Planning Commission Packet - 03/18/1991 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. � _ . _°_-= - - -,� .��,..:�.�,. .,,..�..x«v:..>>aa._.,«m.r�LL��.a uu:`u,.w,w.,��-�:.,.,,,.�.�.�:�..............._, � ..__.»-..,.:.�....�.�,L�.�,.�.<.ma...�,,.,�..........�,.�.-.:.:,r�:�..,:..-,�.:�.,.:w�.....,._,......�_ti. � �. � . . '�� Y,;. . . . � � � . . . °__•_.__._..--..._.�..w.__..__..-_. Y), . . . . - . � � - � � � � �+ � .. � � � .�� p �� � . . . � . '�A+ � � ��r' � rv, L_� � �r;r � � .. .p;� �' �q � F) �-� . . . � . ' xzG.�n r�nx�N�co�saox � 4. �ra�T �.s, xssl- 7:sa��t�A��T k � -� � ������`�.)i�b� .� i Y�'.+, � r :, ; 13125�W'FTALL BLVD., TTGARD, OREGON � . �;,,:: �� 1. CAL�L TO ORDE�t �,, �,�- 2. ROI:L�;ALL �'�� �. APPR(DVE MIIViJTES �;.. �: 4. PLAI�T�TIlJG C011+IMI53ION COMMUNICATIONS � ,�. . ,,:.;;; ��' - 5. PUBIaiC H�ARING �; 5.1 BUBID�IOI�T BITB 91.-0001 VARiA1�TCE VAR 91-00011 FL�A,N'N'ED DEVELOPMEN`r � PDR 9�-0001 ZONE CHA117GE ZON 91-OOQ1 HART/VENT[TRE PR�¢,PF1RTIF,,� (Np0�� ��. ,�-, The appkcant requests: 1) zon�change appravaY to add the PD (:��anned Development) averlay C zone`to th� 22.4 acre site in addition W the e�astu�g R-�.6 (R�denti�ll, 4.5/acr�) zoning � ;' deaignati�on;an�,2) subc�ivision preliminarY P�Plaaened development c�pt�al plan apprava( � `; ta divi,de the apPro�metel3r 22.4 acre site into 7S sungle f�a'�q ra,sidential lota averaging 6600 � � agquare feet in si��nd ane alrcadg de�veloged lot of 82,386 aquiate fee� tA ZO1�TE: R-4.6 (Ii�dent�l, 4.5 writa✓scare) LOCATiON: I099�, 10995, a�n� 11065 3W North , ; Dakota Street(WCTM 1S134AC,taa lots 2�00, 2400,sad 2500,aad WCTM ].�1�4DB, t�a lot , � SOQ) � I -4F.� �'; APPY.TCABLE LAW: Comm ' tl! unitq Developffient Code Chaptere 18.32, 18.50, 1�.80,18.84,18.92, I ' 1&102,18.108,ig,11�18.1b0,18.16Q,1&16�and Comprehensive p]an poli4ies 2.1.1,3.4.2,3.6.4, ;' 4.2.1, 7.1.2, 7.21, ?.5.1, ?.4.4, 7.6.1,8.1.1,and 8.1.5. � 'i 7 '� . , 6. OR'�� i � . 7.'� AII4TQ�N'r , �: - �' �: . � ��;� . ��, , �; � ti�.� � � _ , '; <: ' - .. ; ra�, _ � � • , � ,wy.�.-°n, `^-� -^—v^--^" ,c�.n»•{ .�,� . � '. . >Y ,. �r . dP�.: .< _ . _ . . , -, . .,. �","�"'F�'^✓s �^'..^rn;��-�`^�� .y., f"{""c-+-`-.n..._ . ':"m� Y _ xr. . <-�r �s��c.�i�:��. �,: ... .::�rsr.•--i._:..s-�a��rwa.•.�.,,;r.. ._�,:�.�s� =�...i.'�:-�.�r... ���., �. ..,,......_... ,.._....., �.. .,._....� . �'t.k>.w,�::�� .....::u�., :,..,.,:.�.. ....:....:..... .. �a �i� ' y�b \�.. �7` TIGARD PLANNING CONNlI;SSION REGULAR ME,�TIN6 - MARCN 18, 1991 � , �I;ce President Fyre i��ceCenter ��TUWN HALLrae131257SW HaM1 Boulevarding w�s held at Tigard C Tig�rd, Ur�gon. 2, itOLL GALL: Prese,nt: g�oneP�Fes�ler,FMooreC�SaportaneandBSaxton. , Absent� Commissioners Castile and Moer�. Staff: Acting Senior Planner Jerry Off�er; Senior Plarrner Ron Bunch; Community Involvement ; Co�rdina�or Liz Newton; Office Assistant III Diane Jelderks. ; 3. APPROYAL OF F��N�TES Commis.sioner Moore moved and Commi�sioner Barber seconded to approv�e the minut�s as written for the Study Mee�i��5e��QWi�hr�ommissianer Saxton carri�d unanimousiy by Comm�ssioners p � �' abstai ni ng. �,,,,,,,,;;��ner ressier moved and Cormmission�r Saporta seconded to approve the minutes for the regular meeti;ssionerscBarber9�BooneWrand�Saxt ntion was unanimously passed, with Co�n abstai ni ng. q., hLl1l�iNIN�i COM�IISSION CONi�AU�1��A??QN ���;; � There �r�re no P�a��i ng Commi ssi on co¢nmuni cati ons. �. PUBL'EC H�J1!ItINGS J SUBDIY'ISION SUB 91-0001 VARIANCE VAR 91-0001 PL.AN�IER ESYE�po�� PDR 1 TI ( 5. _ H�IRT ENTURE PROPER 91-0001 ZONE CN�NGE ZON 91 0001 � roval to add the PD (Planned Th� applicant requests: 1 ) Zone Change app D�velopment) ov�rlay zo�e�lo 4h� u��ts/acre)izoningad�signationt�and 2) exis�i�g R-�.S fResid�n , subdivision preliminary plat/Planned dev�lopment conceptual p1an approval �� di�ide th� aPproxi��.t�,fi�0 s�uare�feet in�size3andnone family residential 1ots averaging 4 already d�ve�oped lo� of 82,386 square f�et. ZUNE: R-4�5 (Residerotial 4,5 u�nits/acre) LOCATION: 10993, 10995, and 11q65 SY� North �akota Street (WCTM 1S1 34AC, �ax lo�s 2300, 2400, and 2500 and WCTM 1S1 34DB, tax lot 300) �- ' PAGE 1 , pl.ANNIN6 �OMMISSION MINUT�S - MARCH '!�, �9g� ,:, �.� �� � ,. ,��� � � � ...,,,...... _ ,.>,:. .-� , :� ' , , _ . �.�..�.�..,,_� . _ n� . � „z,.. , . _. _. . -- - _ !��"�-�'�' . .� C... ��' { APPLICABLE LAW: Comnunity Development Code Cha�ters i8.32, 18.5�, 18.$Oy 18.84, 18.92, 18.102, 1g.�08, 1�.114, 18.150, 18.160, 18.164; and �' Comp�°ehensive Plan Policies 2�1.1 , 3.4.2, 3.5.4, 4.2.1 , 7.1.2, 7.2.1 , 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1 , 8.1 .1 , and 8.1 .3. Acting Senior P1anner Jerry Offer reviewed the staff report, descr3bing the site location, wooded areas, w�tlands, and layout of subdivision and streets. Ha d�s�ussed the land which the applicants propose for d�dication, including a portion of the pond. He reviewed the agency �omments received �rom the Engineering Division, Building Department, Tigard School District, Division of State l.ands, PIPO, and Park Board. Ne said staff recommended approval of the request subject to 24 condit�ons. He elaboratecl on density calculations, which he sa�d �as within cude. Acting Senior Planner noted tha� much of the correspond�nce received �rom interested parties conc�rned the area bordering the wetl�nds, specifically th� pr�servation of tre�s and wildlife issues. With regard t� Goa'1 5, he expiained the requirement to conform �o existing cod� at the time application was submitted. He discussed minimum building setback requirements. For lots 55 and 70 he propnsed requiring a r' minimum setbaCk of 15 feet for the front yard, ar�d a maximum setback of ;,' 20 f�et �o prohi�it siting the house too far back on the lot� H� dis�ussed the dedication of park land and appl�cant's proposed conservation easement. He explained the staff rec anm�ndation to cannect ; B1ack Dia�m�nd Way wi�h SW 109th Av�;�u�e, and talked about the numerous carmients in opposition which were r�ceived. Acting Senior Planner reviewed the issues ra�ised in lett�rs from ci'tizens. The issues included concern about imp�ct of traffic on North Dakota, access to the wetland ar�a, and drainage course to the pond. He answere� questions from the Co�nissioners pertaining to the applic'ant's responsibility for pollution control and staff's recommendation that applicant provide an on-site water quality facility. Conenission�r Barber advised she has� fripnds who reside on the south side of North Dakota Str�eet, but she said her decision wouid not be affected by this. Commissioner Fessler declared she had received a notice from Mr. Smithey outlin7ng the meeting, but she said it would not bias her decision. �Go�mn��szor�e� ��porta de�la�ed i�� is acquain�ed with John Middl�ton, but would be able to make an impartial decision. Cqrmnnissioners Fessl�r, Moore, and Barber advised they had visited the si:te. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MARCH i8, 1991 PAGE 2 � ,� ,-,�� -.,.-,- .,m�- �.� ,.�.;, .,r � � _��. .� � �., �_ .._ , �, _ � ..._,_.... ...,. _ _ .. ,t C , � Acting Senior Planner noted that the following let�ters were received pertai�ni ng to thi s heari ng: L�tter c�ndated from Jim Hanson Lett�r dated 3/3/91 from Bruce McDougall Letter dated 3/5/91 from Doug Smithey Letter dated 2/23/91 from Jeffr�y Godfrey Letter a�ated 2/16/93 from Nicholas and Mary Hawkin Letter dated 2/15/91 from Rick and Renee Kletky Letter dated 2/10/91 from Mik� Hauck Letter dated 3/13/91 from Jeff and Cheryl Frish Letter dated 3/15/91 from Oregon Water Fowl and W�tlands Assoc. Letter dated 3/9/91 from Debra McDougall Letter dated 3/17/gl from Paul Reese Letter dated 3/18/9i from Susan Baumgartner Lett�r und�ted fv�om Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knight APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION p John Middleton, 3737 SE Sth Avenue, representing Ven�ure Properties, addressed the Canclusion and Recom�ner�dation section of the staff report. Ne referred to Item #7 pertaining to lots 66-68 and 70 and explained why the applicant was not in favor of creating a park land between the pond and� th� 1ots. However, he said there was no problem with the setbacks as proposed by staff. He addressed �the issue of the blue herons, which he said do not make a habitat of a sma11 pond such as the subject pon�l, bu� merely visit to feed. He brought up the „ possibility of establtishing a conservation �asem�nt in the area simply limited to a tree cutting restrictions He dis�ussed the connec tion of Black Diamond Way and SW 109th Avenue, stating the applicant favors leaving the streets �nconnected at this time. Commissioner Fessler asked Mr. Middleton if he had applied for a wetlands delin,�ation permit through the Corp� of Engineers, and he said he had not. Mr. Mi�dleton explained the survey methods used to determine the rvetlands area. Acting Senior Plann�r Affer clarified that the applicant was provided a copy of a study on file with the C�ty done � in 1989 by Scient7fic Resources Inc. o Cal Woo3erys 12356 St� 132nd Ct. , Tigard, from NPO #7, referred to the letter submitted by the NPO with recomnendations. Yn addition, he said there was concern about the loss of permeable s�il and the possible increase in runoff, as we�l as adverse tr�ffic impact. He said the NPO favored connecting Black Diamond Way r�ith SW 109th Av�nue. PROPONENTS o Rita Ffart, �0993 SW Idorth Dakota Street, spoke in favor of the proposal . She read a letter of March 18, 1991 she submitt�d �o the Planning Cammission in which she explained �rhy she favored having access to the pond �imited to the nnrth side, She said public access to the south side of the pond wouid pose a safety probl�m for her residence. ��;; PLANNING CONMISSION MINi1TES - MARCH 18, 1991 PAG� 3 �; �1 1� t, ::<. . ,. . .._. . . ._ ,..,� ,���. , � _. � ,�'�'�'� � :- - � _�_ �.��.��_ � . .. , . r �` � \ . � Therz was discussion with Commissioners and staff regarding �ti� � recommendations by staff far►oring Mrs. Hart's propaSal . p 0. Box 1195, � o Jack �roome, Presid��i� of th� !letland� Conservancy, s � 7ualatin, Oregon, 97062, read his state�ent concerning the Hart Pond � wetiand ar�a. He explained reasons for avoiding public access to the south side of the pond. He urged the applicant and the City to enter � into an agreement to pr�tect the large trees. He noted that during construction the property must be protected from erosion due to surf�ce � water runoff. � :� �� OPPONENTS ;� o �d Sullivan, 111 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 3200, Por�land, 97204, stated he ;;� was representing Doug Smithey who resides at 11396 SW Ironwood Loop, �� Tigard. Ns said Mr. Smithey was concerned primarily with the wetlands !'�;1 and related wildlife area.