Planning Commission Packet - 04/05/1993 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. TTGARD E�I�t'�NNING CUMMISSION AGENI�A .APFtTI, 5, 1�93 - '7:30 P.2�1. TIGARD CIVIC CENTEI2 - T041N HA.LL 1J125 SW HALL BL�., TIGARD, OREGON �.. . C�,LL T� Og2T.�ER 2. ROLI, C.�I,L 3. A.PPFtOVE MINL7TES �. �LAbIIdING COMtJlISSIQN COMMtJIVICA'TIONS , 5. PU�LIC HE�RING 5.1 ZO1VE CHANG� ZON 93-0001 AMFS (I�TPO #3) Zaning Map Change £rosn E2--1 (Resicienta.al 1 unit p�r acre, 30, 000 sq. ft. minimum lot size for appraximately U.9 acr�s) and R-2 (Residential 2 uni�s pea� �zcre, �0, 000 sq. ft. ma.nimum lot size) to R-3.5 (Residential, 3 .5 units per acre, 10,000 sq. fto minimum lot size for approxirnately 11.8 acres) APPLICABLE APPE20Vt�.i� CRI'?'�RI��s Zoning Map Chatzcie: Community Uevelopment Cade Section 18.22.0�0; Cod� Chapter 18.48, Comprehensive Plan Policies 2.1.1, 6.1.1F 7ai.2, 7 .3 .1, �3.1.1, and 12.1,1 (locational crit�ria far Low Density Residential zc�ning districts) ; and evidenc2 of. a change in circumstances affect.ing t,he property or evidence of a mistake ix� the currenC �oning designation. LOCATION: North of "Ames Orcharc�" subdivision (norchern termitxus of SV1 Hazelhill Drive) and south and southwest of the inters�ction of S6J 12'lst Av�enue and SW Gaarde Street (WCTM 2S1 tOS�, tax lot &00} �ONEe R-2 (R�sidentialb 2 una.ts/acre} The H-2 zone allows single-Eamily detached residentia� units, �ublic support faci.lities, farzniz�g, rnanufacturec� homes, re�idential t.re�tmenY_ lzomes, home occupat:ions� temporaxy uses, and accessory structur�s among ot3-ier uses. The R-3 ,5 zone (Residenti.al, 3.5 units/acre) allows the same u.ses outright with mc�re conditianal. uses including cu2tural exhibits, duplexes, cemeteries, hospitals and mobile home parks and subdivisions. 5.2 SUBDIVI�ION SUB 93-000? VAUTAIVCE V'AR 93-0004 AI�ES (NPO #3) The applic�nt requ�sts Subdivision prela.minary pJ.at approval to clivide a 12.68 acre parcel ira�o 29 lots rai�.ging a.n size between 13, 011 to 22, U92 square feet, An 8, 000 sc�uar.e foot space tract intended to inr.lude a wa�.er c�uality facility is also proposed. Va.riances hav� beEn requested f�o Community Developm�nt Code Sec�ion 18.164,030 to a11ow a 28 foot wide curb to curb loopecl laca7. street (�entati�.rely namecl Vista Circle �n the pxelisninary plat) within a 40 foot �ride right-of-way whereas this Code Section requires a 34 foot wide street within a fifty foot wide right-of--way. In acldition, the applicaizt I rec�uests a Variance to Code Section for this same loap i street L-o install sidewa'lk only on the autside of the loop stxeet whereas this Code Section requires sid�walks on bot�, s.ides o� local streets. APPLICABLE REVIEV3 CRIZ'ERIA: Subdivision: Community J�evelopment Code � Section '18.160.060.A; Code Chapters 18.48, 18.88, 18.92,, 7.R.1.02, 18.150, ffi and 18.164; Comprehensive Plan Policies 2.1.i, :3 .1.1, 4.2.1, 7.1.2, '7 .4.4, � 8.1.1, a�d 8.1 .3 . Subdivision Variance; Code Section 18.160.120 .B. � T�OCA2'TON: 1Vorth �� "Amas Orchard" si.�bclivision (ncrthern terminus of STid I � Hazell�ill Drive) and south and southwest of the int��section of SW 121st ,�g Avenue and SG7 Gaarde Street (WCTM 2S1 1qBB, tax lot 600) ZONE: R-2 � (Resideritial, 2 units/acre) The R-2 zone allows single-family detached � residential units, public support facilities, farming, manufactured homes, �g resideni:ial treatment hom�s, home occupatians, temporary uses, and -� accesso?-y structures among other uses. The R-3 .5 zone (Residential, 3 .5 units/acre) allows the same uses outri.ght with more conditional uses includ.ing cultural exhibits, duplexes, cemeteries, hospirals and mobile horne parks and subdivisi.ons. 6. 0'.i'HE� �USINESS 7 . ADJOUk2NMENT J • , 1� 1 y�� ����8a� � ����� �GB1I� �'d°�1v� � °- D�p�ig �, 3.99� Z. C�T,L fi0 ORDEI�: President Fyre called the mee�ir�g �o arder at 7 �30 PM. '�he meeting was held in the Tigard Civic Cen�.�� ° Town Hall -- 13125 SW Ha11 Boulevard. 2 . ROLL CALL: Pres�nt: Presiu�nt Fyre, Comrn�.ssioners Castile, II Eioone, Hcal3anc�, Moore, 5c�wa�, and , Schweitz. j i Abserit: C�mmissioners S�.port� �n�. �aacton. 5tcaff: Senior Planner Dic}c Bew�rsdor.ff, Associate P.lanner J'erry C3ff�r, �lcting Plar�nine� Commissioner Secretary Diane , Jelderks. � 3 . AFPfiOVE MINLTTES Nlinutes wer� not available from Ma�ch 22nd meeting, I 9: . P:GANNl'NG COMMISSION COMIMU�TICATIQNS ThPre were no commuxlzc�tians raceived �or this m�eting. I 5 .1 ;GON� CHAt�IGE Z�N 93--0001 AMES (�FO d�3} 2aning i�lap Char.c�e �Erom R-�1 (Resiclential 1 unii, per acre, 30, 000 sq. ft. mi.nimum 1ot size for. � approxinlately p . 9 acres) �nd R--2 (Residential 2 uni�s p�r acre� 20, 000 sqe f�L- . minimum 1at size) to I2�3. 5 (R�;sidenzial, 3 .5 u�nit5 per acre, 10, 000 sq. Lt. minimum int size for approxima�ely 17..8 i acres) APPLIC�BLE APPROVA.L CRITER:i1d.. Zonincr Mato Chanae: �ommunity � Develapment Coda Sectinn 18.22 .040; Ccde Chap�ter 18048, Com�rehensive Plan Polic;ies 2.1. 1, 6.1.1, 7 . 1.,2P 7 �3,1, �,1 ,1, and 12.. 1. 1 (locational criteri� for Lnw Densi.ty Residenti�l zoizinq districts) ; and evic�.ence of a change in ci�cums�tances affecting the ' property or �vidence of a mistake in the cu.rrent zoninq dewign.atic�n. LOGATION: North of °'Am�s C�r_chard1° subdi4ision (northern. �.�rminus of SW Hazelhill Drive) and sauth and soutnw�st of the in�ersection af SW 1?..:1st Av�nup a�d SW Gaarde Str�et (�7�'I'M 2S1 10�F, tax lot 6Q0) ZONE: R-2 (Residenta_a10 2 units/aa�e) The R°2 2on� allc�ws sinc�le- family detached r�sidential units, public su��ao�rt facilities, fa.rming, manuf.actured. homes, r_esiclential treatment homes, ham� occupa�tions, temporary uses, and accessory structurES among ather usesa � The R-�. 5 zone �Residential, 3,5 units/acx-e) a11ow� th� same uses � outright �aith more canditianal us�s including cul�ural 2xhibits, � duplexes, cemeteries, hospa.�tals and m.obil� home parks and � subdivisions. :� o Associate Planner J'erry Offer revi���Ed the sta�f repor� �nd mad� 6� staff° s recomanendation for app�oval. He summarized NL�� �k 3' s (� position regarding the zone change which had }-�eez� r�ceived a£ter the � staff repori;. . � PL�,NNING COMNTTSSTOI� NINUT.ES - .'�pril 5, 1993 Page 1 o piscussic�n fflllow�d wi�th Comm:ia�io�exs �:egardin� zon�.r�g nn �.k�� surrUUnding properties and his�c�xy ot �he site. , AL�P:LTCArt'1'r S PRESEIVT.ATIOIJ I o Rabert P,mes, 12500 SW Bull i�ountaiz� Road� Tigard, OR 97224, a�aner I of �Lhe site, stated h� ha.ci nothin� �o �dd t� what sta�f had a.].rea�y ! presented. i I N�0 COMt�I�JTS ' a K�nt Hansen, 12255 S�V Duchil.ly Ct. , Tigard, OR 97�23� NPU m�mb�:r� felt staff had done a c�ood �ob o� summarizing the N'PO°s �c�sitian. The NPn would o�pnse a 2one change if ther_e is any chance of th.is site creating a through str_e�t bet�r�en G�.arde and �u�� �Iountain Roada rkaey wauld �ot opgase an ei�atrance at 121st/�aarde if Haz�lha_]_1 Driva was blocked o�t at the existi��g barricadee o Sharon Francis, 12305 SW nuchill.y, Tigazc�, OR 97224, repr�senting � the Acnes Orch�rd He�nES Ov�nEZS Assaci.ation opposed ttxe zone change. She revi.��a�d and sLlbmi.tt�d a memo �ExY�ibit �, attach�d) suppor.t3.rag their opposition. � l•1PPLICAI�TT°S REBUTTAL o Marh: Rockwell, 164 Ringsgateo Lake (Jswec�a, OFt, 97034, �tated tha�t the incr_eased density would not tax tt-ie �xistinq 1oca1 �tree�.. Ha c�as una�vare nf sc�me of tl�e HoYne Qaners �ssoczation t�oncerns and was unable �o responc� at this t.ime. I Pi7HL1C HE.ARIYQG CLOS�U c� Cammissioners an� sta:E�' diseussec3 densities on the su�raunding pzoperties. � i o Ca_mmissian Schw�� �ris}�ed. to let S�1ar�n F'rancis kno� �tha� her _�formation was well presented, however, he took �xce�tion to sante o� hcr conclusions. k Commissioner Holl�nd moved and Commissioner Boone s�conded to accept staff's rec�rtunendation for appro�ral of ZOI1 �3--0001. i�otion c.�rried by� majority of Commissioners presEnt. Com�nissioner Schcaa� voting � � no ar.id Commissioner Moo.re abstain�c�. 5 .2 SU�I�TVISTON SL1B 93--0002 VAR:L�i1@C�. 'Vt�,R 93-0004 AMES (NPO �k3) Th.e � a��plicant ?-equests 5ubdivision �reliminary plat apgroval to divide a 12 . 68 acxe parcel into 29 lai:s ranging �_n siz� be�.�r�en 13d011 to 22, 092 square feet. An B4OGO square .foot s�ac� tract. intended to include a water qu�lity facil.ity is also pro�osed. Varia.ncES havE been requested to Coznmunity Davelopment Cod� Section i 18 .164 .030 to allow a 28 fooi: wide curb i,o aurb loope� laca?_ str2et (tentatively named Vist� Circle an the preliminary plat) within a �0 foot wide righ�-of-way wher�as thi� Code Section ��quires a 34 foat wide street wa.thin a fi£ty foot wide righ'c-of--way. ln PI,AN�TTNG CdMMISSION MTI�UTES - April 5, 1993 �'age 2 �dd�tzon� the app�icant reques�s a Var�ance to Co�� S�ctia� �8.164 .070.1.b �or this �ame loo� stre�t to install sidew�lk only on the autside a� the loap street whereas �his Code S�ction requi.res sid�w�lks on both sides af local str�e�s. APPLICABL� REVIEW CRTTERIA o Subciivision e Communa_�y D�velopm�nt Code Section 18 .160 .060 ,Aa Code Chapter� 18.4�, 1808�, 18.9�, ZB .102, 18 .150, anci �.�3 .164; CompreYzen�iv� Pl�n PoJ.a�cies 2.1.3., 3 e 1 .1, 4 .2 .1., 7 0 1>2 a 7. 4 e 4, B .1 e 1, anc� 8 a 1.3. Sub�iiu�.s�.on Variance: Cc�d� Sea�tior� 18 . 1b11 .120 oB. �,QCATT01�t; Nort3� �f 1°Ames Qrrhar�" �ubc�ivision �noa�i:herrz t�rminus af SW I3azelk�i].1. Drive) anc� south and sou�hwest � of th� int�rsectian og SW 121st Av�nue a�nd SW ��.ar�e St�eet �PJCTM 251 10B�, tax 1a�t 600) ZOt3E: R-2 (Kesiden:tial, 2 unitslac�e� T.1z� � R-2 zane allo�rs single-faanily de�tack�ed residen�ial units, publia support �acili�ties, fasming, Ynanuf�.ctured hoanes, residential �tr�atmsnt ham�s, hc�m� accup�tinns, tempo.�ary us�s, and a�cessar�a s�tructur�s amc�nc� o�her uses. 'Phe Ft-3 .5 zone (Re�identia.l, 3 0� units/aere) allows th� sann� �as�s �autrigh� wi.th mor� cs�ndi�tz�rial. v.s�s inaluc�ing cultural exhiba.ts, d���.exesd cean�t�ries, haspitals and mubil� home p�z�.s �nd subdivis.ions. o Associate Planner Jerry Offer r�vie�red the subdivisian pra�osal a.nd �.he reau�sted va�iances. �I� d�.s�tri.bu��cl. a m�mo (E�hibit l, att�ch�d) recommending revising r�commend�d cond�.tioris numbsr 23 anci 7 o He revisc�r�d �:omme��s far T�ualati.n �Ia�.Iey Fire �z�d �2eacu�� Tigard Sc�e>ol District, NPO # 3� T.igard V�ater Di.s�rict, ancl Nor.thw�st �7a.�ura1 Gas. Sta£f felt the pr_oposal znet conditi�ns ��,r a - s�xl�di�isian excepL fo� t�ie str�et �att�rn. Sta:£f r�comrnendad an accass �to G�ard� Street adjacent �:a tk�� p.roposed Vis�:a Point Subdivision in a�.di-tion �a th� raaa�ays proposed I�y �th� �ppiican�. He reviewe�. an alterz�ative traffic connection tc� the east that tl�e �ppl�.cant ha�i praposed. Sta�f does not support this alt�rnative as the only p�,ss:�ble connection �a the n�r�.h o Staff stic�gested, to lessen the inlpae�� tca the n�ighbe�rY�oac�, tha.0 a ra�d b��ricacie b� p]..a��d a� the staff recoz�n�:ncled �aarde conneei�ion tzni�il J�aluary 16 199.5r 'to allow for coznpletion of 135t� 3�et�een 6�alnut and Bul.l Mc�untai.n Ro�d �rior to openinc� Q� thc� �ta�i' recommendeci connection.. � ! @ Staff recommended �enial of �the vari2nce S�CjL1C,5'tS . However, if_ street st�.x�darc3 changes are implemented, prior ta constxuction, the applic�nt woulei b� al.lowed i�o develop aL the lower standards. Camrnisszoners and sta�f discussed revis�d condition ni�riber 7, impac�t if Vista Puint does nc�t develop, and street widths. � � 7�PPLICAN'P' S PRESENTI�TIQN fba ' � o Rabert Ames, 12500, SW Bul1 Mo�.zntazn E2uad,� stated �hat he s�as ur�ak�l� � � ta address additional conditions �ubm�tted by staf� since they �ad � � just r�ceived them. He xeviewea the history af the si�e e�plaininc� � that this site has always be�n �alanned ta �.evelop w.�th Haze1hi11 � Drive as the access. He fel�: thE 29 loLS being �roposed w�re °� cans�_stent with the neighborhood' s c�e�ire ta k�G� the �r�a :Low d.ensity. PZAIVNI�IG COM1�iIaSTON MIN'UTES �- A.�ril 5, 1993 paGe 3 � � ', � ' o Nlark Rockwe'll, 1635 SW Boones F�rry Road, I�ake Osw�go, qR �7035, , distri�uted copies (Exhibit 2, attach�c�) o� his ��cesenta�ian ' rega.rding the road aor�n�ction and tra�fic circulation. Ha coneluded ' that a major aolle�tor could not be connec�e� to a local 'stree�k and ' then not �x�ect tre local street to #'unctian as a co].lec"tar street. �, HP f�lt tneiti proposa]. was the b�st alternative. 'I o Gary TCaLsion, 61Q SW �lder, S--70Q, Poitl�nd, OR 97204� wi.th the use �, of an overheaci �rajec�.or. review�d th� traf�'ic patte�ns an.@ valumes 'i for the area. He sui�unarized why their pro�oaal would be 'the best ��� solutian fior the �rea. �iscussion� follo��ci hos� apnmec�iars to the east could be made. I�TPO PRESENTATIOIV a K�n�t Hansen, 12255 SW Duchilly Ct. � '1'ig�r_d, OR 97224, NPO memb�r, stated that the NPq vo•t�d undn:imausl�r to recommend that the :-�ubc�ivision k�e ent�red from 121.st/�aarde wi�th no throi.lqh f:0i1ri�C'�1.OP1 to Hazelhill Drive znd t.hat t�he �raxiances be �enied. . � .., Pt7T3I,TC TESTIMONY o Bruce Canvassen, 14465 SW Hazelhill Ro�do Tigard, OR 97224, read an.d su3�mitt.ec? inra i:he record a letter (Exl7a.bit r� 3, attached) f_rom the Ames Orchard Aomeo�aners �lssociatian oppasinq �.h� subc�ivi�iono o Jim "vdelch, 14340 STn7 Hazelhill Road, 'Pig�rd� QR 97224, submitt�d a re�o�t (E�zhib.it # 4, attachec�) from the Ames Orch�rd Horneawners Associ�tion which i.ncludec3 in£ormat�_on fram tha Compr�hensive P1an, NE Bul:L Mountain StL�dy, and. data from th� plaa�ning file e H� x�avie�,rec� the repor_t stating that �he FIomeowners 1�ssociation a�pase� bo�th the applicant,'s ��rr�posal. �nd. s��ff°s r�co�u-n�ndatioz�. They �vou:ld sugport the NPQ's Z'2COIRrilEI1CI3t1.0I1 0 � viscussi.on �ollc�wed with Commissi�ners regarcli.ne� connec�ting txie tw� suY�d.ivision with a pedestr.ian/bic��cle/Pmergency �n�rance at i Nazelhill Drive. o Ken�t Hanson, 122.55 SW Duahilly Ct, Tzc��.rci, QR �7224, submi-tt�d his I presentation (Exhibit # 5P attachea} for the recordo FIe st�ted that i:h�re 9_s a majar c�i�'f�rence bet�reen inter-c�rin�cti�n af local �tre�t �.ncl ir.creasing �t�_affic as a rPSUlt coaznacta�ng �hxough streets. � o Sharoi� Francis, 12305 SW Duchilly Ct. , Tigard, C�R 97224, �er ORS st�f.ues, requested � continuotzs based on th� new information �u]amittEd by staff. Discussi.on follow�d regardin.g th� continuous. Associate P1�nner Offer explained that the r�:�vised ccsnc�ition� would not c�u�lify zs new informa�ion in suppor_t of a.n application, which would mandate a continuance, �.Chey were conditions that were already in ttie staff report that had be�n expanded upan. APPLICANT`'S R�BUTZ'AZ o Mark Rackwell, believed that the applicatir�n ancl the n�ighbarhoocls interest wera �arallel. I3e fQlt th�y coula �.ccept three of the PLANNING COMMISS2pN MINUTES - April 5, 1993 Pag� 4 .. - ',� � ' •rcad connection and traffic circulation �roposed li�ted �n his e:xhil�it, except for. s�aff's recomm�ndation. He was uncertain o£ the impacts of r�vised condition number 7 . o Robert Ames, felt sharing �the �ost 50/50 wi'ch i.he property to the north was disproportionaf:e and would ere�te a £i.nancia'1 hardsha.p or� r� �he 29 lat s�a�adivision. , n Discussion followe�l reg�rding a con�.inuaus �nd revis�d c�and.i�ion nuznber 7. o Randy Clarno, Alpha Engine�r:ir�g� 960Q ST�J Oak, Tigar.d, Or 9'I223e Eng:�neer representing the applicant, understood the City's policy regarding street iznprovements. However, iznprovement� ta Gaa�de Street are not typical and he felt that Gaarde Street shoulrl bs improvad fronl other funds. PUBLIC �iE.ARIY�dG CLOSED o �ommissi�ner Mnore was nc�t sure if he a.gr�ed rai.�th staff" s ( recommendation to have the develc�p2r imprave Gaarde, The znain i concern 'he saw was traffic and h� agreed with the homeowners. He � felt the subdivision should have its own separate connECtion. He di� no�. favor dead end. s�treetw He supportad tY�e var.iances r�C�ll$5�.ef.�. o Conimissioriez I�nlland felt� accord.ing to t�stimony, k.he Haze1hi11 �.'er�:ace conr_ectic�n could �ae d,angerous, I�e �.hough�t an aaeess ontt� �a�..rde Stre�t made znare s�nsa o � ! o Presic�ent Fyre stated that he was in opp�sition with the City �s he does not favor through strpets. H� aiso p�efe�s th� narrowEr � stxeets, ka�Taever, with sidPwalks on bc�th Side�. � � C�mmissi.oner 5chwei�tz �tated he lives in � subclivision �ai�.h �ide�aalk �n one si.de and has no pr�blems with that. He fel� it mad� sense to access on�o Gaarc�ee o Commissioner Schwab preferr�d access from Gaarde which aneant � consideration of the dev�lc�.psr constructinc� half-street irngrov+�ment� on Gaarde. .H� �avared the narrower streets anci would su��ort th� varianceso He opposed a con�ec��ion to Ames Orchard o�.her than a i pedestrian/bicycle entrance, S3e Lelt additional conditions txom sta�f affecteci th� applicant more than th� neighborhood and did no� �arrant an extensian. fie had vot�d no on th� zane: changP but woul.d suppnrt i�his a�plication with NPO � .�`s re�ommendai�ion, o C�mmissioner Baone :�elt they need�d. to eii;he�_ accept the applicuntr s � proposal, �taff propnsal, or reject th� �roposal. o Lenq�hy cliscussion follo��ed .regarding the imgact ot traffic from only four more lots than what would hav� been permitted prior to the zone chanqeq conditions number 7, and access to the subdivisican. I I �I I PLANNING CONIl�IISSIOI� MINtJTES - Apra.l 5 f 1993 Page 5 I' , � �tl ♦ a Disaussion follow�d on how they could ��oeeed. A550G�3t2 P1�nne� Off�r explained �the a�tior�s the Ce�mrn.xssior� had in approv:ing ox rejecting �he applica�ion, °� Commissioner Moore movecl and Commissionex Sahweitz seconded to d�ny the application. Fur�her discussior� fo�lawed. Comrnission�r Maore withdrew his motion, *"' Commissi.oner Nloore moved and Commissiraner Holland �econded to contizltae the ag�p.Liration, Fur�.he�r divcussion foll.awed. Commissioner I�loor_e amended hi� mation and Gommissioner. E3crl�.an.d I �econded to continue f:he application to a date certain o� June 7th and f.o�_ the applicant to ret��n with a revissd �lan with an access at 121st and Gaarc3e. F'urther discussiorz. ** Motian pas�ecl bX ma�ority of Comm.issio,aers p-res�n�. Commis�ianars I Castile ancl �'yr�; va�ix�g no. o Sta.ff requestsd that th� applican�. ha�r� material stz�mittc�d within orie xnonth in nrder �.o have �naugh tizne for th� p�oposal tc b� � revi�wed by al1 the necessary reviewing ageracies. � 6 . (�TI3ER l3USINESS a �ssociat:e P1ann�r Offer advised t.h� Gomntiissinn that i:he Triad �ppeal. to LtJBA had been remandect baek ta the City ��c�ar..dinc� �am� tec�hnical issue, but IaUB1� had upheld the City� s d�cision an subs�.antive approval standards . d�ssaci.ace T�lanner Of�er wi1.1. k.�ep thL Commission in.formed as to who Eanulc� �e-h�ar this is�uep City Gouncil o-r Planning Commission. 7 „ ADJQURIQMEIvTT Meeting a.djourned 10:25 p.me �TUDY. SESSl"ON o Commissinner discusse�. the process aft.�r a pu�lic h�aring item is ala�ed. Th�y decic�ec� they pre�er a random �rder �-ather t?-ian going down. the line of Commi.ssioners. o Discussion regard.ir�g theix dii�l role of Planning Comzttission and Transportation A�.visory Commission. E'urther dir_ec'tion *�au1d :n� needed as to what they could require of an �pplicant �� . Adjourned 10 .45 p.m. � � 1.��,.� �� � d �'�c�i'� ��a � Dian� M, Jeld k.s - Acting � Pla.nning Co ' , sianer Secretary � ATTES � � � � Pre d.ent M � � dj/P.A—S.min PLANNING COMMIISSTON MTNUTES - April 5, 1993 Page 6 �� �1 t�� � '���������� ���� ����� A.c�.sox��o PHONE(�3j 684-q360 ��t���� �498 BEAV�RTON.OREGt��!�7�75 _ The f��owing wili be con�i�er��y if���'�ga�d Pia�ina�a CQrc�miss��zt o: ����� 'dSD$@�� ��34�P�9�IS1� A�ri15, �99s,ai?:30 P.�.,a�ih�Ti�a.�d�i�ic Cercter—Tawn �Iall ��12��.�.�-I�����.,Tig�a,bre��n.Sa2�a pu��i�9rai anc�-�r��. • � i� T"a�rsh��# €�otac� t1Y1fl�3I1�1S IPiVi$�LI,dh�pub��c�e�rang can th�s s�a�t€��w'sll be conducted i� City of Tig�'d �cc+�rd�c��✓✓i�th%he xa�es���;i�apt.�x��.32 of;��T�g�d R�unieipal�t�des PU B�x 23397 �d�u1es a�aa�Srt�cedures�f¢tae t�lan�ing Comm;ssi�n.Failure€o rais��� �T�.gard' QR 97223 � � ��a�lec��s A�f9�s�it �s�i�i�i p�rso�or by ietzer��ecludes an appea�.,aa�d��ilur�to s�cify the ��teric�t�fxc�rra�e C�r,�rr�tr�aty Devel�p�eni L�tle or�orngreh�nsive Plan � � at whi�h «c�rnFne�t�s �arecisd pr��iu€�es an apgeal based an that cr�t,�rion.�t�*ther informai��n rr-iay b�ohtain�f�rn the Pl�trsin�Bivision at 1�125 Se�.�all�Ivd.,Ti ard �re o�97223 or b � � , g , cafl4in b�3-4171. Y � P�3LIC�E��TG� A��1�3��A�T �� �U�.3L9C��'lC��� �(�?�IG NdAP��IAl�I��ZE}�T 43-f?QOI SUBL�IVISION St1B 93-�002 ��I�N�E VAR g3-d��Ir�S �a�� �T,tli'� OF ORE(aQit9, ) r`" �t�1/I�7'Y O��+ASi�e��T�Dt�, )�s' 1}A.zo�ia�g ma�change is feq�zse�d frorn itt��;:isting F2-2(ras�dent�ai,2 urnit�/acre)z�ni�g dis�ct Co ehe�-3.5(reside�at�al,3.5 uni[s/acr�)zoning g,Jt�d�.�h Koel�ler dist�ict�o:a I2.6��cre pascel;2)Subdivasion preIF�ninaa-y giai apprr�val is �S�a�og first duly s�c�r�a, ���ose arsd s��r ti�at I am th� �dverti���e� reqttested ffl d�as�e Yt-ie 12.6$parcet into 2�foks ranging in saze farm ap- �ire�:tor, oc hi� �SSin�ipa� eEc�r3c, �f F�ae Z'�g�'.s� '�'i m¢G proxima:ely 13,OC10 to 22,t?Gf)sq�aare feet; 3} Subdivision Variance ap- s ne�e+��ap�r �f g���ral cir�tal�ti�n �� defin��i in ��S 'l�3.�?9� �rora�is requesced to severai p�blic sirert impr�vement stan�iards: and �9�.4�2�; publ��h�d at 'I`i.�ax°�1 in ?h� a. ,41oap wt€ee[wi€h a 40 f€��t witie rpgh�-af-vray and 28 foot pave- �;c�ress�rl c��r�� � �,t,��Q; $����e3e�� rnent width is pra�ased�vhereas Code�ection 28.I64.Q30.E re- H��n�: GU UU �./ -- q�ires a 50 f�t wir�e righi-�f-way and 34 foot pavement width; €� �Srir�t�rl co�y �g �sh9ch is her�to a¢���xr�d, wa� pu56'ssh�d 6n #h� b. A s�dew�iK on oa�iy one sid� of the proposed Iaog street is �n�'sr� i�s�e�af s�i�i e�ewspap�r��� �?e s�ea;es�iv� ��aci progaseri v�hereas�ode Section I8.?f�.C70.A.1 requires sidevr�iks ca�sse�u4ive i�t�ss foliovr's�:g is�ues: on both sides�f residential icjcae sta-�ts. .�P#LICF�k3��A�P�€)4Jt�L CF�I�'ER?�:: Zoning tv�ap Change- Com- h; Mar.ch 25 9 1993 rr�u�i[y I�e�elapFnent�ode Se�t�on��.22.t?40;Code Chapter Y8.48,Ccm- � ' preher,s�ve Plan�ticies 2.2.1,6.1.1,7.1.2,7.3.�,�.1.1,and I2.i.� (laca- �, �o�a.�w�it�ria for Z.QW D��Siiy RCS3tICIlI1�ZOIIIRg�1STd7CIS};�,�d evidence J ' � - c��'a ci�a�ge i�s cir�ue:s;�ncPs afCec�in�thc prope:ty or evid�nce af�mis- �� �/ / �a�t� �a� �h�current zoning dvsigna±ion, Stibdavision: Code Section , � :� ' � 1�.16�3.i}bO.A; �ode Chapters 18.4�,18.�$,18.92, 18.102, 18.1j0,aa�d � 1�,16�;�Coni�rehensive P1a��licaes 2.12, 3.11,4.2.1,7.1.2,7.4.4,8.1.1, ' S�9���e'i��d �n� s�ro�rtt t ��or�s�s�this ?��� ���' �i IyIa�c�hs 1993d �1��•I•3.Su�divisicr,�Iariance:�ode SeGtian 1�.1�Q.i20.B � � '� L�C�'TI�i�t.I�o,-th of"A.rr�es t)r�h2rd"sui�division(noa-them terminus af SVJ�ia�eli�i:i Drive}a��south an�s��[hwest af t�he iztersection Qf��V � �Yr�t�ary Pa�bfi�ior�Jr�gon � 121sf Av�nue�,�d SW G�arde�treet(W�TIv�2sI laBB,tar lot 6�). 11A�C�crarni�ssc� y�ic�s: � ���'r' �ONE:R-2�I2�siden€iat,?_�ni�s/acre)The R-2 zonc allows singie faznily detach�d�eside�ti�l€a��s,p��ylic support f�cilities,farming,m2n�factured /���i�A�tT harr3es,rdsidantial�-eatment?�omes,hcsme o�cu�ations, ternnoi-ar}Lses,and accessaay s�ctures amor��others uses. 5:� t s > � � �( ,, i3{ ,,� �r,,: �r t ��r e i *_ � �� r ti r ;� �z r ��:i 1 d�1 6 �S I. �►$��"1�A1�.Y�fi�8td1416d�K91,�tp€pBIG ��� (,����������l�i Y���1 v��H1 : �nand�ae's r�la����Cm deveH��En��t,��r�t�a�c� r�lae�t�.tt��a�spmxta��tas�` ��sc�I��.�� p,ro as�;�enr��e��s�u?e��4t��a���eai�"�r��or��C:a1�;����=i� �� ', lis��ii gc�d���,Cps�g�r�������e�'���'����ias I�'�"t�ns�t��r�����#�a�?�`; I ��pt�a�t�as�g�aas�t�b�s��nd�tl Ras���±���'�.3�r v�iet�s��'��e , +�� � s�v�►?��s�rs���r�r��� ��ra �����o������������ ; I .��w�ng�oinrn�rii�y��v�top�aa�a��� �'+�3�;��rt��;�hapi��1�9�(��d' ` ,i I, in������k��ianata¢io���a:'�ep�ac�a��)� ��t¢�r�4�'�`�k�((7ff-;s��3�ur�uni� � ,�i � �d`i.o�da�g� ��r���nts� l�hapt�f� F�d�������esp����s,�n{�d�� , a � �; � i s �'r� . � ���461� � � c�ay�uon)P C�ha���r;��:12Q,��n¢�.'��'�`�la�r�������Yr��y)� ��t" l�.l.f�6��Se�t ar�a�?Uti�r��,ks�P�roweary��t� )': j ; „ k# 'r a I�a�c�ciat��r���h��6�zr��g i�nv�����e�s.F��ra���ee�v�c�R o��`�t�a��.t� I I �a��t� �w$Bl�rn Blae��af��Gt�� L�'�i�������i�6rc�PI�� �cnd! �es�'�►�a�a�.��r$ „�_` ll�v�a�paa���s�ad�,�i�p� '1�d��`.t�$����niir�i�nt��e��t,�r�a��a�r'�a - aaa pa���ag s���requ�rem���s fcas�r�o�$��iat u�s9�I�'���s�e.�ar'��� ,.: . " � s�+��as����d�cg���dri��-�p,se�+ae�wa��f�a����kin�x�q���#ez�nLs�loc��. streeC ir��v€nnen�se�eadar�ds,�nd ho�s�!ic�epFn�aainen�e,�t� ''' : I T6�e�'lai�aain��o�n,r�cissg�+i�w�ll€ctrwt`�cl'��ecai�ee�i��de��5��;�ag�sff' I pr�spc�s����ad��t�S�i�����Y�iaeua��t��os�,3��n�c�a+���pd�sn,c��t�i�' �, �n�a�n�s,'�h��1Ry��d�t!%��Yl�ie�t��j1��qC��t•5���i���m , � e�'k�1Lfi��Y,��'�����1"�.`►�'����z�tt���''�'`i������at��Cxa�iS 1,�, asad 42°£�r���n i4,�R�YS��eve R�H�s�,���;���',�ag9s��a����t�.1�,: ��i�y R(�����,;�p�a�e�gyh���ie���l�k'�1��a�� 1 �,�.��ti"�.�:1���".�a���`�`¢` .�: �o�sly.7� �j;����q9RF����s�9 . r1 i�� > .. .. - . . . . - }.�1��.� +.i.� '�����—°�8����RY'Ctd.�J,1���, �� .' , �, . . �. � � � �. , �° • � � � i!t$ �3 P7�I1�IIdG �A'l�bI���[Z�ld R�I��, �3,I. . M3A:eYSi'A�87R7' M�J.a7 e I_p _P/9 � /� �bla6A1 Sltli� �i.S'°^•°e / �••�/� � ly6J�ia�a� ASR� . i d3�13SCS5@ �o S3LiL°3 �',, I .SA8�8iN1..66i id o D3�,089iS I ..�.0�.���/0/!d'eK'J.S�� L�a7iJL80E'b I �j' E6AJ86 i:3i3'� - Y ,_.,.�,,,_� �Y��i� 2�R� �� �� s���e� � I. _�,/�u� s�c�� f ��� ��� ° ti ��� 4���� �� �� � � �����°r: `� � � �Z��� �,�1��—�e��.e��s � � � � � �- � oa e�a � � i � _ : : : u ;%�" , .�. �� i �1 µ ' yfaGHeH T ��?�t�y'y'�'��''�+�! "�'$i V L bf Y7. Y� .L t7 Jb � � ',�� � '�6 .6 Y. � .. � i'�603.L�.rGa�' dy,yAi�iydp.!�p,�T�qd�gb��yiy�A�l9al�8y��6pyiqai��}��eYp89GpTyy L�9gDp'�y�T,�KV'87�iQ80�y�bgl}'1�pl YIA�I.Up�d.b.T/Ki CJ4Y.9�}y1q1g��Pad6i8� SC�l'AX� L1�6L�bA� 69LVY AaVii'i J�3DJr S� .f980LlY6GC7�T V�7 d.A.A T �L3L'JYi• g 5����.� �itiA9b� �,��� ��d �•� _ �� �qs�; �"'�:�F'��=����'`_ ��/��Lg� � w�� � : �, s�� � �c� �a� °a°�. ------l r� ��xa�a ' -� �w' 2� ��� �.�. �� rr�r���.: ,.�.,,_,._ ��� �� ��x��a o�.�`�.° � � L�F..��sl� ��?A� YC14� add� d�DR��S � Il�f:i.L�� ][OYfJEt iGT��Lb� �:����������z.�������:�����:�:�� �►Id�P�3 $Ft�� ��x� p�o��as�� �k��� Ac�a3.x�a� +t2�� pr���t31) � � � 1 Pi�me R� `z� �-' � a1e€�r��� - �s�ei��s� /��c.�t��-V _- - -- �,(�—C-P , �7�°��1 / ���, �..� �� -- - �,��Y��� . ������� � a. ��m�, 3lana� - �rY�r_��e_�..��. — ��t+dra�,r��a .,.���.. �'a�� ��_—_�_. �§�3.�s�m� � d�ddxe�t� �,. �'�an:� _.. _ LYaxu� _ ---��--- - --- j Fs������ - ----- A�1e����� _ Id�tete __ , — �� '°'°"' ;Ac'tci���� �_ �lsle3re���.�..�.�-..�.....�.. _ I --- I Y3ax� P7s�+� _e,m_-=__.��... �.' Paeit�.r��� - - — d�idciz'�*�� .,� - -- � f-^ � � PTaY[te-- - -- Idms�sm3 W.�! � kldd�ce�� T�c3dx'e�� 11+J ! a.d Y�ame Ham� �4zir�r��� Adi�rm�t�3 _.�__.�.... --� _- � _ � � °�j". W5,.� arx, , � :� :�A"�' ;�"rxtib� �:�� n�: � � �1 y ��� ,� ,���+��o4�t' � �`"T: l[e II��C 'Cv° �'.�9 „%3�! � .'� I � II�1 -� NC1R.'aC'I�� 1�T.Y, F�18Sl3E�5 I3�S�RII�� �'Sb 3P�'C C)1� �Y' �7�`� t���° ���fi9 �%�2 Li� k�t� NI(:M1�lE °d°FF.UIEt 14.�L3��S �la '!�E%� $��T., (E�A.t���� �It31�1"�� x���� x�s: �� �� rr���at�� ����-ta��af"�.`$�~�3.�� re.�._-°-°�,�.. ow�at/a������` �.��ai'�. .�r.��� � -- . ie� v5�e `er►� z��aobl: Q� �' t�1°�" Ul�l,� w--� �lA� ��. �"��' - --- 1�2�0 fl�iJki�l�LRs ��,�,,..r -- �.A� �� �IAYGs �"��''�� , r��P�SE 1PR�CE1°� Y�t�Et AT� �►A�s�ES3 P�I�Yf! IldCI.UIDB YOid� 8%F �P� ���a��ffi�::�_����ffi�:�::�:��,�� , �i?�7E+�t�Bt� (��or �ha �r��r���� �� ��.��a�� �� prog�axsl j -- /J • NdI51�- ---- -- IdBf�B � �%t" (�• .��'��e�s:�-(iL� � - Adc1Y'E31F►� �i�clr�48� s��3 � � _ � I � ���I' �-���S t=.:�.J I F��c►� ��' - ---- � Acicir�a�� �,��g��B� �3-�-�'� St,s�.� �c�C_l�it t,l��f C'� l I �� !�� :�i�a-� �''�'---- � �cirl�e�a F1r�dre�� ✓�3t�l� �Lv f�,r�� � i �� --- _ E���$ �c.e� 6�-� •�P-�S���-- �1�dx���a�- —- �r�dre�� � 4���� .� c"' _-����jl L �� - -- - Y��3� _�_.�._._—_�_ A�Faana ._ � Ac3ds��� � 2�ric3r��s _ - — -�°-..�.° Ida�zt� � ki�act+� .___�._....�,. �.c3sir��� ---m_�____._ ----_- �1sie3x'e�� Pla�te �� -�.�.-.°°°°-.,-.. --- � r"f.ti�x'�ess I�tflr3r��c� ,�,�,�, I Dlaan� �� -- - .t�cidre�s �it3�a�� il Idacne r�1Taa►� �. 2�,ddr�ss l�ic��e�• I I ��� �4, �9�3 G`Y���ga A�x� ��rt�r 2�'P63 3 A��s ��� ��.�� ��� �f�i.l,��� :P�.�ni� ��.i��3.00r�. �em'��ac�� �e�x�i� ���be�s �e�r I�U 3 a�anberg�ghaia°�n :��� Z'o�t�r l ���.1 �C��� y�u �.ci��s�� �.s �Q �an� a�ei�'borh�o� �e�r��erri�� 3t w•�.� �v3cl�nt c�n the I�c&n 22_ �i�' �"1 +�a�n�.s���ra..�e�f3.t� t1�aa� a���► � �'�� � �+' �e�ce 3�ra a���rndan�� �� 'a�.a.t� . y�.� ��n� �c�i���.� .fi��� va�t� 4 �� 7 in rpu� favo� �si cr�c� t�e �,t�r„ g�,�r� tta� ���iaxa �t �a� ����.� �.��:�' wmaldl b� �e�son t� �e�.ay �e ��—a,�ap�3�a�ti�� p��i� �.nct �a�� b�k tc� p� �c�.�s3oxa f�� ac��r�.era � ffio�� �x° 1+e�� t�e fa�a�.'L �i�ai��. Hc���rr��� -�� xae�.�a"bu�s ��.� �t� a���ss tY�e C�ci�f���m .�e�1� a�� e�ra e�m �� ��e ��g �a��� �:�. �a�� ��n��.x��.� �. �.�i�°��� ad����e� �c� �oiasa�i7. a�c3.ra� �Y��.-� g�x���� ca����i�. d��3.��� �o ����s �n�rr �x��.�ab�x�xc�e�d. �csadwa�rs me�t �e s�m� c�i�����. �.� ttYia�� o� co�'t� d�v�la�a��a� ra�i,�b���xo� e�e�i�at�.Qx�� ��ri �°�aa.��:� �� t�i3s ����� �1es�.�t�a.an is wat�i�x �h� x�es�h�i�acht�ad �a�l not aff° ��yr,� ��, Ho�re�r����� ���'��at�x�� x��3a��zxt�.a]. a���.�abc���a�� ��az3.'� �x� �c�d 99� do e�ci.g� �d. �ri� °�e�.r �£'���q 1.�°v��.��1�.� ax��xe����1.� ��.�� �.��a� ��r�a�cs�a� i� �zn Y.��1. ss��e�� e�r��. t�ao �e���a3 � a�,�� � �s.°� ��rr ��� �all��t�. �.� 5�t� a�i ��� g�sl�.� ��a d.���� ' �o����� gea���e ��.,f�i.� �x� �x�3.�abor2��crs1 ���ss caai�t� � �.r�e�. �� ��.d. b� ��ffis�� . (xa.�f.�ta� i�xr���a��ss ���� i�te� �saau�.d ��e ��� �'s.� e����7.a�g�� ��s�� ��°� t�a� ��s�i�.�n��� � �����3.� f�� ����s r�k��. +���� a� �Yi� �a��:�� �sc� ��.:��s a�� °t,�i� �e�re],op�n� � �.� ������ t�� ��i�Ya��ar���si,� � � ���,��r��. �t�� �3�h� °�� ca�.y ac�ess �a�k on-�o 99�a� .dlx�i� x�de��.�n t�aa�t ��d �d�� �� ��d �� �x-���e�.��. ���e�� a�°f Pa�� St�? �� n��..���o�� �ecss�ta��c� �a��'s�►ay �c�a�c:�.� �� a�7�.s� #�a� ��� i�. �� ��� �s�' si�� d.�sx�n, ���'�'�.� ��sa�t (a.�' srv�� �.t� �a,�s)a i�� �r��� °���.�. �e� � ��� �..� �f��3 c�� �.� �a�Y� x�st�.�ant� We �rza � 3 �'�s�r�r�d �.� ri�s� �.i,u�a �.�.� �c.c�:s� �ia.c�c e��z�o 9�. 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I Pl��.�e P�I.Fi�.A1 cad�: �?ca`?at�or�azsrl this pre�a.pplication Taco Be�.1—and l�ow they II appl� t� t??e p��—a,pp].ic�.tian, l��w dA ya� plan �o respand to these aode vialations? I S�.neer�l�s 3�r�ha Bis�o� °��r'��''%e�-�,r.��''�' -� cc m . ��cil mem'b��s -' � � PY�.niair� Co�.���oa� me�'�ers ,''�G'.�'r��'''� •�°'�'�•�.�"���� � �! 3 �e�abe�s �_•����'� �°�'� -��',�'e''�-� �T�e�frs� wi•tI� Ci�ty Adna.iratl Pa v Re��.ly 8 aam„ -, I���i �� �.� C�.�y �all �to revi�w u� req�aes°�e ����°,s°'d.�`�' i . � � , i i ti . �r �s�� �� ���.�: ��aa���c c�a��s���� �, �bAVG'f.Cf �dll./�� d7�e �.7�'99� S� �.', � F:�NAI� O���t �F�T�I,ID��IJ� �'�fl�JL1a��s Psld� COI��I.�J��Old� 6�TCI� C�i�a���S °]�F� , ZOI�II�C.: C?F' 19� 1.�n 6� A�� F�+�E�., d?� I��T93 �t„l�`I'EI� ��T�:�A�Y � ��' I ��tt:�A�2da S�7$e'a��1�5I0I�7 �� �'i�' �.��E �'s��°.1° T°,�2C11'� R-�1 (��u�IbE�T°I'I��� 1. 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I �..����: Tpk:i.� _,� +dr�.�' e)� �j�Y'3.�., 1.���r �9� '�$1e' ��r."��YI'�].I1E� C'.07�1d]1.��:3.t�1Y C��: ��A� C:�.�y C?iF. �'aC���'(�.. � � Z��. �ox� � �^��a.��__-a----- � ��rd an�r �om�i�sa�r� , . ' , " A����A ��ENI 5.� . 57'�"'�° ��C7R.�' Tt) �.°H� P�N�kT� '�t�Y+�t��s�C�N H��NG 1�AT�s Ap�i�. 5B �.�9� -° 7:3U P,I�o H�tIPi� ��r���C3N a �iga�c3 ��.�t�1r �ia�.l °° R�a��a H��.�, �.311�� �Wl �i��.l. ��.�Tid, � . '�'ig�rCl� �R �7'223 w A. �'A�Tu �.N ����:�°�� ����a�ra�.�.��ri i �1�S�w 7��� C�l�x'ic,�f� ��IJ ��—�0�1. � ���ST: Z�►xzar�c� �a�.g� ��n��;� ;��ra�a �t—�. �R�sicler�txal �. uttxn�.� p�� ����g 3 0,t90� �q e ��m �irni�au�a; �.v� �?�� �or �.}��a�o�i,�n��.��.y �A 9 ��r��j �sl :��°� (�.���c���a��,�a � �aa�a��� ��� ����� ��a C�t��b �c�A ��� x�.�i�a��a �.�� ��.;��.) �c� �E.~��,5 (�3�.�i.d��1i.��3.r �o� ��Ikit� �3�� i �a���, �.p r��� �e�m ��m saix�aan� �.�t �i�� ��r ��Sp���ci,r�ately �.:L a� a����) �'PL��.�tds t ���se�� �m�s �.��3��:.A�.�aha �xac�gia�e�x��c� ��/�a T��i�k �a��:kc���.�.� ����k i'�a��� :�.f�2� ��7 �3c�c�xt�� ��r�' 9��+A ��7 5,�� , ��a�e t�siae��a, Qk2 9�59�� `x3.��x'c3, �3F� �7��� C�i��: �Zal��r� �ae� �3C�T�t��a �a���s �f gk�� ir��.e�s���:i�n caf �6� �.2�st �.�a���x� ' an�l SSa� �a��d� J L����y x���t�x r�� �k�� .��s �rc��xax°c� s�a�i�v:���tc�a�a a :P���F�'.�`.� �E�C����.I'��2�Ya +��'�.'P�F ��2 1C1F�F3, �.°a� �.C�°� 6��3 �T[�'�' FY�GO�I3�]A�'IUI�a Z�.p��o��� e�� �.e ������13� �ec�!t��s�o- �e Ba�kqx°s�u�a� �r�:��s�n.�ti�rr�. �igp���n�ly, �1s� ��.��C� was i��lu�i�c� a� a pa�rt raf tk�� � �sr�.g��a�� cl��,r�leapmen� ��.aa� �Qx ��e Am�� Q�c�ard � ��rai�ri��.a�� (�o k�a. B ��a�e�.t�ee i��.].1� that �r�as r�v�.e��d � ��� ap�a�o�r�c� }a� th�. �?'as��.nc��or� �r�a�2�� P��a�.�n�e� �s���.��iara �.r� I����a��:r, x�76. Oa��.y� t�i� f�r�t ��a��� a� tl�z�t � s�.b�s�ris�.�azn ��� l��il� -� �..z��� �r��aarc� a. �Cta� �r�a �fl���� i� � s�j��� �to ��x� cur�e�� appl.�.����.osa �ra� �� ixa��.a�cl� 3.4 �.cr�� � a�,*e�agin+� 3�,�00 sq» f fi o sra sa.z�. Tk�� �aua��.y's ap�r�ca�r��. � f�r thfs s��anr� phas� ar�paren�:3.y ��c�ir��l o a� � �'I'A�F REPOR'�' -° �Q�P� 93-01 �AaMES) — I�A�E 1 i _ . . . ,, >.. Tl�� s�bj�.c� ��.te �rer� :�e�e�al �ne�.gl�F��s�r�.a�c� pxe���r�3.es on ' the a�orth��°n slo� ..(ira�].udix�g �1m�s Orcl�ard a) o� ?�an�.l ', Mc►ua�t�in wexe an��:��d to �h� Caty ��' ��.ga�d �.m �9°78. ' �Za�i�r� �3une.s sizbsec��e*���.y sizbma.tt�d �hre� s��a�ate I, ��pli���iasns �o� ��e su�j��t ��.t� Ara o�c�er �:e� d�s�e��p a � 1�4 �.ot su}3d�.�sss�aa on ��.s �:a.��e a�.� �3.t� �r�t�ic:�.:l I �p�rc��red a zane �h�xs�e �ppaica�:�.a�a� �a a�p1y �kh.� Ca.ty e� I farane� R-30 �oni.�ag (30,0(�A �q. �to mx�aim� lc�� siz�) su�aje�� t� certain ccsa�c�i.t�.�a�� �,rh���a �a��� tc� �t���y �.o ��b�eq���a� ciev��c��ra�a�� o� �.4s� sat�: ���� �xa�a.a�ane� �`d�� �'��- 13 fa�r app�icai�ie��a Z� 2�°°78, att�ciaer�.� v I �r. �mes �.1ss� r�c�x�sted sa?b��.�ri�ian ap�rov�� �ca c�e��� a �.4 3�t sbabcii��.s�.�a� on tk�e s���ct �a�c�]. ��'il� � ��-���) , . ��.c�a��.�'ic�� c��.�c�.ss�.�r� s����a,x��d be��r��x� ��: �p��.ia�t and ' s������ gav���x�� �g��a��.e:� be£car� a ���ase�. ��.b�1�.��i�i�rra px��.�.�a.ina� ��.�� ��s ���a�. tca �� I��.�.i�y� ��a�is���rai �vr : �evia� �n Mar�hs �.�7�m �'�.� ���n.�..i.�s�.an �p�a�o�r�� a � �x�e�.irrc�.s�a�,s "�rr'��� �t�a�. �.�c�usled �. �az��r�si�ra af S6�' � �d�.z�.1.h�.�l T�r3�� int� a ��s�.