Planning Commission Packet - 04/04/1994 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � � � � � CITY OF TIG,4R[3 OF3�P�OPJ III I I I �I I PlJBLlC f�iOT'tlGE: A�yone wishin� �o s�eak on an ag�na�a 1t�m shovld sig�n on thi� apprapriate si�n-up s►heet(s). �I Assistivs Listenin�r Devices are �va�lable for persons with impaired h�aring ar►d�houid , be scheduled for Planning Commission meeting� by rroo� on the Monday pri�r to the� I meeti�►g. Please call 639-4 971, � 35F(voice)or 684-2772(TDD- T�l�corr�munications Devices fnr the �eaf). � C9pon rec�ue.�t, t�ae �i� wild also endea�r�r 8o arrange far the follawing services: � m cc�?ualifle�l sign languag� int�rpreters for persons �re�h �p�ech �r hsarir�g irnpairra��nts; �nd • Qu�lified bolingual errterpr�ters. Sinc� thes� serrric.°es rriust b�s�hederled with outs�ale service proerid�rs, �r os;m�rranr r� a!!ow as r�ruch l��d tir►ae a�poassible. Please�notif� th� City af your r�e�d by 5:�0 p.m. on th� Wedn��day pr�ceding fh� rn�eting ciate at fhe s�r�e pharr� ncrrr�bers� �s i%�f�cf abov�. , S�E A1T'ACHED e�'iGLIVDA PLANNINC COMMIS�ION 4/4/9� - PAC� 1 , � � � � � ' , i , Ci`fY UF T6�AF�D PLANNIf�G COM�ISSIOfd APF�IL 4, 1�y4 A � � NDA 1. CALL TO C)R��R 9 2. ROL�L CALL 3� APPRC�VE MIINUT�S 4. PLANNiNC COIIVIIIUII�SION GOMMUNiCAT'IQ�1S 5. APPEAL O� DfR�CTOR°S DECI sION APPR01iINC���R 93-OOQ20/�/A,4�83-Ofl017 (�GAF��EN COLF/STEWART) THIRT�' S!X �4��E MIfV1ATURE CaOLF CCLlFiSE; ' APPELLANT: TRI-METe LOCATIONa South of SW Pacific H�ghway, lfVest of SW 72nd Avenue and East of TBgard Cinema's priv�te access road; 11590 �W Pa�ific Highway (WCTMISI 36 D�, Tax Lot 26d0) and i1596 5W Pac�fic Highway ('WCTiV9 1 S1 36D�, T�x Lot 26(32). APPLa����.E APPFtOifAL CRiI°EF�IA: Community ��ve�opment �od� Cha�ters 18.32.�90-390, 18.62, 1�.�4, 1�.100, 1�.�02, 1�.106, 18.10�, 18.114, �8.116, 18.120, 1�.'6 34 and 18.164. Z�NE: C-G (G�neral Cammercial) The G�neral ��mmercia! Zone allaws public agency �nd �drrrinistra#ive servic�s, publp� s�pp�ort facilities, professional and �dministratide services, #in�ncial, 6nsuran�ce �nd real esfiate s�rvic.�s, busi�ess sup�ort services, g�nerai retail sales, eating a�e3 drinking establishments9 among other us�s. 6. �+ORK��SSIO(V: Tra�rs��i ta2ion Planr�ing Rui�� ��ilding Ur�en�atia� �r�d Trar�s°st A�cess Ordinance Changes. � 7. C)�"HER BU�INESS � � , � 8. ADJ�URNMENT � . PLA(�ItVINfa GOMMISSICJN 4/4/9� - PA(aE 2 i � �ONIiGiUN�TY �EV1/�P�PE�S I��. � �I �� 9 Legai II! � P.C,.BL�X 370 �HC)WE(503)684-036Q R E C E 1 V �IO��C� TT 7 8 3 4 / R�c�(��� BEAVERTON.�DREGQN 97075 � � h LegaO Notice Adv�rtisireg ��� � � ��g9� ��� ! 3 �9Q�; �ity of � �v�ELOrMEN� � ❑ Tearsheet No4ice �'�TY �� Tf�'ARU 13125 �1�'��11 Sl�d. 'Migaxd,Oreg�n 5 7 2 2 3 ' � Duplieate���v�+ i - — ` - , ... - _. Tt�following wilt be�adered bx:th�Ti,�aed I�nna��me�vn : � � �pri14. 139�,� .7•� t–„�S?�,�.,:at che�Tigsrd.Ci�►e��ee�ur–'Towe Ha�l,. ]3]25 S.9V:'f€alt�ulev�rd,'3'iS�rd,;Orege�ni:'�oth g�licr��tand�rit�t _ �stimony is ir�vited.The public h�aring on.�his,m�aner will';be conducteci . in�ccordance vc�ath:the nat+es of Chaptee l:$;32 af th�Tigaad Muni�ipal ,, � Cad�,and rules and pno�c€dures of i�e�tanneng Coe�ami$sion.Fa�lure to I AFFIDA�/IT �F �I�BLIGATIOfd r�nse an issue aa�person or by.tetter:prec�ue�es aa appe�i,-and fai�ure:co STA7'E OF Q�EGOiV, ) specify i�e c�iterion frqen ehe.C�mmunity 1)evelopmec�t Code or Com- ss ; P�h�seve,Pl�at�vhich a comment;is di�ected be.9ed >; G�UP�TY OF 9iVASHINGTf)N, ) ' , o�,tharc�t�rio�:�uith�r�in€�at��n-�sybe=ob�d�:�Plannan . D'avis�o��at i3123 S:W.Hafll Bivd�;Tig�rd,Oregoar'9722�,oa�i�+�allit�� �, Rath '� Sn�der ' 639-4i'71; being first duly swarn, depose and �av that I arn Qhe Advertisan �-=` , Director, or his principal cYesk, af theTlgard–Tualatin �ime: ���IC��ING a new�p�aper of genecai cirou9ation as defined in ORS i83.0�90 : and �93.020; published at Tigarc3 ;�tp�� r�foresaid county and state; that the $��E��P11+�NTItEVI�W SDR 9 ^';2f� = SDR 9 3-0 0 2 0 GARI3�I�CrO�� TEWE4ItT LOCI�TIUI�I: 115�0 and �159t5 S.W. � prirated copy of which 'ss hersto annexed, was publBshed in Yh� ��ific I�Yighway(i�(,`I'M 1Si 36DIi,tax lots 2600 and26Q2),,�n 2�peag �n#�re e�s�e of said news a er far OI3E of a Director s De�isioae���rov�g a aequest.fot Si��Developme�rt p P succ�ssive and Rev,ea�u ta allow construction of a 36 ho[e:mi�iature golf cc�urse.A�- consecut9ve in the fallowing issues: p�-IC���-�AP,�F�05�AL CRITERIA Cotiamuni�rDevelogtnenE Code , Cha�ster� 18.62 050;.18.84�, 18.10p� 18.T��w�.ZQ�„�g,lpg, ISv�L4, March 2 4 p 19 9 4 18.I I6,T8:12�? �8.134,and 18.164.ZONE:C-(;(GeneraI Commercial)- I; The C-G zoning designation allow5 public agency and administra¢ive ser- vices,public support facilities,professional and�dministrative services, 6nanc�al,insearance,and real estaie services,business support services, � genecai re�il sales,�nd eating and drinking establishm�nts�maa�g other �� us�s. TT783�–Publish IVia�Gh 24 1994. ��bs�ribed and sworn fo before me#hisG4th da of P�Iarch,1yy4 �,-, �..,,, ' / m N��r �j0�, Notary Publi�for Ctregon �°z° � f�ly��san'ss�ioe� xpBces: A�����YI'� - e� �e { . ' . � �,X a--(�E���f'_� crr� o� ���c�R� I�dO'TICE �F I�ECISI�N SIT� D�v�LOPMENT R�VI�W Sd�R 93-0020 VARYAIVCE �AIt 43-0017 G�4.R�lEIV GOLF/ STEW ART �FPLICA'TIOI+T: 'I'he applicant requests: 1) �Site Developrnent Review approval to allow construction of a 36 hole ra�ini�,ture golf course, to be c�nstructed in two phases; 2) Variance approva�reiative to the r�qu�reci nurr�ber of parking spaces. Zonxng: �-G (�General �Cammercial) Location: 11590 SW Pacific Highduay (WCI'M 1S1 361�8, tax lot 2600) and 11596 SW Faci�� High�vay (WG"TIVI 1S1 35I3B, ta� lot 2602) •, .� �EG"TION I - DECISION: Notice is hereby given that the Planning Dii°ector for the City of Tigard has APPP.OVED the above request st�bject to c�rtain conditions. The finding5 and conclusions on which the decision is based �are noted in 3ection II. TI�iE POLLOWING CONDTI'IONS SHALL �E SATISFIED OR FINANCIALLY S�CURED PRI�R TO THE ISSU�NCE OF��TILLDING P�RMITS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEI�,T�iE STAFF COi�1TACI' S�-IAi.L BE NiICHAEL AIVDERS�N OF 'THE ENGINEERII`dG DEk'AR'�MENT. 1. Right-of-way shall be d�edicated to the �ut�Yic along the frontage of�W 72nd Avenue adjacent to Tax 2600 to increase the strr�et easement to 30 feet. Th� legal description shall be tied to the existing right-of-way cer�terline. I 2. 'I'he grop�rty awner shaPl ded�cate 25 feet for the fature proposed Atlanta Street, contiguo�us to the �xisting 25 feet dedicated on the Tigard Cinema properiy. r 3. An agreement shall be executed by the property�wner, on forms provided by the Cbty, � which waives the p�operty own�r's right ta oppos� or remonstrate against a future Locai Improve�nent District formed to improve SW 72nd Avenue and/or future � proposed Atlanta Street. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering l�epartment (b39-4171). �. The crsnstruction �f the driveway approach will require an ap�aroved street opening permit and payment of all �emLit fees. 5. 'l['he applicant shall obt�in a permit for the pr�vate sewer and pay the fee for the connection to the existing Public sewer main. 6. The applicant shail prepare a drair�age pla.n for review and approval of th�Engineering I�epartment, together with the design report for ti�e water quality facility. The report i�10TICE OF �ECISI�Olv15DR 93-0020/VAR 93-0017 - GARDEN GOLF/�'I'��'VART I I'A�� 1 I I a • ' � � � sha11 demonstrate th�t t�e ��tl�nd will not be undul � affected b the on-site s�orrn I� y Y drainage�n-off. The report shall a�sa inclucle provisions for�he storm wat�r entexing th� site from SW Paci�ac Highway and the cancerns �f the Unifiecd Sewerag�Agency. II For an�r proposed public improvement faciliti�s, tYie applicant shall submit plans for , revi�w ar�d approval c�f the Engineeri�� l�epartment. 7. Z'he apglicant shall proei�e for on-site water quality tr�atment, as shawn on the site plan, and as r�q�ired. by LTni�ed Sewerage Agency Resolutian and Order leTo. y1-47. '� I�esign calculations shall be in eonformance wit� the generai reqaairements of Surface i�Vater Qualitv Faczliti�s 'I'echnical Guidance Handbook�TSA, 1991. �, 8. The applicant sha.11 establish a d�eri covenant anr]!�r restriction that provides nodce ta I th� property owner of tlieir responsibility to maimtain the private stormwater q�a�lity I, facilities on-site,in accordanc�vvith the req�airements of the LJnxfiecl Sevverage Agency. j I 9. An erosion control plazi sha11 be provide€i and shall conform to "Erosion Con!rol Plans I - �'echnical Guid�nce I3andl�aQk, November 19�9." STA.FF C�NTACT: �r�g Berry, I l?n,�in�erin� Department (fi39-4171}. 