Planning Commission Packet - 04/19/1993 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �a�� ��r��c e:o�iss��� ���r�x ��c�z. ��, i��� — ao�cr �.r�. �I �a�a� �a�r�� c�rrx�R � �dax �xaL • a.3s.2� �w �r�, ��,v�v o x��m�o �z�r,c�ra �. � �s o��aa I � �. �tca� �.�.x,, �� �e r.r��,c�� �at�u�� �, �r�ix� ��sxss��x c�t�ax�,.�z�rrs � �e ����� �i�� I �,a �ot�r.�z�:rrsa� �r� ��ar�� ������oa�o� ��ra��r� c���c�r�ur� �a��� I �:(A�. ���pOt�� I�S�eJC�� A r�cque�� ftar a C�saa•preY►�±rrx�i�r� �isarn ��ddr�Ya� fx'�ma �r��.�l �rof��s�ioaa�i �� �r��s��l �es���i��, a�xn� a �ar:Lra��4�_�m�sn�t fs�� C—� �Pxof��s�ion$�. �oa�����.�1) im �� g�n�z�l C�r�ia2 I��.�s•�x�.�t) gor 2.�� ����� q�r.r��.a�n� af ��a�a� p����l.�y Ic�c���e� �a �he �g� �si� t7�� g�.����i� �rt,a��r�a��� aha�ixtt,� ��rs1�"��e ��fal��T.� A]P�Et.t�`W�§.Y, GR�'�It�.�x ; ��n��a�11y�: ��������a�i�� Pl�a �o�.i.c� 1e�.2 Ym�al�n3��.�ion �trm��gy� � and t'.�mbrzaity' �����.ta�3asxzt �sle S�c��cArt 15�.2����Qo�a ��c.��i����3�: s�as��ar�.d� P�.a�a�nix�� C��l.� 9 �nd �2; Cc�mp�eY��n�3.v�.%�7.axa �es���i�a 5��o Y, �m 3.>4, 7 410�, �.�.]., �d�m�a 8.�0 2, 12.2��., �nd ec�i.d�nce of � �hang�s �x� �l�� nef�Y�carh� �r �+�a►us�i�g• �t�'��t�.x�g tkn� dl+��igna�iora of �;�� �r���g� e�r ��s3.d��ac� c►� � r�a�r���ls.a� �.mm �h� e�srseaa� d�r�ign�.t��ns. L�.'��a�Ne 13745 S�9 1P�ci��.� ���r3�s��.y � a�i� a�ta��i.74cj �src�pe�i�� �gaor�i�tx� �� F�'��S 1�� ?b6CDo �cvc 1a�t� ��?2, �a�0a �x��, �,p�8�) ���1��3T �f?PIEz C—I� (F�res�es�icrg��l Coa�r�i�l) �on�.x`�e,� �,�s�tx�� al.].�€o�� p��.,ic ag�n�y ��mf.ni.s��at�.ve s�a ai.���, ��x�isa��� �i�ae� ���.�� y� a��fl ���i.ce�, �e��ix�es� ���Spca�t ���ri.���„ �3.nanc�al aaa� �e�as�. �����t� ��a�i���, � �a��ei��t�r rrf ��fic�s sr���, �d 1.�ai�� �c�ur�ts �f r��z�er�� ���.�.1 ��l��o gs���on��. �a¢�a°vi��a, �sxd ���i�ae� and eYx.�.��.xa� ��i:�r]L3.�alsa��a��. �Ft��S��9 Zc�tdE: �� (Gen�ral �er�i�1) z�n�.ras� dli�t�3�ct �,:11�r� g;��e�al ��s�,��.3. �et��, �a ��x�i.��� rs� sa�..��� ����i3. ��nd ���i.a:e a,a�e�, a���:�.r�+g a�xxa� c3��sa�:aiaa� ����7Li�flaa�ri��, �.��c��b�.�.� aalg� �s►� r�p�i.�„ s���ii��.� �'�a��. ��l�so �a�e� ra�.hex �r.-��.��es� a�tdl ��a�c�3.�ti.�na1 x�s�s. �5.� u��[9�91�u%�31^� �LT� �3���5�J� P�T�l2�Y2.,ID f1E�]f.�EPd�E� �I�R ��—tD��� A4�i.�'I3Z�/�'�'7� H�7G]L (�� ��� A s�uuc��t fc�� �caa�n���� to �h� �p�sreaarer� ga��].�mi�.� ��i�ri.�iax't �i�� �sn� �3.�sa�n�d ���rela�nt I�ev3.eva ��o�a���i��� ��.�x: ��� i��s� I e���.�ern raaa� �n�if �sf vr9sa� �aae� �rrev�.ou��y called �he� �u�1 B�d�aaaz��£n �3oa#la � ��t»].og�sx�� �,ar�pase�l (�� �8�����4�P��2 40—�0��j» �I�e ctnr�e�s�k. p�o��s�. c�u�ci �li����y res�axc� �}�� �c���� nu�r af lot� �.� �h�.� cl�e�ls��r�� �reru�a wta�t ��e p���iau��y �S�~e�g�aa�e�l �acl �r�•aic�� �or �t�r�d�� C��y ea� T�.g��°�i �ww���. ������� ����x�:e ��aaz� �3�� p����.o�asl�r ��a�s�a�ves� sic.r��t ���r�o�F� a� u��.���s.� ��zeet� �� w�s�.�. s� gAl�?��sv �'a nna�����a��.axa�n �� px��a�� �� ��.x���a rar ' ����e� ��� 1�ca��.�r�� �aL�aamm� �I�e p�r�t�x of th.� de���r���t �z� �ks�s.�. %��a� ��evious]�y F��tta ��o����. Th� �ears�:i� pr����al. �u��l �zov�a�� fea� �.�� �.�t�. d�&'��,��i,� �V'7�� �R�T�R:�A� �aabcn3.�vi.�i.c:�n �.p��casr��. cx��.���i.�: x �un�.�.g► }��sv�sllra�exat �3� �e�ts�xa ��oA6(2.��i�; ��.�asra�d D���1���� ��,�a �gagar�val, z���n��d�m ��da� �ec�.i.��a 3.8.��e1.2�o R�l��ec� �t�c�ard�s C�s�n3.��r I2�ar�1c���a�t Gocl� ��aa����e 1�.54, �!�»��a �.6�o8R, 3.8.��p 1�.�f3+�r �80���,� 1�.�5Qg �.ns� 1E3.3.£� �� �r�11 a� �a�;�s�e�a�x�aiw�� Pl.an F�o:li�i�a� �,�mi, 7.�m�.m 7 e 4,�, �.�..3., �tl� B.10�. �.¢'�f`..la`PI�Rlt sc�u�ta t2� �I°a� 6d'��xAts� �'�r��� ��:�Ta�:�.�nt asx� �h� ���gevald aaxbdi.�ia�.a���, w��s�t o� a'Pr� �3�t� fivrcraue (inT�� 25� 4�3, ��c l�t 32Cf0) �ANE: R.-12(�Ag an�d R-25(P�) {Rs�si.den�t�.at, �.� �xxai����c�� �st� lier�3.deas��.�1, 2� �aaai�g/��re,; botc�a wi.�� �he ��.arira�ei A�ee�.�pea�sa� esc�a�r�.�y zone°g �, �Ft ��Y�IDIE�a j 10 �,x4�hi1'� ' � � � °�'�C�.�tYE �Y��1'�ETINL� CC)��a���t�E� I R��a.�.�� ID�����.x�� �33.�a�x��� v .�g��1 1�a 1.��3 � � �I 1 . C�LL TC7 bRD�R: �r�5id�nt �'yre ca11�d th� m2eta.rig ta order at 7 :30 �.>NIo The zn�eting �nras held in tka� 'I'igard Ga.vic Center - Tc�wrn Ha1.1 -- 13125 SGe7 Ha11 �otale�rard. �I � o ROLL CAZL: Present s P�esa.c�er�t F'yr�, �ommissioi�er� �aon�, Cas�ile, H(a3land, Mo�re, S�porta, Schwextz . t�b�en.t : Commissioi�er Saxton a�.d Schwab. I, Sta:Ef: Sen7 or Planner_ Dfck. ' BewerSd�xff, Assoc3.�t� Planner J�rry Off�r, il Acting Plax�na.ng Camm�_ssic�n Secretar-� Dian� Jeldcrks, Tr�ining Plann�_ng Commission �et;ret�ry Lorrair.� Campbella I . 3 . .APPROVE 1�INU`�'ES �omm�.ssioner I�all�nd mov�c� and Commis�a_oner Sapor�a second�d to ap�r.ov� rcl:inutes of Mar°:Yi 22, 1993, as suk�mitteda Ma�io� carried by majc�ra.ty of C;ommissi�ners pxes�nt . Comrtission��s li Boone �n.d Maor� a�stain�d. j Cc�nunission�r Boan� mavec� �nd Cammissioner Halland sLCOndecl to �t�prn�cre rnirlutes of Ap�a.1 5, :1993, as suba-n�.ttec�. Nlo�ion i c�rri�c�. by majoriLy af Comma.ssior��r, prPSen� . Com�ria.ssit�nex� j Saparta abstained.. � 4 , PL.�INN�NG COMNTISSION CO3yII�tJNIC.ATIOI�S 1 . U�date ta Con�unuizi�y Developmc�nt Code frazn th� C�ty of � Tic�.ard � . R�CAP trom �I'ig�a.rd City Cotzncil 3 . I�ett�r f_rc�m M�rthz Bishop dated April 1Uth, �.993 4 . Letter fro�n Maxtha Fishop datecl Apx�il 17th, 1�93 I 5 . PLTBLIC' HEART.I�TG 5 . 1 COMPP.EHENSIVE PLAIV AM�NDMEI�T C�A 93-OOQ3 ZONING l�P � A�dEIVDI�TENT Z�N 93-0002 WE;S`T'W(JUD � r�c�u�st for a � Cc�inpr.eh�risiT,r� Plan �rrienc�nenL �rom Commerr.ial Praf�ssional ta � Gener�l Commercial and a Zc�nin� Map A�lendment from C-P � (Professional Commercial) to C-G (Gez�eral Conu�iercial pis�zict) ,� �c�r 2 . 53 acr�s (portions of faur par��ls) located to tl�ze vaest 00 of the Paci�ic Crassroads shc�pping center. .A��L:ICA�LE &� APPROVAL CRI'I'ERI�. G�nerally: Comprehensiv� Plan Po1i�y „�,� 1 . 1 .2 Irnplementatian Strategy 2 and Community Developznent Code Section 18e22 . 040 .A� S�ecifically: S�atewide Pla.n.ni�.g Goals 9 and 12 ; Cc�znpr�h�nsive Pl�n Pa?�.ci.e� 5 . 1 .1, 5 .1 .4, 7 . 2 .2, 8 . 1 ,�, 8 . 1 . 3, 8 .� .2, 12 .2 . 1, and e�ri.c�ence nf a cl-:an�e in the neic�hk�orhood or community a�fectinq the d�signa�ion c�f th� prc�p�r�y ar evidenee o� a rnistake in th� curr�nt designatic�n.s . Page 1 - PLANNING COMI�ITSSI(�N MINUTES - April �.9, 1993 . �� I,C�C��TO�To 1 � �i� Fa�i��.c Hi�k�v��y ar�� u�:ta.r�g ��o���t�€�s (Pc�rta.ox�s o� WC'�'h�T 1�). 36�U, t��c lots 402, 500, 600, lOQO� 1��E5ENT ?(�NEs �-P (��of��sic�rxal C�mz�n�r.cial) zoxzing c�is�tr�.ct allo�s �ublic ag�nc� aciminis�rati�tre s�rvic��, �usin��s equ.�.pment sales ar�d se�vi.ces, businc��� �upport �erviceso �inancia�. and real es�ate servic��, � variety c�f affice us�s, and J.imit�d amour��s af c��ne�al retail salss, person��. servi�E�, and eatir�g �nt� dr�.nkinc� �s�akalishments . �ROk�O��D ' �ONE: C-G (Gen�ral Commer�ial) zoning da.stri�t al.lot�vs ger�eral . r�hail use�, a �rari�t� of p�her ret�a.1 and service uses, �atir�� arad �.rir�kin.g �stabli�hm�nts, automo�bile sa]_ea and r�bai�, vc�hi�.le fuel sa1e�, arnong aathsr perm:itted an.c� ' coz�cl:i.tional us�s. � � J�r�y O�fe?�, �asaciat� Pl�x�ne�, review�d the staff repor� and made ��aff' s r�commend�xtiori for app:�oval . He sai� it is not.�9�1� that NPO No. � had no comzn�nts and the areqon 5tate Hig�wa�r h�d rio comm��.ts e I-�� said there is z�ot mucka at issue vai�h. a.ny uf. th� cri'�eria as zoning :is changing from on.e co�nmE�cia1 uss �.o another and th�rv is v�rv� little impact a�. �3�?s �.ixne� �;�atewide pl�rzniiz� �oals s h�ve been met, tr�nspar�.a�ior� i.mpacts ar� not exp�cted �a k�e c�zffere�nt, plan palicies are satisfied and th�r� seems to be adPqu�te capa�ity for nec�ssary pu�lie �aciliti�s . J�rry Off�r �aid tha�. the a�aplican� had met t�l�ae�.� �aurden o� px�aof. in fi:l�.at all. criteria hav� been m�t and th�t circumstances ha�re changed enough #:o vJ�r_rant the zonin� change. � Commissioner SCY]VJGlfi7. asked Jerxy Oftcr to c�arify General Commercial. zanin�, Jerry �ffer e�cplai�ned that G�nera�. �ammercial allows a var�.�ty of x��tai�. uses rzot allowed in Cc�mmereial Protessional, as well as al1 af the use allcawed in �:he Commercial Pr��essional dist;rict e �iPP�ICANT°S PRESEI�T'I'AT:CON � Jeyry F�y, �laiiager of Developm�nt� Tnle�tvaooc� Corpor�ti.on, 3030 SV� Mooc�y ?�venue, Pcrtl.�nd, Oregoza �7201-4897, explained �hat a r�tail c�nter would l�e ]�uilt on the site. He di�cuss�c� hcaw chanc�es h�ve taken place i.n the area requzring �he change in zoning vahi.ch is alm�st ala. zoned C:-G. I-�P said whi�� th�re ha� � beez� a tremPndous growth �f retail a�ti�rit�y ii� thc ��ea, �here has been hardly any demand for offi.ce s��ace d�velopmenta � Naomi. Ga1lu�ci, 11285 SW 73cYa Aven.ue, Tigarcl was concerned � about a thraugh stre�t �onnecti.ng ta Pfa£fl� and �lso if th� � nes�v �evelo�am�z�t will bring about an inc��as� ixx propertv � taxes . � � a Hel�n Pfafflej 8225 SW Pfaffle� Tic�ard, wanted ta ]enow wh�t � wi�.l. be built on the property. She �xpressed her concern � regarcl�_ng t�e growth and traffic congestion in th� area. � APPLICA.I�TT`S REBUT'T"AL � Howard S� Stein., Assaciai:e, Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Trax�spartatian Planning/Tra��ic En�ineerin.g, 610 SW Ald�r, i�ar•�Iand, �regan 97205, said that fram their studies a changA Page 2 - PL1�.NN�ING COMNIISSION MINUTF'S - Apr'.il 19 0 1993 � �� . � a.� �.�� zoriin i11 x�at n�ces��rily a���� raf�3.c � � Commi��ione� Hc�ll�.rad moved arc� Con�r►issioner Bnane seconded. ap�ro�ral a� th� appl�.�ation anc� to �orward a recommerxc�atian Ln �he Cit�r Council for approval. of the 1Plan Map am�ndmera� and rez�nir�g rec�uests o 5,2 SUBD�tT�SION SUB g3-ao�8 PL�'NNED DEVELO�MENT PDR 93-0002 �A.TRIX/C,ASTLE HILL (�7P0 #7) A requ�st for am�ndments to the �.pprove�l preli�ninary Subd�.v�ision pl�zt and Pl.�nned De�relc�pxnen.t R�viev� con.ceptual plan fpr the e�s�ern one half of wha� was previousl� call�d �he Bu11 Mountain North development proposal �SUI3 50-Q004/P�R 90-000�} , The cur:rent proposal would ��ig�2�1_Y .�GduC� thu t���l nLizphPr of 1.OtS i�2 this d�velopinPnt � From what; was previo�?sly proposea �nd �rovide �or star��ard Ci�y o� Tigarcl local str�ets �ather than the pxeviously ' apprnved street netwoLk of x�arrower streets as we12 as alleys . No madifications are proposed to st�:eets or str.e��: stub loca�i.ons �long the perimet�r n� �he developmen� fxam� what had px�e�io�usly b�er� �roposed.. �'he clzrrez�.t pr�posa�. waulc� pravidP for 126 lots. AP�LTCA�LE k��VIEV;I C�RI�'E�2IIao Subdivision �� a�aproval criteria a Community Development C�de Sec.t�.on I� 1�3 .160 . 050; L�la.nr�ed Develnprnent Re�riew approval standards : Cad� Sertion 18 . �Q .120; Relat�d s�andardss Commur�.ity � Dev-�lopment Code Chapters 1� e54, 18 �56, 18 . 88, 18 . 92, 18 .1C?G, 1� .108, 18 . 150, an.d 1€3 . 1�� as we11 as Comprehensive F.l�n �al�cies 7 . 102, 7 .3 .1, 704 ��, 8a1 . 1, and t3o1 .3 , LOCI�,`z'ION: j Sout;h of the Walnut Stre�t extension and the Cot�wald subdivis�.a�s, w�st of SW 135th. A�renue (WC"I'NI 251 4B, �ax Iot 3200) ZONE: R-12 (PD) and R-25 (PD) (Reszdential, �.2 I unit:�/acre and Re:,i.d��tia1, 25 uni�slacr�; }aoi�h with tk�� � Pl�nned Dev�lnpment overlay aone) II � Assoc:i_ate Plai�n�r Jerry Off_Er reviewe� the s�.aff x�port and I said that the staff. report from 1.990 was revise� and he I -recomanended �ppr.oval . The NPO had no commPnts and the �exz,rice providing agencies said that tYiis was closer to the standard and tn.e type o.f develapment they like to see� He said tl�ey h�d heard same concerns about the ef:f�cts of the ongnin.c�. II d�v�lopment bu't nothzng direci:ly relatec� to the design c�f �he 5L1rJC�1V1.S1031. Staff recommended moc�ifyin� the COTIC�L1t1C�I1.5 . � Gena_ra]. discusaion ensuecl about Candition No. 17 and wvvhat ' �treets will be improv�d hy the Applic�nt . � i APPLTCANT'S PRESENTATIC�N � Larxy �.Tork, Director of planning, Matrix Dev�lopm�nt Corporation, '1160 SeW. Ha��lf�rn Road, Suite 100, Tigard, Oregon 97224-7771 h�s m�t with the NPO and there is no oppositian, 13e cancurs with the staff report and the revisions, wit12 exc�pt�.ons to Condit.ion 2Q . � Jer�r Palmer, Alpha �ngine2ring Inc. 9600 SW Oak, �#23a, Portland, dregan 97223 , explained ho�N thPy wou.�d like Item 20 mac�ified. Page 3 - PLANNTNG COI�II�TTSS:LON MI1'�Ii7TE5 - Apri1 19, 1993 > ��, � � Paul Ft. HQ�f_ , �.�9�5 a�1 ���rz 5�.�e��, �r.d, 97223, �a� conc�rne�. abc��� �lrainag� to his ��'c�p�rty and. he �eqa���ted tlx�� a ��.ub ��r,��� b� rna�red ove� �.�r�n���-f��v°� ���� o APpLICANT'S R�BUT'T'�,�, � Je�ry �alm�r, Alpha �n�ineering Ta��. , s�id th� drain�g� cours� whi�Y� Pa�a3. �of fxnan point�d �c� on the map is r�o� th� one t Yiat ���uall� go�s �c� P�ul �c�f�m�.xa°� p�'o�ex�ry a1�k�.tsugt�, �h�.r� zs d�°ainag� c�ain� t�a Fau�. Hof fma�n°s �rop�x�ty a How��r�r, ix� �che �reliminar� ciarainag�e p1ar� t.he� hav� <�c;ccarcr�o�a��d fdr ��.is ci.r�.izx�g�o He �l�a s�.id they are vaallin� ta znave th� stu�i st�e�t connee��.�n to the ea�� o (� `�'�7.E'. YCI��O��.�;�' O� �17.E? ��ITti'Ct1.SS7.Ur'1-G'�°S :�c1'SP01C�C� ��1� 1'��'f�pC75c"��o U �CJIrii'[i3.:S1C)11-G'r' '�3C3U11E: �S�pZ'@a�"a�'C7l CC>TICG�'31 z°2�c'��°t��%1� tz°F���1C a�: ��'1�'. 135th �.nd �ntalnut c�n�.ection. � Commi.ssic�n�•r T�o�.1.�r�d mav�d and Ct�mmiss:ia�.er_ �Iooxe s���ndc�d �o app�'a�� Su'�c��.�,ris�.un �3--O�JS and Plarix!ed D�v��J.o�merzt PI�� 93�-OQ02 fax• 'the Castla Hill � �. 3 subd�va.�a.or� sub;j�c� to �Iae followinc� �odifiee� caz�da��.ons as recomm�nc�ed ]ay t�ie st��� an�1 the App�.a.c�nr W 2. . An� tr�� removal or �rac�inc� on �his �rca�e�ty must be a�apraved by the P.lar�ning I�ivisio�. througlz appr.c�v�l a� a t�'ee xemoval pe�:�i� and �p�roval saf t�.� �radip�g �al.an. '�re�s o��r six ia�ch�:� �.n ciia�n���x sha.11 be �emoved only a� n.ec�ssa.ry �;a construc� �tre�ts, �atil,itxe5, �ri.c1 �esid�nc�s . Tree ��moval p�rmits �i�.1 be n�C�ssazy for t�a�o �tag�a : (1) �ight-of-°tv��r �nc�/c�x c.���ne-ral site gradir�g; and (2) lot �re��r�tian. Th� a�plicant rnuy b� required tc� pr�vid� �o� an ar.kaox�a,st ta r�view th� �ilari� Eox gx°�.dinc��x a�.d �r�e pro�ec.ti�n. The axb�rist ar i:he P1a�.n.�.r�g ��.v�.sion �nay prescribe protective sne�su-res for 'crees to bP reta�_n�d on 'che sit�. Areas z�c�t �ave�ed ��r s�ructures or impervious surfaces shall be re-vegetated , as soo� as pcss�ble after com�lEtion of grading. 1� co�y �f the tr�� removal pe�mit and approved g�ading plan �hall be availabl� on-siL� clu:rzr�g al.l tre� �Pmaval and grac�ing �^ activitiESm STAFF �ONTACT� Plax�ning Diuisio�.�o � � � 6 . A ona--foc�t.; �r�ic�e non ar_cess r�ses�vP �t�i�a or � plat nt�te �rQhib�tin�r a.��e�s from all bua.�dinc� ot lots to 5C�1 Waln�zl, axac� Stn7 135th shall �e �t provided. I � „�� 17 . The applicar�t sha11 prav�ide an on-sii:e wa�er� t�tzal.ity facility �wi�hi n 'I'xaCt � and T�ac�s B and C, if npces�axy, a� �st�.i�lished ur�dex t1��� guidelir�es of Unifie�. S�w�rage �c��ncy Re�olut�ion and. Qr_d�r No. �1-47 � page 5 - PLANNIN� COMNlISSTON MTNTJTES - Apri1 19, 19y3 .� . � !, �e u�a.on and arcTer No. 91�-47 �, 20 . � grac�in.g pl�n shall be subrnit�.�d �hc�v�ing �.h� 'I eac�.stinc� an�. pro�osed cari�nurs �nd �minimum �.ypical. �loar �l��atars ti�d i:o the 'to�a of I �u�b �1e�ations as �hown on the nublic i.znprovemen� g�lan�. M 6 . OTHEgt E3USINESS � `7 e .�JOLT���TT: M��t iizq ac�j ourned at 9 :0 0 �M. . r i r' � � L� \_ a. � I Lorraine Camplae:t.l � � /�' Plarining Coznmission Secretary � A'�"I`�S'�': �" /' Prs��.dent M' r� �r_� � a�i��-��.�s� I � i , I � i� � Page 5 - PLANNING COIMMISSION MI1V[7TES - April 19, 1g93 i '� ' �� ��' 8 � ���ve��6 �����9 ��...�r � � �� i.���i '1'T 7SC�$ � R.�. 6O3C 370 3�He�h1�(5��)63d 0�0 �°��1�� 1 BEAO/�RTON,C7ffi�Gf?N 97075 . �y�' �•'�'"� , _ s �f�llaswan���*il,�cr��a��by�h�'�����e�as��;j{ '�``, >; ' ,, �.���2l� �0���� �,P������$'9Fig �'`U!%1�JliSSeUl1�d!�.�t�,9.��� �[ ' ��p..—�Vl At khf:`(�4�8i(��..'lVP��'Ci0[8r ' ' 'i'awa��i�li,r���l���,��,V H�a E��udl,Tjg�ad,,0a��a�ra,�esdh P�s�t��.crra�are1��: �.,7.� fJ� �L��. c'3�� � � 5�!GiE�.'4�"��%r°��A�dY��'fl��,��v ''��„",��fD�7��R���tY�➢���61M1���'a�'iClf'! � � '- �) p� '° 6aD &9d3fS6J��[9�PmE11 "y� �1 �y r yG, p i. -�'—..• -•' .Pn :L.na: Fv+ � .e: J , f7 9R'���bl�iJ�d��.��r�����.��°�lLil 5�bt����✓'✓.�',1��.����p���d�'`�f.L1A �iB4 1 l,�di136�7.;i A�oun�s Paya:�le--T��ry � ,�Iu��cdpar�sxi���+d r•�tics a�dapro�eduxes mf�he�'l�t�ing��;�tntrie�s�on ,' ��g S �[�'] �]�7 �I • � �Du lac�te�,f�sd�� �aa�i�►��.������c�are�ssu�an rso�oe tiy,i�t�ee�arec��►�;�s�a�pg�a�o arad ,L���✓ tJW C7KAi� �A�Y . '�ig��d' OR 97�2.3p�:199 � �'aaltar���+s�tec�fy the�r;f�rqo�frot�th��C�r�anu�ti�jr Dswel�apna��+����`or � � CUt���Gke�,�assv�.�l�at,u�hss.h�;�oc�rra�ni gs d��'��t,r�pr��tad�s,��a a�g��` ��s�a�e��a.tla�����t����ra ��e�r�6a�c'as�f��rn�tio��ii��'��o'�t�xa��d;�`rra����� �'I�nen�^�3��rESf�ih da�3 t?�5�Ykd' f�t�!�Ivd,�'r���q�r��cf��7�2�,�r by� ; �a��e��;` �'�4�7:3: ";� ; ; ��'�� � _ ; - PA.i��.:�,�'I�I��I?3�S .` ' �:( �, - AF�9�AVi� CC�� I�t��LA�A°�I�PV , ����� �� o�����, , �������1t�.i��r s'��t�� �t����.��:��.��'���'������R �c������a�vva�t�dr���r��, ,��. �.�9s?����1c/��������,(r�z��'���q���.�+���,e��e��.; ��Ju+3�.�h �,o�h�.e� _ c�¢h���pro�r�d gr�lien��,�Su��,v�ss���p�C�er�k���+�d�Te�i�lo��'a��� ; I�ev►��✓�o�c�gta�I��as�fc�r��e�ster�a;w��Ir��f���aha����s.grr����a�a�fly ��in� f�r�8 e�a�By �awaar�, d�pc�.�+� ��d ��y�6��t i s�m 4l�e� ��v��ti:�in� �,al��� th� �tali I"vt�+ea�6g�,��re P�c���6��d�v�l�.p�et��•�xc��i�sa� ��iT13't' Di�ectar, ��hss�ria��i��l ci��6c, of it��s.�.�.c� �`i.rn�� , �� �/���t 90�) '�e��r��t prt�(�'1��1 w�ti1��ls��e���dttce�t��`.: � ngwrsp�p�r a� gen�c,�0 circ�p�ti�� �� d�fir,�d in t�F�S ���.i��� `c��€�1��i�irrs��a�l�t� e�;�hRS+�D�v��c�,pti�e�t�x��¢t whe�5�+��°gR��rioa��ty'., ��rd �93�.a��; ��tsSi��red s��� �-���' +ra�h� `�r���Qd�nd'gs�v��e�f�e st��ar�,;�dty s�f�'agat��a��$..��'�e�a�th�x th�n � �fi�r���6�t �c��jro ��� �Bs�ta�; h�t�he �h�pr�va�a�,5�y��,�t��eai sd���&.�t�k�work:e�f e��xa'a���$str�t��s wr�ll a�s�d- �r�n�/�.3���]C�.J�/.'_������ ie�s. T�sa r��cl�irc�sa�r�s:a��ps��aa�d ic���reest����s���k sk��;��a��tior�s . � p�dRt�d c��apy �� w�hich i� i�ere�to �������d, v��� p��bi�$hed ir� th� along th�pea�i�n�ter of th�dev�logm�nt,�tcse�r�1��f h�r���vi�s�sly��ea ? t� w� �°ca �sea�. 'A'he cu�a�e�s r4 ���1 r��a�� ����d� ��i �.���ots:.��'- ' �ntir� d�s�� caf ��6c! ��ev� � g���sr �� �a�c�e�sa�+� ��sd p P P P' ��.' t' � P �L�C���.�I��V��V��I'!'�RT.�N�ee�D��ra��a����px�v�l c�6��i�o�e��� : nr�unit �v�d�s �a�ee���t�de���i�d� 1��.�4a�f�0, �l�ua�i���v�le� ��nt � ca�n��catir��s i� the�as�6��in� is�u��: Y i� y ,�.;.;. ... , R. �tev�erv�pp�v��t�sd�%r� �,as����ti�a�a ���4 f�,l��lat����ard�: A�aril $9 49�3 C�a�i�u�s"�y Iy�ve�trpai�e���c�sd��hap�:�rs���rSA, �8`.�(. 1��S�ti 1�:92, : ---- -- a�.1Q0�.lx.l(��R:��e�.5�+„�ad �.�:1�4�s �ve9'���C:caei� rei��t��i�v�I�1��a� P�flicie�7.�.�;�03.1,'�.�.�4,� �.";�,�t�� 1 � .�?��A"�'��Y�I �s3��e'���i�e ' _ _- W�Inuc Sur.�t ex.��nsic���t.�a�d���aa?�����t���+a�a�a�s,iw�e�t��`'��' �35th: � Aven►�e(1��i 2�1,4�i,�uc�o�'i2+�).�d��>;� 1��T�)��d Re2��fl'D) � (I2�si�e:atsa9, 12 uni&�/�C�e aaaz4;��s�Q���d�t�6t�',L,�`.t�nB�i��r�;��It wi�h the � �'1�aar�e�!I�v�icspn�ent c��r�rl��+�oia�) � � ;` sa�bs�ei4a�� �asd �w� 2o b�for� ayea thi��t�2 t]�y �f Ap�iI9 �993� ��a "' � - '� L ��,�; --,� � I?dIVAIVCE A���.���` ` � ���i.��r'$' �'"- rn r he�sav�F;�n ,�m���A�e�g;fr���������e�� �Sa��'�SS�imn�,f:to� �c►8a�r��bBic gar Cbreg�� Ger��;ral�'o�r�er�a�l�'d sz�;�1�t'��R �n����n��rc���-.�'�o�es- : S10Yi�I C:�31Y�QYt�f�1��E��`C.'s�CN£�1§�°iC��%P�IYy�l�l$��.�S�CY��'DL":L.5�,��r�s : R��Caa►��e���6ms��xpa���: �-y—�,--•-�� (g�03Ykfli)Il�Of.�QIIIT�$p'��IS'�1���I�4R���t�t a�sR����kc.C.r�ssra�ds . ���1��'V�'1' sfsc�p�zin�c��ei�r.���I��:�3x.,�t�.�?'�€�'�P�'���'�'�I�I�p C'a���rt�li�+: , G�ar��,reM�gksi�r�:���1'���y �,�v��t� ��`��t�����€r�ie�g+2=�red Ca�=, ms�tlty T����ls�p��e���c�d�.�����}�'�Q'��.�y.S�i��al1�:Scafe�vii�e f�la�►a�a�g Ga����rad;��2�;�ac���a�a�,��aa4i�rr,�:5,Y �B S:I.�,fi�t.2, �.1.�y�.�.3,�.�.�8 �i�.`,�';L r��.�i►t Of'��ll�ttj�C,�"RhC t��ighbolCilorit�2 or es�r�ur�un�ty����ir��;t�s�d���n of�b�prugaec2 o�ev�denc�of mi�E���n�e:��e��des��iso�s I�;+�T,1()�T, 11745;.��P�ci6�Hig� w�y��ab�adiira�prcap�etae��u�ns;Q�';V1��TM!1S13t��„taac�o��4d32,.' ���,�0�, �,Af1U}•PR�3�YV'�'�(�N�:C=�(Pr�ffessior�aS�t��sme���aA�. z�r�i��siistc�ce s�lo�rx,�ubl�a��ney���dr��En�stra�%ve sees����.h�3�a�s�- ��ipm,e�a�ss�t�s r�d"seiveces�`,'-b��gs�a9,e��s�epqpso�re s�rjvi��s,;6�aacsQ�fl i��#r��et WYII�W�M1,.+���MiR9 fi •�.RS�+�Ai ai�/SlIM:��!�l���YI���R7+1aswP'1,��V��j1i��i�6 . Qrctanl s�lcs,p�erscnn�,ser�rece`s:�aad�tiag and dre�lcing�s�bl�shment�. iPl�d?P�Q����t3�:+�-G4(Ci+�r�t��o�'eog►�iaej�om3n�diatricti.�llows ge�ner�retsii ui�es.��varaety of ot�►'re�il�f'�rvic�u�.e�td��s��d ' deinic�ng csta�rlial�msn�,a����a,��aTa',ve,4ef�le$�i�cs, ama�n��ar p�mit�od��d pa�l�u�� i` `1'T7�D8-Pub�i'h A�ril�s A9�' �., _-- �.. _ I I IsI�NAlII�C� C�I�€E��YC?2� R�Y,� C143.Ya ��� ��T�s ��-19- �'3 ����x�� ���� ��3� � � ��� ����� . � � �����re � �w�a i 1�.4dLIbA/ii Je e .a a<ei� I 17�1A'�6AL07d Y8 a r3'MiJl\db ld.4TiCYSA� ivRRBee�Ai°u^^ I � iWVl`V 6AW3b6A67119Ad I'8��688tl 1�4R/�'R1V I iSiS6�6Fi s�Ll.A'6Ad�did I. 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A.� x�a�t�d �n �.h� I �p��.i��n�'� ��.�����z�t, pu�+�..�� ��•�.��i� ���r�.c� �.� ' �v���.��1� �l��g P����f�� &��.r����� �b�t-�a��ac� g�a� ��.�.c�o I � a �h� �.a��t��ar�al. cri�����.� �ar t"�����1 ��s���c�.�]. us�s I� ����.��i�«3 �.n �c��.a.c�r 1.2,2. �. rsf ��:� �am���h��si�� P.��� a�� �I i �a�a��i.�d �a� fih� �a1lor�ai.nr� r����n�» I �. �h� ������� ��e� �.� x�o�: ��a�x��aa�d��. b� �ES.ir3��a���.I �I d��r�l�p�en� r��. �no�� �.�an �t�r� �a.���m T�����o��, �h� ' �, s�.�� ���i��i�s t�� f�.�.��t �.a��a.°�iaana�. ��z��a��.ra�.r 'I � �cra.�er�on �r � 1) , �a�.x�rc���di�xc� g�ra�a�ar��.�� �.�� zcaxa�d ', � �or �s.t�e� ��z��al C�a��x�i�l �x�� t� �;:h� ��.�� �x� �. �onue2��cs�1 F�����aic�n��, a��� .��. ��.1 ��.h�r da���t�.+�x��a � "� b. A� r�i�a��as��c� abo�re �n��� ������r3.c�� Plax�.xiin� C���. ��2 � a�x�. I�la� PoJli�y 8. 1.a 1, �t��� �aes rnot f�.nd t�.a� �.k�� � prc�pc��ed �e�aera� �or������1 r�d��ic��raat�.�n r��a�..�d r���s�.� in ��.l�stanti.�.l. �.�.c����e� a�n �:�a��.�� oxz �ci��a��Yi�* ��x�ets �x�d i�t��s�c��.c��s �r�ci �ae�ule� �.�� ����" ]E��c�z�� � CF�. 93—O�fi3�ZC�N �3��Q0� � '����.�7�Q1D ����, � � p II I I II �rnd�.�� �������a��� �s�i��a.�c� �Gr�f�ic cc��xg�:���.�n �a I, ura��ti�f��tc�� l�ev��.� �r i.racr���e �x���feic ��.fet�* 'I conc�xaa�. �'her�sf�r�, �ta�f �on�l�xd�s -�Y��t j :�acat�.�r�al a�a.t���i�xa 2 (�.) �.a ���is f i�d o �k��.� �ra.�.eric��. r�e,�aa.��a �l��t �Yr� �edes�a.gn�t:�on �z�t ������ �dd�.�ioraal ���af�'�.� c;�ra�ez�t�.�n o� � ��f��y px�ea�l.�ma �i c. °��e ea.�e i� 1.es��.��d c�a� �� �a�;�s.c H�.�h�a� ��.��h 3.i� �.esigma�e�l �ra �r��ri�.l, sitre�t b�r th� Cs.�cy of Tigar«�°� °��a,r��poxt�ti.�n ]P�.��. A�p A �l�er�fr�r�, th� �r�pa�al is �t�a��i��er�t �i��a .Ic���t�.c���1 ���.t��ia�n d('r,j �a��:b �::.�;�.���? �.,�n�r��. �a�n�����.1 ��.�.�� tc� ha�a� riiJC��t �.����s �c $ x�a�o� �e91�.��to� �����t ar I ��t��i�l s Ac�es� to th� �ite for any� ��x�u�°e r��v��.Q�snn��.t �aill bc c�e��:�na���� ���ouc�h the j d�v�l�pm�n� ��v.��w pro����, ��.t�i��c�I� �.� is .1�.���.I•r t�x�.�. �1�� or�ly fe��ib�,� �ap���tuha.�� �.s �mr �h���d ug��e c�� t�.e exi.st.�nr� cirA�v�:�a� f��sxra t�i� k�ac�.��.c C���s���d� sh��api.x�� c�x�w�� �t� P�ci.f�.�: H.�ghv���a c�o IP�xb�ic ���rns�c��•��.tio�. is �v�i1.a��.� ��. ��r7 ��aci�i� Hi.gh`a��r i� f��n.� a� �2�� �it�, th����� �a�i.s���.n� � 3�o��ta.ost�.I �r�.�e�.iar� 2 (�j . �a °".C?�� � .�3 �.c�� s�.�� �� �r� aa��q����� �i�� t�c� ���c�s�ncaeia�:� ��a�� c�� �c�� axs��z ��x�i�tea� i�a th� C-� � �c�r�iang �ii��:�i.��, ����-�b�r ���i.�f�r�.ng e:x�.-����ox� 3��j . �. �h� r��a}����� ��.�.c i� h�c�h�.� v���k��.e �'.�as� SG� F�c��a.c I Hic�hwa�*, th�r�by� s�tiy�y�.r��g �r�.•�ex�,o� 3��� , �. �o�.���.�.b:il.i.��r taf thas ��.�� uri.-�h ad����nt u�e� �.s dz�f��ult te� �������a.n r,�i�D��a�.�. aaa ��tta�1 d.�v��a��nent prcpo���. �r �t 3.ea�t �h� s���i.fi.c .i�t��d�d ���. Iit�va�:v��co the �zi�Ir €af �ii����'� s�.t�t� i)���l�psn�Ya.t , Re�a.�v�r �nc� �arac��.�iaxaal �Y�r� r��rg�w ����e�s�� a�e I a.x��.�nde� t� prrs��.c�e �a� �p�ox�u�i��y� �ox r��ri�ra raf a i �+cat��t3..�1. �l���lo�m��t°� r�����.�xa.��ii� •ari�� ��a acc�a�.� ���.�ting u���. ������e th� si�e a���� �n�gr ��.he� c��un������.�.� a��e�ic�rz�.�ed �+rc�pe��y �nc� �a��� s�.�����, e:cam���a.}�ili�y a.ss��� �ec�arcl�n� fut�re el.�v��.�kya���a� �+rcauZc3 be �r��.ic�.�a���3 �.a b� mi.rair�al ��ce�t c,�i�h ��c�a.��. �� �r�.f�a.� cr�n���r��. °�h�re�o��, ����� fimc�s �hKt� i� .�.� ����a�aa��.e tc� e�p��t latex c3��el.e�prn���� ca� ��� ���� �c� �a�t�.�:£� c�it�rg� 4 (a� tTaxoug�x (ci) e Ira arder �c� ap�axsa�r� �. �S�si--���..�.�i�l am�e�da�.��a� �s� t�� ����. ar�d i �a�ing ma�a�, �h�e Ci�� z�axst �7L�o ���d �h��. t�er_� i.� �vide�c� �a� � a. ���ng� ��a ��x� ��igh�c�nc��ocl �r �casn��an�.t� valizc� ���e�1:s th� pa�ccel. p;.ltern��ivel�r, �t]�� C��y m��� find �.�a� th��c+e h�s �a��n ' � �n�.st��� or a.sa�on�is�.�nc� wi�h x�garr.�. to �h� ��is�ir�a�. 5'�:�'�` REPC�I�� � C�A. 93-0003/��AV 93�dQ02 �- b�T��'2'WaC�17 ?�,.���; � i rle�ic�n�t�.c�r� �� �h� }p�r��l (�or�pr�hea��iv� �l�n, �e'��.iann� 2, �c�l�.c�r �.. 1. 1, �anplem�r�����.dn ���at�gy �o Ccsa�aan�.��r D��r�la�nbr�nt �adt� ��c�iara 1�.22m040.A) . Th� ����.ic��.t'� sta��nn��t a�����ts �h�.t t��r� ��� Y�av� b��n � ��,��a�k� a..ra ��x� �r�.ya,na�l C�a��r�i�l P�������.�nal. c3e�i.�n��ian o� �hi� s�.te �in�� pa�ae�.s c�n ��t�h�r �a.c�� �f ��� �si�� �1�ng Pae�f�� ��gh�r�y as°� de�ia�a�atec� �n��al C�r��r�ia1 g �nd �h��efo�� �k�i� �gt� ax�i.gla�: lxav� lb���a mc��� lc��i�a�11� l�e�x� i d��gg��z�t�d �xae�al �o��r��.al. ��.��� �.�.nd� ��C�t ���.� .�� ax�a� a �t��a�.c� arc,�m�nt �nd �ha.t �io ��.��.d.�n�� h�as h�e�: �a��s�rat�� a�� �ra �.ctaaa�. an�.�t�k� in r�e�ie�r����.ond � In �dd•e t.ics�, �:�e app����r��t°� ���a�.�m�:�at ��sex�� ��a� �.���� �aa� �aee�. � �xa�i�t���ia]. �laax�ge iaa �h� ma�k�� far laxac� �ca� ��ab��bars c��f�.�� d��r�lt�pm��n��a T�� �����a��sa� n�at�� t��� �Y���� �.�� Ys�ex� ra� .�n-�����t .�n ��Y� prag�x��r v�s�� �la� p���. f��r ���r� ��il� �..t �.�.s �5��::a ��xke��d e 7�h� �-ta�t��e�t nca��� t��t, b� ��������� th�: ��r�C�� �car �����.og�a�l� ���ail 1�a�d i� €�t�ra�r��a t�t��� ��a�1�.��.�i�� I�� �car ��r�p��l��a��i�r� �la� .�n�ras�aiex�t;� �a�� �c�ne �h��n��� ha�re an�d� � ���.l�x ��°�.u��nt� ��th �����d t� �k�ar�c��� �n ��.:���s��x���� I ��Z��i�� �cs �h�n��� �.n a�a�r7c�� �l�anaaad< ��ae� ����r ha� �r��ric��s�.�r I a���g�t�d ��a��� arc�ax,n�n��.�, �.n :��x��: c����, a�sl ��e��e�'�ec� tY���a i� I ca����s e :�za ��� �a�� �� �.h� A.