Planning Commission Packet - 03/04/1991 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �. .: . �:: --_.�. � :.,.�_� . ,..�_��..�.�,�a��.W��_��.._,...�.._..e,,.�.ti..,.�...�._s_-- -- --_.-_ _..._._.__.' ..�w _ ,.�,f,��.,�Y.,..a.:....,._��___._ .,,_ __�__ �..__....�._:. _.�---_._.:_.�M�� .� � � • � .r k . ;�'.J / oy , � � �. 2 Tf you are considering apprc�ving this application, we are submitting the following recommendations to better � f.acilitate not only the livability of the surrounding reside��i�.l area but to �acilztate. those who �re usir�g the existing bua:ldings in the Center. „; 1.. A staff refer�nce at the ?�ovember NPO 8 meeting tn �on�iderats,on of removing the three turn-of-the-century Sequoia Gigantea t�ees to accommodate more traffic i,n the beauti�ull.y l;andscaped circle off Greenburg s�iould not be ,i� p�rt of this aevelopmental consi:deration. These thr.ee trees '' ar� n�tural landmarks and shou�.d not be . re.moved. One is �' approximately 20 feet in circumference, the second one is r' 16 £eet .in cir�umberence, �nd the third tree i.s 14 1/2 feet ,�� in circumference. �W CPO�'4�M`. " strongly ogposes any remova]. o� these trees. � We recommend that an arborist be employed to work in concert 'A with 't�e contractor at any time when there is d�.sruption to the ,�:; ground ia� �he vicinity of any o� the tlree Sequoia Giganteas/ $' A fourth giant tree was lost wne the Oak Street par.king lot was constructed. We understand that this was unintentionalo h ; �nd we want aTl �recauta.or�s taken to assure that this cloes x;, riot happen a�ain. r: {� 2: Second, the present quali�y of r�atura.l light onto the site �rann the south ar�d west wnuld be qr�atly diminished by n a multi-story b�uildin�g of five or more stora.es shading the exis�ing l�ss high stxuctures. We recommend that.the office bui7.ding and garking struc�.ure be reversed in �.ocation. This could allow for some addit�canal excellent landscaping and �� aestheticall.y �rie�tated artwork, and walking area incorporat�d �' into the parking sicructure. ; ; . � : 3. If th� parking ].ot is heing considered to be 1o�ated adjacent to S.T�, Locust to the east, we recammend that the �desi:gas eleynent.be�.similar tia�:�t�e existing gaxage on Lo�ust and no�� be built �.ike �h� garage on the Oak Street site. It is � most unattractive and quite an "eye sore°' to those who live , ; adjacent to th� complex. In addition, there shoulc� be a wider pedestrian meridian between Lo.cust anc� the garage to distance �he st�uctu�� fronn the activity af the street a.nd sidewa�k. " [�7e� req��e�t that �he garage be limited �o �ne or two levels to meet the �need ot a 45 foot high� building facility' s busin+ess ` population. ��';'''; ;;�:,; � ��,;`i � � � ' ,a #;� • „{:4 �� .. . . , ._ . . , PF 3 �� � � � �+ ' ;. j ;: ' , ,......_.,'.,.. ..,,...,a.....,..-..�--,w�«�.,...,�..�-,. ...� .n. ,�,,:,.._...,...r,...,,,. ...«,.�.., r,�...,:�`-!.m�nro..,�,.r.,�»�r:�--"�i.:-�-.-.>,+�r-mr-.-,':�.^ ,an �..r�.�.r �r:_.` _ _ �,— _ `�A __ ..,q.. ;F�,��_ _ _ . �-- _�..___ ._w_._.. , �,..:��:�L.�1::�:�,x.�.w�_�.��w.��..u._ - , c......-�..�,..............�._.�_ ...�......._. .....,.,..,...». ....,..�.._,_._... . .......e........w,.,,. �,.c.e�...sx.,._..ra.._.w.w � . • � � ! �+ ��. f� . ��', � 3 4, C�7e recommend that the City of Tigard' s Compreher�sivE �� 1�,��1 to this Plan bui:lding heigh� limitation af 45Sizetto�accommodate development. Doublinc� this �ui�•�ing �o is net taking into the a.pp7.icant' s referer�ce �ourh���icepwi�.l. be pulmigating :;� consiGle�ation the hardship Y = � onto the city and re5idential area's traffic prob�,ems• end- } In conclusion, we are suk�!nit�ing o�xr CPU 4-M recUmm a u and ask that you •al.so read the attached letters �F ations to yo oCal resider�ts reqa�di:ng the subject � we have �eceived from 1 ou� considerations. proposal. Than�C �ou for y a �� � CPO 4--A4 & 5teering Committee � � � Pat Whiting. �h�Vice Chax�' � John Blongren, �� �om Smith, Sec.-Treso �� � � � � � en�c1: � � >` Troy Vanderhoof, Nov. 21199090 ' Genee Fdgmont, Nov. 26► ` ; ��, �:� �4 k, �1. ,, (�� �� 'i �� 1I `1� �'�� �� . Sk� ��,�,I § ��� .i t� 'I �� i{'!. � � 1 .. ��:..L���' i � � (,: I. i o`-� . . . � � . 4 •„r' . . . . . � � . i • � a' r'. 3 y.. rP' n^'^' � }t�� f 4{ j�. .:1 _ ( . v.. �� - � w. � .� � y —.:�,...�. r L H �v.y. ,w,4�r � ... � „n ,'.. . ����. i��... , .� ..,�:. I . .r �-:s. ,.1'-.' x..1""i. ., ...r ., , . .,. . . .. ...J�S .._._. ... —_—_ J,.�.��:. „���. _—..+J •1 —_�[�, '+ _r:aii�="`=. _ ,,.�y:e�..:.... ...,....._._ . .. . ._ . .... . , ...u..:.,.. '-a�,.:s�...�-,:.uv..,�s.,..... . . .. .. . ..... ...._..._...'_. _'.. . �� .1 � � \.. / ".. � �. k:;� �P�� . I0181 S.W. Jefferson Avenue Tig�rd, 0R 97223-6616 ;� November 21 1990 . �� , �� City of Tigard �: 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. v` Tigard, 0R 97223 �� � RE: Fi1e Title: Tramm�ll Crow Company's prapoaed development applfcation and variance r�quest �il� No. : Case filea #SDR 94-0422 and �(90°4{�33 s` Con�erned membera of the city ata£f: I would like to open my camment by ata�ing that I am tatally ; againist th�ae r�qu�ats i�eing approved in any i�arm what-sa-ever. I peraonslly £eel that aur neighborhood haa been sut��ected to aa j much dev�lapm�nt as it can effic�ntly handle given th� exiating infraatructure, including the Greenberg Rosd interchanr�e ax► 217. I wauld also like ta atate tha£ I am a reeldent af th� City a£ Tigard, a8 �he recard will aho�.r. I �eel that we h�v� elresdy � eatablfahed a rel�tionahip witn the City aver the p�st year � through the defeat o£ the Freaident's Parkwap isaue and the r�turning af aur neighbarhood back ta th� reaiderst''s of' the area. � ;� `s.� Als�, I wauld like to at�te tha� it wae� my .impreasion that when � the Ci.ty Gouncil approved Lincoln F'ive they estated that due to ,� the traffic congestion in and around �.he Metzger area they would �;� not allow any additional cammerlcal develapment until guch time �� that some infrastructure improvements were madeo To the be�t of � ray kr►owledge thexe he$ not been eny guch improvements made aa�c� �� none o�f the exi�ting atreets in this ares can su�pport any i�� Y:;s additlanal tra�'fia. This is eepecially true when you t+�ke inta a,� cansideration the eafkey of the childern at Metzger �lementary, �,;; elso located on Locugt Street, only i/14th af a mile fram this �� prapased gi te. ��� � �'j ri� Hawev�r havin the full knawled e that thin � muat ra ress i£ f� r 9 9 9 P 9 � ,;;, the City feela that it cannat �ive without this add3tionel "' �?� commeriaal develaptnenk. then I atould ask you to congider along , �;;� : with the recyueata of CP0 ��-Met�zger the £allowing concept as � �;� i�. requirement to be �'ulfilled by the develap�r i£ it ia approved. I �� would agk thai. Locuat Street became a cul-de-aac when entered #�� r.� fram Hell Blvd. in £ront ot the Metzg�r e�choal praperty s�nd when �z entered £rom Greenberg F2aad it ah,auld be msde to tie intr, the �� reeently inatalled L.incaln Street. Doing thig would a11ow the �; surrc�unding reaidential neighborhaod ta be and atay �ust that, whfle funnelling the commerical traffic directly on and off � Greenberg Road which has been �at.abished es a commerical srea. s � R�epectful ly, �z � � �, ` �/�,y�.�`�,�-. y � --..�.-�-,�;:,---...:z-�.�__x.:...._� :.��--: �,< -� -,�. . , : �. � � C �.,;, I�tovember 26, Ig90 To: Pat Whiting CPO 4 (Metzger) Cit� of Tig�rd piar�r�ing TT�partment Tigard City Cauncii 13125 S.W. Haii Biv�l. City of Tigard,aregon 97223 From: Genee' M.Edgmont � Re: Progosed 7 Story Ufiice Buiiding. Proposed 614� stail ga�rkking g�rage. As a resident in the iocai community, I an1 oppossed tc, the building of the above men�ioned office� building and parking structure. �Was it nat just a few short months ago wher� the majarity of Tigard ! 1�[�t�er vaters emphatically said "NO"to the City and the same developer who proposed the Presidents Parkway 1Vlaster Plan develQpment7 Here we are revisiting the �� same issues. Wiil the pub�ic offi�ciais never listen to the citiz�ns i� the communities th�y supposeclly serve? The PresidenC ParM�way Mas�er Pian development �neasure failed for a nurnber oi reasons. The single l�rgest reason ho�weeer was th� overail iack of considera�ion by this same �ational d�veloper to the surrounding neighborhoods and their unwillingness tA work with these resider�t� to �; address the probiems ttteir development woulct r.ause. People feel very strongiy about the inherent problems v�hich accompany anp additionai dev�elopment in this immediate area. You just can't shove samething like this down peopies' throats with misleading studies �.tad fast talking project managers with oniy one interest oi profit in mind. It may work ia Texas where this developer caiis home, but not in Oregon. 'The fact is this very de�eloper recently soid their Lineoln Center oifice deveflopment in question, where this proposed 7 story Q4'fice buiid°uig is to be constructECi for some $120 million t�o an international firm. Thi�is in th�interests of Oreg�nians? , Of course the City of Tigard, �lashingt�on County or ��at,e officials don't n�P�ssarily mind a� hundreds of t.housa.nd of doilars of tax r�venues, de�reiopment and permit fees, fir�nsfer taxes upon proper� sale and �ther $ocia�l and person�l benefits �+rhich accompa�y working on behalf of a � natianal cl�vel�per to get additional d�ev�lopment appr�v�d. just ask th� �� ,�, ��� r, k� �� ,� ; . _ _ r--. .. . . _ _ - - -- �.�....._�..� . �--m,�::._..u. _� a. . —Y,,.`: � �=�.a ,;�M __ ._..��.. .:.�� _ --...