10. Ke�vised site and 1a�ndscaping plans sha�l be sub�nitted for r�vaeyv and approval by the Pla�nning Division, a.aff Contact: Will D'Andrea. The revis�d p�ans shall includ.e the following: a. Landscape az�d impervious surface calculati�ns. Specific sqL�are footage estimates for both imp�rvzons surface and landscaping. Landscapa,ng must be a minimum of 15% of the site square footage. b. Documentation that the office building is less than th� maximum height requirement. c. Forty-eight pa�rlcing spaces. Twenty-four parking spaces wil� t�e required for the 18 holes associated with pi�ase l. 'The remaining 24 parking spaces shall be installed with the development of Phase 2. �'his phase shall be completed within 3 years of the date of this approval. Spectator events will be prahited unless increased parki�g is prov�ded �according to the dexnonstra�ed need. d. P�ved parkizag for a11 parking 5paces e. Lighting plan for parking lot and course. f. 'Two disabled gerson parkirrg 5paces g. Three bicycle racks. IVOTICE �F DECISION SDIt 93-0020/VAR 93-0017 - GARDEle1 GULF/5'TE�t'ART PE1GE 2 �� � ' • h. A �'ive foot SYdwalk alon� the a�c�ss roa�d. , i. Extension of the driveway side�alk, around �e north garking spaces, to , connect with t9ie offic� and re►ain entr�nce tm rrhe course. ' j. Street tr�s aD.aang thc ac�ess drive spac�d between 20 az�� 40 feet depene�ing on size af tree at maturity. '� v, k. Three pa�rkgn� lot tree� along north parkin� a.reae 1. �ovision fo� �mergency vehicle turnaro�anci. rn. �creening of t.he tras1� enclosure with eith�r a solid wood fenc�, ma,sc��ixy dvall or evergreen hedge t3etween five and eight fe�et in height. 11. The o�fice/sales building wi11 shalY 1oe made perrnanent within 1 year from the date of this approva�. Buildang permits wall t�e required. 12. Satisfy condi�ons �.f appraval for I�iII593-00140 13. If the easement re�4rded ia� 1l�IIS93-0014 does �zot provide for an access easement of ', 30 feet then the p�ope.rty owne� shall be required to provade the additi�fA�l easement ! required. to er�sur� adequate access. This additional easement sh�il t�e the differenc� bet�uveen the easement provided for in AZIS 39-OU14 and the 30 foot access width required :��r th�s site development approval. ', �I THE FOL;OW�IVG �CO1WI��'I'�OI� Si�AI.,L BE SATdSFIEI� PRIQR T4 Tf�E ISSU�IN�E OF ', QCCLTPANCX PERMITS. I 1. All �ate irriprovem�nts shall tze installed �s per the approved �evised site pla�. i � IN ADI7ITION THE APPLiCAI�1'I'SHUULD BE AWAR� ()�THE�rQL.LOVV�I�G SE�TON� OF THE COMIVIUI�TITY DE�ELOPMEIV'T COI7�; THIS IS NtJB' AN EXC�.USiV� L�ST. 1. SEC'T��N fl8.164 STREE'1' ANT� UTILITY IMPROVEMENT STANDAI�� A. 1�.164.1�0 1Votice to CAty Requirec� �Vork sha11 not b�gin. until the Cit� has been r►otified in adva�nc�. If wark is discontinued for any reason, it shall not be resurned unt�l ehe City is noti�ed. i�1�Q'T'ICE OF DECISI01�1 SDII� 93-0020/dA� 93-0017 - GABtDEIV G�I.F/S�'EWAYZT �'AGE 3 ' 1 T�iIS t�,PI�ROVl�L IS��LI1.�IF EXE��I�EI�WIT'k�IN EI��ITEEll1 MC2I�'I'HS OF Tf��L�A'�E , OF '�E FIl`�AIL ���3SIOI�T. '' SE(°I'IC)N II. FI1I�TTDII�TG� �F FACT 1. �a�kratrrtd: In September 1993, �. !�� line adjust8ner�t vu�as approve� with conc�.itions for tax lots 2600 and 2602. 'I°lae candit�ons of that approval have not beer� satisfied. Th� lot line adjustmen,t recon��ured t13e existing lot lines ta create the paxcel �£or which thi� develope�ent is propased. No subsequent land use application5 have be�n filed w�th the City f�r this site. Tr�-Met has urgexi tlae �ity o�Tigard to deny this apglication. 'Tri-Met has i�lentified this locatian fo�r a park&ride facility. T�.-Met h�,� b��n ar�d is currently in ne�otiatie�n vWith the property own�r conc�rnang this �nark & rici� facility. Tri-Met states ehat agproval of thas facility would clearly confli�t with �ievelop�n�nt of a transit facility �t this location and sx�ggests that perhaps the subject pr�posat could pve relacated t�th� S'V�d 72nd side af th� prop�r�y wh�re it c�aldl coexist vvith the park & ride. 'The proper9:y mv✓ner has �pplied far a.developrnent wh�c� is a pernutted use. As sueh, the City has an obligation t� the prop�rty owner xo rewi�w the appliGation in accor�ai�ce the Cz�mmunity DevelopmerPt Cade. The �ity has no means to deny the appraval because Tri-Niet is na�otiating with the paoperty awner for the purchas� of this property. 2. Vicinity Informae�mn: �['he site is baunded by SW 72nd Av�r►ue to the east, Pacific Haghway to the north and an Act 3 Thea�re private drive to the south and east. The surrounding prop�rties are zoneci �-G (General Cornmercial) and are developed v�ith a anavi�e theatre, dance studio,/gymnastic centers restaurarit, applia�r�ce stvre, tir� stare and singl� family ho�ne. ` 3. Site Inforanation and Proposal Description: The l.� �cre site is undev��o�ed. The site slop�s frorn Highway 99 down to R�dxock Creek, which borders tP�e snuthern pr�perty bouncla�y. Th�: raortheaxi portion of the � property has been �lled as�d ther� is ar� abrupt drap af 4-8 feet a�rass the property from east zo we$t. 'i'he vegetation on the site is a non-native (hay) grass community. I, lOtOTICE C1F' DECISION SDI2 93-0020/'VAA� 93-0017 - CaARIDEi�1 fsOLi'/5�'E�'V�iFd'T �A�� 4 I ' � � a The applicant z�que�ts approv�l to construct a 36 h�l�e golf cou�rse, as allustrated o�n the o attach�d site plar,i, to be constructed in two phas�s. The proposed site would includ� 42 parking spaces with one designated handicapped sgace. a Q�. Other Staff Comment�: 'I`he City of Tiga�i �uilding I�epartrnent has reviewed this proposal and has offered the following cvrnanents: The proposal indicates a te�npor�uy trailer? The �ite development review should estab�ish a firm �ime for this, a tirrae by which they rnust have a perrnanent building. This trailer is to be accessible to the disabled, with accessible sani�.ary facilities. Building pern�its will be necessaiy. Storm vvater �rainage, erosion control and water quality information v�ill need to be submitted. 5. Agency Comrnents: T�i-Met has reviewed this gropUSal and has offered the following comments: Tri-Met urges �'igard Co deny the application. Tri-Met and the Oregon Department of 'I'ransportation have �dentif�eci this pai�cular site for a Park & ltide facility. Ititial discussions witli the owr�ers have occured prior to any developtraent application, and �ey hav� been formally noti#ied of the planned gublic project. The park & ride proje,�t is fully fianded in th� agencies' budgets, a.nd Tri-1V�et expect� to be under construction this su�ramer. Appraval of this project wauld clearly conflict with developzne�ie of a �ansit facility �t this �ocation, which would not b� in keeping with the City's Correprehensive Plan policies suppnrting transit, and which would foreclose ari opportumity ta contribu�� to Ta�ard's Ci�al 12 �anlpliance effarts. T�e Tualatin �alley �ire D�istrict has reviewed this prapos�l and has offered the fo�lowing camments: � A. hydrant shal� be installed within 250 feet of all p�rti.�ns of the structure. The loca.tion shall be c�-apprc�ved with T�aalatin Va11ey �at�r 1District. Access raadvva�s greater than 150 fe�t shall be provided witl� an appr�ved turn-around. The applicant shall submit plans t� Tualatin Valley Fire District f�r review �nd approval. The Tualatin Val.ley VVater �istrict has r�viewed this proposal and ha� offered the follawing �omments: Adequate water is available to serve this location. The developer �uill be required to install a fire hydrant at the entrance to the access read from SW 72nd Elvenue, a 1�OTICE OF IDECISI�9N SDR 93-0020/V�id. 93-0017 - GA�DEl�1 GOLF/ST��'VA�d I'I' I'AGE 5 �i � � � � � � d�uble c�i�k d��ctar �ss�mbly and s�rerice meter ae SVV '�2nd Avenue. The dev�lopers dravvin�s subrni.tted Yo Tualatin ValXey Water ]Dis�rict for review sha11 gnclude vvat�r requireanents for the facility (domestic, irrigation, etc,) to facilitate servi�e �izing. Submit th�ee co�ax�s of the plans fox review. Unified Sewerage Agency of Washing�on County has reviewed the proposal and offered the followin� comr�aents: 1) It appeaxs that the existin$ draanage frocn Pacific Highway is flowing thxough the site and is intended to be piped. This pipe should be centered in an appropriate public easeme�t. 2) '�'he stoz�rn water frc�m the paved p�ricing lot, building, �nd �ew drive access should be treatecl in acc�rdance with the requirements �f R&O 91-47 arr�t�ded by 91-75. 