Planning Commission Packet - 06/17/1996 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � � A��NDA l°I�A�2D PLA�VNI�1C; COfVi9V11�S1(��J JU�� 17, 199� �7:00 P.i�. �'1C3/�F�p C9VI� ���ll°��-l"�WN HALL 13125 SW FlALL �C)t�L�VAF2D YIC�ARD, ��tECaUfV 97�2� 1. �AoLL`i'O C71���E� 2. �OL.L C�LL 3. �T�II�S �°�L4PNIN� (7:00 �7:30) �ill iblon�han �. ��AAR1NiNC� CO�91N1ISS40fJ C(�iVi�l9U�i9CATION� 5. F�l��L9� F9�RING �.1 i1�IIV��t L�4iV� 6�A,�tYlT'IC�R1 {�ALi�) 96a00Q99ZON� CH�►NG� ��Of�) 96-00�4 GR�CO �E�U�S7': A r��uest for th� fr�ilov�ring develt�pment appiicati�ns: 1.) �l6inor Land Partifiian approval ta di�id� or�� (�) parcel af approximately 1.27 ac�es. into firve� (2) �ara�el� af �pprc��im�t�ly 1�,9�0 �nd 33,�00 sq�ar� fe�t; ��d 2.j �,one �h�ng� ap�rava! �tca desig��f� th� prop�rty with f�-4.5 �c�nir��. ���A�'1�3P�a 1'l�35 �V1/ Fonn�r Sfr��t (iNCT6Vi 2�� 3AC, �'�x Lo� 1000). Eas� of �V�6 115�h Av�r�aa� a,nr� �re�� o�f ��N '{1��� �'��ce. AP�LBC�►��.� R�ilB�V� GRI��RI�,: �Comm�r�ixy D�e�eioprr�ent ��de �ect�or►,s 1�.50.0�0, 1�.162.04Q, 13.16�.050 �nd 18.164. ���E: R-4.5 (F��sid�n�ial, �.5 units per acre). �"he R-4.5 zone allows singie-fam�ly r��id�ntial uni�s, public support facsliti�s, resid�e�tial tr��tm�r�t hor�e, farming, rr�a�aufac�tar�d home, farr�il� d�y car�, home accupation, terr�porary u�e, resider��ial fu�l t�nk, �r�� �cce�sr��o �#rta�t�r�s. 5.2 CO��R�Fi�R1�e°d� P�./�N A8�l�fVD6�I�F81' (CF�'Qe) 96-OOA4/Z(3i�E �H�4AVG� {��Pl) 96- 0003/�'L�NNE� ��ll��.(J��E�1' (�'�� 96�0002 ��T�°8_ER SITE S��f�UE�T: Amend th� Corr�prehensiv�: F6�� rnap a�d zoning map on 27.5 acres f�cat�d on tf-�r�e p�rc�l� west of iliV F�al! �oulevard and so�th �af SW Sattl�r Stre�t. The application s��ks to char�ge the e�ste�n �.5 acr�s, alo►�g F�al! Blvd., from i�ediura� �pr��ity Re�identiai/R-12 to qVledium D�r��ity R�sidenti�9/f�-7; and tc� ch�nge th� w��t�rn 19 ��res from Lav�r Density Residenfial/R-4.5 �o iVlediurn D�ns's�y R�sid�ntial/R-7. L(�CAT�ON: 1lVest �f Hall �oul�vard �nd south afi Saftler Streefi. A��L6CA�LC ��1�I�VV ��91°�l�IA: �ompreh�nsive Pi�n polici�s 1.1.2(2), 2.1.1, 6.1.1, 8.�.1 and 12.1.1(��; �ommuni� Develdpment Code chapters 18.22 and 18.32; and �r�gon Admini�tr��ive R�I�s Chapter 660 Division 12. ZOh��; R-�#.5 (Single-Farr�ily Resi�der�tial) aliows �ingie-farr�ily det�ched units, manufactured h�mes, farming family day care and conditional uses such as single� family attached units, dupl�x units, religious assembly �nd schools. R-12 (�/lultiple-�'amily Re�sider�tial) a!lows single-family detached and attached unit�, duplex un�ts, mulfiple-f�mily units, resid�ntial care facilities, mobile home parks and subdivisions, ptablic suppart and � f�r�ily d�y ���e �� ' s �s�� ��t�datias��l uses �aach �� r�nt�ncty r�;cr�a�ion, r�li iou� 9 ����rr4bly, ��h�ols, �as�ita6� �rtd r��ad�ratiai �ar�fa�i6i#i�s. 5.� C������9��i�IV� �L�� AMEN��J��T'(C�',A) �6�0�9°� �L�DS�� ����1��T"a e4rn�nd �he ��xt c�f �h� �1rb��i��ti�,n ���tr�� �fi th� Cornpreh�r�slve PI�� by ��dir�� � ��v�e pc�IB�y as f�91��s�: 1�3.�.� �4n �x�e�t6on t� �o9icy 10.1.� 9S �I1�$$�E; Gi$�i C�'O�j/ assi�n �saning ci�s�s� #o �xisting d�v�6op��s�t i� Ba�or d���o8� r��id�nti�l ��tabEish�d ar���. L.t��AT���: Ci��wesd�. A���.���,�L.� R����� C��'T���A: �t�f�w�d� �I�n�i�g (�o�V� 1, 2, 10 �r�d 14; �i ig�rd Gompr�hen�iv� Plan poli�ie� 1.1.1, 2.1.3 ar�� 6.1.1; `6"igard �or���r�i�y ��v�6o�rra�n# Code c��p�c�r 1�.35�; ar�d t�r�g�sra Ad�g�i�tr�fii�e F��a� Ch�p#�r �60, �3a�i�ior� 12. ���l�4 �!A 6. F'�hl���9� �C)�1f�r�6S�IC7i� Ai�i� ��T' ��3L�� Jia�a F���dr�✓x . 7. Q�'h��R ��J:�14V��� �. A��C7�����NT . � �I'T�°CPF Y°I�Ai�i� �9.�.�iVNd�J� �t�tHR�iS�I�N Regu6��IV9��ting �61@n�f�� Ju�c� 17, 19�6 9. �eA�.L TO (�F�D�4� ' Th� m�eting b�g�n �t 7:OQ with the firs� ��end� it�r�. F�re�ident 1Nii��r� calied th� public hearing �o order at 7:40 p.cn. The m��tPng �n+�s h�ld in the Tig�rd �ivs� Cer�ter, Town H�li, �t 13125 SVV'f-O�If �ivd. 2e Rl�I�L �A�� ��mmissic�n��s Pre�en�: Presider�t Wilso�; Comrriis�i�ner� �4ndersan, ��il�on, Gri�th, H�all�nd, �'�dgett, ar�d �calar C�r�r�issior��r �eFrang �rrived ��ter ethics tr�ining. ��mmi��ion�rs Abs�nt: Commission�r NefF Staff Pr�sent: Bill Monahan, City Ad��inisfiratar; Dick �ewersdorfF, Rlannir�g Nlanager; �tay Val��r�, As��ciafi� Plar�ner; Jim �9end�rx, �irector of Community Developm�n�; Jerree Gaynor, Planning �ommissio�-� Secr��ary 3. ETHIC� �°�ININ(a City �ldmini�#rator �ill M�nah�� g�v� a presentatiar� o� �ity �thics. �fe prc�vid�d fihe �a�rnmi�si�ners wi�h cap��� ��' Yh� "O�r�gon Governrr��r�t vt�r���rd� �r�d Pracfiices L.aws Trainii�g for All City of Tigard Emp9oy�es" (Exhibit "�"), "Chapt�r 244, 1995 Edition, Governm�nt Standards anc� i'racti���° (�xhibif "B"}, �nd "�xampies" (Exhibifi"�"). At the �nd af the prespntatic�ra, ea�h Commissioner signe� a document sfi�ti�g they had participated in the�raining and understand their responsibilities. �. P`LaA1�NlN+� �ONINlt��l�IV Gt71Vi�lUR1EC�eTI��� Dick Bew�rsdorff advised the CommissiUners of the next mee�ing d�t�. The Planning Commission Secr�t�ry gav� the Cornrr�issiran�rs co�i�s of �he upd�t�d ros��r�nd copi�s of fh� revised �-igard �ornmunifiy Dev�lapra��nt Code. 5. PU�LI� F�E�F�IN� 5.1 i�IlfVi�R Le�,ND PARTI°r'I�� (�LR) �6-0009/�ONE �FI/ASVC(� (�ON) 96-000� GRfECO PLANN[NG COMMISSION MEETING M(NUTES- June 17, 199G-Page 1 ' o d e4 r�qu��t f�r the f�li�uving dev�loprnen� ap�licatior�s: 1.) Minor Land F'�rtitic�� �pproval to divide one (1) par�el c�f approximately 1.27 acr�� infio fi,vo (2) parc�ls of approxima#�ly 18,900 ar�d 33,600 square feet; and 2.j Zane Change apprcaval to designate the pr�p�rty �vit� R-4.5 zo�ing. L.C���►'TI(7�Vo 'i 1435 SW For�ner Street (V1l�T'fUl ��1 3f��, �'ax Lof 1000). Ea�# of 5V1/ 1�5th Av�reue and west af SW 111th Place. AF�PLIC���� R��40ENV CRt'TERIA: Community Development Code Section� 18.5Q.050, 18.162.040, 18.162.050 �nd ��.164. �O[V�: R��.S (Re�id�ntial, 4.5 ��i�� per acre�. The �-�.5 zone all�avv� �i�g6�-f�mily r��idenfi�! units, publi� �upport �'a�ilities, re�iden�ial tr��trr�enf ho�e, f�rming, manufiactured hom�, family c�ay c�re, home acc�patior�, temporary use, residen�iai f�el tank, and acc�sso�y str�ctur�s. ��'�F� ��IPOF�l' Pi�nning IVlan�ger f�ick Bew�r�dorff pr�sented the stafF r�part nn behalf of �he �ity. H�; �dvised fihat the property was nevvl� �nn�xed to th� �Ciry. He �air.� it vvas not assigned a zone at the time, beca�se �h� annsxation �as h�ndled dir�ctly by the �oundary Cammissian. ��wersdorff s�ed �h�fi sir�e� �he prop�:� �� n�w reque�ting a l�rd partitian, it nee�ls to be zoned. B�w��r�darff advised fihag th� zone ha� fir� be clasest fo wh�t it was previously zoned in the Co��ty, which is ar� �-4.5. �ewersd�rFf s�id that th� p�r�i#ion wa� to divide the properfy into 2 I€�ts: 1�,900 and �3,600 sq�are f��t. He said s�aff i� recommending �pprovai, s�abject ta conditior�� 'sn the staffi rep�rt. AP�Ll�,�,F�i�'°, �R���4'!�"AT�OR� �'h� applic�nt did nc�t giv� a pr���nfiat�on. G�ammissio�er �-faila�d ��E���# t�e appiic�nt i� h� agre�cl fo the condition� of approv�i i� the sta� r�pv�. The applic�nt �n�wered yes. P�l�LIC �'�Sl'AY�lO�� f�c� orie signed up to sp�ak on this proposal. P4J�L�IC ii�A�.16VC �L�SED Commissioner Holland moved to approve the zone �h�nc�e ar�c� the rr�inor land partitian, in �ccordance wi�h th� sta�`f's conditions of approval. �ore-�rr�is�inn�r Grif#ith seconded the moteon. A voice vote wa� tak�r� and the motion passed un�nimo�sly. 5.2 ��6�PR�F��I��iiOE PLAN .A�9ENDf�lE�9T' (��A) 96-0004/�f�NE CB�ANt3� (Z�RJ' 96- Oq03/!��@���� DEVELOF�9IA�NT �PD� 96-90U2 ��Tl'LE� �iT� �I��IJ�S'T: ,Rm�r�d the C�mprehe�sive Pl�n map and zo�ing map on 27.� �cr�s iocated on fhre� parc�ls west of SVV Mall Boulevard and south of SW aattfer Str�et. The applicatian seeks to change the �a�tern 8.5 acr�:s, along Hail F31vd., PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- June a 7, 1996-Page 2 � 1 fr�m �vt��ium Der�sifiy i�esidential/R-12 to F,n�di�m ��n�i� 6�e�ad�ntial►'�-'7; �r�c� �o char�g� 4he vve5tern 19 acre� frorn L�we D�nsity R�sident��!/R�4.5 tc� i��edium Den�i�y Resider��i�l/F�-?. L.O�A�I��: Wesf ofi�aU Bo�a��vard �nd s�uth of�a�tler �tr��t. �R�i�6�A��.� �i��lE� ����'��tIA: ��mpreh�n�ive t'B�n p�fici�� 1.1.��2�, 2.1.1, 6.1.1, 6.3.3, 8.1.� and 12.2.1(2); �c�rr�m�anity �2ev�lopme�t �c�d� ch�pter� 1�.22 �nd 1�.32; ar�d C�regor� RdrnFnistratiive �ules �hap�er 660 C�ivis�a� '!2. �OfVEo R-4.5 (�ingi�-Family R�sideritia9) ��Ilows singie-fiarnily ��t�ch�d ur�i�s, maroufacfiur�d han�es, farrr�ing fami9y day car� ai7d cor�di�ional u�e� suc� as sir�gl�-�amily �t�achcd unit�, dupl�x �nits, r�9i,r�io�s �s��rrr�bly and schaais. �-12 (9�Aultiple-Far�nily Re�idential) ailow� singl�-�arr�il� d���ched and a�t�c�ed uni��, ��pE�x �nits, muBtiple-family units, r�side�tia! care fa�ili�i��, rnnbi(� hnrr�e p�rks a�sd �ubdi�isions, publie suppo�t and f�imiiy day car� s�nrices and condition�l ���� ��a�,h �s COP�'ltZ1llI�I��' r�creation, rel6giou� a���mbfy, school�, hcaspi#a9s and residen�i�l care fa�ilities. Sl°e��'F ��P�R`f 0/�„�s�ci��� �lanner F�ay Valc�n� prc�e�t�d th� �t�ff r�p�rt o� beh�lf esf the �ifiy. 9--Be sai� that, if this proposal is approv�d, th� appigcara� inter�d� to de�relop i4 in si��gfe f�mily ho��ing. H� s�id th� prc�p�t�yy cor��Sst� c�f 27.52 �cr�s a�d vua� ar�riexed ir� '��82. He said it is desigr�atecl �rb�n i�au� d�nsi�gs. \/aBone �tat�d that th� e�s��;rn 9 a�res w�re zon�d R-5 at ths �im� of annexation, �vhich is ccamp�r�ble t� our c�rr�nt R-7. F�e ��id the w�st�rn partion was zoned F�a 7 �f th�ti�� of�n�ex�tican, �vhich is cornpar�ble t� �ur�urrer�t R-4.5. �!�lone said he has r���:ie��� r�c� obj�ctiar�� to fhe prapos�l fror� outside agencies. �-&� r�f�rr�d fica a letter �r�m fih� Summerfield �4s�dciation, whi�h expr�sses fheir con��rn� for increased �er�sity o�•� �h� ��st�rn �or�io� r��the sit� ar�d fhe pa�sibility �f�-stQry houses. \/alon� said tha� staf� fnds th�t the propra��l me�ts all applicable comprehensive pl�r� and development code Griteria. HE said th�t a �hysical �hang� ir� circumstanc�s has occurred regarding transportafiion sysfiems #hat s�rv� the site. He said that a mistake was made by the City in chanc�ing the �asterr� portion of the site from R-5 to R-12. Fle said st�fF could find no r�cor�i of the �o�e change. \/alone �tated tnat ODOT determined that his praposa! uvo�ald have na significant ef��ct on �lall Blvd. He al�o said th�t the City's �ngineering Department det�rrr�ined thafi it would nofi signific�ntly affiect the local rUad sy���:r�. V�lorle said �taff r�commenci� that the Planning Cammission fr�niv�rd � recorr�m�nc�ation of app�ov�9 to City Council. PLANNING COMP�tISSION MEETII�IG MINUTES- June 17, 199G-Page� � , R� In ��spc�ns� t� a �uestior� frc�m Cc��miss�or��r �oll�nd, Val��� �aid th�t th� adjac��t �ummerfieid prapertv w�s z���d R-7. �O�I�n� �nd Be��r�dorff #her� el�bc�rated c�n granting af P[� s�v�r9�ys. �orrimissic��er Cri��h �omr�er�ted tha�, �nd�r thss �ropca�a�, th�re i� a pcat�r�te�l �or ��1 dw�lling�, �s �ppo�ed to 190 that i� curr�ntly �l�ovved. e4PPLi�e�(��`"S F'Ia�S��7°AT'I�(� Fr��@c ,�ngelo, W�F4 ��cif�, 8405 S!�! Rlar�b�s e���., �eaver�o��, �i� 9700�, bri�f�d �h� �Qr��i��i�,n c�r� th� �pp9i�ar��'� prc�po��l. �e said the �pplicant agr��s vvith th� st�ff r��omrnerlda�ior�. �lJ��I� T'��"i"i�Ce�Y m i� �s4�J�� �la�o� 1�fiBsc�n, 9Q�5 �`inf `�'e�t9u�d �t., °1°ig�r�, C3� g�224, expr���ed his cc�n�ern �bc�u� increa��d �r�f�� ir� his n�ig�barh�c�od. F�� �aid h� w�uld �ik� ta �e� any ra�r� cc�nn�cti�n� ts� SilV �a�tl�r ��r��t be mc�v�d furfih�r ����, �ca a� ncat �� �ligr� dir��tiy vvi�h SV�'91st. Presidenfi V!lilsr�n advi�ed h�rr� th�t tf�s� w�a�ja.a�t � zar�� char�ge ��pli�;�ti�n b�t th� f�l��ning C�rr��nis�ic�� w�uld 9��v� �s�oth�r opport�r�ity tes laok at the dev�lopm�nt ph�se a# a lat�r date. St�ve Smith, 14802 SV�f 91�t, Tig�rd, QF� 9722�, a�k�d st�ff if ap��tm�nt� or multi-famii� d�e��ie�pmen�t 4vas �Il�w�d pr� an F�-7 zr��e. S�a� r�s��r�d�d t9��t dupl�xes would b� all�uv�d, bu: nc�t multi-f��i9y. �rnith th�n s�i�i �9�a�� th� t�all�rd LaE�e� Har�eca�ner's As���i���ion �upports th� �p�lic�ti�n. �U��G� �'��°�Il�C,�NI( � B6� ��i��S��'IC�� Jc�hn �rri�r��i, ��35 �W Fi�ml�t, 1°igard, QFt 372�4, ��id h� �vas r�of ��ce�sarfly �� oppcasitic�rz tc� fhe propos�l, but did n€�t w��� #o ��� 2-stc�ry hp�a��� �e�t to hi� ho��. r�� s�id h� �c�tald la9ce to s�e th� z��� ch�ns�ed tQ b� fihe s�r�e �s �h�e ��nir�r� c�n �'✓V Hamlet. �A�����WV Y P� ����1�P'�� Fr�nk Angelo �ddr�ssed the c�ncer3�� safi �hsase �ho spcake. Fie �aid th� dev�lopm�nfi �nrauld h�v� � r�quired d�nsit�+ trar��itior� �one on th� soufi� side of the prc�perty �nd along �attler, be#vvv�en th� �raperty and l�9all�rd Lak�� Sufadivision. I-�e said th�� buiiding height and roac� extensior� is�u�s �t�uld b� d��6t +� with �t�it� d�vEl�pment r��i�w stag�. � � � �lJ�LIG FiE,��lR6G CL.��EC� � �° Ccammissia�ier Gri�ifh a�k�d ��afF ifi ther� �vould be � bu�er ar�a sn additio� tc� � � density #ransitican zor��. �ewer�de�rff �r�s�nrered that fihere uvo�uld only b� the � densi�y transifiion zone, but�hat minira�um �etbacks woul� also ap{aly. � C�mmissioner Padgett said h� ar�r��c� that � rnist�ke wa� m�d� an fih� �aster� por�ion of th� �raperty. Ne alsa �greed that there has been a cf��nge in PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- June 17, t996-Page 4 , 9 cisc�amsfan���, saying th�t �f ti��t I�nd was aanza�ed t�da�, t�� m�s# logic�� z�ro��o p�at on it w��.�ld be ��7. C�mr�i��io�er E�Q�lland s�id it makes ��r�se, th�f if�her� B� F�-7 on �ifih�r si��, �h� ;4 pr�perty shc��ald also b� !�-7 �9s�. � ��mm'r��ioner Grdffit� saici h� has same pr�blerri� v��th th� tr��'fic, but �h�y could b� d'o�cu��ed during the �it� developr�er�t re����v. Cc�rnrr�is�ior��r C��Is�n agr�ed vuith �ornmissioner�riffth. �carr�mi��ir�ro�r Holland m��,e�d to �ppr�ve Cc�rr3pr�hc�n�ive Pf�n As�r��ndrr��r�t ��- On04/�o0�� Ch�nge 96-�00�/8�lar�n�d Dev�loprn�n� �36-Q�J02. Cornmes�io�er Padgetf secar�d�d th� �otiar�. A v�ic� ��te wa� �ake�, and the ma#is�r� �as�ed ��anim�usEy. 503 ��l�1P��I�E�iSl�l� PL/�N i4�AEP�i��ll��`T(���,) �6�+DQ01 �L����� �.��UEST: Am�nd �hE fie�t of #he fJrb�n�zation s�cfi�n of tt�� �ompr�h�r��ive Plan by add�ng � n��e poiicy as fallows: 1 C3.1.4 An exc�,p�ion to F'vli�y 10.1.3 is that the city may assi�n zoning cla���t fio �xi�ting development in lovv d�nsity resid���i�! estabiished �rea�. LO���°9�N: Ci�ywid�. APR'�.ICA�l�� RE@/9�� CR61°�RIA: State4vid� PBar�ning Goals 9, 2, 10 and 14; �figard C�m�rehensive P9ar� pc�licie� 1.�.1, 2.1.1 and 6.1.1; l"ig�rd C�mmunity D�v�lopmer�t �ode ch�p��r 1�.30 and; anc� Cyregan Administrativ� Rule Chapt�r 660, �ivisi�n 12. ��td�o N/A �`T/aF'F �:�P'�6�`f As�ociate Pl�r�ner R�y Valc�ne presen��d fihe s#aff r�pc�rt c�r� beh��f e�f th� �if�. I�� �d�ised tha� this v�e�� a text arr�en�ment ta the l�r��ni�ation section nf the Corrip Pi�n by adding a �ew policy that st�te�: "10.1.4 An exce�tion to Palicy 10.�.3 is that th� city may assign zoning cios�est to existirag developrrient in low densit� residentiaf ��fi�blished area�°. Valone said tha�th� amendmer�t w�uld apply to properts�s ir� the Urban Pfanning Ar��. F�� �aid the C�ty'� current �o9icy is to ��sign n�wly ann�xed peop�rty a ��n� fiha� most clos�l� match�� fih� previa�s iNa�h9�gt�n �ounty zor�e. H� sfated �hafi this policy i� ir�cluded in the Cornp��ehensive Plan, �he ��v�;B�p�ent Code, ar�d fh� Urban Pianning Area Agre�ment b�f�ieen the County ahd th� City. �/alone provided b�ckground an th� proposal, s�yirag that i� vv�s p�es�n�t�d t� �he West �nd ��ntra6 Cll's in A�agu�t, 1995. H� said that bath graups sUpport�d the applican�'s requesfi. He �aid f6��t, in September, 1995, F3ledsa� �-equ�sted fhe City Gouncil to forrnally ask the ��unty #o open the Urban Pl�nning Area �grEerr�ent in order to amenc� th� n�Ii�y �n zQnii�g of �nn�xed {and. Val�r�e PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- June 17, 1996-Page 5 ���t�d that the Gounci9 granted � fe� v�r��v�r ar�d agr��d t� incl�ade Bl�d�w�'s cor�c�rt�s d��ring �he next r�vi�w of#h� lJ�,�4. Valo�� s��d th�� re�u���s f9r cc�mm�nts uv�re sent to V1l�shir�gton Gour�ty ar�d Nletro, th�t GIT mailir�g �ist member� were naiifi�c�, ar�d #hat the prop�sal was pr�s�nte� to all CITs du�inc� th�ir May rr�eetings. {�e ad�a9�ed th�t �+1��ro res@aorad�d tih�t th� pr��osa! is not consi�t�nt with #he �ir��fso� of 2��0. H� �aid 'W�shin��can C9unty was conc�rr��d ��ouf the imp�c� on �li� �l��rcapc�ii#�n Hoca�i�g I�ule �r�d ir�fi6i ci��elopm�r�t. �e �aid the �en�P�l and !N��# �iT� suppc�rt the pr�po��l, t�� �outh C9�'suppo�s lo��r�r der�sity� i� g�n�r�l, and th� E��� C17' h�d nc� �s�mrr�er�t. a. \lalar�� �aid st�f� �r�ds tha� th� prc��osal do�� n�t t���� �91 r�l��ar�t crot�ri� ��d ref�rred to oth�r con��r�� ii�ted c�n page 7 0�� th� s��� r��eart. H� said st�ff r�com�ends th� 1�l�nni�� ��mmis�ian fcar+n��r� a r���rr�m,endation af deni�l to Gity C�o�nc61. Cornrrlissioner DeFrang asked hovu fhe C�unty ba�cs it� �c�nir�g. Dick f�ewersa�r� �n�wered that the Gc�unty has � diff�rent s�f of z�nes for di�'er�r�t lot sizes and densi#i��. He said wher� anr�exing prop�r#y, the City i� requir�d �c� pick � zon�th�t is the rv�o5f compara�le. i4PPL9CAN1°'S P��S�f��'dA°TI�N B�b �3ledsde, 1��00 SW 1/Valnufi, �igard, Q� 97223, presen�ed hi� �r�pc�sal to t�� Commissian. He s�id h� did no� believe the staff re�or� w�� consi�tent with the adopt�d documents. • �ledsoe s�id he see� �c��l � �v b�i�� �i�a�d �fi tl�e r�rd�rli�e�� c►� �1anr�i�g, th�t the St�te periodicall� r�viev�s our plan to m�ke sure �h� City keep� up wi�h ��i�ia9 �hange�. H� said th�t �o�i 2 was nev�r intended to b� ��ed th�a�vay �ta�f uses it. �4�dsn� addr�s��d Gc�al 10, s�ying th�t h� f�c�sed on �acant lands, but allc�vved for the co�sideration of r�developabl� l�nds. He �aic� he t��r�t�d ta pr�tect established areas and the qualily of neighborhas�ds. H� sh�wed th� C�m�nission a IONPtro map �f red�u�lopable la��s. �led�oe said Tig�rd 5hould pro��ct ifi� established areas, i�cluding areas not yet annexed. He believes th�t �or�ing ch�nges should a�p6y to wh�le neighborh�ods, not ju5t indivi�uai praperties. hip ad�is�d that m�in as�ect his pi�n pe�ts � hir�dr�r�ce on is in�ill d���ls�pm�nt. Bledsoe stated that fih� City's r�q�irera�ent for 10 unit� per �cre applies to b�aildab(� lands, n�fi industriai, corr�mer�ial, or�x�stinc� residential �reas. F�resident Wilson asked �ledsoe how he uvo�id r��pon�e to stafFs conc�rns about defining the existing d�nsity of � r��ighborhood. �led5oe answ�red that the �ify PLAiVNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES- June 17, 1996-Page 6 � . ' �an dravu �h� b�urrd�ries. P�� s�id his �rgu��n�n� 'ss tQ gi�e tl�e �ity flexibility to pr��erve e�t�k�lished ar���. b�U�LI�: �'��'TI�BIf,��BY Nc� one signed up te �p�ak in ��apq�or�ear in opposition of thi� prc�pos�l. R'��Ll� t°I��4�.IB�� �L��ED ��rr`rr�issi�ra�r C�riffiith �sked if Tigard', �r�a af ir�t�r��fi ��� wi�hin the lJrb�r� ��ra�th F3mur��a�,r. l��y 'J�lone �r�sw�re� that if �as �ithir� th� UC3�. Gr6�th asked if th�re w�� � farm ar fior��t�or�� in fhi� �r��. V�lane �n�w�r�d racr. Presider�t �Iso�� said h� ���s �OUBi�F �E)11�� �S �'e?�II�/ PilE;�ii�illC�IeS s i�t�IES s i�'S �nnexed. He ��lieves the real ►r�ativatiora b�hind thi� c�nnpr�h�nsiv� plat� �mend�ent i� "n� develnp�ner�t in my back�ard". Cnmm@ssioner 6�a1l�nd s�id h� thought the pro�osa�l w�s �oca conf��ing, tha# he liked the Cornpr�hensiu� F'i�n �s i� i� no�e, �ret'� �ndividuaE �or�� �hang��. Pr�sider��1i1�il�o� �s��d �b�ut �r�nexatior� �ro�edue�s. i�ay Valr��� �n�uvered gh�t f��r� 's� � m�thod f�r�i�y-initiat�d ��r��x�tians (the is�land r��thod�, bu� ifi h�� ta be ���rov�� �� the Bounc�ary Commessiar�. CUmmossion�r G�il�o� c�r�m�nted that this way af annexing is �a� b�ing �s�r� by th� City at#h� �resent�imr�. Cc�mmessioner fi.n�er��n said �he agr��d with the �t��f reporf, fihat this amendrn�nt is no� n�ce�sary. C�rr►rni�si�ner �'�dge� mov�d t�a recorr�rn�r�d ��r�i�! s�fi ��'A 96-QQQ1, t�s�d oc� fr��i�g� in the �taff r�por! and te�timony. Comrr�e��ioner �4alland seconded �he �otion. A voice vofe was taken anc� the rr�afiiar� p��sed unaoiimously. ° 6. ��°�E� E��6��NE�� �ommunity D�velopme�t Directc�r JQm Hendryx fialked t� the Commissioners abcaut r�les of th� Cl�s and fihe Planning �r�rr�mis�ion. H� p�a�ided �hen� with a �apy caf a rr�emo d�fie� flllay 14, 1996, #hat w�r�t to the Gity �ounci! (Exhibit "�3"). H� ��id the purpose �f the m�mo was �o help o�tline what the rules ar�d responsibilitie5 c�ule� be for b�tf� groups. He sur�marized the memc� and s��d Gounci! war�ted laoth Plannis�g Gom�nissior �nd CIT comm�nfis. Hendr�x �aid th� q�ur�pas� of ih� rrn�mo was t� provicie �am� recognitic�n of fihe CITs for planning related items. Commissi�ner �riffith comrr�ent�d tha�t fih� rn�m� list� ev�rything th� ClTs wnuld do and asked �vhat the CITs per�eiv� �he Plan�ring Cornmis�i�n to be. H� also noted that the CIT� are �Iways on the Council ageroda. PLAPJN�NG COMMISSION IvIEETING MINUTE3- June 17, 1996-Pag�7 , i a e � . ��rnrr�isser�n�r l��Frang a�ked wha# the 6'l�nr��r�g �omr�is�ican rc�i�� v�oo�ald b� fi�r �8�� it�rr�� li�fi�d on the c��mo. Her�dryx ar��v�r�r�d t��t th�C6T� �h�€g pr���d� i�tnt�f �n park �lannin� is�ues tha� invalve C�rr�pr�h�nsive Pl�n p�licie� s�r �k��ng�� t� th� ��rr�preh�nsi�� �'lan c�r �c�ning maps. �� �ais� fih� �ianr�ir�g �omrni�si�n � �nr�a�ld include �I�' �ornmer�t� in �h�ir d�lib�ratios�� �r�d tih� r�commendation anrould th��a g�t�t�� City �ounGil. a �c��mi�si�ner Halland ��id he hoped th� �iTs dor�'� get cQr��'�s�d ��ic�u� �h� process by c!oi�g dir�ct9y to C@ty Cc��ncil in�t�ad af th� P6anrai�g �ommissi�n. �ommissic�ne� P�ciget� r►ot�d t�at th� �I�'� �re �he d��igr��t�d primary r�cc�rr�rn�ndir�g er�titi�� to ih� �ity CQUncil far sor�r� i�su�� ar�d the 6'lannir�g ��r�ra�ission is the primary r�cor�nmending �r�tity �n oth�rs. �9e ��id that �ar� the��e i�sues wt�ere the Pl��ning Ccar�irr�i�siar� i� the prir�n�ry r�camrnendin� bo�y, the �I'�'s shc��ld go thrc�ug�� th� Planrding Comr�i��ior� �o�d the �lanr�ir�g Cnmrnis�i�n w�u�d go #m the City Council. �le said a CIT' re�ember cca�ld then gc� to ti�e �ity Co�ar�ci6 a� as� in�ividual ar�d pEead their cas�, but nat as � r�pr�senf�4ive of a CE�°. Presid�r��Vllilson said that the role of�he F'lannin� ^sarnmissian needs {to be better d�fred. Gorr�mi�sioner f��F'�ang commented on poor at�endance �t Cil" t���tings. Commissioner Padgett said that �ve�r City nevusletter shoui� h�ve map that �hcaws CIT boundari��. Jim Her�dryx �sked the C�ommissianers how tt�ey +rv�nted him to proc�ed. The Connmissioners �aid they v�quld lik� a cpuple of weeks fo respc�nd t�o the m�mo. 7. A�JAU��NI�P�T The rn�eting adjournec� at 9:40 p.r�i. Jerr� Gaynor, I�nnin ommissiar► Secr�t�ry � � A/ ST: President PVick VVilson f'LAMJING CONfM15SION Iv9EETING MINUTES- June 17, 1996-Page� a e , �e � ��� . �������' �� . .'�►����� ��'$' � � j CtTY Ai" TBGA:IdD �./ , B.J QREGqN i�L`L-�d1.S174P �Jlf.3�io `�' � �1` r � l0 � �`���.���"a����: 7 �d��.�. ��F��I�S���Ii��l2�: `''/ T�I�K V�II�S�N (C�1���5a�i� �'"�/ .�JI3IT�A�1DE�Z.SC?l`� ._–� . ...,._.. MiC'I-�,AEd.�OLLSON �-J � � � CAItO�,`YN DE�FL�G � _ ��l �-��� . J�IES (�RIFk'IT�-i 4--�� ROPd H��LAI�IIJ� `'�- MA.IZI{.�ADG�"I°I' � �I-�L S�HC?LI�Id. S'�'A�'�P�S�l�i'�': � �. RI��-iAP.l� �EW�RSI�OI?.�"� _ I�T�DII�E SNI�TH _ WILL I�'�IDR�A `//RAY VAi.,ON� 1�IARK ROBERTS �. I�IEL�MICICAELSOI�t GA.�ZY ALFSON __ l7UAI�iE RQBERTS � � BR.IAN k:AGER �''/JR.IvfES H�'1�dI)IZ'4'�� � — — � , � �� � � � � h:\login\jertee�pc-roll.mst a � „ „ � ,, _ _ , _ , � • ' � � � �� � ��������h��e�,� � � . ' . bw��5�� �{ . d1 � ro Y `�..�Jl� �� A�� _ i � ��A�1 ��V.�'� .�' AR�, t�,�� . � � �A��e�� �f A Y 9'►? 1.�� � ��� �� ���� �A .i.1�.B� � Lt���4'� .m....��_. �� o � _� � w. � � � �. .�.. � .,.._� � � ��� m.moarw�o.._ .�, �,� .� � �. �_ ..._ pea .�e .a _,. r �. � o� �m��.� �.� � ..s .����� .� � � � G�9 � �i � f� W �i8 ,. . , � . � � , . ' , . . , � . . .. - . .. ,.r,...�. . e , . . . . .. , , ».«. . . y: ��ge����e�e���t�d�e� �r�al�°�ic������� ., .� �o �stoa�y � �. �c°��an @n�V'��s�r�a�� ���ly� 19`i"���� 2o Stat�'���nact�c� e�huies au�d pu6li� di���c�a�re la�vs �. (Jr��c�� � 1�'74 ��flot 'I'�tle �cr�ted �aua° ��ws d�ow OiB� Chap�e� 244) a�d�iinist�r�c� by Ethas.� �'a��ai�saon 4. 1�� ���n�� 4 ana�w °'�ve���a�� ��d�x°� �d �x'����Soa ��SP� �. �v�r�a��at St�d�°� ax�d�ra��e� Coa��ao� � � � � ( 1. C��pos��ac�n � ��v�n v�al�a����°s �p��n�e�i fo� �s�aa��� ���-3��° � � i � ' � ��� � � 2 �r 1 y A„ 2. �p�I)1��� by: . �� �o��° by �av�€°��r �n�n x����n��cara ���c�a�aC �cl R�publg�� ���de��f�r��o��o�e uad S�n���� G�) °�h�� b� ������ �) iVt�b���x�ff'�ed by��t� � I�aa a�a����� �'�a�°£��m an� pr�li�� ��rtY �. "�aa�li� ��ca�l'i" c�v�r�d by G�P- O�S 2�.��0 (1S7 D. ��i�o��tt�� m �it,S 244.040- A.��plies tca� °°public c►fff�ci�.s" 1. €J�� �f�ublYC �k�°ace for �rso�at ��n� ill�244.l� �1) �a � � a) T'o c�btaia� fi�a�ea�li ��n � � � � t? � b} F'�r �vai��nc� of ff���a� de�°iment � 3 , � • ' R c) �bll�o�°ta�i�l➢s u�eligible �°�r: �1) CDffxc����aa°y �2) ��r�or�rA� �3) �e�nbua°����nt o�e�c�a�s� ��) �Jt�sml�ci$�d �s�+�a ��r�����sa��s�i �c�iev�meta� d) Y��y 'V�la��d� � (1) �'��n��al ��an (2� A���d�flce af d��rirme��: e) App�ies ���elati�v�s al�a � �PPla�s t� °'l�t�sare�s va�kh w�i�h �� p�k��� o�a�n�l �a� � r�ia�v� �f�Ze pub�c �fi�i�fal � �ss�ia��d,° - (1) ���usiaa�ss" �efaned P 4 . , ,,, .. , , .',�''� J _.., . "� . � (�) oo�ea�iat�d'° �l��ie��8 . �.. � ��pfc�y�e ��o�� 2a � �li�n�n�e�� �°��ivnra���-��S 2�. (�) �) 1@�1��e�fa�a�1U�P �� ��a ���1��d����° c) �'��a�i �sin���so�c� �. 5ml��ct�n���r��iva����pl�y��s�t � r��°� �a�r o�ca�����n � �� Z�.04�9 (�) 4. l�U�use of c��n�de��fl�l inff�r�at�on - A� 244.040 d�G) �o C�fferin� �a£� to �paa�lic m�fi�ia�is of nnor��a�x $IQO 6. ���a�esenti�a� p��,ixa� cl��n�s b�fo�� gublic b��rd of wl��� person � a anerr�ber + S ' II I2�q��g as� Op6r�i�n �soan tt�e �ov��e�rgnen$ S�dare� �d ����� �omc�issiQn � .e A. �ya�e�a �°�qa���� �of�'i�i� opna�io�s � �o 'I'�e�x�caat�v��ir�c�o��,a� �ss�a� znf�rm� �ope���m.s �. ��utiono ��es na� proeid� le��l p�°oteet�on ���r� p��ss���ioan by �e ��r����aa �. t1. f�a��� opinnr��x �. ����d ��� �'�a� �����a��� Z. Slnf�lds �h� r�qaa��o� ��o� �i�bal�ty ���am �� 244s if th� adv�c� �� fo9fl��aed (��5 24�.2�0 d3� ) Ee �a�a�ra��sion ps�a�ed�ur�� X. �'n�e a we at��n ��►�plai�at 6 2. C��s�enta�i ����f�n� r��i�� (�r►�ty e��ys� � 3. �' ��� is ��a�d t� ��i�v� a �a�8��i�rr c�c��, �naY�����e p��� ��6r�� �I�� 12A da�s� r 4e G�� t�a�� ���e �) ���e�i�s Y,�� c�e . �) S�k �s�����s�t �) C�ntinu� �e $nves�aaa�aon �i1 �����d �� � �����s��d ��� lx�au°�aa� (i�ti�� � �la� ����x� r��t�A th� g�blY� t��i�f�l ►��y �p� b�fore �tae �5�� ar tc°a�fe�° ttae �a�s�to c�cuit �oua�ta �� �APe'� �s t�tt�e ��°��o�a ��ua��af Appe� Fe Pea����i� 10 �'ia�es �d forf��t�e� ` 7 2. �t��raaey's fe�s . ffi I���°�tioan of�tentaal con�a�t� o����r�fi - ���24�.X�0 A. �of��a�a� co��li��s - �I�S ZA�o��O Q� �. A��al coaatlacts - �� 2�.0�0 �1� 0 C. I�o�to de���°e cc��xtli�ts I�. Pa��a��p��a��► in d�c�si�� le Okay9 if th�a�e �s a �t�nta��+�nffii� 2. ��aar��t p�rti�ipate i��her� is an actu�ll c�nf��ct �. �'?C��pt10i15 $ . . �, � - �e I,��i iJ�e ��arin� �ac��e:�t � . �.. Du�e pre��sss r��!►t to i�anp�rct33�1 �ba�� (F'�s�u v. �°d a�f . ��e�i�si��ers o['4�+"�h�n�t�n Coa�ty) �e L���s�o��m��r 'a�����e�°s���Q ���e�� ��° ���.s�e 3u �h�lier��e t� � h���ng �dy°s �bit3�► t� ��ic� �a i��p�� �ecf�a�r� �� �� p��e ���a��s �� �a�� ����� e� ��ntii�ts o�ir�d�re�t dl) A�#u�l �2) P�t��ti�0 ��) �h�� �� �� if tP��y �c� 9 V �� . / �� ��ECSHAEI.� �1�5 i:l�' 1bii61e,chi�3.�iur, $ e �� , � `�/`�i�i'�' .�� �. �e'�e"7E����' � �. 1� EI�ITI�1�T �ov�r��n� �t�a�i�°�d� ��d I�r��i�.c�� ���� � �o��Y�x ?.1�Lfl10 �Alicy �49.2�0 Ore�on C.ove�e�2 �ttaa�darda enai %'rac• ?�.OfZ�3 E2e�n.3Lic�ns idce� �onaffiis�iaang appoi�atnaeni� 4esm; � Appl'scatioa qeaox°ss¢�s; coammpeu�atioa; leg�i coceus�! ?.�4'�60 Co�SdeaCial �'xeTuminary �tewiew A'hass�; 2�i040 Crxim af eCD�dcs; pro�ibi��� �etion� Iasv��tag�toay ��a...e; ffiO$YL'@o i3asd°ara�$; cor�� }ao�mx�sam te�eex� cros� m�Gourt gaaroce�ia�gs ?rS�0�d5 ffY�giai�tion of su�SSequ�nC ���ala�ynaent of 2&�"d0 F'fiaidan�s ms �ouxtd� for ce�xoa�a! public of�scials ?,�,gp ppiniaans; liab'u1iE�y s�f g�erson fo!loariceg im- � �Tok� I.inxikec9 �p�plic�bilady to officfiaLs-19�93 �.7� terpsetatiosx §l0a 21�b.29� Genersl duties oP carn�i�ioa; sules ' . �,,po�.I.�� ry.�t.'i00 Stutus of secorris 2.3-:(?50 Persons required to f�le 3#AL�ffiL°IIk pF 0Cp- �IO E�ecutive direckar, e�uties nomic interesE; duty af Le�islntiv� �sem- '� hiaeaxual oxi governanent ethics; revision �by �30 Distribu�ion of ethic� nncsaural to pesblac oP- 2-�i.Qai r4�ditional reportix�g requieements for �icinls; assistance ot' pcofest�ional a.4soci- �ta�e Z'r�asury; aonfideneigli�y; ePfect of atioas faslua�e ta connply wikkz requireffient� ?�.�„'�0 Garati¢eeaiag eduaetflo� groga�as requiseri .��14QfiiD Foxza� of st�,tecnent oa economi�c iAC�rest 2�,�� 'PThen additional stutem�ent required ���C��r ?.�9-�QBf� Filing of di�°er�nt form sllowed }s� zvl� �'�135� Civil penalti�� 2�L�0�30 When seport oxr coab�nsated iobbyist xe- �''�'� Fox�f�ieure oP tzaice finas�cissl be�efit q�� �0 Procedure for colla�etin� p�esan�Bies 2,�3.100 �Vhea co�axLi ision ffixiy require reporCing �� ��ctions mgainst noucoenplyen� officials of�ifty; esemptions from �ift Iivaftatia� oc candid�s�s ?.+-�110 Iie�uired stntement� subj�ct to pex�alty for �� Seatus of penalties a�d saactions fals� swearixag •�-}A�0 ?.ttoa-neg fees for �sublic oPd'a�cial prevailin� 2-t-�.115 Filing sequis-ed for ineffiber af Cou�rress or in enforcement actian or lavvsuit candidate; filing ciate CRQSS-REFEREi�C�S �rExxoD or k�a,vna.�a�a�°�u�u. q3Ft pU'I`EyTI�Y� �pNF'A.,IC'I'g E:cecutive meetinas, alleged violation ot`apen meetings '�I.� lifetl�ods of h�nclling cautlicts; g�nerallg; lasv, en,forcemene by cammission, 192.685 application to elected official� or members Hi�her education, conflict of intexest, state board rules, of boat°d� 3�a1.O6i .^,�i-L130 Recox�ding of natnce of conflict• effect of Loh6ylsc, regulacion. 1�1.�25 to 1�1.�85 failure to disc3ose conflict � Orevon Health 5ciences Lnirersity, applicability ot' :�fl-Ll:kS }iechod o£ handling coaflicts bv pianuing provisions oi chapcer co, 353..100 comffiassian member§ Ore�on SCaee Boxing and �Vrestlin; Commission, pro- hibi[ed 5n:�ncial interests, �63.1-�5 :IPPLICaTION OF 3tEPORTL�iG State Geologist, conflict of in;eresc, 516.].30 REQL'IEZ.L:�IE."+TY'S Tt� LOC.�L. GOVEE�Yii�'..IV'TS ?,�-L410 ?,�-L1&0 :��plication to political subtlidzsious escept p;ohibi�ed policic�! consributions. Ch. 260 citze§ and counties pubiic L'tility Commissioners, prohibited pecuni�ry in- 2-�L1;0 "5k�tem�nt of economic interest" defined terests, ��Ci.O'?6 ��-L1S0 Nhen city officials required to file state- �,lgp iT1eIIL :l-S.ISt3 P+'hen county officials required to file City or;anizacion. Ch_ 23l statement City planning at�cials. Ch. 22; '�.1So Certaia city aud caunt} ol�-►cers to be in- �190 for�ed of reposting requirements; effect of faalure to inforin Counxy oovernin; bodies, Ch. 203 ?�1 Electioa pmcedure fur city or county Councy plaanin; ofFcials, Ch. 215 ' w ��vc�����'1° �'1'��D,�,Itll� Ar1� Pd�AC�YCE� �.o� C:i;IV[�It�l,11Jl.,Y (4) '"Cotnmiasio�a" means the (��°egon �44.t39tD �'mlg�y. (1? '1'hu L�gi�la�tivm �L�- CrOV�rnment Stnndn�rds �aad Practiaes Coan- sc�ibly IierE�by rleciciro�a tl�cAt n pttblla od'lic€� ia mi��ion. � pubiic tei��t, �n�1 �h�t n� os�A stsC�bPunrd fcar (5) "T�eve9opmenC aan�nnissivn" inetzns any that trust, thc �eaplo soqu�ru nll taubii� ot�e ���ity wliich h�s the auth.ority to purchase, cials �o �dhere Co L•lac� cvda� e�f c�thica xc�t fe:rth dovelo�, im�rove or ie�a�e lasid ar the au- ii� UIZS 244.O�d0, tharity� to op�rate oc dir�cti th� use af 1and. (2) 'I'h� �.e�;i�l�►tivc� l�s�arnbly roc;ogtiiz�s This authority must be anore tPian that it is th� �c�iicy nf �li� �tt�tc� tn hnve minist�ri�l. serving oia �a�neay �tt��� ntic! 9c��cril bacerds s�nd (6) "Expendi�use" has �h� �raeaning �iven COIT7111t5310t4S st��� �az�c� ieicrel of�icinle v�hm th�t term isa O� 260.�05. � . � ISI�� P��BVC poC�aitira!!y ec�nllictin�� ntablic reW (7) d9lPotential �on�lic� �of interes�°' mearb� s�on�ib:lities by virtuo ot' thmer posiCiorrs as �n�, action or aaay deci�ioc� �r re�ocn- p�bl�[ic of(ici�al� �anci mi:ao n� 'i�c�mbara of th� mendatioaa by� � p�r�ora ac�nng an � capsc�ty 1�o�rds an�i curiatnis�iona, �tnd c8�ainrc;s et to �s A public of#ici�l, ttie �f�'ect of w�ai�h �ould be the �c�licy c�f t9a� $�rx�a �fi�� tl�o taa�ldin o&° be �o the prnvate p�cu�iaxy ben�ftt or de�rri- i suclx ot�ices does n�C �oiiatitut� th� ��ol ing ���r�� o�' the person or t��Z� perso�i s relativ�, of inc�►AZputil�le nftices aanl��� oxpr�ssly n� a busimess witla wk�ic�a the persazn �r tlxe sQ,ated isY th� ea��blitt,p, l�gi�InCio��, gerson's �°elativ� is assaciat�d, unless thy (3) Notla►n� in tEiis cluzpter ie inteptded to Pec�xniary beraefi�t o�° detrim�rat arises ot�t af af�'ect: the followin.g: � , (il� f�dlY Ot}ll?T' S�A�IQ�@ F'�(�Uti'517�; disclosure (�) � int�rest�or mernbership ,in a par- of eccmomic ii�terest �y u¢ly pr�b[ic offcesnl or �ieular busaness,, iaYdeastry, accupatio�x or pubtic emp9oyee. other clz�ss req�xirsd by la�vv as a prere uisite (b) Ara �taCute rohibitip� p �r au4:hc�rixin to the kaolding by the pesgon of the af�ce or 3` ^ � � g ositaoii, sp�:ci(ic conduc� oii tlie par� vC ai�y puhlic � � • • of'ficial or public e►iiplay��. It�74 a.�, c.'11 g$1, ln; ��� �3' �ctian in t�ae�person's�official ca- z�8� �.�ss ti�l p�Gity �ahich would aff�cti to th� s�me d�g�ee. 244.�2U I)e�a�itiae�s. AA used iii this � ciass consisting caf �11 inhabitants"of the StEI�@e or a smallex ciass co�zsis�ing of �n in- chapter, UY1113�SS �;�18 COYlt('7Bt COC�UICE?y OEII�B'° ��g5$Y'y, UCCUl7&�lOri Q%' O��1GI' �E'OLl�'J 1I1C111C�iY1�' wise: o�e of which o� in w�ha�ka th� persoai, or the (1) "�i.ctu�al �°oE��l�ict nf in�crest'° �ne�ns P��'san'� xelative or business vrith wlndch �P�e any �ctio�i OC iiIly decision or recom- ��rson or the �BPSOI]�S f@�atflV� 15 �880C12.�@C�, I11eI]C�1Eli)Cl by < ��erso� actang in n crpacity la a at�erxabsr ce is engaged. The cozaime��saon 1s a pu4�lic v('�c:;a1, ttas �fFa�ct of which rua�s�d �ay by rule flimit th� rnanimurr� �g�� of crx be to the privai:� pecunis�ry bea�e�� or ��tri- o�h�rwisa e�Lablish crit�;ria foa° �a idsn�ify ment �f the persocy or tlx� pergc>n'a r�lutive th� sma�lsr cl�sses thati c�ualiXy u�c��x tk�is or any business with �vhich th� pergor� or a ��ception. �•el�tive o£the pex•sQn is associat�d uiiless the (c) IMembea�ship i❑ or membership on the pe�uni�ry bex�e4it or detritzbeiit arises out of �oard �f dir�ctors of a nonprofat corporatiora circumstances ciescribed 'an sub�octiotY (�)(�) t}•lat is taa�-exerrapt under se�Cion 50I(c) of tY:e to (c? of tliis section. Internal Revenue t�ode. � .• . t2) "�iusiness" tnent�s �ny cc�rporntion, ($7 "Gi4't" means soznethin� of economic p;�rtnership, proprietorshi�, �a�►», esiterprise, vaiue �iven �o �. public o�'i�ial or the putalic f'rinchise, associntio:�, organiz�tion, self� ��'fi4ial s r�lative wfthout valuable �;anszder- employed individual �and nny �atN�er legra! en- a��osi of equivalent vaiue, incl�.iding the �'�all �ity o�eratec3 f�r economic �Alll VUC OXCIIldlllg or partial forg��eness of iaadei�tedness, whzch a�ly i►icocne-�yroclucii�.� nc�t-fnr-po•ofit cc�rpo- �s not pxtended to athers wlxo axe not put�lic ration tlint is tFix exetnp� uncler secCion b(lZ(c) �fficials or the rel�tives of public officials oz� c,f the Internal C�,evc�aue Codo �vith wt�ich a ��» s�cn� ter�n�s and conditions; ,and smme- tli�n of economic value given ta a ;�ublic of- public of�ci�l is n�sociateci ii� n no��i't?I]lUd�- �Clc1� or the puiatic officir�l's relativ� �'ar erative c�Pzcity. valuable canszdArmtion less than th�t re� (3) °�3usiness witli �vhicli tho ��rsai2 ia quirQ� froa�a others who are n�t public offi- associ;ited" me�ns any 1�u::inose of �vhich Fhe cials, Howc�vec, "gift°° does not mean: person or the person's relni;ivc� ls u cliroctor, ��� Camp�i�a1 con�ributions, s�s d�scribed c�fficer, owner or en►pluyeo, ot• �a�;��nk or nn� `ll OT�S chapter 260. cc�rporation ir� which the pere�n or the per- son's relai.ive c�wns or ►aas own�d stock wortiy (v) Gifts from fAmily members. n1,000 r�r mr�re nt nny posnt in tlto proceding tc) 'I"he giving or receivin� of food, lodg- c<�le�tdar ye�r. , in� and trnvel �vlion pArticiputing in ar� event 'I'itle 22 Pago 207 (1995 Edition) v . 2�&00;�0 �$��C ��FICEgtS Aloi� iEli�[�g.�VC �� whach bears a relationsl3a� to the'public oflt- �ia;iai or of tlie �3lDVIlQ officiul'S sp��use, 1r�c1 ci�l°s o4�'ice �irad rvhen ap�pearing in an of�acg�l brotl�ecs, �6steg•s r�a� parea�gs o(' the �ioblic of- cap�acit , subject to tha reportirg require- #iciZ! ��° af Cl�e pdiblic offcial's �pc�u�e, d men�.o�OR�,2�4r060 (6). . � ,'4d) The• �ivfng or receiving of° food or ret��ry e�f��tate �ur S�reg]ory�i af��Sl:�a9,c;-o��t b�vera�ge if tpae food or be�ve�rage gs consum�d State Trei��urer ur Stfltu '1'c•ua:;c3r•�r-�;lc;ct, ,�da' bY ��e public offirial or the public of�cial's perinLendent o(' �'ubifc Is��gl°uctinn or I relatives in.the pres�nce of t�ne purchaser or Sug�erinte��dent-e1LCt of &'ul�lic 3ngtruction provider thereof. Attorney Gencr�il or At�orney (ac;ner•;il-t:[ect I (e) �'h� gfving or receivin� of enLerY;airn- and tlae Cc�mnaissioner at' Chs Burcau af !�a- rnent if the enterta�inment is exg�rienced by ��r ��d Indtistries or the Con�missic�ner-elect the put�lic of'ficial or �he public ofizciai's r�l- of the Eiureau of Labor And It�dustrie:�. � �tiwes �aaa t?xe 'preserace of the �urchase�° ar (18) "�onin�,r comanissi�ra" aneun� ara eei- i provide�° thereaf �nd the value o£ the titlr to wtiicli is dulegat�d 1t least sc�ra�e of �' ente�t�anrr��nt does mot exceed $100 per per- the discretionary nuthority <�f' a �Itlppldl�r son on� a single oc�asion and fs not greatex c�rn�myssic�n or governing body relating ta th�n $250,ia� any one calendar year. �onang� �nc� iar�d use r��att�r�. � (S} �"Hanoraria" means a p�yarbent or 1975 c.643 �1; 1�'77 c.at� ��; ls7y c.tifi6 f§�71J�7 c:.G76'2fi §8; �ome�hing of economic value �iven to a ptab- j�;�����;�' 19�i c.73 gY; tJ91 c.770 J5; 1993 c.743 §8; lic off�cial i� .exclaan�e for services upon r�vvhich sustorai or proprtety pr�vents the set- ��`�°��� ��L�l���i�iaa�o 1Vc�tP�ing in this tin� af a price. Services include, but are not L�'aPter is ia�tendec! to ��'('eLt: lirraited to,' �peeche� or c�ther services ren- (p) �A.��y other s�ai:iate rer,ui►•ii�g ciisclosure dered in�connection with an event at w1�ic4� of econamic interest by any j�i�blic oP'ticial c�r �tl� ��ablic o�ficial �.ppears in an officaal ca- I�ublic ebiaployee. � � pacity:•.. ,.. . . (2? �iny StaCute prohil�itiiaby c�r auth<�rizing ' • (�n) ,"Income" me�ans income of any na- sp�cific coiiduct c�ts the p�rt of' �ny p�lblic tcare derived f�om �ny sourae, includin�, but of'ficial or �ublic e�glployee. �ly7q y.s. �.�,� �2:�� not limited ta, arq salary�, wage, �dvance, pay�ient,.diyidend, intere�t 'rent honot°aria �`�4�Q40 6'oci� of e:thies; �a•c�iai&�if��d �ca return of capital, forgivens'ss of indehtedness� �ya�s' ��'�O���d:A• �'�� f�llo�ving acCi�ns are or aiA�k�ing of econorr�a�'value. � Prohibited regai•dless of �vheth�r acttaal con- � ' ' flicts of interest nr potentiai conflicts of in_ ".� (11),"�,e�islative or,.administrative inter- terest �ire announced or cliscloseci pursua�it �s�" mea�s , an .economic interest, distinct to CI.ZS 2�1�l.fl20: frarn that of the generaI public, in one or (1)t��t) No public of(ici�il sluitl iase ar at- more bills, resolutions, regulations, proposals f.empt ta �flse official �aosition or c�f.'lice to ob- or other ragatters subj�ct to the acti�a� or voi;e gQ��, �rg����ag gain or �tvoicl�illCC of Cn<�nci�i of�a �e'rson actirg in the capacity of a public detrimertt that wotild not otlzer�vige b� avait- 6fficial. able but for the public o('t3cial's hotding of ' . (17) "LegislaLive official" rrieans �,ny the official z�ositioi� oa• cf�ce, uther than of'- mem�ber or mexnber-elect of the Leg-islative ficial salary, honoraria, e:ccept as pe�>hibited , Assembly; any member of an agency, board in par�graphs (b) ilTl(� ((;� of th�s sub�ectiun, or committee that is part of th� aegislative reimburse»ient ��f' expcan�es or :�n iansolicitecl branch and any staft' pexson, assistan� ar award tor profeysioet�l �achi�vv�ment f��r tlze emplayse t�ereof. public official or I:he public otTicial's relative, (�3) "�lember of houseliold" rr►eans any �ffic°il aliyabr�I�tl.eve of'�t�tie�vhich the i�t�biic relativ� �vho resides with the piablic official. puf�lic official is � associatecl. (I4) Planning comrnission" means a county p]anning commission created undex �b> No stateGVic3e official shall solicit or ORS chapter 215 or a city pl�anning commi�- receive, whethee• ciirectly or indirectly, sion created under ORS chapter 227. honoraria foi• the statewide offici�l ar fi�r aity (�5) "Public of�r.ial" means any person and date f�hsts��w de��of'f e�sl��il�solacitNo who, whert an alleged violation of this chap- receive, wlaether directly or indirectly, ter occurs,.is serving the State of Oregon or honoraria far the candidate or for any mem- any of its political subdivisions or any other ber of the houseliold c�f the c�zr�didate, public bady of the si:ate as an officer, em- ployee, ag�nt or otherwise, and irrespective ��� No legislativi official sl�all solicit ur of whe�hPr the erson is com eiisated for receive, �vlietlier cli►•ectly or indirectly, such services. � p tionoi•aria ici an �mc�ung in e:ccess of �1,500 or in any �lmoui�t fi�r tu� �p��earance tivitliin (16) "Relative" me�ns the spouse of the tlie state or for an �p��e�ir�ncc: during a leg_ public official, any children of the ptiblic ot= isllti��e sessioit, re�arcl]ess of l��caticm, For Title 22 Paoe 208 (1995 Edition) il , ` . v L� �.yA��1�sp+!� L.rye p���y A4 y�o�a p�Y9� �e�aCi�i.� �oQ�� �Jo�A'i�l\tllLfiV L •7 Lb"iSZldCel�Ad�7 t'fL�id � 4,he le�;islativ� «lfiei�l ox fi�r �any eneinber of n�artner� or c�thec assaa;iate. IY974 a.e. �72 �3; 1�'75 the hcau��hc�id csf t9�e c��ficial, c:xcept that � �•S�Q� $2� D987 c.56� §9; 19�9 e.34Q ¢3; x991 a.i�!& §l; 1�� Ie�,risEative offi�ial m�ay �oiicit c�r reeeiv� c.�7o 4s; 1991 c.91S $4; 1593 c.'P�3 �9i l��anarariz for �ervices p�:rformed in rclati�>n �4�.�4a d�e�^uln�yeara of ��x�s�c��c��at ��- tc� tiac prdva�e 6�ruf'e:�5iu�i Q�r° c�ccug+atia� of xhc �alc�y��ni, �f �ub�ic� �s`t�"i��a��. (7) � p�r�t�si I��;Iylk�tldG of9i�j;��. N�s ca��id�d�at�: lisr ic�;i�la�- wlic� h�s b�eeai a �'ublic tJ�alit}� Ce�c�erii��e�ner, tive offce Sh�l! golicit ur receive, tivha:th�:r the Dir�ctnr of th� I7ep�rtmee�� c�f �cansaaa�er directly or indirectly, hc3ne�rari�a in an aa�d 'I3usiness Se�°a�iees, t�"1� l�f�Y61EIlfl3�d'c��:OY' o�' zn���unt in excess s�f �l,rl�0 ar in aaby a������an� l:iae I)ivisiora of" i bnar�c� arad Corp�rat� Secu- fd�r an appeArsaeice wit�lain t,he �ta�e fi�r tiie 1°1L4G�, the Adrrsinistxatar of ti'� I�sur�n�� eandidute or fas� any n�er�tber of �he house- Uivis'sars, the AdraBia�iQtrs�tor of th� Qa•e�c�n holcl of tlie candi�lul;e, except �hat �a cat�di- Liq�crr Control �c�rr►srai�sflom or th� �aa°ectw� ' date for legislative a!'fice ma:y so�icit or �f t;�ae Oregon St�te I�estt�ry shap� na��: receive honoa•aria 9or s�rvices perfc�rmecl in (a) t��thin one y��r a#�er th� p�ablae of�i� reltation to the private prof'�s�ion or occu�a- �'�, ��as�� ��y �elsl t�e �,a�sitioe� b�cc�rn� ara d.iu�. of ttz� la�;aslativc: offic6al. c�p�c�yce of or r�c�ive any fn��aci�� ��ira, 4d) Any �ublic afficial n�t clescrib�rl fiY� a9:l�er �hara g•eiinlaur�eer�eaa� a�° exp�r�a�g, frmrn: par�#t,r�aph (bD .ar (c) �>f th�s �LtE�S(:C�16DP8 csr � any nciv�te em�l�,yt �r er►�ag�d EId t�1� c`�G�IV1tY� meiarober of the pub3ic c>fficial's hc�uaeia�ld occupatinn or S1Yt1!l�tP� aver vvhi��� th� foe- may receive honz�raz°ia. mer publie offici:�l �Zaci authority; or (2) Nu publie ofricial or candidate 4°oi c�f= (b) Witlain L•wo yeacs aE�er �he pubira of� fice or a relateve of the Iaublic oC�Li�I or ficial ceases to lq�ld the �ositiore: canc3idate sh.a91 �c>lic�it c�r a•eceive, �vhettler �,�) �� � ]�i��yys� for a�r a�pear :�s � �'��- directi� or indir�;ctly, ciuriieg �ny �a3errd�r �esentative before th� �gee��y ov�r vai�icka the year, as�,y gift oc ��ft� witli an a�;grsgate �er�on exercised autharity �s a p�tblic a#fi° value in e:cc:ess caf �10U fro� atby �����le �;��; source who coufd r��a�canai�ly be knc�wn to {g) I�aflu�a�ce or try to influenee �Y�e ac- i�ave a le�i5i�itive or acflriiinistrativ� antc,rest �;iuns ��f tlie sz�;ency; ar in �iiy gudert»ne►ek�il u�eucy in w4�;cla the f3�- ticial p?as or the c�inclicl�ite ef electeti �voia�cl (C) I)►sclose any confd�ntial infoz°mation have any ofiicial pusitia�� or over �u}iich Y,i�e �;ained as a p�tbli� official. .• c�ffzcial eacerGises or• the ea�iciidate if el�eted ��) A person who has been a Deput� .A.t= woi:ld exercise any acatlic�rity�. ����cy General or an ��sis�ant at�orezey ��n- (3) No public c�!'ficial shall sulicit c>�� ru- eY'a! slaall YiOt, w�ith4cx t�va years �fter L•kae c�ive, eiCher directly or indirectly9 and nu �er�oeb ceases to hold the position,•Iobby or person st�all ofler c�r give to any pulalic c�ffi- a�i�e�r beI'ore �n �g�ncy that th.� per�on rep- caal any �leclg� or pr�����ise ��f' futEBe•e e�n��ir3}�- x�sent�d �vl�.iie e��pl€ay�d Ly the �3��a�rtin��.