s�ci �o fhe ��ndy. in ath�:r wards, sal�on and �teelhe�zci from t�e� � Clackarnas die as a result of �c�or conditions in our urban w�ters beTOre t��y ever reach th� �c�l�rnb�a. � Even �teelh��d tha4 spadvn in pr;stin� headvua4er� �fi rivers sucfi as ihe Cla�k�mas, ���fiam �r Ndck�nzie � ciepend ar� iavv�r river Metr� h�bitat. C)u r regit�n, v�hich 2�vill b�ar th� effects ofi fu4ur� grovvth r�rar��h�r� � u�str�am ar�aa, hold� fhe keys tc� ar�y sucr�s� �r��an rnay hav� in pr�s�rvi�g �nd reste�ring if� srt���iv� ,�a 1Nillarnette Basin fiisheri�s. � g� For this r�ason, please arn�nd th� following in th� Ur�an Gr�wrth �vianagem�n4 Functianal F'lan, ����� � April 24, 1996, as follows (language to be deleted is crossed out. New languag2 is in italics.): Lin�s 33� - 34�: "The purpo5e �f th�se star�dards is t� �e-��se�r�e�.��. � � �fl� , « t�-iw+�+i� � +4t�i�#�--�i��.�e+�,�r ���- errcourage citics and counties to pratect and enhance fish and�vildlil� h�bitat. �'ish and . , : 1 . � . . '. . . . i .. .. f�. �At�'dr�� ��bit�t��r��t�rrQr��A�n,� �r� �h�a�n �►� t�� 8�V'�t�r C�u�iit� � 9oc►r� ��r����€�r�nt Ars�����, �'i�� ��� �iol�lif� @����t�t �c�r���r�r�4ic�n.�r��� g���r�lly 's��9��d� �r�d/ar g� b�yo�d�h� �i6'�2�`G����i�y��ad Fl�od 6��n�geme��AP�a�. �'h�s� �r��� �howr� �n �h� r��� �r� �Vletr�°� ir�iti�l ��v�nlory t�f�i��ific�nt�'s�h and v�il�lif� habit�t c�r��erv��i�r� �re��. �re�er'va�ivr� and er�tta�tc���n�c�f thr����it���i11�t�l�to pr��ers�� ra��a���ta t,�����,������ w9�a;9�I6�� �c���dr�ir lav���r�tir�l,�c�s�6�ir� th�s����igr��r�c��r���, buf�l�c� �p��a��, �u�h�s��frra�rr, �t��f�as���'�r�c�la�apr�y, ��rach d�,��a�r�an lVf��r�Ar��l��b6Pa����'��tr�A���� �v�P�r qvalat��c�r pc�r?iorrs csf Pherr 16f� �y�J��. � Lines 350 - 35T und�r "�xcep�ians;,� ,� . �. l.Btility �c�nstr��tion . ,� � . �. wh�r� � �ro�ser��c�i a �i�h �n�' 6/ti°ildlife �or�se�atsc�n �r�a �� ����r�t:�l�r��#i��� �ar�1��i#h��f�c�crards anc!per�n�n�srt ra�Qni#�rr�sg to�r��ran��� th��ra���oraf fi���tis�rr� �°i1l rr���i�as�f�r�.�pt��da�ri������#�°a��fie�r� �r�'��►�g��i�y f��#��o �,�iff,s c�r o�0�i�r�c��d��t� �c�rr�t� ��er�tic�r�. �i�i���r�9 �i��fit�� f��l��fa���r���rv��ian�r��s sd��ll a��a��� ces�����c�c►����ar u�Bli- �i��. ���er�ti���r�s�rr�g� s1�t�cric!�� ���rt�� �r�a�rs� �etter�I��rrt�PEV�� t°�v�� �a��� t��f�rr�alr��d s��t f� ��i�f. �i°�er� tP�ere h�s beer� � fii�c�sr�g of�u��ic r7e�d. arrr�wherQ r�itig��ie�rr i���rf of fh��9�r�. �. t�v�rh�ad �r undergr�und ele�tri�; p�awr�r, t�lec�mrraunicati�ns a�r� ��bl� t�le�i�i�r� li��s a�,�-� ��+�?-�� , . v�ithin a sew�r ar stormw�fer righ�•�of-wa,v +�vh�r� crt��sl�t� of a v��t�6�v��r i� �s�ential �ne�th�n only with safeguarc�s and�a�rm�rr�r�f monitaring Pa �u�rant�� Phat n��ura/f�ancticar�� �ilf not b�ir��errupt�d�r damagcd durrng corastrcJCtr�n �r t�urrng �p�rati�n. 7tr� Pxi���rtc� �f� �eaao�r tar starmwater right of w�y Jhall nc�P be ��u.�� �wr f�rther t��gradati�n o;� ��sh �rr�r �iiJlif� d�at�i����on- s�rv�Pi�r�.�rea �r�d shall n�t�utc�m�tic�fly p�rrnit��l��r us�s �vithin s�e�h arr ar��. �ss�nPFaf c<r��ss- irrgs �houl�'be at sites where beti��r�lf�rn�ti���s haUe b��n det�rrr�i�te�f nc�t Pa �xi�f, w�f��re tM�r� h�s b��rr a finding of public n�Ed, ar°rc� wher� r�itt�ation �s p�rt a1 the p6�n. c. �Trails, b�ard�alks and viewi��g ar�as c�nstructic�n-���-�is�.�-����.i�.c� ' �.a�1���#�-����r, . . v�here ;�cal.jc�rd�dictaans c��t�rmir�� th�� fhe natur�l f�rnctions �a�the ar�� ar� not h�rm��by siach ca��s�r�sc.°tior� a���vh�r�e hat�itat frrera"ly d�sign ;s �r���1 alr�rrg �ith rr�itig�tion �uch �� �quiv�l�r�P �iic��nir�g of th��r�a���t�� c�rPi�or. �1. �c��ds �nrhere �rc�ssPa;g r�f�a �i��i an�' U�°ilcllife f�'�bit�t �orrservafir�n,�re� r�essenti�l�rrd th�n c�r►f�y �iPh sat�qu�ids�nd perrrrar��rtt rrac�nif�c�rin� t� �u,�ranfee thaf rra���ral func#iarrs �rvill n�t�� pra��rr'2rp��� �r damaged d�ering or�fter c�n�truction . Fi�h and V!/ildlrfe f-labitat �onservatian�reas sha!l rsc��b� u��d as r�uf�s fQr r�ad,�. �'�s�rrti�l�rps�irrqs�h�uld be aP�it�s wh�r� b��t�r�It�rraa�dv°�� f���� tae�n defermin�d ncat io exist, vvhere �her�e h�s c�een a fir�ding ��p�blrc n���0, anc�wh�r�rr�i��,��fi�ea�� part c�f��i�p�lan. ! r��r��� th�t thes� modificatin�� �c��id r�at �ave ��en in�l�,ded e�riier in th� ��ncYi�n�l F'lar� 4hra�uc�h a � fiisheries r�preser�4ativP on �RPA� or �hj•ouqh same other means tv bet�er re�l�ct the n��d� of '�'sBl����t� � Sasin fish�ries ir� t�ie tVletra pl�nning pro�ess. I �ope 4haY �his �hortct�ming in the �rt�c�ss wi11 �cat�r b� �c��- � rected. � I appr��i�t� vet�y rnuch the Councsl's �areful car�siderdtion of thes� �ra�c�s�d m��iific��3�r��. .�a . o� � w � Guy Qrcutt — Cammunications f�ir�ctor Roderick Haig-�rown H�bitat and �anservation Ch�pt�r A,sso�ia�ion of �lorthwest Steeiheaders „ �� � � �t �� �,� � �,;,�$' �`��i �..• `���i��es���� �;�r��.�����t�a�i���i� , � R���z�s� �c��.a���fl�-���a�i�g ;, , I�a�r��,��96 � . '�'he r►��r�r;��.e��+�� ��i�a�r� ��r"T�yc��a �����,�a���e��d isa ,A,�x�il�S�r th� �ra�trioa�r��l����tq ��ar� a���or�ami��ia����,s�.��s��� tt�� �o�i c���ddr�;���� s�r���ra corrr���s� � I��firo's �e�c�nal �r�ane��ro�°is��n. I-�csr�rev�r,��� �'�y�rr ��s�a����ha� �r�t���i�� ��aa.�ciR a��??�s �I�t�� ���a���i t��.4,� a � ts� ����e���� �3�� ��cce�rt�a�s � the �'itl� 3�i����aa�VV�d�€e Ir��b�xt�t�e��as�� ��°” p :�',������� ��a1�a��e �a�� 1����. �pxw�r���. �.s �����er►,����m�� � � �r��u� ��aa� �nay ���dv ualac�eptably I�igh lev�� o�'�e�tcr��tio� of��a�i�� �anc�� ��ich ar� �ra�enc��d �car �arotec4;ic�ra tax►der Tatl� 3 �f tka� �Z��ian�fl ���x�e�c�rk�'��. iZesp�ctfu�lly y��zrs, �C� �-� ��.-:�����.�:_�. � I�ien�ber,'T��yc�r� �esc��xrce ��n�g�ar���t �'a�krrers�ip ,� � � , � � � � � � � � � f , �.�l�@..o ....i�!�" t bb �a ��3`+��u�&i W6!`!��bo �+ 8��� , .4TY0€8k'�Y.�'i f8T' 'e,f.'rY � ' .. G1M1� MA�lk pL.dCE � it71 �.W, �.tA1N �YftE�7 SU1T� 1100 ��oe m¢Ha4rsvsiro�a nvc.N.w.�$utT�sa�8 � �GF�`p�.e��dD� �F$�(°n�� �7l�7�Q�6°��'B� CYAffiPOIN6YQPI.D.6.$QQO�! ��f..�PHUPD�(�vTl�)���°�m'a�� T�L7.imiiON6 92t&E16�0-9:907 p62�ADL�Y S. M91l.LER 7E�L�CIhPY�4ip31��s°i��S(9 4ELR;COAyIa'O&17@3-64��7 . ,���7' .G 1.� �.�r J r) . A�7� �°Ze£em7w�i&aJ�B°.d8'� . . . • . �'�'"". t�6��'lE`e �°�°��C7%1��� T���:��a �����a�.�g ����x��m��at . ��� �s�o ��a��. �s�r�n�z� �ar'�1��2c�; 4'���gc�x� �72�2 .� �e: ��c����ion �a� th� �'xo k��an. ��°n�r�ka �oundax y Y���� J�ahr�: ��acl�sred i� �he fox�ri of � 1���.�� w�ic}i �.s b�a.n� ����. �� �i�� ca�nc.��. an�mber� �nd pl�.zan�ng elir���or� �.a� v�r:ia�a� . j�a�i�����a.pxx� �h���g2�c��x� ��e �ea�t.I�ns3 ��c-�ir�ax. I �aials3 ��eat�� ��p:��ci��e a.� i� �rru �eaul.c� �a��r� a �cap� �f �.hi� let��� �rcav�.��t3 t� ��c:� �f tk�� Me�ro �c�ur�ca.lc�x•s as w�11 �� �11 a� �k�� t�aemka�r� c�� �t�e I�te�,�ca 2�1.�r� �c�a'�'a.s�x'�' �ammi���e. � `�;r�.a�r�k yeau vc�ry much for. yc��� ���i����,��. �1e�y� ��°u�.lr yc��:�s, '��� '�.-- �_- � ��as�l��r ,�� i�Iil:�er E�SNt f Zmg3 ���1e���t�e � � � � � ' � � � � � �, .�.a 0�44160.01 . . . . . 0 , . . . . ... y � �, . � ��y �7, 1�g� • ��: �+��..�z�1�.����1� �B'�P�t3 �P'�9 ��lg4�,� ����P�R7Y�1'6�I��ii�fY�i: ir�the ��xt ������i rr�ca�ths, �N�Ye�a�if9 �e�id��rh�fih�r ta exp���th� Urb�n �ra�h �ts�n�ar�. �'6�0� d�ci�is�n is �n �xtr���ly 6r�p�stant o�e�wf�i�h r�6i6 �ign6fc�ntly i�p��k �!i �f�i�� �iti��t�� �i�i�g i� �h� ��rYa��d ��trs���lit�re �re�. ��rr�r�tly, P�blic o�ir�ic�� �pp��r� ����v�� r��a�xp�r��i�r� �f th� i�rb�r� �r��i� ���r���ry. � � n�r�b�r c��ps�fitici�rrs, 'sri�dud6r�g 0/��� �C�t�, ar� publs�l� �'ig�ti�� ��y ������i�� �i`th� �rh�� �rr�s�i� ���s�da�� �Yh�th��� �f h�r���t� ��th� �it�+ �d�r�s��d�s �� ��p�s°��6�n ��t�� �rb�;� C�rs��h ���nd�ry). 8r� thi� p�li4i��9By �h�rg�c! ��i��t�, ���ry pe�6i�i�i��`� �p���r t� ta� t���tb�g th� �rb�� Crra�r4h ��u�dary �� � iin� �r� tih� ���d. Ta �c�ornrnos��t� th� prGj��ted 60�,�DC� ts� 7q�,OQO n��r ���od��t� �r� �i°;� �s�xt�0 y��� {�4�e m�Js�rity �f en�ham �i(I b� cas�r�hildr�r� ��� g�rar�dc�+i0dr�t�), R�O�'Yf0 0S �Pjft�lt�'�� d�C'1�1��@AI��S tt3 iracr�e�s� d���iti�� �i�hin t�i� '�rb�n �ec��h ���a�d�ry.��'� ��he��r� �h� ��qas9r�d 'ar��r�a��d d�nso���s, �il�trn i� a�su�ing, a�c�n� other;hin��, th�4: (i} �ar�c� �aithin �h� ���� �r��h ��und�r,y mvh��h i� �t�rr�n�ly w✓ithin f�rm d�f�r��l �il! t� dev�lop�d, iii� p��p6��r61� b�y hr����s �ith �rv��ll�r �ot� �rsd �iv� 9n rt�or� �a�lti�farr>fly d�v�is��r��r�fs, �f�t� (EII, Sg��I JIdP'tS�i�iQtl�4A/iII �hana� tF��ir v�ri�u� codes (including zor�inc�, �ubdivis�ic�n, fr�� to a18c�e��or tf�r�s�r dev�lapr��e�E. �� �ii�v� th�t ��i�c4ev�ly 9��r���ang d���ity, 'si�r�f�aliy pl�r��,�d, i� t��� ►�ay t� �c��r�rv�od�4� �r�v��. �iav��v��, vve ar� c���rs��d tha� 4aEi�d �df��r�r���� 4h� �x��tir�g iJrb�r� ����v#h �o��d�ry r�r�y h�v� a �ignificarit ar�v�rs� �fi��ct c,r� t�ae re�ior�'� �co�orr�y a��d i���� ��p��i�lly d�trirri€�t�! �ffe�ts �� the ar�a�v�rithir� t��� �°��ian �hi�h �r� c��4�id� �f Parti�r��'� �it� �nt�r. �" �r�th� p��t fve ��ars, t�� P�rtl�nd rri��r�s�oiit�r� ar�� h�� tran�f�m��c3 it��6�fr��i ��� ssr� t�� � rra�s4 ��'rr�abl� �iti�� @a ��� �ix�h �rc�rst i� d��is af th� abil��y o�f Pc�e�l��d����� b��cs�e �, horn��r�ra�r�. �ay��, �� �R�trc� cl�o��, 4he �9rb�n �'ror�4h �c�ur�dar�r h�� ��d �c�thi�� to d��s�h �~ 4hi� dr�m�ti��������� ir� ��f��d�bifi4�. �6�����r, �� I�nd ���rn�s ��r� �rac# r�or� ��r�, t�� `� ��ts �f hc��e ovvn�r�hip�ill in�r��s� dr�m�te��!!y. ,����rding�o � r��r�4 sY�dy �y ��bst�n � J�hr�an � As���i�t��, �h�r� is �sr�l a 1"� ����� B c�f���id�r��ia! 6�nd s�ithi� �h� ll��n � Y � �P Y � �rouy4h �aur���ry. � �'h� s�m� probiem �xist� with resp�ct t� 6�nd �c�r r�t�il u��s. ��tail f�nd is in ��ch shor� �ta�p�y tha� Hobsa� John��r� �A,ssoci�4es �r�di�t th�� r���v r�4�i! �ror�h v✓idl ��cur �rim�rily by�v�v s�f �rnall r�d�v�6oprn�nts f�r specialty retailer�. 'Th� in�r���ed ���ts af��v�Popr��nt �rrd r�d��:d c�n�p�tition will re��lt ir� 3�igh�r pric�s �nd f�wer ch�i��s f�r�r�surr��r�. �a � �inni9�a�y, 4h� �t��&t��d e�o�4r��c�ii4�n �r�:� i�r�pid9y �a���r�g ����g is�t�t��Qr��l la��. P�� 'sndu�t��t Q��d ��c�m�s na�r� ���r�� and rrr��r� �os4iy, i4 vvial � mor��9i��a�@f f�r b�a�°s������t�j�a��ify �arotinuee9 inv��4rn�r�t �n� r�ir����tr���i� in th� Pc�t�l��d ���r�apo9ita� ����. �a r���4 �@�bso� J�hr���r� ��s�o�i�t�� �tud���� ��r�cEude�4ha4 du�t��h��xi��fir�� s�Oe�r��g� �s�''sr��i��tt�s�i I��d, th� ���6cet f�r and�e�tria! I�n��ill b���m� dy�fun�tica�ai�+ithi�4en ���r�. A�a ����a�s� is��he r,��t�f ts���f�g, �ss��s��r��cad� ��d th� ���s+�dwi�g busir��s���91 m��� . . P��tls±nc� I��� ��f�r���9� �r�dl may r���lt in th� rel��ti�n�g b��@���ses ��nd th���te�d��� 9a�- � crffs �rad d'e�1�e�4Dor��). ��r� Fras��i�c��r�d �c��torr h�v����h�xp�ri�n�d fhis ph�r��cn�r��r� i� r��rat y��rr��et�th�ir re�p��iv� �pcaiations G��sld �� l����r�ff�ed�� liv� 6�tro�ir�t3��. ��r�B�c�d �i���x�ri��a�d Yhi� p3��e��rrv��r�en cn�h����6� �9���w0��r� hc�h ��t����r�f���a�r��h� �im�r E����4�. O�4�!s��1P�68�6��4 ���(k��a��3�'�f��a�°�? • R��tr�°� e��lle�t�e i� t� it�����s� �e��ity wi�hir���� �rbar� Gss��h ��u�d�ry�t � r�4��i�i� o� €���ec��ugh to ���omen�d�4e g�c�v�h�iths��t � fc��th�r���lir�� sr� afford�biii4y. ��tr� s���r°�i�� �e�rd�o ����8hi� �hail�t�g� �r�d i� de��l�ping n�rri�r��� i��c�v�tiv� prapo�ais tg in�r�as� d�n�ity (�tach a� ��d� �h�ng�� �nd chang�� ir�3h�tr��trra��� er�f�rm u�� d�f���i i��d�itl�in 4h� l��a�e� Grc���a2h ��u�d�ryj. 6��we��r, t� ���c���fiully rr4��t �4s �h�ll�ng�, �,(of P��tr�'� pr�pc���ls fc�r�ncr��sa�g d�r�si8y� rvi�st be it°�pi�m�nted. i��p�fu9ly, NS�4rra`s �rca�os�ls�iif�vt�rk. 6�op��uily, �e4ro c�� ��n�ei�r,�4i°�� citi��n� ca��i�� r�qi�n �� ���pt c��r�g��to their r��i�hb�rh�a�d� t� ��car�m�da4� in������d d�r��ity. ���thet�g hc�����r i� �S��r. 'fh� pr����� b��s�ai�h 6V��Yr�'� pr�p���ls�il! @� d�b�t�d, rv�ra�if�d �nd �r��i��a��t�cl, �r�lf �ff�cti�ely��k� ti�� �r�d ��q��r� �i��if��t pc�fit��a€e�riii (t��trc� �� �a���r�ing � �L4f�P9 �J��P pPt?C�SS1. �IV�(S $F'� C�ram�tiG d��r���e in 6���tla�c4'� ��ord��ii6it� c���r th� p��t fi�� vea�r� �n� th� r�pid ri�� in lanci pri���, I���ti�nd d�e� rtot h�v�4h� iu��ry �g�nr�iti�g ��v�rt y��r� f��@h��� prs�p���!s ta b� ��fi�c�iv�. tulor��ver, if��m� e���lletr�'� p��po��ls�'or i�cr���ing d�:nsi�y �re r�i��ed by the �iti���� c�f th� c�gi�r�, ar� �x��rssic�� c��'�h� �r°b�n Cr�wth ��c�rad�rpe u�i91 �I��riy b� rae��s�r�/. � 1�V� b�li��� �hat � r�a���st�sc��r��i�r� oF 4�a� �d��n C�r��th �rs��o oc��ry i� n��d�d ���+��a �r�v�a� th� Pegiar��ith ih� br��4hing rm�m �ec��sary t� �sv� ���8r�'s ir�cr��sed d�r���t� p��p���ls �� �opp�r�uni�y t� b� �ucce�sfu�. �tho�t 4r�i� br�at�ing r��r�, �he r��c�i�n r�r��th� �i�k af�cQmi�g �na�ford�t�l� 40 64s �hiiclr�n, lo�ong 4h� t�usin�s��s vdhi�h�r�n�fc�rm�d fih� r�gipn'� ecs�n�my av�r 4�r� p�st ��v�r�l y��r�, �nd i��ang �h� pu�li�'� ���a�so�r��csr iv��tr�a'� ir��r�a��s� d���it� �r�Rsa��l� ar�d P�ng e�r�g� �rc�wY� �sar������r��t p3��ninq, tvt�Yr�'s deeisi�n �eg�rding th� pc���ible �xpansion �f the lJrb�n t�ra�v�h �ou�d�� h�s impo�tan4 � i�n�aii��t�ar�� for ydu a�ad yQ�r con�tiQuent�. 13�'� ho�ih�t�n�� �o� r.�r�full� ����id�r�6�� � Qr��r�a��d c4�r���y ���c�ir���r�4� �ll�t�o E��s pro�o��d f�r��ch jur��dicti�an �within th� A��4rv �r�� � �� ��apy of vvhich i� ���B���d) ��d th� pr��tir�i ��f�c� ���u�h d�n�ity in������� ar� �h� � n�igf�banc��c��s 9n �hich y��r c;���titu�n4� liu�, y�u will igr�or+�.the pr�iitir,�E �Or�,�c�r�ts� ��9d th� � �rb�� ���w�>`t� �o�e�d�rgr i�c pl�� �t�II �c�st� �nd �a��Ce ar, it���pe�d��� d��6�iar� �bQ�at�h�th�r � it i�th� r�gic�n°� b��4 i�t�r��4�e��x��nr� th� l�rb�n t�r��h �t�undar�r. ,�ff�r�t��h� ��r�ful � �on�id�r�tior�, �ve �Ei�v�� ;r�a� will �gre��+vi4h us 4h���h� pr�d�n4 pl�n�i�ag �it�rrrativ� ����h� � Po�tl�r�d P�gion is to rnad�5tly �xp�1d ti��e fUrban �r�wth B��sr�dary. 8n th� ���t ��v�r�l vv��k�, �h� �nal Hobsan Jahns�n �Ass��9���s r��ort� r���rr�d tta sn t�'s� 1�4t�r v�rill b� available fia fhc� �ublic fron M�tra. 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C�x F�ra.sru� F�r��rts�� �C�l1 ABt�r��r� � FZ�r�sf�in �tc�rg�n, Gox � �l�t�r Ltr�. �c�b d�urgar� F'��1 �r���r �a��y i��vids�n A�s�d�rsgn ��n��ructs�rt ��. �caisier � ��91ier �� ��mm�rcial��i��l ��x��e �r���, Cr►c. Jeff�'�i�car��r �,Ob�s� ��!lier, �r. C�s�m�r� �1�i�k�f�ld ca� �a�bls�e� ��(li�r ������ C9��c�n C)regur�, i��. �.C�. �e�cs�r� C�rp. J�xt��t �u��n�i! "��a��� ��Ur��r� � ��r�t�Ar�erica�r �"it�e insura�ce J���r�h �. I�eJ�g�r ��3 ��rr��,�r�a�i F���9 ��t�t� � �ca. GusE�ra��r� � l�1�k�f��d �t` �r�a��, ia��. �r�gon, Bnc. � � �c�rr��n Cady �Y��3����. �ir�l�y � �ar�� �f���r'sca �arD ��t�rs � C3rec�ar� "T'�i� !