Planning Commission Packet - 05/22/1995 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � I i � � � ��ty s��'�i��,�d g I i A�E��A �'@��f�C� P�N�l�d� CC�PJdhAl�5�C7� � iV9AY 2�, 19�5 tl 7:�A �.�. TI�AO�al� �l�di� ��NTE62 � ��1�✓�V Fir�l.L 13��� S�if �d��L ���E.E��RC� I 1 ii.70'llL�e �OC�0.'7�../Oa! �A'L4�J � 4 I 1. �.�1�L 1�✓ � rii`�C✓�B[ II, I �. �'�LL �ALL I I �. B��F'fdC)�0� 6�l�UT�S I �. P��f�P�ll�J� �C)ti+��l{�IC(;e�� �C,��f�U�ll��T6C��lS �I �. I�l��l1iSRC�I� I � C:�1�9�C�I IB'Y1�9'C��9���C1� PfC�J�C$S ° RGB°`OC�� '4r�t'�t���'� 'I � 204Q - ��rc�� L�nc�sm�� b. OTt�iEf� �USit��S�i I �. f��J�Ui�h9�JiE{��' � I � � � r.� � � � � � � � v ��� � I��.l!!� �� ��t�I�.6.�1 �iTY QF TlCiARD t�6t��f26d ��� � .� 'I x� � r���m .�° � � �—�� �����r� ��o °�: �� �.�. �c� x�������a ��°°' ������.�� t� ��r���� � !✓B9dV�l.�.3 A� ���F.L3&1bY0.Jr I �-" ` �.--'� 1'+�IC�-I.��L �O�L���l' �/ � �O�+T �i��..I.�I'.6� ���.A.�°�T �/t(.��� . !/'��.,�� �'�� 6��1�'�� ' 71�LTG ��`��� � ' �� ���., �C���:���, `�.° ,^--," , � L.r'� T�'YC� �J'���f�I�T I �.__w.._.�____.�=��_�.ed_�______��_.��.�r_.�e__�.�._____��.�__���v_--=�_.��,�� �"�.�� �����1�T:�a �3,I���� �1������3�'�" � �.�Z�I.� I���l�'.�1 � �... �LI� �'AIdI)�d,E.A �,�, l�.�Y�I�iLC�l�]'� M�{,� 1�,C3�k;�7C5 I�T��� I�IG�'�EI.��I�1� � �'��31�T ����d. ,� I�TJ�� �.�F3�R,'�� , -�� �) .� _..� h:Vogie\pcitty\p�c-roli.mat 1 I �Y°I"'Y O� "I'I�f��i� �°�,AI�11�dIP�� COR�IIbI��SIdJI�i I ����B�r ���ti�� I���eat� � �a�.y 22919�s I I �. ���..z.. �t� ����� I'I Ps�;sl��nt kyz•� c�led t,h� �e�t�a�� to a�r��r. at 7:30 p.m. 'I"�� rna���r�g was 1���d1 in tl�� II 'Y'i�;arci Civi� �'�nt�r, 1"o�vn I�Iall, �at 131�5 �� H�11 �31vd. � 2a ROI.,L CA�,L Comrrflis;�ac�n�a•��es�t�t: P7�sa���� F�e9 C�s¢�v�ni.ssio���s Cs�1lsc�n, �3e�r�a�, �ara���h, �doifl�ra.d, Sco�ar, �tad �d'a1s�n , �oa�xiissi�n��s Abs��t: C:�17f1IT91SSPOYtiBT'S T9�O�Y'� 2ii1C� Sa3a$�TP � � � , Sta.�f Pres��t: ��rm1 I.�r�d��a�9 S�nimr �l�ne�; ktandy �'ca�al�y, �"a��r �r�gir��r, J���•�� �a�yr�csr, Piac�r�ir�g Cr�rr�rriissior� ��r�Y.�;y �Q �F�k3C�V� I���T�t� 1��I'��.I`�`�5 �oana�uss��n�r ��l�aA�d anc�v�,d ��d C�r.�.��issia�a��.r��°if�'a&la 5e,��nd�d � rr��t��r� t�s ap�r��� t�e ApriJ 1';, 199�, nlee�ia�g rrsin�a�es as s�abmi��e��d. R �rs�i�� vs�t� vvas tak�a� and gfl°ie �natic�r� p�ss�l �y gn�ja�ty v�t�. �orrsmassioner �ollson abst�in�d. I 9 � "VS ���dV1VR�`CN `l.+�t9'61Ctd�6.J���� 4JOl�1VS11Vn�lYA`/t-i�H4./l'fiJ �A�i4� al� d:�YPS fl]t171�. �s ��n��.������ �� ,�.,(�.�'��.f��. �1���.���..'��°�� ���o��i��� �i�y EngBn��r I�arr�dy l�ool�y preseazt�� ehe capita� imp��verner�� p�o�rarn �p�ate. �-Ie expl�in�d tlaat �l�e 1is�h�d �n pg•es�z�€� t� a�l �e �d'Ts a.�d��uld go to �h� C:��.��a�il f�r �doptian af�er F�Ianning�mmmissz�n. I�e cozrument�d or►'I'gF fut�d'ang arad n€�ted that som� s�� th� g�s���ct� r�c€�r�txic�c�ed b� �� �:TTs �w�r� n�l ��i�ible fUr '��' fundin�, and �ould ' hav� to c�rne out of �;as t�x�s. VVoU1ey highli�ht�ri s�rne e�f�ie stre�t�roje�cts on tHiP list, i��luc�ing the 1.30th�interla�Ce g�oj�t. k��; �a���r��d �he�orr�r�nissi�ne�°s that�his proj�t�r✓�nt�fore�ouncil last Augusr and v✓�s appro�P,d by � v��� af 3 to 2. �'d� als� saoteci �hat �h� �J�st �I�' ��port recoa�rr�e�ded dre,p�ain� �ta� �30thl�Ii�terlalce pg•oje�t and adc�in� tk�� W�nuY�'d'i�dernan projec� as a �i�h��° prior�ty. i�'oal�y tfl�en di�ussed �oen� �f the park proj�cts on t�he li�t, inc�ucling th�Terra.�e 'Tra.a�� path�ay. In resp�nse t� � �uestaon fro�a Cc9rr�mi�sa�ner ����az�g, I�andy Wr��ley ��at�d that staff r�comrrended tYier� � n� deveioped access tc, Y,h� parli fr�m P�airva�� �aYae. I-�e �a�d th�t if a pav�d acces� wa� �u� anto �e pr�pos�, i� �ou1d f� p�id f�ar v�i�h s��v�� funds, a soft path acc�ss could b� paYd for wi� park funds. PLANNIIVG COMA/IISSION�V17ET'�'ING ib�UTES - May 22, 1995 -Pa�e 1 I i H��dy �c��I�� inf�g�an�d th�cocri��sic��ers th���c�rn� c�f thc p�arlk pr�je�t� r�cox�ra��de�d ° b�t➢��C�'� mi�ht nmt qaa�lify for systerr►d�velop�n�n�charge fatnding. He��pl��t�i�h�.� ' SI3� ra�a���y �� ta b� usecD an r��ster plan projec;t� �la.� to �tt•o�th. 'Tlie furad5 cc���d ' Il(�C � �IS� �OP SL�CEl 1.I11�9p5 �3 ��l�+lri� �Cfl1W�yS. �� sY.a.t�d �a� t�� a��ent a�p�a�o`��� �f ', ��5� 1'���rm C3rr�censp�c� f�ndir�g may provic�e �"i�a.rrd wAth rnoney tm �ay Psrr gx�n����� j p����rrv��ic�x� �d s�t�e irra�rcr���i�nts, ��ch as �cails. ', � � �oo�e� t��n �c�d about th� u�'11P.�'�/ 3�WEP �rc,grarrs �nd thc n�i�h�r���sd e�fensi�ti � �go�r�. �����p��i��d th��t�i�re �r� s���ra,�areas i�a �own aua����?y oiz �pt�.co �� �a1k�d I� a�cat��ata�c�r�asa�bzaa��rrier�t�striets and t�at eitiz�e��w�ula pay t.�air s��.re of th�s�v��r I Inn� �vh�re 6.�ey cs��ne�tec�. � , �IT'I�EN I�1�'�J�' � e �,�� �all�en�, 7935 �� F�ra�a �r��c ���, �#1, 'I'i�ard, O�, 9'�224, C:ha.�ra�n�n of the �s��.rd czf t�� &3�rait� �a�s ��an� C�vvners Associati�n, eridorsed th� 1�Iatl/�3�iip�a pxoye��. � �zr�y ��ttQ�, 1�?35 5VV`7C�th �v�., �'ib�.rc�, C��, 972,24 �pc�k� about the� �onita �kn��l �� i �arc,j�ec�anci ex�sr�ss�hex d�es�����t��pla�n��mg cm�ssio� �� s�rgpor�:u�ing �I��f�ant�s for�,cq�adsitieaar o�na��°� park�. �S�x� �s� com�aer�t�. on th� nees�f�a°a sigr��l at 79� �s� �urha�Y< � Sa�.ly Christ�ns�z�, 1�6�5 �W �'6th l�,v�;o, 'I'igar�i, �,�., 97224, �rraph��i�ec� the a��ecd f�r �. szgra�.�.t at ?9th &c ��a�haa� �a�.d. @ �i�l ��ri�s, 1��ES �� S�Sa-��a��r�sa�l9 'Tz��.rd, �DR, g7223, di�aas��� ��� sg��e�i t��u�g �rogra�m. F�� obs�aved t�at spe� burnps �re an eff��i�ve vvay to red'arect cr�f�°i� fr�m neighh�sr9a�od st,�ets �a� ��41�ci�x str��ts, �I� v�iced his s�rpp�rt far the �a�,���vvcac� ��r�c I ��S�C�t�sa11 coczrt ar�r� the �°�� c�eYS�sc�ic�r� €rom �,�.��ev�oar.i ta I��x��ac� �re�k. � � � • S�eve F�ack�r, 1398i� �W i5�th Tea�ra��, �'ig�rd, O�, 9'7224, r�ad fr�xn a �ett�r h� wrot�; c�n �e�a1f a�f t�e �Vest �1�', pr�pasing that 1'igard �ur�hase a 2 acre parc�l on �Tull I�aun�in t��t cou�d ev�e�taaa.11y �s������t �ith m�h��p:�€����ti�5��ad pra����� � �naz�t�a�r�ap��,,d ' pat�W1�7 �A'OITl ��ITC�i1V1�W FS�t�S ��J Cl2� PJ�OI'illil� SYill' Sl1�1V1S10I1. IQ �yn�hi� Osb€7rt1, 11640 ��JV �ai�°�i�w L�ne, '�i�arc�, Oi�, 97223, r�lat�d that she is n�t i� fa��r �f a gav�d pa�hev�.� �rs��n. ��irvpe�v :�a��; t� th� �r�gos� '�'�rr�c� T'x�a.zls g��vvay.. a ��n Sn�de�, 953� �� 69€h I�,v�., 'd'b�ar�, OF�, 97223, spok��a the eomrrzissic�n ai�au�t the A.lfr�d 5�re�t pav�r�ent project. I3e said �ha�pe�p1� �ae ttad t�lc�cl �o along .Alfred S9ree� �aa�ps���i this pr�ject. R�r��y '��ai�y r�p�rt� th�t t�xis project wa�s slat� for f�ndzr�g in 1996. Th� fol�awia�g p��ple had c�n�araents regarding the 4�Oth/�N�reeex�ak� bri.dge project: » I�an East�ria�za, 128'l0 S��ilacier Lily �a�cle, Ti�a�d, ��, 972�3, di���as�ed 2 issu�� wi�h PLANNING COrvitVid�SIO1�T A9EE'I'�IG h�P�TtJ'Z'F.S -May 22, 1995 -Pa�e 2 t�ie e�rr��ission. 1First, he said th�.t there wcre inaccuraci�s in a rr�em� frdm th� �Ve�t CT�',riateei 5!4/95. He stated that�h�Wmla��tl'I'ned�:an�rec�srnanera�lata��a sk���ald have xeaci "ict p1acP of 130tk� a.eid Wint�rlake" ir►s�ead crf b�nrag m�vcd ug� rt� �h� 199�-9� �sca.l yettr. $'�� C7�pfl'�5� I'Y1S COriC�I"CY 2ll�lit CI'�(�Y�11LIlty 8t�12� $�9� C1�1��113 ��1'Bg; �1C�. Second, he con��y� his c�ppo�it�on to the 13��h a�nd W�n��a�lak� con�aert�on. I�6 �fl� �1W��1�i�Y, �t�ntinupty of grr�enspace�, �nd 'an���a�n��e�f t�� S�atnmerl�tc� vv�tl��d�d e�osyste�ra�� h�s rcasons �or �pp�sition. • ��ry �.ove, 12930 SV6/ �1�..�i�r L,a1}�, Tngard, ��t, 9'�22�, c,u�,ia��d l�a� �ssn��;x�as at�c,ut x�creas�e� �xaffnc on 130t� and �1Vinterlal�e, �in� c�ast of �e �roje�t, �e �f�t �n el�� e���ys�a�9 �d g�ssssibl� 6ra�'�G h�zards by thc parlc. H� �wozadep�ecl vrhy �. p��i�a��a �vith caw�r 770 si�na�ur�s �ava� nat pr�s�nted to th� cornrraissioners. �aa2d� '6�Va�ley ��svv�x�d. • ��.t th� �ti�iorr i�a ques�io� hac� 9��� sa�brr�ttedl l�s� surru�a;i�. �ca�� s�iteci tk�a.t h� ���e�d 1�� to s� �is funtlir�$ �hifted tv �t�e Fow�er A�iddle School �/alnu�/�"i�i�rn�rn proj�t,. • �os� Ci��ro, 1112% �V� E�cl�ma�a, Ti��rrd, 4��2., 97223, q��stian�i wh�r a a�ei�hba�o� pc���ti�aa��alc�n�'��'�a gz�k��oject bu±�ok x"�r�he 130th/�i�t��•l�fl��pgoj��t. �o�rrais�aor��r I-io�larcd�s�soa�d�Cd�.at this�on:nee�or�vvas ia�t�h�c�rnp�r�l��rs�i�e p��sa y��rs a�€�, tha.�th�.s 1S 1'1t:Jk � 94�W �?Xa.i'1, th�.t the cornmiss�on is l�sa�k�;flg ae im����mer�ting the ��ara. � 1 � ��thl�en A�ci)onald, 12930 S'�1 �la.cier L,i�y �ircle, Tigardr ��., 37223, �voic� h�r � opp��ition t� �� groje�t� ciarcg t.�� nur�her of n�Y�hbors a�afl�st i�, ar�d �sin�s�rr�atior� i� �1re �IT m��no. �/tcl�oa�al�' ��d �b�u� th� s�'��y pr�b��ans a.� ��wr�e�.la,�Ad�.te ��hoc�l �r�� �en�aura��d swiGchig�a� ��axy+3ir�� fr�m �hi� �1��nterlak� p��j�a;€ ko t�a.� ��Inc�t�T'iec��an� �rajec�. 1b��I��natd th�� r�lat� � ��s��r�r5at�o� ¢�a�t she h� dv3th t�� Nlay�r �for� th� a���n�. She c���t�d th� l�Izyc�r�s s�.ya�ag, "'This iss�ae, Wi�t�rl�c�co�ne�tion, is g�tking s� �lirC�, t�a�t �ity At��a�ney h�s �e� brmuglax in to har�dl� �h��•ge� beae�� p;ressecD a�d t� c�z�du�t an gn��s�iga��n'". �h� ask�,� �R�e cornrnis�ECn no� t� v�te o� th's� iss�a� ���al �h� ch�xg�s �r� �n�o�v�a. ! • �axl�'T��ry9 1t�85S S� �ayznrnexlalc� Ur., Tigard, Q�R, 97�23, ��ated that he as �.�ainst�he ! �i°ojec�, vvonder�ng if u5ir�g a culvert c�u�.� be c�snsi�l�re� as � al�c�nat� for �1h� b�i�ge. I�e also �xpressed his concerns aibc�ut �e�t-through tr��zic. a �iiarg� �al�nson, 1115� S'� 130t�n., '�'zg;�°�, �F�, 97�23, qu�s�go�ned �a� �oal of �rying �� � cc��Zn��� n�i�hb�rh��ds aa�s� �.�n b���cin,� aff s��et�. Shd tk��r� ����� the ��r�a�a?•�)h��sav� � plari i� �983 si�ov✓ed �e area in qa�estioa� as desi�na�ed for apa�mer�ts, but tP�at 23 l�c�eraes r,� v��re built i�n�iwa�i. �17e poigyte€3 �ut �h�.g�h�re �e a2o�v mar�y, shc�rt�ive�v�y� t�ia�a.c3jeaan � �his pr�posed 71i�j�r c�nnect�r st�e�t� � 0o a ��b�'��vlukovich, �?34S S� 12�th,Tiga�d,�12,9'12�3,v�icroc�.his ag�ro�a1 a�th�b�i�g�. � 1He stated that th� process has ta[cen to� lar�g �nd th�t he �+o�aid ��� t� see t�iis prorr�s� °d fulfilledi. �I� Sa.,ic� Yll�t t.�9� �;OTfCl�tlOIi i�VOL31tI �RI1371�� �IT1�T��ri��' �C�e�S fOII' p�£�PI� S�JUY.� �� ttlC Ia.�C�. FLATlhiING��A�IvII3SIQN AqEEETII�IG MIIv'U'I ES -�,Tay 22, 1995 -Page 3 I I � (�en�Mf�Adams, 13420 SV�I�rittany,�'ag�rd, f3iz, 972�39 enc�ars�3 th,e px9,�e�t, citin� th� c�rr�p�eh��asive plan, the parks m�.5ter pl�n, and emergency ve�iGl� access. �Ie noted that 5� Brat��y is a neigh�axhood street and that 130th/�JVinterl�le� gs a mi�or co�l�ctor �d �e d�sigr�ed diffe�ent�y. • Iddi�flc Carls, 11081 5Vi� E�hmarav Tggard, OR, 9722�, cxp��s�ed his c�nc�sn ah�ut th� saf�ty of t�ne pa�P�, lY1CI'��� fl'��1�, anr� t�a�e ��mber a�f d��v�vva�y� acces�i�ag thi� ani�t�rr ���l�t�.�r st��t. ° � 10�arsha ��ter�e�, 127�� �W �orr�l I��ack Gt., Ti�arc�, �R, �7223, �s�rrzr�nent�d th�t �h� eoanpr�k��a�sive plan is nat alv✓ay�foll�w�+d �ncl isr�'t a�.e�e�sa�ly �+hat rt st�x°ted ou�t�cr �. SI��pcsi���d cau�t�ae��se of SVF/Sp�•iii�wr�od w��i�h started out�o � a ttarc�a�gh stre,�t frann Scl�olis ��r.ry to �urtt�ne� L,ak�9 but �n �apaPt�e�� ��nnpiex e��.s b�ailt inste�d. �'h� �ornzn�z�ted mi� �r���� �'rorr� �ull l�ount�in. �h� �tat.� �hat i� th�; b���d�� �as b�i�t, students k� kfais ar�a v�+c�u�lal �n loa�ge� €ae ba�s�d to ��avertmn a�d wo�ald � �s�n� th� brid�e dlurin� z�sh ho� t��fa�. �'resid.��� Fya�e p�sll� td�e c��a�ni�si�r��rs f�i�° �ka�aa� ��anm�r�ts �b��ne �e 3�i�terlake/].30t� �Sr�jf;cct. � �a�ssxcaner I�r��la.�d sabd th�t �fiis �s a ua�id pr�j�ct and th�t i��rae�� t�a�cri�eria�f the corn�r�h��siv�e pla�. � �ora�xiission�r �e�ran,� nat�d that �l�e �ri�gi�� �arlk plan ��t�wed th� brid�� �n ��«ce �.nd I ne��ed �1a�� th� ��f�ey iss�e �a�s � goo€i �oi�t. �h� al,a� �€�teci that �3�itt�.��r �s a n�ra°��av�r � neighb�rh+�€� street. � ��a��i asi��i�r�Ii1�on n�tec�¢�at tl�s iss�a� zs Gc�zr��reh�a��iv��1anr��n�and that i�interla,ke d.?�ive is � �ri�l�i° st.��t. �e s�;apportedl �he �rroject. • F�reside�t Fy�re voie� his disagr�e�rnea�t witt� �he co�r��,ctivaty af t�ae �a�i�h@yaxlnotad�. �I� q���ta�re�d x�' thi� dvas t�� i�us� a��� of �unc�s. m �escramissioa�er ;i�ol�r said h� agre�d vvith th� car��aection at this paia�t. I � ��rrur�s.ssio�er C.��f£i�h h�d �o cc�r�r�eaa�. � ��rr�issia�r���° �o11s�n stated. �h�� h� agree� with tt�� �oranectian. �:ornmissionex �][ollar�d rnov�d. fi�at �h� ��gnrnissiars ��cept eh�; p�aje�t as s�xb��ted �y stai'f. �ommissia�n�r Wilson 5econdetl the �raotaon. A vc�ace vc�te �,��s taleen �ai�i r�a� rreotaot� pass�d b,y � �vote of 6 t� I. Presi�iant Fg7re vyas oppo�. Th� c��rr�is�i��a�rs brief�y �iscussed �� fi�ndir�g o��e traff�c siga��i �t 7Q�h � �u��t�arra. C�mrnissioner �lilson s�g�ested putti�g t�e 'I'iedernarsl�Ialr�ut imFroveme��s �n �he list PL.�NNWG CZ7MI�ISS�ON I�]E'i'YP1G 2a�dNUTJLS - Pvi�ay 22, d995 -Page 4 e vvRth �0 faanding, �r po5�ib1� matchin� fun�i��a.�� t�ke st t� �e �o�nty. • C�rnra�issio�er �io1fl�� th�n a�ao��d that the �e�rn�ssEOr� acc�p�: �fl the sta�;� p�oj��t� a.s wx°it��a, ir�cl�ding �n� r��r��s.�tiora tc� �h� c�untg� about "Ti�e�xa�rra �r�s� �al�ta�e. �' �o�a.s�YOner°�o�ls�n ��x�d�d �i� �c�1��r�, � voic� v�t� w�s t�.ken �r�� �fli� �ot�o� pa�s�� ua��a�rseausl�. Aft.�r d.is�us�imn oi��rark pro�ec�s, t:a�arnission�r I��'r�� m�av� t� �ar�n�er�c� ����.h� city � �a hav� a b�k�hi�a�ces� t�+�a�h si�, an� t�T"�rr���e'I'��.i1�a.gYd or���a ��°����, �n�lu�� �ri� �a� �ra�aasal. C�:4DlYlTi71SS1O�'d�� �4911�H5i� S�Ot1C�� �'I� Pg9�tki3P3. A vc�i�� vc�� vva.s tak�ra �d �� ax�o�i�ra passec� �arx�a�c��s�y. .t�fft��° b�i�f eiiscussion, the ce�ma��ission ��t�d �a��aa�i�ously fm�° r���art�a�a�aada�i�en e�g �� s�w�x a,r�� s�u�•� da�air�ag� pxoj�¢�. D������I��1 (�1�12�6� TTIA��'3J�FtY'11I1���1T1Y�lISS10d�P�1.I����t��'laQ�;�t�l I.,a�tdslx��.t2�'�fE�.��:t���'9;o fi.�i���.���outg�il, ex�s���si�a� �� ca�z�i�sio���'s s�m�a� c�p�aositior� t� the �0�€0 pla�. `I't��s 1�tt�r c�r��flsi � ��p&�:� � O�I^l�l"�1�11'11T1S1� C��'TT'IIT�I��I€➢135 11Y �i�ffiCD'S Jb1T1SC�1l:�l.OtY, ��s����t��� �a�,�g�s�d �1�at sta��ist�cs fflm�a �. le�t�r �rr��t�� by �7enngs Y)erby, E'resic�ent, o� t�ae �-��a�a� �ual���'s .A�sc�ci��iu�i, � 1115:YUC�� 113 $�1� �Csfl11&11%3Sfl(7R]�I"'� ��tY.�P. �. ����.:� ��.����� �011� 70 �A.�a�1.p�J�"Rd���l'i$ '�'h� r��txxs� a�j�au�ed �.t 1�.�0 p.ar�. ,. �------- � ��.-�,' ��rr��f��,yr�c�ry �l nia�� 'sszon Secr�tary , � � � '` ,� � � � � � • A r._ � Comn�issione� R�n�lc� Hc�1�.and, Actir�g chairman � � � � PLAP�NIAIG COA�IMYSSIOPI I+�ET'YAIt;�TFS - A�tay 22, �995 -�a�e� 9 Q Testimc�r�y fram: Winfierls�6��/130t1�, {�rojec$ �:arr�rv�. VVilscar�; W�II, car� �ve, le�'s just c9arify what w�'r� c�ain� her�. �r�s, Fyr�o rJl�. .. �c�r�rn. 1/Vilsor�� !/�/e, en���, �h'ss af�.e. �r�s. F�yr�: f�c��►�y, c�� ye,u want to c:farify? Gao°�rr�. i�/ilscar�: This �s recxliy i�t�� �irsfi fifm� w�'ve d'c�r�� this l����us� w�;, the.. Icsst y�c�r wc�s fih� first #irr�� we h�ad a �ive yea�� ah, ah, ��g�i���l irnpr�v�r��r��� katadc��tir�c�. �arc�c��s, r4c�4��? �r�c�, this is,.. 9��ndy �l.: (�ir.,�hi�, �c� fi4�is Qs �he f�rst fiim�; �air�c� t� u�da#e, r6�ht. ��r�m. °�il��r°o: �� we �r�, �ni� are �pd�tinc� the �fan, w�°r� not... R�r�dy �f.. Jus� u�edatinc�. � �c�r�s�r�. 1/+J�Iss�n: �/�'r� r�ot si�c�r�i�c� c�v�r... � �° R�ar�t�y �.: �orrect. � �,c�r���. '�i4sc�rro� �h, w�'r�, we're r�c�ss�ssir�� ��a sE° if�i he ����vic�t�s �aric�r���i�� o�v��� �h, �a�, ����! ar� vc�iid. Rc�nc�y W.: If fih�r��s �►,ytr,o►,g �r��t's happened ir� fhe iast ��c�i, r��v�✓ ir►�o��ma�ior°� thafi w�st�{e�.� v�u fin c�ar�r.�� f�hat plan. �r�m�n `�Vilsor�: 12ic��t, C.�K� l�o�s fhat h�i�? I rr�2�n... �^�a�m. FI�II�ri�l: C,�h, !, ! ur�c��rsi�c�r�d wh�t �n✓e're c�ft�r � � �r�s. Fyre: Y�ah, � P6E;5, F�r�: Fc�r �x�rr��l�, vve'il mak� � determin�fiic�n c�l�e�u� �35fh, �hc�f ��c�lc� �� t� I � r�rc�mr���ndafiican thaf we'!i mc�k�, /�nd ... �� � ' � Nl�si� S��ak�r: ??? . 