3) A detailed �rosion predent�on plan should be subr�itted to the City�nd approved before any vyork hegins on th� s�te. �3e�ause of. the wetlaiids this is a c�itical erosion �ocatiQn and special care neeris to be taken in design, installation and monitoring af the erosion prevention pracedures. General TelephAne anci Electronics has revie�ed the proposal and offered the foilowing �omments: The developer is r�sponsible to prc�vide and place trench, conduit accorcling to GTE sp�ci�cations. I 'I'he City of Tigard 1'ubYic Works, Northwest Natural Caas, Portland General Electric, hav�reviewed this application and have offer�d no co�nments or obj�ct�ons. No other �ornments have been recieved. � SECTION III. ANALYSIS �iND CONCLU�I�N ,� I A. COMPLIANCE Vv"ITH CONiMUNI"T5�' �EVELOPMEI�IT CODE SECTIOl'�S: LTse Classification: The �pplicant is proposing to build a miniature go�lf cours�. This us� is classified °u? Code Section 18.42 (Use Classificaticns} as Participang Spo�s & Recrea�ion: Uutdoor. Code Section 1�.62A30 allows Participant�ports &l�ecreation: Outdoor, as a permitte,� use in the GG zoning district. Mxnirnum Lot .F�rea: Section 1�.62.050 statc;s th�t �h�re is a�a minimum lot area for parcels in the C-Ci zonir�g clistrict. The site has an aver�g� lot width of approximately 2(35 feet, thereby exceeding tt�e required SO foot �:verage� minimum lot �vidth. Developments within the C-G zone ar� required ta proviae a minimurn of 15% lar�dscaping fox the site. Tha applicant has stated ehat approximately 1�,347 sq��re feet of t�he 64,696 square foot site (26%) will b� imperviaus surface, and approximately 74�10 of th� site will ibe landscaped with "dra�ning" mate�ials. The 1�10TICE O� �ECISIOI`d SDIt 93-OOBO/V,r�IZ 93-0017 - �ARDEN GOLF/5'�'EWA�'tT PAGE 6 ! � , � �. � a�aplicant has staerd th�t the square fo�tag� +of putting �rrea for 1� holes is approximately 6,Oa0 squ�re f�t. Tl�e praposed site plan indicat�es approximately 12,b00 square feet of i�rapervious parking area. 'Y'h�s total of 18,600 squar� feet is greater t�ia� th� a�p�licants propc�sed 18,347 �quare feet for�i� entire site. 'I'heref�re, a reviseci. l�ndscaps aa�d imper�ious �urface calctalation shall lbe subniitted which specigically identi�es the square footag� estimates for this development. Setbacks: Se�tion 18.62.�SC1 staties that no side or r�ar yard se�back shall be required except wher� the C-G zone abut5 a r�sidential zoning distxict. This parcel dc�es not abtrt a r�si.dential district and therefore there are no applicable side or rear yard setbacks. In addition, there is no front yard setl�ack in th� C-G zoning district. 'I'he maximum building hei$ht is 45 feet. '�he prc�posal contains on� budlding, the height of which was not Andicated� The applicant will b�e r�quir�d to show thaC this bualding does �xot exe� the rr�axirnum height requirements. Y�Iinirr►um Off-Street Parkin�: S�ctic�n 1�.106.030(C)(2�)(B) requ�res a mini�um of � one parlcing space for every 100 square feet, plus one space for evexy t�o employ�es. 'I'he applicant estim�tes th�t the 18 holes proposed Por phase 1 consists of approxianate�y 6,000 �quare feet of playi�g area. Tl�e rec�uireci number of g�xki�g for these 18 hol�� would ther�fare be a�pa•oxirna�ly 50 sgaces. 'The applic�n� is xequa�ting for a varianc� tc� this standard. The ana�yis and fi�ndings £esr this varianc� ar� prasented in Secion IV of this report. Staff reeommends that 48 parking spaces be rsquireci, with 24 spaces to be required. for phase l. � Section 18.106.050(I) requires that �1 areas used far the parking of any vehicle shall be improved with asphalt or concreee sui�fa�es. The proposed site plan indicates that 23 space� will be gravel. A revised site plan shall 'be submitted which b�ings all par�cing spa�es bnto complianc� with this s�ction. iection 18.1�J6.0�0(Iv1)require�that artificial ligh�ing on all off-st�*eet parkin�facilities sha11 be designed to deflect �11 light sa as not to create a hazard to the pubric use of any road or street. 'Fhe site plan do�s not prc�vide inforrnation on lighting of this developmem� A lighting plan shall be submitted for revi��v and approval. '�'he Arnericans with Disabilities_��t (ADA.), �vhieh became �ffective an Januazy 26, 1992, requires kwo dis�bled parking space if 26 to 50 park�ng s�ac�s are pr�vided. The proposed site p1an shovvs the provisi�n of one disabled pers�n p�kin� spacey. � revised site plan shall be subrrxit�ed whieh provi�ies for two disabled gerson parking spaces. li Bicv�cle Parkin�: Section 18.1Q6.020(P) z•equires one bicycl� pa.rking rack spaee for each 1S vehicular parking spaces in any developm�nt. �icycle pa.rlcing areas shall not br located within parking aisles, larflclscape areas, or pedestr�an ways. Three bicycle NOT'IC� �F llECISIOli1 SI)R 93-0020/�AR 93-0017 - GAI�I�EN GOLF/STE�'VA�iT I'.�GE 7 . ', , � parki�g spaces will be x�quir�d far this c�evet�pmer�t. .P, r�vis� site pl� shall be provYded vvhi�h indic�tss the provisi�n and location af �lae requ�red bicycle ra�ks. I�riv�vvav: Section 18,108.080 reqe�ire5 that caflnmencia� uses wl�ich require betw��n 0-99 parking spaecs provide � singl� access with a minimu�a a�cess width of 30 feet vvith a minimum pavement width of 24 feet. In addixion, curbs are requued as wsll as a five foot sidev�alk. The preliminary site plan shows the prQVisior� of one access onto SdJ 72nci Avenue. T'his acc�,�ss is shown to have a 24 foot�paved access width, with three ft�ot sidewalks. The propased site plan ther�efor� only partially satisfies this re,qu�rernent. A rev�sed sit� plan vvill be submitted �which pr�vides for a five foot sidew�lk, thereby satisfying this requirement. In additidn, section 18.120.180 (A)(11)(b) rec�uires that c;�rcu�atic�n patterns wi�hin a develapment be de5igned ta accopnoda�e em�rgency vehicies. The revised site pian shall also include for em�rg�ncy vehicle ta�rn-aY°o�and. A 30 foot access eas�anent and joint use and maintenance agreetnent may also be required upon revievN nf tiie access easennerit supplied by� the lot line adjustment. If t�e access eas�ment far th.is approval is l�ss than the 3Q f�et required by the proposed access driv�, a�► ease�nsnt �r. joint use an� maintenance agreement will be nee�ssary. VValkwavs: Section 18.108.OS0{A) requires that a walicway be extencled frorn th� ground floor entr�nce of�he str�xcture tm th�: stre�t which provides the required in�r�ss and e�ress. A revis�d �ite plan 5ha11 be submitted whi�h ext��ds the driveway sid�walk, around the riorth parking spaces, to connect with th� office a�d m�in entrance to the course. Wisual Cl�aranc�e Areas: Section 1�.102, rea�uires that a clear visiora area sha11 t� maintainecl on th� corza�rs of all property adjacent ta interse�ting right-r�f-ways or the iriterse��ion of�publiG street an�i a pri�ate driveway. A t;lear vision area shall�ontain no v�ehicle, hedg�, planting, fence, wall stx°uct�zre, or ternporary or permanent obstr�action exceeding three feet in height. The code provi�es that obstrractians which tnay bP lacated ir� this �rea shall be visually clear between three and �ight feet in t�eight (trees may t3e placed withi� this araa provided ali branches �lmw eight feet ar� rerrbov�d). A vis�aal �learance area a� the triangul�tr a�rea formed by me�suring a 30 foot�stance alore� the s4�e�t right-af-�vay and the drivevva3� and then c�nnectang these two 30 foot distance points w�th a straight line. The prc,pasec3landscape plan does not indicate �ands�aping or fencing in thAS area. The proposed plan camplies dvith this requirement. Tree Rernaval: Se�tion 18.150 cmntaYns standards f�r obtaining a permit for removal I of�•ees having a tr�unk six inches or inore in di�arr�eter when measured four feet above � th� ground. This requirement will be satisfied as a t�•ee removal permi� �vill be r�quired for the r�moval of �iees with t�•unk diame�ers of six inches o� more in diam�ter. � NO'd'ICE OF I�ECI�I�N SI?It 93-0020/�,'Pi12 93-0017 - GAIRI)EN GOT�.F/STEWAI�'d' P°AGE � , ; , � � LandscapinQ Flan: Sectiur� 1�.104.015 requires that the applicant se�brr►it a landscaping plan. 