�i������° ������ sec�n���� �n��i�g ���o�� t�� si�:� ���� ��t�a�h�c� p�e�.��a�.�a�� pl�� �c�r A�it+e� � �3�����d 3Je�, � �� �a�3.� �.'va�s� ar�e� �l,ssa�iat�:�� . Th�� co�].���o� �����et �r�s aic th�t �:�.�r� c��.�.�� t�� 1.35�.�i ��tensian. T�ae 3.3��h Fx��rtsion p].an ksa� ch�rac�i�c3 �v�x° �ira� �nr� has nmw ���rx �°��].a��� €a�.�� �t�x�� �� �c���am�.� �eing �-e��r��d �€� a�� t2a� ���d�-�Jal.nax� cc�x���a�c�cs�, �one� � • n�.��r n���:�s ��i� �.37� ��division a�p�a�v�.�. a71s� ira��ud�d � cc�dic��.tican� �f a�prava7. ��c���.:�°�.s�g ric�ht-�s�f--w�g� e3ed�ca�iox� i �rac� s�tree�t ��agr�vez��n�� �.o t�.� s�g��x�� �s� ��7 �a�rd� � I Sf.���t wlzi�h aba��s �h�: �a.��e .A ths.�c� a�,p�.�.c�t�.c�n u�as � rs��c�A ta �llo�r i'h� ap�rc�vc�e� ext�n�ia� e�� ST� Ha�e�.kai�a � D�-��r� ta var�y fro� �i�y x��ac� ia��x�cr�re�er�t s��r�c�arc�s sa a� te� match with t�e i�nprov�me�n�s iza �a�s �J��ha�d I �F��te �T g 3-7�) . 7�Yx�� varianc� r��t��s-� �a�� alsca a�provec3 ��r �he a Pla�nix�g Commis�i�ri. '�he� �a�ac�i�ri�iaa� and V'��iaz�c� aP�a�ov�is were xa�•�er a����� upon �and have subs�c��xer�t�.y� b��om� invalid a�prava�..s. , Staff c�as unabl� �o Ioc���e �e�a�c�s o.f � 1�nd �us� a�:�ica�n af�ecting .�xal�r tka?�� si�� t� r���rse the prop�rt� ��-e�xa �h� �t--3� zc�ninc� a�pliea Az� �.9°7� �a �.I�e cu�cr�s�t �t-1 anc� �2-� z�ning. t�e �i��r n,�nde srdxbst�nt�,a� chanc��s tr� th� �omprehens��cre �lan, �oning I�ap axsd ���un�.uli�y ��.ve7.a�u2�.rat �a�3e an �.l�a� ��..r�y 138Qs �.n a��spc�nse �:o t�x� �narada�es o� the Orege��� ���tew�.d� p�.ar�z�ing 3.���o I� a.� prr�babl� �th�t �h� zo�inc� �s� t�is� �re�pe��:v w�� ��t�n�a.fi�d to R-2 c3taa��;.nc� �Yta� p��c�s� as ma�car 3egi�I��a.�cre c��r�c��s w��� �ac�� �.� �.�e Plan �nd i�ts implEmen�inc� ardir�ax�ces. STiRFF FZE�'�RT - ZON �3-�1 ���MES} -- P.�G� 2 . � ' ' . • e7 s N.i�i11Y�W.� 1iu��.L1��6�L1SJ11 • . Tk�� s�,te ��c� sux�caiu°ac�ang �����rt��� �r� a�.� d�si�n���d 1C,c3c�v �x���.ty Ftes�.den�.�.a�. by �h� ��ga�cA C��a�r�l�ner�siv� P�.an�. ���5��$�s te� ��e ����: aa�d x�aartAz��,�t a�r�: t�nd�x� tl�a� � �a��.�d�.���.ox� �f W�shi.mq�ea� �°�a�a��� b�t �r� w:���xir� g�ae �i��D� plan�,.�a�g� ar��. �,����er�� �re�pe�ta�� �ca the �aa� «�c�. �a��� a�c� z�ar��c� ��°�..�i ��Z�►�i���n�.a,a�.� 4 0 5 �azna.ts �� ���e) . �x:o�»e�t�es ta ��x� ���t ��� c�ev�l.c�p��. G►ith sa.r�g�.�s ���.1y ����.s��nc�s r�rr g�����.� ��,a�r�i�c� �,� ��.�� ��s�� ��a���x�.�����.� �e� �cx Fs.� ac���a I�n ��a�s�es�t�na����� �.��� �t� 1.�€��1 ���s� �.�aa��f g���.�'�t� �.��d—��d �oasi wh�.cla ��t��ea�d� n�a�ta�a�rd frss� �60 B�a�.3. l+��a�a�:a�n Road c���mtly ���re� s��r�� �e�ae��a���� �� ��s� pa���3.� �.� �i� �a�st� �he �����y �s� �Yi� rn�� �� �� ��.�� ha� ����rat�.�r �e�:x� �ap��c��t�c� �cs� c����r�lop�n��� �� �. �� �.ca� ���.��ra�aan Q�� �2—i�iJO�j'����t� �'�sint ��c��.�3.:�a.��) � Th�.� ��gvi�so�a �re�uld ��a�:�axc�� � �a+�������d �a���ras�.ca�x e�i �V�T Ga�d� ���:���. ��T �aarcT� 5�.:����t �ta�i�,a� ��� �.e �i����s �ro�re�i�y 7.�.�a� of i i�� ��x3s���t� .��e� Fr�����r. L��s �i�h�.r� ���� ��akrca��is�.on �sr� ��Ya.� �sa� �.adc� �a� �� G�ar�� �t���t a���r �.� s����:�� pani�� px����:.� �r�3:]: �����g� ��pp�ca��.a�a�t��.y �,�04 �r�u�re f��t in �iz�. P�o�rti�� �.� t�a� ���.��. c�i� �.� .�e� �r�sa�a�r�� ��� �o�B�cl �t�l. �R���.a���n���.��., r��.� ���. �r ����) araci �s��a�a�.za �3 • sa.�as�le ��a�i�.g� �e�i�����:� r�it�2i.r� �S� .T�m�� �r��3��°� � s���r���.ora e ��� �a�.�l�a�.�a ��� ��s�av�.��.�ra �ang� ��r�na ap��c��c���at��.y 6 9 5 �s� 1 a�r� �ra ��.��m '��Za� �x�c��.�r�.��r�r� ur�s ��ap�o�r�d k�y �7a��i�qtaa� �c���i�.� �.ra ���� k�aa�� w�a� an�a���d t�s� °��ae Cs�,� csf T:ic�a�d �rh�.3.� ��.e ��ab�.izr�.sic�n wr�� u�sd�r �r�ns��zc�ior�e �63 �Ia����ii�.� �r�.�v� �����cl� �.�ara�.�gh �ne� (2:r����e� anc� i� s�u3ab�e� �.x�.to tlae ������:��a k�ca�c���y c�f '�h.� 3a.�j��v �i��b ��e ����.�* d��re�.c,pe� 5�.�dar�r �Ia.1�.� s�s��.�i��.��x �.� �.c��a���. �ca '�h� �o��t�a�ast o� ��� �xa.�j��t s�t� and ���� c�� �.�� ��°chaxd ��z�d.��a�ae�x�o ��"r�.�do� �(�,1�.� as �e�r��c� R°°� (Fgesi���ita�l s ��t� �,ra�.��� ge�• �.c��.� e ��ac�ca� �3���.s �� s�:�vs� 3�y a l.caca� x�ad af�' �� �6� Y3���. �auntair� R�aa�, �r�p�r�.i�s �o the e�st �a� �t�e sd��e�� ��.'�� �a�g� �.n s�.z�. � ���m C3�� tcs 2 �ci�s �rs �iz� arAd �cant�i.ra s�.n��� ���il� � ����,d�n��s, f alb�rt ar�c�x��d�r �r�� �. w��.�� tank o � �xap�rti�� �:o tS�e �c�r�l�eas� irn ��� t���.r��n�.a� �7i�c� � �r,Ak�di�ui�ic�x� �arac�e isn ��.�� �:�'��a ���a���c�a����:3.y 1.�,O�YO sq�aa�� fe�t tca 4�g��3�5 sq�t�.�e ���� �s�. ��� �.���=�.rp�e� vai�r� -� ��.ragl.� �a7nily �°es�.de�a�s. � , � s� � �T.e�� �ga�z� -- zor� g�—oz ��s) � ��.c;� � ' I . , � ��� s�Iaa�c� ���� ha� ap�xo�i��t��� 9�� f��� a� ���n����e � �n �� G�ar�� �t�ee�, S� �a�rd� ������ i� ��.c�i��a�3� cl�s�g�ied as a m�j�r callea�o� st�eet by the ��ty's T�a�sp��ta�i�n P1an Map. SW Ga��d� ���e�t, ea�t o� it� I � a���rsec�fan �s�,� �`� 1�1s� Av�nueo h�s a���a�i�a���� �� fe�t �� pave�enta di�ahes, �� � �s�e�alk, �� a ��� st�����i�htso T�e pr�li�ina�r pl�t appr�v�� f�� t�� �7.��ta �o�.aa•f� sulac��.visio� requi�ec� �� c1��r�I.o�a�� #:ss i�ra�a���t� � �r���.���. ��t��g�on a� SI� G�.�a��� ���e� r�it,k� 4(��4� �e�t �+�' �a����en�B �a�bs� st�x�nn rl�a�n�, s�re�t1.�.�h��, aa�ii a ��s��w�llb� al.o�g ��ta ��.��s of �Yi� �����, �����te�ir�g. a�.on� I �� SW ���rc�� ����� �'�c�r�t�g� w�` �� �.m�� �����#;�» 4. ��.t�Ir�,.�o��ior�, �n�l P���os�l De��rz��io�g, T�xe ��a���� prc����y �o��i��� a�� a�aa� �a���� o� �.�q�€� �x����a _ ��� �a.�e �can�ai�a� � �i��x� raxch�$�d �ri�a n�s � a�h�r de�v��.�s��ar�a��m �°�,� s�.�� s1.a�� �owax�� t�� �ca��h a��l ��r�h�a�t. � T�� a�ap�.i�an.� ���ue��� a �czz�ir�� 1►���i ��an�c� �rcr�a I�°°1. (R���.€3�a��ia�. 1 �nit p�� acr�, 3�,�e��� se�. �te m3n�.ra�n ��t � ���;�� az�ac� R—� (lZ�sidea3��.�� 2 �ti�� �r acre, ��f,0�0 �t�e ��o ��.ni�a�.m lc�� �ize) tc� gtm3.5 gRes3riexntial., 3.� tax�i�� ��� ac�e s �.r e oo�P9 scg a ��.. m�.n��� �.�� �i�e) � ��x� Z�ra�.ga.q T+�ap �ha�q� �g�aii�a��i�� wa� s��i.tt��i �s � ���t o� ar� �}���.i.e��ir�r� yai�P� � �ropasa�. �o c�.��cr�l.o�a �he sub����t ���e a� a s�i�Y�sis�n �ST7� 53��;�l�;�� e �'�?�� ������n � 1.�.32.�.:�0.�. ��7ni�� �coi�sc�l:id���im� a�� ���a1�.��.�.�or�s when�v�� � ��a�a�.�c�:tat i� r�r�ax��ti�.� xuox-� �Y�� one �p�arc��r��. �n� �m�e� t8�ar� cn� ap�,�r��r��. aizthca�i#:y zs e� i�.�rolvp�a �'h� �p�licaa�� has �-�c�u��t�c1 a ��na.ng Map ��ang� �a�.ic�a is �c�er �h� j iaz°asci��taoa� �a� �he P:l�r�r��.�g Cr�mmissin�. TI�e �.pp�3ca�t .lxas �3.sr� ��.3�d a� .S�ak�da.�.�si�ra r�ques�.o ������i��.a�ra� arc. -�y�;.�a��.�.y ��v�.�w��. b�r th�. I�ea��a.r�c�s �������� TherefA�� �.�a� ��g�.z�arc� �r�� a��.r��ec� �a � ��in �h� ��p�.:��a�iaras �o a� �t�a ��r�rid �aa�ria�c� �.i����es��. h;���a.a�g� ���he,���zes s��c�.de �h� x��.a���3 a�pla.��.��.on�. l��ver���.�sv Lacde Sectis�n Z8.32.:��0 s D.3 �ta�te� �Y��.� ��:paxat� a��:�.��s s�a�a11 b� �ak�n ar� e�ch ap��.icati�im4 �ecau.se o� ��i� directive, tYie app�a.cation� Saa�.�. i�� � separated i.n�t� Lwc� s�pa:c�a�e hearia�g i�:e�a� ��s k�� Ya��r�1 �t s�ne I��.�:nni�a� Go�i�s�.�an ���t�.�g. TYx� a��e�ic:�cx� h�s s�rai.t�.�d a �ar���.a�� r�ps�r�: r�air.�d �arc�x �.t9, �.�9� i.x� sta�ep+��°�.:. caf �h� ���t13.�a��.es�a�m T�an ��rrata.v� s�escrik�es be�th th� zaxze �hang� axid. �u.b�i�v�.sia;� �pplicatians s�pa��.t�ly - a1m���. 5���� �zx•c��� tk�e �omm.iss:i�n �c� r�em�mber ts� e�ns33ex° �Yie ap�I��a���.ons S�°�'r 12E.1POR� °° ZG� 93°-��. (�MES) °° �A�� 4 , � , . . ' . �x s�������g}p ���era ��ad��ac� �n� �ar���a.�r� an� �zxnd���t�c3 �.h�� �he c��ren� suk�,d�.��.��a�n p�e���a��]. �� rzo� n�c:����ri.�.� �ar2���� ma� resul� i� �he ���� c�i���� a.s app�m��ci. �'c�r �at x�as.mnA s�a�� u�g�� th� �o��.�sioa� �o �.�c�k at �ae fu].1. po�t�n�i�l ��r c�ew�lmpm�.n� esf the si�� i.f r��o�aed m nw� jtts� �ahat i� c�re�i��y p�apo��da I � I �� A�ea�c� �nc� 1��t3 C�rn�mera�s � �� ����� h�s g�va��aet� �t�a� �c��a�n�� ���r��.zr�� �f��sxa �e�v�,�c��.x�g � ����.ci��e �a�oaera�s �oc:xx� oxi�.y c�r� ��� �u�c����.���a� d����.s�p�eean� �ur��sa�. �a�t�i��° °t1�aa� �ae ��a��ng I�I�� ���'a�� ��s��o���� T�� e�n�y �aa�n�x�t �aa� i� r����ted �.m �a� re�s�n�.ng �ro�s�l's gac��enti��. e�f��t can s�x°v�c� �d utf�.i�� ���a���.�a,�� �.� t,��s ��arn�n�r�t �aa�o�n�t��d l�� ��.g��€� ���ool �x�t�ic� ���'. ��� ���c�cab DA��i��°� �o��a��� a�� at��che�. �,� �n a�a�ea�a�,ix �tee th�.s �����. �. F'INDIIJC;S AI�d1C3 CE,Rd�7�iJSYO�+tS � �1�'PR�t7�.In ST�L1�I;'.Y3�I+'�ki. d�i___��Q2�7�PY� MFiP (M°H1�I�C.9� I �oa��zra3.�i y �ew��.���re�n� �od� �la�p��� 7.8 0 2� �ro�id�s s�a�a3��s�� �.xac� I gro�ec�ur�� fsax �Y�.� �e�i�� �� pro�o��:�� �c� ��a�d �� �or��xn� I � di���a.��. a���r� TY�as ��apice� r�coc����s �Ynat ���c�n�n�s �a� ;�e s��c�;�sa�r �-��� �s.�r� �d �i�� �� r��1��� �ha�c��r�� �s�m�u�raity cc�ra�3i�:�on�, n��ds and c��s����, �c� �+��°��� � m�.���es �a� �o I �c�ci��s� c:I�anc�es in a��ip].��a}�].� �.��a�4 �����.s�xa 1�.�2 m(���J o�,.� a��a�s r�spozas�.bi�.�ty f�r �r�aa� ch�e�e�� �at ixa�ral.via�g � C�aan.pr�lxen�iv� PI.� ��nd�er��. tc� �la� P�.�.��za�e� Comirni��a.aa;ra o 5�c�io�a 1�3.22.��l3 mA �r��rAd�s stanc��re�� ��r_ �he �p�x°ov�a� o� c��zz�.�1 0:� a r�qnae�� fca� � e��a���.-�ja�c���a.a� a►���5 aa�:��a�m�n�o Tiz� s�a�ad�rds �r�o 1, ��� �p��.i�ca�1� ��mp��hensivE F�.�an Fa�.�ai�s ar�c� I�a�p �1��ir�a�a.o� �nda ��� �k�ang� ra�.]L� r�at ���.r��c��l� a.����t �h� I��al.�h, s��e�.� �and �r���are a� �h� �o�ttari:��y� 2. �he sta�e�id.e p��nr�i_r�c� ga�1 as��p�ed �n�i�� pr�gon 12�visec� �tatutes �ha�f:�r 1��°, �r►�i1. ac]�xxo���c3.c��m�n� a� �D��. 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z�is��.�ia.zm �.cs� �r�,d�h. . �. �'�c'217 PQ��.a.���..'.._°, '7�l..�a �.�.�r �� 7.�m�. 8i�� 8�'�3.5�:.�� � b��a�s� a�eqvaa�e ga�:L�.� u�i�.ity {��t��a ��ea� d�ai.��g� ��d s��ni�.ar.� ���ae��) �s� :��x��c:� (ge��.�.�e, £s.r� p�°m���c��.a��, ca�ks�� ��:ivat�� ���3.a.�.�.��j ��g�c�.ti�� ��� ��r�.����.� �c� v�x�e �aot�n�ia�. �.r�c^��a��c� a��vel��amen� az� �Ys� �xQ��.�.��d ��.�.� ��:�����r ���s� �e���e p�r��ic��.�� �g���i�� ra�r� prc���.slec� witYa rr�c�u��� �a� �r��e�a�.� �� �� ����.xs�� ��o�� ��a�c�� ana3 s�cli��.si�aa ���apea��l.m .��.�i�t�gY� ' ��z�� ca� �e�� ��an���� �°�i��d ���.���� v�a.�. -�Y�� p����r���3 c��:�e�.�p��n� ���ra g na�s� ���.��d c�n���� w3.�n �h��.� ��.��.�� 'I �cz p��v�.si� �a�����a� ���.�.�.��.�� c�� ���:���� �.s� �n� ��.tc� � ��l��i�� �.a �D�� �.a�����s�c� ���i��rn��.a� ���s����.��.�� �.�� �a��1� be pe�rai��e� �a� �h� �onis�� �a� �h�a�� ��e��a���:o �� 6 m P�� k�€��.ic�r 'J o�o�. �.� ��tz���.�d ���.��� ��*� �a.���d �c�a�o]. �9�.���:��� €�r�� iz����aned af ths.s 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��.�in �'Ar a �a�� �a°�ci e��ici�a�t stre�t� a�ac� xc�advaay �����a� t���� �ae��:� ��ax:���a� � ���c�s ar�d �z�t�.c?pa��.ed �aa�ur� dc�v�.l�pan�nt. Th�.� pc��.a�y �.� �a�isaEz�s� b��a�ase ��� prca�e�sea� �r����y A�1ap �haa�c�:� ta�a�R� r�c��. 3�� axatici�s���d �c� Gaaz:�� s�.gnxf�c��a� ea�ar�r�.oa�ing or p � unsa�� co�.dat�.eax�� or� �tr��ts ser�,znr� �utu�� �.�v��.apzn�nt � �s� the �i.te �u� ��a.�:�.� �a i.�c�°����� r�a���� ��' � x�esi�.�����.al d�ae7L3�.ng �i�s �ha�. wc��zlc3 �►� pe�nitt��c� by �I�� ��nir�g �a�a C'h�a�r��o T�x� ��►�axx�e �a��Y d�ve�..�pmen� �5���.��� � ��A�t�c� �� ���a�lop�nent ca� �hi� �st� a���, ��ure�er, 2a��r� � ira���.ve �g�i;�.�as�i. q�a�s��.e�n� ���a��c� �cs �a:���� �x�d � �r�ff i.c �.ev��.s ort n��rby ��t�-�ets. � � � � STA.F'F ��'C?It^.� - Z47:�T y3--0� (.�I�S j �- F,A�� � _ �� - I • • - I . �a��c� tz�ox� c�ea��r�l�� ��c�p�ed �����'�.c g�n���tioa� ��t�.ma�e� fa� �s�r,c��.e ��mi.�.y ��s������� (��� �a�i��.ry � in��nc3�c� u�� �� bc��� tk�e �u���ra� ane� �ra�osed �:s�x��.�ac� clas�x�,�t�) , a� a�rer��� c�:f �.0 c�ai�.� v��x�,��.� '�ripv (13D�) �ro�a�.� k�� ����.cap���cl �.a �e c�eraera�.�d f�orm �ach x��id�xace e �r�d�r th� c�r�nt r��i��nt�.a:L a�p�aarttaxy.��}p ��r 24 dvael].inc� I �ra�.�s in t2a� R°� ��a��=, � t��a�. �z�' Z�3e7 �T �rr�u�.d b+� �r�t3.c���t��> �tmc�er �h� pro�x��c1 �°e�iden�i�3 ��p�rt�ra:��y i far 4�� c��a��.�ang aArs.ita �.n �� gtw3n5 ��a��e � �.�t��. c�� 4�� I �T ����.,� �a� ���ticip�t�d� i�x��.� t.hi� �o°�eratial, �.rac��a�e , i� au3t�.�xp��ed .� ����as.�a�.y ���x�.s� �����.� i� no�.�.��ab],� '' �ddit�.esn�.�.. �:xa��i� ia� t��a� ey�� ss� �a��,c��a�� �� ��� �i��p tF��.� adc��.ta�n�l ���fi�ic �a��z�.�i �c�� �� �n�ic:ip�.��e� �� r��ulit in c���r�.r��d�.n� o� ���a���� ���.�ts, �:i.��t�g�a �c�� •�� ��d��i�z��l t�:cips �s we].�, a� t.ta� x�u�e�� a� r���L��»x���� 2�a� Y���� a ���inc� ��San a�e��,�i.��� ��g����a� -�ax�;�� �r��d ���r�I��a��a�t pa��:��s a.n �rif� ���� �� sa���. �� �.r�������� ���d� �e�� �e��s� iffi���v��nea�ts e ��e ��.��.x�� G���.��i�arn �� HearYnc�s �J:��i��r w��.1.-r acevi��a �ay �u��� ����7.c�p�a��t ����a��a�. �c�� �Ya� p�a���.g� arar3 ��� ��c��.�� a.x�p�������s�� �� a����t�� p�rli� �tr�e�� tc� r�du�� i�g��ts ���u].ta.rac� ��cr�na :��tr.�� z��v��c��r�e�a�� �s� #,.�� �a�e. �m p��.ic�r 1�v 1.�. �ta��� �2�x�� t�� �i'�y s�a�]L�. �Zrs��r��� f�ar� i�s�usisas� �.��a�a�:i�s �x� a���rc��n�� �i�h a �i� �a� a���.�s�ak�:�� ' k1.�x� �r�:�.a���.��� i�� tYa� �.�pp�..����.� 3.�s��°��.c�aaa�. c��.����.a; �ad �) ��� �p�1a.c�b�.� Gs��irauaxi.�y �.?��re�,�p;ta�er�� �o�.� ! � ���v���.�g��. Ap�1.i�ab�e �laaa pc�s�.�.��.�s �re �.€�d�e��r�d �}���r�. Ap��t�.�abl.� C�dt� pra��r�.��.�a�s ��.�.�. b� +�as�a:ss�d b�1.c��r �.n the �a.��u��?�� ca� �a�.��� ��a�d�,��� �a� �h� I2�-�o� zar��n� dis�x.ic�. I����.�.a�t��. ��i����.� ��� vp�c�.��.es� �� ' Ch�p���' �2 fca� �w 3��ns�t� 12�s�,e�����.a1. s.�..�� �t �'o�a.�y �.�e�e�,1. � �.�� x� �v��.��.m.m� ��p ���� �:�—��} m �h� �� ����:��y Resi.d�r���.�� �����x�x��1 ���.���a.�s ��� s�71�.�. ira�� �4rra ��a�u��. T�n� �ir�t �r��a� �r� c��.��r��a.� �c� 3a� �ons.�dex°�d i�a �.e�ic�aa�in� �� ���� �,� �,s�v� ��r�si�y ; R���dentia]. a� �.h� �c�a��aa����x���.�� l?1.�x� l�i�ip> `�'lae �ialaj��t � s��� i� a���a�y� d�s�.cy��t��. ��c,�r 1�����.��� ����.derst:��il. oza ��i� I� �Il�n Nfap ax�d t�a������� ��i�s� ��a.���i� ���Txna.ca�.�.� n�e� I xad� he ad�.��s��c�.. '��� ��a�l.�.�a�°� i��.s n�v�r����ea� �ddr�ss�d t;��s� a.�ac��vi.d�za]. ������r�.�.W Sta�� ��.�c�s th��. a� II z� gaod to r�visit �he�e cr�.�eria at �t�ti� �:i�� t� � �����sr.� ��e exs����sg I�a�a ��i���.ty P�.�� �3�s���f����.a�n a� I�� � ���S�.i��i tc� th�.s s�.t� m �1.��ic��xxc�h �� s�a���d be em������.�sd i r� �,��� ,���� �x� raa��. ���r��ra�. �t���d��da �ca� t���u���rit �I � �� �.A�s�. Tla� �u:�a���� Lc��r ��a��i�� Ft�s�.ci�aa•��.�� �1�ra � � ��sic�xaa�iora �.� �c�rx�����x�� �era.tYa ��a��� �.oc���.��s�3. ���.�.e��.� I� � for t�i� �al�.owing �����ns: j t� '� � � i 5�.�� ��OR� —� zs�� g�--�a. s��s) — :��GE � I� � I, I - I � � I • • , .. I i I � . � �e �la.� �ubj ec� p�a���x���r a�a� ��a��°o�nd�.nc� ��r��. a�� �1r�ady committ�c� i��r ��►�r de�s3.ty c�e�r�l�pm�nt. '��.e P:lan d�siga��tior� �heref�r� i� cornsis��s�t raith thi� i ��i��r.�on c ' I �rd �'�1 ��.�.�d� �tr��t a�� �W �.22��. .��r�r�u�, bc���n cal�.����x I �tre�ts, ��� �,caca�ed a�ja�+e�t to� the �a��, �°he I ���� also ab��s a stu� o� �W H����.Yail3 1���.�re, a I� l�c��. �t�c��•� wha.�h p����.c3�s � ��n�a��tior� to �T� ���.�. �S��ta�.r� R��d a �c� a��r$.�� ��xeet� ��e �ai�h�.xa o�a� �i ���� �ail� s�� �1�� �it�e ���r��es�e, �h� ��a��.�al. are� !, �, �r:� �ka� s�.�� �.� �at�s�i��c� �°r . o �a�a�r� Q����t �a�i�.a.�.s.�� � a�re li���ed �o ��ll�c�o�s anc3 �.�s�a�. ���°e��s°8 �ons�.si�ent w�.� t�i� �rit��z.or�j '� �� ���i�us ���r������r�t �.i�.�.���:�n� �������.�c� �.".�ae � ��o�����y �xeci gener�� �r��9 ���2� �s ste�� s�o���. �� ', p��� �xa�.x�a�r� �r� r��� ��va�.de�a�. �?raanaa -��.e c1�v��.ap7n�rxt I �.�.mi�.��aon� ���r�n��.�x-� �� �a��.�xa��: :� a� �e i �c�m�r�ki�n�iv� �l�r�, t,h� A���ieaa��.� �i�t�.�ra�ls �sn�+,��n�ax� � I maps, s�� �Jh� 1990 w�'�land� i.nwemtox°y� �'�� �he ��.ty ca� ii Tic�a�d ���p�r�d l��r �12�, Tra�a �fl�� ��an cl�sic��t�.�a�a � th�rei���� a.s con���t�ni� wi�Pa ��iis �g�.��ri�arn P d,. ��sen�ia� ��3.ir fa�i�.it.��� �����r, w�t��, ��.cr� � dxainag�, anc� s¢;�a�a�ls j axa�l ���grs.c�^� ��0�.3.CC��r f���e � . a�si �ie�3.��� ��� p����n� ��a s�rve �Y�.is ���a � r:°oaa�is��aa� �rit� th�� �r3.���i�n. Th� �e��nc� gac�u� �:� ���a�:fe�r��:�. cx��.�Cera.� ��e �o kse cox�s�.d�recT �.ra det�er�nixa�a�.c� ��xaaazg �ns3 �Yaex��£a�e a�.�.ow�d I i c��n�i�� vaa.�hi�a �h� larger ��a D�:�isa.�y Res�.den�i�� Pl�n � c�esic�natza�. � �s � Tl�e subj e�t �it� �s c��:��nt�.y u�de�r�l.c�p�d arac4 tri�re�c�r� a� r�ot ca���mi���c� �La� � ��7c-t�an �.o� ���e to r��1ec� an ��isting c��v�l�>�an�n� �at��x°xa; la v ��.sen�.ia1L �uY�li� f a�ili�i�s ��e�a�r B w��er o s�o�rc c��.i�a��s�) anci ��x��ic�es (psa�.i��, �ir�, anc� �.e��.i�h� � ��� ���se�at to �e�-ve th�.� s�.te ds ac3c���s�ed in re�ponse t� �lazz po7.�.cies 7.7.o?, 7 e�a 1, anc� 7,�.I abo�re. Tl�i� �nc��ionaA s�a�a�da�d. al�� 3.is�ts scl��aols as a fa�:�."li�.y �€vkias� �..�m��� c��a ��.p���.ty ar� to b� cQras�.c���e�10 Th� ���y r�f ��.��a�c� r�c�gni7es t�� �a�c�inc� �nd c�as�roo� size i�s�a�� ���ec,°tiiYg Tiga�c� School District 233, �as we�.� as �tany c�the� schcaol distr:.c�ts �i��ouok�oaa� ��ae s�ate. �i�wev��, t?�� sahool aa�gact ��.a.�emerat garo�ra.d�d b� �a.c��r�l ���S,o�ai Distr.ict ST.A]�F REP0�2.T e ZC>IJ �3--01 (AI�IES) — PAGE �G �� �3� ���� n�t ����ns��r�t� �aa� ��j����� sch�o� �a�a�ities (wh��h ��c�u�� ac���� �n��1����ts �nd � p�����ia� e�rollm��ts £r�� oth.er pr�posed �����ap�engs a� �e11 �s �h� s�j��� p�opo�al) �QU�d . �. �x��a�cl �e clesi�r� �a�a�i�y a�� �� s�hc�o3.� s��vinc� i �Yi:�.� �it�e wi� �� ��c�ega�irsr� o� ��gar� ]����n ��hs�z��.e � �i� ��.rd sl���� p�s�vid�c3 h� it�ie� Sclae��� Dis�rict, howr��r�r, ix�c�a.��te� �h�� �.'baa�.��im H�.gh S�l�oo1 I �ra��exn�:lg� i:� �� �e�� �Ya�r� ��s �c�pa�i.�y by 4�1 . i �1'c��.��nts. Wat.�i �:2x.�.� �o�� e�� s3sa�t�m��a���t�.�aa p�o��c��d �� b� °t.�� ��hoss�. ��.��r�.��g ' �1�� ��.�� ��a�s ta� ��xac3�c�e I �.Y�.�� ��l���l ������t�r �x�.s�� �w3.��.� �e D�.��ri�t� I ��r�n i.� f���e raa� be � n��d to ���aer sha.�� s�hoalL ��da�ies. �a��d �a� �i� �.n�o�a��.on, i.� ��ag�a�s �,l���e �i�ka� �ro�s�� �ss�a�.�g �Y�p ���� ��u�ld aa��. �ause �������:�es �e�� ���eaa�.� s��ta.�a� t2n� �a,�t� �b la� ����ec�.�t�. ����nt�.al paa}�l.i� ���i�.iti�s ����a��� �����, �torm drainage, and schs�c�1�� aaac� sex�rs.c�� �p�1�.�e, ��.r�, �nd �a���.�h) �.ezc�fcr�� aa�e �o�cY �c� Yaa�cr� �c���.xa�� ��p�c�.ti�s t� s��r� th� �.��ai��s3 �dd����a�a� d�a�ar��, �a� �.a�� f��il�.�a��s trx�� th� �ec�tt�sted s����ana.ia� wm�sTs� b� �,x�ti��.pa,t�d to prcas���e. T�a� re�xe�� �.s ther��o�� �s��n�i���*n� �A�Ya �.�a�.� ��it���o�. I • �. ���.i� �:r�ra��.� i� r�at a�r�i:�.a.��.� �.aa �� v�.��.x�i.ty o� ! ��a� s�t�, �.l�ough i� is mc��. �a.,�as��rna��.� t��� � ��ax���� ��rv.��� ?a��� s�a�m�d�y I�� �w�a.�.�b�.� c�Tra �� 3.�1s� ��r�r�u� �c� 5� ����°€�t ��.rec�� ac3���^�xa� �a �.�x� �i���� Fc�� �tYais ���aon, the slac��a� in��:�a�� �.n �,ex�s��.�`Q �ha� �.s �e+���stea �n�� act�aa.l.l�r lb� ��.�a�ar�i�r� o� c��t�i.x�g �r�r��it se:��.a� t� �1�is ar��d d. ��� f��x�tix ara.t��irsza s��t�� �kaa�. ��e�s �ra�.thia� ��.os� prQ��.�.it� �� j�bs, c��sm�x�ial �rea� and p��i� �ac�.:D.i�a�s ��ia�lc� be �on�d :�a� s�n�:�:��r Yc�t�. �'h� ��j�c� ��ope:�t� is l�ca�ec� �+�at�� �hax�. �wo—�1xi:t ds s�� a ��1.� f�o� co�u��x°��a� a����, ����.o�a�xat c�n�e��, �n� c���e� ss�ri��:� ].oc���s1 a�.�►nc� �S�T Pa��fic ��.ghw�.y o T��?-��o��, tkai� si�e s�ic��ald c::L�ar1.y �ao�. b� �o�ed wi�� �h� R°�..5 zcsr�a.ng c�i���c�.��. va�a�_ch �� th� mo�t �, a�n��xa�av� a� �h� �our zoYnin�g c1:is�r�.��s s��xicY� � i�a�l.e7ne���. th� Lor� Dea�sit�r p1a� r�e�ic�a�:ior�, ���: tY��.� � cri��x°�on re�11� does n�r� p���r�c�� ara� �3.ir��t�.rar� �aa.t� � r,��ic�a tp de��ra�tixa� Fah�the� �.ta� �--��., 1�--2 r�� �Fc.--�o� � �o�ing r�i�f:�act� sh.ouAr� �p�s�y �� a�e�� r��csw��l ��o� � s�x�� �acs�.�.�i��o Can��.�3�:�i�� �.�i� �c,ninc� �a����ca� � �l�ewher� ire thi� a�ea and �harc�x�ghou�. �ia� Czt�, �.t � i� prabal�l.y' �c���or�abl.e '�c� ap�al� ��a� kt�-3 e 5 �o�a� �a �k��.s ���� w�i��h r�sg�ct �.ca tY��.� ��bters�o�. s�,�.��� ��o�� - �c�z� s3-�� �.�s� -- �.��� �� ry p��g]��7ya'(9 /� q�p'7'�'am 7�7p�1 F.nA1LRl'6L?.IJ__V�. d�l.lt-7ALAd�\SJ_ �n c�rd�r �a a�apro�re a q�asi—judicz�l amendm�nt �o th� zora.ir�c� �iap, tlh� Git�r rau�t a3sa �and� �t.�aat th�r� :9.� evid��ice �:� a �:hang� a.�a �� neagla�orh�a�� ox ���ana�i�y ca�a�.�� ��fe��s �h� st�bj��� �a�a^cey. �3.�.i�e����.�el�� � -�h� �it�r s�axs� �in� th�� th�re k��� 9a��n � �is�ake �r a.�c���ist���y ���s :�ra �i�� araqi�a]. d��i€�ats.a�r� d� th� pares�� � ��mam�rxz��� �3�;a�Sog��n�. �ac.�..� �����ca� �.se2�oo�o(�� ) m T�e �pp�.�.�arx� (i� �dc��s�g�� �.��a���n�� ���.�e��.c�n ��.� �sse��s ��t � �k�arag� ix� ��.���i��a��� Yi�� oc�titr��c� �.� �e �r�a i�m��ia��ly s����d�.n� �n� s�.t� �s v���.1 �� in �2x� �����a�. 8��1 Mr��u2�aa� ��:� sin�� ��s �a.��. a�as de�ic�n���s� v�r�.� �� �t°°� a�,d R-�� z��i��ag �%��ri.ct�. �°Ya� ����.�.��� ha� ����3np�ee� �� re�o� �� �i��.�� �� �3e�r��,o���a�t �rs€� z�aa�in� �a� �c n��.g�c��ai�ag �r�a, �aw�ar��:F �.s.k� �o�s m�y a��a� �l.a�� �e c�.�� bawndaxie�� �Yae ha.��kca� o�� �.his �a�ea �.� not easy �c� �uA�.?� c�is��x�xa d�x�: �� i�accarc�p��te ���s�rr�s o �t is al�ar fil�a� p�a.�� i�c� �r�n�xati.o� r�f a�� a� �h� are�. �c� t�� �ity, t�a� �A�ratxndinr� �.rea� �er� e3�sig:�at�el ka� �.h� �la�hs.xagtoi°� Co�xn�.y �or �i�.�r ��� ���as��;� ox� ix���r�zc��.i��.� u�b��a c����.�na��.�sn�. Up�ss a��exa�ic�rn ira ��'�a�, �.I�n� �it� �e��x��i1 �as��.c��e�. ��.�v �� ��.g�.xc� �i�n �nd ��r��ng d���.a���a.ca�� '�a. ��a��r�.�.�� ���.� • w�xe ann�t s�mi�a� �.� ��� ���ar �ceaa�a��r �s���tna�.a.s��a�. '�&��,� r�s�l��� a� d�ta�� ���x�a�d � r�c��.v�.�a� �tn� Ci�y�"� R��. d�a�r��.�a.€aa� ��c� ��ar�o�r ��.��.� ��d �i� sub����t ��.�� �ec��.�r�.rsg �h� I2�-2 d��ic�naticsn. .��c�t�.oa� o� �k�� ����y''s� �ull �Yr������ �o�►�.��w P�.� �'car �.h�: �u�ai�n�or�,cs�:��.�d o�az�k�a� a�°e�aB' �.g� �.�8�g r�sax�.��c� i�i �r��� �ur�°h�r� �.a ��e �ve�t ��ir�g u�ZZZaa�ed �s�ka c��n�a.�i�*� ��r�����,z�g 5 �a�.a.�� �Ser �cre. �t i� r�aat �l.��r �.�a st�f� �he�Ta�r ��n�e �i�i�.l.�x �c�nireg which a�p1.�e� to �h� pr�����a�� to th� �as� o� �.ha� s��ec� �i�� wa� ap��.�.ec� a� �.Yaas sar�e ta.me �s fi:�x� ��p�a.ca.ra� st��e� �:�s�c� ����e ���pe�:ti�s �.r� n�t ir���u���c� �ra�tlxan f:he 8��.1 Maiar�.t��.r� Co�n��.t�r Flan. The a��3.icarat assert� �Iaa°� �.h�se s:�i�a�g�� �����t �.he s�te in r�ays tk�at j�x�tify th� x�qa���t��i up��a�aa�ng ts� �-3��. fi��.�f cs�s�ic��� � caitl� t�sis �ia�d:inc�, n��.�.�37.�� Staf� ��.�� �c�t 3=.�n�d ��.a�. t�a� ��a�sv� d��c:�°ib�d ch���e:� i�i zc�a�ia�� csf raeigh�a�i.rag ��c�p��t��� ��.as�� just�.f��� ���� �e�u���e 5�.��� �ind� �.ha� �.fl�� rec�xa�: a�prcv�l. c�1E �a� I, �a��ag€a��d "rTist� :�c�i�� ��di��s�.nr� ar2s� �Fnl G��.rde ��r���, I �xtea�sAOn aZic�rn��nt dir��tly �s� �� �c��tl�a �f �he s�axsj��� I, s�.�.e g�rov�cies �� �c�di�:�can�.1 eviden�� �� �han�� �n�c��sa�y �ea ��s�i��r �ti�� f�.ndxn� of c�.ang�c3 �iicu�ns�ax�ce� �upport�.r�g ��i� �°��u���eel �zcar�� cixa.nc��. 7'�i��� �.���.�x�� �ri�.�. �3.�c� a c�ea�.�r �3�n�i�.� ���elo�a��nt ia�mec�a.a��1.y ta t�� s��� x��c�R2 — zor� �s�Qa. (�s� — �.��� �� ' n���h. '��� ��gue���� �on� cha��� ��u�� p�o�id� a ��gic�� �ransit�an �f dev���p���� d�������� ���� V���� Poin� t� the lo� de�sity of �h� ex�stin� 1��� �r���rd d�v�l������e ' �'h� r�queste� �e�ani�� w�u�d ��ke �he z�ni�� a� thi� �at� mor� si�ilar �� tRa� zo�i�� o� �bu����g pr�pertie� �� '�a� � �as� �n� wes� . ar►e3 �oaa�a���a�� witlx �h� zoreixa+� c��' o�h�� i �arap��-�ies a�a�x�.�Yrar� �� G���d� �t���t. �oc�+��h�x� �a�.� tl�� I r��wning� of o�he� �aeig�oria�g �ra�p��ti��, en�au�h �vi�esace c�£ a chan�� iaa ��.r�ur��ta�ces ���.s�s ico ��a�ti�� II �h� �oa�e ��ian�e, �,I R�-3�� ZONx�� U]CSTIZI�T II _ - , � In c�r��� �car a �it� �� }�� r�zc��a�c36 �h� Pla��.�g �or�aissi��. �l�mu�.d �1.so �onsgd�� ��i��x�r �h� �����ted r��o�ing w+�ax�c� �r���� �aa� ��� �x c�imen��.ora�l nr�n� I �c�n�ox°��i��.�� up�xa �.� rex�rn�x�c� �aJr�r�c� �g�E��t. T�ae s3t� is aixx�r�a���.y va��n�y ��re�'car� �� r��oa��ng �res�a�.d r��� G��'•s"i'�� cl T3�� 1'1(7YA'��O]C1�fY]C'ffi3'��7. °I'�'9� �.�o�� �C�'t? ���C�� ].� �i�,mi�i�axa�l�r ].a�g�r �haa�x �e nai.n�.raum 7�,QO�D sr�e �to ��t saze s�arad�r.c3 c�� �he ����es��c� �—�0 5 �on� f�cade ��.��a�.ex 1.8 a 48 j : tk��re�a�� m�.a�i�aua� l�t �i�� is mot a� i���.ae ��.�� � tl�� pra�c�s�d rezear��.nge PI� �rui�.ding� cur:��n�3.� exi�t c�r� �he site; �he��f'c���� ��t�aa�k �ra� c�v���.q� sta�adard� a�e nc��. ��► is�ue �a�.tl� tY��: p�rop����d r�zcsraa.ne�. �'�e g.��s�a��ed ��zsa��rxc�� �a�u�d �.�r��e�xe r�o� ��°��.�� �.ny ira�����.st�xx�n�a.e� . r�i��a �h� I2-3.� �s�r���ag dis��3.w�m � A�-ay ���.�r� �as� �a� ��a� �i�� ��au�.c3. �e�c� tea b� f�a�.:1� c���istenf wit� �h� u�� ��i s��.��n�io�aa�. ���a�d�:��s �� �Yze 1�°•3<� zarainc� d:�s�.ri��� �m REC°(?�t�Iv�3ATTf3AT . s�d Zon�.�i ��ae 'l���a�°� Pl�n�a.r�e� i3ivis�.�n c�on�;l.ud�� t�iat the ��a�e� c� r� �. i Ma� Cla�a�ge wa�1. �a�°���t� t�e g�n�r�� �a��.�a�� �� th� �i�� a�� w�s.1.1. n�t b� sigrii:�i��a,t�� det��.�e�it�� a�o� �.raj�rio�as t�a s�a����x.nd�.nc� �.araci an��:�� p��v�d�d i�l��t c���e7�p�e�t tl�a��. o�c�r� ��ter �h�.� d�ci��.mz� co�tpli�� tai�h ��p�.i�albl�: lc���� st�.�� �:��i f�d�x�al �.�ras. zn ���ogrni�ior� a� ��e �ia�c3angs a�r�d cd�►clta�3a��a� c�rz�a�n�c� �.�a ��aa.'� ��p�rrt as�c� the c�a�m�nt� c�� catE�ex� �f��c�ed �g���a�� a�a� �a�°��.im�..na� ��ablic camlmex�ts rec�i�r�c� in ���� a�a�.��r s �&�e ���raa�.�rig 3��it3.SJ.C:Il ��c.��nexa�s �lhat i�k�x� ���.ra�aiaz� �oa�nis�ic�n app��v� ��a�� ��a�n�� ��S�E 93--tD0�3 f'�ar �� ������ gro����ty, �'�x I�� ���1 ea� inl'C'�°Y�% 2S1 1f��B, t� R-°3�5 ��t���.c3.�xe�.�.�� 3 o a ur2�.�� p��' a�r�� . �onsi��.em� with �t2ae g�n�ra1 Ci�.y eaf Tigarr3 po3.�,�}�, ��a . can�a.�ir��►s sho�ld Pa� ��tach�d ta �kt� r�zoniz�€� �� �.h.�s prape�t�. STAF°k' 1�PC)R�' - ZOY3 �3--01 (7�1�9[ES� -- PA�� �3 I � y r o- � � � ��� / P q � � , � � � . .��� � I SYB '�zs i `� �+ > � i .� � � � ��� � � d �, . .S � � ��s� ��r� �. �,. > .� � s � � � � �'' � �'� � t ' � �.�� °�n � ---� ' �, ,� , � �. 'e.,�, . . � � e�v . � ,� � � � '� � ,e �ss+i �a���� � ��g'� � � 'ti o ���.s ��, o � a• a °iey �d+�d e�,o � d 3!w d l l� a+ o � �' ,� `� ^ ��3ja�'���, $ r �_ � y :�s � i �� . ��� �0'� +� � fi � -t �i � �� � � � � � ,. � _ � ` fe � � � � _ I � . � � "p A� � e+s �� 1 � � � � '+�j, � �R, � ' � , � � '�'" — I �� � N I ,a �t � '`:%:%�% '� _ vi ;:i:;is>i, Y � � I ::� _ •��S r � o..W._. — G ° a '� . 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The c�ar��n�: Lo�a D�����.� Resic��n.t�a�. �l�n c���i�iatian i� con�is��nt �ra.-�� tl���� lc��a��i�sa�a.l ��.zfi:�ria �or �the follovaing re��ons: M �T��° ��o�r� - �orr 9 s�o�. ���� - �.�G� � - - _ _ � �o Th� ��zb�ec� �a�°c�p����r �a�ci s�Ltx'rs�uracli�g ar�� ��a al���dy co�ni��;�d �� �.�ra c��n�i�� e���r��.o��aent e T�ae P7.�n d���.�e��i�n �he���ar� �.� cca��3.�tera� with t�xi� ��it�aricaxa: I � bs S�nl �G�ard� �tr��� �.ndt ��T �.��.s� Av�rata�, �aoth �r���.��c�ca� I'I s�r��t�B ��� �.ca�at�c� �dj a��rx� ��a th� �i��o T�� ��.�� �Is� �.b��� � ��ti� �� �W �����.��1�. I3�°i��, � I �.oc�l �tx°�e°� whi�� ga�°�a�ic��� � �cax��.����.�z� ta 5t� �t�Zl l�r�tiz.���.s.� Rc��t�r �'ca ����r�.�]. ������� �.r,� �i��i�.�. ��n� ha1.� �€:iT.� o� ��� ��.��a �'�a���fc���� �F�� c����:�°�1 �r��, of ��e s�.�� �� �s.���.t�� 00. . o r�Yie�e ��r��t Paa:�.3it�.�� �r� �.ia��.t�s� ��r� ��1����e+�°s �n� �.�ac�]. �t��e��see �oxasi��en� xai�h tYai� ��bt��i�a�p . �a ���icsc�� deve�.v���ra'� �.��at�.�.�gi.a�n� �.����t�.�� �Ya� ���ag�x��r axad e���aex�al ar�aa ���h �� ����p ��.o��� �x �ar� �.���.rz�g� a�°e ra�� ev�.c���� ���r� °�h� �.�velo�a��a��. �.�.�i���i.ar�� ir�ven���� �� Vc��.�sm� � of �kx� �s��p�°�Ba�a°���,�r� ����s, �h� l��ti�r��� �I��I.�nd� �rn������� �aa��r c�� �h� �.�+3A w�b3.�nd� a.rav�n�+��°� f�r �h� Cat� �� �igurd �r�pa�ec� b� �RI, �r��0 '�h� P�.an d��a.s�xaa�a.�x� �������a�� �_� c����.��.�ra�: �ai�.h •th�.� ���.t���c��o �a �s���rs�i�� �a�alic �ac31�.�i.�� �s��c��°r ��.�.�r, s�c�� ��-�3sx�.��� ��a� ���.rs�l�) �nc1 ���v���� (��1.�.��� �'sr�, �nc� ���1��) ��� pr��e�rat �.ca ��r�re �hi� ���� �ox��z���m� �r�.t1�. �lai� �ri����.o�d ��.� ��cc,z�d grr�ug o£ �.€����.i�a��� ���,�e�i� ��� �a� la� �ra�.�iel��°�s� in c���.�x°�iz�a.xng z�na.�.e� a�� t�n���frar� �1.�.��re�. d�ra�i�.� w�.��.1��.� �h� �.��c��� �,a� De���.��� ���id�n��.�� �la�. �e��.gna�ie��a e �� '.�%� �����ic �i�� is �az�°��rc�.ly aans��v����pe� ��c� t�s���:�c�r� �.� raa� c�a�.i���d �c� a ���t�i�x 7�t s�.�� �� r��l��fi �ra �a�is�i�g ca�ve7Lc��,��a�a� p��t�r�a r l�. ��s����.al p��.a.� f��i�,a.�i�� ����ex, �����, �te�t ��°air��c��) �.�nd s��z���� (�s��..�c�, �ir�B an�. h��lth) ��� px°�w�ra� �a� ���.�� ��.i� �;a.�� a� ��d�e�s�d in; M ��a�'���rr7� 6.� £,LC�� ��1�.f'il�� / .1.s�g 0 •:J��6 ��li 4A 1 a��� �, r'��'JtS�Yf:a � �' �'�i� ].�c�.�.iaa�a�. ����d��cc� �3.�� 1a��.� ���003.� a� a � � ���i�:it� r��ca�� Ia.m.��� s�xn ���a��,�y a�� �a }a� � �c�a2��.c��r�d. The ��.ty �� '�ig���i �°����i.��� �he q,� fta.redin� �.nd classre�o�n �az� �ssu�� af�e�t�.�� `�i.c�a�d � S�c�r�ol D�.st��ci� 23J, �� r��17. as �tsany c�th�r ��l�.�aa�. � c�a.s�xi�ts ��xo�c�hca�.� ��Se ��a�.�s &3or����r s ��ie ���xrr��. "'� i�n�act s�a��m�n°� ��av�id�:e� �y T�.c�a:�d S�hr�c��. �3i��rs.c� s��� ��az�� - �orr ��--a� �.���� -� ��.�� �.a 2�� ���� n�� ����ri�t�a�� ��a� �d���d�� �c���� ��p�ci�i�� (w�i�� i����d� ��t��� ����3����t� a�� po��n���� e���Il��nts �rom a�h�� px�p�g�� ����1����n�s �s ��11 �� th� �u����� p�apo�aX) w�u�d �����d t�� de���n ca�ac�t� �� t�� �����1� �e�3�g thi� �ite, wi�� �h� ��c�ptia� �� T���r� kii�h �c����o ��� ���A� 8�da$ p��vi�c� �� `aY� Nv���� ��������p 18����`��' Z�Ld.�.��.6.�� 1.��CZL� 8�6���8��� 8x��� a3�iAd�$�'J. ��ar��rat�.�r �.� a�t 1e�� t�an .�.t� ��p��3t�r by L��1. �a:�tr�.en��� 6��.th. �Y�a.s �co�� �� �1����ra���.��a� �e�e��ie��d �� ��� ��hossl. 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Amec: �nclosed is a copy of Ordinance No.79�13 which �•as approved by che Tigacd City Counci.l at [hefr r�gular meeting of Narch 12, 1479. Yaur raquest was approved with Che fallowing conditzone as �et for[h in the enclosecl ordinance. � 1. A11 streets within the subdivision are to be City af Tigard street standards. Z. That a letCec from County of Idv.shingtcn b� s�bmitfed verifying � tha: align�nt of [he future 1.35Ch exLension through the e4�ues Orct�ard �2 Subdi.vision. 3. Street plugs must be emplac�d for alI subdiviaion streetc tha[ are �ca al.ign with fiiture EC�eees. 4. ThaC Cen feet of rigct—of—aay al.ong the adjacent 1.ots to S,SJ. Gaarde 5tre�t be cledicated to the Ci[y, Wi,th hal£ street improve— ments to coilector street City ss[andards priar [o issuanc� af building permits. S. That no lots shall have access directl}r ont� S.W. Gaarsie Street oE I35t�, G. TnaC construction and drainage plans be aubmseted �rith r,eecssary bonds [o the Suilding and @nginee�:ing Dapart�nea prior to issuance of permits. If you havz �ny queseioas regarding thi� mattPr.� please feel ftee to cs�ntace mc or Che Planning Department. Sincerely� � ' �f ' C1/d-�t>.r� ���G�* i Doria H�rti� � pH/Par City Recorde* �i cc: Robt. Cruz l,' �r �� . . �P'. �. .S l� t d �! � Page 2 B�b A��s t�rch IP's, 197! ZC 26-78 � IVO'C�: The folloving �cknawledgment muec be received by ehe Gity oP Tigard wfChin fourteen (I4) days caf your seceipe of Ch�.s � Let�ter, Failure eo reCUrn this ackexocalec;g�aenG may sesuYS in aetic�n �a� the i:i2y of Tigar�f. � I hereby acknowledAe [hi� letter doc�imenting the acti.an of tt�e Tigaxd Ci�y Council. I have received and read [his be[ter and I agree tn L'�t� cleci�ion here documented and to ab;.de by any esr� /or conditions at- tached. �� i /" / I !�°G,'�..�%° io Sa �[uxe � � �S ' Date . � i, �' ; � � dNt;...,.,�.,,..< . � �I 4 � 'I E ��� ��I ��';' �� ����{� � �Y1��� �C�� �� I I �`.,�;; It��' PLJildtd$h1G ���R,�°��9,�N. �• K�.� M���h '�, ��79 `'�I ' '�igaa�ci Ci�y ei�ll ' �e���' 124�Q �oW. Mafn S�r�et — '�i.qzexd, �ra�gan �'�� k a � '� a,: �r t2oe1cet: SuY�r3��ai�ibn I2�78 flamea Orcha�cl k2) A;: i �Eteg. �C 26�'78 & V 3�79) , 1�,��3,icasst: Ml�. Ftoba��� Am�x, 125�A ��td� �ux� t�aurat�in Ro�d 'T�.gar,c�, Aree�on �;22� Clo-mesr S��e �� �,�s�11c�n� � �,p�lzcaticrrr Date: Septein}a�:r 15, 1�7� ,. Sitc Location� Sauttew�sh coxnez° of SoW. 121st c�IIC� �.�', ���rcle (6��sh, �o. Ta�e ;: . i. Mldj� 2S1 lOF3B� T�� Lc7t 600) �e�u�5t< '�`a� e:r��t.� a �.4 la'� �ubciivision on � 12.Sn a.cz� �azcel. in a E��'�t) "5ir�g1� I F��1� R��iri�n�a.al° xon�. Pzeviou� Actzean: 'The subdiv.��io€� a�pli.ca.tiis>n wa� -��kec1 upc�xl C)ctaber 3, L37�3 t�eP at�acheri letker) a ' Th� final ac��,an on wP�e Jubci�visior� �equest has bc�en helc� in abeyanc� un�i1 ttae �sub�ec+c �arcel ���eived �hc� City� R-30 �or�ir�q c�e�igna�ion (apg>roves:l by �� " Plann�.rs� Camraiss.zan on ,�anuaxy 16, 19791 r�nd a va�ri;�nce for th� Ha:.�1k�iI1 (�xive �tr��� �k.�ndard (�p�rc�ved b}� �t�e �1ar�ninc� C�mmisszQri o� March B, .1979) . Genera� Pl.�r.ninc� St�kement: TI-�e Caty Plannin� Staf£ an� other �oca�. c3ov�xeuncst4: � a�qen���� have had num�ro�s meetinys with the ap�,licant �a resbl��s �he f�llowa.�g concerns> 5ite plan (l.aaatic�� o£ lats) . S�ree� alignment (1.35�Lh ere�kr�siurr, Hazelhill. Urive) . Zarazng xecr��nst.ruc�ian and c7.�anup oE th�e s�.oYm draa.nag� a��ass AL'ignrnent o� d�ainac�e channe�. along sew�� ir�s�a1L«tzoai l.in.r� na�th oP Gaa�de and c.L�aninc� a� clebris £zon ��ea and re�lanting a� areao The app�,icant h�s �aa��sse� mvst of our conce�rase �dir.h cam��i�nce ta the c�neiitior+a �t���F�ed �a eh� a�praval af .this sulxli�is.ior� ap�li��ation. The appla.cant �i.l� have adc3r���ecl �11 a£ c�ur concerns. I. F�.ndings o£ Fac�; 3., Th� si�e is c��signa�ed "Subsrban 7r�w Density P•.esidenti.�l°' -� three dwre'l,Lz.ng uni�� �er aere c�n th� i3�iqhbc�rYzood P1an �3 clSlC� .15 pses�ntly zon�d R-�0� "5in��le Fa�ily �sbde�tial°'. 2, The applicant i� �ec�uest.ing ap,�rrav'a�. ta czea�e a aUk7CIS.l71alOC1 in accardanc� wx�ti Ti�le 17, 5ubo.iviszo�� and all rel��ive chagters therazn oE the Tigard I�uni�igal Cod�. 3. �1.pplicable tdPO #3 Poli.czes are a� ft�llo�s: "Density„ _ Palicy #1 (pac�e .12) . '�Streeks" - Policy �3 (page 13) � Po�.i.Ly �3 (p�ge 14) , a.a�d F�oxic�a N6 (pac�e i4} . °°�i�e Character" -- z�olicy �4 {�ac�e 1.3) . �' , , 5TAfiF REPORT - FSNAL l<CTTON TSGARD PLRi3NSN(; pEPaSF+'M£NT ' March 7, 1979 S 1�-79 t�age 2 4. '�`�e sike is vancant �ai�th dif£�renCial L•ezraan elevations xangixrg f�om 4-�6 pe�rcent slapes tha� �decc�nds snu�heas� an3 northeast creaeing a nahurul drsinageway adjacent to iPue su2�ject sit� �ast. The surroundittg land uses are sinyle £amily (large lo�s) Ca the so��fit�, ncrthe eest nnd agriculkural open space wreas wlth ''I single famiR} uni.ts to tt'Sa west. The proposed deve�apment will be a continuation I of the Hazeltree S�bdiviszon aPprov�d by the Coun�y adjacent to the sauth area whi.ch has nc�ao �een annexeuT ta T.igard, S. Sanitary sewe� would have �o be extended £rom an existing ten inch lane aQpzUximatelp 400 feea: west ia� G�n�de S�reet.. The line i.n S.W. Gaarda: as of a�iequate ca�.