1 Pr�s. Fyr�; And c�ll �h� ather �roj�cts. ��ra�r�1. F�al�c�r��: Th�r�'� c� lot of proj��ts fihat ah... Pr�s. Fyr�, 6 ��li�ve.o. �or��. Nc�iit�r��: i'c9 iik� tc� ro��k� c� cos�nrner�t. ���s, �yre; �a �I��c�d. ��rr�rn, �i�lic�r�d: �1l�16, �9rs� o� �ll, ah, 1 �hinE� u�h�t happer��d is, cs !at of pea�ale c�re �i�r� thc�t �9or�'f rn�r�r�t fhis project, �U� y��, w� de�cided �c�st y�ar, �he cify ���r��ii �C-��JC��C� Bf's a wc�lid praj�ct, it's parh of fih� �o�ro�r�h��ai�r� �Ic�n, �nd ���� �f����f�fi9�� peaple vvha iive ff�er� have sam�s i waul� s��vcriid ar�c�r��r�ts, c�h,it�aesr�'f m�e��I�e�.rit�ria rPquirPd tc��i��E���th��or�ip��h�r�s�v��I�r� c�ne� I hav� a �ew �ersc�� cornments. C��e is ��, ��r� ac��ss i�p i���: �.c�rnrr��s�ity, fih� Tic�c�rd c�rr�mur�ity, th� �:ii�iz�ns c�f�i��r�1, al�, is nafi ��t �� �pc�i��c,�° dawr� 12B�h ar�� �rii�tar�y, anc� thoJ� c�r� fh� fvva, �nly �o c����ss�s I kn�w e�f. I'v� c�riven aro�ar�d, � g�i� lasi� ir� that ar��. Anc! et n��r�s � c�ir��t.,. F�r�. S���k�r; ??? (eQi-r����nt �rrm �udien�e) �c��or�s� �e�9ic�n�i: ...�x�use me..,i� r��ec�s c� direct acc�ss#rorr� a r�aj�ar co!l����r.�v,�i�t�rMCaulc� �e ah, S�hc�ils F�r�. !t's ii� �he c�rr�prehPr�si�r� �Ic�n. ,�. bric��� ��a�;l� �IIo�,� pe��le ta c;�rn� into fh� �ark witho�t �oin� fihro�a�h �h�e oth�r, t#�� 9on��r ��sr� �f th� comm�r�i�y, th� whole sc�uth�rn par� ofi �i�� S�€�r�e���k� �c�r�rnuni�t�r, P,i�, e�nc�i�h�:r e�ne I hc�v� is �h, r�ei�h��r��c�t� c�����s, c�h, �rau've c��i � IQt �� nei�hk�ors tf�es�� r°an't e�c�ess thc�-� �e�rl�, €r�rn ti�e r�c�r�� sic�� wii�hout that bridc�e, withouf an aecess tfi�er�. Ah, f p�rs�r��ily visifi�ci �hafi ��r� several tim�s. I weni� !�y t���re this c��fernoon �t 4:3Q. ���uirifui �c�y. �TI�P�e vvs�s c� c�au�l� i��enc�c�ers p�c�yinc� ��zsl�.��t�>alls a ���a��� te�nac��rs plt�yir�g terin6s, there was a co�sple sii�tirig on th� i�vv�°� ar��9 �h,�r� w�s � yntan� �'��n sififing in �h� parkir�c� !ot ��ar�i►�g a bc�r�k. �n�S t9�a� �nras c�ii tha� w�s there, Wh�n i eli�GUSSed it ��vifih �h�m �n� talk�d to t�e�,r cah, t��y c�ll �e1� thc�t th�re �h�uld b� tha� bridc�� b�ilt, �af�, f4r ��c;��� for ����, � s� td�ey could get �o th� p�rk �asi�r, �'he �hiidr�r� t}��r� e�n�, �nd, I � understc�r�d, e�,rEry �ac�rk has ga�t fa have c;hilc�r�r�, there's c�Q °�v�}� yr�a�'r� � �c�inc�t� ��� c�rr�ur�d if. /�h,fencing, if it b��am�s nec�ssary,fh�� �iiy�ouici � Ioc�l<��fien�Er�� nfif the park and mc�kir�g gat�s s�:�thc�t ehilc�r�r� �o�l��'f r�sr� � inac�vErfently c�ut ir�tn th� sfr�efi. �fhere's a 1ot aP c��fiicans th�r�. At�, B jtasf � feel �ha��c�h,�ve`ve wasfi�d a iat o�tim� c�n this prQj�ct. Ah, 6 s�e n� rec�sc�r� � t�a eh�r��e i� or t� char�g� caur comprehensive pl�n c�r�6 chang�th� Giiy°s ! ah, ah, �raj�c�� Ii�� o� this ��d so, thc���'s what ! ��If a�aa�t i�, 2 . � �r�s. ��rr�: �r�y �fl��r cc�r�m�nts c�n tl�is pc�ri�i��.al�ar issu�, v��'ll fak� this �r�� �rs�, s9r��� I�'s,�ro��k�ly�v�r�/I��c�y°s i��1��r�st�� in i��. L�t°s hc�v��r�m���h�r cc�rt�rr��r��s. If �oi�, E'll v��o��are f�r�h wif�f� sc�m� �c�rnr�er�ts. C:or�r�. 6��F��r�ge 9, i wcaul� 6ike �c�r�efihin� �ta ??`� i think �orn�r�iss6�r��r �c�9lc���� hit a P�� ca��h� 6�b�h ��Er�t�r��se�. ! wcss on �th� p�rl� �c��rc� wh�;r� um,�nr�: �6�r�r��d th� Revy ��hai� fcart��d th� k�ridge there af Suf�rr�ric�kc� Pc�r6c. ����ss with fih� �aei�i�� in plc��� rNas �iways in �veryar��`s �nir�c� �r�c6 it r���ai��d �h� �al�r� ����ta c�s � ���em��r it. Urr�, I ��ink ��he� ff�� r�r�e issu�, t�� s�f��y (ss��, as f�r �s fir� I �a�ce�s is r� prct9�Y c��ve� or��, which I �a�! r�ev�r fi��e�c�ghfi c�� �a�far�. �3s�, it's I t��rc� �e� ac��ss �h� �aark i�he wr�y it is r�c�w. Um, I thir�k i�°s, if's tc�� k���4 �ht�# a, at�, c� ��ighk�arl�ooc� s�re�� lik� �ritt�s�y is u�°n, m�c��tc� s►����t�� ams'ur�t r��tra�fi� fii�a$ i�t ss a� �f 135fh r��v� fiQ, fio c�e�t tc� i�t be���ss� a�'s, ifi°� ��t vooi�� �nc���i��. �lm, �s �his s�ree� wot�lc� k�� wi��r urr�, �r�� I jt�s��t�ir�k tn�at mt�yka� �v� o��ht fc� h�sve ra�commencis from �I�� staf��e� ��s� � si�r� �#�Star�r�erB�k� P�rk or� S�hc�lls Ferry if th��� isr�'t e�n� �h����. d was tryir��fa� �hir�k if�h�r��rs�s �r�e th�r� �rh�r�, W�1�:�1 W�: iM�f£� �C�I�tlt1� �D�'1G�U$ Si��'15 C111(� 6, I a��r�°�� ea� �y �sr� �ci�olls F�rry '�hc�� m��h ��here. ��n���. �Jils�r�: !, P, � hc�v� sarr�e �o�nrr��r���s, Alric�hfi, I a�a, I live on WVini��r�c�ke �rs�s�� !'�, I°r� �rarriili�r �iti� th� ar�a, e�h, at�d ah, I, I cle� t��ir�k f'rac�t i��� iss�� is a��� �s �orr��r�h�nsiv� �i�r��i�c,�. and �r�, t�h, W�ntErit�k� �riv� is wider �@a tanfi� it re��h�s ��8ih c�nr� 'rh�n i� n�rrc�ws c�c�wn. A��i fihc�t w�� e�r�a�� vvider �r�surr��sk�fy ��c��s� it vvas Ent�nc�ed ta �c� ft�ro�gh an� r�r�r�r��c�. �r�� ! 'thi��k i�, in � s�r��� �sh, �c�rt o� the �roj�c# i5 �alr�c�ciy �uil#. 4'�t� kt�r�vv� i�ss c�h, ii�°s c� �c�rtiaily� ec�rr��lete� �arajec� c�nc� i tf�is�l�tc� r�c�t gc�li�w ti�r���9� ���, r��lly �al�, �nra�ald, �noauid �P�, ��ali cornpr�he�siv� planr�inc� �tca �ar�, ���� c�����i��. �r7� f thin6c 9��7a��, thaf, ��hc�t ya�.a n�ic�rit c�s w��9 r�c�� e�� if. Ar�d sc�, !, �, 1 v�t�uld c�h, I a�vca�i�! vaf�, I wc�uld suppr�t�t �he proge�t, Pr�s. Fyre: �o ��u we�nt #�o �� �irsfi? Pr�s. Fyreo I'v� goi�, 9`v� �ot a num�er of commenfs with ��elafiin� �o, �� v�h�fl����ar not v�e should cam, recomn°�enci c�pprovr I caf this projec�fi. Urr�,�irov�c�nwn th�r� ar�d I�aoked �t ii�. I'rn fe�rr�iliar with the lak�, I'v� walkee� ar�und i�e� ��ar�tt��r c�fi��imes. i urn, wa�ch�d i�he �ev�{oprn�r�t o� i�, wc�tch�c� �hc�t h��g��r��� �' v�h�;n NQrth L�al<c�fc� ��reei�, vv�r�n �v� c� Y g � p�ravQC� th� subdi�✓isic��i ��r� a t�, � �ha-h �r�ek i�ad k�eer7 �ut off �r�c� c�h, w� sfill 6�e�ven't h�a�c� ��h� er�r� af that � iss��. C?� �;��ars� if was c� new comp�el��nsiv� �lan r�nc� ��r����tbvd� is ir� ,�g �'�'1,-�i'�' �C�O. �.C?C1f��'GtlVI��1 S�:�I'Y1S '�'�3 �� �'Il�' iIGAN �)l—V�/+�i'CdlY3C,,� C7� l.lYYl, fY1C��Ei�C,� �s r�sidenc�s wUrk, vJhich I r�ally dor�`t c��ree wdth. I fihink �t�at's ��c���er►[n� � ir� 3�h� Gi�� af Fnrtic�nd, if yau look c�f sorn� af�h� s�u�l���s� ��igt�ka�rh�ara�s � a�vh�re fhe livabiiify is deferic�ratec� by th� p�cs�nc� of the �hrc��ta�h f��f�ic:, tf��y'We put �arri�rs in j�ast like al��c� Nortl7 �ak�t� �a �iscp�rac�� t�c��fi�. 3 �hr�ugh the neic�hbo��hc�c��1s, anc� there°s a rec�sor� for�h��, Throu�h t���fd� �Plcaw�ma� urra,vehi�l�s,�r��rc�en�y vehicles tc� ��t thro��i�th�re q�i�k�r, c�nd if c�r�c�ir�ly �llows paiic� cars tc� g�� througl� ti���� qu6ck�r a��, c�roc� pcalic� �ars ar� r��eded, be��us� throug� trc�ffic ir�vifies crirne. StatistBcs for #hajr arec� shoyv fihc�t. Ah, �he, th� quesfian here is should we spenc9 a half milliar� �1all�ars ��o buil� a, to buiid fhe bri�g� tt� ��, to c�llow peopl� ��, i s���a�ss frarr� �h� autsid� f� ��t in, becc��s� C fihir�k �he, the a!I tf�c� k�uilciinc� f��$'s gt�inc�fca rak� �lace irlside of ah, 1�5fh�"VUc�lr�ut hGS pretty mu�t� ���n c�c�r�e. S� there pr4bably yvor►'t kae ar� increas� af �raffic or� �ri�any. ', �riftcny r,vill hc�v� fi� live with th� trc�ffec fiha�°s th�er�;. T��� a�ly th��� �h�t I '� �u�ss woulc�,wc�ulc� chanc�e is if you op�er��c� 131st vvith � bridc�e �nd s�ent #hc�t addi�i�n�al mor�e•�then you woulc� ir�d��c�crec�fi�some tra�fic prc�k�ierr�s �dJ���r►fi tn i�he par� c�nd �djac�ilt fv th� r�umber af dr6veways th�t �aack �a� ar�i�r�fhat park �nd um,f��en �f co�rse 130, �3Qt�a wo�ld h�sve�t��� b�ailfi �r� mir�c�r�oli�ctc,r s#andards. l�nd, �ecc��ase i�, if r�ot, ga��a�le�re�r�inc��t�k� � shorf ���t...of ti�a�t ar�a up l`35th ar�d thgr� aver to �h, �l�r�h C��k�t�s vu�tald k�e fih� easE�;s� way to go, it's � sfir�igf�t shc�t tl���u�h. �Jo�e c�s �csr a� � �orn�reh�ns�v� �aic�n ��nd fhe �arryir�� farth th� c�ar��r���rasi�e pl�r�, e.�p � ��ed tc� Ioca� c�t �6°�an�ii�g r,ircurnsfic��G�s, k�t.ad�e�s, �sr�d c� numb�r�af�a�k��r $Plli`1C��. Is �his the {�i�h�s�� c�nc� best �as� f�r a �c�lf a r��i9lic�n �9�1l�r� c�f s�r���y in �i-�� �i�ty c�f Ti�rarc�, �h, ir�, in lookinc� �at 'sfi �c�rEi�r, m� f���in� v���...�ca, �fi��t the �c�rk is t�eir�g �sed, thEre's c�c�ess to t�� p�srk, �ver, �r�mrnissior��r E�c�lfc�r�d kno�s wh�re th� p�ar6< ls �t this pr�in� in time. �4nd �er1lc��as sc�rn� sigr�s c���, could put u� on a hundr�cl c�ne�, Scholls anc� l3�th, ��# i �rvat�ld q�a�sfir�r� fhc�f, k�ec�us� �hat, it �nrQUld be th�re f�r p���l� c�utsi�� c�f Tic��rd �� ccarne and us� the ??? p�a�le inside c�f Tic�ard, insi�� of Ti�arc9. 12�th �ets a Ie�� o� traffic r�ow �nd, anc� it's uroforfur��fi�. ! thin�e wh�r� �t�� c�a�n��i'ian vJith ��r��hvi�w, lik� this, �c��chvi�w is ir� c�ne c�� t�°��rs� �+th�� subclivisions frc�r�i ?7 130th �ah, was in, there wa�aic� i�e a n�t�ral t��pt�tion fic�r ��opl� to �o��e ofif Q�nci�vi�w c�r�c� ��c�ke 1�8fh r�nd ��f �ff�ra��ar�h, esp��;ially if, i� �raffiG, traffic on ah, Walnu�t ar�d lu5th were �t� increczse or if th�rU w��e �oir�c� fhc�t c�ire��io� ar ta jus�t w�n�� i�c� ar�, ??? �hr�u�t� th� neighborhoac�. And, c�s y�u �;c�r� se� frar� �r�y �der�r��r�ts, !'m nQ� r��lly ir� � f�avor c�f e:rarir�ectivii�y ir� i�eigf��borhoods. Al�, b�GC�us� i �hink �9�afi ��1�r�'s �I�.ases c�n� minuses �and I think �he minuses oui�wei�h th� �luses. �h,..�ncl, �r�� ! guess fo, to summ�rize thi�, i knc�w �v�ry�ac��'� �eera t�r��s�� a Ic�t, � It'�, if°s not #u� tc� sii� up her� and lister� to th� cQ�»�ur�i�y �a� �i��i�0�� t�n � iss�aes �ike i�his, but I can't in Clear c�nsci�r�ce c���rt�v� car vc�f� ��r �, ��pr�vin� �c�methinc� fhai`, on�, i c�or�'f i�hin4� th� r��on�y Qs vv�ll s�s�r�t, ! �° �on°f thenk we°re �etting ah, repr���nting �he cit�z�ns o�T��ar� s�en�l�� c� � h�ff millian �9ollars to make th�i c�nn�c�i�n. I c�o�°t thir�k i$'s vvc�rr�r��F�;� �fi a� �his fiirr�e. i ��ve my cioubts whefih�r it �v�r wiN be w�rra�tec� anc9 a�, ar1� "� ifi just �ioP�n't, for th�, th� ameunt of c�c�llars being sp�nt, it c���sr�'# reall� se�rr� �� sQive �fir7� probl�m, C�th�r h�r�c�, sor�� p�o�al� w��id st�y, �vell It`� 4 n , I�I ��inc� to e�d i�his d��afe as fio wY�ether �� hav� a (�rid�� #h�r�, �l�w th� ��� complexion of the, �rh�e mc�ke �.�� caf th� ah, cca�n�il hcrs �han��d, I thi�k I �thc�t's r�c�l imporfant i�o recogr�iz�. Th� co�r�cil may k�� a lifitle mc�r��s�c�il� �' r€�s�onsibl� nAUV tha'r it was �rr7en; �he vc�fie was s�lii� 3 t4 �, A9�, 5c�, g�4� ', �° k�aa�, in, in sorrae of#he ah, sorne c�f �h� mQre �ac�l �S��pl� er� ��ack, I J�st: ', �h�juryo is c�lways out, An� pr�babf� fh�, the r��sfi effe�tiv� yot,s �an b� is ' to �ame up with very rationai argumer�ts, becr�use vv�:°re her� as c� resuli� I c�f c�c�r�ir�c� u� i�hrcauc�h the nei�h�arhoo�s c�nc�, and v✓�'re firying tc� �!� th� '� b�s�g �hin� for fih� citizens in li�hfi of sorr�e of the trc�de o�� c�f �th� �ity. � ', i ti�ir�k f'v� said er�ough. We'li hear some more frorra sc�i°r1� oi�her folks. � I Cc�mr�. S�c�iar: 1 wasn't around for fhe ariginal..,last year for $his, w�7�� �Phis c�m� up ah, �� �nd I h�v� k�eer� u� there, I°ve scat c�r� the, I sat an fh� park b��r�l wh�n I,I �r�, wher� �hcst connection wc�s discuss�d and whee� �� �auf th� 8e�y e�p I t�m,tha��nras nlways,thaf, thafi was,fhat wc�s giv�r�tn us as sc�nn�thir�� fhat I wcas gai�g t� i�app�n, Anc� s� frc�m wh�re I sc�� a�, B n��re�r thouqht th�� ', was fh�, that there v,�as a possibility nf thGt not �c�i��� thrau�h, Urn, I, ??? i, 1 f��l sos��whai� cor�r�ected tQ fhe, i�a th� ah, �h, th� �e�rr�pr�h�nslv� z�ianr�ir�� agenda. Rnd ah, I feel in�lin�d to, tp C,,7C7 �?61 �ll�'I'1 E�, ��� �a al��� I� �n/i�'h 'th� CO�PIE�C�"IO�t C�f thiS �301n1', I Pr�s. Fy��: �ornmission�� Griffifih, da you care fc� v�nture forfih? �� �omm. ��i�fifi6,: No$ r�c�lly. Pr�s, Cy�r�: C;ammissi�ner C��allson? I �o�m. �t�lfsor�: i wc�uid agree fihat if's i�ime �thafi �,vv� kaiaild the connect°�o�. ,�,R�, i�hii1l�wr�'v� ston�w�iled th� issu� Ianc.,�, enou�h �c�w, that w�°v� saic9 ��r�t ��'r� �of gnir�g �ta buii� if because it's been so lonc� sinc� �nd �fi�es h�v� �hcznc�ed, wel� times aren'f g�inc� ta gei� ar�y b�fter, th��'re n�t �oir�g �e� �hc�nc,�.e �ny rnr�re and it's fiirn� for sr�m�:b�e�y #o st�sr�ci up �►7c� s�ay ���"s tim� t�a �rtaild 6� anc� i think ii� was right �o ►auilt it ori�ir�c�liy, ii�'s �ie�n righi� c�ii alQnc�, a�� I tl�ink we b�i6d it and �e qefi on fo th� h�alir�g prc�c�ss. i d�r�'t ��hi�k i� m�kc�s it any �e�ter�to ke�p fhe neighborhood any r�are divici�d th�n�h►�� c�lr�c�cly ar� anc� it's time fia ��entur� fnrwcsrcl, Pre�. Fyr�: Commissior�rer D�Frang, da you have c�r�yfhin� yo� wc�nt to c�dd? �om�°n. �eFre�r��: f�c�. Exc�p�� I disagree abo�i� the i_ake (lau�hs). ���c�r�c�, I �ea� �a�c��l�,.. Pr�s. F�rr�: Disa�ree about...? �c�mrr�. DeFrar�g: ,,,pe�pi� fror� Tic�c�r� .�ame an S�1�olls Ferry�o �efi te�fhe Kaark oc�t�ar�e� th�y � - - --__ � also ?? If's a �ity park,., Pr��. F�Or�: ??? abc�uf sic�ns? ��rnm. Fi�ll�r��i: �Jm, n� just fh� �r�nspor�al�i�n iss�aes. C7�� t�in� I do v��nt fi� rr�ak� �I�ar, I I �p�r��� c�h, fii�� y�ars �n i�he fir�nspor�afic�n �omrc�i�f�e �r�d �h, �� ic����d c�f t�es�issues�,.sa��ty,�I°�,t���sportation,�h..,these fiyp��f iss��s t���o th�t, wii��in ti�� cc�mrnur��ty c�nd c��i,that"s on�r��sor� why i'rYa fmr m��Cir�e�f9��t�r�, cc�rn�rehensiv� plan. '??'? V�/�, we just �r�nt ��h��au�� fih� ��gard �lan, the acsz�ae ty�� �f�hir�� where ���api� �h,�here w�s, �efy w�r�f th�oe.��� r� Oc�t e�� �o�� r.b�r��,c,�,�� c�r�� w� devic�ec� it v+�as, �t wc�s�'� eniar�f� it, �ac�c,r�Pin� �� the e�mpr�hensive �lar�. f�h, i�hir��s lik� th�fi ha�g�er�. fi:h, ur�i�ss #h�r� sc�r�� r�a! �a�d r�ascar� to cl�ang� the �c�m�a��her�si�� �I�r�, �r��# B jtas� h�v�n't ���t�r�! or��. �omrr�. 'V�iirs�r�: i hc�v� riothir�g fi� ac�c�. i Pr�s. Fyr�: C3K. And rr�y lasf commnnts wo�Ec9 b� if's, �t, kir�c�� ����r� hav�✓ 3t stc��P�s �� I h�re. 9 ft��irek yatar r��>c�t, r��x�fi step woulc� be t� �h,�onvor��e�E�e �i�c���ancil, � ��c�z�use I thir�k whcrt wc� shc�talc� do npw is c�h,}ust fc�k� � ��fi� c�r� �l�9s o�e� I issue �n wh�fher we s�s�a�c�rt sfic�ff's recar°�me�c��sfi�� �r €�of. ,�er�d t��r�, I, t��n if°s the rh, rol�s wh� w�sh tc� sfiay �or th� ��st of i$, you �csn �r�e� c�h, if '�, �his is �ye�ur c��iy issu�; th�r� you can go {�(�r� yo�� si�re�����y. �o... •1 'I �al� ��a�c���r: ��r� �� ha��ne car�c� �o fo �ed, F�r�s. F�r�: t���s ar��r�ody hc�ve c�ny problems? ', �al� S�a�csl«r: I��a t��y c�rnr�issic�ners hav� as�y �robl�r�� uvi�h i�haf? , Pr�s. Fyre: Dc� i hear a mc��tiar�? ' Comm. Hoilc�nd: I rn�v� thafi ah, w� �cc�p�t fhe ah, prc�Jecf as s�bmi�tted by sta�. gres. �yr�: is fh�re c� second'? � r� C:c�rr�r��. �Nils�n: f se�car�d. i � �I � �r��. Fy��: �9KP it's b��n ma�e�d �r�d s�conc�ed �hat 135th as p�rcag�os�� �h, �� #�h�st�€� !, �a r�cor��rr��nd, r��c�mrn�ndatian I�P farward�d tt� i�!-�� �9�� ��a�a�i�cii wE�fh � I � r�cam�end�tia� for approv�l. I � � °� Maie S��aker: Uh-h�ai� (yes). I 'i 6 � N Ps��. Fyr�: Ail ���s� i� f��rc�� si�nify by sayo�g ay�. v \r°C�i��s: A�eG. Pr�s. Fyr�. d�i8 i���s� o��asas�d? �res. Fyr�: idc��. ���d I�rk. ,.� e � , a � � � � � � � � � � �J � I A �I�.� e � �� ��SI �ITY C3�' TI�A62[9 ORE2�Oh! ����✓�e`o ,t��.�s��a°�a�5°��01���e'�'���a°�'�n���r.���.�`'�n'�°.����o-�°�°s�+°Y�� �� ��� ' �,����� ����� n���"�°omo����E��� ����`�� �Cir�e��t`��"1C�'�A ?�': � � �11g''8��� 3 ��i�°�i �P�° ��.d�,��`A': �3�.��i ��� ��J��CT �F �3I�CLT���t���.�'I`d`�a�Ii�PFtd��/I�I�7C�'�C�J���'� �� .l���d'�a"5,�e S'"� �'0��J8�i, deD . 9 t9A.4JA��.LBJe��p J9..L��I.e.C.dw.d��u .&.9.9@d� hLe� oU�A�� �.�a�:m��.aLm�°,�W��°.m��.^.^.,�'sE��:°S�SC��ae����a�am�m eC�m������mw�:�°�"C�s�m���L���v�mo��amm���m.a�53�� (,�rdntlVame/�tr�ese/uapr (1° ' �IanaelAddr�s�/Zi�a I*Tar�n�: Gt �'1 �'� Narrie: �� f � '"-��� f5.t�df•es�: �a� �-�� L° G�t� `' F.