�...._______ � ' ^ , . ' . � k � . �� �� Mayor of Tigard c���has a ownership interest in a restaurant in th� Lincoln Center. More t�nants mean m�ore sandwiche� sold mean mpre pr�fits. Or ask our locai state representative wh� �ba�sed �n a recer�t Oregonian articie �ill rec�ive hundreds of thousand5 af doliars of f�es associated with the above ranen�iQned sale �f Lincoin �Cent�er. It's an ugly circie and a� � cit�zen } pa�ying taxes in the Ti�ard Schoc�l District, I find it unacc�ptabie. Hom,eo�ners are to know'ledgeab�e t�dap and ��n pou to des�ro� the wav u�eoQie w�nt tn live ,you fi�ht n4t only #he gesidents of the immediate � nei�hbor�o� affeet�ed bt�t ever� taxpa�er who have seen sixnilar issues forced on tt�em by �imilar develo�,ers teiling similar stAries. I am personaliq not oppos�d to all dev�logment. Nor was I �ompiet�l� opposed ,- to P�e$ident Parkway. I am oppaseci how�ver to aet�ing things push�l through the system without addressing the reai facts and concerns nf ttiose �,: residents who�e ina��Gfi�cl n�ga�ivei�. �ith or�e of th� biggest conc�rns beirig increased traffic thro�ugh r�sidentaal neighborhoods surrou�ding fi�e existang and proposed develap�men�, le�.'s �' look closer at tt�e concern. �:. A September 1990 Transport�tion analysis can�luc�r,ed by Associated Transportation Engin�ering and Flanning (ATEP? fo� �1ae de�eioper seems tA think traffic �enerated bp tb.eir development stops its northbound trek at� �iall Boutlevarct. It most certainlq does n�� Not qutestioning the integrity of ATEP, one realizes of course sfudi� such as this cara produc� resuits, iimit ¢, findirags and direct nasrative t� those resuits desired by the party who commissions the report. Look at our r�ations' S&L crisis for�xana�le. For instance, one of the studies conciusions on page 2 7 states, "The de�relopm�r�t of the Lineoln Center property with an additional develapment wiil not have a si�nificant im�ct to the surrounding sfixeet system". �ith this singie �tat�ment, ATEP's creclibility is shot. 'These are V�ashington County's fact�. 1, �Tashington County candu�cts e�ch year traffic "station counts". T�affic on 4ak Str�t nea�r $Ott�alone, just one of the residentiai s�reets n�rth of the development for the last five years result in the followi�g counts. These ar�counts in a given �4 hour period. ��'�x � ��. ;�, : � �� � �� � ,t ._ ,,.Urn "-;�-•-7`n-�';c.�;`'T n. .. .:. . ��.'� �� =:,t j1r . 's.�: . , . .. . .,. . � --- , .. . -.,�;,_� �..�..:� �;�::_. _ . _ ...., . _ _ . __ . . ' • , f ,� - ...�J _..�.,.r ' � � �., � lA8f� 1A�7 L9�� lA8A 199Q °fraffic: Eastb�und 7$4 ?90 1205 � 794 996 �'Testbound ?13 73$ 1306 1746 1103 Total Cars 1497 152$ 2511 1746 2099 The facts represent an increase oi 642 cars per clay on just one residential street from 1 g86 to May of �990. 'Thi� is an incrQ�se Qf a�pprozimately 4c0.2�. This increase �as occurr�d as the Lincoin Center development has continued to �xpand. 2,1�0 caars per dap is not a typicai count fn a residentiai neig�borhood. 2. 'I'he pea�k periods, bo�h morning ancl night,re�suit in furthQr s�artling facts. Trafiic volumes ta�tween 7:30 am.and 8:30 am,or 4:30 p.m. to �:3o pm.are the time peopie come to and irom work at the �ubject clevel�pment. Fnr example,a typica130 minute pealc periqd in the �� immediat,�area w'here �ashingt�or� Coranty's studies�ere abtained resuited in the follovying: Fui12�howr d�y Peak Period, 5:40 p.m.to 5:3o p.m. Mav 199� I�ovember 21. 1990 * C.�rs 2,099 24? �� � 1,xi�»�„� 4,440 3� *cars/Al�inut,� 1.46 � 8-23 The nuffit�ers of cars increa�ed �€64�� d�rin� peag honrs on just one of the streets impacted by this developmQnt. This is o�e rar every 13 se�ond�. This is nnt a t,�afiic count for� typical re�idential neight�orhood. 3, The ATEP study itself eonduct�d a survey of tenants at the Linc�ln Devel�pm�nt as �o the dir�ctian and the� stre�t us�ge. Although the t�atal number or respondents was just aver 1,100, a fraction of the total number of tenants, t2ie effort was made a�nd the resuits state the ob�rious. The r��ys of the number or res„pondents more t�eople {�2.g5� of the tenanfis} leave �he cent�er in the direction of the �urroundin� n�i�hborhoods he noLth og the st���9 �-r!�r direct�on. This traffic filt�ers � d�rectiy in� the neighborhoads. 'The tra�fic does not sGop at Hall Bivd. as ;� �, ��' $ � ,� , � _ ' s...� :.:.�. x ..;:�:�� .u,�.,.,.,,._ .r..__._.__.. . .__.__.___.__. .,�.:.,, n..:.:,._.._._........ __._ . _ . . .._ .._. . .... __. . . . . , ..� ...._.. .._ .. . _ . . , . � �. � ,� � �._ �i the City of Tigard and th� developer ha�e implied since b�fore Preside�t's parKw�ay was de�eat�e� t�o �ne cur�ent proposed cteve�opment. This is more Lhan any oth�r single direction, including State Highway 217. � This is a prabiem because bottom line, people look to t,�e p�th of least �� R� resistan e ` c a�d �nrith t�he ridiock cr�ated b Linc�ln Cent�e� tA d�te at . g Y Greenbu� and Hi hwa 217 interchan e, and the " arkin 1ot like" � � � Y � A � �� conditions at peak hours on Highway 217 �nd Highway 99, these tenants , seek alternative ro�ut�es which unfortunatel are th�e nei hborhoods. h Y � 4. The issue of sgeed limits is a entirely separat�matter,but little regard exists for posted speed limits as they are not enforc�d on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it wili probabiy take a fatal accident of a innocent chiid , before sorneone listens. Foa� a f�c�, one such family i� naoving from the area specifica�ily du� to thi� very saf�ty issue. Hameowners in our communities sh�ould not have to move from their homes because of the proY'its of a national developer. Stammation � It's not necessanily the development itself that's the problem. It's m4re the� , lack of coopera�ian ancl desire of public officials ar�d the deveioper ir� � questian tc3list�en t�the n�eeds and cvncerns of those citizens to be negatively � impacted by the cnntinuing developanent. If the infrastru�cture can't f ��; �upport the additional development t�day, don't try tA force the issu� dovarn „� people throats by generating bogus rep�rts,or fi,�lling people v�hat you think :�; they want to hear such as the conclusion iorementiQned f�o�n the `s I commissioned tra�fic study. It's not the truth. Tal�c to the people this ���I impacts. Studq the facts and trieir �onc�rr�s and address the issues. FIX �:;�; TI�PR08LEMS FIRST, BEFORE YOU�,DD TO THENI! �;��� A��i ,.°' just because Oregon is one of the eniy good cmmmercial real estate markets �,�! in our country �ciay, don't let the natianal developer's profit interest �'��! override those 4xe�onians wh� ha�e lived here yesterday, who li�� here �i��4 �;: trt� t�oday and wiil live here tamorrow. Let them go eisewhere �nd averbuiid �,;'. other r�►arkets for their profits, nat at the cost of Oregonians wha care about {'`� ���� our quality of life. ����. � �I;'�' f r{t. Th�pec>pie tiave spoken once in the ��cent �l�ction on President's Parkvvay. ��;� 3,. If the City nf Tigard officiais approves fihis development now, y��u can be ��:�,� assur�d it's no�because th� peopie want,�d it this way. ���I �5,, �'"�i ��� ��; �:�� �� . � r . . . . , . .. ._.�_ . - - � , ,.. � �. ,m�.: y . . . - . � # � ��, � . . __ . � � � � , y p' , .. � �-�y�.� J� � , �]VASHINGTON �� COUIVTY, ,t����'� 0�2EGON w���. Januazy Z6, 7.991 Jerry G�fer Tigard Planni.rxx D�?�artment P.O. Box 233�'I Tigard, OR 97�23 Re: LINC0IIJ EIC-�i`� Washington County has rev.�eraed this pro�osal ar�d traffic analysis ar�d submits the follawing reco¢rnnended car�di.tions and c�cm�ents: REC�TION A. PRIOR TD FIl�L P.���Vd�/ISSUANCE OF A SUIIDING PEE�S S'ulaanit Plans, o�tain E�gine�riny Division agproval, and o3�tain a facility i pennit for c.�nstruction of tl�e following pnblic in�rovem�nts: 1. Oonstruct the n�w Mapleleaf Drive en�,rance to incTude thres exi.t lanes (two left tu� lanes and one through/ri5ht lane) ar�d a straigi�t �acki,ng area. Prr�vide all signat design, tim�i.ng ai'�d 1�ne stY'ipi.ng ' revisions at Greenburg Rc�ad and Mapleleaf Drive necessary to acx�a�tnnodate this imprwemer►t. �, p_rc�_r?e�e �OQ feet of two lane starage on fih� Iracust Street westbound " applroach to Greer�btt� Road. ��``. �nese improvemP.nts {withit� SW Greenburg Road right-of-way) snazl r.� oonstructed in avc��arx�e with the require�m�ts of the Wa�hington County Uniforna Road Imprweme.nt D�ign stax�da�ds. B. PRIOR TO OCCxJPANCY The znad it�rovemP.nts required bY coaxlition p,.1. arid 2. shall be carnplete arxi ac��ted kyy tlle C�ountY• ' � SW Greenbur.g R�d 3s a County minor arterial ar�d is identYfied in the Washingtan County Ti:'ans�ortation Pl�n as part of �the C�untywide Road Systeme It is the policy of Washir�tox� C9ounty to �taan jttri��.�a.on o� c�ra�ywa.d� roac3�� and to ensure that these facilities maintain thea�° function of movYng �. � large voltmnes af txaffic. �� r�.�; � � F Departmerit of Land Use and Transportation, Land Develapment Services Divis6on#350-13 fi� 155 North First Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 Phone: 503/648-8�61 FAX: 1-503/693-441� �. ----- .._..... ..._..., �:.�,.� ,..�..-� 1■■wi _ _ --- _ -�, _. .. < „��..r�_ ,�n «:;,..M� ��,.._,:�::.._-____�....._.__..._. ___-�__..._...�_:_._______ -_,�._. , , ;; l � �,.�' `''� , , LII�TC��N FIC�'I' Jan�«1y 16, 1991 �, page 2 ;t,; � C,atmty analysis of the Linc3oln Eight praposal indicates that S�W GreEnbu-r�g Road i� ,;: can operate at an acceptable level of serviae if the reoc��nd�d im�ravements above are inSta].led. �'he analysis alsn makes cl.�r th�t traffic on SW � G� Road is nearing a point wher� the level of seivioe w�ll be ; unac�ceptable. Although this projet;t does not y�t ��cn�sh�� the system, the � County would like to point aut that tra€fic grawth in the Greer�x�g Road area 15 Of 5�Y`1.dlLS �11.0 00�71� and shoul.d be of vonc�n� to the prapexty awners 4 j of thi.s area. County staff is aware 6f the potential for fu�r.ther inten.se aevela�nt by other prc�rty � in �this area. Zhis potential future devel �� ' o�anent plus the contirrued expansion of the Linooln CQnter site l,eads the 1,�: County t.o �iel.ieve that it is in the bes't i:r�ex�s of both �he private arid �� publi:c sect:ors ta participate in an area wide icraffic manage�ment study. , Washingtor� C��y recanunends t�hat t�ie Lincoln Cent.�x prop�riy awne.rs ['� participat� with c�zther major interests, both piablic and private, along SW �.; Greer�bi.irg R�oad in an ar�a wide study of future �traffic dem�3s, proble�, and necess�ry irr�r�vem�nts. Z'liese parties shoul.d then participate at an appxx�priate level to mitigate the identifi�d traffic problems. The County feels it is in the best long term interes� of Lincoln Centex and nther propez.°ty awnet•s in �tlii.s area to participate in an effort such as this. Washiix�ton Cb�uity s�a�x]s �eady to participate in such a p� ar� ��c�e it...� re�iLrces , as necessary and capable. If you have arzy qu�tions, please contact me at 648°�763.. � . �':� G'�'� �� Scott Ki � �� iy � Transpox�tation Plar�ner ��'� ��I c: Lirur;e Warne.r, Direator �?