€���r�rr�� ��. � t��4i�r�al �rc���r�ses � P��I C�rison, aC�lR J�rr� �ay ��ash�rnan & �1/akefi�ld of F�ob�rk �i��ie VV��;�va�c� [2���lop�aa�r�nt �r�ga�, Ir�c. 19.5. �ank . . . . ; .. . . . � a ���rd �3. fidl��Y J�i�9� �. �ae�9 �P�d9�� �ii0er C�ss�rn�n �V��k�f�id c�f ��yd�r�a�#ir�9 ��I�Jar�i��, �d����� �r�gor� ' St��er� "C. �I�in J.�. �r9��� �Ili�e�e C. f3ir�rd °�'��r�s��4�r���o. 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Croup, Inc. ln�. , ' Alex C3. tyf�GL�ar� Sryan Pow�ll t��r�ir� 1IU. �c���is Narris ��ggs � �iPnp�ar� ��r�� P�►fv�lf �p���s �.�s�r��y �� �c�rr��+���i�i ���f ��Y�Y� ����sp, ln�. G�org� 7u������r�� 5?c�� F�. @�r€��.� ' HSM �ornn�rcial Pr���� � Flob��g . 7°rond Inv�ldsen � �t��e��rd 6�suran�� C�. �c�tt �. N9�d�en �f. �ac�er C��aa9m�r� � ��sttr�i�r� �A�Jak#ield Nmrri� ��gg� � �irrt���r� ��a��ri� F�. J�cob�an �laid F'antri�s, @nc. M�lody L. �f9�r�iraez Jack F�eard�r� �'IV9 R�al�y �r��� �rrm�r€;�., i��. � �8�r�t/. 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P��ra��Y� �. �@�a�Ei ��rt�T'r�e�� �rc��i�a�n�� t,9�aith C��►t�r ��� ���P�c,€c �'r���� �: ,�����s�t�s M�lvin Mark �ornp�nie� J�ck�ub��� ��a�VV�s�� Df�k �ch�v�ig�r C� ��r�r��r�s�i F���f ����se C�P@�'��ft e�l3' ��p., Ir�c. �rou�, Ir�c. : ��r�y �evi�r E�ir�da V�°�k�fi�ld �4L� � As�o�i�g�� SGhnit�er !n�a�st��r�t �rar�a. J�ahe� �<. ��a��carsd �7i�k�'U�ker VV�r� �r���, 6s�� 6��r�rfg�g� i/��k�r �Ass��i�fi�s ���fc��ic� �hristir�� V�larn�i�� ��t�y �9�r���r �tvi R��f�y ��°��ap �a�r9� ���g� � �ir�ps�r� �r�k V'�arr�n F�csbb �i�g���h�i�r V�f�rren �rap��t��� t�onrc�� Schn�ider As�oci�fi�s F��r�dy 10V��tl�� �R�vh��! F�. Sif�e�y ��Elyonr��d ��4ee4�i���r�t F��t�r F'�pp�r � ��h�fi�lrna�r . ���� ;�. l�1�iQ�l C��ry sl��tsa��h T'he ��2��� Fuc�d� � ����orray, �nc. �� �+l4oct�a�i ih��ils, �C?I� C�r�e��r� �g�cht ��s�rn�n �VV�B���i�ld r�f � �p��ht C��v�6sa�rr�r�i, lra�. t�s��g�ii, l��. � � � � Jahr► �P. ����k �t�v� 1��1l� � �� �c�rr�rr�rei�l R��I �st�t� Tramrr�i�} �rc�w �o. � �ratap, i�c. � Nlichaei 1/ifenxiick ��lc�r�via Capit�l �arp. • 4 • ����(.� .�.� ��..L.�. A PraEeszional Limit�d Liabilit}�Company LAW SJFFlCFS 1 RQO KC31N �en¢er SE:aBtic 2aa s.vv. cot�,m�o� f�r�chmr��� Pactlana9, C3r�gon 972i?1 B�[le4n�c Taco�ra�a �iark I3. Whitlow tdfain OC�ice: (S(93j 222-1515 V:encauwer, i3.�. Fac�i�sf€�: c5(!3� 72H-366� 6Yash6ngea�m, 1�.�. . Yaki�na 7254a M�y �9, 19�6 - � �'��S1I��L� � 797m�9��. �T�d� ��L�� �'� �'��..,�,��I ��a�.arxissio�.er �h�rlie �-tal�s, Ch�?a- 3�/IPR.� 600 s'�E Grand aven.ue I�artlazady �R 97?.3�-�734 R�: 1��rzl 24, 1996 t��aft o#' L�rban Grc��rt� I�Ianagement F�inctaanal P�an (Pz°oposed Inte�m tMeasur�s) Dear �o�xr�issioner I--Iales an� Nf P�:G Members: 8 Tlus I�tttT 1S '4R!`a7C��n aza behalf �f a busaz��ss ca�liY?r�n Icrzov�n7. �s ��.e �t�fiai� �'as�C �orce (�TF). Pleas� r�x�ke this letter a paa-t of the recard, � ����ral �cs�-aa��dvt; . �e�a��ra�ac �e�e��pr�er�� The 1�TP �s coneez�a�d�tlzat [h� Pi•c,pased Ir�te�zn Measc�reJ ��-e incoz�szst���� �t�a th� r�quir�me�ts r�f �t�.teuvid� Co�l � (Econoatli� I3ev�Iap�er�t), �Ia�ay of �h� pr�sp�s�d x�eas��res a�;�ear to �ave e�ie capacity ta undermira� desir�d �conoixiic de��la�r�ent. Metro's deliber�tive proc�ss should assure the �ra�+ision r�f an �dequ�te s�agply af ��ges a�f suiC�b�e sz�es, �Ses, l�c��ions and �ervac� l�vels far a u�r�ety of pnd�ascri�� a�ad cc�a�rra�rc�at � uses. 7"hese si[es s}iould be supportave of and ccarnpliane�tary snjith the xe�a�aa's ��zlti- � rnod�l ta-�nsportation syste�n. and its diversity of l�ousira� typ�s. P, �eliabl_e f�x�rer�t�z-y �f � areas s�aztable for inereas�d ecan.omic groe�vvth and a�t�vi�r s}�uu1d l�e perfoxmed. .� assessment �f' economic arrfl�acts ariszng frorn C�t� �roposed IriCerim M�asures s�a��tXd �l:�o �e � p��forrne�l prior to adc�pt�on af the interi�n Measures. � t�a � � _ � . . � ��r���ioner �h�r�se k�a , �Ch�z� � �ay �9, 199�i ��ge � ���aet��aa��l ro�s, k'��m���ri� P'�an t1�at�1 rn�st r�ceaai c��aft, ��� Int�� P�'ie��ur�s wrexe ck�ara�terized as �has� I eafr t�� • ��aa�,��era�� T�flan. �'la�y ��� �1e�w s�e��3�x�y ���r�cterazed as � �ian�taoraa� pl��e, ��s�d u�on ��ie �.,����t c��' ��x� I�t��mi ��asu�es, at �p���x� that �he prear �h����t�rc��tiasr� �a� �c��as�te ��d s�,cs�td k�e r��a�.ned. � �'�a�� ��r�a�a�r��5m �.���r�iz�g t�ae �r�ap�ssed Int��a ��as�tr�s, the �.�°�' r�r��.��se� yr��er fc�cuse� �tt��ctio� ar arnd f�x�l���- ct��saderation of the fml��wing sectaon5: �'�fi�� 1, ���t��� �.�a, �a�e �, �,,i��s 15C�-1�8 (P+�A�tirnu� F°A�t) . I�tx��sing mzni�n�m FAR.s in all zoning d�signations ���� �rovid� �xiort t��r� 1� p�rc��x� af t�at ,�ur�sdictic�n's err�plc�ym�nt rs 1alcel}� ta preclude �e�elap�a-►�nt and acc�a�ly red��� �re��th ea�,ac�ry fior eznplaymerat. It ap�ears that mast cox�zn��reial z�nes w��ald fal� vvit�aira �h� caver��e �f th�t mandaeory regulatiar�. k�ias a sc;�t�stical correlatiora beerx �stablish�d bervveei� bualding covera�e �nd err�ployrrlez�t ca�a�°ity? To �he extent cha� rna�xim�m rr�Rs are being pz-c�pasec� eo inc�irectly r�gulate the amour�t of land devoted t� surf�ce gar��, it s��ould be praposed with that characteriz�tion. �'�tl� �, ��€:���K� �.,�p �'�g�s ��8 (�'a�•�.9�a� l�'��xEr�c��5} Please re-exar�ne the need co impcse rnaxizzium �arkn� re�ulatic�ri on a re�Qri-�rrid� �asas. Consider, instead, the z-emoval o� rrunim��n }�arkang rec�uirements. 'I'it�e 4, Section 2, �'age ��, �.,ia�Ps 393-397 (�'rcah�kzatic�� ��' �a��� R��i�) Prohil�iting recail uses larg�r than 50,000 �eet of grnss leasable �rea will si�e�n�ly inripede �ture camanercaal d��✓�lap�enz wbthin the ��gion. tV�ighborho�,d sugerma�k�t� � eomrAxorily c�c�eed that size. '�'his issue is somehaw conf�.��ed wich the co�ce�t �f pr�tect�g ir.�iustrial sar�ctuaries. However, as vvritten, the proposed regi.alation �ar e?�ce�ds �he a.�dustr�a� sancc�ary issue. Fua�ther c��iszd�ratzon �'oz- tii� need for such a pr�h�biti�ra sht��al�' � be the sgec�c focus of at least onP public warkshnp. � � � 'T��I� �, �ectia� 3.f�o� Qae�d 2, ���� d7, �6r��s 503-5�5, ��d �19���2 �C�t�arn��tg�xe/�tr��t � Gead �'fax���s�as) � � Fua�th�r deliberatiaa� should be given to the �r�posed mzr�.tarau�. spacing standards �'or �edestri�n and street con�.ections. The concept of rec��aia-ing a maxirnum gz�id or block �iz� ha5 already received significant discussion in other fon.zms and was not adQpted (Metro's ���LE�.J�AT`ES �.1..�.c:. � � , �° � � , ��ar.�a�sia�r�er �ha�li� kt $g Ch�ar Ivd�y �9, T�ag6 P�ge 3 �e��a��� ����aa�saoz� a� '�'�R ��ai�i��a►��; L���'s °�'�� ��a���adrra��t �or�ar�s�����. `�°h� cea�e���� �f ������ag � �aa�r��n �a� a� �3��k s�e ��r a�. ,px��sc�i��a�� g�a�°cauglacauc ��e ���i�a� dc� not app�a� cc� F�� w�rka�bl� �nd sha�lc� be �ee��.side��d. � p�blic �arax�sshc�p �r� t� �sxtt� s�a�l� �a� �c�a�daa���c�. ���aak yc�u ��r rh� a����-���iry t� p���d� �����nes on the�� ����an� a��aa��. `€i�r�y Yra�ly yo�s��, �a.��.�� C�.��� �.y.,.�.,�a �G'�,=1 /%� . A/la�k 1�. Whiti�w mDwi�tn �c: ���ail i�sk Force Paz-ticgpants , C44\cl�if�hidlst.x�r\hal�s-L.529] 0 ! Ya � �ry � � ��µ &%r6 ,• � � ' � ��Cx�� �'�f���� P.L.i.,t; � _ _ I � m , , , . . � ' �(�y��p �3�9� . '. 4 " ' • . I ���t�ai��e��a���h��r0a� ���d�s, �h�abd� ( �P��.' � ��E�9���s�ac� A��aaaa� , � �o�IsB�a�l,�1����3�n�'�3•� , � { ��w ���s��! ��s l9���r�afs��'�Srb�aA�r�wglg l�:�a�sa�,eny��m� �°aeoe��aa�e��g �����( I � �i�$�$'�.��'1119�@H��6S.bfl��'�' �'�b$�l°4�649� ��e�� ��'66B�D�@•�o � . . ' ZJ�adew�°'i'c�l������t�em:ai �`���s6bt�at�99 a� �s ��e�g��ea�°�9�aad a� A���Na��"� aa���ea� . •� ��Rt'��9D�IilaDl`tt°af sH��C�C� �EatB�63��11dv:a�a. I C�f)B99$ �B�°�B�°6r�'Bg d53�b'��5�'��� ���8��1 Sq) �en�c�e�e����s�ee�►�araa�b�csevit� ��e ��t�is � �'41194C 5�63 �9�I6WEi� ��@C96•�ao�ia i�eetad�eoa���, I ��tR�h�ststert� I.nke C)�ee�r�c��:IABC��C3� Io1B109> '8'his ���ge a�f sa ��o0�r��va���cl�ral��esw�^�� �I e��c�°��o�t d������r�Qa���a��s �+f tR��. wos,de��a� to c�a•�°y l������ltrmc��f c�°a��i°ic sa��'�!y�aeal a�C.�QBCE�e�B�6E� ����!A8�8et9, f$4�(I8�3�nW.�I i'�l@Bt�St@b'!E�''�'�9�68t� �B�l`a0�@y IB9C6°��g�tl��90�6��i16�ai� , , � �9@Q Q'ya`�6��D! �&'�@�9� t9S90R�s9B��E1C�°�!$�OC�9� 0➢�9�;Ii�fB�'�i�E�9� 3B9'6�85' i��:�M���� 8����'4��t�1�8l9� . � ��fC����9°�8"��el�tl�' 6'�QD�.$ eIES�Bg9Ci'G.'SB�� Age(D�DI�Q.' �90lS� ��18Q➢i�$.'Q� f��B �I9i.` °a@9�,�''s3A:Cb`A�3 YtQ!iAl'�A66A.�I � �1�^C�3�a ' 9ew �ra�er�o :���rwe�� t@a� ��ai��1i�. tf��d dhi� is ra�t I���f•�'x er�t�am¢s �we�sabs� sa���E��� a��s�a����ra�t�9aaaa�ae:m�c 6ae atd��d tu`I'itl�b ��;A�qi�cit9y �s��9ia��SV�oiY 5�1�'���89@��t�e�5 ��a�[@a��ci wsa ��ec�6oGa 2� �8960�16-sar�� �a�s���� aa4as� ���:d'a��� :�� ���&�y45 5�:996E�1�'���dA�'���°��� , ���0���tear�ty cR�g�.a��a0� t� 5����� ��a�l��a�:�ys ir� :a�•c°�e� o���a��e a�s°� pie°���a��a�y � ������r��i;ol, �aoa•�ities�se�•cs��, �'F&�i'f,�5��.5'dF�6� 3DIS49 �H$f�A&� S���B Pi13"R�1�°4'S@$�Q� 84A4,���S6d� !6l ��8�' ��0�q��AfaiBae�.g4�9�ee Ql��t� �aoJ���da�� e��a�8 �s�6°��y �'��•�i� �'��°a�e��f�e•a€�c ia�e@u�l9�ti��oas��, bi�y�lis�� �aZt! �i�cl�sta°a�aso� is ���a�it��asa�y �a�e�a�ri:����. °T'a� :��I�s���t�ea� ��a��q �a���d°a� � �P�atalcY rvo�•�t���th ¢6�c (�o•c�oa� ���r�aa•�eepraet ts�'i'r:36iSgB�1'�';�Fi�t� a°Ol)fl� �6SC9CI �9�Q�B.k°�aqt��lat� 80 laij�i4 �iCCCSS Q���n ti��se �•o:ta�a�.iy5 4�y eiimi�e:o�ao�� �u�tac :�Y�t9 t�y sa�a�a��i������mtltco°s. ' V�ry qrrel�►ystto•�, � ; .�A9@D ��&9P�Q�b`�� f�e��� • ��°: �6B� �(Bt'JB81s C�$���8� . i i r ,���'a ��i�at��s�f� �f.c.tn�°drrlad.o, f�c�, 62."�Q3 t�cl�s �eg•���, �.elQd€' �e6S'e�tl} �3r���ag �7a�� 'l'��I��alt�i�C ��03) �a3(s-��A"�13 ��°C �5t�a� G�(s-i1�836 �`�'d 1•!°��'[:�Z 355� 't s r��W �61�t L£�L �fbS :Ql 1,1"1t1�� !�Y HWCi��� L�—�:W0�1� O 1 � �EYi(itl 94a ! M' J •���W��l�W� W0� l0���� �O��OA P 4PW &��Il'9CCVM61 . ��7.� �a�i�aa�i��Q ��� � sovic���o��� �' � 15555 �.VV. �angy i�d.. Sui�� 3fJ1 ffi �,�ke C�,dv�gr�, ��fi 9703� ���299 ��g� �:h�r�a����s �. � �5��, Pv�PA� � " b00 I��'�ad A���a�� P�s�ax��g �I�. 9?2�2 ��: ,��z� 2�, �.99����, �.e�i����r�t°e��a�'k�E�n � l���r C��r��s a�c����at��r��g�A.�: "I°�Sanl�you far Lhe�sppc�a-t�nr�aty�o ��ra�xrs�nti ��the praprased�e,ggar��l Fz���w�s�k�'tasi. Y�aAay�� th�points coa�t�ar��� in�Pr�s l�tt�r hav��r��dy b�e�r�ised ��xhe 1VI�"t�� i����a�ra�l�c�r���v�r�d�re th���axli�r��r��spn�dlenc�t�ysac�;thi� lin��iu�r►b�rs in thi�lett�r corresg�+nd t�th�Ag:il 24 dr�. As a ikvr�shold rrs�,�ter, 12 I5��T�?4��Ix10Y2��3�Y ��Cc'iI 1°1��I'l��S S�'ll�ll�����Y�IL� C�&�$�l��b°b3W��1 allo���ie�ns pa�c�r tc� eit�.er i��trc� ar th� Ir�cal ��rv�r�Yrra�r�� rracsvia�� fa�r�re� e�uith ir�p��t�►�t�t�.Yisan�� tfae�. °�he �xc�ptac��a�rcacess �a���ir��d i� S�ctic�r�7 dn�s �as�t addq�na�e�}��ddr�ss c�ea�cc�r����°� fih��th��i��.z�ns n�ed tu b��za�a�e�u��c°�af and��a�l��v�d th�c�pp�rtun�.t�t���s�.��y�t��th� p1a�e�it��b�i�tg do�x� ��°i i�,�ir b�h�f: �f Yh�nr��time �loc�l�mverruraent �cr���i�et��t�����s��h � th�iz��re�5�d d�nsity c��nd �h�zage��f use b�pn� rr�ade n�ces���y eh��Q40 pl�i� ���h�a���t� �d�p� ��t�c� r�qu�r�ment�, �h�a��h�r� a�ally is nc� crY��in�l �ppor�t�anity fe�r cor��n2, I4�ll ks� . taa ��.sy fs,r lo�cal �c�v�mrYa�nt Yc� �dop��h�t�v�r�tlw�;a�i�r�is g,�v�n�o tihe�ca�nd bla,r�e���r��'c�� th�r��c�ssity, rather thas� �a t�o�a�h ehe�xc�ptaaz� �r�a��ss. '�°I���i19 r�s�lt in th��c,�a�� �1��i�� d��i��o�s �d comza�ur�it�y baaymx�t�e�a�rrit��, �sr��t a����rirt�, �4 th�g���aa� �t�u�at�r, �����tt���e�re�. b���a� �xst �arnv anyc�rae����b� a�ar�c�f J��t�h�,t �h���4� pl�as�a�an�. �°�� i��a�� hc�e����4���a1d b�. VV� ar��c��a����a �.a;ue �ranv�rsa.tfl€�ns with �ur ca�i�ens aztd nei�h6t�rh�c�ds�ba���an�re�s�i d�n�d�y. 'That i� ��iv��. �i'� casa�i�h�r��a�s��a hav�tho�e cor�v�r�ati�ns�t th�fr�nt cr�d t��t��Fr���s� �r v�r� ��h���th�rr�on �prc�j�ct by praj�ct basis, but �r�vvall �a��+�the�m. �ur p€���tiaaa��that if . 2Q4f3 i��aze�g tca s�cce�d tsa ariy gr��t extent, th�;n�v�ry�ri� Fr� tk�� re�ior�n��ds iw bt in�n ih� d�cisian, �na �;c�thia���lI b���n�d by att�rnpting tcr �nd r�ar� �iti��n ���tpta���. I�tt�t a�rily g� �. � �a}d�z�$ r��al �e�-i�a�s��odc� p�abl��:policy, ira a�xr ca;�aniaa�, �ut v���a�Ig�v�xt is r�c�uired by���1 �. � �e�tt�r�, th� pc���ss dv�s �c�� ad�quat�ly pre�vid� ft�r publi� p�-tici�a2i�r� �rad�xr��u��st th�t � Ir�c� p�blic �e�n�s csrt�ta4�ro�k� �Il�catic�ras, vaith nez�hbr�rhoad-sp��i�i�ir�fcaa��ic�n �ts� d�nsi?�r a.r�d t�p� cs�'hs��s�r��t� be ba�ilt, �� r�q�ai��� izz �a�h jur�sdi�tic�n prior t� ari��,�1��g���by '� �+i�trQ. � � �s � , � Gh�r1A�F-i��s _ � �4,prst �7$ ��96 Pzap�� 2 �'i�l� 1 d . ��re�� 75 d �2� It �s uaxcl��a-�rh��h�s-t��"p��f�r�r���� s��,��rai"' t��a�A�I)�b� 3!!I�R�S��$i�Gf 3S!Sl�IL•i8 �fl��al c�r�pli�rac�v�ath th� b��ra��srf'�"stl�; �. ���rnd���tai�ad�aa��a�b��� ��t ��c� ���r�ir�e�ut�a�e�s�p�r�°�a�a�h�ars�y��s st�t�d i�arder�c� ���nply�t�a ztac p�����c:��Y�d�d, b�t��,i5�€ac�ld b�anad��l��-er. �a �d�ati�ea�� �-�q�ar����h�� ���� ��������t h����c������� e��iaer r��ia�i�s� �pl�c��c� ����i�a���t���������t�d ���s��i�, a� is arn��r��at�a��t��y b� a�s�� �� d�r�c���������a�a�y�� d�r�sity's������c�, 6�xt tha� it �s lik�Ir���z h�pp�r�. I4 is�ls� c�i���a1�h�$th�he��as�a�r�f�� a��aa��ae���, �d z�C�t lca��!��v�r���e�be a°�����d t�d��ae��s�r�t�hra�th���f! �����°��ad������ �d���o���p�. ��r.�ag��a�r�c�t re�d°s�rg t�s�c�r����l�, tsa�� I cia� z�cst s�� �u�h ���qugrear��nt �th�s do�aet���t. I.an�� �OS - 2�7: ,l'ursdi�ta�ns seeic�n�tcs justify hi�h�r d�n�i�y capa�ity by na��res afrr�ira��uan d�rasi�re,g�.i�a�i�n� sh��ald be �equYr�d t� dera�or�s�r�te th�t th� a�zaa�irrz�a�xts are in fact lsk��y�� b� ����a��d. ,f�.��tt�� a city wath an a���3 burlt d��zsit�r c�f�b �r�ts p�r��r�co��d ae�opfi a 10 u�a4 , . p��acr� zar���th� � �anit rrian�irra�a�, an� a��;.r�r t��y�ta deara�r��ta�at��€svv this doublzr��a�f • d�nsity r�ould �ct�a�Ity c�c�ur. L�r� p����9 p�x�a�ps9 su�h a�it�r�✓c�uld be i�cwmpli���vvigh�O��y bu� if���ua�i�s aren't built, such c�rrzplia,gi�� is ��th�r h�lln�. 