� He discussed the different definitions of �� "wetlands" by the Tigard Code and th� Army Corps of Engineers and the r,x State and Federal government. F!e said the wildlife habitat should be �� protected by management. He also brought up the issue of ownership �nd �,� public access of the wetland area. �` .ti� o Doug Smithey, spoke about the roosting sit� of the blue herons, which �`;� are clesignated by the State as a sensi�ive species. He recor�nends the f south side of the lalce be dedicated to the City and no public ac�cess ;� al l owed. ;� o Paul Reese, 10840 SW Black Diamond Way, said he was app�sed to the ;� connection of Black Diamond Way with SW 109th Av�nue. H� expressed ;� concern about the water runoff problems and school dvercrowding. H� h?� favored adding a bike pa�h in thP area. He stated the sma11 size of the lots was not in keeping with the adjacent neighborhaad. �� "�� MEETING RECESSED - 9a�0 �aF ;, MEETING RECONVENED - 9:45 '`; ' o Mike Houck with the Portland Audobon Society, 5151 ��NW Carnell Road, � �' Portland, described the subject wetland area as a �ewel and a T.� i "significant" wetland. He suggested having the City own the wetland ,�:� property or creati�g a conservation easement. He recomnended a min�mum ;� , 100 fnot setback fram the wetiand edge. He c�ncurred that a trail on ,; the north side of the pond would be appropriate. He strongly disagreed $ with using wetlands as a filter for runoff wat�r. He commented that the � ' develop�r could eliminate s�me of the lots and better avoid encroaching s� on the wetland ar��. h� � o Walter and Juanita Hail��ay, ���2� S� �Q8�h Court, reviewed the map with �� � staff ar�d located his property. He expressed conces�r �hat increased �� wa�er runoff would advers�ely affect his property. � s� �� � � F'LANNIPIG COMNIISSION MINUTES - MARCH 1$' 1991 PAGE 4 ` , �:.� _ . � � �����.:�:�.� � _ . .6 o Rick and Rene�.�..'iettke, 10826 SW 198th Court, �-�°�eed with the recommendation of {Nr. Sm�they to require 100 foot setback for the lots adjacent to the w�etland area. He said he was concerned about the traffic problems at the intersection pf Tiedeman, North Dakota, and Greenburg Road. HQ described traffic during peak hours as . "unb�ar�able." He said the traffic will double when the project is compt�ted. o Bruce MacDoug�11 , 107�5 SW Ponderosa Piace, agreed with the testimany in � favor of protecting the wildlife area. Ne discussed the affects of � phospha�tes in runoff water on the algae growing in the pond. Ne brought up the potential for flonding in the area where North Dakota runs under � the railroad tracks. He agre�d with the comments a�bout the traffic problems at the intersection at North Dakota and Tiedeman. He did not t favor connecting Black Diamond Way and SW 109th Avenue. � o Mike Boyd, 10875 S41 108th Avenue, concurred with the previous comments i pertaining to protection of the wildlife area and pr�eserving the tre�s. o Nancy Tracy, 7310 SW Pine Street, spoke on b�half ef the Fans af Fanno Creek. She said they were concerned wi�th preservation of wildlife, ° e Hmuck that the area 'th Mik water quality, and open space. She agreed wi is an exceptional regional resource. 5he discussed looking at alternatives to wide str°eets and cul-de-sacs in order �o decrease the impervious surfac�e problems. o Reji Peterson, 11360 SW I�^onwood Loop, said he 1ives above the proposed proje�t. He said he did not oppose the development; however, he favored moving the development a little further away from the lake to preserve the special resource. o David Disney, 10910 SW lU8t� Avenue, refere^ed to Windsor Place Developrr�nt, which is adjacent to Fanno Creek, as an example of a co�nunity wher� water runoff is a growing problem. He urged Comnissioners to consider the impac$ of the increased runoff from the proposed deve1opmentv He expresse�+ concern about the wetlands identification issue, sta�cing the ar�a should be careftally s�udied. Ne advised that lo�s 65 through 70 should be removed fr�m the subdivision ta prot�ect the wildlife area and lake. o Ward Jones, 11165 SW Boxwood Court, co�nented �.hat the lot sizes were not large enough, and the pr�ject would result in a number of trees being lost. APPLICANT'S REBl1T1"AL a John Middleton discussed �he water runoff issue, maintaining vaater quality� and the park area. He talked about lot sizes, tree protection, and the cr��t�on �f � c�r�s�rdatiQe� ar��. !i� �ddressed th� �ss�e af ��� traffic congestion at the intersection of Tiedeman arod North Dakota, suggesting it is a City-wide problem which needs to be solved. He answered questions fc�r Commissioners regardi�g access and utility easements, PLANNING COi�T9ISSI0N MINUTES - MARCH 18, 199� PAGE 5 t � x ;� . �S ._._. .__... .__ �._ ...... . ....... ..... _ ,.--��.�,_.-�. -,� _ --- - _ . ., -_ - : _ -- � _� _ . ,�. - . � b �Wrx PUBLIC HEARING CLOS�►. o Commissioner Moore stated he favored connecting Black Diamond and 109th. He expressed conc�rn �bout th� d�lineation and where t� locate back lot lines on the lots near the pond area. o Commissioner Boone agreed there was a need to connect Black Diamond and 109th. He discussed the pitch of the land with regard to the wetland � cQncerns. He did not favor making the lots sma�ler to increase the � setbacks. With a^eg�rds to sa�ving trees, he advised he did not trust � individual judgm�nt and saw a need to oversee this issue. o Commissioner Fessler suggested there were two choices. The first wauld � be to approve the subdivision, but eliminate lots 65 through 70. The t second approach wau1d be to deny the proposa1 until detineation is � performed. :' o Cammissioner Saporta stated he farrored connecting 61ack Diamond Way and j� n gW 109th. He said an on-site water quality controi facili�y should be built, and deferred to staff to determine what form. Regarding the � wetlands survey and deiineation, he agreed with the staff recorr�n�ndation ] to have this performe� prior to Gonstruction. He preferred a 100-fo�t ; setback being a►o option �or the applicant. He favored constructing a trail an the north side and ��stricting access to the so�ath side of the pond. o Cormnis�inn Saxtan concurred that Black Diamond Way shAU1d be connect�d through. He said he was con�erned about the wetlands issue, and agreed with suggestia�ns to have a delineation of �he wetlands area. o Gommiss�oner Barber agreed that Black Diamond Way should be connected ; through. She noted that the developer was being �ener�us with regards to th� land dedicated to the City, and she was in favor of the conservation easement. o Commissioner Fyre dis�ussed the generous donation of land, which was � mostly buildable property. He favored a conservation easement rather � th�n elimination of lots 66 through 70. � +� o Conanissioner Moore favored more study concerning conservation easement an � and other alternatives priow to deci�ing the matter. � ;� o Commis�ioner Saporta did not feel that a conservation easement would be � , a good solutior� to the problem of the wetland issues. He suggested i� doing a wetlands survey and a delineation and creating a 100-foot �� �. setback from the wetlar�d, with the dedeluper to re-align the lots k acc�ordingly. ��� �; o Gomm9ssioner Saxton dis�ussed the 100-foot setback, and �i�e�� �t z� � measured from. Discussion followed regarding setback sizes, floodplains, wi�dlife, �nd water quality controls. Acting Senior G, Planner Offer answered questions pertaini�g to continuing the hearing. � ; �� � PAGE 6 �: PLANNING CONMISSION MINUTES - MARCN 18, 1991 � � . . , _ . _ - , . . -- . � �. _.. r.:.,�,n.�.�n���:�..:..u.�_.�..��, ___.._._ .._._.._._ _ .._.._.... _,.__. _,...._.......�..__..... ._.......__. _.� r� ,�.;�4« * ommissioner �r;►arta moved ana Commissioner Mo�� see�onded to approve C ` ` ZON �91-00�01 , SU� 91-0001 , and PD� 9'1�OA01 ��w�ith �h� provisi�ons a�s recommende� by s�aff with the fo��°�anm�n�miieSthe pollu�ant impactton water qualitY facilit�r be requir�d �� ��at provision �7 the pon�, as approv�d by �he City Enginee�rs i` regard3ng setback be s�ruck; 3) that Item 24 have added provision that a�ter the wetland sur�rey delinea�i�o,theaedgeeof theavretland;tandt4jck from the :property line of the lo that public access to the south side of the wetland be restri.cted. � Motion passed by ma,iority vote ou Comnissioner� Boone�abstained. � Cann�issioner Fessler vnting Noo Gommissione �� f� MEE'TIWG RECESSED - i l a l`5 PM r ' �� , . NTE�TI�NG RECONYEN�D - 11:25 PM �� �� , 6, OTHER '8����tiESS �� 0 7here was discusSion regarding having an expert talk to the Comnission �� � k about wetlands and Goal #5. r� o Commissi�ner� �Moore� sh ared irtformation from �he Seasid� w�rk�hop meeting � he attended. Discussion foliowed about transportat�on considerations �� and referring citize.ns to the proper forum. Ther� was agreement that it � � � Co�ne�nts were ��,�: ' citizens to air the�r con�erns. � wa�� �mportant to a11ow � made r�garding ways to aducate the public about which body in the , � government deals with which prob1ems. Camnissioner Barber brought up � � the appeal process for discussian. � vised he and C�mneissioner_Barber attended the Metro � � o Con�mi ss.i,oner Fyre ad PTataning Conference on March 5the Me shared �nformation about ch�ng�ng code and city renavati�r� ideas. 7. ADJOURNMENT - 11t40 PM �r� �y^�, '�. �'%�..!�,' � E11en p. Fox, Secretar � � t ATTEST: � Mi t F re, Vi si nt �,: � t l J., �; PLANNING COP!MISSI;ON Ni�N�1T�S - MARCN 1�, 1991 PAGE 7 , . �`� �� �, p � ,�,T r,.,..,. �m � � - � 1 r�;t > . , .,,x, —...-- , f r ��. . �'r,., � �, t . �, 4 a.,,_, �' . �. . .,r . ,.. — — — — ���:��� ��� � ���� �� - �H'°�=3 ..1. -y@ �"9+*> >"�R4riaa4 la.'i4�+a.t i4r^"G.f. � �� 0 � �.���o�' 789� �'° ^�°"'�� Fv P.O.BOX 370 PHOSdE(503�66�b-03a0 �0���� 6 uwm'lw"�.:atl�u�� BEAVERT'ON,OFiEGOP!97075 ?F£S'd$.- �1�R � ��,.�.�� ����9 ��t��� ����rt��a�� �, �6�Y a��i�Rd � ❑ Te�r�ha�t tVotic� � City o� Ti�a�'d � D [7upiic�4� AffidaviY �,�: PaO�Box 23�97 '�'ia�fa�l�awan�;�i11b���tnsid�r�tl. iI� ��'� ��issio�br�.. � Tigard, OR 97223 � �d��c �� �, 199� �t 7:3+���,IV��w���"��`, i���n�� �+��vn�i���-��,� I�12S S W. �i�ll I�oulev�rdR°i"i,��id; ��.��th publr�e�a�d w�'itt�a't ; testirrdvray is invat�d.°�'h�pubiic N���ucit��era th�s ma�r'wil���di�tu�d ' -- - -- in��co�°�1anc�>with the r�eDes o�C6is�sl�x=1$.32�4'th��'i�ard 1l�iuns�ip"�I � ��de,'�d�u1e�aqrd pt?�ct;d�res�f-lhe;,�!��nnin�Cps►q�as�et�no_���lu��tr. �lFFiDAVB7' f�� �'U�L�YCATIC)�J �� rais�€�n'issue�in persob�x by��ettep y�re�lud�s�t ap�t�t�ttd fas'lt���tso-: speei�� t6e�ratario�,.frpm t�e�or�krttunity 1�evei�►gtnenR�c�t�e`�r - S3'AT�t�� c�F��G��, ) Cornpr�he�nsiv��'Ra�a�whic�`�catf��at is�iiarre�ted p�cdud���a�t ' COUF�i'� O� WASF�I�9GY'O�, )ss. bas�d en t��c�raB�ricer�:lFu�th�c�s�foetn�teion ma�be z�b�aesl fao�n►the; I, Judrth KoeY�le�c �'tatna�in�L?ivise�►�t 13�25�a.