Planning Commission Packet - 01/04/1993 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �'3�1�tD kg,ANNZNt3 CAMMISSION RGLNDF, J�AItY 4, 1'�93 — ?s 3� P s'L�i. ' �IGF�i13A CIVIC CSZ3fiER — TtiWAI E�L , 13Y2�a SW FI�Ia1G BLi7D.o TTGAR�, OREGt7Id ?. L'.� '4'� f3F.IbF�.,� ,� 2. ROF'�,F CALL 3. �.PI�32�57E 231�NT[[d�3� 4. PI,Ad�Y�7Yk�iG �QA4A�°I��ZOtN C���CATIOP3a 5, pu�x,ac ��a�G 5al �T`T°� 1'�E5�74�P�h�dT F�EVI}36* 5P3� �2�A(91� H�RYS��aD.�o (g+7� #3) An ap�e�l of th� D�r�c��r°s decisian appxoaing a S�t� ��v�l.opmer�it ��vi�w r�quesi� i� " can���.ct $ new drive-tlx�a ora].y� re�ta���nt facilit� vaitta r�late�i �i�a ia�p�o=.re�n�n�� E.rad a Lo� Y��ne l�,ei ju�t�ner�t �o ad�uet tw� parcel.� af app�oM�mat�].y 530143 �na i�o�6i �egua.ce feet f.nto twa� garc�ls o� approxima��l�r 42,232 and 22,f�72 s�ar� ���t +��cts. Th� ���k ha� been enac3e by Neighbo�hr�rsc� Flaanning �rc�an.iz��ion NPC3 �3o The NPKD a�sp�a� r�gu��ta � t&ea� �he Directox'� candition oiE a�proval �17 b� �ified �o x�qu��� �n enfc�rcc��s�.s r��tric�tion ae�a�aet �ef� �ur�a� fra�� th� �it� ta SW Parl� �tre�s�. A]��I.��SL� �1PlPROVAG CIYITERI�: �oc�srnxn�i.ty De�rc�lo�ner�� Gacfl� C�a�atex� 1.8.3�` 1�,S2p Y�.�.�P�, 7.�.1.CD2, 1�oltl5, 18.3.OE3, �.8,].14, 1�.12�, anci 18.16� �OCATIONs 13295 SW Paa3.�ic Highvray (WG�M 2S1 2C�m ! �a�s 1ot 130�?j �:n� 10�90 SW �ark �treet (WG�A� ��1 2�H, ��e la� 1��J�D Z91df�: �C--� � (Gen�r�l Cdcnm�rcial) The C-G zone allows pubiic �c�ency a�ci �dmixai.etr�tiv� servia��, pLYb�.f�c support �aci��.tie�, prr����s3.ona1. aaa� �s3snini�tra��.v� ��xvrice�y +�iraan�i�.l, in�u�arac�, real estats �nc� �ivafr�es� sup�►ort s�s�wi�ee, g�n�ral r�tai� sa3.r�s, ��d ���ing i and clri.nkir�g estab.l3�hm�s��e an►anqr oth�s ua�a. � 5 a 2 cort��x�NSa� Pr�,rr z��t�t��t� cpa� �2-00�� cxxx a��° �x�a� ���ss#s D I P� prc�pasaY ato �cn€nd tkae T`r�iis�arta�.�on Plan Ma�s r��atia�g �� �E�� fu�aa�a� �lic�a�.m�re9� o� a aolleato�e s�r+�et corxn�ct.in�t Se'W. 6��1nut 5t�eet and S.�l. ��arede �tre�t. APFI,IC�&3� ItEV'IEW �1tI�k�RIA: St����isie P:la�n;ng Go�ls 1, 2, 5, and 12, �a�npr.�2��neive P1an �Q3.3.ci�:� � � 1.a1,9.a, 1A1.2, 8.1.1, 8e1,2, 11.3e1, and 22.3,2; �ommixn��.y D�welopdnent Code C��p��xs 18.22 and i8.3U. ,L�ATI�N: Nox�th�as� side of Brall Moun�air� �ia�s� ot S5� 121�t e��r�nue an.r�t ��r7 �aarde �treet, s�uth o� H1a�nut StreE9t, and ea�t o� 5f� 132nci .�^venca�a 5.3 Z!QF� C)YtDTYdANCE A�iE1�3D2�NT Zt'�A 92-OOUS I'TtORiT YA.RD STAR�,GL A pro�sa�al to an�Qnd section 18.36.Q�0 il�) af +�I�e Ci�� of T�c�axd Gcsrr�nuni�y Devel�a�n�nt Cade to allow the stc�rag� of boata, trailere, aa�angere, �affiper bod.�es, k�ouee ��ailerg, recr�atiaz� v�ha.cl�s, or com�ercial e�4aicles in ax�cees �sft 3/�4 t�e�n �a�aaci�y �a bs s�ored in a r�quired frox�t �*a�d �stback in � resid�nti.a�. zone �ulbj�c�k to th� fo3.l.owing Zimitationa: �) No parkir�g in visual elearance areap 2) usa �or �L�eping purpa�eee l imi�ed to 14 day� psr c�.lend�r year p �) �uch unitB staa�ll b� �iae�s��ri �ncl bc�p� ixa mo3�iie aonfliti.c�n. �.� zo� o�nxrr�eE ar�rmr�ra� zo� �2�oc�d� ��� u�r�ova�, ka reque$t by �he C.ity of �igard �o amer�cl ehapter 18.150 0� tl�� City of '�ig�rd Conunanity Dev�lopment Codc� pert�in�.�q ta tx�ee ze�mowal to provs�de d�f3.a�i�i.ons tor th� �ollouri.ng � II terms: de�relaged comcnercial and industrial 1.ar�d, develop�d res3.c3�n��.a1 l.an:a3, ha�ardr�us , tree, pruning, removal, tree and undev�eloped land. In adr3ition, the �ropos�d I ax�aendment� are in�encl�cl te�: 1) Cla�if�r tr�e �aermit exesn�tions; �y Add a ��c��c�n �xplairaing coci� enforcemente �ctions �or i.11�ga�. tre�e r�c�va.3.� �j Cl�ari�E� az�ter�ia for the �.ssuance of permits, and �3) Sianplify �'rie aection� p�x�ai.ning �o expigation of approval, exteneion of tim�, and ravocation of approval. C, C7Tf��t BUSI3�]ESS 7. ADJOi312NME1VT I ' , � � 'i C�tUIIVI�J�VIT°l( �V��������� �t�E�m � ���,� .�� �`�,�� � Le9�0 TT 7415 ,� � ; ✓�, � P.O. f30X 370 PHONE�5(l3)6&d-036U ��$��� j�{��'^ ''�, B '��iTON,OREGON 97075 , 1 �` 7�e foilowinQ wiii�cansidered b�t��'i�ard Platuiing�Qma�i�sion o� � ��,�� �t� a , t 1-` `� " �,�.�:����N�'�i�e ���eo'ta�i�� ����'4. l_993.�1.:�1��vf,at ehe Tigard Civi��.e�€�r-T�wn�I�t, I3125 S.�d.Ha�l Bo�levard,'�igard,�g��.�3nth.pubflic�rat�and written o Czty' a� Tigart3 '� ¢�stiu�ony is i�r�ite�i.The pudsPic h�aai�g on this matter R+il!be conduettx� � BOx 2339� \`r � �,��P��e ❑ T�arsheeY Notic e��,a d rules�ndt�ZOCedures of the P1��n �C��n�ni.s o�F�al�are o � Tig�rc�., JR 9722� : � �-�� P g � e� s � C�upl6cat� Affid��rais�an iss�e in pe�scsn or by 4etter precYufles a�a�peal,and�aiYur�to specify che criterion&a�th�Co�em�a�i�y�evelQg�ent Code ar Coffi- � � pre�ie�sive Pla�at�vhic�a comm�ecat is d'arectecl pr�cludes an ap�ai hased on that ca�t�ria�a.Further iaiformatson zn�.y be mbtai�ed fram the Planniag d�ivision at 1�125 S.W.�Iall�flvd.,Tigard,Dregon 97223,c�r�y carling b39-41i1. �'i.J�LIC�ARINGs � �F�iD1A'�I� t)F F'U�3LaCA�'d�7Pd STr1�'� t)F�F���Of�l Si'I'E���7EI.OPN�I'1T�VIEW SDIa.�2-�?1$ couc��v c��wAS���"�TOra, jss. �AR�s .!��-�- (NPO#3} An appeat mf t�he I)ir�e�tor'� dec�sion approving a Sa±e D�velopment ', .Tudith Ko�hh.ler Rwviewr request to coasqru�t a��w driv�-tbr�Qnly r�stanrant f�cility with being first d�ly sworn, depose a�d s�y,,$ra4 I t,�e Adv�rtisacig re4ated sat�iffiprovement��nd a L,at L��Adjus�e�t to acY�ust two parcets Dire�tor, or his princip�! clerk, of�he ll�����es af�pproximately 53,1�3 ae�d ��,761 square fe�t inta two pa�rcels of ap- a nc�rvs�aper mf genera6 CIPCt6I�tiC3P! s defened in �RS d�3.090 p�'�xamateiy 42,232 and 22,�572 squaze feet eaeh.�'he appeal has been and 1�3.t�2d�; publishe�d at Tz�a�'� 'sn the �ade by Neighberhaod Planning Orga�izaeion?�1x'Q#3.The NPO appeal �� e �d� n nti y t requests t,�a�t�e I3irecior s�ondition of approval#17 be a�odified to re- ����c�����/��' ��$ ������ quire an�nforceabie restrictzon a�ainst left tums from�be site to S.W. a rirated co Park 5treet. �P�'LICABL� AF'a R�`l�.L CRI'i'Es�IA: Community p py of whiGh is harsto �nnexe�, vva� p�t�lishec� 'sn �E�e Dev�lopn�e�t Co@e Chapters t8.32, 18.f2, 18.I'�0, 18.1Q2, 1$.lOC, �nfire issue of said n�v�s�aper for 4ne s�ccessive as�d 18.a(�8, 18.i 14, �8.i2d,and 1$.164-.LQC�TION: 13295 S.R�.Pacific cons�cu�ive in the followz�g is�ue�:: Highway(VdCT10�2S� 2�B,tax�ot I90d)and 10390 S.W.Par�:S�reet (WC'I'M 2S1 2C�,tax l�t 1305).ZONE:C-G(Genera?Co�mereiat).T'he l�cember 24� �992 C-G zone allows pu�iic agency a�nd administsative services,public sug- por�facilities,gsofessio�al and ad�inis�rative services, financial, in- sura,nce,real estat�and busiraess su�port servFCes,general setaii sa�.es,and eatin�and drinking establish:nenrs�na�g other ases. ;� '� ,`, /��G� Z�3?V�ORI7INANCE ANdFI�tDMEN'F ZOA 92-Q005 �'R�I�1T YARD S'�ORAGL� 'I A proposa�" t6 ava�nd section 18.96.06t?(_A)of the City of Tigard Com- ��bsc�r6bed and sKVOeru o b�fore m,�th6s_ 24th d�.y of December' 199� *_n�nity Deve�opment Code to allQw the storage of boats,ffiailers,carspers, ,. , �� f camper basdi3s,�o�ase�raiiers,recreation veluci�s,or commercial vehicles in exces�of ia ton capacit;tc�be stored in a required front;aard setback in fVotary Pubiic for Oregon .a resi�ential zao�subjece to the foliowing li�itations: 2)I�1a parkina in vis�al clearance area;2)use far s�eapina gurposes imited ta 14 days per 9�1y Comrr�ission pir�as: �r� calendar year;3)such units shall be Tice�sed and ke�t in mobile cand.ition. A��ID/E,'��'T ���� � CC�te�'R1EHEi�TS��E PLAN AMENDR9ENT CPA 9?-0007 �I'�'iC��"�'I 'A�2D {P�PO#3) A proposal to amend�hti Transportation Plan ivdap re�ating to the future alignment of a c�liector street connecti�ag�.W.Walnut Street and S.�V. Gaards Stre�e.AF�LICABL�REVIEW CRITEFtIA:SPat�wide Planning Gm�s �,2,5,an� 12;Comgrehe�sive Plan Folicies l.l.la, 1.1.2,8.1.1, 8.1.2, 11.3.�,and 11.3.2;Co�nunity D�velopment Co�e Chapters 18.22 a�d 18.30.I.00ATION:Northeast side of�a�ll Niountain{�uvest of S.W. 1�Ist Avenue ac�d S.W.Gaard�Street,sout�h of Vlalnut St�eet,�nd east of S.�A'. 132c�d Avenae). � � + i,a ,� � � :�:Y 1 i ` t . '' ' ' E - 1 V P; �� )t'�. T � � � � {1� f $ i � � � 2� , 4 ` ,� � ! C�IF3°��`�°Ag�d t���''��*13�8�t� �`� T�g�rtD Ca�nratecs� J�rev�1� �n�r�q� ,° `�;�la�'�r1q � � ' �� �;il� ` , �� ��,�`�; r rf�tl1��,Y7fl1,��lAl�y t�l��'�C�4���"81��Dty�l1� �,,l;�,;.8�18� R�11 t"�I `p���{�;p��p��4a r�������'•� � s��;�+s� � '�' � �' � t RJ ''t I F�iM�+6����41Jll��iY,��rp`MY'yt, !f rr��i!� 4�������,1�.� I��I � w�{. 1 F*��JA� � ���'.{�V P S� `� ���, ��� � �p�� ���d a e,�d � ,� a� �"�� `��` ��- 7`� Y� � + `+y � ` ° � a 3� j� ! '�':7+..- �A i � t '` ' � i, �tt i .. , � . , , x ������� , . ....._,. � c�:_'<�ss G�tV��: .,.,,j-.�: tqa4�� 4 . � > _-- � , . � , � ,; , �.'��tD IPT�A�TSI�IC �C�MI�iYSS�ON 1��tTl,�A,R ME E'P I AIG -� �7'�I�i��i.Y 4, 19 9 3 , 1. �L TO Q�E1Rt P����d�n� Fyr� cal�.ed �the meetimg to a�de� at 7 e 30 pY�i. Th� meeting wa� held i�a �h� Tiqar�. rivic C���er - �oP� H�Y,I� a 13�25 aw i3a11 �a�a�e�rarri. 2 . FiUZ�� C�LL s Pr�s�r�tm P���id�n� �r�yr�; �omnniss�o���� �3�a��, �a��ia.�a , Holl��c3, I�oor�, 5aporta, S�xton (��cr��red '1:35 j s ��hwal�, and Schwe�.tz q �t���: Cit� ��g�.�eQ.� Randy Wool��, �enbo� FZannex �ic� B��e�csd�rf£, A���ci�t� Planner �'�rrf Qf���r� and Planni�g �o�n�unis�ian �ez:re�t�� Ellen Foxa � i�re�i.ci�an� F�rr� w�lcom�d th� n�va commi���.ancrs Holland ax�d ��hc�ei�� �.o g�� CA��is�ion. o �s��an.����.�n�r �ch�r�b i�nvit�d Ca�nani.�sion�xs to at��r�d �F�� iapcoanix�� pulal�.c m���ing to 3iscu�s �he possibi3.a.��r �` cc�n��r�ing ��� �oox�-t�-b� vaa�t�d �°i�e S�tata.c�n irato � communi�y �en�ter. I3� said tl�e p�opo��l includ�� a�kinc� the vater� t� �p�prt�ve financ�.ng by c����x�al ohl�gatgo� k�or.ds. 3� an�a�a�?�lA� ��° ���dXT�'ES '�he m.inut�� fcar th� December meeting �*er� a�ot ir�c.luded i� �h� ��cke�s for �p�aa�ral anol vaill be appraved at �t�e ��ac�. m�et.ing. 4 . PI.APINIRTG CONI�7�SSIOIV GOMMi.1NIC:�TIOI�TS �he�e� were no cammun�eatiox�s �sc�ived rec�arding �this m��ting. 5 . PjJB7:,IC �iEAFtlleedG 5 0 1 �I�E �EV�LOPAI�NT REVI�Tn� Sa3R 92-00].$ �i1�R.R�S/P.�.G, (RTFO �3) Ara appea� o� the I7i.xectoar°� a�cisx.on appraving a Sit� ��velopment Re�,rxew r�c���� �� �en��ruct a new dr�v�-thr�� onl�r x�staura�.t f�cilit�r �a�h relat�d �i�� �nprov�m�rcts ��.d a Lot Li.nQ .Adj�x�tan�nt t� adjust tvao g�r�els of apgraxima��7.y� �3,143 an.d 11,761 square fe�t in�.a two par��:�s ra� �p�r�xi�m�te3y 42,232 and 22, �72 square f�et each, �k�e a�geal k�as be�n made by Neigh�arhr�s�d Planning Qrgani�a�io� IvPO #�. ahe NPO apPea� r�quests that �the D�.rector's con.dition o� approval �17 b� modifieci ta xec�ire an e�.fr,rc�abYe r��trictic?x� agains� ].��� PT�NNING COMMISSIOIQ MTNUTES - JANU.�iRY �, 1�93 1�.A�� 1 . � , turn� from t�xe ��.t� to �W Park ,���et. �iPP�I�BL� �PiPP�(?ET1� CRI�ERIAs �Co�uni��r L���rel�p�en� Code Cha�pt��°� l�.��� 1�o�2� i�. �00, i�. iQ2, l�a106, 1�. 103, �.�ei�.4, ��. 120, �nd ��a16� �,(��4.��i3�: 13295 �W P�c�fa.c H�.�hw��� ([aTC��i a�1 2��, tax �.ot 1900 j �n� 10�90 S�rT Par�C Street (WC��! 2�Y. �CB, tax I�t 3�05) �OI��� C--G (�n�r�l. Gommercial) Th� ^-G zon� all��r� p�lic agex�c�r �ncl �rincaini��G��tive ��ac�ice�� public supp�r� fac.ilities, ���f����.on��. anr� 3��.�i�tr�t�ee se�r��, �in�n�i��.� �n�ur�nc�s ���� ��.'��$� ��'1C� k31��ZYtQg� �tE�s9[3Z^'� gFsx�v�i�c��,a� ��-vsa�v^�i g^�'��.3.� �����o �n� ���ga�� �.a�a1 e���nka,n� �����i��r►���� �o�e� ��:fi�� us��. o As�o�i�i:e Plann�� �T�xry t�f�e� �e���i��d the �at�e locatir�ra and pxovidec� det��,il� �aa���rn.ing� ��� pr��oseri Lr�� Line Ad��st�e�a�o H� expl�a�n�:d �he pending appl�.��ta�an 3�y Taco ��I.�. vvh3.�h i� propo�ed for t�.� ot�er �a���.ox� c�f �he s���e�t pr��erty. H� dis�u���� tYae d�i.ve-thru lanP� �or the H�t °n �3c�w lbu�.ine$�, as we11. a� �h� �ar}ei�ie� �ot ansi ��c�s� g��I�:L�aex�. �I� explain�d �Yce cc�nc3i�io�i �f a��xcaval �1?� wrh�.ch ��ae ��A a.� a����.�.:��g. I�� �aid tY��a.r cc�ncexn is the i.m��x�.a�r��e c�f k�a�ring �h� �u��cam�r� �u�cn ri�h� �r�en leaving the He�t 'n Idow b�.r��.n�ss. H� �a�.d the i�sue� :is vah��h�r �� hav�: t�.� CS,�ty si�n �r�� ��a�e�re� � Pt� I,�e��: T�rn gol�.cy or �o �a�re ��ie busix�„�s� p��. up th� s�a.gn da.�e�ur�.r�inc� �.e�� �.urns r�ut o£ th� ��r��.r�g lr��. o City� l�aa�ix���r 2�an�iy� We��oley� �p�ke ��aut the �te�f�°� ��cannm��.�l��irsn �e��.a.�.st a Cit�r sic�n. Hf� itold, tl�e C�Ym�issYO�a�rs ���t �Y�� t��ra��r���tatiran p�.ar�n�ng ph��o�api�� a� �ca �rovi�� s�scis.i�:+�ia.e''.:p iii is.i.s.jia.a.aty dF"iu `'LV Y10t: r�C,{Lllr� ���bLTl� tO �X'e3iT�.L OTi �9W, b�t ta �z��AU��.ge ��av�I b�tw�ez� cc�mm€ani�i�� ax�e3 ae3.c�hbor3�ooci�e �e s�i�i ��ais v�oulsi ����.s� i.� �.h� conc���ti.csx� p��b�esns alonc� �9r,�. p���agL ��S'°orJ������ .0 17��V'A\Ca itl 1� +k o �Ii}c� Rara.dall�, Con���cuctien Mas�age� fc�� Tacc� Bell a.n �re�r�r� ar�� Washircg�e�ra, �37 3nd�xs��cy I3�. p Tukv+rila, Wa��inqtnn, �stateci that Ta�� R��l auppor�;s th�e aoarvmun.�ty°s ��f�t� �f�a�ts. �I� , ad�ris�d �h�•t if his k�usixae�� �ere no� r�r�u�.red ta ha�re � ��t� sigx� g�laaea� at the �xi-�, �h�y wr�u�.� be wrilling g� co�ni.t �sa ac�ept�.ng one a� any 1a�er d�.te w�r� a.t d�em�d a��c�s��ar�r i�y �he tra��ic px�cafes:ia�al�. o �iartha �ishop, 1�59fl 5�r� Cook I,a��, '��.gard, Qr�c�e�r�P r�ad a leti:er �xani Gharl�s and Lyx�.sa Kam��mar�, d�•�ed Janua� 4, 1993 ��xhi.bi� A) . �Y�e gresent�d a vi.cien tap� (Exhibit �j ca£ a Ho� 'n �ic�w busine�� at anothe�r loca��.c�n ta pxavid� infc�rnz�tz�n F���IaTG Cf3MNIS SS ION MINUTES - JA��JAR� 4, 1�9 3 �AGE 2 - c�n�e�ni�g �he �aaunt �f t��ff�� produ�e� �� th� bu�iness. She vo��ed ��nce�n at heari�� that � T�co ��11 would �asaibly be ��1�$ $������t �O ��� HOt 'n N�W Si$�s �� ���� 18 � � nat�anally ��v��ti�e� and b��y fa�� food b�������. � W��n�H,�ieyer, �3210 �W �atki��� Ti���d, s��t�d h� l�v�� o� �h� cornex �f P�r� �tr�et. �e �isr;�s�ed �r�f�ic �r�blems �md g�ovid�d thr�e exaTngl�s �h��� cur�ing and ��g�� ���e not ��������� ��e����g �� �a��r� �����tiona o Bob ��rn�r, 13�45 SW 1i0�� �v��u�, �igaxd, �ai� he was i� a��eement wi�h �h� gr��i�us g��ak�r» �� disc��s�d the pro�l�m� at �W Park and 1�0�� �nd �aid he �refe��ed no ac���� �� Par�,��ree� �y the �u����t ���ine�s. �� said saf�ty a�d �he ���eara��� o# t�e n�igk�ox�QOd wer� ha� �oncE���e o ��d� �o�o�itz, 10475 SW ���n� Ctm , T��ar�, �greed with th� px����u� �p��k�rs. ��e �a�� �he �a� v��� conce�n�� ����t th� �a�e�� �f t�� �hi��r�n in the area. � Mi �Q�ng L�p�er, �3060 S� W�tkirAS A��n��� ��g�rd, ��t�t�� t��� she Wa� ��n��rn�� a�ou� �h� �af�ty af �he ch�Zdr�n hecau�e �f ; ��affi� pr�ble��. � i � Dave ��x�o�X Z0635 �W �a�k�n� �la��n �dvi��d �� w�s i� f��n� �£ t�� ���� rea��x����T� �ig�ag� go��zb�� du� �� p�d�str�a� I �a����y p��bl���. � o Gs3�r�� Ho���i, 1�015 �W Pa�k, fii���d, ��ic�d h�� conce�� I ` �egard�ng �h� �afet� of children ��lki�� �n •�he �r��. He sa�d i th� tra��ic in th� a��a has change� and �h� �r�l�ne h.a� c�r��tl� inc��asec�� F�e not�d tk��t �h� n�ar.�� 7�-E3��r�n has aax��aound�d th� proY�lem. �a ��;v�rly Frau�1�, I�PO 3 me�rEL��r� c3�.s�:�s��c� �h� prs�cess f�x m�kix�c� �� �I�� ��r��ts sa£�r. She �ugges��ci that ODC�T ���d�d tc� be ' ch�Z3�nc�e�. �a �emeszre �cuhatev�� �h��r restriet�.an� �r�e th�� �i� Yaa�mp�er �h� prc�ce�s fo�r .i.s��ravs,ng �he ��affs.c a�si saf�t� m , �itu�t�.on. I �, o F�av� �Ca_mmel, PBG (orir�inal a�pli.caxat) , ci�.scu��t�c�, -�h� i.ngut � ��c�m �1��3� at �.Ine be�in��ng ��r t�.� applaca�tno�.. �i� said �h� ' ��+ sa.fety o� �he �Ynilcixern was pa��no�int. � � sa �i�a �c�sb�t�, spc��e reg,�rci.�ng the groblem� �aith spe�ding an � inl�tkins . ��e �ai� s�Ze �nc� h�� hu�band i��si ta p�y �ar �.nrl � i�stal�. a s�c�r�. c�rhi�h re�d.s "Child��n �t �l�.y,� ��c��s� a�€ ��e w danc�ero•as tr�f f i.c p�oblemr� in th� are�. PI,�'�iNNING CC)MMISSrOI�I MII�UTES �- J't�NURRY 4, �.993 PAGE 3 , � City E�gine�x �n�we��d question� ������in� t�r� 1an�� �nd i pr��exeric� for �djoinin� drivew�ys ��ther �ha� �ffp��� �� �r�ve���s. , I � P'�JBLI� H�ARII3G CL05ED , o Coanntis�ioner Ndoor� sai�d he could rao� s�� a �robl�m uv�.�h �1���.„� �t::Q �n��r��ctin�? �� �Y�e �aaicar;�,v �£' t�a�fi� co�a�� �ra�� 9��a Iie �aid he wc�ulc� be in favr��° c�P signing for no 1�£t turn �' and c�xr�ing i� a.� m��.�� ��r������ ha��.;�� o Cvmnnission Schwab a��eed wi�h Cs�mmissieaner Mc�oxe and �aid he �a�orecl x��quirir�r� � rigl�t tux°n out of the lot o �o Commi�s��n�r Schweitz discuss�d �h� �us1a by OAdJ� fca� a��e�� and. �t�af�ic yns�v���nt. He f�va�r�d e 3fJh1X1C� b17 �h@ c��ve�.o��r and � . Ylf3 C11Y'�JS. c� C�mmi�sioner Saporta �u.ggested re�riawi�g �h� is�tt� i�a 6 mont�i� to see if a ck�ange is n�ed�d. � Commis�ic��er 1600ne said the righ� �urn� onl� sign �a�u�d nc��. sol v� ��e prr�ble�,, beaause th� b��fa �rr���.�aei i� �h� I�f�. turxa i.ntca °�Yia �,�operty wY�er� �nte�ing �t�� bu�in�s�. o C�mxni�s�.oner Hc�Zlar�d �dvisect that pu���.r�c� �.p �� u��n�carc�a�b1� sign �r�u�.c� ncst do am.ything. He did not �avo� ��x�cir�g a1.:� tl�e ��ea�fic ont� 99W, �speciaii� �he lcr�al rx�ig�abarA:d�d }��°��'�'�.a. , H� saic� ther� wa� �. neer� fo� m�are access to n�igT�arha���, �i� favar�d rig�Y� turx� on�.y sign pu�. s,ag k�y t�ic e��abla.s�hm�nt rath�r th�n. a Cit�r sign e Fur�l��r dli��ussi.or� followed with Comnnis�sioner �apo�ta �ta��nq h� b�l.ieved �tl�e �Lacal resid�nt� dir� na� �aant ac�ess t� �Ya�i� x�eighborhoods from ��Z�� busifl€s�. ��amm�.issic�ne� Sch.we::.t� f�vor�d �taf� ��cammendations af no City signo o Pr�sic�ent Fyr� �aid h� thought ODOT shc�uY.d ���o�a access �h�re nee�ed,. H� di�cu�s�d �.he issue of �nfarc���nt for no left turr� sign. H� said he would no� b� oppos�d *:� b��riears a.� that would help w�.th en��.rc�me�� �i 4�� r,�1��. �urn on:ly �o1�.cy. o Cammivsi.oner Ca�tile favored go�.nc� with stafP's x°ecommendation �nd re-�iewing in 90 da�s a�d rec�iv�.ng NPO comment�. Discuss��n ga�low�d ��gardir�g� t�DO'�pa res�ri.c��iQns a� ac���s and re�sons �or s�ah. * Commissioner Schwak� moved and Camm�.s�ioner �apa�ta seca�rad8d to FLANN�PtG ��NiMISSION MIN�L7'�ES � JANU.piRY 4, 1993 PA�G� 4 , �sn�nd �mncii�ion 27 ta r�ey�ai�� offici�.� Ci.ty '°�1� L�f� Tu�n�" �s�ra v�i�icta �rc�uld be �nfea�c�able �� p�Ii��. rio�i�� c���a.ed b�r m�.�ority� vot� o� �a�a.�si�n�:re p�°���nt �rith Co�a.i��i�sn�r� l�c�ox�p ��%���z, an� �Iol�.and �ro�a.xag ��n�y.� ° 1t�C�S� - 9»05 �'+�'!�A�1�7FyAIF .� �e'i..�i � �e� �n�a�n�s�cs�'�.�Fiu*as�aa`�� .��.,r�� a�ie'�c;iyS�s�A��i� �.'��. �`—ve�1�J'i ���gt' �� 1�� (1�P0 #3) .P, pr�posal �co �nenri the '�'���.�po���t�.c�� �I.�ra I�ap ' ' �el�t�ng to �he futur� a3igrunex�t of a coll�ctar ��r�e�. i cannect�r�g SmU1. Wa1�u� Stre�t �rid S.�I. �aarde ��t����. I 1��L�CA�L� RE�l���1' ��tITI�RT�: St��ew�.de P1�z�r��ng ��1� �., �� S, ��,c� ].2 0 �amgarc�h���iv� Pl.a� �oli.ci�� 1 e 1 a lad 1. 1 a 2, � 0101, �a 1.2, 11. 3. 1 p a:zd 21.3 0�; Cc�mmunity ���r�la�m.e�t Cod� C���t��� � 1.�.2� and 1�0 3f3 o Lt7�.�ItJN� �Tox�Y�east �s.de af �u17 Aie�ux�taa.xa �.re�t o� ��nT 1�l�t �1.v�nu� a�d �W Gaarde �t����� �ou�h of �3'alraut �t�e�to arad ea�� og STnT 132ric� A�r�nue. r� Cit� ��ac�i.a�e�� �2and� i�ool.�y �xplaine� t�e Tran�g�rg��i�ara l�lan � am��s��n� �nd xef�rx�d �.c� th� ��1�. �ap �� s��wr t:t�.,� ��j��t ' ar��. Fie ex�3.ain�� �1ca�.� 2 �rh�ch i� a ��u�� a.�e�.. �e d����ibed ��� �`va �1t�r�a�ti�re� vah3.c�a ��re beins� cor�sirl���:�. A.l�erna��.�re � wr�� c�ll�c� �&a� "repsa�� o�tioa�" �a.�a�� i� c�rt� abrsut ��l lo�.��ig tYt� 1��Q �ull 2Roua��aa.� Re�ao��. 1�I�����t��rr� � �as call�d th� "NPO t�n•��n:��� ;��;�.��e N�O ;�3 has p�c��osed th�.� �ap�i�m. � Ci..t� �ng�.�.�e.r ccari�a�r�d �arc�j���e�. ��a£��.c :�or, ��th � tion$ as P , we11 as ��asibi�.ity°. �i� a�cst�d �k�at 132x�c� i� n�.�r�w vr3.t1� s'�eep . q�a.cle�s making �,,�.t�raa�at��� 2 a 1��s �eas�.b1� c�rt�.�no �3e recomm�n��d a�optin� �he ��part O�Sti�n b�cau�� �.� �x�s�vic��� a be��.�� ra�t� w.i�h l��s ��.�ep s�rad�� �z��i wor�l�i h�v� f���r .amp�.ct5 on ex�.����.g �.�igY�car�xoocl�. �LTF3:C��C '�E aTIMONY' a H�rma.n Por��r, 11875 SW Gaarde, har�ded out NPO 3 ;n�.n.m�tes �Exhib�.t �} �n�i st�.�ed �h�at bath NPC� ,� and 7 �uppo�rt ��� Alterna�iv� 2, the NP� Op�ions He discus��ci tl�� d�i�.�r traffic � �a'alx�n�� or�. G�.��de St�e�t, I�e vaice craa�cern �ba�i� endir�g u�a raith too h.�gh o� �rolumes. �ie w�s nat �.n �avc�r mf turniaag Gaard� a.rzto �n ar��rial, or an a3.�.ernat,e raut� to I-5 e �e vai�ec� acc��tan�e �c�r � call�ctor k��,t no� axa �r��ri.a3.o �a Cal Woa1�rP,�, �.�356 SW 132a�d e�. , d�.sc����d �h.� are� �etvaeen Y7alnut and Hampton. l�e fa�rcaxe�i �evelapiz�g ���o�her a�t�.�� whi.ch would �ain a� 132nd �roz�n 150th s�au�h a� W�I.a�ut� H� FLANN�NCY �Ql�M�SSTUPI' MIN[T�;�S � �'.�'Y1.�RY 4, ].9�� �'.AG� 5 � � ac�v.is�� thi� c���ion w�ulzi n�� ��.�p3�c� hc��xs�r�. I3e dl����ib�d ��xis option �� � cambinatian c�f �epor� Op��a.oan �nd tri.�: N�O 3 dpitie�n. r�ie explai�ed ��i.ng th� �or�11 anap an�. �hov�re�. how Y�is pl�n woulc� loak e He di�cusse�£ th� a.�p��t or� ci�velqpm�n�ts and tal3ced abc�u� v�Yaye �a d���er aoane a� �he th��augh-�.r�ffic a�nci to ' rc�7 ;�±�� ���i�.� �� t�:� *��'���^ �'� �a�1r.�,V a I OPl�'O�l'EI�TS o ��se�r4a�; ��i�au.�er� �3:330 ��7 ���.:�u� ��. , �d•�*.�se� ��a�� �� �.c���_r�r tJp�tion is s�l�cted, i� wi�]L t�ke h�� ktome. �he read a prepared �at,atement (Exha.h:�� D) � �he saa�ci it ur�ul.d be d.i�fi.a�al� f�ar �aer tn relocate �nc3 �ti�.l have 't2�e ideal �it�ati�n �h� ha� n�w for 1��� dog Ic�er��e�.. ca Haro�.d Sk���uger, 13�30 S�1 �'alnut S�� , v�aic�� �.i� ar��e��ent w�th th� p.reviou� s��ak�x°o o J�.�l Y,ink, 130�Q �W Waln�t, a�oteci th�� the �ew �de�relo�m�n�� 'haue c;�useci the impacts. ��� s�ic� i� is �io��il.�r �o�g �ca t��� out establish�d home� Y�ecause of the �pa�ts cau�sdl Y�y n�� �caanes y Sh� ��.�o �o�ented that ��e�� n��ds t,o b� a b�tt�r me��od far card�ttu�a�.ca��nc� raa�� ��igD�k���hoo�s reg��c�a.ng z��etings, a� s�ie dici not receive an� z�otice of thi� he�rir�g. a :���1 ri+�a�ri�iand, s3�i�5 S6v �i�Don�.1d, talk�d abo�a� th� 6el�st�s.d� �y�F�.�s mr�etinq� and recoanmended rttor� d�s�uss�ox�s� b�t��en c�.tiea �o l�elp �ae��i�:�t� t�� ��an��or�a�.ie�an �alar��o gie �avored gath��img inpv.� frc�xn c��nm�raiti�� ax�c� �vca�r]cinr� �ng�tPi�r k�ette�. c� Wil].iam S, �I�gge, �9b5 SS�l McDos�a�.d �te , �oic�� ha.� ar�x�cern abaut th.e �raf�i� vc�Iumes on minor col.lectors. He ��gc��st�d i de��rmin.ir�g caP�e�h�r the pu�pe�s� is to ssrv�s ne�ghborhooc�s ar �na�e x�gic�aaa�. and bui�.t to that purpose. �e pr�f�rrec� �7P0 Qp�:inn b�c�use is prn�ricies a se�i.es c�� �inar coll�ctar�w I�� was ne�t convi.n�ed �hat �ha t�aa op�ions being dx�c�$��d w�re �.he t�ao b�st o��ions . �a �am�s �helton, 12015 ST� Gaa�de, di�e�a..�sed th� �tt�ac� o� the AIP� Option. He wa� conce�rned abaut in.�reasing ��a��i� on Caarde and �uc�g��ted �th�t �.t b� wid�n�d. H� not�d t�a� t�e traffa.c situ��ion at the in�ersec�:5.on of 99W and Gaard� �.s worse th�en b��ore th�e �ealir�nment because af s�a�king p�oblems dnd peopl� running �he la.ghto o Lav�11e �ielir►9 1328� SW Wa].nut, said she has been fi��.�in� the Murray Extensi�n �lan fr�x �ea�s, and sh� s�es thi.s plan proposed is the bsgin�ing of tha� �xter�sian. PLAbINING COIdMISSI(3�i MIIdU��S — JArIU��fiY 4, 1993 P.AGE 6 � �� ����� �rnd�r��n, 11�05 SW Gaa�de, �x���s��d canc�rn about th� hea�r ���f�i� volunae� on G��rd� S�re�t. He ��id the R��ort Opti��i �ou1c3 in�rease traff�.� �urith�� �n ��.�rd�. �� p�eferr�d t�fi� �I�(� pYa�, Yrut �� �uggQSted �a�t coa��sl�ting t�h�.� unti�l an �r�e��,�� �?�-���� �.� �c��l�v��, c� l��ve �,earlr, 10020 ST�I' ,3ohn�an �t. � spok� mn Daehalf� c�f hi� ma�l��r v��.e� iive� on Tnialxa��. H� ag�e�d �r�.tY� �h� ;���v�oax� �g�ak���. I3e asked the Com�ni��io� �c� ��n��.d�� �:�� impa�� c,r� ����.1.�, ���e�a.�lly lrrnc�-�.f.ar�e �eaicient�e "��lee ca�� di tl�� p�op1� �4�ca h��r� buil� �ig��ci. '� �, Rad S.il���� 11333 �W G�ax�d�, ��a�e in favo� o� the I3P� 7pl�n. ��LIT�"AY, � �a.ty �ns�ir���� �ns��r�c� qixest�.on� wl��,ch lz.ad be�n ��is�d ��anc�rna.ng �r��d�s �.nci re.lo��ta.ng p�s���le. �� ���vs a��d �t��i��a�?�� ��g�rdi.r�e� ��e���c.�c �olum�s i.rn �r�a� e�f conc+���. and dis���€�se�d �o� ��.e tvao a�p�.i�n� raonxld aifec� ��e�e va�l���m d�.�sc�.ss�.on �al.low�� ��g��ciing th� tvao Qp�.a.�ra� �ras� th+� n�w�r on� �����n���d ��r Mr. �7ac��.��. n�vn���� ���it�.i�C�r i:.€..eU�L:LI c� ��m�ti��.�.o��x� ��o�e �a�resr��l ��ne NFC� 7 p1ar� becau�e Yx� sa�d it �1.ir�ir�ate� tw� cc�nra�a�.�ars� to �lalnut t�a�. �re to� �lose. � �ommis�.��n�x I�c�ll�r�d discu��ed �k�� �a��d �e� los�k at loaac��r�znc�e n�ec�� ��d k�ore� �to get �raffie t�.�:augra th� ��e� asdca�e �ffi.aa.ent�.y ai3d qu�.ckl.�. He fa�or�d th�e Repor°� c���i�r� ��ca�a��e�e� �� � ���a��. � ��mmi.���.o�er ��x�on ar�reed �ai��la �'rammis��.e�n�r 93c�€�n� �r�si f�vor�d ��� slightly modifi�d Repart o�ation a� sugg���e�. by �3P0 ' �? �:�mm.is�a.on�r Sa�orta �avor�ci th� R�g�r��t 4��'�i�x� an� sa.�d h� �ould aansid�s: th� NPC7 7 c�p�ti.c�n. ii� dis�u�sed �h� ', traa�sgor�atian �roh�.�m� i�. �'i�ard ��d pref�r�c�d not �c? d�1ay ' a �i�ci�ione tt. � o I�r�sid�n� �'�rre disc�ss�� th� �eer� ft�r '4Ve�t�id� kiy-�P�ass and t�� � �n�er.-reg�.or�al �ra�f�.c �rables�a� . �I� w�s c+�n��r�.�r� �bout � r.iak�.nc� d�cis�.c�ns th�t a�� ���rimer��.�1 to the n�ig2�ox�hoods. ' � �� �ref�rr�d discourac��.ng through traffi�, as we11 �s being I � clear alaout wksether it is an �xte�a.al or a �allec�or w� �r�nt. t� ' � o C�amuni.ssirszaer Sch�r�itz di�i not ac�r��. �� �a�a��d loaki.ng �t ' FL�NIN� �CJMMI�SIQN I�dINUT�S -- .7AN�.TAFtY 4, �.99� Px�G� 7 � I , i I N�� 7 Opti�� �u��h�� ���or� ��king a ��t��in�ti��. o Ca�mi��.�oner �ch�rab �aid he �e����d wit� �c�ma�a�.�saox�eae F��e tl��t li ������.c v�ve:��a y�,� ��f,���ed �� ��ch �€� ���a.�.b].�; �zad �ha�t he � did aaot w�x�t to �e� ��e ne�r �ou�� us�d �� � rac� t�s�k �o the I f r�eway e '� ' ca �amn��.�si��e� �r�one �a�.d h� wca�al�l .��xppca�� �he R�p��t �pt.�.�r� 3.f �ociifiec� a� •t� i�g c�nr��r:f:�.�n to �1'�lrau�. * Comaini�siane� �c�on� movec� �raci C��is�for��� �ck��aei�� ��e:onc�ed ta � r�cor�an�nd to f:i�y Co�n�i�. �o s�l�c� th� R�p�a�� Opt�,c�n rnaeii�i�c� a� �s� I��� 7 0� �u�g�s��a.�x�e Nlatic�n �a�a��ed lby �na�ca�i�t�* af '� �an�i��.�.�n�:rs �ar��,�en�a 5 ���a, � a��, �.x�s� 2 �.b��c�a�t�o��. �c�an�n�.���oner� Hc�ll��d �aad �'�are vesteci "I���. " f o��.�s�on�r� M�or� �nrl ���ta.Z� ��S��g��rl. 5 v 3 �4A�E ORGIPI3�NCE a�N�A�]E�°� ��A 92m0005 F�3�I�3�.' 3�� ��Z➢IItAGE a PR��osl�i, T� .AM�zaI� s�c�FO�I 1�3 0 96 m o�� ��) r�f t�n+� C.ity af �ig��cl Comma�ni��r D�v�lmpm��� Cmd� to ��i�va th� sto��c�e of l�aat�, trail�rs, c�p�r�a ��.m��x� badie�o haus� tra3.lers d r���e�tia�a �r�hic�.��g A� r�Irian��ci�l v��i3.cle� in ��c�ss �� 3,�4 � t�s� ca�,aci�;� to �� �to��d i� a r��ai��d froa�t �r��cl �e�ba�� ir� a re�iclezxtia;t zane s�bjec� to �n� LOJ.�.cat�']L�]l� �.�.F[i��e`a`�ic�ai�m 19 I�o par�sing in va.s�xa1 c].ear�n�e arc��; 2) u�� f�r slee�aing � purpe�sr�� �.nmi��d �0 14 �.�y� per +c�Ic��t�ar �ea;r� 3� �ucia unit� �a��.l b� �.icez���d and k�gt in m4i�a.�.� cc�s�d�.t3.c�r�4 s�xxic+r F1ax�x��r l�icl� �3���x�c�.orf� ga�e ��he �ta�f repc�ac�., stat�.ng I ��e �c�u�.c.�l a.� n�oxe int�r�s��d in s�f�ty �s�ue� than in ��s�.h�tias. H� �aa.d th�� s�a�f �aa� xeaomnnenri:inc� ��,�t �.�� i C�a�n.���ion �ep��l �hat secti.�m c�f �h� co�ie. �I PITBT,�C �E�vTTY�Od�� �I QPpOSIT�Oid � o Bill ��oss, 11b35 S�' 135th� sgoke on beh��.f a� NPO 7. I�� disa�ssed past, m�etang of Au�us� 7, 199].. Fi� saic� NP� �e�ect�d CC & Rs to p�otect haan�awn�:�� as the�r �aer� ofte�n i.r�ef��ative. He voic�d coa�c�rn abo�� prat���inc� hame �ral�es. He tal}�c�d about the code which Cit�r e�f Por�l.and l�a� ta pra�te�t '` homeowners . PR�Pt)I3�PITS o Ric}c PP�kin�s, 1174U �� 114th Pi. , Ta.gardr said h� �.iv�s �r� a � �u�. de ��c. �e da.scussed a traileac c,�h.ich h� ha� maint�ined in �iis fron� yax°d and described his sit�. He favared tht� repeal I PLAATNING �OMMIS�IQN MTNUTES -� JANUARY 4, ].�93 PA�E 8 • af code. �UBL�C HE�RIN� ���SED q C��aa�s�aon�rs ��s���e, Bo�ne, F�re� a�d �c��ab �1� ��i��a ���c�rn for pr�����in� t�� ���th�ti� ����d���s �� th� C�t�= fihey f�����d n�t eh�n�ing the �od�o o C��mi���an�� ��lland ��id �e �ei� �h� ��de ne�d�d t� �� mo�� �1������o � C�mmiss��ner ����� wa� �onc��r�d �b�u� ��a� th� ���ul�� wauld b� a� ��� ��rr�nt ��de w�re ��geal��e * Caanmi�s�o��r �o��� ��v�� a�d Com��������� ��h��b s�c���ed to �eave ��e c��e �� i� i�. Mot��� �as�ed �y ��jorit� va�� 4f ���issY����� ����e�tv Ca�xn���a���� �o�land vot�d ����y. �� 5.�4 .�OPIE �R.�:�I��ZC� d�1�DASE�TT Z�A. 92-OQ04 �R�E 1�E�C���, A re�ua��t �y tl�e �i�y of T�.gard �c� am�nd �hapt�r l�0 150 �af �he ��.t�r of 7�iga�d C�num�n��y ���rel.e��a�en� Cod� ��:�t��.��.aa� to �re� ����aval tca pxavid� ri�f�nit�.z�n� fo� he follo�.rirac� �ex�ns o d����.o��d �oxn�ne�ci�.l �nd a.ncl�x���s.a1 lar�ci, dev�l�>p�� iv��r3..uciii.n.ai �iaiiaf3A :����:�^a:N 'L�'�e?°e �r9_�%t't�so 7�'�FC��'�Tr'b�e 't��� �Il(� u�dev�la��d l�.�d e Ixx adc��.t�.�s�, �h� �rLepos�� �ex�dm�nt� are �nt�aact�d t�: 1) ��a�if� ���� g��i� �x�ap�sons g Z} add � se�tiosx expl.a�xa�ng code �r��orce�a�n�:� �c�.�e�n� �ox �l�.egal tr�e rer�ca�a:�6 3} �l�ri�y cri��x�.�� f�r �h� is�u���� A� �,��mi�s$ �nd 4) S.�.nnplify ��.� �ec�ion� �a����ana.ns� �� �npi����.s�n �f appro�t�.�, ��ten��.c�n �� t��� �.nd r�v����io�► e�f appx�v��.. Serns.dr ��.�.zan�r �xpl�ix��� �he s�.a�f �^�pa�t €�a�d �n�����e� gea���i�r�� �eg�.�d�.nc� the :�r�e�ua.�ement to put back tr��s. � �U��,T� H�I�Ria�� �a E3i1Z Gro��, �1(�35 Si�T ���it�a, �i¢���d, ��o3�e can ��.� �rnrrz b�2���f and rac�t fo� the IdPC3. �o.icec� c�naer�s anci ��k�d c�{u��tior�s I ��nc�rm�n�g �.h.� mi.r��auan� and m�x�.�mum� dx��uss�d in t2ae ��port e I �f� ��acrcar�+� ��c�ui�ing the ���r�.�e� of an arboris� i.a� c��taixa i �,, sit�aations, and suga�est�c� th�t th� buxden be plac�c€ cn'''�.�� � C�.�� a��i na� r�n �he hom�o�rner> I � � � PYdH�LIC �i��R.IAI� CLC.7S�D '� +a �h�r� was di�cussi�n r�gardi�� �h�e �f�+���i.�r�ne�� caf r�rdin�nc� �' �n.d pur�aos�. Comm�.sszoner F�rre die� na� ����. i� �ra�ald be v�er� c�u �f�ecta.ve is �her� r+aex°e ncs fines irsvol^vec�. � � FL�t+TNTNG �QM�iISaTt��T M.��T�S - J'.A�TCTARY �:, 19�� k�AGI� 9 II i * �ca�i�sio�n�x Holl�nd mcav��d ax�d Cou�iesbon�� M�o�� a��cand�d tc� I �P��ave th� Z�x�s pr�ia�anc� �ne���n�n� as pre�posec� b�r �taf�a � �i�tioxa �a��e� k�y m�jeari��r v�te af C€�a�i��ic�nex�� p�ceg�aa� with , Cn�mi�sic�a�er� F�re ax�d S�h�v�b vot3.rag "N�y. �� i S . ����aa ��SIrt��� I El�c�ian �� offa.��r� ��or t�x� y��rm I * Coa�3.�s�ianer M���� a�no�r�d and �o�nni���oner Ho��.and� ��cra�ad�d �o �Ce�p the s�� �ffacers fox 1993. �iotior� ps���d �y unan.inaous I vote caf Ca�is�ioxae�� p�re��nt. � C�r�emi��a.an�r Md��� �ov�d a�d Co�i��.ica�.e� C�c�ti.l� s�^or�d�c� ��► nc�r�a��t��.� �iaxry �a�oxta �s secona va.c�-ch�.irna�r�. JNlo�iean �a�se�i bgr �n�arai.mou� vate �� C��un�.s��.oner� pr����n�. � Co�A���.on.�r MU��� ����d ax�d Cc�m�s.r��i.r��� ����tc��x ���and�;d to i�iitiate C���a PI�a� anci �c�x�� Or�in�axae Ame�.dmen,t to �lood pZa�.n d�d�c�tic�n x�c;asir8sn�nt�. 1��t3.oa� ���sed. b�r u��x�.i�ou� vote of � �s�aru�:i�sa�ate�� pre��nt. i � AI75UUt�'oai�f�,l'iv'i� -� 12 e.'�2 �oz►�e � ���� �llen P. �n�, Se��ret�ry .A.T�'E� � Ma. 1:. . ~a e�].C.���'� � , FL.A,NNING C�MMI�aS�ON MINT7TES — Jd�LTARY �� 1993 P�GL� 1.� PI�NtJZEdG �Ai3�ISSIOT� �tO3.L, CAYoL �aN� �r,�o ���d� • �.�,.. .f�'�q..�' �����ar� Tx�: ^.�J exat�€zssi�ra�Hs e/ r�ta�x�a� F. �-r� �� �./ �rtor..r� s. �nota� �_ �ar�s c�s�zr�� � ��� � Br���rr r�oa� � l.� ✓ r�r,�xx sa�o���� `/' �ouc s�x��rt�..��° �7 ; �� �.� • � ��czc scxzr�a�v'��O Flfi �aQ� Swe.�t� v jz,..� �-i�,l i n� � � ��F�F'F PRES�AiT s --� � ^ � --�� `� — �+ M�(/ � ���� � � . . �a�ml��—�ox.x..Bxrt � � � � � � . � o� � w � T I G A �, P L A � N T N � C O � � I� T � � �� �— N�SCE: ALL P�RS08TS DESIP.Itd� '�O SPEFiI� OPI RYdY %TLk! A1tJST SIGI�1 �+'ii3�:�R N'AIfE 7lND I, PTaTE 'I'HEIgt AADRESS t�ld '�H(I5 �HEET. (Ple�ee PRI�1`3°) I ���i+rn�► yTEMe . .�� � �a��� a�cre�,�axq��: J � �Z. ��,�C� � ( �" I� e�wrr�a�/�r�r.zc�rT a 1~�`cZ V',�'.,_S� �• I� • �r. �, �I r.��zr�rra � �( - A3EaC3 R�iJR3�EFta � � I�A�E OP' F3[�Al2IRdGa ! � �'1 " ��' PZ1�A3E PRIN'P YOUIt NA�lE �DDRESS �AiD �NCLiP9�l6 X6UIt �T� l3�rI313 �A��s=�s��a=ce��c=rsc�==�as�s=ae —as�...._._,�.���....as.,�.�...�..AS;�..�.�.�,�.r�Lasffizsass�aa��^�i�_=-- - ��a�or�r�rrr (For the propos�l) C/������ PF�dJF1NT Aa�sira�� the garss�soaal j ��..� � � '� � � �Nl�cn� 1''I � i �co�G�z..��d• � Nara� � I / � AdcAre�s '��j'�7- I NU�ST�4�p, �" �'.( _._. Ac�¢3rase o f ^�GzEo � l �98�� �I�am��'�' G�22��/ rtame � � Addres� r Addrese � L ' s �� r c� �,,2�.� �ame � �.�, Name t�ddxes� - Y/ � �� .S"�f/f+''4f'���5 Add����a - - - • , , Name � Z J� Nacne _ ' Addreas ) ?,� �-1 _ � t�J ! ! U'=� ,���/' Addre�sn � ' �",r1'�� ,lJ ��'r'�. �^`•)"i °2."�. �> �ame V. •I�/� 0� ��' Name � �ac� eas i�'`f7�i sW ���<�?�.C__._._ �aar��� `7�(Clli Cl, i�� )'�ZZ'j � � , • - 1 � j - am ' ��� � � - ^ Idame v1Z.L��C�. � A 3ress_�3C �o .�ll� �Ur�����LS ��I/`rL�- Addresa j '1��. �,�� � � r � 7 �3-�� --- � � 1 �Name ��z'� T�*� Name Addreas /��.�'� �Lv (�,�-T�✓� � .�9,ridresa J� � '��_ � �` ��� � Name -=�,nE�„-`� �—�+' . 14ddress � Addr�se /� �dame I I/GC"/�.�1�" � ��'�'.r.�.: 1 Name � � �ddraas _l l l'� � � v . (� Yl�yd�j�- Rdd�� � 1 i" � � � � �����F���� ,;r� T I G A � P � � N N � K G � � M M I�I 4 N 1�G1��CE s AY.,T. PE%t�0i�3 D��ZFtSPTt� Tfi 8���►ES OPi A%t� aTE%i P�iJ$T �IGY�Y TEY�T32 I�AME d�EdD uo�� T�a� �ra��s o�a �t=� �t���. ���.e�e� ��i��� � ���r�oa ax��s: �� �- r.�� aaue���R�s�: � �� �1 �.— �o�� OS�i'r7�Id/�LR'PT,ZL'AI�1T: �, I Y.00A�ZOAT t �� tiPq NtT1N%�Eiis � D�TE OF HE�Ft7[NGa P]LF,�F�F PItINT �'Ot1R EJJAd9$', Afii �S. a�1'kI1D �PTGZLd�E' XOUR lG�P f�lI��' � ���av:aae aa�asazax��am ssss�ffi��sn�ass �RC)�bt�T� (P°ar �h� gssapo�al� oPPONBt�T'r Ac��.i��a� t3�� pxcagoet�l) �` .� � Ha�n� � �Y�ae .S. ' „��' � � �ddse�e l � � � Addrees d .',d .S � .�,�1`=5 �`% �� !�- �i r��y"�``� �/� K'��3 Nasne tda�n� � � �! �i�t -G � � Aacixe�s . — Ada�e�� S o S o �. f/�Jcc. �"� �t. '�`'�'�J W �� �� `?"�Z'Z-`,J �� G� _ � ��� �� Name N�n� a� �ldc�x��B �.ddres� � � �� � IV!� � � ,� �; ��,v��� o�' `��7�� �• � �r�►� ��►� ��,, f ���v� ,���r� �d3r�s� F►ddr��g �` .�� ,'�`'/� >"Z-�. � 'T"e�zr� Oh�. t"/���.3 I�a.me Name�����? �Q`"Y�� Ac3d��a� &�ddres� ���.5��'� l�C� � ��,°�, _.___.___�. � / ��az�� N��a� ra�►,�.��-vs. � e � � �. ���u�''- 6l/�U � 1 I Addreea Ac3dreac� �,� $7 � ���, Crat� .�_ , PYante Naa��e � �� �� � e � Address A�dd�ea� �� a 4 � ' � N�n� N�me a i � � � Addrese--- .q...__ ?L�cireas ���S �,,�t.c.� � l C �a� � •-� Nams Name !.(.� ..����_._,�. \ . Adrir�es Rdc2s�!�� l7i � ��1 ( �.._ ,,�y ^ �} C�U�1�. �,�tr>-Lt �/ili l¢ ��.�..�� ��,�� �� . � ►^z..�o�S' S•w � C-,�l�Mz�a�. �u�� �� (���� W �� G�.?i? f�! G e��-f.f� '� ��el,�SZ-�..