2040 �ra�apl�axa�� iravoiv�� �or� thari mer�ly�requi�ing a rninirn�xn d�rasity; th�r�n�eds to be a sh�iva��th�t th��equir����ats c� ar�d r7vi11 be com�lied with. I.,a��� 11� p 135: If�l�c� �rav��.r�a�n�'� d�terrruraa�gar��r�d�r ��.is se�tion i�.cl�as��s"add b��ks'9 �rvm density transfer c�r o�h�a°siraa�i��Srca�risians, then th�y should be requised to d�r���:stra��tk�at su�h transfers �ct�.a�lly��rk�rad have r�s�It�d in no or�YUma..l d�,iszt}� loss. It is���t�n��� j�arisd�ctiar�s tc� ia�pase dev�fc�prrz�nt r�strictit�ns for�zcvisra�a�nt�d �s ather purp���s, �d �q�aall�r C�r�unon for�h�rn to �l�uw the d�veiop�r�o �r��fer d�nsity f'r�m th� r�5t�ic��d �Sa�rti�ar� of�I�� �ite t� anath�r are�; �rhae is��ry unct�raurs�n i�for such tr�sf�rs$c� r�;cur. Ivtc�r����n tham �cat, ancreasin� density�Is��h�r� run� �fQUI s�f�xistbn� zor��g st�ndards, r�eigI�bc�rha�ad opp�sbtion, a I�c�. c�f rsaark�� �����at�a��e a,�d th� lik�,•ra��r�� �enszt�y tr�sf�rs es��n�a�lfl�r rr���riiaa�l�s�. I.e�re� �3£ - 164: �a� aciditiQ��to th� r�quyr�rn�nts listed, tocai �e��✓erc�anents n��cf ts� ��9y��th�ir cursent ho�sin� �aix�.nd Gam�s�e tha� ±o th� h�usir�� mix th�t waauld b+� reqa�ir�d by 2Q4Q � coa�ipli���. '�°ca �h� ��c`cert tha� ther� is � ch���, ttae�s�:a�ald b� �'eyuir�d t€��t��ta�+tka�.t it�l�g�t2 �f � �r��d 10 �rad �h�; n��d�d h�using scctians af� 2�OR. '�h��r sh��ald �lc� this ana�y�is at e�� s�rrze � tirn� a�they as� d�tea�a�iriir��tta��r�apa�ity. � � � �a�►�s �.6� � �96� 'Th� a°�asc�t� for�h� dit�'�r�r��s i�a �r�;ata��e�� be#�a.�����u�zsdi�ti�ns w�ith c�p�.�at� � �rad th�s� with�ut �apac'sty �sc�pc� �a�. .�� �h� l��st,j�ar�sdi�tiaa�s that d� no� h�v��ap��i�y � �a��-r�ntly o�ught te� be r�qu;r�a t� c�nsid�r th� taols �nnd en��h�usa�s s�t fot-th �t �.�ra�s 1�4 p �93. '-°� �J'e wou9d als� �nc��r��e ���tr� tc� c�qtair� that tlaQSe jurisdictions �i�hflL�t cap�ci�y 6� ���s�tt� ��� same "vdhat did you really do" st�d�rd as is propased for those tihat think they�Ire�dy have 2U40 aa�.ir�g �n ehe boc�ks. Ch�rfla��l[�,les . , .�pe�� �7, 1�96 ' P���e 3 ����� "F�a s�t th� co�te�'t for�ur�c�rt��c�ts r�n �'ifi��3, �.��d� �ra�befli�ve th�t Str�����d�� ��a�s�¢v�ti��n es�g�p�opri����c�r�ar1y empl�rra���at�p�a�d e�✓� str�n$t�+�bj�t ta A�s b�a�n$ . . . ��r�sid�red� suc�i. I�Ni�tr��r�at�to u�d�r��lc� Goal S, or far t�t r�a�tt�r���s 6 0�78 �� - b����lf�f�hc r���si, �h�t���va�ll aa�c�ge�ad�ad ���naght��su���rti��s�f�.e�h�za����b�a���� t�de�i�H�� s�a�uld be d�r���t�cia����ar�ar�c� d�lib�a���i�a�a th�v� b�pc�s��bl�as��1���ly aaa�pt�rn�r�t��fl�r�g�r�s����. '�°hi��'etl��o����r b�y�and���r�qasar���r���of a�y 1����d��a�d ���y�ara��h�������a�r�a���c��thc�aoal � �afl�; �h��u�j���f���i��e���a�l p�ot�tiaea, w��� ��t����l�i���a��.�e as��� �a���m�ly�oe��gs�v�rsi�9 �.d i�a����a�,e�r^��as��a e��c��a�bl��na�d�� � d'€�'er. �°����3 �tt��pt�€�d�s by���r��fi�t�rh�t���t���ta����ab���c��'protr��t� I����ad pe�l��y��a.����s thr�u�haaat th� st�te, ��d sc�ch�a shc�a� ��ir�g c�f�ia�pr�acess is ira�i�r�a�tYy a�an,��rc�us. 'Th�s�ntir�`�itl� �houfd be r�r��v�d aaad ���a�eld be the�c��as of further irate��i�� . dis�ssip€r by I�c�,l gr��+�rt�a�r�r�ts asaa citiz�e�s b�fos�i���r� a.dc�pt��n�rthin$. Ia� ���ti�n 5 of t}�s Titl� it s��t�s�h�t ixs e��ctiv�n�ss �h�uid b�tied t�Nle�ro's adopti�n af a T��deE �c�de, e�rhick��ay pro�6d�th�goa�za��c�r fiarth�c dis��assaar�of tku� ��su�. It is�por��at to ���p in rnir�d, �oaa��v�r9 t;n�t�f1e rra�i�n paarp�s� �f th�2Q�U �larr�n�gro��ss is�o ��cca�odat� the�s��h exp��e� ia��he����Y�, r�o�ta da��crles�te ez��r�n��n��tat�rot�is�ra. ��+��ald��.as '�'itf��nd up im�h�fin�l v�c°sion of kh�f�arts�work pi�� sx��sY��Yi�lty�tz� s�ae f����� prm��ss�d �ue�r��glys litigatit��caaa n��rfly b��s.a.�an���d. 'T�i�vvoas�c� ne��t s��a�t�b�i�l��t�°o'� �r th�r��i�n's inter�st�. . �'�tle � �eaa���fi� � �tl3„ �.�s;oed.iz��tm �his T'i�l�T retail ���zld !�e dis�a�ar���d i��1t���� �r �11 i� �rnplc�era� a�°,� Ixad�ast�ial ���s. �t i��ik�ly to �ss�arn�ih�����flit�t� r�t�l, ����r th�.�a ariia��d �n�� pr€aj�cts, �c�u�d b���lo��d fla�r��id��ati�1 �reas. �av�r�t��t r�ta�i•r�ly ��tEP���d i�����d �r� �x���asively r�t�xl us�, �hat is t�� exp��tati�r�a�r�d�s 2�4�? fc�� s�c�ppxn� ar�a5? t�r���e,��in�tgy r�ly�n2ira�y�� �c���le�g�`� I'►�1� 5 �`I����ncept �f nar� res�u�r�s as probternatic. T'h�r��� �,�v��b��r�ax� explaraatic►ra�s t����y aa�; �dditaon� desi�raatxdn�s n���ssary�or larad already c�ff-lirnit� undee�ua�re�t zo�ang, ncar h�s ther� b��n �aa explanation as tc�wh��pur�a�e th�rural reser�e vvcauld serve. �t s�etr�s th�� �11 thi��r��a�d dc� us to ara�lc�it me�re d'r�°ic�stt gc� ��pand LJCs�s c�ta z�►,ar�l r�s�rves in thE fiatuse8 arcd T��aa�d s�bar�it�h�t �he pros;�ss is �ready diff°ic.ult �no���h. °g'��i� � �Laa��� 4$� - 522: T"his s+e�aon r�l�t�s Yo d�si� standar�s f�c sYreet �+��a��tivi4�. �1�w� su�po:Y �auch of wha� is st�f�� in thas s�c4ic�r�, seuer�! pr�vi�ioe�s C�ass�tas cpc�c�rn. �ir�Y, �✓� believe �ha��N1�xro's sta�d�ds shoutd p�r�ll�[ th�s� An�h� 'Transport�.ti�r� �'lac�nir�g R�l�, ��t �xceed t�em. 'Fhe 'I'�R as finaliy re�visec� by I.��C v�as � �roduct of rri�ny manths c�f hearings and disLUSSians, and cepresents a consensus as tc� how best incr��s� rraul�i-�oda1 us�s aaid d�cre���vehict� rr�le� tra��l�d. Som� o��hat Tvietro is prcrpr�sin� --th� iirraitatie�ns on �u9�d�- ( � � ��x�la��i��� ' �g�t ��r, ���� Pa��� �c�e t$�� t�st�ln�t�'a �g�'��& Sp�Cit��, �h�r�q��r���rat�o pr�vide gu'b�i�ri�F�t�cr��;�y r�u��s-��� ��y��d s�vh���,�I�� c-�q�ais�s, �d�v�d�a�'t k������r��na�t y$wise. R�g��s�z�t�ta���F,r�r�x I�I�fi�°a e�r�r���rol��d ����Z°I�.�a��gc�t°s�tac�a�$y �e�th� s�rautd r�fl�� ���ecrsent��l��dy�ta�xa�C. S���d, �t����P�skir��y s�r��25 ����;,�i`+V'�����P,Y1�2i d)Q5���Y1V���8741ff S, �h��r���$�ara�he�." d���at�t$��'��z�oc�g�t. Req�ir�rn��aa�o���,ve�aenY r�radtt�is�c�ca�� b�t dc��sre't ��cs�s�p�a�z . ���h�°�nn a l�d us�p�rsp��tiv�uril�ss rn$Iit-of�r�y�Idth Is Xa�c��rl���sr��led. °�fl°i�. �ssa�Yd r�qcai���th�,t �cs��l�c�������5�r�pi�an�r�t �skarin��r�� s��d�r�, ��i �hc��a�d p9����amat���s��r� �t���aa�e�r�t �f a��l������r�y�h�.t��aa b�reqaaar�d, � a ' ���� �2�,� ���v °.�����r�aa��aon����c���r�.. �'k���p�a°f°��ra�c���������r��oa�g��� ' +�a�t��b�������a���a��.t, �d �� i�s�.��a��[�Ie��vh�����aD�h��i����c��pa��h�d����e ��r������ssf�l a����in�Qh�re�ir�pla��. `�°h�����c��air�rr�ea�ts�II add��a�h��ras��f d���apt�t�t �rath��st �y���ar�aize�o t�a�p��Ii�a���sms ��°�1bT'�°r����ti�sr����°���th�tic�$ �d �r�v�ta��d ����aa�a�e�a� th�t t�e�� pro�asie��s�b���i�aalr��t�d �a���t���'. �i�a�§ ���� 5�3a Irccr��sing d��sit�r wril� i�cr��se�o�g�stinxs, �rad�� �r�g�l�a��d to s����°� a°��o�ni��tha� fact. �h�t is t�oubli���s M�tr��'s �rapr�sed �I��r��tiv�s tcr ua�r��s�d �c��d ��p��a�# f�ua�d �� �,ie�es 55� m �$�. T'his r����res�ha�bB�YdbE�T7.S�:b�appli�si, �vitk���t�y d����ipgi�a��f��� �h�t pra��s, 0.Md� 661��°°•l�,{.DR6�ir 6M1S�� �V �C8�YM3�k± LAl�`EC4Re�d�AA�99 ds��sz�'� �dd �azy�fla��. �a���t��, �v�a� �� ���ra� ��r a ftransit �c�t�isarz? VJh.�r�d�d th�a���t�fi�d t�°��t �csrt���raz� ���h� d���lap�d ht°� �f`p��p�� �h�ca�e���t� �c��th��u�, �vh�t i� � la���ca��rr�a���sfi�����s�d t�+da ahc��at ad`� �a�c��r�.��sg�az°ps�ca�da��i� csne t�aa�, �Ld� 15��t�1I7��Y�tYf5t1 Ca�t�i5 S��cc��cac����eq��a°��t? �� d���l�p�c� t�������.e���s�'��°��}�u�l����upaYacy? I�'the s�rat��y fl�arlcin��er�i�t�1��.hh� �s��c��d�t�ri���t�tasatil pe:�pl�d��ide tc���1c�'�s�-��t, �taa�����r��k, bc�t �t�+ifl� �r�r,n��€� �i,�.i�i��Z ca�2 i�e �ses�ti�inr�t��itse�. �i��e 7 �an� �Q�� �1�: �„s st���d a2 the beginaaira�c�ftP�i� fl�tter, it :s aua-c�pina��th�� k��arn�� sh�eafd b�� �a�ld l���l��ri�r to �y�dr�pti�sa�s�f�tyt��i��by��tra. C�ar�seq�e�atl}�, �+c vaor�'t b� ���dsrr�a�l�a$ �his ����gc��, t�th�r�6��t� �i�nti���h�t t��a1 ,�c�v�r�ae�t z��eds tts b� �����t��k�� ��c�ptio�b�s�d c��fihe�'��2 that th�ar��t��r�y simpl����aara�r�pp�d�h��a�����aer r��a�,itg� ��re pr�pcas�d. 1 hat c�bzriotasEy isz�'�pl�rased 'a� l���le��, ba�ths������pt n��ds to �e sax�luc��d °a� th� l�s� �f����1 ��a���r�znerzt of�rarrrps. � � �°ha.n�s yu� €"ar y�ur�oa�sid�r�ti�n. � � � ��r�r��1��tours, � � � � Jt�n�4,. �handler tier�ec� �c�uras�l �c: Ie+���r� Cc�ur���i � �� �Qard i • � �1 ��� • . � � � � � � � . .: .., :, � ���� . . . . _. , . t��y 29, 1995 1�1�tea �olicy r�clvisary �oeru�aYtte� 6t�t� l�'c Grand A.�ean�e �m�t�and, (��i 97232 , I�e: iI�-b�a� Grrev✓th l�faruag�rn��at.F'�arPCFeon�l Plan (.�pri[ 24�a�a,fi) ��ar iV�F1�� i��x�nb�a°s: �s rra�ny af y�u Icr��w, the Alatia�aal �►ssociation of Indixsta�ial �r�d C)�c� ��sap�t�i�� (I�I�aIOP) TC�T'�5�I2tS � WiUG' COT1St1L�1C;Il�y of real estat� prc�fes�ioila�s ��ea�� �az ��a�aarta�rcga9 ��.d gndus�rial 1•e�l estate. �1l�IC3T' rn�mb�rs have b�en �ctiv�ty par�PCapating i� ��� ��x�y iYnplementation a�th� Iv�e�ro 7040 G�ov✓�h �c�rxcept throug� i.�o�srtal dA��ra�si�t� �r�tk�� �/te�rn st�aff and �[I'!�C znemb�rs, ���� t�c��gh ra�or� f�a�nal ch�ran�ls, s�ct� �s �ar�9cx��tic�at �r� th� 2040 lyl���.s i�u�iness Commit��e. �le appr�ciate th� opp�t-ttita.�� t� �a��ta���4 ��d �eqaz�st �klat you rnak� this letter a part �f th� a��curd. �e �ake no at�em�t to hid� €�ur bias -- our goai is to �r�sur� that d�e �c�r��der��io�t azad �aref�zl t�e�ugl�t is gzv�az e� th� i�n�+a�� cf U���n CYro�th I�ana�er���axi �����io�a�! F°l�� (�iarz) on c�rt.�nez•cial ��d ia�dustrial r�al estate dev�faprr��nt �r�.s�de t.h� iJ��. ��s� �a��� dis��ssEOra of the �J�6;� �xpa.r�sion �nc� �arly ixa��tl�a�e�taticaz� Z�as �'c���ss�:� ��t a•��i��t�¢B�E d�v�lopment. I�drxstri�� and coYrunercial r�ai �s�ate d�v�ic�pr�?€za� h���, for �aae m�ssi p��, �r��z� z�nored. �e ur�� 1l�PAC rr3.embers i� carefully e�a�irte Yhe: r�sttlts t��'th� r�c�z�t � �-Iobsan 3ohnson �c. ,�ssoci�tes study which shows �hat tkte c�r�c�r�t sl�c�r�ge o�'andctstris�l ��;d com�zerciat ��nd a'ri th� a��giQn will ca�cs� a �iysfuz�ctioiial lar�d ��rk�t xn th� r��,�r �ttare. �JJ'i�aut � go�c! seleckion. of ind��s�rial sit�s, �:o�axpa.aases wi�l rels��at� �is�t�h�r� a�a�9 jr�b �i7S&�S WI�l i120'�XI1�. . Ir carly �plementatian of el�� Plan� i� ta succeed, �very�a�� in th� ��gflr�� r���ds ta �e � irife�rn�e� �b�ut �fte a�np�a•tar�ce af naC ar�ly havir�g an ad�q�xate 5tapply o�resid�t�tia� �atask��;,, � but �Isa an adec�u�te sup�ly af co�nanerria� an�i inc��astrial laaad. I�f�OP stt�rpm�s g�;� , . � prelarriinaFy repocts fro� th� subcoanrr�itr�es af th� 2Q40 Riii�a�s Busines5 Cc�t�a`kt�� ���# � ��,��s IO�F�4C r�a���e�-s �nd local jurisd¢ctioras tc� car�fully r�vie� th� �ob�ora 3t���.st�y� r�p�ct � resul�s. I�'tetro sf�QUlcl nok �dopt a pl�n �hat ignores :r�arket r�afiti�s ar�d �it��� a�nd pt����,��� � �referecic�s f�a� h��asi��, eca�p]oyrr�eni, t�ar�.spoctati�n and dev�iog�n�rtt. �V'F���' ur��s —� I�(PAC members to give a compreher,sive analysis ta the indu�t�4a! ar�d cc�rnrne��ia1 la�� supply in their respective jurisdictions. lZll. SW Fifth Avenue, 5uite 2722 • Portland, Oregon 97?.04 • (5Q3) 223-1766 y FAX (503) 223-1659 1 e� ��r s�e�i��c �orrirrlen�s �� c�rt�in g�or�s��s c��th� �lar� fc�l�c�w b��c��. ' '�'ftle 2e ��giun�9 P���i��� �c�l��y I� c�rder for the paa°9cing r�tis�s s�ZOwn in t�� �.�gio�a� Pa�kir�� Seand�rds 'T�bl� S� s������#3 Yl` T5 ��xp�a�aeiv� th�t th� ���er������� a�nc��es s�f tra�s�€�rtataar� t��irt� pr�pas�d ���s��l� . ����lc�p. '�ir���a� alt�rraative r�a�a�s �af�oaa`��r�i��t �.�d �h��p e�°��spc�a�t�tdcr�t;p��p�� ���it� ��f �crr th� a�t�a��sbi��. �� a�� �c�n��gra�d �a��"��te 2 c�ca �c��g�r h�� a r�q�al���ra�n� fc�r q�a�ity t�°�.�spa s�n�vi�� ��� #�a�e �dj���r�t x��i€��x��a�l �.���� b� sa����i��z� c� s�r�r� �a�s���e�� ��� ������ss ���9c�y��s. �°�i� ����.s t� b� �h����d.ec� r���c� th� �u�r�nt �ark����c�. �� ��� �c�rac�r�a�d �b�u� ehe ��arr�r�t ���'ig��io� �f��a��� r�. A� ci��ft�d, ��a-�aa�I�r �lI ����rci�1 �nd �a�aploya��:�ae �reas m�w rail �nen ��r�� �, i� cc��trase to th� 20-�xi�u�te p��� � p�rxod traa�sit opti�n t���gi�lly ci�s�cass�d. �has e��fir�iti�r� do�s xar�t�g�b� t�gL�a 'T�tl� 7. a�ct��a� 2 �li��s 61�-52h� �'crr ����Cin� r�lief�ros� �e p�r�in� �n.e�s�z���. �'h�s pr���sio� sh�€sld ��t�x�it lacal�ur�s�ii�ti��s .�� �pply �o�� � pav�tci�� ��.Cios t� �rz� ar�� �hic� p� a��t �u�°�°�n��� b�a�g served by th� 2J-in���t� pea�C s�rvjlce, whi�h d�es na� ha v� saa��i�a��t p�siestr��n a��ivity withfln t�e ���s�mg bagsines� rlistract9 �t1d �vh��e.��°u�et�t �c�j���r�t P�i���hbc)t`h��c1� ��'� aao� �ir�se enougt� to �en�ral s��'�c���t petle5tria�a �ctivity, � ��������fly� ���;��a�,ar��d �y ��� 1c���� �ov�rr���at. �inall�, r�fer�nc� �a f'u�ur� �on�v�rsi�sr� ����c�ss par�Can� ��ines 62$- f29) mcast be �t�°n�kezz, sYn�� t�� �a���c�t �h�r�1� d�ctat� w�.a� l�nslo�rn�rs �s� �i�1� sa�ch �xc�ss c�pacity. ��cal,�aarasdg��i�z�s s�aotald b� encc�urag�d �c, s�r�amline any �dria.ia�.iis�ra�ive h�a�s�� �roc�ss �'ar pr�ject� �Iia� do �ot €���t th� pa�kxrig rati�s s�aawn ir� t�a� �.��gor��R ��r��� �taa�c��rd� '�abl�o Also, vv�at 'ss th� ��sp��tation fi�r ��Qjects thaC dt� rz�t f�I3 icYto �ray p���c�.l�r ca��gor�y (�.g., �rarehoa���s o�Iess tl�aaa 15�3,OOC �sf�s� �a�`oj��ts �ts�fls�i�� r�f �riegiarily v�arehcaus� vvith a sr�all �ffice spac� yr�cluded?? '�'ftl� �, ��t�tl in Ern�a&����t �r�d �r�daas��°a� Aa��as �IVhil� I�t�It�P ��Spia�ac�s r�� ���d eo s�t aside �d�sCra�l l�nd �car u���as�ri�,l t�se, ���� �.�sc�� te ma�� c�early de�ane�r�taii slic�p�a€�g ar�as �rg.s�de ��d outside of�rr�glayrra�nt �nd �rld�st�°zal areas. �i. q��c� �eadi�� c�f 6�s "�itle � ���v�a.Zs tha.t ret�il �eve�op��rie is �ot � ���mura�ed anywhere. '��a�r� �wiIl th� �it�ze�s 4f t�ie ��gian t�a �h�ir s�ta�p4rag? � � • t� � � � � _2� � . � � , b �3r� beh�if o��th� �"Jr��€aa� �t�apEer �f I'�AI(��, �re 8ha'�r�c yc��r �'�r yaaazc ��rr�s�sl���ta�n �rad c�p�c�rt�nity t� ��sgrr�►��i�. i�3�IC)1� tn�ks Pc�r��c� to c���i�c��d �aa-�a�a����tsn �ra th� ��r�y �rr��aflem�¢�f�tacsra prc�c��s. V��y tz°u��y u , • rA �. � . � �s"� ��� ��11� �'z�����aat c�: Jot�a� �r��c�����, �I�t�ea ��c�v���1VI�.�a,��r�.�a�t ��z�vi�es L�ir�r�c�r ��da°� ��tat�ei� . ���3I' �csare� . � � � . � a�- � � � � � � . �� w ma _3_ � 4 � . ' ' . ' . . ��� � ��� . . � � � � � :� � � C � ��./' (Jr•��yr.� r� , l �� i� . . l��y 2�, �� C:orr��r�iss�on�r��a�rlie�al�s, C��a�ir �PA,C", �I�f�r�za�i a�.veazca� • �'a�l��ad, C�I�3"7�2��73� I�: �Jrb�r� C'i�°uavtk��ana��ment�'�aaactinnal F'la� (Ir�t�a�rr4 T�e��ar�s) ����c��r�i��a�aa���°Ia1�s�a�d i�ff'.