Planning Commission Packet - 02/05/1996 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. ;r � � ��,;� . � �p �g�gp� � YL N . OR��1'a14,JF9 ` !��14.5 E"'�'ii�i!'��!i�.7��l.Ii�d9B�lmke��y�� ���#�U�°�.�, 1 -7:3fJ �o�. � I Tl�R� �l�1� ��hlT�F��T�� !°��LL �� 1��2�s ��6�l�Z� �(J�L�AR� T'i���, ������3 �`72�3 , �. ��,Q..�..�'� C3���R > � 2. �'.�LL ��L�, i �. €�LA,�i�D@�C� �C}�P�11S�1�1� ��l+�Nll.1i�4��`�i�?�� P��4r� Gr��n�p���- Li� ��8��, ��u��i��r ff���l �§�r�� i �. C���I�I�N ��e9 �'�iE�. L.EVVI� ��1��'J�L � �5��!!P'R�h��NS�� ���6 �N���L�fE��t��'���A� ����Q� PHi�. L.�`d� I ��F��f��. S�T� ������T: �°� arr��nd��� ����ar�i��r�siv� l�i��r ���frc�� P+��aBi� ��s�ifl��irar��l �c� � �"e��r�i Co�t�r�n�r�;�l (�-U) �n fiF�� F'h�� L�wi� �r,�c�4 sit�. Lt���.a i�33�e f��rthw�st I ��r���c��W���Z �r�d ��7�nd������. ,����l�A��,� F��6��Rt`����A: �, ��mpr�h�n�i�� ���n ���i�i�s 1.1.�(2), �.1.1, 5.4, 6.6.1, �.�.1 �n� �2.2.1�2�; ', ��mr�u�ity C2�v��o�m�nt �cade��pt�rs 1�.22 �nc� 1�.3�; �r�d C7r���r� ' A�mini�tr�tive �tul�� �l��pt�r f�C3, Dovi�4�� °�2. Z��I�: �-� (����r�! Gr��m�rc�i�l} ', � �iic�v�� fr�r��v�r�i u��� i��ludina �+ryv�r�i�rtc� �al�� �r�s� ��r�i�e�, ���i�� �r�� �rir�k�ng �st��li�hm�r�t�, fcx�d �nd �i���rag� re±�ii ��e�, g�neraR r�t�i� ��i��, r���is�! and d�nt�! ��rvi�es ��c9 p�r����si�n�l �nd acirriini�tr��i�� �Prvie;��. ' 5. C)�"1°i�� �U�1h3�S� . 6. AD�lCil��2f��9�iVT I �. � � � � , � �i � � ua I � I � � i ._ .�.�.� m.._,,.� ..�_�.� �:i ' a �i'i"Y t3� T'Bf��►R� 4�1��l�tNt� ���I�i��9d�� � ��ga�9�e° P����in� 9�iin���� . r�bru�r� 5, °I��6 �o �A�,�. `�t� ����� � Pr��id�nt Vrlifsan, cal9�d th� meetinc� �a ord�r�fi 7:36 �,m, �'!�� m��tir�r� vva� held ir� 4h� �°ig�rc� �'svic C�nt�r, Town F��{!, �t 131�� ��'!i�-iall �ivd. � �. R�1L,�., �AL� �.�zt11��.'t��1�9r� �r���;. F'r°��id�nfi �i���; �o�r�i��ior��r� o4r�d�r���, �all�c�r�, DeFr���, ���f�t9�, �i�il��id, Padg�f.f, �r�d �c�i�r � P'e�.1c .� J�rrr�es Fi�n�iry�c, L�ir��t�r c�f �amm�ar�i�y D�u�9apm�nt; L.iz N�wton. A�sist�nt to ih� �it� �drni�istr�tor; ��y Valc�r�e, Asso�i�t� 3�fanr�er; Jerr�:�; ��ynor, F'iann�ng �o�mission Secretary �e �t����a�� �o�r�a���c�� �r��t���t��°��c��� IVl�tro �r�er��p�c�s - Co���ilc�� F'au9 ���t a�d Liz �e�retc��, �s�i�t�nfi ta the �ity Administrator, addressed #h� Co►rtmis�ican c�anc�rnir�g the Nl��rea Gr��n���ce� recc�mmendation. �'a�! �lunt sta��d thag i� �as his b�iief #�� ClTs felt th�� were naf heing heard. �le s�id t�at �.i� �fevvtQr� had d�ane �cam� res�arch ae�d discov€�r�d fiha�t +�rh�n Gerald Edw�rds was th� mayQr, �a�ncii d��ided tc� take a memk��r fr�m the Parks �oard �r�d a member fr�m fi��; l°r�r�spc��t�tian goard ancf mcav� th�:m t� the F�lanning �t�mrnission. Rn t�rr�, F'lar���ing Cc�m�r�i��ir�n wc�uld ��s�r��� b�fM c�� thos� issue�. Tf��r� uv�en Johr� Schwartz anras rr��yor, �a�ri�ii c�ecided that t�ae C�ITs should h�ve � s��r �n pa�ks. Hun� stated h� would k�e suggesting to Gity Coun�il tl�at they �efin� th� grr�un� rui�s and fihe r�latios�shi� bef�ee» th� CiTs ar�d �he F'f�r�ning C:omrnis�ion. B-��n�t said h� ��Geve� tha� Plarining C�arr�mis�ivn shotald b� invGlv�� ir� the ir�fi�rpr�tatic�n at fhe �fat� laws �nd �ha� Ci�"s should maks recnmrriend��ions to I C�unril. � Cour�cilor Hu�t folci fhe �ammissi�r��rs about '�h� task for�e th�t h� had inl$la$GC� tG � make a recomm�ndation nr� th�; Me�ro Gre�nSp�;ces is�u�. i�e �afiec� tr�ere w�auld b� ° v� a defini�� lae� in tirr�� k�efar� anyfihir�g c�uld b� impiE�nl�nted. �f� referred �o �nc�tl��r � t�sk fc�rce that�,ras lookir�g �� exp�nding �o�� Park. � � i�omr��issianer Holland dsk�� Counciior Nunt ifi Cifiy Co�an�il knew f�od� the Pianning � Gorr�missior� had m�dr� th�ir �I��i�ion arir� recornmst�d�tic�nJ far th� gr��nsp�c� , "� pG�rcha��s. He told ��ur�c:iiar Fiunt thaf the Plannii-�� �am,missioa� hac9 decia�d th��th� �i man�y �v�uld b�st b� us�;d to buy I�n�l nc�w bsfor� it couid �e develape� or �old and ��, j PLAIWING C'OMI�fISSION 1�fEETING MINU'TES- February S, 1996-Pa;e 1 I �� ' , � th�t�h� tr�iis w+�uld ��ill b� th�r� �� � B�t�r d�t�. ���8��d �9�c�� :��i� �� �sva� �aps�� ��rh�� h� i��rr�ed th�� �ity �d�ar�cil h�d nsa# ��p���#�� Pi�r��ii�g �Q�i'pli't'16��It2C1�a �'��t3i`rt►ll�i't��fii�0°�S fA�' the ���ir3 l2l.or��t�y��, ra�r ha� ���� �fik�c� Pl���i�� �c����i��ic�ri h�v�th������ �p wsth �heir r����rrQ�r�d�t9an�. Cc�mr�is�ic�n�r �a�ig�t# a�k�d C;�u��il�r Fiunt ifi hi� r���or� f�r g�iro� t� th� C9T� vv�� ta h��� th�c� b� �h� prim� recomr�e�ding ������ tra �i� ��a�n�il. C;�ur��9lc�r F�e�r�t �, �a��we��d th�� �P�e C9�'s sh�u!d b� �h� pr�r���y �our�e f�r �n��f but �cat �r�r �', int�r�pr�t�ti�n. i°I� �i�� ��id th�t ti�� fi�t af r�c���������ic�ns vv�s n€�t ti�d tc� t6�� �!1'° ch�icps �red ��afi th� �9�°��Pr� rrc�t gi��r� �r���c�� �r�ight. C�m�-r�is�ior��r D�Fra�g ��id �he ��Ii�V�C� ��iat �ISSTtc�61$IiP1g ��1�.' Park �o��d ��� � I r�i�take� �ha� th� s�par�t� �9�'s h��v� n� t���kgrr�t�rrd +af p�rk �nd g���nspac� is�ue. �h� w�r�t or� ta� �ay th� rc�9� o� p�rk d�c6sior�� sho�sl� gc� tca th� F�lanr�ing �c�rrrrrri�sio�, nat fih� GiTs. ih� eommer�ted that ger��r�! �t��r���nc� �� �iT me�tirig� w�� very pa�r unles� th�re w�� a �ig issue ar�d tha� sh� did nc�� con�ider fihis �o �e a go�d repr�sent�tic�r� o�fhe ci�y. �ornmission�r CQll�or� s�id that�h� F'I�nning ��rr�r€�iss�pn rr�ade their d�c'ssio� an rnrhaf th�y tho��ht w�� b�st�or tf�� r�nc��le city; that they had not be�n tc�fd t� tak� the �non�y �nd dividp it up in�o four equ�� s�ct��ns. �ouncilor Hunfi said that h€� vv�� r�oi�g ta recAmm�nd �c� Git� t;a�:n�il th�fi the �!�'s do n�t g� �hr���P� ('lar�nin� �arnmis�i�n, that they hav� �irecf input fc� C�i�r �c�ur��il, i°lu�t c�n�luded by s�ying thaf he uva� going to back o�f of tf�� t�s(c �prwe until h�: fi�lke�i tc> C;ity Cour�cif. G�r�missiora�� 6'a���tt rr���f� � r�comm�;nd�tio� tc� Li� �l���t:oa� �o includ� a rraap �f th� CIT bca��n��ries with fihe Gityscape nev��f�f��r� ei��ry mo�fii�. 4�. PHIls ���!!4� 5�C�10��, -- Fi�P_�3 C�t��N FF�OiUt T�l� JA�RJ�3�1( �2, 19�6 ����°��� ��E�iI���F��iV�IV� PL..P,fd d�a�l�B�4�3�fd�P�i' ���".�A,) 95-00(J� ���L �.�11l4i� ��t�itJOL �IT� }���4JE�T: To amend the Com�reher�sive f�lan rri�p from F'�Jk�lic � Inatitutio�a! tcs G�nerai Ccamrr�ercial {C-G) r�n th� Phi9 L�wis �choal �it�. � �.��,�T'IO�J: North�est cor�ner af Huvy 2�7 �nd 5tN T2�rd Avenu�. AP�'L.l����.� r� ���°I�1ll� ��.I�'��1�: C�,rr�preh�n�ive Plan pcsiicie� 1.�.2(�), 2.1.1, 5.4, 5.6.�, � 8.1.1 �nd 'i�.2.1(�}; Gamr�iur�ity f�ev�lc�pm��� �oc�� �hapfi�rs 18.22 and 18.32; � and Or�gon l�d�ieii���ativ� {�ul�s �h��ter��0, l�ivisi�n 12. ����: ��G {�er��rai � Commercial) aEfows f�r several u��s includir�g c�nvenienc� s�Ie� �nd seruic�s, � ea�inc� and drinking ��tablishrner�t�, f�od a�d b�verage ret�il s�les, �eneral retail s�l�s, m�dical and denta! s�rvic�s and pr�fiessional and adt�ir�istr�tive s�rvi���. PLANNII�IG COivtivfISSION NiEETMG MINUTE�- Febnzary S, 1496�Pa�e 2 �,�i `�' ' N • ��rr�rr�is�iar�+�rr� r��t�d t��t ���re inr�� no rr��c��ni�rrr� �c� r�l��� ca�ac�r�,� to �l�tr� ' ���.a��il: �lili ���Idt'�J� S�Ef� E1� Ile"i� b��Pl $��545!'�� ��Il�� 6���l��i �a �oty �a�a�cil �r�� � €��ifir�� c�e���i�n p�ia�f� vv�aPCh t�c� th�r� r�l���� f� �h�.��tres +�cacs��iB. k�� ��id �� I W�I"1�� $C! ���'l'lCCt"'1�EY1l����$�4k� �ltj0�� �}��t�lS�iB Ui! i��il'1�tt� �k�$�t�. II hl�rtdryx ��i��d ��'th� �ot�rnissi�a� �nr�a�ald i9k� �� fc�rrra a �rabr�arrarr�ii��� �� ���� vzr�th �� �t�� �r�d th� e�t�r�cil. C��mis�i���r� And�rr�an, (��i�fith, �rtd `/'Jii�ar� volt�r��e�r�d I, �� ��r�re c�n th� c�r�rrpi�te�. �B�ndrrg� �h��aght 's� mic�h� �� appra�raat� �cr tl�� corr�mAfi��e, c�r a r�p�e�c�nfi��i�se, �o ��tend a �ih� ���n�il meetir�g ��w�rk vvi#h �h��r� c�r� th��e i��u��. P��nd� t�l��d tc� fih� c�n�����ior��r� ��QCat r��v� ►�ap� th�t �r� n�aw be�r�g cr��t�d ; by fi�� �I� �y�t�rn. �9� 4o6d th�m th�t h� �o�ic� Eit�� t� pr���r�t �rar�� o� th�s� �r� � th�rr� �� �n upcc��nir�� w�arl��t�c�p. �ommiissic��er ��91and ��id t�� �c��aid lik� tQ s�� ' anoth�r n�ap incPud�d v�+ith �t��F ��ps�rt�, s�a�ethi�g ���vve�r� th� vi����ty rv���r and th� site rr�a�. H� wou0d'like �a ��e a rn�p th�� sha�v� �rf���'� 2�c�a�� th� str�e� �nd �r�und #h� c�r���frarvi th� �pplicant's �it�. It�as d�ci��d �a hald a wr,rlc�he�� for�h� F�1�r�nEr�g Cdrrimission �n �/i�r�h 4, 1996, CJnE of the it�m� c�¢ di�c��sican uvi�! b� se�b�g �y-la�v� �nd ruVe� c�f �rder for tt�e �om��nissior�. �ofrimissaor��r �i�llar�d ��i�r�d �� �rti�l� �bout ��a��a��tc��'s �v�lu�ti�� c�f �ul-d�- s�c,.s. He saic� ���u�i°t�n is bpin� �,ressur�d f�y the �fi�t� sa da av�ray with cul-d�� I ��� in r�ew ��velop,r�enfis u�less ��i� fi�rrasr� ��q�ai�e� it. �ie said ti�� r�a�an f+�r t�is is fih� �,rc�hl�m B��v�rfion is �aving v+�bth corzr��ctivi�ty and the tran�port�fion i�s���tr�a��a �ior�g with it. 6a ,4i�J�9J��IV8�6��' Th� meeting adjo�a�ne� at 9:05 pr�. �.. '�� - .�.____._ Jerr�e � nor, i�l� ing G mi�sion 5ecr�tary � � � � � � �- �----- �. � � � q ....�_� �, A ���°: President �lick Wlson � � �a ALA�INIR�G COIvII�1ISSIOh�IvtE�'TIN,�'i MINUTES� February 5, 19g5��1ge 5 _ , __ T ,� I II a. '� . . I ���&!d'��� ���!�'�`� ��H'Fil�����1�E � a:6�'1'�" T9�Ai41� ���pbN ���� ���� ����{�� �f���a � — � ��� S`�/��t���EG T���. "`7„�,,,,,. 30 �.�.,e �:�f`11��,�SS9Qh���: i/ ���lC �l9LSf��d (��A9RP'������ � � �i.�C71T'!-B �idDE�S��9 .�� �19�H�eEf. ��L�5(J� ✓ ��.RC3�..Y�J ��e��6�� � �,��5 GFtiF�lT�-i � �C�f� I��LL��[3 (/ ���i.6��C �'.�[���� �c=�,,� ,� � �i-4EL ��F9�L�� � .� � � � ,� � a ,� �,� ,� ,� _ _ m � � �.� � � � �,�v � � m ,� � �. � �. � ��. ��. � � m � S7'o'�I�� P�E�E(o1T'e RIC:HARD �3E`a�/ERS�C7�FF � i/Vil..l_ �7'AI�iC3�EA ' FtA1( Vo�LONE � a ._._,_ � � �fb� �C��E�TS i�C�.� fa�!l��ELS��! � � � °� ��,�N� ������'� � � � � / � `— `�' 1 og ���.' 7't ,�2c � �' ' ,%�'��1 ✓ � h:Vogin\€ersr,�lgsarei8l.nrst . ,�,` � _ � ��� � . °� t°°e ,s°� �-� �"`� �"�' T °�� „�"�.� ��1� �`�.1�.�,1"��.1���,�.:�`�! ��rv� �i��a�o . aa��e�� ����� � ��� ��� � � �� � �� � ���� � F�t�� �� � t���I� � T..BC4�Y � �➢ �� � �P� �: Q �����,�,�f �'1�� �k°' �s��v�:�f � � � � ��5� �'CT"R����)a C.. � `'d..°� " /.��1�1 1� ���� CB'��i.l��T.���: �� �'" �.��.,,� � � . � ��,`�Y��': �.�-�-u.�..s' �' � 1 `�e c� �-v ��' ��.� ��� � � � � � �� �: �. ��� ��� � �'� ��L�E �� ��������:���r���������:������:���������������������a:�,: � � �������� ) ���'C)1`��d°�' �� ° #,��p�a� ) �������a���������������=���_em����W������m����r�����m�������������� �e�aE ltlasm�/ ��"igr�.�►clxaaian) (�r°a�eE.Mccaaa�/�s/�B�a«f�.r�l,�tia:a�I l��ct�• l�T���4 �� �� --- ,A�lc����• ----- j �t:�r/����: .�....�..� ��.t�/5t.t���• � ; � . ��a.�: �1'�.�• ,.�o t ,Add�ss: _ t��dr���: � �i.t�/��t���: �Yt�'<►sf,�t�.p• � �'��° I��s��; ..� �A�d��s• � t�c3���e _ � � �it�/���,�• �.,,�,.� �it�l���i�; �.,��.� � � e�a � ��,�• I�7�ax�e: .� °� . � � .c�dci�e��: � �.dd�s�: ��,...�. — — � a� I � �zt�l�t�t�gt�• � Ci„�/��t,�,�; � �t'��s. I�T�rn�: :,�.� �dd���e �.�„�.,o �.r3d���: ��1t�T.�.,�.���,�ip• �Cit�►/��t���: h:��e.�a�.,�a � Fc.��l"�!� P�F'I��Fd �C �H�F��M,4�3 � A LAW PARTNEfiSHIP INCLUDING PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CORPORATIONS ONE MAIN PLACE 1Q1 S.W.MAIN STREET SEATTLE.WASIiINGTON OFFICE 15TF1 FL.00R BEI.LEVUE,WASHINGTON OFFICE t206)4a7-a4o0 f�ORTLAND.OF4EGON 9720�•321_3 (2oGl 451�0500 TELECOPIER�(206)447•970U (503)229-0607 ' TEIECOPIER:(2061 455�5487 TELECOPIER:l503)221•1510 TELGX:f206)32•6024 ANSBK:Fosrea Lr,w SEn January 29, 1996 :�, � �8��7:�T�R�� Tigard Plar�.n.ing Corramissa.az� �3:t�s s .W. xall Blva. Z'igard, Oregon 97223 Re : Com,prelzensive Plan Amendment CPA 95-0(30b Ntembers o� �he Planning Commission: Our office r�presents Gordon S. Martin. On bEhal.f of I�Ir. Mar.tin, w� m�k� the follawing objeci�i.on� to �ompx�h��.sivE P2an Amendment CP1� 95-U005 . L7nder Comprehensive P1ar� Policy 1 . 1 .2 (27 , in order to approve �:hanges to th� Comprehensive �lan map, the C:it.y Counc:il must find: a. The char�ge is consistent with applicak�le Plan polices; b. A change of physical circumsta.rices lzas occurred sirice the ori3inal d.e>ignatio?�; or , c . Il m�_stake w�.s made in. the origiiza7_ 1ai�d � use desa.gnation. � CI�ANGE OF' �HYSICAL CIR.CUMSTANCE� It is absurd to suggest, as the a�plicani: does h�xe, that a chai�ge in physi.cal circumstane�e� has �ccurred because the School District has elected to close the Phil Lewa�s Schc�ol . This a.s a change in u.se, not a chanc�e in ph�sic�l circumstancese I:£ tl�.e rule could be int�rpret�d as bxo�dly as the applicant suggests, the rule would have zao meaning, since �ny ch.ang� iz1 u�e would siappa:rt a chan.ge in th� Com�rehen�ive Plar� deu�.gnatiori. Fo-r examgle, closiz�g a sror� could satisfy th� r�q�.xi�et�era�. of "chan.ge of physiCal circums�ances. " r�ikewis�, wh.enev�r �raper�y is sold, and tlze buyer' s use is dif.fer�nt fram the ��ller' s, i� �ooso6iz. 1/29/96 2:27pm '�ig�,�a ��.��a�.i�g C is�ic��,z a7'aitu�,]c� 29, �.995 I�age � v�oulc� ��noun� to a "c;2�arz�� �a� physical ciraum�tances< " SucT� r��ults rendez the Cc�m�r�heaxs:�ve Plan u�terly meaningless. I��I S T1�KE :�fa �v:�den�e exists i.n �.he r�co�d ta support �he �car�clusa.c�n tlaat a znis��ke wa� mad,e in the c�.esigna��.oz�. af th� site �.s "P�.ak�li.c I� Tn�tit�.�ion00 �n tl�.e '�igard ramprehensive ��.ar2. '�'he de,�zc��ation �af Publa.� Tnstit�ut:�.ox� i� cc�nsi�t�n.t v�ith txie �.s� a� th� prop�x��r I naw, �ust as it wa� consistent wi4:n the use a� the p�c���:rt�r when t�.� �l�n w�s aciopted. � Ind�ec?, a� s�t fc�rth i.n the staff r.eport o '�I "The placement of the Public In��itut?on Campx�hensive Plan designatian on the site was �or �:he purpose af recognizirzc� and p.rotecting the existaazg eahool u5e. " I (Stuff Report at � . ) I Since th� d�sic��a�ion is, a.:n fac�, con��stent with tl�e us� in place at the L-im� the Con�prehens.ive �1�r� w�.s adopted, i.t i� � evident that the Compr�hensive ��lan desi�r�ation was m�.de corr�ctl•y. I To avoicl �his .r_e�tillt, the ap�lic�rit fashi�ns an argument �i based on the supposed "conflict" bet��en th� Plan designation arid li �.h� under.•ly�ing zoninq. It �..s cve11-se�.tled in Or�ec�Un th�.t, in the I event of �uch a cora�lic�, the �ampr�h�r�siv� �I.a.x� �.alces ', precedence . Ba�Cer v,� Cit�,o� Mil�uau�ie, 533 P�2d 772, 77G-77 I (1975) . Und�r 13aker, �he "c:onflic�" is re�a�ved: �he applz�ant !, may use the proper�y in �. rn�nn�r consi.stent wi�.h th� '� C�mprehen.s�ve Plan �.esignat�.an. �x�.y coi�.�lict �xists an�y "on I pa�er" ; it does no� prevent the owner from using the property, � nor does it -result in �. moratorium upon the pxoperty. I Nor daea it fc�llow tYz�at� , �ecata.�e th.e Comg�reYie��.sive Plan and I �c�ning eaclZ e�cluc�e c�rtaiz� uses, the Compre�zensive PZan skiou.ld �e cl�anged to be consistent with the zoning. t�n� ckia.nge in tY?e '�, Comprehensive �l.an should be to a d�signa�ion consi�teizt with the I, pl.an �o]_icies . �s set forth b�:Lo�vP �ince �.raffir ca�.�aui�y do�s � nat exist in the '�riaiagle to sup�oxt C�, i:c fihe Cor��rehensiv� �� Plan is changed, �.�. whc�uld be changed to a de�ig�.a�iai� tha� � plac�s the least possibl� burden on the Tri�ng'l� transport�.tion ! system� ' FSPPLTC.�LE �L�l �OLICIE� I Po]_icy 8 . 1 . 1. : This policy s�.at�� tY�at �.he City �h.all plan for a safe and efficiez�t street a�d roadway system �hat me�t� curr�nt needs and anticipated gr��a�h and d�vela�men� o �c�ntra��r ta �he s�aff report anc� �he applican�o t�� �ranspc�rt�.tion 7Q054612. 1/29/96 2:27pm T���r� �l�n��n� C i�si�ri �anua�y 29, �996 P�g� 3 improvemen�� �eed�d i.n the T•ria�gle to prov��� such a ��, tran�po��a�io� s�s��m are �o� p1��zn�d, The �ppli.�an� �n� sta�f I ���y an tl.�� ��� study ta c�nclud� �h�td z£ r���ain x�ad improveme��s a�� made in the drea: �` [T] �ie a.mpx°c�vem�n.fi.s wr�u.Id a11c��nr rh� �hx�ee�s in tl�� vicini�� of the sit� to opera�� at aaceptab�� lev�ls [af s�rvice] �� . (Staff r.�port �.t 5-6 . ) Ta th� c�ntrary, althQLtgri t1aE DKS �tfady �ug��sts ce•r�a.in impro�crernent�, it does rlo�: run the traffic mad.el wi�h the imprc�vem�n.ts in �l�r�. (DKS .Asso��.at�s, T:�g,ard Trianale �date �,tudv: Tra:�fic A.r�.alysis at 14, M�.x 1995 . ) ( "Z'h� in�ersec�ior� p�rfo�m�nce i.s bas�cl. upc�n futurc� tra�fi�, �ssuming e�ci.�ting roadv�ray ��ometx�:ias as a ��artin.g point . " ? Thus, the study c�oes not purport to say that �he suc�g�sted road impi�vements wa.11 allow key int�r�eci�ic�ns in �h� Triangle to op�rate �'c d�:ceptable levels of snx�vice. SuCh an an�ly�i� is b���n.c� the sco�ae o£ th� report . I3ased upon existing geom�traes, DKS determines that 10 aF the 1.5 key existing intersections in the Triangle will c�pera�.e at lev�ls of sez•vice "E" �r "r" unc��x L�uild-out� of the Comprehens�_ve Pl.�n. In addition, vae have enclos�c� with this letter as �xhibit 1 a 'craff_ic analy�is of the Tigard Tria�c�IP traffa.c sy�tem �erf�rmed by ODO�' in 198$ . No significant c:han�e� have �r��ri mac3e sinc� then to th� land use c�.�s�.grla.tians in t,he Tr.iangle. ODOT conclLides that there is insu.fficien� traffic capacity in the Triangle ta allow �or de�velopmer�� a� l�vel.s �or�.�istexit vai�h the existing la?7.d use ai�.d d�signations . Ev�n after widening 72rAd tc� 5 lanes, ODOT conclud�s that, ac anl� 60o build-out, a n�w arcess portal must be constructed: "By the year 2010 or vahen developmer�t reac:h�:; approximately 60 percen� of �he devela�ment potential a new access, ei�iier ov�r� ar un�.er Highwa� 2,17, connecting to Ilun�iker S�re�t and �-Ia].l .13ouleva�d mu�t me constructede " a�. ° � (OUOT, Tigar_d Trianqle Ax�ea Traff�.c Circul�ti�n Axlaly�is at 1`7 � (�:J't�ly 1988) ) . � Included as Fxhibit � to t�xis l�tt�er is an analy�i� o:L- � Trianc�. le traf�ic capacity perform�d by Kitt�elsan & Associates in � 1985 . Cox�.sisicent with the C7DUT an.alysis, th� Ka.tt�lson s�'uc3y � ; shours that the traffic cap�city in the Triangl.� is insiz�iici�r�t 7005Q612. 1/29/96 3:lmpm Ti���d P����i�g � iss�o� ������� 29, �995 Pa�e 4 te� �1?ae� dev�lc�pm.�rzt at even pa�'��al bui.l,d--au•i: : 9i�c��"�l.t can. th�: �e�u�.�� n� th�.� �x?�.l�rsz.�, i�. �.� CdY'.14:�.U.C�.E'�. that �he �oa.c� syst�m curz�r��.1.� prr,poaec� �.a ���v� �h� T:ig�.rc� T�°iaa��le a�°�a �i11 no� �� �c��c��za�e ta �,c;�omrrtnd��.� the eacpec�.�d �005 p.me �e�k �aoux �.raffic c��tnands �ssoci�t�d �i�h th� g�art�.�l 1au�ld-�nut scenar�.o �.h�� wa.� inv�stiga�.�d. Op�rat:ional �:�a�l�ms wz�.l ��oba�ly bAgin �o app�a.r befa�e th� �ea� 2Q00, an.c� could become significan�ly �TC.>�cs� th�,;c� i.s i.nc�icate�� ia-�.. this report if actual k�u.ile�.-out of �.he `I'ic��.rs� `�riax�gl� e�t:c���s ov.r a�su.mption. '° (Wa�rrze Kit�:slsoxa, Tx�f�ic Anal��is far the Ti�ard T:�iangl� I�rea at � (1985) ) - In its report, �he siya�f has i�.dicatea tha� a tz•ar�sportat:i.