�-Q/,�iL� � . . �'t���-�!eiG-- �j G i��"� �� d��il�-��-r�''�.S,p � ! . I I i I I � I � li _ _ _----__� i `� g I, � �' __------- _ --- ' � �� ����Q� � ��Q/� �� ���� � � �� ___----�---� ______- I _ _----- _�` � �,�,'�� ; /��,� � ��� � �,�� ��� � � ��������� � � . �r . ���,,a �y a�°�J � � � � N -- � �s,.�.,�d - ,,,���� ���� T Y G�,�� LAN � I N � COMM..I�4I ON NCPT.�C,'�a AY,L PLReiON3 ���IRI�iG � �PEAK ON ANPX r°T�Yad k3[T��' S��N �I�IR �dAME AND rr�rr� �i�x ���ss aaa x�zis sxE��. t��.s�ee ��carr�� ��Erv�� ix��c; __�� ca�� xvi+ss�a���': _ '�d.�1- i�° �7 C�aJ CBi�Ii�BLR��PPLZCP�NT: tA.� „ LV0.staTYVi!e �� �� �1.1��i�S �Pi�� Q�' ����"s3 � � -1°°� �' pTa�o��+ p�g� �n� ��. ���is�'. �� T�.��� �o� �i�p .��� I ma=�sasiasaesmra�acasatffiammm:s�esaam�aaasmsn � , PYit�P�laEfii°� (Far th� pro�ro��l) �PFf�ld'�E�'� Again�t �h� p�ra�poes�l�) s� � ��s � �, c.ac, t�`-QaZ t v.� u�►� G��� — ------- B�dlar�ae 14`� �-O �LJ 1 t�-}' l� `�Ir� Arldr�e� � � i�,� � r� � ,, ra�►� xam� � ' Pcddre�s �.�dr��� ', ' I - I Pi'�.sxsas E+T�rn� �� I �d[3r�sa . Adeis��s I'� I I Name Nacn� Fkdt��'ess AcYdres� I�TT�a�r� DTam� �� Adda:ess � Addr�a� il Name � ��cne i Adc�r_e�s Ac�dre s e i Name Nacate � � Addr��g Arldxess � � �° � ,� Name Nam� � � iic3dres� lAddress !1J � Name I1�am� �Addrees Ar�dress T T G � � � � A N N I N G C � M M I�E I O � ���_ NOTTCEt ALL PEIta^OI�S �ESSIttIYJG �'d1 SPEAK Old 1�1dY �TEM MCTS`I' SIGYeT THEIR Id1HE�dE � ' INQTE THEIR F►DDRESS �P1 `TFiTS SI3L�ET a (��.g�se PR3Td�j I AGPCATDP�i T TY+tt3: � �• f �P DTBJM�E�R(S j: ���' �'1 7..'C:)�C;� �, owrt��x���ea.=eArr�: + ��e`i l',�,m����s�n�n�� Crr� . � r.oc��x�aa: � r�� ��Rr ' �A� c�a� �x��a�: /��'— � � � 19LE�E PRIYV�°r' ]�OL7Ft NAAf�d 1�I31R��S �'VLl ��E�UT1E 1.'Qi� ��P�C'�Il�L ���:�a�������_�:����������:���--���..�. �.a_=----��--. . -� I P�tdFt)��°r' ;?��A t�e t.x�E,r,�s�y taiPs°�,9' d�id'� Ar�9.net �h� px�v�asealj I / PT�tme DI� � � � �..�. Addr�ss Ad�eee � � � ��c�� q'��'"� Ydam�s , Name ,�, l�..ddre�� Addr��� ,� Nam� iJaaat� � �4.c3clr�e� Addrnt�� _ . I � Na�►� za�r►� -- I --_ ' I� ��a��sa a�adre�s N�►� r��►e "_d3rees Address Name Pdam� A.ddre�s � Acl.dres a � Name Name Addres� Adtiress Name N�ita &lddres� Addxess Name Natne Addrear� Addreea CTTY OF' TZG�.&�D k�LA13�7ING CdI�NII5SI013 F°I�T�iL 0�.15�R NO. 93-Q001 p� A FIPi�, �7RD�R �NG.z+UDIl�G F�P�TI2ZNG� 1�ND CQPTCLLI�ION� `dH7�CI� LP%IQLD� A D��3EG'I'(?R� I)E�I��C)Np �LT��EC� `�Q .�.I�iEP.�iD1�I�TTS� A.PP�iC��P�I�TT� P1N ..�P�:����OIJ �'OR �E�I,OP�I3T ��' .k RE��'.��JR�I`� �EQTJ�S�E� �X PY,�TI�IING DF:�uIGI�T ��&.C�C��o , I T�e Ti.c�ard Flan�ing Commis�ion has r�viev�ed the Directo�"r� e�..e�i�ic�n � ° fo� t�he agplicatic�r� describ�d b�la�av The D�.�eo�tor's d��i�i�n v�a� � aPpeal�d t� the Pl�nn�.n� Coann�issi�n b��r i�PO #�. The �cam��.��iar�°� I revi�`s was h�ld ��t a pu�al�r heari.r�g �n January 4, 1,�93o TP�� Camr�is�ion ha� �a�ed i�s dec.�sion on tYa.e fa�ts, fir�d3.ngs, an�i concl�€��on� xaot�d bc�lc�w. c���a ���.� o�° z�oT r�ar�� .��r�s��rr� r�is 92-0016 a�ad sxT� � °+ D�VELO��NT �VIEW �DR 92-0018 �'P]�L�L�tT m NP� #3 APPL�C�ITa P�.annane�fDesic�n �ra�xp 122 SE 23th Aven.ue ' i��r�l�nd, �r�:gon 97214 D.�.�v�aLe���'�. x�t r Ll �9YA7e�G�SC(� s�'�� cC���7. 303 E. 16th 5�ree�t, Sui�.� 22 �7ancouver, Washington 98663 Oi�ER.e Harris Enterprises 1776 SW Mad�son Por.tlando C3r�c�on 97205 ORI�I�T�AIp 1�����::i�i•s A rec�ues� by Plar�x�s.nc�/l���a.gn Group :for a Lo� LinP Aciju�tmen�. to �djust tws� ex.��ting p�.r��1s of. anpx�aa�i�ately 53� 143 s�uare f�et an� 11, 761 square fe�t a.nta ��o p�rcel� of 42,2�2 s�uar_e feet an.d 22,672 �q�.�r� fe�to �oth parr�ls are cu�°a^en�.iy awned �by Haarris En�e�pris�s . P�.anninqfDesigr� Gr�up also xequests �i�e D�vels�pm�n� Revieur appro�ral to caz�struct � dri�cr�-th�co�r�h only ��stauran� e�r� th� r�sultant 22, 6'�2 sqa�are fao�t par��l. 20NINfG a C--G (Ger�eral Conuner.ci�l) a LC�CATION: 13295 �W Paeif.ic Iiighdaay {WCTM 2S1 2�8, Taac Lmt ]�900) and 1039d ��1 Par}� �i;reet (WCTM 2S1 2CB Tax �ot ?805) . :..:::::.:.::::,..�:.::;«:::::::::.;.:::::»>::.,,:..:>::.::.:;:::;::.;::::>::>:<;:::::::::::::�•:>:>;:::::;::::::::::.;�,::::::::..::.;::<:>:<:::>:::;:;:.::.; :.:..::......;<::.»::.:.;:::;:::::::.::.::::�»:.:;:::�:;:.:;::;;::.::::.;�::::.�;::.<:>;::;»::::..:::.:>:::.;::;:. �I�'�::::..;:::::::>::>::>:::�:..::.<::::::«:::::::.:::::.:�.:>>: ::::::. .: :::>::>::::>:: .: <�<:::.::: ...:�.,...:.;;::.>::>:. :. :::.> •:: ;.....:: .�>:::::>::::::>.:..:: ;:::::>::>::>� :::: .:::::: : :;:<::::>::<: :: .: :..�,..`.:0:::.:::::�..�.�..�..:::::::..�'#'��x�a��!l'..JC�.�"�..;;:.:<:.:::�,t..�...�"..:3�...�.�`.:�:�:i'S�';.>;;>:.:�;�2�`�»:�!G���i:::::::::.�5�".�:.:::::::���€�:� `�`:,;:;»::.�#� :::.:::.:>:<>;;..;:::::<:>::::::::::�:>:.:«:<><.:>:::;::;>:::;:::.;:::><:>.,::;<::;::>:.<..;<,..><;:::>:<�:<;:,.<::::.«::,<;<::.: ���..;>:..,,:..;:..,.,,,:.>,<..:::<.:`:���`::�;�::::>:�:;`�`'':>:::::::»�:`:;`.,;`<.>:°".:::«�::';::;,:.,;>:.,<..:.,.,>.,.»:...::<:,.::.::....;:::::':;::;`..::>:>..:<::.<>::::>`;`;:`,.;..�::::>: ::;::::::::» : �.�>:�> �>><.. ::»:<::<::::� .:�: .:>:.: :........�a�����e� ::::::��':..:�::.���..�,a ����"��t`!�°a ���a�"�'��:::..�.��...::.�:.:�'.�.a.�r�.�.�a�`..��'�.:::::::.�`.��.:;::.:>:�'�;�:i� ;��`�s3�:�`2�'�:*:���i;�����;:'.':::`� ����:,::.:.;:;.:;:';,..:.<.:..:.::><><,''':.;:':.<::'::..::;':::.:::.':;:.•:.::•.;.:.....•::;'s::;:.,..:::..:::...:::::::::>..:;,:.,::.:::;::»:;:<:'•:;<.>:.;,::::>:::.;.:1,.:.;:;.<.:,.,.;.;:;>.:>....:<;;:,<:..:<.::<•:.<.:.<: :.:.�::::::::::::.::::.:.:::.�::::::::.:::r..::::,.,,..�..,`.::::::.::�:.;:;!.��'a�,'.;.;N.�d:3���`.`�:€Y�,'�.'.,�.€.3..��r �.� ��'�`�' :�� :..��':�:'�."�.�? '� :'':�°:•�,::��:::»:.:;�;;�.:::»:>:::.::::.:°°>`>;;:.:::�:::::<:::>�:..::;�..>:.;:.:;.;::;:.:<::.;>:.;:.....:;«<.:<.:,;_..<;:::<..;:.:�:::::>::::�::::::.:..:<;.:.:.::.::;_:.»>;:.::;::«.:;;;:: :....:.:,:::...;...:.:..::.:..:,....:.:::���:::<:>:::>�;::::..::.::.;::..;�::.;�::::::::..;:..;:.>::.>:::..:<:::.::..::::>:>:: ....... . ..... �: :::::::..:. ..:. : �: ::::;::;: � ::::>::::<.:: .> .: >.���:<:::<> �. :<:::<:::::...: :..<.;;::: .: .. ..: ;<.; ...::.:::.;:�;.:.: :;;.:: ;:.:..; ...:::<:::>:. :.:;><:>�.�� :� : ::. ; :::::�.< ��.�.�..::::::.�..'��...�`'.a.��w.'�.:::::�:�::::.��?,�'.5�.�i....�....�:.::.�.::;.:;`��,::::.;�.�'..�.����..�'�..�!:::.�::��1!�.�.�".. �?��::::..��::.�. . .: ..��:..� .:x; ::.�s'...:...........................��.........,.��.....�.... :<.::.:::<:.:::..:�::.:>::>:::•::.:�:<.�.:.:::::::;:.::::>:...:::;::;;�:::.:�.:::«;:..;..:.::::.> .:..'.::';:��,.,;,:..::::::,..:.".:`.,>.'<:.:::..:.::..>;,...:;.�:..:.:,.....<....:......:..:...:..:.»...,.;,<.:�.::�:.:.:.,:..:.,:.,;.,::>.:::::....,.,:.�:::,'."::':::_..<...::::.:�.,.::,...�.:,,;:>: ��':��::':�':�s�:.���.x��:;::�'C�;>;.t�.,'��:<::��:�:�:���3,�:.:.:�#.���:�.?.>:��.��:�:�r�a:�C; �!.���.::>�r'.S€`:::.�S�. ...::. ..: .. :�;: ..........�t"�.......................................:�:��;��JG��`:,, .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:•�5.::.... PL.1�II�NII�7G COMMISSIDN FINAL O�.DER �- 5�R 92-0018 - Hat°N Now PACE X A. F��DT�GS OF F�CT 1. ���init� In�orm�tia� ��op��ti�� to �h� nnr�h, �o�th �nd �a�� ar� zo��� C-G (Cae�.e�al Co�m�rcia.�) . The �'�g��d I�rk�tgl�ce �l��pgi�ig .. ���a�,e�cd i�.g�,�d r�iecia.ca3. C�.3.nio, a�d o�h�x c��n�rca.a7. u�e� ax�� en th� east side c�� P��3��� High�ray op�dsit� tlx� �ite. T�he Pa�k 5t���t aqu�re; �B�og�i�ng �ent��, w�hi�h �on�ains s��eral �nn�ll co�runer�ial u�e€�, is 1��ated to th� n��th af trb� ��.t� ���o�� �a�}c Street. �xoperti�s to th� naxthv�r��t, nn �h� narth side �f P�rlc S�x'Pet, ar� zar�.e�i R� 4 .5 ��d ar� ci�veloped �ai�Y� single fam3.Iy resici�nc��. A gnixa�.-��orac�e f�.�ilif� i� l.r�ca��� ta �h� ��uth. �nd w��t. �i r•r�a�r�t pa�c��, fron�ia?r� �n �W P�ci�ic Hic�hwra� di�ec�tly �but� ta� �.ot 1900 to the south. 4 �TnT P��ifa.c H.�ghway abu�,tin� �h� sgt� i.s a �iwe 1a�a� �rtea�i�l str��t under the ��.rs,sda.�t�.o� of t�ae Qac�gan ��at� IIic�hway �ivi�a.�x�v �a��,�tmn.g ������ ini�re�vemes��� in�lude cr��b�s and �tax�r. sewe�s, w�.th �idc�va��.k �an b�fih sici�s caf the $�r���. S�nnT Park S�:re�� i� ��xncti¢�nall� �la�sifx��. by t�� �it� o� Tiga�ci°� Coanprehems�.v� P1ar� �'��ra��or�ati�n P3.�n �p a� �. mine�x aal�.ec��� s�x:e�t o �Ba Fark Str�e� ��e��ntly � con�is�� e�f tjao �anes of �aaven�ent w.�th na curlc�, st�x°�a d��iz�s, o� �3.c3eva��ks �.a� t�� �.xea o� �h� �c�a��ect sit�. �he SW Pae�fic Highvaay/Pa�k St�eet in���rsect�axa a.� �igr��l�.zec�. � . 5�t� �nf��anata.c�n an� �ropasal Descripti.or� '���c kc�t 190� i� p�esen��.� de�e?�oped wa.'��x �. �ard �.c��}� g�a�vi�e �t�ts�n v�ith a bu.��.ding, canoPy, ��ad a� 1�.re�� �mo�.ir�t of ��pha�� ��.� ��nc��te stx����e. Can�fi�����i�r� of �he s��va.�� �tatirzn �a�.s �pproved la� �.h� Citlr in 1�°�5 (SAR �-75) � �h� servi.ce �t�.tis�n ha� t�orc� acc�s� d�ive���ys �o ` SHl Paci�ic Hi�h�,a�� az�d c,r�e dr.ivew�y �� Park strc���. ��.x pine, c��k, and fi� trees ar� pres�nt�.y on the s�te. �, Ta,x lot 18t�� i� a �racan�, gar�s�y fa.el.d th�� has I' � �r�v��rs�ly �.�s l�een u�ed �� a Y��r�e p�s��ar�. '�he s3.�e ,' f' slc���� c�ently �caw•a�ds t�e 5W 1�a�ific H�.ghwa�r/"Paxk Stre�t N � �nte���ction. � Plagzns.n�/D��i�n �rc�up rec�a��t� Lo� �,�.�e .A�.��a��a��t � � approval to adju�t the $iz�s af the �ub�ect p�rae3.s frorc� t�a app�oxxm�tely 53, 143 squa$e feet (Tax I►Qt 1�053 �x�d � 1�.,761 (T�x Lo�. 1900) �qu�r� fe�t into tw� para�l� of 4�,232 s�uar� ���t and 22,672 �q�a.��e f�et� by �hif.�ing t�� PLA.I�iNIi�]G GO�iMT.ci��ON FINAL QRDER - �DR 92-001�3 - Hat'�T I�1ow P1�i�GE 2 I I no��h�smuth b�un�ar� b��ween t�� garcels �pprox�atel� lba £��� ���t��rde Th� P��k �tr��t �ront�g� �� t�x 1�� 1900 w�uld xa�g�l� dou�l� �o approx�atel� 200 f��t. �oth p�rceis ar� curr��tly owr�ed by ��arri� Ent�rp�i�e�. T�� ���lic��ion �r�po��� d�v�l��m�nt af a 963 �quar� f�ot dr���-�hx�u�h only re�t�u���t b�ilding o� t�e r��ultant la�ge� Ta� Lot 1900. T�e �xi�ting �e�ric� station w�uld b� ��malish�d and t�e fuel �a��s would be r�m�ved. �h� p��g�sed �esta�r�nt would i�alude no interio� se��in�. �ua� driv��throu�h lanes w�u�d �e l�c���d on �ith�r ��de nf th� b�ild�nge �ana�i�� wauld �xte�d ov�r th� cixiv�� �hrough 1an�� at the f��d deli��z�r ���do��, The abov� descri�ed Lot �ine A� ust;�e�t ��� �it� Dev�Za��ent R��i�� ��,glic�tion� wege revie��d �nd ���ove� �� �h� �l�nni�g D�vi�i�� �n ���ear��� 1� 199� � NP� �a,�A��Ted �he dec��i�n �n N���ra��r 20� �992 r�c�a��tir�� i�h�t condi�.ion #1.7 of th�: ci�ci�a.��. �c� �n��ded t� :rea�a�.r� th�t an �nfaraeable �i�h�t turx� only s��:� �� xp�x.�re�a as a �oneizgiva� caf d�velo�ra�ea�t appr.�v�l �.t tl�e pxo,po�ecl driv�way fram �he �a.t� ta �TnT �a�k St�e�t. N�a �ther i���.e� vai�h ��rt�rd to the ��a�].�.ca�inn �r decasior� vaere raised l�y th� 1�P�'� a��ea7. f�arm, �h� s�xb���t �it� i� loc�►t�d �zthi� �he bca�x�acia�i�s �f NPO �k3 o P�FO �3 had aommented o�. �he r,ri�inal ��plic�a��.an a�d th��r�fo�e h�s s��.�.ciing to appeal.. 3. l�igen�� an.�l. NP� Conun�n�s oaa �acigis�aZ Appl.ia�timn The Oregan S�ate F�iqh�ra�� ���s�sion �i��xict 2A .r��res�ntati�re h�s beer� in cont�ct v�rit� �h� a��plic�x�� priar to ��xb�ittal of the �ppliaat�.an, O��T �ias �.a�f�•x_meci th� ag�a�.i�arat that no ciir�ct a�cess to SW P�cifi.c HigY�way v�ou�.d k�e p��a.�t�ed gnd thaz �t�nci�ra �����i� a�i�Y�°�b����i�� vv�u�d b� n���ssaz-y a�long �he s.ite's frontage ta r�plac� �he existi�g drivcwajr apr�ns �ncl passib�y �h� exi�itinc� c�rYas aa�r� �icie�r�lks. ��OT has �amm�nte�. �h�t the a�pli�ant vsi.bi ne�d ta t�ubmit gla�.� and akr��in � per�i� ¢��m ODOT p�ci�r ta c�nsi�xuct�on of �hes� �inp�a�v���n�.�. �, .A. cirain��e �����lati0xa v�ri.�l be gequixed to ass��s �he � impac�s o� �h� si�te°s drainage upon th� eac.;.sting �DOT � drainag� s3rste�tt. � Th� ��aal��in Vall.�ga� Fi�� and Resr�ae Uistrict h.as revi��red °� the rc� o�a.l and has �omment�d that ex�ni�s f�r fue� �.�x�}c � xemc��va�.�mu5t be obta�.n�d ��A� th� Fp e Ais��ca.ct and DEQ. w `� The Tic�ard-Tualat�.n 5chool Di�trict and sev��al neighb��s of tl�� pr�go�ecfl d�wel�pm�nt �ite hav� cs�n,�t�cted t�ie City PLA�VNIN� COI�+IIS�TOI�7 �'��i�L Cit�D�I3 - SGR 92-0018 - �iot'Id Now �AGE 3 — ��g��ding co�nce�n� for ��ei�stri�r�� in the �rea o� th� pr�pose�3 gxm�ec�m '�he� h�.�� ��c�e�tes� th�t a '°�ight tugn , only�� sign �� pl�ced at ��.� exit of th� pr�p�sed develap�►�rn�t �nd a� .°caution� �cho�1 ch�.ldr�n presea�t" s5.c�n b� p�.�ced on P�r� Str��t x�ea� i�I�� �ro�a�eci c�ev�lo�msnt. �TP� #3 s�xbani�t�a� cos�unents ���a��.�r.� ;::�� pro�����. �n t�� d�gr t�ai� ��pc�rt �aa� to b� �s�u�d� �he NPO c�xn���t� �r� �t�tiac&��cl a� an �ppendi� �o �hi� r��a�rt, �'h� �on��rxns ���.seci by the �fl�� are acid�es�ed a� v�.ri��s �pc��.r��� thr4�gh �h� �nalys�is �� th� p�aprasal'. �he I�PQ'� co��ern uaaith th�� �r�.ffic signa3. ta.m�.ng Fai].1 b� ���ayed �.o Q���.'. � � . Th.e City raf Ti��.re� �uildine� and C7pea���i�n l���ai�io��s �a�ci �or�land �neral E1.�c�r�c ha�cre �e�s�ewed th� propos�l �nd �n�.v� i�su�d r�a coa�um��t� �� �b�ecti.ora� 4. �ublic He��i�r�ornm�n�� Th� ��.�f� ����o�it a�nc� r�commer�dla��.ox�� �nrr�re ���c��.�ec1 b� I��v�lo�rner�t �;�v��w Pl.anner J��� Of f�r andl Cit� �nqin�er R�nd�r �l�,�l�y 5�.��f re�omme�idec� u�h�slc�arac� the t��.�����r'� de�i�io�. a� �2�� �p�li�a��.one 1Vo oa�e ����a.f�.r�ci .�n �avor �� �h� �.��s3�.���i.on a� d�����d. �v �th� �laz�.nin� Di�r��_i�r��, I�PC9 #� ��.ai.x,�rsar� fYe�man I�a�te� x�c�tecl �ha� tl�..� �PO Y�ac� fi.�ed the a��aea�. e�n be�aal# c�� r��i_gYabors caf �.h� �ra�saseci �.e�r�:lapmen.t �.it�. i�. �o��e� d��e�r�d to t�a.o�e �ei�ars ta pr�s�nt thei�c ��a ep �l. Mi�e Ranclles, �onst�u��ti.an ra�an��,�r �Ar Tacs� �3�1�. �nd I'`aQ*' Yl i'�1CX4►TA $.�t"s'�a.�.1�C1 ��?,�'t t.�'1�..' '�rOa�L'Ct3_i7"�* L��"ii�'I.Q'C)��� und�r��ood ��x� ��sition� �� �aa�I� �.h� �st��f _an�. t�e ap,��lAa��s . I�e repc�rt�d th�t �he ,p�cospe��ive d�vel���r� v��r� �ailZi�.� �.o a�ide b�an3r cie�ision rec�a�rdin� �T�� r��ht t�ra� �igr�a�e ���o Par�: �treet. p I�artha Bis3�.0�. �.a, a aneinY�er r�f �IPt� �3 �.r�d r��i�.�a�� �� t�k�e neicttibark��od �d-Ia�ent to the �ite d��.iv�r�d a letter �o tti� Planninc� Coamnissican f�rox� L n�,�..merxnax�. Th�� 1������ h�� be�n mac�e a ��r� of th� re��rd in th�� c�s�. P�.ann�r I �ff�r read th.is �.e�.t�r a�.to ih� areco�s�. I�i�a E3i�h��a thcn '� r�w�rted th� r��ighborhood� conce�nr daith the �ro °s�o���X , ���sr�lopznent's ixnp�cts Qn txaf�ic ���ety c�n ��rk �txe��, es.p��a.�11� �� �.�. �el�te� to �d�stiian txaff.i.c and school child�er� walk�.r�� �o t�e rr�arla��h��l�s �'� T�.Q��°d �choc�].. ��s . Bi�hop �r�s�nted a video o� ana�her Ho� ra l�ov�r re�t�uxaa�� i._n op�ration.. That video ha� been made a �art of �he xec:orc� in this cas�. FLANIvIT�� ��MDS.IS�TON �'TN.�.I, �RL�ER - S1�R 92-0018 - H�t°� I�ov� �AGI� 4 I � Si�c otlaer com��n�ers o:�al.ly ���o���d tla� NPt�'� a�,peal �nai �o�c�d cmrac�rns w.i�� tra���,�� pe�l��tri�n �a£�t,�. �.itte� t�ot�ntial �ela�ed �o �lx� ���pa,��d dev�3�m�n�. Aa�e Kimm�l of 1�lanni�cy D�si.� Grouv,� th� �r�.r3im�1 �p„�lican��,macie �3.nal ��amm��t� rea.t��atinc� �. &tandl�.g'� �������n�� ichm� ich��ros��ec�i�^ss� dev��s].oger� vae�e wil,ls.n�r I tea lYVe �aith ara� d��i�.�on can the �ic,;� �u�ra e��t eiqnAe�� ! i�sue. The nam�� �ad������� �f t�ese cr�r�sn�er� �nd �i �umma��.�� o� ���i� �omm�r�ts ��e con��inc�d ir� the minntes I �f th� �anuar� 4: 199� �la�r�aa.�� ���ii��YOn meet�nc�. T1ne I �, A � minute� a�� bein r� ��ed a� �hi� ��ne. .�x �ut�.i� �:� �, � .� P � � I �va� �.l�o mmd� csf thss me�:tix�a v I I 8. �'TgJ�I1V�S AN�i CONCLTI sIOI�T I 1. Commur�it�p �e�r�lo��pr�ent Cod� ��or��l��n�e -�re��ras�:d Lot Lirae I �d-�ustmesx t .�''i3�� p��ga��� la�t line �td ju�i��nt i� �on�.a.st�n� w�th thc Iot �.�ne a�i ju��i���°�t �pprc�val starxd�rcls s�� �o�►un.ity ���re�opm��t God� Sec�aon 1�. �62 .05!� �.axd 1�a 162.06a. �Io I aridi�ianal parr.els would. b� �re�t�d. �s��h ���ce�� ccantia��a� t� h��r� acc�ss �a p�b�ic �t����(�) � Th�r� i� na� I� m�.n.3.mm� lot �ize in the �-� �c�azi�.e� distric� (Code Chaptex 3L8.6�) . B��h ��r��:1s wro��.� ��?m�;�„�A t�� ow�Y��a .�9;� �� I �ooi aver�c�e la� wad�tla s�and�rd r�f th�: ��ne� Th��e �re nc� st�cuc�u�e�; or ot�e� i�np���r�a�a��t� on �ax� l.�t 1805. T�a�rr� are �o gtruc�ur� �et��.�k r��irem�m�� i� the C-G �or�.� �xap].i.��bl� grr t�.� ��r�r�.�:� st�ti.c�a� b�i��iinc� �n ��x 1.0� 19�n e The �.mpex�riaue sur�ac� p��c�ntag� on �:k�i� ; pa�c�1. �rcauld b� de��e�s�� ,ax�d th� land�sc�.��ci �.reaJnatural. i v�getative axe� g��rcerct�ge ��►�ald &�� �.ncx�a�ed s� �� �o � , e�nti�aae �oxa�a��enc�• wi.th ��� r�c�uir�m��.�.s of the C-G zoa�i.x�c� ci�s�rict a Th� �pplicanicg �wri11 be �°�qixix�d �o s�a�m�.� a c�r���s.i�a ic�� I.�n.� �dlju.strnent su�^crey Yna� for �u�ginr�e��ng I�ega�t�e�ic ��vie� a�d a�rp��aval pr.ior te� r�cc��d�.�c� th.� su�aey witk� �iash�.x�gt�r� County. The I,o� L�.r�� ,Adju�t��a:t ma�r p�oceed ����rat� �razn tla� r�qu��t for ap�roval at �h� rerievel�p�e��: plans fo� �t�� la� 19p0. 2 . C�DIl1IClilI"a1�� D@VEiG�,7Iib'�*Pl� Coci� Cos�gla.ance � SR�� I3��re�.opme?�t � R�,vieva £or Pra�ose� R��t�ur�nt I Eating anci d�inking es��.�li�hm�n�s are a germa.tt�d u�s� i� tk�e C�G �on�.ncy district (Cocle S�ctian 1�0 62,0301�.2 .h. ' The propo�ed developmen�t pl�n. confo�s with G-G zor�ing distxzct ��q�ir��men�s (Cc�d� S���tion 18. 62 .050.�) far maxi.m�� bu�.�.d�.x�.gr �eig�l�t (a�r.�acimum I�ea.��� of 45 feet PL1�Y�I3IPIG G(JMMISSION FINAL QRDER - ,�R 92-001$ �- iiot'P7 Now P�GE 5 ��r���t�d; 20 f��t ��ximum he�g�t p���a��dj , m���nunr sit� impex�crio�� �r�a �c�verag� (m�x�.mum peTCanitteei i.m�re��.oa�� �re� o� �5�k; a���sax�an�tr�ly 7�� pxc�pc���d) , �nd mir��um lmn�.sc�.p�ng coverag�e ( �.5�s m3.n�.ar�u� re�ir€�d l��.cis�ap3.ng ��v���g�; approacima�tely 25� land�caping propos��d� a 7Che p��capr���d bu�lding Idcat3.m�r woul.cl be co��ss.�t�nt wa.th th� anly a�pli���l� l�ui�.dimg s�tla��� Q� at �.e��t �� f��� �rc��a t�� cent��lixa� of S�T P�.c�.fa� �i�c�hwa� (C�cie :��tion� �.��.�50.A.3 �.n� 1�.�68020,�. 1,aj 1�1t�o�c�h •ti�e �ra�a�s�l v��auld �� c�*�si.�t�nt �r��� th� �aiinim� 1.and�c�ped �re� �t�radmrcl a� r�c��.�d ���v�, �he garopc�s�d �.�ncl�caping g�la� 3.� alar���� r�ahollly d���c3.�nt �ri�ti �•egard �o otl��� l�nds�apinc� st�r_�lareis �on��i�a�d zn ��d� ��.��ater 1�. 1Q� vorh.�ch �aer� cl��c�i��c� to �l�e ��gl�.car�t ,i� �h� Qremapplia�,�ion xneeitinc�. Cod� Sect�.on �.�.lOC1.030 �°�qba:�.r�� �txeet �r�es t�a 1ae prmvided aloa�g a11 Qub��c str��� f�a�at�g�s. Ydc�r�� �r� p��pa���Y a �cade ����ior� l�. 1�0 . 110 eA r�c�n���s �Y�a� txees b� g��.ar���d i.�a l�n�.�a���ci i��.anc3s in �11 p��}cinc� ar��a� �n �he b�si,s s�� �t ���st on� �ree fcs�c every �evex� �,ark.ing spaces . P1�ne �r� prca�es�ed. �his C�de Sectic�n also req�a�r�� t�e u�� �f �.�r���.��r�J. pi�ntin��a ber�ri�, a�r gsl�n���� �r� ��d�:r �� p�rti�ll� ���se� wiev�rs of �aarkir�g �r�as o The Z��ci����;?�� �1 K�°g r.�.rosp;�a,�.a � 8 av.._��� ���.�H rea$� �. �.�� �i p�s�tin�.� ��.mng ti�� �e�t��s� �d�e �� �he p�r�.:i�.g lat e A ���r����1 l��d��aping �l�n �i1� need t� b� su��i.tt�d �hi.�h g�o�ride� f�r s�r��� tre�s �long kzoth €��ree�� �xontac���, ��.��a.�ag ���a txee�, ��� lo� ��;r�l �c���x��.�s� c�f t4�e p���eir�c� ���� �s��n��.�t�n� wit� th� ��aradard� �f ����t�r 16. 1�Q m �h€� sa.�� plan dc��� �aro�isie ' �or ��r�enix�g o� th� �ra.�Ya f��i.l��i�s �.a�a ��.� �au�th�v�sterx� cari�e� o� �h� �it�o al�houg� addi�io��1 de�a�.l� tia�.11 n�ea to ka� ���o�r�.de� t� ass�are t��� �h� �cre�r.i�,� w,ill. b� adec�uuate ta rne�t �h� sitaa����d� �� Sec�ioa� 1�, 30(F� �.1Q.�o �od� Chapt�r 1£3 d �.OZ ��c�aix�� th�.t cl�a� visi�ra b� I rc�aini.a�n�ci �ca� anotox.ists and p�destri��� ��. r�a�d , a.nt���eat�ran� axad imtersecti�rr�s o£ dra•v�wa�r� anc� I ar��c€zvay�e Siaace the pl.�n� �ubma.tte� vao�.l.d prca���� abmost I �a la�nds��p�.nc� c�n ��e s�.t�, i.t �aasn't mu�� of �n i�su� ta ' det�:r�i.a.ne tkaat c�.e�� vi�ian wc�uld b� pxov�ci�d. �Asaw�vero �ince subs��n�ial r��ri�ior�s �o �.he l�.nc�.scaping p:�ar� are � n�ce�sa�f �he clear vi�i,o�a r�qasa.xe�exat� of Ch.a���r pG 18 e 102 tivi�.l n�e� to pravid��. �csr �a� �.h� a�aplicant, � � � C��p��r lII B 106 �rc�vad�s s�car�aards fc�r o�f-���ee� �a���Cing. �° �'�� gxcapcs�al i� ce�n��s��nt wi�h C�de �eat�o� 1$. ].Q6 .Q30 '� r��irement� �c��a��d te� a.c�tamcala�le parking �� �pa��s � r�c�uired frar 4 g�rsna� s�affin� o� a�n eat�.ng and z3�ir�ki.ng � ��tabli�hrnen�� w°i�hou� a ciir�ing area; 11 ��a�ces prc�vad�d) o and Code Se��ion 18 a 106 .020 standards far di�ableci pexss�n ���kinc� ( 1 disak�led pErson spac� rec��.�°ed, � g�rov�.c3cd� PI�TII�iG COMMISSTOPI E�NfAI, ORD�R — �DR 92�-0018 — Hcst'N 3�Tnw PP.GE 6 I I a�� pxo����on of � b�c��1e �ack. F�rk�hg lo� diane�si�n�, ���i����, c�n�truct�on sg�c�fi��t��ns, a�� l��ht�ng als� are pr�pos�d cori�ist�nt wi�� Ch�pter 1�0106 ��an�ar��. ���e S�ction ��. 10�.060.A r�quire� vehicu�a� ���cking �rsa� f�� t�� �u��� �o b� �x��aded fo� each ser,vi�� window. Th� p�rp��e o� t��� �t�ndard �� �o �void sit��tione ����� �he s��u� o� v�h��a.��� waiting t� b� � se�ved �xt�rid� acr��s a �u�l�c si�ew�lk or in�o �he �����ta �h� �ervice �i�d�ws an� st��ki�g �is�� w���� b� � l�cat�d ��ch that �o�� th�� enoug� area for � �����e� I au�� c�ueue wo�ld ��is� f�r �he servi�� �ind�w� ���h��t j int���ia� in�o the �arking a��a, w�th �ox� �r�� be��ee� � th� g��k�ng aisl�� �o p�o�ide �d�i���n�� �tack��� �or ano�h�� �igh� to tw�Zv� a�t�s �ithout b�oc�ing a�ces� t� ��� rec�xi��d �a�king ��aae�o T�� stack�rag are� tn �� prcvi��d xn�ar� �I�an m�et� Co�e �tandard� ��d ��ould be mn��� th�� �d�qu�te �a grravid� fo� the �i��and �reag�sl b�r t�a� resta�.ra�a�t e The ��oposal �s ��nsi�t�nt wzt�a app��caYale r�ec�ui��aneax�t� �sf �od� Cha��e� g�. l�� reg�.�di�g acc�ss. �onsisg�nt with. �c��� ������.�n l�� ���a 0��:� A�?� t,hp S���A �� Or���� �?�.��,�.��s � 1��.�ra.sio�a's t������ T+�anag��.��=�: �o3.icyF c�irec� �c���s �.o th� I�r��"n, �3or�r sa.-�� ��A f�e��► P��ific T3iqhraa� �a� �aA� b��:�. pxop�sed. F�.d��u��� ��c��s �a t�.� si�e wc��z�.d b� px�=si.�.er� b� a ��.�.gl� ri�i�rew�� ���xm ��n1 P�rk ��r�e�, a� a�eznox �o�.l��tdr stx�eet. Th� a��e�s �ri�e wc►uld �i� �.ucat�d �i.r���:l� acr���s STn� ���]c S�re�� f��m �Y�I Gr��n�t S�r���a eor��.i�tent wi�h �cc��a��d �ra��ic�. A p�destr�.an s�,derraalk v�r�ul�i he ��ovisl�r� fr�m the �ubli.c sidewalk a2a�g SW F�cifi� Hir�l��aagr t� a w�l.& up daindl�aw cons�.sten� with Cad� � S�e:tion 1�. 1Q� .�3 aU°A,. �'h� d��r�.�ag�� �rc►�.1 d �� �e�g�.�nsik��.� for repl.aci�q the �xi�tinc� dx�.���ay ap�c�r�s an Pac�f�.e Highway w�.th s�as�d��d c�axb�s a�d �a�a��alk�, mh� �e�r�2o�aer � w�a..Il �1:�a �� r�sg�ns:bTe for cesn�tructing �tandar�l h�.�f str��� �.m�aroveYn�n�� �.l�ng �n� r�,.�x ���.�Gt ���a���� �� ��Y � �.a� 1900, iaacl��.ing �onstr���3.on af � right �u�^r� lan� to � Pa�if�c High�aa�. �'��th�r ci�.�auc�s�.on of a�c�s� and �oad i�prov�are�nt cor�cerr�g ax� ���ai�.�d un.der �he di�cu�sian of pul�lic fa��.lity conceg�.s b�low. .�. 20 f�ot hig�. pale siqn is p�re��m�ed �o �a� loaated �.n t�x� sauth�as��•rn �o�ner o� th�e si�e �lang �Tn1 Pacifi�; I3igh�r�yb Typical w�11 �ign�g� has a.l�o ��en displayed i.n th� pl�n �ubm�.tta1.e `�h� cnnsa.st�n�y of th�se si�n� with �ode C:�a��ex 1� . 114 sigr� area, h�igh�, ax�cl lo��.-�i��. s�an�iard� vai11 ne�d �o �►� �.s�essed �.� the sign pexmit proees�o a��hough� gr�.lim�ina�r re�vier�r finds no p�oblem wit� �a�a�t has �r��.�tinari.ly beer� prc�pased. Det�i�s on �ignage ar� not re�u�.�e�i ta b� ���riewred �vith th� Si�e I3ev�Io��ent �e�ri.ek� �pplicatian du� to tY�.e ��p�ra.�e �ign ���nit PL�I�INIIJG COMASIS3I01�1 FIN�,L aRD�R - SDR 92�-0018 -- Hot'1V No�a P�GE 7 ����� . De��il� f�� am�l�er ��-�i�� d��ect�onal si ns P � � h�ve �e�n grovide�. These �ir��t��na� �ign� ��� ��e�pt ��o� ��gn �e�it��ng pra��dure� (Cod� Sec�i�n 1�� 114.�6Q.�e3 an� .7j . m�� ����a���n d�a�i�ga �����t•�ed �s p�r� o� �h� ��t� D�v�lop�ent R�vi�� apglic�����n �ndi��te t��� �xgo��d n��� �i�h�� ��11 be u�ed �1a�� ��� �op� of th� ���t ��d n�r�h el�vat�ans �f the buil�inq. Cod� �ec�ion �8. �i4.070.G p��it� ��on l��hting a� ��r� of � s�ru���re'� I ����i�������1 ���i��a ���•�v��a i� �� �o����d mut t� Hgt°� �a� t��� Cod� S�ct�an �8.114007�.� pro�ibit� �1a�hing og �ntern��tten� lights. The�e ne�n �rchit�etu�al �ighli�h�� ��11 therefo�� �� �erdn��t�d �s c�nt�nu��� �ighting �nly. Th� �ppli�ation do�s n�� �pe���y gl��a r�����d t� ��� �x�sti�g m��ur� t��e� o� th� ����. �'�� C�x�m���ion �nd�r�tan�s �he �if��cu����s the sit� de���ner� f�c� i� �tt�m��i�� �o f�� th� �r�p�sed b�il��n�a �euing l�ne�, and r�c�xired �a�k�ng f�cilitie� on ��xch a s���l s�t� a�d tlh��e�c��� �3'� rP�7iac� ��S�t i'G v?'a� 'S?rnhat�l�r ��.�,i���r �� �g��t �avc ta �tt�mp� #:c� �c�o�vci��t� �et�a.x��.mg t�a��e trae�� wi�t� ' �he �:��°r�ra� pl�r��. Ne�rert�a�l�ss, thro�z�h t�� t�ee �����r�l ��x�ttit ��c�i..��z��nt� s�f tF�e C��m�x��.�� �ev�lo�aBn�nt ! �:n�a�, ��e �i��r of Tic�ars� ki�s ���ar�an�.z�c� ��i� ���3i� �r�l�� �3f r����..a��.x�g �x:�st�ing t�e��. �efcar� th� E�1ar�ars.ng L���a.�a.o� can �pg�e�e a �re� r�moe�1 �a��mi� for fi��.� �i�.e, �.� ��.1.]. �� ���e���ry fo� gt�� �i�� €i�s�i�ne�s �a ad��u����.�r c��ara������te t�xa�t ��I�� �ar�sing a��a cana�c�t �e��e�n�hl.y b� I ��ci��ic�n�d to all.orn� �eterat�.oaa c�� �t l�a�t s+�xne a�� th� I �a�i�tirag �re�� a �h��:�e �.zistAng t;��er� ��n ��.��..���r a� l�ast � portioa� caf �h.� ���e�� tre� o� �ar�ein� ar�a ���� r�c��xs.remer��s �a� ��iis g��og����r� cievelopinen�. I 3. Publi� Fa�ilit���n��rn� - S�t� LDevel�,�men� ��v3c�w far I Pro�pos�d �e�t�u.r.;��� � �. a`�`REE°T°�: Th� proposed ei�v�Ze����nt site i� lr��c��ed esx� �h� ss��tk��e�t �a�°ne� o� sT� �ark S�.�e��i'I�a�ifs.c� �z.c�l�w�a�.� ; � (Or�q�n ����� Highw�y 99) � ����.fic I�.�,��z�a�� .�s unc��� � th� �a�.risdi���pn of �h� Qr�go�a Stat� Highwa�r � l�ivi�ian. �x�ic�� to th� submzt��� of this , �. ��P1�.�ati.oaa� �th� H.�gl��aa� 1?zv�.��.�z� haei ��� �oll.a�w�.ng i� � �am��nt�� � I, � @ �o di��ct �c�e��a a�a�o Hic�h.wr�y 9� w���.� b� I� � p��ni�t�d can�is V�nt �i�.h �l�e ��a,t� Highva�y A.cces� �ianaa�e�ent �ub�eZ�.ne�, ��.e dir���.iv�s g�NING CC:MIMISS�O�T ��N�„L QgtDER � SDR 92-OQ�.$ - FIot'I�I NTora PA�E 8 � I of ��a� C1rc�goa� �r�r�spo�t�tioz� Plax�� and �he �c�es�a �regon �ragr� a�plic�b�.e to H�.��h�r�� , 9 9, �rt,d; m remoar� �.a�tl �epl�c� dr�.veva�y �p�oax�, cuxka �nci �i���aa��e al�r�g SW P�ci�a.� I�igl�w��r, - pr�vi.d� a dedicat�d �ight-��a�ra l�r�� �xo� 5�'nT P�rk S�r�e� �s� Pmcafic Highway; - �a s��������1 x�.�*���cr� ��.�y �� r��n�3,��c�e �lae ��pla.cant w�,1.1 be rec�.i��d to �xo�ri.c�� �he �r��r� �.xa►px���z��nt�; �he �e�uFa�t�d �.mprc�srex�ent� are shav�r� on the gre].i.mi.na�r sit� plan. S6� Pa�k St��et i� a cit� �t���t which a�� �las�afi�d as �. mina� c�llec�ar ��r��t by the ��mpr�l�ens�.�r� �1��'� �'�����or�a�iox� ��.�i� �f�p a C��a.ux�g��r D�velopm�nt Cod� C�a�ter 1�.1C� ��s�v.��e� stansi�rcl� " requirs.a�a� t�at r�a.�nar cel].�ctc��r �t�c�e�� ��v� tl�� �E:���o�;?�� a��g��um des igm s��.nd��eis (�.3.1 di�tas���s a�� �ra� �����r3.i��) : �0 �e�t �� rig�t-a�b-�;a;�; 2� i fe�t of p�v�m�n�, cu�ks� �id�va�I�, �tr�etYic�h�c�a �a�d '.sxadergrotxn� �.��.1s.���s, �ur��ntl�, 56�1 p��k Str��t �xas � �o��l. e�f 60 �'��t o� �ighlt�-c��-w��.�r writn aaa ��f��t cer�t�r la.a��m �� f��t om � the south sici� �nd 35 f��t or� t�s� r�r�x�k� ��.r3� saf �k�e cent��cli.x��. T�e �av�r��xa� �ie�th er��ca.�a�, a� dl� ��Ya�x i�npro�re��nt�. T��r� axs sec�ic�aa� o£ this ���d �a�tiz �ar�ial im��av�ane��� �r�d �ec�.�c�st� v�i.�h �p��. c�.i.tch. �.'lh� app3.icaaat fo� t��.s d�;v��.wpxa���� g��p��a�. �ri11 be � requix�d �� �p��vi:c�� ha�.f�-��.r�:��. improv�m��xt� alon� tk�� fxnn�ag� of SUd Paxk ���c��'� �rs�xa Pa�a�f�.� Fi�.ghc�a� �� �o �.�� ;��c��a����. �e�v Ia� la�rac� b���aee� tax lmts 1�0� ancl 3.g 0� in ��de� �.o ��tia�gr �,h� ��quir�a���ts c�f Cod� C:hap��� 1�0 364. �n �dc�i��.anP the a�a�►Iic�ra� rnay �� r�:r�u�.�c�d �,r� d��icat� �ddat.ional �ic�h�m�f��ay a�ong �*�1 P�rk ��:��ef: �.� tk-i� r�c�uixeci h�.�.iastree� .irnr�x�a�r�z�er�fi� zvi1�. �ot �it wa.thaa� tk�e eac.�sting �ight- ca�mw�ay. �Iernl�es� of NFO 3, nei,r�hbors �f th� si�e axad the school �ii���ict l�.a�rc� r��s�d coz�cerns r�c,�ar�ling i�.c�ea���. traf�a.� �n S�7 Pa�k S�reet. Sev�x�a�. of �h� ne�.c�l�bors �� vvel7. �.s �he NI�O hasre �c�c�ue$t�d � "F����IT TU�tid, QI�LY" sign b� imst�l.��d a� t1�� c3r�.��r,�a� a� th� restaurant� The applic�n�':� ac�ent has agreed ta ix�s��11 such_ a �i�qm, Th� �ir�ci:o�'� D�ca.s�an �or PI.��VF��IdG �O�iI a-�`sIOrT FTId.A�, 0�:2I]��3 - �I2Ft 92--0018 - I�at'I� N�ya Pa�GE 9 �hi� �1��at��� did s�� ac�r��with �h� i�st�ll�ti�n �, of the g�ane and ��ted vh� f�llowin� �ea����s ' _ � r�c�uir�m�nt fm� ����t tu�n� o�lw wo�ld ', n�cess3.��t� �th��t �n�reara� f�om tk�e_n�icthbo�ho�d ' „�oin�r tt� �h� r�st�urant wdu�.ei �3�� have to � m�le� a xig��: taa�n, ultunl���1� ��rcinq th�er� I c�r�to Pacifi� Hxghway� whe��a� a.t v�r�uad b� more '�, �oqical to all�w th,is traffic to �oll�w 1.�c�.l I s�:�e�ts �ac�C ix��� �h� �e3c�h�a��h��d �o avoid I :�rc�����s� ��a��.�c c�r��o aa� ��te�ial cc�xrtr�� ' t�o �t��� as�� Ci�y �oli��e j i - The mai�ritv o� �th� ��a�f�� t�a �he �3.t� wi11 'i b� �c�rnin� from ���,ific Fliq,h� aa�d �a��ald ' o �„ le�gf�.�all�r head dir�ctT� b��k tc� th� hi�hs�ave � ther�fore �,���lu�im� �h� n��ed f�r a r.��ht I taarr� an��.v�i.�raa �� ��,ulri Ya� difficu�.t �o �, �nfcsrce �uch �. turri ���tr�.s�t�.oa�. Th� '� Enq�.n��r�.ng ��p�xtme�nt ��resr�e�l� re�oaeunerar�� _ '', again�t iszs�allatio� of �an "EtIGI�T �LY�i , O�TI.�Y" �.�.a�1. ' I ��.� �'1��$�.�.a�� �'^�.�_���ic�rn xazade��tancis �h� ��t�f�'� I c�snc�rn� �,r��t�a c3..iffi.c'.z��i�� �.�. �n€��:4�..� �°���.��.�.��� , �uch h��z �S��x� �s�k�d �c�r�e��e�i�l.l.y �rh�n t���� anav ', bE f°3,1 Y'13�1C��"i� �T%lOU.Tl'fG� C1� �.�3��].� iflT�.T1��..12Cf �C9 �'�l�'Y!. ' �.�f� �n, asid�.tion ��n� Con�uni��.ic�n a�znd�rst��,cit� t�.e � ��t�r��ts to urAVide be�te� a�;c��.� o���a�tu�.��.��s ' �i�t�a�en x�e�hb�rh.�o���nd cn���ci�I o�er�°��.�na � �.��acent �o a n��.�c��hoaci. N��r��th�l��� �h� , Pl�ns�iz�a� G�amc►�.ssi�n �.�nd� tl�a� tk�e n�3.e�libonc�aod°� ! �esnc�rn� r�v9.th ���sibl.e �.nn�ce�sa.r,� t��ffic ' �.n�.�].t��tiori �in�� t�e ra�3.a2�baxhc�r�d aa�d �h� �c�t�a��ia�. fa� ���ffic s�.fet��ar�b].e�s in �,h�.s area due�,to the amoura�t o£ �ch.�o7. child �sed��tr��n tr��fa.c ar� Pa�l� , .�i. t��'G-3� �c3�C�� �31��C;�Ci�iit:� s�iT�� �}'a�s^c..- ^vtsi�i �'vax�;.�iax6 , �aa.se� by ���t�e �'h.� �c�mmi�sian ��i11 t�.�re�ore �, r�e,�ir� .th�* r�+�srelop�� �o p�,�c� si�n�,g� �.� th� �xa.t '! �o �t�.� site prr�hibi��.n���affic fr+�ni th� �i�v�lo�nne�� ��o:m �aDeing lef� turn� ont� Parle Str���, arat� th� n�ic�l�bark�ood. Cond.�t�.on of a,ppra�sral #17 ssf �h� � I�s.re�tor_ p� d��g�a.or� �h�tZ �� amex�d�ci �.o xec�u�.x� th� � dev��oa��r �v�.11 b� r�qu�.red tm de•r�l�,� � �.�e�r���� � p�.an, submit i.t £�r ��p�c�sr�l b�r �I�� ��.t,�'�s � Enc�ine�r�na De„��,r�tm�r���,, aa�d a.m�Z���n�t th� pl�n,�riar � to tih� i��uanc� c�f ax� c���upanc� ��rmi.t f�r �Y�� � �xopc�sed c�e�elopm���. � �7 � � PL�.TINILlTG ��Mr!�IS�I�Id FTNfP..L, OR�EIt �- �I)�t �2�-0018 — H�t'Id Idow ��GL� 1Q ��, I I I�� I II I I I I 2 a S.P�Y�TITFR3� ��WE�t: 0 Th,��� �.� ara �x�.s�ir�g �ight S.nch diam��.e� p�b�.�.c �aY�xt�a�gr ���a�r l�a�e ld�cat�d r�rithir� SW Park St���t to �rhi�h th� ��plicant a,� Qroposing �c� can�a�ct. The e��.s��.n� 1in� h�s suffa.�ient capacit�r to �axacile thi� i de�velopment. - �= S�.'ORM 5�'W�Ita I � Th� �ite ��.o��s to�arc�� th� rao��.h����.. Curr���ly� the �t�rm w�t�r from the exi��a.ng gas �����on �a�d s�i��lae� .fl�w intca �.h� sto� se�w�r sy��e� w��h�,r� #�� �-�ate high�aya '��.e app�i�ar�t ghdul� be x��quir�d to d�mc�nstrate �4�at the ��i�t�n� �yst�m �s �dec�a�.te to I h.a��il� �he ac�dit�_��.�,1 �ta�xx�nn ��.n�ff o I, I The Uni£�ed �e�a�r�g� 11g�ncy ��� �st�.b�.isl��� a�c� ��:� �I �it� k�as agx��d �to �nfo�c� (Fi�sc�].utian �nd fJrd�r �i�A ! 9�.-47) �urfa�e wat�r ��n�c�ernc��t r�c�ulations ��r �h� � Tu�la�in Itiver b���.r� re�i.ri.ng �a.th�� the �c��s��a�ct�.mn of ax� c�xn-si�.� �nr�t�r c�-��1�.-ty fa�il3.ty I �or a d�velap�ra�nt'� �n�tic�p���d $�era� dr�i���� � rux�c��f, or ��ESain-lieu-�n� ��aaastrrac�i��. of �. 'I f���.13.��m �an��ruc�ic�n oc �.�. o�-��.ic� wa��r c��li�.y�' I t�e�tm�a�� �acilit� is x�o� apprc�pri��e fa� tYais �ite �I becau�e �h� site a.� small �nd the lo�� af �ite a.�ea I far �rn o�-�i�.e z�cili�� woui� ���c.i�a� i aa� ��$�c:�i�� , dl�v�l�prn�nt rs� th� �i�e, In adciitgan, �1�� ��.ty I� �ngiae�r�.ng T�ep���en� ha� �e��mm�nd�d �lxa� su�f��e ' wra��� qu�lity fac��.i�i�s can sma11 �a.�e� �rou.ld 1�.1��1y I r�sii1� a.n numera�s faciliti�� tha� could b�cc�me � I, zr�ain���.ar��� burd�ra �o tY1� �a.t�r. Ftart�errn�r�, �.2xe , �gplicant �as �.�t �ropos�d a.a�� s�a�� �acilitie� �nd , t�ie�e ar� x�a na+�ur�I. depressic�n� c�r other �r�as �f ' �hz�. sit� t�at �re �articular�.y suitab�.e ft�r v��t�� c�ual�ty �acils.ti�s . ��ga.csr�al �ae�ili�i�s, f�nd�r3 �a� fee�a irc-J.�.�u of ccan����ati�n nf these facili�:�e�, v�rau�.dl provic�e the r�c�u ir�d tr�atm�nt witli i.ntp��sred I �e?��.ak�iZi�y �an� les� ma�ntenance. ��a����nre �.he appl�c��� w�l�. �ae r��axir�c3 tc� pay t�� ��� ir�--liev o� �przst�xactinc� am onp$it� �aci]�ity. �" G. Y�ECl'SIC)I� � H � B�s�d u�on the aba�r� �indings and canc�.u�boxas, �he Pl.�.r�n.ina � �csmmi�s:i.on u�hol�1� th� Direci:ar's ciecis�on �PRO`e�T.�T� Lot �ine , -� Adl-�ust�ment 1�IIS 92-f�0�6 betva�en �tax lots Y805 ,��.d 1900 of WCT� ' � 2S1 2C`B sub�ect �a t�.s :�ollnsai.rae�candit.�ons li � i � 1 � �he apgli�an�: shall su��it a lot li�� ad�u���ment ��xrvey showing thE exi�tin�g �nd propased Io� la.x���, and le�a1 PLANPIIrTG COMNIIS�IO� FIN.AL O1�ER -� �I�R 92�-�01�3 - Hot'N I�a6v �AGE 1J. �e�c�ipti�n� of t�e parcels for reeiew ��d a�prQ�al b� �h� Engin��ri�g D�p�rtm�nt pr��� t� th� ��pli��nt recarding the �d��stm�nt ���h W�sh�n��on ��un�y. �ased u��n the abov� fi�d��gs ��� ���clu�im��, th� P1an�in� Commission u�ho�d� �he Dir�ctoro� �ea�sion .�P�Q�TNG �it� Deve���m�nt �e�i�� SGR 92�OC�8 fa� dEV�3.opm�nt �� � ��i�� �hrnu�h �n�� resta�r�nt �u��ec� �o th� fo�l����a co� iti�n� ��aa�E: �x� car�rz�s�or� x�s MO�zFZ�� ox�� Carr����or� o����ao�r�z, I �7 FRUI� THE PR�(3R L7�R�CTOR°S D���SION`� . I ��ra�,n�ra� ���z�� cazLZ� �c�� n� zssuEr� trrY�z� �x� co�nx��a�s �zs���, ���ow � s��a����� �� Arr �ccE���L� ���.�°o��� �,��u�rc� gs pO�S�I"��e S'I'1�FF �C3N'Z'1�.�`i' T i CFiRI� DAiTTE a OF °I'�!� �ATG�Id�E�YI3:� � D�P�d.`I'��T'I', C7idI���S �a��CII'IE� OT'IiERT�'x��o 2 m The lansl�c�pir�c� plaa� ���1�. b� r�vi.serl tc� p�ca�rxd.e fdr �tx�et tr��� al�ng t�e sit�'� �W I��ci.�i.e �[ighvr��r �n� P�rk ' Stre�� frorn�ac��s cons�.stent �naitl� the �rt.�n�zatum siz�o �pacinc�, ar��i locaticn starada�ds �f Cdd� S��-�a.o�. 