Planning Commission Packet - 08/22/1994 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � �i �r� 1 i �� I (�d°��6.r PL.�►�vNIN� �C��+9�i��IC7t� AI�GI��� 22, �9J4 � 7:�0 P.�i, A��lV��A � a �. ���.�..°r� �a���� � �. �tf�LL GP�LL I a. a���c�v� �nirau�-�s I � �. F'I°AR�PlIta9C ��P�flt�4�s0d�l C�(V1ib�U6�l��a'f°ION� 5. i't���.9� H�A�3BPV� � �.9 ��`i���V�E.�7�Yv1�(�9T Fi�l�I�'V1l S�i�94-Cip08 V6Fiv/F3AP�91C O��IVI�RICA LC�C�TIC)RI: 3575 5�11 L�c�sf r�v��ru� (1M�T�A ��� 2�[��, #ax lats 47a� and 4701). M a�peal of a DirectAr's ��e.isi�r� �ppro�ing a 56!urrit �t�9�vi4h c�or�ing bre�kfaat s�ruic�. Speci�ia�liy�aandi#io�ns 1 �nd � r�iat�n� 4a ri�hk-af-vd�y dedic�tian ar�c6 s4r�et impr�v�rr�e�rY�. APPL�CA�3L� At'i'Fin'�A� CRIT�Ri,4; � �:or����ity,���e9�p�nes�t �c�c9� rhapters i�.32, 18.fi4, ��,�C, 1�8.100, 18.i 0�, �F3.9 06, 1�.10�, I ��.���� ��.�"��� �8�.�.'A�, r�6'1CI °��.'I��'. �C��I�: Ce—P �F��tl$G�SS90P1�I COIIIiYI@YC6�.I� ��'f� Li—� ��Pldi1� di�trict �Serrnits a r�r���e o�pra9es�innal and persor��i s�woc��. The x��e allov�� fira�s�ien4 Eoc�gin�g a�rad r�sta�rar�t facilities. �� 5.� CflMPR�h0Ei�1SiV� �'L�P�!PeM�BVf�BvlE�I���6��94-{3(�0'�,'/�O�! �4�•OOt35 f�I�SV��4.7l�E��RIJST,9[��. I L�CA°�IC�P�: i0Q7� ��V C���ade �ouie�rars� (1�✓G'��A ��1 35E3�3,4�x lc�is 300 �nd 54t?j 'fo am�rsd I t��� �nr��rehero�iv� �la�i BJlap frorn LBg�aY inciustr�a!f� �r�neral C;omm�rcia6 and a znr�ing chang� frum I-F' (I�r�u54ri�! F��rkj 4o C-� {Cen�r�l C�mr�erci�ij. A�'PLi���L� 3���'I�W CEdf'T�Rl�1: ', Ge�nnmunity Dav�laprnen4�:ocf� Chapt�rs 18.�2, i$.32, ��.6�; �ompr�he��iv� C'lac� E'ali�ies 1, 2, '' 4, 5, 7,8, a�cf 12. �CJ�iEe I-fi� (lndustriai Paric} T'he I-i°�aning a►lovus pubti��g�r�cy admini�traYive ', ��rvices,pubidc support 9�cilitie�,prafes�iona!and adrri�is4rative sQrvi��s,finar��i�9,insur�nce,�nd ' r����s3���s�r�i�es,4��a�Br���s��pp�r���rv�c�s, �nanuf����r9n��f�6nished proc3�a�Ss,p��kaginy and I prucessd��, dvhc�lesal�, starage and �1is#ributio� arrx��g other �s��s. Th2 �-�a zar�i�g c��sigraation , allsaw� �aublic �gency ar�d �dmi�6straf.ive services, public sa�pp,art fa�ilities, �raf��sior�a6 �nd I ��r�eir�i�ig�giv� ���vices, fin�ree's�l, ir��uranc�, anr� re�l �sta�e servi���, be�slr�e�s s��pnr� s�;raice:�, ', and �a�ing and clrinkmng �s4abl6shcrienYs arr�ng oth�r uses. ��i 5.3 CC�N1F��i�hiEP��iV��LRN Rld1��lDM�N� CPA �4-pQ0420h! 94-000€i PVIMBUS �E�VTEF{, I�I Lt7CA'�li'�N: 1 t?1�5 SVV Nirr�bus A�venue (VU�°��'i 1�7 341�A, t� fcat 1�00�. 1'�� �i�e i� locat�� a� ' the �aa�4hw�s� ���r��� c�� �� �cti+�!!� �'er�yr �o�d a�d ;�Vid t�ir��bis� s�ver�u�. A�rie�a 2��Q � �ompr��h�rr�ive �'i�rc Ma�a�rorr� Ligh4 f��dus8r'sal (e-L) anei �oning pistrict �utap 4rorn I�ciu�frial 6'ae'k {I-�} tc� � �enei°ai Ct�rro����rc��a C�rrt�r�h�gl�i�� Pfa� �ap �nd ��C19Y1� ��Slfi�il�Yit3B'6 (�-G). '. ,4P�'LICA�LE RP�'�it�VAL �FilT�F�!/�: Cornpreh�n�sive i'lan �oiiaies �, �, 4, 5, �, and '12; �ornr�ur�ity a�aelA�,ment ��de ��apters e�.22, 9�.�2, ar�d 1�.62. �Ul��: `�"he r,urrer�t �ane �. Induti4riai �'ark perrr,its�rar�c��o�iighf ir�dus�rial�ases�ithin an in�ustriai par�. l.fghf Industri�l aist� � per��i�s e�p tn 2�n10 l�{�d�V�IQprYiBl'14 COE7i(712X 4d t5G Ua€d fi0t'a B'3�1ge Rff COETt(�1�PCi�9 l.is��°a. TB't��-G s� �c�r�9r�g desic�nati�� allo��es p�bli� agenCy an€� acimir�i��rative �e�vic�s, publo� suppart facili�i��, � profe�si�arial ar�d adtniri�firativ� s�rvices, financi�i, ir�sur�r�c�, a�rd real ��ta#� s�rvie��, busis�ess �� suppA�t �e�eic�s, and eating and drinking estab�ishments arr4ong �th�r��es. � $°� 5. O i I-d��'i �Uilf�a��� � � 7. ��?JC�URiVIWEFd7' F'1�4�1�1l�1C� �C�MiVIIS�fC?6V �l�2/�4 � �'AC�I� 2 a i M �����'���� �• � � � � �� �.���� �.�> �x sao ���oN�c;�a)�a•o3� ���t�� "��' 7 9 7 2 , ����/�1��`CiN�C1Fi��Q�Pi 97075 �.���8 �l0�9�� �d�r+��ti�ing �C�.ty r�f `�igaxd � t� °�ga�r�h��4�lcatic� 13125 s�i .€3�a�1 �31vao � d � �5 L7�pl�c�4� �ffad��it I '����rd,Orec�on �'7223 .--.- `�,- �.-.-.-- .. a;,,�..�5�i.'� o �� ' �� �(��� ��34°`t�'I aJ'(����Y4'1 �d➢f8t4tYid �8CDi1�����:� r �I ,P� � � ,t '�,�C3y�(i�'6'➢�1 04'9�.�,S&��Y$i ` Y.p. �(� yE�p�,(�.y`{p/p�f� Y�[�� �� � � ���� 7�H��.W�1$�CY��IdNY�rbRY�iE l Y S�jF�M���(�1 F �1'} � 1,��25 5�!` ' ��tt b� a,�` ala� , � � �� ��$�t! ��th p�b�ie��d��c�w�3 �EQi�$1�a9 f�IfN/flK�,�°����`b9R�h�rp��sat►l�ese�aa��a�s���t;�e��uct�� ,� W�� �._._.�....�.� ' — -- 3n��co�danea'�rx����i��lcs b��ha�,�� x�l���o€k4���'���b�'��dn����&�t v ; A . �F�BD��/i�" f�� �11t31.9�A�8�N �`���ta�d r�����,�n�,�arq��t�rar�s�,��t�e�l��s�i���t�pr��s�p�� ��a����,��, � �•� r�is��.a�a�s���e�.H�e�scsa�tzry;��f�t2���'��sludes��+��,�� '���ika��,,� ;, , t f �"9'AT� �� 13F��C�9J, � s1�ca�`�v tE��C����a�a�ga'a��r,�l�i�Laa�i�e��i�y I�Y��c���1��t�C�&i��'�a�tt�` ' � µ a��a�asn c��s�t�v,h,�c�a�,��►e�e���s€Yr�ked��ul�le���l�l,'��d� ' ` " " GC��9N�°�° C���tvA��9NPl���i�, ���. p �} k xc oe�t���i�R�� �a�a°an�iare�t��or�rce�y t're abS������o� J�rl� � S ' � ao K�.thy �nyde� 3aavisfl�������2S��b'W' �I�l�l��lt�.ea'�'�$��a�d��Jregs�r�:���23,���`������� � j 1 1 �i�ing firs� duiy sv�or�, ��pr��� �n� s�y th�4 6 �vr� th� Ac�v�rti$6ryg b39�#f'P�. ° � . , t, � ,�;y�r " k: �lfACQpf, ar hi� psic�cipsf cl�rl�� U�Qf@f,3�,�1 �'��17��_c�$'.J.Y.L�:l.l.11�.a i % �' A ' j ,i 1 r' ` y i ` r � n��os��p�o' c�f g�,��s�! carc�9a�ia�o �� d�4ic�a�d in �3R> 1�:3.9�'!Ca F�J��,I��a��d�v,�, ; r` ' ` 1 � ,� r � �nd 19�.f�2U; puP�Eash�� �t T��J�g� Br�tne `; : . �ft�� �aid cou�4y �arycB �t�4�; Fh�t��ti� , � '} n , ���� � � � � 'i Fu�1�c I�:��.rx�gs/SDR 94°Ot�bB VIPSfB�ra�C nf ' ,��1� , r�, � P.,94 �..� ._..,�.?�..�r����e�C��t s?���>��usE�ve�n�s;d�✓�i 2�r,�; ,� ' r�i �n� i c a t�s�lots�dU��nd 47��r ' � '� � prin4ed �c��ay c�f whi�h is her�4o �rsnax�d, �ra� �auta�6sh� ir� f�i� � ��d�p����r��ia�eceQ��1Gl��a��tar���rea�?an�� � � 7 �eaatire assua of aaid n�vas � r�r fn� O�`?� �uc��s��u� �ead 5�����rda��et��Y��t�e�tc�xp��;b�Cf��s�}�vflce 5p��if���9#,y��v���t��l�� 1, '_ 1 P R ��2•�����a��t�s'n�����'^��y���i���Rntaet�nd�€�ee���;��n�p��ct�Ee�at,.�;,�`,��'�� ,� �on�e�c�4ive ir� the ft�llavu�ir�g �ssu��: �L,YCA.��� :AIP&"k���'�,��tI'I��IA3�arnmugai��-l'���1��1���f��t��ie ; ,z �p���i�e�� 1��^�.,9 1�.��x R��6, xR ���r 1�.1�D2, 1� 10� ��yl��t l�sl�4d,� , ; , Auc����t 11 tl 19 9 4 _ ����fl%�. ��°���,s�rt'c�'Id�1i4`.`��ht���;���+�(Pr�fessi��a�C��r�xrs�ea���}�r'�� ;::: � �-�zoi�jr►�c�is�r�e��rn7rEs a?��e aiF pa; fessionad and�rsia�aa��esv:�c�� T'��xis�al���+��r�t�`s����fl�+dg�aa�������avra�at f�s:ilitb � ,� � �������---;��'' �.�.'�,s'`� ; .�'' k,,`�,��,�P�.�.��`�,,��.�..� .��, ��„� �'�.�:�.�� '� ��`: � ���': 1�75�.�� �`��?�����'�_-��'F�R ; �����ii�2�fl 3�'��b��t'����t�r�jt��S�dB�) �'n am���:F�����ic�p�eh������ , �; , � l��1��$��'��s°a��1G�� ���ei � �� � � � � � �u4as��i6a�� en� s�orn �fpr� rr�a t6�i�11�h c�� af A,t�cx,.z� � �.���is�,t'..��f�ral C�t���rcat�l��Ri,��t��atn� � : �h�a���f����;,�'�I����$xt�11:���1�)���,-G(G�ea��Y�1�o��risri�erc�a� AP`: . .s''°" PLI�',���.L����Et3�'�1�tI�I�A'Gc�ml�ianity�e�elbpmer�E C;o��C�� +�( sex$ 1���,a�`3�; 1���,Ca�rr�pre�►�qs���plan�li�ies Y Z 4���5,.� �; d ` ti� � hDat�ry blic foP Or��osa ,,: ��;��' � � __: �� A ' ���� ��,��i���,��� "3�.�,�j���������n�y���t�ns����v��ea�y��s,pu�� �'s�;� ,,���. ,�r ,1 ,� ����IR�a�sb r���s�retn��a�n�'�alt�i�astr�t�v,e s�r�i�es;-i�na�c��,��a�u�ance, ,.:; 4 Y.. E�A�e Coaa���'s��icrs� �x�Qr��: ��a�,se�X��t�i�e SP•t'YliC�s,lt�u�hn�s�slappor�,s��di��s; ��is���r�U��i�ig��' , 3.. � ; tA��&Cf�4�f11' � �rrds�a��a���ts���l������t!����ESS�n��;�v�olesal�,s��,`t���yt��-dti� � �? , ¢nl�us�on�n[��ia��ka�ee��4�s 1'Fpe(; t��on�ry�'d�s.gm���r�r��I�csi�s aab� �: ����Rc��i"�,�c1�ta��sP�t��a�seer�ra���s��?�. �� � � � � „ A� ,� ublic s�a xt,f•c�Ist��s� r�afes��a���� �. � ... � , ', ��������#'�k�a������r�e���a��9������6;�nsuz�r�ce,a�if��r��s�€�s��i+.���s; ; t�t�san�ss st�F��SexvaC�s,ttnt��e��tn�.a�ad,drir'tkin��s,►�blishr�et�t�,�t��� � �r��i����s. , �: � � ° �. ;. . g ,_ .,, ���t��F,l������,A���A1�1��'I)ivI�NT�PA. �4-0€J�34,� . : , 4 d�Ilil�����,�,I.,'C���`I,�PV: 1&?•13S S,— VY,Nm�tis.,�v������ 1��-3��4AAa,t��a����.'�) �'¢t�sate�s lcrcated ai th�sp�rt�w�st cvrt�er of ' � ,S �'o,5�h�alls��e�'y:�oaa���cA 5 UV I*iic�bus A,�er��:..���eiY�����'o�, ., ' p��har��t�rb���rp��3'�r�ri Li�l�,,�"dfiista°9al(I-L)and�;�d�ag I3isf�ct��p " ; fresm 1ia�u�ta���'����=���n`a G��erai�omrrbar�aal C'o�i��r�kt���a���SIa�q1 + ° Zvi� �ii�"�a��3�s�����'����e�c�z� �� U). APd'LI�.AB�L,� Al'pItC�VA,� ` �4gI��{.�w'�'��{��`A:"�4�?{y�p�`e�►�ros�u�'`��a�hu��p�e►s 1,2,5, 11 and 1�.�ca�ev�ycle ` � �Ffi�E��GI �V��J �y����k > } . ' '��� +�• g l�a`�'d 1� ��DN�: 'T6�e curre�rt zon�Zrrda�st���t � x,� , �,�: P'ar3c g��nnit,�,�;r�n��,�f la�ht.:i�r�aa�tria�i wses �vi�hi�a,an��d�y�a�����r�C .; ,'-` , �;, � L i��x�I���$�i�a t�,�gsa,p�r�nsts�ie�eu 2t�:peo'cent of.�deve3pp'm�i�g���-u,pY�,� ; `��us�a9[�r�r�t�$�c��'a�rr�rr��p�c��l�se�.'tlae C-G zonin�.�c'gnatgt�tt�X�. '� �F i�ub��c$�e��y ancl��f�ipis���a�c:servicea,�?UG11C SiXj2�;��'��AIl�t4S4 iz �"$+c�ts�a:,e.C�r�1 Att � „ 'y��?'�1�.b��,.�3U traf�ve s�'�+ices,fi►7an�i�A,insur�n�e a�`d rem�;'�s .��n,��� ���cr���q;�rd ear�ng an�da�an�n�'��blss�a F. �. �� ,�,� ,. �„� ���, � �,`�,_:`�y � ,���,�0.�. 1 �,�i ., . 1 .. _ i . I PZ,AAtIJ�kJ� �Ot�![�lISSIOI�F I�oLI, CAY,L�. s`, � a'I'AkTTTV.I`, `d'IIYIE c �'• I' FiE�AE2IDJC llP:?'W° „�.�.,, I I I I CU�iMISSION�RS I -.- i // S � `/ NlIL�'t7�] F. E"dR� e II , MYCI3A�:?J COLI,S013 / I CAFiO� Y�e�'R.APIG iI I � , EtC1N HQLLP,ND I'I s✓� BI2IAN' MOORE �, � � IiA.�iFt1' SP,PORTA . DUTJG ��C�'O�V _ .�.�,.� �I .3�E SCIiWEITZ , _�--�°--� � � PFICIIC N1�LSQN I � �T�1,rF' L�I3�SE:N°%': �I �' �'�?�'°v--- �.._, i bk,�tt/PC-F2UI�L.�3KM - _ �- e r ���� �������' �n�������� ��g�al,��e �Y����,a�� Mi�a�u�e� � A�g�u��� 22� 1��� 1 m C� T� &��E�� �Pr�sid��� F��� ��.11ed �.h� m�e�ix�g �;a o���� a� 7a:�0 �.m. '7��ie zn���;ane� w�� h�1� ia� ti�� ��cJ�rd C�.��.c C�nter - �own. J��I1 - 1�12 5 S�l �ia�.1. I�s,ul��r��c�. 2 m �t��L �� �'r�s��a�a �r��icien•i� Fgrree �e�m�ai�sir���r� D��'raregv Ho1.Ia�nd, M�r�r�, ��.gox�� a�d Wil:�on. i�1a��nt a Cozr�mis�io�ers Cca�.lsr�n, ��.x�tc�x� �n�. Sc�aw�a..�.z �-�aff P�r�e�e�zte Wi.11 D'Ar�ci�ea �nd Iai�.r�C R��aert�� .A.s�is�ant �l��sn�r� �azc1 I,��l�� �e�ns.1]., P�a�a�aa.nc� ��a��ss�.�ar� Secr��ar� �. Pak���,0°6�� �2I�'C���� Cc�s�i,a�ion�x 3vda�or� mnt�.vn�cl tc� app�cs�e tka� Jurn� .�f3 0 1��4 m���ir�e� Ynii�ra�es as s�banii:t��d and Co�au�eis�.�or�r 5�po�t� s�cvra��c� tka� �nrta.oax e A �r�ice �rc��e �a�� ��k��s �.n� �1ze ���ipn Ta�� appra�r�e� �.nanimo�x��ye G��zs�soyaer X3�11arr.cl mc�tiora�dl �o ��pxav� �.h� ini�u�.�s o� �h� Jaallr 18, 1994 m��t�.�� minu�p� �� �txbani�t.a� �t�c� Co�zn.is�a.�x��r S�,.pog�.a �:�cnr.e��c�.. �h� motion o �. �c�i��e �re�t� w�� �a3�era ar�c� the mot�.a�. vaa� ��p��vec� unani�nc���l;�o �ca�rma.ssir�ne� 1��F�a.r.dg aD�s�,ain�d. C:�azr�ni��i_r���� :�p�r�:a rm�s�t.�on�� �.c� �.�gra��� ��� P.�xgus�. �3� �.�9� wc�rk. s�s��.o�a m,a.n�tes �.� ��bm��t�d ��c� �x-e�s.d�x�t �°�r�� ����nd�d ��x� anoti�an. A. ve��.�� �rote wa,� ����n �ne� t�� �o�iorz ��.� ap��o��c� uzaan�.mously. Co�r►ntis�ion�.r� Hollaasc�.., N�oore �nc� GT�l�c�r� abs�tain�d m I 4 . L��IIP7T�d� C��9f7������ CC� �C.d��Yt1�d� l�on� 5 o P�.T�II��G �%���N� 5 a 1 ���� ��'V��LS�J��Ii��' ���i'x�W ��I� 9�—Q�dAQ�� '41TP�I�&�AiI� OF' ��Y�1� T.��A��O�a �575 �C� Locust A.v�nue (WCTI+� 1S1 26�'�2�, t�x lo�t�.::s 4700 �.nd 47a1) . Am ap}���1 �a� a Dxr�ator'� L��ez�i.on appra�a.ng� a 56 unit anotel �,�ith �rdarnixig breakfas� s�:rvi�c�a Sp�ca�i����� condi�ians 1 anr� 2 relat�.nr� �d r�.c���-nr-w��r dedz.cata�csn anc3 stre�t imp�cozremeta��m ��L�L�CABL� .�PP�tOV�, C:R�'�']�Id.:LAa �ca�nm�u�it�r I D�uelopmen�t �ode Ch�.pters 18.32, �.�.64, 1�3 a 96, 18 a 100, 1�. 102 , 18 � 106 P la. 19&, 18 a 114, 1�� 120, 1�o �.50, and �.�o �5� . Zo�a�o C:�� (Pro�e�s�.onal Cornmere:ial) �k�e �-� ze�ning e��str�.ct ��rrni�s a I� range of ��oiessi�n�l a�nd p��sUn�.l ��rv.i�es. The zan� a�.lc�ur5 ' �xansient lodgin� anc� r�st�u�an�. �aciJ_i�ies. ', � ____ . � M�,��. �ta�F������ ���a.���.�� �l�a��.��, a�r���a���d ��� �l��nn�.nc� ���cnnx�s��o��r� t�h��. c��. �'�x�e 17 P 19�4, ���€� ���oa►�mend��� a��a�€�va:l fcar a 56 re��� �cs��l �� ��� �r��az�t ��Qp���y a�: L�v�a��t ��r�m�� �.x�a� �xe�n�aaa�c� l�caad. Tr� ��� �ec��.���a ��a�.��.�.i.e�r�� �f`, �,�pxoer�� #1 ��aci #2 re��a�i�ed �.h� �pgl����n� �to ��:�i��,°�e a�� ira�x°rs�r� �.ti� ����'c� f�a��.�c�� �.1ong S'� G,r.��xibu�g R�a��. �� th� � t�l�tiina�� righ�-af°°�ra�r �i.��� r�f 4� f���, O�a �'�n� 2?, �.�y4d �I�� �pgl�.���a� �.g�a�a].�c� t�.� �r��di.�i.an� a� ��r����,y�1 �t���.ng �t�e� c,r�x�� ��� va�xr�ntc:d c�u� �o �:�x� �ir��,araa3_ �Sr������� impact ca� �Ya� ntotel c��.�°�� �l�e cur��n� l��r��.� �sf ����r�.c� an �lxa�t pa��i,on �� ����x�bu�g l���d.o H� �a�.�. �he app].����a��� tr����,c ���dr� � ir�e�i�atr�cl �t�a•t ma�te:�. u�e ��c��c:��� to g�r���°at� �,e�� �r_��fi�: �u�xr�g p�a�. �a���.��� ti��n p�of���iosa�l-o�fi�� u��a �:1�� p��.��ry use ��rnait��d �o� ���a�.�s �i�:�. A$�i��Earat P1ax�ne� �tot�eL�g cox�ti.�.��� arad a.ra�c��z�x�d. ich� �o�n�tti.ssa.an�rs -��iat ��� C�.i�y a��orn�� r��rrznateea�e�.�d �lx� �'l�nraa.azq �ox�aeis�ia�� �pk�old �k�� ��pl.i�a�a�� app��]. anei s�.�.f� �e�amm�nd.�d �t�a�. Cor���.t��.�n� o� �p;arca�r�.l Y�e r�vis��. �.�► �eq�,ir� �1�� d �ppYz�;aa�at� ��n�r�d �he s�.��.� �nd �,�and���p� pl�r� �ta �.n��.cat� t�� ultYZn�.�t� �i�ht-af�w�y ta�dtk� bu� nea�. a�t.ua�3y �aaa��r�c� c�s° dedic��:P -�kae z..�mp�.o��r�ers.t�� Th� P�t��a�n�y �u�th�;� ��:ca�►uat��.��� �i�a�� Ce��s�.it.i.tin �� Ap��o�v�.l #� bc� r��ri�ed �.�� �h� a�ga7licasa� �� ��c���.��d �t�s �.i.c�n � �a.Y�r�:� a� �_��an��r:a��� ag�.:�n�� ��i� i�t;�rs�� fcs�zn��a.or� �f. a. L��:.�1 Tynpro�r�r�en� L�a.��r�.�t �:es a.xn��p�r� v�' �x�een��xx� Ro�.c� ��s 't�� �.l�iz��te ��x�et vui.d�.�a a . 1���i��anf: �Za�a��� �dab�x��� ��..ie� �f;��� ���o�r��zneaarl�d •�he �x°ap���d ���,rz��� �� t�n� �t�.�f �.e�is��.�a� a���L�.�c� fQr �.k�� ��ia��n�.� Inra 3�Ic,t�l e �,�F��I��s.�fi�� ����s�I�'�����Y� a�e��ez� Vo �'�hsz�as�, F C3 }�t�x 25�0€i, �alt��t� (7k� 97308 s�'��x���xz�i n�' �'IT�S �n�d�as��a.�sd �a�c. add�����z� t�lA� Plans�i�aa� Cama�4,i��i.ors��-�o Hf� �-�at�� kae rea11� kaad nothing tc� ac�c� ��xt �ae.� ��1� k�r�.���� about Washirigtc�x� Co�aAZt�'� r�ssie�r nf tl�e ��pl.���.�ion. � F�T��T��� �I��.��� �����1� Comani:€sioxxe� FiqZlan� ma�ione� �o �ag��xc�ld �th� �pg�.i���.�s° �p���I i� acc���ance �.o �.�,� r�comzti�nd�d chang�s ar�d ��rca�.i��ic�n�r � ���n��a �����zcte�. �.:a� �ra�t�c�r�� � ��.�..�� �ac��� �v�.A �t��s�rz �r�d �.�a� � mdo�tio�� w�s ga�sed uzx�n��aausl�ro � � 5,2 �f31��kt�����I�1� �YmAI� �E�2�D���d� ��'IA� �9;��6�PJ�,��f��T ���°���� k�E���,� � °�°�.Li s7.", ���fl Ta�,�l'�.`���a 1007.� S� C����d� �'+G3111��T�.rd (�'�'I'M 15�. '°�q 3��B, �:��. �.c��.s 30�1 �and �i0�j a '�� amend �I�� �Q�pr�I��r�si�•� �T.arz � Mag from �Gi�ht Ixrd�.s��zal �rc� Ger��x�� �"csmme�c�.�.�. �nd �. ��niax� !, � �hanc�e frosa� T-��' (Ir�dustri�� Park) to C�� (��n�r�1 ��a�nmm�r�i.a�.) . .?�.��I��G1).BLE REVIEW CRIT�I�]CI�c ��Yn�nzun�.�:�r I3ev�Zapm�n� �od� Chapt�r� 18 m 22� 18 a 32 B 1�3�62; �"c�mpr�lzensiv� P1�n �71ici�� 1 m 2, 4, 5, 7, fi anr� 12m Zc�n�: 3�-P (Iradus�.��.al �axk) '�h� I�� � Idl�t� CO�iI�S�If�Id 11rH��`�:[d�� 2�T�Y�b��� -� �ca���t 2�, �,99� ° P��� 2 i , , , �c�s�i.rag �11�a�r� ���1�c: ���n�y �c�iaini����ta.�r� ��:��ia��e�g prabl�.c ��p���t f�c.�li�ie�� ��e����sa.c��al �n� a��.xa�.r��r��i�r� ���vic��, . fira�r��a.a�., in�ux�anc� �x�d rea�. ��tat� �e��i���r bu�ir�e�� ����av�f: �ex�v�ac:��, manu����uxir�g of fi�i��aec� �'S�JI�.L'iC'��� gac�C�.s�.ia�g an� p��c��singg �a�oZes���, ���c�rag� �nd a�i�tx�.���t��xa �z�oa�g� o�t���° eas��a �lh� �-�C zr�n.��g d��ic�xaa��eaaa a11��rs p�bls.� I ac��;���r �a�� �adrn�.��.�t�a�iv� ��r�rs.�e�, �u�li� �aa}�por� faca.lit�.��, �a�o:�e��iona3. an� �.r�iaai.t���°ativ� s�r�r�.cr��, fi�an��.al, inc�ur�na�� �raa� ���7. ��t��� �e���c��r bx��i�e�� �uppox°t se?-v�.���, �.z�d ea�inc� and ci�°�.x�Dc�.ng ���t�l�li.�h�n�sa�s �mvn� c�ic��r ta€s�s�. e ���i��ar�� Flann�z, 1��.11 �°,P�ndr�� ���€��r�tec� 't�s �th.� P1�nna.ng I C�mm��a.arn, �:Ixe .;�aff repo��� �� �r�fo���d the Cc�x�ns�s�ion�:r� th�t �:la� �uk�j�c� ��.tt-� wa� �.��a•tes� 01:1 '��77� r�a��•t sid� of �W Ca�c�.de �aizle�*ard b��w��n Stn7 Sck��l"1.� F�x��r Road ax�d. �W (�re�rx��z�r� Rnad� �nd �the adjx��:nt p�c��e�ti�� ta �t�e ��or�th, �a�t, � �r�s� ax�d smL�th w�x�� �on�ct I•��o �'F�� stal��ec� �it� aracl t�ae zn�jor�.t� o� th� Casc�,�� k3d�lev��d a�:�a �a�.s aram�:�r�d inta �k�e �it�r �.n �une 19�10 At �ha�t t�.me, th� �e��� �ra�s chazaged from � t�a�hingtan Cc��xaa��r 1�-1 �Industria�,��a T;i���r� 1�a4 (Ir�r�nx�tr.�a:�. p�rk) aa�d no ��tfl�e.� l.an� use appl,icatgc�n� �ad l���n friled ��it� th� �i�ty W k�Ie ha.c��,la..�h���c1 for thc��� pra��n�. ��ae ����.bl,ish�d � ���aa.l.Jca�euzb�e��a��l �au�irae���� iaa t&�c: izn�ned�.ate �re� �.�ad a.n�.�.�a•��� �-.h� x��z��ining �a.��� �r�x� ��vel�pe� vs��l� i��i�ns�.�-a.�l. t��� u�e� ox �nrPr� �r�c:a��e ��:�ist��a� �3.an��r i7'�rzctrea ���.d t�aa se�a�a�� o�nrx��x°��S�.�as �artP��.��:d ��Z� ��.t�. I I P7�,1� d�'Azgclr�a �.x�fr�z�.n�d the �om.rtia.sss.Qnex�� t�i�it �ix� �.ppl�.��za�'s I �,c���i�l� u:;es �ar tha.� ��.t� a.�x�3.tade� C0113'��Ll�'t]..QI'S �r� a ��ma_��i°s F3e��c� �'u.�nis�xi�c�� ��c�r� �x�.cd � s�r�on.d sp�cial�� r��.ai.� l�taa.lc�i�g �a�h cc��t�.ixx.x.r�r� 60,AOU ��r���e �e��a �i� �aic� �.Fae ag���.��a�tt �ac� g��sented ev�dence nf. a clzang� or �t�,���.]e� that ju��i�.�ec� a � zcan� ch�,ng� csn �t1�i� ���-c�3_ and h� ��.a�mas�ize� :�or. �.�� I Caanmi�sia��r�, th� �w*.zd�nc:�:. �ax cc�ncl�si�n� �-assz��:�n� I>1����� �`Anc3r�� s�i.d tlxa� s��i:� recogni.zed �oan� �:h�nges il�d o�curred b�.it wh�fi:l��r ��a� ch�ng�s � w�re sic�r..�ficant �nough to �j�x�tify th� change fram Tncl�a�txi�1 ta G�:nerc•al �c�m�ercial r,vas q�es�ionabl� parta.cular�� given sr�r�� of th� staf.f concerns �bo�.t th� future of the Cas��d� areaa �I�: s��.r1 th� ia��.� }���a�� t�� P�.anning �ommiss�or� �rsa� w�a�t�a�:� c�r rzo� �h� are� alonc� G�.a�cade �ou'levard sho�alcl. b� 7Cnc�us�ra.a1 ca:e Camm���ial a�d .if the ��opo�ed ehan�e wra� aa�ad.e, it ��Sr�ulcl be made wi�th th� a�aties�. tha� tl�� entire area be commgnne�cial o �I� �aid tha'� �rhi.�� thc�xe �a� s�me jus•tif.�a�tie�r� f�r '�I�e c'ta�nc�c, �h� �lar��.ing Di�risioxi four�d i� da.��ac��t �n q2�r� mor� �h.an � 7 imi�ed �nclor�e?rnen�t for �.�p��+�ra1. ��r ��asans incl�d�.i�g th� e��ner�l ques��.nza o� �.pprogri�.�e �.and-use �r�d the C�regan II�partm�nt of Tr�ns�aor��.t�.ran c�ax�e�an abmu�t tra��i�a J���I�i1CI3� �:03�tIS�IOPT ���'LA�G i��?YC�°��� ° �3,e��tSa"� �2, 1�94 ° ���� � •ro d'&�SdN.6Ye.46&�i.� lC80.Gf"I�SJSCRE14a7o�il'd1� h S��ah��:d. �. I�r�b�.nsarn� Att�x��aey a� �,awo 9�0 S�T E'ift� .F����x��:, �ui�.� 2�O�J, �o��l��a�io C�Ft 912�3�, u��,a�g � �a��a �r�� ����.�,�. gaho�ca�raphp hic�hlic����d �o� •l.ka� l�Xaraxa.��x� ���.i��i.�n �he I �.o��ti.�r► ar�d b�a�ir��s��� csf ich� p�opo��+�. camg�reh�z�sa.ve pl.aza �.r��n�m�nt/��ne ch�r�g�a �3�: autl�.ra�c� D�ra.�fl�r �.&a� �iga�li��nt'� d�.sagxe�mer��t w�.-�h a�af� rec�a�ds.a�g c�h��h�a� o� na� �r� ��k� I ���i�n on � �ingle ���c�l o�r t�� era�i�� ��aa�� ��ad p�c��r��d�d c��ta.�ls c�� ��x����i��tzozz �ha� chang�a an�li�a�t;�d �he d�rn�ar�d f�r ��� ar��. was f�sr ��tail aYA� na�� i.nd���t�ri.al tis�. �ie x����rr�d f:a �h�is Jahn��n, � r��'1 ���.��.�: agent's aapiniox� �h;�.t �tYa� mar�:�� 3�m�nc� in �h� area ca�.�.ed fs�r ret�.s.Z �s�a N�r. k�obin�a�z� ou•t,l.i�.�d th.� cri��r:a.� ur�e��. �nd �a�ca�ri�i�d ar��xmen� tha� �.� s�a.d j�stif�.��. e�rs.den�� of �has�+�� a.n tk�� �x�a.c�h.b�rhood c�r a mi��ak� nr incon�is��ncy irs th.� �a�a��a�li�nsi�� p�.a�a/zona.nr� r►ap �� a.� �:�I.ated to th� �ubj e�f� ��°o�s�rty o Ni�o �tob3.rns�n b�i�flg� talk�d a�auu� traf�i_� i.�sta�:� �nd Ore�c�n L���,�r�t:mEn't of T�ans�+o��a�ioza's cc�anm�nts h� ,�ai�i ea�x� vaitho�s� b�r�e�'i�. caf �P�a� �ra�fi� ��tucly. YI� ��f�rx�ec� �o ��ae ]f�it���.�cr� & A.ssoci�.te� traffic �t�udy �ha�t �omp�xed �ao�t� �G�aerag� thaf� cn�x�z�m�d ��a� pot�n•tial '�r��fi.� .i�.pact o� d�v�.�e�paa�e�i�t �xr�s��r �i�h�.r.• �c�raia�g w�au:Ld �a� �a.�z�i1��, Tn cc�ncluaio�, N!r e �oY�i.nson �nc�ic�t�d that bec�u�� �f th� zcs�a;n�s lar�c� u��, emplca�ment ax�a� t:r�.�n:��or��.�.in� ch�ne�es ixn t�i� �rwa, I-p ���zing caa� nc� 1c�aa.ge� �usti�a.ed �c�� this a��� �nd I a�k.�d th� P1�naaing �a�issio�a �ecomTnend �ppr�ava�, of th� �1�n map/xo�ix�g m�� �a the �ity C�oun�sl.a Mr. R��,i.���on �th�� e�:i,�•tr�.but�cl �. 1���.�� �.ddx�����d �� ��a� Pl��na.ne� �o�anis�aox' s���.�c� s�uc���� 22 a �.�94 y '��x� l�•t�.�� �ca�� frc�rt� �itt���l.�c�ra & As�aciat�s, �r�c� �egardinc� t�e a��licar��."s r����z�se �o �i30�'a Region Ox�e'� �o�un�n�� a� �PA 94m000�A7C�N �4�000� Reank�a�lr1 T�u�t, Inca Caananissior�e� �ap�ax�a aske� th� ECa_ttel.s�rn. r��a�es�m�:a���r� �tc� ac��r�s� th� P�.ar��aixi Comn►is�xon r� ar�i� �ka� �ra�f.�� �.s�ue�. � � � � Mark Vanc��ka��r, T�aa�spor�atioaz �'lax�ning/'�ra���� �ragin��� �ssocia�te, Kitt�lsora & �.ssoci��e�, 7:nc, , 6Z0 S� P�.ci��, �uat� 7(�0, �Qx:tl�zaci, O� �7205 �uanmara.z�ci �DnT°� outsi:ar�din� c�ra�ex�ras as outlin�c� in �he Auc�ust 2.2, 1994 cloeuznent reg�.rding k�xo�ec:t Ida. 1235 n 00 �i.str�.b�atad aar.lier to th� �ommi�sioaze�s. �U�I�IC� ��:�R3�� �T,����� Coman�s�ic�ner �ag�r.�.�. ��.at��l h� �.z�d�r��ood the ���a�nte�a�s .fa�c a ch�ng� of. �ircumstance �a�ci ani�take bttt w�s hc�th���s� k�y ��i� �act �.h�t a C�°G i.slanci �r�u7.c� ]be �r�a�eci. P�Fgd�iAiC �f�1�%7C��T��I �����15� 1�IZ��'�S � l���u�'� �2� Ig�4 ° ���� 4 C��un��gion�x �a�la�� gn���io��d �her� ��re r��ail ��tl�t� �� ��� Im� �akin� i� ��� ���e��y. �na��is�ian�r �il.so� in�i�a�ed the ar�� wa� i� t��n�itio� a�d �i� no� ��nt to �old up ��� ap�l�c�n�s ����e�t. T�� Commission�r� b�ie�ly d�����s�d th� C�����e ���l��ar� a��� �nd tl�� ��ro�c�s��d �am�re�a�nr�iv� pl�.r� �n�rac�m�n� �:nc� �r�rne ch�n��. � ` �� �ammi��ian�� Maor� rno�:3_o�.�d to �.ppx•c�v� �t�� Cc�mpr���rn���r� Pl�n � �zn�r�c��n� frcaa� Ligh� �a�dt��t�i��. �� ��z�era:.l Cozn����i�.l ax�d a �oaxia�r� c��ax�� i�xom I�-P {�r�du�����1 P�.�k) to C-� (Genc�ral ���un�����.a�) o Cor€�m�.�.��on�r �Ic��7l�ns� �ecozac3ed ��.� znot�s��o A vai�� vrat� va��.s tukea� �ind �.ri� �ata.on �nraa� a�para�ed un�n�.a�aous3.�r m 5.3 �0��1���lEPF�Y�E �E�i �NI�I�P�� t��',�► ��-O(Y��/ZON ����9�0� Id��i1� ��Y��I�R I�,OC.�`�x�id s z o 11�i sG�' �'ianbu� A�ez�u� (W�'.CM l��. 34�, tax , lo� J.9U0) o �'�e �i�� is 1oc�a��� a� ��r� �ou�h�es� corn�r o� ��1 �I ��holls Fe�xy �o�.�. arac� �W Y�3i�nbus A��xnue s Z�m�aa� tk�� Com�,�rehe�.siv� Pl.an Ma� ��oa� Ligh� Zs���s��tr��l (�°-�L' � a�ac� ���aing �Jis�ri��t Niap f�arn Snc�u��L�i�.1 ���D� (���) t� a �en���a�. C:amxn�rcial �om�r�he��ive Plar� l��.p and zoni�� d���gra�t�.on (C�° (�) o � �,��LI��1�L� APPRC7�7AL �RITERIA: �om�r�Px��siv� �l�ra i �ralicie� 1� �$ 4, �, $ �.nd 1.2 g �c�:tnaa�t�ni�.g ���elo�smer��t �a��� I Ch�p��r� 18��2, 18a32 and 18m��a Z��I�o T&�.� �ur��n� �one xx�du�tx�i�.l Pa�k ��rm.�t� � ranc�� �f ].�.ght �.n�u��trial �as�� �� wathi.ra �.r� ia�dus��i.�1 ���k. I�i�ht sndus�.�i�� �I�c� p�Yrsa��� �a�n I �e� 20� of � ��v�lopm�nt c�m�lax tc� �S� used fo� a •r�.�ag� nf � � ���Erc;�.�l u��:s. fi�� �:m+� �or��.r�c� �.���.�r��.��.ara �.l�.�w�� �az�e�.�.� I �gez���r ��.�. �.dz�i.zaist,ra��v�e ��rw�c��9s, �acaDa�.�� su�gor� f��.i�.it.i��, ' ���Qfessic�z���. and �dr�a�n�str��i.ve ����ricc�s P �inanc.i�.�.P ixas�a�am�� I �z�c� �eal esta-�e .sex�ric�s o k�aasa.n�:ss six�sp�ar� �o��v�.��� �.�ci ��.�a..z�g ar�d dr�r.nkin� �:sta�lishmera�.� amaaag ath�� i�.�e�a I Iwi�rk 1�obP.r�.sP A.�sistaz�t P1.anner� stat�d tlii� � �.a,.ca�icsn wa� IVI PP siznxlar ta it�m 562 dn th� ag�ric�a< �ie sai� �.he s�b��ct �it� �,r�,, 2 »43 �c:��� ira �ize �na� 1.�►�a��ci +�n �th� �o�t�tt�a���� �caa:s��r �� I SV� Scriolls F�x��y Y�oad ax�rl N�.rtt��zv ,t��renue w.i�ha.n. th� Iiol1 Bu�in�ss �errt�r. '�h� s�.�t� �as i3 S7.%3C3�.£.' �Saxc�l d�v�].c�p�d �vi�� �ic�ht ix��ustri.�.l off.i.c� ��aad�e �uildirag�s �i�ci a �LZ�ge�: K�r►� restaurant. Th� applicant's g�irn�ry reasor� fo� requ��ti�€� ; �thi� iancl°-�.s� amenda€►�nt ��.s ��ca�.�� �of ��� �a.�s.��e� nu��� u� commercial_ uaes �eranit�ec� und�r �h� Pl�.ra�.ee� T�ad�.��ria1. � c�esignat.�on �hai: �iac� limat�d t�i� ra�g� c�� �e�an�t� �rh:�cln �rra��� I �c-�rmi�tEd �0 1�ase �ui��� a�t �he �i�e e �he �ubjec�. prap¢��t� was 1�:�.c�hly v�.sa.ble �o mo�o�i�-�� ara�l �aedest.�idn� t�av�ling c�n SW Sch�1.1s Fe�ry �taad. Assis��n�t Planner 12o�er�ts s«�.d �.rz term� nf l�cation �.�zd d�s�gn, i�he ��.�� pre5ent�y fun��ionec� �� a G-�C si�e ar�d ��p�ared �ea d�aea znuch oF it� cus�fiomer hase iro� ga��ir�g ���Ydk�TNG C��[���I�1�' A�E�7�1�� �tII�J7CES ° ,r�uq�n�� 22, 1994 -° Pa�� � n�����is�� �ri �c��l�� �err� Ra�da �� a�l���ng �h� �-C zon��go ��� ��..�� could o�f�r � �x��a� �t�a�er �f e���d� �nd �ex�ri�e� bQ�h I �ca t1�,e �Eena��s ra� �io11 Buga.n��� C�aate� a��i�. �ur���znding a���. �'o� thi� �ea��n, a.� c�uld be ���,d �&i�t �cta� ��aa�.r�g �a�xld ��av� k����a �. �ns���ke a� �.� ���.��ed �� t�e ��c�ci£�.� ei���.��n e�� the� sit�a �n �raraclu��.an, h� 5��.�1 st�f� ��co�e�,d�� that tkae � Pl�r�na.�� �r�e��.�ai�� f�rr�ard a ���o���da�tia�r� �o �h� C�.t� �ou;�c�,l �to �.g��rdv� C�i�►prehen�ive ��.�r� 94m00� Zr�a�� ��xan�� 94- OQa�Y A�'����,�TS k�����1����IS�N �a.cka�.rd .�.�lan, 101 ��7 Ma�.n, ��s.t�: Z10�p �or�land., �J� �'1204, :���xese��a.axg� �an�us Gent�� ���oci.���s, �hs a�s�l.�c�an�, �acl���sser� �t�ae ��.an�x�.n� �am��.���..�ar�� ��* s�icl o�ver 5fl� e�f the c���aeldpm�rn� w�� not 1e���� anc3 �.� .ig i�� a�a�. �o�npl�x �e��ra�� ��c��a ICa11 E��a�i���s ���t��. Ei� �a13c�d �bau� �.h� �i�uat�a�n of � �a���.r�g �:o �.�as� �0� o� �l�ie c�nt�.x'� ���c� fa� Ia� pe��it�cd u��� ancl �x�aizag to camg���� �ait�i the �:0:11 �u�inc��s ��nter xa.c�h�t n��� dno�c. In con�].u��on, he �mph.a��z�� ��a�r� �cae�°� curreen�l.� n� �I�x�� �r�� any ��anr��� a.rz �t:�uc�.�ur.e a�c� �h�:� �g� iHa eoz�pl�.aa�a� uritka C�-� ana t�h.�refra�� ���C�d �:k1� lPl�xirni�a� �amani.��i�m tQ recs�c�n�.ze �fl�� r���a.�t� aaf tka� si�����.on. �'�'8��,�� ���T�d� C�,�l��D Co�m�.��ic�ne� sta�ed �e �r�€� s�rpr.i��d �h� ��r���r �a�a�'� �--� i�. tkae f�.r�� p3��.ee> ! �cam��_s��an�� ��pe�-t� an�n��.on�� �t�e ce��es w�� a.rnd�Pd ���ar.a�� � aa�c� ���Enf:i�lly func�iar��c1 az��. :�oe�k�c� �,i�� �:.� v���:� C-�. Ccaa�m�.���c�r��� ���l�o� �a��.can�:rl ��a �.p�a�ca�re ��a� x��q���t ��a� ap�xo�ra�. of Comp��he�.:��.�r� ��l�.r� �an�nc�meaa�. 94--Ot�O� �rad �nz�� � C:h�nc�� 94�OU06 o Co:r�:i.��xs�z��� �a�or�� �e���.��d jch� �c���.ora. A Ivoi�e vr��e was tak�n �.nc� �thk7 r�o�ian w�s appx•o�ed �nax��ario�xs].�r. 5 0 ����� ��,��T�'��� rTon� � ? . ,�DaB'CJ��I�EI�� i � Tf�e mee�.in� 1C��C2�1L'YYG't� a� 8 a 2� �.me i � �X.,� , VYU..�.�./ ���I�e ���n�i�. - - �.._.... v �l�.nn:�r��g �flmana.��a.�n Sec�:e�ta��r `.----_ A'I' �� : l�r � ' � �'I.r���I1NB4a �'O�I�$ �E�'I�J(� 3��ItT1,�'�.'Fao�' ^- 1�A�P��tsS'� ��� a1�9� �' F"�i�� �5 , � 6 ' T Z G A � � P L A N N I N G C O M M I_S S__T O N NO'S:L'CE: 11LL pERSON5 ��ESIRING `I'0 SPEAIC ON b1NY ZT�D� 1�It3ST �TGN 'F'HEIR IV.AR3E 2�ND NOT� THE%R ADDRESS OIV Tci�'S SN�ET. (Please PRIN2") ""°' fX."�c�'���F �,y �r'..�.�" AGENDA ITEM; ��� CASE rrvms��cs> : ��y` �`� � ....�.� OG1rTER/.7�PPLICAN`T: �,1�� pt3�,.�Y�..���� � LC3CATION: ,���..s�'. '^�` (�{���-�� L i�°U�ll�- - ---- �,.�._. p�r�;gp�vp��~: DATE OF HEp,RING: �iS "-�� °�� PL,�1l3� �&2IR�'d° 'Y�iT�t_IdAEaY�s A,DJ3Ft�SS, AND �I�T��,L7IDE 1°C)i3'R '�TI?�QY3E ^M�YU=�s========�A'�1'dgt �----------------------------.____--OPk?OaE � "�&__---------------------------•-------------------•---------------•-------°----------- Narne �zl.�� U ..��'�N��!`J Nama ---- �.._._....�.e Address �,'C) �� � 5 O�.,2 Address _--� _- -- —,._. S�� c�`�°�'� .3ag � 1Vame Name ---.�...���,�. Address _'__�,___�„� Address Name�_ _ .�.,�_ Name ��,____, - Address Address ' ---- Name l��me ------,_.e, 1-�dd r e s s w,_._._._...._.._.. Ac]d r•e s s __�__,�__„_.______�--� Name _ Name _____e_, �._ Address �,_,_„�,� �ddress �______ �_ Name N'ame _rv________o__ 7�ddress Address � �. � � � � � Name Name � ��_.__......._.. � Address Address �S '� � � �I � � IVame .�E �.._____ Name _��, ,�,,., P.ddress __ _.__� Address Name _ _ _._._. Name ____--�—__._...�.. - --�-- Address �,�� Address _ _ __� � _--"_"'�_-- _xsi•aw . . 9 'P I C, A R D P L � N N I N G C O M M I 5 S I O N �OTIC�: ALL PE�SGNS DESIRING fi0 SPE�K ON ANY Sa�EM �U�T SIGN THEIR NAME AND � NOTE THEIR ADDRESS OYV THIS SHCET. (Please ��INT) ,�.CEI�TT�1� IT�M: °�,� CASE NUMBER(S) : 1.�i9a �'"1`_���-1�.► �1�`��i� OWNL,Yi/RPPI,TC�-1N'�': �L1�Y.�'41�R�.�.�s��4�C✓s_ „_____,� L�cz�Tlotv: � n��5 �UJ �'.1,�-��-��'�✓l� , i . DATE OF HEARINC�: �?�L.Z- ""�J� P��;AS�; 2�1R�AY'T' YOLTFt P7P.�F%E. AH1DFi�SS �'.xl� TA�CY�LT%)E YULTR �TP �ODE' ----------------a"�'.�VQft --------- -- - - T OPPOS� IVame �_[�._�_[,��_F 0'1'���_,_, 1°2 _ Name .�..�_�___�-_�__�..,.��� I Ac�dress �� �tA.1 �i� '��?9"�'��C1� Address �� - P���.l��c�,�� �7�� �me ,��:/C � � � � _Name �W�� I � r �� Ac�- Address i ��� ..------� � �� `__`-��� � Nam� t'��_Nt r i,�___,J 1 d �O�� Name �_ �__,�____�__� Ac�dress �� (n 7(c� �C� .., t,�.�. �� AddLes�._..__—_�__�_M� - - � �U f'��Gw� �n'1 ln r� S� .-\- ( IVame �.J ri Name � , 1�ddres flddress _ _ _ _ _ _�m � � � � � � Name �w 1Vame ____���_______� Address Address � � IName �� �Name Address Addr�ss hTame � Name �� I� Add-ress �� I�ddress �� I Name Name I Aduress __ Address _, w�,� Name vame i Address Address � _ _ _ _ -- _ _ T T G A E2 D P L A 1V N I N G C U 1� M T S S T O N NOTICE: ALL� PEIRJ�IYJ DESTRING TO SP�A%C t7N tit�IY IT�M A3UST SzGN THETR NAME 1�T13 NOTE Z'HETR AL7DR�;SS ON THIS SHEET. (Please PR1NT) AGENDA, ITEM; ,�,i .':-�.� CAS L' NTJMBE:I�{S) o ���`��-� "C�lS7 OWNER/APPLICRNT: �f�'ly�f,A..� ���� ,� LOCATION: ���,� �7(,�,��O���j_�����tl,l..B�_ , ____, DATE OF HGARING� �`7� -'Z��.--'�y______��_� ��,�a����xr���ear�:� r�a��, ��nR��s, �� r�scr.�n� �o�r�a �r.� co�� ---------------�--------------_____---------------------�--- �.��rc��x c��a�t�s�; Narne T��'��!��� ��_ Name ���� 7�ddress i�4 � �� , 1�s��d`Y�e. �tdl� Address ___,___�.��_ �e�'��and� (��6�, ���-t� Name Name �ddress �lddress Name �__�_�__.___ Name ��,��� I Address Address Natne 1Vame Address Addres� Name ,, N�me Address Address � Name__�` � iVame�� �� I Address � Address � I �, I � �I � Name Name � — - -�-- � ____...��.�._.�._.�._ � 6,�; Address Address � .�°°' � � � � Name Name �S --�--- -.�� �.____.._.�.�. Address Address NamE Name Address Addr.ess --===a=_--.� , •a � � � I �'��� P'�F�'�T+�iAr �°��[Y�3�&��A �I!�a�� ����i�r�/�i���x���.��, ����i�� ���au��z� - �uq��� �, 1�9� 1 o C� �� OE�1�� P��sid�:a� l�y�� call��� �c�a� m�e�i.axg i�a os�e� �,� 8 :32 �oaea �'h� m����.ng �a�s �ae�.� �.ra �he `�'ig�x°c� Ca.v3.c �entc�:� -� ���ar� �t�J.l °° 1�125 �'W l�all �a�g1��r�x�m � 2. �t��L �,t,�, Pr��en�Q Pr�sa.�l�z�t E'y��, Co�auzi�.ssa.os�ers ���llsor�, D��'r��ge ��.ga���� ��s��ox�, Sc�i�rei.�� .�.��e�ica Ca�na.ss�.c�n�xs Hc�ll�rada l�t�o�� ��� �l�.l�on 5�t��f e �a�ol L�ndsn�ara, ��n.�car �l��an�r; �taa�dy Wa��.��r, Cit�r ��ggza��;r ar�d �'I�nning ��aYrucais�ion ����et�r�r, Lesl�e �en�1�. Pr��a.clers� �'�re braught �he C�c�a�i��i�rs�z� aap�-�a-c��t� c�ra �he prca�ac�:��cl �r�� cardin�n�� d.�.s�u��a��n I��lc3 ��t ��.� �aa�t��� �,. 1��4 �'ir��.�e� �i.��r �c�axn��,l 6�'��cJc ;��s�ae�� a�d ��i.d �ag�o� ���w�.r�� � �h.a.nk�s� �h.e �l.anr��.�g �r�z�uni��zd� �or �.•t� ��a��cs�u �.r�ri g���a.�a.��.�ic�r� ��t th� �re��l�: ��ssi.c��.e 3 a ��I�iT�I� d:�3II�����At� f'��A�1i���.���5�1'� Citlr ��agineer Tr�oo:t��r deg��i�ed �c�r �;Y�� C�xr�zna.�s�or����, ��ie �u�a�liz�c� p�o�ess £ca� �t�a� C�.�a.i�,a� �m�a.�a�r�sa�er�� ��c����nm �� s���.ci. th.� Ci.�y� �ounc:il ��p�sro�red �.l�e grio:e�a.�y la�st :�ar ���a�.��.1 .�r��ra�T�n��rn�r �� �eco��nd��3 �y° �kx� r 1.