�.��e�a C's�a�p��h�n�.�v� �7��� .�a.�ns�a��.� � ��s��o���. (��.�. 92-��d�p6� ���� ��al.�o ��a� ����.��i�n ���c���e�i � I ��a.la� �r��n.i� d�� �� e�r�.d��r�� �sf �t�.�� ��ca�e����� a� I, ����n�aaa�c� Rmad �.n. th� ��d�.��� ���� c�� �.1��� �u����t �.��� �.a�r�.nc� !, ��a���1yr �e�n ci�v�.lo���3 �:�'�� s�f�i�c� ��c��, '�i�h ��� A�����c�� '' ��.�n .i��ra��nt (CPA 92--f�00�) e�� ��.��. ���.a�.�.�am Rc��.�i., ��� C�+un�a.�. ', ����p��d � ��m�.l�:.r a�cc��x�t �aax�.a.a.��.y ����ut�� c�f ��.� ab��nc� i ssf ����� �i��ic� d�����a��nc�rn� �r� �h� �.r��a of �ka��. �z��o �t�aff � f�.�d� �4�� �u��e�� �.��u�tir�a� �c� �� z�a��� ��a.�.�.� �.ca ��� l�.x�cier�oza ', s�.�u��.�e�ax� St��f .�� aaxa�����: �� �.�.� �xz�.����t a.ax ���r�l�a��.n� I o��i�r�s �r ��h�x� �oa►u�e�rc�:��►:� l��c�f�s�i�a���. �I���1.�a�xn�n�� a�yx�r���� ���� t�� sx�b ject �i��, ca� ��.������� ��.��a� S� Pa���a�� �Iag�.���. ', '��i��e h�� b�en little .�r��e���� .�xa r�ev��.e��a�ea�� a.� �e�x��r�:aa� �rcafe�sao�.al de�igaaa��c� ����t� �� ��c:�ra.� y�a��, �xe:eg� £z�� �onv��s3.on �f exis���� hrs��es tc� �s��.�.�. af�ic� aa���. �� ` th���fore �oncur ��.�� �.�a� �.�pl�.c:��a� th�t � �ha€ac�� a.n �a.�G�s-tance� r�ri,�h �°�ga��. fi�a z�€�r�C�� de�a�.axc� ����t� ���.c�. a��.� af i�ct �lh� si�te. �s� tY�� ak��en�� af �trsang :�P��c�n� �o �ain��in �1�� �o��rcial P�c�f����.on�IIC�P el+�s�ir�xa�.ticxx��, ��� ��.�x�x2��.g � �, Di�r�_s�.on finds t��t �i���r� is �noasc�k� ��x.i����:c� c�:� � ���na�� a.� � c;r�u.*ns�aa�c�� ex�st� �a ����ort t�a� ���u��t�� P1�xa ��a��p�it ,�y �xadi �anii�g i�i�r� ����rtc�e. I � � �y ��C�.��I�.�.°.�I�L�Y I � TYae �l�s��..�xae� D�.vi�i.c�n ��craa�m��.d� tha� �he P�a�ni�.e� �o�aa�i���.caaa I! � �c��ar� � x��coa�n�:r�ci�ti�ar� �a �h� �i.t�r Ca�an��.� fe�� �PR.CD�3�.L esf 'I Coan��:�h��a�iv� �I�.�x .I�imi�nd��r��. �PA 93-�0003 ar�d �a��.� Cl�a�g� ��� 93--t}00� bas�d ��n�a t�� farec�c��aac� �i�dir�g�a I S�°AF�' RLPC�RT � �P�, 93—Of3�3l�E��T ��-00(�� �- ��'�°W��D P��E � i � � � . I I i I i i � I � � o- ;, � � i � � II � � i � � II � �� � ��i � I i � � � �������� ��� � �a�l�4R�!'����C9V�8�� 9�°��� i�WR'YV'1�1��E�`��a�I AIV� ZC�IVE �����E �,�p�a�a��: ��s�w��� ����r���°���� ���������� � ��a��°���°��r�� ���� �� ��a�dy� ���ra�� I �'��'t6�rls�r �'1�'�g�� ��2£�'������' I i ���59•���y ���� I � � � � � �- ea� � �I � pr�par�d ��: I � 'V1/E�TV1�JC�� CC39��'�F�ATI�f�9 ra DE1fEL�PEF�� �. ��3E��°����'Qf�S 3�3Q �VW i��ody ���r�d.J� c�rtland� �r��z�n ��2C��-�F97' � i � �� !'I ; �� ��L � 6�1"E �° I I � I'I i � i. o6�T�����Tit"31� �r�d �la�KGf�i�lJ9�ID '� 'I iB. �l'8'f�iJ�%A`L C:4�st I��s9�� '� h' ¢ I � , A. sfiatev�ride Pf�n�ing C���Is �. Ca�npr�h�c�se�re �'lar� �c�9ie��� 818. E�ID��i�E �3F �I�Aa€�(�� �� �i615�i'�fCE �� li8. �1���/G��iY �� I �. ��'°C�C!-61!lI�iUT� II �. �a��i� �6�� i'l��as��e�ini�� ��p �e ��r�e�S �1li�p �I I �. 1"raf�i� ��a�d y (��rch '€, '����1 � i � � I � � I I , � N. �N�R � T9 R4 n �A E� R I `�`h�s is a propmsa� gm �h�n�e the C��pr�t�enseve �'1�a d�si�nat9�n� �€ �se ��rrespan�ix��aronf�g fe�orn��r���ess�onal�oa��r�e�d to G�a�erad��anrn�rcaad. 'I"h� site is lo�ated o� �."Vdd. �a�i�c Hi�hway be�v�r�ea� �� ��rist9n� �M�v��z�a ��r�ice st�t��r�to fitt��v�st and�°a���aG�Crc�ssroad��ho��i���ernt�r to th�eas�, a�'ivu$i .�e,F e��ba:vS� «�raN ra��a�$ CP'_(a "�'1,'� n���nyrRx� r�w::.'�a:uti� v�.aoa»'zsn�$:m��:�6v "3ar"ro'� � r ��a x=a� ' �cr�s. '1°his 2.�3 ��r�parce�dva11 b�cr�at�tl (thrc�a��h a lo�lin�ac�j�astm�rst}out of s�v�r�l p�rcels that no� cont�in a�ut �.43 �e�e� arad �hat are preseni�y I class��i�d as �-P. �fi is ca�ar aa�ter�t@a�� ➢e,�ve#�x� r�aaa�b�nin� f.�0 acres �ae� C��'o 'I'�� deaaaaa�d for sp�c��a.o�e� �-C� aaa �� iana��d'a�t� �e,� has b�n �d re�eaa�s s�eo�►�. �+I�st�v��d Carpocati�an d�ve�op�! i4�e �djac�nt I�a�i�c �ress�r���� ��cappin�Cerat�r iz� 1���. 'I"�ze ce�tur �as �lways had a ve�� 1€�� �ac��acy rata, a�d the �re� co�ntinues to gei��cat� a 1ot of ga�t�re.�t froa�x �t�te�Yiat retail tenants whca reqz�ire(i�r�e��l C':ognm�ercial zcangsa�. �y c�ntr«st, II �518 I�iICP %Y4➢W ��bl't.C� C-� $I3�$ Y€i �he �ub,�eU¢ �f�4s p�a�osa➢ has b�,e� �n �� m�rket for Anc�re thaa�two �rea�s a�d.�her�have b�en no pur�i�aas���f��s ra�a�de or �xpressions �of ia�t�cest ft�tt� � �s� a,ilc�v�re� ttncler that za�ai�a�. '�u�-�h�ra�c��ey I Appl'acant und�rstardds th���QSt�aa�ent�an�nts to�.h�C'orr�pr��a�n��v��'��n h��r� z�v�tved shan�ir�g 6and ��i�aa�tee� �rof�s�ionai �o�ni��r��al tQ o�h�r � cS�sig�n�xiasa�, �H1d�2a�'�t'I�3i1�i:El��t��/ "��i'�3�?ri OYBIl'�bU�iSI�TD��Qi l��d zs�neci I� Cel' that�as ��t 6��a� ��v�lo�ayg�. I il I I i �. � � � � � � C� a� � I � . s�, ..� ����c����. ���c��i� 'g'i,�Comm�snity I�ev�l�g�reen�Code pfovides criterla fc�r approv�fl c►��h��'!� Ivla�/Zorcang ames��m�nis. Z"he nCenns r�questec� by staf�ar� r�va�e�v�d i� �e follma�ving section: . �, ��a���ad� ��aa�1+1�� 9� �lv�r:s�fy��f e�ra�r�e�e��e ��cara�r�ay �f'th� �c�aas�racsaz� a�r�t38e �6arsning �oas� s�eat�, VVe bel���re that �he pr�p�s�f zonin� rec;�siFcatiQn �ift GP����' a anc�re f�1d�CSi�� �ppoc-�un2ty for szr�all fi�us'sness�s �hat ar� nc�t aSlowed °en tlfle prafessi�r�a[ e�ma�er�ia� �a�a�, �ypi��41y, th�� Y�p� of bus�a�ess�s pe�f�r � fre� ���rc�ia�� i�caticrra �ca a ��ll �ravell� �eree�, '�'ka� g�aa�r�t �ot�me��aa� �os�ing �vii� ailov� �os� ��pees of �as�s which will ueilozG tt�e grope�� t� i�s h��h�.st and bes� i�se �.vdel� � prtavide ttee greate�t �oCe�tia� for �us�n�s s�rc��s. VYe s�ppaei div�rsification and b�lieve that �oa3 is mast �i�eiy t� be achfeved g4'cert�zr�areas contain cornsistent us�. Spe�itica�ly,�'aci�c�€ighvvay is prim�rily e�nimea�c'sal and is I�kely to coragin��to at�ra�ct �atk��r r�tail �as�.�.. 'I'S�ae �-� zonin� of ehis p�rcei, ancl a� o�c� d�v�logr�eE�i und�r ��t�ocei�ag (uihiGh �s �zot�d belc��, gs raot ti�cely ta oGCUr an tS�� r���r �uutc�re), ���z�iy c��ate pote�tiaP cot�tliet�, q�a�tic�aiaK�y v✓�t� r�s�ae�� ta �r�fi�c. ?viQre�v�r, th� f�ilure for �raray years to dvv�l�p e��i� p�c�l �or a�� ias�; g�ran�t�� �r�der ihe C-F' zane, �t�c�v✓s that pr�sent �or�i�ag ps z�oi achievir,��i� g�aB of ira�p�ovin� the �caa�omy. �aa� 1Vo. 12 � Prowia�e �ssrd �a���a�ara,�� a sa,�°�y C'OA&V�'Yi.X�'FP� aa�el e�+a�v��a� draaxsp�rCsa��r�systen.a. W� b�lieva that the er�rasportati�� elem�nt ps saeis�ed b�caaase S.l�. Pacefc I�Iighway is z state highway with two zanes in each directi�n�d aa► ampfl�➢e� turn median in ttle ra�addle. �e wili �€�t be asking f�ar any a€id'a�ion�R ���°b cuts b�t wi16 sh�re fh� existir�g om� that a�c�sses Ch� Facifir C�assroads �erater. Shari�g acc�ss is an ipnpc�rtarat gc�al of the TraraspcFr2atio�� �lar��ra,� I3�p�rtm�ne; the single ex�s�flng ��ar6� cut �ri1fl he�p assur� s�fe ongres� �� i ep;r�ss go tvvo �ndividuai piec�s �f p��per��r. i�J� also bel'rev� �hafi th� traf�'i� g�n�ra�� by any adclYtio��al us�s (pri�r,arily � retail) �hat wr�u9d b� p�er�itt�i �aa�der �� ^-C's zoi�� wi19 U� n� gxe�tter thariy � a��� in fact n�ay �� 9ess �az�, �� traffic ��nerated by uses n�w �errnitt�cl � under the axist�n� �-P zon�. T'�e rr�axi�nurr� �ot cc�ve�as� �fr5la) arBd 1he3ght � ��5 feet) �rre the �aarae xn both xc�ngr�g �l�ssgfic�tians. �ow�v��, �.he inaxirrs��x �' size�f ar�o�ce 6u�ldin�, �vhici� i�a�o�✓ p�r�itt�d�an�f�r��C-� zac�e, �aulsi � g� be much great�r thai� t6e likel� r�Saxic�aucn siz� af a ret�il b�.aldir�g, e���°sc�� �, e� would be perrnitteci earad�r �� C-(� zon�. 'i'tiis is b��ause the office buifldAng �I � coulc! be as high as �ree st�ri�s, tfl�us p�rr�itt9r��up tc� �g,t�U sq�aar�f���(as I show❑ ir� �t� anal�s�s belo�✓); by c�ntrast, the ret�il buildin� �voui� or�y be one story, a�ad the nnaximurn size �r�uld thus bs �bo�€ 30,� sqt�a.r� feee3. B�ec��se tha �ffic� b�sildi�ag woudd be larger, �e numb�r of trlgs g�r�er���i wo�a[d alsc� b� greatee, �.s as also �howr� b�ior*�. Th�t i5 vvhy w�� belie�� tt�� �h�n�e fro�n �-P zone to �C-G zon� would not t�ave any a�egative era�'fi�c impact. � +��c�,ra_j�:�t: C'-P• z�ne S�uar����t �'o�l I�d ar�a - 2.�3 a�res (�1fJ,207 square feet) - � storles �ith 1�,� sq. �t. �aatp��nt �7,!LiQ3Q - �arkir�g: �:1 ratao=2Q4 cars � 35Q �ct� 71,�l�d - Lan�dscapin�: 15 9� a�t�tal �re�°� 16,5�1 - �ide�+alks, Y•ec�iv�n�lsk�ippis�&, ��bag� � ��' 1�0,2,�'7 Trcz„f�'ic� �rteratimr� 'Ti�e following �alculatians ar°e �akers fl°OY"CY $}�8 �1�SI1fld9�OI1 �:�i1FI�� �T'T��i� Impac� Sheet dated �c���er?9, 199Q, avi�ict� ca�cuiates ��veekd�y�.vera�e gr��s . far t�� dafferent types �f us�s. '�'t�� C�ty af 'I"a��rd �cs�� this s�en� "�'���c Impact Sh�et in d�termiraing T.I.�. �e�s. �x�r�p�es �g tw� �txf4��rent t�rp�s €�f p�rtnitt�d uses �r� ��c�a �o�ir�� , cBassificataon: ,I fl. �-P Z�n� � CS�i�e/Pcst affice (S 1,� syuare Fe�t) , a. C'aovernra�ent off'ace�uildi�n�: �' b�.93 �Y°lp�//'I°C�S�: S1 x 6�.3; �- �,StS txzps ', b. F'ost c��ce: ��a.7fi srips�C��: 51 x �6.7� = �,426 trAps ��� i 2. C-G Zo�ie - R�tail/Itest�ur�nt (��,€6� sq�ar� geet'�) ' �. ��aecEalt� c°etail cent�r: ��, ��.6� tripslT°C�S�: 3Q x �U.fi� � 1,220 erceps I b. Shop�ang center ua�dex �Q9� sq��x� f��t: I 94.71 trwps/'T�a��': 3Q x �4.?1 = �,�41 tcap�s I , "� c. �'s�h t�rnover �it-�o�+n restau�ant: 100 frips/TGS�': 9.2* x 1Q4? = �'2Q trips � * P�Iot�: We us� 9,20U square�ee4 fior the'i'�SF' �alculatioar for tt��resB�urant � beca�se a typica� fr�e-st�nciin� sit-�dc�wra r�.�tae�rant {su�;� a.� a.� �iiv�Garden I � er �.ed L,obster� is be�w�en �,000 and 9,200 �quar�fe�t� � � �' z'his analy�is sh�w� that uses air�ady p�r!mit�e.� �zndPr the C`-F �on� �c��ld � likely generat� �or� er��c t�`aar� cetaii ar restauxa�t uses t�tat wmuld 1�� � permitted �►nder ttme �-G zone. �us, t3a� zor►� change should ha�e no � � r�e�ativ� �ranspor�a�ioa� impact. � � � �, tC�ar��areh���i�r� I�l�n .���i�,� 5..�.1 �lan P�BB�i�s 'i't►e piar� ame�dm�nt woa��d allovv a wid�r raas�€vf busir��ss�s to o�c¢apy tt�� sate thus cracrsasin��; �tae pot�ntiai for I�c�l jm�s �ad c�eat��� ar�or� div�rsity �han th� C�P zoa�e v✓o��d allow. Pingv P'n,�ia�v �,�,� "�d 'I`l�e plan arr��ndme�t tPaat we aa�e seeking dvoudd leave a bu�;fer zone �f�-P I acti�iCy between fhe C-C; a.o�e aaad th� res�dential zmc�ing eo t�ie �o�th. 'I't�is t��a�f�r, al�i�g w@f.h ghe��istb�a�strest (1'faffl�), should pa•ovis�e a s��x.irnam of �roteceion for z���rby r�.Fid�nc� fror� ar�y distur�C�nc�s r�lat�d ��u5� in¢ta� C-�'a zon�. 1°'1�� ��ii�y 7e�.2 Ti�e ar�a rs ad�q�ae�ly s�rved by al! the aztilata�s incladArrg sanitary se�ver, storrn sewer, wat�r, �lectrical power, tele��on�and �atura� gas. �I I P��ara .�oli�y S.I.X � Far this c�ev�lopm�nt �e would not �ae askin� ft�r €�i• r��,uiring aai add�tda�rsa� curb cut. This r�evelapment wili �9�are ac� acc�ss pair�t o�vitr.��he adjacera� r�tai! II d�v�lopmerst to the east (�'aci�i� Cr�s�roads Shoppirag ��nter}. Ti�is s�ar�d I �ccess pa��st provid�s a �ani�ti�opporh�niiy; �€� �a5erc�ent �gree�r�ee�t exe..�u2ed s��r�ral years ago �9l�ws the ss�bject pro�ert;� and �h� adjacen� P�cifc , Crossro�.�s S�ioppang Center �v✓hich is o�vn�cl by a� �n�ity related �o t�e I �pp9icant; to jo;ntiy use th� aGCess pain�. It seems �i�ely, �AC�wev�r, fi��e �.c� ', off�G�deve@��►ment unde��h�C-F r,or�ing woulci crea9:�adv�rse ia�i�ac�s o�t�hi� ���ess p�dz�t and �ould n�axignize 3:raffic �ain� into �nd ouY off t�ae of€�ce , ro'ect �t ��k rush hQU�s on I'aci�ic �€i hwa . t�lsc� we h�v� �evjodjs@ � J P g Y , P Y � s�,��rn that tP�e re�ai�dev�lopmer�t�nost 8ike1�+vvil9 n�t a�av��ny gr�a��r c�v�r�l I irr��act on the sEr�et s�stem than �s� allo�rer� in tt�e exisYir�g C-P �o�►�. S� �� the �raffic st�dy �r�parec� by K�ttiPson and As�4ciates, v�hich v�r11 be �� saabrr�itt�d b�� M�a�ch 9., 1993. �°d'can I'olscy 8.1.� a. 'I'his d�veiopmeijt zvdll ab�ut �public sYre�e. b. 'There �vas a d�clicateon that ir�c�udeci thas acc�ss pmin� at t&�e �ime due deve3aped the acljacent Pacific �r�ssroads Shc�pping Center eo the�t a�a F9��S. d. `Westu�o�d co�stcuct�!ra�w c�arb-si��wa3ks-approach�a�d s�arm systaz�es at thr tiane we davelope,� Pacif c Grossroa�s in 1384. e. 7['his developca�ent wi[i incorporate a4t of the ADA and handic�pg��� cequirement5. h. 'I'he approac�i and irrrprovemen�to �'scific b�ig�ay✓�y are iri plac�a�d �re ir�tended t� be le� as is. ��ese irr��provenies�is e�ere desa�r�� and a��r�ved durin�the adjacen�development a�d vver�ia�tendetit to s�rde�h�s � properCy whe� it was developecl. � 0 Pdaaa ]molfc�+ �,�.� We 6�liev� td�is polic� is satisfied b�cause the deve�op�ea�t is ac�jace�t � aea i�aJ�ro�red trae�syt w+ay and is pre�entl�r served by �'r3-Rq�t. _ �lc�aa ,�olacy .�2.2,1 - 'I'41e criteria�or G�raeral �;omrnerci� amd�'r�fessional Comm�rcial z�rvl��a.,�,ar� v�ry� �irnilax. I�c�r ex�mpd�, ttre criteaia u�nder the headin� of scale are ide�ti�a�. '�lh� cr���ria far fl�catior� ar� v��y sg�-e�lar: �otih des�ga�atir��,� st�t� th�t �he � deveiopm�nt is za�g to be bmrd�rerl by rasid�a�ki�E �i�t.6�.� �� xrnore �aan tv✓o s'sdes (t�e subject property vva�uld hav� no adjaceu� reside�tial distr9c�). '�'hhe �-I' crit�ria st�ees�hat�he ccsYnpreh��si�e plare�ap��es thu bot�ndari��o�'th� C-P area. ; I �e c�at�ra� g�r access a�•e identicafl �vit@� Yh� exceptio�� tf��t ra�ad�� a �-(a I �i�si,�natioe�, ghe site is t� hav� direct ae�es5 ta a r�aj�r �mllector oe �,rteri�➢ s�reeC, wfhich is t�s case t�ere. Also, rec��aia�� is public transpurtafio� t� �he sit�, dvhich exists da�re. I 'I'he crite�ia for site characteristics are �d,er�tical for b�t� C-� ared �-F' d�signatio�zs, and we me�t t4�e criYe�ia. � 'q°9�e criteria�or imi act as�essanent are odenti�al wi�th the exce tion tksat ue�der �9 P P li ., � � i n i n ihe ,c�1� f � ro'ec rn�ast e oar� i te �i � � �-C� !es at o s a o th � b c �t b th � P J P sucr�undin�ai�es. �'e certainly tl�ink that we rrseet t�is req�adrem�nt du��o tl�e I �act we have �-{� uses �r, b�ttt sid�s of the subjec�property. II `I'he site is �ally servesl wit� �ii the requi�ecP utilities. I'', t II . �I I �� I i � ' ! �lB. __,__� E'+�I�E�&C� �F C!°I,�nl�°sE ��i �T'AlC� �� , �i�t�FCe , 'f'f�e origimad ia�clusion of the subje,�t prop�rey evichin the Frofe�sionai �ammercial designation in the Co�prehensive Fl� (ar�d co�r�spondissg ��I� zon�ng) nray� �ave �i�en a anistake. Parcels on eith�r sid� a�e Cx�ner�l I Ce�r�a�r�i�(, a� �s �nosr�f r�►�p�op�rty�o��?�a�if�e, �ighway. Althou�h th� se�bj�ct proper�y was ine[u€�ed in �he ProFassxonal Cocnm�rcial desi��ation Yoge�er wieh the Gene�°a� IVd�tors prepexty to th� w�st (�nd with tte�parc�l� betriz�d �h� subject prppe�ty th.a.t �re o� �'f�f�le Str��t and �vflll r�main zoned �-k'), the sh�pe and size vf tt�e pr�rgex�y ac�d 'et, front��e o�a��caf�c �i,�hw�� are f«ctars tha�, ira Applicant's vi�w,v�vould taavs mad�d�i�na�aon�G�mer�l I �o�anercial rnore logica! ae�d c�nsist�nt eu�t� adjaceu�c prr�perti�s �d vv��a likesy dev�3aaprt�ent. C"har�g� of G'ir�aaarastances , �ince the Compeehensive Pl�n vras adoptetl arbd the sub,yect prap�rty was desi�n�ted Fr��fessianal�c�mcx�e��ia�, �he mark�t h�s chai�ged stabsgantial�y a�ad d��ve��spm�r�t.�f t.h�tyg�e of o�fic�pr�je��m�si 9ikely tn be develQp�ci oa� lan� zogiet3 C-� d��s d��reas�d sr�bstantia�ly in this are�. Contisr�ia��difEac�fltie� i�� ��ancing �new c�c��t�ietion �� s�b�rban offic� be�ildi�gs r�aalces s��l� � cleve➢opment eved��ess lik�Ey in Yhe a�ear•�ariare. "�"h���abj���propesty h�s h�e� � anarket�d for sal�for rreare than two y�ars, yet thec�has na�to our kkx►tocv�ed.g� � beec� a sin�;le purchase of�er �r any oti�er expressio�a s��intei•es� i�i �ase�P�e properky u�der the C-� zone. As the �i�y i� aw��, most �riger�dments to t�e� �CmmpreP�ensive P9ar► have invodved changes fra�n C-P to sc��� oth�r desi�na�ion. A�rp�ECar�t understar��is�liat die�ity has �n overabur�dance c�f larrc� zoraecd C-P that has not been d�velc���. � fiy contrast, we beli�va �he retail m�rket ►n �i� ar�a is stroeag. �ansumers �� have supporte,� retail goocfis �nc9 servic�s in both existinn and ne�'bu5iness�. Newer retai! d�velapm�nts have had hrtgh occupancy r�tes, a�d r�t�ilers h�ve ; succ�edec� beca�se r�f t�e resids�ts' desire for thear goods and services. !We � be3ieve there continues�o be stra�ng interest ii�retail developrn�r�t by retailers I a:rt! �h�i�• custoznecs. 'I'�us, ehz co�ntiz�ued strong dernaiyd f�r retzil �s�, � r�flecting a chan,�e �n n�arket con�"stio�as sa�ce th� prc�p�rty wwas c�riain�lly zoned C-P, makes a chang� to Ge�►er�l Coa�rnsrciat appropL�ae� at Yhls tims. s 1�. $11�.��.� Fc�r t��e r�s�ns stated above, `'Ves�wood believe� the property clas�i�Gation should be Gh�nged Yo Ge�e��l�omrnerci�l. `�'his ciassi�catiog�w�ill allaew r�aore t7�xit�ile�y �red �iv�rsity i� achievan� �'aal I�o. � (�div�rsity �e! i�pr��v� �h� �r�oarey of �ka� c,cynun�anity az�d th� et�t�). V�/�stwoc�d b�li�ves ��t P���i�� �ii�hwa,y is �e ar�t�rial that s1��u1� peovid� the access xo��t�s to �iabl� ��►d thriv�ng econo€r�ic cecaters. 'I'his prop�rty faf➢s within ttae ��cistsn� �r►d �tuee reta�l t►ub �t the east end of�a�Cit�. i7VV�ae�a the'Tigard T�ia�gl�devel�ps 4h� G�nerai Coraam�rcia,l distric� ar�d all of th� vario�as types of business ente�,rises ��� it�fows, �riDi cer�a�s�ly rnaic��.his �n econoxr�xc rr�agn�t f�r � multit�d�a�retait busin�ses. 6 � I � r � Z � � � � � � �" � � � � � --�� � a � � � '� � I'I!.i l�l i:.s i'- ' � � ���:v � �1�,i,�l' ��Ir;L �.�_ �. . . ;'�C`�r� � �� � �' � �..-• � ,„ ..- •i � K��.'.{:�\�t"�)�. ' / - �I�, �-"��'• •1' `� �_ ,�:,•���:- � � ' �( �� I�� � �� ` '� ,�.a,� � '�.F'r��: .�<, I% g�• �'� - :,� - '"S �dide .. u �X ;, �� .� ��� � �. _�tY.:-.-- ,. �,,_�o _�, e r` � t '';`'� _ c. `` - _—;,' �;-9=,—~ o-;� 1P� ,r� � _ e I ' e'�_�y� _ Ao7_ � ,s � � '���.��� -� ,a ���I!��j�ll!�f lal ����'�4 � a° � .,�F����__. �: ' / ` I��1��a��yt ��.I ,\ - � I� 'e� f:T.iF io1� � � ' 1 .�SIL��I• �' � ; �, efS i � i � • ��- � = - ...� � � � � a`= ._ . ��: ..Ill �Ll:;f 1��1 I _ — — - - - - M a >>,�'' 1� � • sE' a „a a � O ? ��� ; � �I • � �� � - �N -�`y��� °�� �� � � � f � . ,. �� -.��_� _- �� � �9-'_ ";__,— li � ------ 5Y- I � � `'� 1L � q:�i:� 9 ,�-'"- .,�; - _' sis�•ias'g..�.._c ;;� �e � i �'� 7 � � � r �......� �. I �I'�. �'�I� I L ¢��ry�, �I � �(; �'- .�l �SM°�[.sr,.a�i ^o �e�. t •� :�I. _�' A�ISLa� ! � ° ' I 134.�"�cf,oey 'D i . u � &'D^ (/} •••'\ �._.. _�i Vo Peer��.�.:�:�� :� � .. 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Peal� �-lo�r!/�I�arra�� . . . . . �� ' [���as�°o �-� I 'T'r�ffi� �lavv Afon� h°lic�f��v�;� ��Vi! . . . . . . . 3"7 ii ', ���� �fi ������ ����� , �2�istiri� F'.f�/i �Pa3c E�cs�r L��a�l �f��rvac�: . . . , . 1Q "d°��1e 2 Gc�rr►pari�on a�T�°9p C�en�r-��i�an �c�r Ui��reri� 9�a��rd �l��� . °37 T�#�o� � , �a�Ss�rc��nd 1�94 F'.�v� F'��.�C F-��ur ��J: +�f�E� C��ab ��c��� , �3 '', "t'���i � Tot�i �utur� °f99�� �'.M l���€c i-9ra�rr L.�� �nri�g� Cut� Fc��ads , , :�� , "�'��9��9.y Levei �fi S�rvic� ��fini�ic�ns ��i�s�ali��d Ir�t�r��ctitsr�s� . . �� l'��9� � [��a��9�ofi�Servic� �rit�ri��Far�ic�n�lized Errfi�r����ior�s . . �� I �`��rl� �� G�n�r�l L�vel rfi a�rsfi�e IJ���ri�at'r�ns, llnsign�iized Intx . 3'6 � �„ '�°�P�I� e�4 � ��er�d-�f-��n✓ic� �rifi�r'sa fior l.lr��'s�na!'s��c� �n��c°��cti�r�� . �� � '�°��a9w A� � L�vel of Servic� Definitic�n� . . . . , . . . . �3 -b 'i'��l� �� � Traffic �/olum�s a,nrJ Pc,fi�c�#:6a1 �apa�i�,r i����lt� . . . 38 R� � �I'��l� �2 ��p�.�i�ty af L�ft T�srr� �r3�v�m�r�t frar� 4V��tw�oe� priv�way 3� "T'�ks6r•� �3 �a�a�ity �f L.eft°�ur°n Ndovern�nt Ertto N1l��t�c�nd C�ri�reway . 3� II � :Citralsc,n.&Assaci,ntes, Ir�c. � � ii �� �� !I ti � j � ` I % ,� I , � � '�, > ; � �. _. ..,,- �>� iu.. .��' r._�. �'? '' ,� (� �� > i r t �! g �� �rq � �r ' x v� I ry d �; 1 i t�i � � i r _ _� ._...��._.......�.�j S� ..,r�,. .._. � .u_�_� ;<� ,.`e�..�.Y��ti� t[['' i �.a '��� ��t �� �r+`t�1`'+,^�,�.� ' 1'' "R"� IF �f y�� �' r �'� L'j �( ��� .p�f� '�ni �'�x{r�' � ' � k�` 1 �� t S�ai a7 � ��V�.� ��� '���r..:��� .,�.h�i �.f"'t ����� y`� � �� ���y�"� `��'J�. � ��.s � � ,�,�� � �, �r b� F. �,p� it'�tfi°� �: � Y V��, �r��t���,` ���'4k� 'i�"�'i� � ��Z�����.Yt �, �W� '�`f1��.. �.,::.�r�+."r?..�,: r1 ^!o r�fn�3. t r�Y*y�{;rT'.. l �+., � � y ..� F _ - ..,... � Y' , . . . ` . .. ...� r. 'r .�;� �. ������� � � � ��c����'�� �ur���.� � � I F'ebruar,y 1�93 I 6�'estwood:Paei�c Cra.rsro r4�an�x �x�cutfv�Scarn�raary I _._.�___�...,.� M , ����c�tiv� ��rnrr��� '� • 'i �estwood Corporation is pro�►osir�g to canstY•uct a��t�il autlet containing approxaxnately 30,a00 �� sc��aar�feet of gross leasable£�aor area, 'F�.e si�e is l�cat�d alo�a;Highdvay 99�1(PacifiG Hi�hway) just east of High��va.y 217. (S�e Fagure 1) 'The site is currently zon�d for coznrn�rcial/pro�'essional � (�-�')uses which woul�i���rmit the office and office suppork f�cilities. The'Westwood Cor�oration is�pplyi�n� �o�rez€�zz�the sit�for g�raexal carnmercial (C'4C)uses vvhich wc�u�d allow the s�m«t�ses as �-�zoraing, �,ut also allo�v a�h�r general retaifl �ses. `I'liis study �valuat�d ehe traffic impacts , fa�orn thi� site develop�d ur�der the highest trip u5e that wo�lsl b� allowed under Yhe �-G zoning and frrund the followiaz�: � All of the ke� xntersecti�ns iaa the vi�inity of th� sAte v�r.rently op�rate at acceptable � Ievels of s�rvice durirr� �he�ritical weekday p.m. peak �aour time peri�d. I • The r��aznb�r of vehic;l� trips that w�aaid be ger��rat�d tsy �as�s permitted utader t.he ; sate's existir�g zoz�ing is sianila�• to the trig�s tliat would be generated under the �-Cs � zor�i�g, Pv�n under its most intense use �s a gen�ral retail center, that is being requ�stied by the �Jestivood C�orporatian. ' • �Ni�h th� addlition of site-gen��aee� iraffic frarn a �ossible ge�eral retail cent�r canstructed on the site, all s�tarly �g•�a interse�tians w�ll continue to aperate v�ithir� a����stab�e l�v�l af s�rvice �gnder prajected 13g� et��ditians. �ur�h�c, no off-site ix��p�oveAne�ts ar� requir�c� to maintain �cu�ptabla l��els of serv'rc� be}ror�d ttze alr�ady fu���d transpaxt�tion irri�rovements wl7ich are s�l�edzal�d to b� i� pla�� by I 1994. � �as�d on a r�view of the curr�nt sit� plan, it �s cc�ncluded that the proposed i developznent pl�.� ad�q�ately addr�ss�s �ccess issu�s aloz�b �'acifi�. ]E-Iighw�y. A ; shared �cc�ss ca.riv�;�ay vvi�� tla� �'a�if�c CrQSSroads ��nter has alr��d}+ been c��� i si�a�ed and constr�act�d to a��Qia�iodat� vehicles using be�th retail site�. �1� addiu ti�nal �ccess d�iv�wa�s ar�b�i�xg p�•€�posed to serve thzs deye?opnient. . a A planniixg le��el analysis of long teriY� traffic conciitions in the vicinity of the sit� indicaxes that rezoning th� sit� ta C-� zoni�g will �ot sub�tantzally increase traf�'ic I� above whai could be generat�d under iCs eurrent �-�' zoni�.�. In additian, w�ith commercial uses, most of the trips to ths sit� vvould li�.eZy com� �rc�m vek�icle�, already on the roadway� as part of another trip purpose sUCh as goir�p to/froz�a v✓oz-k. Iz� �ontrast, if the site is de�eloped under �-P zaning, typical �:ses stach as general � og• medii�l effic�s 4�a11 ,��r,�rate single puxpose trips. C�nsequez:tly, #he num;ber of re�� vehicl� miles of tra�el that wo�ld be generated i�y tlxe cleveloprzg�nt of�this site should be l�ss u�der C-� �oning com��rerl with �-�' zoning. Tl��as, r��oning th� , site to �-G zoning is consistent with th�objectives of Oregon's'I'ra�sportati�n Rul� re,�ardzng rezonin� of sit�s. f � � Kirtelson cSc Assor.iates, Inc. 2 : � _ �! I ., . I'� � i ,i v I �,, � � '� ��, , ".��� � I .- �i � � � I� � � I < ;� < ; � C -r , c� s..� �� � ��r� ' ` � � '' � I r � ti � �:{ i%�� � ` '�� �I e a '� �'� r �; f � I �� � :� %f� S Y : l ' 1 �l - ' {^� I ;� t ` '' df4�y� � �!'� �Y C�, .�� � I �� �. S�(�cJ�{i�d x!�.rt.�1��W.�,h,<*Y 'f�"� t ��� 1� � i E; r L. .� i . �"t � � :r ��1 Y �j S i '1 � J 4 1 3�t t' �� ` � ) � - 1 y- ;ti � k Y �{i i4�1 �� Q #�_1 �Y 5' �1 !� _ � 5 I tt � � t f�t�� r�y a�i.t rv�k �at y I ' ��, f �, �i t� � '� � �,._ :._,..�I ��,.�.._�.,..:�3 ._.._.�?` _ � �.�.._�,.�,_. �I ��+�--��y �' --� f`q'"93 v �'�v� � e'""� � I� +� �7 d �+ r v y+:;��� }� �aek ��'7 a�� � �Y � 'rcp �",l;�.ri1 �y����1 d f �,t �5;+ 'i ; yl�� 2�r�2 1�� ����FP��� �������{I ili lh� ,. ��' �}. { 5 �.:�S�J..,..�.*.$L:' �". k�e.Y'Y�a` �"`�'}.��F�:lv+ C�.is����w��� I a� � 4 }" S�? �� ��S'�Y'yyy PS I a' ��y '� J�`�� ��{ �`� � ��Ya� I �S � . ��4�s.� �`TY` f .`iX.»GH i��"���` �,'�3 ��95�,.� � �z � �"�����`d �� . r i,�rRi��,f+� ����J;'�.�: °��,l�7, ��'�:�%�� ,I !�'�� �� v �k �w.�'"1'� ".a1vt�� I, 4 �r F ��'� . 4 4's�_ �r��� �.0 � F�E I b } ��� , ���,�iy�� '"� .�' �'{"g, ..i� ��- I i ��y i8m �O � W M � ���fi��� � � d�l��"�?����I�� � � F�br�avy 1993 Westwood:.Pncific Crossraa Anriex Intmdc�cRion ������������ ��C�ff�� @�F"�"�i� F�t����T 'Th� purpQSe of this report is �a pr�vid� an ass�ssm�nt qf the �xpected or�-site ai�d off-sPte tr�nsp�rtation irnpacts associated v✓itln the ca�nstruction�f retail uses alor�g�-Iighyvay 9�9i�(�acific High�vay) in 'I'igard, ���egon. Ttie site is lo��t�d on a e�aca�at parcel thax is g�nerally bounded �y the �acific C'rc�ssroads ��a�t�r t� the �ast, H�ghway 9gW to th� south, � Che��ron service station to tlae west,and�xistir�g re�i�enc�s to th�nar�l�.Figure 1 identifies th�ex.istimg�oad systexra witihin th� area surr�uncling th�pr�p�s�� sit�. Sp��ifi� traffic r�lat�d iss�res c�iscussed in this ���ort includ�: ` �xisting �aa�d �s� ��d traffac canditions irf the pro3�ct �tudy ar�a. • 'Trip �en�ratian �stizriates fc�r ci�v�lcrpment Qf the site �nc��r a�s existir�g zon�ng, th� pg•aposed zc�ning, anc� with �he pi•oposc�d site pl�an. n Ac�ess design and location ar�alysis for the �ite. p '�'he tr�ffic i�npact �f de�v�loping the sit� under ihe �rias�imiu� tri� ��,a�eiating �rs� allc�w�d ur�cder tl�e prop�s�c� zcarai�g �n ?99� p.r�. ��ak hour c�perati��s at t1�e i�ey int�r�eetio�s witt�in th� sate uicia�i�� �a��i site drpve�ays, � The impact af r��oning fihe site t�C-Ci on�h�f��t�re��y�ar'I'xansporta�tion Plan for the ar�a and ihe ga3:e�tial c�f revising th� access sch�r��e for the site. ���s��r ����r���►°��c�� �urrent sit� �Ians �a�l f�r th� constr�ction of a r�fiail out��t cantaiixing a�proximat�ly 30,OOQ sqtaa�re feet of gross l�asab�e flo�r. �rea. T`he propc�sed c�evelopm.ent site is ct�rrently v�c�en.�:. t�ccess to �he sate �will be pravide ttxrc�ugh an exrsting drive�way shared wit�i the �clj�cent Facifi� CrossrQads 5�.�p�i�.g �er�ter. '�'he site is currently zcs��d Comrnercial-Professic�nal Evhich perrr�its us�s st�ch as general offices, rnedical �ffic�s, an� �tflier business-xelated servir.es. The develnper desires to rezai�e the sit� to C-G to maxinuze th� long-ter�n fl�xibility of th� site. Init�al c�nstru�tia�i activities ar��xp�cted to �egin zn 1993 witil �cct�par�cy in 1 g9�'T. `I'he W�stwoad �orppration is applyang �m re�o�ae this �ite to Ger��ral-Com�m�rcial which wauld p�rmit ti�e construction of general retaiI �s�s. � � Kittelson &Associates, lnc. � 4 � � �H (�acyr ro sc.