��I����t��es. ' '�"}�a�I�tt�er ns�a�t���a a� t�e�ia�f°caf t��������r� �k�����a°�f th� �n��r�a�t�i�a��! ���r��;� �s�°�h� g�r�� ��s�ters(I�S�) r�g�rd�n�;th� �bcsv��att��°. '�`�e t�5� ���gASEs��"��pz��+�iz�a�t�i�+ 3�, ��mb��`�vorld�id�, i��it�dan� �i�velopers, r�tail�rs, �r�hstecfs, �m�y�e�cts�rs, l�vtd�rs, bc�k�ss, etc. a�l i�valv�d ��thz�happang c�nt�r ir�d�sery. '�d�ap�r�ci�t�the��apartuuadt� �r��c����a�t��d �sk th�.t yo� �a�� �k����e�ter pa��f th�r�cc�rd artd rimstr�but�t�tes� �c�rn��cats �c��!� f�A� �a��$��rs. ,�,s � gr�aap, w•��r�de�ply car�r,�rn�d svith ti;� �SS�p�s�d ir�teri�a r����ur�s. 'I'h�y appe�r�o i��ore . �zatire�y the a�taal r��s;ds c�f th� r��i€�n a�nd tl�� �'�nd�.rra�r�tals of o�r ins��stry. �,I�P��s c�s��tg�d9�� � fear����nd xe�r�lt vvp11 be aza it��d��r�at� supply �f xetait tr�s�rv�the n�e�s��'s�a�r�r�wit�� , �am��ar��ty. 7'his�vould caa�se � flr�c��ase ir�c�ra���t�dn at c►�rr�nt a°�2ai1 s�utl��s, cusfcam�r ��ca�v��ai�:r����nd coaa�c�re��it in a subst�n�i�l rise iai t�� cc�s� �f'�oad� aa�d �es�d'a��s. �'�rtherrrnc�r�, t�� y�roject�d re�ail jo�z�rLw�h would nea�r occur. �'h� ir�d��Y��+ appr�ciac�s I�/[�tro's d�.sire to n��inCain a ra�Y�t�it�� and r6p�v�ts�p the r��i�rx t��x��¢�� �iensi�E��. �J���(:�an�t�iy,the cur�erat l�st s��°��apc�s�d r��aalatfons b��r��a�tl� r�s�rr��l�nc� ��&a�raw th� rraa�j�ari�y c�f�ople shop for�a�s aa�d ��rvices arad tka���a�ity af r��a� de��lop�a��t, ��� e�� d��ve ���e�p�c���ehar�ges to th�prc�pus�s in���rr� r�a��sa�r�s, �� ags� req��c�t ��t���6°a�tr�r ���fi����t��it� zas ta r�spon� �o�t.�r��cn���ns �nd a�sa�r�ar� ac��qaa�t� �uppl� �f ret�i� sx��s��� �i1t p�a��r.Iy nn��t i�� retail n�eds�f�hs r�gioz�. Ia �ur��ar�a��e�l �°��t� o��t���l ��v����anen�, Frorn our ex}�ea°ie�c�in th� i�zd�asery n�re �a�e �y�tt�t�s�z�d sev��al f�s�c��ra��n¢.a� ���t� tvt�cD� ���a ��t �e ag�a�r�a. l�any o�'ti��s�f�c;ts are��ppz�r�ed by th� variaus�ev�.l�atA�r���nd re�e�rcb Y'���tl���COI�dt3��� f�I'k�i�1E�O R���C�iiS.�IdSllt�SS (';OiYYJYtg�P�'E �i�f� �58�5� �C)C �9y ,��1'G�c�. �a��a� c�f t�e facts anost�l�vamt t�i.�e cuz�r�r�t discussion inciude: �, .�r ������' �r�����.��t���. '�`h� r�taid �ndustry �s v��°y c�sr�p��itiv� at�� �sat��k�tly � ev�lvinb. �x�anples in�lud� Eh� rec�nt rise in "�ig box" �r�ei "�at��ary k�lje�" ��t.�ilers��uch r�s � 'Tar;et, �orne Depot, �f�c� ��g�ot, C:�caai� �iCy, B�rn�s � ]�i�b�e, �vl3y��od �Ii�I��o, �tc.,��ryd ghe d�rrzis� of l�ss suceessfu� ���il�cs (sus�ta as Srnyth's, Fr�;d�t�eic �. I��l�an, I�'��+b�rwy's, � L,�.rry's Spor�ir�g C.�oods, �'acz�c� L,ir�er�, �pr�u�se, '���er�h�c�s� �ecs�rds ��c� �����v�ry���}. � �otP� �naj�r�iaa(�rs�ik� ��ars ar�d srn�ll local stor�s�ave h�d to rert�a�� t�a��sa����r�s in ssr��r¢ca � survive. � � ""� $� ���'��' ��'����, �����a° �+��°�3��e �3ecause c�f this ant�nse co�Z�ti�icsn, �ur��r�rra�rs tc,day �can �ay PeSS for goads anci b�Y �ett�r s�rvice. �1,s stated in the �,pr�l 17t}a dr�aft �f ths �.�t�i! I�Iarket Evaluatio� for 2�4011!leans I�zrsiraess Conriraittee 4�}' Hobso�� ,�ohtasc�n cSt Asst�ciak�s �IUn\�\ ti��lli \ti'nili�tiillli ��IIi.��nff�.I1L�.(11C_414i'll.� .lillila���•Illi_i � i\iilli�!_� J-��l , � , . (�JA), "the r��il ir�dus��y��°�'�r5�ig�ifacarat econornies c��°scale,�vhich is refl�cted sn incre�a�g aa�ack�t�har� �apea�r�d by ���aara�t r�taiE��. �`�`� �n ar�as v�ath ai�r�i4ac�rat I��rels�f�om����a��, ���s� ��t�at�r�r�d�c��ts��� tc��e����ar��rs.�� �� 1���v ��ca���m "�`h��orYap���t��a�i�fastere� by ��and cs��ir��i•�t�al�e�s�xp�d���� , in�o ca�av a�iark�ts,aa�� �y�st.��i�is}��d a�.taal�rs r�mo��;ling thear sror�s aand op��i����� c��¢��t�. �� expl�yr�s that "j�Jh�d��r+and far r.�tail sp�ce �s highly anea-s��ifi�. �** If r�a�rket eatry is l���t��l,a� ��y�l��vv r��al��v�vethout�p�c��c�a�t��o�petitior� An a parkic�lar c��e�c�ry t���e,g�y� - s���-rr�a�cs�listi�pc�siki�s� ..., IViar�y regai�����il ar�ly �r�t�r a m�rk�t�h.�n th�op�s�an��i�y . exisgs�t��sH�biis� ���d�quat�lu��i p������i�kh�area(m�ltipl�o�tiet�)>" Ca�rr���y, ���a°�! l�r���d ce�rr�p�titive���il�rs are eryin�to�md m�a�tff�l���t��i� the rz��tres�r��. �f`�rr��rk�t is closet� km 8h�ra�, th�re will �less cornpe��o�. Existis�� r�tailers�ould ��ar�� l��h�r�S�°'s���a�d far��a r�rr���(i�ag th�iF��a����. ��g����sea����e�i¢h�r p�y hi���r pri�s, t�v�:3 �uarth�x���e��� �a��t�ti�� stor�s, �r bo�h. `�'h�imp��¢���i�prcaport�cr������ �i�h�€� �����i���a�t� �ac�a�s��aw�d�o �v D����d ����atnv�> '�'��y`s��c��ssf�l re�il��s desi�n �nci �t�sc���wi8���a��tm rr���t ca�sta��a°d�ryna.n�d. ��is¢i�e�ust�,rra��d�rraand for ga��ater d�pt�a and sel�ction ��°p�eesduct�, �cs+�er p�ices,ar�d l��a�r s�rvvi�� that h��led to the evea•a�,cr�as��a� siz�o�'�oc�r� ��c� gli� pr�l�f�r��it�� caf "��t��c�ry ki�i��" r��l��. '�'�os� r�ta�le�•s th�t are t�c�t�esp�,nsiw�� �cs��st�xxaY�r dema�d �h�ti��s d�nat sa�x�iv�. �, ��c��n� ���d ��m '�y�'9C$�C�IYl01��� 3}'4O�'9�31i1a cent�r f�sa�a�t, "bi�bo•�,`° a�d "��t�aary �CiDl�r°` stores rxaost �f�'icien�9y supp�ly a eomrs��n��y's r��il rs�ed,. "�'�.�y�r�sd�c� �i•��d�r s.a1e�vo�unnes on a per sc��ar� foot o�'buiIsl�s��and la�d b�sis than smaller, §etrand��c�a�e r�ta�l��s, S�aa��pis�� e��at�rs presu�� highe:��ales ger�g�are��cst ts����se �f th�ir�oa�v��ai�ra�ce, sh����l parking, rrYix o�'b�sin��s�s(ir�tile�din� ar�u�iv���n�nts�o d��av ��ast4m�rs in), �nd �rc�ss ��aop�a�aa� arrbonb the vari�us ba�s�n�sses, "�ig bax" ��s:fl "c�t��ory kgit�r" re�i�ers prc�d�ce �aagh�r�le�per sqtaar� fc�cat becausa �af ih�ir�o�sise�ni�y gr�at�r p�°aduct s�lection, �rcaduc;t depth �r�dlor�ow�� prices. �'s R�s�rn� �ca����r�c� ��s��s �is�ng c�cccupar4cy co�ts ar� xn�ki�a�ii�xtre�xely di�frc°ult�'�r r��il�rs. �a�� d��a�€��p��i�i�� �c� ��r�d sta�r�ag�s, �r squar��oc�t r�:�� land pr�c�s�'csr iar���rve13 lc�c�t�d �ites�a�� r����tly r�p�c��y����at�d frc�cn ih��5 ta�"7 r�b� t�th��l�t���� r��e. �e�nstr�ctio�z a�cf �o�Y costs hav� h�d �ar�il�r increase�. �on��qu�artiy, t��vv skar�s c�$�t�z� pay �ertts r�t�re thagt ¢tivfl�;� ��a�t of"theia�ca�n��titors��ho o�en�d �gor�s,�ust 5 t�c 1���;�z��rin�r. 7'he rr�s€��t, i�th�a€ i�i��y z°�eait�rs c��a no laz���r affarc� co expand t�►�ir outle�s. It t��y do�a�pasad,it tak�s that mu�h �ang��1'a�r nevv stc�res to b�come profit��ile. NUSVever, r�vithout��NV car�g��atior�, �cs�as�rr��es�iIl be�r�h� �urde� af i�.�r��.s�a��s;on�estic�n �t ex�stin� stor�s��nd hi��r�r g�i��5. �m �.�nn�r����t�� �.�e€� ���v�l�p�nae��t �s �mr�k �rav���a, �.�;anc�i�l��ng c����a��s� �d�ve8open�c�the��a�� �a5�s irtto re�il spac�c�r�raot acc��rr�c�date the r��.ail n��ds of th� cc��n��ar►iey. Typic:al re�il ��r�od�Iin� prQj�cts suc�i as�un��t�Iall,Ja�t��� �e�ch a�nd ���.tpcsr� FI�a�ill re�a�lt �r� �r�a.t�r�.l�:s, but th�y s�c�ra�4 n���ss�r�ly i�afir�a�� t�� �uaP�f�o����s�' � bt�aldings �r is�cre���the �au�b�r af�rnp�oyees. Nc�r d� they�dd ir�ixed aas�s �u�h a� $s�a�sang or � �ffice as �nvisiorted hy th�Growth ��a���ps. '�ithout pul�lic assas�aic�, cnajor rer�cc�d��s�r � r�d�v�logm�rits are unlik�ly ta acc�r i�k.k�e tr��dieioaaal �ent�rs sucl�as�ilisb��°e�, ��ab��or�,�� � C�sdv���ar C�r�gan City d�a� s� th�fra�tio�z�l c�a�n�rship, ��i�e��� aas�s arad s�rc�g3 �a.rc�l s���s. � l�n�a;r d�v�l�p��n�s are ta�ik�iy tz�occ�a�in tt�� ne��r�c�r�t�rs s:a�h �s �'asha�gton Sq�uat�, � �9 �}a�ica�?�s°Tca�va� ��nter ar�rf�'anasbo�a�e �u� t� ��n�rols by �aajo�t��a�les tk�rca�gh lon� t�a�afl� � � 8��se �z�r� ��s�rr��r�, �greP��s��s and na corrspeil�n; r�asc�rs qo�k�ang€. � I-�. �.l�t����sr�tiaa� �.��d �����a�ai��. Addinb str�nctur�d par�ir►b or secoa�zl �iory r�tail, r�s�d�ntial at-office �e� nei�� or retlev�lapenb pt•c�je�ts a�11��a1�y �u�-ts � p�'ojecti5�C0130iTi1C�; requirind tliem enay wip�-out fanc� `�alues, re�uce the cax bas� �nc!f�rce: development ei�e�vh�r�. �' � . i � . � , ' 47 � I�eitla�r eonsu�er�,ai�velap�r�or tenants ca� t�e�r th�add�d costs of these 9'eatur�s. Stnicttar�d p�rking only �cca����ve�.b���Ic�r�aati�e tQ sc�rk'a��p�rki�n�e�h�n iand pric�s�pp�o��@s �3t�p�r . sc�uare ffaot,nnare t�ar� tawic�vvhat Chey �r� �od��. �Uhi1�a trad'ati�na! desagn, �cand stcsrv�e�ff c� �D�'1'�SSl��i1CH�� ��V�t`�L�II ���� ilddS lTdCl!°� IA CC)8�5 f�l��E 9�6.�t3�S!81 'Or�Ille. °�"h� r�aaric�t �a°��i��s �.��s�szco�d�ry tc�e�ti�ns as less d�sia�blt th�� �r�,���t��vhich a�r�e�cltasi�ely a£���o?� ��s�d�ntial. I�as��Cet p�c�cepeio� t�c�,mes r�a�ity r�r��� the��sp�c��I�asL�t I�ss thar� 3�r�..�k-��teaa ��nFa9 r�ces vvhgl��h�i;cc�rnp�tytson 8��s�s�� d��h�r r�tes. �e I`�ee�l�di ���°����m 1�1f�.ny c�r�saarr�exs pr�fer a va.ra�ty�f ret�il �pticra�5. �r�an�¢isn�s �h�y pr�fer t�s�aop a�s�all�r, more cnra��na�rst 6�t ex�nsav��ut3ets,vvhile ot��er tiss�es��e�y pr�f�r tc� shop at the lar��disc�unters. For�y-ts��gr�peen�o#"��r���spcsndents to the�ubli� a�g��r�i�r� goll cor�de�cted by �awAS�z �ibbitt�, inc. (I3�I)fcsf�P��2�40,R�leans��ssiezess��vvr��stt�� a�r��� ��th�fli�s�t��aea�t tlhat "rao e'nagtes'how I��►���r�l���e ax�e to g�k th�r��s tt�f`�ic �cz���ge�c�n a�a�r�ses,�'rt� st�i➢ r�ore �ikely �� shop���h�tii�o�a�t ptac�s �n �h�.sa�b�ar�s�h�aa���c� sa�a�91�r st��ps���s�r Eo dvP�ere � Iive�nd�av$�ere�an�s�r�� �ittl��n�����n�ive." � �arta�rae�i� pse.f�r�n�� vvouDd �1aaa�g�ef�ciiscaunger ev�s 9c�:ae�d ���sby. � ,�. �.6�'��tyle ARt�;:�sa��a���. .�ust �i9c� soa����ep1�pr�:�'er�i�'�`�r��lt sh�ppin�c�u�l�ts, sorri���aple grefer co live c�ose�o wh�r� th�y�hc�p, Q��anl� �C��rs pr�#`�r separa�ior�. �I�i, ir� €heir paabti�opinio� po1l,off�red g•�spe>nde�e�� t�ad�off ber.we�n l�vin���ose cm where�.ey�hop �r to�iveng fua�her a�avay from sl�oppin�. 1 o�ty-evvo p�rc��i f�v�red sam� �rea dvhil�f��-six ��rcent fa�or�d livin� s�parateiy. '�'he ?ne�ro ar�a zs r�ot a h�c�y�nogea�eous lar�ds�a��r�ci aa�y gdan rr�tsst r�c��niz� ihis. �e I����n Str�e�s` �,eit�i��d ����r�����. ��e gnaa�a str�ets c�ffer�d�saz�t, g€ci�s�riaai . fa��nd�y �nc� aftet� uauque shop�ing e�vyro�apnents, they do�7ot app��.f €��19 cotasu�e���c� �ann:ot satisfy the r�gian's ret�il appetit�. �E] k��HP 7l1�I'�f£r�d'811t��101il, I-dJ.� loc��ed at the pQt��[ia1 #'o�rr�ain skz���et type de�er�pmee�t. TPteir con�}�asic�t� �vas Lhat stl��essft�l �a�r►ser�ea.s "7�!'�P]6�V1{�' canc�ntrat�d towarc� specia.lty r�t�.it. '�'h� bulk of retaii trans�ct�ozas(for�;ra�e�a�s, �lot�aag, hcsm� irnp�°ov�r€��rYts,��zr►zi�h�ra�5, �l�ctr��ies, �nd ��tor�abil�s) do r�ot ac�ur c�r�in�� sgreet,° �.,, R����� '�'I'� s���3 ��a�m� �"�r��a�. �hog�in�c�ait�a� hav�h�� ptrsv�dia�� 51�ared p�arka�i��a�d redt�ccng VI1�'fs fr�r de��d�s. Traf�c s�udi�s consist��t�y i�d'acat� th����rg�r c�r�t�rs g�nerate few�r new txiy�s per s���r���adt. Thi�is b�cause cu�ton�ers ee�xc�to �hm��t s�vera.l ��t1eC� per tr��. 'I`rips�t•e ev�n#'u�th�r r�uc�d �vh�n 4.he Cernt�rs are �oc�teti�oaag�ajc�r travel r�rates wher� the� ca� dr�w cuscoxrz�rs making, tr�ps t�oth�r deski�aati�ns such as hcsin�oa� � �vork. �hare� parking warks �vit}� other retail�rs, �lYt�COtIl2y}�roblernatic when shared with off ce c�r residential uses whrs hav� con4l�cting�oa�a�s of o�ratian �a�c� I�nser t�rrn parki�� r�qeiir�ments. �. ��3e���te �r��°kA�� �s ��°�fe���. �d�qu�te �arki�ig cap�ble af handling p�ak det��arzd periods �s �rieiea( t��la� sue�ess s�f s��ppa�� �c�nt�:�az�s; r��ilers. �hc�ppi���:c��t�rs n�ed to acca�a;manae� ald gcatential rz��d�s of cr�vei; i.t mak�s �ood busin�ss s�nse. �-I�€vev�t°,�&a� �" industry re�o�nizes �aa�a�accs�o�iles v✓ilt cantin�ae to t�orr�nate �hop�it��€�ips. �,Y�lik� � comrnuting, shoppin� tr�ps ar� �ft�n �pontan�ous, on vsre�t�ends and ���nir�gs, and ig�il�ed w�th ot�aer trips. 'Ts�rasit can�od eonvenien�iy �erv�clae va�ietry of tirr�es and travel direcei�ns. ��iki�g � a.r�d bikizag cas� anly accot�nodate iit�►it�d �Lar�t�:�����rts ts�a! s�c�r�s. �n Y�is f�pril 12t�da�4'��af .�a his �valuation �f�aa"�ing�or the�Q�d�J.1�3eun.���a.ri�aess CorrtmtBFee, C�ordon �avis(Cr�t� stat�� � ta de�ign �he parl�.ir�� for the l0 no�-�a� ra���th� �o�hat parkira� io�s coui� ��t �ccom.�¢gadat� � g�ak parlcing peric�s co�+ld have si�r�i�cant �econ�nrr�i� coras�qu�nc�s to �etailers." Y����9�gix�s � �Se�k parl�ina periods t� �eaA.d�rnand peai�ds for puEidic �tilities- wh�r� the c�g�c;ey is r��c3a;d it �s critical that f€ b� ther�. iA � l �e' a , , � , . �. ���t�°m�t��� F������ ���o�aap�i��re� Imi���� ��rc� ��s�s� lr�� �asa�� I�d � pr�ce� �r�forc���z����i1�� t� baai@d a�li�t9�p�e�a���s�ssab6�> ���� p��kir���t�l� r�ps�e�ens��� gnv�s�trr�ent �f�Eaousands of a�a8l��s w6�a�h ��st b� �a�id fs���ith hi�her�9es �valur��e�. �D pa�a�ts �a�at ir� �a�s�v�t�a¢ir�n ��p�r�n�th�r�f t�i��v����par�in�r�ts�vver� r�deaced frs�nn�.(D t� 4,�sp�ces�r 1��u�r�f��2 ��'�� fc�t�t��al�ry¢z�t 9 r�il�i�� �q�a�Y��'�et�f rs�� a��t�l pr�sj��ced �iy 2(30�, At evor�lst�av�s�r��y 35�,���. �LL� go��an to��y �@��� �aa�h a a�€f�������c�aa�d have '°signi�e�nt eccsa�€a�stie�rsc�s��aa�����" �a�6��s t��re v✓�s D)a.�orw�spc�nd��,�c����.sc�in ssv�r�l° demand fa�r paska��; 2)�n�a�����r�gh�availability �af��s�t�avic�;�)��a i��a�..���� kh��se of oth��Mnnc�€��s�s���av�19 ar�d�)�d�a�.��in the av�al�bili�y of parkir�����ortnp�t�t�� ' d�v�le��m�rats. �. �.���� ����:������n� �7�������v��°�� �����a��o �3r�c��c��� p�•s��as��l ir����m r:���su�°�s, ��snst�ra�ers �v�➢1 ha�e fe���°r�s.�il c�p�n�s�s. "�'fi��;r�a��Y h.a�h��pr���s, t���� fa�rt�ser�a���r�c��p��E�v� �t�r��, c�r b�gh. ���it� �a�i�e�c��a�t di��f 1��ar1�e�d �bva�u�pr�f�reA�c� Esy a l�r�� ���r��nt€��'t�ae penblic, shr��pi�tg �e�t�r d��r�l�op��nts, �s� °'bA�'�x" r�t�i➢�rs ia�partic�I�, � dis�rir�in�t�c�a��a��t by t�t�i�t�r�m a�ae�s�zr��. ��,��y�a�� l�r��-s�a��r�ttaii d�v�lo�rn�nt�s baxt�n�d fs�s�m��raglc�yr�,�:n�,and indi�sta°i�.� �reas, r�aarzy a�f�v�a��h pr•�v�UUSiy a19ow�d r�e�t dd��6�ap���at. �n�tead,r�iail is f�rced intn ce��e�s�r al�n��c�rrisior� aaad are�i� �tre��vvh�r� it as�a€�l�k��y ts���c� s�ffi�i�rai l�a�ia��ase tnter��a �n�asc�r�s�'�i! �+�irt���tfl�� r�etait n��d�af t�� r�g��a� �r�d fail �o I•�spp�c�r�ae f�nda�i��►tal� �f�ur pr�deast�. iJni�s��h.�n�ed, etat�rirr� rrte�sa�re�rnay l�ad ta�i���r prac�s. {Jbj�c�'sve 20 c�f t���tJCe�s r�q�xii�s�l�trc��m cc��asRd�g•�h� v�ilu�s,x���s�s,c��ic�s��ad de�ires of cons�ar��r�. T'��s� flzi�l�ade �o�v eosts for�c�ods and s�rv���s, �o��eni�nt�.n� ��:c�ssibl���.c���� w��i s�rv�d by ax��attigl� r�nod�s �f trattsparta�ioBa9 a�d vs��c�s; �r�d d�ep 5�1�c¢i�n o�'�cac�ds�r�ci servie�s. `�"h� prop�as�� i��e�irz� rr���s���s�'aal to meet this obj���iv�. � '�'lh� 3�.