�1V.Nat1 Etivd.,�'��ra�,Or��a�t 97`�23,o���+ being first duly swora�, d�pos� �nd say�n�t 9 �n.3he Advertising �li�a� 39-4171 Dir�c4or, or his princip�l clerk, oi 4he—�a�Ct '1'1.mes �tJI3T.lIVI�SYON Sg,J�91-f�01' �lA1tY,AN��° < a newspmp�r af gener�! cir�ul �an a d�fc��d in ORS 993.010 �..���.��.(lal��L]�I�s.�,1�11'�E13 ��.�a�c� �'�1��1��1�9l-(�li?1 �'�1�.���N'G� 7..f5A1 Rt- and 1�3.020; published at in Yh� q�Qt, �fo s�i� �o�n4 and.st�4�; tM ��T T ' `{I�#7) �'4ann�n� �iss�on ��'@91d0001 A�r�qq�st'��r 1).�t►ne Chan �apprc�v�l fror�R-4.�(12esideaatialo 4:5 - -- �a�its/accc) go �-4.� PD (�Residenti�t, 4.3 �ia�Aisf�c�e,'�lann�d � prin#�d capy of r�hic�s is ���r�fo �r�nexed, �as p�ablish�d in th� T)ee�Y�pnlCnl)y�Z�Sqlbdi�iSitY�I�re6ie¢�it�iu`y�l�t/I�P��tt1�t1 I?ev�lopgtt�nC' �n4ire issu�oi�aic9 newsp���r ior �e —succ�s5ive a�od co���p���1�a ap�r����to divide�pp�ximat�ly 22.�4'�'aCres itlto 76 loPs �� b�tw�en �ppr�i��m�i�teiy ,�;bOED and �2,�86�s�ui�r�u�`�et�in siz�.� COf13�Cl14B!/@ itt#Pl��QII0�9!!0� IS8Ug5: A�1 CQXDIi1�LCI�'�:3 acr�'s of th�orY�ic�aat'sit+e ittciu�iin�ih��p'�nCi;we�iatids,' t an �ssoci�te�:upt�nd a�ea a�re pxnpa�c#to i�;ul�dieatad r�i..ghe Ci��+far Nlarch 7� 1991 _ , pa�ic�au��u,:�1�t�ca�n�apprc�vat as,:r��estca�tt��li.r►�t p�t�l�nsiEy! �sfer �r d�dit�t�r aqo�seu�s�tiv�e t��...�Olri�,�,�«S ������,t�ai.4:5 � etnits/a��'��.I��A�t'��►� 1t?�93; 10�5�Sy�n�t'=�1��.. p�a��h���� ;��.�1CT�4I;lS� �4�i�,t��1�ts 23t)Ci�?AQ(1�����'&�f.�n�'W`�t �i �,� �� ,r�'"` �'1�1� ��;�t 1a�3�'iJ:� x � � TY'?�9�-��b�is1�'M�'�t�7,1�4�. Subscrab�d and s�or� o b�fore m�this 7th �f hI� C�'1 1991 ` �Y; � , ( — 1 C.. .- � �� �� iUotary�'ubiiC ior vr��#�,�� B�Ay Comcr�iss6on�xpires:_._ � -��-� �,.-� 6R���6a6'8��44� r ;`�.': ,- . .,� ,. _ . . _., ,� .. y. _ . _ . ., _ . . _ , -- . � �;: .... , ..�,,,<„.,_ ....�.. ,,,..., .a .. .. ,.,K ,,.,._:,b _...�___._._ _ _____... �' ,�c�: . .,�,... � __...__.,_.,,�...,,.:.� ..�.x<.i._..._ :��..... .. ,�:.,�.��.W . .:,:u:::._..__...._... . ._ '. �:, ..,��� �,� �;; ; uP° �- ����" Z � �, i ; P� �; cn T ��� '� z � xxi_� G coxcxissinx � � � NO'rICS: �LL PBRSAIiS DSSIRING TO �PgAR ON !lN3C xT'R!I 31ITST �IGI� THSII3 �� 1i0'1'� �IR �� ADDR�SS a127 2'HIS SHS$T. (Please PRIN'�) �� / t� , 5� ' CASE NtJMBER(S):���� //�I SLLC� /�"C�� �� �. AGENDA ITEM: � � r ��� � i'. OWNER/�APPLICANT: l �_ �t n �` � �o �tl.) LOCATION: �i ��� �7 DATE OF HEARING l ��� � NPd NUMSER: - ��. u � �� PL1'y�E PRINT YOUR NAML ADDRE5S AND INCLUDE YOUR 2IP CODL ^_____ _ �� . sa==._m==-coca=aoc^x=��=cam==o=a-c�a=°ms-a�xmm�s��xasa=s—a=-a�==== _______________ PROPOIQBNT (F'or the propoaal) OPPONENT (Against the proposal) �� aa=�m��a=a�ma=-=a:=��s�a_=si===a�=�ss=a�ooa= -o=a�a��===__°____=____�__=-===aa�===s====== d. Print N /Address/Zip & Affil�iation Print Naaae/Addrees/Zip & Affiliation f�y 'n, L�" �re;;'i � • };a�, � ( �� 5� � � � } f � �e w U . �- � n y ��� /'�p _� �f�' �c� 1 1�. ' �;� oC�� ��oa�m �� VU�'L�. �..�rn � �" . � � , , �a {R�c L l9 °�".J- RC'C�a-t ��v� �� . ov�s �. �. ' � .�v� POr�I�d ¢��� `�• ;�,� , �4 � Mi DQI.C�t�'orl�3� s . i `T7'ZG 2..-- _' � � � /�� / j� � � � k 7- f-� s i � t; � r- }„t,< '{�� ' �. oY'L6 S� ��. � �� � �e.N-� k �// /o� T. � � e. �� ^"�-� ,� � � ,.S" / e � ���� . ��; � �9 6 Sc.J ��-�-�� � �;� ��`.�. d,� � �� ° D .�� .� dr���a�- P�- ti��, ,� po U S � � 1 �� �,3 � r� � f°-'GG 7�l0 �vl'� �l ru�-' �`7�-�.3 ���� �.. i ;j,�i � �,f� �} � 1'�. c � � er � �,. � � �� � /, �2Svr- 1/�dv �'�`� l2an��uva�l �'/TLZ3 �:�� �� ,�, ; �� ,�-- �� � Q.rr �..��� /(3 .j 1 u ac� ,�uo ?r srv���t�,�3��, Y' � � �,:, 2. I� � /�'�C01' �W usma C fl�?q.�-zz� _ , ��i � 1LLC�E �'e�tcF'�- (( 6$ SW C.Oa�d�({yG�) :�, R�72L3 ;:. r �� � � � � � ,�; � . _ _:._. _.._., ,. ._,: .,. .,.,,:.., .. H.:.,-,�-,,�� �„�-.�r r'� _ . _ , . . E. � ,� � � �� ..: ., ..�,�� �r- y� �� � � � ��� T T G1� RD BL � NN I NG CO ![ Y�II � S I ON � % ' NOTI�:Ss. 1�1:L �1tS0[�i� DBSIRIk�G T�O $PBAR O�1 11NY ITRlI KQST SIGN T�IEt NllMS AI�D liOTlt T�IR I . !lDDRSSS ON THIS S�T. (Pleaele PRINT) AGENDA ITEMs CASE NUMBEIt(S): � OWN1�R/A�PLICANT: '� '� 7+OCA,TION: s� , Npp'�ggg; DATE OF HEARING � �', � ' S .PYtIIdT YOUR .NAML ADDRESS AND .INGLUDE YOUR ZIP CODE �� `°' PI.EEAS . • . a'�a=a=pe�caaa.= -�--a-_o=.os=�=c_--�c=a=----'nq=�seas=n --° �� �- --�-a==aa=s-°=o_s=�°---�= }c� PIROPONBNT (For the propos�l) -^-- OPPONENT (Against the prapoeal) � �'� ,. ; .� m=�a=scaasss-�osc==°===o=_=�==_ac===^aooa� osa��===�=o=oo===ooa==ao��cox=ea�omoa==�oa=- �� �"� ` Pr�.nt Naine/Addreat.s/Zip & l�ffiliation Print �1ame/Adciresa/Zip & AFfi].iation � � , �� � � w,�, � . p i+�v�b '�IS 1� ►�a IOS I � . �� � �,�r /67lca .s,u9, d,�d�c�r� /� : � � 'i'l :t� -� . q"t b�q-�3 � `����r��� % ��zz.� � � f �� �" + ' � .�'t;,,cao,� . '� . 1l�� 5 -�� � , : _ � � _ ,,, - .. , ,; _ _ , ' �, � � �� �� _ . �� _ �� �� �.,. �� ��, �;� ��� ! �. � � . , . .,. . _- . . �S� ..�.:.i:iti"vL ..a..�:c�Lc ua.r.u.,..,.. - . . .. � . '. �....�....��......+,:...i .x:a:«�.w��a-..,.a,r..................�................�.......�.�.....w....+�+.ew:�v.xza...i�.«.vrt.:...�.. .'.........._...�.as_..�c.nas.,a.'vxc^..t��..T_s�.s`"SSL��N-...�...c_nu-.,.xv�'mcu:x.uxa.�eL.+w+v..a.w..�....�...�.�,�.- � ��� PLA�iNIN� COMMISSION ROLL CALL �; � � �s ,� HEARIt3G DATE: C� � STARTING TIME: � �� , �� ', ,:i COMMISSIONERS � �. _�, DONALD MOEN �� ^ G,�� VLASTA BARBER a n �� - HAROLD B. BOONE �,� �:�f: � JAMES CASTSLE ��� ��:. � JI7I3Y FESSLER � MILT FYRE �;p f �RIAN ASOORE � � �r� ��. � 5,4.� �� ` � °� �� � HARRY SPaPORTA � �'' �k� ��.� 'j�� � �''r7 STAFF FRESENT: �a ` ' �(�/r`-2� �r� t'. � � �i . x�� I' �y(/� �ii � ��� � _ � � F� ��i S '� j l���`- �� _ � (,� �;�<;� II ��;�. }:� ��� Y� .. . Y�Y . (a��t'- , . `�,t t ����'. i "r� � d7IPC—ROLL �`' �r.��. f' �� � i p � ' {�� f;". `J � [:_ � t� lA� , r- : d..; � ' �� � � �fr � . .. , ... .. . . .. .. .., . . . .., . .. .. . . .... � .. .. .. .. � �:�: •��. ..�' .. ... {t -•�. _a_,µ�.� „t�.`:>>.....«,.>..,t �,:.'..:t...,.�.,_.c.:.:'aiF.._..�..�'.....��.W.._..,.a...w�..4T,�.a�v.:ra��=t:�^_xaxx= ._,.-... ,w - .,_...�-�l'....u.��,.,..�..?a��i:en..,. ....�._ .r�.;;° ,.�:it�...,_..,ix�..::tit�_,-.wcU-i„iLS:._........:-<,�.. __�..u...;:....i.�.,4U...n.,.x.»....c.-........_.s,,,-.... }�'`'. � � � .. �' � �� .� CIT% OF T�CARD PLP►I�4NIN(� COMMISSION FINA� ORD�R NO. 91-0`1 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIUNS WHICH APPROVES !�T APPT.ICATION FOR A' BAN� CIiAt1(iL 7.'O ADD THL PD OVERLAY ZONE (ZON 91-U0�1), SUBAIVISION PRELIMxNARY PLAT APPItOVAL, (SUB 91-0Q01)� �ND P3,ANNI�D DI4VELOPMLNT COIJCEPTUAL PLAN APPROVAI+ (RDR 91-0001) RLRQUEST�D SY VENTURE PROPERZ°IES IIdC. The Tigard Planning Commission has review�d the above applicatior� at a pubZic heasing on March 18, 1991. The� Camnnission has ba�ed its decision on the fa�tg, i fi�di.nge, and canclueions noted helow. I e SUNlL9ARY OF TH8 REQUEST �g; �.ARS OF' NORTH DAKO'TA PRELIMINARY SUBDIVI3ION PLAT Zone Change ZON 91-0009. Subdivisian SUB 91--000]. �Q planned Aevelopment Review PDR 91-0001 �� gUMMARYs The applicant requeeted: 1) zone change approval to add �tion ��_ (i�lanned Development) overlay zon� to the 22.4 acre site in ad i � ' to the exietfng R-4.5 (Residen�i.al, 4.5/acre) zoning designation; �'� �nd 2) subdivision preliminary plat/planned developa+ent conceptual �;. plan. approval to divide the approximately 22.4 acre site into 73 single family roafdential lots averaging 6600 equare fe�t in eize and one already� developed lat of 82,386 square feet. APPLICANT: Venture Properties 1555 SW Bsngy Road Lake Oswegoo OR 97035 AGENT: Zarasinski-Tatone TngineQra, Inc4 (Contact: Joha Middleton) 3737 SE Sth Avenue Portland, OR. 97202 OWNERS: Mary Hart Ja�rne Hiill 10993 SW North Dakata St. xi ard��OR�97223akota St. Tigard, oR 97223 g Judith Gould 10995 3W North Dakota St. Tigard, OR 97223 Cp�iplbEF�igI'i11� pLAN DESIGNATION: Low Llensity Residential ZONING DL�SIGNATION: It-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 unite/acre) LOCATION: 10993, 10955, and 11065 SW North Dakata Street (WCTM 1S1 34AC, Tax Lots 230Q, 2400 and 25U0, and WCTM 151 34DB, Tax Lot 300) p�pp�yepgyg I,A�W: Comm�unity Devel.opment Co�de Chapters 18.32, 18.50, 18.80, �S 18.84, 1�.92, 18.102, 18.108, �8.114, 18.150, 1�.160, ].8.164 and Campreheneive Plan Poi3.cL�s 2.I..1, 3.4.2, 3.5.4, 4.2.1, 7.1,2, 7.2.1, 7.�.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, 8nd $.1.3. gT1�FF RI�PORT - SOB 91-0001/PDR 91-0001/jZOld 91-0001 FAGE 1 LARE AF NORTfi DAICOTA �..V....,.-�.---,-r-�,-„�-.-�.,.;:�,��,, ,....- ,,.. •,�-"^�'-;�---a-r,.� , r „<� -�,r F , v ;"', „� � ,, � :�:��.,... �;:�. . ..��. .� .�_�� . . . .:-.:�., , �.._ .. . . __ . ..... .........: . . ...... . .,. � , , ..� � � � � ��: II. E'IEdDINGB ABOUT SITE AND SU't2ROUNDINGS A. Site �ize and shane: � The approximately 22.41 acre site is rotxghly rectangular in sha�e and coneiets of four tax late. B. Site location and surroundina uses: The e3.te �xtenc�s approximately 1500 feet no�thward from SW North Dakota Street and ia moetly surrounded by develop�d residenti�l properties. The site ie bounded on t�h� north and west by the Englewood subdiv3.eions; on the east by the 81ack Bull Park and Carna�an'e Addition subdivisiona; and on the aouth by a number of large lot single-family residences on the oppoeite aide of SW Aior�h Dakota Stseete Englewood Park ia lacated to the . northwe�t of thie site. The Fanno Creek floodplain and green�aay is located ta the northeast. C. Existina uaea and structureso The site presently �Qntaine houses �n tax lot 2400 (the Hart residence), and on tax lot 2500 (the Ellson reeidence). In addition, a numbe� of building� are located around both of these houaes. The site cantains a combination af mnstly open field primarily ta the south, �cattered trees �nd field area in the center of thie gite, and dens� v�g�tation eurrounding a pond on the northern por�ion of the site. The area of the pond includes same associated wetlanda and quite a few large, mature fir ` and deciduous trees in upland area�. D. Tonnaraphv and drainaae: The sfte slopes to the north and east from a maximum elevation of 23.8 feet , to � wat�r 1eve1 of 16�.1 feet for the pond. The maximum elevation on the narth side of the pond ia 178 feet in the northwestern corner af the eite. E. Plan deaianation and zonina: � Th� si�� is deeignated for low denaity reaidential uee by the Comprelxensiv� Plan Map. The aite ie zoned R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre). Surrounding properties ar� �l,�o de�ignated for low den�ity residential use and ar� also zoned R-4.5. F. ��v�lox�nent proposal: The applicant praposes dividin� the 22.4 acre parcel �nto 'T3 single family l�ts, not inoluding the 1.89 ac�e parcel tha� would remain as the lot Burrounding the Hart re�idence juet south of the pond. The proposal wauld includ� an approximately 16,000 �quare foot pascel (lat 14) that would include the Ellsor� houae. The applicant proposes to dedi�ate the northern portion of the site £or publie park uees. The pxogxsaed dedica�ion would iaclude 4.3 acres, includ�ng the pond, asaociated wetlands, �nd some upland wooded area au�rrounding the site. A substantial area of upland to the nor�h of the poatd would be incluc�ed, providin� a buffer between Englewaed I �ubdiv,ision STAFF REPORT - 3U� 91�0001/PHR 91-0001//ZON 91-0001 iLAKE OF RiORTH D�iKOTA PAGE 2 �.