1�. 1�0�0�5. Tk�� m�a�ara,?m �a�.���r of a�l� str�e� tre�s �ha11 be tvas� �.r��hes at fc��r f�e� an �.c��.gY�t. Tkae l�.r�dscap�.nr� plan ��all alsQ �i� r�vis�el �a grov�ide �e�� ��rka.�g area tr�es �r�d ic�sa l��r�1 s�re��al,�a� of th� par3c�.�g ��ea throuc�h p�.an.'�imgs, berms, or mth�:�c met2�ads � COl"�S�.S'��'rit �Jlttl l.:�Q� ��c:G�.�at 3o a a.�ti. :l:;.v a�a.. 3. .�-�.��� ����A�T» Jerxy �ffe�, Plan��.ne� Div��ian. 3 0 � t��e �emoval ���mi� mus� lbe abtaira�ci fr�a� �,h�e Flanna�a, I�i.v�.��.can la�fore �eanov�l of �n� �r�es is� ex�ess o;� 6 snch�� �m �diam��c�r. �he �it� t3�rign�rs sh�ll d�emox�st�a�e that no praatic�l opi ions �aci.�t �or rede��.c�n of tk�e �aar��r�g l�t in ��d�r_ to a11�va r�t�n�is�n o� r�ogn� r�f �che ea�x�t�.ng tr��s a The �1.��.rza,r�g ri�.vision m�.� prescribe ��otectiv� mea�ure� �ax ��� �Lee� �Q b� �r��.axn�d. mhesr� n�easure� must be rean�in in pla�e throu��.n�u� eflnst�uctic�r� � a��'��.Vl$J.�� C)Yl ��T�� �.Lt@. ST��''F �.'�.1��.�.pa�.'°�.": a�@�':L"�T 0���°�e $.��Yl]fi�YlC� ��Vl�1C,lI1. I 4 . �. cYeir�o�.itie�n pe�znit mu�� lbe ob�a�a.r�.ed b�fore r�mQVal caf th� ��eist.�nc� b�ilci�ng. ST.F�°k' CrtN�P,CT: Brad �ta�a���� ,�g II�xilc:l.ing D�vi$iono 5 0 �he �pplic�nt sha1Z prc�vi�.� ar�d in�tall a ri.ght-tu�n anl.y l�ne rne��t�r�� tl�ae r�q�air�anen�s af th� Orec�nn Sta�� H�.�h�ray Davis�on and �he City of Tiga:rzi. 6 , Tk�e a licant shall r� ar� �.ans for �nd rovid� ��r PP P F � P r�placeznent a� the exis�ing drive�aa�r ap�on�, sidera�lks, and aurbs a3.ong tax l.o� 1900'� SVJ Pacifi� H�.c�hway PL.ANNTN� �i3MMIS5IUI� �'I1�T.A.T, ORDER - SDIE� 92-OQ�.� �- Ho�'N Ydaw PAG� 12 f�on�age t� �regon Depa�tan��t af Transportatio� T��par�sn€nt ��and��r�s. �'�� �gpl.ic�xx� �hal�. o��ain pe�ai�� fr��n ODO� Divi�ie�n 2A. �o pe:��orm woxk va�i�hin t�� �igh�- Qfaway o�� ��1 Paci�ic Hig�r�a�y (Con���cts �c�b Doran� 2�3- 5002) e A ce�py o� the pez�anit sha17. b� prc�vider3 to t�i� �i��'� F,nc��a����a��� aPpa.�tm�r� ��r;�r tn i.s��x�nc�� c�� � p�abl�.c i��r�vem�nt permit. 7 . TY�� a�pp_l. ic�nt shall �ub�mit � sto�m dx�in�g� ca.1�ul�tion II to the f?I30T Division 2�a ass��six�g the impac� o.f �a.te ', c€rair��,qe upnn �exis�ing st�a�m �ewer� within �.�e P�cif�c I Hig2a�ay ri.ght--af-way (Con��ct� �s�h I�oran, 229-5�0�) o �. S��ndard �.�.l.f-s�r��t �pr�v�Yneni:�, a.ra�:Lud�.ng ee�x�c�retE �id��alk, d�ivew�.� ��ro�n, �axrb, asphaltic �oncretr� � pav�a�n�gzt� sanitar� se�re�, �tv�n drainag�r stre�tl..�ght�s, aaac� placemen� o� u�il�t� wire� �unslerg�°o�and (or pa� a fee inmlie��) sh�ll be i�:��t�aZ.��d along �h� SW Par�e ��r�e� , frontage c�f ta� 1ot 1�00 fx�m Fa�afic Higk�Baay tca t�.� r�e� lo� 1.ine. Im�sr�vem�a��.s� ��x�i�.� �e cae�ic�n�d anc3 �ons��aact�c�. to xnino� col�.ec�o.r str�et �ta�d�rci� and shall c�antorm tc► the alignznent of �xi��inc� ad�aceni: i.mprovements ��c tn aa� �.1�.+�rimeni� app��v��. �y �h� ���gi��:e�.ing D�paxtm���t. 9 s A.c��iti_�aaa� right-o�-�wa� �ay b� reqn�ix�d �o be dl�dicated �� the pu�l.ic ���r�g t�� SW I���k S�r��� fr�x��ag� of t�e ��.t�. ��i� d�s�cr.igtian of an� rig���of �vay ded�:catiox� �f1�.11 1�G L1C3t1 '�� 'i�ij.� Ey'S��..�1'`".i.ii� i3..�'ji'3�..—ids—iiu'�'aji .:�;a��'�'�a..:.;;m. Th� �i�dz.�at��n dc��uanent� �hall �� on Ci�y �o�m�. Iri�-��uction� a•re avail��.le f�am •t�� Engi�eerir�e� De�a�rtm�nfi. The� fi��l r3e�er�ninata,on as to rigkz��of-�w�� decii�ata.�a� ��ad wid�3� sha11 ks� z���t�ra��.n�ci b� t�c� �iic� lEra�r�.�.e��. l�o iwa (2} sets of d�tai�ed public ixnpr�ye�ex►t g�as�.� and � pa:afile canst�uc�tiQx� �trawz.ngs sh�ll be s�banitted for �are�..iminary revier�r t� t�� Engineering Departmeni:. �e�:rera (7 j sets cf �.pprc�ved d.rawings anrl c�a�e { 1 j i-�;emiz�d � �ons�r�ction cos� ��ta.m�ate, al�. pacegared by a � �r�f��si.on�l �ngineer, �h�ll b� su�mi�ted far fina�l. xev�.�� and �pg�o�r��. (�TO��. the�e plans ar� �.ra �c3di�.ion tc� , any dra�ings r�c�ix.i_�ed hy �h� Bu�lding l��.visi�a� and shc��lci Qn�.y incluci� she�ts �ele�ant tr, publzc �rapxovem�n�s A , 11. The appli�ant �ha1.1 deinonstx�.te �.hat �torm dra�.nag� rLno:�f can b� ciisch�rg�d in�o th� e�cas�ing draa.n��eva�.�� �ax.�hou� sie�nifican�l�r impacti�g �rc�perti�s downstxe�m. 12 . �torm dra�.n�g� detai�.s shall be pro�ra.ded �� �a�.rt of tl�e publi�: imgrovement �lans . Ca1cul�tions anei a tcsp�graphic �aa�a of the �torin drainage b�si.n �ha�l be �rovid�d �� a �upplem�nt tc� th� public i.mgr�vem�nt� plan,s. Calc�la-tioz�� FLAN�IIId� CO�IISSION FZN�, OR�dR. � �I�Ft 9��-OQ1� - Hot'P1 i�ow �AG� 3.3 • _ � i III i � �ha13. b� laas�d �ox� full d�:v�ls�pmen� of the �e�vi.�eab�� I ����. Tk�� �aca��r�n �nd c�p�c��� c� ��i�t�.ns�s P�opc�s�d, and f�tu�e I�.ne� �h�ll be ad�re�seri. I 13 e �r� �art �f the publi� impr�v�ane�t plans e �he a�p3z.cant » 'I ��all s b�v� a�� �.c���4ic��i �+� S�n7 ����.� >L���•s. 'I 14. �aai].ds.r�g per�citg w�.i1. no� b� i�s�x�d anel ce�n�i�r.uci:isari �f �', - �prap+aaed p�sbli.c a..mp�ov�mes�ts sh�all n�� commer�c� un�.il i �f��r tl�e �xag�.nee�.��g I��p��trn�nt has� a��v3.e�ec� ��d agp�rov�d tk�� �ubl.i� i.��x�ove�en� p�.�n� ��d a €���°��t opening pe��.t o� �oxa�t�action ��m�li�nc� �.�r�c��e�i� ha� i kz€��r� execut�da Tla�: p�yt�aen� a� a pe�it f�� a�.d � �a.g�. � znst�llat�.�n/�treetl�.�ht f�e are x�r�uir�d. , u :��a �k�� �p�al.icant sha1�. �la�e utxlitie� u�d��gr�z��a� �la�� �ch�e I''� i�a���ic �Y�g�v�ray �rox���g� of �h� ��.��. .F�� an alt�rnatYV�, 'I a. ��� ixa�-�.�c�u r�� ��d.e�s��ro�n�yr�+� z�►��r b� pa�,d. � ', i 1G. ��.e agpl.�.��nt shall �e r�qia�.��d �o pay the ���s as , ��tablish�t� ura�.�� t�ae c�.�.c���.�.n�� of Un�fzed ��v�e��c�� �g�ncy Re�c�lu�t�.�n and t�rd�� �o. 91�47 . F�IC��E: This A� a t4va pa�t fe� �*rhic� is p�id at �li�����:nt �imes. ��� fa.�st I ps�xtae�x2 x� ��ie1 �aith �h� gu�al.ia a.mp�otir�men.�� tiahich .i.� for � th�t po�t�.t�n c�f the c��v�la�zn�nt �►•h.�ch �.ncr�ae� th� ', �acnpererious �r�a wi�Ya�n �.h� gublic x��.s���-a�f-w�ye The I �ecc�nd p�r�a.ora f� ���.d at �suxlding P�rmni-t is5u�r�ce. TI�i� FOIaL�tJ[�li�I� �(�I3d3�TSf3I3� ��LIa B� �X�TISF�E,3 P'RI�R TQ TH� 1.�°.��aJ.�CiE OF �d C3��UP.�NCY PEFSM�'I's �.7 . �'h� ci�vels���x �h�ll k�e �°�*:�,��x�si�sle for �lacin� siq��ae p�aT�ab�.t�.�� l.�ft �u�xx� �roni t�e �ite aa�to �ark Stre��. aT�F' �ONT1��'�����is l�sv-ie�, Enr��.�.eerin� E3e�a��xin�n�, Y.ffi o A1:1. landsc�pi�.� m��e�s.als, �it�� �apr�vem�nt�, �n�i r��ired �,ublic Y.nnpra�rear��n�s shal�. �� in�tal�e�i as p�� th� �.ppre�ved �i�� plan or a per�o�xna��� �s��.r�r�ce sh��.l. b� posted gu�ran�e�s.rac� install�tio�a within a �ho�� t�� � afte� c�cc�apancy. S��F CC�N'��,CT; J�rxy af�err Pl.anr�ing �iv i�i.axi. � 19 B �� 5ign pc��mi� �hall �se c�b�a�n�d p�i�ar to �the erec•�s.or� of � � ar�� sign, oth�r than dzrect�.�anal �.zgn� a�id sign� z�ot � oriented to be viev�r.e�. �'rom a grub].ic right--�f-way. �T�3FF � CQN°I'A�`I'� V1C'L:�� AC�OXl�j.p PZ.s�Ylli.l.l°l� D1.�TJ.SI.OI1, .di � TI-�SS A.P�ROV�1I, IS VAT�ID IF ��ERCg��I3 inTI��-T�� ���ii'��El� MOP]TFiS O�° W TH� FTN1�T, DECIS�QN I3AT� ATC?�'EU F��,O�nT. � P�NTN� GC�P�ITS�TQN �IN�,I, OFL1��R - SDR 92�QQ1$ � I�c�t'N Now P.�l�L 14 I � _ _ i �t 3.s fuarth�� o�d��e�3 th�� the �ppli�ant b� noti.f�.ec� c�f t1�� �ntx�r a� th�.� �rc���a �.��ED: This �� ��y c�� 3anua.�, 1993, b�r �he P�.�a�nArn� ��,-�t����ca� af th� Cit�r �f �ie��rci. ' I � . ,� � Mi an - , r d�n"t- .... T°gar�l P1 i Commi���on 0 I � - � .�. r _ . I P�ANDIING �C)I�M�SSTON FIIJ� ORDER - ,DR 92-0018 -- Hot'N IJow PAGE 15 LI�C�I�i�l�f��f�IR X , �9 ��� � � • � g � � , � �.� , S.w. i�STN � S.�y. �{ � N/AT9f1�iS �' � � AVE. �y � � ' / 6 � � � d��,' �� s.w iO4 r� avE, � �i � �� �� - � � ��'�,� ' `� ��, � r / � � � ��� � AVE. r. �,N�,c, ��� � � � � ��� � � � � t°cC�' �3�'� I � (Priv�te) S.�ii. !02 n� .���� ,�+ �L� a o� � , �4� LN. D,4�E. � ss',�, s ost�'� . \ � � � b � � l . Fl� CRESMER �.- � f � '�c AV£. g.�'d. �o, �fi . � � � ��' ��� �� �� � �s �� gs� � �y� '�� �'�� ✓ o, 0 �u� r��� �� �, � � � n n m '<;�° �' ; :�z � ��, �� .�� ,�c :F � S.�. 99 t� �� y �' Ca� � $,W. ��tfi CT � �4�E. °�ep\ ,,�� s� n � �� � � �° � `Pa�+� �1l�•� s � �� ��t. 9"th P � � �v x '�°q� � ��' �� � cn .4. 3,'V E. � � ��°'� � ''�° ` � � � ������� . <� �A �' : �j;4� � --°'� �� � �'�!��� �� �•��� �� 5" �y.�< ,,,� ��`'�° >�r � ������ �� ---—— ..�� .,�� � �e .a. n. � Q ' ♦ Ag�ndd I��Kt 5.1 11�i�I�Ft�P7�1'J1� ' C�'.1'Y ��" `I`I�R�, OI�YFCYONf � �Os � P�.�nn��q �aananis�ion�r� � FROI�i:' �Ter��O�f��, �evel.ognn+�rat It�vi�w Pl�r��.�� �1�TEo D�ceara�er 23, 1992 SUBJEC�m �,�p�a�. c�f �DR 92-003.� �m I��vembe� 2f3, 1992, Pi�ig�orhaod Pl�na�ing �rc�ar�i�ata.on #�3 �p�ae�l.�d th� D�rector's decision fo� �a.�e Dev��Iopnt�nt Rev�ie�r ap�].�ca�G�.on �DR 92-001� fil�d b� P�7� (Z�1an��ng A�ss.�z� �graup) fs�r d��relopa�en� ��f � Hot`n No� driv�-t��c��.gh axxly r_est�ux��t t� be cu�ue�oped ��. 13295 SW Pacifa�� Highw�,y. Th� k��a.��.nc� authori.�y far tYse apx�eal o� � Di�ector'� decis.�orc i€� t�� I��.a�nirag �ommis�a.ar�. The �PO a� appe�l r�r��st� modific�ti�n e�� ce�r�diti�x� r�f �pprm�ra]. ��.7 �af th� Di.r�ctor'� d�ei��.��, ��?�t ����:���ti ��� ���,1�.��x�� �c� ������aQ a sic�a�ag� �nd/or pa�em�n� rna�king plar� �.ntea�eleei �c� di.s��ur�c�-e left �u�n� f��� the ���� to Park ��tre�t. �`�� �T��'� ��pea�l r�c����.s tha� th�� �onditi�n b� m:od.�fi�d to �eq�.��� a� e�.�c�r�cc�ab.1� �xcah.iYaitio�. �c�a.i.n�t left tu�r�s from t1h€� si�e, Th� X3Pt�°� ap����. f�s�m i� at���h��l �I.�a�.g with tk�� m�nu���� c�� �h� i�PU'� Navemb�� 15� �99� m�et�.ng a�t �vl�..i��. �sa� NFO �rn�.r�3.nnousl.� �rc�-�ed , ta ag�eal th� D�rect�x'� d�ci�iox�e .��,sca attached� ' a�r� th� I � D�..r�ctor'� d�c.�sion, � co��r �t th� site gal�n� �nt� c��i.es of 1��:t��rs �f ca��n� ax� th� progc��al ��aa� were not direc�ly ar�la�ecfl �.n �.h� c:a�en-�s s�cti�x� �t tl�� 73a.��c�t��'� ci�a��ion, �p�ause a:� t��a� l.zmi�ee� na�.uxe c�f �the NPO'� agpe�I ac�gardi*�q acce�� �.imi���3.ons �r�l.g�, s�:.a�f is prr�vs.d�.r�g you Pa:��h osaly a sit� ga1�n farogn the ' �a�o�rosal pa��a�e ra�h�� �.han a com�ale�l�e ��� crf p�.aras. Cpn��1�1t� �►la�� in�luc3.i.nc� �:h� �r��os�� �o-� l�n� adju�tmen� �►tag, kaua,lding �].oa?� �1an� a:nd �l�vation dr�v�r�ng�, utili�� pZa�as �a�d l.and��apins� glaa�� a�� avx�il�lal� £gr �our r�vieva at �he Pl.ans�ing 3�a.�ri�ion office I a�nc3 *�ri�l� als� be au�il�bl� for Co�nmi�sis�ne�s �c� rc��riew b��are or ' �, duxi�g tP�� publi� �a���ing c�n �h� a�peaZ� ' � ' �"' Tt is import�n�t tha� th� P1ann��ng �ammiss i.an k��g �.he h�aring can � th�.s � eal f�ct���d oa� �.h� i.�s�e �t l�ar�d ra�he� than �llov,ra.�. � PP g � d�scusszon of ath�r i�su.e� th�� ha�r� b�en bnaug�� up� r�gaz•dizng �he '� general ��ea a� �k�is �it�. �t��f ha� had �i�.�cu��i�ng vai�h � ��p�ESentat;v�� a� the NPO �nd �he pro�er�:� ov�rnar abc�u� possib2� � future rez�oza�ng �f adj�.c��.t prop�rti�s. Th�r� is a pen�i.�g d�velapm�n� appli�aitic�n c�n an al�utting �rc�p�r�y ta �t�� south. Goncexz�s have b��n rai�ed regarding sir��a�� �n ne�r�y develo�ments. .A�.�hough aYl c�f the�� may b� signifi�ar�� i.ss�ues for thxs neigk�arhoa�. and th� c�t�, t�.�se i�sues ma� n�t direatl� r�la�r� to e f� � t�e ����� �� �pp���. �hes� �the� is�u�� ������ �ot �e �llow�d t� �� ra��ed d�ri�g t�� �����1 �ro�ee�inq� u�ae�s th� ���na�nt�x d�x���1� ��1���� ��s� �� the appeal ���ue. ����u�e t�� �s��� �� �pp��Z �� �a�ic�lly a tr�nsp�rta�aan ���tem t i��u�s C��y ����nesr R�ad� �o�l�� wi�l b� pr��en��ng the �t��� repo�� at ��� p�b1i� hear3ng ra�he� t��� �l�anin� Di�i�i�� st�f€. ��nd� ��� p��p��ed the �tt����d ������n��m �hich provid�$ ����on� �o� uph9l���g �h� �ix��tor'� d��i�iom £�� SDR 92-0�1� 6vit�aut m���fy��� �o���t��n af app����� �17. ��co��nd��ia� St�f f �eca�m�n�n,d� �h�� tlae Planr��ang Ct�a�cnis�ic�n ax��o:Cd th� L�i�ce�t�r°s sl���.��.c�x� �ea� �i,t� ��v�l�g�en� lt�v�ew a��li���ic��a ST�� 9�-OG1E e W� r�co��rad ��at �Y�� Cox��.��3.on dixect ��rxf� �a ��ce��are � f��nal �rd�r upholda.n� tY��t �.��3.sia� �ahic� �.x�c�r�or�t�� �he re�s�s��s pro�ra.a��ci .in �andgr i�]ooley's Des:a�a�r 2 3, 19 9 2 r�em�r�rtdu� �r�c� �n;� a�he� f ind�.ns�� ,� ��ii�� ��t� Ccsan�A��i�a� �dds at ��� �u�A�.� ri��.��.�go c� I3PC�#� �h�.ir�e�sc�n H�ar�n�n Port�r -a��ae�.1��.� a3a-s���i�t a33.s��p, D]PO F��Ge� �C��g���z, PDG �- �ppla.cant°� ��p��e�:n�a��,�� ���r�� ���:�rp�ise�� - prog�r�y� �wr�eac ��.�s�� ���t;e13, �ac� ��111H�t'n I3aw - ��apl�ic��� Fil� sD�R �2-�0008 R�ndy Wc�cs�.�y, �ity 1��.ga���r ; . � I �I � 0 I�IEMOIZANDUM '� I C I�'Y 0�' T I�.ARD � � TO: Jerry Uf�'er, Planner Decemk>er 2,3, 1992 � I FRQM: �andy �Tooley, City Fnc�i.n�e II SUBJECT a SDR 92-00�.8 (Hot °n Ncaw) Th� proposed Hot 'n Dlow dr_ive-thr��zgh restau�ant vaill be s�rved by � one driveway cannecting to Park Streeta �1P4 #3 has reqtzested �hat all traf'fic �xitiYlg from the clriv�way be xec�.iired to turn rig�it tow�rds Highway 99W� �1e have og�posed this r�:stric�.ic�n. Be.law are five r�asc�ns wh� we believ� �hat a �urn restriction should not be a condit�on of dEVelopmento 1 . Busin�ss for a fast food r�staur_ant. �ypically com�s �xom p�ople aJ.ready xesiding o� daing business in the nearby area or from tra�fic passing �iy ir� �l�e cou�se �� c;�h�r trips . I�c � is t;nlik�ly that someone �rom �E�ver�on or Tualatin would go to th.is restaurant unless they wer.e alrc�ad�r passing through Tigard on other busin�ss � In fac�t, it is unlikely that a person in distant parts of '�igarcl wou�.� ma}ce a �p�cial �r_ip ta this restaurant, �s there �s a larc�e sclectivn af fast �ood restaurants around the city. Therefor�, it seeans to us that the maj�xity of the traffic :Eroan this x�estauran�. wil1. b� coming fr�m Highway 99�iT and will choose t� return to Hic�hway 99'�d even if raot required to da �o. The easi�st acc�ss from the sit� to y9W is to use �.he tra£fic signal at� Park Street . Thus➢ th� move��nt that the NPO prefers wi�l alsc� be the mc�s� attracti.�e fax most customers� most traific will �u.rn righ� even if not reguired ta do so. 2 . Some o� the customers will likely come from the surroundin� n�ighborhoods . These per.sons sho711d be �a�ing the minor collector street system (Park S�Lr��t) as tr.eir access route . They should not be required t� drive ox� Highway 99T�T to go �rom the commercial edge of their n�ighbonc��od to th� re�id�rita_al interior of the neighborhood. It is app�qpriate that these drivers ti.�rn left when leaving the r��taurar�t . � 3 . In order to prot�c�t the n�ighborY�ood� from cut-through t.raffic, we need to make 99W perform well as th� arterial .�•oute for tk�rough traffic . If the art�rial can carry traffic at higher speeds and wzth fewer delays, there is no incentiv� to cut through the adjoining neighborhoods . For the arterial. to �erform well �s a thraugh rau�e, it must be protecteci from the congestion caused by a large volume of short locaZ trips with frequent turninc� movements to and from th� ar��ri.al. , ''► , < K �uch ��' the ccange5�ian on g3�T �oday com�� �rom the ��.ct tha� ther� i� no wa� �i�o travel ��etdaeer. m�rYy lo�atiazls ir� tk�e axea without u�in.� �9TP7. Z'a avoid �aking t�ese pr�blems r�nr�e, cur�en� thinking is �a �s�txre t.hat there is accass avail.�b�.�, wrher� possibl�d be�ween coznmercial �reas and adjoin�.ng n�ighb�rh�odsm 4 . On a street ].�.l�e Park S�reet with relativ�ly lo�r traffi� valum�s and trat�Ci� s�eeds, i� is difficta2t �o �nforc� tur� ' :�egulatians. The �.ver�ge �riv�r will not se� ax�y �eason �or th� x��s'�ric}icsn„ Unl.��� �hey s�� a pclic� affa�er there t� e�►force th� r�s�ricric��i, �c�z�,y wi11 t�nd to .ic�nore the ;�igning • �:f they want to ga to �.l�e 1.�;�t, pespeeiall.y in �.his case whe�� obeyixic� the t�arr� r�striction� woulci l�ad to consid�rable au.t- of-the-way trav�l to reach �.he Park S�re��. n�igh3�orhood. In �raffic �ngin�erin.c�, �lacemei�t o� aanvaarran�.�d si.gns is strongly discauragedo as i�. i�r��ds in�t��nt�.o�. tca �at:h.er tx.�.ffic �igns . � 5 . Once th�; xestaurant is in ope�ation, i� will �e po5si}�le to abservP �.h� ac�ual traffic impact� �n park Stiee� . At �r�at tim�, if it appear� that turn res�t�etions ar� �p��v�ila��, c the restrictions could be imp�sed by the C:�ty. I�: is not n�c�ssary tha�: the .res�trict�.nns b� a Gox�diti,on of dev�lc��ment a�ag��ov�l . The prapaseci turn r�str�.cta.ons do no� cka�.rzg�e th� s.it� design, Additian of turn res�.�ic�..��n si�na.ng, if appxo�r�_ate� cauld be do�ae by the City a�te� ��e r�s�aur�sn� is in opera�.ion. rw/hotnnow . � � � L . '�� f 3 �j h t.f. . .Y � ` ' ��. �. ����+�t ..�� . �� '�t�r{ � .��• y f � .. �r.�'�� - "�'� , .. _ . � , . , ��' . ., ���(VEC1 : • . �LF1�1D �lSE�ECISI�i11 l�Pd�EF�L FIL�t11G �'�RM . . ., Q � � 1�9� �"�e Ci�y uf 'Tigar� guppor��s . �he catizen°s rxghL a:.•o par�icipa��e in fla��al �over°nrnen�.� Tac�ard'� Land Use VELCPtl��NT ' ' Cc�a9e �her°�fa�re sets ua�t speca�i� rer�uarement� For filinc,� appeal� an cer�t�ain lan�3 u�e d�ci,si�ra�. , �'� �� �°�� � �, . i • �'h� follawarog �ora� toas f�een dev�l��resi ta assist. you in ,������ �ilar�g an �ppe�l s�f � �.and. u�e decisior� i.n p�^op�r form. To de�termine w�aat fi.lir� fe�s wi�l be a^e�s�ireci � ' or t� ar►swer any. �{uestions �lau ha�e r�egar�dirx� Y:9�e �PPeal � �������a '��.���� �an��ct . tl�A P?��a�ning Da.vis.�n� � zsr� th� Ci tgl �Recorc�er �t 639•-4171. , 1. APPLI�AT�Of� B�EING APPEfiLE�:��,�`-'`—_� � ���.�,� �.� �� � I7,�-�'_.�.� � �o'�i'� �`x'` . 2, EiOlnl D� Y�U �UAL��Y AS A PAP2TY:����� --- -- — , � 3. SPECIFIC �RQlJ�10S FOR APPE�lf�'OR REVOIEW:� �-�� ' ��""� � � � � �,, f ` � • ' ' Q �' � � � ._�_..:� �"'� a � � /f ,(t-��L u.��`�Ytie�_— —� ��tz zt.�,� .�L� d ` !�-�eJ�lti..A.�C , _ � - -- � �����..�a___--_ , " �v�..,2_, r�...G=e..ee..,c..�... . i -��. �..�� ,�� _�� _ � � P L� /1J1.- �a�C:e�frE�.._-Pi �EIf.A-�___.��'/�.�i . � ' � ��l�2�^L. ' 4. SCHEDI��.ED DFiT� D�GI�I�JN �S TO B� FINAi�:�.��,���� ° �G-�°- a�.�/'�r /�! � 5. DATE IUOTIC� QF FINt�L �ECISION I,JA� GILfEN: "� �____Y _ . 6. SIGf�ilAl"U R E�S) �--W-���-„•�'�`" 11. 4.. . .. ' it-x-3Hf-?E-1E)€-x H-x-3E-�:i-x-b4-Dt-)t-H-3t9t-D�i-Dt-Dd-11-3Eit-I(-3HEM-1EiEiHHi-!4'JHEH-x i#-x-x•x xaE-?(-)t -iE-�f34-iE-tEDEiQ . ,. .� ' FO� QFFICE US� OPILY:_ R ceiv�d By: Date: Time: �.� A�aproved f�s To �ar9n Qy: Date: Time:� ✓n. . . • Denzed As To Foran By: Date: Tim�:�� � R��P�p� ��. Amount: if-f(-?(�!E-!(3(3HEdt-j(-}4-x-x-�-)t x-?EMit-D(-)Ei(-Yf-�4-31-x-�E-�-)E#H�D(-D(-Z(#�-1c�it-!(-x-M-3H(-�HEx�3f-1E�x-)t-xa(-K�x-)t-x•x�#(it-xiciE-x �N3i-lt-1(•IHEiE-x-�t� . ! •x c /tiv��;�r�c.vv�U�3 fLe�� � .,c�c�,t'1/�� Gi� /� o��(�rf..� • '� � � 13125 SV1/Hall�lv�d.,P.O.Box 23�97,Tigard,Qregon 97223 (503)c539-�41?1 �1 ,r`� ,. � ,�.y �, ,� �h10�J\2�a�5� �°23 �Ri�l � �hl P�EP�fJT 1°Lll '�`?�7 f.u'�12:�02 ' I � I 5,���'.��7�'+� I � I �o�ar�r 19, .��a'`� � I, I �t��ti�tg c�d r� e�r�r�t b;S2 p,�a. l���ru: �Sha�a, �roa�d�, �'Cirre��, l��ln�s .�2a�ten��, �ar�er Ah���t,: H'cvtcer� � m�ra� �vas �ll�d t��ZSCa�s� �h�e ��S�: rr�ig3�Or� ��r,� �r3z r�°�'i�,,�caw,�s»aa ��t���r ra°1�� t�es�tcr� te� L�du�;cac�rl ut P�ark Si. a�ui Higla� 9'��: I � t�tv e��'a"i�� �1�.��3�ar��nr hus st��t the r�cr�r'� cr�smer�P�� �d r� I . ,,�ie_r a sz�t� a�i c��he�r��r� �r ss�y�eg 'l�g�t � Ortly". � �r��ta,�`ar�d ,F'lataaz�ng I ��i��ar�n h,���� �id�h�at.� �'i��ii�r�t en�rrr.� t� �,g�r t�a� t��c�xt �vimtat�d. i ,�'�a� ��s�ra� cia�da�i�r��d�c�iv�t�a a�s�d�� i�a the �� �n tlai.c issr�e. �t�v� �€,g,r� �xy ���� (�0� I�gat' t°�$d�' �,�led wi,rh eh� �ar�. �'�,g�r,��c�ir��m�,fa�sr�ct Z.�.i n� wr�t��a cz a����ir�.i�ray ar�p�er er,�� s�a,�a��r��� ' staef�g th� ��x��r��s��' �g�3��`:;:��a ��ly �xie rs rBrcrrag�rX ..nr rrrrr�nrr.P.� t,�� �T`i�.ctrirt hr�e t3� ���zzy � �'re�s ri� C��o �bj�ct to t�a� �r�c„�w t���'ZV: I� �r� ��� m��eet��r��r.�P�+ 3 cZp�uid tl�e Pr"�aa�z�,a.���arn,ze����EU�c ' . �ga�n� r�te ,F�"at .�V' 1Vo^w�l�,�rn�oat an �a�lf�„1`"the se�e�y raea��i�a�s �v1ao s���ed g p��taa�t c�r�re�c�X�as�ract's l��° r��Cesring a r.laarrge �lz��c w�rcld r�qrtar� th� ��y �aa ��°�rre � a�ght���ty��a� �rag th�pra�r�y. 1VPG� 3 ��1-� req�� ��x'�h� �peca��'�� be w�xi�e� �fie n�c:�divit��cssaed �caaraiaruyctsl,y. i ��spec�f t�ly sx�kitrct�t+ee�, � ���.Fil '' �_._,, �ilcz �ar�� i . � . , . , � � �'i��.rd-T`ual�.tir� RECElVED �LANNiNG w'�Gi�"!.G►OI I�YS�F'LC� �3c� L�zrr�liibbard.9,dministr�.�iore C�nter N�� � � ��9� 13137 S.W. Pacdfic Higri���ay Tigard,�regon 97223 Tei. ;503)�20-i62G Fa�c i503} 684-�296 l�ov�rnl��e� �, 1992 I City of 'Tigard Jerr�� ()ffer/I'l�nning I)epart�nent P.O. �ox 23397 'Tiga�°d, �� 97223 T3ear 1VIr. �'Jffer: '�his l�tter is �xovided tio place °°oa� reco�rd'° �sir cdnc.erns ab��at th� propos�d f�st foo� store c�lled ��t'n I'�ow. A.s you knovv S'b�' Par�C �are�t is a IInon sidewalk�d sta�eet heavaly used by eleme�tar� s��Ade�ts as � prima�y a�c�ss to �.�. "�`Pg�.r�� Eiem�ntary. It is �y understandia��; th�t the enti•anc� �o H�t°m i�'ow is I 1n��tP�l �aSt �f gh� _��rir>�p�an� avtte�°se�tp�� ��ad will not �DO�e a problem f�r studeilts corning dQ�vn Paric 5treet fro� the west. I � have beer� Anforr�ed �� �on Pornero� that th� City �nt�nds to re:quire � pight t�xn on�y �pon exit fro�n the Ha�'n 1Vovv. T'hi� ri��at �urr� only �nd the �dditio� of th� px�per�y dedicated ��r a right turn I lai3e on� Pacific I-iig��way slhauld helg to ke�p traffi� aw�y� frQm ��lkirag stu��nts. �t is requested that si�nag� �e installed iz� bat� dir�ctions on Pa�°k Stree� ir�dicating "Cau�ion S�hool Children Pres�nt". �t�ould the devel�p�nen� chan,�e t�e �ri�ht turn only)prop�ases� exit, or the City n�t enforce the turn, we vvo��d desi� �o appor�unity to again addr•ess the Ci�y to �bject to the traffc flow. ������ B�d I-Iillmar� Direct�or vf t7p�rati�ns c: R.�ass Jaki F�ank �-Iodapp 5cott Baker I ,� , 4►` , , I , � � C�T� OIr T�G�1�tT! IJU°�1°TGE i3I� I3ECT s�C33"L�1 �,AT LIA7E �9D�LYST1�lE1�T� Y�tIS 92-(J(3:L6 �I�E ]f��VE�,UP�Id� 12�V'I�PiV SD�t 9�-0��8 ���'P� 3p?�'I'+�:i�P121C.�'J,FS/���Z (�fl`,�"a9 ���1� , .AFgY������2N; 1� �re�u�st b� F�.anning/I����.gxn ��cseap for a L�t I,in� s�d��a��er�t �o aei j�ust tv�:a exi�sti�.�q p�rc�l.s �� �.p��reax�.rnat��.y �3,14� sc���°e f��� ar�d 3.�.,?�1 sq�aa�� -���� in�.c� �vaa� �S��c�1.� �� 42,23� i seg���� f�e� and 22,672 �s�uax� fe�t. Beath p�x�el� are c�rrexat�.y ��m.�d l�� �T�rri� En��rgri�e�o P��na�ir�c�/�es.�csn G�o�ag a]L�s� r�c�uest� �ate D�v�la�ment ���i.ew a�pro�r�:E to co�a�t�ct � cir�.vre-t?�re�ugY� on�.� ��s�aur��� oxa tl�e r�su►ltarat �2,6�2 sc�are fnot pa�ael. Zcar��nc�: ��� 4�ene�cal Conaan�:c�i.��.) m I,ocat;�.�n: 13295 ST�i p��ific �igls�aaay (�'G�.�i ��1. ��33, Tax L�� 1�n0) an�d 1�39U ��1 Park ��g�e� (T+�CTI� 2�1 2C� ��� T�cs� �.�6�) e I DECI�IOI3: lhic��a.ce i� her�by g�.vera th�t �I�e �Aaavcagaae� ��.�����ar's I, ci�si�a��e f��� the �ity of �a.garci h�.� APPR(3�D tla� �ov� rec�xest �I sulb jec�. to ���tain cdnd.�tioa�.s m Th� f.A.nd�rags ane� c�rn�7 a��a�n� on 7. �a�ni��. ��ie deci�i�n i.s b�sed are noted b�l��rm siw�� I cAi. i�ii<auiia�� va$-� i�axLm li 3.. �7ac�nitlr Ixa�r�rma�ion i . Prop�x�ies to �h� nax�t�i, �o�a�.�a �nc� �as� ��e �e��aed ��G I (G��eral. Coma����ia�� . ��� Ts.garel �n�rlk�tpla�e �h�g�pi�� �e�t�r, T5_g�rd YKeda.�a.l C�.S.n�c, aa�d o�l��� c��ne.��a.al. u�P� ax� on ��a� �i��� ��.d� of �acif�.c H�.c�13w�� dp�c���.�� the sf.te, Th� Park �ts:e�� �quar� ��ic�p��ixq ceri�er, w�niCh � ��n�aans se�r�ral �ana��. �Umm�rcial u��s, .i� lo�at�d �c� �ti� I r�n��.Y!� �� �xa.e s�.te a�rv�� Paxk Stree�.a ]�rop�x�a�s ta i�lx� �� nor�.hr�r��t, an �th� nor�.Y� s�d� a� Pa�l� ��r���, are ��xneci R-� 4.5 anc.� are ciev�lap�d r�ai.�.Y� si.ngl� :E��i�.y� r���d�n��s. A. � m�.x�i�storac�e facili.t� �� �.oa:a��d �o t�ne �ou�.h �nd west, A �ac�nt par_�el fxcan�.a.nr� �n �Tn� Pac��i� Ii�.c���vay d�rpc�ly � �3�u��s taat ��t 1�Q0 to tk�e �c���la.. � �P7 Pa�;ifi� H�.gh�ray �bu�.��r�e� the :i�� i.� a f�.�r� �.ar�e arteri�l s����t und�r th� �t�xisdi.c�ip� �f the �3a�ee�s�n � ����te F�ighura�r Y�i�r�si�r�. ��i.s�ii�c� s��ec�t amp�av���a1�� ' � �ncl�a�� �n�r�s anci storm s��rer�, witY� ��.d��aa�].�C on ��th � sid�:� of �he st�eet. t,� � STi3 Parlc �t�eet is �unctionally �lassif�.�d �y the Cit} oif j Tigard's �omgreherasive Plan Transpa�r�ation P1�an I+sap ��s a ' l�OTIC� OF D�GISxON - SD�t 92-a01� - Hat°N Y�iaw �.H..�E �. . �, . t �, � �riinor �ol���tar stx°�et. SW Park S�ree� pr��ently �ons�.sts of icw� 1an�� of �avesnent wi�.h rno curbs, sto� drains, �r ���erea�l�C� in �he ar�a of the �ub���t �i.�te m Th� S�7 Pa�ifa.c I�ighsaa�/�ark �treet inte��ectztsn �.s • si.gn�lize�I. II 2, ��t� In�o�aat�or� ax�d 'P�o�o�a1 ���ri�ation '��x 7.ot ��00 i� px�����1.� dev�l.opee� v�ith a carei �,ock �excv�.c� s�ati�n �rit�x a buildi�g, cax�aaPl�r an�d a la�g� �a�r�t o� �a�phalt� �s�d c������t�� suxf���> C��s�.�aa�tion �f �he ��rv��:� st�'�i�rz c�a� approereei b� ��e �a.ty zn ].975 ��DR 8T?�) �� �h� s��ic� �tation ha$ tw� ac�e$s �x�weway� to I 55� �°��ifg� E��e�lav'�y �nd on� eflri�aeway i:c� �a�k S�r�et. ��.a� pi,n�, �ak, ��d f�r t��es a�e pres�ntly c�a� i��� �ib�. Ta� l�,t 1805 i� � ��a�nta g�a�sy ���i�. t��t l��s ����raa���l� h�� �een. �a�ec� as � hca��� pastxa��e ��a� �it� slci�es gera�l�r tav�axd� �he uT�l �acif�,c Hs.ghwagr/Park ����e� Ante�se�ti��,� Planninc�/D����n �rc�up rec�ue��s T�o� L�.x�e A.d�u��aaa�s�� apgrov�l to aaij�ast t�ne �ize� o� �I�� �ul����t p��ceZs �rom �pprr�xa.m�telgr 53g143 �c�xar� f�et (Ta� L�t 18a�) ax�d 11,761 {T�x T�ot 1900) sc�►Sa�� f��t a.n�o tw� Q��ce�.� �sf 4�,2;3� sc�uar� f�e� �z�r� 22,�72 �s�ua�� ���� by ��i���a.n� th� ,GZ. xaor�h�-sout� }�urac�ary �tv�een t�e pa����.s �.ppxox��.t�ly 10t� f��� `ae�tv�3r�. The Park S�:�e�� �xa��n�ag� o� tax lot 19Q0 �r�ul� ro�ghl.Ir d�ubl� to app�°oa��a��i� 2�� ����o �c��.� g�rc��.� ar� �u�r�:x��l� c�vaned lby Haacris �n�erpris�s. 'Th� appli.cati�n propo�es d��relagrn�nt of a 9C3 square fa�t drive�thro�agh onl5r restau�ar�t bui�.c�i.r�g mn �h� ��esultax�t ]..arger Tax Lo� 19i�t��. T'h� eacisting s�rvice stat.;.an �rould b� demc��.is2��:d ax�d the :���:f. ��nk� vao�uls� b� re��v�d o T�e proposed restaurant would �.n�lude �o ini.eri�r seating. Uua�. d�iv�-through lan�s �r�ulcl be loeaited on �i�.her.. sici� of tk�� hrai�ding. Ca�.opies would extend �vex� the dri.v�- � �hrour�� lan�s at ���e �a�c� deli�ery wia�dr���. � o F,g�ncZr �nd I�PQ Coav�nnent;s 'Phe Oregtuxt Stat� Hic��z,aalr Di�visi�oaa U���riat 2A I r�pY�s�ntativ� h3� been in c�ntact �it� �he appl.icant prior to submi-�t�l �f the ap�al.�.ca.t�.on. �U��' h�s inFormed � the ap�li�ant that r�e� dir�ct acc�ss �a �i�' Pacif�c Highwalr Yaoeald b� ��rmit��d arzd ��at staa�dard s���et imprav�ment� wo�lc� he n�c�ssa�r alon� the sii��`s �ran�a�e ta :rep��.��s �he existing rir�vewalr apro�s anci pos�ib�.y the �x�.stin�g ��xrl�s �r�d sid�va�lks e O;�CJT tia� coinm�n�.ed tha�� th� a�aplican� c,yil�. aneed to s�xbmit plan� and ol�tain a perm�.� �rom O1�QT prior t� cons�ructzon c�f �he�e �npr�avemen.�.s. 3��TICE OF DECIS�ON - SDR 92-OUI� - H�t'N �ow PAGE 2 . i , . � dr�inage cal�ul�t�o� ��1� b� re�u3r�d ta ��gess �he i�p��ts a� th� s�ts'� ������� u�on the ��x�t��g �� drainag� �y���n. �he Tu�����n Va�le� ���� ��d �e�c�� ���trx�� �a� ���ie�ed ��a� px�c��s�l �r�d h�s ecasamnen��d tl�at ��i.�s �fo� ��a�l ic�xiDc r����y. yn��� � ����;��cei. �rr�m th� �'i�� �ist�ic� �.rad DEQ, �. '�t�.��t andl ��� �ra� ra�.a 1�bor� �h� Tiga�d Tu�ilati.n S �h��I �i �3 o� the g��o�aosed �ev�+].���a�� $A�� ha�v� can���t�d th� City , ��g�rd�.a�� �tx�a��r.r�� io� �ecie��ri��g an� the ��� o� t�e I prago�ec3 p�ca���•�. T���° hav� r�c�a��t�d th�t a "�a.gFx� �;uxn �I r�n�.�" �i� d�e pla�e� a� th� ea��.� �� t�ae g��co�s�ci � deve�.o�za�nt and a "ca�uf:aor�, ��ho�l ahi�.�:�n presea��" sigxr � � pl�eed nn �ark �1t�e�e� n�ar �he �ro�s�d dev�l.a�pmen�, �iPO �� ����.��.�d c��a�a��� x��a�din� �tl�� pr���a1. �� �h�� c3a�r t�s.� re�rt was �� � �ssraed, �e tc, �.ir�� � ��s�:��rai,9hts, ��i� �epo�� r�al�. n�� �c�p��a��� �.h�a�e c�mm��nts h���, �r 2� ���rri.ttera t� indivi.dua�.l�r a�¢3��ss ���as� c�z�c��axs. �2�� I�PO'� muinu�es vai.l.l be ��.t��3aea3 a� �rn �pperadi� tcs �L��.� repoxt. The ca�nc�rns �ais�c� b;y �h� I�k'0 a�� �adc�res��d at ra�ri,ous �aoin��� t�ou�ln t�e ��a�� an�xlgsi� n�� �f�� �a�apa��1. ��n� I��'s conce�� w��h t�� t3.rnin sras.�.�. b� rela� �d �o dD�T, t�a�f3.�c �i�al � Y .. , <,... T�ae City a� T�q�xd ��3.lci�.ng and t�����on ���rs.:�.ioaa� �aaad � � Pc���lanc� G��ex�l. �lec�r�.� hav� x�eri�r�ed �h� g�eap��a� �zad hav�e issu�d �a c:om�ex�.ts o� ob�erta.ons 8. �7�iI,'YSI� �1+I� C:l�]Nf�LUSTf3I� I� 1 m C;omm�ar�ity b��v�3�opnnent Code Com�liance � �ro�ased �,o� L.i�ae .�e�j,n s�at�ent �l�e grapos�cl lot ].iz�� ad ju��xnen� i.s c��x��.�tent s��tfl�n th�* lc�� ].ine ad�u�tm�r�� approv�l stand�rds Af ��m�c�a.�ea;n3.ty � 73eve1�pme�at Co�� ��c�a.a�n �.�� 162 v��b axa�i 18,162�Q6Q o Nc� acidi�i.ox���. p�r���.s �ac�axld be cr�ated. ��t� ��.�ce�.s . � �����r���� g� n��� ������ �� p��i.�� ��������� , ����� �.� �� ��.na.na� lo� �i.�� i.r. ic1�� ��� zoning distrACt (�c�d� C�n�.�t�r 18.62 j . I�a�:� �aarc��.s wouTcl �antinu� to ex���ci the 50 �80� av�r�ag� l.�afi �ridtlkx :�tanda��i �� t�.e zoa��. Th�ace a�e n� st�actu�e� e�r o���r i.mgravenn��nts an t�x lc,t 1805. Th�re a:�e x�o str�ctuxe se�bacDc xec�xir�aner��ts in t}�e C-� zone ��plicabl.e to �kr�e se5ev.ic� �txt�.o� bua.lda.ng an ��x �.ot 19t�f3, TY�� im���ious sux�a�e g�r��ntag� �x� th�s parc�l sao�xlc� be de�reas�d and the 1.and���ger� areal�atura3. �aeg�'�ativ� ar�a p�rce��ag� �aould b� �.n�r�ased sa as to cantinu� cansis�enG� with th� reqixiremen�s of the C-� zon.zng d�strict. NQTTGE d�F DECZS�O�d - SDId �2-6�i�.8 � Hot'N 2�ow P�iGE 3 '�1�� app]�i��nt� vaz7.�. � �equi��d to �ubmi,� a detai7L�t� lo� line ac3�ustm�rat �u�•�y map fc�r Fn�ineexia�g D�pa����.� revieur and a��rov�l ��ior �o r��cmrr�i�c� the �ua�r��A �r�.t� . �'ash�.nr�ton C�uxaty. Th� T�c�� I�in� .Fa.d3u��n��it may pa�a���rl ����rat� �rom� t3ne ��qaae�t fic�� approv��. �f th� �ec�ev�lop��r�� p�]Lans for ���c �,a� .�9Q0. �v C�aamm�uni.t� D�v�l�agam�a�� C�ci� �c���.�.ax�ee - Site ]Deve�c��,ment FB��r.�e�a �ca�c Pro��'�� �?����.uragat Eating ansi cirinkznc� ���a:b�.�s�t�nts a�e a p��itted �a�� �.rs ��� CmG ��r�in� cii�t��.ct (Coc�e ;S�c�i.c�n �.�.6�.030�a 2.h o �h� pra�q�vd clev�lo�rr��a�t �p�a� coaaf�xa�ns �r,ri��. C-G zo�ang d�,st�ci�t rEC�ea�.�e�n�n�� (�r�d+e �e���ra� 1�.62.Q.50 a�s.) �or �a�a.�a� b�a�..�dang he�.�g�a� ��n�x��n h�e�.g�t �f 4� ���f p��anitt�d; 20 �e�t maxi�iu� ���g�n� �xcapo��d) , �►a��3�naa� si�� �.rn�ae�irar�s ��ea �o�r�r��� ��a��ram ��nna.tt�d a.m���ious �rea of �5�; approxar�a���.� 7�� g�a���etij g a:�c� x�as.nia��zre la�nc��c�g�,ra� c�v�r�c�� (�.�� ��n�a�x r�qugr�� �ar�d���.��.rtc� co��ra�ge; appxax��t�l� 2�� �.anc3�ca�ssr�g gr�o�os�d.) � �"h� parop��r�� birilciirng locata.�n wr��ald � �or�si�lten�. vai�.h th� on3.�r agap�.����.� bu�.�cia.x�� ����?��k of at �.ea�� 50 f��� fxc�m th� cer�t��l�ne ca� :Y�1 Pac�.��.c Highw��+ ��ad� ������ns 3�a5�R05�.�,e� �n� 1�e96o620a�a1g�.) ;�;;>; �].��.ca�gh t�� p�cap�s�� �r���el � c�ras.���en� �ri�.h the I �i�a.3.a��xtra ��z�ds����d a��� star�d��d a� not�d abc�ve y �kie i p�opo��d ��,nds�ap�.nc� �Sl�n is ��.z�c�s� who�.l.�r �i�f�.ca.�n� r�rs,t,�a 'I r���rci �to �tlh�� l�r�d�c���sa.x�a� ��a�c��rds c��atai_xa�ci �.� C��.� �hapt�� 18.1€3Q �hich �e�� �e�c�i�e� �c� t�ae ��p1.�c�aa�� i�a th� p�e-app�i��tiox� meeti�g o �cari� ��c�.�oa� 1�.10�.�3t� ' r�c�uu�.r�� s�.x�e�. �rees �t� be p��m�rgc��d ��.cax�g all pukrl�ic �����t fronfiac�es A �'a��� a�e �a�eapca�e�. Ccae3e ��c��.��n ��. 30Q o 110 m� r�qus.�r�� ����t t���� � �gl�nt�d :Ln �.a�c��ca��ci I i.��ands in a11 gaxk�ng �reas ar� t�h� basx� �� a� ������ c�r�e tree for evexy �eve� p����.�g s���es. �done a�e prapo��ed. T�is Coc:� S�c�.a�n �].�o re�ui�e� tk�e us� �a� 3c�w-�-1���3. I pl�nt�ng�o �rm�, or p�,�n�e�rs �.n Q�r��r �� �a���i�1:l.gr s�r�en view� of p�rlcing �r�a:�. Th� �.�n��capane� p��n pravis��s o�l�a for a raw e�f �ha��.n.�� a��ang �t�� �a��tc��n erlg� �f �ch� �,�r�in� �.ot. A �e�ise� �.ane3s�apzai� �7�an w�.13 � axeed to b� �uY�rni�.teci vshic� pravid�� �o� s���et� �rr��� � a�on� botl� �treet ��ontages r parka�x�g ���� t��e�a an�i 7.�r�r � leve]. s��c��sraz.ng a� -�he pa�kin.g ��a �og�sis��rat ra�'��n ��s� � �t�ndard� of Cha�pter 18.10Q� T�.� si�� p1�r�. ci�es p�o�r�d� � for scac�e���.n� gf ��ae t�a�h tac�la���.�s i.� '��-r� s�zattaa�e��ern � �corn�r �f th� �g1t�, al.thr�ugh �cid.�t.�ona3. de�.ails wi�.l n,eed �0 to b� p���riciet� to as��a�e �ha�. ��:� �e��en�ng vai�.1 �� � acle�uat� to me�t �he �t�nclarci� �� ��ctioza 1l3.1��.]l:�0.D. a NOT�CE OI� DECISIQ�T - Svk� 9��Q0�.$ - Hot'�1 ATcz�v �A.G� 4 . , I' C��� Ch��t�r l��lQ2 ree�ui��s �hat �le�� visiAn lb� m�znt�ined f�r �o��rf�ts and �ede�t��an� a� xoa� x�t������io�s a�d in��rse���i��s o� d�z���ay� a�d I r�adw�y�R ����� th� pl�n� �u�m��t�d w�uld p�o�id� �lrn�st n� �a�d���g�ng o� �he si�e, �� was�'t �uc� a� �n issu� �o �, de�e�ain� �ha� ���ar vi�in� �ou�� Tr.,� p�ovide�. H�wev�ro , ����� ���stant�al revision� �� �h� landsaap�n� ���� ��e �' ����ssaacy, the c1��r, v��io� r�c�xxi��n�nts �� ���pter • �� �.�.1�2 �•�14 ne�d ta �xo`ra�de� fo� b� t�ae �.pp�.icam�� , C��pt�ac 1�e 106 pro�i.sie� st�ndards �€a� czff�str�et parka.a�g. II �1��a propca�al, is consi����.� wa.tics Cesd� S�c�.�.on ���1�5.tl3Q ����.:�ei�e��:� �.el�t�s� tc �a�g�*!t��;.�,� g�a�kins� (� ° spac�s II ��q�irecl �o� 4 per�c�r� staff�n� r�f axa �at�.�xc� �nd cir�arki�a� i ���tau�lis�an�nt �ai.thout a d�nia�g a���P 11 sgaces p�ov�.d�r3) ; i � �,a�� ��r�� ��c�ion ].��3.E�6�a2a �-��a�c��.xsi� f�r �i3.sab��s3 p�r�on I �ark3.ng (1 cl.is�b�,�d p�rs�n s�a�� r�qn�ir�d; � gr�sv�d�d) �xn�3 p�ovisiQn �f a ba��r�le �ack. ��xk�.rrr�e� lo� �imensians p. draa.nag�, cons�x�xcti.�r� �peGificatA�ns, ax�� li,ghtine� alsa ��� �ar�p�sea ��nsa.stexa� v�rbtla C�a�ter 1.8.1n6 z��.�n�i��ds. � �ods Sec�io� l�.�.�G.Q50 el� requa.��s vehi���.�x st�c�cinc� �r�as for ten auto� ta b� �rovs.d�d for �a�l� se�rice va�ndo�r. �h� purpos� o� �Y�as �tam��a�c3 �.s �� avoid ��.t�a��,s�x�� �hex� the queue of �rehic�3�� saa�.t.�x�g tc� be ���:v�d �����.d� ac��a�� � ���i..^. ���i���l,k e�� �.a�tea th� str���. '�he sexvic� w3nslows an�£ ���c}cing ai.s�.� aa�ulci. be ;,. 3.�cat�e� such tha� mo�� than enoa�gh a��a f�� � fifteea� auito e�xx�u� vao��r� �a��s�. fo� t2�� se�i�� va�.r�c�e�ws w�t�Z.c�ut �.xat�.s�on i�ato �:he g��rkinc� �.rea, �rgt�a �ca��� �x�� bet���n �h� parlcirsc� a�.sl�s �o prcavi.d� addii��e�z��.�. s�ack�ir�g fo� aano�her �ight �ss tva�l�re ��x�os wi��out b1.p�k�.xaa� acce�s �o t�e re�aai�ed �a�ar}cing �pac�s. �'he g�a��ing ar�a to b� pro�aideci mor� tham me��s Code ���ndards and uhou.l.cd be rn,�xe th��x ad�qtaate to provicl� fa�r th� dea��nci cr�ated 'b� tl�� �es�.a�r��xt» • TI�e prapa���. a.s co�asistent �rith apgli��aY� re�uirEncient� � s�f �osi� Chap��:r 1�. 1�38 �ega��iin� a.eces�v Con�i�t�n� wi�th I Code Sectie�n �.8.1��.060.