� ii�ei�t, based on any un�erskanciing tliat si�c4� e�f<7u�tice. �iiblic of�c�a1's vote, c�ffci.;l actian or juci�;- (�f �,, persan who has b�en th� Skatc nient �vauld be infli;enceci tlier�Gy. °i°reasurer or the Chief Iaeputy Stat� '1'rea�- (4) No public oi'flcial shall attet�ipt f.c� urer shall not, vdithin one year a�er ceasin� furtl�er or further tlie ps:rsc>nal �;ai�i of th� tc� hold uftice: }�ublic c�fficial thre�u�li the use of conlicleiiti�il �a} A,ccept ��np��yme�t fro�n o�° be re- information gnined in tiie cc�urse c�f' �i• ��y tairaecl by any private ez�tity w�i�� w�sam the re�son of the of'{icial positiosl r�r activities uf' nf�ce af t�ie State '�'reasurer or the �3r��on the public ai'ficill in uny �vay. Iiivestr��emt' Co�ancil negotiat�d oe� to whom (5) No pcY•son 5h.i1! ()�fl!I' (IUI'ill� <zsay c�ll- eit}ier �svai•ded a cantrac:t providing for pa�- ei�dar year an gii'ts �viih �an ni�;�n-egate vali�c: ►�lent by the sta�e of at least �2 a,000 ar� any in escess of �10U to any ��ul>lic; c�t'ficial or single year durin� the �err�t o�' affice of ��ae c�a�didate theref<�r or a relative of tlie public treasurer; ofiicial or candidate if the �erson has a l�g- (.b) �,ecept em�,lo�rnent from or be xe- islative or adn�inistrative iriterest in a Jov- ��ined by any private entity with wl�om ihe ernmental agency ii� wl�ich the of#icial �Zns office of tlae Stake Treas�arer �k the 47r�gor� ��r the candidate if elected �wc�ulci have any Investment �our�cil g�laGed at l�ast $5p,000 offici�!1 positic�n or ovei• avhich the oE'iicial nf' investment znoneys ir� any sixx�fle y�ear e:cercises or tlie candidate if electe�i �voufld durin� the term of offce of tl�,s treasurer; or exercise any aut}iarity. (c) Be a lobbyist for ara inve��inent �nsta9 (6) No pei•:�on shall attempk 2c� repre5ent tt�tio�i, manager ar consultant, ar appenr �e- ur represc:s�t a clien� fui• �� f�e I�ifi�re the fore the at�ice af the State Treasurer or gc�veriiit�g b�cly of n nuliiic l�udy of �vlaicli fhe Ure;an Inve�tanen� Council as a repcesen- per�c�n is a ►n�mbcr. I'lii5 stibsecti<�n dues t��>t tutive uf' �Yl investment institutio��, manager �ap��ly to the person's em�loyer, k�u:�ix�ess or cc�nsultant. Title 22 Pa�;e 209 (19J5 �dition) „ l.�.t9� �.I� l'�L�'F'I�� �.....,._.. T35 �t� EIi�PHaO��� (4? A pubEic of�icaal who as art r,g the (B) �irector of A,�ric�lture. officiafl"s duti�s inve�ted g�ablic �unds shall (c) yy[�nager of State Acr.iclent insur�nc�; noE ��ithan two years after the public �fficaal Fund Co�orataon. c�mses �o t►oId tt�e positic�n: (�) �e � lobbyist'or �pg�ear as � repre- ��� �'at�r 12e�ne�rc�s DiPCCt<�r. sentative before thP agency, board or coan- (�) Director of' Depar'�I11C!'1t of �i�viron- missian for which the former pLblic official a�aental Quality. invested public funds; • (�') Birector of Oregara De�saa�tniemt of � (ks) , Iz�flcxenc� or tr� to influence the ���g��s�rative Services. ag�ncy, bo�zrd or commi��ion; ar (G} 1�irector of i:he O�-egor7 St�t� radr and �c) L�isclose any COYlf2CI8ri�I81 informatiora F���sition Ce�ntea•. gained as a public official. (1s87 c.3so §1; 1s93 (�3) Sta�� �'ASh and Vtlilc�life I)irectior. c.7�13 §10; 1995 �.79 §&6J • PTaCea Section 10e, chapter ?43, Oragon I.aws 1993, (I) State Forestes. p,rovidea: , ' (:T) �t�$8 C"seologiSt. See: �0a. Lienited upgiicmbi➢ity to offacisls. The (F�) Direct�or of I3epartzn�c�t of I•Iuman umendments to ORS 2�•},p95 by sec�ion 10 of this Act g�,e�o�rc,es, aFply only to public officials elected, appainCed or em- ployPd after the effective da4e of thie Act (Novecnuer 9, (L) Director Q� ��g Dep�rtmetlt of C,'or2- �ss31. Ilsss c.7a3 §loel . � sumer and IIusiza�ss Services. � � �E�„���,�� (T�I) I3irectar of Davision of St.�te Lands. �`�.�5� �'��son� ree��xix-e� to �ile stat�- (N) Sta�e Librariaa�. a��er�t of �conomYC irx��res�; cibaty of I,e�- ��� Administrator of �regon LiqE�or Con- aslstnve .rA.s��xxnlbYy. (1) On or bef�re �april 15 �rol Commissi�n. of' each year the following per�sons s�hali �le �F) S�upee•intenden� of Stat;e Police. with the Ot°egon. Government Staa�dard� and (Q) Director of Public �mployes° Retire- I'racticES Commissior� a verified statement of xnen� Boar.d. eco�omic interest as requiree� under this chapter: - , (R) Director of Department of Reveni�c. (a) 7CI�e Govern�r, 5eci•etary of St�t� «� Director cf'Transpor�:ation. State Tr�asurer, Attc�rney G�neral, Commis� (Z') Public LTtility Comm;ssioner. �, sioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (U) Uirector of Vetirans' Affzirs. Superintendent of Public Instruction, district attorney� and members of th�� Legislative «7 Execiitive 1)irectic:.- of t�re�,*oo� Gov- �sembly. ernanent Standa�ds �nd Pi•actices Ccnn►nis- s�on. (b) Any j�xd3cial of�cer, ir,cluding justices ��� Direc'tar of Oregon Office of Educa- of the peace and municipal ,jud ges, e�cap� tionA� �'olicy and Platining. municip�l judges in tl�ose eities where a ma- jozity of the votes clst in the subject city in (X) Administrator of the Office of En- tlie 1974 general election w�as in opposition eY'�'• to the bat.l��t rneasure pravided for in sec�ion (Y) Director �nd each assistant director 10, chapter 68, Qregon I�a�vs �97� (spe�ial e�f �he Qregon State Lottery. session), and except any pro tem judicial of- �h� �y assist�nt in the Govei•nor's office ci�l office does not othe:�wise serve as a j�adi- a�her thaii personal secretaries and clerical (c) Any candidate for an office desigiiated personnel. in paragraph (a) or (b) of t11iJ subsection. (i) Every electeci city �r county af�cial except elected officials in tl�ose cities or (d) The Deputy t�ttorney General. �ounties where a majority of votes cast in (e) The Legr.slative Administrator, the �he subject city or county in any election on Lagislative Coun�sel, the Legislative Fzscal the issue of filing s�atements of economic Officer, the �ecreY.ary of the Senate and ttae interest under this cha�ter was in opposition. Chief Cler�r of the House of Rspres�ntati�es. (j) Evex�y member of a city �r county (� The Chancellor and Vice Chanceliors planning, zoning or development commission of tlle State System of Higher �ducation and except such members in those cities or the President and Vice Presidents, or their counties wlisre a majority of votes cast in aciministrative equivalents, in each institv- the subject city or county at any election on tion under the jurisdiction of tl�e State Board the issue of filing statements of economic of Higher Education. interest under this chapter �vas in upposition (g) The Following state officers; to t}ie ballot measure provided for in sec�ion 10, cl�apter 68, Oregon La�vs 19',�4 (special (A) Adjutant General. session). Title 22 1'age 210 (1��5 Cdition} � y �A�MPaAbI`OIYAL`L�� ���4�l1J2��Y.bJM7 SS5�3.D 8"�H� � BVAda7 fi'9'�.�D17aC ({e) °�`h� chi�f c�xe�cutive aS'rcer �f az city (�3 ,�i�t�s'sra�, �dcac�►tions�l �nd ����t���nl nr cnunt� wh� perfc�rm� the dc�t6a�a of a�ran- T'�tcilit�es �a��hai°aty. ,, ��;zr or nr�n�i�ul fidat�ieais4�rat�,r caf �he city or (AA) �re�ara ��€��:c �.�ttery �oa�►ir�as�ic�:►. c�oiar�ty e�ece�t sucl� emp�!<ayc�s in thc�s� cit�ea ���} �,��i�� ���,t��.�y� ��ectxi� P�vver caa� cc�usitieg where a tna�,�E►rtty aF votes ca�t in ancl Con�erv�tic�z� F�I�.rtnin� Couneil. thc: �ubjs.��.,� cit,y ciY• ci�unty ir� an ���.ctir�ia on t33� i��ue ot° tilan{; st�nt�attents of iconUanic (�C) �ml�arr�bia Rivee° ��r�e Carr��nis�ia�a. intea�est ui�de� d:his chug�ter wa� in o�nositi�. �q) `ri�e fallowia�g off���rs af th� St��� (L) l�/fetrobers o4' Incal �ov�r�rnent bo�t�a� Tr�easury: clary corr�rrai�:ai�sn� fi�ranee! under OF�� 199.410 (�) �h��g�1Je�Z�aty State �xeasure�. to 1�39.519. (m) �v�e�y mera�l�e�° a�' a �overeain� body (�) �xe�uti�e Assist�aa�t �o tta� �tat� of' a me�ropolitar� s�rvice dastric� arad t�le �^"���tg�'��. execu�ive afficer tl��reof ��tablished under (�) Dir�ctor of t1�e Iraves��nent T�ivi�i�n. C�IZS 19�.705 to 19�.955 or �6�.100 to 26£3.190. {2) 13y ��ri� 15 n�x� a�ter the date an (�? iJ6�Q�h eraember o� ti�e board of' direc- �;� oin�ra�ent t�Dces eff�ct, every appoirat�d �,oc� c�f �h� State ticcbdc�rct Irssu�aaac�' �sznci r�`i�lic ofCcfl�� on a bmard ar cc�mmigsion Cc�►•poration. 19sted in s�bsec�'so►� 41) of this ��c�goa� sha�Yl (��) `PI�.e chief aclm�inistrative o€'fic�c:r and file with th� �a�xnrnigsic�n a staterraer�t of eco- tlie fina�icPal oi'fic�;r ��€" €�ach comnic�ra and un- nomi� as�t�rest as r�q�ireu under OFt� iun I�igh sc:huol di�t�•ict, ecE�acatior� service 244.460, 244.070 and c44.09J. dis�,ric� and coia:anunity cnile�;c di�tric�. (�) gy Apral 15 �s�x� �f�er the ftfng date (p) �vei•3r menzber of �lae f'�l9owing state fc�r tt�e �ie»na�l ps°imary el�ctican, ea�}� can- baasd5 a�nct cotnmis5ions: didat� for electiv� �ubiie affce de�aribed an (A) �a�it�l I�l�rining Conirnissioc�. se�bsecici�n (1) of th6s sectioxa shall f�l� wit�x the c�nzmissian a statement of e�nr�omic in- (Ei) �c�ard c�f Geologie and i��ineral I�a- t@�.��y; �s rec�uired under OR.S ��.q60, 244.47A dustp•ae�. �inc1 244�.090. (C) Oreg�n Econamic Develo�ment Lonz- `q� �,yithin �0 d�ys after the fiting d�ite mis5ion. for the general eiection, ea�h candi�lat� for (I}) State Board of �ducaLion. el�ctive �ublic ofiice c�escribed in subs�c�ion (I�) �nviroii�iic���:�ei fZuality Cornm��sion. (�-) of tlais sec�ian v��o �'as nat a candida�;e cr� r<i5t� iiil(I `VIIC�II�C Cammisyic3n a#' i.he 1� $��� i�raceding bD8I1Ci1�I primary election si»ll �il�: �with the conimi�sflon a s*a�eraient �tntc c�!' G,egc�r�. ��f c�cc�nnmic ii'��rest as req�zsred une�er O�t� t�) �t:tte F3o�arc£ ot" 1�orestry. 244.�6U, 244.0'70 and 244.030. (F-i) t9re6on Government Standards and �5� ��� y,�gislativP �,ssem�ly shali main- Practices Comrnission. tain a continuing revier�r of the apsra�ic�n �$' (I) Oregon I�eal�h Councii. thSs cha ater a�d from time to ti��� ma� add (J) S�ate 13o�ard of I-Iigher Education. to ar de�sta fi•om the list of boards and com- mis�ions in subsecCions (1) to (3) of this sQC- {i{) Ore6on �i�vestmenL Counczl. gxn� a� ia� the j�.idgment of the Legisl�tiva (�,) I.,and CanS�ivatic�n and Devs:lopnaent Assesnbiy is consistent �vith the gur�sos�s of Comilxi5sian. this cha�tet-. (14S? Jregnn Liquc�i• Control Camiz�issian. (6) Subsections (1? tta (5) of this �ectior� (N) Oi•e;o�l Shuc•t Term Tund I3c�arcl. aI�P�Y �nly to persons �vho are incumben�, eieel;ed ar appointed �ffici�Is a� of A�rii 15 � (0) State �t1l��rine �3oard. and to pers�ns ��r�c� are c�.ndgc�ates for office � (P) Ivtass transit distric.t boardy. an r�pril '15. Those sectzons also a�ply �o � (Q) Enc�rgy Facility Sitin.g Councii. Y�ersons sv}io do not b�come candid�te� tantil � (R) Bc�ard of Cc.immissioners of tl�e Port 30 days after the filing cla�e for the statewids of� Poc•tland. genQral el�ction. � (7)(a) F'ailure ko file the statement a�a- � �S� �Illj)Jt)yII1L'llt RE'I�1t10115 Board. �uired by this sectinn gut�jects a persox� to � � (T) Public Tmployes' ltetirement �oarci. ��vil penalty that may l�c imposed as speci- ,..� (U) Oregon R�icin�* �ommission. fied in ORS 183.090, �ut the enforcernent of (V) Orednn Tratisportation Commission. this seabsection doLS not require the Orsgon (,'V) �Va�e and Iiour Commissinn. Gc.ti�ernmer�t Standards and Practices Cnzn- mis5ion to foll��v the procedures in ORS c.l') �Vater RcSOUrceS C;ot��mis�i�m. 24�4.260 before 4inding that a viol�tion of this (Y) Woi•kcry' Com�cnslkiu►1 I3oarct. s�cti�t� has occurrc:d. Title '?2 F'age 211 (1995 Edit��n) . �4.�6� . ��3i��� O�II+Y� +°3t� �1� �F�I��.t) �� (b) �'ailu�e tv fi1e �h�.'required at�eten�ent (4) �f tl�e atate °�reasurer fail� t� act on an 2icaa�l� fast�ion s�all bs prima 4'acie evi- €�n app�r�nt �n�flict �f ints�est u�ic�er sub- deYlce of � vi�l��ion of this seat��n.. : , se�tion (3) off this aentian or i�' the �tat�:r:�ent (a) I4' �►ith�n five days after �he d�t� �g� of the �tate 'I'cc�es�ar�a� or th� Chi4f 17c�wty �w3�ich th� s�tem�ent is to be �led unc3er thia �t��� `�'�`���Urer apg��ars to conCiain u can(li�t sc�ten� tt�e �t��e�raen��h�� r�o� be�n ��ceived of 9r�tere�t, ,tl�e DirecCe�s� of �he 1�iyisi�rt� of by� ttae cognnnissfcron; the cc�xa�mission shall no- �udits shall repoet the flelu�e or m�parent 4;tiy .t�ae.public•.offacasi and give t}xe pubifc confiict t� the Attorney ����ral, vvh� mmy official not less tli� 15 d�.3�s to c�mply witl� f le a comiplmint with. t�e cora�anissinn. the requirer�tents of tt�is secticen. If the pubiic (�} A. person �ling th� state�nen� required o£�iczal �'e�nl� to c�tn;�ty b� the date sst by� the b� subsection (1) of thas sec�iore �ug� verit� cornaaaission, ;th��. coxnmisaion anay impase a that the st�tenaerat is cacnp(ete and �ccurate. C1VYZ F?2l'IfA1�aJ'of�5 for e�ch day the s9;at�exr,ea�t A person who Iriti@Il$IqC181�� �Al�S te fle a is 2ate beyaa�d the aa�e ftxed by the commis- eompl�ve a�nd acaurate state�nes�t �ornmits a sian: �"he ��xiflnuar► �enalty tlna� ar�ay be ac- C,lass � felony and may aIso be :;ubjec:t ta crued under th.is sectiom bs $1,000. 0�25 162.075. (1993 c.743 §26� ` (d}' .A civil pen�I�� i�apcased under tilis 2�4,Qi�i� F+'orna ag �tak�maenl; of �co� subsection is in �.dd'at�r��t to ax�d not in Iieu ���g� p����.�gg, �,�he s'tatement c�f economic of°sanc�ions tht�¢ may be impused �ander i7RS int�resti �yed unaer Olt� �44,050, �i�atl be on 244,38t3. (1974 s.s. F72 y§4,4a; 1975 c.593 §3; 1s77 s.5s8 '� farm prescxibe�i by� �he Oregon Government §l; 1379�736§161979 e.829 §96;�7.98?c.373 §26�; 1967 c.41� Standards and I�ractices Cotnmission, and the §l�tl; 19eT7 c.566§10; r992 c.73 �2; i991 a160§1; 9991 c.163 Aerson filang the statement Sl�all s���aply the §l; 1391 a470$13; 1391 c61�3§2; 1933 c.500§10; I993 a7�13 tnforma�ion required by this secticm and �RS §ix; �sse�.as §aa; 1995 a722 §9�11 24�4.090, as fi�llows: ` �'�.OaC l�.ddatac�naR �°��pox•ttnn� rea��Br�� (1) Tl�e nasne a£ a➢1 �o;;it9c�aZ� �s officer anents for �tate �`y°e�suxyn'canfidentaality� of a business anc3 b�i5a�ness directorships IZetd efi�et o� �mil�re'Co ccsmgsly �ritla r��aaf��- by the person or � tnember of tl�e liouseliold mea��se '(1) In as3dition to the staterr►ent re- of tlie person durin� the peeceding calendar quired by (�RS 244.050, the S�ate TreasureF year. and any person 1isLed under OR.S �4J�.050 (1)(q) and this subsectior� �haPl �le uarterl �2� �-11 a�a�n€;5 under wizich ���e person at � tima .fi:ced by the State Treagurer a and memk�ers of trie hou5eliolc� c�f t1�e I3erson trading 5t�tement listing all stocks, bonds �o business. and other types of securities purcha�ed or (3) SotYrces of income received aE zny sold during the preceding quarter: time during thc preeeding calencl�r ycar by (a)' Ilirectors of the Cash lbianagement the person or a member of' the ho��sehold of Division and the Debt ManagemenY, Division, the persar� tlaaC produce 10 percent or more of the tcatai annuai household incon�e. (b) � �;quif;ies, fixed incan�e, short term �4) Tl�e naane, priz�ci at addres� and brief �fund; reai estate, equities real estate and description of the sour�ce of incane from corramercial and rnortgage real estate invest- ment o�cers and assistant investment offi- �vhich 50 percent or more of t}ie �otal annual cers. . income of the persan and members Uf tlie household of the person was received during (c) Fixed income and short term fu�d in- the preceding calendar year and wheti�er tlle - vestmen� analysts. source e:risted ciuring the preceding year, and (?) Th� statement required by subsection whether the source is derived f'rom an entity (1) of this'section shall be �1ed for review that now does t�usiness or could reasonably with�the State Treasurer, the Attorney Gen.- be expected to do businass or lias Iegisl�tive eral and the Division of Audits of the office or administt-al:ive interest in the govern- of the Sscretary of State: ?'he content Qf the mental agency of which tlie public of�Icial is statement is confid'ential. � or the candidate if eiected would be a mem- (3) �Ii the State Treasurer or the Chief ber or over w�hich the public official has or Deputy State Treasurer detexmines that a the can.d'zdate ix elected would have author- conflict of interest exists for an officer or 1��• �m.ployee, the State Treasurer shall subject (5)(a) �`lie listing of all real prc�pe�ty in the person to appropriate discipliiie, includ- which th� puL•lic of�cial or candidate thea•e- ing disrnissal or t�smination of the contr�ic9;, for or a meniber of the hause�iold of the or both, pursuant to rule. If the State Treas- public of.ficial or candida�e l�.as or has l�a�i urer has cause to believe that a viola�ion of any personal, bene�cial o�vnership interest , this chapter has occurred, the State Treas- duriiig the preced�ng calep�dar ye�ir, any urer sraall file a complaint tvith the Oregan options to purct�ase or sell real �roperty, in- Government Standards and Practices Com- cluding a land sates contract, and any otl�er mission under ORS 2�4.260. rights of any ltind in real praperty l�cated Titie 22 Page 212 (19J5 Ldition) � ��I�d1��E�3`� �T��.�� ��A �°°�"d��� 'y >1Qd� � within tl�� �eo�raphic bc�undaraes of �he �oN� st��� r��b���d fin�nce�l ira�titiutie,e� og retail erni�aent�l a�ec�ey �"�hich th� �ut�lic ��'fi�iasl �c�r�tr�cts. i� car the c�nciida�� �g el�ctec� �svould be a ��) ��c�a busi�e�s, princAga�t a�dress, �nd member �r over which th� p�abli� �fficial h�s brief d�sc�i�tia��t �f it� natur�, in �thyc� ghe or �.t�e �aandid€ate I�' elected wocald hav� au- ��blic of�cial or �cs�ndid��� t��refcar or � l;hc��atY• rr�ember of the hou�eh€�ld of the �aubl°ac of't"i- (b) Tf�is sarbsection does raot r�q�ire th� c�r�l os cand'ad��e �as or 1��� had �. pe��a��al, iis�ing of th� princi�al re�idenc� e�f the pub- b�en�#icb�l interes� ar invesk�es�t, b�,cl�adir�� �r lic o£fisi€�l or ca+ndida��. at�cl�s Ur ottaer s�curitnss, an excess �f�1,0�0, f6)(a) Ioi'ot�withs�anden� O�tS 2��.02U (8i(�)�� ��cept fox indir�iduai iteins anvolved. in � rnta- if a publi� of'faci�l has �°ecebv�d f��d, lodg��g �ual ftand e�r a blissd ti°u��, �r a �asa�� or d�m �ar►d payte��n� of travel �:�gaer�ses exc�eclrng ars�d �egao�it �� a fia�sr�cgal aaagtatutaan, �i100 wh�n participatin� Sn ara e�er�� wtzicln shares in � credit uxaian, or ��x� ��$Iz �ex��n- bear� a xela�ianslaip to the publac of�ics�l's dea° v�.lu� of �ife �r►suraa�ce. � rfffice ar.d wh�t� apP�arix;g in ai� of�cial ca- (43 �ach y�erson� �'or �rhom th� p�ax�ali� o#°fa� raeity, tl�� a�arn�, nature as►c� busi�e�s ad- ci�al ar c�ndiclat� has per£ormed �prvfic�� ao� dre5� of�,h� or�aaai�atioa� p��ia�g ��e exg�eras�s a f�� i� ��ces� af $1,OOb exc�pt fo�r az�,� c�ga- :znc� thc; d�tc and amou�t oP that �aep�s�dei�uxe. cIo�ur€ ntherdvis� praibibi�ed by Tatw o�° b3r � (b) }�e�inr�ia��; on July i, 199�, the c�ollaz� 1��'Qfess�on�l cod� of e��ics. (i�r4�.�. �.�a�s; as'7� amount ��aeci�ed in �ara�rap�a (a3 of tl�is C'�� g'; �se7 c.5ss §12) sub�ectiar� shali t�e adjusted �x�r�+�atly by th� 2��4.0�0 Fa16n� ca� �iaf��r�mt f��a �y° i:omm'sssion ba�ed u�aan the chan�;e ira �l�e �o�r�a3 �ay a���. The commission by �ale snay 1'c�rtlanc� Cr�n�umer Price Index for fill Ur- �ccept the lilirag ��' a fox°an �ontagr�ir�� le�s b�n C:ansur�ers f'or All Tterr�s as prn�ared by tha� th� infoc�mation required und�: �?FZS the Bureau of �.abor St�tistics o�' the Ur�ited 244.060 and 244.070 if �h� g�ublic affa�ial cer- �t�te� Departmeaat of Labox or �t� s�cc�ssar tifaes thereoez �taat the inf��ra��ti�n eo�at�ined during the prec�eding 12-rraonth period. The on �he form g�r�vAOUSIy faled is tanchaxa�e�. If amaunt determined undsr this paragraph �ny �orti�n of the ►r�formation cnritained in shall be rounded I;o tP�e nearest dollaz�. t�e fit�rag ss changed, the ptabflic o�cial mt�yr (7) P,ny hon��raria exceeding $50 received ��r�ify only as to th� ch�g�ged materiat. ISul�sectinn (1) er:�cted as 1974 e.s.c.72 §8;suhsection(2) duCing the precedin� calendar }�eaa• by the enacied as 1975 c.543 §7(!); 1977 c.588 §9; 1987 �.a6S §131 �erson or a xnember of the hoa�sehold of the 2�.0�0 �fi�aa r+e �rrt on cogan �ns�tesi peyson, tLe �aye� of the honorari� and the iob�yist rec�uix°es�. (1�Each public�f'ficia� of date 1I1CI time of' the event fo�- which the this state or candidate requared to make a Ilonararia �vas received. �z97� s.s. c.72 §5; is'%5 statement of �coraorr�ie xnti�rest shall s°eport c.5•13 34; I987 c.5GG §11; issi �.7;0 ��; i��s o.��a� gi2) by n�.m� �ngr co�rapensated lobbyis� �v�.o, duz�- 2,�.�70 �1'kaeaa ��d��po�ral ��.�����n� a��� in� the preceding calea�cla.r yeaa�4 ��s as�o�A- c�uirer€� 'F'he followin� additiona� ecor�omic ated with � busaness with e�vhich �he public interest shall be reported for the �xecedir�g official or candidate or a rr►emk�er of te�� calendar year only if the sotirce of that in�• hous�hold of �tie public o�caal or� can�iidate terest is derived frarn �nn individual or busi- . �vas also associa'ted. Holding s�ocic in a pub- ness whicli has besn doing business, does licly> tr�ded corporatian ir� urk�iel� �he lobbyist business or could reasor�ably be expect�d to also holds stoel� is nak a relatia�s�i� for do bu�iness rkith or has Iegisiative oc adrrain- w�7ich a state�Zent is required. ;sta-ative interest in the go�ernmental agency (2) As used iai �his spction "lobbyist" h�as of which the pul�lic off�cial i� or the caa�di- td�e meanin� set �`oz�th rn ORS 17I.725. [19?� c3��te if' elected would be a membex oz° aver s.s, c.�2 §7; 1375 c.5�13 g6; 1987 c.566 §d�l �vhich the public official has or the c�ndic#ate ��¢ 10� `,��� ����issiox� �nn�y;r�q�aaa°� �. if elected would l�ave a�zLhority: �.e��.�g�� o� ���9 �����tions firma�n gAF� � (1) �ach source of income over $1,000, limitatioca. (1) The comrsYis�iorz by z�ale m.ay � other tt�an a source of incort�e c�isclosed un- require the discdasur� �sz�l repax�ing of' �a�'c� � der �R5 244.060, whether or not �axable, re- nr oth�r compen�a�ion n7ade �o a�r received � ceived by the public afficial or candidate by a �ubl'aG of�icial ot• cand'adate �nr �lec�ive � therefor oY• a member� of the household of' the office. public official or candidate. (2) The commi�sior� by xule rr►ay �xempt � (2) Each person to whom the public o�- from the gift limitation contained in ORS � cial or candidate therefor or a member of the 244.040, a�ay gift of faod or bsvera�e but may� klou�ehold of the public official or candidate require that when gifts of f'ood or bevera�e owes or h�zs owed nioney in excess of $1,000, exceed a dollar aanount �xed by the comm�s- tlle interest rate thereo�i and the date of the sion, the s�urce thereof shait be disclosed on lc�an, exce�t fbr debts o�ved to any federal or a farm pre5cribed by �he commi�sion. Title 22 Page '�13 (1995 �diti�n) . � a • �a�i� • • L,fi�G l�i+'`Ir'I��� .��iS �1VII'Ia(JY�� � (S) Yn':�dcii�ian tcs any disclosui•es ar z�e- �h� confl'sct or advise the �-,arti�:� of the iaa- port,s required under subsec�ion� (�.) and (2� tiara; of �he conflict. of this section, any p�r�on or aa°ganizati�r� (c) If the �b1ic a�cial i� ry►�y ukher t�p� that .provides, a g�ublic of�'°icial �vith food, ��in�eci of�cin��ubject �a this �:���p�tc►•, noti�'y lod�n� t�r travel e��aenses exceedin� $50, as z� Writin�,� tlie person wlio �p���intc�d the described in ORS 244.06Q (6), sh�all notify tY►� ���ic official to offi�e �#` t1a� nature c�F the gaublic afficial in writang of'tt�e ar��unt of th�e ^orig���tD ��d ret��est tl�at the �ppointii�g �r.a- expense.;The natice shall be ssnt to the pub- �horit�r dispose of the mattex giving rese to lie official within 10 ciays fr�rcA the date suc�i ��� ����ict. Upon racFipt of the req�a�st, tihe e:cpens�s �are in�urred. [1975 c.5�3 �lY; 1:�1 c.s7� ���air�tin p autlYOrity sp�,all desi�pna�e �within §�� � ' � ' a re�sonta�le tigne an alternate to dispose of �o11Q �ec�a�s�er� st�ats�r��ats suby�et tc� �h� rriatter, or shall darect the of'ficial to dis- p�n�lt�r faa�° fa��c� sw��min�> (1; Aziy staCe- pose of the ma�ter an a manner specified by me�t of eeonomic in�eres� required to be the appc�intin� �uthority. filed by, �I�� .244.050, 2�4.OG0, 2�4.070, '(�� � elected gs�iulic official, c�ther than 24�.Of30, 244.090 ox 244.I00 sh�ll contaira or � �yen�Uer of the 7�e�,��l:ative As�embly, c�r an be verifaed by �.written, declaration that it is ��Pojnted nublic of'fcial se:•vin�; c>ei u bcrard made under the peraal�ies of false swearing Qr cornrr,issaon, sl�ali: Suc:h declaration shali be in 1_ieu of any oath other�vis� reqdiired, � � (a) When in€�t witli a gotentizl cnrallict of (2) No person shall �villfially makQ and iAZterest, az�nounce put�ticly i;he nature ot' the subscribe any xeturn statement or other doc- P°tential conflict; prior to t��king 1ny actian ument which. coniains or is verified I�y � Qp�reora in the c�pacity cf. a Pubiic nfficial; �vritten �deciara�ion that it is made under penalties for f�lse swearing, r,vhich the per- (b) �Nhen met with an �ctual c�nflict af son does�not believ� to be tx°ue and correcQ; ���erest, annaunce publicly tl:e n�a�ure of° the to every matter, [1s74 s.s. c.72 §22; 1977 c.58s �5) actual ca�flict and: ' 244.115 �'ilirtg x��s�raire�l for axnem�er of (�) Except a5 provided in sub�ar���,*r�.ph �ongx°ess o� ��ndA¢date; f�lang d�t�. Each (B) of tizis paragraph, refrain PI'b171 partic- member of Congress from this state and each ipating as a pubiic ofCcial in any discussion candidate fa� a seat in Congress from this or ciebate on t}ie issue out of' tivllich t}�e ac- state sh�ll �le with the Oregon �overnment tual con�tict arises or from voting c�n Llie is- Standards and Practices C�mmission a copy su�. . of the f�derai etl�ics tiling requii•ed under (B) If ar.y public c>ffeci�nl's vote is ile�es- t'ederal law or by congressional rule within sary to meet a requirement of a minimum 30 days after the filing date required undeF number of votes to talce official action, be federa! la�v or congressional rule. IF the filing eligible to Note, �Li� i�ot to participate as a is not made in a timely manner, the cornanis- public officiaT in any discussian or debate oii sion shall obtain copies of the filing and, in- the issue out of wliich tlle actci�l cc�nflict dicate thereon that:the filing was not made arise�. wiCh the commission by the rnember of �on- (�) Notliing in subsection (1} or (2) of this gress or candidate. 'All such f lings are pubiic sectior� raquires any pui�lic official to an- records availabie for publYC inspection. (lssi nounce a conflict of interest more than once c.lso ��� ' � ' on the occasion whicla t11e matter out of whiclZ the conflict nrises is discussed or de- 11h�TkYOI� OE�' I�NDLLNN� .�CTZJ�. bated. ' �Y�, PO�'Eied'�� CONFLICT� (.�) Nathing in this section authnri�es a 2�t4.120 Ibl�tl�od� of lY�ndlirag coni�i�t�; Public official to vote if the nfficiai is ather- �enerall�„ a�glicatiorx to ele�teci of�ficials tivise prohibited f'rom doing so. (1s7�1 s.s. c.7'��10; O[° m�iYk�eY'S of �m�Y'C�s. (1) Escept 25 prU- 1975 c.543 y�'7; 1987 c.SGf §15; 1993 c.7d3 §i5) vided in subsection (2) of this section, when ?44.130 l[�ecordar�g of notace of conftict; met with an actual or potential canflict of effect of failaare Co ciss��ose confflict. (1) in�erest, a public official shafll: When a public official gives nc�tice o�' 1n ac- (a) If the public official is a member of tual or poCential cnnflict of interest, the ac- the Leg-�slative Assembly, announce publicly, tual or potential conflict shall be reco�•ded in pursuant to rules of the house of which the the nfficiat records of tlie ��ublic bocly, aiicl a public official is a member, the nature of the �0tice of the actual or potential conflict �ts�cl conflict before taking any action Chereon iz� ho�� it �vas ciispnsed of' may in the discretion the capacity of a public official. of the public body be pro��ided the Oregun Government Standarcis ancl Practices Cozn- (b) If the public official is a judge, re- mission �vithin z rea5on�lale period ot' time. move the judge from the case giving rise to Tlie commission may by rule estal�li�l� crite- Title 22 � �'age 214 (1996 �ditian) " 4� °�It1�1W�I�I'�' S'rA�a4.itd)� .�I�'J 1�I 'I°I�E� ��'��� ria for c���� ir� which suc}i inf+��mstion sh�l�, c�st by the el�ctors a�' Che �ity votin� at, t}ae g9aai[ not, ar namy be }aravided da i�. el�ctiorr as provid�d fnr ir� ��t5 244.201 Ds in (2) �Io decision �r �eti�n; of ��a,� �aublic ��vor tMereof. 11975 �.21F $2; 1987 c.566$161 ofiicial or nra� t�o<<rcl or eammis�oon on vvhich 24�.1�J0 'WPaen �rt�uraty of�ca�ls rec�uirec! th� pl3L3�1C U}��CiAI sirve� or a�ency by which �o file staxteanent. {1} qs used in tl�is 5ec- the �SUblir offici�l is empfloy�d sh�alt �e void�ci tion, "pubflic afCtca�i� a�' a county" meuns by �sny cnur� solely by res.son of �he fa�ilur� cach persan hold'an� a� elective coaaniy c�� of' th� ps�blic official to disciose an actuad or fice; each rr�ernber o�' a county pl�ranin�;, zoe�- Potential cnnf�ic� o� inter�st. f1974 s.s. c.z2 �ii;� s�� a�r c�evelo�ment casnarsission; and the 1975 c.543 �8; 19s3 a743 �161 chisf e�ecutive of'ficer of the couraty �vho 2�gy�e�g� �Qt�c�€i �f hancilin co�fliet� P��'g�xms the du�ie� of a princi�al adminis- �� pl��xxa�� co�rseass�c�sx ��a�a����o (1) A tratUr of�he ccsunty. rryember of a city or county plan���n� co�rt- (2) Publia officials of a count� are re° mis�aon shall not participate i� any cornrnis- q�aired tc� fil� a st�tepr►er�t of �conosnic inter- sion proceedir,�; oa� action �n w�.ich any of Che est with the �omanissioa� if a majoa•ity of the � �allawirag has � direct �c subs�antial financial votes cast by the s�ector� of the county vot- intere�t: ing at the slection as provided fo� in 01�� ' (a) `��e rneYnber ar the s�iouse, bro�laer, ���•2��- is in favor �her�eof. (1975 c.21� §3; �ys'7 sister�, child, parent, fath�r-in-law, mother-in- c.5� §1.�i . law of the member; 244.195 �ex�tsain �a��r �nc� ��r�t�ty as�� (b) Ar►y husiness in which the rnember is ���'g to i�� ingnx°med of r��saa^�a�s�; rea�o.aire� t}aen servin� rar taa5 served wit�ain the previ- �����+ ��ect ot� failtar� ta� nn�cax�axi• (1) The ous ti�o years; or ci�y reeordsr or �;o�anty clerk, respectively, (c) Any busines� witl: which th.e memb�r shall provide to every pexson newZy el�cted is negotiating for or h.as an arc�angement ot- or appointed to any cxty or count� office for undei•standing concerning �:rospective part- �'✓hich st;atements af financeal ix�terest are nershig ar ernploy*r�ent. required under O� 244.050 infarrnation Y-r �bout the requirernent� of O�dS ' 244,05�J, {2) Any actu�l or potential interest �hall 244.060, 2��A70, 244.0�� and 24�A9Q either be disciosed �t �l�a meeting of +_he �ommis- at thc first meekin,g a�tended by tfl�e new of- sion where the action �a bein.g taken. �cer or bef�re the officer talc�s tkxe oaih nf IFormerly 215.035 and 227.Ua5� office, Nhichever is fir�t.. �������,�t��� �a, ���,��,�,��� (2) At the time of fulfilling duties under subszction (1) o� this section, the city re- �d,EC�UII�.EP�'IEPI`�S �f� �'�C`�XJ corder or counLy cl�rl� shall provide �o each �"��������� new of�cer a copy of th� statern�nts and ex- 24�.g60 .�.p�slicat4o�a tc� �olti�zcal sub�Y° planaLion pravided ta tixe city recorder or visia�s e�cey�� �it�es and counti�s, .r�aay county clerk undex �ubsec�,iorz (3) of this political subdivis:on in this state other than section. a city or county' by resnlution may require {3) Th.e caaannzs�io�� s�all provide copies any public officxal of the subdivision �o �1� of the statements described in OR� 244.060, a verifiQd statement of economic ir�terest. 244.070, 2�.080 and 244.090 and a�: explana- 'rhe filing shall be made �vith the cammis- .�lan of the re �siY•emenxs of th� Ia�v rel�ting sion. A copy of the ordinance shall be fi�ed q with the commission. (1974 s.s. c.72 §91 to the statements to each city �ecorder and county clerk. 24�.170 "��atemen� of eco�oann� axat�s�• �,�� �y per�on described in s�absection (1) e�t'° rl�fined. As used in this chap�er, of this �ection wvho is not informed o#' tkde "statemen� of econoar.ic interest" means a filin re uirements under ORS 244.05�, statement as described by CRS 244.060 to 2�060, 244.070, 244.Ofi0 and 244A90 and prcr 2�4A80. fis75 c.�?is §tal vided with a copy of` the statennents and ex- 24�,380 Vt��aen ci�ty offieials requ�ireci fo planation describ�d in subsectann (3) of this file �tat.emerrt. (1) As used in this �ection, section before �aking the aatYi of offi�e rnay "public officials of a city" melns each person ��Sign that off°ice within 9� days th�reaf��r holding an elective city ofCce; e�ct� member ol. before the next d��e specified in UR� of a city plan�ing, zoning or development �q�},050 fur the filin� of a stake�ent, which- commission; and the chief e�cecutive officer �yer is longer, without filing ar�y stat��xent of the city who performs the duties of man- and W1ttl0U� sanction or penalty that migh� ager or a principal adm�nistrator �f the city. otherwise be imposed for not filin�. It979 a.332 (2) Public officials of a city are required §21 to file a statement of economic interest with 2�i42c� I1�J75 c.�_>IG §5; repe�le�i hy 1983 c.350 $62 the eommission if a rnajoriCy of the votes 124�.�?0t e,�aceeJ in lieu of?-t4.200 nnd 2�t4.2]o)1 Title 22 Page 21.5 (1995 Edition) � • �.�tDl I��.,�� 4I��YC��f,� .+�13 ���pg�y qp��Vr ad�'llA—leQ�1&rl.e �44�CD� ���eti�n prmaecit��� fa� cit� or fallo�v'rr�g rnan��ca° to he cc���dirtnc:d by the co�a�ty. (�) '�`his ��ectiora �stabtish�s the �ro- 5en�ate: c�dtar� fo�° �e�brnitting at an eleetiara: � (u) Poia� mertihers t�ppois�ted by Lhe Gca�- (a) `I°he ques�i�s�i wh�eth�t° ��ablic �fficials ernnr frosn s�n�on� p�rsons ►•econ�iracncic�cl, c�r�e u�' � czty, a� d��ined ��t OF�.S 24�.18�, �17�1� bc: e�ch b}� �It� lead�r°�h'sp of'Che I�enu�cratic �nci �e�ui��d �o �ite � sia�emsnt O� L'C017l�S7tPC ita� Ii,epublican �ar�ieti in £QC�fl Ilt)U:it, of thc Le�- ��res� eivith the C?r�gon Go�rernngent �t�an- ��l�,�ive Assembly. If a per�atl t�ecoann�ended �da�cis and Prac�ic�s �cmanissio�. b� th� lesxc9�rs4�.ip �aF thc T.)Ct17f)CI°atac c�r Fie- � (b) '�"he q��StYO€� �h���er public afficial� i��btiaan ��arty is r�ot anprc�ved C�y �he �uver- m$' a coex�ty, as defia��d in ��i,;� 244.190, sha�l nor, �a�othez° persos� shall be recoenmended. '�c: re�geaa��d ta �Ie � stat�ment of ecoaaomic (b) 'r�ia°ee Ynetrib�rs appointed by tize Yn��s�es� with. �h� ec�enanis�ion. . {Anvernos° �vxthout le�dersliip recom- (2) LJ'pon a°ec�ipt mf � peti�ion �led as �'aendntion, no rnore thap� twa nf whom shall pi•a�id�d an thi� ssctiio�a, the governing body �� from the same inajor politic,�1 iaarty. of a ci�y or crsun�y �piall submit �he questi9n (2) �T� �erson who halds aPiy j�cii�li� c�Fiice at the ne�tt biennial pri�nary electior� or gera- listed iyi QRS 244.050 (1) exce:p� �;� a rnernbe�� �r�al ei�ction. . af the comr��ssion 51��a1' be ai�g�oin�ec3 to the (3) �'he requirements for preparing� �flC- COrt'i]CCI1SS90I7. PV'o naore thna� 4i�uc� mem�srs culatir�� arad flin� a petition, under triis sec- shall be members af' the same politic�al party. tion shall be as prov�c�ed for an initiative (3} '['lac� term of' o�ee i:� four ye�tr�. No peti�ion:. . " rnemfaer s12a11 be eli�riblc� to l�e app�inted to (a) Tn the case of � city; in �JIZ� 250.266 rnore td5an c�ne fi�ll tarrn bait mzy se�•ve out �0 250.34G. . - an unexpired term. I-Inwever, t,l�use mernber.s ' �(b} ,Iri' th� case. of a aounty, in OIdS �r�ti aPP�`nted to tl�� comr��ission servin� 250.165 to 250.235. . less than a thr�e-year term �re eli�;ible for a ,. r sec�nd np�ointtxae►it for � f'ulY �er►n. Vacan- .. (4) If (�RS �50.2�,� �aalses OFtS 25�.265 �o Gies shall i�e fillecl by the RP'f)USP3ttllh �lz�hur- 25Q.34F inapplicable. ta a city or if �O�iS i� f'or tl�e ianex ired term. 250.155 ,makes ORS 250.165 to 260.235 inap- Y F �lacable 9:o a cca�.znty, �he raquirements for �¢� The commissiorb sl»ll el�c� a ch��ir- , prepra�ng,. �circulatin� and fil�ng a getition �an and vice cIi�irman fior s��c�h terms �►nd unc�sr thfs s�ction s�all be. .as provided for an dutses as the corrin�iss9Um m�,y require. initiative petition. under t'he.city or county (5) A quorum cansists of fo,ar mera�bers ch�rLer or.an .ordinarzce adapt�d under the but no finr�t decision �nay be made �vithout citg� or county charter. �n affirx���.tive vote of tlae majuril.y aE' the � (63 'I'h�e ba�llot title for a qusstion su�mit- �1eml�ers appointeci to the commi:;vion. ted'to election under this section must spec- (G) l�7ettibers shall be entitled to �om�en- ify �he public officials of the city, �s defined sa,�ian and e:cp�nse� as providecl in �RS iza`O�� 244.1�0, or of the county,.as defined 292.495. in Oi2S 244.190. .. : :�• (71 Tl�e commi5sion m�ay retain or appoint ',: (6) If.a��uestion :�nder this section ap- qualified legal cou.nset who �liall be a mem- ' pears on�'both� city and county bailot5 the ber of the Oregon Sta2e B�r and who shall votes cast.in each cit� and in each county be responsi}�le to the cnn3r�iis�icm. The ap- shall :be .coun�ed, canvassed, retur�aed and pointment of legal cc�ur�se! imder this sub- declared separatety for e�ch city and county, sectian sPlall be m<�d� onl�y �vhe¢� the (7) The results o#' any question submitted comr:iis�ion finc�ti it is inap�aR•opriz�e a.id con- to etection under this sec�ion shall be for- �rary to tlie public interest tiir tl�e of'fice ot' warded.by tl-ae city recorder or county clerk �1ie Attorney Gener�l to represent concur- to the Oregon Government Standards and ren�ly more than one public ofCcial or Practices Commission not later than January �g�ncy in any matter bef'oa•e the commission 1 next #'ollotivirag the electian. (1ss3 c.350 §63 beca�.ise sucI� represent�t�on wo��ld create or (enacted in lieu of 2��.20o and 244.210); 1895 c.712 �95� tend to create a conflict of interest �nd is ?.�-4w10 11975 c.216 §4; mpeaied by 1983 c.3�0 §G'? no� sith,ject to ORS 180,'}30 �Y� 180.235. c?-�a.2o1 enacteri ;n lieu ot 2�t�s.woo and 2a-�.210)1 (8) Ti�e Attorney Genet•�l shnli not a•ep- resent before the cnmi�iissitm any state pub- C�IYIli'T�S�IOI�I lac official who is the subject of' any 24�D2�50 �3re�o� �csvex�riaa�erat ��aaac�srds comPl�sint ar �ctiun of tk�e conimission at the �ncl Practicas 'C(93�5YftH59i0E4' a�sp�9mtment; commission's own 1I15tigati�t]. 11974 s.s. c.72 fi12; $�E'ri�� C�13mt°uTYI; �Oldcj9�FY5A�i�fil; �C�'�1 CO�xTI- 1977 c.588 iG; 1987 c.SGfi yl�; 1J91 c.77U i3; 1993 c.7-S3§17) �el. (1) The Oregon Governcnent Standards 244.26Q �onficDential I'reiirnirrary Re- and �'ractices Commission is e5tablished, view lC'IYas�; Itzvestigat�ty X'tias�; �aotice, consisting o�'seven membera appointed in the �indiiy��; contes#ecl c:a�e oa• court pa•o� Title 22 Page 216 11995 Edition) � ..zw ..�. � � �C)'�It�1M��`dT S'd`AI��t�,�tI�� .�►1�ID �' C'rgd:�� P�i�O a�ecsi�n�s. (1) ,'Upnib it� nwn instigatirm Qr oaths, ��ke d��osi�ion� aead issue �ubpoenas �ibned cc�m�lu�a�t �f' any riersoro, the t�re�on to cornpel €tttenciance of vvitn��ses arad the Gnver»anenE Si:arrdurcis �ncl i'ractices Com- productic�n of booka, ��per�, recoxds, r�ennm- �yi�:��io►i gnay unilerta�kc �ctios� sa� the F'relim• ra�ttdm or other infarrr�a,tio� rac��ssas¢°y �s� inury Review !'haase with ru�l��ect tn the cotnplete t➢�e irave�tigr��,ion. If ar�y persot� cc�r�t�nts oR' adiy statements filed unciec thi� fail� to com��iy �+vith �ny subpoer�A issued �zn� chapter or r4�criution �slo�tec� �u��caant der this sectb��a or refuses� to testify on any �lisretca or any alt€:ged vic�latic�n uf �n� pro- matters ora whieh the person may lbe lawfuliy� visian of this ehupter. 'I'he �uhlic official who interrogateci, the procedure proveded in G�tS is the subjecE o!' u complaint or of the com- 183.440 shall be followed to aoslapel caampfli- mi��ioea's owci acCion s��al! be nc�tified imme- ance. cfiately upo� xeceipt of' 2he camg�lai�t ar upan (3) 'fihe person condue�ing a�g� ia�quixy �r ad�ptioea oF a motion by the �:ommi��ion �o qnves2iga�ion shaIl do so in �n itxig�artial, ob- undert�ke any �ction concerning the public j�etive rnanner. Atl f��orable and unf�vora- c�fli�;ial. The nc�tir.e stialf be given by tels:- ��� informatian eolleeted by ti�e IriV�3�lg£d�d%' phane if the oi'ficial can be rectcl�ed and s1a�11 shall be turneci over to the commission. al�� be in wi•iting rlgziled C�3 ttte official. The r�otice �hAll inc�uc�e the n�t,ure of' the �am- (�� `�he fi:�din�s of the comrc�issi�rn in anv �laint �r T�otioaa znci a copy uf �ll naaterAals �nquiry or inves�ig�tion sha�ll be reporked subn�itted alon�; with tt�e co►npl�aint or mate- impartiall�r, including both favorable and r�n- z•ials wrhich give ris� to tlic cun�mission•s in_ favorab3e find�n�s, and sha�l b� made avail- 5ti*ation af' �r,tioii on its own mution. able to the pub�ic official who is the subject Iiowevei•, t3�e �f'ficia3 anust ai�o be aaotifie�l in thereof, to the appointing authority, if any, advag�ce if' an issue tl�at rnay give rise to a and to �he Attorney G�neral f�r stat� public motion to undertake a�:tion on 'the cammis- o4'fieials and to the �ppropriate district �t= sion"s own insti ation is to be discus�ed at a torney fox local public off°icials. The finc�ings . � shall be made available to the C�mmission C6I71111ISSlOt1 meetin�. Before invr.stigating o� ,��ydicial �itness and I3isabili�y ir� any' in- ;i:�y complaiiat or iandertalcing an investi- vestigatao�t invo�ving a judge. . . gation on the cam�zaission'� arvn insti�atian, �y� Hearings relating to �ny c��rge o£ tiie commission �hall make a finding that alle ed violation of this cha ter ma be held there is cause to un derta k� a� ieivestigatian, � nu9:ii`y th� pui�lic oiiicial wlio is t}ie subject af�cer �appo zitedy�by�the boznmi sion�pThe of the inves���;ation, id�ntify the issues to t�e rocedure shall be that for a coz�tested case e��miiaed c�n.d sha11 canfir,e i�s inve:stigation under ORS 1.83.310 to 1�3.550. � tc> those issuc�. If' the commissi��n tincis re�- son to exl�and its investiga�i+yn, it sh<ill mave (6)(a) '�l�e period of time from tkxe �ling ti� cio so �at�c� sla�1t r€�cord in its sni�utes the of a complaint or from acting on the cozn- issues to be e�camined b��'ure ea�panding the ���sio�i's o�n instigatiQra to the f�nding e�f sco�e of its iaivestigaiion and fornially notify cau�e ar dismissai �f the coxnplaint or tiie camplainant and tlie pubiic of�icial whc� rescissi<�n of the mataon shall l�e.terme�i the is the sul�ject nt' the com�laint af the expan- �'�`�liminary R�view Phase ared s1�a11 not ex- sion and th� s�.ope thereof. If t�e cammasston ceed 90 days unlsss a delay �s stipulated to does r�ot malce a �ndiiig of cause, it slfall by both the public o{'ficiai a.nci the Ore�an dismiss the c��mplaint or rescind its motion Governrnen� Stan�at•ds and �'ractices Com- and shall fc�rtnally ent�r the dismi�sal ar ��ssion evith the cmmmis�ion rese�-vin� a rescission on its records. '�'he con�mission P�T�►Qn o4' the deiay g�eri�d to eornpdete its �lyal! noti�'y th� puhlic uffici��l oC ths dis- �ctions. mi�sa] or i•escission. Af'ter dismi5�a1 or (b) The Frelinr.inae-y Revie�v Phase shall rescission, the commission shall take no fur- be confidential. Commissio:� members and ther action is�volving the public c�ffacial ura- staff may acicnowledge receip� of a comp3aint less a new and dif�erent complaint is filed or but sh�ll make na public coanment or pub- action at its own instigation is undertaken licly disclo3e any materials relating to a case b�sed on dii'f'erent conduct. durin� �l�e l�reliminary R,evaew Phase. � (2) Tlie com�uission may: P�xS��� �Yllo inte�ttiot�aily vio�ates this para- gra��ti i� sui�ject to a civil penalty in an (a) Durin�,T ttle Preliminary Revie�v Plaase, �,�lount i�ot to exceed $1,OOQ. l�,t►y person seel., solieit c�T° otherwise obtain any books, �agl•ieved as a result of a violation of this papers, records, memorai�da ar othex addi- Pa�.���.�l�h Uy a n�eenber of�he commission or tion�l informati�m, ad�ninister o�ths, and its staf�' may file a petation iat a couct of t�zl:e depcfsitions nec�ssciry to determine ��n���tent jurisdictioYi iri the co�nty Yn �vhether tlici•e i� c�u5e; ai�d which thc: pe�itioner resides in order to en- (b) Durin�; tfle In��esi,igatory I'hase, i•e- fc�rce the civil penalty provid�d in tllis para- quire any adclitiun�l inf'orn��tic�n, administer gra�h. '1'itle '?� F'�ige 21? �(1995 Editio�) � e �ie2'�0 �'LT��,g� �3 + +TC�$8,� .�I�i�.l ��Il'Li)�E� � (e) 7Che commiasion's deliberatians of �a to mova� to a contes�ed cn�e g�roceeciing, a �cas� a� the coaaclusion of #:I�� Prelimin�ay public Qfticiat m1,y notify th� commiss�on �tev��� l�h�se shall �ie canducted in execu- tha� the official el�ct� to h�ve the comrrais- Cive se�sion. t�ll case relateci zm�t��iats and sion file � lav�suit ngzinst �he officizl in tlz� �sroceedin�s shall be apen to the pr.�blic after li�larion Co�snty Circuit Court in lieu of tlie t�� comrni�sion malces •a �ia�ding af eause, contested cA�e proceeding. TI�� public of'�icial dismiss�s a comptaira� mr a�escinds a motion. shall a�otify the commis�zo� of the election �n I'rid�C,to the end.aff tk�e Prelirrainary Iteview rwriti�ng rao Imt�r thaa� 21 dnys after receivin� k'Y�as�e, t�ae execu�avv direc�c�r of th� commeis- notiification af tl�� commesa�ion's action by sian �lZalt prep�re � statement of the facts orc�er to �raove to the contested case pr�ceed- dei;ex�rained dux•in� the phas�, including �p- ing. �e coxnmission shall fil� suit withir� 30 pYO�Tfl�t� legal citations and relevant au- days sfter receiving notice that tl�e publac thori�ies. �efore presentation to the o�ficim� has elected the lawsuit procedure. commission9 the executiv�e direator's stat�- (g) 'Z`p�e cam�missian sh�ll not inqbair�e into nnent shall be reviewed by legal counsel to Qr' investxgate arr,� camplaint or act at its �h� commi�sioz�. o�vn ir�stigataara oaa alteged conduct that oc- (d) Tkle tixne limi� impo�ed i�a f;hi� sub- cure�ed anore than four y�ars before the com- sectior�' �nd the commission's xnquir,y ar� g�laint is filed or a�tior� is undertaken. susp�nded if' � t10) 1Vothin� in this sectior, is intenc�ed (e�) There is a gending criminal investi- to prevent the commissxon and the Public of- ;ation tYzat relatr;s to the isse�es arising out �cial or ot�aer persora alleged to h�ve violated of the under�yiiig facts or coraducx at issu� in this chapter fxom stipulating to a finding of the matter before the rgnzmission unlsss the fact concerning i;h� vaalation and consenting parties stipulate otherwise; or to an appropriate penalty. The commissioi� (B) 'A cour� has enjoined the cocnrazission shall enter an order accordingly. from co�tinuing its inquiry. • (11) A.� useci in this section: (7)(a) The period of time from the �nding. ta) "Cause" means thut i;here is a sub- of cause to the beginning of any contested stantial, abjective basis for believing that an � casc prnceedings shall be �erme� the Inves9:i- offense ar violation niay have been cornmit- gatory Pha�e.and shall not exceed 120 days ted and the person who is the stibject of an unless a delay' zs sti�utateci to by both ihe inquiry may have �OfI1i711�tBCI f�l� <�ffense or publxc official �nd the Orego�. Governmet�t violation. Staradards and Pz�actices Corx�missiorc with (}�) "Fending" means that a pro�icut;ing the r.,ommission resei°ving a pr�rtian of the ���orney is either actively investigating tlie delay period to cortaplete its ac,tions. factual l�asis of the alleged crirnina! conduct, (b) The ti?nE li:x:i� impos�d in this stbb- is preparing to seelc or is seeking �n sECtian •and �he c�xrxrnission.'s iz�vestigation accusatory instrunnent, has obtair�ed an are susp�nded if: • • accusatayy instrument and is proceecling to (A) There is a pending ct7rninal investi- trial or is in trial or in the process of nego- gation that relates to thc iss9aes arising out tiating a plea. f�s7a s.s• �.72 §�:3; isss c.eo7 §i; lssi of the underlying facts or conduct at issue in c.272 §1; 1�1 c.