�I Joe Grillao Iand Developanent Managex � I i� Doug Norval, Traffic Analyst �� k4;�' . �� �.� ;�,.' L�, �I �p'.II Y�I l.l t. �I �,I ,`c� . .,,.;, -r-. ..r.., .: � � �:r�- --,..,;,.,. .-o.:-....rt .�p..,- ....,.::.-, ���s,q c «^�—, - -�;;.�..,;i ,...�.. ,�... ,. _ ....!::. ... r � ,"` .°:--� t. , ..,, ... . . �..�'.?t' , . . . ._ .. . � .���. . �� _ .i ._ R, _-,�_��::�: „-w,,, _.._�, � .. ._-.�.��.. a,, . �ROM-ENGG "ft9: 503 584 ?29? JAN 4� 1991 2.52PM �866 P.02 t - �� , . �� . WASHINGTON COUN `� Y ,: Xnter-Off�ce Corr°espandenc� 4 pate: Jana 4, 1991 T� : Scotti King, Transportation Planner FROM : Doug No�v�1� P.�., Tra�fic Attalyst ,(� SU�JEC7: TRA�'�IC STAF� R�PORT . LYH�ULN CENT�R (CITY �F i'IGARU) �i� This report examines the traffic impacts af the proposed 140,Oa0 square foat levela�f�traf�icusafety�as�defined�byjR&0 86eg��veloped �o �nsure an adequate A tr�ffic AGCess Repart, "Tra�sportatian Analysis far Lincoln Center, 3igard, Oregor�", Associated Transpartati�n Engine�ring & Planning (AYEp), Septe�ber, 199p, was submi�ted far this d�valopment. Supplemer�tal information r�quested `: � by Washing�con Caunty �ras provid+ed by A?EP ir� a mema dated Navember 29, 1990. '� The flndingls and reco�nmmendatians given b�1ow ar� based, in part, an infarma�i�ion `` prav9ded in this �raffic s�udy. ;� FINDTNGS: 1. Impact area�, baseci on 109'o increase in aver4ge daily traffic, is , described below. om o Greenbu�rg Road Lacu�st St M�pl el ea�' Dr I ' Lacust Street Gre�nbaarg �d Hall Blvd � Qak Street Greenburg Rd Hall Bivd 2. Inters�ct9ons within �he impact area were ana�yzed (AM ar+d PM peak hour) with the follawing results: , �efuge tntersection L� ant SP�I , Greenburg Rd at Lacust St � No No � Gr��nburg �td a� Mapleleaf D�^ D Na No �. With the nsw signa'i being lnstalled on Greenburg Rvad at Locust Street, this inters�ction is pr�3�c$ed �d operate at LOS � under tot�l �raffic. Un Locust Street, the signal p�ans indicat� twa we�tbound approach 7anes (left �n1y and rfght on7y), striped for� a , distance of 100 f�et �rom the crosswatk at Gre�nburg Road. d�nal�sfs QF ta�a1 trafific w9th thls development indica'�es a starage Q, 1 en�th of 200 f+eet pet^ 1 ane i� needad. � � ,� f`� ... . . � . _ l •' �,:. .. . � .-.. ' '.. �.... . . . . �� . . . ... . . ... . ... .. ...... . .. . _ .. � .. � ... . . . ____ _ _ ..rMJ.,._. ,� �r.._ ,..,�..�...__. _ __._____ _ ,...._.�. F,.ROM:ENGG "0� 503 684 7297 JAN 4, 1991 2�53PM t#966 P.03 � w • � �N LINCQLN CENTER January 4, 19�1 Page 2 4. Interconnect9an af the existing slgnal on Greenburg Road at Mapleleaf Drive with the new signal on Greenburg at Locust is p�a�ned as p�rt of the signal ins�allation praject. Site tra�'fic �r�m this deveiopm�nt necessitat�s the need for construction of a n�w entrance to tihe Lincaln Center developmen� at Maple7eaf Orive, with thre� exit lanes and a strai�ht stacking area. Analysis furtiher indica�es the ne�d far revised signa1 phasing �nd striping to accommudate this develapm�nt. 280 �eet of thr�e-lane storage {two le�'� turn lanes and ane through/righ� lane) �s n�eded at the ' Mapleleaf westbouotd appro�ch to the signa1 . ' 5. 5tarage queues sduth of the Gr�eenburg/Map3�leaf slgnal wrere ; exam�ned to det�rmin� whether ndrthbaund Greer�b�rg Road �rafflc would ba�ckap to th� Nwy. 2b7 ramp signals, and whether southbound L�raffic at the Hwy 217 ramp signai� would backup to t}�e Mapleleaf sigaal and impact its nperativn. Calculations indicate that under t+�tal tr�ff9c levels w;th this development, the narthbound queue an Gr�enb�rg �oad d�es not appe�r to extend into the narth�rly Nwy. 217 ramp signal , and the $outhbo�and qu�ue frQm the Hwy. 217 ramp �� sbgnals daes not appe�r to extend into the Map7elsaf i�tersection. �} 7he available storage distan�e is marginally acceptable in both caseS. "fh�r�fore traffic �rom this deve�opment daes not app�ar to push congestian lev�ls aver acceptable safety limits at this time. Additianal improvements, such as an additiuna� southbound through lane on the Green�ufutur�� ha�vever,ebecause further�trafficbgrowth needed in the ne� ► wi17 pash traff9c demand volumes over capacity. � 6. Signa�3 progression an Greenburg Ro�d �e9;we�� L�cc�st �tr��� and Maple7eaf Drive is acceptable under tot�l traf'f'i� with the propased development. RECbMMENDAYIONS: 1. Constructi new M�pleleaf brive entrance ta includ� three �xit lanes , {two 7egt turn lanes and one thraugh/right lane) and a straight stackin� area. Pravide 200 feet per l�ne storage capacaty. Provide alt signal design, timing and lane strSping revisions at Greenburg aoad and Maple7eaF Ur3ve r�ecessary to �ccommo�ate and ; optimiz� this improvement. 2, provide 200 �eet of twa-lar�e starage on the �.ocust Street westbound approach ta Greenburg Road. �' ' �� ON � � cc: J�rry Offer, �City of Tigard �; �, k� 5 :.4-: `L�_ �'i. � ....�..�:.. ,_�.,..��;r"`c�,•m;�.�fa.�-..- ,..-Fr,a..v-+ rt-,^r, :'..r r"�5„o 7?",..Y ...,-.`"`:� s.�'r � � ..r. �,... .... �� . .� , i . . . .-- - '_— _ _ j' . , t� . .. �) C .> �, F�:�',a'�L•�t�^il1�E�(fGtG U�c J �9�0 November 29, 199p �0�1� j �� - ANSPOR TA �'IOIV GINE.�'RING �C Mro Scott King, Trans rtation Planner ANNING (A TEP> Washington C rrt� (sos) ass-aasa (sos) 7�.v-�� '!50 N. F Avenue oro, OR 97124 RE: SDR 90-0022/ LINCOLN CENTER ' Dear Mr. King: This letter is in response to yaur November 2U, 1990 let�er requesting additional information for the above name projeCt. Let me respond to the additionaB information request in the outtine of your letter as follows: 1. Exis�ing ADT'S on all impacted links. 5ince ADT'S matching the current pm peak hours are not available, th� ADT's sF�own on the attached Figure A, are extrapolatians of the pm peak hour. This ass�mption is based an hose counts taken on Mapleleaf east of Greenburg Road dureng the preparation of the September report on this pr�ject showing that the pm peak hour t9 be approximately 8.8 percent of th� ADT. 5: 2. ITE trip generation rates. In rnost insf�nces, the a�se of ITE trip generation rates would be used in the preparation of this type of report. Early in the preparatian of the ATEP - report on this proje�t, it was found frc�m traffic cour�ts taken at the time tha± the existing office eomplex DID NOT generate the same number of#rips that the AVERAGE ITE rates said it sh�ould. Based on this informat6on an extensive and controlled trip generation stt�dy was conducted. The numbers used in the d�velopment of the Lincoln Center traffic impact ' report are actual, not AVERAGES. Th�e basis of any traffic report is iXs accuracy, so wr�y should A!/ERAGES be used than the actual data. 1TE in its report 'Trip Ceneration" 4th Edition, page iii, Paragraph 2, indicates "Local data should be collected for comparisan when consiclering use of the data in this report" �=: . �,. 404(2 DOUGIAS VVAY LAKE OS�YEGO, OR 97035 (503) 636-9232 ',;5:;'°, P.O. BOX 13185 SALEM, Oft 97309 (503) 743-4491 ��;:! �<`, ��; :' r:::; � i,. .,_ , ._._ _,.,.e .. ,. _ .. . ..,. .... :.. . : ,...�n. �_.._ , �,r.��. ...�..�:.�.:.>.�.r...d..�,,,�,�:.��._..-�.:���..�:.n.�...__.._...._._._..._.. _�_�..u�. ...�..._.._� _,. �. � �` • , Lincoin Genter November 29, 1990 Page 2 � �:� �� , '' The trip generation study conducted for this report ref�eets the "Local" condition and supports the assurnption that this deve0oprnent does not generate the numk�e� of �rips per 1,000 squar� feet tha�t !TE says it should. Usine ITF_ r�tes will only over �stimat� and exaggerate the actu�l impact of this development. Use of rates ather than ITE trip�s has been allowed in the �ast by your department and this practice should continue since it rreflects the actual rather than the naUo�nwiide average. � 3. AM analysis was nat oncluded since the volumes of traffic shown in previo,us reports on this development are significantly lower during ghe AM peak F�our and as can be s�en ' in Table 1 al! of these intersections aperate at lev�l of service C or better. See Fi�ures ��` B,C and D. '� Table 1 - Future Level of Service at Cri4ical Intersections t� ���� , .:�::;:._::.:: ...::::::::::.:..:...::..::.. � .;:::.::.:.;�.�::.;:;�::><.:.::<:::::.>::: .:.:�.::..::.:.: .:..:.�:..::.. :. .:..:..:.::.:. .� .: :: .:.:::::....: :.::.:::.:...:.::.... � .>�:.:. . ;.:::::::.:.::.:..:::�:::,�.>..;�::. _ �..: � ,>: .;.,::,<�:::<; � ::......:::�.�..::..:.::..:.:..::.: ...r+s�:�x:.��:.�::::.::::.�:.r.M�:v�x � ������ ............. .............. ... ::::::.::.... .............:.: ; ...:...,>�:. .:.;,::::<::<::.. u .>>:::.�::.:,.. ....::.::, ........... :.:.:,..::.::.... ...........:.. . .. . ..... ::...:.:�.:�:.: :::..::;.:..:::.:::..;�:.�:.>::.;.::.;;:;:;:«:.::;.>;;:.;:::::•..:::;;>;.:> . ::.:.,....... �;;:�riietfrct►ort <::`cos.: . ' „ :.r ::.:.:..:::::::..:.:::::...,:::::.:::::,::,.::,::.�::.;::� �:' :..: .:::::.:,.>•,:�.;.;•.>:.::::::::::.;::•:;.;�:�::.:•.;•,;::.�:,..:.... ....YC ;;. 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I � �, i a 1 ,a -;; t . r , ; s S �, i � � � � , £r � , _ .':a7c �;�^:.. ..,'ft+:^^' �v,.� . `.'1��.,�S'i'^s„�— ,�--'73^,G...1.�+'e7�r-r�.wr4� _, c . .,. , . .�^. , , .."�.;` .a„_.. o.,.,..�_ ...� _.� ..,., ,7 .z.r .-„ �,. � .� ,.. .. , . ___-__._ -....0 '� ...._ ..k_"_`Y�++c_::L_.. �oyv.: _. .._. »._..v_=�o+..--c=..... ..iivni�u ." _ — " � :%"'wS'.:J.3L1._.iu"�]�16�3L..aA'u.sxwaa«...._...... ... . �,••...+.cv�.«....:r..-...,__ . :'• ' Lincoln �nter Nlovember 2�, 1990 ` ' Page 3 :� � � - �.,.� � ,°' � ` ' ; 5. Quring the an�lysis of Lincoln V, a coordinat�d system was proposed and accepted ` b W hin n un and the Ci of Ti ard �onr�ectin Ma leleaf �nd Locus3 Sta�eet � y as gto Ca ty ty g g p �� ` traffic s6gnals. ODOT refused to allow ihe ramps to and from Hvv�ji 217 to be included � in the�con��cted to the system. The values shown �able 2 represent the findings of the ;� . Passerli - �7 anaiy�is conducted for this request and are included a� an appendix to this � �� memo. � � Ta�OI� 2 - STACKING DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS _,... : .. . � : ;;:.:: � ;;:::.;:;:.::::. � >::>:; ;_ _;;,<:::;::::::;;;;;;: :>::�:: ..:. : ... :>::;::;::;:.>:>:::::»:>:>::>:<::::�;:>:.: >::>::: �STACICING::�ISTAN�E FEET ,,,.<. ::::.:.:::::.:::::::.::......::. ;:<:.;::.:;>;:.;:;:::;.»;>;::.::::;;:;::.>:;;>:<:>;;:::. , � ..:. ::.::.::.:::::::.::::.:::::..:�:::::........... ::::.