�3 arzd �i�� �ta�e �� �ree�on Hig�away �:�visAC�r�°� .A�c�s� i�ian�gem�nt Palic�r, cia.rPCt �ecess t� t3ae j I�ot'n Idc�w s��e •�al�xnm Paci�ic Fligk�w�.y Y��s na��. beer� I pro�osed. �dlec�a�t� acc�ss to t1�e gi.te yaauld b� pr�vi��d j bg� a sirigl� c�r��r�v,ra�r �rom SW P��lc Stre�t, a mixaor � c�sllec��r s�re��. '��xe acc�ss d.:��.v� ���ald b�„ ].a�^ateci i d�.re��tJ.� ac�ass SW Park �t�;��t ��:c,� :��7 �ra,�t :s°tr��tP co�.s�st�n�. �rith ac�epted practic�. ,A, pede�•�r�an sid�walk �,r�ul.d be pr�erid�cl f��in t�.e piab�.a.� �xctev��].1� a�.czg�g �C� PaGif�c Highwa�,r �o a wal}c up w�ncAow cans:�s�en� with �ode �e��s.an 18.I0�.050..�, ��e deve�.c��r wau�.d he a��spaxasa.ble far regalac�.ng the ��cisting dri�rreway apr�x�s ora Pa�ifi.c Ha.ghway �aith stand�r�l curbs ancd s�.de�valks e Tne �eve�.oge� NOTZCE (?F D��ISZt7N - Sllgt 92�OJ18 �- I�ot'P� rl�wv �A,�E � I � � w��.l ��so b� xe�pansiY�l.e f�� cnn��,�uctinc� stanc�a�d half � s��eet unp�c�v��nts along the Parle ��re�t f�+�ntag� �f ta�z� Zc�t 1900, irncJ�uda.ng coras��.eta.��a af a riglt�t �urr� �.an� to �aei�i� Highw��. Fux�.her di.s��a�s,�on af �.�c�s� a�d roar� i�a�xo�v�an�a�t cc�n�erns are d�t�ei�ed u�nde� �h� c�isc�x��i�n of p�b�.ic �a�ili.ty concer�� B�elo�rm .� �0 foot h�gh pole sa.�rxn is prs�sed �m b� �.�cated in �he sou•the�st�rn corne,r �af th� �ite a7long STnT P�cifi� Iiigl�va�Ir. ��ca1 wal.l siga�age has al�o bee�► cii�gla��c9. ia-� t��� plaa� su�►ra��.�.tal. �The �c�nsi.��ex�c;� of �he��e €��e,�ns �rit� C�de Chapt�r ��a 114 ��,c�n area, �C�i�h�s �-�� ������.�r� ���x:c3��s�� � wi��. r��eci t.a� be asse��e� iri tYa� �s.��� p�rsns.�c p��ee�s, a�����g� p���.�ni.na� revi�w fin�s �no p��b�enn �ai�h va�at ha� preli.IInina�ilsr b�en propc'sec�o I3�ta3.1$ on ��.c�rb��� �r� ns�� x�guir�d t� be r��ri�wesi v�a.��. th� �3,te ID��e�.o�ment R�vs�ew �p�].i.cat�oaa dx�e �o ��a� ��par�te s��rn perr�s.t ��ca�e�s. D�taa�l.s fo� �zn���.�:� c��-sit� �li.re�t�.onal s5.c�s �i�v�e t�een prnv�.e��c�. TYr,�s� c��.x�ctaona�. sigra�� ar� ex��ri�t �r�m ��� �rma.t�:a.ng �S�m�ede�xe� �Cr�ci� ���tioa� 3.8�11�o0fiC?.�.3 and o7) . T�xe el.eva�ior� c�ra��.ngs submi��ed a� �a�t. of t�� 5�.�.e P3��r�3.cs��en� Re=vi.e�r ag�a�.ic�t.inn i�ad�.c��� �hat eacpers�� �aeon �.is���� �a.�.� �� u�es3 alonc� �he �:��5� of t�� �a�� �n� �a���k� el��atidn� of �he bu�.lci�.xac�. +�ode �e���ox� �.�•1?��a 0`i0.G -��,;, p���.�� aa��an l�.g�a�a nc� a� p�.rt c�� a ��r��nc:�.u��"� a�cl�it�et�n�ral d���.c�.s Hf�w��v��8 i� a.� gaiz�t��i ox�� tc� �c�t'r� N�w ��►a�. �od� S�c��.o�a 1�e�.14.07p.J �xo3��_bit�z ��.a�hir�g o� int��r�x�.�ten�� 1igh�s. T��s� x��o� �rchitec�.u�al. h.�c�hligh�s v�rill �herefor� b� g�ra�ait�c�� as eontin�ac��xs ��.g�t.inc� only. ��ie ap�Iicatiax� dae� not �p�c�.f�r p�.ans r��.�t��i �a t3�e �xs.s�:�.n� ma��.ire tr��� ora �1�� ��.�te. ���.�f �nc�ersta�ds th� d.�fr�cul��.�� th� site design�rs f�ce �.n ��.t�mpt�.n� to ��t �he �r�apo�ed b�a��ici.�z�g� q�.e�a�ng 3ar�e�, �nd �e�i.��ci p�r�Cing iEa�i.lita.�s �a� ��ch � :�an���:l ��tP axxr� there�c��e �,r� r�ali�e �.�.a� it vaas prUbably �a�A�x �o not l�a��re �o a�t��nnpt ta� accommarlate re��i.ni�a� th�s� trees �svith th� , cu�r�n� p3�.xas. N�vextl�.el�s�, th�mug�a �h� �re� ren�o�ra1. per_init r��eair�rn�nts of tTa� �c��rur�uni�y �esre�opr�a�aat ��d�, -�h.e �.�ty of T:�g��d has rer:oc�rii��d �1Fa.� �ub�.ic �a3.ue t�f �eetaa.ning e�cist�.nr� tr���. �3e�c��e �h� ��.��.mi�g l�i�rssiz�n , wi1.T �ppr�av� a tr�� �emoval pa�+xic �o� t�.i� ��.t�� i� �+r.z�.3. b� �����s�.acgr �+�� the sa.�e de�a�c�n��� tcn adeguate].y deYnan�trate th�� t�a� �aa�ka.nc� are� �anra�t b�e xed�sig�.�d ta allc�v� ��tex�.tzar� �� a� 1e�s� sc��� o� th� �x�s�irac� trees� �h�se �x�.��ing tre�� ca� �at.a.s�F� �t Ze�s� � �o�tion c+f th� s�re�t �r�e o� �arking a�ea ��cee requi��gnem�s f�r �hi� proposes� d�vel�pment. JNQTTCE OF DEG��I�PT - S�uR 92-001g - Hot'N I3mwa � �'��E � �a . , . 3. P��l�� �ac�3i�y�anc�rns - ���� Y��e�ep�e�t ���i�� �or Fx���ed Rest�urant � I �• 97 S Lo.liISI J.�P �he propo��ci elev�l��m��� ��.t� i� 3.c�eat�s� e�� th� �a�th�r�� co��r r�f �I� Pa�l� Stre��6Pa���i� H�.gh��y (fJr��on Sta�e &�.igh�,ra� 9�� . �a�3.f�.c �I�.ghva�y i� t�nder �1�� jurisdic��.on of th� C�a�eg�n ��ate �i.��hwa� Da.�ris�aax�. �xi�r to �.�� �ixba��.tta�. �f �hs.s ��g],�.����,�n, the Ii�.ghwa�r D�v�.��.ox� h�d itYa� �011���inc� �°.o�S-����.�e � �ac� ciirect access ont� Hig�away 99 v�i�3. �.ie ��aati�t�d ��r�ss.st�nt with th� ��a�� lH�.gl�awa�** Acce�� I�nage�ent Gu�.de�.i.ne�, �h� da.����i��s �� th� Qrec�orx �ranspcartat�.�n ��a�x, a�.ci th� ����� ��ec�cen �pxag�a� app�a.���� t� I�I.�gk�va�la 99, ��ncl, - �e�xc�ve� a�ad �ep�.�ce driv�v�r�y �prr�n�, �urb �aaei 8i���ralk �T.o�g �� Pac,�fic H�ghw��: - �r�vi�.� a ��dicatec3 �igtht-�u� �.an� �ra�n �i�7 P�k ��r��� �€s P��a.�ac H�.g�c�a�r; , ����. - �c� as�di�.icaxa�l ra.g�nteo� �aa� �$ ��s��a�.�r�r3 0 �2a� ��a��ic��� va�..l� be ����.�r�c� �o pravrir3e th� ��r� �p�����n�.s� �I�� r�q�x�����3 ��acove��nt� a�� ��Q� an th� p�celi�.�raaa� site p�.�xa. � SW Pdr3c S�r��t i� a cs.t� �t�e�t w�ick� i� cla�s��ied as a nt�,a�ar cra�.l�cta� ��:r��t by th�: Comp�eta��si�r� Pl�an"s� Tr���pn��.��.io� &�1.�xr� �p. Ce�m�urn�t�,r Dev�l�pim��t Cod� CYa�p�.�� '�.I69 g�a�ra.d�s ��az�ei��d� ��q��.ri.nq tlh�t m.int�� c�llecta�c ���e�t� hav� t��� fc���awi�ng mn�.raim►ua� de�ig� ��an.s��rds (�.�1. di�tanc�� ar� f���ax ceni:erl�.r�e) : 3�D fe�t of righ�-�f-�n€a�g 20 ���t �� �a��ent, �ur�, side�ra�3�d �tr��t�.�.���s an� � �a�de�cg�c��.nd u�.ii.��x�s o '� ��.x��n�l�, S� F�.rk �tx��� ��a5 � �c����. .�� SfB ���-� �� � ��.g1a��o�-wa�� w��i.•th axa. c�f��e� cen��� A3.�a�. �s f��� oxx � �Ys� �cs�th �aeie �nd �a �e�t an tla� x�ea�Ya ��.d� a]E the � ��nterl�.xn�. Th� pa�r�rn��t �icl�h var�.�$g a� da a�Yne� � �n��rea�a�a���$. Ther� a�� se�t�.o�ns ea� �h�..� rr�a�i v+�a.�h eo �Sa���al �.mpr�v�n�ra�a a�d s�c��.earas wr.��2a �pesa ��.��h. C� � �h� applican� �'o� t1�i�s d.��re].opm�nt pr�prw�a�. wr�,1�. be re�qu�.�ed t,o pra�r�.c3� ha:l.��strr�et imipr�v�m�nt� �lo�.g NOTICe� f3F I)E�:3SI(7N � .�aY)�t 92-0�18 -- 1HCa�'RT 2�s��it E�3�G� ? the frorn��g� a£ S� ���k Str�et fr�� �a�i��� H�ghway 9� �� th� pro�osed n�w l�� ���e lb��w�en tax ���� �8�5 ��d 19�0 �� o�d�� �� sa�a��y t�e ��c�ui���n�� a� �od� C�a�te� 18.154. In a�d���a�, �h� a���ieant �ay �e �ec;u���d to dedaaate add�t�o�al ri�ht���-�a� ��o�g �1 Park ��ree� af t�� x�.xir�d ha1f���reet banpravreanr�nts ur�Y3, xnot ��g wi�hin �he ex�s�c�a�� rig�n-�- ' of��aa�r. ', i M�raber� of 3��0 3, n��ghb�r� of th� �i.t� �n� tln�e , I� �cneao3 ��.st�i��t �a�r� ra3.�e�. �an��ra�s r����ciinc� �I in�re�sed t�a�f i� on ��+T Pa�le �t���t. ��ve�al of the m�igh]bc�r� a� �ea�l�. �s �h�s A7:P� k�a�v� ��qr���tee3 � "R][��C 'Tl�1Rt� OPDIeT" sigrn �ie ixnst�Y�ed �t t2xc� dr�vr�a�y �af �d�� �e���ura��e The a��p].a.����.'� agent has ags���ci �o in�tall �u�h a s:�gn. �'he C�.t� Lragix�ee�ing � D�p�rit�aea�t, h�wr��rea:, dae� , ne�� �ag.��e r�a.�� t�ae � i.n�tallati.�sr� of t�� si.gn f�r �h� fo].lov�r�x�¢� r_���oa��. - � r�qui�e��n� for �a.g�t turxxs c�a��.� �v���c� � �ec�ss�tat� �i��i� ���on� f•r�m� �1�� a��agt��rh�nr� " g+�3.ng �o ��� r����urayit ��uld al�c� �av� �ca a�n�k� � xigh� ���n, ul.�c3.�a��l�r �orc:��g ���ara ontc� Pac�.fic Iiic��s►,��y wlaer�as i�: r►�aa��.d! b¢� �n�x� ;;�,�: �ag��a3. to al].ca�a i�h.�s tr��C�i� to �z�1].cac� ].a�a�. �t��et� k�ack �n�o �he ra�agk�c���acca� to ���ai.c� �ax�e�ev��� t�a�£�.� bnt� an axt�x�.a� ��n�:���r t� Sza�� ��ac� ��.i� ����.�c�. - T�e ma�caxs.t�r o� �h� t��ffi� t� th� �i�� w�.�1.1 be coBning fro�nn. Paci�.ic I��.c�h�aay as�d w�uld 7�ogical�.y h��d direc'�1.y Y�a�k t¢� i:1�e hic�hwa�g theref��e p�e�.lu�li�g �the �eed for a rig�t� ���ra onA� sic��r. It yac�uYd b� �iz��AC�.I.� �.� ea�fe�r�� such a turg�. r���ri�ti�sn. ��e l�ngia���ring Dep���i�n� st�o�gXy r�cammend� a���.nst ia�s�all��ion e�� ara '°��GI�3y �t�T C�1[�,�°° s x c�xt. �he ��.an�,a.z.aaq �i�ris�.an �xnders��nds ar�d �ancurs rai.t� �.he �ngineexi�.g Depar�aner�t°s pQ�itic�n., tc� � ��iaat o Cle��l��g �onae �raf�i+c exi.ting the �it� �aall ha�e 1egs.t.i.�ate rear��r�;� for �uxna.n� 3��t or �g€�s.�g straa.gh� from �.h� ��i�Q It w�au�.d b�e �n����eanabRe tv reruir� tha� ��affi.� to travel gr+���t��, ua��c���ary . dist.�.�ce� i� 1��� tux:ns Rv�re ��ahib.�±��d o It al.�� �1Y�11.�C� Flf)� �°L �'J�d14JL@Yl� �C.l dl[�,�3G e�. ���x�°�°�.° °�°�� 0��"X o� sir�n a� t�e �x�.t ���t aou�d no� lb� �x�fc��cced i� �xaeh a s.�.gn �ppeared to be a tra€fic con.��oi sigr4. .�. �ign whir�h ��p�a��ri ta P�� � �ra��'�.c ��;�t�r_°r��. sfg� cou�.d r�sul�t ,in univa�ra�ted calls �o �he pol�ae �.n llJ��'��E OF D�CI�ICDN - 5DR 92-0018 - FIc,�'�' �Yo�r PAGE 8 � v ' an att�►g� te� have th� �Y.i�e eraf�rce � nczr���xi.�t�nt turn��g restri�t��rr. N�vext�a�l�ss, �ine P�araai�ng D.a.v�si�n xand�r��a�ds t�.� n�3.gh�rhood'� conc�x�a wi'�lh p�as�A1�l� �Yxri��ess�� tr�f�E�� �.n�il.t�atie�r� �.nto �hei,r � x�eighbnrt�e�od ��� w�ll. ��ejuir� ��� d�v��,og�� t� plac� �so�n� s�r� �f s��a��� at the ex3.� �� ��� �it� to � ai�c�ur��t� (bu� x�s�t �a��h�bi�� t����i� ant� th� n�i.���r�haa�d froa�n �h� ciev�I�pnnent. Su�ch sigar►�s�� c���.d i��l.uci� � gai.ra°G�c� right �taxn arxow �n the �a�e�en� su�f��� �.nd a si�n be��irag t�e �Io�'n Ne�Fa ?��:: ur��.xng "��g�� t��� �n'�d �i�a�e. � ��c:� �ic�a�g� shc�u].ci �onvey �he a��ssa�r� ��.t�aeau� Ina`r3.xi.� a�y� ?�a��a�canc� of hav�.nc� �h� for�� s�� 3.�.we � a cmnc�i�ioa� caf �pprss�ra�, o� this ���la.e�t�.on, �h� de��].o�� ur�.l�, � ace�ireei to de�r�lo� a sigas�ge �x�cl/�r �a�r�ent �a��i�q p�a�, suba��.� it fcar ��prov�l- �iy th� �l��i�s� I�gvi�i��ae �nc� �.�a.p�.��n� �he: gl.axa ���.o� �c� ��e i.ssa��nce s�� aa� �c���aaa� ���.� ���c �h� p���ao�ed d��r���.���m�rfi�. T�e Plax�aaiang �s.v�iss.�sn ��1.I. - �lss� enc���age th� Ci��r En�ir�e�� and 4g�ra�ic�n� D��a���rtt �ea p aa�� a �rarning si� �� P��}c ��r��� xz��r Gr�nt �tr��� u�c�i.ng cau�i�n be����� �+f t�e �����:r��e of s��aor�l ��.��ri��a�e �u�h �i.gzx�ge uri�.l r��t b� an�ci� �he �esgsr�n��m�.�i�t�r esf �he� �i�:e r��zr��o�� s.���� ��a� ���szt�.can is urarr�nt�d b�r a�a �x�.��ix�g ��.t�.a,��or�.. <>:: � . �.�3���� S��Yi.m °.�Yxer� i� �3� e�i�t�a�� �ic�knt i�ch rl.a.�met�r �p�l.�.c saan�.ta�y s�wa�� li.a�e �.cac�t�c� c�i�l�a.�az. �inT l?ark �����t �o Ea3�.i�i� t�� appl.ica�t �.� �ro���a.�c� ito rnnr_���� 7Che �xisting �in� ha� ��e.€�i.ci�a�.:� c�pa��t�r �o �.an�tle •thi� d��relo�ameaa�. 3. �':�OR.i�i ��WW'�R: � Tl�� �a�� s�.opes �owards tka� ii�:��h�a��. �ax���ntl�. tTne �tarm w��er frann th� exis�ing c��s �ta�ion anr� d�.�cl��� f�.��r zr�t� t�� st�a�t seroa�� ��r�te.ann va��2a3.x► tl�� �tat� �nic�hway. Th� a�placan� sh���.d B� ��c,�.a�re� 1�� ei�monstrate ith�t t�x� exi�ting ssr���m is �c��c�a�t� ��a � ��x�d�.� the adda.�.�.�nal �to�an ra�no�f� � � Tk�e Tlaxifi�d �e�sve�ag� �,��ncy ��� ���a�a].isYued and ��� �' , � Cit�r ha� ag��ed �c� ���or�e {Reso���.�e�� axte3 �xd�x 17c�� 91�-�47� saa�f��e ����x �aaax�ng�ent rec�ul,�t�.��� �o� the �a 7`ual.��.in R�we� �a�.�x� �ec�iria�g e.ith�r �h� �1 con�tr�ct�,ara �� ar� ��-�a��:� �aa��� �ality �a�ality � fv� a dev�Z�pment's ant�.ci�at�d storm ct���nac�� ..� �n��f, c�r ��es�.�.sn�-��.eu-of rmn����ti��a� v� a faci�.a.�y. Cc�nstr�at��n oi� �:rs c�n�-��.�� �aat�x c�aala.t� �IO�ICE O� r�ECZSac�za — s�� 92�-001� � Ho�'%� �i�� �,�t�E � " t����e�� faai���y Y.s �ot appr�p�ia�� �a� t��� sit� �ecau�e t�e s��e �s ��a�� an� �h� 1��� �� �i�� �r�� fax �� �n-s�te fa�ili�y �o��d pr��lude �h� e�f�c��v� d�vel�gment �� t�e �i•�eg �n add����n, �he C��� E�ginesring �������t�ae�� ��s r��a���ded �ha� sur���� wat�r �a.���t�r �ac.�l�.txe� �x� ���rl.l sit�� wauid �L�k�l�r � r�su�.� in nu�n��c�ax� ��ci�.�.tie� t��t �ou]Ld b�comn� a naa�.x�t�n�nc� ba��d�x� t� the ��.ty. I��u�th�����P �h� ��;p�.�.°��s4 �,�s Ax�� p�c��ca��� a�y suc� tac��.i�ies and ttx�re a�ce xao na���r�l d�epr����.¢�x�s oae �a�her �r��� af �h.�� s�.t� tP�a� �r�* p��.�rul��c�� �u�,t�b2� ��sx �rat�� qu�Iit� �acY.li�ies o Regi��a�, fa�,��iti.��g fu�xd�d by fees �.ra-lieu o� cc�n�tru�t.i�an o� these fa��.�.3.t;.e�, r+rrs�xlcl grc�viaie �he r�qui.red �rc����n� wa.th imgrov�c� relaabi.��.�� and less xna�.inter�aaace a Th�r���r� t�� apP�.i�anit w�.11 b� r�g�uir�d tcs pay� �h� £�� a.n��i�u a� �ox�st�c�.ing ax��oxa-sa.�� fa�i.]Li.tye �. DIEC���:ODt B�sed �xpan ��� abe�v� :�gnc�ings a�si ��an�L�si�anso �h� I�.ix�ctv�'s ci�sic�ne� APPI20�� L�a�. Li.ne Ad�ustiment I�S�S �2��015 d�e�raeexi �asc �.c�•�� 2�0.�"i �nc� 1900 r�f �]�Tl� 2�1� ��� sub�ec� ta �lh� �ol.l�w�xnc� cox�di��oa�: .s�-: T. The �pgl�ca�!t �hall �ubnlit � lc�t �.a.n� ac�����ts►a�n� ��a�vey showing ��e ex�s��ng anc� pr�pos�� 3.cat �:in�s, �x�cP ��g�� �escri��i�ras a� �h� p�ar�el� for r���e� �rad ��pra�r�1 3a� � �h� Enga.a���rirng Departm�:n� p�cia�� tc� the a�gzl.z.caxnt x�co�di�s� �.he adjea��.ment w1t� Wa�h��agtnn �oun��o Based u��n t�e ahov� �inc�a.ngs anci �onc�us.�ons, tYae ��.r�ct��'� ciesig�e� .�P42.(�STE� �i�e I7ev�lopment �eva,�va ��R 92-a02� �or sl�vel�pment c�f � �ax°d�-�.�ck vehicle fue�.iaa� faci.l..�ty s�abj�c�. tcs � t�e fo�.lo�rin� aorad:�t�.ox�s: I ��3�Lz5I��G PEF�MITS W�LIa I�O� �E IS�[J��3 Udv��� '��� �O�']��T�OIV� ��S`��I) � s��,eaw � ���zs���� �aa� � �cc��TA�z� ���r���� �.ssu�rr�� �s �, �o�T��a. s��� Gaz��.�G� �� Gx1�g� ��v��� r�� �x� �r��a�a�r�RarrGW � D�PA.RTM�:iJT, i'1T1��Eaa �P�GI�°�El� i7�TE3ERTn7��E o � � 2. '�he la�dsa�pinc� �lara �,kaa3� b� ��°v�.�s�;d �� g�a��rid� fca� a�re�t t�e�� aloz�g tl�� s�t��s �� Fac.if�.c I�igti.�a� andl �ark �1 S�re��. fre�r�t�ige� �onsistent w.�tk� �he z�s.nimume s�.�eo � �pa�a�ngP arad loa��iar� �tane3arel� e�� Coc�� �ec��.on I � 18.3.00 ,035. °�he rn�.nimia�►t caAa��r of all s�xe�i� ���es °j �hall be �,4ao inch�s �t four fee� in heig�t. 1�O�Z�E OF DL��ISIOY� - SDat 9�-d0�� - �I+c>t'N Nt�w �AG� 10 - __ • , . Th� l�aa�r�s��pi.ng plan sh��.l al.$�o � revr�s�ei tcs provi,d� f�� � par�Cin� �a��a t���s ar��i l�s� 1.�r�r�� �c�een�.�g af th� pa��in� . a��a �hrc��,��a �Iantang�, k�r�as�e r,� c�t��r aneith��v �uns�.��er►� vai.t� �u�d� ����.�ora 1�.,1.�0�i10��o A. ���iFF � �C�N'.�.1�.C'�: �'err,�r 0����, i�l�x�xir�+� 1Div3.�.�0�.. 3 e � t�re� re.�ae��.� ���.� �ia�t � o�at�in�ci f��� tlae ��.aa�,sa.s.n� �+�.vr�,��.c�� �a���rv ������, �� ��� �r�:�� iaa �a�c��� �f 6 �.n�he� in ci�.�aa��er� �he s�t� d.e����e��c ���].1� ��cr��t���� I �2��t ns� p�ca��i��.A opt3.cans �xi�t f�r r�s3e�igan �f th� �a�k�.ng lot �n e��cd�r �€� ��.i�r� :��te�nt�.�x� af���.m,� o� th� �x3.��ing *ree�e T�e F�anxaa.�c� A.�gr�.�i�n ��.� pr�sc:��.be gao��c�;i�r� m��r�ur�s fo� th� tre�s �cs �� r�tas�s��d. The�� I zn��:��xr�s must b� r���.n �.n ��.�ce �h�ough��t c�r�s��a���.on ���.iv�,tie� nm tl�� ��.t�. ST�FF GC3I��C�: Je��y ��f��°� ' Plan�ii.ng l�i�ri��.��a� 4. 1� rie��3.i.��.on �er�it ma�s� � oi�taara��. Pr�fore �emov�� �� �h� e�s:i.�t'ta.ns� &�ui�ri�a��. S�'.�°�' �OPiT�3�Ts F��cae3t Ft�a�t, Bii3.lciia�g D3.visic�s�. 5. T2�� ap��.���n� ����.3. prov�a.c�� �nc� �.a��-���1 a �i��i�-�u�n on�.y l�n� zn��t3.zng �th� ��c��.r�na�ra�� �a� tl�e O��g�s� �ta�� �3[ig��•a�r Ll3.vxsa.�n and �he C�.i�� af �ig��d. � 6 a �he appli���.� ��.��.�. p���a�re� ��as�� f��° �n�. ��o�r�d� �ar �i: r�pla��exn� �� ��e �xist�.ng e�i��waga ���ro�s, sic��wa�.lrsp �na�. c�rl�� ��.�xig �ax lot 1.�0�°s Sl�l P�.���a.� �i��a�aay �ror���ge �� Or�gom. ��p��a�x�t o� '�r��ss����ti�ra I����r��n� staaac�a�d�A Tk�� ap�ayic�x�t �h�.�.�. c�b��ir�. ��:a�at.i�.� �r�� (�ri0� I�iv�.saor� 2� �.� ����c�a�e wm�k w��Y�irn ��.� x�gk�t- af-�ray of �W Pac�f�c Hsgtaw��r (�e�mta�t: �ie�� �e���n, ��9� 50Q2) . A cop� of the p�rrd.i,� ����� be �,a:e���.ci�d �ea ��.e Cit�'� En�i.n���ing L�pa��tm��a� gr�.�a� to z..�su�xn�� caf �a • pyxt.�i.c� ir.�.��ov�nexit p��mit o 7 . The applac�ra� �1z�5.1 su�Zmit � sta�n cl�eai.n�g� ��.l�ula�aon �o �he OD�T Di�aa:�i�r� ��. asse���.i�.t� t�l�� �.mpact of site drainag� up¢�rn e�s.��i�ag sta��e ���er� �a�.th.�n t�� ]Pa�.�fa.e H.ig��ray r�.ght-c�iE-ri�*�y �Cantacta �3�ka Dc��anp �29--.�QQ2a 4 �0 6t�.ndaxci h��.f-s�r�e� improv���;nts, �incl�ciia�g co���ete si�.ewa3k, dr�er�w��r �p�`ora, �urb� asp�al-�i� �on���t� pa�em���,' �anit�� sew��P s�o:Gam clra�.�n�ge� s��+�et.lxglit�, � ancd �l�c�m��t �� uts.3.it� va3.r�s unciert�ro�xnd �a� p�a�,r a �e� , .�n-1ie�) sh�l3 be ixastal].�d alnng th� S6� �'a�°k St�Q�t �rA�ataore of taa� 1.�z-� 3900 fr��a ��ac�.�ic �iic��ir�asr �c� th� n��►a lot lirte. �mg�xe����caP��� s��1.1 b� el�s.��n�a1 aazd �vaastx�ac�eci ta mins�r �ol�.�c��or s��e�t s�anc�ard� ax�ri sh�11. ��nf�ax� to the alignme�n� of �a�is��ng adjacent i��r�v��a�t� �r to ar� �li�raYr,ier�t approve� �� �:�a� �n�ir��e��.nr� l��g����mto I�I��ICI� �F D��ISI(�N - �DR 92-001� � lHc��°Id AIoQV �'A�E �.1 ---- - ■ 90 �daition�l ��,g�t-o���a� �a� b� ���ixe� t� P� ded��ated �� ��� �u�l�� �1o�g ��e �W ���k ������ £��n�ag� �f th� site. �n� d�$�r�pt�a� o� any rgg�t-af w�y d���c�tio� ���11 be �ie� �o �h� e�i�ting ������o�-��� �����rl���o Th� dedi�a�io� docu��nt �ha�� be �� C��� faar��a Tn�tructi��� ar� �����ab�� f�o� �he En�i�ee���� ����rcna���o ��� f�na� �e��r�nan���on a� tm r�g��-a�-��� dedi���ia� ��d widt� �h�ll b� d�t���n�d �y �h�, �ity ��g��e��e � 10. � (2) ��t� �f d�t����� ��bli� .i.�px��em��� ���n� a�d , g��f��� ����txaxcti�n �e�wi��s ����� �e s��it�ed ��� prels�ainarZr r�v��w tm ��e Engine��a�g D�partmen�. S�ve� , (7j s�ts of app�oved d:�awings a�d on� �19 ��e��zed j �����ruct�o� c��t ���.a�,a��, a�l �������d �y a � ���f�ss���a4 Engin�er8 s�al� ]b� ��b�it��� f�� ����� ' I, r.��iew and appr�val (�(�Ea these ��ans �re in additia� �� j a�� drawi�g� �equir�� �y t�� �uilding ��vi��o� ��� �����d I� ��ly inciude �h���� r���va�•t �a p�l�c i�agro����ntsv I 11. T�� applic�n� sha�� ��n�na�r�t� that s��r�� �����ag� I �aanof� can be div�har��d �n�� �he e�is�ing d�a�n����a�� �I �a���ut si�n���can��y iang��t��g ��o���t�e� �o�a������a ' 12., ��orm dr���a�e d�ta��s ���gl be ��o•v�ded �� p�� �� th� public imp�avemnent pl�x�$. �al�x�l���.oaa� ��.ci �. t�ca�pc�s�r�p�.a.� ;�;,1 m�p o� the �torm cira�.nag� �,���.n sh��.l. b� gare��-rid�s3 �� � sup�al.e�.��a� ta �ixe publ.�.c �pro���xa� �a�ans. �;a�.��I��:i��� I sh�11 �e ba�ed �a� faa�.�. si��e�.c�pnn�nt �iE th� ��xvi����l� are�4 7Ch� ��ca�i�r� �.n�i �a�aacg�y a� exa�s�tings ��o�o�edo I �a�efl fut�re lz.nes s�a11 �� acic��r��s�e�. �.3 A � par� of �h� publi� �n�s��-►�cre�aex�� ��.�.ns, the ap�a�.icaa�.� �h,a1�. show t�e Yo�a�.,�.�„a �� a6� ���a�� �;�reete �� . �u�lding p�rnnits evi11. not be is��a�� �n�d con���ruc�:a.e�� n� � p�opos�d pulbl.ic im��ov�z�►ents sha�.�. ncat ���c►r�nce a�aat�.� ��-���r �h� Eng�.�a��rar�g T��pa�t�ent ha� re�-a.e`a�d �.nd ��proved -��� pu�li� �p�ovem��� �l�n� �nd a stre��. �apen;.ng p�a��.t ts� co��t��t�.e� c�rc►�Sl�ar�ce �greemera� Yaa� b��a� ��e�cut��.. Th� ���+�a�� c�f a ����i.� ��� anci a �ign i.x�st��.lati�n/�tr�e�.�.xg?�t �ee are r�c�a:ire�.. �'' 15. The �.��l.a.cant ���11. �1.��� �,a�5.1a.�i�� unc��rgraund �A.nny th� � P�ca.fi� �Ia.ghwa� frontag� c�f �lh� s.i��. .P,s �n a3�exn�ta.�r�, � a £�e �.n-lieu of rand�.rgroun�.�.m� �ay b� �aaid e � � � .� �.6 . T�� ap�A�.��n� �l�a�.1 �e �cec�ir�d tc� pa� t�� �e�s a� I 00 es�aksl.a.shed �xx�eier th� c�a.delia��� o� �dni��.�d Sew�rag� C9 .Ag�ncy gi.�sa��u��.�n and (3rder No. 9].-47. N���s �his a,s a � ��ro ga�#: fe� w�5.�h i� �aid a� dif fe��r��t �inae�. TY�e fa��cs� po�tion i� pa�.d vritlh the pub�.i� .i�tag�rove�en�s v�ha.cYn is �or �IOTICE t�F D���S�0�1 �- �DR 92p0018 � H��'N Now PAG� ].2 � � . . tha� go�tion �f th� dev�lopmen� whic� �n�reas� ��e xra��xviou� area wit��� tri� ��li� ����t�of����. The ��can� po�t��� is pai� at �u�ldin� P�rc.��� B���ance. TH� F�LT�WY�G �QI�DIT�O�S ��T�, �E S�T����ED PR��� T� TI3E I�ut�"1�IJ�E OF �N 4�CCTJ�AN�Y PERI�ITT» � 1'�. �Pa� �e�r�3.���� �wxll b� r�eguir�d •to �i���lc�� a ���raag� �ndlc�� p.�v�m�n� n�arl�ix�g plan interad�ci t� c�i.��:au��c�e ��f� tu�r�� �x�m th� �it� on��s �ar_k S�re��o °7che ��aa� v�r�.�� xa��d � to ltx� �p�x�c���r�d by #:�a� P�.�ai.�i.xnc� 1D�.viss.�n �nc� �a�a�t b� 3.gngl��n�nter� priar �a t�ae i��uance c�� an ocaupamcy �ac��m�.� ., 0 I fdr th� develc+pment. S��F� CONT1�C�s �erxy ��feae, I � P�.anna.sag Div3.�i,oxz. . I, � 1�. �,:�1 iandscapa.ng mat��ial�, �it� �.r+ap��v�ments q a�c1 I r�qus.reci pubZi� �pro�r��nts �1h.�3.� be �.x�s��ll.�r� �s �� � th� �pprov�d sitP pl.an �car a ��f�x��n�� �ssu�a�a�e s��li b� po��ed c�xar�ng��ing a.nst��lation �ri�hin a ��c��t tiane �" a�ter c�acu��.��y�. S�A�'�' �C3�ACT� ��r�y �3f�e�, P�.ar��:ia�c� ' I3�,vi�iaan. l� . A s�.�n ge��.� shall b� obt��,r��ci �a�ia� �o �he �r��tior� c�f an� sz�� oth�� than sii,����a..c�xi.�3. s�.q�s and ��.c�ns n�t ori�xx��et tc� be v3.��,r�ci frc��re � �a�b�.AC �i.ght-saf-w�a�ro �T�FF C01J`T1��T e �ict�r ��onr3., l�lara�inc� Y��.v.�s�.��.. s,� � �3I� APP.1R��7.A�, IS 'V.�.1LTD YF ��EI3C���L3 [�]�T'f�7I�1 ����ITEEN M�DI�'H� Q�' �E �''213.?�i,� k3L��S�C3d� 6.ATE DTQ�]GD BE]Gt31�. D. PF���CEDiJR]E 1 n ��otir�e �iatice wa� paab�.ish�cl im. th� ra��,rsgapex�, pos�eel at Cit� T�al� and �m�il�c� �+�: �The agpiicant a�aei ov�ers �C�wner� c�f record wr�.tharx tk�e r_equs.r�d ds.s��nce '� The a€fect�d N��g�bc�rl���ood Pla�ranixig Org�niz�t�on I � ?��f�ec��ci go�r�rrunent ac��ncs.�� �. �'ina�. I�ec�sir�n a '�IiE I)���5��� il�Id�I,� BE FINPi� OPI 1�" ,�2 �v iJ�1LES� �PI P.PPFAL I5 FI�,ED. � . 3. A�a�e�l: .�ragr partlr tn the �I�ca.s�.�x� ana�• agg���l �.��� decis.�on ir� ac�ordasa�e wi��a ���c�:6.�m 1�,32.�9p(A) and 5���.��rn 1�.32.37� c�f �h� �ommu�i.�� D��r��.e��m�nt �cac�� wrhich I ��r��:�.de� �hat � wr.iittea� ��►�e�l must b� �iled �nra.�1� the Cit� R�c�rd�� �r3.th�r4 10 cia�� af�c�:r xaa�tic� is c�iiren �nri ��r�t. �pp��l. �Ee s�hed�:�� ax�d f�x°nas �r� ��srail��.� �t Tigarci City Ha3�1, 13125 S�1 Ha11 �l�ci. a Tig�rd, f3regon. The deac�line :�or fi3ing of an. a�p��]. as 3�:30 p.m, ��-�3'���, IQOTI�� O� ��C��IOYa � ��F2 42-0�?1� � Hot'N Nea�nr P��GE 1� 4. �ia���ian�s �f �ou lhazr�s c?�ae�tion�, pl�as� ��►1�. �a.ty e�� . �iga�d ��a�n:�ng 1t3��ar�n.exx�, �i�tgy o� ��.c�a�d �.�t�r FIa�.1, �.3125 S'i� I��11 �lvcio , Tiga�d, C�arc�goan> /' P R Yo ' r� Of���, �,s��ci��� �l�ns��� � � f��-� �1� .,P���2.05T�� ��''o l3i�k B��ve]es' �f f IU�iT�---- S�gaio� :[}lan.�ae� S�R92�-�OIII :;�>,. . .� s�. � � � � � � I � ' w � P10�°IC� OF DECTSTQN -� SDR 3�-OQ�.8 � Iica�"N IdTow 7:'A�E 14 l.��il�tL6'C�S'�R�P' � � � t�,°`� ,fiya9 Aa > � r-+' J / A I�II c � • .� /. I 3.�. Ga� �� ���'e..p�. �•'a , �U�fT�t y� S.�l. � �dATKEPIs � AVE. � � � f - � � �� ; e�t�s,� �oa� r� av��� v, � !I � ,�'j,'� �°s" _ � �.� e � ���� � � �� �'' � AyE, ��—, � '� ���3�p � �' � � ,y� '�3° � s �� � � � � .d�� �—1 � (�r6vute) S.W. i02 r�d � ��,�� � ��? � �vD `�e- f�,'�� � °� � � LN. a�VE. �,S',� m`�� . \ � � ���' ��`, CfeESlYiEft y� `r� '"` � �� � . �� �vE. s.w. '�.. . _ '���° ���� �� 9�� � ��' R� � � � . ! � o �� �' �� �� �3yA � ��' =►�� � � o cs� � , :�� ' �� . y� �.�� � ,,� ,, :T, S.1M. 98 4h � '3 �g, .,, � S.W, e�4h C i � ,��3E. '�p ��� . �� � � � � �y� `�,�°�� � �'��. S�4Y. �71 h P � v `�' � �� '� � AV�. �' � <� ��� � •`�� , 7 � � .���� - �A � �jti d � � �.`� � '� Y°4l,� ,S4 �,� `� . � �� �<�/< ��,� �����,�,��0 . �g� ���`�cF` �� . • � o '� - - °._ _�_...a � .�145 .�>4 nra .S°. .� —;�--- :� , � � _ �.: � �. .._ r �. • � . � -�-- -- �a - -�-�---_ ..�-_-�•\�/_ �A�l�_=S�T:.--- --�-......__Y------� _ � _ .— . .� � . , . � ., s ,t ����{ -_. ',� ._.�....�.� �` --- v . . e m \`1�lSliAL �� �" ' `LAfd i _ `/ ' " !� , ' • � �\ "'�°'� ' (�'CC�' �\��;�;~ . / 2� . � �', �^�-. , ,./ �'`.� v . . . . . . �� � � � - • �`����f' . . �� , .� �. . ! � ,���� �� �� . ��. . . /�,� ,� Q . , ��� , . �� . � � � � /��::.: � � � / ` / �r, ,�' .�� q r'� �o�:�. � 'J°°, � � � � '� � ,::�''�' �:.. � � �� � ,� �� � .� � ��� &�o�� :. . � ,,��,,� , ' , ��� � �j . _ /j:� � r� . �� � � � �= r� v� � ��. � .1:y �' �/�' � N6�"f�1 :� _ ' 500�� • , . �� .�� / i - � � /�:``' . . �I7� 1C��°��- �`�..:, � .: ��s6----- .... _ . �=� ,� ��� . -:� f�-r. �` �. ° � �������� C��y . � �: r�- � � N�t -� s�a I-e. . • :h���` .`. �o� -�� /� � . '� .: �, f � -------�— • � _ � �.;: �1 �t /� .`� �� ;• . . . �� a ��JPoS�D �c�{.�.: �ati E ��.oJ u5 r�J��.,� � 5`.�. }' . .. , � RECEIVED PLAfVNING NovembQr 12, 1992 biinutes �°or T1PQ #�3 for gex�eral meeting 11-�����1 � ��.�, mer�bers pres�:a��t excep`t Li1a ��rne�, �vhc�•wr�.s excu�ed. 4tTe 3�ad a joint m�e-�ing wi�h NPU #7 to wha.ch �ol�.�e chi��° Roza �aoc�p�,s-t�r was invYteci �o �ora-tinu� his report f�om -�wo rnan�ths ago zneet�.ngs �?e xepor�ted he 1�ad con�inu�� �c� �ry °�c�se� up a neighbarhood �ro�e�Z mee�ir�g witk� �Y�� �eopXe ore ��atkinso fi1n�.� meeting h�� nsa� r�ater�.ali�ed yetp bt�� �.7�1 par�ies I rnri�l comtinue �a tr� to s��t a d�.te ts� m�:et. Gh.��f Goodp��tar ��.s��d o�z� �w� �, repor�s r�egardi�g. traf�ic e�n G�arde��lOt�x �.r�d t��alnut/�28��a. Th�se r��s�r�s I� �rere di�eu�sed �.�t �eng�h.s Trce Gaaz°cie/110th repo�t r��.s s�b�a�t-�ed beifc��e the i P,�GID�D�a.1d�G��r�.e-H�, 99 ira-�ers���a.on �apgrade wa� completed. A �a�r� �pdated II x°eport wi1.3. be availab3e ra�x� meeting on this str��t. '�, Before the 1�P� people s����a�ed foa^ th�ir ovv�x ;r�ee�t�.ngs e 1Vk'C� #3 ��d �YP� #7 I �greed ito have a sp�cial mee�ing on No�%eraber �.8, �.99z �.� ?:QO po�o �� � locatio� to be �ecide@, �� �.iscuss c�nly the Compr�hes�sive Plan Iun�r�dznent I Cl'� 92-(3Q07 wh�.ch relate� tn tkas fut�cr� ali�h�nmer�t pf a co7Llec�a�° street ; con�ects.ng S49 Waln�zt �tree� a�ei S4�d Gaarde Stx°ee�. NPO #3 meeting wa�� �aileti �o ox•der> I�Zinute� �ram greviau� m�eting �pprov�d. �iro Bi�l ��1.mare, Ur�a.n l���e�tex� wa.s ou�r speal��r, His topic aras Tree Ord�n�.nces. He stated a c�amnna�ttee x�eedec� �c� b� forcned �a pe��ue �rh�t tY�� gvals and objec�t;ives of -the ordinan�� �rou:ld k��; rvhat t�ae funds.n� so•ur��� could beG Does the ordi�ance r�e�d �to �� fox� presei^�va-ciori e�f his�oric ���es, s�.r�e� t�eES, e�r�r5r tx°ee, �on� ternn cax�oPy, urbarfl �ar�ste T�e� ��.�� U�A px°��ram, etc. Thi� c�mmitte� ne�ds to be �ix•o�.d based wi�h �11 of �he vara.aus i��e�°es-�� x�epre��r�t�d �.a�c3.�xd.�.rag a c�.t� �o�e��te� Q�° a gl�n�ner �uho has sa�e �xp�x�i�nGe writh� tr�es ��i arcii���es p��°�taini,ng tp tre��. The d.an��r in °this ,t�:,,,1 orc�..3naxace �s tha� af i� is r�r�� us�ders-taod 'rNI."��'1. ��..�TlglC'.e.'� �Ocil.� and ot�je�-�i�r�s I worl���l out w�ith ingu-� �'x�cam a:l.� interes�ts in t2��E cnru��i�ys a� �an �nc� wr�.�1. alienate �e�pl� anci �e di�'�a.cult to get p�.�seda C?n the o�h�x� aide i� i� is warked through fram -�he �eg�.ra.ri�.n�; caref�xl�.�r and �loc�rly i.t Car� have a po�.a.�i�r� e�'fect iY� a cammun�.ty, �he go�.ls a�d ��je�tives �nd the r�ve�° a�.�. p1.�.� �aeed �sa bc usex° friendly a.rzd s�m�tk�ir�g �ths Go�r�.�ani�,y �an and will part�.Ga.pate �.nd Axa iffiportan�t ��ax�t af any �tr�e �x�dzrl�ce i� that it be prope��.y plansaed a�� the presex�vation o.r pl�r�ting o.f tr�es and th� �nain�te�anc� fc�r �i�e y�a�s �.n the �'uture should be caref�l]ty planned a2so. This pre��rata�ioz� �ra.a �rery thorough an�3 ga�rE u� ��.ch -ta ponder in gc�ing ahead ta �orz� a ��mma�-tee e The next item was SDR 92-ao�.8;'�ss 9z�0016 Hdrris I'.D.Ga I�OT°N N�V� res�atxran�C. � located at Hwy> 94 and Pax°k l�veo in Ti.gaid. Mr. Peter I;apgertz fr�m PnG Planning Desig� Gl oup a T22 �E �7th, F'oi tlaxid 97214�, 23f-bQ�(� ar�d a represen�a�t,iv� froin the ovmPrs of the ��rcel Taco �eZ� Corp« {subsidi�.�r c�f Pep�ico) , were present �Go -;;alk with the comrnunity> There were �'�o�xt 30 peog�le fxom the community� and the IVPO in a�ttenaanceo mhe prapos�.l is fc�r� a. �.ev� c�neept f��ila..�ty se�rin� burgers� fries arad soft d�°inks in a 96� s�, f�. b�ailcii�� which has two driv� �thraixgYa lar��s and no anteri�r seating �.1t a�1.�., A31 �ra�°f°�.� wil.i i.ngx�e�s and �gr�ss o:�n S�' Park St� approxa.ana,-��ly a�t �he iz���r3ec�ion with S[�; urant St, This property is zon�d C-G (Ceneral Gommerez�I) amsi �Yai.s us� S.s alloµ�ed ur�uC�� a staff level revie�r wzth r�o public hear�.ri� necessar�r� . �h�.s • facility will �a�e ou�t the Prid� fuel stati.on and go w�s� along Park a�ntat • 2Q0' where �:he entrance�e�c�� will ba locatede This 200' �tr�-��h of Fa.rl� w�i.Zl not be 4�ide�ec� but c;urbs and sidewal.k ti�riJLl be added. A xigh°� �turn lane wi,ll be ad�.ed fo� cars en-tering from �'a.rk to �Vy' 99, Ifi will be in the eaxzfigtx�ti�n of. STiV Greenburg Rd. and S;� Gaard�: S�:» witk� a triangle ar�a be�wees� �iv�'y. �9 and the ne�v roadway ac�ditaona .. ,. , -� „ Page 2 1�P� #3 m�.a�aultes �ro� Novembex° 4� 1.99� ��er� �v�re �mar�y ne�.gY�borhood con�e�� f�°am tYae nei.�abors v�h� �.i�� acx°c�s� �he stre��t on �Vl Par� a�d west an o5'�d Pax°k and from peop�e on S6,' �latl�ir��. T��e ��ncex^�� v��:�� c�a�°���°ed Qn �raf�ic in�x°ease th�.t wall presemt a �a.��� k�a�a�d. �o ��2� s�hoo� c�ilclr�n wa7�ix�g froffi the�.r he�mes �o �-tter�d sc�a�ol a'� Cha��e� �. T�.��a.^d axad walk esn �W P��°lc t� SP� �r�nt �ntc� th� sck�oeal groiarae�so �n�°ther �or����°az �v�s �th�e inc�ease in ��f�� i�' th� �axs tu�n lef°t fror� �h� d,����way when ��aey� leave the res�a�.�-t �d °Exav�l t�irc�ugh �he resid�n-t�.al co�ur�f,�� �o e.���.�r �Iw�r. 99 at S'�at�.iras s�x ,�9 �c� �Y� W�.�ut. �k�e neigk:�ox°s , ��e� �h�i-� �h�x°� sk�o�a�.d �ie an ��-tx•arace on �v�. 9� �i�he� �ciepe�ac��r���y or in c��ju.��-�x�an w�.th �'�etro� r�stau��an� ox° -��� ��a-��rn���''�tcs th� Iio� °N �ov� sh�u�.d "�� elc���r �o Hv�. g3 so all ca.r� ura�.l. Gmm� �:d gc� an Hv�v 93 mtacl� rac�r� e�,�a�1�r. � A�ir��he� �c����� �va� f�r s�.d�wr�l.ks th� �ntar� 1.e�gth �'�°om Hw;�. 9� 'to �V7 Watk� f'sar p�s�paQ �c3 �h�.].dren e�pecia�lyq to wal�€ saf'e1Y. �hex°e was d�.sc�xss.�on o;� �n �,T� f��° � �a.dew�lk ara �he r�a:�°th �i��. af P�rk if -�h� de�el.oper put �t�i� �.�d�wa3� :� an t�i��ou�h side o� pam& �ca �'�.t�sins. �he�°� �� discia.ss.�o�. �f � ��ot pa�t�s c�ra �h,� n�x°�h arrd. sou�ch s�.c�e o� ��°�S� whiclx wou�.c� lae te�par�.a�r° ���JL th� ��r°�e�t w�s ?mpr.oved bu�C wauld be �a.�� wa1�5.mg ��o�n °�h� s��e��t s TY�� �nllovw�.�ag cond�tiar�s were �roted onby �hcs�e i.n �.°G��nclance� x w I'�t��i�r� '�c� �o�� -�kae c�x°bveway e�at�an��,/�xi� �l�se� �o P���.�.�a �1�. ° �'�i �. R�.�� ,�ta.� �r�l;� f�°mm..��� ��s-t�.���;�d���.-��e3.:by-..a �s��n �d.. �a� . �'��c►��pain�ed �c��. th�"d�°i�r�wa.y. "��ka�-��cA�vel.op�r��co�c��d yr�ifih �this� px°opu`��.�«- '�. P��i�io� •-v�1e Stat� og Oregor� far �c�es� orx �Iw�ro 99 �;s �hp�°e ar� °�v�ro � �xa.stir��; access dx°ivev�rays now �or Pr�.d.e s�ataor�. I �F� Be sure �there is e�ough s�G�.��is�g a��� �ar 10 cars anci �t�a.-� �he � '��f��.� is not i�dcked rxp on H�r. 9� ox� on �� Pa�l�a There sh�u�d II i�� � ��r��er �j.�x�n l�.ne fo�° the cars �c� ��ack ino �o Tl���°� s�ou�.d t�e �. sigr�. on 5P� :�ar� a� �r a�eax° Grant s�r��� that � �.nciac�.tes t�at chzldren �r� pr�ser�� r�a.l.ka.�g �� schoal. � �e [���rk w�.°��a QDOT �o syz�chx�ni.z� �h� traffi� l���t �.t �V�� Park and Huvyo 99 �I �a r��.t�i�� e�uickex� for� 1e�-� t1,ia�ns arr�� Hvay 99. Tk��� light� is slo�r -�o i �h�.aZ.�� �.c��v� the neigk�bors �a�o la.�xe� �th�x°e �epa�°t�d� �, Tl�e �ra�� w►�.s �a.r�a�imous by -�he nTPO r;`3� anc� �hen t�y ��ca�e in at�enc�.aneP fr°�� , �h� r���ghbc�rhood� � IVPO �{3 vo-�ed to re�u�st t�►� City �a�.l ar dire�tl�r r���s.fy �I1 of those �+�ha � �rc�ta�.d lbe �.�aga���d �v axi�r c�ec�asa.on arz -�h� future �.].�.�anaen� af a e�llec�or e�# stre�t �m�nec�a.o� S�b' Y7alnut �t. �nc� SW Ga�rde S�t� ara��.udix�g �°essdera�i:� � c�x� G�,a.�d�, W��.r?u.�t be�w�en ,�t�� 13� ar�d S�T 135�1a, r��id��a�s or� S�J i32��� „� ��5r Ben�Y��ietiv and St4 13S�h anc� SSi Fer�g and �he Gorden Moore faYr4ily o� i`'ar the s��ci�7� m�eting on .�ov�mb�r 18, 199�n • 4;3 � Sub��ti�tute �earet�.ry far Lila C�a�°r�e� is B���rl� Fro�de. _ _ ,�� � �� � � �3 i �" � � � � , .�. �Tax��a,�' �, 1�93 .r.�iia''L�7.°i�''�'i �+'�1Ct iig°iT�a nur"11 P.[:Llictifl 13145 �@'�. watkins Aveos T�.�ard, Or�gon �72�3 �3'l�se 03.ty �h.ould be r�spo�sible a"ox �a,lc�.r� Pax� �t. s�,fe ��x el�menta,xy �tuct�x�ts to wa,7.k to �,nd f�o�a Ck1�,�. �. Ti�xd C=r�e S�he�la I � What will the Cit�► do �o m�alce �ex�d� tc� �3.ae �esident� �� tkiis z�eig�!b�rhoac� r�k�e� a I ch�i7.�. is ki11e�. or �.n�t�ed.? II 2'he State 3.s c�xor� tc� x�u?.e �hat commercial ��C—G�n, Comme�cial) p�apex�ty ca�za�:c,��be i �.ccess�d £r�rra Hwy. 99. 'l�aae Cit� is w:�ong ir� let�ing a s��.� �st�eet b� a sub�t��ut�. i A�ting Ne3.�bo�hnoa Chaix�en �_..!' � Si�€�d '�y �se Lynxs Kaame�a.n . l ��-+.,..�__ Jan� �� 3��3 i i�. tr » �- � � t�- � � � a � ���R��.���� � � � A ���:'�?��, �,,,"�'-,;� �a�,�� � �- . r , P,�ENDA I`i'FP�1 5�2 MEY�IORA1�TDt7M CI�Y OE' TIGARL� TQ: Planning Comzni�sion Dc�c.ember 24, "1992 FROM: Randy Woolevr �i�y �x�aineer��N�°�� SUBJECT: Gaarde Stre�t Extension CPA. 92-0007 Curx•ent].y, tne Compreh�nsive Pl�n Transporta�.ian Ma� includes a study area referenced to Note 2 . �tote 2 indicates that two aptio:n� ' ar� under co�sideration for a fu�.ux�e extension of �aarcie Street ', :ve�t of 121st Av�nu.eo Th� propc�seti Pl�n amendment would �e1ec� ane ', of �he two �ptions and amenci the Z'ransportation Map to show the , � selected optian. Attach��. is a report dated aci.ober 1992 describinq the twa opti.nn� I in mar� d��ail . In the repnrt, �he �wo apti.ans axe desaribed as the '°�eport Optiora°1 and the "N"FO �ption" . II Camme�.ts hav� b�en received �rom va�iaus ageraci�s ar�d citizen I groups as �ollows : .A re�resentativ� xr�m the O�egon n�p��tment og Tran�port�tion � (ODOT) has indi�a'�ed that OI�dT h�s no pr�ference on the I o�ations but encou�ac�es t.he Ci�y t�� Comple4e the se].ection of ari o�tian, G�lashin�ton Ccuni�y planning staff have revi.ewed. the report and �rovided dEtailed comments in a letter dated Nawemb�r 10, 195� . A copy of th� letter is attachedm County su�a�arts �he R�port Option. The Transportat�an Ad�riso�y Coanmittee re�riewed the options at I their re�ular m�etirig of November 12, 1992, and votec3 to recommend �L-he ReporL Option. Tigard Police �aue a.ndirated no ob jection to Re:�th�r ogtinxi. ��' NPO #3 and NPO #7 reviewed the aptions i��� a joint meeting he�d ora December ,2, 1992 . At th� �nd af tha meEting, both NP�s � vot�d to rejec�c bath options and rec�u�sted that a��ather op�tiar� b� cievelopecl. When asked which oPtion theg� �rould prefer iF � they had �o choose b�tween �he t�a eptions under � considerati�x�, the NPOs took another vate and botYi NPOs � indicated that iF they had to choose they pr�ferred the �TPO � Optian. 7Ct i� now appropriate for the Planr�inc� Commi��ion �.o make a recc�mm�ndation to the City �ouizcil. Stafi rscommenda�ion is she,wn o:n Fage 7 of the attached report . f ,_. . O�tob�r 199� ��questec� R��ri��o� t� �he � � ��mpr�hen�ive �I�r°� ��-�n�p��t�tior� ��p , � i �I ������ s�'���� ��c�'�����t� Pr�osai � ��arr�ntiy,the Comprsh�nsiv� Plan Transpor�atian �iap in�fudes �stcady ar�a r�fi�r�r�ced t� f�otg 2. Note 2 indicates th2!; fiwo optiQns are unrler �onsi�era�i�n f�r a fut�rs conne�fiir�n hetween the 4NainuU132ro� int�r�ection and fh� Gaarde/121 st inf�:rsecti�rn. !