��o �1a; 1993 c:.743 3181 the mat�er before the commission unless the 244•�70 Findin�s ms g�o�ancis f�r re- parties stipulate otheitivise; or mo�al. If' the commission. finds �h�ti an ap- '(B) A court has �enjoiried the commission Pointed puY�l�c offcial has violated any from continuing its investigat3on. provision of this chapter or �.ny rule ado}�tad pursuant thereto, the finding ahail constit:ute (c) At the end of tr�e Investigatory Phase, ����a facie esridence o�' unfitness vrnere re- the comrriission. shall take action by order, moval is authorized for cause either by law which action may include: or pursuan� to section 6, Article VII . ` (A) Dismiss�l, with or without comment; (�,msnded; of �he 4regan Constitution. 1197h (B) Continuation nf the investigation to s.s. c.?2 §14; 197T c.588 §7► determine further facts, but no mo�re than 244.2�0 ��e�zio�as; �lAJJl�l�� af p�rrson one contxnuation, not to e:cceed 30 daya' du- fallo�ring' int�:�re�t�ti�n. (1) Upnc7 the ration, shall be taken; written request af any public officiat, candi- (C) Nioving to a contested case proceed- date for public office or any person, or upon its o�vn motion, the commission, under sig- �ng' nature of ttie c}�airperson, may issue and (D) Seeking a negotiated settlement; or publi�h opinions on tlie requirements of' titis (E) Taking other appropriate action if chapter, based on actual or hypothetical cir- justified by the findings. cumstances. (8) If, at the end of the Investzgatory (2) If any public officia� or business with k'hase, the commission takes actinn by ordec which the public official is associ��ted is in Title 22 Page 218 (199,5 �dition) �1 GO'VEItIV'IV�NT �'�1�NIi.�Itl�� t�TD I' C'I'iC�� 244�U doubt whether a pr o�o�eci ta°ansactio�i or ac- (c) Es�ablisil an administrative proce�s tion con5titutes n vaolat�on of this chapter, whereby a ��rson s�bpc�enaed by the cdm�- the public official or the business may r�- ariis�aon may a�btain a protective order; and ques� in writir�g a detee�anination frorn �he (d� �,�g� c��teria and est�bl�sh �a nroress commissi�n. If �ny public oi'ficial is in doubt f�� �he camrrdission to use paosecut�r�al dia- vvl�ether receipt of an k�onor�ria is in vio- �retion to decid� whether to proceec! evith an lation of this cliapter because the �erson fl�quiry or in�ve�ti ation. l��7� s.�• �.TZ §17; 19€�7 payin� tlle hanorana may be found �o have c.5fi6 §20; 1�J3 c.7�3 �j2�1 � � � a legislatave or acirreinistratiee interest, the ���.��� �t�teas of �eccsrcl�� R�c�rds of nublic offcinl shall requesL in writing a de- ��e commission s�:iall c�nstitu�e publi� re- terr►�►in�ition from the commissiorz. "t"he re° cords of this stat�. (Y9'T4 a.e, c.72 �YB; 19'T7 c•�88 quester shall suppty suc� ia�formation as the §91 aomanission requests to enable i� to issue �h.e ���,�,�o ������a�� ���,���ox„ ��$ge�. 'Phe i�aterpretation. . comanission shall �gapoint an ex�cuti�e dix•ec- (3) A pub�ic offici�al or business with tor to serve at the �le�sure of the commis- whic}� a public c�ffieial is associated shali noC sien. The eac�ecative direetor shall be be ixable unde� th.is chapter, for any action �.esponsible for t�a� adrnini�trative 4perations or transaction carried out tn accordaa�ce �g tih� �o�mis9ron and shall gerforraa. such with an advisory interpretation issued under �gp�er �duties as m�y be dsgignated or a5- SLl}�8@C�IOLI (2) ot' thi5 section. Such an advi- si�ed ta the e�cecutive director from time to �ory interpretatxo� snall b� cmnsidersd a tirile by the commissiotx. �iovvever, the c�rn- forn��l o�zn►on izaving precedantial effect and m�ssiurs slaatl n�t dalegate �he Power to make shall be subject to review by legal counsel to re�;ulatio�s or issue advisory opxnions to the the conimission before tl�e interpr�ta�ion is �Yecutive director. (1974 s.s. c.72 g1S1 sent to the requester. 11974 s.s. c.72 $15; 1975 c..543 �9; 1577 c.a88 98; 1�J87 c.566 S19; 1991 c.272 §2; I993 c.743 ���5������,��� �L����oG�vet'time t ��riy §131 dards anc� Practices Cornmissiot� shall cause 2�4.29�D General �i�ties of �ouna�raa�5aa��; �o have pa�epared an;d pud�lished a rnaz�ual �r� rYai�es. `T'he C�regon Government Stan�ards �overnment ek�hics that explains in ternns aaid Practices Com►nissinn shall: understan��able to legislattve �nd public offi- (1) Prescribe fnrms for statements re- cials and the public the xequirements of this ��uired by this cl�apter and �rovide the forms arapter a�nd �he cosnmissao�a s intarpretation Lo �erson� rLquired to file thc; statements of tn��e sequirements wh�ther stated by rule u�der tliis chapter cr res<�(utioi� adopted or in an op�nion. pursuant tl�ereto. (2) The comrnission stxall be guided in (2) Prepar�, �ublish and grovid� a nianual p�'�Parin� its maa�ua� by the manuat prepared setting fortfi� recomraiended uniform methods �Y ��e ���orney Generat to guide public o�'f"i- of repQrting for use by persons fiIin�; state- cials �nd the publi� in, the requirements �of ments under this chapter or resolution ORS chapter 192. adopted pursuant thereto. (3) 1�he manual required by this �ection (3) Develo a filin coding and cross- �hall be updated as ot$en as the commission � g� believe� necessary buti no less frequentl}� inde:cing system consistent with the pt�rrases th�n nnca every faur years. (i991 c.52? §21 of this chapter. 244.33� �i3is�z�ato�xtion of ethi<°� �nanual (4) Prepare and publish such �•e�orts as �o �y��gic afiFicfals� �ssiskaaxce of profes- the commission finds necessary. �ional RSS�OCYd$lOb3�, The fJregon Governe (5) Adopt rules necessary to carry out its ment St�.nd�rds and �ractices Comrziission duties under �RS 171.725 to 171.785 and shall diskribute, insofar as �s practicable, 171.992 and this chapter, including rules to: co F�ies af its �thies rnanual ta every �ublic (a) �reate a procedure under which items official. '�he comax►ission shall seek the as- before the cotnmission may be treated undcr sistance o�' pt•ofessional associations ttaat a consent ca�end�r and vc�ted on as a singte r�P�'esent p�ablia officials in its efforts �o comply with t}�is section. 11993 c.714 §41 ltetri; P+Iotes 24-4.330 and 244.340 were enacted into lasN by (b1 �xempt, a pa�blic official �vho is OtI�e1'- the Legislative Assemialy but were nat added to or made wlse required ta file a statement pursuant to � part of ORS clYapter 'l�A or any series therein by leg- ORS 244.050 from liling khe stutement it� tile isiative action. See Preface tu Orego�� Revised Statutea re;ularity, numl�er 1nd frequency of the ���r fur[her explanatian. meetings and acti��ns of the body ��ver which 2-d-�.:3-�0 �onticaufn� ec�uca�iora }pro�raan tlie �ublic official has jurisdictian are so fe�v required. `I'he Oregon f'rQVernment �tan- or infrequent as not to �ti�arrant the public dard5 and �'ractices Commission shall pre- disclosure; pare and pres�nt a progxam •of continui��g Title 22 Pag� 219 (1995 Editios�) ,� 22�4�.36� � I.IC ���YC�� Ell�PI.,@�� edcacati�n for publi� of�icir�ls and labbyis�s. the r�q�al�°err�erats of this ch�a�ter, �'ail� t� £il� k,or this purpase, tt�e coar�massio� zreay �zs� at� � statement o�' ecanmmia inCerL�ts rec{uired owra stmff or en�y cantrnct for the preg�armtian by this ciY�pter, ar by mc:sol�ation ado t�d r�nd p���entmtion �f tt�i� pgagrmm, or both. [�ur��aan� �hereto, the t'ol�owir�� ac�ior�s s�iall f1993 c.71� $51 bs �tz�ke�a, irres�aeetive rtf ottrer �enalties Ivo'ts; See note undea� 24�.330, vV}iiC$2. m�y b� imy�r�s�d �LET�t.1c�IYt to tl�i� . cha�atea° if, aP�er a �aea��g h$s been �,Tran¢ed � :• EI'�Ft"��Z�E16I�1� �l�e public nf�cial aand a mentalt�r is �rr�posed `4��60 Ci�nl �a�en�a,ltaes.� (1) The Qr��or� und�r CDRS 24�.37Q, th� j9ddI3ItC offaciai cor►- (���rerngn�nt a�uac��x°ds a�zd I�ractic�s Corra- t�nu�:� �o reCus� ta file � statemerat of eco- s.�i�sio�a ar �e eau� uxAder C��S 2�4e�60 (�) nc�mi� a�at�re�ts: m�y° iznpose civ�il pe�all;i�s not to ex��;�d (a� E�ae�at �s tca j�xd��s, no �ornperzsatfion �].,OOQ,�#aa� violating t1riY F?��YiS14i'R af thi� skall be ��ed to a s�laraed public of�r.ial. ch�gater oa°. an}r resoirati�on adopted pur�uan:t � �� notflce to tlae Or�gon 17epactanent of ��aereto eacceg�t �h��. for violation of O�a� ���iini�tt°ativs Service� os° to the app�rapriate 244.045 �he cocnmiasian ma;r impose a civil lc�cal a�atha�i�y frosla the O�egon Governrnerat I penalty of not;�o exce�d.�6,000. � Standards and Prac�ices Canara�S�sioxa of �tae � (�) The�coanmissic�n ar►ay also irr�pose czvii failure to file the requia°ed �°eport wh�n c1ue, aex�a��i�s r�ot to exc�ed �1,000 fo�° viala�in cornpensation �nalfl �� withheld a�d ttie pub- ny proviaion of. OI3.�• 192.660. �Ioevever, $ 1qC official shall be bas°red from be6rinnin6T or civid pen�ity ma� no� be impo��d under thi� cantinuing to exercise the oflir.ia4 d�gty of th� subsection.af th� vaolation ac�urred as � re- p�blic af'ficial until sucfli time as the �ublic sul� of th� governi�zg hody af th� public body °£�c��al cc,moties ��vith t4�e reqvirenae��ts of acting �apon the advice of Che publi� body's thas chapter. In the case af a �ublic of.icial courasel. . ,, who receives no compeilsaCion, the �ublic of ,: . ' ..,,' � ; .', . �acxal shall be barreti fcom be�inraing ar con- � • (3) l�,n�r,p�nslt,�:.iari�o��d under this sec- tie�uing the ez�ercise of the �f�cial duty ofi tion as.in addition to az�d not in lieu af a:�y ahe public o�cial until such tiQ�Ye as � �tate- �th.ea° penatty or sanctian th�t rn�y be irra- ment is filed as required under this ch�pter. �o5ed according_to Iaw, includin� re�acaval �b} Upon notiee frorra the comnzission to �'ram office.� tr9�� s.s. �.�2 §is; 1977 c.5�8 §lQ; 1987 the cl�ief etections officer of the failure to �.360 §3; 1993 c.743 §23; 1993 c.7�37 §2P �. ��44.36�1 ��������e of t�va�� �i����i�i �Ie the staterrAent re�L�ired by this cha�ater, �a�ta�fito The coYnmi��ior, 111 aaC�r�l0Y1 to civil ��� chief electians officer sha�I: pen,all;i�s presez-ib�d in 4F2� 244.350, may re- (�) �f the notice is receiveci on c�z• before quire.any pulalic official ivho has financially ��� ��st day b�fore �the date of the election, benefited' th¢ public ofricial or an.y o�iier cause the name of' the c:andadate f'car �ublic person b� violatiozx of any provi5ion of �2i�s ���� to be removsd fro►n the ballot on cl�a tea°.to f'orfeat twice �he amoun� that �,�ie W�ich ths n€�me of the caradidate would oth� ub�ic official or an other erwise a e�r; cr i� y, person realized PP fron-i violating any provision of this chap�er. ' (�3) If the candidate has been nomznated (i9�� s.s. c.72 §�o; 1987 c.566 §21] OX elected, refuse to issue a certi�cate of '�' �2`14.3?0 Proc�de.ur� for coll��;�aaa�' g�eaz� x�ornination or election. altp��a. (1) �Any civil penalty under OI�„S (2� If �he name af a c�ndidate fai• p�ablic 24�.350 or 2�.360 shall be imposed in th� office is removecl �rom th� ballat as providea m�nner p�°escribed 6y 01�,5 183.Q90, an subsection (1) af this ser.`r,ios�, the nazne ' (2) Notwiths�anding ORS 183.Q90, a hear- shall be removed in accord�nce witli ORS ing sh�ll' be required in all eases prior to 254.I�5. [7974 s.s. c.72 �23; 1975 c.5•13 §12; 1�77 c.5a8 xnxpnsition of' penalty ur�less the pubtic offi� §12; 1937 a5S6 §22; 1995 c.607 §691 c�al wair�es the hearing. Th� public official �4,3�J0 �t�tus �f �era�lt��� and �€�x��- � to whom the notiee��� addressed shall have tions. T'he penaities and sanctions imposed � 10 days from the date o#'service af tt�e notice by �his c:�ap�ex� axe in addition to and not in � ii1 �srhich ta'waive a hearing before �h� com- lieu of any oth�r penalty or saa�ction pre- � � oit fied, and tk�e �ublic of�cial shall be so 5�ribed or autha�•ized by law which a��fies to tha conduct of public officials. (is7a s.s. c.72 , `� �(3) All penalties recovered under ORS §25� I � ?4�4.350 and 244.360 shall be paid into the 244.40� r9ttoe-aae� f�e� fox �aubia� o�i. � �ta�e Treasury and credited f;o the General cial �ay�vaf�in� irr enfapcem�rit a�tiaan �r Fund. i1s74 g.s. �.7z §ai; as�7 GsBS §iz; lsas G�os §io; g���,���t. (1) A public official or person de- 1s91 c.734 §131 , scribed in ORS 171.778 who prevails f�tlow- 2.4�.38Q Sanction� a�ainst norac�mg�ly- xng a contested case hearing ur�der this ing of�icials ar carxdidates. (17 In tl�e event chapter or a la�vsuit under ��RS 244.�60 shall that � public official dr eandidate subject to be awarded reasonable attorney fees at the 'I'itle ?`l Page 220 (1995 Edition) � J CD1T�lR,N1VCEl�dT' �"P.�1VID�I�� A1VI) C°I°I��� �?.�.4�! con�lu�ic�n of tlie coe�test�d case or on �p- app�al frora� �nny decis�io�as o�' �he corr�anassion p ao peal. c�e of the ��raom Coa�raty �i�°cui� Cour�. (2) �U'gon prevailing followia�� the conclu- (4) At�o�°ney t'e�s to be av�r�r�eci under �ian of � cont�sted case o� iax�suat, the pub- �t�i� sectior� sh�l1 6e c�nly thase f�es im�u�r�ed li� official c�r person ,nay petitiom th� Circui� by �ho �aublie o�fici�I or person frorn t�►� tir�a� �ourt for Marion County far the purpose of the C�3C17iL1E�9SaPD T10�1}1@8 the pub➢ic offie��l ar d�termining the award oi reas�nable �attc�r- persan thmE it ha� �ntered an oed�r ta rmov� ��y fees. Ths Ore�on Goveraaeneeat Standards �o � co�,tes$ed c�se proce�dir��. �nd Pr�ctiae� �ommission shttll be named �s (�) �xay atto�°n�y fees �waxa��� �o t}�e a respoaad�nt in th� �etitiarr. The �etitioreea° uhrl'sc �fficial purr�vaaat ta t&ai� sec�inn �h�atl and respondent shall fnitow the procedure �e paid frs�m the �er�eral Ftsnd. (1991 c.770 �9; �rc�vfded in ORGP 68 far the det�rmin�t�ora 1993 c.743 §3QI of res�sonmbl� a�ti�a°b�asy feea. Ths court sh�ll give �t°�cedence on ita docket to petitions °�°`� filed urader this s�absection a� the cire�apn- s�ances may require. C�`�R, �45 (3) The Cour� of Appeais shall a�ward ��asor�able attorney fe�s to the puUlic of€�caal or person if the public official prevaits an I�e§���� ���' ��P��s�o�] . � Title 22 Page 221 (1995 Edition) ..� _ . , ._... , ,.. :... .., :;.r :�.:� T.. x :� II. r E � .. � .., y-: �._ . - ... .. �' a _ .,' ' i }A,:� J yi � � i �. - "L r ; j �'� _ { q � � . , , n � � ���- � � c . . ��` �+�fi���� S . . , . {, � d � .� . ; . . — _ . . { y _ Y t •. 'q _ �4 �.� i . �� :.� �� � . ' �• ��• �' .. : �.- '. �: �,� .� , . � ., . _ '. ,ti.�. : .� . . - .: : } . 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B�st of S.W. 115th Aver,ue and west�f S.W. 121€h Place. J A�'PL����L�Y��VI��'+C��'����A:Comrx��.aniey Developrr�en��ode Sectio�as �8.54.05�, i8.1b2.Q4(?, I�.�62.Q50 and P8.I64.��pi��:��.5 SEl&J3CPIb�tR 85ltj SVdOEQ3 Q foie �e thi �� �f 7,1 n A 19 9 6' f��siden�ial,4.5 aanits p�r acre). 7Che R-4.5 zo�e atlows single-ffamiiy , resaden�iai un�ts,pubPic suppart ta�ilities,reside�tial tre�t�tent home, � farinin�, rrzanufactured home, f�mi�y day caFe, t�oar����cupataQn, � �Is�t�ry � c for Oeegan ����use,rssiden�ai fuel tanfc�a�d accessary s�uct�. TT$526–�'�blish June�, 1996. 1�,�or�enission Ex�a�r�s: ._ _...� ��������� � � � ' " � ��� � �-�a rv�^.� �� �" '�'� T � � �T� � ����.��v��. �.�.�� A Y ��Tl"AF T��AFdO . 6��COd�1 �����ed°. �.a1a �s�,e7��� ��.s �if � ���� �� � � o���]r� ���s A�� �' t�� � C1�� �"�'�(�Re� �'�`T 1 ��`� d�� (8: (� / /'7 / �1,� :A.�ir�A I°1°�M #; `5-. I P�t��f� C�� ��(S)= Ll� �� � 0 o D y � a� � �.-. ��G `� ��'��tJ�PIdY��: 2�� � ��t)�o .3.5 �c,% �-- �� � � � i � � �L76.lA�s �`� C���ee��y 6'�irL .�.J.�ls.B.,fWB.P� ���J� � 'Ls�.i��t �°�s�-�ax ��.°�..����°�.°�°-����.. °��,°.'���� ax ��{���� �°OY'�Q�Jil� � �����'�' ( �8� �l"(8 � a`-����--�-°�����.—�����..�-���_�.m__..�_o........-��.�._..o�����-- °°-^����.���.v._�r.�..� «�N�asl.Addn�r.Zsp dc A�les�rs) (�r'eat 11f�ltl�JZip&A�Sdi�oms) I�Tytma�: 1�I�e: �.ds�x�..�: �„ ��d.��s�: Ci /S��i CYt /�it�t.�.,�i ���e 1�T��; , �4.cidr�ss: Addre��: _ � �i�'/��f,�!"Z�.�: „� CiL-v1�t,s�te/�i�: Naffie: 1�azne: _,� Addaess: t�.ddress: CzC�r/�t�.tc1'�ap: Citv/S��i�: �1'a�sxe: ��m�: �dd�°ess: ,_ �.dd.�es�: .�.� Ci�/S�,a�elZip: �, Civv/5tate.l°�it�: I�Tam.e: TV'aine: t�d�ress: Ad.dz�s�: �i�yJSta�el�Lip: Citv/5tat�/Zip: n:�i����,�-m.� _ . _ __ _ _ . .._ . �f,� _ , ��� �� ������' _ _ ������� ���������:� _ _ . __ _ _ _ _ ����,� ����� ��.: ����� �� _ ___ _ _ . _._ _ _ . _ ___ __. . ____ . �o F6ElAL ORDER 9NGLL7DING FIP�I�i�lC95 l�f�D�0�9�LUSIONS�PPR��"If�G AP�!APPLICATIC)hi Ff?�A 6VI�NOR LAN�PART[TlUPV AfVD�(�hfE CNAN�E. ������� I. �,���������� $.����Y �����: F9LE ��l��: GR��O ����r L�nd P���ti��� ��.P ��a000� �e�r�� Ch���� ZOF� 96-0005 P�t�P��A6�o 1'he a��li�ant reauest h�f����. inn�.�.d�v��r�a��t ���iic�ti�n�: 1. �i�nor L�nd Partition ��provaf to divid� c��r� (1� p�rc�l �� a�proxi��t�ly 1.27 �cr�� int� $w� (2� parc�ls of �pproxirs��4ely 1�,�00 �nd 33,600 sqs��re f�et; and 2. �or�� Ch�nge approval to d�signat� tMe prn��erfy with �-4.5 �ani�ig. a4�F'I�ICA,P�T'; &..��r��r� �r�co ��f�l�F�e S�me 21902 �VV�olumbia Circle �'ual�tin, Q� 97062 ���PR�F�l���I�E P��F� �������e�"I�1'�: Low. �q9VIP�(� D��iC���4T@ON: R-4.�. ,LC���'�fOIV: �1435 SiIV' Fonn�r S�ree�; (WCT�I 2S1 �A�, �'�x Lc�fi �000), A�'��iCA�(�� �E!!i E�V �RiTERIAe ��rnmunity De��lapm�r�t ��d� �h�pter� 1�.50.050, 1�.1S2.Q4�, �8.1�2.05Q, �nd 18.164. ��C°�@�� 6�. ��.�C?� * Notic� i� l�er�k�� given th��th� i'i�nning Co�missdan i��s�,��f��4��D fE�� abov� prap�s�l �ubj��f tc� �rtain cc�ndit��ns. The finding� �r�d conclusi�n� �� which �h� d�ci�ior� i� ba��d �r� r�oted in Sc��tian I�l. FLANNING COIV1MiSSIOPI FINAL ORDEf�tvQ,96-05PC MLP 86-0009/ZON�f-OQ05-CP2ECA PAC3E 1 � '���������� �� ����.�� __ „ _ _ ''T'B�I�:�'+��;1.:d�Y�!lR�� �t�f�1��"fIC��� �f�A��;���a�'°T'I��l�D _ ����� �'+tB ������l�� T"1°�� ���°�"i°�'6�t� ��#'i'. . ��3r����s� ath��ai�� ����lq '����f�'f��������h��0 b� ��i�� �����°� `' ����������� L?����t��nt(���j 6�g-�1T�a) 1. F'inal Piat Ap�lication �uk�rr�issic�n ��quir�m�r���: �, Thr�� rr��l�r cap��� of �f�� p�rtifior� pl�t pr�p��°ed by � iand su�v�yor 6���nv�d ta p���tic� i� Oreg�r�, �rs� n�c����ry d�t� or r�arr�tav�. �. l"h� p��titi�ra p9a# �r�d d�t� car ��rr�fi�e �h�i9 b� dr��vn tc� th� Bl"19019t'T'r€Ji1(1 ���r��ard� s�t f��h b� �h� C3regor� ��vis�d �fi�t�s�� (C�F�S 92.Q5), '��V�shir�gtan Ga�r�ty, and b�th� Caty t�f�'igard. C. °f'�e ri�h�-�fi vv�y �edi�a�tior� f�r �V1f �ca�ner �tr�+�t, to pro�id� � t�ta9 e�f 30 �P�t frc�r� centerline, sh�il b� made �r� th� par�itior� plat. 7_. �ri�� t� �ppr�v�i of fi6�� fr�al �(�t, a public ir�pravernen� p�rms� and �c�mplian�� agr�r�r��n� is required fr�r�his pr�a�ct. Fior� (5, ��ts �i�'d���i6�d p�blic empravement pi�n� and �raf�l� ��nstr�c�i�n d�-aeniing� �h�li be submitfied for prelirr�in�ry r��ri�w ta the Eng6neerinc� D�partmerat. C3s�ce r�dBio7� comm��t� ar� �ddr����d and th�; plans ar� r��dsed, th� desig� �ngin�er shall ther� submif eigh# (8) s�t� c��F r�vised drawings and Qn� t1) atemiz�d �nr�#ruc�i�r� ���t ��timate f��- final r�vi�uv and �ppr��al (�V�T�: �hese plans �r� in �� i�' n �r� ��ay dra�ving� required 9�y th� �ui6dinc� Di�si�ior� �t�d �h�uid s�r�fy i�el�.�d� �h��t� �-�9�e>��t t� p�b�i� i�tp�'c�v���t�#�, F'ublic ir�prov�mer�� �9an� sk�aiP �c��f�rrr� tc� City �f Tigard P�b��� grr��ro��ment De�ign �t�nd�rds, t��t ar� �v�ol�bl� �t �it� H�II. 3. �'�i�r�o ap�arQ��i af th� fin�l plat, �r� �g��er���t shall b� �:x����ed by th� appli��n�, c�n forms pr�vided by the �ify, vuhi�h �vaiv�s the property awner's right tQ opp���; r�r r�monstr�te ag�i�st a futur� Local Brripr�ve�aen# �i�tract �'c�rm�d to improv� SVV��" Fr�nn�r Stre��. 4. Pric�r to appreaw�l c�fi�h� fin�i pl�t, a jain� us� and r��i�nfi�r�a�c� agr��rr�ent �h�ll be �xec�at�d �rsd r�c�rd�d or� �ity s�ar�d�rd f�r�� �or ail c�mmQn drivew�ays. Th� � �gre�rra�nfi �hall b� ref�r�n��d c�� �r�d ���oro�� �aarfi �f�II ��pgi���9� p�rc�B D��d�. � 1"h� ac�re�m�n� shai9 b� apprc��e� by the Engin�er�ng l�epa€fi�n�r�� pric�r #o � r�c�rdi�g. t i � 5. �,n �s�o�sar� cr�r�trc�l pl�n �h�81 b� �rovid�d �� p�rt ca# �h� publi� impra��m�nt I � dr�win s. Th� lar� shall cc��,fc�rrn fo "�ra�i�n Pr�v�r�tian �r�� ��dirn�nt �car�trc�p � � � � �'lan� - `iechnic�l C�uidar���; t��ndb�a�k, F�bruary 1�94. 5. Pl�ns �pprovsd b� T�alatir� �Aall�y Fir� an� �es�ue. ,�cc�ss c�riv�� in exc�ss o� 150 fie�t shall prA�ide for an �m�rg�r�cy vehicle turr��raund. S�a�f Contact: l�/'sll �J'Andr�a, �'I�nning Divisi�n. PL4FdP11NG COMWi1S510M FINAL ORLER NO.96-05PC MLF'9F-QOf39JZOPl 96-OU05-GRECO PAC�2 7. A!! ��nc�n�r�t� rrr� �w�t�r frmm ���r cc�n�tructi�n t 1 shall b� �anv�yed to �h� exi�ton� creek �hro�gh �n �asem�nt to �� pre�vid�d i� 90� 2. �. Revis�d pl�n tha��how� th� pr�vi�ior� afi a 10-f��fi-anride �av�d driv��s�y. 9. Ftemaav�f n� th� tvvo existir�g r�siden�es. T�e� �pplicant vhall c�bt�i� a dem�litior� p�rr�it frc�� fhe �u6Edi�� f�i�isi�n. �FI�.��� i� �9-"N�i��Yd.i1°01`�P�� �� 671J96�«&#YB�B���������q i Qll���lJ�6.e0�"�lFl�l���. . . . � `1��Itl�.6t�i4F19�? w"'�7�9�6r'd� ���c��P11����4��N���. . � _. ...__.. .._ .._.._ . .._ .__._ _..._ _ ...._ . . .. .� . . ... ......... .. ._. . .. .. . . ... ._.. _. .. . . . . �0. F�r9�r t� i��uan�� of b�ilding p�rr�it�, th� �pplic�n# sh�ll provide th� �ng�n��ring Departrr�ent vviuh � recosd�d rn�lar copy o�F fi�� p�r#iteon pl�fi. _ 1"Ha� �������;i���I���. ��i��Ld� �C�� 1�:N��d��l�� _ �f���A �F9� ��F��TI�� ��►'�� 6��1°�a� �?��S��f��: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ �E�°fI�N I�i. ���FC�R�l��9� l9�F0���7'I�� Slt� F-915tcaN� �'h� prc�perty was �n��xed, �+/9�rcl� 7, '1996 thrcaugh direct �cti�n by t�i� Portland nhetrop�l�tan �r�a La��! �overr�ment �oundary �Cc�mmissis�r�. Typicaf{y, properties first rece3oee �one Ch�r�g� Ann�xation approva4 thrc�ur�h fih� City, �t �rhiGh tirn� zc�ning is ��sign�d, pra�r 4� r��ki�y appiicafior� afi �h� ��undary ��rnmi��ion. T�i� prope�y �nr�� �Clt]�a ci►� iu a�� �a�i�ieR�ii�is i�c�ia�ai �� '�h� 6ui.iii��i"ji ��aiii�iii��ii��e i��� f��c� i1�$ previc�u�ly reG�ived ��r�� Ch�ng� Rr�r��x�ti�r� ��pr�v��. �'��r�f�re, �rhil+� fhe prap��ty �� o�fs;i�lly a pa� �� fh� Cifiy, it ha� r►ot b��r� �as�ign�d a �oning d��ig���ior�. `��i�s appiicafiAn r�ques�� �ha# th� �'lanr�ing ��mrryissia� ���i�n fhe apprppra�t� �onin� designatiooi to this property. �l��,y Ir�fr�r�ati��; �ro��rty t� �h� north and northea�t �r� zon�d �--�4.5 �nd �r� d�v�lo��d v�ith singl�- f�pn�l�S r��id�nti�! d�v�iopm��f. Pr�perty t� th� e��t, south ar�d so��hw�st ar� und�r the jurisdictir�n c�f W�shinyton �ounty ar�d �re dev�lc�p�d with single-fa�ily r�sidentia! el�v�l�prn�r��. i r����,15��1��d P�n�a���rlpfion: Th� 1.27 �cre si�� is �c�rr��tly ���✓�loped �vith thr�� r�sid�ntial struG�ures. Th� proper�y cant�ins a nurnber of mat�are tr��s �nd c�r�t�in� a drai��gew�y �n the no�ther� por�i�n of the pr�p�r�y. �'he appli��nt is prap�sir�g fio d�mofish two of the stru�tur�� �nd to �ar�itian the 1.�7 �cre par�el int� �neo parc�l� �af 33,6Q0 and 18,900 squar� fe�t. The 18,90U squar� fc��t lot will be d�velop�d wifih � sangle-f�mily r�sodence. T'he a�apl��ant PLANNING COMAAiSSlC31V FIPIAL CfRDER N0.9S-05PC Ml.P 96-U�Q9/ZOPJ 96-0005-�3REt�0 PAGE 3 �Iso r�q���ts � �one �r�e to de�ignate the propeoty wit r� R-4.� (F�esid�ntial, 4.5 units per a�r�) ��ning d�sEgr�ation, th� mos� c�rnpar�ble z�r�ing �a VV��hing��ra Co�nty's R-a (��sid�ntiai, 5 units per acre) zone. Th� ci�signation i� r�ec�ssifiat�d by fih�: �caundar�o ��nnma��s�r�'� �r�����ti�n a�pr��al vwhich did ro�t ���igr� a �onir�g designa,tic�n. 5���'l�� �Y: P�I���S�� �i��N�V�" Ci�l'TE,���a����I��,���.� � � C��/lPLi/�9�C� 1!1/dThB �Oh1�1E'�lJ�l°fl' Df�il�L�E'iVI�NT CC3D� SEGTI�6V�: s � " �.� �.�a�c� P���f�o� - ������s�w nd rd�a ��cti�n 1�.�62,040 c�r��o�a� t�� fo69��an� ��s����Q �ppa��v�9 �r6��ri� f�r� �9i��� L��'� P��i�s�d�e 1. `�h� �r��a���! +��nf€�wrro� v�ifih th� �i1t�°� ��av��a����r��a�� �lara; 2. `Th� propaas�d p�rti#ios� c�aonp9i�� wifih �6i ��t�to�r and o�tl�e��r��� r��uio��r�t�ra� �a�d r�g�slations; 3. Acl��ua#e �a�bli� f��gl@toes ar� a��il�ble�� ��r�r���� �aropr��al; �e Ata �+rape���d lo� �o�af�r� ��a �h� ���� and dcro��:��ioraa! reqt,�i����n� �€ �hi� {,��A�iq '��68 . 5. �IB pr����� �rr�prorr��s�n� r���� City �nd app�Be��bl� ag�r�c� ��rad�r�1� ���d. �g-�69 t3rd. �3-52�. Th� pr�pos�l conffe�r�s wi�h �h� Ci�jr`� ��r�pr�herosi�re Plan in that fhe ra�v�+ly creat�d !ot v�iil ��ntir�u� tQ �,liaw f�or �e�idenf��! dev�ir��pme�t. T��i� prapo���, �E��r�fr�r�, is ��� ir� cnnflict with the Low Der�sit� i�l�r� d�:sigr�atior�. Thi� proposed pa,rtition camplies with �il st�tutc�r� �nd ordinar�ce requirem,ents and r�gulations a� demonstrated �oth by the �n�l�sis pre�ented witl�ira thi� �dminisfir�tiv� d�eis�on and by this �pplication and r�view proces�. Ad�qu�t� pa�blic f�c�li�i�� are av�ii�bi� tc� s�rv� fihe pr�posaE or shali b� cond'ofioned to b� pr�uid�d with �his appr�v�l. S�c�6�a� ��.1��.A�i� ��r�#�ira� fi6h� ��l�o�irrg �p��6a! pravisi��� ��r ic�� �r��t�d th��ugh �he P�r�i�a�a� �r�����: 1. @�o� VNBdth: T'h� �Araien�r� r�idth �,�' �h� b�ilding �nvel�p� ���a �6��1i ���� th� Ic�t r��aa���r���t��th� �pp�����l� �o���g c�i���°i��. 2. �o�A���e °f�� Icat area �hali b� a� r���air�� by� t�e app9i�ab9e zosring �i��rpcf. Ir� t�a� ���� �� � f��r� I��, tl�� a������a�r m�y r�a# k�� ir��i���c9 ar� the imt �r�a ��i��a��ti��. 3. �ot �r�ntage: �ach Es�� �r���ed thr��gh �h� pa�titis�r� prs����s ���ll fr�s�t a public re�ht�of-w�y by at I���t 'B5 �e�fi or ha�o+e � leg�lly r�c�reie�d rrionimc�r� 15 #�ao�vvid� a�����s ����a���t, PLANNING COMMISSION�INAL 06�DER Np.96-05PC MLF'96-000920N 96-QOOa-GR�cCO PA�E�# � � 4. ���b�c�CSo ��4i�a�k� �h�ll be a� req�a6��d b� th� a�pli��#�I�z��ing d'a�tr�ict. 5. Fr�s�t Yar�1 D�ternr�ir��tinn fe�r FI�� L.ot: V9!l��� fh� partitiwro�d i�� i� � �I�g I��, th� deoeelc��er� rtaay �9��rrr�an� the I�cati�ra �►f th� ��°�nt���d, pr��id�d tha� r�� side yar�1 i� ��s� than 10 f�e�t. ��r��tur�� sh�l� g�r����iSy �� lo����ci �� �� to n�a��miz� ��p�ratio�a fr�rr� ex�s�eng �tr��ta����. 6. ��re�ni�� �n Fla� Lot�: A ��r��n �hall b� provid�d al�rag the p�o��rty lin� �f a iot�f r��ord �*vh�r� th� pav�d dr�v� ir� an ����sswa�r i� ���a#�d ��thin t�a� fi��� �� ar� a�e��t��� !�� i� �cca�rd�r�ce ws�h Se�ti�r� 1�.1�i0.0�0 ar�� ��.30a.09�. S�r��a�6�ag �ay �I�o b� ��q�oe��� to r�a�ir���� �ri�acy �or abu�e�ag �a� �nd to �r�wic�� u�able ��atdo�� re�r��t¢o�a ar��� for pr�po�ed d�v�6��a��nt. 7e �ir� P�r�te�tisar�: 'Th� f�r� distr�c� r��y r�c�uiPe th� irast�lla$i�r� ��a f�� hyclrar�fi �rh+�re �th� length �� ar� ������r�eay �ar��l+d h�v� a t�etrAr��r�t�l e�f�ct o� f�e ��hting c�p�b9l�ti��. �. Re�6�re��al �as����n�: V�i�er� a c��raa�ron driv�e i� �o b� providec� to s�r�re rnr�r� �th�r� on� lot, a r�ci�aro�al �a���ne�t w�i�h v�rili �r���a�� ac���� ��d �ao�t�ra�nce re�9�f� sh�ll b� r��o�ded with t��� �p��°o��� �aartitaor� rx��p. 9. ������mv�y: m�y ��c�s�way �hall �ara�p�ly wsth the ��s�eiard� ��f �o�th i� Chap��� °��.1Q�, �����s, Egr�s�, �ns� (���ca�E�toc�n. ��. �l�+od�.l�dn; ��O�r� f��dfll ��d9or der��lop��nt i� ai�o��d withira o� adj�c�n� t€� �h� �e��-ha��dr�d�y��ia� ��e�c�plai�, th� ���/ ��a�16 r�q��r� the �edi��taon of sa���i��� �pe� 6a�� �,��a �o�° ����n�r�� adj�i���og a�ad w�a6�hir� th� �la�a��l�ir,. °�"h's� a��� s�ali i�cirad� ��s�ee�ns ��� ����bd� �6�v��&��n f�r��e con����a��9�� of a ��d��tr4anlbic��le pathv�ray vvith t6�� 4�oc���eiao� �� a��ca�d�n�� �nr��h the , adcapte� p�d��#�i��/bi���E� �ath�nray pl�n. Crit�ria 1 is s�fiisfi�d a�s th� mir�imum lot v�idths ofi Int� 1 anci 2 �re 1�5 and 120 feet respeetiv�l�, thereby, exce�dir�g �he 50-fo�t rrEinimum ic�4 wid�h. Cri��r6a 2 is satisf�d as the lat �re�� are approximately 18,900 and 36,30U �qu�rs f�et, exc�eding the minimum 7,�00 r�enirrum lot siz� r�ql�irerr��nt. Griteria 3 is sati�fi�d as t�e lots ��r�tain �pp`oxirr��tely '�05 arad 15 feet o�fre�nfi�ge on SW Fonn�r Stre�t, s�tistyir�g �he minirn�srn 15-�Foot vvidth requirerne�t. As ir�dic�t�d an the pr�spas�d pl�n, �ret�ria �4 is ��ti�fi�� czn !o� 2 a� ��t��cks are pravided in accord�nc� �rith R-�.5 zoning s��b�cks. Criteria 4 sh�ll bP sati�fii�d �� parceB � as �etb�ck� wil} 1�� r�vi�wed �vher� at is b�iit up�n. �'he plan shovr� thafi th� �xi�ting s�r��t�res wiii b� r�r�ov�d. The r�r�o�a! of tF��se �tructure� r�ust be corr�i�ted prior to re�ording the par�i�i�n pi�#. F�iiur� t� r�rriove th� rnid�le �tru�ture wAUld r�su9fi in � vi�aiation �f setback cri��ria. Criteria � is �a�isfi�d on !�f 2 as the appBicable �e�backs have been provided. Crit�ria 5 i� not applic�ble to p�r��l 1 as it is r�ot a tlag lot. C;rit�ria 6 is not applicable as fhere is an existing d�-iveway that ��ne�s the �xistir�g ha�s� and the 9�uture house or� Ir�t `i v�il{ sh�re this existing �rive�v��. Fir� hydrants �f��ll b� consistent with Uniform Fire Code st�ndards, ther�by, s��i�fying Criteri� 7. �outhwes# Fonner S�re�t is d�signat�� �s a Pl.AtdMltdG CCIMMISSIOdJ FiP1AL QFdDER N0.96�05PC MLP 96-0009/ZON 96-0005-GRECO PAGE 5 mo�or�c�ll�r��r str��� � � ��r�preh�n�iv� €�ia� '�r�r��p�rt ��p. T'h� ��i�t 9ir�it� th� nur�b�r c�findividual driv�w�y�that �sr��tly ac���� �uch �oil�ctc�r�. T'h� r��wly cr�a��d I�t wii! �h�r�� th� �xi�#i�� driv��e�y. A r��ip����1 ��s����t ��d j�i�t ��� �r�d nn�ir���r��r��e agre�m�nt shalf bc� r�card�d v�ith tk�� appr�ved ��t line �dju�tm�nt �urv�y map, �h�r+�by, s�fii��yyinc� Criteria �. �rit��i� � is p���ially s�#isf�d as fih� plar� pr��id�� �or a corr�m�n driv� with a mirairr��rt� 15-�o�at ����s� ��id�h. S�ctior� ��.1 A�.U7Q �t���s tt��� � rninim�arr� p�vem�r�# wir9th �� 10 fe�4 is r€�qa�'sr�d far � driv�+,�ay ��rving t�v� I�ts. In additior�, a����� dr�v�s ir� ex���� c�� �50 fe�� in E�ngth �h�{I provid� fcrr �n �r��rg��cy vehic9e ��rr�aroun�. �ho� a�c��s �h�91 be a levei, h�rra�rr��r�ead-con��ured, pav�d s�arf�c�o wit� ��ch I�g �f�h� ha�e�nerhe�d h�ving a �t�ar�irnurn d�pt@� �f 40 fe�t and � minim�r� �idth �f 20 #�et. `fh� �p�iecant �hal! prouid� �n �ppr�v�d plara, f�r ��e �rn�rger��y v�hi�i� tt�rn�raun�, fr�m ��a�l��i� !f�lley �ire and R�sc�e. �rit�ria 10 is not ap�lic�bie �� n�ither p�r��6 i� wath�n �h��foodpl�in. , ��ctior� 1�.,.8�.n�� (�al�� A�c���) ������� th�fi �II r��uvly cr�at�d Bot� �sit�ir� the �i�y c�f �"ig�rd shaiP prorr�c�te �he us� of r�r�eenrrabl� �nergy saur�e� by prc�vs�in� f�r improved a�ce�� fio suniight for r��ide�ti�l dv��llir�gs. � !Qt ��et� th� ���ic r�qt��r�men� if it �as � n�rth-s�uth �irn�nsicar� �f 9� ���t �r r�or� �r�d has � �rorlt lot lin� �h�� i� �ri�nt�d withi� 30 degr�es of a t��aa� e���-�ne�st axi�. P�s �ropo��d, th� r��uvly er�at�d I�� will r�e�;� th� b�sic r�quireme�t �� it pro�ide� � no�kh-�c�uth dirr��nsion o� 90 fe�� �nd h�� a fr�nt 9ot line tha# os ori�r�tea wi#hir� 30 d�gre�s ����r�,;e ���t-enr��t �xi�. PlJBt�lG FACiL_!TY C�kV���tN�: ��ction� '9�.^I6�.P3�06�1f1�(�) (�t�°���)s ��.16�.��0 ����ait�ry S�v��r)9 ���i '9ffi,16�m��0 (�tor� ��air��) �h�l! b� �����fed �� �p��a��� b�9��: �T�2���'�; This sit� lies adjacent �o �0/ri F=a��er Stre�t, v�hi�h is cl�ssifi�ci �s � mir��r col9ectc�r t� b� b�ailt to th� foilowir�g sta�dard: 60-fiocat rigl�t-ofi-av�y (RC`�Vi�, �c� 1�-�c��a4 trav�! lan��, one �2-foot �cent�r �urr+ I�ne, and tv�� fv�-foat si��walk�. �t pr�sec�t, �her� i� e�nly 40 f�et �f t�ata9 FtO1�/ �djacenfi t� �his �it� (20 fe�t �ach �i�� a� c�r�terli�e). �'he �pplicanfi, as a �art of �evelopir�g thi� site, wifl be requir�d to ded�c�fie additional �2�"JV ir� �onr�er itreet to provi�� 30 ���t north af c�nt�rlir��. �. G�rrently, ��nr��r S�treet is � two-I�n� pav�d str��t th�t is na� bui4t to �ity star�dar��, � but fiur�cti�ns vw�i9 und�r �uri��nt tra�c laads. Sir�c� �his p�rtitic�n will r�ot �i�nt ican�ly � � ir��rA�se th� arrona��t qf tr�ffic an the raa�vv�y, the �i�y rn�ili nQt r�qubi� �h�; �pplic�nt to e� ma�C� ��reefi ir�pro��r��nt� �� this tim�. l�5f��d, �he �pplic�r�t v�riiQ b� r�q�ired tr �nt�r �° into a nor�-rera����4r�r�c� a�r��rr�er�� �hich �vill �bPi��t� th� prap�r�y ov�+rl�r(�� t� � � P�r�ici��t� ir� the futur� wid�ning e�€tl�e �e��d�+a�. ua � ��►�6T"�,�4Y ���6��: Ti�ere i� an existing �i�htpinch pu�lec ��r�at�r�a ��vvsr line �pprc�ximat�ly 7 00 f�et �a�t �f this sit� th�t is av�il�ul� fo �enr� th� prapc���d Idt�. �°he applic�n� propas�� to ��t�n� ��s ��abli� line west in For�ner �4re�� to th� we�t bo�ndar�r of#he �i��. Acc�rd6ng tc� Gity PLAtdNdMU COMMlS�ION FINAL(JRLIER NO.9F-Q5PC iNLP 9&-QOQ9/Z�N 9�i-0006-GFtECQ PA��6 � as-b�ilt�o the d�pth � ap�city of �h� ����r lane �h�ul � ad�quate to s�r�� this propert� S�f���4i DR/AI�VAf��: Th�� to�ography o�thi� �ite �l�p�s fiow�rd the s�c�rth in�� � Ic��a6 �r�in�g� �haror�el. °fh� applic�n� h�� irodi�ated th�t#h� new hol��� will drain t�w�rd th� char�n�i. �'T'ORI�! ilV�►`�'�Ft C�II�L.!'�f: i"�h� City has a�r��r� tc� �r��orc� a►arfac� VV�f�r Mana��m�r�t (�1IVP�) reg�i�tions ��tablish�d by gh� �9nif�� ��w�r�g� Ages��y ����} (��so{t�ti�r� �s�d C�rd�r �ca. 91��7, a� ar�ended by R�� 91-75) that req�aires th� ��r�structi�� af or�-si�e w�t�r quaPity f�ciliti��. l"he f��iii�i�� �l�al! �� d�sign�d tc� reer�ove 65 perc�nt af �h� phospi�or�� contained in '(QO p�r�ent c�f th� storr�n v�rater runc�f� g�r��rat�d fr�rr� newfy cre�#�d impenri�us surf�ces. F�ow�v�r, i� �h,is ����, �here �r� �xist�s�g h�m�� �n thi� �i�� �nc� �h� �pplic�r�t�►il6 n�t b� req�ired fico ad'dr�ss this iss�ae. �9�/���f+IG AND �R��6�N CO�T't���.o �J�A F�&O 91-47 aiso r�gul�it�� erosinn contro! to� red�c� th� �mount �f ��d�m�nt �r�d c>t�er p�llut��ts r�achir�g the publi� �torrn �r�d �ur���� �v�t�r �yst�rn re�uitin� fr�rr� dev�lo�m�nt, con�tr�utifiian, gr�uing, excamating, cieari�g, and ���y other actie+it� �nrh9ch accelera��s ero�ion. Per R&O J1-47, th� appli��nt is requir�d to submit an �r�+sir�n control pBan fc�r �ity reui�w and �ipprova9 pr6mr to is�u�r��� of Gity perer�its. ZONING C3�SI�NA�TIOPJ: A��nd��n�t� #h� °�'�tl� ��� '+�� ��c�io�a 1�a�� �f�9��► �a�r���nii�y �ev�A����ae�� C��� s�ts fa�r�� ��r�d�rd� ��d prca��dure� f+�r q���i�aadicial ar�e�drr��r�� ic� fih� zoning di�trict rnap. �! re�arr����d�t6on �r � d��a�aar� t� appro�ae, appro�� vvith ���clation�, or #� d��� arr ��pli�l�9�t'9 �or a qua��judici�! a��nc9rr��n� sh�li �� ba��d on aBi of th� �oBlavvir�� �fi�arod��°d�: 1°he appli��bE� Gompr�h�nsive pi�n poli���� and r��p design�tfio�; a�e� t�� �h�nge �ial r�ot �+d�r����l� �ff��t the ���lth, sa#�ty ��d �elf�r� of th� cor�m�nat�o l"his seckion is s�gi�if�d as ths applic�bi� pl�r� polici�� r�lafpd fio th� prapo�ai are reviewed b�lpw. �'h� �����v6d� pe�r�nang g��l� �dc�pt�d �a��9�� C�r�g�� ��v���d ����s��� ��ap��r 197, un�il ��kr����rsedgme�� ��' xh� �aarnpr�h�n�6ve plan �r�d o�d����c��. The Tigard Coi�p���hensiv� Pl�n has b�:en acknc�wiedgec�, fh�refore, s�ecifi� revievu of e�ch st�tewide planning go�l is r�ot a�p9ic�bl�. 'Th� �pplBc�ble ��a�dard� ofi any pr�e+6sian of thi� �od� or �fiheP ��p�i��b9� impl���nfiia�g �rdinance. All oth�r� �pplicabl� pr�vi�ion� ar� sates�ed as dis��a�sed by this an�ly�is and se�i�v� process, ; PLf�RINING Cl7MlMIS510N FINAL�RDER NO,96-05PC MLP 36-AOq5/ZQN 9£i-OUO�-GR�GO PACyE 7 �vid�r��� o��h��ng� i 6g�b�rh��d or �ornr��nity or a �k� c�r irtco��o����c�� o� �h� ��mpr�h�n�ive pl�ra �r z��ing aa�a�� �� it r����e� t� th� prop��ty wh�ch a� th� ��bj��� �� th� ��v�lopmc�n� ���la����o�. Th� ir��c�nsi�t�nc� ir� �h� zonir�g rr��p th�� r�late� to this prc�p�rty is 4h� f�c# th�t the ��u�d�ry+ ��mrr�s���or� �ppro��d �he ann�xation, a �p��cific zoning de�ign�tic�n w�� r�c�fi �s�igned �� part ofi #h� ��n�xatiesn, �nd th� si4e �lr��dy h�s � lo�v d�n��ty Compre�en�i�� Pl�n m�p d��ig'iati�n. �ssi�ni�g � sp�aifi� �onir�g d�sigr��tQC�ra r�r�mves t�� i��on�i���ncy in th� z�rsing r�-m�p. � �� st�ted b�fiore, $Il�' ��@C9�IC R—�.� ��'�� �Q �� �s�9�I1�K� 6S t�IC$���d �� (J�IICi�S Eil $FI� s Ci�y'� Cc�r�pr�h�nsiv� Plan, Ci�y Cor��da�ity ��v�l�prn��t ��d� ��d �he llr��� F�lar�r�i�g Rre� A,gr����rit b�t�re�� V�l��hir�gfi�� ��unty �r�d �h� �ity. C����,�.�a I�a���������e ��li�y �.�e°� ����� '���� ��� �9� �I9�I� 6�11�6i1�bG1 �d� �@1����1� �6fiiz�r� ����Iv���s�t ������� ��� �h��l ����r� ���� �6�i���� ��ll be �a��v�d�d �� opp�rta�r��� to b� in��9�aed on �II �ah���� �� th� �i��n��� ������se T��IiS �3t'7St��f i� s��isfi�d b�ca�s� nr�fii�� ofi fih� ��bii� h��ri�g w�� pr�vid�d t� avun�rs c�� �r�p�rfi� ��tt�in �5Q fie�f ��d wa� publi�hed ir� � ��wsp���r c��'g�n�r�i cwr��l�ti�r�. As�n�ex���; Poldcy 10.1 m3 �t�te� �hat up�r� ��n����i�n c�fi I�r�d i��o th� �a#y �;�q�,h �arri�� a �V�sh��ro�ton ��a��ty �oni�g d�:signaki��p the �i� o� �°i��rd �h�l� �s�igr� �h� Caty �f '�'i���� z�ni�� distri�t �le�sg��fi�� whi�h rno�� �la��ly ��r�f�rm� t� tF�� Co�a�aty ��nin� ��sigr���aor�. Ti�i� poiicy i� ��tisfed as the ��ty R-�.5 (R�side�tia9, �.� �r�its p�r acr�/7,5CD0 �q��re fc�ot rr�ir�i�°i�arn I�t si��) �on� is fh� c9o���# z�n� to t6�e Vilashington Co�antyr f�-5 (F�es��entiai, 5 unit� p�r�cr�/7,0�0 minirnurr� iUt�iz�� ��r�e. ���T'9C?� \/. QT���t STAF� �f�11A�fl��dT� �`h� ��t� �� T's�ard �ui��in� �i�e��i�� h�� r��r�e��d fi8��� pr���a�a� �nc! h�� o����d t��� �t�Bl����g� ��s�av��r���� �� app�ar� �h�at �+���r r��c� ��nit�ry vvil� �o i�dep��d��#!y ��a e�ch lo#. �t�rrn sewer - sinc� topngraphy i� �awnhii! fr�m th� str�et to the �r��lc, !�� 2 should provide an e�ser��nt (f�� �tc�rm) f� I�t 1 �� th�� �torm c�f� go t� 4he cr�ek. �or�ditiar�: �II �on��r�firat�d storrn water fr�m n�w cdnstruction on 'c�t 1 shal! �� cc��vey�d to the exi�tinr,� �re�H,fhroa�gh an e��e��nt fia b� pra�id�d in io# 2. �J� ather �ornm�r�t� or obj�cfiions have be�n receivEd. � �ECTS(J� �!I ,��a��i�Y ���1 �f��' r � T��la�k�n ��69�y F�r� ��� ����u� h�� r��r�e�nr�d �hi� pr��a���B ar�d h�� o�f�r�d th� �° f�all�eneis�g ���m�r+�: �cc��� ���dvvay to p�rc�l 2 �i�i�li b� �cst i�ss �h�n 7 5 feet � c� �rivable ��r�ac�. Hydr�nt sh�lf be �aith6� 500 f��t �f �II �ac�rtior�s e�f �t�ucture�. ��ab�it � pl�ns far review �nd appraval. � i Nc� ofih�r �o�ments ar objectior�� h��� b��n r�c�i��d. PLANNING CC7MNleS�lON FlNAL ORpEPi NU.96-05PC MLP 96-OQ09/�OtV 56-Q005-GRECPJ �AUE 6 � ��� ���o � ���r�� � ��������� � it i� f�rt��r ord�r�d th�t th� �pplic�nt a�d �he p��ti�� �� fih��� pro�ee�dir�gs b� n��if�d �f th� �e�try c�f�hi� order. F����E�: 1'his l�th day �f J�n�, 'i 99� by th� F�lar�nirag Comr�i��i�n of th� City� af T9g�rd. `� ` � (�ign�tur� br�x b� �,+) s � ....�__ � G t�ick'�!1!i o�, Gi�y �af�°ig�rr� E�fannarag �arnr�4�saor� Pre�ici�nt .. PLANNIPIG CO�Ati11SSION FIMAL CIFd[3ER NO.96-05PC 9NLP 9f:-��09/20td 9l'a-0005-GRECt} PAG�9 �����f�i��°�°!°R9P --� , ° ° m � . r.� � � � � � . � � , � W � � ii � ��o n � � � '� n. � � I � �' - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - ���� � _ - -,� � ���� ' � �7 �► a -�oP �a� � 17 �� t ��,. T s'�f"�e. � Bf t'� _ � � � �� � � � �•1 ��� � �'�b�c x�� °� r' � _�� '� n ca?,���� � � � ��� � � � -s a'�'.e .�. � v � Q' e � �� � � � � � �� l` qs�$� - - — e� �'�_ W � a � �.� '�a t 'di.j? o� � � � � �'a ao �t��'�- ��,-nie� c�„�m.e-a���- ��a� $. 5��� ��- � (!3 '� f� � � -- ..��° � � . . � � � � � �`�� � � `�� L � � �. � - - -- � . ,. i� ":'f, -;. ,. ;: =.><: . . . � -.',,;��.,. . : ` . � .��.; ... . �� � � . -. , ��, „ Yl.l►: ' i! �. � � ��. ��� . . �.. .. �� , �� _ �. .. _ _ . ,.. �� : ►<� ±.� , ,� r� � � � � � ;r.. �� � � � � � � - � � �, �. _ ` . . � � � � , ,, � _ . , ._ _ _ , � , � � � ` : . � �� - y, � .� , ; _ � � r:�..� � � � , .. . ._ � '` � _ . � � � ,: _ w : ; _ � � � _ � `� �._.: _� : � � � � _ � �u�� �� :` .;; .� �� � � ;�,. : � � � ,'.� ' M, ... .. .... . .. .� . .. �� � .. � . . : . �� ... �� �� � ... . . � ..._. �� .. .. � �•� ,r �� � .� ,�� � � �► _ . �� � . ; �. . a � i : . � � ■ : .. ., ;- : . ..� :.. � . � ,, . ,. - . .. , � �ri : �� . � � � � � ::, � � �. �� � � _ . _ .. . � � � '7 - � � .�. �� . �r .: r :�►:- � _. . � '�'',� :- . . � � r �� �� � �►, ! � � .. �► . . . . � � ;. ` �► �*�,�'� . . ;. �'"' ;�.; �; ,� �. � ��ti� _. ��} � �,,►�. r, : • � : � � � �� . r,.,.. . : .. '�� �r :. �► � r ► �. �. �, � �.� .. . � . . . . � �. a � . � � .. � �. -:. � �� •� � ■ .► •� � �_:'�► �_, . � r► � 1 , : � . � . _! _ . : ; _ _ _ _ .. � __ _ ... . ., �� . ,1k � ._ . . .�. _t. : . ,. _.. �w_� e . .�_. . . ... . . . . . ..,._ . ... _ . . . . . . _ . �..�. .. . . . . .�. .�. ti P�gend� It�m:�� , ���r�n [�at�: .�un� 'L7. 1��.T1�Ly:�O ��r��� ����r�°r �� ��� �������� �� ������� __ GBTY OR TIO,A�� F�� °�I�� ��°�"�' �� �t�A��, ������! � C.���t��R� �PPL��A°T.�� S� �l �����a F9L� 6�Ai�d�: ����C.� �C�9�P �.,�t�� ���1�6�6'� 6§��� �6�t���� � �ane C��ange ZOC� 9�-0004� �'R�f���aA�� �}�u a�c��t ��s �e,��r��ted: 1. A�i��r L��d Pa�f�tior� approv�l �o divede �n� (1) p�rc�l os approxir�nat�i� 1.27 �cr�s in�� �vvo (�) p�rcel� ofi �pproximat�iy 18,�0� �rad 33,600 squar�feet; arad 2. �or�� Change approval to desegr��t� 4h� prop�rty �vi�h R�.S zor�ir��. �A�P�I��NT': Lec�reard ��ec� Q1N���: �ame 21902 �VV�calur�bi� �CircCe T��iati�, O;� 97Q62 �aare���ir��a�s°�i`�� ��� �����6�I��°a��� L�v�. ��N6�9� D��i�NA�'iONe R-4.5. L�CA7°IC)N: 11�35 SV�f Fonner��reet; V�/CTNI 2�1 3eAC, 7°� L�T 1�0�?, APP�I���L� � F2��l��9 � ���T'��t6�: �omrn�nity C?�v�ie�prx��nt �ad� ��ap��r� '1�.50.05€�, 7$.1�62.0��, �q 18.162.050, ar�d 1�.'164. � � � ���T'I�� �!: ��'�F�'���Q ����..`��...��.� � e� �. � ., � �taf� rec�arrirn�nd� th�t th� �'6annir�g �or�r�nis�ic�n ��°�r� �h�t �h� pr�p���d �tt��car �.��� P�rtitior�/�on� Ch�r�g� wi!! �Q� ��v�r��l�+ �ffe�t th� h�a��h, ��f�� �r�� �u��f�r� �af ��� �s�y. �'h�r�����, �#�� ����iTi�-nei�d� API�����L,, �t�bja�� t� �h� ��I����ra� �ar�d��i�r�� �� �ppr�va�� Th�fin�i�gs �nd c�n�iu�ior�s �r� whi�h th� ��cision i� b���d �re nat�d �n ��cti�n : li/. a7/AFF REP(?RT TO THE PLANNING CQMMISSIOi� MLP 96-0QQ8/ZOR�9�0004-GftE�O PA�E 1 �����Tl�N� �2� AP�RC3VAL _ °T�i� Fd�l�L�UVB'E�� C�E��!'���b�l� ��1ALL �� ��'��5��l�� _ ��I��`�i'C� R�������9� 7°�i� ���°�I"fi�� ��7'e _ � �4.d���'���������.�0.������Ltsdg �lA���SeAl��t������:����l:�.i,F� 167���sY A'6b����:.� . ����tB��Y'llt� �d���f'�.119�t'!'������:����°��°�.' 1. Fin�l �8���p�li��ti�r� �ubrni�si�n [��q�airerr��r�t�: � �. °T'hr�� myla��r�pi�� of tl�e p�rti�ic�� pl�� �r�p�r�d �y � l��d �urv���� li�r�s�d fo pr���ice in C�r�g�n, ��d n�c�s��ry d�t� ar t�arr�tiv�:. �. Th� p�rtiti�n pi�t and dat� �r r��rrativ� �P�all b� dr��n tc� �h� rnia��m�rn �t��dard� �et��rtF� by�h� t�r�gc�n �teui�ed �t�tutes (��a 92.Q"), 1ni��hir�gt�r� �ou�ty, and by the City of Tig�rd. �. Th� right-caf w�y d�d�c�ti�� �ar ��/!/ F'o��er ��r�et, �o pr��rid� � �c���l �f�� f��t frorr� centeriine, �h�l! �e mad� �n the p��kffi�on �lat. 2. Prior t� �pprav�f c�f th� ���! piat, � publi� im�r�v�rrr�n� p�rmot �nd c�rr�p�i�nce �greern�nt `ss r�quir�r� #'�r thi� prr�j�c�. Fiv� (5) s��s �f d�tailed pubfi� impr�v�ment plans �nd pr��l� coo��trucfiion dr��nring� ���II b� s�a�a�nitted fe�r pr�liminary r�view to t�� �ngine�ring Departonent. C,r�ce r�dline cornmen#� �re addres�ed �and th�: plans �r� r�vised, th� d�sign �ngiei��r sh�ll �h�r� staPamit eight (8� s��s �f revi��d draan�iz�gs and �r�e (1) 'stemized �onsfiructio� +�ost �st�r��t� for fina! revi�vv and approvai (NOT�: d���e; p����s �re i� �, :li � tea ar�y drauvin�s req�.�i�ed by th� �u�Bdin� Dive�ion �nd �h��ld �r�iy in�i�d� �i�e�t� r�:leva�t ta ��bl�c e�n�r�v�nn�n��. F'ubii� erripr�v�r��r�� piar�� st���B cc�nforrrs �� Gity �f l°igard f�ubli� ir�pr�rv���nt C���ig� ���nd�.�ds, ��at �r� aoe�ilabl� �� Cif� F-�ail. 3. �'ri�r fi� apprc�v�l �f t�e final plat, �� �gr�era�e�� shal9 b��x�cuted by�h� �ppfic���, �n �orr�� pr�avidec� by the City, wrhi�9� waiv�s the pr�perty c�wn�r'� ri�ht �s� a�pp�s� c�r r�mon�fr�f� ac�ainst a fut�ar� Locai Improv�ment �i�#rict fc�rmed to 9rnprove �W Fonr�er Str�efi. � 4. Priar tc� �ppr�v�! of th� �n�E pl�t, a j�ir�fi �t�� �r�d s�aa�t�r���c� a�r���ent �6��lB be � �x�c�afi�d �n� rec�rd�d on �ity s�andard forms fc�r ali coms�on driv�w�y�. The a� a�r�err�er�t sh�ll b� ref�r�n��d �n and beca�m� p�rt o� �ii a�p(ec�bl� p�rc�l ���ds, � T'h� agr��mer�� �h��! �� apprar��d �y th� Er�gin�erinc� Deparkrrr���� �rEra�to r���rdir�g. � � 5. Ar� �r��ior� c�€��rc,B pl�r� sid�El b� provided �s part �f#he pa�Pic irr�prov�ment dr��ring�. � �°h� plan sh�Bl cc��fi�rrr� to ip�rvsis�n �'r�v�ntion �nd ��d�m�nt Cor��rol Pl�r�s - °f�chnic�l Guidanc� Har�dbn�k, F@bru�ry �99�4. 6. Plar�� appr�ved b� Tual�tin Valley F'ir� and �e��ue. A�cess drives i� �xcess �f 150 fe�� sh�l! provide f�r ar� ernergen�y vehicle turnar�und. �t�ff C�nt�c�: 1/1PilI i�'Ar�dr�a, �'lanr�ing C?iv�sion. . BTAFF REPOR7'�O THE PIANNlNG C�MMISSiON {NLP 96-0008/ZqM 96-OQO�-GREGt� pAr,E 2 7. AIR �c�n��r�4rat�;d �tc��°� ��t�r ���rr� r��w �can��ru��ic�� or� 6c�� � sh�91 �� �������d to the �x6sfing cr�ek�hr�u�h an �a��m�nt�s� �� pr�vi��d �r� 6�t 2. �. F���i��d �I�n thaf�Feovr�#he pr�a�i�i�n Qf a 1�-f�at�wid� pav�d dri��w��. J. R��rac�v�l of �h� ttvvvc� �xis#ir�g r��i��nc��. The �ppli���# �h�l! �b��i� � d�r��aB�t9q� p�rs�o�fre�m the �aalding Divisi�n. '���t���°°� °�k�� I���i���� �� ��J�b�������'��'��;'�'��;������sf9�� �: ����1�°��N� �i����,�����°1�����e 1�. Pr's�r �� i��u�n�� �� bc�i�d'eng ��rmit�, th� ��p�i���� �h�lE �rea�id� ��� �r��a��er�n� �ep���trr��nt wifh � re�ard�*d rriyi�r c�py of th� p��titQe�n �8��. � _ �"t�iH� A���C�'h�A�. ��]A1.�� ���i'Al�i� �o�� 1� �9�t�`�'�f� ���3�°������������ ��l°�C��T�B� ������t6��o °�"��� I�p� �AGK �� lNFO�.�I�°Ta��. ��istor�r: The pr�p�r�y �v�s anns�xed, hrt�rch 7, 1996 fihr��a�h dor��� �cti�an by the Po�t6�r�d ���r��ca9i��n �4r�a �.�c�! Gcae�ernrr�er�t �t��r�d�ry �eamrrias��ca�. T�pi���fy� p�op�oti�� #irst rec�ive ��n� Char�ge �r�nex�fiic�n appr��r�& �i����r�h th� �itv, at whieh �irr�e z�r�6ng o� ���9g���, pric�r tc� rn�kin� �ppli��fecan �t th� �e�r�d�r� �c�r���i��ic�r�. Tl�is �r�p�rty a��� �dc��� U� to �� a�n�x�tiQ� r�:qc���fi �t t9�� Bo��a��� ��m�si��'s�r� kha� had n�t pr�vi����y r�c�iv�d �or�� �hang� �Anr�ex�tion a�pr����rl. T��r�#nre, ��il� the �r�ap�rty is ��'i�i�liy � p�rt af�he �ity, if has not be�n as�igned � zc�r�ing d�signati�n. T�i� �ppl9�atior� reqs��st� fihat th� Planning Commissian ���igs� the �p�rc�pri�te ��aning d��igna�ior� t� thi� properfi�. 0/' ir�i Informa�in�: �. Prcap�rty fio the r7aafih ��d riar�h���t �re �or��d F�-�.5 and �re deu�is�p�ci w�th �ingB�-family � re�ide�ti�l d�v�lopi���nt. F're�p�rty t�a tr�� ���t, s���h and so�thw�s� �ire �anr�er the � � S�sri�dic�ic�c� o�f '�49a�hin�t�n ��t�nt�O ar�d ar� d��ae!ca��r� vvith �i�g���fa�ily r��id�ntcal � d�v�l�prv���it. ( � i s� �.i�l.�f�rr��ti�ro �rad �'ra���al i�escri�#i2n:. � � T�e 1.27 ��r� �i�� i� �urr��tly d��el�p�� w9th �hr�e r�sid��ti�f �truc#�r��. �°h� p�op�rty cora4ains a nu�rib�r �f rr��ture t���� �r►,d �r�e�tains � drainage�vay a� �h� r�c��#��r�n portion taf #he property. Th� ap�rlicar�t is proposing to d�r�n€�lish two of th� �fir��tures ��d t� par�iti�n th� 1.27 a�re parc�E in4� �o �ar�els af 33,600 �rr� 1�,90p �qu�re f�et. l"h� 1�,90� STAFF R�F'C3R7 TO 1'HE PL4iVMING CpMMISSIQN t�ILP 96dTQ0A/��fV y6-000�-(9REC0 F'AGE 3 � , . square fc��t I�t d�viil be d��r�lop�d wi�h a single-f�mil� r�sidenc�. `T"h� appii��o�t �BsA r.