�� stuc�y ref�ren���i at�ve taied to ev�fu�t� �4�� ��ap�tg�a�d c��x�and�'csr���� l�� a�� �aly�,� ek�e �r�plication�far the 2C�413 Grc�wYh� Car�cept. The coz�clusaon was th�t�h� stapply€sf dan� �s inaaeqi.aac� ta�eet t�a� d�rm�.�ad. LTncles t�cs� �ir�urr�stances, �d�1 b�li���s r��sd��ts�ra�y h�de �o ir���1 �tas-t��g t� ��t th� �o�ds aa� 5t�ro�ice�they w��t, or pay �or��`����a�s� �,�����si ses�rices, ar a c�mt��na�ior� cs�'bs�t�. Ir� light of the res�slt�of'��i.TA's st�u�y��d the �bj��Yit�r�s�'roa� otir industry, iR�eerea rra�st reass�ss ixs tr��t�en€�f retaii u��d�s the Gr�ovvtk� ��ar�c�pt��c� In��rszn l��asa�res. t'�'all th� rra.ajor la.nd use catebo�-z�s �►alyzed by I-LIA, �he supply as�d d�a�and �c��r��il I�nd v,�� kh� an�st imbai��c�d. '�"iB�re�aal s�ctar is�m���t�ci to hav��i�ni�ica�t job�rodvth, y�t w���� fh��gs�bs goia�g �o ac�ur? �ase�E on 1VdePso's prQ,��ctiosas of pop�alataon axtd i��c���,�J1� prs�j�c��s� a net n��w d�n7amd f�r�i�6 acre�c►f r�taBl �a�� ce�e��� a�ex2 1�3 y�a�. I-�.�.A'� aaz�ly�si�of Et�� �.vai�abl� s�p�ty indicated t�aat "1'+�etro's l�.�ad ir�v�s�t�ry�ay �ie si�ni�c�nt4y my�er�st�rr��ti�g�� supply c�f v�car�i a�r4 dev�la���bl���1 l��d s�iYhin tt�� IJt��.° I-�I� we�t�n �o s�y kl����h� � ��ca�al xnv�ntor� of`��.cane, devel�g�bl�, a��lab��,arad a�pr�p�iat�s�2�s withi�eh� I1G� �raay b� � as lo�v � 1�7 acres- a i'ar cry frcarra t�i�prva�ct�d d�ra��nd foe��36 a�res. T-�df�1 �lso eac�ted � "c��a.r '� � r�ism�Ych bet�v�n t�ae an�icipat�.,d�la�r�ceer c�f��ma�d�nd ava�Dab��; s�aP�ly,�� t���r t�v�s-�ha�i�c�f � � tta�pres�e�t�d r�etaii �a.�d d�r���d�s fc�r sit�s �r�a.t�r���n ��� a�r�s, sik�s vv�,ich �r�vxre�lly � dSt3fii�'%95��$i�. �, � g� �,DA star.�d �,hat impi�rr�ene��g t$Z� ��Q Growtka �c�n�ept avo�alc� r�qui:� �h�t a s�Rbsian�i�l�y l�r�er � �rtivn of r�tai➢ grovv�h be ac�oerflmQdateci t�rAUgh r�develflpmee�t ar�d �tain str��t ty� d�v�lo�e��e�ts; t�p�s rvhich �r� "on�y#'easqbi+�o�� � �irnit�ci ba�cis, ar��i are uB�Bik�ly t� � ���aa�ie ta jn�et prajected reta�l n��c�." H.bA also stated t�rat the Z�Cprowth �'�,r��ept assumes a significant level �f vertical rx�ixed-us� de�e9�pr��ent. Th�y noted that outside af urbar� areas, ti�is , � ' , ' � de��lc�pat��nc ty�is @�r��ly�a�prssv��r �erd r3��e wbde�pre�c��ppii��t�oe�r�f th� dtd���a�raa��nt f�rr� . oaas u�►1i�.�ly. �1��r1y A���rv r�ust tak� imrr�ed'a�t��ction to assure� a����r st��pply of retail sit�s. 'I'lie folkovv6ng is a a�or�rleiai6�d r��Eetiv of th��0.priE 24, 9�6 proposed text o�'iaat�rar;� ��s��s. � �''it1� �a ��ud����g�����a�`���a��x��� l�a�ep��y�raea�� ` ' A�ce��as�������. '�'�nis tit��is hazd f�x the pri��t� s��tor to r�sp+��ad �a�'t���us� w��hav�^a��ad�a wha2�sBd���€� �sd/or�rr�playc�ent�ravv2� �����afiy l��trc>��.s a�sr�r��d�or v�c�us p�r��as. ��is rn����aa€�r� d��ffi��att by thc$'act�hat e���y of ass b�ild ba�ildi��s tln�n 1���them tca azcc�apa.�ts,n�t��c;�ss�ely $ctnt��risan a�r�a�zntz��l��n��������t��of'�t�p1�y��s. '�'he rr��a�s�r�s l�aX gov���n��aight t�k� i�r��ke su�e thezr�It�scat�d �r�wwth o�cc�rs core��xn� us. �,�a r��r�ir�u�� la�al jur�sc����Q�s�haul� l�e ��quir�d �o den�onsera�� CP�at their�lics��ted �rceovth cot`I�i b� d�:v�3c�g�d today, �nc�E just wi�tir��h�planning perioci. If a prag�rty's targL��d cap�city is r�at dev�Aop�ble tr�d�y, �h�� th� �c�ner at�ea5t shz�u��d be p�rrn�et�d to dev�lop�t���r property i� a s�ay e�hi�t� is�ozxa�at�bd� e�ieh the �arn�t�d �a��caky. �s xt�ot a re��la�ory fz�ng t� require a pr�p�r�y ���fevelop t� �d�r�s� a leveE tE�at it destroys its val�e? Proper�y o�+r�ers si�ould �aot be rx�ade to sit an t��ir pro�rty f��2�y��rs wa�ting for the develo}���t�nk of P.�`��i� �lloeated capacity to t�cax�e�'�asabl�. �etait develc�prnent rarely de��9aps tc�its per�utted capacity, Due�a parking r�ti�s req�.��r�d by ehe rr;aarkei, cost of stra�etur�d par�Cir��, pr��'erence�or single story c�nSCraas�Yion, a�d Qt�er reasons,retail deve�opzr���tt is rarely conser�ined by the maxi�urn g�rrrLitted�c�r area raYao (F1�.R) for a sit�. �e n��d mcsre informa�ic�n a�out�the gro�rth c�paciti�s thaf l���r�h���a9�rs��t�d ta reta�l sit.es�nd haw tta�y a°�l�t�ea Ehe sites' p��a�it��c�s�p��ciei��ir� e�r�s�f reszdentia.l ureiis, emgloy�es �ar.s1 square�oo�a�es of buildin�s �fure mv�c�n�'�all� r�sp�ns� to t�ss k��1�. I.iga� � p ��: Crive� i�at I-3,XA p�t�ntialPy reduced 1��tro's estimate of 1,Ot}4 net builsl�bl� vacan� ��r�s a�'�•�t�ii land ��o a� actual invent�i;� c�f l�7��r�s c�i'�ac�ne, developabfl�,a�aitabl�, and appra�ri�te 5itvs(13�Io of IV'�ietro's estim�te), �ve hav� v�ry 1dtel�co�d�nce i�n �/I�$ro`s estirr�ates�f yaea�t laa4d and lanci iikely to rPd��els��s. I-Ias 1'�e�r�€��iz�c�a�eija�sYed�t'�in��r�tor�,? �1Ve nee�i r�cZOre infiormation about whae I�Ietra is asst�s�ziB�; is vacant r�tagl iand supply a�� la�� likely to redev�lop. . �.���� �0� m ��.'7t �es tt�is ru1�wh�rein e��ect�ci c�p�city caa� b� �o n�e�r� tka�n 7�°lo s�f a��rnum �nreitk�d eap�acity appdy to�mployrrA��t capacity Ecs�? V�Ihere d'ad 7'�I'o c,c�r���f.'sarn`� Sl��uldn't th�re�1e�'or ha�sing�.cnits an�i ��aployment be b��ed on acteaal �na��r-t�uild�xp�xi��ce? � �,���'� ��� � ���> T�"d��iVB IPSC�� 1E�i[]S �St�'��$S, ��rkin�9 lands�apia��, ���.) �v�ai�h loe�l � �ovemrn�enYs sftatl rxealce d�tart�tir�aeio�►s an as�o th�ir�ffect an o��a��l develrapmeni capacity�r� � aIl ga�i consideratao�s. �-Iov�ever, the rr�arkek shoe�ld be ar a�ditiaa►�f �ar�sider�tion. �'i91 tkae �„ pac�can� be b��l� �o �e z�la�rn�am�rap�a:te� or runima�rn? �ill btnildirtgs be Luilf�th��stori�l � av��ae� FA.F�ar the n�aac�rraurr� perrz�i��te� F�.�`? WI�I CI7� bCIB�(�t�➢Q�5� liS�l�h�OP A�6£�195�11� Q6' � cvareho��e oc�upara�y, or f�sr back.�oom offc�? I-Iow ca� �.�urisd'sctinn es�imate c�paci�y � a�i�ita�t c�nsid�rin� ti�e�e anci o€her��rket far;to�•s? � �.� '-� �o��� �� ° ��: Other�ran ao;t�tg through the chall�nbid�g exception process, iVl�trp's �nsv,��r, if th�e expected capacity as too law, is amon� ochec rn�asures to raise cf�e d�nsity ex}xccatians even hagher and adopt rninimum perenitted resid�ntial densities and �'AR�. If th� mark�t couid not build �o these densiti�s beforeo wh�� �vc�uld th�y do so s�ow? If the d�nsi2i�s ag~e ��� . � . , , . � �t l�a�i�r�s and cicn��tic�th��c�e��a�k�c ps��k�9y�ca����d,�v�y r��ir��in��urr�d�¢��i2i��`? '�'h� ocerra�r is alrc�cy mc�tiv�¢�d �c�dev�l�p�c�t���ip,��s�g�ss�bt�capa�ity i�'�he�dditic�r��l �����Ikg+ adds v�l�ae. . �.al�ea�rx�lnirr�um �'�.� As csa�a°�n�ty s�����t�t�, ��tr� p���a�aa�ly sta�g�seed 4U°la �a�p+s��ibl� �°� �arb��. �'ithcs�t st�uc��er�c3 p�rk���,��3%v �.��.�@lo�a���pp�a�a�ca��9y 2.5 paricir�g�p���� �� ��t.D sqa��.r�f��t r�f(i9�. ��ach�n ���is�e�t cu�r��atly feas�bi�ae��sid� �h�r�nost urb�xa of as��s sar f�r sm�ll d�v�l��s��e�#��la�z�ara�r��tr�ee�s. Requi�a��s��a��iti��t���ron� wh���� cmm�erciai�y re��z�a.ble coaald descray la�d v�tu�s�aad�aa�s�d�v�lopr���t r��cur���wh���, Ira�s�d'n���n, B�:�n����e���cs�r �h�rraa��nu�s �all 'e�p��t s�rr�c��is a�d eed�v�l�p€r��n�s. If the ��a�s�mld ��v�� �f�lY�s����h����tig��r����ra�a�s a��a�u�a��a��nts ��tac� �ow,Bt wil! dfss�ac9� �r�a��i� arad s��d���l�pr��a�t�f�orn�c�:a������. � � �$�� �.�� � ��n Sk:�����9�F'C63gI771�3�23C�������il�'�0 fl'9.9���A9C�8Y9&319tA311YT1 S��%9Sy$� ffi°�Q�EA�R'�s`tBa�JE CS. �. '�'�t�� �: �e������ ��r�a�e� k��alic�s As staged by d,�I� in �iis ��udy s��'�r�r�e�d abo��,for�axirni�rn par�m� r�ta�s ta w��-k, �l�ea�a�t�v� f(3fdll5 Of C012V��flP�i➢C d�f��l1�F&� S�P'F✓1C�CI�3� �O Cl7p �1°A�g%'tS 'slY;d d�stin�tiax�s)and �n��xp�t�siv� travel must b����E1ab�e. 'i'4�����t af sc�ch alt�er�aazi��far�s of transpor¢atis�rz �i`�t be less�s� t��rosts of���xati���ai aa.�tamo�il��'ar p��+ple�f�11 irrccsme l�vels, 7'he prr�pl�rn�nta�.i�n�f rzaaxflnnu�ri paak.�r�g�tios dvit�na�at th����t�n��af ac��q�aat�alt�anativ� fo���c��c�nveni�nt�as� in�xpe�ssv� trav�l �vill r�s�9t in eee�caa�tie�at�s� �Shys��.a� disloeatYOns of e�nploy�rsy busir�ess�s�� r�sid��ats. �%�b�li�ve thP best vvay to��:deace ehe u����land for p�rk�n� is t�� leY th�free rnark�t wvurk. As d�r�sities an� t�-►� �c�st of l�fxd incr���e, 3� E3�dI� �1� 3.d�3f:C�F9f3�311C�� �O�P'fldJTL�� "�X$f`tl�7eiT�C1T9�" ��t�a�r th�r�fo�u��� r��irr�urri parking�•ati�ss, P�✓✓I��r�a should fa�us it��f�'�rts o�s Frssw��in� �co��en���i �z�a€� ir��;�per��iv� t�n�pcsr�at�oa� �9te��tev��ar�d r�du��a�inarrAU�a� paPacx��a�t��a��v�a� �'urther. I.�',DC:wsll fhis saxrnmer re�x�r�ti�a� it�xvles�'�t�t�iring parkarz��c;daactions. �or���pl� ��v� r��z�soa�ably �on�lud�c� ���t r�d�c�n�pa���� z�a�y��a:�� aYa ��cre�s� i� �I�"s. �,���� ��� - ���d� !�'hil� �ar�rz� do�s r�s�3�ira �c�e�e�•�'�.Rs, i� is nn����ces�ar�iy}�ss l�+d . �f��i�a�t. ��d�acang parkan� an�y app�ai•r� �����nd, �rvta�l� .a�isY�ad farciaag�L� ��velap������f r�z�aiti�t�.stc�r�s tc�serv,, cbe �an7� qn���Ce�or r�quir��g cs�stQmers t�deive furthcr to pearehas��h�i� �c�als ar�d s�rvices. .A.s 5�at�d r•�r9i�r, ��rg�r s��appin�ccnters a�r�d d�i�l�er voiu��retail�rs ar�the rnc�st���cB�nt al pravic�ita� goc�r�s an� s�rvi�es. �o`vev�c, du�to �h�ir hi�t�er sal�s �o��az����ad lon��r av��°age stays, t��y �ypic�.11y r�y�a�r�gxa�r�p�r�n�. �ie��ra t�a� va�ae�y of eons�srra�r P.�st�� �d diversity c�f Ii�esty}�s, the aa��st�f��i�nt na�etk�od to dasE.�bute r�tail gexsds ka the��rtt�aaa�ty �s ta�prQ�r�de �tivAd�v�a�a�ty�f,�aapp�Ar��altern��ives �c;c�ssible tc��he�o��unity with�noug� out�e�s in eac4z s��rk�t to�Ce�p�n��s c�o��titiv�. �° �.�a�� ���'. _ ���: `�e� u'�e �t��ic�;�ai a�a��Ci�i��'oticy �r✓as ori�inally conr.�iv�d,�t r��og��,�r�d � � �.�1� i1�1�30fl°�i�C� rJ��CCE.SS CO COI1VCi1T�21Y aY1C� lll�X��.s,➢Y� �.Tu:V�I ��t�%'T1��iV/�S. �I°l�.TlTl�I�1, the�t�e� � �i�� 7,one !� vv� to !a� tliose �r�as v✓hich �re �rver� �y irarj�it �t lease�v�ry �v�z��y�ar�ia��s � dua-in� �ak�r��ad�. �s c�r��ntly dr�f�t�d,alrr�ast every �c�t�a.��r�ial aa�d �rrtg�og�rt��ne�.� �ithi� ,�a �h�re�ic�n c�uld be w���h�z� ��a��A. � � C� L.,�cai gav�rnmen�s appe�r ta have t�a� di��r��ban to chssas� wrl�ich a�eas are�on�A and whFC� � areas ar��.,�r�e P�. 'The c�r�ly $uid�l'as�� is t4�a� "{!_,oc�l gov�rnra��nts s&�ozi�d d�sagnat�ior�e A p�.rking ratios i�� areas with �ood p�destrian a�cess to�orrarr►erci�l or ennplQy�e���r�as{�v�fh3ra 1/3 mi(e �all:) fr�om adja���nt resid�ntia4 ar�as." There is no lan��r any requir�m�nt f�r ac�o� , � �, . � � tr�����s,�a°sri����•��a���ae�dj�e�nt�sid��t6ai �r,� be suf�i�i��t to�ro�ad� �he ne�ded cust�t��a� �.�td�r��it�y��s f�r�I�� bt►siness� L�`th� �urre�at defir�itior�ot'�n�,� is e�s�t�xodif�d, eh��rie�eria sec�'c�r��►na�T'i�e P, ���ctz��a 2, �3. � 2. (����� �1� - �����'�r seel�iaa�a�e�c�ption f�o�nn ���ro m�ase b� a�n�sdifa�d. °I'�� I��a����� sh��a�d b��},�n��d �+�r��aaare I���ro t�a���w � l�c�l �c�vcr�nrn�nt to�p�+�y�n�� ��ek�a���¢�c�s tm �aay ��•e�eahie,�: ��i��c�R rurr�ntly tt�i�� ��tv�d by tra.tasit s��is;e w�rh��tt����t����a����!c ff�equ�ncics [r�vith th�pa�ss�b�e�x��pt�ora of ihe w�st side�xter�sian of legkat-rail]9�� b)dca�s�c�t hav�sasf��i�ent p�e3��tre����wity v�itF�a� th�presa�t b�es����s d��t����ar�s cher��arc��r�t�d����e n�ighl�rh�ds e�os��nora����gea��rat� sbaf�ci��t�d��ta�l���ti�ity,ra�r�r�sa�a�tabl�y�e�v�a��c� by tdz�lesc�l�m�e�r�ar��tt. ��a�ddzti�sr►,$�3�d'�d�lifi&'�f�'t�gE��➢1���� ��� � ���t.�at�,lcs��l �€a��€�rr��:�t���t d����s�t�eh� �'��slb�lit�of fcatur��c��v�rsimn �f������pa�•6cir����e�e i���l���d. '�'�ais�����i�� i�����za�l���, ���-bf��ing �rad overPy specg�c. ��'tl�e o�ra�rs c�� �mn���t�he parking t�r�are pc�dttc����a�� ;,y ez� tlt�fi►�ure, th�y a�vat� do��. ''�Ji�hor�fi�hes� su���5��d chan��s, the c9istir►c�ions b�t�����r��s� andl fi v�ill ?��r����a�p;l�ss. `�`b�s� �hanges are nee�ssar� to r:�ir�innize th�ec�naa��i�c di�������ans �h�ch ��rcz�id oth�rwis� �c��u�. 2,car�e�4 limits 5hould or�i� t�imposed whe�e�I��:r� i5��eYV�r�i�nt��s��t�exp�risiv� �rai3$po�tion altera�a�i��s s�a�h � �o��l transit s�rvic� or suf�cienc p�dest�an ��t�vi�y. �o '�'i����: ��t�i� i� �rr�������a�t ��� I�e���t�-i�l ����. • i itl������air�s�ities a¢ad �aunti�s to prohibit r�e�il u��s laxger tl�ar�s�,�t)squ�r�f�et�rca��11 �Ynplr�ym��t and In�ustr�ai as�a���.c�pt ff��r "law tr�f�e geY���°�¢���,land-cmnsuzrqptive carn���rcial us�s wit�a la�v gar�Ciaag d�zr�and vvhich have �c�mrrii�i�ty ur r��iora svide r�i���t" �sr ��cif�c areas v�l�i�h alr�ady h�ve d��vete�ped a saabscantial arnnunt Qf retai�ing. In�i�ht c�f�tge �IJ�. st�cay ar��l the �'undar���tais tact�o�'c�ur indns�ry, :�� �ave s�abst�n�ia� �cra���rns v�it�s ttn�s prca�a�s�ci tar��u���= pa���a�a�ly th� tirrsii�d�x��plic�a�s. .�1t th� r�qu�st c�f the i�d�as€ry �rad th� �i�ie��f G�����,'T�c�la�in,'�'i�ard a��! I��i�l$t�rc�, �h� ��.TGG� laa��ua�e a���ardira�e�a�i�ys���st�a�����vas��ia�ged ta r�ad�hat����pi��n�to t�.e ge��r�A �vdi�y (�irnitina r��ail ra�s t�s�r��flz��4�� �e�d of n�ople v�vc,r�x���r liv��e� i� tbe irxatn�diate employrn�nt area) "��.n be x�.n�d� c�r�ly for c�r�ira are�s it�dicak�ci isz a�°€ans�is�nal pla�a." t�t the tim�, t�a� �ntertt wa�¢hat a mag shovvang�mployrraent are�s �s�e��id b�circulated tc�Icecal j�rz�dic�ians�'o�•them to slect w��cher�pa�ticular erxa�loy€nent area vv�uld�l�osv rne�ze g�rx�t�l re�ail developr�er�t c�r not. `I'he c�arrent proposai to proh�bit ret.ail uses lar��r kh�a.St�,CB�? square fee�in all exnployra�ent�d i�adustriai areas �xiless �bey h�ve a�rea�y d�vcicsp�d�sa�bseant�al arnount a#�retail�ng is i��deqruate. C�n its fac�this �pp�ars to solv�']Ctzalatin's problee�� of the I-5/B�nes Fercy���d Inter�han�e whicr► zs a�� �snp�r�y��ait ar�a�a�ad Faas subsC��tial retail deveflepment. 1�o�v�`ser,will �, �is lan�uag� a11aw �etail to exp���i tc� th�s�r�t�nd�a�� �acaait��t�il sites or to the undert��ili��d � fli3S�USCT1�1 S1C�S� e c� � '��,��boa�t ar�as�hi�� �r��t�rr��tly a.on��far��tail or�ight li�Ce ta t�,f�r���ra�pl�th�'I'a��r� � traa��le a�d��ve�l of the��plc��a����area��:� �ills�vro7 By ba�it��r��.ail fraa�m ai-�s th�� � pr�viously ailowed ret,aiE d��ved�prr�en�, Pvl�tro wa�ld b� downszoz�ira� it��s�a�ceaso �ar���c�f�i� � tygicaIly pays the hi�hest��nd pnces ar�d t�ae h��hest rents, this as a got�rztial r��i�la�c�ry t�s,iaa� � and v��o�ald �•educ��xp�cted pro�aerty �x r�venue to the l�eal jurisd��tion. I.