� is prop�s�� ta s�lec� anQ of th� tw� �ptior�s ��ndar con�ideration a�d to am�nd tho Compr�h�nsive Pian Tran�portatio�,t�ap t� r��lect the optio� chos�n. Wist°r�r In 13�3, �he �it� o� Tigar�i anc� Washbngton ��unty ��th ��lap4ed c�mpreh�n�ive plan� fihat �al��d f�r a fiuture Sxt�nsi�n �f M�rray ���fev�re! tg cor�n��t with th� int�r�ection af . VV�inut �treet �nd �35#h A�o�nue. Bath plans �I�� �alled f�rfuture connections bet�nreen ilValn�+± �tr�et �nd G�arde �tr�e# in th� �rea v����f �f 129 st A�+�r�ue. No �pe�ifi� �lignment� w�re ir��E��t�d. Ir� �9$6, ilVas���gtan County �ntar�d int� �rban pl��nn�ng area�gr��rr+�r�ts with th� ��iti�� �f BeavertQ� and T��ard. Th� agr��rn�nt� indicated fih�t th� �xt�nsi�n a�f t�lurray i3�ulevard wc�uld b� d�sign�ted a� a��il�ctor sfire���nd pr�vid�d �drawing �h�wing the alignment b�tw��n �id S�ho{!s �er�ry R��d ar�d 10�al�tat �fr�et. In addition, the a�reements stated thafi a� �1i�nrrie�t r►v��ld b� d�v�l�ped fior a colle�tor �traet between , th� i 35fih AvenueilN�ln�t �treet �.nd th� 121�t�v�nue/Gaarde �treet inters�cti�ns. �h� agreement� esta�iishsed d�sign stara�ard� for the ra�d. In 198�, th� �ity b�gan its Alortheast Bui� nllountain TransportatiQn 5tud�, inter�ded to define the f�tur� collector stre�t syst�m for the area. �'ollowing several �ublic me�ting�, inGt�ding he�arings b�f�re th� Planning Comrrtission and the City �our��il, most nf the re�ommend�t6�ns of th� �lortheast Bull M�unt�in Transportati�r� Study Report were adopted ir �,pril of 1�90. Fiowe��r, the r�comm��datior�� regardi�g the ��nneetion befiw�en 135th/W�tln�at and 121st/Gaarde interse�ior� w�re n�t adnpted� "d� tI1P. GIi?S0 O� the h�arings, tw� apt�or�� r�mained under consid��ation. In add9fion, the Councii haC heard requ�sts that th� urban planning area agreements b� amen��d fio del�te the Murray Bo�fevard connection betw�e� �Id Scholls Ferry Road �nd 1lValnut Street due t� GAuARDE S�"REET CXT�iVSIQN - October 1�92 P�gs 1 . • • • i cr�rcc�rr�s ���ut t��r�ug� tr��ic. S�lectio� af th� p��sf�rr�d �ptian ��r the VVafr��tmC�a�rde . ��n���'tio� w� d�fsrr�d p�nd��g a ��cisi�n o� �rheth�r th� urfaan pl�nnin� �r�� agre�m��t v�aufd b� mad9fi�d. , , 9n subs�gu�nt dis��s�i��� witP� �4h�r jur�sc�ic�6ons, thera was n�t support fmr ar�endin� �he urba� pi�r�n�ng ar�a agr�gments. Ho�r�v�ro�h��� wa� �up�ort for an agr��m�nt �n the tir�i�g of th� �r��s�d Ndur�ay �ouB�vard �xt�n�i�n. A� a r�sult, �n agre�r��nt w�s . drafted th�t a�sur�� th�� th� Murr�� �3�ui��+�rd �xtension b�t�a��r� �chc�lls F�rry Road ana �?!d �cholls ��rr�+ ���d �halE so�# bo �p�r��d t�ti�r��gh�r�ffic���r t� th� �;om�l�ti�n afi oth�r r��d ir�iprc�v�men�s car�th�w�st�i�e �fi�uE! M��ant�in�s�rc�va�l�d in th� C�,unty'� `�rar��po�a�@�n Pl��. Ths agre�m�nt i� int��d�d t� di���r�c�� the d�vaio�r��r�t of tt�� i��rray B�ul�v�rd ��t�r�si�n �s � r�ut� for thr�ugh tr�ff6�. T'h� �gre�r��n� has b��n �pprov�d by �/ashi�gton �ou�ty and th� �iti�s �af ���iv�rt�r� and lig�rdP th� agr�e�ner�t wa� �igned in J�n��ry 199�. �Ihe� Ti��rd's �a��arehensiv� Flan Trar�sp�rt�tior� �ap ��s updat�d in 1991, � stuc4y �re� was ad��d to indic�t� the t�vo optian� st�ll beir�g �con�id�r�d f�r�h� c�ll�ctor �fire�# ��nne�ic�� be4�s��ra V�l�in�t 5tr�et�nd G��rde atr�c�. Th�a�tud��r�a E�kr��w� ��'B�i��e 2". A �opy of the o�nap i� in�luu�d as Atta�hm��# �1. !t i� n�w �rc�p��ed that the pr�c�s� �� ��mp��t�d b�v �do��6�g �r�� �f t�� �p#ion� f�r a ��lie�ar str�at co�r��c�i�n ia���r��r� �IValr��t �tr�et �nd C��rd� �t���t. ���art �pfii�n Th� �990 r�r��mrr��nd�tiar� �af th��i�t}+ s��f��as��r�tainec� in F'ig�r� ���1 c�f th� f�lc�rth���t E�uf! f�As�untain Transpor�ati�r� �t��1y R�g��rto (ss� Attachm�c�t ��.j Ur�d�r this pian, G�ard� �tr�st woul�i b� ���nde�i a� � r�ai�ar �c�i��c��r �tr��� we�t ��d nor�h fr�m ��1�t �►venu� t� c�nr�e�t to �Vai��� atr��t af � lr�ration �a0 fe�t #a� 400 f��t ea�t o� existi�g 1�2nd Av�nu�. In addition�th� '�epar� r��c�mr��r�ded ihat�id� str��t a�c��s to th� majc�r collector b� restri�fed,�hat dire�ct dri��v�ay ac��s� be prahibit�d, �nd th�t r�du��d design width� b� ��nsid�r�d ��t�reer� acc�s� ��ir�ts. Ths� opti�r� �+s9# b� re#�rred to �s #he �i�pc�rt apti�r�. N4�Q O�ti�r� � �h� ��ic,�,hb�rha�� �'i�nnir�g �r�ani��i:ic�r� (�lp��#3) reccamm�nd�d that�aard� �tr�et !�e � extend��i �r�s� fr�� �21 st �s a minor c�li��t�r, c�n��cti�g t� ��2nd Av�nu�� °fh� INPC? � re��mr�end�d that th� �tre�� bs d�signed fi�r a speed of 25 mph. �lrrder this �ption, � i �x��ting 132r�d Aver��e w��ld pr��ei�e th�c�6i�c��r�tr�et�:s�nr�e�ior�b�tw��r� �aarde�nd �° Vi/alnut �tr�ets. m � �; in 1991 a prel9minary p9at was �u�mitted fior a subdivi�i�n �lor�g the i 32nd �6ven�je sxtension west of fihe Gaard�l�21�t �nt�r��ction. t�uring the h�arings on the pr�sp�sed �AA�iC�� S'CRE��f E�C'T�NSION - C�ctob�r 1�92 �age 2 st��divi�i�n, th�r�� w�� �ub�tantiai dis�u�siar� �f wh�thar th� ��bclivisi�n s��uld pr�vic�� f�r �h� v��s#ward ext�s�sP�n of ��rd� �s prop�s�d by tl�e �91�0. �ft�r r�vi��rin� aftars�ativss s�cbmif�e� by t1�� appli��n$, the Pl�n�irt� �Cornmissiort vcst�d t� �ppr�e�� a � pr�lir�ir��ry.��b�ivi�ior°Y iay��ut #h�# did �o# dire�ly provi�� f�r f�� t���r�D� g���si�ra f� ����d. ��nr��ssi��. m��ib��� w��� �i������z��3 ��O�Y ��� �if� ��� r��4 ��s���3� fi�� c���tru�ti�n �f an �a�4-w�st coii�ctar str��t dca�to�t��p grad��., �vid�n��wa� pr�v6ded #��t � cmPi�ctor c��n�ctic�r� #� 132nd Aven�a� c��ld bstter b� prn�aid�d r��rth of fih� si�e wh�r� �r�d�� are t+�s� st�ep. �n appeaP, t�� f�i�r�ning G�r��6�si�n'� deces�ar� ,nr�� upht�Bd by th� �ity �e�un�il in R�s�lation 91-75, I �ta�a���u��tlyj the NF'Ca Op4ion repre�ent��i ir� Attacf�ment #� s6�ow� �Gaard� �x'�en��d I w��4 a►�d iiorth fir�m 121 st t� inters�ct 132nd at a 18�ati�r� n�ar B�nchvi�w T�rrac� (nr�rtfr c�f t�e a�prov�d subdiv��f�n sit�). �'r�ffi� �om�,��i��n� ln �anj�ar�cti�n with the No�the�st �t�li i�auntai� `Tr�nsp�rt�fii�r� �t�a�iy, �utur� tr�ffic � ��I�rr��� �� the �c�Pl��tc�r �tr��t sy�t�r�� ���� fQr�e��f. ��� f�re�a�ts a��um�d f�ll d�v�l�pm�nt��fh�ar�a, k�as�d ora m�ximu�a pract�cai dev�i�prrer�t�r�der�xi��ir�g z�nic�� ��d r���gnizing the d�v�l��m�r�t r���r��tion� �f st���a slmp�es, dr�irr�g�w�ys �r�d exi�#ing �ubdivisi�ns. Ba�ed �ar� #h�s� for�c�sts, App�r�dEx E in th� iVr�rthea�t Buil M���tain �tudy �epar� ���tain� materi�l or� futur� �tr��# c�p��ities. e�p�a�ndi� � indic�t�s tha� the c�lfector street ��s�t�rn t9esfgr��d tc� tl�pic�! City �f �'�g�rd �ta���rds v�ilR pravi�le �cc�pt�Pal� lev�fs €af��r�iE� ur�der prQ��ct�d��ata.ar�tr�##i�v�lum��, �x��pt�t a�ew int�r�e�tians. �dd��ac�r�al tr�ff6� 1ar��s m�gr b� n�eded in the #uture �t sr�m� intersectian�. Th��� int�r�e�fio�a� �r� �lor�g the �l/alnu�l�R�rr�.y cQr�neckar fr�ma 13�th t� S�hoi!� F�rry B�o�d; aiong Gaarde Stre�t r�e�ar Hi�h��v g99/►�; and ��ssibly at th� int�rs�e�i�r� Qf 121�t �.nd 1�lal�ut. �h� inf���natic�r� in Appendix � assum�d that �h� R�pc�r� �pti�r� wouid b� �dopted. ��I��ti�r� �f tti� R1�L7 �ptic�n w�uEd ��at �ha�nge th� �e�er�! c�r�ei�sior�s �ta�ed ab��e. H�wev�r, seiecti�n af th� k�F'C) �Ption w�au4d ch�ng� #raffi� pro�e�fiiar,s r�n sam� str����, a� disc�as�ed b�io�. �91 r�i�cussoon is ba�ed �r� v►a�r�€don� in 1990 in cot�j�ar��ti�n �vith tr�� �l��theast EL�ii IVl�ur�tai� �'ranspc�r��ti�n �tudy. �api�� s�f fihe 1�90 Study Rep��k �r� a�ail�ble for r�vi�w i� th� �it� Er�gi�eering i��p��tment. a � The NPn ��ti�n wauld reduce the #ut�re traffi� a� �aard� Street. 1dV�st �f 121 st �. A��n��,th� build-out fr�fifiic und�r�h� �EPt�f�ption would ka�ap��ra�cEmat�ly�,d�00 v�hi�l�s � per ��y, carr�par�d ta �0,0�0 v�h9�D�s per c�ay ur�d��� ti�� l�e��rt �ptior�. �Jr�c��r �ith�r m option, th� pr�jecte�l �alum�s exce�� th� c�uideliroes f�r a r�s��r c�lf��ta�° str�e# and fall � within th� ualumes #�pic�l fo�a e�aj�r��11e�t�r. ;����o-I�n� street �vith a c;�r�t�r t�rn iane �, �t int�rsecfinns v✓ould b� �de��a�te �ridar eithe� opti�ar�. G/�A,R�� ��'6�E�T EXT�NSlQN - C��t�uer 19�� F��g� ? 4 . On (���rd� �tr��� n�ar i�igh�ay�9VU� th� �i��7 �p8ian red��es pr�j��F�d traffi6�v�l�m�� , by appr�x�m�t�l� ��%. Th� ne�d fo� �s�tur� addit€�n�9 ta�rr� la��� w�s�ld b� d�lay��i b�ut � ti�� ieara��t�rm�a�ility r�quir�m�nts would b���n�r�61�th� sarr�� as��rth� ��p�rt gption. . � 9n�il�ln�t Str�et �e�r 13�th,fih� �1P0�pti�r� r�d�ces pr�j��t�d b!aild-�ut traff6�vulurnss frorra appr�x���t�iy 1�,0�� veh�9�s p�r d�y ��nd�r f�� ����� ��ti�� t� ���r��i��,tely �0,000 ��hi�l�� pe�day �nder th� t�F'C3 Opti��. Any ���d for additi�n�i f�tur� I��es at th� 135th ir���r���tio�� �ouB� �rc�b�bly b� �limin�t�d �nder th� Ni�O �p�i��. Tr�ffic ���ov�d fr�rn Ca�rd� �tr�et und�r t�� �9P0 C7pti��n w���d d��o�rt to oth��� ���t�s. Im�a�t� wo�s9d b� mo�Y r��ti���bo� ����h c�f �V��nut �tr��t ore 132r�d �venue �rad 12�st A�+�nue. R�r�d�r th� ��pr�r� �?�ti�r�, 132nd vuo�sid r�m�ir� � I�cal �#ree� bet�veer� 1�la9n��t �n�l ��n�hv��w� �1nd�r fi6�� t�P� �ptionF 132r�d �vn�ld b�com�e � r„�IBe�tor str��t with � pr�j�t�ci tr��fac ��ium� �� 4,�Q0 vehicl�s ��r day. �n 121 st b��we�n �'Vafr�ut �nd �a�rd�, th� pr��e�ted tr�ffi� ur�d�r�h� NPC� C?�ti�r� is r�ugl�ly twice th� pr�j�ct�d te�f#i� ��dQ� th� i�ep�rY Qpti�n. VOlhen ��mpar�d t� the Repur� �pti�raP th� �lP� �pti�� is �ro����d �� incr���� f�tur� ��affic v�alt�rn�s c�n ��1�fi north af �1l�Inut by a��p�o�irnat�ly 1�°�� �nd a�n �3��1� �s�a�nt�ir� R�ad v�rcast �� #ha� �3�th �a���sic�� by �pproxir��t�6� 29'°r`a. �r��li�r in�r�a��a� �Q�ald �� �xp���d �� ather�olpe�c�� �����ts i��6udo�g tk�� ��5th �x#er��i�r� s�uth o# Vlial�ut, Nr�r�� D�k�ta �tr��t, �u�! h�ount�ir� R��� ��st �f the 1�5t9� ����si�r�, arad th� fut�r€� ��n�i�s �.an� ��nn�ctiQrs. �'h��� traf�ic c�m¢�risor�s �r� s�rrom�riz�d in Att��h�A^; ��m. �. Land-�Jse ImpaCts I I� g�rrer�.l, b�th �pte�a�s ar� I�c�t�d thr�ugh ��rr�r�tl� unde�✓�i�pec� prc►�a�rfy. �'he re�dw�ys would b�cc�r��truct��i as new subcfivi�i�r�s�r�de��Es�p�d in the area. Re�adw�.y alic�nr��n�s as�d gradss would b� c��r�ir��ted v�Et6� the d�sign �f #h� nev� subc96�ision,s. ��i excep�ic�n in the �S�par� �pt6�n is �ha ar�� irr�r��di�t�fy �o�a�� af �llain�t Str2�t. T� �ar��l�te th� conn�cti�o� t� V"J�inut, it is ii6cely �hat th� �ifiy �rc,L�ld �ventuafiy n��d to a�quir� �r�r� r�mave two �xis�iir�g ho�ne�. � Ar� �xc�ptinn in the NPO O�tic�n is th�ar���IQr�g existing 132nd �v�nu� �outh �f t�a�rr�# � St�e�t. The exi�tirrg stre�t is ri��ro�+ �nd' ha� ro sidewal9c�. S�v�r�! �f �h� �xi�fing ��.. h�r��� ��va very st��p driv�w�;��o �lid�r�i�a� thi� porti�� �f 9�2r��tQ Gollecfiar s#and�rcls �' �r �dc#'sng �i���alks wcauld requsr� r�aj�r r�cc�r�stru�fion af driv��ays. Ir� som� c�s��, it � �f ci� might b� r�e��s��ry t� abat�d�n rref�ivi� acc�s�as #m exi�ting g��°age�. M�9�r retainin� i � w�IPs wo�l� be r��cessary in s�me f�cati�ns. b � GA�RDE �Tf�E�T EX`{"�i�S1C?f� - O�abe� 1�92 �'ag� 4 � �t�ordi�atiar� v�ith �2h�r Pl�r�� ' t�...o_._.� �tat� regul��icans re�uir�that c�mprehenside pl�r��b��or��din�t�d�rvo�h th�s�o�'ada�irrir�g jtari�dic�i�n�. �"h� �xi�ting Fi�gi�n�l Tr�nspar�a�9on Pl��, ths d4'ashington ��unty ' Transpartat9on �'la�n, a�,d th� u�b�� pl��ning �rea agre�m�r�ts wit6� th� Gour�ty and the ' �cty� a� ��aer�rton �II ��II f�r � �csll�tor s�r��t conn��tian b�twe�r� 135th/VV�Inut ar�� ��1��/��ard� i�t�r��i.�:so►�. �'o �ati�fy 5tat� reg�lations, Tigard r���t ei#h�r ad�pfi a pl�n c�n���t��t �rith th�5� ��P�e�� ��i���!�� ��an� or p�rsua�le tt�� o���r jur�sdi�tisns t� am�nd th�ir piar�s. VV'h�r� th� ath�r plans �eere adopt��, �t w�� �r�uf�ioned that th� �onn�ctior� �gtw�en 9N�Inut ar�d �a�rde would b� a dir�ct ext�n�idn m� (��urray ��u9av�rel. It couid b� argu�d th�t �eith��° ofi the �pt6�ans c�rr�ntly un�fer ce��id�ra�oon pr�eis�ly �omplie� v�ith thi� con�cept. Hov�ev��, fih� Fiepar� C,3�tic�r� is mor� clofiely in complianc� �h�n th� ��'(� C)��ion. Oppr�tiar�aliy, the Re�o�i �pti�n ��h�ws 16tt1� �iff�r�nc� ir�m th� previ���iy p9�nn�e� car�cep�. 9t� raute is oniy �lightly differ�nt frarn th�se ce�nsider�ci when the ��m�r�h�r�siv� pian� w�r� �d�pt�d. �uring th� Rlc��th���t �u!{ fV@aunt�ir� l°r�nsport��ion � ��u�9y, this route was selected and the dire�t-c�nne�t9on ro;���s w�r� r�j����d �r� �rd�r ta r�i�irr�ize i��pacts on exi�ting devele�pment. �ror� p��vi��s di�ct�s�imr+�w�ith ��t�n� s#�f�, it �pR�a.rs �that this optic�r� i� s�ffic�ently in conf�rmar��e w9th �xisting plans tca b� cor�sidered ir� compli�nc�. Et appea�� tl��t �d�pfion �� th� R�po�t �pti�n wc�uld r�ca� r�qu6re ame�,drn�r�t Qfi th� ather �xisting plar�s. �"h� l�P��ptior� d��fiat��furth�r fr�m tp��dir�ct-cannectiar� eon�e�t. A� prc�p�s��by ti�e �lPO, this �p�ion v�o�l� n�t comply w6�h the design s#andard� adopted in the urban planning are� a�re�ment�. If this opii�n i� s�lectc;d, it appears t6�at Ti�arc� wcauld r�eeC ta rPque�t ��rrespanding am�r�dmer�ts �e� the e�th�r �rP�n� �r�� �greeraients pr�or t�a ad�pting the p!an. 7'imi�� and �unc�ir�� �1lh�cheu�r �ptio� i� �h�s�n, it i� anticipated tl�at th� Bmpr�av�r�en�� r�69f u� mad� as develo�mer�t qf the ar�a occurs. �ach �ubdivision �v�uld cc�r�sfiruGt it� pie e of the roadway as ��rt �of the �uE�division improerements. Th� co�n#y�vid� TIF (T�a� ��np�ct F�e� �rdinance pr���ides fc�r �"I� �reciits tG devel�p�rs vuho c�nsfruct porfion� of this i r��dvuay cannecfio�. Th� �"E� �rec�it� would ap�iy to alf of the Repa�' Option r9ut�; it is not cl���which p�rtEc�ns, i��r�y, af 4he NPO Qption ro�te would quali�f�r th� �'l��ra�lit�. The� area immediat�ly adja�en� ta '�l�lnut Stree� ;s alr�ady cl�olelaped ar�d is unlik�ly �o exp�rience s�abstantial re��v�loprnent within th� n�xt 20 years. I� thia �r�a th� ��Ile�tor street improv�m�nts �rouid li�C�ly ne�d �� be c�mpl�4ed by tt�e City, Ur�der the Report C)ptiorl, T�F f�and� c�uld b� use� be �ased ta aa�rplete the �o6lec�dr street. !t is n�# cle�r �AANC�E STREET EXT�Na{C)N - CJ�tat��� 1992 �'�ge � if�'iF funds could b� us�d 4a upgra�e �xistir�� 1�2nd Av�nue 4e�coll�ct�r�t��dards �r�cl�r the �IPC� C)p3ion. �refi�in�rrg� cc�st �stim�ites indicat� �h�t th� rJ�'C? Op�e�r� v�c�uEc! b� cr��re expens6v� 4har� �h� �ep�ar� �ption to constru�. �e�a�s� �h� Al�O q�it��n wouid �r��+�rs� r�a�r� steep terrain, it wrould rec�uirc� ra�or� Qaa�hvuca�k than th� F�eport Optiane �i0idening o�f �xisting �32nd Av��nu� 3� �ofl�c#or standards w��aid r�quire �xten�iv� �ar�hw�rk, c�snstru�ti��a of ret�ining w�lls, i�ight ofi w�y acquB�ition, and r�c�nst:°�cti�n af �xi�ting d�ivew�ys. It i� e��im�ted that th� impr�v8ment� r�quirir�g Gity funding w�uld cnst �ppraxim�t�l� �1�0,000 to $��0,000 more �und�r the IVPt7 C��ti�n. . � Since constsu�tion is tied to pri�at� development af subdivis6o�n�, the �ched�l� of actu�l �nr��tri.��fon ;� �ot kr��vu�. !f n���ssary, th� �ity c�uld ev�ntu�3By eo��pl�te ar�y missi�g s�ctio�s of the r�adv�ay and re��ver the co�ts from develo��rs a� th� r�maining la�d is d�;velop�cl. � �xact �li�nrr��nts T9�� C�mpreh�nsiv� Pl�n Transpd�t�ti�n �ap d�scrib�s s�reet aligrim,ents in g�r�er�� t�rms. Pr�cise rn�d�ay afignm�r�ts �r� �asu�lly determin�d at the tim� cs� ��t�al d���l�prraer�t. �-he �r�ci�� aeigr�m�r�t i�fiypi�al6y b�s�d on m�r�d�t�iisd ��gin��ring a�d th� n��d� �f th� s�e�ifi� d�vel��rr����s th�t �r� �r�p����. Th�r�fare, tt�e prapo��d options descr�be o�ly ihe �ppraxir����� al6g�m�nt �f th� �uture � str�ets. WP��� sp�cifie d�v�ldprr��n# propr��afs ar� c�nsider�d, th�re is additional opp�rtui�ity ��r public review anc� �omm�n� �n th� ����ific alignr�n�r�#�. Und�r eith�r �pti�n, #h� p��j�ct�d f�ataa�a �raff�� v�lume� �r� �nrithir� tF�� r�r�g� as�ociat�d �I with maJc�r collectcar�#re�ts in Tigard (�,50fJ ts� 1 C1,a0Q vehi�fes per d�yr). In �ith��o�atic�r�, , it is re�ommer�d�d that m�j�r cc��le�tQr stand�rd� �hc���i� appiy. �'h� F���o� (Jptiar� ��n % �ore ea�i9y me�t th� e�li�ct�r st�nd�rci� �s id fo!lc�w� a r��te with m�r� ge�t9� grade�. '� Th� Rl�'O Option wauld traver�e �, �t�e� r��g�d area east o� �32�d an�! v+►eaul�i r�q�a�re ' �teeper grades. Existin� grad�s �n 132r�d .���n�ae �x��ed ��f9�ct�r sfre�t �t�ndart�s. '� Uiscussian Firs� r��ric�nr may s�ggest fiha�tt�� Ni't�C?ptian i� m�r� ���ir�bi� as it �as I�v�r�r pr��je�t�d �u�ture traffic ��iu�+es an th�a �Gaard� �xten�ion. Hs�vv�v��, furth�r r�vie�u sh��vs #��t �ndPr the NPt� L�ptic�n �raffic r�ill b� div�rt�c� f� �ath�r �xi�ting ��Il�ctor stre�ts su�h a� 1�1 sto 132n�d, a�d ��1I Mmunt�in 4���do Th��e exi�tir�g str��ts are already s�bstant6�lly r��vei�ped as law derr�i�y resic�sn�i�.l �re�� and ar� nat well pl�nned far high tr�ffi� v�iurr�s. W� conclude that i� is �r��f�ra�ble ta c�rry mo�e af ths fut�rs traf�ic increa�� or� th� n�v+a raad�vay wher� n�vu subdiyisions�an be appropriat�iy designec9 t��ccomrriodate the gr�e�t�r#raffic val�ame. This way,the �ncreas�d trafi�ic r�s+�ltir�� �rom r�ew�fi�v�lapment �Ai�RQ� STR�EY ��1`��JSlaN - C7�c�b�r 1992 Pag� � , , s � ' wall,ta �grea��r ext�r�t,��� r�ut��d t�tk�� r��w str��t�cr��t�d k�y n�w d���.6opm��,t� r�th�r tha� to fh� �xisting str�et�, o her�f�re, w� ff�d that th� 9��po� �ptc�n is the pr�f�ra�l� II �ption for the rau#ing �f 4raffic. ,, II 4�J� alsa �ind th�t t��e F��p�rt �ption is a b��t�r ro�ot� sn tha� i� �ill have more ar�t9� � � �r�de�, has fe�+�r impa�� t� �xistirag re�ider�i�l p�p�rt�e�, ��d �v�ids fh� n��c! �� , �e�snstr��t existing 132�d 1�vQn�ae ��uti� ofi �/aln�et. Fen�lly, �+r� fiind t�at t�� F��part C�ptis�� i� ir� c�Enpli�nce� v�ith �xi�ti�e� regi�nal �r�d i�c�� i plans. 'J4'� .�r� �c�t opiimisti�'ch�t th� �.mandrn�nts t� exisiing pf�ns��u1�i �a� �p��i��u 4a� i bri�ng �he �9P� C��tican i�to �c���aEi����. . I�e�csr���r�d�ti�r�� It i�ra��o°r�m�nded th�t th� �I�ts � �t�ady�r�a Qn th�Compr�he�nsiv� P9an T�ansport�ticara 41A�p �� r�pr���� by �h� �ep�rt..Option align��nt a� d�pict�d �n �tta�hrn�n� #2. In �ddi�iara, it i� r����n�o��,d�d ihat P��#� � b� r��is�d �o read as foii�w�: "Caaarde St�e�t ta be �xt�nd�d r��st and n�r�h firo� �21�t A��nue ta connect wi�h 0�/�I�ut�tr�et at� poin4 300 fiee�#�400��et a�s4�f S1a0ff �32r�d ��v�nu�, �ir�� driv�w�y a�c�ss �P�all b� pr�hi�itac! �9cang th� Gaar�� � Str��t��t�nsiar� an� rt��dv��y c�nne�cti�n��h�,lf b� kep#to a r�6nir�u�. Th� width of th� str��t may b� reduced belor�th� st�ndard� f�r rr�aj�r G�N��t�r �tre�ts wher� t�rn i�nes �re na# r�qui��d," � �+vine�te2 � I i CARF�E STF���T �XTC�lSII�iV - O�tob�r 19�2 P�g� 7 ' ' � — � e . -- —__._._...___._ ..._a._...�_._._..._......._ _...._.__°•��"�...._.__. � � � T � � �. � � 0 � S e � N 0 '� E S o n ° _ ����� _.�� �.�.�, r� � � �� 1 � � � � � bac � af pa � e , �a �' � � d �j � � � � o �� � ehe � sive g � � � i� � T E � .�.��.�� � �/` 1 . � � � �Q . Pl � � °�' • / � ..�...r.,a.�__sr , � � ' G.� � ���►s� ��: � Tran. s � orta � � o � � � � �x�� � � .r ^� � � � �' � � ` �� �1 a p � OTA , \ � \ \ , 1 � � � \ \ F1 � llr2 � ( ' �acE ore �a �� �a a — .---� . � � E � � � � F� � E � f� � �' � P� ' \ �,`� � p� 5 � ; ��� � . . ��"y � �. e .,,�,�.,�,�v \ � \ - T J..+Sf, \ \ � � g S 1 � F a 1 1 a � a �\ COT � I {� 0 �' _ \ \\ .�- ��K �T���.w� �T � ¢ \\� � � � c� T 1� r e a � <N ��f � ! s,, � ,�� � y � � � 3 a �S�= �/ � ¢ uc� � Area � � � � � � s�w ,�.�`� ` ST �� ��'- r � / � � , � � O � E � a � � E � 6�-� � A � � eria � --�-- a.. _ I . Q 3 0 � ��- sT � �� . .� _ _ m ,�� �.�..�. _ .�.� � � y� i� a o r k �,.�� Q p� �� , � ���..��� C D � � � C �, 0 T � car�T�av � \, V ��' i�?�.�.--�'"' � � gA ` . 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'�� �N a / • �. � � � � S.�. �' 132nd�-. � . �j'� S�t O:�IJt �0 1�.V�.� � �"°"✓ °e AV�. �'�, '����� •.� �. . �.W. i33rd �,ve. i S�N. i3�th Ave. � �� ..--._... - -....�.-�.....�--"° a�� � � • � `�l y . � �,_.... ' a� � ,� _ a �, aY •� �' ��, '�-�.. � � --_....__._,-..._-_.--.. , sn �S'yr,, � ��� �..- � S.V1i. !4lsfi Ave. ,r � !--' F�a Y �, � �/ �ch��/ ''�....� '� � I�'xOJeCteCl t��SG a.u�.i�er NPC) ��3�a0�2 -�- °� �•'. � � c�n�.p�ec��Q R�epoxt �7p�.on. . � ,�. � ��''�'' �--'' . . /'� � �I�}��r�b����v �.a0°la grxd�.ca� � � �a � `� 1C�8�• -''�"'� . �hat I�'� �p�ic�����.d&��.�r� � l�s�tra.�ic th�n Re�aort Q�tion. �a�nr�s� L�. � �°� . „����� �I�b�ers a�r�r 7.C10�lo intlicate I' . tha�IJP� (3pt�or�w�v1d hav� xno�e�r��c th�a R�pa�t�p�.oa�. ---�-N--� i�.�L J�.�d6.LilibJ� .d.,V f � °T1��FYC ��J+�A�.IS�I\T . � , < !� �, �, a C� I� � � � � � �,�������� C�3�'t�'I''�, f�OV 1 2 199� �����N �I�°Y OF TI��iRC� � 6�ovember 10, 1992 Rarad�e �l001 ey, C�ty Et�g i neer C1$� 0� �1�a1"f� 1�125 SW N�11 �?vd. Tigard, JR 97223 �i Dear Randy: • 7h�nk you for the opp��^tu�i�y to camment ��n th� propos�d amend��nt �o Tigat^�°s Cornp�ehensive P�an TranspQr•tati�n Map. Per yo�ar re�uest, va� �ra�� focusb� �ur c�mr�e�ts on the Gaa�°de Road exter�sic�n and the consis�ency issu�s r�la�iv� �o the Wash�ngt�n Caunty T�anspnr�ation Plar� �nd �he Ur�an P��anning Area Agr�em�r�t betwe�n 7�gat�d and the County. Our c�mm�r�t� fa�1��ro II i Co�sist�ncy vaiti� the ldashin�gt�n C�t�n�y Tran_ s.�o��a�io�� Pl�n II The Gaarde S�reet ext�r�s�on is � propased c�l�ector c�� th� C�unt�r's I'� Transpnrtat��n P��no 7he City �r�d Co�n�y plans �r� consis�tent witta �eg�rd to functi�n�l C��SS'��1C��10l1S. The �aard� Street �xt�nsior� is no� in�.luci�d �� part o� the Countyavid� R�ac� System and th�r�fore �s not a road that th� Coun�y expec�s to ha�� �juri�d-��tiGn ove�, 0� �he b��is o� function�3 �las�i��cation and �f�� Gountywide Roac� 5ystem, bot� the R�por� Uptian ar�� th� [�P� Op�tion �€o�.�ld a�ip�ar cor�sistent with th� Washingtor� Cour�ty Tr�anspartatiora Plan. H�w�ver, the Repc�rt (�pt�on ��u�� app�ar to �� snor� cr�r�s�s�ent wi th the Tr�nspo�tat i on Pi an. Ir� partic�lar, the Report Optinn is more �onsistent with palicy 2.0 �vhich se�k� -��n gr�atesi: �ff�ici�ncy af mdvemen�; p4ssible for Wa�h�ngtori Courty resid�nts and busirsesses� i� �err�s �� trave� time a�� distance. r ConsisLencv w�th the llrL�an Planrair�q Ar�a Aqreement b�tw��n �igard �nd ��€� CountY The f�ortheast Bull Mou�nt�irr Yr�nspor�ati�n 5tu�iy indicated that �ven w�th construc�ion of th� Wester� �ypass and th� ext�nsian of �e�� Eend Raad s��th �� � S�x Corners, �there �iai be � dem�n� for sar�� non-loc�l t��ps �hrough the � No�i:h�ast �u'll Mau►�tain �rea t�e�ween south 1'�garr� and t�e sau�;h �eaver°t�on as^�a. � While the Gaarde Street Ex�ension raili primarily s�rve local trips, it's � impc�rt�n� that th� str��t bc d�s�g��d tn se�ye smme non-loc�l �v�affie, t�s .� na�ed in t��e Urban P��n�ia�g Rrea Ag��em�nt4 t�ae design sp��d for th� G�arde oa ex�ension shall be �5 miles per hour a�d �access shali be limit�d. I� wou�d � • appear tha� a Rroject com�at�ble �aith t�re Rep�rt Jption c�uld be dev�loped .� con�istent with this design standard. Departrrient ot Land Use ar�d'Transportatior�, Pfanning Di��ision Phane: 503/640�3519 155 North Firsi�lvenue NlHsboru,�ragon 97124 FAX# 5��/683-44i 2 �' Ar x � R�nciy WOOI ey Novemb�r 10, 1992 P�ge 2 , Wi�h regard t� �h� NPq Op�ioo�, as noted in the Northeast �ull �9oua�t�ir� I�I Trans�artati�n Stud,� and in t�� ��aff R�p�rt for the Gaarde Extens��r�, �32r�d Av��+u� near Wal nut Str�e�t �s ar� �xi sti ng s narraw �treet wi th r�o si de�rai ks, and ��a^y steep dwiaeway accesses t� e�ist�ng ho��s on both sides of tf�e s�reet. �, The �tree� is c�i���r���+ r;mt im�rQVed �o coll�c�or street standard�, I Improvements tw �th�s str��t consis�ent wi�h the d�se�� pr�vis3��s in� the Urban � ! Plannryng Area Agreemerit would have r�ajov� impacts �r� the exis�ir, humes �nd , ;, ac�ess�s. �'he�^efare, ?32nd A��nue w�uld n�t app�av� suitabl� for a collectm� ', I road�►ay. �ddi�iona�l,�y the NPO Opt��r� wa��d tr�v�rse a steep rugge�i are� �as� I �f �32t�d �nd would �ec�uir� ra,th�r° st�e� gr�d�s. 3'�us, i� s�em� infeasi�le that I a proj�c�� co�npatible va�th the NPO Opti�n �a�u�d be d�signed and built that t�o�ld I be c��si���nt ►vith the acc�s� 1i�ni�ation and the �5 mile g��r ho�� c#��ig� ��, ' standars9 contained in the Urba�n Plannis�g Area Agreemer�t. � j CQ�clusion I� �� cQnce.�v� w�th Ti gard staff tha.t i t i s �Sr�f�rabl� ;� cara^y more �f th� fui:ur� I', Northeas�, Buil Ma�n�ta�n Area tr�,f�ic or� a npw ro�d a�h��r� new subdivisi��s ��d �ccess points �ar� b� appr�priately des��ned to a�;c�arr�madate �he �ra�'f3� �al��e�. W� s�c�p�rt st�aff°s recor��eEr,����ion to �c3cs�a� the Report Op$ic�n �1 i�nr�ent a We v���ues� tha� yt�u keep us in•�orme� ��' an,�� n��i alt�rna��ves a�ed any Cit�+ af Ti�d�`CJ ��C15'iOBiS regarding �h�s is�u�. Ag�an, �Ghank you ��r� the r�pp�r�ur�it� to commQn�t� Sj.s�t~el,y, • �,, ..-� •.��� r � �urtis P nnin� �lanager . � �aarde � , � DEC—�4—i� 14�40 F ERC �1 t�h'�t�!?' 7Q ��� � P�2J� I�'I r .• i � ( � I I � ������1 e� I �I ��uab�e' �, 19� '� ' 1, �vi��g a���d to�rd�r 'I:OS p�m. I', 2. F�res�r�t: BisFi�pT �r�o�d�, ��rr��, �T�ns�, �3fe1�, Iviot��, �°��r , I 3. R�i.z��.s ftt��a I��ve��°a�, 1.� �� ���d as ruriittes�. I I 40 �1eI &3usir��s.,a - A r�gart f�o�n �hief Ros� 4s�d��r �c-g�ax{zc�� th�tr�.fff'ic �ourit�� t��i� �t. � r��d as re�iw�d ax�i r�ri�ed by �ll. �.�anb�. S. ��e� �f uc�4i�es recexv�i -�� 3'�x�ue�t f�8 � app� ��'�he p]l,a�� �xnt f�cr�a� I��t n' �'�aa� t� b�bui�x�t th��s� af���w��y ��b'�..�d �r�C S� ��,s b� �ccc�srcgc�, �� t�� a�l fee s��v�cl. � h�ari�� b��OOx� the �l�aaa�in� �c��issac�� �� a te���zo�ely �� fcx�°J�u�ry 4, 199�. 6. �3tkt���3tts�t�� � T�'c�� vva� a�aad� ihat UaC �Y�a�d Triau�� cBeror�op�t �� h� � � �.�. `I'he xi�a�+' C��za��anirf �t�zat�rrci� a.a�n� r�u�e �as t� s�t ta� �xe C��+j � C��nci�. �e l�� �3 �djoux��d �rd joir�ci �t� �'� �r � i��te c�f�sai�l�t�#. 7€��� 1���� �wi� l�'l'3,�7 . 1. �dy �'c�l�y, �a� �g,iri�r, pz+e�4ed 'a�f�rr���i�r� rr�ang tJ�� �v+� a�t��� p��s�i� f�r tt�� �xtea�es�.ari ����ra�� �t. �w�'��n��: in t��ua�'+rai�jr c�f C,�1. �32 �a.��. Th� t�s� w�si�ns �� r�frr.�d t� �s �°�`h� R�art", �.�rn ���i� ��'`Fa��� �d �h� "�" vers�o� cz�at�i by ��? �3: 2. ��r�+�d slides w� s�o� �nd d'a��ss�d d��� th������ �#.� ��t�e� a�d�dT�da�an�g� of ez�in. 1�I�ach discus�i�n �m�� �en��rs �f both �'s�s� inter�t.�d r�ei�hbvrs e�sU�H. �o�ar ch�ic.�s �rez-� off� t�a v�� �� a�nd �� b�edc�waA is as ���s�svs: A� #"'3 ]� Pl�.n 1 `����� (� �Ieitk�er Pi�r� S �h�vs tQ cha� �vk�t y�ll�r�se � �� � ' 1'he i�.epant U Abs�eutiart � P �C-04�1592 i�i�40 FF3iJNi ERC P�1 h�PTt'NT 1'0 9��4?297 P.�3.'0� � , w N�'C� �' � Y�. � � �ae r� � N�atlhea° P� � r I�l�e 4� ��tt� �larss� 1�t1]Pl�n � � 1"�R.�� 0 . ����� ����an • 3 � 1 I�ei�r �'la�. I3 T�l�a��t,� �c#aaos� pl�so > ��'1� X 1 � � 3 7Cc�d ��� 5 '���� Z ��i� P1a�a 2� If h�.�b�a ch�� ����: T�C� �1�an �� '�`�a���r� � 3. rly �� ° � �v�y��,� ��ll �h� '�+c� � �s ���s�. L�►t��s� n�ig�b� ��x�at��d �gs �f�k'��� ���s�i�ip�� �ad 4kie �itg� �a.i��. w 4. ��rr��.n �e����aa� �.t�l kr�. s:���ass�a�cis t1�t af�.�i� �►i�� t�► �s�#'jr ��� �us4 - be en�s� at �e lPlac�ni� �r���a. ��acy�� �c�t testi� �t �h� �lasaaai� �mmissian ti� c,a�� t�s� ���r� t�� �it� . � � �, 5. �f�n� s�j�ur�t�d �t 9:�5 �s.xraa I t� � '� � � �.�.�fatlly �b�tt�, � � � � � ���.�� - --- -_,•_ � _ ; , _ . _ ��t-� 9 I� i � (� ' � � �a�uary 4, 1`�93 � � 9 , '1'c�; � Ti,�ard City k'1.�,rini�z� C�rnin�ssion Regarci�,n�: Coanprehen�iv� Plan �nrnendmer�t �I�� 92°000� and th�: x�caar�me�datio� that a�t�achmc�n�t �f2 Repor�t (}g��ic�n (F�epart Nof�� �2 �tudy k�ea)bo adcptedm I am I�irSa Rosemary �hrauger9 and I live at 13�30 �b�. T�a,l:nut ��trea�, T�.gartt, . Tf this recommen.dation is adoptec�, I under�tand tha� i�t will take r�y hozris, 4�hether t.his happer�s ne�ct, year, or .�'�iv� years or ter� years .�rom nqi�, it�wil3 ef"fectively n�a,ke i•t �lmost i�npossible �o �ell �1�- proparty. I wnuld fec�1 morally ol�li�atad to �nsorin any pnt�iltial. bu��x �rhat the futv�°e holds fox this prope�ty.a:nQ �th�t v,�c�uld , GF��ativ�ly Iti11 any sales. 7 �,lso do nat be].ie�e that �h� �nver-ninent wotial.d �ay me w'nat Z woul_d have 'to hav� �o buy an�thin� else o.f ec�ual valu�s �ince. 1. h�.ve �. kenz�R1, relocation passibilities would be strictly �ipLi.ted. There has been vaaant 1�nci next doar for a11. the years rae have 1i.u�d 17ere. Y�iy �s this larid not considered for this roa,d prcaject? �1ow �.�, has been sold and ih�re wi�1. be �three new houses built a larn .� t� underst�d �hat these ne�,rcomers wi11 �81�0�' t�121I` new homes while the hame i.n which I }lave live� for ovsr thi.rty �ears wi1.�, evsntual�y be taken a�-r�,y from me by �the �overruner�t in orczzr to build th.iu roacl th,at no one iz� t�his ar�a waizts? Z lznd�r�s�,and thex�e is atil�. vacan•t ?�nd �,ha.�t coutd Ue used �'or tYza,.s ro�d projec�t sa why not aa i� ratrier than disrupt ¢h� 1ive� o� people w7to r���� ���ea in this area fox so lon� iay t.aka.ng away' 'Lh�1..T' hor��� or par^tions of their pr����r�y° I also s�,rong7,.y suggest i;ha� when peopl�FS hotties and py°opert;� are be�ng seriously jeopardized by your p�.�n� �ha�t thpse people be inf'orrn�d directly of an,� me�tings t;o i be held to disctiss this i:�att�r0 11oti�es in tlle Tzgarcl paper arE t�roxthles� to those o�' us who cio not take this newspapex. The city news�.�tter merely sta'tes if a meeting is to be hHla but does no�t give tne a�encla. I undc;r�tand that zny n�ighY�or made several phone calls tr;jin� to deteriuiz�� the agenda for i�onight'� rneeting a.nd had some r�iflicul.ty getting this iniorm�,tior�a Si•ric� Jour �lecision �nay de�ernu.ne whether i i,,y nei�hnor �;.n:l .I n;.ay have to s�.cra�'ice our hamss for �,rour roaa projsct,, �we fe�l w�; i ehnu`Ld have bs�n informe�. direc'tly by mai:], about toniGht d� meeting, and that th� ro�tl , pr�jec�, was on the agPnda, I onlj� fUUnci ou�t; thie morning when someone call.ed me. 'I I wish t,o go on recora as �.�,bso1.-.zt,ea,.y opposcd to the plan for this r��dd t�ro�ect that !i coul.a ta�ce my home. � J ! GIt���.'�'ZZz/}�'��i(���� / �jt_" , I � Nix�s o Rc�semary Shz•au��r ��"'c�'��J����� - , � 14ir. Harald Ha 5hraugex . � �.303G S.Id. Z�la.lnut ��reet � Tigarci, Oreg�zi 97.?2,� � � � W .� � I � • A�ENDA ITEM 5.3 I NLEP�LOI3.A%1DT.TA�I I �I'�.'Y O�' TIGARD, �E��f,��T ' I . �' T�. P].anning Coxnmissian F'RONi� Dick B�wer�dorff �i Li�'�'L, �eCe?t�k�ev' ��, 1992 SUB��CT: 12'�T �tc�rag� in Front 5iard� A.t its Noveanb�r .1�, 1�92 �,ra�rk s�ssic�n, �.he Cit�r C�uncil dir�c��d staff to grepar� �rdinan�e xevi5ic��.s t�a th� �ront y�rc1 storage �i r��rxiremen.t� fca�• rec�r���ional a.nd o�k�er sianila� �re�i�l�:s. The I, revisi.or�s were t� be reviewed at �ub�ic h�ar�ng� B��r the C�.ty I Planra.i��g Cam�niss�.on and Ci�:y C�uncil. The City Co�ancil propo��d tha�t recx���ional v�hicl�s, t��il�rs, bo��s, ���. b� all.c�wed to �i� sta��d irn �ront yard� if s �, a 7�p°��y d� r�o� iaZter���e w�th visua.l cl.earance ���as; , b I c� 3°Ya.�y are nc�� u��d �c�r lr�ng term or peran�ra�r�t7Ly �ox I� sl�e�i�g pu�psas�s; '� o Th�y ar� liaensec� and r��ain in m��,ile condi�.ian; I�' In �.�di�iors, s.t �wa� s�.zggest�d that f:h�re be a ��n��altanea�ta.s �pvi.�v� I�i nf a Po]_ic� Dega�ti[�.ent propos�l 'to 1zYttit garking of such. units or � v�hicl�s cav���ight c�n Ci�y ��r�e�s, Cha.ef Good��st�r has india�te� '�, �ne reviser� o�c�inan�� for p�.rking �dds recreatao�n vehi�l�s, eta. �tc� ' �.�.� list of v�h.icl�s �°���.ri�ted frai� stor�g� can s�re�ts. 'I'he I I �ar}cing Qrdiz��.nce �a�°g�ts long teran storagi� c�r� str€�e�.s o WYai.1� the li existing ordin�nce �ists time �rames for p�rkir�g, the CkZie� I �ndiaates that ac�izal. e�forcenien� proces� take� �re�m fiv� ta �eveza �i day�s o �'hYS pravides �im� �nr thos� who p�x�lc �.�ail�r�, �am��x�s, e�c e s�n �h� �tr��� e��re�°i�ig�it �a�r ].�adinc� �a�xr�s���s ��as��,c��. tim� �d � ��mply. Tahil� yc�u ar� not req�ir.ed �o �olc� a ���.��.nr� �n th� police I p�°oposal, it 3� �.a��Ieades� �o� your perusal an� g�cnnume�da��.ar�s. Tncluded i.� -�his pa::ket is � p�o�s�s�d c��dinanc� �,r�.�ka �raf� �r��ding I aimed at accomgiish�.nc� �rh�t thg C��y Go��c�_3. ��zgg�steds Aaso included �or �our :in�arzn��ic�n �re memos dat�� d��u�u�t 2'7, 3�93� and , Novembe.r 10, 1992 �o px�e�,ic�� acic�itaQnal b�ckqrounc� infarmation. T�err� �r� aZ�o �w� d�agra�ns indiaa�tinc� visual �1�arance �reas a� street c�a�ners and at cir:iveways e �t�x�E's r.�a�mme�.datian contin�z�s to b� �a rPpe�1 th� existir�g coc��: provisioi�s �entir�ly. �- . .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . I • , III I �xx��a� o���� I ��s�C�s V�37 a7l.��C��� �� i�.�r88� ���� . A. B�at�d ���i�.�rs, �a��ng��r�, c����� },e�d3.es� k�o�a�e tra3�.e�a, r�c��atiar� v��.�.���� ix� exce�� of 3f4 tAra �apaci.�y [sh��.l xaot, �nav b� ��or�d ix� a re��ai�ed g�c�nt ��t�acls in �a ���fd�nti��. �ox�e �����t to tk�� �o17.awrix�g: ,� I�n suck� �an�� ��,��.3 Da� �� ,��, �a vi� ��. I r�e��anc� �r�� �� � c�,x���,� 1�t cs�° in tkae I �s�al c�.e�ranc� ar�� �� � ��ivew9a� h�, f��i wo�,�1� abs��uct vas�c�n ��s�a� �r� ar�����nt d�°ive*,a�y �r ��reet. I, i � Nd �r�cka u.r.�� _�� b� ����. a��° cl�re��.incx p��pa��� ����,�t ��� }�.� c��'� �.�us� t��i.l�� I �, r��xe .�t,�o�a� �a�h���.e may�.,�� us�e�„ ��r sle�.�,.��r�.�x ��a��c�s�� �r�I� b�r�i��nd�, ���ati�r��, � ���� �ca � � ].�rac� ��a�i.����. s�Lt���, �� �r � �.ea�ee� �o �h,� k�m�� ���aeara ��� ,���r�od �ot,�ca e�c���d 1.� �.ay� a.n o�� �a1.��ad� ..��r. �r��ride �Ynat �u�.�..,�.��� n��3�� ��nnec��el t� ��►v �tili��, ��„�iear tk��r� �e�at�ox°��}� �l�ctx�.�i� �.00ku,�� �r�r1 p���rided tha� �h� hsas�. ,�ex��a�a� � ���.�� n� �cam�����.� go� � a��c�„����r px' us�. 3 � �� �u.ch un,�.t ��rl�.ed ir� the �,�ca�t v�r� ���.1 �xav� c�ur��nt s�.at� l�.c�ns� �S�.a��� c�� � ��-�r��i,ar� �nc� mu�t k�e k�,�at_ .�r� �bf.�e con�,i.ti��� � � � � � � � � � � , 4� � � • , -,� , � s� 10�... �p � .-_....«n ([ ! �, ��.�3Ar� JY � �1e�r 'Visioas ,A�es� f�x� Ge��a�,�� ���s � �d �riv�a� 2� �e�t ess° Masx��. �,� �A��la � . ' � � � 1 � W � � I � i � � ' bA II 1 � k � • 7 . � � � � ������ L�T . . }„ 6H I i I I ! �i 3�, . . I � � ' � �—°°30'--s� R t�x H T°Cl'f —1/VAY i � � � � —� � __..,_".a.�,.� ) 1 f I � � , � ' a b' I . ... �''].�Z'e � � �z1 �leax� i��.�i.c�n l�re.�. Dr�.v�Ys ���s Q , �ha� 2�4 �°��� in Vdid�� �--�LQ3C's. S&e6ilCl( I.1:�3E '(� as�o9 2' F�311liLY ��SIE9Etd�E�) � � � W ,�w W � � ' . F/`8 ��' . . � 1 � @ � a�QYi � � . . � 0 PRl,/AT� A.CCESS � 1 �0' ; I � ' � ���--� 4 �. � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � L9� ' ' r � � 1 � • . � I ; 173 r � . � r � d �YTY ()F �%GAR.�, �FE�2a4id O�dDI�1(�CE �Oa 92-�_,�, �lii Q��IIQANCE I�1�1�TIJC; 2'I3E '�'I��13 ���Ik�'3� �CBY9� �7� U���."��Y3C� �E�'�PX�'��C�I�t�; ����r�� ��c�aor� io.��e��a o s��������� ��oxgs���� ������, � ��-����� � ���.x� �� a��� �a�gc�� ox ��r��� s����s �It�.�, �h� ���c�on 'i�'eha.��.e Cc��� has ��x� �exa�Yaer��i„ �nd ���t��n ��x�es r�-�i��ine�l; �a�.si P�IE&��, th� Ci�.y ��un�a.1. ��.nd� af��ns�.�r� aci���t.���ng �� �a�.�s a�f ��rc�ansiise frma� �+r��.i��.e� p�.rl�r�ci ean �a�lbls.c st,��e��y axacl ��� �.