�'..� Address: �1� 7�D��' � Ci�;�:. �..�, �"", ; �te:,.mL,���f�� • G�i P ��� Cit � �t�te: � �� �i r�c::��.,,{� � ..� � i./ Z�Tnrr«� � � � �°�� °� 1Vara��: i I � ��,_____ P 1 .f�.c�C�r�ss:,�,,.,�` �'� � ���r �°��z�I�C.°u��9� i k-�f�L�ddra�5.�.���� � ��,._�1°�..�"�.�.�.�.._ � �9t � Ga.!G'E� " �tat���.! �� �� �zt�� ^� r<<r.r� �t€�te: G'�� �i�s: ��r���� ����. �....�.m�.�,_ _----."'_' �,,.--�— � ..^ ��._ . l�T�.me: �'""��t...a.��E� C.-�'���0��1�19� � I�ame: ���'��-.�����. �dclr�ess: ��`�,:�,a�, .,�.-,aU� ��t�l��.l� �'�.�'�,f ��. •��d � Adaresg: � `�.,` t "� '�`�` I �..�...__Y._��,.���,._ .������ ��_..._.�,.�..___._._r..��. ����..!�°-��'�i��~� �t��: �,�-��;� �i�; � ��a',��� �;it � s S�A�e: �f2- Zi °�� �1�� � �,�• ` Name: ���, .•�.t.� ��� � �� � �� �......_..._..._..T>Iame: � ������� � � "�-�--_-�...� Address:�� � �.���...�..,�.� �r�,�,,s��,'`f� (�a���"��ddress: �-'��' ?� �� d �.-�� � Ci� :•_W�� ,r, �����ate: -:,.���-- ��� � �� City: ���''�'"� �tate: �`'`�Z'" �ap: 1 ���'� � � � �" � 1'�lam�: � IVame: p �, _ � . � �ddress: /.���i� �. 1.�.� :f°�������' t3ddress�.���_ .,�.a °°� C�'tv: � ;�t� St�te:,w (�C�.- ---Zi�;�/�'�'-'..�� Cit� �tate: �ip: � f� - - h:\login\gatty\aigixinho.mst I I r ��� �d✓ "r . I� Il�� � IS�I� �iTi�� TEGA6�D R,R�(�SY2+9 �+T��C�: �lP���C�l�'S�lE;���I�°�`(3�]�E.��I�I�1'Y'l�l�i I��J�T���1�'��N �1'���'A'gI�IR.�D�S� �N�S �I�ET'oao(Pl�€a�e ���N�) AC�3�iJ]DA IP!'�+�! ;�: � P'age 2 c�f 3 I��'I`E �'k+' �IEA�i,TI�TCa: �i 1 �� I 86 ��713e7}''+.aC�'�d'��`IJI�S.'CgJa�+."SI�N: �"�I�'P�I11h[PI�,�Vk�Tl1�F�'NZ' $�I$O�EC�'�'S �����m� JCJI..t�t94:9�'e �� �� . d�l 9 .t9�'.�N�L1�� .�.1'tl�✓.�.d � Y�IJAB. GU� �4,��� 8s��aa��l�lasrls�x���af��ca�nes�tm�se�ffi����cafa����xx�::�cn�axas�r.ats�����affi���r°������ra��cs��xsat5re�im��ffiias��4��1��r (Print anse/.�cidres$/�ap (PrinElEl�mel�ress/�ip \ � �ng r`1 j� , �g �&571G• " � �8_ F'�� � ° s��Cp••r���A7Yt�' �,ddress� ( � � � ' ��•��-�� �' Addrsss• . r � .,m,�.e...so.�.a..,...�...m...8�4...,�.....r.�v,.m..� �i�v: �� "�,����� ��a�e: �:�� �ap����` ,� Ci�v: �m,..��tat��..,.� 7i � �.;i �Taine• � �Tazn�: Ac�dre��� ��.�(� � �,,� � '�...� Address: � o. � �ii; � i`�-•�.,� S�a��: ��� ��,�� ,�� � �� Cit�: SY,a.t�: �� —�— 3�T��rs��:.��'.-��.,�...,�L � � ��0��'°�° � �r�rn�; e.oa.�.�.m.._,..� � ,�- Ackdr���: ,rC� `,r�.,�.� w.a`"��• �.�� �����.�.� �� Addr�ss: ,� .,---- Citv: J dr�-r�-r��� St�t�: +��. �i�: ����� Cit�: � 5t�.te• Zi,�° _ IVame: _ T�a��e• ��� I � i Ac3d�r���: � Add�ress: � I � I t� �iLv. ��a�t�: Zip: �itY� �o.,_... St���: �f�a: ', � � I � P�Tame: I��.me• �� � ..�,�...�.,�. �...�.�.....�.�,.,._�._.�...��.� � Address: Address: I C� -�--�-�---- � � "A Citv: ��ate�. �i�: City: ��a�: �ip: �I � h:\la$Fn\pECtty\eigninho.m et r� ������ � P T�� � 1��II�SI� �lYY C� 'PIGA6t� ���G5�1h1 P3��Y��: �I�.��C��J�3����II�G�'������R�Ai�T���'�T�t l�iT�`1��I��T Y�,1�3� lvTO��I�t�I)��� ��T`�iTS ����.'oeoClyl��se ��,�N°I�) `� A��1�T�.,�g7:°��#: � Pa�s 3 of 3 ��'T� 0� ����Il�dd�: �i / 22 / g5 S��J��'� �F DISCiJ���f?I�e C�I�.�. INIIPRCD�1'�IV[�NT PROJE�T� � , ���� �"J�A��./.�V�. .PL�rl.Jbi'b dcl6'A17.6S.'/9 d''9�.0$17.Cb�A7�y .�Sil�d1Y.J.9J�J 1S.tlYIld8l4 ad.B.� ���� ��:ffi�72Lt�ssl3at�SSffiset��6ffi�657��YSmti1��L����&65�1��'�E�x4t��asla�sas�zaffiGP.���rS���°rs��std3������i7sCmxacs�S'�'�t�R6Y4sa�ffi�m��� (d?rint I�Iavne/.Hddreas/Za,p (PrinE.t�lame/�ress/2i� �i�me° �.��,..__--__�_�— IV�Yrr�• �.�_�..�.,�� r. A.ddr�ss: t�ddress: � Ci�y: St�a�,�: ���: �i�: S4;€t�: ���a: ]`�am�o � IqI�cme: .�..,�..�...�_._.�_ � .Addres5: Addre�s� ______o_�_ ti"�t3�: a3���: 'T�i�: ��t�. �LFz4��: :?��1: T`�arrt�� ,�.,.�.� I�Ta'rne• �,._..,..W.e,...,..�.,,.�..�A.�.v.��,_,.,�. �dd,res�: A.ddr�s�: l Ci�y: �tate: �it�: Cif,.y: �t&te: Zip; I I ' �Tame_.___��.,m.���.�.�. ?�Tame�___�_�- Address: �„w�ddress: �. � Cit,� S�ate: �i • �;it,�: S�a9;�: �: � � � Name: �Tarne: , � Address: � Address: �� �� � _ ,�__,_.� I � �it��: SY�at�: �i�p: ��'t5�: �tatcy: �ip: h:\login\paL6y\ai�'nlnlar.mmt NlEMQ�2A1�1DUM � CITY OF TIGARD�, OKE(�C�N � TOe �lanning Commission I� � E'ROM: Ran��r Wao1Ey, City Engin�er G�„ 'I DATE: M�y J.5, 1995 I SUBJE�T: Capital I�n�ravement Pr_ogram Update F3ackcxround Last year tl�e City ac�opted its fix�st l.ong-�-term ca�ai�al :imp.ro�remer��: program (CIP) document . WY��n �h� CI�' was d�velo�ee�, i1e was intended tha�t it would be revier�ed and upd�t�d a.t leas�. once a year. Recammendations on th� �irat updat� axe now be�fore the Plarzning Cc�mmission for r��riew. At�Lachment #1 i� tYze staff recammerlciatiori for the update� CT.P £nr fiscal years 1995/96 thiouc�h 7_001/020, F�r comparisunP Attachm�nt #� is a r,opy of thP CTF ado�ted _la,st August. Y�y tkie City Courxcil . Process During .April and May, each CIT reviewed. the CIP and �ug�ested revisi�ns . The CZT rer�oznmen�ation� a.re contazned .in Attachment �3 . The sta�f r�co�unendation i.s based on the CIT input and other c.:i�tizen input o i Th� Pl�nnina COIl1TT115510X1 meeting, v�hile not a �ormal publi.c hearing, is another opportuni•ty For public iri�ut . Th� Commis�ion shaul.d receive public canunents . Follo�ainc� the publ�.� c+�mm�nt peri�c�, �.he Commission is ask�d �o make a recom�nenc�a'cion to th� City Co�ncil . E'inal adopLion af thP C:LP v�i_11 be by thP Council . Chan�es i I Bel.�w is a brief discussion a� the primary changes bet�v�en th� adopted CIP and tk�e staff recommended CIF. updatee �taff will be availab.le at t�h� Planninc� Commissian meeting to prova.d� 3ddition�.1 info.rmation if desirede It is important to nate that thP various f_unding sources have restrictipns on th� t�pes a:E prajecl:s eligible fpr funding, ?�t i.s not always p�ssi�le tc� svaitch projects betwe�n c1i:�fPrent funciing � sources . Tn g�.neralE we hav� tri�d to assign �arojects first �to �he ' znost restrictive funding SQUr'C�Sa leava.ng the l�sv r�str�ctiv� :Eunding sourc�s for othc� projects . In the past, it has g�nerall�r been City po'licy nat to use City funds for projects outside �.he city limi�.s F Ira th� adopted �IPo w� violated this policy by including prajects withirr th.e unincorporated "Walnut Island" arEa. At th� tim� of adoption of • the CIP, it was anticipated �that a:Ll islands wou],d be anz�es�ed �o MEMO TO PLANNTNG COMMISSIQN pag� � the City in early 199� . W� now know that this wi11 not happe�. Accordinqly, in the proposed CIP update � ��ve elimin�ted al.l �rojec�s that are outside the City. Eaah account sha�s �1Committed Proj�ct�°' at the start of the new fs�cal y�ar. ThesE a•re �rojects �hat we are �o��ing on curr�ntly that will e�ten� into �h� ne� fisc�l yearm In general, thes� projeat� are �lr�a�y under cantract �r ou� to �id, �ut a�tual work �i'l� �xtend be�ond the end o� the fiscal �e�r on June 3Qth. P�tachm�nt #� provides a �i�t of com�iitted p�aj�ctsa � Stre�ts - TIF (Traffic Impact Fee� fundina • Tied�man Avenue bri�ae replac�ment � Cauncil has accep�ed F�d�ra1 and Stat� grants for �undirzg of this project . Tb.erefore, it is n.n�a a.ncluded in °°COSClIClltt2C� PY'O]�CtS1° e It i5 no�r shown �and�r Storm Dr�inage laecause we expect �.o r�c�ive approval from the t3nifi�d Sew�;r�ge Agency to u�e stor_m drainage :�unds for. �he local match to the grants. Z'he bridc�e replacement will .im��av� f1.�oc� capacity. � 130th/Wir�terlake pro�eCt e 'I'he West CIT .recomrnended tha.t triis project no� be fund�d. At t.he same time, th� CiLy GUUnci1. received a petitaon from Qver 20U neighborhood r�sid�nt� awking that the project receiv� a high prioritye Cl��x�ly, �th� neighbonc��od is still strongly dividec� aver th�.s issue . Last A.ugust, the Council. heard testim�ny on �h.i� issize �rom both sides . Fo1low�ing that h�aring, tkle Council voted (3-2 vote) to proceed wi�Lh the pr_oject . Ox1 the basis of �:hat Counc:i.l clirec�tion, T have k�pt the prn�ect in the prnpased CIP update , � Walnut/Tiedeznan �ro�,ect � The West CIT also recommendec� tha� thP Walnut/TiPdeman inter_sectzori project b� given a hi�h priorit�r, However, this pxoject �a"11s almast ent�ir_�ly outsid.e the current city limi�ts . West of 106ti1 Avenue, Walnut Street is larg�ly outside th� cit�r .limits and is still a �aunty roade Therefore, as �.�iscussed abc�ve, this �.��oj�ct is not shown in the p.roposed CTP update . If the Commission and Council wer� to change tl�.e past policy and consider funding of Wa7_nizt Stre�t �rojects, th�n it might we11 be appropriat� to move Walnut./Ti�c�emar� to a hisher priority. Th� other Walnut proj�cts shown in tl�e curr�nt CIP ai� scheduled �r�r fund.i_ng under �he p�o��ased County I�lSTIP-3 levy and may not need CI� funding. The �esults of MSTIP--3 vote shoul.d b� k.nown befare the 2�lay �2nd Cammission m�etinc�. m TIF reserve : �1ith the liValnut p�ojec'ts cieleted, ava�.lable TIF fundiz�g in futtxre yea�s e�ceeds �.he amount n�ecied for th� namin�ted pr_ojects that ar.e eligibl� .for '�TE' tundingo � have sh.�wn the unassign.ed iunding as a TTk' r�sexv� . I r�cpmmend tha�t tYiis res�rv� }ae kept un�il th� ci�ywide transpor.tation p_lan upc�ate is completed 1at�r th:is year. The TIF resErv� can then be assignEd to new projec�s next ��a.r b�sed c�n the results of the up�ated plan. MEMO TO PLANNTNG COMMISSIOIV Page 2 The new transpartatican plan is likely to recommend a number of l.ocations where TIF-eligible improvements wi71 be need�d, Over �he next several years, I anticipate a n�ed �ar substantial TTF f'unding in �he Tigard 'I'riangle ar�a and elsewhere. Also, as additional ar�as of th� �7alnut Island �x�e� anne�� to the City, TIF fundin.g wi11 1i}cely be nPeci�d £ar I improvements on Walnut S�tr��t, 121st I�venue and Gaarde fitreet o I Streets •- ctas i�ax ftxndina II I Gas t�x is the sourc� of funding for most af our str�et and I sid�walk improv�m�nt� . Most o� tt�e projects nomiriaf��d by tYie CTT � gr�u�s a.r� not �ligible :for TI:E" funds and would neec� to be Luz�d�d fzom gas �tax. Howevere �he propos�d FS'. 1995�96 Ci�� bur�get prajects 'less gas tax funding avai:Lable fax CTP �han v��as shown in � 'l�st year° s projectioz�s . As a result, it laas been nec°��sary to mo�e the funding for som� projec.ts to lat�r yea.rs . � Main Street: Earlier this year, the Council approved a �evisian ta the phasir�g of �the R�ain �tr�et �avement reconstruction, at the sugges�.ion of 'che l�ain Street I m�rchants . The Council also appraved �h� cc�mbininc� of the r�Y 1994-95 �.nd FY 19y5--96 r��rk into one �roject to he cnnstructed this summe�e As a resulig Main Streec recons�.ruction batween Scoffins Street az�ci Fanno Creek bridg� is 9.nclud�d ii� the committed p-raj�ct list . The remainder of �he work is naw ' schedia.l�c� for FX 1996--97 . � a Ma ',�„�or mai.ntenanc;.e� 'The majoz: znaa.ntenance progr_am pxavid.es pres�rvati�n af our_ exa_stis�g stre��t pavements �thre�ugh a program �f pavem�nt overlavs and s1u��ry se�ls . Wi.�th �arlier. Council �pproval, we har,re r,�mbin�d �:tie FY 1994-95 a�d k�'Y 1995° 96 work ii�to one contract, which is shown in �the commiL�ted project� 1i�t . ° S�eed bum�q proar�m: After review of the progr.ams of Portland � anci other cities, the Council decided to initiate a tria_t � program of speed bumps on s�lected r�siclential s�ree�.s e Th�se �' bum�s are a new d�Jign, less severe th.an thos� typically fnund in p�rJcing lots . The bumps give a gentle r�de a� 25 mph but i a significant bum� at higher speedse Council aske�i ea.ch CIT to nominate a street for the trial progr.�zn. 0 79thlDurhazn traffic sicrnal : Durham Road between Ha�l Boulevarci and Upper Boones F�.r.ry Road wil'1 be widened in 1y96 . Th�re is neigh}�orhood conc�rn ab�ut aperat�_on o� the inters�ctiox� of 79�tk? I�venue ancl Durham Road and abc��?t s�fety of thE crossing nf l�urhazn l�oad at DLirham �lementary SGhool . City Council asked us �o �xplore fundin� to have a traf�ic signal installed at the 79th intersectian in conjunctian with the 1996 road improvemen�s. Council explored �aii:h the School Boaid the possibili�Ly of partial �unding from the Sch�al District if the scl�ool bond passes . In response, I hav� assigned all non-�cammi�ted c�as tax funds in FY a.995--96 to 79th Avenue. M�I�iO TO PLANt�TTNG COMMISSION pg�g 3 � Al�red_Street an� 74th Avenue: Alfred 5t�eet �nd th� p�rtion of 74th Avenue s�uth �f Bo�i�a Road are gravel roa�3wa�s with a mo�erate amount of_ t�af�ica Both requi�e sub�t�nti�1 maintex�arace and �.re th� source af fr�q�sent complain�ts . Paving these streets would result in a saving� o�' ov�r a13, 000 per �ear in main�enance costs (grading and, cius� con�trol.) a So, pa�ving will pay :��� i.ts�l�' in only five ye��s o Bea�use af �h� substantial long°��rm ��n,efits, T am recomm�nding fu.nding of t�hese �.wo pr.ojects a�t the fir�t opportian:ity, wl�ich is �'� �.996— 9 7 . '� , ° Gaar��__Str��t/121st Avenue pec�es�trian imx�rovements m �'hese 'I p�o�ect�, nominated by th� Cen�r�1 �T'�, hav� not be�n inc'l�aded zn the proposec� upda�t� ber�use the� inc?�ude are�s outsid� the city 1imi�se Cost would"�e ��proxiznat�ly $7Q0, 000 for �ach ��re�t , �° 78th �v�nu� ri.��t--turn lane a� Paci:Eir Hi�h�ravo This �aroject, nominrated by East CITa would. iynprov� c3pdci�ty� at �he interseccion„ Co�t wou�.d be about �'100� Q00 , I havE rzot� iracluded it i� t�z� px�oposed C:IP, but csnly �ecau�� ther� is z�at enauc�h fur.ding avai.lable o e Novare bik� _path carrec�tian: This �roject, nominated by C�ntral Ci�', i� a �rery smal.l project o �C�. wi11 b� c�mpleted frc�m znai.ntenanc� funds �nd do�� not n�ed to be p�.rt c��" the CIPo @ O��.er. unfunded taro-i�cta • Th� p.r.�arity list dPV�l.o�ec� las� year_ i�cluded prc�aFr.ts �.hat s�il.l ar.� nat fundede '.1.'he�e projects are x'ECC)T15tr'11C�1U1'� of the Comme�cial Str�e� pavement betwe�r� �ain and I-ia11, aciclition of a righ�.—t�urri 1ai�e on Hall E31.�vd, at Scholls �'�rry Rvac�f �n.c1 repl�c�:mex�t of th� �'�.gar�i StreEt bridc�e. Parks -� park_ levv fun.dzz�� � TerracP Trails„�athw�.yo The �ur_r�sxt CZP r�haws a res�:�v� �or reznaiz�ing �unds f'rom the 1990 �ar7t l��ry. l�ux�ing Planrxing Commission revie�w l�st yearr the c�u�stion wa� rai�ed wheth�r � the r�maining funds sh.ould be usec� l:o c�mplet� a trail along the �xis�ing gre�nway between 1"15tY� Rvenue and 118th Gou.rt iz� the Terrac� Trai:ls area. �. �� The question has b�en reviewEd �tl�rough a neighbor�.00d po31 and through disrussions at t��ze C�ntr�l CIZ'm Th�r_� appears to b� � roughly an �c�ual nuznber of �eople ior and ag�ins�. � saft tr��.l � along the greenw�y, Th��e a�a��ars to k�e no s�trong suppcart for � a pro�osed paved side trail cc�nnec�,iori between �the greenway � trail ancl Fairvi�w L�ne; the p�ved �onnectic�n was intencied to ,� ser.v� �l.so as a sewer maintenancc� acc��s drive�aay o It has k�een suggeste�. th�t th� trail wa� p��mi�ed at �the �t�.n�e of the election an tb.e p�rk 1.