�::.. .. .:::)....:.. .:.:::,::::::: ::::. ....... : . ... . . .::.::....:::::i,:;::::;.....:::::::. . . .. . . ...... ._.::,:....:::::::::::.::::::..:::;:;:::::.::::;: _ :::::.::::..:::.::.::...;;:�:;:�>:.:.;�:�:�::::::.:::.::...:::. .: ,::.::::.::::>::»:>::::.:; � ::<::>:::��:;:: � . :::.;::::.>:::::: . :.:::::.;�.::: r . ., ...:: , ::.>:N =:::<>::>::�<:::B<>: . 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PHASc DIPECiIL�,� q� E 1[5] G�IV,NtSS --------------- F�»A�E TIM� (�EC.1 N..TfiF SRTH�'�� SRLtPF, NSiHr`v ��•:,- 4 7��� P V:�-DA'?t .BP 60.p 25.t : c W:.; r, E51Hp,lt EP'TRF �tp��;;;�, LEt:� 0' ScRV10E '9f .69 V.6B '� 48.� 4@.@ .F I'_-�, ,Sr�c,t':4' E �' .4� z • C .9: .Bi. "�' � '0 P E .EY.. ,F ccp��?C� 27.! 3?.4 ?6,� . ��-,, � , '1� r ,@ ro � p iU.J� �C'Ii:.h•i ` l r `��'� LC.� .0 �T ` :p�•,r r 1 .Q 7 � 4 „C:�: ..::,'�;�f�; • 4.: �.` E c. �,� , ^ - ,� ; - e �� ,c: �.:: i��� � ? , �QTk: I!,',��c,- ' ,, e ,,, -:• ,� -tlQk n, ,j ... e;. , .,..� �'�� N�r•r�y. t. , �•,c. " .,;J!�; ��c`�,. �`., „' •-- •-� :.;'� ,' �.;: `� � � �r �a,.:,� ��. F - '.: f k �.. � ��t 4t�_�93,." , ''.�„�- � � 1� ' t y r 1r�n }., ., '.�• .,.v'� ,x.�,'���'.L .,°'�.,n�:Y:r:_".�nr, zr��,�_M � �+Y .._....� . �, ...m,..�....,__... �' :u. ...�.._.0 ...._._..,_.... _. _ _ .._.__ __._ _. _,_�u_=�..__�.,..�._.��:a�,,.� _:.x_�:.�r .,_�rn.. . __ _. . _ .____._ _____.�� - ; , . - ' ' " �: ��' C�TY OF TiGARD, ORE�aN SITE DEVELOPMEN'T REVTEW APPLICATIOt1 CITY OF TIGARD, 13125 SW Hal1, PO Box 23397 Tigard, Ore�on 97223 - (503) 639-4171 FO[L STAFF USE ONLY . C�SE N0. OTHER CASE NO'S: " RECEIPT N0. ' APPLICATION ACCEPTFD SY: ;; . DATE: 1. GENEZcAL ZNFOR��IATION � � Application elements submitted: PROPEP.TY AI117RESS/LOCATION 10250 S.W. G eenbur Road �A) Application form (1) ,.�garri� ()raao�n 97223 � (B) Owner's signature/written TA.Y M��3P AND TAX LOT N0. 1�135AB. t ��1000 authorization ` � (C) Title transfer instrument (l;� SITE SIZE _ �,_�� , ,. G (D� Assessor's man (1) P�OPERTY OjJ�IER/D��D EIOLDER.* Li.ncoln Ei�ht Ltd. Partne shi�.�E) Plot plan (pre-app c�ecklist; ADDRESS t0?h0 S W �r nbt� g,�($HnNE 245-9400 (F) Applicant's statement CITY TiQard, OR � �Zp q797q (pre-app checklist) i APPLICAaVT.* Lin��ln R;gh� T.;m; pd a t-ne �hip �G) List oi property owners .and ; , - � AADRESS Same P:iONE addresses *a3thin 250 feet (1) ! �IT`I _--_ �IP (H) Filing fee (� ) j *When the owner•and the applicant are differezt �I) Const*_-uction Cost Estimate people, the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a leasee in possession with written authorization DATE DETERMINED TO BE COMPLiTE: from the awner or an agent of the owner with wr?tten authorization. The owner(s) must sign this application in tne space provided on pa;e two or FINAL DECISION DEADLI.tYE: submit a written authorizafiinn with this ap�licatioe. COMP. PLAN/ZONE DESIG�I�TION: 2. PROPOSAI. SIJ�I�t4R.Y T'ne owners of record of the subject prope_ty I request site developmene r2vie:� a�orovai to N.P.O. Nuaber: 31.1OW (�nnGtr;,rti�n �f a 7-Grorv office building. . � Approva_l Date: _ Final A�o_c=ral Daze: Plann;Z� � � � � �-••=--_"':; .__ -_ :. . . I ,,.�- _ _ �;,,,. . _ �,,, _.__ . _ _ . _ ;, , . , ,. ,s , ;; ` 't ,`: � , � � � E� w.c,k.,r:�:�a;.�,,,.�r��a m , _._..w.�._...��..�..y:,�:-:.r�:,,��Wr,;�s,�.+},s�f,� �..��,..�.�.�. — _.� � ,..,. ..y.._ � ;t� e -�; � �Py ���� �'. "'1.ist ;any 'variance, conditional �se, 5ensitive lands, or otk�er land use: actions . � Co be co�.s�,dered as part' oF this appiication: H�ig'ht variance anri �'r,le����. a�^'a,ll- tiia'r.ianrP �4. Applicatets', � To :have a complete application you will need to submit attachmenCS ' . , descr�hed `in �he attached in�ormation sheeC at ths time you �ubmit Chis aPPlicat3ori. _ S. THE APPLI:GAN�(S') SHt1LI. CERTIFY THAT: ' A. The ,.ab.ave •reques;t does not violate any__d�ed restrictions that may be attached to :or impased upon the subject progerty. B. If th�' �apJ�llcation is granted, the applicant wi11 exercise the rights granted �in. accozd`ance: with Ehe terms and subject to all the conditions and limitations of the apgrova3. C. A1�. Q� the abowe s:�atements and the statements in the plot plan, attachmenrs, aind exh�bits transmitted herewith, are true; and the � a;pplicant� sp �ak�nowledge that any permit issued, based ' on this appli,��.tior�, may be =evoked if it is found that any such stntements are f;al,s e.:' b. Th� app�.ieant has read the entare contents of �he appli.cation, incl.uding th2 �policies and' cr2teria, �nd understands the requirements for approving or'denyina the �pplication. DATED Chis �1trh day of Sentember �9 9Q , SIGNATiERES of ea�� owner (eg. husband and wife) of the subject property. • • � —- i.%✓.a�< � .!�vi. �O . I �_ .��, x ' . . • . I i � � j : (KSL:pa/Q5Z4P� ,.o ._; . , , , . � , .. . . . ... . ��.:�.,.�.�. . . _„�, . �,; .. - .� � . •. . - , � � �., D C� Op � NARRNNTY DEED Granted and record�d to eorrect scrivener's error in misidentification af gra�ntee in warranty deed dated the 27th day of June, 1990, Recorder's Fee No. 90-34484� recorded J�ne 27, 1990. New W�st Federal Savings and Loan Association, Grantor, conv�ys and warrants to Llncoln Eight Limited Partnership, Grantee9 the foltowfing described real property free of encumbrances except as speclfically set forth herein situat�d 1n Washington County, Oregon, ta wit: . See Exht bi t °'A." i'he said property is free from eneumbranc�s except those exceptlons set forth on Exhlbit "B", attached hereto and incarporated by this ;reference. The true consideration for this conveyance is �2,800,000.00, together with other good and valuable consideration. Until a change is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the foltowing address: �.lneoln Eight Llmited Partnership, 1026Q S.W. Greenburg Road, Partiand, Oregon 97223. `' THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE Of THE PROPERZY D€SCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPlICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATTO�So BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING 7HIS INS7RUMENT, 7HE PERSON ACQUIRING �EE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT �0 VERIFY APPROVED �IS�S. "t Dated this � of S —, 1990. N�w West Federal Savings and � Loan Assoclatlon By: �� - � �Cr: LGG��- -- Ifs: , Q .� ..,,i ST�1TE OF CALI�ARNIA ) � ��. � > ss. , 1990 County of San Joaquin ) . P r,son 11 a eared the above named N. �'th�ny D�aru' �S �iice �r�ide.�� �f New West Federal Savings and Loan Associatlan, and acknowiedced �#t�e foregoing instrument to be its voluntary a } �.�,�. OFFICIAL SEAL �� ROSALIE Y. PHELPS � .'�t...-. - �, �-'��� NOTARY PUBUC•CAUFORNU � y� SAN.30AGUIN COUN7Y �.J;� ; ., ,... My Conm.6cp:ras Oc1.7,i94i No ry Pub 1 i c for Cal i forn i a � My Commis;ion fxpires:f,� � ?— 7/ ;?;.?t^.� _-_�.�a� . . Z?v.� y .-=-Ssnl. :'>>ay:-=�io1 ,::_.._. .:".__ "_,�k"w�._: ... _... " _ _ _ _ " _ —" "- 1 1 '�x 5 } S � .���='F'a.�w � _...... ... _ �_ . _ ..�.. .�wn�rV�Y'u'i."i1tY�:�:u:4:,.�.."J�san.0 .wuaawrnw�xtwv�... .. ._...�---.0 ._.�. x _ i . } 1 � ; � i � � �,J' EXHIBIT A � �;; ° 4 _ :. � 7�EGAL DES:CRxPTTON OF THE REAL PROPERTX �' F: �he ;land< referred to ira thi� ;�greement is �ituated in the �?, ,5tate of Oreg.Qri, County of Washingto3z z►nd is descr�.be� as follows: � A tract of land being part of Block 9, all of �lacks 7,0 ';j and il� Part of B.lacks 12, �3 and 1�, a�ls� that part of C� v��cated S�W. Map1e Leaf Stzeet and vaca�ed S.W: Hay�s, `= S.W. : Garf i�ld; and �.W. Grax�t, TOWN �F 13ETZGER, in the ��; �t�ortheast one-quarter and Nortk�west one-quartex of ' Section �5, Township 1 Soutah, Range i West, Willamette "Me�idian,; Washi.ngtnn County, Oregon, more particularly �i desc=i�aed as follows. `" ;BEGI�TNING at the Northwest corner of Block 13, TOWN OF t; �; METZGEF�, a duly recorded plat said Northwest corner being ' ` "' the intersectioa� of �he Soutfi line af S.W. Lt�cusic Street �r:, 'x�;�; anc� the East lin� of Greenburg Road; thence Nosth 89 ��; ;c�eg�ees 30� Eas� alang the North and t2�ae east line of �� Greei�►urg rt���; ���r���: Pd��th 8� ��g��+e� 30' East along ; the Nort2a line of Block 11, 10 and 9 (along the South ` lin�- "of S.W. LoCUSt Streetj , a distance of 406.50 feet i;, �� to a; poii�t on th� North lir►e of Blcck 9; thence Souith 0 degtees 3n' East 369.00 feetp �her►ce on a �urve tcs the �r�< xight 114.86 feet having a radius of 112.00 feet of which y� the �orig chord bears Sauth 28 degrees 52' 46" West 309.89 �' feet ta. a poi:nt of compound curve; thence on a eurv� to the right 149.88 feet having a radius of 134.b8 �e�t �f �' which t�e lonq charci bear5 North 89 degrees 50' 25" We�t ` 142,26 feet; ttaence Nort� 57 degrees 56' �iN West 58.48 �'eet to � poin� of non-tangent curve; then�e on a curve '�� . to the righ� 141.37 feet having a r�dius e�f 45.00 feet � of whi�h the long chord bears North 57 deqrees 56' 21" '� West 74.99 f�et; �ience on a Cuzve ta the left 73 m 82 feet ��j havi�g a rad3�s �#' 12:9.90 f�et o� whic:� �r� l�:�q chord .� bears �4 degre�s 13' 11" West 72.83 �eet; th�n�c� South , ; �9 degr�es 30�' West 41.79 feet. to a poinfi o� �.h� East ",� line of Greenburg raad; thence Nor�h 14 d�gre�� 14' East ;; � 336.18 Feet to ti�e point of beqinning. ' E}CC�PT thdt, part Of Lo�ts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Snd 6, 810Ck 11, I � and part of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, B3ock 12, taken �or ,�; street �a,ider.ing (Gre�riburg Road) Washing�kon County Bc�k >::; o� R�cords Documerrt 78-50827. # � �� � � � �;�i � i ; . I ,;; � ., � � � ' ��i .y .,E �s ;i �,� �:� �a �� ��� � � � r� _ � � �� �rv-,mrt.r r+m��i�-o-,-!:�=+n-�:e.+.ir�e (±^'�.-ir.r-�.nM;w....�i!w^.�-•r�r*e,«r�V ,. .szrv�^".�nT-!+wv-•�,� ,- "'`.'."'?'r','" ..""",.^rn'-^`��.,`r^..'.....t . ;::�'!r . ..._ ._ -- 1, -.�. -rv^. .�.�,...,�,. , .. . v��.. ,� . ..;y:. �,�. ��,��;::..-.�,. �' _ _.. �.., _. ..��...M��.__.__. _ ...��,��.,,�.�:��...�n..,_��w._�...�.�..w..._.___ , _....�... ,�.�,-:_.�. � �.," �� � � � � , fi .