+ia�city to facilitate the proposed 8ensi�y. h'ater s�rv.ice fs 3vaz.lab�s � from the Tigsrd laater Dz�Y.rict from eA�her a six inch linP in S.W. Ganx-de of a 12 incia line in Pacific Hig}�way, bo�h o£ which are adequat�e ko sez•ve the ' devesogment, 6. The szte wi�.l be in the path and intersected by tY�e proposed 13Sth alignm�nt Co be constru�ted as a colleccor street from the present nosthwest 135th to the southeasL eonnnectien oP Bu13, hfountain 32oad. Polzcy 7.4 (page 26): That the collector streets withxn the Neigh3�orhood (�aarde, 121se, arn� Walnut and excluding 6u11 Mountain Road and &eef IIend Road) be dev�icpe;: as two land PdC13..Yt]P.5 with rastricted pazking. Tn khe psocess o! impxovin� thPSe streets, every effort wz1l be made to minimize the advezs� imx;acts �f street widening an adjacent houses. II. Concliisionary Fi►adings: 1. The followan� ar� cc�nditions of Fhe zone change for L•hi.s parcel: 1. All sex-�tis within the sulxlivi>ion are to be C�ty of Tiya-d street seandardsa 2. That s Ietter fzom County of �7ashington be suhmitted verifying Che aJignme»C of the fuCure 135th extension t.hrouyh the Ames Orchard N2 Subciivision. 3_ Street p'.uqs must be emplaced for all subdivisi�n strFels that are to align with YuYLZ'e streets. 4. ;hat ten of z�iyht-of-way alwzg the adjacent �ots to S.W. Ga�rde Streer be dedicate�' Co the City, with hal� sereet imp.rovements prios to issuance ef buildin� Fermits. i 5. That no =nts shall havc access direr.tly onto S.w. Gaarde Streer or S.ta. 135th. G. That cnn`cructios, and drainage plans be submitred with �ecessary bonds Co th� IIuildinq and t�gineering Deparements pzior to i.ssuance o[ F�esmats. 2. The �OZZONIP� is the condi�ion oA' the Vaziance: 1. �lo chanr,PS +aill be made to approvad plans or specifications nn3oss formal applicac�c?n is made t� the appropriate cl�partment and changes are ap��roved by that u�p�rtmen2, Application fox chanyas wi11 be nwde in wrieing and sha14 irn:Tude appl.icable drawings, engineering spacifications ancl other ' , details se�lues*� '•� the departmemt. No const• �* � shall take place in thes� /} ���,..w_ .,. � 4 �� L� ...e .,.....,... . s�..�.. .�... , �I '��(3A� PLF�Si�IIl3G D��P4R�r��a° ,' f �I ;;,`�� . A'�s��h "f, 1�'��3 { �'. � � 12-7� ° �� F��yr� � I ins�anc�s can�il �ft+e� k,he �hanr�e� h�ave �s�n a�p���v�d, Any d�v��tlon �xcam ehia li �on�i�ic�r� �r�A�. �es�ult S.n �h� imancdiat� Qra�ting at a �t�p w�r1c flrdmr o� �he� i �xojeat �x �an� poztion a£ th� �aro��ct. Y 3e '�he pgo�ao�ecd px�li,m.ln�ry pla� canEorrns to +�h� NPO �d3 �laa1 �.nd 'Pigard loni.nq Grclin�,n�e iri �h�C: i �. �'h� �roposed us� is �uburban 1ow d�nsity resid�ntial ar�d �h� l�tting i �Sa�tezn can£axms ta�the 3�,000 sc;uare Eeet mfnimum c3imensianal , re$�asremen�s nf th� R-3� zane:. II� b. Ac�eqsaat� w�teu, ��wer �nd �treet s�xv�ces �re �vailable to �ervie the pre�p�sPel sube��visi�n. c� �ach lcat �s �rapos�ed �ai1S. abu�: a �tiz}�lf.c �txe�ti. � II.I. �ia�sal R�°�ic�n: Tt��e prelimi.nary plat for "Ames Ozchard N2" Subc3ivision is hex�eby ��proved subjec� to ttte following conditions: , �,. That all cond���.on� �lacsd on th� zone change ZC 28°78 and �he v�r�.as�ce �l 3-79 be �ne�. px9.or �c� iss�ance a£ building permi�s. .n.. T��at ±he p�aposed Ha�.elhilL Dr.i.ve strec�t stanc3ard:; be contiguous wi�h the D existiny tiaz�ihill Road. � 3. That the applicant subma.t a per£�xmance kx>nc� wi9:h agreement ta Gorrect thc "Gre�nw�y ar�a d��snage systiem'° damage� by the devel�pment of f�azeltree Sukx$i�ti5ivit pra.or to issuance of buil.d.i.nq permits. t2e�ar� pxepar�3 by: Ken S�lby A�prave@ by: �1 'e ���u,�g•r3 �i�OC11�@ C.D.�:j ��.3I]!'1CY �idSl Yt DLY�.''���Y' I � • �— �,i�;�� � a . � .a ,�,,.. ���e�r+ s�; o• e a,,, o e sa.��� �—°° : �i / .f g,v• �` �:' ��iil f+/7� 1 '� ` ,. , . . '`� ` 9 . ��I � a o�� �� � �! � ~ t � a . , o ` T � 'i � �� � ar� i �.�� . � '� � t�� � . w .: ;' _; � � �� � � & � °,, �`, -" '� . I ' � . 1� iy! °,k . ''. +I,I . �' e f"^V�� 'V. �i� 'T `+, ... T . a I �� @> , / 'a • ��° � `. t' ' . . � , r,'° �„� �.'-,a �' � -- -- A " - •s- . . . •° ` - :� � � � � �, . - �� �r� Y,. �• 'je3 ` V � �` �a '` . .iq ` \ :� � � lil �fi � _ � ��.. �• �,rd h -� �� • 1�. � � � ?':a.�a:.�q \ � � Q�-�„ ,� � '.�. � � � • �r �� . , � s f� ..� y�� 0 � � 8 / � A ! ' - . �' � , � � � . . 5 ? f � • � � "_;: � ��; ; . �. , . ; , 8., - � ` <a r •' � �,��� -� `� I : � � R — _- m �`.. — °` ,'-m `� � a'�- � �� 'I � ,a . .. , . ,� _ � � s9 , ;� f, � ,a�,y�y` . ° :! ^ ° G . . '4 V.� __ � • �, a'�� � I _ �� r � ti ..� , ' �. g � � . 9' , Z, t� — •�� ; �' ' � , i e — i I -,. �,� .:��' ' ",°Y f'`d��-a'� • ' .• ��` � � �p J����� • . � J�•/ ��� ••t• i� q ° '.' =.x. ' �vk � � i, a�:. _ . � �°� �� � �..mQ� � � .�. 1 - � � � � . ! � � ��F. 7� � � �u �� � � . ..... Y ! . . . . .,r_...��c�� ������:�� pP��:��/�� .�. r�x�u�r�� ����� �z.�r�t��tv� �oNt�ytssri... I • t�Ctarch �i, 1979 �� Pac�� 4 . Smitt� MovE't� c3ena.al of ��em �o9P �c�nditican��, Us� CU 1-79 requos�tad ksy� P�f.rh��l F1tar,; �rsa that tihi� pa�c�l ba requix�ec� �n k�e e1�ve:tcap�c5 in �he Qlarar»� [�ve�c�pma�nt conce�t with a m�ximum d�n�ity of 1�1 wn�,ts. '�h� matior� was second�d sn�d ��,x°r.��r�, with foux ay��, �wo n�ea. �t �ha.s tim� (�e08 k�.Ni.) �.h� �+aesa.slen� d���,�x��d � 5 mSnat� r���ss, � -----__ 5 5 L'ara��race V .3-79 mes Oratf�xd �2 Subdlv.is.a�n) � 1! reques� by Hazaltree pevelopm�nt .�c�r � stze�� vaxaarac� to� .{mprovement �I a£ th� ��prox.imatEl� 20� .�e�� o�' x�r�aintnc� �.�l. Ffaze.i1��11..T (Wash. Co, Tax Map �SZ 10&F3, T�x L',a� 600) , il The �xR�'F R��ORT wus zead kay Eiaala�d, 4.�. �._ __ The APPL_i'CAN�''�; ,P��'SF,NTAT�[ON was m�d� by Bob Cru,a; a� Davi.d Evans �nci Assoc.i�,k�s, en�ineer-p�ann�r ferr the owner-app7.icant. �ie b�-ief1}� r�s�ated the requ�st and the �eason the�efor, and o£�'ax�PC� to an,�r�r �ny gues�ions, PUBLIC rc,�sh�on'Y was confinerl tq a ��.�est.ipn by I•I�xt�rt (Jl�on, an �ac��oin�nc� r c� e r L�-` ._.._, _ P � f awn�r �or whocn th� e��velopcnent has rai��c3 run--o�'f wat�r �goblems� S�C�f� �°�.d hint tih�t issue would be addressed later, � Th� ST�1�'F` R�'Cphf;�M.Nf1ATI�°iN was zead by Howard. Selby �tate� i.n ai�sweR tp N1r, Olsc�ra°s quc�t;ion tha� �.��is a condi�ion on rl�� zane chanq�, �12�a i� wi�.l be a � i condition ob �he subdivisian, that i:�ie ap�licant hav� �ite rirainage pleins �ppr�v�d by tri� City �arior to i�s�aarace of bu.ilc�inq pc�rnt.i�s, Thex•e is some di���rc:nc� in Che Coun�,� standards �z•ram �ri� Ci-z.y s�ar�claxd�e which rec�uire und�rg�ounc3 dza�a,nac�� ' control. h�z. A,�nes, the ap��licant, who speci.t•icaily �isclaimed bei.ng an engar;eer, explairiecl �nme of th� problems in �.he £�xst Ames subd.iuision wt�ich shoulc� noC i zecu� in this one. � Mr. Speaic�x• commentc�d th�� apparently sta�'f fe1� the fai.�r r.�qui�emen�s fe�.r a v��iz:�ce were met in �his C8:5r'_r anc3 that it was �ak:hex• unfaxtun��� kh� app2.i�cant seemed t� l�e caur,h4� b1� a conflict be�.w�en Cuun�y ar.r� Ci�y standa�ds in his C��relr�p� ment.. sh�.r�upon he MOVED approval o� V'ari.arice 3-7�, based on staff �inr�z.ngs and xecomr�e:�d�ztions. The motS.on was seconded and carriec� un�n,a,maz�sly. -"�-� CONDITTO�JAL USE CU 5-79 (Johr, 7'zg�xd �Iame) Refe TCI 7-7� ' request by Tiqarrl �lrea Flistorical and Preserv�tz�n �ry�5�iatanrt to locate �•h� ,Ivhn T.tq�rd Nome (histor.zaal bui.la.tny) .in an R-� "Single Family Re,.ident�zal'° zone on a 5,09 acr� azcel at S.W. 103rd �venue & S.W, Canrerbury Lan� (W�sh, Ca, Tax hi�g�2.,1� 118C, Ta� LoG 2&00J . Howar� read the STPFF RF.�ORT. Tn� APPI.ICAN'l°S PRESEA'TATXOR� was made by D�ve Bisset� of tt�n archi��ckur�.�. Cxr:� of Griggs, T.,��, R�i� �chitectso 5920 S.W. Macadam I�v�nueP Portland, (7r�qong who is the architectiiral consultant for tha 'T'igaz•d p�-�� �3z��,�xxcc�,z �nd P�����a�xnn s , ��� , ��� ' d.A�ndM. � �i'9� J.T.I.AJl1.6N.L tl� ���� 'I �1�IGIAdEER1Nv � DEWEI,O�PMENT SF.RVlCE� �+ �LJRVEYi1��C"s ' � � ��� ��c�� P�sE a� '� � � ��LI�P,�:C�N �`C5I2 �E�I,OP�ENT I I��r�� 10, 1�93 I I i I I ]�equ��tin.g s I� I e� .�l �ar�+� cha�xg� f�a�a ��2 �c� Rm-�m 5 �� �„���:���� ��a� I ���i��ik�le ci���i.�� c�f ��i� prwpo��c� �.��a�:���az��a��. � ��a3�c��.�isi�n p�eZ�.a�ni.raa� �1�� r�vi.��v t� s3�.�r�.�1� ���. �c�t 6�Q, �aae Map ��1 10��, cc�n��iz��,xxc� 1�a�� ��x�s �.ra�c� �!3 �ca�� �h�� «���xag� �5,50►� SF. �► '���i.��a�e� �� �a�a-�:�t s a ig��m�fm�va�r ��d�th �f �0° ��xd �a �u�k� � da�.o3t1� �� 2�' ��s� ��rn�os�d 5 o W a �1���� �ar�.��m I ��?.L_7i��i.�1�' �6T���t � ��11. I��a�ar��tai� �,a.��. ��v�le�gn�r�� �m. I�€��a��t X��� � 163�� �Tn� ,�c�an�� �'�r.� Rcl. c�'a ��°�C Rc+�l�ia�l� T��.]c� C�sw�c�ca, q� 9 a Q�� ].fi32� � �c�t�ne� �'��a� �tdo �s�xa'�.���� k���� �Qe�r��.1 �,�Bc� �D�a��t�c�d �JT� ��d33� i ��0�) 63���995 (�a3� ��5�2�9� ' ° �� I �I,�iI������ �T�GLI�T��gtIDI�.�II� �Z3R.�X�I�[G �;(3T+I��IT.,'1`�`I° Al�ha lEn�in���iaag, �n�m � �600 �Y� �ak, ��i�ce 23l7 � P2c���lanci, �� 972�3 ��+�j�ct ��.raaq�r� Randy �l���e� �503) �25--��03 �T�'�'T�- �a�V�UT�"��T � Kit��.e�c�n & A��acia��� 610 �W Alcler, Sui�e 700 �o��l�n�a 0� 9724D5 �rc�j��� L��n�c��ro G�ry IC����Q�x �5(3�$ 22E-�52�0 � AP�LIC�,�IT's NARRATII/E FC1R BU`.�H ZOIVE CHANGE Z�N 93—C1001 & STJBD�VIS�dN SL7B 33--0(;a2 I'LA2A WEST � SUITE 230 e 9600 S,W, OAK p PC.3RTLAND,tJR�GGN 97223 m 503-�652•8003 � FAX 503-457-8043 1 Y �i �Ht1sS�dPdR�6�SLiAd' �i'8�,��6`�'�A��8�7 Tl�is �ipplica�tiora is fc�r �. 29 1ot subdi�i��.a�a �n ��x ].�t 600, ���. �1a� ��]. 10�Ha �h� site lies south r�f �he intev�e���.on c�� S�We �a��d� �tx�et anc� sid 12 J.�� A�re�ir�� �z��i �o��h of �th� plat m� �1xn�s l�r�k��x�,e ��o �I�����''S�I�3����'��� �xi�tzxa� c3���l.ogm�n4� 1.i+� �.� ��e ���to sou�t� a�.d �nr���. c�� '�h.� ��ape�°��m � P].ann�si De�elopn���� �.s ��c�}�c�se�. n�x��h of �h.� �a.te. T��s ��.�ira�.ty i.s compr���d �af a�����1.� �a.rar��.� fa�m�.�.y c3.w��.l.ing�o wlxa.�� �s� �.lae �west ��� zraraed R�4 a 5, t� �h� nox�lrx P� Zt4»5 ar�cl �o �he �o�x�h l�1 e `.�h� gr�p�r�.�r -to t1B� �a�t a.� �.zx unin�o�po��'��s3 Tv3ashin�t�n Co�aa�t� �.nd ,�� zoa��cl IdmS ��e� Caunt� Zor��.rxg) o . I��, 5�7C� �Y3F�3�I1�8��ORT �TD__PI20PO��T.,_D��CIt�P7C�O�t T�� �,������ s�.�� .�s ��a��ently vacant. Ara. oid c�rchard cc�ve�s 213 0� �.�� �i�� ������t�.n� �Y►� �a�t �rads �h�r� �.�:� z�s� o��i�� �r��� c�rn th� I ���.� r�r�.i�1� i� p�'�.ma�i�.y �ovex��d s,�i.tk� g�'��se� an� b��xe�.bl�s, �i ���r � e��e�g�:o�-� �lz�uh� 1�.� �n �he mo��.�a k�our�ei�.r� pf �h�* }�reaga�r�.� an:ci �. d�a�.g�.�c�� ��r���� xaa�� a�.nnc� �he �as� �o�anda��r a T�� ��,�e �lsa�a�s �tawz� f��n1 th.e �oasth��st �r�rn.er t� �he �s�r�,I��a�� �'� a w�e�ci� 1�Q� ffl.� �.he �res��r.�� 3/4 ca� th�: gx�o�e��� .inc�c�six�g to ��,c��.� 15$�7.7� a� fil�� eas� �nc3 of the p�'c�per��r wi�h �na�� 1c�cal.a.z�� slca��� �f �d�. . �� i.5 ��� irstent n� �hc �p�la.��axa� 'to c�c�ve�o� a 29 �.��. su�i�i.�ri�io�. ��. ��r��� �ca �c�a��7.iska �.l�a.� ��.�adivi�a.��. �� p�-�p���c3, �he ���a?�a.�an� �a�; r�q�a�ated �. nu.ar.t��� o� �.�.�d u�� �nd d��r��o��ea��t ap���va�� �s c����x'�.bes� bel��ae ' 7.�� .� �c�za� ��ang� frc�r� �2 (���i.��:�.t�.�1. 2 �ax�it� ���� ��r�) �.o I�3.� (l��:s�d�zatia�. 3.5 uni�s per acr�) �or t�� 12.E� �.�r� �X��. �) Sube�a.�r�.�i�r6 ���1�mi.�.ax�y �'S�.SIl a�sp�'�val tn dix��.d� gY��= ���c��- �n�o L9 lots rancting ir� �ize fro� 13,15Q i:�a 2�,�00 sc�ua�e f�et o All lats �aoul.d have c3i:�ect acce�s �n�tsa a. pub3.ic s��e��� �.[�T, Ha��el1�i11 Driv� �i�.l �� ianprov�� nc�r�n a�ac3 '���� �a��: �r�rl �tpp a� th� easterl�r �a�'c��erty-1�.;��. As �hnv� axn the ��.rcx2'���i.o� anci fui��a��: �ta:�et� �l�nd I����I.���1,�. LPr_a�r� �nr��1�. �:�t�sad �avte�ly �nd nc�rt�x�rl� �nd cduld e�en�r��ll� c�nn�c�. �itlz �.ird'. G����le 5t. �.t S m�o �.1��th Ct. A storr�a vaat�� ���.��.ity �3..�1 l�� bus.l� in iche nc�r��.east cQrne� of ,the p�ope��y �m �g��t on s�.�� d•rai.nage x��ult�n� f�om tJhe grss�as�� c���r�l�n�s�iera�� �I r) A �r��iance �.� req�est�cP to �e�nit a ���b--t���urb q,a�dth �f 28° �I w�.�:h�.�a � 4Q ' wid� ri�g�it--of-�way fo� �aW. �i��a Ci��I�, an a n��rn�l �.c�c��a s�.�����e 2 � � A. ���� C��� ������ �tat�eaide plaranisx� go�a�.� do Yiot r��ed t�a b� �ddxes�ed fog a z��� �h�.n�e prc�pos�l beca�.se the '�i�arcl Co�.pr�hen��.v� Plan �aa� bee�m acka�a�ledg�d t�a be in �ampliarxce wi�h s�tatev�ide ��.�n.xxin� g��l�• Th� �el��ra�a�� c�:�t�rza �.n �hi� cas� are �igard C�ni�ar�:k�ea���.v� P1�n �,�a�.ic�,��a 2 �1e1, 6eZ. 1� 5e3a �., ?. 1.62d 7o�a�4, 8, 1m �, �>�.a3 and 12. 1. 1b. �e��.i.�n 2 :G.i�iz�n ���rol��m�r�t �o].icy � . 101 a.s �at.isfa.�cl bscaias� City o£ Tigard N��.ghborl��ori ��.annin.� Organiza�tian #7 was p�avided �nr�.�l� a copy af �h.� ��op�asal �zx�l zv�� af�r�r�.�c� �:�e c�p�a�tun.i�y �o �l�.scuss �k�� p�o��s�l a� ����-r I Jara�sary 1993 r�g�lar ane�ting priar t� ia��.�r��� �� ��i� '���'�rt. Al�c, several mee�t�.n�s wi�� local �esa.denc�� have cac��rrecl �a adc�res� ariy con��e zn� an d can��d�� th�ix i.��ax� re�.��:��'e �o ����.c�x�. Izz �dc��t�.o�. of tl�e� ��lic�he��:�ng �an� th� �xo�sc�a�. a� 7aill b� ot�.ce g�.v�x� n P �,�.�i��c3 c�:� �,hea.r c�p�ao��.uni.ty �a ��ziu��a�i�. ,�e�ic�n 3 o t�a�t�r�l �'e�tuxes aa�ci ���a ��� �e��.xcy 3 m 1 w 1 �rr.�11 �ae ��ti�fi�d� s.r� �h.�f; ������1��1��� and p�aw�n• � ��.�i.rz����.nc� �.�chni.ques relat�d �to t�� �ite glan �rai:L1 �:n�u�� t�aose � �r��.s �i��8a.;n� s�c�pe� iz� �x��ss �f 2Q� �.re su�.�a��.e fo� �1�� �r�pas�d d��r�lca�aa��gi#�� �hEr� i� nQ ��'a.dea�ce s�f ��umpir�c� ��r��i s1�.d�s �r �,A �nG�r�m�z�� and sn.im�xna� pa��.ent��l ��r �ev��� �oi1, �����.an. � � fou�da�s.an voi].� �.ppear adec�u�te �:or �h� p�'opo�ec3 d�velopmeflto �l���s are a�c� �.reas c�esi.c�nate� c�� siqni�i_�a�n� w��I�r�ds �n t�3.� �.i�e6 �nca� ��'� t���� �n�' ����� ca� si.c��a�_f�.car�� �nv�.xc�ram.�;ra�a�. �rsnc�rn. ! �ax�.��.�� 3.2-�3 0'7 are not r��.�vant �o �h� �Sre�jecte ���tion 4 ; �,�.� '6�i�ter and Land Resoxxrces �.�.li.tgr T��� ����.a.or� a.s� m�t �ele�ax7,� t� tk�i.� a�plica��ivaa a �ee��iars 5 a �conc��r Th�� sec�ta.o� �.s nat relevant to this �.�pplicat.���. � � 5���a.az� 6 o Hr�us�.n� �41a.c� 6. I Q 1 a� sa�t.�sf�.�d I��c�.ra�e �Yae p��o�n��c� �one ����ge �aQUld. � �,��ar_�ase p�atezati�l r�sa.cients.al c���reZo�m�n�t ea�xpozt�.na.t.�s� ir� ��� I' �a.t� by a��.owir�g dev��.��a�►.en� nf 4za.all�� (�.0,000 �gu�r� ���� �na.ni.nnuan) , �yp.�.���1�1 l�s� �xp�ns�.�r� lo�s �.Y��� �r� a�.�,oweci �y t�� : ��ci�ting �d�� �esn� (ZO,OQO �e��.are foot �.iaxi.mixr�c) e In t�is part�.cula� ��.se, the �roposed zan� chang� wo�1.d p�o�,rxc�� Q�y�or�t���.�� �o� an asidztiari�l �.9 ��a�t�, �ac�a�ever, i�he appl.ic�.n� i.� pr�pc�ing to anl�t .i�.G�eas� t�i� ciensi.'�� la� � una..t�, �ol��y �a�� 1 �� ��.�a�fied bec�use tkae �ra�ased zone c�aanc�e taou�d ��ot alZo�a �a�es o� a ?�esi�.�n�i�.l dea�sity nat pres�ntly p��mi.tted �.�a th�: suxro�r�r��ng � e f ���a a�d w�uld ����e��r� ��int�in ��e ��a�a���r �� �his ���i� estahlis��d r�sid��tiag aream Pol��y 6 m 4, � i� s�ti�fie� i� �h�� t�e z�n� cha��� a��o�� ��w � ��r� �ff�.cisnt development of t�e si�� �han �h� �u�ren�t �an�.r�g a�.�.���� �s.�r�r� �t�� �i.�.e� �fm��a:s�.�x�s� ���c���°�pta3r ax�d ����s�, dl�vel��zn�rat tc� 1��°2 ��aa�ci�rd� d€��� nat pra�.�ide �z� eiEfi.�a�e�.t �as� a�iE �he �.aax�, a,�d �th� fac.i�.�.�ti�� �to ser�re tt�e develc�g�men�� Pcls.��.�� 6.2 a�md C o 5 are ra�� x��l�v,�n� �o ��.i.� ap���-ca�.7� o ie�•ta.o�. 7 a ��x:�1�.c F�ca.li�ies �nd��r�ra.�e� �o�.�.cie� 7 a 1.�, 7 e 3 a 1 axx�. 7 e 4.4 ��.� b� s�.�is��.cd b���.u�� ex������i�n �� s��nr�r� �ra��r and ���xgn c�x�.ir��.g� ��.c��.1��.�.�� �� ��r�� �hs d�v�lap���t raill b� ��c�1a�.red p��.r��c i:� �p�a�'o�a�l aa� ��i� �irza�. �1�to �r�Iiana.nary pZans fa� exteaxsa.oax of these facz�.�.fa.�� a�°� p�ov��.d�d �� �ax�f��►arxc� vra.t�. C.�t�r ��and���is. �c�ta.��� 7,?. 1 v�r��l k�e s�ti.sfied �aa.�� �h� +���a.t:�c�n o� a s�ora�a�,r�.t�� qual�.ty ��ca.�.i.�� r�k�:��h c,�iZl Ya�a�sll� a�.�. �ar�°sit� c��a�.�.i�a�c��e �� ac��l�firsz�, exr�sio�. �can�rc+1 ��cinmicg�x�� �ai�.�. b� a�p�.ied �a�� �I�� �.=,.��e ci�vels��azn�nt glan. po�.i�3.�� 7 ��, 7 .5 0 7 e?, 7 0 8 �n.ci 7 W� r�q�rsli�ag 1oc�1 se��ri��s �aill. b� sa�isf:i.�r� azxd croxc3ina�,�d w�th �tk�� �g-��r �� ��'q���'�d• Fsal.�.ca�s 7 01�, 7 . 1�. arad 7 012 ax�� na-t �ele���ar�t to ��.�.� �.p�ls���sax�. ��c�.ioz� �t �rans�aax��ation Pca�.�-��r �@ 1 e �. ���.1� �a� ��i� prc�visi.or� s�� ��f� �.r�d ���i�i��x� ��.�ee� �qrs��m �h.ich cvi.13 ac�onr�cada�e pre�e�� a�d. futu�� aze�d�. ��..is ps�l:tcy i� s�.tzsfied Y��cau�� th� si.te propo��ec� �s�� �.nc��a�e�I d�nsa.tv �,;� �� �.W. T3��eZhill ��i.ve, (a local. s�r��t �ha.c�� Z�a.cl� tc� �h� ��nll t�Iora.�.t�Ax� �a��j zvhia� h�� mc�xe �Yaaza �.dec�uate rap��i�;�r tca �a�nsil� the ��._�.�k�t ix�s�r�a�e ixx traffi� �h�t xcdigk�t r���Zt wg�t�i �he cYa�.�zc�e i�. ���i�� ��om R°7 �Q R°�0 5 0 �n �.�c�.it�on, th� ci�•c�latian �rid f�'ture ��reet� �S�.�r� c�c�ss na� pr�c:a.ud� � f���x�� �n�.irect ceanra�etie�� te� �.�+io q ��a.�c3.� ������� wh.i.�� a�a�r be a��a�s���gr to ser�re ����. �e�ie3.�:��:�a �a�.�,c��s $.�E �0 3, �3.4 �r�d �.a �.r� �.o�t r�1��raas•� �� �.i� ��a�l�.�a�a.rax�q ��cta.on 9 v Er�erctv I Tkai� �ec��s�a� i.s na� re�.evan�t ta -�his �p�3.�.ca�is�n. i �ect.i�ri 1Q� A.r�nex�tic?n This �it� 3� ��ready a g�rt o� �kt� ��.�y af Ti.ga�d the�efore thi� sectian i� ��t app�.i��.l�.1e m I 4 ', - I , � S��tic�n l�.a 13r�a �af �a��cial ��aace�� �Yaa.s ���t�.�n i� rzo� x��lev�aat �� �k��.s a�a�li��ticsn. s��t�a.or� �.2. L��a�i��a �ri���i�. �h�,s ��*�c�i��. cnn�ain� leaea�ti.��. �ri��ri.� pol�.ci.�s a�d xs xele���� �� �lxi� �ppli�a�ti�n �er tlae z�q��s� ��sr � �on� rc:�a�,�e frr��c �-�2 t� R°� 305. T�.i� ��s�u,€��� x�q�zi.��� a ���.�a.��ead�.�°s_�:1. �.a��1 u�� a��F�caaa �.ts �pp�e�v�l a.s �a�ed �xgos� �h� ��c�g�ar�c� l�sy �h� ca.�y c�� agap�.�.��bl� 1a�ation c��t�ra.a. I �Ix� ��q�e�t: �p� � zo��ia�c� �k��z�c�� �.s ��.d� un��r tYa� �r�a�a.�� t�.�.t ��� c�a�diti.sa�xs by w�ni�h �h� �3�� ea�s ca���'.c�in�l�.y ze,r���. �a�,�e ah�.ne��d, �3or���.x�g c��n�i���s �.�� ����xznin��i b� und�r�yi�.� ��n.irag; Th�s� ar� q �����1 �.�c��. a.gpla.�a�l�s �1�.n �o7.�.c.i��o �c�cata.�n ���.�t���.a; cras�a�.�aa�x��� ci��r�l.����sat �:�c�� p�ca�•i�z�r��e I I�, ���spor�s� �r� the �.ca�a ��x�s�ty� �esid�n��.al ��°a.�.e�a��s iz4 �,ez T,c��a I��r����:� �.�;�ici���ia�.: � _ ; I A:1 - �h� zc�n� ch�.r��� �x�cam �2 �c� I�:�m 5 �ar�a7.ci. ��a.l.�. main�ai�a �la� i ��,�,�g�;���r e�� th� �it�r �a �. ���iii��.a��at �a 1��a de��.i�y d��r�lapme�t d .�2 -° ,�,�e�� f��.��i��.�s �.�� �c�� l�ani��d �o �call�ctr�a�s �nd, 1.c�c�.1 �t���ts ��a� are �i:�����1.y �.�SU�°�a.ng �h,�.� ��.�� �Yaro�xc��a s�r�e��rada.r�g� p��pe����s o .�,� ° P���rio�xs3� ���.���.xi� ��.•t� T.a�it��i.ezn� di�� �a �ira�.�a�g� and ��l��r c?�.a.�r�ct���.��t�,�� �i��� be�n dzBn;i.xa�.�fi��3 �� �.�� de��l.opme�t lac���.e�rir�� �h� �raper�y �nd c�� ���.� s�.c���cr ri��.ir� f��ili�iv5 �,�ra�.Za��.e ta the d��r�lc�p��. A.4 ° �.'h� ��.i��ing ��,�aciti�� caf a�.l �aci�_�.�.��:s �rad ����r�.��s �aa.�.1 �i� an��s �han capab�.� af �.�c��a�t�.r�g �.h� �.�c�ea��d �e�.��.�i.�� ��fl�ct�d �n �.h� ��c�pc�s�d �aa�� �k��rz��. �1 � T�ac dc�v�lopm�n� �a�.t�y�z i� ���� �edz.��� ���� ��r�our�dang �t�a� ��.�e a� w�11 a� �I�e B�x�.:1 I�c�ua��.a�.r� a�e� �.a� ��n���1, h�s �ha���d ���x� �h� p��� 1 a�°2�J g���xs a �zz �a�tic�a�.�.�, �1�� �h�ngr� ir� ��,n�.�g �,a�d c�..��rel��ar.��rz�. t��s b�e� �i�n�.f�.ca.a�� ��.��a �ar�pe�tie� i�Q tkxe �,a�st, e��t, %1AZ"��1 �rx� s�,u�h �� t l�� �e� Q��h��� I�h a�� I: ���j e�t�a U� �r��.�.�. 'th� �ime the Coun�� �n.d �ity h.ad adt�p�ed �.hea�� C�an�r�h�nsi�e Plan (earX�► 19t�0`s� t�i� px�oP���Y �=�� ��'������-�� �.r� the �u�xoun�d�.n� �x��as n�d �i�k��� � lcnw �.�n��.� ���y d�:n.si.ty d�s��r��ti�sn z�r °`�.�.����diat� �rban" d��a,�za�.tican, Ea�ich �ca�ld �� c:c��.�a.d���d. �exy 1Q`v d�n�i��. I7urinc� tki�.� �tiin� {�978) �e� �rcY�ard k�h��e � �r�ci ��x�rtcsc� Ha.11s w��� �n�.��es� 9.n�� �.h� �iitys �n�th proj���� ba�x� a�prov�� fo� ct�`r��er��tes�� �ae�c i�he �bo�r�: Cc�unt� �c�xaing s�tandards. �x��� ann��c�c�r t�r� ���y 5 � ' ������i�ed th� low d�nsi�y �esi�na���n ��� xon�� ��e �����rties R� and �Zv �hi� �1�arly ap���r� �o b� in �������� �� t�e �pprov�d �evelopm�nts, �ub�e�u��t �o ���s .. an�e��ti�n� � �u�he� �f ������ h�v� o��u��ed ��at ���e si��ifi�antly chan��d th� �a�t�r� �f �����g �nd ���el�prne�t in th� ����e Th�se i��lu��a 10 ��p�ras�.an a� th� BJrban �ra�ath �3o�an�t�s�r �� �.an��ude rm��t a.f I :�rat a13. a� �h� I�u�� r�o�zra•��.in �xc��v , 2o The �.�option o�� the Ca�r���y°`� �c�mprehe��i°�� P1a� �.r� 19�3 I tl����b� adcspt�a�+� r�e� �oni.�ag ��s� �1�� en�s.r� �xa�i�.�s���ao���.�c�.. �o��ban. �scea'° o �'h� rae� za�n�.�.e� �'���1��� �ra � �ie�n�.f�.�ar��, �aa�reas� i� dex�sa,�y �v�� th� e��.s�tin�g ����-��. �'�'��e����� wer� z�ra�c€ ta ��rmit i,OOt� ��'. �°h�_� i� #�x'�a� �f i g�opart:��s �1�a� �sl�c�.in t�e� �.���e �o �:h� �as�� � 'I'h� Cc��xnty`� Comprel��nsa.�� �l�n in �a�ju�.���.on �t�.t�a ��x� I C�.ty's plan �.�.s�s �or�xea.l].� a�ic���e� �h� r���e� �� ��t��� �.G�� G��rcie �tre�t., a �ajo� �nl�.��'co:� �Y�a� �c'��ta�.�a� tt�� ��.t� �o the na�r�h, �.o �kae vr��� �ta s��°`a��� th� �tx�ax��p�rt�.�.iar� a�e��s a� tP�� ax��o �A �'urth�s a.�.n�x.�ta.on �f �.kxe ar�a by ��� ��-t:� �f �'�.g�.��� �7pan �.nnexa�ioaaY tkx� Git� h�s �����.�� ��.�� ��a�a,�� �:�i�.� �.� equal. to �i� grr��i�ex i.n �.�n�i.�t�a �k��x� �tl�� ���v� ����.�� � r�n�w'° C�un�y �rax��.a�c�. �'�� ���a�al�, ����5����.�s �r�.thiy� 1,0�0 ��e�t �.a���t o� the �i.�e �i�v� �a��n �ca��d �-7 ���.�� ��r��.t� 5,OOQ squar� f��t l��s o .A��a, th� ��i��a�.rsa.r€� ������-ty� �ca ��� w�s� wa� zcara�d ���� �a�.�.�xa�� �I�� ��a��t� ��i 197� (36,�00 �� ma.r�ianuar► lc�� siz;�) , �.'h� �'�t� ��.s x��avr �e�a��d th� p�oge��� �2°°4 0� mec�aum d���:���'e � ��-�T�a.f��aaz� ' deg�r�u�e fr�� �Ya� �oun��r°� l.c,w d�n���t�a c����.g��tgora o �he p�'ec��ing i.�afcarina��o�. i� au�la.i��� �� d�rn�a�st�ate ��x�t, tlxe ci���lnpm�n� p��t��n s.n t�i� �r�� �ias ch��r��ci a�c� ��.�.t ���o�irxc� w,��g�,�r� #,�x� low dexxsi��r cle�iqnat�.c�n tc� R--3 0 5 is �����n.`�+er�m `�a �ugpax� �.�aa.� f�rt3���, rae aff�r �t�� ��11o��.a�ga �fl�� ����o��d � ��n�i��r of �l�e �1nie� ���I��r�. ��aas� �� �.� � .3 �r��.�s ��� �.���e � 0 9;� �xz�it� n�o�e g�r a��� th�m ����-ttsd iza �.1�� R-�2 �e����� `�h� � c��a�.� a�v�xl.�,b�.e de�igna�..��a� is R-3 A�P � ��r e����t�� s��r��i.�� �h�.n d����°e�i }��r th� �a�pl�c�nt m �z� �.d�a.t�Q�., �t�� p���ar_a��� � cl��r�I��am��f: �� ��r�r �a�Yn�.�.�r to tc�ia��� clew��.o�sn►ent� ��s� �nd � ss�u�� e�f ��� O�°cl�ard I�h,a�� T e � � ��st of Fha�� I �,� �hadow �I.�11:�, a c�.��r��.c�pa��nt that was °� �a��aitted �rat� �r�as �f u�.ci�r 20,OQO ��' �aa.thi.n f:he Ft--2P� a.nd k;-� zone. Zn. �aetg 3 of ��e 4 l��s �:hat a�jo�n .P.m�s� ����a�rcl �l��.se � �:�e �nc��r 2Q,(300 ��' cv�.th �Yae �z��11��t �a��.n� 45,5�6 aF. ��ca�er�y �c� t�he n���h, �ou�h �nc3 ��s� af �h�dr�rra ��.�.�.s �.� z�r�c1 Ft°�4 �5 ar �he �q�xi.v�len� �nd�� Count� d��ic����a.c�n.s o 6 m 1 ( �h�� �at��rn is ���ast id��tic�l wh�� c�mpax�n� ��� Or��ar�, Pha�� T, �r���sed ��a�� �x and a�jo��i�g pro�e����s. ��o�o�ea, �h�se �T ha� fie� l�ts ��at ad�oi� P�a�� T, �ou� �hat �r� und�es: 20,�0� S� wi.th th� s�t,a.1J..es� �.iei�et� 1�r 293 ��'s ag �rai,th �itYap ab��re� �1.�. ��rn�in�.�c� ��o�e��y �ci�oix�yt�� Ph��� ]:T �.� z��c�d R�- . 4.5 �ra ��.mm�ry o �,� ��.�;�� l�as ��e�. � si.�xxifi��.�a� ��ar��� �.r� �la� ch�gact�� �r_d pl�nning of �t�� ax�ea �i�c� t�� ���.r�s.�a�. de�ic�t��.�a.c�r�. 2. �a.aac� �the a����.nal �.�si�na�.a.ax� �f �°-2 0 ��n���y de�ignata.c�ns c�r� pxapext�.�� to th� n��th, �ves� arad ea�t ���� I�een �aa.s�taixae�3 0� s�c�x�i��-c�.nt.�y a�.c��:�.�s��i b� t�� �:i�y ar �:�u�.��s m �� Tl�e prnposed "���.1 ���n.g�" ix� d�r�s�.�y i.� l�s� �h�za +U m� 11I13.�.5 �2@Z i1Cl°�s 4. The dev�lopm�n�t �rapdsa�l c���s n�� ���'a�� `���' �.azca�n�is��nci�:s ra��.�k� �h� �xa.s�ing �a���rn of d�v�l.c�panent in �he area. �� � s�vz����1vailly�� be��er�o�1�• �ff ct d b� thi��xon.� �h�zn��� B3 - The sa.�� rias ic�� ��m� �r �r��.���' �����'t�.ni�.i�� �ca�' ��re�� �a ° tx��z�sit csf th�s� ka.i.g�a�r elen��.�y �axope��iPs �ha� ad.j�i�a tl�� �i��o ��4 ° Devela�xner��. ��.c�nc� ��Snl ��.� �rie con�irau�d �a�p�.ns�.ox� of �k�� ��-�� ca� `�a.gax�cl ha� cr��.�.�d � a��znber af a��� �caks s��apa��.a�g��.�a.es �xa c].o�� �araxi�i.��r �o the site. i � � � �u�aa�vx��o�'lv���c� � I �rz.��r�.a app].ica�l� �car su�d�v�.�ae�i��������$� 1�.4 a 18.�134 s�1���.60 I 1�.4�, 1�3a�2, �S. ?d(�Q� 1�e102, 1$a�.0� o I �,r�ci �.�,16 4 , �8 48 ° It-3 5 �inctle �'azn�.l� ����.��n�.ial Fdxxd�r �.h� p�a�c�sec� �°�3 e 5 zos��_ng da��r�.�t, �.1.�, �.he �.a��� �r�arsld �a�st th� r�c�u.�rem�rz�t� I.�.id d�swz� by ��� r>od�e E8@�a 5 s Averag�: M�.ni�l� i��xa ����fh� Nlinimus� l.ot si�e �,o� B��.d�k� �� Hc��ne 10,000 �k" 65 FT �0 �`� I Mti�ixc��n s�tback Re�i��.r�m�n��; Rs�.�c Yard F�on� Yard Side Yar� S�tr��t ��de Yard 2 0 FT 5 FT 2 q �'T 15 F� 7 I , , . 18.'�2< �Ens:it��a�.�.��.�tio�a:.a_ Gros� �1r�;ab 55?.,350 �F � 12.6� 1�C) � (]Publ�.� am�ar��a�m�n�� � 107a26� ��') ! R°°�.5 (10,0A0 SF) = 44 1.�-�� potent��� el�aasityr 29 lo�� ��� �r��s���d s,�hi�� i� a ��aisi.�� a� 2 0 3 �a�at ��re 0 �r��t�on 1�o la0 a Larcdsc��.Lnc� & S���ena.a�ct No �c�e�e�.�ncy rsx buf�cri�zc� �.� �:�c��i�°�d a� th� ��.��c�c���inr� 1�.nd �av�s ��� ��rn��.t�.�l� v,�i�h �lx� ��a�os�d ���ciivi�ic�a�. .�7.1 s�����, �����s ' rail�. �e��galy �r�.�h Ci.t?� nf °�ic�ar� ���ca.�ic���.aa�.v m I �i�c�s.ar� �.�.�.02 0 �7i��a�1 �7�ea��r�c� A�e�.� II �i.sua�. cl�a��.x�ee i,� �o�tpla.�d wa.th on �he a�f�c�ed lr�ts ia� tla.�� ��i ��ap3.i.����.on -° �e� ���.�sty �laa�s ��c�i�r� 3.F3 10�; P�.:�'l�:�r��x &_�o�c�i,xsc� �t��u�.��an�r��� �.�,�. ��c��e��,��1 �c�t� �,z��.l x����t t�e m�.�.�.��un s�f off—stre�t ���lc.a�as� �°�t��.��°�anex��.�. S���i.r�n 1�q 1U$���cess E�xPS� an� �irc�a�a��.c�n .��.�. �c��.� �ra.�,l ��.�re d�.�e�t �e�c�ss �ca a pub3.ic s�reet m �h.� i aa��xac� s�r���. �].�n �how� l�ov� ��a .�n�i����t c�an�a�c�iox� �o G�,�acde ��.��e� i� ��s���.��.�b �.�tach�ci �� �hi� �ar�.��en s��t�z�en� i.s a �r����� ���a�� p��p�x��d l��r I�i����.sc�ra � A��ca�a.�a��� ir�.ai� a��.�lan�� �.x� m��e d���.a.�. ��5� �.d��r�t�g�� o� �h�� �ca�a��m ����� l�a�� �n���zr�+�es1 �the ap�l.icar��t �� r���.�� a s��.�a �� �� �����i.'�� priv�.�� ��se,�n��fi. �ara ��.� €a���t �SCa�xndary c�f ���� �a�op��ic�� T�a� appli.�ant dc��s n��. ��li��re tna� �ha.� �.o �� � ������ax� �a�s���� fcar �kxe fo�.�.o��ng ��a���.s m ��Z� �xi��a.aag p.r.��ra�,� ����me�t ��� �an��r � �ex�e�te ehanc� e�� �aecc��s.�aq � pub��.� stre��; '�h��� .�s 1�.��1e rese�x� �.�r�.�..�ab3�� ��ar �rn�zc�v�nl�n�:� du� to �k�e �?�is��.ng 7��t �s.z�s, �lx� �.Q�e���a�h� �rzd ��Se pl.�c�r�e��: ea� �Y�� ��a.���.�c� �ac��a��f ��� ��c�x��.��� t�s �.�� easean�ra� .is �l�e�c�� b�zl�. c�u� �n€� �ui��.r� �t��r�3�p��r�� a��aa��aar�i.�ies ar�a� �c, be la.��.�.�d� �h� ��'o�osed stre�� c�radine� d�zd dr�ira�g� �.�e ��.��rr� can �he a��.a�l���. �a��.l.�.�y� �l�ras. ` S�cti��. 1�e 114 a Si.crn� Tr�.f�a.� �ic�n� `a�.l.�. �� pxovid�� �.� ��c�ue�t�d k�� th� �i��r o ��ct.��n 1.�a 134: �d'a�ian�� A �rara.�.�ic�e �� �ar��e���:�3 �c� xec�.uc:� #��� ���h�—o�—w�� vaic���a �.aa�. c��b� ta��u�b ia�.�.t�a :E�� t�i� �ar�a�ao��cl V��t�� C�.r��.�, �&aa���. .i� ��a� a�a��a� :�.z���r�a�.�. l�a€�p �t���t,. In a�.di.�.�c�r�, t�a� ap�sl.�.c���k ����.��� �.ea �rc�va.de a s����aay�C or� one sa.c�� �nl�ro �.�I, Ha��:� F�i11 IDriv� va�l�. �� �n]�l��.r�l�ted �o S�.aratia.�ca e;�.�.a i i�e W,;; ��'� T?�e�c$ paq�: i� an €:�'t17�ba� `�ca ]fl 1��1� �.11us�r��� wh� �.h� ��q�x�s��c� �rarian�:e sh�u.ld be ��p�o�sr�d. � e o ' � � ��� �i�l I`� °�� ,�� �' �' B�I� �!� ��° ��.���a � �s�r �r�� ��r��� �.�� ���t ba. � ��.v���r,� ���� i����rs �.m��vi��ppty,� ���gi���{�o�.ry��p�uc�� �qz�t�-rr��m��qafY� s����rp�a p���yy �p����.}��°rg��q.�����p�y �. -rp,���� u� 'isOydp{•6y�°°1 44�'��qib11�pR':���M 3 Yy�ly 1-Lm+VA�/,1 y7�w�qy��� ���p���Sdp�Po�,y��''��1p 6'M�7A4I��'•r°l1�1�'11 G SJ�I.��4J1a°a0m7`4d1Y � �!A/F �� r_�7�� ��kd�i+��6.FO 6JiQ W!`PF. ��M/� �M7��1 s �'�' ��� �T�� ���'�� ��`�`IC��1 � I�,4� �,�2d�e�+�...��� �► `�"�''P. 4!7{L. ��, ��� L P/� ����' � � ��' � ( � �� d • — -- 8 �' ��' � �' ��! � ��� �_ ' 9 r�--� ,i ° ��������ic�������� I ° � �2°� n ��r e� �a�vn� ,��ua�r� ( f .p_�,�` ��� �.r.,�,�--�- �.•..� � Y�t-lIGL,�°� �!� f'�t:5 C71a1 �'f4a �lI�E�. ! 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F'f�. , ���L f�� r�,�� t�� � �, ..�. - ---�—� �� � e��� �t�+i-r�� r�t c� �i� oa�,�, � �,�' � ��IE�'a ��iti�.��t��' 11� 1/� �Y t� ��.�°° ' � �� ,�� � � GRIvlrt� �A a �'��T�� � �e'i°.�3s��� � � _- ° � � + �4+�1 6�JJB'T�I t� f�'� �%Pi� � ��` a,�'"' � �lE� e�1L°f,��i��8 �F6 �.tt�.1P1�°i'.� �1�.�. i � � �« ��� r�� � � �m�� �� ���. s��� a�r�u� �� r� � �������� ca� ��� �°r',� �a,�� r� b..f,�°t�a lliil..1„ 1�1r'�.�c�•�I�� � �T�P�i'JdnF� T't°'�. �.67�31T�� � �d7!la.. 1�.�' - �.�' `�I�t.�, C:l�l..� . � Mg� E�l1�°P,c�!t� �Ntt� �IG�tU,�3w�Pl ��`�' �Ril✓11�l� p��F�INt� � �I�� �',pdC� �d��tG c� �lt� �i'i 'tl� t7'Pt-I�� ', �� �,`t� fi51t�� 1�'s ��.,.�`i'. �7tC..���'3� � �T,Q�dI°J�,�D � �� URA�11`1 C�Y• � I�,�`dT��'�`�' I��VI�WEP: � t�d�1' •E--�.�'� �RaJ��T Na.:a�-�t �L1�'��. ��I�TI�I'�7E��i�G ��V'�. ENGIN�ING�D�LOPM�A7T SEHVICE� �SU1��YfN� ���+�.�. i�1� — aF'k"ICE 503-�452-��JQ3 +FA� �A�--•4452-�FaQ43 PLAZA �VE�ST�3UITE 2a0 s 4i60A SW pAK �P02�2TL�In,OFc 97223 . e �� d�m�n�t��t�� �y ��� ��hi�i�, t�� fu�ctio�a� �h�xa�teri��i�� �f t�� ��op��ed �tr��� ��ceeds t��t �� t�e City�� ���r�n� lo��� �t��et ���nd�r�� a� i� rela��� �om ' �e �umb�� �� on-�t�e�� �ar�ing s�a�es pex ��i�. 2. �zdth of �r��i�g �x�� �� "�l�a� z���°° ��� l��al ��affa� �.�d ����c��r��� ��r�r�.�� �r�h.a.�l.��� 3 m �1���ance b��we�n �znp�ov�ments �raci �.h� �i�h�-°es�°�ray 1�.ne. 4. p�c3e��,ri�n t�avel o To �ec��i�e th� cu�r�r�t �taa�da�c� imprav�m�:n� �f a. 5t� �oa� vaic�� � ri.ght-o��°�r�y s�nd 34 ioa�t ��d� ��.�e��. wc��a1� �reate ��.n�����ar� �.ar�i��.ip �n k�a�h the appl�,cant ane� �a��.� by: 1. F2ec�u�.ra.ng� t�i�� ���1�.Gaa�t �cs �n��sx �.dc�a,.i:.�r�n�l r��ve�.�g�m�rxt ���t� r,uit�. � va�,de�c stx�e� �r��i �r��l�t-c�f-�rr�.y�, �'��-� ��y also ��qui.r� u��i�ing c��'aa.n�c�� ��.��-�.,.��-�� �ra �.ccaar�•a�d��e th� inc��a�e i.re s�orxa `vat�r ��nc�f�a 2 r Rec�uire *�.h� �.i�y �o anain��.in �a.gh�-�f-�a�y �n€i facil.�t��.e� �}��� ar� �i.z�c� 3axg�r than n�ce�����. i �ax �x�r.ar�rF 'th� grc�g��ec�. ��.r��t doe� a�ca� ��c��fice �.�y �f �Yxe i a.r��:���i.t� s�� �h� �a.-t�°s �ta�x�nt s��ncl��� �.nd aa� x��st c���� ������� �h� C.����� ��a�.da�e3� �a� a.ddatzs�x, �c� ��g�i�°e �l�e e;u���n�. ��az�da�cl in ��.�s �a�r���ulax� cz�cu�ns�a�n�e �a��alc� ��:���� ua��xe���s�� �i�rci��a�.p � c�n �Srth th� �ppl�.��n� a:xd th�: �,i�gr o l.g._16�1� Su�dz.v.��ian Applicat�at� A11 subn«.��i.an. r�quir�ment� sai�3. �� adcire���c�. ae�� ��� wh�;r� app��.�aY�l� to ��xi�� ��v��.o�m�n�e V�.ri.az�c�� ar� �eld�e���� a�x� ��c�xa�. �.�a134e � SOT,AR_�CC��� 12E�tJIR�1�iFNTS TYx.�s �p��.a.c�.�ic�ri is for � 29 lc,t subdaw�.��c�r�m �h���fcar� €��3� ag �4 � l��,s xaa�x�t caznply �i��h ��lar ��c�s� �����.��z��z�t�Q O£ ��.e��, 3 °� �I l�t� 3�g �1, a�ac� 52 �.�� �xemptec� b���us� c�f ara �a�t°�r����t �lo�� of �I c�x�e�t�r �h�r� 20� I O� •t�e ���t�:�rs�.n� 21 la•t� �k�a�. ��.s�r �omp�.y Z� ���� �r�.t�i tY�e ba��.� �e�ui��me��ts �a� �. 30 ' ��.c���.�-se�ea�l� ri�an�n5i.e�n, ansi a frQn� }.�x�� � ca�a��a���.�.��r� �i�h�.i� 3(? �eg�e�� caf t�u�� ��nstA�,a��� �e�����m T�.��� �° �.�'�.^'`r e�.�t� �.C�i�.�i ��°'�7 q ��.'���� s�.l�C� �1°�s�a � I � Fcs�° �,c��s 38 �n�. 4�, pro��r°���i �ol�.� bui.ld�.x�c� 1�..n�s ��n b� ���1�.�d, :� '�a�a�v�r �h� t��z�� �a�d'. �e'� �ac}: (20' ) �ss ���h �,�� a.n ��n�u�c��c�n ' � wvi�.�. th� righ�--of°-vaa�� utidth (4U ` ) arid �th� fro�t y�ard ��tb���s s�f I � �he laics ta �he ��r�th (20 ` ) suxn tc �0 ° th���£o��o �a�c�a�e tlg� �.Q�d , � �or a �o3.�ar pro��c:ta.r�n �.�.r��m Th�x�for� le�s th�n 20� �f �h� �rapra��d, 29 lo�s �1� a��� ���t��-� �ith. �o].a� access stanc�a.aed� th���fc�r� �hi� a�pli�a�t�.t�n m�e�s �o�.az' r�qu�.x°��n.en�.s o 10 , , � � ���i���.,:��'� �a �d9���i'1����s ���. 1'Ft�I��P'Ai��'�TI6�6� F"�.ARfiVi6Vd�1Ti��F'FBC �OVCI�9��Rit�� 610 S.W.ALDER,SUITE 700 • PORI'LAND,OR 97205 • (503)228-5230 • FAX(503)273-8169 � 1l�.�a�•ch 8, ].993 Pxoject I�1a.: ].��S.Oa IVIr. Marl� P. €�,oci�well 16325 �.W. Boon.es �'erry I�,oad I.ake �swegu, Oxegon 37�35 ' SU��CT: Review of Circulation I'lan for ths Proposed Ames Orch.ard 2 �ubdivision l�e ar 1V�r. �toekwell: �]V�e ha�=s had an opportunity to review the �►relzmznary subdi'vision Iayout �.nd traf'fic circu�atirsx� plam for yaur propose� resid�ntzal dev�lopment, Ames Orchard. 2. �u.rthermox��, vve have ex�mined the City of Tigards�I�Ior�heast 13u1�1 tllountain �'rar2sporta�ian �5tudy to detex•znine how va�°ious f'uture roadway alternatives might aff:ec1; "through" traf�.c volumes vvithi�x your r�.evelopment and �h� existing L�me� Orchard 1 subdivision x�esiclents. �s we lxad discussec�, tlie major issu� of concern bg� the city of Tigard staff and you:�self is ��.� extension oi a publi.c stre�t through �he prope;.ty to connect �aarde 5treet to �3uI1 Mountain 7R,oad. In ��n�:ral, this ex�ension i� proposed ta join.with. S.VV. I�azelhill Drive which curr�ntls= gnes tl�roug�. an e�i.�ting residential r,�igh}�c�xh���i as we?J. as �our new c��velop�.nent. No nne advocaQ�es a di.ree� ��ctez�sion of S.�V. ].2Zs�; Avsz7ue. Also, �aath you and the Ci.t��'s staff agxee tha� i,his �xten.�ion should noi be made un.til at lea�t on� c�'the ath.er new no�tki-sou¢h xoad�ra,ys to the west of'this area tha� als€� connects the Gaarde StreetJIYiuszay Bo�alevard extension to �uil 1Vloun.tain Road (suc�i as 135t;h t�v�nue) has be constructed and operating as �n established connection far a minimum of several months to a y'ear. Th.� pr.ixmasy differe�ce in the cit�r sta�'s circ:ulation plan an.d your groposed plan is k�ozv and wherx a future conne�t3on is mad�. Y�alrr d�velc�pn�ent plaxz� s�ao�� tha,t if this extensiara �ccurs it waulcl be �referable to be offset �ast of 121st .Avenu� and be mat�e tllraugi� adjacea�t parcels to the east af�our site. The �i�y of Tigard st�ff has reca�zmeTided that�his exi;ension b� through your pi•oper�y of#'set to tile west and align with the access to the ra�w Vis9;a I'ai�t development on tlze na�th side of d�aarde S�xeet. '�T� have s�;o�en to the City �f Tzgard Plax�.nz�g Staff aa�d tl�ey�.ave identi�iecl thr�e raad�vay design critexia/standards that are relevant to the need for exte�ding 121st Avenue anr� ho� this shou�d be accoanpiished. The first standard is the Cit�s requirenaent that cul-de-sac� should z�o� �xceed 400 feet in length. gi,egardiess whia� of the above future :oadvvay connections to Gaarde �treet i� uitzmately c�nstructer�, the iYatea•i3n rc��.dut�.y netvv�r�tivi�thin the AYnes Opch�rd 2 development will fo.rm a largE cul-de-sac unti]. this car�necting roadw�3�is constx°ucted and op�ned. One of the gr�mary rea�on� f�r concern�vzth lang cul-de-sacs is that it will in.crease tra�rel times for emergency velxicle acces�. As a slaort-t�x�n alternativ� ax�d to BELLEW E • PO�iTLARID � SACRAP�ENTC3 � l d �o �,taC�:.W211 �arch 8, 19g3 Pa�s 2 adeirsss this eancern, it is x�QCOaxxmende:d that for fre and sa�"�t�vehicl�� as well as an a�menity, you mig�� cnnst;r�ct a wide coin�a.natian eara.