--��_ -...,:�. .�.,�,-.w..a.>.�,.....�..�. .� -_.. ,�� - _,d,.w.-,, tv�..i.il:.au:.wavJ...vttv-..:..� -....�..�...m..,�:tn'.<::.%�G'�.srt.�._......�.�,-.ir;,a..��u:.:Lt�i,.;..:,[usC:�.�..c_.ru:t�.:.�..:......,.a....��._'..`.:...,. �.,..�<.,er-�..s.us73dL.��.s-�s.tt.w:!C���� ..,��.S;C.:��.....i....»_,w.�.,...�......331;:r.S..e:�u ..u_,:�.1.,.c.:_=��.,::�;:.�EU::rar.L..:� V �, , � �� ���v�' and the pond. A�cceea to thia p�xk a�ea is proposed to be from the ' exie�ting Englewood and Fanno Creek greenway parke to the weet and eae�t of the prapoeed area to be dedicated, and aled from a 10-�oot wid� pedestri.an acceae ease�dent to be developed from within the propoeed subdfv3.si.en between lots 67 and 68. The applicant propoeea an internal netwo�rls cf raads that would include one nstiv north-south stree� (ten�atively named SW 110th Avenne) extencling �ram North Dakota Street tt� the northern poxtion of the eubdivision, and an exteneion af SW 109th Avenue to eaa j�at aou�h of the Har� xesidence. In addition, a tie street would be provided betweea� theae two etreeta, ae wel]L ae td�ree �hort cul-de-eace and one etub street t�at ie providecl for future extenaion to the weet. The applicant propoees t,hat the SW 109th exteneion not b+a cont�ected to SW Black Diamond W�y in the �lack Bull Park subdivision. Approximately 110 £eet would eepara�e the enda of these two etreete. The applicant propoeea that utilities be provided within utiliity easemenxe, and a pedestrian accase be provided between tlxe ende of these two stxeets, although no street improvements would be included at thie time. Ten additional feet of right-of-way along 3W Noxth Dakota Street ia prapneed for ded3.ca�ion. Propoead street improvements on North D�kota S�reet wou].d inelud� a curb 2U fe�t from the exie�ting center 1.ine, a sidewmlk, underground utilities, and paving between the curb and the exieting sdg� of pavemen�t. Str�et improvementa within the eubdivisian are proprssed t�a coraform to City of Tigard loaal streQt standard�a, includin�g 34 feet of pa,vement witlnin 50 foot wide xights-of-way and eidewalks on both eides of a7.1 etr�etso Propsssed cul-de-s�c �bulbs �wauld •have .a •42 �oot curve radius and 50 foot right-o�-way radius. In acldition €o the pro�pased 10 foot wide pedestrian easement between lots 65 and 66 to the park, a 10 font wide pedeetriaaz access ea�ement ia propoeed b�tween lots 12, 13 arad 33 to connect two cul de �acs. Al�o, a 25 foot wide utility and aceese saeement would lae provi.d�d on lot 12 to benefit tax lot 2Q1 to the south. G. Pe�b]:ic service and atilitiee: Th� applicant praposes r�placing the exieting cleanout at �he end nf the sanitary sewer at Ponderoea Court s�nd �lack Diamond Way with a manhole and extension of an 8-inch line installed westward ta serve the praposed subdivision. Water service would be �xtenc��d from ex��t�.�g dead end linee on Bl�c3r Diacaond Way and SW 109�h Avenue, and would provide a connection to the existing 6-inch dismster main within North Dakota Street. Five fire hydranta a�e proposed to provide fir� protection throughout the developaent. ' A e�tozm drainage n�twork would be developgcl througd�QUt the eite that would drain to the exi�ting pond. � 3TAI''1� RBPURT - SUB J1-0001/PDR 91-OOQl//��N 91-OQQl LAIC�. OP' I�TOR�'Fi DAICATA pAGE � y.-....»b,..;:;�n.n�w-»�-.,-,T^.�.�,. rt,_,_..s,.v .o:.,. ,. ,x•,,;r�,,...-,..,, • .... ,. . "-,"'"-°'i.^�r!tav,rot*7x--'rna,::t-' �-�»:' . .. . _�-^Y�s'1-T`K',:.-;.`.-p"'-°^'r`—^c --`se Y'n.�—�+ti�.x . �..T.�.�.�- ' _ .- _ .. .,., ,� .. .'�y"T '""5'..Ta^�;,1�:�.. ,y^'u^' r,t'-..�„� ��i:.:G.+w� t._.:: .�x;;:s :...:,;:: o.�.,..x.... ,<.,.. .:a.i , . . . ,_.,..:�„ ,�.�,.�.,,_ .,,....:.._ _. ............ ' ' ' r .. ._._. .I � �i i � III. APPLICABLE APPROVAL STANDARDS A. Communitv Develonment Code: 1. Chapter 18.32 authorizes the Planning Comm3.esicn to approve chang�s to the zoning of a property upon a findinq that the requested change ja , ie coneietent wi�h applicable Comprehensive Plan policiee. The � chapter aleo provides requirement� £or the zone ehanqe �roaeea. � 2. Chapter 1.8.50 contains �tandards for the R-4.5 zone. Single-family � detached residential un3.ts are the primary permit�teci uses in the {§ zone. Single-family resid�ntial lo�a in the zone muat comply with f� the following dimensional requirementas ti� t,- Minimum lot �ize 7,5UU equare feet (�� Average minimum lot width 50 feet �� , Front setback 20 feet ��" �+ Tnterior aide setback 5 feet €;:j ,' Corner yard setback 15 feet ��� Rear setback Maximum builcling height 30 feet `'� �;t 3. Cha ter 18.80 �� p provfdes a prACese for providing a means for creating f; Flanned environments through the application of flexible development �f � standards. The purpcse s��tement notes that it is the intant of ��"� �his section to reserve ta the �� P greatest exten� possible the � exiating ian�lacape features and arnenities through th� use of site k'� plann3.ng procedures that rel�te the type and desic�n of a d�vel�gment � to the site. � The Planned D�velopment procesa is permitt�d only through the � application of the Planned Develapment over�.ay zons to a parcel thxough a zon� change application. If the applicatian invol.vea the � eubdigi�ion o£ land, the appliaation For the zone change and the preli.minary plat approval may be heard concurrently. Approval of � the Planned Development overlay zone shall not expire. P�p�sroval of � the planned Development site cievelopment plan is valid for �ighteen � months, and may be extended for an addition�l twelve monthe. � Y Tha minimum lot eize, lat depth, and lot width etandards of the underlying zone shall not apply to a planned development except aa related to the density computation. Building height requirementa of the underlying zon� ahall not apply except with3.n 100 feet an Est�ablished Area. Front yard, eide yard, and rear yard setbacks of t�e underlyi.ng zone ahall not apply except on the perimeter of the sitee Garages muet maintain a twen�y foot setback ��c�a� pe�bl�c � righ�e-of-way, ?5n �pg�li�en;c may �eequest agecial setbacka to be appl�ed to the development or the Planning Cottnniasion may eetabli�h �pecial eetback�. Code Section 18.80.120 identifies approval criteria for a planned developmant site plan. Of partiGUlar note with regard t� the current request is Sectxan 18.80,120.A.3.a(i) which statee that ". .. atreets, bui].dinga, and other site elementa shall be designed � and locatad to pr�serve the exieting trees, topography, and na�ura2 = drainage to the greatest extent poesible." !; STAFF REPORT - SUB 91-0001/PDR 91-OA01//ZON 91-0001 �� LAKE OF NOItTH A1hKOTA p�G� 4 r� � 4,� !`,;� };.� ��� �`:� ,._� .� .... _ � .,. . ... . ___ _ _ — .,.: �- �� � , �, . . ,. , .. , . , r ,,, .„ . �� ., 'r x`i . . �.� . k:W. ,,. .. , ... ;... ,..� __ . . �.. '-r,u.�� ..� ..M ,,.,: �. �. ,.�_ � .. . _. ..---�— - ..._,:��,:... :.t_.w�.x�. ._.«,.«..,...A ,.,��.�_v:.,. .v.-u..,�,:_. .�,.�.,..��.. v�,:.,.:.w:�U ...,..u•w.��.,,�.,....:;;:....:i,,u �.���::«r_..ax ...n.,.�:.r,.,.. . .....,,,.,:�,�,-.s�n,_.u�_,iH .�.r�.,,.,�_a,r_�k....s�,..:..r.�c,..�..>:.�:.n.:.��.-:c��s:verxr._u�..a._.u,�.,n.�s... .�ti.; , r �'s � ��� 4. Chapter 18.84 containe regulatione for the development of lands including or within 25 feet of aa iden�ified wefclande. We�land lacatione may incl.�9e but are not limited t� those areae identified ae wetlande in eithe� the Comprehen�ive Plan�e Floodplain and Wetlanda Map or the "Wetland Inventory and Asseeement for th� City of Tir�ard, Oreqon," by 3aientific Resources Inc., 1989. Specific ident3.fication of wetland boundaries by qualified professionals may be required to b� done at an applicant�s expense. Code Section 18.84,040.D provides that the he�ring body may approve a development adjacent to a significant wetlands prov�.ded that the proposed c�evelopment ia no gea� �han 25 feet fro�n the wetland boundary. 3. Ch�pter 18.92 �ontairas �tandarde gor density. The number of dwellircg units permitted ia baeed on the net development area, excluding sensitive land areae e�xch as drain�ge ways �nd land dedicated for public roads orc parks. To determine the number of lota, divide the net development area by the minimum lot siz� of the zone. An opportunity is pravided far a trane:fer of hQUSirag opportunitiss to other portione of the development eit� froap sensitive land areas t�hat are deciicated for park and open apace purpases. Up �0 25 per�ent of the haueing opportunity that wcruld exiet if �he area was not alaaeified as a senaitive land area. may b� transferred. 4. Chapter 18.102 requires that adequate vi.s3.on ,be..prov.ided..at .r.oad intersectione. 5. Chapter 18.108 eatabliahee atandards for safe and adequate access. Section diecourages direct accQSe from ree3.dential lats to mino� collector atree�ts euch as SW North Dakota Street. 6. Chapter 18.114 eatabliahes etandards fcr eiz�a ��d locatians af signs. A process ie established for �he revfew and approvaZ nf sign permits. Platted eubdivisions �re perini�ted 9n� �rmanent, i f��estanding sign at each entry paint. Sign area is limited to 32 I equa�e feet per sign fac�. 7. Chap�er 18.150 requirea a permit and contains etandards for removal of tre�s having a trunk 6 inches or more in dismeter four feet above the ground on undevelo ed land. A rmit £or tree removal P muet Pe comply with the following criteria: a, The trees are dieeaee�g p����a►t a danger to ysroperty, ar interfsre wi�h utilit eervice or traffic eafet • Y . Y b. �he trees have to be removed to cenetruct propo9ed improvements or to otherwise utilize the applic�int's property ' in a reaeonable mann�r; c. �he treee are no� needed to prevent eroaian, inetability, or drainage problem�; STAP'F REPORT -- SUS 91�0001/PDR 91-0601//ZON 91-0001 LAKE OF NORTH DAKOTA PAGE 5 r , .� � .� � .....-. n � , �;,. , ,-- r. -..��,.- .�-,- . . , , _. , . _ . --=--_ — �. 4. � , ..:�_,. .��k , ,.-,�,,,-, ,..:,,. �-, -�--r-- .... . :�_ . ..._.�t.. ....,, ...�...,: �.,. ..�„ .,-� ......�. ...� .......�.. .s: '� stut...�'Yt,...�,ravtvt ' w.;:3L?,G'N.:Yk tiL�'17':�tM.iC:v.Y........-:t� Ya'S3:i� -�..2Y.11i4 x....�Y1�;�S.._ ���' yc 'i-c..