���y, Wi�zle w� finc� no d�cumentatiorz of this, �ev�ral people hav� incii,ca�Led that they remember that proxnise being made prior to the electa.on. IKEMQ TO PLANNING C0�'IMISSION p��� 4 I 1 ha�e included the soft trail portion of this project in the proposed CIP u�date but have delEted the paved side trail/sewer access path to Fairview Laneo In recommending that u�e proceed with the �aft trail� I was persuad�d b� �hrae arguments : first, that the trail may have been a coznmitme�t m�d� at �he tim� of the levy election; S�COI1dp the suggestion that there `�hould be publir access to �the public greenway area� an�, third, �he preceden� of past Council action in th� adjoining Pathfinder/Genesis are�, in which C�uncil decided t.n b�aild the greeizway pathways zn the fac� of sin�ilar objec�ions frorn �he residents abutting the greenway. A.t the CIT, there was discussion that siznilar concerns (crimey litter, etc. ) in the Pathfinder area had nat proved to be a problem since th� �Lrail was r.ompleted. Th� Terrace 'I'rails pathway will be an extension o� the existing Pathfincier/Genesis pathway system. L�arks-5DC {s�s„tem de�relopm�nt chalcxe) fundina � Summez•lake Park fencin�: Durinc� discussioris of the 13Qth/Winterlake project, t�.e n�ighborhood raised concerns about lack of a barrier betweEn �he play araa of Sumrn�rlak� P�rk and the traffic of Winterlake Uriveo This �roject would �dd a :EPnce �ietwe�n the ball fielcl area and the strset o � �nglewood. Par_k b�sketball court : This proj�ut w�u1�3 �dci a basketY�all court to Englewnr�d Park a.n the area ]a�tween Sprincrwood Driv� and Scholl.s F�rry Road., f�ominatec� by West CTT e ) � ra.nno Creek Yark trail liahtin�r: This �roject, nominated by Easi� CIT, would add lightinc� alon� �the existing Fathway between Hall arid Ma�.n and betwe�n Cit� Ha11 �nd the Senior Cer,te�. �� � Pathwav connection from Ash F,.venue to �anna Creek t�a'thway� This �rojec�. will co.nnect the e�i.sting path sys�em to .l�sh Avenue south of the creek, � Fanno Creek pathwav betw��n Hall and Bonitae Preliminary review indicates that this pr�ject WOL11C3 I.13VC� a ver� hiqi� G05t (up ta $700, 000) due to its length and �he need to �cquir� easemer�ts . �'txnding w�uld require el.imination of most oth�r park projects , Therefor�, I have nat incluaed this project in th� �roposed CTP � �-Iow�v�er, i� tt�e Metro greenspace� zneasure is approved by the voters, funding for this prnjec� may bPCOme � available in future yearso W New park on F3u11 �Iountain:, West CIT g�ve this pxoj�ct a high pri�ri�ty. Funds are shown in FY 1957°98 for selection �f a site and master plannir�g. F'unds a.re �hUwn is� lat.er yeaxs for proper�ty acquisition . Howevere actual acquisition and develonzn�nt of a park would lik�ly cost �ver $� million� Th� funded master plan/sit� selection is an impUrtant first step, but aome other funding souxce wi.11 be needed to actua:lly , develop a parko I MEMO TO �LANNING CONTM:ISSTON Page 5 i, � Cook Park bandstand: This praject, namina�ed by the East CIT, i� not eligib'le for SDC fundin�. So, I have noL �nclud�e it i� the propns�d C1P � Howe�er, t�e City Council is eonsi�ering funding for this proj�c� in th� City� s g�nexal bud��� . T�e CIT r�cammend�tion has b��n �orwarded to the Catiinci.�. �, i I • Summer Creek watershed restoration: This praj�ctr n�minated by �est CIT, is not dir�c�l� elxgihl� for a�y af the .funding snurces �n the CTPo �iowever, p�rtions a� the work may b� � �ligik�le as xnitigation measures �o.r ather pr.c�ject; pr:oposed in the CIP and by �rivat� �evelopers. It, wo�.xld lae desirable ta havP a mast�r p"l�.n �or the ove��.11 projECt . I will explorP ways to pursu� this project o�atside �he CSL� �rocESS . a 1�u11_Mauntain lar�d Aurchas�: Subseguent to �he West CxT meeting, the p�rks suk�c�mmitte� of the CIT has r�cammer�cled purchase af. a sp�ci�ic 2-acre parcel far adcli�i�n to the greenway �ystem on 13u1J. Mountain. We h.av� not h�d �cime t�o ev�aluat� this reques�t . I wi11 try to have more in.formation at the May 22nd Planning Coznmission me�tinge Sanitarv s�wer ftxndina - SDC A county--�id� maste� plan updatE being completed by �.he Unifi�d Sewerage AgEncy will ic�entify a numkaer of long--term sew�r capaci�y upgracies go�tentialJ_y needed in Tic�ard� The sewer SDC ft�.nds are bein.g h�ld izz a reserve to fund thESe capacity projects . S�r�itary sewer �undina - un.restricted A major maintenance fund i.s �stablished �� fland. majax sev��r �epaia�s that a.re needed :Erom tim� to time. Th� remainde� nf the fundin.g is praposed co be used to establish a new neigh�orhooc� sew�� e���ensiorz program� Tigard l�as a number of resic?er?tial neic�hborhoods without sewex I lines . Homes in these neighborhood.s us� septic sy�stezns . Failures I of septic s�rstems zs becc�ming an incr�asing �x�n}�lem. However, it seems that the septic systems ran �.djoining lots seld.om f�.i.l at the same tim� . As a resu.lt, it is difficult to organize a neighbonc��ac� to fund a sewer 1inP ext�nsion . Tnst�ad� each prop�rty awi�e.r fun.ds ezcpensive repair� to the sep�ic, sys�.em as needec�� The propnse� neiqhborh�od sew�r �xtension pragram would us� City funds to ez�tend the sewer 1.ines o Reimbursement c3istricts ��uld. then be createdo so �that each property would repay its share af sewer �.ine costs at the tzme thE pro�perty is ac�.ually connectec� to the s�wer. As long as the propPrty is not conn�ctedp �he pr.oper�.y owner would not have to paye Through thzs pracess, sewer lines would be available to tlzose properti�s with septic system problerns . Any necv hc�mes cUYZStructed cvould be connecteci to t.he sewer. But pr.o�erties with good �eptic systems would nat need to coranect . MEMO TO PLADINING COMMISSION Pac�e 6 As praperti�� are ccannected, r�imbtirsemPnt fees wauld �a pa.id to the City. ThPSe f�e� coul� be u�ed to fund �.h� con�.a.nuir�g program, a Storin drai�aqe_ �ui�di� �'u.ture fund� for storm drainag� project� a�e ��p�ct�d, ta �aa� �11 from SDC sau�ces . Thes� funds can Qrily �e u�ed �or projec�� on th� Unifie�. Sew��age �.c�ency master p?an@ ��ahi�:h is st�.�.l b�iaac� d�*ve_lop�d. Therefore, �he�e �unds are �hc�wn i� a re��r�r� �tand until specific prajects can be i�enti�ied. � Water svstem fundin� The Gouncil is reviewirag �ptiens for a long°��xm r�ater su�ply o Th� final decision on the watez supply may k�avc� a �i�r�if�.cant impa��t c�n �he �r�t�x system capit�al iznprovement n��ds in �'uture �ea�� . Th�re:�ore, 7 �m r�camm�nding that �.he �Tp sho��v onl� �. r���rv� �unci until �ong-terzn w�tex system plarzninq� a.� com�1�t�da Utilitv mapx�in�r Tnrluded �.n bath sanit�.r�r s�w�r �x�d w��.�r CIP i� �roptasecl fun�.ing far u�ility mapp.ing. This �'unc�ing uvoulc� k�e �a�E� :�t�� pro:�essional sur_ve�ing wox�k recqu�red t� com�let� '�h� z�ta�pinc� pra�eci�d .�c�u�l zn�ppin� wi1J_ �c� cc�mpleted by sta�f. Engireeringr �lanr�i.ng and mainten.a.nce staff are v�orkirig tog�ther �.o �.mp�av� the C�i��' � �xi�t:�n� ma.ppi.ng sy�tem a.nc� to com�ir��: �.h� utility anapping wi�tYi e�is�.ing com��.��terized m�a�ap�.ng sy��.em� � T�� expected resul�t. is an improved az�d �asier-°•t�a--use map�aing system, improv�d coordination betwe�n the va�ious util�.�� s�rs�ezn�, and maps that ar� e��ier i:o use far �e«�lape��s ar.d cdn���c�.�r� n I� �he 1Qnc� t.�rm, w� ex��ct to recovex� the cc�st 5 t�raugh r�du.G�d st�f� �.a�m� �.c� �es�arch utilit� infox:matiar� and reduc;�d u�ti�.it.y �c�ni�.icts �ur�.r�� constructic�na I rw/cip—may � � }�^ � � � � � � � �d , � �IEMU TO PLANI�IING COMMISSIC7N Page '7 �� �� �� � � ����� ��� ���� @ �� � , ������� ���� ������V� � �� � �� � ����°� ��� ��� �� � �� �'�� i I � � 33� �, � ' � � ' � � � � � P����� �o�.�. OTHER FUNDING PROJECT �Ik' GAS T.AX SOURC� E'Y 1995-96 Commit�ec� pr�jects 1,23�,000 762,Q00 TSF �trans�.t reser.ve �i,000 79th Av�a pielimi�lary desigr� 10, 00Q 1�O�th A�re. (Hawk°� Bea,rd t� Schol.lsj -a�nstruction 367,021 I 130th/W.�_n.tEr].ake conz?ectior� -const o 500e OOQ I Speed bump program 30,000 I 79th/I�urh�n traffic �ign�l 43,2$9 schooi District I ._..,.d.._.�.� � � Totals �or F'Y 1995-96 2, 192,Q�1 845,289 ��I � �I � �x� i996-��7 TIF Transit reserve 89,000 1Kajor m�inten�.nce �yp, 63�, Alf.red St . p�ving 30, Q00 74th Avea p�vi.ng (Hon,ita tc� Dizrh�m) 35� 000 I�Iairi St, p�vemen.t r�pl��em�r�t 300, OOQ 5torm c�rain (Scoffins L-o 99W azld F'annc� Creek to 99�v) fund Greenburg Rnad r/w 20(1FQ00 Greenbarg/Map'lele�f inte�section �SQ,OUO TIF �eserve 919,7Q2 Totals f�r F'Y �.996-97 �958, 702 555, 631 FY 1997-�98 � TTF transit �es�rve 70,000 � Maaor maintenance 3pp� Qpp � 79th Avez�ue 1.O�a 9Q6 LIL� �g Fed, a_mprov-em�nts - Park/W�t�in5 160, 000 � Bonita railraad cr.os�ing 400, 000 � TIF reser.ve 341, 933 � �rotals �or FY 1997--98 811,933 566d905 �'Y 1998--99 CAF'ITAI'� IPRPROV�MENT PROGHAI�! (Praposed upciate 5/15/95) P�g� � � � ���c�� co�.�. c���������� ����� �vu�an��r� L�l�O�JECT TIF GAS T�C SOURCr� �o TTE' t�ansi� ���erve 54,(100 �lajor M�a.nten�r�ce 30C�,0�� F�d�strian imprv�r�rn�n�s 50,OOQ Burnha.�tt/i�l�in Siqnal 40,000 80,000 Nar.th Daknta �ridge r�plae�znent 148�084 (d�sign & r/w) TI� ies�rve �53E3, 675 Tatals for I�Y 199�-�99 63�0675 57�,084 FY 1999-�2Q00 TIF' transi� rQServe �5,.OQ0 Major m�inten.arice 300a0Q0 �eciestrian impr.ovements 50q000 �3orth D�kot� bridg� rep]_acemsn� 239,135 TTF r�s�rve 482,509 Totals fcir FY 1999-00 527v505 5$9v13� FY 2000-01 TIF tra.nsa.t r.eserve 35dOG0 � Major mainten3nce 30n,000 � Pedestrian impr_nv�ments 50,000 ' North Dako�l-.a laric�ge rEplacemen�t 200,OOQ f3all✓I;unziker/Sr,�fiins (design) 50A023 TTF reserv� .�73,135 I 'I'o�.als for E'Y 2000-U1 408a 135 600,Q2� �. � F� zooi�,o2 � �.. TIF transit reserve �Q, 000 �" TIF reserve 373, 541 � Major mainten�.n�e 300,OOQ ' Pedestrian improvament� 5b,00Q � Hall/Hunzilcer/�co�fins 260,714 � 413,a41 &1�a71�4 CAPITAL TMPROV�I�EiVT PROG�iAM (Propos�d u�adat� 5/15195) �ag� � 6 � kr o d..�S'. PRQJECTS PARIC ZEVY. SDC FY 1995--95 Committed projects 17,�00 524,QOd Englewac�d--F'anno Cre�l� p�r3c c�nnectinn 100,OOU '�eirace Twail pathway 41,�00 5,000 . Summerl.ake Park �'encing 4,Q00 Tota1� �'or E'x 1.99��96 5�,800 633,Oa0 FY 1996�-97 �Taadax•�-Main park connec�ian 285,000 pxopa acguzsition � iznprovem�n�s Total �or FY ?996--97 2$5oqG0 �'Y 199'7�98 Wc�c�dard -� Main park. conn�ctian. 120,0�0 �sh Av� - k'anno Cr�ek �ath c�nnectioz� 30, QOp N�w r.ommu�i��r �arl� -- identif� s9.te/master plan 62,000 �otal for F`.0 1�9%-98 212,000 FY 1998-99 Englewood Park baslcetball court 15�Q00 Far�na Cz��k park trail �.i�k�t7 nc� 4Q��O�i New Community park � pro�. acqu:isitir�n 105,000 Toi�al fox� �'Y 1998--99 �.60,JOQ ( � I'Y �.99�-2000 I, � I t� , � t�T�w comrnunit�y �azk -- prc�p. acc{ui�a.�ipn 1�1, 000 � � Tota1 foz '1999--2.000 131, 000 � L1.1 "'� FY 2000--01 Ne�a commun�.t1 �ark - prop�rty acquisit�.on 1000000 � Total for 2000-01 100,00(1 CAPTTAL IMPROVEME;NT PROGRAM �Proposed update 5/15/9�) Paqe 3 � PA� �e 7�.�o dc�����a�a��.�, 9 �'Y 20�1—Q2 New ca�munity g�ark ° property aCq��aisition �.t�2,f300 I To�t�.1 for 2.OQ1��2 �,pZ,��0 �I I , � I �, � � �2 � � � � &dJ � �AP�[TAL TMPROVEII�l��IT PROGRAL�I {Prc�posed upda�.e �/.1.5/�35) Page � �1h�T���R9t' ��8i�*st �.�e�,� �, ,I UNRESTRICTET� OLD SDC NEVd SDC � .�. I FY 1935--96 Committed projec�ts 20,�00 10,000 Major main�enance 30,OOU Reserve f.ar capacity upgrades 589A500 1.,38�,000 N�ighborhood sewer ext. pragram 455,335 Utility Ma�ping 250000 „ � .,a 6 530,335 599,50t� 1,3F��3,000 � �'Y 1996-97 I Y�Iajor maintenance 30,U60 �eser_�re f�r ca�acity upgrades 349�000 � Neighbor.hooc� �ewer Fxt a p.rog, �8�734 .--� .,� I 118,734 �49tl(?00 i EY 1997-98 I Nlajor maintenance 3U,000 � Reserve for capacity upg?-ad�s 27�,QJ0 Neighbonc�rod sewer_ ext , proq. 94a216 � � 124,21.�, 27�,OOU FY ].998-99 Major maintenance 30,Q00 � � Reserve for capacity upgradea 225�000 Neighborhood �ewer_ ext. prog. 99,269 129,2&9 2�5r000 FX 1999--2U00 Majar maint�nance 30,000 �eserve for capacity upgrade 187,000 Neigk�barhaod se��er e�t. proc�. 103, 92Q 133, 920 t$7,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGR�M {proposed update 5/15/95� pacJe 5 I �A1�TIT�SC �1i�Lq C:�.P. (�or►�tinvt�3e�9 F'Y 2000-01 I , I�ajor zna.interaar�ce 30,OOt3 I Reserv2 capaeitc� upgrac�..ea 142,000 I Neighbo�hoe�d sewsx e�.t. pr�g, 109�776 1�9,77F 142,OOQ �r zool—oz � Major PnazntenancE 30,000 Reser�e r.ap�c�ty upc�rac�es 100,OQO Neigriborhood ser��r ��t> proc�. 1.60, 197 190, 197 1lJA`QOQ I I I CAPITF,L IMPROVEMENT PROGHAI�i (Prop�sec� updatp 5/15/95D Pas�� 6 �1"ORDB I9��%d�� �.�.�. I71V�2�STt'��CTl�I7 OLI� SDC Y��Ti� ��� ��r i�9��-�6 ' Caix�.mi�tec� grojects g0�Oa0 �.�2,0�3Q 200,000 Ttes�rs��: £s�.r U��1 master pZan 5�,000 �1.8�,�46 t3C1,d00 2.3F�,OOf� 71$,446 E'Y 1996-97 ��serve tax USA z�ta�ter plan 146r997 --0- 146d 997 ! � FY' 1997-�8 R�sc�rv� Far Ua2� mas�.�r plan 10���_55 I � � � m0--� 108,Z55 FY 199�-99 I I Reserve �o� CJSR mas�_cr plan 7�,534 i --Q�-� 7$a 534 � I FY 1'999-2QU0 I� �.__.__�...� I Reserve for t7SA mas�tsr pl.an 610 493 II -0- 61,493 � F�' 2000-01 � �� � � ResQrv� for_ USA master_ �lan 43,311 � � � °�Q� .. 43,311 �il � , � F'�2000�01 � ResexvP for USA master plan 4�, gg5 -0- 43,895 CAFITAZ IML��tO'VEMENT PRQGRI�M (Pr�pos�d update �l1a195y Page 7 ��'� SY�'1'� C.�.�. i�TTAT��t F'UND FY 1995-96 Committ�d. ��:ojects 5�>CO(3 �tor�h �Jal:cs�a S�, �ip��ina� �r�f:�nsa.on 70h�0U SchUlls �'�r�y Rc3. �ipeline ex��ns�_on 4U�000 Pleasar�•�: Vie�r �r�s�ure reduca.ng station 20,000 �iic�hwa�r 217 c�avsirzg replac�m�rat �70�d00 �7ti7_xty Ma�g�a�rxg 25,000 Res�rve 16�, 962 639, A�2 �'Y ].996-97 Resexve 38�a3�II 3�8�:3�8 ' F'Y 1997--98 Reserve 3�9,325 � .359g�2� FY 1�9��-99 � R�se�ve ��7,819 I 32'7� 819 �I �'Y 1999--2040 �� Reserv� 293,733 293,733 � FY 2000-2001 � Res�xv� '�56, �25 � 25f� 925 � FX 2000--20Q1 � � Rese.rve Z�� �qg � C°� � 217�249 � sw/CIP-LST.95 I I CAPTTAL I�lPROV�M�NT PROGRANi (Pro�osed updat� 5/:L5/95) Pag� $ � q At���h �n� � � ��� �B�JF�E�E�� �,�PI°��L � �i��J�����1�° ������� �'� 1 �����.� `������� ��' ����-�� Ad�p��� by �ity ��t����� :����a�� �3� � ��� � � � � � �o � e�� tas � 0 Ac�.�p�.ed by �.�t:y Ca�ncil on .�,.ug��� �:3, 1�94 � T ����� C,�.�. 0�I3�R �°�I���dG �E�.t�J��7.' , '���' G�i��'F� S�C�I:�� �Y 19�4-95 CoTnmmj.�ted p��j���.s 508� d�� 2'7,0�10 T�F T��.nsa.� rese•rv� �5,��f� I�iajor z�aain�.�n�.nce �U0�000 kia1.1/9..�� in�exwecta.an 0 01�0`r Grar�t R�re. s�.d.Pwal.l� 90,OU0 C��G Grant� '7`?nd/Bonita s:iqn�l 1�, 50fl � 1�,a0Q �rant Ave e bri�.ge 140,Q00 ���d�r�.l �r.an.•t Mairx St. g�avc�an�z�t re�lac�ment 2$4,�00 S�c��r� d�ain (Fannp Cr��k to raa.l.ro�d) fund Bur�.k�azn r/�a & wid�nin.g @ Main 15fJ r Q(70 1�Ott�. Aue. (Fiawk' s Beard to Schall.s) �- ci.���.g�n Sb� OnO 13Q-thl�inte�la}c� cozzz��c�tion °�desic�n 60,OQO Bonit� Raad (F'annp Cr��k �c� 72a�c1) 1,U62,500 `�otals for FY �994�95 1, 92g,00n �(��, 0�0 �5C :1.995-96 i T.��' tran�it r�s�rve 87, 000 � 1�a jo� mair��.�nance 300r Q(�Q Tiedeman Avee bridge replacem�nt 200, 000 �`ederal Gr.�x�t Main S� . �avement replar_em�nt 299y000 S�arm drain {S�oifins ta 9�W � F"anno Cr�ek to 391�) fund � 79t.h A�r�. prelizninary desic�n 20, U00 �� Bonita Rd. (Fan.no Ck. to 72nd) 110,Q00 130t.h Ave. {Hawk" s B�ard ta Schalls) , �, -•consLxuet.ian 36Q, QOQ � 130thOwinterlake conz��ction �cc�ns�.e �Sg� pQO � � � Totals far F�' 7.995°96 1,02.&,Q00 619,00� � !I� t,� � � � .� . : : ____ - :- . .. . . .. ... . . .. . . 1, • � r7.1.&�� ri�MYALVId� &�A��a �CVaiO.i�OM�� ��rx�� ��rr��N� ��o,�cT Tz� c�s ��x soc��a�� F'Y 199�i�97 �` �'Ir� Tr�nsi� res�rve 89P000 Majar mai.n��:erxance �OQ,Q00 �ai�a �t . pa�rern�nt repl.arement 212 o Oq0 �tQx7ri c�.rain (railroad to Scoffins) �und Peclestr�.�n im��rovezn�nts - �ax�kl�a�kins 122, 000 �30th/W�n�er.lake aongzecta.can - co��t, 20�,OOQ G.���nburc� Fttaac�. .�/w 200,000 Gr��nk�u�r�/Maplel�af i.nt����ction �5Q�000 W�.ln�at (132nd to 135th) -d�sic�n & �/w 301, OOC! T�st�ls faz FY 1996-97 1, Q45,000 634, �q0 �`Y 1997�98 TI�' tr�nsit r�serve 7Q, OQO M��a� maiY��.enar�ce 30q, 000 79�h A�Tenue 311, 000 L2I� P�d. izngr�vem�nts - Park/Wa�kin� 3$,00(� Walnut S� . (132nd �0 1.35�h) - can��. 749,Q�0 ° T.otal.s for F�' 1997-98 8�9, 000 C49,000 E'Y 1998�-99 I i TIF �,��nsit reserv� 54, 000 Major �l�intenance 300, 000 �. Pedeszrian improvemen�:s ��,p�p � Burn.ham/Main Signal 60, OQ0 60a000 � Narth Dakota b�idge re�alaaemen�: 254, OOQ � Waln.ut St . (132nd to 135th) �- const. 245� 0�0 "`� Walnu�L-/Tiedam�n intersection 281, OOQ � -design & r/w � Totals for FY 1998�-99 640,000 664, 000 w � I I � w i s�� �����s �,�.�. s�o������� ''I ox��R E[J'�i T)TNG P�OJECT '�I�° G�S��X �Ot7i�CE I � �Y 1�99--2000 �'I�" t�ans�.