�►� ���gr �oun.ci�. fine�� t�at z�e�int��a�xa�ce o� ���sr�g� �f v�h�.��.e� �an ��l.ic s�re��� �.� of��n��.�� �nd aan cr���.� a t�a�fa.c ��z��sl; a��. �R�, �1�e ��.�y C�unc3,]. ��.nd� th�� ��a� pa�lk�.n�g o� �.rai��r�, ��g�r�,� �,c��a�� ho�e� an� ath�r si�rni.].�.� �r�1�i.�.�.�� �n pa�gi� ��;.�ee�� s�� p���.� p�r����* c�xa creatc� a ����fic Yua�ar�l �.and crl��t�c��c�x�s �.r�.d. i��a fi1i� `�.�c�ar�d 2b�.ni�i.pa� ���i� max�� �e��.��t al.�. c�� t�a� abra�r� �chax�g��s xne+�r, t��r��r���� °Z�� ��TY' fJla °1"�C�R.� ORI2l3.�CNS � FOI,T,C,1�+Ta s �EC�7C�b� �.< ���ta.�� �.0 e��.0�0 ea:E �tYn� ��.s����i �i�a�.��.g���.. �cade �.� �m�mded �cc� �eas� �� fa�1.3.�w�m 1�,2�3.0�1� �3��a.�.�..�ie���. (aj "P�}��.a�q�oa s�r °°p�''�:k��B7 �o� pu�s�� of t�.� G�.�� na�t�� �r�h��le c�acie, a�.�ans �h� ���appi.ra� �� s��nt�ixa� ca� a�n�r �r��.�cl.� �x�n �.r�.y �tr��� ea� 3����w�� c�-.i.t�.n. ��� �.i•��P e�cc�p� fc�� t�� p���o�� o� ��d �Y�.x.�� a�tu�l�.� �x�,�a��d 3.a� �o�c��.axg or ��lo�din:g par�s�xage�s �x �res.g�t, �r s.n � abed3.�ra�e to tr��f�.� re�a�.�.t�.ans r�� tra���.c sign� a�r �ag�al�. (�) I� �.s nxral�r�r�u7L fc�� �.�� �.��s��a �,c� �aasc9c or stop ara� �r�h�c�� �n� �. �.c�nc�e� �+��iad af tiaue ��aax� ����t �esic�xa�t�d I �ry �f��.�i�.l. signs� �S�x�Ci.ng x������, �r �tY��� ���C�ngs I � pla��ed b�r or unc3�r �u�hc,�it�r of t�.e ca���r� "Parka.n� ti�e � �.iz��.t" includes the ��.y�g��ga.�� aft t�� cf all ��cagg�i.r�� a�- � s�a�acl�.�ag �f tha� s�� v�hi��.� s��a �ln� ��n� �ad�e ¢�f tk�� � s�r�e� uv��l�ain �. �p��� caf t�ree k�unc�rec� 1i�e�R ���t m����.��d along �h� cur��lin�� a.nc� be�.���n �.n�t�x�����.a��; � �nc� th� g�ark?ng, �tandiizg e�� �v�gg�.ng e�f ar�y vel�:i.��.e � with�n ��.ch e�par_se sha�.l ne�t �z�c�ed �.he des3.gn.a��d ti.me � l..�ni.t du�3.n� axxy three-hc��r �e�iad m -� (c) Fcar. pu��os�s of tha.s chap��r, �.h� aie���a.�ions o� tl�.� f�llowing te�nns a� us��i lh�rei�x sh��.1 conform �tr� �1,.� f�1.lowing �RS s�cf.iana �,ahich �y are�er�xic� hc�r�i.n are mxaci� a g�.rt of this cha��.erm C�RT}III�3C� No. 9��- Page �. . � s r , (1� C�napex" is ciefir�ed as ��t or��i �n O� Se�it.��aa , P 801.18�. (2) "I�s ghwagr" a� "��r��.�" �.� d�f3.ned a� s�t f�s�h .�.n O� S�ct3.�n 84D 1.?605 a (3) "Mc��ile honae" is defi.ned �as s�� �o��:Fa in O�tS 801,340e (�j "Motor �a��" a.s de�ix��d as a Com��rcial Bus �� set , g�rth gr� �it� �C1].<�00. i (5) "�o�oac I�ca�rn��" �� d��s.nec]. a� s�ic �a��in i�a d3i� ���:�.��s '� � ��7L,350. ' ' (6) "1►ioto� t�xck" �� d�£a:n�d as s�� fc���h ia�. ORS �����.on f'Y �o�..���J� � �7� "R��acea�3.or���. V�hi.�l.e" ,LS cl��irn�r3 �� ��t �c���� ,axn ORS 446.003. (�j "T'�aa.le�" �s d�fir�ed �.� �et ����a �a� ��S S��t�.on� �01.560. . (9� "'.�ra`reI �ras.ler°° �s defiaa�d �s set for�h �.xa O� �0].e565. t 1Q) "T�ac}c �raetur" �s ct�fin�d a� ��t :���th s.� �RS � �e��.�ox� £301 m 5��. S��T�JN 2 a �����.on �.�.28»02Q �f ��xe �s.ga��t Y�I�3cip�� �ad�; ��ecifyi�ng �u��c�s�s �rar zah�.�h �a�king z� �aroh�it�da is �a�r�eby rep�a�.�ci. SEC'��(JN 3 s �h.����r 1.0.��3 3.� amend�d ��r �d�i�ng S��c��can 10 e 2�.�� �a ����i �s £c��1.oa�s� "5���3.ean 1�.��.(l�2 Pu�a�ses �r�� �r�s�h �ar�C�_ng i� ���hib.a.t�d. �Tr� ����c�r� sYa���. ���3� a �ve�a�.�a� c�� ��Z� �igh�t-og--��y rr� �n�r Pai�hw��, ar �a�on ��n� p�xlb�.�.c �tr��� ca� �u1�13.� ��.y° �s��t�.�.a� 'y ��e c��ty ].3m�,t� �r�r an�r �f tra� fo1.lo�ing p�a�pose�: (�.) A,��re��.g.�inr�,, �ell�.ng or o�'�erixac� �ne�chas�da.s� fcr� �a1e; (�) 3�7as��n�g, 9�'�a��.ax� �r �epaa�r�.aae� s�.c�. �r��.icl.e ��cep� �.s �a� be aa�c�s��t�t�d by e�.�r�r�a�c�►; (3� �tra��c��, f�r �xay g�r�.oci o£ Bnca�e tha�a t�a�n��°�-f��ax �iours� excep� t��.t t�.is �ubsect�saa� sha.��L be su�a��t �� th� �i.x�i.t� ��.se�a�.er� pre�c�9.beci �.� �.�ae ci�t,y s���c�r veza.�.��� �QCi� or �s an�y b� �r�scx��d b� ��ie O��s�an �t��e �io�c�r �Tehi.c�.e ��d�s Yt ��aa11 �ons�itute �ar�� ��ai� eva��i�xa�� of �to�r��� a� a ��hi�.ke i� ��a� ��e 5.� �.c�t mow�3 �c�r a periad �f tr�enty-fo�a� (��� hAUr�. �h� con�.in.�aity of t�� � ti.na� ��n�11 r�r�L- b� ci�emed bx�a��n �a� auovemen� a�� th� � v�hi.�].� e�sewhere on �2ne b1oc� unle�� �h� xno���nt � ��ov�� the vehicl� f�+�� th� b1.c�c�C �alner� i� ��s lo�c�.t�d � �cfc�rc� i� a.s re�uxn�d. l�z�.y �e�i:i�l.e men�io�eci �.zx �lxi.s J �ubseGtiorx parl:ed an the �i.gYz�:--of��say af any highcti�a�r, oz� �pp upon any gsubla.c stxee� or pub3.ic way �r�.�hin th� �.i��r ir� � �r�.a�.atios� o� ��ais s�b�ection may b� ��rea��d �� ax� � abax�.d�r��d �.re4�i�,le �nd �fie gro�i.siQns of �h�pte�: '7.60 shall apgl�o " t7RDTNADTCE No. 9 i- Page 2 � ' � � � SE�TT�� �; ���t��� 1�.2�ed30 �� ��nded to x a� �� �nl].ow�: � Sec�s.�x� 10.���.030 �rea�k9 �rai1+��. b��o �a.�n��. �ne��o� hea��, r��rr�at�onal �r�l�.icl�9 and ��� �es�ricta�o��. i�� p�a�s��a ��h�l�. �� an� fi�� ��,�ar� o� ���v� s��a�c�.�rag � �i�us� tr�il��d �cot�r bus, at�o��x ��.xc�, tr�c�:o� tr��.�.�r, t�ar..�k tr�c�or, �at�� lnorae�, �atB v�h�.c�e �i.itlh. ��aca�O�r, ��c��atic�xa�l v�4xi��.e, mr trai?�e�, as d�f�n�d .�n ��ct�+�aY ��D m�8.��.d� (c) , w�e��er a�tea�dec� raac �:���.-������, ��a �ra;� �p:cov��d �SU�S.�c h�.glaw�Yr, pub�.i� street ox �sth�x p�lic w�� �•rit��� �k�� ��.ty ]..i.z��.t�, �c�� � p�riad �r��ter �h�n thi.�°�y (3Q) a�i�.u�.��, hh���r�en �he Ynou�s �� c�n� �ir�ute pa�� �w���r� �r an. ��c� ���x �.�n T�ac�c�r ��a�l��e, ���.�k ���i7�r. I�o �r�o� �ha�l.l a� aa�� t�� park � �ra�tor t�ea�.le� a� �x°�ck ���gle� as d���r�aed ia� Sec�tic�n 1.�0 28�O10��� �a�����nc3ed or� �n� �I ixup���ar� ���,�.� hig�i�r��s pa�liic ��r��t o� ���.�� I �na�Z�.ic w�.y �zith�.n th� city �.a.ina.ts e I �E��I�� �: ��.a.� ��cii����e �h�.�.�. b� �:���ct��e 36B c���•� �.�t�� �.t� j p�s�ag� b�s th� �a�ncil, ���a�c�va� �� �l�„� �y�x, �a� ���eei I - b�r t�a� ��.�� ���ord.��, �����m �c�r v�te� �of a�.� ���r����. mexezb�r� g�r���aat �f���. b���� �+�ac3. b� nu��r �nri tit�.� a��n1y,, �h�.s �.�� cr f , �.9 9 2 a � C����r��e �e��.l��r� ��t� �e�o�ai�r 1�P�tfl�D: x&�is � ria� e�f. --------- -- - - g 19�2 e �e��.I.ei FL. �r�.�raxc��, ��ox� �ippr�v�d as ta� ��a���s � ��.��r A�to�ai�y� � �, � H � __�__.p__ � �at� - - � � � w � ��zrra�rr�� r�o o s2- P�ge 3 . � , 1MYENiORAATDLTA� �I'I'X �I+' `�'IGAFiD, ARE(sOI� T�: �1��=ca� arnd �i�y Council �'RCSI�: P�triak Ft�i7.].y l�.A�,'E o I�o�remk7er 10 a 199�� �r S�J�JECT: RV l�arkinc� �s�orv I� �'�aly, ��91� s�orage saf r�cr���.ional �rehic�.es, trai�.er�, caa�.per� and b��t� in �ron� ya�c�� 3�e��.�n� an i���xe du� t� � �.�amb�r af c�n�p�a�.nt�o Rft�r �tudys.ng �kx� a.s�ue and me�ting wi�d� �11 I3&�O'�, 1dP� 5 �.ni�iat�� �. r�quest �o del�te th� �a�a�.�.bi��.ion of fr�azt ����1 s�orage �r�a� the dev�a�.a����t ��c��. � �umm�ry a� t�ie re�ta��s of th� NPC� meetin�� as pr�via�sd in t�ae a���chr�c� �'u�.�r 17, 1���. me�no �rom Li� iYewton, In Dea�Ynb�>�, 19�g �;lae �1�r�ni�g Comxaission ��co��nded una.nixtt�u�3.y a�ain�t re�ea� af ccac�e sec�ion �.8 q 96 e�OC;O .�10 wk�.ick�. p�ahibi�� ths star�ge of suah v��iici�� and unit�s i.z� �Tn� �ec�ui�ed �'��rxi. ya�°� setback:. In F�b�uary, ].��2 p the Ci�gr Coua��a.l 2�.�1d �, publi� h�aring on the �r�pcas�d repsa3. and a�.s� v���d �znaniz�c�u�l� a��in�t �ep�a�.�n� the aode ��ctio�a. T�ti�autc�� o� the Dec�mb�� 2 v 1931 �l�r�aaing �o�nma.ssi.can m�et�.n� anc� �:h� Febxua�y 7�1, �.9�2 City C�un�c�.�. m�e��.n� are also ��tac�ecl. Tn l�t� �"�x��, 199�, Co�nci�.�r Jahn �chwar�z ant� �i�k ����r�do��� met wi•�h �i�k P�rl�ins ��� � 1r�c�al. ���r�s�n�a�ive ��' t�h� �ra�d 5am Clu� (� r��tiQnal RV r��ner.� �lrz3�) as a ��5u1� �� a ��qu��� to tlae Counczl e Aftex� t�at mae�inc�, s���f pr��a��d a s�mmaary �,� wh�t o�.her �i�3e� across the cc�ur�try da tra r�gula�e RtT's �.�cl ot�a�r � sima.lar ur�its� Th�.s wa� re�ri�wed b� th� �o�ar�ci�. nn �ctnb�� 2Q, i 1392 ���a x���uested �r� additional. worksi�ra� �n �the is�ues invc�Ived. Oth�r Ci�i�� Mast c�:E �he material provid�c� fo� th� Octob�r 2(� mc�+�ting c�me ��c�m �xcarpt� of orciinar�ce� frc�m a�Q�tnd t�� c�un r:ry. Additic�nal �.ni�axma�ian v�as request�d frs�m local j�zri��iatipn�, T�a.is inclexv��do Ki17.s�oro � Polic� c�n�rcal� �2V garking or� the �t���ts, block�ng �id�walks and a7_�ar ��.sior� area�; The�e are n� o�h�ex regu�.�.tions cont�olling kV°s. Grasham -- Only ax� the 5 6 000 an.d 7,Ot}0 �c�tzar� fo�at l�w densi�y zs�nes ar� re�r�ational vehicle� m�n�tiva�ed. �'Y�e�r mu�� �e pa.rk�d on a hard sizrf ace s�xch as co�mpacted q�avel, ooncr�te, a�p�alt, �r s�m��ar du��b�e �urf��� and �r� �n�� r����ic��� fr�� p��k��� �n t�� �l�ar ���io� t�i�ngle �� �a��e� �ot�o W��sanvill� - Ha� �� r�c„��a�io�� r�����i�� �w'� L��� ��w�go - N�� al�ow�d in �ub3ic ri�h� �f way, n�thin� ad������s a�����ti��� T��re are no �e�1a�i�ns �d�re��i�� RV�� �n ��ivat� p��p��ty. Wa�hingt�n Co�anty ° �as �a limits a� ����a�� �f �u�h ����� �iz ���t������� ���e� unl��� th� ���r W������ aivQ w��v� i� � c�d� ��olati�ne a��io�� Th�r� ar� � �u�b�� �f poss3�1� wa�� �o �ro�e�d. �h��� i.nc��de� 1. �o not re��al ar�i�anc� ����ion ��.96n��� A, T�i� �ou1� � mearc �&��� R�7r�o, e��o wa��1.d ���.�.� b� re�tri�t�� ��e��a► b��.nc� pa�rlted ir. t2�c r��ui��d �ra��. yax��. ��tba�k. 2, R�p�al ��a� �:��.i�ars�� ����ia� �h�� ����ricts par��.ng �.ra th� r�c�ua.r�d �r��.t yarc� �etb���t. ��.�a� �isa.on st�nd�.x:cis �1�0102 4�50) �ar� �t:i�.�. ��qul�f�e tlne ���king o� ��7r�, ��.�o tl��� t��uld ��.ra�k �.�� vx�iar� �� ve�.�.cle� ba��ir�s� au�t a�' ac1�j a�.�n°� d�iva�rays. P�rlc�mg mn �. ��lal.ic ��r���a 1.a.vi�c� or s�.��pia�g ix� an R'Sl or �.�.� c�x�n���tion �o �,r�te� a� �ew�� ��rvic�� w�uTd b� regulatec� by �ther cod� g�rov�i��.or�s, 3. Nia�A�y t�i� ea�i�tang or�iraaa�c�� �or c�.axi�y, h��lt� arad �afet� Iau� al low RV°�, ��.�o tc� b� �S�.rk�d i�a ��� �a^��� � � �ard. Pcs�sibl� �od� langta�c��a Bo�t�, tx�i��rs, �a�n�a�r�, camg►�� �cadi��, hous� �t��ile��e r�creat�.�a�al �eh�ic�.�s �ar aQmm�rcial v�hs.cl�s an ��c�ss of � 3/4 �c�n rapaci�� ar� allew�d •�a be ��t�re� z� �. ��qui.x�c�. �rr,n�., side c�� ��ax ya.rd �etk�a�� a.xa a �e��.d�n�i�l zane btxt zr�a� �ao�: � a. b� p�r}��d in a vis�.al clea�az�c� area s � b. b� us�d �or sl�epinc� pux�pc�ses fc�r over �2 cor�s�cu�i�r� i ha�zrs; c. be ccxn��ct�:d �.o w�ter �r ��wer a��ric��a 4. M�dify th� existi�ag o�diri�nc� �or alar�t�r; h�alt�a ar�� � s���ty a� �.n � 3 ak�o�v�� w�.�h th� add��. I,i�►ita�iczr�s�e �Qats, trailers, �am��r_� . v . . m d. Only one su�h v�hic�.e or �ax�i� �aay kre pazk�d a.ra th� �ron'� �r���m �a3.d �r�.�.a�1� ar �u.nit an�xst �e pax��ted a� 1�ea�t 10 �ee� back from the ou�sid� ec�ge o� �h� sidewa�.k j �ac� of �he c�zrb zf �I�ere �.� i�o �a.el�walk, i � a� ���� ��� edq� o� �he p���d gu����� �� th� �t���� if �h�r� i� no �urb or �i.dew���a �. ����t �a�� ���xa�e o� garking �h�l� be ���d s�rg��� �� ��a�el�d. ,� �e T�� v�e�ai�3.� a�r �xit �nu��t hav� �u�ex��a�t �tat� �.i��r��� pl��es ax° r�r���t�a�3.�n �nci �aus� �� ��pt ir� �obf 1� �on�li�a,.o�x, 5. ��dli�}� �he e�cistirag s��dir��n�� �� pr�hib�� ��o�a�� �ra t2f� ��a�u�.�ed ��ora� y���, �et�a��� txrnl��s �h��� �r� ph��i�a�, ° ch�x�cte�a.�ta.�� �� t�a� l,s�f:, landac�p�.ng o� tl�� 1�a�Dc a�� r��sonabl.� ���ess tk�� sid� or r�a� yard w�ich c,�o�x3.� ���clu3� �uc�a �torag�. Po�sa.b7.� c9�� lax�guag�: �oats, t�a�.Ier�, cam�e�s, a�xmp�� boc�ie�, la�u�e tr�ia.l��s, ����e�a�i�r��� °v�h�c�.��o o� �o�er���Y v��.i���s 3a� ��c��� �f 3y>� �an ��pa�a.t�r �h�Zl �ot 3ae s�o��d �.n a req�3.��s1 frant y�rd in � ie�z�le�ti�l �c�n� �n�.��� ��� �� �k��r�i��� • ch��acterxstic� o�' ��e la�, lauild�.�a� �� ].anr���a�ir�c�g spa�� s.� not ��ai�.a3s�e in �h� ��ai� �a�d ox t��xe i� no� x�����araa�l� �c���� �o �i�tY���° �h� ��.d� ��r ���� �r�r�. A ].a� ����.1 b� d����� �� Yaa�� ���.�ona�le ae;���� t� the ��.e�� e�x :r��� �ra�°d i.� t�����.a� g����.�� �s�d �.c���� r��ra }a� h�.� �itP�ou� �u�sicaz��i�l ����c�� �� �����i�� �tr��� �r 1�nc��s:apir�gs A �o�n�r �.at ��a��.�. �c��a11y b� d����r� �o h�ve r�a�on�bl.e a���:�� i a ��a� ����° �t�.r�lr A ���z��: a.� �at de�m�c� °t� p���rent ��a�or�ab�.� a�����. I��c�smm�x�datiori Th�re appsar� �.cs b� nca �o�anixnity �or���n�u� �r� t�� ne�� �c�r �.���.����ti� can�r�1 ��1a�i�re �s� R�'� ��c o Pub1a�.G �a���.� ��n ue cs�a���c��.l�:€� by ���ts�t�.r�� vi��.a� cle�r�.ri��: x���ul�.�ia�� arac� s�ai�c�i�r�.�a.sar�s �,�a� �;a��h �.o contx�o7. �a�k.�.r�g c�n e�a se� ��r�uc�l� ��Q��`rs��.�� �..°����G���'�a G��� ��..�J����..'6s�.C9�,�e .d,4 �.�g �a3�'���Q��..O ���ammer�e�ed ��a�. op��.oxa �2, �+� r�p���. �t�s� ���le s��tiaar� �7��cac�et�.�r� 1�� �ho��an. � I � a� � � �� � I .�.a �o c� w � )'ti.t.519'.. ���� �..hd.�1'Y`i A . . I aS5 �Y }�'�u���;w , �I � ,t . i %S�MQRk�3D[J� ' CITY OF TTG7�RD, OREGON II ,I I TQa Dz.ck B��wex�dor�Ef, Seniesr Pl,a�aner � � , 1T1Y&1M: E�S.x Ne+.u�to�d t;.omm�ni�y &2�1a4:a.ans C�oe��dinatcor ��t � � DFiT�: Julgt 17. 13�31 ��G�o PiEata C��r��s on F3Y �tor.�ge S3�rrFira�t�e Cha W�cla��gday, Jasly 1Q� 39�1, Y fa�ilita��c� a d.�scussian Yaith AFPO°� k/2, 4 � � �-.� sYa�cuss �.2a� IaPO 5 pr��sa1 �eg�rdinc� RV' s�orage. I �y a vot� of I3 - 7., tta� m�bez� pressai� �'avoreyd gc�e res3u�ation of R'V stoxag� �.zi fri'u� y�r8t�o Ss.x p�opie favar�si leav�.ng �he ards.zxanc� �� s.s, 5 �avorecl soan� ¢arad�.�Ea��tioa �� rec,pv.3.at� front y�d stcsragee Su���sf:irsn� ��r r�ec�ula�ion �f grox��_�{a�ci �t�x�age �cl.uded Lla� �m5.�.eywa.na�: o Prol�ibiti�ag front yaxd stoz�e es�cept in ca��s o� taard��i�m o �il.Iow front yarc� storar�� �s 3.o:�g as vi.�issa c�ear�rxce ��quir�n�nt� - �re m�t., a �ll�a frcrxat yard storage a� ��xxg as �the a�hicl.� i.s 29�hinai a 1��1 ��;ne�. o �11•ow front ya�ed stox�age wt►�xe tXx�re is a ffii�imum of 50' frr�ntac��:e A7.�s+t o� �h� �grl� nxx a�terndat�.ce £�l.t �hat �a� 7500' m.i.saimu.cn �•ra�sec� bg t� #5 is d�scrirn�ala�ary. Tt�e�e w��e concerns gaas¢�d a3sou� pie s4xap�d lc�ts �Paa� naa�r anee� thc: ?Sf3Q an��a�+sm bu�. bmay mot ha�ve rc�om ixx t�e frs�nt ta store a..� F�V or smal].�r la�� w�.tPx �xon� y�ds th�� are adequataa fiYa�r.� wer� sa�� cancerns r�.a.�ed r�qa�ding {�h� cxty's �uz�x�xa� "enfoz�:eaneat by � ceaffi�alaisi+�° policy. Some f�l� �Iaat �f prdinances ca.� no� b� aegi���y enfr��c�d �h�� should b� rPpe�l�d. The hig��st cancern �aspr�ess�d wa� tha� if k�V storage �s perm�t�t�ci in �thQ �ron�� yar�d visia.n cl�arance psovisiAns mu�t be ane�. 1 4 ��� , � � gi 7. F[7BI�7CC H�AFt7CN� - ��I� OYZI��PI�1eTCL �fEPTi)i�N'1.° �O�i 91L-Ot�05 I�OP�'T 3{� s�ita�� �i�L�� r�°�) A pr�po���. �+� e3�l�te s�ct�o�a ' � 1.8 0 9�.t7C� (,�.� af ��a� Gity of Tic�ax� �omma�a��g� �3ev�elr�pm�nt Cod� ii w�ai�h �roh�.�ax�s frmn� �rard ���xz�r�e in a resid�n�i.��. zone. s���ic�n ls.��.pFO stox°as�� i� Fran� Ya�d (A, stat�s, �oa��, I tr�i�ers, �a���rs, c�p��° badi��, ho�� ��a���rs� re���ata.c�� � �ae?�i��.�s, �� ca�un�rcia7. veYxicles Yn ��cc��s of 3�'4 t�n e�pa�i��r sh�11 ��t b� st�xed ira a r�qea3.��ri ���sn� �a�dl a.rn � x�e�ici.e��i�l. ��?'��< ���'.��COId w �.����,�� �PPT���� .��RO��J�.+ CRIT����1: ���tal8tz�y Dewe�e���exxt ���.� ����.��n �.$e 2�,63�t3 a�1C1 �$.96�06Q! a. �s�ic Yaeari.�g uaas np�r��d.. �. There `ve�e n� cl�cl.aratians �� c1�za�.�eng�s. a. �enio� �iaa�ne� �ec,�e��dor�� revi�wed �� Sta�f Reyass�°t a� sta.k��.����d to t�e Ci�y� Ccaaznc�l ir� ��t�ir me��a.ng paG��t. d. ��bli.c �estimtor�y': - �p�onen�ts (agairist ara�z��3aa��ats) ° Fi�trr'y L. SciBUkar':., 1191� �.�v o ia:'r:��A1i.r�g �Ii�.�. Dri�re p �x�ardl, t�r�c�on ad�visec� he was test�fy�r�g a� �r�siei�t�� co� ��3e �'iorr�ir�� I�i�.1.1 ����raws��r'� ��o�ciation. He s�i.c� 5�� of �e a��s���.��.a.o�t �.e�ab�r� �rrere c�ppc���d to ��� �m�n�ments Y���a�a�� s�ac� ac�a.on �aould 7.ik�.3.y lead �a �tT��r �nsig?a.tl� �ror�t �ra�rd storag�. M�o S�hu���� a�dvised tha� i� pa�p3.e ca3-i a���rd� r.ecre�.ts.ona�. v�:Y��.cl�� (rv�'�; � ��� �h�y ��,rsu�.c� �Sr� al�l� to ���'or� tcs s�axe t��m in a pgoper p�.�c�. He sa�d c��enant� ar��i re�t�ictions weulcl � �r�� cvay to rP�ulat+� fr�srat yard s�orag�: ho�ever, �esiclen�� wau�d ha�r� to i�il� a civil sua.� �.nd go f:�ough the �au�t sysgem. �hi�, he advis�d, �rould be too �c��t?Y- • Teri Was�o, �igax-d, OrGgon, not�d prable�, tai�h car� ��.r.kzr�� o� s�_de�►alks o?� stxeets be��use nf front yard ��tarac�e o� rv°s a �h� nc���d �e��h��a.��� �aauld b� damaged and front �rard stor�g� �ras �v�.��.�.a]L ha�a�sanex�t. 'i SYie ��t�r� �e�era3. �x�.�ti*�r� �Srob�.�ms near azer nei.gY�.borhood. 0 • Ca� Wo�1.ea-�►, �.235C S,FI', 1.32nc� CQ��,, Tig��d, Ores�on, testifi�d as Chair a� I�T2PQ� 7. He �aid tMe NPO would r�t warnt �;cx see at�y a�ange in the cuxrer�t ordinasx�� and reaomm�nded improve�net��t of CITY CUTI2TCIL A�IEETING M7CI�IU�ES - FEBRUA�3C :lA, 1992 - P.d�GE 6 .�, ; - . ����r�effi�n� o�' �h� aurr��t g���iss.�x��. • Y)�l� �ra��a��, 1�355 �vL�v 7��Y� .Avenu�, �i�:�ardo �rer�csn n���d la� �rcaul.d �a�� ��n� tY�� curr�r�t o�e��raaxn�� ���r��ec�o �� cited �����y i�su�� ara� ac��r��se a���c�� �a� ���k�t valu�� if ar�r�s aorer� ° alle��r�d tc� g�rlc i.n :�z°on� ���ds. �I� adel�d �a�, �r�a.�l� t�� �c�.�n�nc� �a�s r�o� �er����t, i� g��r�e C��y s��f� �e��te� ��a.�.�..ty �c� rec�.2.at� proDale�se • 1�3.�« �ai11.y 1�,.3� �.�._�." �'c'�11Y'd0 C��E:7� ��Lt�'t o ��.C�24�fd�e � O�ec��a�, t��tif.i�d as P�c�sider�t a� ��de C�lany �x��� Esta��� H�ga�ora�raers° A.ssa�.��ti.��. Nlx�. Paul sa��. r��idc�nts ix� hi.� �r�� �,re�°� �0�°9�D� Qgposed t� x���a�.�.nr� th� �rdiraau�c� �s ta�a� &aeiae� pro�os�rie �Ye ' �i��d tYa� ci��i�� ta r��int�ir. �t�kra��a.�� �a��.�E���l�c��ra,� and acl.v��s� a�9���ts on g�ro��cL� va�.ues �.f t�ae o��anaaz.c� �r�� ���e��.e�d.. � ��.lk� i3rewis�, �9�� �,�� ��b1.��, Tagar�.o �rec�on, �°�q�zes��d '�ha� Cesuxz�i]L �.e�� r�p�a.l �� ssardinanc�. He, �'�.c�o, �i.��d �dvers� �f��cts on pr�g�r�.y �ra�:t��s. Y«L�� ��e�a�n c�.is�r�..bti��d p���ax��s t�ik�r� �a�3.�.�� i�i i tkae day �hzc�. i�.1.tz�t�a��:� his �ac�a.nt �c�ut �:�� � cazrx�n� p�ob�.�x� in �'ig���i. (Nc��e a I�Say�r ��w��d�, z�.ca.�i.x�g �a��� ��max3�.�, �o�ne���a3 �a.t �aa�..�r a� �Ya� phc�t�s �er� o£ ��.tua�ir�n� wk�i.�� woul.d nast �� a�ldr�s��d k�y c�-r.era�. l�.Y°agLa���a ) l�ir. Brewir� �srged Courtc�.l �e� nc�t r��amc�e �he Qr�ia�a�r�e becau�� a� a v�c��. �ir��a��t� ca��.c� �+re�� �����inc� th�. lar� oxx �li�.s is�u�. I - Proporc��i�� f for a�er�dai�nt�� • NP� 5 �i�ai.r, Craigf Ho�ki�s, ���ra.ew��d I3I5� 5"� �ffor�s. `�he T��'� init�ated �n amendm�a�t� �.o ��p�a�. the Cs�d� res�ri����rns �a�.l.r�saing a �eri�s c�f r�eighb�xhc��e� cca�.pl�ix��� anc� c��s�cu��ions o�. �h� i�su�s. �te��ti�r�is f:��z�. �.�.�. �1I��s �aa �is i�su� ���e an�.x��. Sinc� �h�. cea€�� or��.� �p�Z�.i�� to ti�� �equiredl � frr�nt ya�d (nor�n�Z�.� �� f���) c�mp��s, r��reaticsn�l � �rehi�les, �aQats, etc� , caai be l�:gall�r �t�arc�c� ial N Baa�� ��s�n� ��r�As-0 �].d�r ��abd�.��.��.�r�s, inas7y tiaaes, � ��v� c�rr�a-��r �etks��?� �k�i.cl� woxa.l� a1.7L�c� ��c��t y�,rd .� �tQ�a��a � � c. ��ae pl.z��.i� �a�aring w�,s c�.osed. � c�. Caunril ���Pr_�.s. Counca.l remar3cs w�ar� g�r�era�.�.y �.�. �avcs� �r.i.� tha P�.an�ing C�mzni.ss�.�m �'�,nc�.�axr�� urhi�h CITY CCIUNC;�L �iE�T�NG kIINU�'ES -- FEBR�1'�X �.lp �.��� - �'A.�E '7 �_ o.� �� ��� �I I i I � recamen�nc3.ed tkaat t,h� �a�a.Yxcii maintain th� exi�ta.ng regi.xlatia�s e citinc� �e.i�Ya.�csrY�caoci a�s�.�.i�etics as �Pae �a�in r��ie�n��.�. Yr� additi�n �nf�r�em�nt, s�f�tyr, ax�3 , in�ra�c��ffie�at o� anat��r's px°c�perty �cights w�re �� cc�ncer� °` � �o t�.� C�aur�ci�.. �. Mo�ian �y CourYCilor Jo2��c�n, s��ondeci by Coury�zlc�� Kasten o �s� der�y tl�e NPO 5 �a�g�.i.c�tic�ra �r�r t�xe rspeal o� &ect.iori 1�.�6 s�� A.. T�ae motion was �ap�arrsv�c3 b�r a ur��nA��:�� �o�e o� ��urica.A g � pr��ent. f. Gc��cil or �roY�s�or� x��qu�s�ed a c:onver.sa�.ion by co��i1 a�. a ����r� s��dy s�s��.�n �e�t.ir�g rega�disag palic� s�n Code �n�c��c���nt. . �o CtYi'J3����TIOY� t�$�' Ri��SI(3N �F ��'g"Y :i`T�I:�' �,TXE°�`.�'IOYi t�RI)��1'� a. Senie�r Planner B��,re�°s�carf� rewiewed t�ai� ag�x��a it�m. Th� �r�pos��. ordizx�nce waou�.d r�.v�is� �Y�e Ci��'� st���t vac�tion �i��cifi�ati�on r�:��xir���nt� to �oin�:�.c�e ��.t� 1.99� .. ck�arig�.s in t�x�ec��a� S�a�� S�.�tu��s. kim (��It�YAN�E I��. ��°Q5 - .�fiI O�Ii��TC� Tt� �2dI) PRCd�'�SItJI�Y s OF TE3� �°��1� ��'�'I:P�L �a�T2E: �'�it�A�d�IPFG Tia lvU��G� ��° �'�TB�TC HEARa1�IG FC)I2 �'�."�E' E'.� �'���1.�."IC3NS o S��T�fC)I�I 15 o Q8.]..2(9 e �. lbio�ioz� �v Caunci�or Ka�steno s����tded �}� C�uzncal.o� S�h�albg tc� �.d�ap� �rdi�.anc� �to_ �2--�b5. 7C'he n�ati�� w�� approved by � unanimous vo�� �f Cox��a�. ���sent� �. �cC��7'E 5����a,�YY�Yo Tka� Tigar�i Ci�y Ccaunc�.1 werat i�x�� �x�cta�iv� ��ssir�xa at 8:45 p.�. t�d�� �.he g��covision� �f C)R� �.�2�6G� (].� f�.} . ���, , & (�x) to d�.�eesas �abor relati�r�:s r ��a1 presp�r.��r-�rai;�s�ic�.ions, c��r_�nt aizd p�r�ding li�ig�tie�ra a.ssue�, 10. �.�4AIIF2�+i�IFP�T�� 8.5 5 �m m. r� � , - (-'�t.��--�`►-��.-� �.-��-e-a�-� -- _._ p� Att�st: j� , ' �a�ae�ira.�. ����.l.�v, City R�cc��s��r � � L. ye �`' �— � ,. '� ' C�'� �// �'� °� �ia�Qr,���of T g��d � .� � Date• �'° � �- � °'�- � � h:\r�carcier�ccm\c�0291.92 �ITY C�Y�1+1�IL �ET:C]t1�G �II�dLJ'��� � FER�2l�'AIRY ].3., �992 d F1�GJ� 8 1� ---�-�—m . . q �� 1 5.3 Z6NE Of2aINANCE APaIENDNIEN3' ZQ��4 91-0005 FROt�T YARD STOR�iC� (a4LL NPO`S� A ' pr���c��al to d�ie�� sectiQn 1�a95.d6€D �A) o� th� Ci�y o� Tic�ard Co�rs�anity d��elc�m�nt C��� whi�h prohibit� fror�t y�rd s�orag� in 'a r�s�derotial z�r��� S�etion 18.96.06� 5��r��� in Fr°arst Yard �� �ta�gso a�a��, tr�ile�rs, c�npersa camper��d��sy ��s�rai'I�r°�y recreati�r� �ehiclg�, , ov° �s�erc�al �eh�c�es in exc�e�s of 3/4 t�n c�pacit,y s�a71 n�t �� stored ' in � �equ��ed.fwor�� ,yard in a resid�nt�a� znne. LOCATI�DN: Ci�y�vide �PLICA��.� APPROVAL CRI�RIA: C�n�ar�i ty D�+�e3��er�t Code Sect�ora 1�.?2e�40 �r�� 7E�9�a��� I� i I � Senior Plann�r Rich�rd Qew�rsdorff �xplaire�d �he a.pplic�nts N�0 #5, �►ar� !, s�e�i ng to do a�r�y mri t� ��� v�l� p��hi bi ti ng s�tara�� o� �t�+� i� �he '� gv°orat y�r�a �e ��epla��ed tB�at th°is �� �n i3sa�e o�' c�n�a�ity v�lu�s "'�ewol�ri ng �roufa�l a�sthefi.�.�s. He_ di sc�s�ed �he G C � R's ��t up a� � �" � dev�la�ments to deal with this i�su�. APPLIC�'� PRESENT�7'�OM � c� Cr�i g Nopk�n�, Cha�r �f NPO �5, �go�� a°�pres��r���ng the NP�. He sa�d '� th��t thi s s�c�ior� of the Ca�d� was ��p���n� driv€n, and �h�r��fmr� �ndled to be unever�ly errfoa�ed. H� descr�b�d � sp�cs�ic iracid�nt wher� ther� � �ra� s�ne ani�n��i ty be�wee� ��a� n�i ghb�rs, �r�d �hi� r�sul ted �n a � c�npla�i r�t bei r�g�i 1�:�- H� s�g���ted r�novimg �.i�i� �ec�i o� frcun th� Ca�de � be�a�se i t i� ��� di ff�cu�t to enf�r°ce< � • � � Di sc�rssi os� f�11 o�ed p�r��i r��ng �� C C & R'so Pr��y d�rr�t �'�re �xpr��sed c�nc�r�, �� fi,h�� wa� �he oni�a me�h�od of d�a�i�� wa�8� pr�ob'��ns of tihi� I nata�re �s�d �nar�y ��nur�i t�e� di d r�ot haere C C b �`� set a�p. I � Co�7 s�i oner Bar�er ���qui r��d of Mr. �iopki r�s rrh�th�r� th� NPO vamul d be i n favor o� keepir�� �chi� $ecti�n �f �he !C�de if ther°e w�r� er�a�ugh v�de enforc��nt offi�ers< Mro Hopki�s advi sed tt�at the NPO �doutl d 1 oak fa�arably if �he Cod� were con�i��ently enforced, � o Ther� v�►as di scussi nn about �tn� t�rm "�°ec��i we�d fw�n� yav�d�� a�d S��i or° P�ae�ner prov�ded defi�ro7��o� and �larifacatione � b OPPUNEN3S I o Bil l �rass, 301� SW Har��shi r�, sp�ke c�n beh�l� a� E��O #7 oppas�ng ti�e propa�ed el imi natiQOt n� ti�i s sec�7�t� �f t�e Cod�, a� it �tould �n� �o have a de�rym�nta� effec� �r� t�� �ppe�ranc� af ne�ghbo�haods. H� stat�d that NPO s�e�b�rs do nat �eli��e tha� C G � R's ar� the best r�e�h�d to � d�ea1 with yard �lutte� �roblem�. H� advis�d that �he NPO finds th�t the pol i cy i s saund 9 �rheth�r or no� the pmi ici c�g i s di ff icul t.� He s�id ����re was no basis •for the �raposal to ali�w larger y�v°ds to F�ave m�re cluttt�r. In re�p�n�� to a q�est�a� fram Cax�ro�ssi or� Saperta regardi r�� �n,� mad�ii� grour�d which coul d be �aker�9 PAr. Gr�o�� stated that th� consen�us of ti�e NPO membe►~sh;p was tfiat t�e Cod� ou�ht to be re�ained as is. i PLAPININ� COMMTS5ION h1INUTES - DEC�.P46ER 2, 1991 PAGE 5 �, � - ' .. , ,� . � I .sul�'a�L ' " � � . � Grai g W�pki�►� spok� aga�i n abo�t t�� po��si b�1 i ty for �ni su�e of the C�de. ��, He d�s�ri b�d th� 1 oss i nc�c�°red �y the g�rsnn who �vas ci ted i r� th� ; �articu�ar inst�r��e which occuv�red in his neighbQrho�d. Ne �u�g�st�d ', t�er� ��� �ther ��,•�r;r��s �o ��a7 s�i�h nu9sa�ces� ;• �U�LIC H�tiYP6t� �L���� I I o Cc�anmi sss ora�rr �m�ra� di a not far�a�� rej ecti ng t�e code, b����us+� �r�a�ntai�9 ng I �he c�u�i�,y is �rtnpcar�;�r��o o G�iss��rser° Sap�v^ta said, ��ile th� sp�ci€ic i�cident �9re Hopkir�� spoke � of wa� unfortcrnat�, thi s. vuas no..basi s �o� al t�r�ng .the Code. He �aid he . .� - w��ld consider� a mc>dif3��ti�n t� t�e requir�m�ntse but �ince th� a�pl���n� did�t��� fa��r� thi s, he ��id vote t� leav� t9�2 Cod� �.s is. o Ce�iq ss�on�r ����� �gr��d wi th Cca�a�s��o�er Sapoa^t�o H� d���ri b�d �he C C b R's i n hi� nei gi�b�rho�d, �rhi�tr h� �t�os� sp�ci�ical'�,y fa�r i t� � �ai���nae�e� ber�f�ts. He �oted 4h��$ storage a s a s�i�f-imp��ed �r�a�b��o. �� fa�c�red k�epi�� th� Cod� �s is, i � C�m��si�a�er Cas�i 1 e comtner�ted hc �arl d -���� t� a�ri d� at som� i canpr°acni se �ha� vnaul d a17 ow �or ��xn� ��naur�t of 1 im�t�d �tcarag�o Si r�� th�r�� �r�� �o canpraroi s� curr��t�� a�a�1 abl�� �e �Favr�r�:d keepi a�� the ��d�4 � C�ni s�i o�er �a�ber �d�i s�d sh� did n�� 1 ike to s�� �����:� �nfo�c��nt„ I a Sh� s�gge�t�d there �h��ld b� more tha� �ne c�d� eraf'�rce��nt �ff����m ��re �� di s�ussi on �bo�t ���°a^�nt resour��s i n thi s a�eao She f�va�red ��eping �h� regula�ien b�� wi�h r�odif�c��ia�ns �o make i� c��s^e iarader,stand�ble, e� Pr���d�nt Fy�°e c�srnne���d �hat havi a�g �i�i t�d e��o�°c��n� abi 1�i�y w�s s�ot j ust�fi�ati�� for ei ia�i r�a�i r�g t4ae regui atz ons. H� famca�^�d k�epB�ey �h� Code a� is. * Comr�i ssi oner Moor� mo�ved �r�d Cc�i ssi 9e�er S�porta se�o�d�d i:� m��� a rec�ndat�an to C�t�+ Go�anc�l agaznst repealin� the City C�d� Se��i�� i 8�96.0� (A)o Moti on p�ss�ed �n��imo�a�ly t�y Ccxnmi s�i�ners pr�sen�. �. OTNER � Seni�r E�1 anr�Qr° Beever�dorff advi se� tha� Ci ty Go�ncil had �ap�e�d �c�� F'i ann�ng Ccx�ni ssi an's rec�encia�i cra �.nd st�dy cnnc�rni rag No�e 2 an tt�e , study area� �n the 7�°anspor�at�i�n Plan Map. PLANNIN6 COh1MIS5I0N MINUTES - �ECEMBER 2, 1991 PAGE 6 I . _ , MEM�R��Y�d�UM CITX t��' `Z'��AFtD, OREGON TO: Mayo� and �i.�y Counci� 'I FRQ2�t Pa� Rei1.]Ly I DA�'E: Atac,�us t 2 7, 1.�3�� SLTB,�E;CT a �t� Parki�.g ,�s yot�. ma�r recall, Coxzn�ilcar John Sclhwa��z �nd �Jic� Se�r�ersde�r�� �.ne� wi�� �ic� P�r�iais a�d a ].oca.°l ��p��5�ra�ativ� of the Gc�od �a�► Club dn�ti�nal R�7 e��ers club} r�g�rels.ng RV'S in 1��� �'une, 199�e C�ur�ci�.ar ��hw�x°tz inc�ica�ed �ca �i�. F�r.�a.ns �h�'t he woulc� �.ik� �a hav�� � wcsrk�l�o� wi�h �.�ae �t�e� C�ur�ci]. members ��o�� �h� issue� �b�-o�agh� u.p b� 1+�a ���karts. S�a�� i�dic�.�ed that w� �ac�uls� r�vi�w� �the �c�cad. �a?� �lubs 1�V' Parkin�r ?�ig1��� P�iaraual arsd highla.c�h� porrtiox�� for Co�xncil9s r�va.�.wo ��aff a�.s4 ch�c7��rT with o�her 1�Y�tro are� c:.�.�tie� �o c�e��x�mine v�hat 3f ariy oth.c�r r��txiat�.c�r�s ��ci�t far RV�s. T:�� City At�orne�r's ���ice p��vi��r� � re�po��� �cs a cotzrt cas� fC.�fi.� o�f Eucla.c�, Ohio va �'�.�z�humj arad its r�l�wanc� in Or���c�n. St�ff x°�cPivsr� a copy �f t�e �?V manu�l �n �ugus�� 18, W� ��.�� a�tachec� a capy� and have l�ic�l��.i�a�tec.�. what w� beli��� a�� tk�� z�c��•� rel.evant �a�x°�s. The. Cit�r A��orn.��r°s o�inion is al.�ca �tt��h�.c�� �t ' indica�e� th��. Fitzth�m is not cor��Cral].i�g in ��.� ����e ca� �g�g��,e It agape�.�s �h�� o�l� twa ��.tie� r�gia.late RV's. T�i� �a�t,� o� F'�r�s� , �r�ve reg�.l��iora� a�� p�:r�i�.�nt only to stres� pa�T�ing. �'1�� �i��r ca� B��v�r_tsan allaws parlcir�g of RV°s in �he front y�rd by �peci�l �ermi�. i:E due �o �hy��.c�� chara�teristics� o� �h� 1ot, b�il.ding c�x� lanc�sc�pi�ag� �a�king in the rear� dr s:id� �.ann�� b� r�a�on�.b�.� I �rov:ided. Su�� p��kang r��uir�s, �lso, tha� ±�k�� n��.r �nter zra�o � �'rit�an ag�e�m�nt with the otrari�r o� t�i� prop��t� o� �he si�� clasesf-, tc� �1�� RV pax°3tix��, haxd ��r.f�.cznc� and no tr���i� si�h� ol�struc��.on. RV ManuaZ S�mmarv Various art.�cl�s pr�ovide �xperiance in ttie actual ����.latisn ca� RV°s an Zot� and stre�ts in other citses acrcass the country�o They provids ex�mples of various ardinan��s. Mr. Perkin� kaas �.nc3icat�d tkaa� a morc reasonable approach migh� be �.f some prc,vision �er� mad� to allow parking in �he i�ront yard �whare access to �the si.de ar re�r yard was x�at p�actiaal.. Sta:�f has �iighlighted �YAe f�llowii�s� fram �h� RV man�.al: - , .:. . � o th� RVe�r'� v�i��.+oint, �aas�e� 7�9 � a 5�� L���clra, CA �xp�ri�rs�e whi�h pr�vides �o� �re>x�t ya.r�. ��r3ci�r� i� �he�°e i� no r�asonable �cce�s t� €�icl� ar a��a�r y�re�, p�cr� :�7 � 72 Yaa�xx al]�o�aance in �.�dc�nd� ����h, CA., pag� T8 a� ��xynton Bsach, F�, ��.�.ea�vin� ga�k�.ng an �x�iv�way ane� w�.e�� • �r��o�c�men� u�a� ��a�.� or� a �ceampl.�in� �a��;i.� � � �situ�t�.o� ir� �e�� I3xarac��e �Y, ��.�r�.��° �� �.'ic���dg p�g'e� I' ��-�C3 a fl�a�q�aoJceta, I.A, pag�s 3�.-3�, B�l�e�nae NE, page� 3�-36, i �ena:��.�°, �tJ, ��r�e� �7�-3 8, ���u��.�rqt��, N�I, Q�g� 4�, an� c�k�.�h��.a C�.�y, aK, p�c�� �� a�]. �llornr fx°c��t yard st��ag� � A� �ide ar��. rear yax��� �.x�� not a�ces�i.b�.e ra E'�t�liel, tJI� G���, pag� 9�� �' I It ��u�.d b� ��:�ati����r s�.rapl� �o �menc� tY�� ��i�t�n� �'igarc�. ���.� tc� �rc�v.��.� �or �x��n� y�rd sto��c�e if t�e r��.r o�° ��c�� �r���. wa� r�c��. �������.k�I�o �'I"lx� oth�r cnd�s �.i���� irz ��a� R�T a�t�n�aal a�.so �rov�.d� mixc;�a sndsc� d����.�.ed �.�g�c�a�he� �.xad ��a��al�� �si �i�aei��a�. � �,�..��.r_natizr'�� �a 2e�v� 1�V �c��� as �_s; �e con�in�� �k�a ��.�ssr�e on �r��ip�.�iax� b����P b o �e�.�.xa mssr� ��aawtiv� �r��o���s���� o� ��T �ea�� vi��.�.��.nras; 2. r�����. RV code s�ct�exn, s. �,�i��.d ��ca� �� �i�c���.�.� ro�: ��r��a� yar�. s�o�°�g� w�a�re not px°�ctical ara ��e�a��t aaxd �ea�; � a �m�nd cac�� �raith mr��� c���.�iled stan�.ax�d� �uc�a a� ��.���n�� ��o�. �tructures, limit�ti.�ar�s c�n l�ngth anc� h�i�ht, sc���n�.ng ���cifica�i�x�s, d.i�ta�c� �rozYr �uxb, ��x�n�c��.�a� tc� util:�t.ies, etc, g . � RE�E9VED PlANNING � aut� �. s �932 � Ghap�er� l �����c"� � � l�� �,� �� ��.�° � � � t,S Owreers of re�reational veh�cles dor�'t ex�ce noaa-RV�z�s �o sl�are eheir �ratF��sia�x�s for trav�Iing by cam�er, trailer, or moearhome. [�'s �l�e fr�edoera tm choose Iifes2�les that �akes this � truly�fa�ee ca�antry wh�ere ev� �av� the capac�ty ta ���sue �ur aHVn ir�tea��sts. I Ha�e+ever, ftV own�rs d� expeet the right ta �a� cheeP�rivate �res�rty as ti��� vvas�h as lon� as it de��s nos af�'ece the heait�, sa�'ety, a�d welfare �f neighbors and f'eilow citizens. � Urif'ortunat��y, tt�ere are a I�t oi non-RV�rs �v��o dc� a��t share ttus �etita�d�. �tsx ihe �ase ' tvvo decades, t�aes� anti-RV f'��e�s have becm�e b,ncz�asin�ly vmcat i�a tlZeir �bjecti�ns ec� s�ein� 1RYs parke� in tl�eir n°i�hborhoc�d, eit�her on th� street og• �a�ttin tt�e �arivate lirr�es of ttz� �V 'I o�rane�'s �so�rty Pines. ' Why?Niost c��ijections�xe based�n th��rour�ds c�f aest!�etic values,putting�'orth tl�ae�rean�s� I that R�is x�duce �irap�rrty vals�es a�d are ara �yesc��e. SAr�ce objecci�ras �o I2� parking c�t� thi� � I b�sis �1��� w�s s�ef�at�d in et�e n�vv f,�rr�a�€$ E�acigd, a�io, cas� that was heard b}� the T.�riiteci II S�ac�s Supr�rn� �c�urt {see ���e 45 in this pa.Hb�x�atic�ng, t�ie arnti-RV forces haae resorted 2� fig�xtin� R�par��ghts on �_-6asQS of the k�Palth, safery, and vv�lfare af t�e n�igl�bQa-hao�. Initiall�, elxey frec��aenxly have tP�e backin� of ]acal �avemm.en� officiais, ba�€ r�err��ers €�f the ��Iin� c�r�r.�un�cy have, on mar�y �cc�seons, be�n able t� count�rast t�iis treYid. By co- � operaear�g witti city �nd community �oni�g o�'ici�ls, tk��y hav� wor�ed out cor��proanises tttat I sati�fy tlhe �ajari� �f l�oth RV �rad nvn-�tV o�era. ' T'he purpose �f tkiis p�b[neacior� is to acc��cai�e thr�se facing anti-IZV legi�lat�on with the � m�e:�ods which oth�r �V o�raers hav� utiliz�c� to gain fav�rab@e legislatian. � �o�ptness ar�d ��p�ratior� as� �C�y wards whez� �ppro��lviax� thP p��obl�rr�. Ev��y RV own�r shouid be aware of t�he �xisti.ng ordi�axice� vvi�hin: his c�r her avv�n ct�mant�rLity. Sorrte i have l�eamed, the hard ve�ay, t1�at anti-��' paz��ir�g iegisiaeion na� exis�e� f�r �`ri�rcy y�d��, edc�� I decades, on�y to be overlaok�d �zatil s�r�e disgruratled prc�pea�ty �we►er zequested actian fraen the l��! Iaw enfoe��em�nt ag�r�cy. � , If a.i RV owner c�iscoa�ers that �s cQmanur�ity �a� i�aslati€sn on th� b�ooi�s �gainst IZV , parking, or:e �p�roach might b�e to let th� s(e�per�g giant �lone, bt�t tihis could be dazlgerous; �I , y I be once that first citatior� is issued, a situation e�olves t�at fr�quent�y ge� ou� c�i rca�tu ��-ici is I ' di�cult tc� fight. • � I �'h�re is �ac�t�a�� groblezn. A ei� ccsuncir c�� qui�dy en�ct �n�i-RV p�sk�ng le�lslataon I withou� tkte icra.owl�dge of lo�ai �V owners. ThYS h�s ha��r�ett on mor�e than orae o�casion, and anc� this iegislatic�n is on tl�e btaoks, it is far rc�ore difficuit tc��han��e than if the R� c�wciers are vocal eariy in the negotiations. Every RV owner should become a cominittee of on� to be aware of zoning chang�es that are b�uzg d'z�ecassed ir� his city or towai. This is adcnittedly�easier in a scr�al��r�com�zriunit� whea� suci� re;rvs is pub�ished in the lo��! nev�rs���r, b�� r��tic� o�'h�ax�xigs are p�bfic ira#'armatiom and must be publish��i in same mazuaer. Once it has been established that a coirunurtity is coi�sidering arYy ch�x�ges �aat are goix�g to alfect the rights of RV' owraeis, it is time to take action, but in an orderly maruier. 7 • . e tlx� assiscar�ce ofi �'h� first step as tc� organiae: ��r�C �hhrou� Goe�d �am chap�ers ta ea�ltst t t�e RiJ�rs in your ar��. ��'om tt�at �ucle�a�, s�l�c� a �omznitte� tc� canv�ss neigtab�ct�ood� ��xc� �on�ace homes vvh�re RVs ane par��d. An in�expe��ive �dv�xtise�rneaat in ttie locad rxev��sp�p�x annouricir�� an rrgar�i�ati�n�! meeting C�n brang in sti�l rnoc� sup�ort, aa�d freq��r�tiy 1�scai FtV d�al�rs wEll be vvilting cc�6e�id their support by payi�►�for advertis�mez�t�or fllye��s ta be c�elivered �o ��V o`vneaso O�h�r sc�ur�e� of s�appo� may s:ms�� fram RV rri�r►�xfactu�ers a�id the clubs they spar�sor as wetl as other recr�atic�n-rar��nted groups. If��e lav� r�staicts �tV�rs' riShts. it c°u1� ext�r�d ta oth�r interest g�m�ps sueh �s m+�t�rcyclASts, boa�ers or c�ff-�oad enthus�asts. Firadi�xg orat h�a� � ��AS l��r is g�in� t� �#�ect multe�le use we�iicles, such �s van� and pickups, als� could sw,rin� � lo�e o�' r�sa�i�r�t� t� your sY��. �rorrf this g.�t�exicx�, it is �s�nti�l ti�a€ a ��i��a��r: .�:!