��s���.r�g� Cr��riis�ican ��i�cZ� �.h��� ���r.i��c�r�;� �.�.�. i��r���.�i.�d �Y���� �.� f�3.lr��r�o �.. `�h.� c�x��n.�. .�A.v�nu� �:�d�ua��.�. �a��j��-� wa� mca�^�d �s� �i�a �tP�� p•riori�ty la.st d 7 . �h� 130th/Wi.�at���.a�Ce cat�ra���z.on �r�,� a:��.r��r�d f�ca� ��i� � �ri�ri�y l.a,s� ��mp�raxa.i�r a� �ruk�la.c t��tir�c�n� w� sah�dulec� �ox .S�.uc�us� �a 1Q��� 3. Yro�e��ty ��gufaiti�r� for a �a�w cnmmuni��r p�.rl� soaz�ewh��� �n th� T3t�]_�. �icau,�i:aa.rrl�Ial�.ca� a��� w�s a�.��c� �o �t�i� ��r�C �° pro��ct� �.a��te � � � 4. �I6)F�C ��x���Yd °° ➢3YSCL7 s�I�?d � �a�ad� Wool��r b�gan the �c�va.�w nr �Ia� �l.�a�� ��ver� �r�a� C�:P �ssi.'�h � a ki� �o�mi.ssinx��rs. � � ��'R�ET� °- Izz resp�n�� �o ques�:�ans by tl�e �omanzssic�az��rs, ,� Randy i�7oc�ley �xpl��.r��d tra�:�a.� iinpa.c-� f�es (T��`) az�d hc�r,v tha� mnney �ou�.c� ar�ly b� us�d �.a fua�cl ee��airr project� s3�o�rn in the courzty TTF ardi��.nce and tl-i�sa �a�,e�ime� kaa�a anly a po��Li�n of the proj�ct was eligi.ble ��x '��F fun�inge I �i I . a ����� ���1�� f�r���r exgl����d ���f � c�����n �oxtia� �� T�� �����v�d m�st b� de�ig��t�d fo� ��a�sit ��1��ed �r�j����n �� s�i� ���t �� �his �i�e, �h��e ���� n� t���s�.t p�o�e�t� id�ntifi�d �he��fo�e �h�s� fu��� ha�� ���n s�� ��id� �� �ra�.�i� re��x�e i� th� C�P i� a����������� �t ���� ��fi���1� wor�i�g w�t� T���M�� �� id�t����� s�m� p��j���� far ���s� £�:ca�cis. '�lz�r� �v�� d.i�����ic�n �e�g��ding mTI' f�andi�e� �.x�rl �t�a� �'�� �li�.���,� p�oj��ts on �h� p�a.ari,�.�r li.s�n �ar�cly W�ol�y �xpla.a.n.ed to �h� Gaanm.i�sz.s�a� ��aa� �P�� �oxn�a.tted praj�ct� �.��� ���nt,�n in ��� cu�r�.rat fisc�l y��.� �a�� ��ze �uncl�.ng ne�ded �� GoPn�l.�te the p�oje�ct� �h�� were �r�r�ded last year b�2t �te�� ��� aom�l��ed k��r J�zl�r 1� 14�4 m l�� a�.s� s�id tha�. th� �x°ojec•ts .a.d�azt�fi�d o�a th� str��t 1..�,��. w�re �7La_gz�1.� �or ga� �ax fundinc� hc��arv�� �la� �aro����ed re��ea��a� �r�� n.o� �dequate to f�nci �11 �ka� �.pp�ove�, projec�� ar� t�� �rri�xit;�r lis-�A �.aaz�.�r Frloal�� �h�n mr�rs�.�c�n�d f��.a� �t��n�zc�Yt �h� t�I�T�P f��,a�� �t�ec�et T�an��c+��a�ion �z�prav�mc�nt ���g�a�n} th� coux���� �a�c� a�l�ecl �a�k� a���r -�r� saak��ai� t�� �o�c:n�Ci,al �r�sje��.� to h�lg id�ntify cora��y C:O�.�.�'��O:C� �x�:e�a.a�. a�c$ r�c��.or��.�. n��ds� Ran�� War�l�� 1��.�hli�lxt�d :�or '��� Pl.���aa.xac� Cc�ar�n�.��iran �,k�� �o3.loe�a.�sae� ��n Ci,��r o� Tiga�d ��t����� ��aa� �a.� infi.n tk�� :�equ�s�t (r�c�� iz� �z�� �a�s.�o�i�ty o��.��) 9 �txe Comans.��ia��x� �r�.efl�,p c�i���a�s�:�. �I�TI� an� tta� list of ���a �t�ee�s. � �.o �ae� Be�c1 tc� 150�fi� 2 0 ��I1. Maun��.in Raad 3 m �lsr�er. E:oacl ��nn�ctadn � m ��a�c�� �:rom �.�.Oth ��a 121�� �''� �a ��.x� ��� ��w a. �e i��ll k31�re�o �acte�sic�n a�rosv ��a,�la��.n l��.v�� (�1�.� b�ine� s�:izda.ed by ci�ies c�£ Durk�azn aY7d 2'u!�.�.a�tin) � 7 e oale St;��et (��11 ��� 71s�.� 8 a �°��rl or� �'erry �do�d (f�oan Was�Zing��a� Sc�uare) �e �a��.�L�t st�°��� 10< 121�� frc��n T�or•�h L��kca��. to Gaa�d� I PARKS -• Ci.ty Enqis���r [�1oo�.�y �e•vi��n�e� bri.��ly the �rc�aec�� adent�.fi�d an �he par�CS pro��c�s CTPa Cc�mmi��ie�ner D��'�ang ' a�lced �he status �f t�e '�err�.c� T���.1s g�rc�j�c�� and exgr�s��d he� GQ12C£.'rY1. �bou� �h.� lzand.la.riq o� �k�e p�°a;��ctd Aftez a bri�f r�.��c�s�a.o�aa st��f agr�e��. t� lr�ok iz�t�a �th� T��race T��il� �a�ajec� and r�po��t �a��� icc� 'th� ��,annin� �oanm���a.on, tY�� �ia�clia�g�, TY�� Pl.anning �omYn.i��i.on anci st�ff clis�u:�sed availak�le ��t�on� � to get �h� fun��s xa�c�ssary to acquir� prop���y for � �saur�k� I cox�muni�t� parle.a �I �'�I�I]N� ��Y����Sx�3i� A�ETIIR� I�IAtUT�S °� I�r��xas� 8i, :�.99� ° �ag� Z I i � �. i i i � ��,�I��.�Ft�S�W�� ° R�.�sc��r Pd�c��.��r ���ri��r�� v�a.�th ��� ��anY[ii.���.m�a��s � �1ne ��xxi.t�r�r ��we�: �T�, c�ld �t�� �ca�d� �a�e� ax�w ��� ���d�o R�n�i�r Woc��.ey ���ca ��.d a11� �uraci� wr�x�� znoni�� c�1.1����c3 prza� tc� 67�z1y� �.99�. �.a�d eo�.�.�. �n1.y �� us�� €�n �xo���ts 'to �xpg�ad� �h� � s�c�r�� �����n� �o a�c�o�nad��� ��o�l�o �d�w �II�C �ua��3� cc��a�.a� c��,�y ' Fa� �s��d c�n p��j�ct� id�n��fi.���1 e�� �, m�.���rpl.�x� a���t�ci &�y tla� Una.��.�d ���r�ragc: .�ger�cy (LT��) �nci c�.�g�;ratZ�rg atl pxo j�ct� ia� �'i���c�.. �r�x� �el�gxbl,� fnx n�r�r �1�� �u�n�a.�g �.zzr� ��re a:��e�c�y fund�c� t�here�csr�, �1�� r�m�iaxine� n��a S�� z�c�ra�� w�� L��:�ng h��.d � ir� ��s��rv� �ag�'�a.l 't�i� U��a mas�:�xp�.��a Qaa� u�ada�ed. , R�ndy Woc�le�r im�c�xm�s� �h� ���nnnis�i�ra th�.� US� rar�� �r��r�.inc� on o a �c�u�a��r-wid� u�d�.�� �� �h� sew�r m�.m��rpla� �nc�.. f��i� �irs� � d�a�� a.c��x��i��'..a.�c� $2 �� $� xni11�!�zn a� �otc�ntial, I.oxag-�erm I proje�t� n�e�,�c� �.n Tic�a�e�. �he d.r�ft ��P ��io�r�:�l z�s�xve:� �, ��ing h�lci �a pot�iat�.�lly hel� frxnci f;�.�s� 7.�r�c���errat ' i�np�e�v�m�n�� af�t�� ��� caa�gAetaan of -�k�� t��� s�t��t�r�lan, �rad I� �h� �°e��x.�r� .f�nds cou:Lsl �l�a�z� b� �is�i�r��d �o �p���.�a.� ��°ojec�� wl��n �1�� ��P wa� ug�d?���c� r���t y���e STOR�Y �7I�2..AIY3I�GE ° �lx� Fla��iasg Caananz��.�an re�r���v��. �rith C�.�.� Erag�.ra�ea.r 'W'o�l�y �h� �7�L� �torm drain�c�v �szo7�ec�s o Th��r brxefl.� I a?i�cu.ssed �th�: �sra����.s ici��a�ifi�c� �o� �iscal �re�� 1994-�9� �r�� � the fact tha�: t1���e �nr�� nc��c � sc��du].�c� ��z��sle��.�� c���.� �s�s ��i� L�SA ��:c��xn u.�.�.��x�g� ���s��rpl.�.no �d�.r�z�� Ws��l�y �x�sl�iza�� �ha,t �Y�� nev� 5�� ���ncis ac�llecfi�eci �:or s�o�n d�ain�e�� v1e�� curraz�t�.� kz��.d ir� re��.rv�� �tfl �s� us�c� ir� �17� �'a�t��� �or im�roveAner�ts i.n ��cr�rc��nce wi��a •th�: ��t�xr� r�gioraal � naa�;•t��pl�z�. , 6M11T�,�'��d. SY�T��1 -° F�rndy Waoley �.nt��r���l �ls.� �omrni��s�.c�z� �.�aa�. �i� I czpd�.��d ��P =�rsul� n��d to be d��r�lo��d far �.k�� va��.�� ������a �� ; ' tla� e�a�t�� s��'�G�pii C�� vaa� �a.�ed e��a �h� C:i� �a��vi.csu�l� �e��apt�ei by the T�_e��.rd '�'�t�� i��.��.ri�:�, H� s�.a.d t�ie f�arac�s xxc�� r���d�d �o� immediat� pr�j�c�.� wex�� �h.own as z�es�r��� �n �h� ��P. '�Y��rc was a �.ri�� d:i.scu�s�.c��a ��c��x_�a.ng ti�e �'�.ty'� �.n���a�a..�+a� '�c� a�n.�ac �th� Vo�alr�u-� Tsland area by �iarch, 1535. Gc�mm.�s�ior�.ex� Saxton motioned �t� recomm�nd �c� th� City �a��xcil a�grov��. of tk:�� s�v�n-ye��x� c�pi.��1. improv��ent p�ogra.�. Comm�.�sa.cana� Sch��i�tz ��:cand�d �h� mc���.or�. The rr�c��ion, aft�r di.�cuv��ozx b� �the �oxnm�,��io�ers, �azas �ni��a��e� by Comanissicaner Sa�etan �a :i�.clude �h� �uc�g�s�cian �l�at �he max���r �l�oc��ec� fc�r �he T�rrac� ��ai��.s p�ojec�, .�� �o� �x�e�3 fo� ��rra.�� T�aa.ls, kae use�l for a s�.milar_ �arc�j�ct. � A voi�e vote wa� ta�en; and �.h� mot�ion pas�ed una.nimously by the I Gc�mrn�.ss�a.an�x� �rQSexat s E�I�'IJTI�tG C�OMMT����� kft�E�CTDitx YddII�J��� ° ,A,�gu�� 8, 1��4 °° l��tg� 3 ,. , , � .� � �M bY�d..�3S7$S �Rdd.�d�8��A3� O ���� P a 8'C11d1�C500.d . drid. Tl�e �.����.�c� �.ci�ou�ra�c� �� �n�,5 pm�. .A , � �. �� � '� � ', � � ti� C� t� � ��i.2�'I+1��+T� ��?1�IT���E��i �E�°�T�aT� 1�IA'�I��� �° A,�tgu�t $, 19�� °� �'��� �4 ' I CIT'X' tJF TI:GP�E2� PLAI�TNID7C� COP9Nd�5SION I �'IN'AT, ORDEFt N'O. 94•�04 PG F3A�TEt OF AMERTC�. - OWAIER 'VIPS - APPT�ZCXa1VT }1 FTNAL OknER Fl�2CH APPRQVEa R�VISIQNS 3'0 TTiE �ECS�u20N ISSLTED FOR SITE I DEVELGI�MENT 12EVI�W 94-0008 FOP 7�. PFiEC�NTR INN Lt)C.F�'10EA ON 1�1 0.85 ACRE �ARCEL LOCATEIJ A'I` °I'FIE�1 rTOI�'Y'HWL+"�'u°.0 CORI�fEFd. SW LOCiJST ?•1�.NUE a�E�YP� SW Ca12k�'�L�TI3URG RUAD. � .�P�L]C�.��QT�Y: �,. reques�t for Site Developm�nt Review approv�.l �o�c a a 54 to 56 ur�it motel. Compr�h�nsive P1an: Commerci�.l PY'Uf�.°591.OT131. (C-P) , Zaning: Cnmme�cs.a1 Praiessfonal (C-P) L�ocati.on: 9575 SW T,�cust 5�reet (WCTM 1S2 26DC, tax 1a� 47U0 ar►d 4701) SEC�'�(iLaT T - D�C��It�Pi: TJot:i.c� is her�b,y ga.ven that the I�laianing pi�2ctor's �3esigra�e for tk�e City af. Tigard ha� RPPI20V�D �.h� abovP r�c,�u�st su�jeot to certain li P conditions. The £indings �nd conclusions on �hicl� 'tkze deciaion is bas�d are not�d in Sc>cta.on T2. R�cr�mm�rxdati�ns: P�2IUR T� 'PTi� ISSUAtuCE OF 7�. BUTLDTNC PEh'.MZT `I'HE FOLZ04�II�G COI3.C�I`�IO�'S SF£ALL B� SATIuFTEla 072 F:LNF�'CIb1.L,L`l SECL7"REI7: i :L. Z'ne �ite and landsca�e pl�n shall be modi�ied �.� in.di�:at� th.e u1�.imate � rir�ht-of--way wid�t�h af 49 fee� �rom the centerlin� o� SW Greenburg Road. Tne area of iu�ure right-oi-wa� shall n�t be included wh�n calculai:inc� the areas o� landscaping ancl p�rking requx:�eci �o satisfy �he r�cyuirE:m�nts af the rc�mmunity D�v�laptti�nt Coci�. The appl.icant sha1:L pro�rid.e a cupy uf the site �oundaa:y �urvey to v�erif� i,he existing rightN-of-way. ST.7�F� CqI�7T1�CT: Michael Ariderson, Engineering Department. i 2. Th�: a��licant sYlall sign a waxver of remonstrance agains�c the fu.Y.u•r� formation of a. LOC1.1 Improvement Dist:rict to imprnve SN7 Greenburg Ftoad �I ! to th� ul��.mate street width. S'TA�'F' conrraac�: mic�ae:t �nd�rsoxl, i �'ngineering Department. 3� `�'he applieant sh.a11 pro:-�1� :�t•r.•eet iig�h.ting along SW Lacus� Stre�t; in I ar,cardance with the C'i�y standards. STAFF CON'PACT: J�hn Tiagmarz, �I �,ngineeiing Department (639-4171) � 4. Three (3) sets o£ detaile:3 public impravem�nt plans and profa.le construction drawings sha].1 be submit�ed far preliminary review �o the , Engineering Ueparrment. Seven (7) sets �f approved dxawii�z�� and c�nP (.l) ', itamized construction cost estirtiate, a11 prepared k�y a Praf�ssion�7. 'I En�irieer, sha]_1 be submitted for final review and dppraval (NOTE: Y_hese I glan.s are in adda.Ya.oza to any drau�inga rec{uir�d b}� �k�.e �uilding Division ', and should only incluc3e sh.eets releva�t tQ pub2i.c improvements. STAFP' CON'PACT: John FIagman, Engineering Departmen� (fi33-a17�) . I5. A final g•rading plan shall be submit�ec3 showzng tha existia�g and I �ro�osed contours. 1� soils report shali be provici.ed detailing the soil compactic�n requixem�nts. STAFF CONTP,.CT: Michael �ndersan, Engix�eering Departmen� (639-4171) . 6. The applicant shall provide an on-site water quality faci.liLy as i� estal�lished urader trie guidelines o�' Unified Sev,ex�age 7a.gency Re�olu�ion I and Order No. 91-47 and designed in accore3ance with the USA minimum otandards. The maintenance of the facila.ty� shall be tl�.e .respansibilzty I of the property owner. ST1�F�' CONTACT: Greg Berry, Engine�ring j Department (639-41'1Z) . j I 7. Tkxe appliaant sha�l dem����ra�� tha� st��m �raina�e �u�off C�n b�• di8crz�r�e� �nt� �he existang drai�a�e�ays wit��u� �ig�i�icantl� xn��ac�ang p�o��rtie� dawnstream. �T�F� �Ob?'P�CT: Gr�� Berry, E�gineering De�ar�ment (G39�4�7�) . �. �} The a�pl�ca�� sha11 obt�in a �ree ��moval p�rmi� prior to remo�al ci ��y �rees a� sit:e i� ��a�ss oi six inches �r mor� m�a��xe� four f�e� abnve �r�u�� levele STAFF �ON'1'ACT: Ma�k Ra��rts, P1anYZing Divi�ion. �y} °Plz� ��ap].icara� sh�32 pYOwide an arbc�rist �eper�t whicka review� the r�uztabili'ty o£ tree� orx site �or preserwation ar rc�l�cation on �a.te. ��'A�'F CO2�P�C'�: (�ark Rob�x•ts, Plaizning Da.virsiora. c) Th� a�pli�ant sha11 revis� �1ne landsc�pe �l�n tU prn-vi�3e a tnixximum ca,f_ a 1� font bugfer alon� the port�.on of th� pro��x�y whic°h abuts th� �inc�l� :fami:Ly •r�aid�nce. Th� applicant sh�ll �r�w�.de increaseci landsc�ping within. �he bu�fer area if less than 2Q �ee� is provid�ci. STFik'F COi�°I'A.CT e Mark Rabe�ts, P1�nzai.ng Divisia�. TY� t�.UDITZON TFIF A,E�PLICt'��TT STIUL3LD T3E �1V�71�IdE O�' 'I'T3E FOL�,OTAIATG S�CTSONS ��' TFiE COMI�IU'NITY ��'VELt�PN[��T'I' COLI�; SE��TIUA�I :l.$.120.060 (�30IJDTN� Ai117 ASyL7RAT>7CES� 13LJU S�C'�'2C)rt (S�'REF�T X123L7 TJZ'I'L,2TY' SNIPF20VkMEI� STANDATtDS) � CQPI�S N�A'Y BE O:E�TP,.TNED TIiF20U'c�H 'PFiE P�AIVY�I7N'G OR �NGINEERS�7G 1JEPAR`I'A,E3�7Tw. 'i'Fi�S Ak��'12C�VA:C� �S V'ALII) IF E;XEI2CISFD WITHIIV F'TGH�'�EI� b�fJ]R�'I'HS OF TEiE DATE OF '1'HE k��I�]AZa DFC:75]:OI3. .na$�:°T'�C4�td :f T. - �1k3�T.2�ifa� �� Tt��L;'L' 1. B�ckgrc�tand; °Z'he subj�r:t pxoperty w�as anne�s�d iz�.to the City on Pb�aril 16, :1587 �hrouqh Boux�dax�y Comm:ission. P.r,tion �344. Site lD�velopment 12eview #90-QO'16 for a 4,600 square fz�at k�an3c branc�]2 wae ap�r.oveci f�r. this si�e ixi 7.9�Q. Tlzat �p�•rov�l ex�i.red �ecu�.3e tk�� appJ.ic�r.�� c�a.�l naG �e�r�:log� th� �a_te for the approved bank. e (Jrs �iuxie 17, 1994 a deaisiozz recomm�rzding appraval for a SF> room mate:l was isaued for a �acant px�o�erty at tk�� sou�?� aast eorne� of T_,a�ust P,v�nue and Greanbure� Roa�. On Ju31e ?7, 2994 tYa.e ap�l.rca�t a�pealed �cao �� the conditions of a�prov�l re7.ai.�d 4:o ri�l�.�-e��'-v�ay d�dic�.tioi� arzd street improvements along the 51t@�s SGd U���nbu.rg Road frontage. These condit•ions �� apprc�val required tha#: th� �pplican.t @ec7ica�P and improve I tk�e sit�'s street frontac�a alarzg STr�' GrPenbui:g Road ta tha ul�imat� right-of-•way cvielth wPxich is �9 f�et £rom stree:f: cezaterli.ne. Thi� I a.mprovetnent wousd. reqiziz•e a�proximately 17 feet of aciditional. righf.-of- I way ancl street improvement �on.struction. I 1� traf�ic: study ior the SW Greenburg Roar3 and SW Ha:LI Houl.evard area �aas I recently campleted. The studX recomtme;ndecl tihat within 1-3 years tl�at '� the City� acquire rigk�t-of-way a�.orzg SW Gr�en�urg Itoad to ha�re a � con�inuous roadway d.esign of iive lane� in to�al width along its erata.x'e ', leng�t� £rom SW Lncust Avenue t� SUi ;Eiall �oulevard. `Phe s�u.dy r�comm�zzded this ultimat� s�reet vaidtkr. ta pro�rir3e for future capacwty need�. The e�istin� three 1an�s i� ad�c�uuate fa� nnw ar�cl likely for th� ne%t five y�ar�. On Auguat 22nd the 3pplicant appear�d a4 �Yie I�ublic Hearixxs�. fc�r t.he Ap�eal filed of the staff decision issued fox this pro;�osal. 'I'h� agplicaz�t cora.cu.r�ed witk�. the �evis�d warc�ing hut r�bje��ed tn a similaa right-of-way dedica�iari requirement ma�e by �.he Waska�.ngton County FI�AL oR�;x SDk 9�-0 0 0� - B.�1NK Ob' �NIET2I CA/Z1T P,� �AGE 2 D��ar�men� o£ �and Uee and �ra�spo���t3en Plaxax�.ing. ��e P3annin� �o�mis�ian reviewed the appeal ��d concurr�d �i�h ��e Ci�y �ttorn�y's r,e�omm��da�ien c�ncerning r�quir�d st�e�� im�rovem�nt� for t�i� de���opmen� and appxo��d r�vision� t4 Cond�ti�izs af Appr�val #7. and #2. 2. Vicinity Informati.on: Tk�e sU.�r�undir�g prop�rties �be zoned for C�mmercia7. �raf��sic�iaal use and �re develaped with Liracoln. Cenl�er to the soutka. Adjoin.in.g axeas to the so�uth of LacusY. ar.e devel�p�d �w�.th � rnixt�are o� �raf�s�iox�al, afficc uaer� witha.n I,incoln Cex�ter., �lcross tY�� street on SW Gre�.nburg are c�enr�ral ° commercial areas witlzin FTa�kaingtoxx Squ�xe and a ��nnetar�y. T�e site �c3joins an older re�icieazce and a r.amm�e�c9.a1 stdre to tl�e rzo�tl�. The site also adjo�nn a professioz�al offir� building �.o the �ast. 3. 5ite IntUrmatian and Propos�l Desariptic�n.: 7'he subject parcel i9 appraacimately 37,40� squar� �eet in size. The app].icant has praposed a th�ee s�ory, 5� to 56 ux�it motel with 5� paxking r�paa�s. The flaor plan. cixrrently �haw� twa roams La be useci f�r maid storag� which may bA annve.rteci to guest rnom use in the futiure. •�. TkiE sit� is a v�acant proper�.�r locat�d on the n�r4:heast cc�,rraez of SVd Gr�enburg Road and. SW L�cus� Str.e�'c. �3o�h stree�s ar� desic�nated as major c�llector �treetso The pr.operty coa7tains s�veral mature decaduaus and evergreen �rees. The prnposed a�:chit�ctural elevations usA a smooth f inish wi�.la ta.Yc: accent materials aloxig the firs� floax• elevatiorx to accenf� tk�� main bui,l.ding entrance. The front e1PVa#:aons towatds SW Gr.eenburg and �W L,oc�zsti. p.rovide �rominent fascade features designed to break up the can.tix�u�us l�.ei�ht af tk�e building roof line. 4. Ar�ency and CTT Comments: I I 'I'he Engineering D�partment, the ��olice vepartment, the Buildi.ng I Dep�rtment�, Tualatiaz Vall.ey Wat�� Dis'trzct, tkze Tu�latin V'a11ey Fixe and � Rescue, ATor'thwes� Natu�al Ga�, Portla.ntl Gener.al Electric, Washi.xzgton. Coursty D�partment �f L,and 'l7se aricl Traz�.sportati�n P].anning �nd L-h� Ox�sgon Dep�rtment of '1'ranspor�ation were pravided with aapie� of tha.s. The Ci�:y� nf Tigaid E�xgineering I�epartment ai�d th� Was2zington CQUnty ' Departmerzt �f Land Use and Tranaportation responded with comments. 'I'he E�.gineering Department revievred this application and provi.ded �he fa7.lowing cornm�r�ts: � Findin.�,s,: 1. Streets: �' The applicant h�s submitted a traffi� s�cudy �repared by A.T�1� d;�ted May � 9, 1994. In reviewing projecta in this area, Engineerinc{ �tc,.ff is F= 6� relyix�g on the H�1�./Greexxburg/Scho�.ls Ar�a Traffic N��ds Stud�y R�po�t � prepared by Parametrix, clatec� Jan.uary, 1994. Th.i.s r_eport is the mos� � comprehensive traific review availabl� fc�r the area, and �he .ATW�P stuc3ar � ha� referenced the data i�zcluded in the reporc. I C`) The P�racnetrix report assumed tha� the subject site, when develo�ed, � would generate approxisnately� 207 vehicles per peak hour based on n��v � office rommercial development. The traffic report aizbmitted witk�. the appli.cation sh�ws that tha.s specific devel�pment proposal will gen.erate FzN�L ORDER SDR 94-0008 - BANK OF Aiy(ERIC.1�./VZPS :�A.G� 3 I i I� e ar� e�timated 34 v�hic7.es pe� ��a}� lxour, subt��asf�la�.1� ?�s� t�i�n �h� previc�u� ���aor�t. `�h.e L�aram�:�xix r�port a5.�so iclen�i:Eies i.mprGVemeax�s needed to ��x�xect exi�t�xng deficienoies and improv�ments that accommod�te e�•p�ct�d gra•wt�.. The major c�x�aw�h-relat�d i.mp�ovemera�c identi�i�d in tlae area of the �ubject sit� is t.he wa.dc�ning of the Gr�en'�urg bxiclge ov��a�osaang �f HigYaway 217. This bx id�*e widening i� a�r�acly ��.inded. und�r �h.e County's MSTIP progracn. `I'her�fore, we con�l,ude �h�t x�o off-�ite �ra£�ic im�rovements are r�c�uirecl wi�h this c3evelopm�r��. , Irx addi�ion, the Paramet�i� r.epart reaf�ixms the �tatu� of SW Greenburg Ro�d anci �k�e n�ed to cox��truct th� raa� tU m�jor str�:ei� standards. Ac3dition�l imprr�vements recrui.re� far �.1ais site de�veloprn�n� includ� t;he stre�t ligh�inc� in botl�t 54V c.�reenbur.g Ra�.� �.T1U' SW LGGU�� Street and Lhe sa.dewalk along SW Lacust Stree4� as skaawn on the site pl�n. 'rhe mate? will ha�re xelati�vely small pe�.Jc h�our �:raffzc and does n�t by a.t�el.� jtxs'ci�y a future n.eed for £i�re lanes. �'lae s�:udy fouaid that tFsi� parti�n of 5Yd Greenb�rc.� Road current�y o�erates at L�vel of �ervi�e C and would be e�cpec��d to c�nta.yaue to oper�te at thdt level in th� forseeable future. The motcel ics�lf wi11 be a r�,la�ive1y smaZl contributor to �tr•�e� ca��city i�su�s. Tl�e ap�lic�nt has b��n required with�n r�vised �conditions caf ap�rnval �o participate in a Euture 1�cal impro�vem�nt discric� v�hic:h. wi11. ensure th�t when �,vi�ening cioes occur th�t th� �roperty� owner will �ay x�s f�:i.•r sYiare of the wid�nix�g. The plan submi�.ted by the applicar�� �rovides Iandscaping and parking beyoz�.d the planx��d ultimat� riyht•-o�--wa.y fnr SW Greenburg Roac3 �.n accordance with the develapment cxiteria of thF Commercial-Professional Zoning I7iGtrict. Sw Greeraburg kaad and SW L,ocust Street are both desigsxatecl as mdjor colleator�. �ventual impravements along the praperty frora.tage would inc�.ude th.e dedication. af additional right-of-wa�r ior SY�I Gxeenbua:g l2oad, a TA�shirbgtan Caunty xoad, to a wic�th of 49 �eet as measureci fr�rm cent�r:�ixa� 9:o comply �rrith the ie�.iiremerzt� af of '�h.e Ce�ugi�y�. ThL rigl�at- of-wa;r for 6W �,oeuvt Street is 7U �e�t az�.d is adec,�aate fQr a majo�• � cc�llec�:or. 2. S�nitary Sewer: The site is served by the 8" public sani�:ar� s�wer lncated ii1 SGd �,oc�ast II Str�et �nd tk�.e sewer has sufficienY,. capaci�y f.or th� c�evelopment. I i 3. Stor.m 8ewer: I 7'he Jna.fiec3 Ses�erage Agency h�s establa.shed and the Ci�y� has agreed to enfarce (Resolutivn aYad Orcler No. 91-47) Surface Water Management � Regu:l.ations re�uiring the con�tructa.on. of on-site water e�uality facilities or �ees in-lieu of th�a.r conatru�:t�ion. � � '.Ch� s�.te p7.�n Lc�r the pro�oaed projact prova.des �o•r �n on-sit� watex: � quality faciliL-y tha� shoulcl canxzect to th� undexgzound ;system in S[� Locust Street. The applicarbt shouJ.d dcm�nstra�� that th� st_orm drairzaqe � runoff can be discharc.�ed intc� the exis�tinc� sxstem yaithou� sagna.ficantly CC� aff�cting the properties downstream. 'I'he on-site facility sYaould be � d.�signed in accord�i�ce witka. Z7SA minimtixm standards. 6A� '°'� The Tualatin Valley Fire and Resc•�te l�is�r.ict indicated that access vaa.s acceptable as c3esign�d f.or fire ec;uipment to t�zrn �round to aerve the FIN7�7'� oRZ���. SDh 94-0008 - BANI� OF' AMEI�T��/VI�S PAG� � I rt �i��, 'T��: �a�� �istric;� x�c�a.ired ��a� �he aite .1�� �ravided �rith a � hydxant �� an ac�ep�,a3�le �.aca�ion, �� �.p�e���d ��a�t an ac�e��akale ' l�c.��i�n wrox��d ka� a� �hP ca��.�� of SW �c��u�t �txe�� and S�I �r�enburg .�� R�r�d. T�ae Wask�i±���ox� C's�us�.ty �epartcn�nt of I�as�c3 LYse an� Tiar���oxtation �omment�ri ox� �his propo�al ar�d s�a��c� °c�aa�. a ��a�fa.� araa].ysi� for this d��ve�.o�,m�xxt g�r��casa:L is bei,x�r� ���form�c� ksy '�&a� Co�xn.��r 'I'x°affic .�n.alys�, v�rlaos� �indin�s �nd recommend�ta.e�n� e�r�.11 �a� fr�rv�a�d�� t� �.he Ca.�y a� the t�m� of campl��iorz o� �he review. Tk�i� x�view anr� tk�� �eat�tgtmended ce.a��.d9.t�iona o� a�proval wh�.uh will k�� c�ev�lopecl �s a �aart o:� �hat r�view � are recxuired by Resc�l�at�it�xi and nrder 86�95 �nd Seet;zon 503.-�.�.�, of the �ommtxnit� L�e�elc�pmen� Cod�. ��g,�x��� s:�x���aor�s o� ��p�ea�r� �. ����� �cr �x��_�����v�x, � �ss�ua�rr�� c�� a� �trzz���rrc���ivax� sx��zra cxx�r o� xxc���a �.� �r�a�it to x�mn� �iev��.�pnnent �e�v►ic�� (�v�l�ia .�,c��,urr�n�� ��at�, �ra�y ����,ge �����.�� ����, 6��m����.' : 1 e �amplet�d "I7esiga� Op�i.oa�" £arm. 2. $500.pQ .'R.dm3nisi�xatis�n Depo�it. I l�t��°�a 1�ray pnrtion of, �ka� �,dmiY�is�:�°at_°t�n Depasit x�at us�d by G3a,�hi�gtan �, CUUr�ty far �lan �p�raval., �a.c�lc3 in:�pectic�ri�, and ron�rac� admini���ratic�n ', will be r_etur�ed 4:o thE apg�licant. If a� any �im� d�xrixig the prnj�c�, �:ae Coun.ty'� cc�st� ar� hi�her tihan the amount ci��a�it�d, Wa:�Yning4�on I C�unty wi11 bxll the ap�licant tlxe amaunt xa�ecled i:o cover the casts. I 3. Two (;G) sets n� cornpl.e�e ez�gi�z��x�a.n� �a7.�n�a far the construc�ion ni the fa17.aTi�ing pL�blic �.mprnvettt�x�.P�: �& I a. R�paa.r coricrete sidewa�.3c to Caun�,� st�ndaxd a 1 a r! g 8 F7 � r e � aa b x� r g R o a d f ros�tag�. i i 2�. Clas� a�1 existi.n� �r�.tiPewa�� c. Any �dditional aff-site sa�ety impr�vemen.ts f�ux�d �Q ! be rc�quired �ar compli�nc� w:�h R&O 85-95 ixpon � compZe�:ir�x� caf �he Couxzty's Tx�ffi� X�rs�.lys�°� weYriew. I $. C3b�8�Y1 � U7���'1�Y►C,��Ohl G'QL1Y1�'jr k�1C�.���17 ��i'�!.]l.� LT�CSi CQYll�91.���.9X}. O� �11� lE O1.g.m°sY�.TdC,�P b. Obt�in �ngineerinr.s Divi�zQn ap�raval and pxavid.e a financial assur.ance fr�r the cc�ns�tructian o� t�� pulalic � impr.ovemen.ts la.stacl in coa�da_�a.�ns I.�.3. � � %�dt��'$a 'lhe k�ublic A�strranc� s�a�f (Traay St�aa7.P/Carolyn C�ok, 64�E- � � F3761) o£ Land D�velopmen� Servia@s will aend the r�c�uirc�r3 forms �o the applicaz�.t's represeritativ�� ai�ez• ��mi�tal and �.��rs�v�a1 of ,� the publ�c im�rovem�nt e�a.gi.nee.r.9.ng p1.an�. � � 2. Provide evic�erlca tha� �he docurn�nts r�quired by conaitian � T.D. h�.w� beFn r.ecorr�ed. � �. �Ys� f.a33.ovxin�^ �UCClAY��iYA�k3 �Y�m11 kae� ex�c�t�� a�xd �r�cor�i�a� w�.�h �da�ki�.x�gt,esn C'oura�y s F'INAI� ��tA�R SDR 94-0008 - }3ANK 0�' A�l�;�.IC�/�J"�P�' PA.�E a 1. Dedir�te additaQnal r�ght-of-way �a �rovide �9 fee� �rom ' CEllt�.,°:C�.3T1� of. SGV GY°�en�i�xrg Road froritac�e. 2. Sign a waa.vex� nc�t to r�monstrate a��in�� �he £c�rm��:i�n af a l�cal impY�nvement ciintrict �sx ohher m�cr�ana.t�m t� improve �.h� b�ae £aci�.ity of' �'69 G�eenburg Road b�tureen SV7 Fiall Hou].�v�.rd and State Higk�way 217. 3. Prc�vid� a orae-Eoo't non-a�c�:c�s re��rve strip ala;ng SW Gr�eriburg Roaci f�c�ntage, except a� �pproved accer�� points. k�9'P�a W�shingtan County Sur�ey Aivision (JamilICamawal, 693-4543) wi�l send the r�c�a.a.red f�rms to the applicant'e represen�ative. 7C�, d�RYC3� T'C1 QCCtFP�CS!' . The ro�c1 imp�ovements required by �condit�.on.s I.A..3> ab��v� sh�l.l b� completed and �.ccepted by WasY�ingtnn Caunt}�. ' �P�CTaO1N �aI,�,7�1R.AlLY3I8 � C6?NCL'USTQIY i h A.. COMP%,TX,NCE WZTH COMMUL�i7TY DEVELOPMENT CODE SFCTIONS: LTse Classification: The applicant has i.nda.aat�d that the �roposed use I taf tlzis sit;c is tor itinex�.n� loclging wi.th, br,eakf�st servia�. Sectxon 18.6� a11�ws itirz�rant l�dging avithin th� Commercial Professional. zoning i distrir.t a� Iong as a �estaurant use is pro•v:id�d ira conjunation witY�. the I lodging use. The applicant has proposed to provide continental I brealc.fast �ervice to guesta in com�liance with the restaurant servir.e recluirEmeilt. I, Minimum Lot Ar�a: Section 18.62.050 �taYeg that there ia a 6,000 I� squarG root mznimum �.ot area for parcels iri th� Commprci�l Pro�e�sional � zone. �'he average loc. width r�f eacJ:i parcel in the Commexcial Prof�ssional zone is 50 f�et. The site wi11. be reconfigured as one i � pa�cEl �hraugh. a lot consolidatiox�. actioz�.. .�is a conso7.ida�ed parcel the property is 37,40?. squar� feet and a width of 1.76 fee� which �omplie� � witY� lo� arPa �•e:c�uirements. Development p�opoGals within this zoning di�;�rict may not exc�ed 85% o�' i the site va:i.th bui:Ldings and hard surfa.ces. The site plan ii�.dicates �hat � 81�s �f tt�e site wi.11 be clevelnped wa�h impervious suxface� surh as i s�ructures and parking lot areas wlxich complies with. th� requirement. a 7�1 mizYimum of 15g of the site mus� b� lanc�scaped. The applicanL- has pro�ricled 19� ��' the site w9.th lazid�C��iing irz com�liance with this reqixirement. 5etbacks: SPCtion 18.64 does not require building setbacks �xcept where a property abuts a .residenti�lly zoned parcel. The Developmunt Cc�d� a1s4 requires that applicable arEas of each wit� com�ly with J.i.n.e of � site distances for structures a't the sitce entrance t;o Lhe �L-r.eet. 2'he site improvements as �r.oposed comply wi�h l.in� of site ciistarxce regul�stiora3 at the sit�s drivevray orito SW I�o�ust Stre�t. Structures must alsn comply witl� Lhe 5�ecial 5�tbacks set forth in Section 18.96 zvhich is 30 feet from the cPntexline of SNi Greenburg �.o�d. The applicant has 97 fP�t of setb�.ck fronl th� cent�rline of SW Greenburg t� the edge of the proposed structure. Section is.ioo requir�s burf�r areas fnr cc�mmercial uses which abut exis�ing residential uses. Because 'tlai.s parael is sur.rounded on three anel a ]:i�lf sides by other properties �vhich are developed with comm�rcial FINAIl C1RD�k2 SDR 9�-0 0 0 8 -• I3A..�IC OF AMERI CA./�lI PS P.�1G� 6 � . � I I i �1 � u�es a bu���r area fa rec�°aired anly alaa�g pas�tion� of �h� nor�hesn ��o�a�x�}� l�.na� wha.ek� abut�� aa� eaci��ixag �i�.�le fama.ly re�id�raap. I Cc�nc�itian of Agproval $�e xee�.irea tha�t t;l�� r�it� and laiac�acape plan lae ameaarl�a to �rovide �n ac�dii:inna7l �ive fe�t nf buf��r area r�i�hin �h� northe�et; corrxer o� t1�� property �n cne��7.ianoe wi.t� �.1�� b�sic baz£fPrincy rec�ui+��men�. �'he applicant may a1�to am�nd �he site �slan. �nd 1�xxdsca�e plaiz to pro�ide additiona:l �creeni.ng sn��eriala within the reduced �5 footc buf£er �rea ourrently ahown nn the ��.�e p1an. Throuc�h either �3��ig�, the appla.cant shall modify tlze site �lan to c€ele�e parkxng �nd d�•ive aa.s1� us�r� wi�hin t.�ie 15 fc�at buffer area. � Buildir�ru I�e•laht: Seo�.a.on 1E�.G2 s��tas that na bui�.aing shall exa�ed a ' l�e3ght of 4S feet. The arahi.t�otu�al ele�rationa �or �he stxucture cio g na� exc�ed a height of 39 feet. ,` �Iirsimum Off-5t�eet Parkina: Sectin�. 18.].0� requires nne par.�.irlg space f_or eaak� matel suite plus one �or �very two employe�s. �as�d on the pro�aosed floAr plan 57 parkiiig space� are required. Tk�e site pl.an currentl�r provicies 59 parking spac�s a.rz complianae with the -rec�uir.Em�nt. Bic ale Parkir� : Sect�.�n 18.106 requ.iret� �ne bicycle rack fox each 15 vehic]e parJcing spaces in an.y develo�ment. A minzmum of 59 parking r�paces are rec,tuuired far tk�is propc�sal. Four bicycle iacks have k�eeri px'pV1C�P.C� ixa compliance nvith �his requiremez�t. P�CC0S5, �C�Y883 aIIf3 ClYC'11.L3�.].OIl: SE:Ct1.Ori �E�.7.08 r�qtzi�ees cammercial dEVel.opment wiih 99 or lesa requa.rec3 p�rking spac.:�s to provide a minimun� access wid�h of 30 fee� and a minimum pavement width of 2a te�t. The ��te plan complies with this requiremen� thr�u.qh. a driv-eway 7.oaated a� the southern prope.rL-y li.ne oP SW Lar,ust. Th.i.s lacation is the f��rthest� availa}�le location fram the intersection tsf SW Locust Str.eet and SW Greenburg Road. Wallcrr�ay: Section 18.108 requires that a raalkway� extend from tYie mair� groun3 flo�r entrance of a11 comrctercial �3evela�menta to tl�e ��.r�a�.s wtair.k� pr�vade the rec�uired i��.gress and egress. Condition Uf Apprr�val #8 requires that the site plan and '].anc�sca�e plan be madif.ied to grovide pedestrian acr.ESS to �he builc�iny from SW Gre�t�burc� I�.oad arid St� Locust Stree�. The walkway sha11 be designed �.o minimize p�destrian conflicts ' v�i�h vehicles in th� parkiY�g lo� ar.ea. Street Trees: 5ection 18.100 requires th�t all development projects I fronting on a �ublic street more �l�an 100 �eet in len�ti sha1Z be require� tc� plax�t str�e� trees in accordan.ce with the s�La�darcis in. , Sertion .:t8.1.00.035. This sit� has fr.ontage on SW Gre�nburg 12oa� a.nd SFI � GocugL Street for a combined clistance of 40o feet. The lar�dsca�a plan provicied 10 Flowerin� Pear trees centered at 3Q to �0 �eet. Due to th.eir size at ena�u.rity, 40 feet, the pravision of these treeG �omplies I with tlze C�ity's street tree xequa.remencs fos tlze site. Vi:�ual Clearax�.ce .�1rea�: Sectiors 18.102 requires that a clea:� �ri�iUn area for motorist and pedestr�an safety shall be mainf;ained on the corners of a�l �ropert� arijacent to in�erseating right-�f-ways ox pri.vate dr�.vEways. �1 cle«r vi.si�x� a�^Ea �ha11 contain no vehicle, hedge, plan�ing, f.ence, wall structure, temporary or perman�n.t obstruction exceeding three f�et in h.eigkat, meaau�ed frotn. the top o£ �he curb, or. whera no curb exists, fram the street center line grade. Trees exceeding thia heic�hk: may be 1.ocated in �he clear vision arpa, provir�ed a11 l�r.ane:hes below eig•ht feet are r�rnov�d. The cr.i.rr_ent landacape plan m�intaina �ufficient clear v�ision due ta the u.tie of 1os�er ground cover materials adj�cent to the drivew�ay on SW I�oc:ust �treek. a,- FTN'A7., ORDER SDkZ '�4-000$ — B�K OF ANdERICA./VIP,� pAG� 7 �r�e Rem�val: Seation �9.�50 con�a�n� sta.ri�ards for ob��x�in� � r�quir�d pexmi� f�ar �emoval of tr��a on �it� which hav� a ��:un�s �a.x �.n�h.�s or mcaze i.r� cliameter m�aetzxes� four fee4� a�cav� �h� g��+ua�d� TFx� e�ci�ting conda.t�.ons plan. �.ndi�at�s th�t s�w�ra�. m�tur.� t�r��� ��� t�ropras�d ta b� rembv�c3. Caraditian of Rlpprov�l #9 x•ec,�xi��s rY�at priar tca remo�ra3. o:� tre�� tcYa�t �he applic�n� �repare ara ���i�x-a.st� repor� �� ir�.v��tigate �.he sixitabli:La�.y of treea oxi eit� ��ar x�laaation. °.L'�.c. ap�sl�cant shall �lso a��ly £or � tr�� �emov�l pe�mi� �Lior to x�m��r�l� a� tz'e�s. °` I��,nd�sca�inrr P�an; 5ecfioza 16.100 recpuix��m t.Yz�t the z�plicaza� subma.t a r3�tailed l.an.dscaping plan. TYxe Development Code r�cguir.�s a mxnimum of cane t�e� fr�r ev�r� seven pax°]cing spa�es. "Phe laradscaping p�.�n c•urrently prdvictes nine �r.ees �vt�ich provides one t�e� £�r eael� sa.x ar�d a �al.f parkia�c� �pac�s. A �aari.��y of �hrubs azad ground cover are al�c� -r�quir�d to comply witl�. neve:���m�n�. Cod� ari�eria for landsca�e�� axea�. 5iaa�s: Se.atian. 18.114 �ists th� ty�e �f al].owable s�.gns arxd sign area permiLte� ira th� Genexal Commercial �piie. 1Pr�eise siqn.