�n an�lysis was not t�.ecessar.y fax t:k�a.w a�tinn becaus� °''tl�� tran�pc�rtation paliciES anc� fa�il.i�ies adc�p�ed. in 1�53 alread�r c'3CC011I1�(�C�" for the Cammexcial Gen.e��.J_ us�. In fart, z�a transgortation analy�is ;�vas perforined in 19�3 ira conncc�.�.on wi�h t�.e adoptie�n of t:he Compreh.ensi.v� Plan and �oz�.in�. At �h��. time, the most recent study was one perfarmed ir� 1,977 by C'ar� Buttke, when most of t.he Triangle was zoned for a.ndus�.r.i�l or res�.clentia.l use, wi1�h a sma7_1 portion de:�ignated for offa.ce camm�rcial . No traffic analysis was perfoY•med to consider the im�act �f t_he gen.eral commercial uses contexn�lated iri t:rie Compr�h�axs�.v� P1an ��vest �f 7?nd Avenue. Palicv 12 e 1 . 2,��) > T�iis po?icy �rovi�.�s th� loc�a��.oaaal � cri.teria ft�r designating lan,d as gene�al c�ammerc�ia.l (CG) . It i statPS � � " [T7 he proposed area ar expznsion of_ an exista.n� area shall n�t create tr��fic coz�g�s�ion or � tr�f�ic �afet�r I problem. Such a det�rmira.ation shall be based on stree� I � capacit�r, existin.g and px�ojected traffic valumes, the ' speed limit, the number of tu��ning mov�mei�ts, and tka� traf-�ic generatinc� chara.ctexistic:s of th� �v«ri�us typ�� � of_ uses . " � Ther.e can k�e no ser•i.ous qu�s�iori that a1la�wi�.c� the Phil Lewis � �chaol to d.�velop as g�n.eral camm�rcial wi1.:1_ crea�� tra�fic congastion in thE Triangle. The '��ian�le is b��.t.l�-neck�c� at the � ma�or �aartala . ��Tntil a ne�ia �aar�al is plann�d, it i� not � appropriate to desa.�nate more 1an� for gen.�ra1. cornmer�:ia1 �� deve_lopmen.� . � Oreqan .�dministrata.ve Rule Section 660-�.2�O�a0 s The x�ule requires that p7_�n amendmen�:s which s�i.ga�:ificantly ��fP�t a transportatian facility �hal:L a���tre �kzat all.o�ved l�.nd u��s a:�•� 70050612. 1/29/9G 2:27pm '�'ic��ar�z �l�nr�ix�c� � i�t�io�. �7'�z�zttary' 25, 193f� Pac�� � ca�sa_���r�.t c�Ti�.h identi,�'iec� function, ca��city ax-id �.��r�l ��' ���vic� o�' th� �ac�.li�cy. �'o� tr�� reasons se� fort�. �.k�ove, th.� �eq�ix��m��x�� of �Ak� 66t3-12-0�0 c�nnn� b� s�t�.��z�:d in rha� z�astax�c� b�cat��e ��.e �ra�s�ortatior sy�tem vai`ch.�n tYae �'�i�ng�.� do�� nc�t i���� �he capaci�y Lo support additior.xal Cc�mm��cial �`erseral tra��'ic. �St�ff ca�t�nds �hat, since 10 a� the 15 �ey in�.ers�ctior�s of �.he `�'xi�.�gle cwill o���ate a� �; ar �' l��er��ls of se�r�ic:� und�� 3�ui1c�-ou� of_ t�e Campreh�n:��v� Pl�,n �.f nca �.m�a�pv�me�.�.� a.re m�d�r �he propased p�.ar� G�ange do�s no�. s�.gr�if i.r,a�.�1y �f�ect �1�� ' ad�ntif�.ed tr�x�spa�°1:aticsn c�xp�ci��r. To th� cont�°ar.y, ac�„�i�ianal i tra�fic caus�d by Commerca.al Cen�:��.� zonix�c� ��.11 sigr�i�ic�ary.t�.y I in�rea�2 tk�� vo�.ume c�� tra���.c in. the `��ianr�le a.nd �.� �ai�.I cata�� the Tzi�.nqle' s tra�fa.c �aro�le€n tQ mana���st i�.ssl�' �oon�x. 1�� set f��•th in Jim He�.dr�rx' 1et�er d.ated Janu�.r�r 2, ?996 : I " ['".C7 he LDKS] Study found that if the T•ri.angle b�xilds ou� a� currentl� a'llowecl, th� xc�ad sy°s��m coula not han�lle the increased �rax��r� . Wi�h a �k�ange i�. lancl u�e frc�m r�si3ani:ial to cammercial, th� trafi�ic , px�k��.ems would be moxe �rridespx�ea�. ��'�� S�:ud�r co���.la.de� I tha� under �izrrex�t 1ar�d use�, a �ubsta:n�ial aznaunt af �ransportation impro�remen�s �nrould b� n.eeded to accomrnodate the build-aut af the 'I°ri�rzg:L�. No provisior� has k�e�n mad� to cons�ruct the inlp:r�v�rr��n�.� �uggEStQd ii� th� DICS �tudyl; nor does the S�U��/ �L1.Y�)O�''G to analy�� or "mod�l" all of i�he improvements wriicYs i-nLa.s� be , const�:uct�d i� o�cier far the `l'riangle t.o acl�i�tpe ��xild-out . i � � � � � � A� � 1R�comm�nded improvem.�rats i.nclude th� vaid�n�.n.g o:E `72r�d �,nd � J�artmouth t;o 5 laz�es, W1C�E3I1.111C� 99�1 �a 7 Ianes, ex�er�.dinc� arar� widening Atlanta to 3 laraes, ac�ding � signal� within th� l�'].a.3.1C�3.E,, a�xd rebuilding the 72nci/H�.ghway �1.'7 intexc�ang� . As set fo�tY� in Mr. Hendryx January 2 , 1596 lettert �'�vex� rriear� v,roul� be n���ecf �£ tr�ie Triangl_e was Pnt�rel�r dPSic�nat�d for comme�c:i.a1. �zs�s , " 7005061?. 1/29/96 2:27pm '�ig�rc� l�lar�nz.r�� � ier�ion ��.nuary 2 9, �.�!�� ��c�e 6 Can�I.ueion Changix�c� the Gampr�h��a���.v� Plan c���a.gn�ta.dn o� FhaZ L��r�.� �rizoc�l fir� �:otnm�x�cial C�nera� w�.�.t a��1.�3. �.ddi�a!ox�al �ra��ia burden� � �a � �tr�e� �y�r��ear� tk�at is a.n.�.d�quate trs �.cc�oa�nmadat� �.�ae ex�.s�ir�g ��I �.�nc�. ur�� d��ign�f:i���. Tt��:�efor�, th� applicaxzt' � requ��tc fcar a Camp��M�n���x� Plan ch2�r�ge ahould be den:�ed. Ver truly ��� � ( � ���,// / \ '.f� �-�_--�' r nougla.s V. Va.n D�lt � � BtJV:�g' ac s i�iike Rola�.r�sora (�/enc o ) Gor,�dox� �. M��C:in enc a E�c. � : ODOT, Tic�ar�d �ra.angle .Ar�a T�af�ic Circulation .Anal�rsi� l��c. 2 : '��.yn� Ki�t�lso±�, `�iga�� Tr.�angle Traif.�c An��.y�ia (Augus� 20, 1.985} (�r/ ao�r�r :Letter ta ODO�') Ex e 3 ; L�tter. , J��me� N.D?. Ii�n�.ry�c:, �a�eci. Janu�ry �, 199� EF?�o 4 : K1.��@�.�'OTI �'c .�iSBpC 'l�.�E'"-v', �T1C. e 'I'7C'ZI'1.9�G�T:�cZ�.:�.021 TiTlpa.Ct Study�. Tra�--C�unty Cer�ter (July 19��) Ex, 5 : Aff�davi�. af Gor�on �, Martin Ex. 6 : D�S ��socia�es, Ti���d Tria�gl.e �Upda�e Studlr 'I'ra,ffic .Axialys�_s (�fa�r 1995) (�lac�d ira �ECOrc� b�r ��aff) ,go5g���. 1 29 96 3;29pm � �p �. � rve� q \ .• • n � 9 �$ � � � � � �� ' � . �Ge R� � � � � �en ,�� , -- � s�s�P�a. �. y, O� �8�8'4� �m'w �a4� � ��� p� ow� cIDe � e y.� �ap� �� 6�oeCAA � a •4 � 0� �� � • 9 � � �` 'q �'�' B 4� � °��� $ ° °'�l � : j� ��d �°_. �$��PReG� 'WSrv00Y qgy� `� °�*a�e ee � E _ . a �e°„�, � � �y e v 4�'����Ai� � �m �� x� , D���i�`���NT �� � � `�,�.'° , � ��, `�°���IS���°T�TIC�N � ��"� I �J� � ,I R����n �r�� °Sc���p�rt�tt�n �i.�����d� l.�raOR � ' � . a � �� �v�9y �5�� � � I . ��t°°�1�1°�' � ��_ '' . I � I __ __ i ti ! , � a , \ ( �rc�R� �y�a��L� 7'RAF�IC ��RCUL�TIA� ANI�[�YS�� JULY I9£�8 � � 0 s�. � ORfGON DEI�ARTt�kN1� OF i`RF!ldSPA�TATI�N � REGION QNE �`RA�SPQRTATInf� ANALYSIS UHIT' � MILWA�9lCIE� �REGON � � f'� I � i � � _ _ __ � � . I . � � I I �`���� �� CCIhl7'E�il"S ��, • � . ���� �I, IN�'R�I�UC7'I�Fd. , a . .�e . m . � one . o ,aa. o . .m EXi5TING C���ITff�0NSa4o . oy, . 00 . . . , . ows � .am, wp ,. . > e, . aseo , tl <� I �����ca�� ���v��. a . o . o� . oe . . aaoa . . o . . , wa. eoo. . . a . o . oeaa, . o�. '� ���� ��sig� Y��r��r�r�c���ano .aeav .. o. ea. . .. ao, .aema. 0000sa� 'I �'�a1� �3�v�'l�pme�� F�tF��as�om . o. so.. . 00,eeoe .o . e ° aa . ..eJ �9IA�,l�A°�Id�9 aF �A��p�RTATION NE��S. . . . . , a n m e o , � , e , v. a mg I � aaaaoe Add��7���1 Ac���s fr�m �a�tr�caa�t� �� Nallo ,� . eo . , . ea .< eaooe� �I � �dd°i�iaar��l A�c�ss w��h N�aa Ir�t��s��6���g�a<, >o , o 0 4 e o. , a o , o a o�4 �Ui�4,4RY �PdL3 Cd�GLl�SI�NSn e o q o . e , e o a � � . .Z� %I��'6�����lE�°C5 �E��El� Af�� REC�f�lME�ll���T�����'RA�i�a o ,o <o e o . a o o A a�.7 , LIST QF FI�URES � ' i I F�gure 1 V�cir��ty �l��.e„ ooQ �... . a . ..e„ � o> ao .a .. . e, � a . .2 I � ' Fiq�re � �tudy Ar�aoa o. m. . e. ., .9 .� ,. . o ..00 . a .'�a3 F��q�r� 3 �.987 AM/FM Pe�k �t�aur�V�1 t�rt��s. , . a e. . . . . e . . e . . a n .. .5 �ig�ar� 3A 19�7 Av�v°age Week�ay Tr�ffi�mo . o , . . o . � , . . .a , , .oe.6 Fiq�re 4 Traffi� Ass;gnm�r�t Z�nes. . mea . < eooae . 00 . . e .,, oe.7 Figtare 5 2005 AM/PM Pea� N�ur Tr��f�fic.s. . . . . < , . . . , . ,. e . . ot� . Figuv°� � 2�15 AMIRM Peak l��ua� Traffi�. . � � . . m . a . � . � .10 Fi�ur� 7 Saturation Y��r hMfPM P�ak HourpTr�aff�cm . a . . . � . ,11 �'�q�aw� � 2015 ,4M/P�9 Pea.k Flaur wi�}� New Ar:��s�m o o � e . . e .� � .1� � - F�igur� 8A Saturation �MiP�t Peak Nour ��th fd�w A�r.�ss.'ep . . .I3 Figur�� 9 ?�15 AMJPM P��k Hi�ur wi th New Ir�t�rcha�g�.o. e a ,.la • Fig�;we �,� Saturatian AM/AM �'eak Ho�ar 6�ith Ne+� �a�t�r�ha�ag� 15 Fig�ar� �0 Satura�t�or� Y�ar L�ve� ��' �erv��� a� �h�,jor In�ters��tia�se �xi�ting � �T� Sy�t�n. a < .,Ae , .7� �'i��r�e l0A Sc�'�4Y•�tion Y�a� �.����� ��' S�r�sic� �t M�.jc�r In�er°se�tio�s: �xis�in� � RT'P Syst�en � + Rec�mm�s�ded Sys��m . o . . a< ee. ewmoa . . so�. vo . o�g � APPENDIC�S A—�. ].987 Populat�on, Emp��s�n�nty �1i1d ��h1�1Q 'Frips �y 'TAZ . . A-�'L 2005 Papulation, EmplQyment� �r�ci d�hi�l� �rips 6y TA2 � A-3 2015 �op�alation, Empin„��mmerit3 and Y�h��l� Yr•aps �� TAZ � Am4 S�tura�ion Fopula��on$ Emplc��nn�nte �rrd Yeh���e TriFs 8� T�� � A�-5 Land Use By 7raffi� Assiqnmen� �one � B-1. Comparison ofi Capacity and Entering and Exitir�g T�af�'�a; �ar. 198�', 20059 and 2015 � �m2 Campari�on df 2Q�.5 Capacity an� Enter•ing �P1d �1�1$1ti,qe T�'11r'�'i� �a� � �Ct?f1c��^10S � Bp� Compa�'15(Dfl of Saturation Year Capacity a�d �e���rin� �nd �x��ie�g � Traff�c fnr° Scenarias � ��a - . � . � (\ ' T���� �Zl�t�t�LL� '�RA��I� CaRCU���'��� �ah��LYSIS , ��s�e 1��� TNTRQDUCT I(3N '� Sev�r�l �e���at traf�ic s�s�d��s �a�� �,�ie��d a���ss $a th� �'���ar°d �'�°��¢�gl� �a�d �il �aad� ��n�'I�d�d �:h�t ���r°� ��� �r��:��a�i�l ��sf:tar�� ��pac��� ri�f3�������s �� � �x�s�i�a� r��a��s ��adir�� t� ��ad fir��a �h� �°r��r�ag]�. ��t�r r�v�i��ir�g �h� �°�si���s �a�' �h�s� �t��di�s, �r�d ����� s��� �� �he d��i�i�����s ��u�d b� �rr s�at� ��� � c�sl��ies, ��� C��y �f Tzg�w� �equest�d t3�� Or���� �e��r�m��t �� T�°an�p�v����i�� � (ODOT) to ���dLi�t � s���,y t� d�t�rrr�ira� ���� ��t���� o�' �a�acat,� ��fc�i�r��i�s �s�c� ��v�lop r���nunendat��ns f�� i�pro�����ts. 7`�� s��d,y �n� �°e���n�ene9����ns ��1� i�ad to xh� �dap'�ion �� � �ran����tati�r� pla� f�� �h� Tr°iar�g�� ���aa ?'��� r�per� descr°ibe� the r�s�a��s �f the T�gard �'ri�ngi� Studyo F�r°��ast �r��°� f�ic ��1�mes w�r� prep�r�d ��ar° �he �ears �(�0� �nc� 20�5 ar�d f�i 1 d�v�i c�pm��� �sa�uv�atior�) t�ased o� �he �urr�r�� lan� �as� �1�r ��a �h� �r� �f�� Tri�ngTeo � r°�a commended �ransp�rtat�o� improv�rn�nt pl�n h�s 6�ert d�v��mped. Traffqe data for the �tudy is ar� exten�ian of the desigri yP�r tr���f�c data �►°ovyded t� the �ansul��n� hired hy OD07' �o d�sign %he imp��v�mer�t �o the I�5I2I7 Int�rch�nge. � i EXIST'IN� CONnIiIQNS �'i�� T��ard Trriangle s�u�y area is b�ur�ci�d b,y F�cific �iiyhwa,y Wes� �99'�) an the nvr��h, �ac�fic Niqhway (i-5) o� �:he ��s�.g �and the B�av�rt�n-Tigard M�gh�vay� (�17) c�n the sau�hwest. Ac�ess �o �h� Tr��r�g1e �rea i s �ir����d ��;f�ur �aj�r ���eefi;se 5�! 72►�d �nd SW 6gth �rom 99G1p t�aines R�a�d �o om I-5, .�nd 72nd ���n2 Hiqhti��y 21� near the sauth �n� af t�� Tria�y1�. . 1'fse T►�ianqle cont�ains of 367 �cres �f �evelopab�� 'lar�d. 0� t�ris9 �ppr�x�r�a��l,� 1f3� �cr�s �s c:urrent1y develQped. Yi�er� �w2 35.3 ��r°es r�siden�s��l� a�ned, alfih�uqh th�re are s�m� addi�9ona7 , gi�r�c��f�rm��g, resie��n�'6a1 aanats �n �osr�-� �ner~�i�1 and office zones, Retail deNe�opmenL- is �r~i�nt�d ta��rd 99�d, �xc�pt for �rv� c�mm�rca�l b�as- I ir�es�es aio�� I�5, the ��st o� tt�� �or�p�esad�n�ial d�ve��pn�e�t is �ffi�� ��d pr•es�ntly �ancentrated ira the so�th es�d o;' tE7e T��iangl�� Irr �.��7 th�r� ��r� , aPpr�xir�at�ly 2,�00 emplc��ees in the �wiangl�. S�s� ��ar 1�87 popu����o� and emplc�,yment fiqures are sh�wr� an ���e�dix �o The Ci�v of Tiqard is cJ�velopi�q plans �o r�ns�ruet� a s�ev� str�et t��tx���n th� i� Haines �oad Inter°chanqe on I-5 a�d 78�h Ruenc.�� a� 99�[. The str��t� a� �x��n� �i��a o� Dartmouth Stre�et, is �ltam���l� pl����d t� i�e ��aer lar��� �iti�s � ¢ne� di�n 3�ft turn �ane. It is to b� �onstr�ct�d �hrouqh � Lo��� ienpr�ve�er�� Dasp I �r�ct (LIDI . 1 �1 � � ��'�.••.�._._ - "�-16i�'�iafllF�a�a¢�tevlYem . � �9 k�'iO� ea v�ten r •�• 'ff � ,� �f�� ¢wuwc. �m Q �• ..w��.� ' a �\y, j�`4P t i ��fard$ 'Y; ��) !e MeBur _�op"�:�w,.e�e f� . ... . � � ✓'�•9 +� �.. �.b�St'JBw O' p .e. �w.,o� � ..ra.dS9' .,a..,. _°�� � � � �� ..✓ a,� a.�v.,..m .. _ ....a.�..lPi'��.. �.�° ��'.. �� 1p �� � �•0•Y. esaom ' B avtues�a&0 -^� � � wTnua�a � o r� � � E � � � s , � �:� �' a , �e� . °�,� �� � � e � y° �.. � �q �d' M � � �� . ��.. � «. �� a '� B 0 I �; yry ' 9 ��U � �R �..e..�a a � � ds vw RmanV �p� j)f� J(S � . i�*'am+ �y` �i�R1! Y ` �` �� r i � � � , s �,, °..4° I� '�„ g aae wnaaomRavu E g ta e�ao g @ x "'>, °,° $ � .�. � 9 � � .ti , ��d.. �---�.... �a .o : . Ovt32 � a �� • � �'P� ,�� � Te '� � t@v&� � �II O ��t - P� � Nidl�q • CttCS3rW x g Q � re4n . ma Pwfa/q y41P0 ppe� � I • 4n,,, Op� � PC4Ce9 9�� nm�c t P'�"°� i .^!'.ww�e�° ` � ��Jd"'�'� ��, \ �� c" e O✓ne \ i � � '' � 'y � pe* � � ^ r � r `t.� �,,�� �� �� qw ''�' �� � e � d,. v a �°§§��at''yqfesQt,+aa(� 1 y�' `+� / � �„. � �° � 4Z � au�'«q� w `u'�SRA�AS"CiT f -� ' / r a � � e. aeaar i <a\ A P� .�J` Yt�OP ayWiUkN V611fN '; �! '('� . 9 tl 1 � 1� CQ rl a+10 r � �. .... i p 4 W'° �� Q.LStU I�o..� �k4a`y�� � �` �IG: —1 �.o � m.° �ao° (3Swc00 � .o. �1'L.1...J1 t �,,, t9A:3cek64tlW CO o � � seII-�i Ea° ? ' f1 /"Z a,rp `e �tu: ✓ ` -� �,\,�t/ ��y ,nen, g Cap . ;� ' � � ,p• \,. �I '""''� b• & ".a�� ..,,�e ow�e . � � Ywu� 'M°°y'�w w G� e ,hv-- ,� .. •.ti° I '� E�A� Yo�/s P+ �' , �. I � � F a s � � W�9 � ,P� � �� ���.ys'rr �.enn �" � � d :�a �,b C�y � � e _. ._ .._..i' �� � � ,-. �—�S ; � ���c.�"–%;� � I � i �Q ' � � i w.... _.. 0q 'yd�',pq 'roA,a.`•ti ! �`, J " � P° I � � � cro� a-uQ� � ��•,`y '�A II � o �i � ' .1 y p... l �.,� _ ��aa.- 0 I � '� � I � � , � �,� � `� � � �� � _t � ConOr. � e` � il 88�8 � i�' � f,�«w�.q.•`, '\ . � t ,/� 1 ' \;. f 'vr`..w .y.g.,dn°L..�N v I n, � aw�ora�'i �B. s, � � `� --4• � � 1 , .1'3 g � s'� �� � � � e . !re e..MO e e� 8� ' t �' � �� i ;. �i�� � � � .. , \ �. f� �����I�� ��� • � � N, � �ae�r u, ,/ __. _____�.� __V.____�_ _______. _�..__:�._..._�....._..o._,.._.._.._, I � �I � a�. � � �� � �'. � t e � '��'"` � � ' � � ' °i r . � g f �au, , �� $,�� � � � f � 1 '� R F �� �� � ' � • . � � ' - � � r�� � � � ��. �e •o �, p °� �°� � • r �'� ! � �s, � � ��,€� ° �� ' � � � � t ��, � � �� �� � I�� � � � �� � � � �, �-- � � � � � � � � � � � ��� � �"° � i � ��� � «•�"�d ,� �, E�s9� 6�i.e1� �. eoa.a.�ta►s � E « �� � •P�,lA�fPp,}T ae�4oNl9 � �p � . � a � '�� ��`� e a9 � .e w� �°� a.� � i � �,�� .r ge �� � ro � q Jp k p �raS tm�V � � � �&Y'Y� �48.1 ��� � � g� �� �s,.�asaatia t � � � �a. � � S , ' � � °n° � Y � ���� ��` � � � � ti g ���''� a�d. � �a,��+' �4 � � � � �� � d�,�' � g � < a +�� �, 8�E'R�p A �, tc � e � ° � �. � c.��v � a��E�� w�a.�28 et�se `�i r' �� � s �a �� �i�.�,� ���BS.��� � 'L' -' °°a�'ras 1' y � r � ^ ��"�"� e .a � rs p �r � � � € � �, �• �� � � � II w �C�v3rs�w �+ �°°�°`�'°' � � � � � �� ��. < VAOae�@ • � 4�t etq Ce@�t �II � iCd4,�idqp• � � N9 e��' ��, I Plf+l t�oa� � L� � �a� , � � e. �e¢�Pei� bwe, ' � � a �q �� i �v 4 �l,,• °� �� a , _�; � � , ����.�� � � . � ����� ���� ��������d �� , � , : a� . � � � �`h� ���7 ��ak h�o.r� twaff'�c �aiu�n�s �n th� ��ar°r�r�t s���wark ar�e s���d� i� fiigure � 3, A��r°�,q� w��kday ��a�a�°fic ��l�c�s �e�� sho�r� ar� F��au�e 3A. 7'r�� t���� tr��fi� ����� �nt�r���s� �nd �x���r�g �h� 7'�^�an��� �s �1�20Q v�ia����� ��r d��» Tk�� ��a�l �f s�rvi�� ��n �he s��°�et� in �h� ar�a i� t��st �l���rib�d b� ar���yz7r�g t�O� desigs� P�our ��l�r�es, Th� c��siqn hr��ar Zs �a�u�l�� t�� � �c� 6 F�9 pe�k t�°av�l i��oara Q�a?��n� th� PM p�ak h��r tl�er� �r� app�s�x�m��ely ].3T0 t�i�s le��inq �h� Tri��q��o Th� ����tn�� ��p�ac��,� c�� t6�e a���t�s u�ed by �h�s� �r��s is 3�Un v�hi���s (se� �1pp��rd�x ��. '�h3� indicat�� that �here i� exces� c�paci�y ��o���� ��1� �t the r���s��,t tim�e F6R��,�S�' TRR��l� . '�he �ir°��a��#;ion stud,� f�r �the tri�ngl� �sas v��ia,�iv�i�° e��y �� d�v�3�p b��a�s� i �� �s a �el� def�ne� ar�a od�th f�w a�c�ss r��a�t�s. F1�st o�' �h� �r�ff�c c��� �h��� � �ra�a��s �a�� �wips d��tic��d �� ��� fro�n th� �`r�ianr�i� i�s�l� �nd ar�� not t�or��gh tr°ips> P'r�ciict�ans �f trips car�, ther°��or�, re�iably b� made �e�a�ase they a�e � �ir��tl,y s�e�ated �v th� pr°oduc��4n� �r�d �tfi�rac��an� avh�ch �s in tu�r� � �a�nc� ti�e� o�' tfie popu?ation and etnp'loym��� in ti�ae ar�ao �ar�cas�s df popuia�ion and ernp18yme�t were d�veloped using the best �s�i- mates �f �a�d that �ravld b� c�r��um�d by the years 2005 �nd 2015 and �ull d�m �e��Rr��n� �f tlip a�°ea, t�er: �xi:rapo�atang frcr� th� d�r�sities a11Qw�d an e��h 1z�nd ��e ca�agor� b,y •the 7�g�rd Comgreh�nsi�e Plan. ' Fut�r� highway n��as �v�re �va�uat�d �sir�q �the R�gion�l 'Cs��¢�sp�����ic�n Pla� {RTP� as the LaekgrQU�ci n�twnrk. 1'hP RTP is �n ado�ted tr°anspQr��tin� r�e�ranrk assum�r�q the h�ghway and tr�r�si� impr�ovements to �e made betw�er� n��r �nd ZOC�S n�c�ssary to �E�et 2005 �r�ve� e�emand. Ma;B�r R�'P pv�c�je�ts �hat may i�flu�r��� �r°av�l in �he Triangl� ir�clu�e imprave�n�n�s �a I�-� �etw��r� �he Snuth Tigar°d IntPr�i�a�ge �nd I-205, 6�lar�ir�g N•iph�ay 217� 6mlanlnq 99W T-� ta Greer�burg, �{�� �f�stside �ypass (g�5 i�� �9W), ��� rPeons�ru�ti�n o� �he I��/�?J7 Ie�t��°� charr�a�, wideninr� Scholls F'�rry Road, and imprpo<<em���s �o F�a11 Blvda I� �dd- itio�r, it 3� assumed fil�at the Dartmout� �tre�t extens��n, W�E7Ch '9S ��ing de-� � sianed by th� �it,v of Tigard, wi11 be in place t�y �he for�cast y��ro °fh� N�Ptr�opo7itan Serv�c� Qi�trici. �MME/2 �iad�i �r�.s us�d �o ass�gr� ba�kgr��a�d traf�ie �or the st��c9y area. Th� mod�l cont�ins �r11�+ o�e �raff�� �onp r��t8�in �h� '@�rian�le area, tf����fmr�, in ord�r tc� provide �;��e lev�� af detail r�quir�ed by �his study, t{�e a�°e� �vas svbdivid�d ic�t� I1 traff�c �ssign�n�e�� zo��s �TAZ) �s �f�own �n Fi�ure 4. � ,�. � � 20�.5 Desiqn Y�ar Forecast � �°' ��a~�cast 2005 traffic vniumes assigried �:o 'th� RTP network ar� shn�rn �r� Figur�� � 5e T'his tra«�1 �'orecast is us�d �nly as a benchmark and detailed a�oa7�sis evas � ci�t ►na�e for� �he �005 tra��i� vc�lume, Because �f t�e lag tim� ne�d�tl to de- a �elop pro,iects, a �raffic �orecast d�v��oped for �the year 2015 �so��d pwavide a uncar� r�alist�c 20 year desic�r� aolum� thar� 20�15. 