Planning Commission Packet - 05/06/1996 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. A�EN�� I TIC�a49'�� PP�l�9P�!!�'J(C C��,CVIISiIJf�l IUllaY 6, 199� - '7:30 F�.I�S. i l"l�r�►RC� GIVlC� ���9�i"E�2 - TC�V',/u� 6-�,�LL I 13125 �W 8-0�1LL f3t.��,1l�EVpf�C� T'fG�R�, �R�(�C�f� 97223 I, . �I I 1. C,AI_L Ta QF�DE� ' , 2. f��OLL CALL I �. �LANNINC C�[Vli'�lSSIC�A! C(Ji�iN1Uf�1(�ATIC�NS ', 4. ,A�'F'�OVE 11li9N�J1�E� � 5. PI�BLi� H�AI�INt� � ( a I 5.1 ��D�i�����N�li�� �i�R� ��fl�N��4I��T (�E�A) �6-�D001 �L�D��� I ��(�9Jf�S°�; Amend fk�e t�xt of th� �rbaniz�fiion ��cfiiQn of the Gompr��h�r�siv� PB�r� by i I adding � new ��licy as fc�ll�w�: 1�.1.4 An ���eptio�r fic� �'o�ic� �0.1.3 i� that �9�� citY ��y �ssigr� zar7ing cl�sest �o �xiatir,� d�velcaprn�r�t an lovu a��nsity r��identia�l e�tabfi�h�d ar�:a�. �t����°it��1: �ityuvid�. A��L9����.� �V�iAl��,4' ��2lT�RI�: �t�te:�vic�� �l�ri�b�g � Gc��ls 1, 2, '�� ��d 7�; TI(�.'c�fC� �C35il�1'i?I1C'�4 sli(� E�I��! ���ICI�S �."�.'I, 2.1.� �nd �.'f.1; Tic�ard Con�mur�i�y �ev�lc�prnent Cod� chapt�r ��.�d and; ar�d f�r�c�an �cfmir�i�firatav� Rul� �i�apfier 660, €�ivisicsil 'i2. ��6��: N/�, I�()�'�; This he�ring will orily �es-v� to np�n the r�crard f�r fihi� prc�p�s�d �m�ndrr��r�f and r�c� fies�im�ny or r��,�i�vv wili c�cc�r. Th� r����r� �ar �h�� d�l�y is @c� �n�ur� ��1�q�at� �inn� �or the C6�'s to revie�nr �and rnake commeo�t� a�d t� cca�npl�O wi�h tim� r�quir��ent� f�r 4egislativ� pl�n arr�endm�n�s. 5.2 ��M���FI���I�/� ��.A�9 �4.�A��l���{�T ����� 9�a�0031����� �3��b������ ����v����� �zca�� ��-aa�� �����a���� 9��t�����': �i�nenc� �he te� c�f �h� 6-le��a�ing ��ctir�n �f fh� �carvapr�l��r��iv�; Plan by am�ndin� �xisti�g poPicy as fcallovv�: 6.'i.�, implem�nfi�tic�n �tra���y � -mc�clifi� p�iicy tc� inclt�c�� vue�lar�d� in the ii�� �f s�n�iti�e l�nds �'rorr� v�h's�h �°��id�titi�l d�n�i�y �an be f�an�ferred, �nd ta r��mo�� �h� I�nguag� which alf�uv� r�ca rr��r� fi�a� 2�% resid��ti�l de�sity tr�nsf�r fr�m a9i s�nsi�ive l�r�d ar���. �h� a�pplic�tio� al�o propc���� an �irr��r�dr��rrot to Tigard Comm�nity ��velopfnenfi �ode 1�.92.030 fi� �llow 100 percent de��ity t�����'�r fram aii s�nsitiv� 9�n� ar��as. Lt7��►'TIc�P�: Citywide. �1�Pl�I�A�L,� ��VI�b14 ��I'T�RMA:Sf�t�wide Pl�r�nirag Gn�ls 1, 2, �, 6, 7, �J, 10, 11, 12, �3 ar�d 1�; 7ig�rd Cor�pr�h�r�siv� Plan pc�Eicie� 1.1.Z(�), 1.1.1(c}, 2.1.1, 3.1.