�,�) � , � � �� � � � � � PA�IFIC �° �RCF�SI�C��L�� � � ����'PiiV� �TR. 217 ��-��F� 5 �SIT� . �6 S6i� Fd�iP3E� Rf3n �� 9 t .,, �i '�0� L1�a ��p'p�" �,...e.�. 5�~ � � � x � ,r�g,, ss� � ����o`�'�,� � �e�r ���� �� sT. � s � � � � � � � � � � ���L �!l✓fl�l��° WESTVdO�D FiGURE �� PACf�B� ��O�SROADS �,�JNEx � I�� � FEBRUAKY i�93 IE 866 i i j ; i r n ^ t ' ! . Y. } t � �p: a � r � � _ .>��� ,,.,_ ........� �.z._. ,. ', $ Y� 5� �,r a*' � t � f ,a`v�'t'1 1� , � `k � � ��S ',G ,3 7 s� i � f F .F� r r� � r � st j � � � �h . 'r'� 1 ,� ' jr x � � "a��,� «...._�_a.._..,.. �j.�x:aL..�{ s� �: �,�.....J� 4.✓'...� ...�.u.... s 4 �,"t ( �,.%� � . ; a y g,a 7 :�.'h j a .��,�� { � r`�r 'Y� ���'qr t 3 � ���`°nr�( �:� �' �v b� 1 � �� t' ��` � �r� � �t'i� � �r���'�� r r`C° ° d' S t � r� ,�r� ��i ti z_,,�a.���.,�,!z �'w_.a�� �."?x.,�{� � 2,w u�'ss � ��'� ��'� +�t�'�'� {�r�. 1�� ��.��� dt g,�� �F-"�'7"",��.f?�� �nC"v��,j���x�� �r`S� �'.� 1 �� � F� y�� �{g�F h�iff q '�i 31 y`�`���`t� y �ro N�"" :�r�'zY S� ��t�`+��y � a,�ds.���:.�'7 wiw«:"�...�.�.atik�' ��J:,�,.�r�b,�.�t^? �?.d��i:ax� �44,�� � ri ^,�3.� i 'kt� `6 -0 i 2 1! q�e 1 r���.�a . + 'a����2�� A 1r , ',.. �_ . p Wfm li � � � � � � ����w�� � � � ������ �����t���� � � _ ---- �.� �ebr►a�r�,� 19��' We.�twancd,Pacsf c Cross�o Annex �.zisting C'onditions ��cci�fi�a�� ��r�da°��c��� �a� �����°noe�� aar��r����,c���r ���� a���� The proje�t sy�� is �.5 acres �f currently vacant Iand. '�fi�refore, it ber�erates negfli�ible t�olu�nes af traffic. 'Th� I�.nd ar�a ta the ��est of the site COffit�1IlS � S�XV1C� Sta2lOri. .�t�C.�iXYOTla� Vc�CSII�IaI]C� and s�ver�l si�gl�fam�Zy t�s�de�ce ar�i�cated irr�rnediately to th��orth s��'�he sit�that have ac�ess ta gfaffle �,��enue. �mmediat�ly east of che si�� is the Pacific Crossroads �h�pping Cent�r. '�,o the south is I-�ighway 99�J (Facific �igh�vay). �T'lD�°�e°�,F3� Th� �t�ady �F�a �v�s defined as inciusive of th� site a�c�ss drive�vays, J�a��#ic :Eiig��✓ay fror� �VV I, 7�th �v�r�ue ��st ta the �or�hb�und ramps to �-�i�hway 217, �sid �W 7�th ,��venue fr�m F'aciiic 'I I�ii�hway to �'faff!�: �tre�t. I °T��Si��F3'�A�IC9� �AGB�.S�'1�� !, � 'I'he�srimary rQas:ivv�ys providing ac�ess to th����aeral ar�,a of the sit�inclr.ade�-�i�hway g9W, antl I, �3igh�ay 217 �s sn�i�v:� �n �'igure l.. S�d"78�h Av�n�ae�s a local stre�t. �n �dditic�zi, a project has �I b��n funded to cozrnect �W 78th �v�t�ue wi�� S�Dartmouth Street as �hav�✓�a ir� Pi�ur� 1. This '�i ext�nsion vvall serve as � xr�snor�olla�tor for tl�e �rea south of Hi�h�w�y 99�. �����'T'�ZE�6�J s��� ���1���.�,f�C"T@!!9`� � I Field observa.��ons at tk�e ps�posed site vicinity during t��e p.rri �eak ha�r sho��ed very Jittle � p�d�stz°ian �r �a�:ycl� a�ti=lity throoaghout the study ar�a. It �s �xp�ct�d that all ar tha pyopo5�d � d�v�iogrraent optgons ��iFi hav� a minimal Arrzpa�t ora �hes� tr�vel z��d�s. TE�F��� FI�.�1�.6"�AE� 'I'ri•-l��ct pravi�ie� fixed rout� transi� service alon� I-�ighv��y 99VV. �2ou�e �#12, �arbur �l�d. operates re�uiarly sch�dr.�ie�, all-day service be±uveen I�i.ng �ity ana Downtown Portla:�d via '�g�rci Ti•ansi� Center, �a.rbur 1'z-�nsit �ent�r, ar�d t��. �3�srlingar�e 'i'rans�t Center. Peak-hoear � extensians of this servic� s�ert�� the City of�l:er�voad an tfie southw�st end af th� rout�. �urgr�g � the a.m. p�ak period (7:00- '�:00), service as gxovided fronz the Tigard Transi�Center at head�way � W�i1CY1 1��I'3� from 4 tc 1S rzi�nutes. �uz°ing th� p.m. peak per4c�d (4:Q0 - t:40}, 5�fV1Ce 15 pT'OVdCl��I � both csn a lo��l basis an.d an expxess I�asis betw�en �7oyvntoyvn Portland and the Barbur 'X'r.a�sit .:� ��nter, whi�h resu�ts in a corx�bi��d headway tivhi�h �aries bet�✓een 3 mii�utes and 15 mint�tes. � �'ransit service at this level is cor�sid�r to �e extrerazel� gaod. � � �a ������ ��t����� ��� ��� ���s� �������� �ince the we�kday p.rrx. peadc €�our is the time p�riod when the gre�test total trar�c d�mands �.re � placed on th� surrour�din� str�€;t system, this was th� tim� �a�r�od �hat was used in all subsequezit i analyses. The p.m. peak would be tli� naost crztical tirne p�riod for traffic associated wit� l�oth I of��e-z�elated �nd Gorr�mercial us�s in th� study� area. E,xpea•:�n�� h�s shown that whi4� ret�il � f�'ittclson d'c Associates, I�:c. 7 �ebruary �9y3 FVestwooct:�'ucifec Crossro �lnra�x �xistang �'onrlitions center Craffic by itself may I�e a:s nnuch a� 50 perc�;nt h�avier later in �hP�venin� car oti �w��kends, the combznation of normal on-street traffic and retail c�neer generated traffic is typically at its ax�aximur�� d�ari�g th� v✓e�kd�� �v�r�ir�g �e� ho�r p�riod. Existing weekday p.m. peak ha�r tr�ffic voluxnes wer� counted at th� follovving locations: 1 o S�d 78th A.v�nue (Future Y�arr�nouth St.)/kii�hv✓ay 99�N 2. �iighway 217 I�lorthbnunrl �ampsl��i.$hway 99VV 3, �-Iighway 9��J�'acifsc Crossroads ��nt�r v���t drx��vv�ay � 4. I�i�hway 99dV/F'acifiG �Crossrr�ads C��t�r east driveo�ay S. SW 7�th .A�etYUe/Pacifi�. �rr�ssg•oads C�n�er 6. �W 7��h �Aveaaue/Pfaffle St�e�t 'I'h�se naanu�l ea�affic counts�vv�re c�z�ducted L�t�een the haLtrs caf 4:QC�p.m. and 6:00 p.m. dr�ring ' mid-w�ek days in 3anuar,y� 1993. "I"h�se tw�-hour observations r�vealed. th�t th� weekd�y �eak h�ur a�ccurs fram 4:30-5:30 p.m. The existzng traffic volumes are show�a in �i��ar� 2. CG,a,�,�e�►t d.e�sa�t� �f�t�rvi�� A�} i,�vel af��rvi�e (i,C�S) �nalys�� described in �his report �v�re��Y•fssrra�.ed in �cc�r��nce wizh the prc+c�dures describec3 irr th� 1°��S ��ghvvay �a�acity IVianuai.i E1. descr�pti�z�� �f th� I,C)S ' Cor�cept and Ylie�riter�a wtaich d.eterrni�e L,C�S is�r��ided in Appendix A. ��pies c��'tl�e �nalysis forms �re a� fil� anci r�ill be znac?� av�ilable up�n re�u�st. In arder to �ssur� t�at t�is ar�a�y�is is , bas�d upon�vorst-case car��i�ions,these procedures use the peak 15 minut�pei°ic�d�Iavv rat�during ' t:he �ve�in� p�ak. Y�o�az• in their�val�aati�n €�f�Zl inters�cti��x l�vels af servi��. Thus, th� a�alysis ' ref!ects coz7dati�ns that are only likely to �ccur fc�r 15 �in�tes o�t of�a�h avPrage wee�d�.y. ��r I the remainder o�ea�h v✓�eYcday and througho�at th�weei:�z�dsy tT��l� COY1ditI�Li5 ia/1tkD1I1 tt`A� StliC�� il impact area ��e likely to l�e l�e�t�r tha,n that des�rg�bed 'an this r�t�ort. Rt �ig�aaiiz�d i.nt�rs��tians, j i,JS "Ly" or�etter is coi�sider�d.a�c��t�bl�. At unsign��ized zr�terse�tiox�s,L�3S "E"is�€�rs�d�r�d , accept�bl�. It should alsc, b� n�ted tha� the prQCedures tcs e�tzr�ate LC�v at unsx��alizac� i?��ersec- �, tians are very cdnser�ative and sia not accourt for sp�cial canditions such as paps crea�ed for sic�e 'i street �ehi�ies when main stre:et tr�ffic flows in disiinct platoons. I Tabl� 1 i�ientifies t?-i� results �f the L(�� Galculations for Pxistim; conditions at t�e study area I'' intersections. t�.s sh�wn in the table, both the si�nalized inters�ctia�s in t�� study ar�a ar� � operatin�; at an ac��peable level of ser�ice (L,O� "�"). 'The ur�si�nalized i�aters�ctz6,n aloz�g S� � � 7�th Street also operat� at good �e�els af service. The unsz�raa?ized ciriv�ways toffrc�in th�Pa�ific � �rc�ssroads Center alo�� �-Ii�h4vay 99�N cs�erate at �.,(J� "I�". Th� most cxikicafl �x�c�vement �i�e ai � � the�� driveways is th� I�ft t�.�r� rrzan�uv�r �c� go �astbounc� on �ighwa� 9g�1. Thes� vei�icl�s i .� typicail� have to wait f�z• a gap ir� �:i�hway 99Vd traffic which wi�l o�cur zvhs;n tha traffie si���.l I � at the northbound ramps eo Highway 217 or SVJ 7$th Avenue turns r�d for�ighway 93�Td. �ehicles � in thuse driv�ways can make their zn�z��uvers da�rirag the cha�g� intervals (wh��l alI tx•affic is stppped al�ng Highway 99v�1) and wh�r� there ar� onIy min�r volumes flokvi�ag fr�rn side 5tre�t tra�fiG (S�78th �'►veraue). �iven the lon� traffic si�;nal cycl�of thes�two si�nals t�urin� the p.�n. 1. Highwmy Capacity manual, Special Report�09, Transpor7ation Researeh Board . � � � 1�idtelsai crc AssociaPes, Jnc. 8 I I z I III ��� �� I �-�•— �ev dv �ao�rw � � � � � � (PiOT TQ SC+&I.E� 2s� � ti� 3o,,ae 'R�2 I ��� � 9z� �� �o I 93�.� �'8� �aa� ���a �I � � � � � � � � � I � ��°� � c�v�°o� '�I ,�o � ..�.._..�..- P�4�'lF'!�' i � � CROSSRQA�?� I r°° S;�'�PP1AlG° ' CE'�1T�R � � PF�FF�.E � �� �� ' ���� ---. �\ � ��� w� �� � � � � i �, ao.� ��5 r � ���a� � ,�,� � � ��� �� � ������ ��� � � � '----°�. — �,'"..°---- � u� � �n a9a � � � �63S 2�,� �,3 �tE.� �.�C , 9 55t}� •R� 9 400 4 650�+ � 7 9�S 1�a�A� � 1��C1 � � `'� 't � E������� ���o P��� ���� Tf���°�!�' �JOLiJ1b�E'� WEST'V�'D0� FoGU�E PA(:iFIC CF�OSaROF�DS ANNEX � �� � FE6RlJA�'1' 1993 �� se �ebruary i993 C��SdWUGCt:F�(1Clf�C CCOSSTO Annex Existi�cg Condi£ions ���,� � � ��i�tin� �.RoA ���fr� @��a,or L,�v�1 aa���r�rd�� �ig���iz�a�4 �1ns�gin�a3��� R��. 6a�#er���lti�� f��el�gt �//� LO s Ca�p, �t9� j .Cdh �3 „� ..` �49 �:. . 1. SW 7�4h Avenue/Nighway 99VV �3.9 t3.8i �i ��y} 4��� � F , �°� '� �,��: �� �� � t t��t�.� � � 2. Hic�hway 217/Highway 99W 11 A 0 74 � � ��, ���� � � ,��q����� �xx'W.�S�� L� ' �'��t�������+�'����ac�°b���<sx� V � I 3. F�f�9tl�/SW 7�4h Avonu� ���,�.�y �: s+���';%��°���`������������� �.Ei` A t, d. �-3,y .;v .,�";:-:s'��. ��,._ .s i�.����+�3«�x����r�4���`'''���x��Az k s 4. SW 78th A�venue/Pacific Cro�sroads Access � F f �s �,� s K�� � �� ��,,,,��. 404 A � £° o!Y 4 � +' €�sx� Fks r '�,7 F1�HCx£f'x`s'���sE s.'��'�y Ffify�z3 z �. 5. East Access/hiighwa�r 99W k,.,.ry����h� £ �_�a � �> ������'�� 91� D '� s.<.�,sx 3���a.".,?..�c',�t�..�s�..�'^y,;:sC�'..,,"�. ". �'37%*��5'z,�'2� ; �'�rh.�'���F�'1�.ix��a�������ie��€`�"`� S.West Acce�s/High�rvay 99W r�y��<�����.h=�����,�����s ���'"�����": i 15 D �` Average vehicle delay at four-way stop interse�iibn, v/c=Q.3fl ��ak hour(appr�xir�a��ly 130 ser.�nds), rn�any ve�iicles h�adir�g eas�bot�nd oc� Highw�y 99W exit: �he Pacific Crt�ssroads 5noppi�ag�ez�t�x onto��17�th�treet aa�c�th�n turn I�f�ae th� traffic signal ra�her ttaar�wait kt�P�e t�nsign�li��d driv��vvays. l�p�e�dix�3 r�v���vs th�calculatiaYx of the r�umber of�aps �ncl capacaty at th� �i�hr�ay 9}� c�ri�vevvays Co tr��Pz�ci�'i� C:rossroads Sfioppiz�g Cerrt�r. �i�aliy,a�pecial st�dy wa5�erf�rmed ta deterrr�.ine if t�ie�tackang c�fvehicles trzvelirzg v✓estbounc� on �iighway 99 currentl� ext�za�s past the �est drive�ay tQ th��'aci�'ic �rossro�ds �er�t�r. T�is driuevvay is Icscated apgroxirnately 32S feet ��ek alon� the westbourad �gpraach from this �, iz�tez•section. 'I'h� r�axzzntim�ength of the qtaettes �xtendia�g L�a��C a�ozag this w�stbound ���proa�;h was observed �nd r•ecord�d during the p.m.. peak hoi2r. ll�mst c�f the tirrie veiaicles traveling ,�est�ound typical]y go thr�ugh both ehe5e inters�ctioa�s anc£f�w vel�i�les are s�op�ed at the signal at Highvvay 217. '�'he �auzlEs f.r�m this qaeu� stucfy fou�d that9 un �vvrag�, the maxirrkurn qta�ue , ira either west�ounci approavh lar�e was sev�n v�hicles �I�zch wduld typi��lly occu�y o�l,y 175 #'aeY. �i�Iy s�n�� during the peak hour �vas tl�e driveway blocked by �etticles s�opped alang I�ighwag� 9�W, and then �'or less than 3Q s�conds. � � �'L.�P�4��L1� '�'�6'�JSPC��$"['�a7°BC3�3 ln/9i°i�f���i9�`8���6°�'� h � � T�iis section discusses funded t.ra.�s�orta.tion irnprov�rner�ts i�Ult�'t1I1 th� stud� are VV11YC�"1 ar� .=� expected to ia�fluence fiit�ar� traffic patt�rns. �p�cafically, as d'asc�rssed previously, �artn�sautY� � �tr�et wi11 be exte�d�d to connect the i-5 sauthbol�nd an-off ramps to�3ighdvay 9�W. Dartmoutli � Street wiil inters�ct�ii�hw�y 99W opposits S�I 7�th Aventae. Initia�ly, I)artrriouth Stre�t will be cor�struct�d with a thr�e�lan� cross-secti�n cansisting of one �rav�� lane in e�.ch d'arac�ion and a �enter left-turn la;ne. Th�se improveza7ents and th�assumed inters��tion lane�r�n�'igurations and c�ritrols a�e illustrated in �igure 1 and 3. , Kittelson c�Associates, lnr.. /p �' ldOfiTN � � (NOT TD SCAI.Ej � � > � � ��� � � � � � � � � �R05S��oiD.S III � �Mp�'PP/dC � � C�'MT�'�' ������� � � �� � �.� �! �I I � �� �� � �� � � � � � ������ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � .� � .� �. � � � � � � � � , `�, �' � � F�aE� �'LC3Yo' '��' � � A� �� SNALL �IDE ST62EET (+� SIGNAi,..IZ£D Ii�T��iS�GTlOVV bVlTh4 1AINIPAAL TFZAFFi� L'� � ��11r6�E°�7 9�f�F��'����°�T� ��� Aa��3�°�� L,�3e6� �QnlF��tJF�,��'1(7t��' 1A(ESTWOOD �� FfGURE �a �'��I�'IC CF2����2�ADS A�1NEX � � �EBRUARY 9993 aes o0 . . . . . . � . .�. ���i i II II I +, i � r , � { ���' � ���1 di���. � � r r �� � ?� t; + ` 4 t a Y � q `���� 15 � �� ,,� k � Y _....�v. ._ r .� �. tl, � .. # -...,_� .� t T. �� -0.r;�'� �"^Y� � f e-�'�} � � i�t 7il� } ;`iG X 9 t - � t �I I C tY;�'r 4 R ,iat 34 F { r* ,3 ' a �Y � � 4� � �1 .� V % �tf �r L 5` !� � 'r�. F S +��' v �� 4: �!r�� { x�6r �x i ���� ;1 �� � � �d ,[�( x.� �,'�,���".t^R���� h�'������V �,�4��7�u� i } Y{'� Y f t�r s ^YS` 4 a { ] ta'��j r�tt M �'/�'st#� � sy31 x4'�if°�v� �1 �K �'�,� � �I I�kC�, ���1{ �� < t'.��r� �`1r,� � e i .(��yf ie �k'� 3�f9 � _ ��tl'�� �L a L f {I .. F � ��3 3!i.>,7.,.,� ..t�� � `�.se.� �1'�< :n°�� i�Y .,._.�..L r ��"; t�����` �5y`'���✓e.�" {5 '�X��tti 1 f{4w�"�� ,r� �l R�� �h{'S��"i$�� ���y��j2 t �ii?i,i }3+,i�,� �^ 4 �t �y � r°'-t 4�7'`��" �'�i"; � 11 J' 3e r t �' ,� �.r a S >�q � !Pr dr F cN. a t ����"�,�s;,���` k���'r4���`�:?t ���4�'�'�'� a��un�'���5 a� r�,�; � �� �.,�.��,s.�s �,k�,,.' ,. ���J�^a��� ���� � ������ �� � �� .�.y ��wL'��q : ��,c 4�,� t.fi�5 �b ,,� �iiL,�;j �,y�,���, k.. t'.�,. ���'4� `�d x.t' � �v�ix ,+£�"f s..c.� �Y�a '�.4 �C 4. .�t�"` . . . � � � � � �0._. P"" � � ��°���7►�"'� � � . a ��� . ��'��1� ������ �t'1����1� F'ebr«ary 1993 Weshvood:Paci�tc Crossra �9n�iex Traffic/rtipact Anr�lysts ' • � ������ ������ �������� I', � . �� The impact of traffic �enei•�ted by the p�oposed dev�lopment and other uses pertnitted with the pr.opos�d �ez�ni�ng of the Westwood site v✓as analyzed during ever,ing �ueekday peak Inour as follows: � = Background traffic vo�umes on ea�h k�y road s�gment vvit�in the study area were �stimsat�d based on Qbsexved 1993 vveekday evening peak hour conditions, traffic dzversions bas�d on th� planned transpor?ation ir�iprovemer►ts previously cited, and a recently submitted traff;c stady f'ar the Cu'b Poods Cc�mmercial �Center. � 'i'he placetne�t at�d �iz� of the proposed developmer�� wer� coa9firrr�ed. W The total number �f p�s�k horar and daily trig�s, �oti� an an� o�at of the site a�ve�•e � estimated for the c�ar��nt dev�lapn�ent plan as well as ather "�naxi�rrutn Ir�te�sity" i lanc3 uaes perrreitted under the sit�'s curr�rR� �r�d �roFased zor�ing. a The travel patterr� to/i'rom adjacent retail u5es onto nearby roadvvays was exaniir�ed � to abtain an estimate of tYie lilcely directional tri�p distribution pattern within the study area. m 5xte-g�r�er�t�d traffic predicted �or the v✓ee�Cd�y p.rn. pea�C hour was assign�d ta the raadway r��twork and added to backgxaun� traffic vc��umes d�ve�€�ped fc�r 1.994 conditir�ns. a 'I'rdffic ci�s�ands on �a.c�.road�ay facility wer� anaiyz�c�lo Acic;ntify any capacity ar ' leve.l of service deficiencies urtc�er projected �994 c�nd�ti�ns. � Future 2�J15 traffic canditions (ar�c1 hov✓the cl�ange in the site'� zcni�g woulci a.ffect these volurr�es) v�rere a�sa �v�luat�d. A detailed dzscussion af t�is �eehodalagy �t�d the analysgs res�alts is �o�atazi�ed in ttae rerriairzder of this report. �A��6(`a�3�1�.b�4[� lSC��T.A¢iB1� C��iO��,�?i9N6�fe6"� 7'he f'irst step in the �ra��zc impact analysis process is to estzmace traffic voluanes that wo�ald hav�; occurr�d regardless af�vheth�r the site was construc[ed. A rep�rt was r�cently submitted to the � Ciiy of Tigard detailing the tra��c im�aci of a�C�la Foo�i��ominercial Center that v✓il1 be Iocat�d � sonth of ti�e study area along �artrnc>;:th Street.z �'his study incl�ded a detaaled analysis of the �,, impact of cdnstructing the S�artr�aouth Stre�t extension and other rc�adway improvements in the �" 'I'igard T�iangle area on tra�fic v�.lumes along �igh�vvay ��'4�I. 'I"he c�z•rent traffac study fo� th� � � 'l�T�stwood site uses th;e 19�4 U�ckground traPfic�stimates from�he Cub Foc�d 5tudy, and inr,luc�e� � the ac�ditional traffic generaeed by the �ub Foads C�mmercial CPnter. 'These traffic �olur,nes are � shown in Figure 4. 2.T'ranspartation Impact Study for Cub Foods Comrnercial Center, Kitte3son �& Assaciates,Inc.F�bruary 19�33 � Kittelson c&Associates, Inc. J3 i � ��� �,� �—�� �NN � � � � � � (NOl' TU SCALE} zo� �. �0 3Q.� �Z 20•� � 9 25 � 1� d�q ��iS� �95 �40� �2� � � � � � �v�r� ° � �r�t�a � ��� ti � � �.^ � � � � � � � F��F�LE �Q �� e.�°� 217 S IT� �;°�-`- � �`'� ��� � � � � � � 70�� ��a ;� �a�s�► � o7ss � xy�� � �r� ��c�� ��� ��, �� I I � ,�`".�`� �.. � � � � � � � � �fi70 20� �5 �0� �30 1868� � 149v �78�� �2t25 i760--e► ����5 � � c.e .— �oe�rc�s Tra96ic Impa�ct S4u�q Fc�P Cuu Fe�ad� ��ero�vaea°ei�i C�nt�r, Kiffwlsa�n � ,�$sa�., �e��. J�n�ary 13�3 1 ��3� ��i���G�'��'�JC� T����l�' 1��L�1R���' �'1�`�# ��1� F'+t?�D� +��1�7`�'� O�VVE�TTVs►"pC3Q �'6�u�E � PACIFiC t�F�QS�ROAQS e4Nf�EX � �� r �����a� i 993 4 � v I F'ebruary 1993 �I dVestwood: Pacifie Crossro �4.nnex 7'raff'ic l�npact�4ntttys�s ����C�Pd�l�@�'4'l�i��6� CUrrent sit� plans ca11 fot• the coiistruction of a retagl outiet cor�tain�ing approximately 30,Oi�0 sc�uare feet of gross leasat�le f7oor area as shov✓s� sn Figure 5. The site is c�arrer�tl� zaned �or Coanan�xca��-Pro#�essi�nai us��sueh as general and m�dical officPs,and business-relat�d services. '�he�7estw�od �orporation�is proposing to rezone�his site t�a Ge�aeral-Comraler�ial d�signaYi�n II to perrrtit more general retail uses. UndeX either zaning, the prirr�ary access to the siee will be a direct access driaeway t.o �-Ii�h��ay 99W thr�ugh an existing �nsigi�alized ciriveway on the wegi side of tl�e Paci�ic �rc�ssroad Shoppiflg ��a�ter. �Jhen the ]Paci�'ic Crossroads Shopping Center �vas ��nstr�ct�d, this driveway w�s designed to �Is� accornrrbodat� traffic that wQealci be �or.�i�►g to/froan this adjacent parc�l. In addition ta using this shared driveway, vehicles ta/from the � Westwood site would also be abl� t�o use the other driveway accesses to the Pacific Crossroads �hopping�enter. 'I'hi�wil�be particularly irnp�a�t�r�T for vehicles turning left oGt af th�'67o�est�,v�od sit�, �✓hich �ften use the driveway onto SVV 78th A.ver�ue rathef than w�it fror a �a� .in I�ightr�zy 99� traff�c. s�� ��t���°�� ����C v��u��� .o '�'his sectaon �vil� coF�sider the traffic that co�i_d �e. �enerated under typic�I us� t�at mig�t csecur on the site ur�der bo�h �-P �i�d�-� zanzixg. I'v�o�t of the uses allo�ved u�nder C-P zoning are also allovved under C-�i zan'rn�. f�isQ, Up �0 1S per�ent of the squ�re ��otab� constz•u�ted �a�der C-P zonin� car� be general retail use�. '�'hus, if a 30,fl00 square foot of�ce buildi�A� is canstr�eted, 4,500 s��are fe�i of' general retail uses could also b� consxru�ted. �t should �lso b� noted ���at giver� the 1QCatic�n ar�d set�ack of t�e site f�•om rTighway 99�, sorn�retail uses s�ch as a fast food restaur�nt�vo�ald r�ot be likely to locate on the site, Instead,the sit�is mor�arlenable f�r a sin�le large retail use. Estirz��tes of total claily and pea�:haui•d�iveway v�lrames for a n�imber of possi�le uses under th� �.iff�rea�t zonir►g desi�natic�a�s are p:r�senteci ir� '�'abl� 2. Thes� uses repxesent a range af d�velop- anent ihat coulc!be c�nstructed on ��e site and are bas�d an what could be�ra.c�ically c;crr�str�tc�ed � on the site given the buildin.gs size, and parkin�requirenn�nts. Faa•�xam�le,�x�der•the�C-�'zoning ! a 35,4�D0 s�uare foot offic� builciing �cou�d be curstr�cted �witli surface park�r,�. .�. larger office I devel��ment w4uld reqiaire some oi its parking te�be accorrbmodated by a d�c'��aricing lot. �It�st of these �stim,ates are baseci on trip rates fr�m ernpiric�l observations �t many similar-siz�.d us�s l�cated throughaut the Uniteci Sta�es. 7'�xes�en�piz�ical�observ�t�ons are suzr�.mari�ed in a standard 3 reference, �'�°i� dX�raerca�i�aa 12��aort, published by the Institute of Transpartztion Engir.eers. �r� �.dditiorz, a traff�c c�unt was cond.�eteci ciitrin� �a weekday p.m. pealc period in �'ebru�ry 1993 at the Tigard �ffxca ]D�poC store. Carnparing the trip estxmates sh�av✓n ir� Table �, iz�dicates that the numb�r af r3aily trips going to the site woulc� be highPr with rekail t�ses perzn.itted �and�r the �-�G z�niz�g, but it m.ust be kept in mir�d (as c�etailed in the n�xt section) t�at 50 percent or �nore of traffic to many r�tail t�ses �am� from traf�c that is alr�ady on the roadv✓ay as part of another prirriary trip such as going t�/from work. In c�ntrast, mosx the developm�nt that would o�cur uncier the �-P zoni�zg t�nds t� be d�stination orier.�ed and would generate single purpase trips. �Given this,the uses perrnitted tander 3.Trip Gener�tion Report, Stri Edition,inseitute of Trans�ortation Engineers (I'r'lE), ]991 � Kitrelson &Associates, lr�c. 15 — _ _ � __ - m — – ---�� ~ --------.�—�.✓.�_�r.�e_�er-----•--- �p'„" > '- —'--•— ` _"'_ �_.'_ .��. �_�-__ :14 . . •, .�..�������� �� �� a?I • /��� r�f ' � .. ' . ' I " �9�'/:s7su£ � -� � .4�'Y.ni!- .�' n+ ti�n' . .�_M � ,. \ . ... . � � � �-J iv.ffi/ . , . - -- -. . _ _ ta,=a9[ ` `• ��� /�r'��9��j�jy J/..N :s) :�, �� _TJ r ..L._' ��w- � `• . !S_" ' � ' ' »° - - , .s �—���q� _ � � -- . 6t ; i°,: ;!s�a;et; �; � �r�' ' �ee%�,wm nve,s�wa.�• a Ga>sr-ex.vr ' .. • .ease.��e�+rT_ ) �'p '�' � _ � ° . •�'I I I I 1� —..a �' . laira�.�'a5��+ �3c;u�;, ' , ° . . - 35,,ao r v.i° ' _ . . '° °�, .' a' ' o,.�,- � '`�� \ '•:a,er.u� ' ;.� � �` -�: ��� 'i�».�-,•�....� ,,A�� /, ��i' . . a � • .``�.��\ \ . � "�• �� ~ � / � . ,;. •.C�_' ., - - � �- ' a�w:�\�� - ' � � ���i �/ I . :� / ���-' �=' : .,�-� � ' ,� ;� ,�,- .4 �� � ��� /� l , � ���1�/ f � ��� >ir4i�iJ � � ! , � ��S/!-.� � ,/ `, ,�,� � .�`4/T�t3y / /� I , � / � � � � ,'\1 `U` / � / � 1 � Q / / I I �►���c���� ��r� ���r� WESTVV�C7D FIGa��E �a PACi�"OG �F�OS��?t�ADS A�lNEX � � � FE9RUAF2Y 1993 a� February 1�93 TvVestwoo�l: f'acifcc�'rassro ,�nnex �'rceffic len�xact Analysis °T�bB� 2 L'�r1's��t°A��t1 04` Tt'ip �'a�Pt�t^�fi�e9't �at° �!f#��'�el$ L��t�3 1.1��� Fa&�i°�'91►i��Ci v�s9�CFt II �orr�rn���i�9-i�r�����i�n�i arvc� ��r�e•va�a°�8����a����aB Z��ievg � L�ae�� 6.��� �!1'� �o��) \SeB�i�l�e �'r€¢�� i e4olRf�o Faea�s i°�oa,�r P.�i. ���dc 6`6taur Ca�n�erca�!-P'ro��s�9ora�t�c�aair�� �i�e ���igr °$°���I �6�9 C���" '�i"ot�si i6� t�L�'i' Office (7i 0) 35,(3007 63� 85 75 10 85 10 75 OfiBce with deck p�rking (710) 60,�J00 955 130 115 15 i 30 '�5 115 Nledic�l off ic�(720) �O,a00 1,60C1 1�5 1(�0 �5 200 60 i 4t� � Past O�fice {732) 10,000 3,500 250 125 125 35Q 175 175 ,�. �� ; ��-,, *� ; Existina�ffi�� �9�ps�4 stare 34,OOp '"3� ��� ������� ���"��� 1�0 75 75 _ `''� : ;�'� z�.>..;x j� r-„�.�. �,' _ _ Rl�9�9itiore�! u�e� p�rrni�8��!wi8�a ��r�san�rr9�i�G�a��r�l Z�es�ng ��neral Ro4ail {8?_Q)° 3f,U0Q 3,35t7 80 �0 �� �05 150 t55 High-Turnovar R�staurant(832)° 9,000 � 1,�45 100 50 50 150 75 75 * 50°!0�r rno�e of the trips generated by these uses w�� lik�ly come from vehicles already on the roadv�ay the C-Cs �anin�; would not sig�i4'acae�tly i�creas�the n�am��r af daily v�hi�le trzps on the roadv�ay comp�red to �-�zc�nii�g. I Comparing a.r:�. peak hour trzps, t'�e us�s per�nitt�d u�der ti7� C-I'zaning v�ould lil�ely generate m��•e trips than thos��,erm.itted under the�-Ca zon�ng. In fact,nnan;y diff�rent typ�s of retail stor�s are r�at even opeBl�d during the a.m. pea�hours. Cornp�rit�.g t�e p.m. trsp e�tirn�.res inclicates that the uses permitted unde� the C-� zoning wi11 aenerate r�nore total t�ips, e�aen though t�e number of vehicl�s leaving the site woul� b� similar. Caiven t��e high p�rcentage caf retail traffic that will come frani vehicle5 alreacl o� the �oaciwa the im act ttaat re�ail uses �iil h�ve �rt off-sixe Y Y, P intersecti�ns will be aPproximately the sazxae as the office-r�lated r���s. Fznally, using the coun�s �erf�rmed and d�tailed undex �he �xisting Canditions s�et�on of tciis re�ort, tk�� trip generation of t�e �aci�'ic C;rossroads �hopping C�ntet•was �valua�ed. '1'hi�r,enter currently contair�s apprc�ximately 36,�0�squ�r�f�e�of gez��ral reta�l uses and a 3,000 square foot Arby's restaurant. Based ox7 I'l['� trip rates, this Center was estimatecl to generate approximately 42�p.�n. peak hour trips. However, the co�nts pe:forinec� indicated that only 29�vehicles turn�d into and out af tlae site, approximately 70 perc��Y af tl�� ITE estimai�. This l�v�er tr�p �eneration rr�ay be�ttributal�le to the uses in the Pacific Cx•assroads Shopping Center,tk►e]arge traffie volumes on Highvvay 99W that make left turn movezn.ents o�at of the �enter difficult, the aburidanc� of � retail along �-iighway 99W, or other factors. A daily traffic count was also p�r�'ormed at the driveways to the P�cifi� Crossroads �hopping Center that yieided similar results. '�'hese daily drivcway caunts were approxirnat�ly 70�aercent of whaE would haye be�n pr�c�icted usi��, th�ITE , Kittelsun dc Assnciates, Iric. )� i Februury 1�93 i Wesrwc�ocf: F'acific �'rassro Annex 7'raffic Im,p�ct Analysis tri� rat�s. �ased o�a �hese �irediaa�s i� this report, it as lik.�ly ehzt �h� t.�i�s esxirnates ��ed far retail uses for the dJestvvooe� site might be somewhat higher than what vvill actually occur. To conduct this traf�c imgact analy�is, the traffic that will be generated by a general retail center cant�ining 30,000 squar� feet of ga•�ss leasable area will be u�ed. 'I"his assumption will a�esult in I th� hi�hest turn voyumes at the site's drivewa�s and have s�milar off-sit� traffic vol�ames ��.nd � impact) as uses perrnitted �vith C-P zoning. e4ea�9gf�i� cs�Sh��psr►g 7"ri�a 7��� I As noted above, eva�uating the traffic zmpacts of tt�e proposed developr�zent on the,sur�ounding street system,it is im�artant to r�alize that for commercial deve�opments, there are different types of vehicle trips, and that ea�tt ty�� h�as � different effect �n the street system. Genera,lly, th�rP are faur ba�ic types af trips associated with any retaiUc�nnm�a�cial developrr�ent: 1. �s�o�r-in Trips — These retail trip� already exsst on th� ro�ad�r✓ays that provide prirrxiary access to th�new r�tail t��nter and ar�bein�made for sopne purpose ath�r than shc��ping �t th� praagosed commereial eenter (f�r exas��pl�, �on�c-eo-�v�rk). �ro�-in trips do not result i�i any increa.se in �iac�gr�und Eraffic valu.�►es �vithin tl�e �tudy area. In fact, the only impact of the�e c�rop-in trips occuf•s at th� site dri��ee�ay(s), wh�re they becozn�turnbng mo�ements into and�ut of the pz�o�osed retaii �;enter inste�d of throu�h niovements. Therefc�re, drop-in tr.ip� have i�o additianal eff�ct �n th� road syst�rn beyor�d �he developrrbent's drivew�ys. 2.�iuer-te���-aps—Th�se �hc�ppi�i�trips are curr�nt�y b�ing dravvn to ath�r Goznari�r- ci�l �ctivities th�t cc�mp�te �vit�� tla� proposEd ret�il ce�ter, b�ae ar•s redirected to the new store wh�n it c�pens. This redirectic�n usually accurs �iecause of arc improv�rnent ir1 shc�ppin� cc��.