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App�ndi� ��� sha�s �h� �ssiq��d t���fi� ar7d calc�iat�d �apa�iti�s f�� e��h af th� e��uraitt�d r����� a�� �h� ��� �°��at�a ' ��aiy��s i�di��t�s t�at this scer�ariQ �ou�d pravide �n adequa�� �rae�sp�r�a�i�r� � n��t�r�rk tu serrr� tr�ps b�th i� a�d ac�t �f �he Trian�l� �� f'�ail ae�eiopr��r�� 5d�UC'a�,�1tlTJ» N��r Ac��ss Ro� w��th 'a Fu�� �n�erch�n�c.e ��t 217 . �"�is sc��a�°i�s �s�u�res �he s�� ��l��1cG'�'IL�81 as i� tih� pr°�v�c�cas sc�ryar��o but �ith �r� int�r°��arrqe �vi�ere the �ae�r �o�n�ctian �ross�s l�i�h�w�y �3,7 ar�d �h� re�oval o� �h� 72nd/2�.7 Ir�t�r�hang� (S�� F�s�ures 9 anr� 9A}, The spa��n� b�twe�r� �h� �2nd and I�5 Int�rr.hanqes on Highway �17 is sho�°t, wi�t1 i�ss tharro �������f mi�� betw��n over°crassi�g �truet�r�s. R�rnnval �� �he 72nd In�er°eh�nge �limanates t�� n��d �a �f�r an �x��nsave cnllec:torldis�tr°ibutos° system Ar�aiysis af this scen�rzo an�ic��es t9�a�t s�me additi�nai te�affi�: �eaving �Pa� � Triangle �For I�5 s�uth w�uld u�� �he Haines Raad Int�r�h�nge r��h�r� th�n th� new 2�.7 intercha�Qe. This volume wo�a1d b� appraximat�l,y 250 �eh9c�e� dur�ing fihe PM peak h�ur. This v�aule� �,��ac� adc�3fii�raaT pre�se!re �n Dari:mouth yn th� I� I-5/H�9r��s R�ad Interchange a�ea ar�d aqGr�v�te � predac��d weav� pr�b�em o� �-�, , Th� �n�y ofiher diffe��nc� in tra`fic vUlssrn�s �e�weer� �his �e�d th� �r�vi�us scen�r�� is or� 72n� which would h�ve �r�l� an QV�Y'Ct'17SS7Y1g �nd no int�rchar�gee Anal,�sis �indi�ates that 'che �al�m�� �t the ��w ant�r�har�ge would �e �bout th� �I sam� �s they would b� at the ✓2nd/217 Interch�ng�. I Th� shart spacing prob�� on Hiqhw�ay 27.7 betwP�n 72nd and I-5 wh�ch ap��ears �� � � be solv�d �y the removal �f the 72nd I���rchange ►�ould s�m�l,y be moved to �h�e �9W/�17 Interchange. �r�aided �amps �r ars ex�ensive cc�ll�ctor/distributur sy- stem be�:wee� ti�e new �nte�~change and Nigh,�ay 9941 t�auld be r��re�s�r� �� �c�c�- I +arrgnodnt� an ir�tarchange in this l�cation. SUMMAR�' ANp CONCLUSIONS . � � � The �nalys�s of circuiation within the 7�iqa�d Triangl� was mad� �o d�velop a e� r�ecommended transp�r�tatio� plan �onsist�r�t �rzth �he curr�n� land use plar� �t � Fu�l dev�lopment and consist���t �i�h �h� pr°opos�d redesign a�f th� I-5l217 � in��rehanqe. Fu11 satur•atio� of th� Trianr�ie assumes 85X ��' th� land ��sul� be � f�ally o�cupi�de It was assumed t6�a�. #h� �riaragle �ouid be �only 59� satur�t�d � by 2005 and �g% sa�Eara�ed by 2015. C�srr�er�t deveiopmerit �ccupies 29� af �he � �o�a1 land avaiiabl�. � Araa�,�sis of the trans�ort�t�on syst�rri req�a2red �or• the 'Tiqard Triangle A�°�a revc�als �hat, �lthoua�h ad�q�ax� �ap���ity ►�a,y appea� t� �rist on th� 2015 �ys��, tf�� c�nstr�air��ts afi 99W aion� with th� �ocatiorr c�f �xistinq c^out�s 14 I ' � 8� ♦ � g�� �� �� �s��) �, . � �r��' ��� ��� . � � �� ��j�a� y M v °��� �' �� � -� ' ��� ������ ° ( ��soo�� `" a�„��� i � �-i��r .�'�3 ���t��$ � �,� �400� ��'��"°�� �' C"��°a� � ��� � � �� ��� � � ��,� � � � � � C��� ��'�°� ��� �a �� Dac�mo�th � . �Z�) � �'J � �� `�. � � � ,���.'°� �.�,p�' � � � °�1 ca� t,' � �e�^ . Y� '� �� � .-a'�s �,..� W p �'� � � � .s�,�� • ez, y � '� .� � .� � �°��j�� �° '�� �� � o ,p ° 7 `J r'BO �g"�, �6 � 1���f ��� �� � ��dl1�9�R ��, �� ' I .?�`pj �.� e�° � �x,� ,��°o °,x 'r�`� � � � � d�� � ���� � �� � � ,-��, `� �� �e� �`� e�� �—��. • `- �,� �',� I�i � 3 .. � ��� � ��� � �� 01 � -•. � � `� ����` s�'�' � � � � � � � �i'� � � .��� . .�� �� ��� ° � � � �� � x�x a�� � cx����:� � � ��� IIn ���l� ., . 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It a� �ls� �������v . . ��n� �ith a� �p�i�� f�� ������k�r S�r��� �m�������� far ��� T�5���7 ����r� �h�n�� d�sig�e F�������r S�r��t ����d �� ��4°��d b� �h� ��w ��u�� �nd ��� �i�- f��u�t �o�n���i�� b�t���n i���rchan�� l�gs a� �2�� c�u1� �� eli�i��t�d� � �h� �e� Hiqh�ay 217 �nter�ha��� s����r1� �s �i�3la� t� �h� a1����a���W� d�� , scrib�d ab�v� �x��pt �h�� the�� wm�ld �� a� i�ter�ha�g� �t th� ��� �r�s�an� '� ���la�ing t�,� 7��d Int�rcha�g�. 7he �r�bl�� �ith ���s sc��ari� �s ���� th� ' pr�xi��t� �f th� 99W�21� I���rc��nge ��u'Jd r�q�ire br�ided �a�p� �r �� �����w ' si�e c�l��ctorldis��ibutor sys�t�me A�sar ������� �f �h� t����i� a�� th� ���- ', �l�pm��� ryat��rn i� t�� ar��, ther� �ota�d b� s�r�a�s ���bi�s �ans�����i�g �he !, yn���c���q� a�d th� as�mci��ed col�ect�r/d�s�rib�atn� systen�o The b���f��s ��� i si��la� t� �h��� �� �he "�rossang a���,e s����r•ooe N�w���r, �s � d������fa�, ��� tra�fi� �ou3a b� added �� �art�o�th a�d �ai��s R�ad� a�d agg�av�te a praj�c�e� ���v� ��abl�m an �-5� � ���R�V�����5 �����D �N� R��Q��C���� ���E �R�3E I �D���m����z Str�et sha�ld be ���s����t�d as s�on �s possible td prau�de �dd�.� ', �����s �Q t��� Tr����g`��u I, ��;� 1��6Q 72�d b����e!� Dar��u�1� �t�d so�a�h af �iqh�ray� 2�? sh���d be arnp�°�v�d �, ta � 4wiare� rta�ad�ray wit4� a median lcft turn la�e ar�d righ� tur°n ��rn la��s at I �na.7�r i�t�r5e�t�ranso � I ��,y th� ye�r 2C3I0 �w when d�veloprnent o-e����s �ppr�xi��t�7y �Q p�rc��t a�' I� t8i� d����opm�nt pc�t�r����� � r��►� ����ss, �i��i�v� �v�r� €�r� und�r Highvday �1�, c�nnec'ting tU t��nz�k�r Stre�t and ��al l B�ul�v�r�d €��st �mn��ru���d. � °�'3��s� �rr�prov�n��»�s wi� l serv� the �r�� �or t4�e fu�� d�v�1�p��r�t a��' �6�� Y�g��� � i ari� �ase pl ar�. 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I���j "� �1T�� T��� �°I�4�. g e� ����� � �XH��17__�_�'' �' : �A�� _-- �� _ � . : . � • • -"rn�,k!?a'�:t,. �s �,.� — - �— . _�. �,, �� � � � - �.�..... ��0��� � � �a�,--...�.�. w�, ' J��,��� �, ,s�s i � T� ������ [��ar�rop�rty C7�n�r/R�s6d�nt: . � ,�°� �I °i'hh� ��yrar a�d �if� counci! req���t�d that I pr�vid� y��a with an up��te �f ti�� �it�r'� ��fc�r� �����r�i�� , pi�r�nir�� i���ae� a� the �"ria.ngfe. Signifi�n# p�ogr��� h�� b��r� ��d� �� se�e�r�l 9�su�;� ��'�ctia�g Rh� �°ria��l� t�ver t�r� I�st ye�r and rr��r� �viil b� ���rrpl���� ir� �� ��x# year. �aty ����F �or�tin�a�s t� w�rk tc�wards f�ndir�g 6and us� �olut�e�r�s �hat m�et Yh� ne��i� �f pr�p�rt� ��rner�v�i�i6� �$iil ���:t6s�q t�� 3nt�re�ts e�f stat� ��d r��i��a! �g�nci�;s. �e�rn wil! b� ad�p�ing tt�e 20�40 �,�s�c�pt r��� �h�rtl} as�z� 1���1 juris�ic�ti�r�� w6fl h�ve �p�roxirr�ateiy fvva �� f��ar y�ar� to �m��d t��ir compr�h�nsi�� pl�r�� and zor�ia�g co�le� tc� cc�nfo� to 4hi� nev� r�gic�nai plan. 'Th� �I�°s �vii9 b� �ske�l i� F�br��ry ar�d N1�rcP� t� ��Ip detet-tnine hca� b�sx t� �ro����! �i#E� it�pi�t�n�nfir�g f�e#ro ?0�0. �re Mwy 99'dV T��� �carc�vuill b� rt���ting bef�r� 4h� ��d cf F�b��ry t� r�vi�vv pc�tcr�tial sol�tis��� tc► �cam� �� th� tra�� pr�bf�m� r�es 3�4rvvy 99V�f. Work c�ntinu�� �n impleme�tir�� d��ig� stand�rc�5 f�ar comrn�rcial �nd offi�� d�v�lc��rrst�nt. f �xp�ct th��t he�rings will b� sch�eiuied fihis caming �p�ir�� befor� kh� pi�nning commi�si�n ar�d c��n�ii fe�r a�#i�n on any r��va d��ign �t�r�s��r�s. �� g�l�r�nir�� c�rt�mi��i�r�, �n Ja��a�y 22, 1996, �ri!! �� re��rnr��nding g�a ���nGil erut��t ��ian �h��ld t�e t�ker� �� the �chcsai DisYri�Y �ppli�ati�� �� Gh�ng� th� I�nd vs� deWign�tion for tti� �'hi! Lewis �chooi. `1"he rall�n�ring is a brief'��atlir+� af what ��s h;�pyaen�d durin� 4h� p�s� year�nd en�ha7 fhe �;i�y intends f� �o this y�ar. NI�TOF�Y ,�� y�� v�ril9 ��cald, in Jan�sary �f 19�5 th� cify c���e�cil vra#ed t� d�ny � �ity-initi�t�d compr���e�siv� plar� �rra�nde��nfi arrd �or�� �d��n�� t� r�z��e �8 ���e� �o �l�dium-MBgh R���den�iall�-25 (3�'.4 �cres) and C�mmercial Prnf�a�iar�al/C-�' l,20.6 acres). Tfi�� rou�cil Iat�r r�qs���t�� gh�f �t��ir�ve�ti��i� fih� p��si�ii9fy of r�de�ignating �II r�sidenti�l �reas to comm�rcial. I� order tca can�id�r any cc�mpr�h�nsiv� plan �m�ndm�n�/rezc�ne, i� must b� d�t�rmirasd tha� specifi� c:rifeii� �r� ni�fi. �h��s� criteria ��cfud� finding� th�t adequat� public faciliti�s �xist to ��pport �hh� pdtentiai land us�s allowed by th� ��w zo�ing d�sie�nati�n. L�n� r�ajor �at�bli� fa�ili6y i� th� tr�r���o��ti�s�� sy�tesrr. �3���us� th� transp�rt,�ti�n �y�f�rr� must supporh the n�w I�r�c� ���s, the city carnmis�ir�n�d � crrnpr�h�nsiv� s�uciy �f the Triangle ar�a. Ti�e crar�ic sfudy �va� cernpl�ied in M�y by DKS A�so�iate�. Tne purpose oT tt�is analy�is vv�� tc� � d�Eermir�e �R�� irn��c�� #o the trar��pc�s��#i�s� n�f�o�4c in an� ar�und th� Triangie i� the i�nd is d��a�lc�p�d � Gornmercialiy. T�� 4 t�dy ��aund that if thP Tri�rigle b�aild� out �s c�r�er�fil�+ �llovmed, th� raad �yste� ���i� �° nat h�n�le the incr���et� traffic. �fh a chang� i� ianc! �se frorvi r�sid�nfii�l t� cammerci�f, 4h� fP�f�i� �2 y.. pr�bl�ms wc�uld b� more widespr�ad. The �tudy c�nclud�c� thaf under c�.�rr�nfi lar�d u��s, � �u��tail�i�E �' �rer�eant �f tran�perrt�tion ii�npr�ve�ner��s v�re�l� k�� n��d�� Y� aG��rr�mca�i�t� th� build out o� t�� T�i�regl�. � � R�GOrr�mended im�rovem�nts incfud� vaid��in� 12"� �r�d C7�r��n��ath �o � I�n��, �e+id�r�ing 9�V�€t� 7 l�n��, � �xt�nding and �id�nin� Atl�nt� ta � i�nes, a�ding 4 aigr�ai� vvi�hin �h� T°ri�ngie, �nd r�b�ilding #�� � 7�"`�/hlvv�/ 217 int�r�h�nge. �v�n eriare wro�.ild b� n��c��d ifi 4h� Tri�ngi� was �n4ir�ly d�:�agro�t�d for comrr��rc�ial u��s. Th� city wiii eval��t� th� Pu�l9c Fa�iiiti�s P�f�n �aithi� �h� nexfi y�ar �nd d�fi�n�ir�� th� n������r� �h�ng�s tcr recogniz� existing tr�r�spertaticar� re�d�. T�AiV�P�i�T°ATiC�N Th� T'ri�ngle is surround�d bv th� st�te transportatio� f�ciiiti�s �f!-5, 99W, ��d Hi�h�v�y 217°. A� a r���s9t, any��iit�c� �h�t h�pp�r�� is of r�gi��al sig�ifi��nc�. ���te ar�� r��gi�r��l a�er�ci�s ��v� �xprs���d ��nc�rrs 73726 ��i H�11 8lvd„ Tiqard, �JR 9722� (�03) b39-4171 TUI7 (��13) �58d-27�2 ----°�- �;, .�: , , `�' , abe�ut r�cl��i�gt���i�g t4�� �r�� t� rn�r� °s�et�nsi+�� d�e�d a�s��, ick� ����+���i�i ��v�I�p��t�E< St����r�f�r���� . t� m��� �vith 0��3�°, t�� ��par�rn�r�� ��' L�nd ��n��rv�tir�r� �nd C3�v�d�p�vt�sot, ��d �#�tr� t� �t��t��� th� 3��a��� �nc� i�pli��t��i7� th�� �,�� c��n�� t� i��d ����r��id ���� an �d�����t ���t� r��d� ��d ���� �r� b� ���� t� i����s� theas� i�p��t�. � '�� �ifjr �����ii a����r�ted � hl�+ssy �91�0'i"��k ����� f��'����k �t �I��r���i��� @� +�dd��l�� ��� 59�,'. Q�er t�� 9��� y��r, �t��h�s b��r� ��ricin� �;�i� � Y��f�� ��n��i���� �v�i���in� ��i��i�� kr�ffi���°��al�m� �r�d �����t��! ��I�af�a��. A �r�#� c�p�rk o��� ��mp��t�d thi� ��ii. �� r���r� �i�! �� pr������d �� Qh� "��.�� ��r�� �y ��r���ry. 'i"h� r���r� in�i�d�� r������r��l�ta��� arz fraf�3c sig��� 4irt����g ����ti��r� ir������r��r�t�, ��d gccni#ing p�v�t� �c��ss �A�r�g th� higf�way. . P���res 6� ��r������i�g pf�cim� � g�� f�x rrre��a�r� ��fc�p� €�� ��g��� �� B�� r��l��, p���Bbly �i��i� �h� ���t y����°. �����a�� �i��� thr��agh 2h��a� ���sdc� fu�d s�ps����rn�c�f� t� r�g��r��l r�a��� �r�d bs�dg��. City �t��F h�s b��aa w�rri��s�r� vaith fvt�t�� t� o��s�d� ��v�r�i r���� tt��R ��rv� �g��d. l����v������ th�i� ae� ��ir�� �t�fR�Bf��f'�� it���€1C�� 4I'1� 9��1�97 ir�ter�t�a��g�, iisni��d i�pro�enw�nts �� H�y 99�l, ��d wid����� p��ti��� �f �2fld������, a[I �sf vvhici� �r� saabj�ct���r�t�s��p���v�l. ���i�N � T'h� c���s�iE h�� �xpr����� ir�te���t �� ir+�p��oving the d��i�� �f r�t�rt��r�i�6 d�t��l�p�t���t� i� tf�� �°r��n�l�, wh�th�r�r no4 4�� r�sid�ntia! p��p�rti�s �r� r���n�d. �t�f�b�g�n � d��i�� g�Id�4i�� �tr�����r��rrs��rci�f d�v�ic�pm�rtt irt ths T�iangi� I�st Jsaly, A d��agn fe�t�are� vv�rk�t���a �a►�� ��dd ffc�r t�� I���i r�sid�r��� i� Augi��� at t�� Oreg�� ��u�ati�� A�sociat�on ��fic�s. l'h� r��u�ts af this v�ork�hc�� w�r� r��i�w�� �rrd ���I���d �nd we�l b� �a��c� a� on� �o�r�� ir� dr�f�i�g �od� �ta�qd�rd� ��� n��+ ��rt�rn���i�l d�v�6�����af �r� th� ��ra��dea t���e d��fi��d, th� s�����rds �i6i b� r��i��c�d in � �����d pubii� �r�r����p �9��r� t�� diff�ren��� betw��� th� e�isting an�4 �roposed staridards �v91f b� �xpl�in�d ar�d �haw� gra�hi��lly. �oli�v�Er�g �h�� rr��etinr�, st�#��rill pr���r�t ti�� �r�pa��d �far�da���, �itl� �ny m�difi��tioa�� r�sul#i�g f��rr� th� s�c�r�d work�hop, ta tl�� pl�r�r�in� com�nissi�n a�d city council. ���°r��tfy, �t��f i� �c��king �# �g�ing � ; �czn�aalta�t t� co�plete 4h� stc�dy �y thi� ��mi�g �urr�rn�r. � aU6-I�C�L �i�`�'O�I�T I ia� �3�v�rr�b�r, th� Tig�rd-7'taal�tin ��#�a�l �istrict Suhrni�t�d its �pp�i���ic�� ��e � ��rnpo�h��°��'sv� pl�n � atr�er��m�n� to �h�nge �h� l�n� a.�s� d�signatinn on ia� site �l�ng 72"d ,���r��� t� ���er�! �carnrr��s�i��. � �ify �t�ff�ili evaluat� thi� requ�st �����dir�e� fi� fht cr�t�ri� (��t�d in th� ��mpP����sivg pl�n �r�d pr���nf i$s r�cr�rt�rr�enclafinn tea th� p9�r��ir�g ��mt�i��ie�n ��e J�nuary 22, 19��. I�vvii! th�t� �g t� th� ��t� �o�r�cia �e� i, ����uary 27. I I V1lt-�A�"� �l�XT? Th� city v�rii! ��r�tin�� �,�c�rkin� w�ith f�rtetr� �nd ��0�'te bs°i�rg �b�ut t�� b��� (�ang-t�rm plar� f�s th� Tr���gp� ', th�i b�n�fi�� �h� �r�a r��ident� �� w�l9 �� ath�r �i#y r��id���� �ne� ���r� ��F th� �r��. 1°� ����rt���i�i� t�i� ' � go�l, �h� �ity ir�t��d� t� i,nl< it� ��tie�ns v�ifh th� ro��d t� impi�m�r�� �h� �letra �04� pl�e� f�r�h� �r��. "�� � 'T�i�r�gl� i� ���igr��t�r� i� tt�� 2040 pla� as � m�ixe� ��� �r�ploym��� �r��, �i�ich i� i�t�r�d�d t� r�ai� • �„ ��mm�r�i�l, lig�t indus�rial, and r��id�nti�l �se�. P�� this p�int, �i#y �4a�€ z� ��r���g ��ri�h M�tr�a �o � det�rrr+in� vvh�at rr�dx �f ua�� wil3 Av�nt�a�l9y b� �Il�w�d. ��t�fr� i� ��h�d�f�d �� ��s��l��� if� ��rk �� �p�r�g � �f 1996. �"�� city wi11 t�en P��v� 1� r�ae�fh� �� �mpi�r��rrt �ampr�i�e�si�� pi�n �nd d�v�d��Fn��t ��d� � � �h�ng�s. � .�a lg yau have ar�y queatic�n� or�arnment�, pleas� c��I ��y�Aai�n� �r rra� �� 639�41 T1. �i��erely, . ' � ,�d°�,� ���i "�r�' C�� ���� ��l�r��� �J.�. t �nr�r�� ���rnu�ii�y ��v�loprri�r�t �ire�t�r tr�t�u�2.ite i � I ( � � � � � � � � xi � � � � � ��� ��� � �°r�r����r��°���n �r��a�� ���c�y� �. �� � �'', j � � � I'�� �� � !, � ! '� �����9, �r���� ', ,� :_ _ � , , , i�4�� . � ' �, N, t �pf� %eJ f'- . ' ' 'i vs�� 4�ur a . . . ... _ �i SS`y T:,' .. �', �� "�.�t1.�.:- ._ Y a✓a. �i �� (4'� • b �'�'�6.. �i5� . r � �I (�''VS'_ . . � `� i ���:��ri • ti�� ...tdoi � ... . ow �'-d�r::' I Z z fi �Sl.��(F . ��� . . I W y� T 4'i!��y'f'Y��' . . Y; a�"°(��:y�'f �:. �'� �j�;jk,�j� ' � � �t C�,r �.� ���"�t�� . ��-i ... ' , s t �,�n �wf 1>��}n... ���¢d�w.: ,a � ti .- {� ,*s5{er �'g�r � n � . a t��: �L �4�VY,]!�1`� 7�,����`• . :u � � �� �.��:� �� ���r� y M Q S��,. .i ..7� . ���1j1.��Jf'� �}�' �` �`TM1� '. '1 a' Rr w,�' l � � F z,��q �.��� �: � �, ���k�� �� � }� �; +, E�- .z����� �� A�+� �.� r �u::��: �:w'.��';r'..'YdsSl;�� ��`�S ���,!i ?�, 9�� 'I �c :uw 5 r y�y � '� Jt 1 � �TF�� '� I d� H ' WN � � { �5�(f,t�'' �(� �fk{� ��"�fA'��l ?� �I Nd � , ti° ��4i1�l.�.�aAd� . I � _.—__ _ -- B }'�; ,. I � '�w � � � �� � � � � �" � � � �°r�r�����#�tia� �l��r�6��.�Tr����� �r°a�����r��g `F `�> � � 'y �\ :� , 1 � i ������ II 1 � � �� ���� ���� � i � , I � il _ _ . _ _ _ �__ �i , �. � I � � � � �'r�s°3���������� � . Lr��+��t ��ta��r � . I , � . �'��� ��� � ���°� � � ���r�9 ������ e . : p������a ���: ������ �. ���� ��. � . . � Pr��s�r�+�9 b�e: i61�'t:�9�c�n � �►sa��8�t��y ir��. 6'ii� �'W �Id��, st�i�� 7t�C3 � �'�fa.�c9, �3{� �?�L�s � (�ca�} ���r���c� � F�rnjec#10�4.�1 ' � � � .��.cB�O '0���3, � � � � � . � �0 . (:9 � �� � � �CFB��t°� � � ,�`;. t-'� � '� . . � ... . � . . � .. � -. � � . � . . . ���� . � . . � . �°.+�1' �l���w�I9��91f� ' �.».�...s•b-.�.a.�,� �'�b�� �+� �o��f�r�°�� �� � � ° , ���������� . . . � o , . o . . . . . . . : . . . . . � ����� � I���c�m.��Ic�e� . . . . e . . , . . e . . . . a . . o , . . . . ;3 ���n � �xi��i�sg���a�4d�fi�et� : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ����sn � ���4 TP�ff$C �6Yi�]�C9f t�P9�iEgl�9� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i� ���'��� � �f3°if1 l"ra�fic G�rad��3�rr� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ��' ���ti�tn � �ar��I��ion� �rd ��comrri�nda4ican� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . �� ��cti�a� �' ��f�r�nce� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �� �����n�98x E� I �..�es�E �f�a�ac°v@c� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �"7 � � i � i � � � , ' � � � . � � i � I�I � I � � , � � KISt�l�on��l���iat�s, �rr�. . � 1 ' t 1� ��g� , I T��s�3�P 9.let�P�tb�PJ I �i�# 4�f ����r��� I� . ����, �������r� . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . o � �'�ga�s� � �a�r���� Ora���rv�a��ar�Y���rd A���ssa��s� ����'��9d �,.�ne �or�fi��r��ion . . � I a ' I ��gr�r� �� �§�e� f�f�.n� e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . �� �i��r� 3� �it� €�I�� i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� 1� �Igaer°e � Tr�iga Do��ttL��n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '9� ��ga�w� � 9��4 F�.IV�o ���k 6�iw�s�°��.�C�gr�ura��'raffla�JoBu��� , . . . . . . . �'� �3g�N°a� �3 �6te-�ener���d �.fvB. Peak H�aur T�r��i'ic . . . . . . . . . . 1� �ig�r� 7 19J�a Total P.M. �sak Flour 1°r��F'ic . . . . . . . . . . . . . �'� �Q���� 6�6 ��n�tr�ia��d Si��G�r��wate�d F'.F�1. F���4c Hoe�r Tr��.f�� . . . . . . . 2� Fi�a�s°a�'�A �89��ic�tal�c+n��al��d P.M. Pe�1c Hcstsr�'raffia . . . . . . . . . �� Frgaaw�ee � �C3'4C3'Tc��rd"fr9ar�g0� S�a�cific/�,r��a �iar� L.ac�e �r�r��g�ra�i�ea . . . . . �°� ��g�a�°� 9 201�3 To�ai �.tvi. P�ak h9our'Tr�ffic 4'ole�mes . . . . � . . . . . �0 ���� �`� ���f�� '�'s�k���s 9 Projectoc9 Wee�sday T�ip t,��ne�ra�iQn fo�the �+rUp�s�r1 �it� . . . , . '��4 'T'�F�I� � F��tc�r�19�4 P.M. P�ak Hour I��;v�l of Servi�� (iViB�igat�ci) . . . . . . 1£� 'P'�&�8� 3 �'raf5� �i�n�l l�V�rrant.Analya6� �4s�umi��Tot�l 1�9��°r�f�ac Vai�rr�s . . �� `�'���� � ��9� �rsr�s�ra's�sd C�paci�+ �.avr�l a����ic���r F�r�J��t�'r��'fi�,Vs�lurr��s 2� '�°�alala� 5 ��.�tua�� ���Q P.I�i. ���6c i°iour L�v�l �f�ervi�� (�lii�c,�.'a$�dj . . . . . . �1 T�bl� 6 Traffia �ianai Warrant�,r��@y�3�/�ssurriia��Tcat� �CriO Tr�fii�VcaW�ar��� . . �� ; � Ki2tels�n c�A�soci�Ca�, Jn�. !i :c p n,�-0;" "s'r� ;� �.._ =.¢:,, �,a,, �,y�'},.. ,�� � ,zw:. r. s x a . . . . . . ca..� .z�e.�, ��a �� "��� l .3's � ���S rs�t - ..�i �` �: ±�..��x? �5�{.n?� ��cf�.°.� � _ ' � ' � c'-` .T"-+�'T. c*".,..q„^e•�C Z , � -�'.' ���� �a'.:.r+K�t�y'.t. � � 1v � -'c Fw fi)T i�12a'T �1r��" 1 ��� ' � .�� �'�J� 4 •�'I' n- i .,E- N . " . .' t�' ?'Y2LCj,� ��•(�`�Cjti9 . .��T� L-« . . a. ,.. .. . _ . � . . - •`h � ' .. 1 . .F� y J. . ��h,� .l'�� 4 . � r .�P,1�. �e��.�i"� ���`'� �. `'��'`� E � .�.t �, 3..' . ... .. . . �4-c. `�"'�.��'J� s''�uin�f�"�i�" �.rx tr � ��,. 7,L` � ' . . ' .'x ,.# s3 ���J. l.y ���� �+'� . L_y >T.S . " " '.i � �.b.�C` '�7' . � y�,r�,.�..,y.� i�,-��, . � ��l�i:., .r� �S�-c4��� ' �ia, ��'S,�y . . . .-.. . �� .>-.�t.�.-+°- ,3,.,..,,:ii`.rc;:�s �aG�:�'� �.'������.1'`� �7 � �. ..- � e�"4 � � � � � � � � �[ � � � � � • � � . � � �dd i �y I � i� li'i �I i� 1 - I ! h . � ' II � � qe.a. . se�v_ �saa�' Vm17iSi' '8�P � � � �` �' � � _ �� I '' ti6t�i 9�� �° �x�aatAve��a� � . • ������v�'� ��� � � �'i '��-�e�t���'���ce�i��p�a��sse�l r�t�a���n��r�✓ith pcoc�r�cz�all�32�,IQ0�ro�s s�aa��f�et o��l��ar �� �°��.�aa �s��e se��at��ast��'�h� �ighway�� �'�st (P°�����e I�Tf���a��/L��trr�c��rh S��c�t i�te���� I �is��a fl� �I�� ��gy mf'T���.�d, �re��n. '�his s�udy incic�d�d a� �valu�tec►n ��th� traffic irs�p�c�� frcam this� prr�po��c� d�v�Ia��axe�ce ��c� resuit�d in Y�� ffa�llawi�� �'ir�d��t�s: � � ��th�rue ta�� ��caj�r,t, l��at d�cluc�ix�� a�dj����nt de��l�p��u�ts, e�e� �a����s�ctg�s�a c�f ��txncauthl�ii�t�;��y 99�'vvill m�e�at��t�ag�ci�y durin�the�riei��l u��ekday p.an..p�al� � ��ur period. kc��°ehis r��sa�a,th�iex�pr+�vez��nts e��a��a��y�9�ic��ntafi�d'an e&t��'a�ard � '�'rz��a�l��p�cn�'ic �,r�a�'lan shc�u�d b��°�a�ded ar�d itnpleen�€�ced as 5ooz�as �SOS�abl�. !