�, 3.�.�, 3.�.1, 3.4.2, 6.�.'1, �.�.1, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, �,1.2, ; Tigard �omm�anity Dev�loprn�r�� C�d� ch�pter� 1�.3, �g.84, ar�d 18.9p. Z�NE: hl/A (c�ve�) � , • 1°hi� he�rm�s� nly serv� ta �sp�n th�� re�eard for p���a��ed a��ndr��nt, �o '� ����irr��ny �r r�vi�w �vill c�cc�r. T''�� r�:��Q� f�r #hi� r��iay is d en�ur� �d��u��e �ir�1� for I CI�4��°91� t� m�k� cpmm���� and �otv��ly avith t6�m� r�q�ires�i�r�ts f�� L�g9�9��€ve ��, �rn�ndm�r��s. �I 6. (��'H�1� �3�i s�N��� 7. AC��J�Uf�N(�I�i�T � I �, i � I a � p�� q��" �'Y � � /�� BR9 �'.e �Y � I �I ',I ����� "�l��,�� �I�,��I�t� ����9����� I R�gul�r P�A���i�� �i����� Nlay t�, ��9� '�� �A�iL'i"� �R��� Vice-f�r��idenf ��sal��n c�lf�� th� m�etis�g tc� �r��:r�� `�:3� p.rn. �'�c� rn��ti�c� vu�s i h�l� in th� �'igard Givi� ��r���r�, l"au�n �i�sl, at ��'125 �V�/@��1� �I�d. 2,. ��LL ��,L�� ��[��i�����'����. �'r��i��ra� tl�l5�r�; Cmo�rr�i��iones�s, Gc�f�son, f�rif�ith, �!all��d, P�dge�, �nd �c�l�r �carTnmi��i�2�]���i4b��t��: C��mi��ican�r��r�der�o¢� �nr1 f���r��t� j �f�f�Pr�.��� ��y V'�Ic���, �,�sa�iate F�I�r�n�r; Jerr�� ���nc�r, �I�r�ni�og '�, '.r.OtllCTtE�S�EC1i1 �EaG6E,*$�i� �I a. �;���d�JV� Ci���T'fP�� �Ih�4�R�TE� II �omr�is�ie�r,�r �r6fi�iP� €�ov�d ��d Gomrroi�siar�e� P'�dg�tt s�rcas�d�d � rra��aas� �a �! ���r�v� t�e Aprii �, 193�a, s�eefii�g r��inut�s a� s�abr�itt�;d. � �aiG� �o�� du�� ��{���i '�i �nd th� rno�i�►r� p����d by �n�jc�ri���f�. C;�s�s�mi��ion�r s��P������ai���. 4. ��.�1�l�1� ��i�i����+��� ��6�t��➢�1����°I�i�� '� F��y !s'�la�� ��va��� th� ��mrr�i��i+�r��r� th��� �th� �ii� �1c�mi�i�tr���� ��sald 1ak� trr � c�f��r sp�ci�zl �fhic:� t��'sr�i�g �a� tf}� F'l�renQ�g ��ar�i�i�siezn. �"���: �c�rr�rr�i�sac�r��r� � �ecicied to h��a� t6�� trair�ir�g ��ssiea� ��fi��e �hc�ar �-���i�riy ��h�d�al�d i°�e��ir�g �r� J�ar�� 3, 19�6, �rc�m 7:0� - 7:�� p.r�. � The �ia�s�ir�g Gc�rr�mis�'s�n ���r�t�ry �apd�t�d �h� �om��issioc���� �r� #h� �e6ec�i�n pr¢�c���fc�r� ���t �omrni��io�er t��ill �ri�n �so�r�°� ���a��y. �. G��1�Ll� FS�,�6�tO9�C� � �e'1 ��P����h����9�'� ���� .�19�i9�9W��R��l°� ��t��� ��-Op�� ��E���� � R�����'Yo F�r�er�d th� tex� �f �P1e i�rbar�izati�r� �eetQe�n �f th� Ccar�pre6��r��iv� Plar� i�y addin� a ��v� poiici� a� f�lfe�v�v�: 10.1.