'This rec�uir�rn��nt shall b� satisfied as the�`applicant has subxnitted a plan indicating t�e typ�e and 7ocation of trees ar�d shr�bs9 and a� addressed in the applicable s�ct�ons belovv. � I Street Trees: Secdnn 1$.1�0.033 sta�es that all development projects fr�nting on a public str�t or a having a private driv�way more than lU0 feet in length sha11 be requued tu pl�nt street trees in acco�dance wi�h se�kion 18.100.f�35. Secti.on 18.100.035 requires that street t�ees tse spaced bet�veen 20 and 40 feet apart depending on t�e size classificatio�v of the �ree at maturit3r (small, rnedium or large). '�'he subr�itted iand�cap� pla� shows decidious trees spaced 50 feet apart �long the acc�es�way. A�. revIlSecd landscape plar. will be submitted wlhich proyid�s for st��eet �ree spacing in accc,rdac�ce with this chapter. Parkia�� Lot Trees: Section 18.100.110(A) states th�t trees shall be planr�e� in l�mdscapec�islands vi all parking axeas and shall be equally distributed and o� the t�asis c,f one tre� for �ach seven parking spaees in order to provide a �ar►op� eff�ect. The rr�nipnurn dirr�ension of the lar�dscape islands shall be three feet and Yhe lands�caping shall be protected from. vehicular damage l�y soane forrx� of wh�el g�aard or curb. Seven tre+e;�� are required foz� this site under the provision of this code s�ction. The praposed site plari shovv�'� trees adjacent t� the south parking lot boundary. A revised site plan sha].I � submitted dvhich indicates t�e provision of 3 tree� along the north side of the parldng lot, in order to provide a canopy effect. Scre�nin� of Refuse Containers: Section 18.100.110(D) states that any refa�se cor.eainer or dispos� area shall be sc�e�ne;d from view by p�acerrient of a soli� wood 4ence, ix►asonry w�ll or ev�r„�rreen hedge between fi�ve and eight feet in height. �11 refuse materials shall L�conta.ined within th� screened area. A revised site plan shall be subrnitted whieh shows th�t the trash enclaswre is screen�d in aec�rdar�es with thrs section. S_i�ns: 5ectio�n 18.11�.130 (C} lists the type of allowable'�i�ns and si�n area perrraitted in the �-Ci zone. A�1 signs sllall conform to the p�avisions �isted in this code section. All sign� sha11 be approved thxough th� Sign Permit process as adnninistereci by the Flanibin� Y�i•visiori. , B. PUI�LIC FACILITY CONC��TS: Sections 18.164.030 E 1 a �3treets), 18.164.0�0 (Sanitary Sewer), an.d 18.164.100 (Storm zirains) shall be satisfied as specified betow: l. TRAFFIC IlVIPAC"fS: 1°d0'�ICE OF' AECISI01�1 S�R 93-0020/�Ait 93-0017 - GA�t'L))E1W G�LF/STEVVAR'd' PAGE 9 � � � , � '�he pr�posed acc�ss to the golf course is a 24 ft evide private driveway that connecys � to �V�I 72nd Avenu�, parallel to and nc�rth of tt�e �ed �ock Creek that separ�.tes this ', '' ' sixe froar► the 7 igard Cin�ma site. A tra,ffic report was prepared by I�eech A.ssociates, ! Inc. d�t�d Ja�ivary 17, 1994, that indicates the driv�way wYll opera�e sati5factori�y with curr�nt traffic on 5�1V 72nd Avenue an�i for the projected increase in the year 2410. The report ref�r�nc�s the draft traffic report prepared by �KS, "Tigard Triangle �pecifxc Area Plan; Tr�ns�ortation & �'raffic Evaluation, 1993". Na specific imgrovements a,re r�comm�nded by the �raffie report. Hnw�ver, this devels�pmene is r�qu�ireci to pay traffic impact fees ('TI� to help fu�ci off-site irnprovements which rr;ay be needed in �he area as a r�sult o�'continuing developrnent in the Tf gard Traangle. �. STREE'�'S: As indicated, the si+e is located on the west side of SW 72nd Ave., southerly of Pacific �Iighway, SVV 72nd Avenue is classzfiecl as a rnajor collector on �he Compr�hensive Plan. Also, the Comprehznsiv� Plan shows � notatian (#S) that requires a study for a new roa�way i�ter-conneGtion b�tween S�1V 72nd Avenue and SV4�68t1a �v�nne, ale�ng the iZed Rock Creek. Ir� response, the Tigard C:inema development dedicated 25 feet along th�ir northerly �roperty line as a futur� public road (ref; �UIZ 87-12), which would be an extension af At�anta Street. 'I'o Gomply with Xhe Comprehensive �'lan, Yhe propei�ty owner shall be requnred to dedicate tl�e necessary right of way along S'W 72nd Avenue for a width of 30 feet frorr� cen�erline, contigu�us to the entire parcel, Tax ?.600. In addition, the property av✓ner shall also dedicate a 25 foot strip for th� p�oposed �uture road, contiguous to the abov�-mentio�ed �5 foot strip. It should be noted that the proposed re-constr�ction of SW 72nd Avenue at Pacific Higl�way that is scheduled £or Fiscal Year 1994, will require additional road d�ciicatic�a�� to transition from the tynical three ranes for � major callector, to the ne��v five lan�s at the new inters�ctinn. '�i'he new construction is expected to be com}pleted by October, 1994. 'I'his dedi�ation for the additional widening is currently under negodation betwe�r the owner, 1dls. �tew�rt and the City. This widening is unrelated to the deciicaYion required by this approval. The 24 foot wide driveway �s proposed to connect to the existing roadway. The future wide�irig of S�V 72nd Avenue vvill �-ie re�uired as cQndition of developmen� of Tax 250f3, vvhen that occurs, and in the �vent of the formation of a future LII� to improve SW 72nd�venue, and!or future Atlanta Street, the applicant should be required to sign an agreement of non-r�rr�onst�•anc�. NO>'I'ICE ��' DE�ISI�N SDR 93-0020/V'AR 93-00�i - GA1�DEloI GOLF/S'I'E�i�6'ART P,��GE 10 . , . � Currently, street lighkin� and overhea�i wiring is located on the existir�g pnwer poles on the easterly side of SVV 72�d Avenue. New servi�e �o �he groposed dev�lopment shall be underground. 3. SANITARY SBWE�; 'd'he site �urr�n�ly has a 10 inch public sanitary sewer Yine located in arz eassm�r►t adjacent to and para11e1 with the �ed Rock Creek. The sewer has sufficier�t capa�ity for this d�velopm�nt and no addit�onal public imgrovements are required. 4. STG�1�M SE�JVER: '�'he site slopes in a soufherly directiori towards Iteci lltock �r�ek through a wetland that i� adjacent to the cre�k. The wetlands deiineation was made by IES Associates in a report dated June 7, 1993. The wetlands r�port recommended protection by means of a buffer and the site plan shaws a mini.murra 25 foot buffer beteveen the prs�posed parking lot and the v�retland. The stormwater run-off fxom the propc�sed golf cc�urse should sheet flow ia�to the landseape area shown or� the site plan prior tc� entering the buffer area. As indic�ted in the wetlands report, the tivetland 'as dependent upon the s�rface water flows fi°orn the north and this flow sh�cald be perpetuated to maintain the integrity of the wetland. '1'he final design for the drain�ge plan should include an analysis of the proposed drainage syst��n that d�monstrates complia�iee v✓ith bot� the q�ality ancl quantity standarcis of the Unified Se`verage Agen�y. 'I'he Unified Se�ver�ge Agency has estabiished and the City has agreed tc� enforce (I2esolution a�ad Orde� No. 91-47) Surfac� Water Managenzen� Reguiads�ns requiri�g th� construction of on�site water quality facilities ar fees in-lieu of the�r construction. As noted above, the a�plicant �s �Srcposing on-site u✓ater quality facility and it will be required to be privately maintained. � SEC'd'ION IV. ANALYSIS ANID �ONC'LUSION - V�RTANCE CQmmunity Developme�t Code section 18.134.050 provides standard for �ranting a variance: 10 The proposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the purposes of this title, be in confli�t with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, to �y o�11er ap�lica.ble policies anci standards, and to other prop�rtxes in the same zoni�ig district or vicinity; NO'd'ICE O�' DECISION SD]R�93-0020/i�Ai�'. 93-0017 - GAYiD�N G�L�"lST�VVART PA�E 11 ; � � • � � 2. There ar� special circurnst�nces that exist �vhicD� are p��;uliar to th� 1ot size mr shap�, topography or okher circ�rrn�tances over�ahich the applicamt has no contral, and which are not applicable to other prop�rti�5 in the sarne zoning distri�t; 3. The use proposed v�+�ill be the sam� as permitt�d under this title andl City standards will be m�intained to th� g�reate5t extent that i� reasonably possabl� while permitting sorne econoanic use c�f the land; 4. Exisitin�phys�cafl and natu��a1 �ystems, such as but not Zxmit�d to traffic, drainage, dxama.tic land foz�s, or parks �vill bot be a�lversely affected any more than wauld occur if the �ieyelapm�nt �vvere lacated as specifi� in ¢his dtle; and 4 5. The hardsh�p is nAt self-irnpc�sed and th� variance r�q�ested is the minirnum variance vvhich �ould alleviate the hardshipa The p�rpose of �Code Seetaon 18.106 is ta establish paricing axeas laaving adec�uate capaci�y and which ag•e appropriatel� locatefi and designed to minirrgize any lnazard.ous conditions an-sate and at access poin�s. Th� parking req�zirements are inte�ded to provide sufficient pa�king in clase prnxirn.ity to the various uses agi� to establish standards vvhich will maintain the traffic capacity of nearby streets. 'T'he applicant contends that the ��ty s�a�ndard is excessive and is requ.esting that a less resttictive paxking standar�I be applaed for this use. 'The applicant has subzni�ted evidence (Exhibits A,B and �) which contends that less restrictive standards are adequate to serve such uses. Thfs evidenc�als� suggests that the subject proposed parlczng is equal to c�x greater than three local decisions concerning parking f�or miniature golf courses by ot�er jurisc�ictions in the area. This evidence includes: 1) a study of 1,500 r:liraiattar�; goAf courses don� by 'T31� International Association of I�a�a�userrbent Park� � E4ttracYions; 2) park�ng recommendations b�y the I�Iiniature �al� AssQCia�ion of Arnerica; 3� l�ocal examples �f mir�i�ture golf courses which include �amily Mini-Golf & Hoap Shoot, Sunset :iolf Centier, and ��ilsonvills Family F�un Center. Based upon the evidence �ubmitted, the applicant feels that the curr�nt prc�posal cor�tains an adequa�e ni.rr�ber of pax*king spaces. '�herefare, application of a ��ss restri�ti�e standard does nat a.ppear to conflict witn the �bove-stated Code p�urposes rel�ted to Par.king. Th� s�andard is rneant to apply t� outdoor participant sports antl recreadon. It includes driving ranges, rruc►iature golf courses, ter�nis courts or swi.r►aming pcs��ls. °This standard is si�il�tr tQ a d�nce ha11 or skating rink, which is 'li like thase at r faca consi�ered an ind�or higk� �na parking use, not a non-sgect o ty listed. If th� emphasis is oa� spectators, the exisdng cod� st�ndard might b� znore ! appropriate. la1�TICE OF I)EC�SION SDgt 93-0020/VAR 93e0017 - GARDEN GO�.F/ST��'VAFtT I'AG� 12 IIII _ I , ' , � � d The special ci�cunnstance whi�ta aft�cts this appli�atian is prirr�arily th� intensiv� parking�:andard of one parking spac�per 100 square f�et. 