�qu�s#� � �o�� �h�ng� ts� d���gr��t� �h� prop�rly u�ith �r� ��4.� �R�sid�nti�l, 4.5 �r�id� p�r acre� ���aor�g d��i�n�te�n, th� rn��t corr�p�ra�le zoning t� VV��hi�gta� Ca�r�ty'� ��5 (Re�6d�ntia6, 5 unot� p�r a�r�� ��r��. '�h� d���gn����n i� nec���Bt�t�d b� th� ��und�ry C��rrr�is�E��'� ����x�t��n ap�r�val �hi�h di� ��� ���igr� � ���ir�� d���gn�fian. ���°���� ��� �..������.�..�.�.�I.�.����.�► �►�9D ��ND�6�t�� �0��'Li�6��� �lV�`i'E� ���ii��1�6TY D�V��L7��V9iEN��4t3� ��CTB�R9�: .��� �.��� ��r�o��c�� ������� ��na�����° ������� 9�.�62.A4� �c������ �� ��������� �����°�� �pp�o�a� ca°g����� ��r� �6�n�����a� ��r&��so�� �o "��� pr�pa��i �wnf�rs���nr�th �h� �E�9� 6P�������B1e�Iel�o 1°I��y �. �'he pr�pA�ed parti�i�r� coc�pii�s �rith ail �#�i��tc�ry �r�s6 �rd6n�n�� ��q�ir�rro��� �e�d P�g�19�t�ty�t�, �. Ad�qu�#� p��a�i� ��'��iB�ti�� �r� ���i�abi��� ������� ���p��a�l; 4�. �II ��°¢���s��d lo� c�r���rr� �o #h� �i�� ��d d6a������r��9 r�qt�ir�m�r�t� �� ��is �nfiaey ��d 5. AI� �������d 'smpr�v�rn��� r�eet ���y and app9i��bQ� �.gency �t.�r�d�rd� ��rd. �9-l�6; Ord. �3a�2)� �'�� �r�ap�s�E �c���fi�rrr�� �vith th� Caty'� ��s��r���r��i�� �l�ra �ra th�� th� r�e�nrly �r��t�� les# �vil! car�tin�a�; to �Il�vv for �-esidentiai dev�f�pm�r�t. This prc����al, ther�fc�r�, i� �Qt ir� c�r�fliGfi �vith the ��w �er��ity �'I�r� desigr�a�i��. °�'hi� prn�os�d partition �camplie� onoot� a�ll s��t��ory �r�d �ardin�r�ce requirc��er�f� �nd r�gulations as demorastra�ed both by th� �r��ly�is pr�se�#�� �ei�hQn fhi� �dmi�i��ra�ive de�b�ic�n ��d by� �i�i� ap�E9�atias� �n� r�vi�v� prc�c�ss. Adeq�at� p�l�li�faciBifii�s �r� a��il�bl�ta ser�e the propas�l or�h�6� be ��rsd's�i�n�d #c� b� prc�vided �vith tl�i� 2�ppr�val. ��c�ion 1�.9��.n50 c�a'ia9r�� �h� �'�wlawing �pe�i�l prc�vwsica�m� fc�� i�� ��°�a��d �hrough � �h� ��r�iti�� �s°s�����: � � �. L�e�t l9���th: '�"�� �a�sm�an� �eodth ez�� �h� bu�l�ing ��v�a�p�� �r�a �h�il �a��t �h� !o� � ° �• r�q��r���n������ ��p06��b1e zono�g di�tr��#, � � � 2, Lafi�ee�� °fhe 9�t �e�� sh��l b� �� �equir�d b� th� ��ap6���b9� ���6�g d���r9��. �� �a �he ���� �� a ��� 9��, �9�� a������►r�y w��y ��� �� ir��6�d�d irs #h� la� �r�a �aic�aiati��. S�'AFF REPCfR7 TO THE P'LANtdINC CCdM�u11SSI01d N1LP 9fi•000�20�d 86-OQO�t-Cs'ftFCO PAGE 4 1 R 3. Lot �r�ant���. ��ch t�� �����d thr�augh �� p�rti�ion pr�c��� �hall fr��t � p�t�li� reght-c�f v�ay by �t s��st �5 ���� �r I��v� a I�g��ly r��o����i ���ir�a�� °�a f��s4 w��i� �����a ��s�r��n�o �. :��t���i��: ��tba�k� sh�6f b��� ��c�e�sr�d �y�h� ���pi���l��orrir�� di�tri��� 5. Fror�t��rd �1�����ir�a�i�� fcsr �I�g �o#a W��� t�� ��r���o��d 0at �� � flag l��g �h� �lev�l�p�r ��g� det��rr���� #h�e I�ca$io� of �� f��nt y�r�P pr��vdei�d #h�t n�a ���� ��rd i� ���� #��a� 1Q ����a �t���te�r�� �h�l� ��a��r�Uy �a� �c����c! ��a a� #�a an����i�e ����r����� ���� �xi��6�� ��r�ac�����o �. ��r���er�g �� �'G�g L��o A ������ �h�s9 6s� pa�o�6d�d al�ng �h� ��op�� I��� o� a ������°���rd �a����� t��� ����d driv� ia� �r� �����se�v�y 0� 6c�����d with�� ��� ���� o�' �n �ba��6�� �o� o� �����d���� e���h ������s�� ��.�OQoq�O ��� ��,10Q.�90, S�r�e�a�c�g ��y �9�� �� r�q�ir�� �� ������r� pr����y f�r �ba��fii�� �e�t� a�r�l #a ���vod� a����l� o�td��r r�����te�ro aa�ea�� ftar pr�p���d ��v�9�pe��r�to 70 �a�� ����������� °Th� �r� �i��ri�� ��� r�c��ir� t�� i��t�i��tioe� ��' � �r� B�y�rant v�h��°� th� ��a��th c��' an ��������� uvo�a�d hav� � �N�trir��nt�l �fff�ct s�n fr� ��h�i�r� ����bi�iti��. �. R��i�re�c�E �a��m���: �iVi��r� � �o�s�t'�r� �riv� i� t� �� p�o�✓id�� tca �eov� mor� tn�� e�ra� �o�, a ���ipr���! �����n�r�t s�rhsch v��lt en�ure �c�Q�� a�d m�iratenar��e r�g9�� �h�ll b� r���rci�a� �reth th� �pprov�� p�r�6ti�� �a�p. �, A��������: ��y ���e���v�� ��aa�8 �r�a�p�� ���ii �h� ���d�rd� s�� �o�fih Q�a ������� ��.���, �vm���, ��r���, �r�� �;�°��at�t���y 10. F1�d I�s�.:. 1�l��e�� 1����9@ ���f�� c���r�lc������ �� �I@o��d ��4hAn �r �d����r�t �� t�� o��-hundr�dpy��r fls�odplai�, ��� ��� �h��l �eq�are �h� d�d��a�:6�� �n �cafifi o�.i�a�t ap�n I��yd �rea fs�r �reer�w�� �djoir�an� aa�d wiithin the �oodpl�i�. °�hi� ���a �h�Og g���aa�� p�artic�¢�� �t a �uf�bl� �I��oati�� for th� co���r��t's�r� ��a p�d��trian/bi�ycl� p���w�y �ifin th� �c�o�d����� �r� ���o�c1�r��� w�#�� ��a� �d�pt�d p�d��tri�n/�i�y�9e� p�th��� pl�r�. Criteri� � is sa�6sfi�d �s t�� r�inir�us� Ir�t widt�s �# lo�� 1 ��� � ar� 1�5 �n� �20 f�et �, res�ectev�fy, th�reby, �xc��dir�g th� 5��foc�t rnir�ir�um 0��widtt7. C�it�ri� 2 is sati�fied �s th� � lot �r�as �re approxim�t�6y ��,900 ��d 3�,3q0 s���r� f��t, ex���dir�g th� r�ir�ir�um ?,5�0 � � s�ninirr��arro lot siz� r�quer�m�nt. �rit�ria 3 is sates��d �� th� lot� ���f�ir� appro�irr��t�ly 105 o� a9�d �5 f��t caf �ront�g� c�n �1/V Fonner Str��f, s��is�yin� fii�� mi�em�rn �5-��at uvid4h '� �-equiremen�. A� ira�i��ted or� the prop�s�d p9an, �rs��ri� 4 i� ��fii�f�d �r� 4�� 2 �� sefib��ks � � ��� �r�vided i� �ccardanc� °�oi�h R-4.5 zar�ir�g s�tba�k�. Grit�i•i� � �hall �e ��ti��i�d �� � � p�rrei 1 a� setb���� v�ril! �� r�vi��ved �°.�h�r� it i� builfi u�c�n. �'h� pi�� �E��v�� th���h� �xi�t�r�� ! s�r�a�tures wiH b� r�m�av�d. 'The rerrgt�val �f fhes� sfruct�ares must be coa�ripl�t�d prAOr t� r���r�'sng t�� partitior� plat. ��i�ur� fio rem�v� th� middle sfir�actur� v��u�d r��ult ir� � viola�ion of�etb�ck crite�-ia. �TfiFF R�POR7 TO'�HE PLANNiNG GQftqMISSI�JN MLP 96-Q099JZ0�19S-OOtM-G'sREC� PAGE 5 Crit�ri� � i� ��fiis�ed �� iot 2 as th� �pplic�bE� ��tb��k� hav� b��� pr�vid�d. t�rit��i� 5 is ��t appla���i� tc� pa�r,�i 1 a� �t is ntat � fl�g lo�. �ri�eria 6 i� �o� appli�able as th�r� i� �.:� �xis#ing ciriv�way that serves the �xist6reg ho�se �r�d th� �'u�u�� hous� c?r� !at 1 v�.ill �h�re thBs �xi�tir�g drive��y. Flr� hydr�nts sh�l! �� �o�si�t��nt �ith l�niforrn Fire C�d� �f�n��rd�� �h�r�by, �atisfyi�g Critieri� 7. �outhw�st Fonn�r �tr�et is d�si�n�t�d �s a rninor c�llec#or �treet o� th� Cmrr�p��hen�ie+� �'l�o� Transp��fi�ti�n M�p. 1"h� �ity fimits �he r��mbe� af 4ndividu�l dr�ve��ys�h�t der�c�ly acc��s �u��� co91��t�r�. °fF�� ���vv��cr��t�d idfi wiil sh�r� the exi�tgr�g driv�;vv�y. A reciproc�I �aserr�ent and ��int u�e an� m�ir�t�na�� agreem��t shall b� ��c�rd�d wi�9� the �ppra��d lot iine adj�s�fine�t �a���y r�ap, tr��r�by, sati�fying �rid��6� �. -� Cr�t�ria 9 i� parti�lly sati�fi�d a� th� pl�n pro�eides fs�r a �s��r��n dri�e with � m��irr��am 15- f��t ��c���� w6��h. ��cti�s� 18.10�.070 �tates �h�� � ��ottir�u� p�ra���n� width af 10 fi��t a� r�quire� fior � dri��wa�+ ��rving tvy�a lot�. !n addi��on, a��s� dr��r�� ir� ex�es� c�� 15Q f��f in 9e�gth sh�l! �arQ�rid� for �n �m�rg���y e.��hiGl� turr�arc�und. �°ha� a��e�� shall �e � I��s�l, h�e�nm�r���d�car�re�¢a��d, p�v�d sa�ri�c�, with �a�h €�g ofi th� h��r�a��h�ad P��vir�g � mir�irr�urr� depth af�40 fieet and a rraanimum v►Pidth a� 20 fi��t. �'h� �pplic�n� sh�l3 preavide �r appr�v�d p(an, �or an �ra�er�er�cy v�hi�le fiurnaround, �'rorn �'�al�tiro \s'�Il�y Fir� �r�d R�s���. �rit�ri� 1 Q is r��t ��plic�bl� �� s��ifih�r p�rc�l i�u�ithin �h��a�dplain. Se�t�on ��.88.01 p (�olar Ac�e��} stat�s that all �a��ly �r�����f Ic��� �'sthis� fi�� �i4�r ofi Tigard shall �romot� �h� �a�� of r�n�wa�l� enc�rgy �ourc�� by pro�idi�� f�r ir�nproved �cc�ss tc� sur�light �'or r�sidentia! dweilin��. � ia� m�e�� 4h� b�sic re��irem�nfi i� i� has a norfh-�oia�h dimEr�sion of 90 fe�t or mor� and h�s � frant lofi lin� th�� is Qri�nted with�n 30 d�gr��s �f a �ru� e�st-west axis. As prap�ase�, tt�e nc�wEy �r��ted 1of vu�ilf m��t th� �asic require��n�nt as it provides a north-south dim�nsir,n af 9� f��� and ha� a firc�n� Eo� lii�� that i� cr�ien��d w�ihir� 30 degr��s of a tru� east-�es7 �xis. �'U�3LIG �'A�IL91Y CC�t�C��tN�: ��c�6or�a� 1&.7��.Q3�C�!(� ��tr��ts), 1�.76�.09�A (�ara�tarry ��vv�r), ar�d ��.16�.10Q (�torrre �ra�a��) �ha9� b� ��t����d �s spe�i�ed b�l�u�; �T'12E�'T�: Thi� �ifi� ii�� ad�acent to S°�d Fo�ner �to���t, �vhic� �s cl�s�0�ied as � mi��r �oil�c�t�r �e� be built to th� fo!l�wing st�ndard: 60-fos�t righfi�o�-�r�y ��ZQ�, �vv� 1�-�caot �r�v�l lan�s, on� 12-f�ot center fiurn lane, and �+�vo fiv�-fc�c�t sid�v�salks. At preser��, th�r� is only �0 fee� of tota! RCJi/�! �djac�n� to this site (2Q fe�t �ach si�� of cerf�rlir��). �he applic�nt, �s a p�rt of de��lo�ing this �ix�, vvili be req�airee� to ��dic��� �da�iteo�a6 �tC�1i�f ir� Fo�i��r 5tr�et t� p�ovid� 3q f��$ n�rth of c�:nt�rii��. Currentiy, Fonr�e� Street i� � fira�-9an� p�v�d �tr��t th�t is n�t built tra Gity �ta�dar�s, buf fu�ctions weii under c�rr�nt tr�#fc Boa�ds. �inc� this p�rtiti�n wild n�fi signQfi��ntly i�crease th� amount of traffi� c�n the roadw�y, the City vvill not require 4f�� �pplicant to mak� street improvem��±� at this t'sme. Instead, the applicar�t rrvil� be r�q�ir�� ta �nt�r into � r�an- remonstran�e agr�cm�r�t which wil! oblsga�fie fhe properiy ov�ner(s} t�o parti�i�at� Bn th� future widenirg of the ro�dway. STAFF REF'ORT TO THE PLANPdING COMMIB�ION MI.R 96-0008/ZOM 96-0004-G�:ECO P�GE 5 ,:,;. S,9�N!`TA►�lf��lM'�Ra Ther� 6� �n �xi�tin� s�igh��ina� pu�lic sa�ita�y s�wer Oine �pproxirrta��ly 10� f��� ��s� of this site that is av�ilable ta ��r�a� #he prapo�ed lot�. Th� �ppl4��s�t prapc���� t� ���¢�d th� publ9c lin� uv��t in For�ner Street to fihe we�fi bQUndary of th� sit�. l����rding #� Ci�y a�' built�, the d�pth�nd c�paci�y� �fi t�e s�w�r line �h�uld b� adeq�aat� go serv� t�i� prc�p�rt� �1'��19� ��S�JAC9�: 1"h� �mpo�rap�ay �f thi� �it� �lap�� �aw�rd �h� n��t�� ��tca � fo�ai dr�ir��g� c����el. Th� app9i��r�# h�s indicated �h�t th� ne� hor��s �ii! dr�i� tc�waed th� c��n��l. S°9°(3�� ��T°�R Q��L9�o �fh� C�ty ha� a�r��d to en�orce �ur�a�� W��er �/i���g����t (SO/VM} r�gulati�a��� e�t�biished by �he l�nified ��w�r�ge �genc� (�J��) (R��olution ��d C)rder No. 9�-47, �s ar�r�nded bgr R&� 9�-7�) tha� requir�� �he cv�str��tion o� m�-sit� v��ter qc�ali�r f�ciliti��. �°h� faciliti�� �hali be design�d tc� r�rna�� 65 perc�nfi of#h� pho��h�r�� corttain�d in 100 per��a�fi af th� storm vvat�r r�naf� �c�n�r�fi�d frc�r� r�e�fy cr����d irrtp�rviau� ��rf����. �--ic�uvev�r, in this c�se, th�r� �r� �xi�tir�� hc�m�� on thi� �i#� ae�d fh� appli��nt will r��fi b� r�guired to ad�res� this is�u�. � 63��+liV6� Aa�D ���S�Of� ���Vl'��.3L: �O�A R&O 91-�7 �i�� r���l�t�� �rosic�� cc�rat�c�l �o red��c� the amour�fi aaf ��di��s�t �nd a�her po6�t�fants re�ching the public sform and s€arf�ce v�a�er �g��t�m r�sulting f�orn r�ev�iopr���i, con�truc�ion, gr�ding, �x��v��ir�g, cl�arir�c�, an� �r�y a�h�� �c�ivity� vahi�h �c��l�r�te� ero�ion. �'�r F��a 9�-47, the applicar�� is requir�d to �ubmit ar� erosion c�r�4ro6 plan f�r �ity r�vieuv �r�d ��pr�v�l pri�r�� i���aarac� of Cdty permits. �OiVING DE�BGNP,�I�Ji�: �.an��drr�ents �o �h� T'i�l��.�_A�� ��cti�� 1�.�2 esf th� �ornrnunit�r Devel�p�ne�ret C�de set� �'orth st�rada�ds �nd �rca��da�r�s fi�r quasi judi�ial arnend�a�n� 7o t�� zc�nin� di�tre�t an��. �, r��or�tmendation o� a� decision to appr�ve, ap�ra�ve �sth �o�d�#ion�, �s� tio c��n� an appii��tocsn for a qu��i�ud�cial ar��radm�r�� �h��! i�� ��s�� ean ai6 ��tf�� #�9la��reng ��a�c��rd�: �'h� ��p�g��ba� �ompr�E�c�r��Bv� pl�n poio�i�s ��d �ap d��ogr��fian; �u�d �he ��ange �vi�9 no� �dv��°�ely a�'��� the h�alth, �af�ty �nd ��l��r� of th� coo��ur�6ty. Thi� s�c�ion is sati�i�ed �s the applicabl� plan polici�s ��lated fa th� proposal ar� r��✓i��v�d below. Th� sta�e�nrsd� pla�o�ing go�l� adopted �nder C)r���� ���i��� �t�tmat�� �hap#er 197, �r�til a��knowl�dgenent eaf #he �orrr�pr��en�iv� pB�r� ar�d ordi���c�s. Th� �'ig��d ��mprshe��iv� Plan h�s be�n ackr�awledg�d, th�refare, ��e�ific r�view af each st�t�wide planning goa' is not applic�ble. � STfiFF REFORT TO TFiE PL�ANNIPIG C�MMI�SION MLP 96-OOQ820N 95-0004-GREGO !'AGE 7 � <. Th� �p�li��bl� �t�n�ard� aff any pr�vi���r� �f �hia c�d� o� c��h�r �p�licat�l�a ia��0�an�nti�a� �rd������o AIO o�h�r ��plicabl� provi�i��� �r� s�ti�fi�d �s discus��� by fh6� an�iy�i� �nd revi�w proc��s. E�idl��E� of���ro�� �n r��i�h�orh��d �r c�s�mu�i� �r� mi�t�kt� �� ��c���i�����y ir� &h� �ornp��he�si�� pla�r �r z�ning m�p a� s� r�l��+� $o th� p��p�rty �hi�h s� th� � �a�9���c� of the c��v�as�pr���t ap��i��taore. T°h� ina��nsi�tency in th� zc�n�r�g rr��� th�t ��I�t��tca ��i� p�caperty ':v�h�f��t f��t t�� �c���dary ��rr���f���c�n ��prev�;d the �nr��xa4ic��, � �p�G9f� �t)�Bi�"1� d�SI�Il��6�P� �1/c�� 8��� �S�tC�B1�t� �5 �3i�P'� ()� ��� �911��3f�$Q��'i, �arod th� sit� �I���dy h�� � i�vv d���i��y Ccarrr�r�h�n�i�� PBan m�p d��ign��6or�. A��sgr�i�g � �p��i�c ��r�i�g d��ig���ion ��r���es �h� ir�con�iste�nc� ir� th� zo�ing ���ip. 1�� �t���:d b��o��9 �h� �p�cific FZ-4.� ��n� t� b� ��s@greed aS dEC$���� ��° �O�I�:i�� iCl ��1� �6�j/'� C��preh�ro�i�� PI��, �ity �c��amc�r�etg� €�e��lc�p��nt ��d� ��d �h�: 1����n P6�n�6r�g Ar�� Agr��m�nt ������ �1ash€�g�on Cour��y ar�d the �ity. � ��$����o in�olv��e��: P�9��� �.°I.�i �t,�t�s th�t �h� �Rip� $hal9 mai�t,�i� ara �ango�ng ��tiz�r� inv�9verra��t �r�gr�r� ar�d �ha�l as��a�� ���� �d#i��ro� w�il �� �r�vBs��cf a� ap�o�ur�ot� t� k�� �rav�lv�d 6n all ������ �f th� p0ar�ni�g proc���. °Chis ��licy is ��a�i�fi�d b�caus� r�c�tic� c�f fhc� p�blic h��ring ��� �r�vid�d t� ������ of prop�rf�wifhara 2�0 f��:��r�� v►ra� ��blish�� i� a n���pap�r e�f�en�r�l circ�iatior�. ��,: ��9icy �0.1.� ��fi�� th�t �a�ar� �n���x�ta�n �# ia�� int� 4h� Gi�/ �hi�h ��rrE�� a i�/ashirag���a �ca�n� z�a�6a�g ���ig��tAO�e �h� �ity �ff °����rd �ha�a �s�Agn th� �ity of'Tigar� x�n�i�g distr��t ���6g��fi�� �n►�aa�h �a��� �����Sy ���f�P�� ts� fih� Coun� �oning �es���a�tBa�r�. T'hi� poiicy is s�fi���d �� �h� �ify R-4.5 (Residen��al, �.� units per a�re/7,50q square fc�ot mir�imur� I�t siz�� �c�r�� �s t�� �3�s���zor�e�ca t���IV�shing��r� Cc�u�� �?�5 (���i�en�ialo � ��ifi� �er acr�r?,��'�d G�111lI[[fl�llYl �Ea�SI���' �f7�1�. ������P� �: C�Pi°�l�� �1°��'F �OIVInRF _I� °ih� �9t,+ c�f�ig�rc� ��o6d�r�� �i�ri�i�o�a h�� �°��rBe�r�d t�is propo�al ��ad h�.� �afE�r�d the �a���wi�g corr�a��nf,�: it �ppe�rs t9��� vvater �nd �a�itary �rill �e� indep�r�d�r��ly to �ach lot. �tc�rm sevv�r - �ince to�o�rap�y i� downhill fro¢-r� th� �fir�et to the �r��k, lcat 2 shau8d prta�id� ar� �a��m�r�t (�or �fic�rrrY) fi� lo� '� s� �h�t �torrn c�n g� �o th� �����. Cor�dition: �4f! c�er�c�n#�-�t��l �t�rrr� wart�r frorn new con�tru��i�n on iot 1 �hall b� �Qr�vey�d tc� the exi�ting �r��k thr�ugl� �r� �asem�nt to be pravided in !o�2. �!o o�her c�mm�nts �r��j�ctson� h�v� t���n r��eived. ST41FF REPART TO�'HE P1..6\NNING CQ�MMI�SIOPJ MLP�-O60E3/Z(yN 98-Q�k4-GRECO P�4GE 8 ����5���0 ������ �������� ��al�ti� !#�I��o-y Fi�� ���8 ��aa�u� h�� r�vi�w�� #hi� p�o����! �a�d h�� o�'�r�d ��� #o�8��sir�� �o���ra�a �+c��ss r��dr���+ �� p�r�l � �h�01 b� r�c�t B��s �h�n 1� f��� �r��+�b�� ��srF���. Hydrar�t sh�61 be within �AO fe�t c�f �!I �car�'s�s�� �� str�c��s���. ��br�it �fa�� ��r �e�i�w�c�d �p�r���i. N�� ��h�r��mrr��nts or�bj�c7ion� h�v� b�+�n r��i��d f ���.�.,�,�e� ���� �t��. ��9� � ����A��� �1(: �@li�r� �°�r�dr�� ��°°T°� A��i���s�t Pl��ne� , r �t.�Ac��' �.�._G��e.��_ � � ,�E�i9�1� �,�'��..�.�.� AF'�ROVE� �Y: �tiGha�d ���r�rsd� C�AeTE Pi���ning IV1�n���r I:\C U RPLM?ATMMLF'-DEC.DOT � � � � 1'°° � � � � � ST�+FF REPORT TO THE PIAPlNING COMEVIIS�iO� tVII.P 96-()008/�aN 96-W04-GREG(? P�G�9 -� �� � . � , � � I � � � � � ��� I ��� � � � � + � ���� ����rD �► '� C�� �� ` � . � � � i - ' g � i ' � ;���4�c�'v.�;�.��t�l m�� � � I � � �� � I b � pa , H i � 6�aas� `v � R"�� � � � �, �� p`` � tS IiS� 4� ��a � i i � I o � b F P `a � � � a ����OC� � � 4 3°� I � b 1 � � ! � 3� � A � `, r f � b � , 6� 3R y� �. � � `�� f F � p E. N� p � ! e� e b8 . ¢ 6" � R � �e �'�c p �� sa, � �� 1 l � Edq�. i ��.�._._..a.�._ "°"'"_'_'�.'� � �,. � �� � �A�E �O� ; � �.� ! � °T ��' ��� va�� � � ����� TRE�S: f==Fir C=�ed�r IV3=�9�pl� , _ .. ... . . _ ,.: �. . , , .. : - , . � ,w , �' - . .. , ; ,. � - _ , _. „ , , , . . . . `, � ,. . : . : , �. . ..; ��- - - � ,. � . ' ;. _. , .. .; . ,_. . _ _ ;' . ,; ,�: 5 'u�" 'L.iS. `:�4. �. ��' �: � � ��I. � � � , � � �� . .,, �.'► : _ � . - ,, _ _ � � � ., � _ ;r �, ,� � � � � � �.. �� : ��, � � �. � �. � .', '���. � � � � . 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RE���'�. ,����d'.the�o�?p�ehei�sa�v��'la�e a�m �d���ar����p oa� e �7.5��rwss 1���a�a�3.tv�p�cc:�ys wes�af S:�Va�a �#c���V�'�raa"s;���a �f S,VV.��tt�ie�'St�ees.�"he apQ�icatas�n����rs te����ng�tk��:���ra��.� �cr�s„�laz�$;��li,�l�v�., f�o�'��sii�ea����i139C�!R�SAI'�C�it�i�dJ�p��4�? l��diui�:H��ns�ey�t�sic#ent��iJit-7,'�ir�d td eh�ng�'�he,�v�3��rss lg������ �'eo��14�l�n5ity"laesid�nliglJi�.�4.r,t€�M�xeim l��a�Ai�,�t�side�a�a�/.�.-?s L��ATI2��1:,�V�st of�iall��ul�ws�d and��a�tn c��Sat��.Stc�:�, � AFF'LI6;�➢3��:��Y��W'�F�I'Y'�E�3I�•.Gac��irahea�sie+�.�'1�1p psi�ici�s 1.�,2(�),Z.fl.�.,6.�.�.��.1.�aatd`��.2.1(Z},���tta�a�,ety���1s� tr��tlt Cs�e ch�pt�rs 18.2.�anci 1�.32;a�d�Clre e�e,�.dr�a�ais��iv�Ra��es�h�p�r 6� �'s�as�€�r� �.2.�Q1��:R-4,5�Sa���e���mafy,.��sadent��t�'�1���vs�an�,���- €��l�det,�ched unie�,manufacf.a�r�d tac�m�s,,f�i��s:f�a�y d2b��e�,�ri� ����F&i��a� �ses s�.ch �S �a���� ���'a�l, �tt�s�6��r��s���s;€��.�����`. raa��� a'�]e�3c��s�s�rrRbly an�s�hao9§ � ��,�1�Iq�t�pl�����y.,'�Tge���nds�i�i���rwu�. Sn�����fa�oily detaG�ac�€and a¢t�ched um�s,�lu,��ex urai�s,r���ta�l�������' ,f ��i��`�esider►laai c��ff�c�lb�ies�ta�a;bal��o�a��p�l�s u�ad�suba�av�Sic��e�. , ��b1iW',supgcse�a�ii�am�1�+�ay:':c�r��ei�r�ce�`an����nditaaf��Y'?u�s�t��ryR� ��Fi�i�}�IIIIe��'t'.GC�2ICIOII,i0V1�d�EtS A5S£ilibRy,s�}ii�fls,;�qs�it�fs�g�9�:sea�a, ' $P.c'��.`�H'8��C1�94iC5.� , �r �� ,,�•l� +' I � ' ' �r � � 1 .+_.`� �y '' _; ' �.°6"�� ' .� . .. . 1 ppp*�1 � , '�� �� �. �rJl ��..��^ -'.,�����. �1 r I , " � � � — �+ • ' ' I �J �� .! I ' / a� ' ��� � � .0 . '- . �� Y� t I i 1 i 1 � � ��� ` � y 1 �_�e I �� F ���J�,.I I• . . �f1f�./��-�—� ��(\�,.� � i ��,� � '�J � ���� �j��� 1X��y\y��`��-� �+'`—��y� I���. + � �/.,�' '�7y � I i �---� {� �1��J� � � ��-' � �"rt�...1��"h...__r_.r�;,_k....� i ""f t, —_6un�F�ii--�'_�L,� I i..�._.r�.p"��L_.J i!�.i'.�� ���.....,.�w � I—rr—� �^---- ---"---�.i r'_"'"'�-- � ';� � . , � � � ,��� ,-�, ; , I I I"°�i�,�'; � , , , - — -- � �.:.��aG.m.«�.«�vs,�►�. �.n wawAa+..�a�n*.�.�e u.�q Vtcinily Map wcw�nlnd►w�naw.o-�•jPa I iVate:Mep Is not4o scale � r•,�„„x e wa�.w.�a...K �N -. cnYNarpv�n.ui�rRq,� � , T 1�$��-��bl�u�ll�i711e Fe,��>, •�' a, . � . 9 .. ' . ' .. tl ��� � T��i�° ia��V�i�v�.� �i�iV`� � �»� � ����w�� ������ ���t��: � � o�s ����� � �� ��r ,�� . �� ���� �r z� .�� � �rr ���.c��+� � � ,���� �. �� � ��t �: �. z ��� l o.�.� ��°� a� � �:�� , ��� i�� ��� ��c��: C�� �'� -� 6C'��� � z�v� �- oa� �� - - c;o o � � ��.���c . ,����. ' -� - , . ,�,GC� ��L , �� c- C �.t-.-i � P��� � �Y'�J� �' .����5� 1�� ��YY��� X�J� � ��I�E _ _ ��..�e...__.�_�.m��a�a���.���� - �: ��,w� �� .� ��r��p� � ��E�1°�"k� €� ° ������1) _�,,� __����m.�m���mw��a����d��.����������.�:�p..�a�.. �r^este IVassas/ �Zi,�� aa� �,��ti�.t�dasasse/A�ss/�BP&.A�nJ �T�ffi�: �f�Yr�n I��Fs-�y,,,;, ! ��F�,�C t,'t�i C_ N�eo . .... . ....o � Ar3c3�r�.�so 9=1-a � �w 1�•J �� I�,�u� .�-� .�d�s°��s: � �t�l�t,��''�.i�: ��'�lC��'`f�avt c� (L `�"'j'Od g E;it�'/�f,at,�l�z�a: Z��sn�e �� ` ., ?r,� C' �.� �/f�' �T�e° , s �ddre��: ��� ,��- �� ,� l�dc3s�ss: ' � �� Citvl��t�i�s° / ,��`' ��. `� ;����, Citv/Sta�fi.t�.l�Liv• ��,o,�,� � � � I+�am�s���_��.',w.,.. �"��:�"�.� ,�--� N�.e: , �. Adcir�s� ��t ��� � "�'P�+ '`�' � '�' Addz�ess: �- Ci�"vJ5tat�i�: �+ �.t �� ��.. �'� ,� "�'�- �it�v/Statel�i�: - � � � � � IVa��: � �Ta�me: ..� � r�.ddr�ss: � t�ddress: �..�. � �d Ci /,tafi,�"�i : Citv/St�te./Zi : Pd�n.�: N��ae�� .A,dcl�s: Addx°�ss: ��/�tatel�in: Citv/5tat�l�i.n: h:���ti�,�m�,�.,�� ��er��a it��,: l5,.�,______� N��aring Dat�. .luro�,��.� 7��QP6�1 ' ��,��� ������:';�� .��� ; _. ; �������� ���������� ; , � < ; ; ��a�r�c�n�� ,> ' ��� ��� ��� ��:������� ������;:: ����°��� 6° ���t�l��°T�QR9 �t� � �,AS��: Ff L��PJAfVI�� ��T�'� C�rnp��h���ae�� Plan �►r�+��a�m��t ��A 96-Q�O�/Z�F19�TOQQ�/ �D 9��000� PROPO�AL.:Th� applic�nt has requ�st�d � cor�preher����e �E�n �mendrner��, zo�re �hange �rsd planned devefopment overlay �rc�ra� Low �en�i�y �e�i���iti�l/f�-4.5 fio �iledium D�nsity �esid�:��i�ll�2-7(P�) or� 1�.52 acre� �nd � �one �h�ng�; an� pl�r����d de�eB��am�n� overla�r from R-12 t� R-7�PD) or� 9 �cre� o� pr�p�rt� �t the �authw��t cr�r�er a# Hall �oulevard �r�d Sai�i�i•Stre�t. AR�LlCA�1�': fU�a�rix Dev�lcpm�nt Camp�n� Q1199�id���o Edward J. ���tl�r, Jr. 6900 �Vis Haines �8�q �W��9�i�r Str��� Tic�arc�, OR 97223 �igard, �9R 9�224 Liili�n �. �atti�r 1524a �W�°iall E3lvd. , 'i'igard, �JR 972�4 CQR�PR�H���94'� l�L�N ���I��B�'T��N: fVlediUm L�ensity Residential (� acres� �nd Lnw Densit� Residen�ial (��.a2 acPes) ��RJ�N� ���IG�I/�Ti�l�e R-12 (9 �cr�s) and R-4.� (18.52 a�res) l���Aa�'I�Ne VVest of H�IE �o�levard �nd s�r��t� �f ��ttl�r �tr�e� (VV�T� ��1 19 DA, TA1i L(�T� �Q0, 20� a�d 3a0�. �►iPPl����,�L� l��VIE�Pi ��tB°f��l�,: Com�reh�r�siv� Plan Policies 1.�.2(2�, 2.1.1, 6.1.'i, �3.1.1 ared 12.2.�(2); Cornm«r�ify D�v��opr�ent Code �hapt�r� 18.22, 1�,32 �nd 1�.80; and Qregan Adr�inistrative Rul�s Ch�pt�r 66Q Div��ion 12. STAFF REPORT CPR 96-0004 Page 1 �����.���I�° S�l��� ������/4����.�. �t��f rec�rnm�r�ds �hat the Pl�r�raing Car�r�a�sior� fi�d� #hat th� pr�pos�d �m�ndr��n�lzon� chas���/c�v�rl�y �atisfies all rel�vant r�vi�w critera� and wili na� adv�r�s�l� af�ect th� h��ith, s�fety and ��wfar� c�f 4h� �6mr�unity, ar�d that it fQrw�rd � r�comm�nd�tion to the �ity �ouncil for AP'Pt���BAL. �f C'�A 96�0004/Z�3N ��-00036�'a �s-oaoz. • :������ oA�w ������;���� �������°�°��� ��f� �s�t�r�✓: 1°h� �r�far� �i�t�, �car�sisting �� 2?.52 ��r��, �r�� ��+n�x�d fc� th�: �ity ir� fV9arch c�� 1��2 a�d d��ign�t�a �s 9��-b�n �.�w [����ity �i�h �ona�g of �m5 (�ast�sn 9 ����� �f s's�e in��u�ing tasc iat :��QO ar�d tv�e�-�hirds nf lot 1�(�) ��d Ft-7 (vvest�r� 1�.52 acr�s of si�� inc��di�ag tax 60� 2�0 �nd or�e�third �i Icat 100). A� �h� tim�, i�-5 d�noted �,000 sq�a�r� f��t menir�urn lat �i�e �r�d i� equ�valent fi� th� City's curre�t F�-7 (7 �ar�its per ��re/S,UOQ �q�aaee �'oo� minien�a�); �-7 d�noted 7,Q�0 squ�re foot rninirriurn lot �iz� and is equi�al�s�t to fihe �it�'s c�arrent ��4.5 (�.5 units per ��re17,500 sq�ar� fao� r�ir�irreurn�. The c�rr�nt zoninc� m�p, ther�fi�re, �hcsuld show the �as#ern portion of the pr�►perty as R-7 and the vu��f�r� pa�tiran as i�-�.�. Flowe�✓�r, the e�st�rn parte�an is sh�wn �v F�-12 (12 ur�it� p�r �cre/3,Q5� �qu�r� foo� mer�imum 0ot size). See b�lcav+r i�nder ��cfion B!/, f'olrcy+ 1.1.2 �or �xplar�atidn �� fihis dis�r��ar�cy. Ti�ere have been no �ther actions stafF could fr�d r�l���d t� tha� prop�rty, incl�dir�g a �e�n� change frorr� R�7 (�'��rreerly 6�-5) tc� �-12. �/�itv lnf�rrr� i n� The three ��'ect�d p�rc�ls ar� lo���ed e�st of F��i! �ou8ev�r� an� sou4h c�� S�ttle� Str�et (�Attachment A). The g���p�r�i�� fia th� r��r�h acro�s Sa4tl�er Stre�t ar� c��siq�ated �s Low C��n�ity r���id�n#iai �rifih a �c�r��ng �f 4����.5�F��}; tc� ��� e��� (a�ra�s H�II B�a�le���d), so�th �r�d we�t ��� �rApe�tie� dc�ignat�d as �ii��i��n D�r��it�r Ftesidenti�l and zs�n�d R-7. ,�II of t�e�� �r��� ar� d���elc�p�e� �� �ubd; '���r��. O�e p�rcel ir�a�raedi�tely adja�ent to the site along Hai6 Boulevard tc� th� so�th i� zoned R-12 �nd contains a sir�gle- famil� residence. ���nformatio���� Pro�Q��� �ri i r�� T'he `L' shaped sit� �� comprised of three fax lofis. ���c�i 100, abutting both �iall ar�� �a�tl�r, �� 12.�5 �c�es v�eifh � singls-f�mil� re�iden�� a�d farm buildir�gs; th� rernaenc��r is np�n gr�s�l�nci, P�rc�l 200, th� a�v�s�ern � pc�rtion �f the sit�, i� 1�.57 �cre� �nd �sed �s p�sfi�r� (and. t� sir�gl�-f�rnily r�sid�nce i� � located in the r�orthw�st se��ian c�f the p�r��l. Parcel 30Q, la��t�d �Ic�ng �i�ll E3cad�l�;vard, t- � is 0.30 �cres anr� ce�ratair�s a sin�l�-f�rnily resir��n�e. There ar� fw� id�ntifi�d w�t8ar��� c�n � �he �9ie �ataiing 0.78 ��r�s. �he� t�av� b�e� d���rib+�d �y �he City's �.oc�l �etl�nds � lr�ventory a� f�rrr por�ds v�rith �c� a�ij�c��it tre� v�g�tafinn, the �hra�bs tot�i6y gr�z�� 4�Y � c�ttle and er��r er�t v� etation �� not �eca nixabl�. Th� �ave �ec�iv�d the iov►s�s� � 9 9 9 Y ,,,°�,, fiunc4ianai va6ue of any we��l�s�ds in the �ity. F�r�h�r, in a lei��r frarva #h� DiviSie�n of �tat� Lands to the ��plic�nt'� w�tiands c�an�ultant, dat�d May 16, �996, th� �ivision's V�/�tlas�d� Pr�ogr�rri Leader r�f�rs t� these �vat�r b�dies as �tock pond� ar�� sfat�� tha►t th�r� is na vvetlarrd are� surrcaundin� th� ponds. � STAFF REPORT CPA 9fi-0004 �age 2 � �t�e �p��ic��t r�qu���� � corrspr�h��sioe� pl�� s�a� �r��ndrvy�r��, z�s�� ch�r��� ��d pBar�ned d�v�E����n�o�d��1��frar� �.�w ��r��9iy �e�ider�tialff�-�4.�to ��di�rr� ��r��i�r R��id�r�f9a!/ Rm7���) or� �h��a��t��r� '��.�2 ��r��s �r�c� ��o�� �h�r�g� �n� �l�e�n�d dev�lc�prra�nt e�v�rl�y �'r�rr� �-�1� �a R�7(�'�) o� th� ���tr�rn 9 �cr��. A wr�tt�n �arrati�� h�s ���� �ub�i�fi�d by ti1� applic�rat ir� s�ppart�a�th� u-�q�e��. i��h� �rc��c���6 i� �ppr�v�d, th� �ppl�cant ha� ;� l ���r����d � d��ir��o de��;lc�p � n��-tr�dita���l ��abdi�ision �r� the �ite. �"h�r� �r� r�� pl�r�s c�r s€�krrrai�tai�, h�v���er, ��I"��Et°16t�� �O r� �t.l�dl141S601"1 a�ilE'I��7fY11GCit�15 ��t�����1lS ���YIl��$I��i. , � � � CC3�If�LiAN�E l��C("N ���F�R��l��l�li/� F��iV �'CxL9�B��: ��s�_�a6 �.��. ���@�� °���o� r�qa�ir�� �h�� �� c��s��r t� �ppr��� ����9��d����9 �h��g�� t� fh� enr�pr�F��r����+� pl�n �a�, the �m� �o�anc's� �a��t f�ado �. '�h� �h��ag� �� ��nsi�t����sth appli��bl� �at�n pol6���s; 2. � �harag� of p�y�6c�� ci�curr��tance� l��s o���rr�d �ir��� th� r�rig���� ���ic�n�t���, ory 3. A �i�#��Ce u��� rnad� i� t�� �r��ir�a6 I�r�d ��e d��d�r�����rro. ��h� p�a�p���d �arr�p��:9��r����e �l�r� rn�p ch�r�g� frorn Lot� De��ity �� t�o��;di�am D�n�ity F�esider�tia! is �ar�si�fen�with all ap�licabfe plar� poBi�i�� �s�e �eloNe). Th� �ppli��nt rro�k�� c�se� both �Fcar � ch�ng� c�f physi��9 cir�urr��t�n��� �r�d a rr�i���k� &e� e�e�t #his criteri�n. The ch�r��e �rgume�t is b�s�d �n twc� c�rcumsfar�ces (s��: �ppiic�ar�fi ��ab�i�t�f, p�g�� 17-2�). �fi��F ���� not ccar�sed�r ��� �r�� cir��m�fi��c€� tr ca��t6t��� � phy�i��i c;han��. T'h� �pp@i�a�� �tat�s that an R-�2 a�e� ��a�f����t �af ��� sit� has d������a�e� �� �ir�gl���'�rni6g� E�or��� vvith �rraalf�r lot� t� � density s�f apprQxir�n���fy ��;v�r� units �n �cre �r�ly. Thi� �s�y b� th� cas�, haw�ver, it is no� a physicai ch�nge �vhich is c�u�c� for a zane chan�e �o th� affie�t�d si#�. The dev�lApment a� s��en unit� �n acr� is �iiow�d �nd�r F�-�2 zoning. The �ec�n� �rg��ie�t, ba��d �sr� a ��a�° r�;�e�a�m�nd��ic�n �e� fh� Pl�nr�in� Corr�rr�i�sio� ar�d Citiy Cc�urscal in 19�7 fic� `upz���' th� �Z-�.5 p�artia� of th� �a�e, which was r�eni�d, c6airns �hat th� find�n�s gi��n at the ti�t�a� ar� �e lor�g�r�s�lid d�� t� �h�ng�d ci�eumst�nc�s. A der�i�d r��c��nm�ndatio� for � �it�-initia��d �€�r�� ch�r�g� bg� � if��i� dr��s rr�x qEa�lify� fear � phy�i��l ch�ng� cafi cir�e�rnsfan��. �ta�' agr�:��, hc��€��a��, ���� � whang�s have taken place sinc� th�� pc�rtior� of fh� si�� was ��ned €�-�.5 �vhlch er�hanc� i�� e� �bility ta accc�tnmc�dat� rrsediur� dc�r�s6�y hou�6�g. �inc� �h� sit� va�s a��igr�e� (�-7 (�q��l � tc� c�arrenfi R-4.�� �or�ir�c� in 1982, th� fio4l�wing irnprc�v�rra�nt� t� fih� tr�r���ortati��i �y���m � that serves th� setc����� g�i�t�r���6 �nd i�pl�s��r�#�e�: � � � intersectaon irriprover�er�ts (19�9} and siyr��! irrst�(l�tian (1992} at F3��'st� $� Fi��l; � V1Eadening of l�urham �Caad betvv��n �s�mm���ld and H�II (1 J90); e ililsdenong of [3urhar�n Ro�d beivv��n H�II arod �pp�r �3o�n�� Fe�rr�+ Ro�d (ea�rr�r�t6y under �ar�struc#ivn). s Trar�sit ssrviee inifiiafied by Tri-rnet �I�ng Hall B�ulevard (1993) Y Sl°AF�R�FORT CPA 96-000*1 �age 3 4 Th� �e�� r��arn� rne�t� �il crit�ri� �or fUi�dium E3en���y �under the Compr�h���ive Rlan'� Lo���iar��l �ri#eria ��ction (s�e Lo�atior�al �xgt�ri�, PoP9�y °i 2.1.1(2) b�lrsw). The ��pla��r�t s��t�� that a mi�take h�s b�en r��d� ii� th� zoning de�igna�icar� c�n th� R-�2 ���t�r� ��rti�� of th� si�e (s�e �pplicatio�, ���� 20). �taff �gre�� th�fi � ra�istak� w�� r�ad� ir� �h�ngdng the Compr�h�nsiv� Plan �nd �oning �'rar� l9rban Louv �er�sity/R-5 t� �/I�di�o�n C����ity/�-1?. F2-5 is a farm�r C�ty d�sign�tir�r� which r�c��n� 5,OQ� �q��r� fc�at mir�i�u�rs ��t �i��s �nd a� equiv�9��t to fih� c�arr�r�fi �-7 desir��atic�n. Th� �ity Gpuncii init9at�d ��n��ation �f�his �it� in �ug��t s�f 19�°! �rtc9 �s�ig��d R-5 z�nirag. �'�� ���n��� Comt�is�is�ra �pprc�u�d th� �r�r�exa�ia�o rec�u�s� in �tlar�B� �� 1��2. �'h� i�g�:rim �+�r�i�g ��� c�f 19�3 a�d �li �nr�ir�g rn�p� th�re�f�l��, hov�v�v�r, sh�aw the �a�t�ro� pa�rtit�ra �� �h� sit� �on�d �-12. ��a�f cou�d fiirrd r�ca a�i�ial r�cord, incl�dir�� s��fiF r�pc�� �r�d �r�ding�, re��rdi�g th� r���ning �� the� �r�� fror� R-5 t� �t-12. Fc�r this re�son, �t�t� b�6ie�r�� th�t �r� erros��er�� r��c�e in re��sogni�� �E-� �-12 �or�i�� fc� �his �it�. , .��.l�' R.��L4.aL���r�e�t: F����ay 2,°�.1 ���e� th�� th� C�ty �h�ls ��i�t��a� �� o��+aing ��tiz�n i���Av�rtn��� Rrograan ��d ��a�I! ���a�re �hat �itiz��� vvill �� �rsra�ided �� o�p�artu�i�y �� �� ir�vo6v�d ir� alE ph�s�� �f th�e plar�r��ng proce�so Th� natic� �or th� plan�9ng Gc��rorr�is�ias� h��ring v�as sent#o ��rro�or�d�nc� pr�per� owners within 25Q f��t og th� a�f�ct�d prcap�rty, posfed a# Tig�rd �sty l�a6l �r�d a�verti�ed in � lac�i �°i�v�osp�p�r. In �acic�iti��, th� applicant provid�d �otice of �r�d ccar���ct�� a ne9ghborhoracl m��ting as�i NBarch 19, 19�6, for property t�wr�er� e��tP�in a 25(�-foo� r�di�a� of the af#�ct�d pr�p�r#y �nd other - in�er��ted ��rties. Ti his palicy i� satisfied. �la������a� ��R6�� �.�.� :�:.�t�� th�fi ��� �i� �I��li p�o��d� �ra �p�z�r��n6�� fo� � c�ie+�r�it� �f �e����r�� �i���iti�� a�d re�i��r��6a@ �rp�� �� ��ar���as pr6c�� �r�d r�r�# 0�v���a It i� pr-im�riiy ir�iplemer��ed �r��o�gh OAR 660�07, the Il�efirQpolitar� �9c�usar�� �2u1�. �"h� r�ai� r�qs�ir��s �h� ��t� �►ai�tain �u�iei�nfi r��idsrr�ial b�iO�Eab�� 4ad�d ts� prc��ri�� �he o�partun�ty f�r �� least 50% e�f ��uv a�nits tca be �tfached �ingie family or m�iti-i`amily housing �r�d tc� provide fo� a� ov�r�ll de�sity r���te� uni�s per acre. ��c�us� fi�� R-7 �a���!g dis�ric� is ir��i�d�d in fh� range of �oning di��ricts (F�-7 through R-40) used k�y th� City in #h� c�lc�lation o� afitaeh�d sQroc�i�-f�,mily or rr9c�lti-family ho�asir�g, th� n�# �fff��t �af the zor�e change vvo�aid r���l# in ar� an�reas� frca� 77°l0 �0 78°/a of n�v�r urait� b�ang of this typ�. �r� �ddition, ther� wa�ld be c�ne �d�itie�n�! ur�i# of he�u�ir�g added tsa the �it�'s i�v��t�ry �e�ci�r th� propo�ec# r�zan�. The prapo�a9 wo�slc� �o�, fiher�fare, aff�ct the Ci#y'� ��rr�n4 h�usir�g oppc�rtunity ind�x �� 10.46 c�nifi� p�r��r�. This poli�y is s�ti5fi�d. � � �'r�n��c��r� - T°ra�ic Vii���: �ol�c� �.�.1 ��i��� th�t �h� Caty shal� p���r� for a� s�f� � ��d ��`A�'s�n� ��r��t �r�� r�a�d��y �y�fi�ra�a �hafi m��t� �c�r���� r���d� �n� ���i�6�af�d � f�t�r� g€°o`v�h ��d d�vel�pme�st. A� � �ir���ive tc� the �it�r, this poiicy reqt�ir�s pl�r�n�r�g � fior a s�r��i �y�tem that �an m�et current �nd future ne�d� b�s�d on th� ��r�d u��s it mtast I � supp�rt. H�lI �oui�vard h�� b��n d�sign�t�d �� an arter�al and ��ttler �tr��t � Niir�car � � Col6�ctar on the C��ty'� �omprehen�iv� PI�� Tr�r�sportatian Map. Th�s� d�sign�tions suppar� th� exisfing zc�rii�ng of the subj��t sif�. I.Jrad�r th� pr�pc�c:d ���irsg, fihe r�sid�n�sa! dev�lapment po��ential is vir�ually th� s�me �s ti�at ur�d�r fihe exisfing zc�nin�. Ba�ed can th� City's d���ity caiculation meth�d, th� �xisting z�ning ca�ld yi�ld 19n �anits a��d the proposed zoni�g cr��ld �i�i�i 191 ur�its on fhe site. l!pon d�veloprn�tit of 4he site urod�r �ithe� sc�nario, ti�e ciev�lcaper v�rill be required ta d�dicafie �e�essar� re�hts-of-wa�r(s) and STAFP REPORT CPA 96-0�04 Page 4 instal! ��� �ecrssa�,e st��et irr�prov�r��r�fi� �o �rr�p�e�oent th� ��r��t s��nd�rd� �f hlal! �c�ui�v�rd �nd �attl�r �tr��fi wh6ch �+i39 rr�aintaio� a �afe ar�d ���i�nt rc��d�say ��s�ern. �'h�s �SOlicy is s�ti�fi�d. L����$i��al � ° • P�la�y 1�.1.1�2) �rr��id�� th� ��cation�s ��it�r6a fc�r d��ag�at��g I�t�d as Nl�di�r� ��e��w� ���i��r��6a1 �n ��� ��¢�pr�h�r��av� Pl�a� ��p. �# i� ir������d ih�t �h� �oc�ti�n�l cri�ra� b� ��a���ru�d en � fiiexib�� rnar�ne�, �n #he ir��er��� ofi ����r�m�d��in� �r��o�al� whi�h, t�cr��� �e�t �tri�#i� i� ���#c�rrm�nc� s�v@th th� �p�8����9� �ri�r��9 �ra� f��r�� �� b� s�s �h� p��li� �����st �c�d ����bl� �� �s�rrra����u� �nfie��a#a�� dnt� t�a� c�m�ou�i�y. '�h� bur¢l�ra �f p�o�i�g ��r�f�rr�nn�a��e ���h� p�ap���! �6�h ��� �����r�� v�ro�� �ith th� ��g��� �� �h�s��� a�� 6m���� �� t�� ��aaaa�as���o ��� m��� ������� fh� �h��ag� ��a� �h� ��°����° th� �����fi9 t�� �vae�r� �t�i��iy t�� ���fi���� �9���8� �� �o�a�4�°���e T"e�� ���16��bi� I��������� �e�����°i����h ��d��a�� a�� a� f�ll�es��: �, �h�'FOIIOPAA9Bi� $'��'�tiS'� WI�� ���n� C��t�Pl'�1Bt'��1t1� t����� a��'��$ C��SSf,�91���CI $+(��' �a�a�B�arn d�ns�f� o�n the pQ�� m�p� (1� Ar��s�vh��F� ar� r��t��r�oa�i�k�d �� I��r���a�Bfiy c�ev�E�prn�rat, T�e �urr��ndi�g �r�� is zor��d far a rnix �a�i�w and rr���ii�ar� d�nsity d�velapr��ent: To th� �orth di th� �ntir� �9te ar�d sc�uth �f th�vvesfi�rr� pc�rtior� of the �it� �re Lc�v� Densit� F2esidentiaf �zstricf�; to �h� �ast, v��st �r�d so�th��ster� p��ic�n eaf th� �it� �re �Medium D�n�ity� �£'SIQel1�B�I C�I sfP'ICtS. �TI11S �t'£'� 9S �i0$, therefor�, �ornmi4t�d �o �o�v der�sity de�r�lop�o��nt. �2� Ar���e��o�h ��ve s�ir��t������f�a� �oll�ct�r���r�eri�l ��re��; The �i�E ��� dir�����ce���� �-1�i6 �aul�v�rd, �� a��ri�i, �a�d ��ttler��re�t, a rreira�r c�li�ctor. �3� e4r�a���rho�h ��� n�t��b���t tc� d��r�l�pt�ent l�ano��dora� �a��M �� t��ca�r��h�Q fl��s�i�g9 ga�o�e�rai����; Th� site i� not c€�nstrained by+d�velopmer�t lirnitatio�a�. i"h�twa w�tland areas identi�ed in �h� City's Ir�v�i�tor� �r��farm pc�rra� wifF� n� �djacer�t tr�� v�g�����c�r�, to��ii�� s,�. ra��d b� ca�le ��� conf�i� nc� r�cogn�z�bi� emerc��nt v�getati�r�. l"h�y have r��eiv�� the I€����#�un�t9c�r�al value a�ar��O�a��6��d� ir� �he �ity. �°he I�tt�r firQm th� C�ivi�ic�n �f Stat� L.�ndS c�s��id�rs �hes� w�t�r �e�d�P� �s ��cack po��� an� stat�� th��tk��r� i� n� ��tland ar�� surr��nding the ponds. �. � (�) :�r��� �nrl���� �h� e���ti�� f��il�tB�� h�v�fi6�c �ap���ty f�r additi���� � ��v�l��m���; � � Th� �xi�ti�g ��cilifie� ��� ��rwice� hav� �d������ c�p��i�y fio �c��mrriodat�: '°'' de��Bc�prr�erat �t t�e sifi�. �'h� proposal was�ld �Ila�r�irtu�ily�he sarne a��rrib�r o�' �y r � r��id�nti�l un�ts a�th��x��tir�� z�ning. S�r�i��ry s�onrer, storm ar�d �v���r lin�� ar� .� l�cated ir� �9�ii �a��al���rd, �afitier�tre�t�nd �t�th Av�r�u�. The �tr�et sg�st�m is �e�i�n�t�d to handle additio��l traffic. The detail�d an�6y�is an� �val�aation of servic� c�p�city ar�d need�d impra�r�mer�t�vviii b� addr�ss�d �� p�rt o�'th� d�velopm�nt review prc�ce�s. STAFF 6?EP�RT CPf196-OQ(� Page 5 i " (51 �re���ithir� or�ea�a�f mii� ��p�ab�i� �r�rr�par�tie�n�; a�d �'ri-t�e# bus servic� i� �v�il�bl� �long �°lall �AUl�v�rd. `• (6) Ar����aashg�� ��ra �� bv.aff�r�c� �r�m I��a c��r���ty ���i��a��i�l are�� i�a e�rd�� tc� rr�a�r�rgaBz� ��ae �rivacy ofi�s�&�a��h�d ���;►d�n��#y r�s�cie��iaB area��. �'he propo��d �r�a ��n be �dequat�ly buff�r�� �m the iow d�nsi� resid�ntia6 �re� �n fih� narth �id� of�attler Str�e4 and �,lang th� ��uth�rn �oc�ndary of th� �it� �theo�agh the density firan5eti�an, bu�ferir�g ��+d scr���ir�g requirera�en�s a�th� �c�rr�r�u�i�r t��velc�pr�ent �od�. Th�se rc�quir�m��ts weoa�ld �� �c�dr����d d�rir�g �ubdivisiora ��vi�vv v�E�es� a� appl9catiQn is �€ahmitted t�the �9�y. ����d an �h� �bvve f'��t�, �olicy 12.1.���) i5 s�tisfi�d for locating � 61�ediu�a L���si�y ���id�r�tial �r�� c�� th����t�r� pr�rtoan of tfie ���ject�ite. �C�MPLI��ICE VV'!"T'I-i CC?IUIiV3�l�6'i1�' [��\O�LC�6��/9ENT GC�f�� ���T6�»N�: Am�ndcaa�n� �� th� 1'its� �rad �41��; S��ti�n 1�.22 of �l�� ��mmun�� Dearelo�m��f �oc�� s�� faa�th ��r�dard� ar�d proc�dure� f�r q�a�si judice�l ameridrr���� �o t�e pia� as�d �ort�9n� dist�ic# ���. �, rec����ndat8a�n �r a de�isas�e� �o �p��°oae�, �ppro�e �va�t� ��w�d's�@rs���, o� t� e��r�g� a�ra a�pl���ti�r� �or a� qa�asi�a�dBci�6 am�ndc��n� �h�fl b� ba��� on �Bi �f the f�il�v�i�� �tar�d�rds: Th� ���ali+���l� compr�h���iv� pl�r� poloci�� �rar� �ap de�cgnatis�r�9 �nd th� c��nge �ii� r��� ��8v��rse6y �.ffect th+e h�aith, ��f�t� a�d vv�l���� �f the �omm�ur�i�; 1"he �pp�oc�bi� pl�n poli�ies related to the pr�po�al are r�vi�wed ab��e �r�c�er �or��Biar�c� V1/i�h �omprehensove �'fan Polici��. �as�d up�� #he f��ts and fndings in tt�is re{�art, �t��' ��� det�rmir�ed that the propo��d �r��;ndrr�ent a�nd ��z��� �rili not �dv�r�ely �ffect fih� h�aith, �af��y �r�d vv�l��r� of th� ��arnr�����t�. The �tatevvwd�: pl�nnar�g g��R� �doptr�e� �a�id�� Or�gon R�e►���d �tattat�� Cha��+�r �97, aa�ta! a�know�l�dgr��n� of �h� �arxapreh�n�i�r� plan an� ca�d�a�ar��e�; The Tig�rr� Corr�pr�hensiv� �lan ha� b�en �ckno�rvl��g�d, th�r�fore, �peci�ic revi�vv of e��h s�a���r+ra�e plar�r�ing gnal is not necess�ry. Pdatier� �f this propos�d ame�dment has b��n �rovid�d to th� I�ep��tr�ent af L�nd Cor�s�rvatio� a�d Developme�t for co��ent a� I�ast 45 �ay� prior to th� final d��ision dat�. 1'h� ��plic�F�l� �t�r�d�rd� �f ��y pr��r��i�r� caf thds ��rd� or �th�r �p�Oi����� arr��9em�n#'s�ag �rdinar���; God� secfion 18.52 (R-7: Singl�-�ami9y R�sid�r��4ai) co�tain� the �t�nd�rds for the R-7 zon�. The �ropc�s�d �i�e ��uld me�t th� �t�n��r�� i����d zinc��r- �im�n5io��9 �.��uir�m�nt� ('l�.52.�50) and AddifiiQr►�i R���ir�r��n�� (1�.52.QGC�), ��cl�din� the resid�nteal ���si�y tr�nsitic�n pr�vi�ions o� 1 c�.4Q.04�, ee�r a single-f�mily c��veic��rner�t. Spe�ifi� �'ut�r� sii� dev�lopm�r�t impr�v�ments will be rcviern�ed fhr�ugh �h� ��bds�i�io�a proced�r�� to ens�re consisten��with Gc�mr�u�nity� i�evelopm�nt��d� �t�c�dard�. �arACl�n�� e���h�nge in r�ei�hb�s�h�od or cc�5n�nunii�y or� rnistake op inc���i�����y in �he c�mpr�he�seve p9ar� or zr�r�ing rnap �� ii� rel�t�� t� th� pr��ert� enr���h i� th� sub�e�g of fih� dev�l�psnerat app9ic�tion. See above under Gornpli�ar�c� With� �ompreh�n�ive P4�� Palicies, f�olicy 1.1.2. STAFF REP(�RT CPA 9fi-0004 Page 6 . ra� � r�� �o� D��i$iar� �li�ki�n� � tf�u��i-Judi�oaL• 5�����n 1�032 0� t�ro� C��nrr��a��fy ����I����rof ��d� ��� fou�h 4h� pr��eda�ral r�quir�rn�r�t� for r��r's�enr of �q�a��a- ��a�acr�l p9a�� ���r�drn�n�a �'he �ppi6ca�9on ha� b��� pro��s��d iF�r �cc�rd�r��� �i�h �ad� �e��i��n� 1�.��.02�D, 1�.3�.05� and 1�.3�.060; � hea�r6r�g has b��n �c�nd�ct�d b� �h� �'la�ning ��r�s�i��ion ��cardir�� to 1�.32.Q90(�); �r�d t�e� r�qui��r�i�n4s fe�r nc�tific�tian of th� he�rings hav� be�n mei accmrding to 1�.�2.1�0 and 1�.32.140. Pl�r�r��� [��ee�N�pm�a�x• ��cto�� 1���0 z�f �he �oanc����ty ���r�i�psa���� ��a�i� ��� fc��ti� �h� approv�� prs����� �nd �I�r���t� �g � p9a�a��d d�v�l�p��s�t ���r9�y d��n�o��ti��o �ec�i�n ��.8�.01� s��#�� fih�fi fhis ov�rl�y zo�� sh�ll b� proc�ss�d ira ti�� ���� rr���r��r as a �or�� �h��g� �i�der the pro�isisans of Ch�pfie� 18.�2 (F'ro��dur�� f�r �7��is�+�n �akis�g: ���sa-judici��). �'hi� �p�lic�#ion i� in��ed being prrac��se�tl ����rdir�g to �hapter 1�.32. Th� propa��l �I��a r��et� t�� requir�m�r�t� ca� Se�ti�n '98.8�.Q60, PBano��d �����io�me�� pallaw�d and !]isal6�e+��d, be��au�� th� affe�ted site is classified a� � devAloping �r��. Th� r�rn�ia�ing r�q�ir�m�nt� af �hi� �od� s�c�s�ra, v�ai�i�h addre�� irn�lern�nt�#i�r� af�he plar�ned ��v�lopmenfi �v�rlay, vvill be revie�oed �pesn �aabr�ission A�' a de�elapa�i��� �1�n. This p�licy is ��#isfed. C�fv'iF'LfP,N�E '�PVIT�i STA�'�AhlD ��Gf�N�L R�QlJIF2���N�S: �°�garr �,,��oi.��t�° ��a�� ��rl�: ������a� 6�0-1�-0�0 ��qu�ir�� tF��� compr�h�n�ive pB�� a��ndr�a�nt� 9R/I1E�I� �i�r�i���n�ly �ifec� a tr���par�t6�� f��e��t�r �@��II a��ur� �h�t aiio�ir�� ��nd ���� ar� c���i�t�r�t wi�h od���af€�d fic�r��tie��a, ca�a�it� anc➢ O���I of���ri�� � ���E'D� ���9IBLj9� l'h� prap�sed arr�er�d��nf/�c�i�� �hang� vv��id r�sul� i� � r��;� �hang� ca�one ��c���i�ara�i re�id�r�tiai ��it aiidwed o� th� �it�. T'�a� ch�n��: v�ould �c�t segr�����r�tly a��ct � transpor�ati�n f��ility. JD�T agre�5 ar�d did nc�t rec�uir� or r�quesf � tra��Fi� �tudy� of the prapc���0. This rul� is sati��ed. ��Tt�t�!/� e��a�NCX C��l09�ll1�� 4J�C�T h�s revie�ved this �pplECation ar�d informed staf� th�t #h� prnposed chanc�� is n�t significant ur�d�r OAFt 660-�2 (Tr�nsp�rf�#ion P�annir�g Rul�) and, t�ere�o��, tiid ;�at submit cQmm�nt�. ����°f�Rl Vlo �`T'F°g�� ��6�6����"'� �'h� ��mm�rcfield �i�ic A�saci�tic�n �ubrnitf�d ce�mm�nt� �nr���h �r� i�clud�d �� Attach�raen� �. �EC'�'i�N l�il: �°�"�FF �c�f��l�9�� Th� Engir+eering DiviSion, Water and P�iice depart��r�ts hav� r�vievved th's� appBiCatic�n and h�ve �� camments or objections. � STRFF REPdRT CPA 96•Ofl04 Page 7 � � .�.�� _ �._ .....�..���.���..._..�..,.�_ �������� ��r: ��y vaso�� ��-r� � �1sso�iate �lann�r ��,,,,.� 0��,�� � ��� ��.��9� .._ �PE�Ft9�'��3 ��: N�di�� �rnit9i G��'� i�i�r��irag i�lan�g�P i:\CURP'LN1RA11C PABFi-04.STF STAFF REPORT CPA 96-0004 Pagg 8 . . ...... . , . .:. . . .. .. ._._�. 1 , ,.. . :.. ...�., ',, + :��j . ♦.M!.�.�.. � � � � - t. � �� •.�e� � . .. : �► ���r■ ■�r�. i : � � :: �, �r.� � ♦ �.,� � rr ��r.� ,�►� ■ �� �� � � � � �� : � „ � 1,�� .� ....�� .�r �;; _ �i„ ,. ■r/ ��. �M�� ..���ri7�► �'► � . ir.��1� 4- } � „■ ���i;� �j'FJ' - , _�..-���.�+►:..+►T-.:�..� .-. t'�. ...� /�'� / ,�, �,���{ , ♦�-�►���a�������`�►'`�.� • ' �, � ►��s����+ �����►� - �� ;� ;• ;i,�;�.a �� ',/ ��*�++,�+��,��++,����+�+���+���+�� .��::� �. �.. r �� ♦�* �����+���:�_� ����,. ►*�►4�i������*��,..._ � •�*�+�� ♦�+ ♦���� �� -�%.:Li��F,,�j ►+ l���':�o�+►�����►�s� - � , �; ���,�►����s��������,���,�����,�,.�,�� ��„ - � .�,�•�r :,���� � �;����.:�,,��,����♦*,���*�����,y.*.+� � : :.-:. ' l��./c��i?+��r�����,����������s�,���►�, � " � �:�' t .v:� ♦��-R�#ri��� � �'�, � �� �'.� .�R R+s i.������w*���;���,��+1�����,�: � �I �� � ����Ri���►'�i���'i�i����'i����+i��i��: r' �-� �. . .,......�,�.�.a�r�;�_�s. ��� _ .. ; - �� � ,� ��"'""N"" ',�' . ..,:.. :, .� r """"�� �r ���� ,,�, ;� �� � � � � � _ � . ; � �� .� �a � : ,. :: ., ■ ♦ '"'�,_ : ,,� � � :. , , ..... �►, �i� '�p ����/ '�/�I 11 111 �. . . ._ , � ' � '? ,.� r;. .. ��� ��� w�.,.�� ��,� �� 1� �� n� ;� , ` �.� _ � ` , �1.'� �= ,� � �Y -4' . ,.� .(r . � ���� 'Al` � t:.t.. ,:'�',.'• ,� . �� �'� . ,.; �� , � ♦ �,►�►,:�� •• ,� . ,,, �i�� ,; 4 ��!-•- -- ► � �.-► ♦ :r�i.� ♦ � '�1 '1•• ♦ I��� ��� ♦ .� .- �r� .. : '�. .� „ � _ �� ��,� � ��� . � � � ., _� � � � . . ���� � , „ 11111 ��,�� ..-�j �� �� �� �,, �► H �� n � t .,4. �� I Ir� �: .�, .,f .. m�i�► . ,�. a ��: .,_ . ��= r;. , .� �/ . ./��.�/+iG• ' .�a .. .. � .. . . `. . '. .� . . �' : �. ' � .. .� _ .. � ' .. � . ��... � • .. � .,:,,, ., , . �� � . . �.. �.. ' �. '-:� ' '�'r � ' '� 'r: �. ; .. . •stT �• �..., .'. '' . . , ►��1�y�'iri��'+Ps���i • ... • : . , , � . . .. �: �. � .: i�����'�Q`i�����i'���� �����^����i,?��_ ' .�. i . .. . . . . . . . . . ....... . .. .... .. . . . . . k :.. .:... ��,.-;. .,.:.. ... ..�,... . .. , ...�. . -:_a .. _ .. . ��,-., " _... ... ... ... .. .c. .. . ._. . .� . .... . ....... . _.. . .. . ..,. i.. . ... .... . _.. . ,...- �.. �..s_...i:.r �... .. . . . . : . .... ._.. ..,.. ._. ��...-.. , u. .!••1... . .. .�:1:' . .. ... . , . , . . , ����c���N� s � . �t�. ��' � �I�°�� �����I��°I�1°� ..,. . . �, ,��.�. ���,��������� � T'i�c�rd.�r��o�9722d 6�131 � ��r 29, 1!�96 �°. ��k�il���, �h ° 'Y°i�agc� Cit}r� ° g�o ' �ia�x� �ity� °�'°ig�rd, �It, 97223 ��: ��tt,l��I'c�p�zty�.��a�� �'i�3�vel�gffi�t (iVia�ri�D�€r���pnaea�t} I3�a.r.x INdx°. 4�1'als�eaa: Itepr���ta�v�s 6�or� S�erfi�ld h��� stu.di�ci ehe vez� pr��� �etch�� zt�s�r ��ail�t�le sh�vvin� lt���r� I�ee��rrelog�aerat°s gee��rai use �f tb.e S�tt��r �'rc�perty. (3�. the� ba�.� �� �i.s earl� preseyat�ti�rn, th�r� ar��ca a.�ja��prcabfl�� eme�gn�v�ich we fe�l�11�.��d c��fbal�.d� dr�g ett� forthcw�� �icy r�vieo� pr��e�s. �c��c�wing a� a b�ief�te��.t �f t�e� t^�� ��nc��a.�. � n�ed�d, w� c�p�c�vid�addi�io�:�ffif'c�z�tie�n�t che prop�.x tin��o 1-�'�la� propa���d �a�� c�a�n�e f�� t�x� SattT�r �capemj, �s pxes�.t� s�bux���d by iVi�tq� �7���10����, s�e�to ��,��e�� ��st��. s�g�a�a� e��t�a� p����� �e���r��a� 4.5 t� ��n� 7p �t� th� �h�r p��� f��xi�ili�,� �s�vad��. by aa� add'ati�n�al P��€i ���3��! ��rels�p�en�. 5�ch � zo�ne chau�� r��u1d h�v� � ����r��� �act a� t�� ��� Su���elxl bo�der p��p��ti�� ai�u2ti�� the we4tern ed�e csf th� i�Ilaeri�c �'r�j��. '�'hos�e i�edia�ely �dj�i�g pg�per�Y�� �re�� puf°�bas�ei w+ith th� n�tural expe�ation th�t a�y fut�ar� ta��ases b�itt c� th� ���t weri�ld b� ���,�ac��d in c�r�forr��� ��h �can� 4.S �ad� reqtiar�ffi��;ts, acid pr�g�x�y pri��� ��ge e�rC�ly �aa�rea��d uc reco�ition of tkzat v�Yy ple�s�ae a�nd d�s�ara6le e�cctau�n. �Iovv, �vith *be sudc�e� pregos� tn incr�as� the� de�siry ta� �an� 7 + FIa, g�opearty value§ will cte�rly b� �i�p��ss�d be(�vv tb.at wh�ch wod�id }aav� b��aa e.�ected uiade� tk�e pres�at ..�on� 4.5 reqiai.r�a�x���. i�ith elge reqrae� for ���x�s � d�z��icy �ona��, at zs a�bvi��tS 6.��i f;�� ���la3pe� is pla��ag t�o cl��� Z�e �ttata��s �Ia��r t���th�r g� �rs loes �that �illl eta�n be �ab�t��iaIly �ller th� ori��y r�quir�d; �wre.hex, they � s��ly �e �°' �f a les� e�cpe�siv� d�si� t�a�at wcauld hav� bc� pc�s�abl� had th� �ari��fl 9arg�r 1�� si�:e b��� � � re�ained. Iza �'aca, if'tta� �la.a��d �evelc���n�nt Ov�rlay is �l� app�r�v�d, the 6�a� d�sgty �a ttsis � pa�t of tlz� praject co�� b� �v� �eat�r th�.n 7.0 i�a or��� ta �k�e up f.�r �a����g�d ��ss��s i� t� buildabl� l�d to eh� eas�. Sa.�ea°field r�sid�nts r�cagniz� ttsis s�ata�n� a�d ar� cc�r�c�rr�ed about � th�is loss i� praperxy value d�xe e� th� scab�eaaxtial cra�rda�rg b�+anal �a�t �rhi�b e�r��d ha�r� bc� � cantsc�C��d �y �hs e��+:i�� 2��� �4.5 reqxiire�en�cs. 2m-At�.e�s�public ��.�vv�tk�e��elop�y he�� s����d that tlaey pla�to beu°1d�,vo-st�Yy h�uusc� an �nis l.�d. 'T�a�t b���s� xo the sec�aud �jc�a� �onc� r��� t� t�i� �e�� d�sp��z�atty i�. � �v�fl h�ights �f th� ��► trwc�s��vr,� h�us�s w�ie� ces�ased to t6�e ' " t�l�r ad,ya�ia�� a�a��- ��ry S��i�ld 1���ses. �y�+�y�f��la.�a�io�, th� ��g�b�a�tnng h�ix�s ffi Su�affi�eld�r� pzix�u.ily ��.�s�oa°y�its, �� a���*rdm�� t�r eh� p�p� de�ign� a��� �9'��'� �i�h, � paarpos�ly acc��ae�d��lo�pro��, l��r ba��, l�w���r�s��1�ovv g�¢ch�d r�o�. ����, ��w�rr� �ol� , �at the propos�d pr�je� �ll be desi�ra�d as xvv�stoay �at�, c��y �e°�h Y�� 3.990°s fl�a�, �+ha��x � p�ar���ly ��c����d f�sr � very �a� p�a��e, �ag� b�ses, ��t ����s �d st��gly' �[op�g��h x����. �.s a r�saa��, ��ad� c�s�y ���ag�t v������ �I��.