�1 Ar� excep�ic�� �� �'ca9i�y 10.1.3 i� � i'h�t t�� �cify rre�� ���iyt1 �s�r�i�r� rlosest tca �xi�ting ����Pt�p��t�t ir� l�w d�ro�i#y � r�sid�r�tia! ��ta�9E��e� ar�as. L.�t�A`�ed��: �i�y�id�. A���B��&3L� ���'��� � ��I�"����: �t�t��;r�� f'ianning ta��ls 1, 2, 10 �nd 1�; 1°ig�rd t;��npr�h��asev� '� F���1P1 �AIIC9E:.'`s 1.1.1, �.1.1 arrd 6.1.1; T'ig�rd �ca�r�munity ����Is�pr��n� ��de �h�p�cr 1 F�.30 ar�d; �t�d Oi��gc�r� /�,dministr��iv� �c�l� Ch�pt�r 6�(3, �li�isior� ��. ���i�: �S/A e PLANNING COM.MtSSI�N MEGTING MINUTES- May 6,1996 -T'a�,°,t � �.+�,� �'hi� ���rir�g o�vill �r�ly s�rve fio �p�n �h� r�c�rd f�r this pr�pos�d arn�r��o��r�t ��d r�� t��tirnor�y o� r�viev��rill �ccur. TFi� r����r �a�r thl� d�ela� i� g� �nsur� �r��qt�at� #'sme fcar the �I�"� to r��i�w ��d m�l�� c��r�t�s�t� �t�d to ���raply �ith 4irr�� r�quio��m��t� f�r l�gisl�tiv� pl�n amendr��r�t�. �C�y V�lo�� �de�is�� th� ��n��is�sar��r� t�aat or� Legi�l�ti�r� Pi�n �rrel�ndnn�r���, the�� i� a r�q�����nes�� ir� th� c�d� th�� #h� �'i��ning ��rnrrai��i�� �halE �,ea� th� p�a����l a�ifi�in 30 day� of th�ir�r�t srre��inq ie� �pril. He said th�fi �h�se p�r�i��l�r �pplica�ir�n� �r� b�sr�� tak��s fihr�ugh fi�� �I�' prc���ss, but th� �iT� �o�i� �c�� h��r th�m ��r tirrs� ta ��et the 30 day reauir�m�o��. �6�lc�n� �Iss� i�fic�rr��d �h� Ccammis�i�n th�fi, in th�fut�r�, �t��fi i� �oro�a��ring h�v9r�g th� �p�li����s tak� ttz�ir propr���l t� th� �9�f°� f�r a ��ighbor���d me��tir�g, �� � p�rt c�fi the appli��tion pro����. , �om�issi�►n�r F'a�g�tt r�c�v�d �� cor��ir�cae the public h�arir�g for ���4 96-Ofl�1 �ar��ii th� J�r�e 17�1� me��ii��g. �C�rr►r���;�ian��GoPlsara secor�de�J #h� moiion. A�v�ic�; vcte rn��s t�ke� a�d �I�� rnc��tian pas��d unanimausly. 502 ���F�92�F#���9�'� PLAR� �&��9VC��li��T ��PA) 96-q���/���� +���INt���� l�l�@�N���N°� Q�f�A� 96-�Ot�� A�����f'���C R�G�I���'�°: Arx�er�� fih� fex� of th� �@r�using �e�fi�n �a� ti�e C�mpr�:heras�v� �la� �y �msr�dir�g �xistir�g �Sai4�� �� fol��uvs: �.�.'1, �n�apl�s���s��atacar� �tr�fegy 3 -s�r��2fy �alicy tn in�fuc�� w�;tlana� i� fh� li�t ca� �en�itiv� l�anc�s frc�rn v�hi�h r�sidentia� d�nsf�y��r� be trar��fi�r��e�, ���d t� rem�ve�h�: i�r�c�u�g�vvd�ich ��I�vu� n�, rr�or�t��� � �5°!o r���d��ti�6 d����i�y tr����'�r fr�r�r� �B! ��n�i�i�� l�s�r� ar���. �he appii��ti�n �I�c� � p�apo��� �r� am��dment �� �"ig�rc� �c�mr�ur�i� i��v�lapr���t �:�a�� 1�.