� rescrv� ��,Of}0 ��jar maint�r�ance 300,000 k��destxian improvemant� 50` 000 �Tc�x�:h D�ko�a bricige re�.�.ar.ement 329,000 I Wa,ln�t/'�iedernan in�exsectic�n m x/w 490,000 Totals for FY 199�-QO 535,000 C79,000 �x z000—ox 2'I� transit� �eserve 35, �pp Major maint���n�e 300,OU6 �ed�s�riari im�rov�men�s 5p,pQp G�al.rau�OTied�man. int�r.secti.c�n � eonst. �55� 000 Walnut (121st �a 232nd} --d�sa.gn & r/w 12SaQ00 Aall/Hunziker/Scoifins 344,OQ0 Tatals for FY 7000-�Q1. 416, OG0 694, 000� � � ��� �.�oPe PROJECTS P1�fC L��TY St7C FY 7.994--95 Comar►i�ic�d p�o jects 15, OUO 290,000 , �c�ok. F�r_� �si.�n�.c sh�l�.ex� r�glace��ent 3n, 000 ��, 7�Lh .A�r�a natu�al axea �a��k - prop, acq. ��0,004 I - improv�ment;s 97,Q00 I�atu.xal �.rea addi�.ion ta �c�ok Parle -� pre��� acc�. . 60,OOG , k"�nno Creek patnway (N. Da�ot� to `Tic�ard S�t. ) 5�,4a0 � P�rk levy reserv�; 65� 000 Tcat�:ls far E'Y 1994-95 112, 000 777r U00 �'Y 1995-•96 I Engle�as�od-Far�a7o �r�ek park conn�c�tia� 1Q0� OOa � Wac�dard - Ma:in. ��., ya�rk con�,ection 203, Of!(1 (g�ro��rty acquisition) T�t�?s for F'°.L 1995--96 3Q3, Q00 FX 1996°97 ---� ---- - � 63aodard--Main par)c conn�ction 20�,00� pro�. �cgui5i.�.ion & improvements I��w community park � identify site/mast�:r galar� 6$, 000 i Total f�r FY 7996-97 268, 000 II F�1957-9� Plew community park -� prop. aeguisit�o� 194sb00 '�otal for FY 199"1�-98 �.94,pOQ FY 1998•�99 New Commui�i.ty park �- prop. acqui;;ition 1.42� 00� Total fo�' FY 1998-99 a„42cppp FY 1999-2000 New communi�y park - prop. acquis�.�ta,an ii�,��� Ta�al fax 1999-200Q 7.1.2,OQCJ FY 2qQ0-01 New ccmmunity paxk -- prop, ac:quisition E30,000 '�'c,tal for 2Q00�01 80P0�0 � 37�ATI��Y ���R �.�e Y�. u�r�.�s�r��cT�� aL�s�c r��w s�c FY' 1994�95 ' Coanxn,�.tt�d pxo jects 21,OQQ 110,OOf i P�la jor nt��.ntenance 30,000 Ge��J.e wood.s sewer protection 500000 �a��ments For future extension 5fJ,000 R�serve far capacity upgrades 872, 000 s89ra�0 867,0t�0 973,Q00 639, 500 977, 000 EY 1995-96 Ma�ar m�intenance �0, �00 Re�erv� for czpacity upgrad�s 127,000 411,QQ0 15'Y, 000 4�.1,OQ� �"t 1J96�97 �2ajor ma:Lnt�nanc� 30Y ��0 Res�rve ��r. ��.gaaci.t�r upgra�.�s 124, �00 34�P 000 154� 000 :���,000 FY 199'7�98 � Ma��x znainten�nce �0� 000 Reserv� for capacity upgraeles 122yQQ0 278� OQ0 152,OGQ 27��Q00 L'Y. 199�-99 Major mainter�anc� 30, Q00 ResErve for. capaci�y upc��ades 118, 000 225,OOQ 14�,000 225, 000 EY' 1999-200Q � Major. main.t�nance 30, Q00 � 114, 000 187, 000 � � 144,000 187, Q00 � � FY 2000-01 ,� ..�.�...�._.�...�.... � �ry .Major maintcnance 30P000 � Reserve capacity upgrad.es 109, 000 192, OOQ 139,000 14�, OU0� a �°i�91� ���.A�� �.�.�. C7P3R�ST�.I�'���3 C�LI� S1JC N�W SD� �'X 19g4-�5 .� � �,� �o�na.���d prc�j�cts �9, A00 50,t�OQ ���ar m�.int�z��nc� 3Q, OOQ Nlain �'t a �aa.p� replacezn�n� �.25�OQO �° Dr�iz��ge �.t 9�th & Sco�t� 25,00� Paa�.r��� eulve�t, �eglac�men� 10(�,000 76th P,v�. dr�:inage 25, (J�0 9�rd/�t�ose a�ea cir�.ir�age 20,n00 I H�.1.1 S�o pi�e �eplacem�nt �.�,000 Res�xv� 207,000 . 67C�,00� s��;ono �ao�o�o ���;ooe �'Y 1�n5�96 I�a3o.� mainter�ar�ce 3Q�OQ0 ���ex�rP 21,00� 1�3,OQa m��., ooa z��;aao FY 1996-97 �2ajc�x maa.nten�z�c� �C, O(�Q R.eserv� 1"7, OGO 1�9�000 �%,00� 1��,4�0 F'Y 1997--98 �� I �ajor maa.nt�r�ancP 3�,QQO 'I �����-�� �.zRao� �.a�co�o , �42,00 J 1.2�.,040 I FY 1�J9E-99 '� I�tajar maint�nax�ce 30, OOQ I', Reserve 6�000 9200(�� ', �„ 3�i,Ot�O 92,000 � � �'Y J 999-20Q0 � Nl�jor mai.ntenance 3U,dOG �,a Raserve 7�c 0(�0 � � 30, U00 7a,OQ0 � F� 2000�-01. Major_ m�.intez�ance 23, 000 �tese�ve 57,Q00 � 23,040 �57,000 �P � �� ��°�� C.�e�. I G�A."��1�. E'CTrTT� F'Y Z�94—�Z ��mm.it�ed proj�c�s �5,�0� N��r�h D�kc��.� St. pi�elin� �x��;r��x�ra 70,Q0� Schol.l� E'erry Road gip��.ir�� �x��a�siora 40o00a �I Res�rve �or r���rv�i� 2,Q���Q�� 2,17a,004 �� i���—�� � S�choll� k'ex��r/�ee� B�a�d re�erj�oir 44�5,�OQ Pleasan� �Piew pre�sure redueing st��ia� 2Q,�00 �Ya.ghw�,y 217 c�as�ing re�lac�inent 220,Q00 688rQOC� k`4.� 199�--97 1Z�se:�ve 6�2`0(70 � 632,000 �1' 7.997-98 121st/'Walnut pigaeline �xten�sion 450o OOn �t�se��r� �.20rOn0 �570a Q(�0 FY 199�-9� R�s�rv� 503,000 503�U00 FY 7_�399-2000 R�serve 439,00� � ��a��aa � �x z000—zoos � � Re�er�re 35Q 000 � 0 �► � '� �50pQq0 � � rw/CIP-LST.99 P � ' I I ���������� � � � I I I �f'e�� 9 e �i�`4������6 C�I��� I I II I I I I � � p��y a+! � � � ��pp uY � I���7�N1��Jr+i CZ�'3� CJ�' TI��.FdDa OREGODI �Os �o�no�°abl� I�S���� aryd Coan��i�. �'R��Nd a A9[�t��rs o� ��� ��� C�°�' ;���'�o Ng��' 4, ].3�� SLT��'��'I"e �te���aex�ad2�'�s.�s�� �or ��:� �rc��e�'�� ', �I �'��r� �r��r� 4� �.���rs pr€�s��at a°t ��r� Tr�ST ��'I' ����irag c�� ����¢i2��, i �K�� �� �n �. �rc��� ef �� �° �a ��C� ��aaka��� �a������. �����►��ad �.1�� � �'07.�.�t�air�� �°e��arc��nc� t�a� C�Pe �, � TYa� �c�l�.or�i�a� �a��e��� (�n pr�c�r.a�e� ox�.��� sh���,� �� �����.��x�:d �r2��n ������.��z�tc� �S��.cr�i�ie� �r�� �I:� ��ax�d�.�ac�a s �����gr m �an��.�°car��n�a����. ��su�� ' • ���t F�#��a�:�.�z�n��� ' • Q�aa1.�.�� �s� L��� I • �I1��t.�.��Z� 1Ft��c�trx'�� ���.������xi� ', m i�i�imt�r��a.n�� �f PT�a��abo�l�c�a�d �s��cc�ri.��r �'�i � �aa�aa��.���.�� ��ap�.�t� li �c�TE: T�� s�a.�ca�°i�tg� o��.ni�rz ds��� r�e�� ce���z� ��.��a i�h� �.i�t �� i g�xide�i��s �ca� ��'� �s�°r�j��� p�ior°i�� ���.����.a��n o I �� �'I�a�� �.a_s� aa� �����ar� w�� �h� ��?i�.��.�.r�� u��c� �� ���az���� ��' ��n� I �'��' t.'=�'.�' �.fi1t ���.�C:'�°.1XYC�' c"�11� �?:�"1��"].'�.�.alY'8� '��"A�3.� C:�`�.' I �e�csr��n�a�c�a�ze��n� �.� �ea�.l�s�r�� I � ����u�j�'i�d��t�.n ��ct�r��e��.i�r� b� a��v�d ro�� te� ��.� 1���—�6 I �i.s�a3. Ire�x m ��, ' I�e��l� ��° �care ��e ����.�.c� �as�° 1°��c��d ��.m�a�B4 fr�r °�2a� �� �agcc���.x�� �:i���Y. ����. �i • ���k ean �rall F���ta�,r� �� �i.�v�� ��°s.o��.�.y �����i�i.ai�d • ���a�� �r��k T���t��°sfl��d ����e��a�a.�ra n � � �ra��.�wc�ead. P�.r:lt I �.v ) Ir�s�al.la��:�c�n o� �����t�a��� �ea�u�t o � � � Th� ���a�a�r� c�� ��� �S'� �IT p�����i� a� �hi� �m�eicing x��oa��?�� � nm ��Sp�csv��. fe�� �s.t�r ��c�ix�c� c�� i�'a.t�t�r3.alc�/1.�c�3 ����:n�i�z�. �� � � �de�i�s.c��a �.a� ��.w p�ac��a.��r 1.�.��, ��� ��'� �a����°s r�a��z��� �ca����. �a ��v� th�ir ���1. a�����.s.csr� �� ��� ���' p���.�i�� eaa� tY�i.� ������:� � ��:�c�rm�.tion r���a.v�d �a�r ��.� Fa���.zt��or �.�ac��.���.�� tha�. �. �ry a�az�,�r o� �z�i��a��, �.s� ��v��r c�� �I�� ����nsf�x� ��r� �u�°�a�����r � a��� �.t th� m��'�:ixxg T����u�� �h�� ��1,� �u���Yx�� ��.s��s�a.c�r� i.� ��a�hi.ng ���t a �,���.�ra�rnc� ���t�.� �an ���Ze p��� c�� �hs��� ac��.:in�°t. � � p � A 9 In �d�itio�, �h� ����r� of ��� ��T ��� ��f�� �h� ���1o�ing ��n���z �t����e���o * I�cr�as� o� a�l ��rk� d�v�lw�����e � * ��que�� �hat a�t� la�� �� � ��gk bon� ��asurev � ���r�a�� £�adi�g ��� pa�ks �n� op�� ������a ��� �e���� o� ��� 6��� C�T al�� ������� ���t ��� ���a�i�°� ��r,��3An r�g�rdin� �h� �IP ��d �h� �������� ��h3�d ��� d��i����� �� ��a^��a��c�d te� t�a� ��'T�m ' �.�o �l��a��.�g �s�a��.��ian �a����� � � � ' � � � � � � � � I � 1�4�NDL1'�i �I'��.' ��' �.'���P 6����1T II Tt�: 1���or�ab�.� May�� �nd Ci�.� C�s�a��.� � ��Orile �reo.x�� C�'.�' Aiea���s� 13A.T�;v M�1,y 5 r �.��� ���it,��''�:��'m �.E'3C1�ffiT'Ii�EY��I'E:1�7Y3� �CT �'�� ��'t���C�� a A� ��.��.� ���r �, �.9�5 ����irag �3��: �.� �����°� p������ �a��. •�.� � c�n��ca��a� �r� C�� prc����� s:�a:aa�m�a����i�aas �ax� grit���.�� ��d.�:�) a� ����ac�s� � � 7��fla �.�zl Dax:���a� �:i�n�.�. � �EazxY� �.� �'"� 9a � ��v � • �� ��� �►��°�� ���� ob�a�x� �r����a�r a�.��a� �°��aaxo ����� ��°�� ��g�. �.�d� r�� I���.1, �c� ���.�.��. a ��.�C�pa�l� �:9����°+_��.�s3 c�a� .�d�. ���r��t a �c: Pl�raa�anc� �c��i���o���� � � e. a�to��U'�+i C:I'I'7f O�' 'I.°Ils1QiRD o C)I��GJ�I I'� '��e I�c��a�r��l� Y�ayes�° a�ad Cotu`��il ��I I F'�2�T�I: ���i't.Y"�1 C�T 1rY��tlb��'s� �A`�'�o ��y' a.].d �.�95 ��7��T���°a �:TP �����end�t�.��ns �� 6.iR� a`l�� Eg �,�7"� L�.�L��'S 0..�.5 ��..'�6..L�� ���AA��r�' 4A�w��r�o�a�.�..C,A �Ed� ��.0 �.�.��.e �on��n�aa� r��� �.�s r�c:caa��r�d t�i� ��1.���r�xn�t i � ��i�ri�� 1.: �P�d���.�f�ax �.�prs�����n.t� �n �����.� �����t �rs�� �10��a �o �.r�.��a ���� �� xe��� �re�m a.�.c���a �� ��.at�n) . P�°�.ca�a.�� �m ��c����ra.�aa ia�pr�v���r��� �� W�,���.�a� �v��a�� ���a� 6���ax�t� ������ �c� �a�}� ����c��m t���i�r �.�cc�ma�����a�:��st�� �r�ra� x�e�����x����r �.n �a��.�ar�.�� ��d�r� m ��d�����.�r� ��p��v���x��� c��a �.��.�� �ro�a 6�7�3.:�axt �t���°� ��cs I ����s�� �t�°���. m Pecl�s����aa� ia���c��r���axts� �� *�a�.�u� ������ �'��a�, �"�►��.�� S��tao�, ta� 1.3��Y! Avexita�e � T�.s�a�.]. �a�� an �'ca��.�r� �� ���.� �i�C� �a�.;� a������.b�.� �c� � haracia.�a�p�c�Q • ����°�s�� ��y i���r����.�,a�a� �he�� �a�d���.�°�.�.�i �S���n� ��� xn��: � harn�i�a� a�c����.�ale, � � P���st��a� �.c�:ess :�ro� ��F�z ������ �� �1�� ���a�� ����� , ����.a��d � � � I i � ,. R�II►�A�A�Dil� C�T�' CDF° 'I':�C��, C1�f;�Yd �� �� I , !Y'�a �Y�no,t'�b�.e� �a�r�+x �Tac3. Ccs�ci]. �'1���+i s ]t��ynbers �a£ t?ra� C�n���.l. �I�' I�I D�4°�E a ���r �.�.� 1��5 I aLlff��'��T: T�x°r��� �x:a�.:�s 7?zt�n��.y �a��j��� A� �h�a.x� ���tba�� �� Ma� �6 2��95 ��� ��a�Z��� c�� �Ya� ���.����. �d�.��:�s:��c� the '��x��c� T�raa.ls ���Yxwa� �Sr�j���o �s�n��n��a.� �� ��.� g�oup �ra� �� �o���rd ��� �aJ.��wiz�a� ce�r��n�� x°�s���°�.i�ag tYa� p�oje��. �o �a�� �c��araci�., Paro s I 1 m j ����a�����r ar�a �'c�r �a�,� �o� �a�eap�,� �.ra �t�x� a���e ��raa���itin� ��a �a�Y��� �x��.�.� l��lp�u�. �� ����t�� ��lic �.�.raei:�o ���c�� ¢��' �c��u�b��r o 2 B � �]`��.&.�� �a��z�'� nc��.�_�,�e� li����r a ��a�.�� c�ax ���.st��a� �a�t�e�r�y� �aca��.d ].�.k� �o ccare�.ixnu�€ patk�o ' �o ) i�1A�.1. b� usedl a� �. ��:�a:���a�a��.a�iara �l�e���t;iv�e ` I i �a ) �ta;�s���.� r��i az�a�. g���r�w��r �.� �ta.�� �� �a��ib�.�e �e j c��a�.� p��°� e�� �n ���j�e� ����a �a�° c�a�ax�c��.rna� e��3.l�,�g���r����e Coxa� :La ) �����:�°�.� �a�j����.� �.� r��°��n��:�.�. ��a�C���� � �.��� �� `��.�.c��:��� I r�x �.. ha��.���F �.r��� a�s�Ac� �.zr�c��r��ra�h, ��c��� raa�.�e ��a� ta� u�a�. 2. j ��r�a��ns� oaa cc�ra�.��ui�x� m�a�.�°a��s����� o� ��°�a� p �ar��r ����n? wa�nt � e�i�i� �aca�on 7L�s o t P i� ) 3 . ) ��im� �ec.ess� �os��.b1� -� �ajo� c�r�cer.sx. 4. ) ���n��� �red ���ara ��y ����� tc�� �a��� ��a.�����a���d �. � C�� �r� 7���� i� ��t�xral ar�d g���r� �� ��ch �� �5����.�lc�� ,o � L��� c�� p�°a.�rac�r s '�. ) ����ra�e�� an�l �once�r� �a� ��.��.u� �a����y o � � E�r ) Pc��s.i�i�.e �x�osio� c�u� �� n��a usa��e I �o j T��e�:���c�� r�r�n�� t�s ���fi��� a���: �����t�.�.�.�, ���:o ��n�r��. ���a�r��.�a 3 0 ) ��pk��,l� i�su� ����� �ca b�: �dd�c��s��l a� � ��ne��.� �.���a� �e�ar�t� ��om. ��� i��°�.i1. 2d ) S��c��a.� �r��s �Q �a� �e�a��av�d I��� a��rot b��ra d+����x�:�ra�s�e 3 o j U�ad����c�xa�imr� �.�aa� cc���ructz+an pl�r�ned taa b� �.�.�,� �. �or���t �afih (w�avi.nc� �ra�a�►d zn��� �r���. ) 4, } �i3z�de�s�andira�r �h��e wa� �. visu�l s�x�r�y �a� the ��.�y �� �h� p���vr�y in �1pr�1 1�9�o � q �F2 ����'��.�'!fl'!.s C�I`l���l�ll� +��.' L�71.� ��"I° 1C1�YiU���'� ��.°���h'°4� �a'�� '�� �:O�P��'� �:'x�� ��sl�.or�in� �c��a�r�ts ������a.n� �Ya� p�°��c���a� ���ha1.t �azx°��c� ��r �h� �a�.�3�.�ay. Pr�a � ��ew�� s��r�.�� �i��e�� (s�a��� ������ ne���� }�y ��.ty � �b�aaxt �1D a 1��1g�Z�) m ���a� 0 �.'��e� �er��v�d Y �.a�sr� c�� ���n��y o � ��s��am��� ���r ��.ea�� arAj�a��.�� :�.e. �7L�y�.x�g �Yn�.:Lr���x�� �°��.�.e�°��aa���, ��.��ek�e,��d�� m T� d��ia��g� �o�a�.�ds ��a}p �°��3.����.�.a]. �aa����? e h��.7�in� �c� ��°��r��� cYx�.�:d��� ��°ca� �t�i�ag de�w� �t��g ������o � �7���ed r�a€sa�e�y ��r � �'���� i� ��.��Be ax�a��, m ��z���-��oa�.ric� at ������ �ri�.l da���� � ���k; �.ik� ����3�go �. I � � ' s� ' � � � �SF � �L4! �d E�s��. CI'�'` .recammenda�i�n� Th� Fast CIT m�t on May �0, 1995, �x�d ac�reec� t� �.�.� fa�.�oc�iric� re�a�enda�ians �or �h� �apital a.m�r.o�r�mer�� ��agr�mo • �dc� F�nno Creel� tr�il ��t�aeez�► I3a11 and �o�.�.�� (�,ava ��i�ri�ty) o e �dd a bands�,and a� �aok Parl�, wi.th comzr�uni�tv �.c�n�.ti�ra5 to pro��.de sc�m� p�.rt of �he f�.z�c��.r�r�, Fu�nc� �.h� �a�n�ia�ion �vo�:�. thi� yc�ar. m A�d pav�nc� o� .�l�red S�:.x•�et (high pr�.or�ity) n � Add F�nno Cx_ee� �ark l:igh�:ing and inc�.ud� t�he t�ail ta S�zxa,og• C�n'c�r (1ow �riori�y) . A I�c�d right—turz� lane an 7�th A�rentae �.� 99W (��ciiLam �aric�r�.�y) . `�he �TT indic�ted �.hat �h� pripra.ty assi.gn.a�Pn�.s have the �'c�13.ocaa.nc� meaninc�e Hic�h. pxior:ity anean� °1do it this y�ar°A . � �I�diurn �ricarif��t zr����n� � tn 3 �ear� m Law prinrity meax�s 4 to 5 years . . � i � r_w/east—cit � �� � � h- � ?G � � � S�+ ta� � I � 4 � � ������� C��y a, 1995 ��.�.��.:.`:� � ; . . _+,. �w } b� M�Y 12 1�95 , � Ja��ro �ck�r, nJEaint�r�a�c� �vc Pro{��r�y E'�gr. �C�i�::5;��,��. � Ci�y caf Tig�rd _aoo..mpe__..o�e_ ___�A,��,. ra_ ti3�2� sl/!/ �9a1[ �Ivd. T`sg�rd, (JR 97�23 ���r A�1r. AGkee: l"he ��rk5 �ubcommifit�� and r��rrih�r� of th� �l��t T°i�ard �iti��n inv�aBv�rr���� T��m wo�ld I�€c� t� submit � prra�a��l thafi, p�ndi�og ��ai��bility �f su�'�i�i��f fund�, the �ity c�f T'igard p�rGh�s� � 2 �c�� parcel c�f pri���� pro��rty th�t��c��d �ll�r�the �pportur�ity tc� utilize this p�rcel a� �n ur�c��v�:l�pe�l gr�er��r�y �dj�ce�t to ���� ����� ar��� alr��dy n�n�c� by th� ��ty s�f Tigard. �'hi� p�r��6 v�v��id ��icaw th� cc�r��eGtioro !�f t�vo oth�r p�rc�i� ar�� pravede �� �sr�int�rr��t�d p�th�vay f�r v�alking,�ii�zing,C'Ui�t'lIP'�C,�' ��'1CI 6"iB�(EI°Zt� i'9"f7iYl ��Cl�r1/i�� ��t���S $� �Pl� V�C�i"i"91►1� Sta�-�u�davisic�n on �h� c��p�sit� �id�. it�i19 �i�r� be d�r�e:#!y �c����i�l� �o r��idc�nts of Thr�� 9V���aratair� E�t�te� ancf �he ��� 4�id@s�ir� ��bdi�eis6��r. 'rh�� ��rrel d��s ra�at�es� �r�m� ole� c�rc��l� al�r�g �i�h � d�sirabl� �rr����# c�f ne� c�c��avv#h. Bfi ha� ar�a� th�t ar� I�v�l �nd wca��d 9a� id��l fi�r �u�h ir�prc�or�;r���t� �s pICP11C t�L'SIE'S, a �wafi�r��ur��ain, ber����� ar�d a r��tr�aom f�c6lity. Ti�e C6fi� ca� �iqards ad��c��� ��v�r� �cr� p�rc�l cmnr����t�d fo thi� t�vr� �c:r� p�r��i wc��aia� make �II nine �cr�s us�bl�. T�� �l��t Tic��rd �IT r�er�b�rs �r� �upp�artiv� c�f ide�ti�g�er�g ��d pr�;��evi�ig �h� ��w r�m�ini�g �nd��r�i�p�d �re�s t��fi �r���Ed l�r�d �€���re��ly9�� �e� �a ���tir�us�us p�th �f gr�er�sp�ce� �nd natura! are�� thr��g��ut fih� �it�+ c�f Tiy�rd. �'h��� pa�h� �ou�d �rar���cl ta �h� �ir€:�dy ��i��i�ig prr�t�eted �r�a� �n�i �Il�a� p�destri�n a��ess t� th�se c�pen sgaa���. C�ther tP��r� th� upk�ep �f fr�t�t�aths, 'st i� f�l� �hat thi� is the most econo�i��i vv��r t� provic�� this r����arce �r�s� �t �h� ��me �ir��, pravi�e ���y �r�d ceanv�nient acc��� tca th� I�rgc��t numb�r e�f r�sident�. A ne�wc�rk c��'p�th� caa�ld c�v�r� r�du�e the r��arr�b�r 4f�s�hicl� tri�� r�quir�d for m�r�y citizens to 4ravei to a �arklike d�stir�ati�n. � �f� ��ef tha� this par��l n���t� th� criteri� rr�c��s�ry fi� �chie�� �u�h �aa�h�wr�y� � and fhe avvr�ers are �inc�r� ir� th�ir h�p�� th�t thi� p�rcel r�o� �e��me ancat���° �' high-dei7sifiy �u6adivisi��. Th� ovvn�r� �r� willing to ��rk v�vi�9� th� �ity af�'i��rd � tr� �arne to �gr�eabi� f�r�m� ar� tS�� ��ie ���h� pr�pe�ty. � � � On b�h�lf�� a m�jo�if� �rr��� raf ih� �4prii,95 V�/�st T"ig�rd CIT p����ip��ts, w� ,� submit �he i`aliowing par�cel �a�privaf.eiy ��n+n�ci prop��ty b� r�yi�w�c� and reansidered for acqui�it�ori by the� �ity of�"ig�rd.: � _ __ _ _ _ _ . , ,� �a'����y ��� R 20033ti� ��� "�'�xt�t x�14D��05��1 ��e��� i-I�ck�r . �, ���k� & C�pen�p���s ��brc�r��i�f�� I VV����°ag�rd �i�' �h� (Firr� �90-�2�2� (�11k 2�0-171�� r�� ���, _�����9�v�te�7n �i��+ �f�`�;��arr���� .4_,.��_u.,_ .��; {�_ �x...., ', , _ ,, , �. � � � � � � � � � � n + � , �I��R''�p �C����b �122� �, ��� �, ���� �. ����Tie�o�i't� �ig�� �c�f�P `!�'DQ+�1fl/�!°t� L9�➢'r�� � 123�5 �.�/. 