�oc�l jur�sd'scti�ns shoulci be allowed ca open employment and induscrial areas to re�ail if t.�ey reason�}�!}� detea�t�arae that t;a��� i�or wi11 be a meed that r�ae�t raot othe�°v�rise be met. e � � , , �������k pa��saa��l t�a�loe� "loe� t��afi'�� ����:��t���, landmco�s�r�ptsv���ar�m�rcial u���i¢� lovd pac�Cia��c6�nn�nd v�h�r.h �a�v�a cc�ra�r�atrni��c�r��i�sr� �vid�m�rket" is us��+orlcabl�. �°h�t d�s k��es� ter�s rn�a�? �a�v �all y�aa d�t��nan�� r�t�aler'�erad�aa��, �aac�v�h�¢�a�r their tr€�'f� ����rati��.a�� pariu�a,�ne�d��r����v? �`a�a�haa��d b�ffi�v�r� �h�t 4e�a�er��r� h�sicaa�t ta rn�k� 6c��,�s �aaa b�ald'a�a�s wh�r�, kf th� �xa�ti�g b�s��ra��s���A�, ���� �av�➢s�a���r�8��in�c�pcia��l�a �ith 1�����lik� �ha�,���n ��� �r�V'�c�����t�ra���Himi���r����a r��ite�¢�aay�i�d zt d���u9t t�l�at������. �'ln���.A �k�a�iy i���i����d� sta�s��r��'s�� n��d$'��rr��a�l z��a�d 1�a�����he evest�AS���v�r���saext ` ��a�r�a�(5��ca�e�). ;l�ey�lso�rr�dict��}ai�d��a�nd is uz�[��C�9y�r��e r���t�it��a3���l+�pmen�, YFlg��—il�C��'l��I6J��B�YY3��A�Ul°i�+'I�fi 4��V��IF,➢�3�Yl�fl'�$�t�&1��%Y�HT9 �SY�'��P.T�, �n �s�c�i�ic���,�ua���f th� d�an�d�s�°�r������sa�es������rp��€�y�a�.4y�v�.il�b��s�a th���d�v����d��t�l�yse���e��� ��c�L��tai�I ����. �i�r��1� ����e�f�,�s�a����f�����law��a�d����c�p���at��'���������av��y p�����d s9a��pi��e€;�xe�rs�ratd� th��y��s ca�'��r������r��r���a��s��rs w�nt mcas�. In l���n��f �-�3�"s�r�d�n�s,I�b��r� ���d�tca���isat€k�is b�r��a��t�� ���n'�l�yr��rae��d Ir��3r��k�� �t��s����� tt�e�r�du�Yry�a�d th��a•90��1 p�r�m�rs. �. '�'���� �W ���as���� .�.���������itg�. �.���s�'�- 52�: 7�'�e�s�x����a�i bi�Ce s�nd ��desth�iaiY conne�ti�n s�nda�ds gave �as�o���onc�na. '�`�n�p�dividu�l co��cd�on� o�'�p���ular pr�j��t shou�d t�e�ad� ira ligh�o���t����e�o�r�dsa�� cir��m�ta�r�ces, ra�t bas�d��a�aira'rn�s�a sp��ing s�ndaad�. �or r��i� prs�j��g �r�ddin���l€��� 1���ith ��r�eY�a�d ev�lkw�ys s�r�e ��d��;reas� r.he �aaass shc��apB��; �i��wv��ra r���.l�rs�efl h�v� �� gn�ca��r�na�aat amct a�tY•-c�z��p�t��iv��ff�c�c�f s�p�r��i�g�tfl���a�stc�r���a�s�'rom�p�ia��. "�'ry c�css�ir�� 1°�23rs� rsr k�avvth�sr�rte svith a gh��spir�g��z°tl Y�[�. �a�����°�, . 4�� �h�tf o#'th�(.�r��o��t�apt�f c��'T����✓e�ery r��c.� �ppr���a¢� tfla�s opg�rt�a�pty to cs������, �e b�l������e�n�eraa� �€:��ur�s a�a���L �' �Yi6DS�A°�5�"K9YY5TV� go kh�: ��Al n��d��f th����saa��d t�� �'uaad�rn�n�Is mf our ir�c�a��ry, LJ�I��s cl��sig��, tb���d r��u3t��ill �e a� pnad�qaaa�� �u�ply af t@YF�9� $U��I°0'�$IZ8 31�CC�5 O�tYi� I'�C�T3OIt. �'pFIS��/i�I �"��iil$S1I�It IYIl(:f�c�^� IIi Gf3Ai��5�1�II1 �$�tiYdl��i$ � e�tagl outlet�, i�c��v�r�i��ce ar�sf cn��tl r�s��t ir� s��ast�t��illy ��h�r p�i��s fo���ds�d seavi��;�. Ir� �dditi��, t�e p�r��ec;��c§ ��t�i��ob�r�r�r�� �v��Id r����r€��ur. �le r�;sp�c�'�Ily s�q��s� �h�t�o����ase �:ons�r3�r a��-saa���s����h��es Q�th� p�a���c��rate�r�s in���r�s�ad ia�s��a�ct staf'�€o �aee�dva�h �as to x�s��ei t�a�ear cc��e��z�s. �Te laok forward to saaclt a ��eti�ag a�x� e�ur �ontiu�iaed parSicipatica� i� the pro��ss. �����f��I ���� to �al➢ �e i#"yo� hav�any c�aa���io�ss. S���er�ly, � � I��a&�x�L. Le�'�b�r � � � Er�c�osu.r�s "'� ��: Jt�hr� �re�c�a��s�, M�tra Gra�vvtP� h�lar�ag�rn��t Serva�es i>a��tor � �etra Ccau�n�al � I�S��ov��az��nt �t'�'�sAs C��rarr�itt`� I�it�rz�iaers � a�� _---�,�.�' . �. � . , . �".sl�� ������ Q� ������� ��������� 2255 State Str�ef � 5alem, C3R 97301 (503) 36a-247n F,�X (a03) 371-7374 �ay 29, 1996 '�a�II�n. ��S�l�e I�al�s, ��.air ������9i��.�.dvas�a€��aa�a�i��� �{l0 t�� �'rr�d�4.v�n�� • ������, �� �7��z �: 1�i1��ro i1a°b�rz �_'vrc��h����ern�nt �'r.�a�ti�n:al �'lar� L7e�rr�hair F�al�� aaad ���� Pt�e�.�ers: Th� �re��ii M�.ra�.�f��t�ar�d �-Ir��xszr��1�ssociatiar��(f�I��iA) ha�a°��✓��vv�ci tk�e �,pril �4�a �P'.A�:/.TP.A�T'I.�ra,ft t1'rb�ra (�r�w8h tl�lcrraa�err�eaat�'aara��a�ar�cal Plan. 1�c��a�s�p��tc�th� I�IarcYa, 199b� �e�gasiaag Neer,ls Aneal��sxs X3iscussioar Dra,fi, rr�an��ac�►ar�d h�usi�.g wil� ���oaaz�t f�r'7,523 t� 23,45� �f t.�e pxoj��ted si�a�l��f�rnil,y hc��a�irag d�x��d. ��y+��a l�ak�o the fiat�tr�, �vv� �S�ii��r� t�i��c� Slic�uld us� ����sp�rt�a��y te�r�move�y r�g�Iatp�gr r��d�l��ks xhat axa�.y r����ict �na.ta�a��ctur�d ho��.s�ng fxor�presvzdir�� ne�d�d a�f°ordable�c��asiax� i�a��a�x��x�n. t._._.e.�__�._._.�.. ���kgra�nd --� � i�ari�af���,ured��ra��s �r� ��z����lly r�cogniz��� �th.�rnc�.st��`ordabP� si��l�-f�tity hc��:�� o�n�rsh�p a��►ar�ai2y. `�'�e average e�st t"�r a "rnulti section"hc��� sald ira �r��c��a d�.�� 19��i �al� �pprc�xi�at�lg� ���,9�� �a���igiciudia�� t�ad). T"r�ese horr�es avera,�ed fl,�b� s��ar� �e�t �r� �i��. Ni��zfaetur�d hom�s �r� � ia�cr�a�in��y po�ular�ype r�f si�gle-fa��ily ho�asin�, accota�ti�a� �'�r rr�are t'�an 34% of ra��vv sir��l�-�am�ly hom�s iz��regon(`7,Q�8 ne�w rr�arz�af�ctur�d hc�rra�� a�d 13,55I ne� sir��l�-fa.'r�i�y hornes} duriizg 1995, �� �1�bB6� l��rr�� �r ���������a��d���nr���ia�g P�rEc�_._� I3ec��a��they are c��v�l�ped at d�nsities e�c��di�.��axh�r tyges of single�f�ily h�arn�s, tt k� widely x��cc�gni�d t,��t mc+�ile honae ar zn��au���t�arec�ddv�llia�g p�xlcs are�n������t�s�+�f l�rad. �„ ir�r���ga�ati�r�mf�.s f���, ��.5 197.47� es�b�is�a�� �st����vid�p��li�y "t�p�a��id� �'�r rzb��s�t� � a� hc�r����ax�a�uf�c�ar�d ��vv�lYi�.�parks �i�3�.ia� alI �b�aa �ro�k�b��daa�es." Ia��c�ditga�x, �I�� �" 197.303 �ls�a i�iclud�� "�r�mbile.�c�a�e c�r in�.n�af�c�ared d�v�Alpra�g��rks"iax th� d���tFO��f � c� � � "za��d�d ho�xsir��,,, I � . � I�xpl�me�i�gi�r� �f th.�s� �olic:i€�� is g�uided l�y 6��.5 ��7.4�0�2}�h��h req�ires ci�ies a.�ad ,��ta��g�� ,� � ec� est�blish a proj�ctic�a� o����d for rr�ol�ite hprr�e e�r ra�a.riuffa�t�ared dw�l�ang pa.rrlcs based �ra(�} .� p�rpulacic�zi prs�j�ctic�n�, (2) hous�hcald i�com�e i�vels; �3) housi�.� zra�.r�C�t tr�r�ds of t��e r�gi�nb �id (4} an inv�ntory of r�sobii� horne or �artu��ett.�red dw�iiir�� p�k$ si��d in �r�as plar�ed �nd z�ned�r��nerally useci foz•eotnrr�erci�.l, is�dustrial or h�gh density residee�tial de�el�,�rn�rzt. T1111AV'C �IAAIIICAr°YIIDCr1 IJ�'1AeC n,,;l� 60_ 1 :..;,... rt..:i. E_ . i •t. . ' Q B � � • . � '�°h�s�p�l����s h��� ���a�d��a.i�a��i,��v�✓�v�r,by����a�r�pr��tr�e af ic�cal�ov��xra��a#��� adop��a�ni�� c�quir����a� r���c;ti�,�s��h p�k��c���r��l� f v�����s c�r��r��r a��i�. �th� suppty of lar�e vac�t p�cels h�ss de�r��ed r��i�t��I�f��r�s�J'a�b��e�av�h.��aaa�d�,����� fl��i���'C6I3�'C�12l�C����Y�"�X£i.3�9�11C�. '�"he 64f e��m�r�"I�a�a�t��n pr��e�a���pl�����t�� r��ah���hc��aa��n�3��uf�t�sa°�d i���ara���ks c�a���s�s�a�i��������sf �d th�s p�vc��s�� �a�st�ff��ti�r����af t�a� I�aratl. Ur��i�s Z 97e�r��(S),�ci'c,��r���i� �r�ay�����i������r�a� a�Qsj�c�i�a���at�ri���a�t�ae�l�c�r�����.��d�����f p�k�9�ut������ibit�d��m�dc��t����y ��i������a�s�c�ard�"��h����c��.zl����cla����Fae d�veic�g��a��'a�t���aba�� ho�������aa�'� � dvv���a��p�,r������a��a�a��nt�f�H�.� 19'�.2�5 �� ��?.��5 �r� �97.�90." H� ��r ��s��d� �as��€�ct�ar�� M���� � �I]� 1��'� Qf��C1%1���1SI�1�llP�Yg9r.`lf�e�YAT��?�'f.�%lt C}2�1����1�Y7 Y$�L.�O���i� �t�S 4�b.OS3, va��i�h �ill��rs �i�c�s�f�o��r�ac���ac:��d h���s�����la�:�d c�r�s�s�� ��t�vat�a��a�b�it�� ��a��gd�re�� "rr��bnle hr����ark." Ia�addat�c�n t��Ix�se�tutary �h���9 t�r���gi Adrnit�istratav� �eales w�ere aisc� . . �z�r�nded�o�llo��wa mr�or�rn�a��.fac�,ar�d dwP�lira�s t�be pP���d ira�rxieai��c�ly n�a�t to�aek� s�tP�t�r�f s�par�t�� �ay ��re�v�l! [(�AR 9��-5143p070(���j)ai�d��C)]• ����a�s�of�h�s� ������, so�w r��zaf�rt��rs�r�d�si�t�a���taa�u����.ar�d h€�a��s that�a�a be �����d i��da�t�ly x��x�to���h���r. �'�is t-�p� cs�hc�r��c�s�rve ho�sar����e�s sAt�il��z� �s�s�rri�t by eit�a�r a�.�h�d sa����-�'arix��y l�o��s�sr duple�t�s, ��51�:���, �t�. 1'�agauf��t€tr��i hr�snes ���if'��ur�d in this f����a gra��ae�����a���f�c��nt�se c�f�� Iar��psc��rid� �r�at�r���iz�� c�ptica�s in�he�.e►rr�etix4i�. : � �����������sc��s� I. �'��1� 1, S��tac���(�3�s�f��L7���'utx�t����l l°l�c�b� arn�nded t� �dd a T�q�.ir��r���t�.h�t l�cal ��ov�a�aents s��ll d�t�rt��iz��the�f#'��;t��f rxaiz�irn�rn �a.r�tl �-�c��aar����r��5 f¢�r arAOb���Y���a�c�r x���afas;�.u•�d dw��lig��p�ks. �. °�'itle l, ��c�ion 5 �zf the I)raft�ur���ionai Pl��-y b� arn�raci�d tc� �.dc� a r�quar��x�cnt tt��t local govergaments p�axn.it xraobil�hr�a�pe �r n-ianuf��tu�°ed dwelling paxks�a��r�rc��s �f t�vm �cx�s �r reacsx�. 3. °Title l, S��t��ra � �f�� I)P�Fun�tianal Pl�nn b��m�r�ded t4 �dd a req�irerrgent t.�at 1��a1 �o��r��n�s p�rn�iY twa t►x znor�ma��af�ct�u��d ht�ar��s t� be pl�c�d�n��e Ha�v���y r�sid�r�ti�l z�r��th�t a1to�� d�a�slexes. �lari�c���o� �k�csv�ld b�px�wid�s�&,����a�s�hoa�.���adt��d�.�st�-n�e�th� d�f�,itiora s�f� � 6cL.1aCAlY�.e�4ile'LUXbr((l�id88d`W�JU.S�p9���:h����Ce;��vc��zld�.07 8s�r�c��.a���d t�t����"p��C'` � � �tax�dards. I-i�vv�v�r, ttY�hor�aes s�ir�uld b�r�quxr�d�o���t daag�l�x c�s a�t.��r ' �� d�a�s's�req�xe�a�r��t�d d���la����nt se�dards i��oseel on sir�ilar�L����d ���ssir�g withir�����a� �€���. � � � � � MAY 2�J� i ���a L.�r�'��t 'YA idiF',�,� Pn��� � . .. 1 .. . . . . . ... . .. . 6 tt�. d ������l��kk�t��e �t�nr�,�� �t�a�tio�I PC��1zo�a1��,l��ro�✓th�s�c�p�r�iti�s fi�r r��aa�"����d��a�s��a����rd���a����t�,t�'�r��l� �ac�u�i����ed�. �u'��p�r�c�a.t��ca�r ��r�i����emn���txr r�c�a�r�r���ad����ns. k�P�aa��l�x us�Caaow►f`����p�°c�vie��a.�ditf�r�� i�a.f����g��a. � �i���� ly, " . � _._�_v� �.��� Ra�s , ��e ��s�t�� cc: I'c►��c��h�pfi�r I���b�rs J�n���� I7�,�� � � � � � � � � � ee� �, � P�t�,Y �4'�� I 93� l.�"�'E'�.wt �°� N9�,�� ���� � ��:•, v :,: . . :,.:. >. : :,,. . _ _ _ �, .;. .�. r�. , ,.a . ::. .�- , � , : . . . > , . ,.: ,_:; s ..�- f! , _ ... ...._, ._..... . _.._..,.,._. r ;.,,; ..; - - . . . .` 'a 4 -�r�4 r � .�. ,:�_ �.;.r, L_ _ ., . � k�����. �5 �� ' ;� :. .T.. ..:4:•:`..,.`_ � , 4 � �z,., , t:� : i ; �� f '� � r a �`��" ° ;,. � � f��� j �� �. � y� � � � , � :� t� /. r�. ��! i , � � #/ �t �� � ' Y �� ��� ,.�� t � �: �.� Y` �i��� '�. � _ t�� ���t�. � ������� '!: � '`� �� � �,�� �g ; � �r� �� �� � _ �� �� ... � � � � ; ��: ,��� A �_�j ::� .�� : t _ � f . r ,_., . �._. .. . � . . . , . . _� { . .. : . .. � .. ;r . 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P��rt�t��r� af th� l���ltc��c� �s��ciatipr7 �re r��id�r��� ofi th�: F�artP�r�c� ���trc��avlot�.� �r�a. �°h�y liv� i�ere, �ert�i Yi-�eir chi9�ren ��a t�i� ��hoQl� h��e, ���pc�rt th�ir Gamr��nifi��, �nd rr�ak� � livi��e� ��r�. Lake ycau, they ar� csan�em�d a��u� i�s��5 th�t a���f th� guaiity �af lifi� in th� r�c�ic��p i5���s �uch �.�, the pres�rvv�ti�r� t�f vi�fa vi�w�, �h� �i��nEer��s� and ����t� �fi ��r drinkir�g ��t�r, �n� th� prot��tic�� �f the right fi� �v�r� �s�� u�� �r��a�� �r�ap�r�y. °�'"s��i th�t ir� i���ir�c�, I �.i!"t�� f�E"� mema��5 cf �iP�� t� rwrz�ider�he f�ii�a�vir�� ir� y�ur d��i����.�i�r�s ar� tf�� Urb�n �r��nrkh ��r�ae�eme�t ��nctie�nal Plan. I� tf�� '"atrc��tu�� ofi F?equir�menYs" sec#ion af th� Fun�ti�n�l Plan i# .�Y�t�� �h�t this is "'a regi�anal ����tec�r��l �i�n v�ith "r�quir�m�nts" k�ir�c�ir�c� or� cities and �sa�t�ti�� �f th� re�i�n." �� r���rl� �v�ry ���tian af this doc�m�nt, �he re�pca�sebilzt�r t� prc��� �i�tr�'� r��ar���� Qn �rrtsr, a�r�c� ���r�u�ic�t� �h�t � �a�dat� �an nc�f be ���l�r��n�ed t�� � �ity c�r�a�ar�fy, f�@Is t� �h�# rr�uni�ip�fity. Tc� d� s9 t�k�s st�ff tim�; p���ik�4y �t�fi� ��a�sig�ment ��d, in s�r�� f�ar�s�e�bl� c��e�, the hirir�g of ad�iti�r��! �ta�. �o� a city fo arr�end t�eir �r�rr�pr�h�r��iv�� pf�r�s ��d �r�nplem�ntinc� ardi�an�es t� m��t �II �f the in��rim r�q�a'sr�rr»r�ts �� tt�e p�ric�d a� ti�� �1I��+r�d by Rt�is pl�n wii{ b� �n ���e��e �c� th� f�x ��y�r. � �'�rbiar�� ��fiP�� Fur�ctiar�a! �lan 5�at�� �hat th� int�nt of the in��rim r����ure� is tc� b� �lexib6e tc allow Ic�c�l juri�d�cti�r�s �c�m� 9�ni�r�cy in hav� �t�iey m��t th� °i°i�l� r��quir�st�en�s. i urg� �hat y�u �o r�ot campromis� �9�is poin�. i h� imp�ct caf b�ir�g te�a r��Yrictiv� in yo�r ��sir� tca a�c�rr�plish wh�at yo�� think thi� rec�ion st�ould fnok lik� h�� th� p�t�ntial ta cause m�ani�i�aliti�s ta loose tfieir individual charact�r. H��r� � pia�� Tha Accnr.iavinn Fnr!)i�r�ntirp MarkalnlacP P � N lo�ak� �r�ci f��f� is c�r�� f��te�r ir� � R�r�t��`� d�fir�itic�r� o� Gqu�iit� ofi 9if�" ar�d �vhy th�y , . �hea��+� ��a Idr�� �h�r� �h�y �c�. As ic��ad �e�✓�rr�m�ra�� r��c��� �n� p�st a�t�a p��ce reg�l�ti��� te� ��c�mr�c���t� th�ir h���is�� a�01���4�or�, �t i� �q°iti��il t�O�t th� h�u�b�c,� mix b� ��anfia���d. �s T'it9e 1 r�q�ir�s ���a! g���r�r��nt� �� d���sn�tr�t� z�r�ing t� p�rr�it th� �r�rn�� c�p��ity for h�usin� �s�ot� �nd ��npE�yrr��r�t i� i� irr�p��t�nfi th�f �mr�sid�r��k�r� b� �i��n to ih� �orn��r�st���` atto�t�d�� ��c��i �rh�r� d�r��i�y �h�uld �a� �r�d �bc��a� ��� m��k�� �c��pt�.��� saf �o►v�� ki�d� �f hc��sir�g. ����! ��ri�dic�fi�n� ���� t� ��.�� p��ia� ir�p�t can h�w �h�� �ifl �d�pY 4h� f�e�Ar���i �t�r��i�n�9 �l�n r��u�r����t�. �r��c�n'� �tat��ide €�I��r�ir�g �oai f�c�o � r�q��r�� cit���� inv�iv�rr��nt ir� a!d ph���s �f t�� planr�er�g p�a��s�. °�F�� limat�d �pp��i� prc����� Y� e��+r�'� ���i�a€�ns cr�at�c� �y �dc��fii�n of th� i�i����� a�d fh� ��ac��ti���l F�i�r� m��.�� �itiz�r� ir��aut af th� "fir�r�F ��d'° �fi th��� bi� th� �ra���' rie�i�ian� �xtr�r��ly ��po���t. � ia�d ����r ��c� h�� pureha��d �r�d 19��d �r� a I���!!� �e�s��� 1�1,6C9� �q��r� #�e�t I�� m�y �sst �v�r�f to E�av� hi� rar h�r �r�a r���rr��. �'�ey �rs�y b�l���� �h�� � ��ne �h��g� �� t�� ��j�s�ir�g I�� �cs �ila�v f�d 25J0 squa�°e f�o� I�� ��r��l� �.n� a d�n�9ty ehar�g� �c� 10 u�at� per �c�� is an infring�m�r�� or� th�9r inv�stm�nt, th�ir g�alit�° �f iif�, �nd th��r �rEVate pr�p�r�y rights. i h� purch��� �� � h�m� i� t9�e n�rnb�r e�r�� i�v�sYm�nt e���� b� meas� p��pi�. �nd i� � f�r�� r�umber af ca��s, the anly i�v�s��er�t a, p�r�Qr� t-ta�. �Tl�� inv��ir��nt i� ����arit�, � st'� f�r a ��aid°.� �d���,ti�n, i�'� �or r�tir�m�nt. T'a d��ralu� it by r�x�r�i�� s��ppr�a�ri�t�P}�y c�r with��+t c��ac�r�i f�r th� �ir��n�iai h�r��hip �h�� ��r� b� cr��t��, 9� irr�sp�ra�sP�l�. �"hi� la�d own�r r�ust have �.uailabi� th� r��apc��t�ar�it� �� ��rtici�a�.t� in th� i�r�ci ��� d��o�@��� a�f�ctin� him or h�r and th� c�mm�anity. M��h�.