�ge plan:� fox tk�is �ate shal�. �� r�v�i�w�� by the Planning Division l;hrougYi �kae aign pex:ma.'t pxoce�s. 3�f:7C�6'a�' x`U'a — PfftO��iatif2� 1. iVotic�: Notice was publisk�ed in the news�aper, postec� at City fT�ll and mailed to: XX Tk�e applicant aaxd ow�nez•s XX Ownexs of record withixa t�a� -required ciastance XX A:Efeatpci gav�erx�crcea�t agencie� �. FindZ Decis�.ons THE: DFCS�S01�T SX3AI,L }3� �'SNAT, OIY "f l� � Ui3LE�S �N I�PP�AL IS FILEL,. 3. �t�t��al; .�na� p�.r�y to the decisa.o�a may ap�e�l. t1�a.s d���.sion ir� acc�rflax�xce c,�i�h S�ction 1�.32.29Q(�) and Sectiori 18.32.370 of 1�he Cc�minunit�� Dev�:lo�arnent �od� wha.c?�, �Srcavides �hat a w��.tt�ai app��:l rn�ust be filecl wi9�h �he City Recorder wi�hixi 10 days aftex zxc��ic�e is giveaz and sent. .�pgeal fee .�ch.edtale and ic�rms aze av�il��l� ai: Ti�ard City Ha].1, 13t25 SW Tiall �].vdo , Z'igar.d, Oregan. TT�s� cle�dliri� for �i1in� �� �n ap�e�l 3� 3:an poaa�. �,�.�6 ° �', � 4. rzesrions: Tf you have c�uestions, �lease contact the Plannixig ' Division a� 6:39-417�, C:i.ty af Tig�ard., Ci��,y �a11, �.3125 SPT Hall Blvc�. , Tigard, Oregon. ' s�cx�orr v. n�ca�aa�a The P�.an.xxirsg Commissiori conclude� t;hat tYie conditic�ns of appro�ral oi the Si.af� � Decision ahall be revised as providec� wi�hi.i•b tYi.e Pinal. Orclex in aa:dai to acidress � cor�cerns rai�ed by the applicant in i.heir. app��l of th� sta£�' decision. It is I g�, iEurt�.er order�d thaf� the applic�nt and the parti��a to �k�PSe proceeding� b� , � riotified of ��he �ni:ry Uf this orcler. . I � PASSEL. Thi� _._� day of . t, 1994 by the l�lann.ir�g Commissiora o£ the Ca.�y � of Tigard. �I� � I � (����� �� x n F. �'ry '�. I Pla ing Com i ' n Fr��idant FTNAL� OR.�ER SDR 94-0 0 0 3 - BANK QF .A�IFR:t CA./VI PS PAGE 8 ... ' 4 f - f - r -Tz y . � 4 � - , -'- P•,_- .-T: .�. ... - � x `, S 'f Z�� ��� ��� � - � �'v '�� t k � _ _ � - 6a ': 't^��F ci,y� 6 5,� ; � ,.._ ........ - `i- ''..... ...... ,,. .�:._.._.., . .�.. � _ .. �.. _.. ... ......... ..... .... _..... . - ._ . �.-....�. .. ... _...... ..>._. .. �� .:. �.t .- . .�' � -.� . _... .. :��. ... . -' � -.. �..� . '..:� .. .... � �. � ...�_ '�-.., ::..,�,..� � ... . ...�.... _...., _ ��.: �. �:�:�.:�. _,... . , . �..._ .._...:., : _ � '��� �.�: .�. . .� , . :. ... ... ....... .��I..... ..�� i.:. ..(�. . .._' ...... �, , .F� +�I � ,�' � , : � �. . «. . � ..... � , � .. . ..,. . .. ..' �.._... ,.._ .. . � ..� . . . �... _. ......., � ... t . , . , ..._....... , �� , .. , . _. + �� _. . � �. . � -..._ ' � � . '� i� : . .. .. . ...... �. . . � �� �� ' ,. . . ..� .. . : � . ' � ""'. � �� _ __ _ ;� " . �- � _ � �� _ _ . .. _ . _._ . . . . - _ - - � __ - � . � :� .. , � -� _. „ . _ , , . � � - _ ; _ : � :��� � � _ . � . . _ _ ._.. ��`� :� . - �� .. _ _ _ . . .. ,. _ _ . _ _ ■ _ . � � �� �� _ _ � �:� , , _ . � ., - . . . � a. � .: � _ __ _.. �, � . � .. � , � . � _ . . . , � . . � � ` � �T � �� ,� ;_.. � . . , .. , . . . � , _. � _ _._ _. _ _ _ r ,_ � � =' _ •=__ _ ~. _ - _.._ ,. .. �� �� ,, . : ._._.. . ; � - - ,.__ . _ . .� �� � � _ . � ` _ . _ _ � . .� : : . - .. F � � . *. �- ,� � : - .. : � :, --. , : :� _ : ���: ,�. �r -� _ .. __ _ _ . . , . _ .. s �:�: � ���-�� �. A I � A3EMORI�NDUM _� CITY OF '�'IGARD, OREGON TO: Planr�ing Commission I FROM: Mark Rab�rts, Assistant Planner �I��,� 1 I DAT�: August 22, 1994 �'I I SUBJEC'T'� Vips Motel A�p�al �I Un June 17, 1994 �. decisi.on recomme�ding approval for � 5E xoam mot�l was issueca for a vacant pr�per�y at th� south east Corner o.f ' Lor.iast AveriuP a.nd Greenburg Roado Or_ June 27, 1994 tYie ����.1C1Tlt a�apealed Lwo �f the conditior�s oi appraval reZated x•ight-of-way dEC�ication and stx�eet im�rovemEn.�s along the site' s SW GrePnburg Roac� frontaga. These conditions af approval ��quired that t�he applicant dedica�e and improve the aa.t�' s street fra�tzge along SV�7 GreEnk�ux•c� R.c�ad to �.kx� ultimate righf:-af-way width which is �9 f�et from strePt cei�terlin�. Th.is im�rovem�nt �ou.l.c� .require � � approxinlat�ly :L'3 fePt o� ad�itianal rigk�t-of-wa� an.c� street impravement construction. � R traf-F_ic stud�r far t1zE SW �r�enl�txrg Road and SW Ha].l l3oulevard ; area cvas recently cnmplet�d. Th� stucly recammend�d that within �-3 I �rears tha� th� City acqtzire right-of�-way a7.c�n.g �W Greenburg k�oad to � have a cantinuous roadway des�gn of fi�re 1an.es in. total wicith alori� i its entir� leng�.h fram ST� .Laru�;t 1�venue to SG� I-Ia1.1 �ou7_evard. The ' s�.tidy recornm�nded this ultitnate street width to provide for futuz•e I capacit�T needs . The existing three l�zzes is adequaYe :�or nc�va a�d lil.ely for thE ne�t f_ive years . The motel will have relatively sr�all peak. hour tra�fic and cloes not �y :its�lf_ justify a �uture need for �ive l�.nes . The study found that i�his port�..on c�f SC�i Gr.eenbu.rg Road currentl�r operate� at Le�r�r 1 I o� Serv�ce C and woula k�e eYpected to r�ntinue tc operat�e at that level in �he forseeable future . The motel itself wil.l be a � I relatively small contributoi �.o street capacity issu�s . � I The applicant has be�n iequirEd �,�ithin revis�d con.ditx�n� of �'� appioval to participate in a futur� loca�. improv�ement distri.ct �I which w:i7_1 en.stzrP tha�. when widenix�g does occ�r that the p.roperty !, oc�ner will pay its fair share of the widening. The plan submitted ' by tk�e applicant pz�vides lan.dsca.ping and parking b�yond the i planr�.ed ultimate right-of-way fnr SW Greenburg in. acCOrdance with the development criteria of the Commercial-Pro�ession.al Zoning II DistricL . 'I i The City Attorr�ey rec.ommend� that the F1anx�ing C�mmi�sion Ll�YlO�.(� �i the a�plicants a�pea]. due to the mo�tels minima.l pz�o j eetec� imp�ct ta ', SW Greenburg Road. It is recommended that th� Planning Commission '� VTP� �pp��l ��g� � �e���e �he �andi�y��s of A��r�va� �o �tate th� fol�awing: � o T�e �it� �n� l�n�sca�e pla� �haZl be ���if��� to in��c�t� �he �ltim�t� rig��-o��way wid�h af 4� f�et fram th� c��te�l�ne of SV�r Gx���nb�xg Ro�.d a The are�. c�f fu�u�� ra.�kz�-c�f--way srsa 11 �c�� ��: ir��lud�c� wh�a�. �alc;ulating �h� �.re�� of :l.andsc:ap�.ng amd. ��r�c�ng requirer� �:� sa�isf�r �h� re�uirem�nts c�f thE Cc�mmun%�y Dev�lc�pm�nt Code. �I'h� �p�:li.�ara� �ha1:1 provi�.e a co�a� of �.11e e.��� bnuz�c�a��r �urvey ta -v�;xify ��ie exi,�ting ra.��Zts-of-�a�. > STA�'F" CC1NT�.C�': Mich�e:1 �.nc3�x�c�n, Engineeri.ng I�epartm�n� o � a �"h� �,�pl.ican�. sha�:t:l. sa.c�n � �vaiv�ex� �f rernams�.rance a�ain�t the f�tur.� farma�ion �a� a Lr�cal Tm.provexnen� Di��rict �o im�?ro�re �W �reenbu�g Rs��cl tr� th� �ul�inat� �tr�E� taid�h. �'�A�'�' CO�Z`Ta.C`�a �Ii�h�c]. Ander�on, E�gi.zze���.ri� Depa�t�m�nt . � i i I ii . �8. � @g � � 9�- � � � � .,A il ..���,� i• LA�I� �S� DEC�SIOb� s�PPEP�L F�LTft4� F(�RH 'TFa� City uf �"iq�ar�i9 suppor•t:s LFte catiz�n' � ri�E�►L �u ���tr'�.it:.ips't1:e in lt�ec�l +��x�r�rnment. l"ag�rd's L�Cid Use � ;�, t;c>dl L-I�ierefore sa�'cs out ��ecific requa�Em�nt� fur �'� falinc� aFy�eals ��n certain lanc� us� da�cia�are�. � � �� 'I i"hr� fallowin� �ui^m I�Ii�J �cac�ri dev�lupEzd tu as:;ist yuu in ��E��� I filing an a�{aea.l of a �ranc� u::� dec.isi�n i.ri pr��per " � fur•m. Ta� det��^�nirie whca�t �i.iire� t��=es wi12 b� o^��yuii^ed �ir to• �ns�er �any quest.iuris grou have r�ec{ardinc� the apF>�ral proces�, pleas� cunt-act �he P1�n►�irrg Division .��,,,�� or t4�e Gity Recc.�r•dei^ �� 639-••4171. 1 . APPLIGA"fI01� �[IR9C At�PEf�I.F�: ��`�s'� '��_ ��v��"�" ����•@.w.S - '�.�3�, ��°-�t7�� 2.. FfOW DO YOU Qf1ALIF� RLti El PARl"Y: �`��iS.�•s���r:� r.G , g� `�e. � ��•CA.wt' �.� �. _.._.._. _� I 3 . .;PEC�FIC GROUNDS FUk AP�EAL Q� R�UIE�rd:�.4�ndc"�eo� �+���,�y`��" '��. t� �?�t..C. �0v� �. 4�� '$'1r.Q ��p'���.� i�� �1..@.C.�rsc(�'s`a 4"a.w�l `�a '�ne. @_�@=v..`�- c.. v4:=@�(;_,,����`'Co�v�,�i b� t�Y�vJo.. ' �SCC�.C1ki �0.`i� 11�15� �. �+� �. CC.�'`t t- - ,VOC.�vaG��� c3.5; '�a�r(4.s"a.•.�aa�n�, � �� C rb3 Q� f4,`('�.. '�l,�"°�' ���.w�'+C���Q. � '�1�'a F O.C.�-� c5,..v�� C�h�r�ol��`��.. r.�.� �,��c�.:��a�.V�:o.� 3� �a'��."�� o �"�'+,� �.an�Q.� °��, - �"-�'' �� c' '�:�g� S�w.?r� �,�nc� �.eS, C���s�:��.�',o�,�' s�c:.��ca.0.�`n.''�. �� �:��. l�i�"-`' - -�--� �wtQ.v�43.��.va.� 8� `�'`f. V.•�,, �av..�`4;;i;v,.''�'�6`r0 . 1�8�'��.i' 'e+'`h�. cAl9.CY.�'�t`,bv\p� �d':e��`�C -"�y� ° --- 4�= '�_V�oY '�2 rv�,.\T S'�C��.� ��va4'c��i@.�a�.@�e� Ca�n �e '.r� :�:� "�rn P �-G.�� —��� ���t�v��J.��q �,s;k va�� �.�tie�s'�-e�l °�cy �� �q'a� :� ,�i2S_ 2��S��.a,q�'_�!��'�,�"�°. 1 r - ,�p W a�� v�n R.� �`^ � rr�[QC� \�'E. ��`���' v.`6 �.a� ,�� °�'<� j'�S 4 @.�!; 6..r��. �R �a�s� �#. SCF�EDULED DRTE DEC:�:SION IS �"0 �� FIt�f�L:��� �� ( �y 5. DF�TE NOTICE OF FTNt�� D�t�'iSI011! WfAS GIVEl�: (� �� �( �, s °��.,�v.S��;��I �'v�t , 6. S I Gf�AT U R E(S) :�� ,a����,�'�s�.-.,_•-,,� ��^�,,."� (i"�."�"� _.+.. .. i(-i(-H lE-k•#lf}i3(Et-Yf3f T�R�(�i(-x-M-1Q��f-N-Mi(��-M•DS��D:-)E�#iHE-}E-#-�#�E-1f-DF-IQ-tE-M-it-��•�-�E-M-DE-D(#�(jFM -M#1WE-#J(-D4-N'li-�M-3H{-DF�t-#if• FOF2 OFFICE USE QN4.1': �eccived i3y: ��(�,� Oate: 2� yTir��: I/•`� Appruued As Tu Fc�rm 8y:----Y!/I' �_ , _ t1�te: � 1'ime: /_2_'(',� Denied Rs To For-m By: ` �_ ^Da�e: Time: RE��•��i��L Nc.�. Amuunt: �+ ----.. ___-- _ _ --_ X Y M X X X-D(-�X H-H�f?E��(�-Y,-1E-x'i(1f-Df Kr X�#X X#-H Y�MiE-�-K-)EIE-X-TE�FDE-k-lElF�EbFaf•Df-x�•jF#3(°?(#-►E-K�E-1(-�'lE-K-X�3(-2E'f•!(�E-X•�(�S H�Yf?E X-DF�f-}(i(-lE 13��a S1r11�ca3f�i�b i�.�.Box 23347,Tlgcarci,Ure�ii 97�3 �,a��)tS�34-�`17'�-�------°.—. ----°-� . �--��Cy�l�l'�" �" . . C�°I`�l �F` '�TG.�4RD � NQ'I'I�"E Q�' D�C��S0�1 � �T�'� �E�L,(��'�I�l�''1�' F���i'I�Ta� �1��t 9�-0 Q a E3 �.APTI� ��' �lERZC� � OWI��RS I vx�� � ����zc�r� � ����IC,�,����Tc .A r�cTu.es� �o� Sit� Develo�m��t R��i.�w approval f�� a a 5�4 tcr 56 u��.t ar.���1 n �om���h�rzsxv� Plan.: Cc�mm�?^�:a.��l ���fe�.sioa�al (C-P) , ��ni.nc�� Comm�:�ci�al �xofe��ional (C-P) Loc��ion: �575 �W Locust 5tree� {WCTI'� l.aX 2517G, �ax �.�t �470b a.xxd �'�Ol) ��G��O�+F ��A��g��C3�T: l�oti�� �.� hex��b� gi�s�� �hat the Pl�naaing �7ir�ctcar' � �eeigs�eeq fc�r the Ci.L-•y of, Tigard h�.s .�Fk�RQ'VED ��ae abov�e requ���. �u�j ec;L �a c�rt�i�. cc�x�r�itions . The f indi�g� �nd cor�clu€��.on� or� whicl� �h� dec�.sic�n a.� b�sed ar.: nofi�ed ia� Sec:�icar� II . I Recoraim�r�da.ts.os7.s : � k?RIQR TQ TI�L I�SU�C�; O�' .A 1��TTLD�NG ��I�IIT TH� �'QLLOV�TIVG CUrTDTT1:ON� � SI-i.�LTa l3� 5A"i"IaF°TEL� U�. F'�IV'AI�TCI.�,LI,Y' SECLTR.�D: � . A,�.da�ticaxaal ri.�ht�-of-way �Yzall be d�:d�,c�t�d �.c� the Publi.c: �lo�g the S6�P Gr�er�laurg Rc�ac� �rontage tr� zz�Cr�a�� tl�e xs.gl��- I af•-w�ay to a ��a�r� o� �9 f��t �x�nm c.�x�t�x��.�.n�. �'h� �ppl�c�n� ' sha1:� px•ova.de a cop� af th� site bound�.ry sur_vey �o �r�:r•a.�y the e�istiz�g rights-af-wa�r. T1�e �.esc:��ption shall b� ti�d to t�xe �, �x���ing ��.�ht-of-�aay c�.riterla.neo The ei�dzaata.oz� docurn�ni: �hall. be or� �a.t�s �arm� . In���uction� �r� auailak�le a.�. th� public. cdu�t�r ��° frnm �h� �ngi,n��x�in,c� T��p�r�xn�ra.t < ST.A.Fc CONT�I.CT o Dxan:� Jelderl�s, �nga.r3.pering I7ep�.rtmen� (6�5- �1%1) o 2 , St�nr�a�°d ha1�'--s�ree� im�rav�men�s, ira.clu�.iia.� aor�c�rc t� �ir��w�1Jc, cT.r:��reway ap�o�., c�xxb, a��l�.a�t�.c eo��ret� �av�merafc., saxi.itary sewer, storm clrai.r�a.ge, ��reetligkit�, �nd ux�aergraund utili�ies sri�11. b� installe� alox�g the �W Gx'�enk.�ttx'g Roa� frorz�age. Im��ov�ments �h�l�, be designed axid construc�ed to �dashiragton Cou.r�t�r min�.mu� stre�t st�.x�da�ds � and shall �:o:nform �� the ali.gr.rnent o£ existi.n� ad�acent improvements �r to an. alic�x�ment agproved b�r the �ngir��eri.x�.g Departtnerit. `�he curb �h�11 l�e �.ocated a minimum of 3 S f e�t from centerline. STAFF CO]�IT.AG'S a Mi�ha�l Ax�.d�x°son, E��in.ee�ing I7�partm�nt (63�-41'71) . 3 . The applicant :h�11 p�n�ri3E s�:re�t l�.ghta.ng alnnor �T� Loc��t Stre�t ii1 accoxd�nce witl� the City s�ar�d�xds o S'1'AFF CONTAC'T: J'e�Yin. Hac�man., En.gine�rira.� Dep�.rtm�nt (63 9- 4�7�) 4 . ThrEe (3) se�s of d�ta�.l�d p�.�}�lic imp�ave�cnent pl�ns ar�d prof i.1.e constru�ti.�rz c�rawing� shall bE M�ubmit��d. f.�ar. preliminary review �o th� Engineeri�g De�artmen�o Seven (7) •b • , o • � ���� Qf ap�r,o��d d.x��.wirags a�nd ca�c� (1) iterna.��c� ccrn��t����i�xa �o�t� e�ttim���, �11 gr�p���� k�� � ��°o�'���a.oraa�. ��g�ga���, s1n�11 b� �uk�rn�.t�ed fa�° �zn�l r�v�i�w an� �pp�c����. (�iOT�a �h��� ��.�r�� �.r� �r� �iddlitia� tc� �n�r �r��ai�gs �e:�ua.r�d }ay� �h� �u�.lc�in� D�.va.�i�ra �a�� �h��zlc� oz�l��r �z�cl�d� �shee�� r����r�.n� to �uks�a�c �.m�x�ca��m.�nt�a y� y.. y� Cy �J..t'al"� �LJLV RS"iM J, : 4!���. d'xC����y .G�.��,��.��.�Ln� L��C�i.1:l..�1�.�16.. �V J�� •.Y 1 /d.J . 5 , � fa.z��a1. �x�a�a.�.g �laz� �ha11 b� �ubm�.��.ed sY�owing �he ��i��cin� �.n�. pr�apo�e�i con�ou��o .�a sr�i1� x�p�ar� ��a11 be pxc�vfd�d c3��ailine.� �,he �e�.l compac�ic�n x°�gui.r�m��ts, Sx.A��' C��'T�3�'I': �Izcka�,el A.ric�e��on, E�gir��ering D�p��tmer�� (63�-��.71) a 6 . '�he appl.ican.t shall �ro�rid� �t� �r�-�i��.e wat�ac cxu�Z�.tw� facili��r �� est,��alishecl unc��� th� g�xidel9.s:�� o� LT�aif�.�d. S��er��� 1�genc� F'���oluta.�n �x�d Ord�r 1Vo. 91��'� ax�d d�signed ir� ��card.�n�e w�.th �h.e I7,�.�. mi�aa.��um s�an��rcls. T�i� main�ena�.c� caf th� �a��.li�y �h�1.1 be ��ie respernsik�a,li'�y a:� �h� �aro��rt�r owz��x�o �'I'AF�' C�I+T'�AC'1": Gr�g F1�rry, Engin.e���.�c� �e�ax�m�nt (S 3�- 4171.) 7 e T1�e applicant vlxal� d�mars�tra�e t�i��. �+cnrm dxaa.x3.a�e rur�c�ff rax� b� disc�i����c� into th� ex��t�in� �.rai�xag��ays �ri�hcaut s:��:r�.ifir,�ntly im.��ctiz�g prop�:c'�ie� rlawra.stream. �TAF�` �t�NTALT: �reg B�r�y, En�i.raee-r�.ng U�g;�x�tm��z�: (63 9-- �417�.) 8 . a) Tl�.� applxcan� ��.�11 ok��ain a �.x�� re�ov�1. p��°mit �x�.ax° to �•etnc�val �af �.ny txe�s pri sit� in eacces� c�� �ix ira�h�� csr ' mcar� m�as�zr�d :C�u�• f��t aZ�a��c grauz�t�. I.�v��.. STA.F'�' C�D1`T'�C'�a Mark Rr�ber��, Planning �5i.viszon. k�) The applican.t �hall pro�ri�.e an ax�box�i.�t re�c�rt �hxch x�evi.e�vs �h� sui�abil.i.ty of tre�� on sit� far gresez°v�t�.ax� e�r �°�tic�c�.�ir�n o�. ���.�, s�'A�'�' cQri7�"�cT: I��.�l� Ra�b�x��, �:tanz�a.�r� I7ivis�c�n. c) 'I'rbe applican� sk�a7.1 r�va.�e ��ie landscap� �alan �a �ro�side a minimum c�f a 15 �oat buffex aar�n� �cax•�i�s� �f th� pre�p�r�y �a. wrhich abu�� th� �ingl� fama.l�r r��ic��nc�. Th� �.ppTi�a.n.� � sha11 �aro�r:i_cle in�reasec� lands�ap�.n� witY�in the buf��r �rea � i:� 1�sN tka�� 20 fe�t �.s pxavid.ecl. �T:�.�'F COI�'�I.'�CT: Ma�k � �.ob�x•ts, �lana��.n� Uivisio�.. � � ZI�T .�1.DDI'J.'IOI�7 '�'HE .APT�I,ICX�'7� SF-iOULD �E �.�T.�R� O�' TIi.E F4J�,LOWIIV� �EGTTONS . � � OF TFi� �OMMfJNITY D�V�ELOPMEZ�TT CnDE, �ECTTQN 18 . 120 . 060 801��21�'G �11V� � ASSL7RA]VCE� aa�.d �ECTI�N a.� . 164 �'�'I2EE'X' A�7'D L7"I'ILIT�' T.P�IP�2.0�]'EM�NZ` � ]'�TOTICE UF DECISI�N SDR 94-OOQ� - BANK OF PNIERIC��/�JIPS �Z�,GE ?. --- -- �� � � I ���.�r���o �o���� r�y �� ����z��� x���U�� ��� �r��z�� a� ��r�z����.z�� n���T�t�rrx�� � �� �°xz� .���RS�,v� �� �r.�z� x� ���r�cx��aa wz�°�€rr� ���x�°���x ��r���� c�� ��� �.��� a� °r�� �ryz�r�z, ����z��o�. ������� ��. ����rr�� o� �°��P� 1,. ��cl��rt�u.nd.: j �'h� �ubj�c� p�o��rt�r va�.� ��rs��s��. �o tpi� Cit;� axb ��,a�i� 3,6, . 19&'7 thxa�gh �psar�+�.a� C:o�nmis�:ion Fic�.iox� �34� . Sit� D�veloprag�ri.� �.�vi�va #�90-001& fca� � 4, &00 sc�uax� fc�o�. 3a�rr.I� b�°an�I� wa� ap�ar.oved �or �his �it� �.n 1!�90 . T�i�� a��x�c��ra1. �x�,��.re�. k�EC�.a�� �kz� �pp�.:i.cant di.d �s.a�. d�v�.�r�� ��� �,�t� f�x� I t�c� �p�a�ca�r�d b�xa�C d II '� . V.�c�x°ia.ty Inform��ie�n a Tl�� ��ax�x�au��.in� �,rc��a�x�t��.As ��c �c�r�ed fc�� C�mmer��.�.1 Prb����ional �as� and ��� c���relo��d v�i�h ��� 'Li.racc�ln C�n��r �� t�1e .�out�a. A.dj�ai��.z�g axea� te� t�hc� ��u�h o� Lac�as� �r� deve]_��ec1 wi�h � ma.x��x•re r�f prc�f��.�io��1 cs�f:��� tx��� uy�.'�hin d..9�..�.�r'�..i�� �'�.'��L��. 2'��.�.�d�ag 1...�� n�.7����i..� �� �,.BY"i l3�.�'�l.LA.Y�.�� i��� ��n��al ��r�m���:ia1 ���a� c+ra.t�ia.n �Par�t3�.�ar��o�z �q-�a��� and � I �����:axy. 'x'h� �i��e ad.j�i.ns �.n c�l�.ex ���3.d�xi�� �nd �. comme:rui.�l stare to �:h.e �.�arti�. 'I'h� ��te a1.�a a.�.ja�.n� a �rc�fe���on�.l �f�a.�e �t�ildi.nc�� to thc �ast. . 3 . ��.�:� �xa�oxzn�.�.a�nz� a�d F'���aosal �e�c��.�a�a�orae `1aYx� ��.k�j�c� par��:iY is ag����a��.�.���:�7�� 3°7,�t32 �c�u�x°e ���� .�xi ��.��� �'k�� ����.�.cax�4� k��s x�:�opc���d �. fi:h��� stor�r, �� �.ra �,� unit mot�t w�.�h. �9 p��l��.zz� �p���s. �'he fl�c�� �1.axx cu��°era.9��.� show� tvuo r�e�m� �r� be us�e� f�a� m��.d wtra:��c�e 4uhic�i cr�a� �+� c:onve��ed ta guest •rc�om use i� t�e futur�. �'kae ��.t� a.s a v�c�.�.t �xa�a�x��� lc��:����, c�z� t�h� �o�'�h��.�� cornQr of' SC�I Gge�nk�ur� Roar� and SW Lcc�zst �tr���. . :�c��Ya. 'I �tr�ets ar� <�esigi�.�t�d as M�jar Coll�c��c��' ��x'e�:�s a '�1'ie property� con�ains se°craxal mature decieluous ancl ��r�rc���e�. tx��es. � � '�h.e p�o�ao��rl a•rcha.t�ctur�l �l�va�i.ons u�� a ��cnc�c��h �i.ni�h � vaith ti1c� ar.cent materials alo�� th� �i��t fl.aax �l�va�ion � � to �.ccent th� m�i� buildir�g �r�traz�ce. Th� fror3.t e�ev��iam�� �` toz,varca.� SW �r�enburg a�zd Str� T,c�c:�a�t �arovid� �aram�.xx�n�. �asc�d� � fe�t�x�s designed �o �reak �a.�a the contin.uc�u� hc��.gh'c af �l�e � build:i.ng xoaf line� w °°� 4 . A.g�x�r�y �.ncl CS'� Cc�mments : N'OTTC� OF' DECIuI�JI,I �llR 94—(?QO$ — BA.Ie7�ti. OF AM}.�'�RICP,I�IIPS PZ�3GE a r , '�h� Eng�ra��:�in.� Dep�r�mez��, �he ��alir� �iepa�°tm�rat, tYx� �uil�i�.c� D�p�a�mex��, Tu�.l���.n Valley Wa��m 1��,��ric�, th� '�ua�.atin V�.11�y �'�.x�a �nd ReBCUe, W�sha.ng�on Coun��r ��p�r�c�ieaa`� o� �,�r�c� LTse �nd �'x°an�part��fon P�.a�nning ��.c� th� Or�garx ���a�.r�m�nt o� '�r�.n��ar�ati�n hav� x°ev�i��re� t�i� g����o:���. �nd ���� �ra�ri�.�� �.h� follovair�g cc�mm�nt� ax�e3 r��omni�nd��irn�. 'T�a� �nga,n���ing Z3�paa��m�r�t� ���rievr�c�, th�.s a��lic��iarz �rad �Sxo�ri.�.�a �h� £nl�.ow:i,r�g �oe���n�s : �'irxc�.ic�. n�r� e �.. �TR��T�: ' , �'l�� appl.ia�nt ha� aub�itt�d a �raf��c s�u�.�r pr�pa��r� b�r �.T�P li d�tec� may 9 r 19�4 , Tra r�vz.�va�ng proj�a�� �.n ���.� �aea, Erigin�e�ing sta�f is� r�lyin.g on the T�all/Gre�n.��a.�°c�/Sc^k�c�ll� �+,ar�� �'r��fic Needs S�:uc�.y R�po�� p�:���r�d. �a� �ar�mEtr�x, �.a�.�d �'ax�uaxy, 199� . '�his r_epart i.s the rn���: cc�mpx°eh�n��.�re t��t�ic r�vi��r av�;1ak�l� �rsr �he �r��, and �he �s.T�P �t�zd� ha� r�f�rea���c� the d.�ta inclizc�ec3 ir� th� xepo�t o 'Z'�� ��.�•am�t:�ix ��por� �s��xm�d t�Y��� �.he �ubj�ct� �it�, �rh�n de�r�Zn�ede woazld ��n��a��: ���z•c��i.ma�Pl�r 20 7 v��i�l.es ��r ���k hour }aa�ed ora new� o���.�e cammercial c���r��c�pm�n'e. Tiz� �r�ff�.c �ep��t �u.bmi.�tecT wi.�,�. �1�� appl�.catiur� s��ws 'cl�at �la�.� ��aec.i�i.c� c���rc�lapt�n�n�c p�opns�l vrill c�ex���a�:e ar� e��ima�ed 34 v�ha.cle� g�r p�ak k��ur, s�ab���is�.�.i�.11y 1�s� �.h�zz th� ��°�:�.rioLts ��pQ�� . '�lqe Pa��me��ix �e�ca:�� al�c� i.�enti.�a.�� im��o�remen�� ne�c��d tc� c:r.�:����� ��€i��zz�g c3E�.�c�.�nci�� a�a� ����°a��r,���t� �1��.� a��ammcad��e e�ga�ctec� g�•o�r�,�, Tl�.� ma�c�r c�rowth-r�lated im�a�:av�m�sa� id�n�ifi�d in �.h.� ��°��. n�` ��x� sul��cct si�� �.s 'the widening a� th� Greez�burg br�.c�c�e avercro�si�� �� Highvr�� '�17 . This bricige wid�ni.nc� i.s �I.ar��c3�r �unded u:r�d�.r. �k�e C�izr�ty�' � M��.'I� �ro�r�m, Tl�e���'e�r�, w� �on�:lue�� tl�a�. n.c� ca��- �ite tra���.c; i.mpro�vements ax°� r�c�uired with thi� � dev��J.opm�n.t . � Fio�ve-v��:, SV�' �r�er7b�arg �toad and S�� �,ac�ast v���et ar� bo�.h � d��ie�na�ed a� Major Coll��tars . �'he a�p1.i��nt sP�e��uld � declicat� addzt�iona7. ra.�h�-af-way �or SVd �re�nburg 1�o�d, � ,� G���hinc��c��. C�ur�ty ��oad, to � w�.dth of 49 f�ei: a� zneastired � from cez��er7.in� �o rozng��.y wi�.h th� rc��uirements af af �.h� � County. '�h� r�ght-c�f-�va� �or �t�' LocLt�t �tr��� is '70 fe�t � and a..s adec�ua�� fc+r a �iajnr �nll�c�ar. � I:sz aelditiori, the varam�txix repa�ct �e-affirms the s�atu� a£ STn� Gr.e�n}�urg Roa� and t�e need tp ��n�tx��.ct the z��c� to 1`�OTTCE OF 17.ECTSTON SDh. 9�--00�8 - �3Ai1I� OF AMEF2ICA/�TI�S ��,.G� 4 ''� ¢���.jc�� ��r��� €�tand�x�:�. "T�� a�g3.�.��rzt �Y�a��1c1 b� ��c;�a�.��c�. to �o�����x�t h�l£���re�� im�ar�v�m�r��;s to w�d�� ��7 Gxeen�a��g Ro�.d te� �7 ��e�t fresm c��at�:rli.n�. �d�.i�i�axal a.m�►�c���m�i�t.� x��i��d fc��° this �i�� d.�v�].o�mcn� i.�aclud� ��ie �txe�t 1igh�a.r�� a.�a �aath �'� �:����u�� Road ��e� S[� :t�,c��u�t ��x�:Pt ar�c� t�� ��.c�.�c�alk alos�c� ��7 Lca��.s� �����'� �� �hown a� �1�� �it� �1an. 2 . ��TST°�� �EV�'E�� The sa.t,� i� �exv��ei b� �i�� 8° Pu�1i� s�xzi�axy s��aex° ].oc�t�d a,r� �W Locu�� ��re�:t �nd th� s��,r�x� has �u�fa.c.��n�. ca�ac�.ty° far th� d�v�la�cn�nt o 3 . S'I'C�F21vt ��TnIER: '�'�.� Una.fi�d ��w�rag� .Ag�x�cy h�.a ���ak�Zished aizd th� Lit�r h�� agr���d to ���orce {R��nlution and Orcl�r IV�c�. 91--�`7) Surfac� 6�7�tex �Ianagement Regu��t�.ons rec�uiring tl�.�: const�ua�ion t�f Un-�it� vv��.�:� quality f.���lira.e� o� ��es in-lie�.a. of �heir GQria�x'Lg�'t:�C7ri. Th� �a.�e plax� for �.he� pre��c���d �r+�ject presv�i��� far an on-- �i.�� wa�ar qual.i�y ��cs.�,at�r tha� shoulc� conr��c#: �a th� ur���rg�c�ux��. ��r���m in ��1 �,o�u�� �t����: . ��Z� a��al�.c:�.n� �hou�.d d�man�t�xate th.�.t �h� s�oxrn clr�ir�age ru,ncaff a�a� �� di�cha�gec� intc� �11e ���.s�ir�� �yst�m wztholx�. ��.gn.ificant.ly af�ec�i.n� �.h� properti�� clo�rr�s�,�eam. `�'k�� s��s�-��.�� £a��lii��r . sh.au:1.3 be c�esigned. in aceordanc� with iJS1� m�nima,im stand��°d�. 'The 'I'u�latin Vall�y �'a.�� a�d R.es�iae Distr�.c� in��.ca��d �l�a� a��es� �,v�� ac�e����le �s d��i�nec� �'or f��e eq�x�pm�nt �a �urn a�c�u�.a� �.a ��:�v�� �h� ��_t�. T��a� Fi�e I�i.�tri�t r�c�Lii.�°ee� ���t the sit� be pra�ric��d �it�k� � h�rd�ar�t a� ar� ac��pt�.bl� lc�c�'tian. It ��ape�.r�d t��a�. ax� ac:cep�.��le irac���ori �e�ulr� k��* at th� cor��r af S�d Locust ��r.eet �ncl ��rT Greenbuig Raad. Tta� C�daShingtc�rs Cnuzaty I�ep�.��.rnc��.i� c�� L�r.�c�. iJ�� �.a�.r.I l T��x�sporta�ion commen��d on �hi� pzapos�l ax�c� st�.��� ��1at a tr�.ffi_c: an�.ly��a.� for �.his de�v�lo�crient p.r�posa�. is l��in� � performec� by �.he Count�r Traff:�i� I�ndlyst, wY�u�� fiaading� �nc� recot�n�nen.datians will be �orward�d tc� �Yze Ci�y a� �h� t�me �f �, cc�e�pletiosx �f th� review. Thi� r�ev-a.�w �.nd th.� r�cc�mm�ne3ed � con.cli�a.aras of a�provaz vrhich will b� d�velop�d a� � pdr� af �y �h3t r�viEw �.r� x-�q-�.zir�d by R�sc�lutinax and O�cler �6-95 and. � S�:ctioz� 50�.-t� .� .B, of t�e C�mmt�r�.x.ty L�velox>m�rzt Code. "� R�c��71;Ft�� �E71�J�°���t�'� O� �,���t7,i°�I,� OD ' �F` u� �o �R��R 'Y'O F]:�lc�.ia �PP�tC�t1'.� 1�iD T���'I.�+Tt�� C�F �# �LT7:IaI)�IQ'C� "'d F��'�Z°�° �3�' °�'FI� ��7[`Y OF ��Cz�s __�___,_ ..._. NOTI�E O�' D�CISION SDFt 94pQOC�8 - F3�T�. OF AMIE�.I�I�i/VIF� P.AG� 5 I il �I Ae ���,i� �a L,aa�d ���relop��a� �arrr�.��� ��rab].�.� �,�aur��� ����f, �'�°�c� �����/ ����l�a� C��ko 6��a87�1) : �. . Com�l��ed 1°L�esi�ri i��ti�n" :�arme � , ���0 . 00 .�cl�nxx�i.����.�ian L�e�a��at. � Y«�O�E; .Axzy po�°�ion of the �ad�ri.ni���a��on D�po�xt ��� u��t3 by ��.shi.���tan �c���ty £c�� ���n app�a�r�l, �ield �.sxs��c�ic��a�, and cax��x�cf� a�.m;ina.����,tian. �r�.11 be ret�ux�aed L-.o �h� ��pli����. If a� �zxay� �im� d�.�.rix�g �h� g�ojec�;, �k�� Goun��° s cas�� a�e �igh�a: tk��� �h� amount ole�oai�ed, V�as�ir�g�a�. C`au�.t� c��.11 bi11 ��ae �p�1,ic�.r�t th� �mount n���.eel ta cov�x �h� cc��t�. :3 . Two �2) ��ic.� of campl��e e��irz��x°a.z�� ��.�xa� fo:� tk�� �ran�t��uct�ior� e�f �:�ie fal.l.�u�in� �uk�lic �.mprav�rn.e�i�: a. Re�a�a.x° cox�cret�: side�va.xk �o C'oua?�.y ��anda�d alcar�g �W Gx��exak�ur� �.oad �x�onta��. b. C3oae �.Zi a�i��a.ng d��.vew��� �e �iy ac�ai�ian�]. o�:�-�i�� safet� :�m��c�v�m��i�� �aun.c� tes b� req�z��e�. �a�~ ��a���.i�.�G� wa�.� I`1&C) �G��S u�r�r� c�mple:tia� o� �r�e C��xr��y' � fir�.f�a.c ��1�*st' � �eview�. , �. ��i����. �, �9'a�kx�.s���eas� �r��ss�Sr �'���.���� ����.� �paxn , ���e�,�����. �� �b�� �w1.�,€�r�.y��a�� , 1. . t�ks��i:� �r�c��.n�er�.xag Div°isi�r� aga�x�ov�al �.�.d pxa�r�_d� I � finarAc:�.a�. a�s����.�r.� �c��° �.h� ca���:x�x��.�.c��a �� t�i� � pu�ali.� ia��resve�rn�n�s l�.�tec� in �andi.�iorz� �: �Z�e� . i �7t��°E: Th� Publi� A�:�ux��nce sta�f (Tra�y �� Staz��/Caxalya� Coo3t, &4�-€3'7�1) o� L�nd I� I�e�r�lqpm�x��; S���ra_c�� Yrs�,�.l. ��xzc3 t�h� ��q�a,�.��� I �orms tr� th� �pplican.�' � r�px���enta�i�r� � ����r ��bmitt�l �nd ���rc��r�1 a�' th� �ub�.�c imprnv�m�n�. e�.qir�as��.a�g �lan�. �, 2 . Prov�id� ev-id�nc� th�t t�i� dacur��xt�� ��e�i��d �a�r � co�aditirn Y .n. Z�.ave b�era. �e�c�rded. � � � �. �°l�� �cs�.�.a�sra:iz�� daa��xx�� ��a�.l b� �a���ut�c� ��c� ���c��s3�c� � ��.�l�a ��,��aa.x���Qx� ���xa��e � � l . Dedi�at� ad.c�itioa�al rigr�ti-o�-xva� �c� pr��r:i.d� �� � �e�� frocn centexlin.e af S�nT Greenbura� FZoac� �ron�.a��. 2 . Sign � �r�.iver no� �c� r�mc�nsi:ra�e against the f�rmation c�� a loc�.� impz•o�remen.� cl.�.��xic� or N'OTT�E OF DECrSZON SDR 94-0008 - BANK �l� :�+.MERICA/VT�S P.ArE � • , y i ��h�r m�cka�r�a.�m �o i.m��ow� t�i� ���� f�c�.l�.��r �� SV� ��°eeribuz°� Rt��d be�we�ra �W �b�11 �au1.�v�xe� ��a�, �t�i�� �a.g'}��v��r 2�.7. � . Pr��ride a c�n���o�t nox�-��ee�� res��v� s�xip �lor�g �W Gree�akav.�� E�a�d fran��g�c�, ex��p�c �� �p�x�c���d �cceqs pr ix��+�. �s� I�OTE o WasY�inc�ton Caur�t�r ��rv��� T7i�isi�x� (J�mi1 K�ma�r�l, 693•-4�4�} ��ill t�end the ��quix•e� �6�� t� �h� ��p�.�,c�n�' � r�pres�n��tiv�o �C�m P�d.�C3kt �� ��C�T��+3�Y • � Th� �o�c� imp�co�rem�n�� �ee�uixc�d b�r co�ditions a.�m3 . a2�ove �h�:1.1. �� c�rnp7.���d dnd �cc�pted b�r W�.�hington G�un�:�. I I�1'or�Y��e�t Na�ural �a� and Parfcland General �l�c�.xi.� ha�re ��I z•ev:i.��ec� this ap�rizc��ion ar��l �.ave ca�'�e�ec� nc� comeY►ents c�� , o�j ec�.a_e�n�a I ��C�'�:(�I� ��x. .�,�'�5�.� ,� Cf����ZJ���I�' .�� CdMPZI.AN�F EVIT'�i CUMMUNI'�`� DE�LC7PM�N'I° �OI3E S�C�`IOa1TS: �� U�� Classi�ic�tion: Tk�� appli�.�xn� has i�at�icat�d �ha� the p�c�pased use c�f �his ��.te i� f_ax� �.�%x?er�.nt ladging wi�� br�al�fas� ���sra.ee n S�c�iox� �.� . 6�4 a11.a�r� :i.tine�ant l.oc�ging wi�hin ��a� C�mmerci.�1 �rofe�sir�z�.a�. zor�i,i�c� dist:xict a.� long �s a x'es��.u�ant us� is provide� in eon�ia�.c�ion vaith the luc°igirzg u�e. '�'h� ��p1.i��nt 'taa� proposed �o p�c��id� cc���in�ntal b���.�f�.�� �e�c�a.c� �ca gu��ts i.n �Q�np�ianae �wr:��h i th� ���t�u��nL ��:r°vir�e r�q�z�.r�m�:x�tc. t�tinimum L�t r�.r.�a a �ection 1� . F2 . 050 �tat�s tY�a� ther� is � 6, OUO square xc�ot minitnum lc�t ar.2a. for parcel� in �h� �ommercial Prafass�i�na:L zone. The ave��q� lot w�dt�Ya, of e�ch � p�.rcel i.r.a �.rie Camm��ci�.�. �:rc�fessiana.l �o�.e� is 50 fee�:a Th� I site will be recor_figuxed as on� p�x�a�1 ti�.�ou��x a l�� I con�olidatinn actic��z. y�s a aonsal�.dated p�.rGel tk�e �a�c��erty is 3'J, �02 scP.xax�e �eet dncl. a widt�Z �� 176 �e�t w�xicYY�.. camplie� c�rith 10� area :reqixirements. Devel�pmez�� px°opavals wi.thin tl�ais �onxnc� da.s�r�.ct may not ex.ceed 8�� Q� th� �ite wirh buil.dings and har.c� ��.x°�ac�s a Tl�� site �1an .izidicat�:s that 8�a of tkze s:it� wi�.l k�e dev�loped with impea_v�.aus su��a.��� sucri �s s�ructux�e� anc�. I parking lr�t area� �h�.r.�l CompliPS c�aith th� rec�.�.��m�r�t. 1a. mirximum of 15% af the sit� mu.st be landsc�.�ed. T�i� � appl.icant has provided 13 0 of the site vait�h. las.YClscapi.n� in compliarlce wich this requirem�nt. NOTICE QF ]DECISION �SDR. 94-000� - �P�t�1K QF AMtER�C1�/�7T]PS 1�AG� 7 ' • ' � il I ��,�b���c,�: 5����.ora 1� e �4 rlr��� no� r�:c�uix� bui�.di�g s��tb��:�� II �x�e�� �a�.��� � pxe��a���y �,b�a�� �. �e�id��a�a.�lly �c�r��c� p�r�e�.. �I '�h� Ds��re:l����z�� Cod� al�ca ��c�.air�� tha�. agpl�.a�,b1� a,i��as �f , �a�h �ite cc�mply� �a�.�k� lin� c�f ��.te da��ances fc�� �tx°uct�are� ', �.� �.he si�� �n�x�na� ta th� �tre�t. fih� s�.�e zmp�ov�m�nt� ', ar px�op���c� ccar�p�.y �rx�h �,a.�� of ��.c�: �i��.a�xce �eqtx�.��idn� �t I th� �a.��� c�r�.�rewa�y or�to �t� Lo��st �tre�et. � S��°uc�u�e� �nug� �lsr� ca�n��.� with �ki� Sp�:cia7. 5�tb�.c}�s �ei� forth �.n S�:ctioii 18 . 96 which i� 30 f��t fx�om �he c�nterla.ne �I df ��rT Grec��.k��xr.g Fd.pac�. '�'he applacant h�s 97 f�eu af �et��a�k � f�ram the c.entexline of �Cn� �r�:es�burg �.o th� edge of �h� I prapos�d s�ructur�. I S���iors 18,1C10 ier�ires bttffer arc�as for comm�rcial u�e� � III� wh�ch �but e�cis'ting x�sid�;ntial use�a ��ca•u�e �:his �rar���.. i a.s �urx�a�andes� on t�.�ee amd a hal� �idea by ath�r px�o�,�x�ties � whi�h �re developed wi�h �:eamm�r�ial u��� a buf��r� �x�a is i re�xirer� anly alr�ng a �or�.ieane of thP no��l�ern �x�p���.y� l.�n� wh.ic� a�ut,s an eristi.n.g �ingle tamily resid�rac�. I Corzdi�ion r�f �.ppraval #� �'�quir�s �ha� �he �i�e dn.d l�.�c�se:��e plan b� am�ne��d ta �x�ovzde e�.�k���° aa� �.c�c�a�i.ranal i �i�re fe�t, c�f but�e� ars� wi�ki.in t1n� ne�xt.h�a�t �:c��n�� of the prc����ty in ccarnpl.a.�i�c� �rith th� b��i.�; b�x��e�°i.a�g r�c�r.a�.��?���ar, � The �ppl.ic�.nt may �1.�o amend the �i.t� �r1.�.xi �.nd �.a�rri3;�c�pe plan to pxc�vide a�ditiona�. s�r�ening ina'te�:ia�s 6�a.�h�r� �h�: x�duc�ct 15 fadt buf��r ����, r..�.rrerz�:�.� shc��a. c�x� �he si�� . p�.an. Thrn�.c�h ei�k�e� de�ign th� app�.icar�t shall mc�da,f� th� ��.t� plari to del�t� pagl�a.ng and d��,�r� aisl� us�� witkii.n ti�� 1� b�xf�er are�. Suilc�zna,_k�ei�,. 5e�ti.ar! 18. 62 s'care� �h��: no �u�7.da.x�g b"Ylc��.�. ��CC�PC� � hPigh� of �45 fee� � Tnc �.r��.i'cectu.r�l I elevatinns �or. t��xe ��x�t�cttzr.e do �G�t e���ec� � heig:ks� c�� 3� � f�et . P�a.z�imum Gf�-Str��t P�rl�in�r : Se��ion '18 .106 requ�.r�� or�.e ��xrking sp�.re far �acl� mat�.l suit� plus nne �or e�e-r�r ��v�+ em�aloyPes. ��sed c�r� the p��posed flaor plan 5'7 parking . spaces are r.equire�3. The si�.e plan cuxr�n��.y provid�s 5� pax�king spaces a.n eocnpliance with the requirement. Bieycle Parkl��: Seatic�n 1� . 106 s�equir�� on� ]aic�rcl.� �a�k for eacl� 15 veha_c1 e �arkira.g spaces in an�r d�velo�m�nt o A minimum of 59 parking spac�s a�e r.equired f�.r this �rcpo�a.�. �ou� b�.cycle rack� have �e�r� p�nv�.dec� in complia�nc� �vi�h �.his requir�ment . Acc�ss� Egres� and Cirru.lation: �c�ction 18 . Zfl� rec�uires cominercz�l developmez�t with 99 r�r l�ss requir�d parking spaces tn p:ro�ride a minimum acce�s width of 30 f�et an� a miniYn�am pavem�nt. �ic�th of 24 f�et . Th� �ite p�an campla.es wa.�h this requi�_emerit ti�rough a dra.vev�ay ]�orat�d a.t t�e NOTIGE QF DECISTON SDR 9��0008 - F�P,NIC UF AMER2�/VIPS I�AGE � C�d� rec�ix�� � mx�im�m a� an� ���� fax ��e�y a���n �a����� �� �����s. ��5� 1�nd����e ���� c������ly ���v�d�� ��n� ����� I w�iiah px��id�s an� �r�� �a� ���� �ix arAd a ��lf ������g �p�c��o A va����� �� �h�ubs, ������ �o��r ��e ���o ����ir�d I t� ����ly w�.�� ����S�pm�n� �od� ��i�er�� ��� 1�����ap�� �r��� . �,_,�x��.4 ��cltic�r� 1� ,1.:L� li��� �Y�e ��rpe �f �1Zaw�b1� sign� and, �i�s ��e� �a��mitted in t�� ��n�xal Ce��tlme�ci�1 ��ne a ���c�.�e ��.gxz�e�� plar�� fc�� thi� sa.'�� s�.a'll Y�� �°e�va.��u�c� b�r th� ���,nna.n� l�i.�ri.�a.aa� �hroa�g�i �kze s�.gn ge:��.� �aro����. SEC�'T�11�" IV. £�F�.C3C�TJURE � I :l. 1`�ot�i�c�: l�'o�a.ce c�r�� �au�1i�Y�ec3 in th� newrsp����, ��s��d �.t Ci�� ��ial1 aric� m�i1.�d �o: �� �tz� ag�lic�x�t� aaac� aw�a�r.a �� C7vvr��x� af r��orr� ��.t�iiza �h� r�c�.zix��c� da���anG� I�� �:� T}i.� a�f�c�.�d �i.�i����. �m�ralv�rrrs�n.�. T�arcb �'��Y1a.��tc�:r �X ;��f�cL•�d _qo�r��n�ne�a�. a�exaci�s ,? . �'izaal D�c;i.sion: TZ3E D�CZ�Tc�TV' �H�r.,l'., �� �'T�T�� C�� � �`��Q`�� I � �LE sS T�iV .�PP�l�, :I5 �'SLE�. � 3 . l�.p��al ; An� par�� �cs ��e d�c.i�ir�s� may a�p���. �.ha� � deciUion �n a��c�r�.�.x�ce with. Se���on �.� ,�2��90 (.d�} �nd �S��tic�r� 1�3 .:�2 .370 �� t?�� Cc�n�m�r�.it�r ���r�1��mex�� Cs�de � uvtai�h praviel�� t�.�.t a writ�ezi �.pp��l r�us� be �il.�« �,w�.�.