� � ��� �a��d and �al��a�at �a� ap�roach be ��,paidated t� represent RVexs at put�lic t�a�arin�s ana ta th� pr�ss. iVit�re than c�ne sh�uld be prepared, witl� each pses�ntir�g a da�'erer�t as�ct o�'th�probi�m.°�he rhetoric sho�lci be �a�ganizPd. sa� have cane s�ealcer after.ano€kaer s�alk �o �� rni�rop�x�rx� �nd h�r�ngue abo�ut tl�� sa�xe iss�a�do�s na goc�d �n��eates � l.�t of ill rlvili fr�rxi noa�s�.V o�vrc�rs as �rvell a5 �lect�d �f�ciats. ,�►r� ord�erly present,atao�a gair�s rmor� stapp��t �� �x�t. �1a�tz�bers talk. �1lt�o��.h y€��a �ia�e or�y a�£��n►s�ic�p��s�s,just havi�ag Ft�/ �vvrier5 sha�cvv �p�r�d de�o��sta��t���ir strer���ga�nu�bers has b���a a very�f��eci�r�el�m��t ar�p�st situ�a�i��as. It cor��inces l�is���o� ttxat h��re az� people r�ha �r� si�nc�r� iu� th�u reque��.s eo ��erci� t.ka��x property r�g�ts. A�ain, �ae gattne�z�� �ht�u�d be ard�riy. Ie as �are ��� ck�e an�c-�V f�rc� �r� as �rgaa�6zed ar s;ez��r��e as ra�u�h sup�re as ttt���� fa�� ��f a�na�a�rs' a�g��� ' Sug�est that a cc�ax�nitt��b�fn��e�i€�f al��f those ar►v�c�lv�d(RVers,ar�ti-R�I�ers and of�t'ic.�a8�� ta v�+�rk out a sa�lu�ican tc� b� p��nted at a tr�ture p�b1i� h��r►�. �� r�a s c�n a b l e i n y o u r r�q u�sts. D�rrzand��a g t�e �aa�tirn9.t�d xa�t tc� p�rk �� �t�/ �n�sw�aere oz� yo��• ��t�perty wnieh�u[ r�ard f�� o��rs es �cat g�x�g tr� m�et ��ith �a�y s�p�thy. Sttady � �rdinar��ds �hac have b�� success�i in a�h.er �c�amrr��x�t�i�s, a�d �s� ther�a as �id�lin�s in j �staY�lishir�� �z�e tha� s�aAts yo�a� �oEriare�anity, I if ��apnsir��r f�r�e� ��je�t to ��Js par�Ced in frmra� �ar�$o s��ag�g�t t�xat �Yx�y }.� �ark� or� paved�ar�,r�veled surfaces s}��€.�fic�lly de�si�ned f�r th�t��xr�€sse. If thev ob�ec�ets a�a R�i blmek��� li the vie� af nei��a�s�rs. �st.�bias�a a re�sonabie setbas�. ���,;,� 4�;�� ����, a�� ��d ci��n�s, cancerrned ab�u�t ���az� c�rr�rra�,rr�ty just a�s the� �r�, but ,�is� c�ar�c��-�ed abacat ��ur pers�nal �rc�per�y. � A survey Qf'�e �� �t�r��e spaces j.za}�our�o�ru�u�ity migl�t�a� an c�rc��z: �d�ie���mp�red I with the nu�b�r of F�Vs env�lved, it very wc:ll ca��rld d�rra�r�tgate tI-eat ti�e�r� �e mof suffi�i�nt � : s�a�es to ac�or�zrnod�te �ll o�t�e R'�s in question. I � t�a�;gtair�ia�� a g�� �s����� in ya�ur commuiuty is most ixnportant. Keeping yo�bg Ft'� ar�d �'I r� � the area s�rxc�undiu�g i�neat��d�idy wi�1 help y�aa ir4 your ar�umen�t�k�ep i�or►yoti�pro�rty. � �rc �� t]hat obviousiy is n�glec�ted and t�as vW�ds �c�war�g u� ar���d tlxe 5�v�a�p� a�n� ��aves , � piled ara�nd it is bounc�tfl dr�v��rno�criticisca�tka�one tha�.is�arca�rl�y p��k��rs.d r�a�i�tai��d. � if' it i� nec�ssa� tc� ea�list t�xx� aid eaf an ateoxxa�y, be sa.�e to 1�av� �irrra s�z�d ��r Gca�d Satza`s � 1ega1 brief to assist k��m irn preparing his c�s� a� y�ur b�ha�f. 'That, and this �n��at. c�c�ld sav� � him h�urs of r�seaxcll �nd save your co��itt�� ��+�ded funds. I�oa�'t b�e �.irnici about asking q�aestions. �hy did t�e ques�.on of I�V p�c'�c�!�g surfac+e? And froan what sourc�? How many residents ar� r�ai�y a�ains�t R`J parkiai�? �� it Q�Iy a disgru�cl�d few oz� is ther� a trer�d in t�s d'ar�ction invol�sa� �a ����rity of tt�e r�s�d�ncs? Fre�u��r�t�y just e�ne or two farY�.Iic� can stir ug a real storm. If th� situatxor� ranrt�t be resolved thraugh the usu�i pro�edi.u'�s �f pub��� l��az�ngs a�d a vote of thP locafl�oveaning bcqa�d,th�n tak�your issue tc�.he v��ezs ixi r�e farm�f a referenclum. If the voters xum th�annbs d�wn, then at least the ansvver is de�ir�itive ar�d no� decided by , a 0 .. � h�ndl�ul af�erti-RV pra ow�ers. � Jus� re��mbe�r that �� is not a ixopel�ss �ituation; ya�u are not alone in y��ar �Pf�rt�. �1ot al9 �arrianunfci�s succ� in eh�ir e�'�r� �o o��aflr� f�v�r�ble 9��s6ataon, but cna�ny �re f�nding �ta�t ei�ed off�ei�ls a�d judges are sway�d i� �h� dix�ction �f tlxe w��1�nn� life-style arnd fa�mr�y tag�th�ra�cs, chat l�Ving r�prese��s. �vr�ry time 1�Vers preser�t�r���onable arguanen�and w►n, It i�6ra�nd to imfYuecace anoth�er cma��aa�ity s�,sine�+�n�r� ir� c�i� ea�.�ntxy. That is one s�f che pua��es of' th�s �ocurixen�; tm aid �th�rJ b� p��+6din� i�formatiar� �f organized �fff'mrts th�t h�ve yielded. suecess�l re�ules. �f r s �on't��v��ap�thaut turrting�v�r�ver�j staa�e.E#s the RVgng conr�anurni�.y gr�vNS ir�ra�rmbe�s rt and ���rt th, so de� yatar��aaexe�s �o �btair� pro-RV €�rdir�a��es. � �� snn���ly ho� tflxat t&�� �a�'on�xa��ior� provided to you by 'i'L �nterpr�ses, Inc. wyll b� l�ea���.~a�t �� ys�aa an�l ��1 ��'�� R'� �a�v:��a�s �f y��r ���uri:�r. - .Q , ; - 9 � � � � � �� ������ I''� � In 1�79� it 1ocr�ed like td�e ��' o�vv�e��s of 5�an Leanda�o, Calif�rnia, v�er� in fac a hard time. �4 pr�posai �efor� ttie cAty c�a�ncil �vea�t beyond street paakin� r�str��.io�.s, vvhich vvouZd h��e prohibit�d parki�a� ��all over�ized vehicl� bet�ee� t�� �.��a� �f 2 �nc� � �.:�. '�?� �Sr€���1 I als�a extended to�ff-stxeet�arkiz�g, and �outd have prohi�iited p��kn��within the 20-foot front � �ard setback a��a of r�sidences. � T'his ord�a��r►ce vv�uld h�v� encarrip��sed vett��l� ir� ex�e�5s �f�0 ��e� in l�ength, 7 ffeet in i h�ight,and 7 f�et en vvidth.Tt��ordinance was drafted in response to complain�abo�ut�r�5lezaz., „ �k'visibil'aty due �o ovPr�ized vehicles on st�eet5 an� i� driv�ways. Sta�non wagoras, vans, and �ick�aps witn s�e�elis wer� tc� be �xempteri frorr� �h� cestrictic��s. Cauncil rne�L�ers agr�� t�aa�, s�o�id tt►� e�rdfln�nee b� �asse�, it vvc�ealc� �aot apply ta shmrt� �ern�n parkircg sit�ations; corn�l�iret� vvere to b� issued only a�t�r a v�k����� h�ad b��� �ar�C�d in �ne (o�ati�ra far � suf�a�ie�.t tern� to be ca�ns3�er�d '°long-t�rarg." �ood Sarr��rs is� 5ara L���.dro �+en.t int� action. First e�ey leartn�d t�lat there �Pre not suf�cie�t s�or�ge l�t� r�earby t� �cGOCraa��date ai� af�h�e I2�� �� vv�wfld be f� vi+ola�teo� o�the pxopased ordflnar�ce. T��y gatta�r�d tti�ir�arce§ and vo�ced t�►ear core��i�ints to e�e caty council. � lvieml�ea� �f ttfl� co�nril 1ist�a�ed, a�� the resulting r��sed �rda�aa�ce is r�a�re favorab[� t�a � nr►ost F�d o�n�rs �an t�e ��e ori��n�ily propased. It spec�fi�s �l�at RVers �anable tc� park tl'aeir ve��ci� be�.ind tt�e 2�-fs�at s�t�ras��„ ��n�d who have no reas�nable a�ces� �e� eit�er tlie re�r �r side y�rd, rna�r �ark tYt�ir vehicle�s ir� their driv�eways, provic�Pd the}� dm not eact�nd over tY�e publiti s�d�nn�alk. �s for screet parkir�g, n�n-�aatc�rized ve��i�les are •���t aNlovved to be par�Ced ��rvyeer� the �ic�e�rs of 2 ��ad 6 a.m. ' �a��,e�n�ro.�Cal�[ornaa 'fi`���.,�v7���iai�a Ctnapter 1'Tcaff�s��n�sol � variance granted pursuaa�t to t��se provisa�n�sha16 a•e�na'an vaE�d onfy so lo�g as thc ' , necessa�y facts estabfished in order to obcain the vari�nce continue to exfst. • (b► Off-Street Parking Of Ve�ictes Of Certain Sflz�; F�esidentia[. (l) hto rnotu► v�iirle ex.��ede,b dh� folloe���:�g c�re (2) �i��en.sians: twenty (20) feet in length and se�v�n (7) feee in heighc s1�all � p�rked or lefc standix►g within tv��n�y (2t�) f�ee of t�e fnant yard ar streec s�de �;ard don a c�rnec IQtp side af the sidewr�lk; p��ovidrd, hobvever, that such motor vehi�les may be so parked or ►eft ,tanding on th� d¢ive�ay�areeon t�a�re�f i£�space rs no� availa�€e upa�a t�e driv�w�y of tt�� v�hicles co be p�+rk� bey�nd �aio� twenty 120� feet, or if spaee is s�mt a�+ailable ir: the rear yar�d or side yard, or there is no reasc�nabte access to erth�e ehe re�r yasd or side ya:��i; a c�rner i�t is presumed to �a�v� reasonable azcess to ehe rear yard. (2) IVoc �ithstanding paragraph (b�(1) ot this scetion, rzo part o€a�y ca�otor vehicte rnay eY3end �ver the ps�bies sid�walk. (cy Non-!�loto�iz�d Vehicdes. No v�hicle other than a mocor vehicle as defined 'n}�Caiii'orr►ia V�h9ele Ca�� § 415 shal[ be parked or left standing upon any street between the houss mf 2:�C� a.m. and 6:00 �.m. 19 �. . � i �. I I I ���� , ��t��I��� ����� I �++.�other �xarnple of���w one persan c�n rr��9ce �. dii���e�e� c�€ne�,�fron2 ��c�€s�d� ��ael�, Calif�r�sa, It was ire 19�i� r.t,:�at Go�cd Saanex Dr. �!li�i �uekxier almost sBngie-h�ns�edly defeaeedl the �tedo�d� ��aeh City Cr�ura�cil's grs��osed �r�t�-RV p�rki�►g o�-dinance. Buckazer pratested ek�ee �roposed legisfatior► iea person at a City Co�r�cil rneeting, utiliasng in�'oranati�a� f�am �h� �.eg�siati�e IKi� to suppo�t t�s �r�ument. �-I� sueseeded in ��t�ing th� coun�almen to �+�t�one ct�eir decisaon on the ord�nanee for ore� e�✓�k. It vvas a bus� vve�k f�a� �3axckraer. Eie wcot� �d ��d pYisit�d S+DiJ fty�is a�vt�i�� he and �iis wife distributed �r� e�ery park�d 1�V t�ey f��xnd, drivi�a� ne�rt� l�a cniles on eity street� and thr�ubl� pairkiz�g d�ts. VVherr th� cauncfi rriet t�ae �o[lavuir�� v+re�k. �uc��r �as pl��sed �o s�� �i�y kf�li �cke�d � and overflvwin�. raft:y ����s� att�ndAn� �� raie�etnn� ��r�, li�e �ucicner. �r�p�r�d t� deliv�r 5��eches in psot��t �f�e arati�lR.� par�cin� Ie��slat�c��.. �fter ar�y �i�c �f �ese spPesk�es� the caty �Q�a��ii�an �ha� had �r�tr�uc�d c.�e te��sl��on aiaria�nE�� t�ha� he vN�ut� vvithdraw i�is �ri�cac�r�. �'it���t the al�xtri�s c�f �uckrA��. �nd the Sll��)�DY'L O�tY�05� �e1� C�IlYa3C�eC�, tix�legislati�n�rabably rv�s�ld k�a�r��een pa�5�d at�d si��e�i i�t� l��v bc:fare tt�e I2V Uwn�� A�'that c�r�a��iey tw�ze ���'� �f thl� r�esta�ctior�s bein� irnpas��l o�� �err�. f)r�ce again, ie stressed the impo�rttanc� of kabov�ng �r�at is goir�g on � �1?e coa��a��y. �'he progc�sea t�e�islatior� vaocald �ave �llavved ��ta�i��rrYe� to �a�rk gn ehe frc�r�t ya�d �sea �n apprav�ri drivevvays vva�t�ich l�ad di�eeetly ta a ga�a�e. I�1r�ra�anotar�a��i �.�/s s�uld � parked � o€a dr�v��vvay3, ses��yards, �n��a�k yarcis if th�ey�ere b�hin�d �i�e fa-�s�t iira�of the snain stndcture � ,� or� th� prope�ty. . It�ondo�e�ch,�aii�'ornia • [. Regutacions f�r parking an.ml/aq�St�r�g�e f�e�°ack� ioi or�acr�i iqa all regade�tia: lansl ' use disericts as desig�ate<i by S�ctici� IQ-2.14G6 of AricEe 2 of this chapter_ (&� Scokag�e ar�d/or p�•��c�ng, far moce t�an seveniy-tv�ro (72) cc�nsecutive hours. ��' bo�ats, house traitPrs, carr�p �railers, dre��ched carnper-tr�iler top�. �isra�ant9ed vehic(�s, ans� other � �rait�is in the fro�.t yard area ("'fe4nt yard area" defin� t��ereira for the pur�ose a�'�t�is sectian as th�e area raneasured �'men the fr�c�s properEy 9ine to a iine parall�l wc�tc ei�e f.�ee of tlae €'ront walt of the main b�ildirag lacacea ehe geeatest discaric� fr�rn t�� fror�e �aro�arty line and extendinq thQ full wi�ch of the loa or parcel) shalf noc be permitted. In additiam to th� above re�gulasio�a, starage in the k'ror�c yard area far more ehar� seventy-t�o (72) consecuEive h�urs cf any �xe�t:°�ials (lumbc�r, metais, plastics, et.c.), fixtures, applian�es, machines, erash, vvaste, or other r�tatex�ats which a�e �oc custoaia�rify considered as a dezora�ceve landscaping feature is hereby prohibited. (2) �n ctxe street side �af comer�r r�versed camer Rots, sturage and/or parking for mor� than sev�nry-c�w€� �7Zr cc¢�se;.vE1`�� ���a'`9�boats, trai[ers, or s�*nelar iteans, in the sid� �r rear yard area, �hal: b� shielded by a decorative wall or fence six (6') Feet high to er�inirnize any undesirable appearance from the strcet and surrounding prop�ety; excepe on the stre�ee sid�e nf reversed corner lots no scorage shall be permict�d closer to Rhe sueet than the requir�d setback of the adjacent interior lot. (3) Stora�;e for more than seventy-t�vo (7Z) ronsecutive hours af any commercial or ic�nstrucfion ec�t�iF�ment or materials, e�r storlge and/or �arkinE for rnor� than seventy-two (72) ��� �., �oynt�� �����. � � Goc�d �aar►�rs i�a �oyritan Seach. Flor�da. won a decas�ve v�csory�na on�e of the mose 9iberal �I RV �arki�� ordlnaa�ces on �ne boQks. li Pri�r ta l 9'78, th�ex�st�aig ant�-I�V or�lYn�c� �r��iSAtiaag dPne pa�ir��c��'�v s m�a��ia�ni's�l �rs�perty (ex�ept in a gara�e) vvas enbo�eed oixly on complaint. '�has led t� on� RV�r in tka� catyunun�ty clai�in� tl�ae the }�r'a�ice of�z�forcpng mnly €� respcanse t� �onn�i�ints was dgse�irr�- � inatory: �ne had beer� cit�d s�vera�l tianes vv�l� �til�� i�x t�� ci�y coratinuea� to p�ark �aear R�s on �h�ir g�r�perty witho�at �realey s�nce naa ��+mplaiYa�s had b�ra �le�i �gaixist therc�. I This lor�� �tV owrfle�'s ��Ie�ataa�i led t� � �ho�esale enfc�rc�mer�t of �e ord'ae�anc�, �nd a loud cFy c�f protest fx�orn RV c��vrcers vvho re��a�seed a nevb �rdia�race. Y Th� ne� ordg�a�a�ce �ven� #'ar b�yond �za�st rn �imr�aa�ag rtc�t �rae b�at �c� R�s to �a� park�d oe� a si�gl� resident�al lot �rr�vided th�t �nly �ra� qs p�rke�i car stor� ir� �� ar�� betv�een the rig�t-m�-vv�y and the stra.�'��:e �cx� l�arc� s�rfac�d a�ea, A �c��� one �a�y�€� park�ci �r store�l ir� a ca��, c�ra � driv��va�r �L�i�ind che front laa�e c�f�he stna��re) or ui a �a� y�rrci. �'t��t��tlira�nc�go�s a step fr�r�e�in�llo��additimnal�Vs stor�d�n���c��s�d st�t�ctur�e C�p�er ZO i�a.��','I'II�Y+I,��.�HYCX.PcS,1�0.�,°���I}� �OA.T'Tdt�IIJE63S Sec. 20-!. Purpc�se. 'F'�e p�r�os�of e�is chapter is to r�uAate ctxe �arking and stcacag� �€rec�eaeiar�al vehi�l�s an� b��ts or tzaat trailers. Ttae.•se regu�ati�ns are i�t�nde+d for and in the besc i�terest e�f ttbe citizet�s of th�city� t�+ provid� eas� ��cess�a� �c�ation�l �v�hicles wvhi{e ps�c�m�€ia�g tt�e heaitlh, safeiy and welfare of all the citize[����a�e �c[f�r. �Ord. N�. 78-Za § t, 2-7- 78) Sec. 2�-2. SzQp�. "!'his shapeer is intendeci e� tbe�pplicabl� 'sn �,11 e�sidentialty zoazed iareas within th,� rity flianits. jvf�. iJv. 7a-�. 7 <. 2s7-'.'�; . Sec, 2(D-3. Def�niiAOn. As vs�d in chis chapter, "eer=eaxlon v�hic.te" rn�ans any txav�l tr�iler, motor ho€ne, sCide-ice cam�:.r, or otla�r�nit basilc��rn�nur�ted on a ctcassfls, excludi�g van�s, ciesigned wi[;haa�t � �rma�e�ar fa►�r�dation, wkxich is used for cerrigosary c3weil.ing or � �teeping pc�r�s�ses an�i vv�ic� enay be (eg;alty c�r�ve�a ae tuv�r�i�n a hi�Y��vay, a�nd �+hgct�ba��iy � length do�s not�xceNC� tliirty-�ive (3S) f�et and total bady v°✓idt4a �4�s raet �xc��c3 eight (8} geet, or as�y boat or b�at ��ailer, ae�d a�91 other spor[ cyp� k•�er�ation�L vehicles ana the eraiiers useci to siore oc transport all suck� r�cr�zti�nai �vehicles. (vrd. Ido. °�8-2, § 3, ��7-7�} Sec. 20-4. Pss�ce st.ci�agene�ulatiora�co apply. 'I°his c�ap��r Is pr+marily f�r ehe purpose of p�otecting eesidentia! zoning. Therefore, a�y ordi�ances Qf this eity �r l�ws of this state providing for t?�� r��ulatiaer of ce�reation vehacles,k�ats ar boat tea�i�a�s or rnotor vePaicle� ar� in addition to this cha�rt�r an� w�aerever ara� provision �f s�me other ordirea�ace or applicable statute, whether prim��ily fc�r ehe regulatior�of r��r�ar�on vehicies, bo�es or�soat traiters or rn�cor vehictes or fior p�r�osds of xoni€�g, im�c.ses more stri�agenc rce�uir�me�.ts or limitatio�s chen ar� imposed or required by tt�� provisions of thfls chapeee than the an�ar� stringent requirements or tisnitatior►s shall �pply. (Ord. No. 7�-2. � 7. �-7-73) Se:. ?�-g. ��t'�t o� pe��+aA�e lirnit�tior�s on la�ad use.Tteis c�ha�pter shaPl �c�t tse con- strued to limit any deed reskricti��s, condaminiuQn regulaeio�s�or simil�c privat� li�nit�fian m�r� restr�ctive than the reg�a[aeians eontained hei��in. Further tt�.is pmvision stiall �not be con�trued as creating an obiigation on the city to enfc�re private limitat�n�s c�n l�nd us�e. (Ord. No. 78�2, � 7, Z-7-78) Z4 � . . ' 5�.ac. 2�i�6. Cr� ons ta�_parkan�n pefvxee rc� ��ar6t e s��r�ta�of a�ecr�atlon v�teicl�es. Exaat� ae�t t �es an priva�e property ax�a,y pereriieteci der ehe fr�tlaw8n� ii condit6ons: (a) 'f�a�t the recreatis�n �rehie�e� boat a�r ba��t ir�ale�r�ay bc paric�i or s�.arrd in � carporc. (b� That th� re���at6on rr�k�icic. boat or boae trailer cnay b���r8c�d a�a scared �,�a a cla6v�wv�y. • gs) Tt�at ttne�x�ecr�aei�n vehicl�, b�at or boae crailer aaay h�stc��d i�s t&��e r�ear yarci, r�ot elaser tha� �av� �5) f��t�f tt�e r�ar imt lin�or in the side yaed r�c►t prds�ectin� beyand the fr�mn¢ rc�f 1ane. (d) T't�at ctre recreation vehicte, boat or[raae trail�r cn�esd t�e a�vnesf oe�sed�y a r�sid��e o�'�t��peeenis�r.�. qe) 'Th�t eh�r�cs�asi�n ve�nic[c. �o�at oe boat�raid�r must be c.�ur���t&� s�°sss��ed ae�d Zns�ns�cf �s re�uir�d by stat�aa�e� f�eral l�w. . (t� '�°hat n� receeatic�n v�faicle, k�oaa ar b�at crailcr may be packecl bet�v�en the ri��Zt- off-way and tt�� strurrcurt u€tless Qaa a d�ive�+ay ar otI�r hard sucfaced area. s�st� a� a�ptaale, p�vi�ag �eore�es, shetlxt�rk ar c+�sas��te. lgi Thaa ttae acrt�t ¢xe�inbe�af��hacles (o����than pas�ngcr v�k�icl�) s�.{��rked or li ° seaared shal� � li�tted to tvs�� ��), n�€ ir►cludisr� �fltos�e k�pt a�a ��rage. Only a�e ' recre�cion v�hael� m�y tse paciced or ses�r�d b�twe�n th� rigtet-a�f-r+va}r and ttn� scrurcur�. . (i�� 'T[�at sd�e e��ce��uo�a vel�6�ie, tx�a�.or l�a[ crail�s�shaii ia��S��k�d oe sttxr�cd engirer°� �t� tF►e c�wner°s prc�p��y 'rn a xa�'e �etd or�eely era�nne���d eha¢v�t�acl�s paeked or - sto�eel on a d�v��n+ay st�a(t noc tae a �aa�2rd t� ��le enterin!� tl��drlv�vvay or ta �p�x�an� passirag�n ��e s6d��v�[k. (fl� Ttaat the r��eacian v�9aacl�, t�at�a°S��t erail��is nc�t i�v �� �rQC�ss of beirag const�u�te�, rtconstr�c��ed or�a�drega�in� �aaa,�c�r r�aa�s t�at t�a�� �k�m rn�a� cfs�� s�veca d7p cons�ci�oe cl�ys Yo �caang[�i�. (�ec�. No. 7�-2. � �, Z-7-°7�4: �ra3. id�a ��-23, � Il, 6-3-�53) S�c. ��-7. 'I'ime tixruit 4'�r p��king�s� r� e�ot c��. i��, :�:-�°?�s��vehicJ�, b��s�z baa� �I �raiie�skaalr � �ar�Ced or �c�r�d on any pexk�[ic rigi�t=�f�rap for a p�read ��c�ed'aa��o�t �oa��. � (�rd. I�to. 7�-Z, � 5. 1-'7�3$) I Se�. 2�-EB. ��:�pyi�z�on �riv��e�x� r�t . (a) Gtneradly. It s��d1 b� unl��anful t� oecr.�Py any rcra�eat6c�n vefi�eeie w�el� saia� vetaicde i� �parked or storc� on �Sri�r���e prc��rty saraless saxsh use is sp�sifie�lfl� g�enmit�� �ca tpa� appli�,�bl�zo�zan�,d4s�st. I a ��D� COidSF034C7P6iT l.''�A$IC"TSS S�1�lI �.?C �CYY14�[C� i�S C3U[LIRIC4� :� S�ctiun 4(I�8 of A��mdix �, mff , this Ca�d�. I {c) Mobile hames a�s defined @n Section 1� G��a�raY ?�efinitions, of A�pendix A of t'nis I Code shail be permiteed 'ea� a���laeablc zoned d'astaictso 4t�rd. �o. '7$-2. § �a, 2-y-723� � � � � � � � ..! 001 K'� � � i I I 25 , 4 j ������, ����� ��2��� �', . i ,� � ill'a�aoYS,did a lot of wailcia�g az�d daor-�a�acking, I G�od Sarner Ed I�crlbab�o�f VV�est�u�d�c, b�xt i� p�id o�'v�t� �avarable F�i� par�g 9egislatao�a �. �u �o�unit.y. Ed was f�rtun�te in ha�rag a village planne� wha vvas �oo�ratxv�. �Ie vvorke�l �tl�x Ed an utilEZing �r�£o�rmmat��n€��m tb►e Legisbadv�1K.it tm d.ra�t an�rdi��ce tc� rep�ac�an ex��tira�a�ra� tk�at v�as ar�ti-I�V,�'ill��e�,�ard m��b�rs v��r�p;c�s�nt�d v�i��c��ixa�nee tllat was a cc���arssite I pr�pa��d �'rorn a�eas u�ls��d 'a� �tkc�x ���nu�i��s, _ 'T�e �robflerr� i� West �usade� s�az�'ac�Y dur�.�.�tfl�� sa�n��of �.��r�r�n�¢a s�v�r�l €�� �d I E�oa�c�`��rs. �rh�t�.��ax'Y��d t�eir v�ba�l�s zr��e�r ciriw��ay�. �ceiv�d!nm�aces frr�in����i�� efl�a� they w�� via����nn� � �ill�g� ordir�anc�, :t��9� vver� ��eaa �5 c���rs tQ rno�v� tlh��r�rek�i��e3. ��aiiz�r�g�txey had a p�blerafl to b�cess�l��,�oar�i en�a�ers��ve tk���i/��c�b�at ovr�ers � � sEx-w�e�ss g�'a�� �sea�e�d dv��ale ttie b�ard �tt�rnpted to �nroz� �ut the gr�blecra. �eclu�i"r�reg � ; A.t ttaat tir�e, ttae VVes� l��sr�dee zonan� �ade �r�l�bie� gr��a�� ar�� bc�at �� R�'� I � motoriz� a�nats, in � a�sider��ial �ee� �f t.l�� vel�a�l� w,�..e �a�a� ttr� 10 f�� ��. 1'i f�t flos��, � � e��tat f�t �de �nd �+vas v�t�n a fre�nt y�d. sid� yard. e��f�ts�� drive�ay. `�'�hic�� �� ��� �� b� mz�re �a.�n six f�et froaa� anv �ui�ding a�nd t.i�ee f�et fr�e�a �ny garop�rty lin�. . Af��� E�ce�i�ira� sea�r�al c�r�.pl�ts. �3e �JO�PC€' SZ'��C� C�QD`dNIY �k�t� S$i52'L� LSsIYtTfl� Cl��tiiDY1S. � L � 'd'a �orngs�ic�t� �h� �ae��ti�rn, sh�re �were �.o RV s�or��e fac�li.ti�s in ��st 1��.�nd��. . T�e �.ee�r ruil� pres��ted tm �.h� vilta��� tx��rd w�re p�ssc� by � u��nir���s ��te, �.nd �e i �'ave�.�bt� e.r� �iV �nd b��t own�rs. T&a� ne�r ����th 1�t f�r �ehicl�s in, sg�e ar�d rear yards is I 3� €e�t. �.md scnall 1ZVs (b�t n�t b�ats) ca�h� st�a� Fra �v��v'�ys. '�o add to the flExibilr�y, �� c��ev� ��i���� � �ll�'�s T��s tc� b� Ie£t i� a fre�nt siri���way f�r e�p tcs 48 hours in an,y ��-da� pe�iod far l��dazi� �d ux���t��, m��n��nasi�e. ��a�i �s�tors; �c��c��r, a,db�s�y es ���'c� trs �av� iin the vehicl�. f �tv �xa�s�r�rrcE w�vr�ra��r1� �r�A��t xtt z�rrtr��. �€t�a�r..� F� ��ra��►�.�c�rair�� [��s- �r�Qe� R��ui...e.�or�s. �ECTIC)id 2 i0 Cl61'I'DOOR ST(�RA►.G1E O�TRPsYL�YtS �Nd3 �OA1"S �flF THE [NU1ViCIPAL Ct)DE (JF T�iE VY�.IAGE �O� Yb'ESx �9I.Jt+I1�EE. IL. �LF 1�73. A,5 ��NID�T3 . �._.._. ADOPCE%) �Y TI-IE �. VII.i.AC;E SQARI3 � �F'r�9E � i/Y�.Y.AGE d!F�/IE�°C��JI�D�;,II,�.3NOr� � � T1�iiS 5'��i �DAY (3F D+��EM�3E� 1983 —� i�L3BI.ISI-IED IP<f PR�Idi�k�L,ET P�RI� �Y P���FtYTY CPF THE '�/Y�GE ��A�tD OF'b'HIE VIY.- � I..P.G� �F WFS'�'Di31�IT���, FC.,�,NE f��3LJNi'Y. I�Y.i.Y�C,IS.°S°H(IS �T�i iU�Y E�� D���16�1�ER. 1983 L9 ' !� O�tD1ZVAMC�83-13 � APi O�tD[hi'A�(CE AlYL�2�IDING C;I-1API'E�i }CIA Z{.)I+iING, ARTI�LE II[ G�iiEiZAL.ZONTNG DIST'RiC,"T F�G[JL.A°TI9FI�. I SECT'ION 210 ClZ.JT�DC+OR STARAG� ���I��S �dD �OAT'S. OF 1°I3� IvtUt�ICI�AL COB� O�TFY� i�'IIDY,.AAGE flF 'bVEST DtJId1�EE, IILLCTVf�i� OF i�?3. �"r� �r:LAlL�� 8e it ardained by th�e President and Bc�ard of'Crusttes af ttae Village nf VVest Dundee, Kane County, [Ilinois: Sectio�a 1: 'Chat C:hapaer XII �oning, r�rticle II General �ocn�ng 'Distr�ct Regulatioe�s, Seczion �10 Oucdc��r 5sorage of Trailess and Boats, a!'the Municipal Code of the Vi4lage of Wese �R .. ' f��undee. I14inois of l97 and che �rne herrby is a�arnciecl. �� r� °ng sairi sectia� in ies �nairety. 'ft�c amr�rded ter sh�lt fse d�s'sgraated as Ctaapter XII �:o . �lrtiele [F �er�era! Zoning Dbserict Regutations, Sect6c�s� ZI�1 CDutd�r.►r 5tar�ag�df EL�cre�zs�s�al Ve�e�tes, I3mats, �nd �'cailers, t6�e sa�sae now to read as follovvs: CHA.E7Ed� 9{II Zaa�[ng ARTI�L.E i� G�n�e�al zoe�ing Diserict �i�egu6at'rc��s SECTIOIV I2-2[0 €,lutdoor Sc�ra��a�f Recreatio�a( Vehac6�s, Boats, arad'Tsailers A, Definitions ! �. BOdi: Ml�c�fAS c7Plj/(��e/9�'� 13&�f�i i3r��r�Ell� O��S�t?:g e�Wpd f�r �ia�iga3:a��: or� a�v«;er. i �. T'raiier: Shall isaclrade e-very vc�itle�esig�ne� oe�utiliztd for�he tran��rtation of I any bQae, auto, �noew�axobile, and tf�e iike, w�xich does not h�ve mrtiv� �oNVer. F�ut is designed Qo f�drawn by anocher vehiede. � 3. Recreati�n Vehicte: Is a �r�hiaciar, �rtable st�sctta� t�e��lc on a cd�assi�, d�si�n�c! to be used as a temp�rary dwe�ding for tcavet, ceCr�ational arid v�c�tion us�s and/as , vehicles with "RV" ficens�e �lates. A x�ecreatio�r veizicl� s�eall incluc�e b�ac noc be timiced t�a the foll�wing: tr�avel traaler, �ick-up c�rsz�r, enotc,rized �amrne, campi�ug trail�r. 4. Owa�er: N�rans a p��son oeher e4�an � laer� hoCdee havriasg a �sQp�rty i�ceres�.are e�e title co a boat, tr�ilcr, or rerr�ation �vehicie. Ttte ter�a� ieeslud�s a p�:s�e��er�titt�i eo ,, qQle use or pos�es��Qn of� h�oat, tr�ailer, or r�creaeio�e vefaicl�, subjecc co an (rt�s�st in ��YOtlier pers�r�, res�rv�d or creat�d by agxee�tac:nt an� seca�r�ng paymenx csr �er€orrnsance of��a c�btigation. �. �er�erai CondieiQns 1. �raellfi�i,�s�: I�a boat, ceail�r�r recreatian ve�taele �ha9l h� usec� a� a dweiti�sg, storage ar an accessory buiiding. ' 2. Cor�stru�ti�n AJ's�: Fi recre�t�ar� veh�cle m�y b� used as a t�enp�rraay csf�ice or ssozage space incAd+�ntaY ¢o construceion �f a buiddinglaiev�iopsnent �or eh� period of taera� such construction is actively ur�d��taken, provid�d sucl� v�k�ic[e is ic�cate� on t4�e sax�ae�r contiguous lmt �s ti�e b�ildirsg/di.�v�dop��rat under�onscavcti�n. 3_ F�arr�cnabi� Li_a�aids: The bwner oC a baat, teailer ar recreatiail v�ehiele si�ald not park, l�et stanci, or store such wehi�le te�a�ing�Eaa�m�bie liquids aboard oeher tha�n in Iilinois DeRaetrr���xt €�f Tran�spartacimru rsr [Jraieea Sta�es �epartment of Transpor- tat'sor� apprav�ed cone�iners. 4. Dar� grous ar Unsaff� Stara�e: 'Ch�ow�er t��'� t�at, zgaip�r, or recreation veh�iele shatt nmt �Sark, lec siae�d, crr seare su�h �vetaic[e in susl� a �aa�nner as to create a dae�gcrous ox uns�af��on�itior� on the pre�p�rt�y evher� �aarked, permie�ed to star�d, or sts�red. Parkireg, suan�liaag oe•scarirag the b�at, cz�ailer� �r recrcacion vehic9� ir� suc4� fashion tt�at such vetticle may tip or roEL strall be considereci a danger�us an� unsafe con�itior�. 5. S€reet ParkiRg: IVo bc3�t, t��i��r, nr recreation yehicle s�tall �� �Crmitted ea �arE� �n any Viil�:ge sce�et or paeking lo¢ be�vveen the ho�rs of 2 a.�. arad lx a.rn. �.t r�o ' : time st�all a tsailea�e lefc tipon a Village street or�arkfng I�e unattached eo a � motorized ve�icle. � 6. Proof of Ownecxhip: A legai o�r bene�fi�ia! ow��er of, or less�e: of eh� propercy shaQl � have, anc� disp[ay upon rc�uese eo au.thorized �161iage officiafs, proof of ow�necshi�s �,, of a parked, stand'eng, o�stor� b�sae, tra�f�r, or re�areation vetaicl�. � ?. �.i�ense Reguired: i�tt ba�ts, traiters, or r�reacion vehicigs st�ad[ dasplay curr�nr. � SRate iicen.§e plates os o�aer registracion ces�ifieates. � 8. Dumpinq: Boae� ar recr�aeian vehfcles sha!! du�np sevvage orLly intc� approved „�q sanitary fa�cilities. C, Residential Di�t�ei Reg�latfl�ns � A boat, crael�r, or recreation v�hicle m�y be pa�ked, perrnitted tQ stancl or stor�d out of � c3oors in any ees��iz�c�al �ist;or: sssbje� e;, �a� f�Ila�:�in� Cnnr�6Pi[�SpS ��[� Y("$RCIS�lOI1S: 1. General Cor�ditions a. Mobile Condition: A parkec�, standing ar stared trail�r o�recrcaEiQn vehicle • shall be cnaintained in mobile condition. . 29 , Aeaeion vehirles s�alN be b. 'Tempc►racy I�add��/P�� ��cs, tr�el�rs, and rec per�te�tted t� te�npa�ranl�y parie�ed 'a�the fron¢�ri��e+vay of��ny eesid�ener f�r u� t����e��rs wiehin any 15 aay p�r�a�d eo accamm�dace lnading/ue�l�adimg ;: �u�per�c6a�s, out-of-zown guesc�, and �xainor repaer�maineenar�ce work• �� I � c. Ind�r Stor�ge� A baat, trailea or r�crea�tio'i ve�8c1� a�aay�e sec�e�� i�d:.�.� �, e ,� pr+�vided ahac tt�e residence �ainc�ens cvvo os�f�B�'e�et p�r�Cir�g spa�es as rec�uired. � , �; 2. Nurn�rr of Vefni�les: �6o er�orN shan � t�atlt�aatee com�s I[93tl�IDt� 3[1d1 1 c�Cl��fi0�9 � , �� v�hac�� magr ��se���d ��a¢�°� �s:� r�s��r�caaR lo�. d�����s� caaa�s, a�d re�w+b�ats � �i ; shai! �aoc be considered,ra b�at for puepases aaf t4�ds sub�eeti�ora. I % 3. �B�[k �aaad Lzrcaeior� Etestri�ee�ns-5ide ar�d Rea�Yaed: Y�o baaat,erail�r, or rerxeation . I � vr�hicAe sto�ed in a resisientia! disui�t sha[l excc�ed tk�e ffc�llc�dvissg diea��ns�ons a��si a 1cs�ataQns: ; a. He��c: 11 P'eet exeludi�s� anttnn��. ,� b. Lengtt�: 30 fe�e, excludin� Ih�tch, eongue, and other apgendages. � �. 4plidth: 8 f�et exci�ua���ag �tt�rk�cd ��x�dvvare. y �I. �ear Ya�d: closer t.�an 3 �'eee �'�orya tl�e rear paope�+ lin�• � � -- � e. 5ide Y�rd: eloser than 3 feet�'e!a��e sid� pra�perty !ir�e. � �4. �udk and �,c��eioaa RestriceAans�-�rzrr�t Yaed: rdn boa�, cr�i�er, trav�i trail�r,or ca�tppin�irai8ee s[�all bt a�lo�t+ed va�iihicl a[�y fr�nt yard �acce�Of as otfa�rvvis� I # ��svidec� in 5e�tion C 1 b'Tersa�r�ry F..�aading/Parking. Pdo cnatorized recrea�io�al s v��icl�shail be stored i�c �ffrorat yarc� cxcept�n � driv�way whict� �n�es a�ia��t�d d�ivevv�y standards�nd s�a�all noa ex�eed the foilowiaag dirnenseons aapo la�catiotx: a. �i�i�he: 7 f��t�xct�'�3ea�ane€�natae. . . 9s. �.�tf'A: �0 f�e¢ �. V►lid�ta: � f�� , d. �et �3�ck: 15 fevee fro� the v��bld�rigk�t of v►�a�r � Seecion 2: That any and aflf ordiu�an�es, x�s�alutioses, an�3 csrdec�, �E��ses th�r�f, in ccanflist witdx zk�e presviseo€as c�f t�ni� Or�3in�uace, ��e ta tn� ext�nt e�fr'such s�r�lict rep��led. �ection 3: T�at iff�any sertion. �11�7C1Ya/7SIOCd, s�nt�e�c� or pkara� U�'thi� Orc3ie�an�e is flor ac�y reasc�e� h�ici t� b� void, Qnvala+d, e�r ran�oenstieas�ac�►�nai� s�as:�cfe,cisir��. sFaali �►ssE e4�'ect th�+.+�alidity ag the remaining portivns vf¢l�is Gcdinanse. Secaion �: Tha� ttiis Ordia-i�rzs� s�aalt be im f�all fucc� �nd et€ect f�an a�t,c� �ff�er.•des passage and apig��va! as �r��,�id�e� by iae�. �&li3 3giCT�iHb�l�c°iililG'3 911 �T�II1�.1�I�'C�4[TII �➢l!!'eU'd11i [O ti�� a��atho�ity a#'e�� �TMrPs;dP�±r ar�d Bc�ard af 1f"rust�e5. �°as��d by ch� �oar� a� Trusee�s �f che t/i11a�e af�V�e 9undr�e. FCan�e Cczunty. Yllin�is. and �pproved by Pr�sid�nt af'sa�d Village tkais �tl� day of Decerraber, Y983. • AYIES: 6 � ' � M�►.SCES: 0 � ABS�M': {3 � i 'Fh�mas R. VVarner Village �eesicfer►t, Viliage o�' VRres� Dundee, ICarae Ca�nty, Il. �4.TTEST: Margaret Jefferson i/iltage Cierk by Qarbara 1Haines Deputy Ci�rk 3a I��.�., �Iaq��l��t,� I In 1981, Good Saaners is� 1�[aqr�caket�, I��nra, reg�a�st�d a �gi�la�ve K.et ia�c�re�er�s�prep�a�e I �n a� pro-RV par�in� p�es�ntation to t�xe �it� ca�raril. Det�ils �f ct�eir �►�ctuai ��tiviti�s �re not ', avaflabte, t�u� tk��ciarr�rnt�rd'an�ns�r�utating RV par�ci�g iax eh�t�or.�unity h�s been v�rri2ger� 'I l�i i for ehe convenien�e af RY owners. Te �rovides fi�r front draveawa� ar��/or frc�r�t yard parking I wh�n spaee is not av�ilable ica ttxe side y�d �nd ��re is no r�as�z�ab�� ac�ess [rr tt�e side or �'I re�r y�rd. I It fs fn�er�sting tc�nE:�re tPnae ttYis parti�uiar vrdinaa�e�a�dresse�����ss���f LF�-��s cone�in�a�, r�uiring t4�at they me�t certain scandards �nd ttiat v�lv� b� c�os��i ur�iess ttae v�hi�l� is b�in� , z-eadi�i f�r ��i�t� use. i The ord���anc�al��ali���sie�pi��in th�v�hucle f�r a p�ri�n�t��c�ing�7. cor�ssPeu�iv� I �c�uzs co p�AVad� for c�o��pa'}�a�� g�aese�. - �I 5-fl�-(,:DE�biQTiY`���15�.1�Y�E��i�A'II'�f➢F�AH.'VE;4��C� �►l�dlD�.S��I.; • I As u5�ci i�a tt�i5 orainaa�c�, caznpin� and recr�ati�n v�tticle�s and � _ �equipme�t is def�ned as �nd s���aEi irzcl�ade eiae folis�v�rang: I Rerreatio�aa! V�hicle: A g�neca! ee�rea far a �e�hicretar unis n�ot exceeding th6rty-six (36) feet in i overa�l tengsh, eight (8} feet in vvidtt�. �r twetvc (12) fee� iea�v�ra�l k�eigt��, w�ich �pp�6.es to che� � follawing specific vehicae types: I �. Carr�p�r'�fadler—A fcalding or collap�ibie vet2icular str�cture, wit�mut its ovs�� power, d�signed as a temporacy livirag g�aaXt�rs �or travel, caaxdpirtg, recreation, a�.d vacaceon u�es; �nd be IiG�nsed aa�d regASt�red for highvvay �c�e. � 2. Trave( �'railee—�A ui�i� struetur�, v�i�t�aut its ovs�n �nocive pnvser, de�e�reed �s � terr��orary atwelling for travel, camping, recP�aeEon, arad vacat'san us�; be flice�se� �n� re$ise�c�d for highrv.ay use; aa�d ev[iicfi when equlpped f�c the raac3, h�s� ba�y vr�a�th ok'nrc aa►o�� ct�a.n i eight (�) feec. 3. Truck C�mper—A portable structure, vviehout its own snatMVe �ower, desi�ned to be transparted on � p�wer vehiel� as a temporary dvrre4ling fos er�vel, cam�sing, �ecae�tion, an.d vacaeion use; and vvhicE� in zombinacion wixh the carrying vehicl�; be licens�d and regist�red for hig�way use. I .4. R�'iotor Eiome—A vehic�lae unit built on or as a �an of a s�if-pro�eIled mocox vehicle chassis, pci�:arly desc�n�2d to pravide temporary living q�aarters for trav�l, c�mpin�, Ireer.�a�ics�, �nd v�caci�an use; and to be lic�ns�d arad re�istered for tsighwap use. 5. Qo�ac Teaqier—�A v�hicutar strua�eure vvitho�t its owza motive �o�ver, ��sagneci t�a �rans[x�rt a reereaaional vessel f�r recrcation and vacation use ana which is lieen� a«d regist�eeci for t�fg�avsray use. I 6. Horse Teailer—A vehictatar struaure vvithout its ov+rn �notive �rovver designed primariCy for eh� transportation of horses and cvhich, in �arnbi��ation with the towing veht�cie, is ticensed and register�ed for hi�hway use. 7. Utillty Trailer—A vehi�ular scructure wichout its own motive powver desi�ned anci or use�' � for the transportaeion of a1l cnanner of motor v��icles, gasods, or mate�ials ae�d licensed and F?�iSL€C�� fL�C �2PQ�1W�}/ ilS�. Recrea�iorial Vessel: A general term applying to a!! raianne¢� of watercraft. �ther th�n a seaplane ' on wacer, whether impelled by wind, oars, or m�chanical �ievices, and which is designed primarily 6�r recreatiun ar vacaeion us�. A aecr�atic�a� vessel, when m�ot�nted u�n a baat uailer. 3T ` ' and ies tosvirag ' ie, w�en parke�, sha81 b��onsidered! o vehicae� 6 c�n6c, exciusive nf ies towiea� , S�lC�7:I��GriJd.�!'i'dd)PJS G�Ii��Iri[�lI�S�C�IEA1"[�lY!!Qd V�'sNi��� R��i/E,SSEI.S: � t��y own�r. Besse�. �c�aNie�mf a re�eational vehirle ree�y park arae s�ur� ve�sic�.e or one se�ch vess�i on a single lot in a � cesidere�iat distriet, subj�¢to t�e follucvin�; I1. Svcta recreaYic�taal vehArle oe vessel ��tal1 b�e maetatainecl �ae a cie�n, wel! kept state so as s�oe ``� � ea�deuact trom et�e appeaxar��e of the s�raoua�ding aa�a. z. [f such r�txeacio�ai vehicpe or vess�l is cquipped wittt l9qui�i�gas rantaine�, s�a�h :�:et�a.�- er�sf�ali aneet tfa�r st�ndards asf�ither the iraterstaae Comrnerc�CaRnmission mr the Eedes�! i i9��arument of Tr�ns�rtatiorx Qr ehe Arx�erican 5a.�et�nf 14Ie��anicat Engineers, as sucl� scaa�cEards eMist orn the d�te af p�5s��e 9�eeeaaf Further the valvcs�f surfx liqui�ied ����eu� gas cr�ratainer Qraaast be closed vahen the vetafcle �c v�sse! Is �r�t b�ing readic:d fa�r irmysrti�di�te us�. a�nd in t�e ev��t t@�ae i�akage is deee�ted frorn �t�ch 8iquified p�croleum gas cont�i�aers. � i�mediste�orr�etave acc;o� ;�nusc� tak��. I 3. A.t no terz�e st�all sush pasked reerea¢ional vehicdg or e+�s�t br occu�sge�d o��S� gQF �;yirag, �leepin$, ur 14ou�kee�ran� pa�rpos�s exc�pt�s provided iea sub-paragr��h (�) a�f e�ais Sect�an. 4, gt stZall u� °��+rful ffor�a�iy rao�-paying �uests ae a resid���� ira a r�sici�nt�al distmct �� occ,1py ! � r�ne eeereati�na�l vehicde oe vessel, ark�d sub'ece to th� � P .E _ paovi�ior�s of ehas oe�i�aaa�c�, for sieeping pur�sc�s only for a peniod not exceedi�ag sevgney-evvo d72) consecutit+e�a�urs. The �otal naann�er of davx d�rir�g vs�k�ich � resc�ati��ai vehicl�or vesse! a�ay �aacc►��ai�d aenc�er c@ais sub�-s�s�ti�rn shal! nat exc��d fo�art�ere (1�� ira any calendar ye�r. S. Such r�r�atioeaa! ve��cle ar vessel may be par�Cec� in tia� fe�ilowing manner: {a) Insid��"lil��17C�OSeC� SZi'liCBtFY'� SR+�EAGtl SfE'lYCtilPe OH�Y1�I6�i+'I I �uireen��ic of ti�e part4cula�disAric�w6��re��at��. � �corrfo�ns ta th�z��arag re- � 6�1 �3i�tside in �ee si�de �+ard csc ira t�ae r€:�r yac�, a�a�d shall not tre nearer thae� tyvo fees 42'D ta� aray side c�r rear Boe line. � I (c� Parking af�eca-eac�o��al �ehicl�s or v�s�ls as �errxtitt�d i� 4'r�rat diivew�y oc a� ar�a acf- jacent �o c�ie dr�ve��y pravided: {1� S�a�� is �oc avaiiable dn the sflde y��d, ms ther� is ayo r�ascznabl�e ae�ess tc� eith�r €h�e sid� �ac r�ar y�rcl. A, f�t shali i,+e dceYn�e� ta t��d•e reas�nabEr ac�ess �o the �ea� yard sf¢errain p�a�r�acs an�i a� ac�es��an � k�a�l �w8di�ut su��tanci�l cia�ge��z �xistin� iarge ¢rees or iae�c�srapir�g. A taraxer lot s�,aft no�nally b� tieemec� ca �av rrasanatsie access ta ehe rear yard. � (2� Ieaside parkipi� is �a�x pcsssib[e. (3) Tl�� resreational dehicEe o�vessel ma�p n�a ex.tend nver thc putrli� side�walk or ' publiety c�wned right-of-�vay. f�l x�a� City I�areager or f'�tice C�ni�f�ay �ssu� a p��it far parking �n ar�y Clty street os � a�a1e� �'oe� �czad nat tv exseed s��ernty�tvw+e� ('��) hc�ur�. ! � (g! '�� Cit}+ �asaager oe Chief of�alice cnay issu�� pc:r�it for�aricing more et�an on� r�creataoa�l vehesie or m4re tlran or�e recreatianal v�essel on a sir�gle 1oc in a residential distric-s. (2') 'i't►e oe�vner off a rc�x�a�ioa�al vehicle or r�sreauan�! v��i �at•ked an � �flng�e (et in a r�.