�, ��llt�r�w� h��a���, tharty tw t.h��ym�� f�e$ ��, c������ b�dly °va+itla �►� v� l��vv S�ez�.�l� n�i�hbor� ��ci���ly to the �es� ��d pxes��� �x ���d, u�pl���aat ' °�sa � ne�ghborh�od ���a�x. ��c��.a,.� c��t3a� re, ` g �o� c�P�d,y �h�a��i� of r�a�� closeely adj���.t pxojectt�, � ie$tt�r���t��� a B��a'Ra6iOIL�i�F��'B be pl�.a��.ed�t�.h����g '°l�e ffi�a��r����e�th� sparzt ���3iaild.'sn� Cod� (;h,�gt� 1�.40.O�S�;timaa �. ��h req��s ��h � tr�.on �one b�i�+e� �s°ti�g prc�perty �d. � pra��sed d�elop��t if°�ta� d��eti�s a�� s��c�.t.iyy �'er�t. ][�a tlt�s c��, i� is aaoti �a3I}►the d��y incre�se th�t is cef coa���, b�x� � th� �b�apt �ad vvid� di��r��� m hei�t of a�aa�ber of im�e�t�r adja�ent ho���. 'l[�e o�i��as sa�l�.ta�a� t� �}sis pr�bl�� �o pl� th�t t�.�; ��t ��x ����wv �c��s ��j���t e� t�� ���i: �e� �pg�e��t�ly �r�te� csf�h� pl�ed un�� huAxc�.x�d f�y t.hx�e�, �a� bualtc as t�d�f� c�x����� �as��a�es� at ���� a� tha�se 1�'ts �djac�t to c�a�e�stor�r a�erfield ho�s. ��speca�fl ant����e ts� th� ��vel�ger, sueh � r�quig��t fQx� � f� one-�oa�r hou�es cauld b� m1F act���e�t t� hanx in tb�t rt�QUId �p� up h�p�t��a�l x�arl��t f�� a �pagt ofthe praj�ce c� �ha��� �lriea� pers�m� �r�c� d� rc�t w�t two s�ory h��ase�. ����ly, �h� f�ct ��t �.Q�t �f the S4ur�s�r6eld ho�s�s a�� ����or�r �� is p�o�� that rcno� o�d�r bray�rs pref�a� sc�c�i. � ie d�vcloped ehat �ffi� �v�'thes����v on��ory ho�s ��r��tia� Saa�a���ld sidd��re c�cc�rgied by s�ldc� buy€xs, th� t�ax��ioms ffi occ�ap�at's a�e, �uud b�ra4€i�� d��ig� �d h�i�ht wr�uld �i b� �ahanc�d, �aa �bvio�a�p�ras f��th� I3�v�lop�r, e�� �b�at�ix�g C9r���s�d th� City�1���px•���s�. ��ually, t� �+�*�*�a�'� o�p�asition: Y--Siaru�er6ield � b�i�g �sked to acc�pt t�va� noajmr chang��, ba�tF� �f ��ui�h wil� deval�e our adj�i�g property, 'The f�st ps th� zn��,e cha�ge which � r�sult °rn st�bstan:i�� �ddatio�al �r�w�lsng a.nd i�� ��m�pa��n c�a-�p in 1°avabiliry level. `�� s�ce,�d �the co��ruceas�n af,a e� dv�ll of two stgry houses i�eda'�tely adjaceue t� our very imw one-�tory d�si�s, �e.S�rItirflg i� an. ��vi�w�rd, unsi�hs��jun�tiog a�ad an�p���sant o��rpov�r��� �djacent pres�ce. 2--in epit� of tla�� t`�vo de�p ��nGern�.s, but i� a spirit of" �es� a�ci �ooperati�a�, �r� l�ave d�cided ��t eo ck�alle��� e�� r�ne chaa�g�. I-�a�vi�ng t�k� tda�e sta�d, h�avv�er, �� ar� a��a�; th� I��eloper, � eu.rn, eo �cc � modest cflan�� in his pians wit�t the ca�sts�a.Ction �f approxi�teiy s�vventeen ane-st�ry ixnits along tb.� w�st �d�e. VVe fee! e��,t thas tsad�-�ff is a fair aa.�d ee�c�itabl� ��cch�i�e a�zd of equ�l beue�it to bc��ia p�zties. �y c�p� �f t�ui� (e�x�r c� Lbe �ev�ld�a�r, r�✓� a�� �.skin� for fai���re�ffi�t eo this sol�a�ion. 3--If w�: �r� �able t� resatv� this exchacn�c �erieh t�Be C��ve�s�p�g, tf�i� te�e�r �ll tl�� a� tb�t t�� �it�' suPPor� ths`.s :��f.r cc�azaprc�mis� dusin� tbei� forthcorniag plaxt rerriewars aa�d apprszvals as xs theEr authority at thos� ti��s. � , �'1����t sae know if w�a�y b��£h��p �rith additic►n�.sx�:��ta��. .�Ls�, pl����d�rsta�d th�t �� ��uly���h�ar� i�to �s�i�a ��th�t th�a�d�►�lc�p��,��ill bccpaa� �� �ss��t� th� adj�i�� �ei�hb�rh�e��� ��i a po�tinr� i�sr��e t� tl�is a�r�� o�th� �i�. Th� y�u �ar c��sad�rr���itr p�n�tion. ' �i�a:�e�r�1�r�r��y ' l�. \°���' ' Ra�I$h�te�, ���id�t Suxaa�.ecf�ld�a�i�A.�a�tao� c�: �.�axs�'�I'os�, ���c➢3����p��i� � � i � i. , a �,,:;' � �''I i1 � i'k�) �o r hen��v� ��� n � �z � - `i' y �� �� �� � �� � � � � � v �� �a o� � su rt�� �a ��� ���� �f ���ard Pr�p�°e� for t�latrix Dev�9op�nt Cor�ra�c�r� �'I�2, Suit� �UO 6900 S!� k°�l�ir��s Stre�t Tlg�6'L�, d4'��Oi1 �%��� � � Pr�p�rr�d by � �,i&H �acifie �s � $�S � f4ir��u�,���r�u� � Qeav��kor�, �r��c�rt 4700�-7120 .� �1�ch 25 199b , '�'.�.��.�OF'��J�d'�'S�1'�'I'S F�� I. ��q���a�d �.ctioa� ............................................................................................................2 II. S�t�Desc�ipt�on .....................<.............................,..a.................................,..,...................3 �. C�a�oa�man�e�i�h.Applica,l�te�ity C)f T'i�ard Corxipre�ierasiv�]Pl�.n Fala�i�s.....................6 ��e'. Conformarac��'��h �ity�fT'a�a�d I)�v�lop�ent �odv ..................................................15 �. Evid�nce t�FChan��In Circ�rnsta���s, I����asisten�y�r Yr�iist�k�Iaa �e�mpreh��siv�Fla�► ........................................wa.......,............,............,........................,,1� �. Cosifoa-rr�ar�ce V+7ith Applic�,bl��,o�atio�.al Crc�e�aa .........................................................27 �. Sta.t�vvide�larrapun� �oals�d�ir��in�s .........................................................................�9 `�I. Su�ra�aa-y f�nd �or�c1_usiai�s ............................................................................................�4 � FTE��ES f�. C7ener�.1 �li�inity Map ...................................................................................................... �. �it��'lan .........................................................................................................................5 C. �hronalogy ...................................................................................................................21 �. Ci�y ofTi�ard �rdinance ��-93 and t��tach�d Map ...................................................22-25 �. l��ap of�Ibertsons I�ensity'I'ransfer Site� (Apprc,ved 19�7)...................................... ...26 T��ES A. Inst�itu.t�� of�'ransporta�io��ngzneers��T'E� '�"rip CBenes-atiern............................................� �3. �3erasity �hart.................................................................................................................I l ATTAC�TMENTa A. Can��rehensive i�lan II��TTap T3. Zoning i�Tap C. L,egalIJ�scriptzon � I�. �re-�pp�i�ataa� rn��ing r�c���s � �. Other �g�plicativn zrfaterials � 1. Applicatior� F�rm � 2. ,A.ssess�r's 1`��p � 1/4 �E 1/4 Section II, `�S RQ1'!�V} � Fa IVeighborh�,c�d I+/,��eting Summ�y � 1. I�!Il�iling List €�f property ov��ne.rs vvithin �50 fee�t of pr��osa.1 a.��a arad affida�vats � 2. Affidavit of posti�� for nezghborhaod ��eting ( 3. Not�s and Sign-i� sh�t frorn l�teighbarhoad Meetin� �. Le�ter of Support � °� I, ��TJES�'EI)�C�TQ1�T Mai:r�x I3evelopment is proposing a Comprehensive l�lan amendment and zon�ch�n��which would �nable it t� consta°uct single family residenttat units� at a density €�f appro�xirnatety 7 units per acre on a vacant sit�in�he�ity af�ig�.rd, ba�.nded by �W kTall�3�ul�y�rd oa�th� east and Sattler Str�eet on the north. l�i,�ure A sh�ws the general vicinity ofthe proj�ct. I�To site plans have been prepared beyor�d a caz�ce�,t lev�l; hnw�v�r, apprUx�rriately 191 homes �could be built on the site if it were�c��ned�2-'7 �r►d had a.P��rr�ned��velaprnent(�'�) �verl�y. �'la.nned Dev�la Hnent ��rer�a Th�apphcant xs als�requesttng that th�sate be desigr�at�d as a �a y �one (/�'l�). Th��ubjeat site cavers about 2'1.5 acres �calculated �i°oin the`Was�aingfion County�.ssessox��s rr:ap). The Tigard Comprehensive Plz�n designates the ea�tsrn 8.5 acres as Niedium�ensity I�esidential, the re�aining 19 acres is designate�as I,o��erisity�eszdential. Cun•ent�oning an the ea.stern 8.5 acres as R-12, IVIultaple�a.mily�esid�ntia.l (12 unats per acrej, wlule the western 19 acres is R-�.5 Single Family Residential (7,500 sqixar�f�at lot�ac 5,500 square f�et per unit). This app�ication seeks a change in plan an�i �or�in� designations so that ih� entire site is desi�nated as Medium Densit�y�esid�ntial (c�n�ngirz�;the t�esi�na.tian on 19 a�res of the site} asid that the�ntir�27.5 acres be r�zar�ed tc�IZ-7 Sing��Farnily R.�sid�ntial �5,000 square feet p�r unit)for th�entire parcel. The applicatic�n�lso s�eks a Planned:Developyn�n� o�ierlay for the entire site to allow for�exib�w lot sizes to accorrunodate naturai resourc� ar�as suc� as the ponds, and allow for neo�traditional subctYVision design st�nda.rds. This application is submitted in ac�ordance with the Tigard T�Iurucipa! Cc�de sectis��s �$.22, �raiendments to ihe�'atle znd I�ap, ar�d 18.32,Procedures for Decision I�1"iaking: Quasi-Judicial ��?d t��e Tigard Co�npreh�n�i�e Flara. �atrix Alan Change,dleaone,PD Ove�•!ay March 28, 1496 Page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .fL�de 1.9�Y L' .88871���Y�8\..I2'@ ' Thp propos�d d��r�lapi��mt sYt�(T�I.��t� 1p0, 200 a��� 300y� �./4 �� 1/4 ��cti�ra��T2S R.1W iW.M.}is bounded by SW��ll�o�al��ard an�h��ast, S�t�l�r�.�ad �an th�aaar�h and t}�e Surrrriaerfield sI�v�loprta�aat on�h�vv�st. (������x.as��). A parc�� iar�ediately so�th�nd easi: ofthe sr�by�ect prc�perky is�oned Z�p12�.nd is ce�rrently d�velop�c�vvith� sin�le fatnily�°dav�lli�g. Th�subj�ct stte is currently devel�aped wit�a a Yot�I� a�'th�ee sangl�-f�m�l�r horas�s aa�d sev�r�P b ii►i-t-el�i.ed o�.ztbuilc�i�g�. There ar�twts sinall a��icultural pc�nds on�:h� siie, T�ie T'igard��omp�•ehes�sive Pl�ra c�a.s�gfies�-I�.11�c�uie�rarct a�ar� ����1, v✓l�l� 5at�l�r Street �s�lassified as a I�inor Cotlector. �Scij�cent to th� site, I��1fl�QUl�vard incl�ad��two vehicl� lan�s�d is d�si��ted�s a re�-ior��l p�d�s�ria,n�nd�icy�le��sut� az�th� �ocn�r�hensive�Ian. �atl is serv�d by r���al�x°Tri-�Ni���ius ���-vic�flin�#�6. �attl�r �treet is cur;ently d�veloped with two lanes and side�valks alo�g r�ost �f the �egrnent vvest o��all, �attler 5�reet i5 plaruiec� as a local peciestria�an� bicycl�rnute in the �omprehensiv��1ara. The �ornprehensi�r� �'lan rnap ad�pted ir� 1983 shows �h� �ut�j�ct site is Ic��ated in � "I7�velopin� Area." Th� prapas�d si�� as used �s a pasture �,r�d slap�s sli��t�y to th� souih�ast. �i�h� ��c� oz�e-half a�a��s r�f th� �ite, at the int�rs��tic�n of�all �oulev�rd ai�d Sattl�r Street, �re plann�ti arid zon�d for Medi�rz� I>ensity �t.�sidenti�D (�.Z��2) �ase. 7[`h� remaining l� acres, �rith front�ge an Satile�- Str��t are plaH�ed �.nd zoMeci for Lr�w I��nsxxy Residential (�Z-4.5�. Dev�l�p�d land tQ th� southeast, east and w�st is zo�ned R�7, and area tp the southwest ofthe sit�is zaned�-�€.S. This crea�es a s�tua�#on�rrhere parc�ls °'leapfrog'° in �errris of zoning �iensities froFn :�.-12 alcan� �ia1i ��ulevard, tv I�-4.5 on th�e subj��t praperty,to TZ-7 c��the prc�perty�o the west. T'�e sixe is lacat�d witt�si� a"1?evel�pir��„ area as �iefined by the Tigard Comprehensive PI�r�I��vel�ping/Establishe�Map. �. � � � ! � � � � Matrix Plan Change,Rexone,PD Overlay !tlar„da 28, 1996 �age 3 ap--- �t � 4 D€•G� •� � .� : `C"" a,�� � , ti a �m„ � �.� . . p ,�. �x er k w e ei. 0. w v m i. t Y911d �R_o__. . _ _ .. � ,. Rld @ w r.w w�e a � �ro�.��na�p ' k � Iµ ---, d4oiiaai� 6 r . ' - � � ���' ��� �� a ew�ne.t er i t.�+��,�,� a_ � � ON M{�Oa!f �, b ' fi'pTt9 "� art l: t o�Mrtp„ t r°'��[ � �' ��9 AI ' � �'M DA ! TN tlY` C � .. ' / x�euv^ ... „ . �{. _ .i'+, u = �'�2 "`T� �, t o;. � � p � � C�uw y 8 v C � ' ni I n.w n� UX ' q .'t�p.� g �r�. aw xuuo an.� n. �'�' . ��q o "�e � uX`" "g�* ,� .+�'!�I• `C�„ �xr.�e L n. - a" f a P tq p ° a�''i 1 � � �� ocv� aa. �: y.'�n v x °ttsr 10 "_'_^... ni�l i �^o w'w r A a� y;s�� rw�.na ` +J�e4 +� �� Y l+ 0 u �r M �.. .f� , 9� rr� �s� �J� I A ~ G, L , �u:oi�,� n ��x �4w ���..:4�, tk b��+� .���� 1 ¢�'�FCy � �4 ZII fwR rt. � •u�o �1F�"L3 C�•Y,�� .J � �L I rw�G' �,� 4�+sy, °' i�,4`M^� � ��°�^,�D� TIGA�,R/� iailp � p .� � sr .n.«� � � •�f 117 � �� o�a[p CY�ie� y � � a , CrxYln d yyy��,,// CT� nqd'" �����MqIcTy� ,}�arN M��.w��wiw�� � �4Y�p nD � � ANCf t L1 ta�� Y e ,} ■s � YAPMR !f M'`� =i' Y��pe � � aqc },r =E 1 �ux �`' sM1� w te.. o. d _ a i i w ib. ty�. `L' nui• M �T�� J,y�y.a`x" �.+``� - °99 7 � w �a ���;e� `Cw 1,� g"�t �`,�°a 0 ��� �' �j�, `�°•��n«� �4� � y ourimu g: I ?r' ,s C •_.' k` o �i'�. 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'�.1.2 The oppor�uYUties far citizen involvem�nt sh�all be �pprr�priat� ico the s�ale of the plannia�� �ffort and shall invaive a broad cross secticrn af the cs�rnra�canity. a. Th�citizen irivalverner►t tearris shall be the primary�eans for carryin,g�ut the prograrn. 2.1.3 The �ity �hall insure the infarmati�z�...ps availab�� in an �rnd�r�taz�dabl�foa�ra fc�� aDl interested citi�ens. laespe►r�se: I�a ce�mpliance�viti� C��y p�lycy and ��a�tewnde Pl�nnar�� ��a9 � (Gatr�en Irevolv��ent) rec�u��ern��afis� ��e �pp�ic�a�et advea�ised and ��1� � an�aglaborhot�d meeting �a� P,��reh �9, 1996, �v�th �tot�f c:a#ioa�a �a�rca� to SiIY°d'Ot�Y9(11[fl�])9'��1��"�0'6�Y1C�"S 9'Y1��Illd1 Z�O������le�Olk��i ��T, ��d �a��t�d ar��aad t4�e sfte. T��pue�pas��f�h��aeetg�g e��s t� �discu�s tt�� projec�; �pproxamately 75 �a���e� a��"t�.��ub�ec, th��'rop�r� f�wg►e�/I�evelc�pee �aad�roject��ns�rl�a�c��.s v��r�aaa �t��radanc�. '�he siga�-ir� sheet and a��t�s ����n ���t ���t�n� a�� iaari�aded �s A,���ch�a�r���`o ���°�raaaal d°a��u�ssia�as �ith othe�°eco�-;xtke�a�in�r��ig�b�a� ��av�salso v�c�r�r��� a�a t�n� tel�pi�o��e '�'@�►� ��pi���ret i°���ived 1 ���i:�r �f sa�pport, ww�xac� n� a��ca an�lead�€& n�a r����a��rra�aat �' ��). I�t as�ti�tao�, C~��v �f'I'���s°€� ��q�a3��m�r��� �`ca�° ����a� no#ice��e bein� anet, �n�la��li�ag�aot���atgo�a a#°�c�ja�ent p�����°Ey a�wn�rs, po��i�� ��' �rcrp�rty arad �d��t��i�er��aa� of h�ar°ea�g(�� ��a �he I�ncafl n��vs��per, aii ia� a tgereely �rra�n�e��. Info��a�ion pr�par°��1 �'��° ��e �p,��g�a�at ha� b�e� �s~it�e� a� � �cte�r, c�aa�ca�� ��ren��. Naturai �eature ard er� , ace Chapter 3 of the Tigard Compr�h�nsive Plan est�blishes polici�s for protectioP� of�atural � resources. "The chapter reflects the cofllcerns expressed in several of the Statewid�F'lanning � �° C�oals, including: CJoal #3 - �gricultural Lands; �r`oal #4 - F'orest Land; C'raal #�5 � �pen eaa � Spaces; Scenuc and Historlc As-eas and 1�atural R�sources; Goal #7 - Areas subj�ct tr�Natural � Disastez-s and Hazarcis; and Goal #� - R.�creational Needs." (Tigaa•d Compreh�nsive �lan, � I'age II-11). � � hlab•ix Plan Cfaange,X ezor�e, PD Uverl�ay March?8, 1996 Pc�$e b R�sq��a�s�: �'���°e ar�tyva�sm�ll ponds that �a°e id�ea�itn�d �s wetlands c►n tiae Zonee�g �a����1 �and F�12��ot�9in�appra�xi�a�tety 0.78 ac�°�� ��c��rd�n�to th� �i�y's loeal�e�:la�reds i�v�mtos�yy). 'Th�loca!e�v�tl��ds ��ventory �eSce°ibes t��s� �z°e�s �� "�ga�e�ultr�ral paa�ds" ��d �aot�s ��aere n� 4iH�� '�Ii.RJ°cIC�IE� �V��Ct`R����'99 ��a�� �k�r�bs are �`tatally �razed �� �a�t6e,�: tQ��L �rn����znt v���ts��imr� ns 66H�O� E���ED�X�O�AIl��y99 �nd tl�a� g�ne pa�as ��°� 66S�V��E.°�� i�pae8;ed by ��t�d�". . T�� ��a��g� aaa ���Ya des��ra�tgo�a ar�d ��nan� �vf�t �aot �a�e�$ly �f�'��:� t�e� �v�tt�and �a•��s9 �v�ich �ill b� a�fd��ss�d a�a ���orrdaz��e �nt�a 1���19 st��� a�d�'�d�a°�1 a°e���a�io�s d�a�an�the si���l�a� d��t�l��m�e��e �'h���p�ic��� �ash��� E���t�a F�ann�d IA��e1�g��n����� ov��°Fay �t������ ��a t�a�5i��, �vhec��o�ld ��1�� 41e�i�1�ian�f dirvisio.� a�rd d�w�lm���rn�st�amd�r�s to # press�-ve ��y se�naifcant natea��l �re�s, �n ��cordan�e e�vith implena��t�tior� strate�y 2, (Polic� 3.4.2) "ttee �i� �h�rtl erzcocer�ge, th�°o�ag��th�1'la�ne�i��v�loprz��n�Prc���ss, th� r�t�z��i�s�a o�°lac���, v�a�i�d h�bct�t ar��s or� p��'1'Y�$� S1Il4V �9'iHbIDC I�I1dIS YIlC�LBCGlfl2� 1I1'YC!'G�OY'E�(G p��tl� and a��exr��l �orrnanun��ies," p�ge T��1?' in thc�s►napr�hea�5ev�PI�n. Th�r� �e°� r�� a��ea� �n-s�te subjec� t� e�°osia�s sl�pe9 �o�dg��a6n or othe� n�t�nra�a°esa�ar�e li�ita�a�a�s� Furt�a�r, th� �a�oposed ci����o�tn;e���ill b� ��sigaaed t� eaxsux� that th�re �s°� no advet�se �aaa�a�a�ts to ot�s�te fl•esouxcese ]Foc° �ornplete �arrd�r►�s �n �t�tevvis�� ff'1��ening �-oalsx �ee �eetiogn �a��'f��s �ppl'aca�ti�a�e �ir li �.I.1 �F�� Ci$y S}I�I� S'1Ci�iRl��f!"i 3TlC� 11T1�11"OV� �'i���d's air qu�.lity �r�d ccsardi�at� �with �ther jurisdictioa�5 arad a�sncies ta r�duce air pollutso� e�ithin the�'artP�nd-V�n�aa�v�r air quality maintenance area(�iQivi�). �t�spon��a T'�a� p�°opa��� zc�rs� �h�r��� ��d p�1�a� ���r�drra��� �aaa� �u�is��a�ea�� develop�ne�at vvill co�ply w�th �It �ppiac�ble loca�, �egaan�99 �tate �ne� fed�r�i �a�- qu;��iky st�nd�erds. 'iC�� sit� d�v�i¢���ae�� �°�vi�� �ili I sp�cifically �ddr�ss s�s�h essu�s. �B:oew�ve�^, �t i� exp��t�d that � + re€��ig��te�ra of the si#e to �ilo�v�'o� � saatiforr�a ��a�salg� �nd the �la�a����l � d���Z�psr�e��ovet'l�y�will�'es�It K� � dev��lo}�+�e�nk �tsi�g vo�te��tradition�l � d���efoprx�ent coracep�s" whde�wvifl�h����a p�sitive �ffect ot� air qu�lity in � r°�t�af�a� ta d�v�IQ�ment Qf 19 ��e°�s e��' �r�d'etHOnal sr�,�➢e�family ,� �6��r�l��rnenr. Th���daactioifl in �'elaaele I�IaIe� �'rav���c� �Vl�YT) is du� t� I � b�n��t� �f ne�-tr��lateotzai d��ig�t �s app�►s�ef ta� ��e $��t��tioa�aE sin�l� � �`ar�aaly �a�bdi���ion, � tllatrix Plan Chan�Q,Rezorte,PD Overlay March 28, 199G Page 7 7Che pla�n �m�n�rrsea�� and ����me to 1t��7 sup��arf� �he use caf�rt�r�a#ive �ra�s�o�tatic��a aaaodes by incr���iae� c�esade���i�l g�ed�s�ria� coe�ne�tic�ras ia� thc vicmaYity of ta�an�i�; s�rvice (Fd�fl �oule�v�e'c��< �Iags is in sc�pp�a�t of Ia�ptcax��x�t�tff��a ����t�� � (Fo�i�y 4.A.1), "tta� �i�y �h�[� �i� �ta a°�rlu�� tRx�quantety�f�v�hE�te ee�issi�►ns �by pue�se�in� an ��nergy-��f�'i�e�nt �a�°��n fc�rn� which r�du�es the r�a�a�ber mf v�hecl��aaa6les�ta°�v�l�d, �rad by '�� �encourag�r,�; the os�e mf�1te�ca�ted� �i�des of��°a���so�ta�aos�, �s�ae�i�ati6y a���ss ta-��set��d ��de�t�°Yasa ���YOd�sj.99 P�g�IIm2� �f th� �or�pr��ensid� �1��. '�'�e ��n�$��y �oa�s��°�at�o� p�i�cy cae� b��°�x�°#hez° �mp�em�nt�d i�a �h� si�e p��II'a ��s'�Y'�'�5'9�1�A� F.F�99�CI9IE� �79���°an���s ��d ped�s�rean �afl�vv�ys 6a� s�nc� � way as t� saxpp�rt t��mss� �s� �nd toea9 pec�estr°i�� �ccessa ��sed �H� Ir�sti�t�t� �9'Tr�nspo��t��a� �r��ineers �I�'�} `�'rip Ge�e��taa�r� I2ate�,��e p�°��o5�a1 rezo����uld �es�era�� anore tri�� �kaan th� cura°�n� z��i��o 'I'ras��t�a���� spr��le f��aa�y aaoagaes �e�a��°���, on �he �ve�°���� 90�� d;�ely tripsa IT`�: r��aa°ch h�� sho��r tla�t srnaller trorraes te�d ��s s��ap�a� ��ali�r 9��e���i�oleds, vvhich �en�ra�e�'evver th�.n 9<SS �iaily tri�so l�I��h�r d�nsaty ��re���r tl�an 5 �ana�s pes� acre) als� cx°�ates ea�ce�ta�es fa�a� trip i•ed��t��sr�� 1'a�aE���, stao�s � �educti�r► �°��toe°of 1.� ts°ips fo�°�a�us�h��d si�e�nd 0.� treps fo�-�ens�dy ga�ea�er t�aan 5 ureits per a�re. 'TE���'�Ilowin� '�'able A �ho�vs the nugrsbei•s o9'trips. ° T��d..� � � �a��t�t�te o�°Cr�,r��art�fia�n ��qi�,��r� �i°C��.'�'� ��n�ratlos� 1"a�le ��a �� �1�� ur�d4�'" �aiiy AB� &� Ai� ��� P89� �� �E'� ��at Sir,gie F�rr�iiy �.55 0.19 0.55 0.65 0.36 5ingl� F�mil� (�dj.) 7.�5 0.15 tJ.�4 0.52 0.�9 ,�dj. ��ctor -1.9 0.04 0.�1 �.�� 0.�7 Ratio �.80 (VluitiFar�n. (posf '73 Apt.) 6.2� 0.11 0.�� 0.31 0.18 i��4.� �ingie F�mily� �8 $40 17 �8 57 3� � R�12 �/luiti�F�mily� 1(72 6�1 1� 3� 3� 1� a-° �'0��6 �v/����fiir�� z�r�6r�� °190 '94$1 2� �2 �9 50 �s � �ropos�� �-7 ain�le F�r�d9y* 1�1 �4G1 2� �4 99 5fa � � *R-4.5 and R-7 unats assumes 2Q�'o of total a�reage is use for RfVd, utilities and opez�space � F�-i2 assumes x5% of total acreabe is use far R/W, utiiities �nd o�en s�ace � Mab•ix Plan Change,12ezo��e,PD Ovei•lay Marcl� 'l8, 1 A96 .l'age 8 + Water alitv e 4.2.1 AIl developm�nt rwithin the Tigard urba�l plz��ning a.rea shall �cornply v�rith a�pg�ic�ble ��ci�ral, stax� and r�gional��t.�r quali�y standarc�s, �t.�sp�ns�; �����og�ane�t o�'�h�si�e�v�9 c��ply tie�th �.�1 �.g�p�i�ab�e �o�a�p �at� a�ad f�dea� �ater qa�ality s�agnd�rd�a T�iis �i� be analy�et� a�nd d�s.�a�ne�nt�d ` l�d dYlm�'� d�$�gfl C�AbY'Yll,� S�1�� E�eV��a�t�3�Y�� A`�'�i'llt�V9. I�nzse P�llution ' 4.3.1 City shall re�uire dev�l�pc�nent pxa�pasaJ.�lc�ca�wd in a noise cong�stexi area or a use v+�hich creates noise ira excess �f the apgZicable �t�.ndards to incarporate [�gCimaT building plac�ment or lands�aping �nd ather technaquesJ to lessen no�se innpacYs to levels cornpatible with the surraunding land u�e�. �espma��a �'he sunb�ect �6�e is �ot lac���ed �ith�n a �oi�e ca�n�est�d ar�a. 12�ac3eaatia� dewelopinen�.s �.�e a��t coaa5�d�r�d to ➢ae �agnifiea�� a�o�s� � ge�ner�ators. onc� S.1 The Ci�y shall prr�mote �c�ivities aim�d at the diversi�'icatiora of the ecanorr►Bc opgortunities avaalable t� �'igard residents with paz�txcular emphasis placecl on th� growth c�f the l�cal job marlcek. �i.���n�e< �'�e pg•��ose� �.�r�ap�eh�r�i�e g�l��a ��nc��zeaat a��� ��m� �.��r��e e�a�d �n�bl� de�el��aa�zeaat mf a�ffordabl� single�faraiily lxorne.s �n `����¢��a '�'ta�s c�evel��aa�er�t ca� �fl•ve�s �atta-��tavaa ta s�����s�fy Ti��.rd'� ���ad�aetial base. ��11.�i� 5.1.1 'l�he City shall provid� ari opportunity fnr a diversity of h�using densities and residenfial types �t various �rrice an�l re��t l�v�Is. �esponse: �.'i�e prancApal review criterion u�r�er ttie �City's h�usin� pol'ecy is tk��t the pro�aos�l cornply with the l�e�rop�tit�� �i�u�in� �¢�le, ��i�t b60 Diivisao� 70 �,�a� �anl� t��qtei�es t�at the �gty �a�nnt�fra aaa ireventoay o�' dev�i�pabl� residerntial lar�d ��ovad�xg a taau��m� zn�,; a�f�t �e,as� 50�'a r�ai�a��e f�ily dweila€a�� and an o�erall a�flrr�um ��era�� ciensity �f 10 �ai� per ��a�em i�4"ith approeal of t�ae pi�aa �ae�daxi�nt and a�ez���, .l�acr•iz Plan Change,Rezone,PD Overlay Alnrch 28, 199fi Fage 9 � t�a� �ity vvill �e�mt�nue to be ir� �oeai�li�a�ce wnt�x �lx� 1����°��S�let�n �Yous��� ��al� andl z�e�t pr�,y��tec� �ousiaa� �eec�s. �'t�e t�t.�l �at�an��r m�u�t� tln�t �an b� �ea���. �� �h�� �at� af at a� �°�zmn�d �o It-7 � 1919 i4'�ll�8 tYl��Q� 11L11Y1�1��'0�IXYIIl$�$�1�$ �&?i.1�(� �B� �EkAI$ 19II��EI• the existin� zonang - 190 �rnA�sm ��ie���ge f�°�an�t-12 to R-7 re�ifla�es a��l�i-fa�zr�ly ��taa��e�g p�t��a��a� o� � p��i�a� �af t�e�ite �ay a�pr��c�aate�y �� d��������, b�a� a°��➢€��es ���se w��tt� 4°7 ���1� faa��y a��i�a 'Y°�Z� ���a��� ��°e�� �-4.5 t� I�m� ����°���� sa��l�f��� ��te�9:n��y �9���o �`�i� �A�� �g���Il°ea��� � ��� �dc�i�a���� s�n���-f�a�a��y e��i� t� t�� ��tem �h� a°�d��t���a a� ���t���t��k�� ��i� � de�zt�ed �a k�� ia��g����°i���a� t��ae tca the f�ct th�t ��a� ���ta�� ��sa�€�� d�a�xt� as araer�eased and �h� ��a�ge �°��r���f,� l�ss �l��ra pp��1� ��' �9�� City's T�ousa�� �p��a��aanit� �dex; the City a�ai�ta�ns �� i�v�ritaa�y e�f �.3,'730 poten�:e�l I��usa�� w�n� �a�d Y,��3 �c�°�s �� d��v�6�p��l� reside�►t�al l��d, ��o�i�in� �n ovex�a�l a�r,srty �f �a.�6 �a�a�ts ��r �c�°� (Itay '4�abone, �;ety of Tegard �oa�n����g� T.��w�lm���n� �e���arn�r�t, �xeap�a����tx�xa fneet�axg, ��b�ruary 19s �99�e ��s�d �g� ��a� fo�l€a�vae�� anodeP, �t�e a�et �c�dBti�n Q�' 1 d�e�lira� tia� th� k�od�sar�� i�a���taar�y r�sr�l� �n �� c��r�g� �� tl�e �cnty's o�e��i1 dee�ity �°�t�. �9� ��, 'a�. tv Calc4�l�tiom �� de���o�za���t ��d���,�.a€ie�a iaa��ta�d �'�r �o�p�taa�� �al��w��al� �°�sic���t��l d�tasi�y (1�,9,I)e�s��y ��an��a��a�ns)e 'Y't����d+���a�� €a �ai��l��aoc� �f bta��d�k�l� l�a�d �it3� �l�s����iu� �°€�a� �uk��ac rn��t-ofeways ]Pr���.t� str�e�, exa�t��a� dev����r�r����, ��������� l��d �.�•��e �a,d �ar� ��d o�h�s° ��➢�l�� ��.�d e���ne��tAa�ta�. �t�s�������i d���lc�p��q��t �SOte�ti�� �.s det�rxsain�� by rrraul�i�l��r�� ��� w�a�t" �tan����l� ��°�� �a� th� �a������ allo�vvabl�t�o��g det�sety}�e�zon� di�tricto 1)ens6ty ��aay �9s� �r� liip�lt�� ii�di��eti� b� a���i�a�u�ax� lot size, setbacks, ��nd�c�g�in,g a�¢� de�sity t¢°�casiti�r� ��s�nd��c��a F'�r �ern�nstr��zo� p�r��ses, it is r�aso�s��i� �� �,�suz��� t�a�� ����a°oxa���at�ly ZQ�Io +of the s-ral�je�t s�gl� �'an�y (�-�.� �r�d 1�% o�`�h� r�i�al�.ipl� f�ia�tly (�mi2) s�d� ���+�c� R�� �sed fo� �►�ab�i� raght��f-w��, �ariv�t� s��°e�t�, �a��tex� c��e�ality f��iiwt��� a��c� ea�h�r � 2��C�flCr��.R�3YllSy as rec��ared t�y t��� Ca��> �a���s� �a� �6a� m��a��pf�i�t� t��a� �E�� �n���� � anet�oda�og�, �ed�sag��ti�a� �x the So5 as.r� site �'A°�rn kL-1� t� ��7 c����s � �°�du�tio[a � t� ttAe �a�si�� invent�ry �a� � ��tal �f A3 dw�RXir�� �a�ai��, but th� �h�a��� t�f 1� t�cres � of�-�e5 to�-7 rep�°esea��s ic� inc�°e�.s� of 44 �wAZ��s, �'�r � g��t ch�.n�� �C �ra� �dd'af:�or�a� °°� �nit. �e��s�ty �a�cula��o� �[�� as fo�lo��: � �a Matrix Plan Char�ge,Reaorre, P.0 OveP•!ay lv�'aj•ali M8, 1 AQ� Pa�c t 0 � .� 1_i-1� ������.�� �.5 �c�es x ,�5 = 7.2 ne�t a�res �'.2 a�e� �ca�es x 43,560 s€��r�r� t'e�� per �.��e - 3�3,6�� seg��r� f�et 313,G3�/39OSO S�i3�I'8 ��P� iTfllilll9iil.Cfll IOt �1�� = Y�Z iiCllt3 �-'7 der�atv �alc�l����pg�(fo�° �2-A2 �'��,: �,� �e�°es ac .�0 = 6.$ ne� a�r� 60� a��t aere�x 43,560 square ge�t �er ��r� = 296,24� s�uaa�� f'eet 29�,2��J�,�OQ squa�°� feet migai�aua� lo� s�� =� �9 �s�a�t� �8-4 � �ez��6�� ��.�1� ���oraa ' 19 aca°es �r .�0 = �5.2 i��� ��res R�m� a��� ���°�� �c 4�,�64 s��aa°e f��� �a�r ���� � 662,Y�2 �q��i•� fee� 6�b�,�12/�,�OQ �q�aare feet a�a�� lat �lze = $f� an�i� ]�.���t%..6' �la� i��t�f�t�'�°4�5 a�e,�): �� acres x .�0 = 1Se2 net a�r�es 15.� aaet acr�s �c ��9564 sq�are feet p�r acre = 662,�1�2 �qu�a�e fe�t �52,112/5,000 seg�aare feet �ir��axm lo� si�� -� �3� �r�x�s -k� "1 de�A.�.i�y ca�e�rlatip�for ee��a�°�. ����� 2?.S a�cre� x .�0 = 22 �et �cres �� a��t acres ac �3,560 squac�e feet �,�r a��°e = 95�,320 squaa°e fe�t 95�y�lsOIJ9000 squa�e feet rr��iraa�i�� I�� sn�� = 19� �xaAt� T�a� to�a� n�bea° �f aa�na�� yvm�ald i�a�r��� �y +�ne s�a��ald t��s a°e�c�a�s� ��d ���px�eta�a�siv� pl�r� c�a��e b� ����°��vp�ae �'�.a2� aga�a•ease axk ��� a��ait a°epr����s �� in�a,g�aificant charnge to the City'� �ve��ll �l��.a�ed ���5fl��� s���si�y �'�� dew�l�ap�ble la�d�. '�'AB�.E �: �era,saty ��aa-t I�u�a�ier ��' Ac��� �:�ar��nt Zonin� ��� �•��os�d Zani�� ��d I�wellin� �.Tni� �w���a� �J�n� �o� ac�°es R-�2 = 1�� ��velt�n� �a�a��� �-7 = 59 dw�llaa�g t�r�its 19 ac�°�s ?�.��.°J� = �� C�6d'L��YI�� il�'ll�s �p7 = ��� d��t�°se�� aa�npts ��TA�., 1�0 ���ellir�g �eaaa�s ��1 dt�°el�ia�g un�ts � Matrix Plan Change,Rezone,PD Overlay �t�lar•ch 28, 199G Page 11 � �.`ta� a��a�heY•n a�d so�rti�v�esterm g�o�°tean o�the �arc�l �s ���j��t �� �d�rHSrty te°s�n�si�i�n t°�ec�naa�ea�en�s (��nag�r�����sive T�l�n P��icy 6m��2; Cor�aax�utt��x� ��e��➢opm�r�t C*��� � 5�����n �.�n40.04l�1q 'H'�� cotie t°eq�aires tl��t �t�y ��ew dee�loy�merat ��acat�d ��tl�ir� 10t�'",� ��et of� desig�aat�d °�abiis�e�Dev�lo��a�a�t" r�ay �ot exc�e� i2.5%v �a€the �iloyv��al� c����ity � the estabi�stx�d c��vela�arne���s p��..� d�,spgraat�on, Ia� t�� �s�, so�� a��th� �abli�he� c�evelo�a�x�nt i� de�si�a�t�d I,o� �eaasity �.�side�x�i�l fn th� ��o���ar��ea�i�e ����x t�o t�� south a��d north. �'�a�ref���, ��� abuttan� �o�� �voea➢d be d��elop�d �at � aa�����aa� of 6.S 1flF1A$SI�CH•�d �e��use �f���e.�s t°�qt�►tt��ax�e�� �n Satt���° Str�e�9 lo�s alos�,���a� e��ez��wn �a��'� $$t�. A��n�a� �vm��d b� �ar�er tl�a�n �he ���ra�e 90� +east �f t�� �a�� �x��s�i��o 6.3.1 tr� all phas�s �f the d�v�lopment ap�rs��ral prece5s ira a r�side�ntial °est.a.blishecl area,�� a ��arnary ��nsirlerati�n �� th� �ity shall be to �,r�s�rv� �nc� �nhanc� �he character of the adjacent estaUlisk��d axe�s, �'k�e saak�jecfi si�e is �ocated adjac��t to a�a �t��1�sk��d x°esident3�.l ��°��.e A� di���x§�edl �bov�, c�e�sity of tl�e �a�oposed �id��a�a.� ��ve�o����� �nd �d,@��en� resi�ievtg�l :�reas !'V1Il OCCIAi'`WW$�lll$�&� �9�Y"�1.C�8td'.I'� 6��$�lf���YU.��CUC�� �.�'9tEC�iOIY 1�040.04a). �� p�°ax�ar,y rea����:o sPe�t�a�.se �a�ae�t�ae�tt�t�th���sta�� �aa1��y is �� pr�vide ��a a��� ����s� �r�� sfl�ll lot sin�I� f�y deta�h�d hoaxsang, w���&a ��xcla� t�e sn�rr��zr�s�ing �a�°e�n �'h� �et���s �t t�� develop�er�t wi�i be de�vel�g��d �t t�e c�e��l��a�aent sta��, Fyj�j�� Facil�tie� and �ervice� 7.1.2 1:he City shatl require as a pre-condition to development appraval that: a.) development coincide witl� the a�ailability �f ad�uat� servic� cagacity; b) the fa.cilities are capal�le of��i�u�tely servin� ali iritexv�ning p�•ogerties �nc� the proposed d�velapm�nt; �nd ar� c) desi�ned to City 5tandards. if�es�oa�se: �he re��n� of ti�e p�apert� f�°�aa�. Ya-4.5 aa�d Y8-12 to R�7 �o�id �io� ch��nge t&�e ��c�ui.rem�nt fo��a�aialic fac�at�es and servx�e�s t� l�� px�svid�cf te� t�e ab�a�e s�a�dar�.s t�ecaaas� tlae �ur�ab�r of�aait� is e�sea�tial3y �h� sarnie. It � �h�ap}�lieant's �ara�e�t�r�direg t�a�t facilati�s �� serve �vat��°, se�er a�id s�orrrn wa�e�° a�ee�.s are ���i9ab1� to Aneet the a]e�� af the pro�zosed use. � � 7.2.1 The �it� shall require as a �re-condidon to dev�lo��r,ent �pprov�l th�.t: �) a sit� � development study be submitied; b) natural �lraina,ge�u�ys b� maint�nect unles§ studi�s � show that alt�rna�av�drain�ge solutians can s�lve or� ate drair�a�e probleir►s a�d �il� assur� � na ac�verse off-siGe impacts; c} all. drainag�r,arfl be handled on-sit� �r th�re is �ra alt�r�ative t� solutian 4V11ICtl will not increase the off-site impact; d� the 100-year �loodplain be � ' prot�ctetl; e} �rosion control techniques b� irr�lucled as part o�the sit� d�v�Iopme�t plan. Malr�ix Plan Change,Rezoile,PD OverJay t1larch 2�, .1996 Page 12 �es��a�see '�'�a�pa°���s�d �z�n� w�u�d ��t��aar����k�� ���d ��s° a �i�� d���l�p��r�t �tudy to �e p���aar�c� a�a� t�a�t b�s� m�r������t�t g�r°��t1��s '�� au�ec� �'�r �n-sx���urfa�� wa�er c�ace��ea �t � b�li��e� t��t a��� �s�vea�5� i��a��� t� na�ur•�l drai����w�ys, a������$ �and� ��s� �6�'adplt�iaas ��aa �e p���erly �aa�a,���ec�. �'he �l�n��€� ��r��l��air���a� om�r���n� wil➢ ��ke et e�.sper ��r� 4he d�ve����r t� ���i� f�a° � ��n��� t'����ly d���fa�prga��t ���g ��t� e�kaa�c� ��� a���d�e� �n� �f�h� ��c�s�F�� r���ur°�.1 f��tua°� �r� �h� �it� by pr��vfd.�� ��xBbl� d���f��am��t sC��a���c�s. °�`ti� ���z���d �ev�l����n� a���a�l�y ���aad� m ta��-��s� g���d�� �°��i�� ��°���e '7.�.1 '�he �it sh�11 requir� as � ���-canditi�r� ta d��r�l�p��nt �.�apg�UVa.I tha�. �� tl�e Y devel�pment l�e served b� a vuater syst�rs� �ta��n� �d����� wat�r pz°essu.�� f�r #"ar� protect�on purposes; b) the d�v�l�pr���� sh�i �ot r��J��� �h� ti��t�r �r�ssur� in th� �rea beloea a Ieve1 adequate for �'ir� prot�ct�o� p�rp���s, a�d �) th� �p�slic��le fir� drstri�t review all applicatioaaso R.es�oa9s�a It as h��i���d th�a� t�� ��°a���s�e� �°esid�r�ti�6 d���ic�����a�: ��ia a�i��t s�� ap�licab�� �v���r ��°�ss�r� �.�d �a•� �x�o���ti�oa� st�axd�aa°�d�. 7Ch� �tz���� �zo�aixA� �a� ix��re�e th� r���b�r �of��i�s �O��s�b�e c��a �h�s �i�� by o�a� �aaut. T'his��an��;s����d ��t i�ap�c��h� wr�t�a° �e��p�y :�grs�t�rn�, It � th� ap�lic.���'s�.a�de��.aas�A�►� t��t ��e��ic��r�� e�a�e¢° p�essc�r� ex�� t� a�e�� ��e d��raane� of tl�� pm�pa�sed l�a�d �a��s �nd f�el�ll the ff�� �r����°� re��gi�°eanents. Tl�e �a��p�sed d�vel�p►�e�n�. o�a�9 �� r�vi�wed by tt�� '�"�al�kf� V��l�y Fire �tad ����u� ➢�ep�r�ane�at �� ��� �f &�a� dev�l�pan��� �p�r�s�al ��°o�esso �'.r�nsnQrf�tio� �ol,l Th� �City sha11 �lan f�r a �afe �d �f�'i�i�gxt s��ee� �.nd roa�iw�� syst�r� thaC m�ts cu�rer�t �eeds and anticipated futur� growth and d�vele��an�nt. I�es��rn��e �'�ais ��9icy is dgr�ctive tc� �9�� Ci�y, "�"��� �r���s�s,� �°���denti�� dleve�op�er�t r��1� Ara�et a!l ac�o�tec� ��tg�, c��c��y �tr�c� r��o�caa� �°o�d��y lew�l-o€se�°vice �ered c���ratio�aa�s��daa•ds. ���°�h�rnt,��°�, �:ii� �rop���a r•e.si�lea�tial �l�s�nla�rne�at vvil� use n�o�tr�dit9Qru��, ��°�r�sit �aAyd �aed�str°a�� f�ae�zc��y d�ign ��d 9�y€��� �.t� ��c�n��°��� r�ai����,� ��aa���� �a� �tt� p ta°ams�e��ati�� sys8.ep� �.g�c➢ �a°��vid� c�a�z���&a��ty ���r�e�� �i�V IIIItt� i �v�n�e �aad ��t�ler S�r�+e�, '�'1�e���ct lo��iob� ��°the a�a��a°��cti�s� �f t�e ° ���nectiii� s��e�et a�d ��t���� �tr��S; w"s9� ��� d�t��°��ra��l duri�� �h� i �ev�9�prrn�r�t proc�, and revi�r��d by th� ���aa�ra� ��scruaa�issea ����°i�a� ! the Pl�axafled 3�ev�fl��arae��. i•+�va���a � � Nlatrix Plan Change,Rezoric,PD Overlay A9areh 28, 195��' Page 13 � E� �.Z.2 The C�iy shadl pra�is�� f�r effxcier�t r���gein�n� o� the tr�spo��ian pl�r�in� process within the City�d the m��ropolit� area thrsau�;h ct�aper�tion v✓ith other f�eral, s�te, region�! �nd 4�cal aurisdictzons. It�s���en �'�as �a�licy i� dlar�cti�� f:o t}ae �ity. sgt� d��v�lQp��r�t a°�,vne� �� ��� �rcrpo��d a�esideaa��al �evelap�ent w�l b� c�ordl�a�ed vaxth �as�in�or� Goura�y, t�e �aty a�f 'I'a�ar°d �a�c� '��°�-I�[et �� ��u�°� co�'c�x�aaaac� �gt� ds�� �.g�d r���oa�a� t�aaa��c���taaa� �➢�.axso �I�11 �3�ul�vaa°d a� d�i�na��ed �a� � �orrad��• �a� th� ���aft �040 ��ot�t�n ���c���t. '�'l�� ��°����e� ��d�s�ria� ��r� t�°�.r�a� �°�°fl���y de��i�p�en� ��t�a� �/4 ���� �f � ��Il°�°94��E�' P,S �EP�LS�.S��i➢� '�'%'��8 �I7� Z��� ��'m!i'��E G�k����%�e �aa� p�°�g�a��� a� ���coa���nt �i�� �he�a�g�z� ���������a�� ���a�n���� ���� �T��€) ���a�� ��;���s��r mo� c�er��Fy d�v����aed s���e f�il� ���x�Y�x� nea� ���iwi�y c�aaters (Ti�ard �ii�t� S�h��zy a�d �oo�. ��rl��e �th��°p�rti�� c,f tkne �'PR ���ly� �� sp����n� si�e ��a�, �v�ictz ar� a��t p�� �f �h�s actg�ra. 8.1.3 'I'he Czt� sharl r�uir� as a pre-cox�d�tior� to dev�loprr�ent �.ppraval �ha.t; a� d�vele�pment abut or• hav� appr�o�riat�ly-a�athorized a��ess to a pub�icly dedaca��d �ttz��t; b� stge�t �.gh�-�f-w�y be de�icated (if s�►bstandard); c) th� d�velopex cornzr�at to th� �c�nstructi�� e�f street improvern�nt� «ithin the developmer��; d� andividu�l cievel�pe�s participate i� the imgroveznents of existin� str�ts, curb� �n� sidew,�atks �o the �xtent of th� development's impac�s; e) �tr�et bmpre�vements b� ;made arad �igns or sigz�als pxovid�l when the d�vel�grnent is f�t�nd tc� cr�ate �� ir�t��sify a �raf#�°ie hazard; f� �t�aarP.sit stc�ps, bus turnout lan�s �nd shelters be provided if develop�nent is th� t�ge ��a�era�ia�g transit ridersh.ip; g} disabl�cl parldn� spa��s F�e set �side �.nd �n�.rkc�.d; and h) l�nd b� dedicat�d C� inapl�rrr�r�t the adopted bi�ycle/�edestri�..n cs���ad�x p�aa�. Res���eo �'ab�e A, I��tate��� ��"�'�°��sp�rt�tia�� ���as���rs �I'I'E� Z'���a ��n�r��e�sa .��a�ysas, shows that ti�e�°� wAll be � ���ht d���eas� (�Q �'�e��a��r��s) � th� nu.cmber of dail;� �:�Y�� ffa��a� the ��r���s�� zw�a� �h�a�g�. 'rhas decr�ase � du� �� tlh� l:r�� �eda�etion fact�a�s �res�r�t in� a s�na�� ��t, t�egher derzsi�y sir��➢� ���xaily (za�. �ev-�rar�e��oraal) sa�ladi��ian fayo�t. �'�ae ��'O�OSe� �E'.Y�IOjJsI11�Y1� �JHTI lYY�Clll�d�� �H°Bil�l� aII(� ��t��Z°1��9 fi 8L'.B1t�I3' (a�Slggl fEa�YLY'�� �!l��1 8u SY113I� IO�' �zed�str�aa� and �acycl� �c���ways �. a�id stre�t.� tlaat Nta�l ��avide �vt�axe��avaty t� ex�.�t�aa� st.t°�e�:s. �a� � ���1���.�t vdfll �;�i�fo�xffa ta ��1 c�sn�itior� ��d� �t 9:�� t�ev�l�p�ae�t '�' ��vxew st�g�o � '� &.2.2 TPze C�ty �hali enc�urag� th� ex�ansion and us� of public tr�nsit by iocatin� Iaiad � g� inter�sive us�s in close proximity to transit ways. � � � ,.� Matrix Plaft Charage,Rezor�e,PD Overlay March 28, 199G Page 14 � � � Res�oa��s �'l�s plan ���ac�e�at �nd �om� e�a�a��� �il� ��p�x�: �b�bli� �c°�aa�at �a�v�ce��+all.owra�g for d�v�lc�p������s���°��r�c�i��c�n��, �:�°��.sit o�e�►�ed' ���1� fa�a�ly a�iderataal c�e�velopa�.e�t a�lo�a� ar� ��abl��a������..��� r��t� (�I��I �ou9ee�rd). F��her detaal� �abo�et �o���a�a� �f s�c����.l�.sp lar►ci�capAr�� and a�p�rapraate �ot o�°ie�a�atioan tm �a����ar��e p�de�ria� �c�e�s t� a��ari�y txars;�t ��� ped€�triaa� fac�it�� r�ell be �dci��.�ed d��°a�n� th� �ate �lax� r�vfeiv �t�g�. � 9.1.2 'Th� City shall establis� a bal�.nced and effici�nt lranspc�rtation syste;� vvhich complim�nts the land us�pYan arid is desagnecl to manimi�e e��rgy impa.�ts. l��s�ar�eo °I'1ae p9�an�endffientA re�ome an�l �la��d c��ve���aa��nt oe�er�ay wou9cd s�pi�ao�°t � d�v�lap�epz� t�e�t w��ld �x��¢�u�°�ge ��°�Yes��:i ��de�tri�n aa�d �gcyele travel d�e to �ro�osed a�eo-tmaditaon�� d����. Ap�ra�$�a�t� st���t �xiprave¢taen�, s�ac� �s 5yde��11�, a�n� ��c��s��vays �v�aald be pro��d�d �o ��c�ax�age t�a�it i�s�a �'I�e gar��os�.� �s ��r�.si����n� �vit�i i.n�x��e�xe�taax� �a°�t�g9 �, p��e �I-f�, wkag�� r�c����d.s t�a�t th� �it�supp�� �uk��i� �a�d �rravate �laa�.aB�� eff�i°ts tha�� ac�voc�te al���a�ativ� foa� af tr�ins�ao�taon sucl� � �x�ss trarasat, ��cycli�ng �ud walka�g �'o� em��ttar�ae��e�. �'h�� higher clexs.satv �esad��tial laud �ase i� witi�ir� walkp�n� d�s�aa�c� to the Tig�rd �i�l� School a�ad ns ac�,gacent �o � traa�sat ��a°�i�e a��a�te (��ll �ca�l��a�°e��, �I. �€�N�l7i�l�t �E VYI'�'� C�'�X ()�TA�ARTJ �����.��1l���' ���� 7oni��2a�tti.�.�l�ssifcation and R.eq�� m n c 1�.040.040 ,4.. and B. Residential L�ensity 'Y'ransition Requires that "any property within 100 feeG of an established area sha�l nat be develepecl at a ...d�nsity gr�ater than 125%'0 of tihe allov�er� density iri the a�jac�nt areas." "�he "allower.l dPr�sity"' is Uased on the planr�in� designation, r►ot the specific zonir�g d�strict. The limit� t!o not a.pply to areas segarated by a major collector �r an arterial. �e§poa�s�o ����a� of�ae adj�e��a��armp�mta� �.r� "�st�b����l d���l��ane�a�" �nc� ��� de�igraal:�d �.c�v►�I)er�it���ide�ata�,l a� t�e Go��sre�eia.snv�P�an, Tt��e areas �re l�cat�d �dja��r►� to por�a��as of tY�e s�ut�a a�� �aoa�th bour�daries �f the p�ro�o�ed develop�ent. Therefor�, ��e pr��o�ed Matrix Plan Change,Reza�e, PD Overlay ATarch 28, J99G Page 1 S � a � ti � ������lots w��a3a��� �evelo�aed�t�r�xirn�xr� �f 60� aar�ntsBa�r� a��he so�atl�w�st�r�a ar�d a�oa���rn �a�ie�a� off tt�� s���� ���us� a��° �eCess r�quir����ts �� Sa�tl�r St�e�tp lot� �lon� th� �xtera�e�r� �� 5VV 8�k� A.v�na�e�oa�id��H�ger�����ave���la���� �f th� �c��d �����t��n. 18.50 °]Che purpvs� of the �2.-4.� zanin� distz�ict is to px��id� fs�� urbar� l�w dens�ty r�sid��nti�dev�lopm�a�t. 'T'�h,e�er�n.irt�d r�s���n�i�l us�s includee Sin�l�-f�snily d�tach�d, r�siden�a�. �rea�rne�t hc�xne�, rnar���a�tur�d hoir��:s a��d oth�� s�ach �sse�. ��tpl�� �a�xi�� �� 1I��'1�1� �S s3, C;QP1C�lt3�ri� ���. L.�t s�i�ensions, 'I'h� rnz�am�rm 1At siz� is 7,500 squax� ��t p�r d�tach�t uni�a,nd 10,Q00 squa�� feet �o� dur:�l�x��. �v�r�.�;� rninirnur� lc�� frortta,�e sha.x� b� 50 f�t fs�r detache�d ur�i�s �d 90 f�t f�r dupl�xes. Ivti�3mum Iot �vid�hs ar� 50 f�� fc�r sin�le �amily arid 40 ior��Yacl�e� units. �rc�nt yard s�tbacks ar�20 fe�t in fzcsnt, 5 f�t c►n �h� sit��s 1Q feet�n � str•�et side, and 1S f�et frorn the re�.ro Gaxa�es m�st be set bacl� �t lea�t �C) f�t frc�m fror�t property i��eo 1l��citnum all�v✓� h�ight is 35 f�t. 1�.52 Y'he pu�pose af the It�7 zcar�in� distric�is to prnvi.de fsar sir�gle-fa�tiily detach� and attach�d units ior an�di�arn d�nsYty ded�lopm�ento '�'hr�p�rrra�ttet� �esid��ntial uses includ�: Single-family d�tached (or��per lt�t,l, sin�le family attacheci (i��t m�re than � per graup), duplexes and manufactured homes, a.��l other r�1at� us�s. Lbt dirrien�ior�s: The minimurzi lot sxze is 5,�00 squ�z-e fe,�� per d��ch�ct unit, 10,�J0 �quar� f�et far dup�ex�s, and �,000 far �ach attach�d �ni�. I�Iinimuca� Iot widths ar� 5Q feet for sa.n�Ye fa:ni2y and 40 for �tt.�ched units. Fz��nt �ard s�tb�c�s ar� 15 feet Yn front, 5 fe�t�sn th� sidey 10 fe�t �r� � str��t sz�i�, and ��' fe�t fr�m th� r�. ���i�u�rr� �il�w�rt heagrit is �5 fe�t. 18.54 The purpuse of the�.-12 zoning �istx�ct is to pra�vide for single-fam,ily atta.ch� and multiple famzly r�sider�ti�.l binzts for m.esIiu�n ��3151$� CI�V�I0�7iTl�C1tS. The p�rrnztted r�sad�ntial uses includ�: Sing1�-family d�tach��, duplex, sin�l��famiiy attach�d, uid mtcltiple-family dw�llings. i,c�t dimensions. The mznimurri lc�t siz�is 3,050 squ�.r� �eet pex unit, with a maximum lot � covez�.�e�f IIO%. Sett�acics for m��1i�-fan�ily structures are 2Q �eet i�a ��c►nt, IQ feet on the � side, a.nd �0 feet from the rear. Ma�czmum a.11owed height is 3� f�et. � R�s�aza�e: 'T��ap�lir.a�t pro��ses�o i°�a.se t�� derr���y �r� �� �c��s �f��� 2'7.5 ac�°e � op �ite f�°�rn �h� ��arr�n� �o� de�.sity a��kdern�a�Z (�on�d �-�.5) ta Yxa�a�i��a � d��sYty a�esid��st��l tha� e�wi��d al�c��� �-"7 �ornga�gu �9r� ��e a��m���a�� S.5 � ac�es, t�ae a�pAica�t pr��aos�� to r�d��� the ��x�an� froz� �-12 t� �.m7a Matrix Plan Clzange,Rezone,PD Overlay March 28, 199� Page 1 b � '1'�ni� "tra��" i� ��snd��t��i ���ities wcaanl� �Ilo� L�� �g�p���a� tc� d��eyap� oaa��an����C�aa�i9�F d���h�d�I�d��i�ic�� witta � ca��si��a�� ��ta�.�� foa°th� �n��� §it�. ?�� ����s �� tl�e e��tt ��c� �v�t �r� d��v��o��d �� �-7s ��d �f �h� �p�p�ii�atxt's d��e�og����t prnceedled unc��r t}�e cue�ea�t ���nin�9 th��� «o�ald be a st�ip ��f�.t-4.5 r�sider�ti�,l d��v�IQ��aent ������a�t �a 1�-12, pote�tial� �nultq�°aaaaily �a��d �`his � not co��s�e�t weth �k�� ��tv'� �ea�s��� ��°a�sat��� ����. ��rt�e��r�� t�� r�r�u�� ��la��� �������i �������a��aat �/P�} a�ea°1��, wh�c� w�u�d �ive ��� i;i�y s��ff and �ppo�axt�d o�'��i�� �n a��aia��u�xit� �� �°��vn�� sn�� �l�a� fa�° ���ro��a�t� ���c�.sr.,��r�g, ��t �et b�ck�, �tc. A /�'�7► �v�rl�y w��a�c1 gaa°ov�de fl�xibality irs setb�cl� �.nai �aayo�r� ��ax�d�a°ci� �� faci�ita�e � ne�ta°€a��i���l de��i�p���t (��c� � �ala�in� c���ac�e�c� �ax��ges b��ai�ad tfl�e dwe�li.m� ��flt�. p�t�d �evelo��nent l.�.Sv Th� �aurpose �f planned develapmen� rs��rlay is to pravide ��xid�l� st�dard� to allaw application of new te�k►niqu�s in conyrriunit� dev�lo�ment, to facilitate�fficienk �!se of land, pram�te economic eluster�n� of buildings, �irculatao�� a�d mper� �pace, pa�es��-ve cxisting landscape features, and �r�couz�g�iruYOVatgve ara�] diversi�'ied livix►� environanents. Th� �'I� process r�quires s�veaal p�t�l'z� m�etings and r�vi�w �f a d��a.iled deve�a�sment plan by st.�ff and appro���l a�the plarining �c�rrcmission. ��.��s�z��: '�'�a� p�o�>QSa� seel� � �'l�a�ed I��v�fl��a���t (i��?) ���a�1�y �e �a��uzxe�io�x wa�t����x��n� ��d c����ke��n°�� g�➢�n ���¢��aate ��a� FA ov�r9�y sa�i� t3�e pz°oposed developa���at �f � �aea-t�adit�oa�al sub�l�v�sioa�, si��e san�l� ��yot�t� n�a�d�ad� "��a�!saaal" dE��ela��s�e�� tecl�aaiques ��c�a a� ���y�, t�°�.f�i� �arcfl�, at�c� s�a���� ho��9 la�� ��� ar�d stti ee�: e��a�lt��. 7C�� P�ar���d I3�a�lap�n�r�t e�i�� ��Ip th� �.�a�l��n� address tlie t�vo agric�ltural pond wet�ans� loca��r� �a� th� site, by alyowi�a� �lexfbnlity �ra d��v�flm�ment st�ndarcL� fn exchaa�ge �"or dev�leepa�s�cfl� o�' �pen s��c� are�s< �'��uP�e sesac3enteal d�velog��necat vviL1 a�eee� all �f t�ae �i�:y's P➢a�e� �e�e���n�e�t x�ev�e� c:riteria �a�o�n ��prov�l o�t�ne a��ox��. �'l�e �l�a���d d��elo�mea�t �e�v��ew swb�g��:�� bvil� �d�r�� �Atasa� a�d �3esigu sr�te�fla�, �eludixAg p�ricua�� landscaping, envi�or��ent� �aeA�UY°rrtaa�a�e ��aa�d�rds, ac�ess �aad carcufa�io�, s��tb��l� a�sd �tlaer a°�cgu�rer��e�� �f the �it�. Mah�iz Plm�Chartge,Rezone, PD Overlay March 28, 1996 Page 17 � � _ iie ��Y'��CE (�&' �&IP�RT�� �T ��+��J�1'��''��l'�, I1�TGC?�iS��' +�dC� ��8 1�I�TA��� Cornpreherasz�✓e I31�.n Ar:a�radm��zt� [�om�x�h�nsi�v� P1�n P�licy �.1.� �2�� s�a.t�s �h�t arn�ndrnents t� g��pl�n ane�t the failowin� ��it�rza: �. I'h��hang� is cc�nsist�nt with appiiG�ble plan poliai��9 l�. .� chaalg� �f�hysi�at �ircurns�ces ha�s ���uxxr�sl sa�c� �h� �rigin�l d�si�n��i�r; a��d c. A, r��istalc� �as r�a.d�ir� ti�e axa�ir��l iand �zse d�sigr��t��s�. S tio 8,��40 of the LZ�velopmen�code imp�ements �his I�lari st��tegy ar�d states t�ie - st.�dards th�.t rr�ust b� an�� in ��der tc� ap�arc�v� an �rr���ndment�a th� �oanprehea�sive plan �;nd zonxn� nn�p. Stibsection � x�quires "�v�d�nc� �f ���g� in the r��a�hbcarh€�c�d �r cornmunity or �. mistake Qr ir�consistency ir� th� c4mprehe��ive pla.r� or zoi��r��; m�p �.s i� r�l�t�s to the property which is �h� subject �f th� dev��oprn�rat �pplicatioz�." �t��ous�: �j�p,<<p °r� � cieal .At•�aem�t�tt��.� 'I'h� at��che� �hron�logY (��g�a�e �:� �xi��la��ats sm�rn� ��' th.� ci���a�� ��at R��ve O�C1.9Y'�°�C� gYl Tl���•c�'s pl�r���t� ��➢�ci�s �ver tk►� ��s� 15 ye�.i�s, 5��ci�cally, �I�� ��ty �f'��a�d's ��a�n�a°e�ea�iv� �l�.�a ����m�at�� i� 1��3, e�t�����xing ��� pla�x ��a�l z��� �esi��a�i�re �'�s�° t�� ar�a ar w��a��� �he s��,pec.i; �ra���r�y � ����t�e3. �i�n�� ��5�� �n��9 d��v�lo�ac��nt ��d physa�eal �i��cuzkZSt�m��s tn�vt� cla�nge�l �a��af���u�atly tvn�h �e��a�� �o t�� '�.'�g�rd �S���aa�a�� a�•ea. • 1. I��velca�naen� �f su�•�°o�aa�di�n� ar�a �an�cl �.s Ita�2 I��s b��n less tl�a�a ��ACH�D�$�C�a �'�e ��v� 5aa�d��vi��ons loEa�ed t� th� eas�: �f�t� �ia��� �m�a��va��, loea�ed a�o�g La���°e� �aaa k3onav�ntaaa°e �'tre�� arz� o�n �ozad and �hxa�cl� (zoned as It-12) provide ��ap�axiffi�tel� arr �t-� &evel of dev�do�a��nt (r��;�,�l,y °7 u�its �o $he acr�)< �,������r flarge l��t i�► t�i� �-12 �a•ea� �as r�c�ntly � d�velo�er� witl� ttae Tfgard lF'r�e�d ��nuuz�ch9 pa°�vi�.�� a ➢a�s o�'housY�g c�evsity � for th� Cnty. �enea°ally, dee�l�o�rx�er�t sn thi� a��� �.� co�sn�tently b�aii� a�the � ��-°! le�ve99 iV1�Il �Il'�c`i�llHi' �0� alj� SEdg���°��%9i l�y �➢OI�9�.S. ..! � 2. I�a 19�6, the City C�ua���l ag�p�°oved �t chara�e ira desa��a�ior� a�� ���aa�� off � A��ertsor�s �r��erty �� �a���a�.an l(�oad �r��! �Ii�ihw�y S4 fr�� Hi�� ���i�y ,.�.� k�esid�a��ial (�t-40� ta� �-C. In 19�7, city pla�niaa� ��ff�°e�oa�r�ne��d�d '�sa�:es �Llatriz Plan Change,Rezo�ie, PD Gver/ay March 2�, 199�i Page 1� r fcar "a�������n�" �o ��ke ex� ff�r ��a� l�s� ��400 h�ra�in� ��a�n ���� ��t9�e se��n sit� w�a°��p�a����d�y tt��C�k� ���a�, �e��a°to �y�aa°��Q I����� 19+$7 �e�,sity Tr��s€�r Sa�eso '�� da���, t��s�site� ��ve b�e� pa���i��r d�������de T�ae Ita4.� ortion �f t�ae a l���nt's �i�:e �� i�cl�ade� � �ate �, ��:� , P �� , a��eaa��andedi b� CSty P�r�n� St�ff€oa°ug�xoa�� fr�+a��.-4a�t�R��. 'T'Ixere �v�s 1�$ec��e��ony � o�a��sa�i��&e�t�n�����a �� 1PI�r�an� ������a� ��aa� ,. �ity �oaar���l s�e�f�d tbQ �h���� b��d on fo��wa�a� ��d'axfl� vy���h �r� cflted ���°� f��r�n t�� a��anu�� o���� 1����� �, �9�7 ��anffiang ��+�a�sa�n r�►�et��; "Y) I�adequacy of ta��ns�aoa�ata��a � th��a°��, ���k o�bus s�rva��; 2) n��d t� �a�eg°v��-4.S �0�1$fl�°y 3} Y1�IY—�OE�Ifl�lI�A�H1C� !'Wb�� �gB��9fi,�'d���' �(Df:��1011�� ��°���&A�� �� �°�d�ces th� li�abila�y of t�� est�b�l�ed ar�a�; 5'� i��aac� o�a tl�e ����+�� �raa�l€� be gre�ter i�ff t�� �.bov� site� [the appr�ved �it+�s] ��� a�ac�°���d in rie�csi�ys�� '��e fianc�ags are �o louge�relevarat �vl�er� a��laed to �k�e�-�6.5 �aa�ceon of�h� apgal�cant'� sit� �s fo��owss ao Trarnspa�a�ioc� fac�li��� la�ve bee� n��arovecl, ��d �v�il ��r�ti�x�ae to �n�a�ove as dlev�l�npiner�t�ee��s �l�ng a���a� arte��also �-I�ll �oul�v�xd �s desl�nate�as�t�or�oIl�t�r����o��a�Fae�eve p�la� ans� �'att�er ��reet as a �areo� �o�e��oa�, and � desi�a����d �aed��aar� and b��y�le ra���-�f w�y wi� 9��g�a�et�l�es ���g��e�ved sideavall�m 'I`f��Y8-4.5 s��� �as d�°��� ��ce�s c�nt� S���Te� 5��e�t. �al� �a�aY��v�rc� I�as be�n d�3�nated �.s°���a�portat��� c+�r�idcar i� ��e�iY�ts°� 2dD4� �z°$�ewor� �'I�na `�'�°�-I��t �?r�����s �u� s��v��� �loa�� �a�� i��asa��a�°d ���h �°��a�� �#76, �it[� s�rvic� a�l €��y, �c�uciin� 1S �z�u�e 5e�ice d�ari�� p�ak c��ute ti�es. b. �'l�a�re vv�x°� ma�°e�s�ras�6v�� as to �Ii�` t�ae c�ty aa��d�d to �r��.se�°v� �m 4.S 2UIllE2�y ,ju�t this or�e s�a���n�� �°i�adi�.go Tl��s ]E�-4.5 a�e� i� u��nd�iched" isetweeaa ]�-1� ��d �.-7, e�vrtl� �:�� a���,,��rity m� tt�� surrounding ar��a beia�� r3��etap��1 �t appi�oxa►�ateiy ? uc�ats ger acree c. �'he toeati�r��� cri��ria for $�s� �ir�a t� �e desn�r�at:�d m�di�a� de�ity and l�s'7 �re niet a� f'oli��vs� di�°�ct access to a m�r�oa° c�i�ectaz°, r�o de�e�oprr�ea�t li�ni���io�ss, p��fle� �'a�rl�ti�.s ��� �vail�bis� ��dp�t�9Y, ��blie$r�a�sat � avaa�abl�, ca��venaenc� re#.