� �� �;; EXHIBIT B 1 . Taxe.s or assessments whi ch are not shovan as exi sti ng 1 i e��� by the �� records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments r,n � real property or by the public record; proceedings by a public agency �; ` w�rich may result in taxes or assessm�nts, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by � , '� the pu6lic records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the � public r2cords but which would be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquir� of persons in passession thereof. �� � 3. Easemen�ks, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records, reservations or except�ons in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof, water rights, 4laims or title to water. � i; � for services labor or material r� '' - 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, � ;� heretofore or hereafter furnished, imp�sed by law and not shown by �� the public records. {. � �� r'' 5. Dis�repancies, canflicts in boundary lines, shartage in area, � f encroachments ar any other facts wh9ch a correct survey would disclose. � ; �''- � 6. 19Q0-9� taxes, a, lien in an amount to be determined, but not yet � payable. � ; 7. City liens, if any9 of the City of Tigard. r�� ` @ �� ' 8a Reguiations, including the power tn acquir� rights of ways and � • easem�nts, of the Unified Sewerage Agenc�. �� 9. An easement created by instrument, �ncluding the terms and Provisions �.� thereof, �� ' Qated : November 27, 1978 � Recorded : November 29, 1978 �� ' Rpcnrder' s Fee No. : 78052367 �R� �.,,,,,. „f � n���-±n�QSt n��t�ra� r,�� Companv, an Ore�on �� ! _ Ir �a��� .,� - (��� ' R• cor tt for : Pipeline and appurtenances �� ; Location : Over the Southerly portion �� ' lp. Easements for existing public utilities in vacated street area . � '. reserved by Order No. 780 2 3 2 an d t l�e con d 3 t i o n s i m p o s e d b y s a i d O r d�r } No. 78--232, �' Dated : October 7, 1978 �, ReGOrded : Jat�uary �2, ]979 � R��cord�r' s Fee No. : 79000127 � �? � , - �- ' r � _ ?/E:i o�i. u•0 t/P'•-iCrl � m . � r. r°r.^^ r . �. rr-^�"xr'-n��"' 'i i"' �l i� . , iS i -. „ i i 1 L ..y � , 1 i a F 1 .; ; �, i � , �.� � ' ' .. � . .. t„� t� � .. , . , s� . , . . .�':E'� . ��`,�,c�Y`�.» ,r=�.r ,_ _ . . � ,. _. _ �., i. i�..� �.�u.r'�. _ _. � . _ ___.,�� . . _ __ . .__ , , .3 ._...,.�.:.�.��_..;.. _..__.�._..�..,.-. �,�,�-�N..,_ _ _---..__._:_ ___ - -_ _ _.�,.w..�,.R� ,�.��a .:� >:.m._,_.�.�..�.��....�,._._ __. Yw � , � � °� �<..' � 11 . l�n easement ereated by instrument, inctuding the terms and Frovisions thereof, '�ated : November 7, 1978 Recorded : November 27, 1978 Recorder's Fee No. : 78051783 , In favor of : Unified Sewerage Agency of Washington County For : Sewer Location : Over the Southerly portion 12. An easement created by instrument, ir�cluding the ter°ms and provisions thereof, Dated : Sept�mb�r 10, 1979 Re�orded : September 11 , 1979 �Recorder's Fee No: : 79037015 zn favor of : Ti�e Cou�ty of Washington For : Traffic control facilities � Location : Over the Southeast�rly portion ; 13. Covenants, C�PI(�7'�it5i1S, restr9ctions and easements, including the � terms and Provisions thereof, as contained in Memorandum of Real � Estate Agreement, ' " Dated : November 2, 1979 �t Rec�ord.ed : November 7, 1979 Recorder's fee No. : 79045910 s � t Amendment, � Dated : December 30, 1982 - Reeorded : December 30, 1982 ,;. Recorder's Fee No. : �2034219 " 14. Ordinance 90-07, including the terms and provisions thereof, Ree�rded : April 18, 1990 � Recorder's Fee No. : 90-18982 �' Affects Adopting The President's Parkway Development Plan. �; ;,� ,r; �;: :;;- ::,; , , �:::� 4K.�ii ���� �:;,!... � . � •�� . . —�_ . ���� � 0=/25!'0 �a"=WP?MC�V . . ���_,.�.. . . Ay �ri� � �• . .. .. . . .. . . _. __ � Y� __� .'} � . . . i . �,....�.�ae......y...r✓.-....-w.rrw�-.--..x�e ... T+r�Pi^;^'Y tl j'}.� J.n �„/�-'"�,µ•>i. .i���i:�."S"».rs ' 1`��T. , . . ..i.�.,,..... _L _.�a J ...��.�-,�.� _� . -,_._ , _ __ _ . �.W . u_...__�..,,.__ _....._.____ _.:__.�. �:,:_� ,.�:;�...u: u,n..�__.__. _._.. _..... _ _�.�._...__._._.._ _ _ .. __ _ . � , � � ���� � L --- --- . � p--- � • .;�� ,. . . . . . • . - • • ,,.,,,,•,,,,•,.,<.,.,..,<.:,,. �6EGIN. CR. 7b3 gQ, � d�.20 50 SO 4�50, C�O 50 50 50 SO 50 Sp327 6p� ' �D�Q � � � �C � 4.32�C. o /.6i Ac. c (�. �' eo.as � �0 4 3 2 I �� I� 4 3 2 I °- � 2 �I � � � � � � M � � � � �m t„ �' ., ���.rJO � .��..� � � fV� N � j�� ° � 12 r �'�i� "' , �� 'n� �.i.�o l��" 5 �O I?_ n�A�.� �� N 5 � � i �i r / O -� Z.:.I N j � �N 3.�.� L � �' }^ � t24.65 •i.• �^ o�. r t� ^ 4 ?� `:::��n 6 ii -�°i�=..... ,„o s ii J� SEE MAP 1 `� "'°' 137.80 :.t r a T p � �>�%: �p e�n � -� -4- - l.r, I 358A ' �" ezeo '� ac � >� - � • _ 30� . � � � I � as a� ' 3p`�3o• ioo.e:, ,� 7 0l �0 7 8 9 !0 °I I° 7 8 9 10 ` � m �0�� 6 � � � I � /.77AC. �. � iia.io _ ,_,� yo �S b- so -L- ao � so � so � � -° � so � �o � so .. t. ...R,�2�y� �� VACe,TEO R/0 79-127 VALATEL R/0 76 T�j.�2 • 1� 7T.2S � 5C •SQ � � 5� � 5C � 5G � 50 � � e � SO � SO � 50 �O :� �s, 31003 Sa>�ss ,`;.f . 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T o- .+� � L' ize aa T ic�� � ��.� T �.,.. ;'�?z:a �o� � �oo 4.22 CMS. �� i� ' ; tiC S 2',%:•'J i ci i �`�'. _� �• I P�` r- ,�r- - -" i � . «„ �. I f �� r�� r�'� �^� j I,( I �' ` t. <<',"'� 1 �T� J � � —.r . I ... � � � _ � �� � r- - ��3� --, i ,, - u r---.—z:� ; i �* v' . r,; � 's �`r ,� I ,y �`:'.:. :` . . , ' � � :;. I � � `'� �\` � � � , i i ..,, `\ � . ,�;. . ,. . � �• . • ... -- i � ' : .-,.r._ _.._ „�.,-,, � _. _...._ _.�,.�--,�--- ;�,- �.- - - --- ��,_.., . . ,.,.� w�.r_„ � ..._.,� ...�.,._.�._. -�-,--,.-.,�-,_ _. � ��� � . �' � � � � � � � �� �� � � � . . :.�...:.(+} F � .., �� �`�� 1� . �, 4.y ��,' j � J i� _ _._ ....._.__. __-�k.<.,..,, .. _._M.,_M,......,..__. . f��-.xr::; .._. .......__ ..._....__. .�..__._. _.:..�....a,.:.•,..,ryo.7rn<-'.ovwar:nc.x.rnc,..,.,.^-^ . ,. , _.. _.. _,. . . . ,,..� _.��.w.�W�..�._._.�..,. __.____._._....� ___..___ ._ .. ____ �_�...�,�����.�,�._�,.:.�:.��x..�.�._:� :�,.�.,_._. _..�..,.,� _._....: .___._�......�.__.r_ .,. ., ... Aia . - �v' �. 1 . , � 1 .. ���,�.`J/ , ��'� �E LINCOT.N Bt7ILDING - LINCOLN ETGHT-LIMITED PARTI�IERS�TP ' � TABZ.E OF CONTENTS BASIC MATERTALS: 1. Froject Teaxn List 2. Applicat�on with Authorized Signature 3. Title Trans£er Instrument 4. Ass�ssor's Map $. Sit� Plans b. �pplicant's St�tement (Project Description) a. Development Sch�.dule . b. IVlaterials Description c. SpecifiG IViaterials - Application Checklist d. Varian�ce Requests and Narratives � � 7. Construction Budget ; $, Exhabit List ;# 9. �;ransportat�ion �Sa�lysis ;; k':' '::d ��:� {`� ' F'� . ' � . . .. ;'.1�. .. � . . � .fli'- � . . � f � t !„�._�� . ., . . . . - . . . . . � - . S� � � � . ; j � Yl "n : ;',�- . .�.' . _ . �, � . .. .� :.:�. �.� M'�� ^TI*::H^' f , : .nr�..v�N�N'rnm,�:.M .��Y.ti',1' � .+5 1^ _ _ . ,. .. ..� . ......._........,�,...,i.. , l ;t)�, �1 i. ���-�:r . ....< <, . �_� f. ,.,.,. � _. .1,3 _ �� � —_ s*.a(� — iSY�i �i,wLtis,W.,.....�,.......:..�. .._w�..,:..,.-...,,,..:......». .._..�_...,...a,...,..,.:.�.,«....:... . ...... . ...�_.�............,�.,vx:�,ti�w.i..5._.t.:.:.:::i¢dier�w<.,m...:,..................._..-.:-...-.y::.....4.... ._ . .. ._...._�......,.��.,...�...._.._.....,.. .. ._ ..,.._....�........ ,. Q' . �� � �� � � PROTECT TEAM � � . � � . � { ' O'WNERIAPPLICAN'1': Lincoln Eight Limited Partriership 10250 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite 300 � Portlaaid, Oregan 97223 ' Contact: T7avid Blake ; ARCHITEC'r: Ingrim/Mills/Martindale, P.C. � " 1U200 S.W. Greenburg Road, Suite �00 f Portland, Oregon 97223 ; Contact: Bart Mills ; 5`TRUGTURAL ' _ ENGIPTEER�: KPFF Consulting Engineers t 421 S.W. Sixth Avenu� � Portland, Oregon 97204 x � � AItCHITECTt1I,tAL ; E1�IGIl'J�ERS: Dames and M�ore � 1220 S.i�V. Iylorrison Portland, Oregon 97201 ; � I.ANDSCAPE � j CON�UI.TArJTT: Northw�st Landscape Industries, Inc. _ t ; . � d , ; � � fi i i 7 S S f :� ,;� ;t � � .. . . . . . . . . . . i,r+,.,r r,.-,�+,».�.i+r .. �—r.,. ,»xr,.:nn. . . ..-r r^:rcr-o-.r+n..,�-.-�..-rb-,-m-�tr_,,..,+a+�o--.e.«...,',� T '... , � �.� �^•-r:�'��'^} . ,.. .. .. __ _ '_ "+"'x",�'_,� . _ ___ _.;, _ ___ �. _. .:�:.--.�_ ., .;. :, _ �- , , , ,;; � ....�.�.���:,��w..:�.,�:::,��n:,.�,...,....y;..>.W...�•---�--�- - ..�_.�.,�., �.._._._. .. , ����. . t_c ....� w ._�_......_.,w �� (- ���'' ��:�' � EXHIBITS PRESENTED: : DRAWINGS A1�1I) GRAPA�'CS { EXHIBIT Y�: EXISTING �LJILDING SITE AIVD VICINTT'Y M�ii:' �Alta Survey) . ,��. r � E�=IIBP1' B: ASS'F.SSOR'S MAP , _ � .;t:. EXHIBTT G. �ROPOSED SITE PLAN , ; EXf�IBIT D: PROPOSED TYPICAL FI.00,�R FLANS ;: _ .; i. , EXHTgIT �, PROPOS�D BUILDING ELEVATIONS � ,, EXHTBTI° F: PROPOSEI� LANDSCAPING l7RA.WINGS �. �� � ��' � A::. s °� �� � �,, � I Ur� �� '' ' ��i �� �� Y° , ` t.a .i�i• � �'. . '[.t:..�.: {' }; ;F �,1'..�.��' . � ' � . . . .. � � .� � + I . ,� ,r �,�: _. . v_ _ � �„r,>lt� _ _.. _ W _ ..�v._...,...a....�., .,... ,..._..�., -�c�.:..:�:..�x:.�s�.�t1��.�.�....�.�.�..w.....��...�:>..,.:, ..�.� .,u__..,... �. �.__-_ � �� �.tt� �'r� � > ;:} `;; : PRO.T�CT SUMMARY �> . . . . . , . , . . .. . . i Lincaln Eight I�mifed Fartnership prop�ses to canstruct a sever� story, 140,000 square ; foot offic�'bu�ding, and a fihree �evel parking garage to be located adjacent to t�e existing�Lineoln Cenfer Buildings, to #l�e east of Wasl��ngton Squ�re. , �; The proposed �uilding vuiil be sited withi�a an existing parlcing lot directly west of the e�sting�t,incol� Building, and is �Arde�ed c�n the north by Locust Stree.t, north and west : of I'vl�plele�f Street, north of One Lincoln Center, �nd west of Greenburg Road. As � ! the subject building displaces existing parking, there is a proposed triree level p�rking {�: garage to the north of tl�e b�rilding. ,; �; A►. ` be�elopm�nt Schedule :� Construetion of t�e �rop�sed mi�lrise building is anticipated to begin in March 1991 with completaan expected by Novsmber 1991. r �: B. Materials DescripYion �:' a�, . The buYlding vvi71 be a post tensioned concrete structure clad in brick panels of siinila� aolar, �nd commot� materials of the sunounding Lincoln Gent�r �3uildings. The window system will bc solar gray glazing set in anadize�l aluminum frames, similar to systems �urrently employed on L,incoln Tower and Lincoln Five. � ". The accampanyir�g parking garage will be of c�ncrete in strructure with brick infill � panels, similar to the existing parking garag� supporting Ivinc�ln Tower and Lincoln � Five. � � �3 � r �r� �� }� � � � �� ' ¢ �. '. ;� ,, 4, �; , � � � � � � �� � � � � �;� ;; � � � . , � . � � . .