'Fhe appticant cone�n.ds t�at iznpmsition of this �tandax� w�uld render the proposai impossible to dev�lop on the subject site. In the s�bj�t situation, the applieant hds estimated that ior the first phase, the 1$ hol� cours� putting / playin� area xs approximately �,0�0 square feet. Appli�ation of the parlcing ret�uire�enx of 1 sp�ce per i0Q square f�et would result in a�praximately 60 parking spaces f�r a� holes of rtiij�iaturee �olf., with the p�ssibility af requiring apprax�mately 120 spaces for � 36 hole �our°se. "�"he City's standard of 60 parking spaces fo� 13 holes is comparabie to a 36 h4Te caurse as reported ir� the surve� by The Internat�onal .Associati�n of Amusement 8s At�ractians. The ot�er examples subanitted l�y th� applicant v�auld likPwise suggest that the City's st�ndard is overly restrictiv�. + T'he req�aested variance wi11 in no w�y affect the perrnitted use stat�s of tY�is groposed rniniaeure �alf �our5e, elassified as Farticipant Sp�rts & Recr�adon: Outdoors. All other appliG�ble �i�y standards will be maintained, as discussed in Section III - Analysis and ConclusiAns. Exiscing physic�and natural systenns will not l�adversely affected any rnore than would occur if the variance were not requested. The ampact of t�is vargance svi11 be liznit�ci to the r�ductioi�of r�quu•ed on-�ite parkxng spaces,with the resulting bene�ts of less imperviotis surface,�ess storm water z�an-off and incr�asecl Iandscaping. The hairdship related to this variance is irnposed by the Comrnunity Dev�lopment C�ode. T'he requested �ari�nce �s th� minimuan variance which cvould alleviate the harc�ship. Gi•a�nting oP this variance v✓ould enable the applicant to �tglize the site as proposed �svhile �ompl�in� with the basic purpose and intent of the ()ff-Street Par�ing and Loading section of the �omrnunity I�evelopment C�de. Therefare, staf�finds that the req_uested variance in�ets the app�icable criteria and is l�PPRC)V�I� 5UBJECT TO CONDITiONS. The applicants evid�enc� s�.ipports the r�quest th�t a less reskrictide par.king standard would be a�equate to serve a miniature � golf course. However, the evidence submitted, paz�icul�rly the national studies, suggests that the applicants propQSed 42 parking spaces are less than what is �ypically � found. St�ff finds that the appiieant sha11 be required tc, provide 48 par�ing spaces far , the 36 holes. This st�ndard is rec�mm�nded by ghe 1Vliniatare Colf Associati�n of Ame�ica, of which the applicant is a mer,�b��. It is believed that this r�c�uirement �� would allzviate the hardship imposed with strict cc�anpliar�ce with the Community Develo�i�nent Code while ensuring adequate parking in accardance «ith the int�nt of th� C�ff-S��et �arl�ing and Loading st�nctards. In addition, a conditio�a will be added that prohibit� spectator �vents unl�ss increased parking is provided according to the derrionstrated need. P�10TICE OF DECISION SY�R 93-0020r�VAR 93-0017 - �AR�EN GOLF/S'g°�V6Vt�RT �AGE 13 SECTIOI� V. PRO��I�UR� �:. IVatice: Notic�w�s publisl�ed in+he newspaper,posted at City I�a1Y and mail� � to: �� XX The appliGant and owners XX nwners of record withi� the r�quired dista�ce �X �['1he affecteci Citizen Involve�aent Te�m Representativ� %X �ffected government ageneies 2. Final Decisian: THE DECISIOleT SHALL BE F]NAI, ON UI�ILESS AIV APPBA�, IS FILED. 3. A�: Any�arty to the�l�cision rnay��peal this deci�ion in accc�rc3ance with Sectaon 18.32.290(A) and 5ectian 18.32.370 crf the �orrimunit� Development C�de whi�h provides that a written appeal must be fiied with the �City Recorder withi� 10 days after notice is given and sent. App�al fee 5chedule a�d foxrris are availa�ie at Tiga�rd City Hall, 1312� S'VV Hall Bl�vd., °Tigard, Oregon. 7Ch� d�adl�ne for �ling aaf an appeal is 3:30 p.rn, �. 4. uestio�s: If you hav� questians, please call City of Tigard Planning � Departr�ent (�39-4171), City of T4gard City Ha11, �.3125 5W Hall �lvd.; 'Tigard, Oregon 97223 V� � ��`�A.rr-�C'.�.r�Cc. � ��_a ��EPARED BY: William D'Andrea DATE Assistant Planner i . � �` �� q,�{ APPROdEI) BY: Itichaa�d Be sdorff DATE Senior Planner NOT'ICE OF DE�ISIOPv1 S�It 93-U020/V'A.R 93-00�7 - GA�tD�N �OLF/STEW�R'fi PAGE I4 � + ' ; . PI�lE �� �-�°�-' '�`� `�"�°� , , L� , . i � �'- � � � SPftUCg � v�'s v�i �4R�ET ti ; . , . � �� � Qu a • . :' > � 9 � a �t � .. HA PI ST. y� • � g ' � . ..'� ` « � ' :.� ti S�. � ' � d , ::j _3 . 5 � �I �r' . --�--r—r—� <..• _ '� . • ' r � Q � ,�Q,y N � a� � � � � ���� ' . � ; � I � I .I 1 � � i �i � I 3 � � � � y PF�YrFL� � v�'a Sl'. -� � ` ���`� `�� �' � ` , f I � �� � . � �i Q �1 � � � . / I ► � I .�� � . ��v� � � �i��/� � � . '� t/� �es rr. � � ��' . �u�uc �� � , I w ROdpWAy > l � d 1 �� �.W. � , /�, `� I ' I ' ✓�, //�� p ; 0 . �W. �UVALf. �TR��T , � i I � � ` , ..� °j1`� �, .��=� . �_' � .' - ._ ._ � � . �� , � . _ _ � � j � ' ► / � TM �!�,- ��� �` �` 5.1�/. � C�.INi'ON .� �` � �♦ . �\\ \\i � � s I �� ve� �•. �` 1 � � , ��'��` ����� � — - '\\, � � � ` `.S�J \� �__ \� � �. y , . """–—�,y�,` � `.__ �A \ K • ```�'� \�7Y�,n�VT}� .�v.�XT�'�J��N• �� � ��. `�� .�..�—._ •'�_� __ _ '_ _ �` ) �°��.•'_ �_�_�'.�... � ,. .. � _ tt J �-...—_ _ -__ PARK � � � � a '�J y � •, � J�G'•� '•�"'' ) N / 4 _ � r' i \ � �� S W. I � ►. , � � � . , , � t � Tom Herberger � ��� G�ard�n �olf �..k'����� $150 S.Wo Barnes Road, L-30� � Par�lancl, Qrec�on �7225 ��@�) 2�7a3694 January 12, 1994 �fr. Wi11 �'Rndrea ���istaa�t P3.a�nner City o� Tigard 3.3125 S.W. Ka11 �fvd. Tigard, Orec�s�n 97229 R�s SD�t �3-�020, Gaxden Golf - Applica�i�ra f�� a vas�ance �o the Parking Standax�cls of Community Developwer�t Code Sectiora 18. 1�5.030(c) { 23�j . pea�r M�o l�°�ndreaa . I woulei iike to ap�ply f�r �a v�riance �.� �he above paxkinc� � code th�►t would r�qu�r� orae parlcing space per 1�0 squa�� f�et . Thi� re�uirement wrould call for over 6�A� �arkxng sp.aces �or our 1� hole �a�.nia�.u�� golf course . This is �xcessive and beyond �ny form c�f reasor�alale thinking. This same cod� woul�t require a ty�ical drivin�g rangte to ha�v� S over 2500 parking spaces anci a sin�le �ennis court to have_50 parking sg�ces. This is just not reasonable . �o arrive at a reasonable number of parking s�ace5, I have dane c�ansi�l��able researcP� w�ich zz�cludes the fol�owinq: 1 . �wo e�sist�ns� �ir,iature golf caurse� in the area that ��re cons�ructed ira Z992 attd the number of parki.ng spac�s �.hey �constru�ted with sa�isfactor� results: Aj �'am�ly Mini Golf & Hvap Shoc�t 19655 S.W. TV Highc�ay P,l�ha, Oxegan This facilit� iezclucie� 27 hales of miniature r�olf and a 9 station bas�Ce�.�a11 shbot�ng area. I'hey have a total of 30 parking ��ac�s. 8� �unset Goxf Cent�r 162�1. S>bd. J�a��Cins Road Beaver�on, Oregan I �his fac�.lity ira�clua�e:� a 67 s�at�on driving rac�ge, an 18 . I h�1e minia�ur� golf course, a 3,@9�b+ �quare �aorc �c�ubhouse '� __ with � d�eli and retail golf sales. They have a to�al of 71 I parking spaces. ' 2 . Two recently �roposed and appro�ed rnitaiature go1L` courses in , the For�land area: A) Wils6nville Ea�ily Fua� Csntex tha�t includes a mia�iature ' golf cc�urse. Planmer, Blaise Edmonds with the City of j Wilsonville Flanning D�partment used a formula of on� ', park�r�g space g�r each goZf hole . fihis was ap�roved in ' 1993 and is curr�ently under cons�ruction. . , B } The City of Tual�tin is currently proces�ing a permit j for a combination cirivi.ng �az�ge and miniature golf i c�ourse . Virgznia Datson, City Planner has infoxmed me ' she i� using a ;ormula of on� parking space per '' miniatur� golf ho1e . I I � �-���� � , Hr, Willl L�'At��rea 4 d�ssi�t�an� P1�n�a�r P��e a 3. Two l�rg� nat�.�nal organizations within the golf 1a�c�u��rX have the 'follo�tia�g ��ndinga far parki.ng sp�ce� for �iniattar� goi� COU�sesa A) The �a�ionr�l Golf �'oundation print:ed tt�e �nclo�ed st�ady in July 1992 fro�n ov�r 15�0 �nir�i�tur� gol� ccur�e�, c�a�cernin� v�riotzs charac�e�i��i�s e�f miniature ,gal� � courses and irecludes par}ti�ag spa�es. Tl�eir senrvey $hows a tota� of 44 parl�inq apaces for 18 holes of g�l�, which al�o inclu�cs ��aplo�ee pa�kir►g and addit�.oa�al facilities including s�a�ne rooms a�ad snack bar�. (Se� attachecl documetitation. ) . �) M�c. Skip Lau�, the Executive Dire��or for t8�e Mi�niatare . �o1E Association of �►rae;rfca, with over 1�00 a��a�bEr�a, " ha� developed a. formwla fo� detex�fning paxkinc� _ ��qui,reme�at� fo� �mimia�.