�i��� r1��� t� �� ir��or��c�r��k�d i�t� �he ���a�tic���l F�6�n th�� �t�kn����d�� ���� own�r�tii� a� �riv�a�� pr���rfy i� �c��d gor a cammu�i�y a�d #car thi� r�gi�r� i� th�t i4 pr�v��e� �c�� �ce�nr�r�ic h��lth, s�a�aa! �t�b�li�y, �r�d �.r� �v�ral{ ��i����r��d �q�al3�� �� 9ife.'° � lr� �ta�m�ry<, 1N/E' d�I����t c�S yC�l.d d�I1�1GCc°�$8 t(� CY1�iP9'�alCl c°�tlt�, in s�m� i��t�����, �r��t� � ��i ��vir�r��n�r�� �v� al! v��nt �o b� part �f that you ncst f�arg�t th� t�.xpay�r���t �# � ir��l�r��nti�� 4he�� m��sures, �h� �at�r�ti�liy �i��d�ic�r�t �t��t �� �3�� priv�t� �r����� � sa��r��r, ��� t�� ���d t��r�ughoca� thi� �r�f,ir� prr���s�--�� �11 I���i:��fc�r p�bla� 'snpaa�e � � � Th�r�k ya� Mr. �hair far�hi� ��a�a�t�ar�ity �� pr���r�t c�mm�r�t car� b�hal� �f�h� F���tl�r�d � �ietrop�litan A�s��i�4io� �f Reaitars�. I �m a�ail�bf� n��a and in tF�e f�tu�� t� re�p��d �to ar�y c��s�stian� g�QU r�ig�Y h���. e ����1�� �� �����t� �°°� � . • A,O. I3ox 1944 �J � 3.ntcc C�sw�g�, �O�t 97035-�617 S0�/22l-U50S ��si�sile: 50�1636-3333 ly6ay 29, 19y6 A . �et�� �'�l�ey �is�� ���nrnntc�� i���cab�rs � Jc�i���a�ti� r�vis�ry �e�r�r�ei�tee�n `�ra�sp����ia�� k'�ea���a�s l�E°�� fa(FQ , . �r�nc� P l���l, (J� 97232-27�6 �; �o �Ja��+�� ��a��t� ��s������sa� �'a��ctn���9 P���x 'i°�����e�eag� �'��°��a��t���ae�d �"�����o l��t���u��et��a�d �1��� �an����a�aa����s����f�da �'��a� �o De��a������ ���° T��',�� and.�P�4.�'�'1'O�e�r�bcr�: . 't�ais lcttct• as �;ubina¢��d nr� suppoat and to reinf�r�r��pae c�r�.l e��ti�ony I aar�pr��ia3�r��h�r� ta�day, i��y 2�3, t 9�6. �� �hc��bl[c h�a�•zng c�n ehe �Jr�ian �rcaa�vtta �ari�g�axeent l�aana�i�nal �'l�r� b�Ilng hcl�a� a�vint t�cetir�g o�'l�.�PA� ar�d J�'AC�'. ap����i��l1y, I �e�a �d�re��ir€�th�1�b7�g� cssrat�ir�cd in I.ines lQ4 thi•au�l� 108 of gh� Iviay 2Q, I996 �r�ft ��F.�� ��c���r�d�tic�ns c�n "�'i�l� 3: �latcr Qu�lity �r�� �l�od 1vlanagemer�t Csanservatie,n. �xhibit A, �ttached hex•�tc�, is � �. cogg�af k'�.ge 1 and 1 a�e 3 t�oa�. th� 1�/I�y 20, 1946 �I�.g�C'Title 3 �raft. I.,ines iO4 through ��3 0� pa�e 3 c�f�xhibit !1. ax� h��;hii�hted f�r yo�r •refcrence. . �.,ira�s d 0� �hi•aecgh 1�8 �f Ex�ibdt A raise th�ass��s�f"er�emura�in�" 1�c�P ga�em�z����to r�q�ix� ���d�2a��s c�n prmp�x� ���rs far tl���r,,�pas� c�f grara�in� ccei�s��a�iorr eas�m�a��, s�liiz�� �r do�natir,� ��e si��cple saeamership ��s p�btic �.gPn�ies a��rivat�nc�n-profits upor► a privat� pres���°� �nd€r�oira� ��i�d u�c actz��s. 'l�his langua�e d��inat�ly r�eeds ��rth�r���riFic�ti�ar� ira . �rdr�r to addi•ess existin,g devela�p�xi�nt so� th�� t��se p�°�Qerti�� e�ii� n�� �a� ��bj�e� t� t6��s� �:¢ta�cfi���saa�e�,i de�6���ee��s. "l�er�fc�req � sxab�at the•fs�ll�r�i�g pr�a�a��d !ar►�axa�e ����si�n� �S��aided t� ��d 'a��l�ad�d tivithin L,ir�es 14� �hr�ugh 10� �sf Titl� 3 far ad�sp�is�� as �part a�tta��Jrba�� Gro�th P+�a��ge��nnt F'�ractic�nal P1an: � � Ti��� 3, �,�rtc 1 U4: °'14�etr� �a�cc�a�rra.,�,�s l�aca� gove�►�r�t t�a require ih�± appa�a��a�ls of '. � aPplicataons fox inin�r p��iti��s, Sll�?+t�AzlFSflO11S dtEld C�P.�%�i'! Tt�����il���P�171� � z�ust bc c�r�di¢g�anea vvit�d pr�t�ctia�� �J'����•�u�3ity and���sd '� �ar�a�e�n�ne �r��.��a�h a��n�s��va��ar� ��se�e�tt, platt�d�a�r�a�ar�a�� � � �p�r� spac�, c�r thrau�� p�ar�:��s� �r�l�r�ati�� �f f�� si���le o��;rr�Zp �� • � public a�cncics �a•pr�vate r�or�-profits �'or preservatis�n wht;re��asible. L�' �• .�'1�ci1..� = r1 n,�rt,�c s �{��� rri te ��t rad,�j,��.�&...1l.LY�1�1l3,g: v�•e-e.+ri,srig� devclo�lnte�tt wiihiat�,he G1�'�rt�r•�;(��,��F�jn,.�' �'cr,�rr�.c}ir�c�rar�rer�s shrrl!rrf��z�.�,t� 'c�c� t� riz�se c�o,.��fitrojas•" ° '' , lO�aP.�m�. ��d Ja�.�,��6`�' � ��y�9� �.��� P���� ��s�i�it �3. �tta�h�d �er�taq i�a e�p�af��fi�t p���fir�aa�'�itd��, I���e���i��s, fra�r��� IJ���n �;rc�vvt� T�I���������t �������y��t`pfl� ��id�,�n�s b�'� �hr�aa�h 691 �a�h��a�htesi�vhich d�fi�a�thc t�ra� `°d�v��Qgiy�cnt". �� pa�i��ta.cc, �,�n��a�(��cidx���;� '"e..ad�etii�r�s �d�lt��t��n�t� � �xos��r�� sta°��kasi°cs...`". ��i�tin� d��r�l�p��e�a# s�wa�td �se� be r��a��i�dl �he����x�s�� , stna��ec°��. "�ca-�f�r�, ��Is����are�e� dh� 6����r�n����°wp���� I���a�x�� e��v��i����������n�� �oc���r�@�pm��e" b�����i� '6VV���fl�t� Lrl9��S���' ������ ���'l�I�� ��1°�Q����B��'d ��� �D����E�fl� �1���� �e�o�vt9a 1°��n������t �'a�n��g�n�� �����: . �'�. �,dditi��.s �d�tt���tfl�ra� tus �����d�►g s�iac��s�tr�f ef�v�_ga �P �R �ia��c�Y�s�� �ra�r�ac�a a��� ��� ��t�r C��a��t�r�d F'lo�d ���a�����n� ��e�aaat�r��a�n th� �xa���s�� �t��ea�a°c ���'��r�t,oa °�t��k �aaa foa�yoe�z�tr�n��a�d �o�sid�r�ti�n an �laes��rtatter�. �i���a°�ly, �s�'� , . � � ��""¢"_ ��"����� �,�i�' Ii�,��;i�s �I. �cal�aun � . F�ttach�a�encs c�: �trc� �2ccord ,, c•. J�h�� 1F!•���ne5e . �ictra C�rorvth Mi�a�a��r��n� I1��r��ager Pv��°. J�hr� Ch�t�dl�r. �sq�sre l�ri�ti•o�o�iea� �3or��bui�d��°s �ssmc�a��r�r� � a�. � � � � � � � � � � � • ������ � ' ���� � ' � ��l�'I'��iP�� �e������d��a�ns 2 5l�0/96 3 '�"DT°I.E �n �V.�'li'�;�t ��JAL�I'II"1' ,���? �°���D C�(i,�Pd.a�af���`.�d�t�'�°�CC?r1���t`��a'�'I��' � • ' . � �ecte�n 1. I�a�e�t � . 1 °�'� pr�s��ct the t�es����s�l us�s aa�d fi�aa�cion�l ��Du�� ��r�o�r��s vvit�E� g�a��Fl�g�r�a��i�y�nd � �lo�d������rr��nt A.c°� by Cirnitar�� or reaiksg�t�aa�th�:i�pa�e arn tt�����c�� �r����rr��p��rt � a�tiviti�s. 1U � • 11 S��tion 2. ��qa��r�rr���� .• �2 13 �igi�s �.a°id cc��e����� shall ens�are tl�at their c�mpreh�rasnv�pl�ras as�� a�nplem��ztir��r�,�ula�i�ns X4� p��tes;t �lae�r C�u�ity and�9�od T+eiana�em�nt Ar�s �ur���azt�c� ��tparn� . �x�eptr��s 2�F�ais Y5 r�qui�errrent will be castsider�d�nder�h�grc�vss�c�ns c�f��cion ?. 16 1'� �ectaor� �. L�pi�mre�ea�a�ti�ra �'r���ss �'�a�°3�s�i ��ec-nrnenf� lE A9 �iti�s ancl counties ar�her�by rec�r�ar�d t� �cztend their�l�as and �rnple�rc��tia���rd`a����es, ��' �0 s��c��s�ry, �s� er�,�a°����t$h�y c;�a��Iy��h t�as �°it9e iza ae�� of eh��'alt�4wi����ys: 21 � 22 �. �ith�s�.�ir��t�l�e r�l���af pr�visi�a�as r��'�t��11�Ietrc� V�a�er CC���lity�d�Ic�s�d l�blarr���cx��r�t �� s�od�l car��n�n���� rrdap ��a�itl�d Ivi�tra�?"���r�ualiL��rrtd Fltsad I'v.��a�$�m�nt , 24� �o�s�r�r�ta�r� t�.r�a���; or , '� . • . 2S ' . 26 �. T��rrxcsnsera�� that �h� pl�s�d i�apl���ra�i��card��a���s s�abseanti�dly�z�ply w�rit�a�e ��' p�rf"�rtr�anc� star�d�rd�, iracl�adiaa�th�r�ap, �r�tain��.�n S�cti�� 4. ������, t�� ZE ��ar�a�� of this r�ap i�tc� pravi�e �perf��ttaa.a��e s�andarci for�v�leaatit�n c�f saabstatatia.l �9 ��r�p�iaeace for�hos�juris�laceians v�lho ��!c�s�s�to de�✓ele�p�n�eat th�i�oe�rr��p��,,f�v�t�r 3a �{uality and floc�a� mari���rn�r�t are�s ; or � 3d . �2 �:. �y c�arnbia�ati��a nf A�nd� �b����aa��abs��teially c.�rr�p�i��vv�ti$��18 ��r°�c�r�zaaace . 33 s8z��dards in S��taon 4. 34 35 �e��r�ace 4� F'�s�°b��n�� ������d� �s 37 � �� Aa. F'I�od �iti��to�a�a. T"��p�s'pcs5� c►f�.31�s�sf�a��r'ds �5 tc� pr€�t�f[ a�j����t �]r��de�t�, a�d . �� �r�v�ent c�r a��du�� r�$k t� he�ersa�z �a���d paap��-ti��, by�lc��°aa��ft�r th�staxa���e1 � ��a�v�yance �f stre�.�r��1�vvs tk��ou�h th���s��.��ar�t s}��t�reas. 41 42 ���rm�-p�-� `��he ���ns arnd �r�pie�nent�n ordinances t��' ;>:. . ., _ �.... 43 cities anci �QUr�ties must h�`a� �i�sf�..rtttai,-s.s�.saa�?bQ�t����'tk��f���vvat�g p�r�q�anc�`stazi��rd�: : ... , �� _ . . .........:.: �+S • � �X l�6T .�„�.,�� ., � � � ���E � �� � - �� 3. Pe��hibat ne�.v uses c���n��ar�t�in�d areas �f r��rd��s rr�at�ri�ls �s dr�fi�a�d by I�E� . g� in t;a� �✓at�r Q��Gty ��d Flood l�rt�ager���t .4�eas; ar�d 9� 9� 9� . 36 �. Pe°r�tect ¢h�8a��a� ����e a���aean�� ��ntineasty ��a� e���eg�a�y+ ��"��J����-������r��� ��a� �7 Ii��e���������a°��s �� . 9� St�r�ti�rds: �ocal jurisd��t°sr�r�� sha�il ���blish c��a,dopi trae�sf�r�f d�nsi��thnn o�a�rs6t�� �� �rs �iti�����he�ff�c��f����I�►paaa��a�g��ater��a�6jt����lc��d R�a�a�����t��s, a��°. ��1 �h�-��a��'�°s�sfec�ble D�v�ic��+r�a�n��Z°s�h� (���, �ha��r�av�s�abs��t��ia,l�y�¢s�v�i��t . 1Q2 ���ct �th���tr� 'V�ater��aiar��� �'iacad�€�e�gerra�e��10�a��1 �rdar��.���. ' ��� 104 tb�et�c� e�x�o�arages Is�c����r�rxasaa��a�t�o r�t�ie��h��appro�r�is €�f z�p�lic�tiar�s f�r r�ine�r . 1�5 panti���ns, �ubdivisio�as �aad d�sg�r����eic�a�s mu�t be cond�ci�r��d t��}a pre�t��ca� t�l� �a��r�u�lity�r�d��csaad l"��.�ag��a�n� ���as wi,th�cr�s��erv�ti�r► �asem�a�t9 pl�tt�1�a ln7 ��rr�..m�� apee�sp�c�, c�r thro�a$h p�r�chase e�r donaeion of fe� sampl� ��r����h3g ¢s�pa�bii� - 10$ ���r�ci�s c�r�r���te raoc�-prc�f ts �a�pr�se�✓�tia� �vh�re f��sib��. . �09 • � � 11 f) . 1�1 1�2 ��c�aar� 5. �°ssh ��a� ���r�9a�� �a��t�� �or�sea�v�teo�a .�r�� t� �14 � 11� ° . . . �16 �. "The p�argose �x"thes�s���d�d� i� ts� �c�sas���, p�-�t�ct, aa�d �n,}���c�fi5}� �ad �raldiife 1�.7 �a�i��t v✓ithi�the fitst� a�d ruil�ilaf� h�l�et�t �on�e��t�ic�a�a�t�.s id�r�tifi�d c��th�����r 1�� yualft�and �lood �a���e�aa���� aF'��.s��� �iy�st��lishin� pe�form�rac�st�.nd�.rds and �19 prnmc�tirs,� coordin�.�ion Fsv N�eCrr� c��°z°��icsnal uati�,a v�r�t�i°sh�;ds. � .. � 12J . � °� �. fl21. �3. Fish and V4/ildtife�Iabl�tae�anserv�tEan�s����:c�rs�sra��c�ati�ns �72 � �23 �'hes� ar�s are s@�ow�an th��V���r��a�it�r�c��cso��Ia�a����en�t���Iv�a�. l�i�h�d b2d� �itdlife �i�biF�t �an���aeiorc��bit�.t�r�.s��a��r�1Hy irt�;lud�a.e7d/�r�a b��r��d ��� �ater 12S Qualiey a.r►d �ls�od�����g�merat !�s-�as. °X'h�sr are� �hc��i csa�th� r�a�p �r�A���r�'s 6s�ite�1 �2f inve�ecfry of si�ni�ca.�sa� fs� a�nd �riidiif� h�atae G��s�r�r�.tdo��.r�a,s. ��ta�� h�r�by � i2� recc��m�r�ds th�C ►c�caQ jaa�i�d'a�;tic��s��1s�pt�t�� follo�ra.n�t���s��ry�st�nd�rds: �. 128 � 129 1. Pr�hibit c�i��;elrsp���rt i�th� �xsh��ad ��ld9iF� �o�as�rvation a���t�aat�d����ly � ��0 impacts fi�h �nd w�idlaf� habit�t. � "� 131 � � 1�2 Excepiions: �.a 333 134 a. Utility c�nstn�ctaan whese no reasonable, feasibl� alt�cnaeiv� exists v���hin � 5 sr�ax�murn �onstruction zon� width establish�d by Ic�cal �ov�rnrn�s�ts. � . F.�Hl�E°� , $ 67`1' �'e�le $. Def°t1`�1��� � �'A�E .�, � �� �. 57� ��l�n��i �t ��aa ff�i a��� �� �����a���� wi7.�a� t��� �� �7� ��E�����d ��s��f�i�N��te��'����s 3h��a��4��������b����r��� ��0 ��pau-�a��r�t o#°`�i��r��s�a�r��s. • b�� . ��2 �cv����rn�aa����a�► d��a����d�rs���da���r���r�a ° ' �, �$3 �lre��in�, P�ven� £�r��y o��,d�rag�a��urats �r����1���b�c�a�s�n��y����� 6�4 �����iion. � addi�a�ata, �����r�ig�rt��h����a������ �f arac���� I O�f�r�f�a� �$5 �s�i��v�.��a������3��!�t i�d��d����►������, �°�a��� �s���f��le 3. 6�6 6�7 �x����i��as: � . ��$ a. Strea� ��hanc�r��a�t �r rest�x�tiear�pr�j��t��pgat��r��,y Ics�jiara���tians. 68� b. ��c�12�ir� ���j,, . �90 c. ��3ditgon��d �t�r�tic��s Yc� �x�is7in� s���ares that d� ���t �st�r�a�c�intcs Yhe�at�r 6�1 Qu�iity �,�d���� l��a��rr�ent��rnc�r��h�.n t�a��scis�.�s$s�rta��. �92 1DF� gn�ax�s �� sla�n�ter r��� � ��ur�si � �i���i��t, �. 693 ��� ��� � �'� �e.�s � d��sioa�pr��� 1� ��verr�s�ts c�y e�t ta�d����. �60w � 694� 23-040. ' 69� �r��r.r�c .����5�� ��a� 696 ��sa��d G���c�ty ��as th� d�zs�i�y �r ia���r�i�► m�a�se �.k��y � �.ar o��p�l �f�d, 69? �a�a��iy � ��zasat� i�xs t� tp����it°�i ��t�r. 6�g ��rd�a.� ��t�z a��s r��as r��s des�x�b�� s�us by t;B��on�a.a���t �f b91 �vi.�r�ent�I ��y, 7fX7 �'as� ��d �'�,lci���� ��be�t ��,a�s�a°a���s�� As�m�as��.e�a��d caa th�hri�cro��t�r 7Q1 Qualaty�aad�c�od I��r�a�eaYi��t ,�r�2��pH ��;h�d�a�ezo. '7�Faes�i��ltxd����t���lity�d 702 �I�rsd A�I�a�.g�rr��a���r� �a�r�q�u�r���I�taaart� t���te�pr�te���h�d,�d�a¢'��bat�. � �'03 �°��3��.s b���s��pg�t� g�y�r�ily�actud��h��'all�c�a�: ��2Q9 f��'r€�a�t�p a��`b�e r��' �()4 �s�s i� �x�d�v�l��s��r�,��th fl�ss�2�°���t�p�, �d �0� f�t�x�rn e����f a�,ap� �'0� w���ad �r� aarad��S�ped l�rad. Psgc 24 Urban G�1r4aua�ge�e�p:�ioa�l Plaa -°[e�Pls�/I�'A�.�I°l�a�ft - - A�i124, 1996 � ' � 8��tra ���r��ei �I�� ' g ��y ��, 1 ��9fa �oo���s�t� fr�ra� �. �al�i�a�, 60��3 S1P� �Cs�ight��rid�� �rlv�; Pc�r�9��dF C�r�gon 9�'Z��µ�959 I �✓�c��d 9i�� �a ���k �o yo� ����t �h� �`�p���d �rQt�� � Vll�t�r � > ���@i�y ��c� Fl��d M���g����t �c��a���°e������ r�����a��r���ti���� ��� ��� �Dr��� �r��vvth E��r��g��ro�s�t �s����i�r��8 P���a. ' Pl��s� ���:� ����. �h� f9��� ��d �vild6��� ��8�� ���� ��sl� � �a�b����i�� wa���'sra °��t9� �. �,� y��a ��y �� �w�r�, t��r� h�� b��� r�� ����:i�g ��r���� �� ��th�r ��� �RP�� �s� �iP�C ��arr�r�i�����, fr�rr�n � fo�h ��d wia��ef� ���ncy, r��r 9��� th��e �a��r� � fs�h��i�s Ruk�li� i������:�� ��pr�������f°�� �r� ecth�r �'�PA� �ar ����. `���r� �r� �ev�ral p�c�fc��;nd cr�n�le��� b��w��n ��� �t���c� ����c�� �f tih� ���6� 3 r�l�� �� pr���ru�, �nd ��� °'�x�e�ti�a��" �r���h �h� ����rt �r���r ��d �r����c�rt�tic�r� ac�r���a� �«a� dc��i�°o��� t�� '�/�PA� co�a�it��� h��r� ��d�d ��r th�ir sp��i�i ��ar�ve�i�nc�. �h�s� �x��ptaor�s e�6! g����iy �or�f9€�� ��th ar�y p��sibl� �rc�te��ic�ras ��t�r�d ir� �€��� 3. T�a� ��al� af th� �x��p�i�r�� rr��ke th� Titl� 3 r�aP�� ��p�ar t� b� � �h�rr�. 8 ��q��s� �i��� �c�� ������� Ex���ti��� � � � ��ed @�d �+���� a��r��� _�� � � �nd s��d ��si� ���ll i��� �a� �"itl� � a��k �� V►1R£�A�� f�a� f�ir���r c�r��i��ra�AOr�. Ir priw�te 8�s��c��rr��s�s �r°e s€a�R���� Y� ps���r�� ��r�ar�l����, ���r� rr�a.��i�ip�l ba�re�u� �0���.sld ���w b�t��r exar�pl� th�s� t����rid�ng �Aa�h g�s��ra��s �XGP'�i�3�60�lS f�r ���ir �r�aj�c�� ir� �tr��m c�rr9dc�r�, sn a rnament 6 wsi! d�:�crib� to �ac� ����i�ic proia��m� �✓ith t��se �s����tic�ns (� 1 � �roc! b. �ut t� i44ustr��.� he�v� my ce����r�� cav��r the �xe�p�o��� ���ti�r� wc��lc� �a�r� �>��r� b�c��r �ddr����d i�s �a�h��� section5 �f �the M�tro F�nctior�al �I�r�, B �o�ld 8ik� y�u t� ref�r �e� I�r�g�+��e �n �T-�'ti� 2 c�� po � � c��aii�rg �it� �h� r�latior� c�f t��tr� ar�d r�r�l r���rv�� sro ra���hb�r �it��s: The cr��c�p� c�� "gr��n c�rr�d�r�" i� i�a�€��d�s��d �r� Ti�rl� 2. �r��n �orr�dc�r� ar� s�p�eo��d to �� c���ig�at�d �r��i g�rc�t�cted � . int�rgc�v�r�m��at�!!y. �1��ru i� Tot�� 2 e���r�r���es tha� ���a���e � �uri�dsctic�s�s' r�9�s �r� �c���°�o����d 'tc� ��r�sASt��tly prc�t��t c�rt���� � �oc�ti�s�� �ic�ng th� g��er� �orrid�r�, �nd M�tro �vi1B ���n hav� � r�aE� � ir� �am�nding Ir�c�l ��rr�� g��ar�s. T�e�� gr��r� corrsd�r� �re a��� �i��r� �r � str�ams, �u� rca�d��y�, tra��pc�r���ian �c,�r6d�rs. �a �Ica�r 3aak a� th� Ti�tl� 3 rui�� �ar �r�r��e���t: how d� th�y a��ua4ly � pr°ote�� str���r�s, riv�rs �nd va�at�rsh�ds? is tl��r� any c�rasis����� �r � coordination b�tvve�n rieic�hboring �ounti�s, roe�ghbc�r�r�r� �i�i�s, vvit�in the same vv�ter�h�c�, or along th� sa�� river? �r, is it �v�ry ci�y �r caunty for itse��, th� vvay it �as b��n without 1"itle 3? ^ i— a � �r��f ��� �b 8��tr�a s o�v�a 9�r��lhold�n s �r� �h�e a ��� ���� � � p � , , l��s�c� �����r��? �. rta��y �r���ra�cat� ��t��r��t�� �ar����€��€�a� f�r . M����are 2��2�, I �r� �g'sde �vai�ing f�r ��tr� C�u�ce6 �c� ��ir�r� that i�nd� id�ntmfi�d �� �nvirr�r�r��nt�! pri�ri�ies �i�! b� �a����iwc�c�liy pr��e�t���mnat �� be ���d as con��s���r�t� ch��p storrndraor�� a�d s��v�r ��r�v�ya�c��. 