6C�th�cin� �tr��� �'�c���d, C?r�gs�r� 97223 R I��ar ����@it�to�: �ubj��c�: 1�t�th�'i�t��l�is� ������ �onr���ioc� F�rra���t �1i� �sk �V��t yuu r��s� t��fc�B6�r�ie�� sn��a th� r���d �n� f�►a°�ar� ��r�� to th�Tig�rci £�etge � �e�ur��ii. Th� a��rded si�o�at�ri�� �a� �i����9 r�i����� d� �aa�t i�t�n�� t���ta�f��#� i� �ir di�- c�a��it�r� of th� cat�tion�� i���t��, 11������h��r��t�r�►tc�� f��° �he� r�h��h �� � a��R�vi��_ �cts�� �alca�iated #o sxop th�.�'�. Th� j�a�tiffi�atic�n fo� thas pro�ect ha� �e���r tesY� �antir��alfy ���a�a �er�ry �er���6vab6� �r�c�l�. U1l� �r� c;car��ic��r�� th� prc�mi��� rt��d� f,r�r ����r�s ��s ���'a��r��lce ��r?s a� adv�- � Ca��� �� YII� Ci�j/ �Gi�$ ��QPO��� ��' ��°9� VG1�@`�� VV��I �7� �lO�1C3�'f��. �TP'i� Vt3$�P ��3�1P�9V'f.'d I p�rl�� ���� nn�k�� ��e���ic r�f������ �h�� 1���h/�is�t��i��� �a�r����i��. T"��� �,��p��� �� t� g�t�r�91#� �������r�J ac���� �ra� r����r��bi� �ra�`�� Ic��c�� ��r �f����d ro���i�bt�rh��� �����t�. Th� ���ro �dvo��i�s c91�-w��le �.r��; n�t � �are�r�t� g���� fc�a� r�eig�bcarir�q r��'sc4�r�t�. ��ce�r�diy, v�+� h�v� g�¢��� ��i�h e�� t4�� @���s8 �t��r��r�9��n���� p{�nn9r�� prc�e;��� �oh���i, �ear �fi�er y�a�, ha� rep��Y�dly ���tified the r��:ed f�r th� �tre�� c�r�c�ect'ron ir� arder to m��t �h� �e��� c�# ex�a�r�d'ong d�v�lc�prn��it. �I Thi�c9, vs� c�nno� i�ri��ir�� �h� �ety g�t����9y �rtitenuir�g � pa�8�cy �a� �m�rgency v�hic�e a�a�y �c� areas surr�ur��dcr�g S�mrn�rl�k� P��k. !� �rs �hil� v�c� �r� nc�� in �f��nc�a��� tc� ���a�� th� i��c,��i t��aq��, �� ���r����� art�r�ediate � c�n�l��i�r� of the proj�cf �� r�cam�er�d�d b� city s�aff �ric9 �ppr�v�d by th� Ti��rd �. �ii:y �c�u��il. IiVe ��� fi�61y pr�p�r�d, �� r����ssa�', ��a ��b��� �h� 's��u� �r� �r�s��8�€�i�r� �� �'° �he pofc� I�u��. �a � Cy • � ��� �`!���e��'°�� � � /��� l � � �'' �i ' �r� t���t����� �������dd cc: Ti��rd Ci�y Cc�uncol � C,�. r'�(�e.��,,� �ns Cv�„r;��,�� . �t c�� c��(E y �i�.� M . ' . . - . � . . . . , . M W�, �h� t�nd�rsogn�d, �up{�r� 9mr��di�t� cs���tru�i�� �f ti�� �3G�h/l^lEnter6�k� pro9�� ��rr t�� City�f°T'igar�. U10� c�� n�at pl�� t� ��¢��d th� tV��y 2, 19�� VV���' �I�° �e►��ing for p�arp���� �� �ls��ta��ine� tht� i���e. � P���vo� Ada�r��� o. � � � � . �I aa � w � �.�le, tfi�� ur�der�ig�a�d, ��a��ar� i����d6�t� �or��2r�a��6ean crf th� 1��F�A�li�t�rs�k� �roj��c '� fc�r the City�f Tig��d. VU� �c� n�t pi�rt to �tt�c�d �h� fo��y �, �3�5 iN��T �9T ��ti�g fc�� pur�o��� of . d'o�cc���ir�s th� i�sue. i��m� A�de'��� � � c� I '2� �, 3 6 � G�/ w�.e�'�,,�� `�• ���c, � � ,,,:.. ��— ��,c� �� � � � �..v�.,�.�.�..d�._. �, Q� o�,�,c9-- � -�� I ����:�� /,,���,,. >�,.��� �''�.,�- �w�,v��-�c�,��- �,� --�-,�,�� � i^rt�t. ' 1,�:�,�, ��.5`�/ 5� �i'x�T c-�L.�� p,� 1�-,�e.z� ��c..�,� � �S�1.-, l a��� .�c,�..r C�l� ���.v��.fC.� ,(.��. °�-���.,�-��.- l��' � ��� (� l.�r�l� ��uv L�JJ►�e�G���. �r �% �� � � t � --r, �� � ���� ��<L.�.. ��,�—� � � ��..�c,�._.. � �. � ' ' i r�'o�'t ��� IJ�.���l�i c�.,K� � "Ti-��� C�.l.t./1.� �� — I /� G r"/ S�.a /:J'��-�c^'l��- �.�. t��..� � �� ����� � ` ° ��� t��: �7"`��`��-� �C/��,�) ,�, � �....���% �c� 4,?r�� � �''�'c• _ �/ ,� , . Gr��L�Q� �:� 6 qs .�����,Z,��'�.�..e,_�'�� �� � ���� � ���c.�... ,��.�-a� / �.� � i �LJ ��.,� �-,'�,.��.,� �-r� % �,'`c� � °�-1�P� �� '_ I��'�'-` `°��"'"'� �� � • � . U-�..c._�.JQ.�.�.k-tiL. �, �P _.._,....._ �` � � < < ' .� z�� � �� �►���D � � � �1,�i ��-- '"��� -�� i � ��' ,� � .�v�� /�1c1���� 1���� SX����vs� �� � � � e�� , �� l z 7� �._,_ �....-- ,r,�' ''���' c...— �. ���" � / �c��� �,a�, �-�- Q'` C-�n�i i �� r�r ��.� t�� G�� ��� � _ �f�,l S T.�g�� �c�� !�Z���� �Jr,,�-rC-�L�r� J�� l�C��.I� G�.. l 11� ��-���- �� �--�v��j ln.���1 C� �I ��G-� Gi �� � �� �.,+ (��� -J� �r,�-��.-��-- T�� � � . Lesl r e .h�u r ���, 1a.��� 5W �i►�f-��(�.��.e �r- ('c�a� ,��,�,�- /� r z7�r� s r.� �1; n-�e<l�k� �� i ,��.rd �/��..� 1�..�g� S�1 r���r'���C--,���- T�--�-��-r �� . y�. ��?'�k a�4 m;�Ji�"T�:��.;�;- `� �i t,... v r f' :.'�Ett n_�;; ,e u.,.�.,:., ..�,,.,.,. ..s� : ....... .. ..:....�r�. �.:,c.._.. ,nv ...;,. ......,..:.. ..,.,.,,.;. ....... .. . ... . . ..... ... ........ .. . ... � "it'L.'a . . �1 -.. v-.'. , .. ..... , . � .. t�.. . We, th� ur�der�ignecl, suppoot immed'oate constru�tion of the 130thNVinterlak� proJ�ct f�r the Gity of Tigard. , We do not plan t� a�tend the May 2, 1995 WEST CIT me�tong for purposes of discu�sing th� issu�. �arn� Addre�s ����S C'--�/�Si�L,� / � � 7 y S'�.� /� S�%'� �, .� �,.,CL� � `-'�J C'"'� ';{ �SCj�j �'� ! 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'� I f�am� Addr��� ...�� , .��r"`•.'L�, � � � ���._..:._._._..�.�.a �I ` �c., ;�,�'-� �c� �'' _�) ' � , 7<<' ' I e:a���...�:.:�., -� '.� .�...J:�: .I.�.,�;. _J � '^�\,. ..�..�\� r �. . .. ........... ............... .,^ .... � ` � c ___-__./...4..�__°��______.__� �'J �� 1 �.,��;<�-;��.<-� � ����,r .Gr. ` .�: � �•�. ��/ � �='_ .�.�.4: ..�..'.�.���...�� � '�.�.�%'..�. �.,.�.. �.��k'l�{.�ti.�. ��.1.�, �;�� _�'� �i�_ . , �� .Ir (����� _... ._..._.e.��_.����:.s.._,.__.�..;____—•;t �� � Oo � t, e..�-,..., f'� 11 S 7 / � ` .��'�../'�...........�.. ./,���� s:��.�'►����d,► ..�D�:..�.. ..���.�� o�' �� .��.. _.._.�..._ ..�_._____-.-�.��_��� �,� � _ . ..�.,���... �.�C��t.. ,.�����1 `s �!� ..��,�.�����....,���...��Z z.� -�--._.-�,__..�.� .�- -- - - �_:�._.�.�.....______�...�._..�,�.... �� � �/ _ -�, � .,-- , _ ? P , . . . .. !��?�L?.;�..�C�'. .Li. .4�.:.°. ...�,�.•, .�c:.�.:?sc�. `> .�3 . ,t .. . . ... . . . .�............................... . _ ... ,.... . ............. ., � . 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Na�ra� �ddr��� �' �� �c�-�-v�.--�....�,. � �j , � � �10�j �� 1 � l "� � ; c� �, � /� � � � c�. � rQ..:r f � "/�" �°�-�dd'. ��..... A���°•,r � -� � � /17,�C� �E`� ' 3`t�" ��e°`. �'�2��G' `�,�� v� � , ���.e:�.�' ��'��°�� /�.��°'�i" 6..� Gc� �°'��'.� �..�-�'. ��,' - L-�-,° ��,�..,,��ti�, i e��d .��,�J �'�� �. � '�� ���f�-- l 15 ��' �,�, Sh2�-��-�.4� Gf ��{,�--'- � � �� ""'� �,G.�. �`7 ��_�- J� �°G2. . �-�� � , -- �� � � ������p ���� �-.�. ����,�r��� �D � ,:� � � i ��.�� �,,a��..,, �.-�F����-�-�.... � � �e { �� ��R--�-�-- �--- .. � r.-�C..�'�� ���� � �� Gl,✓, �.��` �-z�..�P.�.... =� �-�, � ,� P � � �w...�w.' (�` � �.'�...� �� �� ! /6/l :�.�r 6,'�....� ' J � � �� b �•"(�y �`/�',`I` 1/� l� �' � � y'�� ��l . / , � t-✓ J� ' r G.�., l ���C../ .� U./' ✓.f`��L L�•d?��G�` • ����d/�� �° L � .� � � L''��� �' � ;� .�n�,�'� �.�,(�w�i�c�,,� l f �a� �w ���t,� � �� �,,..�•��,,��- � - _ l�` � _��,�����'-�'� ��.G�-�-�. �r � � � �°�N . .5�f(��.�� c���c� � � . '�p �1' d 5,4..a'/."'�f�� �J• ��V � ".�v . ✓ "C C '�°�.� y/ . / ' !� �� �^/t�l../� .-� .IJ�Z-+,'✓c-- . �J �� V L�r.� ,.1�L(,f�-�-F� ,/� � �--f.-; c4",. .•%'Z � r, �. '; G.� ;�,.�t,�vr- ✓iJf�y� ,�..�� :.S'�°�°�',�,�,�� r���', �R V�J�, th� �andersigned, �upp�r� is��°iedi�t� �ot�iru�ti�� c�` ghe �30th/ViOi�t�i�ke proj��t f�a�the �i&� of l"ic��rd. � V'��do not plan t��tt�nd th� f�ay 2, 't 995 UV��T GIT ��ti�g f�r purpr���� �. dis�t�s�i�tg the i�sue. N e A c�r�ss .�'���c�', 1'Y1�f� � I��/�t� ��,v, ���'� �`�-�rt '�2 ' �� f � � � .������./` �.- � /l�°��'�' �� ��`�,,�r .� L�.l . �.� ,����.��, ...5'�.�/ ./��/�-� �r�—. ��'�'�"-����� . . � . � � � I `; � -� ° �5'�( "�� �'L�.,,��, I c..�� ���.�-�_ `�1��"���::�..� �v��,.i�a y ��'��° ��� �jC�1�°°i��� ��'��G� � �I , � �l� �,�;�/�l ��• 7,fr.,r�f - �`��rti V �`n.�.�/��� /��GG � ,'�.� �. ��.� �d(�°°� ��� � ����.� �t� ,� � - � •��� ���..�����'�.:�-,. f r.��U� �.�. �1���.�..1 .� � , �N�'�- �- � ���-�-_�' ' �-, � �a r �' /� / h 7 � �°� ..�,,�Z,� �/�'' � �. ��� �s� � —� � � C -�y�� •���`�i� �"� ��.2''.�pr��...� " �'I ��� � � 'r G�-C.�.`G2���'y� � v� -����t7 �.• !jy o VV l�`.�k.J Y�V� I L �K/�a+ ..:J�.�e'�. ���1 C �C.I" � [�6,�t�.. � �\.:J� \! � �� /P � C�,�,v�. � . ��`�� � � � P� e� 07 � ,.�u�..., t.,����ti� %lS��=S �.C�. '��l��a<'ci c.c�,�.,� � , (. � �... 7 y� r � /"' 1,•) / � I ` ✓• �•,�. � J Ir L� / � / k �..' � � ,� � � L✓�./�\A -1•��/.ri'�.(n G�._. / / � �i .,.J' . w� �Jl� � ^ _�.�� /fiC%��i�q�� /1L��U "5��.` �Gix��c.�lc� �'�,.�GI�F' °I�o'�, 1��. �������� `��' !��� � I (� --°° �.,�.�...�` �-�--�- ' ( � `� � � � �. Ck,2 (c � �rC.�2,-" i � � . � �� . .� �.�, --- ��,��` (."�j�f��� ����� �� r� �'��;1 y �r � ��.,-�c., ���. CL �' � � ,� , W�, the undersigned, support immediat� constrtaction of th� 130thMlint�rlak� proj�ct for ti� Gity of Tigarr�. We do not plan to a�t�recf the (vi�y 2, 1995 WE�T Ci'T rn�ting for purpos�s of disctassing thte i�sue. N�me Ad�r�ss l��� �4�:� ��°i fi�'� �(` �...,J`1�.-�--�' �,,C,� � � d � ,�iG�(ac,� �{�rw����' i l�� `/ S�v` ' Z � �' �� ��,.�1,.t`.�,� �, , , ° - , .��u 's� �l:tn (� ���5 . 5 �,. i �7 '`' r�. . � N)�c�/rl�� %, �,�'�'�� 5� /'7 ~ ?�� :a M �� ��� � �►„-!,:. ;�..C(':-�rL'.�...�,�� If`�� � -�,t�' ��'`�� � I , � / . , , ��G�.�l�-�c�r c����...�L� ' ,%����' Si(.' ,/??�-f� 'y;;<<'�' , . ' � �'� �.� <? .'��; � � �=� ���� � ��� =- ��� ;� ., � � �� " --� .�'%���,� ,I � �i �� S�..� � ::� %I�� �- �. �'"G�ct'CU LrC � %.;� -� i � -� " �.! ;�" L �'� `" � /,"�i � ��� -=J Lc.' I G��1 � �. � ' ,��`� �' , �,�=ll�l�- y .� �, ;� �i � � /j \ '�l/'� �////1 �, (1.� (/�,�.��''.f. ./l��� :f.e �(�6J ����:� �� �/° 5�.�j/'/�,�� ��I I f � .r Vs� .�.i.�rK./` '� T .�%�v�'�- ' , � tl`'�3� r�.. �1�.,� r� ,�, , ,� �� �`-�a'`-t'� ,. �v w�,"1,��„ � �.`�� ,�- ,,�i"�,� :5._c�.' �;�1 G•�`` �- C � `� �� �.���-/L� � y-" �/�.-� _ . ' j , /' ( I �3 `I� J Gv f 2 G >c �rC /,�� f(. j� L.� (��� � ,^ � `. , �-��� � � .- : � , ��`' � ' /����� S``' � Z�:�' - � %�C�3�'.� Y � � �, • J � l / ��.�'Jw,. .�' � �, 1 ..�I�O j ��1 .. .. �-��ti- l � C.'"�,1,,,,_... I ` �'� �\ C'� �v y � � \ t �' 1 I '/ I 'j"` ! � — t 1.�,-Y/l ��,� ��� �,��•�'� � � �� +� a ..� �1; �0�1'ta � t� �1� • L I U i I�cuG(�,' .v--.� ;� . ' ._ � � � , ' � _.\ i ` f � „ , +V -.r . ' j � .. - � . , , � 1 :\_.�i i`�� �'\.� .\ '� r !�.' �•�,i'/,���j �� � ��� i�� `� 1 � ;,��. \. � >�+ i ! .� ��- ' � ����' sw ��r�r��� � � ' —_ � ��%"�r���=-._ � ��.__� � ��� L� �.y; ,z� .�. . , ; , :, �l . , j i �� - .. .- " `��� ,� `� . i ( �,\•,� �'� � I~ ^, ' �;�� � .,w — 1N�, th� �and�r�ign�d, supporfi ommediate canstructior� of th� 130th/Wint�rlak� proj�4 for th� Cbty of 1`ig�rd. �/e do not plan t� at�end the May 2, 1395 WE�T �IT m�eting for purpos�s of discu��ing th� i��u�. fVam� addr��s . . . . .. 1:. . •°^�..�� .i�"'� I ��^J 7�Vl '-�� � �l^? �� ; � � ., , � �.r,� , -; '^ �r��r"t�,n �,/� .� � . � �t1 I i '� I P���� �i--�1e� � .� � , � I +c��u � c�- �'7�a� !�� ���,�j,r,,, ��.., 11�:�� S, �.� !�—I�`�� 4��.. �i(�t�2n L��'`-- G�1'�z,-� � , _. ��i��--�w ��- � �.-- �.... �°i���-� , �7�.z-3 �:� , ��� � - �r� , , _ . �%N ,^ /�,� � . ��C ` �; �f �t�J��<L� i�3���--- ����. .s��F� �- �� . �-��'�e��e� C��. ; ) � 7��� � �� /!,T'-"'� � . �.o.. ;> `� %�.;i,�a<_ c . ��e��_�- � � "�� ..�%— .. � �• % J�,r..' .°.�' � �.o (f , .- '..�/(.:'�./�li��� � 1 ��� / r..��-'✓—� �� �' ~��.i�1� �,�����.��- � ' . 1 r�O ;�:� . �,,c't ,_; j,���� , . ` ` � �� , , .� �'��� .�,,��' 13 ;��� � � `; �� �� �. ,_ _..�� ;�... =�. . ._.�- � J `�—!f`( :,l !_"_�, � f�o�.. � v ,^ ' � i /. !� ' ' _ :, �. . �i��•,o I �'u 1; �,i�. `�r� .� � 3:��-�'� '��i,� � ��� ��?. �.r✓ti✓,y..-� ,� � -�°, c��.,�°r ,, /���'�,�.-�/� `�°� �� We, th� und�rsignecf, support imm�diat� constru�ttion of the 130thMlint�rl�k� prA��Ct for the City of Tigard. W� do not plan to attend th� M�y 2, 1995 V10EST CIT me�ting for purposes of di�cussing the issue. Name Addr�ss �� /A�:.�'ZcGG=� %/��°��� S�.t,C� /.�y ��Q,��<,� �Tc'.C=. �7:�-�J �, :C., �G'� TG � ,/� — /` %.� �o :�.�::, �i c c :g w r"/J�� �f L-', r �' �' ���IF�.S /g'C��C= .2�'�T�'�.,/ .�°'/c.f�r'/�, i"',�• � �:� '..3 �--- . , .. / • ��y� �,..�, � � G��_, ��, . /.�',�-i .- i �- ��'� � j -G,J (J, (�aj'.� . �'°'°"� v./� J `�1� � � ; , ��� �" � � + �,�.,,� _ �\Z, � ��.,._ � (�L `C• Vv�c�nc --1 , .�s+f��..'� ('���. y? ,,,;,,.�� •, ,. � � .�/L�. ��.W`C.c.� �.C::�i_ Li.... �..' c' � �1�� �`rl.v�. � .�' .� .� ..� L�c.,) . 1 Z' � ( L. �t'J''"1 � �C++l�tfL.v- ��'�--- , '?..," a �L3 �N�� ' • � � � l�� J.L.� � � �L C. � -t-� �o a , ,,� , L---���� �-'�' �, .�.��1 �,;o�. , ��,;1,�� � � ��r . � ':� `-- ., � ,�\.��"_�:t �.�����; � �:�:; 1: ��.�� �.�y�� �'1 ' . � —, -� ��� ,, ��._ �- ; , � , ; �,:, , �: I J �, •�,� �U�'�'1 L`. 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I'Y' �� ��E;T�I �F�C7��;`a�iT' TC� ��J�t. �."Y'T�NY'1(�N'I'I-�'T"'..�i IZ�°���i.����°I��d.A.'T'� �Q�.���l�L,� ��I°£���. �S �L� =� �hl'J[JI�X:�.��T9��Pd�C�,�s I�[7�.�'NC°i 1994 �4.1V� iT' IS ��iT` �CS���.JL.1�� T't� �� Il�RC�V�L� UI�d"TTI., 1��9. '� l��T �I°I'���I��S °�`���"I`l� P.�,�'��l"�C"a�OP��SST�I°dFFt.S ��L? �'C)�,I�� A��I��I�I�° R.�T�C.�IZ�'�' Sf� "��.�° 'T�'`�' �AN�t? 'I"�I� ��S'�"P�SS1��.�; x0� I�J' ��k.rQR.I7C��l'�'x C�t�����15��1'� ��,A,l�i��.C�J�CTS. S��iC�l��.�', 1 i�5�' TX��� �IT � ' � n � � I I I ���������� � � � ����I���� �������� ��� �������� ����� � CO I���� ���,�CT� TYiese �ar.e projects �xnd�r con�truction or oth.er�r:ise committed that w�ia. not be compl�ted on J'un� 30, 1995. The couts far aompl.eta.an are shown a.n �'� 1995°•96 CIP as Y'Cammit.�ed Pxojects°° , Streets - TIF �u�nham right of wa� anr,� w.idening at Mai�a Street , Bonita Road (72r�d '�o Fanr�o Cx�eek) " 130th/Winterlake connection w desigr�. 130th A,ve. (I3�wks BPare� t� Schol.ls Ferz�y) - design. '�IF tran�it r�serve �'r�m �riar �rear� . Q � �as�ade B1vd. ric�ht o� wa�r e ?09th Extensin:� (�1a�ve tti 99W� o Str�ets - �xas tax :19 95 pav�ment ina j or an�intenarice program. Bonital'72nci signal r��Tisir�ns and int�rsec�Livn img�rovemen�.s . Nlain Str�e� rec�nstx�uctian (Scoffins to Fa�n� Gr�ek) e �ran�. A.ver�ue sidewalk. Ross St A reali�nment a�t Hal.l - ri.ght o� vsay�. Parks '74th Z�veniae nat.ural ar�a pa�}c � F31'1T10 Cre�k. pach�ray (Na:rth Da1�ot� to Tic��rd St . } Sanitarv S�wer Nlajar maintenance wark �asement acquisition. � � Sto�_m Drainaae � � � Hill Street 1in.e re�lac�ment . � Sh.ad.y L,ane drain.ag� irnprovemen�s o I � � Majoz� maintenan.ce work, N�.l' � I�ain Street sy�tem. replacement. Wa�nut Str��i: culvert . 76th Aven.u� drainage . Gr�.nt Avenue bric�ge repl.ac�mc�n� . Tiec�eman Avenue bridge replacement . rw/cip—att9 '.:..n:.:....:�... .n ;�. , +.� � � �• , ' � j� ��:' � �, . , � : r� . . `„ �, � � ° ;'r�� � ' � . . .. : 1 . � �� ' : � ���+���� �. � ;.. _ ���1__�' f�1� ! � � 0 A 1• 4.` � ?=' - -- .. . �� ��N _, �, �*sA�� � �A ,�� � �} � � ". � • . . , �,: �, . �. � �. .�: � r�;;, w F� � � �� °r�'� ��� •5�... ..�� • II � U� r' � �' � �. ���; ,, � �N/� � �� ■ � �. ��;�� 1�i/ „r��•}+�.n ! L- ,�. � �r ��� ,� H �11 ■ � "� „ `' � '�,,,,,,,;,,,,;;�,�,.,.: .... . .. �:� ^ � � • �. �, . ��'�--......'. � '� �11!'1h�� � � �ji'A�'�E3 � � � w � �`t�. 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T�'�xne: -----.�.�...,w,.,.._.�.,..,._. , � a�a���5: �aap�ss: C�tv: ^.__,_ei��t�te:�- -zip: Ci�: Stat�: �an: � IV�s�e� 1�Tarne: Add��ess•:�..�. �..�.._..,_._.- - -Address_:_._.�.._�.,.� .....�..._..�.�.�..,..� � � Citv: �tate� 2i� Ci�: _ St�te. �ix�: � � � Pdaane� �'ame: � _�- �._._ .��.�.,�...�� � � Addre��: � � .�dc��e�s: � � � �il�Y: s7�&��: m� 'L]p: .1�i7���: �.�9�$�E: �3�� d � h:Vogin\paYEylsigninho,��E �������D�� �9� �F �I�Af�n, �R�C�6� �. T(J: Pi�r�r�ir�� �or�r�i�1�r��rs �° � �1��M: ��r�i �.. L���s��a� ��� .,...�,..� i DO�TE; �3�� �2, 199� S�J�E�Ta 20� ��r�rv��n¢s � I Attca�h�d is� lisfi�f��r�r��n����c�t 9�h��k rQfl��ts fi���;an���ras y�a��ar�c���� ccaur�cilc�rs i��r�ta���e Pl��s� r�����v if fc�r t���li���assic�r� n�xt vv��k. 6'v�csls� in�lu��� fh� �is��te� �ro� ��?� �a�eti�� ���i �h�s� �carnrn�r�ts i r�cei��c� i at��er it. if y�u ��v��r�� ��mrs��r��s rar q��sfifar�s��fc�r����� rr���i�ir�� ��eas��iv�rr�� c� ��f�. � � �' i I 1 I � ' � ��� � � , � ..