�a i �s ��i� C:�ty R.���rr��� c�i.�.lair� �.(? d.�.�� �.����° xac�t��.�� i�.� �i�r�n ai�d ��nt . .A�peal f�� ��hed�zl� and f��ms �r� ��,r�il��le �ai: Tigar.°c� �i�y :rIa�.�., ����5 �'�Y FIa�.�. �l�v-�.o , 'Ti�arc�, O�'Ca�c�'sa, °I'�.� �.e�,e�;�a�� �cs� ��l�.�ac� �r� �� a.�agaa�.1� i� 3 :3� �aear�. � � l� , 4 . ��ues�ian.s o tf �r�au have qu�sti�r��, plea�e cnz����t tl�� ��.�iznaa�c� �a.�ri.sic�r� �.t 639-��71 f t�i.�� �a� Tz.g�..��, �;z.��r FiaZ1., :13�.�5 SW H�11 Bl.vd. , Ti�'��'r�,, �?regprl. � �e�,�.�� ,��,.,��:� � �-� ��-� � � PRE�1�R.�D B'Y: l�ark R.o�a��t� DA'I'E �- Assi��:ai�.t l�la�.ne� � .:� � ,...----� � ..� � f + � / � f�^G, � � A.�PRO D �3Y: Dick �evsersc.�.�:�f� DA`Z' Senior Planne� l�1OTTCE O�' DECISIC�N SD�. 94--��Oi3 F k3�1K O�` �.N3��2,IC�/VIP� L�AC,;� �.0 . � r j, � �— �� � a a � � L� � �w��a�� � m . �, . � � � ��� � �a�a�� � p� a S - � a� � � � � � � �ORA� � ���� I � � � Ltl�C9�1P 8� � � �a �p � wx��c�,�a��a �, �,l � � � � � M� �� �� � I � � � �A � � 1 � � � ��� 1611d00V l.1b � � °-� /� r�--� . � � � i �..� � i C�,�� ��. ��. � ��...�� ���� r��v�z��a���rt� ���� _.. I ���`°����� .�,� ���R���o� . . ' _ . II I _ -_ __. �I i � °t�m�.�i�.�,°g°ie�� _ � ' � � ...� .. ."�°- "``°,�9'$�x��m�,!M�d�::1� �,,. � • �a � e.. @� 9.�P'��x���-� t. � �.•�>���s?',°°'�'��.�. s�+a _��,,��,�ma.� ; � N .�� '`�,$�s �^w �$i �.� �84 .. f�:� •i�. .'�.�� ��`�' y�pp � . � .A+ . 4} q� .r;��'. � . .. ,'� `� '��,�E �py� �"! ��: .I,�r � �� . ��, ) �' .:: .i. 'c �„ ..�s� °v '9 '�,� .�y�',�<'�':'.. •.1' '� �'•, � , (�-Q;i � + & . � � 1'� ',A"i°.. 'r•• ,�pip� t ' .� o�.• r . a10� •` � � ' �" �� � , ,4• x: '' ��, °"" ', •. , �,�: ,: '.yr,.' .. � � ._, .1 ;' ' ' , . •'362 ' .,6,'. ', 4: �i r. � � .� ��f't � �,� � ..A� � i �,�� � od`��'s• ,. �T' i:N . r� �i�, . � ' t.A, • -y•�• � ,;:s�" .. �7 � �}: itS; � : a, :�,.�+�.'r' .� �" u"!n� i�.....�._. . � � _ �." � �,�.Q� / . � Y ..d'ii, 4� � . , S. .' � y� b i .�,�. t " ' � `,a � . �'a '' .-�c s.; {•� '•*.�.•'" ,4 , � � e�!`'.' � .�"7,. . f`j +.e::: 7,�;•,a�. ' ' {�. � � o� e•4 � •' � ��,..+°r"R. ,�!a�4t, Fx—��I i�Y���,�..�,•. p� .4 . . . �� � , . .1. � ,";, .` ,`�. :". ` ;�; . �a�.,, .,�.a�• �,�n ',�.3 " y°� e •� P�ds.O� �1', tFyAp� � � 8°6�fC f �4t 1 1� Ma,( �lti. �Ap� � � , , y8� y, � . � j .+ t,�e�i�j': .F11LM�Y� .:� . .y A -.< .'d��.yr .rt k `D�S ,p,�a 1 'xe,',,g ' �O. • 'a ' , CW'. �a�,�.� � '�m�;M � ° � ;'`�i L��� p�''q.�3r$ � � •� ���`r � }a 1 6/ � .1: f� ' . e� gg, .P�.1 �',��9q ��• Q, , , �9�1�F^ .�" , �,v: N. Ok hr� . � ° � ^ ��. �� , , . . '. �. ..'�4R.-� .""�t.yr.�.°a $1M� !�v�. '� � �. xr � �{��(�`l.G•ya•! 8.' � �4____, oY 7y'.— Mi(! �'�P.B 'K4��"�'y °a��5' J �;.�.�,..� � �''� s9�°r.+�,.�.:.:�,�,,,.�.�^�'���` . � � . 4.�� B y�.. � ;�"..' b. �:��1'^�'0 �,r� N'�+p'� ;a,w ��,�a �� ' � � ��'� �;,ya � i �,„ -� . �,, 4 <5.' , � qy � �,`� �� i, �r d° ,q:es F) -��8"�' �'.��}�+ + �o s � ',� � G'"II, .�} � !: � T-.v, �+�' :'I'i • ;f. ,�� �{ . .c,r . t�� ,'�� �q•r m :°'� �.A,S .i�� �'7�a '�•d :�!� i`: ., e:ry- � . � j a" ' .%ti' � ! _• .•. �� �, � ; . ± �/�• ,N, �Y; .X� �� t. • ti 'r S. ' 4M ' •� i �'4:r.. _'�"'����'►� � �� ..r-..� � .aK ' _ . ' e! 1''da:�—�':a ,.42� , "�t �'��,... . �..� .� . . � � � . . � �� �e���°� ����'� ea� � � � .. ' � .�.�.a � �,,, ,�,�..�—.�, �� � ��� � ��1�� N�o � _._ ���tl� �������� ���� � � 1 i� � �������� �a 'r �9 ° . .'3'T1A��' �t$'�C7R'�' '1`C7 `�C'&il�' P'd�2+1't�T.,t9'C3 f.'019d�t�€�'�T�� �hhC$'�F�1E�A, �'�"e� �� e� .�,.ugust 22, 1994 �ra�� CTT'Y F�,T.,L - Tt�WIJ' Yi�L�T� i�xay sca �,r� sz�v�. �rz��n, oR��orr , �< ��.��s 1, rena�ral Sazforma�ion CASE: Ccmprehensive Plan Amen.dment Cf�A. 94-0003 f Zoxi� Ch�Xa.ge 2�N 9�-OC105 R�QL7�STa A request £ar approval �af a Cotn�ir�h�nsi�re plan .1�m�i�dmex�.L- from T,ight Industria]. to Gener�l Comm�rca.al ar�d a Zone� �hange trom T-P (Tndtzstrial Park) to C-G (General Commercial} . 1�PIaLICP.IVT: l:.embal3 "�'xtx.ats, Tnc 1�22 SW Salmr�n, Sui�e 450 Partland, OR 97204 OGVNEFt�: Thomas Ho1ce Par�land Gen�ral �l�ctric 103 N Lotus Heac�x Drive 7.21 5T� :�almori Streei� P�xtlax�d, OR 97217 �ortlas�d, Qu 97204 REPRESEI�7TATI'VE: Michael C. It�binson Stoel It?ves I3oley Jenes & G��y 900 SW Fifth Aven�xe, Suit� 2,300 Portlanc�, Ok2 97204 LOC`z�':CIOAI: 10075 SW Ca�cade Houl�;va.rd. (WCTM 7.51. 35SB, tax lots 3Q0 arbe€ 500) . 2. Vici� Inf�rm�ti�ia Th� su�ject si�e is located on tl�e west sic�e of S�i C�scad� Boule�r�trc3 between. aW Schol7.s Ferr� 2�.oad and SW Gr�exiburg Road. Th� pro�erties adjacer,i� ta SW Scholls Ferry Raad t� the n�rth are xoned C-� (Gener�l Commercial) . P.djacent properties to the nortk�r east, w�st and soutki a:re xoned I-A (I:�dustrial Park) . SW Cascade Boulevard is classified as a major coll�ctox street, 5W G�eenburg Road as a majQr cc�l:Lectar and SW Scholls Ferry Road as an Arterial on the Comprehensive Pl.an �'��s�sporta�ion map. Cascade Boulevard is developed with cammercial t�spe uses a� the far narth an.d south intersections with SG1 Sch.o�ls Fex•r�y Rnacl az�.d SW Gr��zaburg Road •respectively. The northe:rn. cnmmercial area contains Levitz I Furniture, Taya R' Us arAd th.e Sh.ane Compan.y. 'I'he southern commerca.a]. area � contains a gas statian, fu�rniture rental, conveni�nc� store and �tkzer � small retail s�ores. The area also contains an Uffic� Dep�t, Desiga�ei Ckxaice Furniture and Beav�rton Honda stores. The remainimg lass�s are �pj develo�ed with industrial type uses or ar� vacai�.t. ' �° �m ^� 3 . B�ckaraund. Tnformation � €� The siabject site ancl �:he majority of the Cascade Foulevard Ar�a �was ann.exe�l intc� � the City in Jun.e 1981. P,.t that tizn�, tlze zonp was changed from t9ashington County � M-7_ (Industrial) to TigardP�f-4 (Tndustrial Park) . No other land use ap�licatians have been filed wi4:h th� City. STAFF RLPORT - C1�7� 94-0003/ZON 94-0005 - �tembold Trusts, Inc. P.�1GE 1 I __._ ---- --- "v � e . � 4. Si�e 1"nf�xcnaginn �xad I�r.a,���al D�gcri�tion �`hi� si�e cont�ins 9.91 a�r�s. It i� 1c�ca��d on �3ae cvest sa.de of Cascade �aulevard �stwe�:n SaIao11� �'�r�y Roae� �a�d G�-�eraburc� Rc�ad. The 5oea�.Y�erxa �a��.�i� Raa.�.xo�d bord.era �he site an. tYae vaea�.. �'wt� ��p�x�te own�rships camprise the site. Rembold xrusts, Iric. ie the �c�nt�act purch�.s�r o� Ta.c Lot 500, con�:aininc� 7.76 aGrett. PG� owr�s tax lat 300, �or�.t�ining 2.15 aaies. `I'he PGE site cr�n�ains a� �lectric�l �ubefcarxon. The substation wo�.:ld xemain af'ter the Cnmps-ehe�sive Plan map chanc�e and Zon.e Ch�nge a Th� �Ynlc� p�ogerty cantaix�s a vacarit in.du�trrial bualdirz�, tormexly �he Sentra"1 bua.Zding. 7Ch� propQSal i� for ara. approval of a Comprehensiv� T?�.an A.nlandment from Ligh� ]:x�c3�.�stria.l to C,E11E1"d�. CfliYllllt��'C1�.1 and a �on.s Change frnm T-P (Tndustriab Park) to C�C (GEnezal Commercial) . Th� applican�'s �ossib].e u.ses an tha.a eit� includ� canstructian nf a Smi�h's Ii:ome Furnishings s�ore eantainiri�g 60,t100 sc�uare feet and a �eccand specialty retail b��zildir�g c�onta.ining anoth�r &0,000 squar� �eet. , � 5. Agenc:v� Comments ; � The O.regon ISepartmen�, of Tranup�rtation has revi.ewed the prc�po�a1. anc� I of��re tka,e following aoznments: � 01'�OT is Zequeating mare infarmatian to a�ddress th� follc�e�aix�� is�ues: ',, 1) The t�:afEic impdct analysi� report aoe� not. includ� J_oxxg--range I anaiy�i� c�f the �rans�ac�rt�Zi�xi �yvt�m's ab�l.i.ty to accommodate the aazticig�ated S�raf£iC. ODpT vvould lik.e the appJ.i.c�ixzC �o proviu�e I iraforrna�ion c�emon�tr�scing the trig� gener�afiion i� th,e curr.�exa4,: zone � compared to the p;�o�o�er� zonee Thi� �typa a� analy�is a.� t��call�r I inclucl.ed in a traf�ic scuc��r fc�r a comp•rellensi.v�e }�a.axi amex2r3m�rxt an.d I zone change applicatian. �) Becau�e of t1�� stara�e CO%1C�YI1S, thc: applicant wii 1 n.�ed to adciress starage x•equ.ir.ements for tra�fic turninc� nnto Casr�ade �ou.lev�rcl ba���3 on the �ropc,sed G�neral I Commercial zonin.g comparPd to the px•�sent Inc�u.sLri�l �onin.�. Tlze zarze change is cxpeated t:o incre��P �he w�stbouncA left tux�n lane c�emancl oa� Scholl� P�r�:y I��ad at �Pae Casc�de Suul�v�rd a.nt�r��cta.can. TI�i� increase� tr�ffie i� nf concern to ODOT sinc� thP �tara�� space available £�r tha.s flau�� of tr�ff�� is limit�d because a� tla�; infiersecciozx's t�raximity �o tlzc� sotxL-lzbauz�d rarnp fU� S�iic,�k�.way ;�17. If tr.he arnount of storage s�ace is exce�ded, the traffic CGi1�.C�. CYPc'A'te safeL-y ancl oper�tiozzaZ pra�ilems �uch as pos�ible traffic laac}c-ups onto F�ighwa� 217 t-amp whick� i� unacceptable ro ODOT. Th.e State FiigP�way Division Yxa� reviewed this proposal and has off�re�i t.he f.ollawing comments: i c7DOT has two concerns ree�ardiny the Scholls/Cascade intexsection. th�t would be impacteci by t2aia de�rele�ment. �'irst, t1�e m�.tigation ' stated by the Kit�leson Report may be di�f_icult sinc� moving b�ath thru 1.anes t.o the right would no� lin.� up Yhe th.xrx inov�men� and ia�hi�i.ts ric�ht turx�.s on red. Sec�nd.ly was their ana].v,i� of th.� �^ signal iscalatad or ciiti it inclucle the F�iglaway 217 sot,�thbe�,irzd rar�p � � terminal signaJ.? rYze proximity of these two sigxAals are so close � that tlsey cannat be realista.c�lly �nal�'z�d independen�].y. !�° l� City o� 'Pigard F3u�ld�.ng Division, Ci'ty aE 2`igard Eng:ixie�ring Di�rision, Cenera:t � Telephon� ancl Electric, PartZar�d Genar�l E'lectric, Ci�y o� �3ea.vertoz�, Tu�latin � tiTalley Fire and R�scue, l�ave r��vie�ae� Lhe appl�.cation, and have offex�d no q� commenl:s or obj Pct:Lons. � ""� NG ather camments have beer� received. 57'A�'�' REQQRT - CPA 94-OQ03/ZON 34-0005 - Rembcld Trusts, lnc. I��GE 2 . : �!I , a ', �. �z����� � ����������� � The rele�vant approv�al cri'��ri� in thi� ca�e ar� Compr�h�nsive Plan III P�liCies 1.1.2, 2.1.1, �.2.]., �e1.4, 7.1.2, 7.6.1, 8.1..1, 8.1.3 and 12.2.�. I ar�d Commuzz3ty Dcvelopm�nt Coc�e Se�tinxxs (A) , ax�cl 18.6�. �,I Secti.or� ].9.22.040 seta fnrtl� the atandarda and proc�;dures for amenc�ments I �a the 7oning Map as ��llows: I �,.. P. r�comm�ndaL-:i.on or �. decision to approv�, appxove with CPx1C31t1011� I, o� to deny an apr�lica�ion fox a quasi-judicxal amendcnen� snaii be li based on a11 of t�ae fc�llowing �tandardc�: '� � t. T�xo agrplic�b�.�s �offi����amax�i�r� p�.ara �a�i�i.a�s a�ad �ap d��i�as�t.�aaa I �nd: �he cYaun.�� v�ill nat� �ciw�r��1y af���t t3�e� Y��a�:�+�a�, �����y� I ax�d vr�lfar� �af �4a� en�uraity; 'l�ie following ar^ the �ppl.icable Comprehensive Plan Palicies related ' to this req�zes�. �'he appliaati.on°s re:�atinnship to the appl3.cable criteria a.s revi�w�cl below eaclz po�.�.ay: � Plar� Peal�aX �..1,2 r:�quiraas �hat :4n ard�r to es�g�row� a c.�aa�si-jud�cisY �ea�dar�ro;�� �o �ka� ��.�n, t�he �it�► mt3�� ��.nci th�x� t4a� ��ar�c�� t� �on�i��ea�� with s�o�li�.�1� pl�rx �e��.�cfa��, ��a� � chan�� �sf �S�a}►�ieal cir��xnxat�sacm� h�.� mr.��xx�r�d �s�Lxac� �h� osi��.n�al cl�s9.gn��ion,� or tYam��e �.� ���,d��ac� ofi � c�a�,n�s��, �.n tk�� neigkil»x�Yxnad wx ca�a�xn3.tgr val�3ckn �fiEact�s t�i� ���w�� ��rc��.4s) , Alt�rna�3.�v�7.�r, �ix� �i��r ���ti �'iaa�, tha� r� zrai����ee� �ra�s a��eY� :Ln ��� �s��.gis�a�1 de�i�saa�elaaa f�o�.�.cy 101,2, I �:m,pl��me�nt�t�.�n ��x•a�6c„par �; �orc,�ntazi�ty� D�°�r�3.�puz��x� �oci� �ect'cuxx �.&.22.040 (A) } . 'Sk�.i�s Policy is address�ed undex 18,2�.04a(.'�? cri��ria 4. Plazx �o�.�cy� 2.1,�. �atat�s t�xa�t �h� ���:y s�xal� �o��.n�aeira �xa on�aixig ci.tix�n is�valv�m�ait �xogr�m �anr� �hm].Z a��aur� �1nmt c�tia�ii� wi�.�. ba I � p�ac+ys3.t3�e� asxi op�ca���aza�.fiy �e� �� x�ava�.�e*e�s� �.a� �,3.�, yyahae��a ca� �Ys� gti�,�xaxx�.�a� �, �race��. 'I'his policy a.s satis�ied as th� applicant conaucted a I z�zeighb�rhood mee�ing ori Nday 23, 1994.. Tk�e E��t C�.tizen Snv�c�lvement � I'eam (CZ�'s) Rep-res�ntative wa� also notified a� tla:i.s aneetirzg. ', Notice vf Public Fiearings hdve be�n ad^�rerti�ect i.n a ga�er o� local ! circulation and notice of a land use �.atiari has bec�n posYed on the j property. � �lazx Pal�.ax �&,2.1 ata�tes �hmt all dev�3.opmanC: v�3.�hin rk�� Tic�r�r_ci ', i7r�ffir� P7�a�r��.nc� ar��a gh�alZ aanap�al;}� wri�h +�p�3.ic�asbl� Fede�r�s�, 5�:��� �nci I k2�girar��l wa���s� c�cx����y� ��anci��d�. Th�.s policy is s�i.i3fi�d as t�e � site is already developed. IIuildiixc� and site impravemeni:s w�re reviewed i�r eGmpliance w�ith applicab:te fede.ral, state and regional ' water quality standards z.n �ffect at the tzme of dev�?opm�nt. The proposed redesignation. �,rould nt�t, by itself, affect compliance with � this plan pola.cy. ��owever, tile proposed ?�eclesa.gnatian af the site for Genez•a�. Cammexcial use will likel� resulc in builrling anci site mor3ific�tions. The applicant is propo�ing �:o construct twc� 60,000 square fe�ot buildin.gs. The applicant's propot�al sh�ll ree��.i.re a Si�e Development R.eview �pprc�val. Complianee vrith. water c;ual�.ty stand�rds is one of the approva.l critEria. Ther�fore, axiy �rop��cd develo�ment shall compl�r with Federal, State anc3 Regional water guali.ty standar.ds. � p�.�.n Policar 5.10 4 ek.a,t�� tl�a� �he C3ty �Y��.1�. m�asu�� ��am� n�w* �oxeian�arci�.l. �na 3�du�tria�l �tev�loganerat �oi��I�. not enasa�.c� aa�5:c� j x��siden�3��. �r�a� �hs� ,hragr�a aao� b���x cl�aigremt�d £or �s�a►�m�rci�al u�es. i I �I STAFF I2EPORT - CPIa 94-p003/ZON' 9�-0005 - �2embald Txus�:a, Inc. PAGE 3 I i� I , e e � � This Plan �aaliay is aati.sfiiec� beca•us� the r�ubject �roperk.y is nat � lora�ed wii:hax� o� ac���.cEnt �o � a�$:tg��t�a resa.den�ia�. area. i P�.ar� �ce].�,eg� 7.102 ���t�es ��a�t, a�e � pr�mcox���t�oxa �o d���Yop�e�rat tk�r�t: 1�) L7evel�csp��s�� co�.r��ici� evittz 4:h� �v�ail��,l�ty �s� �d�rja�,�a�� �e�viG� cap�cit��r for �tixlal�c s�a�e�s, ��ev�x ,aaael ��e��m �,:��iay,ffir��j 18) �he tac3li�i�� a�� c���l� caf ��rv�ng �sat�xv��.�.aa� p�og��i�ti�� �ssai �lx� �ropas�� ���re3�c►�r,�ers� �n�� �g� d��igx�aac3 �o Ci��r �t�rs�lare��; a�ra� �) RI.I � nae� c���r�logax��n� ea��.l�.t�.e� b� �].xc�d �+.a�acl�x��rausa,�. This �cslicy has be�n s�tiafied because th� subj�c�. pr.operty �.r� cur�entl� s�rved wiLh urban serviceo, ii�cluding wa�er, sanitary aizd stortn sewez•. Tksis �ite is already develc��aPd aa�d is x�ot within Y.he lroundari�s of the � 100-•yea� floadQlain cr a designatea. area o� grnunci inst;ability. Ac�dit?.onally, all service p�avidex�s have had the opportunity to cammexxt on �his apglioa'tion azad hav� off�red no cc�mnt�r.its �r. abjectians. The requested am�ndment will likely re�ixlt in th� ca:nsrruction of t,wo new builc3a.ngs. 5ervic� pxoviders wi1:l hav� a further c�pportuni�y for review a� part of tkae 8ite Devel�pmen� Review application. fi�3,a� &�o�.i�� 7.6.�. �ta�mt� th�� th� �ity �h�Y.l r�c;ui�� �a� � �r�- cr�n�itios� �o d�av�lopr.��sxa� �Iiat: �Y�e d�v�ltig�Bn�n� I�� ��scv�d Y�y a c���.�r �y���nn hav��.mg a�lee�xze�� wr���r �x��atas�+ .fox firm pza��c�iosa purpe���; gYa�]..Z not rgcl�a� th� w�t��r pr.es�rar� iax �he ar�� belo� a l�v��. adec�sat� for f,�re pxai:�c�inax gur�o�e�; �arad th� ���rAa.c�k�1� �i�r� �ts�ric� �s��vie�w al.l aap�alfcn�ian�. The pxoposed redesign�tioaa ��ouia no�, by itself, ��'t�ct �om�lianpe w:lth �h.a.s �1an p�licy. �'he Tualat�.n Va11ey Fire District and Tual.atira Vall.ey b7atez District � have r�viewed this propasal and Yzaue oifered no co�rim�nt� or ob j er.tions. l�roposec� £uture buildangs shall k�a r�va.ew�ed by i:liese agenciea �or compliance witka these rec�uirea�len�s. k��.�as�. Pol�c.y &.�.01 a��4:�a �1�at th� Ct�� �laa��. plan aEo� m ��f� �nd �t��aai�sa� atre�t �ne� r�adw�y sy�tem that mee�s ceasx�mrs¢: z��ea� �nd �aa���i�s��:md �axtu�� g�a�sx�kn �.ra� c�€�v�AA�ara�a�an�. Tkai�s polic;}r is sa.tis�ie� because this property Fronts ST� Ca�cade: Boulevard, a major � collactor, whzcla abui:. a 3tate ?�Ti.ghwray (�iigkiway 27_0, SW Sch�lls � Ferry Road) and SW Greenburg I2oac.�, a m�j ar �allector. �.'kie applicants have su}�m�.tted a report eva"luatia�g �he �raific impact� of � th.c� praposed devela�tneni: under. aurr�nit and praposed zoning. 'Pkie �eport; cancludes that the poter_tial tx•affic impact� �f cievelopment under the pr.opased zoning are nat signi�icantly greater than th.o�e of potential de•v�lopm�nt under th� curr�n.t :.oning. 'I`li� prc�posed cl�ange can be a.ccommod�.ted wkzile still maintaininy acceptak��e le�rels of traffic operations and sa�ety on tl�e su•rr.ounding street syatem. � �dhile the City of Tigard EnJineering Department hae acr.epted the � � conclusions c�f �ne L-r�ific report, the app�.icant will have to I � addr_ess the concerns expxes�ed by the Oregon Department o£ Traz�sp�rtati.o�. P1�r� E�olicy 9.1.3 ata��s t1a�a.t �s � �sa�ond�.t�.osY of c�t��re���r��xa� tpaa�: � d�`rel�spm�x�.t ak�rzt a aaubtic:9.y° c���4i�r��ad s�.r�e�; st�eet �i.�lxt c�f wzny k�� I d�as��.c���ac3 viY�ere tl�e, st���� ia �u��t�snr3�rsi in w�.c�tch; c�e�vel���r eorr�it t�o cozxr�tsuctian df ���e�� atsa�rov�m�nts to C��y �t��d�scY�s �c� t�a� ascteait o� th� da�r�3.eapme�ac��s i�g��ct�o ��r3cix�� �pac�� �Se S�� e��ii3� aYxc� mar��c� �or car.r� opax�atead ksy dia�l�d p�r�oaa�. This pol�.cy vrill be sati�fied as a con.dita.on of approval of �ny future deve�.opment or redeve].opment on the site. Com�letiors of any necessary streeL- improvements along the site's frontages anc3/or parlsirig l�t modifications would be rPquired �� be ia.�staJ_led by the develo�er at the time of such development or redevelopment. The Engineering ST�FF REPORT - Ck�A 94-0003/ZUN 94-0005 - Remb�ld 'Prusts, Inc. PAGE � .a oe Diviai�n ��a af��et�d r����w�ng �g�nc�es �i�� x��i�w any ���ur� �e�����men� ���po�ala for t�e ttiL�. �l�n ��li�� ��.2oX �� 1���� ��a 1��ffi�ion�1 ���t��ia ��r �e����� �4��a�r���1 x����. ��� ���3i���� 1����i�n�3 ���t���� ����i���� in �h����r Z2 �� tne �������n���� Plan ��� �h� £al������: �. �p�c3�� ��d �ac������� ���t�ri� ��c�a�s� thffi� �h� ces�r,���ial �r�� e��l� n�� b� ��r�e����� �� r��i����i�� �i����a�� �n ��r� �h�� hw� ��de�. This si�e Y.s �ot a�jacent ta a res:i�ential zoning distrzct on an� �i�e. .B ka. ��.�e ��c�scs� �r��a���.a x�e�a�.r�: ].) �he �+ro�����. �r��s ��i��.1 .ye xaati �r��t� ��af�i� �oxzg���3�ra r��: �x•�,�£�.� �a����y g�x°�b�,e��: 2b t3a� �it� �ka�7.� h��ra� di�me� aac��a f��ad a �a�o� ��X1e�tor ur mrt�ri�3 �t�e��: and �) pc�li� �s�zs�a�+�r�m��.ran ��a�ll �� �v��ail�l,a �n �.�,� ��.tm. 'Phis site cloes have aeces� to a Maj�r rollectcr Stre�t. L�ub�.s.c �ran��ortati.on is �vail�ble on SW ��hcal.l� �'e�ry Raacl arad SW Greenbu�g 32oad. 7Che txaffi�; ��udy derr�anstrat�s �kza� the g�rcapbsal wa.11 no� crea.te ca�ges�ion or tx�affic saf�:ty problems. Th�: Oregorx i��p�xtmez�t of ��ansportatioxn ha.s expret�s�ecl conc�rn.s r�7.�t�d Lo ��orag�: ca�acity, The a�plicant wi11 �av�: ta addre�� these eox�c�x•ne �� r�c,�ue��ec� l.�y Or�gon Depaxtmexit r�f Transpo:�tatian� �. �,o��ti�a��J. �r���r.°im a�lao �e�aig�� tha�� �k�� �itr� b� �f a ��ze wal��.��a can mecos�anxc�da�� gsxc+�����d �x��+s �+�xa� �.h,�a� �he eit� pc�n���� kx�.��. vi��.b�7.i��°. Tk?is Cz'3.�E?�1.Q7.1 is �ati�fi�d foz �he 9.91 acxe site. The e�e�.sting building �nd site im�arovements, as well as px•opcasecl �auildii�ys can ac��c,�uately accommodate a vara�ty n� u�es p��m_i.t�ed within the C-G (General Comme:rciaX) zQxai�c� distric�, Thitt �ite is �lso 1a�.s�Yz3.y �ri�ible f�om ac�joini.ra� xoadw�y and �t�te kiighway:�. d. �xie�a��:� .'�.c�����tta�zx� �.� ����z°�i�.�d Y�y ��s������n� �k�� ���.l�wr�.n� �xi�.��3�: �.) tPa� ���:L� €a� �.kse p�ca;���� �kx��.1 b� cr�m�a�ib2.� �ri�h ��a� ��s��auxxdiaa� u���; 2� t�1�e �3t�� �nn�i�ur��i�sx� �I��s11 �� ��cP� 4:1��.� �ka�a ga�i�r°��y �,i' adj�c�n� xaosa�cou�naarc�nl u.��� �ax� b� ae�is�aisx��xg 3) i� �hal]. h� pos�il�Ae to iracorgta�ca�� �xa�.ic�e �3�� ifA�tux�a im�a �1i� �a.�� �lo��.gri �x�cY do�v�T.opa��aai.� p7lan�d ans� �� �h� a��c��.i�+��d r�.gkx��o sani�� �nd �.c�ivi.��.�� �h��.7� x��� I in��rE��e wri��a tad�oinin� za�aa-co�mn�rci�el ia�ee. � Tlzi� P1ar� pol.icy is satis£iec�, b�c�us� the i�ripact to the I surrotinding 1�nd uses is �3�t�rmined t6 be nng].igiksle. I � 7'he scale af th� �SZ�,senL d.�v�lcapmex�t as we1�L �.s th� � � proposed a�v�lopmc�nt on tnis si�e is com��tik�l� =��ith th� �,,,, surraunding u�es e Tkaere axe no resid�nta.al zotaing , � dist�•icts ad�acant �.o this site. �'h� �i�e is �r�se�.tly � deveZopeci and doe� no� po�ses� unique s�.te feattx�res. � Off-�i�e impacts s2�.ov1d no� inter�ere with acljainirtg � 7..rif�U�'�.X'1c�.�.. td9�9. � � 2. Z°he sta�e�ride pl�asri�.ng �oal� �3o�tad uzae�l�r B5x°�s�a3s R���.a��c1 �����a�es � Chz��te�s Z9'�, rszatil acassas��v��c�c��aexa� a� thc� a�aap���Ci�raaive �sl.asa �nra� '�� crrdia�z�na�c�. The Compreh�rsive F�la�. has b�en �ckxac�w:l.�cic��c�. �a�h amendmen� to taxe plan is }�r�vided to th� appropriat� Stat� d�gencies foz review. IVotice of fil.ing of this applioatiGn has b��n. g�rUVidec; � STAFF REPOR`P -- CPA 94-000�/ZOD1 9�-OQ05 - Rembnl.rl T.'rus�s, �nc. PACE 5 __.—, , , . � to the State Dep�rtment of Land Conservati.on ancl D��relopm�xzt for ', comment more than 45 ciays �x�ior to the final hear.irxg an this ', ap�lic�tion as reguir�d und�r State c�� Oregon �dmix�is�rative Rul� 'I 660-18-020. I 3. �ne �p�l�.c�bl� �t�s�d�rdr� o€ �ray px�cs�vi�i�r� �f t�ai� �ad.� e�r o�ka�r �', ���lic�bl� iadplemesa�is�g o�°c4�n��ac�� Cod� Sec4:ion 16 0 62 (General Commercial) contains the standards for �he G�neral Commercial zone. i The subject site meets tl�ieae requirem�n�s in that th� mi�aimum lot � width i.s yreatL� t1�an 50 f��t �nd the exi�tin� si�ructure dnes nat exceed 45 feet in h�ir�ht. Additionally�, �he prc�pGSed devela�rment ' wi11 require a �it.e development �eview and vaill be reviewed for �, compliarice with C-� s�andaxc�s. ��I 4. �va�len�� of chaaae�� in th� xa�igPibo�3acsod ar camxnusai�y ox n m�,etr�k� or I �nconsis�cs�n�}o �.n �;ne coanpr�hesne�.v� p�.aas or zon3.aag map ra� �.� ��la��� I �o Eh� prope��y vatai�h iat th� ev�j�c�. of tYxe develugsm��� spg�lica�iQxx. �i (Ord. 89-06; Ord. �3-52) � The applicant's Supplemental justifxcation submittal presents �vidence of a change ira the nei.ghbor_haod. This evidence includes the follocving: Past land use decisions have recognized the need for. and support of Commerci.al z.oning � designations; x'he majority nf us�s are �etail or s�rvice and n.oi: a.ndustrial; Markec demand in the area is �or �:ctail use; The existing Sen.trol building is no lo�.ger needPd fo,� industirial use berarase it underutilizes the site; and that transportation cha.nges have occured in the area. The applicant's evidence of mistake in the c:,'omprehensive Plari and 'L�ning Map inclucle: The ar�a does nr�t meec the pUYpOSL-' c�f the 2-P �on� as describ�d i�� the Cnmmunii:y Development Cade; Pr�perty �Tacarit in 1987 is still vacant seve� years . 1�ter, �ndicatiny tkaat the zoning is a mistake because it has discouraged d.evelopm�nt of vaca.nt propercies; Razl acress is not important to tlzis area; Indust.rial larzd protection is not� needecl, as �he I-P aZlows numerous commercia.l uses; The area has not developed in accordance with the ixi�ent of the I-P zone; and tizat the original CiL-y designations axe izot justified. The applican.t con.cludes th.at thE ol:iginal camprehensitre p1.an and zaning map d�signatiorzs on tk�.is �ite are mis�ak.en becat.�se tk�ey are nat rQquired by the Tigard Comp-rehensive Plan nor do they r.efl.�c� the cievel.o�ment �aa�tern in tizis I area. The appl:icant al.so states that because af tlxe land use and transportation changes that have �ccur.ed in the area aince annexation, bec�use t.laere i� nc� strong policy justi£icatic�n for I-P zoning on i:his sit� az�d bec:ause the area c�nnot fit the I-P characteristics, this request should b� approvecl. Evicience of Change ii�z the Neiahborhood. The applicant states t�at past land use I decisions recognize the need for commercial zaning and i;hat several zone changes since tlze site's annexation have reduced th� I-P zoned a.rea to the lots along the midc3le part of Caseade Boulevarci. The applicant cites ZC 16-80 (Levitz/xc�y's R' Us) , CPA 91-04/ZON 91-07 (Shane Co. ) and SDR 92-06, 92-13, and 94-05 (Beaverton Honcla) as examgles of ch,ange in t_he :�eigYxb�rhood. :n small area near the Cascade Boulevard/Greenburg Road intersection is an.d ha� beei� zoned commercial since its annexation to Tigard in 1972. Y1ith this exception, the Cascade area Y�as histnrical].y been z�ned industrial. �'h� bulk of � the I�rea was annexe� to the City of Tigard in June 1981. At the tim� of the a�zn�xation, the zone was ch�ng�ed f.rom Washington County M-1 (Indu�trial) to Tigazd M-4 (Industrial Park) . A Council findinq of that annex�tion states: "The territory is substantially devel.oped wi.th industrial uses. Ther� are some vacan.t l�nds suitable for industrial devslopment°' . In Ju1y 1981, immedi�tely following annexation, P�rtland Chain/Toy�s 12' LJ� was granted a zonE change from M-4 to C-3 (Cr�mmercial General) , for property located STAFF FEPORT - CPA 94-C1003/ZON 94-0005 - Rembold Trusts, Inc. PAGE 6 Y, d � �� the f�r north and �e�� part of th� Ca�oad� �rea. xhe City ��t�f� ���or� �o the Pl��ning Commis�io� �tat�d that Cascade Avenue is a wvll esta�lished ind�atri�2 zone and wi11 not eventually go aommercial. The repor� nAted �hat S�aff w��1� not kzave �n�de �n approval recommerxdatia��,2aad tche applicaxxt pro�osed a greate� numbe� of retail. outlets instead af the ].arge furnitur� war�house witk� a ret�il OLIt�.(3'G �7�'UpOSL'C�I. �t �hat �.ime. �7 In 1986, the �ianning Cammissic�n ax�d Ci'cy Counci3 d�nied an a�plication to chanqe the altowabl,� uses in Yhe T--P zone ro a11ow, ixx p�rt, retail use OY2 I-P prnp�rty. This property is located aaross tYle stre�t from �he parc�l involved in thia application requer��.. Sta�'f. had dzeaouraged a zon� change an the propert�� anci so recammended a Zone Ordinance Amendm�nt. Planniny Commission minuL-es r�a�rd tha�t Stat£ felt tkie Entir.e ar.ea sho�xld be �valuated rath�r tk�an rhan�ing tkce zc�ning an t.hzs one piece of prope�ty. 7`he �ity Counci.]. r�c�uest�d tYxat C�.ty 9taff aonduct a stuely to de�.ermin� if this are� should r�main z�n�d T-P ar i�' 'th� a•rea woixld �e more ap�rApriately re�oried C-G. Ths 1987 Ca�caci� Area Stu�y� cFraa �repared as a result of thi� rec�ues�:e In summary, this r�pc�rt aonelud�d �ha.4. there wras no compellin.g rea�on to chang� the zoning design�tion within the Cascade Area. In 3.9�1, a zone chang� (CP�1 92-000�/ ZOId 94-0007) wd� grarztYCl from I-� to C-G f�or t�e 1.1. acrA parcel (Times Building) �orth of rascace Boulevard at a.tcs intereection wY�tl�z SCYl0��.8 F��ry� Road. This propexty waa annex�d ix�ta Tig�rd iaz Ocxober 1985. LTpr�n �annex�tion, tl�e prapexty �ras rez�neci fram Washirag�o;� CAUnty M-1 (Industr:ial) to 'Pigard I-P. A mi.s�.ake w�s found to have beeri macl� in the indus'trial d�s:i.gziation b�cause the I-P zon?ng constatizted. an indu�trial °i�land'°. In 1992, approval of 5T3F't 92•-OOp6, 92•-0013 �a�s granted ox� propPx't�r across tki� ! streei: from �pplicant'b praperty. Tki� i9�a app-roval a17.otaer� L-he con�rersion of the .forrner Po�wex Ttents bua.lcling t� be us�d a�g a motorcycle a1Yd laHrxx ectua.pment I �a]�es facilit�j, with subsequ�nt expa:nsi.on for vrare�ZOUS space o This use is classi.fied in Sectian 7.8.6a.030 (X�.) (2) (k�) �s .Atatomobile and Equipm�rit: S2�les anci , Rental, light �c�u.ipmea�t and is a permitted u�e in the 2-P zaning districi.. In 1.9y� an a�praval was gran�e� NDF3 94-d005 for an ea�p�n.�xon �or wareklouse s��ce ancl a showr�c�r�. Considerations/Cor�aerns/E��aluation. � 7.. The evid.en.ce far a change an ciraumst�nce is nc�t very stzarzg•, �'�.e 1961 xone chanc�e (ZC J.6-IIO} vra� granh.ed but with a r��er�nce th��. the Cascade area wc�uld not be convarted to aonimercial. The repor.t also noted that Staff wauld nat have enade an apprc.�val recc�mm�xxda�ion h�d the applicant proposed a gre�.ter number o� re�azl ou�l�ts ins�ea� of the larc�e �urniture warehou�e with a xeta3l au.tlet proposed at that time. '�Yxe only other chazage w�s tk�e 1991 zorae change (CPA 91-04/ZC1I�T 97.-07) . �� The applicant�, in quating tlx� t991. staff repor�, points out that "wheri the vubject site was a�rie�ced snto thp Ci�y, the site u�as given Tigard zoning designa�ion WY13CY1 most closely rnatched L-he oziginal Y�ashington County de�ignation. �Iow�ver, the effect o� the previaus � 8.23 acre zoxae change .from I-P �o C-G, Hthich occured in 1980, is � that a land use �att�sn k�ad been created wI-iereby �lae new.ly �oned I subject aite ��rauld not fit the exi.stirig land us� pattein. In I � effeat, an. I-P island sus•rou���ed by commerc:i.al uses had been cre�ted. It apUears that tkie C-G desicti'�ation �,vould have been a mor� appropriat� desi�na�tion wkien the ,g,r�ertv inii.i.a:l.lv� reci�ved a citv zone. " Tt should be paint�ci out that the 1991 rep�rt al�o states "the appli.cant states that several ch�nges� i.z�. phyr�ical cirt�um3t�nc�s have '� STAFF x�EPORT - CPA 9A-0003/ZON 9�4-OOQ5 - Rembolc� Trus�s, Inc. PAGE 7 il --,-, _.__-.- _—_�__ -� r ' • acau=�d si�ce �ashiny�on Caunty ox•iginally applied an i�du�trial de�i�nation �o t�� sub�ec� property. �Staff rer.ogxizxe� on� such �hysic�l change an thi� sitie. WiL-h the apprcval af �C 15•-80. (L�vi��/�oys R' �s) , t�e �ubjec� p�operty ��s left ae an ��isi��a�� of I Z-P la�d surxnund�d by arLerial� a�d commezcial doning. Appraval o� CPA 9�-03 would cr��te an isla�d o� C-G. The conclusion of C�A 91-_ 0� �as th�t �heze was a change in the n�ighb�arhnod and that a mastake was �ade i� tlYe zon�ng designation. The cha�ge was eau�ed by the zane change in 1981 and tri� ma.stakE was �r�at�ng an S-P island surrounded by C-G. The reatton,ing and justific�tzon �hat apg�i�d to the T-P "i.sland" doer� not directly ap�ly to th� appliaation presentl�r undar considerat�an. 2. It would �pp�ar th�� tlae City xs �ac�.ng a similiar d�ci�io� a� it did in 1985, wh�n it deni�d a Zan� Ordi�ancc- Amendme�t. The applie�taoxz in. 19a6 was in �art for p�r.mitting a g�ne.r�Z ret�il u�e � abz an :C-A property. The City determined at t;laa� time that a clo�er examina�i.on. was needed in ox.der t� dEte�min.e �he mo�t app�:c�priate zoning £nz� the �asc�cie A�ea. The ]L93'7 Cascade study concludpd that with tkae excepLion o£ a smal7. area presently �nd ha.sta�:i.,c�11y zoned comsnercial, txie records alearly sh�w that this a���� cva� cox�r�i�'tently zox�ec3 indus�ria].. Racords of past decisiozxs aff�cting zaraing within , t2ze Casc�de R.rea sriow that there was a d.esire �a m�.intazn t�ha.s area � f��r induQtrial v.se�. The pr�pertiPS that have been changed ta a comm�rca.al. zoi�e are lncated riear si�her Gre�nburc� Roar.i or Scholls Ferry Road. Many c�mmenta made d•+zrii�g l�earings for ti�eae zon� ch�.nges a.ndir,ate that a commercia� zon.e d�sig�-�atiara was apprapriate only for the particular site in quEStiaxa, n.ot for the ��itsr� ar�d. � Whi1e auitable expansi.an of cammerca.al areas r.��n be ben�ficial, retention of establisheti industri�l �uses is also ver.y impartant. �'he r��ulta of th� 19R7 study showed �zo compelling xeason to change � t�e z�2�znr� d�signa�ioza within the Cascacle Area at L-l�at time, 3. Appre�val of tYi� stbbjec� zoz�� change� would crEa�e a C-C "zslazxd" sur�ount�e� �y T-P zoning. Such a zone change wou�.d be creating a �imiliar 3ituation that L-k�e 1°9�. �one �hange C.PA. 9:1-_0004 (Ti.mes Bui�.clia�.g) �ried t� correct. Tf CP:A 94-03 is appr�ved, there is liLtl2 reason not to a�aprove the whole are� fo� comm��cial. Approval of tlxis zone e�ange woulc� c�rL•ainly np�n the dcao� f�x� ', further zc�ne ch�nges to commercial. If tl�.e arc��-u€:ment c�n b� mad.e f�r the CP� 9�k-03 �roperty, it can b� made for all the r�rnaining I-P property alang Cascade �oulevard. There wou.ld be little remaining ju�tific�t9.on to r,ontix�ue L-F zoning for the Cascade Are�. Past land use d�ca.szon.0 discussec3 and the 1�n7 stucly 9.ndicated the industrial nature of �his ar�a. The industrial potential of �his area aould be lo3t through piecemeal. c;hanges in zoxiing. The anplicant's proposed cl7ange should occur only witk� a policy de�ision that th� :[-P zon� iri this �rea is no lonc�er nE�eded ancl the whale ar_ea would be more appropriately zoned commErcial. 