��.030 t�a �lic�w 1 a0 p�r��r�t d�u�si$y tr�nsf�r frcam �!9 ��r��i$EV�; 6�e�d �r���. E.�C�A A Yt'�N: �ifi�rvvid�. ��'�f�L.9�°��L� R��i�V� ��B"B"�E�6�: �tat��i�� F'l�nnir�� C�c��l� '!, 2, 5, �a, 7, 9, �0, 1'9, 12, 13 �n� 1�; �'ir�ard �ompr�h�n�iv� �'i�c� �►o�ici�� 1.1.1(a�, I 1.1.1(c), 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.2.4, 3.4.1, '�.4.2, 6.1.1, �.2.1, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 4�.3.�, 9.�.2, ; � T�g�rc1 �c�mm�nity f��v�9a�prr��r�t �c�d� ch�pt�r� ��.�, 1�.84, �n� 'I�.�0. �t)��: P�/� - �� �a �"his hearing wiPl oni� �er�ee ta� c�pen �h� record far this prop�s�d �" as��;rac�merrt, r�c� t�stirnony �r '-�vieanr will o�caar. l"h� �����an far �f�is d���y is tc� � �nsur� ���qiaaf� �tim� ��r �iti��n� r�a m�k� cc�mm�z�fi� and cc�m�iy �uvi�h ti�� � r�c�uirem�r�t�fcar ld�gi�l��i�� �m�r�drn�nts. .� t� �or-rirr�i��i€���r �a�e���� r�ic���d tra cor��ir�sa�th� p�blic t�a�ring �ar�Pea 36-�DQ03 t�9°��il � fh� �1�,y 20��i m�efiir�g. �:or�-�mi�sion�r �ri�th ��conded th� m�tian. A vc�a�� �ot� � w��t�k�e� �r�d th� �rvtior� pa���d un��Br�nau�ly. PLANNII'JG C�MMISSIOt+i MBETIN.�'r MINUTES- May 6, 1945 -Page 2 � I � I � �. ����� �������� I ���� �I 7. s���6�1���i��6'�°�' � Th� r���ting �dj��ar��;d �t 7;�� �.r�. .—C __� �� .,z,�-•� - J�rr� �yn��, �6a�rSraing–�d��sion a��r�t�rry ✓�, � I �TT'E : Pre�id��t Na�k�i�o� � I I I I I i � ! I PLRNNIIVG COMMISSION MEETIN{"i MII�.iUTES- May 6, 1996 -Page 3 il II ��� �Yr�.L\�� �'������� i � �C���� �t`''.�3.IL.! CtZY C)p 1'IGAi2D OREGON � ��liT� D�'I'�: �"���'�. �'1'�Tiled�'�'I�: ��•. 3 �_�.Iv1. � ��1�������T��o I�TT�I��VTL5()I�d (�I���E��iV� .� J[JI�TTH AI�II�ERS�I�T �W l�fICHA.EL CUT.�I,�O�t �_ �;,�,ROL'YN�E�IZAN� � �/" _u /:- r�s ��urrr'I'II f./ RO�T IHOL�,.AI°�ID �- P✓�'iF,IC P!-1L�4i�'T�' �/ �I-�EL S�H�D�, � � ��'..��'����El�i'I'; w RI�:H�A�ZD BE�E��I70RFF _._. 1V?�INE SI�rS�TH �_ WILL D'AI�DRI:A _�'vAL(yN� � Tv�AkY I�U�ERT� ^ I°�E�.� �/II�Kt�ELSON I � GAI��.'ALFSON � I)LJ.At�IE I�.0�3�RTS I �RIA.I`�1 R.�,CiER JAME� �IENDRYX ________ �—____— _��—________._.