� ' � � � ' �I'I � � I PL�lV�1IN� �CJ�if�9l�SId�J G�R�![��h�7S �A�C�U7 ��Q l�s th� Pcarfla�d metro ar��gra�,vs, rr�c�n�r issu�s r��er�to b�e�ealt v�r���h�t a re�ional l�v�l. Th� 2040 �I�n is ar� �sf��r�pt�ca c��l�i�v� �alc�rac�d grc�wth in tt�� r�c�i�n�✓hile prc�t�ctir�� r�resl �ree�s. Y�t w� ��lieve r°r��ny can�er°ns remair�ed unaddress��, 1. �av�rnar�ce �r�d Lo��! ��a�fi�o! - Event��lly, iQCaf jurisc�ictia�s vviU be re�uor�d fio �c�opt th� �lemeni�s s�f�fih� 2040 �ic�� int� th�ir�ompr�h�;r�siue p1�ns, Thss �ov�s d�cisic�r� rr��king �rth�r ��c�y fr�rn th� �aeapEe - ci�iz�ns ��e� �arnp�rrt�r �w��rs c�$ a mtanicip�lity � v�F�� v�iil be a�ect�c! �io/ tfiese ci�ci�it�ns r��c�rt�in�� I�nc� �as�; �s�c� �ro�whh. It�handar�n��tally ch�r��es�he exes$ing �fir�ctur� c�f r�a�v��rmr�ur�ii�i�s �lan fioe t�eir �u�ur�. As far as w� csr� ��nrc�re, li�tl� if ar�� study hcas ���n dcane ab��a� t��e ir�pa��s �f these changes. i--Eavv will city ca�r�eils d�a6 �vo�t6� ca�c�ry �itiz�ns durin� � Be�nd t�s� h�arir�g? ifi a �ity iv chall�r�c��ei i� LU�A, wP�o �ill �a� fr�r &e�c�f e�p�r�s�s f�r #h� r,��nicipality? is fhe 2Q4O pic�n ar� ar�fu�°�d�;d m�nc��$�? F�lrth�r, �,rE�il� M��frc� r�t�irl�csins rr��r�icipaiiti�� 9�a�� inpu�t ���°Qa��6� �If�A�, k��v�ne,�, �r�ly �n� represenfafiive �ram or�� o� fil�� c:i#�es is� �Ias�i��ton ���nty is nai� ac��c�u�at� r�y�r�ser��tc�fian in ma�ein� �oli�i�s �vi�h �✓h9ch Ic�Ga� �o��r�merafs �alE �c�+✓��c� ��mply. 1Norking en�ith tt�� ci�ies, M�t�o r�usf ��v�l�p k�e��r vu�ys �or f�a� cito�s �o ��ve r�n�car��nt�fi�B iny��a#. � I 2, In#r�stru��Ftar� �nd Tr�ar�s�s�rtatiar� - !N� �r� �anc�rr�ed �E�ot�# t�o�th the �o$�s�tir�l rc�st c�f infrasfir�ct�r� �anc� 6fi� r�vailak�il`ty� u�c�er �his �lc�n. �IVhiie ��t �i�c��s ���� 1.oV7S6e6 BS.��E4.J�1��01 F� �l1��{0�� EI 7I14A�7�CA��../Ila��� 'l.rY.�� b,0� I!16,/��,r �✓/1.�JVS 9�$IVi��{ 31.9I 1 0.J4`O��.A�E 7.� 67,�°JV6 li is�fr��t���tlare. E��ve the in�rc�str�ctu�� assum�a�ic�ns ��;er�t�stec�tca ��s�r��ffi�i��# �, aas� �f p�biic e�nc� �a�ivc�fi� resoi.�rc�s? I 7�� 2C�4�J ��an reAi�s ��avily c�� �ranslt, k�ikes, c�nd �alkir�� to r�°:e�� t�� r�glc��'s '�� franspo��fi�n ����s. �Ve c#o r�cat ��li��✓� #h�s� wilB aci�q�sa��iy ad�+ress t�ur � 7�ranspo�fati�r� probiems. 2J�0 must addr�ss transportc�tion cap�ci�y iss�aes i� r� I a�.��s���fifi�i�n�r��ar�e�t�E°�ht�t c�Q�s�a���t�or�th�We�shir����r��o�srtty�ar�e� hca,��l�ss6`�r I cor�g�sfi�c�. Furi�her,w�ile Portl�r�d hc�s c� cc�r�pl�fieci freeway c�r�d s�reef r�e#v�c�e6c, � �r�c�s �uts9�� t�re stii! c�eveioping c��d may n��c� tc� c��id arte�ial str��� �r��aac.;ity �s is ap�rc�priate. 204�J shauld no�t �r�vent fhe �or�sfrca�#'sc�r� �f c� campl�t� � r�;�it�r�caa str��t r���v�rvr�e. � � �. �rQ�v�h t�a����r����i� tsnc� �h� Urbar� �r�v�fih �c�undc�ry - VVe fi��ls�v� �t is � Arn�aorte�r��t� pr�t��i� csgrict�lt�ar�i ��r�e� �rorra �4��rel��rrae�#. �C�rh �f fi�e ���� r��ht � �ufsi�� ti�� k��unc9a�y 9s r��at r�czll� �c�rrn icxn�i, �uc�w��r�r. �l..l�' 6S Bi�M�pa� mir�4 ��t�t�s. a� �ar� som� a� this I�sn�d �e iracluc��r� i� �he �rb�r� c�rawfh bounc�a�? � � � LlmitPC� Ic�ne� �up�ly ar�si�� th� �rk��n e�rc��vtP1 b�un�f�ry �,,�ill ir�c:r�as� fih� �ast c�f lane�, �hus r�c�king �iousi�g i�ss a�far+�abl�. Tr�e ��an �alls fe�r° �cz�� j�ar�@s�ic�ie�n fo ��ar �ts fair sha�e caf �gfort�able rlousi�r�. W� are unc;lear w�c�t ti��� m�ar�s. Vlfill th� Gity of Tigard �� requ6r�c� to subsidi.ze affo�dc��le 6�causin�? Cour�cio �g�nda lt�rn � i ' 6 I� Yl � � _,1 1 �d �,B N,d 1 tl M 6 6.,. ��E°T°iI�G ���EJT�� � A�F�iL. 1�, 19�5 � Nl���ing �ra� �Il�d �c� c�rd�r at 6e43 p.m. t�y ����r iV6��8c. °� RQLE. �,��L ��aas°aeil �r���r�t� 64����a��9im R96c�a1�; ��un�iB�r� F'��l ��a�t, �t�E� R�h�#, �nc� ��r� S�h��kl�. �$�� �P'f3�G61t: �i�� ��tlr"'��'1�B1, �s�'� ��1'T'ila�9�$C�°a00"; ��6°�� ��d�Si'�l�i'1, '��fl@fa9° �I�B�f9�Py ��I� M6�k��i��n,�����f��fi�I�r�n�r; M�n�g�rr��nt A�a�R��f La�r����6ii�B�; L.ix�f���ar�,�ar��trn� 9�e�al�r�Pn��t �o�rc�as�����; �6i� �r�l�r��n, L�g�� ���sn��l; �n� �r�th�rir�� Wi���tl�y�, ��J ��c�r�Rc�r. & 1 0.36,E� �� �I�� '�.� �C76,�fl�gl CdC�9'?'aB'9°'i13t�1���6�t1���6a`�!l�Q�'i ��P�t�� +�our��Rio� �iu�t ��id h� h�s noti��d v�h�r� �e��r��i� i� �t�i�� b�n�h �r�d b�f�r� �l`Vi' ��dir�r���tP���t���c��cil r���r��c��g��7c9� 9fi�r� �u���r�w�tFac��at��ecifyin��h�#�pic. l�l�y�r I����Bi agr�e�i vo�'rt� �o�r��i9c�r Hun�rh�� it vv�u9d �e � good �d�a to b� r�n�re+ ���r� c�� �h�� i� �h� f�TM��•� ��c� �d�ra�� ��pe��. 2. ��IRg�°' ���I�Vt�: F�le.�0.�1�iCt��°'a ���Ul�itl��l(��J ��9� [��"�� al"AFF p 2�4� �����'F� ��t����'°�" �la�nir�� ��ar�rr�i��6or� pr����� g�i�l�d�d �h�ir��r��r� Miii�� F�r�; �;carn�a6ss�ara�r� ����lyr� ���rara�„ �i�ha�f �ca����r�, �3ri�n R�e��ar�, J�rr�e�� �rif�t97, �!°ae! �e�h�al��, �r�d I �i�k �l��f��l. �er�ior Pl�r�n�r �r�d�s�ra�� i�troc�u��d �hi� �c��r�d� tc��a�. �h� ��f��r�d ���s � I�it�r �, fro�s�i�a�s��'sr���fir��or ��a�sal����� �sii�� �t���aa�, ����t�m���7i���c�r t�f��t�c�. °T'6°��� � i���r �c�mrn��t�d �� ths ���+0 Grc�t�kh ��n���t �r�� i� �r��f�a��d a� ���t of t�e � �ea�r�cii ���k�t r��f�;ri�6. !� �d�ii�ic�r� �� �trangl,y �t��ap��ti�t� th�fi �h� i���hB���r� � �q���� �,��� b� � r��'sc���� �r��'th ��r���r, ��� I�t#�r �dve��� �hat th� �i�,/ �r�t�r��iB � €�a�r�b�r� h�v� u�r���i��c� q�,���fic����k�t���t�a����a���r���� pr�p�a��d I��r�a���d � d�r��i�y ir� ��€�ain a�°���. Th� p���a��� �fi th� m�eti�g �a� th� jc,i�� ��tst���l �r�d �� �la�r�i�ay C�€�arric�sior� at t�b� tio�� i� �� ��a�on� th� a��u€�� �r�� �ar�p�ar� � Ei�� �� c;or-���rns ar�d ��mrre�n�� t� pr������ �ta Nd�t��, �ETy° �OIJPVCiL �1i��1°dBVt� C�B�lIJY�S - A�'Rl�.. �II, 199� - P�ta� � Assi�t��t Pl�r�n�r Ne�s �di�k��l���r�vi�w�d�r�n��s��t�B��°'Adts���d C��o�vth��g�." Thi� map icl�nti��d hov�r th�� pl�n ��vi�i�n�#h�Tig��d ar��i t� d�v�lop b�th� ye�r �. �llr. I�icka�ls�r� �h�r� pr����ted �� ��afysi� o# ��gaor� 20�40 gro��h conc�p�� (san �I� vdith th� Cvuc��il ��ck�t �rr���ra�6.) Ir�f�rma�io� revB�vd�d 3�� Mr� nllacka�9�ra� ir�clud�r� �n ��al�r�i� �+►�Oic�a fo����d �r� �6x dr��s���t d��i�� fi�p�� pr�p���d f�r �'ig�rd: inn�r ��ighborhAOCi�9 r�gi�s��6 c�nt�r�, '���ve� c�ra��r�, c��rid���, �ix�d c����rr�pl�y�xa�rot�r�s�s, a�nd gr��r������s. ��+r��r;h d��ign fyp�y �h� c�mp�ri��r� w�� rrj�d� i���+e��r� po��a����o� an�l �o��aloyrra�a�t ��tir����� f�r T ag�ard a��c��r�h� Pl�r� ar�d$or Tig��d �n��r tt���xv��i���orx��r��9����0�� F�lar�e I�roj��tio�� �and�r• t6�e �xi��8r�g ��m�r�Y��an���� �9�an vv�r� ������t�c9 bg� �ifiyy �tr�� ��an� �aci��ta�� bt�ilcl�bB� �r�� r�d��e9r�p��l� I�r��i 9r�v��t��. �roj��i�at�� t�nt��ar �h� 20� Pl�r� vv�r� �er�5�r�ted by �A�trca st��f. °I'�� �r�y��is�n� �����° th� �s�i��i�� Corrop��h�n�B�e� PS�� �s��a�rr� �all b�+ilcl�� r�f th� r�r������� �t� �cs�� �� kaui9d�,�Z7� 9�0�� a�d a r�c��v�l�pm�s�t c�# 42� ��r�v. e���6�t�nt �'I��r��� �41i�k��&�or� �V��r� pr�s�r�ted � ��ri�� of �lid�� t�k��� ir� tog�rd �hcavvi�� �h� araner ��i�hb��Qi��� ��t� c��w ����el�pr��r��9 old�r d���6a��e��, a�d rr��a�ti�f�r�i@y. a�l�� �havvr� vv�re th� r�gBo�o�! �t�nt�r ����, �he ir��us�rsaf �r+�� �ar���ir�i�i� old�� an�i r���r�r �f�e��laprrl�r��5 ��a� �t�chni��l p��k fo�th� �i��d u�� �r�p�o�r�n�nt ���a. �I�. �i�kaelsC)B� Y'�:ylE3M��� �°9!� �i��I��9� (3� ��'9� ���i�r� �A (�i'�P`�I+��1 �fJ€"iCE3�3�, e°3t�C� CE��'�d�BP1�Q� tC! .�i�bf3�'r°�C d�11�'utIOGl� �"C9�"i $�'1� C.��9iilft�l��lE�k� �t'DC� �I�/ ��LIf3�i�. ��r�i�r F'I�nn�r L.�r���r�t�� �d�rs��d�9��t th����3 pf���os�g pro�������l��kc�h��c��t ��aproxmrna��ly�� �ii8ic�re. ��ti���'�ich h������`,�n s�rpp�arfi ��t�o� �0 P@�r� ��fi�r �r��;6u�� �k� ���v��oy �A�i7Y @QI l lj �h�rwr���, ar�d ��€�l��r�. a��a��+t� �ca 'sr��r��tru�t�a�� h��� ��t b��� �s��4�z�d. �11�tr� �i�€���r� h��� ��t s�r�r�� � ����ek��t��€�� �������� e���F�� "���t� �r�vtat� ����� 0�l�e€�$� b�sil� ����I d�n�'s�v rk�p���f°s �►��t ��� ��n�� vv�a��� b� ��r°� $o ��t��n �r�i'�� p�� ��r�. �er�icar F�I�n��r ��ds���t adva��d �h�� I`�ea��c� ���€f h�� ai���vsr�d �h�t �,� �a��p6� �ir� li�son� ir� �h� �s��a �ct �hi� t�r�� �ohi�h �F�ey did not �i�a�� includ�d ira tlhe�� ��rr�b�r�. L.�k� Ci�vo��� �ro� ����� ��nnpa�� �ir�i��rl� �x��p� ��a�t �k� ���r�a�� ���� rs�� hav� a r��i�r��l gr�wth ���t�r, �e� r��por��e fc� � qu���a�n frc�s� �o�r��ils�r �e:h��kl�y �.�g�l ��u��el ��B�m�s� �dvi��ci 6� l�igar� �ho�a&d ei�o�s� �aot t� �artb�ip��e �r �bide by th� f�ar��r�rork pl�r� pres�r�t�c� by i�����, �{����� �o�ld kae � �t��� ri�k c�� I��ir�� �����-�h�r�r� r�����a��, � � `�h�r� v�e�� �di�����i�n on �����'� �c�ws�rs ��od t��ir �h����. �2s�� ��y e� �o�Ec� �a� � P���s���f�r�h� �t������isl���r�t�a l�m��k�� ��tra �s�w�����ar�i���#�s���9��i��th� � �igs�if's��ro�e c���h� r�����a��biii�a���e�a° r�g��n�l �6����r��e �'h�r� ��� di��u��iar� c�r� �° v���s �c� cl��errncr�� �c��a �c� g�� c��i�� �r��eth�r �c� pr��Q�t 9��r�rr���6�n �c� i�����, �� � v�r�� �c���ci that tvwo ��ga�izec� �f��c�� ar� cu�°����i� �va�l��al�tc� ��i��: Il��tr� �oli�y "� ,�d�i�c�ry ��rra�l�t�� �r��l th� ���1�� gs���po �i� �OUN�IL 9V���f'If�C� N!&B�l�°1"�S - �APRGL 1�, ��� - P�C�� 2 --- �! It r��� �Iso �u���s��d th�t �t�t� ����t�r P�i�9�p� �n� �t�t� Fi��r���n�t�e�� �ri�n b� �ske� �o ��Ik ta �h� ��o��. In ��idi�ion � ��s r�oti�d fh�� � r�pr�se��tB�� �o �PA►� wiU bc� r���d�d �oor�. . C�ou�cil r�o�rnk��r���d�a�r�i��e�2n r��s�����th�r9 li�#�c!th�Br�cans��r��v+�9���h���� �t�4�d �s ��Ilovv�: �a�n�ilor f��hif: II ..� � � V��tro i� Br�sul�#�� frc��°o th� ��i��; i��#r� �6���a9d �� ���pc�n�°s°�� �t� �� �ort�ti�ta�t���. m A��t�� �pp��r� t� �� I��kis�g �car mor� ��av���. � m M��r� dc��� �c�$ a�a���r �ca ���! r��pc�n�ebi� to �f�i��. • '�'9�� �� �a��ncif �����8s �� d��'sc�� 6��a��9��� wcll �c�r� �vd�� �4���ro. • �'1� R'�I�$9�f���''Y9� �7�'�9�6°33P1 ��'kP�3 �6"�� $�� C8�9�� �� ��i� '�@�tfl� !� B1�3� � p�r�r��r�hip. �c'��lC.9B" �9�A'3��l; 0 TI���°� dZ��� �'9�� `�'�Pl� $i7 �� �'��°�� 11'��t3 e� E'98����' �I�f9�i$� SB�E.i�'�W�Y61. m ���r�i���i�r�0����d��#�����r�fih���6����t� 6+�9��r��ss�h r����°d ta r°��ia�n�l i��u��o � / H A m �°hsa��; p�rtio€�� �►� �t�� pi�r� �h�fi �r°� t�z� '�s�� �r��i�g ��d ���r����•a ��s ���� �r��� �fi r��p�n��laii� ��t9�� �ata�� �h�€�ulc� �� �ppo��c�, �cannr�ooPs�6�ro�r �yr�: o i 1 I�+ P��� ��.�7 I.�C���o6d �p�� 1��� ��iw��.,����8��{�. � > f��pid tr�a��it will r��t b� �ual� up ���ugh t� �ery ��5� 9��d. > ��! �r��� h�s not b��r� ��3dr�v��d; b���� �r�d �r��kirag �r� u�dik�B�tc� ��r�� � �i��'�°i�a�a� ��r��r� of tr��i� u�uch c��th� �E�� ������ �+f th� r�i�y ��a���e�. a A�tc�m��B��� ar� g�fting cl�ar���; I��� p�lla�tir��. C0� ��'IJ�B�EL 91�i��'I�l�a �lI�M13U�"E� - A�FiIL 1�, 19�5 - �e4�i� � � • High�r c4�n�i�ig�wi91 incc���e prope� pri�� i�th� dJrb�n Gr��k'�,�r��s�ds�ry is contained s�ncl e�i�l m��� i� ��#h�t � n�rnb�r �f p��pl� vvilB not b� �bl��cz ��ord to buy prop�rty, "D�, • �uch �� fh� I�rad �h�t i� pr���r��d �s "��r� l�nd" �� �°��Bi� �� �� �-��r� r�,��h�tt�� ��� �r� r��� ����at��ang to f�rrr� prc�du�ion. • �ar���rr��c�a��u�M�tr�'�cor�t�s�B,whi�h ir��E�����r��d�����ping�u#htarity. . m �o�e�rn�d �bo� °'�oc��liz�rog�� th� pi��ariing p�a����. g Carr,�ruur��i�� ��il! ka� a��o�b9� �� pr����� t9��6r i��r�ti�i, � �A�rk��l�c� v,`iU dri�� t��� typ� o� d�v�9oprn��# f�r fih� �a�r�. • fV9��ra� �hc�ulc� �� � s��vv�rds�ip, r��t di��tori�9. ��rrrarr�i��iras��s� �oil�c�r�: • f;���r��n��l �h�t ��€� 2�0 �r�v�h �c���p� pl�� orn�,l�rrs��t�t� thrc��gh � r��i�r��! �r�mev���k pl�n �roult� sie�ply° �r�rrsfs�r f��� �ara�bl�r�-o fi� Y��t�i91 �r��@ �per{��ps �dark ���r��, a� p�c�pl� �rauld 6e��k �� ���� c�rs��id� �h� �d�tr� �r��. I �c�r��i��i���r �'al���: = l�is i� �ry atC�rr�pt fia cc�n�t�ol too rn��h. m �os���rc��� ��atat�h� 9��r�1�f ct�erci��s th�t v��a�alr� b� r�e������ry f���o�y Q�tt this pl��; alr�ady t�ll��g �r�per� o�r��r� a �r��t ���I �� t� �ha� th�� ��a and c���cat dc� �i�h th�ir prape�. T�,i� �auid l�ad to � �ee•i�� of t�k6r�g� i�����. • Cors��r��d �bQU� th� i��re9 t�� ct�r�rni �i��t b�B�r�g� 9r� �h� ��rk���i���� ao�d #h� fr�s�doru� of inc��vic�u�A�. �c�rr�a�i�sion�r 6v�c��r�: m �h��(���P�r��th ��r����t plan �a�s sc��n��i��o��, ��ut 9��,�ar������d�b��ti�� 8��� of c�ratrs�Q �rm� th� r���d t�r limit ��trc�'� �ao�v�r�. C�T`�` ��l1�ICBL ��IE°f'ANC� MSN��If�S - ��R�L ��, ��5 - PA(�� 4 �or�mBs�s���r �rif�F�: � ��9i�v�s th�r� 9� ir��d�qua��� i����tr��ttur� �c� �u�p�r� t�� pl��. � °'P��I9� �h�ck° is ra��d�d �o d���P��r�� �v�il�bii� c�� ��w�r, ����°, ��� ��E°��r s�r�i��s. �o�rnrrt�i��6�r��r S�i�oi�r: I �I a ��nc�c���+�v�rith°�nic�o-��n���rn�r�#"by��$r�wh6�h��ulc�b�f���r��a��r� �� I���� gs��e�rnr��r�to ����o�ilc�� �8�nt: � I � ��r��� that �r tr��r� ��� tl�� h�ir�g�st p�°abe�r� fi� ��so���. �icy�lir�� �ir�d wa�BkO�c� tne�ulr� �c�t �ddr��� �h� preslbierrs� bs�aaca��vt �r k�� high�r ��ras�ti��. • ���g�ct�s��h����� B���r��°�eaio���y���ar�a��� �y��t��ar�c�i ��ar� �ign�d �y t��� Ci�yy �,cimi�ai�tr�t�r ���� �h� �i� �rs�c�r��� �h� pl�� ks� f�6�ea�r�� ka� � rr�c�r� ��rr���a� vv�rd�;d 0�t�er sa�����ir�� �� �hos�; t�� �r��� th� �ity �ir� n�� �i��. « u��g��t�t� �ha� �i��r�s�n��tiv� �ri�n �+'s��vvi�h �aty �c;���ol tc� 9�sfi��� #c��h�6r I �on��rns and di�c�t��s �h��, �f ��ytF�ar�g, cc��E� b� �1or��. C�u�ocii�r S�h��kf�: � ��s��ta��e� �rvh� #h� pl�� dc��� n�t �t°:66z� o�rh�t i� �!r•��e1y i� �la�; �s�r I � ���r��pl�, r��G l�r��� b�tav��ra �ar�nmun�ti��e � , � � �ora���i���t���r ���rar�g: E B �u����t�d �h�t M�tr�'s Charter w�� appr�er�d b���x�a�� o� �ro��� �p��hy; � ��o�i� did n�� r��li���h� Bc�s��af�oratro��h�.����ld ����� wf th� �h�rt�r���� p�k ir�tc� pl�c�. i��r�rr�QS�iar��r �yr�: i • l�ated �h� pl�r� ��ape�rs �� cant�ir� a �c�rr�b��r �f �n������1 rna�a��t�s �or �hi�� �detre� ��ts ��gul��ior��, b�rt i� �ca�s��coa�n�abi�. ��'��'O i�a �C)$ 191�IL�t�E3f� is� a�y ��a���l pro+c���. ��r�i�r �'I�r�n�r �..����r��n r�qu��t�d th�� �n� add6tic���a comea��nts �� ��ab�ni��� t� her ir� vvritib�g witrr�r� �h� n�� �rve��. T�O� �9ty r���ds �o d��r�l�p a r�spc�t��� ta ���rca ��r Jun�. C(!�'' CC)IJ6��lL t���l'iM1l(a Ib'@iRll,i�'E� b �,F'Ri�. 1�, 1�"� - �'/4�� 5 Ielicholas G. VVilson 12573 SW Winterlake Dr, Tigard, OR 97223 i � i April 23, 199.� ° Carol L,andssnan ��nior�lanner City of Tigard 13125 S�/ THa11 Bldd. Tigard, OR.97223 i�ear Carol, I have spent a great deal of tinle studying tYae li/[etro 204U Plan. 1 have rraany serious concert�s. Rath�r than address a litany of disparate issues, I would lik� to address �uhai I believe �o be tl�e root of all th�problems with th�plan. Even lh�most fruitful irrxagination could��ot have conceiv�d that the Nfet�•o 2U4��'1an wauld result from the A/t�tr� Home R�1e measure passed by the voters in I'do��emb�r 1�2. '�'he m�a�ure was billed as a means of asserting lo�,al cantrol ov�r P�Ietro. S�lem, �t was said at th� Yime, s;�ould not meddte in our re�ional affairs. The measure did nat pass by a 3 to 2 mar;it� becaus� of wic�es�read dissaYisiaction v�✓ith the way thai the cities and counties were conductinb land tase p6l'acy. The voter ��t�nddt� wvas to streng�hen lo�al cofl�trol nat to iveak�n it. The rneast�re had the opposite eff�ct. It trans$'ez°r�d al� land use plannin;�utharity from local governments to a new regional �overnment w�th vast power and litt➢e accountability. The 'rmpact of ihe change has not yet been felt by the eleetorate. 1VImsk citiz�ens are not aware of it. All �overnrnent draws its po(itical l��itirnacy from the consent af the geople, "tl�e fc�untain o�f al� p�wer'" in the words of James 1'+�dadison. 