�ire ga�lg coearses �s follow�g "Mini�ture golf i� a �radit�onal fma�i2� ea►t�r.tair�m�nt bu�iness with a typical car axriwing at � course ao�ataining i�a�, l�o�a asad tw� childx�rs as an averac�e, wo�e cc�cnserva��i.�rely �e�wever, wo�ald be on�.y dne cl�ild or �hre� play���s per car. �f you t�ave a maxi�u,m ��nount of �olaye�°s on the miniature golf cou�se at ane �i�ne you c�ould have fou� �lay�r� pe� hole or 72 �iay�r�s on an �8 hol� ��urse. If �ou divid� �hi� t���el bg� our conservat�fve estimate o� t�hree p�r�or�� per ca�, �he total csg 2d� parking spac�s wou].d �e�t, thi� maximum �apacity clem�nd. " �Please see a�ta�he� letter. ) ��a �ev�e�inc� th� abr,ve informa�tion, I would like to ask f�r a ���ia,a��� �o all�aw• �ae to con��r�a�t tla� g�rking are� �s �src�p��ed ' �a�.tke 42 par�kin� �p�aes, w?aich inclu�es parkzng fa� two �mpla��es. I f�el �tais woulc� be a �easonable nurmber of sp�aess �ri�t�ouC b�ing exc�ssive . Tha�k �roaa for ��ur consid�ra�ion. Sinc�r�3.y, Ta��e �i�rbe�r.g�r � �� DBA �a�cien Golf - _ _ _ � , � ��e`�1��T r�s . . . � . � ���T���� � � � ��� • ° �� �CI�VII V1.4,�?l� �-, ���, �.��,�,,. ----s _-___ � � �ia�iatur°� Gol� Thc Intcrnadonali Associz�tior� of�atnusement I'arlcs & t�ttractic�ns has rec�ndy releasai a stue�y c�f the chara�te�isdcs of the 1,500 muiiatu�c golf�courses in Are�erica. 'I°he ass�ci�tion rspores that an cstiIIn�ted 3� �i�llia�n �rraGricans pl�y the gazn� t�y^ Mos2 eou�se� are 2d).044 �uare fee�t or l�ss �nd ar�ost of thase a+epo�g estimat,e �v�rag�e annual att�ndance bc�►ecn 2(),OQO a� 44,000 persons. Rbout ha1�F of the courses reporceci r�venues rangia�� f�m ax0,(9� to S1Q0,000 a y�xar. F�llowing is � bri�f summas,y►► of the survey. �oanplete infor�m�ti�n as available feta� th� - IAAPA, (703) 6'AP-5�00. . 5EC�I�ID MIIdI�'TURE ���.F SLii��3� ' ; i �.. �►rea of Mia�i�taare �lf��au� �Oper�tion, Exs�ud'ang �'�rl�s: I Square� �e�t ��r�centage Fla��sor�se Ad�r��e� A�� �-�a,�� 60°!0 10,795 `�°0�001�-40,000 30�a 3��.290 I Mor� tl��a �40,�U0 10% 54,�7 �. Mini�ture �olf �ou� �h��ct�ristics: $ � � Avera9e Av�ea�e 1�ts�t»t�r � t�n. of HcrPes Perc�ntage Response Paricin� Spac�s ot �mpby�.s � q6 � 1 V �0�9 � V � � �s �o,o �y � r � � '`� �% 170 �4 Pg. 1 of 7 1150 SIJUTFi U.S. HIGf�WAY ONE,JUPITER,FLORI�A 33:77 (40�7�44•6006•FAX(40'n744-6107 'I, . � 6, � �=x�t��1�- � 1V.Iin��.re �ol�° ���,�������� RECEIIfED PiAN�ING Qr,f Janu�ry 1�., 19g4 .t��Yt,G'TT°�CCL � •�A(ti �. S ���� � M. :�Vi7.�. �7�.4ndrea � Ass��taxat Pla�raner A g � City o� Z�ig3.rc1 1312,� S.vV. Ha.l�. �]Lvd o ��•�� �i,gar�1, oR 9'�223 �� �`���" D�ar N1�. L7°F,ndrea: e:«�ue.am�.. P.o.e�$�sa .a�+�,�c�zr► I ha�re had a reques� f'rc�m c�u�r member �t�°. Tom Her�erger Yrl.90i-7i1�GOLF -° �.��oa.m.�aa, DBA Ga�der� G�1�, to �xplai� hArv �+v� �.r�^iv� a�t our r�com- ; �nendation �or the nuu�ber o2 parki�ag spaces xequi.r�dl for Woridwide Network tkte successful operation of a mini3tur� golf c�urse. This �or�►ula I�as b�en derived �'rom over 5 y�ars of exyaer- NorthesstWe�ian�lD{ractor ienc� and the e erier�ce of aur m�mbershi courses wit�a Harty S.Nelson � P ���aPoa«�n�, � some dati.ng back �0 y�ars. �de ha.v� dxawn th�se �onclu- �'�'"'� �iora frAm our �aver 1 ,000 member courses through�u�t �he sounao�R A.9toa,d a�ac�a Scdt Dert�erau Y1E'1'�1�T1. � Mountasia Enterpris�,kic..Al�aretta,GA MidwasdR�ytons�Diroctorn Nta.niature g�lf fs a -traditional fam�.i3.y entertaix�naPnt ��w�^��••���^•� bus�r�es� rvith a typical car a�rrsving at a course con-� s°�u'"'"''�'�"°o'"�`°� tainin� D�d. hlam ar�d t�ua children as an a�rer�ge� mare c�`c��e�� �or���rvatz�•e1.y however� w�uld be only oz�e �hild or t�ee NorU�westRegianalDir�ctw p�ay�x°s per �:ar. If you have a maximum. a�c�un� of players AutomatedBaningCaqes,Salem,OR j on the minia�ure golf c4urse at one �ime yc�u wouYc� h�v� 6ircctorofCanads � �'aur players pen c��1.e �r 72 players an ari 18 ho�.e cours�o , RC�a�� � If you divi�ie �this �tatal �y our �e�nservative estimat� of SainPMatAiaz•sw•Richclieu, �2�a�ee p�r�ans pex� cax�o �h� to�al of 24 parkirig spa�es `���'�da � would me�t this maxi.mtam capa�i�y demand. Also pleas� Ceniral Regfansl Dincta I a 's ` dus r has a hi h d�c� -off el.ezn�nt iYith E.K.'Outch'M�grath,III t1�t e �h t �h 1 1fl1 t y g p I 1 P���r9.c�,��..Chatlarx�oga,TN itqom o� �ad dro ping t;he children off using �:he caurse as ' p- MidAtlanticRegfonalDinctur � � h��,y �itting serviee as they go shopping. �sle have Ricl�rd P.Lahey i HarrisMiniaWreGdfCourses,lnc. �,'S�3YIIa��C� that sometimes �Oio of our minia�ure golf playex�� w'�"'°`�."� r�ill fa.11 into the category o� being dropped o�'�° as op- South Atlantic Reglonal Director cr��H.c���a p�sed -tu utilizing a parking spare. Grwe Recreations,Inc.,MyAle Deach.SC w�a�a.�R��o�,�o����,o� I hope t�iis i.n�°arma�ian wi11 b� of he�.p in y�ur decision Norm Sheya ! J3JAmusoments makirig pxoc�ss regarciing parking spaces pe� an 1�3 hole San,�.�an Capistrdno,CA s�����Q« ecaurse o If you }�av� axl�r questions, plea�e call �e. Frank Kotw�h Eastam Gdl Ccxpo�ation.Hamlin,PA 51T1C�Y'�Z�T� i Su�pllsr Dfractor I Oonald C.tJ�lson SGD Conqany,Akron,pH �°!�� Supplier DEnctw ` � Aaron R,IAoniara Weslem GoM,Irx.,Thovsarsd Palms,CA Sk ip Laun� Exe eut ive D ire ctor� MGAA -- -- -- — –� ,'S � 1 � � I�IE�iORANDiJM C�TY OF TIGARD, OREGON TO: �ITY OF TZGARD PLA.AiPIING COi�'Il�IIS�ION FROM: WII,T, D'AZd�REA, ASSIu�AxdT FI,ANNER DATE: March 28, 3994 SUBJECT: APPE:AL OF SITE DEVELOPMENT REVI�iry1 SD12 93-4U20/VAR 93-�0017 ' �it� DevelopmPn� R.e�ri�w SDR 93-0029 and Variance 93-0017 has be�n app�aled by Tri-Met. br� February 4, �994 the Dir��tor of ��manunity Dev�lopamexat approved an application f�r site develc�pm�nt r�view ar�d v�riance (SDR 93- 0020 � V�t 93-OIJ17) (Exhibit A) �or� �.he cc�nst�u��i�n of a �wa- phase, 36 hnle mirz�ature go�f course. Tri-M�� 1°ias appealed the d�cisior� based upr�ra the inc�ompleteness of the app�.ication arad poli�� issu� �oncerns (E�hi.b�t �) . �'he a�ppe�l �orm s�at�s tha� ��� grour��is for appeal ar� thc�se wlb.�ch fc�llow: ' 1. A reasc�nably complete landscap� plan per 18. 100.�15 u�as not submitted; 2 e N� de�ta�l was providec� an sto�m drain��ge / wat�r qu�lity provi�ians; . 3 . Access standa�d� �aer 1.�. �Of3 were not met by the �o�iginal sttbmi�tal; � 4. As a �esul�, apprdval via 25 can�itions, �nar�y c�f them sic�r�i�ican�l� at oddls wi�� th� �ubmittal, ap�pear t6 subs�antxallX alter th� initia�. de�elc�pm�nt px�opQ�a1 ar�d eliminate the c�pportur�i�y �or publi� �evi�w and comment; � 5. T�iis a�proval would eff�ctively preclud� cievelopmer�� of a tx°ansit �acility at �;Yzis loc�.tian; 6. TYxe a�aproval arad sta�gf proc�s� c�uring the review periad d� x�ot me�t th� ��artdards nf Cc�mprehensive Plan Transporta�.i.on Poli�ies g. 3oz �xa�i �.�v�. ; 7. The Tig�rd ��iang].a Sp��ifia Pl,�n des�.gnates �h�.s site a� a transzt facility a�d �.d�nt�fi�s th� �ou��her�n pc�rtion of the si.te as a pede��riax� 3,inlc �aithin the I3istri�t Op�n Sp�ce s�stem. Nei.tl�er cnnsidera:tion is re�'l�cted �.z� ths.s - approval. ' APP.F�AL - SI�R Q3-QO�O��IAIl 33-�Op�.7 - GAr2DEid �C3LF/STEWART P1�GE 1 . � � � COMPY�IAN'CE WITIE� CR.I�ERIA Gro�nds #�,2 ,3. As indicated in the Notice of D�cisiarz S�R 93° o020/VAR 93-00017 ancl on �he prelimina�y lands�age �►�d site plan (Exhibit C) the �pplicant pzc�vided in�or�ation concernix�g landscaping and access. The Notic� �af ���ision idea�ti.��ea the applicabl� criteria, provides findings rel�ted �o compliance �ith those �tan�ards, and impose�� condi�ions whexa the �riteria. xs nAt completely 5at�sfi�d. In�d�quacies ira the landscapir�g ancl a�ce�s requir�emen�s will b� satisfa.ed thr�ugh cond,a.�ion� #1� (h) , (j) , (k) , (]., and (m) . Pravisior� €ox s�orm c�rairaag�/wat��r quality werP addressed through condition ,�6, �7, ,�8, an� #9� Gro�nd 4. The canditio�s imposed were only mino� impr��rements to �h� preliminary sgte plan, w�re not sigr►ificantly a�. odds �,vith the � sub�it�a1, ancl d:id not �ubstan�ia�l�r �lte� the initial develog�n�n�t proposal. For �xam�le, cond�.tion ,�1.0(h) requir�ci the provision of a 5 fnot sid�ewail� i.n camparisc�n �o �.Y�E � foot sidewalk proposed. The im�aosition of condi�ior�s did rnot �elimina��: ��xe �pyaor�turnity £or public review and roynmerat. Upon rec�ipt a� th� applicatian, requ�sts for comments were ma�.led �ut tm affected ag�ncies. Cr�mrnents w�r� r�ceived and no�ed in the s�aff repc�rt. �'ur�her�aor�, the not�ce of decision wvas anailed.to th� a�fe�ted property owners, in accordance wi.th Chapter 18.32.120. Thi� notice of decisi�a�i � ineluc�e3 a �0 day a�,�ea1 per�oci. �ri-Mst's �pg�a�l iicself a.s the direct result of an �pprsrtunity far public �eview and Gcaa�ment. G�ound #5. The appeal form ��ates ��at t�i� approval. woulc� effea�iv�ly preclude de�elopmer�� �f a transit facil.it� a°� th�s lc�ea�ic�na T�ie Co�uxaux�ity Developmez�t Cc�de dae� n�t lbst the pcassibility a� �.ny �uppa�ed, precluded d�vels�p�tt�nt as an applicabla code approval c�°it�r�.a. Furthe��r�F ��e groper�y in �question is a p�rtidn of a larger pro�perty owned �y Ph�r�lis Stewaxtn TYae prapased Garden Golf is bein�g developed e�n � l.f acre portion of an appx�oximately 6.2 �csta]. acres oE the Ste�art pro��sty. Trg-Met has suggested �h.at �.kze subj e�t praposal c�oulci b� r�lc�c�t�d tc� the S�d 72nci side of tL�e prope�ty where i� could co-exist with Trs.