�K' - . . . ' . . � . � .. . ! �� � t m �; �r }�"��� .��� �� . � . �^r s+aw�—��w+. {m y f�� ._ .�,� ., ... . �_ . ,._ .�. � ,.. _ _ _ ` i ��` t�.-�. � .r {J� 4,, s� r�i.' i��; �s {� ,�,}3�,_., ���"� _'�„ .�:_�� ;..+n� � �. ' ' _...:�� K_i- .�...� — .�-• _-��t�tL__"" ,_'..�w5 k�'-.1.aF"."y-'�i--=io-Prt:" ._ :,.�s _ ' ......._:,...._......__._.. . . . . , . . ..+U..v.:e.�i..++......._:. � .__ �..:............... ��.:....,......_ _ . .,..._,..........:.ur��'!:,..ti,�4.S...,�:1?!c'L:�..l.:._�xww.�x.....`.�.......-.w,.«..��,....`............ . . ._..___ "_.._.,.:... _..._w y" � 1J . • � � "� �f}Y/ � � a i � SPECIFIC NI,�TERIALS: Application Checklist > A. � SITE IN]FORIVIATION (15 Copies) ' �,. Vicinity Mag -A vicinity map has been provided as part of submitted ]Exhibit a, re�erenced I,arge �cale Drawings (per Sectiox� 18.1Q2 of development Code). 2. Site Size and Dimensians - Reference to Exhiba�t � Drawing will define site and propased bu�lding. � 1 3. Site Featuxes - Reference to Extubit (: l�rawing will define site and praposed building. 4. Location of Existing Structures and Their Use - (J�a tlie immeciiate existing properties, there have been constructed tlhree midrise structures, s�ne highrise structure, one lowrise structur: and three parkin�g garages, All adjacent buildings to the east and south of the proposed praject are commercial buildings. To the north and west of th� proposed project are smaIIer cammercial buildings and retail structures. Ref�rence to Exhi!�it A for a complete profile of existing immediate uses. The zonin surroundin the site is as follows: g g North, South, C-F, East, C-P, West, C-G. See Exhibit A. 5. Y.,ocation a� Existing Utilities and Easements • 1. Refer to Exhibit A. 2. Recorded Easements Noted As: �' � Unified Sew�ge Agency, #78051783, 11/27/7� � Northwest Natuzal Gas, #78052367, �1/30/78 f, Ingress/Egress, #7845910, 11/7/79 Amended #82U34219, 12/30/82 Arnended #87049414, 9/29/87 � Reciprocal Easement, #86026101, 1/18/8f� 6. Location of Existin� Dedicated Right-Of-Ways 1. Standard conditior:s as subject ta rights of the public in streets, roads, and hi�hways. NU other such ciedi�;atians were found in the Title revie��-s. �� . : _:--�; �.- . .,�, ..y .._,_. ..� -ti....�.-->_...�- � ...:�. �. , , _�-_____.�:..�.�__.. '.:.�_.:.,�,�..n,�.�}:��.��, �__..�u..�,.�...�.n.�.:......�..�,..�..�....e�._ _ __. ,_._.._..�.,.�.�.�..,.- -__ . _.�_._.. ,,x,��>y�,�,...,�._: __.___�_.._ _ _. . _.. ,; ' ��� �.. �� �:- B. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS (15 co�ies) ` 1. Proposed Site and Surroundxng Properties: Refer to Ass�ssor's maps, "` • Exhibit B, inc�uded herein, and Exhiibit C s�f this submissian for a graphic overview of proposed site.. h` 2. �.ocation,mimensions and Names of all: Existutg and py�tted streets ��;; and ath�r public ways and easements on the site and on adjoining ,� properties: Refer to Exhbit A as submitted. ,:'.4. 3. R�fer ta Exhbit A for location and d'unensions of: �� a. Entrances and exits on site "' b. Parking and circulatio� areas ,';; c. Loading and services areas d. Pedestrian and bicycle circulati�n e. Outdoor common areas � f. Above-ground utilities � '': 4. Refer to Exhibit A for location, dimensions and setb�cks of: a. Exis�ing Permanent Structures ;: b. Proposed structures ,,. ;:: 5. 5torm Draina�e Facilities (Submitted Sep�rately) 6. Sanitary Sewer �acilities - (Submitted Separately) 7. Areas to be Landscaped - Reference to Exhbit F Drawing. � , 8. Locatian ana Typ� cf Ou�da�r Lighting - (S��b�xaitt�d Separately) 9. Mailbax Lacatian - N.A. lU. I..ocation of All Structures and 'Y°heir Oi-ientation -Refer to Fxhibit Drawing A and C for a graphic representation of all existing and - proposed �uildin�s on the site with their orientation (per Section 18.64 of I�evelopment Cads). ,,:,� ; �:�_; ; ; D. ��L�.I'I��'�'iTRA� D�1�VINGS (6 copies) I � y 1. Floar Plan� (with Square Faota�es) - Referenc� to E:�.hibit L? ' Drawing. ' * ;� '? Building Elevatians - Referen�e ta Exhibit E Drawing. ' �` ' • �, � , � ��., � �? p� x ,A ��,,�. �.�._,._.�_w_. �._..�.w_.��M.,K,_ . �,;..,�-.,..�,�n� �.,.�.-��t; , �.::��-� �� ,�:-�., �� _ � -- — — � �A�, �,.� .��_ .�._-��-�.�;,�., ��� �$.=_�-.�,�.,. k �-- ��.;�..�.,_�:�.�� � ` .:; � m , ' �•. � .i ,X>.u..d�www..» . .. .--w+. ...,..__ .��....._�..c.NUZ-.r-'wts.".'i`.w'��..+^SYwe:SSt"�.va�M-..+.,...».+�.,.�n«.,�...,......-_.. .... _... . .r.. �` � � . . ' , � . � _.� - . . , . �. .. . ��I . . . � - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . �. . . � . . . . . ,. . . � . . . .. . . , . . . . . . . �' .... �� .. . . . . �I E. LANDSCAPE PLAN (15 copies) �!, _ ' ];. Irrigation Plan (Submitted SeparateIy) '�, � 2. Des��iption of fences, buffers 8c screenings - Reference to Exh�'bit F ' Drawing. ' ' ` 3r Locatit�n, type, size a�d species of existing and proposed plant , materials. - Reference to Fxhibit F Dr�wing. ' 4. Erosi�n Control P�Tarrative (Submitt�d Separately) ' F. 5IGN DRAWING5 �Submitted Separately) �, : _ G.' TRATFIC �2EPORT (8 copies) ADMIIVISTRATIVE V'ARL�1�1C� APPLICAT'ION � Height Variance 1. The Request 2. Supporting Nanative AD1I�YINI5T12A17i1E VAItYANC� APPI.ICATION - Parking Size Variance � 1. 1'he Request � � 2. Supporting I�Jarrative ^ ,' �� .,�ih Y .���.,•�,s r.�' � ., .�. �.. � �� _, � .., ce; � ""...� ..�+"��.�'"<. ,'S`�'�t��... . �.�. . .. � � � 7 ��� � .�„��� ���,_ >�} t h 1.�: f, t-.,. ,.J �A i .� . _ . __ . _ . . • . • � �' � .� �� REQUEST FOIt AN ADMINISTRATIdE VARL�PPICE TO THE HEIGHT CODE Request of an administrative variance to the height limitations (Chapter 18.98 of the Development Codes). � ' � Summary of Conelitiom m�d Reason for Request: 3 Lincoln Center consists currently of six buildings: I.incoln 1, 2, and 3 buildings are midrise structures of 5 and 6 stories ascending to heights of 15 feet to 80 feete Lincoln 4, a highrise 5tructure of 12 stories ascends to a height frnm grade to tog of parapet approximately 153 feet, Lincoln 5 is a 7 story highrise ascending to a height of 92 feet and the Lincoln Building, a ti;ree story building ascending to a height of 44 feet. Pnrsuant to Chaptex 18.98, Sec4ion 18.98.020 of the Development Code, it states that "As�y building located in a non-residential zone may be built to a maximum h�ight of 75 feet; provicied 1. The total flaor area of the buildir.g does not exceed 1 to 1-1/2 the area of the site; 2. The yard dirriensions in each case are equal to at least 1/Z of the building height c�f the principal structure; 3. The structure is not abutting a residential zoning dis�rict. The current zoning of�he proposed building site is C-P Professional/Administrative �f�ice � Commercial District. The extent in ihe m�jority of exi5ting surrounding zone are C-P and C-� (General Commercial District). VVithin the C-P designated zone (Chapter 8.64 of the Development C�de, Section 18.64.050, Subsection 4, "except as otherwise provided in Chapter 18.98, no building in the C-P zoning district sh�il exceed 45 feet in height". It is nur intent that it be shown that special an�i unusual circumstances related to the subject site, the literal interpretation of the provisions of the applicable zon� would cau�e an undue or unnecessary hardship to hold the owner from the full development potential of his property (per ORD. 89-06; ORD. 83-52). The granting of a height variance to �2 feet for the propesecl �ui;din;, will allaw like use � pursuant to existing adjacent buildings as described above. By grantin; the proposed height va�iance, it is not goinb to materi�lly be detrimental to the purpose af Chapter 18, nor be in conflic� ��vith tl�e gelic:es of th� coznprehex��ive plan, or to any other applicable policies and st�ndards, or to otner pr�perti�s in the same � 5 F:.� -�, ,,.. _ t , h -.,��+.y..,, .,..�...�.�u ._...1....,_...,....,..� ��...._._...,�.....�e,.+�a._.��.�-:t.-t�....�........i.. :zY�+�.w.,�.,.,....,.�..e.,... .�..�,.... . �. . . ..,...-.M.... � . . .. .. . . � � � . . - � . . . . . . . . t} .y �.;� �� zoning ar vicinity. _ : By granting thi5 hei�ht variance, it will allow parody with e�sting strractures displaying simila�` heights. The �iarianee will not single out a singular property, but will rather allow � ' . The T�incoln Building.`to experience the same qualities,.dei�siti�s, and heights as tlie rest of I:ineoln Center, w�ere the a�verage heiglat of�the existing 6 t�uildings is 97 feet from grade to the top o�-�he parapet. T'he granting of:t�e reqtaested variance is the minimum variance necessary to �ffect the t�esired and,required archite�tural fabric of the surrounding area. There earists in additinn an established �recedence w�ith the overall�si�e, and is eonsistent with otiher such requests. Lastly, by gra�nting the proposed varaance, the resultant use will be the same as permitted und`er fhis Tit�e and City Standards and will be maintained to the greatest �xkent that is reasonably possfble, while germitting sonne econo=nic use of the land. In conclusaon, the hardship is not self-irnposed, and the "variance" requested is the mi�iznum variance whach would alleviate the hardship. , _.�: _"' • _ w.:-'�r� - ' .s.��--`.v: :... � --'—�-,..'. :.c:� _ .. . .��,..LN,.s,�:..�„r t. . .. ._�..._..�..w....e.�,.._ _. , . .. . ..�...__'_._._.. .; .«..�..a.r,,.�.ue3t4�1+*9��Y. .�:v�n:�.inw..o-d..,.:.�-:..a,..:.��............,.._. ."_"_'" �.::it'A:'.r . .:..........._...,.,..ww�i..rw,. ..v..___.. ...._......._-...._..,......_. . ... �"�� � � � `,� . �� / ' � '" � :rE REQUEST FOR AN ADNIIN'tSTRA'I�VE VARIANCE T4 TII'E COIVIPACT PAItHING SIZE � ��" � t= Request of an administrative variance to the size of corripact parking spaces. �`� ! � � 1:� Previous ea�erience in the operatian of th� earisting phases of Lincoln Cent�r shc�ws�that �� the size of compact spac�s allcws an efficient site design both in terms of functian of the �� � parking facility az�d in the availabili�y af adequate area for landscaping. The continuation � umber of s aces while maintaining an �� � of this design will provide an appropnat� n p �;� ; acceptable overall parking facility. �� `, s3 Section 18.134.U50 of the City Development Code prc�vides s�veral criteria which must 3 be met by a propos�d var�ance. �� � The total site sievelopment proposal must be viewed as an integrated design for a ��,� tkhorough evaluation with respect ta Cod� purposed and Plan policies. Generally, it is �� the intent of the Comprehensive Plan and the Develo�ment Code to provide for office � = � uses in an environment conducive to business, as weIl as compatibl� with adjac�nt areas. � The decision with respect to ths parkina desi�n is the result of a complex analysis of �� many factors. It is the overall intent of this project to establish a high quality �� ta . �.