�al i� avagl�ble a� the c�raa�� ��' S�N �a�l a�nd Durtaarrd lE�oady cg�I�Y°QD�Y�`o���l� 3/Q Y�III➢� ��A M.1HL� S�lA�RJ.y and publi� ��e�s�ac� � avai�a�ale at Cook �'ar�, l�a�rha�a �te�e�t�ry Scl�ooi, �'aa�a�� C�°ee�c �Gr��aa��y, ared �'a��.rt� �a�lh 5�1��01. �i�lalrix Plan Change,Rezone,PD Over/ay March 2�, 1996 Page 19 � d, T&a� p�o�o�ed ��'1 d�v��€����nt �vill no� �red�c� t�� t�u�ln�� �� diff� �'a�r �he ���°���un�a�a� aa°��. 'Y'tre pra�o�i�� c�a����ti�en of r�x�n� �s , �ticnp�.t�d�� �t a� aree fewer d�e " �������b-�12 ��d�-4e5 z��an��, t�� �'� o�ve�l�y ����vs for��r�lic �����w ��ad c�x�axnea�� oa� tl�e �aabd'a��ic�� (�a°���nd lo�} l�yo�at, a�ad�xe���►�a�e�r►� ar�a a� ��r��dy dev�loped ���� �'t�� d�veYo�ra�e�tt�e , �a �ari ��� �� ��� ��h��►Ls �s la�t�l ta� b� 1� ��t�� �t�� �rr��¢as�� sc��� lot � � ���rr��i h�a�.� �Sa°�����c� by ��� a�p�a����� �'�� �r����g����e� �ia���� of�a��rag ��.�� n� �����I�y �Ix�s�ae �or th� a�v��d �a���¢� � �a����� ��ar����t ��a��. �t��9�S��t t��,��.����Z� ar� �`a�v o�'�'���.�°�fl �t��rax� .� . ��� ��L��� As th� �ha°oa�olc�gy i�� ����nre � s�a��vs, th� �a°�p��y �vas ��nex�d �►to� �ia� caty � 19�2g �.s a g�a�taan �f t�i� I)�a���na Lsland an�aexatim�a, �er l�o�tlax�d �oa�dar,y �����s���x ��a��� �rd�� 1�2�. �'�ae� ��� 'Tag�ra� C�&:y Co��eil �ati�te� �:�is a�nx�e�ca��am vvitl� �h� �our�d�r� ���n��siam � �9�19 �n l�.�c��aataa� ����3 �]Ea�r��� xt a�ic���a�l�dl �� ��toanati� �•ez�za� prQV�s��a� �aats� S���iaan � �f�I7e ��ss���xtgan: "���9;gQZa 3: �.T��H@ �Al%l�2Lc`D�lA1C9 ��I� 20ffi� VI�XII �9� ��lc`lli��� �i°fBY� ��S�flH��i1� C:AH1EHty ".�8.I7-4" t�tt�e '�'a��c�a:�rt�pre��n�nve�'�na desi���ioas �f "�t-5" a�ac! "I8.-'7" ��r�aa� I.�� T�e�a,.�aty, 5�� �tt��:�ed Fi�r�� foa°�t�g�� �o� �a�l��r of�➢�� zar�i��e�' lE�aa�it � �.aYd t.�e���i�ed m�p sha��he�� c�x�nt➢y �ar��+���a5 � R�°� a�nd tk�� �¢��a z�m�e� �d�2 � R-Se ��t��t�a�ae, �-�rr��59��DQ�r��a�f€��� �a��� ard �2-7 r�a�a�t '7,�0� t� '�,5�A �qiY�re foca� �ot�. T��we��a, v�k�van th� ��aa��a°e�e�a�� �a►a� �va..w �d��t�d � �9�3i ��� ��a�� fo�a°th�sit� w��tl44� (aa��t��x���e �ld�'t07y �d��-12 �O�'` an�t�i�ax�� t�� pr��B�usly ze�r�ed frt-�, e��i� s�o�l� l�av� be�n changed �c� It.-7 -- 5,�U0 �quar� foot 1��). As a�� �a�°�h 1�g �996, �a�� ���.f�' e��lz� n�t �'�� a�ay ��'����I �ec�rdy OB��E�`���Ly ��p �� f�s�gs sho�vxn�th� Y�e�cane����o�to�-4e5 ���.-12. �a�c�e t�xi� eda� dttt°g�g t�a� tie�s� wi�en tlae Coanpre4se�asive Fi�� �v�s bein� de�elo�ed, at �s lakely t�a�t tk�� �a��aag� �af �art c�€tax 9ot 100 �nd t�x ➢o� ��Q �vas s�on� ir� �rraar. � � � � � � � � � a� � A1aPria-Plar�/"hange,nezone,Pl�Overlay Marc/a 28, 199G Pag�2f1 _ _ r; f'` ��v��E � e gv /�1� g� q�ry �y�7g� y�T Ar�rr��p p�7�� tl..g"�..i+e.�'d�l�.tw4,��a'8 �i .d.e�1tl8.1W47�1,� �ka�Y A A.r� �.fiUC�.I'Y1 � . 9.98�D �lash�n,gtc�� County �ania�g Ys 1�I7-4 ��$1 Ti arci Ordin�ce 81-93 naaitiat�s �he island a.mnexatian af th� "I�urham Island" includin� g �"�Sat91e�prop�riy, This ordinaz�c�also g�z�n�s �k��axea "up��a ari��rat��n" t� ��-��` a�d R-7*p �.s sh�vvn �rl t�� �ttach�l rriap. 195� �c�inpr�h�rasiv��'lan and Zc�nin� map is adp�t�d �with �h�pr�pex�ty �on� as R-12 and l�- 4,5s designatec[ me,�i?urri d�rasity and lo� d�;nsity� i9�6 .t�lY�ertsons�one chang�approv�sl by �11e�ity �ounc�. resul�ing in th�los� �f 400 dvv�llg�g �nit�. �ity sta.ff recorr�rn�z�ds �4$7 Study and actio:� by the�lanning Commission and �ity �our�cil �o �pzone '7 sit�� tc� r���rs the 1�ast units. One of the s?tes (Sit� F) �vas tl�e w�stern porti�on (I�-4.� s�tian) af th� Sattler site, which city sta.�f r�commended �� �apzon� tQ �t-7e �9�7 �'igard P�lanning C;�rnznission and �ity Council r�corn�nen� 2�d a.ppro�re �p�c�ning af 3 sites (a.s shown �n Figi�xe E). These sites are �]].1 iocate.d alor�� �iighway 94, a�ne is �n the '�ualatira �ttiver fl�a� plain (ai�tszd.� city Ia�its�, �� tw� hav� slo�s� g�stri.�tiaz�s. Y�9b Non� r�f the upz�n.ecl �ites is dev�lc�p�d. *The original R.-5 = minimun� lot size �f S,OQJ squar� feet, asad I�-7 = �'►inimu�ran lot size c�i 7,OQ0 to 7,500 sq�aare afeet. Malrix Plan Change,Rezone,PD Ove�•!ay A�la�•ch 28, 199G Page 2� � ` FN���� �-1 � • CITY' QF TIGARIi, OItEGnN � RES�LUT�ON No. $1�_ r� R�5nLUTION �F THE TIGAR� CIT�° C�JI�NGZL INITI�ITIPIG AIVNE�{ATION �NI3 R�QUESTII�� .AN A�iNEXATZOI� F2EQUEST BE FORWARI?�� 'TQ THE ��SUNBARY GQMMISSIOPd (Short �itle - Durtaam Island) . o�_.�l1�,_____m�._m___..___�_.______v___.��. __o_.�vw____e_______e_____�.___�. _____e_____o_ 41HERE�.S, annexation to th� City of 7's.gard terri�tcsry sc► bounrled as noted on E�chibit "A" would cora��ituce a "u�inox boundary change°' ua�d�r the boundary coaunission la�a, ORS 19J.410 t� 199s510 ar�d, WI3�REAS, by authora.ty of �RS 199.�a90 (1) (a) th� Comm►on Counci.l af the City may iniCiate th� ann�xa�ion, 1�OW' �YER�;FORE' BE IT RESOL�IED by the Common Cnur�eil of �he Ci.ty o� Tigard, a muraicipal c.orporation of the Stat� of Oregon at a regular meeting held e+n August 108 19$1 that: 5e.ction 1: The Cou�cil, pursuant to ORS 199.450 (1) (a) here�y inieiates pzoceedings 'r�r ann�xation o� th� territory to �he City• Section 2: �he Council hereby approves the propos�d nnnexatic�n and request� the Por�land MetropoJ.itan �rea Local Go�rernment Boundary Commission to approve it. Section 3� Up�n annexation Che zones eai17, be changed from Washington t;ount�r "RU-4" to the Ti;ard Comprehensive Plan de�i�nation of "R-5" and "R-7" Urban Low 1)ensity. See aCC�.ched EacYaiba.t "B" for listing by lot nuznbex oF the zoninge S2rtion 4 : Tl�ie �ity RecoYdQr is h�reby directe�l to file a c:er�i.fied cop� of the Resol.ution with the Commission at once< DATGD this ciay of � , 1981. __1_2_ ----- d � . • ".� � d �� . 'd{�u • •` •�� Mayor � ATTES'T: � / ' /, ` `-�•� ..,�� Recor `er � � � � ) v � FiESOLUTIOi� No. 81-� ���� �ry C . � Fig�ar� b-� �xo ca��� Z�nin ar�cl C�anpreh�nsiv� �1aa� D��3.r�n�t ora LF��n �,n.r��xaf.ion 1 � � �.��A� t�� ��� l�� �°�� r�� a��. �.z� L�O�' ��7.oQf�• E�.-5 Uxban r�o�r I��nsity �,0� # ���o R�7 U��an �ow D� 1.002 °' " 3500 °'• °° 1,�.00 " " 3�iUC1 �� �� �1001 R�7 U�baxa Lc�w Dera��.�y �6d2 �� A� 3603 °' " ' TAX N[�P 2S1 128� 36Q4 " " L�T � 100 R°7 �Jrbas� �c��r D�z�sity 3700 �� �" �' 200 '° °° 3�0� „ ae �{�a� " �° 3 9 0 Q tr ir ,p n�y 90 9� A "i*/q P! F6 Itl 'Y U V a!.!11 ta J�Q �� �c 42Q0 68 ia 6�L 'F 8� `9t�3 V ld ii 99 7�J�1 °0 'p 4��� ie aa ��� °k �� 4�Q�o �a e� g00 „ re 4�01 " `° ��V V p� 9t °3 V L G 11 li �.�.�p or t� 46C13 u �c �.��o �P �� �Q{}a or at .S..J V V " i' S'.L 1J 1. �� I4 140�J '° " TAX MAP 2S1 12C •25.1: 1�C CCJi�i`�INC3EU LO'� # 3400 R°-5 U���x� Lo� Dens�.t�' LC1�' � ?401 R-7 Urban ,Lo�a T7er 3402 " '° 1�02 °' " 3500 " '° 1�Q0 `� " 360Q " " 160C ` _� " 3 7 0 Q '� �� 1.7�� ta s� ��al� �� �� �1.7��. ra s� 3900 " " 1�Q0 �� '� 40Q1 " " 1.801 ,° �� 4002 '° °' 19�0 °' �� �003 " '° 1�01 °� " �Qn� " �� �p�� �r a� 4�.00 " �� 2ZOO '° ' PP 42d0 " " 220C! '� " 4300 °' '° 220� " , �� 4�Q0 " " 2300 �a '� 4500 " '� 2301 ° " 4600 " " 240Q " " 4701 " " 25Q0 " :' � 200 R-7 Urban. 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Th� irrz�lementing strate�ies in t�i�t part of t�ne P1ari des�rib� l�v� d�nsity and rnedium density loca�.ion�al rec;uiremer�ts. it�poaise4 B'his �pp�cataon f�a° z��diu� cie�aty desa�raatioaa mf 19 �cres of land naee�.s th�s�lo�tion� �r�teria for 11�Yedi�x�ensitv�estc�e�tg�i frona t�ne 7C'igard C��e�z�e��a��ve Plaaa � fs���awsa le �l��n�u��n t�ne ar�a a� ai����a��xe€� fmr ��w d��i�y d�ve��pa�ae��, �� � °. ��i���o��y saa��°oi.�rad��i 1��+ 5na��le f��+, �.a��ima�ax� �e�ety �°�sic���at�a� d�v�����aeaat (�� ��'' lev�l�. 2. �ransp�rtati�� �'acilities �ar� �d�c��atem 'I'�i� �a�c�nta�a �.�r�sity site e�vill �nave e�rect ace�ss to S�atd.ie� Stx°e�t and a� adj�c�����s l�ai� �eau�e��rdo H�1 �o�levard is desi��aa��cl� a�axa�or �o��ct�r an the compa°e�he�.sa�e plaga a�ad �a�:t�e�° S��eet as � a�ai��r co��ct��°, ��� � d�sn��aa�ed �aedestrl�n �a�c� ���ysl� ri�h�-�f�vay ��at� I��� sta��t�d�� of �xapr�W�d 5idewalksa T'!�e It-4.5 �it� �a� d�rec� a���ss an�� ���t�er Street. �all Baule�ard h�a� ��er� de�igx�at�d � a ��a�par�a�io� �orrid�� iaa t�e ?3�I�tro �04Q Fr��aework ��an. 3, '�'here �re r�o �1PVelog�rnea��: lzrnit��i�t�s �nt� �ublic facalities are av�fi�abl� �s��e�a�t��y. 4. I'����ic �'ac�litx�,� a�� ��vail��l� a�d $ga�e $1�� c�p��ity t� s�rv� �in�s �n�e� �s '��°p-1°vlet p�ovides �us s��°wi�.e ���n� l�alt ��uleva��d wxtk� �rm�t�s #;6, V'�F'�� S�i`5'flG� � a.�a'�''fy �;e�.l��uj� a� :�i:�a?�e se�°��ee da�r�n9 �a��� �aa�maa�e ta�esa 6, �w ctensity res�den�ial devedopment to ttie noa�h i� b��fe.re�a3 by Sattler St�ee�, a rnxra�c° c�ilecto�. Lodv densaty a��ide��iafl d�velopgnent �o tl�e soutt� af'the area wiil be�uffe�ed ti�ro�agix i�pTe�a�ax��ti�n of th� c�ty's Dey�s��y Tr�r�siti�ra P�t�ci� �e�elc�p��erat ��c�� 18.4�e040). A�."L�.� R�,.t�-� �:'ri�ei•ia 1. ��a��ity aza t.he �ua�r��aa�di�g a�•ea is �� tiBe It-� 9eve1, wla�eh i� �he pr�p�ased zonac��. �1�latrix Plan Change,Rezone,PD Overiny March 28, 199G Aage 27 � 2. To�o�a°�p3�y �nd x�at� fe�t� �f t�� �e°�a� r�� xe�t rest���� t�a� de��°e� of br��'ferir►� �'or �dj�c��t 1�� ���ity d���lo��ne�ts. �e Servac�s ��°e �v�a��ble to se�v� t�.e �rop�sed�.-� zoa��, 4a ��95� tr.�.nsat a.� �.eaA����� �nt�xa:� less th�,rn 1/A a�ile fco� ��e pro�ASed 1�.-`7 z�n�n�a 5o Conaenaence r�t�il is avaalab�� at tF�� corn�a° o��� fi���l ��ad �u�t��.na �.o�d a���oxa�aa��Hy 1/� ��1� to the ��as�i�e 6. F`i��a� ���r► s�ace �s �vaibable a� �oo�C �'a�lc, D�arha� �le�er�t�a�y 5c�ao��, Fa.n�o �r��e� G�°ee�?�ay, �r�c� T����d I���� ���+���o 4n�.�'rt�� �x�����t1� T'l�e�r�posed�-7 deveRo�c�er�t will no��daac�the c�u�tity Q�lif� f�r t���ux��o�aaad°aa�� area� T�e ��•�p�s�d �m��ir�a��ia�n� �f ����xn� �s antic�ga���d to x°esr�l� �aa ��� a�oa�e d�vellirag une9:�h�tt�e Y3.-1� �a'ed I�-�.S zcrnia�gg t.k�e�i'9 aa�r�ay al���vs fog• �a�b1i� ��va�w ant� c�a�r�ent a� th� �ubdyva�ioa� ��t��et ��d Y�#�� m�yoa��y and tlh� s�rreound'an� ��ea � already devedoped �vitb. R�! devei���xxernts. �� '�'he sit� t�as dfrect a�cess f��on� the �mutta �n �'� �8t� Ave�.��a�e �vh��ix avill ev�ntually exterad naa-tk� ��raug� t�a� site ��d c�aan�c� �€� �a��le� ����et. �ac. sses�m�r� . The g�ropas�d �residentfal coaxcept �o�►for� e�i�� �;i�e i►iy'� crri;��e� �ud- �,-���..d assessment. '�'l�e scale, �e�ign, coa���ura�ron anel fii�a;taag� �f the conce�tu�l deveioprr►er�t � com.pa��b�e wn�� sua��oenr�diang �s�.sa T�e f"an�i �ite desi�n �+a�ill provide landscape scr°ee�la�g, b�ai�clira� ari�ntal:�o�, a�d pa�rl�ing �nd �ei°CLY�c`i�:Y0X1 �cBV�fl�; �0 Iil�lYl$�.➢.1fY �:�➢@ �D%'iV7LG�i Of I'�.�lf��l[1.tS ��d(� �S�i��4:�i'1� �rop�ricie�. �ade�v�Ldss and l�c�.s�a�����°e a�so pa���ide�t� assa�re �ox�a�ati�Ylity9 'T'I�� �S�o�aosed �ev��oprr�erat s�r���k�e�tl�e owr�ex°OCC3�1�C� Zl�tiiY'� CIf�f2lIS1Y1� �Il ��1� �L•�a, by �rovad�ireg ��aass�raably ��°acec�siga�le fa��y 1ao�es close-i� to B'ig��� �c�avi�t� ���t�� se�c6� �s schoods ��d re�il. �'!ae g�r�pa�al aT�a su�paa�t.s �r��spoa��ti�a� �'la�gn� Rul� ob,�ectflves by �asar�� ����c�-kr�cY�tir��ai" �i$e c➢esagn ��' �tr�ets and a�ie�✓s to s�rvaa�g r�side�atial �ts�so Matrix Plae�Cl�ange,Rezo»e,PD Ovc r(ay A1a�•ch 28, d 996 Page 28 � �1II. ����'���3'9JE PI..��.101�d�1C"T �0��..5 .�Tll� �'�i"i��S ��al 1: �etezen y�a��lv�rn�r�t ° Public notic� fo� �11e hearin o� this a l:cation wi11 be providec� thr�ugh �he �ity of € �P 'Tigalyd's not�fi�ation proc�dures. The public wiiX have an c�pportun�ty tc� r�;vi�r� th� applic,�tion a��d staf�r�part in advance of the�ublz� h�ar�ng �d pra�z�� testimany at th� h�aaring. Is1 compliance with �ity requirements, the appli�dnt helcl � nei�hbc�rhoc�d rr►ee�ing to discuss ti�e pro�ect an �arch 19, 19969 a��armximately 75 �Z�rn.��rs of tl��public, th� develaper a�ici project consul�ts vvere ar� a.�tend�►c�. ���1 �: �..and �Jse �'�a�n��� 'I'n� pI�1 amendment applicatxan includ�s � thorc�ugh factual base that d�mc�nsYrat�s �h� n�ed and,justification far the gragc�seci arraeczdmer►t. 'I'hzs factual inforznation in�ludes a revie�a✓ of t�istorical xesidenti�l. z;an�chaa�g�s and �mprehensive plarx amend�merats init��tecl �y the Gity of Tigard in 19�7 and �•�search into the original aezo�ing �f this prc��erty following it�annexation intu the cit� in 19�2. �s well, the agplxca�i�n demanstrate� h�w the �mendment cornplies �xith the �ifiy of Tipard's �cicnowledged Corr�prehea�siv� Plara policies aazd t.h� �orrirn�nity �eve.lopme�t Code. �oal 3: A�ric�ult�aral Lan€� This�oal is not appli�able du� to the fact that tl�e r�rs�pose�J resic3enti� use is Xocated w�thin th� City of Tigard's acknowledged Uri�an Growth Boun�aary. �u�l �a �'o��st �.anir� � Thzs gval is not applicable due to the fact that Yhe pr�posed residential use is locat� �vithin the City of Ti�ard's acicnowledged Urban �rowth Boun�ar�r. �oal 5e O�e�a 5pac�s, 5cer��c and ��torrc ���a�, �a�€3 ��tx���� Re��u�°��� There are tvvo small wetland areas identified on the �oning rr►ap (�-11 and F-12) t�taling approximately 0.78 acres (according to tl�e �;ity's local wetP�nds in�entory}. Tl�e local w�tlands inventory describes the wetland areas as"a�ricultural ponds" �.nd n�tes there is"na adjacent vegetation" that shrubs ar�e"ts�tatly grazed by cattle," that emergent vegetation is "not rico$nizab]e," and that th�ponds ar�"severely imp�cted by cattle". The �hange in plan designation and zoning will not directly affect the wetland areas, �vhich will be addressed ii� accordance with local, state ar�d federal during tl�e deveiopmen� process. The applicant wishes to have a Planned I�evelapen�nt(I'D) overlay attached to the site, which would allow developanent to occur while preservirig aray significant natural aceas, 'rn Matrix Plari C�rarige,Rezo»e,PD Overlay March 2$, 199b Page 29 � � accordance with impleyn�r�tation :ra���y 2, �l��li�y 3,�,2)"th� �ity sh�ti �ncaur���, thra�r�h the Plaru�ed I?�velopmen��'rac�ss, ih� ��ten�ion of la�'��, v�ri�d 1n�gbi��.� ar�a�z�n priva�t�and p�blic lan�s in�ludin� inventori�d p3a�t ar�d a�►am�� cor�rnur�iti��,," �a�ge II-l7 in the �c�snpreh�z7�iv��'la.n. 'Th�r� �re a�o ar�as an-site s�bj��t t� erc�sic�m, slop�, flQOCip!ai� t�r other r���ral re�o�zrce fli�nitations. Fia��th�r tihe nr4p�sed d��eloprr�en� �all b� ��si�nAd tc� ensur� that ther� �.r� ;ao 's advers� irr��a�ts to o�f-si�e�•cs��€rc�u. �'c�r cQr�;�l���find2a�,�s an St�t�w�d��'lan�.ing �o��s, S�E S�C�1i721 �I��.� Qf��113 s2r?�I1C��lO�i. �oai ds Aa�°� ���:��° a�c� �aa�d ����a��� �a��lBty TY�.�s ���1 zs not app�ic:�bl�, as �he plan azx►ercdment fram lc�v�r dens��y �°�siden�i�1 �cs �ned�u� density r�sidentaal and a'°tr��l�" in rezonirag t�wo a.�eas �f th� �it� o�ri11 not k�ave a sz,gnafi�a�t impact to air, wate�° or land resource quality. 'The propo5ed r�siden#aal develogmer�t d�nsi�ies ax� basically th� s�me to �hos� allow��d �ithout �hes� �har�g�s. �'k�e gropased residential development �viil canforix� with a.11 agplicat�l� f�c�eral, reg�anal and �i�y of �'i�a�d deve�opmen� cad�s to p�atect air and water q�alzty ar��6 cc�r�t��� �rosi�n. ��a� 70 ����s �ubj�c� �� 1Vatu�al D°as�t�rs arad �azar� 'This gaal is not �p��lica�ale due to th�. f�c� that th,er� is no exrsti�g hazaad, an�i the area is subjact t� the sarn� risk ssf natural d'rsastex �s �ther commer�iat sit�s iiy the vicinity. 'I'he groposed r�sidenta� subdivision v�ill comply with all applicable �uild'z�g, fire anc3 iif� safety cc3des of the City a�'Tigar�l and 'T�aalatin �Ta11ey �ire �nd R�scu�I7is�ict. �'h� area is n�t l�cated within a flood plair�. �o�.l �� ����°�a�i���� I���� 1 his goal is not applicable due ic� �n� ��ci ii�ai L116 �r�:,��s�; ��iar� �en�ity r�sidenf�al land use designadon and zoning "trzd�" will result isa ane fe�ve� d�v�lling �nit� �nd will not adv�z�sely impact the s�ap�ly or derra.aa�d for recr��ional lantls i� th� planning ar°.�. �a�l �: �;conon�ic l�ev��o�Z�te�nt � The propos�d compr�h�nsive �lan amendmer�t a�ad z�ane c�ange �i11 e�able develapme�t � of afforda�le sirz�Ie-family hc�m�s in Tig�rd. This de�✓elopment can ��rv�as an �ttraction � ta diversify Tigard's residential base. � � � � � � I Mac��ix Plan Chang�,Rezone,P.D Oa�er•lay Marcl�2&, 1996 Page 30 , , G-�a110a �Io��icag '�lae a�plication demonstrates th�t the pl� airae�drn�nt vvill not significaritly i�ap�et hc�usin� sup�ly in the �'ity of Tig�rd. '�h� �ity will anai�tiair� campliarb�ce with th� I�etY•�,p�sli�aa� �-i€�usin� 1Ru1� (OA� 660, I�ivision 7� up��n a.�plication a�proval. 'T'�►e rule re.�uir�s that �he City maintaiz� an inventUry of d�v�lapab4e �esid�ntial land provx�in� a hc�using nnix caf �t least 50% n�ultaple fam�ly d�ve�ngs an� ar� ���era11 mia�imezm a�ez�.�e a��nsity �� 10 units �er acre. V�Jith �.pgrc�v�1 of the pla��z aixa�ndm�nt �nd r�La�ne, t�r� �it� e�ill cor�tin�e to be in c�mplia.nce with the I'��trogolitara �ausin� lf�ul� �nd �eet prc��e�t� housir�� r��s. '['hP tt�tal numbex of unit� that�an be built on the site if it is r�zon�d �o it-7 = �91, whgle �he t�tz� z�umber of tzni�s that coulcl b� 6uilt under the c�xisting ��rain� = 19Q u�its. Th�chang� frs�m. R-12 ta R-7 rect��c�s r�•yul�.-f�rnaly housing potential on a p�rtion af the site by approximately 86 dw�llings, �ut replaces t�ese with 47 singl� fa�rzily �nits. `The �hasige fror�l ��-4.5 �a R-7 increases si.ngle-family pot�ntia.� by 39 units. 'Th� n�� diffexertc� is z�r� �l) �dditic�nal sin�le-fat�ily �r�it to th� sit�. Th� r�clu�tiar� ira multi-farnflly units is d�rs�ec� �o be ivasig�zficant du� tc� the fa�t that �h�actual �.ou�i�g ci�r�sity is incz��sed and the ct�ang� repr�scnts l�ss th�ra Q.5% �sf the �ity's hs�usiri� c��port�r�ity index; the �ity m�ir�tai.ns an in�ventory af 13,730 pot�ntial h�usin� units ar►d �,313 acr�s of�i�velopable resic[ent�al Iand, providing an ov�rall density of 10.46 uraits p�s a�r� (Ttay Valone, �i�y �f 'y'i�ard (:ommunity �evelopm�nt T��partm�nt, Freapplzcation zn�eting, �ebg-u�.ry 13, 1.99�i). ��s�d on the following mad�l, t�ie a�et additic�n �f 1 c1�ellAn� to the hc�using invento�y results in r�c� chaYlg� to ihe city's overall deaisity ra��. ���j��� 1 l�a i� The de�d�lc�pa�7�n� ��de st,ecif�.e� a method for co�ripu�in� a�l�wa�l� residentia� densit� (18.92 ]Densiey Computations). The code r�c�u:res � c�lc�ala�i��� of bui�ciable 1ar�d wit1� deductions for pubiic right-of-way, private stre�ts, �xYStin� develapment, sensitive larad ar�as, ar�d park and ot��r publ�c l�r�d d�dicatic�ns. I�esident�� d��✓eloprnent pot�ntial is determir�ed �y multiplying the "a�et" buildable ar�a by trie rnaximurn allowable housing density ger zone district. D�nsity ?�ay also Y�� l.iPniteci indir�ctly by minimum l�t size, setbacks, landscaping and density transition sTandardg. �„ I�or demonstration �aurpos�,�, it is r�asc�nable to assume that apprc��amately �0% �� the � subject single family (R-4.5) and �5�0 of the multiple family {R-12) site wauld be us�d � far public ri�ht-�of-vvay, private stre�ts, water quality facilitizs and �th�r d�ications, �s � requia-�d by the �ity. Basecl on this assu�npYiail and the above inethac�ology, r�esi�natz�n � of the �.� aci•e site from R-12 to R-7 causes a xetluc�ion to t�e housing ina��r�to�°y by a t�ta1 � � of�3 dwelling units, but the change of 19 acres �f R-4.S to R-7 re�sr�sents in iracrease o�' � 44 units, for �. net chang� of on� addxtional unit. Mad�ix Plan Cdiange,Rezo�ae,PD Over•!ny Marcdi 28, I99G Page 31 � r � �as�l ��.o Pub��� �'ac��tie� �r�d �'�rv�ces P�blic f�ciiities ar�available arrd adequate t� s�n�e the s�bject property �°�:�1� t�� pr�gc�sed r�side�at�a� d�s�siti�s. Ther� wil� be rao substarat�al impa�� tcr ���li� s�rvi�� cap�.�ity vdi�h rnedium density resid�iitial use (with �.-7 zoning;). �.ray r��aired �ub�ic fa�ilit� improvenl�nt� vazll b� a.ddr�ss�d d�ring site dev�l�prn�aa� r��✓i��v. ���912e '�'r�a�spo�:���o�a ° A trig gene�tic�n c;har�has lb�n prepare�i amd is inciuded �n the applic�tion. Z'I11S ��}�515 shov✓s there t�ill b�na si�ni�c�nt irnpact to the t�ansp�rrEatian systern acid �1nat the c�arrent road functi�nal classifzc�.tion� are �pprogriat� �n the a.dja^ent rca�d syst�m. '�'d�e p�.rr�aryy 9ransparta.Y�an facilit�es that vvvill be affect�d by th�prop�sed pl�� �menda�nent incrud� �he follovdir�g: 1. S'6�'��� �oulevard is designa��1 �:�a rrra�or��lt�tar, �.nd is not develop�dl t� the fu71 righg-o�-way widtl7 at tl�is time. �all �o�aleva�°d is s�rv�d by TripYa�et rr�ute number 7� with a regular sch�;dul�. 2. ��ttie�° S�reet is already d�signated as a rninor collec;tors and is appre��riately designed to 'r►andl� trips generated by the pr�posed m�i�aan d�nsity developrnent. AcceSS �o th� rn�dium densit� ��a will be �irecY�y ontm Sattlem St��et, and the developer will comply wit�a access improv�m�nts r�quar�d by the city. S�d�v✓all�s � will be��ilt a.�.ong Sattler Stre�t, acicn�wl�dging the p�destria�n af�d bicycle f►anct�orl sezved by this stre�t. 3. �� ��th Ae�g�a�� u�ill �ver�t�ia.l.�}� c�nr►��t at Sa�t��r St:eet zn ac��z°��.nc� �r,�ith errgineering sta��dards for saf� iritersection �iesi�n and �Xty star3daYds f�r int�rs�ction spa�iz�g. T'able A sh���s qhat there will i�e a slight d��re�e (20 trips p�r day} in the number �f daily ' trips froin the pr�pcas�d cannprehens�ve pl�n designation chang�, zone �ha.rYge and �I7 av�rlay. This prot�osec� develapmeX�t will inc�ud� transit and nedestrian fra�a�dly d�sign features such as smail Iats, cluste�•ed ho�sing, pedPStrian and bicycle accessvvays �,nd streets that will prov'rde connectivity t� existing str�ets. 'T'he appli�ant �vill con�Qrrn tt� all � conditic�s�s made �t the develc�pm�;a�t review sta��o � � � 'I`he plan amendment and zone change� luill support public tr�nsit sei�vice by providing for �� developm�nt of neo-traditional, trail�iC-drientesl r�sidential d�velo�rraent al�ng ar� � established transit route (Hai.l Boulev�ard). Th�� grop�sed devel�pment will include � sidewa.a.ks, la.ndscaping ai�d appropriate �ot �rientation t� �ncourage pedestraara access to � nearby transit a.nd pedestria.n facilities. Matriz Plara C/�arrge,Reaorle,PD Overlay Mar•clr?8, 199G 1'agQ 32 e•e �'�riSt�ot i�n �13Llu.�t.�.� �. 1��{?�,� 660-�.�••�� Th�Z'ransportation 1'Iann�ng Rul� �"TPR� �ha�ter re�ar�iiF�� �nd LTse arn�ndgnents sfi.�te� as f�llovvs: (1) . An�endrnents to functior�al pl��s, �ckkri�wl�dged �oznpr�h�nsive�larr�, axad land use regulatic�ns which signifi�antly a�f��:t a �r�nspo�°�atia� fac�Ii�y s�ia�l �ss�ure that allow�d land uses are consisterat with �der�tifaec� funati�n, c�pacity, and i��P1-czf sex�a�e o�the faci.lity. This 5ha11 be a�caFnp�ish� by ei��er: a) Llmiting allaw�d lan�i us�s to b� �c�nsist�n� �+,v�th t�� �la.rtr��d f�ncu�n, cap�city, and l�v�l-�f-s�a°vic� �f th� tra.�s�ao�tzon facil�ty... b) Amendin� �he `lrans�ortatit�n �ysg��n �lan ('�'��) tcr pr�vid� adet�uat� � trar�sport�tic�n facilit�e� tra s�up�rt the pr��osed I�nd �s�s c�nsflste�►t vvath �he r�quirernents of�his division, or c) Altering land r�se designations, densi�i.es, �r design requ�r•em�nt.s to r�du�e d�mand Aor ai�tamQUile travel and an�,et t�avel neects ths�augh oth�r rnodes, (2� �, plan or lan� use re�ulati�n amendment signifi��nt.iy a�fect� a tra,-�s�ortatio� facility if it: �� P�llows t��es and !�v�ls �f laxad a�s�s `avhi�h �MCa�ald rest�lt in lev�l of ta�avel or access whieh ar� in�on�ist�rat r�✓i�h th� functian�.l cl�ssii�cat�on of a xransp�rtation facilitye (3) L�eterm�nati�,ns ug�der subsections (1� and (2) of this se�ti�n sha11 t�e cooYdinated with the aff�cted transgoxtakion facility and servi�e prot��ders and �ther� affecte� l�ca1 �oWernments. �'able A shows the gr�ject�d number c�f vehicle tr�p� usix�g IT'E stan.dards and a fa.ctor t� accc�unt for the proppsetl sma.11er hoa�ses and higher density. 'I'he analysis shodvs that th�re wi11 be a slight reduction (20 fewer tr.i�s p�r tlay) if the area i5 rezoned �o R-7 and givail tile�D overlay. LanJ I3ivision and devel�prnent o�the site �vill rn�� r�tt�r�rr�en�s �f the I � 'I"I'R. t�- � ��al 13: Enea°gY C�nservati�rn � °"� I�esidentia( devela inent of th� site wall be basicall �he ��.rn� with th� ne°�v �or�ira and � P Y g � me�iuria ciensity designa.tior�. 'T'he Planned I?�velopm�nt oderlay may �llc�r� a high�r „"�� density developrnent, which will all�w znoa°e resid��ts close-in to s�h�ols arac� xetail areas Ivlatrix Pla�a Cha»ge,Rexo�e,PD Overlay March 7,8, 1996 Page 33 ir� Yhe sautE�dvest '�ig�.r� ar� an�d �ssx�� ia� r�.in�ni�irtg th� �ist�nc� pexsple t�ill z��zi t� travel tcs shc�p ar�� �� schaol. Th�sit�is 1cs����d ar� � �a�or �ra�si�raute and futur�re�a�l act�vity �311 b� r�dily accessibl�b�� �ransit as vv�ll a,s the local side�✓aIk system. ��a� �4� U�°�a��xa���r� �Chis g�o�is n�t�p�lic,able du�to fihe fac�that t��prog�sed residea.tial larid �zs� desrgnati�n 7.S �OG2.ti�C� VJ1tDiIYI Tl�r'��'d's aclu-�owles��ed LTrb�n Csrc�vath �oundas�y. �ufficient �nark�t dem�d i� present rn�ithin �he existing i3rban �rc�vvth F�ourac���°y ��e s�aPpc�rt the pr��os� rt�ediurn density r�sieierntial designa�ion �.nd srr�al�1��r�siden9�a.l szn�l� farr�ily de�v�lopm�.rat. �J�< S � �.Y' ��3 ��P�d���7�I�Pd �as�d �n the faregoing ana.lysis and fins�ings, th� prap�s� �aznprehensiv� �lan atnendment and zc�na change s�aould be �.p�rovede T'kt� �pnl�ca�iort meets �11 appli�able crat��ia foa�approval, includir�g �it� of"Tigard �ornpr�h�r�sive �lan p�licies, de�v�l�pinent cad� stand�ds a.rid St�tewide Plaa�n�ng 1.���s. '�k�e prirc�aax�y poi�ts iz�clude; A Th��-e vras �n error a� th� �€�nin� ma� f�r the �sterr' p�s-t.�on of tk�e sit�. Th�r� do�s not appe�r to b� a re�csz�d of � slecision no� fi�din� that �his �°e� was l.�gislatav�ly re�aned to �.��2< �°��� arigix�al z�nin,g ar�rspte.ct by th� �ity Cvur�cil upon annex��ion was �-5 (5,€1S� square�cx�t l��s), which sh�uld hav� b�n changed to 12-7, nat I�.�1�, whe:� the �ity revis�d its zc�ning d'zstrict �aamin� pr�Ltices. � l�ctual. develapment patt�rns ir� r�earby R-12 areas has c�cc�zn•eci.. at �-7 densiti�s (or lov✓er}. This phy5ic�1 d�velap�n�nt leaves �ahat vJOUId �ss�nti�lly tse an "isla�.d" of lativ der�sity land adjaGerat to multi-f�a�ily lan�l. S�rch a �t�r�tx�st an d�r3siti�s is raot Gcar�sisterat �vith th� City's I�er�sity Transitaon Policies �nd star�das•ds. � �eca.us�of the 1986 rezonulg of the P�Ibertso��s propez�ty at �� �u�harn Road and �Iighway 99, ther�was a physicaY. c�ar�ge ira c�r�ums�a.nc,�tha� aff�cts th.is�roperty. The city c��ncil rezQned �hree 5ites in 198'7 i� an effo�t tc� rnake up fo� t�a� ltsst patentia.l for 4(30 housing units. Th�se sites 3�av� be�n parti�.ly de�vel�ped with residential ra�ulti-farnily units. The west�rn partion of the applicant's site was recc�mm�nd�d �ar u}�zo��n� by Cit� staff in 19�7, and is r�adv being pxaposed for � R-7 developmerit at this time. Th� u�z�n� of this p�rtion of �rz� site �neets the � City's requirem€nts �.nd mvercom�s �bje��.ons Y•aised ira tlze 19�7 �pzone process, sinc� the ag�lica.nt praposes a "�s•ad�" in r,��ing d'zstricts, with a�+a n�t increasz in � density for tl�e entiY•� site. C7 � � Man�ix Plan Change,Rexorie, PD Over�lay Marcl�2�, 1996 Pa��34 � , . .. . . _.. , .,. _ , ` . . �... . =. _ .- .. ;, ., .: .., . .,, ... . . : . , , _ _ .. . , . . ., . , , . - , . • . - . � /.� . , -�. ._.. - ... . , , .' . . , ..�. ,. ,. .., �-' . �. , .�.... : . .. . , . :,.. � �, .,-: ... �;.. . .� . �-�. �.� ,,. . .......-� �.. �� ,��� .. . ...� . .- . ..�.... . . . .. �.:; . .'.: : ... . . . .'' .,'.F _��. x '" .�:�;;�-.�� c�; -'.`��-�:�. _ �e „L,. .:,1'._..,. ;� �_. :? S l,.` .�':.":'.:-'�: , ',C '1 ;_:�� 1�`. ���; 3 t.; { 4`�� 4� �r d.�.� � �n�°�'���"�� �°�, � . t�+�'r,. ,�,}.��45'¢i�h �� �'�m���� �i ��� ,�s 1.�£'�_ "i iiy��r,*�'��}at��......�}�'��'����`v� �`�� _ . f � r ttY3:3.st_ _��wil�f��.��«�...���ur,y,���,k�m�ly�°�r"�r �,A„"�rw� { � ��f ��� �h�.� �� t �� � ��� ' � � 1)} f'�+t,fi �„�M t F����'i1 9 i�d k' d'T �p� Y �, � "it r pz 4. ��y��a,�z'� ���i"'l��7 � � .�p�,a ttrv�� 5 � �� { '�. ��. -� 'M'k t'�F k�9�..1a`'r4-rk�'y�4y�a�e^+Fd JnSe ICti -USCd��" 7��1� .; � 4 V.^�'�h� � a � [ { ' S t � p �'4 . � . � �.,�� ��i���e,y'��j'�,Lrt��'��gxf'�., �,�,�) �{itl � YF�k 7'�` .! ��, k�?�K.�x���y a P K� a�� F t i .; � . +4 � ��,}� {t��r ry r� ( i :: � - ri �.t�t`I 1'4k�. n k `)1`�e f i J z, ' _. � > it` rR r�:. _�r 4Y „ ^�v x r� "t �.{,�I �y:,pP,� t. � , �+�� � � r 'Y# i..i sk� c�b � t #`,,i 1 f' S'a�`Y�,.- � � .f1� e'�!�y��t �,rr�o-t� �r J' '���,�€,�s'�".. A'��fi .c���.�' �:�A � '��,�lr� x �'�!+tt � .. � tlr..s2 S;��'ag�?r"�• 3'FYr;A.{:,siy ., .."' :.� • p,�;r���' ��hj�r�� �.�+��.k�� 4 r�..; �Y�p k n,':^ `9 - - . �:.��t:�"' �:ry,s,,ylE(?n :F�y"`k:.Y+Xae a..:tv ��.��x�„f�,, S�ir.�-�' rF } �'{sN�.,E��',..:i..��:�,d�v^:..R�(^s:!��f#'4f �r� nP'��'�rh.�,k'�a rz�,�a�,��k�'���" ti$�ro;�`��rtpr.��3��� �r,�4��a y a'y:;� nv�ht, �,cy�,t �S� i�5 Y -� 'rli s�r �'�Y qp� d �k i Yhr �x � ae' cl-i � \l��.�!a :i � : ��� ��� . � �t � ;7s a5 a ''` �'��5�[%�' J �, c s�fat �{,.�i� t �i sy �� � � . }: ' 4 1 wr"7 tY'� j��ay ..�y ttpx}�{+}.e�tl;� '.�+r��,,,�1�ii� ,�f " �. �„ }'�'� 1 ( � �Vl. kA�1 �o- c W` � 1 & �� � k F,� ���"U t ! 0= ir������� ��3� ib� v� � Y w +� i .w� — a r� _ . ��'� � � �i ��� �.�nj� � t s :x t t,,az � ' �� �r t~ F ' . •I � � u �� �� � r� �. �, < � �,: �.: � �� . ' ` ��i�Ahv�'S�luhons: Supenc�S�ruace ��i ; �.< � . ( �- I ..� i � • • ,� , �I i :�; J _ . , ,. . , . ,. 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I�--P � ` .W.. . : �, �"� I _ , . - —. _ ' �,. .�:��. 'j , , ��;. ,;� ;: ,, �I ��_���i . �-� , r,,.' . `'�f�%�/ . `..� i �. ' ��-----•-� ,f;/., •- _ ------� l .. ��j�i%!!'. •'�i:.:!i�; .. r .. , , - ' ' ' � !� Cy�d�r A1o. 7k35�75 ' �#����r�le�$ ��1 �i���vis�� �x�so�i�° °�� � P�RG�L I: I� , ;� � �: �vmm�n�in� at th� Soukhwe�t cor�aer o�ia �rcel of i�r�ci i� �e�d d�t� Apri! �, 1�.90, ro�e�t�i� In �aok . 28, pag���, t��i I��ars8s of 1�1f��Mingt�i� ��ur�ty, �r�e�on; rhenoe �set�.7�9/d of�,in��o a �,-2�k�; th�,r�aa North 8,�����Y►�fn�tra a�k�;th����Vd��,7t�/��hains g���t�k�;th�nc��acrth�.33�,�ct��ina tp th��I�ce � of beglnnfng, bein� p�rk•of ��natlor� � ':d �:lafrrs c�f �c�l�m�,n �nd Eliza�e�h R(�h�Pdsar�, pr� S�ctit�n 1 q, . Tnwn�hi�� �ca�sth, Rpn�� � West. of th�911�s�coe8te f�eridian, lC7 �'t� ClfgJ CJ��EQ�P�o �o�rnty c?f W�shfn��r� ai�d u�`$1'�� {3� QfE?g�Cl, �; � PARC�L N: �' - �I A par� of the C�or�ation E�nd Clair�i of �omon and �,liz�.beth Fiicharcisnn in the �ity af 7ig�rd, Cour�ty ofi Wasf�ingtar� �nd S��e of t�reg�n lying Ery';��cciori 1 t, Tc�wnshfp � �at,tth, ft�nge t We�r, of the Wli(�r��r�� M�ridian, comm�n�ing €�t a point 16.�iu ohalns iVorth af 1�'.1� ��'�(na Wc�'t af tho �autheao�onrncr qf qr�fd S�cCion 11, s�unning th�nc�N�rth �6.3�.;cha[ns; th�ne��t�,t 5_7�+/< chains; then�Sautt� �6.3��hains; thenc� �ast 5.7��/�ct�ir�s to the ,�la.c� q�;beginning, �AF�C�L 111: � i� Cc,mmancing �t the Morthwest carner of'f:hat ce�rt.�in Cra� of latid �anveyecl by J. T. RI.tF�ing and Mar�h� A. Ru�in�, husb$iid and wlfa, unto Rntcsn�'ttler and �9ary S�iiler, by[7��d dat�d May�9, �809�nd record�.�ti Jun� ?r�d, i�9 in �ook �, pa,�e 212, t�t�ci Recards, in Seetion 91, Township 2 Sn�h, Ranc�� i Vuest of tt�� WUl�meite ��ridian, in th� G'rty of'i'1�srd, Coun�r of Wa�h�ington �nd Sti�.i� r�fi Oregc�n; runr,ir�g th�n�e � EastE�ly along the Not-theriy fine of said i�ct 2U� fa;ei tQ a point; thence Sou�h 10� teet, �z7c�re ar I���, lc� a polnk;thence Weste�iy and par�11�[v�ith�.�e NQrtherty Ilne of said 24�fe�t ir� a point; th�nce Nor�h i 00 f��t, mare or less, to a po[nt !n the Nartheriy��e of sald tract. �i PARC�I_ IV: ;; �; Gommencing or� th� E��t line of the S�lamon and �lizabeth Richardsan ban�tian L�nd Clairr�, tvrenty-five (25} chains North of th�Sauthe�s2�arner;of Section 11,`�awnshlp 2�a�h, F��,r�c�e i Wpst, of th�1h/Ul�mette ��1�ridi�.n, ln the Clty af'Tlgard, C�unry�f�CNashin�tan �nd �tat� of C�re�ot� ahc� ruhninc� thence�Jes� 17,15 chalhs; t.hence �lprth Q.O��/� chains; then�e Ea� 17.15 chains to th� East lina c�f said C�on�tion Land �Eairn; th�ri�e Soulh 8.03irs �hain� to fh€� E.�1ace pfi beginning, �XCEf'7'ING THE�E�"�it�Pvt tha Nortt�erly i00 fe�Y ot Yhe Westet{y 2CU) feet fhereof. ; EXC�F�71N� �'W�l���RbM a �arcel of la'� ln th9 Southe�s; ons quartar af Sectian 11, 7'�wre�hip n S�utf�, aange i W�st, of the Wl11;�m�tte Merid(at�,'In the City af Tlgard, G�un2�r of Wdshint,�tprt and Stzit� df Uregb�, k�aing mfx-e particulariy�d�5Ct{beCi 2.5 fp�'t7vvs: � I; Beginning at a pofnt that bears P�arih �°55' East, afong the E�st (iria af �aid 5��tlae7 11, 2�7.� f��t fr�m the South�ast corner af tt�a4 cartain pare� convayed by Deed reeordeci in �oc�k�3, p�ge 2i 2, WashingtQn COUnty ReGOrd3 Of DE,EdB; th�nc� cdntin�fng �long said �a�t f(ne, Nc,rtfi �°G6' E�st t o5.o feet tc� a p�int; thence North F�°4�' W��t�5a.0 feat to a�anfnt; �hence Sa�rrh Ua 5�'west 7 u5.0�eet t�a poi�tt;th�ncs�o�h �.9°48' �ast 15fi.p feet e« the paint pf b�ginnirg. EKC�P'i'Ih1G THER�F�nM, tf7� East 30.0 f�et in Stat� Hfghway 2i7. i i PARGEL.V: ;' �' � A parcel of land ln th� �outh�ast onE quarter of Ser_tion 17, Tnwnshi� 2 �nirlh, Fi�n�� 1 Vil��, rsf tha � yYllameite Meridi�n, in the Cityr of Tig�xd, Courrty of Washi�gton and State of �rc�r�n, b�Ing more � particuJarly describ�c! as fc�llows: I� � ;� �° f3�ginning at a �ini that be��rs North Q°I�56' E�st, alnn� 4h�e �ast Ilne of �ald Sectian �l i, 287.4� f�et fPC�m -� the So�rth�st car�er o�that certain �sar�i c�nv6yed by be�tJ r�cor��d in Bc��k 83, pag�212, W�shingtcsn � �ounty �i�cprds of peeds; thence con�6���ing aJpng said E�st fine, tJarth Q°5"' ��st 105.Q reei fo � polnt; � tt�enc� hlorth B8°48'We�sY�9uG.�3 fe�t t���aolnt; th�nce 9outh 0°�3'We�3 10"a.(3 fect to a point;thence 8outh � 88°A�' East 156.0 feet tc� �he polnt af b��glnning. �XCEP'CINC� 'T}-��R�F°R�SM, th� F�st SQ,� f��t In ai�t� Nighw$y 2•i 7. ; ;I 'I . �I i� ' �_,,,•� ,-� ,�.�. .- _ 'I __ _ �f. �� 1 � . 71i��7 MPtr �� �N.II�'�8/l�M/'��'�1'1011'hS7�iV{�Si7VFi 1� 6.4/� ..��:�.. � .� � 1 ��'.�r �R�4�,• ���t:n�� �s5�1MES Nt�LI �ILI'i�' PO�i�,idY V��E�'�I�IN��,5 M��9�DPS t7PE�� �Y�7UA�St3�V�Y �°'' �°�.��� �4, ri��i 7°it�� I�s�rr� � �.� � , ���� ���rt����,� �f����c�r� � ,. �, aa�rrumeai Dua/nasz nema pl71TLE tWSURIai��c;nsePSwv a�oezG�orr 1�oo s,w. �c�v�r� ���.. �a�T�.d,�rD, o� s-rza�as���? �S �.l�J`l°1f�A �r���u�ed map) �50�; 222�-365?� . �.,,,�..�,--,.�. N�:. .� � ; � v� ,g�_`Mn�m .`�.w'.:m�.��> .:SSt.�...___ _,Vw^�.�m .� `�Cl�� . . " r_._._ ''�.__�� sa:rraa+m�m�.��e. .K2 �.vf,�+4�°"Plrub"p'N�.+_ �m. : m��w{ �`�f : • �u.�� e' A� • . '' •�� `'-°----•-..�—.---•...._„__,.�� �. p �Iroa. J��1 rl.E� . .i . •:. .e �n� �� -.��°°_`_ �•x -�----�—°..,?��',x�� X� ._P I 2x i'� ----�---'.._. •--�- �. Sl"F7�F t a I ,..,.��.�{ . I�� --m°—~— � . ,,.t�..., � i ..,;4�"'r' � \ �-�"`� ;OOS x y"�"r�,' ",•.��1 I . � I � ` ' ' � I i :,4 � L'. y �t 3�Y �x -7 I . I , : A., j 1 �� ' � ( : I ':1� �� ' � � al � �,._ I�_.__._�. . � ^' �1_.... � ,'<! � �� -^�I ~T 1� 6 •;j ! I , � J� �: �� ��� � � � �_ � � � �� � �: � � R . , . � � � �'-- --�.. _. �: ���.�--�_ !� �. � 1 � N�•�� � . � � -.�.� —'_'--..-__„��_'�`��Y! � � I .e°' I '6:�L ;� I ! <� �� � � ( I F b xsj J i: al I, s�!f r 1 , �e � r� ; • j `� •� m— d-_ n.N�— � I � =J � � � � � � � � �� I ' � 1� . , ; � � � � � ,_:i � y1+•e� DPfi � � --. - . .._ «....� �,: � � � . --- I� n.,rr- - ._ I �• I � �' � . ) �•,.��� � �� see 1.fAP ; � zs � ��:v � � I � . . LLt � ' . . � . ��t�Ch���t ��� . ' , . i, �A A��g31YYR.'/A\�JN � �'r�����a��gi�Y� T�e��E��1�Tot�s ��a�pr�eh�nsive Pl�r�Chara.��,��zo�an�, a�a Pianned l,�ve����:��t���rlay for th� Ma'crix Iaev�lapmsn:t(S�ttl�r�'rr�pea�y) �'ebr�aary 20, 19�6, Ti�arc� �Cifiy�iall � �t�end'an�: � City of Tagaa�d: �.�.y�1�10��, Te�lark�.tob�rts,l��ls I�ii�t�ix I,evelo�ment: I,a,rry°�c+r� ���I P'�.ci�ic: �,aura Jacksar�, Cluis�a��ra It�as's co�e�°�d: L,��ara revi�w�d�he praposa.fl tc� Ghang� zc�nin� c�r�t���t�lo���°arn��12 and���.5 to 1��7. L,arry taik�c� ab�ut th�type of d�uelap�ner�t fliis f�rm warqgs ta build, �.:xd not�d they�re not int�res�ed 'an rne�lti��'a.mily deveioprne�t, ant3 v�aulc�pref�r to build a�ne sin�l�farrfi�y d���loprnerat c�e��r the en�ire site. �-I�plans tc�bui4d � neo-traditional, det�ched sir��1��amily developrn�nt. ked ��rout the best tirrun of appiying for th�PTJ ove�-lay ar�t� �ity st�.�s�id cozacurrer�t L,aura as g application with rezor�e, et�. tivould be fin�. �ay revi�`ve�l ti�lefira�ne for publi�h��rin�er�ce applisatic�ri rs subrnitted. Th��lana�x�g e;�xnra�ission h���i�z�;we�uld probably'u�ir�3-4 �onths, and is�e�t coverecl by 120 day reqeair�znent. 1�Iark review�d �xc�tificatian pr�cess for r�eig�bonc�od rn�et�ng. �`e�a�e e��t handouts�ith samples, and d�rected the applicant to provic��n�tice to th� 5s�uth �I�' repr�se�rtatives and pr�ap�.z-ty owners witt�ra 250 feet of area. '�his�neet.xr��rnust oc��r prior to stabmitting the ap�!icataon. Ray discussed strategi�s to address the Ci�y's crite�ia fmr cc�mpr�h�ns#ue pl�n changes, ia�clu�ing what constitutes"p}�ys�cat cfl�ange". Ray gave some�n�or�naYic�n �bo�at�l�e prop�rt.y's histor�, inclueiing�he Qrdir�anc� and zanin�map tha� initiat�d the annexatic�rl, vahiclx�ppe�rPd ta hav�a � mistake. �C � IZa� suggested that the applicant anatyze traffic irx�pacts p�ic�r t�ttle nelghborhs�od meeting, amd � be sur�to addi-e5s the Transportation Pda.a�ir��1Rule iaa the applia�tia�r�. Th� City sta€4 not�d that -� in site planning, they� ���outd want �W 8�th�venu�tta connect thrat�gh the d�v�ltsptr��nt to � � Sattler. Ray talked about Tigar�i's current balance af]��us�ng units to m��t the IVletro housing � nale. � ' ' �'' , 9`i�tC��i����6 �'°' 9" 0 ry � �� ... � � ���� . . • ' . � Q��. �. �i. ' �rab s bd�4.���61. ����sTt� �� �t�t�lz�t� C�tG�lzorr� � � _ .._.�. CI3"Y' OF �I��, �3�2�� SW �I�.�1, PO Bc�� 23397 � '�i�a�c�� O:regon 97223 -° (S03) 639-4171 � �OR �TA.��' USE O�iS�Y C�,a� AIt3m - —_�_,__tl__� 0`�Ii�� �S� Id0°S s .M f�E���C�,'� ��m A��L�CP�TION ACC�P'��T? �Xs D�TE: � , �ENF.�t.ASa SI�TFORMA"CIBId �pPlica�ion elem�ngs submitted: �@OP�°RTY �.DDR�SS/�tJC�.gIdR1 St�T Ha11 Boulevard and �t�7 �pplica�io❑ .£agna (1) S'W Sat�ler Street ��B) Owx�.er's signatur�/�rr�.t�ezt T�€ � �tdI� T?�X T.�T NQe NE 1/4 5E 1/4 Sectian � authoriza�ia�. T25 RO1W Tax Lot,se 100, 2U0 300 o- CC) Apglicamt's s�Catea�e�a� SI'��' SIZ� 27.5 Acres (pr�-apo check li�t) P?tOPERT.� OWN�R/DEED HnLI7�* gee attac�ed ownc,•'G 7 �s�t _ �n) �'iliag fee (�_ �') ADDR�SS �P�QN� k�clditiivual i.nfoY°ra�gio� far Cor�pre°- CT�Y -- � ��P _ ---- sive Plan Map �mendmyn.tslZane Chanaes �PpL7C6iNT* rfatri�c Development __ �,�.,���� M�aF� ���.�Car3nn P�aPerty ADDRESS 6900 SW Haines PApNE 620-80$0 lo�atio� (pxe-app check l�.st'1 CIT`Y Tigard, OR ZIP �7223 ���) �ist of pxoperty owners and *;,Then the ocaa.er and the apnlicant are ciifferent addr�sses within 250 fc�et (1) peop�e, the applica�x� u�ust be the pux�chaser of record (G3 �ssESSar° 5 Map (1) o_ a leasee in possessian w'ith written authorization �CH) Tl.t1e transfer instxument �l) srom �k�e nwner ox an a�ent of th.e o�aner w�.th written ?uthozizatian. The owuerCs) must sign thj.s apolication ia the spac� provid�d on pa�e two or % submit a wr�ttecx au�horization with ehis apnl�.cationo DAT;� T�EfiER.'•IIVED T(7 B� CQI�E'LETF: � ?e PQOP05�L SIJ��L.�.RY --- --- � "Lt1e owner5 of record of Che subjec� property �'I�dAL DECISION DE�L�v�; $ reQuest a Comprehensive P1aa �c�endment (if COMF a PL�1N/ZOid'E DESZGN:�TION c i ._,_e_.s______ � applics��le) fro� low density �� medium densitv res � aizd a Zone Change from R-12 and R 4_.5— t� i �-7 �.P.Op �'umber: - � OR �he apoi.icant reque�t� an a�nendment to the �laaniug Commission �ppx'ov�.l Date: °ollowin� sections of tihe Coeapreher�sive Plan ot Co�unity Developmen� Code _ N/A Ci.ty Council Appra�ual Date. 073%P 23�' �ev'da S/87 , . .•• �af#��hr��t�t �-�°m�� ` ,. ' , �• I.�s� �a�y vari�nc�; ��;ndf�ic�ca�l Vs�s, a�� o�h�t lar�� ss�e acti�aa� �� b� c�nsid�r�d as p�sx�� o�' Gh,i�s �p�l.���tion; _ Ann1 iann�� ���,�1csDtnent C�YTPC�9t7 ' � 4� Appli��nCs�o '�a hawe � �o�n��,�t� a�p�,����iQat yreu �riZl �a��d tc� eub�it attach�q��i�� de�cx�.b�sf .��x the �ttached inforr�g�ian �h+�et aC �h� ti►a� you subr�i� �p�+lic�t3��ao �hZ� Y 5. �FIE AP��,ICr1�:S�, �Ii�I,L �E1�T'IF'Y T'E3�4�a � ° ;+ A• The abov� re u��t ds��� nc�� �rio�,,aC� an deed restrice.ian,s eh�t m�y b� attached to or iw o�ect u oca the sub yect z�a ���y, ,. ' �, �f Ctae applicatic�n �.� gr�nted, the applic�n.� wiZl exe�c grantec� :�n accordanc� e�f th �he t�rm� and s��b j�ct �o �,.�1 the�cond eiori� g��d lir�ieaCion� o� Che a�aprov�lo C• �I.�p of the �bo�r� statem�nts �and the �ea�e�a� a�t�cPwl�nCsp and e�rhibits eransmiCted her�w�Ch� � ar� true.ploc plan, �gP�ica�at� - so ackzaoeal�dge t�xat anY �S�smiC ��suecl, basec3 �A� the �Pp].icatioa, ffiay b� �evoked if it is foun.d Lt►aC any such �tatem�ats C�r� f�lse9 1�° �'he applicant has read the entire c�ntersts of Lhe appl�Cat.�on, inc����n , [h� policies ane ,^_�iterian an�i uraci�rstaceds th� �eqniremenes gos a � o� d��yi=�� Che appl�eation. PP�'oving D.ATED this day ar 19 -�---m.�..._ STGNATURES cf each owner (eg, husband �nd wife) of Che 5ubject �rAperty, �� ,r 'C� ,(~ -�--�, �-. Ed��ard J � 5a�t7er, Jr. r , , _ " �CS� � Z�, �`., ! � ' �i-� �_'1 � � 1 c1 11 �. S l t t� @!" -------.-.e._.. ,��LG�/�i ����'� '.Z� ._._.. ��� E. Sa�tt1er , Trustee `� (KSL:pm/0737P) � � � � � . ��t�chmer�t ����3 ��c�����r �wrr��,s Edward Jacob Sattl�r, Junimr; h�ir arad d�sigrnee of Agnes 5attler Miller �'Taa��ot 200) t�.dtiress: � �G�� � ��, ��.' l"�'1�v � � , `�1 C �� �9 U�" �';''c° y ��`���.�4 .� r �..�.�.�.. �ho��: �� �-�� ._�.�3 �illian�. Sattl�r, Ta-�as����£the�dyaard 3. Sattl�r��vo��bl�Li�r�g Traast �'1 ax l�� �0�) �.aa��ss: � �`�Z `i .�' S� �ci. ,��%/ ��l v� � ° ��f � � ���1 (����o� r ,��� / (,�� � �-- ,�- � Z, �han�: ...._�_!� — -- T�,illiarR E. S�ktler, Tnastee o�'the Lillran E. �aetler�,.evocabl�Laving'I'r�st (�'ax Iot 300) �dll��$�, ! a! � 0 ..er �� ""'' • � 1 f ����`�'1 ��cL�'�,�� ls.�``��='c1l�e� ��`�%�2� ----�r------ ��o��: �� -� �f-- 7�y � �--- Aft�chrn�nt �-1°� .. ... __,��...,.... .,... �„ o ,.�•M �na vvwfi'HIVT •M��ti� ��1 Y,q 1` ��SUM�S NA LI ITY 1=QF�AtdY VAAIATI�Id6�S Md,►`�'8E DISG i� �'N A�TU�1t,SURV.��° 4 � �.,. `�°�r��� ,���r��� 7��t1� In��ar�a�� ����� �f (7r°°� c�n ' a�� � ;; �' j �' � en m.�iumsd buslne:a nama v(TfTL�tMSUAflry�nnup�Nr ow�ow��w � ' 1700 S,W, F(�URTI�i �V�.. F(Jf�T�.�NC�. (�R 97��J1-SS1, �s ��r 1 i Qa (�eau��� ��P) ��ou� ���--��:� . -�-�--�--.'.y.,-��_..... .�:^°_�..�°,z�-�_:a.:- -�•��,.,,.Y----..-":u�- .T_:.;�.�. 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A� r�p ' � 13 I � � w � ', �~_� .�_ .� .� ., y��• g � n� 1 ui ��i3 -:#R......•�.,,, � s � � � Y � ^ • , • _ .. � �� •W.,.___� •�;"• '" .�n,a...,.o.. �� +MtS�W� M. .r- rr ��di�l ` AVENUE � � t�8 S8 � B� ��rr.k %$ e r �'7 �e :'v`,.Ya� A� 1��v S�nSC�-°-^`-nS'srE� -xr v �� A.`�"T�4,��1�TT�' $'��'���►i�' ��� � �23 sa' 1, �ail�.n� Lists a.�s� .�ffid��rits 2. Pc�st�r�g .Affidavit 3. Si�n-in �ist and �1la,i,lira� List of I�a�r�t�ti �'a�ti� 4. Is��z�s R�ised a�M��r�g 5. �Lette��f S�pport � : � •'°' . ����� �� ��� ����������f� � . � ) � , ��Tit��� ) , � Stace Babcock �a¢�s� d�s1y�, d��e9� �rae� �y'Y�� ost March 4 . �� 96 a � c��t� tt��ra�� ��z� �tP�� ��tts�a�t�� q�3� aao�� 03 � g� � � � ,�ggg���53t�ler Stree� and �tall Bouleva:.d in Tigard. � ����$�9 t�+r� � rre�� e���3� h��c9 � rstade � gs�t �d ha�re�� i ���s� 4t� �ac� � ' � ssae�� irt �rr�iw� �d�axi8y��! t� � p�ras� �ri r�� d ��i�t��� i�t��+c3 �b�ir4 tta� SJ�t��dl �ta�t� 4���4 �iffit��f Beaverton (97008) a � pcas�€.�g� pr��asi�t�t�vr�. � C �.�% �C�;''�C.�.�C'`��. . ��� �'� — ��'� �����-G` � �� ���-��� ��� ��«� ���,��,�-� �i� �.�a � , ° :���rr•�r���:,t �•z:.a:. ._... __ . ���� '' � � ` �—r �`'�'L--� � �;,,..., ;:��.•, ,. ;.��� i � 1l1� Pt�BE 1 .� .. '', :.,._, ,U:��.�.:.;,, � �I��c►trarr�a�i�� �p�' �%i�;.i,��� ��, � `l� � � . �.H '� C,^.1`;:i?;3'tr"rd i^J.:,. �1.���3 � . � •... :l°::�J���11;�aG'all:�����T1�1::�. ��vry.."l.:7,Y'�.j� . ..���-r.�...m<�.,..m,�,....,...�.u.....+w.�.�.e..�+�.�..�..-�.......,.om.�.�w+. � � - � ._ � � � � �.� \� �\ ' . � • . � , , P��1 � R05U9 S�aG F2USU9:`>5`i 50 .� 4 Frances �ioffiman H�rold l_yster F J Mar-jorie 3ames Kjos 15685 SW Alder�brool< Ci. r 1567_5 SW Alderbr�o4< Ci r 1SS�5 SW Alderbro9k Ci�' _ Tigard, OR �7�7_2�i -ri.gard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 ROS I.OQ7c, f1U510Z9U RO51U307 Norma Koeniq Janec Lan�ord James Wilson & R Chris�ine 15575 SW ()al:trE�c� Ln 15e,80 SW �Bth Ave 89b0 SW Hamle� St Tiyar�d, OR 972�'4 Tiyard , OR 97224 Tigard, OR 972'�4 R0510316 ROS1C)3"L5 R0510334 Chang Hwan t_�e F I<yuna .?.� l_ee Gale � Bernice Marvel_ Jacques Lee Voelzke Jr_ 8940 SW Hamlet St £3900 Stn� Hamlet St 8870 �VJ Hamle� St Tigard, OR 97�24 Tigard, CR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 F205103�i.� RU5i.0352 R0510361 Harry � Sa_lly L�r�o��n Waync� 4 Judith �rawn Loren � Penny �ahraus 8�350 SW Hamlet St: 2_6400 SW E3aker Rd Q800 SW Hamlet St Tigard, OR 972?4 SherU�ood, �R 9714p 7igard, OR 97224 kU510.:�70 RU510;8� R0510398 Tony � C SuTanne. Nauk t-lerbert. [3�rta Itieubauer Rob�rt Himmelwrigh� 8�05 SW t�iamJ.et St; 8�35 �I�V t�1.:in�lei St 8�55 SW Hamlet St Tig�r-d, OR 97?_,^-� �(�igar�i, Oft 91224 Tigar�, OR 97224 P.051 U405 R051.0414 R0510423 Timothy � Susar� iiur�4:e l� R�ipert I<oblegarc�e Johr: Rrrigani � R Marg t 8835 SW Harnlel. St 11.�U SW Mor�rison St �935 SW Ham?et St Tigard, OR 972.2•�1 Pc�ri.l�nd, OR 972U5 Tigard, OR 97224 RG51U43? RO':�1 C)�14 1 Fi0�10450 Fred reatl�er � �i Vir�7inia �ohn �� Ja� M�rchanc Jr. Sue Nigdon �955 SW Haml.et �L 1�6�U Si�J t3�3tf� Ave 15615 S�J £38th Ave TigGrd, OR 972 .?_4 iigard, OR 97224 Tigard, OFc 97224 ROSIU4�U RU510�47� Ft0510487 Peter & Cathy Ilc�r��t.��c-it-. James � [3arbara Sq�_iirES G�eg & Kim V�illiams 156�d5 �W £3F31:I�i fivc� i.�>c�7`� ;>4V t�3i3t.1� (1vF 15695 S!t� &S�h Ave Tiyard. Cl�'L '�7�';4 �(' i ��:ircl, UR 9�722�# �1'igat-d, OR 9722� °rs � � � � 05 � ,6 S.l. i 1 �0512b17 Donna Lynam 3ohn :S� Jane Schmidt Lynn N1cDonald � R M��iC� 157c�5 �W Stratforc�{ L_oop 8325 SW Ross St 8340 S�tJ Fioss St - Tigard, OR 97-_'?4 Tic7ard, OR 9?224 Tigard, OR 97224 R0987659 R0987668 �09£37677 Carl � Evelyn Yardlc�y Robert Buf;ler & Joearne But�er E GouQh Margaret 15620 S1�1 Alderbroolc Ci r� 15640 SW F1lderbrooG< Ci r� 15660 SW Rlder�rook Ci r Tigard. OR 97?24 Ti��ard, OR 9722� Tigard, OR 97224 ft09�i7595 R1.0156?_b �1015635 Varney Cornivell Jr _ F J Scheckla F J Scheckla 15720 SW Oal: hieadow Ln 15085 SW Hall Blvd 15085 SW Hall Blvd Tigard, OR 9722.4 Tigarci, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 t:lO1S�44 R101.5653 R1C15662 kay Met.zc7er !