� Fv✓..:EUi �.a�un.owu':-u.u.::�u.vi,e..'..z.m�.vrt...-_..-�.�. r.�.ii�J'i=a.w.Cl._:::1"Hi..J.2..c�.-.: -�u�.Jt:u.Y4xR'i . ..,- � � � �k� t ..�+'�{ d. The treee are not needed to protect x►esrbec tre�s as windbreaks r�� ae � d�eirable }�a�an�� be�ween shade and op�n ep�cei e. The aeethetic character in the area will not be vieuall.y advereelg affected by the tree removal; and f. New vegetatian planted br the applicant, if any, will replace the ae�thetic value of trees to be cut. g. Chapter 18.160 containe standarde for land divisione. It allows phased dev�lopment, provided construction is initiate�d within eigh��en months of the apprc�val and conetruc�ion of each pha$e does not exceed 2 years. To be approved, a preliminary plat rnuat comply with the following criteria: a. The eubdivision propoaal. muat comply with the City's Compreh�nsive Plan and the applicable zoning ordinance and other appli�abl� ordinances and regulationa; b. The propoeed plat mame may not be duplicative of other plats within Washingtors County and the plat muat otherwiae s�atisfy the provieion� of ORS Ck�apter 92; c. The atre�te and roads must be laid aut so as to conform to the plate of eubdivisions and maps uf major partitione alr�sady approved for adjoining properties as to width, gen�a.�ral direction and in all other respects unless the City determinee it ia in the public interest to moslify :the street or road �i pattern . .. 9. Chapt�r 18.164 contains �tandarde for streets and utilit�.ea. a. Section 18.164.030.A)requix�s atreete w3thin and adjoining a development to be dedica�ed and improved baeed ox► the classffication of the street. A future improvemen� guar�ntee �aay be acc�pted in lieu of improvements, among other rea�one, if: � (1) A partial impravement is not �Eeasi}sle due to the inability ta achieve pro�erty (sic) design atandarda; �or (2) A partial improvement may cseate a potential safety � h�zard to motorists or pedeatriane ... '` b. Section 18.164.030(E) requirea a lacal etreet to have a minimum 50 foot right-of-way aad 34-foot paved s�ati�on )setween aurbs and sidewalkg. c. Section 1�8.164.030(F) requiree a r�serve atrip and barriaade at the �nd af a de�li�ated street that can be ex�ended aff- eits. d. �ection 18.164.030(J) alZows partial etreet imprs�vemen� "wrhere eseential to rea�Anable d�velopa►c�rnt when in conformity with th� other rec�uiremente of theee regula�ione, and when 3.t wi.11 be practical to requixe the improvement of the other half when S'1'AFF REPOA'1' -- $[IB 91-0001/PDR 91-OOAl//ZON 91-000]. p�G$ 6 ` T,AKE O�' NORTH 12AKOTA �� `i � k l� �}. � 1 �y t c � r � - ,, � "�v -s�u----'�"r-�-7T^:-!s r'r7 ,'�r .,t^« A,� -�rrrv^^� "—�'• R- � . . . ,.... ,. . , .. . . . . y _. f,1 __ . , .. . - . . . . . . ._ .. -_ - -a.-.�= _ .".�_t� ..::� ..,�=t'_ ..,._ _._a._ -�,�M.�..ii . ,S ...-.�. �'++Yfl.^ �a�.:.�r_W➢+�r�aE44�5w '�'aii�ek8pi�:_. ..,.�:....: ....... .. ..:... ... � ...:.-.,._, n,� .....:.�.. ,...,.�..:..: . ..,.�....s.=. ..�. �'.�:.F' ... .t':�:.- �....'::.: a.. ..._..w t.��t..e,,.�.i t.�:..e,tu..x . ..,..R, . .,..,,. �tl_4.J't.'..... . ..r.. .�...a,.a.....n.4.tv..t....n�>x4a A , � �� the adjoining property [is] developed." e. Secti�an 18.154.030(M) r�quires local street grades of 12$ or lesso f. Section 1$.164.060 prohilsits Lnt depth from being more than 2} times the loti width and requires lot froaztage of at least 25 fe�t on a public or private street for all lote created through the subdiviaion process. g. Section ]. require� aidewalks adjoining a3.1 local residential �treete. h. 5ection 18.164.090 requires Banitary sewer eervice. i. Seation 18.164.100 requires adequate provisions for etorm water runoff and dedication of easc�ments for atorm drainaqe faailities. �. AAplicable Comvrehensive Plan Policies. 1. Poliey 2.I.1 pravidea the City will aseure that citizens will be grovi.ded an oppartunity to be invol�red in the planning procesa. 2. Polioy 3.4.2 requires the protection of fi,sh and wildlife habitat �long atream corridors by maintaining riparian vege�ati.on, requiring eroeion con�rol measures, and by retaining atanding treea �nd natural veg$tation to th� maximum exten�t goesible. ; 3, Palicy 3.5.4 providea that the an interconnected psde�trian/p�thway systsm b@ developed throughaut the City. 4. Policy 4.2.1 pravides that all deveZopment within the Tigard Urban Plar�ning Arsa shall comp].y with applicable federal, stat� and regianal vaater quality standarde. 5. �olicy 7.1.2 provide� �he Ci�y wil]. require ae a condit�.on of dewelopcnent approval that pubD.ic water, sew�r, and atorm drainage �;;, wil� bs provided and designed to City standarde and utilities placed '� underground. 69 Policy 7.3.1 providee the �ity will coordixtate water services with water dietricts. 7. Policy 7.4.4 req�ires all new development to be connected to an approved eanitary s�wer syet�td►. �i �. Policy 8.1.1 provides the City will plan for a gafe and efficient I� street and roadway eystem that meete current n�eede and anticipated future c�rawth and development. 9. Policyr 8,1.3 providee �he City will recYuire as a precondition of approval that: a. Development abut� a dedic�ted etreet or has other adequate acceas; STAFF REPORT - SUB 91-0001/PDR 91-0001//ZON 91-0001 LFiKE OF NORTH DAKOTA PA�E� 7 �; I�;! ��t f,p�j i�,, . - _ ,:�: .. � �;: r��.: _. . � ,_ � _ ':'� .." .i`_�iX_«..���u.L _ ' ". :'.^°'_^i ."":i�d. ._.. � _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ;.t.'�Hi tY.i�il{nfi _ _ n ' �f� � b. Street right-of-way ehall be dedf.cated where the street is � subetandard in eaidthj c. The developer ehall commit to construction of the atre�ts, curbe and sidewalks to City stand�.rds within the developanent. d. �he deveLoper �hall participate in the improvement of exietinq gtreeta, curbs, and sidew�lks to the extent af the development's impacts; e. Street improvements ahall be made and etreet eign� or signals ah.all be provided when the de�relopment ie found to create or inteneify a traffic haz�rd. IV. NPU & AGENCY COMMENTS 1. Tl�e City of Tigard Engineering Aepartment haa reviewed the proposal and offers the fa�llowing aa�mments: Street�: The appliGant ie propo�ing to extend S.W. 109th to the north end of the property with a future connection to S.W. �lack Diamond Way. To the west of S.W. 109t1x, approxi�aately 500 feet, they are propo�ing to extend S.W. 110th from S.W. North Dakota to the nor�h end of the property, terminating in a cul-cle-sac. There fs an internal atreet conn�ctian between S.W. 109th and S.W. 1,10�h Anenues. Mrs. Hart, one of the property owners (T.L. 24�00), haa �lected to keep a portion of her property, approximately 1.89 acree, out of the sion. Th is arcel m� be sui table for future subdiviaion aubdivi P Y The main roblem wi th thie ro eal is into 3 ta � additional lots. p P Po that the connection between lp9th and Black Diamond Way would nat be completed un�il �uch ti.,�e ae thie praperty is eubdivided �gain. The appl3.aant has ahown how the conn�ction between 104th an� Black Diamond Way would fit in with this gropo�aZ; but 8oee nat propose to build the conne�tion at thi� t3.me and is propoeing that the connection be made at the time t�at T.L. 2400 is subdivided. The staf� feels that the connection ahould be made both for traffic circulatiQn and safety reasone. Therefore it ghould be requirecl �hat th8 connection between S.W. 109th Avenue and S.W. Black Diamond Way be a requirement of this subdivieion. All �nternal atreets m�et the City of Tigarda etandards. Sanitary sewere ! The applicant is proposing to connect the eastern portion of the development to an existing 8 inch line located at the intersectian gf S.W. Ponderosa Ct, and S.W. Black Diamond Way. The weetera� portion of the developnaent is praposed to be served by an exi.�ting 8 inch line located on the west boundarg of the project. STAE'F R1�PORT �- SU� 91-0001/PDR 91-0001//ZON 9].-0001 � LAKI� O�' 1d�RTH DAKQTA PAGE 8 �' i� „f"" r {. -"fi �e .. , , . - - f - s i .� ,� . ,. h°, . _ - — — ��J �. _.�..--i . -�,�,.. ._ :_� �_ . .��;,._� - ��. ,;, _ -- wh>:_'�,..,r.�.��.w.,._....wti,.�;._...,_,�,,. �..u�.;�.,�...c...,,..�.r:��._�a..c„_,�:�,._...,...�,�.--_v.r..�....�::_.._... :i,,:�_..a....r�. :,.raa.�.-<.�.............�....7.��..>.w:��:�+�.-..w.��.�_ ,.��_........�y,:,.L,�x..,.-u_:.��.e:�k,•�<.�.,..�.,,.,.�.,�._..�.._..._.. ..� � i �? ""�'� St01"[p BBW@X S The app�icant ie propoe�ng to direct the storm dxainage to the northexn portion of the development and cliecl�arge it into an exi�ting drainage way. The northern porti,s�r� of the proper�y cpntaine an exiating pond which ultimately dr�ins into Fanno Creek. Th�refare it ahould be required of th� applicant to show that the exietin� clrainage system is adequate and that downstream propertiss � wi11 not be eigniffcantly impactec�. The Unified S�werage Agency hae eetabliehed and the City hae agr�ed to enforc�s, Resolution 90 -43 Surfaae Wate� Management Requlation�, �� requiring eonet�uction of on-a�.te water c�ality facilities or fees `�, in-lisu of their c�nstructian. The appliaant has not pzopoeed any �� , ��. such on-eite water c�uality facility bu� based on the size and � loca�ion of the develo�xnes�t an on-eite facility should be inetalled; therefore an on-site water quality facili.ty ehould be required. � .� '':� 2. The City of Tigard Building Division hag revi�wed th� proposal and haa � . submi�ted the following comments: � ,;. A. A plan should b� eubmitted to the �uildir�c� Divi�ion �howing the � lacation of all underg�round priv�te utilities for the �xisting �` ti: buildinga that are to remain. If the utilities crose over property lines �o be created, easemen�e shall be pr.ovided. � ` B. A demolition permit i.s required prior -to .;removal- of ��xieting buildinga. t C. xhe finighed grade of the lot shall have a maxim�am elope of 2:1, or an engineer ahall certify the etat�ility of the ateeper elopee. Thi� will include �he slapa ansi fill. from the exaavation for the f� foundations of the structur�e. � D. Prior to approv�l of building permits, silt barriers ahall be inetalled along all curbs abut�ing private and publia streete. The � barriers shall consist o# hay bales or e3.lt fencss. If the lots are to have a elope of 5� or lass, the barrier can be in the form of an excavation along �he entire etreet frnntagg, or 6 incl�es below the top of the curb for a width of 5 feet alang with placing 6 inches of I, clean gravel. in the excavated are�. Wher� curb drops occwr, an approved ailt barrier ahall be in�t�lled. i E. a�t is not �l�ar whethes the 1A-€oot wid� pedestcrian acc�es between ].ots 13 and 33, and lot� 67 and 68 are to be public right-of-way or � easements on thoee adjacent lota. �£ the area is to be an �as�aaent, Yxomes ca�ulcl be bui.lt xight �p tb the Qdge of th� pedestrian path and �till maint�3.n a 5-foot aide yard eetback. It would be pr�ferable for thie ar�a to be right-o£-way eo that an ade�quate eetback would � be required from tD�e gathway or elae greater side yard aetbacks than the minimum should be appliecl to those lats. 1�. Sani.tary sewer connection parmits will be necessary if the existinq houses are to be conneated to the public san3.tary sewer �ystem. � �' STAFF R�PORT - SUa 91�0001/PDR 91�-0001//ZON 91-tJ001 �A�� 9 LAICL OIP' NORTH DARO'�A x:<::! � ;: ,.. ,: , . . � . . . .. �. .._ ,. ..,:' . � .. . . . . _. - :� . . .... . . ... . _.._.