� environment, compat'ble with its surroundings, which is als� the purpose of the �� ; developm�nt code. � ` �� ��, The proposed variance to the City's compact parking space size will allow the �;� continuation of the design standards established by the first five phases of Lincoln Center, �� �� and which would be allowed under the applicable Counfiy zaning. This proposal, .< _"-'� � th�erefore, explicitly meets Criteria 2 since this design standard is necessary to allow the �.t� si,v-th phase to be eo�nplete�J i?� at man?�Pr c�mr��r�bl� wit� the earlier phases. �� �� a� 'I'he propos�d office building and associated parking ar� allowed by the CP zane. The �� intensity of the development is cansistent with the e�sting development of the first five G.4� phases of the project as well as with the CP zone. ��� �� a The proposed par�ng design criteria have functioned adequat�ly on the e�sting �ive N� �. phases of Li�coln C;enter, and no adverse effects on adjacent properties hav� been ;„ ,, identi�ed. !�n inspection of the ea�isting parking area shown that it is aesthetica]]y s� pl�asin; anc3 functionally appropriate, thereby indicatiny that its continuation meets Criteria 4 of Section 1$.134.050 of the City Development Code. ' ��, The hardship in this case is speci�cuIiy related to the abiliry of this site to be sieveloped �1 in a manne: commer.suratti with adjac�nt properties, «hile providing adequate par'�ina and landscapin�. No persc�nal circumstances are �it�d as the basis for the hardship. _ _. r. : . . s�_.y.Lm�. "�wia':_lw. �iimo�MiY.i_ :-=lA�'c�1a'�?'.Y=f" __ - u.y�Y _ +4$Alri;r..uu.....�_ �...� ......+ar�war:wvwv..ucv: ��+•u_Jar.ww.uvq.ex.tau�..:txnwmJn��r,u.�...�...:...._.-..... ..�.w...........aac9YtY'•�t:Y'�."...°:L.�lt..✓aau.!'u^1'J+":�RSi^aa��m+wr—___....__.� _.� »___ ....��.. ..._....._.��....m�m�J4/�'�w:m.w..�.._...._,,.,._ .,_�._..�_. . � . �,: � u „ ^l t� ��� I , � SIJMIVTARY: Tfiis progased Development Review and Variance package has been prepared a�fter a � ' thorough ai�alysis of the various factors that determine floor area, footprint and building ' ' heiglit. The proposaI has been found to be both economicall� feasible and consistent � with the character of the existing development in ttie area. Th�; Variance criteria, as addressed above, are met by the proposal when the project is r ' viewed as an integrated package. ��. ., g '. � � ,' A.�l �� Y � P �� �. ;{ � � �� '' �ch k';5 �'� �' ' �f ; .. � �?.Y ,�, Q � " G q i . g.r°'-::: i y;;;; � �f. t'' . fi_ j S�: . . . .a�t�,.:. Q'.: Fi �� . ... . � j�:" � _ �f,�'P.s� �,.,� ;r .T. �, � .. .�. ..� �� ..;�i�.�,�.�� ��i�,� „ � �,.�k . . .. 4 .�,� . ..._ .. Y _ "�.. f � , �,.r. - W . . ,� --,_. .. _ __ _ _ ,�•;:�,�.�..�.u�..r.. �-�..:..�,,..�,...�...�_,_�.�.....�....�...�,....._._ __ _ ._�..�W�t��,����.�:�::_�:�.�;��.,�:r�.�.�_.�..A._�.,.�.__...:_�.�.... _,.._.__._..�.t..��.,�;.:'�,......: . -- , � � ��..: .�.� K�,.. �- �y � 5 i - �� � ' '� �� S° C� C.��. �'.�'.� , , � � A.N�S'.�C�� TA �l�1� G�.�..�'�'..R.�.N� � � �. � � �1..�.NI1lr� �: A �'.�'l� � �. . ,#:� .� � � . � . � � . � � :� ..�, �� �.���r�.�a.� ��. �ra� �.�r.�� ��sr� �� �, I. � .�"l��t ��� '�, . � LI�C��'�.t� �'.�"1l��'.��'� �� �I � �:� 7'IG�R1�, �1�..�'G�.�`� :,� I!�, �r4� �',,. ��� I! ;�� 1 �`;� + ... . 9' � ��` ,; i; ;,: r: I? �`, �;. ;��. a�.: c=: . ���,� k r: �:. �,.. {, � � ��- �, . � , � � w;� �. :s,, �� _ _ . ,w..�:�7�:;�:.����:,,�, __ _ ___��.......,�,.�..4.,�..,....._:.___ _. . _ ww.�.-a.,.___.:4:.. .... �.�.� .,..�,��..w.,�.,�ak ,�..._..,_..... . __.._.�u�.,�.:� �.�_.__.,��.._.__.�..�__ ��.I i) �:n �i1 �..'` � �l TRAI�SPORTATION ANALYSIS ` z.; ��t � � LINC�LN GENTER DEVELOP1u1�NT' � � ::� � TIGAR[�, OREG�ON � �— :;�J a r � "� �:;1 � .;, 3 , � tl; #�� , .. i=� PREPARED FOR ��rJ TRAMMELL C�.C7W . TIGARD, OREGON � � � ���,�,o P�of�f ', , �s �z�N ,� so �� � � i � j� ..� �;� OR �� G`Y 9�1. � � ��cyqRD y4 Wo�`�� �_�` 4 ��'n3 �1 �� PREPARED BY �' 4, . U' ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENCINEEWNG & PLANNING, (ATEP) �`�' � 4040 DOUGL.AS WAY b LA�C� O5WEG0, OREGON � _1 `; �;� 90-402 SEPTEMBER 199Q �; .� �' .:1 _� . . : _ � � . ; �.. , ,.—,, r � � ,�,� V _. �,.... �,,.� �� �-, , ..M —�� .,,;: , ��, .� �,��x . ..�, . > ,, _�_._..�._.._.�.,.�.,� � r., . _ .. _ _�_, . �,. .� --> . . .: . . .. ,.yy'3".:...'.tC__5�_�-�..Klt«�..: ..........,..w�....,............,...._.�..�.:<_._. . ..._...r.. ....,._,.�_....... _._..__"_...._ �nSP�.n..,�...� _ ..v+.r.w.»...r�..,..0 �iuu-.+w.muuw,�.,w-.��. ��.......i..wu.xval. . .. .. .__ "' �. �� �I �` �'a +p/ ^, � \�.',� � �{ �::� TABLE OF CONTENTS IN�RODUCI'ION . . . . . . . � . . . . . - - - - _ : _ - _ - _ _ : : � _ - - : : = � : o � - = = = - � . .�;� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 REPORT METHODOLOPGY . . . . . . . . . • • ' 3 � ASSUMpTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTERSEGI'ION ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIf�NS . 3 I ,� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY OF FINDINCS e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 '� 6 SCENARIO I - IXISTiNG CONDITIONS . . . . . e � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . � r� SITE CONDlTIQNS AND ADy10ENT LAND USES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;�, .t� IXISTING ItOADWAI(S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PEAK HOUR Tt�FIC VOLUMES AND APERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 �r LEVELS OF SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . 12 '� j_`Y� `-�`= . . . . . . . . . . 17 SCENARIO 2 - �CiSTING + NEW BI�ILDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • ' TRIP GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . 19 :� TRIP DISTRIBUTOON � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 L.EVELS OF SER'�/ICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Y] TRANSIT CONSIDER/�TIQNS . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 N4ITIGATING iv1EASURES . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . 25 � CONGLlJ51U�VS . . . . . . . . . . o . . m . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . 27 ..� REGOMMENDATIO�VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ;� __;I ;� i ....1 � � �._! � s � I � i ' � {,� _,_ � �J s : i.,.�. � .......,..�m. ��...� .,:,� ....,..,..'. �., ._, ,. «-,.�,..�.,, .�,,-,;,,..-�--.TM,�,,-.-nr,� �-.�.�r,,..:�- �-�- ., , . - - ,__�; .,,. ... y � .� 'r aa r e... r ,,; , A„ �-�. __. ��: �.,�:�,�_� ,�:.:�,._.._ �,..��...�....�....��,�.,.,..�_..v.. __. _ . �:.rizzW�.�wt�:.�:;:�.s:�- :, �� �s. (� `�._ �'�' �:,�� ;3 l : `°I i � TA�LES ;t 1. Trip Ceneration Comparison - Existing Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � ~ 2. Ledels of Se�vice Definitions (Signalized Intersections) . . . . . . . . . � : . . . , . . 13 �� 3. Criteria for Signalized Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 �;� 4. Leve) of Service Defiroitions (Unsignalized�lntersecfians) . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 n !��� 5, Ce�teria for Unsign�lized Intersections . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 f. Existin� Levels of Servi�e at Cntica! Intersectinns . . . . . . . m o . . . . . . . . . . . 17 �"}� 7. Projected �'rip Generation for f'roposed t�ev�lcapment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ,�. !` �. L�vels of�ervice at Criticat Inters�ctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'� � �� � . r� l �� � .�l � :,�: . i:�J � � � �� �� it� I I ti;� --� �'� ,i ��. J �� ; .��. �. � � ' . � � i � -Oi- 1i _ � �. . . � fii � j r, .,,,,� . ..�_.�. . _ _..,...,yyt..u:,.�_,y^-...t _ ..'4::'=.:.YY!..:` ii,="'_ _ +[� I' t I r � ,.,xal:iu.+'t..<.:.°J"'ri.':�...t14xi,.`lHia��:vuvwuwa.vs»::�ua.ueruvn.s��..r...�... .�e��.�ww.�...0 . .ura�+avs:tl�i' .a�+-r . .. ....�._ �.,« ,.v. . . 5?Y . �cu�����rws�.�ri.w_.�� . .... .-w...0 .� +Y�w ,.. . ' �...� .....rw , �- �—"""" . ( ��:��� . yy .. . . f^ ..� . . � . : . � � '�� . . �i� . � :PI . . . . ��- � . ,� +�� � . � . . . � �.�i v.� � . .. . � .. . � . - � . ;�; FIGURES � . �� ;_�� 1. Viar�ifiy Nda� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . o . . . . . , . 0 2 �� 2. ' Study Impact Area' . o . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 {x'��. •� • � • ,_' �. Ex,istir�g PM;Pe�k Hour Traffic i/olumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 a. Pro`osed sU'eet raetuuork . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 �; � . • • 2� #;�,; 5. �ncoln Cent�r �'enant Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , f. Sit� ��stribution Percentage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ' 7. Site Generated �rips PNi P'ea�k Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . 23 8, Total Traf�e Volurn�es PM PeaRc Hoar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 � ��} ; ,�, � � . .) ..� _ ..J > r � � ��� �t � �q4 �l �:� � ' J 'k, �,.'.',.. � - . � . � � . .. �".��'�I�I�� � . � � . . � � . ��' � . : . . ' - . . . " . � � . � � r� /, t �:� t . '. . '�. :i . '-k .�.t ��,�. -:,,�.-:�.__ ::��_ . _ ^ _ __�, „ . � . . ' � � a..�.,.=�3A.J: "...,.��.;�:•,t�,.. . . � .- ... . :.. - . . _; A�;wi'�ara��,.a. � .. . . . W......,.. ..__.....M.,.....�„v.�..r..vs u.rvww^_,,.a._.w,..�.......,..,..,�....�..�..._.�__. . ...:....,.u.,,�u:u........__... ._... _.. ... ._. ; � � y PORTA�ION Af�iALYSI _ `'JF �F, TRANS � LINCOLN CENTER DEVELOPMENT ,.�� � L�CATED IN ` f TIGARD, OREGON �'>! ��� , =l ' :.:.::<:;.;:::::>:::.;;:,;:.;>:::.::.:.::::.>�.:<.:::.:::<.;:.;»�.;� This impact analysis has been conducted to , :. _ :�:: ,. >:>:.> .r E :;r: n fut ure 'n a d 'sb ;z=: v lu t� th e ew n and e a � ::;�:r;: <.;:'> ide `,«<. � ��i(��":>�>'�<�'<;;�'.;:<'�>::.�,_.><>::. >::>:f:<::::::::<�;�>; �f' ::�'�° :.< ���. .::.:.;.:::,:;:::::�:::.::. ..::..:<:::::::::;..�::::;>: .:::::., : .. .:.:..���'1"� .�.: ;;;; - ...