5. The applicant stat�e� in the supplemental application that the area is not ��propriate for the �-P or iaidust�ia�. de�ignatiox�e and that industrial land protection is not needed. Th� ap�alicant points to �he fact that the ar�a has not d��=eloped as the I-P �one int�nded and that many of the allowed uses in thc I-F zUne ar� cammercial in nature. The ap�licant also implies that there is n�ot �haL gzeat a difference between th� C-G and I-P zane. The applic:ant n:Gt�s that Lhe I-P zone lists 24 permitted commercial uses. Th� I-E� zone does allow 24 commercial uses �s definec3 by Comrne•rcial Us� Types. Of tho�e 2a use types, only 5 are essenta.al�.y� retail ir�. nai;ur�. The I-P zone allows for general retail �ut 'limi�s tchese ua�s to 2A� of the cievelopmei�zt complex. C�hi1e the building character and function STAFP' REPOR'P - C1�A 94-0003/ZON 94-OOOS - Rembnlcl Trusts, Inc. FAG� B p C �f the�e r.�tail typ� buiZdi��� may �� �imil��� to �om� indu�t,xia� us�a, �tafg beli�ves also there �a � n�e� t9 re��i� �� i�v�n�or�� of Tn�ua�ri�� l��d, The c�u�stion �� wh�th�r it �ho��� �� ��t��n�� here. Tn� Tiga�d Da�aba�� 199n pravid�d u�dati�� i�forma�io� conce��ing acre� o� �acant land by 7o�i�g c��s��f�ca�i�n. Th�a i�v���ory identi�ie� 434 �o�a1 acr�s af Ge��ral Camme��ial a�d 448 acr.�s p� Industrial Park. Of that, vacant land� con.stit,u�� ��� a�res of C�G ��th 150 vacan� a�re� o£ 7-P. T��r� axe ap�r.�x�mately �0.95 a�re� zaned T-F in 'c�e Casr.ad� ar�a, wi�� approxim�t�1•� 3.5 acr�� of vaaant ���d. An inventary a£ �uild�bl� �acan� T-P 3.ands a.den�i�ie� �pproxima��ly 8h aarea of buildable 1-P l�nd� availabl� in th� Czt�, T�e a�plicant �on�ends �rzat whil� ��� Com��r�h��siv� Pl�n ackn��le�ges th�t a "core problem° f�c��� �h� City i� �ack �� bui�da��e l��d �esign�ted for indu�t�ial �a�e, vacan� �zzil�abl� land mua� �p ap�ropria�ely locate�. �he a�pli�ant sta��s th�t in ��i� ca��, �he bes� ewiden�e dema�trat�s that the �ite i� mmr� ��i�abl� for cammercial ��velnpment thar f.or isa�u�trial �axk dev�lapment. Th� a�te :is relatively sma11 (l�se than la acresl and �.s near cammercial ti��es on the nor4h and �a�tgx ends �� C�.sa��e B�u�evar.d. Tkze a�velopme�t tr�nd �.n this a.r�a a�apears to �ie away from ind•ustxia]. uses and touraxds �ommerr.i�l u�e�. 5taff xec�gniz�s �hat eome change in uses ha�ve occur�d iax the are�, p�xticularly Office Depot �n� �esi�ner �kxnic� Furnxt�are locating acros� t:he �t�e�r on Cascade F3oul�vard. �Ihetk�er these c�a�ay�:s �re si.gn�.fic�nt enou�h. �� justifiy� a chanq� ira the ;��ne fxom Tndus�riaZ to Ceraeral Commercial is ap�n i:o c{ue�tion. Th� a..�sue k�afor.e the Planriing Camcni�sion. i� wlaeth�r or not th.� a�ea �1ang e asaade E�ouleva�ci should b� In.du3trial or Carnm�r.cial. If the props�d change is made, it shr�uld be made with �he rzo�ion tk�a� tkx� entix� area sh.nulci be r_ommercial ana the pr�sent zanin.� is out�nc�cieca for tlxa.a �r�a. 7l�. �.f�CA��R��7��P7 While �h�s:� i� �ome justi�ica.tion for the ch�nge, �he Pl�,z�s�.ing 1�ivision finds it difEicult t� c�iv-e mUre 'than � limited c:nc�.orse�°�en� fnr Ap�r.oval� srs� rc�a�aa2� including thp garieral question of appropriate lanc� ua€� �nd �he Oregun. Uepartment of Tra.n:�pdrtatio�i conc�gns Poa: �.ra�fic. ,�,� ���.°�.L��f ld!X�' PREPpRED }3Y: 5�i11 I�'l�ndrea Assistant Pl�i�.ner � � � � --�� � � � � APPROV . �ick B z' d.orff� �� Senior'P1annFr I � � � 481 � STAFF T�EPORT - CP.A 94-q003/ZON 94-0005 - �2embol.d Trusts, Ine. ��G�` 9 . � �` �� � � � 1�NES �.-��I���' �Tl��h\l5�+f i.1N °l�rp=}��p �TA\D:1RD I\'�l.'FA\l E�E\TEk u�tii yl� FIFTH.i\'EXI.'E ' I'C7RTL:�\!) pREG11X 4'�ll.-I_nh I f•lN��ii,,r�r�;�)i i??�.i.1Fll �I T•ii�����i�•.�iU9i_'_C1•:adU I Cahir Ld�:•tm•r II fi�lrr'U?J�� �,,,���•,rn.;�r rn�r\1unh�v I csa3� z9a-4zs,e� Atxgus� 1, 1994 � t7 � �'I. �SFAI��k� Ai�. 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VqNCUCVER. WISE. 4,ALTLdGECiTt. h'A4WIVGTM ORFGOt. waSHInGTOti wnSHIMGTON wh4HINGTON lOAt10 l.'TAN Di4T0.1CT9F[pLC�1�lA ti���E� r�i`�E� c,L��.�� � � ����:F�����r.e�� 1`��. 47�.11 1J a�ridx°+�� AL1�'Ld�a� � � �'99� p��� � `��DC 1� . 2� . 04n (�.) (4) ���vid�� as fo�.1�c��: , a��v�.a�ra�� c�f �Y�ar�g� in �.�i� n�igrhb����ao� ox caa�urntani°�y �� � �a�����: �r in�an��,����cy .i.� �h� ���n��°����a�i�w� �1a�a �� �rana.ng m�,p �,� i� r�1�4��� �:o �:2a� p�c�per�y w2ai�I�. �� �h� ��.i�j���t �� •�hi� d��relo����at , ��g91i�:3ti�na °B �.. ,�i�"' ��J�� ��+' �ia�Y��E �P7 ���� Jl�d�t?1B�a �'h� �ity �nn�x�ed �t�i.� �it� and tk�� �u�r�r�nd.�ng ��ea i �].rarag ���c<�.d� ��r�n�.� ��om Wasl�ir�g�on Cour��t� ir� 1.9�Z, Th� � Gca�.nty �zc�r�i�a� �e��ernati.c�n wa� Irac�u�txi��., T�a�.o �'�i� �a.�Y im�css�c� a� �c�aiv�l�r� zc�r�i�g �.��a.gxa��a�a�, ���. 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C�sc�,c�eo Pr��r�� R�ra�� �� ��.��� �c� r���i3, �.h� �..�����:�s��� b��,r�g �h�� �rhat is �.�.���a e�f� ti°aa� ���s����:y� i� r��ta�r��e3. ��&2C:�� k��,� � ' ����.�. r��.�i�. ape��tian o �r�nz �3��t�r.-y P�a� a ��t�.i� e�u�1�� �,l�o. 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(C—�j sYac�uld �a� a�pp�ov��.. �J�� t���t�� �rotar�, 0 �• °�°'` �a.chael Cm Rn�ai��aa� A���o cf� r��: I�x°0 4,1a�ra�� ���alel ��o ���► �����3 NI�. S"�..���� �'p'�€�c� . T�x°a I��.�?� ���a���r�c��°��.�. r��o ���oa �Y����� . . . ____�.�_ � . � '��T�a�h�,aagt�x� �q�aa�� S�a�pp�r�g ��r���r, �k�� �►��e�� l�nc� aa�� �.a� � tM� a�ea, o��s��:cl :�r� �9�4 �r�d �h� B�u�rlin���r► �����e�� �l��a op�r��� ��m��.��n� �L����< ���-x�iaa�.a as�esz aaoa i I � ( o � �rv�7 �p ry��v ( �+h.Kl��.6bc. ' � L��{1Y2..iJ�.t 1 b3o� / 4.��� �t �����ld s7L��� Exl��bi� 2 Ju�.y �;SB ���� ��d TJ�� ��a�v�� b� �2�.� ����.ic�r�t, � Euha.�i� 3 Ca�p��ASax�a �a�' t7��� ix3 �°�� Aa.s��a.�� I �at.�.�l�i� � 67�1y ��, 1��4 F������ f��a� C�x�.�� Jc�hra�a� ts� ���v� .������ ' i . , 4 � R � � PAI{.1-19EF+66.i �sas� 000x e � �CA�� �T[JD� �l�irac� �oj��ts Di�a.�iora r�p�°Y1. 19�7 a I �I � I �. ��Fi�I3�'� �. �ASCA�� ST�bY . Yh� pw�p�s� �f �his �tudy is �� �v�I���� �h� ��ae�de Ar�� for d�t�rmina�xan of �h� m�st dexirable znne d�sign�ti�r�. Th� �r�a h�s d�v�la��d �ih� i����tr��l uses ov�E� �h� y��rs and is ��w xaned pred�mi����ly Indu��ri�1 P�rk (�—P) . ��cen�ly th�re h�w� be�n requests �rem ind�vidual p�oper�y ��n�rs for �h��g�s in t:he zoni�9 desig�atio� �n specif�e lats to a�1ow m�re ��mm�rcia� �yp� �r���Y1) us�� , In �I�e sum�er p� 1��6, E�r1 ��� B�rb�r•a Marx re�uest�d an a�e�dme�t ti� the Ci�y �ode �h�t . ��uld hav� c�ange� �he allow�bZ� �se� i� ��� �—p ���e. The �me�dm�nt �oul� have al.lowed them �o p�t a retazl �se (fur•�i��re ��o��� �n , �heir �rap�r�y at Z���O S� C��c�de 6o���va�d which is �r�sent�y �on�d I-�p, `Ch� req�est f�r am�n�m�nt was de�i�d by Ci�y Counczl. �� that sam� ti��, C��nci1 r��u�sted Ci�y st�ff �a �on�uct � 5tudy to ��t�rrns�e i� this a�ea shnuld r�rnain z�r���! :��-P or �h� ar•�« a�ouls� b� mor°e �p�a�opri�te�.� r�zar�ed G�-�. I� was c3��bc��d th�� �^�.�.p��r tt��n consider° ��ch ��°ra��rty xr�divid��lly, it saoa�ld be a�ppro�,e�iat� �� ��wdy �he �re� a� � s�hoZ� and sn�4c� � c��cisi�n a� ths� z�r�inc� for� �th� enti.r� C:a����9e Ar°ea. � GASCA�E. AREA ' For pur�aa��s o� thi� study, °'Ga�ea�le Ar°e�'° i� defin�d �� �ha�t ar°�� b�und�d E�x �lighc,«�y 217 an�i Gre�r�ksur�g �e�d on the e�st, S�ha�l� F�re°y R��d or� �t�� r�o��h, the �outher�, Pa�ffa� R�ilr�ad rs��6�t--�f—ia�y on �he w�st �nd �h� ss�ut�r�w� ' br��ndar°y �f pro�s�rtie� f�°an�tir�q �as�ad� �3oulev�r�c� c�n �i�� �cso��h. (���a�Frm�n� R) , �'hi�r�� i.s a �o�al of 5� .�� �cr�� wi�hin t�� C.,�s���e ,4r°ea. Qf �9�a� �r���l, 33.7G � �.cre� ar°� ws�s� n#� C.asc�ad� [3csul�v�rd an�1 h��;� �cc�es� to th� ��t�tt��t�n Paei�=ic ' R�i�ra�d. I "i'h�r�e ar� s�v�r� J.otx far a to�al �f 12.94 ���°e� r�r ?_AX rf ��� �v�r��ll �a�r°�� s� III z�an�ci ��r�e�r�l C�mr��rcxal � I (�°-�) . "fh� r�er��inins� eigh��ee� �.ots ��v�rie�g 40.95 �cr�s (75�) �r� msa��d �r���as�.r:i��. P�t�E� {2�-�} . �°h� ���r���^cial�y �an�d � prap�r°ties �r� cea���rstr�t�d �� Q��B��r ti�d-• �� ���,��� ��ul���� ����. ,��e I ir�t�r�ec�ian� af Cas�cad� �aulevard wi�.h �ck��lis F�rr�y fdoac� ��c� ara�h Gr°���s4aur°� Roar1. � I Zonin� surraunding �he Ca�c��e At^e� i� C—� �o t�� so�a�heast, �nd I—P on tE�Q wesR; �r�d sczuth�a��t. T'h� r�aaw�h� is brar�d�r2d �ay ���v�s°t�r� �rrd ig �c�r�ed c�r�m�e�ci�1 . 1°h� gas� si�e �crass High�eay 217 p��,:s ju�t b��n ansaex�d into � Ti�ard a�nd has ��t trs b� rezaned by 'ch� City. ' I � �. �fJEVEl.OPME�'T' OF' CFISCADE P�REA � 1� �� �l �mall �r��. n��r the uascad� Eiou�evas�d/��^eef�b�arr� Rca�d intersect;ican i� �red h�.s k���r� zoroPd ��rsar��e�cial �in�e z.ts ann�x��tion tcs Tag�rd xr� 151�2. bJith tP��.� .�� �xc;�ptic��, tl�e Ca�cade Rr°s�a h�s hist��iGa11y kreer� .�csn�c� indus�rial< The �u1k � � s�� th� Ar�� ���s �nnex�d t� �t6�� �xty �� Tig�,� in �cane i.9�� . A� �he tiars� �f I �� annett�.tfor�, t{�� zar�e w�i� char�c�ed �r�om �J��hin��csn Caunty P'�--�1 (�ndusts�aal) �� Tzgard t�� (Indu�'crial Pa,rk) . A rocar�cil finding of th�t ar�rae�,��ia�n sta,�es: ��The t�rr�i�ory is subatantaall,� developFd wi�h ind�cs�raal us�s , 1'f��re �,r� � some vacant ia,nds sui.tabl� f�r i��u�trial d�arel�apm�r��. " Sn J�1� 1�fl1, a���di ly �allmwi�g a���xa�ian, P�� �d �h�in/T�yx � U� ��� gr���ed a �on� chang� fre� ��4 ta �m3 (��mme�ci�l G����a��, f�� �r�p�r�� loc���� �t �h� ��� ��r�h a�d w�s� �a�t �f t�� �����d� �r��. City st��f w��w�� to �hp P1a�ni�� Commi�sz�n s�at�� th�t th� �r�� is a ��11 ����b�a�h�� indust�ial �o�� �n� �ill no� �v��t��l�y �o c������a�I. T��r� ��� a1�A Plarining �ammis�io� di�c�s�ion �ugg�s�a�g tha7t. �ave� th� s���a��di�� 1��� uJ�s, this ��n� �h�nge wa�1d not s�t � tr��d . � Th� 1 . 11 a�re ���a narth af C�s��d� ���le�a�d at its i���r��cti�� �i.�h Scha11� �erry (Yimes �ui�din�) w�s �nnex�d i��o TYgard bn ��tob�r 19Q�, U��� �����t'io�, �hi� pr��erty was r���ned f�om Was���g�a� �o�nty MA�1 ����4d�t�i�1) t� �igard �mp (Ind�sfirial P��k3 . • U�� oth�r �han�� of aa�e fr�� industri�l �o co�mer�a�1 �a� occurred wa�hin �he �' C�s�a�� Ar��. T� 1985, the p�����ty south o� �scad� �lvd. �� Atg �n��r��c�i.�ti� wi�h ��e�nburg R��d, f�r°merly NAPC�, �a� �r�n��d a zcne rhan�� t� ��. �� 19�6, �he Po�tl�nd Chai� pr�ope�ty, nar� T� � R �s. ��ach �a� r�z4n�d c�n����ci�l z� 19�i, �� �evalap�d �� a �ur�i��r� s -�r� �L�vY��� . �. DEVFL�PME�T �� SURROU��I�� �REDA Tn r�c�r�s o� x��� �ha�g�s ��d p��pos�d �an� �h��s��� �i�hin ��� Ca�G�de �r�a, em�h�sis is p1�ce� �� the �r�xim�ty �� l�shington �q���e as � re���� �h�� �a�m��ci�1 (r���ilj m�� �� ��� ��s� use �f �h��� p���i��Z�r �r���r�i��. Sin�� ��shi��t:a� S�u��� ������ �� �h� ��ri�� of �974, th�re �aa� b�e� a ��n���l . i�����s� �n c�m��r�a.al �ype ���i�i�y �dj���nt to �h� ��11. . ��e ar�� that ha� �xperae�c�d ea�m�rcial ��ow�� is C�sca�� �venue �e���en ���al�� ��r�� R��d a�� ��11 ��Q�lev��d, wf�hi� th� Gi�y �� �����r�o�. ��a� �rea is o� �ar�icul�� in�����t f�r the s�udy b���u�� �� ��s si�ilar locati���l c��ra���ris�ics A� re����� �� ���hin��e� ������ ��d H������ 21?. °f�� ���� �f � ����fi� �ign�l at ��e zn��r��ctia� �f �.:�c��� ��uleva�°d �i�� G������rg R��d rn�k�� ����s� tra �f�� �`:igar°� ���c:ad� Ar��a s�sm�wh�� �o�°� dzf�Fie�al�. l°ha•r. �r�� �l�ca di�f��~s �r��o�s Tbc��r~d° s C;�,�w�d� ���� in L��t ��5� �or�a� a�� c�,���� fr�s�� . indt�stra�l to cc���s�r^ci�7, c��on a�sn�x�tican �to �eaer�rtean ap�wcsxia����ly � y���^� agrs �nd �th�t ��i��r� i� aar�ly a��a� �����lish�� ar�s��as�r°i�� «�� ic� �6�� �,�s��. .� vi�u�1 sue�v�,� A� �d�e Ga�sc�de �Ru�esaa� strip r°�v�ea��d �hat a�i�h t�O�2 exceptior� of A�i��r�J���°, � lc�� ����,bla sh�� :°tne��s�ri�l u��e �la��a ��^�red F�rix, �rs er����^ta�.ramen�. �acilb�y, arrd �eraih�na, a res�aur��r��, ev�ry bu�l�ir�q �i�t1�r� had . ' sp�ce f�r- l��s� �ar a��� v�cant. �c��srdi�� �r� � P�sP°t�.��i �us�.n��s '��c�ab �ts�r°y (1I27/87) . Lo�hmann's �1�z�. a shapping ana�l, w�s �2� o��cupi�c� �t �hat �ime. The �rtic�.� m�n�i�ned that �r�e po3sible r�easn�s �sar ��e 4�igt� va�ar��y r��a ��ea�.d � � ka� 'th� rnaZ� ' � l�c�t�ora. I� ��s r�o��d �h�� Lra�F��s��o�a°s si�n �� arz�ibl� fr�n► i:he , � fr�e�ray, t��+�t n�t �rom an �xi�. ��nsequ�ntlye LoPt�m�r�rs"s zs �a�y tea s�e fa^am �'� � the fr^�ew�cy, k�ut i.� dii'ficult fpr �ust�m�rs �hat �r.•� ��af�c�il�.�r° s�z�h ti�e �r�a '', � �o find. ' � ' '°'� Any b�a�bn�ss wi�han Tic��rc� '� ���c�.d� Ar��, wo�sld f�ce � lcsea�tic�n�1 �s�ns�r°�ir�t � � s imi lar t�� �hat o� l.c�ehm��n' �. In f�ct, '��ys-�R�---iJ� �te�-r�ratl� F��s a � nors—�arzforanar�g eaff si�e �ign �t the �aseasl� �oul.�er�rdf�cholls Ferry Raad in��r��ctian far visibilxty from the f�eew�y �xi�. �(��fi site sic�s�s ar°e nc�ti allowr�d undcyr pr°es�nt �od� �^�gulations} . F�as�hw�y 2I7 and tE�� Cc,u�her�n P�Gific r-�.�lr°oad ��t �is ba�r°i�rs to ea��--�eest t;avrr_1� t;�er°��ar�, it as unli�Cal� t�a�t th��c wall be as�ditinnal aeeess po�ints tc� th� Casc�d� Are� in �hc� °�u��a�^�. Pue��c ���u� �.; A �on� alt�ra�i�n pr•�po��l shau2d no� b� consid�red ��til a11 p�t��ti�lly af�e�t�d pa��ies h�v� h�d � chanc� �o ��i�e �heir �pini��(s) . C�ntact wi�h in�e���te� r.i�xa��s w�s rarried o�t �hr�u�h ��o �venu�s . P�a�er�y �wn�rs w�r� ide��i�ied uai�g �ashx�gt�n Co�nt-y t�x ��cords . E�ch af th� �i����en ��op�rty o�riera �i�hin �he ���cade �rea was m�iled � 1�t��r (1/23/87j r��ue��ing ca�ments on a p�qsi�la zone �hang�. (At���hmer�t B) Re��onse t� ��� l�tte� w�s r�qu�st�d by mi�-��b�u��y. �ive wri�t�� responses arsd ��e ta�ep�on� r�sp�n�2 have be�n receive�. One respanse was fro� ����s� M�rx, who �uppor�,s � ch�ng� �� C-� zone. F��r o�h��• re�pmnses w�re fro� I� Va�g��, T�c. , Cara1 Pin��r (Sylvania �ig�e�ing S�r�ic�� pro���tY), IJniversu�, �n�. (8af�gard �ini�8tor�ge prQ���ty) �n� Ge��g� ��d ��d�lxne Fouri�r (one v�can� lQt, M�yflaw�� Mouin� � Sr�r��� �nd �pit�l Yire pro�er�y) who ��ch appase � change of z�n�. Sie�ens, th� oth�� ��s�ond�n�, ha� na op�ni�n r�garding �ez�ning. H��ev�r, Si�mens �sks �hat t��� be °'gr����ath�r�d°' if a �ezonin� s��uld �cc�r �o that fu��re �x�an�i�n �a�l� not �� res�ri�t�d. (Zf t�� area �as r��e��d ta r_omrn���g�l, in�us�rial us�s w��ld b�GOm� non-eon�armin� ther•�up�� ex�ansion wou2d �ot b� �Il�wed. ) Busine�s people (owners �r• man�gers) we�e eontae��d eibher b� tel�phane �� �n ��rs�n. A �o�al of sev�nt�e� busin��� r�pres�ntative� were a�ke� a �eri�� �� que���ans (��t�ch��nt �}. �h� ���s�ion� we�e d��a���d �o id�ntif�� loca���n�l �dvan��g�a/disadv�nt����, fu���� plans �n� �u��Qr� �r o�po�i�in� tQ � passib2e c��a�g� i� x��ing �n co���rcial, Th� lqwatianal adv���a�es men�ione� �o�t af��� w�r� �ceess �� freew�ys (11� �nd c�nt��1 l�ca�i�� (�) . D����a��ta��� ���� afte� v�i��� we�e �����i� con�e��xon (8} a�d no disadv�ntag�� ��) . �i�e �u��n�ss�� �xp�e� to expa�� at t�e�r ��3cade loc��i�n whil� t��lve f��es�e �o �x��nsz�n s� t�e he�r fu��we. �ri1y �{n��e �u�ines�ea exp�cL �a reloc��� �n �W�� fu�ure. Qn ��a ��es�io� a� chan�ing �h� zane to r.a�merci��, four b��i��ss�� f���Fp�d � �h����, six op�o��d � �h�n�� �nd sev�n f�It �h�•t � ch���� ��uld �a� �ff��t 1���m. �he seventeen �u�in�ss�s �x�4ri� - th� �a����� �r�, h��e a t���1 �f b29 Q���loy�es. The b�si��ss�s ����� �rom t�� e�p�o�,y�es �� ��a hu��r�d ���i7�y �mploy��s (Sen��o�) . Co�m�rsi.�lly znn�d �u�in�sse� em�loy 94 while �-P z�ned busir�ess�s e�iploy 535. ' �1t�R K�.?I f4(� 7'here was no cnnsen�us cc��cer°ninc� a �assxble zrn� chan€�� ��ong are� real�ar�, � bufc a rna.jority f�lt th�t, ev�r�tually. �t�e ar�a wnuld �e commer�z�l �arad ��mmer^cial. ��s prok��bly �r�� b�st use fi�or 4:�e ar�a. Ora� re�spn �zt�d s�as �h� ir�creas�e in property a�a1��s b�c�u�e n� th� pP°rrxy.mi�y r�f l�s�ingt�n Sc�u�,re. It was also noted that th��re i� pr�esen'cly an exc�ss �fi o�fice sp��� throc�c�hau� the Pc�rtland mPtrag�oli��a� area. Many rea.ltors s�id �hat they thought �r�� prr,perty weuld k�� �asier �o �arkefi � if it was 2proeci con�¢n�r�ial. wawQ�r�r, e~�al�ar•� who ar� pre�s�ntly a�r�lc��ing aeeail�blQ 9.nelustri�l praperty within �he C:�s�a�e �+r•�� sai� '�E�a� th�ere h�s b��n �ome int�r2st in the various p►^ap�erti�s. . TR�NSP�R7ATION � Th� Casca�e Area is served by Casca�c�e Bn,al�v«•�•:. �hi�h is classifi�d aa � rn�jac� coll�etor on the �ompreE�ensiv� Plan M�p but ��.�a lit't1Q s1��a�ald�r �r�c� f��e ��arbs ne^ sid�wallcs . �'e�din� C��cade �caul¢var� on � r, sesu�h is �r���nlo�.iry R��ad �shich is al�o a major� c��l�ec'to�-, A�c��� �a the r�u •th is via �cl�c�lls F�rr°y �c��d �aha.ch is cla��sifaed �s an a�r'terial. Aee�s� t�� i�.ghv�ay 29.7 is aui�hzn 4�Jt7 f��t owa bo�h �r^��nburg �u�d and Scholls Ferr�y R��.,;� �°h� in��r�se�ti.or► of �s��de ��ulevar°d �nd �cholls F�rry R��d is contrcall�d iny � sngr�al �+hil� th� Ca��ad� Oaulevar^d/Gr�enf��r°^g Rcsad inta�rs�c9:ic�n has ear�:cy a �top sse�n �an ��s��de. T'ta� �scadelGa^a�enburg inter��ction was xd�nti�ied as � �ar°�b1�m �iy �ix o� t�� ��v��te�ra bu�in�sa r�pr�sent��ives surv�y��. • �'h� Sadathes�n �acific Railroad a�s curr�r��ly }���ne� t���r� by c�nl,y �n� bo.�sin��� (Va�nya�) k��t is �n av�ila�le source a�f �rar�sporl:�ti��r for �djacen� preaper�i�� . T�S� ra�ares�: }�ufalic trar��pcsrt��ian is � Trim�9e�t ;�a�r mn �zt6��r° �r�een�a�rg Ro�d at Shac3V L�ro� (#7�) o�^ S�hvll� F�rr�y Ro�d a� ��se;�de ��a�a�ev�rd (#��5) . Accorr�zr�ar� tra �he �ity En�in�pr, coc�m�r�i�l a�velap��n� �ypic�lly ��rs�r���s mcare tr�affic than ir�dus�raal �ev�l�pment, espccialxy durir�g the ���err��an pe�k p�riod �nd or� s�eek�nds �nd h��id�ys. H� ���1� �xpect comrnercial d�u�l.a�+mer�t � in th� C.asc�de �r�a 'cca h�ue ma�^e ��:u��°� f�a�ac.�� �r, thre C�sc�da �csul�v�rd i��es^����ie�n� wi�h �c9io11� �err y Ra�c� an�f �r°�ee�bu� Paa�' ��e�su �o�r�d ir3d�sstri.�1 c��v�1���t�nt. Sit�c� � thorc,uc�h �.r�n5pcar�t�tion��ra�fic ars�ly�i� �►auld �°eq�aie~� �n a���i�e rra�s�ul��nt to b� i��.r•�zi at a eo�� �� tl�� t�it�t, iL i�a� r�r�� l�c���a �9�,�se a� �;h�s �ti�s�, T� � �one ch�na�� ���� proposed for th� en�ir� �re�, � �raf�ac ��alysis m�,� be r��c�ssar°y. REL�I�AIUT CC�QE SECTxf�IVS S�andards f�ar �ec:�ptar�re �ar d�ni�l �� zc�n� �h�nr�es��rac�.ut�e �vid�n�� of charege I xn '��a� n����k�ca�°h�aod cae~ �9�a� c�r���s�ity ar �s.��.�lc� ��^ ir�ca�asiy�c�ra�y i� tf�e I �asnpr�hs��tsa.+s� Rlan c�r z�r�i.�c� �n�a� �� it ��1���� �a �.h� �ara�s�r�-y u�hi�3� �� ��5� ���,eet �� t�� ��pziCatian. (i�.zz.�ao`�} �f�d z�.�o. x2��b�(1>> • 4Ji�.h the exe�eption c�f � sma11 ��^e�; �r���e�t�.y �r�d hist�riea�l�y z�ned commerci�l, th� �°ec�r^ds �Ie�rly shtow th�� th9,� �rea �� co�sz�ten�;ly z�r�ed I in�ustria.I . '1"h� zc�n� �heange, th�t c�id oscue- �a��aa fca�^ ����a��.� ��.'��� c��s� �.�s I e��he�r Gr�enb�arq or� Sch�lls �erry �r�d ��ant r��� '�o se� � �r°�nd foe^ tt�� �r,�ire �r°�a. Ac��ardinc� �tc� ��rail��l� evi.d�nce, th�r�� wa� �aca incansi���ncy ar mis�ak� '' m�de in t;he ora.gi.nal, zr�ning. �anee�ninc� �vid€�race c��F eh�rog� in �h� surra�an�9i�ag �,r�a�aa a.� �an s�f��y �i� s�ic� th�� �h�r� �e�.s Fs��n ch�ne��. Ne���ver, �h� �h�r�q� that �Z�aS csc�ur^r�d sin�� anne�x��i�n �te+ Tic��r°d �nd �l�� �rigzr�al zan� d��ic��a.�ion, t�a� r�o� �S��n a� dr��.m�tic as �sn� mighrt �hir�k. At th� �i�ae �f ann�x�tion, �rh�n det�r^�x�a.n�.tioe� caf �hi� at��� w�� �n,�c3�, t�a�shin��;sn Squ�e�e t�ad been ar� oper�tia� �nr° ��aprnxi�t�ly s�ua� yt�.rs. The dev�lapr�en§� eaf �a���de �iv�rasa� in ���e�e�acar� ar�d i�s uitality i� of mor°e r�l�vanc� for determin�ata.as� �f sur�~o�nd�r�s� chars«��. I I I� additi��, S�cti�n . ��cati���l Cri�er��, �ont�a �lev��t p�s����s. �2.� TN6US�RT�L Th� �n���t af th� I�dlast�i�l la�d �se designatian is t�: 1. P�ovid� ��r ��� d�si��ata�� vf �ui��bbe l�ri�� for ind��t�i�l us�. � 2. �rovhde f�r ec��a�ic ������ and d���el�pm��t. �. P����c� �xistin� �n� ����n���l l��ds sui���l� f�r fn��s��i�l d�vQZ�p���t �ro� �n��a��hm�nt by n�n�a�d��t�i�l �r an������Rbl� �s�s . �. Provi.d� l�nd ��r i��ta���ia5 ��e by �y�e �� �a�xmiz� �h� i�p��� on sisrr�und��� d�uel�pm��t. 5. ��ke �d9r�ntag� �f �xi��zng �r�n�portation f�cili�i�s . Of par�a��lar i.nteres� �o �hi� s�udy: (2) Econ�mi� devel�p��n� i� a hi�h p�iori�y ��th i� �igar�d �nd �he r�ga��. � ,..,� �3) �r�o����for� �� iPrc��atr�.a1 1a�d. ' �i I (�) �"�.�h� a� �Ci�e i.�c�us��i�� �s��^s i� �he Cag��d� �i��� ��r��i�r��d il acc��� tas fr�r���y5 aa �� �s�v�rs���r� o� R:�ae�.� 1�s�.��i.csn �r�d I c,ne k�usiness s��.°��d th�t a�c�QS �tcs r^�.il w�� vital �.� lausir��s�. �z.� �������+�. i � 'Ths� Cc�r�pr°�h�s����� �l�r� �r°�vi�i�� f�s^ fr�caa� �:��Q� �f cc�nrsa��°���.1 ��es�alc���a�rr�c: ��ighbo�h�ad, ��rs��al �e���s��^��,�,�, ae����, g�r���s4i�a��1 �:��aner°c��l �zsd th� �er��rai bu��inrzs� disfi.ric�. T� i� ��� i�t�nt r�� plan th��: 1. Goma�erci�Y �reas be plann�d at a �cal� �F�i�h relates i�s l�rca�ior�, si�te �r�d typ� �f �tar�a t�s t�� tr�de ar��, to �e ��rv�d. 2. Sur^�our�dir�g residentia�l �reas b� pr°a��ee��d �r�q�n �ny ���sibl� adv�r�e �ffect� in ��c^�ns e�F lqs� �� �r��v�cy, �oise. IY�F�ts arvr� gl�r�. 3 . C�mmereial e�nte�s awad us�� fae ass�he�i��.11y at�rae�iv� �ra� �, l�nd��ca��cf. � � 4. Zr�gr°��s �nd ec��°��� poin�ts nat �r^e�t� �r�affi�. ccsnc��sgfoe� ar hax.�r�s. � �" 5. Vehicl�z �rxps ta� r�z��e�d both in t�r�� af t��: l�s��th c�•F vei�i.cl� �rip "� ae�d t���I r��a�n��r r�f �ri�s. � t;1 � �. °��� �entral bu�in�ss dis�rae� is r�ot ir�clud�d in the Ioc�t�.f�nal � cr�i'��ra.� 1��caus� �h�r�e �.s prrl� on� desic�rsat�d �r•e�. Of t�� ��r 1�� in���e�t �� ��is ��udy: (1) T�� ��ter�oin�ti�� of sui��b�li�y �� �thi� l���ti�n ��� �om��wc3�1 d�u�l�pm�n�. (4Z �he�� is � ���f�i� eong��t��n �r��I�m, �i�aa�� re�l �r pe�ceia�d, in �M� �r�a ��w. Sp��sric �c��s� �ri���i� ��� ���er�l Gamm��ci�1 s���e�� �h� ��apos�d a��� �� �xpansioi� a� �n �xis�ir� ���� Sh�ll � � R�� ���dtQ �Y"���ZC G���@3�10� �� � $����1C 5����� p�a����. S�ch � d��ew�ni���i�n �h�ll b� b�s�d mn �h� st�e�t �ap��x�y. exi�tin� and �rnj�cted tr�ffie v�lu���, �h� �p�ed limiti, �um��� a� turning �ov���nts, and �h� t���fic ������ati�� r�����t�r���ic� a� Lh� v��'saus ty��s cf u�es. � (5) � canc�nt���i�� of aQ��erci�l �etivi�i�s c�uld r��u�� th� n��b�� �f vehacl� trips i� sh�pp�r� c�n �urch��� mar� �� �hei� ��e�s a� ��� ar��. Oth��, mo�e spe�ific �ta�d���s, ��u�d co�� �nt� pX�y if � z��e �h�n�� is pu�p�se�. EC�if�ONlY P�e�ath�r° po�t���"i�.� imp��t o� r�z�r+ing cc�n�.er�x tha� �c�earsmi� can�ribs��ie�rs o�i ��mmer��i�1 v�rs�a� a.r�du��:r°s.�'l �c�xu��i��. Su�h 3��ctc�r°� as ja� re��cstion �r cr��t�.o;�, j�� �u��i'�y @ a�d �ft��� �o �h� r�c�r�e�ta�°y h��lth �s� th� 1���1 �e�d . r�c�a�ar�al �car�omy dr� xm��a�tart �f�en �cor��id�rin� th� anos� c!«�sf��bl� us� of pr^o�s��^ty, Fc�r° �xamp].+e: 5iem�ns. ��as^�nd-R��at� �a�d �am�a�a���^ �c��s T.sr�r�r°is�'�ie�� ��ch s�i� th�t �, lae^g� p�r��en�ac�� caf ti��ir gcaad� �rr� sold �u��ide �tE�� r^egza�. Tl�a���a "eac�ar�a.r�g" ind�s�raes br°ang ra�w man�ey into °fi�ar°d and r�or�:hwe�t (7�^egor�. ��rrv�r��3�y, s�.nc� ma5t r��ail �s��� ��11 a� his�h� �s�r°��rst��g� e�� �S���w e�sa��w �e� Io��l �ustc�m�r�., marsey i� r��ir��la�r�� wi�h�.n �t�� r��c��oa� �e�d �G�er°� �s ��ly � v�r,y sm�all i�sfluac caf mor�ey �=r°arn eautsid� tt�� r�r�giors. �"he Gamp�^ehensau� Plan Repqr't �on tfi�� �conamy s��tes C�. T-lA4) : °'. . . locd�it�ns along eit��r sidP c�f �lighway 217 will t�e ��v�lop�d fAr inds�s�r�� �r� offic@� prc�vir�xng �mployc�en� ap�,oetcareities f4r� th� r�g��� �s a �hc�1�." 4dh�1� �ra ir�--c�epth ��onomi.c �n�Iyxis m�y k�e beynnc6 �h� s�c�xp� a� this steady, it is . imporl:ant to �c�Cna�rlede�� the di�f�ra.ng ��onos�ae b�nefits of 'kh� uar��.aus uses to the CiL°� and r�ec�i�r�. � SUPP'�IARY � � '7his s�u�y ��� inv�s�ag�t�c� hz��.e�r°ica� �° a,syre�rmatia�� lo��ti.ic�s��al eharactpristiGS, sure�c��r�d'zn� dC'�1VA��, transport�tion issu��, r^e��an�e �rom � � affec�c�d ��.r�ies arrad r•�l�van� �c��n�urr��y t���r�la�m���s� ��d� s���ic�r�s. .,� � Rtcard� uf pa�� d��zsions aff�ctinc� zana�g �sitil�in the ��c��e Ar^�� sFvc��a ��r�t � ther�� w�,� a c��sire t� main��in th%� ar��a �ow ir�dus�r.i�,A ���� . 3'i�� �s�°ap�r°'ci�� °'� that h�v� beer� char�c�ed to a cQmm�rcial �car�e are lc�cat�� n�ar �i�tt��r Gr��errburg R��d �r S�holl� �err ��d. ��n� camments ��d� d�r' h��ri�� f�r tM�s� ���� �h����� indic��� tha a eo����rcial z�n� design�ti�r� ��s a������ia�� ��ly f�r . ��� site i� s�u�stian, r�o� for �h� �n�ire ac�ea. Pr^oxi�ity �o bJ�shinc�t�� ��qus��e �p�ear� to b� �z 1s�ea�i�s��I ac�vae�tagc� for can�t�m�r �ari��st�r! r��t�il act��riti�s. M��e�r�r°, � clos�s loc�k may show �i�a� if cc�n�u��r�� �annot seQ � s�r�r�e or a �igr� fo�° that �tore one� th�y ar^� o�f the f�°�ew�y, �h�y wall rerr� shr�p t6�ere. 7h� h3s�i� v���rwcy+ r���e of �:o�hr��n��'s Pla��. is im�or��ra� becaus� it h�� simil�r l�sc��irar�al charact�ris�i.cs �o �h��� of �h� C�sc�d� a�rea. It is �lso im�or��r�� t� �o�� �4�a`c, ���ile 4/1SY�l�l�J ��.,y na� be �.n ��v�sni:�ge to indu�tri�1 �s�s, proximi�y �o thr� fre�way �ys��r� ca� be v�ry import�n�. . Ft�e�ss to the Ca�c:ad� R�^�a a.s via Gaac�de �ouY�eadr�d �r�a�n either G�^ee�baarg Ro�d gn �h� �ou�h r�r^ S�hr�lls Fer�r°y Ro�d rsrr th� �or�h. ��rr�rally, � ��Sange �es an�r� commer°c�a1 acti+ritie� m�y iricr^ease� �r��f�Fis in t�►� �r��, �s���i�11y eff�cfiin±� i;h� ir��t�r�ec:tioc�� u��e� to �n�er�/�tti� �he a�^ea. A �raas���eart��i.ae�,��ra�Pic: s�udy s�iou�d b� canduc�.�d if a t,e�ne �h�r��� is �rr,pc�s�d. A �h�r�a�� of zQne is ��a��ca�°�€d by an� pr°��aer~�y own�r° and fo�sr bcasin����� but �Four pe��p�±rty awn�r� arad six �u�iness�s �ppo�� a charyge. T�� r�enaf.�ring �ig�t r�esp��ei���s indicate nu pr�ef�rcarece. �'a��c� �� many �aoter��tially �ffec��d �S�r�f�g, th�t vsaiced �n o�ir�iae�, ��^�f�s^�^@a� �that 'eM� zor�e re�naira IP9�US�P'1�1 ��P"�C. The �oaswnunity Devpl�prca�nt �od� 1e�catgAS��1 �iri��raa s�at�� th�t �ne e�f tl�� ica�:�rsts oi= �h� indus�r°i�l z�n� a� tsa pr���c� ��cis�inr� �.ro�¢�s•tra�l lara�s fr�m �r��►^oach�ner�� �� no�r—ieod��tr�aal us�s. �� �l�c� ��.�+t�� �hai� th� is��i�s�ce�Yal I��od� ' I ghe�uld pr�o�id� ��Qra��rAZC �r�o�uth �r�� d�v�elap�m�r��. Tha��� �ss��s�� ar°e as�ptar���� ir� th��t C�,s��d� is a� �xis�an� a�r�e� �ci i�� di�ruptfon could t�a�r� F�t�rs�i;��lly �arra��ul ��o��mic �csn�equ�nc�. � CORl�LUS�ON i I Th� �a�cad� Are� i� �n ��t�bli�h��, �aan��a€s�zr�g i��r��as�e�i�l �r���. �i�e��� I �t�b�able exp�.n�ia� �,f � �coa�m�r°ci�•i �r��a� c�.r� @a� b�nef:ici�1, r°����t��aaa� c�� �st�blisi���! indus�rial ea�es i� v�r°y a,�r�portar�t t�i �h� s�ec�ior►. °�17e r-esul�� �f � thi� �ti�ady show �nca �amp�l�i�� r�a�sc�r� �z� c��►��� �h� �r�r�in� �e�i�na�ioe� wf�hsit� PS �fl� �:�S�c��R f�1P2at. 1 � _, . ._ ._. . .. 2977P'J0045p . I � � I I . I I . �I � II I • I � I I �I L��i���,��'Y'��'�!� � � � � � � �� �-� � - � r� .� ,! . � j � , �� � � . 9.�. � ¢. B. � � m ����� � ° f .� �'' , � F d�� � 6•t(• v�kDE�109A ' f�L. I�e � "P . ea ' Sa'A ! � �p�^ . � Q, � � � . o@ a0� W ! v '� � R� �� \ P'P •e� ��'�� 1 N I �� °•�� o � � � �i .-�+, o° �� y �.T A I . � � I �� ( � �''�,, � � � �2�- ' � �� � �� � � � ° . 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Tdephoflr 150311]5-339U 7.•l eeapter l5037 21B•2�!80 c.ai�c�n�,.� I . 7elu%03355 � Wrlrer's Dirrrt Uip!Nu�vbrr ' I (503y 296�9Sp6 Axlc��� 11, �.��� , VI� FA�S��"iT.L� . P7ro T�i11 ti°k,ndr�a ��.�n.xa�r • Ci.ty �af �a.gard �laraEla.ng D�pr�rtmers� 1.3�2 5 S�r7 fi�s�� �aul��r�,xd . T�.gz�rd, 0�2 �'�2�3 . �e: ����a�tzcsn b.y 13�mbo1�1 �s�:�, Ia��� ISe�g tiai7L�: . �Y�axx� yc�u foz �.�3��.nc� tk�� ���e �o c�.i���.�� �Ys� st�.i:v.� ag �resu� �t��� �e�c��� �ri�Ta m�. I �arade���t�nr1 t��a� CB�y'� ����t�.csn �� �ou �laiz��d :�� �s� �.�. Hota��r�ar, T ur�n��d go cgiv� �r�u �Y�� . x�.��saxas+�� �c+ -�a��e i.��u�� t�a�� s�eza �o b� safi greatest �c�aa��xn �o s�.a��. � a1.�o wan�e� �kcs ��e�7Lzain a��in �ahy T b�lx���a �a� rfx��iq'� �� c��.��.�3ee �� n�� � ��r,�a�.�i�� ��.xa�a.aag fea� �.ha.s rer�,a�st. . Ynu laave z,�xd9.ca�teci �ha� ��ra]. �,aaa�man l��l.�,�sres �3a��. ,c.kaanc��� s��.h. �s �Lk��.� shpuld k�� �ddres��� a.n �. �ccaanp���z�5��re s�tk�e� t�a.ra an isq.�a�.E� fa��ic�n. � �c�r�� �ra.'�h Caxo�. �.n p�'i.nr.a��.l�. Tdevex�hele�so 'tk�e Ti�gaz-d ca�apr�Pa�nsi�src plan � �rcavides �car c�a.�s��jtac�a.�:ial �ha.nges. �olic�. 1.1.�, �x��a5.emen�a�ion �ic����c�� 2. ��.lo�� iracAa.va.c��a.ls �ra an��� �:•��aaea'�� �� �� ���� fag �comp�eh�nsiKe pl.an am�rstim�nt�, a�d �I ksel�i�dP� t2`�c��� gl�a� am�r�d.m�ra�t� �ug1�t ��a �� �e�ir�e�. upon �.2��3.x �a��x�s �ath�r. ���a wai�tiz�g fo� �e C.�t� �a �.�k� a mor� Gamp��h����.v� (c�x� :i�gi��.��ive) r�view �� �t2�e �ratir� ax�a. I . Z'�� s�coraci issu€� app�.d�� �o b� �ahet?�ea� �� �laruiir�g . Carr�sn��sioa� sYac�u1�2 �ec�ci� as a pala�y m����:•r �� th� pr���s.°�� a1.Qa�e� Cascad� l�,ueri�ae sho�ald �emaa.z� a.n the rnciustris.� 7?�r�: �i.�tric�. 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C°•,f1/E� C�LE�' I�.`�!F���L�C�E'Y , � AS�o Wi�1 Y�°t�aidr�a �u�st 1.�., 3.9�94 . ���� � Gt�.�� �'Y�wB��� ax�c� $�evera �re��e ��a��cs�'�. � cora�l�a.�x�n �t;Yaa� �:�t��e i� �.3��1�, �.f n�, ri�m��e� �'o� ��P aox�a�d 1z�r�do w1aiZ� �th�: c���d . ��� �—� �oned l�na �.� qu�.�e �ic�ha . �aaa�7��.Yo �au i�sdi�r��e� �2�r�v� �t���� �a�.� � eaxa��,�a �a� tYaa.� ��q�a���. wou�� �r�at� �� °1�.�I�rxd°° �� c`--�: �o�a�.�c� a�►ic��t I-�P ��nxr�g. oa�.�y � �an��.�. �Oia�� �� ;�r��a�x.�y at,m�r� �y� Suk�u�°b�x� P��}�ar�� �ra�ll se�a�at� tka� lara� ira �,b.'is ��c,�.t�s� ����n adja��.�t �—� �c��ai�a�a ri���ec�v��, �,� I ��a,r��.�e� rsu� i� x�� ���en� l��.t��, tgae Z°-•�' �earaZ�i� is, igx ��c�, �n i�l�.szd a�p��a��d ]�� tsrc� �--� ' di��tr�.��� whi�� an�ho� �ith�r ��-�d of ��.�c�.ci� Av�rfu�o ', � I die�.cii-tipra�ll�', ��-�goaz �mncT u�� �a*�r does no� p�a��i.ibit , �hi� kind e�� ���ing p�����a�o �s� ].nng �� �k�� r�e�taes�. i� i appr�v�d b�s�d an ag�l��a3��e �rit���.� �.z�r� i� ncat zna�mpa�a.�1e ' W�'��'"a ��;}�CC.klt �°°� LI��'°`a r �� �S J70'� �Z'G�].1}J.3.'�,�t3�. f9"* �& �:�1'�=.�??s, �r. 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Qool . • ��°�EL R.I�IC� B�I..,� �E�EB��� J�II'°'�I�� ��I�.�� AU� 0 �51��� ATTORN@Y5 A1'LAW surTe z3oa ° STANllARDlNSURAIVC@CEN'TER C�M�U��iY DEVELUFMEi�7 900 SW FIF7"H AVEIVUH PORTLAND,OREGOhI 97204-1268 � Tclrphonc(503)224•3380 Telccopier(503)2.20-2980 Cahlc L¢wpnrt Tclex 703d55 W�itcr'a Direcf Dial Num6rr (503) 294-9194 � �L1t�11�� 4 0 7.��� �, Mx'a ��.1]_ D�I�R'�f1�'�� I P��r�n�� I f��.i�y �f Ti.garr� Planning d��pa�tm��t �."�.25 ��1 Hal�. Batt��vazc� '�1�a.�C'�, O�Z 972�3 .� ��� A�,Pl icatic�n k�,�_�t�x�X���d T�u���e -7Cr�a, D��r YJ�.1:1 e ��.��s� �a.xad ��scica��c� � 7.�t��� .0 x����ivec� �x�a� ����r� ��°�:��� di��a���ia�� �.h� ��,pZa�ca.�t'� moti.�ratiQl� �a� �.k�� , �.�m��ela��.s��r� �a1�.r� �n��s az�d �on�.n� �n�p �.��:n�.x�aen�n As �r�� cara �e�, 5�:��r�'� 1����r �dr��.e��e� t�� 'p�+a.��al��@e ��c�a.s���m�n� aZ �:k�� Ti���°� ��zr�pr�T�en��.�r� g�l,�n r�ga�°daa�c� �h� ��is�anc� �],�n map ��ad � �r��.ing �a� s������a�.�a.�+�a :�c,x �?�� ��ea�a���� ��.ar�c� �����e�� �.�r�xau�o I��.�a�� s�� �.��� �:�a�.� Z�tte� �.s �n����d i�tc� �.he r��a�d �a� �hi� �i�.�:�ex�. R> �I��y truly yours� �. �-� _ � � � ��.�k���� C a ��sb�ra�as� � 1`�C:1�:c�z I �rxcl,os�re �c: �ix�. �i�yn� I�e�al� (c�/�n�l o ) �, 2��a I���r �ta�c:h tw/�ra�l o } � M�. C�x�o1 L���an�� �w/�n�l. } � � � � C� �u � i PDX1—J.32455.1 23452 0001 PORTLAWD. SEATTLG. BELLFI'UC. 1'ANCOUVGR. NOISC, SALTLAKECITI. 