Planning Commission Packet - 04/03/1995 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. N _ _ a � C'i�y of Ti���°d ,��ENGA Ti(�f�RD PI.A�l�IP�IC� ��t+�A�105SI�N b �I APf�IL 3, 1995 - 7:�� P.;��. Tit�Ai�l7 �lVi� ��NTE� � T�V1ff� �jAL� I 1�12� SW HALL BC�UL�VA(�� , TiC�t'�(�a, GR�C�C�(� 97223 '�i � �I I I 1. �F��L TC, �RL Et� ' 2. �dUI.L �ALL 3. APF�f��il� f�1NUT�S 4. C't�i�f�lihl� �C�fvINi95SiC�N �C.}�1if�/iUiVl�Ai{C7hIS I� �. ��s�u�� p�r��� s�rs�r��n �E���.c������ �r��ara��� �. i�I��USS P���1'�� ���C� P�,�hl ' 7. CaTH�f� �US(R�ESS S. Ad,1�7U2(Vi�ENT ' � � � c�a ' � � � � � �u � I ' P �? �'1 f.��� ,�� �`� �/ � �iTV OF Yl�dd�D �R�6aQPd �� � � .�' �� � ���o �".����.,� s°����� � e � ; �� �. �.n�. �� ���� e �°''� z��:�.�r�z��,�� c� ������ A � � ��ZC)�� T��F��l'� ' ������ ������� � �. � �,�1�' �3C.��.J��I.7 ,,-� ;f"� �3�,�� I�l�C�� ��� � ���� ����'�� �3fJiJC� ���.'�Cyl�i � ��� �����.,� �� � d-�° I�IC:T� �V'i���I�T ��.�'.���° � ����`.�'m F��G��,� �aF��T�SIaO�'i,�"�' �O� :C�.�.I�3�1�1�T �, �.....�., ��Il �' k�� .�,..� �.�"V.A��J:� � � 1�.���,G�J��'+.'�R`rS s.�--"'��T�T.��� �ll����I.d�C.��T �� � � � � J��� �.��E�, "'� ��F� k�0��:�.�� � �� � � __ � --- h:V ogin\pstty\�sc•roll.ma� � CI7'3' ��' TiGt��dD PLAI�11�1I1VG C��iIlYII5�I(�I�l �Ze�u��r 1@�I���in� IE�a�uke� . .P�.pril 3, 1995 �.. CA�.,I. "TO Olt��l�. '� Fresident Fyre call�d the me�eting to arcler at 7:3� p.m. '�'he m�etin� vvas ��ld in �he � Tigard �i�i.c �enter, 'I'awn �Iall, at 13125 �W �-Iall I3Ivd. I �i �. ���,I., �A.L.I. « '• �osnmissioners �'i•esen�: Fresident Fyr�; Co�nniissioii�rs ��Fr�ng, Ciri.ffith, �-Ioll�nd, Mo�i•e, Scola�•, ancl Wi�son Co�nrnis�i�ners Abse��t: �ommissioners Colison aiad Saxtar� 5taff �resento �ara�i Landsgnan, S'enior F'lanner; I�(els M1C�Ca�IS011, Assista���t Pian��er; Duane Rabea•ts, A�sistan��'Ianner; 3erree Ciayilor, Pla�lni»g Coznmi5sioi� Secret��y �. A�����E 1���'���d� i�I1��J�'ES �o�nmissioner IVgaor•e moved and Cominissionei• HolTand seconded a m�tion to dpprove th� 1Vlar�i�z 20, 19�5, xneetin�; mirizites as sub�x►itted. A voice ��at� was taken and the mo�x�n passed. �o�nmissiorier DeFrang abstaii��d. �> P�„��IT�1��d� �Ol��i�5�01�1 �'�I�I��JP����'I°I��S I�3o�?� at th.is time. , e �, �Y��iJS�S li��'�'�.� ���40 �'LA�i 5�1110�• �lanner Caro4 Landsrnan rem�nded the co�n»��5sion that t17e�•e is a joint rneet�ng dvith cit� coui�cil sch�duled fo�• �,i��•il �8ti��, at 6:3(� p.in., to discuss 204�. �ssistant Planne�• Nels Ivti�kael�an s}�alce to tl�e co�r�anissic��1 aboizt �040 d�si�n �oncepxs and �,vl�at they mean to 'Tigai°d. He Iisted the fO110�1VI13� �I'I�11'C� az•eas that wo�a�d be impact�d: inne�• n�ighborlio�ds; ortter nei�hboi°I�oods; coi�•idoi•s; t�wn Ge�xters; x��ional � �en.ters; aiid i�ixed �s� employia�ent areas. Ivlicka�ison used an asso��ment Q��r��ps an� � a sl'ade show to dtrrconst�°ate some ofr tl�ese areas i�� '�igar•d. �-Ie stated that t�e rriix�c� us� �„ employmer�r a�•�as9 accog•ding ro Metro's �)OU�1C��d'1�5, follov� vNl�at ara, curr�ently �an�d � indust�•i�l areas ira '�ig�rd. � � � In respo�s� to a question f�•nrn �om�nissi�s►ei• Hollarid, �ag°ol L�ndsman stated tlxat af��r � the 204(3 concept is foi-�nally ado�ted, Ti�;ard will wor4c u✓ith I�effi°ti xo d�velop functianal pP�ns and then a.m�nd uur coEx�pb•�hei�siv� plan �o n�eet th� re.qui�°em�ists �f t�e plan. PL,Ai�fNIledG COMMISSION 119�ETING NfII�IUTES - �lpril 3, 1995 -Page 1 �Bill 1Vloshufsky, �/ice Preside��t for Governrrient Affairs fo� Oregonians irY Acti.on, spoke , to the commission about the 2Q4(3 plan, I-ie expressed his concerns about th� plan, includin,��tl�e heavy foc;iis on downta�v�l Poctland; the urban ����wth boundau•y; eh� "anti- auto" aura; tlie heavy focus on wal.king, bilces, ��nass transit, and i•ail4 and �he cc�st of i�npl�n�en�ing the plan. T9�e commissioa�ers ctiscussed other issues conr�ect�d with the 2040 pla�n: t�ansp�g°�ation r►eeds, seorm drainage, infrast�uctur� costs, �nd afford�Ule 1lousgr��. Piesider�t �y�� asked eacl� one of tt�� commissianers for th�ir cominents. a Commissioner rcola.r expi•essed his concern about Tigard not liavin�any say a.bout the plan. I-Ie stat�d he was opposed to the plan the way it is because it is nox defi��itive enotAgll. • Cornmissioner t�rif�ith stated 11P is in favor �f a a•egional plan but is ums�xr� if't�is is tl�e ane. I�� dvould Iik� clai•ificatio�� ahout the impact an th��ity and if changes can b� still be tnar�e. � �C/111371.1SS1�11�2' V1�1�S�11 StaC�Cl �I'iclt I1� 15 130t O�]30S�t'1 16 111g�7PT C��I1Sf��, bu� �ic.��s Z1�iVe r� IOt O� CCrpC�l'I1S abOUT C11� �.?Ic111: 9;IiE 5I1�1'� CdilStl'11;t1011 �� tlle Ia11Cl s�pply, piaperty va�ues, and asstu�pti�ns by Metro. � Commissi�ner DeFi•ang expi•essed mixed emotions about the pla��. �l�s statied that thei•e ar� �;oc�d points, but i� C011C�1'I1�C� aI70Ut �°ising propea-ty c�sts, incr�ased I t�•affic, and rnixed use areas. � �ominas5is�n��° T-$ollan.d sYated his �:Ui�ce�r,s about h�a�u �h� pia�� r�g11 be i ir�plemented axld 31ow pi•oblems will be resolv�r�. � i • C:OIIlIt11SSi017e1 �dooi•e said he does not like th� pian and f�els 1�g�•d is losing car�troi Qf it� destiny. I � �'�•�sid�nt Fyi°e a�i•eed witl� �nost of the c�znments �nade yf th.e ccrrnixzis�ioners. �l[e v�icad hi� coilcer°n about mixed use density, transpoi°tation prQi�l�;ms, �•i5ing � land pz•iGes, �nd how the ptan vvill be implemented. � �, Dd��CJSS I��iR�S S�'�'I,E� �EVE�,�P1i�IEI�'�' C�-IAI�G� �. Senioi• Plai�n�r Caro1 Landsman infoi•nzed the comi�ission that there is a bill p�mdin� in � legisla±ure �l�at would aboiish cities' yigllts frc�m charging parks dev�lopm�n2 fees. ah� � recomrnended that tl�e �o�nn�issi�n postpone d1SCUSSld11 on tlYis itern �.n�it tlle bill is � de�ided. � �a 7. O'T�--I�� �IJSIIi�E�� , None z� this �ir��e. � PLANi�TING CQ��F�IISSION MEETIN�'i MINUTES - Ap1'il 3, 1995 -Fage 2 _ l I �o Ad]►J�LT�1�11`v�EI�T The meet�n� adjotirned a� 9:2� p.��n. � " ��' r.m �_ Jefl-re ay�la�zning �omrn' �ian S�c�e��•Y � A ., : k' lt i on Fyre , � PLAfVNITdv COIVIMIS�TOPJ MEETINC MINUTES - A�ril 3, 1995 -Page 3