___._..�.�.,.�:�.,.:_�-«.,�.._...-,'�,.-..-..-i.,.-..,.-.�,:,-.-.-..--,-,,-.e»... ,.,-...;�', ._S._ "...- a.---:.*^°� ��.:,—�T^" _ r°J _ ;��.PU���,,--�� . �� T- .__ :�.. __ . �_ _ ���.,�_.����...�,��,.���� �.W.:�:�.,.,..�..u:�.. .��...�,.::����.w.u.,�,.,�..�.�.,:�... :,�-�j��- -=,�,.r�,��_,��:_�.� �.���,����� - �._ �x.�,�_�.�a., w:.�. � w..,� , - --�_,� ��::�:,��,�..��.���:��.��:� �_ „ ti �yY � � F� `"' 3. The Tiqard Water �;Qtriet hae reviewed the propoaal and hae co�mcnented that all water linee ehall ba inetalled on �he eouth ancl east eidee of the ,`; stre��e. �k�; 4. The Tualgtin: ValLey F3,re and Rescue District hae reviewed the preliminary ;; plat and ha� co�upented th$t finaT �ire hydrant locations wiZl need to be ; approved by both the Tigard Water Diatrict anc� the P'ixe Di�tricto n, ': 5. Tigard Schoa�. D3.elt��.ct 23J has r�viewed the prapoaa7. and has no�ad that the� prop�ge�d slevelapqnent lies within the attendance areas of C. �'. Tigaxd Elemer►tiary School, Fawler Junior High Schoo�, and tk�e Tigard �enior High Schoola The proposed develop�ent is p�ojected to generate the following �. ; additional enrallment �t those schools: 24 etudenta at Tigard El�nentary ';; Schoo]:; �0 ettueients at Fowler Jr. High; and 5 atudents at Tigard High ` �c17,001. �he School Distric� not�ee tDaat school; capacitins are projected to � �; �- be s�cceeded as a �esult of this proposed dev�lapiaAent and other recently ��; reviewed> and �pproved developments� within thcsee attendan�e ar�as. Th� ��' Dtatrict notes that care facilities of the s�hools ar� �nsufficfent to be , � able to consider portable claesroom additions. Additional school capacity F; mgy be provided by other optiona under consideration by the schaol != dietrict, inc].+uding: grade level reoonfiguration, re�chedulecY school „' y�ar, boundary ad�ustments, double ehifting, busing �o under-utilized ��::� fac�.litie�, future bond meaeurse leading to cone�ructie►n of ne�v facilities :;,: �nd o�her school hou�ing Aptions. j} 6. The Divi.sian of State Lande has rev3.ew�d ttxe project �nel has noted that „ the �it� imcludes a tributax�r to Fanno Creek that includea a eignificant , �� area of hydr3.e soil.a. l�e a condition of= appr.ova7.� .ra.kdetailed�we�landa �`? delineation e�h�uld be required. ;; 7. G�E has rev3.ewed th� proposal and has offered no aYajectione; however, GTE requeste that a fi.nal plat be provided 90 daye prior to opening of trenches for utilities. 8. PGB, Narthwaet N�tural Gae, and the Metr�politan Are�, Commanicatione ` Commiaeion (cable tel�vi.sion) have reviewed ths �res�oeal and have offered ,�,''�', no commenta or objea�ions. �� 9. NPO �7 has revi�ewed the ro sal and hae p po pravided the followinq comments: �';; `'' A. The NPO euppEr�s the applicant"e proposal ta deed wetlands and lands �; ,;; to tha n�rth of the wetlands to the City and to trangfer density to laad �outh o� the wetlands. ,3,1 B. Th� NPO support� the pro�g�ed lot configurat3.ons and atre�t layou� `'' with 'the following �xaeptiorse: �$ � - SW 109th Avenue and SW Black Diamond Wax �houlsl be connected "' in order �o improe� trsffi.c circu2.�tioz�p ,:I - The pa;scel tc contain l�tr�, Ha�rt'� home should not ��tend ' ` into the wetland area in order to provide public accesa to �:;' all o£ the pond area. � i �A�. &TAFP' ItEP�R'J,' — SU$ 91—OOU:l/PDR 91�OQ01/JZON 91-0001 s� LAK� OF NORTIi DAKOTA PAGE 10 ,;� "j �� r� � ti< � � �� _. , _ � ..v.�.>....._...R........�.. ,. ......r �«..,.........x�..�v... �.. ,�..._��,i..+,i._..� .�F�� i��P�'.. 1 �.i.�....�..'I...r�C...c:�.k s' �..t::GI.:�H. �ar..,L1'...::,.Jtt.s�_�...���. .�c..�..,:-.'.M1,. ....l.s�u.1'_.�IS..r.Y.,_:_+�lc�tSr,w.&�IAdAMY"vt.f_..�;Y]CiS.b'a....s+.SC�vSi � i 6` �v✓� ��' 10. Ths City of Tigard Park Board hae reviewed �he propoeal and unanimously recommende to the Planning Coa�niaeion to accept the proposed dedicatiox� of property to the City•s park syetem sa ahown on the preYi�ainary plat. The Park Board etressed that the propoaed dedication would provide a long awaited link betwe�xn the two parts of i�nglewood Park as well ae the P'anno Creek Greenway. The Park Board adda �he following coaomente: �) A portion of the park system de�velopment fees paid by the developer �,; gca tcv�ard the repair of the ear�hen dam that forms the pond. The '' park board recognizes that the developer ie dediaating upland areas �' that ar� not required to be dedicated, and emphaeized that the city �% should do ite part and repair the dam with the eystem developiment charge�s that are derived from the develapment. It ie reasonab].e to raot expect the d�veloper to do this work. I Th� Farke Saard has requea�ed tha� prior to the Planrai.ng Commission meeting tha� Community Development staff work with the engineering department to get an asasssmest af the dam�s condition amd estianate what it would �ake to fix it. b) It is recognized that Mre. Hart laas legitimate concerns about privacy �nd th� ne�ci to prevent tr���saes. However, the Parka Board would like to eneure that the City owns the entir� pond. The Parks Board woald like to present the following options to lYire. Fiart to ultimately achieve thia goalo 1) If lri�s. Hart do$� not want to dedicate the por�ion of the pond in queati.on a� the time of development approval, -she �auld�be granted a li�e-esta�e for that portion of the pond that she wanta to retain in private ownership. 2; Tlae City would guarantee to main�ain the height o£ the dam, and the commeneurate height of the pond, depen;ding of aourse, on the continued avaf.lab.ility of water. This would prev�nt the �sond f�am draining and in tu�n prevent tresp�saing. Alsa the Citg would gwst signage that would indicated to �aer���s that the pond was not to be used for either boating nr awimming. 3) The City wauld develop an accesa plan to prevent trespass onto privat� property from Englewood Park. The Parks Board feels tha� the Hart residence and property would make a nic� additior� �o the Park Syatem. The reaicien�e could be ueed as a apecial events ceater, a eite for r�creation programs, parlc affices, etc. It was �uggeeted that �he Ci�y agk Mre. Har� f�r a firet right of x�fuaal i� Mre. Hart desires to aell the property at a later time. il. Nwnerous letters of comment have been received with regard to the proposal. Al1 let�ere submitted prior to or at h�e public hearing on this matter are hereby made an exhibit to this final order, These letters are � attached to the ariginal final order within th� City•a file on this matter but are not attached to co�ies of the order tt�ailed to pa�tiee to the decieion. Pyimary iasuee �aieed by the letters inalucle: 1) thr� adequacy of wetland STAFF IdEpORT - SUB 91-k7001/PDR 91-0001//ZON 91-0001 LAKE OF NORTH D�IKOTA P7lGE 11 _.. .._...-.� ._._��__=�,:,y. .'^..4._ .. ...."..—.-s.<W. _ ._ � _ " _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ ' �....�.,..��., . ....-..,.:.... .. .,.:n:.�..� ..r..:�.�-.4.i a „,... t .. . �n.. . , r . �....i..,� ...,yt, .. . ,�.. .�..se... . .0. . ........... ...... ..... _._ .�:�..,, : .._-.. ::::..... . . .�> . , . , -..-. .,.' ��_�.. ... . ................. . ....:.:... . ..... . u.:,.:.. . . . . . � � � � �` ' ' � and w3.ldlife protection provided by the area proposed for dedication; 2) etorm dra�nage impacte on water quality in the pondt 3) a deaire by the neighbore to the east to not have a connection between S�I Y09th and 3W �lack Di�rnond Way; and 4) traffic cor�cerns related to SW North Dakata Street at ita intereectione with SW 115th �venus snd SW Tiedeman. V. EVALUI4�TION OF RLQUEST A. Compliance with Communi� Develorament Code. 1. The �roposal to add the Planned D�velc��man� overlay zone to the property is consietent with the approval criteria for a zon� change. �� . The findinga which follaw demonstrate that the request is consistent �� L� with and supgortive of applicable Comprehensive Plan policise. i;�, �:� Community flevelopment Code Ghapter 18.32 procedures for the review � of a quasi-judicial land uee and developm�nt action have been ��+ followed in the review of th�e application. � �:�; ['�,; 2. The proposed lote comply with the use standards of the R-4.5 zoning =�.�: di�trict because the lots are intended to be used for single f�n3.ly �''�� detached dwelling units. Because the application requests approv�l �� of the Planned Development overlay zone, the ].ots need not �� individually be consietent with the minimum lot eiz�, lat width, and �V: lot depth requirements of the underlying zonee Neverthelese, the ' agplican� has made a reaeonable attempt to keep the prag4sed lots' sizea and oth�x dimeneidne relatively consistent with th� underlyinq zone's standarde and with the dimensione of lota in neighboring developments. The proposed number of lots is :coneietent wi�ch the� d�nsity opportunity pxovi.ded by the R�4.5 zone applied to th� site. 3. The proposed development scheme is largely coneistent with the ! approval standards for a planned development ae demanstrated by the � findings presented for the various Plan Policiee and Code Chapters � that the etaff has found applicable to the r�queet. The �omcaission finds that the requirernente of the following Code Chapters are ncat directly a�plica�ble to the �urrent revieea althnugh future improvementg on the gubjeat site wi�l need to conform with the requirements o:E these Chapters: Chapter 18.144, Acceeaory ( � S'tructure�, Chapter 18.95, Additional Yard Area Requixementa; � ! Chapter 18.98, 1Building Height Limitations: Exae�tions; Chapter ; � Y8.100, Landscaping and Screening; and Chmpter iS.lOC, Parking. ! I Staff is charged with reviewing the conformance of future ', improvements with theae atandards through the buildinq permit and , e3.gn permit review proces�ea as well as through continuing Code ' enforcement actions. ' With regard to the addition�l Planned Development ap�roval criteria, I the Cnmmiasian finds Section 18.80.120.A.3.a.i most eignificant wf.th regard to the review of this propoealo Thie section atates that " .. streets, buildinge, and o�kher sit� elementa eha11 be deaigned and located to preserve the exieting tr�e�, topography, and n�,�rxral drainagg to the greateet extent posaible." This approval criterion r in thiB case is closely associated with Plan PoliGy 3.4.2. This �� Policy declares that "the City ehall pratect fish and wildlife � hab3.ta� along atream corridors by managing the ri�arian habitat s ...requiring that are�as of standing trees and natur�l vegeta�ion be �� ! �� SxAFF REPC5IZT - SU8 91�0001/PDR 93.