<azem Kn � Salari Marzei N�jad Theresa Cast�lianos 8705 SW f�eil.a.nc� ;�1. £3695 S� R[�iling St �3700 SW Relling Si iigard, OR �3?2:?4 Ti�ar�, 0!-Z 97224 Tigard, OR g7?24 1-21015671 R1d15h80 R1015733 �arry Williamson �� L. :;•�r�dra t�l�rb �I ruax S Jane �forrill 8710 S1N Re i 1 i nc7 S t. 87?0 SW Fte�1 i 3��y S c 10055 SW Nedges Ct Ti��rd, �JR 972�?4 figar��, 0�� 972:�4 Tualatin, OR 97062 - e 's R10i5742 f�J 015751 FczO1S760 �avid Westtall �� i�l I i.na St�vF.n li�ync�lds � Linda Hari; Floy� � 6ever�ee Go�f 15110 SW 88th Ave 15i40 SW £3IILh Ave PO 8ox 230669 Tigard, OR 97 .?_i4 l�igar�d, OR 97?_24 Tigard, On 972€31 # k1U15/7`-� Fki 01.5/£�ti f�1U15840 Miciiael C3erry I•fUUSING A�JI�HORI��Y Of= Aaron & Katie S;�overs 151] 5 SU! 8�e.h Ave WASHINGiON COUNTY 1420 Iroquais Ave Tig��rd, Oft `�7�'�'��l 111 �!� Lincoln Si; #200-L Long 8each, CA 90815 Hillsboro, OR 97124 R1015£359 R10i586� R1015877 Sharon hfill�r Wendy � Ronald Hughas Jill Taylor 1504� SUi f��atl�i �'1 9205 NUJ ;I<yline Blvd 1508CP S�! 89th Pl l-iyar<9; C)I; `-?;,.':'•I I�arLlarl��, (JI: S'1231 l�igard, OR 9722� � a � W �.��t�o���°�s���� h i ,ts v.� „� v� - Sco & es1. .i.E� �<��,�� , ry .,ucE la � Ma ah � ic a har, 15100 SW �9'r..l�� P.l 151?0 SW 89th Pl 15140 SW 89th �1 "Tigar-d, OR `�7:'24 l�ig<�rd, QR 97224 Tigard; OR 97224 � R:.O1S91i R10i5920 R1015939 Er-ic Schamp Lana Wi7._liams HGI;SING AUTHORITY OF ].5145 SW 89t.f� F�l 15125 SW �9th P1 WASHIhIGT.ON CflU�lTY Tiaard, OR U7�'.:?_�t Tia�i�d, OR 97�24 111 NE Lincoln St #2�0—L � Hillsbaro, OR 9712Q R101S948 R1G15957 R1015966 Davici Harold Riverrnan St2V6Il � Kimberly Ann Self Mark Robert i�inston 150�35 SW �9tl� P1 1.5065 SW £39th P1 1SQ45 S�J 89th PI Tig�.rd, C)R 9?.':'4 -1-igard, OR 9722�: Tigard, CR �7224 R1016028 R13£33782 R13�i39Uo Thoma� f-uru4cawa 4 Y [.�>Le].le [teLte Atl<.ii�son Richarc4 & Marilyn D�rar�d 15025 SUJ 89th Pl 87<2 SUJ Hamlet St 15675 S6�1 87th Ave Ti�ard, OR Q72?4 Tigarc�, GR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 R1�f33y 1 S Rl�t339?_4 R1383933 David Dai].Fr Jahn BurnS Jr. 4 D Pamela Dernis � Sylvia Ford 15653 SW f.3;' i:.h f1vc� L?I�iS SW t-I�rnle L S L 87Es9 SW Haml�� St 7igard, OR 97::'�'�I Ta.�ard, Oi� 97224 Tigard, �JR 972�4 R1383y�42 1�13£339`��l R?39G3?_6 Davic� Fii:l.clal�l. � A L.�rna �;dry f�iays & Teddi Gorcton Duncan & Deborah Cameror? 8743 S� Hamlet ��t £3-/21 SUJ Flamlet St 15119 Sl� 91st Ave Tigard, OR 972%'4 �iyard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 9�2�4 R139?..s.=,`_i IZ.I .`,`)1:•;:��1 R139?35> Rayrnonc� I•i�uc.�liLc�i� i. i ��. ts r_:.1i c� lyi� Kin�b��r1y� H�;k�b�7.1 F�oberY, �2ay & Valerie I-larris 22401 Mcl:enzi.e Ct 1 '_�U/.; :;W �>1_;� (�ve 15061 SW 91s�. �Ave West Lini�, OR 9�G�5£3 ! _ic��rd, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 R1392610 R13926?_`3 R13g2638 C��t�vio & Cat.l�ryn C�arci.� Cl.ayton � Diane Vvilson �imothy & Jeani�a �4edi[��er 9057 SW !�l�stlu�7�; t't. 9045 SUJ W�stlund Ct 9Q33 SW Westl�and C�t Tiqa_,rd, OR `?7??�I Ti.c7ard, OR 9727_� Tigard, OR 9722� '� � � r„ .r,.�, �e-� n, ��r,. �:�- n, �n-.. ie L�Cs�����"�`�'I��� R1392647 R1392656 R1392bh5 Mark & Kati Fantz Mc_I<ee Patricia Recht Davi� � lEyong Penaflat' 9021 SW lNestlund Ct 9022 Sw Westlund Ct �iC34 SUd Westl�ncl Ct Tigar-d, OR 97:?:�?�� Tigard, OR 97224 i igard, OR 9722� k13926/4 ^ ^ ^ � Dana � Bever].y tkc�dara Donald W�r-ner, & A Katl�leen Scott � �vendy ualloway 8469 S4�1 Ashforcl St 904b SW Westlund Ct 9058 SW Westlund Ct Tigar,d, OR 97�';=1 �I��.yard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97224 R2004800 R2004801 R2020446 � William � Ann E�rad).ey Paul Ek_luncf Daniel � Stacy Ch��ders 8447 SW �lshfor;� St. �3�t25 >W Ash�ford St 14g54 SW Kenton Dr Tigard, OR 97?''�a T�.qard, OR 9?224 Tigard, OR 97224 R2020447 � R20�U��1�3 R2020449 � To�d & Suszn �eahin Carolyn Nielsen Stephen 3ried 14932 SW I<enton Dr :14910 SW 1Centor Dr 14896 SW Ker�tor� Gr Tigar�d, OR 97�"_'4 Tigard, OR 97224 Tigar�, OR 9722� R2020�50 R2020451 R2020�52 JamQs & Carol.yn hto.l.l Patricia Jo 0'Connor Br�d�ey & Laurie Pitt�non 14874 SW Kenton [_�!- ln£"�<'_ �W ICeri�on Ur 14830 SW Kenton Dr Tigard, OR 97?:4 Tig_=�rd, OFt 97224 tigard, OR 97224 � R20204 53 R20?_04`��f R20204 55 Kenneth & !(aren Rose Kl.assy Andre� & Valorie �,'°stlund Douglas � Jacque?ine Jon II 14818 SW Kenton Lr 14£300 SW 1<ent.on Dr 14F307 SW K�nton Dr Tigar�, OR 972�4 Tic�ard, OR 97�24 Tigard, OR 97224 R2020�#60 i�:U�'O��IG7 Gary � C].Yden� Wanderscheid "TIC;RRD CIl'Y OF 14943 SW Kenton Ur PO Box 23397 7ig�rd, OFl 97224 Tigar�d, OR 97281 � � � css �,, 0 ' � ����� 34US S,V�/.Nimbus Avenue Be�verton,OR 970Q8-712(3 March 4, 1�96 N I3ear Prc��erty�wner anci l[nterested �'arty: RE: Proposed Cor�pre�Zesxsive Plan a nd Zone Code Amendrnent �N&I-�Pacific is representin�Nia.trax Development, wha is interested in developin,� property located at trie southwest carner ofHall�3aulevarc� and Sattler�tree��alsa kno�wn as ta� lots 100, 200 and '300 I�E 1/4 SE 1/4 Section II, 'I'�S R1VJ W.N1.). I�Satrix L�evelap�nent is considerin� an amendment tt� the comprehensi�v�plan and zozung map to create one single zanin�; Gf Single-Family Residential (R- 7) for these tax lots in oi�dec to develop the ar�a with sin�le far,uly z�esidenc�s. Th� current zoning for the prop�rty is split with a portiot� zoned Multi-Family ResidPn�ial, (�.•-12) a�ad a par-�iar�zor�e� Sin�le k�aznily I�.esidential (IZ-4.5). Th�developer will.also seek a Planned ��evelopment (Pl�) overlay fQr the subj�ct property. � Prior to applying to the City of Tigard for the necessary apprnvals, we would like �o disc�ass the proposa.i.in more detaii�rith the surrounding property dwners and re:�ider�s and hear,what you have to say. Therefore, you are invited ta attei�d a rneeting on: luesciay, Mar-ch 19, 1996 �'i�ai�i 5ervor High School (Comznons t�rea, enter at front of�uildin�} 9000 SW L��:rlxam Ftoad Tirne: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Please note that�this v✓ill�ie an tnformatianal m�etin� only, ta review schematic plans and disc,uss the implications of these proposed changes. The owner does nQt have specifre site plans develaped at this tii�ne. We Iaok forvdard to discussing the proposal with you. Please call m� at 526-0455 if you have any � questions. � � � Sincerely, °mE W�.H PACff IC, INC. t� w � Chris Eatan FA1�6 (5(1'tl Fi2fi-(14�5 F,i�f5(ll1 S2F-�775 (��;Ifl�llll?1'� �!1��II1PC1'IflL���IIP�'l`�'li1S'� ;111�0<C��I�c ��I'Chl(CCflll'C• F.n�•irc,nrnznt(1� SC'i'VICEC � ✓ � g @g�� �6—A��'t�1 8 �� �d.@lY� ��� �� ������� �e B � c�� ���a���a ) , � t.t�st pr9 March 1 g� St�rPq Babcocic —� ��a�9 ��Y ��" d��� ��� � _ �_a '�� 96--= 1 r.��ec! �to �v� crx�ii� to e�s� �f tEa� p�c��ss �aa t���e:i�� Ast a rta�t3� �t � �$�� �� ����� � ��� ��AP��g �q Sattler Street and Hall Boulevard in Tigard , � �a�y'af��t's �ssdia� ss� rrx�a�cf ia att�c3�� 9�� ar�.+ rr��de a � Q� he�e�� 1 �e.� �taEe � saici rat��ac,� � ��d�,.��ci ia� �stv�elc�p� piatxthj �dcla�ss� ta �.id p�ar� anc� �� d�pe3s°sied ort tti� �iat� ia�dl�af.ed ��c�ve in tf�e Un�eci St���s F°c�� �f�ic� at Beaverton 97008) ------,--° � p��r�� pr��i�4h�eort. `��� C —�.�_.����C..� .� � �;��.���_�� �O c1� o't `����,�G,`.� � j���_. Sta�c�"��c! �ci �vrosi� ta t�t�c� rc��4hd:� _ - Y _ .';TM_........_....,,..,m-A�ti;'�.L..,....._:1i ..-......,�...�.�t / ' ^� �/--�� �_ — � �� � iCltrt���«��_`: t\ �_>^rhf� � �, • ._..._.v_� �� u:' �.Y ��ll.`il'i-•l):•�:�!`f+�1t+ M - �y ���'{_�� . , :.:•�;:;). :�14Kt"�� ( � � � �..� 1i ��.�._._..--.--- . � y �� �c�r Exp��: _rn .,� ��.�..............�.�.s�...��.1Jm�.m�4i`C�%If'i'�1�:�:7 I��tR.��7`�x'�J� . i p�\�o�inVa\�s�rrm"I-cit ' F��7 Tack�i�than 15525 SV4I 109th.�denue , 'Tigard, Or�gon 9722� J�h;n k3enrieth 155U SVd �U9th Aven�e �'igard, C1re�oza 97224 e p k�ay Valone �ity of Tigard 13125 SW�-Ia11 Bou?evar�l Tigart�, t3regon 97223 ]Lary York I�/latri�Development Corp. Plaza 2, Su.ite 200 6900 �\N I-�aines Street Tigard, Q:egon 97223 � n F-4-� �I; � � �I�,d� ���������-r�� � �500381 ROSG0390 F:�500657 GE�offr,;y & Laun�e Reader Tl�am�s Lacey _ llia.m & Martha fteynol�s 1�070 SW �2.�d Ave �025 S4�! °2nd Ave 1501.5 SW Uawn Ct .gard, OR 97224 Ti�7ard , OR °7224 Tigard, OR 9t224 �OO66b R0500675 Rn5���92� adalupe Uiaz � H f3arbara Micf�ael � Joan Rrneti Ed�4ard Sattler Sr. � E Lillian Box 42£3 8076 SW 18nth Ave 15245 SW Hall Blvd ni�ela, HI 95743 Aloha, 0� 97007 Tigarcl, OR 97224 aC�S07°3u R05079��5 ���50.I�s� l_illian Satt?er Henry Schmidt �r�"TLEf{ AUNES ESI�ATE OF l�q�� SV� �-�all 81vd �dw.�rd Jacob Sattler 15?45 S�! Na11 Bl.vc( 3�300 SW Sattler St -(ic7ard, CR 9722�1 Ti��ard, OR 97224 Tic7ar-c�, OR 97??_4 R05079-12 Ft050�79£31 R0507963 Martin & Virgini�a Borg�ord Rubrey 4 Mary Hubbell Virginia Drumm � c:arla Webber 15200 SW Alderbrool: Ur 15220 SW Hlderbroo�< �r 15240 SW Alderbrook Dr -,� l"i.qar�d , OR 97�24 7� �1ard. OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97<_._4 `:OJOs-;OU I f:U�n�3(�l.ta �-t050/9�3G i-�elE:na I-lof�fman Robert � Lois F�ungier t_c�uie Yazzolir�o � t1 Carmella , � 53�0 SW alderbroo!< Dr 1526Q SW F11CIE1'�i'00� Dr 15280 SW �ilcierbrooE< Dr � T?g�,rc�, OR 97224 1-ig�rcl, Ot; 91'?2•� �f i9ard, OR °7224 ��.?JU�.-5�).5�� {t.v��(J�lJ�=1J ROS�£3025 G i-�ome r & G race H�rr;I i n Melvin � Setty Nielsen U�liifir�d Buraess � S hlargaret 15320 SVJ F11dPrbrook C>r 153�!0 SU; Rlderk�rool: Ci.r f=dyt�.h iienderson Ti<��,�r��, U!t `.3/'._'.;:?4 L'.->;r'�0 ��W �11der�bro�i< Cir Tigard, OR 97214 I i<.�:_�r�, L)f, y7224 Ft050Eit)�:,1 {:r,',(��i(7 1�) R0508052 Uon�zlcl � \�irgania Groy t�Ji�liam & Norma Mcc.abe Walter Grirnrn 15�1�0 SW Al�le.�br�c�k Ci r 15�?0 SW �lderbrook Ci r 15380 SW Alderbr�ok G'ir lig:�rd, OR �7224 Tigarci, OR 972�'4 Tic7arcl, QR 97224 �C�508039 R0508058 R0508105 John It�ma 1<r'eitzer �ugene Marie Walman �1axine Pr�ice l `�48U ;W A:.darbr�o}c Cir .15�3�i0 `3W �ild�r-brac?!< �i r 15460 SUi �li�c�rbro�lc Ci.r - �gard, OR 972:?=1 (i�:J.�rc:{; c)1: `�;.'.,,� Ti7�r<�1, t?f: 972?_� .� .�.... . ._. L,�G��9��'�°�f�°�""�6� RoSOBi ln n �,� . � �: otro Lindernan F:ichzrd Will.iams �G � cleanor Alian Coutan� � G �anor 15500 S4U Alder'bi�ook c": � r 155?_0 SUJ �ild�rbrool� Cir 1554Q �W Alclar�r'ook Clr Tigard, OR 9�%:';_'�+ Tic�ard , OR 97224 Tigard, CJF 9722� RC5U87.41 R0508150 R050816� Glenn � JEanette Wc�c3ner C:harles � C3etty Mathisen Walter � Mary �row ?5560 SW F1lderbro��k Ca. i- 155r�J �W (1_lderbrook Cir� 15535 Sl� Alderbrook ��r Tigard, Or=. 97''?•'a Tic;ard, OR 977_24 Ti�ard, OR 972�� �05081�'8 R0508196 R0508203 William �eo f��uc}hes & I°tary Sharon Pamela Porter Brandt J�an�ie b�Vilkie 15515 St�! Alderbrc�o4< Ci �� ;John f=�ort,ei� 15475 SUd F1lderbr��k Cir Tiaar�d, OR 97=24 :�`>495 SW Alc�erbroo�< Cir Tigarc4, OR 97224 " Ti.�arcl, OR 97224 R05U£�212 ROiOF32�1 R050B2vC% , �-{ �i pc�ck C� 1�1-:�.rcel ia 0' riPl �ack Vi rginia 8arber Yirginia llar�rr�an 15415 SW Alderbrook �ir 15455 SW �1lderk�r�ok Cir 15435,.SW �1.lderbraok Cir �lc�ard, OR g�224 Tigar-d, OR 9l?_7�! Tigar�d, OR 97?_24 ���5��2�� R05082553 R0508267 William �F Jea��r�r. f=i���l<k��earg Ran�s�y � Joan Chaffey Danald Pinkert�n � �t�y Vis^�inid 15395 SW A1 c{erbr�ook �: i. r ] �375 ;�UJ (-llclerk�i�ook Ci r 15355 S4V Alderb�'oae� C?r Tigarcl, OR 9?2�� Ti �7arc�, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 972�� RO50£3276 RC��U83C�1 Fi050��10 Ra?�>r-_:r�t C;iLlc.tto � J Maida getty Chard Danzol Schier�m,-:,.�� �� c:: 1=.i��ir�a ��lOtj SW Summ�rf�eld G 15335 SW �llci�;rbroo!<. t;ir 15315 .�W Alde�rbrook Dr , , � Tic;�rd, UR 9722? Tirard. �R 97224 Tigard, �f, 97;_;.-_4 �� R050g�29 RO`_i08�,/4 R050�3.583 •- (Z�ber�C �� M�zr��arc�t L�cas Bert � Joy�e Rstrup Donald � �unicc:� Uli..11�c�lii� 9105 SW Summerfi�I� Ct 9130 SlN Sunimerfiield Ct. 9.1�5 ��W SurnmeY�iel� CL � -„ Ti.y. ard, OR 972?_4 Tiga�d, CR 97224 Tigard, OFt �7�'._4 RC�509060 RC5U9079 R0509088 �ester Lieberman rlar�aret Mc!<een Alva & Mary Jare Slavens 155£�0 SW Alderbrco4: Cir 15600 SW (-llderbrook Cir 15700 SW Alderbroo{t Cir ;t, Tigard. C�F 97?_:'_4 - Tigard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97�24 �? �.E�°s��l�.i"�'�S'1��� , � :l R�509>4 G I:�50�1�5`i . R0509�64 Frances Ho�ffman I�arold Ly�t:.er � J Mar�orie James K�os 15�05 SU1 �ld�rbs-aok Ci,r 15685 SW A].dert�i�ool< Ci r 1562.5 SvJ Ald�rbraok Ci i �iQ,��� Q� g7224 Tigard. OR �7�'.�'��t �l iclard, OR `�72"l_4 � RQ�l OC?7 c, f�U 5.l 0�9� F�0510307 Norma }i�en� c� Janet Lar�fiord James Ulilson & R Ghri�tine � � .t5a£��0 `_�U.1 �,3C1� Av� �3960 S4U 1-{amlet S�; � 155�/� �w l)Z k l.rr.�� Ln ��igard, OR 97�24 Tict�r d , nf: �?7;,�,,<� Ti���.ri9 , (]R 972:_'4 ROS10 515 I�USli)�15 R0510334 � ,7:: LE::c. c;,ale � (3err�ice friarvel Jacques Lee �oelzke Jr_ Chang N�UZn Lce �� I<� una 8870 SW Namlet St �i940 SI�V i-Iam1Et. St L�900 SUJ i-iamlet; �t Tigard. OR Q7�^_� -�ic3ar�d , OR 972?_q. Tigard, OR 972'24 Ft0510:�4:5 t�0510�5,' RU510361 Wa r�c:j �4 iurlii:.i� C3rown Lorei7 � P��ny Jahraus Harry G Sal I.y l;r�o��r� y �38�0 SW Namlet St 8£350 SW Ham 1 r��t `=L �6�00 SV�1 Ba!<e r Rd Tigard, OR `?-I�:'�'� Sher��uc�r,c�, OR 971�40 T�_gard, OR 9722� RU510.�70 Rt)5J 03F3`.' f�0510398 Ton.y & C 5uz.�nnc� I-ic��.�l: Ilc�rl��i L C,er L�i hdc:uba�_ier Robert 'rlimmelwright �',�335 �W fl�:rn].et ��t. £3355 SW N�ml�t St 8805 �W Hzm.l.et. �t. � , � � �rigard; OR 97224 Tigard, OR 917�.•.� ( ig:�r:i , C)f, ��T,_;_1 I�U`_5 7.04.L�I R051O4�23 R0510405 , � . � John Ar�igoni. � r�. Marga Timot.i�y C� Su:_._ln I;t.irke 1:� h�i�>E:rt I.o�>leg�irde � . 11�U SW hlorrison Si; ��535 S4N t-{amlet St 8�3�35 SW H�m.le{'. �i. �;;OS "ricl�r-d. �R 97224 Tiyard, OR 9;�:'.^-�} Pori.i:.�n��, OR I:(i'� I �)�l•1 1 (:05104 50 R051U4:s� ;;u� ;=ta.gdon Fred Feathei� � M Vir�_:)inia Johr� ��� ,I,_En M�rc:hariL Jr- 15��� ��y 88tli Ave 8955 SW Fiati�.l.et: c�, 15630 SV•1 8�th Ave iigard , OR ?72;h "figard, OR 97�Z� 7ig�rd, OR 97224 I�U510�17�i RU51O�87 R05.L046U Greg & Kim Wil�iams Peter & Cutl�y Herst:.�_c:1t James � [3arbar� Sq�.iires 15695 S!� �8th Ave 156Q5 Sb� �381:.1"1 F1vE'. 1.SEU �5 ��W c`.3F3ttl (-1VE � �- , , �I"ict�r��l, OR 97124 7igard, OR 9722� � Tic;ard, t)R )7," ;_�I � � d ,� _ _ � 6 � ������� �405 S,W.Nir-ii bus Avenue ' � Beave�ton,OI2 97QU8-7 t 2f, NYarc;h 4 1996 , �9ear Praperty Owner and Interested I'ar�y: RE: �'r�posed Corr►prehensiv��Ian and �ane�ode Arnenctment Vs7��S Pacific is representing IvSatrix Development, who is interest�d in developing property Iocated at the sauthu�est�orner of Z-�al]Boulevard and Sattlec�tre�t(also know°n as tax lots 100, 'l00 and 304 2+IE 1/4 SE 1/4 Section II, T2S R1``JJ W.Iv1.). �vlatrix I��veiopment is considering an amendm�nt to the comprehensive plar�and zorun�map to create ona szn�;le zoning of Single-F�mily Residential (k- 7) for these tax lots in �rder to clevelop the are�with sin�le iamily residences. The current zoning for th� property is split vvith a portion�.oned Mu1ti-Family Residential, (I?-12) and a poztion zoned ain�le Family Residential (R-4.5). The cleveloper will also seek a Plaru�ed Development (PD) o�v�riay for the subjec� property. Praor to applying to the City of Tigard for the necessary approvals, we woul� like ta discuss the propasal in more cletail with the surrounding property owners and r.�si�ients and he�r v✓hat y�u have to say. Therefor�, you ar�e invited to attend a meeting on: T'uesday, March 19, i 996 Tigard Senior High Schaol (Can�mons �-1rea, en#er at front of bu.ildin�) 9000 SW Durham Roaci Time: 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Please note thai tlus v,�ill be an inf`ormational meeting only, to r�view schematic plans and discuss the implications of these proposed chan�es. The owner do�s not have sp�cific site plans develc,ped at this tirne. �.. We loalc forward to discussing the proposai with you. Please catl me at 62.6-0�5� if you have any � questions. � � '� Sincerely, � � W&H PACIFIC, INC. w � Chris Eaton F_1�12 . . , � . , . . r,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,�,�-�I C,+r�•iri•e � 1 �� - ^ I�t� c��p� Ma�ri� Deveyo�pm�nt m��r ���p . °g����� � �. NE 1/4 SE 1 J4 Section ]�," T2S R1W Lots: 100, 200 f 30Q ��,��� Cornex of S.i�. �all Boulevard and S.W. Sattler Street �D�� �� ����� ��`��� �,, Chrzs �a�on .�,� �¢��Y�'�� � ( � �a��t� r�fr�ea� !as�p�pc�„� �-- Com Plan Amendment/Zone Cl�an e ����g�� q � S.L3. Ha11 Blvd. & Sa.ttler Street & P_an�ne� e�vg�opme t ver aYc3f '1� �6 � �a �y March �, pt�g a'�T�,�^,�{��C 1'$t��esx,�'y� f�C� Con�, P1an Amendment l7one Ch�nQe � ����, ��� ��� & Planned Development Overlay cae°s to�ct�t8t��1, �� sagxY�.S pc�sT�e9 at 5ee attachea I�fan. ��� �� � '� 4th t�c�f March . 1� 96 � ����� s �s� . 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I�t'sARD, O�t 9722�# �If��..TJ�, C)l�97224 TICa�.�, CDR 972?.4 �&���.o��x�e� r�Q�c�.�-� ��.��ror��.s��� 5400 5VJ.E�,�E�iBIiC)C'lK CIIt. 15420 5�AL�EI�,BIt()(�K CIR. 1�440 5W 1�I,�E��OOI�C�i. IGA�TT�, (,�R�72�4 TI�CC�FCI�, �lZ 97224 ����, C3�37�24 ANIE� �i '� .��I�I�� �Ef�7' �i J�XCE t�5'I'kZUY LC)I."9 ALJN�ii�� 15440 S�AI.,JD�I��(�O�S: �I[t. 91.05 ��JJ SLJ�MERF'I��,� �O�T 15�60 S� S�JN�ERFLE�.�1�R.. IGA�T�, O�g7224 '�ICrA��, t7ff 97'�24 TI��,�,.�, (,�R 97224 4�I�TIVE ART� �EC1�C"aE� ��It�TI���it ��f1IVd�&� TINA�C�Y� 5455 S'�I AL?D�F�}3R.C10K I�RIVE 9780 S`VV INEL 3.57f�0 SW ��'T�A�NU� TI(pEl�I�, �I�972.24 �'TCA.�'i, pR�7224 T1��I3, €7�.97224 C3ItiTT�1A LYNA.��i �YNETTE IVIELS�IV .�i�AIZ�Y�i SUSAleT Lt�SS 5705 S4�J ST�,.TF(JR:i���(aP 15705 S'�� ST�T�'�R�L,��P 1570J 5� �ST'H�4.�I�T�JE IGAI�U, ��9�22�4 Ti IC"r�4R.T), C)It 97224 TICa-�3�, O�97224 �E�3B�'/�.�AX�EPd�UB�TTOIeiI TLM�i SYJ� AI`1 B��I.KE �I-��SA��?��'�LLANOS 5735 S� B�TH A�NUE �88 SW�iAI��T �T�E°T 8700 S�R.�IL�T.(�a IG�, �R 97224 T'I(a�Ri�, (?�97224 7:IC�ARIa, OIt 9722� RB �'I�Ul� C'rAIZY& �a'EIB�22I A�R�YS K�I�Nt�3�RT' 8720 �Vd I�EI�LTT�I� 8721 Si7i�HA,IVIL,ET STItE��' �695 S��FLING STR��'T TIGAF�.[�, �R 97224 �'ICpA'R�, +0�97224 TI��, ��t.97224 F�3-2 �I.�Eh��ta�Z� �C k',��L�AT��.TSI��' ��C��'T�l�Y 155�t9 S�'��E�£��+C?�CIEt. 14'�83 S'W 91��°�(3�JTtt�' Y�725 S�'��'I'� T�GA�a �3��''224 'TIG�I), O�i 37224 'T'T���, t��.g7224 • � � �, � � � � � � w � � � y F-�-3� ! � . � , N�r�hb��°ho�d I�������� ��`:� T��t�ix ��v�➢opa��n� �.em��t�� �i �io�� ► �1hat g�the curren�zo�nin�and what �ara be bu�lt�here? (A: R.-1� alan��Iall �lle��s 1!�`, 1Z4.S =sin��e farrulY) ► "4�That�11 price o�prapos�d honnes be? (A: $160,000� R Street�o�n��tio�a�to 5a�tler7 (�'i: �ity ss say�r��that ��th a�ust corxnect.� � �'a��el tha��'r�nt���I� =it12? a ��w maa�y �cr�s ps t�e sit�? (A: �7.3 acr�s} I�a�maazy h�rn�s? (t�: 153) VJhat�baut��:e/1�1a c�verlay? (�: �e ar��pplyin�fo�°c�n�.� � �an th�y shc�vv us���mple? (A: Tu�latin zonir.g for Fox]E���= � �at�its�'ac.) m �ill�tser��e�re�ra spacss? Ponds? � V�'i19�he housing���-story? (A: probablY� � Vl�ho is developing h�us�s? (A: I�ta�r's���veloprr�ent/L�g�nd I�Ior�aes) D �Jh�t abcsc�t crim�z�hso traditiQ�a1 p�ttebrz �a�l�ys? ► �hat about densi�y t�-a�sition to adjacent 4�w denslt�are�as. � 4Yhat�aiP� �r��a.re fc�ot�ge of aa�w k�orxies b�? (1�; 3.500 s.f. - 2000 s.f.) � ��nc�rn abou�view arad salar acc�s�. (�: `�i��ard h�s solar a�c�ss pr�t�atioa�� d�v�lo����t code.) � Fe�cing on �ro��rty line? , (r�: Good a�eF�hbc�r���nce E:' �nc�brick va�l at�I�IUS�ttl�r.) ► Concern ab�ut l��ation af raad ��cess onto �attler � 'Fr�ic li�htlin�aprovem�nts on �att�er 6 GonstFUCtic�n tame 4i-��ne? (A.: Late 1996.) ► Old house? Tre�s? (�: F�rt�bably torn dovvn.} �, � Drain�ge. � �A: Starm«ater will be cl�aned ir� cieter��ian pcands.) � > �hy nat da 4.5 on wt�ol�pi�ce? � (�: P�ic�t econcsmically�'�aszble.) � ► Schoals? V�hat is i�pact? � � City's lrang range plans£or �attl�r Str��t7 � (�: Ti��.rd 'I iI�to be dane ira �996a97.� {A: �ity v�ill d�termine RO��id�h for �attler.) ► Are�he ponds wetlands? (A: 1�To� sure a.t this tin��. If they ar�, �rop�r perrcuts�vill be sought.} �-4�-1 �',�mm�s���t�e�! �'��°�������r� ��as�" . SUE I�IGI�C7N Regiona!Operati�ns Mnneger 91%�S.W.Oleson Rond,Suite 306 .PortJrrnd,Oregore 97223 Offrcc 503 452-G025 FAJC 503 452-0039 A f�wPi�+�7 seruiczs con;�nar�y of First Security Corporallon M��ch 6, �.�9� �Yfl�°a.� �«�tcar� 6�&I3 �a��.�ic ��c3� ��i N�a�b�� �.�� �3ea���'��2�, 0�3. 970C�8°°712C� REo ����lcs�an�r�� c�� ��t�I�� P�°o�a�rt� D�ar �h�i�, I re�e�.�r�d ��e��.� 1���.e� �r�st��°day �d��r�.s���. td �h� pr��p���y r��az���s and �.nt������� ��.r�i�� a.n �th� ar��a af �.a�e ����r� �ar��cz��c� d�vele�pmenta � ��a z�c�� ��ar� i� � w:il� �� �1�1.� �� a��ez�d �.l�e m�e�ix�g March 19�h, bu� 7C �ant�d y�t� �ea hav� m�r �.l���xr�hts s�n �kxis d�v��.c�pira�nt. T owr � home �alz�.ch l�c�rd��°� ��a� 5���.1�r �'a�m arzd i� adj���n� ta th� fu�ure �x�.en�io� c�� S6ro' 88�h Aventa�. I la�v� b�e� I��r� �s�� abo�� fo�ar yeaZ�, �nc3. w�.l�. e��°�atl.}% �a.ss t�� �'ar_rrto �c�u caz�r�c�� ��li.��r� �Qw c��nr��rf�al it �s �ca b� so c�.��� tp the �a.�Y, Y�t £�e�. �o ��r �.uaa� fresa�a it, Howev�r, I 3cne�r ��x�n I: p�rchase� thi� p�c�per�.� �ha� the �a�m �as ��r��d r�si��i��ia1. and �2��t �om� d�.y �.� wQ�a�.� be de�r�lo�a�d. I s�ppozt �h� chanc�e ixr �onixi� ��a�� �c�� a�� �ro�aasing�, and hap� ta ��� ��u �lb�ais� a�pra�ral �rnsn �he �i�y a� w�ll �s the �u�p�r�. a� �,he ath�x° r�eigl�bo�s. This mu�t hav� be�n a hard decisian for �h�� ��t�ler's �nd cn� �ha� c�bviw�asly disl not come c�uic}clye �f I �an do �ny�3�ing �o c�z�caur�g� s�appr�rt �'or �his c�aange a� zanir�g, pl�ase ���1 �r�� �.c� cnn���� m�o :iav�^� ���n in �re mo�tgag� 1e?��i.n� busin�ss av�r �0 y�ars, x 3c�ca� th� r�szs�axcce you. may �ae en�oun��rinc�. I alsc� know that �ingle faanily resid�n��s caa.11 comple�ent my raeic��kaanc��oc� and my prt�p�����'s �ralu� mnre than mu]�t�.� ��mil� �e5ic��r,c��o �ap��u31y� the o�h�r_ n�i�hbaxs wi11 unde��tar�d e tha� tTnis as no� about whether or not �hi� nxop�r�y i� dev�la�ed � wi.�h re�iderices, �ut what type aiE �esic�ences. � �tes�e��.ft�liYr � y ; % ��� � ��ue ic�c�an 515 SW 88th Av� �'.�r���'d, C�R 97�24 � , ���-'4 4;f I 's S t I. U ` ��� ��� � ����� � 9 �y�! as;�T� �F T����.��x�70 �HO��(�03)s�a-o3sa �v�t��e TT 8 5 2 I ��v�e��ro��a���o�s7o�s ����� �ati�� ����r�i�@�� +�C���� t�f Ti�ard o � T��rsh�e�6�ofica ~ 133.25 �Gi Ha�.l B?vd e g�i.g'ard,��'�gt�n 9 7 2 2 3°8 i 9 9 � � D�apli��te A�6c��vc� s�ccour.�ts Payabl�d?'��°�°� � ��pr���.11Ce��yp��r�di�rea.�zea�s���i�a��"�""�gs���� ` �t s .a&fl$Y$��9�8 Y�s�9y��$�� J�:�s�.l�.,at��`��t�-�a�c������--�'�s��Hs� _ .�3P��:�i �����:�ai,3'i�aad;�,?r�gc�r:�t�}�a�la�€���it�i. - -— � t�sst�o��i�aa�ti°�� T����b�i�h�n����hig����Y���� gn���€s������a�th��aa��.�f CN���+t�r 1�.32€a€�r��'n$�d��acgpal ���l�A��T �� ��J�L@C��I��V �¢r�,..�a€�aa���s�nd�a�c:�a�r�s�f�ta�P➢�aosei���c���siss��o��a1�:� STA�� ��OF�E�c��1, � ���x���'��eas��e e�by IetF�r a�s�n�poar���i�tss#l��lt��o��� �s �►e���.�� i�a�r��t�e�t asr��iluie tcr provisie�t�tc��en� �sg���d�er��� ��43�1°TV C3F�R9A�i�9�lG'T��3, )' ' sr�fiaci�nt c�a s�ff�src��t��d�:se��r�aDc�x;an c�g�o��Yt�to��sp�a��ea td��e a, x_a�-h��.� .�.�c3 P r �ssaa��iar�ra¢t��i�azi�H��r�a�oi�tk�e Aea��est,ga�cY�dC����esl �ea�og #irs� d�sly �wr�ra€, c�ep�se �n�E say �hat i �m ihe ��verYisisag �th�%.�ic��.Ts��€�r�es€��l�Y��xdo�.i�a���s�����ii�s�a��tion �orectoc: OP F19$ (J�i11C8�3I ���*3P�E, o�the���s�rd-Tua�_�=_tin m�.m� ma����S�ai�a�f%�ia��2��?�aani�egmi�i5��ai�131"r5�.�.F��fl B�v�., � n��ars���er of g�ner�i �ircuE�ti�� �s defin�d ie� O�S 133.0�0 �'?�,�re��4�22�,�'����as��fs33�g��. ��ssi iJ�.02�; ga�blisd�ed �s� Ta�a�d 'sn th� �T7I3�����'C°aS� �if s�' c� �, �sd ��� • th�t th C�� �6-�u�� B�1��'so� P�lar�ninq � print�d co�� of�hich 6s h�r��� ���ex�c3, vu�.� pubf'ssh�d in #he ��1��'�a��€�?atSI�� ��.��1' A3Aa��1I3���i"�" (���� 95-4�D�1 `` ���3��b�.. �i9$OPQ 33SU8 O�i S89Q� 69�OA'����3�P�UP QN� ��ccessi�aa and ����3���`: ����� ��e ��x���th2 �T�'�an�z�ti�r� se�t�ss� �f t�e co�a�e�ut9�e ir���e��aES�r�sa�g iss��s: ���Fh�����iv��i�n by a�di���nt���lacy��f�►flla��s: 10.�.4 An �x���at�����.����y_�E�:i_3-i�Y���E�����iy=�say�sstg�-�o���cls���st tta �un� 6 B 19 9 5 exasri�g�:w.����r�ten�t iaa 1�a����asa�y r�s�u'��E�.�1�sEa�lis�ed:�reas. �.�C�'�'���3d Citywic��, .���L�����E ����E� CTgI'�'ERIAm Statevsad�Plaraning Goals �,�, 19�� �4�`�`iga�rd���g�e�e���vs Fla� P��i�i�s 1m�,&,2.1.� a�d S.P.�; Ti��€d C��ncr�u�it�17evetQ��ent�od� j c�apter I�.3tE;and Oreg�n.�dmi�istr��ave��1��i�pt,es 66(3,I2ivispon 12. ,�"�� ._.,��,..�-l�� ���e���. - '�I'8�2�-�bdish 3u�e 6,��6. �a�b�c�i�xeai �nd ss�aor�o � �g�r�����s"s��h c�a� of Juz�e,1t3�� x' � Or`:"'dL � :r.�. €3��... �. ,.t.-.^sE�a •�.-=.. Plat� @bc frsr Os� or+ �,• �OYA` .� ,-Of��GOi� �l � ���� �0?;s;. '�.02�t552 �iY'� 51C ,r;e.89�fAYt6,139; �Aj��i0lEii9'l8ut£605��%�EP��: -_ �Q.---- "` � �����1���� - I ��9„x7 s�8���ia��� _ � ��� � �1�� ���vi�v�.� �i��� .e � �'r�� �a�,��� ������ �����: � ��� �� � � ���,� �� � �� �z�� � z� ���� o� ��.�c�ie� �� �,� �. �� �: �.� ��� J �� �a�� �� �° ��i / � ' �� ��� ����: C' � �- D�,�l � � . f�i���.�����e ' L,l , _� A`�"'f��d: ����� � �,�. °-~-�- °�°� � � �' E � �� I� D���� ���C,TT�� `Y'(� �(��� _� m_ .� .�a �_ ��-�����m�.��.��. - ����. F'�(J� �ae�� t;�.��e� ) �Pk�(3ZV�'�' ( ° � ���� 3 ��._ w�,����—.���.�����-���������m���s������r��— ��—�-_�.;.�_--��� A4 l�l !' y��'c ' ra) lPrdxat.N'aaree�.9a�a�rw..�/�ap�'a.�ff°�a�i�as) �d'��° �' �-��'��''� 1�I��.�: �d�: � j �Gc�' ,�' C�,�- �-�j�r---cw- { .t�dc�ces�: �itel���i.�s; �itv/sta�i�: , :�r�m�° 1V��: �..�,.a.��.�.._ .��3cif•���: A.�c����: ���r''��f.���: �a�*/�fi.��,/��°n�: 1�'��: 1oTa.��: �,dd.r�s�: t�t���ss: �. C�t�l���i�: C��lS�at�gg� � ,,..� � � � � �T��: i��.x�e: � � t�d�re�s: Addres�: � �a � Ci�/�ta��"�i : �itv/Sta�eJZi : 1'd�xe: �axxz�: ��.d.r�s: Adclx���: C��.t�r/��t�it�: �i�v/�f.��i n:�i • tia ��.�� . - �JLI�°' � � ��� ��lv.���.��. �.���T a r �i8v� ri�,►wca . cse���e�n 1�1'O'I`���: � �P7� �� � � �P� OY�T � �i.7� ���i' ItT ,A�TA�? ��� ���� �� ���� �� �� ��I� �. a �a�of Za.A� �� lE���: / ,0 C�� ��S): C3��J��'��C�: �A�C��°o I�I.�.�� P . �t�� I�T �'31?���� ���,,�� 'Y�J►I3�t ���� __ - _ �=�m���m_ ���.�:���.. P���I�� 4�'�r�.�p�► ) ���P�f.� (�.g�aa� �e pr���ll� _�.� =��e�m.=d_-�___d�s�m_��������:�����������.r: t'�'rsats 1l4�ner/�ay��t?I�alwa�i��) (,l�rt�ai¢1�'aarc�/A�Gat�sr/Zi,p��ti�ausl �T��° I`Tar�e• A�dz�ss: t�dd�€:�s�, � Ca�vl:��i�i�e �i�vp�f.���.�+• 1'�T��: l�a�e: . t�ddres5: Addx°e�s: �.:ite/�$sf.�.l�i�p•,� Ci�w�S���l�a�: 1'�'a�ne: �� �la�a�: Ad�s: � A.dda�ss: Cit�/�t�te/c,i�: €;ite/St�t�i�a: I*Tam�: hT�r��: Adda��s� ,,,�„�._.�.� Address: Ci /State,�i Citv/S�a.teJ�i � �'axne: �ta.affi�: Addx�ss: hidaress: Ci��./St,��i�: ____— Cit�/S�ate1Z�-�, b:��������.�� 9 �,��rada i��m: �.�_� H��e6n�D�t�: _��i��?.� 19�6 7:�0 IP,[� a�I G���:.;�����6 : ¢� . ��� i�F3t�/�ItD : �Ra��I�l�Fll�1� �A�i�R����1�1�' �4�5[ �9"N1� �o�1 i �� 1 H�/M1�6�9y.;������ __ . : : » ;.:, ...:.:;< . �� ���8��_.__�.����9`�s�6�������H '�����: ���e��: _ ���$t1� ���o�r�F��a��Q�+� �l�n ���ndt��c�# CPA �6�Od"i �R+C3�O��L. 1°hc� �ppli���t has ��que�t�d a �e� �rro�ndrrs��t fcz the �)r�anization s�ctio� of th� �c��xrpr�h���iv� Pdan b� �ddir�� � n�w poli�y ��follovu�: '�0.�!.4 An excep�ion fi� F'Qai�y �0.�.3 i� that�h� ci� ma� as�ig� �or�ing closest fio exisfiir�g d�v�l�pr���# ir� low a�nsity r��id�nti�E ��t�bli�fn�d �r�as. ��PL.9�ANT': ��b �i�dsv� ��V��R� �arr� 7'!�3q0 �V1!�JV°ainu� �tree� , �°iga�d, O�d 97223 ��31�i�F��F��6�J�C`�� ���� �E�lC�f�l.47fO�e �/� ������ ����f�P�A�'���o f�/A L�0��4T�1�P1� Ci�y's llr�an Pi�nninc� �Wre� �P�L,���►�L� ������ �RIT!�RIA: st�t�rn�id� �o�l� m, 2, 1Q �nd 1�4; �regr�n A�rr�ini�fir��iv� Rule f�i0s12; ��mpr�hensiv� Plan F'olici�� 1.1.1, 2.�.1 a�d �.1.1; Gc�rnmunity De��:lc�pr��nt C�d� �hapt�r ��.3U. ����°��.�9: �`�'�4��' ��. ���B��N�A�°�O�D. S#aff re�arnmends th�t fihe F'lannir�g Cammi�sian�r�ds th�t th� prapos�� �me�dtn�nt d��� �nafi s�tisfy �II r�leva�� �riteri� and that it frarr�rv�r� � r�commenda�i�n �o fi�� City Gc�un�ii faa� i���lQE4L. of�Pa� J6a0Q�1. a STAFF REPORT CPA 9fi-OQ01 � Pmgo 1 ���1"1�6V II!• �,A�Ff��iO�11VD iNFO��l1�°���N �it� N���anr: N�storica9ly, wh�r� propertie� C���� ��n�xec� �� ti�� �ity, th�y hav� been z�ned t� rrr�tch the previaus i�l��he��tc�r� Ceunt�O zon� di�tricts a� closeiy �s possible. This practice h�Ep�d tc� ��rry o�t the in#�n� ofi th� �'ig�r� ��rnr�nunity Pl�r�. �'hr� iJrbar� �'lannin� Ar�� Agr��r�ent �et��e� V1i��hington Co�nty �r�d �°ig�rd, signed in June af 1983, includ�;d � p��vi�ion tc� r�quir�: th� �ii� ��a cn���rt �►���xed 7�nd from th� Cify'� Ar�� of Intere�t ���ll �ountai� �nd R�et�g�r�r�as) tc� d�sigraatio�s that rn�st clos�ly ��proximat� the d�n�`ty, u�� pr�vi�i�n� �nd standards c�� �ounty d��ic�n�tia�ns, In �pril c�f '19��, fhe Caty ��ur�cil, vyi#h thc rec�rr��r��r�d�ti�ar� safi �4�ff �nd th� �I�r�r�ing ��e�mi�s'sor�, ad�pted �rcfirs�nce �34�21 to �m��d ��ctior� �U.� �f th� llrbar�i��ti�ra chap�er �f tihe ��s��r�h�nsiv� F'!a� �c� in�fud� ai9 ����x�d I��d f� fih� �i��. �°he pu�pc��� c�f �his poli�y �ra�� f� ac��mmod�t� �xisting dev�l�g�rn�nt �hd pre��rv� n�ig�bc�rho�d� �� th�g� are �r�nex�� �a the �i�y. �Ji�i��tv Info��natiQn: �!'hP pra�po��d �m�ndm�nt vva�ld �pply tc� #h� City'� Urbar� P'I�u�r�ir�g �4re� and nc�#to a�y �pecifi� si�e. ;E��,.4�fAr a�i�r� �nd Prc��r,�aE ��s�ri�ti�n: PV�`. �S�d�c�� �re��nf�d a prapos�i tes �m�nd �h� ��rnpr�he�viv� F�lar► arad vv�iv� th� �p�i'sc�tic�r� �e� �o th� C�ntral. ar�d !0'Je�t CiTs ��f ong Augu�t of '1995. The $wr� grc�up� support�ci hds r�q���t. At #h� rru��fiirac� caf ���t�mber �2, '�995, he request�d #hat th�: Gity C�a�aracal vv�a�e #he �menpr�her�sive PI�� �rn�ndm�nt applac�4i�n fee �r�d forru��lly �s�C i/'Jast�i�gtc�r� ��unfy 40 op�n tE�e Urbar� Pl�nnir�g �4�ea Agre�m�nt (UP,AA) i¢� orde�r to am��e� �h�: po9acy or� �onir�g eaf�r�n�x�r� land. Th� �r��r�cBl gr�c�ted th� f�� vvaiv�r and agr�ed tc� inGi�d� hi� �oro��rn� d�ri�g the r��� r�vi�+�r caf th� 11�AA. Th� �ubmitt�, p�ri�d d�adlin�s (75 fio �5 days prio� to fi��; F'i��nir�q Cornr�6��ir��°i's �'ir�t f���r�r�gs in Aprif ��d October) pr�clu��d �r. �Qe�d�o� frc�rr� �pplyir�g fi�r a le�s�d�ti�r� �cJrr��ar�t�en�i�� F�i�r� asn�n�m�nt !��# f�+ll. H� d3� ��bm9t hi� ���li����isa� during �=�bru�ry �f�hi� y��r. 3'h� pr•oposed amendment would be add�d to th� tJrb�r�iz�tio�a secti�n oi� the C�ampr�hensiv� i'I�n �nd re�d a� �allovvs: "1C1�1.4 Ar� e�cept�on �a Policy 1�.1.:i i� that th� ci�y r��y �ssign �c�ning �losc�st t�a exi�ti�rg ��v�le�pr�en� in low der��ifiy r�si��r�ti�E ���ablish�d area�." �"his ��endr�ent waul� a�aply, ��t���ibiy, fi�a tf�� �ity's �arb��, planr�i�g are� �haf is d�vign�t�d a� La�v C�ensity Resici�ntia( �nd is �Iready dev�iop�d rn�i�h r�sidenti�i ur��ts. As properties in the�e ar�a� ar�r��x tc� th� Gity, th� �Gt�u�n�sl vvould ha�e the opti�� to zane th�r�°� t� � d�signa�ian �hat re�flect� the �xi��irrg n��rr���r c�f��its at the #i�n�. �����_� lid� A�.P�.�CA�L� ��\/J.�V� �L���IaA �f���ONI���I S�',�,T'EW6�� �C.�A�S �i ' � r�v�R�eq��n�: ���I 1 r�q�'s��:� � ci����r� i��ol�e�m�rat �r�gra��ra #ha����t���� th� opp�r�u�i�ty far �i#6zens t� be envs�lea�a� in th� pl��r�6�� p�o����. Tigard Compr�h�n�iv� Pi�n �'calicy 2,1.1 and Tigard Cammuni� C�ev�l��rn�nt C��� �I�apt�r 1� prc�vide for citi��n p��ticip�ti�r� ar�d r�otic�. f�e�tic� of the PO�rrning C�mrni�sion h�aring �r�d oppor�unity fi�r STAFF REPORT CP,4 9&-0Q01 F'age 2 e r���a�r��� v��s ��9v�rtis�d in fihe a�c�9 r����p�p�� �nd request for c�mrr��r�g� vrere ��nt ta all CI�� arrd th� Dep�rt��nf of La�d �can�erv�ti�r� a�d ��v�9op��nt. Ir� �dditi��, �h� pr�+pos�9 �v�� pr�s��#�d ta fir�� �ITs �nd tl��ir c�rnrnen�� �re in�luded vvifh thi� r�p�rt. �'°�a� go�l is ��t��ff�ed. . . 't�: �ao�0 � r�q��r��9 an p��c, tM�� ad�p�ed ��r��r�h�n�iv� pl�ra� b� r�vi��c7 �o tak� ira�o �c�r�a��s��F����drig p�bli� p�la�ie� �nd �ir��av�����e�. �h� propc���l wauld arr�e�d �xi�tir�c� �dnp��� and �cknav�l�dged comprel�en�iv� plan and int�rgov�rnmental agr��rrient r�quir�r�a�nts rel�tir�g to the z�r�irag a#'ar�nexed properiy to th� Cifig�. )fi �x�rci�ed, th� palicy vuould e�e��r�r�� the d��unzc�nir�g ofi re�identiaB I�nd as if is ann�x�� tc� the Ci�. 1'he publ�c pc�l�ci�� and �ir�unns�anc�s ar� ch��ging in th� I�etropoli��r� l�o�l�nd ���� a� w�Bl �� ir� the C�ty ��v��rd °sr�����s� c�� r��id��ti�E den�ity in order to meet ��gi�r�wid� go�l� vvithin fih� Urb�n (�€°o�th �3o�as���r�. Th� prc�pos�d �m�ndment vv€��ld b� cau�t�rprc�d�ctiv��o fhis dire�tio�. �is g��l is ra�t s��is�ed. ��o i�oal 10 r�qe�ires t�a� plan� �h�l� �ncourag� �he ���61�biiit�v of a�l�q�a�fie �umber� o� ne�ded hou�6a�g ��nit� a# �e��6�u� p�B�� ranges ar�d re�t I�vel� �rac� �19�vv fa�r fB�xr�is9at� o# I��a�asin� �s►���i�n, �}Ip� �e7d d�n�i#y. `fhe a�pei�ae�t s�at�s that this goaE does not apply to his proposal b�c�a�s� the go�i is B�mi�ed fcs th� d��elc���e�t s�� va��r�t, b�iidable land only. The ga�ai, hc�vvev�r, defines `b�ifdabl� l�nds' as la�r�ds ir� �rban �nd �rb�n���ble ar�as fha4 �r� ��it�bl�, ���ilabl� �nd n�c�s��ry fer r�sid�nfiai u�e. l� is r�ot �c���i��d tc� vacant @ar�d o��lu and includ�s r�d�v�lopabl� I�ns�. lmpl�mentafian 4 caf the haasing goal st�t�s th�t c�rdir���c�s and incen�tive� �hauld be use� to incr�a�� populatio� �ensiti�s in u�b�� ar�as taki�ag intc� consider�tior� (1) k�y faci6itie�, (2) th� �cor�o�nic, envirc�nrr�e�t�l, s�cial ar�d �n�rgy �can�equ�r�ce� c�f th� pr�puse� d�n�sti�s �nd (3) 4he s�ptirr��l b.��� �f exis�tin� ur�an lanr� p�rti��9�rly� ir� ��ctic�n� eor�tainir►g signi�ic��fi am�ur�4� �f ur�sour�� s��a�ta�d�rd sfiruc#ures. �°�:c: �ff�rt of��e pr€�p��pd �r�er�dm�r�t a�c�u�d b� to d��re��Q z�nin� �r�d t���refor� p�apul�tis��!� e.�������iii��. �t�r, ��s�ai�� ��s� v�c�rr�€�eg �f �h� propasal to a��ign �o�ing cl�s�st �o �xasting developrt��r�t, th� d�c�sit�! �ould �n�y E�� r�c�l�ced and no� incre�s�d be��us�the highe�t zcar�in� fih� �itgr �an curr�r�fi6y ��si�� �s I�-�.5, �he �losest m�tch to th� cs�unty's R-5, ar�d stilE implem��st the Low Dera�ifiy �t�sbd�r�tial d�signafiara c�� ti�� C�r���r�h�r�siv� F'lan. It �i�a�a9d b� �aYed, B��c�uv�;v�r, th�t �s�ognr�eraf of �i�y R-4.5 zvnir�g (7,50(3 s�ua��e foaf mir�imurr� 9ot �i�e) is ��g�a�l�y � r�d��tiaru ira d�r��i#�from fhe C�unty's R-5 zc�nin� (%,��� �quar� f��� rrinimus�� !a��iz�). Sf�ff fii7ds�hai�he �aropc�sal i� n��can�i��er�fi��vith �ca�� 10 �r�d �°ot�lc� h��� � n����iv� ic�p�rt an cnc�c�raging th� avail�bility qf ad�qu�te na�rrsb�rs �f n��d�d he��a�ir�g �anifis �� v�rQQ�s pr��e rang�� and rer�t lev�ls �nd aflow fc�r fiiexabilsty� c�f �o�sing f�catio�, �ype and d�r�si'�y. �ta�f fnd�, �h��-e�ar�, that this g��l is n�at s�fii�fi�d. U����6x�t9�; ���I 7� pravides ff�r �� a�rcl��iy �r�d ��cien� t��ra�it¢�ae� �rssm ��xa6 tca urb��o I��d u��. This gc�ai is c:arri�d out by �uay c�fi th� �stablishmer�� o� an �rban growth bounciar�. The proposa! a�dres��� �Qning fc�r �nr�exed lands within th� urk�an grovvfh baunc��ry �nd th�refore not subj�c� to this goal's provisions. The �ity's annex�4ion palicies �re incl�ad�:d in th� Urba�izatican section c�f the Compreh�nsive Plan ��d �h� read�� is r�ferred to F��licy 10.1.3 belovd. s STAFF REP04Ti CpA 96-0001 Pdge 3 � �C)fViF'Lp�i��� VVlTH FEDERAL A�D S�'RT� �°fA�'tJ�'�� C)�t (31J9�EL.IRlI�S �r� ��A " c �� ° � �e�t�or� 66�-��-060 ��ti�� th�� piar� ar��ndata��� v�rhi�h si��i��a�r�t�� ��f��t � tra��pr���tica� �'��afi� s���0 �s�ur� th�t �19o�r��1 lan�! �as�� �re con�i�t�:n�w�fh tk�� ad�ntifed f��a�#eon, �����a�� �n�i I�ve� �ff��¢vi�� �f the 'F��iYl�, Zonir�g ann�:x�d iar�d to �xisting d�r�sitie� v�ould €�c�t g�r��r�i� additi�n�l trai'fic or �ignifcanfi(y aff�ct a transporfatian facility. Thi� rul� i� ���t, �h�e�fior�, appBicable t� �h� pr�pc�se� plan �m�rrdrr�en�. ���Ii��.I�B�CE �iV�T� C04�1�'R�H�i��l�o'� �l.AN �'C7�1�1�� m ���a���� P�ii�6��; ��li�y �,°�o�(�) ��q�i�e� 4��� ��c�esl�ts�� ���ng�� ��e c�����t�n��i�h ������c�� �t�n�a�� gc��l� a�d �he �°�g��r��9 d�w���������; p9�i�a. Th� �rc��s�s�! i� �ot cc�n�i�t�n� iwith sta�ewid� ���r�nir�g goais as �ddr�ss�� �bave �nder `�ta���ndid� (�o�ls'. Th�re is nr� �ppli��bi� �d��st�d region�l pf�r�. �"his pnlicy is a�ca��ati���d. Citix� i��✓o9����nt: F��licga 2.1.1 ��t�s #h�� �h� �i� �hal9 r��o��i9r� �ra �+r�goi�g �itiz�r� ir�v�sl�rer���� prog��r�� an� �ha01 ���ur� t��� ��ti��s�� wii! be ���vic���9 ar� �►�pa�unify ta� �� i�v�iv�� ir� �EI ph���� �� th� �d������� pr�����. � req��s� f�r cor�r�er�ts v��s s�n� t�a all Lity CITs ar�d th� Pl�nning �c�mrrai��i�� hearing vvas leg�lly �dv�r�i�ed. In additior�9 �he propasal was p�es�n#e� �� �!I �I�' meetin�� durir�g 6Vlay. 7'f1i� pc�licy is sat6s�Fed. �ta��a�ina: �o9i��e �.°�.� r�q�as��s t�� c�� �ha�l� pro�id� �n o��c�rf�s�it� f�r a div�r�ety eaf h�u�eng clen��ta�� �r�d ���vd��t�a� �y��� �t c��ric�u� pri�e� �r�� ��a�t I�ve6s. Thi� p�aliey i� prirri�riEy impl�m�nfi�d �F�rough OAR 6�0-Oi, the ��tropoBit�r� Nc�u�ing �ui�. �he ru�� r�q�ai���� �h�t th�; �it� e�aintain suf�i�ie�� r��sd�ntial buiidab6� 9a�d to provid� th� oppqrtur�ity for �� �e��t 5a°la �sf r��� �rits t� b� aftach�� s�ngle farniiy c�r �nui�i�fad�nie�! housing and to pro�ide far an ov�rali de�si�y of t�r� ur�Qts �er�cre. T9�e proposed am�ndment coufd �ffect Ciiy ccemplian�� with th� h��u�ing Rui� by Ic��r�ring t�e pa�er�tial numb�r of ur�its per acre if anr�ex�d lar�d is �on�� at 9vwe� den�iti�s. If, upon ann��c�ticar�, properties are clo�:��!�oned from th� Gn�r�ty d��ign�tio�, fihe� th� �i�y`s housir�g +�pps�rt��ity ir��i�x wo�ald hav� to be rec�lcu�ated becaus� th� a'�eeted pr�pe�tie5 w�re originally calcul�ited in the County for {�ic�her d�n�ity. Th� �Eo�ving Rule states tha# a ir�risdi�fii�n n��d not irr�lr��de piar� arrd/c�r znn� �har�g�s ���� b�r ar��ther jur9sdictic�n b�fs�r� �r�n�x�tion ta a city. 6�a�vever, �ectiora 660-07-045(�) �t�t�s �h�t � city sh�ll iracl�ad� ch�n�es to �r�nex�d ar in�carporat�d i�nd if the city ch,�nq�d ��e o�d�nsi ar#F�e �9��Iz o� �siana i r� af��r �anne�fi�c�n or inc�r�ara�ian remphasis add�d�. The Ci4}r, th�refar�, vaouid r��ee� to r�calc�lat� the hou�ing index e��r�+�ir�� prop�rf�(ies) v�a�r� z�n�d, af��r ar�r��x�tiail, ai � di��rer�t Jensity than th� previous �or�i�g in ��e �auntgs. �vinre importan�ly, dow��oning of 9�€��i�de�ti�! land v►souid lower the index. The City coulci f�IB a�� of compliance with �h� rule's minimurr� requirement of 10 uni�s p�r acr�, �sp�ci�Fi� ��r��idering th�� �pproxim�tely �35 �cr�s of I�w density ��t�blish�d 4ar�d c�ul� b� �li�ibie g�a� s�zoning. Rs the ind�x approach�s ar f�lis b�lovv the 10 units p�r acre standar�, the �ity v,��uld n��d to make up the difference f�r ne4v hc�using opportur�i�i�s in oti��r p�r#s c�g the City thro�gh rezoning of land. STAFF REPOfdT f�PA 96-0001 � I�age 4 1°hi� pr�pt���d asn�ndr��nt �y itseif will not cacase the City tc� d��� ouf �f�orr�plia�r�e with the hou$ir�c� rui�. Th� �rra�ndm�n� wc��l�, howe��r, greatly incr���e th� prc�b�bil's�,+ fc�� r�ducing re�id�nt@�6 de�sity �nd r��ult ira ��i� i��rerr��r��al la�ss �f 6�c�usbng �pportunities. Frar this r�ascan, ��a�f c�r�not rrhak� � �s�dirsg tha�this p¢�Eicy �� s�ti�f�d. C�Al1PL.lA1VCE V!/�3'Ffi �OfV1N9�JtVS"i'1' l��'�'�L�i���IVY ��C7C ���TIC11V s: �ro��e9�ar�� fesr ��ci�io.�. �Id� i�19—�gl��E �°l�a�a#�r� 1�.30 ��t�bl0�h�� ��o���a�r�es for �ca��ic��¢°����n a��' I�gislativ� �h��ag�� $0 4�� �r�va�i�sn� �� �h� �c�exapreh�r��ide �0��, i�pl���nta�g ordea������ �r�d map�o ����d�r� 1�,30.�aA �i�� �h� �a�t�c�� �}��aa enrhi�c9� �h� �I�r�a�6�g ����i����� ��¢� �6�yy �o�n�i� ���E{ ba�� ��es� d��a�i�ar��. The f�ctor� �nd respon�e� �r� �s f�llc����: �. 7'h� ���ee�id� plar�n�ng gaal� a�d g�i��i6n�� �ds�pte� ur���� �re��n R�vi:�esi ��tu��� Ch��a��r °@93. Th��� sf��id�rd� �r� addre�s��d i� Sec�i�an !V ur�d�r `S�a#ewide Goals' in this statf report. 2o Any f�d�Pal or.��;�te �tt�tutes �r g�i�d�lir��� f�a�ar�d ��plicab9en The sf�#�'s �"��r�spor#atic�� 9�lanr�i�g Fd�l� is �ddres��d i�i ��ctiar� ��0 �nde� '�c�rnpli�r-oc� with �ed���,l and �t�f� Statute� or Guideline�'. �, Ap�9��ak�9� pl�ra� a�od gui�i������ ��9�pt�� by �h� �fe�r�ap�ls�� ���ac� Di��rB�to Th�re �r� r�� appiicabB�; pl��is or�usd�lines �dopted by N��tro. S�� ��c�inn VI (Ag��rcy Cc�rrr�ment�) fior IVl�trc� staf€r��pc�ns� to th� proposal. �� T'h�: ��plo�a�9� ��e�-ag���h���6�� p6�r,� p�@gci�� a¢ad �s��. T'he�e �t��d�r�� �r� addr�sseci ira �ec�ion I�0 �nder `Complianc� �vith Com�rehensive �9�n F'c�li�ie�'. �. �'G�� ���oi�a��� pro�si�Bon� ��'th� it�ag�l���s�tia�g �r�d���a���*�. �'B�� impi�rr�er����g �arden�r�c�s �r� contained in the Tigar� Cornmuni�y ��v�l��r��r�t �ade, wh�r� �r� �ddres��d ir� fi4�is s�G�ion �f t�� staff re�o�@. �. C�r��i�i�rata�� rnay a9s� b� �iv��a �� pro�f ofi� �8a��ge ar� �Fa� ��ighborho�d �sr ���ma�r�aty cr� � rr�es�k� �r �nc���i�t�a��y� ir� th� �csrrap�eh���ive �as�� �ar �c��9�cm�rstia�� �rd6raar��� ��i�h as th� �a�bje�t����� �ppli��tao�. �'he �pp�iic�nt d�e� not address ti�is fi�ct��. Alfihoue�h ��ctian 6 i� r�ot �ddres�ed, the �p�l�c��t h�� sa�isfed this ca�e s�ctio�r. it y� s�tis�e�d b���us� the firs� fiv� factor� have b��n �d�ress�d in this s�a� repor� a�i� �h� saxth f�c��r i� op#ior��l canly. �_���scafia�rs�a �h�pt�r �i�.°I�6 ir��6�m�rat� �9�� pe�9i���� �f the ���pr�h���ev� F�R�� r�gard��g ��a���a�aa�� ��q�a�st.�. if th� prap�s���d amendmer�t is �ppr�v�d, Secti�t� ��.136.03Q, Appr�v�l Standards, pr6���ian �3 �nrocald hav� fio be revi�ed. C�rr�ntly, this provisian r�acis, "The plan designation and the z�nin� desi�natior� piac�d or� the property s�aif be t�� City's zoning dis�rict which r��ast clz���4y impi�t�er�ts ��e City'� c� Cou�ty'� �arv�pr�h�nsiv� pian map design�t'sean." Th� chang� wcauid h��e� �o �allow fe�r the optia� tr �on� a ��operty with a designatis�n th�t m�tches tf�� �xistir�g d�v�loprne�t in th� �rea. STAFF REPORT CPR 9fi-OOt?1 � Pag�5 ��� N p��s �A��P��6�►���9A�1'1 ��trr� r��iew�d this propca��l a�� dafF�rs the follov�£v;=;g �c�mrr��r�t�; `�'h� ���nd��nt i� nc�t �c�mpafii�(� with th� dir�ctior� �f t�e� 204U C�rav�h �r�re��p�. B�vuc��aid ��rv� fir� �ub�fiar�tiaBl�a re��ac� th� a!l�v�oa�bE� r��ider�fi�f dera�6tie� for t���� n��al� inre�r�aar�t�� �re�s. �ihi�e T'ig�rd may ��� n��d t� increa�� st� c�rr�nt densogi�� ar� �h� �nri�r r��ighl���hc��d� go ��hi�v� it� �a17 �91���ti�r� #�r��#�, r�d�a�irag d�r��9to�� �ca�rd 9imit �he �ify'� fi���Ebil�#� i� ��hi�ving th�s� t�rgets. I� �dd��i��, (V�r. �I�d�o�'s ��fer�r��e tc� wh�� con�ti�ca��� "�c��ld�bl� I�r�d�" i� �r�ce��r�ct. `�h� d�f�6t6�ra i��iud�� r�:d�v�Bop�bi� la�ds as vv�!@ �� vacar�fi I�ar�ds. i/Va��ing��n Co���� ree�ie��d #�ii� pr�pca��l �r�d h�� th� fieall�vvis�g ��r������: � in c�rd�r t� ��Fe�t th� �h�r�g�, if w��ld �pp��r th�t th� l�rb�r� F'l�nni�a� R�r�� A,�re�m�nt r�ust be �rrri�nd��. � � Bt i� nc�t cl��r ifi�kh� �rc�p�a��! ��s �ra imp�ct �r� th� �ia� c�r C€��n�y �balify fi�a d�r�c�n�t�a�� cornpli�n�� with th� M�t�o���i��n �l�usir�� ��al�. s I� i� n�►t cl�ar ho� th� pr��osal ���;r�t�s in "lo�nr d�e��ity r��i��nti�l ���abCi�h�d �r���". V�J�uI� this pr�cBud� �6� in�i� d�vefcp�en�? � Ifi �nro�aid �e�m th� prs��os�! rr�ay be c�r�trary tc� th� cor�ce��� i�ci�d�d ir� th� R�qio��! Framevv�rk i'lan, lJrban �r�v�th Man�ger��nt Fun�tic�n�! �'I�n, r�e��rd�ng gr�ater de��i�� t����,fe9o�rne�t �nd fih� �bilit� �f th� �i�y to ac��mrr��d�t� it� �h�re �#' r�giara�i grovv�h. V\3�sle fihe�� r���B;�-��c�nts ar� r��+� �Pt bi�d°s�� c�r� �h� �ity, thi� �h�nge .m��r have �r� �mpact on the �ity'� f�ture abii@ty ta derr�o��tr�#� �o�ap6iao�c�. �T'���9i' Q���� � ��� Th� Sa�ath �IT h��rd fh� �ro�os�l at #h� me�fing of iV9a� 1, 1�9�, �nd s�ppart l�avver der��ity de�elopme�t i� c��n�r�l. ��he �enfir�l �nd @�l��4 �ITs h��rd th� p�opmsai r�r� h��y 7" � a�� the �nee�bers agre�d vvefih tne �oracept. Th� �:a�f G9T had r�c� �s�mrre�r�� or� ti�� � �rapca��i ��the n,�iay � me�ti�g. � � � ��T9�� !/II: _���� ��i���_�.� � � � Th� Plar�ning �epartm�nt staf� ha� �ever�l conc�rns abc��t fihe prap���ci arr���drn�r��. There dr� m�r�� is�►��� ��d probl�m� ���sacia��d wi�h the propos�l that �ro�ld n��d tc� b� evalu�t�d and �larif�d befc�r� 9f� ir�n�lem�r�t�fion. Arv�ong tl�ese iss��s ar� the fallowin�: STAFF REPOFfT ` CPA 96-0001 l,age 6 i ➢ � Vlihat ur�an g�lanninc� ar��s wo�ld b� �ffe�k�� by �h6s �rrendrr��e�t (Atfi�cB�rrr�r�� �)? It read�, "...tc� �xi�@rng d�v�l�pm�r�t in I�u� de�sit� r��id�rt�i�l �stabi��h�d are�s". D��s fihi� apply t� �l! o� th� �ctiv� �i��ni�g A�ea �r�d Are� of Inte�e�t �h�r� �xisti9�g d�v���apr�ent �s c�nsidered as low d�n�ity and estabP9shed? °�hi� �r�a enccamp�s�es apprnximately 535 �cres of i�nd. D��� it �pply to th� Act�ar� P6�r�r�or�g Area canly an�hi�h ir�cludes th� !6�laln�a� Is9�nd?' °fhi� are� en�ornpas�e� appr�xirna�e�9y 237 �ca-�� o� la�d. d�'#F�e I�f��r �nly, �ould t6�� arro�ndm�r�t ^!p�ly to ar��� �af I�r�d �h� �ity ha� de�ig�r���d on th� �ar�pr�her�sive Pl�r� m�p as Ls�r�a D�r�sit� or wh��� ther� is an�r r��i����i�! dedelc�pr�e�$ �h�i q�c�lif�e� �� Ic�w d�n�it�? ��cisiar�s by the� City Co�ncii b�s�d �t� ir�t�r�refi��ion �fi th� �m�ndm�f�t'� a�plicab�lity�ro�l� lik��y ir�vit� ch�ll�r�ge�. � Vu'ha� �r��(�� �s��id be us�d fi� c�f��la�e fih� �xe�ti�g d��a�6oprrtient d�nsit� - irnrr��diat�:ly adj�ce�t p�rcels, prop�rty �dithis� one bloc�, pro��rt� vvi�hbr� 1/4 r�ile rac�ius, etc? W��ld prcaperties in fh� �ity �� c��n��d i� th� c�(caalatic�n? V�laul� v���n� i�nd �cr���e be cc�unt�d ir� th� calc�l��ica� (vac�ant ��rc�l� �r� ir��(uded within est�bai�h�d area��7 6n oth�r u�card�, �h�� doe� tt�� �ouncil us� �s � r�e��urir�g s�QCk tm determir�e the �oring? This �roblerri r�i�es fih� sssu� o� �e�r�si�ter�t ��d obJ��tive �rifieri� usec4 in d��isican-m�kir�g, �nd �hu� i�v3��� chall�rage� tc��h� �i�y'� i�t�rpr�fiatio�. � Vi6h�a ws��l� initiate the request fc�r �pplyirog th� r��w �oli�y � City �o�nc94, pr���r�y c�w��r(s), r�eigh�ors, or a com�i�a�ic�n of �hese� �f anyar�� e�ther thar� th� properky �a`nra��r��) in�tiate �nd nbt�in difF�r�nfi zr,ning �r i�� �n ov�re�r'� pro��r�y i� includ�d within a r���r�ed area, vmouid th'ss imp�s� � n�vu re�tricfiion �n prop�r�ies �nd iirnifi fih� �biiity c�f o�vner� �a d�veEop th�ir pr�p�rty tQ �orm�r �anar�g der�siti�s in fih� �c�unty� I�' th� pr�pert� c,vvnecs #herns�lv�� ir�iti�t� �e�n� ch�ng��, how would fihis afi�ect �djacent �wners, i.