___ � h:\I o g i n 1j e rre e!pc-ro I I.m s t v� I ��� ����� �� ��,���� � ���� �.s�a�{ � I P�.U. 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'V6�'e also h�pe t�b�c+aden the suppo�t for 1a�d�xs�p��aita� bcyon�l ihe usu�l suus}�ectt;;-�sa ple�s�st�te thi�i�f�or�atioax r�xt�s a�a•ie�d. � � i�SOpe y�u�rii�b�a�le to join�n�e PVtay 4, 1��.�>.��x th�Ivle�ra Fut�are�or�'er�t�ce,`<�ox��mor, i �os�do��ffizzm.a�i�-r.au�ca.,, � � � � Sis��crely, i . I � i ,�,�+ � iarli�F��ale� i �;arnmi�saoner r �. � � I � � � � � i � � � i 12�C7 S,VV+�. Fi�#h �,ve.. R�rr� 4C�d � �ortt�r�d, f3R 9120A ; � � . _ • � � d ��������s "Se�� t�e s�i�l�� o,�'°�h� �i�� �; �;oa,fiti�i2�or a L�vabte.�'r�tr�� ��1�" L11 �s$� 5����3?'t��� �1�����'t� I � ���r ��v�. 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S�.^�itd.'d�2'•�,�� �OD7Z�d�iP��'� . mor�t�s avil]staap�our f�iuee-o�r 1a�d use Q _ '"�� l���t���8 ��3�3,���� �Y��Fb �3�� �a��tl patter�as, urban greivch bot�nc�aries, neig�bor- ����$'��r��� �'����1$�� �f,�8t����." I � hood arsd cam�Ranity dzs�gns, affc�rdable g ��i � � I (����5�'�3�: �le��ai�t�s, �19} housira�s�ppties,t�-aras�o�tacioea aec�ss t�jLbs �p�enis�� 9 P:Ot�-!1:95 - ; a€ad ses-u�ces,esonomic�e�elog�.�� ��ap�� Prc�r���r crnC.�tn�ditaEinvl �D .-� ���I Sp�Ces afld t�at�ai'�1 dCeas. �he�ev VFr[Ideaa:�e�ve,,.FirslPresls}teriars Cftr�rs/ � ���t��� ���� � `' a ���s���-•����� ca� - �' �.��l���I '���lB�t� '�'he m�ra� w�sdom of aur reli�ic��:s c�e�- �' ge�� I!:t5-12:i5 � �' Enunota�s c�ta isaform a;td guid�ttt�se deci�iorts. S�gns of t�re titnes in o�r �" '�e dfa�o�a 1d�a tr��di4ions o�sE�waedsF�ip, rn�etropmlitaii ar�u � i � ; �`he Mletro�€�tu:e C��fer�nce as an ��I�'on.ChaFltel���s.F�orPl����i11'CorrenrisseQr!er � ' enterfaith i�aitiali��e to e;�gage�e�g0e ir�r,ur ; P�ace�rad jusEic�. �Nark�ng tagether,�eo�le af h � f�it�c�sa he�p�ind co�rrmo�s grot�nd�nd �a- Bc Ch�rirof llrer'rfetvnpolrfaraPalicY�cfe�rsorrCr�ra;ru � 1�aIp141]S COYF17ilUfllf7eS IR �'QSiCFiilg�COIO�➢�C�E � � �v��n��e�ay, 1C1Q0 Frlends rfOregnrr susfainabi!ify and er_�narraic and social jus2ice m°ts th�eom��n gcad. iTJr ea�o s��lg�er��°isia�a an�cr�ate jsst,equita�l�, and��staanable � in the metrop��it�e����iaea. d h�con�e�enc� ��i���f c��,r R��giaras�a�aauniE��: � �t!] e;cpls�t�e opporfuati�e�to brin s irieu corn�raa�aiti�s. � �r1va'af asse�sjnertt a d,�te s° -j I � a� ,,� � ns = � � � �f th�tianes •a va[�es t�bear Qn Yey p�Iicy�decisimn�that.