�enience and pro�imity fa�a� th� aff�cted driv�rs. �iv�rt�� tri�s wiSi re�ult in 3r� increase in ��affic v�Iumes vvithi� th� imzned'aate � vicsnity of the site, bi�t ��ill also resralt ir� a decr��se in traffic v�alur��s at ot�er location� withir� Che area (i.e., in areas wher� �hey usesl t� shop). Ther�:fore, th�s comp�nent s�f the total ��n�rat�d demand causes no charzge in the t�t�i n�mber of vehicTe trips vrithan the area, �ven thoug� it znay add to the number of trigs I within�he in�.rrzediate vicinity of tZle site. Another sir�e bez�efit is ttzat by �livertis�g, these trips aften cause � itet reduciion ii3 Yotal vehicl� rniles traveied an �he area-wide transportation syste�n. '�'his is a comnno�a sen�e abservatian, since i� is difficult to imagine that many driv�rs �would divert to a new retail �ent�r in oY•der tr� travel a greae�r dist�nee than th�y dzd pr��vic3ugly. 3. Ca�tured 7'rzps---- Ia� the �bsence of the pr€ap�secl r�etail cent�x•, Chese vehicle trips �vould �e rt�ade by the adjaining r�sad�ne�s, neighbarhoodsy and b�sinesses to mora dista�t retazl centers r�quiring travel on maj�r ar�erials and highways such as Highway 99� ac�d �ii�hway 217. B�at�ecause of the pa•es�nce of the prapmse�. r�tail center,these vehicle trips ar�cagtur�d and thereby prevented from traveling on the n�arby arterial system. As an exara�ple, persons living in residences just to th� nc�rth of the site w�ll iae able tv make at le�st soix�e �f their shopping trips �y walicing mode rather th.an by vehicle. Similarly, residents livzng f�rther away � from the propQS�d site will b� able to satzsfy their n��ds for ret�il good� by shopping at t�ie pr�posed ratail �ei�t�r a�d therei�y not travelling fvrt�er an Highway 99W ta reach other shc►ppin� areas. Tl�e net effect is a red�action in th� � kit�elson &Associates, /nc. 18 i� February 1993 ', 6�Vestw��e�d:Pacdfic�'rossso ,4nn�x Trc{ffic lmpact Analysss I, �� !, aynount of�raffic on the ir�mediately adjoimi�ag arteri�l stre�t system that offsets, to sor�7e de�gree, the additional traffic brought ini.o ehe ammedia.te area through the I diverted trips descrzbed above. 4. 1Vew �'rips--'Th�ge rerail trips would nat hav�been rri�d��,�vitho�at th�e�istence af I the proposed retaii center. Therefore, this is the oz�ly trip type that resui�s in an i, aza�rease in th� total number of vehicle trips ma�le within t�de ar�a. ThesP az•e also tk�� oi�ly vehicle trips that represent additional vetiicle miles of travel or► the area-wide transpof•tation system. Althougka traf,fic engineers have long recognized the existei�ce of these four different types of � ret�il tri�s, untii recently very littl�research has be�n conducted to d�t�rrt�ine what praportion of 'i the tatal r�tail c,entez°-gen�rated traffic dennand ca.n be �ttrit�u��d �d each af these trip types. 'The Instit�aee of'T'r�nsportafion Engine�rs has pe�t�lished a �ummary of trip type investi�a�xons con- � du�ted across tih� Ur�ited Statcs that is useful to th.is anal�sis. i According �� i�'� Trip C�e�aeratian �epar�t, t�1e pro�ortic�n of�.rn. �nPak ho�ar trips �en�rated by a I xetail cen�er tt�at are p�.ss-by or drop-in �an l�e relat�d to eith�r the rez�ter's size or. th� average dai�y ti�affic volume or� the Y�oadways a�j�c�nt to the ce�ter. �r� the cas� of a g�neral retail centey contair�ing 30,000 sqsaar�. fe�t C�LA, �hese da±a indi��te th�t 6�s mu�h as 65 p�rc�nt of the traf�c wil� come frarr� pa�srby traff�c. �onsequently, tc� znake thi� traf�'ic inrzpact anaIy�zs canservative, it was assum�d th�at only 50 pere�nt of t.lie tr�p g�r��rated by the site �a✓ere fr�m vehicl�s p�ssin� by the siC�. I'he pass-by trips wez�e assum�d to ecarr�e frnm traffic along I�[igh�,r�ay 99�J. �-�ac� ��s�i�t��or�ia���'�����°r 3'he distr.ibution af sit�-g�nezated trips onto th�*aarlway systern within the study ixnpact area vvas estin��tecl frorr�t�e count5 Yakeii at the F�cific�rossroads Shoppin��enter. T'hese co�ants zndic;ate th�.t agproxianately �alf of th� vehicles �arn�fronn the east on Hagh�vay 99 and half fr�m the v�es� on �ighway 99�1. (�ome of these �vehicles came fram P'�affle Stre�t, but tnany of ti�em are using �his stree� to avoid F-Iighway 9��d. Giver�the location of the�Jestwoc��l �ite, and to forc� mc�st of � the traf�c thraugh the most critical interS�cYions, this 50-JO as5umption was mac�e.) As a result � of th�ese analyses, the estirnated trip dist.ributzan p�atter� sht�wn in Figura E was pr�pare�i. T'h�s � figure also shows the assignnzen.t of eraffic onto the roadv�ay network. All pass-by or drop-in � trips were assumed ta come frorri I-�igh�vay 99�V. Appro�imately half the vehicles ieavi�g the site to he��eastbound on Highway 99W yvere assign�d ta the site driveway directly or�I�iighway 99�V. The �ther 50 p�i•cer�t w�re assigr�ed to th� Paci�ic �rossroatis Shoppir�g Center �rivsway on S�I 78th Av�rtue and were assumed to ti�rn left onto I-Ii�liw�y 99W at the traffic signal. s����������� ������ �� ������� The bac�.g�ound traffic volurrzes in Fig�ire 4 �ere adcl�d to the site ganerated traffic vol�aznes in Fi�ure 6 to project thP total p.m. pealc ho�r ti•affiG volvm�s sh�wn in Figur� 7, Tabi� 3 summarizes the results of ihe int�rsection LOS analyses urdr;r 1994- backgrot�nc� condi- tic�ns. Table � pres�nts the izlters�ctaon LC3�i results far 19�4 �r�ffic conditions with the �ssurrbed ' r�tail ceii�er. "T"h�se results indicate that the signalized int�rsections along I�ighway 99VV will sti11 operat� at acGeptable levels of service even with the develogment of the West�oc�d site wi�h its most intense us�. Tl�e dr•ivewa� cnto F-�ighway 99'�i, F,vill a��rate at LOS E, which is �lso � Kittelson �Assoclates, Irtc. �9 � �� /��O"�� ' / r;°ar� I, (i�UY TQ SGdI.E) �I a5(z�j� II � � I � � � e� � � � � � � � � I �F����..�. � .o":•'�� . 2� � SiTE 4��� � � 'v-�, �� � � �� � � ��� @ � ��� ��o � � °i Q`.;� ��'�� � � � >--- � �.�, � � ...� o� � p �'�, 1 Q � � 30.�- ��0 a� 4� .� �,�.� 4C1 � ( > ( ? � 0 XX. — e��:VV TR.�FFQ� (XX) m PAaS[3Y TRAt�FlC ��e� �r�r���c�rl�rv ��� ��,s���o��,�� �� �����,a�. ��r,���. ���� �� �v��r���� ���� WESTWOlaQ FI�UP,E a � PA�CIFIC CRUSSROADS P;N�fEX � � FEBRUARY 1993 886 006 � _ _ _ _ _ �c.a� �� .. � � � ;�N (kOT 0 SCe1LE) Il� � 20� � �� �o� �� � � ZfD�► •� 9,25 1� �0 1�5� ,� �-�5� gp� �20 � � ��� � ��� II � � � � � I � � � P��,�FI.E � � � z� 7 �I�'E � � i ��� �uxra I �� � � � i� ��� �zo ��aa�� � z�z� �� ���� � �o ������ � � � ��� � � . �.... � � �, � � � � � �.� � � �Sa� �oo� �8� x�.� �3Q 1690�. � 1510 17�a� �2055 iy7S� ��113 � � � , ca =- ��TAL F°�TC�f�E` 4 9�� �'� ��A� ��l�`� �'�L�'�1�� �i/1T}� �,EP��R�L. P��TA1�, � C31� �'���'���a .�9T� wESTwoOD ��;u�� PACIFIG �ROSSROAL7S Q,NNEX � �� Ff.BRUARY 1 J83 BB6 QO �'ebr�ary I9S3 W�stwooa':Paclfac Crossraa Arasaex Traf�¢'ic Impsact Analysis �c��ptabl�. Th� oper�.ti�n of this driv�way a� vvell as all the tiarough traffic along I�ig�way 99W co�a�d b� irnprov�d. �f th� si�a�a�s �t �i�h�xiay 99� were better�ac�g•s�anate�l. i fG'�B�Fi�I�� �9R�l0il�'I'6�fl9 �'�ae key ��sues addr�sse�i in, this regort with respect to iniernal cir�ulation �or the pr•opc�sea d�vela�anent inclr�dP th� follo�ving: i p '�i�e �cc�ss dr��et�ay st�a�rlc� provide �lear �nd t�no��trueted access thr€�a�s �vith sufficient depth ta ensa�r�that parkin�/e�citing Yx�.a��uvexs will raot�i•eate signi�ica�it cor�fli�t5 with drivers ent�xin� or ex�tin� the site. � '�he irnt�ra�gi�n betw�en c:usto�n�Y•s of the coa�imercial ce�atez-��d deli��ery or:�ervice �Jvhicl�s �Y?�Ya��i be r�d�zced as an�ch as possible. e Th� nt�rz�ber af driv�ways pro�r���d to t��b� s�te s�ould b� �c�equat� to disp�rs�e the �it�-gen�i•ated ir�ffic such��ag�c�ngestian is nc�t 1'akely to e���ur�at aray one dlri�e�ray. �4 r�vaev✓ of th� c�rr��rt sit� pl�n d�rn�arestr�tes �ha� tk�� prop�sed d�velapment ad�r��aate�y �d�r�ss�s ea�.� of th� �ssues. 'd'�� �ri�aaxy ac��.ss driv�w�y wil� �e � sh�.a•€� drie��way �vith tk�� I �a�i�'ic�ros�re��ds�hop�in�Cer�tex ar�d�vill con���n t�are�lanes includ'am�tvvo a��is�cznd(�e�arate � ri�ht �nd ���'t t�arrn�) and or�e inbrsu�c�. �as�d on �he n�anber of vehicles t�xning ou c��' this � d.riv��ua� suffi�i�r�t stoi°aa� s�ac�u�d �be provid�d fcar�g least�wca vehicles car 5� fe��. �.s sho�vn c�n �i�tare S, th�r� is appr�xian;s�t�ly 6S fe�i provided at th�maan dri�s��way �cfore th�conn��ti�n to xh� �'��ific �rc�ssr�ad� Shappi�g���ae��. T�Z��n�iz�e driveway to the p�rkiza� ic�t is approxim�tely 175 f��t frcam '�i�hv✓ay 99'6V. Ther� is �n �xist�ng left turn laz�� on I�a�;hway 99'6� that ext�nd.s � �aek s�ver�l h�zr�dred fe�t tca acc�ana�odat� v�hicl�� t�rnin� ir�to the site. 'The r�lativ�ly lovv �oltazn�s turtait�� ir�t+� thas driv�a�f�; �uoulr� r�c�cai�e st�rage fc�r three vehiclss gr 7� ��et. �'�zth���_ �s�r�, speci�l studi�s alo��; �Iigl�way ���V hav� f��unc� that �vehicles qe�euirag ba�lc f�car� th� �i�hway 99�1217 in�erseci.i�r�ci�n�t i�t�rf�re�vvith t�affic op�r�t�s��as at this rn�in da°�vew��. Th� I �dditional traff�c from Y.he dev�lc,grr�en� c�f tl�e `Jdestwood s��e vaill nat �igz�ifi�antly af�ect th.i� I� cQncl�asior. I I�n �ds�i�i�n ts� this priynary c�ri��way, patrans of the ��stwood site will have �cc�ss to anatber dffiv�avay oY3 I-Ii�he�ray 49�V and a drive�uay oa� S�I 78th Avenu�. �as�d €�n the �•�suls:s �af tl�e I� �ap�city anaiysis, the geak hcaur v�k�ie�.�s trips getYerater�by the�'destwaod site do not�►v�rblxr�i�n 'i �a�y �f tt��se as��ess p�i�its. � � �� � i � �elzveries �,�i11 be �nad� a� t�� r�az• c�f the �uildin�, thus nunimizi�g t'�e iz�tera�tioa� bet��v�en ' � c�stom�rs of th� comrr�ercia� ��nt�r and servzc�,�delivery v�hi���s. I � � � , 4� �a � Kitt�ds:nn &�4ssociates, Inc. � 2z Febr��ry 19�3 I W�stw�ar�t:�'ract�c�rossrora , Anosex 7 raffic IrrYpact Aeialysis ! II T€�b��► � ��i �t���g�°�ured 1�9rA �'.(�l Pe��e F�oa�r �.g�s�! o� 5�r°orb�e I �I��e �ub �oa�� ��r��o�rcl�l ��a���r� '�� �igre�l9z�c9 �.9��i����i��� R��. �ret�Y�����o�e ��9�y lil� L�►� Cap f�Y�� -- — ?;�� ����'� � x����` � 1', �W 78th AventjeJHighway�JW 25.7 Q.3� 'D �;ty,��k���u��v��,�� �: I �����F�. ��.�+� � ,���.���.-€ � � �`�'��'�x�� z�� � �� �� 2. HighwAy�1'7lHighway 99W i2'7 0.74 B ��;�����f�������,����s� 3. F'fa4fla/SV1f 78th Avenue �f��#����� � '��;�"'A�����;� 3.2° �, r �" � �„� �.�€� `��.���� ��: �s 4�,,�� °k��` F�9h ��'�A�.��p'"����`��ah �. SVV 78th Av�nue/P�cific Crps�raads Acoe�s � , �,�r������ �fi�. �� ������`�,��`��� �OQ � i � �,���< �+�.:���;������.������ ��� ; Zr{y �Y��re `ys��.3m�� t�" gqz.��y`������,�� i 5. East Accas�/Fiighway 9SVV ���� ' � � �� n ����"r; SO � _ Z� ��z rz, � �° � �������� f����:��� � F � & ��•xY? � 6.Nlcast Access/Nighway 99W �k �y� �� :. `� '��`����' 80 E g�'�''��t:�"' °o"�:fib�,��'M�� �« .�,�m �`�x ,c A Ns��3md��u� I �` Avera��vehicle delay at four-way stop intersection, vlc�0.35 � "I�a6��3! �b '�'¢c���i ����aa�� y��� �a� E��a9� �°t�a,��r ��v��� �at ���°4*6a:� �nrith C�a� �a��e3� �a�� �a�r��s-�9 ff��t�i@ ���� o� �F/����swd ��#� �6�e���iz�� 4lr�si�a��!"s��d ��s. 8���r����60� ��3ay VA� L�'JS C�p ��S i. SW 784h�venue/Hiyhway 9SW 2�.1 f3.95 D � ��'�`` ��`� "�'}�'��� '' . ,t�j; '� �,'s`E f L�x j✓1r�A�h.�,.,. 2. F°iighway 217/Nighway 99W 12.8 a.7'�4 f3 ' �'�������x����������� �e— _ w-.� �.�; +, ��.mE,?� a�3n:x. ��� �. ��s�z« +�:� : 3. F'fatfiie/�W 78th,4vehue :�f��"��,��; ����'���'������w'���u3 � 3.2° A � rz-r x,-r5 ro�,i i � :: � af��� _. . x r a — ., � �r���������������a� ����4�F E s � �i 4. SVV'��th Aver�us/Paciii�Cro�sroads�.cc�ss ; F��������;.�5§��>���`�,���,����, , 328 B ��"� , .,�K z��, �i^ � ..F tzs�fik��� �fl�t�,�s^�'t�'�`t`ss`�=�''a ?��.�as� E�Kr,� s � 5. EasY A,�cess/Niryhwa 99W s '" � ���'��S.�'�=Y'��` ��+� SQ E :f � s: 5��.``y�'y°r��g ,�t�ke���r')� a �oz bc..r E$ �....�Fs. � . ,� . FF 4��.'�k� , � �. �i�OViari/M/es4 Aecess/Highway 99�11 ' % '�"`��``�� �`���'�`�`',�`'�'����&��,�.� 4�5 E ;.:A '�.7xar..:t fr5.iv�',�: >F.•H• 8� * F.verage vehicle delay at roue-way stop iratersection., v/c=Q.35 � � Kittelson &Assaclates, Inc. 23 , r„ F � 1r , , F �-, t ,� , , t � � i � � � :; * .�� � U. � �„ r �_ ._, ,,.. ... ,. . �r�� � t `,.. r s}�y i:�, � F ��i i � .t °`1� I ! 1 :� ��4� r �- � �� � { °� '�� �i i ' ...� _ e ` Fv...l.`.'-.�.�i i1..:� �..;1 .4_�f� �rl �t t,�Y�1� f A. ....,..:i.� (`�"A a y�¢�r g t Y i a,� �r—� F �°T�"�� f� ,�f s'_��e'� �A f: 1 t S. �'A'Aft i ��! 9'� 11.4�.�#T`ri�F�f ^n� �I 1 �, I k.� {�i�,�{ �'�r� �F��72�aR�3,'-�� � � � t � ;dti! b ,.rscx.�.,� li.L...._.�._..,.� �r..,.L...,. _.Y ., .. . .,�..-,7 a �—t/' *.�^�^n^j -^�-�..`�^*^ ^'7, . �iy��tp� �� 'T�F�' fih� �����i�k f�� �C'�ii'�.y4J_ dr. � �C �'F �t � #.lY Y"�iR�i�t�3 `vsy4 ry,«�'� �"l v�t�,�'x{� h4 pt�x'�j�f,. � �� `��,''�$� �r�` `Y,,�`'�u���'���.,�.;.�."._��`s',1�`t� �a�^�'�;s, `,.; �\�M1s �� . �=�k d .4\ '7f � ?\ 4 Y e F p?�¢4 � I � �}'!��,`'��. �*� � t. ... , ,d:�' ..... .,��.,.,�A. � "TW �� � � ������� � � � °l��rrn �u�ur� °����fi� � � �c�r�r�i�i��� � �eb��ary 1993 I dVesYwaod: �'acr�c Crossro Artozex ng 3'eren�'uturs Tra,�cc Co►�ditions i �� � 'I I ���� ���'� ���Q.��`°� �0"�'��� �����t$���i I, . li V�lestvvoad �orporation is app4ying to rezone the sitie Com�znercialpCeneral zvhicl�would permit a I wad�r �ariety c��' �-et�ai tas�s and �reak�r flexibility for the deve]�per. �Jndc.x the newv Oregon li �'rara�portatic�n 12uie, rr��.jcar rezonir�g projects need tQ consider th� flon� ran�� impacf of their traffic. The Rule r�quires that the 20 year Trar►sportation Plan b��xarnined. The Ti�ard'I'riargle I Area �irculatio�n 4nal�sis R�p�xt �cs�ducted by �3�4�T' develo�ed Che lang ra��e plan for tt�is area. Its projections af 2�15 tr�ffi�volurr�es for the siarraunding are�indicate that IIi�h�ay 99W needs to be widened to provide 6 through lanes for traffic. It is estim�ted that the Highway 99WlDartmauYk�/78th A.v�raue inters�ction vdill op�rate at L�S I�-� in Yh� future even �vvith th� �z�tprovements recomnnen��d .in this g�lan. 'I'hr S`JJ 7�t� Avenue leg of this int�.r5�r.�i�an, �vhich is the in�ersec±io� approacl� most affectes3 by traffz� frbm ti�e V6��stwood site, is nat critical ro thas ir�tersectj�r�'s ca�aGity. e�Y OI1� Ot 011f IT182t1Y1�T� W1�I7 ��OT It �Y�S �190 R28Y3�1(Dll�f� t�l1X c�t SOI11E point in the f�t��re a met�i�r� anay b� constructed along Highway 99'V�I and the unsignal'az�d � driveways u�iii allo�w oa�ly right-in/right-o�t rnaneuvers. i 'I'he 'Cranspo.rtatia�l �.ule alss� rec�uir�s that reaoning shoulc� be evalt�a�ed so that ��y a�diCaan�l � traffi� impact t�� accomtxaodaterl in or�� �f three ways. �irst$ i�the inct•eas� in tra�`�i� ds�e to th� r�za�ing is substar�ti�l, tl�e Tra�ispor�atior� �-'lata m�y I���v� ta be mc�clified to accc�n:7gx�odate the site's �dditic�z�al traffdc. ,A func�in� pl�,n, inust als� b� c�evelc�g�d fc� �ns�are that t�� roadr�vay impr•ovement(s) �,vil� be accorz�plisheci. R s��r�nd option i� ta liz�it th� n�w land use to the lev�l of traffic that u�ouid ha��e b�ea� genera�ed by th� szte under its�urr�nt �onirag. A third option is to downzone cseher land tA ��fset the increase in traffic �ttributed to �he rez�ning. As detailed i.n �ev�r�l s��zion� uf tl�is r�port, tl-ie nurnber of trips that v�vill be g�n�r�ated �i� even I the mast azat�nse uses perFnitted on this site with �oin�nercial-�'renera� (�-�) zo�ing �will result in a similar nuinber o�trips as typicai use� p�rmitted�ndex the �ite's existiaig zozxing, �'afnmercial- Pr�fessional (C-P}. I�orec�v�r, most reCail �nd comm�rci�l uses lhat would. re�l�lt fram rezoning � � tPi� site to C-�wvill r�sult in fe�ver��en�v�hicle�rips on �h�roadway netvvork. 1�Jio�t trips co�etaxl � us�s cern� from v���c3es already on t,eh� roadwa�, the majorit� gizn.ply p�tssin� by the sit� as part of another prinnary trip stich as g�ing to/frorz� �vork. In contr�st, man� c�f the dev�l�pm�nts that would rasult ur�der�-P zoning would be office types of uses that generate priinary singie purpose i trips. Table 2 pr�sented a d.eYailed comparison of th�trip gen�ration of typicai land uses perrriitted umder the t�v� z�ning designati�r�s. �ased on this analysis, rezoning this site t� C-G would not r�suie in a �i�nzfieantly grea�er nbi�nber of trips. Yn fact, tl�e uses perm.itP:ed�vvith C-�a�Unang inay resul� in fewer trips. In t�rgns �f the Transportation Rul�, rezoning the site would not r�quir� t&�at the Txanspor�ati�n P�an�ar this area to�e up�lated and it��ould.als��meet the general requir�ments of C3ptiom 2 above. 1'IYUS, rezaning the �Nest�waad site to C-� is no� incor�s�st�r�t with �}r�gan�.'s Tr�nsportation I2a�2e nor its main objective of reducing road�vay system vehicle miles o�travel. � ' l�'ittclso�t &Associates, In.c. 2S . � � '�, � i � i , � � r�, ; , � � u l. ��. .�. .._ .. ..>. .. .. .... .���t �i :-c� r 1 .� � �+T`�"' - '',�' ,� ��? � �; � � .� � � ��� �� � � 5 � �. � 1 �. F3 I t �] 1 L ` � 2 fi ` f i {,£ �' { y �� :c � ' i (�: y .s a � � t+ : i � �'� l_�*���..»..v._,7 .,:s...�2�..., .....�...�_�:.,3 ._,_._..� � l ry,t ` , t-1 y °') ry �Y ;�i �ti��k y:�� �y�} . �`t �i5 :,�"�+ r 7 �'t� ��+ r• �� �t���r �r��� ��� t @� t( �� �s > .� i ° a l ..,.,._,�'.d � ... ....o� ,.��`.:...� � � h . ���g�� �"' �y�"" $� �'� ".�'m '�7� `tk�-��� � �'������ ,. l��xi'a�r r��� � �+�� y�, 4� . �j � fl,uf �i4p S�'� ( `'�''m�f��,.y't y �4.�a�,t+����{raq �';S�y��,l?VZn"�. ��� t Tv �w ,. ' �. ....�...a.�..*`F�:�1�;�'�'�::i ., ����R � ����� z ,� #� u gb� Y � a •. 4,�y�„=��,�, � `�',,, y�-� ;!e��� r.� "�?`'� ..,� 41.n.'vcSt`�',',�� @. ���`.j.` �, I I I � ������� � . ��r��l���or�� � ,��� F���+��r�����.ti�n� ' r � , , ' February 1993 I 63�estwoad:1'aci�c�'rz�ssro �1 r:raex C�nelusd�a�s As�cl,�ecor➢a�n�nsfatiaras , �II� � ����if������i �°"A��B ���m������������ III � I ��sed on tt�� results c�f the traffic analys�s desc�ibe� in this �eport it ;s coilcluded ehat t�e Westwood site� can b� developed and'� re�aned from �oznreler�ial-Frofessiona] (C-F�� to Co�rRm�er- � ciaT-C�n�er�: (C-�) while sti�l maintaini�ag ae�;�piabie levels af�r�ffic s�x�ic� �c�d saf�ty withi�n I � the su�xoundin� transportarian s�stea�. Sgeci�'ically: I� � Adi of t9�� st�c�y area ir�t�rs�ectic�ns �aarrently operat� �t �c��ptabl� Iev�is of servece �'I during the cr�ti�al weekday p.ra�, p�a�C hour time period. � r The ntzrnber of vehicl� trips th�t would be g�nerated by ��es perinitted aaa�der the sitc's ro c�sPd�-��oa�in bein re uested b th�4�I�stwQOd C� c�r�tian��simi�ar P P � g q Y a^�c� to the f��ip� th�t wotald be o�c�r under the site's e�:istne�g zs�ning. o '�Vith t�he adda�io� €�f site�g�ner�at�d traf�e fY•oin a ��ssibl� gen�rai r�f�id center � co�structed mn the site (the u�e that wauTd �v�erat�the most�vehic�e trips t�tl�� site ur►der C-Ci zonir�g�, all st��y �r�a int�rsections will r,c�i�tinu� to operate vvithin ac�:eptab�e lev�ls �f'sesvice under praject�d 1994 eonditnons. Furrher, P�a off-site impr.ov��en�s are req�air�d t� r.��intain acceptabl� levels of s�rvic� beyoa�d th� � �Ir�ady i'�nd�d tya�s�aortatdUn i��arcave�m�mts w��ich are sck�ed►,�l�d to �Sa ir� p�ace by 1�94. � I3ased on a review r�f �h� c�rre�t sit� �l�n, it is �onclu�ed ti�a� the prc�i�sed �ievelJprn�nt plar�ad�q€��.t�ly addr�ss�s a�cess issues ala���i�h�vay 99�'. 1�sh�rec� �ccess driv�;way ��ith �he Pa�ific Cr�ssra�ds �enter has a�x��ady been designed and cos�s�r�.act�d to a�commod�te ve�icles �rsing��th r�tail �ites. f � t� planzain� Iev�f �nalysis of icsng terrn traf�i� �canditions in t�ae vicinity oz t�� sir� indicates that rezon:ng tlie site to C-G xo��ing bui11 not sL�bsta�tiaily increase traafic � • above wha� c�t�ld be genea����d anci�r its c�xr��i ��I�cc�ninb. I • �ztla the propas�d eoznm�r�ial uses, rr���� ox the tri�s t� the site v✓iIl idk�Iy c��e � �ram vehieles alreac3y on the roact�uva.y a� part off ar�ather, mox�prir�ary trip su�h as goii�g tolfro7m work. In contrast, xf the �i.te is develo��d ur�d�r C-P �s�nia�g, typi�;al uses s�ach as genera] or medica] of�c�s wi�l ��nerate san�le pur•�os� trips. �ons�- c�uently, the nuzrib�r of v�hic�e rrules of tpavel ihat w�uid �e gen�r�t�c� by th� d�velc�pmenY of this szte �ill be �ess �nder C-� zoning comgared with C-�'zanii7g. Thus, rez�r�ing the sit� to C�C� �c�ning; m�e�ts the o�ijectiv�s a��re�on'� Transporta- tion I�a�le regarding rezonimg of sit�s. � � � KitYel,ran &As•sociaPes, �nc. � 27 �������1�'Y�`i°��� � , � �I . � � � � � � ; � I � I � �tl � ,n4�� ���"`'� � � .��� � : �� � , � r � - � �� � ,��� � �� ^� �# �. _� _...�,.��`_� _ ,a ,_ — _ : F.�� �»�~`�~,� r- ,--�, � ., �t'�@ t��..' � � � F .w ' � 3'. ��� x b � � ���� d�j � � � � � " � �^ ,.�Y�h.L t �" �"� f' � ..s.... �... � ._... . . . . G 3 '=` v �.�.:.xr.w..�._:.� ��..c ._.,.•YJ.J� �;Lr4���� 5����� � (�'j� �T � � . � � �eP�l y '� . . �G1. `h A'�C i' .�+{� 3' �.) M °..�5 � t �''�.'"k ���y� � , r � f Y✓"' :.} ' . �� ��������� � xY�+C +« � � � �Gtii*.�"°�3' d"' �F._v..,a�+..i._.r ._w��t....� ....... .��.. _. ._ . +i"yr r^�. � a ti� ��� ' . � ���.a� ^i 3y b`^�` T'�� Y�:' i' � �_j � � 3 r`�'� i P�.' ��J.�f'� �_ � }.I '�E . .. t�' ' d,�'�".�a_u..�'j'w. ?� ,..�___.a., __._. ._ . - .'_ , w I ��bweaary 1993 Westwood:l�acifcc Crassro Annex qppencafizA II ,������'� � �,��r�! �f���°�ai����a�c��� I Lev�l af Serva�e (LC3S) is a coxacegt cle��loped tz� quantzfy th� d�gree af comfart (flncludin� such I �1er���nts �s travel Yim�, a�u�b�r of stops, total amount of stopped delay, and impedirxa�i�tg c�used �y oeher ��hicles) afford�c� to driv�rs as they tr�v�fl throu�;Ia an intersectimn ¢�r r��dvvay se�3ne�t. Six �rades ar� us�d t� der�ot� th� vari��as �,�35 �rarra �ta F.a� '�'�bac� e�l� t����! �� ��rari�� L9�ffi�B�B��� ����c�ar6�a�e� ir�t�e�^���°�6�n�� � �.�v�� �s°� Av��e°�i�� �c�i�� �a�s-@��hici� �r� G'viie��r ��r��� �ear°vi�� Very!aw�d�rag� stoppc�n delay, less 4ha�fiv�smcc��ds per vaB�4cie.This nccurs when progr�ssiar� f1 _ is�axtrerraely favor�t�le, a�n�!mo§t vehi�les arrive d,urirrc�Rhe grWen pha.se. MasB v�hicie��a no4�f�p at aN. �hoit cy�le lengths may aiso�conEribu#e tp io�n✓dafdy. Aver�ge sfc�p rielay is in Yh�r�rvge of 5.1 40 15.0 saoonds par v�hi�l�.'Y°his g�s��ara6ly oacur;s evith � good oro�ression andlar sE�c�rt cycle length�. MUre vahicie��tcap than&or a�.C1S Rl, C1U51(1��1lQI°I�f __� I�evels s�4 avera�e cfelay. �._._� r�vorag�s4opp�d c�elay is ir�tt�� range of 15.9 to�5.0 seac�nds par v�hicle.Triese higher d�lays � �ray resuPt Prom fa�r progr�ssian anci/�r Ic�r�g�r cycl�ler�gYhs. lndivicival cycle 4ailures may�egin?u appear at this Bevei.The number of vehi�P�s�4n�pi�g is sie�nificsnt a4 Shis level, although ma�y�tilf pa�s ttvaugP�the irY�rsectior�w+ith�ut st�ppia�g. Avoraqe s?oppsd delay�are ir 4hc�range af 25.1 tA 40.9 ssconds per vshici�.�'ti� infir�ence of 1� cangesti�n beeomes mor�no4'sc�abie. Lor�ger delays may res�alt fram sr,m�cQmbir�aqian of unfavao�able progrzssia�, lang cycle length,or high volume/capacity ra?io�. h�any v�hi�l�s st�p, and the proportion of v�ehicla;s not stopping declines. Inclividual cyclQ fa69ur�s �nre i�oticaR�l�. Average stopped dei�ys are In 4he rang�of 4U.i dQ 60.0 seconds per vehicla.l"his is cansi�fered to E be the limEt of acce�table�elay:I'hese high delay values gsn�raily inr�i�ate poor pror��e��ion, lony cycle iengths, and high volum�/capacity rati�s. Individu�l cycle faiEures are ireq�ent occuran�es. i Average stop cielay is in �x�ess of 60 secands�er vehicle.This i�considered td be unaceeR4a�bl� F to mos2 sirivors.l'his c�ndition oft�n oceurs�vith ov�r sats�ration. !t rrz�y also accur at high volum�/capacity ratios beln.v 1.00 wiih ma�y indiv9dual�ycle failurr�s. F'oar progression anci long cyclo lengths may�Iso ae c�n#ributing cauvas to such high d�f�y levels. � al Most of the material in [his appendix is adapted from the Tz�ansportation R�esearch �oard, Hdgla�vay C'apACity Manual, Special Report 209 (1985). � Kittelson�&Associares, Inc. � 29 �'�bruar� 1993 4Vestwao�.•Paci�c�Crassroa Annex Appevufi.zA 'Q"�k�9� r� l��ea�ul�e�f��e�r�s��� C�l���� f��° ���r°e��6��d in�k�r���tion� � �.,�v�f o! ���@cx� �t�xp��� ��i�� p�r l��E�ti�cl� �����s���� I � s s.o I W.___.__ �_ --- _s..._ �- S 5,1 40 1.5.0 C '85.1 40�a.0 . p ._ .--..15.9 90 40.t7 9 � �� .. _ _ �Q.O!o r4�.0 � - � >60v0 . � � i i �9r��rral�z��9 9�a���c��fiersrr,� IThP si�c LC�S grades �r� descr.i�sed qualitatively for si�ixaiiz�c� inters�ctior�s gn '�abl� r'�l. .Ac�di- itio�ally, Table A��dentifi�� th� r�lationship betdv���Ievel raf s�r�r��e azac�, av�ra�e s�ca�psd de�ay ` per vehicle. LTsing tlr.is de�'initior�, �"�3", L�S as gen��ally cc�nsid�r�d �o r�p�°�sent th� �iax�xa�e�nn I, �cceptabl� design staz�dard. � I � ' � so &Associates Iiic. •3� II Kcttel n � , ___--_-------__--_—____--_�� ��brea�sry 1993 11�estwood:F'r�cifTcCrossrau ,rAnnex Agpenrli�� T��1� A3 ��ra��-�E ��v�l �f ��a°vi+�� ��acr3p�lor��s f�r lia��ign�liz�� Ent�r�e��ies�� , �.�v�t �� ,�v�r���a 9��1�;/ ��r 11�hl�1� t�a Ivll3r�oe� �tr�s�st I��� ��e�v9�� , A • Nearly al!rlriv�rs find treedom af�p�r�iirar�. , • Very seldom is there mose 4han on�vehiGie in 4hn qu�ue. B o 5o�a�drivors bagin 4o consid�r 4he dei�y an ir�corsveni�nc�. � Occ�sionafly ther�is more than ono vehi�io in 45��c�ueue . � • t�lia��r time�th�ee is rnore th�r�anQ vahicle�ar the quau�. o Most drivers ieel restrietad, but n4t objec4ianably so. D ��4f�er�th�re is more than one vehiei�in the queu�. � l�ivers feel quite res4ri�ted. E m F�epre,sents a ccsnditins� in which the d�rnand is near or��ual to the probable maximurtz �rumbar of v�hicl�s 4hat can be accomeadafc�d by the rnaverr�ent. n 7hr�r�is �I�rinsf�Iw�ys mor�tha�one veh'scle 6n th�qu���e. ,�____. ° L?rivers find the�islays appro�ching into9erabfe iev�IsvN _.��. . F e �orc�d�low. � Ft�presonts�n irrtersectifln fa6la�re conditiar�lhai is���ssd�y g�ame4r6c and/or operatiQnal cans4rain4s�xternal to the inters�r�ctiar�. ��a�i�ea��s�w.aa.�tnt����t�erQas 'T"he �aP�u�ation. of L05 at �n u�si�nalized arnte�se�tion requ�xes a different appraacta. "Tlie 19�35 �Ii�hway�;apacity Manual includes�methodolo�y��r cal�t�lating the t,O� at�;�c,-�vay s�o�-�on� truil�r� ia�ters��taons. �c�r thes� ia�asig;r�aliz�ci in�er��ction�, L�� is d�fined di�fer�ntiy th�n f�x � signaliz�d 3f'lt�]°SuC�10I1S in that it is based �pon the cotacept of "�.�s�rve Capacity" (i.e., th.�t ipartio� e�f a��ail�ble hour�y capacity t��� is n�t used). A qu�.litativ� descripExon �sf the �varic�us ; servi�e �eveis asso�i�ted vvith an unsignalizeti inters�ctic�n �s pr�sented irt 'F'�ble f�.3. A quantita- tive definitiar. of LC�S for an ansignalxzed inter�ection is �resent�d in°I'�ble A4. � � �ittelson &Assaciates, dnc. , 3J ! �'ebrwary 15�93 Westwood:Pacific Crossroa s,�nnex Ap�aeru�ix A T��sO�r �� L�va�l-�f-���i�� ��r�t�rf� f�r tln�ig��lized I�etr�r���t6c��ro� : F����c°ae� Ca�a��6t� t..