�. h�v� vvould thos �c�i�rB �ffc��t deve6o�men� ��ien�Ea6, properiy v�fu�s and t�x ��s�s�m�nts of adja��nt pr�per�i�� i# zonir�g �e��e�i�s �f n�:�ghb�rring pr�p�rYy �re either not consis����ly zon�d �t pr�s�nt or ��b��c� �s, Ghange �ft�r anr�ex�fi�c�n i� th� future? e Ffow woufd �his amendm�nt a�fect urban ser�rice pl�nreing ��d r�gi�r��! plarning effarts? The City plan� �nd b�dgets f�r th� prflvisi�n �f urba�n service5 ta ��pport lar�d us�s. if sever�! fiundred prope�tie� in the �rban pl�nnir�g �rea rnay b� �nn�d f�prn R-1 to f�-4.5, thi� task b�come� r�u�h rr��r� di�fiicult and proba�ly rn�re �xpe�5ive b�c��s�: � of the ra�g� of densities th�t �o�8d possibly b�: serv�d. �Z�gional pla��ir�g and r�oals ir�clud� using �he u�-b�r� and �rd���iz�bl� I��d wi�hin �h� U�B ira � rr�ar� ��'f�i�ci�nt ma�n�r. Thia ���or��nri�B lik�iy res�slt in incr��s':r�g th� r�sid�ntiai d�r��i�i�� ��ing s�ver�! e�ptions� incluc�in� infiii d�v�lopme�4, ir��r�a��d �anir�g der��iti�s a�d e�iroi��am de�r��ify �tantiards. The prQpo��d amendrr�ent ���rri� t�a b� c��nter produ�fiEVe g�►r ��hi�vi�g �h��� gc��is. � �3c,�nrr��c�r�irag urba� plar�nin� ar�a p�ap�rtae� �ha�t carne i�fio the Ci�y �nocs�Ed shift fih� ��a��e� a� i�icreas�d zoning tQ o�her parfis of ti�e �ity. �lair���ir�os�g ��n�c�rm6�y t� fihc ��tropolifiar� Housir�g Rul� �nd accommodating fihe �ity's share of r�gior��i grc��th u�QUid be �f��ct�c� if propertie� in these area� are allowed to be zor���d a± lovve� c�er�siti�� than p�eviously planr�ed. T�ie loss of �o��ntial hc��sing v�o�ld have �o b� mad� �p ir� o#h�r part� ofi fih� Ci�y. The question of fiairness a�d equit��l� �h�ring cc��ld �ecorne an issue. STAFF R�PQRT CPA 96-0001 Page 7 � � �d�ir�g prop�rt6�� �t I���r d�r�sities ti��� pre�ios�s �o�anty d��i�r��tica�� c��ald r��ult ar� e�istir�g fc�t� s��c�r�ing r�oncar�forrr�ir�g. �or �x�mpl�, NI�. E39�d�oe°s �v�n pro��rty is 0.43 �cres or 18,731 squ�r� fe�t. Fiis pra�p�rty ce�uld �ae ��ned F2�2 d���ndir�g �pon onrh�t are� is se6ecfied for ca9cul�fiing �x'ssts�g de�sity. Th� rninir�ur� lot �i�e for th� F2-� �c�ne di�t��ct i� 2Q,00�; th�r�fc�re, his I�t wo�8d b� n�anconf�rr�ning. . �urthermore, as f�r �� ��ai� �an de#�r�ir��, City policy has �iv�ay� b��n to �s�i�ra zor�ing �o �n��xed I�nd t��� rr���fi cio�ely ��fi�l�e� #Fie �t���aty'� zor�ir�� �fi th� tim�. T'he �pp9i���t �t���� �h�t o���r� c�f pr�p�rty �hcsul� h��� �h� ���r�e right �c� xcar�� gh�or �r�ap�s� �a�assra �na��x�fion a� did pr�viou� �r���x�d ov�ner�. �#��f h�s r�o� fc�u�€�, �� �h� a�pf6c��� cl�im�, t��t pr��im�� �nr�e�a��o�s of ��ighbarho�ad� �li��na�d fhe r�si��nt� �o p��i�iar� �s�� r�c�l�� ���a�c�g tl��t !?�atch�d �he existi�g d�v�l�pr��n�. �taff F��s rc�s��rched p��t �nn�xati�n� for �re�� rr��r�tioned by fh� �ppli��n� ��� ha� f��erad n� e�ed�n�� �f th�� �ra���s�. 'V1�h�� oid�� �rea� �u��h as D�rry ��l�, P�r��� f3r�h�r� �r�d Sh�do�v i-�ilis �aran�x�d tc� fhe �ity, �h� �a�ar�ty �ad diff�ren� �err�ing c4��igna4ic�r�s at th�: kirr��. `fh�s� ��signations on�er� �� It�w a� an� u�it per �cr� (Ft�-1), f�rc� u�i�� ��r �c�� ���-2) �nd �O,AQO ��uar� fcaot r�inirn�rn I�t �i��s (!�-��). 1"h� �st�+'s�6e� �rnd �au�da� �or�mis�ior� r�scalutions #"or thes� �r�a� r��l�e# the pcalicy �f a�signireg Cifiy z�r�irrg o�hich most cl�a��ly rn��ch�c� th� County ��e�ing e�i�ting �#th�tim� ��ann�xation. Bn �n€�c�u�ir��, st�f� b�liev�� t�at th� prapc���d �r�erad���� �nrv�ald be d��'iccal� �a ir�#�rpr�t a�d im�le�er��, �s v��ll �� pr�bl�mati� for futur� i�r�� �a�€; pl�r�r�ing �nd urban servi�e provision. �tl�r� irrjpar�a�tlyY �$r'�� d0E'� f10$ '��18�i�f IS: IS �a��d��d ��' I�E:C`!�'.�IGIaI $Cs t�1tG �6tJ� c�S � vvhc�9�. it i� nof cl�ar v�h�t purpo�e ifi �nro�ld serv� �r�d far r�hom. As pointed o�t abovc�, it c�uld ��f�ct the City°� c;orri�iiance we�h th� fU�etrc�p�66��� ��usir�g �i�l� �nd th� �it�O's �bilbty to m��t regi�r��l gaai�. C3n an indivi�u�l �src�p�rty awo��r lev��, th� �m�ndment dc��� r��t im�art �ny �dc�i�ic�n�l rights �r ��van�age�. �rrd�r exi�tir�g �a6��i�� ar�d la�w, a� own�r h�� the choic� �o de�e�c�p hi� I�ir�d �p t� th� r��ximum �Blnv���9� u�d�r the �caning ��de; or tc� r�c�t d��c�lo� the land at �il. �°h� ��f��t oi th� �r�aen�rn�nt vvould se�� to only linnit neighboring or fiutur� pr�per�y owners frnm d�v�loping fiheir ia�d �a what wa� previousiy a{i�Naed uncier County zon'sng. �r `�."`"'`�`-- _ �._ �.�e 5, 1996 � F'F��F�AR�D �Y: R�y�r'a9��e DAT� Assoc€�t� �'I�nr+�r {'�����__.r__�� '� ``� � Jut1� �. 199f . �f'PR�VE� ��': ��dir�� Smith �AT�� F�iar�ning fU(ar�ag�r I:ILRPL(J1RA11CPA96-01.STF STAFF REPORT � CPA 96-0001 Page� ...... ... . .. .. .._ . . . 1 . .�.., ..;:. ..;.;. ......:.. �:1'� o�... .. � ... ...:. . . ... : :.r ... . ..i i.:- , •. 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' s d s � i..' � 1 � �a,s �s>I� � � �,Y � 'r �. .� i ��,:i ,� n�� ,.��z '�r ir �r 3�� sa t�E {,��-?s{ dr � .t i I J tt3 :-�k .� •� .`�y na j�. � s ..i �yr�?r t�:��y.z.. �U.:iA3e� '�,kFk?°�"`� ,;�:'{ ��.rrr tr j �F� -t7z `�� i .ia � t���� t �r4, �,�_ 3 ."� f'is ts.t t h� � � r ..��a �p w �td > � 4** � r �,'�` G'} ..�.V . J S £' .� 1� �i [ t S�r i . .�b$.v'Y . i 3tY��. �' �.!Y) 4 ::� �� Y 2 ?3 -g t' i k`r. 4 .f ,�-1 4�' � } 4' �- d f A� � .1 , �} 4.� { ♦`: �`:.' '.. � t� �� t t �'t � 1' i� �� i� t'� S t [ a4, t } � tl � y ��S r :�.�3 I 1 t � "� e: . t i i.�� �.�J' �n J� �i- "$ �� ti 'b� St + 1` 4 �� � � � t -^ � � � «.. . :y=�j� �t/.;,, , , - y r. �� , i .... 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'cm�++,+a � ��I� / I � yjr�� +` ++;�� y ►� y� �� I J� ` s . ,.�.�r ���.�..� �,�, /�y� // s�, t _ y/�///�/' � ��JI ^ S .�. li i . � t"�ljI � ,,, ::: �' � ; t T ,I,�'� , d i { � � . ,� ,��'�'� � � � `�.�.°- �' � j � s f . = %� ' ` ,z ` �� d � ��J�.//Ii�,,��i� � � , ;z � ,� 'v / d R�., UT � :� � �. A� � � { (t ` �_, , l�'yla.�.�L ' � ' :: � /.�' - ' t Y : `1,� � -.5 y_.1 -.,d( f 3 ' � ,' _ A: Sk`d T LT' . Y .Y. � /� �Y ," 0 < .�+ }- �.r ; ,, -� � � y � . -'�5 � }� 2 > rI 4 f f�' I 1*. � �Y Y d � � � . °} Y �. � � 1 %ft \ � 1{`, y�� t R $ l 1� � ` ��::ti'' �(� � �+.� * � I ��: �r� ��� ■� I' A � � � � � f': .«. � II� � _ , �.. � •, — ._ ,. .„ � . , _ ._ .. , . . _ . . . , _ _ ._ , _ . , , , , ._., ... - � . , . . _ .t . .. . , . .. . _.. . . .. . ..,._. , � . . . .. . . _ , , . _.. _ _ , _ . ,._ . . . ,. , _ . , .. ,_.. ; < Y.,. .�. ... .,_ , .,. N r'i ., �.�tGUMENT IN SLTP�'OI�T ca� CPA 96-�(D�1 Bob &3�eciso�� re�r��entin� ci�:izens of �P��: �o I .m. an� ��r��x��1 C<Io'�'o Rest«i.ement of the amencimento to add the followiny � 1�D. 1.e � A� exc�ptior� tc� &���icy 10� 1 . 3 as t9a�at t�e Ci�y may �sszgn zonia�g cic��es� tc� e�a��ing c���elopment :��. �.ow-d�n�z�� resi_d�n�t:a.al �s�ablished ��eas. Ta `��e n��d �o� this �roposed am�ndment: In 1984 the Ta.garc� �l�nning staff recom�ne�aded ar�1 obtazned an addi.�i�n to t�ie ce�mg�ehensive pl�n -- Pal�.cy 1�a 1 . 3 There w�s only a very mir�imaatn of explanatian �ne1 virtually r�o consideration of impact ar comgaa�ilailit�r with plannirlg crit��•ia, such as I am beinc� r�quired to prouid� 3ac�ein. This �aas done in CPA 2-84 in � Ma�ch af 19H4 . And it SOL12"iCIG�CZ �o r.easona�le Lhat no chal�.enge was m�ade at tlZe t3me. �7hen an area is annexed into the �ity, it is f:her� tl�at city council assiqms the zoning. I� �s impassiPale to obtain zanin�, or even a commi tm�r�t to �c�nir�g 9 in advance -- we have triec�. �Iistorically, citi�?ns g�etitioried co�ancil for zoning they d�sir�d, usually zoning that ma�tclled th�ir �Z�igl�borY�aods . Inde.e� t�ev oft�a� requeste� ap�r�op��iate zon�_nq even wtze�l they c��apase�i tla2 annexat�on itselfe � Wl�en pr�eviQUS n�ighk�orhaods wPrP �rane�Ed to�ten forcihl�r) into t'riE cX�y, �p1ey petitioy�ed �a�c� receivec� �on�ng to �tatch tl���.r neigl�borhaods . We who are or will be a�nnexec� la�er shc�uld hav2 the s�me right < Tkzat is a basic aspec�. of justice -- eq�aa3. pr�tection of the la�r. I�. is f.cr justice, and to secure our. rights , tYaa� this amendment is pro�osed. It might seem that the effc�rt �a p�eser�� 3.�w �a�r�sity ��nir�g is coi�atra�y tQ agficial polici�s of LCDC anr� N��tro, ba�� 7[ t�ill st�Q�r Iater �hat those polici�;s a�e direct�d at vacant, buil�i�ble land, iVOT a�� establisheel nei�hborhaods. �t. � CPA 2-84 was na�: r�aily antend�d to h��re the c�ns�quence of � forczr�g us a.n�o �"17.f��7. C�EY1Slt� zana�ag. Staff prapQSed it, °°in order � �, to accommac�ai.e exis�a.ng c1�v�Iop�en.t an� ��ea.c�k�borhoc�c�s �� they a�e � annexed to �tYa� City. °' dNderr�orandum of March 1 , 1984 , a�tach�d) � Commissioner Ray Roge?�s said it was to g�reve�t rlevelouers from � vastly increasing t�e planned d�n�ity or vasitly ci�angi.ng the type � of planned us� and tY�e consec�uent i��act to existi.ng c��velo�im�nt. It �as suppose� tc� be a safeguaxd, but no�v it is a noe�se, Tl�e reasan is that t�e county c3oes n�t hav� zoni.rac� disi.ric�ts ��; low a� Tigard ' s. The re�sult �,nat has � aeeurrec3 is an oveisight. I�t w�s * not intended {ostensibly) by s�aff who pro�o��d CPA 2-84 , and certainly not by those who appraved �.t ax�d the concurrent a�r�Ement with Wasning�on County (the IJPAA) . __ '1 : � r' �S. APFL�CABLE CR�T��RT1� R. Catn�a,�e�iensive ��.ara Pa�.ica.�� � 141 a 1 ��� c�iseus�ir��n of ��;at�w�.d� Goa�.s a 2.:f.,1 an.� 2. 1 .2 C:�ta��n Invc�lv�n��r�t �'his p�ropos�l �aas p�ese��tecl ia� ?�u�us� �,�95 '�� t�ao �i�a.��n Involv�nten� T�a�ns (C ti �4T. ) anc? �a�s ap�raved ��r ttg� W��� C o�d�'. and �.he C����al C. I.T, ta �a� �on��.r�er�d by �i�� C,�u�scil �� ��� ��xt av���.ak�1e z�p�arta�ni�:� f�ar coa�a� �l�r� �m�xa�m�:a�s, �n€� a �a�.i�r�� c�f �ees �,aas �equest�d, wl�ic�a ts�� cor���;?1 �ranted c�n ���t�arabe� 12, 1�95 e '�p1� City e�f �'iga�d has e�tab3.a.sh�d t�a� C a �:a�', ° � to �c�c�mmoc�at� citzz�a� ?slvc�l����r�t, as�� tha� �.s t�� a��n�z� that this pro�a�al has �ol��we�< K 3 .1 thr�ugh 304 Th� prop�,�al wil�. have l�ttle or r�o bearing on ��ese ��*ctions cc�nc�rning natural f�atures �nd raatural rescs�arcesF sa.nce the proposal applies only to r�sic]ential areaa alr�ady d��elc�p�d. The pro�3asal might hav� � positiv� impact towar� the feelinr� �� opert ' s��ce -- such space being tl�e priva�ely oeaned yards oi c�.ta.zens . �0 5 an� 3. 6 Th�n �r�posal has no hea�?nc� on parks or rec�°eatior�al facilities < 3 .7 I-Iistorical ��s�r�rces The proposal c:oulcl he�� �h� c�oal of h�s�or�eal prese�°va��an. Historical �esidences w�u1d have a greater chan�e �f bezng ��r•ese�•ved if the quality ofc establi�hed neic�hbor�o�ds i� �etained - 3�y zoniz�g at exis�ing Zevels r�� �lev�lo��ent» 4 . 3 .�. Air Quality Ttae p��apasal would k�elp �.n air c�u�lity si�a+c� �s��bl��hed x�eighborhaods tend �o Y►ave mare veget�t:�on tt�an newr ��e�.a r aa�c� the trees are old�r (espec:i.�lly sin�� elev�lop�rs still cl��g-c��x� when the� develop --- examZ�Ie is 1�C year olc� t�r�e destroy�ed at t�e ed�� of H�anter' s �l�nn along �rith a�l the otheg trees on th�:t 2�-acre site? . �, 4. 2 . 1 and .4�2.2 �dat�r �ua:Lity � T�ie �boposal wi11 have a �as�t�.v� i.mpar.t e��a su�r:Ca�e �aat�� � runof f, for �h� reasans im�eda�t�ly abo�re, �nd Y�eca�se �.lh� � imperviQUS area is �oris�e�erably less in es�tak�lishec� ne�.�hbor�oods . � � . 3 . 1 and 4.4 . 1 and 4 .4 .2 The �raposal had no i�pac� �za rto�s�, � land resources , c�r solid wast�e �a�nag�men�:. �` � °� 5.1 through 5.6 The �ra�t�s�l �as no impact o�. e�c�nomi� i�sues . � � r 6 01 .1 �ioazs�n�e "The City �hall prc�vicl� an ���a�r��anaty far a d�.��r�a�y ��' housi�ag dens�.ti�s and. r�sid�ntial t�pes �t va�°�.ou:� price� ancl r�n� levels, `� This �raposal i� a c����c� a�plicataon e�� tY�is polir,y. '�he proposal provides the OPPORTtJNI'I'X for Czty ��un�i1 tn continue ta provide �or a diversity of hoiising densities and �esid2ntial types. D�.�%e�sity rneans vaxie�y, n�t all �►axic�u�tt ciensitya A val���ble part of t1°�e diversity is �reservatiUn �f the o1c�, estabiis��;d ` neighl�orhoods. Tha.s �.s th� reasr�n �al�y �ectat�r� 6� 3 is ���l�at���1 :�ra �h� c�mprehensiEJe galan. , 6 0 2.1 The pro�asa� h�d no direct impac� aiz c3��veloprnen�: regulat�.o�s and �taa�c�ards , si�zce the applicable "�a�e�.c��b�rd�c�c�c�� ar� a�r�acl� c�evelc�ped. The only excep�ion is 6.3�.2 c�iscussed b�1ow. 603. 1 Established €tesia�ntial Areas The pro�osal is based on this policy. The defini�.i��'i c�f °°es�ablished areas19 is der�ved fr.am this policy. Arid the proposal �urther implements this policy, bv retaining establi�hed zzeighborhooc�s . 6 . 3 .2 This is the section that pz�avides tk�e �aost sg�ecific �ratection to establish�d �PSid�n�ial areas . It shotli� ap�1y for th� old es�ablished n�ighhori�oc�cls that are being a.nnexed later, just as it is applying ta thc�se n�ighbonc�ao�ls anne�ed �a�lier. 6 . 3 . 3 'g';�e propasal is a r�eeded corollary o� this policy. Une af the 2SSeI1�1�1 too�.s in protectiaag es�a�lis�ed x�esidentia:l r�eag�bo�i��oods is zoninc� �hat rnatrhes the establish�d developr�ent , gTncleed it is �or tia�.� �easnn th��. the �:iici�en� accep���l �+�ninc� zn �he �irst �lace. 3 2'his policy states that pres��vation �f t�t�e quali�y of r.esideni;aal established neighborhoods �n_�iz �e prima�y. Tl�is policy af t�ie comp plan is on� af 4:he majc�r r�a�c�ns tha� ��ae Czty Ccauncil s�ould apprave the prapo��le 6 .�4 .1. The pre�pas�� has n.o impact, sinc� it appli�s o�ly ta established areas . 6. 5. 1 and 6.6 . i Nca cY��rz�ge resultin� f��m �his propasal. �. � '� a �. th�augh 7 . 12 • �ublic �'�ci��.ti+e� & Servi.ces a T�e �gopc�sal k�as � no direct im�ac� on public facilitaes and s�rvices. � � . 1 trirough � e 5 �nd 9. 1 T�1� �xoposal ��as �10 �irect im�act. an `� transportatian or en���y. A1 I � Chapter 11 (out of ar�.sr to save s�ace) The proposal does not :impact special �r�a� of conce��n. Chapter 12 Location Criteria Our houses are already loc��ed. This c�apter �i�UUld not a�pTy to neighborhaods covered in this praposal . �.� , r ,.°, Chap�.ex� 1@ Urbani�ation , `�'his �hapter fa�us�s o�� urba�nization, bu� also �t is whera tk�e aom� plai�t provid�s f�sr �nnexatiz.oa�. T���e rneigh3�orh�ads applica9�le �a the proposal would n�n.t b� urbanizing: tth�y wou7.d b� suburban before anc� after anne��tion. 10. 1 .1 The prop�sal �rould not ck�ang� tl�is poli.cye The neighborhoods alr�ady ��ve a full range o:E ser�ices. The cgu�stian is who provicies those services e Lh� City of Tig��d or G]ash:inqton �aurat� and spec��1 distri��s . The exc�p�.i�s�n i� when a�lnexation is to obtain ses�er se�vice . T�� proposal. could affect ti�� calcula�ed future loac3 on the City' s se�a�r system, but the effeet, ig any, woi.�lc1 be usually toward allawing tt�e City t;a limit its ex�os��eo UsLial.ly the zanin� of exi��ing n�ighbor�ioods would have rao impac�. 1�. 1 >2 Conditians allowing �or arinexation would not b� aft�cted �y the i�roposal . 1@, 1. � 3 "Upc>n anne�aY.ion af �.and into the Ci�tv which carries a Washington County zaning designatic�n, the �ity of Tigard shall a�siqn the City ag Tiqard z�nii�g dis�iict which most closelv can�Eorms to the County zaning desiqa��tion. °° TI-IIS is the policy which the proposal amends , My con�entzon is tha"t this �olicy, wh�n proposed and adopted, contained an aversight. This policy basical].y provZCiea for con�:in�i�ty c�uring the ann��at�ion process . In the only supporting document for this policy addi�.ion tCPA 2-89') , the (Tigard) Planning Staf� �tates that �hey �nd the �lashiz�g�o�1 Cau�1t�� Planning Staff agre�d to this po:�.icy� `°in �rder to accommodate �xisting development and neighborhoods as ��ey are annex�d to tha City, " . Comn�issivner Roy Rogers �aad the palicy w�s ta preveni: deveiopers from using annexa�ti�n ta tlae City tc� lb� able tca drastically change trxe planned use of nearpy� o�en lanc�m He said their purpose was nat to forc� us in�o hggh-c�ensit� zona�ago Tn other words, the policy was added to Iimit �ossible �ah��ling anci de�li�lg �y developers . The aqreed method tc� sto� cl.evelopers �r�m goirsg ar��rnd the plannirig proc�ss �aas Policy 1� . 1. 3, in �rhich they agr��d �o n�ast closely tnatch cour�ty zoning. Howevero Washington C�unt� daes not have any residenti«1 zon�s as �aaa as 7Cigarc� �-ias: R� , P2 , and R�0 5 So the eff�ct has been t� fcarce us in� annexa�io� at R4 , 5 e�ren �h�ugh aur neighbarhs�ods of�en are built tc �he low�r cl�nsi'ties. ^l'his consequence ��as not intended by tlzose who propo�sc� ��d those who adopted this Policy 10. 1 . 3 . The City of Tigard has �roviclPcl for the �li�versit� of a full range of housing dens�ties from R1 to �t4� tan�l occa�iona�.ly even higher) . We who are annexed later should have t�� same access to low-density zones as those annexed earli�r, �uc� as �ierry Del1 , Shad�w Hills and Ames t�rchard, �o name a few. 6 ai { Goa1 1�: Hc��zs�ing ar�cl th� riYet�apolitaxa �o�sanc� �.u.l� Coal �� hee�ins: "'�'a �re��ia� for �th�� hausi.r�g n��d� of �lh� c�.ta��n� nf the st���o Bui�.��&��.� _laYlcls for re�id�r�tial us� shall b� �.r�vento�a.ed a��c� plaras sha�.l �n�oux�ge tl�e av�a.Iabil�.ty a�f a�leq�aate nu�nbers of needed hca�asin� units . . o " "��ai�.dable lands -- ��f�r� �0 1�a�c�� in urbar� and urbaraa.zabl.� ���as th�� ar� suatable, avai'la�le ar�d nec�ssa�y �or r�sic�e�t�.a1. ���m °B T�a� �I��r��c�la�.an Ho�.as�.rar� rcu�.� t�e��r�e�a °"��.al��k�le L�a�c�°° m���s ��:sideratially ��sagn��.�d vac�n� aracl �� �h� �ap��.an c�� tt�e l�aca� jur. isdic�aon, r���v��opabl� l�n� €a:ithin ��� Mct�c� urb��� gr�ca�� baundary . . . °' T�en a�t��r a3.1 t�� d�fin�.�a.ons �t s��tese `"IVew Construction Mix Jurisd�ctions c�ther t��n ��nall d�velc�ped citi�s �aast e�.tl�er designate su��icient build�ble �anr� to prova�d� �.he a�pQ�r��ar��.�y fnr at Ieast 50 p��rcent �f neea acesid�nt�.al uni�s ta be att�x�h�c� sing�.e family hou�anr� o� r�ulLigale f�mily hous3ng ar. jus�i�v am �1t�xnaLive a . . . " . . . . "T�.gard must provi�de �c�� an overall de��ity ca� t�n or m�re dwelling units er net ��il�able acre. " �°As vou can see, CToal 1Q� «nc� �h� Metxo Housang ra�l� are ai�neci at �Ia�nn?ng ��7e d�velnpm�n'� of th� vacant, bu�lc�abl� �.�rad. �'Yse�e ru3.e5 are nc�t intenc��d �o ruin an� �estroy existing n�ighbord�oads }ay cs am�nir�r� in e�tra �c�uses c�i� e�r�r� s�uare fo�t of �.�t�c�. Tl�e entire disc�assi�n zi� f:3�PSe rules i� �ancernialg bu��.ela�ale 1�a�ds . Th� opt?on is given ta includ� �e�l�velopable land �s builc�able . But in Chapters � � 3 ��ac� 6 . 4 , Ti�ard has chosera to �rr��:��ct its ��tablisi�ec� res�.d�r�tial �reas , �nd to c�.��rly c�esign��te ���r��ag�inc� area�. Coa�side�in�g T�igaral ' s c:l�aic�n th�s� rule� �a r�c��: �p�l�r `c� this proposal , since i:l�i� pro�o�a1 covex�� s�n�.y est��i�.�.s�a�� .residentia�. xieic�hl�o�h��ds o Aga�_n: L�DC ar�d Metro are r�o� out to �ack ��e ���sting nea.�hborho�ds. TY!e�.� ���� of c1:�s�caxssic�n is t�e �v�c��t, ��a:�l���s�e l�nds (az�e� ��u.�d�lopab3.� l�nd �.f so elesign���cl) a �'e�ur plann�.ng staff is wron� to use GoaY 1P� and th� Me�x�o Haus�nc� p�ule as r.easora� to da.sap�rov� t11is pr�posal . And ar�aan; t�e i�s�s is justaca -- equal prcate��zc�n, of th� � 1aw� � � � � � � � � � � � ,, _ � �� �, ��nd� It�a� �.6 �PI� �—�� �IEAf0E2A€dLlU[� �Y'�Y QF TIl.��iD, �flti�G(?ti ����a, X, `'19��a �i3o ��.aaaa�a�cs� Cerc�i.�s��n ��€3t�1; �l�ra��.�t� �t�ff � �[9�JEC°I': Zoa��.n� ���i�s��tio�r� csn Aiewriy A�s�exe�i ����e�.� �f �,�an� Ihtrir�g dASCUSS�.a�ns c�it�� �:h� �la�F�in�t��t Cs�unt� ���eAxaia�� �t��f r�g��°�z�a� �he �i.t�r°� Ca�pr�hensiv� Fd.�rae �h� Caeacaty sta�f a�,�as�� t�a� a��ve qf �ot��.e�g pr�p�rti�� n�wly snnexed ta �h� C�i�ys Tti� �e�nfcy �Z�� �d�p�ecl xc�a�ing d�sign�tis�ta� �ar �a�eas w�.�h��a �t�e Cit�'� �Jrb�ct G�a�w��e ���nela��t. �i e �Caty �reai kka� �r�unty kl,a�ni�ng ���ffs a��e�d �ha�, irc cza��r t€s ���a�um�date ea�i�t�r�g dle��lcspr€t�xzt and nei�hbeark�e�c�ds �s �ix�y r�r� ar►r►e�ezi to �h� Ci.t�re Ch� ���y �taoaald pA�.�� �ta� Gi�y �caetidig d��i.�na��.c�ea c�n ttse pg�p�retge �ad�i.��a �csa�t cl��el.y e�nfmrms �� �k�e� Coua�ty �r�xsz�g d�sa�a��t�.r�no 'Ti�eref�s�e �d:�f� i� �a�o�,c���r.�g ���� � re�w go�ac}r b� �dd�c� ko ��� anne��ti�n secE�.on r�f th� ��.rtadizag�, �n�.p�.ie� aard I�plementa�ior� Stra�te�i�es �locumsnt. St�z�r pro�case� th� �e�r �o4i.�y �� �cl�.mc�s: �Aa�.,3 Up�n �nx�eaca�i�� of land a.etto �he Caty whi�� t;��x��.e� � Washim�trsc� Couanty zoning cl�s�i��ata.on, the �afiy o€ �i$�r�i shalX �ssi�n �h,�e. City �zf �igard z�a�in� d�.striet de�a��na�iora r�h�cka �o�t �l���lg� c��f�r�e� te� tt►e �€�un`,�y �o�ia.a�� de��.gYaa�i.onm � 51��4�'� �tEC��E[v13ATI0i3: �taff r�comme��ds tta�t the Pi�annfng Coaunissic�r� ��a�r�ue � s��Qmmectdmtaa�-� f�r�aardin� �t���°s �rr�a���e� �o3.�.c� i�<�.o3 tca th� �i��e ��sa�raci� �esr �e�ap�i�r�a (�Ati:pmJ033/+F'� t�. � . � � �- � � t90 � � � .'ti Ln'�✓�����'� . (r 1\ � t` � ��� l���s B��a � �� ���e��� �� ���� ��� ; �YEI�CaR�TJ� C`I'I'Y �F' "�'IG�, OFt�C"�1V 1C?e ��y��:� aa�� �caua��i1 �"F20�[: �,i� 1��wton, �,ssi���anC. to �he C'ity Admini.�trato� � �'im II�n��c, Camm�.ni.ty D�vela�m�r��. p�,��c��x T7.�.�'�: Ma�T 1�, ],.9 S 6 �L7�J���': R.ale c�f �he CI'�� ax�.d t�� Planr�a�ng Cammis�.�_on XS�UE: F€owr Sha�zld the �c�l� e�£ �he �TTs anci th� glanni.ng Cc�mmissa.Qn la� �.��.i��at�d �nc� cl�xifi��? B.AGT�(s�.t�L7'�TI�: �'�1CG?"E? has �a�ei°� some cc�nf�zsi,or� r�c�n.�.1y ��ga�•r�ing �.he rrale of the �I'Ss �nd �he P�.azzxa.s�ng Ccamma.ssa.c�n an.�. tkae�.� membex�� i.�valv�m��t i�z issue� f��iz�g �he Gi�.�. '�h� feity ��u.ncil. ��k�rZ staff to discuss the i.ssue �itn �he Plaxa.z��ng Cca�r�zni�si�xa anti ��'�° F'aci7.i��.�Q�°s . The C]�T �'aci.1.�.�ators met on Mand�.y M�rch �.1 , A �opy of tk�eir notes is attacheei. Th� Planninc� ��m�ni�sioz� anel �ity �o�ncil disc�u�se�l the is�u� �t �1���.r M�.��� l.a join� wo�k sessi�n. A. coxay oi thos� mi�nu��s i� al�o �t�ac.hed. At th�: Mar�Yz 19 jaint �ar}� ���si��n� Courzcil da.r�c��� s�.aff to ��e�are a recorr�m�x�da�io� ou�liz�in.� a p�c�c��� ��r de��.ning �.he rc�l� of �hP �1�nnir�c� �c�mmis�?c�z2 a�id th� �T'I`s . ANALYSIS : Staff reviewed �:he comm�n�s m�de by ��.� CIT Facilitators, the F�laranin� Comcnission, aa�d �he Council e lz�. addi.�ion, t:�e p�a� �nd cans o� ��z� prc�c��s usee� fo� i�te�rg Gr��n S�ac�s fu�.ciing w�� cii.scuss�d. 5�aff also coasa,de���' �h� �aux�pos� c� tne CITs and t?:e P1ar_ning Ccmmissi�n. St�ecif 7 ca11v� th� �i.�izen Invo'1vPm��.�. T�arr �1�r��cnent az�pxovec� by � C�uz:cil stat�s tr�at Gh� CITs were createcl �o " . . . s�z°ve a.s b�caaei pe ?�as�d ox�ga�iwed �orums far �.he �.der.t�f�.catioz� or the public' s �'° ccnce�.�s ar.d va�ups . " Sec�iar 2 . 08 . 01.0 satvs "Th� �ur�o�e of �'ci� � � �i.ar.r�i�g Cc�mmi�s;c�r �s �.o �.av�.,�e ��e ci�-y cau.nc�1 az� �ene�al 1an.� � use and �rar_s�artaua.on. �lanning a.ssues; long rang� cax�ita� � ��r,�crovemen� prcgr�m�; ar!d �o a�t as a h�ariz�.c�� bc��y fdr � �..��.�.caticns cr ti�w-;nits, �a�d �;s�: anx�lic�t�an� and land u�� „� G��ea�s oY ctn�Y ma�*�ws as c�.rrc��d by �ie Citv �a�.zic�.l,. e „ � h REGONIM�NDATION: �taff �ecomzn�nd� �h� following: m T�.e CITs shall hav� tk�� o�a�ortuz��,�y to revi�w all Z��i�3.��a.�r� �m��c�ments �� ��� C�m�reher�siv� �lan �z�d D�velc�pe��r�� �ode t�:ct ar map a �owev�.x, th� x�evi�w shall b� conduc:�ed �t tks� �.�.�t ��c�ula�ly sck��d�.ler� CI'T �►���i�tg urxless the �pplica�x� agr��s tc� � d�l�y. Any ��rr�m�n�� wil� b� �a�va.�d�d �ca tk�� �1ar�i.ng C��nma.GSior� �nd th� �°ommi��i�n �ha11 �es�anci tr� CT'� com�ne��s a.x� it� ��cc��r�iencia�ion t�o Cc�un�i1. � T�� CIT� �ha11 h�v� �he �p��rtuni.ty tr� revi��r a11 quasi judic7 a�. �o��a���.�r��a.v� p1ar� ��c3/o� �ar�ing ma� �mc�rzdm�nt� �h,�� a���.y �.� �e�r�r�l. urxx��l���d ��x�c��.�. FIowe�r€��, �h� r��ri�e� �h�ll be corz��z���ci �� t�a� r�e.�� x°�c{ularly s�k��duled �T'� mee�in� u�.l��s t�2� ��aplieant �c��e�� �cs a d�layo `�'i°i�r� �ha].]. be na �������ior� C:hat L1aQ a�apli��,r�t be ��e�en� �.t �h.e �IT meet ing w�er� �Y�� pxopca�al a.� ��vi.ewed, � plann.x�g d�par�mer�t �t�£� re��rr�ex �h�:�l �t�.end to addr�as the p�o�a��l . .�r�y �amm�z��� waa,11 �� �o�a��c3�ci clir�c�l�r to th� �l�r�inc� Go�nma��ira� az�� �h� Cor��ri�sir��. ��.a�.l Y'GS�Ofl7� l..C.� �1.A �OCR1lll�.LY4J lIZ 1.1,.5 �'�C'.GIT'lIii�l�c.1C'x�lOIl ��1 �:OL13�C1�. ��oposals for co�.px��r���ive pT.an and/e�� �aning r�ap �m�ndcn�n�� tc� sinc�le and/or ���.a��cZ �axc��.� �Y��aII. �on�z.nu� �� be �e�rie��cl thrr�ugh �he n�igi�abc��hoc�d meeting ��o�ess. � Tk�� CTTs s�a1.1 p�ca�ri.de commen�� czi��ctly �o �i�� Caun�il a� the ann.ual Capi�al Imt�r�vement I�rag�°am Budget. � '�h� C�T� shall m�lc� x�ecommendati�n� �d the A�.arining Camn�i,�sian c�r�. t1_:� s�vez� �re�.r �apital �.mpx�owemen� px°ogr�m u�da�e, 'Plze. t�oi�ma.�sicaz� sh.a�.l a�.�r�ss the Cz'� ���om��t�n���i��. �.�a the C��mis�i.an' s xecomm�z�ci�.��on to th� Counci.l. � �'h� Cx'�� �h�,11. ��°r�ti ide ir�pu� �o �he Pl�xa.z���n� Con�ma.��ic�s� c�x� p��ks plazzziirig i�s�xe� that involve com�reh�nsive �1an �s�1i�i�s or cl�ane��s to �.he compre�!en�ive plan ar zoni.ng ma�s . � "��e �ZTa �ha�l prpvide comments directly to Counca.l on ��rk facility° de�ve�opment or ex�ar�sion that confdxm tc� �xisting Comnrehens�v� ?�laza pnl�.ces and m�.p and zoning d��i�r�ti�n� . • 'i'he C�TS shali hav� �he onpc���uniLy to pxovid� inr�ut C� the i�R anrw�g ��mmiss�.on on �.ew or bond. pru�QSals 4�h�.t �s�volv� �ark or transportation impzcv�ment�. T?�e Commis�ion shall res�ond to tr� CTTs camments i�. th�ir recacnmencaa�.i�n tca �aur�cil . � � �s �art or any stie;ci�,l stu�i�s a� cansultarx�. s��ri��s a.:� � a���cv�� r�y� C�uz�c�.l ��at izvo��;� the us� o� l.an.d, or f��� or � c:�arg�� �aid by the v�b_lic, sc�YL will de�'ine ti�� �ole Q= the � CTTs ��nd/or �?ar_�ing Gcmmiss�on iY �n�r. �a fi:h� CxTs anci � �1an.n_.^_g Ccc�m�ssio�. wi'1 rot ha�re a bo'e ��. the r�rca����, ����=� � ��r�1� w��.r�Li�y c�ther m�tl�ods o� �d�~.�en i.:�volveme.n� or a.c�er����y jjW::V Co.�'..�Z�:1 ?Z1VO�..VE'.:t1E�X1� 'S Z10L ilte^-G�'Se'c�'�j/. '.,� � � .. r � +.'� �� 1 �"7 i 1 l r �.�c..mme..d�t_ons uo �ne a...r�.:.e_g C�;mm_ss�on anct/ar Coux�cly zmom , �;e C��°a �hou=� be �� ..:e �°�y:n c� ccr_ser.sus or memraews �rrser_+� a�. ��� CrT RtGP_Lir:g whe�e ui:e rssu� was cisc�,�ss��1. '�h� C�'?'� ar� �i�ccurac;e�. �rcm cc�nduct�.r:c� vc��s ar! �.ssu�s �a �:acou�age a � .� �Qn��ns�as �ka�� �epr�s�nts a �z°oad ��rs��e�iv� ca� view� arad o�inionso . �. � � � ! � i � � � � � 4 jVd�ldAo1�1°43 rL�J l�6 b�l d I• �J� }.j,�..do�' 6.l��iJ`� TQ; lv��VOC�I1C� �Oi1�1C11 ��.��(: L,i��d�wton, r�.ssistaz�t tp r.�� �ity ;�,drrzlnistr�tor ;%1 � I���'E: �Iarch 19. 1996 SI��TE�'�': �� af th� CT'�"s �d Pl�nzain� C+amrzaissi�n ,; S�v°�n CI'I'FacYl�eatars m�t an �for�dav. �farch I 1. 1q9b to dr��uss CIz� ral� of�h� �tT and th� ra(� uf th�Planr�i�z� Comm.i.ssi��. � f��ilitated th� m��cin�. The ���ap �aIC��CI. [�I�Y th� Cit�� Co�ancil sk�ould h��r in�ut t°zt�nn th� CITs �d the P(a.nning Cummission �ireetl�r �ra�n�r issu� t�Za��o�s frortt tkZ� CITs thrQa��h t1°i� Pl�nir�� Corz�ission t� th� �u�.ui�il. �`l��axo�p tivonder�d ha�v input frocn the CTTs irnpacts decisia�s. It «•ould b� h�Iph.ai iY sa�px•es�r�ted issues co rh�: �I"I's irz a yva,v to soli�it �asefial input. I� �tl-i�r eti•ords, as� th� questions that ne�d xo be a�s�ti•�red and raise th� issue� chat n�4� t� be addr�ssed. It is ti-uau�atin� for ttl� CITs eo ceviszt issues s�veral tirr�es. T�e CI�' rneznb�rs need t� finish issu�s. � Stai�'�houid. as much�pessibte, structtzre issues so e��t izzp�.t c�. b� a�th�reci in on� cqi�ht, I�su�s sho�Id i�ot be r�visit�d �.u�:i�ss ���v�,nnd!nr iy�n�cart�a�c ir�f�rrn��i�rz is raised. .� c�p�ut�:I�"memos Gi.nd/or n�tes rh�t vo to C�ur��il sh�t�ld�o to th�Pi�nnin� CQKT7SI1flSSI0�. I:� �e.:ns ot«-fuch i.ssue� shouid �a t� ch� Pl�in� Cpmmissian and «•hich shouid ao co �e �IT�. �,'�zre v.as not a s�°on� �r�f�;encd. It �.��as su�a�st�d tk�at mon��• issues li�;� t�'�c CIF �nd �7re�:� spac� rur.c�in� Ja to u:e CITs arid th�� ro che �:oun��1. a.zid �hat cizanves to �he C'ornpreh�nsi�•� P!� and LOIl:�v C.OG'z JO t0 C��;� ,�'��1'1SI1� C�II1CY11SSi011. � Ii. J�::�rWI, canr�:�aus or che o-roup �vas thac, as i�sues corzle ��p, ;�� Cit�� Coui7�i1 shauld det�rrnine � �h� �.r�.���.�� ax�d CZT rol� ?head �r�ir�aL. ��1:�� 1�� CaT is ;n �� le�d, th� PlanninQ Comrlission � - � ::���.� se:�,� � � res�urc;,. Th� Cuuncii a1��:.� 6� i::�.:e��e its' il:Dl;L D��w zo ti:� CTTs as �t-�il. �- � - � - "°� .� s�:a�2S�:OT1 i4'a,S ,''..�tSO I:1u�:� Ci13t i�:Z Pi.�".SII11TiW �0 1 . �ssion a�'.�'� 3 4'1S1L0�'S 3���'!�a 3I T�7� �i7e�i,°lt�ina 0� q� or tiv.zir me�cin�s li�:e �'�e Counc>1 to aila�v cit�z�:�s �.n.c��or CIT r:��mo�:s to ask ques�ions or �e� � �:•w�.ic�ciur.cr. Pl�ui.i�.� C�c�u-aiss:on �c�tior.s. � I � _:�"� '.�':� �.'5�.� .�. �:OCCa.^,: i.�.ISZC1 c7.�0iir u�r'ino ?S:.�bL�T� �!OC:C° :0 u�'1C'�liptlC OIl 9F,2Cli?1 i�Su�:S IIl �1 �c�cir:c :r�a�,li;:� �~�� i^wnJlz). T �:�plaine� ,o thz �T:��p that �-i�:e �s� :unds in thz oud��:to coti•er .:a:i:�� ��,��:wl r1�•e:s :��� CIT� mi�he f��l ar� r.eG�s�ar;: :o ti.o��;�:� a�'equ�te ^etic� on W�� iss;.be. a i 0 ��s��b?� tir°. Cae�ffi�'� �o�e���a��d efi�� h� ��5� �+o�d�r�ci la�� re�8i���c sa��� af ��ta�o's r��ea�s�.s va►�a°�m �Ia-o �e�dx�x �e����x��d t�a�t ��a� xfiae�d�rd� ��n•� aa� flu:�; �� �fR€� ��� �aa�o� r�l��ra �r� �f t�a�v ve+€aaaIe� e��nge keaat t�.�y ���� 1���� t�afc� ��n�t thear a���at �o�l�d b� t�,��� n��� c��sid�a��bn ia� tln����t da°�ft, �-�������th��r ����a�'4 s��� � ��� dA~���y��< � �d�i�s: Pl���in��o��a��a�a�lCi���� ���r�l��u�e�aa��'�ams ���-n ���d� z��at�� d���xs�g��a� r���a��aa� t�� r���s a�� �h� �l���a��� �'o�a��ss�aa� �� d��������� ��s� ��� a��a�m sga�e pl���ai�� �a�r� �°����e�e�t��csaa �e����e��� �t ��t� th� Plaffi�����Ca����s���a� ��d th���°�"�s ���c��➢�� a� r��rd� fia� #��;�°�e���s���� p�°aa,g���. i�Ise �ew���a �t���d th�e� t�a� �Ce����s� �pp���t�� ����a��s to ��� �9a�n�� ��a����si�a� w��t� t�a��p�t���a�� ��° p�r��s b�����ds �� p����e�e t�e �����saa�� wvith sarffie � n��d�� e���r°l�s�� Sh� ��id th�t the� ct�ver i����d�d t�at �ll �aa�sp�rtat�a��. �r p�a°�S de��sion� bo �h��a�� t�� �'���n�s�ia��a; r��h�r �b� ��r���ssi�e� �raul� dt� ���� r�€��e p�aun�a�� S�ae ����a�red t�a�� �vnth, t�s� ��a��a�� mn th� Cou��il, the tta�k�a�� a►iso ��n�n���. 'r�a�y �ec�d� ��a�i ��'�`� §h�u�d ��nok �� cerfi��� ����es th�f h�c� a �a�y-w�d� pe�s�����, a�c3 fs��a �a��C fe�r��� with a°e���s��at��d�s f�°o�a each �I°T to la��k at ��e�t�in issu�.sA �Isa i'�e���n r����+d t��t th� p���n.i�� �ta�` ��� ��QC� to goi�� t� tY�e �°l��ani�� ���a�n�sf�� �he� d�:�li.��� �i�6 Y�r�c€ �xs� �ssu�so Sg�� fi�dxa'� �otter� t���the�° �o €��r���op � g����ss ta� de�l�ith issue� like��°�ez��p���, t�a�planz�i���taf�si�apiy doak f� t� th� ��°I's ���° a�p�� ��a� th�� �o th� ������� �'o�a���5i��a �h� �a:� ti��it �'�"�' f������r�c�� �a��Ye���e� ����a�f�° ����:����� tk��t tl�e �i� r���c��d �� c���a�� �s� f�og�t �a� �+h�#pr���� t�aey�v+ez°e �oi��t� us��or issu�s �c�b ee�sp����. 1���e im��wt�ta s�i� t�at�he�'a��lafi�t�a�s �vexe�'#�s �on�e�-�aed aba�t w�at tJ�e proc�s5 �a��� a� l�a�� as i# ��s d���ded �� �t th� b��sni�� a�aa3 c��-r°ied throu�ka; a��atk��r �v�r� th�y c��sea°r�ed ��a��zt havis�� �. pa��i�ao� of�a�th��ity. ��a� said th�t th� facifl�t�tmrs tho��i�t t9��� t�ae ��c�h�ic�l is�aa�s d���i�m ti�i�h th� ��anp��iz�s��iv� �'laas o� ��e�an� �rdin�nee sk���l� gm t� th� �l�nn�b �:�arnanissi�� �vh�r��s the i�§ues d��i�� `�YYh m��a�v �lla�a:�times `�er� �f aa�o�°e �st���st t� t�.� ��'Tse �'�a� fasglrt�toa-s t[�€�a���t t�at ixagut � c�ffii�� d�r��ti�r t� �he �:��a�cil f�°�� th� C�""�"s �-�t���° �h�,n �"a�te�°ed fii�ro�a�I� t�ae �°° PL�nr�in� �o�z�zissgoc� ���uld �Z�v� a �x°ea2es°�ass r�ots valu�e. � � � :�iz°. �Y��aot� et�ffi�e�t�t� P.f���t�� pt°t5�1�� £�� �"T1"s h����trit�3 ��� �°���s�3a��s ����ti�v�� � t��� th� p�o��s h�d ��a�ax��c� in tnids�re�ffi. �ie s��d t��t if th�� Ic��aW �h�C ��a� � proces� �as p�ioa- t� co�si�es��:� a� i�su�, Y�fl�� C�D.�IC� $��'%9 t31Id39' 4'bl�t�° �YISS"J�fl'""S t0 I�1�$ °'� pa-o�es�. �� reiY�ra�ed th�� they t��nred �o k�e�� �yfi�t �he �rc�ce�s vv�s �� fr��t so ev�rvo�e kaaed�v svh�t to ��tpeet �.1� thra�a�� the p�-ocess �vit��aa� it e��ngi�� ia� �adstrea�. �Ienw_�� �otes - Ma��:�. '_9 , :�996 - rag� 22 , > l�I�y��°I�f6e�lg ��c�ssea� �h� ������f�a°� b�°ea�s���.3� p.g!�. � i�t�yoe�l�dico�A a��c��av��e� tt���e��xa��t 3050 �.�m I�layor �1acoln s�asl �hat he �boaag3Ag th� i�su� �f t�ae �°���sp�c� v�as � ��iq�,� �n� k��� t�e ��un�il cacal� �av� ��n��� b��ter. �i� s��ted th�k h� �h������ i���n�� d�a��vv��� p�,rl� �nd i�:�nspo���a��a a� � ci�wide basi� s1��sald b� to th� �����i���affiu�.is�io�e C�t��e tho�� is��ue� be���� �pe�i#a� t� a�n �r��9 s�a�ch �� p€a�i�a� �. �a��°lt �a° � r��d i� a �ae���abo��a�e�a�, ��t�� tl�� i�s�a� shme�dd �� to th� CI'I's �'��° ingeat. I�� saas� t�a� �# a�� �i�ae �@4'i��9tI]�9"��Y��I�3 Ofl'����I�&�I%BgYH��0��1 s3HR��E �6� �3�'fl95b�t��$�R� I�O�Aa �mann�ila� ��ooa°� c��rr�e�a�ec� ���� v�ith ��� c���a�i�t��a� of �h� '�'a°���po�a�ora Co�affiA�te� �xad th� 1'��°ks Co�r�nit���, �h� resp��ssa��i� tea ��er�s�� �IP p�c�j��e� de�.li�� wi�h ra�r� �s�� t�r��pa�a��t��� ��1➢ to t�e Plaa��n�a� �:o��seor�e 'Y'ia�� ��s �vrhy p�rks ��tc! tr��s��n�.ti�a�s ���pXe wea��p9aeed �n th�Pl��n�s�o�a��ss�caa�e �Is. l�i��v�on ��tpT�a�a�d th�t the i�atial a�$�n� far pla�ing p��°ks a�d ts��n�po���a�. p��p�� �n tl��1�1a���n���m�sion��s t� prov�e�e 1���-���e p��mnaaa��:���rrti��. �he s�i� �hat d�sisa��a� va��re m�ai� abo�t pro�c�sE �ft�� �t�a� ch���e a�s� �����ps �P�� ��.� h�e3 co�ne�o �ieca�le an a ffiaa-e�a�a°�a�4 g�°oc�.ss to b.��dl� thes� as�u�s. T1�e �;ou�xciI ansi th� Ca��alssao�a di�caas��d �h� ��sr�� �f p�-o���s. I�gr. ���dz°�� ��o�:e �°�r b�ilc��a� �1�;�.ibRl�ty into th� pr��ess r�t4��r ���� ��d➢a�ran� tca � rflgisi s�st�a�. .I�� s�a�o��t�d tha�s��ff�'��w���p � pr��c��s fi�r��ck� i�sa�� a� i� c�ffi� �ivra�s a�c� tl�e� c��ar�� vsptaar� ��x����°o���s t� ��th be�d�es :��t9n�b�n�g. �m�� th� ����cs� �,�s� th� Ca��i���a� a�r����vifi� �tr. I-�endr�y:�'s su����o�ao �S:�yot• �ti�oli �o�a�en��d fih�� tt�� �C��ffisal �oaald w��� so�� v�a� �����1 ���i�i�� descrii�in� the optians available. C�uncilaa� t�^dooc°� �oted �th� chan�r u�n Counci�,s as another I'£�SOYl f��° �ILI�D'9N�� ��1C.1�9DIII�. vls, gievv�o�n pa�in�ed out t��t t1�� CI�L°s m�t oa�,?r a�c� � rnc�n�J�, �r�d �ha# is�ues c�r�l�d e��nl� be� b�c�agoeri ia� a ri�d syst�� a�d s�aff�vould not�et tbe inpa�t tha�t thev raee�ied fro� th� C�'�'� a�the��:�nnsn� Cc��ffiissioea, �Ir. �-I�lla�ci �o�r,�e�xted thar he f�lt it was imp�r�arat that th� CIP issues b� �l��ou�� tl�e �lan�i�� �ona��ss�oe�, as they �vere t�e �no�t fa�il�a�- �e�ith p�st proj��ts, b��a� issues a�� n�ed�d pa�ojects. i��:avar `�'icali su�aest�d th�t �Is. i°��tidton a�d :���e �-Ie�d�c p�epaa�� a dr�ft a°es�la�tic�� i�o�revie4� bv bmch the Coxnm�yssion and the Cauncil to �°ormaliz� this #�e�ibl�pi•oces�e �o�ncidor ��oore commented o� the need fur th� Co�ncil to �et the Pl��a�ixi� �oz�mnissior� �o��v"•hv it nnade cerYain decisions aad ��ice vers�. �!�e�_^C �l^.�eS - '�?d=C`: '_9 , _995 - PaCe �� , ���an�ilc�r R�hl�eo�a�e�t�d �� �he �e�d foe°¢�� �a�u��i� ao 0et i�p�t dire�tly fr�e� t�s� �Y'�s ��ft&��at at b���m� �'alt�e��c� throa��h t�� �9���,ing �'a�a��si�aae ��e �'�� s�t���st�� �I��t �6e �'l��xi��� �oe��a�s�e�a let th� �I°�;'� 4�a��� w�ay e��y �a�d� ��►e�� ����io�s, ���See���j�v i#tb� de�is��e� ��n� �� � daff�r�aat�fr�����sn t��a� r��o►�t����Ir�� �y t�� ���T's. ff�� su������d t��t th�y �a°i�e d�w� the paz:`r�a��e�s �f tlhei� de�as���� r�����i�a� �I'�° re�o�na��dataom� ��ci se�d a �opy of�t b�cic to t�3e �IT'�. �'����ilor l���at c�e��e�a°���1 e�r�t� gtne m��d �'�r C�aa�cil eca h��r di�e�t�y �r�a� b�tla tf�e �T'�'s �n� �h� �'��r��i���o�r�issaa� ����x��h�� o�ly fi�r�at� ��� �ta����� ��aa��BS�n�a�� ����nc����°3�ff��ar� �o�������i ���t p�°�vB���l� a� �O r�pr�s�a��at�v� �bw�y� a����1�a� th� PQ���.g�a� �o��assa�� h��ri�gs �� pravide i�p�€t on �h� l�t&'C� r��r�tr��an�a�d���a��se �� ��ici that CI"�"s typa���y �x�d �c►t s��c� a xepr�s����ti��o ��e �d'��vtor� s��a� t�at st�f'� h�� s�a��d to �s� �I°I°s t� s�z��i s�aa��flaa� e� th� ugda�e op��a°t�uumiti� fi�r ��� C��a��il; th� ��'I's �ave askesi th�g �1�� �fc��a�i�� ��atx� to th� C�a�a��il alsv �e tc► #he �'t�s��i�� �affi�ls��e�. tils. �tervto� ���ed th�t �9�� ����ral CI'T su��est�cl t�aat �'➢�aa�a�� �t�FY9R13iSSE0Y1 �aa�aaab�r� visit t�e ��'�'s a���si���l�y �� th� i�terest� saf b���a° c�����e��tic�n. �[x°. Padget� s�ad �hat the �l��n�� �a��y��i�� �lsaa dss��5s�c� t3n�# �a��� ba�� d��sd�d a�airest it bec�r�se o£ th� ri��C of ��c par�� c��t��� o�n qaaas� j�d��a�.! ��su�s ��a�t �ai�I�� c�u�� be�or� ��emaa �I�a ���ttsn �agc� th�t �ypyeally aC�'Ts dfd �a�t cm�sic�er la�d us� �gpiacatimns th���va,y t�as�PC�� did. CQaax��il�r ���,ore �sk��d �c�a° s��c�ac��oc� ox� t�e e°�1� of ti�� �I'�'�. l��se i��dv�o� ��p1aiffi�ci �tbat ch� �I'�'s wer� #c� o;��s�d�g� ba°�a�d��r issu�s t��� la�a� us� �p�a�aeat��n�y su�1� �� ��i� t�°e� ocdina�se, ��+�t��l��P tl�� ��h��E c�i�ti-��f ei�c�ia�€�9 �t�o 5h� ���si �4��� th�y zr�i��t t�� :�baau� k���ad I�xn�d �as� issu�� i��s t�:� �°a-i�.�a�l� but n�t ����5 s����� kea ��kao��a�� c�nter. � �I�v�r �dicu�� ���.�d t�a�� s8��f's re����aenc��tio�as in�l►�de ene:o�ara�ia�� finc��n� rnor� ae��axu�s �f ccs��aaunf���ion bet�v�ez� the �'ITs �a�xd th� FI��n��; �'or,��axssion �nai � state�ent �h�t :�11 �I'T rre�o�ffi��ad�.tzons �oi�� ta the Pia�a�ing �o�aa�aissio� also carne d��e�tiv �o ttxe �'au�ciI at the �pprc�pri�te ti�e. � �'ou�czio� Sehe�kl�. as�.ed ���� �hQ �'�.�-�: ���rd ��c3 d��e a�d sv�av f� w�s c��s��iH�d.e � ��s. ;�`etivto�. e�pl�zixaed tha� t�� Pa�°� �aaa°d had m�de a°ecorr�rrben�atfoa�s o�� p�r�. � ���cl�a.s�s ans� do11�� spe�t on i�apra�a�e�ents, ��d k�ad �vor�:ed az� par�C �n�s��r ����,s, � i��d ;x�q�ais�t�o�s, � ��r�pres�rv��i�n p��cy ��d a p�.rk b��ad. S�� s:�ac� thaf th�y l��.d � �i���. t�-y���a ����o�d��e an� a ve t�ae Pl�a�a��n��or�x�axssioa� � b�o�e��a�aut�ao�°�fi� av��- � � di�g�er�t areas b�ca�ase o� probie:�s in the p�°ocess ��ere ce�ain Bs�aae� a���re f�ll�ng � ttzz�o���a the cr��ciis. �he nated grable�ns zvith cert�i�. ��s ���r,ia�� t� �a�e �� ta��a~e :��stlaa�ii� th:��a �v:�s pe-aperi`• thQYrs. St�ff li�.d �iso ���ar�red the c�tizsn-in�•�l�verneaat coxnp�rae�.t to have � braader i��•�I�•�m��t�lsoo �r��t_^:g �;c��s - �?a�c4 �.q �0�5 - �ac'� 22 ., , y �Ix�e �i�adry:� s����tcd �h�k kh� ea��t �e�vsl���r� �Wn#�i� � �3������ioca ast� th� ;x���pspa�� pe°���sso In r��p��ns� co a quest�wn9 �� s�is� t�s�� ��ey h�c� �h�°�� y��e-s �� ,p��d tta� ar�a�¢��ya � � � � � � � � � `•!���^_^c \Tct�.s - ;+?awch 7 0� �ag5 - P�c� 22 ���yaaa° v1i��1� s��s��d th�t or��� �h� Fer� ��r��� g�r�p��°y rdas pu�chased, th�y rvould ��ve o�a �� �h� �e�e p��c� a� tb� !�t a�ad s� �� do��� the �ist. H� said t��fi h� ��r� this �s a �,��-�a��ei���e y��r pe��a�es�. i�����r�i�aii �s�Ced �h� p1���ire����mm�aiss�aar� to discr�s� t9Y�proe�ss tb�y rna�ht�s� fo� a��e�ea° nn�ajrr s��ets i�sprm�vea���t p�ru�aa� i�a ehe City. �� n���� rh�� t�e ia�t �ne �h�y �as�d w�s sAra�i��r t� i�IS'I`��. It w�� �� 1�-�a��a�6 pr���� ��-��a ai�f�i�a� t�h� p�°°����ts �0 4oa�; out for� vo�ea �� ea�t�d t�a�t � �ot����u9� f�.�l �ic�l� i� �@�e e��ci�l� of th� �e�c-y��s°opea°����l��r ey�1� ��d e��aald ra��, th�s°��'a��, e�raapet�w��6� ft. ���ya� i�Iecnla" s�i� th�� ���v w��sld g�°����I� ����t t� b��in th� ��-��es� u��i� e�� ��� �i� ���i����°��s �� b�a�a��. � �i.���ar���n�i��o�s f�c�� eh��1a�c��g���aa�issac�� i��r. ��e�day� me�tao�ed glh�t n�� ��on��e-� o� t�e �'����ssion �v�� t�u�� tbey ��v�� �e�r �odv i•�� reeo�n�ezsd���ns ��a�y ��d� tc� th� Coea���I ��aalei t�rn out, �o�° �e�°� th�y ���.re o�'�he ul�rin�a�t� o�tc�ca�e onee t�e C:�un�i� r�.ade � d�cisi��aa ��r. II�c��B�z�d i�1aa��z°�t�a� ��sc�ffir��nicati�n �v�t� �� e��a�pI� f�-mr� ��ae �-��t��p�c�s �3Cf/,��C� lil 'b'��YP��4 t�l� �U�iffi@5S@�3f1 C�€�1S��tY ��l�t tf F�'aS YYEtY9°� i�►��i°��nt �� �cqui�°e I��d f,rst �cnc� t�r�r� ���a��s beea�s� t�e Coe�ncil tr�Id th� �I7:"s t� �o �0/50 in ��he�a- r�ea�a.rinenr:�atio�a�n �Xr. I3es�aa�yx cI�x��ed ��i�t staff su�;este�d t� th� �'I`�°� t�a� t4�� l�T�tr� ����y b� d�vid�d e��a�l�v b�fi��v�en l�.n� a.cqaai�i�ic�e� a�� t�°��1 ��q€a�sitio�. . l�Ir. ���la�s� said that tihe ax��scoa��xua�ac��i�r� la�r � the i�ter�ti af t�ie ��Ts n�� ���s�aa t� th� �affi�assao�r. �te s��� tb�� rl�is �vh�l� ass�x� sc�ula� ���� be�� r�sd���� a�u�t� ��a�iZ�a° af t�aar h�.�. ����,���d� �e ���k� fo�° :a ����r° e�a� tif �a�rn�t����.tiz�g �te�� by batla t�e CI'I's az�� the �om€�.�seo�e �Ir. i�Ion�laan said t�sat st��f `vas trv�� t�r re5olv� th� �'nca��i�si�r�'� �aa��erx� �bQUt ���h�t h�p��neci tivith t�ei�° deei�is�t�s �,t the ��u�gri� �� r�paa�ti�a� b�c�: �o the Cuenmissaon Evh;�t actions 4vere taket� by �oea�eil ��d the rea�or�s b��tir�d th� ��tion. :�Ir. Callson aaoted tb,�s ttaat dvas h�lping, esp�cial�y sinc� tJ�e Coaa��il �o�et���s �ot dif'�'�r�nt te�timon� th�n. the Co��issiot� did� � ,f�� COId�L`1�6P' H�znt said tha� he r�v�ufd li�e a �'i��auira� Co¢n�rai�simn m���ber pre�eut s� duri�� �xe�rin�s at the Coun�il on a�speals af a T'l�nning CQt3aIIliSS1011 CIeCi510$l 1�3 OI°C��i` � t� �:�pl�ia t�a� Cc,�sas�ssio�'s reaso�an�behind ttne decisior�m �ir. Pad��Bt sai� tk��t tk��� � dase�ns�ed d���a� tI7�� �C $I]� C(BYI]IT11S51QIfl �'l19C t�1�t ��1�H'� ��a5 �05�� t�AS�l���£ffi�31$ �5 �a � �v�etla�r- Yh�;�r shc��ald da so or nat. �n� vietiv beld t��� t�� tr�nsc�apt �f �l�e h�a�iza� � �vould pg°���;�ie � mo�-e objectid•e t°epoc°t ou �d•�at h�g���n�� th�an oe�� pe�son's subjecrive r�iesvo � �I�_.._. _ V`.v�s - ti1�.Y�.. �9 , r:��5 - ?�.ge 22 e � i�Ir. �-IoRl�nd said th:�� vvhele h� ���°�ti•c� ��it&� ���°. Padgek�'R 5t�t�mn�Pllq it w�ud�i b� kaelp�'u� if they lsa�e�a �vhe� cere:aka� issL:s c�u�� b�f�re the ��a�n�:il so �h�� t.��� �ou3� ��v���� �p�oa�tbenbty t�a �e��n�'y befar� t�i�: Ci�r+a ��� ��u�scil an�d Ca�rnm��saorn riaa�� s�v�raA sax�����ioa�s t�� ��t�a�sb �a�forr�aa�i�n fr�a� th� �'6�r�issaoea ta the i.ouncil �nd vic� versa. 'Thes� st��9ead�d 'sendi�g Yh� Coc�aa�il �ag��,�� �e� th� ����ans�i�� �nd m�k.in� thc C�rn�eis�i��s disc��si�n our a pae�ti�uI�a° he�ri��; av�i��blc to th� �o�a��gI l��he aa�ica�ates `vere�'t av�i��ab��. iVlr. F3��adt�:� a��tec� th�t e�� �itv d°ad ��t pro�id� t��aa�cx��s�s �f th� �'eex�r�aissimn r��etiea�s ea� tt�� �����:il, �e�l� �a��ates. �orancilQr�che�i��s�i� th�f kx�oe�ia�� ho�+ t�ae v�c�ov�►�t aa t��e ����issios� �e�m�als� b� help�a�l. �ouncil�nw �c�e�:1�� �lced l��r. �ol9��d for h�� i�pui� �� th� ch��aes tha� h��ve m���na°��d �n eh� p�.�� ��� year°�. �t�. ������d ��id th�� th� rya������ �er°e ca��a�a��c:akio�a; Bh� C��ffiassi�n �w�� t�issBra� o�t �� a�ap�cs��t�k i�fornaatioa� tk�at u5ed to ca�ne k� th�� bixt eao�ad wieaat da�°e�t�� to ��� �o�a�sil, li� s�ad th�t the plu�es Fv�s� that c�e�a��a�ic�tacrr�� were qa�ite a b'st be�t�er� b�2�ve�� t�� �'��e�acxl �n� tk� Comm�iss�ot� thaca they eased to be, t'���a�h h� s�ok� f�r �aore 3oir�t �a�e�in�� ta �e� t� is�a��� ��vhe�� people stacsd �e� issaaes and�w}�ant�h�ir ba��rocand� �ere. �e��id th�t ttae �'our�cil h�� done a g�md job at �app��n�n� �. div�rsitv of p�ople evith c��€fe:��E ��;�AAr��a; •.��� back�roiia�ds. e Coena�a�a�ne�lio�s - Cia��-ifa���i�n t�f C�u���l Esp��x�tio�� - �����A1 �'�edb���if�a���r�e a�a�� P'9an�i���'o�a�issi�n Fte��rm��sad�tz��a 0 �. DIS�'�.TS�I��: �'I'I'I� �':�CI�.Z'Y'I�� �-�5�'.-�C� • :�ssistant to the Citv :�dministraRor C�ur��iior k�ur�t coc�r��nr�� that all rhe opraar�s �a-esene�d h;�• st�fff gresumed if2a.� the Cit�� would �o �a•ith the �V�CLS l�vv. �S� st�ted tia�t thev hzd �Ygr�ed eo dis��zss the issue f�art�Z�a- befare r�akin� a decision. ��r. `�Ior��ha�z s�id sti�ff inclu��d tka:�t assu�ption ise the options soielv for pua•p�s�s of d°ascussion; it did not obligate Co�ancil to �o ��a•ith the 1����. �Ie noted that the cas� co tt�e �I'iyacd t�aspayer�vas thP 5a�e en�lher r�r•�y. i�Ir. �ioa�a�a�a capdatzd the Council on the srarus a�the ��i'CCY,S libr�ry le�-�. He said eb.at th� B�ard s2i11 dia� not a�re� oa h�av t�as�h ��t�ea�• t� �o for: �3Q zn��ioa� or so8ae othez� ��.are. I-�e sai� th�t L'ea��erton `�vanted to �o far i� �d�hile Io�:in� �'itv a�d D�ar�xa� ha��e declined parri�ipatioci i� ir; Bea�•erton �v�•��xid �et �3 rr�illion ��•hile Tigard �a�aa�id Q8C Jj.B mzIlio�. ;✓?c°�=�C �JC�°_S - �t.:_ .... �G , �:G� - _ C° 2� .�� �� - — -�--_.�.�..,_ — ---- i --.--,�a�.. ,. , �� ��n � J�a�� �', 19�6 � � T� � ������ Barrnie i/�n�zio �2(��0 �V�l VV�It�ut Stre�t „��,,r Tig�rd, tJR 9722:� � F�e: Tra�ic or� SV1!W�I�ut 5tr�et D��r Ni�. Ver��zio: � T�is i�t�e� is ire re�pon�e to yaur l��ter da#�d J�n� 2 t� th� Plannin� �nm�issign. F�r�t c�# �!i w� w�a�id I�k� �c� th�r�k yc�� f�r ��G�r ir�t�r�st i� praviding in�ut t� the City cos�c�rr�id�g pr�j�c� d���6�prr�ent r�quiremen�s tha� should b� c�n�idered. Yo�a �equn�t�d fh�t th� de���aping Hunt�r's �le� �ubdivisian pr�vid� �onnectivity to �th�r ��r���� ir� �rd�r to all�viate tr��c prabi�ms on �ON!Walnut Str�et. Pror�r to �pp�o�ir�� n�w subdivi�iQn �ro����(s, consid�rafiions �uch �s the � tc�pogr�phy of the �rea, the exist�r�g d�velapm�nt co��trair�ts �nd th� �t�nd��d� �f �E�� adopted C;ommunity D�v�lopm�n# Cade �re �r�a0yzed. Through ti�� PubOi� N��ring �r�G�ss this i� again reviewed and deli�er�fi�� �ui�h th� ir�p�at nf fih� �'ubli�. Ail feasible ��r��t c�nn�c�tians are fiher�, nc�rmaliy rr��a� r��uireme�fis �f th� d���lr�pment. 1'he F��r�ter's Gien Subdivi��o� �v�s requir�d t� provid� street conn�c'- ``� �y �iigsiing t�eir proj�;ct entrance frarr� S�N W�Inut to SW 116th Avc .� the r��rth. �tre�� connectic�ns wer� also r�quir�d to be made to �_. ,��ng subdivisions gn SW Carrrien Street and SV�i 114th Terrace. Future street conr��cti�ns wr@re alsa providzd to the sUUth �nd to t��e vvest ta �erve pot�ntial fufiure d�velopm�r�# (s�e �r�cie�s�d �lat map, "Exhibit �"�. In t�rr►�s of th� planned irnprovements ofi S�/ VV�Inut Sfre�t, much of this �tr��t i� still und�r th� jEarisdicti�n of VV�shi��tc�n �aunty. For this re�scan thi� f�ci!ify i� nat presently a high priQrity f�r �ity ��pitai Im�rav�ments. Hav�d�v�r, th�� ���cti�n of �W W�Inut Sfr��t from SV�/ 12�st to SiN 1�5th is a fur�d�d stre�t imprc�v�m�n� projec� appr�y�d by th� vot�r� rhro�!�h l�S7'IP � (��� �r��le���d IVi�°TIP 3 rr��p „�a�hibit �9P). Thi� praj�ct includes the �dditi9n of a lane, curb, c�u�t�r, sid�walk� arrd �ik� ian�s. Please contact (�r�g Pvlil{er with Washington Cour�ty at 6�3-�725 uoncerning fh���; imprav�rrients. PAGE 1 OF 2 13125 SV� Hal! Blvc1., Ti�ard, C�R 97223 (503) 639-4�71 TDD (503) 684-2772 � S (.:-,4� . . � . .� Pie���f�e6 fr��to��#�� me ��n�r�is�� t�i� info����c��, o� i�y�u �hr�a��� h��� �ray �th�r q���t6�an�. ` �inc�r�:9�, . �° �� °'� ���� �.�����, ,���s� ���caciat� �I�r�r��r I:/eurpinimarkarh�anezia.dac �P°BC�O�II�'�S ��� c; P6��nir�g Cc�rn�-s��:�ic�� �iJ� 9���00� ��nd �s�fii� ���°r��p�na��nc� f!� PAG�2��2 -. . : ,. .: . ...,.a . .:; ,... . _. :.. , . . ... , ► , .t" :, , ; . _ .. _ _. ._ __ _ : " fx*, ' �'` '*•'•_; �# " R�t�����'�''r ��rr�H �ta�!r► * ' _. __ , ,r I ,. _ .. -� *. �� *��`: '�IM11.�i� wJ aUf� ,: �.l� ��. „* . ,c�'ii,:,� w�*#► ��t► �' � +� �:1�� � .��� � `rt�i�r�r�! :'"�r �t�,F � �� � � �..�Y. �+f,.; r.+ ♦ � l�3�L,i� 4�{A. r' � ��1 5�� � +'�.�;` r�. '"� .�,'.������� ,�����s�,�; • '�� �w,� '� � � '��"��C�� ,;. ' �, , � f "y ��� .� �'�►�� � ` � � � � *�:�..�uw"„ Mr" � �.�.` �, . )�.+.����� "_���'�` ,Y+' ,M�:r�.. � ��,.. ' ,..v�: � ���. 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