�rgen��v�h3ele �as�z�xer�4; �nd pedestrianJbicycle trail �h.at w�uld connect yo�zr devel�p�xaen�with Gaard� Stx°e�t. '�his path Frroul� prnvide a s�ireet pa�ia far �ed�estri�ns and bicyclists aiang�he 1�1�4;Av�nue coi°ridsar tc� $ull �ouz�taixa ff�,�ad a�ad tk�e adja��nV res�.d+�n��.al areas, bu�; �not �ll�sw r�gn..lar v�hicular f;raff°ic. �'his path uroulr� al�o b� canstrvcted to accomn�ac�date erxiergen��ve�xicles a�a�.d xnixaimize �heir travel p�atlx to a crisas. In the future, this path would pi•ovYde loca.l residen�ts an. acc��s to a�y fu.�ure 'I'ri-Me�b�.s service that n�z��ht be provid�d alon� ��a� 121st.P�venue/Caarde �t�r�et Co�riclor. Th� secor..d ordi�aance is t�e City �f`�i�ax�'s �ilock� �}�aciaa� �ta�adard wl�ieh z�eq�ai�res t��t , bloc'ks shall no� exceed 1,200 f�ei im length. �r� th� sout�a side of�'raard� �t�ee�, th��earest �, street to the eas� is 117th Aver�ue, approximately 1,UQfl fe�t a�ray. �°o th��rest, �he ne�res� �I street on the south side of Gaarde Stxeet will k�e cons'crtxctacl as par� of the nevv �oadw�y I project ea�tendin�' GaGrde �treet and is 1zl�eiy to b� ei'th�r an �cc�s� to a £t�tur� d�vels�p�P�t �ir �I a new extensinn of 132nd Avenue, approximately 1,OOQ feet a�ay�. �k�e purp�se of��gis stand.are� is to pravide a co�nplete �treet n�twork s�stem wi$h coxYxiec:ting road�a�ys. HaFVev'er, I t�is standard recogn.zzes that the �xa�:� spaein.g dirnesasion �aay aso� a1�ay� i�� �x��c�ical due �c� ; �o�ogra�►hy, tr�f�c circ�a�ata.ori9 aYY(� SI�e E�85Y�I3 CQ3151C��3'3�10I15. R�gc`dY'C���5u =,vh�ch �f�ks.e 121s� Avenu� extensi�ns desez•i�aed abc�ve is constr.ucted, the �esultin� �tr��� ��+��in�'wi.11 �ike3.� on.ly meet the crite�°ia in one airectiox�., but a�c�t ua the other direction. In g�n�z'al, ea�hex r�p�ion wii� i n�eet the obj�ctive of this sta�.zclarr�. 'Phe. over�iding cansideratior� �houi�.'a� the e�f�c� �sf this r�aavvay on i�raf#"ac us�ng this roadway to cut �hrough to Bull 1V�au.n��irx�aad and i�s rx�paet �on th� reszd�n�i�.l areas as detailed below. '.�he tl�ard criteri,� that Ss meievan�t is the �i�y's Coa��r��.e�siv� Plar< wniLh s�ecifi�s �l�a� t�� average daily traffic volumes on. local raadways, sucka as �Iazelh�.li �lrive, shoulr3 no� e:��eetl 1,500 vehicl�s. Th� cur�r�nt average da�ly traff'ic vo3ume on�Iaz��hall�a�ive is pa°nbal�l� les� that 30� �rehi�ie�, based �agozx trip gen�ratia�z �s�imat�v frr�m f;k°s� �nstitut�; of'�'r�.sport�.tic��z �n�;in��r's �'ri�r Gsnc�r�tiora Repoa�, 5th, �dstior�, �7u�°iaxg tk�� a.�. ox°ya.m. �eak hc�u�, less th�n 50 vehic3.es probably travel a�i this �tx�et. The traffac analysis perforlsaed in the �ull Matu�taar�'T.ransp�ortati�zzi St�.s�y iaat�i�ates that if the e�zteaas3�� nf�aW. I�1st A�venaae is cons�ructed as a dipect ror.�.te, it would fii�ctian as a na�jor collecto� rc�ad.way. �lepen.cling on�rhat othe� noxth-sou�h ra�dvvays �re canstx�cted in �he � �'utur�, it �vas ���imated thut the e�tensiou of 121�t.h,�r�nue wo�alcl att�ac� 6Q0-8t70��hicl�s � �.uz�.n.g th� €iesigxs pe� hour and appx•�xirnatel�� S,�QQ-�,00�ve�icles throu�hout fh� d�� {��� � atl;aci�e� �ip-ures). 'I'his levei o£t�a�c far e�c�s�5 �;he tmaf�ic v�lu�e crzte�ia for a I�cal stre�t. � Ii�:areovex°, ��e de�agn o£�-Iaz��iill I3rive and its ����� in�ersec�io��t� �o�^;�I�.s ��aart xna�e it :�a rznsa�itabl� �o a�.commodate thes�vn3um�s. � '� �s desc�bed. in the Bull l�i[cux���in Transpox�tatian Study, tka� d'axe�9; exten.sioza mf�.21st�.v�mu� � vvould be tk�� xnast attracti.ve route, from purely a r�inimum �x�a�ve� t��� �ta.nclpo�n.t, f�r v�hicle� headi.xYg north-sou�h t�xroug� the s�;ud3� a�°ea. Howev�;r, the �tu�.� a�so xecfl�ized t�a� a direci; coarnection would lik�ly hav� envzranz�a,�ntal i�p�.cts an th� Iiva�zli�J af tk�e ��is�:xxg residentiai �rPas be�aveen �aarde 5txeet �d Bull IVlount�in 1Zoad. �asee� an all of the pr�teax�ia3, iuip�cts, it is evident va�iy �he �ull I�ou.�.t�in �tusigp stron�'1� c�nclude�. ��at "'th� — — e , !� 1Wy. F�v�kvvQll M�r�c�a 8, 1993 ', 1'a�e 3 i, I 121st Av�n�e extension vvas not an acceptal�le �it�rnative. It appe�rs to �reate subs�anf�ial d��rimental impacts without �chie�ving the ba��efits that�ad been ��spectedo" I Furt�iermors, the 121st Av�nue ext�msion did not xeducs the x°oadvc�a�impr6vements x°�quired to ac�ommodate futura volum.es or the need i•'or other nevv roadways pro�osed ix� the �ull M�untain Study. }�ased or_ the above, it is i�i�hly likely that any roadway sys�tex�i �ha�forms a cc�nn�ction �iet�ue�� 121st Av�nue aixd Iiull Moun4;a�in Ii,oad�vill attract sign.ificant volYxaaie� of trafi"ie, E,ven if i� xs �csrnewl��t inc�irect. Your proposal to pxovide ffor a future �onn.e�tian tc t�� px°oper�y tQ ihe east is a viable c�ptio�. �t is not lilAel��t�at tzze parcels t� t�xe east v�il�, be deve��g�ed�`c�r at lea�t 5 y�ars. 7'his wi�l gco�ide a xzatural period fo�° �he �City ar.rl oi;hers t� �c�nstructed the grQ�¢�se� raadveJay improv�ments �a the v�est of"th.e area vrrhich will ixiclud� ot�a�r conn�ctio�s to Bull Mauntain Road. When the property to t�ie �ast is developed, �t ���id simply connect to tkxis roa�way and pravide an acc�ss to (��arde �treet. `�Y�is �vaoutd cxeat� � conrxectioxz betw'een 121st Avenue a�nd Bull Mor�ntaizi Ftcsad as discussed ab�ve aazd traffic alo�g thi� road�wa� shoulrl be xnonito.red. ' The prm�c�s�d �oadvvay netvvorl� for�tie t�xx�es OrcYxaxd 2 s�bdiv�ision provides 5everaZ ac�"v�ya.ta�es av'er the circu!�ti�n p.laaa gropo5�d by the City nf Tiga�d. First, the scheme pxoposed ��,y ths �Aty�iN directly opposite �he main �ntrance �o tih��ista Poix�t developrn�n.t I and ��1 erxca�.�rage �hes� residents �o use this �o�.d�ayT �s a cut���.a•c��xgln rout� to Bull �ountain 1`�o�d. Second, Ioc�tirag tl�is coaznectirz�roarld�r�y t� t�e �a�t�,xriil not be th�.t a�tractive to vehicles sou�hbound oxa 121st.Avenue com�a�xea to a w'e5t�rn location b��cax�se ' � �el�icles w'ill hav� to travel o�,it of direction (�a�terly�rst th�� w�sterly?via a left �ur.n C�'ather �h.an .ri�ht) t� �et �U thi5 corznection. '�hzrd, havin�tl�i� conn�ctiun ts� �Ixe aa.�t will anarease ' travel tixnes for clat-tkirough traffic. VShi.cles tuFnzng'Ieft (ea�tbouxid) at tl.a.e ne`v srgaaali�e� ��.ard� 5�reet�l�lst.�i��enu� "T" intersec�iorx w�ill e�peri�rac� �i�ific�.ntly �:c'�a�er t�ela�s t�azz veYucles tua-r..ing rig�bt (vaest�iouizd). Co�sequently, th� locatio�i tv the �ave�t�rap�sed b�the �ity wi.11 i�e xnoxe at�rac�iv� to v�hicles wanting to trav�l �o �ull Mou.n�aia� C�,�ad. Also, �a�ar pro�ao�al is t�ore cir��zitcsus tha�. �he �claenxe �aro�osed�y the C�a�y. a I� cox�r,lusion, it is e�ear that �ny connection b�tween G�ax°de �tree+ a.��.d �,a�l Prlountaiai Roac� must be carefully considered. �'urthermare, �k�e scherr�� t�aat yoix have pxcsposed tm accoa�p�ish this �onnection to the e��t of t�ie site appears to kset�ex• �erve ��.e overall circial�tiox�z�eeds of t�c; ;m.ffi��lxa�e axea thaxx the caiinectzax� to tlx��est. �d�I1�n 'chis con.ziec�;ioa3 a� ma.de, �he other xmg�av��ent� and n�w �-o�.dwa,ys recQ�amended 'an ti�e �ull Ntountaizx Study shoul�.bP constrc�cted, operating as an est�blished canne�tion �t�r a rnini��am af several naontl�s to a y��r, �.'he volzxmea on �iaz�lh�l �7rive g�ioulc3 b� Fnonitore3. If spee�iin�n��u�s a� the vc�lu��s exc�ed S,ypical levels, then tra.#�ic; calniing measur�s suck� as up�ed uxiduJ.ations or traf.fic circles maight be implementect. If the volum�s ar.�ves°�l�igh, i;hen thzs cor!�n�etinn. � A � 1VS. �c&�vvell �ax.r�h �, 1933 Pa�e 4 xn7gh�� �ven b� cl�sed o� rnmvesn��a�s k�e Iirx�i�e� at �aarde atreet to fnrce �ehi�les ont� the apprce��riate nortP�-s€�ut� calle�tor�r�adwag�s. If grQ� �iav� �ny �qu�stion� mr c+smsa�.ezata �bout the infarnyation in thxs l�t�er �ar o�a�° ' �v�luatiom �f tl�� reaults mf t�e BuIJ. Mountain �tudY, Please �cont�et x�e a�i�eet'lg�. �i�c���13'y � ,l��� . �atsian, �'.�. .� p�� , H:\P�i3Ofl�il��\�015\�O�ROC�.LTFi, . ' . . , � � � o � ' , � ���i� � � � I c'p+ � o °°� -� �.�n � � � � I �� I . ' . ���t3 � �• � °� II 0 � . ��� � � .a. � ri . . � � � °^^m,:......�., � � I � � � • . i � � , � � + 4�D 1L r �' � �°���9 °���/ � ��"�. ��J�� �i/�. � �! l�A �, � I �-�`. � '`°`� �' �4 � �- ar� � ° � ����' �I ra .� � � � � 5lP�l. 429St '� _ �g� I i �i�. � � , � � �s�r► ��.z� �s�o � � ,� �� ��� . J�2� � � � I po _ � �� I cf� �'t'�• .� ` �°'� ��o � ✓,_..' k_°,—��'� II � � d I 12��h �. ' a.�+f. Av e_ ~ �,�" .._--�-�...`.-�-. � � I �s� �� '� �a� '`� � � �i � � � :� e `� � �• � - � � ;Vt� 131s4 `" 't . �,J p � •- S1h. • �.�v�. I �Q� ��� ��r!_ l3�rd Ave. a�'� � � � '�-�, ��� .._.r.o''� �`'°° il Siff. 135�t� A ,�a — •-- •••...�--" '-'� � �O ' 3gfD ],,�i�s0 � � c� � � I � � � ._.,_.... •_ • •� � ._...—.._..�. a� �`�' la" °``•• ... / - ----..�..._r,.,,,....--.. ,.✓ I O ^�` 'T3 U �'� W �� � ��. ���5� �Ve._ '� I � - �P ( �-°- s.�aa W I ��� S �''` � �_ tl--°--�...� c.�G�`s .'�`...-C`� � � 1�Z� ��.t �� ._.,-'� � � •.•-v..___....�{�' � � y � 1 � �-��..� ......�---�..� �,. . � � ...� Sunrise Lr�. �1�f. l��fh ve. 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S�A L> . � �c�� � 6 ,�y � � „-._. �co _°' ° �` ,w,���t� �� • ��d� � �rn / N ���� � �.- a.8+� '� °�, � --- _.. :� �v�. ,�, -.� �, � �, I !� 3so � \ ''� � �1�ca / � . , �' � �. ��� �,�' / �i/11. 131st . ry VP. � ��`V�'. ' � ��° SVJ. 133rd �.vc�. �.�° ,a, � ' �"� ''�_..,� aoa � S.�d. i3�i h ^+ _._._.._.__.____...._...--•.•--o-°'� ' �60J ��AiJ ^ JJV ••� �N' •••\ � v.' � `7 � IN C 1 .� �.. r4 �4 ��_ •� o� -- - �� • '-�� � •�_.. q,�...,re.... q � `�'� � � � ��. 5��5� �V�. � � ��� 9�Q � '�*' �r— \ � �--"�.-.......� �fja��� � r....� � O �� �L°r � ,r' �• •------�_. I 'A��' �d� r ..�-'� � .p �l '�p / o .� �..-�-_-�. �._..---...,�� r ....w.,�.•. S�rarise l...n S.VJ. 1504'r� ve. O • ,p s�p '-� x� �o °� ��s a � � �. ° � �, .�_,....�... � "`'�. .-k -..�-N_�-.�-� ��l�.��ur Tr��fi� �c�(u�e� �uiic� - �►�� �����i€�r� �� �3�t1 �lloun��dr� 1�2�� �4'�� ��V��C)t� - °frar����rt�ti�r� ���ud� c - �o �tY'iT� �12`� �°T' �'U'f�� ��N�r�� , i �" • � � � . .� �e I p�C�� � � f..�� � p �! • '� � � � . � �! O n � � ��� � w�^• �. ��� � � ' �, QP! �f�, p � ' � O � �e? � ' � � II ra --•�e.._._,<, rp . ,o... � � � � .. � � � „ � � ' � � g �� ' � �� ,g'I.r I � �- �.�fV. ii�$f! AVB�..'. ,� I � b,a �I . "" �,aca � I � � � � I� u� �n aw I � ' ,�1. i21s� � � � ��,�,� � -4�. �� � � .� �aes s�ao ,�� '� � ��o �• �a�ra c � a �� ��� � �'� a� � � a� •. � � , `�G ,,�,.,,�'�, � � ��,�. �de9 i.VY. t�.�4h _ x�.t�+� �`�.�.� � 35C3 i��f� Q ...� �� � � 0 � , � N � � � � I -- \°�pI ` 1�2►�d°° �/. I�ls�t O`� .�'Y. � � ��4 x Ave. � �° ��1l. 1�3rd Ave. �� ���e. °� � �`w. �'��...,� ��� �Y1'. l3�th � ... .:._.--...�-. ��s� � 5so '� � -..� ; v �' � � � � � y...,.,, ,�, ...�... c� � � �-_..� � ,� --_._..._._,..,.-_... ....�..�__._...�' ,,, � a `S�t,. � ^``'�.....�.- � �.Y�. ��4!s4 Ab�. � , � c� �sra ! �'�O tiS'c �� � � .� a�i �--�.._..` i h°°�/� . �'°���� � °� � ��� �. ! � `��� .� ��'>;� �� "`�...�,-�... ' i � �� � � ' �a .,� .. � — �.�� �� ���. .�`' , � ����..--°� � -�. . �. Sunrise t�� a."�N. I�C3th v� �:. � a ��° �`'°- ��a �o � ��a� � � ° c� ..a °° .�r � w \...^�„....�... � � '`���.. ; --���-...�—...-� ���� ��c,e� �'r�ffi� '�`ralc�rr►�� f�l� ��i! k�fa��r����� �o,��t� �- Qi�� ���a�i����ra �2�°`�"&� .�"'�"�� �;�`�"��V�It�t� �r�ar���ae�r���se�r� ��tu��r � — �.�. �1`�f 12�'��" i��`T'�I��1C�t� � � � ��� s����/ c:ur.�.� � i � fl ����+ /� ����� �� � To: Yigard Citv Planninq Comma�sio�s Frama Ames Oa�ehard P�neneowners ASSQ�1e'i'� 1qP'1 Re: ��a�i1 a, ].�93 Hearir�g of 'Taqard Planning �Commi��ic�n Zc�r�� C:hanc�e ir��n `��--OOO� tWC"!'N1 2S1, ItJ ��, �'ax l�a� 60t73 �tppl ieant R�b�r� Rm�s/R�a�kwcl �. Appliea�t s�Pks to re?on� over 12 acres �ram R--2 to R-3d�. Th� , ��:af�f �eport� r�c�mm�r�ds t6��t the re��.�s� be approved, contr�r�a to ,, the v��camm�nr�at ion of the Nr 0 lVae 3. The t�F'C� recammendeo tf�a� ' �the ap�lacatdon �� dgrtied u�1�ss ��se r�l��t�d �a�ndinc� 5ubdivi�ie�n li d�U� 93°-�?nOti43 �-�qu€��t xs apprav�d �rit� r�n CCat�i��C� 1C7f1 �o �mes � Grch�rd. C�ee NPO R�inu�t�� ei�ted �1�,r�h 179 2���3 . ! Ames Orcharc� {-{om�o4.rrter7 Assoc iat ion r�ppn�ses the zc�ning req�est b�cause it faiis �� �ati�fy the s�:and��-ci� far such changes as o�equir�d irs �ectian 1�022. 04Q � of t�e Gc+mn7c�r�i,ty T7�v�le�pt�en� �Qdeo 8�ore sp�cifically, th� change �o a �reater d�nsit�� wa11 "advev�s�ly affeet th� h�alt�, �af�+•t�r as��i �a�l far� '° o�' th� �,mes i�v-��ar�d n�ighbc�nc�,ado The staff r�pc�r� �lai�ns ���� tF�e e�ange a�c,�1�4 �eat �ausc� "sie�nifieant �+��rl�adin� oa� �ar�s��� �ondi� iar�� an �tr��t� ��v-vxng fu�ure dev�lapment +�f �F�� �i�e�°� �2�.� a�c�taA�! r���rl�r traple t9�� n�amber r�fi v�hi�1�� cirgvan� �Cl�r�rug4� �tm�� �r�h�rci �ach ciaym �34 naw ver�u� 670. Wi�h �h� s���p ����et� Cgx��d�s in �xc�ss a$ 1��) � �ha�-p �urnsy an�l hic�� �l�u�tirr�, �h�s� �-oad� are h�:zardou� witF� �Fs� �Yes�n� 1ev�1 of tv-af f i� $ �ra pl.� th�� amou�t wi7. 1 n�c��sarily �rasticall� affect �i�� hsp�lt�P s�f�ty �nd w�I f,�re of �lmes Qr�hard. 'fh� stafif r°�por� main��xn� th�-� F'dan Policy 2. � . � is �a�:rsfi�d b�c�u�e C I'� AZ�''PI ir��,ut was p�rmatted. Inp�a� �ay P�aa*e be�n permi.t�ed, �ut ���ff fails ta includ� fQ� ti�� C�mr�z��ion9s revi��s �he re�ommenciatior�s against �h� �aning by t�� NF'�e If �he �ity �lan� ta pay mc�r°e tha� li.� servicP �a th��e palici��9 a �tf�caugh� ful r�spr,rraE to the i�Pq �ecartsme�tdatit�ns is r�c�uic��d. €�n increase in xoning f�om i��2 tc� R-�,5 �+auld viol��e �'al. acy � �r. �e 1 whicP� r�quir•�s that °`within t�� ��s�tabl i�i��d �r��s9 ��w � �3evclapment wil � b� o�' the �ame ?c�p� anrl d�n�i�ty ir� order �a � pro�ec� t�e c�ar,�cter of exis� ing n�igh�s�rv�ar+da. " t���s �rch�rd, whieh is �c�r�ed R-1 shares the s�me se� b�`k�, arsc� th�e ��m� � cQnditi�nal us�s ,as ttie exi�ti�� R-� zanirrgq thu� �av-��ec� ing th�� � charact�r of Ames Clrchar�i, �A zonii�g cPian�e �ca t2°3oS, how�verp � wQUld nr�t an1 � result ir� si�nzfir.�r�t�y gr�a��r siensity ou� e�f xe,! � charact�r �ai�h our �djaaning neic�.�+borhao�i9 ��a�mit� in� �hov-ter s�tbacks from tti� fi�ont ar�ci back of the pr�opertao 1 irs�s, tru� woulci also �11r�w dra�tically d� fferer�� ec�nd�� i�r�al uses, inclue9i�eg "�uplexe:s, mobil� hom� parks and subdi�ri�i,onsF iibr�ar���sp hp�pitaJ.s, and cemeter-ies. " l'� permi� such a xan� �hang� ad,iacent to our R-1 neiqhborhaad would be � fl.agr�nt �inl �� ac�n �f tf�e letter �nd spirit of the CAtyFS pQlica.ea in Ce �. l , 6.�A2, and E,. 3. 3, whieh require a Rradual change and m�ndat� tha� ". . oa primary con5ider�tion of the city shall b� �o pres�rve and �, �� . M ��� � �nhan�e t�� char�c��r af th� ad,jae�nt esta�li�h�d �reaso " T�� staff r�port ciaim� that the "schaal Bi��p-iet �as not specifical �y cc�mm�nted" abaut th� impact �f propo�ed ze�ne cE��,ng�. �'I�is in��r�pretat �on is sQmewP��t misleadin�» Th� ��P�oa1 eiid �'�'�l��►�� �nd r���ed tha� wi�h �snly the �a��,�ased t� ac�d�ti�nal I h�au�e� �uilt°—nc�� th� 44 that wouD.ef b� �ev��;i���ib�� u�e��r t�� �or�e �i�ar�g�"���sso3 ��p�ci�y fw��.dlsi b�) �xc���e�d " 1'9�a� s�a�um�nt i� in �P�� stat�'� t'i�.eo Lat�r in tP�e r�p�ar-t , wF��n consid�ranc� th� requf����n�� a� �,�yc,�� zc�n�l �riteria sreq�,aar���} i►� Foli�y 12a � �nsl follnwing, sta#f c�deir��s�+� �his is�su�� ar�d sugg�sts �ha� tF�e problem can b� s�lv�ct by �i�ifta.�g sc�ool t�aund�rz�s fo�- ��� g�a,�� sc�rc�o1 . When �iP�� �choc�� sii.�s,trict states that 23 ha���s wglx �xc��d its c�p,��ifiYs t�e Gfty F��s an obli�ation to ���ec+� it�e �o���''g taecaus� "�xis�tine�'_' ffacil i�ies dt:> na� .h�ve th� c�p��x u�, .�� h�ndl� �i�h��r �9 ar �h� �oas�iE�le 44� morQ r��ici�nc��. 4��1 i�y 12�. �a i (�) (�, C�3 requires that "exist ing fac iY it ie� p��v� �p�� ��pacity� fa� addi� ion,�l �9ev�l�rpmenta '� Tnclur3�d in �h� �'c�l �.cyg� €��gi�►ition o�' "�xi�ting faciTiti��" �� w�t�►�, �ew�,P and �rai��q�a f,�� 12o �a 1 �n� fa�Towiea�e ) °�h� �ia��v�d �J�c�er J��s�ri�� nc���d ir� i�� �'�L�uas�y 1�, I�'�� d�t�t�a� �;h�� �h� '°�Pa�er sn�ir� e�i�not ��P�ZY �d�q�s�t� o��t��- pe����ur� �'car �;his c��v�lc��m�n� 9 �� ,�rs� tha� t67e d�velaper �nu3� Ea� r����r�d �a .ioira � wa��r� �r�ir� 7� fee� �as� of th� p���,��r�y, �'�� l�tt�r- c�nclud�d ��►�� "e�v�r� th�u�� ��� Wager IJistrict ia ncat �cat�lZ�r �PP�s�'d ta t��� d�v�la�srr�erot , �p�� d�ve2�pPr sho�� d b� ��§�rs�c�d af the �xistinc� facil itz�� �nd t?�� rc�e� far �rotec�zs�� ���m. e� W� uY�� th�� �h� �olf�i�� �nd phalasap�� s�t; ��rw�r ia� th� '�a�,�rcd �asnpr�h�ns�v� P1�¢� r�ar�d�t� a r-�,i�c� a.on c�� �@�� ��rs��� r�,g�a�s�� . Th� �'acil iti�s c�r�nat �upport �uch an in��-easa�. Compr�h�nsi�� �'2�� �nd •��� �ead� r°�qiair� �h� �zty ����pra��c� �s�ab� zsh�ei n�ic�6�Paorhoac6s. Ci�r �a�'�ty, h�,�I�� �r�c! w�I f�r� y��,�I� �� j��par-diz�d �y a ��ange ir� zaninc� fv-om f2-2 �o R�e�, �srici w� ur�� t?�a�t •th� planning eammissi�n r�jec�: a�,�� icar�tp� r�€�u�s'cm Re�pECtfully submittecl, � � Am�s C�reh�rc! H��ec�wn�rs Assoc ga� i a�n � � � � ' � W � , I� II II I ' li I AC�IJD�A T'�TYi 5.2 I I I �7�"AL�'�' 1tEPOB?� TO '.�HE E�LE�aEdAIY1VG CC3�INd���I��d ��7�F�a� 33r�`��a M�NDAX APRyT, 5, 1�93 — 7 e�t? p.m. 'i x�a�t�ra� a�c�►�xssraz �aG�,rara �z�� �s, -� �sr�ra� t�z.z�, ', 1�125 �ia EiR4Z,� HL�. T��Pa�, €��t 97223 I I. 3LJ�7C ��' TE� ��YY��T II � I ca�s�o �� �zx�:� r�c�,2 �v��sx�isac�ra I Subdi*�is�ian �C;m 33-0002 � � V'�ri�nc� V�`s ���C?�04 �� I � �*J'MRiA��LYa Th� �.p�li�an� �°e�a�t� �ea�ad.�vl�s.on pr�lisn�.���y gsl�� �p�Or�sval �cs I� ��.��de a 12.c� ta�re p����l i��s� 29 ls��� �anqing ix� �si�� b���e�n '�, 1�,011 to �?,09� �qba�re f�st. p►ax 8,�3�� �s��.�z�� ��o� ���c� trac� ' ira�er�ci�d �ca is�cl�ade a w�t�r �u��.i�y fa�ili�y i� ��.�c� �+xapcs���e �ar�.mnc�e havre b���a �ca�t�va3���d �ca ��e�cmrani.�w EY���3,c��tn�a1� �Crst3�a ����i.�xt I I1$.169�.�3� ta �llaw � 2� too4 wid� curP� tc� c�xrl� �aa�d lwc�l s�r�e� (t��tatively ra�n�sd V�.��� �a.r�1�: csn �c�sa pxel�.anis�az� gla�� csi�hir� a 4Q I fodt w�.c3e �3.��a�-•r��wcv��y wh.����s �tii�a �cs�le 5����.o� z��e�ezi��� �. 3�# f+��� I � w��i� ��xe8�. vr3.th.in a fis�r� fr�c�� uvid� riglx�mc�£—ca�y. In ad�itiax►R �h�a �� � appl�.can4; re�u���.� a �'ariarac� t;s� Cc�s�� ����ic�sz lg,3.fi4.0°F�9.�.P� �or I � �hi� sacn� 1��p ��r�e�t tcx ix��z�a�.�. �id�w��,�. c�n].�r nn �I�� o�.��i.�� o� �Iaa li �o�p ��c�e�t wYzar�a� �hi.s Got�e ��a�io�a requirs� e��cl�c�ral.k� r�iz �csth � �3.dl�m e�f �.oa�.�. �tr�aots m A.Fak'T�I�34,�d�'s x3oks�ia:'t �m�e ����V'!".�1pF�� �s�c�in���i.a�z� (��e.s �iark Idackra�ll) (M�a^ls �D�a��fR�.rady �7.���cay xm325 �W EBaors�s Ferr� 96�i3 ��7 �ak � La}c� �sweg�o, OR 97�i:�5 �f.g�rct, C�Ft �'?223 i m C1WW�IERs Rob�ert PAm�e Lc3CATItZI�: South of the ixntexs�c�ion �f NW 122c�t 3�venu€� a�ad 5T+7 Ga�r�le Sicreet, nortta o� the F�ene� archard �uladivisic�ra. FRC31��FtTY' I��SC�;I�'7CT�I�7: GJCT1�1 �S1 1(?BB, �aas lo't �00 j C�MPIBE%�P7��V3�1' �I,Ta.33 D�52GidATLOYV: Low I�enr�it� 12e�i�.ential I �orr�rrt; n�sx���.Tgo�ta �€—� `1 un�.�t �e� acre� � �—� (a u�aits ��r �cr�� a�. �g���ax�t R-3.5 ��tr��iri�n�i�� �.5 �anii:s p�r ac�e raqu�s-�ed �hrouc�h � applica�ion �ON 93-000].) ) �PLTCAI3.L� T�P,W: Css�nmunity aavel.op��x�� Ccsde �hapi:�rs 18.48, ].B.SSo 1�.92, 18.150, 18.160, ].8�164� anrl Compr��ensi�v� k�lan j?Q�.1Ci�s 2.1.1. � �.2,10 7,��2, 7.3.1� 7q�o4, 7.6.1., 801..1, �nd �.1.3. � S"�CAE`F F2�Ct72�l2�3E1�TD�ATT02d: P,pg�ova� of the $ub��.ei�ian �ula�ec�k t� aaw�aa.1 �orndi.tf.ons of �pproval. Danial af th�, v�ri�na� rQqu�s�a I II. FINT5I�G5 A���� STT� Afi�D ��OZ7�DI��S �. �it� �i�� ms►� �3a�.�es Taae �.o?� �itD� is 12 e 68 acr�e �.n ��.�� �ax�i ha� �p�srox�atelly 1a0 �g�� o� , �rontage alo�xg �h� exi�tinc� righ��-of-vaay° of �[d Gaard� ���°eet. Tta� gxop��tg. �xt�rscEe r��garazc�m�t�sl.y 800 f��t ��xr��.�r, w�s�t of �W �sa�d�'� I 3.nte�����icsn �S.th S�1 1�1�� ����u� a�e���s�ra� �:o �.ra a���wvac� bu �s y��t ', un�ona�ricted and unl�dica�ed e�eten��.on of �W �aard� S�c�s��t. TY���iroperty ia xd�zgksl� r���aras�x�.ar fa� e�ize. 1�� S�te la���:icsne I Tka� �i�� 3.s lca��.tc�d �ot�le�sn �.he SG7 12�.�� �1v�aataa�j�i� �a�.�d� S�r��t I� intereecti.on ans� the i�m�� �r��ard gukac�ivis�i�ia. �'ka� p��a�nt ano��hern II �sx►ninu� of �W I���e1.ks�.1� liriv� i.� loc��.ed �.�.Aa�c� �h� aou�kae�ra 1�c��radary �i� � tk�a �it�. i �« :�x�.€��ina us�e and ��tz°u��u�os: ��� �i�t� ia �Sx���ni:l�r �a�arn�a �'x�e cov�z c�n�i.st� �sf �. fi].�a�r� cax��k�az�r� rcrve�ing �he westarn ap��aacimately� 3/� aF �h� �xt�m 2he eaot�xn 3./4 of i th� �i.i.� is a��n g�aac�lar.cl. �h� appllic�r�t�° e�ch3.b�.t 3 of 3 is �n a��x°ia1 photo vahich alearly i11u��:�a��e �hc� s�xi�ting cove�� of f�l�� s��:�. �. i�ar�xxD�v �nd d�ainac�e: �Che pro�ez�y �lo�� c��:n�rally fram th� �outh �o th� saas°�h and xacs�th����Q �9: b��oad e�w�.le rat�i�h iricl.udee an a�a��ren�l.� irs���m3.�t�n.� ����� �az��r�de �rnm ju�� north�a�t of �h� pr�aent ��rminus af �W F3az�Lh�.1Z L3r�ve �Q �h� I �sa�t�rn �arapert�� bour�cia�k3�a �h.�� in�a�rm��t�snt s�r�am �a�zcT a s�.c�ran ��wer � eirai.aa t� � �ir�ti�idt ds-ainag�svay 3e,�et to the ea�t of �h� �a�eo �e Sea�r�i�xzarl��r�l��d ur��t�s Ad�aaen�. prc�gs€s.�ti�m �o ich� north an� weat ar� zanss3 R-4,� (R.��f.�3�n�:i�.1, � �05 uni�e p�r a�rej . P�Ape�°�i�s �� t�h� v��s�� a�e d€�velo��d w�.•kta single i ��niily r�micl�nrea on ��rcel�s ranc�ine� in siz� �s:�m a�x�roxima��ly P�.� to 6.8 � aer��, An ��praximately 1508-16Ua �oo� �.orag �riva4.� dea.c�-erzc� x°�c�d wha.�h i ��st�nzl� r,c��thward fzori�. SV7 �uI.�. 23aaar�ta�.n 1Ro�d curs�nt].y s�rv�s �ir�l�.� � z��sid�x�c�� on f:Pa�s� parcels ta t�.� weeta Tk�e �Sresp�r�y to th� exo�ttl af tT�e aite t�a� x�c�n��.y heen a�pre�v�d for cl�rwele��men�. of a �� lat �uA�d�.visiv�a (SU� ��-a�o�/v�.st� l�oint Subdivis�.on) . Thi.� �subdiv��ian v�a��uld ix�clu.de a ra�s�wa�� exf:�neion of �[RF ��ard� S�x���to SW Gaa��c� we�uld abut i�1�e nnrtYa�rn �rc�p�erty lina� o� th� �uF���ct Xlmee propert�go I,ots nn �l�e nor�:h s�.de c.a� 5W Ga�a�d� �tr��t near th� �ul��j�ct Pamea pro�e�ty wi�l averag� �ppresx3.m��.�l.y 8�50q aqu�xe £e�t .ira �izea I�,ropQ���ea ta �h� soutri af th� �,.mES �roper�cy ar� zonerl R-1 (R��ir�an�i.al. � asae unit p�r acrp} and cazz�:ain 23 �iias�l�x f�il� g���.denc�� Hr3.tEaia� �.h� 7�m��a CJ�°charc� eubdi�rieion. l:,ots w.ithin thi� eixbdiwisi�m r�nge frnm ap�raxima�ely Q.s tcs 1 acre in siz�. '�h�� �rxbdavis3.o� �va� �p�ro�o•ver3 lay �}'a�shir�c��csn �cs�.ra�� in �he 1l9"76 {�o inclexdr� a aeconsl �hase on th� curx�n� �ubjeot ei�e�o �ut tho subdi�isa.r�n was ani�.ea�ed ta th� �a.ty of Tigard whs.].e �xn�er constru�tion. SW Hazelhil.l Dria� extends thraug•h Am�� �rat�ar� I anci i� �tubtsed in�ca the aou�cl�ern }�oundar� af tk�� �ubjact site. Tpi� �ully d�ve�o�+�d 5t�a�ow Fiill� subd:Lv�.a�ion ir� ].o�ated to t1�e Acau�h�aet of the subjer,t aite and weet of p,me� �rchaxd eubriivi�ion. �hac�ahr Yi�fll� i� � � �ane� �-2 (��s�d���i�l, �wo dwel�i�� unit� p�r aere)e �h�d�w ���1� i� ����ed by � lao� �o�� o�£ a= SW �u11 �oun�ain Ro��< P�ope��i�� to t�e ea�t of th� �ubjec� �i�e r���e in �iz� f�om 0.5 t� 2 �c�e� in �iz� an� �n����i� ��ngl� f�mily �e�i�ena��, fflbert arc�ar��, �nd � ��t�r ��nk. P�op�r�iee to �h� no��heaet ia �he Co�eni�l V�ew ', �ubd�visian ran�� in eiz� from app�ax3.mately 14,000 sc�.x�re ��eL- to 4Q,�00 I �qu�re feet and �re d�veloped with aingle f.ami�y resi��nc��. il �. P1�� d�ei�nat�on a�d zonina: II "�h� �i.�ee ar�c3 eur��unc�ig�� pxopertie� ��e a11 c�Qe�g�a��eei �ox �aw ��n�i�y Ft�e�.denti�.l dav�le�ganent by the Ti�arc� C�mgr�hen�a.v� ��.�no Prc��arti�g t� th� eas� and narthe�a�t a�� ixnd�r �lh� �exri��l�.��tion of Yn7aekaa.n�oxc G'41YY1'��7a but ar� withix� t�e Ci�y°� plan��.rng area. Exis�in� zc�raing c�fc �ur�ounding �x�a��rt�.�e i.� silu�t�a£�ci on �h� vic;.ini�y m�p a�t�a�h�d �m �hi� reporte G, &�xcat��+��c1 u�r�: Tkx�s �p�li.aax�t �ragsc�$�s to eubcii�ride �he :l.2.6t� ��r� pa�cel 3.n�a 2� le��t� rang�.rac� �.n s��a betwe�rz 13,O1Z to 22,092 �quare fc�et �e illuetrate� nn �h��� 1 of 1 af �h� appl.iaant�� �ian set az�d cl��scribed in tl�e ag�pl���zx��p ��ate�meng e �1n �e 000 se�,aare fo�� �p�a� �rac� a.n��nd�d to S.ne�.ud� a �a�t�b: t�exality fac:Ll�.�.y ia al�n pr_•ccpps��e I�m �uk�lic. �c�rvice and u�i].i�.iea: � ��a� p�eii�inary �atilit�r plan ��ppl�.oanf��° e�ehi%�i� � �f 2) pro��es that � �Ya� gu3a��.v�e�.on ka� s��v�d ksy dev�lap�n�n�t vf a vaat�r ma�.sz nei��voLk f�am the ��imting X2. inch �vat��° l.�ne a.l.ong ��� w�st�,�rx� �c�r�e af �h� ei•t�. y F�blic �s�.a�m ��wer� ar� j3YOD0F3�C� withi� �th� �t��:et� th�oeaghesut �tee i �ro�aaed s�xbdiviaion wri�h ou��all •to th� ��opesse� stox�m wat�r c�uali�y and c3e��r��..ir�� fac�l'�t� tn be �Qn�i��ua��:d �rithia� �a�ac� � �.n �P�� nartk�e�.s�Prx� � �:orner. og tkxe �i�� abuttinc� �rni �aard� �tr��t. Th� de�en�iaza faci.�.itcy iwoealdl clrain tca an exinting stoxm a�ur�r within SV8 �a�.�de, �ar�i��ry sevve�s are �rop4s�� to b� ��ete�acisti �:llrc�uql� th� �it� 1) from an �xis�3.nr� �ce�aer in Gaarde Btr�e� throexgiz lane� Yze�ding w�s�raarci �x�ng th� nnr�h�rn ��g�a of g>gopoaerl la�� 35-3a; �.nd �j from �n �xs.�tias� �aEaxL�ry sec�er alLr�ng �the �i�e'� eas�e�n bounci�ry. z. d�ac�es and n���rbv atr���sz The atre�t aystem �or �I�e prc,po�ec4 �ubdivi��on wo�uld consist of a loa�l s��eet �?xt�nairan f�^om tts� �aei�tt�.ng �r�utY�,ern �tub of S4i k€azelhill. Dri�� ex�kes�ding g1�i�htly mor� th�.n 4�t�0 £�et to thc� �outhe�aat atubb3.ng intca th� �as�t�rn prop�rty boua�dard an� a loap �tra��� ��et�nd:�ng �.re�tvrar� fro�n this ��tenea.an n:E 84] HaxP].hil1 Drive. The e�t��aibra hE S�7 �I�zelhill Arive i.s ��opagerl to br� ca�nstruct�d �n atandarci I.cscal etr�e�. i.mpra�rement etandards cvi.th 34 fe�t of p�v�ment, 50 fe�t of right-o�-way, �uib� and sidewa3.lc�. The �ro�US�d lo�g stree� wou�d var°y from s�an�lard 1nc�l ��r�et i.��r�vemen� atas�c3a�s3s. Var�.arace� k��va be�n rc�quest�cl to Coanmuni�gr De�e�.a�m�n� �ods: S�ation 18,164.��0 to all.aw � 2f3 toat wid� curta �a curb laoped local strea:i: (tentatively saamed Vi�ta Cirals on the prelimin�.ry �1at) witP�ir► a 4� �oot u�ri.de right-of-w�y wherea� this C�ad� Section requirea a 34 foot wic�� at;r�E� cda_thin � fi.fi:�r �oa� w.�de rightacaf-w�y. In adda.tion, the appliaa�t requea#:s a Variance ta �od� Seation 18.1fa4.f�70.1e;� for thir� a��m� 1�e�p etreet �o inet�.11 �sid€�e�alk anly an tha �u.taide �f the laap e�r��t � �I �rh�zQ�� �Ya�� �md� ��c�ior► ��c�i..�e� �'�c���ralk�a nn �amth ei�3�� o� loc�3. et���t�. The �pplic�nt�� st��k�men't addres�s� th� �st��darei v�zi�n�� a�ap�cav�1. �ri���i� of Code +�ha�ter 1.�.134 at �a�,��s 8-10, rath�r than �he �u�i�3.v�.�ion �r�ri�nc�e cri�aria of Coa� Seet.ion �.8o�f,�.].2�. 7�h� �xie�ting �ecf:i�n af SW L�azelhi].l Drf.�v� �o wh�.ch tkae i�u�sdlvrieion i� propoee�i to c�nn�a� i� �pproxim�.t��.gr 42 �ec�t wide, taae bikec,r�y�/�caa�}€urays e;:rip�d c�n �k�e �aves!ient, I�ar� og�Qm drainage d�.t;che�, and hE�s �a� �tr����ig�a�n, cu�bs, or sideraal3��. �W �Iaz�eltra� Terr��� �on�x�cte �W I Fia�e�hi1]. Drive to �5V Hull �tour�tain I2��.d, � mmjo� �oii��t�� ��r�s�t �zrzcl€�r the j•uriadictian c�� W�ask�in��nn Coun�y, I St+� �g�irde Str��� alau�:.� i:l�e pro�ri:y to �he north. �h� ��x�1.3.��n�e a�e z�at �+�oposing any aoranection b��we+e� thie c��v�lc��u��nt and �'W Gaarde 5�r�et, I nar are �h�y �ropcaging any rigk�t-of-way dec3i,es�ion or st��e� 3�.�nprov�m�nt�. Ju�ir�d3.etiom for SW �aar.d�, Stree� lise wit�a both th� Cii:y o� °�ir�ard anc3 � Pr7as3�in�g�uia Cr���n�yo SW ��rar�� i� func�iona�l�.y c],�,��i_�i�el �a�a a rna j�,.c• �all�c�c�r ��trse� by bo��. �h� �ity and Cc�uaxty T�a�spprtat3,on Flanc�a Curr�nt �►�vement on �a�rde �.g �pprox.iYna��1�r 2�4 f��� ir� �ri�3th L��m thia �aaint eas�t�sarcl �G �t: P3e�i f ic I33.�hwa�a �70 �idec��l�s� ar� cux�exxtl.�r �x�a�rid�c3 along 5'�3 Ga�.rda and s�re��ligtat� a�� f�w, Therr� are xao curx�n� pla�� �or. �1.cianing or imgresv�men�� ta SW Ga�.xcl� Strse� to �he ea�t in �he ne�x ��t�ure. � aL�T 121�t �,w�snue ir��kersa�c�:s SW �•aard� Stre�t ju�t nar�h cs� �Px� s�bj�ct p�op�x��a Sw 121s� Av�n�e �.n thi.� �xaa is under �the �u�isdietic�n of W�ahingtore Cauiatye �i�' 121st Av�nwc� i� ��.�a+a �. m�a�or co1�.s�etp� �tr�et witY� a.�s���.�x�ma.t�l�• 2� f�et c�f ��.w�ment, capen di��hes, few e�ce��l.icphts, and no aiaEwallce. Tl�er� ar� no �urrent pla�zs for wide�xir3c� a� imprave�cn�nts �o th3.� �ection o£ SW 121�� �vQn�e, exGep� for half �s�x��t �.nipxa�r�menta cs�x ! tYa� z���� s�:��c� a£ �f� 1?.3c�� Pxt�s�ding ���arca�e�a�at�l.y� 3�f� �e�� ��r�.YZ es� ��ars3e �h�'� wr�sr� xsc�,:ireci a� �. cesaxdi�ion of r2�:v�3 o�sment ap�r�°�val fr,r �th� ��opoeed V£a��. �?ain� �ubdivi�ione J. S7tlhc�r aa��lie�t�.�an�s �.ffeatincx �.hie �ar��l: — �1�� a�sptican�a h�v� a�xzcurren�ly a�bm3.�t�c1 az� a�glica.ti.crn (�'�.lc� ��� 2�AT 93-01) �or r�zo�zing c� ��x ].a� €s�Q �x�vm 12-1 and Ft�� (T�esideretia�.� 1 3ncl 7 dwellf.r�g �a�tit� per a���) to R-��.�a �R��idQnti�1, 3.5 unitt� p�r acre) . Th�.t ��e�uu��xt i� ar�����ec� �.n a s��aara�� �t��f r�aaort ane] wi�.1 b�s kx�ard b� th� P1ar�n3.rag �ommissi.�n in � s�p�ra�� heariz��? imm�diat�ly p��c�dis�g �the kt�a�ing oz� +ch� subdivieiora r�.r�ue�t. Th� a�a�f �aport �ob ��pl�.ca�ian ZQN 93--C7J. ean��3ns a bri�S s�mmar�r o� gsr�v:i.oue ].and use ar�r� d�v�l��pm�n� a���»lic�tir�ns affeating ttxie prn��rt�r, TYais report is�aor�an�a�:�� that i.nforma�.ion by rafe�enae« S� i�a irat�csr-tan� to nota that �he eubj�ct prope��y had t�o pr.ior �ubdivi�sic�� �.�aprovalg - the �iret a�p�aval �rae a W�eh:�ngton �ounty ap�roval �.ha�: imaluded thi� si�e wi�h tne land Y,h�i: has be�n e��v�Io�ed as Aznesa LSrchar� .T.; �he F3P_CtJT3CI was a �3.t� of Tigard a�,p�avaZ for �.4 �ot� ora tkais parca]. ai�aly. ]C7CI. RPPLICA�LE AE�P12QV1� STANd3�S Th� ap��ov�l standard� for a preliminary a�bdiva.��.on pla��t ar� �.:Lst�d a� Cc�d� Sectipn �.fE o 1�0 0 060.A. 7�h,e hea_ri^;a authorxty may c�rant varian�:�a �o Cornn��sni�y Development Code st�ndarde if thQ varianas �ppxoval. cri�eria o� Co�3e S�c�ion 18.�.b0 e 1�0 s A are aatis£i�d. Iz� addl.tirsn, �kh� gxopo�al must �leo b� found t� b� � ica�s3.�s��a�� wiie� tk�e d�v�bopm�nic �tansi�rds o� tti� E�Ilc�cving Cod� �ksm�s��r�m Cri.�.�ater �, 1�.�8 �R-�.5 zos�a)x �hapt�r 18088 ���a1�r .������ Req�i��merats); �hap��r 19.92 d��neity Compu�at ion�)j �haptAr 18.3.5C1 (7Cr�� ��o��etion)� �rar� Chapter �.�a IF 4 ' (3txeet snd [J�f.13.ty Ir�p�cer�m�r�� St�nc£�rd�)o �taa�d�rda of esther Communi�y , D��r��.opm�nt Coel� criapte�� ma}� �p�Zy �tea eubeequent six�v�lopment af �h� �u]bjr�ct �a.�� I bu� ar� not �pp].ic�bl� �o th� curren� revi�w. COTi1pg��1BTb8�.°67� �iar� �oif��.�e 2 0101, ��I 4,�.1, 7.1e2, 7o�w1., 7.�.4, 7.�.1, g.l.lP axad �.�03 �leo ag�pl.y �o th� r�wi.ew of �fa�.� d��vel.opment pragao�a:L e I I I %\T. NPab �i AGEPJ�X ��5�NT5 I � � I , Gd�ashi�sc�yton �pun�.y'� ��partmen� c�f L�nd TJs� and 'i'rana�arf:ation laas reviecaed. the �� p�a�sa3. and h�m provaded the foll�wing �asnm��►t€�: � �,o ��1 Z�Z�st. 1�venu� ar►d S�7 �aa.rri� 5tz�et (�r��t of 5W 121�t) adjacent to �Ya� �i�a are ua�der the �urisdictian of Waa�i.i�r�tan Coun�.ym �n aeld�.t�oxa, SW Bu�.l Moun�tain Road, whi�� i.e p�c�po�e�d �to provid� �o11�c��� stre�t acce�� ta �he �it�:, is a��n und�r th� 3uxisdie�ian of �7a�h�.ngi:on �ounty. 7Ch.e i Cc�unty°e A��artm�nt z�� Lanci Ue� anel 7Cxan��ortation recomrrs�rads tha� �.g�pru�al af ti��.� �ubd3.�ri�iora pra�oa�a7. k�e +^.oz�c�i�t�.or�ed �spcax� ttae follevainc�a .�aa �� r�ad�s m corsditf.on �af apg�r.ov�l ��' fih�� �dav�lapan�n�. propo�ale �he cs�.7,e�tor ro�d F�a��.ensisan a� S�7 ua�r�� ��xee� a�.oi�g the ncar�h �id� �� � �he �ite e�+set a� S�C� 1�].st ��rQnu� �h�11 b� �oxa�s�.�ixct�ar� puz�uan�t t� 3�c;ttan C.4.a., �,. , �. o c�,A arAd �o af �Iae �7rc��xa 7�3.�nning Ax�a Agre�mc�x�t (U�AA) betra�en i9��hingtoYZ C�ur��Ey �.n� �h� �ity ra£ �igarc3� �, Prior to Fin�1 P].�� .�,�a��ova�.: �.� Th� County shal�. be af£orded the o�par�unity te� s:omp�late a �r�.ffic analysb� pu��uant �a W�ehinc�oxa �c�urat�r R���1ut3.sar� a.rzd ' �_d�� N�. SF�-�5. '�he �p�SLz.c�n�. �ha13. coa2�truct �zay impresvecner�ts f�und to Yr� ��aar,r°an�:�d wi�hin �.Fzs elevelo�me�st'� impac� area pux�uant �v the Ctsunts� Tzaf f ia d�x��l�st•t� review i.n ��lat�.or� ica R&f3 85--95� Th� appliaan� �ha1.1 proviae ce�rtifi.��tior� from �. zeg�.��er�:ei �ngiaaeer �h�� sa.gh� di�tarn�c� i� ad�qciate �t �h� SB7 H�3?l Flounta3.n �toad/�td Haz�l T��e Terrace acc:��e pwi.nt. Cont�et I�c�uc� YVrarva.lo C�oun�.y �r�fii� analya� £�sr r�pc�ci�ic ' c�e��i.waze rer�ardinc� �fis traff.ic ���.3yei.e. 2. Th� applicant �hall dedicate addiic�.anal right-o�-w�,y to proviale 37 feet �rnm c�n�erlia�� af �che site°a �W ��arde Str.�ef: fr.cantag� �a�� ca� S43 12�g� Av�r�u�, includi�g �d�quat� c��rn�r rada.us. 3. �h� applicar�t shall �ic�n a �r�i�r�re not �a x�nar�����ate ar�aix��t thca �caranation o� �. lr�cal �.m�raveme�at d.is���ct� s�� ath�� an�cl�ani�m td i.mprovi� the ba.�e f�.cila.ty esf 5�7 �u�l �Ioexn��in Ftr�ad between 5Va F€a��l Tre� T��rac� aya�l �W �aaific FiigY�way, �. '�tae a�pli.cant shall �ic�n a waiv�r a�o� i:o remo�.stra�� ag�ir�et th�: formaf:i�sn o� a locaS. innpro�rean�nt diatrict or c�t�e� m�ehanz�m tcs .i.r��prov� the bar�� £ac:�1;ty of SW �Gaard� Stz�eet Iaetw�en SW 1.2�.ot Avenua and S�' Faci.�Eic Highway. � ' �. �, , . . a. � rn�-fo�t r�c�nd�cce�� ������r� ��zfp ehal3. �� �a��.bl����a a�.e�x�g �lz� e.��B°S Si3 G��rcl� 5�r��$ f�an��c�e. �h� cio�um�nt� n����d ita csarepl�t�s cone�i�i.on� �.2 ttagr�ugh �45 alaovs eha1,1 lae pr��ar�d by the �la�hington Ccsunty 3urv�y Aiv3.einn and �hg].�. be reca��dee� in �h� �i�7aa�j.nc��on Coun�ty �i��o�d� ��p�x��n�xi�. 6m Su�mit plas�eF �b�ain �oe�nty �ra�.�ne�ring l.tiviaiora �.pp�av�3.P a�ad ol�t��.n a fac�l��y gezm�3.t f�ar con��zu�tion �� �Yz� fol].mwia�c� ', p�ublic innp�cavemen��s I � �o ConGr�ke eid�w�alk �:c� C��nnt�• $�,anc�arcls �Ie�a�� �l6�d �a�.��� I ���e�� �ron�ac��. b. Ad�gu�i�� x�o�dav�y drain�g� alonc� SW �a�rd� S�re�� f rorxt ar�e. co d�a�y t��f��.c r�a��ty i.ca�p�o��msn�� r��u�.r�d �e a ���ul� �af th� �r��g�l�•��.nn -cg �txe �nua�t� �r��fic k4na�l�et°� sepaaaet� bas�c� on b7��h�.n���x� Gau�.�y �£�al� �rac� C3rd�r W�. $�tl1�. �la ��°r�vi�� d��.i�ra r��' �h� ��azde �.