1"h� �r'��s� ��rrodor �€�r����� �hQ�ald belc��� i� �"itie 3� ��at dt ss�'t �t��r�. �1�tro'� �tr�r�g�h �� a gc�v�rr�mer�t�l �genc�� sh��9c� b� ir� 's�s �bolity t� pr��rgd� c��s�st��t �e�d �QC�rddr�at�d reg�l�tic�n� ���a�g °et� . i��a! j�ari�dicti���. I��t��d ir� �'9t6� 3, t�ere �re n� p�r��rs����� g►��r��t��s, �s�c� r�c �€��s0��rin� c� ,�a�ri��l��i�n� �� ��� �h��h�� io�ally��v�i���rm r�i�� de� p���fr���e ��e�rc#a�g �� �6�� ������ Irs���� �f �'it@� 3. . l�o�����a� a��ire ��r �c���r�s� �c, �h� '�r�n���r�a�sor� ru��-�n�ki�,g A� Titl� 2, y�c�� s�� �a�g��t�c�n �naly�i� ��ed ����c��rr��nt g�aid�Eir��s �Ic�r�g with � �p�cific ��6��; c�fi p�rf�����c� �t����rds, Th�s°e i� r�c�thine,�. c�r���ra�af�; ir� �it.le 3. lf Metr� w�il �nake rules, the� �1�trc� �us� �c�ep� �h� f��p�Bi�l�III�� �f �ns�rir�g th�t t�� r�9�s �r� ��a��r��cl. t-�a� �r� th� �"e��e 3 r�ai�� tc� b� �nf4r��r9a In Title 3 �ish �r�d �/ildlsf� S�ctian i�, the dr�� st�t�s th�t laca� j�ari�dictia�s r�usl "Proh�bo�: �i�v�Pca�rr��r�t in th� �ish �nd �/i�dlif� Cor�s�rv�tQOr� �r�a� th�� �d����s�By ir�pa�t� fe�6� �67d vviid�of� hak�it�t." This �c���d� ��irl;� defeni��. �-���✓ ��e� at ti��r� feailo�v tha� d�e�rc� all�ws ir� Sectet�n D 7 a ��nd b, s���i�i c��si��rati�ras �a�r . �tiliti�s, s�+��r and vv�t�r i�n�s, g�c�vv�� 0ir���, c;�bl� �r�d t�l��carnrrt�ur�i���ti�n� Ibn�s vuethir� �h�s� ���� �ig�tif's���t Fi�t� �nd lNi6dli�f� t�a�i��t ar��s? Aft�r t�-�� cl���-�t��t��g �r�d t��r�ching to allo�v thi� �I�ng 4ist a# ex�rr����d u��s �c�r �a�i9i�i�s, �hat i� l��t for h�bi��t? (dc�t �r�ly ��uEd th� ciraft r�l�s al9e�wv �r�cro�chrn���� 4nto ��bitat �r�as, &�L�� Exc���i�rts � � � �r�d b advo�cat� th�� 9oc�i jwrisdi�•ti��s--nr�t f�t�rr�-���C�1! d�ci�� vv�at the rri�xi��rn �vid�l� �f 161:BII��J trenci��s ��al� b�, 3here�are, �6��r�� 4� r�a g�ossibili��, �i� the �x�epti�r�s t�xt, �ar M�tro �� �v�i7 �a�rdir���e ��ility tr�r�ch �ridth� al�ng str�ams rar ri�✓�rs �vl�ich rurt t����gh �i�ferent juri�dictic���. � �0ow cauld ��aythb�g loke � c�r�en�arri�t�r b� d�vei���d +����n , � eo��ry Ic�cal jur�sdietie�� can cre�t� i�s own standards fc�r thes� • � �i�nF������ ��d �estr��ti�e �n�r���hr�a�r��� �icang st��am� �r��i thr�a�gh � w���ands. Str��m� �o�d siv�rs �r� 6�r���i r��e��r�es. Th� �i�h tr�v�! � alor�g the l��gth �� �h� str�am and vvi91 k�e �f��ct�d by canditic�n� � thegr pa�s through. V'V� vvou6c� thir�k it ��ci t� prot�ct frorn air �ollution, �ne s�ction �f the sky, �o+hy �re we not con�ist�n�8y prcatecting Che le�g��� of a strpam thrc���4� v�rious ci�ie� or caur�ti��? A single r��o�rc� such as � �vetland, water�h�d, ��:ream or riv�r �an be subj��� to grea�fy _�, � � � , ���'Y'p�� ����f p�'�� i��a st�rr��rds, or d��t�-t��ti�+ �����a� � �������"s�� ��� ��� de�v�����°��r� �g�9� �r�d �iid�;� ������, ��t ���� i� r���t ���n�i��r�d �� T's�l� 3a 9� ����� c��r� �a�� � �it��ti�� c�� b�r��g� �i������, r����� ����� �r��a�rnrra�����1 ������� �� p�°�����, � �`ou �a� ��� frcarn th� �h�ti� �f �he ��v��r o��a��ii��ea�n ir� � @���� ��������d ��-r�ar�o, �h�t � ����r �r��a�� ��� b� �a���rh�a�� �r��-r � 5 �� 2l� f��� �ed� �� �:� �� f��� ����� �� ���ar ���� a��-��n �sk�, �:��� � ao�k �t . �9�� ���r ro���o�� ��a��i�@�a�� i� °I'���n �r��k ���te ��rk, or ��r��a�B� P�rk os� ��/ PQr�Q���, ��r ��� �h�t �r� ���� ic�r�� r��g� �fg��t� a�� � ��W�� �F'9'�t�IIr��9�Bi sr� � c���k b��ko � �"�����1��, � gr��r�f9�� �����r�� �c�r ���� ���i�E`�'i�P�� ��c�r�p��i�� �he �a�iiity ������ p�c�j��ta °fh� �r���rr c�� r��v�¢� b� perrra�r���a���r r��t�r°�de �� �o r��torationo �s�ly ���ilo�e-r�ss���d ������� � �hould �� pl�ra��c� �v�r � ����r r��i�, b��a��e �r�� �-�s��� c�� ��r� r���� ���v� �i��k�d ���v�r lcn��H ����s�� �°�� ���r��� t� ���ra c��ot int� th� �e�j�c�nt wat�rw�y. �he best a�etl�r�d ��c� r���ri�� �ree �p��i�� ��ach �� �edars, ca�tton�rcaods �nc� �8��r �r� �I�� th� �ror�t fc�r i��r��6v� roots in s�w�r lin��. ' I� s��r�s ��rprising ta rn� t4��t � vv�t�r b�re�� r�pr���nt��i�a� ;�a� �h� �RP�C c�mrr�otte� t�as b��� ��.��h �r� �������� �c�r �ar�r���������d �n�ro���ra��nt� c�f �ewers ir� ����k�o ���t ���� i� ��� �a��o � I �rr� ���gestong �hat at�h� v�r� E��_s�, c�r��9r� ���i��ar pr������� s��c��ic� �� sr�clr�d�d ir� Ti�i� 3 if � � � ��d b eac��t�ar�� �r� �a��itt�d bv �R���o ���r�ci! ��r ex��p9�, �u c�L�l� rui� th��t �her� ��c��ald b� �r� �It�r���i�e . ���e� J ���o�si�� � �o�adi�+q �.f ��E�S�� ���d��r� ��e�€��t� �'Bi�tC��tf�D�l ��� tea �c�rn �r�s��e f�r �a����s� �r�vi��anc����:�i 6f�����$�. �� Totwe 3 ��cticn � n�w r����, ����r:s and uta�itbe� ��w� � �r�� ride �� pu�li� �x��r�s�. �c�� �r911 be coimrt�s��i�� th� ��abl�� tc� ��� f�ar �r� i�fer�ite nd���i�r c�f �xp�n�ive r�stcr�tita¢� �rrr��e�t� �vE�e�#� e�il( �ever r�afiy rryaf�� �aR fc�r th� p�r��ner�t lo��es �� �vat�r q�a��st�r, �ne� fi�h ��� �viidli�� E��bii�r. It is much 6��� �x�a���iv� �e� pr�s�rv� � �tr��m ��nd� �nd v�r�tl�r�ds frorr� �atil'sti�s ���rs�a�hrn�r�ts, r��w, th�� ��a allc�� �h� �r��:rc���hrr��r��s, lc��e ���i� �nd ��c���ic h��s��t, ��d s�el� p�v for inc���si�g r����rs to d�g��ded �tr��r��ar�k�. I h�v� atz�nd�d s�U�r�i r����t ON6�F,�C; m��ts��gs, �/�.P�� ���i�g � rn�mbership i� pr�ma�d�� �t�ff f�car� ��vv�r ��d �v���r b�reaus. i a�k � N3��ro Ccaus��il �c� c��sid�r hr�w �h� pc��afie� ��� pc�s�ib�y ber��fi� by � en�r�asing �oli�tic�n a�f �ur M�trs� ���� riv�r� ��d �t��a�s-��vhsch � �vii! r���l� i� y�u approve Se�tio�a [� i � �r�d � a� Tltl� �? V�l� ��r��dy � �z�v� m�ny strear�bar�k ���d w�t�r qualit� pr��l�rrr3s b��.��as� of � �r�fcart��ate m�r�g�ra��r�t by de�c�i ��wer ar�d �v�t�r b�r���as in L�e past. I s�ggest y�� d�l�t� th� exc�ptir�ns far sew�rs, u�ilite�s, ��d ro�c�ways li��e� or� p. 1 � , far th� pr�s�r�t, ancf �iv� thi, c�n� sr�r�il se�tio�t sQm� additior��l time in the p�blic r��view ��d cc�rnmit�ee prac�ss. �- :> . � . .. . ... .. .. . . . .. ... . ;,�{ ... .. ... , . . . . . .. . . . , °f°h��°e i� �n� �r ��s�g l'd i'sk� t� �����¢�t ' �o th�� �� � , �- ����:��� � ��r's���� Mn ��°s� ������r�, �€�y !�t ���� ��r���������� �� �� ��n��r�te� t� �r� unbui�����e !�r t�y �ppl������n �f �t���r� ��r�8��� �r�t�G�����, s� r�6����d ���r� ����,s6�t��� �r�����6��a � Chd�k t�i� i� �a�� r�aily i�+ I��e �vith t�� int�nt c�f �'i�l�� �: �t �h� ��ry l���t �� ������� � ��p i� ��a���t��r� ��r ��� 16ra��l ��r��� �������ea . i����� ����sld b� �ea�c����gir�� � �or���rv��d�� �������� ��r����� , �� @��d p�r�h��� p�t����� �� d��9 v�ith th� ������I�d ���gl� ������la����� @c��. �l�r�av�r, ���r�a �a�� b��� v�ry g���r��� e��i���.��� �a��p�ar��� d���lcap���� i��i����y �� s�� �e����l �� �il `°c:c�������r���°9 or� �nvi��nr�����l���r�g�al���e� ����� �¢-�� �h� b�asi��b�� l��d� in�!�a�����es �� Ic���s ��r��di��o���a P�����. �a��� ��t r�°€��d��� ���� �f �r �h�� �����9��r��c� i���� ��°� it� ���� e��v�Ce�p�da ��e �c���6 g���r�r��n� sh�ll t��r� ��btra�� t�o�� a�a�4�� �s��m �h� ��a���! ��°sts ���c���. l �o��� p����r �� ��� �3���� �����r�g� ���r t����i�� ������ �� �h� I�r�ds �hi�h ar�� d�fir��d �� �. � ��ca �r�v��nrv��n��! r���ri��ioc��, r��l�er th�n �Il�a�v �h� ���ti�r� � 'V�riac�c�9 �he rr��ir� r����n t��r� �r� ��r���ai@d�bl� �t�t� k�eir�g cr����d, bs �9��t c��ti�� �r� �Rz��r�c� ��r h'sgh�r ��rrso�� ���r� 'sr� ��r��r� ��rr��e�r� �r�� r�� ����� �Is����. �h�r� �h���� b� � ���h��i�r� �� prar�a��� ��s�v�r b��� zc�r�� d�r���t� �hr��s�h�a�t ����� °'�on�tr�iri�d" f�r��ls, �ir��� �F��s°� is r�o (���9 r������i�y �� b�;�d c�n th��rr�� PE���� s�e �����h�d le��ter frorr� ���a�h�v��t ��6ghbonc���a� c��ii���� t� �h� 5lfV Cc���r���it� P��� ��r P�r�l�r�d. �� r����s�� 9�v��r b��� ��r�� d�r�s�t� ir� r�����s �r�d th� l������a� �� �.ar�Fs�� ��w�r �r�d dir��t st�rsr��r�ir� ��cr���h����:� sr� s�rear� �orr�t��ars. a �°�c , id� t'°" � . � � FAd ��,9 f� � � �r � � . , ( ����r����,� ��i�h:� � ����� :���R , ��$����3B�1'�d�FI�Y�}`,�OY'�fiU'ii������`���(������-�'��� �� �U� 7.9�� �m E�1��.�� ��a� �t��� �i �� �a���� � C",a�ar�.�r�i�}+ ���et � . 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Ar��:Zt�L���R � P��� l ���r � � . � '�'estime�ny tc� �:et�°€� l�olic,y .t�d�i��s� �r�rrsr�itte� O�n th� �ra�'� i1rb��n �ra�� �I�n��e���a� �ur��ti�r��� ����a I°✓��� �99 1��� Il/dy r��a�n.e is Iwlasy V"og�l. I'tn he�� on b�h�#�+�f Fciencfs o�l��cl�, �r��ss�n �c�� �Iillovv t'„r��&s, �ga���� wo�kin� to p�omace ct�� kne��ith o�'thr�e cnajor trabu�aree� af the°�'a��l�ta� �'.iyer en � rapidly ��dev�lo�i����(see �aate at bQ�:oxn) po�tion o�V�/ashir��tosa �o�a�ey. I � t�ae �;roup`S k�oata�c��r �rt(� A,��ocacy Com�[litCee C�air. I`r� also acc��fe an ,�� �o�litac�n fur a L,ivabl� �a�ta�re. t�lLost9y, �� as•e veey p1�.sed ��t�� �f�e cie�#�t r���anmea�date�ns on TitHe 3: �I���e� (�t�a�'s�gr �nd �lood 1`✓I��g�s�n��t��an�s�rv�teos�. �e c�asarz��nd �� iVret�a s�.f�'axad t���a��"asa�y . c.mm�igtccs�v�c3 ��c� a$�ia iTa �c�tf�ting th�t�. �a`,vvever, �S �W�.C�S&h�CI �DfCyCCL'rgC3i1�A'BS�� fl!k � �apidly `���v����areg,° ar�;a, w� �aould li�e co scaggegc s�a�� cha�:��� ch�c ���hc ��c�eg protect the �ater guaiie� a�ad �etter rnanage to pe•�tect aga��s� lass af prop�c€y dtae so flaodiu��. � . Und�r flo�d ��bitegaeia�� ��rforraAanGe st��ad�rds, we w�ru�d E�e quiee hagsPY svieh the s�artdas•d t;f�e�co�ibits dev��lopraaent (Sec 4 �4. �)�r�s� ���e oeac that req�aqres that tetrepotacy �al1� b� �1led and reve�er.�ted (no� �ec�soii 4 � �(c). �-Ioe��evee� we are quite sk�ptar�l of . �he sm-calded "ba6arac�d s�te and fe�l" ���d e�v�� anore skepci�� of�1I�1�AI.ANC.�I� c�c��d ' f�l srnce rh� flaod of'96 proved anat�y a�a t�gi�ecr.i�g se�zdy�i�N�G. We ur�� you �o ��c �•BCi of tf�� exc��tir�n. �l� are �9sm exez•ersg�ly s��peic�! caf'°S�ESI�TI �UO(� �Y'S�1$�1CS��. �Ii�1i `nore a�ad m€�r� ir��rvious SaarFace, we ar� fia�dis�g that "design floads" a��n't v��xat rlta�y i�s�d to be. W� urg�you ea remou� nucx�ber 3, �ut 3f you do l�aae ic in, eE�ng�e rh� r�te�:rnurrz f�ashed ��or �levat�an t� a� l�x�� 2 teet. v¢ader watcr e��a�liry�¢��orr�-canc��sr�nc�ards, �w�, stro��a�s�ppcsrc reqceir�ng�r�ssao� �d sedi���c cra�trol ��ascrres far alI n�vv devetopcnent�rvi�Pain the lt�tetra botgr�t9��y�d „ peo�ibatin� neuv us�s of t�e�caaat3in�.d �reas a("!»ar�'ous rn�eeri��s as �f��i���" !7�9�� '6 (�� � #�4) qXle ���1 thar it is �mperative to m�ai:�tai�A csr r�-�stab��s� a�ativ� ve�et�tion �ov�r �o�ue rivcrs, sgr�am�, e�retlands acad oth�r w�t�r ��d�es. �Xl�ap�r�caat� Section 4� 4 (a) �OGY� ��getation cover. . . bue �eel tk�e languagr. n�e�is t� b� stx�ngthe�ed. T�lce (s�� Idl�cres �l�ax�: 1�se) csut of paren.t}��s�s �a�d make �t perfectly �lear ��eat we are ta'1lring�bd�� na�ive �las��s- sa�t�casz "�te-�ree�". �7e appreciate Section 4 �3 4 (b) "Pr�hibited P�atxts for Strear,n �orridors and �er�a�c�s". ��r group rece�t�y ;:a� a mi�egatic�n �SroposaE writh re��1 c����r� gr�ss �n its planting schenne. "aXle s�pport Section 4� enc4uraging transfer of development rights, C4I1S�fi'V��l4i'i �asc�nacnts, e�opiation o�fee sicnple ownecs4aip of coanm�n open space tr� p��blic a.g�nci�s vr priv�tc non-pro�i�s for pre;serva�ion. In S�ct�on 4 �.3 1 w� are �xcre�en(y c�ncern�d �bout some of the ex�pgioeas. �f's�w�rs,. nverheacf or underground eleceric poyver, telecamm�nirations and c�bl� television lia��s apad or.her f3tilicies ar� �llavred ir� Fish and VtTildti�'� ��r�scr�ati�� Ar�s, �I�l�t d� Cf) �Ll5tE�'y s�� �rohibstion oF orher uses �hat advec��ly im�acr fish and �ildlife F,abitat? 'We need to r�- chink th�s�excepcions. In �act> we need to re-chinlc ��shing os�e�✓astes into �t3r o+vat�r su¢�ply 'sn rrhe �rsc place, only to spend rr�i((ions of da6lars to clean ic t�p. '�YJe �io s�spport F . . .1,�.�. . b , �.. the language �ugg�sted by �h� R�derick �-i�i�-�ravvn �h�pt�r �f i�l�rtha�vess �se�lh�aders � r�g�ccfing��uccc:ptEOns acad stron��y ua��e ymca tca adr�pt thern, L€$cd�va��� c��els���sp�ce�ily p�v�d �:r�bt��-s��ou�d b� I��p� �. ���d dis��r�c� a�ay f��s�. �r��lcs. T�iS WfILtCC�S 52C1�f'�C�d St�I�S �I1� ��tiC�S�AC��S �l�.V� S�IA'VV'L� !�S tn9�r EI�iIS �?iSl�t �i)fS �CDSC . t� �����s �:r� lik��y t� ccaneritau�t� r�r �rc�s�ora ��.c� s�rc�an eurbAd'aty� �90tCSaCI:10I}y�t�.Si&1� �p���aniga��,�r�r�s ��'a�i�r ia�.tive�sh. IS✓��y�porti�sr�s c��'�'�yc�� �r�c�C'��nd �a�e�st I���t's , r.�al� �lora�ca�eks ��� a»�v����� �r���.. • Fit�ally, w��r� ��e�n�ty�o��F•r��d �b��c �:ce��r�. 7; ���9�dEG��. ��I�� IS �dC �9�'BBt�4�6.if� �.??�/ �vhe� haKds�ip v�ra�s��s ar� tc,€a�ar? '�� s�gg�ss ��9a�' �o��r�r��a�� �e r�e�,�Ir�d tc� �a��s�e proger�trad�s faa lr„s� ���asitive.��d r���a�r el�aa.a� �ra�ate��su�h��raa€es�s. '�'1'��r�s��.in,�te� bala�c�����aav� b�en p�r�ived ��a b��YUrr��ca�eeds for�c�uraaetla�ac��e�f • �����l �aras����xth th�m�e�s �f athec�s�s�ci�s�--�r��lch�rc� uQt�a�na¢��, �aaa���rr� ��d� .tcsa. `�e f��fl �a� o�ar "c�evel�pcn�nt"(s�� ��te b��orv) �odes have t�r t�o flo�ag��ph�.ci�ti t�N shorx����n �ae�ds o��� �a�st��u�sesive of c��r��ra s�ci�s over chc �i��d� s��r�t�a�e s�e�i�s �ieh �hi�h �v� s8��re �.he r�g�or�. �%''�appl��d �eta�c� f�r ies ini�i�l s�e�s t� �.ddx�s . � �iYS ov�rvv�a��ar�in�im�alance. ���DU�.yQf]VVfl�I C�Y1Cirii1C €:O SCS�IIg�2CYfl QEl�d%1. � '�'h�rralc y�u f�r t�e �opps�rtu�a�eo ��stafry her� coday��id �h��k yoca a;�in �c�r�11 af���aur �ood r�orlc x�a �tt�z�ptiri� �o �Src�ed::ct c�fl� ����ca�'s o��t�r qe�alAC�. � I��rry �"og�l 10��} ��X'1 P��stn L?�r�v� � I'cart��i�ar�9 �� 17�19 � 5�33-452�3�79 � 1�1.�3. 'I'��� vvc��d �i�ve:lop�r►ea�� e� mzs�st of its �sth�r �ea.�in�s �asasally conz�c�S�.s �s�r�cchea�g poaat�v�, greo°vit7g fc�fl�varci, irnprovin�. Yet much csf yvhat we a��se�pa�g it��3Uas��.�ngtt�e� C(DL.�Q1Cy f5 tl�[ �30S1ClVC �➢LdC �le OP�30SIC�. I 5f1g�e5C W� COlil � I1CVV�N'c7R'C�— �Nf��I•;V.C�;I�.A`T'I�I�i-••to talk abaut what es happe�na�g and use it ��astead of c��u�ls�pnnea�t. ' ,