-��� e�th�r �t�udy �r�� ir�t�r���tion� v�ri11 ope��t� ae �.cc�pta.ble Iev�Is c�f se�ra��. � � �Vitt� th� addieion o� si�e-gen�satea� tr�ffic fr�in gh� pcc�pos�d d�v�l�pme�t, th� nr��ers�ct��r�of I�artmouch/72e�c� Avenue vvill r�quir�si�n�.lflzation u�.d�r proj���ed 1994 conditia��s. � o A r�vi�v✓ �f the twa currene site plans indicat�s that the pr�posed sievelopmene �Ill ad�qr�ately address the �ollovvi�a$: , � (a) �r�visinn nf'sufficien� thraat rl�peh �t th� �.ccess dxAV�w�ys. I � (b) Mireicnizatian o�int�ractior� betv�v�en c�.storn�xs an� d�livery or ser�ice � � vehi�les. I (c) �'rovis�az� of a suffici�nt nucnber of sit� dr�v��rrays to disp�rse the si�e-;�n�rated traffic so th�,t substantia! �o���staan is �ot lik�ly to a�c�ar �t � � any o�� clrs�ewa�. � �i�nalazati�r��of t��e two site acces�drive�,vays an�W I��rt�xto�t�a S�re�t saat�r���taon vvapl I� � not bc. w�rra�ter3 un�1�r prr��pected 199� conditions. &�➢:�awev�r, it is estiznated �ha.t on�c��' these driveways �,vili require sAgnalization by� year 2Q I0, �fcer off�er �ote�itf�l deve�opcnent withi� the Tig�,�d Trian�;l� has acct,3rced. � � m A recently compleeed eranspoeta¢io� �n�lysis that �va�ua.t�d year 2010 �taald-s�u� conditions within t�he Tiga.rd'�'riac�g��ca���uded thaC tk�e s���n�nt of Dartanouth b���w�e� � � 72cad and F-iighway 9�3 W�sc wo�ld need ta consist o� a b�sic; fiv�-lane cross-section, incl�sdin� two through lar��s in ea�tl dir�ctior� of travel arad � c�za�er arbedian ��ax�� f�a• �i left-t�arnir�g traf�'ic €� accarnm,ada�� f�iil buildout ucider currene �onin�. 1���t�aoaacH has �I � re�ently b��a1 co�tstructed �o a �'ie�e-lane sectian with the eACeption of � shox-� s��;���t � aGra�s �:�d I�ack�r�ek nocthw�st of th�site. 'This se�m��at consists of�.basic thxee-�ane II cross-sectaora {on� teavel lan� in �a�lh dir�ction anc��c�z�t�r m�dll�n l�ane far I�gt-ea�raiica� ', �raffi��. T� a�commod�te estim�t�d eraffic volu�n�s f�� y�ar 2�L0, �, fbv�-lane !� crass-section will b� required �n th;s s��tion o� �7�rtcxaouth as �rel1. A1� c�th�r ' i€�pr�vecx��nts ideraeified an tlae T'i,�ard T'�ia�x��� 5�eci�ic t�rea Pl�a� a��ll r�su�t a�a � su.ffi�i�mt c�pacity t� ac�or-►�mcad��� fc�r�cast base; v�al�gn�s, �s �.velf as sie���en�r�t�d tra�'�'ac fror� th� prc�prased d�velaprr��e�t. Zn partgcu4ar, qhe Speeific Ar�a PYart f�r���sts th�t �Iigh�vay 99�N wi11 r�quire rna�oc�apa�ity as�pr�averraents in the fe�rre �f�dr�ici�r��l thro�gh krave! �an�s. ' � KLtL'�1f30R 8��49.�OCI�t�3, If1C. v � � y� 1 � 1 i � n � � � � � . � ;�"� � µ. r ��l'� j� "s•: _..,� 4 �.��_r'€, I � � ��i.� , ,� M���� �I r �c.� „�; I L {'� . `' .�f 'Jt k ..,{r�' il �yf.:� , M ... 1 !��R .,'�^^.lyj:\ i � ' E ��1.,�� ��� �I��� q(VXN��'�{'� � �' � �'1 5���� t1�� ��g� �r�y �� �' � ` �Y�� �i��tci. �.. .. . .. . . ':C�fv'.. .,?x�..4� . . �i%�} Y ' t h;' T`o`� ��,,,�;a73.f�i�� �. �^-�r" sk �' L,��i`� �� �yt�'� �"�ir�Y��7��?( ��. � �.±�k� +i � ''• j�� }��KJ'.��� � u: n Lq� '��: r... .; :�'".� IHrq��S. :�-� '�.��V�.� � �i.�� e�r .'n'_�'� �'' 'i_..-�j '. � 4�1 1ryk�, � ,y9��{+'`-� 1Y t Y(.5� � � t+`ew .;�i��hd.+,y h�Ty"'� ��t,�, ���y< . [1 #,�'�' �;�?u°�r 3''v' � �} ?:i � P � � ����.5':�i1 �s}h.fY�Y:+ ���.1�.` . ,, k�,��' r . ny CLJ G y}y���� � �i . � d�v � � r � �� ;;'�'�����'� ��,�`;; �n::� , � e,}�� h�, ,' , F° � � '�,�.. z.;� � „ ;,�"" � �� ' � �:3��' ` ,�6,'$p�'' 1%iy'• � � ���aA @s��� � „�7 ;��� � `'��`� � r:��,, ��°�r�����:i�t°� �''�� � � ' �' ���� 1�v�at��la2�ra � �� . ������������ � ����� ���� ����� � '�h� p��os� of �hi� c���rt fs tc� pr��id� an ass�ssr��rat ��' th� ��p�ct�d ��-�at� �r�d csf�a�sa�� tr��spc�r�ati�c� arra��c���s���iated wigh th��ons�a�a��ion of�r�e�i1 c��ter�r�thr IlZarti�pr���r¢y �a� '�i��d, �r�g�n. '�'h� sate i� ie���t�d �� � �a��se�� p�rc�l t��E i� ,����r�ily b�rd�r�d �y ��' � �a�t��uth Str��t c�n �he c��rrtta4 �tic� 5'4fif f2�d ���aa�ze �r� �he �aste '�I�st s�f t�i� �ice c��a �r�����a prc�p�rty9 Fg�d Rock �r��k �uaz� ��rth���� ta sw��huvest, Fi��are 1 id�r�ti�°i�s th� �xistx�� rc��d syst�a� withbn the area sucresuzadin� th� �►ropc►s�d site. � �pe�i�'�c traffic-rel��ed issu�� dr$c��s�� ir� this r�ep�c� ir�cd�zd�: • �xnsti�a�l�r�d �s��r�d tr�ffi� ��anditiQns in th�p�nje�e�t�ady �r�a, iz��l�d.an�the �•���¢ttly � c�geraes� �ub �s�ad� a�d ��astcss, i�fJ�lllCil YS t1H�(��a cot�s�ru��ic�n. • 'Trip9ct�ara.ct�ristgc �sra��t�s far ffu�� dev�l��t�e�.k ofi� th� �i�e irz a�cordanc:� �itka tt�� � Propfl��d sit� plan aleer�aaeiv�s. � �cc�ss d�sz�s� �nd Ia��tio� �r��iy�i� frr �h� prmpa�sed develaprr��r�t. o �'h� tcaffi� ir��a�e �f th� �rc�pos�� d��velc�pc��m.t an 199� p.m. pe�k h+��r aag�r��i�at� at ��� key i�c�r.s��eic��s �vzthin tfa� sit� �iciexity and sit� drivew�y�. « The prajectioc► o� tr�f�°x� volum�s �os r���.v�+ays adj�c�nk �� th� sip�e fcsa� 2�}�a �raf�'a� coc�dieir�ns and fuil 'b�ild�ut of t�e '�i�arc� �'riangle �re� accordirag ehe Sg�ci�'ic �r�a �1an. Tt s�ould be nac�d that tFa�an�lys�s conduct�d iz�tt�is r�pore�re bas�d�n standard an�n�ti��ally acc�peec��raf�ic:er�giXieea�brtg me�fiods. �ra addition., mar�y a�sua�pta�a��t�av�be�n ra�aai��c��az�s�r� c��t xh� r�sults of th�5� ar��lys�s ac� �aea�ervativ� and �ea�� �� ��r�rstae� �ikely tra.f�'a� irr���cCs resd�Itgr�g fr�m this d��relcapr�ent. °i'hi� report h�s b��n pr�g�r�d in ��cr�rd;a.�ace with �t2e �uide�in�s s�e �ortk� by t�ae �:ity w�'°�"i�ar�. ���.���°� �����i��'�"9�9d� Curre�t sat� pla�s cad� fa�r th� cc�nscr�bction �►f � r�ta.'al ��nte� af a��craxian�K��y �20,18� �r�ss square fe��of�iocar�r�a. Tt�� maira str�actures w��ld�nc�rnpass appraximat�ly� 3Q783�3C��quare f��t4 �vr2h 12,�0� sq�a�r� f�,et at�sso�iated `°pa�`° ��v�s�pxz�ents. �nit�al c�r�st��z�xic��a a�Ys�itge�s � �re �xp�rted tr� be�in in �at� 19�4 with c�cc�apa�.�y in 1S�9S. ��'i� �1C0�1QS�CI (���J��fBj3IY1C�Ck� slfi� iS � Iri�Sily VaCS13L. � � C� � � Klfteri�on &�ss��d�fe�s, Irac. � _ , .. . .. .�;...e. ;,, i..' y"^�z'Y . �°����-.�,��, 4 r � �-�,�,.' �;r _..Y�; +`'v���+ ' �t� �.�,�-��i; ����'�'� s� ,.�3;s. w ��-�s � �� . . .�-T$ ; ���r� � . . ,f� Fhi f �' S ;yf..� F� r gu`�� �Yv F y� �''�3"�" ?TW +.. = ti ���� 1. _ �� P .l {y iyN S���e?'} ,��,,�,y,grj - �. t. . t"u � . �.r3''�ti*.�5,� P",4£au��v".� w, '.tx�'-.�f $. . . . a -q;�t tzg. "�" � n r�iy�,4,;'-�'� ' ..� - \ .� .. Y,�' � ' �.�'i��y4r tf��.� •c �\ �'�/ . � . �T f-' ° ���.�� Z �r � �/� //{� � .ti ° t >C.t :�`�F " �1 . . i',��c� : �"' ''t� 1 y .. nI� \\ , L_1 ... . t,..,`C . "' T,:.� 4 } M �' , - L�. ! . . t1.: � ,?�°�+'�t�'� � � t;� Y'�' 4 e :aa '��� � �fi � , t� -c 'z�, � �� � � ; � ` � �' �'�� � �� �c:,rc- �: :�' r;�r`,.�,r�'?.. . . � �.-;:r yu�ix :�C`�+s'rZ�t.:.z�l i�..r � . . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � , � c� � � � , �gc. �+ tl�Y l�Pl 9�i � � '�r` � ��G4��//�,�6 G�G.���� 7 � Je,Bl3/y�s ���r �id�ies��nd�cw�e� „�..._..�,. � �i����� ���i�����C�� ��� ������� �� �� ������� ��� u��� . � The proj�Gt siee��r�taire� �cr�ix of v�cant la�.ai azad�i��l�-�arniiy sesi�d�nc�s. T'he �djoir��t��lan� tc� tlhe vv�se i� �ead�r c�nst��c�za�aa as a�o��c;a �ratic�t�sal�out4�t. A�ras� I��rtxn.outh �'rre�t ta fhe �I nc�r�h,�ub�(3ods az1tl1�'�t�ttZ�Xi h��ve PeC���ly ts�3enec�. �ou��i t�f e�ie sit��4c��g��"�2nd�v�:�arx�, ', d�v�lapmexet�e�n�si�ts of��sgd�a�tia.l l�r�� �x�e�. Frnrra�diat�iy ease oP th��it�tk�e Ianc�is�urr�ntly � v�Gant. �°��� t�R� T'�e stu�y area vUas defin�d as tta� s�te �cc�ss drives and the follo�ing int�rs�ctioa�s: e �ighway 99 VVest (99VJ)/�i�' I3artm6uth��er►ue = Highway 99Wl��t6/ 72nd Aven.u� (future c,c�r�ne��aon tar►der conskruction) o ��I Dai°tmcsuch�venue0SV6/72nd Avenue(��arr�mtly a�n a�l�-way sC�p�or�treslled int�rs�c:tic�n) ° S�!Harnpt�r� �ve�ue/S�I 72nd A�enue "�'�B��i��Q�-3'�'AT'��9� l���I�,.�'V'1�� 'I'he primary raadw�ys pr�vidirig access to th� site iz�clud� �b�hw�y 39'4Fc�, �-Iighway 217 and Interstate 5 (I-5). These roadways ��rm c�e thr�e sid�s of the "'�'igard Triar��l�" (th� "'��°i�a�- �I�"). "I'i�is deveia�rnent will draw its prix�zary acc�ss from o.�� t�� th� s�c�s'.dar� rc�a��✓�y� eannecced to thes� regiona� fa�i(iti�s ---- S� D�r�znouth ��re�t (se° Fag�aee l�. Si�' �3�.rtm+auth Stz��et is a r�.ajo�coll�ctar road thae conn�cts I-5 �t ths I-Iaa�aes Str�ee rannps aa�d IIx�:�way 99W a� ���f 7Hth f�v�nue-Dae�tnoucf��-Iigd�way 99`V✓ imt�rsectzan. F$�C3��'1°i�lAPa9 Al�D �i1�Y�E�� A�l'e�/1� � �i�ld �observations in the pr��os�rfl sit� vxcir►ity d�.rir�g l�i� p.rn pe�k h�tar sh���d Iitt�� ��destrian or bicycle activaty ir� the sturd� ar�a; th�refc�r�, this d�v�iopt�.ent will h�v��;rninipnal fm�act on thes� cravel mod�s. The Tigard Tri�r��le �pecifi� A,.r�a F'!�� recoza�aner�ds � �xe�Ec traxl we�t mf tr�site. Sic���aval4cs shoutd b�c�nstructed along baCh stceet frmnt���es, ��y„it3��E�ar�y rnarked p�d�striar�cor►n��tio�as fr�exa t�e �tr�ets to th� v�gia�us stor��i�trac�c�s. �.!! faatisz���i�n��� shmuld prc�vide p�destcian crossings. �'F�1��I1" FA�AA..!°t°6�� Tri-t�1let �ravid�s fixed-caute transit servi+�� on twc� ro�ates at th� p�ri�h�ry �f �he sKudy ar��. Rm�it� �?, Barbur ��u�evard, �perates on �ii�h�,vay 99�t1 �t th� fls�rtherr� edg� ot�th�� '�'ria�n�l�. I��ut� 7�, F3eav�a�on-�.ak� (Jsvv��o, operates withi�► the'�riangl�c�n �4�72ead Av�c�a����cr����x �iAghway 217 ard S�Id H�.r��Ean Street, on SVV �-iarnpe�rc Str�ec b�tw��n SW 12nd t�►v�;n�� and �W 6�th ��;k�ay, and on ;V�J 6��h �arl�vva� betwe�r� SVV �ar�ap�c�r� Stz��et a�� S�' �tt�nta. 9CJt�c�lsorr ��ssc�ci�ies, Inc;. � �� �i i . Q�rar m`°°��'�cl � . . � � � � � �� ������ ��e � I � � � - �� .. � � � �T� I � � �j � � ITE � � i � � ��� � � �` �'�,�'�'� � � � ' � �T � °'°�. �i� �AMPT��y 5Te I � I � i I �ITE �'��B�IT�' �R!—CC�UPJ�Y' ��tVTER FIGU�tE � TIG�163Da C��E�GAA! ...s�._.._...�.� � JIILY i�3� � � I � � o� , I , a ,�,,� � ��� �������� � � I I����e IZ psovis�es re�ularly �ch�dajl�d, �1l�t��.y s�cvi�� '���w��n ��g ���r �ad ��wntoe�n P�rt1�c��►i�t}�td°�'a��r�,��rb�r, �asd��xl����m��r�sY¢���t�rs. �'e�..kvfa���°��t�nsimns s�f this � se�vac� ��r� tts� �ity �f�&������ c� gh� s�aaz�h�r��c enrl of�4a� roa�t�< #�a��.n� eh� �.n�a. ���c p�r��af (7:� �c� 9:�} s�r�a�� is prc��id�d �roata �h� '�'i��d �°r�s��it C��at�� ��. he�d�ays �sr�i�h ��y frs�rn�te� 15 a�.�r��at�s. L�ua�a��th�p.�. pe�k��ric�d(4:����:{�0� s�a��a�;� as prs�vxdcd bafh ca���ca��!b�s���s►d ara�xgr�ss basi�b�t�v��:a L��vvaaea��/��'�rtl�..xad as�d the A�bua��'sansit C�nt�r, l�c�xb�g �t�as p�rac�d., c�r�bin�� h��d�vay m� �izis r��t� �.f� b��vv���. 3 �aad 1� �i�an��s, '�I�as tca�a5ie ��r�ice is co€asidered tm b� soa�e o��tb� be�t av�ilabde waEh �x�d �out� b�s servi�c ia� � �xai��d traf�� ri�h�-of-w�y. � t�o�t� �8, �e�v�r�oa�-�,��Ce C)�w��o, pr�vid�s cegularly s�hedul�d, �Il�d�y servi�e b�t����tt�� ���v�etaa� ��nd I,alce �3sv✓��c� '�"rasasi� ��r���rs via'Ti��d T'ra���t C'�ntcr. ��z� rrs�ate serv�s �tr� existir��; rc��c��eratio� �f office �.ev�lc��s��a�t �ithin th� sssu�h�rn por�ion Qf th� 'I'�aa�agie. �aara�g �h� �.ra�. p��k p�riad (7:�� �r� 9:�0) s�rvAC� i� pe�ovid.�d fra�nc�th� �'i��xsi'�s�zas�t��ra��r aC I9- co 33-rnin�a�� h��d�rays. T��zi�i� th� �.r�x. ���.k perio� (4�:� t�s 6:��� s�r�i�� as px�wideci ae �0- ta 3�-�in�te headways. '�°t°zesc t��a,dvvays �r� ty�s�ea! of s�ats�rbaaa fe�d�r traa�sie �out�s. Dep��nd�ing oea th� �raei�-offs b��c�e�ca trav�l dastan�es and pot��ti�l cbeiershnp inc��as�s, this rout� could h� divert�d f�ar�h�r eaorth on SVi/ 72a�d to d3a�trraa���h Str��t ta serv� pra��►s�d d�velopr��t�ts in t�n� heart a�' the 'Trian�le. The '�igard �'rian,�1� Spe�if�� .�s�a ���ra iaaakes a•�c�eru�rienda.ti��as reg�.�dAng f�xt�are transic service w�thin th� 'I'riargle. �l.9t�l��� `S'F�a1�6�F�'O�"�"1�°5°��9�1 �t�9��C7�@l��E�i'f°� 1'he foilowing are �he plar�n�d, funcied transp�c-�atior� impr�v�m�nts within �he T'riangle that ar� exp��ted to in��a�nc� Put�ar� tr�ffic pa�t�rn�: t. �'W 72nc��4���r�uel�`i,�h�vay 99�'Irat�rs�ec8iar¢ "Che ��istisz�; irtdis�ct connectic�a� be�w��ra S�/ 72n�i �v��a�ue and �z�law�y 3��JV is cur�-�r�cly b�i�i� repia��d r�i�h ara at�grad� sf��ali�:�d ��t�rs�;�i�n. �'�e nortk��r�s �+�� c�f this iaa��r.se�ti�ra evill r�place t.�xe existi�g ���raali��d acce�s fvr�'r�d��y�� �sa �i�hwa� � 99i�. 'This ianpro�ecn�ret a�d the a�5u�n�cf in��rse�tioz� (an�con�'igu�ati�r►s �rid ccan;tr�is are illuat�ated in �'i�ur� 2. �. � � � � � � C9 � � • mCl�t�lss�n aS rAs��cl�i��s. lnc. _ �$ ■�����.�,.��.���� �...���. ,+ ,1 �� � . � �, � � °� � ��,��, � � > � �� � ���� � ��� � � � � � � �� `���.,�. � ��' ,�." � �� �� � - � J � � �� � ��� 9 , � i ,� � S4Y MdIPiEa 'RD. 4 � � � � � �T. � ^ J � � �/ � � � SIT� � < � � v� � °��'y '� _ �^'�>�-�.�, � � � �r � °°o.,_ s�a���apr�� �r. �...e„�. � � � �� � � � � � � � � . � � �. � � �; � � �� � � .� � � � - �����a °� � � �y � 1"R�FF'IC �a9�IdA� � � [ �- � sY�� �i�N (�u�Q�o �n���a�v����T) • ������ ���'Q�������� ��� �I � �4���lP�i�f� �A�� 19�� L���` C�f�F������"f�f� TRI—CC�lJ�dTY CENTEFd m� F�'���� �� �����D a���aN � L JiJ�1' 19�4 _ . � 4 s : .� .. �t¢t"��r r.t x�3�. �;.'�.,?s� a, � '�•�t+'"�,�`'� �*`��� � .k . . `�- . �,at''ri�, $' ��4��.� 4� - �� : 'i: t u�^ r � � i �x ��:4�� ��**,,��'-L''i •t.. . .. . , ..... � i$'.`�s���1. �s;�S-^�s1."'�:3s: �r"i",i��-� ..�� . . ����".� `"�r���'� -t��y a° a r,,g" 5 �'; �'r��: ? 5 . �r f y#t�"*-,K ����,riG�{. _ E ?.:� rT��Z:{; . .� t s.�':'tM ..�. ,s`Ci[:�`b. ... ....,s... .... .�. a. _ . � � t tE}:�. � ;�,. , . ,. `:- r r.: t;��7< ���rs�+� ,� � � � . . .. ,� 3 � �-��,±�yn, vp�, '. t`{ �R y�N{ ����� �� )}� 5 A. � •"rc�. i . . { , a tr �'��'Y �•��.�,.�,�� �; � - <��,�� :r': i",//�! . . .. , �5• , j�;��`�, i . . z ��..0 'H� ����r ��; f-J - � ,"- �S'¢�.�� � � F , � -..��. .:":. ,',�t..3 4�.+u-:'�:�:�'o r ta � �� "�rS-`.r.S � rtv . -� .�ix' � .. . - .>..,�...�r.. �Y....�"y;>,�. ��t� ��a5 � � � +� �I �''j � � '!i � � ' I � � '�, �a � . � � ' f � � �,. s � � � � �� � F� � � � � f _ � — �������°������� , � �� � �q�yp���� /q�, �76'"7F�f�!°MI0/1� �P71�'9��b����f� � m � . �"�� �� i��� � ���l���� '��a���re�ain�;���kd�y���kk�aa�ur la��a���f t�affa� �;�a�e��t�s�b� th� �r�ga��d d�t�el�apm�a��w�� !� ar��.ly��d ag fcr�lrz��: ' �' '��1�; Sx�e �f th� ps��5a�s�� ��f�YI c�nt�r ��� C��fbTrrl�d. �' � �°�� �e���l ���rn�i�r o� f�at�ar� ��ee�sn� p�ak h��r tcip�, bmth in ��d c��ee �f ��t� g�rap�s�d ' d�v���sprr�ene, �vas �s�icraat�d �s�� th���ar��n� ���r���pn�c�t pl�n� �'�r th� �it�. , � F3a�k��o�nd tr�f�� v�rlum�s an ��c� ��y ��at� se�;ar��nt �uvithin the study ���. ��re ', esti��te� usxn� crb5�re�d 1994 �eekd�y ev�nir�� p�a1� ho�ar cor�ditira�s, tr�ffic ', cliv�rsic�ns onto �he pfan�:�d t�as�sport�tior� i�provecne�a�� pr�vie�ea�ty �i�ed, �rad er�f�c ' p�t��r�s d�v�lap�.d as p�r� af the .�uly .19�� 7'rr�a�a�l� �4r�ca 7�rt��c �"dreulcativn SYudy 'I �r�parc�c� by th� �7r��on ��partm�nt of T'rac�sportatioe� (C9I7t��'). Tla� 1��4����g�o�and I traf�'i� volu�e� ��sa iraclude f�ll tr��fic pro��ctioras obt�in�d �xain ttz� gr��fi�: ie�ap�.�t i �ta�di�s }�r�par�d for ch� cec��ntiy approv�d �ub �oods ��d �o�t�o d�ve�€�pcn�nts oe� ��, �asir�.auth. ii . p' � i h� r�g'ro�a� rga�rk�€ �rea r�lative �� rr�ajor f�e�er haghv✓ays v✓as exami�;�r� tm obtai� an '� estira��t� �f trip distxibution p�tter�s withii� C�e study �r�a. �i e Sit�-g�ner�t�s! tr��'fic predicted for the weekc�.ay p.�. pe�k iaa�r ��s �ssig���3 t� th� li roac��u��r r�etw�rk an�. added to back�rou�,d trarfic volua�z�s d�v�lnp�d far 199� I . conditior�s. �'�o �ssi���c�zents nf sit�traffic��r�a�aty�ed. �aa�co�straan�d�y a capa�ity �, b�t�leradc�at t�a� �-ii�lz��ay�3��es�'�ax�r�v�ath in�ers�ctic�n; a�ad ea�r�s�r�aza��by�a�g��city cora�itxc�ns at this locati�ar� �vhich wo�1� �aus� div�rsian of tr�.f�c to �ighv,�ay �9 • '�'V�st/72nd Aver�ue zntecsection. s �raffic demar�ds o� each ra�dw�y f�cllity w�r� a�,aty�ed to lde�ti�y a�y ��p�ci�y c�r I 1�ve1-oF-service de�cger�cies t�a�der �rajece�d. 1994 coa�diti�r�s, r�. detail�d disc�sssior� af this �ner.h�d�lo�y and. the anal�rsis resutts campose ct�� reax�axnd�c of t�ais r�pc��-t. ��'����3P1'�i9��'�' �i�P�� ' Curr�r�t s�te plans c�ll for the cor�struction af a c�tai�c�nter wittY a�prvxAZr�at�ly 32iJ,10� �ro�s �° sq�.tar� fe�t �f floor are�. `I°he rriain s�ruct�sr�s �ou�d total a�spro�im�t�iy 307,30C squar� fe�t, � vvith 1�,��0 sq�aare f��t of asso�iated "pad" d�deloprn�►�ts. �r�At�al c�nstra�ti�a� �eta�i�i�s ar� ' � � � �x�eLt�d tca b��in in Eate 1��9� wi€h oc��p��cy in Ig95. � �'o�+r fall�ac�ess drgvea�rays ar� pro�sosed for �ta� d�areloprri��.t. 'Th� pra�os�d �c��ss �iri���v��, � lc�c�.ci�rts are s4�town in Fig�ares 3� antf 36. '�'�a �c�ces� c�rive�vays co�an��t tca ��3J l��rCr�t�ut� � �tr�et n�s th� north side �� th� sie�, dvitl� th� e�s� drive�+ay �orcreing � foiat-le�b�d. a���x�ecxit�r► �ith th� Cub �'aods drivewiay. '�h��e v✓i!1 ats� b� t�o drive��ays s���r� 72��d s�v�a�ea� E&��� will • be �vic�en�d �tr t�re� lan�s a�ong the �ite �'rar�ta��e t6 provad� £c�x a ecanti�tuc�sa5 tvs»..��y,I�fi-t�rn lan�. Ali four cirivev✓�ys ��11 t�av� ae l�ast tvro �x1C lan�s (i� ur��ig��.11��d) a�d ��a� ��atr��a�e la��. HQwev�r, if oc��of ti�� �3artmduth.�trv�t drivew�y�s be�acn�s si�naiiz�d, ���pr�j�cc acc�ss ' apPrc��lY will be m�di�'ieri to thre� ex�tir�g 1an�s. In the cas� that ch� T�xiv�vv�y ,� b��carr��s �f4telsran �As�c�d��e�, (n�. 91 L��I�al.!'���`��� 8 • ,� ------- — a------- -- _ _ ' �i' --- . i � ir'--r...�e.m -----v ' - �03T40 � ``,.'�/ �' ---� _ � � " 1 ,�/ q���. > .e. �_ d \ ` • - � ,�� � s{r ...-� �s f•��= !'r i I i �f.E.3.g.R io�� �.d.�.�.g. ► .l 3•i�y � [ � i � � j /���,\.��.. ��`� 'S���`�� ���3� '° �� ��� �9� ��� �� 6,�' �• .'a'� �g�gy�g�� au xreh�ar��..0',��Y7�Y y ' ' geu�]�Ad�_wF�EP�elAe ,� �`.7P � �':A,` iflFEY'�Y1�18-9 ID£..^•7C.SC� � I -- ` � � � � `�,.�, i �"-- ` ;'�`�```o—�.,,� c u� �o a rs s '� i � n .c-�o:e ��$���� lii '� D{�rhO�,u�e _� ..x/ B � .w.o ��o e j4"� � - P - , �,... I '� .�.' �//f�.'68� �p' f�� ".'.�+;.` _ - - '-�"'``'e�_ � L . :�F�i� -� '� `3��t���lm a `y` �r_°�_..-'-e � . - - . .�`., ' ` ' �'Jlii�{1�4 ! I II llil� !!// llt'�r�� /�(J ' �3�' 4�� °��' , ��— � > �� ��c�, �l� !///rl r�b - �'�� v �. ~��;�j"':"`� ll���]4��I IIEi fffdllf'r�� f�fl �./ a rr►�n c ��,���' .R `6``J��T�P .� � 9 .�� g � ����a m I �`� ,,,�. �'� iLu�stssatl�P�-Q���1� //l� �a'�d�°`�. �'�a� _ ; 'e = (`• �' ..�� .,� : �X`' `v` �-�.:�S -- � -���'�3'a.y ��d,3r�;Oa - _ �__ f t`�.,a''�,,�d `�}'�°°_ � I� �� .p� - �r�?;ti ' ,' ' ' IlG!(Il9� ' a � � ifl��� ��� � � ��_���= �y �` -� � �� #I -$ �_ �� ;;,��,� � :�. ----- � _ _-_' `_ '�' � '�., -: _ _ _ _ � :. .:� � �, t�L.U1B'_ - -- � �:� .. �. .� ;r�` a .�c��,�, _ ;;s �` � ;a��>'� , � ¢+�. � � �� ����� .��= `�� ' ;9�_ �� _� G �� �, �..:; ��'���;. �: _�_ ���� - - - �:-'9. _E. ��.' �< ' - � �� 4 V.n -� 'Y'• ' , - .. �P� __ __ �,� d�l�lllllt�'' �• •� - :��_ � s{ �- �•�✓�r�J'ti J7[1 l�a���a���J� - - � - _ __ ��• !9is- _ � ` ` �'�Y'�Y���� If� U���f}d�i��i�? .��`' -.-=-_—_ ` ! ---- - �;� ��.�1 ��df11d1D �=-�E�3�g�$= -��` � ,. L�� �_� .• , ' � ' 9- � 4��`�Jilli� ID ��n,��� �,��t �t ;n,� o_-"�' � � - ��. �''---�- c tll L� : -��-� # _�'���`ifFllld��t d `� Fu o ��� � G�lll���i � �� ���� �,-,-��_ d1 f 91_� i��dJ���4 31i � - � ��j.{�� � Y� Q I i j o ' + a � � p9' ' � � ; t � `ERT,9B0 M4wrz- ! ' i � '---- ��". oeew�A �_-- / P B i 7 ! C � g � B --�____�----_.