�va�l c�f �a�r-oe�B�� Exp�act�� ��9�y t� RAi�n�� I �i�c�x�t� ��a���t "�t°��'fi� I 5 400 � LiFtle ar n�defay ��Q-399 � Short trafiic rielays I 200�299 _ _ u � �verage traftic delays I 9 t34-195 p L�ng iratfic delays 0-99 � Very long t�affic delays I -------- I � � # I � V�Ihen ciemand volumc exceeds the capacity of the lane,ex�reme delays wi�l be encauntered wiYh queu�ing �I�� wh9ch may caus�severe coneestion aff�cting other traffic m.overnen�s in Y�e ir�t�e�sectpon.'This GondiEiofi li usuaily warrants i�provement to the interseeeian. �, �I The res�rve capaci�y c�ncept a�plies onl� Yo an �nc3iva.d�a1 traf�ic �oven�sent ar to �har�d Iar�e li moveix3�nts. C�nce th� �,�S, cap�city, �nd exp�ct�c� del�y of all t�� individ�aal r�ov�aner�ts �as b�en calcul�ted, an. ov�ra�l eval�atior� vf the i�atersec�ion can b� madeo IVor.rnaily, the nr�o�errYenC having ti�� vv�rst �,G1� defi�aes ?fl��e ove�ali evalt��ti�n, ?�u� Yhi� rna� be temp�red by �zi�iraee�arg judg���ent. An "E" I.,OS is gez�erally cc�ilsi���°ed to r�present �h� rrainimum a�eeptable desi�n � standard. Past exp�i°i��ce with ti�e unsigna3ized an�.lys�s proc�dtare indicates tkyis m�thoaology is very � - conservatgve in that st ten.ds t� �ver-estimate the magn�tude of any potential problez�s tl�at mi�ht ; �a.xst. This is especi�ll,y �ru� for r�inur stz�ee� left-turn nnovean�nts. For ex�.mpl�, thc; f�ighway I Ccapacit3� t�an��al methodoiflgy does nQt tat�e ir�to accotant the eff�cts Q� v�hicl� flow p.latcs��s that result fro�r upstrearr� signaiizati�n. �ehicles travelin�ir�platcsans tend to create gr��t�f•gaps iri the t�af:Fic f�av✓ that sometim�s prnvid� �dditional czpacity far the sid� clesest to the sigai�l. T�eref�re, the z•F�sults of any unsi�nalized. intersection analysis sk�ca�aid be reviewed ��it� this thought izs zni�d. Li�nerally, LOS � for the m�nor stre�t l�ft t�rr� Yxsavement zs �;onsisiered xo b� acceptable for an un.sig�lalzzad interse�tion, �llhough it alsa iradic�.t�� tt��t the n�:ed for signaliza- tian should be i:ive5tigate�.. � � � h'ittelson �'c Associates, Inc. �32 Februsrry 1993 �I Wes������od:Paci�c Crassroa s AMnex Appencirx A I i Ts�bl� 64,� ����9 c�� ��rvB�t� [���init3or�s (�!6-�aov�y �to� �o�et�s�Q0�s1 6�ot�r���t6�n�) , �.���! �� S��~wi�� �ar�r��� ta�l�y per�!/�i°m6�fi� �� �llir�o�° �te���� ,4 < 5 S�conds I�� 8 5 40 1�5ecands — — II G 1 Q to?0 Saconds '�. D 20 to 3f7 Sec�nds � � _ 30 to 45 5ec€asrds _ II F �4�5 Secnnds r���2 I �;Af-���s���� C��t���A��c�1 A�t�sr�e��t9ea . �'t�er� is �� a�c�epted oz•o�edua•� far a �evel of s�rvic;� at�a��sis c�f an. �II-�vay stop controlied intersectian. '�'h�pr�ocedrare us�d for det�rmini�g�..OS;for a fc�ur-�vay or�hr��-��ay stop controlled inters�ction differs fxc�tn that d�scrabed for unsa�nalized�ratersect�ons. 'This m��hadalogy, whFCh is being z•evi�we�l by th� �1a�signali.zed Inters�ctic�n C�:ori�m�t��e +�f the Trar�spmrtation lC�esearch ' Boarc�, u��s a����ac�ty estimati�n�ethod based r�n h�ad�vays �bserv�d �t all-v�ay stop cantroilez� III ir�ters�ction ir� the w�stern iJnit�d S�ates. 'The�?roc�d�r�i�.corpar�t� 5everal iinportant variables, i inclu�ing voluzr�es di5r.ributian, rnus�aber af 1�ne:s oz� ea.ch appro�cla, arad th� p�rc�nta�;e of rioht and le�t tu�•ns �.t tre in��rseti,tl�X1. Iiltel"S�C�:1QX] F2�T�QT➢11c�T1�� Y5 ITl�c'1SUZ'�C� i11 p�I'�IIIt��1"S S1�31xIilT t0 II signalized it�te�-s�ctians: delay, vcslume-ta-c�p�eity Y•ati�, and Level of Se�-P�ice using a scale of "�" throu�lY "F". .�.p�xoach de��y on a�ny given l�g of the interSe�fiion zs calculdt�cl usir�g the folloyvin� ec�uatiQn: �=e�p �3.8x � � �Vk�ere-- D =� veYaicl� d�l� a�n a i�en a �•c�ach sec/v�h �. J � P� ( ) � S� = subject ap�roach x�o�ume (vph} � � = calcul�ated approach ca�pacity (vPh) � � exp = base of natural logarithms � In this �qua�ion, the quantit}� �V/� is �imply th�volunae-to-capa�ity ratio an the a�proach uild�r "� �onsideratian. Table t�5 pr�sei�ts th� ��S crite�ia far all-�vay stop �c�nta•o�1ed int�rsc;cti�n�. � a2 Kyte, Ivlicha�l,Estimating Capacity and Detay at a��All-Way Stop-Concrofled Intersection. University of Idaho, l�epartm�nt of Civil Ea�gineering Research Report,September 19�9. � Ktttelson �C Assnciates, Inc. �3 i � , � , . �� � � , �, , ;`, , , � � � �� �- _, � � , � ,� r n'� r � � � i � �i}�t��f 7i� ��'y I k / '�. 1 L : � � , ,� ( ,. 1 ,�', I., � I f _ l rt _ �,: �.»� J la::. «.�_,.,.. ..w,.� .,__,_. � : i `v'2�� ? t�'1 f j' � <¢� ii 3 �; r k� ' "� � < ` � j ' `�3 ! , �� ty' � �� , r.; ,r ,t ` I� ���� �i r���' } .!`��'.,;.�v �W �ami:� Y�._�;�a:.�::: ' :•..:�.���'at }r� "m�`�t� ���� �r74a�9}P� 'T4C' .'� ' f � � � Q�, � 1 �, �` �{r� � n�� � !' *���"u. �R.�� y, zf� � � ,§ r���j �t y-4 4d' p'' °�y s ft��.,�� �vyyu�jt+'i ,r, '6�+3p'�, �„�$y��.�n�� ��t���^r��}�,, ,.� �.k3 �...�.�:.��� E. '�� •`� �..a:.�.'r �:�� � ��' �il r�XS�ybr����� � ' ,H t J,� L1 �i�`S- "�� d',�.._ �`+��, �4pg Y a�s lti6°'�i°r`i� �t �3� , �7'�,'.j � kr'Y"i�'�"�a`"�. ��k��Ji�,�"�^.���� r�X k`�`�'� �� � T � s�,w.u_ �. �9��..�._ ,u�»i�shr I r� r � � � � i � �r�t�i� � � �� �" � 8, Febrs�a ,ry 199� 'Wesd�vvc�ad:Pcscifec �:'rossroa �4rtnex �f'�'�����'�� �������� � �!llodifi�d 1Jr��i�nalazed Int�����iears ��eps��r An�lp��8� ��r �v�fu��a�� �h� �.�� '!"�xr�e� I'�d�v�a�arsts t�Af�-�srvs IDrivew�a�s� a�la�� C�i�t�onr�y ��Vli' S�veral studies har�e found tha�the methoci fo��analyzi�g the��pacity at unsi�nalized rr�t��sectaons detail�d in the �ii�hvvay �apacity l�an�aai (�Clvi) is v�ry c:ons�rv�tive and ca� sig�i�'icantly underestimate �,n inteF•seciion's capacity. C)ne of the ke:y as�uax��tions i� tilis pracedure "ss t�at vehicles coining to the i�tersectian ar� rar�dorrtly �rriving at this 1QCation. 'I"his assuzraptio� may be appropriata for int�rsections alor►� lang s�re.tches of roaclways tha� have many other int�rsac- tions :��d dri�,��avays. I�o�ev�r, at i�tersection� ch�t are adjacen�to traffic sibnals ��vith few or a�o other it�terv�,iii�g ir�tex��ctions or t�riveways, traffic flo�uv will be contrs,lled by the timing of tlae z�e�rby traf�c signal. I�'this is the c�se,Appea�tiix I of Chapt�r 1�, LTnsi�rnalitied Int�rs�cti�ns, B� th����hw�.y���acity IWtanu�.l descr�bes a r.noaPfi�d capacity aaaalysz��rrocedure tca apply. �3riefly, the cap�city of �ach traffic flow scenario that i� defiz�ed by th° clifferent �hases of tl�e n�arl�y traffic signal(s) should be determined separately. The tdt�l i�atersection caPaciey is cc�rn�uted by factoring thes� separate traffi� �volurries ft�r tP�ae �c�ual percers� of tl�� h�ur th�y �uvzil �ccur. Th� potentaal �apa�ity d�riv�d u�der each sc�nari� als�l��s ta be fact�red ��id th�n �adrled to�eth�r to comput� the final total ava��able �aps. �n addi�ion, the inter5�ctioa� ca�sacity shs���ld also t�e increased for ga�s that vaill be cr�at�d �y th� t�•af�ic signal ch�ilge irat�rva�s (y���o� p1t�s a11-red pti�s�s) wh�;i3 �11 the vel�i�les at the �earby siUa�alized 'arater•s�cti�n ar� stopped. 'Y'his speciaT situation ��c�sts �t the u�sign��iz�d driveways t� t�� F�.�i�zc �r;�ssr�ads �en��r a�� � the VVeste�voo� si"te ai�ng F'�.c��ic High�vay. I�tlne tr�ff�c v�lumes far t�Zis ir�tersection ar� dir�ct;y usec� i�n a.n �-��� ev�Iuation, the resu�ts �v✓ou�d be that the minor �t�•e�t l�ft tur�a znoveznezzts �uill. operate at Lev�I €�f S�rvic� (I.,OS) „�°' �rlaich znaicates thaY �h���e ar� m�t �.va�l�ble �aps for additioiaai vrhicles. lEio�ever, tra�fic counts and fieid o�servations i�id'zcate that there ar� gaps far ms�re� vel�icl�s to make this ar�.anen��r. The traffir sigr�als at tl�e I-�ighvvay 99`+TJ/78gh Av��nu� and I�ighway 99�e�/�-iighway 217 IeTL' �.arrip i�lt�rs�c�io�is contre�I the f�ov✓ot a:oz�g�-ii�h�ay 99� a�a� create d�fi�ed periods when th�re are availabl� gaps. 1�/Iost of th� t'sn-�� th�y r���er�te ar� a� regular X�attern and �;rean tirne is given to the s�de str�ets ("?�Yh and �Iighway 217 ramps) at appra�.irnat�ly �h� s�me time. It 'rs diaring ihis period that �n�st of tlae large �aps accux. Based ora the tr�ffic vc�lugnes shown in tl��is report �nd �he assur��iptions detailed �Y�ove frai�ra the I-��M, the capacity di th� ciriveways along �-iighway 9�'Jd �va5 calca�Iated. This sectfoa� car�t�ins ,I �„ one example c�f this �alculatxc�n. The �x�mgle calc�lation will be the znos± �ritacal znov�ments, , � th�Ieft turil out c,f and into the w�st drivew�y wath full buildouc o€the�N�stw���1 sit�wit����raer�.l � retail uses (3�,C?00 squar� fe�t gross leasal�le area). The separat� phas�s as sMown �r��ig�r� �3.a. � 'To eoi7c�uci th� capacity �nalyses, �he volum�s �lo��g Highv✓z.y 9�W �veae �.djust�d baswd an the � percent o�th� cycle tha� they actually fl�w. Thus, the valtznxes �3u�ir�g ��ase 1 w�r� clivided by � 0.75 and the vc�ltarnes durdng Phase 2 �vere divzd�d by 0.2�. (This is a sim�le represezytation s�f � the act�al sign.al phaszng. 1r'here is an ad�iitxonal Phase v,�heri tla� eastbound Fiighway 99W left lurn pkaase is op�ratiY�g. I�urin� this ph�se there would b� no traf-fic tlowing ��stbo�and on I-�ighway 99W. �onse�uently, ti�►is siznpiified nlethod woulci s�ightly ualdei•�stirnate gaps in traffic alon� �3[igk�v✓ay 99�1.) i � Kittelson &Associaass, l�ic. �s Febru�ry 19?3 i�"estwood:e�aci�c Cr�ssroa ;��r��� �91�1'�'1VDIX B A separa�te I��IO� �nsi�nalized intersection capaeity rc�n w�s per�orrned �a�r �a�h of Chese tra�'fic � flov✓ �cenaraos and their results are shown on 'Table 8.1. 'd'able B.2 shaws how tlhe total I i1���r�eCCa�� c:�pa�ity as o�z11pt1t�d bas�d t��1 tl��� n�sul2s irt th�;T�ble �.1. �'his sgecial analysis �� d�znanskr�ees th�t�ecasas�o�the�ddp�ional��ps i�iraff�c tl�at wi�l b�ca�s�d b��h���arby�ignalsy I, , �he critical left t�rn mover�ents fron�the Westv✓o�d/Paci�ic(J'rossroad Center west drivew�y will I op�t°at�at�OS E. 'T'he l�ft t�rn rr�overnent in�a th�s d�iveway v�ill og�erat�a�I.,OS�. d"�e c��a�ity of the exist�aa�tr�iffi�a�d future b�Gkgr�und tz°affic cor�ditions wer�co�Apu[eci in a similar ixiaz�ner. i . ' I � � � Kittelson &Associates, Inc. � 36 I i �� 'A�E E: TF9ROl��H ��EE (7N - ������� �s�� (�s� �F �Y�LE� � I 1MEaT�ilC�t3p ��'Y� I �07� I d M� � � �"65 I �—202U '°°°""'"'�"' �" ���. �'�� 90.� 9 600� � ` H�lY. �3 7 hE� �iARA�° ; I � PH��E fl. SI�� �T���T �REE�! �'�i�S� ���� C��' ����E� � �t�s�`�v��a ���� � s�rE 0 � N � � � �zQ � s MWY, �9�N .�_.,�..� 10� '�`�310 � . 145�--� o , i � � � CI h� � M1�/'�. 717 IJE� RAA�P T��4F'F'�� �'L�i� ,�Lc��1�' r��G���I,�Y 99VV �,���� ��f Vt�LUh��� IN F�lGCJ�� 7 WESTWOOD FeGUS�E PAClFlC �RQSS�2QAD� ANNEX �� ��ruA� 1993 �°' � ■I�� � 886 0 1 �ebruar� 1993 W�stwood:Par.i�c Grossr ,9nn.ex Ad'A�'NDIJC� 'Y"ABI.E B.� 'I'raffic Voitacnes and Potential Capacity Resu�ts At iWestwood Briveway , Pha�e 1:'Y'hrough Ti�offic osi Highway 9s W (75 ',�oP Cycie) �I Ndiivement Volsame /Adjtestment* Nourly '' � Volumes� � Fiighwoy 994d ' I Eastbaund 16Q0 6.�5 2135 Wcstbour�d 2020 0.75 2690 Wcstwix�d/pacific Cros�:ronds 'Driv::wuy l.ett'furn 35 1.0 35 � RightTurn IQS lA _ _ 1Q5 I Cu��aciiy of.l.eft Turn From FJVestwnod 33rie�e�vsy 77 Capncity of 1.�4i'Curn into Westwamd Jrivcway 177 _ .�._.__ ��_ � Piiase 2:Side Stn;el TrafTic along HigUway 991x!(20 %of Cycle) Movcmcnt �/alume Adjustment'� Haur➢y Volume'�'� Highway 49W Eastbaund l4� Q.20 725 Westbnund 910 0.20 1550 Westw�od/Pucific Crossroac!s �' Dri��eti��ay LeR Turies 35 �1.0 i 3S � Right Turns M 1C15 I.0 !OS Cnpncity of Leit°furn Frarn Westwoad privewey 87 Cagacity of Lcft Turn ituo Westworxf Utiveway � 180 ° 6'ercent of hoar or green iimc:per cycie dint ihis trrffic voiume will eetun►ly be fluwing w*£ff'eciive houi•ly volume is the uctual volume divided by tt�e sdjusicnent factar. � � Kittelso►i 8t Associates, Inc. �8 I F'sbr�cury 1993 ^ WE,rPevood: �racificCros�r Annex �,p,��Arr}��� � �I � �eu;..E B.2 t�a�acity of Left Turer Movement £rora� NVestwood I3riveway 'I'rz�f�is F�asc Potemtial Peres�ei of Actua! Capacity'� �ycle Capaci�y I Highway 99W 30 75 23 I Through _ � Side Sireess �7 20 1$ I I3ueing Signai�hange Intervals('t'ello�v plus All-ltcdj: 42 Bn�ed nn 139 xe�.cycle le�gth,3b00 sec/13Q= 2�inteevnls r+nd 1.5�vehecles cnn iaiakc naaneuver) a�o�A�, sa Conciusion: Peak letl ta�m volume is 35. 'd'he�s,roeecve c�paciQy i��l 9east 83- 35= 38 or!1..05 E. T��L� B.3 �:a�3acity of�,eft'T�r.n 1v�ovem�nt iRto �Iest��ood Driv�evay � 7'ra�c �hase l�otenti�! Per�ent Actual �apacity of C�pacity * Cyc3e �ighway 9�1� 17Z 75 133 Tl�roe��;h �ide S�reecs 1�0 20 �E During Signal Change Irat�rvals (Yell�w plus 42 All-�ed): �3�sed on I3�D sec. cycle length, 36Q0 sec/134= 28 interdals and 1.5 ve�ici�s can make man��ivex ) TOTAT 21� Conclu�9r�n: Peak left turn volume is l(?0. 'X'hxis, reserv� ca�acity is at least 214-100= 111 ar LC�S U. � Kittclsan dc Associates, Inc. 39 qj � Y ie1�� �i' bdVJ9iRL S�di'iO�A\.6�Y�8 �i'86"Yb61f'D.}.l969 �'IE�TP� @RL9�� �TPS. 93--�� F� A P'IAdPaL� �b2Il�lR IDY�L�ZI�'G4 F'It�I1�CS �PY� S:f?PiCI�L1�IOt13 6�iiiI�FI �e�E�YtG?VFE� � �U��3I�►ISxOId ��L�bi��l�t]f ��T A��T� ��+1t4E�D D�S��.��'�IdT �tdI�Y��P7�'LT�L, ��V�L,f?��Y�� P�.�T P`��i �i ��a�6 1��� lE�,t�1RC�L Ol� �a�Tf9 I.00�ATED �1�6'� t7P' C1�5S°�'L� &3ZY.Z, R+1C�. � �tT�I�TVY���.1rT� �C>BJ'JCFi �£�' 'I`HL �,�{�Y�,p� �lU�b�T`il�IfdN�, �D €A�&T R?P' 8�1 �.3�'�'F�i �'i�2dYF�o T�.� xi,g�arcl p1�r►nin� �as�si.��i�aa �a� r�°�i�w�c� 1tka� �u}ari�.vi�ion �reliminazy Pl�.t saad �p�sl�.��t��•� ��a�c���nti, �Fz� k�lr�nr�n�,aa� R�i�ri�ion ���.�� x���t, �.aad ick►�s �°a�as�st�ra�ffi �►f r�waLewixag �ge�.ci.��. Sn adldf.�tion, th� ��rrnmi���.�� �andu�teci � pu31i� h�a�i.�g ora �4.��,�1. ��, �.�93 fe�� �ka�s �ix��ae o� ����arrinc� ����3.r�aeea�}p on �.h� �S�c�pts��d d�v°��.cs��t� �la� �a�r►�.�eion Yna� bma�rd ifr� e����.�ic�n �sn ttae �����, �india�c�e, anc3 c�rnclu�i�na ne���ci ��l.our. uUk�Y €eF �1�E�LS�F,"�.°T�iL7 �".t�s�Et GA5'Z`Y.�F�' FI�CT,I.e �°IFk$I4$�ilSZfJ�i, I�A�seE°a�S '� Se � �eakirla.�r�.�i�a1 �IJ� 9�—�(3�3@ ,�l�a�ra��3 ���r�lo�era� Ft.�Srf�w �A� ���-�t��2 ��A91��F,��: �'h� �p�li���n�� ��c�a�et� a�a�ssr��al cs� a��gidmexat� ta th� app.r.cav�d �S��limi.nar� ��ba33.vi�tara pl.�.�. �ra� �l�a�n�� Desr��.cspre��x�� ��rri��r �e��ac�p�aa�L �l�n for �9xe �aa��r�n a�,�s�°assicn��.�1y �x�� F��l.f �# �x�a� �r�.� ��evi�u��y a:��arz�c� �� �� �1�� E�ax�.l A��ua��t�ira I���tli de��1c����a� �����8a. ���� ��������� �o-.o�;���a �o�.c����� �a�—��y m �r,�� ������� wa� �p�reav�d by tfi� �l�.na�.�,no� �ommi���as� �a� �4�y 11� 199�. ��a� �i�s� ph��s� a� tta� �a��arav�d d���].a���z� 3aa� br��n �on���uc��� �g ��.��1e Hil.l ��k�d�v,i�ion $�1. �'�g ��r13.�r �.g��+�o�r�l a�er��in� ��1�.d �a� tlae ���� ��k���c� ta �h� �ur.��nt �.g�s3.i.c�s�ion, unl��� mm�ii.£�.�r� �3� �ta3.s �p�x.��a��.��o �'&�� ��nr��n� �.ro��al. wrou�.d ��:Lc�h�ly� ��e3�acr� �h�a �au�s.b�x Q�E �.��� �.r� �:he ���a.l e��v�lra�m�nt �rarcg v�ka�at w�s �ar��ri����.�r ���r�a��d azxei ��r�xl.c� ��rcavi�3� �ar atanclar�i �it�° �af �T�g�rc3 r�a�ids�n�.i�l �s�r���.s r��h�r tYx�n �h� �ax�vi�ca�l� �a��rc��r�dl s�:r��a� n��vac�r�C c�� raaz��w ��r��ic� ae ur�13. a�� �1�,��r�o �o ��sli.fi���3,��� a�e g+�a���s��e� �� ���ec��� �� �t�r���. ��ub 1����ir�x��a arrouna3 f�he �a��f.m�t�� a� t�a� c1�v+��.��angrnt �� car�p�r�d �¢a �h�� l���i p��vf�u�3.y be�n �p�rov�dd �h� cux��azt ag�rlic��i.on �er�x�r��� ��ube�3.�r�.a�a.an p�°��.�i.nar� gal.�tfP�.�tt�n�ci ��v�s�.�agasa��nt Revf.ew �ox���p�u�a� plan a;�p�o��l �ca �.�,e�d� � ��a�a �g��csaci.�►r���s�l�r'��Q��a �e�� �it� a.r�it� 12�a �in�3.� �a�iA�r ze�i.��nt�.�l � lat� xangi�s� b���se�er� 5,��0 anrl �1,a2� s�ex�rs �es�t in �i��. Iax � as3�i�i.ox�e t���� �e��.�ate tr�et� ar� �����sec3 �ta�� wo�uld n�t l�� � � t�ui�.d3�ag �cs�.�9 Onra �.r�c� �.� gar.o�p�� �� cont�isa � at�,rmrna��er � �ca�li��• �a�3.�.i.��r �� ��e���3.r�d �y �'ni.�i�d �ew���ac�� .�g�xic�r ���.�.a�rd�m � �'he o�:a�r ��va� ��ac3�� �oulc� �i� l�sca��d �� ��.�la�� �id� �f �h€� � i.�a��r�a�cti�sra o� 5'b7 ].��t� F�,�r���a� w�.tlz �i&rq Td�l.a�ea�t �tr+�e� �nri ra�ul� �^a� � s°���rv�d for �a.tku�s� �u�ur� st�sretfl ��f��x° c�eZ,��..£t�► �a�i.l3.ty c����l��m�nt I�Rt or oth.�r �ut�r� deve�.t�gm�axt. � P'�%�IFsY., tiY�DE12 — �L�H �3-0(31?8 CAS�L�, I$�LI, P�3��s 3. I P�P��ZC�d�� ������ ��vel����� ����R�s �����r� ������r, ��, ��o 71�0 S� Haze1.£exn R�ad Rau�� � �ax ��2 Tu��a�in, O� 97�6� B�aver�o�P �R �7��7 (�omplgt� 1i�� ��a �GE�TO �1p�8 ���i����i�g, ���m (c�n��ct: �exx°y p�l���) �7�� S'� 5k��i�� ����. lPs��l��ac"RQ ¢3k� �7221 CC)I�lPREk�tJS�"� 1�Ld�i+i 19����PT�,�°TUPt: Aiediazm b7�ne3.�� �Ye�idgn�i�Y atad ��dium—�digh ID�rnai�.y Ite�iders�i�i zca�ax�€� n��x�aa��x�a�a; R@��`��} ��x���.ct��,��.�ir �.� un�t�/�cx�� �l�rsra�c� �e�r�l��am�a��} E���5�Pri} (13c�io�en��.a�., 25 xani��/����p Y�l�.a��x�d I1eva�l��ment) Le)C�,�ICaN� F3�taa�ern ��atl� f�i�.l Y ��ab�ivi�ioiZ and �WI 135�h �v��.rx�, �c�u�F�a a� vh� Cc�G�w��.cl �tabd.ivi�irs�.�o �G7�T49 2S1 �A, tax 1�c�� 3�00} Y�.F'�7GI�Ak37:,� �A'�T� Cc3at�tutiit� ?3�v��.�apYKl�r1� �t��8 Ckaa.g3��rc'�s 1�s 54, :��.5�, l�.�Q, 18.��, 1�e1J�, lg.�.5t�, 1�.:3.��, t�3�16�4 e ��mp��h�ra.�fv� F��.�n �r��.�.�i+�a ���.01.a 4,e�«1, 7�102, 7,2.1p 7.3s�.q Ta4o�e 7af.�, 8�1..1P and &.Y.3, > I n F'T�i'Lb�td�� AT�CAU`.� SI�'� F�PiI� �IFk'2�2�DUY+ft7IlV�"u� A� B��Ec.��caunci Ir��a'��rn�-�i�ar� �h� ��i�irnal prapsx°�� tna� b��n �xavalv��l �.ra � Y�x�� �xLambe� �a� d�^���.c�g�m�x�� �rc,�c�aaz� gevi��aec� by tlx� Ci.t�r4 T�� msac�� rec�ez�� d��r�l��am�:nt s�vi�:w ia�vr�lvix�c� thi� ;�or�ion n� t�� aarig�n�.l �arceZ �v�c� StYbcli�si�i�n �UB 9�v�A4f�l�n�.c�d I3ev�Zo���z�� �t��i.��a P�R �OaQ� a��rr�vad �y �h� �l�nni.a�e� Ca�ma��icaaz on M�� ].3., �.39f.?, ��anazinzg �arcimis�i€��i �'in�,�. C�rd�� �e�. »�t}-12 P� �rr� �F�a� �. ��p:l.�.ca��.an �.e �ttaeh�c� �o thi� reps��t a� Ap�s���se Or��. �h�.t g� c�x�der zs he�aby m��� a p�z� of tha�� r�po�� �c� f'indiY�g� cei�h � �ee��r�l �� d�e�.lo�men� histo��, �a.tea in�c��mat�.r�n, a�d �ri�cini.ty � a,�a�oa°mati,c�ne �r� �.c�rl3.ti.Axxo �h� a�a�13.c�n� ��s �r�a�idecl � �aPY � o:E e�� ��prov�c� �+��1�1i�aa�gr p1.afi�fga�ar�rxect s�ev��,op���a� .�E camc�ptazal an� de���l�cc� g�lara f��am tha�t ���,s5.i�a�s.r,rza �ha� map ', 6,� it� a��ac�a�et a� �pp�ne�i�c Tws� za� t�ie� ��p�a�t. Th� �irs� ph�s� i�!D I of th��. ap�.�a��ed de�rsl.apanent ha� b��n �c�raat�uc��cle �3 , � , E'I$1T�1I, �fiD�R — S6JH 53�-f30Q� °f.'�i�a^`Y'T,E FiYI.L ���� a �� P���gaa D��������m� �h� cu�r�n� ���lic����n ��s$u���� �u�divi��en p��lixain�rlr ����/Plsnned ��v�l��n��� ��vi�� eonceptual pl�� ��p��val �o ��v��� t�� ���xgxim�tel� 28.26 ac�� �i�� ���� 12� �in��� £�ap��� �e�iden���1 ���s ���gi�� ��twa�� 5e6�� an� �10525 ��u��e �e�t in �i�� �� �lluetrated on ��e p��li.mi�a� plat. �� �d�i�ian, ��z�� ����r��� tx�c�s �rs p�o�sed �ha� ��u�d no� b� b�ildi�g lo��a �r�ge��ed �r�ct � �e int�nd�d �� c�n�a�� � �toran����r c�a����� facili�� �g r��u�r�� �y II�i��ed ���a�r��� �g�aa�� �s��nd��c��aa riTo ����.il� ��� pr�avi�led a� �.a �lx� t� o� �ac�l��y 1tha� �roul.�. be d�er��.og�ed ca� #:h� in��a�cied o�x�rshi� of thi� t��.c�a T��.cts� � arad C wouls� �� locaterl at �3.gk��r �3.�a o� �h� �.�xt�rs�c�#.aaa of SW 1�5tka �.venue wi�h S�1 34��.a�sat �t��c�t. '�h�s� �ra��� a�� �Sra����d tcs �S� r�s��sr�red fos �i.�l��x fu�d:a�� c�t��sn �v�i;a� �.a.�l3.t� ��.c�l.itg= r��vela��nt o� c����� £utu�� �i��r«�3.���n�. ��x� pr�pca��l iz�clud�s �x��xa��one eafe �W �7�Ireu� ��r��� anc3 Si�T �.�,�� �v��zue a�.m�zc� �he� �d�e o� �h� ��a�s�d d�v�la�a�xa�. �� w�� �r�v3.o�.��� ayap�csv�d. �� L�Lc3�� Dr�.c�e �s�d S6V �dc����.v3.�w �.�3.�r�e va�s�a3.c�. �� �xtc�nc�ed ��r�u�h pkaa��� i�wo asrad th��e ��e�ma �fla��r �ux�rsn� ��rm3.ni w�thf.�a pkz�e� 6r�� c�� �a��tl� �Y:L�.Z �u�rci�.w3.s3.on. �.s�e�a�i����, �cc�a� �a �YAa ��o�e�r� �S�a��� �vso �vo�a3.r� b� � �����t lcac���c� opp�ei�� SHl &�i�,�c��n �v�ai�x�°� 3.n��������:Lor� wri.�h �Iala�ut ��Y���, an� �. �ozan�ac�i,e�xa �a �&�� �p��a��c3 hea� �s� �re� u�u3.l� �t� f.�.ss�� P��ado�r� �,�n� �e� t�a� ��u�h. ��� cux°r��at �1€�n �..� ��xk����nt9�.�.1� d������xat ��oa� wha� �vae� a�pr�a��c� �gr ��x� h�la�tnins� ��ra�aa��s�.e�n �.�a ��9��m ika� e�x�Yi�� a��rsav�xl incicxc�e� a netwca�3� �� za���e�w�� �hara r�o�rnal e��s��� a� �aQ�.l �.ea ��.���r�s ur�.�ttz.� �a��.�es two ��ad tl�r�ce9 �'h� �a�.���x�•� pxo�so�a1 wnulc� �r�vi,�3� �o� ��an�3�rd Ci.ty e�� ��.c�arc� �.a���_ �e��.d�nt�.�l �����t� a� 111.�a��r�t�c� dr� tYse l��a�. �tre�,� �ro��� ��:�t�c�n a� aLl��a��.r���� uxa skae�t 2 �� t�he t�x°�J.i�¢ainax� �l�.t �uk�mi�t�3l o �n a�al�.tiaan, �22s �a��vi�taal.y a��arov�c� ���.�rn prov�c�ec� ��r � 3.�acs��. a����t '�o �Ja�it �.ra�ks �-6 c�f tk�� O��s� FTeiqh��s �uYac�i�i�ion to �h� seau�.Ya��.z�� r� �h� �uYsj��� ��ic�o r �h� a�ar:��n� pr�pras�al woul.s� nr�i: pl��e �tfi�� ��rec�� in tka.�� a��� � �3,�c��t�.� a�ut�ing tiaoee dev�l��� r���.r3en�3.�]. �Zr�p�x�i�:�. A t�a� L'�a� wi�e pa�hway �raat �.� g�o�setd to �x�end be�w�era SW �3�5�h ,�,v�xzu�a �arxcfl ��I Z�ider� T�rive b��c�e�n �ro��ed lot� 3�6 � �nc� �,�47. �h� a�xr�esra� ��op�c��A f.� in��nde�l tca �u�����i� �h� ��r�.�.e�, � sta11 v�1�.�., �g���sve��. f�r �ha ��etezm m�.� h�l� e�f �h� �x�� � �ut���ct tr� tk�� 1��0 �evieva. Alth�uc�h $ n��a �ubc3ivi�s�ox� �czd �" �l�nr��d D�v�ks���n�: R�v3.e� s�g�.3�at�ors �ave ��a�n �i��ci, �Ia� � �c�.ir�n� wea�xlei �ss�n�ai.all�r cons�i��te a modi�a.�atian ta �tl�e � 1.�9t� dee��iaraa � � � i� � �'ZLi:+�, ORA�Fk — SE3'� '�.�--�1G�Ug C�STI�L Yi�7�L P'A,�L� � i . I�a ��RCi�7z� F��t���� � Staf� ha� �n�� �evex�� timse wi�h th� app].ican� and t1�� a�p].�r��nt�e� �g�n�� �o r,av�.�w tla� �aragoe�d mc�difi�a�iox�e to th� earl3.er ���rovea pla�s for �thi� €axea> �taft h�a �ound th�t �1�ka�ugh �he pr�opos�d mod�.��.c�t�.onea w�u1d a�ov� tk�� de�r�bo�ac�nt pl�a �lase� to r�ormal Ci�y et�nc�arcl� for thie �� o�' developan�r��t, �tae grapoeec3 moc�ificatf.on� sti11. aoneti.tu�� � �+�bet�z��.ial ah�nge to th� previ.�uslqr ��prxaere� �anec��t�a�1. devrs�.o�ZSn�nt gs3�r� �nd pr�l.im�naxy p3a� s.�.e��� th� ca�r��nic p:��xl �.n�lra��� ". .. a �►��or ehift in ttae l�cat�on of o e e �Sx��8�c3 e��a�t�a a.e o� a�ther ei.�� iang���v�am�n�Es�.� (Communit�► �e�v�l.ca�nan�nt C��� ��+�ti.�r� �.�a�0<0?�.G.1m� - detailar� �l.an�ed d�.r��,csg��n� pl�n I �p�.�ov�g ���nc�a�de) o �h� p�opo�ed irat��rng1 ��r�a��s a�� ea�bstant�.all�r r�iaff�x�ra� is� locati.on �nd i�rapr�w�mer�te �h�x� ws� pr�v.it►u�l}� �rapos�d. E�ax th�s�� r�m��n�, � neur �.pp].�ca�imr� i� w�r�.n��c� �c� �xn�nd �he �onaep�tix�l de�r��a�smm�n� �a.�.�n fnx �.hio �?as�aa�� d���slo�xn�ri�. �YI m �'PLI��►H�� �PR.AV.�4.'L �`I'�1#��� Th� �p�rrsv�l ���nd�.rd� for a Planne� ��e�3.og�msa�� are f�saz�d �� Cmc1e � �ectinza 1£,�Ov120. Tflxe ��r�roval �ic�r_d�.rc�e frar � px�lfsnin��r �rab���ri�i�a�a �l�f: ��e �.�.�tecl a� Cpde S�ctioa� 1�<].�QnOfsO.P�o �n I a�cldi�io�, ��� �ax��ago�al mus� �}.�d b� �puras� t� b� od��i�tent su.��n �.h� c�c�vc��.d�+rai�sx� ���az����sl�r e�� �ta� �ca�3.eaw�.xne� c",�el� Cha�'e���a �ka�.p���e ��3d�4 �r�R�a ��r���; ���.�te� ��.s b (�-�� zone), cr�a��er ��e a� ���i�r �,�c��� i l��cq�si�s�►tent�) � Ck��p4:e� ].�.�2 (De�.�3.�y �ompu�atiun�) ; �ha�t�� 1����� (A�.�r���)5 d;��g���r 5�.150 {Tr�� Pr����'��.onj; and �Cka�.p�er 18.�.f4 (S���p� �nri �.Ita.�.�.tir Improvemen� �tandard�) . 5��►r�r3�xds oF otlxer ��are�►una.��C I9sv��A�mpsn� �o�t� c�ia��.��s may appl.�r to a�ub��c�x�xa� dev�lo�xn�r�t a� the �eab�e�t �i'te bu� ar� anot applicable to �th� I �uxses►� ��vi�vao �ramg����i�x���w� PIa� �olici�� 2.3.e�., �a�.:l, 2.1.2, I 7a���, 7e�}.4, 7.�»1, �o�.l, a��� 8e1.3 al�s� a.�splg t�o �t�� z���r:�.sa�a �� �, �ka�.g el�v�].opm�n� �Sxcs�sa��Z. ', I 1C�T. YdL"9� �i t�.t�EA7C'X C()2�i�N�'S I I .1. Th� �Ci� oiE �i �rd �n �z���rin D� ar�m�r�t ha� ��a�ri�s�edl tk�� III I �' � � � � , pr.og.s��al. �nd off�:r� r.on�an�r��c� axzd recoe��x�da�iar�� whi�fa as°� I �.t�.ach�d �.a �pp�iaclix �12z�ee of �h�.e r�park, �T�e+ ��g�.rag�siaas� I� l7�pa�tmer�t r�c�iYU��axdat�on r�;�1.ec� nc� aka�nge� fram th� I agpr.�v�d cc�n�3a.��.�ne of app�a�r�� :�o� Si?�3 '��-04, ��rc�pt �ai�h j ��r�ard tc� tk�e eliminata.�z� of. �����est��s ta ttne �r��a,iaaz�ly I ��rpr,�v�s� �arrar��r str�aets �ns� axleye, a�d vri�Ya r�r�ar�3 tm th� , p�apoe�d e•r��.ex c�eaality �a�ilit�y in �ro�e�d T�a�i: .'�. �i 2� Th� T�.g�.rd P7�f;�� I3��t�a.�t ha�s x��va.zwed th� prc�p�e:�a� and h�s �camet�en�ed tha�. �h� �ubdivisiax� sai3.1 rn��c3 to be aex�v�d. fraan I �.wvo di£fer�nt pr�����e zon�c� b��a.u�e o� el�v�.tion I ditf�z�enae�. �'ir��l wa�er �yet�m p�aa�� wi11 n�eci tcs be ' resr�.ew�d ax�cl app��avesl b� bn�h �the i�1a#:er Biatriat and L�'.ire I �lieik�i�t. , I F�bIP� �Ftl�k;E: � �Ul3 9�-����33 Cl��TF.L� E3TLL I� P.F►l��; 4 �I � I I 1 r 3m x�,� �a��l.sa��,m ��1g�� �'�.�� ax�d ��t��aa� �1��+trirt h�� ���r���s�� �Pa� prelia�i��ry pl�t �nd 2a�� �a�sn�xat�� tY��� #ir��1, £�.�c� �nydffiara9: 1�c���on� waill n��d L� b� ��pro�eet by both th� ��.g�rd �at�r Di.g��i�� asac� t�ae �°�x� Di��r3.ctw The Fir� D�.�z�ric�t a1�o J�a$ ' caa�rn�r�t�s� �&t�t tk�� er�zreszt }ax��sa��]. wauld pro�r3��e � ��a+cP� la����r, �.n��ra�l c�.�cu��.�3.�n �s�ete�n ��a�n ws� p�:��v.is,ue�1�° approw�da Q,o �h�s ���w����� ��Ba��Z Z�i�tr��t ha� x��vi,ew�d �4�� �r�gaa�d � �nes��Caa�nts �cs the prev�oea�ly° ��p�c��resi �1�r� �nd Y��� �am►naaxa�ec� th�� �.%� ��en�t�.�l ���c1Q�i: ian�s��� �� i�k�� �as a����l d���s.1c���r�� ka�er� �1���.�� l���r� �ic�u��� 3.ta�� �th� �GYaoa��. ,���tric-�e c� p�.�ranf.�xs� p�o�er��m �Ch� �uzr�aaL �ro�a�a�l ��Y���c���r� has xao �el��.�t�c�na1 stud�an� im���� �ra �h� 3�taool Ai��ri.�f�a , 5« �h� �it� o� Tic���d �u�.�.��.�.c� �i�i�3.an, P��� �To�tla�►��t t�a�ur�� �r�r�, �atc� �h� 1������a��.i.�a� l�re�a �ommun�.catiean� Coa�nis��saax (�akyls ��l.sv�.�ic�n) h�v� r�wi�we� t�x� �a�opoaa� sn� �i��r� ��£�r�a�r� nca coreKUx►�n�� �r �b3�,��,:�axa�. �T� �raman�n�k.�t v�v�re �����.��d ��'UIX9 AYI��I a��A m �. E'�uS. YY�ffm�r�� 13985 S�7 F'�r �treeto irra� t3a� c�nl�r �reosa to t���i.�y �� �h� F�.an.nixag Cam�xa�.���.�a�a°� l�p�il 19H 19�3 h�a��.ng c�rs �En�.� �e��fc��a �r. �I�f�'maz� t���.if�ed ttaat 1he wa� n��. �p�ar���ei �o �.h� �����+��t si�v�l��n�a�t bui� �h�� k�� wr�rt�.�� �h� �e�r�laps�°� ��zz��.n���� ax�� ��a� C3�y� �� �a� �.cv��� �� �wr�s cs�n���ana�a :EAl.���,� l�� w�ant�s �o ¢nt�7s� �u�� ��n�4: ��� �tca�eu ���aex w�.tTx�.r� t�i� pra�c>��c� ��xbc�s.v��zon that �.� i���xa�i��. t�a c�27.�c� ����.n�a�� f:r��a �ha irn��rma.�.1:�nt �a���ssan ��a� g�.ca�a� ��css�► tai� gsras��ty �te� �I�s� �it� i� �ct�c�ra�t�1� €s�.��d t� �,�.s���� an.��.�ip�t�d ��.c�we. '�k�� ��apli��.n�'�s �na�in��sx, �77'���y �°�.1.ars�a� �� A1.gaYa� �nr�iaa����.�c�a cam€nex�t�d �l�a� �h�y ar� �wa�� o� A4�o �IIn�fraaan'� conc�rn and v�i12 d:��i.+�x� tt�� �torm ��ur�� a��c�x��#.ny�.g�m �s�ond, l�4 F�a��ma� r��r�ed th�� Yx� ta�� �.rs ac��e�rtexat �aa �ureha�� a �aa?�tion o� �:ax lot 1�00 s�� 5����% ���. ��I7 zat�s.�kx 3.s ��uth o� �D�� �ul�j��t �i��, T3ae pr�lure►:Lrnax� �al.�v �txaws� ��.��t a faat�a�s ��7 F�r��� 1K��r3�w� i,ane w�u�.d strac3c11e �Y�c� ka�sun�ar� l�e�w��r t�ac �.�i� 1E�0� �x�d ��x lo� 4Q0 tc� th� �a��. 2��o H�ffm�n 3.sxdiG��ed th�.� he l�a� n� �u�tu��s �Iara� f�� d�v�l�a�am�r;� nf �� 1.ot 16�0 �.axc� th�s���r� t�h� rc��ad �d�c�u�.� t�� �ka�,���d �c�anewha�t �o the ea�� �dn�i�t�ent �ai•�h �kx� �i�yoe � Ei�a:c�.