�ac� �x�en�siean a� �e� �car�h �.�x LF2�� ag�e�m�att :�c��w�an �Y�� �i.�rs �.�as� �rrun��, TY�eg� i�pr�v�cn�ax�� �hall b� con��rr����d a.n ��c�ord�ac� w.�t�a �h� r�c�ai���iZ�rxts csf th� Wae3�inqtcan Coun�� i3x�?f�rm TS.raac� Im�as�oveme�t D��zc�x� S��nc�ardao C. 1�rie�r to �ccu�c�s �.N �'h� xoa� �.m��°QV�m�n�e ��s�{��ct b�r Cora�3.t�or�� �o!.�. , b., c o� aaad da sl�atl be aomp�.���d a.nd �.cc����cA 3�y �.h� �a�xn��. �e The �ity of �ie��rd ]�nr�ine�ring nc�par�tm�n�. 3a�� prc��ic3�c� ��men�n�� whic� ��°� a�.�.�.�l�a�c� �to t3xe �nel �£ thia repor�, 3. °�a�� �i�.y s��' �Ciqarr� �u:.�.lding lpiv�i�ian hae �r��ria��d the �c�ll.ow�ng �omm�n��s an Inei�.vidu�.l lot draana�e �houZ� �� �o �rn a�s�roved ��b3i� ���r°s;� n�wa�rac�e �y;�tem` al�ernat9_vrcal�, ir�dividsaal �ri.�a�� ���ara� clr�ina�e sy�tem� rnay b� eatilixec�. E�l.dna wril�. saeed tc� b� �e�ra�earec� anrl ap�s�ov�d k�� 4:1�� City o� �ig�.x�d p�ua�b�nc� inapect��; d, � bw Maxa.rnum �'i.ni�;aed s���e� ox �11. ��.t }��.�a3e� �hall p� �s 1; � � �. Sr�il te�t� and enc�in����c� �ocrtin�s may b� reaaui��c� a� �n � inr3xvielual 19�. k�asis. ,�l � �,ry �. Tihe ��.�� of �'ic�axd A�eratirs�s Da.�ris3.on �ecuta�mgnris •tha�c S�7 f3���lhi3..l ]?r.�v� � ka� ez��ez�d�c� �hrGUgh ths site to eonn�a� witi�s �G7 Ga�rr�� ��:r��t, �h� � O er�t�ons aivioi.en i� cea�cex°ned �hat �d� P quate acceaa la� proeided to the ����acas�d wa��r quality f�ci.l.ity aa we17. as s�a�ita�y sevrer� �nct manta�i�s aaa lo�s 31 tY��ouc�h �8„ � �m The T��l�t�n V�l.l�y Fi�� ��� ��s�u� ni�tLi�� ha� r$view�d t�� ���1��i�ar� �l�t and h�s pro�ide� �hB fal].nw�ng comment�: �. Hydrant loca�ion� ehould be c��rdin��ed with th� Tigard Weat�x Di�tr�ct �nd Fi�e �3.s�sict; b. �� g�rkin� Bh�uld b� s1.lp�ed on ��re�ti� t��t ��u�d hav� l��s �han 2� fee� o� drivin� �urf�c�, if sueh �tr�eta ar� praposeda c. The Firs Di�trict i� very conc�rn�� �i�h th� num�er �£ reaide�ces �n �me� �rchaxd g and II tha� �o��� be ��rv�d by �trie �ropo��d �vey l�ng a�s�d encl atre�t� �v�n 3�f �his i� � t��n�r�ry ai��za�i�ari, A ��tr��t cesnn�c�ian or emezc��ncy a�h.icle accegs slznuld b� vrc�vicled to coran��t t�a� new c2ev�lopmen•t wri�h St�' Gaarde S��ee�� E+. �is��xd Schaol Dietrict 23,T has revie�w�d tY�e pro��al �ind ha� s�ot�d tPxar �,�a� pr�pas�d d�v�logrm�nt 13.�� wi�hira �k�� ����ri�mnc� �.��ae o� Co E'o Tigar�l E1�men�a�y Schcsol, �aw].�r ;��dcil.� �ch��S.a ansl the ii.��rd 5ez�i,ox Hi�ta ac�oo.l. Tl�� p��g�o��c� d�svelopm�ri� ig ��o�����d to genera�� tPae fo1.3�avra.a�g �cicii.tio�.a1 enra�Zlmen� at �hos� �charls: il �tud�a�fc� a.� ���'. Tic�ard �chool� 4 ��udent� at Faw].�r Middle �cho�l; azsd 3 ��ixe�ea��e �t �igard Hi�h Sahas�l. ci a2 �'h�+ S�hAOl Distx3.ct nr�t�s that, in �eneral., achoa� ��apacit3.�s a�e pra��:ated �.o be �xc��selec8 ae a ����alt; of thi_e �res�+oe�� d�v�lapm�n� and �ttier r���ntly revic�wed and appresvec� developmen�e within thos� a�tencianae �r�aa. The Di��ric� nn��� �hat �o�� �a:�iZ�.tic��+ of thE scl�a�ala ar� ��xauf�ici�r�t to b� ak�l� �o �Qneider portabZe addi�a.ona. P.ddit�.na�a.l �ehc�ol c����i�y may b� pro�vide� b� o�h�r op�ione �ander cunsic��.ra�cian �zy �he� ���a�r�I i?istric�, i.ncluc�inge g�ade l�v�l recom�.ieytar�tian, r�scl-,�dul�d a�lqool year, boundary adjta��m�n�e, c�auble s�iifti.ngd busing �:o un��r-- t���lY��� facili.��.e�o �LI$UYP banel n���.�ux•ea l��si�.ng ta cans�tx�;�tian of n�ew f�cili�ie� and a�he� �alxAal h��x�i.ng op�ion�a St�ff alea �cars��xoted �u� Hi.11maaa �f �ka� ��hesc�Z Ai��ri�� ;�h�n� ��11 c�sz �/2�E93) vritlz regard to wh��th�r the ni,��xi.et hac{ an� Gorac�rna wi.�k� �clxaol bue re�uti.nge M�, Hfillmari �tated �.hafi� �zxaciQr �xx��er�� po�.a.�i�e, schesal &sa�r�es wau�.d k�� ��o�.�t�e� inter th�.� �ubelivi4ion �� pick u�a ��.�rca�nt�.�y �c�.001 studen�s but tha� �e�:andary ��ud�n�� f�om the �r�p�+sed d�v€�].opmerat wov�lci n��cl to Ur�1k vut �cs ��7 Bea11 Maun��:tn Re�ad fe�r ecl�os�l. k��as c��rvi.cee �. di�.11r�an added t2za� �i rn�� Co F. "�ig�rd and E�`owl�r 5choals axs ].o�at�d �o tta� n�arth c�f �he pr.o�aae�c3 d�vel.opmen�� a raac� connec�i�n b�t�a��n tha.sx dev�lopm�nt and Gaar���l2�.et wa�;3.d �ro�a.k�aly sav�: 5 t�o 7 zni.�u�.es cs� 3asas �ra�el �im� �.s compar�d tc� �ir.cu:ta�:�.ng �hroc�r�h th.� d��reZ�spm�nt a�ad b�ck ou� �o SW BuII. Ma°wnt�in Rs�d. 7. I3Eighba���o�d Plann�.ng O�ganzzatxc�sx #3 �u��orts th� suggeetio�a of s�v��a:1 neighbar� �o the south af thE proposeti dev�Xopment th�t; a�c�ss �a �h� �e�vela�asn�rat �hould aome a�� of �W G�.�rc3� Str�et with onJ.� ara �n��rc��ncy v�fricl� acce�a/p�d��triari and b3.ke �a�.�h b�tw��ra �thie d�v�lcspm�r�t and e�mea C3rchard �. The NPO wil i not suppoz�t the g�rapo�ed �ane change (2�13 93--OZ} �an�.��s �h8 stx•eat pa'ctern fc�r the subdivis3.on ts as describecY afoave. The NPC7 daes na� �isppvrt ar�y ai �lze ��ec�u�et�:ci variaa�c�s �a Cam,m�anity D���lopmen� Gode x�o�d im�xovem�rat et;�neiarrls. 8, I��.x°tl�we�� itatur�l �as has comiYt�n��d �hat tY���a ar� both a 10 in�h diam�ter high pr�saur� fe�d�r main with3.n the ap�srox�ate aligxam�nt �f �Yze G��rde Str��� ex�enaion aloiYg tY�� northern edge af the site as we1.1. as a � inah diameter �oly main on the no�th ancT west �ides of the si.t�. Tlae d�ve�.oy�er's r�pr�s�ntativ�s �hould ocan�ac� Nc�rthweet Natural �Gas �o have the enain l.a�:�ted prior �to any �xcava�i�s� on the �it�. I � I a ::l, i i - —�' � �. Th� �3.c,#��ct 6��tsr D3.�tric� ��a g�s�vir���t e�gv�ral c�etu►aer��t� �ahi.�� �r� �.ra��.u�i�c� i� a l��t�� a��ach8d a� aa� �appand3.x �� �hi� repox�o 10. �T� hsa ���i�w�d t4t� n�ppaaal �n� ngf�.�ed n.a commentr� �ather than icha� th� gi��e d�v�laper ehould c�snt�c� G�E at 1.�sa�� 3(� �ay� �riox �o �h� �pen3.ng a� ca�i.l3,ty t�:�a�.c4�eaa 1.�,. ���s T3.��rd pc�li�� D�����an�n�, �fatrcapal.it�r� Y�r�� �a�n�xnic�ti�axe ��smmi��ioaa I (��le t��L��r�.��.c�n), ��.� ��� hav� r�vi�w�d f;�Z� �arra�ZCS�al �n� �aav� �:�P�recl aaa � ccarr��n�� o� ��j�:ct�icsr�s. I I �r� r�r�x,�az�x��o� ca� ������� I �. Cmmp3.iance wi�th �:mmmun�.tv D�w�lo�ament Coal� - Subdfai�i�aa �. �t�ff f�.r�d� tdx�� �h� p�c�po��d Fsm�� �rc;F��.r:c3 riYc�. z1 �ubd��iei�:� i� �+n3.� �art3��11y Coaasiat�nt wai�I� �he ���roval ari��ri.� �'Q� � sukr�a.v���on (Coeie S�etion 18,16Um��0o�} a� d���ril��r2 �a�lcswo ��aff provi.a�:� �eco:nmeradation�, hesw�.sesc �ha� cv� �S€��.��ve �vou3s3 �7.��w �h� Com�.a��a�ics�z to f.ind cana�i�a���.cy �vi�.�. t�z� �appr�va�. a��ndar�.r� s.f �h� �axbd.ivi�.�can r��eis�n i� modi.fi�c� as ri�aax�,l�ed �a� e�.af£e a. °.Che ��o�o$�d sub��,�v�sicsn comg+li�� with th� �cam���her�a�.v� p.lan Map°a �oar Ben�.�ty 12.e�iden�i�7. dea��i.ty �g�part�ani.t� �or the si�e �zicA wa.�.ti� �pp13.c�tale �lan po1.a.�z�e, the r�e�ex3.ations cs� tih� Ra�e� zcan� �����ua�na.nc� �ha� �t?I� 93-��. i� �.�p�-o�we��, �ar�r� c.�z�tY� o�Y��r �ppla.cak��.e r�c�u3.��.ians, �xc��at �� zae��ed wa.�i�xn �h� �c�aanp�.n�inc� p��aa�x��hc� tY��.�: p�las� ou� s�a�a�.f.ic defi�i�nes.�m �hat will nQ�d �� br: c�rr��t�e�o b. Tt�.e �a�nga��c� s►a�e U� th� ��zbdi^�isJ.an, �mea� O�cha�� �a�a ��, i� x�ot d.up3.icative of any, r.�co�c��c1 �lat w�.�.lai,n Wa€�t�ingt.�xa �o��a�l' o�k��� �han the �'i�e�t g12ae� a� F.�n�s A�c1��xd ��sb��va.siana �. Th� propcs�ed noxic?��raard �x�te�2r�k�n e�f S63 �I�xelhi2� ���v� gsn�r.a<'ly conf.arzt�s �aitlx �he pr�v�.au�ly ��Spro�r�d �1a.�C �ar A��a Oreharc� I e�bdivri�a.csn �.� r�cgui.��c� 3�y Gac4� ���.��.�r� 1$.150.�i50.A.4, excepi: with regarei �o widtP� �n�3 s��e�x�� of im.provec���n��, �'h�e �xi�tinc� sectican �� �W I�I���3.ks�.�.� I5�3.v� i� n�� b�rilt te� Ci�y la�at ��ree� impreovez�,�n� ���.n�ia�cd�„ T'ks� pavea��n�. in :Q,.me� �rcha�c� I i� �osn�wrha� wi.der t�s�.z� nr�zmal�.� r�c��q red a�.d th� �treet ie wri��aaut �toz�a ���rer�, �urkasP sieiew�:lk�� an� ��reeLl.i.gh�so T3�� propcag�d newr .:�tree� �c�c�sn��� ¢vi�hira Z4mea ��ohar� I� 3.s p�co�ac�er3 tcz be buil� conaic���nt vr�.�h �_L�y r�ta�nr��rd�. �ta�� recc�r�rnend� that ��a� new ��c�ic�n c�� s��e�t b� r�quired ta in�laade �taradard e�re�t im�arav�Anente �.� � tk�� in�eY•e�� c�f �aedsstrian r�a�e�y with r�g�.rc3 tQ �ic���val}�s, �r���fic s���t�r with .�c�gard tc� li.gtxtinc� �.nc3 ��h�r �sn�ra�re�men�:�, arid atorm dxainac�e wi�h regra�d ta curba �nd ��o�m ��c�r��s e %� �.8 aSfl� 7.YS ��'l� �Lix91.�C �.13��PQ�6'C tU �UY1�.�.IAiY@ FA �'G7C�@'� CT�V'��.Q�914YPYY'� �Satt�rn �taat i� no� built t�, �.�eepic�d �it� irnrn�a�e�v�an.�za�Y stanc�as:d�e I� shaulca �� �e��gras.x��1 �3z�� tia� ea�3.��.iiz� a��.�tiara og STa7 Haz�Ihill ?�riv� withi.n Am�e O�ahard � zri�.y need tra �ac� a�no�ifi�e� in tl�� futuxe ta b� k��augh'� �zp �o Cit� im�r�vern��a� c��anr��.rcis. Th� prespna�d s�tz}ab3.n� �f '��e �xterreit�a� csf �F1 �i�z��.hi�3. �ri�v� s�fx the �a����n prap���y line ra�ulci ap�azc�pri�tely ��ovid� for a po�sib�.� fut�are eaei��za�i�n a� tlnia e��e�� �a pr�svid� arce�s � ' � . t: ; � _________� � i , � �� ���v� r�d�rr�7lop�►��a� a� �gop���i:�� �� �1x� ��g�, �E��+�t � rs� . � � caf tk�e appLicaa��°�s �l�n ��t a.�.luratx�mte� � �o�s3.ble �c�a�r�s �o� ����ia�i.�ra of thi� ��reet �� conn�c� with �W �a��d� ��x��,tm Du� to �ha� numkser of in�sz�v�ninc� prog��tat�� b�tw��ge �h� �aropo��d �i�� Orchard II aubdi�vieion ��ir3 SW ���,�ci� ��re�t �co ��e rao�thQae4� an� �.kne Zim.it�d dev�l��mt�nt �ca��ax�ti,�l o�' tho�� �a�ael�, 3.� ie ver�r �ax�a��t�i.n �rhst��� th�.� fu��r� clevels��amer�t scham� vai�.�. �ev�r b� �e�3.ize�, hQw�v�r. The �ch�ra�� p�ee�aat�� �y tYa� �pplicant waulc3 ��qaa3.�e ��ie �ax��ar� c3�v�lo�rs t�� L�a��� prea���ti�� to bea� � �ign�,fia�n�t exp�nse �or ��bJ.ic �caa_d ��r�s��ructior� foz a 1.i.�it�� ama�ant a� dev�lopmr�r�t �cs��a��i�Z„ ih� �ut�a:��a a��av�ler��r� �a:E �k���a�e ���sp�x�i��� ma� P��sa� �� fac� ' �tYaez�e ex�s�na�� iaa a�d�r to d�velca�P or �hea� px�op�rti�s m�� I rem��.n underd�velrap�ei elue to �h� �pa� �xpen��. An �ha� casea I SW Y���e�.k�4z1I Driv� vaou�.d caaxtisa�a� �c� be an av�r--loxag c�ead �nd �t�c���; i� a5me� c?zch��c� I� i� c��v��.cs��d aa pr����ri. ��' �Yaz�lk�i_�:� T��i.va� a� �xa��os��� �roulcl 3�� �pg�reas�s���t�l�r �.7�0 I f���. ?ong w•iMh �om�t�fi3.�sr� o� ��s ���la�x�d a�. g� is coz�e�cF�cl � tkaat thi� �.� ��opoe�d �kcs be a �.�am�r�r�ry �z:��u��i.on i� �h� ��r�e� .�s l�.t�r �x�eradQd in �he� �utaa��e �a �h� ncar�h�u�t tc� �F� �a�rd�a T� the entix� pxo�o�ed at�c��� �y�st�m i.s consis3erec�6 �.�e n�rt�aw��t�r�-ma��c �ain� �af �he �ra�pcae�d l��p �s�r��� in �11mea �rcharcl �7C �vou7.d be apgroxim�tely 2 D 6Q0 f�e� dietant £r�m �he �ixagl,� A�.11 Moun�airs 12�ad ��€°�as to �1�� �Sr�po��d su}adsvxsi+�n un��:i3. SGI S3a���.Yaz.7.l i� ��ct�xarlr�cl �o ��7 ��arc�e. �o�e ����it�n 1�.�.�4.d3�o�mY ��a��� �tka�'c "� c;u1 e3� ��� �Y���.� �e �a �hor�. a� �c��sibl� anel i.ix nc� �v�n� s3x�1I Fae z��o�� tlx�� �(��i ���t lcans�.°' �taff k��Ii�v�� i:ha� thi� �od� r�i�a�a���a� t�ckani�:�1.1�^ �anly �pp].i�� ��a ����et� t��t ar�: rzo� �.b1.� �� k�e ��tend�dr k�u� �.h� p�z�pas��� ra� ���s ���nc�are� eh�ra�.ci �.�.�o b� a�n�ider�cl vah��, revi�wi.r�� a "tempor�ry„ c���c� o��d atr.e�t �that mav ?a� �act�nd�d f.r� the �utcxre. Tk2� �rien�ry� r��a�on€� �o� l.imf.t�nc� �.h� l�a�g�� �f ci�a� �ne3 �s:;re��� ar� g�rs�r�.].�y ���.t�� tca p�ovi�e a�l�q�.za�� ac��r�a fo� ��cs�gen�y v�hi�3.�� �rar� servi�:� v�h�.�iea �such �a �Choo1 }3us�sa �xsd to ga�cavaet� fo� corxne�tirsng b��c�r�sec� diff�r�n°� n��gh�aa�3aoo�3� or b��w�en �h� de�r�l.ragsm�rt� arad co].lr�ctor ���e�t�. T� is nc�t�c� +�k��t bcoth ��a� �°ir� L�i,���ic� and Sch�ol i�i�triat raim�d con�er�aa wa�tPx t�ie �aropa��d �x•teneion of �he tempor�ry deacl �nd etr��t �}��te�rt. S�aff reco�nanenc�e� �h�� the s��e•t�hAng +�� �tka3.�r r�v�r-lang d�ar� �nd str�e�. ��s��� b� avaid�d thraugh the �otnm�.�sa.c�n rec�uixi.axgr the d�v�elQp�r af t2�� p�8po��d 2�aa��a (��ck�ard TT subc3ivisicsaa �a provid� fos: a �onnection �o t�xe appra�red, bu�c �a� �*�•t �nksuilt � Si3 G�a��.e St����t �xt�nsis�n» �� �.e r�c�trutt�r�cled th.��. �lx�� � �arara�ction b� �rov�.d�d direc�ly c��s�ao�ite �h�� �hor� �arth-��ou�h � �tree� wi�tha.z� ��ie app�a�r�tl �Tia�.a i�ain� devel�pna�ra�c a� ��icvan a��. �h�s a���i��s��'� �h�e� 3 caf .�. ��aeh �. e��°���t witasiz� .�4rne� � c]��:hard IT w�u�.d u�e up agspresxi.�a��ely ��500 �c�xxaare ���� �g t2�ie � dev�lopmen� �s.t�. ��ca�a�s al? prapo��e3 �.�t� ��e �?z�etar�tialJ y �y la�ger thar� th� minimum 1o�t r�iz� o� th� YF-3.5 zan�P �h� �D aPplican�c waixld not appear ta �ze�d ta �liraira��� a lato � ���tFao�,agh r�ame �s�aonfigur�tie�ra c� �Y�e �ubdi�3.es.on �rau?�3 k�� n���s��s��. I� �1z� app3.i�ant �air��� �an�erna �3.th �.�ei�eg 3a� ��e� or �a��ibly laeir�c� a lc��, wQ �in� Qu�:. tha� at the �ia�� �:f the wri�ei�g e�f thi$ r�port, �th.� applicaz�� �i��� mat h�.w� �k�+� rig�t fcar thi� nuanbs�x� of lcsts w.�thout tY�� r�qu�s�ed ��z�n�r�c�. 0 ; _ _ ,�� Sta�f ha� h�d �aev�ral die�ue�ionm wi�?n x�s�.d�n�t� of �h� �ne� Orek��rz� T r�ube�i�ri.eion w�ith �eg�r�. tca �I�� progx��ed �ev�la�ent. I�an�► (�9.1.?� a� tDa�, r�aid�nte of th� �ixi�s�inc� subdi�vi�i�� ,�re c�p�s�e�d to a �hrcaugh e�re�st con�.ecti.e�ra b�inc� mad� 1�etws�an St4 Gaard�s/3.21�� and 5GI Bull �ls�un���.n; Roa� thr�ue�h th�1�r eubc3iv���.cane G7hit� vre undQx�s�and �Y��ir c�nc��n� witkx Eaow ttni� �aoaal�l in�r�a�� ����£i.� 1�v�1� �n �:h�1.r ��i,c�kakssa�hc�c�d, �a� �S��.n� out �ttat ths.ir �ubdi�r�.�xa� v��� s��°i�gixaally p7Lann�d �o �rovici� BL1C:I't � �rsnan��tios� •tr� � col�.ectco� ��,���t 4th� g�r�vi�aex�ly pYs�n�s�c3 �35r1x �sxt�ne�ori) a� desc�ibec� 3,n �kxe ma�t�rial� ���e�xated w�.�h ttae �cac�ni��ion•� ���.�� ���acs�� �ar� th�s pr�a�a�e� �r�ne �hang�a '�ta� a��ed for �uch � �c�r�n�c�i�za� }ae�tw�en ��' ��xll . A4aunta�.n Roaci �.� �s e�reat noera �a� �.t �ver wa�e. If anythi�g, , tl�� ��ty o� Tic�ax� Pl.�nn�.ng Commis�ion, H��ria�ga �ffi��r, ara� ' Cit� C�unciZ hav� mov�d e-�ca�� tovrarc�� x�q�a�.ri.ng in��r�rannect�c�r�e�� o� ������s a�c� rc�.ic��sba�:haods s.xs �«�c�a�t �rea��. '1'he �laz�rainc� ��rrr,r�3.�sior� c�+rs�i��.��d � e.nm�.3.:�r iasgx� caith tl�e ki���ka� 7Garadixcg seabdiv�s��n wh�re th� r��idex�ts af �h� e�ei.��.fng �31ack BulY. Par3c ��nbd�.vi��.on �a�z�ht �o n�t fiave �W Blacl� D�.axnond Wa�. ta� ��t�a�dec3 �hraugY7 th� xx�w r�uYsdi.v��iaiZ �� b�ccz[�� a tk�aous�h �tr�ete I�. tt�a� �a��, thE Go�u�aise�ion �e�eanc�s �h� �rcag�o�ecl ra�dffi w�i31 gsro�ri.d� £c�r �dequate and �age acc�gs thraur�.tx �h� s���a ]Cr. 19�1, �h� P�anraa.rsg �Cc�r.Emi�sic�n r��aairec3 �h�� �En� 1�9�Yn �v�nue and Eilaels �.��xnon�. Way b� �e�nri�etec� �� � comdition �f ��apr�aval. e�� �t�� karica� sub�ivieiora ����a.���ian �hat w�� �ilsdl �o� ��i.e psoperty� 7.°h3.� wi].1 a��o b� req�zr�d RaitY� �hi.$ �a�ap4aa�.. Such a ca�ne�tAon vro�ald na� caxal�p �rca�r3.cie Le��.�:r a��ce�e fe�r �3.Z ty��a �� �r��rc�ezac�r v�lz�.��.�s, bu� a �oran�a�.ic�n. wa�ald p��mat� � f�,��.{.zxe� aa� zaeighb�a�Px�e�a b���u��r� the exis�i.i�g d�ve�.�p��n� �e� '��� ��r��t �nd �ta� gsr_r��a�el c��v�le��rne�n�t; canul� pr�vz.c3� i,.mp��s�a�� a����s� far schoca�. bu�es �.nd atl�e:� itn�o�tan� pu�li� �.n� p�i�r�.�.�: r��rv�c� �ravider�; ax�d wc�uld �arovid� .�m�s�o�r�d acces€� �a.� �he r.�siden�e p� �his �.���m (Fin�1 Grcler: �U� 92-03) �t�af� fi.nd� �.ha� �ti�� e�mc ba�ic �eagon� �or �e�r�rac�����dg1 tP�� stre��� in Am�� t3rcl2�se� I anc� YT witkx the �i�7 �aarde �xt�:naa�n exi�t �e �ver� �c�uzae3 �.n tl�� Ha��t'� Lansting �u�di.�ar.��ion, �2x� anove ia �u�� c�n� ex�°��ple of tts� �a.ty a£ '�ig�.rd°� r�en���3. pa],zcy of �seel�irag to �c+nnect ��ree�� �a �S�+CBp�Y'�i�,.'� cA�v�Io�a, I �kne appli�a�� �c�ntrac��d evith I{it•t�xeon �ra� �4asoci�te� tc� r�v���a �h� ��rculat3.sara �alan �or th� pr���ro�ed c���v�7.�pa��a�ta �I�� �tittel�an repart ��d ra�ak c,�a���.i�n the nee�. gaz a �ox�rac�ctio� R�. �9�t:6V��IY S� $Ic�x@.�.1'l.jl.��. L1�.3.'V� �I2C7 SY� Cr�c3Y_t�2 �''�Z'��'�� t3lYlt� 1Z18$:.C.�t� � °�1����.�Ci 't.Q 81U��f7E°t �'fGe^a��'L3 COYS'��I3'�1.OY7 '�tl.�.� 3. �,.°ATf11�C�1.LSY2 :�.€3 � r�eesled. x�n� FCitte�s�a�a r�p�rt s�.y�z tra� an a���r�na��,v� ac���� � poirst '°. . , wo�id m, . r3CCOCt11!]U���� er�n��°g�n�y v�2xi�Ie a�o�s� �nd F- min�.�aiiz� �h�i,r �r��r�l �atcl� �rs � c�is3.�, o , .waaalcl }a�:�vic3e �.rs��l � r��i.dea��� an ac�a�e ��a ar�y 7cutur� �xi�M�� k�ua �ervi�e that � zni�ht �a� �rcavid�d �.l.oils� th� 121st .Avenue/Gaa�de Si:r�et � ��Y&°�.Clfar.�9 �E.�.��E3�.E3C?23°f� CU[t1CfY�S1�.� 3Y� x�S.�'��C� tS) 't�l�Z.L' ,� reco�n�r�datiox� for a cc�m�i.n�ed pathwa���m�rg�n�y �ehic:le �c�e�� to be pravi.d�d unti,l a s�ree� crsaxn���a.ar� a� �±�cawz.ded` bcx� �h�e� aarn.m�r��� ag�pl� ec�z�l?y wk��th�r �alkin� �au� �o��.g �r emergenc�r vehicl� r�ads. 4�hat r�a�l� i� a� .�m�u� xa the ra�eci �p s�r �n a��e,���� ci��u?�t��n ��ete� i� ������1e In�ta�� nf ��king i��ue �i�h the n��d ��r a �o�n�c�i�a �e�w��n the �ubdiv��ion an� 3W ��ar��, �ltt��a��'e re�rsr� �Anei��r� , th� d3,r.�ct���� and �iming d� euch � �on�ecti�n. ��gt�le�� ��li�� �n th� pr�l3�sinar� fi�d�ng� �f the �o�th�as� Eull ���n���� �ran�p�r�ation ��udy. �h� ���dy �ou�d �hat a ����ct � r�n��etion betw��� SW 12��t Av�nu� a�d S� Bu�l ���s���in Road ; th�au�� �� ��z�lhi?� D��ve ��u�� be anticip�t�d t� �tt���� a �ignif���n� �tount of tr�f��a t��o��h th•l� �e�ghb�rhood. Th� S�u�� �e�A�►end�d aga��st �uch a d�x�c� �ann�c�ian. �� �an�ur. �q� �h�t �eaa��t �e �?�� do n�rc r��ad�m��d � �a�ec� �a�nectinn w�th �W 12��t Rvenu�. �it�elsan �ont�n�es t.h�� °°a �, i� i$ �i�hlg �ike�y �ha� �n� ra�dway �yetem tha� �a�m� a e�nne��ion ������n �� 1Z�at A��nue I �nd ���� Maun�ain �oad �ill �t�r��t a a�gnxfi��n� volu��� �� i traf�i�, ���n i� it is ��m���hat ���ir��ta'° �i������� an� �t�� ' Narth�a�t �u11 M�u�t�in Stu�y �a n�� a����� ti�is �u��h�ro �I W��le �� ag��� fh�t �n i���r��t c��xi�eti�� would ��i�xac� ��m� '� �3�a�ough ��.�tg�c, w� �� no� f��7� ��aa� h�w�ng ��cro� tn�aur�� tra��ic �.hrough thi� �x�a is i�a��rQ�riate con�ie�ering th� �lt�rn�ts.sr� ���a��ca (s�7 1�2ract, SW 1:35�kt, r�n7 �aard�ID ans� �4� � Sull M�untain Road) �h�t otherwi�e wouZd hawe ta a�eommodat� the tra��ic �r� no� �igrsifi�az��:L� dif�er�xa� €:�c�m tlx� d�v�3.opmen�: �xa�.��rng �hat tar�uZd ex�a� a�.vnc� �ual� � �onM�c�ata��a vr•ltkzz.n the �9.zrie�s c��ch�wc3 �ub�3�.vi��.�n�. �11 of �h�s� �tr�Et� t�avel. �h�au�gh rEaiden#:ia1 are�s cai�h numeror�� drivew�ye �nt�rix�t� �he e�reet o .�Z1 a�� �ra�er�-�.an�.sresv�da s�ai�.h �h� gc�s�ib1� e�:ce�t�.an. a�' S5� :L3:�.ri 2���r�u�e A�Ear��r�d �,a3.an� �srav�sx� fo� S4� ].35�tta Avenu� �cs �e ��1Z� i.rc��ab�vesi bettia��r� �F7 �§ull �faun��.�.n ?2oad �na� S�1 �cholls �`�rry �tc�ac� urh�n two appr�vec� b�x� ae yet �ancar�plet�d subdi.vigiAnc� are co�$true��cl, Bot��. �aukad�.vi�lor�s �.r� ��sti�ig�at�d to b� built �.h.ie �r�ard Tla� e�nl� c��hex sigzx:Lf�can� d3,�����nea ia that �h�s� a�the� �t��e�s �r� e7.a��i£ied as ao�.l�etor ��reetr� by th� Tx�n��arta�tion Pl�n P�S&�Y. �1.'��@�.BUTR°Ei CSJTIlIt1�T3'�� 6�55 Y'LfJ'� C�T1E15.C�R3� 5VI2�'� ]Lffi 6CGiA�Y3.T1C� ran thes� o�.h�r roa�d� and th�� pe���a.bl� �h� be�r�t �i��aa�iox� w+�ixld be to cos��id�� �n�lt�.�le rcau��� in order to distribu�s i.raf�ac bet��r xat}a�� �k��.n ta ke�p a,� coricentrat�d on a few u�xd�ra3_enpraved raada d lhe Kit�t�laoxs r�pcar� th�:n ccamanex�t� o�a �h� "a�l�r�ntag�s'° of thg ap�a�i�an�'s ��hem� fc�r �x��ra��o� c��' S� I3az�lhi.11 IJaiv� ta �ha nor.th�aat �n �aar�+� o a�r th� �e�c�c�,re�endatic�x� �rc�ga€��d by �:3�� �•�.aff �o a�7.s� prc��vid� a cann�ct��n rurth�r i,o �he w��to F'ixs�, K.i�.��Is�an no�ea �:hat the �ch�ra� p�opa�ed k�y at��� 3.a di�eatly e��a�a��a.t� �te� m�in �n�zara�� �ca tkt� i7i�ta. Paint d�v�l�rpnt�nt the�reF�y �z�.���xas�a.r�c� tF���� �����en,ts �a u�� t�a_es �oadway a� a cu�-thrdu�Y� r�ute �ca P3u�..1 I�ie�uxa.��iaa it�a�i. 53� ac�x��a �hat tkna.e wraul.d 1i���.y ha��a�ra lau�: w� �i� a��� �s�� 4�uh�� i� �a���ng �i�t� tlaat. �� �h��. is r��13�r� �hert�� �e�i�1�n�� are I��ad�d, why sl�i�aldn°L- they u�e a dir�ct rc�ut�Y �'he m�r�� �.�gical a�texn�tiv� �out� tr� the �.n�����c�i.ar. o� �t�7 Bul.l Mox�satain 1Raad ax�d Hax�l Txe� T@rr�ce i� ��proxizz►a�ely �,r� �nd ca�� r�u�x��� inile fur�h�s: ia� dis��nce and r�guire� WraveZ oa2 �%acifg,c �Yic�hw�.y o I� _ I ; II i I��i � Secc�nc�, %tit��l�an e��:�te� th�a� ].ocatinc� thi.a c��noc�ing reaadway I �o �.he �a�t a.;a pr���ec4 by �.h� ap�slic�n�'� fuitur� d�v�lo�ent i ? �a�h�m� wi�.3. not ba a� a�txactiv�e �o v�hic],e� soantlabour►c3 ora �f�1 j i2Zat� comp�r�d to the gn�a�ion recamntended k�� e�af� � ' " . .b�cause v�Yai.cl�a �ri11 have �o trffi�r�i. r�u#: �, di�ac�ion � � feg��erly first th�n w��ter?yD via � 3.e�t �urn t�a�h�r th�n Ixic�la�j ta �e�. to thia co�,n�c�cion." It app��r� ta st�£f �h�'t i � there 3.� xaa3.Ay no �ianifi�c�mn� di�fer�a�ce b�tweeaa h��.�lin�s ��gt b�f�r� wga� aa comparced tn sr�eat ka�3:�re ���t, �ra.th almogt •�h� � s�x►e numl��r o� ri�.g2xt a�d l��t tu�n� to ge� i:o �h� �ame �int Qrs ��7 �faze7.�.3.11 Lri.�r� (�c�.ua].�.y �h� ��af� r�cammernd�.��on wauld rsc�caire four �urne ra�h�� �h�rn th� tP�ree �urne ��quir�cl byr �h� � appli.eant•s �uture develvpme�nt �aheme) . xh� �a�ns� is true of Ki�telson's r.�a�c].u�f.on tha� �he .�m�� p�opo��l. i� cnore �i.rcuit�u� �han ths sch�m� �aasec3 hy tkn� �ity. We �u�t t�� mi.€�aing c�aan�tlaa.n�!, bu� tla�re doea n�s� �e�a�► �o ka� snu�h, i� ax��, ��ai �if��r�nc� a.� tka� de:g�r�e a� a.�d�.re�tn�e� car �iscu�.touene�s oth�r ith�rx �ha-� �he a�aft p�rop�s�a� waea3d �e � appr�x:Lm�tsl� 30� i�et shor��r �k�an th� a.ppli.carst°a fufcea�e I dm�sl.apm�ant ach��e a.n �$ttins� �a �the p�e�o��nt t��rr��.nu�a of SW 1Haz�lF�ii1.1 Drive mazd an� and one quarter mi��e ehorter than g��t��ng �o th� ixxter�e���.�n �f Hazel �r�� and aC�Y Bull Pis�untai.n I Fta�� i� �he app1.�.�a�t°s fu�ur� development sche�n� i.s na� I follaaaecl tt�rouc�hm Ac��ir►, w� �e�Z tha� �h� r���.l.�r �ic�z��.f���ax� i�suae �.ha� sh.ould �ae cnnside�ed i.n cc�mp�xi.ng ttae a��a1�,c;�.n�°g �u�ur� �iev��.ogm�n� �ck��me and �����•� rece�mmarada�ion �ha�ald 3�� �l�e certa�.nty f.n aci�ie�ring � c�nn�ctioxi. The a�+ia].i.��n�°e �+�ateat,ent azad tY��s � K3.�t�l�rn; .�epar� da no�. adc����s �hi.a imsue, In ac�c3itioaad i� I i� n��. c1�ar u�h��h�r the ���g�.zcand flga� a�gro�.ch�d ttxe o�rra�r.� of the�� othex graperti�� �o ac��esa tt�e like�ihaod af thes� o�k�er g�ro��rti�r� bei�c� r�d��r�l�,��.ng a� p•rogog�do �'Yre et�.ff pro�osal �vo�;lc1 gu��ant�� ��x�� � c:onnectaon �0 5W �aarr��6 Street wauld be mad� cvhex�as �ch� applic�n�°� �cka�aY►� �Es cantz.a�gent on futu�c� �eclevelopm�nt of ��a� grrap�z°t�.�� tcs �1ae easte We m�i.gla� l�� abZ� tc� agre� �sit�. ttxe �g�li�an�`� s�h�m�, i£ th�y cau�.d gua�car�t�� thai: a.t w��l.c� h�p�en, an� E�a�ppeaa in th� �r+�r� ra�ax tutur�. Tf �l.ze �xo�ae�tX �a the e��� do�s nat redev�3.o�� �x� �anncst be redeve.lo�ed ae eho�rn, a�nd �h� etaff re�c,menea�dation ia� nc�t fc+ll.o�ve�d, thQ ext����:d S�7 xaz�Ihi�1 Drive stre�t €��rs�.�,m coul�i �e�ome a ver�r :L�ng elz�d eaxc� �tr�e� foreve�o Th� o�SpQ��Eunity e�cis�s �c�r m�king �th� n��d�d cannc�wtion now. �T� v�r� stroragly re�amm�n.d that i�t b� rec�xirec3. Tt�is �pgartunsi��• magr aaot ari�e again. I�3Pa #�:3 and nei.ytabors ta th� �ou�h m� tlx� $x.t� ha.vc� �e�amme�ncl�d tha�: the propraee� �aubdlv�.�3.on be ree;uir�cl �o ��k�� it� �,ccegs from Si�J �aarde 5�txeet without � Goaan�c•�i.nya �o �n�s O��la��ci I o�h�� th�n a pea:leatrian patH/�mera��an��r �rehicl� a�;cs�a e �ta�f recornm�nds ag�in�� thi� ap��ca�c�a �.�s being �.n.conois��nt ca�.tlx th� gr�viou� approva.�.s fo� �the sub�ec� pro�er�ty, incon�ist�nt with the CQde�� ma�eimuan cul d� �ac lenc�h. r�tarsdard, inGnnais�'�ex�t �ai�h p�ior �ity deciaio�as sta�ir�g �h�.t aonnectivi�t� o� �i�re�t� ar.d n�i�hk�ark�oad�s is i.rc��a��ara�k, arid wau�.c3 al�o b� incAnsiste�nt vaittt PZan Palicy 8.1.1's dtr�c�iwe a� planning �ox a eafe and e�fieient tranegnrt��ion �s�rst��m. Neverthea.��amo it wou3,d be mo�� �an�is�ent wii�h �h���: stanc��r�e, pr�c�d�nts, an� gx�lia�.�� th�:a th� ag�lic�.n�°a �� r, � , �ra�t��.l if 'th� futur� cle�reZc��m�saa� ���a�r�t�e €es� prc���tie� t� �h� e�.�� �a�rano� ��s impl�men��c�. I� �Ya� G�mmi���.an �hoo��� �a fo1.�.cse� �.h�.a ��pr��ah, it .tg �a�s:orna�eaadee� �.tn�� �1�� cu�sesnt �p�slia�tiwsa b� eleraisd sirac� �Y�e� n�i.gl��Ae gl�n raould bs tpm : di.ff�s��nt t�om what hm� b�en pro�os��� t� p�naisim an ��S�Saa.rtunity �o a���av� sub��et t� acaas�f.�ia�.� r�c,�xiring �. coz��a�.ets r�d�si.ga�o 1� new �pp�ic��3.nn �roaa�.� n��c� t� k�� ���relape� and a n�w analysi� wa�lci b� n�a���ary. �,J,�hough, r,aae etrone�ly xecommend �h�� �tk�� Ci�g� �eize th� appra�tun�.��r f�ar ma3�iaac� �he �onn�ctie�m b�°�v�r��ra �.P�� �ub�ivi��an anc3 SGS �aa�de S�r�e�o v�� �an s�� tha•� ��ch � �onnection aou��i ��tr�et i�ao mu�i� traff3.c fca �1�i� area i� �.t be��raes ��ne on].y no��fl.��outh conrae��ion b���aer�z� SW �ix13. Ai�unt�i.x� �to�� �nd SWI �7alnu� s�r���, r,'�1�er �har� Pa�i�ie �I.�gYswa�. �Qr ��i� reasora, at��f sr�carcusaenda tha� tF�e re�nr�rr�r�r�de� ��a��e� cc�nn�ctiaaa }��twe�ax th� pra�as�� �uladiv�.s�.c�rY �nd th� ��7 �a�rc�� e�ct�naion b� taarr.i��.dec� u�.t3.3. ,7aa�u�.r�r l, 3.�J15o Con�tr���ic�n 3.s uxzdearc�agr �n S�i' 13��� Aven�� thrcauqh �p�� ap�ax�c�v��l Saamrni�c �� �tu3.� Ms��nt�in au�idi.v�.a�arao Tl�� ��va�l.e�p�x� eaf. t�aa�t subc�avi�z.Qr� ax2ta.�i�,3at� �ha� r�ati ccsnnecti.oxs ��t�c,a�e�ai aS+� F3u�a1 F3c�untiaa.z� Ra�acl. and S�1 Walncat S�.�eet will. be op�n an 1.ate 1�93. � orne Zrear �al�x� c��ap �eVur�en ��� �pening ti� ��a�t e�tr��t wAn�x�ata.oxa €�a�� �ka� conn��tie�n b�ing cansider�d h�r� �hc�axlel all�w drivers time to b�come �a��c� �a �th�t ��nne��3.da�. s���� r�eccartutx��rl� i:�ia� �.�i� e3ev�la�s�r s�� Ame� CAr�:l��rei F� I�s r�r�ua.��d �n e:e�n�tr�ct t1a� ccsnn�cti.c�� at t�tae i��n� �� ��ns��rur��3.ng o��er �s��e��s fax re�s�n� ca� eff3.ai�r�cy a�c� tc� avos.d �ka� Cf.tv b�i�g ��eaght ea�.�l� � Faa�:tx�c�r �a Fa�a9.�.c� �hio �a'�z�ca�, ���n i�' t�a� d��et�aga�r kaa� g�avic3�d t�� ��nn�.s R 'l, �c�de S���iorn 18.1C0.�SO authorix�� �tx� ��ai�ian�-m�.kin� autkasarg�y tca �r�n�. ��ra.az��e$ •to Code �t�r�c�ard� i£ ���� ��qra��t�d v�i�.�c� �aaa be fourad to b� can�i�a�exa� ��th th� �va��.aa�c� a�?g�°s�val cri��r�.� �a� �ode Secti�n 1.8.1fi3.1.�C3. Tl�e a�p�lie�n�`a ��tat��n�a2t an��k��el add������ �hta� v��i�nce apprava� �riferia of +�kaa�pt�r ?8,13� r�la�a.w� �o ��a� r�eg���'�ecY vaa f.an��0 2�s �aeat�d ab�a�r�, ��r�r��e �ar+c>v�.ding at�era�i�e ��d �:kae n�igh.bra�ha�d plar�ning ox°gani���ia�� �a�� r�i.��d �csx�c�r�� witia �k�� rea�i:�et�d varianc�s �:a public s�tr�et i.m�arov��e�at s��aradarrl�. ��taf� 3Qes no�. ne��ssarily disagr�� wi�h th� �p�?ican�� ,�hat •�h� l.acr� ��rs�� �� �rn�os�d w�uld �'unation adequa���.� (�vr�n if i� i.� rnade a �hraazc�k� �s�.r��t aa recoana��n.d�� aYaov�)a E�oe�r�v��, �.h�t i.�s �ot all �h�.� is �ec[uired s.n ord�� �tes app�av� a� �rariance. '�Ya� a�pZ�.aan� ha� s�c�t ira ara�r xnar�s�.er �.ddr����cl tt�¢� va�i.anc�: �piazova1. �tan�ard vrl�i�h r�c�ra�.r�� �k���. the x��ed g�r th� var.�.�.n�� aris� £rom "`����,al � cir�aac��tanree Ur cesndition� a�fec�z.aac� tla� prnp��t� �xllich a�� uxaua�ax�.3. � c�r fs�culg�.r, . ." g�ad+� 5�ction 1�d160.12�.�.1y , The a�p�lac�rx�'�a � r�arra�.�v� �l.�Q do�a n�a� ad�c�aat�lgr d�mon�t�,��e� ". e . a�2 �xtr�a�c�i.�aary � �nard�lxip �rlxich �resul�4 r��ul�. �r�c�i ���°���G ��axn��.i�.��� wi.�.h �.ta� � ��e�ula�isa�a�m m , (�oc�� ���ti.or� a8.3.�a9.1.�^O.Sz1� a �7ithout �hu��Q q c�it�aria beir�� ���a.sf�i�r�, ��.e�� i� za�� �.ray ��a�aa� tq �verz ��ir����a� � the oi:h�r v�.��ance a�aapro�ral �ri���ia.. Ths vaxianc� ��ques�t sl�uesl.cl v� cl�ax:l.y 4a� �1eni�d. SAI J :�o T�� propas�c� t�u2�c�avi.�sicaxb i�a ccan�3.e�exi*� wa.�h th� u�� �t�nri���� �sf t�at� �t�-3 a� �oniz�g die�r�.�� 3��caus� �h� �.�i�e a�e i�h�t�x�c��ss3 to &a� �x���3 frar sin�le fam�.ly d�tac�ed dwell;i.ng unii:�. A�.1 lo�� are �c9nei�tent raith �he mi.nim�m 1Q,60t� �c�a�•r:e ��Qt �ninim�aen �.a� fliz� of th� R�3 0� �one �� I ----------- � � m.�1d co�alc3 ��sn��.nu� tc ���i�fy �claia �tand�ard if the �tibdivieion is mtar�ifieci ��a r�ao�tmenc�ecfl aba�rw. �h.€� p���oal i.s �on�i�?tent with the deneity al'low�d fox 9:he �it� bg the R-3.5 zaneo �I1 prop���d lota '' : �x� aon�i��.�n� w�th t�e minimum average l.o�k vri�th stan�3ard of �5 ' £eet. S'tanda�cl R-3 e 5 aetb�.cks �hr,uAd apply to�thi� sasbdivi�iono �i �h�s garc�poaec� si�v�leapm�nt �.s tl��r�fox� �ound to be conai�tent urith i �he apa�l.acabl.e usc� anc� dimensi�n�l s��nc�ards o� Code Chap•ter ].8.48 : (R-3.5 zoning dimicr�.ctD. !,I 4 o Th� a�p�a.can�s° t��a�em�n� �c�n�t�ins a ��1.ar ar.c�sa �val,ua��ion I� d�xnonetsat;ing aon��.stency with tka� r�ol�r acc�er� �ec�.�remen�� c�f Clx�pter lEco88. Ced� Se�•tian 18.8�.t34CJa� ai�.aure �t�x� h�a�a.nc�� I ��ttk�ori,ty L-.sa r��iuce th� ��rc�nt�g� c,f 1cs�s tl�at must dne�t th� sca�.a� �I acc�ee deeic�n atanc�ard 3.� certair� condi�.iane re���.iv� tv tkz� sit� ' (suoh as s].ope, eaci.s�ing sY�ade, or exigting or pYanrx�d road �a��erns) make it di.fficult os im�►a�sibl.e �� £ully com�,Zy wi�h �h� ', �olaa- �cc��xs c�eeign �taa�d�rdt� wi�h�Lit adver�s�7.y a.mg�actin� �.h� cie��l.opm�nf:°s ���mi��t�d dsnsi,�y �nd �A�a� ar �anc�n�ti.es.. Tk�e � a�pl.i�a�i� xequ�s4s, ardd staff cai�.curs, �ha� 3ot� 33, 51, arrc� 52 ', s12�u7.d �e ���mpt�d grc,m tk�e �a1ar ac�e�s ca�c�xlation bsca.uee thec�e ' lc�i�s wio�ald h�zre an ga�'t-s�r�a� alc�pa i.n �xces� c�£ 20 perae�.�, �f tka� II rsm�ining �6 lots not eacempted fnr �he above cau��a, 19 o�l�er lca�� � a�ti�f�r �he baeia �csZar reguirem�nt o:f a ��ant �.o� 1�.rie o�ientatiQn � witka�.n 30 degr��s of. � true �a.s�-weat ori�nta�ion �nci �. �►s.nimum north-souti� dimeneion o� �0 �ee� a� si�awn ora tkaa ap�lic:�n�°� �ol�r �,cce€se �valuation �heet. 'Puao atner lo�k� (lots� 38 �.nd �9) ar� I gxog��aed tra have �ol�r k�ui�.dia�g li,n�s recc��d�clo Latrs 2�, 2�, �0, '� e.0, and 50 a�e �xecn�i:ed unc�er ��� basic; 2Q �a�r��nt ex�mp�ian. �h�refare, �igh�y perc;ent �f �lx� lo�� not c�u�mjat�� �or ��us� wcsixYd n�ee� the sealar �ccess d�ffiign ��a.a�eia�d. The p�o�oe�d €uiadi�r3�ic�n 3.s th���fore con�i�tent caith th� �olar �i�c.�as 3.cs� �sattern sta�sc���d�s cs� Cha�-ter 1�,r��o I Ia. Th� prupas�c3 subdivi�aiox� compli�s �,ra.�t� tlx�: r��nR''tk s�axada�cl� ag I Cha���r 18.92 because the 4��,08t �qua�e �aot net de�velop�able ar�a c�f tk�e �i�� (af��r d�duc�zong �o;: s�.�e�t�s a�ar,�. Txact A� 3�i�1�e an capgar�unity �or 44 dw�llinq uni.�e undr�r t�ie R-�3.5 z<�nix�g ¢3is��a.c�'s 1.0,bOQ equare fpot mzr�imum lot si��. `.Cw€�n•��r-nine s.�xtgl.� t�rngl.�r r�aid�ntial ].ota �re prop�sed. The appl..�can�s• ��at�ment ina:Luci�a� a c3ensity calcuJ.atian an p�r�� �, If revisione ��o thQ pr�7.im�.nary plat ar� rec�ired a� �ond�ta.ons cf app�ov�l (such ae izacr��sec3 �ic�?�ta--of-waXs cr a di�f�rent st.��et p�ttern j o ttae Commlaaion shoul�l rec�zr� �he appZa.u^an�s tc� r�ubrn%� a revised d�nsity cal�ulation that a�eures that tfla� r.ESri��d pl.at ie s�i11 con�i�atent wi�h Chapt�r 1.�3 0 92� 6 e Chapter 7.8,150 resguir�e th��. �.h� numb�r of tr�e�s c�ver �ias a.nc?�ee .�n diameter th�•t �ra r�mov�d during aon�truction k�z mi.r��.miz�c�a The k?x'C�j�i�B�Cl C�@'Si��O�JJICkG'Ilt°� �ublic �fir���ts, u�ti7.a.t�.es� aaad ��;�id�n��� ane� rel�.ted g�adxng are �n�icapatec3 to nc�eseita4;� the �eme��v�l �� ��1 af � �h� •�il.ber� �r�ee on the �resterri �ar�i_on crf �he si�.e aa well a� aorn� of th� other few �ree� on the gite. 7Ch� appli�ant 3.aa�endla to ��emove a11 of the �il3�ert trees because thea� tre�s would generally ncat be c�mpatibl� wi�h th@ fut�are re�iden�ial la•racs�capin� of the �ropo�ed leata �nc� b�cause of the �e�s�iba.li�y �� unmaintain�d nut tr�es h�rboxinq disea�es and ine�c.ts that ccauld b� ha�tn�Eul to rn�ar&�y filbert orchards. Fo� th�ee rea�an�, r�mdval �►t th��e �rc��� �ho�ld be permi�ted tc� accr�r wi�h appr�val af th� ���.�i��d gr�c�in� p1.an. �� il . �s� t�hi� �p��ial c�e�, no eep�ra4�� �re� r�ancaw�l p�r�ni.� should !�e requir�d. 7. T�xe �r�po��d aubdiviaion's s��eete �.nd other pukslia i.mpra��ments, wit�n rc�r�di�ica�ions r�commend�d by �ta�'f and Wask�ing�can Caun�y, �aill � cmmgly wi�h �h�+ r�ryna�.r�men�s of �hapater Z�o164 (aesumin� cienia.l of i th� v�ri�r�a� requast) becaug�: i a. The appl.icant w�il1 be x�cgui��d to d�dioa�e add3.�ional right-� o�-�ray for �zi Gaa.zd� ������ to ma�ar cal].�c�tor s�.r�e� � mta�dard� �,r3ja��nt �o th� �it�. �'ha ap�alicant she�exlc� b� x�c,r.e�.red to i.mp�ove tk►� SW Gs�.rde S�kxeet frontage oi �Y�e �ite �. to majo� c�Xl��tor st�nd�rdse Y� derrelopm��� of �hig �i�e fal]lova� dsveingm�nt o� the Vi��� Pa�.n:; subrli�wi�i.oa� to �2xe no�f:ho th� developexa of Am�a Orchagr�l T� t�haule� anici�ipat� kseix�g assessed for theix nhar� r�� �hea� 3..m��a�r�mezat� ttxsQUgh a public img�rovement r�imbureement diatric�. If de�relo�sm�nt of �hae sit� p��c�d�s clevelo�m�nt of V'ig�a Foint, gh� d���lopers o� �,mes Orcha�d II �huulsi br� reqr�.i�ed �a �ay a� �ee in liQU of' Iha7.f �he cost af con�tructa.ng �.Izi�s o���.���ox ���e��t a�r.c��s tkae Artte� Or�ha�c� II fr�nt�e��� Caraca�ructiaa� r�� a.mprovement� ��o ��z�.� m���ar r.al7.erte�r �tx��t by � the eite devel�per cvill gualif�r ��ax tx,afgic 3.n�paat i`�� cs�cii�� for the individual lots 3.n �he au�i�ii�r�.si.ono b. Iz��t�rnal su3�c3i`r�.�i.on s�tree�s �houlcl b� �b:1� to b� �3���±7.o�s�d ic�nei��ent �ritk� Ci�y atancia�d� fo� 7.�c�]. ��r��t�. F%r�Ii.mi�aazy I s�re�t imp�ove►�nent plan� �re �on�,i�ten� vaa.�.�a ��a�ee a�and�r�le, � wi.t,h the exce�ti�an of tho ae�c�u.����s� v�.�i����a f.ar �h� �.�c�� I s�.ree�. �ta£� ia uzaawax��s af �nyT ��a�an8 avh�r �.hi� str�Q�t carsnot b� develop�d coz��i�t�nt wi�k� t�i� �tann��rd.� e�� �h�pter I Z8.164. �. Tkao px�lim�,n�ry �1�� vro�i�d�e for a ����et �stu� '�a tk�� �ae�t ts� �rc�vi�s £r�r a �u�axr� fu�ther e�z�.�nsiar� o� �h�.�s �tr�e� ��s cr�n�ect up witkx �� G�axde Stre�e� (gatei°��ia111" c�apca�a.t� Sv�7 31�t1� �iv�naa�) . bdhen �the �L�ba.iviaion i�s buil�, �. r��Q�v� strip and a bazricade �hou2�1 r�c�uir�d to be pravidc�� fc�� �1xi� st��et stub, '.Ph� barricad� �shAU.ld b� �ast�d w�th a �ign iz�di��tins� tYaa� fcuture �x���eir�n of thi€s aicree� i� �x��icipat�d wYtl� �u�cir� d��ve�apmen�. c�. '�he �zapoeedl dev�lopm�n�t plars, aa w411. a� �he pl�n ��uc�rcam�nd�d �i�� ��t��f, urould raot cau�a b�.c�c3�r� t� �xae�d �:he �2(7CB f�a�t maacimum 11.c�ck leng�th standar� af �od� S�c�.ic�z� :±8 e�,6�.040,E�, �t ie not�d that th� applicant'� gsrcopoe€�d fu�u�e d�ve�oprnent scheme wauld result in a bluak 1�ngth �.n exc�sa esf �t�is �tandard alar.rg S'W Vaarsic� �tre�t �� th� w��t o c�. �h� propaaed lo�s ar� ca:xgir��.�sn�: wri.th Ccac�� �xta.�.�lar�s �s�� ma�si�nunl lot d�n�th-�v-wid•th �atica, z��.nimum �'r.a�aat�g�, �z�d. gt�.�� lot dimensional atandard� ap�r.iife� by �ode ��c���a� 18.164.060. Althcsugh th.�g Ca�d� Seat�.an discourag�s the creation �£ ttarouy°h la'ts, �uch as pro�og��i J.a�s 31-38A 3.