-Met�s praposed par➢�-and-ride. Stagf nates that �pprava7� of ��R 93-Of?20 ws�ulci nc�� pr�elucl� �1�� r�loea�ion c�f Tri-Me�'� park.-and-ride to �he SW 72n�. side of �he �tesaa�t gropexty� Ground #6. The appea3. forni sta�.�s �hat �he approva� arr� staf� proces� �luring t2�� review �a�ra.od d� not �aPet the s�.andax°ds of 8.1.a 2 and 8. �..5 a Tk�o�e policies are a� 1°ollows a • a. Com�rehensivP Plan l�olicy 8.1,2 st���s tha� �he Ci�y sha11. prov�.c�e for �fficient manag�m�nt o� th� transporta�ian planning praces� raith�.n th� City and the met�°apolitan area through coopera�iczn ;ai� �ther f�d�ra7., state, x�ec�a.�naA and local jrxrisds.ctionse APPLAL - SDR �3-002(3/�TAR 9�-OA1? -- GARDEI�T �OLFf�TENTAR'.L' PAGE � � e . � � b. Cnmprehensive Plan Policy g.1. 5 sta�e� thafi� when rev�iewing develnpment �pplications wi�hin Comprehensive Transportatian �lan Map s�udy areas, the Ci�.y shall work with the apglicants to a�oid conflict with the location of future transp�rtation improvements. The City h�s cooperated wit�h tY�e other agsnci�� in thi.s r��ri�w in that Tri-met was notifi�d prinr �o �he. �pplican� submitting a formal si�e c�e�✓el.�pment revi�w a�plica�i�n. '�ri-met was then otf?cia�3.y notified of tl�e su�,mitted developa��nt applicatic�n a�.d uras sent a request far con�anen�s. Tri--T�et's conce�ns were then staaunarized in the No�a.ce of Decs.siano The City stron�lly believes in working with other agenc�es and incor�orating their concerns and a�plicable requirements into the deveZopment process. The City does not b�lieve t8�at coogeration means t�a� the �ity will disregarc� a p�operty o�wraer_s r�ight, to devel.op land, ix� accordance with the Ccammunity Development Cade, at the rec�uest of_ a p��ticular �gency. Th� subject appl.ication is with,in a CompreY�ensi.ve P1an T�ansportation Map �tuc�y ar�a. It is designater� as Not� #5 (Ex��ibit D) . Com�nreh�nsi.v� Plax� Tr�nsportation Map �inte #5 statss: S�udy area to determine the alignment of a minor co.�.l�ctar �t��e� connectinc� 68th Parkway near Red Rock Creek wit� the l�artincauth 8treet extension; amci with H��pton Stx�eet at 12nd �venue with - Dartmouth Stre�t axt�nsion wi�hin the westerly portir�n of �he '�igarc� Triangle. �'he City i.s in comp"lianc� w�tti this policy as the prope�ty owner was requir�d, a�s a conditie�n. of approv�l, to dedicat� 2� feet of right-of--�way alang Aed Rock Creek for the pxo�o�ed f.utu�e extension of Atlanta Str��t. Thi.s canditias� �_� consistent �a.th �he street d�dication requirement a� I��t III �'heater (SDR 87-12) in �caznplianc� with this polia�a Ground #7. T?�e appeal form statcs that ths Tigard T�iangle Specifi.c �lan designa,tes �thi.s si�e as a transit �aaa.lity and iden�:ifies the southe�°n porti.on of �.he site as a ��de�t�ian I.irilc wi�hin the i�is�rict r�pen S�aace system. Th� ap�eal s�ate� that nei�her cansiderati�n is r�fl�cted ira this approval. The Tic�ard Tria�g3e P3an is nat �r� adopted plan and i� therefor� not �ppli�able as a critexi.a to be �ased in r�vi�wing �his �roposal.. T�,� City is nb.ligat�d �o apply the existing adopted plans. ]E�r�n in �„ its draft fc��m, the plan indicates �hat a 1o�c��ion w�u1.d be at the � intersectior� of SW 72nd Avenue and SW Pacific High�aaya As � px•�viously no�ed, t�e Stewa�� property contains approxima�tely �.2 � acres `aith the majarity a� the pr�per�� potential'1y �.vail�.b1.� fa� � a p�.rk-and�ride 1Q�ation. In addition, the condi�ion o� ap�xaval '"� which dedicates 25 fe�t fcar �ight-of-way �roulc� p�ovide g�o� a � pedestri.an linka � �u °"i A�tac�iments: �) Nof�ice of Decision (SDR 93--0�20 / VAR 93°0017) ; B) Applicant�s St�tement; C) preliminary Site and Landscape Plaz�; an�l D) Compreher�sive �lan Tra�sport�tion Mapo .i�PPEAL - SIDR 93-OQ20rVAR 93-0017 - GARD�I� G�I,F/STEWA:RT PAGE 3 i� ' �` � r .'4 M � � Recommendatxon: Tt is recnmmended tha� this appeal r�que�ic b� clenied. •► I APP�A.L - S172a 93-OQ20/V`� �3�OU1.7 � GA�1EA1 GOLFf�TE6IAR� PAGE 4 ' � � . , � �,,,; � .. , �i� aF r'��� � Mar�h �2, 1994 � ������ ' a Idlro Bill Erc11e 7405 S.Wa Bevel.a.i�d Rc�-ad -� � Tigard, OFt 9?�23 De�' Air e Erdle: Thank you fol you ���ce�t 1et��r vutlAn�.rg yc�ur statement �once�ing �ard debri� re�y�ling. y�u� letter has been fo�caarded to the `�igrarri City C()UI1G�I. aaicl will. also b� includecl as part of the hearing record. The Go�ci1 hearing is noc�r� s�heduYed �or t,h� P �'�utYCi7. meeti�g o� Apri.a 12 (7 a 30 p.m. in t�Ihe Tawn Hall, 13125 �,b+T. �a�� g���v��'d• � z� �eu ha�re additic�nal comm�n�� or questians conce�-ning yard cleb�is recyc�.ing, please contact ei�:her Lor��n w Edin, 1�Ianageanent Ana3.yst �or tY�e City of 'I'iyaz°d., or �ne. Wit� regard to �.he s�cand �s��e in yc,�• l�tter co�cerali�g t�he Triangle and a �iniat�.r� golf course locat�d in �he ar�a wfxe�r� Tri-� M�t ha.d p]�anxied to bui�d a trari��t cen.ter, I agfex° the �o�3owing a� an u�date on this sit�atYC�n: �ri-Nl�t a�speal�d. tlae :I�irec�o�'s De�isi�n t� #�aL IP1�nnanc,�..�` C�z�.i.ssion. t�x�d��r �pp�a�: is the ��proval af �e appl�c:atAOn for use o� fi..�►� pro�r�y �s a xniniatuze g�1.� cot�rse. (°°�'�h€ �01� c�urse operats�r plan� ta 1�ase �he prapert:� f�oz� tl�� owrier- j Th.� P1�rining Cc���..,�i�n will be lnearing this issu�. a�rn 21p�i1 4 �t 7:30 gom. in �ie Towx� Hal�. A cQp� caf your ��rr�sporad�ce wil.l b� forwr�r.d+�d..� ��.g����g Co�s���n fc�r t��ir xevae�v ''�J_. . and wgl� l�e .irac��tc�eel �a`.�:th��,recarei.< Foti x�test���s or comnrents�'=�_�- '� OIl t.�11.S ' � -t�,. ... r ' i issuae„�.p].e�e c4n��t �lil� I��,Ara�rea �.�ssi�taa�� Pl���r��1 '; : fo� �e City of�� ' `�1'`�. . > - ° r � , y 3 �� � { L�1" Y(Y''' . , ; � �,`� t} . �}.- . , _ � . ..:`fr���! i.�4'{t� .Lr� R; .�;, ' wi. - �t-I t, 5��� . X :� � '.� .uric'.. v_.?' :1h`� t � .�f: � : �� biJ p. ¢ - �+ � ' t �.. �N�•��`,� z T,('.�'��d„���S� Yt' y�Cn"- ' t t }� � -i°� 4' � � � a7���.°��� � . �,:�5 �"� � s L�r`r <d, 1 ; J �i�- .�v. .�.� ?;� � �r�¢y� . I .rs"3" .' {rf�..e,4. r� �. �: s . ! S-. � r �.� .ir �;� :L t J.-. . ��� f sii � ` 1 �� ... � . • - r st a� Y��,� ,r,�#.� -S. �h.`"c �}s rc• 5�S�L''� �'� �tF'�'��', ,�,���' z'7��,t, � � ' _ `y � r ±Y ��'�Z�- a '. ..c ���' .� � t'�y -ig Y. �+'v. 1 p�.r,l ,a �Lf^ ?,' yC �ptl s - ���y. -�� {" 'i �'�� iro� �;� � t" t � �'� f r1f �4'`� {?+ 'j.r'� �:� .+ �,�t;. '� � ^ . ' '..� . ���� u k,�' T}!��`.�p ' 'r dl`� 3 � '}'� ' 1 7 5 ' }. ?..i=r� . � . 4 � � 1C.'k R�' �. �.�' i�s ���"�...nt.�'",�i,'-i,i � � ��,.��� � ; ;f�,Uy � �� y S y+�� '' !�, '� . � ,J ..� � ' , �t.; .. S� c .•t1�i'� .i.A7Y.t"'' �� �'4R�x1+ti�„�� �l ��� k � •.j; _ �' '��7.A�I2.317...�`�t,� T�I+�:�'.I"i�;���=i"� aT fij�` ir ^�i�f.v ),y+` `'M�, * � },,���`��'.�A �. � a.x •�" � '/• � .� .OS� �i �.' `�' �,����� r y{k, 7r.,.� Y' ,r�_�, jR .1 , �IS '.�, i- �+ � . � -l� K.�? �. ,� L.�k �,w�,�.. l+-! � �r. �s ta �. '� t� S t� :Y}'� �.�L, C.^�iT � s.� �',^ - •,p_ .'+���i r'.c�,`.i",��i _'�i" �,TL1�'. •N rx�``�,*�'{i•,t.� -�` �� .Y �y�. �f�;� �`{�4G! ���� c .'L ':F � c � A3 S• � ",v(� :� � f'7v � z��`' C: ���'E'eTl �''C�.�.1'1 -�' ' � .w�t 4�.<�.f�i�r?{�' do. ..�'u �t �'``''6:� +�'. tJ .'���i�� -,c3 � � , ,� e,' .�,a . :�i.ck��ewer`sdorFf. '��; " k%,',�,��,�1S''�� f h���,7n'ti�t�'� r'c't�;g k�. � S t�i. � . �ry` f91..i�� L� d .�''� ,+ .. t �jP�( a i1'it.n;}�i..Sf ��.'^ `Y4-t, ��M �i�r. �� ,��,j,.f� AI1f�2"e�'�` � ,S�, � ' Y b r� c a Ht y ,�:, g# e � Y`�i''' 4 ., . , < �� � � . � -r� +�trr r �1 �.��: �i� �- r s'�v: z i 1=' ,�r Eu'��22.94 .� T i• r -�.,�ar,��,��.�.��a�>„. >r= ? �'t, �iy ,c•f� fF . _S r�; ,h .r� F�'}^... � �{^� � i �t ��- fs• ,_" �i �. Y �itii .♦ '7�`r'�r� t� b 7' , i' "T �r� � j�� y.y .C . 5 `��,,� .'�� 'i�:r'i3 9� ' 1. i S.. t, t }(.Y.h' .. �r ."yJl2• .. • w-✓s :t.S7� '"`�a -;� � - i;y. . 1� t � i�W�7f,� � c. t y., ' � � � �-�'�� . ���.r.s. }+��^ .y`4 �#.aa t�`^y�!..tK h'3_i ��{�-, :,�� ���r . �r-.y,�t�'�I7�1�`� {�}-�y- ✓ �plNd it.. .f'-.'� . .� ,�� t t � u�x• ��T: fi`. f (,C� ..1:.4 . KS� .i �'f;•�'��.��Y�+S���n�. "� � . � ' � .(• "� � �+l�nl ..tl^{ask°t '� . <Jt+�.� r �.�{ . '� . _ }� .