�Ell11�ilIlTfliE9�1! ���.-_�� e'_'�E`—ae4".__ f ' � > � ' o wy . - n '�—`:='+_" � � �_ —6 j'" -'_-�__ � 1 � i----i-,�--�-- ars�-..m."�---�..-_=�a-___ --- �- --- ! � ' '--- f e aa I x r-'a- --�, - � 1 '�.9�0 _� _ f , ' u 5 ' i i t �l'--__ "----��__ 6 1 ! J �_ I 1 B � l_"___.-__ ���3� ���I� � TR�—����f�° CEiVTE� �� ��G��€3 �B�E�O�i �� JUL`l 1�94 a��s�a I' ��������'S°��� � �. � ' , ____ i t� ,%r--��rxs m Q t \ �°/ E _� i,2,° '�. ' �'' �� .�_.` � , - , , . � , _ a�,�i�1---�—L o . � ! . � ��` p�����`1�1�1`�`Q��y��,�M �`�°e � �����,. e � �� `4}�0 p t � �,� � . � n►�'�� \,�` � ° c.�,n,orr�aiegn�o.i a� 4aa a,�sr�.aam�eriar,eia a�s .. �� \` \. . tiF,51lI�� � � � rZ-- � ! i�� a 6�51TTT�1 L � `�°•m `�'�"O�t� ��'1 I 9 � 0 �� �� ��}:of�{�������dG '�` - _- �- °� m -m s � � I �.��.��..� _ �--�____.-; Q q: - - �� � � o�.� =��_--_--� � ��Il�@��,���IllIII6 .�!�.. -��_ � � �r��rr�nrr�r ?�e'� �' - -- __ ; �s����������i�+��� ����6�����������«��:��������fl����������E� n� '�---r-_--�- � _____ � � - ,� � _ � i�!!��]�1i4��l0 EI91�{i!e.�lJl��l�9if�����i�llll�ldlil(llI��1I� o ����;� ,�,�„ ' I ����� – • =���1��!{!���?9ailG� Idl���l�Ilil�llli�����19{I(!��lEI1��li�lll�l}„� ,,� ;c� �� -_ � ������ e "" _� � �i�r��r– �i�l1{p�91�i�i�9C��I1i10 1 ���� II. ��_��� � _ _ ,---: � �St'�iIIu � �ili�ldlllillllPl!€I?i111EEfl�� al � — -� .� '`�• �_C�' -- � �- illT��i iil!IilUIIl9(i;Ifif � `•�i'�� � iji�i,�ii_ � � ` - �!Ifi{6��1 1���Ui!li�#��61{I3� � . ��' �ri _ _ � r ' -�; ;$� -�' �illl�l�li�lll�(jil�I��#ii�llli� � '� `�'�,`�.� �- '_ _C?�C°•. `�.. � -� _ IB � c Qd#li(i_�f1��Qlill�I9{�.��!I!� � _ E-e - � �11!!li!!I iPli��ii6��lii�liN60 �=_��=.� .� _ . ���9 , , — �.� . . ' . g' — —i1Rt(lllillitldtlt!!1j � e���� i i � � ��---�--_ ��� ������ a� — � �_ � � � � ..��lld �UI�Ifit([j�!°��r'�'° . + — _ � � � � � —r��__ � �[TT!(1fiBFiTFflfl£l�li r6ililElt{Ti�g � � ° � a t �te��oo � � � � -'---- 1!!°tllt�lllilll�iii!!ll i �LiWs`-� "—a-- _� ° a s �s,'� j � i 1 � ���"���__ �,' ^ __���L��� c0 a . ! &pq NE —a_� � � � � —���_ 1 , �T----�-_�noa<— ���:�_i___ i ' � �i ,� .. �_e_''� t° 1 b 0 r f t �c t _r'-_- �"_-�. —,i_= ! 11,s m � � p f � - J � � a 'T'�^-_ —„ ° F ,�,� --_'_' I 3 _� 7 I 1 1 1 1--�.•____�-�� I s��"r� ���� ���� � � g��—����� ������ �a11� T3+�sa���, . OfdE�C3P�6 �� �at�.� ��9� 7'�124E't�06 � �u�y� ��� T�°aaV�la B ' ���� I .sag��Pii��d, �c d�ve�w�y ap�x�aac�vv�uld b��x��r�d�d t�s anclude tvvc lcft tu� lmra�s a�ad�ri�ht ��raE l�ae. Tf��vewi�y � be�om�s �a���li��d4 t��a� t��pr�j�ct dr�vcw�.y wil� gn�l�ci��:��I�siw� ri,�hfi, �hr�ugh, aa�d ��£� t�z�� l�sa�s. �Y�°�-C��N���'�� ���r� V��.UI��� �aa�r�nt �it� pla�as c��l for th� cc�n�t�G�ion +�f a shc�ppBng ��nt�r vvi�h �pprc�xizn���ly 32Q,1�f� grmss sq�a�r� �eet af f�s��r �r�a. .P� rea�oe��bl�, ���� cor�s�r��tiv�, ��ti�e�Y� �f th� n�gzr�b��• t��' �ve�kd�� p.m. p�ak f�ssur v�hi�le trips l�k�ly ��b� ��r��r�t�d b� this d�v�l�p�a.er�t e�ras r�t���by �sst�Yraica� 30"/93dC� squar� feee�f shoppl�ig e�nt�c•, �s cv�l1 �,s tvNO hi�h t�i���r��ra.kaerg `°paris" �f �,��C�sc��ar�f��e��.ch. 'g'h��rip genera���rr raees w�r�obtag��d fx+�rrY th� �'rip C�nerati�,��Fifth . Ed'a�aart), published by the Institut� of Tra�Spoa°t�tion �n�i��ers (1341}. �onsi�l�rie��thc daily traf�'ic vol�rnes on�a�hv✓ay 9'��1�a�r�the site's proAimity to 99�V°,�r���il cente� iz� thds loca�io� could b� ��pe�ted do �iraw u� ro 50°�o caf its sit� tr�ffi� froax�. vehicl�s . divert�d ��c�rn Higl��aray �9�V. g�a r�c���.Ytior� of'th� destinat�on o�°i�ntati�n ofr l�r�e sh�pp�ng ce�aters, only 2()% �af tUeal p.m. peak hour trag�s �er� a�5�asz�ed to b� ciiv�rt��d Ca� tk�e sit� fra�i existing traf�c on �-Iighway 5►9'6�✓. The c�rrnaizigr�� �0 pexcen� are a.�sumed �� b� ra�dv tzri�s �r trips di�rerted fr�et� �ther areas to the pra�as�d d�v�lopm�czt. 'Y"v✓e�ty p�rc�nt of trips �o th� "g�d"deve��pnl�s�ts w�r�assuncted to�� gnc�rnal trips wi�h t@ae shcsppin�c�nt�r as th�ir priHn�y ��stination. Althou�h sorrie i�texacti�n betwecr� arljac�nt deuelopm�nts i� likely t� c���ur, for �h� purposes of this dnalysis, signi�cant cross trips b�tw��n retail d�veioprasent5 w�re a�ot assumed. Ther�fore, thes� assue�pti�n� are co�sEd�re�l conservativ�, and the actu�l traffic izr�pacts of tl�� proposed retail�;enter a�e likel� �n be less than indi�ated in the r�maind���f this repox�. 'The trip gerueration characteris[ics shavvn in Table l w�re es�irnaC�d fa�r v✓��k.d�y p.m. pe�k h�ur cor�ditions �,�ith �'ull buildout in accordance with th� propose� site plan (��� �i�u.re� . 3a an�i 3b). ��a�c� z �rca��g�,z6 �1+9��l�d�y'�rBp��r��o°�taon fcar thm� �rc����e3d Si4� P.RA.P��k Fio�ae�Srea - �_ �s� (a�.�R.) ��i9y 7oY�� Bn OaaR St�ap�ing Center 307,3�0 1�,278 1,34�2 .. l��s�'�%divert�d �2_ti55 268 _ �, � �lst Naw� Shopp�ng � I 11,421 �,07�d � 537 5�� Pads: � ^ ���t Foad v�iih i�rive Through 5,400 A�,b4S 234 ��n3c wifl� D�•iv�Through 6,40U �,636 �aQ � . IPSS 20%passby 1,1�8 9 03 - •---� l�ss�20%inPema! � 1,i 48 103 � � �let N�vv �ad: �,446 308 9�4 95�} Ple�nr 6Vevv�'s�ip� �� _�� � 32C1,100 1�,�&7 1,3i82 6J°I 691 dtdaht�rl�ron d�Assoclsies, Irrc. ti,y _ � � '� I Ja�e 8� � �� 3''�t��Ir►}sa��p�tgv,�l�tr �I � �*��-- I ���� �� s��a����m�����°r' I � '�h� dis��ut�c�a� ��"s�t����ta�e�t�d �r��ss rzr�ta� t�c s��dw�y sys��r� wat�in th� ��a��� a�ap��d a�e� 'I e��s �sfii��t�� �y ���,�;�tia�� th� �r�ti�ip�¢�d ��rk�t �°�� A� a°�l���sac� tr� th� ��.�s�X�� �tr�ct • �A�U����1�Y���St��,�'f�'6'b��Yt3�tH`8}��flS��Ybt�$FC6C1�';staar��t��gc�p�°�d for�t��r c���.rby d��r�le�p�.��e ''� � pr��a�s�ls, �nd r��ri�w�at��x���aaa�te��ae vc��¢�en�s��d�ir��al�.tBSa�a pa����nse �s�r�s+ult aa�th�s� I, �.r��,lys�s, t�a� �st;tx��t�d t�ip di���ib�tion��ggea�nn shc�aun Ac��'i���e�w� pr�p�r�da �'h�dast�ab�- I � s�aaxa c�f�h� �rip� ��, �ii��a�r�� 9s���s t�k�e� d���c�ly fx�an t���xys�ia���asg-�v��t�pl�t��txaffi� � �a� tha� f��ila¢.y, II ���€�6�R��1�43 °I°�,���� i/�9.,�6��� ,��1� &��,� �°i�E,C� ���I�A"Y���1� � $���u;�c t�� vv��kd�y p.rri. esk h��ar is khc eriod dur�n whi�h the reate�t t�tal tr� c P P � S �� � dem�n�d� �re �Sl���d on tP�� surraunding street syst�m, tl"11S �9�S3a� VJBS U1S�S� SIl �II �tabs�q��nt � asaaly��s. �dhile r�tail c�ne�r tr��fic by its�lf rmay be as t���h as 5(� per��t�t ta���vi�r i���r aea th� ° ev�c�in� �ar �an we�k�nds, tlhe cc►rnbinatiaa� �f nmcmal arad r�faal c,�nter g�n�ra.t�d f����ic is � typi�ally at i8s maxianuan aturing the �,v�ekday ev�ning p�a.� haur �a�ricad. ExistAn� w��kday p,n1. �aeak hour craf�c v�aluna�s tiv�r� counted at th� int�ts�cti�r�s of S�N'`?$t� r A,venue-�artmou�h St./�ii�h�✓ay 99�I; Il�ares�a�,ith/72�.d Av�nue; ��d ��artip��rs!'�2nd t�vc�naa�. � '�'hu 72nd �.v�nue/�ighway 99'VV 5tudy area int�rsection is �urr�n�l� �nd�r�Qr���ru�t�e�n. �s�r this reasc�n, turnie�g rnavera-iene cm�ants w�re taken frvrn gr�vaous st�d'z�s �a�is�ca�t�3 �ri5hi� ¢�� st�dy area�. The ri3ar�ual traf�ic cnunxs wer� ��nduct�d betw�e€� the � a�d � p.xne du�aa�� � mic�-v��el� days nra iune 19g4. 'I'hes� rw�-nnur obs�rvatioas r�vealed t4��t tk�e we��cday pea1� i h�our accurs fcom 4:3�1 xo 5:3Q p.m. � '�'h� �'�and�d tr�zaspcsrtatiar� iir�pr��r�rn�ne a� th� 7��d .�.���7��l�ighv��� 99i� ie�t�r���tzc�sa wit� rspen ir� concurrenGe with or prior Cca �evelo�rxa�:�t ��thns sdt�. i his a�ew f��idity wwii! pr��ate a �hif� in �xiscing tr�v�P patterns �ithin the Tciangi�. l�c� signifa�ant ��n�fa� tQ tr�v�ll�rs with � � �rip tarigi�s and desiinatians outs��� 4t" tt�e Trian:gle is exp��2��; th���fc�r�, iL7t1S ���%I1��f 6S lR(y�: �xpected to aeira�t signxficant n�enb�rs of�xt��-na� lt•ips thi•oug�C �tCe"Triaz��le. A.a�y in�reas� in traf£ic votumes rvithln tlle 'i'r�angi� prir�iarily wial res»Ix from ewo factors: (1� shi�'ts in ��av�fl � pa�tecris withir� th� Trianglc, and (�} new d�v�lopunent w�thin th� 'Y'ri�n�Ie. The,e �a�tcars ar� d�s�ribed l��lovr in �rcaore �dtail. . � Traffac t�ttract'ec�Po I�,prrave� 72nct�.ver�ce� ���rtio�t af the eraffic e.o�rrentiy usin� tli� 6�th ,�,�e�u� �oneid�r tr� trav�l he�w�e� th� nUr�her�a portir�r� of the Teiangle �nd so�►th �f gIigh�,v�y 2�7 ��n be �xp��t�d tc d��vert � ' �rith �&�e ianproved cant�ectiar� betwecr� 72nd �ve�iue ar�d �-iig�way 9�1`t�/. � Trs�ffic �:eraeruteet by New Develo�rrY�nt.r wfth the� Triangle �► r�cai! c��trr with C'ub �oods as ?h� anajor�s�ch�r t�na�vt w�s ��c��tl e� era�d a��a� � Y P Qh� intersection �f 72ndf�artrnodit� a�r�ss the raad froin Ch�s sit�e. �e� �ar�ra�au�h � w�st �f t�� site, a Coscca vvholesal� autlet is currently b�ing��ra�esucted. Traf�c g�n��ac�d as a r�sult of fuil de�elopc�erat of be,th Che �iab �e�o�s a�d �astco siCes has b�en inclu��cf i�a the 199� back�rc�une� traffic v�(a��rac�. � The �b�ve fa�Yars ar� re�fect�d ice the 1994 back�r��r�d traffac v�lu��s shovv� ir� Fi��r�5. '�6�e 9��r�1 of cr�.ffc di�v�rsic�r� was estim�t�d by pr�p�ring�tral�fic assignrrie�e erzodel of th�'T'rian�l� � Kltfel�oe��&.4ssocf�stes, !r►c. 9� � _ , � � � . I , a�►�� I � II� '' �a� ..� ', � � � � g � i �� � � � 5� ������ ��e � ��� � ��` 1 �� � � � �� � �, - - � / � � �� � � IT�� � � � � �� � � � � ���`'�°� � �C�� � � � � ��� � � s� r�a��r�rv ��. � � �� � � . � � � � � o T�3� f���T�'�E�E17�1�� r���-���r�rr �����'�' � �� p� i ������ ���G�� � � .JULY 19g4 a , _ I. . .. . . � . . . .. �' . , . . � � . . . _ �x.. . ':1� . �. . . . . . . . ' . . . � . - .. � . . . . M+ � . . . . . .. , ' � � ����� ����� ' ���� 4���, �»��5 �� ��.�,�� �75•� �21� � � �1 ;��� �►,� ' =�� � 1 � a � � � 3�'0� ���+� ��',�a � r ��� ��� �x�� �a�� 9�c�� �9� � �' � � � �gy� � �� ! �,�� � ��� �`��� o� � ���� �� � � � �. ��o�-,r `"°� � `� � sw aa�e��� ��. « �c � ��. � �' 6 5Y. � � ��T�� C �, : � � � < � �� I ; ��`��°����� � � s I ��� � � � �mv�w�►a�r�� s�. � j °� �,,, � n v i � I } � i� I i j �o � � ��� 1 n o � � � � � �. � �' � � � � ��� �I � ; �3s0 � �� � � � �� � � (�3 i � � � � ��� �.{�. 1��e�i� �'���� � ���K�,��L��L� T�A�°�'!� �'�LtJ��� TRI—�C�UPJT'f �EtVT�� F����� � Tl�AF�f� C?i��G�l� � � �u�.� ���� 4 � , 01 I1og��y ��/�w� ���" . 7i���l��c t4rt3�fj,oetlsB I � �.�����..,..�,.,. u�si�� t�� l�d �s� d���r�ptians pruvid�d i�a tl�c 19�� ��O"� �t�ad� �d �i���s����tga�a c?a��m , , � tea�����s fa°offi�'��p ta�n�raei�an�I°i'�, �9'�1�. T'l�is�n�ciei��s�al�br�t�d��i��a��f�taz��,�.a�.g��c I kao�t�i�a.aa�u�tr��.c�aa�ts. � 1�°°'�'°�����'f"�C�� Ea�#'��� �� S���im� II � �!1��v�l-c�f-�ervic�(L�S)aee�l�rs��de�cxzb�d i�► this rcp�rt rw�x�p�rf�cata.�d iaa ac�u�d�c���th � tt�� prc����ures ��scrgb�d "s� the d9t3S �a'igh�wa� �a�►�a�csty �'a�uc�d. A d����ap�ic�r► o��h� L,C)S i ��o��,��pt �nd th� �eit�ri� by which i.,C�� is d�t�r�iiaed ar� p�cs�ictec� an A�Sp����x A.. �csgsa�s �� �la� a��ly�is forrn� �r��v�iia€�Ie om r�quest. �'o ea�sa�c� that khis �naly�as qs b�ed c�e� �vo�si��a�� � csraaditi�ris, eh� p�ak 15�mat�ut� pergod fioew ra.t� d��ire� th� evc;r�iea� pe� h��r�xr� �esed in ��t� �"J��AII��1t)C!t3�2��� fltl$�YS�Cfp+�Yl����IS���S�C'i�'YC�. �csr�ags r�as��, �he �naly�is re�ects cc��dit���as � tt�a� a�e raealy la'l�ely to �v�ur fcar A� �tin�at�s out ���ach �v�r��e dv��ded��. I�oc ti�� r�ra��i�ar�er � rJ�each ���lkday and thR�u�hnut the w�etkencfs, Cfdf�l� CQ)Y'i(�.1�iOIYS Wf��llil ��1� S'�ldf�i� 13I2�7��t 21X�� �r� lilcefly ta b� �etter th�.n that d�s�rib�d an this �eport. � LJ�in� tt���stimat�d trip distr�bution pattee,i sh�yvn in F�igur��and the�xisti��pattera�of travel � �n �-€i�hway �9�i1 (fc�t tP�e 2��0 (3�55°�� CX°1�5�, �h� Craffic an�acapateci to b� �ecz�xaced i�y th� proposec� developex►�r�t d�arin� v�reekd�y eve�a�ng p�ak h.ours (boeh ��w and p�ss-by trzp�) was � �.5sign�d to th�str�et system uvirhin the study ar�a. T'tze assignm�nt�af ehis sit�-���e�at�d�r�.f�'ic $O��7G�1�1�Y'02�(� S��FYI�Cl�[S �1%1t�I�iC�f3CCt10CiS l�Vlf�`618f 2��1� Sl'klt���%'�3 15 S�IQWR`1 ITT�"'1�6.�P€ C7. �agur� 7 � illu�trag�s prraj�ct�d tcatal tra�'fi� v�lum�s ak all k�y int�rsecti�e�s �ieh€� th� ���dy ar�� �ur�d�r I 1944 wee�day ever►ia�� pe�� haur cor�ditlons �vxth iull d�veiopm�nt of t4�� sa��. I �'�.t�le 2 z� � su�rz�ary af th� resulYs of th.e� briters�cti�a� �,�+� ar�alyse� €�nc��� 199� b�cP�gr�a�z�d arad Ig94 wiYh �r�jec� cor�dr�ions. ���s� � „ � Fa,agc.aa°a y�!3� P.R/3. 6���k F-�oe�r fl,.��+a�8 es4 ssc°>si�� (i�6tiga��ciq � 1994 1Withau8�rojec8 999d VI!!th�roj�of � �ntierse�fion --- — ---•---°-. (a��umed con4roip �ele� iilC �.�� ��al�y �fl� I�fJ� 1. I7artmouYh/Mighway 89W 33.9 1.01 � �8.6 i.i1 � � 2. 7�nd/Highway 39i/U 19.6 0.�9 � �24�4 �Q.90 � C � 3. '72nd/Hamp4on i�i.2 0.59 €3 i4.6 � �.74 � g� � � w� _ � .� �`° 4. 72nd/f.Jartm�uth �� (AWSC) �3.g 1.Q7 C� 961.3 i.57 h (Signal) �i.9 0.37 B �.i� O.S� � � �� Res�r��Cr�p�ci.y LQ� 63���o•�r��myamciflv� 4.E3� � 5. �ri�reway f�/�Jartmputh -73 � (T'�t�C) 6. �riveway�-Cub/D�s4rr�outh -29 � 7. Drlv�way�l72nr! 26 � 8. I�riveway I�/��nd �'� � � lClfi�lsorr�Assa�OsF��, lnc. � 18 r� ,._.� . ,. _ : , ,.. . �. A � . _.. � � � � � - � � , ' . . � , $ . . . . � .. � 1� '��. . Y�$ � � .. � ��.� ���� � �s� ��� � a�a� �1�� � � � � °�y�� � � '� � ��o� � �1� �"'� �,g, "''�, ,� � �:��� ��� �os.� s s��. .°�"°��� I � � � �� I �� I � � ��� �� � � � s���,� ���� •� g � � I s �° s.� � � � � �vv ����s R�, e a � w � � �t. � � � ����� � ; I � � � �� � ���`�,h'�� � v�a � S �p w �t�W�AbFT£�Ri S'�. ''� ..-- � �rs I �p ,-.c� � � i�Q.�� � � a ���8 II ,n � � �� �� r.ca �' 30.�� � � � � i85� � � �� � � � �� � � � � �°t��� ��1��'R,�T�� �, � �.A�R �'��� �f�tJR T�'�4��"�� T�I�Cf?�JI�7Y �E�!T�� F��c�Ea� � Ti��A� �R�G�Jtd �� � � JULY 9 99� * 0$L • 1 l 90U + 005 • �il + QQ9 • 0 � 089 • 0 �- 09£ � 0 ¢ 09� e � f OOZmI � OOClaO � � � L [ l • �ZL = SL � � x Z8l • 65Z z8 1 � 65Z = � OOOsI - • �8l � GSZ 0�0 a Z�3 L � 65Z _ �£ � 0 X � OZS � O�iG 000 � 0�5 ` O�iL _ ° 095 `�tl x • Ll � OOOaO 000 � 000 • OtOtl 6Q0 5GL • Z = 9L > 09� :- � O10 � l 0 000 • O1061 6U0 + OOCI • S�il � O�OaO� + 000 � 5L * 000 • 0�1 l + OOOeSQt .{. 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', � �� , � �a � 19g� TOT�L 0 Y�8 ���I♦ 6 S�CN I? �����Y iW T�I-�GC�UNT1° ��R�TEF� Fs�u�� (� , TI�ARL� q€��t��� '°� � � J�a�.v s 9g� � 90s �7 , '„ . JaN�T� ��"�'Y�°�°° Ti�t�9e Pr�c4,4n�1� I � ��� �v�� ua�d�r back�r�u�d t�a£�"g� �o�.ditic��as, c�►e �9�If�Ba�x��a�ath ac�t�rs�ctioa is ��praach'srr$ $ts d���gn �ap�ityq �h��°efo��, ��y furthvr d�v�i�pr�.erae �iR�a�n s�� '�rflan�l� e���xid la��ly ���aale ira � ��p��it�r d��Z�i�n�i�� at t��K i���rse�t���. '��� f�11s�e,�in� dbser�afioe�� of ��rx�a�t �tsr��ii�c��ts vve�� n��ed in �he 'Transp�rtatia� and `x'ra��i� �vala�ati�� af th� �igard �°ri�r��l� ��a��i�c �r�� � �lar�: d't1� the e�R�'217�'ar.i,�ic, I�'ighw�y ineer�hcarz�e, th� qa�ea�c �az the s�ast leg o,�'.�a�i,�'°a� ,d�e�d�w�z,y cat t�� �1�E' 217 �or�thbc�tanr� rarrap,� b�acks u� n��r°ly ante� �h� i�t�rs�ctac�a� of t�� �F�� 21 i ' � �r��th,��un� r�rnps✓Pacific l�i�h�ay. 7'lads cause.s v�hicd�s t�°car��llircg ,s�asa�ehtrau�ac� t��t F°c��i,�ac j ����hdvc�y to stap abrup�ly. ,�lsa, qu�u�.s �n the ea.�t le� of�'all .�otelevar��'�a�ifa� .F�'aghtiv�ay s+��etr'a�a��back�ap�o th� ���'souehb�ccn�aretersecei�n, �3b'G'V8�28i9P�,' ��I� IC%�$,��'Y1�V�t�38S:��S��"! g�Y�' ' fJ�� 21? so�athbourtd off-ramp from getting t'h�°ough Phe irtler��cti�n c�t Paci�c .�'i,�hwcayo A key battlene�k e����,rs south �f tlp� s�esdy ar���a c�rc Faci,fic Hlghway c�t tda� irctersec�E�ras of FI�I� �oul�uae�d a�ec� �ieeraberg Roadll�dain .Str���. '. � Until th�s �oc�g�stion oc� �fl�he�ay 99'0�/ is allevia�xed, aa�gligitole b�n��t will b� ���ab��d �'ror�x any capaeity impr��v�rea��ts mad� ko neaz�try i�t�rs�ctaons s�z�h as th� int�rs��tia�a af Hk�hw�y � �394`/fDar�mc��ath, At thi�ir�terse�tiaca�ehe�artz�ou�h Str��t Cor�c�pt�Ian�ss��x��s t��t�I��h�ay �9`VV will ultiaxi�k�Iy �.i�cc�rrie �.si�c�tar�� f��iiity, T'herefor�, 6rve r�coa�xmend ��aa.t n�ngro��rnents t�a this ia�tersectio� be c.onsider�d �s par� of a �i�hway 9��/ �arrid�� s�«dy. A.n inte���ix � i�prov�raa�nt �o I�ii��ru�ay ?�9� b�ing considLr�d b� �DOT/�itgr c�f'�ag�cc� is �p add �. �hard �astbaua��l aaphill��ne tv the I-�ig���ay, ewith dual flefx-tuz�n l�nes wve�ebcauz�d d�awn�il�, f�i��n�he ����v� �rra�ertainties, �e recomrnend€hat th� s�ystenns L�ev�lc�pmez�s�harge�f'ro;xi��is a��1 a�th�r � ��a.rby developrrz�nts be appli�d to improvi�� this int�rsP�r;�n once the fi�a�l intersectdon cvnfi�t�ratirar� rtas b���de�i���. t�ur lev�I�of servic� ar�alysi�assu�t-aed gt��t th�c$�ar����a sign�l timlir��; and s�ragi�i� sup�gested in c�� �,ostc� traft'ic i�pac2 �tc�dy� wc��rfld b� �rr���l�.rrg�r����9 i.�,, � r��tcipe t4�e �xcli:�si�e norti�bo��a�i throug� flane as sh�red left-anc�-through, anc� "sp1i�" the r�orthbc�urad zrad sau�kzbc��and �has� intca t��� �eparat� pha5�s. N Tt�e all-�u�y st�p-contralled ine�csectic��. of ��rtrzi��aeh/'�2nd E�vercue adjac�n� �a t�� sit� will re�ch capa�i�y ir� �994 avith th� projec;$. �'Yta� int�rs�ctio�3 �eets s��na,t 5varr���s a,� discuss�d ia� the follawing s�ctic��9 �nc� v�ill op�rate satisfa�:torily �vith permitted Ceft tii�s on all appraaches. �'he l�catie�n of this s��nai e�vi�l introduc� targe gaps ingo ch� �v�s�b�uc�d and s€�utk�bc�ur�ct thro�agh traffic str�a�ris p�st qh� �it� drivevvays. Theref�re, th� "1�,° acld "�„ i�v�ts of servi�e repc�rted at th� fot�r sit� c�rxveways r�sing the 1985 �a''z�hwcay �cap�acit� Iv�aact��t � rr�eth�dology (whi�h ass�art�es raildca�n �ap�) is probabl,y overstat�d. Since I�rave�ays .�and� are rep�r��d to�p�rat��t �,�5 I�,si�nal warrant anaiyses w�r� cond��ted at t��s� ir�ter5��tions. � .�s sl-i�own in eh� r�exg s�cri�fil9 th�se �.eivew�ys do nflt meet si��a! v✓����rts. � � � � '�°���i� ����a9�� '�A�H��°�" �,,i��L'��i� � �°4 �s a pac� of Ehas a►aaly�is, � spesial ie►vestigatic�n w�s �flnd�ct�d tsa �v�l�a�� ¢he �a��d fc�r � installin� trzffic si�nals �t �t�e t�va access dr�ve�ays c�n S� I>artanc�u��i 5tr��t grist�ad o� st�p � �o�tro! on th� autbo�arzd sit� driv�ti�✓ay m�v�rri�nts. T'h� I�inxmur�r 'V�hic�lar Vc�lume �1�crant (�Iarr��t 1 as d�scr�bed ic� �.eference 5� ��d th� i�ater�°up���an €�f �c��a�inuo�s F'�cse� �Jaeran� {'�,�'a�raezt �) �.e� �oth bas�d an €Fa� eight�-hi�h�s� h��r co��itions. 'T�� ���k k�a�r �Inlur�c �Iara�arae (Warra�nt .q I) was also ��amir��d. � F:Ittels��v�A�socdat��, in�. 21 � ` ' ' I J��� ��� � ������� � �'sar �� paar�os�s asf' this «a��lysis, 1� IS �SSlIEE1CS� �l�L QII� �fl��'1$�°�1f�I1�S� �.�IP1C AS �Q�AAi'V��il� �fD I'�� ��g�'o����ly 7� p�x��nt c�� �h�� p��c h��r. t��s�ita���flly, €�aaly �e�f c��' tk�� �aan��r st���°s I � �r������c�r��ht-t�r� v�lu�n� a� ia�cludcd��r vvs�n°�t�v�l��.