� recoynizes ttaa't aituationr� guah as this a�� nc��eg�arx t� av�id lot� tal�ing ac��es fres� ma�ca� ��raet� �uck� aa Gaard�. �'h�s� Iats will. need �o me�t �the mini.aaium 20 �aot �xan't yard sets�ack atand�rci alcsng ba'th st���t� as ap��l.��.ed by thts CQd� �ec�icir�. iS f. �+,cc�ag tc� �W G�e��de �tx�eet �hould b� pr�hiYsited �'ox� al�. l�t� whi.ch woul� hav� �ron�age alon� tlais collactca� ati��t» xhs�e 3.o9:s as we13. a� �.l.l oth�� lots ��n ra�ce�v� �ec��s £ram loa�l ' et�eets. � I' �. �o�npl.ianae �nTit� Comprehengi�►� P1�n �ali�iee I 8. Th� Subc�ivisi�n/V��iancc r�va.�w pxcscees f.ar �ne� �rchar�i �i i� I �onaistent wit� L��.an Policy 2.1,1 b�cau�E noti�ee of �he app�.iaation �z�d �h� public he�ring �n ��ai� .it�m we�� pro�rid�� to �he neighlborho+�d �lanning or�aniza�ion �n.c� ta awr�era csf pro�r�gr in �Y�� vicinity o£ ths si�e. No�ti�e of the hearing wa� alr�o adve�i�i��d in �he Tiya�d �.'isnet� axew�paga�ro Fn a�dc�ition, the applican�. �nd Isia �, repr�e�n�a��.ve�, as well as �iicy eta.�f P have h�ld n�t�e�inq� raith I anr►cer�a�d n�iqhbors of th� progan�ed �eeelopm�n�. Th�r�£are, a guL�s��ent�.i�.l npge�r�un.i.�y ha� ��:en �p�rsv3.d�d ffl� tka� pu}�Zic ��a c:c�m��n� on �hi.$ developm�n� �pp'lia�.�:i�n �.� ia rec�iair�c� b�r t�ie pal3.cy. i 9. T��x order �to compl.g� with �a].i�y �.2.�, condit�.ang o� a�Opsov�a a�� warraxated ta recxuire �he cl�v�3oger �o �aabmi� an r��a�a.on con�.rsal plan en�uring cni�plianc� wit4� e�ea�iora con�rol standaxds �or �khe Tua.Zat�.n 12ie�� b�sin ao part of �the gr�ding pernaa.t alapl.zcati.on, aa well as �� i p�ovide� an on�eite raa�.�r e�ua3.ity gaail�ity c�r��sisten� wr.a.�h th� � ��comniQr�d�tiane of the ��.�.�r o� Tir�a�rd �ny3.n��sriric� D�pa_�m�nt, �.�►. �.'lni� aubc�ivi�ion prcrpo��:L c�amp]a.es wi�h FoJ.9�}� 7 a 1..2, 7 0 3 e 1, a�ad 7.�.4 �eaaus� tl�a apg�Iia�.nt wxl.t bQ �€sc�eaireci to extenc8 pul�l:�� �ewer, I ��.arm dxai.nac�e, �r�c� �ubla.a w�ater. �yc���me throug2y �hi� ei�e. Uf:xl�.��r �nd s�rvice pr�viders w�r� pro�i�c��d �ai�:h an o��s�r�usai.ty �a �o�m�an� � on tY�e g���oeal. TVo �i.e�mifican� �c�,nce�n€� l:�.v� ks��n �aa.�c�� w�.�ta I ��c;ard to t�h� capaci�t3.es ca� tt�ese r��c�s��ry se�viaes, altk:nu�Ia �he si.t� devel�p2r wi11 ne�d te� accammoslatc� �he utiZity xel�c�ti.on ar�� cUngtructi.on concerng ra�.�ecf by �h� ut�li.t� pr�o�r�d�er�s, a�a�t ns���ls tk�� 7Ci�ard Water Dietrio� �nc� s�c�r�YaTwe�� 13�xtus:al �as, Dev�l.apre��mt o� thie� aite cvil� �equ�.r� pr�vi�ia:�s �c�r ur�d�rgrn�xr�d inr��t�llatio:i c�f phcan�, elec°trxcity, an�. ca�il� t�l��ri.�ioa� l.�.n��. 1�7a t�igni�icant �one�rns c�r��� r�ie��i b1r the �rov3.d�ss o� these u�i.l.ities. ].'.�" . S�aff �inc�s thau th� pxopos�ed pr�limire�r},r pla� wc�u'ld no� �r�cov�d� for 3n �bfficiant s��ee� e�rgtem as r�c�ir�d l�y �cslic�r 8.3.�1 fo� the reagons cat3ted in sectian 1 abov�� Staff rea��m�ntie �ha� the �ubdfvig�.on �laz� l�Q modified to provic�e a con����.it�n 3��t�r��n tk�e �rcaposad develepment �nc� S6V Gaarde 5�:���� ta l��ir�q �Davu� t�ae e��ici�nt atre�:t �y�tem JPolicy 8.]..1 require�. k°cslicy �,1 e 3. alsc� call.e ��r a ea£e r�tr��� sysicesn. Yr� order �� actxieve thie ob��c�i�r� e��ff recomm�nds �t�at �k�� a��ni,nc� a� tlle �acammend�d atr�et conn�c�:ion b� slef�rxed until ,T�nu�r� �, 1995 to �v�o.�d overloading SW Hazelhili I5ri6*e wi�h too rnuch �ra�fi.c, The d�lay in �pening this e�?^ee� shoulci alls�w �Ge 135th to b�co►ne e�t�.bla.shed aa fiha pri.rna�y nc�rth--wee�t oonrlc�ction b�stween SW �ull R�ountain Rc��d an�3 S� �taln�.Yt ��r�:�t, f:her�Psy 1�e��ning ��affi� ].evels �.hroug,h the d�n�e archard �u�divisis�n�. �1� • � i Sn mddi�.ian, the �tr���� witlxira th� �uFadivi�iora �hc,u�.d be r�cyu�rgd to bc� cons�ruct�et can�is�ont wi�i� establi��e� Cxty �f Tiga�d street ianprovement �tandarc�� in order to pxovide adec,�xat� ea���y. �Ieo, the recommended c�r�ditions of approval provi.de by Wxshins�ton � County'e D��ar�anent of Lanc� Ue� �n� T�ane�por�a�ion �r�e�ardir�g ne�c��d I irca�r�s��m�n�� to ��7 Ga�.�d� SLre�t and S�7 H��.l ASQUn�ai.n R�ss� ahoul.d be '� mac�e �candi�ione of devel.opment appzov�l, Of a�a�c3.�.Z a�cs�e are �he reaomanene�ed c�nd•lti.on� requiring ex�cution af non-�emon�tras�ae I a.gr�ea��nt� f�r g�axt��i���.ing in any futur� 1oc�1 icnprov�ment I di�tric�� fr��n�ed ta improva SF� �aarde St�e�t or SW Bu3.1L �Sorantaiza Ft�ad, a� w�11 as th� acc��� rspc�rt anc3 sic�h� disi:anae s�ud�r tks�t csi.�.�. b�i r�c�aired £csx ��:ce��s �o �4�1 Bu:l.l Ma�xntairi �d�adm �t �� I poe�ib].e that tYz� �i�e deveAaper wlll neec� to cons�truct addifcional �I improvemen�e to SW Su11 AYoun.tain Ro�d i� nec�s��ry ta provicle I ads�ua�� �ight� diat�rsae at �he Hazel�re� terrace/8�11 Mountain F3oad 'I �11�G'�'��.°Gt�.�tl. �.�o �he subdivisior� prog�c�sal co�tplies wi�h Pa1.ic�r �3.2q 3 bec�u��s regaa.�red i isn�ravem�nt� t� tYse �ubl.ic s�r���s a�d ��ili�a.e� �rithim thi� I pr_r��oaer� subdivision wil�. be conezsten�t with Cit� o� �ig�rd � st�n��rccls, Wf t12� r�c�u��iced �rariax��� is c�enied, �� ur�ll ae � Glaehingtan County roac3 33.ia�rc,v�ment sita�ada.rs�s� far. �xe�ed�d im�s�-c�v�eca�n�� t� roads under sc3�e �ount�'n jurisdic�.icarx. I �'�. Co?�d�LLTSIObd I3Pd� T�E�Y�I()DT � T;he '�3.q�x�d Planaxing 17i�ra.sie+n oon.clud�e tYa�t tlas ?@�s�pcss�rl �u�asizva.sion, wit�a ICIOCII�:LCr3f:3..L�1'Y�r will pramo�� �.h� g�neg�l w�lfas�� ox �.he Ci�y atad wi].3. azot b� � si�ra.if�r,an�I� da�tsimea�t�.L nax in�uricsua� to e�rrounda.x�g 1an.d uaes�� pra�rici�c� �h�t I �ev�Ta��men� tlh�� o�cur� mft�r thi� c��cxes.�sn e:om.g?i�s wi�l� ap�1s.��ble 1.�c�.� atate �aad �€�d���.l ����m �n ��c��raitican c�f i�h� £indinc�s anr� conclur�i,s�ng �onta�n�� l�erPi�a, anc� in�or.georatf,s�g ��e r�taff' report and at?x�� x��,aar�� af a.ffected ag�n�i.�e dnd �ea�lia te��imony and e:c3iibits r�aei�ec� i.n tha.ca mat�er, t�x� E�lanxain.g Ai.v��ir�n x,�anmmeexd� appra•��.1 0� Suk�divi�ion pr�pasa7. SUEi 93-OQO.n, sec�u��� fo.x� th� prv�s+�a�c1 �n�� Ur�hard aubdivx�sion suk�ject to the r�to�rttim�nded aond�.tion� af ag��;�o�ual 1i�t�c! an the �s�l.l.owsing gaac�e�s a �he Pl��nning Divi.sion doe� x�At �inc� that th� s�atements pxoeided t�y thE a��la.G�.rat in atiip�o�t c�f r_�gue��ed V�rianc� V�t '99-n0(3�4 do rant �c�agu���ly �drr�..���s� the crit�ria f�r a�proval of a eu3�div�i�.ian, �a�ian�en Th� Plamziz�c� i�ivis�ion theref�r� r�cc�nerc►anc�� dr�xa�al of �he •rec�aa��t�d �rar3.an�e �o e�vr�ral road improvezrien� a�axndards c�f Ccamrriun�.�y 15��reloprn�nt �ode Ch�p�ca^ 1i3.164 iJPQI.k�".s�'S C3't'f3ER44IS� NOTED, P,+S,L CONL)I'!.'TQ1JS SYiAI.,S� E3'E S�T'1'ISE�'TEll A�YD PiT5B7�IC: I2�'�t.()53Ed�Fd'�`a^ �H1��T.� �3E CO1+i1�I.E�Ef� �Ft �OMPZETTQN a�kiALI� BF �'II�IANCI,�L3� AS aCSRED PFtTJR TO R�C�RIaZPE� TFiI� FSY3� F�LA�' 6�lITH f+�iAS1FISNGTON CbL71V'`�'3:. L1IdI,��S UT�R67I5� a1TO�ED, STAN'F' �l7IdZ`AGT IS CI�tIS DA�l�E� l�F '�EiE �idGI?dLEItING AE�P.R��1EP77Co 1. Th� final pl�t �hall k�� lirnit�d •ta �he cr�ation of n� more than �9 3.csts. �1,1 iQt� �ha11 be fully dxm�nsion�d on L°�be ��.a�� and sh�all be cox�sist�n� w.a.�h 3:-3.5 zoning di.et�ia� dime�a�iesnai rcqu�.rem�rate. TY�� plat and public �mp�n�vemer�� gla:�e �k��ll be �-a�viaer� �u ��ovieie �oz� a ].ocal straet conn�ctian be�w�en SW Gaarde Street and the progoae�i S�d Vis�.a �� _ Ci�ala. Th� �treet �hall �lign wi.�h t3�e �pp�o�ec� al�gnmen� af t�� �hor� riorth-eae�t s�r��� ir� t�ie apprssw��d �Iiet�. l�aint subdivi�ion tp �he no�e�h. Tkx� plat and pub.�ic im�+zdaem�n�k p3.an� �h;�l�. a].ew be r�vi.sed �o �resvl.de �Eu�.l 5� �oo� wida r3,gh�-of-way �or �he g�rog�s�+� SW �iet� Cirel,e. ,. The a�bave r�commended modificat�.oras to the �l.at �aill affec� the i �ppli�ant�s deneity ca2oulatian submit�ted with t�e subdi.�isioxa II �ppl.i.��ation. The app�.icatie�n �h�a17. prepaXe a r�vi�ed dens�.��r ca1culat�ora I cl��rly �xhi�iicin� consi.etency with tehe d�nsi�y s�andards of �omcnrxxaity I I��v��opm�en� Cod.e �h��t�� 3.8 0 92, 8��'F �QATTA.C�': �'�rr� �f�'er, Planning I�i.�r�e�oxa o , I 2a Th� final pZa� submittal sYtall izaclude a copy of any covenaxt��, code�, or � re�tri.ctione �o b� recorded. witlz the plat to c��ate ea].a� buiZding lin�s �ear leata 38 and 49, censi�ct�rat wa.tk► tp�� apgala�ant'� rtar����v�� �T�k'F.' I ��PT�g3CT: :t$rry ��+��r, gYannang Di�,�.aion� I � 3. �u�� w.�dth �treet a.mpxov�m�nts, incl�d.ing t��f£ia control devatc�aaa ►nailba� I • clu�tert�, concrete �sid�vaal�e, d�°ivsw�� z��.��asa�, cnarbg� a�pYsa�t�a con�r��� � pav��nent, �a.nita.+cg� ae��c�, s�nrcr� c�rai�.�gc�, €t����tliq�nt�, anr3 unc��rc��caund u�ili,�i�� shall f�e i�n�alled wi�hin t�� �uladisriei.ora. I�pr�vem�r<ts �ha11 Pae des3gn�ci and canetructed ta loc�l gtr�et ��andards eons�z.stent w3.th Cod� � Chapt�r 1�.A6�4 0 4. 7L'� �� the �i.at�e o.f �iara rpvi�w fo.� th�: constr�ac�ion �� th� pub�ic Iicnprove�e*zt�, vahi�h inclucl�s the 1oc�1 str���s, �h� Cit� rs� Tig�rcl has �.�p�ev�d �.nd adapted n�sv �tanc�ar�i� tor l�ca3. e�reeta, t�.� ap�licarxt �nay �tiliz� ��:andards a�gli�at�l.a at t.k�at t.ime. I �. .8,ddi��oa�a1 right-o�-way �ha11 k�� d�dic�t�r� to t�� �ublic alaz�q fc�a� �i.�2'a I S�n7 ��ar�� St:c�e� fr�n�age ��rorn the +Gaard�/121e►�t �.�������tiQn saat) ta I incr�a�e ��ia xia�la�-�o��-eray �a 37 ��et frt�m �h� c�ant�rlirs�. Thc� dQ�crip�ic�n �hall �a� �i�d t� �he Pa�i.��ir�q rigk��-of-c,ra�► cent�r�.i,xaeo T.Y�e c3�adicatinn � docursa�axt ���11 b� on �i�.y �oxmse �raa�.ruc�:ion� axe aer��.�ak�1e fram tl�e ��xc�ixa��ax ing T��partmen•�. Fa. T�ig��-a�-wa�.9 sha�� b�: dee3i�ate�. 'to th� �aublic along the SW G�arde Street �xt�nai�r�e 7Ck�� basas for t�� r.iq�it-of-way sh�.Yl b� as �rapcased in �:rie �re33.zniYn��y plat �.n.d �ubmi�t�d witta the 'Vio�� �ain� �ubeii�ri.���r� (Si7� n2� C3�105} � Th� e�ea�t amount to 9ae d�di�at��; u�r�.ictx i� �hat �br�tiran of the prwperty �hat li�� wa.t�ain 3C? �e�t o� the right-�fdriaay �ent�r].zne as ak�own an �the grelimina�ry plat o� SU� 9�--6005, sh3Z�. 3�e a�px�ov�d by •the Cf.�y Engi.neora Th� ��scri��.a.can nhall br� ti�d to th� ea��.�t�.ng right-af-�aa� c�n�e�li,n�. The defli.cation �oaum2n� sha].Z 4�� urr City fcarez►a. Inr��rea�tion� �.r� availabl� frvm the Engirc�er�.ng ��partme�xi.. '7. �'h� �p�l�'c;ant sh�ll �hare �he cn�t af exte��ding SW Ga�.a:de s�xee�t ca�sat c�f 121�#: �ah�xe i�. abute th� north prop�r.ty lin�. � 8. �wn (2} sets of derai7.ed puk�l:tc �.cn�rov�mQZtt �l�n� �nd p�afile co��tru�t�,an d�avaf.ngs �sha.11 b� auumi•tt�d �or �x�eZimin�ry r��r.i�w ta tk�e En�irx�e.r,frag D�gsartment. S�ven (7) sets of a�,prov-ed draurings and oiYe (�} �ta��s.��� construc�ioza aoat estimat�, all �repa�ed by a Prc�feesioaial Erac�tn�erg shal�, b� eubmit�c�d for £i.na1 x�vi�w �nd appraval (IdQTEs tkaeme plans a�� a.n ac�lr�i.��.t�n �Q as��r drawing� ��qsiired bgr the Buil.tlia�g Divi�ioaa arcd ahc,u�d orxly i.nc?uda skee�t� r�leva�xt �o public i.mp�avement�o � � � � - 'I 9. An �ro��a� �ontr�l ���� �ha�11 �� p�ovidg� �� �ar� �f t�� ����i� � i�ig�a��m��� �rs��ingeo �h� pl�n �hall can€orm �a °'�r����n �o�t��1 P1��� - ' T�chn���l Gui�an�e H���b���� �owem��r t489. � 3�. �h� app]Lic�n�. sta�.11 �Sravid� �n an—�it� �a�ter q2a�].ity fac�.li�� a� �st�lali��a�d under ��►e guictelinee ot Uni�ied S�wrer�ge Agen�g� Ei��olu�ic��x an.d Arc�sn c�o, 9�.-�4�7o Pr��c�e�d '.Crae:t � �hal1 ei�ii�r b� ��di�a�;�d �ka �Yae G�.ty ot i.i.g�aar� ox �hal1. bs own�c� ,by � hcam�awner°s a��oc���ioa�, witY� an �.�c�s� �;�.c��r��n� providecA �c� t�h� ��ty of Tig��d arnr� th� U�sif�.�d S��a�srae��s .�g�ncy for ��s��m dz°�in�ge main�.�ri�zac� pur�os€�e I 1].. T�x� appl�.�an� �ha�ll d�mons���te tkaa� �toxm dr�.inag� runa�£ can b� I d�echaxged in�co the ex�s�ing dxai.rnag�wa�r� wit➢�out �igr�i�i�an��.y .x.mmp�c�ing t?z�caper�iee dawn.st��am. I 2�. ��c+�m e3raia�ag€� �i�t�iJ.� a�a��.l �� �aroeid�ci as p�ri: o� th� pub3.ic .i.ang��r�va�mer�f� �I �a3.�n�. Calculatzon� �xzd �. �a�a��aph.ic ma�s a£ �n� stc�.rr�e r�a��i�aac�� ba�in � ��rva.e� ar�a si��.11 be �arav�d�d as a suppl.erne�s� to th� �ubl.i� s.m�ars�xre�n�n� gx�a�i�a �alcu�.��ia��s ahall b� l��sed rsn �u�.l ���reZ�ss�aent est ��e ��rvi���I.� I ��a��a Tkaaa 1ra�a�ian and c�p�.city o� existin�F p���aoa�d, anc3 �aatu�� 2_in�e �hal�. k�s ad�i���s�de I Z3. � �radi.r�� �la�a sk���.l b� erabmitte�3 staca�si.nr th� �xi�ting and prA�os�d can��su�c� �nd ty�aical finit�hed floo� ��.�v��iea�� da� ���h ?ntY i.na�.uda.�s� �leva�ions �at A c�i,�f��eaa� �¢�rn��a c�f -�h� f�oa� �alan tied �m the �cs�a of I �ur�b el�*a�a�irsn� �a �ahavrn r.�n t�ae �?�.ak�l�c a,mp�o•v$�nen�: plan�� ' 1�o T�� �pgal.ic�nt sh�l? ma�Ce �ra a�apc�in�mera�. �o� � �re--aoras�ru��ca_an m��tzr�g I cv�.�lx ���. Ciey af �'igard En�i,re�erinz� p���rtan�:ra� �ft�� a�pre�val eaf �.fii� I �uta�a.e� im�.�o,r�cnent �1a�s bu� kre��re at�r�a.r�g +�or3e an ��n� �ii��. Tk�c� ag�a.Zacan�o �:h� appl.i.cant�r� �r�gine$a° �n�d co�.'�ra��oz sla�7�1 �� r�cg�xi��d te� I �����r� �hi� m��ting gricax �n r.�c�i.v�.ng �kz� a��arov��d �zaxaa and permi�s. :1.5 n Con�txu�tisaxa e�f th� garc�pa�se�rl publ�� i.mp�cs•v�m�n�� �ha�.1 no� e:e�m�tt�n�P rani��l I ���.e� t�� �rsc�ine�rinc� l�e�aart�n�nt k�aa reva.e���c� �nd �y�prav�d t1�� �SU�].ic izn�,arovem�n�t� p�.a���� a �'t�e��'� c��ae�i.n� �ei:mx�t ar ��n���tact�an c�it��lianc� �.gx�e��nt�s has k�eer� �x�cute�d, �x�vu�ion af � d�:vele�;��r•--eng�n�er agre���n� a.rad �a�.y�ment rsf all gs�rmit fees. � lf o �,ri�r �a tlze glat b�iazg ����s��sied w3_�h C�ashinc��oa�i t��s�nty �lxe a�gl.ic�nt II sYzal� �ravid� a lf�(} �aerc.snt pe�formanc� �ssuranae, ar 3.���er o� emmmi�etzen�.� Z�� �n �1�ernativ� fi.h� �,pgalic�nt zna�r h�ve 'the �,l�t r�ccardec3 aP��r the I �ezb].i� �rnprav�mers�.c� h��r� b�ex� ����p��:d ?��r th� �:it�. of �i.gz�ci �nd laa� �cz�t�r� �h� �.p�,r�ap��a�� maiazt�azana� borad. 17. �`h�: ���sl�.c�.n�. �Y��.].Z �btain a ".Toin� P�zma.�" fx��s� �.he �a�.� taf Tigard> TYti� v��z°zr�i� �Yxall �e�� i:h� rec,�uir�men�ts caf �tki� N�B�S �x�c� Tuai.�'�izt �aaxn �roaio�. Cors�ral P�c�c�r�.�t. 18. Pxi�r �� Lh� r��ordinc� �:F. tli� fix�al p1.a� wifh Waa�ing'c�a2 C�untyp �h� Cit��� o� �i�ard �ha.11 �n�u�� thati th� ��s�r�e� pl�xc��° a� th� preeent i:�xminu� o� 5�1 1�ax�.lhi].l Drive is �i�di�a��d �o tkae pu3�lia. Th� "r��ree�: pluq,� is s�own a� �ract "`A.`� on the Ame� Orc�ax�d plat (xr���rr�d to �a this r.eport as Aztt�s c2rcha�� A �ubdiviaion) � 7.'h� �sn�s 4�ah���3 pla.t is r�cord�d on Page 3'7 iiz �c�ok �9 �tc�ce��°d of Te�wn PZ��� ot T�a�hinqton Coua��y. 19. Washi�c�.qn Coun�y shall b� af�o�c��r3. �.he� �pportunity tsa c�s:n�lete a '�ae�ff�.c i an�3.y��ie pur�u�nt to �da�Y�inr�tc�n �e�un�y Ete�olestion �net ��cler RTo. �5—�5> � I :.i . ?j ' � i I , • �'3�� �pg1:Lr.�nt s�alA ennetru�t any impro�sem�nts� �nuraei to &�e w�r��ax��t� j wi.i�hin tYae dea�lopm�ent's i�rap�ct �raa �SUrc�uaxi� �cs tlx� �c�un�cy Traf�ic i Analyst�e r�v�ow in relation �ta 1�&O 86�95. �'txe� ap�li�an� sYaall provi.da cer.�3.�ic�ticsn fram a regiet�zed snginear that �ight di�tanc� ie �c�e�xa�� at �P�e+ SW Bul�. P4o�ant�in Roadf�H7 Hax��t��� Terra�e acce�a gaui.nt. I Coritact �oug Idorva]., Cz�unty� T�a£fic an�lg��t �ox siseci�5_c qu�ation� i x�qardinc� the tr�ffic axaal.yaieo I �Q. �'he applic�nt ehall sign a waiv�r n�►t to r�monr�tx��e againsi the forma�ie�n � r�� a �ac��. imlarov�m�nt eli���i.et or o�her anech�n�.ae� �a 3.mprov� tYn� �aa�e ���ilit�r o� SW �ull Moun�ain Ro�.d }�e�r,a�en ,W E3a�e3�r�e� ��xra�� ,and �[� Faci��.c iiig�walra ,�, �1. �he applicant aha11 eiqn a waiver not to rem�raat�atc� as��ain�t th� forcnati�z� a� � 3.aca1 im��ove�ttex�t die�t�ict ar o�h�r mechaniam to 9.mprav� th� ba�� �a��.lit� of SG+1 Gaard� S�r��:t between ST�1 12iQt F�v�enue and STd Paa3.�ic Hi�yhv��y. • 22, �, r�n�-�c�At ;n���-acc��a r�s�r�re ��ri�s sts�?1 b� oai��bli�hed al.onq �.h�: �3��°s �W Ga�a°de Stre�t frantage, ....:.:::..::::::>...,.;:.:.:.;:<::<..:<.;::.:•:;:<:.:.:;:�•:;:.:>:.;::::,:�::;�•:;>:::�•:.;:.;:::;:::�<•;:;.;;::.>:.;::•.:>..>..::::<.<::::::::.>::.;:;::::..,.,.:•,.:•::..>:,:.;:.;::<:»::...:�•:::;:<::;:•:.:s<.;;:;.:::.;:.;:�.;;>:>:::..,..::>;:::>::•::><:::•:::•.:::::�::::: �h�:::�:<:�.����::�::::>xa���::>::>:�:cx:::::::::. .� �����::::>::::����:��:::���::::>:::��:::>::>::��c�x��:::>::<:��<:;:::>��:�:�::::>>::�� ::::::::�:::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.::.: ..:.:::.:::.:.::..:::....:.:......,::.:..:::. .......:..::::.::::..:.:.:............::.:....:.:::.::::..:.:::::..:.::::.: �:......:..:..... ::::::::::::::::<.>:.;:.;:.::.;::;::;:�»:�:::::><::::,;:��::>::>::.>:<:..;:.;:<:>.:.»�::::::.>:.>:.:;::.;:.::.;:::.:.:;;:.::.::.:�:.;;;:.>;:.::<.:;:.::.:;>:.:>:.>:.:.::::..::>:::::�.;:.;::•;>:.;:.:;::;.::;:.:.�.;:::::::..:�.��.:.:..::.:....::..>,.:.::;.;:<...;:..:>;:�.,<.:>..,:: : ac��.� :��.:::::�.::::::���� �:::3� � :.�:> � ,.:...<:>�.<.�� �. �:::« ..: ;� :..::;>:.:::�:::�:.::.�.�:::: �' �>:::.. ::....:::;::::::��......�...:::.:...... ...:. .:::::`:�� .::::::.�a::.::::�.:.:�: :::.::��.�:::�.?��:�: :.:��:::�..����:�..,���:.�� :.::�:�..::�:.:::��::�:..r...t�:..��:�.�:.:.�......�a��...�.� �`.:..... ...�'.................................'�..............................................�....................: . .::.:....::::::>::::::.:>e:.:::..:....:::.:..;:....:........;:.....................:..::::.�:... .........,.............................................................,................. .. ............::.::::.::.:::.::::::::::>::::::::::.::::::::::..:::.::.:::::::..:. �:t�;�<>::3�'�:��t:�:����:��za:':':::�;u?��:�:::<:��:�ati��:�:::`::SJ��:''""'�r�::��ri��:�':�:; .....................,.:.:.;:.;::.;4�:.;:.;;:;.;:.;;:.:.::::.::.:::.:;:.;;;�:'.:.;:�;::;;;;:.;;:;;;:�::.;;>:;.��`:.»�:.;:.:::.:<.::.;:.::.;:.>:.::.::. tl 23. Suk,mit p].an�, o3atal.xa Coun�� Engisa��ring Llivisi�ra ag��rav�l, �xad sabta�.n a 4 �ac:i,lity �,ermit for cnn�•�xucti�n of th� �csllowing �u�7.�.� i.a�gy�ov�rn�n�t�: � I �4 Cor�ere�L� �id�wal3t to +Cc�unty c��tan�iard �.lonc� �rid' Gaa.�d� �tre�t frpntag�. b� �clequat� ro�dwa�r rlrainage �long ��l ��.��dc �zr��L �r�n��ga. � c. An� �raffic e�.f��y improvemeaat� r�c�izir�c� as �a ���ult af tka� I �om�le•tion ot th� �our�ty traf�ic .�na'!yet°� reporf: b�aaed on �lasliing�rn Cu�an�y Ftczl� and Aa:de,r Np. �6��35. ci. P�:ovi.�I� d�sign o� t�� Gaar_da Ftoad a�tens�ie�n �.e se� �'or�th ixx CF�.FaA ae�reement betwe�n �:he City ansi Countlt. Th��e izn�rov�mente �hall. b� con�i:ruc:�ed an acc:�r:c�.anc� with ��.c requir�ment� of the �ashing�on Cc�un�ty i7m�fo�rm I�o�.d Xza►provemen�; i���ign S�anda�de. 24. The fi.ni.shed sl.nge of a11 lret.s witlh cute c�r fi11� stxould ha�e a ma.xa.nnxin s1ap� o� 2:1, or elee a pr_•afessional �ngime�r akasll certify the �talaiiity a� an�r et��per elope�. ]Prior to the i.�suanc� o� buildi�eg �ezmitg for ecar��truc�ian on all lot� �vith alo�ea ir► eacaeee o�E 25 p�rcc�nt� bu�ldi�g permi�t ap�I9.canta shall demonst;:ate i:hat �h� �aroposed a�:ruc�ure cv�17. b� oi��d 3nd deaigzxed tu ��sur� �'tzuc�ural Eiital�i.lit}r. Fc�xmda��ran pl.�r�s ghall b� e�taanp�d by �. r�gi.ater�d engiri��r. A�pxove�3 ��agirsrs can�kx�s� me�as�uare� �hall b� wzn�Sl.Qy�ci thxoaaghau� �kae const�uc�ion graa�€tr� �n inr�ividua.l b�aild�ng lots. STAFF CON�'ACT: Ca.ty af Tic�a�cd �uxldi_z1g Q:���cial.� 25. Pr:ivate m�arm drain line� �hall b� �e n�ce�saryr �o allora rac�£ dr�.ina ta l�e cl�.rea�ed t� gubli.c s•torm aew�rg or �aciati.nc� c�x�ainr�gewayso ��.��rnen�t� eh�uld Y�e provided wh�r� starm eew�x�s arose o�her �ro�er�i�e. A joint ua� and maintenance agreem�nt ehould be re�or�led fo�- lot� uti3i�ing cnmmon p�ivat� s�arm dra�inc�b STA��' Ct��IT�C7�: Ci.�� of �igar� I�uildi.ng ���'icialo e�.� I I '�t. '�tility �lan�r wi1�. n�ed �c� b� r�vieed ts� ad�qua���.y �a�isf�r �he conc�rn� r�aisec� by �h� �ie�ard 'Wat�� Di.�trict'� �°�bruary 16, 1��� lett�r t� j�rry ; O�t�r (�o��s�,s�d to F�andy Clarno o� ,P,lgaha Lngine�ring) e �'�,x���. �.ppr���.� of P' 3. ; �h� pl�rag £or wa4:er m�i�x lo�.a�tion and �ize, includiang wa�er meter�, ra.il� � rl��d ta �� �mgprovr�d jaa.ntl�► by th� �`i.r� and Wat�r A.iat�ie�sm Th� I ; a�oplicar�t sPnali b� z�spnngib�l� ��r px�vi�ing �h� Ci�y �si.th pr.00f �f tkte I ti ; �r7mt�� 7D�.s�txic� �nd E'3.r� Di�st�i��'e �pprov�]. �� ti�� ��v�.��d ura��r �ervic� �Xaazv C��T^�P�CTs B�S�.�hg�l �Iill�r, 7.'ig�rd W���r 1Di��r3.ct. . �� , �s I 27. Z'ha� nar�lhp�autBa �.o�al s�r���t �an��sction be����n �W �aard� ��tr��� �.n� ��a� � pxta�so��d ��rl �1�.���. �3,rs�1� ekaal�. &�� l��rr.i�c�dc�� �nn��.T. ,7�nr�ar� 1p 1�9�. 1. � ..F,�P2?OV'�, 3FJ.AI,I, 13L �I�l,I,AD OPIIaY IF` T.I� FII3AL P�7.�T Y� SLJBMY`t'TED FOFf APP12��F�, F3I"�F3IPd i i �i�II�i'���Pt MC)P3`S'E3S f�F �Fi� ��E'�G�%VE 9��5�� �&` TH�S %9�C:ISTONT. E�x�p�re� Baym ,3es:a�y A�fer� Da��re]Lca�a��nt �t�vi�w Planner � � LE�I���.E'�Y�T'�9� � � � • < < � o � � � i � . i � � � . �asQg �f 9 .r-� � � . � � • � .� � � r :>:«;;::ti: . � s .w , � a � a -. � u' ;?':.;i;?i:;:i:i:?i�;i#:i:;:;::::;:;};ii;::i::: ? A � �� ::<:. 4� �I � 5.�. � � � � T£ R9? k TRE � EL M s1_ iA � �>�>;:'��:;�»�� � 3� �� � � � < 'yy . A .. �. ° s.w. �:::::: � t;;»',!,% ;%' y '�4 V ?' � � <' � � �� (�D �7 :-��� '°� � m '�a � `�'� �� ^ . � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � •a � � � � �Q � � ... � � o� � •,,0 a � � �� �� _ � a ��c < � � ��010�di�.�� • �.` '� I � � � r� ��t�� .�� ' P c�y �t��.. _.� r '�•�: �. ��c ' � �� — a p�� • �; � � ��A � e � S.w. tt84h �' ��+►�`�,�r\' � "� � °�, .� � : � � �; °' � � .� � t� x� o � v�. � w �t �� �� � ' � ,�� � • �" �. . o• A Am9 $i!. I i 4 td� � � 9y i�� `•� �, ��a � � a � I ' � � [w`� . '�•� .li. ��� L � � • RECEIVED P�NN9NG M�R� � 1��� �a�c� ����e ��° ���, c��,c�rr TS): Jerry Uff_er L�I�rch 1.9v 7�993 ' �'RK�DEe Chr�.s lJauies, Development Revi�w �nga.n��x Cs&� '', �o St7E3 93-OQ02 � ANaE� I i I DesGrilation° �� The �pplicant proposes �.o divid� a p�.rcPl c�g a�.��roxa.mate�.y ��, 68 acres I into 29 �.ot� with variance� tn local. �tre�� standards . �n �ddi�ion a Z�ize cYaana�e �rom �t°�2 to R-3. 5 is requested to in�rea�e the p�rmissible ,densii�y of th� proposed dev�lapm�nt. Fin�tinas• 1a Streets: The aite 1i2s southH�e�t o� th� in�tersection of S.W. Gaard� Street and S.GV. 121st Avenue an�i north o� 5,1�. �ull A7ountain Roac�. As praposed by the applicant access to the site is fxom SeW. H�ze1hi11 i1�ri�re cahich come� aff o.� S.�V< Bu11 Moun�ain Roa�.. The applicant prapGSes to eactenc� S.W. I3�.�e1hi1.J_ Drive to �the nor�h and �ast r�ith it termiizai,ing at th� east property 1in� tar future I ez�ten�ion. �1 1oca1 internal .loap street off S .Wa Hazelhill T�rive is � propased to serve the majority o� th� de�rel.opmeni. . i '.�he �.pplieant lI1t�I1(�S and shauld be required to construc� S.W. Hazelhill Dr:ive to local stre��. standarcis. i ! The app�icant is r��uesting a variance to Secta.on 18.164 .(330E of the � Community Developmer�t Code for the lpc�� int�rnal loapec� street . Specifically, �he cade requires �hat 1.ocal streets have �he foll.owincJ minimum standards : A. 5Q f�et of right-of-way, 34 f.eet o� pavem�n�, cur_bs and 5 �oot sidewa.lks on both sid�s of the stree�:. Th� applicant is pr�posing the follouaing: B, 46 f�e�t of right-of--way, 28 �eet �t pavem�entp cur.bs on bbtY� sid.es o�' the s'treet and sid.ewal.k on �ne side only. Bas�d on an exhibYt narrative pr_esented b� the applicant° s er�ga.ne�r they �'e�1 the variance should be granted for the £allowing reasans : A. Th� number of on-street parking spaces per unit Vrill be increas�cl. Bassd on tYie standard s�r�et �.ypicall�r each resiaenc:e ha� 1 - 1 1/2 on-stre�t parking s�aces, and with th� ENGIN�ERTNG COMMEI�TS : SUB 93-02 �iES 1 ! agp.licants pro�osal this w9.1� be ancreasect due to the p�copos�;ri long st.Ar.eet frontaq2 the �ropqsed larc�e �.ots w�.11 h�ve. B� �he driving are� �.� gr��ater wi�h 'the �roposed secta.on. The reasaning here is �.hat �rith th� s�.�s�d.ard st��et s�etiran you have parkin� on both sides and if this w��� �a aocur (X.�a sid� by side) you would b� left with on:1� a`1 f�et o� driving ar�a; , wh.e:�e�s caith the pra�osc�d s�etion yc�� wcsulc3 have p�rlcing on orz� side canl.y and would have 19.5 i'eet nf tir.ivinc� �r�a. C. The propased dis}ar�ce behind th�* sid�walk a� �ne si.d� an� back vf cur➢� on the oth�r side �.s 3 �eet to �Y�e right-a�'-way� whereas with the local st���t standard i�. is 2.5 fe�t ��c�m back of sidewalk ta xigh�.°of-way 1ine. D. '�h� �roposec� seetioaz exc��d� t�ze �ux�re��t I.c�cal �t�-�et sta.nd�rds as it r�l�tes to �aedestr_ian t��vel. F�e �a�.l t�a ��e h�w the remav�_l of sidewalk fram an� �i�� �f the s�.rea� ° incr��s�s peclestrian trave�.. �. mhe curs�nt starddr�t cac�u�.d cr�;ate ar unneaessary hardshi� on both �.he �pplican.t and Ci�y �ys lj re�uiri.ng t�� ��glirant to incur additioraal �ast� ivii:h a wider s�-reet and rig��t-a�-way; and 2} requiring the Ci�:y �o mai���a.n r:l_ght-r��-��ay and :Eacilitie� tlxat a�e si�ed larc�er than. ne�ess�ar�r. The Cit�y is not reg�uir�ing th� applicant �.a inc.ur addi�tionaJ. cas�u, i�' the varianC� i� granted th� City would be r�ducin� �.he costs incurred by t�.e a�pl.icant. �rJh.ile �e do nni� dis�gre� wi.th the inajority of th� clainis �r�s�nt��. �re do n�t se� how tYie a.p�alic�nt �ias :;peci�ical].y addressec� �the vaxiance criter�.a. Theresor_e, wre rQCOmmend dens.a.l of �:he vari.ance rec�ues�: anc� reoc�mm�nd th.at t�e ap�lieant be �ee�uired �o .instal�. the internal leaoped s�rP�� tc� 1.oca1 stree� standards. It s�ioiz]�cl be r�ot�r3 �tha� t]�e Gity o� Tig�:�rd i� Currentl.l� r.evi.�wing th�ir 1oca�. s�trEet. si:anclards, but at th� tim� Qf this agpli��tian ro formal actaan has �een ta]cen. �Je wc�uld recoimmenci, if th� City formally adopt� n�w l�cal s�reEt s�anciards, th� appl�.cant should have �he ability tr� u�il�.z� them. s d��� rnentianEd abave th.e sii:e has frantage a�.ang S,W. G�arci� S�re�t, though trie applicant has not proposed. an� conn.e�tion���ccess �.o the streei.. T�rpically, i,he Cit� r�quires th�x�. d.evelopers irn��ove a1.1 � streets which front �he propo�ed c�svelo�men�c. �z� this case, the � City is alsa reviewing � proposed subc3ivi�i�n. dirPCtly to �he north � (SUB92-0005 Vista P int) ; in which casc th�y ar� grogo�ir�g to extend � S .�7. uaarc�e ��r�eL�'�o the west an� wc�uld spli�. the two developments. � Tk�erefore, the applicant should b�: require� to prq�vid� �he following �, �aith resp�ct �to �he S .W. Gaard� Str�et �xtensiona � � �i. Addi�tional right-of-way alonq th.e frontage af SaW. Gaarde � Stzeet whe.re it al�uts the dev�lapmen�; �nd tlA,l "� B. The applic�nt should bc required ta share the cost of extending S.W. G�.arde St�eet ��st of SoW. 12:Ls� Avenu�. ENGINEEI�ING COMMENTS : $UB g3--02 A1�3'�S � I' 2 . sar�it�xy S�wEr: I�' I Theze :�s �an existing 8 inch �ubZic 3�nitary s�wer line locat�d I� sa�.thin S�W. Gaaxde S�treet, The applicamt is �roposinc� to c�n�a�:r.t to � and e�ctend the sewer_ line t� serv� thi� dev�elopment. T�e �xisti.ng I line has the cag�aci�.y to h�ncil� this development. I 3. Sfcarzn D�:ainag�: � ThE s�.�te slogae� tawards th� nartheas�t. Tl�e �ppl�.c�.nt i� gre��ao�a.ng I an underc�rauild �ip�d systszn wi.thin the subdivisi.on. The sysf.em wi..11 , tY��n divert the storm w��er. to a watAr quali�ty �'acil�ty �ra.or to I bein� d.:ischarged into �he pub:lic stoxm drainar�e sys�em wi�thin � .G7. II Gaar.de Stre�t. I �Phe Unified Sewexage Ac��ncy has establ.i�n�c€ arzc� �h� Cit�r ha� �greec� I, to �n��rce (R�solu�iara. and C7rder No: 91-4�7� Sur�a�� 1rJ�t�r Manag�m�nt I, R�gul�tion.s xequarirag th�e con�truc•.tion a�' on--si�e wat�r c�ality I faciliti.es or f�es �n-1.i.eu o�' th�ir �an�,�xuction, A� ment.ian�d � abrve the ap�7.icax�t i� pr_�aposing �nd should be requir�d �.o cc�nstruct t�n-site water_ quali�cy fa�ility e , 4 , Zaning Map C'hang�: , T�.� applicant �_s xequestinq a zon� change �'rom �t� ta R3.5 f�r �the �' c3�v�lapment site. T�ai� chang� co�lci have a x���. ef�'�c�. o� incr�a�ing ' th� numbe� of �.ots by l8 . The public faci:Li'ti�s have t�e �apa�,it�r , ta han�le Lhe �otez�tial. increase. There�ore, vae hav°� no obj�c�:ion ' to tl�e zane rhange, � R�camm�nd�.tians: ALL CQNDSTIOI�TS LISTFD BELOW SHALL BE� SATTSFIFD QR FII�ANCTA.LLY A.SSURED PRIQR T� RF.CORDT.NG THE E'TT311.L PLAT WITH l'n7�S13Is�1GTON COLTNT`l. 1. �'ull wzdth stre�t imprc�v��rcaents, a�nclutiing tr�ffi� c�ntro:� d�vices, mailbox clusters, concreta sidewa.lks, driveway aprnr�s, auxbs, asphaltic concrete pa�r�ment, �anita.ry s�y�erso starm drainag�, str��tl�c�hLsP and undergrnund u�ilitiES sha11 b� in�talled within the subc�ivisio�. Tmprovements �hall Ae design�d anct ca�.stru�tec� to 1oc�.l str��t standardse 2 . If at �he time of �lazi revi�w for the c�r�str_uc�tion vf the public improvements, which inclus�es the local streets, th� City of Tigarti has approvEd and adopt�d new standards frr local �tree�.s, the applicant may utilize the new st�ndardo EN�II�IEERIIr]G COMMENTS : SUB g3�02 AMES 3 3 . �dditia��� right-of-way shal� be �edic�ted to th� Pub�ic a�an� t�e 5.�. Gaarde Street fronta�e (£rom the Gaaxde/121�� in��rs��t�on east) �o increase the rzght-of.-way to 30 f�et From th� cente�lin�. The description shaZl be tied to the existing right-af-way c�nterlin�, The d�dicatio� dacument shall �e an City f���s� Instr�ctions dre available f_rom the Engineering Departrnen�o � . �ignt-of-W�� shall be dedicated to the �ublio �long the S.W, Gaarde Stree� �xtensian. The basis for the right-o£-wd� 5ha�1 be as prapaseci in the px•�Zimiri�.ry plat and subznitted with the �Iista Point �ubdivisic�n (SI7]•3 92°0005} , Th� ezc�ct amo�ant ta be ���ic��ed: ..whi�h is �h�.t ��artion of thE �rc��aerty' that �.i�s with�.n. 30 ��et of �.h� riqY�t-af-way centerline �s shnwn on th�: �arelizna�anry p�.at of SU� 92- 0005, shall be a�pr.o�asd by the City Engin�er, T.he devcxipta.on shall be ti�d ta the �xisting right-of--way cent.erline. The dee�icatie�n document shall be on City forms. Ir.��.ructions �re availaY�le from th� Eng�in��ring Departmento �. �he a�pli.a�n't sla�l�. shar� �he cas�. c��' �xt�nd.�_ng S.W. �a��rd� Stre�t - wes� af 121st wher� i�. abuts �t�l-i� north prop�rt�r �:;�ne. �. Two {2) sets of d�tailed publa.c impr�vement �1ans anc� profile canstxuc�_ion d.r��uings sha11 bc� submitteti for �relimia�a�� revi�w ta �h� Engineering De�ar�.m�nt. Seven (7) sets af a�proved dr.awings and on� (1) iteanized can.s�ructinn cr�st e���mate, �1.1 �ar_�parccl 1�� a Pro��ssional Engineer, shall b� �ubEnitted for �inal revie�a and �p�r�val (ri7QTE: tnese plans are in additior� ta any dra�ainc�s req�.ired by th� �uildinq i�ivision �nd shrauld only�nclude sl���ts r_ele�rant to public i.mproveni�nts. '7 . Ar4 erasio� cai�trol plan shall k�e �ro�ri�ed a� part of th� psk�lic i improvem�nt c�.rawings. �.�he plan sha11 conform ta 91E�osian Control i Plans �- Techniaal Guidance Handbc>ok, N�aemb�r 198�. 8 , The ap�licant shall pravide an an°s�_te wat�r c�u�1i.�.�� ��cil.ity av establisl��d un�er the guid�lines of Unified S�werag� Agenc� ReSCa�uta.on and Ord.er No 0 91-47. 5 . The ap�alicant sk�a11 demonstrate that storm drainage runof� can be discharg�d irito the existing dxainagew�y� wi±hc�u� significantl�� im�aacting properties dowristre�xn� 10. Si:oxm c�.rain�ge d.etails shall b� proE�idsd as �art of th� public im�aro�r�m�nt pl�ns . Calculations ancl a topor�raphic r�a� of �.he storm drainage basin service area shall be pravided as a Jupplement to the � public improvement plans. Calculatians shall be b�se�l an �u'll � d�velopmeni� o.f tlxe serviceable are�. '.i'he 1oca�.ion anc� capacit�� of � ��cisting, �aroposedF and future tin�s shal�. b� addr�ss�d. � ''° 11. � gxad.ing plan shall be subma.t�ed shawing the existing and pxoposed i,� � conto�ars and typical fina�5hed floar_ �levation� on each lat, �p ineltiding eleva�tions at 4 diff_e�ent corners o� �he flonr p1.an tied � tn th� top of curb elevations as sho�rn on �the public improvemen� � plans. E�TGINEERING CONl1�1EN'�S : StJB 93-02 I�Ni�;S 4 2l . �Phe applicant sh�11 mak� an ��pointm�nt far a pr�-�an�tructi�� meeting with the C�ty of �iga�d �ngineering �epar�ment a�t�� ap�raval of the public imp�avement �lans but bp�a�e sta�ting work on tlz� site. Th� applica�t, the a�plican�` s ��gin��r �nd co��r�et�r sha11 be re�uired to att��d �his me�ting �rioz �� re��iv,eng th� appxa��� plans �nd p�xmits. 13. Construction of the progo��d �u��ic impr������t� shal� no� aamm�nc� unti.l af�er i�h� Engineering De�artrnen� h�.s rev�.�wed and ��prov�c3 the �aublic improvem�r�t� pl�nse a s�r��� a��nis�e� ��.rm�.t or co�a�t�uat�_on cornplianc� agreem�n�s I�a�s bc�er� e��:cut��, ex�:cuti+�n u� a ����lc�per- engixieer aqr�emen� and payment o�' �IL1 p2rmi� �ee�o 1.� , Prior to �.h� plat being r��ordel with i�ag'h�.nr��sas� Caunty �.3�e • applican�t sh�ll �ro�ac�� a 1Q0 p��cen�t p��form�n�:�e ���u��n�e or lett,er of eommitzr�er��.. As �n a1�.er.�n���.v� th� �.p��,i��nt; �ay h��r� the �ala� ��c:ord�d aft�r th� pulalic �.m��cav�ments hav� l�e�ri accep��d by the City of Tir�ar.d ar�d has pa���d th� �pp�o�riate Main�en�.nc� �3or�d. 15, The applicant sha:11 ok�tain a F°Joint P�rmit" fx�m the City af Tigard. �'his permit shall me�t �t�ae rec�uir�mer��� of tk�e N�DES an� 7'ual��t�.n Basin Erosion �:ontrol Pror�r�m. �.6 . Priox� to �the recording a� the Plat with G�a�hingto;.i Cc+urzf:�d t11e Cit� of Tiga�c� dail:i �nsure f;he °°a't2:�G''t. �J�.Ll��� is dedi�av�d to the �u1�1.�c„ The "street �lug" is shawn as 7'ract "A" c�z� �he .Ames Orch.ard Pl.at cah�c1: w�s re�;oa�de� an Page �7 in. �caQk: 39 R�card a£ '�os,rn P.�a�:� a.f GJashii�gton Cau�ty. IN �.DDITIOZ� TH� APP.LI:GANT SHOL7LD I3E �3W?�RE OF THE �"OLLL�[�TNG SECT�QNS OF THE COMMUNITY aEVELOFP-�N'P CODE; THTS I5 NOT AI.V �XCLUSI�1�, I:,IST o 1 . S�CTION 1f3. 160 . 170 Tmpro�rement Ag-reement �. Before Ci�ty approval is certifi�d on the �in�l �1at, an�. b��ore �approvec.l constructi�n pl�.ns a�e issued by �the Gity, fihe Subdiviva.er sha.11. 1 . Execute anc� fil� an agre�mEr�t �rith the City Engin�er I spec;wfying th� �+exiod. withiri ta�ici� a1J_ r�c�tair�� improvements and r�pairs shall be cA�tpl�teda and � I g� 2 . Include in i�he �greemen-l-. p�rnvzsic�ns thai: if such work is , � not com�l�t�d ��i�:hin th� perind specifiEd, �.h� Ci�� m�.y � complet� �h� wc�rk and xecover tr�e full cast and e�Enses p.- f ram th� subdivi�.er. � � B. The agr�ement shall stipulate improvament fees ancl de�osi�:s as S� may be required to b� paid and may also provide for. the ,��j construction of the impzouements in s�Lag�s �.n�. for the exi�ension of time under spec:�fic con�iitions th�rein stated in th2 COn�rc,aC�. ENG2NEER:CNG COMMENTS : SU� 93--02 �MES 5 z . ��cT�o� �s.i�o.iso �ana Ae As requir�d by Sectian 18.160.17Q, the subdivid�r shall file i with �he a�r�ement an assuranc� of p�rformanc� sup�art�� by one II o£ the follawing: • I 1. An �rrevocable lettar a� credzt ex�cute� by a financia� � ft institution au�horized to tran�act bus�.n�ss in the S�ate of Oreqono 2 . �1 surety bond executed by a suret}r compan�r authorized to �tr_ansact b��in�ss z� �ch� State o�' �1r�c�can �ahich :��mains in force until tne suraty crsmpan�� �s notified by the City� in writing that �t may be terminated; or 3 , Cash. Bo 'i'he subdivi�er sha�l furnash �o the City Engineer an z.t�miz�d. im�rov�m�nt e�ti.rnate, ccrt:i�ied �y� a r�gi.