15'ASHINGTOK. OREGPK WASIIINGTPN SVRSHINGTON N'ASIIINGTOK IDAHp UUH DISTRICTOPCOLUAIBIA � � � �� �� � . " �� 'd M E q .. � c � ' g T ., °_ :7�aly 26, �.994 I I M�a Ma.cha€�1 C o I�Zeba.n�an I ��oel, Rives, Ba�.��r, Janes � G��y , 900 �T�T �th 1���r�ue 'i �nrtlarad, C�R 97204 II �� a �.�fi�kes�7d ��aa��s, IM�. ���a� �"�x��g� ��d �ap .�a�n��a�� I �i���°�, 4����r� � I Dear �ik�: I i TY�� mc�ta.va�ion for R�n�bolei Tru�t�P �za�. �� appli�ation �o I chaYZC�e ze�ning o� th� subje��t prop��ty is becaus� o� the in�rda.�ate ' amc�un�t of "b.ic� bcax'° retail r�qu.ir�anen�s tYza� h�.ve vurfaced �iuri.x�� ', tYie las� 24� month�. Tr�� r��a�.line� �rend �t�x��d w�_th, th� Wal-- I Mar�s, Co��:cc�s anc3 o�her ��CC���I�O�x DS.L..�A.�.�Z���°. T���e us�r� servire I tY�� c�s�e�mer with a z�o-�fgil:�s ��.i�.ding u�.�1.�.zi.raq k�a.c�h--c�ab�d I m�rchand.��?ng a�°eas wx�.hcaut �ypic�l ��rviGe 1.�k� �h.� ��ra.p �e����.1 , s�car.e us��lly �mpha�.i�e�e '', As tix�� r�c����gt has cc�n��r�ued �c� gxc�w ��arr�ugkl �i�e d� c��aa�� .zr�r�u�t�y �.�d ir��o c�race�i��, w�e'v� seen s��re��.l new °c���gc�a:-y � ' ki�.l�r�", specifi�all� in �I�c�troni.cs, appl�a�.�e� ar�c� ��r�a.�7.z�e, bQa�s, r��arci�, c�cs�thang �i.n aadit�.o�z �cc� �u�1.�� c:�n��rs� �nd a�atom �el�ted c3�a�ci�o Tk���e u���� �r� LtYYk31.S.�.1.IIC� �c� ���i�.i_r�is� �.� ��� t�a� �. high c�rrcuncar� �r�� �:c�sts fax m�ll t�n�z�c�, str�.p� car a��e� �p���.de� ', de�relopm�r�t ca�c��nri�s s.a.nce t�c�i.x i.�i��n��.�an i� tc� Y�u�.1.ci � wa����- � ho�xse-st�rl� }�zz.i�.c�inc�, �iigta e�bed v�i�h �e���r 1i�,�.�.� ���ac��� ����� �r�d ', competits.�rely ad�rex��ri.se �� to draw .in �the p�.�rans. A ���Qr��e �oca�ican f�s� t-,l�i� us� l�a� be�r� n�ar x��e��.c�z��.l a��11s, f����..�n.g a�� the traf�ic and ra.ame familiari��r gen�ra��d. k�y 1.o�a�ions such �s Clack�mas To� Cer�t�x� and Washaz�c�tqzl 5c�ua��. ', , Tt'e subj�ct pr�pertv �e,u rep��s�n� fax the zara� c�haz��� �nd I', p�.an a�end�ent p�o���� has t�a��e u��r�prasp�c�s a� tha.s �c�x�t irz I �ime. ThPy ar� is� �.h� hc��n� �u�nishings a�cl el��:t�cr�ics b�a�.�n�ss, , th� l�Qaks, r�cor�i�, 3;ap�s an�I video k�r��szae5� �.nd �.n ��at:o ��.r�se , a'� �ZI, t�ree a�� 4t?, D00 sc���:x�e ��e•� as a miria.gnu�n �zxd �Ly°�a.��.11�r lo�r�r � in traf��.c. q�r�era�icsn t�a.xi norm�l s�t�:i� c���at�x r�t�.i,�.�rm» Tt�e� � �a�h ad�rex�i�� �i 1.CE? tc� crpa�.E higka�� �vera.g� ��c�C�� ��1�s. T�ere j � are �ev��al ��.teznp�i.z�� �c� ��.�.er �he Po�tl�nd mark�t �-� �h�.� ��� ', � includiz7c� �Tc�me Depot, Be�t Buy, C.��c�i�. �i��, Fu�uY� �h��� anc� ' � Gooci Guy�4 �n �c�di.ta.c�nQ th�re aa:� tvao auto p��ts re�.��le�s �z�d � nlajc�r �ook �.nd ��nterta:l.n.m�r��. c:osnp�raa.es. � nun��x� of o�fic� s�zp�ly ', � �hai�x�s, 1�.rg� pe� suppl.�Y s�tore� and �tay a1���raat.���s sizn:Ll�r tc� T�gr� 'x Us are al�c� e�pa�:din� �o as� wi�hin Po�-�land°� m�xk�t. 7'i�ey� �11 seek xc3�nti•ty, a�c�ss anc3 vi�ibxl:i.��e T�� w�1.'1-��l�fi�ed loca�i�z� li.ke "'n�ar Wast�ir�c�t��n Squ�re" c;r��t�s th�e e��.ily-- id�ntiS�.ak�l� �nd r�gion�l-�5ca1Q lc>�ata.nn �.hat is ci��ix��c�m 93a SOUTHWEST SY CL/ali9 AVENUf_ '�� �'ORTLAND OREGON 97205 � � `.0�/225•0700 F.:x 503 228-2533 I �b P .C4VA�d..Ldi3�6A �s'�C�� � ,7uly 76s 199� Bu��.�:�ag�o� �a�c�„�e P�.a�a� ��.�:��t�.� a�a��h �f t�i� ��ak�j�c� ��.�� , a�s�r� �c.k�a�.3.� ��r�y itc��d, a.� �ia�z��ra��.y �x�der x�e��v�lopr��n� f��° a s�.snil�� s��r1� us� bu� �.n tk�e Ci�gr c�� ��aw���c�am 7�t�� dev��.sa��� will �gp�r�z��.1�r ��s�o�� �om� of t�a� ��r�.g ����.a.l �:c� c����e �.�,����— s�:ale �a���� �pa��� fcr cle���i�.n�, l�.s��n� �rad Y��c�a�a.r�c�, s�f�ic� �ug�li�s� a�i�li�nce�� ele�tr.�nic� �.�c� ��a�� �ugni�h�.r�g�e fihe �.c�t�.�. ��deve�.�pm�a�t o� tY�e ��n��Y v�il� �ur� �rk��.� �a�.� b�e� a �r�x� h�.�t�� �r�can�y r����.1 sp�.�� �.n�� �. �r�ry° �c�pu�.ar "90°�°� x���a.l ��n��erv ��..la� u��r� �x�.s�znc� a�au�d 4�a�Il�i�ag�tor� Sc���,�� ����� iaacl.�ac�� � ^��.r�e�, L�;a�ants a C�,�caxi� Ci�� a•� w��h�.ragtan �:���n�, ��c�f�.� �,i�a�n, B��n�s � l�oble �.n� Cos�. 1�1ua �mpa�r�.� in ad���Lic�n �c� �a�linc�ton Ce�a•t ��c�.or�r� Th�� i� �h� �rave �� �Ya� �0�� �� r��a�.l�.�� cc��xa�i�a��a�s �c� Gh��,n�e �Q �ae�t t�� c:dns�a��r�s de�naaie� �z�e� d�sa�re. I z 'c� �� h��a�Y t�o aaa�w�� �r�y c���aer q��s�iora�o I Ya�r v�x:�° t�taly, II . r � �'�r I S�� � �� .�� � / I ���/a�. � I c:c� �r7ayn� Rea�c��.c� � � � � c� � � e� � �a �a _r,.., �.. .. � , .. ._ Y �� e � , •^, � ;� . � �� �C . s�ra�: �����r ��.:a� 5.5 $a���sa paa,��rx:r� eo:��s�s.�a�rr a�:�uac 5, l9c�Q — 7:]� p.er. 'x�."..y3�::� x�clJ�:� DT���:;:`C �S•SEti''S i c�"TLd:% 4�E%C:� — �6.1'R�9' R�O:i I3L]7 5�7 Par.iEi� H3.gh�eay6 Tfgascl • :�t� �;;�a+:�si.acx ri�sa��g��1 � ��Ssic�aat aha.).x taa mada aac C.°�� P�rab1�.� Rezsr,�s, . �1����'�e ���Iican� is reeqve�t�d te c�as ao. SF�o�lcl P.Psi� o��ur, ttn� i�sa rriZ7. bn Y�I�d unGib �ks� FeLlawi.ng Ke�ring. IIfl�'��°: TANE CE%ANe�, �C 26-80 t&�9 A��cci�tes,fcra�alc � ,�scc.L�"..e5) �CI �� a1FaPL,TC�.N'!.°c C�°a �. ta3.o:s�! (�d'N�Ft. ��°$ �L5SOC2A'S�'.+ � e^RA.'i'�C AAfD e1�54C2A"I'�S 7�0� Sta�Ya�i.e�$ &'ldza 6625 tv`� li2nd �v�HU� 1100 �id �e,ta Paz�l�d, t?r�qan 9T230 Port��nd, 4r��oc� 97204 A'.APZ,BC:.i"d��'f�Fi DA°L'.£: .7vSRe ��6 0 14e�� q m 5�:� I.C�"ai"I'SC�PIB '�`f'7U SS'd' '°sG4Y(921� I��SI�( RDi�tl ��'7}S'.dh. �".'tJo °l°�S�e �ja 15� �6�'e °1`�A.� x�� i�ba� �.�� �e��$ �QUE�'�: Faz S C'L�C:9PP:f1�[L�L� Fl.saR Ftcvi.icsr �r�a� �sen�ens3� Pan� pisp. ��.ie,*��r.ia:� P:�4 "2n2us�x3.a1 Pask� �e C-3 °���r��r,x�1 Ccscss�z°cia.2.°. e �'�P��' 2$,i.P.ltA,`r1�i `T�� pxi¢a�s^� i�sca� h�,�� .�� LYa� ���x�3.�c �a�° ��.� ��a�°� �.s� ,�,n �ns�uffi�zi�al �ra�:� �'a�. �� ���S�i��.�� �ri�h�� � rha�qn tYae ew�pr�heYas4.v+� Pbaaa �+ea �,tai� gaw�l � m �x'� ���ir�las xcan� f�a� �a�ail �.,,�o. tltadax r�'� pz��ea�e Zocaa af !:-4, x��.il �ale� att�e alYau�rl "ie� cenj�c��3oex v��E�s �sy� oF �'a� �as�g��,�� t��dS�lc+.�a�, Usm�"', o�e ef �hieF� is waereksssusL:aq. 'Tne Aasplicaa�ak Ye� �ntioned to .5t:a�E t.°�at thi.� �ecx.i�rs og the �ac�e i� not �peciti� e�n�eB�ta se� iaa�ure x�,�ta�l devel�p�an�. �t.�f.� �����„ �nd�z �ta� �gc�aA��� ��� ��'.�ea���3. �ocs�sx°�amm�.'" ��sir�na�tion, themc �.� no queseir�a�, na�g ia �,h�xg �, cornEgL�� ar�,2t1 t�a� C,aatd3�eaaA �s� S�ec�i�ca. POF.�LAritQ C$t8bfl �� or ��y no� recisiax ean ��3 3it�a �om���n du� to �.2se l.aseg . tFaat Koll A�x�iness Centsz is being san�tructes? �a Ch� €da�st�d FI£ hsr� 2 7 � � � i.� eu �.h� �,��� r�ith 5�h�11� �a�rry ku th� h�xttia m.n� �a� C�� ��a Lda� s�asP�, � fur:h<z� ��elopr�cz� �n th5.� ��ec�� �iZ1 hav� esc:sy 13�t7.� �Cf�ct; �a �ursrobz�a�fiaa� pze�a�rey i£ th� sa�r �t' r�Cai,�. ou�le�s �� 3ie�tr.�d ee� �a�ga c�as�lsau�e or,�catir,ns w�tah r��sil outlets. 'S`39e ��p3ic�n� �n2i�s t�aahinc�te�n ;.;�un� ��d tne °waitlnq list�. ,tsff aould fsa� ss��p��t � sise�.lae u�� en �tai:� gsx�t�y°. 'aaa� Ae,�u��e s�e�s s�a.sors�2ce Bs�r�ag� �� �ts� axe�, a�rsc� a-;��'� i� pxrea,��ei� :,,�,�,� p�.ae� s�n, o�cx tsaseA,� pr�n; �:sMad�. b�ow,.g R�ax�s �.� ���� �� sw".�.tl, �.ia� e�ag��rer:�aw �inq �,hae cek��� i� tsken o�� th� pra�s�y� 3� ���tsrnasfl. P$r � 8,�s a �:+aIT r�a�aii opes�efvra, F'zana �aY�ry �a� � s�c.ail ocs�le� �lse�. � � I . � --_—_--- ".w..�� - ..m�A J _ ____ � —-- � ..._..d... . . , .._ t � L , � o ' � •b • � �„ o •,,o- . . s:a.�� �t�ar � �°c::�& S.�f� 1�ipg0 . '%°'FG°�.0 RL.iv:1;dZA�P°., ��:h.'�4Z�a�Q:� �u�u5d ,p 1980 • P�r�e 2 I i &iill t.�e e�Kf.�� C�sea� �v�nc�k a��m e�°esae,ual.1� gc� cca�.�e�tal.; csa. '�a� a�x I 9.a w�Il a�tab�3�had a.� a.z ir.��ast�ir61 zc�n�. tm� px�pcssal. f�r �.h�.s �d� t� �or m lasyws tu�a,��ura w�h�ea�e with � x�Y.ai1 csu�l,m�ts �P LFaiaa e�b.��v� Po�d ,resp�sasef a e�s�a�er reu aher of �e�.i� outicC�, st.a�E vcau9 d r�at haa�e �,cie s �2:� �r�a:.�en��.i.on ixaalu��3 2ae��i�a. �t �a �tther �uggested th�t shaaaAe� II t?siz �eeo� t1sM ease, :he �p1ie�.n�'s3s�sxl�2! rekuxix �es �kn Pl��s.ni.n�. ° , . Co�£.s�£cue �os �agprova�l ot tt11 t�ture ��v�lap8ente Ae �.Faas ,s�a�n° �. St�f£ is �+oz36iag e�r� a l�g� �nr�a�ticaca �z�e�,cs�l ir► Chi� a4ez�. FJ� �x,�cC �.o � �setor� �.�� Cnuncil ixa Septxa'aer �iCRx th� in1,�d.�1. R,eso�wtior�e � Zg th3s z�qu��� is apg�s��rad b�r �he P7.�nr�faa�g �ac�l.�si�n� �ae �r�6c!s� 7�ae �h� lnnd G�3 �� k3a�s ti8xs �.tg� C�sc�seciA mppr�o�� t.�i� d�n�x.��iora �rr3xaaaeea�e fog2.owi�g the Boc�e�xyo C�i.ssiaxs F°i.n�.l Ord�r. 1"l�a� ps�csce�s iitic3.�n��� tt 1��3� �,s�s �a� ' Fublie H�arir�e,�s, 'Y'h� �O �7 �.hai� ha�� u��n ao�i�ae� aE ;.Yiis �ragsox�.l. anci x�e h.av� t�cs� x�c��.vad c�n�. ' %. F'Y1NDEalC� C�.' �°AC'�; :.. Th�.� ��.e�a:, im� :.�k hcc�'6:'dsYiS�l4'SL4f�' i,RY i:s7aP �.:.�ky.ar�"•:'aiy«ct3:'•-•rn :veno�xa�atz • �e�4.�t�s h�s.s tac�n fi7.e� wit.h t.h� �lannieac� c�ep�ut�r�� �.nd ��af� �xpec.r.� ° �'ix�Z ;��it�n s�n. I 2. '�'h�a �r,rsx�nt �o�rchen.�si�ve �2an t'D�sic�t�.�n .�� Mm4. A�s�liraaa2� bai�t�a:� I �� c:?�ea�� �h� �ea��Y��ss�n� �2� d��ig��ir�r �e C��. � 3. fiY,l ,pu2�9.,ic x�xvice� �s� aaral.l�Aaa ��a �h.ts ssit,�m C:a���cY� Aveta� a� , �ti¢�1� �'er� Ctrs�c9 i� aa 3ig:���d era�eic ind�r�a�eio�ra� SI o �;dc�iJSIQPIr1I2X E'%PJDYN�:aS s 1e Ca��a�dR Aw�r�u� is sub��P.�sx3kxdo %m �eaele��xaent an �hi� p�.rcei accuss, tr,e r►Qee��azy i�s�avecaead� wi11 kaes mad� as a �ancP.i�.tnn o: c:ev�loges�ca�. 2. �it� draia�sg� •L�saaes w�11 }ae xd��.��e� at d�rslo�,e�ssae.• � 1o6.�A 3.a�gmv�emmC di�tt.z�ict ��^ �e tA�d L'allovi,rag ,�nasgsc�.tSon �F �ev�g�l �aa��I.s �xs i:l�ts �tr��, � 3e �.� dev�slca��n� ur11.1 bx �ubje�� 'Cr.a Si:� ��Lgn 3tevi.ew�, I'I I;L�. :`Cdn� Et��PS$:PlP�:c;,°I{�.d: ' ' S2��R �_��.r.'s� �,�+�.�.���?. oC �his ��..^°°r�r�p1e^��zs� ol�� P���ier.'�aiCB� �..h� �ol.'�bcra.�� �.ined.�tiara�: 1. t�ea �'inal ��tica�a sh�]].1 kx� �a,k�e a� t.hl� req�:�est sa.°s4;33. 3�,�3.� p�r�l i� �,n�aex�d to tts�a �fC� o� Tic�a�sl, at urhich tiaxr. i� :�t�ll b�e 7,canad �-�3 "�seral. ro�sae sciax�."e � ._. . _. - --_ _°�--_�.,�a _ ,�.._�._._._...� a _ ,�.�.,�...a,_..a......�_ .__ ._....._ . �,,m..rr.�:.,:e.�.aa�c��: e � . w... . ... , .......... ..... . ... .. . . .... . . �.. .�.. .4 o t '( .�`q � � `'' ° p�`M � 'a . . � � �xz:� �:.�o�� a�:a°::i7.�, 5.5/°LCC lfs-IIO �gc�,�.� Qr„�r;�a.� �w`u�saaea � �+n AU�RISC JPS 1��6 • • Ti�d�'°.B $ �. X� �re Gh�ei �rs (�) r��a4.1. �ut�Y.ee�s ��B �omEer�9.��s��! P�+s �txi� ��e�l, .. �� kAe e�.an�� o� eh� 1��d sha11. $�a3y .��e said use eea �� Plaauxiasc� cb�.��,�s. I !ox a�pxoval. (�'tais roa��2�icrs relst�� tu t3ae s�nt3ge p�xe�I. iucltx�.�n� �� • , �I �Sreses�� sts�ture idasad Cv Pwz�lau�d �halz�)e . I � t�.Y �eveJls�,��nm txhall 2� s�:ka��ct to Si�.o'�sivaa It�via+r, I • e .m i , i� , ! �� , i II �� , I • g I � Q b r �/ F � Ll�o $�.21I1YPd�.F9Cf Dj.S'Q�COP. • . . . � r. / / ! �� � � 5.� S�Sk3pIV�SZCiRI S 1�06, l.�'0' �INE AD�16S�'P1�N1° Pi 6�flb. 6��RIF��1�� !f 13--�6 NPCt � 3 AL.��f�'� �4N11 V�R��,l��'`69���',E„R�4( ASPSb � � ,� �; ��� �'3�', � ' . _ �'haia it��o w�ll �� ra�d�rar�i��� "t�ee'��W��d�s��`irs+� l���r ies gh� ���r�. ..,,.,, 58E��S8 �:�5 WP1 � . . RE�a�IV��� �:�5 WP1 5.3 ��9� ���?IAP��E 6�9��I�i'�°' ��� S�-�B6� �RR���"� AlVL��a�R�d4RA P1�t�3t t`T�Y'3�E &.a) A ��quest f�r a Zone Ordirr�nc� Amendmen� tc� Titla 1� r�� �iwe �'i�ard � t�ur�f�a��l Code to a�lla�w public ager�c� admanis�tratfon s�rv����; l.c�dg�, �r�a�t��a��. �nd c�vic a����m1�ly: ��r��r°�1 a^e��sxl ��Y.�s (li.mai:�d tc� 4�aalky � m��ch��dis� �uch as �Qii"f9b�UY�e ae�d 9.�rge ��pli�;nc�s}; �ne! personal ��r�vic�s ° as p�rmitted a.n the TP (TndLis�rial Pa�°k) a�ra�. a Cammissioner �lewman st�t�d �h�� {�� would r►ot p�rticip��� �s a Crsannsi�sic�n�r° in tchis h��r•i�nc� a� his wiPe is one of the t�n�n�s on t•r�e prop�rty �nd he �wauld be te5tifying aa an ir�divici�al. 5erii�r- Pl�nrti��^ Liden �rc�ieweci th� �Sr°�gao��l. L�r�g�hy diWcu�giara foZ].a��d � rec�ardir�g c��ang�s� beinc� prap�ns�d. i � T-0PPLI�A�IT''S PRE�EMi"ATxAf� o C�uc� Co�a, Cu�h��n & Wak�fa�ld, �.1k SbJ 5t�a Av�. , Suit� 24Q0, Poo^�1ai1d, Oft � ��2��. re�,r-�se�tir�� �Fi� �ppZis:�nt. Ett�siairaed t;has r�qu�s� was lhe re�ult o� �raperty 1oca��d s�r+ S�1 �a�cad� Blvd. t��x� �o �oamer� Ft�r�ts . i�� expl�in�c� th�t t�is clfent �z�l be upg�^�e��.r�g �E�� pro�rer•�y �r�ti w�ul.d li.k� L°�tp i�lettibality '�c�. 3eas� ���r use� �t��� ��^� b�ie�r� pere�it'��� nn �h� �r�ea� s�c�s �� L�uxtz. €ie c��oe�ta��r�d wh��i�e�^ P��a��^ �er��s �� Ea�i.rsg G�ata.gari�ed I �,ga�r•ca}ae�i�t�l.y. T6��y h�d origiv��lly +�a�nted ta do .� Zan� �ha�e�� an �he I pr^oper-�y, i�u� gtaff F�ia� di.s�aur-ag�d �h�m anc! swc�g�ste� th�y r^r�c�c�es� �. I � modasi��tio� to �h� IP zon� p�r^�ii�:�� us��. �e st��a�d �.��t t�� �arki.r�c.,� i r�cyc�irer�r�nts� fnr �u1k� 'FWS1A'�UP'� ��°� �he s�nae ��s 4��e� r��h�r- a��r°�he��ase us�s ar�d would b� �ppropri�te fv'r what i.s ira the �a��� n��, PUBL.]CC TEST�PRC3NY 0 o �c�r�a1�l�na ��11. �JPO s'� 4 Ct��i.�^�a�rss�n, s��t�ci '�ha� �h�ar 6�P� fe�t ��at �h� ��i prAperty si�oul�i have a �.ane charsc3e r°ather �har� Ghangi�g the ZR zonp city ' wad�. o I�ill I��wm�n, 10�65 SW Riv�rwc,od �.ar,�, sta�k�d �h�t his wi�c� �s �Fa� �3ar��ctor of the Sehool w9�ich oe�upa.es h�aR� �h� f��ili ty in c�uesti�r�. Fre dic� nn� su�port the propas�d cha�ge. F4� did n�at f��l :�e si�C� hz�d aelequate par°k.i.n<� as is �r+d ��lt th� r-Qqu�s�t was more for a GG zona ��a�.ra a ZP zar�e. Fi� �1sa o�po�e�! changxr�� the zoning nn �he prope�^ty to �G. R��UTTAL ! �� Chuck �:ota, ex�lained �hat �h�eir pr-sf�rene� wou2d k�� �ar � �o�apr�h�n5av� �➢,ar� arrd zorro� �h�rax�e� ho�e�ver� staFf wc�u�.s� ncst st�ppar� i:Nia�t pw�g�c��a1. Fie ', staat�d th�st �.i�� si�ar h�a� �i0 parkartq �p�c�z, whicFi is �d�qu��� 9'�� fi�he exi�tzrr� usa�, Ne can�inued �:hat because af t;i�e cha�nge of uses a��i i;he are�a � �h�y wc��l� like the a�bility to l�aae ts� a wicler m�arkgt. PI:.ANFdING ��k�l�aSYt�1! A1�fNIIS"t'@� ��.��GG1ST �.9, 19�6 — P6�(�F 3 � o �i�c�a��i�sa f���esw�red e°���¢�°dirar� s���f'� �ssitia�ra �n �h� ���+g�r��t°��e��iue pl�ra �r� �a�r�� ����. 5'�4�f f�b� �h� �n��r�� �►r�a �h��a3d b� �m�luxt�d r��h�� �h�� e��a�e�ie� �h� a�r�i� oee ��+ia �s�� p���� re� ga��r��p. PU���� W��B���i� C�f?��� , cs Ccsc���ca�c�� �� �i�� �mm�ais�i�n a�� tt��t at v��uld n�� b� a�a�r°�egari�t� '�aa ch�ea�� �9�ra IP ��a�ea aa��� Pc��° �h� �c���e�� �it,�e I+� �a�Zd b� aros�r�� �a��r^��ria�� to �v�,ulrata� tFt� �n�ir� are�► �� se� if � � dr�aign��ao� ��Sr�uld b� a��igr►�d' �o the ar��. � �mms�s�on�r •�yre �onv�d ��d Con�m���iora�r 9l�nd��a�oc6 se�or�a��s� �c� ��rw�a°d ZOA 5--A6 �� �i�� G�cancil �a��h � r��a�n��►tr�m�bon �oo° �eraia�l. M��Ran carr�i�d � by �j�rit:� ea�at� of Gor�ma�sioners prr�s�n�. Gmm�ro�.��s�r��r �B��n �bg��,ine�. R�G�S� 51:�2 PP� REC;C�fl341�l�E 9:45 PM s.4 57:�6V CQDE CffC�.PI"�aN s�E 9--�6 �RC�1dISPE�KER/�9�SF6f��9 !�l�� fi 5 Req�n��f� fr�c^ � ?�ic�ra ��de Exe�ptio�t �a allc�� for th� �sa��ns�ori �� or�e fre� �$�('9Sti3.1'3� , 31�Yi arad �the aE�i�i�� �t� �a�'sfy � s��ond �ir�� af ��r�e fs^ee s���cciir►c� •sign� �ohic:h ��s�eeei�u��y r°e�c�aae�d S��r� �scc�ptica� a�prov�l (S�� 1—�5) �n pr•n�ss�°�y z�sn��l C—G ���mm�r��i�.l ����r�l} . l��c�a't�d: S�d �ard��e Plac� �bSG7P9 ��`1., 1F�f� 1�� 4�E?, 1Rd��, and 260C�). . S�naor P���yr�Qt^ �.i��r� r°ev��ws�d �kha pr��ri�a�s ��pr�no�a2 and ex�l�irsed ��a� t�is �res�s�l �ec��alci�;.incre�g� �h� sx�Q a� �6�� sign c�� F����. B?vd. �a t6�� �am� �ixe a� t�� �rs�.�.`�stw S� �a�i�fe i�li��y. Also, "�hr�g� waaa�.c� �.ibc� ��a� a4�xlb�y tv �dd � s^��a�4�� hs��c^� �o th� �i�r� �a�at;ed �r� Fiig�wa�t 217, �.f r�a���s���°�t. �'' �FtFPL�G��lT°� PR�5�615"T'A�"TC�N � � R�;rrc�y P'l�c�F�ir�.�s^, 935Q 5� Tig�rci, � Lr���.e�i�e �ign, �x.}�l�ane�! �E���. F�i.� clier�t ��� �ta7.3. i��ae��r� diP�ic�.alty �e�.'th q����a.la� faeotiir� �hexr• 1����ic�r�. !�� st���.d th�t the r�e�s��� s�g�a fas� 217 is soars��hir�� �th�y �r� �rrtic:ip�ti,e��i, how�ve�^. it m�y e�o� hapg��rz. �'h�y would 1ot be i.it��^ea�irtc� t�e s�i.ze of t�s�e �i�n o� 9ixs���aay �17 if �h�� d��ad� �;� as�k� �t3i� c�e���.. rs �la�����ion f�s3.�awed r��ar�'ia.rsc� l�c�ti�n �� �vl���'[keQ sic�n� �stsuld la�k like. � �- .,,,;� � f�UBL'IC 1"�S'CIl�K?I1lY • ���`�"`- �.,�,. o �lc, ane �ppea��d �o ��a�a�k. .. PU���C N�6�E���I� �L.A��D � . o TP�a ��ar°a�y o� �h� �arn����i.�n�rs �u��w�e�d th+� ps���>osal. veac�ai��ir�ee�r f��a�r� cvads cor�c�rn�d �!°e�� �hea e�ta�edaar ba�r� sa�n loc��i�rs ore Hagh�y 2XZ e�ould ��us� � �ri.��a�l di�tr�atior� a�a i� i� l�sc�at�d �uher� t�e ����gi��••.p���e� ��t«s 277 �e°c��s R�cific Hi�€�y< '`rY. � Ca�isgi�n�r F�r°� mumed �re� Co�ni��ionv�r 1i�r�daarv�es�d �r�consd+��i �e� �p�rqli�. th� SC� 9-��6 aa $ssba+itt�c9. 6���we� c�r�i�c9 by �jor��; +so�e af Corea�gssior�e�w� pr•�a�n�. Ca�ni.a�i�ner N��.ro�an vc��ting no. RLAI�NZN� Cxk�i���Yc�N M�I�u°C�� AUr,uST i�; i9�6 — PAf�E a :� i , , � � . ,, . 5. PU�I.�� H��lR�M� — Ktd���€4N'A ��'T�'��S �QAd A�ID EA��I�'f VA��°f'��fd � � �. Publi� W��rin� Oper��c� b. Actxrlg Recard�r outl:in�� �h� hi4tvey of th� r�e�s.�r�s� �otir�g th�� m�unca.l i��d irei�i.a�ced �h� w��a�ican r°�quesf: rn 7/24/�6. She s��t�� �h�� ��.1 sur►^our�dis�g �at��sp��^�� csa�rs��s w�o^e r��st�.fi�d and th�� Linco�.n Savings and L,o�ra wiAl ��ay all f��s r�a��air�d pri.ra�^ to r th� recor�dirsg of the �rdi��nce. " c. Publa� T�a�imony: �1*a on� appea�ed �o �e��ify. d. Ac�ir�g R��corde�^ re�omn�end�d ��pro��l with th� c�nc�i�ians listed in th�± or•ciinance. �h� �lso �dvis�d 4:h�s� the P�ar,��irsg Commission rec�camm��ided apg�r�val. e. Pub�ic Nearing �las�d I f. �R[�T6UAlUC� PdO. 66��t4 AN OR9IlUAPJC� �/ACF�'T�NG C�RTASN Ul xI�ITY I �F�S�MEN7� AND A R��Q RIGH"�--�f9F��dAY Wr��� W�TMII� KI�E�LA�{D �S'ft�"f�5 St�DG3IVIS�0�1 AiUD DECLe�R�f�� ��1 EFF��7I�JE t1AT�. I go Mot�ar� k�y �oun�ilor E�don, �e�onded lay Coura�ilcs�^ ��°ian t�a �da�t. I �ppr�ved by un�r�i.�c�us va�e o� C��s�ancil �a�^��er�tc. � . Fa. Pil��.�� N�ARIN� �-- �C�NE QRD��1�1l��� F1I'���DP°lE4�T 5--6�6 —� IP Z��� v�� t�6'0iE�9Qf�9��dT' I A �ecomme�da�ion by �.l�� Plannir��,� Cn�n�as�ion '�a deny � r°�t�a��s� 1�y E�n��� , and E3�r•�aa�^a I�a�^x �o�^ a �on� 0�^�ir-►�r�c� ���a�ds��n� to T'a��� 1� of the iTic��rd P9sar�icip�l �r,de �:c� al,�.�w �s�sl�?ac ���n�y �clmin�s�r�tian ��r�vic��; ].�dge� fra'�Ernal a�d cs.vic: a�sr��ai�ly; �er�r�a�al s���aa�. sa�Y�s (lim�.ted •ta bulky merch�ndise s�a�h as ��arr�i�aar�e �r�d l�w°c�e �p�Xi�ne��}; ar�d ���^yo��l I ���^vxc�� �s p�r•�ai�ted uKr� xn �he ��P (S;�d�a�t��z�1 P�rk) �ra�a�. Tt a���rov�d �n am�ndm�nt to Se�txon X�.6� t�� th� �'ac���d 'f1�ar�i�xp�1 Code waoa 1d b� �^�c�u i r�d. �. Pub7.i� H�aring Open�d b. C�mmunity Dev�lo�m�nt �3�^�ctor syno�isi.zed th� rec{�►�st of h1r�, � II C9rs. t�arx �o a1�ow r��abl.i� ac�en�,y admini.�tr�tionl �pneral r^e�ai1 s31��, �nc� personal s�rvic�s to h�e p�rtni�ted uses ir� fi:he ��� za���. S��ff r�q�e��ed cundit�c�ns� b� �s��bl3sh�d �o dev�Iap �].war I cr°iterior� ta ��r°9.ct1.y limi�t �he u�� o� bu1My �s��^�h��d�sg. c. Pul�lic Testzmany: f�c� oine ay�p�ar�d �o ��s'�i�y. d. Comm�!nity Devalapmen� �ir�ctor nc�'�ed �he Rlanr3ie�g C�a�ami.ssa.e�r� �I recommer�d�d denzal. how�vFr, staff �elt �p�roval wi�lh carl�li�ia�i�s i woulei k�e aRprapriate, j I s. Cour�cil and s�a"rF discussed �nr�ce�ns r�g�rcling �he I—P zone in I general thr°nughau't t{�e City. �aur�ci� �c�licy would need tA be � studied _ tca de�Er��ine wh�ther f�].Iy comm�r°cial and fully industrial areas are b�st or whett�er thes2 should kse f�l�nsi�d. Ci'ty Administ�^ator stated andu$�rial zorees a.r� fragile anc� need Pa�e 2 — CQUNC�L MINU'1'ES — S�PTEME3ER 8, 1966 �� b� p��t����d. �� r��amme�d�d �o��ci1 t�k� ��� Pl�nnxr� �om�issio�'� r�comm�ndati�n �nd �m s�o�1y ��d stud� �ha� i���� ��ia� to an�ki��g m�dific�t�on� i� �h� I�P za��. ���m��i�� �ev�lo�ine�t �ir��ta� ��a��d �Pb �1 and �4 �ec�m���d�d ���i�l �n �hi� cl���g� ���u���. He �������ed �n��cil di�e�� st��f to �o �a�k �h��uq� �iRe NPO and Pl��e1i�� �om�z�sio� proc��s �� s��d� this bssue ���� c�mple�ply. f. �u�lic Nearinq Cl�sed ` �. ���io� by Cou�cil�r �ri��, ��con��d by Cau�cila� E�don tn �eny th� ���uest �ase� �� the issue� add��ssed �nd r��usst: s��f� pr��a�� d�nial �in�l ord�r ��r �ou�c�l ����zd�r�tian. ��p�o��� by unan�mau� v�t� o� Co���x� pr�spnt. m h. ��nsensus af Counci� wa� f�� ����f �� go b��k �o �he �P�s ��d Pl�rmin� �ommis�im� �nd ��udy ��e Cas�ad� �r�a and th� �—P ��lta�� �f c�mmer�ial and i�du��rr�1 �� i� r•ela��� to the CMG ��n�. �'. f��i���� �- • � � � T�°� _n. �'"� (��li���°fFd�AL. R�Rk� �0�9� � ��l3��°��� �65943�°�4l����`�°''� . � ' ,�'•� �e7 a�pe�1 k�y Eq�i�i�s �lc�r�hc�e��: ��r �h� �ity C�c�ne�l �a r�va��s �h� Q7i€��ctar°0 � �rst�t��ar�����iare c�e� s���ir�r� 1�.�8.034 0� ��a� G��nrra�r�it?p ��a��l�a�rties�� Cc�de. a. ��a�seal i���r�in� 47p��ed ' �. �c�r�r��r��.ty 6D+�v�lr��,oan��t� I��.r�c�:c�w� r�ac��:�d �.�o� ��pl�c�ara�. i���i ���sa��t�s� � hi.c�h��^ d�r��ity o9= Ga�►cne�cial u�� area. ara �l�� I-•P xnr�� �i��n �t�� ca�� �liaws. 1'h� �p�alic�nt cmr���nd�d t�h�� K�11 �� �U�mbu� �cas�n�ss t�ar3e� s�se��ald '�P co�sb�l�r��d a� c�n� prr�j�ct to �l�.�aw fos^ th� �c���.tit�n�l co��ai�rcz�l t�s�. �or�tmuni�y C?evelopm�rst air°ec�or s�����s� h� cae�ldrs'� iw�t�r°pr•�t the ��aca �usis��ss Pai^!c� as t�rzc� �;�ri�� �R��y �a�re d€�v�lop�e� c'� �epa�^�at� pae~cels �nd �t diff�ren� �im�s. Ne ad�ris�d t��.s could set a d�n�er�us pr�ced�n� since 4:he i��:�r�� o� th� xane w�s �� n�� prcame"c� ce�r�o�t�r°�a�l us� i�s �i�� srrdu��ri�1 �c�sro�. c, F��u�,���: �p�S�I l�r��s: � n 3im Fcast��, 11334 SW Iranwa�d �oo�s, sta�:�d hA� c�s�c�r'ra I � regardifl� cooking sc��lls �rod �aossibl� ��.wkii�g pr��bT��a� ir� , � �hP ar�a �nd �t��ed h� did nat want �ny mor� er�croa�h�s�n� � ir��o 1:h�e �r��eo��a�y ��;� g��t�kirsg. � � ,� c� F�c�a.r�� Record�r r��d intcs �t�e rec�rd a lett�r� frc�r� R�.;orraand � ar�� �e���^�.ce Schmaall, 1133� S!� Is^or�wo�s� Loap, s���ing ��Sey i,� o��o�ed the ��c(r���t �n ��5� ���i� o� �aarkirag n��as, � J c� �;.I1 �3�nn�tf, 11�4� SW Ir+ar�woac� d�oop, nc��:�d �a�ca�ras r�gardinc� �;he ��r�kinc� anc� smell of ��od in �h� n�aghbc�rf�o�od ar�d o�apa��d �h� r��q�a�st. , Pag� 3 •- CUUNCIL �'1TLi11�J7E^a -� S�P7EhiBER �, l.986 . - �. • 1 I . .. . . � . ..... _. . _... . . . : . ._ . . . . . .. . . .r�' tn.� �� II , ...,: Cc.�w.�_,;;,�y I CITY C)d 'T'���D, C1FtE�C?�3' � I OL�DI�TA�TC�. P�O. ��.°.�.'�� �I�I A�T ORDT%v�N�E .�,I)OFTII�IG F?'I�TD�I�TG� .�.I� C�NCLtJS��k�T� 'I'� p,.PPROV'� .A ��MP�2.�S�EI���'�1'� PL,�N AM�I�TDI�IEIVT �.Ni1� ZO�'� CH.P,NG� �t�Q�J�S'�ED �v 'T'. I+1��2�iAEL & AaS�CI.�.'1'�Sm (�F'� 9�.-0004, Z(�� �1�.-�00(77) � I .�..� � I �i�R�Z�S, �h� apgali���� Y�as regue��er.� � ���npr�l°i�ns��r� �l�n Aan�radmer�t �E��m 'i Lig�.t �rad��tri.a]. to ��a���a1 Carnrrt�rcial, ��ad � �tax�� chang� frmara Z-� tc� C� I �o c'�.ri� II r�.%���t��.,S, �h� �lanlzingr �tzff xnad� �e�oman�rac�a�ic�ns c�f �ir�dirags �� �Y�� CitY ��� af �'�.garc� ���n�ir�g Corc�i.s�iox� a� a p�abl�.c h���irag an f��tco��� 7, 14y1; I ��s¢� mJH�k��A,S, th� Tigarc� �i�y� Gc�ur��i,l 1z�3d a �u�lic h��rira� �s� ��� p�c��ac���c1 �� char�g�� �n �Tovembe� 19, 1991. tc� ��-�view Plar�n.inc� sl�aff ax�d P_lann�.x�� �i Commissaan ��c�mmendatiions, as we11 �s ,.publ�.c t�st�inan.y. �� e � �'H� ��'i''�C �'�' `S'���� ORDAINS A� �OLI,C2�+IS o �i I S�C'T.'7:Q1� 1 : The prcapo�al is cc��sa.��.�n� w�.�tz a�l ��1�vaY-at r��itc�ria ! bas�r� u�ahn th� �aer�, £i.zx�in.gs, �r��� ���zclusic�n� nca��ci in I rh� ��tach�ri st�f f_ rep���.o iC1G�Z1.�],.�1�t� a� �.�n�.bi� "�," , arad. ��I alsa t�!e �pplic�r��.� �e�a��., ide�.tyfa.e�c� �� Ex.hibit ".�1�" . 'i S�CTZC�2�T � � Th� C��� Cra�znca.l �c�n�urs c�ith �.h� Flannix�g Ca�rr�a.��ia� and I, s�;af� r�comzrien��taor�s, �nd �.p�a��v�s the ��au�s� �o � r�e���i�z�ate the par��l ill���rat�d on the a��ach�d rna�, idc�z�t�.�i�d as :�xYaik�i.� "B°° , wa�'ta. � Com�a���2��.s�.ve Pl�,n d�si�na�iar� o� Gen�r�1 �amm�x�ca.al (�°-�) e � �� � ��C�TI�i� � : Th�.� ordin.an�� sha1.7. k�� �ff�c��v� 30 d�,y� ���:e�° i�� � pa�sage by L-he Coux�c�m1, �ppx�oval b� ��� ��,yo�, �x�d i , g�sti.ng by the �i.ty Recnrdere , � ►� � i va � f 11 Coun i�. zn�mb�x�s PASSFD� B � ��. p a C � C�l�C,�1 p��sent �.f�er b�inc� read��y ntunbex and �.i�le anly, �Y��.s �,j��'!, c�ay o f iil v r�,r3 , 1�91 . I P � �,h.�2,�►�,.,� ��.��-!� ', 4..t3.1.d1�'�1. NYIi�G�,L.-�'�yo 1..�� ���.°��:��'� �I �?��� i ?�£�PROVEDe `I'h�.s �_ �� ��i� day of _,,,, �.991a � > . J ��� � � Ge�al . E���arc�s, Mayor Approv�d as to fonn: � > il,�r�l�� � t �ty� ttarr�ey �� Date � br/CPA9104.Ord G�RDTN.ANCE No . 51� �� Page 1 � STAFF &t�lPt"3£�T `�O T'&�E F�T.,111vYdgAJ� CfJMNl�S�:L:�� ���t3�F� ZT�M C3L:TQ�b:FZ 7� 13�]. TIG�iRiS �I�Y ff31�I.L � T06�1%d Fi.�Ial� J.3�.2 5 �Y+� FiFi�b, �I,V'Y�. i '���I�A, (9F�EGfJt� A. �'��'S �a �ener.a� �nga�ua�i.r�sy � �,�E: �'ca�px�h�naiva� �l�ra f�cne�dmen� �PA 9Z—t7Q0a4 / �aa-ae Ch�r.ge �c�N 91-�U�707 �QLt���; A r�qu��� for ag�pr�va5. r�� a d:�npr�h�x�ai�� Pl� P�m�x�c��nt fr� L�c�ht Induffi�ri�.l to Gen�r:al. Gs���r�i�.1 �nd a Zane C�iange ��c,� �—F' (Isadus�ri.al. P�3�� �a C� (�naga� �c��r.ci�l) . �OA72NG bESIGNZ�1'T�AY: Ia� (�r�du��ri.�.l P�kj I �1P�.I,T^w�.�k�1'T: T> M.iChaE?1 5e P,saoC3ate� Ltel. OW1�R� SamP. �2Q�8 E. Mira��a1 �v�zau� �ng��woad, CC� 8��.12 R�AR���R7��.�°I'�"1Es �l.a�:k H�L��z�.xn� I.��r �i��a.c�s ���a�o 2�..r. S�ar.k Aa��z�ra.�ra 12�2U Th� �3ank a� C�a�.��a�n�.� °rocv�r 7�7 SW �I�.��a.s�c�on Stx��� �c��tl.�ne�, OR �7�U5 ��OCI�TTOZ�; 93'70 S[� Ca�ca�ie 1�caia�.�va�de Ncs�h�a�t corr.t�� af ��d �ct�olls �°�rry �c�scY� C3���de F3pu7:�w�d af: H�c�he�say �1? (H3��S J.�� �ZI3L�, � t�a.� lt�'t �(3t3} 4 2 0 '�Ficir?�.�.y Snf.o���wss� �h� �uS���:�t s�i�.� i� gesa�ra��.l�* ��:��g�l� �.ra �I��� �rxd ab�atr� �h� �'�.g�c� c���r limats �ax its° �ast and w��� mi�de�o Th� �a�st �sicl� esf �h� �i.�� i�a bA�d�red by �tat� �igta�r�y 2�1 arad an e�.i�tirar� tsa�—�am�o 5chr�1ls ge�x�y Raad (3ta�e Fi�.gk�way 21A) ���d�ra tck�e �i,��s o:a �2i� wee� sic��. '�he srau�ka�rn �ortion ag the sit� sl��sts SW Ca�earle �esu�.�easd wh�.ch Eun�ion� a� � ��nntag�: road to f�igkauaa� 21�'. �i 3 s Back�raunri 7Cn�o�cnat��on ThQ �uk�ject g�r�+pe�ty w�� acxn�x�rl a�n�.o th� �i.ty of '�a,gax�3 i� Octc�L�r 19�5� �Ch� �r��ent� }aua.l�ing had t��ea� �ona�tru�t�d �aridr �o anxaeaca�a.on �.ncl eshil� un�e� � Wa�hine,�e�n Crsurai:y inrlu��xiai zca�.ing �le�aa.gsa:�tiu�z� {�4.�.1.� . ��n annexation, tta5.t� site �ra� �oned I--P (Iaadu�tria.l. Pa.rk)m Ttba.s si.�a has ai.nc� b��n ga�i.�axily occ:upi.�ci b�r prc�f���i�rca.3. and �r3.cnin�strati�ae a�xe��.ce� a�d ��nes F�+abZ3.cation�a The�� nave Le�z� no ��k�r�r �levelopc�sr�nt �p�alicatioa�� �+�bm�tt�d for �his sa.te. 4e Site In�orm�,tion and �ro�oa�? De�cri��iaz� `�h� su3.aject para�I it� �pFaz�eximat�ly 1.1 �cz°�s in r;i�P anc3 is deve�.c�p�d wri�h a two—stary, 23,�50 squ�r� foat Q£fic� �u�.lciirac�. xhe Pront �ntranae • to bo�h �he building and k.he g��sx�?��.sg ax��� �.re carien�ed to S� Cascad� STAFI` 1tE:PC7R� — CPA 51-0004/ZON 91�OAQ7 -- T. M�CHAEL & F+SSqC. P�.�E 1 I Sau].�waz�d. `�hc� ��.rls�.ng l�t p�a��,�e€s a to��.l c�� 79 v�hicle parking ���c�s �' {wit�x �hr�� ot �ho�� �paces b�a�.rag ei��is�r►a�t�d �,� d�.salz��scl ge��or� ��zki.�acg I ��r��ca�) a Tk�� g���king area i,s ligPa�erd �rad �h� �sa�.�nc� oE the ��.�e i� � l�,rad���gee�. �cc;es� �a Lh� prop�Kty �.s pro�rides� by � �ing].e driveway II �c����i.ng c�ntc� ��' C��asde �o�1�va�d. S e �cs�e�cv �a�d �V� �c�enan�nt� i �h� �nqin��riaac� L�ivi�ic�n h�� x�vr�.���d ���e �s�o�r���. ane3 of�er� S�h� �ollowin� �o�ea@n��: T��f f ic• Tn ge�n�r.al, u��a �.l�csw�d iri � ��G �osne �a�v� fctse �a��r��ia]. for g�����x t�af�3.� g�r�Qra���.a�ze �h�n �ta� s���� �.�.�.�ur�d ira �ra s�P z�n�. I kiaw�v��x. �o� thi�a �a�iGaxl� �a���3., w� c�e a�ot �frsd �h� gar�t�sata.aa.l , �a� c����a�►te� �ae����.a �o be � �c�a�ee�:�e �'her� a�x� �ev�ex�� �;e�aor�� for i �h�.� ��t��Zu�si.an� , I TI�� �sit�s i� alrea�dy fu11y dev�lop�dm Th€s�� i.� 1it�:le ��e�t�iml fsax '" �x��nsiaax, ua�l.e�� �4x� ��ci.��L�r�g B�uil.r�irac� anc3 gax1�?xac� ].a�. a�� �eglac�sei. �ur�ez��ly. �tx� bui.l.cfl.f,xae� i� nx��ci a� �aa cs�gi�� b�uildivag. �� ��, i� ean1,�.�.�1,y i�ha� tYae us� �g �k�� aag�r pc�r}tian of �h� �u�.lcliny caill changr� �n �he ���e�e�a�b1� fu�ux�. Th���*r���y on1.� �. ��la���r�1y �caa11 a�a�� ie �.x.l���� �o b� ckx�saged �o um��� tha�t cvoul�. g�ra�ra�� gr�afie� �ra�f�.c� T�� �iL� ic� �maXl ,�nsi ��v�r�.ly �aa���:r�.ia�ci k►y gtr��f� an� h3.c��awra.y I _ righte a� tvay on �ZZ �i,de�. �Ys�r� ie nc� c��rg�o�u�►i�:� �ar eae�.aa�iorc o� cduibirxa�i.e�n wi.tka �tJ��� p�e���i�So �v�ra i.� �ka� gs�o��cty wer� � �ot�.11� z�de�elo��ci, tih� �te�xa�ial. tx°affic e�e:a��a�it�n �rc� ��n� si�e woulcl be r�1�T�v�ly sassall isi c�mp�a�a.:sean �o a�2s�x° �a��rci�1 d�•v�Zoprxtes�t�� .Fdriy s�Y����.nti�l �tsa�g�s in u�e �ca� ��i� el.�� wri1�. x�e�f.�� �i�� I �.��r��.c.sgrm�n� ���si.�w (S��i) 4 LTrad�r SI��tA �her� ¢as�u.Lci be ��. opp�x°t�xa�i�y I �o ���i�w sga�ciEie tr��£�c r1�rn�cE� of' tl�,e �a:����d cas� �s9d �� I ���uir� �s�r��opx��t� ��t�g���.on caf �a��r �g�,�yb� 3x��s����. 3ii�a.����.csxz eanu?ei 1i3��1� .�nclead� th� w3.d��ix�� �f Ca�e:ad� �3�.��.� ta pro�ie3� ��di�:ir�n�l �u�a� l�ea a� �h� �ite. �n�x��race ��xd �,d th� ��ljsainxaxg inter�ec�i�za �� '�W C�sa�.de ax�c� S�7 ��ha11� ���r.� Ft��d, �z� waid�cai.�xg � af �W Ca�cad� would t�nd ta �eirtla�r r�a�rACt �he d��r�Irap�i�,t �ot�nti�l a� the sx�e. �'lxere�or�, �:he Lalgine��ing Di�ision �osa�l�.�es �hat ��x�re �� . :adee�u�.�e ��atr.��tions s.xa �lae� tcs 13.s�it po�e��t�.�l �sa��� t�affic �.n��e�s�a and ad�qua�e �.t�.ga��m� �ae�.�ur�� �.v��.�.�.�l.e �� aa3���e Isatential �utur� �r��fic ina��as�e �kh�t m�.ght ��ccur �� a ac�sui� �� tka� �g�prr��r�� n£ tha� �o�.� ch���.q�. i7tilities: �h� propns�d zan� cz�a,�gc� i.� sa�t �xg����d tr cka�r�g� tkic� s��va.�� n�+d. �o� utilitie� in �h� ar��a RecoenmEnr3at ion: �he Er�gi,neera_z�g pepax-�seaz� h�s xa� at�j�c�i�n �c� tk�� ���o�a�d Compx�taensi�re P1�n Amencim�ai� and Zone Ckaasi�y�. STAF�' REPOTtT � C�'A 91-0004/`LON 91-0007 -- T. M1C�� & ASSQC. PF�G� Z � I ° P]�igl�ca�hca�ae� Plann�ng nrg�n:i,za�ior� �2, Ci�y og '��.garcl �uiJ�d�.rig i�i�visicaa�, ��r�e�°�l '��le�hone �.nci �I.ec��i.�r F�x��.a�nd Gen�xal E1�c�ri�, ' Ci�y oE �eavea~t:oex, Tua:L�ti.n V�11ey F'ixe axid �s���ue, �iav� r�a�i�cs�d �he �ap�gslication, �d k��e�� o���r�d rxo ccae�rn�rz�s rar nk�j��tion�, '� AIo Q�her ao�ac�nt�a haye �a�ex� ���a��.v�d. I �o S�'7PTDIbTGS I�YdD COY3CYoYJ�I0Y2aTT� �t�� ��l�.v�s�t ��S�rc@v�l c�i���3.s in ttai.� c�€�� a�e St����riai� �1.�nxaS.n,g Go��.a 9, �.z�cl 12P �oas�+�c�h�raai.��: F�.�x� 3���,i�i�� �..�.�� 4.2�,1, 5v�o4tl 7a1o2, 7<20�., 7.4.4 a 7.5.2, 7.6 01, 8.101, �e 7..3 �nc� 12 o z�3. an� Coas�uni�y I���rsl.�gx�s�n'r. �elQ ��c�ion� ].�0 22.f?4� (P.y , �id 3.�.62 v St�.�� �a��lucl�s that �h� p�o���l �.r� con�i���xa� witk� �i�e apgli�a�aLe �ic�.��wid� �lanx�3.nc� Go�2.a kaa��� �a�rn 1�h� �s�J.lAVri.�c� 4iradfne�ss �o �aI. 9 (Ecoaaami� Dev��.og���n�j i.a m��t t�c�u�� �he ��r�pa���. wsxex�d � pr�w�d�. �n a�pox'cunz.�� t� ea�Ia�.nc� r�ta.il �mpl��en� �ppax-�uniti�s �a�.tha�n �th� �i��. Thi� p��pcs�a�.�. wi.Z]. nat �fg��� �aca.n� ��nu� inv��tsrie� �iaa�� tY�c� �i�� �.s a1.s��.dy o��•r�.lo��a i �. Goal 12 (�'rasxs�ra���ir�n) 3.� �a�i.�►fi.e� la�ca�aa� tD�� �al�j�ct �i�t� �.� I provid�d wS.�.P�. ac��s�c tn � r,aax�r�ni�rc� and e�Qnxo�ic ��amspcart���.�a� I sys�e�n» The si�� ig lo�at�d �dj�c�nt �o �va�a �n�.j�� �rat�.s�r�s�iart I ��xri�r�� (FI.igF�w�y 217 a.zad S�hcs�.lm F'���y �toa�,c�y �nc� � znajor r.411���ca� (�i�7 �at��ade Bou���a�cl) o ���ff 2xas d���z�in�d �.h�t �F�� �zsapa�ec� �am�sx�etx�x��ive PZ�s� .'4�►e�ae'I��n�/Z�s�� I� Chaxiyre i� Goneis���t c,ri.�h applLa.aable Go�p.r�hen�i�� E�lan ��.i�ie� ta�.aed e��rx the �incla.nc�s no��d R�elcaw< �.� T?Z� E�ra���y 1„1..� ��c�is°e� t2iat 9.n rareder to ��+prcaw� a c,��esi—judici�]. I am�nclme�� tcs �2ae �'Z�.�., �h� C�.�� r�u�t �a.nc� tha� ��� ���.x��� �.� i �aaa$i�t�axt �aa.