�ic��a pua�aas��s b��aus��i�he 2urr�ing ', VC�]fiC��S �l°�i�l[til}�C�� f0 b�d1C�t�F3l1�� ��'�1C�� [Y'��� Sl��flaL I � �� ss i�s�p��taa�t t� r�cQ�re�z� �h�.t th�se �rarr�ats are rec�ss�y, b�a� €�ot by �tx�na��lves se�ff'g�i��t I'I j�����cacaor� f�r th� ia�s���l��i�n �f � s�g��l. �a�r �xample, the ��r�nt� e�al�sat�d �.b��c ��llce in�m accc�une ir�ffi� ��l���s s�r� �!fl a�►�js�r ar�d r�in�r sereet �pprcaaches, be�t da nc�t �xpia�itiy � a�ccs�ur�� �or dxi�v�r d�lay, f�flP�C�l�fl1�fl at.riCL'1�311$3�i1 �f t�l� l7i�1fE S$%°��$ ¢I3��YC, or t�� p��por�ion c�� �id� �tr���v�hi�les malri�g �i�ht taarra� ��isC��ci of deft kur�as. C)t��r sy�t�rn�uide coa�sid�ration�, such as ehe e�f�ct o�ca�saeity and l�v��s of s�rvi�e,shoeald aiso b� tadc�aa i�atc�a��o��t: Ia���ny � ir�starac�s, tansipn�lized iiit�rsectio�s m�etiaa���e r�r a�c�r�cf th�se�v�a°�ar►is cc�ntAnta�t�����at� , V�3"j� S�.I1Sf1CCi�T1�� �YiC� WYtP! �t✓f�C1 less tot�l d�t�y tha�n vv��Id o�cur af � tra£�c s���a�.1 �v�e� instail�d. �°r���s�ioc��1�ud�r��nt shaulri t�� �a���in �ss�ssa¢�� �t�e r��ed for a traf�� si�g��l�v�� i � aftcr o�e� or a�tore o�t�a� ai��v�-Ade�-Atifa�d ��r��,rats are �ati��ed. ' • I '�aie r�sults �f th� trafific si�r�al wa.�r��at ae�a�ysis ar� s�a��r� �n Tabde 3. tJnder 1994 pxo,y�cted �ccndicions with the p�roj�ct, caeither af th� site d�ivevvays �n� SVV l7artmo��h �tire�t wi�l t�a��t � any of 2he warranCs tested f�r si�a�ali�uti�r�. 'fh�s��far�, is ls r�cca�xn�a�ded tha� t��y o���a.t� r�+ith stap si�a� cc�ntrol upo� c�tx�pl�tioca c�f the proj�c�. � �st�tg � T'r��d� �dge��6 9N9�sa�r+as���4rs�4t��is�Aa�urrtiire�7o8�s9 ��8� 'Tt��iH`��e��B�esa�a � '11P�ePerot�e�fi? ° ' av�r�e1B lre4er:s�c3iae� lMaremnt PR9 �f�rr�cnt P1x 1P��rr�nS#i5 �N�iu�s4ion � 72s�d/L�a�cmnti8h� Y�S �� I\4(5 �'t'�� Y'�S C.�ri�ev�ay 11/�?a�fmauYh f�0 I IVC) �i� �t� �I � i�riveway f3-Cub Faods/�?ari�c�e�4h P,tQ—�— ��� 9V0 Nc� II � I � It xs tikely that d��v�lc�pment of the s�ther prop�rties ��ithin eh� 'I"riangl� (ga.rtieul�s,y �h�se II ab�att�n� T�ax�tc,���zh�tYe�t}�vili occur tivith�.n the ne�.t 1 t�S years. A.ccQrdingig�,sig��l wa,rraerts � at thes� site dsi�ew�ys r�ill be ��arnin�� ��a tN�e fo!lo�rir�� sec;tAOn af this �epo�c assu�r�aing fe�ll � deaelc�pm�r�t �qt�a� tf�e �'ria��gl�. � � 'I'k��se estim�.t�s nc�ly �rovid� �ar► indic:atic�n of wh�n �ap�racir�na� p�raab�era�s at tfl�� int�rs��ti�ras e� • � �n�ay b�gin eo app�ar, and sha�s�l�E not b� used gc�d�eerrnine vvh�n�s��n31 wili t�� r�qtai�ed. �i�kd � observ�tior�s of the irt�r��caiQn's operatio�li c�as�acteri�ti�s and ace�a�.l valura�e rra��s�ar�m�r��s � � should be conducted at t�ese 1a�ations hefor� any d�4isiora tc� a�s�a�l1 a si�nal is rnad�. � � �1.� �a�at�d in T�.bles 2 an� 3, the inters�c�ion o� �7�rtra�outhf72nd Av�nu� �vifl� �p�r�t� a��r � �capacity, meetin� signal �arrar�ts � �r�d 1 l. �'�l�C��€3IC S1�fl1�iZa1LEOCt Og Ch1S ITf.k�CS�Gk1C1[1 iaVll� �3� � requi�ed cor�curr�xat �ith ti�is p��j�ct. I � I � 1{iltel��n�A���scl�tes, fnc. �� II G 1 y � ,o ��IiY�'9' I �'�`�`�.9Ee37�� . �lJ�S2 AlT4�L$ II i — — — — -- ����s� �������� ���. �� ������ . � '��� prm,pe�t������at�d �raffi� h�s �wr� �t����iv�s i� a.c��ssia�$ �'ia��w��► 9�3�'. "�'�� �r�,���e f�f�� e� ��� �ith�r t4g� L��rrt�n�utE�B�i�he�r,�y 99�' a�at��s�c�iar� �r 72��.��hwa�r 99VV �n�e�- ������e� �� �c���� �ii�P�vv�y 9�D�1, �'ta� d���ri�ax�ias� �f p�caj���-g�n�rated tra�Yx� t@ara�r�pa th�s� � indersecEions will be in�lu�gaced by c�pa�ity c�a�straints�ls�n�tkt�s�tr�v�l rc�rat�s. �as on�tr��el ���t�ex�ec��r���s��e�.�cr trav�l d�I�ys����x the r�th��adt�r��ei�e�e�v�t ca�t�,€raf�ac�wil�r�rcaaat� II to t�h� ot�i�r ta°�v�1 rr��at�. It is lik�ly �taa� pr�j�ct �r�.�f'�c will distrabut� a�� a. �xar�a�er �vher� �h� �� d�l�ys a� ehe T�aregaa��thi�i�h�v�� 9��d aead 72�c�/�di�;�r�ray 99� intersectia�.s v�ill '�alan��. �i 'rhis sa�u�ticsn. will b� r�f�rred t� a� �h� �:a�sa�aty ��zase�ai�n.�d c�rditia�n. � .As s&ao�r�itt'�'�.bYe 2,the l�e�rel of s�rvac�a,t th��aa�ma�ta�i29kix��tway 99�iJ�d 72nt�/�ii�hEVay 99�' iraterr�ctieras are ��c b�l�c�d 'nn �hc 199� �vit� proje�t c��di�ian. T��e I�a,�z�c���€i�h�r�,y 99� Pnteasectgon is pxoject�d ta op�r���at L�S�whil�tk��72n�igh�r�y 93�ir�t��ecti�r�i�p������te� � tc�c�p�ra�e at I.OS�. ""�'h�erefor�,th�project-;�nerat�d cxaffic�ras r��ssi�ned��a t��rr��d�ay��e�ra�ei� based can� a �a���ity �anstraan.�d c�ndition. I�LCi��Ct tC�11��dC �o+�S �51�11�C� CA �� PQ?�C�bal�� dY��tdOf�C ba.��� on an �terative approach �vith che intera�inz� Qf balas�ci�a� t�e detay� exp�rse�t��d �t the � I7artr�a�th/�-Iighvvay 99��d 7�.n�i/FIighw�y 99�int�a°s�cti�r�s. Fegur� 6A�hov�s t����t����n�er- ated �r���'ic assignm��t bas�d on cagacity constrain�d tr�i� �e��dit�c�t�s. F'i��r� 7./�i���es�t�� tYt� 1�g4 tatal traftic ��iurnes at t.��e study int�rsec�.ar�, F�a,s�r���x����ci¢y con�trai�ted�arac�z�a��s. � T'�ible � s�r�naariz�s the r�gul�s of this a�a�.�ys�s. '�°h� lev�fl o� sera✓i�� bas�d mn �h� pr�vious, � ur�corestxain�d assumptiores ar� al�e► shown in 'Table 4 for c�nzparis�� ��rpe�ses. _� �-�t�a� �€ ����i. �oc��fr�,�dr��a�i ��pa��i� L�w�6 a�a�aarS��!!16'i�9a �rr�����'3'�r��ic�V9r.e9�me� _ " 1994 ltrscon�tr�to�a� 1�9d�spacity Con�B��dr�ed Ira4�rm�s�4iu� ------- "-.'—. Q�����������r�a) � ��@�� bara� �c� ��a�y v/� ��� . � � , d 1. L7arieno�4h/�iigF�wsay 99W 59.6 �.f 1 � �7.f� 9.11 E �. 7�t�d/Wighw�y 9gW 24.4 d.90 C 40.1 9.Q2 � i � 3. 72n�d/hiampton �4.f 0.74 F3 9�.6 0.74 � �&. 72nd/Dartm�uth 8.q 0.58 �1 10.1 0.76 B � C���e�eve Gap��i4y LS7S 9�e�erva 2�apaci4y LCS� � 5. Driv�4��y,4/�3artmau4h -73 � 53 � � (�+I�C) • � � 6. driuewmy fi�-Cub/�arter�oufh -29 F� ,9� F � 7. Drivew�,y C/72nd �� � 26 � E � � L � � 8. DPiveway D/�2nd 47 � 47 F � �~ €�i � � �. � F�J�t�lssasn�A�a�octstg�, In�. �3 i � o I . I � I . �1 ���� foxar w°wsca�s) �I 3x�is+ ��35 , � T5� �319 Q, q�s� � s�t9 r��� � r �� 6ti� �6�? ��� 6 �� �`o � � 9 78�1 ��� ��, �,r"`'� 23�� �, � � i1f� �91i7 � � � v �' 9Q I d � � I �� I �� �I � ��� � i�� 4 � ,� `����, "'`..,�� � I so .,m--° � �w,° � MAIPlES,��. � � � � I � A 8 ST. � � J � Si`�E � � � � � � i � �e�� � � � ������� � � � � `�,?� �; ����1�F�T�p� ST. ..-- �-�.� I a'-a �'`r Pn � 140�� � 75� a �� � c� � M�°s � �n � � . I ��� E � i85� . Q � �� `�'1 rn o �� 6�O��1 P���A'��L� �! i � ��l������L./ �a 10(0 0 �T'S 0 4 �`4.+'�� �P\/"'C 0 �1 Rme TR!—��J�N1Y CF�l�'Ef� ' FiGUF�E � TiGAE�D Qi���(31V � �1 JIJL'� 9 994 /e4 � a �� , ', � . � � P�� �� � � � ��'�� �oa�a � 9�5� �143 �� ���� t�r vo sras�? 34b� �2�i�3 � 83 3 t�& � ���'�� :��� ,�� � �,/��! ' 43�� �45t& te`rt �.sa�il�`Q"CJ gl� � �# 9 35 �� "� `^�`n � � ?B5� ��fl � � �3�� ���S i��� �25 � a � � � ou;ca � s`�V w`� . ���� p � S �� �'��b� �Q� � . ,-�1�� ��� � � 5 �'j a`�c� `'�. �� ��" � ��,t Oi�993�5 RS�, cac � a � �4�„ °� � � '�7, � .d �' e � �,` �ITE � � f� � � � � � ��� � � G,y�✓��.� � v�i � ; �'� � � 5�+/�EA�1pY0t� ST. � I �� r� , �� � Sd6�� � � � 75� �� � � � � � � �� �° � � � �24 � �36fl �SO°� � � � 1�5�� � hP �� � � �� � �� � � 19�� �`�T�L ���.�TR��'��'� l�a�'o f���K ���� �`R.��'�°��' r�i—���rv�� ���r�� r��u�e !� Tl�ARCl� tJldEC�N �, �� (� I JULY t99� ,t r 2 • 11 � 9y!��{��y/V�+'�S' y�,(�gy � /py rym+�� ' � iCiO71A�'�� ' WW�i��a�Plfim �6✓f�i#irPN�/N�iW , T�a� ��y issax�s �ddr�ss�d �r► kt�is rcp�a� �it.h r�sp��� xca l�t���l ��x�ul��an fo� ��� ��ap�as�d ai��r�������at ar�c��a�� th� ���fl�vv��►�: � � '�h�m�,��ar�,�c�ss driv�w�ys shc�uld pg�vid�cleac�nd un�bstr��t�d �cccss t�ra�acs vvith �uf��i��� a��g�� ec� �ns�ar� �t��t par�.fln�/���eirn� ���z�u�r�r� va�il� rac�� �r�att �a��i���.x�t �QR1�fl�gS YV1tP1 �Y°1V�C5 CC�C�%t%�� C!S�%.(XAEA� t�l� Sl�s�. � `�h� irater�c�i�c� bet���n �ust�a�a�xs �f t�a� ��rr�rr�.ere��l c��at�r ��i de�ia�e�y s�r s�a�i�� v�l�i�l�s shoufld �� s�d�zc�d �s �auch �s gassiblc. • �`h� �ur.�bcr ���i�� dr�v����Ps i� ���bqt�at� �� �.a�g�r5� th� sii�•�g�s��r�t�d ���f°�� �ea ��t �ut�st�z��ia! �c�n��stian �s �c�� lik�l�+ ��a �cc�.r at �r�y ��� �lrav�vvay. .�r�vi�w o�th�curr��t si���lar►s.��dicat�s�k�a�th�pro�sos�d c��v��o�rrne$-�t p���a�rall ad�q�at�ly ac�dre�� each of't�s� �bc�v� gs�►��s. '��fc�ua pri�xa.ary�c�ss cizi����i��ve r�~ioc�than suffici�nt throat deptlh t���ox�sn���e predi��d�i� val�zxn�s. 'Y'I��ix�tea�a�l r��iiv�a�s�ste�arUUnd�.h�p�r�r�Z�ter�f t�site h�$.�n d�si��a�d���I��v a,� s�r�i��lcl�li�r��v�hicl�s�to x��h t�s tk���c�ad�rag ar��at th�r��s�mf�a�b�ilc���,��ck�r�rill r�a�atriiz� the i�a��r�ti�e�b�cweea��ustcarz��rs�f th��c,n~►as��rcial cenKer�d��rv���fci�liv�ey��ka��l�s. "1"�Se o��r�taoraai anaiysis 's�dacat�� tf�at �.I! af �k�e propc�s�ci sit� �riv�ea��ys �i�t �pex�t� �t �� �.deq�at� level o� servic�. ���her; se��ra.l �l��rr�ate i�a���ss �nsi ��re�� ra���� �� ����1�&�le, vN�2FCt1 �/flII STllI8�t111ZP tE7C �70Y�t7tf1l �OC COd1�ZS[1pII CO C.�BVe�(7�7 s'iC �lLfy SFYi�I� �l:���✓��/. ���sad- �rar�� these f�ct�rs, eh� ����a��r of dri�ew�ys prmvided to th� sit� shr�uld b� �d�q�x�.�� t� ��,sur� tha�� y�bstanei�l �c�r�g�stic�� will r�o�c��cur �t any �i��de dry����y i�cat��rc. �a„ �'i � � �� � � � � � � � a� � � I — - -- - I �fi7ttead�rari&,4���f�ka��r, ln�, 2S 1 �1 1 . I I I _ . ... ��n'l�. ,.. . � " ' �.. . ��rf`t�:. '. :1+. �_ ti 7 . � �'K�,,� . � � f r 1�:^,. a ��'( �, (asr 'Crt �hi}'�C,.. ��°'�i';ls .� ° t; �?,. .. .'h�` �. ., �[a�� 7��� .7'( �T�11"�y3� ���+�i`l4�s��,! �'tc�'��i }�4j��z';��. 4 G:r ww yy Ty�,� �_� {�' �"i+�er75'�i�y� !t{��r�Tl�`�?Fzrti �'.�ly"��4�<ad �v�1.yti���F'= `�.�^�,g�."fc J 's�X�'�7Ki�i�'.�17.i 3'�'"Qr�e�S�rt�.C.":.i � 'ts'`s'�x�1t: �yY•����� � �' ��' r '"+��p` 45`�. �1 y�n. '� � �' b� S"A ����+ ���g� �, i� ��� y ,„�ty m�,7. �����v .'�+�...M�t>..*'F�i '!:iITSX�� g.Zl��fw.LC.��', t`r � ��f������'� ��+f ..�� r��r��py'4. ' S ti �3E+��>�� *fi''�."�� �'i�' .t.�'4"'i� 7d. � �� ��� i � dx,� . � I ���@,B�C M � ��°�� °�r����� ����g�i�n� ��� . , , , i mlatl,�9��4 ! p�f�'�nf�r' ��Y�7°r�si���oaatfMlax�� i N1 , II II � ���� �"����� ���a�s�i��� '�� . A6 ���a�� �� cur�au�ied of th� e�ce.�ly �c�araplet�c� �°eg�rd �'rac�rzgd� �S�eca�c �r�c� �lcane Ti°r��cs�raa°�'�a��ra �zrrd �"ra�c ���cfcsex�xa�ra ��.�fer��y�r: ��, ��i�t� ���laaat�dy f►283�8i� �C�VM1 L�&ad��q ra��d�ay�rc�s�-�eckica�c��ed�for b��ld-c�i.at of the rerrzai�it���a�.d��r�l�p�d land�within t��'Ta�ard "i'�i�tngle. 'Thae study concfluded that, wreh be�a�d-�u2 of �h� assua��d ��.nd �as� �����uric�, ttx� s�grtient Qf 3�a�xtrnoueh b�tr�r��n 72�zd and F�acif�� �-Iigka��y woe���f n�ed to e+�nsist o� a, b�sic gav�:�laza� cr€�ss-secCi�a�, in�l�,dirag trwo through laa��s iar �a�h clix��e��n r�f ���,vel aaad a� �ex�t�r �n�di�n I�z�� for left-��rniz�� trafi"ic. I�artmot�tiB has sirtc� be�n canst�u�t�c! t� �.�ea�rA�snoclae� �ve laa��� b�t��ve�n �i,�hcv�y 99�J and � ?2r��1 t�,v�nu�, exc�pt for a �ha�t sectia� w�s� of th� �ite a�a� sa��t�a �f th� �c�st�n sit� �ro5sang the c�e�k, which cons�sts c�f a��sic t�.re�-lan� crc�ss-sectio�r. '�'en�aporary raad�v�y s�ripix��aid� in the traz�sixic�r� frorn 5 �a 3 lanes th�ough thi� seccior�o 'I'o accornmc�date a fave-�ane�rassrs�c- tion oc� this sectiazi raf��ctma�th, an at�ditxonal 12 fe�t c�f riglnt�-of�way v�i�� be s�quired a1�Bag t�e site's fr�ntage w�st �f si�� Driv�way �. Or�ce va��land is�ues ha�e b��z� sesc�ived, the City af digard should construct a full �ve-lane sectio� across ��e rr�ek usir►g fp.�r�ds acquired frnxn Systems L�evelopment Charg�s on Triangd� dev�l�prn�z�ts. �i�ur� $ illustz•ates �h� �sttirz��ate lar.e configurat:er�s recs�r.�mended for the Sp�r�i�c A.r�a�'l�a�e '�'his plan as��anr�ed a 175y0�1}-squar�-�oot shoppin� center od� �h� NN�ariin prc►p�rt�. '�"o ass�ss the ad�qaaacy af ar�a wide impTOVerr��r�ts re�€�mrrz�nd�d 'an t(�is gl�n for a 265,Od3�-sc��eWfoo� shappin� cerrter c�n the site, th� previo�s c.ri�s �ssux��� iay th� area pian v✓ere s�btracted fcorn ar�� wide voluct��s, ar,d the site t�-ins sh.c�wn ir� Figue� 6 wer� added back to �,rrive �.t th� 2010 total �.m. peak ha�r tra�fic votur��s shown i� Fig�r� 5►. �'�bl� S is a sura�m�.ry af the r�sults of che intersecti�ra �,�� ar��l�s�s �ar�d�r 2�D1�7 t�a�ic�rs��a�nd � and ?O 10-�vith�project co�zdi[ior�s. �Iith the �rc�ject, the �-Iighway �9��Y7artr�outh iritet��ctio� wo�ald a�er�t� at �C7S 93 ta k', b11C WOlRII� 5C1.II O��I°3t� �'3�IOW Its d�si�n capacity. The "F" levels af servi�e r�p�c�ted �ac t�o of c[�ie sixe ��iveway� �a� Daa-Cxnauth using th� ! methocialo�Y Pr�s�nced in the 1985 Hi��aevcay Ccapcacity l�lan�cal (�hich ass�am�s rar,dor4a gaps� are �rob�.bdy overstat�d givea� the prc�ximiey o�' the hy-therr sigr�aliz�d int�xs��ti�ra of I�art� I ma�uth/72nd Fivez�i��a A.lsa�, under the�raffic vUdum� assumptians of the�p�c�fi� �r�a�lan,tkt� d.d ivew�.ys on 72rid Av�nue wnuld c>perate at L,OS � ar�d C in the fucurc�. 'This imbalae�c� in ciriveway l�v�l af s�rvice b�s�d on d�rnand is likelv to ca�se r�assi�nm.en�of site traffac t�th� 72nd t�venu� drive�vays �n¢il I.OS r�aches ac� equiiibriu�. "�'�,��i� �9C°ui+A�l� lflid����'�" �,��SL`��6� Giv�n che I��S F predicted �c th� driv���ys ont�i I�ar�inovth, �z s�+��ial iazv�sci�atio� vras cc�nducted to �valuace the need for inst�lling cra�ffiG sig�nals aC thes� �tiv�a a���xs driv��ays. T�a r�siat�, ie is imp�orcant to r�cogc�ize th�t these warrants axe f1eG�s��ry, f�r�t aa�t by t���ta.�ei�es su�'�icf�rat J�ESI9�lC�CI0II1 �CIC �I7� 1l1SC�IIIClOC! C'9� �, 51���t1. Fo� �xae�p��, th� vaarra�ts �va�uated �bove talce into accoun� tr�ffac va�t��aa�s on a11 r�ajor and rtair►c�r st���et ��Z�ra�cd��s, ba�� da n�a� e;�pliciqly accQ��at eor dciv�r deflay, r�ireccion�l distrqb�z�i�e� of g�e cn�ie� �tr��t tra���, c�r the pr��ac�rtion pf sid� stre�c �c�icl�� �rtaki�g r�ght t�arn,� in�c�ad af l��t tt,�s< C�t�aer s�st�rnta+�adc C()l�S1E�iES'��10�23, sc!ct� �s c�►e eff�cc o�a c�pa�icy arcd l�veis �f s�rvic�, ��c�uld �l�� b� ta�k�n Antt� Kltt�lson d��I;��aclet�ss, Inc, �� 1 1f 1 9 . � � �� ¢"���r, � � � � � ,TM '�' � � � �� � � � � � ����� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � ��� � � ' --.� � , �, ; �w rawo��s ��. ', � I � I . � �� � � e ��. j � J 9 �ITE � � � � ' � n a � \� � � �,� � �������R c�v � � Sp ` +. / ��`�i�T�PB �T. . i I , �� ��� � �� � � � � fl� � � 1 � � � � � � � � � ������ � � � ��� � � r�aF�9c sic�a��, � � .,� ��c�� �i��a (FU�ao�D o►�P�oo��ea�N�� . . �o � r� ������ r�����L� �������� ���� ���� ��r�� ���������r�o� Ti"e"!�—���J3��°t° ���17E�d �I�ui�E �!`IGr�Fd� ���dy�l�! �� � � i ��a�.� �s��. a , � � � :��,� ��, � � � ������ ����� � 1�9a� �+,r 4�� �� �°�^�� tac�r ra beus) 595� �5S!@ � 4�0 9�� � � � 1�g � � � ��.°� �re�� �.aB� ��� �.�S� .r����� � � � zsn� �4s � ,��� ��� � � �aa� ����� � � �ss� ��20 � � �' � ��; a°��c� ,��� ���� ��1�� � 1��� � `�� 9 � ti`��� � ��, oQ`��' *```�.,.,...,. � � � 5� w,APPlE�_R�. � � � ca � �` 9 ST. ..r 8s J 9 �I�� � J �' � � � � �F e��� � � � �'��1�'�r� � � � ��: � ��t��AeAT(�6� 3T, i I ��: i ^� � � � � t��.,� �a ��� �M° � � � � � � e!, "1� � r°,� � 2%5� �.Sp � �, °'�...,.,.._.� � SfS�� �m AS5 3Q� � � � � � � r�5� � ��� � � � wnae a'f N �� �A � I Se V � 5d ����mo �e16le ���1� 51FOC.A'I@ ���6d'���W TR6�—CC�IJ�43�r' ��1VT�� F��uRE � TIGAi�D. ��E�Ot� � � J�lE.Y 199�b � a4 tn , , , . , ;� ���� 'l�'�dy�rr8�' ' ��t�FD��lr��rsa�l��a�sa °�^ - — -— � �'���� . k'����.'��O�:NF�, ia�$��aaa¢°�'�r�sB�f��ev9u���i1q3�1�eib��d$ I� en�r��on �a���s����a wr�6���° s zoio�uA�������t I f���a��,�e����E> ��e�y �a� �,�� �.a�y �i� ��� �. t��rtraoca�th/�9ie�h�ay��1l� ��.+p �.�, � 37.1 1.Q3 (5 I �.7�e�d(9-!l�h�'��r 9��1/ ��.� �.�& � ��.� 0.�5 � i 3.�"��n�/Fi�eesp4ne� —— �3.9 0.66 � �8.2 �.5� � I �°� �s. � ;3 4. �2nr1/D��ottaaou8i� 9.6 0.6� t3 '�2.5 �f.79 � �euer�g r�pac94�1 L�� ����r+r���pa�9d� �.t7� a,��iw��vay�/i�ar4�ste�th r . �94& ' F (`rw��� � . .�__ 6. f�riv�w�y�-Cub/�2�rtrn��a4t -93 �w �, 7. CJrivc�vd�y�l7��d . °` 3 353 , t# , �. ��iv�way�f3'2r!d 263 � � I *Volum�s and miti�ation based on'i'egard Triangia Spac#�c Ac$a Plan I 1 � ' ��c�ur�t. �n Yn.�a�y inst�nc��, ucasi�aa�Iized i�terse�tic�ras me�tAr�� saa�� s�r r��r� c�����s�vv�as�e�ts I cantinu� to o��rat� sacisf�seori�� and mvith �ven Iess totaP s��lay �hacr vv�uld ��e�a� a� a� �raf�� i s�gnal �vere �nse�ll�d. PT���S51A[481�l1(�.gIl'l��lt �Y1�QUIfj �� US�� iPl �SS�3S1i1�till� �d4;'�C.� �(�%°��T���C I spgr��i �v�n aft�r on� or �ne�r� c�f th� ��c�v�mad���a�'ied w�rraret� a� satis�'i�de '�'h� ���s�a��iy c�� si��aal��ed iz�terse�eia�a�s can ha�v� a b�n�fi�aat ��f�ct �� ���a�iey at n�arby u��i��aaliz��.c�rgv�� i v✓ays 9ay cr��ting Iar�ec gaps �a� th� passing tra�'�ic th�c� th� R�f�J"�'�lD �rad ��P� rr��t�od.a�le��i�s , �5s�m� (r�fere�s��� � and 7). ��, I . I i � -- - 1CJS8�k�esn&A�seGl�t��, lrr�, �1 1 t� i 1 OJ���'d°C py . . • �p/y�„ �yy���,�@�p�y�.� . ���4i � � ��Pii i'i��'�O4l�RdEMiI90� . °�°h� ��mo�e�h� Ssr��e �����pe Fl� g��fer��ce �� c�t��a�nds ��ly �sa� sgac�e� sr�r��. ��a ��,�a�th �����n �i�i�r��.y �9V�' ��td 7��d ���r�u�, ��� ��' rth�s� s�rrs dri�a���;3v� � ��dad���� �o�th� I��eara� �f��ch ������ly �.S le�i is�.�8��ri�4� rS��Dbil3 �YB�Ci���. "I'�a� ��sul�s �f the ¢r�iFfic s�g�x� �v��t��lysiw�e� showca an'f�bl�6. Z3nd�r 2i3l4 pr������d��rs���t°scsg��a�i�h�h� �S�o,���et, bo�h ��th� sie� �l�v�vv�y� can S� I9��ouri� Str�e� w�il m��t w��a���s 2 ��� I� f�� �ag�alg����c��b. �a�vv��r�a°9 e�e�sc ��a��-t�z�a �s���a�t�� cs�aly p�c�vid� axx i�adi��ti��. ����.�ea ����ti � t��t�a�� �rubl�rns �t t�� l�.t�rs��tac��s ��y b��i� ¢� �.����rr, �d �1���ald �a��b� �s�el ea�d�t�rmi�� ����a��i�n�l�ifll t��r�q��r��. TI��a�nt�rs�a;ta�aa�'�p�r�ta�a��l�te�r��t��as�i���ei a�gual:�r�lur.�� r���s�zr���x�t��ha�Id b��a�nats�r��at�@��s�lo�atna�s��b�fs�r��e�y�n�i d�s:gsia�ica a�ast�l��si�n�l �� a��d�. �'�t� �h�� the a�pi�c�abi�ity s�ff ���� �, 's�r�e�r�peic�� �f �e�r,s�iaa�aa��s ���ffa�'E is qu�sti����t� a�ehfls i�e�ta�r� ���a�ase ch� pr�xa�ity ��'th� �ar�r���td�f7��d ,��r���� sigr��� w�11 �x�ate �ag�/discontare�iti�� i�t£�s t�°af�i� str�aa�x�rrPStl�a�aead a�� ��trno�eh. �►.s�c��ed i�7"��ate F,�h�int��s��tir�r�o�I��rtms��et��na R�enu�v�i��r�a��C th������n���+��er�c���. �����.la���ica� of�his int�rs�c�ic�n wi11 alrea�y h�vc occ�a��d �53� 2S��Q, "1°�b9� � °�'�^�#fS� �i�na�f i4V'�rr�rs�Y�►n�Fysl�a l�R�ua�eing�3'�t�i ��°9O 7Y�4#i�4�aa��,a��� W�rr�tat rA�t? .�..�.._.w Laves°�II in4ers�cSi�n �9farr�an4#9 �IfarPffin3#2 ��r�ant a��1 Ev�i�t�t3�n 72ndlCiar4m�sa4h Y'�S Y�� °P�� �°�� C�riveway A/�a�irnouth � �6('3 Y�S �'�� ��� 4�riveway B-�ub Faod�/�artmAU�h nJC7 �Y�� � '��� ��° � �dSra�af ch�se tw�o drivPtvays snay eaarcant sign�ts bas�d on operaEiona!�r�atysis a.e a ivaur�date.°rhe 72nd/L3a�¢t�►�utts si��. nal will platoon tr�ffiz,ceaating lonqer�aps. � I � � � � � b � � �� � � !�l��rt�on��s���e�t�s, In�. �'� .;.. . . . . . ... , . ... .. ..._ ,. ,.....: . . . �� �� . . � . . - � � . ... . . ,�. . . . � . �. . . ".�.. , ..�.'..•�I � r � _ � Y ' I _ , I � ....� . . .��i: . . �. � r . i ti� �+ " .'��� �� I� �'. f�� 4 � r � f.�"x J��� °� I i� i h k , .%� \��4':t !�5. '�n� ;� I s c,`?S k ���zfi���: ..,it�'ti �..... �,�'j +?�,"�..;t��,'�. i 'A t ,� ^re h �, sFt�r`tk� �:� f �i � � �s� � L��J S�5�gi �r � ��� :�{ v�} ,�t'��T��F � r �'3 ' .. $�S� � � `F'� � °i�3���t� � .�y. �� �� Cisl�i�t.. .. a..�.vuy.�� �:a�N�'n3uz�.� ' :s. '� �r i �? !%�?r��n �� �h ��nr �I ' .; �.�Y � i�'� ���r� I , 9� �� �. ��4 rq �j _,... �V�,�T�.