�ter�d civil �ngi�e�r, to assist �he City Engia�e�r in cal�ulating th� amoun.� of �he �erformance assur�nce. C. Th.e subdivider ��.�.1]. not aa�ase terma.nafi ion of no•r a1.1aw e�piration vf sai@ giiarantee without havii�g first secureci writt�n atai:h�rization fr.om the Czty. � 3. SECTIOI� 18 .1&0.�.90 FilincJ an� �.ecardzi-�g � I � Within GO days r�� �h� City r�view and �ppro�ral, the appl.ican.t sYiall submi} the �1I131. pla� �o the County .for s�.gnatures ar Coun�ty af�iei�ls �s requi.red by nR5 �hapter 32, 13. Upon final recording witki t�tae �ounty, the �p�?zcar:t uha11 �ubmi� to �he CitX a mylar copy of i�he r_ecUrde�i final pla�. �e I I � . SEG'TION 18.7.62 .0$0 �'inal Plat Appl.xcation Subrn.�ssion R�qui*-�ments fA. ThrQe c�pies of �the par�tition plat prepared. k�y a l.and survc�yor la.c�nsed to practice �.n Qx��gon, and necessary data or narrativ�. B. The partition plat and �data or nar-rative shall be drawn to the minimum scaneiards se� forth by the Ore�ozx Ftevis�d S'tatu.te:� (O�tS 92.05) , W�shington Cou�ityy and by the City of Tigardo �' �I�IGINE�RING COMMENTS : SUB 93-02 .�MES 6 5. SECTI�� 1.�.1�2e110 Ce�terline Monumen�a�ion: �onum�nt Bo� Requir�m��ts Ao Center_line Monumentation �or a11 Major Par�itio��: � 1. xhe centerline of a.11 st.re�t and ro�ciway rights-of-wa.y sh.all be m�n�msnted as pre�cr�.bed in OR5 92 .060 �2) Yefare Ci.�y ar.ceptance of �treet improvements ui�d�r th.� �ollawing sg�ee:i�iaatians e �o C�nt�rl�.ne zn�z�wmcnts �.r� re�uia:ed �o have rnc�num�nt baxes conforming to Citv �tand���.� s�t �'or those monuznents with�.n '�h� pa�rem�nt area; and b, The tops of all monuanent baxes sha11 b�: set to finished pav��ment gradea B. 18 .164 .120 Util.i�ties 1 . All utility 1in�s iricluc�ing, but r�o�. limz.i.ed ta �thos� requirecl for eleetric, coanmunicat�.on, lighting arid cable t�le�rision services a.nd rela�.�d facili�cies sh��_1. be plaGed undergrounc�., exrep�: �ar sur�ac� zn.oun�.�:d tran�formers, s�ur�ac� maunted. c�nnec�icrn l�ox�s and me�.�r aabinets which ma�r be alac�d ��+ov� gxn�nc�o t�mPorary utility sersrice facila.tie� during construction, hig�i capacit� �lecta_ic lzn�s operating at 50,000 volts or �bove. C. 18.1C4 .130 Cash ax L�ond Requ�.red 1 � All. a.mp��vemez��s ins�alled bX the subdivides: shall. be �u�rant�e�l as to wa�icma�ashi.p and ana�Lexial. £or a p�rioc� c�f nne year fo�.lowing acc�ptance by the C�ty, 2 . Stzch guarar��e� sh�l1 be s�cured b�� cash d�pasit Qr bond in t2i� amount of the value nf th� im�rover�en.ts a� set by the City Enc�in�ex, 3 . Th� Cash oz bond sha11 coznpl.y wi�:h ti�� t�r�s anci CpXlCiltlOY1S o� Section 18 .16�n 1t3U. p . 1�,1�4 . �50 Snst�.11ai��.an: Prer�quisiL�/P�rmit Fee 1 . I�a l.ancl division iznr,rov�meYZ�ts, including sanitary sew�rs, a p storm sewers, str���tsr s�ci�walks, r.urbs,. lighting or � oth�i raquirEmeni:� sha11 }�e uncier�ak�n ex�ept a�ter t�-�e � �lans therefor ha�ve b�en app�ov�d by �h� City� permit fee � paid �.nd permi� issue�.. � F. 18.164 . 180 Not:i.ce to Citv Rc:quired � �1 1 � Work shall not begin urztil th� City has k�een notified in li � advance. i� � � �,.a ' 2 . If work is discontinu�d far any reason� it shall nUt be resumed until the Cit� is no�ifi�d. ENGIDTEEP.ING COMMENTS : STJB 93°-02 �MES 7 F. 18.164.2Q0 �ngineer° s Cer�ific�tion R��u�r�d 1. The �an� divider'� engine�� shall px.ovide wr�.tt�ri cert:�t'ication of � form p�o�ricied by th� Ca.ty t�ai: all. improsr�r�.en�s, workzn�nshi.p and r�.at�ria�.s ��e in a�c��cl r�i�� curren� and sta�dard �ngin�eria�g� and �csnstructicsn �7x3G�J.C�B� and �re caf_ ha.gh �rac�ed �r:lor the City �.cc�ptance o� th� �u�divisic�n° � irn��ovemen�.� �ar a�� portion �.her��f �or �+�a��a�ion az�d main��n�.��e. � ,,�r'� . ���� -� � .�1�Pi20V'ED: Randal� R. Wool y, City Ens�ine�r GD:vu�i�3��-Q� .CD � � � � � FP � � f�Li i � I I ENGINEERTNG COMI�IENTS : SUB 53—Q2 AMES 8 � ", . _ . .. R�CE�i9E'p pLANNpN� ��'� � � ��9� `�1 �� � ��°�� �� � I� � � � .� ____ . �a�7 s.w.Butztvt�,an�t s�. W.O. BCDX 230J00 T1GAIt�D,ORE�L'i(9[J 97223-9917 PFiONE(503)b34-155d l�eb��a�ry 1�, ;�93 ,Jerry Offer �ify of `Y'igard �'lannir�� [��p�rtm�nf I�. C�. �ox 23:i9a Tigard, tJreg€�r� 97281 F��: ��bdivision S6.�b 9��U00�, �lsnes Orc�ard Phase ii C��r J�rry: �"his let3�r is in respor�se t� ys�ur requ�;�g for c�mments reg�rding the proposed subd'evision, ,�,rn�s Orchard Pt�as� !!. Tig�.rd V�at�r �listrict �urrer�tiy h�s th� T�llc�wir�g faciiitie� Essc�.t�d with9n exi�Yin� �as�n�enYs aSang th� ea�tern and souths�� pro��rty I�ne: tl �ra-incP� v�ater tr����nission ma�in � ��-inck� v��t�r m.ain fr�r� r�serv�irs with uvat€:r sY��ion el�vatio� of 7iu ��e� �c�v� sea lev�l � �2�6rrch v�ater� main f�am E����rucair adj��er�t tt� pro��s�d praj�ct, wat�� �t��itan �l�vation �f 4�0 fe�t � 1�-ir��h dr�in 9ine f�om ati�ac�n± re��rvQer tc� d���n�i�� p�r�� at �r�st �r�d of T�x Lot 50� • 24 a�rair� �ine fr�m terrri��f (�€? �if9iarz ��Iac�t�) res�rvc�i�, �.t �� ����h �ver�u� ��sd �W �ui� t�llca�ntair? R�ad, �if9� Yfie ou4f�li 1oCd�ed �g�prQ;;i:��t�aly the center of �� Lsat 3d30 �.ior�g iY� we�tern �ra�aerty €i�e. Th� �t��vs iisted fa�iiiti�� im��.�t th� edsY�rn prop�r#y lir�e� ofi pt'opo�ed Ls�?s 39, �G, and ��. 'fh�y �.Is� im��ct rs�ast of the s��rm v�ater t�e��lity ar�d det�nti�n �r�et �r�d the east�r� and �cauthsrrr t�r�p�rt�o [in� af �am•epc,sed Lat 52. Th� existing eds�:�r���t �� 3� �ee� uvid� antS i� 8o��t�cf �.i�he �as��rn prc��erky lir��. 7here i� alsc� a 15 fo�t e���rrrer�t aEc�ray th� �orth�rn �ro��s�y f�tie o� T� Lot ���U th�.t cc�ns���ts th� 30 fo�t �,, �a��m�s3t t� �VV !-��zelhill �riv�. � � Althouc�fi �he wat�r rn�in� are 4<xated v�°ethisa �a:istlr�g �as��n�nt�, tt�� a�v��age �o�er is 4� inche� � for the �6-9nch �nrater main a�d 36 iz��i��5 ��r the 12-irt�h wa�er m�.in. � � Or�e t�f the oth�r cancern� to the 1Nater Di�trie� is the canr�eGiian sho�an to tf�� ex�sting i2-ir�ch °� wat�r s�r��in �la�g th�s easter� pr��e�ty �In�. �'his wate� ma�n is from the res�rvoir siYe � adj��ent to the prop�sed prvJecg ��rhich ha� a wate��tation �I��ra�i�an af 410 f�efi a3a�ve sea lev�l. Tnis water main ca�not s�ppl�r adequate uvater pr�ss�re far this dsvplapmer�t. ,,_� .,�� � �., , Je�ry ��f�� �ebr�ary 1�� i393 ��ge 2 , I in �h� ��cess�r�� wa�er Yh�re i�, �o��ver, an axisting �°inch v�at�r m�i�a G�►pa�l co���r� �he 1�lat�r l5i��rict wil! pr�ssure 8ocat�d 75 feet east �f the northw�st proper�y �� �yi�� Y��e dev�lap�r to extend that water main ta�h� de�op�r9weel �a� r�qui ed t�pao ade2� q iheq� south a8ong ar� easem�nt t° �� Vista C�r�e rna�i►�r�u� of i�i feet of water line ea��ment5 �vher� �eGe�sary. Althou h �h�re is an existing 12�ir�ch uvater main io�c��o r��nt ur�d,r._r►c�rr��lt4cir�c,urns�anc'es� 9t i� 9 capabce of s�ppiyd�g the dema.nds of ths proposed not accessil�fe due to �he e�cte�asiv� �h�u�t btp�kir�g of the 36-inc� tr����ES�1°� °��i�° �� �he exi�t9��g t��rninus c�f S�hl Hazelhili i�r6v�. Ev en �hough the �'�aier t�ist�ict i� �ot�ot�l4y �p�i�s�d tc� thi� devefopmea�t, #he d�v�loper ShouEd be advised of th� existirag faci4ities and '�he re�ed �or prc�tPCtir�c� t erra. Thank you far the opp��u�i�r �� Pesp�►�d. �ir�c���ei�, Y4��RQ V�'�l°�H C11�`CRI�� ._������ � -�___.� �,F: �iicha�� �li�66er �ngin�eri�9 Technician i!9 ,, �,c: �a�c�y �larno, �+Ipha Enc�ineer6ng � � ��� M'A�2, 5 19�� '� �'i�arc� Cit� p����ir�� !�e��atr+i��isrn 3/1 7!�3 !, Tig�rd �►re€���a i Re: �u�b. 93-�C�2lZcan. 33-f�001 f °dar. J3��04 �ime� �' D��r �irs, T�� �.e�ae5 Orch�rd Ho�e �3�n�r� As��Bat6�rn (AC7FI�) 'ss ���re �af �he appAic�t's�r� � �`31ed b� ��nrra�rld���9�per �ob A�es/ t��rk 18�aG�e�r�91 tr� d���l�p th� 3 2.6� a�re prop�rty par��l ra�c�4� ctf �he ��i��or�g Ar�aa�s Or�h�rd ce�eri�ro�anity. After ext�nd�d a�e������ m�b��a �ha� d�v�i��r, �B��r �n�an�:�r�s a�ad P��6���r �f th� '6�J(3 ��0@ Ni�r�r���en "f'r����rt�ta�s� stu�y, rw� 6��r�� �1���c���f �� ��e�rr+i� �h� fC)fI�D11U6�0� f�Cd?fl'ItYD�618��1ti�i9�s. �. �l� ¢�s� rt�� ss��p�sr� �h� ���r� �� ��a�rn��t+�� k�y �h� ��v��o��. �. �f �h� ��r�r al1�E�/9�GA6! �9���6sa�� �ca � ca�r�r�����d t� �aard� �tr��� as aQ�o c�n��ct�� fc� �Arree� Orch�a'd -� thi� �9a� �v�ra�l� �6graific�n��y ar��r��s� �he ��'aff€i� �¢��s� �a�19 i�r�aa����r� �� +��II �� a�����o��r��y i�s�a�� �s� ex@s�i�� ��a�hk�ri��ad. �h� i J90 E�a�l9 �1��a���in �'ra��p���taa� ��aasfly s��cBf6�a�9y r�c�a��ra��d�si ag�9nst t�6s-°` th� �xt�nspsr�i o� 7�°8 s�t �e�e� �Ra��t�asi9 �r�s �a�t �r� a������ �i�ePna�im� it � aa� �o �r���� s�ata�t�s�t��l �i�tr���a�ta8 asra ar.ts v�ith�a�Lr ach8�vin the b�a��fo� th�� h�d ��� �x�����.°� �n ��t�:��oc��a �o ��a�°d� �so�Se� have �a� �e��� �r�at�� ���a���� c�ap��t th�� tt��: �.�r���d �21�C �xt�r��a�a�. �l�i� p6a� ���Bd i��a�t ti�O� ��f�� �ra iiax�i�il! �nc� �igra6€e��s�t eha�g�� �vv��a�d ks� r�q��r� te� t�e �tr��� �� �eil �s �n th� a��s�-s�:��h ��� ��a6� I��aaaat��� . �. e� � ��ne����ac�� �� th� �a��di�as���� �� ������e�, �re r�c�oram��d �� �er��eq�6��� �ra�s�ae�� a�e� 9�@ke pati�. �. °9�a� ����p �r����, �f9 r��gr�� �urv�s ��a� �b��ao� czf �it����l@�, c�arb� �e�� � �t�e��lwg{�� cr��t� �c� ��c����ic�n�9�� h�z�rd��a�s tr�f��c �����r� i� aur n�ic�i�b�rh�s�. l'��se p���l��rifii�� ��r� r�coge�iz�d b� i�a� �a� �f �'s�ard i��lf ara �he '!�J� ��16 MJc��g����ra Tra����9t��aor� �ta�c��r �i��rei�a 'st ��� c��acf�a��d �hat �e� io�cr�a�� tr�S�i� v�aBu�a�s �rr €�az�l��l� ��u�� ( �r� �h� �e+�ea� �f a c��r��et6c�r� t� 1<1�t) °°.. �re�at,�lci �� s�a �t-��t �:hat ��cc�castraa�ti�s� �� Fl���OhiIG �rav� �v�ul�i lit��� b� �'�qa9ice� t� �lirroi�a��: �th� roa�hf: a�,�,le t��� ���r Bull �o�nt�i��d��t�.`° �`h� ��eega �r�d� a�� 8����Rts�� T��rr��� �Sa-��0�d�� �ra�a� �8t�c���h�a� ir� �e��m�r �ar i�e, unl�ss � ��aa�r a�he�l drgwe �e�hic9e, stua�ded tir�s, or ch�i�s �r� u�ed. ' S. 1�1e h��� t��ra � �"ig��d �€�r��aur�6��r for e�oe�r 15 y�e�rs ��� �� be e:ir����y I �e��aa�ct�d tc� �a�rd� mvhs�h i� d�s�b��� �:o i� � e�aj�r �olle��rr d�s a�e��C ���� caa�r ��s�mc��i�ge �r �he Ca2�r �f Ti����i. "fh� �a�y Pl�r���� ha�� t�lc� �� Rhi� c�'sr�ct ���raec:t�ar� ( *�i�i�ch �r�� r�ca�tnr��n��d ag�i�ast euatt� �x4:er��i�� ��t�dy �rs� p�sbli� revi��r ir� 3 39C�} vvoul�i ���r� dra��ra�ta� ¢���a�6a�� �t���� c�� caa�r �xi�ti�g c�eig�tsc�nc��t�d �nd �r� are aw�r� tFai� �wt�u9d i�rapac� the �af��r o� c�ur r��ide�ts. ��spect�aaE ��brr�itfie�, ------.��/��e� ��i c��'_a-� �ruce C��ow�ss��, Pe��'sci�a�� �,Pra�s �rchar� iiorru���+n�r A�J��aatiar� d � / � ��� {.� ��� �/�" .� �r����� ����c� CY�'Y QF ����, C��GCeId ��� �.'(2: P�.annirag Com�nis�i�m �'RCsNd. Jer�� ���er�, D��r�lopntea�t Revie�u Fl�nnn:r I7A.'I'�: �p�°1.�. a, �.993 � �U��'E�T; 1��vi�e�. R���►�am�nc����,�ar� �'�ar �1�ine� ��ch��°d �e�ac�i��.�3c�� ', A��l�.��.tte�� �u� �s�o��� I I i C�m�nents ha�r� k�eer� �°���i�r�d ��a�. ot�er Ci�y s�a�f, auean��r� �i�ka � ��c���°� �e� t�.e ����aznm��r�d��1 con�ii�ic�ra� s�� a�a�r.�ava1. ��r �.k�� ���po�ecl I��� �rc�a�� �:� �ax���,�r�.�i�na T�.��� w�an�t���� �a��� �n� �:o r�v�.�� th� 1��aa�r��.ra� �3ivisa.onss :r��oa�a�t�a�d�.�a.an a� ou�lixa�d b��Qwo �'xx�s�, i� has b��r� poixat�ol c�u� th�i� �I�e City o� °�ig�x�� �i�� �,yp�.call.�r r�q�.���c� c�eve�.a��r� �s� rca�a,���u�t ha�.� ��r��:� :����a�a��aa�r��� �+a �7a��.a.n�tt�r� �c�tznty ro�ds, �a���i �� G��.�a�e ��.�r��t ���� �s� S�1 �.�1.��i :��t�i�� ��a.�r� j�s� gartia�. ����•QV���ri�� a� �as�aa����tox� �craaa��� �'���� �y��.�a�.3.�r r�c�smmanc�s, �z�� 1��s I�a� ��en r�c���e�ad�c� �.� �y ����'� ���aar� e�� l�i���.i� 24, 19�3, �h� C�.�t� 1��� �:���i.��d t�ie c��v�l.eaga��°s czf �t�b� �.�p�r� �ad��, �1�aalfcer_� ���a���, a�d '�t���� ���zra��i�s �u�se��.�°��a,s�r�� �t� �¢a��t�°��� ha:�� ���e�t is��ro���n�r��t� �lr�r�� S� 43ta�.]. ��a���i� �s�a�. Like�aisc�, �he Cit�r r�c�ro�i�ed �T�e p���p��ti�r� dev�l�ap��� af �he V�.s�� �Po�.n�. �����visa.�n t� co�.���°��� �a1.� s����� i�n��e�v�m�r��� ��,�a�.c� ��.�t si��°� �Gd 121��� Ave�a4.�� ��:on�as�e, '�t�� �it� ��.�r� ��e��x�r�c� �.1�� ��v�:�r�pe� o:� ��e �ta�l.x�a� C�c�ss8i�g sul�di�rr�.sxeara te� ira����� �ka� �rs�ra��e�� e�� be��h �W 1��3.I S��a�.��rar�I �.r�d S6d �eanit� �.e�ae�. �� �.¢� r�at ��� �ri�rth�.x�c� �ha� di��i��txg�l�.�� �.�� ..T�m�� C��rc�a��� �:L ��°o�a�s�l �rc�� �.ho�� c����lopanen�.s. �'�ieae°�.af�a��d ����� �°e�¢�xum�nd� �h�t ���cs��+i�xadecl �ran�.i�.aon c�� agp�c��r�,Z ��.� b� :���ris�c� �� ��l��vrs: �3 . Th� ��p�.ica�x� sY���.3 �����ai.� �la�a�, oks���.n �'�.�I�a,��g�ora Ccaun���'�i�� c�� T.��a�c� ��������rir�� ��.°sr�.��.car� �����av�3.Q �.nd o��.�i� �. ����,�.�.�:� ���i� �'��an '��shang��n �a���i��r ��ar �csns�C��actic�n c�� ��.� fe�l�e��iric� p�alal�.� im��e��r�m�i���: � � �. Star�da��. �a�.].��.;�����t a.�nn�rc�v�z��a��.s, 3.n�lu�ia�c� � caa��r��� �id�u��1k� d�:��r�wr�.� a���xi, u���p ���k�a��.i� � r,o��ar�acet� ���r�m��a�, �ani.�car� ���rer� s�c�� dr�.���g�e.� � �tx°���Ii��.t�, �a�d �nd�.�groura� �at�.l�.��.�� �h:�.�.1 �a� � insfcallec7. �lcang �k�� si�Ce'� �� C�a:�c�� ����;e� g� fro��ac�e, �a��. r��' �W 121��� ��r��aa�a tt1 '.� b. I�n�r ���.�fic �.an��czv��e�.�s r�qa�irc�s� D�� �F�� �a.�y �r�d �n�.a�ty �.i� .re��or�s� �o �he applic�r��.P� r�c�uir�cl traffic study. I I . • '9 �I c. ucan���uc��s�n �� �he �,����f����°�� �.�z��:�s�c�i�n �� I ��;��� s�an���rcl�9 da P�ova.c3� d��ign �� tYae ���rc1� lto�ad �xten�iean a� ��� �'or��x ir� �JI�A.� �c�����z�n� be�w�e� �h� �i��r an�l Cot�yaty e �h��� im�:rov��uen�� shall be �onstruc�ed ix� acca��danre �rit� th� requtirern�n�s of �1�.� ��Ya�Y�ix�g�on C'.�ta�ta�.y Uni�t«��i � �ts�ad Ta�prc�w��.�xat ��sig� S�anc�a�ds. SeGOn�, .i�t �x�.s 1o�ex� s�uc�e�es•�ee� that ��cs���nd�d cr�ncli�ion �� �pg��xaval. �7 ne��.s tn �l].c�w frsr the �ossa.bi�.�ty n� �mcs c���27.arc� II s�c�xvi�ioa� b�img dev�lop�a pri�r to �h� Vis�a Foia�'� sa�di�i��.o� �c� �ka� axa��,�m It �a�� �a��r� �axggest��. �ka�t� a ��� a.� li��x �� imp���r��a�a��.s �� ������ rn����. �� S�1 �.21.st �1���aa� br� �rall��t�c� rat�a�� � �k�.�r� �r�r th� ��� t�► �� aoll��t�� 1��;�r ��.���ac�tY a �.�ae:al. a.a�pro��x���.t � di�t��.�� t� be� i�pn��d ��c�� ��a� i�a�a.���*�ta�� sswni��� �� �te��� �i��ixb � .�.�� t���k�ar� I�. ��a�� r��amm�r�c�� tl��t ccaa�d�.tion �7 �� r�vi�s�d as f�11o�nrs t i 'T. Th� a�apl�.cant sh�n12 �Ya�r� �k�� �os�. e�� �x�.��e�i.�ae� S'� �a���.� I� v�x°��t �aes� �� S�� 1�7.s� ��rera�a�, �a�a��e ��n�� �t���t �ri1.l abutt th� ���e'� ns���h�x°xa �r.r��e��y lir��. If tla� � ��ve�e��a���a� n� �a�� C3rchard T� �e��1o�� #:�� de�e�.o�me�.t of S1�.s�.�. P�a.r�� subdivi�b�n �,o th� �rs�tYa, ���e d�°s��.1.�p�� c�� jTis�� �Qin� sh�Zl �� x��spo�a��.T��.� #'ar d��xc��irag �n� ca��n��r�.�.c�i_rnc� i�ap�r�v���nex�ts �.� t�i:�� ���t�.�n �� rs��..�., a�r�.th t�� �x��pt3 an of si,d��ra�.�� tarlaa.c�a a�a��.:Ld. b� �h� res��nsibili�ty of th� P�ne� O��k����. �� d��cr�1.�a�s��°m The � d��$�1�p�� �f a��es cJ�ch�x�c� ��: may b� r��ui,rec�. tc� �aa� �crr x�� r�� c��� �.�lf a£ t�i� �ost �a� ��.� i�a�+���r�an�r��� �Ea�� �k�i� �o�d ��e�n�nt i� ��.e� �i�y Cour�cil. a��ar�a��� t�� c�t��.t�.or� s�f a reimF��.rs�xn�ilt dzst�i��.e If Aa.�+�� U��ha�d �� �a�ecede� i �he d��rel�►p�nerit �i ili��.a Po:°t��t, th� d��r�:�o��x° c�� 7.�m€:� 4��a��rd II ��x��..l �a��pa�� p��lim�.na�r� pla�is �.nd � �QS�t �sf�ama�� for �.m�a�o�rir�c� �I��.� ��c�an�n� o� SC�7 Gaa�°de Si��e�fi� � � consi.�tant �r�t�a th� cur�sn�c ap�rcava�. fr�r va.��ca ��ain�a ' TI�e �ne� Ur�Y�ard II de��lr�p�r sha1.� d��c�sa�t w�.�la ��h�e �i�y o� �'�.c���s� a �ee in Za.�u af improv��o.�n�s ��axal �.� o�.� ��.lf �.1�� e��.zm��:�r� c��t of tho�e i,�pracre�ea�t�, aai�.�� �n.y I �r�d�t �c�� iYnp�°aveYneants c�a���r�ac��d �ay kimeu Qrc�Y�ax� :��m Tl�� �it� sha�.l lac+l� ��.s.� �e� �p b� �e1�s�c� �a��.y �ca� ��.� �a�s�ru�tian of improv���� ��� �.l�is �o�d s�:c��nt a ��h� �� � ` , � �;���� . ���� ��������� , `�c���c��vra�c�o�re, ����,��i�c����+��i��a �?�.�. � ❑ �xtea�d Fi���l F�il!Dr6�a�, 4�rrning�loop�tr��t.a�i�h ncs pr��+a�ior���� u� . �futur���nr��ctian 6a S.�', Ga�rd�. �0 &�r�vents cro�s thraugh traffia from 3:V�i. Gaards to ����'�;��t"4t�+; �uii Ntoumtai�Fio�ci. ���'�5�� �, � �iimenate5 a�y type of pr�sent car future ce�nnec�i�n to the nor�h or���t. . � ��°ovad�����ss to t���r�p�rty f�o��.Vi/.Gaarde, vv3tVb r�o�canr�e�ti�s� t�Amex Orc�ard !�nd ��a6i Mr�aaa�4a�n E��a�d. � �eev�nts cruss-through trafiic fro�n�.�. �aar��to �ull M�u�iain Road. v° �liminates�ny type r�f preser�t or f����r�c;canra�ctaor�4c�8h��cautt�. � E�t�nd Ft�ze! lNiil, �ith� m�n�a�ct�an 8s�S:'b�l, ��ar�e,���f�f�.4V. i�1s�o ,d Cc,mpletes�Imasi immediatefy, lir�kage bet�veers S.W. taaaeda�nd �ull Mo�cntain�oad. � � ba��not a!lo�v th�b�l�nce af ih��rea'� s8r��t system to r�at�r� befiflre carr�pl�ting a �o�th �csc�F�cns�nectian. � Hazel h�ili T�rrace R� hiaz�!1'ree prive �e�ome on��f the fir�t cor�nect6oros afi#c�f B�il �Jl�unt�i��. � Re�ulqs ir� Flazel I�Eil6'��era��&Na�e!�°re�C�riv�beirsg re��air��i Y� funGtion as"coilecta�" str�ets with ar�ticipated aalur��s a9 5t700-80�?0 cars per day. � �x�ea�d F1ax�f ii�91, �c��ra�ersg a� l�ae� �ire��p uvi�h� 9�st�a���ca�a����oo�8�the � �. ����, �rid th�a� nar�h�c� �.ab'. ��aa°d�. .1 Avoids immec6iate cro�s-9hresugh iraf§i�frorn S.W. Gaarde to �ull Mountain Fio�d. �` I'rovides#or future coranqction to th��ast an� north. ✓` Can immediately accommad�te em2rq�nc�u�hicl�s, p�desiriar�s, anci bicycles by adding this type of limiter� canr�ection 4c��he�xistinc� � plan. � ✓ Allo�s the balance of ch�area's stre�4�ys�em tra m�it.�r� h�s#c�r� � making a�y no�th �atath�t�nnec�ion for re�ui�r vehaGle g��ffs�. � �' Preserves the o�portue�ity�to reassess 9n ihe f�ture, the canditions, �nd � � �dviseability of impiementing su�h a connectian, befare Qt i�c�rripiete�l. i � �d Haze( Hiil"Cerrac�& Haz�l Tree�rive�muld becorrae c�n�of th�e last � � �onraectia��oft oi Bu{I 6ulauntain. �° P,future�xiergsion to th�east�rouid fiaailitat�the d�v�Po�r�aen4�f the adjaining parcels to th�east. a� R fut�are extension to ihe ea�t cr�ufd el'smlri�t���v�r�E s�f the exi�ting curb cuts on 5.�1. Gaard�. r��� ���.��� � � �-.� ��5 J�,'� �'•�,. ���2�519� �"sg��t� Gi�g� Pl�nraa�� �car�ar�as�i�ea ��7 ���� 'X'6t��c� �r��sr�o R�e �ub. 93-�O�l��r�. ��-�007 f V�r. 93-6)�1� Ame� D��C SOB'S, 6 1"he �m�� ���h�rd HQm� (.��+n�r� A�s�i��ior� �A�N�:) °s� avva� of � ���a9��at�ea� �Bleel �� ¢��c��ri��ve8o�r ��ka �r�es/ ��a� Fi�kw�ll t� ai�w�fo� t�a� ����€3 ��r� p�rog�rt�+ p�r��6 r�orth vf �.he �ac°s;�tir�g Arraes ���hard c�mr�a�roits+. Aft�r ���ne�� m��twr��s �r�tl� the ����ic��r, ��� �ng��u�e��, �nd s��e�i��r �f �6`� 1��(D �u6t �+�ur���ie� Te��ea��s-�ti��� ���e4g�, �� h��� ������e3 t� sa�brrqi� �h� �s�99cr�a�g reca�rtaa��ra�a�fiiae��o a. 'W� e� ��at s��a�� �"a� �a��� �� ��ah�a��d b� �i� d��r�@+��r. �. 8fi ttr� n��► ��ek�i�vi��c�� �d��a�c� t� � caa�as��� to Gaar+�� ��� i� �B�s� �on��ct�� t� �4,ro�� C9a-�9�a�� -' °�6ai� �i�� v�s��8d �i��ifac���iy °sr�c:r�a�� th� �i#�c; a�sotc� �u�i M���t�ar� �� �eNE as n���i�6����► Am�� �n ����iaa� neighbas�ac�� °fh� ��+�� �a�ll �1es�a�afi�ir� �'r�e�����tia� ��e�d� �����a�01y ��+c�rvmea��d�ai ������� tha�P� �h� ����i���n �f ����t a�� Haze9�a6f ��� na�� �e� �,��t�E�l� ���c�aa�ti���. gt �pc+�ar� tr� �r�at� s�a�sta��da6 ���ramental i�t�cts ��E���t acihievin� th� �n�fii� th�t h��3 t��a� �xe���_" � ��t�r�'sc,� tc� ���ui� +���9 h�v� ��a ��e�� ga��t�r at����irr� ic��� �h�r� th� ��o��� ��1�� ����a�asac�. �a� �9�r� ewa���� osr��a��t th� s���� e�r� A-i���ih��8 ara� �ic�a�if��ant �ih��ac��� ��¢�ta� � �-���ir�d �a� ��a� ��.���t as w��! �� �ra th� �p�����h fr�a� �aa�e @��a�ar�#�s�a . �. i� � a��anr���t�+�n �f �h� �ia�ava��on� �s �s���s���r, �r� w���a��nr� ara �r��:r�e�a�� �r��r�a�� ar�d tsik� �a��s. �. "�h� �t��� ��d��p �'�k d��r�� �a���� �e�d �bs�n�.� �€ ��i��[k�n ��r�s ��bs� �tr���ieght� �reat� an �x����:i�sr���l� �a���r���s tr�ff��� ����� 's� �a�� � n�iqh�rho�_ �h�� ��a�la��at��s w�re r��cac��6z�a� �y tE,a� �a� �� '����t� 6tt,�e�f a� the '��9t� ��1� �c�a�a���a� �"e�rm��s��m�an ��u�� w�a�A��i� �t w�� ��aa����d�a� tda�� �s� 6r��r���� ��� �v�9�aaa�� �� N���@.���3 Q��ov� ( a� �h� ��+�a�t �� � �ca�����rn �ca 7�`��) "°.. r�e�uid F�p�e� c�r��� �at ���:���.a�io� o��ia��i�ily C�a�a�r� wos�9d lek��� ' F� a��qea�a-�d te� �la�roo�s��� �:6�� ��i�� ���,d� ��s� ra��r E�es9i �9a�sasat�in ����.�' `9'h� stee� �rad� ca� M���At�� �'�er��� ����1�€;� �f�i� �l���t�� �a� ���r �� d��, I �ral�� � ��ac�r ���! c���� �������y ��a�d€��� �i����, �r �h�ac� �e� aa��a �I - 5. 1M19� ha�� 0.a��� � T�aed caar��ur�a�:� fca€ �de� '!� }���r� ��d ta b� dixe��Ry� �" �ac�re�ct�c� to ��a�a�� ��Qrh �� �1��e��� �a � � ea���a� �o��°��ar �s ��� �ens� �aa�r � �or�arrs�nat�+ �r �� ��� � 3���r�8. Tn� �i�.y ���a���aa h�v� `�Ql� �s.�s �is c�i�-�� �„ �r�n��c�e�� � t��aic.�a ��� ���+�����d�� ���ac�� �arbt�a ���n�6w� steas�y �r�¢� p�f�ia�: �° re�@�r� is� 1�J9(�) ��a�9� �av� e�r�e�aatac �eg��� �ff��� �n c��r �xas�ic�� "� ��ir�hR�c�� �n� �� �r� ���-� �h6� �s�a��€� "ss���tt �t� �af��y c�f o�ar r���¢m�. � � � ���������I �ub���tt�dp --���� ����� �3���� �����s��r� Pr��ideae�: �� �ama�� �r��+��d d�c�rr�e�va�er �,ssca�b��r�r� _ �- _ : �� � ���� �� � �� � � ��. ������ '� ��. ' ' I i � � � � � � � � � � �I � � I 'i ,, � � � , � � �: � � � � � � � , A�mes()rct�aax!I-goe�n�aaecs��iatio�s�t�r�t��he k�l�naan���orr►mis�ie�� ro�rcti�sg�➢�e�raaes!i�ockwe��su�,ev�i�s6ss�a �fereoacc�Ssabdivasian 93�02;Va�iams,�9�-C�4 ��a�r�da�cta��an Tlar�e gl�ms h�ve t�ee�a prc�pQSe.cl far the prc�g�rcy suba�ritt�d tq clne City e�ndex subdivision eitl�93�002. 'I'ii�y<sr�: 1. '�"��e E�tan��bat�itted��.A'n�/It�lcwwe�l. 2. The A.nyes/R�ckwe98 pt�sa a§raacsdi��d 9�y tl�e�iEyy�'6az►dtin�lJivi�iaa�(herea��s calfed tla�.�. C)�f'er�tan. ' 3. '9`h�plai�as prra�s�by�(P��3 and�e�ppocted by the��ame�evciers o�'�►mes Ur�chasd. Tiais re�rt concludes tha[aaei¢�a�r t4a�A�aae�i Rs�&ave�i P9aia or tl�e J.�fiPs�Pl���has amy ans;ri!a�.d cl�e�efore shouHct�disz�issed by th�B'(angii���oanmissio�i. Neat�ter�lai�s�t�s�es the��quireinents as set fortlt iib tl��"i'�garc��oin�a�elar��sid�Pl�a�. g3ot1:Pi�n�disre�ard tltie data and c;onc9usian�of th��utl Paiau��an'�'r�aqsp�art�daaab St�dy. t�tPC3#�3,�vi�li aa�aa�ta�eaus�ppac��al�'r�aen ghe EO�aa�s���cta�xd ' ' �-Ioinerrw��es.satis�es�43��ica�a��Study fn��ings. iN/e eects�sa�n�nd tlie k'ianraing C.,�mmissio�adopt t�ics Plan. T&�e dat�u�i►s¢itis report draavs f�am t�e fnllovving prir�ary data Tigard Cc�mprela�nsive Plaeb 7'➢ie Na�3ie�as�T�iali Ivlcata�tait�'�"raeis�B�la€io�i 5l.aady of 9�}9� L�fte�s r��ivsd by g»�neo�ners fr4en Gity o�cials regarc�in�d�v�l�pn�cnt S�aflf i�.epor�s re�ardia�g th��1mes l�tackw�ld sub�iiittal S�ata�i�a�v�a froaaa�ity fai�s e�u�t3ae devei��s��c�� � ��skfll6i1YiD9g����AA4'�LSE��: 5ectiozi 6.3.3 of�he Tigard Compreh�nsivc Plan s�tes, , '�In afl pltases�a�'tl�e developrnent a�a��'csV������pss iaa�r�sideg�tia4'est�biRS��d�r�,'a�r�a�ary ', c�nsid�ratioaa of ilae e;aty shafl Es�to�r�s�rve�nd e�han�tiie c�art�.t�r�ff��adj�cent az�as." ' `I't��e eh�racter c�f�he�:�istitag�.nnes�rcharti cntnanuaiity s3.�ares certa's�£eatures�vhi�h de��ee�t°5 ca�muf�ity of iaiteresYs. Ac�y�cfljadc�ia�g d�ae9opment en�ASt shars�n�Ew�ca�nenss�it�terest including�ttac►! I systeans,drvel�pY�ae�ic st���a�rd�, zasc�in�d�:ns�ey,su���t�fter the+�ev�cicspc��a�t as c,oc�pi�e�ed th�g�is no ¢��tac�able d��arcati�sY t�r.l���n Yhs�djois�iii�developments. TI�e prop��f plans,bo�tr.Arz�es/R€��vv�li��sd J.Qffer, �ae6thex pzesecv�s�nr�n����ces the�harac���of Ana�s��cia�rd. Inde�d,d��th dvouic�c��strQy tii�liva�aliigr of Am�s Ureharcl as it daas exa�2�d for[lae past dS years. �. �IY��YOj3�aCif f�£Y�ISA�1991�i��b�tdi 2 C�ii�i�'�CC11P.S�b16(3�{�lS�i1C[. ��'k�i�eva�aicf a°�quire t�nat s��t� schocrl b�a�s�ri�ve�rau�ly tk�e jacne,c!neigh4x�r�oods. 2. �-fio�asi:�g d�ias�ty�n t1�e pa�a�os�S develapuzent is¢hr�e t�¢� ^�t�te den�ity�f�e exisEing neigh�orhoo�l. 3. 'd'ra�fia densii�would i��Ke.a�subst�ntiall��i�h either pl�n thereby cor�apr�zt�isir►g�.h�sa�eey and tiyabality�f�he establista�d neigl�bogEroac�d. The e�:isting Arnes�Orchard neighborhmtsd is � I Arn�s�reitard�°iome�wiiers Ass. Report ft�. Sub 93-tDt�3, i�ar 93-4(�04 4/�/93 F'AG� i esf 4 II _ I � �a�an�raateci by y�acti�f�mile�s�vii9b�rraazy yos�ng ct�ildren. �'ra�ic d��xi�ies v�cw�d b��ee�a6d gr�tcr ttlan existan�d�nsities with Yf��Atee�.s!Rocicwe�ti and�Q00 foleD great�c�rcder t�'e J.C�ffer proposal. �learly,�ither evould destroy ti�e safety c6iaracFeri�tics of€h��xisii�a�nei�k�barha�. 4. i iie propos�d ne�ghborl'e�racl��ust�ompiy�vst:e t��e cuxa��4at C�ui�s�i�►�st�ncf.�rc�s ovhs�li v�cy substar�tially£ro�n th�starad�rds of dhe existieeg s�eigibborla�od. 'I'he resufd ws11 tze adjoeaiin� neighborhoads wliich are physicatly dissinb�la�ity aln�ost e��ery way. S�ecifica!➢y: Prrt�pos� lExisting A.mesJ�tocicwelt A.�taes i1�s�claa,cd �ot�it�g IZ.-3.5 R-! Sereet widil� 34° 42' Sidew�lks yes s�o !, �ur�s y�s �a ', Storm sew�rrs yes nr� �, Ci�ester cnaflboxes yes in� ' I fn fact, nn co��parie��t�e�bove wiih t�ie pr�ria�ai Vasta�'a's�t�(Sub92�fN,D05)t�ltbch adjoiaes t6ie '� prapos�d properiy on the Gaarde s�reet/ 121st 5�d�..ti�ere are more�i�'ilarities svitl�3he Vista ' I��i1�c development tl��a►�vith�he est:a�r[islted Aines 4J�chard nei�hb�rh�ood. 'The pra�o�Visia '� Pcint will Qse dee�eEoped with sitnilar zoni�g d��asitQ�s�w��i u��er ti�e sadgee city deveEe�p�enE I stsndarcls as the A.enes/Rockwell pro�sa(. �/ista Poiart���ill�Isa share the s:t�a�c�haol d�sSricd and bu5 rouie. I, .+Lenes�r�harc9 Connect�o�n to G��arde! 121S�re�d. 'i 8o�h the A�nes 1Fic�ctcu�e4l aaad!he J.��f'�r pr�persals eall for tk�e�venYual e�r��e�tsae��f,�1xr��s C9rchaII�ci T ta I {�a�rde S�t3�raea�ti ax��xEensian of�xrstai�g��zLllaii!�siv�. Tki�se paa}x�5als ar�itb dspec;t ea�e&�adiction Yo ��, reco►ta�tefl�datioais niad�i�z kl�e Nortti��t Bu11 R�loun6ain'Trans�rta�iorl 3tudy afier extensive p�ablic C�V1CW. TP1C�E1�I PJ�OiAt92c�pii'Tragis�xi�ti�ri Stzrdy specific�ily ree�rsa�me���d a�aia�st ax�y r.�eus�tioa��� d��5�S�I���: 1'P�e�xpected traffic v�luxnes on Hazeihill Drive avould be so great ft�at r�cc��tstre��9�on of �-lazelheil L��ive��s�o�zld 9zkely be reqaz�r�d����iea�ie►�te tlze�ght 2�ro�le laar�a ne�a'Buli i�caantax� ILOc�i��`�`�`t�1C �215Q AV0111l�COF11lC�4.t�[i WOU�CI�i�,Pri4�!lC�CO$Ij�ItZi�BG�.d�l��P:ISiIII�f�1S,��K9SF� j nei��ibarh�d oo�E-Iazelt�ilfl�aive*�"�t�ie p�tent'sai exisis for an alternative connect�e�n route dn tlre YICIt'lIL}�OFS4V �JZXI(S PeVeiiLY�W�13CZ1'W0�4�(��I11�x�Ct f3I��W�T eAflStiflig I1411185. �;'Zl� IZP SBI�V�ilUe condieciinn wauld a�at acl�ie�ve the ex�ct�t!go�l of d�reasiai�traflic on�u9�R�ic�taaat�ice Qi.oad.'�**Th�refor�. it was concla�ded�hat tfie S�/ !2�st Aven�e ex��rs�on d�s�eot a�e a�ceptable Zl�era�atave. It ap�rs ta create se,�bst�zflitial cfeir�n�ntad A�pacts vritt�a�te€�chiedan�th�h�nefigs tliat nad�n e�.�ec[ed. �€�r[has�reasans,�kie L�ist�4venu��xce�sis�ea�vas�€�t a��9udec�ica tl�s coa�aposite;�fli�cn�axives..... Tl�e B�aIZ NTo�nEaiat SYud}�refere�tces 12fl5t s2Feet. Any csa�n�ecti�s�Ue�wee�a 12�sY aver�uc az�d�a.zet4�i4! dara�gh Gaarde sYa��t resuit in[i�e same tr�c�atterz�s�d th�ref�are is�uivale�t in impa�t�s ttaa���tM the ca�nec�io���aer�directly to 12 t st. S�p��onting this sC�ge�rae��t af ec�uaval�nce is tt�e fact th�t taut&� fl21st aiad�a�arde s#a�e clefizted by Yt�e city as"Major�Coll�tor°'s�re�is. Ir�facl,one str�t bec�rnes the�tli�r and with fhe exdension of�aazde to i 35ttz and VValns.r��ill r�sult�n even greatee•�ra�c decs�ides. Rou€iai�througl�tl2e establ�s�ec�H1zeIZti11 nei.ghbnrhooc�wi�l ot�fly aggravate co�►�estion can botf� ,G�iaarde �nd Buti 1�4ount�ie�. Tite�ull Ie�Touz�taii�'f'��c Study�t�t9c�p�ted t4�ese kr���i��ik��s�zid�e}�t�d the I-Iazell�ill cc�nneGtioii. Ames Orcl�ard E-�mtnrnw���ers Ass. Re}7errt Re. Sub 93-(D03, Var 93-0004 4/5/93 P�4C�2 of�E 'The e�isting,street I�y�aut a�atl stecp grac,l�s��ady present��gn�..�"sc�nt saf�e�t ka�zards. Y'oor�isatailihy aP�r Nazetta'e�/�ull Mountai�R�iat�imter�tic�n is particularly danger�us. 6�ne acaident has alreacly�x��ed at tlais icat���kxon. Adc�itional¢raffec will only aggravat�tt�is hazacd,esp�ially w�ith a#l�rou$h coanection to 6ia�rde Sts�¢. 'i'tae st��r gr�ghe�a��haut the Ar�es Oc�c�rc&a�eiShtaEirha�i are itn�sassable flta ice ar snc�v�c►i�ditians. T°�i�liig@�elevation�izd noath�rn��sur�¢�esutt in tr�cheraus �onditiofis lo���befc,re ax�d aft�er Ath�r«�reas are passabie. l�esidee�ts reca(1 an ine'r�feni twa years ago rviieci a scl�oo!bu5 f lied�viti�chiidren slid sideways dowr�Hazeltree. I3tachi(ly�Cmurt which inteesects Haze(hi4i tias lirnited vis�bility ta tl�e right aiad ds exc�peeot�ally steep. Lack a�sid�w�iks a�d strreetlig��ts furiSaer COIAl�T4ilY1SC S��C�f,�specia�6y to youa�g cleild�wn,if er��c'rs 'sncr��se�+r,v�n�ca€�sstly. �ocECae�tir��to Gaacde wouPd r�eeder•�lie stre�ts Efian��eaabs w�tfl►oa�1 drasti�c erng�xc�veinectk as¢�q�ired b�'Y'agard _ �'o�i�preliea�sove Pla�i policy. �.eferring to Ql�e BuEI h�IAUntain Transport.atac�se Study,Kitt��sc��t reports can b�t�aPf a��e4cnes/Rockwel9�Piaa 50�-800 vehic�es wneald route through dae I-�z�01zi11 caeighborh�d c�uri�eg peak hours witl�SUO�-8Ua0 vel2i�les tl�roughout tl�e day. I�e coc�ciudes that"tliis leveD of¢ral�fic far exc�eecls the tr�c volu�t�e criteria foa�a lor,al streei. 1V�oreo�er,tiie desi�n e�f H(�:Jeelltill��td its'T'interseades�a`vitla CQrylc�s�ourt make it � unsuit�ble t��c�onaaz�odAte tlae�e vo6t�snes." �If��CCr�s ori iiae say, "...it is 4�i;���y likely il�at n3Y;�S�:�CI6"1Sy systetu Yl��t for��.s a�ucartes;tioa�Ysetvveen fl21st�ven�e an��uil iV[o�eiedAn Ra�d�lfl�t€ract signcfir,aizt' ljOI�IICi�S Q��Er�{�iG,�v�a� Q�'Bt.i��e+aa�c�v�s���ena3irect." �t is s�f�iote tliat 4here is there is bl�taei&disre��rci f�e the I3ut1 Nloua3t�isq'Ifc�a�spo��cioii SSudy i�t tl�e pian�a�a�g�taf�'reptaa�. C�nsiderabte t�tne ove��tevc�y�ar geri�,p�ebEi�iaa�ae��,p�ab�ic ia�ric��s��ed �rofessaonal ea�gineering staad's�s w�r�;�x�iac#cd So cocnple[e t3�e E3u13 I�ic�uss�ai!i 5tudy. 'Y'ha piacaA�ira�sPsafF repor�attei���ts to rewrite 1he findings. (3r�Page 11 paragragt� 1 of ihe�9ai�nicdg st�ff r�po�t Ivlr.Oi�'er agrees�e�i�th tl��sludy in tliat 4t�ere shouEd �f1Q)C�ifl'PCC C41i91�CIFQII E4 I�I S��VCElLlC. �WC,17!�c1Xi1�'fs2(3I�2.1"vZt. Off�P C9I1��Cdiii'CS$Ilaf c19A 1dl€Jif�Ct caebn�r,tio��to I?lsl�ve�ibs�tlirUU�l�t;aaa��e St�vxl� resuli an�iess dense�r�c r��tter�. 'Tfizis s���teqnea�t has��o merSt sirac�both i 2 i si�nd Ci7arde are?v�ajor�ollectors. IY es iea�ird:ct caa�af'9iet�vith�tt� data supplied�n the Bu�1 IvtoQZSataip�Study aFad th�F6attalsan report. �Rr. OEfeF goe�ar�tm s8a#e that some �lgrougtt ira�c ftbrougtj H�z�ll�il6 is nc�t an�ppr�pr�ate. T1ae e�tiresaded€�'���tak�ie frs�rav t�e K.itt��soe� re}3art far�xcec�s a�y r��f au€ic�r.a 4�"°ss�s��°`¢a�iG. A Eraff�c de�sit�of SOOfI m�50t3Q s�rs�r day�vcausflcf axt�ke��zeflhilfl ac�s�ther Nlajmr��le�tt�e and n�k�Yl�e livireg�o�didion�unac�ptabtc. �.�the Bu91 Mour�tain 5tudy�tates,Hzz�itaiPl w�exfd xecluire exterisive correctivns. Ivrtr. C3ffer IPans c�n[}ie F3i�Ek L)iamcnd Way> la9fli st�onnection t�eitiveen f�rt's 3sar�d�n��an��lack B�il Park 5ubdivisiorz�s tlte pr�dank f�r cnaem�cYing(paarde to Haz.ellvll the�ta�l►tYie p�opased devel�perae�t. 'I'lais rod�tparison is tiawed 4s�,caase Ehe�31ack Diaanun�cc�«nection me�efy ar�aked a Iaop opening onto a sgngle conn��Gfor street. It did not�ervc a��t�ffc eotaduit het�ve�n majsar�oa��rt�for sLeeets svhi�Gh cc�taid I fu�tnel sig��ificani traffic Y4ero�ag�t�n existi��establisii�n�neigf�borhood sucli as Fd�aes f�gcix,aFd. �I Faar[hernzore, �lacdc 1�iaYnond e�nd�-ddar['s Lac�di�g 5hare ca�mm�at nei�h�rD�acacl.ctu�g�ct�rbst3cs suah as the I � s�c�a�scta4o!dislr'cF. I � Ivir. C)�'�r s�egg�sts khat b�catASe alter�iative ra�ates{�`vV i32nd, Si�i1 13�th, 54�1�'raard�,aa�d S'J+/�cail , I�ount�i:�l�o�d)�re under-approved, ti��n r�uting�lisaugh H�ze�iiil is appropriate. 'Ch�d�ffea�ence as t�at � bot!?�aarde and�u11 Mar�nc�in a�re Pd�jor CalleGt�e s�r��ts and are pl�nnad foe i�n�rov��ee�ts��eoa��pEy ^� witlz�nticYpaY�d kra�c dee�s�ties aiad SW 135�lY st�eet ms under r.a►�eructi�n�it3t�aYghe�•1.���der��ti�s � planned. H�zeihAll is AIOT designa8ed as a d�jar�onaaector�rad thee�are ne��p9ans to anzprove Hazelt�ill � �s required by Tig�ard CoYn�reliensive�laai Policy�ecti�n&.P.3 (d). te� � Pvtr. Gffer the«debates the merits of tli�f�►nes/Rockweld plan as cmmpareci 80�l�e Ci�ar�le St cona►�ctian he propvses. Ne adcauis iliat tra�c wil!rout�d�r�iugt�die Hazelhitl connectao�and�i�t��all Mt�aan�aiaa residc.A��s t��ill "�ut9tlis•ough" ta�utl Mouj�ta@n�io�d, h�is st�1ff finds"���fhia��vvrcrgtg"with t�iis. 7i his Aines�rchard�omeowr�ers 1�5s. �e�p�rf Re. Si�b�3-003, Var 93-0(?04 4/5/93 PAGF 3 of 4 positian is dt�c;pn�trav�aniion of Ti�asd�'oenpce9�$nsev�P!anao�ng Foli�y Secfiora 6.3.3 ..."A pric�ary consedes��4ion a�'t9�e city shali be ta preservs and enlr,a�nce the c�aract�r�f the ad9acent�abtishedl�xea" and 11,�.i (b) "'The ciiy sl�ali consider...tiie ei�'o�t the isnprove��ea�t(on Cyaard�or 12Lstj gati(i have on the t.��i��lc►�.w and the�trss3ble e����ti�v�eflF�t��a c�iher s�t en�rs�t�oa�s." '1'��cnost lo�is�d ceaane�ctean as to Gonti�ue witl�tl�e imple►�eFit�tion of the�u9!➢vi�untai��'i'ransp�orfaiinn St�c€y wl�i�h�ar�esnends l:�Sth , streei�as the p�•efcrred route bec:ausc it is a�at an er:ist6�a�es4ablist�ed��igtat�rQ��1 li�e Amcs�rchard. '�, Tlye anajor tl�rust of Mr. ��er is to rlisregard and ov�rrid�tlis�indieigs o:f ti�e�ulY Niountadm '� T"e��t�or�tiodz Study�t�d"sei�����appartunity'�t��s�aie a�aa�ltipie cone��tors offf of�a�ll ivdounb,�iaa�te�d I, eja cnmplete d'as�egard��r t3�e ampact o��ety.city p�lec�,aIltd the ecc�m�ne�r�c�aticrn af the�'�a��. �� I ev€p��des so fa�r�s ta rely a�a��ot�td�ted,e��i��d c�ev�l�spa����pra�scas�l subct�ittec!l�y I+r�r. ���s 6n 1979. I l�s st�ted ar�a 9etter wrritten b�the Tag�rd C@ty engiae�e?�r�g�rs�as�g the is.cue of[�a��Rh�l!a�ad a cs�na►c�Yi�n to d2Ast s�c�t "�Yiy chai���to xhe�ransporEatian te�ap w�u.[d reqt�ire a fos'ettal co�ttpretb�:a�sga��pl�n a�eaadnnent. Ai�aataEndment requires a farm�l prmce�with s��bsKantial citizen invc�tve�een¢. He�rings are reqtairecl before Uie P'iann�ng Commission and the Cily Coeancil. '1Chere are leg�requirerneitfs foe grwbeie ��oq'sce csf such hearengs.'° 7'he dna�ibitu�le�f ehanges prope�sa9 by Mr. Offer or/�►mes/1�o�icewel7 recg�aire siach lae.aPings. � ' i I i�1P�#3/�4.anes�e��E�ard P'roaaos�l NI°U#:� Itas submdtted a��•eco�nanendaticrn tl�ai��e eAi�ii,jg e5t.abliste�c.i.���s C��ch�rd n�ig;hi�nrhoad slboaiic�t�c►t be conti�fect 4a�tlie pe'ops��ti��:°�elo�et�ea�B�xce�it t�y�Rn�ais�f a bik�/ecncr�e�x�y v�Eti�ie �accxss palh. 