-0001//ZON 91-0001 � L1�ICE OF NORTH DAKOTA PAGE 12 ��� ��"� ��.� ��; �;.;� �:.��; ;;� :. � v.��' , ..- , .. � �,... ,,, - , , - � . r � � , , �,. � > , ,. � -� .,_. _. _�,��. �v.. _ . -�.:.v.=•_,.� _ ,�;.�:�. ., �.......:.... :.� ._._...:.�,,...... .....,.w,., rtu.....�:-,:...... ..,....:._... ...,,!';�;....... .,:,:��r_.....�i:J�c:>_��6 t.e.J,�'.-a� ,... ..._.�_. .. ........._...z.. ........,, �.t ._..,..1..�..4 v.��.l�..te 3.v.�..�«._u.S�.a..c2r. ....v.J...u��.31..331.r.y...�....»1<..ili. �,�Y .w-� .,.,,..�.� .• � �tY �'''f m�in,tafned ta the maximum extent poetsible." Althaugl� the proposed subdivieion's streets and reeidencee will neaeseitat� the removal of a nw�nber of ma�ure treee and underetory on the eouth side of the pond, the proposal, is relatively considerate nf tlte aite�s natural attributee through �he reeervation a ].arge por�ian of the site for pu)alic park purpoeee. However, the Commiseion aqrees with the cammente af the etaff and a number af the people who have testified on the pxoposal that the plan woald be more �considerate of these natural attributes if lots 66, 67, 68, 69, and 70 are further removed from the wetland areas to th� north. The Coanmission finde that a 100 foot deep lot setback should be provided £rom the edge of ' the wretland area on the south eide of the pond. This should gxeatly expand the public open space area on the south aide of �he pond and lessen interfexence with wildlife using thi� area from human activitiee typically associated with resider.�ial development. i The Commieeion agrees with several of the comm�ntere that the ; proposed plan which places this important riparian �abi.tat withln the boundaries of individual building lots could result �.n significant adveree 3.mpacts upon the wildlife that inhabit this area ; through tree and underbrush r�moval, activifcies of children and domestic animals, and noise fram conatruction activities. The Catnm3.ssion does not bel�.eve that the etaff's prop�sal to r�duce the eize of the lo�ts ancl to apply maximutt► �etbacks nor tk�e possible ip�pc�sition af a conaervation eaeement ta these lots would provide adequate protectian for thi� important wildlife habitat. P,lthough the prospective deve].oper's repreeentative argued that the ; valae af these lots would lae diminished by the -�.ots �not �havin� pond frontage, we do not belic�ve t�e lots' values will be substarit�ally diminishod since all will ben�fi� from the psrmanent re�entian of open space �n its natural atate adjacent to the lots. The preli¢ninary plat is generoua in its praposal to de�.icate to the City approxa.mately 4.3 aares of pond, wetland, and upland areas for public pa�k and open spa�e purposes. The dedication �hould be accepted by the City as a generous gift to the City's open apace and park syetem. Reaponsibility for li.mited improvementa to this ar�a � including the pas�ibl.e connection of the bikepath eegments to the eaet and weat of the site �s well as any nece�sary repairs to the dam should be the respon�ibility of the City through ite park improvement program. Th� regponsibility for construction of the path between lote 65 ancl 66, however, reete with the applicant einca t the proposed subdivision will benefit through the con�ection to the ' already d�v�lop�ed Englewood Park to �he northweat. 3. Ths wetland area o� the aubject e3.te is identified ae a wetland +�nd drainac�eway on �he Compreheneive Plan's E'loodplain and Wetlands Map but is not identified as a aignificant wetland. Becauae thie wetland area f.s not proposed to be modified as part of the proposed ' �. deve].opment and ths drainageway is als�o not proposed to be ma�ified, the current proposal is not eubject to th�e Sen�itive Lande regulationB of Code Chapter 18.84. Thie area is alao identified g� a wetland area by the Scientific Resour�es 1989 we�lande etudy. This identificatinn do�e nat n�ake a binding determination r�garding the significance of this wetl��d i STAFF REPORT - SUB 91-0003./PDYi 91-0001//ZON 91-00�1 LAKE OF IdORTH DAROTA p�� �3 � � -�a,:_ '.....—.�.�_..+�:�..=+ -.�s.r..:'°:.mat,.=� ti.a:e:__. ..._. . ..�::s. —.�� __ . _ ,-.-..�:...,.....:-41 . ..,::�..... . .......... .. ... ...... . . ....�,.._ ._.,.,, ..,..... .._..,... . .,....�........._.._,.._.. ....... ..... .._.,. .a>,,...,._. ,.,.... . .......... ...: .... .. � I : , � ' � /�.^ ( \ �.'` area. At this poin�, the SRI identification s�nly contirms the � exietence of a we�land in this area. Several of the letters of comment regarding the current proposal have raised the iesue af whether this area should be included aa a eignificant wetlande on the Plan's Floodpla3.n and Wetlanda Map. This iseue should be raieed aeparate from the preaent development application as a possible acaendment to the map to be processed as a Gomprehensive Plan A�endment. The current applica�ior► must be coneidered undex the regulations in effect at the time the apgaZication was filed. � In addition, although develogament adjacent to theee wetlande is not � �ubject to tl�e Sen�it�ive Lands requirements of Chapter 18.84, any � develo ent within the wetlands would be restricted by state and E� Par d� federal wetland regulatianse Therefore, trie applicant will be ; required to have a detailed identification of the wetlands aonducted ¢�; by a qualifi�d wetlanrie specialis�t. This wetland delineation must � occur prior to recordation of the �inal plat. The wetland area ;� should be clearly marked in the field �o that City iaspectora and � tlne public can monitor the avoidanae qf the wetland area by � conetruction ac�iviti�s. � The eroeion control requirements that now apply to development within �he Tualatin River baein will requixe that an eroeion control plan be filed and follawed during dgvelopment qf the site. 3. The p�opn�ed subdivision compliea with the density standards of Chapter 18.92 because the 22.41 ac�e net developable area of the site (after deductions for etreets, the drainageway, and the parcel containing Mra.Hart'� home) yields an opportunity tor 73.5 dwelling units under the R-4.5 zon3.ag designation. The application propoaes the creatf.on of 73 lote plus the parcel to be retained by I�irsm Harto The appli.caat°e statement includ$s a detailed density calculation. 4< Th� proposed subdivision identification aign at the inter�ection of � SW 110th Avenue and SW North Dakata Street will require a aign � permit. Th� aign permit review and approval proce�s will require a finding that the sign will be aoneist�nt w3.th the requirements of Chapters 18.102 (Visi�on Cl�arance) and 18.114 (Signs). Oth�r intersections apgear consistent with th� vision clearartce etandards. 5. The proposal ia conaistent with the acceas requirementa of Chapter � 18.108 be�ause all lata are provided witY� safe and adequa�e access � and because direct accese from individual lots to SGI Nor�h Dakota � �treet will be prohibited by ths prapoged berm and by an acceas restrictien a� xecommended bX the Engineercing Division. 6. Chapter 18.150 r8quires that the a�er of trees over aix inchea in diameter that aYe remo�ed during the courae af construction be minimized. Th� propased development's public stxeets, utilities, and residencee will requirer the gemoval 4f a aignificant anumber of tre�s. However, the number of treee removed should be minimized through careful �tudy of the site to be accampli�hed t�xrough phased tree removal. In addition, the relocati,onof lots 66-70 will resul� ia the retention of a number of large tz�ees that ar� eignificant not STAFF REPORT - SUH 91-0001/PD3t 91-0001//ZON 91�-0001 LAYCE OF NORTH DAKOTA PAGE 14 � �� �� .___._....�__..... _.. > -_ m ...,,, _� ._.,_, , �, ..:,.., , ., _._._ ._ .,. _..._: ..: - . „�;, n.�,. , ,� -. .. ,,,. . , _ ,�--^,.> _ , :,,,, „���:,�;�.�.� ..�4 � �,�, ._.__..:..:e_ . ,� . ,.. m.:-. ,., ,.�. ....._v.......,,..�.._�:.ti..�...�...'�....»,.1Y�Lf...:.�..-�.,�.u.�:'�.�.�.J�i...¢.:v�'_:.:s.�._+....r Fw.�:.�..�..,........v.�u.::na�e.v+:•�.u•�1s:.ua._.'zau�v�u+ ...axi-rav�a^m<��:,tc.acS_tr_'>sit42a+S:�i.lY_"'�'t:.:�fR^.::'�.1<tS��.�»�xsL�.:X�—'a�:lcrl-x�lvcryia a � �' �X� on�y for aesthe�ic reaeo�se but aleo because of ttk�ir importance as riparian wildlife habitat. Initial tree removal on the eite shall be limit�d to the proposed public right�of-wag arese. Individual lote, potential driveway locations, and gotential building sitee wi11 then be easier to se@. The developer and City staff can then identi�y which treee will n�eed to be removed to conetruct reeidences on the lots. '�he developer � shall provide the s�rvices of a certified arborist for thia analyeis. Care �hall be taken to rets�in as many ma.ture �:rees as - poseibla througl� careful site p].anninq, curved driveways axnund trees, and through Gare during the gite development proc�as. Mini:mizing tree removal ehould be a benefit to the propoaed c�evelopment in both increased property value� as wel�. ae atmo�phere. No tree remaval or grading shall be allowed to occur prior to Pbanni.ng Divieion etaff review and approva]. of a tr�e removal p�rmit. 5. The pxopos�sd subdivision complies with Chapter 18.160 because: a. The propos�d subdivieion aomplies with the Comprehenaive Plan Map designation deneity opportunity for t�he �i�e and with ths appliaable plan policiss, �he regulat,ions of �che R�4.5 zone, ,�.; ; and other applioable ragulatians; D�. The psopoeed name of �he eubdivision, Lake of North Dakotg 3ubdivieion, is not duplicative of any o�her �ubdivision in �-; Washington County; e. The propoaed roacla will previde for adequate and safe access �hraugh the site. The Plann�.ng Commi.asion agrees with NPO �7 and the Plann.ing and Engineering Divisio�s staff that SW' 109th Avenue and Black Diamond t�1ay ehould be �onnected. 3uch a connection would not only provide better accesa for all types of emergeneg vehiclee, but a cannec�ion would promote a feeZing of neigl�borhood between the exieting developinent to the east and the proposed development. Connection of �he streets would gl�o provide improved acceas �or achool buaes and other important public and private service providere. In additiAn, the connection would provide improved access for the ;;: residenta of this area, Becauee the connection would place the intersection of SW 109th Avenue and SW North D�kota Street closer to some of the exiating residences in Black Bull subdivie�ion than ta the SW 106th and North Dakota intereection, the connection would likely reduce the txaffic on SW 106th Avenue rather �than increaee �raffic aa some o£ the lettera of th� letters �rom this neighborhoad have predicted. In addition, B1ack Diaiaond Way has been stabbed at the edge of tha Hart property for eev�ral yeare and a eign hae praviouely bgea pc�eted announcing that the r�ad would be extended witb , futur� development. Requiring a connection at this time would I be consiatent with earlier devel�apmsnt plana for this area. ', SSTAFF REPO�T �- SUB 41�0001/PDIt 91-OQ01//ZON 91-0001 � LAKE OY+' NORTI3 DAKOTA PAGE 15 E';`i ,e� u',� �i .:i r:;i `:� � _ - _ ��:� � .:;ar.