} � ��^�l�iG1��i �'i Y't�' '�+� Y ��. I �t''+ 4 � w�Ej�� �,6 {�"�+� I X �1�.d`��j 5�"�,���� a '�,.. I ��'i:ri.^.k ��� II �� I ^�' � I • i I � � I � I � I � ��tl�� � � . i ��n�i������ � . _ ; �.�� ��������c������� � . , � � � , r ��sy�� ° •� . Ce��6u�D��s��«��t��ae�rro��s��a . ���������� ��� ���� �����t� �� , J � �'�4� C����.$�5��t��C3'��1C�S1�IySY5 C��$�t1b�d i%Y �PARS&'���Y`�&%P�iC���$�2����iC �7T�g��C�TT�a��e�ret�r ��nt�� �r� ��.� Ivf�stiaa prop�rrty ��ra b� ��v��1�P�r� �hfl� ����pt�.hi� �e�r�is c►F tr�f�i� s�p�r��i�� a�d s���ty a�°� �n�.int��r�e� o� th� scrrrc��a�dan� tr�a�s�o��t���a s�rst�m. '�h� ��il��vi�� fi�aim�s aF� t�� r��u�t o�tk�as �n�lysiso a VVitt����t th� pr�j��t, ��c ��a�1a�d�n� ad,��c��� d���isspxn�e�t�, t�� i�.��rs�c�ic�n �f � ��rt�nc���h/�3ii�hvv�� 9��7+I ivill ��r�te at ca�a�i�y ��a�in.g thc �ritic�I �v��kday p.�. g��k ', h�ur per�od. FO�'��"2PS F��sfl11, th� �rriprc���gra�ncs �+� I-�i�h���� 9�i�1 id��ati��d a� ��� ".�'z�a��l i '�"ri���� �p�c�f�c �� Plan �h�ulr� b� �icc�ded �xad �rri�l�a��r�te� a� s�es�a �,;; ��s���,���w �11 . other�ttg�3r ar��.i�ter�ctarae�� will �a��r�t�at a�G�pta�d� 4ev�ls af s�;fl°v�c�. a Wath th� a�di�in�a �f 5it�-gen��ated traffi� fr�� �1�� grop�s�d c���eic��xn�nt, the i�t�rs�cti�t�qf�a�€Yn��th/72rac! �veraue�aill c�q��re sA�rtali�a�ioc���ad�r�d,je�ted 1994 �o�c�itioegs. � • A review o� th� ecvc� ciirrent sit� pians ina��a�es c�a�t �he prapt�seri �t�v��oprri��at �r�ll �deqa�ately address th� fofllativin.g: {a) Pr�visic�n c�f�uf�i�i��t throa.t depeh at cia� znaja�z a�c��s dr�veura�. (b) it�ti�irniz�tic�n c��'��ter��ti�a� b�twee�e�sto���5 �r�i d�nivery mr��rvic� v�hi�les. (�) F�fl•�vis��ra t�f a s��f'i�i�c�� r�uflnber caf sitc driv�w�y� ts� efi�p�rs� ��� sit��-g��c;ratec� tx�affic so that ��zbstantial co�g�stian is Z�t Iik.�ly to s�c��r �� �ny arae driv�way. « �ignali�a�i�n of tk�� t�o sit� a�cess driv�w�y�c►tt S�4��rt�ou����Cr���y�ters�ction s�idl �c�t be vvarr�.rat�rl und�r p�°oj�cc�d 1994 condit�or�s. I-�uw��er, il. gS �Sdd�a�$�t� �'�.1R�f3lt� �� �k�ese drivev�v�y� �✓i�l r�qasire si�naliz�tion tay y�:at �C YQ, �ft�r a��i�r psst�r�tial de��la�prr�ent r�r�xhRn th� Ti�axci Trian�le ha� o�G�arr�d. = A recer�tly c�nnpE�t�d transpa�rt�ta�n �axalysis tF�ae �v�ldsat�d y�ar 2�?1!3 ��sild-out �onciitzo�s within��he"�'i�ar�i"�°riangle coc��le�d�d thac th�se�ar�s�nt o�t��rtnicsu�Y�d�a��we�r� 72nd artd �ii�hvvay 99 i���t �va�sl� n�ed t� c�r�sist of a b�sR� �v�-lan� cr�+ss-s��tic�ci, inc�udin� twwo thro��� Ianes in �a�h siir�ction s�f travel and � ���at�r r��d°aa� la�� f�a�� �eft�x�r�i�ag txaffic €o �ccam�nc���:te fuf? builiir��� ��d����rr�cat zaniz��. �9ar�rnnu�h �as �, r����t�y b��n Go�astr�ct�c� te� a five-fane secti�� �i�h �he e�c�pCion tzf a �hort 5����c�� � acros� �he �.�d �.ock Cr�ek a��rthvv�st of the si�� or� Castc�a prope�cy. This �e�sa���at� � ca�.sists c,f a b�sic s1�¢�e�-(ane cr�ss-section (on�tr�vel l�.n�i���ct�dir�ctao�t a.aa�.����at�r � m�di�r� t�.ne far 1�ft-�urniea�tb�af�'ic). T�a�c�rnmc�d�t��stAx��€�cf ti•�ffi�vc�l�aera�s f�rry��a� � 2i�i�, a fiv�-ta�� �r�s�s-s��ticsa� vvill b� r�quir�d €�ta thgs sec�ir�r� raf Da�r�tot�th �.� ��11. � t�.11 c��her impr7vein���s id�r�t�fi�d in t�� �'i��rd 'Tri�r��l� S��ci�'ic t�re� Pl�z� c�+il� resudt � ir� suf�icient capa�ity �o ��caenmod�te �w��ca�t bas� vc�l�arr�es, as �r��i as sat����r��r���s� traffic f�onn th� propos�d d�velc�pi�.�nt. �re parei�ul�.�•, tta� st�ady fQC�casts th�t �1[�ghvv�y ���will regu�re rrsajc�r��p�.�ity ia�prav�aa��nts i� t�e fa�����ddit�o��l thr€�sa�h tz°��r�l Ia�.�s, � Klt��tl�ors!�Assroci�fas� Ir��. �'� ,�. � .��,f � 7 .. . . ' . . . , . . . . . � . . . . . ' '. . � . , . i I �I I I I i I � I I . . . ... . ... . . � . II . .. . . . - . . .��q�yq......,�t.. i ' � . . �.:}e`� , . . � .f��� � . , ,r . . . . ,1�'.. !f� �4 �ci'r�� �.. «w 'S�' �'��'�"��1�s•' ' K� � � ' �i�'�K' �`��H,y't�.. YtS °r h`4"t r .,,t 7�F�J(�+f�,��'. �tF,?�,�� k � i R' �y� k.. %k4�.t. �";sS�,. �...� , _.:;(;'. .- �,����o y4 ���n, i� �. , ti� � . . � � x� (y ' n.� � ' ,+ �.. .( . �,,. . ; `���t��.rr�.�s,Y,a `�"�"c{.•0� '���,�a r�. � Y. 5 �° � �. �' '� + "'���� f„�'�.i..:ir'� a�4x4y,��',�- � ` ' x7'a�%`�'$t4 4 �t�>�'���_4�,�7 . N "`" �Y-.n.7� ���fA'µriy� _�•r,e,;•Ni;il �-,si..��Gt-.;S� �Ia�tl s.rr .�;1 52�.t'''�. , °"�v�`'e`f ;,Sti`.��:J:.'���.'�'.c:il :a#tiiF:13:iat�i.ra xe� t-�r i�s� �i�'Yt u5 ;x ������ ���� ,�� =f �� �'W�. ; � �2.: � . f ��f�rer���� 1 � a :�. . . . . � . . _ . � ��.. . .. . � . � � �� � - .. . . ��.. ��� . .� � . .. � .. . . . . . � ���d8�:�$ ,�o ���f"����� II . 1. �Cit���scan . ' I� ��ss����t��� I�a�, �'������rt�a�'a�n Irrapac��lr�aly�e.s,�'c�r tl�� Lu� ��car���nter I ���r�aa.rry 1993< I �. S£it��ls�� �Assas�����ss ��, �'r��as r�rt�aei�aa� Irr� �a�t�t�cc� ` �'�aa�l��ale O�€el��. �'��a� Igg3, � l� Y.�r�r�ehe ��c�rcf�'�s��� �� �n����tn�� �f�'x�anspQ��ti�n �k��ir�����o �'r#p �ener�a�a�rra, Sth �ciitio�n. I�Y�u�r� I991, �. �3�� ,�ss�c:��t�s, Irt�. 7°igct�°cd T',�a�r�g�l� ,Sp�cff�c a4r��� �'lara: 7'r�r�n��ot°a'a�ir�� � �'r�,f�'$� ' I �valua�ion. �'���y 199.�. r' 5. ��S t��ss��x�C�s9 It��. .�c�r°gta��¢�at�a ,��r��� ��nc�pe�lazrz. J���tary I9�4. 6, �'p�Gaal�ep�rt 209 : f�agh��zy C'ap�ti�y����alp Tra�nspprtati�sn r���arCh �€��rd, 13�5. I 7• �a�a�a1 r�n fdrai,fe��a 7°rca,�'ie �'mratrc�l�3�vaees;for,�tre�fs ara�ll�'�x��awa�,s, 19$� �diti�ar�. '�, �� I I �I�� I I �. � � . � � � � � � � �4 � PCISt�rPR�s��,Aa�ro�i���s, Inc. . II � �6 � � e� : � , I I ' I , . , •��z I i : I ��: x.: x�,� '��,- '.i. ..:7' .iY ��l". I ,' ��.��. . L,'i � y t I �.! F�/" - (1I� �� J3:'y�J �A �1 �i�� :� iY,�� �� J' ��?j4S .: �*�.r� k -+. �.i .'�.�� ���,..�. r?,�v�t`3 �� 't�'. n z�"s �2 vx� .<1�:� ��,.�.t ii+"'�'{�s��"r�il� y". �,�.,,�`-'r, * � :�'l.�'��� ��w^7�Sr��� I �-.d��c 4Abfi�' •+-5': . �.e� dr.Ys`..1Y ,¢.f,`lak�.�. � f'�„ ��� � •e xt� � �r�z� vy 5� �t ±�,v-t a,,� s"�,, �': +{. ��1��J�'� �L�,`e7�,�„��,�� sli-c�y,i.�� ' ��. .��,�� r � I �ci�it' � +�+�:"%�iii�x�4a�''S'r ;�i:�S� � � �, �,��� '�. . ��. ).� ` ��;����'3�i 4y'i�•..�. .. ,C :�na'+.. u �.X�,.`. , . i`*t'�����^� fi��� .. �. M�#� � , ,��;ya .r � . �1�5 . a 5'p� . . �� . .� .. .-;h � . I � �>;Mv ���a�t°�t��� � � 11 .� �- . . . . .. . � ,. ! ih' : . . . ; . . .. . . V+ . � � ���cz�v � � � . � . . . . _ . �°�9 d����'r'�$0/!° � ������� ��l9�i� �'��M�80N�� ��I����L� �evel �f s�r�rFC� ���5) �s � �t�n��p� ��v�lo�s��,d �€� �ta��aC��y fih� d��r�� r�f���f�z� �a����ac�i�� �u�h �l�a�a�r�t� �� �r�,�r�i tim.�e, nurrabcr aa���a�ps,�o�al ar��uzzt ra��t����d de1a�„a�d��p�d'aax���t� �at�s�d by �th�Y�v�i�a�l�sa ��£�src��d ta dri�+�rs �s Che�cg;���1 t�.r��t�� a� int����eta�aat �r r�a�d�vay ���z�z�c�t. ��� �ra�d�s �� �sed ta d��c�c� the vaa�ious �,�� fxs�xa�A tr� �',! � �-��as��� ��v�!���e�ri�����ia�6tiesa°�� (�4���liz�c! lest�a��+���s��p L�vdi o4 ��vie� �v�ra�e�I��Bay p�a V�hicf�tea ARl�ar s8r��8 � V�ry 4a��r�v�rag��tepp�d deiay, i�ss 8h�n fi�re��con�s per v�hi�i�.7his�s�curs when�— �rresgre�s9an i���r��eiy fiaw�r�bl�, �oid masY��h6�i�� �rri�a dur¢�g ti��gre��phas�, I�os4 v�h��le�dQ noY str�p�t�II. �hort cycle lenr�ti��rnay aI�Q�ontri3�€�t�ta i�w rle�ay. � Av€�r�ge s8o{�rJ�lay is in th�range oP a.i Sca i 5.�?s�s��ands par��hici�.'F'hf�g�ner�liy�ccurs�c�th ��od progressor�n ar�d/or shart cyci�l�ngth�. P�orm v�hicl�s�t�p 4h��f�r�Lb��4,�ausis�g _ higher 9evels uf average del�y. � Avera�g�stoppsd delay i�in the r�nc�e t�! i S.1 to 25.0��eencf�per���'scl�.Th�s�high�r�ei�y� rriay r�suit frc�m f�ir pragr�ssiorr and/�r 3or�gar cy�Ie l�ngth�. Individual cycl�failears�rs�a�+b��sr. Qo app��r a4 ihis le�r�l.'Th�ciumber caf v�hicl�s stsappin� i�signifi�ar�t at this Bev�l, afthoa�c�h smm�y �iill �aa��thro�gh 6h�fnt�r�ectiora wi2haut sYo�piriq, , Q �ver�g��top��r1 d�lzy�ar�ie�the r�r�r�a o�25.'1 ���0.����r�r�d�p�r v�hie9e.'fh�inff�J�i�s��of ccsngesti�� b�corrie�more nesticeabie. Lon��r deg�ys �s°��y r���lt fr�am s�m���asr�b9r�mtian a�� unPav�rab4�prc,gressi�n, ls�nc�cycl�Ven�4h� �r h6g3�v�a1�re��feap��iQy ratios. A�any vehi�le��top, a€sd th�presportiorr�a6 v�hicles naf stoppir�g�i�ciar��s. lndividual��acE�Gai3ur���ar� r��4lceab��. I � F�ver�ge stopp�d delays are in the raroc���f�C8.1 4cs�0.0�eco�d��er v�ho�6a.'I°t�is I�c�n�e��e�d to b�4t�e lim6t of�e��pt�bl�deiay.T4��a�high�lel�y vair��s g�n�r��ly B�r9lcate p�dr pr�gr���ic�r�, i long cg�cle i�ngths, And hic�h val�arrse/capa�ity ratio�. indiv'stlual cyc�a faiiur�s are�r�qaa��i �ccurrenc�s. F Mv�rage step d�fa�i�it�gxc�ss c�f Si�aeeonds p�r v��ri�ie. �"his i��ca�sidered t�ba un��cept�ble fa rr�ost c�sivers.'Phis car�dit�o� oit�n oc�urs witFs c�v�rsat�e�tican. It r�ay alss�cccur at high �aoia�me/�apacid�raBios b�i�+�r 3.�Q with rhany€r�tlividual cyci�€�il�a�•e�. 3'�rar�rngr��s9on ac�d lar�g � , cy�l� iengths enay�E�o eo�¢sib�:�fe�saac�hi�h de3�y I�v�l�. � � � � �� � � � � t7� !t� � 1 I�t��t Qt eh� rnat�rlal ir chis��pendix is adapted frmm ehe 7'ranspar�aeicn Ete�earch �ma�d.tlighwray Ca�reacity l�anuad, Speciaf Re¢ort�09(8g�31. kldtelson�A��r�clexes, fna. e_s �p��� �p� . . . . . . Y�p�....�I.�Bpgry�. p�q �. ' . .. .' �e�{.6u0 lY�ii7l4i�W� � . �r�I'Y . . � —_— �� _��� _ - _ � ����'6������ �Q�$�!'������ • 4 Th� �i� ��� $r�d�s ��� d���r�b�� �u�1�t�tav�ly ��r �a$�al���d i�i��rs���a��� �� �'�blc �fla A�ida�ao���l��°�'�bl�d#2 a�l�nt���s t��r�l��it��nship b�t���c�le��l o����r�ri�+�aa�d awerag�st�pp�s3 s��l�y ��° �r��ax�P�e LTsi�� e�is d��'�nitim�, � 86y�„ I,,C)5 �s �e��r���y a:a�n�����d �� r�p���n� tkn� �iaaar�uraa ����p��bl� dcsz�n stand�rd. '9"��ai��� ' t�rv�B-rx4v�eavi�e�r�t�pd�gar 51�pnaGix�c! le�t�����loraffi Le��B a4 Service atap��d�1el�y p�r�'�h�ci�{���eara�l�) I � A - - < 5.Q I _____a�___..._..��..�e � � 5.9 t� i 5.� I �_ �_.______— I � _ � �. �._____ 9�.1 @a 2a.Q_ I C� �5.� t�s�bt1.CY I � �b0.1 �o��.� F �60.4� I I • �� �1. � � � tPA � a�9 41� �, • � i18 � I III I l�itt�sl�c���e�5sc+�fefe�, inc. �°Z I I , d' �. eit�yv 4� ��s RarA�d��aca��a' E4 . L1e����P������� ��°i'�����at��� "Th��a�t��al�,t���af Ll��at��aa������li��d iz��erse�tion rcqui���d'a�fcren���pro��h. �'h� 19�5 t�'a�ho�c�� ����aea� t4�ar�csad isa�Y�d�s �, a��thcsd�l+��y f€�r ��lcasl�tir�� th� L�� �t ���u►��, �t¢�p�ce�c��r��l�d �e�t�rse�tia��. �(��' E�l��� Lfl61SS�f9��F�l�C�. tl'k�Cf���tAt3E8S, �.�5 i� d���r��� ��aa�� ��� � �c�r���pt ��`de�s�xvv� cagacity" (i.�., �n�g g��ion of a�aa��bl�e he��xly ��pa�i�� �fl��� i� �at us�d). A qa��lit�tfv� d�s�ripCit���f�h� v�aic�us s�rvi�� fl�w�l� assn�i�,¢�d wit���n unsi�a��Iax�d�r�i��se�- t��ax as pr���ne�d i�'�a3�1�A3. �q�a�,�,tica.ca�r���fna�itac�n cs�LOS fcs�a��n�A�nal���� z�at�r���tia� is p��se�t�t� fn�'abl� �4.�. ��a�a��� tA��aa��°+�4 A..�veE-of���c�r€a�� ���cr6��i�sra��esr!l����sa�l3��ss� Intsr��c�ira�a� l.ee��3�4 � 5�rvdce � ,�v�r�ge�3�E�y p�r Vcl�i�i�2s�lNln�r��r��d � - - ,�^ I m Nearly a6! clri�esrs find fr��ciom�6 czp�ration. -- I • Very selciaer� is th�re more 4hart one vehicte ir�Y��qu�u�. ' � B --- I � Sam�driv�rs b�gin Yo consider the d�Qay an incanvenisnce. - s C?cca�ionaEly 4hRra� is mors�¢t��n a�s�vehicle irs t��c�u��.i�. ._�. — , ----- - -- � � M1any tim��th�re i� rnor�th��one vehicPe in the queue. * Pv�ost drivers feef ras4ric4�d, b�t no2 objectionably so. !� • Ott�n ther�is more th�n tan�vahicle 'sn 4he queue. � � C3siv�rs feel quite reskrict�. _� _� � � � � �?epr�sent�a condiSi�n in whi�h 4he ciemand is near e�r�qu�l to 8he�rabable maxim�m r,� number of v�i�ici�s tha4 carro be accora�ocJa4ed by t��mav�rrs�nt. � � a Th�r� is aEovse�st alwa��rttora th�n ane ve�icle in tho q�ses�e. � Driv�r�find ih�:dei�ys ap�roaching intol�r�bi� le�vel�. � -- — - -- -- - -- - , � F ��e �orc�ed(Icaw. �, g� ' = f���ra:s�nts sn� inter5ec4ion 4ail�srg condieian fhaE i��:aus�d by � g�amatrl�ar�d/�ar ope��tior�ai constr�4s�4s�x8err��i to t��int��sec4fa�n. Kl�t�lson�,Assaclsi�s� 1nc. °�-"� . . . . . . . . . I i b� �• I aall��'��� �'�d�i III �d'�fl�����'rBV'T��d' I I " I ��blS��� li �.��I�a�tp�+��������r 4�c��l�ea�l6������s°���fi6�sa�� . I i����eero�x�C��i@y ,�•�•�, ��p��S�t4 t3�'�y Ya�Bs��s1�3��tt'�t'Tt'�4PEC �R�P�9 E.,�va8���a��w3�� �� e������� � ��pp ,� Lbt43e u�no d�l�y ....,.` _..°_' ° I �OU-399 � Short trs€�#o�d�la�$ 20t9-299 � Ad�rag�tr�ffi�d�i�y� i OQ-199 C! � --- � Le�r�g trafYi�cl�is�ys i �-99 � �A€�ry lang 4ra�iic d�iays a � * "Whan dernand volurc�e exceeds the capacity crf the lan�,cxTreme delays wi18 be encour�tered,wich yueu�in$tk►ac may cause s�vere co�agestzon and affect oth�r tra�Cic nnnvemecrts in the ineerscctirrn.'Y'tiis cort�itiarc I usual(y waerants irttersecaion improvcment. �I • I I � il "Che res�r4�e ea�s�city c�a�cept ap�li�� c��a1y t�i �n ia�dividua! tr�ffi� zn��r�m�nt car t� �h�r�d ��ne II ��c�verrier►ts, �rtce the ��iS,cag�acity, aaaci�xp�c�ed��l�.y af�1�t1�� ��divic�aaal �+�v�sx��a�ts h�v� I be�r�calcuta.t��l,ar�a°�erall�vala�ation of 2h�inter��ctio�ca�b�fx?�de. l�torrnally,th�rr�c��v�rr��nt I har�i�� th� warst I.C)� d��ir�es �h� av�r�l1 evale�aiic�n, �ui �his ���� b� ��rnp�x�rl b� �n��n�eri�� jud�rn�x�t. �n °'T�°. I.�� �s �ea����lly cc�nsid�a-ed �� r��a��;��a�t ¢�� �i.nAa�aar� a�c�pzable d�si�n sta�adard. �xp�rienc�wBth th� �scasi�;�a�iz�d�nafysis pr�e�dltr�i�id°a�a.tes this cn�thc�ds�les�y is es�a�5ez�s��tive in that it t�clds to oveeestgrnate Yhe ma�nit�.d� �f any po��n�I�l �rc�btc:rn5. 'Tt�z� As��p�ci�l�y eru� far minor�gtc���, l�ft••t�r� r���ve�.�z��s. ��ae exarnple, che :�'c�h►�ay C'capacity I�k'a�aa�a! sn�thcad- �lo�y do�� c�c�t take �nt� ac�ount gh� �f�e�ts af vei�icle €l��v platoc�ns thaae res�alt frcaa��c�g�treaa� si�z�alizazion. V�hic(�s travelizr�iaa platoor�s t�nd eo create�;r�at��•g�ps in th�traf�i�f�c�w9 which '� sc�crxet�zz��s pg•�vi�� �cidita�nai capac�ty for eh� s�d� �los�s� t�a th� s��z��l. '�'her��or�9 th� r�s�,xit� � o� any uzrsignalized i�ters��tea� aa�alysi� shaul� �� r�vi�w�d �ith this �thou�ht �n mir�ei. � �en�c�Ily, LO� E for th� caxinor-ste�eet, I�ft-turn cnove!xae�c is coi�sid�red �� a� x�c��p�abl� �c�r � ar� �ar�s��r�aliaed irateesec�io�, alzh�cc�h �� �als� i�ad��at�5 ct�at �h� ���d �Q� sx�r�algza.bi�r� ��aaa�d � b� i�tves�igat�d. � � � � . � I � • � ' ECitt�tsvrl �As�cs�lal�s, /nc. ,�'°� . � .� �/e�1� �R�� � -..�.�,.� ��,. A16��'�y� ���� C�n��l� ������!¢�n�� I � "�"h�� is n� ���pt�d gzo��d�r� ��� � l�v�l�afmsea�r��� �aly��� ��' �n ��i�waye st�p-��n�er�ll�d ', R�g��ctaes�. 'I'kh� ��e�����r� �s�d ��r d�t�xa�a�ia�� ��� for � F�ur-wa�� rsx �hX��-�a�y ���p��e�n- �� Keaa�l�d �t�rs��tas�cz d'a€�c�� �rs�rn Y�a�d�s����d fa�r��si�r��azed xni�r�e�ki€��s. 'I'k��� c��thsa��al- '' c��yr dv$�a��is��in�r��i���d t�y�t���r�sags�ala��al Ie�t��°�s,�tse�[i�orn�itf���f t��°Y"ran�p�r�a�i�ra � ��sear�h t���s� e: ta��,d�� s s��s���r�d a� -v-�� I . , 135CS � Ci3�3�GYE�j1 �StIYTD�2HiSC1 Y��@�d�� �3�5�� �9 y �.kl y, , st��tl�o�a��°a�l�d na�t�rs�ctic��s E� ch� �+�stcrr� �1ni��d States. 'TI�� ��°ac�dur� i�ccatpar�tes sev�x�l i�r�pa�K�r�e��,ri�.�,I�s, ��►cle,�di�� vrsfurn�dB�t�bu�aa�, �x�a�ber af lan�s s�a��ac�i��xgrsa�ch, �ci ch� p�r��a���.�� �f ea�h,� ��ad l�fe tur�as'�t th� ��aters�ctia�a. �s�eers�cea�e� p��€�rra�a�c� is r�����as�d i�. g����ters �gre�il�r t� sAgn�liz�d int�rs��cior�s: d�lay, �v�rlr��n��ta-capa�ity r�ti�, ��ad I.,��rel of ��n�icn sasis�g �scale:of•`.l�„ thxo�gh "�,,. ,F�ppro�ch ct�lay on ��y �a�v�n 1���f ch�Ar�t�rs��.�icrn I i� calcasl�t�d i��ia�� the f�ilc��vir�� e�r��t�c��: � L�=exp �3.8;-c� � � � �,/hez�ei)=v�hi�le de�ay on a �iv�cz �,pprc�ach �s��/v�h} �'�IMsubj�ct �a�agr��eh �v�lu�me tv�hicles per h�ur [vph�) �=calcu�at�c3 approach capacity (vph) � �xp=base of c�a.tural ���arithm5 In this�quataan, the quantity�V/C is simply the v�lurr�e-ta-capaclty ratio�n Eh�apprc��ch�a�der consid�rati�n. '��bi€: A,5 pre��nts th� LC)S criteria foe ali-vvay, st�p-con��olfl�d 'a�rters�cticans. �r��a��� 9��v�@�a4-��e°o�i�� d3sY�e�it5om� (R.Pe-rse�yo �t��-f„cxr����9l�c9 Bn4�a�s��83�c��) _.v,,.�.�.. .� ' m � 6.evaE saS Servl�� Av�ra�e Dalay�er lle6rod�l��o APoiosae 3iPeek A < 5��conds B a ta 1Q�ec�a�ds � 10 tb �p a�can�i� p 20.4a 30 5ticands � 3a�ta 45 S�ccsr�d� � � . ��,�. a A5 Secc�nc�s �� 2 [�yte.Michael.Estimatin�Ca/�aciry an�1?elay at an A!!-Wny 5dop-CortBrolBe�In8¢rs,tcteo�a. UntV���iYy of Id�.h�,N3epart- me�t oP'Civit IGngineerin�€i�se7rch k��port S�ptember 1989. . d�itt�l�on�,�e�acdefc�s, lrrc. �—� .:.�,�� �,... � w A�'ff��7��1"6�""��' ��° ���4�I�' �a Nl�i1t��I�f r arn � pra�er�y ownPZ �ril�ka�r� �h� T�.�ard Tri�n�l� . T arn alsa '°� �nowle�.geable alac��xt �t�°affir analys�.� i�a g�r����l, ax:d Triangl� tra�fic s�:tzdi�� i�. �aa.r�icu�.ar. o I � h�ve reviev�e�. �he ��C� �'iga�c� T��.ar�g�� �3�e��t� ,��ud�r� Tr���ic �n.aly�i� in cann�Cticx�i v��.th �lx� T�.g�xc� Srhoc�l TSi��ra,ct` s r�qu�s� I �or a Comprehenz�iv� P�.an .�.mer�dm�nt ��r th� Phi�. Lew:�� ��k3.00l ' I p�op�rt�r. 'I'�e req�ze�t wa� to c;�iange the C�m�reheneiv� Pl.�n �x�csm i P�u.blic Ins�i�.uta.s�n �a Cc�mn�erci�l Ge�z�r�.�. , I The vK� Study does no� run th� ��af:Ea.c: moc�.e�. c�ith �.he � r�camYZ�encZed im�ro�cr�nlents to th� �."�.g�rc� '�r�.�.n.g1L ��.r��'c �ys��tn. � 'I'I��s a.r�alys�.s (or "modeling") is es5ential to �est the leuel o� ��-rvic� of �he Trian�l� �.ransporf:atiox� s�:���m �fter �h� .reccsm��ended �treet� a.mprovements are implem�nted.. On J�rivary 25, 1�95E I �pake vai�h Ja.m Hezxr�x°�tx cc�ncernin� t�a� missing analysxs. H� w�.� ab:1e tcr contact F�t.andy� McCourt �.t D'KS a�d. determxn.e �hat n� an�lysa.� was d�:ae o� the recom�n�n.c��d a.rr��,rov�ments, at Ze�st not tha�t he cou'lc�.. reua�.l. T�Iodeling a� t��� recamn��nded im�r�vemen.ts must bP compl�t�d tc� de#�er.mi�e the n.ew tra�fi� di.s�ribtxt�_an. °I'he nev� d�.s�r:ibu�ion would, in turn., rec�ui�e neY,v i�ndivic�ua� int�r��crian aa�acity an�lysis . Without these campanents of analysis, the serv�ice �eve1 o:� the impr�ved transpozL-a�.ior� sy�t�� cai7no� b� determi.ned, Final.ly, the ;�t�.��m�nt in tY�� S�a�f �t�pa�t an Page �f secone� �aaragraph, which read:� ��A Y�raffic study tha� an.a.7_yzes im�ac;ts from pot�ntzal GenPral Comtnerci�.:1 use� i� not ��c��.lred a� �h�s t.a.m� because tk�e tx�arlsporta�ioaa polici�� anc� fac:ila_tiP� a�.c����c3 in �.��33 already accc��.�.nteca fox th�se us�s" is in error. T�is ie b��au�e t�:e ck�iarlg� from th� previou� dr��ic��xatio�. of �nc�us�rial. Pa:�k �� �h� Commercial G�z�aral designa�ion c,v�st of 72r�d Av�nu� was ne�ve� ana'lyzed und�r �he transpor�a�i�n po�icies anc� facilit,ies �.do�ted in ]_9�3 . Tn 1.983, the most �ec�nt '�'ria�agle tra��ic an.alysa.� �vas the Carl But�ke �Study, per.f�rmed .in 1977, �hen most of th� p.roperty in thP Triangle was zoned either S.ndus�rial or r�si�3ential . The 1%29%9613105pm @ ����e� � .��,\�aa.� I a „�, � , I . ; • • N raPx� �t�aciy a�' Trian�la traf��c wa� no� co��let�d un�il af��r th� `C�.�a��. �ompxeh�:��iv� Plax� wa� �clop��d. �� U�,.'I'�� thi� ��__ da�r o� Jaa7uar�, 1996 . �c�..