�v;ii -� � �usde fu�e�re derelQpa��nt af oua regi�r�, z �`�`,����r������t����� ������r� i z:z�-�:2� � �u!'�di'�poli4�tD ��iist�i��r��g��StiE��n- �ceseor��ccl1'resce�,Fii��Jan�l�C.� Besrtao;s Ke��s`eaareT r�rda�iocpse af P�rr�and z � ot�r pa�u�ation is growgng ra�ic�ly,�ur At��a��o�F�ren��l�cat e��e�s�n re- .�abbi,�oe�byaEf I�avt�rah Sll4lnm � �con�ziy a�td saciety �re cE�anging dramati- g��n�� ��ve�op�ne��,reiigiQ�s��ade�s �€�d o ca14y,occr l�cf�cape�s�e�ng trans�'orflraed. Qu: c�nfer�nce�ac:1�4�3�T1Q5't�lRHI: � �I�a�Sp��YBC�4(`�SPOYfd�C�� f:�Q-I:4� � uE�re d��en�s an how awell �re ga�i�ie�hes� • ����i?s��.�e et�vir€��rr�er.QaE,econ�rn�c, ua�e�f g��a����rea�� 7:45-2:t5 � ch�ng��. ��ill aur e�eeYiop��ifl�r�co3nrl7ttt�ity a€td socia� �eai� o�a�r region anc�key Yrer�ds �a t�eca�a�ancr�asirtg9y div�ded�s�;,r����npP�e ���'�������'e; I��9i�inc��Pane� �:15-3:00 againsi one ar�c,ther-os wil� vrP�cag�i�e oa�r . e Po��at curr�ni efforfs Yo guide the �rrs Bedl(Baha°i},7��e��,. ��,�srar�re vara�asc�on gro�rd ar:d work rog�d.hes sc�:hat,�e r�o���'�ft�tuae develop€n��t,pa�tieufarl�the lfummosa�{,St.St��laefi`r Episcc�P�t1.�iia�ist ai�can besa�fit? �d�etro�#,e�io€�2pq�y����Q��� �6�i!Hcarder(�suvraeraical ifrlinist'er at PSU}. ° a�sess these ta��a�ds an�effcrts fr�sm our '�Q�'�y�°l�es(Fi:st Presbyteriun,l�vEC). �^ Throug� �natiatis�es su�h as tite flV:elFO t1��olo�iEal a.nd s irits�al , �slie�mh!-,�osba�r{�irst ff�rrturian), � p pers,�ecti�es,and � t��giosa 2�4�p�a�e�s,cammt€nity ��aders��d �x��4n�o�r aes�ar�sibi�ities as individuaIs and 5������us�s f�a������: � osganiz.�tio�s have�eg�� ta drafi bit�epdints as f�iih�ornm��;ties; a�a A .�e�po�r�ing to oaFr cnlfs to actiafa �ae t�e ios��-�� d��F�)��rnent�if our cegior�. ° ���i�c�a�ctig strategies f�r our rei�- �iey po�icy�eeisicsns ave�the r��ex_t several gious�aan�ear��t9es i�pr�t���e a jc�st ana S�rec6�c��a€rnples�f ste�ategies susta.i�2b1�cegion. �or elga�ag� 3:44-3::�5 ��l�e�e a�"1 r�ae�b�a�s��'€��a� bQ��; � � Sx�aa�A grae��a�xeceise 3_�5-�:45 ae��i�a� �arae�ee�ab���a� ��� ��.src e�° � D� � ' .�.� F�eer�e�oa�xaa��-���e`€o��ii�rcj �s���. (� �'���2a�a��7,j �ios�ag 4:45-S:flO