�h �.�g��.3.c�1�+ �l�n �li.cb�a, �h.�� a ch$nr�e o� ph��ical I c5.�assse►s�ances ha� o�curreei s�.xace �h� origi��3. de�xgr�at�an, �ar �����e i� �wa.d��a�� �a� � �:t��xa�� ix� �.h� sae�z�k�.3�sc���cs�c� ax� �as��a�x�.�y� avtn3.�k� I af£��f�s �he sub�ect� �p�rc:e��ep. Alte�n��.i.v��y, �h� Cit�► xuuc�t �'ind � �h��-b a mb��a�ce �ras r�acl� a.n �Ya� c�rig3.na1 c1��9,gxaatinaa (�?o�i.��r 1.1.2 0 Im�Z���xza�ion S�:.ra���.yy 2 y Ccae�rntgni�y �c.v�l.apm�ra� tn�c.le ���•�is�n , 18.2�.040 (�) ) . �his �'alicy wil� t� s�dse�sed at th� �nd o� thi� s�ctio�. 2. Plaa1 P�slicy� 4<2.1 is Bati�f��c� �e�aus� t�ii� ��.t� ia al���i�3y devclaped. $uil.disiy ancl �si�.�.� i.m�zov�ex�i;� �a�r� �ee���c�ed �ox� � cnmpl.ia.ai�� wi�ka a��li.�A.�i2� �ed�x��l., ���.t�� a�ae3 rec�ic�n�.l �rat�� e�ea�.l.ity �;:�nsiard� in �ff�c�. at the ��� csf d�*vela�g�a�flt� �k�e g�sn�e�d ��dc�si.c�nat�.�oz� �� �h� Bi.te for G�:n�r�l Cc�uuc�exc9.a1 u�e wi�.l �ot ���ul.� s.n �ig�xif i.cant 2aaaa.�.�ir�r� az ���� �ucad.S.�ir.at;a.csn�?4 k�.ny ��amn��s� tc� isnpervi�ua surfac� area �hall b� re�*i.ewed �y Us��fied Seca�r�ge Aqeracy fcar cc�mpli.�.race sai�tta the t3r���n �ravizs�aim��ta:� �a1i'ty Cocr�is�a,t�n'� rtxle� �or th� Teza3.a�in Ri�r�� �asin, ixaclu�din� khe pr��s�.ra�ion aaad i.s�pL�men�atian af a non--poa.n� eau�c� pvlluti�n control pl.mm. �.'h� pr�gca�ed rede�igna�.i.aa� r�ould r�ot, by itsc�.f, af��Gt �cs�a�sl�.�enc� �ai�h this pl�n �oli�yo 3� Plan Pol.i.cy 5.1.� x�ec�.aire� �ka� Ca��� to �nsur� tlh�� n�w ca��sof.�.l and inc�..us�rial 3�velopt���x� eha13. xao•t enarc�ach into r�side�tial �r�a� that hae� not been d�sign.a.ted for comm�raial �ts��s. �t�a.�� Plan polic� • ST,A�'� F�PURT -- �FA 91-0004/Z(3N 9?—0007 — T. rtTC�L & ASSC7L, PAGE 3 ie �ati���ed b�cau�� ��� �ubj��� p������v i� ��� 1��a��� wit�in �� �dj�c�n� �o' � d�si�n�g�d r��i�����a� ����o r�. Po1i�i�� 7.1�2, 7.2.1, 7ob.4o ?.5.2a �n� 7.��1 ��v� b��zz �a�i��i�� ����u�� ��� ������� ���p���� �� ������t�� ���+� ���� u���n ���ric��, in�l�ding w��er, e��it��y �ri� ���� ����r, ��i� �i�� i� alr��dy ��w�la��d �nd �� ��t wit�in ��� b�u�d���� a� ��� �00���� �l�o��l��n o� � desi��a��d ar�� �f ���u�� in���il���d �h� ��e�a��t$ei �mer��n�r�� wi�,l �a�t s�qui�� z��.� �ka�g�� ��, �ta� se�vic� eb��.�,�r�s� �yat�a°ud T1xir� c3e�r�lo�d �it� �.� h�.gl���v vi�s3.4�1� ���a�s ��ve��.l �a�,av�.7.y �k��a`����sd h,igi�ca�y�. �ad��.��.r�n�l.�.y, a�7. s�a�vf.�� �a����.��r� laa�� k��rl �Ya� a��-tuni�;r �.c� co¢z��a��G ¢s�a �la�� a�a�r13.��,t�,�a� �a� �i�v�� o£�e��ect � aa� coa��a�t� e��c c�L���c�+caras a � 5 m Pl�sa �wlic;� �B e�.�. ���aix�� a ���'� and ���ic�.�aa� ��r�� �ea� x���w�y �v'���m. �tai� �13.�cy f� ��ti.���.c�d b��a�x�� t�ai� p�^��xty ���a��� ��t �a�ead� 1�caral.�var�, r� c�mjo� �el�.a���r, a�aci a�larat� twc� ���ti� �'is�h�r��r� Bk3��tawa� 217 arad H3.gh�r��r �l�f,, ��' ��I�€a1�.� �'���► Re�z��i)� �la� �xi��i,xs� r��dca�y �����rn i� albl� �c� �ecocs�d�te �2a� mi.ns�� i,�a������ .in ��a�fi� vaS.��� ���ultizac� �rmsn �as ag�p.�e�a��. af ��a3.� �p�1�.�aticsra�, 6 e �lan P�:��cy� �01.3 yai�,l F�� ��ti,�f,i�d a� a Candi�i�s� e�f ��pr�v��. of a.ray �u�ur� ��velogs�e�a� or ��a3�va��.�rpan�ax� ore �k�a �3.��n ��:����.on of ��y ax���saz�► �t�ee� �.mg�ro������ �3.�xa�! �Y�� ��,���s SG�OAg��E��3 �nd,�o� p�rks.ng le�� �rr��a.�i��tican$ sa�,u.��i. �i�; r��,a�.�ed �o b� iaa.���a11.�d. �g �kae �3����.ca�r at ��ae �ti.�e �f e�uch �1���3.o�r��� e�� ��dl��a+�3.�p��n�o '�ka� �x��3.ra�rin� �v�rsiean �r�� ��f�ct�s1 ����r�wir�c� �.g�n�i�� �aill r�vi�� �zx� t�x�aare �e�€elapmant pr�gx�$al� fc�r �h� �i�e. `7 W P�.�.aa rio13,��r 12.2 01 (�x��xal C�e�er,�i�l m ].caca�t�ara�l ��a���°i�,y m �'k�� �g���ic�b1� lsa�a�a.�an�2 c�ii���c�.a s�ci�i.�c� irs �lxag��� 1,2 c�f �I�� C�cnpr�h��a�i�� k�lan �ar� a��ti��i�d �c�� �h� fa�..laeai.rag r�a�orsaa �, �p�c:�.x�g �.nd �.a�a�:i�n��. c�i�esf.a� ��r�x�x� �:�xt�� ��z� �c�a��cs.�`l ����a eh;a].�. nc�� b� surzcaraF�r��d ks� ���a,r3�s���.a� s��,��r�.�s r�ax �tv��� �ka�. ��ara ��.�lesa 7Cha�� �i�� i� �n �.rac3u��r�.�.1, 3.s].�nc3 wf.�txi.aa th� g�x�ex�al �amrnerci.�3 ��n{n� dl��a.gaa�icsn atmmd i� nca� �,djac�r.t g� ���a.d�ab�s.�l �ox��.ng �ti�tza.��t� c��a �ra�r ��d�. b. ' �i�t� �c����� c°��,���ia ���z�.��e �� fil�� �s��a�e� �c�� ��a��,�. stcst c��a�e tsa��ic r.onge���.oza �r ��a�£i� �a�.�£��y gr�bl�n�� �) �GYz� s�ic� �h��l 2a�s�e df.���� ��e�,�� ��oaxs � a�a�j�a� ��s�l�.c��r Ar �x��r�a�. ��x����; �za� �) �aub1�.� traxa�s����3.oxa �i��.:�I. b�: avail�le ta �he �sit�o ��a� �.���ca���. ca� ��a�.� �s�g�1,�.��.�a.a�ax a��.3�1 a�r�� t��s�],� i� �. n.c��ic�eabl.� chan�� in tr�aff�c �ra].ua��. 7�1�� �ac�,sta�g buiXdinc� a.� ur��ed ��r p��t�.�.��e� �xa��a1 �xa�rn���cia1 x�s�� �ac9w> Ass a.nGr��e� 3,n,��a-affic� �c�las�e� du� t�, r��a�.l r��r�rie��s �c�u%.ei b� e����d» .�����a�►�1 of �Dais a�pp�,�.�a��l.aa� m�uld r�w� �. z�Iati�re7.;� se��.11. �saci.u�st�iai F�as3c 3.���nd ��g� �h� �usrcr�nc��ng � ��7.�.'�c3� �l2dYAn9�X'�1�� �3��F$. '�'�Y� �LL°�9j��°� 4't�.�� '"i� �C�����11'i: �� �bPfA � S��s�� I�igFawrays {FiS.gY�csa� �].'� �a�ri %�irhw�� 21���ctaol.�s �"���--y� � Ft..��c�) and a �ajox c�sll�c��r ¢�a�c��� Bmcaw��r�d} o �3.���� �ite � acc��s� �.� pro�*i.��ci t� ��t C��c�d� �caugew��e Y�� aaew d�i�re�ragr � ���e�s��� ax�e �xo���d, w��.h th.i� �p��.a.c��i�an.. A�.y 5.a��re�a�e iax �.ra�£i� ��olume� cau��d b�x �ka+� �-�G d��ic,�xsa�i�aa �r%II� he a� '� nec�ligi.I�le a� a�o�� ca� �hi� isa�����e w�u1�. b� ab�sar� �sxtra tkx� � aacxck� hi�fi�ex� tr�fx�c volx�ata�r� c�n fi,i��a�r�y 2�7 a�s� �G1ta�ll.s �'���y � �ta�.cl.. A�ddi•G?cana.l��, �b�.xasi.t �Azva.G�: �s avail.�b�.e ia� �vraasi�ai.ty � ta the eacistinc� der�log��s�te ST�P �f't2RT � CPA 9].eQQ04/�GP7 �3a.-OAt�7 - T. b1T�H.�L �C ii4�:f2�. EdAG� 4 �III � ca Lacation�l crit�z�i� �le�� rec�+aire� �3�a�� �§te �i�� k�� of a s.ix� wh3.�h can a�cco�ucnuda�� �s�j�c�k�� nx��� azad �taa�� �hc� ��ta� �a����� high vi�ib�.li�y�. Tkx�.�s ���.t��fon ie e�a�iagi�� fp� �2a� l�11 ' �c�� $it�. �he eac���i�g Ysuilc�i.ng �rad s�i�� i�gssav�aent� �an ad�aa��l;y acc�maaadnt� a �ari��y of ue�� psr��tt�d wit�xi�x �Ja�x �—G (G�n�ral �o��rc3,as�) �a�sainc� �i���ic�e< T:a.�� si�� i.� �Lsr� rii,c�hly� �ri�i.b.l,� f�n�a ad�di�ain.c� ��a�clw�y arad s��.�,� la��Eaws�r�o d. xmp��t �.�s��aa�er�t i.� d�te�3.ned bg sc3d�����ra� �Ya� �e�.lo�ixas� cz�i.gexi.�: 1) �:n� ���1� c�� �h�s pr¢���et �skaaZl be �rsm�aat�le with th� �urrcaeaaxr�.ing �ee�; �) �ka� �i�e coz���.�x�a�3.�aa� �h�l.� � �u�h t�a�t ttae �ri�►scy �sf �dlj���ent r�on�cc�dz��rc�.�]. �a��a� �a.�a 2a�s ma��ainee�; 3) �� e��.11. b� go���.ble to i��os�r��� uxaf.q�a� �3.�e fc�sa�uses in�o �Ya�r �3.�� ci��3��xa �nd �lev�l�o��si� plaa�; anel �y �he� aa�is��d light�, ra�i�� rs.r►d �ct�.�r.�ti�a� ��sm�.l n�t atn��x��� �aa,�� a�j�.�n�.tig noaadcca��rc$aa ���s�e �h�t� glasa policy i.s �a�a.��i�� b�ca�s�e �ka� �upa��t t� �� eu�rouxadi.ng ].��xc� us�r� r� ��tes��.as�cY �o ?�� xa�glxg�.b7.�o �h� i scale of �h� �a��€��ra� dev�:Lopa�t�aa� ora tk:is �a.�e 3.� co�g��ible w�t&a �kae su��ouncling u�sr��o �'he�e ar� xau �esidc�n�ia,� ���.�.g di�txicts adj�c�n� �o �hs.e �i�e ag ttiis� �ro�z�y 3,� �ezr�a�ne�l on all €�id�a h�r cos�an��c.��1. z�nar�g d�a�f.gxir��ion�o Addli�ic�s��lt�. rh� applicant ��.a��� '�h��, th�a �ca�� axxcl d��ign �k��nx�c��� c�� �xa�e buixc�i.nQ wi�� not �� d��a�i�a2Xy cPa�a���d wi�.�. �he �utasx� in��radeci �e,c�c�zi�l.3.iYC� ca� the ��iat�.�g ��x�actrxss. � Tl�� �a.1lo�aia�g �SZOai��a aaa �n��.y�3.� cs�anc�rx�i.rtr� �2ae �ompre���nai�� ]��aa, Vca3.sam� �, Po1.a.cy 1.3.m2, �pa�1��r�s�z.►���.ioax Str�,�ec„� 2; �h�x�cs� e� �4�_€��ak�s TYx� appl.i.��x?� ��t���s �ka�t �he exact; da�:e ot �c�n�t��c�3.c�za o�� �� Yav.i�di.ng �n th�s si�.� �� a�at 7cnnw�m. klowrawe�, thx� bua.l.�l,ixag �r+�da.��� tYae �985 �i�� �.azzaeacat3.axa c3��� c�� �hi� p�A�rk.� �a�., �€� s��tt ff sr�� � d��r��.a�c3 tc, kl��laim�on �Ca�.a�i�y st�d���� ufle��i an xandu��r�.al I d�signatian (MA�). �h� applican� �lsc� s�.�a��s tlza� ��vexal �lx�.x���� ia phy�ical �a.z�sms��axxce� h��� �ac�ur�ecY �iras:� �1�.��gng'con C.azu�a�.y a�a.gi.��3.lgr a�ag1.3.��1 �n �.aacius�rial d��ig��ti.sara tn �h� stabj� �a�e��rt�. St��g re�arr�nize�� erxae e��h y,•rhysac�Y �hanr�� oa� t�i� s9.tea �h� a�.p�ie�nt �ta�k�e th�� th� �i.�y� a� Tigarel �une���d tlz� �a�pr�hen,�is� P�.�xa FSap aa�d zoni�ng ���i�rr��.�i�ar:� �e�o�t� C�sc;ad� �o�a��v�c9 ���ns t}s� �ubj�ct p�ca�.zkx irs �.��(7 ��C 16—�A) . The designa�i�n �f �k�� So�3 a�r�� wa� cl�an+��d �rnan T:adug�xi�l �c� �neral C9A�tili�Y'G7..cS�o ��v�t� k�11°IY�'t»tE�'� �..E'dC3 °f'61��i�3 � �78 ��L3Y�E� FeA9g'� �.���x �1A1�.�$. P9IY �t1P� k3�4��P'L"��'. With appr����. caf th�.t e�l.a�r aunendmenfi, �h�� �ukaj�cc� �r��,aerty aa�� � l�ft a� a.rr "�s].and" of z--I� .land �ux:�oun�ied b� �es�bals �.nd �o�er���.�. z�ni.alc�. ��x�h�r, �;ls� 1���� �.�x�c3 �.���. f.r. t�se �vica.a��ty n� th� �ubje+� pragae�t,y at the �ighsaay 217 & Schc�l�s F'�rry int��ch�� i.a �s�n�d �nd de�*elo�d to� ger���al cocnmercial �as�s a�d th� e��� px•ap�x�y i� r�o l�rac��x a�. a.�ap.�ap��.�.�� 3,c�c��a.orz f�� �igh� Ia�du��ri�]. �3pv21o�n�nt. When th�: �ubject �a.te w�.� a�aaz�xed i.��a �k�i� Gity, ��1� �it� was g�.��n the 2'igarri zon?n�, si�s�gz�atican rahich mos�t cloael�r ���chc:d �Fi� ori.ginal t9�ash.ixae„p��en Coun�y zani�zg el��icgn�ta.an. F3caca��r��, th� �f�e� �� �he pre�viou� �a 23 �e�� zor��e �ha�g� f�cam �—P to ��-�p c�h3.�ka occaxrred ixi 1984, is �ha� a� l�d ras� patt�rn h�d �ie�rY c���.ted whes�by t1z� newly �an�d s�abj�ct a.�te w�v,ld no�. �it �h� �xi�ztz,�ag l�sx� u�e patte�cn. In effect, an I—P i�land aurr�aur�d��d by c;ocamerca.�3, u�e� had b�en �r�a�ed. I�t ap�,���a that a C—G des�gnatian wauld taav� be�n � STAF°F REE,OR2' — CPA 91�-A004/ZON 9].�-000? � T. MICEiAEL & ASSCX:.. PAGw S � mox� a�propri�t� d���gnm�i.o� wh�� th� p�o�gty i���ia21y r���i�ed a ci�y xa��. I I Ther�fo��, �•ta�f �ant•�nds �ha� � ch.�a�� i� ��ysic�.l �i�c�st�nc�s I ha� oc�u�r�d w�ich makes th� curr��� Ia� z�nin� �esig��ti�n i i�ap�Yep�ia�� E�� �hi� ����. ��mff ���� con��a��� �hat �h� z���ng I d�signataan of thi� �it� �hould �� changed ta C-Ga I + T�e pra���d Ge�p��h�nsive Pla� Am�nc3��n�/Zan� C�a�ge i� con���g��� with Ia�SgsJ.i,c�bl� Coenasunity �eve��gxn�r��. Coc�� �r�tion2� bar��d upon th� �3.n�3.ng� n��ec1 1b�1.�aw. Sec�i�s� :L�.22,0�0 setn fa�-tch the� �taand�rd� �nd �sn��du��� �or am@rsdm�sn�e �cs i:h� ��ni.ax� l�p a� fallow�a � �o A. ��coa�s�rxd�tion �r a de�5.�ian �r� �p�prrsvr�� agsp�a�r�s wa.�Ya coxa�itiiaaa� qr �r� denX a.n ap��.ica�a.e�� �:a� a� �xaa�s�.-j�zc�iai�l a��rac�mexat�kaaZ3. �a� ba�ed �n aJ.l o£ the £o1�o�aisag �tansiards o ' 10 �he app�3.cab1+� co►�p���xer�si�:a� pl.an pa�ic�.�x� �d ma�p �a�s�z.�a��iran �'I anc1; tla� charege wi.l.l no� �civ�rs��.� aff�ct th� hea�t�, �a�e�y � asac� w�tfa�� af the communi.�ky; . � 2. �k�e etatg�rid� pl.�nr�ing �oa�� ac�np�.ac1 s�nd�r G��egan I3�va.��r1 I ��a�u�� Chapter 197, uati.3. �c1�ra�ewZ��Ag�aa�n� �s�' �:he I �qcn,���h�axai.•vQ pl�n anc� ax�elinan�es; ', 3. �h� a�plir�le ��a��c�a.rd� �� as�y �asa���aiss�a r�f thia code e�r I o�h�z apgla,�a1�1Q i.anp�.�nnex��ing orclxnana�e; �n�. I � �. �vi.d�xzc� c�f chanc�e ir�. �la� n�ighL�rkx�ac��. �r �ommua�i�� �r a II mi.stdlc� c�r inconsa.��ency im �Yae comp��h�nr�i�r� plac� �r xAni.szg !, map ms a.1: r�l���� �cs �the �xa��� ���ai�2a a,� ��a� ��a�ct af t�x� I, ; si����og+�ra�rat a�apla.c.:�t.�on. �Ord� �39-�C3�� e�rd. 83�-52) i Thi� �de �ect�on i� a�ati�s�igd. �ixa�� �.h� cYx�scc�� �rraa�.b sx�s� �.c��r�r.�e�,a► II � ������ �k�� 2a�al�h, �afet�r �r sa�lfaxe af �h� �o�mu�.i.�ty ��use thi.� �i�� i� a.l.r�ady� d�velo�d z.syd has b��a� a�cup�.�d rai�cYa �xr��s sa�ai;:h ��; � �Y�.�t�.�d ua�s za� th� �-� �ax�� �� �.�e1� a�z �.3�� ;�s����n� ��•� ;cmr��e �n ', adcli�ian� �s sh�scva� h,e�eina th� a�p]��.ca�icsn �aaapli�s uri�h �h� I r�l.evan� �S��va.�ioe�r� oE th� K�i��'� ���ssa�wl��g�:d Pl.�rx �nd �d$.. �he i eviden�e o� �. �ha�s e in d3�� nai 4sba�:4aood Iar�z� �lr����i b��sn �������d � g r� �ilr � z�ad�x� tk�� g�revia�ua r�vieus o� Camg�eh�xasier� Pl.an, �1q1� 2 a 3�e��i�y l,10 2, Img�l.em�aa�a�ic�n �tz�at�c�v 2< Code ��atinn 1t3.�2 (Gener�l Cr���r�i.�,l) coza�ain� �1�.� �st�nct�+�� for ��� G�n���1. C�mm�rci�1. zon��. T�� su2�j�e� �i�e m��s tt�e�e ��c�a.1.�€�rats �n that �h� eraa.nirniun iot ws.c3.th a.� gr����� �ha�n 5� ���, �.�z� s�x.a.s�k�rxe,� �t�c�urs d��� rao� �eacc��c3 �� ��:s� a.ta li�igka�, �.h.e Bi�� cn��rag� �.� 1��� t2�an �a� �nd tYae landsc:a�aed area i.� gz°�a�.�r t2a�n 15�. P,dda.�ianal.��r, �h� �xi.��%ang u��� are p��casif:��d u��� Luithin tt�� �na�r�1. �,sar�tmn�rcia.l �caraia�ag cle�i��•��.ono C. OTki�Ft C:�AF�IDk',R�.T��Yd� Although �k�e fal3�swi.nc� cor�sid��z�tian� are s�o� �p�wr��ral crs.�t�ra.a for �hi.� �pplication, �t��f ��.a�ds �hat ��.ey ar� ,r�l.��r�a�. tc� �Ixis ��a�a.li���a.on �r3 ��v� b��n addres��d as fallow�e " ].. �ta��w�s3� £�l�ra�xing Gdal 1 (�s.ti�en Tzavalv�er��) i,� m�� b�c�us� �he ��.ty has adopted a.abd �oZ].owa � citi..en izavolvemea� p�c�gx� saY►ich i�clud�� • revi�w of development a�apla..carions by �h+� Nei.glzbea�hocad Pi.anninc� STA.E'F REP022T - CPA 91��004/Z�N �31-0007 - `�. MICf�EL & ASSOC. 3�AGE 6 ��g�niza�i�no In �d�itioa, �1.L ��blic noti�� r��rxiL��.�nt� hav� b�en me� for ��� �ubjea� app�ic��i��o � I 2e �t����id� �la�n�ng �o�� � q�an� ��� Plannin�) i� ��ti��ied b��auee the C��� h�� �pplied a�� ap�l�c�l� ��atewid� Pl���b�� �����o Ci�� �an�x��:h�ra�iv� Fl�n g�I.i.�iaa, �a�� Gos�aurai.ty I��velcapm�r�s� �c�de ��c,�u3.���n�� �� ���ri�ca e��' th3.� aap�al�.c��ian �ra� �r�.l�. ba�e �.��' di�cuesic�n up�n a�.�qra��� findinc�� a� d1.�cu��c�d �z��g��< 3o Pl�..n Poli�y �.�.1 i� ��ti.sfi�ci b�c€�ua� �t�� Ce��a�r��ka�n�i�r� Pl� ie �ox2s�.���r��. witkx �ka� at���swi�de E'l�.sairar� Go�?�. 7Ckai.� p1�n i� bc�ga� cux�r�s�s� w�.t�a �Ea� saeec�s af ��� cam�aaunif:� ��xxs�ugh �a�iaas� saga�n�c3 ��iod�.�al.ly �aa raece���s�,r �°�visiosa� and hme b�en acleraow7lecic��sc3. 4. ]�L�aa �ols.cy 2,o�.,1. �e sa��i�fa.ed b�c�u�� �d��.gka�oKhoaci l��.a�aaa3.ng Clrgax�.ix�a�isa� �2� �aa�xounc�ia�g p�o�se�y o�a�r� �d �k�� r��nc��L padibli.c ma�s�: qiv�� x�oti�� mf tlx� �aub��c h�ar�.nc� �eela�ed t� �ta�.e r�e}�e��� �s �r��� �� �k�ei.� apgaca�u�i.�y tcs ca�ae�a4: �n �kae p�apa�al, . � � 5. ��.�n �oalic� 5.1.1 i.a �a�i��ied b�au�e this app1.3.���ic�n wou�d entaasic� �2a� df�rex�i.fi���ior c� econo�t�� a�p�rs�t.uniti.�� av�a.l�l� tc� Tigard r��id��ts. �'ha ��alica.nv st����: Ae�o�dis�g to � vacan� l.�.rad �n�r�nv��y ao�+p�e�e�. i� 1.�'��, �h� �i�cy o� �`igr�rei h�d �sp�+���3matc�ly �9 waean� �e�r�s r1e�a.gn�t�d t�r I �:n�sal ��e�n��:cds.aA ci`���.es�n�xat �.nd 9�. va�aa�� a���� d��ie�na��d for %a�ustx3��. P�xk �.eee].ca��axt. 7CRa� ara�ras�m�r�t e�ril� x�o�. �.ff�c� eac�t l�ar1 � in��n�.ori�� eirac� •ckag �s�o�rt� ig �1.rr��r�� �i�vel�p�cie Ftca�r�v�r, �k�e I l�ca�i.,aa� Q� �IZe �xA�.�ty a�cl �a.i�a �ka�r���erit��ics aYe ca��ar�is�ex�t v�i.th c:si��xl.a� fn� g�x�px�a�. cos��rciaS. r��v�:�a��sa�, �d wou.L� �xovid� 3d��tic�n�l �os�an�a-�ia1. opgartun.i�ie� �r� bal.��x�� uxxe�e�vel�ped 3,nc3�x���ia1. c���a+a-���niti�€o �,.d�iti.c�xea7�y, �Iz� �ppli���►� ���t�e�: .�xi �s��a�.�aa�ted 3Z� cs� �����as ur��l�i�g w�.t�hin �tixe Tigarc� �tudy r�rea are �na�lay�ci ir► �t3x� r�t�.a.1 sec�s�r, a h�.��aex i p�rc�n�a�e �I�an �auaad ias T�Taetaing��gJ �carazx�y �� a unc��l.ee �A��r�fax:�, �s�Caf� ccsnt�gici� tta�'� �t.r� ��i�ats-�rs�an o� �k�3.� 8it� �ram �«� �8 C� s�Qii�.� prcraide �n «��graa:�un�.�g� �o �iaYa�.xxu� ����i.l, ar a�.hP� c�aa.me��i�� 2��us�.�.��s� an.� j�b op�:ortur.i.�iesB with�� �kae �i�.y.. .�dditi�za�Zlys ��x��� �h3.� s.�ta� a.z� r�evaa7.op�d, exi�t�.ng va�cant i�sdus�r�.�l �.�aa�1 3.nven�arz.�� �a��.l rscat �s� r,� �s a� af���t�da 60 �3.�ra �alic�r �A2.2 pes�ainia�g ta p�ab�a�....�rasasi� i� €�atis�i�d beca«�� �hz�r ��c�ues� pxo�ide� �or t�� �.r�c��i.�t: o� gerip�aX a��ewaer�i�al ur��:� in pz�axa.e�i.�� �c+ exi���ng �ub1�.c tran�itwa��e 7. PZa.� ?����.�.�� J.�,3.� (:La�d+��a��ia:i.--lo���a.og�a�. ��i�exia) . The loca�i�n�� criter�.a epe�ci�i.ed in Chant�s �.2 og �kx�: C.�m�rela�sxr�i�ra� P�Lsr� a�� pa:�f:i�1�.� ' ��ti�f,ied �or �.he fb�.lc��sing reasons: �) �'k�ia Po].i�y r�qcYi�r��; 1) �he u�eg on t�a� �if�e �hal3 be bu�����d from resiclenl��.al �aas to �asur� �Ghat �riv�ex arnd th� r��icien�ial �la�xa�.:��r a� �he �s�a �..�e �ar���x�cr�a�o 2} l.o�a��d on �.n ar��ri.�.l �� coll�cto� r������ ax�d �h�� �.ncir�a•tzia.l tr�f�i� sha11 iYat be c�xaz�r►�3.�e� t��.rough r�sa.den�a.�l ��a�. This �ite doeg not aY�u�� ��agr x:��iden��al2y zon��i di��r�cte Th�� policv a.� �a�i��i.�d b���us� �laa� develop�c3 sa.�e do�s znot cauc�� �it2aex� infrizzg�m�nt o� priv��y upa�no or �iive�.r�ir�n �f La°��fi� �hsAixc�h, ar�y r��a.�.nnti.�l.ly zon�d d��t�ict�t. b� The �it� sk►all b� caf a siz� and shr�x>e whiet-i will provi.de for tk�e ohor� and l�n� �ffirzge ne�sia of the aa��:, �h� appliaant s��t�s; 0 4 .�h� sit� size, aanu�ual �onfi.gura��.ram �nd ex�.��.i.nq builcia.�ns� aee no� srx�.t�d to tl�e aeeda and ���air��:�r��s af iaadustri.al par1� use�s. • �i�ally� indu��t�ial or £1ex spa.cc� t�uildings are sir►gle story with STAFF' FtEPOi�T -- CPA 91-Q004/�Otd 91--On07 - T.. �fTC�T. & �SSOC� PAG� 7 0 �.e�a�irag b�.�°�. .Much o� ���� ����m� "bus�.n��� paxk"' derr�l�ipa���et �s�.�hix� ' �t�a Ci�y o� °�f.c��sd had ��cuz°r�r� �a�.�h�.ax lazg�ar �ca�� ��]s� �rh�i��e �r� cl�vr�lcs�d �.r�c3 u�ana�md tes ���o�rn�ec���� a� r�sag� �g .i�er�u�t�3.a.�.� di�tribu��r�n �nd ofgicaa sa��s wittais� � pl�r�aa�� �am�sus. �Ixi� �si�;o ha� b�d�a zan�d T—E� �ixs�� �'��5. M�� of th� �a��� �r�ai�l� h�.�� ��:�aa��.� �hi�e b�xilc3�,ra� ��exld b� ��.affi�i�3.�ci a�a �� es�e� a� w�1.1 ' �� Im� u��ase ��affi�° �,aa��g x�nc�� �ri�w s�fi �fl��.� �i.�� ae �th��d �rac��g �' �h� g�m���r�t ImP c���a���a�i�a�, �h9� gsg�s��}� m�y L� d�°v�lopa�d wri�fis �, ��, m�rea iaat�sa���r� Z«� ua�� �, s�or� ir���zasiv� iam�u�tri�sl d�v�].c�p��aa� �I w��ulai s��ga.tiv�l� ��Sa��� �tkee� �c9j�.c�sa� ���x�i�J. �SZ��x�isa� c�rs�� �a�s��rs�l� �ixa�aa wcsul�d a �a�r� inte�si�r� �� u��« stsff �ora��rad� �k��.� �h� �Paa�t x�xage�, �� w�3,1 `ar� lane� r�ags, uc�� �� �hi� �si�� 3.�a �ra�� �pp�cap�i�x��l�r tha1� a� �� �a��2a�r �hasa I�P. �) Th� larad i.r���z�d�� fc� �S�v�ls�p�s�� �tx���, ka��� � ae�s�ae�� �f.t� ���r�.�tsy mf 1��es th� 6�a r�z°ad�o a� �ta�� it �� ls� da��m��;r��� gha� �tkxgnu�h �ne�ist����ns� ��cEs�a�.�z�� all �.f.�i�.�a�.�.e�a�� �c� c3m��ag�a� �acA �F�� provi�i.�+� a� a�s�ri�a�s cara ks� �a�,g3,gat�do ��i�.s� �scal3.�g► i� sa�i�f3.� b�au�e thi� �5.�� �ea��s ka��� � r,�xa�� af 1��� ���x�a � ga��eer��. d� �t e�as b� ci�caa�r�t�d �kaa� �����3.re�+a�id l.�.g�a°c�, rae�ia� �sa� o�k��s � asctc��n�l u��£e��� w�.l� sa�� i�.���fs�s�� w�.th �ta� m�i�i.•���sa� �raci exe�� rsu I �u�r�x�ndinq ps��p�r#�.3���m ��,i.� gca3�s.��r �� �a�:�.��i� b�cau�� �h� � reo�u����d a�a�i,±sg d��i�c�a�,��ion i� �h� ���� �.� f�a�za�3 �n �3.� �►�x��.f�i�r pxo���3.��. �'2x�����xe, f:ka� g,ca�c�a��i�l �-�+�xx��l �f��� sa°r� i��ae ��m� a �s �i���� g���ik+�.� �an a:l,l �.Fsu�tan� p�cczp�.��.e�. � A„ Ft�C.2k�R?1313�I�FY � T:a� P1.�cuai�c� 7��.wf.���+za �a��¢az��a�r�� ti��.� �tae F�la.�ai.�i� C.os��s3.an fc�xw�xd � re�om�sndation tea 'c3�� C3.�;� Coeanc�il fca� P..�PF2c3� o� �cffip�e�t�e�a�s�.�� �3.�x ��ixati�e�xx� �&�A 91m�0444 �.red. �on� Chanc�� Z��i JT—��07 ta�sed. +��can �.�a� ����qr��..vsg �i.a;dbra�$. PRl?'�AR�D �1t: —F�atY �Pa��z e��r W�9 �ss�.s�an� 7?l�xu��� P.�PRCVED �Xa ��17i�1�C F3�tozex��dox`ff� �enior Flanxx�� � cp�9J.«O�.d�� STAFF 23�PORT — CI�A 91--0004/ZO2� 31—Of��`7 — 7C< ASIC�E2 & ,�,SSQC. �'F�Gx� S L.�G��iLL�'���'�6� , ' �R�� �s . �: . � � , . . �et+s@ a� v�r�x�r r a�s �z za�azaam ��.�s��zca►mgo�. �gT�r o� �ra�..�, t�93 s - Res3de�t��1 Zora�� T�t�l Acras �7ac�:�t A�re� �-1 30,OQ0 3F Min 2£ � - R-2 2�J,t�60 s�Z 2 � - R-3.5 30�090 � . . � . 2S3 6� R-4.5 7,500 1,�83 3fE? R-7 5,PC6 �42 9S R-42 12 Uzaitsfkcre �2B lm4 . P.-25 2� � . R-40 2�9 62 QO g . 4 Commerr_+al � ��'�� ����� � Vacant'�ores C'� b3eig��rhood Ca:nmsrcSa3 � g� — - .� . �-� Genezai vommercial �3� ,Y1� ° C�D CenCra2 Bus�n�ss D4�trfet 3��� • �` . . 23 • c-� Prob�ssior.ai Comanarc�al 2�6 Q6 . • . � Industrfal -`'` `Fa�al AesES � • � . �a�ant Aeres I-Fs I:I€3tii�Ca38i �24r9C $� �- I56 Z°� '.i�hC Y€��uutzi�l 3€!S � . 61 i-� H�avy i�aduatrial 44 . , . • Y sourc�: TigarcF Flan Div � - � � . . . ' • � II . _ . i • ' • i . . I • • • � � • j . ' . - � . � , . . . I . i ' - . � . . _ i . ' ' I � . . , ' ' . -�BC,�@ �� { . . . I I a ' . ' � . - • • . � . _ � - --::. -. �,�,.. :�. . —.._ � - --^ -- : ' , ' . � . - � — — =-— — - — --�-�a�ir�hl c�e�n�YR�R-si�arrc.aa,_._, --- -,_-.. .n�.. ------- - ,. .�� ,.� ' � F�iT'�'�L��t� � A����i�T��� i��, � 1"�a46VSP��'A'TI��! PL�fVf�pNCl�'F3A��BC ��9�Y�d���3�t�� 610 S.W.ALDER,SUITE 700 o I'ONTLAND,OR 97205 m (503)228•5230 � FAX(503)273•8189 �.ug�.�� 2'�, X 994 Pxoaect l�to.: 1235.00 �'ity of'Tigar.d. P'l�ning �;orn�issi�z� 13125 I-��Il L31vd. 7Cigard, ��Z 9°7223 ;T,1���;T: !-�pnlicaa�t's �Le�ponse tv dU1a0"1' F��gio� � Ccamzn�nts on C�A 94-00�%LJN 94- 005 R.erx�bold 'Tnxst, In�. I��ar �I�mb�rs of the �l�nin� �mzxu�xa5s3o�: T�ie pta�a�e of t�s �e�teg is �o respoaad to th� �itt�n �or�aznPnts mad� }�y �e�ic�n 1 �f the �a��gc�r� �epart�aer�t of'�rar�.spai�a.tian (A'�I��T) r�ga.�c�zng the abov� app����ti�n f�r the corn�reh�nsi�e �1�� aqri�ndz��a�� �.md z��e ��Z�n��. 'Tvu�i r�s��x�sts �ox rnar� irL#oa-��aatioia hav� b�ea� rnade by C)��'�° �d �.x� r°�s�ond�d t� a,� follaws: l. The tra�j''ic irrapact an�al;�si,s r��fort �aes �zot z�zclu�de long-rar�ge a�aalysfs of�he traa�spa�t�txo�n systern's �auilafy to �xccoar�mo�crte Bhe anfici�at�s� tra��. �'1�(a7'would li1�e the ap�licant to�r�via'e in,�orm�ctioaz a�er�rz�nsFraPing th� trip g�neratian in �dxe " � �a��°�°ent zorte eor�p�rre�l to the pr•a�as�er�zv��. 7his type �af aMalys�is is ty�zcczlly rnelu�ed i� cr t�°a�c �tudy for a co���ehens�ve��czn arraen�rnered c��acl.zorae e�ecaa�a�e ap�pl icati�n. 'd'li� traffre study pr�pa�ed by Kittelsr�z & A.SSOai�tes, clearly �orrzparss bo� zonin�s, as dac�en��d iz� �sag�5 1� t�o�x�;h 21 af tlae r�pt�rt. This a��.lysis cc�z7f3.z�.s that the potez�ti�l txaffic impact of cie�elopment under eat�a�r zoning is simi�ar. With regaxd to S1�e comm�nt on long-range analysis, th� base year tr�ffi� volu�n.es �s�d ia� th� study yver� o�t�ined fr�rri t11e Hull/Greenburg/Schalls Ar�a Tr�x�c 1Veeds Stur�y p��par�d for the �Ci�-y �f T'i�ard, ��r tl�e directic�zz of�Cit� �f Ti�ard en,�ine�rir�.g s�aff. Furt�er, � b���use the co?npara.tive traffic irn�act �andar ei�her zoni��g is simzlar iaz �e near tea•m, � the im.g�act zvill be sirr�ilar in th� Iong t�rm, �d �13us vv� believe w� l�ave adec�uat�ly a., addr�ssed khis �ss�e. � � � C2 � � � BELL�VU� • F'ORTLANU � SACRAMi�NTfJ „ .N � �1 Caty of'�'a�ard Planning Corram�ssioai A.ugus� 22, 1994 ��,ge 2 ' 2. Beccause of the storcage cos�cet°�s, the ca,�pdicc��t tivill ne�d to address stora e ��! � � r��equrrerraes�ts f�r t��r�c tuy�rairag orato Casccrd,e Boulevrard based on tBt�p�ap�sea” �'en�rc�l C'orn�zer�ial zaraing car�tpar�d to dh�p�ese�tt Industa�rcal'zoning, ?'he zo�ae change is ex�vected to irzcr°eas� �he westba�urad left turn lane denaa�ad ora S'rholls .�'erry �ioad at Phe C�rscade Boude�rar� inters��Pi�at. This in�reased te�a�c as of concer°M 8� ODOT sirace the storage space Qvailable,f'or Phis flow o,d`'trcz�c is lzmited beccause of td�e interseciian's prmximity to tlae sauthbo�arra'rarrep,�'or Highwcry ,217. � Ttus i�s�e vvvas nat addressed spe�i.�c�lly in th� ��r�'�ac study �ecaaas� w� did n�t b�lieve Yt �o b�e a signafic�rat issue �vit..� x�s�+ect ta the �r��aosed zor�e cl�a.�g�. I-�cr�ever, v�th �he rrriitig�.tion recomc�ea�ci�d in t�ae report. for the Scholls F�.rry/C�.scade a�xtersectXOS�, tF�e rr�axi��.un. r�qui�ed st�ra�e for t,h� �est��au�d ��ft hzz� fron�z �cholls Ferr� Ito�d o�t� �;asaad� 8�����ard is proj�cted to be 12� fe�t unc�er t�� exis�Xng �oax�ng �.nd 150 f��t und�r the �rmposed �oni���, a5 sha��vxi �n t�e �xxhibit �.ttach�d to this let��r. Siance there a� apprnxirr�ately 2�(� feet a�vailablm bet�nl�ea� ��cad� �oul�v�•d ai�d the �-Iag��vay 217 ram�ss, t,�� exist�g stor�.�e sp�.c� will be �de�quat� tc� handl� �he � expect�d v��xacA� qu�r.��s. �Ve �alast th�t this lettcr six�ci�ntly aclds�ss�s �D�'I"s conc�xns regardi�g �-iis ap�li�ation. �i�zcerely, ...�-- ° ���p°,�fi�r ����� ��\�� ���i��� ���s 7s,�� � `'��- ark A. �larzdehey, 1'.E. �CR Associate �oa���a�� � Attaclur��a�t �'�,� ��,�� ,g �a ��5, Y��p���6 •, , ad �.�,f��.��d�� �SJ.�'��° l7l.�f�� �i� �PQ)��t w�rl'B@: C/�SC.rAG���C�P�I� � ! lEI�°°i°�1.a4'�3ht ��m�f�OC9A7°Em�°ea 8F�'.�'u. I�POji�CY RIUYI'➢kD�P: 9235 �� C�9Q�IN Ald�r, St�ite 70� �re�iy��: t.AR � Po�tf�r,d, o`�go� 97203 �at�: 0�/9�/�b �' ;(50�)z��-523a Fil�narne: Fi:!{�FtC)JFIL�19235\��hICS��1�1.WE�9 '`�, � Fax: (503)273�0169 Ing�r��c�ian: Sch�lls Ferry/C�sc�d� �orrdf�iorts �yr,a14., �tc.P: 1997 PN9 P�ak: �xisting, Prnpo�ed Zanings ��r����.s��uT P,a►���r��s: yc e �n9 � �ec Canfdenc� L�vel (C.L.): 95% Starac��length/vehirle: �, feet �i� -� � Fxistiry Propose � E6LT � L• 'd17�TH EBL'T '�'PP�i� �LT W�T'H e ������'�������►5: Vc�lutne(pre-Ph�F) (dph): 30 1690 '11� 1655 30 1'725 1�0 1655 G/C#ar mo��rnent: 0 04 0.53 0.11 0.60 �.04 . d.54 Q.�� D.f>3 Number of l�anes: _� _ 3 1 � 'I 3 1 2 CAL��i�T'if�Ed�: L�P1gth C�f!'ee�'iY1tel��l (se�): 86.4 42.3 (30.1 36.0 8�.4 �'1.4 78.3 3�.°a Av�r�gs tot�l quPUe (veti): 0.7 19.9 �.6 16.6 G.T 19.� 3.0 �5.3 Niaximurr�totai quEUe (vr;h): 2 27 � 24 � 2?' 6 22 TUt�I q�eu� l�ngth (fie�t): 50 fi75 1 GOQ 5A 675 1b0 55D Req�ired ctorage/lane {fe�t): 50 �25 �t25 �00 s0 ��5 �9 s� �75 PEF:�II!'f'T�� �,��'d'1°IJF�IV�: bppnsing Wolume (pr��-Pl-i�): Oppasing sat.flow r�te: �AL�IJL.�7'@�7�1�: Op�osin�low ratio (Ya): ��p`� �,a,1u,�� � �� Unblocked G/C: EffectiNe rec�inte�val (sec): Avzr�ge tntal queue(veh): �/laximum total Gu�ue (veh): Total queue I�nyth (feet): Required �torage/I�ne (f�:et): i � � METNODOL�J.C,Y ANU FORf�IL1L.A�a USED: 4�J � I_ength ot rad intervaol=(t-G/C)'CyGe length Queue length=Maximum queue'Starnpe length per vehirJe ,� Avara�e qur.ueAane�Volume'Red Interval/3600 Requiratl ctoreye per lene=pueue lanqih/Number o4lanes,rounded � up to the naxt highest vrhole veYiiGe � Meximum quaue: Random arrival/Consusnt service � Rantlom nrtivals behavc accordmg to a Poisson distribu6on. Opposin8 flcwr ratiU Yo�opposing volume vo/opposinp sat.flow rata sop � Thare�s n probabiliry equnl to the confitlence level desired(e.g.95%) ihat the quaue fortned tluring eac�h red interval wlll tre less than Unblocked G!C(Qu/C)_(p/C-Yo)/(1-Ya) or equel to the maximum queue. (Prob.ol nmvals�tJ)_(Red Interval)^N•exp(-N)!N! (the Paisson dislribuGon) (Prob.�f arrivels>=N)=1-5um ot probabllihes(or vehiGes 0,1,,,,,N-1 Max N: HiOhest N such ihal the sum o}probnbiliUos>(1-confidence leveq 4; � `{° �xz��� a�spaR� �o ms�� PLRNI�Y�1�C3 C��YT��Y��Y a1��3�1i9R. ZT��. � � klugust 2Z, 1994 T%G,A,RF� CITY IiP.LL - TOF1N HAI,Z � 1312 5 5W Fi't�,LI� BI,VD. TIGd�.�, Or2EGOId .� A. P']�CTS 1. Ceneral In�Eo•rmation CASE: Comprer�ex�sive �lan .Amenclm�n.L CF� 94-Op04 Zoxz� Ck�angc ZO�T S��OC106 R�QUEST: A rec�e�t Eox� appraval of a Comprehensive E�lan Amerac3ment from I-L (Li�ht Industrial) to C-G (G�neral Commercial) and a Z�ne CYzange request from T-P (Indusi;ra.al Pa�k) to C-G (General, Commeraia3.) . APPLICANT: 13im�asa Center Associat�s E31�. NW 3.9th, SuiY.e 102 Portland, OR 972o9 c�WP7ERS: same �2EP2ZESEN'1'ATl"JE: Rirhard A11era Ball, J'anicic anc� Notrack On� I�Iaa.n Place Z01 SW T�fain Stieet, Suite 1.100 Portland, Okt 97?04-3274 I LOCA�'ION: 10115 Nirnkyus P��venue (PiCTM 1S1 34.AA, tax lot 1960) 'I`h:e site is located at the �outhw�st corner of SFI Scholls Ferry T�oad anc3 SW' DIimbus 7lvenue witlain the �toll Busir_ess Center. � 2. Vicinity,Tn�oxtnation i 'I'he subjec� sit� is 2.43 acres in size and is loaated �x�. Che sc�uY.Yxw�:s� cox•ner of 5W Schol].s Ferry Road. and Nimbus Avenue wi�:hixi the Ko].1 �usiness Center. SW I1i.mbtxs Averlue is a 1.oca1 str�et s�rviz�� the IC�:L1 Busi.xiPSs Cei�.ter which consisc.s o� appr_oximately 50 acr_es adjoirsing Fanrxa Creek south of SW Sc'rio.l'ls �e.xry Raad svest of the 217 State Ha�ghway. Fanno C'xeelc bdrders i�he eratire business Center to the west. Areas to tlie north of SDd Scholls Ferr:y Road are within the City of Beavexi:s�n and are developecl. eaith a ma.xture of commercial and business parls uses. Properties to �he east and south. are z��ried E�].anned "1:ndust�•ial and are a �art of tlza Ko17. Bu�irzess Center. 3. 13ackcTrounc3 Tnformation The first phase of the Ko11 Busine�s C�nter consisted a¢ four. industriaJ. tenan.t buildings constru�ted. in. 1979. Tn 198�, Sensitive Lands Permi�. 5-- 84 �rJas ap�roved to a11ow r�construction o£ N'imbus P.venue withii� a porL-ioxi � of the 100-year flood plain, in r�tu:rn other a:reas were eacc�ivai.ed to I maintairi the existing flood pla�n clEVation. �2�cox�.struction of tYae roaa p�rmittecl furth�r devel.opmexi� of_ rhe TCoZI Business Center o 'Th� subj ect pr_operty v�as deve.loped in 1986. STAFF REPOFtT - CPA 94-OUO�!/ZOId 94-0006 - I�Iimbus Center �ssociates PAGE 1 - ., , b �. 5it� Infox�ma�3on and Prc,pos�Z Y���c�a. t�on � '�he si�e ia � �ingl� pax��l with�n �ha Ko:L�. �u�i�aess Centex wl�iak� was deweloped ewa.�h a.n llne �ei�ant suit�s aazel a L�ux�g��� �Cing Rea��u��n�. '�h� p�apert� owa�a�.� �.ag propo��d trs r�d�si��aa��t� �h� Gc�mpr�hensiv� �l.an a�ad. �onirac� Di.stria� �3ap fram i�s cus�r�n'� T,ic�ht zY�ciustrial �rsd 1�J,anrs.�d i Incius�rza�. C�mpxehen�iv�: P1an Map axxd �aaaing 1Dis4.rict M�a� d�sigx�atiQai�s to Gen�:ra� Coenm�ioial. L7nder the €�i.�es aurrent Pl�taraec� .�n�ue4�xia1 zan:iza� de�a.�natioxz a limat�d �aumb�r o� b��ic reta�.1 rz��� are allc�w�de The a�plicant h�s rec�.aea��o� tlais land ia.�e amendm�nt beo�use �he �.imited numb�� of aommerca.al uses pe•rma,ttec3 uaad�r �:Yxe P].ann�d Indua�ri�l Desigxs�tion has limited th� r�zi�e af tenants which az�e p�rmittec� to l�ase �uites at �h� si�e. 'I'he �ubject pro�er.�y �.� highl.y vis:i.�i1� ta inat�nrist� an.� pede�t�-ian3 traveling on. SW S�hc�11.� F'ex�y Road. The� a�p7.ic��xat �tates that du� to 'the site'� vi�;ibi:d.ity the ce��er 2xas hi��o�ically drawn many o� ii.a customers from the are� at 1���ge �aLher thaxt �r.a.in�rily f.rcm industriaZ t�nants with.in �he IC�11 Busine�� Cent�r. 5. Acrencv Camments The Engi.�ieering Division kiae revi�wed the �aroposal and �rc�vided tka.� following coznments: fl Tk�e applieants have submitted a staL-ement ii�x s�xppor� a£ th�i� r.�quest for �he ina� amenclm�nt a�d rPLOn� tk�at indicate.� th� traffic c��nerated. bX �he c;han.ge xn uses a1le�wed uxzd�r the gen.e�a1 comm�rcial �axie v�ill rso� be r�xea�e�: that those allc�w�d by th� incl�.tstrial zone. In th� statement, tiz��y note that the exi�ting �arkix�g s�ace� in tkle cen�er ea;c�ed t�e num;�e.r I, require�3 by thP pxcaposed zon� chanc�e. I Tl�e existinc�. site tak�s access from SW Nimbus Avenue �rc�m a driv�way I �ocated a su�'f�.cien� ciiati�nce from the irlt�rsection af STnT Scholls �'eiry 'I 12.aad. tYaat provide;� minimum caa��licts. vritk�. �2�� �ra£f�i.c a� the sa.!�n.a1i��.c� ' inters�r.tion. af SA7 Scho.11s Ferry Road and SW Na.mbus Pdvenue. a].a"1CG' no new conw�truc�a.or�. is prc�pos�d, w� C011Cla,Y' �Y1Zi� any rlaange �.a the j ��•affic impacts o� the pra�ee;f: will be eninirraa�., In acidi.tion, no subs4;ax�.tia1 impacts are l.ikely ox� th� City utilitX systems. Therefor-e, w� l�ave na obj ec�tic•rns to the proposer� zon� chaz�g�. I, Cit..y of Tigarc� Builc�a_n� Da.vision, Genera]. T�lephone and El�etric, Por�land Ii Gene.ral. Electric, Ci�y c�f I3eaverton, Tualatin �i'alley F°ire and RESCU�, laave ' , �vi�wed the applica4:ian, and have offered no camments or abjections. No otlz�r comments ha�ve beQn received. � � �. �'���t+��5 �T�? COErTCZ,L7S2UE�7S � The relevant apprnvdl cri.teria in. thi� case are Cr�mpY�ehensive Plan. � P�licies :L.