'Ti�is recocnmeEbdatio�z��as des;aded�#'ter�etenszve b�eighbarY�ond d'aalo�g��d a�naniir�ous dote at ttae M'O ti�ari��g. I 'i'lais piaY�eon.f'orAns!o t13��titrnt�f the Tigard�ompre��ensive Ptan pot�Gy�Y�d�i�e�iiit�sn��of flb�i�l�r€h East�uil Iviouutaiiy'�'rAa►spurt�ati�n 5tudy of[99(�. 'The separ�.tion o�'t13t;t��o�ei�l:borlhood G��t�otY�ts�vitl*Se�ibor�6.3.3 de5agnr,�to protec�°'esk���li�i�e.d aeeas"wat.h "�arAmary c���isid�ratia��... tQ preserve:��e��nl�ns.e t�e ch�r�ctex c�f tt�e ad,�ac�ne esY�bgished az��as'°. '�'he�nn��o�n c�f th���'s.gh��ha�3 p��aa���,n��ci��t�x�d����ia��traa�sst��cs ic�E�aat��a�g ! densAt�es whiie at Yhe same time c�ce�uragisrg pec��4xian a�d bike tra�fic in acc�rc4�����th noliiy$.4. � The traffc isolation�et�ue�n ti�e Q�eig➢ibor3�oad provid�s a�eparakicsn Gonsi�te�t eveth scl�aoi distr�cE bounciaries. Both neighborhoads would h�ve s�parate but sa�F�ar�d efficie�a8 street sys��ans�n co�pliai�c� rvith sectioa�8.1.1. Traffic�vcs�ld be li�it�d ia�b�¢k�r„��s��ag pro�vides f���mecgc:c►ey a�ss t�la�s� neiglih�orl�aods. This plagi a➢so acidr�ss�s ttne i��ent af�ne�ni�i�a�am��x9�ti��-sac let��th of 9�f�t►f�ei. The ' primary purpose of'tli�ct�l-de�•sac 6ength limitatioaa d�tn e¢�saar�ee��ettl�:ncy vehicle acc.�ss. The prrs�rosed bike/eanergency ve�aicte Fa�h in efifect affers a��c!outlet fos ernergencies i��tt►��eg�k�rh�s while p¢��t�c�iA�g d�e livabi4ity,cttiaraccer,and s�f'�t��f��h. Fie�aliy.�l�e I+II�O progx�sae c��'correas�i�h ti�e fi��di�zg�of th�I�iorth�ast Bull MoEi�t�in'fransp�rt�tion 5tu�y by nc�t��ovidir�g tr�'ic rarutin�between Ga�r�e Sic•�et a�c4 Brill IVi4unY�in t�aad tkarougix I-d�(lii�l H��v�. The T�TPt��lan�'ard th�d�:v�Eoper#ta�o�}x�rfa��ily to�r�ate�valtaec3 5�1�'�oe�tain�d�velopzn�r�t at the base of Bull Mount�in,wlzi��at the sam�time rna��tains�Ii�ir�t�g�ily of�he�:�cis4�ng�n�s�Prci�ard neighbiirhood. Resid��its�f'Wie�1��s flr�l�ard nei�hisunc�?�d ta�aani�aous�y suppor#t�ae AJF°�8 plan and recoa�cnend the Plannireg�mmission allow th��eveto�r to asnend�ihe curree�Y�a�@��►�ittaP with��R r�use €o resubmit.. � Ames Qrchard H[omeowners Ass. I2eport Re. �ub 93-403, Var 93-0004 4/S/93 PAGE 4 of 4• L�Cl�3�t,i`��'T��� � ' � � i � A I I 'i I �a 9 � �7 � I � i es° � .... � �• � �.;. � , I I � � - — - -��. ---- �'i�a�d �Ity Pf�nning C�am��is���n 3/17/�� � l'i��nd �regtsn ��e �t��, ��-�021���� ��n����/ @f��o ��-f3�� .�e�� D�ar �ir�, �� �T�1� 1��9'B�� �6C�'d�Q'C� �Ot� $�41V6'9�� �SS17t;��$6CbPE ���P'�} 9S �Nd�f1� �� t�'1� ��S��C�3,�60C9 fi8�� �y ��ar��E/d��e@�a�r Ci�� ���I M�rk ���e�r��E to ��w�l�p �F�� 12.�� ��P� �ra���y ����� r����� �af ��a� ��ista�g O�a�a�� ���a�rd +���a��a�aty. A��r �����e� ��t6o�g� wo�h �:h� dev����r� �rit� ��s�i���e ��ti ���� �� �h� 1��0 �3�18 M�aan��p� �'r����a�a�i�n ��s���+a �� ���� �l�a�i��� �c� �a��a�i� th� f�@l��re�� ������end��ic�nse ^ 1. VY� d� ��t sup�rt �Pa� �lan �� ���cna�� �y th� �tev�l��ro � �. ef t,�e n��s �ubdi�i��i�a� e��tgn� tr� � c���t�! t� �a��� ��et �s a6� I �2�n�t�+c! �� Ar�wes ����� � ti�e� p@�r� ��sa�ld �a��������9� a������ � �fS'a� �I ���� ��agi �Ao�����et �� v��ii �s �eg�tiv�l� ir���t �oa aex�t�ng �aght�or�i. �'� �I ���� ���! 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F�aac3 �zaa� �xac���s �:c, ��� �e%r'��• � �" �xs, ��.c�, l�tax�l�.�7.�. m.�i�re ��am k��n ����'��acZ,e� duir��� ��a.ra ��pa.��l 4-- - `.,1 r���.clexa�t�,�3. �s8=�'��a�,a zxi �asdex �a a���asac��� �. �ea��:�a�i�,1� ° �I'a�caug4g t�'a��3.c �Q - - t� coa�s�:c�i«�axe '�°hi.� '�.hgnugYa c:onx���txa�i w�.� �x����d tts d�c��age �c�affb� � °°� vol�xm�� �� ��5� ���� �� �az�lhi�l Dr�.v� cax�. �a�a�.�. i�..c3sa.�.�a3.ra F��ans3T. P,��I,iIY� �- 3JbIt,TI3�lia`� k3T.7x,.Y. Mc?iYPi'A'AYPd '1CR7�NSPC2ItTATxt3N Sfi'arDX �.'2►CvE 31 � U ' ,�l,��V 1:,, :.,� �_ .� ...,�_.,___ .. ,i.J ' o , y �,°3� �C�r���i� g� c��.�sa�� f..r�c�.£�dt4:� ��ra� �h� 121 �v��u� �x��sa��aa� �iul� �:��� ����'�i,� ka��c���x� �h� ���.1. AS�a€aaa�a.icn �3r�a� s�asidl�n�t..�.a. ���s and �.1� ����� zY�z°��. �iC 6��a°dc� �t�4�� a� ����. �B��e�c, tkxc tr����.� �a�esj����.e�ss� �1.�� inr3�.s��tk+� tY�a� �h� co�acae��i�xs w��.Ad fuxactA.on p�r3.a�rily �� a� alt�xna�3.�re xaut� �or t��cugh t�c���ic on �aa�el� str���» ��� z�eeuA� w�u�.ci R�ET t�n .£xlC����e ��.���� '�.�aan � d���F�a��� �.n t�af�a�c. rsr� �ul�. E�ua��aa.aa Iiaad �ts . r � �h� ���� �i� 33az�l.h;�.� t��a.�xeo �ka� �xg�ct�r� ���ff5.c vo]u.�n�� e�z� �3l�z�lh�.11 D�i�ve arowJ�d kae �so r�z�a�. g4aa� r�c���tz�aa�.ti4n e+� H�,xe3.Pti3.�. ,L�ac�.v� waa�l.c3 1.i.3c�l� � ���i��a� �v ��.�.x'��� t�s.� �i�ta� �aaffi�� �u�� ����' ��ss3.3 �3c��xx��a.S.at ���d< ! �Th3.�� �ta� �oznragc�z.�r� w�ul.a� r���aa�� �},�� 't������ .r�i��n�� �� �� ����+��, �3x� x�duc�S.�a`b w�ou].d nei� ka� �$.c�xai..��c��. �gtt�uc�h '�ca �b�ssy�� �� fss�,�a�o�*��sA�,� n��ded � �n G����e ����o�t. �aaxci� ������ svou.3�. ��..i��. k� ���t��3 t�a f�n��s.a�a �� .� � ma�ar cc�?�.�c�or roadwa,y°. ��� ���.at �v�nue �rsra�.�.r�ra va��ZcB �i�.�.����.cxh2.y s.��a� �.ti�s o�xi�t3.nc�. • ���iai�rs.�3.�a3 as�i�hb�carl��od rsm �i�x���.13. �z�.f.�s�� I� we��,�c:! ��.e� �agc�ea�a �.r���3.� ��al�axac� oaa 1.�1�� Av�x�ea� ���x oa� �'�a.s.rd.e ��r���, � �s:�a �� �:c����g . s:���.��a��3.��. ���r�ldp�r��A 9C�re ���xa�a��. c�zi��� ��a� ,�► ��.�xa�a�.�t� ��is�x�i�xa ro�c�te s.sa ��xe ���3�i�y �� �id �.���d ��'�:nax� �a�x��l� �xa�.c� �gs�r_� �ar ' ��� ��g�.fi..ng ��+�. �'Ix� �.�3.s� ����u� �c�raaa����.�� �a�a�x�.� a�a� ac�a�.�v� �he �.����et� e�ea�.7. �f d�°.��a�iza� �xa��a,� �ri �u�A1. Hou����,aa ���da �� �o�srsc�.�is�a�, r,�oealc� �zc��. �l�.n�.��i ' ��xa� aa��a �os �a���r�n�ia�]. a.sm��o�r�mera4:� saxeIl °�h� ����a�i.o�. ssf �ds2a����.�] ��a���.� .�s��ra��e� e�s� �a�d� ���e . �h��4����m �,� Qa�a �a��:7L�ad�c1 �a�.� �ae ].2],.�� ���anu� ���� �a� x:�st � ����ab1� �.3.�.�ma�a.Pr�. �t �.�����s �a ����� s�iak�������.a.�. dc:��a.�:za��, ���� ���r�u� �c�a�.�a�ars.+� �kt� ��as��z.�� t�� 3a� �� ���.. �'�� �kaa�e . ��a�sazt�� �c�a� 3�:1.�� a�v�ta�+.� ��.�an€a;�sxa �ra$ �.ca� ���.'�e$�cx �,z'c '� �`�:u�ctc�r� �I.a.rs. , . � ' �� Rv�nti� �ac��st�i.C�Ya 9 � °`�' � � k�ra �a�ea3,�a. u� �ec��i �'�s� � � ��..� 2�c�n.��.i�s F,� , . ds I��� +��a�.rl �s��a�rS.d� �, a� � E�� � �.c�us�� ��a,c�ra� ��' � Ltull ,F�asz���3..n. � c�a� as� �kar�c►ug� f,7 • f1�` IY av� �� BSCJF��;AxN '��t�Pf?&t'a'F���G7Z�i �'�d37� �'� � ��'��:�.��..... i .`__ .y '__ �.w�+��.. � Yry u+♦ ' 1 � � ' , a I �X�1�1$ � e D Q �A 4 � . � �aa������ � �w�e���,e6�1��e�' 6S`��. 7'E@,�d��6Dfi�1"�`9"��d� ��Nf�1�4�/'TFi/i,FF9C�6V(aIB���f39N�a 610 S.W.'AU7ER,SUITE 704 a F'ORTI.�ND,OR 9720b s S5L�3)228•5230 • FAX(303j 273�8t6� I I �3A C�`1 $, ���J �ro}ec�l�o.: 11�15.6� , ' IVIr. Mark £'. k�tockvvell 18325 S.V{�, Boones �erx�r �{.Qad Lake C)swego, Or�gon �7035 S'UBJJ.EC7C: ��raew sr£Circui��ioa��l�n �°�� �he Praposer�.Asia�s Or��aarei 2 Subdivis�on �ear 1VIr. �u��.�v�'Ll: "VJ� P�av� �aac3 an og�tor�iaaF.ity trr r��7evc� ��e prelia�ia��ay subdi�rision. 3ay�ut and traf�ic �ixcuiation pl�n for your pAoposed resaa�e�taa�.' �ievelc�pm�a�t,Arne� �rch�rd �. Fur��iermure, w� hav� esamined the t;ity of�'ig•ard°s Nor�Ixeczst �u,�l ldlounttzin 7'r-rzns�ortcctzon Stud_y to deterxnine�.o�w vaz-ious futur� z•c+a�evay �1tex�nat2ves �n.aght af�'ect`°through" traffic volumes �vithiz� your cievelop��nt anci i�i� �xisting Axaies �rcliard 1 su�divisian resic3ents. �is we had discussed, the major issu� of can�ern by�he city of'X'i�ard s�aff ax�d yourself is the extensioaa vf a public street ��ar�iigh �he �.ro}aer�,y t� coxxz�ect Gaarde u�treet t� �ull PJ�ouaa��in Rcra�.. In g'e�zeral, t�af� e��ensia� i.� pro�5sd tA,poi�e�vi��.�.S�T. �az�ellxill ��iwe which car.rer�tly gae� �Ghrough an e�is��g r�e�Aden�ial�aex��abe�rhaad a� °�r�l� �s�c�u��xev�r de��I��prx�e�t. �o Q�� ad�v�ca�e� a dix°��t �t�x�saon nf�.�'6''. 3.��st Aven�ae. �o, 6���m�. �d th� �ity's �ta�'�gr�e that tlazs ext�nsi�n �ho�lc� nat t�e �Bd� �antal at leas�one af th� o�her new aortln-so�.tth roadvvays �b the r�esti of°thi� ar��, t��t also connQCfs tl�� Graax�le Str�efi�uz-x°ay BaL�lev�srd e�ten�ioaa � ��a�l FVl�unt�a� �,oa� {sur,�a as 13�th A��r�aa�)� b�e�nn��4-ucted �nd operatxx�g �.s �n �:;t�.b4ish�c? cm�ec�iara for a xnYa�.xs�uzn af s�veral �xtcr�ths to a ye�r. ` �`�.e priax��r.y t�iffere�xc� i� �be �gt�rt.ai�'s ei�°cula�i.axe�l��a �z�l y��ar pr.oposed plaa is hc��r aud � �,v��en m fiaturs �oxzn.e��i�n ia x�a,de. Xour developm�nt g�laxis s�a����t if�is �te�x�ie�� �ur.s at�vozxid b��x�e�er��i�e to b� cs�'set �r�st �f�.21.ttt 1�v�nue a�ad� s�ade t�,x�ciugh adj�cer�t p�c�Is �a �tae ��st of��r�r�ite. �'�.e Ci�y o��'i��d s�kx�s rece��e�c�i�i. +���� ��azsf��n d� t�csugh your g�xrp��t,`y s�f�'set �o f1�►e west �.nd �li.�n.vc*it�i��a� �cces� tr� the ��w'6Tis� P�aia�t devel4gmen� c�n th� nari;h side s�f�a.�rde StF��t. �e hav� s�o�zu t`.c, the L"�ty c�f Ti�a�d �'�ann�ng�'r,a€�'�n�t��y h�ve id�8tzfied ��iree r�adwa;y desi� criteria/standards tha� ar� relevant tcr the aa�ed for extenc�ing I23.st Avenu� �d �aa�r thi� should lf� acGOmplisk�ed. Tlie fifst ata�D.d�rd is the Ci.t�s requireffieaa�t t�at cuT�.e-�acs shou:d �ot eacc�� 4�� fe�et iza l�ngt;lx. ��ardles� �l�ich c�f t�.e abave futur� ro�adwa, �onner�im�s � Gaarde �tre��:i� a�lti�n.a�ly �oa�strczcted, ��e i�aL-eriva roadar�y aetvvc��k�i.�hin the l�rnes Orcharrl 2 development vv�11 for�s a la��e �ulQde-�a�uYb� t�� cocznecti.�xg xaad�ay is �or�structed arid ��a�nedi. �r�� of t;x�� p�zmaxy rea�ons�f�rr concern wit,�z I��aag cuI-c�e-sa� is that � it will in�cx°e�se travel times for en�ergency vehicla acc�s, c� a shu�t-tercn. �1t�a°s�.atzv� �d � BEU_EVUE Q PORTL4ND • SACFiAMENTO , � �. �tD��C'V9@� l�i�rch $, 3.99� . �'�ge 2 �.ddr�ss �l�is eaa�xc�r�, it ia �c�axs.a�endlecl tiiia� f�r fir� an�i safe�q�r�txicH.es as v✓�li as �� aaraemXt;y, �o� mi�ht ��n,tx-�ct z��vvis�e �ombinatxora �i�ergency�relaicle easeaanen� an.d pedes�riaYS/bicqcle traii that wc���rl conriect your rle��l��me�i��rxth ��axc�� Str�g�. '�.`�ais gsa�h �vo�sid pr�v�d� � d�.r�ct�path fa�r�destx�i.aa�.� �xzd '�i�3r�ii��s �.aa�g�e 121�t Av�anaae corridc�r tc� � �3axD1 Afica��t�x��ae� �d.�e ��j���;r�ti r��n�.��.�;a�l �.x€a�, �S�at�cs� a�lo�r�egular vehaca�l���rr��c. ��.s ����a �va�alr� alsc� b��€�:asta°a.ac� � �.ecc�r�sm��.� ex$r�rg�sacy�re�x�le5 a�d �nin�rnize ����x� �T$1�1E?�6 �2.t�1 L�O a CT�SiS. IIl ��� ¢11tt1T"�� ��115 �A��'1 V�OLYIC��3�°QdC/ES�B ZOC�7I Y'�S3Q��I1� 3Y! �C�e55 �(3 �k�� fu��x�� Tri�I4�iet taus sexva�e t.t�a�t anight be }�msavideci ��onp the �2Y�t��re�u�lG�aa�ci� �tr�e� - �c�rridor< . �"I�e s��ond ord'xnn�nE� is f.�a� �a�a�°�'igar�'s k3loc� ��a�ara�Stt�ndard wrrhich �°�quii�� 9;hat �aioc�� �hall ss�a��e�c�� I,��� ���4:�n 1�ar��'l;�. �i3 th� sea�th sicie ���aaa°c�� �tre��9 t��nea��sy �tre�t�r the �ast i� 117t�aa�,ven�e, �.p�arc��im�te�� �,�d�0 fset a�ev��a `T'cs ��Z�v�r�st, �� n�are�� str�t o� i,txe souf.t� :�ide of�a�x°d������t v�ia� l� c�r���a�uu��d � ga��asf tl�� aze��c�as��,*ay �sro�ec� �x�eaadin���.arcie st��et�ci is ibl��i� t;� Le �i��a�r an �cr,�s� taq �. fu�ure d���lapr�x�n�or � ��� ��t,emsi�Xa c�f l��nd Aw�ue, �ppraa�iinately 1,4�Q £��t R��y. `�Pae pur��se of�is stareda.rd 'as �a pravn�e a coanpl�tk���reei xa�twarl� sps�e�vvi�:x ca�n�aeetir��raadwa�r�. ��sw��rer, t�iv s�ax�a��. r�cr��,�az�s t3n.at tk�� �xa�t s��czsag�i�ezxsi��u zr�ay�ot at�r��r� bE pr��'c�ical s�s�� ta tc�g�ograp�ayy NiY"CAlliC �L�CgS���lOI�Iy �.ild �1� tJ�B£g,'!g C�%].51E�@�'�.�1i3Z1�. ��?�x�c�less v��aic�x eaf'��ae 121st Asr�n.u� exten.sions d�scri��d �tbu�r� �s �canstruct�;ci, t�e a�es�sl�aaa��u��es spacing�ill �ikely �nly m�et �he criteria in o�e t�r�c�ie�a�, but no��.m ��e ot�aer c�arection, In �e��ral, �it�er option �ill s�eet th.r� obj�ctxve nf�� s�tti�.rd. 'F�e overri����onsidera.tsoa� sho�ald t�e��� �ffect mf�1zns rnadw�� n�a tra�c usan��ais ro�civaay to cu� t�raugh to Bull�oun�ain �2.cyaa an� 3.ts ira��a�ct a� ti�e re�iaen�ial �reas �s r��taAlec��elo�v. °�'b.e t�^Aird ca��+�ria ir�a��is x�le�ant�s �e Ci.ty's ��x.��a�ek�cn�i�r��'���knic���p�cifa�� �x���-i� a��rage d,ail� tr�£��vc��usx��,5 on local roadva�y�s, su��x as �z�13ai1117��r�, �k�nia.Rc� �saa��.��a� 1,�0t��r�hicles. `I'�� ��s�r���t��r��age �l�.ly�x�.c vsstum� on I�iaz�l�iill �riv�is probabty�ess t�aa� 3�0 e�hirles, i�as�d upA� trxp gen��°ation �s�iJm�t�s fxon� the �sfat�x� �f`I'r°�a�.sy�e�r�a.tic��. �rz�i.ne��s �"riz� �e.z�eer�ttir�n F�eporfi, �th��dztea��.o �3u�ng f,!!ne �,xr�. ���:.�. gps�c h�in,r, l�ss ��xa�. �f?��ha�ie� �ro3��bly ��a°�eI on t��.s stre�to �`he tz�af�i� �.��s�.s �erE'c�ra��d �n t�� I�u1111�Lo�zz��n Tx�sp�rtation �tud�indicat� �ha� if�he �t��.sicaa� �g S<�. 1�lst 4^��au�as c�nstx-�x�te�i as a d.'sre��r�ute, i��va�uld fuunctaox� s� � ����zx- �ald�C�T POadVV�3�. �e�eaading o�evh�it�tk�er nart�a-sout�x a�ca�d�v��s a�e can.stru�fi�a�a�. �1ie �„ f�a��, it�°�s ���,�.��.�d �a�t�3����,�sio�.�af 1�1s���r�a�u��eu�d ���c� 500-gf30��e�a�l�� �.° 4�11�"Y31�'��' 4'�e53�'lx r}F.'i�C.D1�L1A' fl.Il.1� ��3�Pfl�iffi�����'O�fD-�,�}f����.�4es �r.o�a�hc�ut t���sy�i� � �tta�lxer� �'i�s��s�. �'�,i� T�ve� �+�txa�c�'aa°e�cc�ds �� ���,�c�rcai�e �ri�x°�m far �k�l str�et, � �a�ea�rer„ th� ��szg� �f H���hit�I?ri�r� arad x� `°"�": i.mter���ti��.�ri�h��xy�.aas �as�t�rz�.�e At � �.ns��a;bl� to a�cor�naod�.te thes���Iumes. � f� As d,es��i� in tl�� �uli_ �otzao.tain��spox-�ati�n�tu�iy, 9;1�e clix�ec����on�€12�st Fsv�xaue � woufla3 ia� tl�e �nast attxacVive r�u�, f�crx�.���1� � xa�ia�ia��i �x°r�e����s�s�dpnixz�, �'o� v�kaici�s h��ci�.g�a�-�a�at� thcac�gh fi�.e s�r�y ��a. �avvever, f,�x� s�dy also r�a��nd��Z�� � c�irect ��anne��i.c►u wr,�d[ lil��ly�iav�e e�var�xx�ezxf,� n���ac� rsrx the li�alai�ty of�Ze e�s�iug resi�ten.tial �re�.s b�et-c�e�n �aard�S�reet a��i �u�F 14�o�antaiu�ad. �ased an ��i af th.e ' g�otsn�ial i�pac4�, it as �videaat�hy the Bula. l�llauzYtaa�. �tad�s�s�a�gty �oncluded ��a��°`�Y�� _ ——� — ��.�� ' � �. �C�YIT�� dtldt�.�� O' lw��,.� � �8�'� � �i`�1�t.�1.'V�'Ti11C �I���YlS%f9T1 �PJ�� ri0��Il ��C����ll� £11��I1�i�ASf't'. Tt ap�re�rs tc�cr�a���bs��txa�� �.��z�ax�en��.l i�aa���� �rathouf; achi��is�� �tae b�ne�"a� ��t haci �i�n exp�cted." �aa*��raaYO��„ �h� 1�1�t.�SVen.u� ���io�a�d n,ot redu� t�a� ��.dw�y�mprove�en� r�a�uir�d � ��r,aa�aa�c��� f�a����vea�as�ae� ar�Ya� a�.�� �'s�z�4������v� r.�s�,�wv��� g�xa�ao��rl °nn �h� ��z�l Nloa�n�i� ���a�y. ��.s�c� on �,R�e �,bave, it is hi�,� like�y th�i�y rcradw�y�ysfi,��sa ��aa� forrr.� a �oraaaectgQ�a b��►�x� �.�1.��,P�v�axax� �d �axll I�o��tc�a�: �mc��11 �.tt��e�t si���i��t�rAlu�irae� of tz��, ��'�n if i� fs st�a�n�wl��� ��.di��c�. �oe�x px°s�gs���� � �arvvid.e f�r �.futa�.�e coxan�etio� �a t;�e prap��t�r to tt�e �a�t i� �.�aa�a1� +o��i�s�. i#;�s rzot li�cely t�a.at tka� ����eis to fi,Pn� ��s�vva11 be ete�wel��d fesr a� _ least 5 ���r�. `��� �Ll �rQ�aa� � na�aar� ��x�.+��. for �� �ity�d�th�r� ta �o�straa��ed. &�S� �x°ca�xss� r�sad�v�y A�pr���nx�a�s � �h������f��� �s����n��v��l�cl�ade �t,�a�r�xx�a�ct�to�s 4a 7F3r��1 ��aunt.�a� �ad. �nen tl�e �ra��ea�t� �k�e ��s��s d�*v�i�gr�d, it ec�uflc��i�g�F,��r��.z�+�t t� this a�oadv�a�� �nd prav�ide � access fi,� d��arc�� �t��;et. �"!�� e�r�r.�Xd c��a� a ��a3.za��icax�i��tvcr�en X�lst,Aveaaaze a�d�ufl�. IN.�oua�taarc�o�� �s dxse�,as��d. �&�v� aszd traf�"ir, alorag tR�is x�oad�a� s'�o�a�.d �� raaoz�ztc��ed. �`�ie pra�pased raadt��ay� �.��ic��k fAr��a��4ane� E��ch�rd 2 subd'avisaon pr�vi�es sev�r�1 �d��.��ag�s �;�Pr��x� �ircula�i.on �sl�� ��ca�crs�d by t�ie City af Tigar€�. �°irs�, f;h� sclae�ae �r��a�r��Qd by t�e �ity i5 direc�P�r og��r�szt� t�e �sa�za entraxac� ta ��r��ista Poi�at�.��elc�pn�ent an�d �xr:l� �ncour�ge t�ae�se resid�eii�., t,t� a�s� ��x�� raar�w�a� �s a cu�-��r�u�;h ru�f.e t� Baxli IVI�ur�t�i�a R'.�ad. Seco�sd� �O���Iflg'��l,l� C�IlY1��qY1�'PO21�W�� t(i ��1� E,'�St i�Vlll Il�➢� �JL� ��1t �ttractiv� tc��r��afcles �ou��a�e�re� �ra ���.�t�,vcrau� c�s�sg�ta�ed �-,� a v�����n lo�ataa� b�c��x�c� v�hi���s �viii 1�av� to tr�ve�. c�ut ref dix��tioa� (���terly fi�s�t�a�n we�tez��y)�a a le�t t�� (xath�x tha�a xagh�) tm ge� tca t� ce�nn�cfat;n. �'hi�a�,�a�av3���inis �xixs�ct�ac►�a�a �`s.� ��t�aill a���e � #:�av�l tir��s ff�ar c�z���FY.�mu.g'�ra�.�. �i"������urning I�f�;���tbaaaasydy �t��.e.� n�w�i��x�a.� r'��r�i� St��e4/121st�v�rau� "�"' °ss�t,�ms�etics�e�aill�xp�ri�n�e sr�xa��ic�.aatl�r ga��a�er dela�� i�a�� v��xicles t�uriaizx��ag�t��v,est;baizn�i). �C�ons��ax�n�l�, tfla.e la�cation 4.��he�s�aest��s�posed b�+ t�e Cit�P��. �� ��r� �ttractiv� fii��t��c�e� '�r,�rs�ixb�� �r��v�l � $ull �ne�ta.ixn�o�d. �o, ya�ur pxa��� as xn.o�e cir�c�if,��� t1� tlae ��hea�.� pa°€��css�d�y t�a� �fity. � �i c�nclu�ko�., ��i� �is;ax �hat�-��r co�.e��;icra� be�e�� Cas.az•de �i;r�ee��d�i��� �����ar��'.ci�d �ust be r.a.x��fully cor.�si.�lered.. :€�'�a�°�ti�r�ar�, #�a� �c����#,k��t y�u�.ave gro�xas�d trs �as�ffi��s�i f,b.xs co�ection � f�e e�t c�f��e �nt� �p�ars ta ic�tt�r se�r�t,h� ov�ra�.circt�atiox�z��s af � t�i�aa�esli�.te �rea t,�aan �xe cr����i�x�to t;h�w��t, ����his �oa�e�t�a��. i.� xa����p t�e o�a.�r � i�px�e��r��xe�.� �d xx�v�r zeead���� a�xnm��d�si aa��� 1�aa�.l�caaax�,taa.n��iae�����ra�ld be �" eoa�sta°rx��€�, caper�tzs���� a� e�t.a}sli��ee€ �n�x3.�c�ia�� fa�r�.ar�i.�.azu��a �f s�v�ral �x�x��hs �ca a � � ;�eax. 1�� �c�l�ames an �����a��. �z�.v� sho�Id � r.�ozai�caxede �°�peedisag omc�a� c,�th��r�Ru�,es I � exceed �ic�.i �.eve�s, t�x��. tr��'a.c c�.Ia��g a-�.�asures sucla as spe�d ix��ul��a��.s a�� Lxa�'a� �ircle� i pq ar.�.�h� be i.r�a.plexnent�d. I#'the vc�ira�es �re wery hig�, �h�t;�s ���n��tion C'� � � - M • o g i . I �. `�C�'��1 II �!� f�, 19J3 � ; P���� I �.x�l�t e��aa � �ls��ed �r xnov�exx���ts be l�r���d a� ���rde �ta��t �o fi�a°c�v��aac�� onY�rs ��.� I', �}�p�°�px°�t�t� r�aa°��x-�c��th �all�atar roa�rvay�. '� I��e'�LI I781�7e �lxll,eJ(�Lt�8�3.�E1S �I°C0E17tx11�I1�E ��?f�El� ��1� 2IE�017111�t1pTD T�ll t�7118 1�.'��T OY' �t1Y" � � �v�lc���a�r�of��a� ��s�a�ts �f th� ��11 ��ra�n�a�a ��ua�,�� Pl���� c�r�ta�t��xe da����y. �aa�c�x�ely, � ���� . �.�aa�n, �.�. .�a p�R lEi:1 pRC9JF'dI.�11015\�f38Ft0��{.L'�'R I � � I � � i � i , � � ' . : � � . � � . . �.�� �� °����; � � � � r� � � � � . � � � � I ��� � � � � �� . � . 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Th.� *YGx�th��s� �u1.1 Mauntain Trar��p��t�.ta�pn S��c�y Re����, I x��?2as�� l�.�t ���.r, r��Qra�endet� ag�.i��� �u�i� a� �::ct�ns��:�� °�h� �u�m�r�� Ccazz���ka�s�.�r� P1� Trarg,�p�����ioza R�ta� �c��s z���; ��.A1 •fca� �nY �xL����.c�n of �.2?s� �o�x�h of G�a.�'t3�. �h3.� spxin�. �Y'.� ���spor������ M�.� �S C�c?].%2� t11ZC3r.1C3'� c�.IY I.lp��3.ri�' p?�"�C��S.. �Q�.�.qGi7LX1�' Z'�V3.�tnlS �V t$8 C7.�Y'S 1 �x�z.c�ibdr�c�oca �l�nra�g t�L��i��at�.e��.5e �ra� Tr�x���Qrt��i�a� .�e���,�o�° Comma�G��� �n.c3 �. h��.:�i�.� b��c��� ��a� �1�x�rx�,n� C°cazxuna���ao�., �:�c�P��.�x� r�£ �2�� upd�+�� Tr�.n��ar�.��a.�s� �'.ap ��.�.Z b� �e�.rx��.c��x�c� �+y' t�.� City �sa�z�ci�. on ��aa�.� �1, 1�31. ?���ach�t� �.� � �a�� r��' ti�� ii�.a�e� �5�� �a�.a�h �.a b�i,�.g ��camm�n�ed. t�� �he C�atas�.�i�.. �Ica�.P r_1�a�. �kie �l�.p �ae� n�� �ha�r an.� �.ltensa.on of 1Z1��. st�ut,h c�� ���x'd�. t.�:n.� NnrC�x��.s�. �uZ? �?c��a.�a.t�in ��°�s]���ra�a.o� S�udy°, can�.ua�ed in. �.9E�-�.�g0, �ad c�nsi�.�r ��.��a.sie�za e�� �.21��: a� �. a7.t�rn�.t�er�� �?rae�r��rer, cn� ��:�cly R��ar�. recc�rnzn�rad�d ���.��� �h� �=��n�iax�, E�'azcl.c��ec� a�e p��e� 3�. �nd 32 £�r�m �he �tuc�y ��pc��`� wha.ch �c��ress �hi� is�u�< � �c��y �f �h� �ul.l xeror� cara �a� a���.�.z���l �.r�a� �k��.� ��f��� �� ��5���do �2a.��� �� ct���x��lgr �.ca p3�� �e� �a��� � 1..�,�.�,'� �c�tt�� r�� ���zc3.� 5�����a �.ny ch��.g� t„a �h� ��ansp�x�a.r ion M�� ears�al.d ���u.i�� �. zc�x-a��. ��r��e��si�r� Flaa� ��ndment. �.�ca. �zct��da�..�nL• ��clrx�.z'�s �. f�.��.�. ��:sa�A�� s,aaitl� s�ast��tial ci�i�zer� ir�va7.�v�.:��a �3e��i.�ac�� �� ��c�i�.ar�d be�c�r� L-�� �l.�a.�� Camma.ssipn azs.d �he C��.�r Cz�t�zcil o ��a��°� �.r�. 7.���.1 ��uix�a��.ts £car �ubla�� a. . x;oti�� a� stach ��a.��xa.��, Pr3,ca� t�� t�.e ���xa.�gs, �h�=�� i� a�a.�:ae�ra�. � pzavi�ic�ix �r�r �ub�.a.G �xx��at �hx�o�g�. �h� x�e�ri�w �xc��c����s� o� tYa� �I��.g2x�r'��oci �1��.,��.aa� O��axx:i.:��.�inz� �d z�� Tz�x3�g�az�aticaz� Ad�ti�ox� C�a�ur�itt��a Zri l;�i� �ttl�. ���.vnC�.�n ��'��r �Az� ��atx���+''� �9����2 �a��.ica,p��i�ri, C7rg�aa��aCS..o�. (C��? #4-�}3� :s �lsr� c�a�,�� �.C:�iv� �.d h�� �.;,�i��a� �� ��e�ai.z5.g �., ?ntex�����c� �i��.d��a.� invol��� i�. �,a�r,� p�.�z�.ra,:aq i.dsu�s ������it�� t�� �u1,� � Mau:�cai:� ar�a. F^ � � �: ho�e th�.� a�iax��s�� �rc�u� ca�z����d I� nra�a �1.���+� �e�1 �r�:� te� cox�c=�.� me ay�.�xi. �d � Si CO����r � � '� �� ����`i��'- . � R��r.r?all R. Woo:L�y CiCy EngizZc:.�r rW/ncidharc 13125 SW Nal16�d.,P.O.6eax�3�5'7.�ig�rd.C�r�ar� 97223 (aCl�}639-d171 � , �,���� �" � ����`� April 5, 1�93 �,� vaod eveninq. My name is �ent Hansen . I live at 1'l'L55 S . W. lluchilly Ct . . .I �m a resi.c�er►t ot Ames t�x.charcl l and am also a member ot iVNU :i . 1 am speakinq toniant �.n oppositzon to the plan as submitted . 1 �✓ould iike to beqin by rna�kinc� re�er�nc� �:o tne minutes iro� tl�e ' N�C� 3 m��tinq dated Ptaxch 1'/, lyy3,. ��qarr�anq thA nropos�d , suhctivisio;�. i wi.1.1 make ���i.lable r_op.��s ot these minul�es . "Ames 5ubdivisi.on zone chanQe and v�ri«�cE r:eauest . '1'h� ', cievelnper is askin� ior a zor�e chanq� trom K-1 to k-:i . 5 and thzee code variances re�{ard�.nq the str_eet . "�Sever.�a7. Ames Urch�rd neiqhbors atten�ed and expressed th�ir concer�as abo�it traitic ancl sa�ety on tiazelhil'1 llr . '1'he ��rout� tiaes nat �uppori: the develo�ament plan a:� sta��nitteel , '!'hey aslc tt'�at the e�trance �o the subdivisic,n b� on C�aarde �t . wi�h only an emerqenc'y/�aalkway/bike�ath acc�ss to the existinq Ames Urchard . , "riU'1'J.�ril : N�� �d3 sup�orts the suc�gestios� tt�«t the access to i�h� I n��; ,�m�J subdivisi�n be atf Uaarct� �t . anc! ttlat �here be anly an !i em�rqen�y/�alkway/bikepath access to the exi.�ti .rFq ,�mes Qrcharde ' 1�assed unanimouslyo .A1J. nea.cthbors in attendan�e als� voted li un�nimausl� in �avor of th� motion. I °4�h10'i'It3N ; lt the first motion is upheld in a final approval ot the develo�ment �J.an, t�Y(J #:� wi.11 agrc�e to the zone chang� �o !1- i 3 . 5 . it the access does not chanc�e from the plan �s submittecl, I YdL�c� #3 wi ll rlo� support a zone chanq� � L�ass�d unanirr�ouslg+. "�MU'!'lUN : '1'tae devel�pment must mEet al.l ot the code sLandaYds, C;ode 5ectian :I.t� . 169 v U30 .�;, 1�l . 169 . U:3UNo �nci 1�3 . IG9 . U`/U�.. 1 , �VYU �3 v✓il1 not si�piaort any c�t thes� v�riance requests . 1�assed unanimpus:ly. °` I � 1 think it �s important to state th�t, as a neic�hbo�hooci, we are not �articul�rly anta.-deve.lapm�nt , ev�n thzs particulaz ciev�lUpane�t. it is the manner in wt�ich it is beinz� d�vel�pec� � ane� the issue at a stre�t connection betwe?n 1.�1st and (�aa�de and Haze.ltree that concerns us mast . � � l�� be�.teu� it wou_ld b� bettc�r i:or all uart��*� anaolv�d �o �nter I� the proposed d�velopment trom l;llst anci t�a�xde anci �hereby keep 'i � Ames Urchard 1 and Ti separate . If necessary, az�ly an �i � eanerqency/�r,�lkwayfbikepa'th shou:lcl conne�ct them. I.� wc�ul�e b� � Heasier �or the dev�lop�?�a �etter iar pc�lic�, �ir�, and schaal ' � t�uses e .�lso, you wou:ld �void ttae psoblem o� �n Ext�ndec] d�a� end � or cul-de-sac . Aft�r readinq the staff reeomm�ndation to "seiz� � this o}�por�.unity to extenci the Ga�rd� �onr�ec�ion tc bu1.1 Mt � � _� Koact" th+� resi.ctet�ts at Ames 1 wi�.l tak� the s�ronqe�t possibl� exception . '1'has szmply is not sa�istacto�y. My tallowi�q com��ents ar� itz stronq oppositinn ta any kinci of � canriect�.or� bet�,,�een 12_tst and �aaxdp (C�aarde �xtensian ) anc� Ame� � � . � ` , .. Ux�charr� t . �s su►�p�rY,� l: fa�r�� �ill ����r to tt�t� C3.�. l��il Mou�c�in '1'ranspox�t�a�icrn S�uel,y and s�econd, :i s�oulci like to re�er �o aa� Octobe�a 19y1p report froan �it� 5�aff zelatin� to th� G��rcie Stxe�t �xtensi.or► �r�d '!'aqaz�ci C�m�repa��asiv� '1'r�nspr�rta�ti�n Plan. � � � I � I � I I I I i I I I , _ --_ � April 5, 199� '1'�qard k':lanninc� C;omma.ssion �rnes U�chax.d 1! 5ubclivision �ab 9�i-UO�J1 Mcast ot L�s aze �arnzliar with the Northeast l�ull �louni�ain '1'r.�nspor�:ation �tudyA: ho�aever, 1 will summarize anci t��.qhli�h�t som� �a�r'y impor�ant pa.r.f�s o� t;he stuc�y an�! iinal recobnmendai.lan/conclus ians . L€�pi�s ot ttri.s study are on lile in Lit:y oi# ices . '1'he sLudy st�rt�d zr� 1 JtStS and was iriitiated by C;ou;�icil and E�.laxaninq C;omm�ssion. 1t, lasi:ecl riea�.ly `l year.s� iinal repor�t issued a.n Januax:y, lyyU . lt znvoived hund�eds ot peo}ale �t�d marty publ ic rneet i raqs , '1't�� stu�iy �.acu� was stre�t ne��s on N . �;o kiu.!1 �i'� o because ai the anticipatecl qrc�wth and �trie lack �t �. s�l�ar plan �:r�r tuture roaciways . Caty ancl Lounty platzs for the a:r�a w�re nat in aqreer��a1Y ar�d neithe-r oz �:he pl.azzs c�ere spccifac� ak�ua�� futur� roadways . `I'Yais was an �xt�nsiv� study CO:�C�L'6C�P_t3 t�y (�ity ot '1'ic�ard staft c�it� assist�nc� fram �+asY�inqtan Couraty. At the c�nciE��is�n �� t 8� �st�.:�+;, ��a��� ��� a �t�ecomynenciec3 �1ane '1'0 the b�st o� rny kno�lledq�, 'this plan was not f�rmally ado�ted as pa�t of t_he C:ity Compreh�nsive 'i'ransp���at3on L�lan 1-1ut it s�as a very clear staternenS: abo�at xu�tare ��re��: pians . . . ar�d 1 �uote, 4°lt is �xpected i.his plan �roul� ia� i�npleme7t�d as �evelopment occurs, over � p�riocl o� many ��ars . �:iso, a� a plan is adopt��J, each new subdivYsion can be �i�v�lop�d in a m�nner �onsis�er�� with the plan so tt�at eventu�ll�� �the entire road system can be d�veloped i.n � ].oqical �nann�z . " (�nd cd�at� ) Amanc� the numezous alternatiwes �tncle� consideratioi� was the 1.21st Avenue �xtension . '1'his �w�s an i�d�a that 121st t�venue �ould be I eac�t�nd�d south irom Uaarde, connecti.nq with Hazelhill Urive and '', on to Bu1.:L M�: . tdoa�f o '!'his was k��tore the idea of Lhe ��aarde �;txe�t ext�ntion to l.i5th and YJalnut w�as ronsa.der�d, �rahich wi1.L t�e a three-lane c�:llector desiqn�d to carry ].U, CiUU cars p�:� day. lt �as noted a.n the early stud�.�s i� �t�is alternati.ve �a�s to ca�r�� much tra�.�Scy a.t r�ould be des:�re�rle Lo re-construct th� exista.nq inteYSection ot ;iazelhi.11 Drive and Hazeltree `.l'errac�, to reduce the sha�ta turn for th�ouqh traftic, At ar abo�xt that i:ime, th��� w�r� a cou.ple vauant 'lots that mictht h�ve m�de t�►is possiblee '1'o�ay, there are ea�pensiv� homes on these Iots , Also �orth mentioninq, is that Ha�elhill and �iazel�ree t�av� no CLlgbS� sidewalk�, or stxeet lights ANU -that the �ro��ect�d tra�fic �roulci crEai:� ma7or problems at �he inte�sec�ion of Du:Ll �I�: . Road , It� i ��c��, t�l��� 1� a �a�ch �� 1���o t���fic �n�lysis by �ittle�o� �nd A�so�i�te�, �1sc� on �ile and �n youz pack�ts, p��di�ti�� t��� ��c� a �onnec�zon �ould �����a�t 50fl to 8D0 cars pe� �our at p�ak tr�ffic a�d 5, 000 �0 8, OU0 �er day. . . campared t;o 20� to �00 per day na�, . The co�lclusion �sg�rding �h�s optian �tates: , '°One of the a1��Ln�ti�e� �onsideied was the exte��ion at 121�t Avenue sau�th o� Gaagde ��ree� to Bu11 �ountain Road . Sou�hwest �21�� Avenu� is ��rre��ly � ��.���gh st���� between �choll� ��r�y Road and Gaar.d� S�r�Pt . �he Ci�y of Reave�ton has c�nsid�r�d con�truction of a n�w street which would e��end I21st �venue north from Sc�o11s rerry �oad �nd gro�id� � connection �0 125�h Avenue . ��B�cause 121�t ��v�n�e pr_ovides one �f t�e �ew t��ou�h �o��h-so�t� c�nnec�ors i.n th� �es�erly por�aon of 1'a�ard� it has been s»qqested in the p�st thai it would be logic�l t� extend 121st to �ull Mou�ain Roa� , T�� i�ea �as to p�o�i�� improvsd access betwe�n Bu�l Mountaim R��� ��� areas to the n�r�he In f�ct, Haz�lhili �rive has b��n cons�tr�c��� �i.�ex: t��n ���ical resYd���ial str�ets an o�d�� to accammod�te � po��nt��l through t�affic con�ection < �his t�rau�il �onnection wa� e���cted to decxeas� tra.ffic volum�� �a �Ize �as� of I-7a�elhil.l Dri�re o�w Bul7. Mounta ira Ra�d . °tTh� ���ftic p��jections indicat� th�t �he 121s� Atre�ue �xter�sion �rouid carry traffic betw��ri �n� Bull Mouri��an Road �e�idea�tial areas �nd �ta� �reas nortlh of �Gaa�de Stg��et �s exp��ter1. �lac�evero �he traffic projec�ions also indicat� t�.�t �t�e conr,�ction saa�uid function �rimarily a� �n �ltern�tive rout� for throuc�h �t�a�fzc on Gaarc3� Stre�t . Th� gesult �aoul� be an incr�as� �ath�� �tksaxa a decrease in tra��ic �n �ull �8ount«�ira Ro�d to the ea�t of HazelhiTl Drive . 'i'he expecLed 'tr�g�ic v�l�anies on Hdz�lYiill I7ri�.�e would be so great tl�a'c th� ��r_or�struction �f Ha�e1h�I1 B:�ave caould ].ii�ely be re�ui�ed �a cliFnznata� td�e �Aght amg1� t�xrn �i�a� �3c�].l i�ountaar� Raad. �hil� thQ c�n�eG�ian r�oul� x�d�ce the �zaf�ic voiumes on Gaar�le S��ee�, �he red�xction wo�ld r�ot b� signi Eacant eno�.�gt� tc� change tk�� impr�vements n�ee�ec� or� �a�rde St7_e�t . Gaard� Str�e�: wa�xlc3 �till bc ��epecte� to fua�cti�n �s a ma7o� collectn?- r�ad�ra�� 91Tt�ie 121st �ven�e connection woul� signifi.cant�� impact tfae existing residential n�i�hborhood on H���lhill �x:ive . It o�ar��ald also i�cr_ease �txafFic uoliam�s an 12�.st A�er�ue a�n�th a� Ga�rde �treet, �in ar�a of e�i.s�ing residential de�elcr�m�r�to The potential �xists for �n alternatave connectian �oute in tfie vicinity of S� 132nd Avenu� which would impact far. �e�er �xi�ting 2�or�e5 . `rhe 121st l�,venue connection woulc� no� �.chieve �he expectec� goal of decreasing traffic on �ull Mauntain Ro�d . The , r_�nnection woulrl not �].iminaL� �h� raeed ��r �u}a��antial impro�ements anc� the e�pect��io� Qf su�s�antial �r�ffi� inc:�eases on Gaa.rde Street . __ _-- --- =-=_—�— ,.�� leax��l�������p �� ��� ��������� t��� ��� 1���� ������ ��I.���l�� ��� . naf: �zz� �cc�ptab2e �l�ez�native . l� �app���s �o cre��� �ul�star��i��. r��trirnera�ta7. irnpacts witho�x� �ac�i�vinq �h�: benefit� �h�f: hac� b�;en exp�ctec3 . �'ar these re�scsn�, th� �;�ls� d�►v�n�ie ext�nsiorx wa� e��t ix�cl�xderl in the r�comm�radeci pla�. ,, I�I � � � I t � � i I I � � �F , �. � F� ¢ � � • � � � E� � � e � Y 9 ����s �� ana 1! o� �l�e sta�t xeqa�t � -�hat xs prelim�nary abaut t�e NaE. �utl �t . �'�af�ic S���y: --�t.:af:� s�a#:s�s �heir aqreerr�e�;t tt��n �ho�alci be t�o ciir�c� co�►ne�tX�an Lo �.21st, l�ata�ver ii. recamm�ncS�c� io hav� a ec�nr�ectlon � ve�y �l�ort disi:ance to the west, dir�ctly a.xa la.�ae witn iiae p�€��o�ed Ga�.rcie extensian. Not oniy �aill peaple ��aan 3.�1�� u�� ', thisY bu� in a couple y�ar�, the G�arc3� coll�ction i� p�Q7ected ! to r_°arry 1C�rUU43 c�rs per �ave ti ].ar_qe rsu�laer oi th�s� ��r� �ili I cr�t �thrrau�h th� n�ys d�ve:L�pment and thgouGh th.e exi�tinq �1mes !, C�r�taard, a 15--ye�r old dev�lopm�nt , I h��e we c3�n't l��ve tc� b� Ii bao�riee� abaut �ala�inq wr�rd qa�ES in �hs� sexio�a:� sztu��aa�na �,I i I, I � i � I I � � � G� e�'° � � � � � � � . � .. . � 6�AF2--i�-2�� 1��5'7 FFZ� � C�&I�JY�'f F�d�CIGRf� 1'p �47�3'� P.�/�3 � , ' '' ' ° I . I �� �� ��� I' I T��� 1,7, 19�3 I 1.. �'esint xn�����g �rith ���'� �, �, t� 7 c�.�.l�d �cr o�er �� 7:C�0 �.an_ � �. ��t ��.�g��, a ��ks�� �� ��� '�'�,c���ci T��.l.a�i� ���ac�r�� Yra��d ���� a.r������.�� �����d�.�� �1�.� ��a���az� kaud��� ���.�i�s e��.�.�c�. �a� ��a°�:�� �� �7� �a����1� a.x� ��e �����ict �;�,Z� h� a� �.�.p�c��.��r �e�� ���'iac�l �rea� ��d �h� �i�� is con�i.�xtz.��g tca ea����.�nc� I - ��'��1'�. 3. lC�i�k k�e�r�3�t��f f r�a�� � 12x'�.�f a�r��s+'��� af �h� pz�r��c��e� �exa��xa�� �:� P��s�a�ed D��r��.�ptaa�ttt �x��ri�aora� cs� T,�o�� C�.�i��r�� �r� �rac�ur:ag��. �.�a aC�e�� I��ar�.n�� �nd av���� �.e��.e�s a 4 . 1����ira� �h�rag'�:d �� �a��G 2J�� 3 & � �c� �a��� �`�.xa]L �nd�a'�s, ��ni�ar �I.�n.ra�r fe�r I�ox�� R�.r�ga P:l�r.�xa�.a�g ��a��� �r��a� ���.�£i� cr�aa���a�, � xa�:�r ��c�.�,��tx�� ace�agdi.�a� ��.���t� w�il� ka� cvs� �kae ���1 �, 1��3 �l�a�ng �o�zt�.�s��.on �.���t�a. �'�� o�d��na��� i� �.r� fr�gl.c�w �o�l �.� c��aide�,a.n��. 5. J'��.'t�� �t����.n� ��j�s�.rn�+�. �d �t�� #� ca:11ec3 t� ��°�d��° at �e�5 � �.Aa. �. �'X'��Gi'1fC. - ��.��lpgd� F�"QLl�.�, ���'�3�Z'w �i���%1, ��lIt1P I�1O�����llg Pc�x'ter e °�. T�Si�it��'�� oi� �e��$.a��� afl ��b�'aaa� �, �'� �xt�l �3�.��1� 3, �993 �I a�a�rc��d< l � j �, d�rn�s �t���.�.�ra��.�aa �s�x�� �.l�r�g� �.r�d �ra.�i��.�e �°�c�ga���. �'�� e�.�r�3.€�p�g �.� ��l�s,�� �'a�` �x ��n� ch�.��� ��'�st� �,-Z �o �-•�,.� �xae� �Ys.are� �cad� v�.xa,���er� ����.x�.ixxc� tta� ��;����. � �r ���r��.]. �a�� e�rck���� ����Y�r��� a�����.�� �.�cl ���s��d . t��is: �Qx���r�� �.��u� t���.ff�.� �c3 �a���� o� ��,zel.�ii�,�, I�r. �� �.��au� cics�� �ac�� ��ga���L �.he cl�v�l�s����a� �l�ar� a� �u��a,.���d< �'�a�� ��3� t�.� �1�� �xatra�n�e t� �ks� s��k�d�.�xi$iox� �i� �an �aad� �t o ���h e�r��.�r �za �e��°���.�y/�ral3c�a�jb�.�e�a�h a��e�� ta �7�� �a�as���,�c� l�tt�B C3�'c�l��'�e � ��.`�t��: �'C� �r3 �u.�;a�?C>�'ts �.Y1e ��zc�g'����.t>r1 ��2�� �2�e .�.��e�� �.O �Y�e ��� �e� �c�cia.�r�,��.�� b� cf� ���.��.� S�. axzc� '��a� �k�e�°� b� �r�1�r �s� �zn����zac.�/w��,��f��,���a��� ���e�� �ea �h� �sci�t�x�� Am�� Or�h�.�d. Pa��es7. un�iaaa�sl.y. �.1 a�ei�h�ba�s �.sa �.��e���axac� a��.�� �c��ed u�z��.a.xn4ue�.�r i� E��aar �a.� ��ae �.tat��r�a � ������s �� �k�� ��.r�� �o��.c�� �s� �s�a��l� �ra a f�n�.�. «�,�p�°Q�.�. cs� ��x� c����l.o��tea��: �a�.�,z�, �'�L� �� �i.l�. ��g�� to �Y�e z�n� ch�ttg� �r� FZ-� .5. T� tY�� �.cc�s� do�� xacr� c�.a�.�� f�oz�t ��,� �1au a� �uu:am�.�eec�, 1��� #� �r�.�.1. a�er� su�spe��t a z�ne ��Sang�> Pa���c3. 1.a,.s�.z3.�xn�u��.�. •' • . �19RR—i'3°t�3� �,�:�7 �f�1 F'C� C��Ih3L��' P�t� Td "�4'�'9'� Pd�.3�3 I ro . D , • I A I I I � �MY�-+��P�OR ki�V �'bsYW����� ��6r OGid�Y �Y�� �A� ��� teM�� I �`�2�xA�L�13�� �CfL�� ��4�'�:3.�k�(1 �,�.1f's�.�'.��m�y ������:d����p �I1L� ' 3.�0 1�4�«0 J�a�.1. � �3 1�3.�,� f�Ot �i1.�3��'� ���T t?� ��1��� ��s���ac� �������. ������. �aa��a�cs���.�r w �_ ���a.�� ���i�.���w . i � �C��� � & � ��}� �c�r ffi �c���� a� �i�� �s.t��u�s��.�r,. of ��� ��e�ose�. +���.�a��so�t���.�xi ��xg�� �� � �I��.�� � °���.��a ����.�.nq° �.��.+�� ��x� �P�a 93. �T� ��� ��.� �� a����a�l � ����.��,i�.� ��n��� ����� �i� �e�� a�� ��s•e�r �a��� c�� ��.� tr�rc� I ��o� I �..�-�. ,�s , �► �9���� I� h�� ��a�i� �c� c��� ����x�C�.o�1 ���� ��.� �i�y e�� ��.��.�c� �aa� s �la��rt��� �l�d�����s3 �o �L��a�r �r�xc�� p����.za� �r�ai��s ��� ������.�r� a�� �a���cs�ae�a���,�.o �te �.�� ��s� �. :La,�t �� al�, �l�a��.n� �ta�f r����� a�a�, ��i��,� jrs� �.�x��.�� 3.���.��+� i� c��.� I �,x.a�:�r�is�.�.�.1 c'���i� ��3����w Pa���€� �xii.m.�tx����a � � 1����g �� x��,��� � ����et.���t� c�� �I�� �ta��`� �+� �a.� �a���a�s��d �.�.�e p�,�� �u�l �e�i���n �.xai������� �aa� � z�.� �s� �esan�a:�i�� �.aa��u�.�c� aia �u�; ����.1. pa��s�t�. � � �e�c�.��� i.� �c3� ��.t �2x��� b� �� �����; �l��e� s�a.��.� ��ie�t� �� I�1,a8��ng Cc�ti��ie�� r�����,a���a �t�. ����i�a� �.�ja��sz��l �� �.m s t�� p.��. :�������.��a��.� �ubzci�.����, � -�'.�'�-✓ ��.1� ��.��r 0 �. � �- � � � � � i2 � � _ __ � [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]