'T'he voters consent�d ta Metro Home b�ule in 1�392. They did not consent ta scrapping all the Comprehensive 9..and 1.Jse Plans of the regian a�d starting ovei•. Thes•e never was a voter mandate for a undertaking of this magnittrde and a�ny suppart th�re appears to be will evaporate as soon as im�lementation begins. rf he 2040 plan is not the result of a �rass roat� mot�ement to address specific prablPms. it was canceiv�d by ii�Ietro and a hand$�ul of intergst groups and hande�l dU�vn to tl�� ge�eral pt�blic. �'�e rhetorical question, "�hould we brow up or out?" posed by Pvleta•o�t the beginraan�of the proc�ss, �as a faregone conclusion. IVletro never iratend�d ta e;�pand ihe Urban Groivth Boundary to any sznnif�cant exfent. The�ublic involvernent process was a sharrt. Its purpose�va� to influence public o�iinien not to solicit it. Individual ideas contained in the 2040 Plan may or may not have mei-it. 11�Ietro's botched at�empt to seli the plan r�ther than atternpt to build real consensus vir•tualiy assures that�he pla� vviil ��Itimat�ly fail. If Metro is confident that it has a voter naaridate 4�or Yhe 2040 Plan it should not feei threatenecl to subj�ct it to a voE� a�`the people and restore some credibality to its process. �4.23.35, �,and�m�n pa��� It should aP��a take further steps to incre�se its ac�oun�.bis�ty tQ the v���r�. It shot�ld institute a proc�ss wh��e'by prop�rty ovvn�rs arZd others impacted iby its}��a��Li�es can�ppeal directly to 1Vletro j Caum�il. '�hi�would allow 1Vletro Coitnciloa�s to wei�;h the�mpac�t cef its pc�4ici�s on indiWiduais. i, Individuals�oiitd als�evaluat�Che s�nsitivity of individual Coun�aic�rs to rh�ir cor�eerr�s. 0 'I'he�ataes�nd counties are essent�al to the imple�e�tation of the p1an. Tvletro should m�ke�h�m equa(,voting p�a�C�a�r�in�he proeesso SAnc�t.he cXties and cou�iti�s tmg��xer�eflect kh�aggr�ga�e con�e�s of th�ir cor�stitu�nts, I��etro,by sptarin�deeisaon-a�na.king power,aaould�nsure t1�af its polici�s refl�ct rea� r�giona� �oncerns. T'o deny khe�m representatian�macks of a hidden agenda. Granting one reppes�n�ative a seat on an ad�aisnry committee is a tol�en g�sture,�he nner�' app�axar�c���'repxeseni�tion. I�is in IVietra'S long-ter7n interest to broad�n its bas�of'suppar�by den�onstratin�a cor�mitzri�nt to the dem�ocratic processes thal govern every ot�ser p�blic i�sti�ution. The r�gional �o�ern�n�nt suffers frorr�a sexious lack of crPdibilaty. The sazne v�ters wha es�blzshe�i 1VIe�r�cazz alsc���vee� i��way. l��tro's charter does n�t give flt power. Tl�e su�part of the�eQple �iv�s it ga��r. Right n�w in Tigarc�it has alrnost n�r�e. �ince�ely, �..�/ .-'� � � Nicholas C8. �JVi]son �.�...:eAl�.�.� Da��: Agaril 28, 1'��D6 'Po: ��rol L�s►dsma�tti, � ui r Froar�; �F�aes �. Ga�i�E'ith � .t 1�r�!�� CQra�x�s�io �t�: �t340 Corna��ents A�"tsr t�e ,pcaflri�; meet�ng �lxe�e �✓as a Y ec��aeat fn� an�itt vartth eone�r�XS �baalt f?�e �e��e� �t140 �'�S. Fiea°E �a°e son�� af �ny thoughtsl T. tAs � 2�v�e st���c� a num�aer of tim�ss I s�xi verry con�ernec� that tYaere app�ars to Ya�ve k►een na e4�'orts by I1��t�°o to c�e�v�l�p tt cast/bene�it a.a�al.ysis, n�r a c��ic imgac� �tatem�;�at. `I°here � Ae a1�ra€ast r�a cliscusai�n � �o ho�r all mf thP ��qui�•er� i¢ern� �°e �oira� �o be ��a�r��*d9 i.�. i�x.f�as�r�acttu°e it�ax�e, at�eet �.nd a�o�.d a�npr��r�r�ea�.ts, and su�kx. �f.. I a,an cor�cernad th�.t t�a� majaraty af �����si,s �hrar.a��oant �kae �'�ari r�Li�� �as� "�€���.ic 'I'a�ar�.s�ortatiora", wit�a ahnast no concern €"ar facil��tin� �x°a andfox t��d�. °�'��re a�� �. � nu�rxber o£ e�n�les t�tit rlearnonstr�•te th.�t r�stric:tin� �ntarkira� �arl cr��tazx� cii�caal.�,y wvrt� I �riving d¢�es nm� for��:� ci�a.zez�a o��lo �pu�i�iie �man�por�a�i�n a� �aic�cl�:�. ane ��apl� i� tda� �ity of I'or�l�rad �'axkin� I.id i�a ]��w�town �a�°tland, aa�d ar�o�kse. ��� eiix�in�a�ios� af�kx��Vit, ��U�c� �'r��av�y. A}1 th�t tf�es� ha�xv� �c�ca��al�s�s�d ���.e crea�a��, cs� �or� t�a�iL co���stnox� an the do�vnto�raa t��°e�a. sca peopl�: �r� �&aoga��� 'un tka� urban are�.� �gao� �'o� 7`i�r�d 311�7C�'�i'it3�. Hs��✓��r�r, tha��e vr�x�a �va�°1� dc���a�o�n are c�xa€°ror�ted ��t3x ���a°i�"ic t�a£�"xc g:+ro�alea�l � �. Tl�e coricept of "fair share" to �e�e� housing ne�d.� lnay be a bit optzx�i�t�c ara�ll��s t�ere is lekewise a plan i;� f'x�aacially ass.ist tiae devepoper� arxd Tag�rd in gro�c�rag� the �a�t r,f �oax�ts°u�tion. �o�r aogt �nai�sirxg v,�ua31y �ro��s kaest if it i.Y e1ms�. t�r �3;�ae� so�i� a�:�c��s, i.e. meclical f�cilitiesf cla�hiyig a�atl�ts, provided food, z�nd. suah. '6�itkz tY�� eli�ni�aa��ie�n s��' t,�z� � �I�ID i'u�ad�ng �r�.d. m�jor rc�t�i�timn ora �cacis� servi�ce s�end�g, ���r are tix��e �ex�*a�e� �oiaa� to ➢a� p�awid�d. T. a�a o�' �the opbn.iarx t��at dweilix�g� for the �ava�r�g clase mn.d mbov� v�. �� �roviciec� a� a �kFt bfas�. It's the as�as�ed housing ��at r�es qu�st3�a�s �n. axn,y �iaad. � � gV. The o�her h�azsin� i�su� � I �a u�w�a°e �f �xo�v ca�� get� � s�tr�.t�{�y �"or �ccax�plishiiag �, "A.ffor€�s1�4e Ho�r.�iri���. I I1l8Vk: &IVvSj79$YlA�g�A� �fll8l�Wkl�����OY° O���P� %ffi]81'�C���'3I��. �iY�3�2I��tis� � c3ea�ax�c1 se� t�e pric� �s a��fl� � dvh�t f;�e af c�vvellin� is coz�.at��.���i. � � if. T qa,iestion hc�av ��x�h ��u� fi°o�a the v�riQUS jurisdicti�on� la�.w tsee� co�sYde�^eci� oa� evea� � requested. I aaof,e this b�csuse mf` the big rit�°e�°sncea� &�et�veea� ou� �omps°elaerisxve �'lan a�c� � tiie nxaixaber� in the 2(34�1 k'�. I szte tAuffi o�al�r fxc�:raz t�e �poarat aaf view i��� T f��1 tlae Ti��°� Ci0Y1m�3Y'@�T�YA�flV'E? Fi�n �v�a �gtablished wzth coxasidr�rt�tion as tt� �°h�a� sea�vi�es �� s���i� oz� plar�riec3, writh can.cern to cap�cities of ia►►frn�tri,aa�ua�e ei7ixa� �.e� t�raca��or�a�iaan p1�n.nir�g. I wonder if�that �irac.� o£ infsaE�matio�a wras cot�idered by the c�afters a�° the �040 �ls�i7 � °�"her� are otlaer pm�t� ��tt tYaose sv�a�� d�s�r.��ed b�s �th�� ffi����� c��' �he � �z ' '�x�. Pl�aee c�ll if you Y�ve �rtx� que�tn�n�. , ,, � i �4 � � �p�, M6 � ���pry fii �9g� li f�/ � o8/B2/9b �5:00 �°Sp� 234 083� „�C ��-0 CI`TY OF �I�la�A ��01 �� �. c�ve�� � �� ��z,��t� �e��a�� �'r� � ��pt� ,�a� �. n.���.�.�� ������.�� ' �����(�o���-��a �a��;����� ��z�x �������o��� �t�� �e��' �$`� � � .��8� ��.y ���� S���()9 ���I����� , ���,�� �i��f T"����d � �'� �.; 7297 � ����r.�: ��9-SY�� , I ��+�: ��n��a��°.�� .� �:�°�����Pr���� r��r.���.���o � . Ce�a��n�: �3�.M�s�a��'s����n���t�.��������3���040 �i�zn�l�d��.�ca�e�ts�r�r����c�����t��r����cs��.�a��rcz�.�r� by�th��l�rag�c�z��sic�r.� �.���a���a� ���a�d b��.�:�u���t�� 1��:����o��g�g�p��. �'u�asr�Vi:�c���ca�n��s ax��ca a�.cl�.c��d� °���sr � � � � � � m� � � � � _ _ . oaio2iaa 1a;as, ��os aaa oa2a ,�c �a-► c�'r�r �F x���A� I�oo� ' � � � , - - - - Qaio2i�s ,��,� °�ffio„�,,,� a �c ,� .►��► c� o� �r� �,____ ��o�� ���� ` Y . . � A ;� .r:..���•,., �o-, t�.+n\�.•'��:�a'.�,:'�: pY9'+'y�.1.r: . .. � � t '� � :�i.•:�'.`.•rr �.+•`�" � 41�w�`tf {04;1��'�•�1„� . . , . ,r. • , • : �: '• �,�,�'••�i,,+.?�•• ,.. ��;��r:'�"• , ,,ri �� �°:.?•��. • � :�jr'.'�':'�:},,';;ti�MX�. ,lf p"tp�'+'r°�Si,• , . . ';�: ' ';i' �'?i� ..,�9.;;�,. „�;.h �1;•�',t`.;�i;��{'���r a+'�•1 • ' ' � � � , . � � ' t�•: �.. �. . • . ' :4: °��•��?i;Yk�, �r. R��.a?:}�:.�1;�. , . . •�•.+�?i.`,��',v::��,� . . r • . �; '' . ]t`•,!.,,i;� ��:j:`r"_�:'•� . . . , k . ; , ?'ryir:';';�.:,;r ';.;�: T,�`.� .}.���: �� awP� �VZi+TQa -S. • ..._. . .•'•'� �•;`•,�....,:..�. �t:. .•..r. .�o. . . 6 ��'�� A�9(�'.1't � �9C0'4�.R�� �OX` cR S��'�✓'� ��.L�� �f���i� ��i I . p��°�v�.�� ���er a��� to i-5 ������� e�a��a�.��.��► �a� x°e��.�,�'�� �ot�s��t��s� �xx �sis�ix�� �e�°3ffi�s aa�d ��e�.t� ��- �� �s��,l �s ��a�o�r s�at� t3a� �ttf���t..�8 �iug�'� ���°e:��`i�x �aptx���i�x�a � . a�s3���s�' �et.d'�.��' S�4��00� ��° ���,��� �g��� ���.d� ��.�'�ix�t� �T�� �i�3a��� ����� ��ca��i�a� ��� ���..�.re� �.�� ��,�'f'�� (� ��Il �� '��� �,ta� s��ic� ��cs�.�:)� ��g�a� t� � � ���� �csr��e�ae� �,g�d,�� ����� � ������� �.� � �� � � � . ��.��,.� ��� ��2��.�.$'d� � ��i c�g1 � • o ��� a����� ���� �e�p����d �r ���a.�.11� d��eY��dA �� �c�za����G �f ��,�3.xn�g �a��°�ia�� ��i���a:���e ���� a.� ����� ��ig �h�� �� �.�.1���,� ���a�+�. ���� �r�� ���a� ��. ����o�a �� �� ���, t��.�°� �r.i��, �� �i�3.� �p���'�fti�� � � �su�� °�.�.� ��B�p� �� a�,��v��,o�� ��.a� �e.x� i� �v�d s�s���s �R ���a�.�3.�� � � .� �����a��� � � .� �.��-�-�� � �. � �. � � �.� �.�.° � � ���� �� ffi�e��a. ��1z��3� �� �rca��.�s.a�� ��� �����s � ��a�r��a�z�, ��� ��a� ��p7�� g�t���.� c���� ���r� �x� �fi��. � ��a���t�a'� ���° �. �a� �a,�da . ����� ��a�a� ��� '��� �� ���ra ����'� ura�� ��c�a���o� . �������, ��xs ���� � I�aa�� ��s xa�� ���.� L�r���� �tl�t9� �h�r� ��.1�. � �z�..1�� �r���� �x� xaa ��� �a� �xc�.�� �����a � � � � �s � � � � � � OS/02/9b 16:02 �°503 234 0828 AEC ��� CiTY OF TIGA�A I�004 "'v ___._ T�J �S2C5$� p°_ �� � -•--�—�.'` T�ha� i� ���r� '���s.�ra �o..^t��t e� �a�'� ld�� -- ��t�� �f l�at��� �i�io� Ca��a.��ot�. It is ��v�3'o�iraq �� ��� �c?op��.c�x� b� M��� �ott���.�.� ��tes �eg,ui�ed �7 �ra� R�a k"�°����r� p1�. �i�x'��� ��s �7 �x�� �� ��.�� �f���� �a� cac�uA� ��.l.�w ���� a� ��eY�.�� �°��i�e� a��' i� �-� ��,� t���.�� f�m.ee� �o �p a R��c�x�� �.3� ���� ��� �.������ �k� � �� p����� ��� ����,a �� ��yY ����� ��t� �c� �a s�, ��r���z�� ���e� �ta�ce � �ood 1�}c �� �h�� ���� �rt� �.�� dc�����n ' • �`r�3c�.y, I e�r�� ��imm�a� �r�,�r� � ����1 ��o ' i I �aa� � �a���.° �t� ��.� �1 �a��� ��� �� ���� ��c� w�.�� � . I l�v.�a���d �� �� �� a� a�a�a �����.tu��� �-� i o�< � �7.ec��ci ���i.�� � �I sa,�s�. �����.d �����, ^- �� an����y� t II �`�afi �.�+c�.�. ���€��� �o�i���,�� in��a�� M���c� ��a e��a.�, a�aa�.� w�.f� �i ��s����xa�i��i�l �����°s �� m�:�..�a��3.��xs ��a���:�� �� �.�.� �� �e��r� � x���� �� ����, �a��� �3.����1� ra��� �r��i��, �Y��azztn� ��t��r� ss� ��a�ti�� ��g� �n��. �°� t���� �a��d� �n��� '��� e����.ci.�� �� �q.���.�dl by � m.�qt�� �s���ta �a��� �'�.�i.�n�� s�� ��n�� �.z� �� ���.8r ��� ���i��JL�.�a �a3'� i���� �.'1.i� � ��.T1t� ��2 �g1� � ����Y'�? ��� �i���� a�t�rt°�icaax �o ��.��� ��i� ���r��c�x��.3 ��rx�� �— . t��,t�r s����.� ��� ����a:��,�ia��, r��s��j�+e�r�.��.,� x���� `��`�a��.�, ��— ��a�aal t���.��. , �-���aa�.i �2�n��0 �t� ����� � c��o� �ny' �s.r��� �����:�ra ��.�.�t ���� ��� ��ics�.d � �i�sf.z�� �a� ���� �,���3. ��v�� an� �SZ�i�ra�� ������ ��c��ld �3c�a �a� � ���d. �ra� �. ��.pc����. �� �a�.�I� �.i�� �h�� ��w��� �lmc��� ��r,�:� ����� �� t�� ��.�.��y�,����� �� ���.���q��.� �� �� �� ���,��� ���� I �� �� pta�� �..�. �t� ��► �(��aa�� d.l,�a� �,� �..*~� �� �� O.L�abi�`�°'.���.d "__ °.�� ��� p��aa��,�3���a.�sa ti - �3o��.�v��, �� �i���.�xs. �cs�um�� e��enei� b�y�asc� ���� ����,d ���n.c� i�g��. �� �nd Cl��k �--°� �r���.��.es �i� a��r ��.atx�s.�� 3�'�siQ�� �'�, I ����, ��3., �aa� �1��k ��t �c��s3.�� �xr �3�Pi� L�� x�� c�i��1;� ���t �tYz� �a�.�e ��t��e ��' �n�.��er�s �c�'���c� _— ,�.u��,��.c►n :���� �r�d�l� �� g�:�w� �-� ��r�rz Y�f�r� �Canc�o ��°� ��,�� �aa�'�Y� ��ot�I.ei b� ���d �� ��c�� b�� -- �'��xs �a.v���d) � � :�a��;.�.c3.�aafi�i�ra a-- ��� ���� � �.n��S.��c7. i� ��.'�a,� li��. � 'ce� ��i��� �.� �.�.� +���r.��raea3� ������ �3� ��°� aQi�.-t3� n� �-� eax� p����- �,.�'. ��� ��.�3.�xn�� -��.�.aa������,�s�7 a� �u���.�� �-- ���a��i�� �i���x� � ���.�.�°��,€e�z�a j .. � � , ���-.N-�._.�� �._ ��f��.� ���o���; p����8 �����i�s�.a�.��s� �f ---�-��..�_ �.._. �°`�'ca�:� �� �'�a�1�° ��e��. j��4 � YS�.�,�.��4�-- ��� ��� �.au8�� c�r� �ra���q�ra� di��3ty�, bax�k ������ ��r� �p ie� r���°�[ 1�ar���s�c. � Q6/0�/�6 �6:03 °�i°503 234 0�26 AEC aia CY'�'X 0� TI� �� 005 . .�. . . �: ,...�...:.�._..^,:. •• .,.•.,... ° ---------�:�.. _ • • '^�"• '"'' ��' ... �._... _'� :�;:, �;�:��:�' •: ::;: ;.-•<,:,;.: -;a:>c ' t]:':::.�•:''r:':t':�.,.. }�• h�.���' '• ���J • •,••::•:•�:�' 4: ���� ; ,.� .•f;_ v.,�:���.� : s :.• �� hi����� ������c�� :�:�.,:.,: �.:-,_.: + . . �'�Y.�:..� ���..a.��a�—+ °*.�-�.'�•��- �'�y � y� , �y� � "�' � lV�. tN oa � m+R�u� 1 aj�� a dq w A ,�C' �S"�K6d A�M�l���wS.P �6. 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Phwta IP Phono N � Y�!'919�$��ll����I��: Pax q �� I'az M � Ase��e��¢i�c R13��.ifD's to�@s�l�ths�fl al�nsily w/dll u€�¢1bC�Ifo�ved eb�fiE tikere is s� j pe�mvi�ia�ea �'oo�iP�an�por8a��eo�i 1ap the aff�e4ed�i�ea;c. .e Wt cAn nnt�cccpt I�igli�i c��iisily, incte�sc�i E�opulae�o�s,nd jobs�aitlu�ut the ps�per tia���pnrtalion�olutiens�I�o inr_luAeci in Ihe fkarts�work. �3y thig we rncan��►t0 tutd ttt.tck �t�afgic,�xot just tsaz►sii,bikt:s Rr]<V pedestris»s. 't'hece anee nc,new�r x»�pi c,�v�it�ents go tht ruuds in our prea. 1��W,v.21'1,T-4, [llld)�Z�I ASC AIl�AC�f?it Csr rc.Ar,�vr1�Pi'AdlOC:k. We I catuiot uaa.►vr.pec�p4c,n�t[l c��'cc+ru»»�c�•oia�l»se�:xisti��[oads n�w.!cf �tl�vnc tl�e $B1Zt���ajg(9 1�CCYc.�,SC!4(A�O�LaJ;RtlaY�. �C SE�N tia�K4�t-scau4h corridor i!u'flti�h 4Ua�liin�tU�1 t'c,i�nty as one.of t4tc soli��i�aoF tc�Ftelp alleviat�tlus s4r�i.n os�our r.�n�c�ii�i�. � 'fheyobsfiiQaqsi���b�ala�rrce a�or.�re'! w�rla u�it�in the cu¢�CgtA9 tfa-ty�rt Ideye:s~�e�teic9y RL Y'Q'3�l. V��e•ne�d!u cfel�ay il�c npproval of the kwal and U�bt�n Re•su�ve Sttidy rlrcag s<'>thTt ti�P r,nmmuni�ir.b can izave.�rlequat�ti�nc tr.,r.c��nrz,r.eii ur►tl�ejc�bs/�ioeisin�mi>�n thei�•r�girna We ct�mm�nd,you on your procesy o£�e�isitin for the c.once.pbua!Wlan ti�r tl�r�r�ar.>u, but the tim�line tor tbe�.�5�¢�e�tudy Ar��a�is jt�st ic��Sltnct. C'In�:of the problan�5 we se.e is S�IAi(�1�'Ilc'1tlRt}l�a,/jut���7�i�c �locs ta�i tunrl:. it�}�ou e��»uJ tite UCi�3 irt�.ast C`Idc�.An'o�ts ('.c�uiity Y��r�musing, �tul tJ��n 1�avr lltie maj�riry ot�il�c�ustr��And new jnbs ir�V+/e4te.cr� I VJashin�,�to��rou�lty,yrni{�ave m«re�riitic.probl�tms than}.�eF't�te t•:itl�mr ex�;�ttc�the i!(;�i fot h�using�n WAShinE;loc� Ca��nty�n�i/c,r create�uo�'e(obs in Ea�ic.r-: ('I�ck�,rnas t.'aunty 1 ifcte tnusi.bc;i 6�Innc:a c•�r a f�1�:nd ul tf�r����� .._� '4'8►r.i�'ieiy�c+ �dc�+ic�st 2Q'�t� �I7lHD CIO('\ ISfDf fl�IP6�i�1�rc►u�esti�rrs in��u� c�Uann�uriiF�'. 1�1'e nCC:d�pro�?retitiivc plan tt�at nut wif,y��I�[�,f<�r tiir.hituic a�!'tlte �r.:�r�n, !>�i1 el���llc:l��s nllcvlRte eof�gc.sti�n nn qur Ctt�(:at�and���f,ha�ays���da,y. TI�Er curren, r.i���ha�n� � In�::i:I1�fll11SRl tOC(�bfll�tI11S. �Y�'R tti';ch rh�b6st c;�sc sct,�aric,, �u�,}e,t„.�i�.,•c,ti.�4d s»cre.as,� � ;,igi�ilic.anfly, wjth iiu.ai�,tinn i��si�,l�i � � � � f� � .�s �6s17�9� 0�:b� �°6�3 639 1666 TIGARD CHAMB�R ��m CtTY OF TIGARA i���1 . � � �a' e�t� tht , ett•cc 2U�ll�lAt� 'x#��iaya4,�,r�C;ta�raai�e�°aa�C.:��,����°���"��rt���a�' Q �s�e 2 � SmY�A"9�M�.�f���� �.11'NW�P.Y '6s R -.;.y (�C�'ord�9�9s�SOUSin��,n�rsde�eBo�m�ea&. � �aa � 'I �,.#1'oPdsNl�I�c�eas'szs���cs3s tn bc d�fln�d�nd pet�vid��'01 9<>ieacir c1��r �.`•erts�r,� t�' I vvc ca�nos h��o�busine�,:�.�:�nmun;iy wica�u� �rr►�r,noc juac d�f n�d as ih����r ! w��6ke�n�nd tliey will�to�c��$b��yc�1 ernp�saa on rr�icvcli,pi,��intr�.se�,ir�s�E�L� '�'�xss ps�feu-a�d�tc�4tv�p1� ecial� wi4hin dxi;;u��:,,arras�icsi�etaS�d�s a�hiev���9diei��n�t d�n�isy ti°�stE�i�the�1G�,�P ��;��,itl bc nce����;:ary e��tire�fal�te the �ene���, �.���a1ue aub�ca�ti�Qy hgl�he�thara.pr� • �nNx1x�.cas�ditic���na�r.�swrY 4�COTlM�9R C7C9�1tF1�I831dD l!S@�1U Iltt.�l�� ��il('.21i1�L lta�Cti,r1E16� thes�higE��r 1an�9 v�ltjes wurk.a��ainst ha�asatc�,affo�dability �-y� "�de�ced�o�s¢the e:o�nauu9tbc�d��3de tMe�Ja�����ssea�`���`t��<4a� AreJS. '���coa��mtanitias�4+i4titn Yh8�CiL�c�r�����a'�°�de�lin$wiliti d;'���1��day knowl�r���or tli�i+ 0 a�e�q�+��9�a��r 4hey�e c1�'ec6ed i�y th�deve*.kcsg�nt�•n��nc4 n�ea�u.�n,,. ��re,ts c�!'theat a'cy>i.��t�s. e R'�P��Il�7�.�.J��r+ '� ' [U q�1C lldil� „ •:� ,�,�yk9�.Q�i�y 4��tYt��9�1Tld.�il QPAIC@$S S�U�A�(��AC R���� � �'iRt�Y'�ar�i5 a ta�s�{es rqe c+�1sv�tv'tt'�tksd dec.'tsi���i�n�ad�.nc>�� ��`�•rice�i t��h.a�K.tume. �v�tlabi[ity 4�r sn,cadment�t°wh�[p��anoto���r ccnnc>��d�.,•f������{br'ii z;t��,tourys•���c:,n,�sc.,,it tE�e fuE.ure. 13Je havc nc��d a 3a »ee.d;:to�e,as'�exahDe n5�aos�c�le�d��es�'�:T�fiwdrate fi�� il�i�: '1 ln;.�,l;+si I�a�n�� ovc.r �rovisiuns tos asx�e.ilci�ncnts t.ha4 ovougd l�c,�e�dcd�os fle.�:il,�iii� . a �,�.p�aff09Abli[iA}�,enae�et on t�i�p�+� u���etrae ;�e Cee•1 th�t Metrc�����th�:2.(141)plan sl�nuld he klot>ttl ,;n,.l i� �..��rrili�:,n il�tur� �ite oilo�c n,.icroma�tia,�in�that is'sn4iud�ci in th�;pl�n t�nd l,�,,,���;.• •.lia,ne�r;�.�:ci a��,ilr,bili�}•,encl '� i[UCZ55�hc.�i�1.1i nppi�r�nPUtW fc�r fJcxAbility tv��itld he.nCedr.d. 'ihc aisxi�cl��.<:r�' :::��i a1�1'c:'•�� E�i`.in��incG�+t�t1 AvAil�hle 90 all��1 r,1��c i�GNh�_ci k��<i.. � � � � � � f6A � � �