�..2, 2.1.1, 5.1.4, B.1.X, anc3 12.2.2 and Cominur.�ity I�evelopment � Code Sections 18.22, 18.32 and X£3.62. h-� � Sectiran 1$.22.040 sets forth tkie stanc�arcls ancl proc�dures :Eor acnenc3ments �1 to the Laning Map whicka hav� l�een. reviewEd as �oZlows: � � � �ecp�eradat�.on ar a c1ec3�i4n �cs ags��ov��, �pprowe �itla a�ndi�io�a� o� t� °'� e��n,�F �x� �p�al�a�tian iar �. e;aaa��si-ju.�ic�.ma �,mexzd�xa�nt �&��3�1 }�a Rsa��� oaa a�1, af th� fol�.ovaxng atar�dar�a; I ST.AFF REPURT - CPA 94-QOQ4./7�1Q 94-q006 - Nimbus C_enter .Associates PAGE 2 I m � �e ��m �p�li���l� n��p��������� ��m� ����ci�e ��� �� �����sx�ti�� �nd= ��� ��a��� �iA1 ��� �d��r���� ��f�c� ��� ���1��� �afe�y ��� ��1���� csf ��x� �co�arszx�.��►& Th� foilawing a.re the applicabl� Com�•rekaensive Pl�n I�oliciee re3.a��d �o this rec,�uuest and how the ap�7.ic�tbc�n. ad���ss�� each c;ritex�a.� i� x��rzew�d iol`lowing �ach �,a1.iGy. ��.�a� gr�1�.c� 1..3..2 r�q-+uir�� t�a�� imm ard�e� �� ��pxaer� r� c,�.xffieim�exd3��.�1 �m�rnc'�ca�s�t �� ��5� P�.sx�, ��i� C�i�;� �aus�� �i�ar� that t�x� cls�x�g� :Liw coa��is�eaxt ra+it�x �gs�sli��sl� �lrsas g�e�ll����, t&aa� a� ckasaxg� o� �kxyr�tic�1. circuu�a��ffin��� �.me oc:��xr�ec� a�3sxc� �k�� easigrin�], desi�aa�t�.o:aa �r �ka�r� i�a �•r�c3�ac� �� � �ka��.�e 3ax ��.� xa��c�k�osaxocsd car a�a��ra�.�� wvt�i�a� �£i�c��t�� tkxe s�ub�ect �a�c��.g. �Zt��n.a��.v��y, �ras� C���r maaes� �im� tkars� �i mi€s�ak� ��sr�� aiad�a i.a� ��x�s ori��na�l. d�ei���.iAaa; Al�ng with aeve'lapment �f t�ze FCoJ.I Rusi�.�ss Cen���, tkae larg�r Tigax�d an� Beavez�k:on Area has exp�rienced significaaat growtP�. The remainY.r�g pxaper�ies withisi the Nimbus C�nter have k�een developed sin�� :L97� w:i�la a mz:r.ture of la.gh.t indu�trial usas. pt.�e �o its Toca�ion 4.kie sulaject �±^aper�y wi11 crantinu� to serve Custamers trom a wide�• ar�a thdn the Ko11 Business Cen�er. By permitting th� site ta b� reznned, a gr�a�.er. range of commerai_a? uses �nd servi�es 1VOU�.C� bts' permitted. Z'3zESe se�-vice� a.r� exp�c��c. to be used by ba�.h ci�izeizs o� �he �rea at large anr� ten�n.�s of tk�e Koll Businr ss Cen.ter. Tk�+� p�imary �easons f�r �lais amea�c�cnerat mast c3ir�ctly xelate �a pl��sical growth o£ the grez��e� ar�a the �hysical location of tYa�e site and th� cl�sign. of �lxe site im�rov�me�it�s whirh va�r� ap�r��.*�c� at �his lacaticail. �n �e�m� o�' cleair,,.v�, the si�P functians as � Gen�ral Commarcial site pr�sexzt�.y. P�ara k��13.cy 2 m�.1 ������ �hat kl�e C�t�y �s�n�l.]L ���.�xt�ix� aax a�ax��a�n� �i��1 zeza i�,�c�lva�en.� pragr�a arsd s�ts�31 as�urc� tFa�� c�.tc3.zox�� va�ia.l b� ��°ov3ded an �p�scarttan3.ty� to b� invcalv�ed ix� aa,�,]. �la�R��a of tla� gsl�n�x�.xag pr.ra����� Tlz�. appla_cant ��ovi.d�d x�c�t�.c� o� �nc� ��ncluct_ed � mPe'tin� for in�erestedl pro�aerty awn�•rs vri�hxn a 25q fnat rarJ.iu� oE th.e aff�ct�d proper��. 'I`I3c C:L�' a:epr�a�nta�iv� �or. t�Z�.� �rea �as alsa iaotaf:ied o£ the ne�.ghborhood meeLing. �7otic:e is bezn.c� pravidecl c�f th.e Ylanning Cammission anct Ci�.y Council Publi.c Tiearing� �c�� th.is � propasal, i Pl�n 1Po1�.c�r 5.�..� �ta�.as tkaat �h� �itgr gT�sa�.1. erl�ux�� t&a�k� ner�vv c��samxcial �nd indu�tx°�.a1 d�v��.o�ffi►e�x� �h��.l aaot encXaach �.a��.o r��id��a��.a��. �xr��� tk��t �a�waa rac�� Y���xx e���igsast�d fa� �c�amn�x��.�l �x�e�. This policX is s�tisfied because the su�aj�c� property is na� presently zoned. for residen�ial uae. El�n �olicg� 8.1.,1 stat�� �ha� tkae Ci�y �hal7. �l.�,x� £nr a s�fe anc� ����.��.�n� �tx��� a�d ra�c�wxiy ��*�tem �hase a�e��� c�ar��nt xie�d� ffin� � a.x�t�.c�.��,t��. �utus� gz�aw�3s, �aac� d��rs�l�;�maa��� This policy is s�.ti�fied � because this propexty� kias fr.on�:ag� on SGd Scho?ls Ferry Road (S�ate I � Iizghway 210) design�teci ari Arterial Street aa� tk��: Cit� c� Ti3ard ; q�j Coinp.rek�.ensive Transpori:a�i�n �lazs Ma�a. 'Phe Existing r.o�dway �atre��n , � is expacted to acc;nmmodat� th� minor :i.ncreasr� iax tra�fic volume h- r�sulting from an app•rc�val of a zone ah�n,g� on i�hi� sit�. � �'A Plan Policy� 12.2.2 provi�.�� t�� �cac��i�a��.l c��.t�r�.s� aar G�n��al (� ��aa�me�rci�1. xpz�f.ng, �kx� ����.�.c��la 1ac�.��.�raa�. �r�.t��i� �p�a��.fi�d �n � Ckaa�at�r 12 �;� t��� Coni�rreka�n�ivm P�.�n �re tla� �ca1l��rir�g; ��aa�ixig �sad lo�ati�nt�l csite��.� r��xi�a fik�a� �Na� coarxin�s�i�3. azea �ha11 r�ot be su�rogarid�d k�}C xe�id��t3�1 c�i�tri,��� ara �a�r� �2aaxx trrro ST�F:F REL�OR� •• CYA 94-OOp4/ZON 94-OOQ6 - Nirnbu� �'en�.er �ssoca.at�es PACE 3 . . � �3�c���a. Tha.� s�.te i,� wi�hir� � heavily developed lig�ht industria�. ar�a. The ait� is bu��e�:�d fr.sam �xietin� resid�ntia,l us�s �a the we�� by �'anno Crse}c. �I�es r�ca1� ea£ ��ae ��o��c� ��a�l� b� cnsap��i��.m w�,th �h�a surr��xaadtss� u���. 'The si�.e was develo�ed with a�xi lixaear bzick sirag].e s�tory bualdzng r.*a.th leaseable suites. A single s�.ory brick Flurger ICing� r��taurant wa� also ci�v�lopec� Y:�ward� the street c�rner of �Yle property� Thrnugh tl�e si�� dev��.a�amen� prac�ss th�.s structur� wa� found to be �ompatible wi�h th� �Ces9.gn of adjoining existing and plarxrned dc:velopment within �he area. N'o revzeion� to tkle site are • anL-icip�ted a� a reault o� this amendm�nt. �1ny �uture changes wi11 also be reviev�ed for compatibility with. aurroundi�ac� uses. ��.t� acc��� ���.��ariax r��r�: 1.) tki� pxopca��� rsz�an �1a�17. xao� �r�ffite �ra�E3c ee�r�g���iara wr �x� �f�.c ������ ��obl.eo��z 2) �Ri� ��.�e �kam�.�. h�v� direc� ra�ce�� �ao� a inr��ox cal.l�eto� �rr �rt�exi�,l. ��s�s��� �.nd 3D publie t�aa��pox�a�ioas �h��� b� a�r�i�.�Y�le t�a ��ae �3.��. �h� appro�,ral of thi� applicatio�a i� not ex�ected to re�ult: �.n. trafric cUngestion or �raf�ic safety problems. The existing commercial aenter i� u�ed for a l.imited range General Commercial type uses presently. A.n increaae in iraffic volumes due ta expan�.�d commercial �ervices ie expert�d bu� at khe time �he si�.e was developed a11 s�reet 7.mprovemen�s serving the site were develc��ed xn anticipatioxa of a11 site impro�recnenta wri�:hin. the center beizzg l.eased for commercial uses which generate similar traffic impacts. Allo�wing a w:�rler r�ric-�e of commercial uses a.s not �xpected to c•reate traf�ia con,qeation problams in tliis area. Direct site access i� pres�ntly provided �o SW Nimbus :�venu�. ri� II new drivewa,y acce�s is propo�ed with t:his a�plication. Transit , service is avai7.able to th.E site f.rom SW Scholls �'e.rr�y Fto�d. I Lo���io�xal �rita�°�.a �7.�re re�e;u�.xc�� �Fi�t ��� eite �� o£ � �i�� ��a�.ch �' ran �accommad�t� p�o�j�cte� u��a aa�cl tkxat th� r���a� �ao����� Yaar�Ya I v��i�:Llitg�. This criterion is sat;is�ied .fo.r th� 2.�?3 ac.re site. , 2'l�e exist;ing sita irn�r�vement�a accommodate a variety of us�s � ' perma.tted within the General Comme-rr:ial Zoning Distxict. Tlais sa.te I is also highly viszble from a�7jo�_ning roadways. 'i I ��np��t �1ese�axnesa� i� detc��.i�a�ci �y ��.d����3�a�c� tlaa �oil��av�xac� '�, c;ritex��a: I) t��a� Bez��.� ra� �hs� pxoj��� ah�.1Z hm cp�e��.�a.b�,� rrriscka tka� ' ourrnuz�.ciin� }�as�s; 2) �ka� eite corafigux�t�.aa�s �haZ�. b� �v.cfl� th�� �kae gari^�►�c,y of ad�a�e�xt ssoea��vanmesc.�.a1. usa� can k�s u4�int�.�.rs��.; 3) i.t �Y���.l ��a per�s�.�2� tc� iaaccar�e��a�t� �srx�.e,�z� air� ���.�ure� imta �11� si�e d�miga �nd� d�velapmdsa.t p�.ax�; anc� �) the� z�ar���i��ter� ligt��s, xs�a3�� �nc3 I a�ctivitiras aha11 not is����£�xa svith adjoisaing xa.an-co��r�ial sur�ee. This palicy is sati�fied beca.use tl�e impact to surrour�ding la.nd uses is eacpected to be negligible. The scale af the present devel�pment I on this site was previoualy determined to be compa�ible with the I suriounding 1d5PS. �UtUY'L: modifications to 9:he site improvements i will also be reviewed for compatibility with adjainin.g land uses. I ill Secta.orz 1II.32 sets forth th.e procedural r�quirements for reva.ew of �u�.si- I J'udicial Plazi Amendments. Subsection 18.32.09a (D) �nd (E) set� £o�.th the I revieva requirements for �uasi-�7'udicial Plan Amendm�nts. This secta.ori �, requires that tlze Planazinc� Lommis�ion raview propased am�ndmen.ts and provide a recommendation fc�r actio� to the City Council. The applicatic�n I has been proc,essed in a�ccordance with the requirement� of the Community , Development Cade. ' , STAFP REPORT - CPA 94-0004/ZON 94-0006 - Nimbus Center d��sociates PAGE 4 I � I I —� e . ! l II Seo�zon 18.62 s��s for�h �Yie de�r�la�ment �t�ndarel.a for p�o�aerty wi�hin �lxe � ��nex�l Commerci�l. Zony ng Dir�triet. �'l�e �ubj Qct �a.L� m���e the�e I xpc�ixirert�en.t� bec�us�� th� �arae7. �ave�age w�.dth 3.� gx�atar th�n 50 fe�t. Tkse �acieti.�g atxuatuaes c�o not exaeed 45 f��t in. �:�igh�. '�he si�e cov�rage is less �hax� S� �e�c�ent and the :Lan�.sca�ed area is gg,e�s��:r thar� 1S g��rcent�. 'Th� �xista.ng us�� on tix� s7.te ar� ��ermit.ted iz�e� wi�hi.x� tli� ��:op�sed General Commercial Znnin� Llegir�nation. �o Tkx� �tntewid� pla�ani�rc� goa�l� �dap�ed ua�s��x ����an R��ri�a�et ���trx�� �h��ator �.9`T, �xn��.3. ��luxoe���d,��sn,+�aa� of �ha C�saasoreh�uxa�iv�a �a].�s� ��ad ox��3i.x��nc�e�; Z'he Compreh�nai.ve Plars has been ackr�ow?edge�. Each amendment to fche plan is pravided t� the appropriate State Agen.cies for r�view. NoLice of. .fil.ing of Yh•�s �ppla.cation ha� been pr�vid�d to the St�te S�e�ax•tmen� of Land Con�ervatxon and Development fo� comment mor� than �5 �lays �ri.or to th� final. heara.nc� ox� thie � applioatioxi as requir�d under SLate af Qr�gon .A.dmix�istrative Rule 660-18�02Q. I�' approved by �he CiY,y Cauncil, I�7otice of T�doption vaill also be prav�.�.�d to th� vppartment o� La�d Conr-ser�ation and Development. 3 o Tls� ap��.�.e�.�1.� �t�.rxdard�s of m�y �xa�w���.�xa of t;k��.s �a+3� csx o�h�r I tx�a�liex��.e i,m���men��j.z�g oxciixa�a�a�e; S�ction 18.52 a£ the Cornmunity Dev�lopment Code �ets fori:h th� develvpnqent stanc�ard�s fox� t•.he General Commercial Zoning D�istric•�. The subject site meei:s these requirements becauae th� lot width average is greater than 50 fQet. 'Phe existing atructures do not exc�ed 45 feet in height. `Phe �ite coverage witYi impreva.�us surfaaes is less than 85 �ercent anc3 the lai2d�capPd area is great;er than 1!� percen�. °the eaci�ting uses on th� r�ite are permit'ted in the Gerxeral Comm�rcial Zorzing District. �4. �videracs of clxange �n thr� n�igkal��rhocec� esx� �o�nuaxxa��.�y o� � ;ae�.�t�&c� e�r i:cacflns�ist�n�cy in tha c�mg,r�Ta�xxsive p].�n or xon�sac� a�wap �e� lt �eia��ts �o ��a� pgag�x��y wh3ch i.a tlae� ��ab��c�: a� �ri� ���r�acs��a�n� a}�pP.�.��.�ieazas Axcang with tl�e Koll Businesa Center �he larger Tigard axiei ��averton ]�.r�a ha� easperienc�d sigr�ifz�ant gr.o�vtki. Due to its locati.an the subject proper_ty wi].l continue to ��rve custamers �ro►n a cv�.der ��pa � than primarily the tena�,ts in Y.he Ko11 Bu�iness Center. I The priznary ��ea�ons £ox this amendment rela�e to �h��ica1 c�tuvatlz a� I the grea�er �rea, th� phy�iaal locati�n of the site and the c�esic�n c�f the sike improvements cvhich were appraver3 at th�s location. By permit�ing tYa.e site to be rezoned a greater range of comm�rcial uses and services would k�e permitted. Tl-iese services �.re �xpected to l�e used by both citizens of the area at la-rge and tenants of the Koll �usiness Cerx�.�r. .Additional space whic� ia leased wa.th.in ��a cexat;�r may create additional empl�yment opportuaiiLies far_ area residents. The l�lanned Industri.al zane a1l.ows up to 20 percexi'c of a devel.c�pment complex to be utilized wa.th la.mited comme�cial •u�es. There is � concern �hat approva`1 of change to th� .land use designati.orz may 1�ad � to redevelopment o� inc�ustr.ial site� �aithin �he Koll �usiness Centex fo� commercial use. Hoc,Tever, it is not expec�:ed that the Itol.l � IDusin�ss Center wa.11 r.edevelop wa.th additional c;ommercial �,.. development c�ue to the xecently developed nature o£ i_ndustrial uses @,�, within the center. Future app_licata.ons for develo�ment or � r�develapment will be revi.ewed f_or coxzsist�ncy� with the d�.velopmen� �R standard� of the Planned l:nduatrial Zon.e which limits th� to��l of � square £ootage which can b� developed fo-r commexci�l. u��. 4l.9 °'� In �erms of design the sita functiox�.s presEntly as a G�neral. Commercial site so that a mistake cara be said to have been made in limiting the raizge th� commercial useg permitted on the site to STAFF 22EPORT - CPA 94-0004/ZON 94•-0006 - Nimbus Center A�sociates PAGE 5 . , ,, �c�a�vc�ni�z��� �ex�vi��� d�s�i�xse� �s�im�.ri�,y fnr �a�� �ay t�xzant� wa�hs.n ��e: zCol1 �us3.an�e� Cen��r. 'I'1ai� l�xxd. uae arnen�m�m� �111 allova adc�i�.inre�al t�zxaaa't� e�hiah �rovide �oma����ial goad� �nr� �e��:*i��� to i loca�e zr� �:n ��i��a.�g cr�m��raial� y�n��� cvi�h a�egl:tgble �x�ecte�l �.rnpa�� 4�c� �dj oining are�a. ' �o �t�C���i�A�3;033' � �'h� L�l�n.xbirag �ivisi�z� �ecc�mr�enclr� th�.t the E�1asa�a�.ng Comm3.��ir�n �o�vrard a r�commendation to th� C3ty Cauxacil fox �PE�.OVAL o�' Coe�preherx�iv� i�lan Axr�era�men� CPR �34-CJ004 ax�d �one Chax�g� ZON 94--0006 bas�d upon �h� �c�r�*go�.ng �indin�s. � ��� � �=�—"�`� 1 PI2EPZ�R.ED BY: Mark Roberts Dat� I As�istant Planner __ -_./�%�.�.f—�..�-�.�,.• � �"d `��� �1.FI�RO'VED �"Y: Dick B€:w�rsci ' ��.�� I S�n.ior P1an.nPr � I I i ,I �I il I ,I� � �C 1-� � � I .�t' � i�i6 I' � il STAF'F REPORT - CP7�, 94-0c�04/ZOhT 94-OQ06 - I�Timl�us C2n�er A.s�oci.ates PA�E 6 I N� •� �,��' '�'��fi*��� 1' S{ � � �,. �r� �"-i/L�I�� �. f. � II , �� � '': � r�i �� ��r i � r � , � _ .�l `.'.*�'��!�_��. �� ':.� �r, ,�. ��''k`: .�1�; '���,*7 :� j �; _ .. x � . . . .:.. �+ ���� � :� .:�� ;ii; ��I`��� ■ ,:�=,Y ���j�: _ -� fl «�,���«rr,;��. `� f��� � .�* �. I� +�`�r�.� 1.'t���'� 4if-�.,, , �''" ���� �1�. r M� . ��if�';�1��*'!'��r:M� '� - .,,: � �� �!���IMM;���� � �� . ' a� �� . ,�'� .',,�r.����� .�� � - �;` � �: ; � ` , •t'�r. �.�/�'�?fi� IMr► � . , r�► � �ti /��!�!t� / �. � r h'1 } �'� � r 'u r�" �� � �: A` � �" ,��*�r jr����� , �, � _ �*� ba;:� �,� ���� 3'' ,, kr �'. ��. a�� '-,h '' � :� ° �� � ■ � J „ 4. � ..!!� , r.� - r• T, �: :�: {�, `i ;.\ . .'-� �� ,+ � �,�. Y •7 .:°7 ��s.• r.. \\ ly �'A• .r.'�.�1����, � -Y. ,,,. ,,,� :�.�.►,. .� ,�� ����,�, `'�� �. . � � ��.+�1�j«��, �:�,�o � > ` ,; �, �,t,r 1 !�.y*� �, ' I�►:-. r.�,�.<.. ��i I �� *�♦��En: �j , ir�: �' ,� ��� :j��, . ,►i�'i� 1� �w +� � ; j � ,.� r w����►��y���''+� �,+� .� 'E�-�*.��I�����wi�,. �,�'' �� �`���''*y'�, � ti ;. �.:.... r . � r� ;;c :�, t �,fJ .1���. ���:':�:� ������ k � !�'�� � ��yy, .I . `�� , .� �, ,�:�� �• � ����y�I :� .I' 3/T� �' �,1� 1�,... , 'f� �R�y} �,��'� �4� ��� J: �� �� ' ,� �: � �, ;. � '��,j��� ��F�I�,�,� M�!►� , _�R ��;�At. ��'�`�+ '�` � ,� �.4...a� ��"�,rn _=..��r�' �� -w �� � PH u� � fi' ,'. �i �►�.�"ii'��i� ���MM� �� �: '�i �� �r�"��Il �� ���►�� ���i" ���'.�'7i����� �� ;,.:.� ��� .� .r ':. � �,.. � _ �, �1�IS ri �ill�� ,rtj ■r �A���ii�� ■ > � ,"'�'� '��`.��. e r : ���� �i� � .*•��'� �� �' R F �►�)!1� �i�� !�n1 .,w �� .,,:,; 4 ii ���� 1��-:`��:��r� `,;i �� °�;' � '�`���� � ����1� F;. �., ;' _-�..........�::.<� r. u _,". ; � � ������; ��r�' �' . . �ii.��:° r �� . � ■�■■. r. �� _ � ������ �=r��r� �� -��' - _ , - ! � �:� � �' , , ; A i ' � � , I . J li a A�4�4�6..����6� �� r3�����6� l�� ���l��t�.6.��� ��� ��6�x�,��,°°"M�.��.�+.���.L �c��p��h�r��i�r� I�l�.ra �ap �°��nc���n� �,�xd �an� C�.az��� I �'� �r�����t������ �'Yai� ap��.f��.��.carz is fe�� � �u��a��jaadi��i�.�. s��an�r�h�n��.�r� plar� ��p �r��r��r��ra� ���az� �ir�h�. I�du��ri�.l (�—L� �� �er����2 Cc�mm��°��.�� I CC-��) �r�� � �car�a.ng zn�.p a�n��adm�a�� ��sa�n zrar�u�t�a.a1 ��r�e (���� �� � G�����.1 ���an�r�ia1. (��aG) �or ��.e I���b�a� C�n���°o �°�a� �u�j��°� . p�°s�����;�r .�� lAC���c� �� �h� �rs�����c��.�ri o� �.W. �����3.� ��rx:y �s�a� ��d �o W a �ia.mbr�� A�r�na�e, c�ith ����s� �ra���a }�ca�h �•i�r����. TA�� g�o����y �.s �u�.�y ��v�l�ped, w��3� � �r��s�w�a�.�.nc� r�����x��n� ��u.�r��� T��.re�) �nd � ccam�aa��°c�.�1 ��ra��� p� ��p���a.m��el.� 2�,�f�� ��rx�ab�.��s��ar� ����. �`ka� p���a�r�y� c�a��� ��� shax� a.t� st:���t ������ cvitl� �ra� ��z����ar�di�,g ��o�a�;��g�a �°k�� ��c�pe�°ty ir��lud�� �a larad����a��. p�.r�Ci�g ��a��p e�a.�� app��xima�ely �5 ���°�ia�� sp���so `�°�.� �p�T.�.��r�� ha� �o ��a�rer�i� pl��� ?�c�� an�r �c�di.�t�.c��ia7. s�����.���at��f� ��a ��i� subj��t �ro�e��y �.� ��i� p�ca��r��r a.� ��z�raed. Znd���1, �h� pe���x����l f�r sigr�i�ie��z��� ��a�r�c��a in �1�� ���r�.���' Q� d��r�lc�pa��s�t ea� the p�°op�r�.� a.� 1.�atai��d b�r ��� �i�� ��� �4�ap� +�� �Y�.� �i�� �r�s� ��°i� �p�a��.��.�al� ��c�� �°�qtia.r�m���s f�s� lc�� �e����°��e, �.��a����psrac�, ��z� p�rl�ing. � Ur�d�r th� c�a�°r��x� �:—� �or�ing, ��.� �S�rmi��.ib1� �ca�ng� o£ s:c�mmex��i�..� u��� :�� 1�.�.���ci, �r�c� � z�b��a.mr��i �� �t9`� c►� tD1� �e�a��,�a�a��rat c�mp�.e� ��.� �S� d��ac���c� �� �1) �c�rx�rc�n��x�c�. �a1�s ��� �����za�l ����r�.c�s e (�) ��a.�.a���r°�8� ��� �:.���� (�� ���..��ac� ��as� �.rzr�king ��tabli�hme��.�; g4) ��:�soz�al ���°w�c�s f��i�a.��i.�s; �a�d {�) c��n�r�l ����il ��.1��m T�� �p�ali.��r�� �.� ����c�rae� ��� ��g���� �ca �h� �mG a����.���ta�ar� �ca t�a�� ��.k�� �a�k�����. �a������y ca� b� �.e�,�eci ��a�° a fu�l ��nr�� aaf ��amm�rci�l �zse�, e�i�:hr��.� �1�� 20� �.%mi.tati�a�. 1���r�3.c���er�� ir� �h� �c3.j�a.�.�.�►c� I�1� d.s������, �I���Y� ir�clu��� mar�y t��c�u�ands s�:� �quare �a�� a�' :�l+��s spa�c, d�oe� no� �;�a.rrentl.� u�i.la.z� �h� full 2�� a�llo�a�ra�� �� �n� givera z�s l�.ck e�f vaa.�b.�1itY', i� �a�t�.a.sc�l.�r ��r�r, �� d� �o� �ax�ov��, ��ie�� �.� �c� d�nc��� �h�� adc�it�.ara�l ar��s in �h� ad.j�air�in� ]I�P s�is�tra.�� w��a1d ' b� �c�a��r���ed �o ��n�ral �c+mm�rr;��1 �or�is�c�; �1�� �ubj�c� ��°a��a����r i� ua�a.qxae�.y �i�.u�ted� ksa��d a� a.�s lc�c:atiora anc� �.aisik,iZi��o T�.� �dj�inia�r� �p� �c���d ��ape���t� r�cauld r�c�� ��.�i�f�r �k�� 1.ca�a.t�,�ana�. �, ��r��a�°�gti�n�� �rar �h� 4�--c� e�i���ic�a tg � � � I��:. P��pr�val Sta�tc��ra� � � n.�S�vl.la�il �.O e �,G u V':!� �� 1��� 1�..«�C�Q�� �Q����..4�� IJ���.L�����L M�tA� � �e�s �h� ��anda�°�3� for q��.��,-j�xciic�.�l z�ap amPndzn�ntsr T�.� � �tar�c�arcls w�hich mu�t k�e addre���d ar�a � �o Th� atapli�able com,��i�r�s��ve �ai�rr �s�].icie� a�n� a��t� �.��ic�na�ion aric�p °��.� �ch�a�ac�e �ai11 r�o� adv�r�Al� a����t th� h�al�h, ����ty a�nc3 wel��r� c���he a��nmunit,�o i ' . . '� � f 1) .����i���1� ccam�reh�n�i�� �].�n go1�.c�.�s �a�� m��a c���ic�z���i�n Thc� �A�ip���i�r�sa.�v� �l�t� ����abli�h�� �h� �oI.I.��rira� d���ri��ion �, �s£ t2�e Gen�r�l C��rm�r�i�1 z�r��: j a���n���A C�,�trn�rc�.a�. �r°��� �a�� in�.�a�d�d tc� �a�°�v�d� �c�� < � �f���� ���C�.11� ���1A�J R.��� .����,..�r�rr�'!s dll�w urcl�J �'.r�1�.r�Ds�'7��Z..�r� a� g�n�r�.�. com�ne���.a]. m��r in�r��.�r� c3r��e--in ���vA��s, 1ar�� �pac� us��sg � cna��i.na•ti�ax� of ���ai�, serv�ic�a � w�ir�l.�sa1� ax�cl �e��.�r s��v�.c�s �� �ex°c��id� s���ric�� �o tl�� ��avel�.rsg pu�b3.i�< �'h� �a��� �:�nc�� :�rc�m au�to�nobiZe ��pa�i� �rzr� servic��, su�pl�r ar�d c��ui.pm�n� �ta���:�, vel�i��� aa1��, dxiv�-�n ��s�auraax�t� to laur�d�� i ��ta1�]L�s�an�nta. ��� i� i����acled �hat •���se �x�es �� ��j acer�t ta an a��Ce��.�1 a�x� m�j ca�° �ol�.�c�or �t����� 1° I kt���ssr���:: Cu�r�rit �ses �ra ��� pra����ty ira��.uc�s th� �e�taurant, � � f�a�n�tu�� �����, a d�ra�a1 c�ffi��, � t�av�l ��op, a dry� G�.��d9].i1� � s�rvi�e, ��xd �. ��pying ��r�i��e Har��v�r, m��� th�n laal� o� �h� �p�ce i.xa th� comiri��°ci�l b�.�.ldinc� (�..e. , e�c3�ac�a.ng t�Z� �'r����:anr�.�rag r��ta�ar�nt) �.s �ur�:�n�1y v�c�r��9 ��a��;x°al �e�msra�x��i�� zc��ing w��]. �.11o�a �.dxi� ps�op+��-ty �:o ca�g�fi�e c�xa ara �ven �raotixa� �r:i�h �sttx�� ia�.�h��ri�i}aility p:��p�r�i�s, ����u�e i� w�.l�. b�; I ��s�i�l� �c� �,���e t� pro�p����.�r� ��h��n�� �it�.c��a�k ��.� �,a.�i�.��i.a�s ia�her�a�� in �t�.� c��r�x�� 2-P zcax�in�, Tk�e Com�reh�nsi�r� F�l�.n E���z�:lz�hes ��Y�� �'all�wf�x� �.ca�a��3.c�x�al ��°it�r.�a ��g �he ��raeras C�mmerca.al z+�n�d I �p�,��,�g �axd 1.a���ieaza: ��5� cc��ata����.�a. a���� �.s xaet I �u�����a��� �� �;�si�e���a�i�l ds.���ic�� �s�n �.<��� �3��� �we� �i���o R��pc�r�s�: Th� subje�t p����r�y a�ca�� x�r�� �b�� �.ny ���id��a�i�.�ly z�n�c� p�ope�:ty. The�e is � r�sid�en�x�l �.r�� i�o �hc� seu��z �£ �th� �uk�ject pr�perty; ho�v��re�, �h� Idi��u�, C��a��r i� s�p��°at�� f�rom �.�a� re�iden�.z�l �r�a by a ]�a�ie�����a��. b�af�e�° orz �he �uk�j��t propert� �.nd �a�r a gre�r,v�ay thx�ou�h ��aich �'aa�na Cree3� run�. � ������: �'�e is eas�d a.�c�� �r e � ° � �a��a.�srr. �� �x� ��ri��i�g a��ia sY���.� a��r� c��a�te� �r����.� �on��s�icc�, ar � ����f'�� �����y ��:��l��v ����a � e�����'�s.���s.a�� ����,x, ��a ����� ��, ������ ��.p���.��, ��f����� aa�ad �r�j����� �����x� ���.a�s��, �1�� �p��d �.a,��.t, �aa���r a�' �ka�:�n�.x�c� sn����►�a��� ��a� ��,� t����'a.� ��n�ra�ing ��������x�.����� �� ��� ��.�ic��x� �y�a�� a€ �x�s��o ��s�on:se: 7Ch� pro�o��d �har�g� wi.l.:l na� �1��� �h� eatis��i�.c� d�velop�ient. Althouc�h �he �anga� of per_xni�tc�d �omme��ial u�es will ka� exgaslded b� �he ct�ange, t1��r� i� na ��a�on �G �acg��c� any ��.gni�Cic�nt c�Y�arzg� ir� t�rip gene�a�ion or the cr�a�A�n c�f �.�a�f.�c cor��es�ion ox� traf f i.c sa�e�y p�okalen�s. � i I L9�����°s ��� w��i.� �blt��b i8��� �d�'.��� 8C°n�i��v� Ye���l � ffi��d''��° �°.�,�oi.�Q�rb��' �� ��b����� .����tl��• lRr���e►�s�v Th� �i�� h�� e�ei�t�ra� dir�ct a�c��s ��vm �.W o S�1x��.1� F��ry I�s��d, cahicl� i� d��ic�n��e� �s �� ��t�rial. ��c���: Pttt��ic t��a��sa������at �h��l �� ���aiZa��.� �� ��� ��.�� o� c���aer�l a���,. R���on��a 7Che Tr.i.��Iet No. �5 b�� �.ine ���v�� S.�Ta uchc�l].s �'��ry Raad in ��ae ianm�d���� �a,ci.�ity a� tl��: si��. ���e �1��������i��i��. ��.� �i�� ��all. b� a� a �a.�e I ��a�c� can ��c�a������ pr����� ��s� ��o,����d �a���o ���gcar���o Th� s��� is ��x��as�y f�ll� 3e��Ic�p�c�, �e�nd �.�nalur��� �.�]+�c�u�.t� p�rl�a.r►g �o�c fu11 �omm�r.°c;a.�l u�� o� th� ��.�e. �h�a�, �Y�� �i•t� cl�a�°1�r can accon�mac��t� pre��nt ��d g�oj��tE3 u���. ���� �h��a�����.�tic�o Th� :ai�� ��all �►av� h�.a�h vt�.���i 7l a.�y o �.��pans�: 7.'�� �a,tp i� lac��t�c� �� tYb� ix��exs�ctr��r� af S o W. �ch��.l.s F°��x�y Rca�c� an�d S o�7, RT�.rn�t�� �.v�n�a�. �'�a� ���.��tin� ci��ra�lcs�z��x�� ran t�� prc�per��r �� c��-�.�c��ee� ��if�a_��Z� �owax�d �Y�� int��s��tzoa�, giving i� high vi�ibilit��. The c�mm���:ial natu�a I o�' t�� �i�� i� Yx�.c�hl�gh��� �Sy tP�� �ur��e� �i�g r�s'��u�°�.��:, �rhich is I�c���ri elas�s�c tQ �he �_n#:�rs�ction m In�gac� ��s�s�a�a��» Tka� ���.1� a� �k�� ���j��� ����.�. �a� �at�p�fcil��� ���h ��x� �u��e�QUn��.�c� �s���a It�sponsea This a�plicatic�n d�es ��� inveal�i� aa�y rh�nge �ra ���. �c��.e c�� �he �rr��ec.tP �a�x:�.at� i.s� alr��;��r d����.�p�.�, Tn addita.�n, t�aF �i�� v�.z� and �h�. zr�ning cAnstra�rats (����mum Iat cowc�•�ge, mina_m�tm landsaa�aing, �r�d parkir�c�) , r��x°ict the pca�enti�l f'�r s��a�.an�.a.a�. ��clitiona]L d����.opm�h�� ar� �I�� �a�a����.�o TP�c� ��i�ti.ng c���rel.cspmen� cor��is�s r�' �wn singl���ta�y st����ur��> Tt�� �c�l� of ��a� dev�logm�nt i� cr�mpatiYsle eait� �the �1ex-spa�� k�ui.3dinc�� ix� �Y�e adjo.inins� I-P zon�d �x�a. '.�'1�� develsa�anAr�t. is a�so cox��ist�n� 4�ith �l�e �°elatively den�� ��sid��.�i�l dev�lc��am�nt t� �.he so►.��.h, �1�t�zcaL�c��s ��a� �uba�c� �r�a�a�x���r i� s�i�l�.�� ��om �r.�e.�w o� ��a� �esiclexatial devel�aprn�nt by the Fanna Cr��k g�ee�nc�ay �x�t� a lands�Gap�c� buf�'��. �a���c� �������a�n�o ��� ���� ��a��a,�u�:��.���a ��cY ��x�r�+c�eri��ic� �ha�:� �S� �u�� t�x�� �ia� ��iv�ac�r o� �c�jac�nt xaem�-co����a��. �s��� �a� ka� �a��.��Caa.�x��. R�spons�o As �iscus��d ab�v�, tk�e exi�ting dev�lA��.�n� a.s ox�ientecl er��ir��ly to�ra�ct �.�.� inic��rse���.4a�. d� �,W. S�ho�ls �'�r�°y �oas� an�3 S.W� I�i.mbu� Av�n�a�e 7Pl��re are aa� ad j ac�nt n�n- 3 �o�m�gcial us�s. Th� r���d���i�l ���� la��t�d �� th� ����� �� I sYai����� �nd ��pa��ted ��om �h� ���a�ct �r���r�y by t�e ��n�� C��ek �r���w�� ��� a land��ap�d �u���ro ; �����t ���������to �t ���11 b� g������� �� ���or������ �he u�ic�� �i�� �����r�� 3�t� t�� ���� d���q� a�� ����������t ����. R��p����: Applicant a� no� �ware ot any �ni�u� �i�e ��at���s. M�reov�r, t�� ���� i� alrea�y ��11� d�v�].oped, li �I ��a���� �������a�x��a ��� ���c�ciat��c@ ��.�Y�t�� �n�f�a� ��a� � ���ti��it��� �taall. �ao� i�t�����►ar� ���;2� �dj��.n�ra� �on�- ��a3d�mm���1 u:���. �� 1����acor���. Tk�� ori�n����ic�n �� �h� e�ci��iz�g ��v���sg�i�nt tc�e�a.rd ��ie I interse�tion ar�d aw�� f���n �.kxe adjoa.ns.�na� �1ex sp�c� s�e=��l��m�n� I� �i11 ���:v�nt ar�y i�ater��r�n�� writh ��jc�%ni�c� ri�n°°�esider��a.�a. u��s. '�he 18�vonomy'@ �].am�r�� Q� �.h.e Comp�et��nsi�re Plan. s��s �ar�� I �al�.��.�� ���l.i�able ��r �.h:i� �Zp�pa��l� 'T,aa ��x���,�u�.��o th� Gha�g� �� �-�G d:��tr��.�t wa.�.1 k��lp ��a c�iv�r�i�y �c�an�cni� appo�tr���aiti�s �.nd p���riz�� 'ob� (Pca3.i�� �. �.. 1} �y� prc�vidiaa� � ��rains� d�s�.c�r��ti�n I �ha� zai11 ��.�o� rnc�r� �csmple�e u#��liza��.c�n Q�' �he ��is�i�g c��v�:�e�}�msr�� �n ic.h� p�°ope���t•. '�h� a����n� �ar�in� c�e�ia�r�atio� a.s pr�v�r��ing ���: a�pli�aa�� x�c�m Z���ia�c� ��ci�tisz� s��ce �r� �e����l �.c�mxn���c��.1 t�n�raf�� u��r� ar� b��t �u���d to �he l�c��ion. A� a I �cs���q���-a��6 mca�h c�� �3a� N�.mb�� ��n�:�r. ���a� ��� 1aee� v�.c�n� ��rr ax� �x���;x��er� perio�, �rad can�r�.bu�es no��ai�� �c� �t�ie :L�cal ecr�nc�my, �1�� �z�r��c��al �.�aoZve� ��ci,��t.zr�c� c��.�r�la�mer�� �r��1 c�a�� �ra�. e����ac:� on r�:��.c��x��a.�l are�.� (I��li.cy 5 e �.o�j m i ����.�s� th� ��°��a�x°�y �.� �tx��dy d��r�l��e.�la �.kae a�pli��.�a� �.a� a�.r�a�y satis€ied �eq�iacem�re�s for ��axzs�as�r���ian and p��°]�i�;cac� (Policy 8. 1.3) , �s discu��ec� �bnv�, �he site has d�.rec�'c a�cess ta 5 a�T a �c��l l.� ���ry �a�c�, �ra �����i�.1 �tx°��t, �� �°�qzair��. by I �ch� Comprehen�iv� P1.a�r�'s criter_i� for �he C-G di��rict. (2) A�f�ct fln h�al��i, sa��ty ar�d wel.�ar� of �h� cQmmun�.ty '�h� s�abj�c� ��°��er�y is gu11�r k�u�.�� s�ut� Tl�u�, �he ��sa�ao�ed m�p amenc�mea�� w�.�.l na� a�.t�r �Yze phy�ica�. d�v�lop��m� �� ��a� �rop���ty. The c�n1y �ffect of th� rh�ng� will 3�e ta �.11sw � �rid�� �r�xa.��.y n� crmrn��cial use� cai�hin �.2�� ��i��.inc� de�r�lc��r��a��. Th�r,e is no re�s�n �Lc� be�l.i�ve 4ha� �he change �a�.7.� �a�re �.ray adve��� im�act on �h� �e�.T�Ya, sa����r ay�d ur�l���e a� �ri� cQ�munit�. 4 � E3. Tlx� s�atewaide t�l.a�n�.��_c�a�l� �da,�t��l uaac3���� ]��vis�d a�a�t�'��� ��a��:r.° �.�7 , u��il ��;�n�w �c��n►�r�� c�� th� �om�ze�i�ns�� „�a��re �.��_��'r�� �e:�a �'rze Ci�ys� �omp��h�n�i.v� plar� an� or�ir�ar�c�� k��v� �e�ra a�knrawl�dg�d by LCDC; �he��fn�°�, �I�� ���.�.ew�.ci� p�,��,x�i.nr� c�r�als ��e sac�� a�p�°e���� s�and��d� fr�� �l�a.� a�p1i����.oraH �e Th� at�x�l:L�ak�].e ��anc�..���1� o�' any ��ovasion og �ha.s c�cl�; e��° o�kl��� �p�lic�ble a.m��.��i�r�tine�o�d.in�n��. ��a�a��� �.�m �2 oi� �h� Coatue►�n�ic�r D��r�:l�pan�n� C:oc�� e�tabli��a�� �.�r� c�ev��.c�p�ne�i� st��►da�d� �m�° t�.� �-a� �or�inc� ��s��i�t, Th� �a�a.�tia�c� �esa�].opm�r�� �on�'orr�� wit�. �h� c��velo�rn�iY� �t�r�da�c�s £or ��.� �dG c�istrACt. �h� zrane ck��r�g� �h��•��o�e wo�al� nut ��sul� in yz�anc:c�n�'c�gm:�r�g d�velopm�r��o (�.) �.���ag� •mAnixe�nr� :Le�� wi�:t� exc���s 5� ��e�. (2) ?'�� prap�r�y c��es noie abut a r��a.d�n��.�l dis��i��o The��fn��, t�er� �r� xa� r�c��sir�r� ����acks. (3) I�+�:i�l�� c�� �.h� k�ui Id.�ne�� does nca� exa��d �5 ����. (4� ��n� sit� �atxs�ies }�ot�x �he ma.�:i.muan �o��r�r�� limi�at.ion d� �§,� a�ir� �h� n�a.nimu�n l�a�c��capirtc� ��qui��me�s� c�� �.��a .�dc�i��.ar�al cl�v�].capm�n� r�c��ai��m�a�t� �r� impns�d c��.sewhe�e i� �.1�� c�ae�e o &�c,��ever, the�� ��e��xi��:mez��� (e A g, , I�an�ac�piz�g an� scr�ena.rac�� off-stre�t p�rkir�c� a�c� 1.e�aa�.z�g) wro�ld n�� c�a���r , c� b�:�w��r3 #��e �WP diatr.x.c� �n�l �h� �-�� d�s�x�i��, Th�a�f ti�� �c�n� c�a�nc�� �s��s r��� ����c� �rk�e���?� the ���r�lopm�xat is �»c�a��is��xat wai�.�A tk���� uta.�ad�.�c��m 6d�.t�a ��sp��t �c� p�rki.r�g a��quir�at��n��, a��l��a��t nc�t�s th.a'� �taf� �°��.s ir�dicated t�at �.h� �xi.�ting parking (aPPrc�xi�na�t�ly 95 �p�ces) exce�ds �h� miniznuan parka.�c3r xe+�ui�°ec�. b� cr�a�ter is . �.o�. i�. Evid�r�ce o� �h�.n � in_ thp r�ezqhbc,rhoc�c�_ c�� �ca�,maani�� �� mis��lc� car inconsi�t�n�,_a�n �he cGm�-��I�en�ive ,��.�n�sr zs�ning ma� as it relates to �k��_��operty �ah�.�h .is t2ie s�.b��c� oSr ��� d�����i�m�r�� ap�lic��.iono '�he �ubje�t d�velop�n��t w�s cla�r�lo�ec� a� a �.i�Ya vi�ik�a.�i�y ar����se�ti�n, az�c� i� o�i�nted towar�. �l�a�t �.n�ers�ctit�n, r��h�r �h�.r� �c��a�d f�he adje�i.niri� IMP �on�ci r�e�r�la�rnent. 7.'h� hir�h �a.��bilit�r o� �i�� ��.abj��t pro�e�ty ��J��s �.�t mor� su:��a��.e fAr Gener�l �omxnerc�.a1 �a�ning o ITF �dd:��ion� althaugk� th� camn�eresa:l. de�r�]��gm�n�, or� �he �ro�a�r�.y m�y ha�v� a�,p�ax°�c�. �c�c�a�o�azc�Y.ly° vi�bl� wr�t�in ths x-P zon� a�. LYi� time o� deve�.z�pm�nt, ��� �ona.ng r�oca appears� to be an imp�di.�a�nt �p ����an�o PZr�re tharz Y�al� c��' �h� space in the 22,5t�0 �quare �oot bua.l.ding is present�.y vaaax��t, 5 ��� �r����� fl��ib����� �f ��� ������1 ��rn������1 ���� ��o��d ���� �ll��i��� ��i� �3����i��m ���o C������i�� ��� �h� ������� ������ abov�, ��p������ �������s th�� ��� C�����h���iv� �1�� ��p r��si��a��o� ��� t�� p�o��r�� b� ����g�� ��'�� �,..�Sl� A�,��a�7���.�.A. �� VY����G�.A M�����r�.�1 g i��� f.lYt'�.� �lA�. �i���..�� d C78. �dl� ��'C'e�&�.�'1..� 1.�� �LY�lTICJ�� LZP�ITI �IItXLiS'�IP1d1 Cf�XCit �„C3 0.9��I�.��.�.. �Ox1914Y�'�'�],r��.. � , �III I � I I I � � I � � � �8 � � � � di1 .,.1 � � I i � .. �' � ! � t��.�'-�.. ��l� �C°" �,�.=°��L..�.� �, ��.-� �-�--,�.���.. � R���IVE� �UG 0 91�94 �m ���� CO�IMfJ�lIlY DCVELOPMENT '�16�1����t�����t��"P�3�9�Ct'S`4'O�1���, ��1N9�� ���AAl�$I�tal. 'T2°9E I'8El�l���R� C��3 °!�°I�°l, 1d+��V�°C� �{�8�P�C�F��� �N���'��°� ��E��l, l���l�@�t�A,�'T�FI�, �XG�P`T��9F3�M�6��i�N�Y��99�LE�e �°�T'�i� CUF��'�°V'I�� °9�F9�� !�A�W�RIE� �I�C� P�'�tV'�°T6�� FLt�1f�OF �I�o ��t��°F4� l����'�Ri°Y A'T'12�2 �!!�'!�'�LN�T'I� �6���8��l��, 1� FB�S����f� iNF����'�� ��R9EF�1l�I�.L �OflA� D01s�d, T�il� IS O�G�'f���C��7'O�L°rpl� ��ID�t� �P� 129'�. FY��0�95 ��R t�AT��A�Ab'ON�TFi� ��B�F����4'� ��LL��: '�i� ��DA�Te�Pl�� ��f�91VG 11b�NU1'FR�M 1�°�6 i� �U�T� ��:�°7`�^il� L�4�'. 1`0-iE� 9��!F�iLL �t�T1�iE��T°�ld� �F 9��,6,N�'�IC�@ 6�.K�� 9'�'�iF�B�UL�' T'� ���'6�4�7°t�eF�B� �f��INCa ���'OE� �I�°��F�e 6T I�d�'7��31�8�°��R�IN� iF �ZA'T`F�9� �F'ENED T�"�9�U 1"Ft,���l�, `i'�i��@�� h��9 ��'I��@ �6� 12�'� °�B8�F9�Yili�,L ��`T�YI�l�T� �t�`�F�1�9,�L�9l�T'�@��,1P, ��1���6J�C�9�1� �1����° 'y°�FOC �'F�t9����5� 9� �@��'�°9� @� ������3, �u9�T���`9°� 9b�Y U��fi'��9� �� ��"F�, �LE��9 a�L7�1��.A��@�T'I�lC�°�� L�� 1��1�l1� ���.W�NU°f��"��9Jh�D, �� �����VY8°��i�f���.i�L��E�Ih9D �6°6L1�,`T1f�P�. F�1� ��T�?��C�tJR�T��F�E'�.AF91�L.°l PV10�,'lfV�1�aT��t�NCJ T'E�A�'FI�`U�3�ilL� �t������a1Bd�, (6��FaNDBPd4� OL�T�T°6�`T'���" �C�4JPV�'�°��'F'i� �90E.L '�I�����F�����F���!(�°i'6�LY ���10 £E��hl��, ��P� �t�i�8tv9�'TGd'1'F�� �t�� �8F`ff�� �9LL. � ��Ll�'�4�� 6�a�� lf�dW�7'�7�d�i� ��R j C�l���'T`��. � �°'� P���++�tJ'�°E��,�6���6��'1"i�� ���8���, 'i'�� �� �����l��l� ��`�� 6��1A� j Ol�9w 9'�fL �C�X�� F��P4�"t'�l�B�P��9A�J� Lt��A�°t�TJ (JN! Q�rf�.B�l,9�, °Yt� IN F�6��1°�� I Ol��t t��P►R��. 'T11-[�Y 6��L'�'i'�d�/��'Y°�d5 �.��tJ� ���`�� �d�. ��,�8���"�� �°��� I AT'T�°9�'T�P �J�'1"1�1� hGlLL T� L��LI�O�R�L1F�'db9�BL ���T"�'l�i�i�L�S �1��l�64 O� i ��9f�G �`��CPi ��'��t�°T°.�1�1f��°1'F�.��B� �31��'Y'� P���\fl�l�8L,1'�1. � '1"i�4F�6� F��� �1i06��"i7�$e�f�1 gi9t3g�.�t, OPI afiAAL.f�CIJ�"�RP�'��TF3��A FFl��A '1�`�1'T'O i2�i`T'�i�d0� ��L����. �4�'�6�d�'it��N�0�P�� ���6�T'�6t`dA��9l�'�9���i��L9� t�T'. 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