��-�...._ ./�'�.C��,�� Gard�n ,�. I��x�in SUBSCRI�EI� 11�7� ,�W(JRN to betox� rne thi� ��r�-,� d�ay a� J�nu�.xy, 1996 . G�FFI�6�L��ps� �,,�G° �����.��e��� atary Public for areg�x� � ��� ' ���'�R°oPt;�uC-oi�Ee�Ot� My Comma.s�ior�. Expixes : _����..�r'�� � CC3@�iMI�IOR!N�.�8t�32 R4il�.�4�d168SlE�P�Xptq����PT,dt�,'t4�4 � � � � � �!8 � � � � � � 70050G21.1 1/29/96 3:05pm - - �� ��1��L. .L`A�L;S LLP � �� T T n R �' F 1' S � 57.\.�D:�RD I�SLRA\CE Cf:XT[R y�JU5l�FIFTH At'E�LE.51:17E]7U�) I POR('LA�,'D.C�RF.GO�U71Ud•I26N I PhonriiO3i'?{-33NU Fa.rr3U3i?]0-_'!80 TDp�iO3�?:1•10•!5 Internmt:�•wa•.stueLcom F��7rt].�Ty �, 199�i � � VS� ["�9�S1LYlAf�L �I(.SiAGL C. �OBIfU50N Dircct Die! A�CT,. T2 av K,�1�T,t� {503)294-9194 iva iv. v Asso�aate T�'lar�n�r � Cit� c�� '�ig�rd C�rr�m��ity T3evelapmen� Depar4rn�nt �31� S� �-I�.fll �o�alerraz�d I'� ��x 23397 Tig�rd C7�t 97223 Reo �o�p�h��asie�� P�� A��p� r�.����z�t, �� Dear li�r. V�IQ�p: A� �c�u lcna�v� th� �l�r����ag �ornm�ssac�n I�ft tY�� r�cn�si c�p�r� �an�il January ?9, 1996 fo� I�a. N✓i�rtirt t�a su�ra�y� �ddit�c��.al �rgqa��ra$ �.�td evic��r��:e� iz�tc� �thF r�c�rd. 'I'he Piar�ti�ing �am�.issio� left t�e �e��rd c�p�z� �n ad��tic�z��l �vv��k �znt�l Fe�Z�uar�y 5, 1��6 fur tP1e appli�a�Y �c� r�spo�d ko �?��z��nt in ��ri€��a���. Tt-�as l��t�g� �s subx��cit��d �ra i��h�.lf af th� ��apli�ant. TPZis �ett�r acidr�s��s 7'i��rd C���pr�e��n.siv� �I�ri ("`TC:�'") �'olic�r �.1.2, Irnpl��i�n����� �tr���g� 2, ��l�cy 8.1.1 ar�d Pali.�y 1�.�.a2(�)o '�i� l��t�� �flso re5por�d� I:a �� b�0-32-060(1). 1�i1�cKen,zi� Engin�erin� �rx11 r�spor�d undez� �epar�te G�v�� t� the subs$�r��iv� tr�ff�c issu.es x�is�d irt I�r. `I�n Dyk°s Janua� 29, 1996 �ubrnittal. 9.. °T°�-�'� 'I�I��.� �I..�oTi�TC� ���T���(��T �� ��I� 'T�"i' � �.�'�'LI���T`�' I-�.�S S�.T��I'T'T�� SLT�4�°T�1�1`I°�VE E�JII3EI��� ��1VIOI�tS�TI.��A �� _�G�f.�� :��.'SI�. �C�S°I°�5 e4,i�2 ��T.� F[JJ�.St.i�l'i "�'C) '�°�' ���.,�,C� 1.�..�Je �Io�L���'i��� � S'i`RA.`I°���" �. � ° � � � .� ���� �a���y�i��l �s��� �� �c�a�r�s3 s�a�� �ka� ��e�a� � �ca��,r�h�x�.s��r� p��a x�n�F s��i��on. � � IV�r. I��rdr� argx��s �hat ��te �l��n��� ��ar�rnissi�n �nc� th� �a�y Co�ar�cil � ca�inot fincl ��at a ��a�t�� af physical circum�#�nce� l�a� o�cua�r�ct 512'tC� �he �ri�in�l cozr�prehEnsive plan rnap d�sign�tio�l �n f�is }�r�perty. T`I�� Pi��n��g �or�t�i����r� �nd the (�ity Cour�cil m�y inteapret "chan�e of p�y�ica� ci�e�msk�n�e�" �� lo�� a� �h� t°oxi,�•mzx�.��ss aooa � 5e.�iru Poan..�su Vr�co�cgR,WA 6oise S�u L.+�eGrY SV�+hII��TU\.D.0 a, ����� �L !' �� LLP 4 �P. �d�/ v1�C3II't� F�bru�ry �, 1996 I'age 2 . interprct��c�r� is sansist�rat w��� the �xpr�ss l�r��a�� rf th� �ompre�►�nsi�ve pi�n �nd its ��ar�s�se anc� i� n�� ir�co�.sist�n��nrith tpz� u�d�rl�rira��c�licy. C)RS 1�7.�29. �e� �xhibit 1. 'Tk�� l�t�nnin.� �o��r��5sic�ai ��x� fi�d �hat a ch�rtg� iz� the n�i�t�b�r�ooc� ����•�ct�ri��ics artd i�s irnpa�t orc ��:� P��1 L�wis �e�to�l c�n constiti,tte � chang�e of pi�y�ic�l cir�urnst�n�es �vhich ha� ��c�arr�� si��� the �sxigi�tal �'CI� rna� desigr�4tic�rr. S�ubstar��ia1 �vid�n�e an th� �a�tole �e��rd d��e.can�tr�t�s ���fi ti��se changes hav� led directly t� �h� ��ho�l �is'tricf'� de�i�ic�n to cl��� t�t� �t�ii L�wis Ssk���l. ���ar��e of p�'1�/S1C�� C1TC3.3R'ili5$c�ItC�� �s�If C��t�inly P�clucle ���a���s ��. ti�� �e�g�b�rh�Qd �urro�r�c�in� �he �cho�l arad the d�cis�c�n to clos� Yi�e �chc��1 its�lf. tYlareover, khe cla�ur� �f �h� ���le��� is e�pecg��ly r�k��ar►t to ��'1fl3 Crl$�Tl� bec�us� substaa�tial �vi��n�e i� ilze ���l� r�corc� d���n�tr���s t�at th� ox�iy reas�an �he �ite �ra� mist�k��.fl�r d�si�n�t�d "Pu��AC-�iz��it-u�a��.�" �,u�� due t� �he schopl°� exi�t��c�. Cios�r� s�f the s�ho�l i� a ch�nc;� af pk�ys��al circ�a�s�ara��§ t��t ciir�ctly affects t�e pr���n t 'I'�I' rrt�.p d�sg�rtatior�. �4 �aai���B�� �Fr��a��e ��.ow� tt��.t� �'t�k� �� ��cl� a� �� ���� 1�d � s�esi���t��. T�� I�1�n�i���car��issi�n c�.�. �ir�� th�t t�.� �z�e vv�� rro.ist�.k.��.�y d�������c� '��c�blic-�n��itut�.�an.a�°' w�fll� t�eirag �z�x��d "�Ge�eral-�a��tt�r�i�l." F����.�.ts� tk�� C�ky inkendec� for tY�� T�� znap �xn� z�z�in� �ap ts� i�� ceo�sis�ter��, creati�n flt a �ar��4zct �s � mista��. NIr. �Iartin sugges� t�.af th�r�� i� �ao c��f�iet �r��. t�at t�e site c�r� b� �e�reloped �und�� it� ���npr��.�nsiv� �i�n map c��sign��ore. �115 i� ia�c�a���ct foa� t�vvo reasori�. Firs�, �here is a�� zoni�g d�skg°i�t fk�at i��l�r�emfs th� "1�ublic�Institutic�z�al" T�� znap desig�lati�ne S���x�d, $�l� ��21�iiC� II1 �is cas� bs f�t�l t� cfl�v��oprn�nt rsf the pr�perty unli�� th� Ga�tfli�� i� �a.k�r �. �it,y o� I�'Iil�ra�lsae, �7� C9r 500, 533 P2d 772 (1975). '�`h.e confiiict in Ba�er invalv�s� a c�iscrepancy i� �ta�in��� d�nsi�y �:l�c�vved €�n tk�e suk��ec� � parc�i. Th� ��k�r c�r°d�ict �v�� r�s�l��r3 by d���l�pi�� ��� pr�p��r �onsb���r�� �,ri�l�ira � �h� density rec��ni��� iay �i�� �it�� �f I�ii��+r�uki� �Qmp��k��nsi�� plaz�. � � Iz� t�ii� ��se, t�.e caa��l��t �� rx��r� b�sic �r�d ���s �� tYa� r������ af tk�� �zs�s � alic���c� �� th� T�I� Y��� '��'��li��Ins����o��l" 6��Sfl�'"t't��YS�Y� V��'��.d� �I"�� 51r."�$t%�°� Q� ��1.� 13S�S � alic��ed in the Gen�r�l�Cazazznes�i�l �or�ing n�a� ����g�x��t�ar�. Sin�� no �or�ing dist�ict �I � implerr��rtts tY�� "l�ub�i�-I�stit�,a4ional" TC�' r�t�.p s���igt�.�t��n, i� 1S 11�� �3t�5Sfl�?�� t� f.��'ij'�10� � � t�e property, as �� �a� iri �ak���. PDX1A•202D.1 99949 0006 o, � 9.�1Ca�. �.� V �� LI.P m iVir. Ray �Ialon� Feb�uary �, 19�f� �a�� 3 �. �'�'��L�+� �3.�.1 IS N�'1' .��'�J,,�..���� 'Y°� "�.S �,�'����,�`I"��iV ��J`I' ���'I'_IS, '�°��a_a�,�i��, C�� 5f�.���� 'I'I�'E �?ILIC'Y. � I 'I�.I'' T�clic�r �.1.1. prc�vic�es �� fr�l�o��a 'i � "�e �i� sh� pl� f�r � �� �d ��'i�i�a�� ��t �I a°s�a�s�ray �y�t�� �ta�t �a�et� �,t��� ��� �� an�acip�tesi � �ka� �� �d �d�veye�p�en�.�a This policy is a le�zsia�i�e di�eetian t� ��� �ity tc� pi�n for a saf� �nci e�ficiex►t stre�t �yster�. The I'lanning ��rnmissio�� e�n €ir�d th�a& it is a�c�t a�plicable t� � a quasi-judicial appii��a�ion such a� thi� be�aus� plannir�g fmr a �age and effieRen� �tr�efi � w system does nat c�ce�.r i� t�ap con��xt �f � �i��-sp�cific �p�iica�ior�. �,ven if T�P I'oliey �.l..l, 1� ��1��1C����? $tJ �1S ��'?��f���l�!'1, it v�a�ll b� s�tisf's�d '�� this applica�iono Subs¢�nt��� evide�ec� in th� �wr�o�e r���rcl shovvs tk��� this appiA�atic�n rn�ill help tk�� �il� achae�� � rr��r� �ff��i��t st�g�t �aad r��d�vay �ys��r� by prov�din� f�a� irs�prov�ments alc�ng SVlT 7�nc� ,�ve.��e� 'Th� ��b�tantia! e�it����� in t�e �vhca�� recor�. � dexr�anstr�t�� that traffi� on SVV 72nd �ven�e wrifli b� s��� ��ter�ev�l�spzr��nt�f khis site. , T�i� ��p����.�og� ���� «rr.�rtt rc��d��y n���fls �a�c� ��ti�°xp���c$ f��t��� � �rowfih an� cie�aelop�er�t l�y pr�vidis��tor d�€�i��tac�r� c�g��Y�t-c�f-�w��a�rl iznpro��art�nt� tr �VV 7?nd� l��r�3zu� �r� ��e cxt�n�t t�e app�ic�t���^d �����es ro�ag�ly pr�po�i�szaal zrt�p�c�, � €or strch ia�prov��nea�t�. T�'t� P�1�'.Y't't11111� ''�L713YS1f°1153%L�X"!. Ce�II �Y°i� ��l�t T'�.a� �O�1C�/ �.2.1. da�s ncak reqia�p� t�at tk�i� appli�a�sar� t�� jcx�.���i agairtst the er�tYr� Ti��r�. Trian�l� trans�o�t��i�n systet�� but rath�r �r�l�r a��ir�s� t�� ���.s�ac��t��at�� f��i�iti�� �:�at i� kt�s � � d'zrect irrip��t on, sa�ch as SW 7'2nd Avegl�a�. I �. �� ���.a�.r �.�.la���.���..�...��� � e 'I'his pali�y r�q�cir�� td�� �p�l�c�nt to siemor�st�ra��� �h�f a pi°�posec� �e�er�l� Comrr��rcAaP TCP rna� �i��i�;�z�.�t�ic�z� �will �z�t �r�at� �r�gfi�c cox►����arc or a t�affic �af�ty p�oblen�. IY cf��s not r.equ�r� t�e appli��nt t� �i�rn�a��trat� t�iat �n �r���v�d� traffi.� problem will b� sati�fi�d c�r �vo�se�t��l. T'k�e �'��nr�i�.� �ornxn�s�ion a��n �a�ci based s�n � s�bstar►t�al �vid�nc� in the w�oie r��c�r� �l��t �his �p�➢��a��i€��n �r�tl r�o� cr��t� traffi� � ccsng�s�i�ri or a �r�ffir. safefiy prablerra but warill, �n fact, impr�v� k�� 1��r�I ca� s�rv��� c��. � 5V'J 72nd A,v��u�, � 4. (.?��-� 1 T� SA��I�� ��' ��i.�'s .��i..I�°�C��+1 t� � �� 6t0-�.2-06q(1) is applac�ble tn t�g� �pplicat�vxi �nly if i�: "si�ifA��.a��ly �ffects" a iraa�sp�rtatiox: �a�iiity. Th� �a�s�lin� for fihis ��taly5is is the existing �rartsp��tation syste� judg�c� �g�az��� ��a� �i�cr�nnentai ��xpz��t c�f thi� �ar9ac�zl�r PDX]A-20Z27.1 499�N 0006 i � Sd R.,��L �I��� LLP ' e Nic. R,ay �IalOr�e I r�bruary �, 199b � Pag�� 4 � �I I applicaiion, The T'lanr�ing �Coir�missic�n can find �tt�t su����nti�l ev�d�r��� i� the vvh.a�e I r�c�rd d�r�.as��tratcs �ha� �h� a.�pii�a�ian �nrifl� �c�t si��nfi�a��ty ��fe`t �h� fir�r�spc�rfia�ion �i fasi�ity as "si�nificantl�r aff�c�" �s d�fira�d in C.�AI� �;�s0�12-�fi�(2)��)��d). ��� �x�ibi� 2o il �'Y2� I�laa�nRn� Coz�la�ai�si�n ear� finc� th�fi t�� �xc��oged cc�xn�r��.�r��ive �la.n T'A1�� f�e5fl�'1c�tAQA� 1S COTlSflS��d"!t �Ll1'X��'! �P'�� �1111Cf7iOII'i�� ���$�aSl�l�c�$l��t Of:D0��9 �� �ZY4C� �irE'I'lL:� �I an�d �t�4:� �-Ii��twra� 217, p�psu�x�t to t�A�Z 66Qa1�-060�2}(c�. 1�C� i�l�.t��ii�g �or���nissian . c���� al�€� fir�d t�at t�?is app�lication �iil nat r�c$��� �h� l�v�� cF��r�rice o� eatfl�er S� �2�d l�ve��ae c�r St�t� �-ii�llwa�r 217 b�lo�v the r�anaanutrn �c�ept��al� �e��l id��tifi�d 'a� a t�ar�sportatitzn system plan purs�aant to �AIZ b6A�12-f�60(2)(d}. Tc� �h� �xt��.t th� le�vel og serc�ic� �n 5�'J 7'Ln.d �.ve�t�te �n� S��te ]Fiigh�v�� 217 a�+2 alre�ciy bel�� th� rnimi��.nz ��c�pt�bl.� lev�fl, �h�s �pp�i��tio�. �o�s nc�4 r�s��.c� t�� l�ve� c�f servi�e b�lo�r �-}��t a�.�z�zn�ur�t �cc�ptable 1e�r�I. For fh� r�aso�s ����e, ttt� applic�n�r�sp��t-�i.�P1y r�qr�est� �hat the�`t�n�in� �Urrbr�is�i�n apprcav� �ts appiication. I I �'ery� t`�uly yc�urs, ��� ��. ��.�..�.� �1Iiz���i �, l��bir�se�� iVI�I�:�ak Ertcl�a�ixz�s c� V�ac� FacsYmil� (�/ea�c��}: I�r. '�+I�yr�� l��rnbolc� �+itr. S��v� �'�e��� I�I�. �ave Larsoat l�r. Dau�l�� �1, �1an ���. � � � � � � � � w � P�xu-wz•r✓.i ss4as 000� �M � Cf� 1��� � �J�� I��T�� d3�I1�1,A'I'IC�i� 1�7.�3Q9 (�.) OUtsid� the �c�pe of autho�ty af the (�) �Vi��i�n 21 days of a�:t�aal no�ice where decasion maker; or nati�e is ret�uir�cl; or (B) Uncotfls�'r�tatien�R; or (b) �ithan 21 d�.ys af the �ate a p��sox� (d) `I'he loesl gavernata�nt eomaraitted a ���' ��' shotald h�ve knmc��r of the decisinn prac�duxal errcar vakaich �r�judiced the �uh- ���r.e r�o notic� ia reqtaix��. stanti�l ra�hts of the petiti�n�r. (1991 c.817 §2) (4) If� loe;al �o��rnanent makes a liznit�d i�oce: is�.$2� and 157.�29 aaere �dded �o �d �gd� l�nd use cd�c��inn dvhich is differeaat frarr� th� a part of ORS ch�ptCr is� by lp�isiati�� �ction buc w�Pe pro�osal de�cribed in �he a�oti�e �o se�ch a not added Co any smaller gez�'s4� thezeia. �uee PsCf�ce to �C�°�E ��g� ��i� T16$H�8 Ol��Cpl� �tF'f�pOSg� ��tiOY9 � qre�on F{evised Statutes for fur�her e�plsnstian. did r��t re��o:�ably d�sc�ibe th� local gQVern- ��'7.��9 ��sa� �o �f�'ia� ���r� l�al m�aa�'s fanal ac�ior�s, a p�x�on mdver�el� �f- �asv�aza'a�.ert ar���a�x��t�����a 'Y"h.e ��rtd LTse g��tsri by �he deeisicsn zra�y app�z�l the oard �f App��is shall �f�'i� a do�al gov�rn_ deca�iogz to the b�s�rd �nd�r this section: ment'� IRtBfiFtE°S���LAOI1 af iks coaxzpre�aen�ir�e (a) L�1itl�in 21 c3�zy� Uf act�al YiO�LICL� �1J�1�P� plan and land u�e r�g�ala�i�,ns, uraAe�� the notic� is r��uirec�; or board d�CerYni��es tk�at th� ir�cal goveraunerat's ��� �Y�haaa 21 da.ys of ths d.at� a �aersan ir��ea°pretatioz�: knewv or uhould have knt��vr� of th� d��i�ior� (y) Ts inco�sistent �vith ��ae �xp�e�s I�n- vv'�ec� no na�tice as req�ai��d. guage of ths coanpr�heaa§ive plari or la�d u�e (5)(a) �aecept a� pr��vided i�a paragraph (b) regulation; af this subseetit�n, the ap eal penoci ��- (2) Is �ncon�isten� c�ith tk�e gsur7scss� fox scrib�ed in saab�ectian (3) o�' ��is ��etinn sh�ll the compr�hensive glar► or land u�e a°egu- not exceed thr�e year� a�'�er the dat� af t�e lation; deciaia�n. (3) F5 inc�n5istent ��it�i �h� r;rad�rly�img (b) If' rxr�tie� of a heaz°i.�� or an a�minis- policy that grovide� the b�si� f�r tkx� cogn- trative de�isior� m�de pursuan� to C?RS prehensiee plan or laaad use regul�tia�n; rar 197.7&3, 197'.196, 215.4"16 (11) ar �RS 22'7.1�a (4) Is co�t�`s'a�'y to a stat� a�ats�t�, t��� 9,a�� (10) is r�qrsir�d bca� h�as not b��n provid�d, go�l oz° rul� th�t �he c�pnpa���a�nsavr� plan �h:; �r��iszcara� of p����raph (a) of this stxb- �rovi�ian or Iaa�d us� regulation im�l�m�r��.�. ���ti��i do r�ot �pply. [z�s3 c.7s2 §43l (�3(a1 �Uit�in � �e��anabl� tiTne aft�r a Rr�t�: � ner�Lgnd�r 197.828. eti�ics�. fctr revaev� ha� ha�er► filed with the � �.�'�.��► ����v pxwcscee�atx�; s�dim�; ���d, ��y pe���n asia�r int�.rvez�� an and be rx��d� � p�r�y �o e�r� ��view pr�os��edir�g upon a������9 a����� ���,���� ��s ��a�w, ��te��m a s�xa��ira� af c�a�g�ii�aaae �i�PY �ubs�ctior� (2) �n�y° ���s �nc� �ro��s� gsr�bl��t6�� ��' oa�i�a°�q �f t�is sgc�ic�ra. �x��li��a��s. (Z) �i.�ve�� �f l�x�ei use �t�ra�fi�za� €�i• lianited land ��a� dec�sz0xa� �nc3�r t'�� (b) 2>lotwith���pldia� �h� provi�inn� of 1�7.�3q �0 197.�45 sh�Zl be corxa�rtenced by falr �'�'"��'��� (�) �'f�k�i� ��a�s�ctx�ra, �er����� a�nc�� ing a notic� af intent to a��s��l writh the ���' t�t�rvetx� tz� �d be �xa�P a party �o the L.�a�d L1se �ia�rd of°�a.����i�. re��wr �AOCe���in�s, �� set for�h in subs���ioa� (2) Exc�pt �s pr�vad�d in QR,s 197.�2� E1) (1) of this �e�tion, mre: and (2), a per�ar� n�a�3� pe�itg�n �h� ba�rd far (�) �'�� app1 jc�n� urho initia�e� the r� t�etiraz� befor� Che oc�l �o�e�°nmenk, speci�l revie�r of a l��d �as� d�c:i���ara p� �amit�d ���e3 dis�ri�� �r st�te �gency; or u.�e deci��on if �h� gser�on: {a} 1�il�d � z��t9c� mf irat�nt t� app��l the (�l ��rsaans whp €�p�eared b�fore �he ir�- �ecisics� ms �ravide� in subs�ctii+��. (1) af C�ans ca1 ����ernxn�n�, s}�e��a� ai�trflct ox sea�e ag�racy, oral�y or in �vxitin�. 5ectisn; �ri I (7? y�" � s��t�: � ericy wha�e order, rtnd�, i � (b) �.pyse�x��i b��'��e t�� tsac�l �ov�a�� �alar��p �a�i�y or �2�et� a��i�sz� is �� iss�� is � rnsnti, s�a�caral di�tract �r° ��st� ��'�ttcy arall� ;��t � party ta the ps•oce�dir�g, it Ynay �le a � o�° in s�tist�- ba°i�f ��h t�� boar� a�� if it w�r� a pas�y. (3) If a lo��l �o�e��a�t m��s a lana� The b�°i�f sh��l be due ora th� s�m� d�t� th� � us� �ieei�io� aFrithout pres�*i.da�a� a �i��ran e�r r�s�caaad���'s b�i�f f� s���. ,� the local �ovex°a�a�a�nt rrx�ke� � l�nd �a� ��im (�� ,a� ��,�i�� af in��r�t td �:pg���Z � l��d u�� � sx�n �vhich is diffe��n� fr��sa th:e propa�sl d� deci�ion �� izmit�ct �r�nd use d���si�n sh�ll b� � scribed iza t�.� n�Yac� �a� suc�a � a��ga��� th�t �1�� ��t fla��� �x� 21 da�� �f��a� �h� d€�te tka� � th� no��c� of �he pr�po��d ac�i�n did �ao� ���i��aa� �o��ht �;o b� re�e�+�d beco�r��s €'i��l. rea:�an�bly �les�z°ib� t�e Iocal �9ver�rsa�r�t'� .A xzotzc� of Ant�r�� t� a���al �alax� azrd land tan�l actions, a perso� ad�re�s�ly �'��t�d �y u�e r��zla�i�n �anenda����a�s ��o����ed purau- tlxe deci�aon z�ay �ppe�l th� G��n�i�n tu the �nt �a► t3� 1�'P,610 � 197.�`L5 ���11 � taled baard �nc�ez° t��� secta�ar�: ra�t la�e� �ka�x► 2�. d�ys �t��r the ��C13fl�Y'1 I t393-49-213 �Xh8��1°� � P�g���g� I ' 1�F�i�P�3'�'T�TT��1 P�,�i��1�+1Ci �i.�.,� � (�3)6) 'T�e di�� �r�.e�wb�le�r p�i�! r��ulr�ti� �o�a�ttly �'�t a cu�p�ian �rocaa th� r�.�ia�Y� o��ys �ivisac� to ' ¢'�ilii�str�ad�s�s�r�th�t�owed t�si �ti�e�nd�r 2,gU��pul�a��id�IvdPt?�,s�d e�,� � r,e�ist�ast �th �� id�faed fa�tic►�, �wra�e� �aad� 25,OU0 ��9�t�c�. ��igibfle r��1�, and l�v�l af s�ir,��f t�f�iAaty. '�� juri�d'a�!aons nnay, witll�n fiee ye� �'mllovriag t�e s�ll b��pl����y�it�: �oiw�af P�s r�al�cr�t�bseq�as�c p��ra�c r�vi�mrs, r�t�tc t�e��e sa�ptia�fr��11 (a) Li�itin�� �Ilaw� t�� �.ces � �e �a� part a�che g�q����s ipa tlais cfae�a�a�cara�a� tln� ��se���1x�e pl��e�Ea��aa�a, ��iry� ' j�d�ict�a�'s neart���ic r�vi�vv. l�r�l��'��c.��f�hh�tea.��r��uv�f�ili�yy; (�) 'Y'�e �iirc�ec�r'� �sci�i� Ym �p�rv� �a �) t�e�a� r,� �'SP �^s pr�vi�d� ' �xe�peion sh�Dl�S�b�st rup�c�fcal���g��s: ta tian f�ilities �u�at� ta� su�at e6� I �u�s����t waP,��r��r�8� ; (�� 6��¢h� rh� �ist�a;g a� c�€tsd! a��rs d'e�isi�,�, 'I �s'�p�at�ts� sy�4�e i� ��eraL.i� a�t�te � �,°'� ' lakely tra�s�o�s2��ac�n n�; �c) t�l�� ��d r�.�� d+�sa��drr�, ��a�s,�r d�s��ca ze���P,�rodu�e d��d C�) �h� a��riv c�v�lc��n�i � fc�r i��vet�d�et or�v�l��ds�raug�s p�pul��a�a�o�is aea�icap�t�d�t��p6�sia�� e�r m�s. dver etac n�e�t ftve y�; (2) .� �I� car lsnd u�� r���ioffi (C) ��ier m�jvr ne� ��s�rta�� a��c�nt �i���tly �� � �n £a�il�ies are pr�vv�ch�v�ld aif�°�t c�s�pfl�ua� f��i,�}r if et: 1ii��S; ��} ���3��i,l�LR�1�C�S5L1�1�,!'l'I�YB t`�9 ���'es�of pl ' *�q�air�.n�s aff��s���r pla��� 'va�faui�t�; ���ld ca�ict�vith�n�atiYS��t��re�iaa�( �r�a�p�.�r�iz�n.r��;aand, �) �t��s �a��d.� ixs�ple��ixx$ a �a�l bl�s���a��yst�a; (�) �c�F�v�dn th��re��a���t of �'•r��port�taos� � �� � f�r � i�n �e� �lla�� tg� vr ��v��s +�f 1ffid �as�s pl�z�aan� ia� t�r� �r��, i�l�d'a�� �asa,�cs �c� 9.� wi���h �a�id r�a�t in ➢�a�ls of ��+el ¢sr mm�s� pr�t�c¢r,xast���n,��rt�iio�f�,ciL'sti�. ��ta�k� � i�rs�a.�i� �B�t the fia�z��ia��l �l��i�ca�a�n o�'�� ��fa�ilit�;�r (�.i) 1°.�� d�r�r's �c�s�a�n to �a�2 �s e�����saes �s t�nis s�ti�n aa mp��bl� t,� � �d� ��att�d a��t� fl�ei nf�vic�of' �a�assa� � ��is�! a� �� �bfi�-4�Z-p�tl t�a� �°�.i�� ��c� t� �sa�i�a� �p�le A��! (L3�1���teicsga of Au¢hs�ifiy�). id�,�ad ia��Ila�'f S�. ([6]'� ��e� �af T'SPs � iu�pic,�c�ti�a,� (3} ' �io��r sagb�..i�s�1} m�asa�r� �s��f i���l�s p�aa� s� �2) c�f€�aa� �¢�an� sh�d � c�c�sd' �crh ga s�a�r 'b���a�-i.sdi�tiaa�'�p�si�ac r�vi�r s��ll N ��a�fa�iiit���a�gr�vidsax be r�rr��a�!�a�:�saa�t t��.�6fa0,�i�+i��c� ��,Pc�s3 �r�i��°e��la�l��v t�. �.�9c���rl�i��at Prcx�d�ax�. ��� T"t�e �� � tr i�u �'����cx���e�e�.et��b��b���f�� 6d�X�-@3b{� P➢� �nd �,�� i�� ����io� �sc.�pe'sa� i� �ca�v �s�ta�l, '�., .��ndras��� i�t � �' �nt���!� �c�a's�i�d'a�d�.i�ar��6�i4�0�S322�d QZ�. (fl) .A��d�ss ea� �csic�n�.[ pt�, $ck�aw��dg�i s�xpr�Ea�saa� pi�s, � 1� � 17 �t�16�1� � ���r �995� ' �eg�.,��fl� � S�nt byo MS�/��� ��3 �2� 1295 O�OQSI9G �a��P� J�� 713 P�ge �/� � . 6v�,��K���l� ��d(�9hs���at�� Ei�����'C)�T�� C!'JiL � STPaIIL;T�1{�fil. a SUHVl:.`f�P4(� • TR!\iVSWC?H7'A'11t7N 06�1c�ti�vv fia�rvCAt,P"r•�TF�kt�.i � a.c, i'�c�x G�03� I'UNT�,�f�n.C�R[C;Or: �??f.'•"(1:1� s !��(i:?i 2�� 9'il�0 e I•A7t I!-�U:il i?:°b �s`.'F:+.• �°�b�s� �n 1�6 �at�r c�f`TB�ard �.t2�n�io��a: �� Va�ane , 1��25 S'��� ���d. �I �'i��d. �e���� 5�7��� � ��: Cs��pr�h�a�����'!�.�a�nd��� ����S � �I�s�j�4�1a�b�r t�+5263 T'3�s'�°�a�c�rs�: twf�k��az�i�l�n���a��se�Isc�.arrpaaa-���r���! ������i� �.�y�as f�r t���l �..��� ���aaz�l sit��rad ta�.s r�gr���t��h���rply�i��.ffi���d�� a����_ '4��r�e��� lik��cs ���p�+n� tcs��tr�a��s�u��a°�a��d i�a th��'����9p 1�� 9�t�1�c���?���1��. �'�I?yk�f���+�r�'�pp�� ��a�'�xa„ r�pr���a�t%�� �rdo�. 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