�' rC ec� y ��5-�.y.F '. . s - 'y , ,�1 ' ";A'� .. . � - . l�;r� h+�j .a 4tr_�4'. �. .� i tlTf� � 13125 SW Hc�ll Blvr�i., Ts�.�carc�, CJR 97�23 �5(l�j 634-4171•.TDD (503) G84-2772 ' .:'�•` :`„''�'� ��.�.�'�.' .'��' .�K�,.� . ,�,. � � �► � ; -�� � � .� ,. � �XN?�.�'T ,� . � G�t�tJ1�1I3S FOR �PEAL i • �IDR.93-200 I�E�ERG�/GA►�ZD�N �LF �'I 1. INCONIPLETIE�� OF qpp����g,oN - a reasonably compie�e landscaping plan per 1�.100.01.5 was not submitted; no detail was provided on storm dra�nage/wat�r quality provisians and arcess standards per 18.108 were not met by the original submittal. .�.s a result, the approval via 25 condation5, maaiy of them sig�cantly a� odds with the submittal, appear to subs�ntially alter the initial development �roposal and eliminate the oppoatunity for pul�li� review and comment. � 2• ICEY POI.ICY ISSYI�E,S - thus approval would effectively preclude developrraent of a transit faci2ity at this locatio�a. T`he approval and the siaff proce�s during ti�e review period do nc�t me�t the standards o� Com�rehensive Plan Trnnsportation Policies $.1.2 and 8.1.5. Further, the Tiga.rd 'Triangle Sp�cific Plan designates this szte a� a transit facility. It also identifies the southern portion of the site a5 a pede5�r�an lu�k wathin the I�istrict oger� space system. IVeither consideratioz� ig reflected in this apgroval, c� . , I � i , _ �d . - - ---- -- `.. ' , � �AND USE QECISION APPEAL FTI.ING t�(DRM � , � The C,ity ur" Tigard suppor�s Chm �,eitizen's righL• �o particip��te in lc�ca4 gavet^nm�nt. Tigard' s Land Use Code LFierefore s�ts uut •>spec�P,.ic requirements for filing :�ppc�a�s or� certain l�nd' usQ'. decisions . �1� �� �'� � 6 The Pollowinr� Form has��be�n develaped ta assxsL yuu ise ��E � i fili.ng an appeeal of a land us� c�ecision in pruper fo'r•m. To determi.ne what F.iling fees will be requirQd or to answer any quest;ion�' you t�ave regarding th� appeal proc�ss, please contac� the Planning D'avision or the Gity Recc�rder a�L` 639-417i. � �. APPLICATION BC�NG APP�ALED: SbR 9�-On�(1 uarl�arnar���,r,���y���� �. HC1W DQ YOU QUALIFY AS A RARTY: � � � ' ,: .��;.�•. .. _projeet revi�w; ,i�:s specific interest � s the ri�ec1 to{ dev�1�� transit �acility �on. the �ite. . � 3. SPE�I:FIC GROUNDS FOR 'APPEAL. qR REVIEW: See a�tactled. '� -- � �_ . ' � e � / � 4. SGf{EDULE� DATE DECTSIUN IS TO BE FIIUf�L: 2/15 f�4 �5. DAT'E NOTZCE OF �INAL AS GIVEN: 2/4/94 �6. SIGNAT�lRE(S) : , • Dean PHi11ip�, I�eputy General Cauns�l 239-C755 �'�X`a.-�S�''ty.-�.�,,:: AYF. '�Trsl l arla4�wT C�ra_�a���nrt 1 an� ()R 97?'�? -�-MiE-3E-}t-)t�(-1(-)Hf-k-1(�f�'ii-3HHt-�S . �, -H9( �(k-)Eif-M�(-)t�Hf-K3E-?E#PEH� FOR 4FFICE US� ONLY: Rec�i.vnd..Ey;`1��� Oate: 2 6 �' Time: "3t2��� Approved As Tn Farm By: • • ' Q��e; Tiane:� Denx�d As To Form 8y: __ Qate: �ime; Receipt IVo. ' Amount: �(-)E-DC-�f-3c-YE-}(-x-?EiE3(-x-ft-x3E-)E�t-}FH-X-x-x-YcDt-lE�lf-3t-3�iE3f-)4-)C-if)t-�-IEIt-lE��f-fH(#3E-f�-fE-3f-lf-x-M-x-?E-tt-}(-M-)E-K9E�ffi(�t-1(-M-)E�x-3t-�F3E-x�E-lED(i(-iE-)E•Y.-�F '93125 51N Nall Bfvdy P.O.�x 23397,�lgc�r�l,Ore�an 97223 (�03y F}39-4171 .� �Xh�P l� �D � , - -- - - -- --- \\. ,�� — - — - ; � ��� -- ��;:`���; K,<.. , � � T h e C i t � a f ,; �� '! �•�. �;��::� -�� � � -L� �I '4; � e i� 0 T � S o r� �\"���� �;`.- � � � 1 � � �. , � v \� ���\:�'� ti..a„ �... b A��,S r � �_�Y/-��`.�w�� (� � tl :i i \`\ \;`, ",�,,,� ' S L 1 w .i i ba :; k of p � :� � . �\`�' �" �- ' r ` j�) :; � ` '���,`��'�'� � �`� + � � :�; I '�.���;�: � � � r � � �:, � ��` ;�� :� 3 � ` Co ��preh � ns 1 �� e ' ,\ ,, �. ; `;�� � S E E W t� T E ��,�����;:���,. �_ � J� �' � �; T+ ;� ������:: � �—�--� � P 1 a n 1 . ..`,t � ,�� � \�1n��\� ���:;},:�. �,y � � n< ;i�� � ° ��. �```'' •—_�^��..� ST — ,�� \\� � �;;; :L � f� � �•�.,�, �., .,��:��,�;� � - �,sz,5�.. ���� T r a r� s p a r � a � 1 a n � 1�i � � � ;,\:;. . ��-�:-. \�;;�". ! `� �;,;i' - � " j � -- �_: �` yy. sPR�'' ':�:;:•:��"" g�; . • �,�, i `;\\�;, o. ,\ � �,� ��.`;''�; �'�� . `����� �� � � if .:-f.� i� f .���+��\\`{' LN `�` � . :.��, � .�\�v�'`' ;.:�� ,�i •� � '< � P*JCt7fA \ �\ '�\ ��;�\� � � \:•' � ' �I _� � . • ,,� �.\` , ` t`" . � ::;.../ ''..�. • v ��`�� � r � .I ,!' � ' . ��\ �'`� �:.,��, ��..�\\\•;;\�\•\����\O j�/ � , �� I ��' ,, � � � � � _a ��� .�,�. � �::�:�:: ..;,, .....��,..,: , ;� � F 1 g u r e 3 I;) i j �` �? 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'�`: ��.=: riS*�j�-�' r I ��i �p� / � .�v� - >'` � �' v .\•;•'�\ \r;- ��, d� iE � i ;:ii � �-,.�,,� �� —�.- ....s 1 � �. ,�\������� A a iE � ;� .� -�--�-� 2 . ti� ; `p,. � ,��` .,�\\ , ����i�" � t u � y Q r e a � � , . � �� � ' J 1 ' \ �� ';� � � , S E t ,�:� � t ,�-° ; � S E � ' N�0� ��` Sr � i; � � �r � , � � N4T � �'� °' ° - � SE � N ���' � � rteri � l � - I 2 , m a .t � , � � �fl �—----sr_� � \"�� ` � � 0 I' r � . `(D � Q . � �-a�.a�-_:��-� �_ _ .� _ _�, ----� �-� r-., Q += C o � 1 e c t o r l t � `�'�"� � � . I A � �°� .m.r.-r.�.s..�..1?° ---„,�'� � I� �,�c �r � . • � � 1 � �? �' E � sz \ + NOT �: � � � �. - -� °� Callee � or ` _�._ d - f�.-' �.''� �... _. _ _ ��: . - . _ _ �.�:`.•� __ -. - R �' � � _ -.� : . .. ,�, .. :F,r.e �� a � � . . � _ ,- <d�� ; - Ls � �-__ _ . _... s-�� -��. ..Il��_���r. C a n e; _ � � SEE �NdT=E � � - - - - = �-� . t, g � + _, - _ _ A� ,�}'� •-- �. l� - %_- ', : _ _ .- _;'�:�:= Oi'ita.l. Jafi�B 'ncp represen-�•• .. . � + � o�,sl� ... �• ,��;` V��..... ' - --- •- - � _ .�. ;. _ " , - rY"y`fl e i i o o s"oni p"i 1 e d -b y'-i h e C i 7�'j' '" � t �r.. . __ r— -:--r --��,:: F"" .•...�.°' � _ - :. '-o4?'Ti§a7'E etifiaiug 6e�gra- � _ � — -����.,� . ._- - -,�- - _ _ 5 �ltE - ' � �.�. :- _ '�'��-.';:.-l!kds-taformaiiaa_ -Spstem - , . .. .. _ ..a �4 �''v,: C6S} seiYaare. �InFur- �J _ . >---:---- - _--- - '"-- = --'-=-=_-"=_-- �-"_ -- �: 0 ` �nftimn pottr�ye6 �erc � _ �V . - . _ __-.i'��� :`�r.:==�r.� � - - 9 m . �ey be iat��dtd io be � Q r d � n an.c e Na . O�D 91--bg _ _ :`" -_- . �, -�-��`�- -- ._ ` __.- -- ��; �� r� r3K�'� .iJJ.tiJ,�.�.��� �da�a✓:�t� aea�tia�oi= �� _- �y -. � ,[ � } a.! . ``�� techoicai a�d/or . • ,� . �_ � - N dl��y:T � iRterpretatire dcta � �. p �l f� Q � � �' �. 7I�NP 1 I , 1991 - - - _ � -- -- - N � � E = . � `" -. ._ , � - .�r-�` _ as eete�m��ea.ny (•°:�„�i .3T.!'�'Y.'{ a'+' 'F' �_- - - - � -- .,�d� :�• - "=K�. _;� ��.,..� �iT1'e �it `ef •Tig�rA. .. . : r•: - '; . - - - ---- �- -'- :',. :- _ ,. ; � - _- - � ��e back ��r re�ision -�chedttie ,�-K'�' {wPr�ns) � . 0 �:;,';�:: 3800 (63/i9/41) r:Y�� � � � CUPRPREHEAISIVE Pz,�x C(�IVlPREh��nI�IV� PLAf�I T'Re4NSP°C)�11°A�T'I��l IVI�P NOT'�S TRANSP�RTA`TION MAE ,�, 1. Scholls ,Ferxy ISoad to be realagne�d to caaan�ct wiich Davies � REVTSION SCHEDIILE Road. a�. F.xctenc3 Gaard� Stree� west aaid na�rth fro�n SW I21st Aveiaue to o����� D�3'E connect wit.� Walraut Str�t at a g�aa�xnt 300 f��� to 400 �'eet east ef SW 13�nc� Av�ax�e. I2�x,ect c�rivey�ay aec�ss shall ]be g�-�2 August 13, 3.991 ��'o��-�� along Gaarde Stt�xxeet ex�ension and roadraa,y cox�aectiaans shall be kept to a Bc.a.nimum. The �ir�th c�� t�i.e 92-t►O07 k:arch 24, ].99� S�'�� �ag' �e reciuceci be).owr the standards for major collector stxee�s whege turta l�e�. are n�t rec�u.ir�e3. 9�--1f3 tKarc�. 2�� �3 3. �pproximate ali qnments ar��sho�rn �or the �xtensions af 1�?_nd � . l�v�nue sa�u�a of Benchv�.sw '�°errace, 135t.h Avenue south of Flalnut Streeto �d Bealc,�aview �rra�e west of 132nei Av�nv!e. ��sE 5fix'eets a�e tc� be d�aia�ned �as minor co�I.�c�ors with a s3�sign sp�ed af 25 m.p.l�. � � . 4. 5�u�iy ar�a to detc���ne the caalfigu�ratioia af a rnew connec�aon _ . .. b�twe�xa sout�Y�ound Pacific Higl�w�y anti Main� St,reet. , 5� Study are,a to dete�rA� t,he a1i.�e�� of a mi�nc,r coZlectmr - _ ���Of: �����t�ngr 68th �.'a�rkwra� near Red RoaI� C�ee.k wi�h tFze I3artmouth �treet extension: and w�t.ti Hamptan St.ree� a� �2nd • Agenn� wi�.h �e Da��mo�at.�x Street �ensio� within t:he wes�erly po�-a�� of fihe Tigard �`riarac�l�a 6. S�a� �e�ea �o de�e�a.ne �� alig�nt of coa�aie�taon� betw�en �c�h�tay ��17, Ra�se �a�r, y--5 and �e Ta.yard �aang�.e. • . . � a . Cora�n.���a.oa� �t�r�eaa ��.in�.�k�e� Stree�., ��11 ��.l�va�d at O°k�ra t � Q . S���c (geaieraa.lyD and Boxnit.�. Roacl. _ . - _ _ � 8. " Stp�r area �o �ox�ider extension �f ha�� Bouil.ev�ard south�rax°d �' . . � .� , -. _ta c.x:���t- wi�.e ��oaes F�arr� R�ad �n 7'ualati.ia for ei'�tges . . �- .. _ - = iie��rsian o ; . _ � Pe � ��ec�� a�eess . - � �:"E ' . . _' - , _ � __ ; ` 9- : B. l�a� stx�et-r�oaa�ea..�t3.c� frQ� 1��� 1�v��a� firar lo9t� �T Q L � j r� � ��0�� �Y���G .LL ` _ �_ � - . ;=- ; �" '•�`: � r`� -��_F"`" . � ��g �aeanne ei�es at ��.ttlex St�r�eet ca�- at a - -: � - . :; . :�=� _ � pQ � t le�s'�-7��Q f�et fg� < � : _ _ . ..T ,;t�a�,,,�rist�.ng �Sa�ler= �t�eet . . - _ . _ ..-- �.i�.�.ess�i�fai�n. . .. . :l.: l' f � � : . '�t; ' _ ` �r�'' _ �. -r . a:� � `. • : : _ _ . .. 1�o i 6�E1 •l ,�- . ��� i �. 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