�r�� €�ff�.c��"� c�e�ca.sican �a� tk�� �z��pcas�d Ra�e l�ie�.rle�va� subd�,visic�n. l�ixa P�1.a�.�r aaa�i �7e���° �£��� o� ��n�: �'ic�ard � �1.��r�in� l�ivi�i�� �c�n►snera��si ��x�� tki�; fin�l pla� �and pul�l�.c ixng��rov�cner�� p3.aaas r�aul.d bs a7.ic�la�l.�r modifi.�c� �o taDc� car� a�f ttai� a�.�u�tic�a2. I3� r�vie3.c�n� tcs the progos�d concii��.a�s of � �,�gaz�a�s�l �r� aa�ae��ar�m � � I' �3 iT. I�V�L�3�TIC3Id C3F' X��'L��T I � s �.. t�a�,�I.a�:�a�� �aitk� C�sreurnun�.��r De�r�lox3�aent Cod�a � ' 6Xl � 1 m T�� �sz�a�e�el �cv.tociiv3.�ia�xa cc�m�l3.�s w3.th ��x� us� � s�and�x�d� o� tYia i�ml� ara� �ta�� �i��ra.c�� (�raet��aux�a.�y -J Tiev�lo�xne�xt C�d� ��a�p��r�� :P.�e a4 an�1 18.56} k��ca�a�c th� I�°�T�Y�I.� t7EtDS±�'gt � F"aiJ$ 33-��C�� C�iSTL'J�+' I3�5.�T� �i�9�E 5 I lm�� �r� �.n��a�el�c8 �a b� �r�e3 £or eine�l� fa�i�y� II d��aGhed elw�l].ing unf.�:�o Sf��c�Ie—fr3ari31y r�eid�r�c�� ar� I � p�rtn�i�te� us� �n bo�h zosaing di.��rict�. �eeause th� j ��.�� ia c3eBic,�n�t�d with 'the P�.anned Developa��n� �� cs�rerl.ay zr,rt�, �h�z� 3.ot� xsee� aac�� �nc�i�r3.du��.l� b� ! con�is�eni: wf.th tla� minimum ��� �iz�, la� vPrid�i�, arad 'I �o� depth r�e�ai�em�nta of th� uader].g.ia�g zan��, �i N�v�x�h�les�, th� g�rnpo��e� la� s3.z�� ��ad �th�r ' e�ina�msicsna �r� �An�s�.s���at c�3.�ri th� ur��d�rlyin.g $r�n�s� ���bi��� lot ���� s;�� o�:h�� dirriensi�ra�1 ����n�l�ard�� I AZ1 ��cs�aedl lggs �xe rea����T� �ha�c� su�h that th� . 3.0�� eheu3.a� b� aP�le� t�a be bcz�lt u�n �ai��ain t1a� , con��ra3.n�e o� �hs ���b�c]� stand�,rd� s�� ttae� urt�erlg�3.ng , zar►in� di�tri�te wi.��ao�t v�r�.�a�c�ae. �Ycs r�c�cae�� haa ', beexa m�de �a� gpeci�Z �e�bac3e�. I �. �tae pseeFscs��cA de��lc�m�n.�. sc���ae� �.�t �on�i.��.�m•� �rit�a the I, appresv�l s�an����aa fo� � p�.��ar��d r���rs�3�t�r►�n4: d�rade Ch��•t�� �.i���0; a�a c�euto�ze�r���d by �h� findings �Sr�s�rnt-�c� �or tka� var�ours E�l�n �u3.i�:i�s �and f:ad� I Chapt�r� tl�a� th� �ta££ h�e Loux�� �pp�.i��+l.e *a th� x�rsua�t. �Pz� requirsmen�� ng �tss fallobv3 nc� Ccade �I �la��st�r� axe rza� �.irec�ly �ggs�.�.�abl�s i�o �k�e �urren� revi.es,� alt�s�ugh �u�.u�� unp�ovem�n�� on tka� aub�je�ct ���.e �rill n��c1 �o ac�n�orm w�.�h tha ��c3ui��rn�s�,t� a:E ttnese CYaa�►��ar�: �ha�t�� 1.8.144, Aca����argr Struct�x���s ��hapt�� ].�eJ6, �1ddi�ta.+�ra�3. Y�.rci ..�ca L3��u�.rea�an�.�; �tnag�t�r 1&.9�, ]3az��c�irag �3s3.��t T,�►i�a��.a�.s: �x�c�g►f3.an�; �l�a�s�er ].�e�OU, �.an��c��pfazq arxd ��z�ieax�.rac�g �ns� �lia�str�x .�8,�.G6„ Pa��.irag. s��,�';E �.a � ehs�g�c3 �ritla revl.asa:�.na� �32e� cr�raaL•cr�m�.axc� a� ��stur� � i�pro��am�n�e �vit� the�� €���nda��le �.h�s�a�gPa �h� baai3.si�.ns� pex�a� �.aac� ��gr� ��z.�nait ��view �Sroc��as� aa �el� �� t?�rou�.�i c:�sntizaui.ng Cad� �n�c�r�emernc a,���.san�so � 3. �hra ��+p].icm�at'� si:�t�m�nt contairs� � ��sl�� �c���s. � I ��r�:�u��:Lon ana�a r��mons��a�iz�g csn�is�.�n.c�r wiygs t�� � �c��.ax a�c��� �ec�ui�c�mc�n�s a�f �3���at�x� 28 0 BE�. �o�t� � S��tion 3.8»�8,O�i7 e C x�guire� th�� � �z.�nim�z�z s�f 8�! �aerca�an�t �£ �klxe grre�goa�d �.rat� ro�et c���c�,i� �ol�r �.�e;esr� i ` �car n��,r cd�v�log��n� d�sign e��.nd�.�de. � T4aen�y—�ive o� °�h� •ko�8�. 12f �r�pa���l �.o�� �r� I ��s�a�np�ed fzorn tka��� �t�r�s��rds u�ad�r �h� �11.�s�rc�d �t9 i � perc�nt �x�m�t�.�n. �,ir�li�y�r�in� cath�� �ots �a�-�i���► �ke� kaasic �Ala� r�quirement ofi � gran�: la� 3.ifl� arientation wi#:hin 30 c3r��z��e�a of a tru� �a�����ea� crra.�ntatiran �nd a mir�imum nar�h—sou�.ka el.i.m�x���ra�a c�£ �f� f��t (noted wa.�� � oxt �,pFs].�.�ant'� solar �acc��s c�m�alian�e eashila3.�) e �hs a�p�.ican� ��opca�s� tk�at �es?ar lau�ldin�g la.sa�e b� r�card+ad with �k►� pl�t far f•�v� o'��n�r lot�s (�o��d witta ��SH�, ora solar �ec�a� �xhibit) arnd �hat sev�n dttx�� 1o�s carn me��E tha� �aa1�r acces� �tand��c3e for n��r con�a�reseticsil thrc�ea�h th� g�erfo�z�san�� apt�Arar� of Gode �ection 1.�3.�38.040.C.� �noted ae Pi9 an �Al.sr �xhibi.�.). Ft�i�t�i�tf.ons ��x FrAFAi� �J��Fe — SITH J3-0�08 C1i��L�E ,HTIsL, �'A.&�� � I p����c��� �as��r. �ruilclia�g �is��� ffinc� ���ox�an�� ����c�n � compli�rac� �hould ba ra�,u3.r�� ico ta� r��s�xeled �l�xac� raitla ��a� �lat �rax �ro��c��d �ml�r bui�.d�ng 1iax��s and �r��x�ea�a�g ���t£oax �omp3.i�nce �hould b� r��aired �o ba r�c����d �1��� �a�.�th ttx� pla�t re�ordine�. TY�� pra���d �ubd�.vr3.�f.ora ws�.��. tlh��e�o�� c�orea���r wi�h ttae �e�.ai��zn�nts a� ���ti.on 1�m�38�040.�, 4, �l���s��� 1�v9� (m�n�s.��gr ��m�u���ie�sa�; i.� ��ti�£'3.�ra. b�c�.�z�� tcYt� �S���e�r� s�e��3.��r �mx ��iea ��t�.r� �ro�so��� ��e�c�� I��.].1 s���r�:9.agamea�t ��� been �e�und k��r t�e�a �nrnat�3.��i.e��a'� l�'9� r�,ri�ca �� #:k�� rs�°3.g�.r�al pS��nn�d d�v��.�pme�� ecsr�c�p� ��,�r� ta b� con�ie��n� �a�.th Cr�d�s s�c�u�.z�ma�n�� f�� �h� R�12 �ncl I��25 z��Y��o �la� �o�ni���.�ra ��u�c� tha� �Y�� ca�ia�ix�a.].�.y p����c�d ���! e�.�a�l.�m�amil� lo�.� ��� �kse r�e�ee�:v�zi ap�x:tuz��.t� �ar �d� a�au2.��.���mi1y uxait� k���a•e� b��� ������� is� a.m �r��. t��� uzo�S.� ��nr�a.�l� ara Qgport�ni�yr £o� mp��ox3.m�t�ly 4�1 c�w�].3.in� ezrait�� if d�v�lo�� ��+ �ta� �s��.l. a3ex��a��k�r cagrp�rt�,�ai.��r of t�i� ��12 and %ta�� �on��a Th� caaxx�r�� � �ars��Z���� w�u3.d cd��r���e �k�e ta'���. na�m.b�x za� �i.rag:��-� �a�ni.��r r��3.c��nce� to lby go�ar �e� 130 3.c�t�m Th� cra.xx°�n�l� ��c��a��� az��rac�s��n� e3cz�� �acs� n�g��ivr��� a����� t�l�� p��Ylil@t� dav�la�su�ra��� ��mga�.3:.asae� �r�tt� �lx� a��n��.�y ���ndard�, 5. �Yaa� pro���l �.c� c+ans�.���n� w3.tk� �kac� a�c��� ��c�a3,���nente� c�� �"h��st�� 1�a 1(�8 {�ia��c�s� a�xd �i���l�.�.i.�ra) �iec�exe� �1:� �.e�t� wqe�lri b+� �S�a��r�d�d cv��h �a��� �nc� �c�e�a��� �ec�sm ta� pubZi.c g�c�3. �����t�a �� a��;��� ��tim iraeiivic�us�? l�,Vs t�a ��' 1.�5�h �lv�axu� o� �[� �3�l�a�i� ����e�. i� in��izd�elv A r�on�a����� ��s��ve s�:r�,p nr ��,�� x��trict�c+r� ehau2d ka� ��cj�a�re�� �� ka� ��ca�c��� wf.�h t�� ��.�aal p�a� te� ���u�ea �tha�. ��c�s� wril]. �z�t b� g�x�tni�ic�d 9.n i:hp fu�ur�n T2x� pe�a3.:�min���r p�.�� �ara���c� � �oira� d�s,�s�a�r��r a�r ��gw�at� ���e�� �c� ���v� �riog���� la�� B�. �.�r� 7?m �lxe a ����o��� pr�vat� a����t a� �hssr�-ta is con��.a�ea�t w3.tda �s�d� �ec�iom 1f3.1.�8.�?�3.�1 gxiwa�� �tree� i�pd•cav�i�nt ,, �tand�ra3r� whiah ��sc�uuir� 2C! fe�� a�� �rt.�r�w�y �a��vrenm�n� w�.�hia� a a� ��cs� wide a�c�s� a�+�x �rs ���ve �vra� �.�a��7�i�;s� unit�. The pr.iva�� drive �ha3.l D�e �r�t�a� avith nc� �a�.�k�rsc� sigx�e �.z� �a�d�r �o a��ur�: �k�a� a�.�qu�.�e a��a �� provi�d��3 fcar �a��s�en�y trQkaicl� ac�e��, �� r�e�,as��t�� ��r ��a� �'ir� I�a.��r�ct e ' �, � �. Ch����r .�.So:�.Sf� (�r��s R�m�wr�lj �aae,guir�s �ka�� �tsc� naaqn39�� � c�� �x�e� av�r siac inch�� ia� rk�.am���r ��5�.� �.xe �a�raavac� � dix�f.�sc� tka� ca�ax��s caf �canstru��ican k�e mi.��ziz��o �k�� garop�€��� e�e��?e��ntexst'e ���e���Y �z�.iJ.�.�a.��, ara� og r�gid�r�c�� va�ll requix� �tha .��anca��]. �� a s9,gra�.�ia�t�k � n��x� o� �r.�e�, ga�ima�ily i,x� ��� �r�a cr� ].c�t� 154�165 � a� ill�x�t�,����1 tsra �h� pr�7.imix�arX p1a�o Iius �o �.�ae � ama�n� �£ gra�inr� �Ixat saill �� nec�ssa�yt �.� �,r�.11 b� �°xI3�', CD�EFY — SIJ� "33�C100� ���TT,E HII�T� PP,G� 7 .___ i �3i��icult �o �3.�eiu►i�z� �tn�.s r�aa�r��.o �k�i� cv�� r�co��ai�srl wi�h th� 1�9� a�spx�v��. f�� t�aic� s�i�eo id�a�rth�l��e, �he �it� de�va�Zo�r �houlci �nd�a�rox �� ���ai.n �e� mmr�� ma�ur� ����� a� �a�ib�.�, I�o �r�� �eanc�v�i �r g�aclia�g wi1.1. b� �17.o��el tss ��a�x� �a��.�� tca I �l�nrai.aag B�vi�ia�a �s�ri��,� �n� �spps�val �� �. t��e ii ����ey�.]. �xmite Yni�i�A. �r�� ��ma��r�1. �an tk�� gi.�� I �h�x�sl�. kr� 1 im�.��d to �t�� �,��r���d pe�b7.�.� ��+��x�:•�of—�v�.� li ����e� ��� ��e�a� �k�r�� r�ua�t �� �x���c� �ar ��bs��vie3ora c���r�l��n��a�. �z��ii�r.idu�i bu�.l�f.ng� �.u��a ��.11 ��a�n T�� I ��s�i�r �� ��r���� wi.�h ��gare� �a �Y�a ����1 �o ���o�r�s ', �����d Ci�y ����f �hQ�x1d Y�� g3.v�ax the acx9:�ac�ri�,y �� I re�qui�� th� i.radi.�ric3aaal lot dev�l.s�gsers to �resvi.al� the II ���v.ic�a �� s �er��.fi.�cl arboris� �or �tkn3.� �ra�.l�v�i�, �c� , aae��a��el. ' �. �I��r ������c2 �ubdi.�ri��.car� s:��a�Sli�� rnr�.�h �i:�.���r �.8.1Cf� I (�ulb�a.e���.on�� �e��aa�e a I r�, �h� pra�sa��d �uYsr�i�si�3.cxn �nr�p�.��g wss.t;� tXae II Cc�mgas�la�r�eive P�axn ki�.� r1¢��i�na��.�n d�exx�a.ty ! �ppor�uaa3.�:�r fo.� the� si�� �rs� vrri�t�a the apglic�l� ' �].ttr g�l3,.e:i��, `�l�ta� ���e.�.��3.a�zx� �� �la� F3�-12 aaz� ' � 7���� �or�se, and �tkx�x ��pl�.c�Ys�.e r�c�ula�ion�� '� :�, �kn� ��o�a�s3 zaarn� «�f �i�� �ub�iv�siea�, �r�r�t3�� �Yi��.7. 2 � 3 �ubd�.v�.airan, is a�o� dupl.i.��t.ivs cs� �rr� e���.�s� suk�di�ri�3.on i� '���kaa.sxg�oza �sa�sa���, ' cstla�� �;rA�ra t;i�e �f.��� �ha�e cs�' �h� ��sra� su���.�r�.��.c�x� ��w��.g�aea3 by the a�g�;7Lf.G�n�S c m '�h� ��c��a��� xaa�.a �alxm�slci p�a�id� foz� ���r�a�c� �r�� c��.�� �c�e�s t3�r�ugh th� �it�a �'lh� rcaad �a�°ca���� ara��c� pa�t���x ��z�uTct p�ca�ic�e �a� dd��ua°�� �cce�s �x�r� �i�:cu3.��ican �I�zorx�Y�c�u� tc�� p�capo��,d dsv��.o�xm�x�t, a� we11 ,r��s ���e�s� fi:c� �.but�3.ng pres�€�rt.�e� �zae� ��:���4��, T�a� a�'���i:�s �� �s�g� ixe th� noxtta�t��xa•kk� s'�r���� b�tw��n 84+� �eae�e �S�:a.�te�w T,�ne �nd Si� Fsa7.n�.� �ri7.7. pr�vrids f�ar c��ar� ac�nn�e�r��ne�� whil� c������ara��.�c� �x�e��i�r� a�� �hre�ugh tr���'�ica Pgc��so��d b�ock �.snc�h� ar�a ��ars��sha� �he�rt�r tkn�ra ' w�� �az�wi.oue5.y a�pr�v�ae3 �ar ��Si,� ��.��m T1he px���e�l ��s�—�o�s� uaide �a�.h�a�y, t�°�.e�. ks��wy�en �, lo�� 1�4� anc� ]1�7 �lzoxal.�i 3a� ��a.�uir�ci ��a b� � ianp�csve� wi.�h a m��i.sr►usn ��a�h��:�oc.�� w3.r�� a�ph�.�.� ' � ur. �oascr��� pa�fl�caay arad �e *����� ��a�x3.r1 b� � t��C�:�.���f�C�. '�� �'.�1'�'t �.'�.'�� GS� °�°�.S��1L�°C�t« I3k3'��.��.�f� � pa��i�ic irc��a�esv�en�xat �].a�� �h�ea3.� enc���.�ra� �.ca � g�la�� s��e��.la.gk��� xar�ar �i.�4a�� �sad cs� �his� lt8 �at��ray �or imprcavec� ��fety. , �� B�d .� F"ZItT� f�R��T�. — S�J� 9�-13�C3� 4:AS'I'Y.�E H�L�, PTl.G�� f� . � � il do �r� �°�tnr�.�.sat �a��c��s3� �r tr�ct� �rauJl� k�e cr����d at th� 3.nt�r��cti��s of �W ��5tix P�venue �►nd &7�ln�st 3�.r�a�t. 3�lth�ae�gh b��Pa �se�ct� w�ul� mn�e� �h� eninimiam pa�a�l �i.z� o� �kl�� R—�5 ze�n�, �h� �ar�a of �hre�� �r� not'�Srca���d �� b� e�ubdivisian lc���, presum�ly becaus� �h�i� �.�catie�n i.s �ar from i�e�1 for �ingl� �E�nily re�idanti�l. cl�vsl�pe��m�t. �.'he �gs�s�.�c�ax� �� eacploxin� �sp�i.on� ��� utilizmtiora c�' �h��� p�res�.a. The ���i�si�n �a�.oul� rs��ea�r� �2��tt any fu�nax� iA�e �� t�e�e ����ts gax �as�e,s cs�th�r t4��.rb �uD�l.f.c ra�3.3.i�� ue� a� p�.�bli�c or �ri�r�.�� c+�� �p�c� u�s� cvi.l�. r�c,�xxfre �.dai��c�a��l pl�nx��d d�v�lopc��nt r�v3.�wo Tk�a ��gli.c�nt �h�oul.d be recg�xir�d to Za�,dec�pe ° th�a� tractts cai.�h �,cs�r �� a�ra nt�int�rsaaxc� ].���3�c�ping a� p�x� of subd�,v�.�i.o�n d$�r�].��ata�sxa�k. Access �n ��asse �arc�ls froaa SW `d3lraut �h��a�.d ka� �arokg�.'�it�a�e In. �dc�i��.car�, � g�rw�.�sn saf �ka� ��c.i�tixsg right—o�— �a�� �o� �t�T �.3�'th ���nu�a �a �tte �a�t �f propase� tr�ot G will become unne�d�d �ox x��adcv�y �sux�psacasg wY��n th� a�w i.nta����tion is a�m�l���do �'�a� ��.�� may cr�sasi�m�s: �rffic,�tirng thi� ri�Fa�—o��w�� ���rra�rx� �ub��c3u�nt �cs ccar���r�a�:'�3.a�aa o� �h� .�n��r�ec��.aa�e �. T4n� r�m�inr�er og tl�� �ae�?� k%3.Z]. �uk�di�rt��.�ar� �� r�x�csg�a��ci ��� ba� c�s�v�T.���ri 3,n �cvo ��ldi�tion��. ph�se� of ��3 �nd C2 10��. 7�Yse gra�s��� ta d€�v�xlop �3i� eub�ivia�.�n in �r�ss add�.�iox��l �Ix�eca� �e cc�n�f.a�er�t �v.��c2a the �p��o�r��. eta�c��.L�s �a�x� � �h�,e�c3 au&�eli.v�.�i��./p3.ar�ned d�av�'±ca�Sm�n�L �����f.on� 18 0 lf 0.Q5�1.� aa�d 1f3.80,104.B 3 b�eaear�� n�ces�ary � publa.c f��ilit�.�:� m�e g��v��xxas�d tc� b� a����ruat�d in aor�j�xaxctiora �ri�th ��ah cs� ��x�a pha��� �x�� ( b�c�ue� na �Qmgca�r�.ry �u�l�� facila�t�.�� w:tll. b� r�r,�Ca�.x•e,d �rsr e3�hr�a� ��aa�eo TF�� tot�Y tfan�e pe�ic�ci �cr c3��rel.o��ng a�.�. �h�s�� af a p2.�aaned �eeei opment, may n,ctit �xc�ee3 aev�n y�a�� w�.tY�out r�apglyins� fc�r cca�.c�gt�a�l �l�n. �p�arc��al. 64 �h� pra��c�d eu�cii�v�.r�:�on i� �or��ia��r�t �v�.�.h ��� ��c�ui.�ement� ca� �laap�.�� �.�»if� (Publ.�.� �r��src�v�m�ntay k�eaaus�: �.. �h�s appA3.c��x�t cai11 d�a3i�a�� �.s3c1�.�.�ona1. �3.g�ik-�of-� eaa� gor anrl ..�.mp�ove �h� �W 53a1�ra� and 5W 1�5th 3�ven�c� grc�n��.��� of �h� sit� ta �£t� cr��l�rtn� str�e� a�andards �nc� vsill cl�dic�t� anc� imgrove �h� �r��sed in�ern�l ris��tt����—u�r�y t� lac�l ��r��t �tandard6. E'IId�. O12A�R — SU� 53-000� �A�TI.E I3aY,L ���� � _ �..— � _ � bo �he p�°op�esc� pub2.i� romdwag prel�ania��ry ri��sigrn� ar� cc�x�e�ist�n� r�i.tta �ity o� Tig�r�l puDal�c roar�way et�.ndarci�. �a �h� prapc�e�+ri �.o�t� a�e c�sn�i.a�ar�t wri�th �ac�s �tandax�ds Far ma�..xi.rniam lo•�t deprh��aa��aic�th r��3.a �n�l c�thar l.o� slim�ra�ic�n�1 s�aa�dax�e e �,1� 1.a�s �,��e c:ozz�i�t�nt uri�h ���t�.on :l�.264.�6i1.� �a2if.cki �oqui�� � �ur�.r��� af Z5 f��t �f ��xe�� f�cara���� � for �.otm� cr�a��d ��n�c�uc�h th� �ubdivi�ic�n p�c�����. Lo�� �1 �ne� 72 �est ��i� 25 fno�: ��s��,��c�� ���nc���d tEx�o�.e�� �r�ra��g� �cs �. ��i�a�� ' ��r��s�. d. Gocle �sac�i�ra 18.1Cs�4 a���.C �cAi.s�oux�ge� �ka� �rea��.csn a� thr�ugts lo�� �x��pt �vhQ�e ��xrouy� �.ot� a�� ne�esa��� �a pr��ridc� s�p�rat#.on ea� r���.d�n�iaZ e3�v�lo�am��t from ar�ex�.�.� �stre�to a� wha��@ n�c���a�?� �� av�rcr�m� ��s:�.�a.� riie�dv�nt�ac��� oi� �o�gr��hy �nd +��i�n�a�:�cn. Th� pr�g�cs�s��, thraux�h ].�st�a b�t�r��n �� �i�ara �3rive and ,y7 5d�lnut/135t�s s�� n�c���mrg� f:o �.v�id lcrt� �a3��z�� �ire��t �cce�a t� the m�jor Go1Z�ct�ar ,��tr�a��o �o Cca�� �����.�an 1.�»16�»€�a�,� �ta��� �k�a1n a.n no c��� �k�a7.l tl�e a�t�a�g��i.nc� �f �a'c.r�et�r m��C�.r�c� �°T� �in��r►����ias�s on c�Z]�c�ax° ��tr��,�� be r1��;i�rn�d �sueh �h�.'c asc�s� o£ l�es �Yx�n 30i? £�r�� c�a� �u�� �tr���s �r� ���aate�. �h� �r�lfsnin�.r�s ��.a� ����CO��rs a '°`�" in��r��ction o� 5i8 1.35�ka Stx���e a mi.gacsr cal�.�c�ar, wi�h S�7 �l�lrnut �tr�e�t, a maj�� caYl���.c�xe mf�i� �r�4:�x°�e����ar� vr�u3.d &s� mo.r� ��aaxz 60t� Ee�i� r��.�4��n� �r�x� �Is� �7i1�e�aaJB���.rau.�t 3.n������tioax �r�d �°P5 ���� rl�.�tan� ��°cy�n v�e ����z�a�lNa�i��t .�r��ers�c�io;i. T�� p�aa���3, i� �h���fr��� �s����.��.�nt vri�h �k�at� �4:a�ad.�xd a �A Ce�mpl�an�� ��:��x �ear�,�sr�h�neiv� k�3�.n �ol.�.�3.�� �.. ��1i�y �.1n1 �� ��ti��a,�s3 be�:�.��� �:1.�� o�' �ic�a��.� Neic�t�sar4ac�n� ��.�nna.ng �rr�ani��a�is�n �'� ��.d Fda�hisa�an ��o.�n�� Com�,uni.ty B�l�r�nar�g �rgani��ti�n ��� wr�r� �rrs�id�c� w�tY� a ��py of the pregscs�al aixai w��� �.iE�ord�d �i �, tla� �a�p�a�i.unit�r �o �amsnen� prics�r �u t�a� �u�1i.c h�m��r�� I � ara �tzi� :a�a�aZic�t�.an. In �.d;di�ic�n, n��.cqtabosi�ag I �'°° �,�a��ty �wa�ere� �aeaz� g�.v�xa s�ati�� c�f. ��e �au�lia ' � I��a�ir�g �a� tYa� ��bd��geion �Sro�oaal ad�rz.�irrg �h�m o� � *�h�ir +�ppart�nivy �o ce+►�ment �n �fl�� px•es�og�.T. � t93 2. �n order te� cagnpl.y with Prsli�y �.2 e]., candi�ion� rs� � ��P�o�ral are vaarra�ted �to xecgiai�� the s��� d�v��.c��er � �.a d�va].a� �azd �calloev �ra �ro�i.caza ce�ntr�1 �lan e3u�i.nc� coaa��rix�ticrn andi �o dev�la}� �1�e �to� r�va.��r c,gual..��y� FZYQPeI., C1lFL�ER - 5TJi3 9�-��t?Q Cl��'I°Z,� &ixT�I. �a�G� aa � f�cili�y �n �r��� A fn or��r t� �n�ur� co�pli�ne� w�t� ���era1 �nd U�ifi�� �e��rag� �g�ncy �rogio� eon�rol st�nd�rd� �or ��e Tualatin Ri�er ba�i�. �. �o1��i�� 7m�.2, 70303, �n� 7a4«� �an be ���i�fi�d �ecaus� �������a� �f ��w�r, �a���, ��� �t�� �r���age ��ril�ti�� ta �erve the d�velo��ent wa11 �e r�c�aired prior t� apgr�v�l of the fi��l ��at. �he a�plican� ha� in�icat�d �hat �he�� f�c�litiee will b� p�o�id�� within �h� �xopo��d �ubdivi��on in �nnf�rcrs�n�� with �a�� m���da�d�o ��t�i��� ��b�ic .im��ov���� ���n� �i�� ���� �o �e �P�rav�� b� C3t� ��afi a�� ����cQ �r��i�ing �g��ci�� grio� t� i�et�l�a�i�n a�� �i��l pZ�t ����r��ng. 5ervi�e �r�vi�in� �genciea �a�e ie�u�� n� obj��t��ns to ��� �r���mi�ary p��l�c im��avem��� �lans. �. �h� pr���ed eub�i�i��on i� �a��fet�nt ���h �ali�� S,�al w�ic� rsqufr�� the �it� t� pla� ��d de�•el�p � �a�� �n� �ffici�n� �tr�et �y�e��m. The �����e� ex��nsi�� Qf S� WaZnu� ������ ��et��r� tw SW t���� A����� i� c�ll�d f�r by t�� C�m�re��n�ive PZan'� '�acas�tr��acss:tati�n ���n HS�� a�ad in�erga�v��nmerx�a3. �.�x��m�n��s �xnr�n�e� '��.gm�r�, P7��d�.ir��taxa �o�xa�� �xad B��.v�r�on. Tl�ig ��r�r�� wc�c�ld t�m d�v�le��ed �te� cnaja.� ���1���;c�� ��r��� �t�nc�ar.c��. Tt��s �a�op��a�e� 1r��a�1 ��:r��'� n�tvre,�3� �r.��.l �rr�v�.e�� �or ��.e�,u�,�� �nd �a�'� a�c�a� t�a��sugk� �Pa� ���rpcas�d �u3�d.iva.��c�n» 5, 7`t�€� cae�k�div is��ara ��r�pe���1. c��pli�se wi�h Pl.�n Pa1.i�g: B.Zo� k��c�u�e �he propoeeci imp�av�m�nt� �o th� �uYalia �s�tr��t� w��.���a�.m �nci �c���ia�ine� �flxia� ���� wiIl. k�� cc,ne�.�t��at �vitk� �i.ty c�� �'�.g�ad �s�a�d��cc3�. �I�. C�d��LsCT�IS'7Pd �h� P1�nn9.ng Camma.s��on c�n,clud�a� �Ya�.i: �h� Subr�i�ri��an pr�limxrxa�y },a1��,�P�.�.nra��. �7e�r�la�azn�n� �an���#;u�l plan prc��s�sal wrill. pramot� tY�c � ger��r�I wa�lf�re �� ��� ��.�� a�c� wi.11 n�� YS� r�ign.�fic�ratly �etr;.m�n�a1 nc�� ial�urz.o�.e tc� �u�rc�ux�di�ng 1ane3 �s$��� ���vid�d c�ev�:�agm��n� �Y�at occur� �;cr�gsl.i�e w�.t-h a�a�1:��a.}a7.� �.a��� �atate �ne3 g�s�er��. laeae� �, �'he ��.a�sanirse� �s�a�:i�.�saan hc�rr�b�r ��prov�� S�bdivi�.ior� �U� 9.3�(���� a.nd � �1��anec3 De�r��aprr��nt PP�R �3--t7a02 far �x�� ���tl.� I�l�1]. � +� 3 � su3�diai�a��n �u�i�+��t to ��x� can�.a.t'�sns bv�tich fal�ow: C1� � � �i �7A�Z,ES s SJTEi�RWT�ka 3�53'l'3�;�, k�C,I, t t31�S"d.'IC�AI� �Y37�3.� B� ��TI a���i� 3?,.@+� f,� PZJF�LIC YI�SPFtGVET�td�B SFi�.T,L E3E GC3M�'LE�'�� OR COI�TaETx�PT SF33�,I. B� (;� FIId�t�T_P,]LLY :�SS[?k2EI? F�FtIt3R �'£7 E3�C�J1�II3�G '�Jfi� E'xlv� �7.,�T t7Z��Y � � W1�uF�TDTG�'".J'PI �OU'%J3'Y. S'.PA.F�' C�RTXlC'.� FOR AIaL CUY�IfiSt�PTS �DF Agi�E'�t)�.�L k°TN� �LdRD�18 � SUB �3�AAL1$ �AS��.E HYIaL I k��4u�' �.1 I �� DEt77S%.t3�1'�IAT`� R�SY��HY f�DIG2�11E�� �'F�tIS �,�.�YI�u�, Y91NI,��S I,��'�� A�E3��F367I&�. �.o �D�� fi�al ��,at �or ptaa�� 2 & 3 �4aa1.1 lae l�mi��� �o the c����tion c�� 12� ].c���� l���eZy a� �hown os� �ho pr�l3m�rn�ar� �aI.�� t����� c7�z�u�,�y� �.9��. Pa1�Z �tst�a ��1s�1�. la� �9ally' dir�a�x�ai�n�� �r� the �.ia��.l �lata �hia ��S�rcaval s�aTl su��eed� th� �re�f.aa�.na�� �l�t and c�nce��u�.l d�velc��ra�n�t pX�n a�prc�v�cl by the E�lanni.nq �o�auni�si.�n F'i�a�l c�rc��r AYo. 90-12 PC� �h� �x�a� �scat�� rsra �la� �r�e�.i.aninary �a�.�t a� "�r�c� 1��' �hal�. ts� c��dica��c3 �c� �li� �i�:�r fnr ��o�n c���l:e�� c�a�.li�y �x^��.t�a�n� pur�a��. Fars��gc�c� t�ac�t� B a�.d � c�ay ���aia� a.a� pxi�°�,�� ow�nere�nip ���. ar� aao� �pproved fre� d�vel.��srner�t. .�.xay t� of £u��xx� cla��lopan�n�. c�f ttx�se �cre�t� o�h�r th�aa �cs� puhlic ut.il,igy rxa� o� �e�x p�sb13.� o� �S�i�r��e ��rk ear ogae�a epr�c� use e�ka���, r.�quire �ip�r�v�.l a� aax �m�a�c�.mm�xa� t� the ��on���d:�gal �lanm�d �Qx���.ssp,~r�e�� �l�n. Ra�gtric�s.oais fe�� �rgt�s���d eo].�ax° �u3.1r1inc� 15.rxe� �a�c3 ��r�.�r • p���rarm�.nc� sagatac�r� cazagli�nc� ahml� 3�e r�c�rel�d alaxng �ri�� - �h� f�.na� �u�d�vi��.csn �lat fc�� �Fze� 3.rr�� ��aawa� �xx �h� � ��ppl3.a�n�k°� �o1�ar �cee�� c�mpliance m�g� �°P�°�' C,bfld'C.�C�s ���r� Off��, Planr�ing 1D�visf.on. 2 a �r�y �re� ����va� o� e��°aai�.� �� '�hi�s �pra��t� �u�t ks� ������red I Y��a �h� F3�rax�3.nc� L�i���ican �.hrc�ugh a���ov�l o� a �s�c� r�mo��.l ����a�,� ar�ci ��pxc�e��. o� �k�e gz�din+� pl�Yio ����� o�eg �i.x j ira�tg�s in da������ �ha1Z 3��+ ramc�v�� �a�xl.y �� �ece��as� �s� II ��+zxd��uct a��s����, u�t�.1.i�.i�s, �,nr� a:�z�ici�nc��. �.��� r�navr�l �rxmi�� c�il]. D�� ne��ass�r.°y fr�x t�ra �f�ae�e�� 1) r.�g�a��-��—�a;� ax�� II g�rae�al �it� g��ding; dnci 2) lot �xapa.��tiono �he appl�cant axt��r �a�: ree,�i.r�d ts� �rs�wici� �csr ara ��bora.�t �:� ��v�.�v� ��x� � �S�.an� �oae g�ae�ing �nd •tz�� �rra�;�c��.rsno The arkaor���: a�x th� I� P�.ar�xa3.n� I�i�s.��s.ora sn��° pr�sc�ibe �rotq����rs mea�iax:c:s �fo� tr�s� I �a b�a r�t�s.z���. ora �Ya� �it�� �raa� rsat co�T�r�o� 3�y �i�ruc:�ures� car iarap��v�.c��s �ur��c�� �ha3.l be r��ve��tat�cl as �a�an �x� I ����.�g� ab��:� �or���l���.�ra rsf gzadin�o .F�. ��g� �� �k�Ze t��� ' xem���l pe�:�� anci app�ov�c� r�rac�.a.ng �7.an ���11 ta� avai.l�bl� ' �xa�-��.�� �ra�inc� �17. tr�� ��m��ra1 anc� g�aciing ���ivi�3.ea, a�°AF.°�' ' ��tIJ�1�G�: Plarz�:ix�g %3ivi�i.esn. , 3. 2�ir�i►�urcb hu.ild�nc� g€��bac�� f�r ��� 1.0�� �h�11, b� as �flllaaw�: �'�ezn�. yard � 15 fee� c�rr.n�r ��b� �1� :E�e� (�ax�r �id� ��c�.�xg a mtr���) garas�� �- 20 ��:�t � �a.cl� �rarc� —5 fe��: � ���� y�rd � :�5 ��et � �'���"�' C��`�AC:T'a �3oka Thc�mp�cans �luildzng �i�aiaxnn, � � 4 e 7`�x� ��o�a��ed c�anm���x r���e�ewa� �or lc��r� 71 arac� 7� ��a13. k�� � ��c��a��t ��ar no p�rk�ng. � � 5, �'kx� lacatie,n o� a i�� �'�o V wi.�� ��a��Z�l.t �x �;�nax��t� bi�y�1� � �nd ��de�t�i�an pathwa� €nay be relacat�d no r�are tl�an 15� ��e� �aram the lac��ion ehovara r�n th�: �����mi�ary gl�t i� x� i� F'IDdAL C1I3IaER -- :'iTB 93—t50Q8 CAST�,E FISI,I� F'Ti�� l� I �oeand tha� x�bac�tion wia� rc��iu�� �1�� gzaa�.��ra� o�' �h� p�tlaw��. P'in�l c�ee�ign a�prcaval for th� gs�th�vay sh�1.l b� th�e r�egroneik�i.li�y o� th� Git� �na�i,zxe�r in con�ul�ati.can with �h� Parl�� A�.yi�i.orsm �o A on�-faot �a3de xsan acc�sa re�e�v�� etrip vr g��.�� na�� �r�hibi.�3.s�g ���e�� �r�an all l�u�.1s��,ng lmt� �a �4d Walna�t �nd SE� 135th $ha3.3 �� pro�rideeia 7m f�3 ��etc �of �.�gh�-�sf-���� �I��.�.1 b� dsd.i,����d i�� �h� put�].ic acc���iing �s� tFx� t7�� Murray 1�ou�.e��xd alignmgnt. �addit.�oxx�5. �.ight--o��-w�y eh�l.�. be cleolicated c�n �h� appraach�� ta �Fa� , 335th F,v�nu� �nd 3&1 Wa�nut 5��g�i�. �Y�e �dd.�tzonal r.iq�tde�g- w�� elxall be 45 f��t £rom �.he oeai�er�ine to a�corr�oc3�.tQ th� addf.��.�xaaZ tusn l.ane� avh3.clh m�y be needed in t1a� ��stur�ao 5�cificall�, the adc�i�a.onal righ� af way �1xa11 b� a� �nl].ow�m �0 4�r� �h� vae�t �idQ o� SW7 1�5�h �.�rea�u�, 100 �eet �t�cq th� �eu�� �aun�ar�r n� t3�e sub��et �i�� t�a �rr�v�c�e f�,x � �'uture r�.gh�-�urn 1.ax�e; and k�a �►n the narth eid� of th� d�alnu�: ��r��� ex���si�+z� g�as�t �.h� a��eaa i�atar���tion �� �W �.�5�h 3�v�en�e �e� th�s ��s�ating� ri�c�t►�-r�f�w�y o� ��r7 1���.h .��r�snu.�a �� gxr�wide fa� a fu�ure r�ght-turr� lar�ee I co �r�.aas��ia�n� in xic�hi�--��-way w.i�tth �h�.�l ha�r�s � ena.niaaeaat� I �a���.r ra�� af �a s 1 �r. �lat��rv I 8 0 60 fe�t cxf right-o�-vray s�h�ll ks� s��c�icat�c3 �.d �ks� pu�blic a�cas�3nc� trs '�Pi� �S�og����3 13a��. �v��u� "�n i�a���me��.ios� 1Qeat�can �h�s�aa� i�n tY�� F7PT� �ssr 135t�Z ,'�v�nu�a �. �oll�c�n.� e�r��� ia��Z�ovem�ratw a�r��3.�xdinc� ei.der��l�e�, cur�s, - s�r����.ights, �nc� une�e�rc�rouxxd u�i13�k3.��a, ��a1.3. b� �const�ruct��1 al.ong �al��� �t���� �rcanta�� ��arzf�x�n3.ns� �6 th� �li.c�nm�nt �hawm on tP�e �ubmit�ec� p2an�a 7'h� un�r.a��ments �h�11 b� a maraia��am of 4q £��t w:.d�, e:urk� �o �urbe 9n �he �gga�oa�h.�s �.o a�1 irat�ra�ction�, th� street �ahall havr� � c�iraien�aim width ot �4 fe�t to �arovide �or a �ea�ter turr� lan�. i��lf wid�h pla�e 12 f��t a� cmllr�ctar e�reet 3.znpr�vem��t�a, in�l�s�i�.q si.�Iravp�lka, �u.xb, ���ea��l�.ghf��, �nd eand��e�xoux�d u�ili'Cis� 8z3a.1]', kie i.xlf3�a.11ed alqrig tkle aF7 235th P�v�rr.a�.� ��omtaga, con�oxa�ir�g to �Ys� �liga�mea�t �hovar� ara t�� auk�m�.fit�cl plan.s. �.0. Fsa11 wid�h mina� co�l.ectnr s�re�� .i.m�prcv�em�x�t� 3.���u�ia�� �id�r�alk�o cur�d �t�a���.ir�hte, �ig�i.ng, ��r�.gaing �s�rl ua�ci¢�rg�ound utili�:i.�e skiall b� coax�ta�uG��d �rom �he �nd a� �the 135th l�.veizus LTD improvemer�tn to i�s �ntarescti.�n wit2� �i� 4aa.lnsat St��et. ' F�fiTAL Ci�EFt — ST3B 93-0008 C�i�Tx,E HII,Y, P�G� ].3 l�m �uY� wi�th �tr��� �mg����a�n��, �n�lu�ing trat��c ���tr�� �evi��e, m����ox �1u�t�r�, ����r��e �i�ewa�ke� dx�v���y �pr�n�, eurb�o ���hal��c c�ncr�t� p�vem�n�, ��n�t��y a�wa�s, ����► d��i��g�, ��xee�li�h��, and und��g�oun� uti������ �ha1� b� in�tall�� w���i� ��� eub�i�i�ian. T�p������nt� gh��l �Q d��ign�d ��� c�ns�ruet�d �� 70��1 �����t ��a������. l�v fih� ap�li��a�� �h�11 �r�v�d� ��r g�of �nd g�v��en� ��i� drain�i�� t� �h� publi� st�ranw���r dr�inage ey��e� �� by �� o�4��t� �y���� �������d t� ���vent r�anoff Q��� ��� �d����n� pr���r�y. , 13. ��� ����i��n� a���� ��mans�r��� t��� ��o�atl d�ai���� �azn��� can �e ���cha�ged in�a ��e �risting d���n����ay� withau� �i.gnifican�ly .ian��c�in� �rc���t.��a� dowraa�tze�e 1.�4e S�ni��r� ��cv�r a�ad sico�m ciresinage d��ail.� �ha1.1 b� pres�r3.�+�d �a p�z�. a�f th� peablic �m�i�av�me�t pl�gaa. ��7��ul�ti.on�a �ncd � ts�por�s�pX�ic a�ap o� tPa� ��orem dr�i�aag� bras�iaa �nd ��.z����x� �a�swc�r ��rvi.e�a �.x°�� aha.11 b� proeidec€ as a sut�p�.��nt t� tha� , �SUk�],i� ��Sx�s��rs��xexa� �Z�.na�, ��l.cul.��iqa�s �k��13. �� ����d c��a �u12. de�v��ca�zneaxt a� tYam ����rice�bl� ra�ea. Tha l�c�tioax �nd c��r���.�� c�� �xf.�ta.nc�. ��ca�ao��c�, �xsc� �utu�m �.�.mr�� sl���.�. �e ac3d��e��d. l�b Tl�� ,�p�l.ica�a� shall ��e��ri,c�e aaraitr�ry a�avrs�r �nci ato� d�c���z�c�� �e�ws.c� �cs �h� �br��h ;�aundary �� �h� e�abc�i�i�3,cra for �'u�ur�� conr��ct3.on �f �Pa� aei�ac�n� �5������#.�s�o ].E a �'w�r �a) s���a ea� �i�ta3.�.�c� �ub�.i� ix��rro��mera� p1a�� �ras� �a:o�3,�.� �ea�tc���iz��icar: s���.winc�� �s�a�.11 &�� �ubm�.���s� ��»� pre��.m�.r���r revieta 'co tt�� Engineerixag I�f.v.£�3.a�n. S�ven (7) s�t�s of �.��ra�rs� d��erxi�ar�� �na� on� (].} �.�em�.zec� �ean���x���icar� ��a�� �s�irtaa��6 �I.� p��pa��� �� a ��csfec��aic�n�l �ra�iraec�r, �ha11 }�� ��x�[�it�ed fcar fs.r�al xe�riaGr �.s�� �ppKa���. {PYC?`�Es �ka��e pl.��e aa:� .in �r�ci3.��.oz� t,a �.ny ��avrings r�c�a3.rsci }�y �l�e �+a�S.eling D.iv�.�icsz� �.a�� �hau3.s� c���y in�l�xd� ah��t� relsv�i�,� �o �aa�k�].ic �.ni�aK'�JV��rnent 8) a 3.Be T�.� applicaz��t �k�al� p:casric�e �n an��.i��.s wat�r c�uali�� ��.cility cv�.�thin T����. F, ane� T�act�a I� ,�nci CB i£ ns����ary, a� I ���akalxah�d urs�.�� �h� gu.i�3eli.ae� c�f Lni.�'��d ��Hresage Ag�ncy kt���l�atac��a ��x�! t�rd�� Pdoa� 51��a7 D �.�9 �csn$tz��x��tis�sa af �.�� �are�pa�ed �aublic 3,mp��s�ec?n�x��s �nr3 3.�s�r�anc� ai� $cai��3i�x� ��rasaa.t� akx�.11 no� �c�m��aae� usa��1. ����� �h� � �nc�ia�e�z�.ng l��g���t;ne�.t ha� b�viecv�d arsd �gspraw�d �h� gsub�.�c � xxnprav�s�ex�� plan.�, �. ���ee� �a�n�.r�s� g�x-ms,9: or ccan��ru�tiaa�a �'°' ��a�p�ian�� ae�re��n�n�� �aas b�en �xecu��d, ex�cuti�an o� � � dsv��a�er--�s�g�.re�er artr��a��az� ��n�t �agvr��n� ca£ ���. ��re�3.t ����o � � mi 1�� E�r�or �c� �la� �1a� beirag ��s�ard�:d vaittz b3as��n�an Gcsuaat� �k�� t� ap�al.i.aant eha11. pg'ovic3e � 10� �Se�°c�nt ger�'om�anc� �.��urance (� s�r 1�•��;�� �a� ccaenm�.�a�ex��9 �i� ara ai.t�rn���.v� �k�e a��a�.i��n� ��.� � hawe �h� p1a� r��ars3�d �f�ex �h� puk�13.� 3.�agv�ov�m�a��t� Fa�v�: �`TAT�.T. t3EfI9��t — aiY� 33--Q008 GA.�7Pi�;� F3I�P. I E��AG� 1.