���,�.,...........::.....,,_<,.�-...�,_u.�..uJ�.,._, _... �.�:�:�...h�.�._.,.=.:_�w_,�.�,_.,.:.>:.:�:�.s.a..v:r.�,..t.,,._��z.����...._.�,�.�.:.:�....W.�:rs:,a:�� �,.�.��r..,...........�vaw�:�....:W>:a:e,.,...r:.,.,..�..:����..a:�u:v....,�._x>��-�.:..r�.,..m........`..w.»..._.__.. ° ' 6. Th� rogQSesl sub3ivieion is conaiste��with the requfrements of =;pter 18.164 b8cause: b � �; a. The applicant will dedicate additional riglat-of-way for axxd improve the SW North Dakota Street frontage of the site to City minor collector etreet standard�. b. The proposed roadway preliaainary c�esigne are larqely consie�ent with City of Tigard public ruadway etandarde: The applicant will be required to provide a connect3on between the current dead end of SW Black Di�inand Way and the propased �xtension of SW 109th l,venue as describ�d above in order to asaure coneiatency with City s�andards. �z c. The propoeed 1at� are consistent with Code standarde for maximum lot depth-to-width xatio and other 1ot dimenafonal etandards. All lot�, except for lot 15, are consieten� with Section 18.164.060.B which require a minimum of 25 feet of atreet frontage for lots created through the eubdivision proaees. Lot 15 shall be modified to provide at leaet 25 feet of etraet fxon�age. Bv Comoliance Wi�h Cc9mmrehenaive Plan Policieg 1. The proposed subdivisi.on is consistent w�.th Policy 2.1.1� because notiGe of the application and the publi� hearing on this item waa provided �o the neighborhood planning organizati.on and to owaiers of property in the vicinity of the site. The propos�d devel.opment site or develo ent hae b�en post�d wfth a eign no�ing that a land uae pan application on thia site was pending. -Public..teatimony-xegarding the �propoeal was received and du7.y �conaidered at the Commiesion's March 18, 1991 hearing. 2. The propo�al is coneist�nt with Pol�.cy 3.4.2 becauee �he proposed park der�icaticn aa►d additional area on the aouth eide of the ps�nd that will be requi�ed to be d�dicated iacl.ude a eubstan�ial area of wetlande and upland area thereby providing cont�.nued riparian habitat in thie drainageway. The incre�sed lot eetbacka for lot� abutting the pond is necessary to preserve additional upland containing a number of mature trees. The Commiseian is persuaded by th� teetimony of s�veral of the cammenters that are fazniliar with this site that the a�and of cedar and other �rees south of th� pond ie inhabited by a variety of wildlife and Yairdg and that protection of this wildlife habita� can best be accompliehed by dedication of this area as undeveloped parkland. 3. The pr�posal is coraeistent with Policy 3.5.4 because the proposed park and ogen apace dedication may provide an opportunity for connectit�n c�f bicycle/p�des�rian paths on opposite sides of the site. Pathway construction ehauld be th� obligation of the City. 4. In oraier to c��gly with Policy 4.�.1, a condition ig warranted to � require the appl�cant to eubmi�t an �ro�i.on control plan enauring STAE'F REPORT - SUB 91-0001/PDR 91-OOOZ//ZON 91-0001 LAK� OP' NtlRTH DAKOTA PAGE 16 F _ _ _ _. _ ,�. ; .,._...�. .. ,_. _.. .. ::.,, _... ._ . ..� ._.._�_. � _ . .. ._... ,.. _�_�,....�. .., . ..._...__.. _ _ , �.�_� :,;,,.__ ._.. .. .. ,� ....�......�, _ �.._.,�„ .., ��w,. i �. ��- , c�mpliance with exoeion control standards for the Tualatin River � Baein, as part of the grading germit application. 5. This subdivision propoeal compliea with Policy 7.1.2, 7.3.i, and 7.4.4 becauae the applicant will extend public sewer and wa�er systems to thi.a aite and will provide for underground inetallation of telephane�a electricity, and cable televi.sion lines. 6. The subdivi�ion proposal compliea with Eolicy 8.1.1 and 8.1.3 because th� proposed improvements to the publia streets adjoining and wi.thin thia site will be consi�tent with Ci�y o� Tigard road improvement standards. As nc�ted above, the Commiseion finds that connection of the proposed extene�.on of �W 109th Avenue with Black Diamond Way ie neceeeary to provide efficienk ciraulation in thie � area. The Commiseion recaqnizes that earlier development approvale � that di� not provide for adequate intercannectione betwe�en streeta � and n�3.ghborhood� have contributed tc traffic congeetion throughout ��� the city. Better intercnnne��ednes� o£ local street� can help keep �� `; traf fic off of aollec tor streeta. r'` ' � � VI. COI�TGLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION �.. �he Planning Gommiss�ion concludea that the proposed subdivision/planned devel,opment, with modificatione, will promote the gemeral welfare of the City and �' will not be significantly detrimsntaZ nor injurioua to �urrounding iand uses, provided development that occure complies with applicable local stat� and federal lawa. The Planning Corarr►ies�on hereby approv�s Zone Change ZON 90-0001 to adtl the PD (planned Development ) overlay zone to tax lota 2300, 2400, and 2500 of WCTM 1S1 34AC and tax la� 300 of WCTM 1S1 34D8. In additiox�, the Commission apprcves Subdi�risian S�JS 91-000]., and Planned Developm�nt PDR 91-0001 subject �o the conditiona which follow: UNLESS OTHERWI�E NO'�ED, ALL CONDITICINS SHALL �E SATISk'IED AND PUBLIC IMPReVEI�`ENTS � SHALL BE COMPZETEU OR COMPLETION SHALL BE FINANCIALLY ,ASSURED PRIOR TO RECORDING THE FIN.AL PLAT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. STF,E'F CONTACT FOR AZL CONDITIONS OF , APPROVAL IS DEVELOPM�NT REVIEW ENGINEER CHRIS DAVIEu, UNLESS LISTED OTHERWISE. �.. The preliminary plat shall be limited to the creation of 74 lots, largely a� eho�an oa the p�eliminary plat dated February 19, 1991, except in the area of propo�ed lots 65 through 70. The plat shall be Xedesigned in thia '�� area aubaequent ta completion of a detail�d wetland delinea�ion. Theae ¢� lota will need to be revised an that the northern lot lines of the lots � are s�t back a minimum of 100 f�et from the edge of the wetland area. Fublic acceas to this �ss2. �etc���r. the .�dg� ai ti�� wetlanda and the lota � ghould be reatricted. In addition, the final plat ahall incorporate the following changes: proppsed lot 15 shall be modified to provide for a minimum of 25 feet of r� � frontage on a public street; a fu11 width local street right-of-way shall �4 conneat SW 104th Avenue and SFI �lack Diamond Way; ped�strian "easement� " �� between lots 12, 13, 32, and 33 and b�tween lota 65 and 66 shall be �� revisaed to be eithe� r�edicated public right-of-way or public paxkland; �and �� aII lots ahall be fully dimensioned on the glat. �`� &! €.� STl�F REPORT - SUB 91-0001/PDR 91-0001//ZON 41-0001 „� I,FiKE OF NORTE3 DAROTA PAGE 17 L� � , �: E k� ' �� .n.,.�a-,_ . .. ;......_ �..� . .... ... ........-� .. . �..�.. .-- 3 . ... ..... . . . .. , � .. T ..�� S.i , ,,. . . .:- ..,.. �_. .� , .: . �., . � ,;� .a �a �. . ��. .... ;. .�.�.-.:.H:�..�_a,..__:�� .+,�._ . .�.�, ..._ .� :..:.a ��..w..��.� ..a. .__.. ...,H..:.. :... ..a.. ...�_.. :, ..�.Y.�.a: . r �.w:.,� _h,.�;:.�,,:.,��,�.�.::� .:r_,�.:, .�.�.r .��x.._,.:�:.,. . �.���,��.-.f�:_�_�;� .,..�,v�,��.,E�„�,.z����:�.�.���,..�,. . �� �%' 2. Any tree reraova? or gradi.ng on thia property muet be approvad lay the Planninq Divis�on throuqh approval of a tree removal permit and gpproval of the gr8dinq plan. Tre�s over six in�hes in diaateter ehall be removed on�.y ae n�ce�sary to construct etreets, utilities, and residences. Tree removal permita will be neceseary for twa stagese right-of-way and utility construction preparation and lot preparation. The applicant ahall provide for an� arboriat to r�view the plan� for gradinq and tree protection. �ha � arboxist or the Planning Diviaion may pr�acrfbe protective measures for treea to be retained on the site. Area� not covered by etructuree or 3.rapervious surfaces aha11 be xeveget�ted ae soon se pos�ible after completion of grading. A copy of the tree removal permit and approved , gxading plan ehall be a�railable on-site during all tree removal and grading activities. STAFF CONTACT: Jerry Offer, Planning Division (6�39- 4171). 3. Minimum building eetbacke on all parcels �hall be as followsa front yard - 20 feet corner yard -15 feet garage - 20 feet sid� yard -5 feet x�ar yard - 15 feet 3�AFF CONTACT: Brad Roast, Building Divieion (639-4171). 4. Two (2) seta of det�iled public improvement plans and profil.e construction drawings ahall be submitted for preliminary review to the Engineering ;,::: Department. Seven (7j sets of approved draw3.ngs and one °(1) itemiz�d conetruction coet eetimate, all prepared by a Prnfeaeional Eng3.n�er, shall be submiicted for ffnal review anc3 approval.. N�TE: these plans are in acidition ta any drawinga required by the Building Div3.sion and ehonld only z�� include eheets relevant tp publfc improv�m�nta. 5. Building permits will not be issu�d and conatruction of proposed public i.mprovementa �hall sot commence until after the Engineering Department has reviewed and approved the public improvement plans and a street opening _ permit or construction compliance agreement hae been execu�ed. A 100 �� percent performanc:e aseurance or letter of commitment, a developgr- � engineer agr�eement, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/streetlf.ght fee are r�quired. 6. The area identified on the preliminary plat for public �ark shall be dedicated to the City of Tigard. A monv.mented boundary su,rvey ahowing all new �it�.e lines, �r�pared k�y a regi�tered professional land �urveyor, shall be �ubmitted to the City far review and approval priar to recording. S�AI+'F CONTACT: Jerry Offer, Planning Diviaion, 639-4171. 7. Standard half-stxeet improvemente� includa,ng concrete sidewalk, driveway apron, curb, aephaltic cQncrete pavement, sanitary sewer, atorm drainage, streetligh�e, and underground utilit3.e� sh�ll b� inetalled along �he S.W. North Dakota Street fron�age. Improvements shall be c�esi�ned and constructed to minor collector etreet etandards arid ehall conforna to th� alignment of �xis�ing adjacent impxovements or to an sYignment approved by the �ngineering Department. s �j STAFF REPORT - SUB 91-0001/PDR 91-0001//ZON 91-0001 LAKE O�' NORTH DAKOTA PAGL 18 i ,� , [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]