�sidentflaI dascgia�t shall also be the ovv��r or tl�� rer�t�r o�'sa�ch re5iden�aal le�e. 3� e Y� 1���1�I�,, ���I��u� ��'�w mor�s.�s�ft�a°the�stablis�ur►ent of a f�.vo�aale Ri��arknng ardfzt�e���e�Alt��c�r�erqr��, I�fevar LVd��A�� (see pa�e 41 a. G� Sarn�r Victr�r C�aa��ce af�ell��a�e, t�Tebr�sa�sa. �ez°ered on a sia�,i��� �s�ax����g�� wf� tl�e sa�ne fa�or�bl� resu��s. �IS"Id� C�ll�.Albllt�l.��Yt�l1�O��lfl'Y�Y1C� �s � g���pip��o the �elle�e corr�mi�tc� eailoaed it to suit ct�� n��s of th�ir c�wwri ��sr�mur�ty. . � s m � � I �tD1�11�rda��3CE 1Y0. A l I5• AN COY$BiY�AiVCEi It.�i A'I'[T�It's'C� P�.�ICiNCa AI�TY) S1 O�Afs� �� �2EC���:TCGIaPA.L YI:I�IC�.ES, "H'1�R�iLEFiS AIdD ���4,'�S, � :7��^TP3III��'TE�aA1iS; P'��Mf'TT'�MG f��.ItKYNG A1�bD CTSt�G� T'��R�O�: It�F��E.IING �E�'�'YOPIS 2Z�=0. 2�41, 243'7: Z4��, 2437d. ,24381. 2537, ZS��, 2637, e��� �6�5 OF Ol�I3ENA�ICE IvfO. 7�0.TFi� Z4)�d%IYG ORDIriJANCE ()F'I'i�HE CITY �� BElLL1�Q/�JE; TE� �ItOVI�� AM E�1�ECT'IF1£ DAT'E. �e it ordaixaed by ai�e l�ay�e��ad �o�an�il of the Ceey o�'Bell��rue, I�Tebcaska: Sect�on l. ��r th� pa�r}�se of thes ardinar�ce, che foilovvir�� de�nnitions are t�ereby a�da�ted: REC��.�►°FTC�tU�.L VEHICI.E rn�a�ns a v�hicaalar uniE �xc�c �x��ec3ir��4t� �'e�e in ovee�lf length, 8 fee� in wi�ledn. OP I� IC�Q 9di tEd/�Fe'flEI �'lCt��1f, peimaeiiy desig��st�cd as a ¢�ctApor�ry iiving � �ixaa�ters for r�reatio�,al, campi�g or trave! usc; is eat�a���nas it�oe�vn ��civ��wer c�r es ciesi�ned to be ataouneeei ore ar afrawn by an auca,noeiv�vehic[e. �ecxeational �vehdele i�cludes moeor t��rn�, tr�zk camner, travel crai(er, argd c��zipin� trailer. A vehicle ra�eecing the abovc rl�findtior� e�ccepe fox siae is i�ot deertned incid�r�ea4 �c, a t���ll'ar��r unqt. �f'RAI�.�R mea��s a vehicle withoue motive paw�r, designed so that de eart be dr�wra by maYOr vehicle, ta be �sed for thc carryareg o4 persQns or as a h�enar� habaeation. �ic�wev�e, a i strucaure vv�frh meets tt�e ec�uir�mencs �f th� Buildia*.g �pde of the �isy af Bellevue Aa��il �u�y�. I includ.i�ag Eo�andatioca, is eeot� tra�4er, wh�th�r or r�ot it was ons�a yehicle. �QAT' means a vek,acle ff�e�tsarr�ling in ar on water, Rm�exce�ding 4p fe�t in ba�dy , iength, � feec ie� width, or I2 fe�t in overall hei�ht. I3eighe i�acluctec th� �raal�r, if ehe tyaat is � mounted on a trailee. A uehirle �neeting th� above definitioc� except €'or saze 'rs raoc deemed in�ideniaC to a dw�l[i��� ur�it. � YAR�. FRf3II�1T, mea.'s �keat pan[of a �ot between ttre fror�t iQrlen�a�d et�� frant�s) of tt3e p�incipa[ bui9ding an ti�e ioe, ar�d extenried t� brsth �icfe loc line�. Y�c�n, �tEAFt, means t�ttat part of a Qat between the rear loe 3in� and khe bark�s) of e�e � • t principai building on the fot, and ex�enci�d to both side lat li�es. 'YA1RD, SIDE, a�neans t4�at�a,arre of� lc�t rsat surrau€�ded 5y b�i[din� xnd s�at dr� tk�� 4'ront I or reae yard. i Seceian Z. In all residentia[ zones pmvided for in etee B�Ilevue "Lcsnin� Ccrde, it i� �rmissible tQ park a recreationafl vek�isl�, ta�aclee, or boat and be�at trailer in th� foilowing mar�nee: a. i'arking is permitted i�side a�y �enclosed str�ceure, whish stracceure o�ix�rwi�e conforms tr� the aoning requirernents of t�e particular zone, evl��re Yocate�; b. P°�rkirzg i��°nnict�d outside in �e side ya�x� �¢�rear}�ar�l provic�ed it is not neares t.la�n � f�[ €a cl�� floe lsnee c. Parking is �ermitteci o�itsid� on a concrete driWeway, proyided. 35 a , ' noe ar+al�able'9n �c rear ya�rd�r sid �cd,a�c th�err� is naa reas�a�able 1. �ace is acccss�s� eitltte�tae side y�d ms rear y�ard; a��rner ioa is�Iways deeened to ' h�ve neasce�eab9e �c�css to the rear y�rd: a fence Q�ne�t��cessarily dere�ed sm prtvene reasonable acc�s; �� fnsir�e parkirs�is nat �ossib9�e; I 3. �'he umit is parked p�rp�eradicular t� the frc�¢ea curb; II cp d. T't�e bd►d�of the ��eae�a�ab v�haele c�r b�t must b�at te�st 13 f��t froata 46ae f�ce i bi Iof a�i�cgarb; Ie. ya paet c��'e�e uniC rr�ay ext��d a�v�c etn��a�b�e��adevva.tk e�r puble�tgnorougk�far� II (n�►t�o4'-w�a�j f. I�skxng is pea►�itted aa�ly fn�r star�ge p�s�ses,and a�y �aYiocxai vehicle ox � tr�clee sh�lfl �a�c b�: 1. [7sed for dwelling pu�ses, except.�'e�r ov�r�6�st sl�pi�►�for� �xi�ea�ze�t' i� i days �n any o�e ca[endar yeac. C�kang is not�SerexuSted at at�y teme- I z. ��aca��t�y conaiected t�setiws:r lir��so wa�t�er li�x�o ar eleczricity. Tt�� I rgcreae�c�n�l.veE�icie aYaay t.�e conne�ted¢�el�city tem�raxily ffc�r�l�argat�� � ; t�atteci�s and other purp�se�. � 3. (3sed for stcrrag�af�muci�; ���erials, e���cyeai�sm�°nt other than thQSe it�e¢r�� � co�xsidesed e��e ��rt c�f the uatie ae e���ti�l for it� is�nra�diase use. , �. IVots�i�uhstat��li�t�2�x��ra�visim�as of Sa�bs�cce+mr�s (3� �i�ve, a �sr►it�ata� i� pa�k�d � anyv�her�o�e�.�pr�gayise��iur��.�ac2ivR ioadim�e�r unlo�dia�g: and dhe aa�e of e[�ctricity or psa�paaa� fie�@ is�rntsYt�a!wh�n necess��r to pr�epare a c�e�ata��al I vehizBe fc�r use. h. The �sa�it shall b�ows��s'a by t�ar,. r�edt���an w�s�s��ec���° �e� uniE as �ark�d tc�r stor�ge. . � I i 5ec�iQa� 3. Sectio►� 22�, �241� 2�r37� 2�43�, 2��71,243�1. �537. 2538. ��3�, aa�d I 2Ca38 �u€()r�diria�ce 1Vo. 770�ae hertby re�aled, Sectio�a �. T'his C�ra��nance sh�lt sal:�et1'eec fram and after its p�ssag� a�zd �pproval �cc�rdi�g 20 l��w. 1Pas�ed and appr�ved thfs li�t� day���'Jur►�, 19'd�. Sigx�ed/Rob�se M. Hawor� I Mayoc ATP�SIC: � Signed/Mary Seruklett �nty Ceerk � , e��zxt ee�d'eng: hiay 13, P9?�€ � . Secon�i seadirtg: May ��, 1�74 � � �Chird reading: Jun� IU, 19'74 � . I � 36 I I I .�'�1� J����Y, °T��.�� �� ' I �/h�s� R'V oewn��s 6r� t�ie cornm€�nity of�'enafl�r, Neve� .�ers�, l�u�ach�d tl�eiY l�egal b�ttl�, �� RVs ����e "not �alloe�r�d �t a�l," accmrdin� ta� GUOd Sagn�r3 �carilc ar�d Olive Enas. �°his case d�ces back t� 1�79 a��i�n a lavvy�:r��r���?�►.�g th�F�V c�w���s u�.l"a��d x�f'uz�r�ation frorm Gooci Sarn's L�gflsl��iv� �it to convic���e l�csda�ors tt� �cate ir� ��h�l$`�f�� it�1 ��tte�s. h ,r �'he r�suits, whicla wen� ireto ��'ect in iVba.y 1979, p�rrs�,at side yara� It� �ar�:itx� vdhen it is deterr�ned th�t '°t�e recreation v�hic�le �amr��t r�asaa�ably be pask�d 'a� tihe rear y�rd , . , d�.a� ta the s��� of ehe Qot�nd �&�e l�eation o��e�an��nt s�aeta�re°' o;��'it euv�ie�r�uir� "subs�n�i�i �enowal c�f existyng l�a�dsca�irng.'° RVeas in T�e��fy agree �at it is �� oXdiea��ce "�h.at t�xey �a� [ive v�vit�.'° � r�B�YC�oa�ac� �oat����mF�a��a,�t o�i���v���t�. �a� AN o���ca�rac� �ca ��w�rrr� ,��r o�a�«r��veE �N�°��: •�i�x� ��r�Ar�� ���i�r��rr� ���� s��rou�x �� 'F�P1a�e�I.�" fC�d7WN OIdIGCIYAf.I.�l AS 01R�3HI�I�1fV�E 83� f�.S AA�EI�I3EL� ,�'�F7D SLTPPI.�IYi�PdT'�D ANI3 AS It�-F�,t�',r'4��E 11Y I QFi�IIVAid�� 115$ .P.��i"i'EID JA�t�JA�KY 23. 19�7�. BE IT ORI3AINED by �fi� IarYayo��nd C.ouncit of t9�� �oro�g�i A4�'��e��y in t�t� �oe�eniy of Bergen and State of New Jeasey z5�t the basic zoni�g ordinancc^ of t�xg �os•�a�agte �€'i'�naf�y be and the same shalt be ara�ended and st�pplerreent�ed z�ncex�eny th� stxbject �f recreaatlas�lat ✓ehicles, �aid amendsn�nts a�d supplements to be as �'ollorvs: Seeeio�x 1. k,i�icle VII, '°D�fl6tdt!(➢1(15", S�cciora "7t� shall ne sup�;tenn�mted by the � ir��e€tion in a�l,�hat�tica➢ nxdzr c�f�tae foll�vvir*g definiti�aig: €a���.EAT[t?N VEHdeIL� - A tsanspartae'ron str.aceca�e, selg-gr��li�c! ax sapaa�ble of�eing tcs��d by a �as�enge�r�ar, sc�eian �+agon or s�ail pack-u��p ta�e.i�cl�, cef such. siz�and vveigh.e as no� tt� rec�uire any s��eciad hig�w�y rrfloveen�rut p�rYUiits, arid ��i.n�rily �iesigned or constrtaet�of to �rovide temporary, movabf�, living quarters �oz' recreationai, camp�g or�cave€ use, or ta carry such equiprnent but na�[ for pcofi� nar corraanereial use r�or shatt it b� a mobiie hc�me. It sk��ll � 'rnclude but raot ts� [imitec� t�a �t� f�l�owing defie�e� �ecre�tionaE v�hicl�s: ' CA�v€�'��t - ,�, separase ve�icle d�signed for hurrnan !�abitati�n ar�d wttich sa� be aeca�hed �r�1�t�3ched fr�m a li�t taarck. with the q�acS� havirfg eeeher single or€i�arble rear s�ti�el and with or wEtho��t �n assiseir�g tag axlQ and v+�h�els ;no�anted either on the c�z��er�hass�s or th� tczick s���s6s behind the €ruck's rear ewheels. When re��ved f�s�m tJhe txuck, carc�pers are ca6led unma�,�nted cax�pers. Th�sse ramp��s are s�metirnes c�iteci triec�C raira�e�. CAM�'II�T�T�t.�II.�ST - � ty}�e of traile.r ar trafl�r coac�e, the w�alls of�r@xich aae s�r constn�cted as t� be cnliapsibl�e ana maaie oui af either canv�s or samilar cloth, �r s��e ff�rnn of rigid rnateriai s�.ycfz as fiberglass or plastir or cneeal. The vvalls are co[taps� z�+hil� ti�e x�ere�tQ�nal vehicle is being eowed or stored and are raised or unfolded ��hen the vek�:cee becorc�ae.�s teenporairy living quanecs and is nos bein� moved. MOTC)R H4�,4F - A struceure const��xctec� int�egrally with a cruc9c or motor v�n ch�ssis de�agreecl for hugnan k�abitatior� and incapable af b�eng s�paraccd tltgrr�&axan. 'g't�e �rteCl�or r�t�tor v�n �hassis nt�y h�ave single or double rear wh�els. BOATS, SPIJ�IMC�B[L.ES AND 'E'�i�IR T1tAILER� - A boae or snovvmobile tx�a�ler is a. vehicle on whicli a boat or a s�owmobile may be transport�el and which is tcrw'able by a passenger car, stiatian �agon, picic-up t,ruck or a recreatxonal vehicle as defined. A pri�vate bo�at or private snowmobiie when r:�m�Neai fram the trailer is terme� an unmounte+.� boat a�c snc�wrnabi�c. 37 era o�ieaa+nce sh�61 P�e s�pptc t�9 by further suppl�en�nting Section 2. The basrc zon 8 �iie insercaon c��� new+subs�ecion Sect¢a�n 3�30 entiel�d "Off-Screc:t Paekin� �nd 3�adin�„bY knovvn a.s 3�6U.1(� entit9ed "Ttecre�tioa�al Vehici�s" ev read.�s ff�1�oNVS: 3�5�1.10 �arn�nicsed Use�af Resre�don�l �'��n��lr�. [��hal!be unl�wful far any �rsc�n 4� park or store.an�r rgcreacional veh'scie ag d�fi�.ed ►rn Se�tic�r� 7�0 af this ordinac�c� on as�y prnp�rty i�the B�rc�u.gh�f ecnafly ex�ept as follows: II A. In c�seai�x spea:oified �laces in a r�sid�r�t6af zane €�x os� noca-cean#'��maaag resedene9al premis�s as follaws: 1. Witi�in�n enelc��ed buiidia�g conf'a���ng w��alt prov�si�ns, restriccions and �egulaEions of tthe'��naff6y Zonie��Ocdinar�ce. ?. [n Eh.e ���c yard v�hish is defin�d for purpo�s of this oa'dinan�e as eh� portion of th� �t�t t�s etxe rear s��tt�e aear lara�o€the p�►�►�i4�a1 buildeng anly provided the gecreatimnafl vehicie II 5haii: a. Be ioe�eed �o ci�seg thaca 3 f�e�t tp t�� pr��rap�l stcuct�are on the iat. �. B� seree�xed from �djac�nt lots and st'r�e�.s�y a scal'e�i f�nce, a+rall, do�r, sa�e:, il shrut�becy or hedg�, not e�exc� sexin��.se. Ar.�doa�r�$�a��r�ot��r�nc�ux+� �o�� gara�e or r�ge�Eaeior�s off the Tenafly Zonieag Ord Y I ���Cire� space Mvhgch enelc��ure provides st�'���rng ffro� adjac�nt 80�ac s�r�ts��r any vefxicle or » �uigasnent p�rkec� t�erein �hali be k�pi tilo�ed �xc�pt tah�ei openiang s�xa�k���aclmsu��° �� a�e�essary tt� ��ta�r access to said pax"��ra�ar��. Ac�y fenc� ox wall shatl hasve Pkte least abject@a�cab�e side fa�in� itz� a�djac�nt properey oc chc su�c. �*f�mze 5hz'!i� '�S9b xoiid. Shaubb�rY sl�all be �at Esast �ax f��t high a�nd p9ant�d at su�'.xciencty cln� intervals to ��as�flde ar����d'aate�f�e�tiv� sc�eenis�g tt�rougli�ut ttte year (�e�rgset:n). . a �. a�7ot��ccecd thirty-on�e fe�t in lcrngeh and u�ene feet�six 6neh�s ir�heigtrs�uc�ptung�n q additdon�d Z�+elwe (12'`) ixn�aes �c�!rrieeced #'or vent���d air cc��a�itieacain� units. 3. fn a side y�rd �:�ish is si��fi�ed ffor p��ases c�f R@ras c�rdinance as ttaac �rtior�o€the lae tu c�e sid� of the p�ncipal scaiur�ianc�nu�acn�o M..�:.A. �l2:55D 7m(c► i��ea e d bY tt�� s t r u s t u r e o n l y �� c a s e s s v h e r e a I� �oasd of Adjustar�ent; pro�+ide�, however, chat if parked in a s��de yar�i t h� [i�n i a�t��n§ s e s f o�r�4� e a� S u b s e e t i on 2a, h ��d c corac�rnin� €ear ya�d�shatl also ap(ply: p�s��id�ci fur�p�er• �low�r��e, tf�at in ttee case of a corner loz no pc�r2ecr�a�Qh�e re�s;�eati�n ve hic le uc t t t ie x c r e e;i i e�g p e avxded tk►erefc�r R{ s�xai� �e cioser co ehe side stre�t tha� t�ae set'ba�k r����re���ts °g�+� ��sbe�edir+ar►cn for princ�- pal bueidangs°wh�re chey frorae o�said si�de su���. �. a. A r�cre�cior���vehicl� ��y be g�e�i[aed t� p�ri� 'sn a side yard wittse,ut the Y ��c��sit� +�f t4ae gran�fa��ca�'a v�riax�c� by eh� B�.rd ofi Ad.j�sers��ne a.��a��er rlre fal8ovvin� conciieior�s: < i. �'t�e recaeational vehicle sha�l be paxked i�Ch� s�d� ya�ai�s c►f th� date af the adopti�n �f this ordinance. iu. A, fand'eng i� �n�dc t4xat: � a. T�� r�creat�oe�al ve�a�Ie cac�not reasn�abl�be �arlced i�x ch� re�r y�r� eY� such a � ; way as to co�afoxcn vvirtta t�YS c��dinanee due to th� size vf th� iot and the iexatior��f pennanent i ' structures ther�°�n; mr i b. To lc�cate saan� in ehe rear ya�d weuld �equi�e subsearntial removal of exiseing la.�dsc:��i�ig: o�r �. �°hc c�creationat ve4�i�le. if par�ced 'an the �ear yarai� �✓�u��f be more off�rtseve tQ �eigk�bors and the public in genex�i than it�vould be if garked in t�e sicl�yard. �ii, t hc t�wn�r of the cecr�atir�nal veE�iele sh�ll, tiwft�i�n 6� d�.vs Qg�.he acioption of this � ordinane�, ap��Y to tk►g tiecreational Vehicl� Ap�eat Board a� herein�fter consAit�zted fox � certifica�ion of the facts required by parage�a��� 1 and 2 abov�. � id. T��e Itecre�atio�a! Veh�,cl� A�F��1 �oarc! shall c�t�tify ec� 2�� �o�l6cant anci [o the C:onsauc�ioi► ��e:�t w;r►xan 120 days of�ee xc�aptis�e��f et�is ore�itaa,xse t�a�th�f�ets s�q�.ired by � paragra�hs i and � ab�ve axe cra.ay I�the R�csea�c�x�a.`✓e�:e?e A Yr.�ai �rt����tion��t`��.:: certffy ae d�ny certification on an a plic�t6on withirr, the 1ZJ d� pc � � automatically granteai. b. The Recreatior�al Vehicle Appeai Board shail consist of tki�'ee enembers appaint�d by the Mayor and c�rrfirmed by the C:ouncii. Each �nember shall serv�� for a tezrn.coenmen�ing upon a�pc►intment and erading 1�U days af�er ikie aciopt�an pf this ordinance ax which time the 3R � r d i �ed sn tkaae it ca�be �irawn by wve . ts • • c�ue m�ee�ve $ 7'dtAII.�ld means a veh�ele wuh � ro rt c�r �5 � h�unnan a rs�otae vrhid�R ao b� us�d fox i�ag carry°n�ofi pease►ns or p {� Y laa�i�aeion. Fi�awever, a strcacrtsre yvhich meets� d tion, is not a�tr��e`�rwt hetl�c�r�rf ' • -- ���`.,"'�:�'''='_,:�•� ..� -.. at1 ways, inclu.c���ag . ', . . :. ;�.�..dS,.�n.� , ' I ' , y„�, . : �r: uf a lot t�t�vee�the Eeas�c lot din�e aryd the frone(sp c�f , � , . �� °',°� •'. �.. ,•,, , ,•�;. .�. ': ::�t. ar+d ext�nde� to both side lot fi��s. �I �'s:;:�.•.�:..�a.:..'._... Ye4.R�i, t3EA�, rrteans��e pdcc of a lot becvv�en cht°rear lae line and ttre b�els�s� of th� i p�ncfipa! buildlir�g�n tt� t�.. �r�d ext��de�d to bo¢h§Ade lcat lenes. I YAdLD. Slf��. n`i��ns th�t parc of a tot rrot searround�d by bup,lciem� �nd esma ica ch�front. or rcar y�rd. '� Secteon 1. Secasara 7.R.1.f of C��antissian Or�p�sa�,cz R'o. 1736, ca.s a»�ended, is herehy repe�ale�'. I Sectioa� 3. Section '�.,A.2.e. ujCorr:r�i.:sior. Ordinarase PJu. �7��. as am���d. is hereby re�esignated I 7'.�i.�.f. • I Sea:tion�4. The f�1Po►a�any �s a�lcted to Secr�on-7.�E.z. of Commis.sion Ordirsance Ma. 1726, as ass7ended: I �e. Etecreatioee�O vehi�l�e, boat. ae��sOat-ax�d-boat-erailer parlcae�g as foll��ws: , � f 9) insic�� ��ing, mr I �2� �uesidc par�cing in r�►� sg•ie yard or tl�e re�r y�rd, or 'I �,� (�utss��king in She �rar.t�aad, ps�rva�l�d II ��.y :S�ae�,_QS not av�i�ab3e or th�:re is e�e� re�son�bie a�c�ss t� eittaer tk�e sac3g ay rd or . . . ����..?,.?r�r�-1�e s.. alwa s�➢eem�a.9 to��ave se�son�b e access co ch� r�ea�c� '� +���,;�cA�iee�e3sare�F deem�eo r.e�v�c�t reasanable aecess; I . ' Q� '�yc�t,Fr�zt�e �_._._�ssibte_ �� - I �.:_ � — �`! ,��e�,����.„��ndi�talar zo t[flte �ro�et curb; I (�� �� � oy f the.re.r�aeional vehicl�or b�ae is ac [east l 1 feet frocn che �'acz asf tt�e I curi�: as�� s r� �•..if the ,:n.: cxten�s �y�r the��ablic sidevvallc. (c: hf [� --._____-�— ��) ParkOC��: i, p�rmittcd �rdly r!�th� unat, vvhile parked in this �o�xe, as ga� N�a usc-c� fue d�.vcl�ing purp�ses, exGe�t on� reer�a�innal veixic�e r�aay be essec�veea d�nrellin� purp;,�s for� maxiea�um c�f 14 da s en arxy c���ndar year c�n anY g lot. Coo�.i,�g i� r�ot permiteed in th� reere�tian�l ve�iicle �t �s��+ tien�. �azta�.� or pro�arrP Suel sl�ali not be used. (�,) W�t rn9an�:��i connecteti tc� sew�P tia�es water ti��s or eEec�xicisx. 'i"h� I ��,�g{�,��� ve4aic e may be connes¢ed to electcce�tY ce�Porartl� far chargin� baiee�ieg a.�+ �t�er �urposrs 8�'th� recept�cie ar�sf t�e co Lh�Cit f h�is sor�nection i r��.�a�.a���; v�tr.��� nas been i�.s�ctcd�nd a�p�t�ved i�y Y% . .nyust eneet ehe �lece�ical Cade of t�e Gi�+af P�.lbe�q����'�i�� an� � �ity electric�t � ; : _:,,Q„�,f-r..��, ��•.: .t�...,,� ::.in�d f�r aU sueh installaeior.s.'Che individual taking�u� e�� ' � ° '° , � ,, �,;��.:+,���:•.:;.:N��•:: 'snspection of th� �lecer�tal wir�ng vvhen reacfly for � ,�-.��:f s,��,a'.t��,-��,r:.:r:-.::saectian fees tvil{�.be char��d. �xcept �za� in�pe�tinn shatl be ..�; ;:• r �*.. t �3.5� fee. �. .,r .. � �?c9[>�- �•.t', �c) tdoe �fac storage o�'�{aods, mate�i�als oe equip�nent os4e�r tha� eh�se ic�rr►s coc�id�sec4 to be a part of the un:e or e�catial fo�its i�ut�ediace e.dse. �5) Natwe�t����`� t�e e�i�urin f act��ad'n �ar cxr�load n���1�3 use�Qf���t�icit r�rd ac►ywiterc:qn ,fz� pr�� � —._ e peo��'S rmitced when nr.cessa to re are a recreat�o�al vetntcle or�se. (6) If[he���►@� °n �� 1� !s under c�nsta-�actinn the pr9visions af S�ction 7.A•2•g•(31 belovs►stw�lf corstrol, rat;Fest'than�ee provisic� of Subs�eeiorr (L) thK�ug6� (4) above. , � g. '�railer p�eking as fc�ilmws: � ; kin if �ll provi5�r.��s of 5cctiott 7,A.2.e.(�k} above are ¢net. or � �i) lrrsidr•paa' K (2► Oucsadc patilcing •n rhe sid� ard or the rear•yard oC cargo trailers of les� than Z50� pounds carr/ing i.,;�acicy�. r (3) As a �ivveiirti� connee[ed to any ucilities, f�r,a period �f�P eQ six rnonr,hs or untxl ^ � I � I � ���.���J��,,. ��.�'1€�I7[l� ���' , . j � i � � n Good S�m stat� d'arect�r Qff Olclah�rrr�a, enlise�ed r1r�e assistance i In 19'7f3+ .�at� Peters, t�e , �f�� ��,?n�rs,JS�?f'F 12��!°�r�ata���,��������M�*�a*��l�r:��nd�:�rd�€e��:gl�t lb�4tl��t:.��i � �ult�d ir� ��islati�n favorah�� to Ft� c�v�+n�rs. �1caf�r�a�a����, ;� �a�s �r��d c�ut to be a c��kaer , bi�terswe�t victQry. ��I '�h� res��ting �ardin�n�e� wta�ch $till ��ists, allows R.°� �sarking i� si�e y�ards, r�az�y�rds�nd ia� the �o�t �=ard px€�vflded "t�at spac� i� a�ot avaxlab�� �r���ere �s a��a ae���ble ��cess to eat�er � ttae side �r r��r y�d." �t was az�� �i�/ o�rr��x�"s r�fia�2 2o abad� by th€ pr��s�oa�l cl�us�e ri��t create� tt�e tue°�x�il tkaa�folbc�wec�. �e l��d�cc��to a side�yard fo�•parl�n�his�r�il�r,but rei�as�cil t�e�se @t, pref�rrin� �cs Eceep gt in �±is frc��t yard adjac�nt eo his drivew�y. �e vva� in vi�al��aon af'an ard�nax�c� th�t tn�st �tV�r� f��t a�r�s Y-�a�ca�able. N�ea�keboair�g r�aid�a�� ca�p�rlain�d, but tl�e �ti��r r�f�xs�ci te� e�ang�l�+ �+atl� tr�� p�rkga�g re- quire�rae�at�. � Since ttus vd�as in an aider s�cf:iora af t�e�iry. TT�55EC�E:CILS Jlll� �l�t�r��ha�si a sbx�block by four- I t��axk s�ceiu� estabiish�ed � ��e L"sr��vc�oc� F9a�e �iJr3�an Coa�sea�a�acar� �is�ai�t, fo��'i t�e I.en- w� P�ac� �d�ighbmrh�odl A�soc.-iat��n. ��.d r�r�c�c��d to g�e ��a a�v�-RV �ric��a� axc��na��e �nacted jrast far t�at ar�a. Be�aus� Ar�� �tV ov��� a-e�sed gc� abid� '�y �e �3kl�nocna �it.y �xdi��rns�e. �i�i caf tlie R�✓ �wnez-� en ttae L,anv�ro�s� a:aist�ac� �uv�r� �a�vers�ly �'�tec�i, The ��sult6ng �egisl�egan also set �a �►r��ed�z���'oar ottlier neigl'�ic�nc��s to �'ol�ovar, aa�� �t�r� repcarts t�Y�.t tl�i ordinaaice for vv&�ich h� and othess fought is �r�dually b�in�, er��ed �avvay as �arioe�s neA�hb�rhoacis follavv �a� t�.e fooest�ps a��'t�ae Li��voo� r��cl�a�ts. �'h�s is a stroctg �rgbirn�r�e in f�var af prtr�xl}r �arin� f�r p�rk�a� ���ac��s, k��daag tk�een cl�an and presenta�le. �t�nerwise, f��orab[e legislat�ve a�ti�n rnight b�di.�ru��ta r���ti�.t��nd rr��intairi. i 640�,� te�cc�ssory i3�R�ulaxeoa�s fox�esi�lentiai�is�ei�ts � � i ' (z) Receeational �ehiele, �oat, ��at and Tr�iler o� Boa�T'railec �'arking. R�creational v�hic(e. i ; baat, b�a,t anc� tr�iler, or�v�t �cail�r parkin� �s �r¢micc�d in che abca�v�rlis€aicES subj�rct ca � the followin� conditios�s and requirerr�ents: 1. Insid� parking, oa� z. (�aicside parking in th� sid� yard, or 3. O.�uide ��rking in th� r�ear yard, or 4. Q�ctsici� paricing in the front yard, proyides�. a. Space is noe �vailabte or cher.e is no reasnn�bte access to eit�er �e sicle yard �r rear yard; a r.orner lot is always �i�eenaed to tZaNe reas�nable a�cess to th� rea.r yaEd; (This applies t� all recreadonal v�hicies except se(�'-propelled mu3ti-g��aepose vehicles arad applEes ta boats, �io�t-ar�d-trailers and baat trailers nas having� baat anour�eed upa�n it); b. The unit is parked un a hard surfaced area; " c. Th�e unit is parked perpenciicular to the front curb, unl�ss parked on a circulaz� drve; 47 , � ti � f th� rescrati�c�aN vefnicle, bae�t aa�d cra a�c 0xx�at trailer shall nat� cio The lesa�ttt� greater chan t3 �'�et 6n wi�dth �ead 4�feec ira iength. 9,.engeY� shall t� measuced iroee4 b�emper tb bunnper or�sedf-pe'opell�d vtt�.6��e��and frocsa bea�np�r c�t�ngur un tmwed vehiei�. a�Y�4r��y 6�clu�ir�g tl�e be�c�per and to¢�gue of tfl�� eecreationai v�hicle, boat-���d trailer or boac Erailer is at I�asR 1: �°��f�o�t t�n�f�c� af ctae curb; �. �� pa��¢'rhe �a�nflt extends over,�he public�idewalk: - f. [do sig9�t t�iangle as r�ec�u�e�d by ordina�ce sCnmll b�v9c�lat�d; at�c� ;. �arg� t¢�ab9ers, or stock trail�rs, axe prohibiaed f'ro� p�xk�ng ere th� Srorac yard. I S. �v�ki�� ;c. ;�m2EEt���lp if the unix, w�il� pa�lced in this zon� is: a. No� vsed for dwelling puEpose�, exc�pt one recreaeionaf ve�►�cle may b� us�ed by the a�,e�ec vr te�aacae of che p��mises.�'�iends, re!atives or�ues�e�!�W�rtc���� c�� for a cxeax�Enu�n of Z�day$ in any cal�r�dar year on�nY� saiai receeationa! ve�i:l�shal! noe b�connected to any ut�� ��� ���e ��raey elecee�e�l hookups, aead provis3�d furcher thac tt�e host pe cor�apensatiQ� for sueh occeapancy or xase. Provi�d�d fuat��r t�aat c�ok�ng is noc p��i�tc�i en ehe eesreacional vehicle ae an�y draae, and no suct� recre�����a!vehecle • snall disc�e�rg� arsy liteer, sewage, efi$fluenc or mt�ec°xse�tYer. ex�ept arago s��n��}' I � f�.cilities designed to dis�ose of sueh naateriai. {�. Not �e�rr►anently conraecter8 ta se�vv�c i�nes, water lines, oa�`eq�tr,c�ty.'fhe a��cr�acional vehi�le nia�y oniy be c�r�rnec��d to eleeegic6cy c�enpd���s���et��v�a�a�dg he batt�ee�� ��� o�����°�k-up facelnties shall comply avitk� a��' . Oksahorraa Cisy Electrie�! �Cc��. c. [dot vstd for storage of goods, ea►atenals nr e�uipmcs�e ucher ti�aa�sYaas� iter�ns �onsedeced tc� be a �i�rt of che unit oe e�sec�tial fAr ie.s i�a�d'eate use, t,, Notvvithstana�ing t�ae paovis'sorx§ of i'�xa�saph�4��d S a�ove, � e���� �ay be parf�e� I anyvvher� �n th� pc�mises d�aria�g acei�r� i�adaea�,or�ar�laaadaee�. an� use�a sl�ctri�it�r os propan�e fue[ is perenaeted vvheex c���saey to pr�paee a r�cce�e°soa��l vehiCle foe ut�. A �r�csc� rcoc ao e�r�d 48 �.r�aa� s�xa�l be� rceasonab�e p�rl� ��s actev� l�a�d'ea�g a�sd unlo�ding. (�' p�������Atc�s��cy �i�n�, irtefl�.daz��on-pretni�s d'erese�an�l and irt€'or►natian signs. ident�ficatYO� �a��.�Rlates and tca�nporary signs, are �ex�att��d, s�xbje�t to t�n�paovis'sons of I ch� Sigr� Re�ulatii�ns. � r i �`"�•i; . . I I I dR I - - . p 4 , I ,� �I �-II�, �u�l�d I �d9[ors Ndt�: [i� Frbniary c�f fl 977,a landmar�c dccisie�e�on tlyc�igiits c�f��/crs to park thcir�ig�on thc��c�wn � prcDyic�Yy Ixea�rrec {i�al wh�n the tl.�. Suprcm�Cou�t r�9'�si*d to rc:vi�eew a cicrision c�f tttc Oli9ca-Courl of R.pp��ls ii� wty�t I�as lxronic knc»nrn as °'tt�c E��cli�i �asc�." Th� history and sif;niiican�c of t61at ct��c frmm its l3r.ginnings arc oudined i�crc ira Cull fcir�roiAC cd��catictn anc� �ssistancc, �rrcwc�ntrti slep by stcp!�y rc�rdnnc S6iulman, a California attorrecy who is thc authcAr cff thc L.i�;al �ricf whicli Gcxxi Saen makcs available lo attorncys re��res�neing Gcxyd Sant members is�sirnilar tasc�s ar►ywiicre in thc cvuntry, Mr�. Shulman also autliorb tlac column, "�;ally Spcakii�g," which agapca�rs en thc !ii-Way f-InruJd. Tl�� r��st�i�ni6cant x�°��r�t victory e� t�e�i��►��gain�e r�strictive RV ��rkin; l��vs occur�ed in an C7hi� �ase, knovvn as (:�ty af EuciRd v. Fiizthurn, ee ai., �� O�i� App. 2d 297, 357 N. E. 2d �OZ (I976j, cert. de���d 429 CJ.S. [094, 5 i �., Ed. 2d �� (l977). b�tc'v� gi�en you what (a�y�rs call �lle "citatic�n" t� the c�se, a ref�r�:r�ce to tige iavv books ire wh�eh t.he �'ull c�pinion is pr�nted, b��ause g�ou wilt undoa�bted[y find th� ��se iiseful in your battle agair�st adoption of a rs:serictiv� urciinance arid yt�u may wan� t� �ra�v �h� case to tl�� �tte�ation of the �;ity f�ttora►�y, ��a�d ya�ar c�wr� attorney, if you h��r� orae). �t�€n� �r�acs a�o, Eu�lid, C?t�i�, �doptc:d a��rdinance vvhict� ��-ol�ibit�ed the par�Cir��of"ar�y type of�rea��C, tr�il�r, aa�ta ��ail�r oc trail�r�«ac�" sn r�sidentia!areas, o�either public or private prc��rry, �u���ss suc� �a:�it ;�3s 6'parke� �r seored en � ��mpieteiy cir�sed stru��ure." . In 1974, �ine RV ow�ers w��e cite� f�r�arkir�g their RVs on their o�vvrz pec�Perty and they ar�d �thers banded tog�ti.zer in � de���crrxined e�'f'ort tQ f�ght tt�e ordEnar�ce. Th� anatt�r �as tri�d �t ti�c Q-rAUnieipal caurt (evel as a crianir��� o�'fe�5e �nc� the owners were fo�snd guilty �n�i fin.ec9, B}i� c�iai caurt finciing the ordi�nance ca�estitutional. �'h� RV�wn�rs appea[ec�ar�d th�e Ohi��a�urt af A�ppeals reversed their c�ravi�ti�res, fir�ding thc �rdinance unconstite�tior�al. It is �i�at c�ecASi�rt, �ade ie� February, t976, [o v�rRaich rv�'�e ! s�:fc:rre� you, for subsequent peti�i�d�s �y t�e ���y of �uciid, frst tc� tl�e C1�it� Su�ar�rrae Court c7I1Cj 1I1('[l C(D 1�1C U.S. Si���re►ne �cyurt, vvere bt�t�� deniec� and the opinic3r� c�f tl�e 08-►io Cc�urt ��f A���e�ls is b�c�w final. . T�� stai� �app�:llat� court said �h�p. in ��ic�, z�rcirx� restrictic�ri� foe� p�ir�lg� ��set�e?ic re�so:�� � are unccans[itucie�n�i, and that the �rdinarice� to be constiwtional, me�st b� a �ali�1 exercise of the pc7lice ¢�c�vvLr, the �ower tc� reg�r��te for the public heaftlz, safety, mtiraEs, and welfare. 1'he rc�urt t(�cn statcc� thaL T&�e vice of th� pr�sent ordinarace is that th� record vvil� support n�ither an app�ii�at��r� of the nrdqnan��e �h�ch bcars a substantial, and therefare rcasonaGle, relatic;�shi� tc� }�ublic IZealti�, saf�ty, morals c>r welfare «or �hc irn- E�osition �f a taxonomic s�heme ba$ed on any statc �f fac�s that e��ay rc�as�nably jus��fy it. Part of' thc tack �f reasonablersess is ex�►osed by evedince of an uneven rc�g- uiatory �ppticatiar�. . . . Rcvi�win�; thc (c1ClS IIIUS[C�ICC� [�l(� "ec�nstitutio�zal inad�c�uarics <�f tl�c ordinancc."The Cily ht7d ��rc�ciuccd tcstimony lo stlovv tliat a �railer parkee� in a driveway rvould int�efere witl� acctss 4S �� � AGFNDA 3�'ENl 5�4 �MQ�It�NIy�I � E:�'.�°Y �F" 'I°��t3, ORIECS)I3 '�Qm Plarar�a.ng �sxr��.�gicax� �'���s Planning D�.v�L�ior� D�TEs ��c�a��r 28, 1992 ��J�,���: P��p��ed �nen�t���s to ��sra�muni�� D�v��.opna���. Cc��� �ert�ining �o t�re� r��ac��r�1 a �v��tv��w S��x�s �2�� Ci�� re��ive� rabxm�ro�as �.��i�a�� r�g�rding t�e� re��v�.l. ��ad �r�� ���ao���. gxoc�d�.r��a ��e�cti�ns 1a�ar� b��m x�ai��d ������l�,�g t�� Cit�r'� el�finit�.an �f_ dev�l�g�a3 ��s�.denti.�l p�a�p�r�gr ��ad �8�� ���1.����il.�.�t�� of ���� r�r�o���. �req�i�e�tent� �cc� �aa��� �a�r��l� a ��� cur��r�� ���� �t�rcaa�r��. ���es ����i�n 1� e IS�, �m�� nrs� a3��a.r�e ��d��reA�p�c� r���den�.i�1 ��capei��. " I���eve�o ��e ca�.e exemgs�t� s��v�l�p�d �esid�r�t�.��. p�o��rt�r fro� �x�� re�x��r�I g���a�. x�c�.a�:�����t� . Th� ����ior� �.s, �rh�n :i� � ��s��s���y �on��.����d �eve�.c�ped ��.e a w�a��.� ti��.s eaci� �.ppl.� t� a so��c�d�d ��re� �a��� I �esir3�rz�.���. prop�r�.Ir �� i.t �na�.� �e�r�1c���:d �i.�I� s��a� h�ax�� ��d �Ia� i o�aa�r wi�hecl to ��t down �1� of �h� tr���?} o Th�re i� �.�.�s� a I �aes�ae�aa r�gardiaa� �h� �i�y�'� �1�:i1a.�y ��a r�e,�.�.at� t��� x°��ae��r��. a�n i �.nc3.u����.��. ax�d co�nme�cial. J.�r�r� �hen �h� r�rnos�a�. g� �nd�x ��.� p��tex�se of ��i�ni�.�tirae� �. poter�t�.�1. �ubl�� ����•ty �n���rd w ��a� �urr�a�t s�ocie �r�vi.�.�� r�r� :���cerur�� �or th� �ii�� �rh�r� tr��� a�� r��ragly x���ov�c� unci�r the pu;al.a.� �a�et� ��za�e3 ��°�v��i��a. '�'���� �a�aa��aents w��.7.�. �s��.�t �� ���vidin� r���d�d �lar���ca��wn s�f t�.e appli��.bili�y of ��x� re��a�l�.��.r�n�o a�e3 � r��r� �pprm�a�ci��� ss�� o� �.�e� r�m��*a1 ���.te��.�. � S�ar� �af Prca�osed Ch�n._.,jIr��a i Pr�avir3� d�f in���.�n� fc�r �1"a� follr�a�ring •�.��tts: Bev��l.e�p�ct �i ca��n�a�rc�.al �nd �.r�du��ria�. la�d, d��el.cr��d :��sa.tiea�t.��1 l�s�d, I haz�x�d��as �x��e, g��c�r�ir^,c�, ���o�rald �r�e and un�i�ve].c��er3 �.�nd. I � Clarif� tkaQ�e �i�:�a�ic�ns �l�ich �hall be ���mp��r� f�am. �he ����: �I x°�mov�l p�rmit proe�st�; such as tre� pruningo r�ma�z�l of �, � h��ar�c�us t.��es, vi.s�.al �1e�rar��e eaY�tru�tic�n��Q �t�a . . 'i r/s I � �r�ov.��ie sg�ai�ic ac�i�ns whi�h ana�r }�� ��c��ai��cl �y th� l�i��ctor !, � if there is rea�oaa �a b�1�.��� th�t �.rc�� r�nn�vz�Is �Sr�fox�n�d , � �xnder the g�a�.s� o� e��amp�iox�� �.a.s��� in �his Ghapt�r �r� �c��. � ��stiti.�d rema�-��.s unc�er �T�e �tateci ��e�nt�at�.on, 5uc1�a. action.s ' � prawi�l� t�at �.he I3irecta� zzta�r x�ec,�sa.:re suffic3.e�t c�.v���nta�ion sh.�wir�g th� r�as�az�(�) ��x the ���e removal a � vz�a.�ten �°tate�n�nt , fr�m �n ���adrist or forr�ste�r oac ar�y �a�:f��cea��n� �s:tioxl Y2.iiui��'i.cu .�"'u� .7i.i�w. �l�r�f� �r�t���� for t�� �s��a�ce of p��ni��. Re�aov� t�os� �.t�m� f��rn �h� apg�o��al c�°it��i2� 1i��irag w�aicJh �d�.r��� � mi�i.s����an and euempta.o�s. (�pecif i�all�r, re��ve s�ction �I 1�. 150.030�A) �6) w�,a.ch �t�te�a T1�� �p�Iicant'� p�rop�s�1�s if ��iro t� pla�n� new tre�s or �r�c��tataon as � su��ti�ut� f�� ��ae tre�(�) to bs cut, wa.�.� ra�eto�e the ����;3�etic �a�Iue �� uh� ��a�o�-�ci tre�s. ) ��� �i��c��r s�aall ha�e th� �.b�.l�.ty �o a.�1o�r I �ac�r���aa�ns cax r�c�ai�� aniicig�.�i.oxa �.s �ppro�xi���� and �� d�f�.ned .�n ��h�x �s�rt�.ons of ��.zs �od�a ��mpl�.�y� t�,e s���tiox� �p�����.nix�c� �t� �az���a$ion o� A�p�c�va�, ��c� Revocat�,on c�f A�Sp�:ova�.. 1� �r�� r��o�r�.� p�x.�art�.�t �a�r b� �zc��axs��r1 fo� an �ddi.�a.or�al s�n� year u�ec�n �ari�ten ��elue��. Th� Dir�c�o� an�y revo�ce a pe�ma.� ups�n fin�?n� tha�t �ray canditia�a� of �h� a�proval has nai� b��n ��.ti�f�.e+�. �4.dd a �ect�.on ad�i�e�sing �ll�gal ��c�:� R�maval �ahe�ceby -�h� I��.r�ct�r m��.� r��i��; ��pl�c�mer�� for tr��s wY�ic�x �hav�e beera �1.1pg�lly ��mov�d, and �to spe�i�� �hat Cod� :��for�e�n�n� acti�r�� �a� be �ak�n. � Pes1�.c� ��ee.�lic�tions a Shou�d �h� Ci�t� x���ise its ���e r���c��a� �equ�.��ment.s *�a �larxfy ��e scc�p� �r�� �.ppli�abi'li.t�r �� th�se �egula��.c�n�? I �`inan�ial ��►�a��s T�aere �rill �+� r�o dar�c� f.i�ca�. .irrdp�.��, ��-a��� i� n� fee ��r the issuance n� a t�e� rema�r�l ���i�. i I R�cc�mxn�r�c�a�a�Ara: S�:aff reasamme�.ds tY��� �hr� �l.anniga� �c��uni�s.ia�. I fc�rceraxel � ��:camm�ncla�s.on �or �pprQVal t� ���e Ci.�y Ca�.nci�. ��garc�.5.�.g �ropa��c� �han�es �o Cammun��� Dev�lc��am,�nt �o�ie C�.ap��r 18. �5� as suz�mari�r�r� ��r• �he f�li�wing: 1� define t�rfn� i�cluding ��tlev�].�p�d �e:�ider���al. g�o�se�ty��p 2� �pec�.fy sat�a'�aori.� �vher� tr��s �ha1�. �� �xe�pt��1 f�ona �Yz� �r�� r�zna�ral p�rmzt pr�c�s� (haz�rc3ca�x� �����s pra�ninga ���y a . ) ; 3) �e�n�its th� Dire��o� �� r��uir� �axst��.#irat��cz� for ��c�� ��mvva�,; 4) g�ov�.d�s for rc�itigatie��. of ad���se i.mpac°t� b�r r�a��.r�.n.� �he �l�x���.ng �f at��a.�iona�. i�r���� �) sp��ify �l�at t��e ��m��sal pe:�it� ma� b� �xter�d�d for �zp tr� at�� a�di.tional. y�ar; axtd G) �xov�_d� f�z �pp3.ace�e�n� �.��es if c�ra�.i_tir�n� h��e r�ot k���n s�tas�i�c� �r �.re�s a�� �ez�..ovesi 3.1].e�gaZlyo �11 NP�s have reva.ew�e� t�is g�x�opo�al anrl h2�v� r�cammea�d�d a�pxo�r�l.. .Alt��r�.aitives• 1. Chan�e th� C�mmu�:i��r D�veiagan��� Cc�d� as swm�ma�ized� �b���. �his will �Sravide a��ec�ua�ce oppo�tux��.icy for t�.e n�����ar� a:�moval c�f tree�, increase the eff�ctiven�s� c�f rod� �clm�.ni�tx�.t�.on, and provide clarification of tk�� app�.ic�b�J.it�r of �he cod� to "develop�ci" �ces i.dential lots . 2 � i�iak� modif.i�atio�s to the �r��.� �a��.e.r tl�an t�hs�se sugg�st�d. 3 . i�taic� r�.� c�a�i��a �r.d y�::�i� t�� C�c�� �s i� . t i , � i � � � � � � � t � - f� �t l�l F' 7l' — I i� �h��,at�x 18. 150 ���, �RitlZl'� � aQ��i�it381s 8 a �� ��. ���.�.�.� �lY�P(�SE' 1�. 1�Q.020 P�rmA.t Requir�c����p�.i��3�.�1it� l�� 3,50.0�0 Cri���ia f�� �ss�uance �f Pe�ni.ts :�.�0 150 p���:#� Ex�����a.�� of �ppr.r�v��. - Exten�ion c�f �a.�a� � ...;.>.:.,:: l���v�ca�.iox� Y e, � c n n A n ���E����s_=� a P�Y..�,�.s..__ -�a 1�.1�0 0 05Q .A,��l.��at�on Subma.���.on ��c,�u.�.�e�t��.�,� f.F�.;,;F�.;.;}:�:p:::n:S:•Y:u: :u�tyr;�::.�; :i�C'F,::.i:.:ri::0i}ii:;ri:::nFii:titi.�.'f,•j})R�l?�"iijy i� �q ::.f .�.•.. . {� %Y.•. :M� :}itii:r�:ir,': . ::�:.�...�`''.'.��..�.�€.'!�<�;:•;,:.:::.::<�:`°."��.'���::<::.:'':��:=:>s.�...k.�:�.�:�';�:a ,� ���F.•::x:::��i�:::ri•?•:x:.�.i:n�i:rN:::x:x:x:�w:::r?�r�.rx:rY::�r�v:::r�J.•:::rYrx.`:�:r:l.r:h:�i.•.•}:Niirv: �.�. 1.�o.Q�Q P1d�^�C'JS@ Ae The �i��.::.:��:.::.�ia��d ��ur b�a��f.�t� f��m Iar�e n���� e�f tre��, ��t�:,���.�::�:>rbat�s r��tu�ral gx°o�ath an�l �knr��� w��.��� ���rr� ��en �rlaii��c�:...;t:��a�xghou� the ����� b� �ig���i'� ������r���. �h��e v��ied �e� tree� �ci�i ta �h� ae��l�P�i� ka���.��° o� t�� con�.�ani�y, help �l�asx th� a3.r� ar�d pxo��id� ����� ba�a��.�rs a �. a�he �iar�a$� af �t�ai� �h��p�:.+�� i� �� p�e��ika�t tl�a� ���� »::.....� ��r�nc��r�� c�f t��es c�r� bc��� s3��relop�:d nor�-����i.d�n��.al �� �,> :i��:a:�:�`�:���:���e;� 1o�s in �I�� City f �r�d t� la.a�a.i� �.zxr��e����a� ��eiizriva�.::...��� th� t�.m� �f rie�r�.lc��am�r��e A� the t.i.m� of d�v��.caprn�n� ��� ��t� r�cograi��s t�at a.t may b� ��:ce��ar�r ico ���c��r� ��r��ir� tre�s �� �ccom��sda�.� st��actures, st��e�.�g �a�.il�,�i��a �.n.d c���s�ar rm�edc�d �ax �e�aas.re�. �..mg���v���r�ts urithin th� d�v�lo�in�nt. 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