� b��� a�a��t�d b� ��� ��t� of Tigmm�� �a� ha� �n�t�d th� agp��pri�t� �a�n��nffi�c� bo�do 2�. � gr�ding pl�n sha�l b� �ub�it��d �h��i�� th� ������mm� �n� ����ca��� �����ure �n� mini�r� ����gl �ini�h�� ��o�� el�va�f.aaxs �i�d �to ��a� to� of �urb �le��ti�n� �s �lxawas ora ��ie gcx�al.3.� i�rip�c�vmrca�n� pl�ns. ��.� �rx �r��i.on ca�s�resl p1a� �h�.11 la� p�av�d�d a� p��t �f t�x� ��b3.i€: i.�ra�a���e��nt d�awrin�!�s. ��� p�.€�n �la��.�. �c�n��a�a �� °"��ca�3.o�a ��n�ral �].anc� � '��cha�.i��i�. �xxid���s �3�ndb�,o�, �O1o�cv��� 2.�t3�a a� a 2a. C�ra���aaetir�xa �r€nf��.c �h�l]. nes� ks� a�3.owr�d to tz��we? or� �x�.�tir�e� �li7.iton �tr���: n���h of Walaaaa� :�x����9 �3. �ihe a�s�sl3.c�n� ,��.o�a1d b� �sur�r� �.hm� tk�e C�ty s�f 7�i,��r.ci h�$ �dl�►���d Cha�t�� °�0 s�f t�s� 5�a�s� o� i?��gara Stx�,c�u���, ���i��.ty� �oci�e aaaa� tfl�,�.t th� g��clirae� pl�n �h�aZ1. �camp:L� v�r�.�t� �hi� ch�pt��. 1 �4m �he a�g��licax�� �i�s.11 �a3c� a�n ���ai.aatna�rs�G far � �r�— ^s������ac�icsn me����.�gr �nr�.tk� t�a� �i�y ca� T�.e�a�d �nc�in�exinc� I3��S����ra� ����s� ��pp�a�r�l o� �h� �S�a�1.ic iai����r�mt�aa� pl�.r�� �aeat 1����azc� e��.r�ine� �orl� �n ��ha� �i.t�w Tta� a�g]L3,�a�a�, a��a�l�.��a��°e ��ac�i�s��r �s�c� cesaatraet�s� �lxal]. b� ���Sir�t� t� ����nd �k�.�� cnc���i.�� �ar�o�° tm r����.w�ng tl�� �pga�caved ��.�ra� a��. �:��°��sa �5. '�k�� a.;pg��.ic�x�� ��a�].3. a&s�sin. � "�'�i�t P��mit�° �rscxa th� ��.�.�r �� 7C�.gax��o �tii� p��mi�: �ha�l m��� �he reguib�en�a��s aa� �Ya� �I���� �nd �u��a�.�.sz 1Ba�i� ���sion Contrcel Progra�v ' 2f. �. c��ie {�L') �zso� ze����r� ��r.ig� a�z�att�ted �t� �h� "Ci�y �� �3 a����" et�al�. 3�� �rc�ai.d�d a� �Yae ��x�mixaus �a� �6�Y kt�e� AS�ado�v ��.n� al.r�ax� ��x� �c��a�l��zza ��e�e af �kae d�ve�,wg�ner�t �snx��� t1��t s����t �� �h� �r�u�� ?s� ct�v�lag�� in a�.vanc� af �flx� ��tre�t ��a��a��s� ira t;�.��2.� Y�3.��. �. 27� �'�nc:�� �1�n� ��1 publ3.a ��.r���� �h�11 prov.id� fo� t�e��c�nx��c� �.�gYa�. �ii�s��r��� &o� °vei�irA�� exat�ring and �xi��.a�c� �a�a�s�.�c atr��t�< S��°�' C�A1d�.�C�: C�c�.e �nfdreeaa�ent ��f�.cer I��n 5��3�af.rxsil SC7I3��idTS��I� �P�2U�'P.I., SE3�E� F3E S��TA �i�L'X �F �F� FiI�Tr'�. I��.�,T' �� RE�£3�C13�i) 6�TS'1'�IxII�3 ���F€TE�PI �1CJX�]°.�Y3� OF '�l'IiE �;FT�'ECYT'Z� D.$i"t`� fYk� °1'Y$g� a���saoaa e � E1; �t i� £urf.ri.er s�x����z� �h�t �hs ,���li��n� ar�� ��Y��.e� t;a �kxc��� � pr+��eec�ixag� b� ns��iti�� rat �:t�� �n�ry o� �hi� o�c��r4 ' � P7sSS�::3: This � r�a;� o�' A�ri1d �.��3, b� �tkne � 3.�g �a:c�nnie��.�n ..oee of �fll� �°if�.y r,g 'i'ir���'r3. �i � �:1 ` _ � P�il Fyre, r e e � 7��c���d P��nna. �ca �ie���.axx ;�+�:Rd� t?RD�t� � �5'E3$ q���Ofli3 C.�a�'t'T,..� FIII�.Ta faAf;l: 25 . �' � �°�. � .�-� , �.........� .,,.,.�, . �. . ..—�- � � � �� o�. ..�--°'°°"ra' � �� ,�..,• -,A"°° � - ._,.. a. 5,W� � ?iEFFs��Q CI ro � ____--�_ �•e���T''��' � ' � ' • � ' � 5.VV � � i ��� : � ��� � . �� -er-� °°� �- . w. aa��uo-�� �� � �� � . �� � �.�. .����� �..�. ,� . ���c� � � s.w. ,� . �.avR�r �° �:� � t��e��zr � � &.:, _ � ��� � � 5.�1. IEB$ � �O��p!!�� 5.'�6. Fi��.CtP3�t F �.�'d. � . � I � — I � '°� o �� s�ld. iS�T -' � � S � '���� - . `•.�0.'q�� - � �A�1g,� � ~*,� _c� eq '`°''� �a°� �3t�°. P-31NCbfDFJ '°� � • � �� �l�l. G 1' `., � S.°�e � �� �`�.�„� S.'C3. ,��d,°�2.8, l�tl� • "`�'o �° -�..���'ERJ�I�D�R! ���� � � �- ..m. r. �__,.� ...�,�� ��,� L� � � � � � °� _y.4E�. � .� � d� �1!_� �.: �° � � R�8l�J,_3�8 5T c� � � �°��� . � ������ + -� �°---r_ �: ��rs ��' �'���.°r- 9 �� � � � � � I �. _ � � I � � � w � � � �.vw. r���rau� �r. o� � � ��� � � . � ��: � • �', .�-�...�9 '� --- � . .y I g ((1 � b' 1j '� `�°�. ,`g�,�� > : ;1� ^''���� i � f � ` i 9 i ���" ` � c,7 1 � ! I � ! �S �•-..--......r_. . . � , kta�l`iE�Ba �T��� �,,2 �'�'AF&" a2EP613'T' � '�&IE k��PYA7IATG �I+�i��sTf�Yd ��5t2IPi� D�'��a d�pacil. 19� 1�9�, �'e�� PY�S Y�x��d�� r.�°r%C3T�m �ic��r� ��.ty Iia1.l � ��v�ra HCa�.1 1312� SW �d��,l. �lvd. �ig��d, �I� 9'�2�� �.��o CFa�TL� I3�Y,%, �bJa°3I)zVaS�OPE' P7c3PA5�� � �c 3 Sakkee3iv3.�i.csfi'1 �YJF3 �����0�� 1�l�.rax��s3 De��aI�,�ZCn�r�� �ee3.�� PL�Ia 93-00�2 � Y; Th� a�p�.ic�n�t requ���:� a.g�ar��ral ��' �zn�nd�tsnts •�� �h� �.p�sres�es� �a�•�sl�se�n�.r,y S�abrii�ria��caz� �alat �rl F�.ann�ci E��v��.opuar�s�t ��v�.ew ��n���a�e��� p��.�a �c�r �h� e��t�z�n �.p�a�ox�cna�el� �n� �a�a1.� �sf gv���� wac� ��e��r�cee��l.� ���e�����3 �t�a �� th� �u1�. ��u�r�t�i� �d��tl� ��s��1.r�pzaent ���,���t �s�r� ��eo�l�n�. ��.-���xc�� 9o-o�,fv..� �a—o�,a �r��t p������. ua�.� ��pro��d by the f�3���anix�g Gc�m�ni���.r�n ssn �+I�y ].1., 19��. �.`he �ir�� pkat�w�� �s� �.�x� �p�srrs���ci c�ev��.��sma�nt ha� ka�en ��aa��raae�t�� �s ��s��c� I��,1� �ubdi�r��.isaxs �k1. `�1�� ��rli�� ��aprr���� ���ta�.a�� v�li.c� ��ar t�a� �r�� I �ukr���� �� �t�� �ur��a�� ag���.f�c��i�s�a, �x����� a�esdi.��.�d b� th�� a��sl i.��ti,�aa�e I T�a� e:caxr�nt garogo��l ze►esuld �lig�i�.:ly z��du�� tta�r.•; naarnb�� �� lea�� ir t�a� �s�'��al c3c�v�]Lr��m�nt �x�ra wkx�� w�� ���viously ��Sp�ov��i ar�d �vs�ul.sl prc��id� I ��s ��,�ancl�rc� Caty �a� Ti�a�� res�i.d��'ti��. ���e��� z��t�a�� �kxs.n ��� g�r��iau�ly app��v�d atrge� n�twor3c o� x�axrow �tr��t� �a w��I. �� �1.7.��os. DYca mrsdif3.���3.�rx� �r� g�a�sc��d �ca s����a�t� a� s�x:�c�� �tia�i �.c�ca�3.esn�s ��cs�,saa� �k�� �erim���.� caf th� c���el��ara�n� �� campas^�� �o �,aka,at I Yaad �revipu�ly be�rx ap�r.a�r��lo �I '�h� �urrez�� ap�].i.cat�arx ��qu��t� �u�ci�v3.eti.r�r� ����.i�a�.aa�ry p1�.�jk�I�n�a�rP ���a�lo�sm�n� ���ri.�r� �on���gs�;ea�l �lt�ra ��?g�resv�7. �� �i��.�� �k�� I a�gs�ax�mt�t�l�r 2802� ac�e �i�e �.n�r� 12C ainc�l� ��iil.y� ��:�s.c��x��ial lc��$ ras�ging ba�.w��n 5,6�Q �r�d �.Ia�25 c��u�,r� �e�t �ra r��.��sa �r� �c3d�t�ozan �ti�c�� ��p����.� ���c:�� �x°� px�aap�e�c� �Eh�� wpu�� n�t 2�� ��aaL:��in� ].c�t�. I �'9n� �r�.G� i� �ara����r� trs can��.in �. �to�rnw�-��r �guali�� ��.��la.��p �� x�e��air�� �� �Tni���c� ��w�r.°��� Aa��ra�y �taaadz�r��. '�h� e��Ys�� ��ar� ����ta ', �.aau7.d 3a� lsa�;�t�e: a� ��.th�� e�3.�le c�� �tk�� irat�r�e��a.o� �� �W �.3s•�.� .e��r�nu� w3.�h �ti+ �I�laxu� ��ia��� �n� sv��ald b� r��a�srv�d �nr �i°�hsr fiax�txz� �s�r,re�a wr�t�s; ��i�.�� ���vi�.t� a�������n� o� ¢��h�r �ex�u�� deva�.o�ent. e� � ���.xc�v�°r �a�.�i� n���a.�����a� o��so a����e�� ������6 ��a �i� I � 73.f>Q �GI �a�elfi'ar� �tA�c� �tr�u�� 1 �ltaaa '792 `.�u�l�t�st, �:9Y3. �70�ia 8�3�.v�x'��xa, !'9I3 �`7C98�7 � (co�s�3.c��� li.�:: �aaa �.9 �rsl�m pl�t) II (SA A�EI�T`1'o Al.plxa Exig].ste�&'i81g, IEl�a � i�san�act: �7�x�y �a�.ms��) I � ��5� ��' ��y�].i�e �lv�3o ' '� Por�lantl, G1Ft �72��. ' E`INr'1T, PJRD�R r �td33 '�3—��C3� CA�STLIG Fi�LL p��� 1 I t�t��I3���I� P�.FlRT L►��I�Ed1����I3a �4�s�iuc� I3�n�a��ty i@��id�za�3,�3. �r��i Y���i�ar€���3ta.c�Ba 13�ar��3.�� �3���e3ern�i�3. �t�AIIPTG D�:��BdIi�T�lds R-12(PY9) (12�mmis��nti�ls 1,2 uni.tg/�a��— 1�1a�ra�ci Dev�al�sp�ra�sat� 38-25{�TA) {F3��i��nti�a� 25 uaa�.taJ�.���— P�an�►�d Bav��.ca�ment�) 7.�Ce'�,�'IONa �atw�ert C�s�Ae iii11 I aubd�visio� aa�� SW 13ath Av�raue, �b�a�� o� th�e �p��zva.Irl �ubd�.vi��.a��ne. �WC�tt 2�1 4�, �aae , �.�t �2t3t�� I I AI�PLI�F�F.tT� 7uAWe �ott�raaarai�y i�ev�loprn�n� Cocl� CYeap���c� J.�.s4, 18o5C, I 1�.80� lElo52a 1841��, 18.�5�o Y8.1�0, �8<1.6�a �rsm�r�ta�m��.v� Plan �oliciee �.1,]., �,2 m 1., 7.�.0 2 0 7.2.�., 7.3.1, 7.4.�, 7.6.�, �,�.vY, and �,1.�, i I �o E���IN�: X�fliT� S�`�7� AND �UI3��Flt�7%1PYC�� < .s�e B�CIC£�YOLlI1CI �Y1�OYtY13'��.�lY3 °.Ph� �����n�1. p��g���y h�g k�e�rz isawca7.�r�s� .��a � l��gr� n��x r�� d�ve,7.ca�za�nt gara�ac���1� ��vi�vr�d i�� �ia� Ci�}r. ��a� mas� r���x�v I r1�a��1c��A��m� ���i��r i�ne�slvi�zg �laie g�.���.cs-x2 �� t�z� �r3.�i�sa1 I ��;���sT. w�� �u3ac�i.vi�ioA1 S�B� �CEmC3�/�l�nxa�w ���r��.�ag�►�$b'� R��°�,�ur i ��� �Qw1�4 ��a�gov�� by �h� �Tl�a�mira€� �c+s�sr!i.��iean car� Ri��r �a, �'��t�» � ��.��xr�a.nr� L�am�ieafar� �'�astxl C3x�d�� Nca, �3C3��� �+C ��� �t��� ' �p��.3.cat��n �.s a�ctaclx�d �.cs tni� r��x'� �a Ag�era��.s� �Yaas. T�aa� �re3e�r a.� 1��rQb� �ad� � par� af �.1ni� r��sa�� �� �ine�i.xng� cv�.��x I �a����e� 'to �3�v��.���ar�`� hi,��o�yy ���� i,sa�r�rm���.o�e, �rad �ri.�.��ai�� ii in�orsaa������ I�. a.ddi�.ion� �E�� a�pia.c��� ka�� pae�v3ci�c� a cra�ss� � r��' th� �.pp�cav�a pre�.im�na��* pla��lplana��� r��v��.og�m�xa� I conc:e�tu�.�. arac� d���i1�e3 ��.a�x �r�zm �lx�.� ���a].ic�i�i�rto �.°hr�t r�a�a i� att�a�h�,d �� �gspsndi.x '�ro a�' �tkxi� r���t< '�he �s.r�t g�h��e of i �h�t ���rcav�ed d�v�]:espm�xa�: ta�� b��xa �a�n�tr�act�d, 6 � �. P�ax�4c�a3. l�e�cx3.�tion '�h� �cur��nt ��7I3�.j.�.�'�'iB�YY x�qu��t� �r�bc��.�ai.��r�xz p��:!ir��.aa�,ry II �Law�g�.�.xan�c� ��v�l��,m�r�� ��vier�r cdne�p�u�.l �a7���: �p�r�oval �o I ds�i�e� �.�� ap�ara�acim���l� 2€3.26 ac��s ���� i�a�ca 12� �ingle � �'�an3.:�� ree��ea�ti.al. 1o•k�s arane�ins� b��w��z� 5,58�i �ssd �.7.,52� s€���z� f��� �Yi �i�� ��s 3���ustra�er3 on t�e gr�lim�nazy p3.at. Sra adu��.�..a.an, �ri���� ��s�,a�r�f�� �raci.� �.r� �Sro�a�c�d tt�at wc�u�.ct not �" �� 1buiT�li�ac� lc�tm. °�rsx�s�d ���a� �!: i� iaa����e�. �a �r�r�t�i.aa �a � �tormw���r c;fis�laty �aci].i�y as r�c�ti.�ed l��r r1re��ied ����r�r*� t�B �i,��r��y ��,and�r��. �T�a c�etail� ar� provi�l�e� a� to ��n� kga� a� � f�czl.it;� �;Y���. wauld b+� d.ev�l.c,�dl ar �kx� s,�x'c�n�3�ci �ss��.���h��s �� � �h�� t�ra�ta �'�ae�� � and �G would k�� �r�a�ata��. a� �3.tY��� �ie3� o� � �h� i.n��:r��cticasx �� �k7 I3�-�h P�v�raue uritlt �G3 W'�1n��. ��t�eet. xk�e�se trac�s az+e prag��ed t4 b� r�e�rv�acl �ar ��t��g �aa�.ur� � gto�°�n watsr c;u�a.ik.y £acil,ity �ev�m�.opzrient r�r� a�h�� fa�u�e d�v��.o�en�. z'.I'F1&'� ��t3kt7�' — �UB 33-004A � CAS�'�� II�.e'�L P'�►�Fa 2 �e ��� �r�p���� i��l���� ex����i��� �� �W �a���� �ts��� ��� �� 13,�"i�h Yl.venue al.osar� �h� edge o� �lze gar�spo�ed d�v�alnpa�nt a� �vs� � pr�v3.ra�aely� app��av�d. SW� %iden Driv� s�ned �4v" Plorthvi�w �#�riv� wo�al.d k�� ��:�eaxd�� tYarough g�hases �wa �n�d tlxrc�� €rm�a th�i� curreaa� t�anain3. cv�.�Y��aa ph�s� o�e �f C���.le %iill �ubei�.vie�.en. ` �dc�it.iora�l a�cese to th� �aro���d ph��� �wcr vresu7.d b� a ��x�+�s� lc�c���c� �p�eit� SW Wiltt�a �9vernu�°s �.n��r���tioxs w3��h 6aa�.�a�a� I S�xe�t, aa�d � coaax�ectf.on to •th� �pg�roved but �e ye�t unlaui.l� S4�T �tos� R�c�r�csw� L�n� �a �ka� ��u4�o TM�, c�rreaxt �]��� ie �ubst�ti.a11.;� d3.ff�rent fzom wt�a� was a�p�a��d b� �ln� �lan�a�.xag ��at�ai��f.�a� �.ii 19�t3o �h� ��ri��r a��axsa��l ira�lud�d a n��w��:� �s� n��°rrsw�� �Ya�r� noxan�l ��t�e��e� �� �r�7.3. a�e �17.��a� cai�ks3.a� �ha�ss two anc� �1ar�e. �h� caaxren� pr�pc>�a1 rero�l.d prerw�.�� fox ' �t�a�darcd �'it�� nf T1gar�I ].o�a��. r�eid�r��i�1. B�r�sts �a i].1�a�t��ted mn �tx� �.oc�l ���•e�s� ��o�� aee�i.on a.� 3J.1u�tr��ed on �las�t � ea� �h� �ze�.irni�.ary p1�t ��bm�.i:t�l o Ir� �dc�i�i�oxt, i t2a� p��rri�au��;y �a��z��v�d �l�n �S;:o�id�a� �caac � l.�se�a1 ������ �c+ i ,m2a�s� l.o�� �m� �f ��a� t�rb� �Ye�.c�h�� �subr�ivi�ion t� �Ya� ��u.�ha�€s� � ��' �ts� ��aks�s��t s����. �he �urr�sr�� p�o�aca��.l €vr��.�.c� no� �53.�.�� th� ����et �.xx •t�a3.s �rr�a dir�ct�.y� �au��3.n� ��ao�� t���r�Z�r�,d r�es3.d�ntiaZ prop�rt�.es. 1# ter� foo� vxid�a pa�h�a�y �r�c� i� prapoa�ct �o �x.enci ���a+�e�n �W i l�ag�a A�ez�uQ a.�a� �W L�.deax Dr�va ba��v�s��ri �aro�ZO���A Isaic� ��fa �nd I �L47. �Ch� �ux��mt pr��eaa�.�. �.ffi �.n��nd�:�. �c� �a��r,s�de �h� ���].�.��o a�tI.�.l �ag�.ci, ap��ova3. fo� t3�� �a�t��a� �r�� 1��3.f �f t�� ���a i �u�j$ci� ta �k�r, 3.���3 �s�v�.�w, �Ytlx��xr�a� � za�w �ub�i�ri.�iesn a�c� i �l�nnrac3 L��ssra�].r��aan��at Revs.e�r ���a�.3.c�tia�ra h�.�re &a�er� ���.�cl, �tae I �ctions� xrrealrtl �e�r�n�i�a�.� eax���.i���s� � �rsdi��.�:�t3.ors to �1�� � ].99Q cleci�i�n. i I I�. I�PFaI��tYAI, Pl�t����� I� � �ta�� ha� m�� aev�x��1 ti.mes cai.t�a the a.�pii.��n� axnd the app�icax��.'� ag�rat� �o r�vi.�w tk�� pro�a��� anads.:�iLS�ir�ax� to �Yn� eaa�.i�sx ���ro��a3 �alaras fr�g tYai� ax�ea. ��aff ha� :Eo�axad �I��t a1tY�ou�h �Fa� �x���,aa�sc� � maci�.fic��i�,ne v,rould nnr�er� �ka� c��v�T.c+�►teaal: g�l� clve�� �tsa nc�xm�1 Ci��r I �t�xdax��e �or �Yais t� c,� d���lea�n�r��, �h� ��o���c3 �a�da.�icax�s.�r�� I �til� car��ti.�axte �a �axk��tarx�i�� akra�aga �a the �r��ioix�3.y �.��r�•ree� � �oxac��r�u�.l, rla�vr�lap�ztPra� p�.�ra �.a�� �Sxe;Lf.rrc4�.�x�n�� g�1.�t s�.rtce �th� �u�°��r�� ' ��.�ax i.n.G�.uc�e� "e o . a� r��.jar shi�� in �15� lac��a.aa� e�� . . o pra���r� I � f3�Y'�Eb�$p o e . ��' A�:1'S�'� �:�.�� ].Ctl�'8�L'C►E$R1�71'��oM1° (GQICEIY1LlZ1�'�y IJ�VB�.��HI1R6TA�4. � �nd� Se�ctie�n 18.t30.OGU.�.1.e � �.�:t�ii�ci �rlaz�nad d�ve�o�am�n� p1�n aspg��c�va3. r�taxa�la�r��) . �'h�s �a��a�amed 3.n't�rna�. �����t� a�� � su�a�s�:e,n�i�1.].y c��.�f���axf� in laea���aa arad �xsapr��r+�menta �han �a� �areviou�l.y �a�ragc����.. �'csr L•.h��� �cea�esn�o ffi n�w �applic��i�ri �,e w�rratata� �ca a�a�ac� �xs� c�rec�p�tra�3 c3evt�l��asin�nt p�.an £�r thi� �al�r���d I ' ��v��.cs�ann�,n.�r I :�T�E� Fv.���R� — �eF'� �3--f3J0� — C.T�`.�L� I3iY.,%, �13�I� � III. 1�P'F�I�L+L ��PR�V� ��,��P,21S3 �'he approv�l �t�.n��rcls �oz� ra ]Planxa�ad L1�v�lapr��nt areFS �aun�i �.t �o�� 3�e��icsx� 18.�0.1�0. Th� c�ppro�va� s���.ncia�c3a ft�r a� pr�al.i.min�r� SubcAi.�sisf.�xa �la�� �.re 1i���d at Cod� S���ican �8.ib0.0fi0��,o Ir� ael�it�an, t�x� p�ogar�s�l must ���a b� �s�und �c� be cr�a���g�.�xat w�th �Yae ci�ve�lca�ent �taa�d�,xa�a o� �h� �0�.5.owia►g �ac3� Ch�pter�s �taap��x 3.8.�4 c��1� zraa���y ��a���r ss.5� ��—�� ��ra�b� c�a��t�r a.�s�e dso��,� �.����� It�c�.i��m��;n�s); ch�pt�r 18.92 (De�nsi�ty Cot3epts�a�icarna}; �la��a�.�r 18.3.t38 (lir����)g �i�����r l�a 15(i ' (�r�� Pr���ct;it�zxy; �a�ci �kaap��x ].8 e 1�� (��tr@�t �,r�cY �Tt.��.�.t� �a��araa�r�m��t �t��nd��d�8. ��a��a���c�� c�f ���i�r ��a�ean.�•�y L��v��.�+�ana�sa� �ca�� ch�.p�.��s a�say mp��y �cs �s�,&����a�a�� dev��.ca�r��n� �s� the �u����� �i.�,€� ksut �r� x�ta� ��pli�a��� ta �h� c�txr�ra� r�vieur. Comp��ln�a���.wsa Pl�n po�ic:�.�s 2 a 1.1, 4 a 2 01� '�.1 d 2, 7m�s�.,, 70�.�4, 7oCm�o �.1elP �r�c� Ei�1o� aZ�a ��g7.�► �c� t�� ���ai�w o� ��i#.s d1�v�l�a�m��� pra�cst�aJ.a ��, Yd�CB � �6s�dd�Y COI��d�s �. Th� �i�t� �� �'�.ga�d �ng�.ra�eacirag ��p�r�s�s�:n� kaa� r�wi.��r�� ��d.� �,�c��fl��1 �ncl o�f�r� aorcnm�n�� and r�ce�mrei�asdatione whiah ar� �fi��.�he�i �� ��a�ea�d3.�: �'Ya��a mf thi� r��rt. Ttae �ng.in�er3.n� I���azr��n�rat r����seaxc���iran reef�.�c� �x� �hans��� �'ro�a �h� �p���v�d ¢�on�.�.�iasa� o� �:�a�r€sval f'�� �LT� 9�k-�f��� �x��pt �r�.�t� r�a�rd �a �kae� �13..nr3.n���.��a �f �e����a���s tcr �.h� pr�w.�o�s�1y �pprc�w�cl a��row��r ��trc�a�#�� �.nd al�.�y�r �md �ri.�ka x����d �cs tta� p�ro���er3 za���r c��xal,i��r �'��iti�� 3.an �r�a��ea� �'���t k4,. 2 q �he T;���c� Fis��� Y�3.e�r�.c� �i�.�a r�=�a���� �Ya� gs,:��ea�. �.�c� ha� comcn�zx���. �Y►�.� �h� ,�axk�di.�r�.��.cara vai�.l. sx��c� �o Ia� ��r�r�d �ra�m �saa ' �la.�f�ren�t preeaur� �csn�� becaua� c�� �l�w��i�cs�a di���r�n��s. �'iraati wa��� s���.�a� �3.�axa� �i11. a���c� �:c� �S� ��v�.�c��ci �nc� �p�a�r�v�c� �+�r lso4:h tt�� i����x t7f.�tr�.�� aara� F�.r�s ��.a���i��., :�� ��x� Tum�2.�.t��.n V�].l�ey� �',��e �rnc3 R�e�va� D�i�t��c� ha�s .rewi�w��3 �h� '� ��e�l.iam�inar�r pl�a�. �,n� �xa� �ca�men��� �h�.� �'�.�.�1 13.x� k�ye���a� l.ra����.�s�i� wi1L a����! t�s b� as�prov��3 by kar�'�ti �h� xir�a��d 6�T��.�� , D?�ti�7C� � �.Ylf� ��IiE.3 k.1,:C�.' �].t3t��.4�... 'I.°1'Lf� l°1.�� 1,��tB'1:��.C� $7.$CT 1'ld6€6 1 �a�rn���a c�c? �ka�� the cur�e��. pra��s�7. vanu�.d pr�vid� � much. ���.��x �ia�te�°n�3. �ir�u��.�tca.r�n �y��.� th�.r� �aa� pr.�viou�sZy ', �.�g�xotT�rl. ', 4 m TY�e B�z�v�rtan �claaol Da.��ri�t ka�� �e�wi�w��l �E�� �rc�}��ec� ' aca��nc'4�ien�s �o ��e pr�vric��al�r �pp��svec4 pl�n �nd ta�s� ��aru�ea��eei ' �:laa� t?��a ����nti�,�. ��u��a�� i.rztpae�e a£ tk�� �Sra���+� e��v�Tage�a�:s�� � h�v�s alr��ci� b��a� fi�ar��3 int� th� 5�4��a��. I3i���i��°� �l.�.mn�.r�c� � �rc��e���. `Ph� c�x�rent ��r�pQS�1 �h�r�fcare h�.� ns� �a�eli��.�n��. i � �Lc�d�art i.m�a�� ora �hs Scho�+l I�i��rict. � � 5. 2'��s �C���a �e� �ic��.�r� �azildis�� �i.va.�ianr �GE, Ptart�w�et �'a�ux�l I „� ��.�,� �.z�� t�h� k��t�o�sl.��t�n l��ea �e�znmuni.�r�+�icaxa� ��anm3.e��an � CA 4cakale ��l�uie��.on) k�av� r�v�ievre�ci �h� p�opcs��,�. �n� t�av� �f��rr�c3 'I � n� cc�msn�n�r� o� ��a���:tc�c�n�. Y�o ca�m�x�t� w��e ��e�e�,vec� �rore� N�� �I � #'�e � I ��A.F'P' R�PO�� � SP)� �$�-¢��30� — C74�TT,� �T�,7L ���� � � � I ____ I v. EiI�,L�.I�T�t�� �i� ��Q��� �. �omrlia#sce va3.th �ommvni� Devel.csnmem� �od�. 3. �he pro�cs��d euksclivision compli�s wr3,�ka �k�� ue� ���rxr3arc�e� s�� �h� R-3.� arad 12-25 di�tri.ct� �Co�tuz�:it�r D���Zo��xit G�de �ha�st��� 1�.5�4 an�. 18.56j b���.ex�� �h� �.��� ar� �.xa��ncied �o �� uc�e� fc�x �ing�� �a.�ai�.� �l��a�h�c3 c3w�1.�,�.mg un�t�. ;�ingl,�-fc�i.�.� r��3.��r���� �xe � p��c�i���si ��e� 3.n �a�th ��n�.g�c� d3.����.�.�a, ��cau�� tks� si��e 3.� �1����na�e� wa.��� ��.� �1.�s�aa�� l��ve�lc��s�n� ��rex�.�.� �an�e �h� l.n��s n��� aaa� �n�iva.da��lly l�e eon�ie��nt wa.�la �tka� m�n3.naum 1.�'r. �i��,, 1ra� �r�c�th, ancl 7.0�. c3��t� rre�cx�r��rn•�� e�� �h� ur�clQ�Zy��as� �an��, �Tev�rt�e1.���, th� �a�og���d �.ot �iz�� �nr� othe� zii�a�xa�i�a�� are cara��.���n� ura.�Ya ttn�+ utt����lyine� xora�s' m�.nimca�n l.ot a�i,xe a�xc3 s��Ys�� c�i����ion�3. ��aa�a�l�rd�< �.].�. ��c�����t lcs�� are r�a��n�ly elia�ci �uc� �Y��S� ich�r �.a�� �tat�ax�.a1 be ��.e tc� �� k�uilt aa�a� va,i�hi.n �he eaxn�tra�.x�t€� �� t�a� se�b�ck �tarndard� ai �h� urn��r�.�r�ng �e�n�ng s�i�st�i��c� wg�:taou� vari.ances. Na r��ue�t kaaa bs�aa c�►�r�� �'ar. ��ci.�1. ��tback�m 2� �tn� ��:a�c��ed c�e^v��.cs�an�rat �cka�rne i� ��rse�.s��nt wa.�h tr�� ap�s�a�a1 ���nd��e3� ��� a ��a����ci c�����.m�cnera� (Cod� �Is�pt�;r �f�,t�(3� s� c��a�e�xa���a�e�. by �h� �inc�3.rag� �rx�se�at��s�. f�� �F�� v/a��.���.aa �3.�a� �a�l3.�i,�e �.rael ��c�� �G�h��tsrp �h�t �kt� ��:��f ha� �es�xa�rl a��1i�:�b1.� �o t�:r� r�c�uu��t. �h� x°�c�aa.�r�ar��rat� �£ th� ��I�c�ca3.rac� C�c3s� �3���rt�rs �.rr� x�ot ��.r���1gr a�s�s�.taaks7.� tr� �he ��azren�. ��ew�.��r �.3.tho�x�aa f'cu�ure 9.mprp�c�m�n�a �xa �h� �au�ajac� �i�� c�ra.l�. r�e�d �ea confc�z~c� w�a.�l� t3�� ���iz�m�ri�� o� �:.P��r�e �:h���exe; Chapt�r 1.�014�, �ac���cory ��.��xcturea r ��c��s��� �.�8 e��, �ci�atzc��aal �arci .�irea R��cair�mesa��; G�a����� �.�a�8a ��i�d��� T����h�: L�mi�a.t�.Qa�s: �s�c����c�reQ �2��.�t�r 3.�.1�(➢, ��.ncJl�s��p�.r�c� �nd �cr��rza���e �z�d �Il�Adga��� lt�e�.��y F��.��ing. ��af� 3.� �haxc��d �r�.��a ��wa.evra.�ar� �Y�� �san�arc!�.anc� e� �u��.re i..rz»row�m�ra�� v��.t�h �tYa��� �tandard� �.I�x�c�uc�ka �he buildi.ng �aa��;�. �.nrl ��e�r� p�:�acii� r��vi�w �a�oa��s�s �.� �re3.� ao� th�ou�h c:car�ta.��irtg �r�d� e��oxc��n��at ��'�:i.�a�ne� 3. �h� �.��1.i.�ax��c'a e+�ate�a►�s�t �on�aix�� � �al,a� �,c�e�� �:�w�l�aa�a.�n m��a ci�a�s�nsa�r��ixaa� �sn�ic�����y w�t� t�� �alar �.cc�se ��r�aa�r�n��ra�s s�f Chag�s�r 18 0�8 0 �o�i€� ��c�3.an � �.8 0 8�n��(2.� r�s4uir�� �:�a� � mir�iraaixm af �0 pe.�Geza�: af �h� � ��c����c� �o�s atte�� c��t��.n �ca�.a� �cceee g�r a?ew i � d�v�3�pm�z�t, c���ig� �t�.n���cia, �, � Tva������iv��s �f th� "�s���.1 ].2� ���pas�ci ].ot� a�� �x�m�s��c� � ���an �.i���ae st��.da�ds u�d�r ��� �.l�.s�w�r� 2Q p���c�a�� ! � �«cempt3.ar�. �i.glx�ywni.x�� o�.Y��r 1.a�t� �at�.�fy �.h� }aa�ic � �o�ar r�quixam�at� of �. �zc�n� Irst 3.3.aza osi�n��.tion Uai�3��in � �a dec�r��� af a �r�a� east-w�at o�ienta�ta.on and a mirai.mum nodtl��-arau�h� �iian�ns�.an af 3Q �e�t {zaot�d �ith � a� ap�li�^an�°� eo1�x acc�se com��.iaz�ce exta.i.k�3.t j d 7'he 5'��'�" FCLF��� �- S[I�b 93--Q�08 - G����� �IC,L �AC� 5 �.�plicarzt ys��gae���� +�k��� �ul�x ksca�.l.�.ix�g l�.xs�� b� �ecs���I�d with th� pla� �or fi�re cs�Y�er lo�� {no��d wf.tlx PSBL an e�alare �c��s� exhib�.t� r�nd tl��t eev�n o�h�r lc��� cmn meet the �pla� acc��� �t�.ndard� for n�w conetru��ion t2��ough the g�rfaran�nce o�t�.on� a� Cad� Sec��an 1�e 8�e 0�0 e e^,.3 4r��t�� �e PO tsaa c�aala�r exlaibit). Fte���°i�ti�n� �csr ��e��r���e� �ss�.t�r baail.�3.r�g li�a�� �rad p�argcaa�t�na� o�O�3.r�r� cr�a��slian�� ehtrulei i�� �eq��r�� �� kse ��s��s��QCl ala�ag ���.t�a �h� �1.�t tor p�at��c�e� e�al�r �+eai.ldi.�ac� T.i�es an� ��x��z�►�r�c� e�p�.3.c�sa a�mp�ian�e �M.�au].c� be r�quiredl �� b� re�p����fi �lo�q wi�k� �h� p�.a� �����rling. �1a� prop��eel ��xPsc��.�ri€��.�an rai�.l ��xez��o�� �c��►�1� �v�.�.�a th� ��c�ex3.r�m�n'�� cxf Sectian 18.��.O�OmCa �, Ch�pg�z �.8.92.; (T�en�ity Gcsmputati.on�) ie �a,�asfi�d b������ �tz� ������ci d�nai�y �o� tta� �n��r� ����a��ed Cas�tl� Hi3.�. d��a�l�gan�nt kna� ks��rs ��auaxo� 1a�• �h� �acmn���ic�n'� �.��Q �sv3.�w a� �h� c��igina� �p7.�.xaned e3c�ve3.c��Sm�ssaL- e.o�ce�� gs�ar� tc+ �ae �on�i�t�nS� w3.�Y� �ode x�u�cstr�m�nt� Eear �h� R-l� anc� R--�� �ona�, �2��s �otrtnti��3.on �c�Sxr�� L-ta�� �h� o�$.c�{3.tt�ll�r pr�pcas�d 1.�4 �i.nc����-:�amil� l.cxta and �h� r�s�rved o�sportixr��t� f�r. �00 m�aa�f�f�ni��r �nit� Y��v� k���n �s�aspased �.x� aza �ra�� th�� w���.s3 pro�ri�� �aa oppoztuni�ty for �.p�a��x�a��l�r 9��.� dcus�3,�.3.ng urai�g i.f d�veZop�d �:o �kae f�a�.Z d���i�y a�p�re�uni�k�r o� th� �--12 �a�cl �2-�5 aara�z�o �h� currexa� ��ca���5. �v�au�.e3 d�cr���e ��� �a��.7� aauYra��i rsf e�.rcgl�� �am�.3.y ���id�ax��a 3.a �sy �a�x� �a 19d9 lot�d �he curr�aa�l� p��a��eci am��ar.�en� �o�� sac�t n�:��.•ti.v�ly ��f��fi� t8x� ��.�na�e�! d�ve�,up�sen�e� �ea�zga�.�.�racs� w��k� �:1-P� c�en�i+c�y �taa�ast�rda� �. �h�. �a�o�o�a1 i� �on�i.����� w���a �Fa� �.����s ��s�u�.x��►e��t�s c�� C�apt�� 1�oA�� (Ac�e�� �a�s� C�.rc�.1.��ioxx� b���.u�� a11 10�� weaul.� b� �Srovt.cAed �r�.�.2x ��xf� snd r�d�qua�� a�c�s�e �a �eublir �.�c�l �tr$e���. �T� �.cc��a ���m izediva.ciax�7. �.s���a ta SW 13�tta F�v��.�t� cs� �P� tnl�la�sst ��;c��� a.� i.st'��aacle�ie A noz�� acc��� �se�±rv� �°��S.�a G�c p3.�t r�s�tx.4_��iaz� �h.ould b� .�e�gu�.rc�d �o t�� r�.co�ded wi��.I� the final �alat ta a�s�u�� th�+t ������ wi:1.1 axot b� p�rz�i�t�c� �.n �h� �ut�ur�:. �'�� �a��7.�.mina�y p�.�t ��c��sa��d �. �o�.n� �l�i��wra�r cag �Sriv��e s��e��. tr� a��r�r� p�ca�a��d lrat� '��. �ad 7�, T�xe g�xcz�as�ci priva�� €��r�:�� a� �hob�rax i� �t�����i:,�n� vri��a Code � �e��i�n 18.10£i.(�7�.f� �+�ie�.�� ��se�t i.mpresv�a�a��� '� ��anc�axc3s wt�ich re�qcaa.ra 2CD f�at of d.�i.u�v�ay gavrac��n� � � s�r�tk�in a 25 foa� wric3� acc��� way� �t� ��rve two r�w�el.l3.ng ' � �ani�e a �h� rar�.va�e driv� eh�1� 3�� �st�r� w�th n� I � p�r)�ix�c� �i.�rn� in ox�3�r to ���ur� tha� �cd�c,�.x€��� a�c�a a.s � � p�avi�sci �or en3a�rg�ncy vr�hicle ��c�e�, a� r�gu��t�� la�r �, �Yl(� k"3.x'� I?..�..�3�r3.C'E':. � � 6. �ha�te� YS.150 (�gs� �Y�mrav�l} x�c�aixs�s t1�m� �F�e nux�ib�x (� of t�s�� ���x aixc inct��€� �.n di.���sx �ha� are ��rnave�ci � durinc� the oourae csf con�tr.a���on lsa min.�ni��d. �?�c� p�opos��� ��v�l.ra�in�n�'a str��ts, u��.li�i�s, �nc� �eei�ienc�� wiZl ��c�ir� tha r�m�awasl af �. sic�ni�:l�ar��. s��� ���z�x - sv� ��-�a�� - ��s��,� ���x, ��,�� � I numb�r �� �ra��� pr3.�a���� i� the a��a n� l�t� �5�-��� �� ��1u�t�ated o� th� �x�liazeina�y pb�t. ��e t� �h� seno�xn� of c�ra�limg �h�t wi.l.]L b� neces��a�r, i� wai11, b� diff�c�al� �o aaini.iriiz� th3.� r�sav�l. ThiO was recogrxi.a�d , +w�.�h �he 339� appxov�Y f�ar th�.� �i��A i A7�vrerth�le��, th� e�.�e c���v�lc��r �txoul�l �z����v�r �� � g��a�.� as maa��p m��u�e �.rs��� m� pa��i.b�.�> F�c� ���� � ��mov�l. or gr�s�ing w3.1.7. �r� ��.lowecl to oa�u�r pr3.or �p ��.an�i.ass� Piivi��.on re�v3.�ur �.nc� �pp�ava� o� � t�°�e xr�aa�va3. �r►mf.�. In�.�f�.l t��� ���n���]. r,n �h� �:L�e �Yteeal.ri b� lirn��ed �� �ho g�a��eci puk�3.�.� r.�gh�-o�-��gr axa�� an�i a�re�� i�ka�t mu€�t b� g��cisrl f+�r �ubcl�v3.�ioa� cl�ve�.ngnn�z��. Tn�iw�.du��l bixildir�g lats will �.h�n b� eaBier tee a���s� w3.t�. r�gard �to t�� n�e�c� �o a�e�muve �xe��. �it�► �ta�f t�3��u�c� �� gi�r�ra �:�ae ��9:t�c��.ity tQ r��z�,re �th�a �.nd3.�vic�ra�.�. 1u� d��r�lcs��� ta� p�ov3.de �he t�ex�+ic�e �� � �c���i.�i�d �.zb�rie� �s�� ti��.� ��aaly�i.�, �� �.�ed�d. �. �he prc��.eo��d �aabd�.vi�ion �dmp�.�.�c� ����t �h�r�t�r 18.16L1 (S�bc3i.vis�.ores j �e���a��e ° �. �he p�ag�sec� su�adi�iei�n �ots��l�.��a v3��4x tks� Cr�mpr��iexz�ive �].an 2��� d��sic�n�ti4n ci��di,t�r ��g����xn�.�� �ear i:�ae ��.te �.nd gvitkn �ta� �p�],�.�ab1� pl�n po�.ic;i�s0 �h� r��rula��.on� r�� 'ck�e �3--1�2 �ne3 1�-- i 25 �cane�, �nd cs�.l�er a�SpiaLc�l.� rs�.xla�.ican�a � �a '�la� propo��d ��r►a c� tFi� �u�df.�.isisaxx, C���].e �ii.11 � & 3 ��a�d��=�.��.on, i� na� �iaap3.��a�i�r� of aray� m�:t��A �ubcii�r3.a�.or� i�a �I�alning�c�n �o�an�y, m�Yae� td���x ��a� �ix�t ph�Be s�f. �:kx� s�ena �u�aclivi�ian c�avelcs�r� lb� tla� ay�plJ.c�nt; co '��x� pzr��s��eci �c�ad� �t�+ould �xoa�d� for ae��c��x�te �nd ���� ��ce��s t�arr�ug�a th� �i�a. �'h� s:ead p�rg�s�el roar�. �>�t-��rn �hc�ult� �$p�ri�� i�s�r a��gta��� aca��s arad ���cuZ�ta.oax thrmus�l�ati� tk�e� p�r��es�d e3�ve7.a�xn�nta �� we3.1 a� acc�:s� to ��iui���.xsg �r�a�erti�� and str�e�s. Th� �f��e�c� or jag� in �1�� �r�th--�ou�h �c�sa��� bc��w�ssra ai� Ros��s M�adgw Lan� and �� 67alnzzt r�ri1.3. p�cavi�3� �o� c�o+ad �c�nf�e���dxist� v�hil� diec�uragtng ��cc��si�e cu� I �.hrougt� tsa�ti�. 1Frc�p�saec� kaloc}c l�nr,�the a�s �ca�r!ewiaaic eho��:�r ti��ra sa�s pr�vi�usX�r ap�sxovod �ore �hie aite o �hc� �ropoa��d t�����ca� wid� ��a�hva��r �tr�et b�'kwQert �ca�� 14fs and 147 �hsau7,d ►��e ��r,�ui�•ed to be .�.a�prc�v�d cui��a � �iaainiu�n e3.c�h�-f�cat wid� aspta�.�.� �rr �c�na�e�� p�athw�,y �nd �he t��c� g��u�.d �,� c��d3.c�t�� tn the C3.ty of �igard. D�tt�iled �,uka�.i� i.mprov�m�n� p1�ns ehoulci �nc�ea�ro� �a p�.a�e �tr�etlight� rnear ��.ths�r tsr�cl o£ i:la�.s g��th�r�y �caz� i�raprc�v�d �a£e�X, 5'�AE�'1�` I2�F''C?I2`� - �Y3B �3�-0��$ -• C�S�I,� HTLI, P��E: 7 i d. �c� rsa�raa�ic p�sr�el� or tra��� would �� ��eaa��� a� Ilil th� in�����e��on of �i� 1�5�Yn �►��num a.nd �Pal�,rat i �t��et o Altka�uc�� bo�ka i z�acto woe�l.�d m��� tlt� I m�n�►um para�l �izo e,f th� ld—�a zon�a, th� a�ea of I ��r��� are aaA� p�o�ss�c� �c� Bae eaab��.v�i�fon lra�e, p�r��u►u�lal� b���aze� �h�i� �.oc�ation i� �� f�onn � i.de�l go� sir�c�l� f�nil� regid�n�i�l d�vr�lopqa�nt. �h� ����.f�c�a�� 3.� �a��al�sf.n� e�p��.�nffi xor u�il�.xa4ciora ��E �tkaa�� gsmx��l�o �2�� �em�i���.on ahcaesl�. r��,sti�c� ��a�.� �.n� frxtu�e �a�� �g �h��� t�a.�c�e fc�� u��e�a ot�n�� t�t�a� �au�li� ��i.l.��y �x�c� ar �i �ubl�.c c�r �r��.vr�9Me� o�n ����e �a�� w�.i3. ���aai�� � ffia1di��.c�a��1 �SJ�ans►ta� a3ev��.opm�nt r��ri�va< �ta� I a�pLi�mnt �hoa�l� b�s ��c,�uir�cl tx� lz�nd�ca� �h��e �r�ct� vaith 1.�nw �ar raa �n�isst�c��n�� laradec�p�s�a� �.� ���� a� �u3ad�.��i�i�ra ��av�+�.c�g�p�nt;e �s�����a •fee� ��z��� �arr.��+la Pxonn SW �l�,lxxut �taauld �i� �S�ot�ibitc��. �n �.r��3i�.ioxa� �, �ca��3.��a �rf t�a� ��xi�'�i.anr� �3.g�a�—��m I w�� €�a� �K� �.�5�h �r��naz� 'c�s ��t�e �s��� a£ ps�sgo��e� ���c� � �rill b�cora� ur�xa��dl�� �csr ��,�,ci�r�y �Ze�r���� wh�n th� zx��a int���ecti�n i� �a��l��r��l. 7�h� Ci�y �iay c�sx�s�id�� vacaiir�� t�a�� rie�ta����mway �a��tw�t �u�r����x►�t �� �one�xu��ia� �� t4ae isat��gec��.on. �o Tha x�an��.r�d�� o� tY�� ���t�� Hi.1�. ��.1�Div#.��ar� �� prop�o�ar� �e» �� eie�v�la�r3 in �saca �de���io�x��. �ha�c�� caf 694 anel 6� 1o�s�. T�a� ��a�►os�� �� d��r��.r�ga f:Iz� �uL��ivieion i� ts�r�o ac�d�L�.ioxar�l ph�.��� �.� consiats�n� e�r�.�h �1�� approv��. ���nda��e �a�� � ghaeed �ubdivi�iaxa,�pl�.n,n�d c��we���n�aat (Se���.�r:� 1�.160.l�5t7.0 ��xe� 18.SO.1C�.�) ��e.�u�� neee��,�ry publi.c £a.�c:L].zti.�r� ar� �rc��s�+�� '�cs �a� cc�rs���z�t�e3 �.aa conju�nct�.caax wi�ka each r�� �h� �Sh�s�s �nd D�ecsu�� nm t�mg►�r��y �ubli.c ��c�.li�iea w��l u� z�q�.a�.r�cfl far ef.�har �has�e ! i �h� �o�al �im� pe�a.od �r�� �ev�le��i�ra� �I� �ah�s�� � � c�� a p3.anra�dl d�vel.c�pYa��.t m�� a�c�� �xc��� ��sv�s� y�ara vri�3��ut ���,�ap�.�T�n� £�r con���a�kaa�� �S.a�n �ppx�walo 6. Th� p�opn��e� eul�c�i�ie�.e�n i� c�na�.�t�nt �r�.t� �.Yse� rc�c�x�s�m�nt� af Chmp�az� 1�.?6�4 (Ful��.�.�: re��rov��raen��) beca�x��e a. Tt�� �.��lic�nt uaill �rac�s.oa�� a�c�iticsrx�l right—��— sa'��{ fr��' atac� i.a¢t�x°rJ`�� �t13w� �W' �dal.n.tat �ptd S47 ]13�5tYs �l�sertu�€s frort�ar��a� Qf �.l��s s��e �s� C�.t� cc��.��cter ��xe�i� �tancl�rds an� w�.11 d�d�ca��, and irra�arowe �he �rcapae�d 3.n�e�n�t ri�la��—e�f—�r�� �a �sre�n�. ���-��� �t�a�da��i�. Ia� �Ys� pr��+os�ed �uD�lic rs���lwr�.� �xel3,mi�ssa.�� �l��i�� �.xe c�asaeist�nt w�i�h �it�� �f Tiga�d pbaksJ�3.c roadw�y r�t�dartie, S'i'�,�'E` ��'Ol�� — ��T1R 9�—S7Q�8 �- CASTLE cET� 1'�,�7� � c, Th� p��p���d lat� �r� c����e���� �i�� �od� st�ndar�� f�� m�cim�m �ot dep�h-�o-wi�t� r�t�� and o���� lo� d�m�naional �tanda�d�. ��1 lo�� �r� con�i���nt wi�h S���fdn �8.���.�6��.� �hic� r�c,�ui�� �. a�f.n3�ri� �€ �5 f�et cs� �tk���� �ron�ar�� for l.ot� c�:�sa��c3 �h�oac��Z �h� e��id�.�i�is�ra proc���. I��t� 7Z ��� 7� m��� �t�� 25 ��Qt f�eas��ta��� ����d�rd ���asue�ta fx�ra��g� �� � ��ivr��e ������a c3. Cod� Sect�.ox� 1�.lE�e��Q.�: ci�.c��oux���s �h� c:��a�ion �f �l�r�uc�% l�t�e ��c��pg w�1a��:� *�k�res�agl� , 3.�t� �r� x��ce���ry �sa �S�crv�.d� ���a��x�s.mab csf ' r��ide��3.a1 de�r�loganren� g�oe� a�t.�ria1 �t���t� oz° = cahes� x�t�c���ary� to esv�r�oa�� �ggc�.fic di�acivaratar�e� og ����ra�ai�y and cari�sm�a�ion. �h� px�gxoa+�d �hrcaugh lot� �s��w��n SW ��.d�ex� Dr9,.v� ar�d ' :ti� Ti���.nu�,��.;3���a a�� n���s���y �� ���s�� 1.ot� I �alring dix�cir �cce�� �t� �kl�a�s ���ea� cc��.�.�c�esr ' �t����. ' �a ��ad� �e�tfc�n ��.1�4,.�.�t3,� s�a��� °�h�� �.r� aaa aa�.�e� � shall tl�e ���ggrer.ia�g o� s�r��ts m�&xng '��'° i.�a�������.io�� on ccrll�ct�or a��r��t€� bs d�s�i.c�aa�d ��ach �h�� �age of ].eg� tF��ax 3€3(� f�e�t c�n ��s�� �t.ree�� �sre �xe�.���� `��a� yar��.i.m�.�,a,°gr p��� �� ��aptx��� a "��'" �.z�t����e��i.ara r�:� �6� R35�E� :tr��t, � �I I�].X3i"6� Cf���.�C�.f3�e inY.E.��'A �"�1"i G�`a3�.X1'lR$� o�`#:.����' R YY83�Ca�.' ��l���c���. `�d�i� i.nt�����t�.c�sa e�c,u�.� �� �m��� t��sz fi�� f�e� s��.���n� f�c►m °�he� �i�.�.��/�1ala��a� in���m��ti.c�iz �;�arl �T5 �a�� d�.r���.ra� �rQ� �.ta� ��r�i�ta���3Lxain� �.ax��x���,�iaxs. �h� �ra��rs��.�. �.� ;:k���e��r� cox�ei���n� rai�k� t,�i� ��t�nd��d. Et. ���.�.�.n�e Fl.itka C�m��t�esao��v� Plan �r�1�.�3.�� 10 �%o����r' 2.7.�'! f� �a�i�f�.�� }a���tnEla3 Ci��= o� `�i.C�aa�i� i %��i.g�k���Pa�ear� P3.��n.ine� ��c����.�a��.o� #7 �nd E�a��.�.r��t.oxe �cs�zx�� Cra�►usai��r Pla�x�;ning C1rqr�na.�aL-3.c�xn ��F� �a��� p.�cavi.c3�cl I �ri�th � �o�� a� the �Srera��a3. ��c� r��ar� �f�ax��,�a "tta� I o��oxt�.�ai.��r �c coz��n�c p�i.ca.� tn �he �aea�l�c h��xi.nc� �n �k��.� ��g�.�.c�t3.ono gn �dc33.tinn, neigksl�sa�r�.n.s� �rap�xt.� e�wafe�� w�r� r�3.v�n n��ice of �t�� gazblli.c k��ax�ne� osx �h� $u�adirsa.�ian ��:a���a3. �d�r�.�siaag �:l:�s�n �s� ��.�i.r a�,�g�o�uni�� �ca c�nun�nt asra �ks� ga�:opoeal. � �p �n e��ci�:r �.4 csaanp3,y� r.�3.�.1s Pa].icg� ���,�.a �orae3�.'�i.an� eef � �s���ca�v�� �r� �a�rrarx��� �c� :_r��gui.r� th�a �i�� �2��r�1,�s;�re� �.ca � ci�v���sp �x�c� ��ai�� �.x� �r���.on �on���rl Tal�.as. du�ir�g c�sx���r�zctz�sn and to dev�el.op ��ie s�aa�er► w�te�c s�a�3.�ty �° ��c3.�.ity in ��a�:�, A ira c�rd�r. to ���u�e �s��apliaxxc� �r3.�ix � �q f�c����]. �ax�cl i�n.��'ieci ���a�rac�� Ag�a��� ���a�i��x co�t�o1 � staxxc�a�da �ar the ��aala�tin �tiver ��.siaa. t'Ji � 3e Pal:f.�i�� 7e�.�2, �,�.�., ��d 7o�e� �mYa b� ���3.��i�� ��cau�e �ax��rzs;e�ra �f a��o�, �;a�.��p �nd ��az°s.n eira�.ra�.�� f��ilat�.�a t� ��.��se t�c� c�ov�l��a�s�t a�f.1.1 �� requirec� S`i°�'F' �gAFt�' -- aL� 9�-���$ - �d�u'PL� ��I,L F�l.L�3� 9 p�i�r �o �p��oval �f the �in�l pla�. �he �g�l�ca�t ��e in����t�d �hat the�� fa��gfti.�� wi�l b� gx�v�ded wi�hi� �hg pr�gs���� �ubd�v���o� in �on�o.�n�nc� w��� C��y �tm�d��d�o Dat�iled pabl�� �.xn�xov��ent pl�n� will �e�� to b� �pprov�� b� Ci�y ���f� ��d ��.�i�e �rov�di�� ���nci�� gr��� t� in���Lla�i�n $�d f���l �1�� �������n�. ��z�*ai�e ���v��i�g a������� h�v� i��u�d �� a�j����a�� �o t�� ��e�i�i�axy pub�i� i��x�v�m�n� p����. �a �h� g�ag�e�� �u���vi�i�n i� �w�si����� ��t� ���icy �e�.� w�ic� ��qta���� ��� ���� �a ���n ��� ��ve��� � �a�� ��d ��fi�i�nt ��r��� ay��e�. T�e pro�cs�sd ��t�n�ion e� SW W�lnut 5����t e���ward t� S� 135�� �v�nue �� ��l�ed for �y �h� ������h���i�e pl��'s Tra��porta.�fan ���n �ap a�d �.ntexs�w�r�r�m�a�t�1 agre�m�i2t� �►csnc��� �i.g�.rd, �'a�sh�.xsc�o� ��unty �nd �ea�r���on. �hi� street Uaould �� �3�vela�d �o I am�.�c�� cs�kl.��ta� ����e� �t�ns��r��, Ttae gxap��er� �cscal ' �tz��t raet•wrc��� w:Ll� �ro���.�e f�r ad��eaa�e �x�� ��.�� �acc�sg � �R;Yn�m�c�k� �4a� ������c� �ukxda.�ris�on, I 5« '�la� au�div��.�ip�a �aa��pasal oomglie� va3.�d� Plaaz F�o7l��y f3.1.3 II, �S��au�� �.h� prc�g��ed �xca�ra�r�me�n�� �� �h� �uA�la,c ��reet� �I rait�a�.r� �asd �.���a.zn�ng �.�a.�� �i�� wi��. b� ecsx���.atznt with i City of `��r�arcl s���ia�d�c���. I I �IY. C�I��I.'�'�ItAA1 I Tn� �Za�*�ing T3ivisiora �cancl�acl�� �T�at 4:h� subdi�ra.�a.�safl ���1.s.minary I� p�.at/Pxa�nn�+� D�ve�4pmc�rnt C234gC��i'�l�aa.. �?�s3Y1 �S���eal w�.�.1, ps-cxmot� �1�� I e�en���.l w�lfa�rs of �h� C��� �n� wil�_ rao�. b� c�iz��.i:F�aan�ly �I cd��:r.xm�nt�7L raar injuri�u� �n �u�r.ouxndls.ng land aa�esy pr�viciec3 ' ��vela�►er��. tt�a� o��urs com�Zi�s� �a�.�.h a�a�+l��a��.e 3.o�ca� �t��� ���4 li ����x��.l �.,a�+ae v I Tk�e Pla�xx�ir�c� �.i�.i�ion recesn�merade ��a�� �he �Y�s�n�.rac� Co�iz�e�ir��. I� �.�p��a�s� �u�sdivr3.�is�n �C�B 93-8��� �.rzsi �l��.nse� me�r�lo��n�. I��R �3�-0002 i �csr ��xe ���t3.c� �I.��.1 � fu � ��xb�ivi�ta.�n �ub���t �a th� c�z�d��ie�x��s uah�.clx �ra�.�aws �I CdY�]��x CYA.'F3E�W�a� P5���7), d1T'�I. CC?2iTI3I��OX4S �$$F�L %i.G ��.v.�`J.`�SE�`I.�%2 �P33� Z3C7f3T��;� Y2+I�Idt)'�RI�I�T2'� �FiX�.Y.T� �� Ct�MP'Za��°�13 SJl� �CiMP���'Td9PI SF31�,� E�� k'S�d�TCaC�,J:.Y �1.^s.�iITF3F;I� P�'iI�C7R '.'i'tJ 12ECOE217�R`T�i' "1'I�' F`Ii3.F4I� Z�I,�'X" ��`.�'� � Y7Pd'a'F�I�G°].'C32� C(SI;T�T`I"�''� �T23T�'�'' C:�ri°.C�C:'1' I�'G�I� PpT�7_e �C3E�3I`,L`�:�Idu �3.+ �'PRC?� � I� J��V�Ia�D2ME�+'1� R.�'6�IEW �PTC�TI��R CP�iRIS IZAtTT��� ITNT,3?S�'a x.,YS".C�d) � �TI��#Ca1I�'�, � I.» �.'h� f�.x�a� �la�� fts:: g,lxa.s� � Ss 3 �ha�.3. b� 13aaia.��d ttx 'tl's� � �x€�atfoa� ca� :��6 ]lr,��, la�r��5.y s�� shov�xl os� �h� p��la.�3.n�y �3.a� gp c�at�a� 3aiiu�ry, 1993. A11 lota ���1J. b� full� r�S.merzaican�ol �n � �h� �izaal pJ.��. �hie �g�;�res�ral �h��,l �axg��a�si�s �h� }�r��3.�mira� � g�1�� ��c� �:�rar:e��akazal. eT�velaprn��at pl�r� ap�S�A�r�� lay �Yts ��a�nxai.n� �ar�mf.m�ion 1[`ia�a� s��c3�?� Nc�. �fl—�.2 P�. �T�"$' E�s"�t7�'�' � a!UT� ��—�?��� p C?�STI,� EiYI,I, p�C� 1� I I I I I �h� ��ffi �ot�� �n th� �r�liaeiina.ry pY�t �� "�ra�� �" ��a1� h� d��i����d �o �h� �i.ty for �ta�m aa��er c�aait� tr�eaten�ra� pu�o��e. Pres�ra�ed �racte S anci � �ay ���.in in g�ri.ar�i�e �s�waaergl�i.ga �ast a.�� raot a�pg�ov�ci �e�r d�v��.���n�. l�iny �� x�t f+sture riesral.t��en� n� �h��� �ract� o�t�ex '�lxasxi f�x ��a�lie �atil���+ �se o� �o� yaubli� or ��iv��.� �ffir3c o� ��� ����+� us� �sYaaAl ree�raixe a�apr�va�. a� �n s���snd�n�rnt �es �tYa� cance�i�ual �laYaned r��v�l,ol�a►�r�� pl.�n. P���tx�.��ic��a� ga.� p�o���ted �o�.�� ��xi.l�s�sg 7.3.n�� �nd �o�ax ���carYnaa�c� �ptfa�a cc��aplian�e �Ya�ll. lb� r�ce��sl�ci �lonc� �ai�4a �cl�� �3.�a��. �ubd�.�r�.��asa p�.�� �SO� ��a� ����s a��urrs on �ka� a�pli��xa�o� �¢s1a� �.���s�s �om�pl3��n�a rna.�. ��'�F a�t3t��P,��s ���ry c�f��r, Pl.�nr�ing �i.v�.��.ana 2 D �rsy ��w�e r�tt��aval eax c���c3�.a�g on �ta�.s ��a��sety �nu�� la� �.�,�ra�md! by �h� �7.�axn�.ra� ��.v�s�.on �hrou�h �p�araea� a� a �ree rx��aaov��. �reati� �ne� ���xsa�r��. a� �h� g�ac��.n� �slase. '����� ov�� �i:� inache� �.ra dir�e���r �h�]�� �� ��m��e� c�r�ly �� sa�ce���xy� �ca � �onr�t�u�t a�t��a���, a���,��.i�.ie�, �x�d re���.c��n���� Tr�e rsmova� '� �rr.�.�te� w�ll be r���c��c�a.ry �ea� �c�e� r��.�.e���e ��.g��--cr�dway an� utili.ty oon��ruc�i�n �ax�gsa.za�a.ora �nc� 1.es�k �a���p���.�i�ne 2'��� ' �.�S�alieaxs� �xa�y �� .�ec�u3.��� taa gxovic3� ��r �r� artsc��i.et �� x�wi�w ' �h� pl.a�nt� fesr gre�siir�c� amc3 �tzr�s �rr�t���.3�erto �1�� �rFsorist ear �.t�e� F�3.��a�ix�r� �i�.�3���,aaa ma� �ar���rib� p�������.v� ¢n:�asu��s �c�r �.x��e to k�� �e���.�a�� oxr t�ne �3.�eo ��°c�a� ��� �co�rr�.���i �S� ����a��.ur�� o�° i.an��vic�u� s��,.��a��� e�aa.l.�, �e �°��-a:�g�t��t�d ae� ���r� a� �Sa��i�1� a����- ��snp�.��3.�xx af c�r��ingo :� ���� a� ��x�: ���e �e��sw�.�. ��ttii� �nd a�pr����T s�x�ac�a.�ag �la�n �ia.�3.�. ka� a.vr�a.A�b3.� �asxm��t� durirag �3.�. �a°�� :��n�v�l. a�cl r���d.�an� 'i ����.e�iti���e �`�.t�`l� �t?R+t��4CTw Flax���ng Y3i.��,��.�n. �' 3e A4�.n�.snaaA�n �SU�.�.�irac� ������ke ��� a17. 1.a�t� �h�Y.l b� ar� �a3.�.sav�r�: II�� ��on� y°�.r� m �.� frt:�t: ' corn�r y�xcl vl�t �e�e� (a��p �ic�e �'a�3.nt� � ��x���� ', c�axar�� - �t� ���t �� ��.cle �asc9 -�� ��e�t I �n�� gr�r� �- 15 ��+e•� I S�'AF`�' �8���1���s k�ctb Tihc�r�tg��c+axe �tx��cla�rAa� L)iv3.�f.c�t�.a i �4. �k�� g�xa�x��c� cr��e�Qn c4�a.v���� �sax �.o�� 71 �.n� 72 sh�I]. �e� I �ic�n�c� f�r nc� p���isa�. ' �� �'k�e loca�ioax a� a, ��a� �€�o� vai.d� �€�phalt csz cz�ra�x���t� k��.c��l�e �xa�2 ped��tr�.�n �aa���a�y mag �� ��lo����c� x�cs mvr� t�a� ].�4� f��� �zcnn the Ls�c���.c�n ehown on t�� �S���Amin€�.rq� ��a� i� i� a.� �caua�� � �.YS�� ���,�ca��.r�r� �i5.1 r�ciu�� th� c�r�s�i�nt �c �ka� �a�.t�r�aayF � �'�.ra�l. d�si.g� app�o�►al fa� �Y�� ��.tk��a�� a�11�1.1 b�s �.1�Q � r���an�i�i�.i�y cai �k�� Cit� �n��.n�ex i.zx �c��s�.�l.�a�:ion uri�� ��e Parl�� �ivf.�ian. � � � Er A � ax���f�asz� w�.�� raon ��c��� ����;�ve ��r3,g� o� p1�t s�r��� p0 �s:�hib3.�king a�c�at� iram al.l lat� �o �G� W�lmstt an�i �W a3��k� i.ry �tia.�.l k�� px�avi��d. � '1 3 0 �� ��s�. a� �f.c�h�mc��-��r�y s�.r�ll �a�a c��d3.c��s�d �a �.I�� ��aubl�.c �.c�or�i�.ng �o �he �PA�. Mur�a� ��aul.�vax�d �ZigaYm�ex�t. 2�dd�.�iAn�Z ��A,F�' £��Y�.T - .�,LTB �3�0�?S3� � �,5�.� T3T�,� S��a�E �.�. � I � �ig��—��d�ffi� ��a1� �� �e�iea��d on �h� �ppra�ch�� �� �W 1���ffi I ���nu� an� �W W�lmmut S�r��ta T�� add��io�al riqht��f—��y � ��all �� 4� ���� �r�m t�� cen��rlin� t4 a��omrno��t� th� � addi�ion�l tur� 1ane� whi�h �ay b� ����ed in th� future. Sp�di�iG�11�, the �dd�tiA��l ���ht �f way ��all �� �� fol�owe: �» �� th� west �ide of 5� 135th �v��u�, 1�0 fe�� ��om th� I �ou�� baunda�� �� �h� �uri��c� s�t°� �� p�av�d� �or a futur� �ig��—�urn I�nej a�d b. t9n ��5� rac�r��a e�.de cs� �h� Ftm7.n�at :tre�t �ssteneion f:�om I •�ta� ��w �.xat�r�e�tidn of S(r� l��th l�e�nu� �o t2x� exi�ting �°�.ght—o��-�v�.�► u� SW 135��a Av��s�ea�, �a prov�d� £c�r a Eu�ur� x�.gh�—tcursa 1ane. �o �'ransi�i�n� i.n ri�h�—c�f—w�y urid�h �k�all hav� � m3.�imum ta�r r�t� t�f l�:� or ��a����. � g a 6� ��s� c�f ri�lx�•-c�f'--w�,� �Ix�].1 �a� aledi�at�d ta i:I�e ��bl.i.� �acr��d�.na� �ca tPx� pragxas��l 135�h �,�rera�x� "7C°' int�r��ai:a.�ra locs���.c�n ��o� in •4:h� fJPd�, �or 135th F,�v�aauQa 9. Cu1.1.�c��x ��r�s� imp��v�angn�� �nclesda.n¢� ��.e���r�,�.ks, cea�ksA ��r�e��ic�h��, �r�d �an��rg���an� u�.i:li�i��, s��aaY.]. �� aesn�t�ur��s� �].�anc� W��nu� Str��t �rpn�sa�� c���s��r,mi�.g ��s �4a� ��ic�nra��xa� ��naGrxi on th� �nxbani�i��c� pl�n�o ��a� i�p�r�v�m�an�k� �ka�ll b� a �reirn:La�exiu �� �k�J i�Qt a,�ici�, a:u�ka ts ��xsl�. �� ��e apg�r���t��m to �1�. ia������ct:iax��, i�hs ������ ��aall h�v� � rcoi�n3.m�ara wi�tl� c�� 4� � �e�� �tr� �S���rid� �o� a �en��r tuz�n l�.xx�. � I �I��.� wici�r. plu�� �.� ���� og �oll�ctdr a�ax��� �.aY►�xov���ntsp � i�xc3.udix�c� �ic��s�aal.l��,, curg, r��r��t�..�qht�, an� ur�d��g���xrad utili�i�� �ha11 be in��al].�d alanc� tlae �W 135th Avenus �xar�•fl:aq�, con£arnaing t� tta� �l�c�av�erat ehc�wn ca�a t➢�e �uY�yn��t�d �i��aa � 1�. Fb�13. �ridth minor �all�ctar a�.�e��. a.mpro��n�xx��a �.x��].udinc� ��.d�walks, ��arkro �tae�et�.ight�, eis�r�3.nc�a ��ripa.n.c� axad �ar�dergr�unc� u��.li4:ie� a2aa11. Y�a� con�a��u��:�d t�am �P-s� er�� of ��x� 13s�t2x �ev�sta�e Lxm improar��x►cn�a �a i,t�� i.n��r��c�iesn �,ra.gh �6i � Z�1re.3.zx�u� Sf:z��eL. 11, Eu17. �a�d�2a e;re�t 3.m�rav�ment�, i.zcc�.ex��.�g �r���i.� �on�r�l dev�eea, aaa�il��x cl.u�tea:�s cor�are�e ��.e3���a13cs, dri�•e�r�y ��a.�sna r curb�� a�sptia3.ti� ��an�cre�e �S��r��ier��p �sarai��.�� s�vaerm, ��Goxm c�r�ixaag�, atr_a�t�ic�ht�, arnel und�xg�ound �z�tx3.it3.�� sha].l ' b� a�x�a�aZl�� witYa�n L•h� �ukadi�rf.g�.an. ]Cmprov°�m��s��ca staal� �a� d��xgn�d and canA�ru���d to ].u�al strse�t ��an�la�d�o 1�. �'he a�pliaax�� �h�sl� g�o�ici� £or rocs:E ar�d pm�r�;zn�nit r�.3.�, • dr�zn�r�� tc, �h� �ubli� r��armwa�e:r e�raii��s�� ��rs�te�a ea� �y �.a� �a�— si�� ¢�yag�a� c�ss�3.gra�ci �� p�a�v�xat runc�£� onta th� ��i��c�nt gxcaperty. 13. Tlx� �.�pli�an� �k���.1 de�mon���a�e �kha�� [si.orm dr�i.na�� rur�c�ff ��:� be dfc��harged i�to t�a� exietinq cirainagewayr� wi�l�cau� sa.e�nifiaa�.��y {.t����tire+� �a�ape��iea dowala����rno �T�F RE�R`!' �- SiT'� �3�O�J08 — �"Pi.STI,�' kIIZ,,I, "��l�yx 12 , I I 1�. ��ni�a�� ��va�r �aesA� ��aa�n dra.�na�� c��tai1� �t�aAS. kat� �r��vLeler� �e I �S�.r�t o� �h� �aubTS,� i�prcav��ra� g�l�n�o �a1�cu�.�ti.w�� gnd a �o�gragsh�.c map �f th� ��r�r� ��ffiinaq�� b�.�in an� ��ni�arg► ��w�x �erviaa� are� �h�.�.Z b� �resvidwd �� a �up�t�a��aie to tha public isnp�q�r��ra� �l��a�o �'��.�aal,a�.i�ns sY��l� �a� lb���cfl �sa� fu�,? siev�eZo��nt o� t�x� ��s�v��a�bl.� a���. `��.� �o����.o�n �.xaa3 ��paci.ty 9f e�e�.�t�a�c�, v�o�eeal, ��d �utu�e �i.ne� s�Ya��.� b� addre�eesl. X5. Th� ���1ic:�a�� s����.1 �axavid� ��sai�ar�r ����r €ar�� ����s ���isa�.c�� I �c�rv�i.�e �o �1a� �ca�s�tn lb�uxa�i�ry saf �.h� �c��ad.i�sia��n ��sr �ut��� I con�ae��f�n o� ��i� ma����nt �rro��t�c�e e I �E. 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To prc�ride 1�� ��.nc�l� ���il�r r��i�.�n�i�.1 1c���a r��.����� s.� � th� pr��va.c�t�� �p�r+�va�. 13� �i.�a�l� �'���.ly resi�.�n�.ia:� �.��� ���� � a�prov�c�. � :�. � n���d upon tne in�ormati.oa� p�ovici�d ak�c�r�, i.� i� ��� ���:za�.�x� � �Y�a� this cY�ange res�uest�:d �� t�.e ���.ts.c�.nt �r��.� ��� �ae ac�C�a.s�qr „Y� ; ' � ar��a ad.ci.�.�t�e�i�a1 �z�:��i� c�� �.c�s�i�iQr��]. �.�.p�,��.� �'�a o'���� �u�I��.� -� ,� . �'�.cil.i�i�sa it w�.1�. fn f��� �E�i�z�� �1�� ixn���t� �t� fiFa� ��a�,�.� . ��'� `rN : ��ci:l.xi�i�a . ,!;�. ' '�' ` ` ; � ��sG�. cor�rr�s � s�u� ���000€� ��.a�t�x�����,� ���.� �� �, � ,�:,: '�{)yk��l l'G'Y' ..4'i,. C .. +�k���� ����'����i {� � �I��' , I , � �F� `�=� �� , ��� � � �P�� .���� � � �� r A �he�•�����, w� r�copnm�n� �p���v�� �� �he �u�d�vi�3an �ith t�� f�llaw�ng re��z�tte�datio�s. 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Tx�a�is:�tiar�s .�n �:iy��-s��-way vaid�h sh�1Z Pa�.v� a �ia��.��am ', t��+�� �:��� af 1�:1 Qr f1+3�.�e�. ��II � . 6q ���t of r�gh,t-��'-�wa� sh�l'? �� cc�..�dic��.�9c� qt€� t�.� g�b3.�� li aeca�d�.�g to t�?� �rQpc���s� 135tk� Av�nu� 'Y` in�e������.�ra 1��ai�ican �h�w� in ��i� tJFA� ��r 135�h Ave�r�u�m �i 3» �ollecto� �t�c��t a.�a��c��r�me��s a.nc���dxn� sid��a.�k�, �u��i, str���.�i�h�.sr �iad �n�������nd u�.ili�i�sp sh�1�. be ea�as�x°u��.ed a�csx�+� �Iu�ray IIoul�va�ci �ror��.ag� ��nfo�:�m�.z�� tc� ��i� a�ic�axm��� s�ar�ca� �ax �he sza�mitt�c� p����. `�he �s����°��m�n�� �I�a�.l b� a m.�x�ir��zm o� �0 fe�� wid�, cu�}��to curb. F'��rn 10� ��e�. �a��t t�f �h� Wiltan Aven�� int�r��c��ion tc� t�.� �outh bo�nd���r €�� t�� d��r�Zor�rrcent �th� st�e�t s3���1. k��.ve a m�.�imum wir�tk� ca� 44 fe�� P 4 o ru11 �a�.clth mlinpr c+a?�.ec���r �tre�t imprnv�zn�*��s in�1����g ( s�.dec�all�s, curb, s�x�e�tli.gh�s, signi�ag, st�i�sinc� a�d ui�d��gr��na� utiliti�s sha1�. b� co���ruct�d �rom the er�c� c�� t�e 13��h A��nue .LID improv�m�n�� �o its in��r•se�fiaon o� Niu�ray Doulevaxd. �NGR.e CQI�NIEN�S - SLTB �3-000� Mr�TRI�d�I�.ST�,� HILI� P�G� 2 � . . . . , . . • , , . . a . _---—-- --- -- -- --=_ __==_-----= I� 5. Full wi�t� str��� �����v�m�ntsa �n�l�d�ng �ra�fic �o�t��1 devic��, ��ilbn� c1u�t�rs, con����� �id�w�lks, driv�way �p�ons, c�rbse as���lti� c�ncr�t� p����@x1�r s�ni�ar� �e��xs, �to�� ���i��g�, s��e��1i����, ��d ���e�gr���� ��i�i�f�s s���� b� in��alled ����i� the �ubdiv�i�inno Imprav�m�nt� shall �� d�sign�� ��d c��s�r�ct�d �gy ����� ��r��t ����d�rdsw � 6. �`�i� �appla.c�a�#� �h�3.I pr��ra.dc� �c�� ��ao� �a�c� �a�r��:er�t �aird dr��n���� �.c� �.�� �ttl�a�.i� ����ratt���.ex ei�aina�� s����� a� �� a.a� da�°�a.te '�, sy����a �e�igr.ed �a pr���r�� rur�ca�� canta �tl�� adjacerx� �ra�er�y. � 7 , T'h� app�..���x�t 5ha�.�. ��mon�tx��e �?�at sts�rm drainage x�un�aff carn t�e disclz�:� eci �.aa�.ra t�.� �xa.�tin c�ra�n� �*�a � w�thou� � � 4 �f �' szgr���i�a�a�1� im�a�ctzr�g prap�rti�s da�an��r���. 8 0 ��.r�zt�:�� ��w�r ar�� s�ar� dr�ar�aa�� detai�.s �Ya�3.3. �a� ��c��rid�c� a� i ��:�t tr� ��5� p�ablic �.m����r�m�rAt �l�,ra 9 m Ca��u�.a�ian� a.x�cl � fiopogx�a�k��.� n�ag ��' �th� �ta�r� c���gr���� b���.�a �n�i s�r,���.r�r s�r�e� s�r�rg�e area �sha�.1 b� provicied a� a �u��l�xn�n�. �o �h� ptxbli� im;�r��r�m��� p�.an�e C���ul�t�.ca�a� s��lt k�e �i���d on ��al�, ��'iyP.J.��TtIE'.x7.� C5f �P'l.� �'u��'V'.Yf:�s'��'3�� r'1�'�;°rx o �'�'A�C'. �.5:l��1$.71.C?Y'1 r�.E3C� C��Sr'�.C°L�:� Lli C?X].S"�1T7�� �3�1'C3�C7Sf.'t�.� r�T�G� �$1'r2.1r'� .�.I.%1E.'S S�lc��.� �?F,-y 3C�.K'�Y'��fl5�(,�a g. ��a� �p�lac�n� s�aa13. prc��ri�� sara�.�.�r�r ��va�r ax�c3 sta�a� d�°�a.���g� ��rv�.�e ta �he �cauth ��tanda��r a� �.he ��ak�diya.siaa� te�r �a���r� - � C4T1.T'a�C:�l<JYl C3�: t�"lf� �C�..]c�.C�&'�'G �?K'CP�L'.�'�'..1.�„°�a i 10. �wca d2) s�ts �� c��tail�d p�.b:�ic� i�ap�o���nenf. �laris arac� pra�i3.e ca��truct�.s�� �.r�w�.�s�s �h��l b� ��a�ar�itt�d �o� �r��.�.mir�a�°y �e:�a.i�� to �.l�i� �ngxry�era.n�r Di�ra�.�o�a. ����ra ("7b ���s of ��p�o��d r��:�wa�.r��s a�� on� E�� it��i��d �c�r��tru��.�_+ara �css� ���.ima�e, �11 pi�p��°�d Y��r a P�c�fe���.o�al Enc�a.ri��x� sh�ll b� s�bm�.���cl fc�� ��n.��. �evie�r ar�d ��apr�ava�. CI�OT�o the�c p�.ans ar� ix� �dc��.�.is�r� t«� an� dr��i�r�� x�e�ui.r�ci k��r ��a� �us.�dixag I���isicsx� �nd s�a��a1c� on�.y xr��lud� sh��ts ��lev�ar�t �.c� pub�.ie izn�rcat���n.�r��s� . , 11 e The �pp.�a.��r�t �ha�.�. p��vic�� an on-sit� r�ate�° c�u�19.�y �a�i�.i��r a� ����i��.:i�3��c� t���.�r t�.� guicle�.z��� of �7r���i�t� ;�����c�e �i��n�� �.�sa1.�x�.i.s�� ���1 Ord�r I�Tp. �1-47 . 12 . �s�r���.r�ae��.an o� �he pr��€�s�d public imp.�c�v��n�r�t� �.�ad �,��u�n�� � c�:� �3�a,sl.c�ir�g P����.�� ���.7.1 r��� cc�mzt�ex�ce �n.��.l ���er �h� � ��r�i��erinc� D�p�rt��i�� h�� ��vi���e�. and �p�rc��ae� th� p�lalic � .�mpr��a�m�rat �l.an�, a �t�e�t ap�nir�� per�tA�. e�x� �c�n���uc�i�n � �oam�I�.ance �gx�eem�nts has �a�en �xe�u�c�r�� �a�e�ut:�ffin o� a � d��r�Zap�r-�nc�a�n�e� ac����me�� ar�d p�yr��n�t �a� �11 ��r�►a.� f���, � � � � � 13. Prioz t�o t�.e �l�t 1J�sT1C� ���co���� �va.th ����i�e��an Ca�n�t� ��� applicant sh��'1 �rova�e a lOQ p�rc�nt per:�orm�r�c� a�s�x�n�c� or �.��.��� a� �o�r,�ia��m�xa�.o �� �� alterna�i�� ��.� �p�l:�cara�. m�y l���e EI�GR. COM�'lEY�7TS -� S�T� 93--0008 MA°t'FtTx/CA�TLE iITLZ, P.AC�� � . , tYae pla� r��o.���d a��er tk�� ��ablic imp�ov�sn��g� hav� �e�ri �I� a�cepate�i �� th� �i��r af T�.gard anc3 has pas��d �he �pg�rop���.t� �ain�.�r�anc� Be�nd. I 14 0 � g�a��.ng �lax� �h�11 be s�abm�,tt�d �hnw�ng �h� exi�tir�� �r�cl p�opo��d �a�taur.� and �.y�pi�al fini�Y�ed ticao� els�ratians mn e��� I l.o�, arac3�uding �1eva�ions at 4 c�iff�rer�� corrn�r� c��' t�e ��.on� I �a�.a� �.�.a�d �� �Y�c� to� o� ��x�a e�.��vat�.ara:s �� sho���� a�n �.�Z� ��a1�1.a.� I �.��ro�re��x�'t p3.�ns. i ].5 w � �rc��i,ca�a cc�xatrol ��.�� s2aa11 b� g���cra.d�� �� �art c�f �k�� p��:Ly_c ', improv�m�:n�. c�rawings . Tlae plaan �hall eonfox�an �o °"Erosian ', Con'�r�1. �l�ri� -- '��c�anic�I Guidance Fia�dbo�ak, N�ven�a�r 19�9. � , 16 o T7i�c�c� ueh�.�ula� ar°c�ss �h�a].1 bt� p�ahi.kaa��d to t�uxra�r Bcaaal�v��d ' and �c� �.T�. �.35t�i �v�nr�� sau�� o� �urray �oul�vare�a ' 17 0 �Ia bu�.�.da�nc� �a�x°m.i�s sha�.l b� a.��a��c� f�r �ny �Sha�� a� �.YZe '� su�a�av.�sa.o� �nti1 a su�fi��.�n� pc�x�i�ri �f Murray Boulevard h�s �.. �,��r� �o�i�t�u���c� ta pravia�e � p��red two�Z�rae ���anec��.s�ra ��s � S�:hc��.�.� F�a�xy �t�ad �r 13��.h �v��n�z�e 1.�3 0 �a�stx�rx����.ccr� �r_��f.�� sk�all raat be �llc�ecl �o tr��el ora ��is�znyr . �i1.L�n ��r��� nax�.�. a� �u�,r�y k3o�al��ra�d o � 19 o C;��st��ac�ion v��xic3.as, �.nclusi�.r�c� em��loyee v�e����.��, sl��l� n�t �ae park�d c�n prab�.a.c s�r�et� �aor�� ��' �%ur�a� E3o�l��r�.rc1, 1 �Q . `��� �pp.�i�ant ��c��ld. k3e a�aar� that t�-i� ��t� �f T�.����. k�a� atic�p'ted Chag�t�r °�� r�f_ the S���t� nf dre�an ��.r�x�tural �g���ia�.�.y �:o�� ar�d �.hat the grading �larz sh�l1. comgly r�itl? th3s �ixa�p���. �1 . '��r� appli��xa�. s��ll r�a}�e aa7 agpn�ntment ��r � �r�—c�:as�.acLA�tzon �n��tir��g wi�h th� C;ity� r,� T�.c��rd ��c�in��r�,�c� ��ga���a���L a�t�r appx.c�v�l of i�he ��xk�l.a.c im�ro�em��t �a1��� b�� �e�or� ��.ar4.ing c��x� �n the s�.�e e Th� a�pl���n�, a�p�.a.car��.� s �sag�.�i��� ag�d � , cont�act�r �h�].1 �� r�qu.ir�ci to a���nd t3��.� ���tinc� ��i�r �r� r��e�.vzrig �l�e app�°ea�red p�.an� �r�d g��rm��s, Z2 . Th� a�plicant �t��ll ab�aixa a 59 join� ��r�i�" ��o� �.h� ��.ty r�f 1 ig��ci e '�12i� ��r���. s�°i�ll me�t �k�P r�c�ir�m�nt� o�' �th� �oTP�?�� � aX1Ca '.�'i.3c1.1�t71..x2 1���]..Y1 �.,�tas]..C?Il C�Y`i�.�'OI �Y'pc��'a3Ttle � i � � I � IP3 �pI°��t�I+d TI�iE .�PP�,I��T� ��iQTTI�D �3� 13��E �F �ki� FOLL��d$�7C S��CTI�?P�a ,� C?F ��3E Cfl�SNI�.7�I�:�"�i' �iE�,I�fl��I3T' CQI2�a '��II S �S ZVI�T �''� ��Cl..€7S��E Ia?'��, � � I � �. . ����TQ� 18 . 160 . �70 Tmpxovezn�x�� �:c����mera� tt� � ,�. 13�frQ�e Gi�� ap�r�ava? �.s cer�i��ec� on �Y�� �:�r�a1 �a1at, �nd be�ore aggaro�v�d cax�s�ructian p1an� a�e i���xe� by t�� C3�y, " �h�: S�zbdivi.c��� sh���.: � d �I�1GR. CO�N�S ° S�.1E� J3-00�3& NI.AT��%JCAST]L� I��L�, �AG� 4 I � : I , � lo Exeeut� �nd fil� an a�����ent with th� �Aty En�in��� �pec��yin� ��e ���aod �ithin wh�ch al� ' r��ui��� im�����m�n�s �n� xep�i�� sha11 b� ao��let��; a�d ; 2. In��u�e in t�e aq����e�� ��o�i���ns �h�� i� �uc� war� is n�t c�m���ted �i�h�n th� �e�i�d sp��i�i��, ��� Ci�� �ay ��i��l��� �h� w��� a�� r������ �h� ���� c��t ��d ��p��s�� �r�� ��� ����i��d��, �'', �m ��� ���e����� ��al� sti��l��e i�p��v����t ���� and �������s I a� may b� r��xsr�d to b� p�id and may als� pr�yi�e f�� �h� � �����r���ian af. ��e im�xov�ments in sta��s a�d �n� ��� � �����s�on �� �i�� unde� s�e���ac �a��i�a��s ���r�i� st.���� ; in the co���ac�o 24 ��CTI�IJ �8 �1�d . 1�d ���� . �. �s r�c�ai�ed �y �ec��o� 1� °160. 170, the sub�ivid�r �ha11 � �ile �zt� ��� ag�ee�ent an a��u��nce �� ��r��rrna�c� f �u������d �� a�� �� ��� ��Ilowin�o 1 . An ����voc�bl� 1��te� �� cr�d�� �x�c�t�� �y � fi�a�ca�l ins��tu�ien ����J�i��� �� �r�n��e� - ������e�� in th� Sta�� �� flx����s �. A s���t� b�nd e���u��� �� a �u��t� ��m���� �u���r.���� �� ��a����� ������us i� t�� ��a�e o� �rec�an whic�a r�maa.��s in �orce un�xl t�a� �ur��.y com�aany is i�e��.i�'�.�e� �y th� Ci��r in w�:it�..�c� th�� i� � m�� �� t�rx�ix�a�.er�; c�� 3. Cash, �, �41�� st�b�.i�rac�e� sh�ll furna.��. �.� t�� Ci�� �ngi.r���� ��a � :�t�m�.z�d ir��r��r�aTae�t �,s�im�t�, c�:r�ti�ie� b� a �°ega���r�� ' c�.�i3. �n��.�e��, �Q ds�ist �.he Gi�y �ngan��r z.n �a].r�az�.a�.�.x�g �h� ar�c�un� o� tYz� p�rfnrman�� as��a�an��. �. `��.� ��.bdi.�r�.d�r s�a�.l x�a� cau�e �erxnxna.�b�n c�� �as�:� allaw � ��pa.�a�i�x� �� sai� c��aar�n��e wi�hc�u� �a�rirzg fa���t ��c�ar�c! ` � ra�a.��.eri autho�i�atic��x ���m the Ci��� � � �e SEC��O�I 18 .160 .19Q Fi1:in� anc� R�cax�cling � �'° .�1 �J��hin. 60 �a�rs o� �:�� ���� review a�d �}���Q��1� ��� � appl�.can�. sha1J. submit �.k�e f�na�. pi�� to �.he Cc�uxa�.� �c�� �, �zgs��tux��s c+�' ���an�.� +�f�ica.�1� a� rc�c�i��� ��r �?�.� G������ u�a 92 . � B e J�x�x� f�a��l �,��ord�.r�g raath �h� Ca�an�y, �he a�pli�ant shal7l subr�it �o the City a m�l�.x� cp�py of ��.� �e�qr��� �'ir�a�, pl�.�. EI3�R.� C(?�I1T a -- SF.7B 93°°000$ �.�Z°�.I��CA�T�,,� FYI�,I, P.A�E 5 ; , � . ; 4 � ��C`���A1 �E .162 .0�0 �'a.xaal �lat I��p�.i�at�.ox� S�x]b�issimm � Re�i�emerat s �. ?'T���� co�aa�� �� �h� ���t�.�.ic�n pla� pr�p��e�3 by a l�n�. ��zr.v��ar li�e��c�d �� g��ra�ta.c� �xa (���g�za� �rad x���e����°y �a�.� i t�� nar��.�:i�e a � �. �h� p����.t°�on ��.a� �r�d d�.ta t�r a������t:i�r� r��i�l�. �� s���r�� tc� I ��e m�.�.�a��arn ��and��d.s s��. �'e��tY� ��a �Y�� �r�gc�ra �t.�v��ed ��attx��� $t�RS 32. 0�) s t�:��h�.r3t��ora �at�zi�ye a�ad �,� �pa� ��.ty ��' �`�.c��.rd� ° � _:;; ', y 5. ���fiI�13 18 e 1 C2.�.1a ��n�c�r�in� i+�t�x�uzn�n���.i�n� N���i�ar���t k3e�x ' �te��.r�m�n�� ' .P,o ����.����.x�e I�c+r��mera'��tion �o� a1.� Majc�r E�a�ti�a�n� : 1 , 'T�i� c�:n�t�rlin�s o� ��.� str�e� �nc� rcaac�w�.;� �ig�i�s— . o�'-°wa� ��ial:L �a� anan�smeaa�ed a� �ar����.���c� �.a� ORS ', 9� .0�0 �2� b����� �i.��r a�������tc� c�� ����e� im�sr��r�rner��� �.�ader ��a� �sa1���v�.z�� ��ae��.:�'a.���.ia�a�q a o Cen.�t��li�e �on�.�nera�.� a.�� ��t�u�.��� �t� l���r� ��x����a�� I . ����� C�Tf�C3Z°Illa.Ti� �.f1 �.�."��% ��c'A1���.�5�.� ��:� �f��' '��?d3�� �������It�� ���Adl� �AY� ��.��'���l. G��.��y' C�1.�Sd �. �'�i� �o�as rsf�1.�. �on��ten� bc�x�:� �1��.�.1 t�� ��� �sa �'z.n.is�ied pav�m�nt c�xad�. �� 1� n 3.64 .120 �Jti�.��i�� 1 . .A11 u�.�.:l�ty li�i�s �.r��l�z�.�.n�, bu� z�r�� �,:i�ai�et� ttz ��'l�a�'�. �Gt�7.?L3"''c'.C� �t)�° ���C:��'.7.�p COxYIYl111:CL�..�s�.'�1lJT'1m aigh�t�.x�+� �r�d �ak��.� ��.i�uis�.an ��.rv��.��� �n�. r���t�r3 �aci:�a�,ie� sk�a3.1 �� �laced uz��er•gr�urYC�, ��ce�t f�x su��ac� znoun�.�c� i��an��orme��, ��xr�ac� mou��.�r� c��r�n��t�.�n bt�xe� �nd z�ei�e� c�.��.aa��;.� w�aa.�h m�y ka� �ala��:�. �bc�ve groun�� tc�mpox�a��r aa��].�.ty �erva��� �'acili�i�� e�u��i.�ac� �un�t�°txc��i�i*a� �s.i�h ca�aaca.�y ���c;�xic �in�� e�p����.i�� a�t 5t�, QOQ vo�t� c�r abr���e � � � C. 1� � 1�� e 130 C�x�h o� Bo�r,� Re�ai.�'�t� � � 1 . ��.1 ir��rov�me��� �..n����,l.�d b� �t�� s��J�d3.v�a.��� ��i��.�. � k�� ��a�r�n�.��c3 a� �o cv�rk�atar���ai�a a�i�t m�.t���.�.�. �'a�° a oU p+�rioci c�� one y�ar fo�.l�v�ir�g acceptaxa�� b� �the �,� �:i.�.�r v � � 2 . 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