� we� as f a rea kno ffi o eratio na I need s o the :':�:`:�;::;:::::<�:<�:::::�:::::�:�:�::::::::::;�i�:::>::<:�:>�;::<<`'>:`;�<�<::«<�:�':::ir��:>�:`��::;::::�:�<:::<:';<� tra c .:;.;:,.;::�;::.:.::.:::.;;:::::::<::: .::::::::.�>:::::r,::;::�.;:<;.: .......... . ::.:::::::::::::........ .. :::.�::.�::::.;:�::.;::::�>:�.�. ::...::::::.::...... ...:. :::�._:::::>:.::;::.:<<.;:>:.:;:.:. ....:.:..:::::..:::...:::::.:. .................... ......... �.;:.: P :::.. :.,.... :::... .... Lincoln Center. ,��;� The approxirnately 100 acr� site is bounded on the north by Locust Street, on the east by Hall ��,. Boulevarc�, on the south by Highway 217, and on the west by the existing Lincoln Center � development. Figure 1 shows the proposed development area. � The format used ih this report was established durirrg me�etings with the City of Tigard, Washington County, and the applican#s representatives. Specific traffic related iss�a�s discuss�d � in this report include: � • Traffic analysis fiar the study area • Eacisting land use and traffic conditione� in t�e project area • Proposed land use and future traffic conditions in the project area .'1 • Trip Generation estimates far the Lincoln Center property , • Site access locations and operatians • Safety considerateAns at the site access loca#ions including, but not limited to sight disf�nce :� o . anaiysis, turr� lane and channeliaation needs :, • Traffic impacts on surrounding streets � 3i;; � This report was prepared using the latest �and use and transportation data available from the � �LL_I applicant,the City of Ti�ard (h�reafter referred to as �ty),Metropolitan Service District(MEfRO), � Washington County, and �he Oregon-Department of Transportation (ODO�. V� ' � � �� :.:�1 ASSCJCINTED TRANS►PORTATION ENGIf�OEERlNG & Pl:A�1N�NG (A�EP) P,+�GE 1 :.� � -c a � � ^ � r r* 1 �" � �"`T �i " i a.." "�, x5' r '�. � . ,. , . . , � .z .. Y� . , ,. , ._ � , _ . . . r .. .. �t ..�. .�,r�,�.�,. ._�., . ...,. � . _ _- _ _ ���'_ � _ . .._��. _._.r^._.� ,. ._ _ � __ ...., - _ G _ r: �:i;� � x :? E a _ � a' � _ " � , -. . . . : . • � . . . , . . ! ' t_. _ 3 �:; t - i - . 1 � 'r � ; , � ' _ i � � _� ', k -� � a r� ;r. � � � _.._-----�--°'— � } � � . � :, 4 1 � %j 7 � � ,� �� � :� � ' NaRTH .-... { ;� � l_OGUST A�lE :# ..�._ ;k � Q f ` zt � � °L � � oC � -� � � � �. G MAPLELEAF y ,�= r ; j � k i � � 'J x � � � { i ,5,� OAK ST _ ; �- -� � 1 ?f� E � 9 � 1 ',:� � � _ I � i � . ��yY 2�� i � � � ¢ � NTER � 5� L I NGOLN +�� ���E 2 ' . � � FIGIJRE WIGIN4TY MAP i � � . _{ AT�P � � : � :, � :� � � ;E i ri � ,. . -.. �^���a� ..,.., .,, . ., .. . . ..:. ..:N., ,_...-. �.,._, _,.., .,.� .., c ... _ ,_ _, ___ _ _ _ _ _ �"�� ,:z,: ,.,, _._._..._...,..._____. __. r 4 .f ; , � ::; Evenin e�. $ eriod turning movsment traffic gP � � ' ns r ecUa 'nte s tF�e i t ty e d a r n ca ct n we e d ::;��,;�:. cou cs ccy �'>�.��:'>';>:`<:<::::<<«:<<'::::>�«:`<::>:::<::: �':�fZEPI'�R�11�.�fC.�D:Q.... :.;f.::>::::.: r ro e and alo n l � h L�n o In C e nte <; ad'acent to t e c � g .:1 1 p P � , from TE Pa nd leaned �: ke arte ria! in the area b A � � .::::.:::::::::::::.::.:::::...:............................... . Y Y w: those traffic reports conducted in the recent past. The evening peak ho�r was found to be from �� � `�� 4:30 to 5:30 .m. Upon review �f �hese peak hour counts, 4he p.m. peak period was �� P �� -: �� determined to be the most critical time in terms of traffic impacts at the intersections in the ��� `';�� study area. � �� a` .Yy :2 1 The o eratin characteristics at each 4f the key signalized and unsignalized intersections during �'-� '� `:��r. P g ' ��' the peak periods were exar�ined using the cnethods outlined in the 1985 Highway Capacity �� ��� �;�, Manual utilizing the Highway Capac�ty Manual Software. The operating character�stics examined �;; : ��� inciuded the average vehicle delay, volume to capacity (v�c) ratio, levels af service, and �� sstimated queue iength. �° �� rs� �� The criteria used for the intersection analysis included the gt�idelines set forth by Washington j` : +;'; County. These guidelines state th�t each signalized intersectian analyzed should operate a# a � ` . v tio o f 0.9 5 or less. See tables 1 � `'r�� L e v e l s o f s e rv i c e (�O S) t 7 w i t h a v o i u m e t c� c a p a a t y ( /c) r a� ;� � through 4. ,; � t., � ASSUMPTIC>NS �' � �N Access points for the �incoln Center site under existing and propo�ed zoning are the same and � traffic patterns will be aiikee Under�sting aoning, access to the site v�rould continue to be Oak �r , Street Hati Boulevard and Locust Street. Th�se access points would likely be located at the ��� �.� � ' ,, �� existing street intersectio�s. See Figure so ,� ' �:� �� ,;� For additional development, access to the sife wili remain the same except for a revised rr��jc�r �� �i entrance to the site is proposed from Greenburg Road at the Mapleleaf�ntersection. See Figure �<� I F p+} „ 4. }� �' ��� �, �� It is ant�cipated that the intersections of Locust and Greenburg Road will be signalized and ;>� ��'� �:rt irrterconr�ected to the Mapleleaf interseciion under the Lincoln V deveL�pment. �;Y=� � �� ,:, INTERSECTION MUii.YSIS ASSU�VIPTIONS t ��, � In order to analyze each intersection, there were �ertain acommon assumptions made. These � I �`� assumptions, in gen�rat, �re as follows: t� �Fx ..J F�� 1, Traffic signal timings �ver� modifi�r! froe� �x.�stir�g iimira�s tsa optimize in#ersection ��: operation. Modifications include i�oth changes in individual phases and cycle lengths. �' ;:.� -; ASSOClATE[a TR�NSPORTAT101V ENGINEERING & PIANNINC (A�'EP) PAGE 3 � .. . ibr.:q, :.- . _ .. .:'.:�+�_ ati ..:..._. . . .�... _ _ °..y -+�s_ ._1RC ::� I k (� 2. Peak hour facth�.�`used based on �xisti�ng traffic coun�;�;vere 0.9 to 0.95 for the p.m. peak ;�� and 0.9 for the a.m. peak. 3. Truck percent�gQS used in the analysis were base� on the truck counts per�ormed during �� te�rning movement counts. � 4. Each of the Hwy 217 intersections operate� as an isolated intersections and the Mapleleaf � ahd Locust Street intersections are interconnected. � s. � �� ., ;'��D�i�"iC�'�:�>;:':;;<;:���;<:?:;:::>::;':<�:»:::`:_::;<;:::<`::::; :...::::.::,::.::::.:..::::::.:::....:::::;.:.::..;..:..:.:.:.;,....:.. ::::.....:.:.:.:...:.:::..::::::...::..:...::.r :.::._:.:.:._::::.:::.:::.::<.:::::::::::.::.:..>::::::::::::.::.::::.:. ::::::: . .: . . . :»�.I;�t�1�1�tA`i�::�L��:�>�"f`� .:...�$.:<........:..:.:...:....::::...... �� �► Based on the analysis found later in this report, the foliowing findings are made: �� • The L�ncoln Center De�velopment, currently generates approximat�ly 6,030 daily trips (3,015 round trips). Uuring the afternoon peak hours approximately 895 trips occur ( 156 in and � 740 out) at the existing site driveways. • The proposed 140,000 square foot genera!office building�ill add approximately 150 vehicles � �luring the pm peak hour ( 25 in and 125 out) ;� • The existing road network system within the study area is currently operating at less th�n ;,;,, acceptable levels of service at speafic intersectians and will cont�nue to be over capaaty until impr�ovements are made in the near futurea ,,,i�}3�' � "`` • intersection and roadway improvements required io �c�commodate the existing d�v�l�p�e�� ; �i� in the area (Vncoln � are to be completed in the near future. °�� � • Traffic volumes in the Greenburg Road area have increased dramatically over xhe past six ����'' ears without additional irn rodements to the surrotandin street stern. y P $ �Y • The development of the Lincoln Center property with an addit�onal building will not had� a �� signifieant impact to the surrounding street system. I � • �a�ed upon a preliminary canacity ��alysis at the intersections along Greenburg Road, use of a traffic signa! coordination system could eliminate some of the current delay and £ � congestion. '` Th� land u5es �nd entern�l �dway scheme pr��s�d �r��h S�en�ri� 2 ��!! pr�4�sde s�r:�e 1 • benefits to the transportation system in this area of the City. The realignment of the .:J ^� ASSt7CIATED �'RANSPORTI�TION EN�ItVEERING & PLANM1tING (ATEP) PAGE � � �.,,.,..,,.�..., ._..-..,�. , .....;..- . ... ,..,... .,..��,..,�r .m,n�.� -.- "'- ':Fr�r � F _ , n- ,n,...�. � ,..:.. ,.. � . ..� :.:. . .::. . ,. .a-,.rr..-� , . -.�... � . _ , �._, .. �.,�. _, .,:3 .. .,.:.:. . �;,: .�., , ..,.'-J M..�.,,�,.�.A . _ . .�--•:,;� . .: ,�,. . .. _ ,�. , , ,. _ ,� ,. , . , �:__,. ��� �.,> , .,,,. . „� , . -� � f f�. � 1 � 7 .1 1 ,rc,2u.:.n.. .. '. �.J..,..;;�N•a+,+r.W.+.,�....K�..=sr...i„wmxmm�«...............,... - -o,�kmy:t�i=G.,.."s..�ll.::'�::5.�.:.�:.vx:��a.�.ca..,,.�..,�,. ....... _ . . .,.,u �� .��T ��� j, ' y, ,. ,�,., � R,�lapiel�af entr2�nc�`�►`nll improve ��e appr�ach to the; � �"nburg Road signaL : �;..� = Yh��ntrance�o Linca�ln Cent�r sh:.�lz! b�r�on�tru�t��tc pra°�asl�Rrl,apl�l��+f lL��Y�brith thr�� exit lan�s and � strai�ht stacking area. �.:3 : �: • Ari internai bus stop shauld be located inside the development to facilitate trarosit ridership ,�g� ' �.•_ � A car:yanpool service should be implemented far the site. The service wauid match interested employees with others in the development for yoint ridership. �r t: a 3i� • Canvenient parking areas for car and v�npool participants should be implemented arr sit�. ���' : , f �� . . . ., .. � . � . . i �. . . . � . . . I..` . . . � .. �ktYj,'� . . � i I . � � � . . �. . . ( � -,� i i i K � � � � • t } �i ,.`I ! J � �� . £ : � i' � }� � � (.a:, ��,' � :,. � =� s � , � ; � : i .�l , � 3 � � '�, � � � �� �: . r�:� ASSOCIATED TRANSP012�'ATtON ENGINEERII�lG & �'IANNiNC (�►TEP) PAGE 5 � , � � ,� , , x, , , � � � , ,. ,.. '- y ... , __u..tL+i.-._Lty.. ".1�.�_ ..., :�. : ., 4_..`S.fi J�.�' . � ' � �, ���: :>: Th r h e stud a ea as been Y � 1 ., d - rme :;:::. :.,:..;........:. . . >�<'SC�1l1"<.,,.' :::�.:::.::. ete ra�� based on .. :::::;:. : . .::::.:>;::.:::<.:.::.;;.:.:::::>:::.:;:;>:::.:;:;:;:;:>:::::::::.:::::.: :.. ..:.....;. : . : .............................. ............... . . .At�l'1�..... ...1�1' :'�1`��:::�+��Jl�ll�'�,1�)'��:<:<:<:`_<;�:::':::::;::::::>::<<::<::::>::<;::::::::::;;<:;:;::;::;::::>;::<>':: � uidel n r omm nd d g es ec e e � b Washin on Coun i :. � y � �v ' and conversations with City and Oregon De�artment ofi Transportation sta�f Figure 2 shows the � . ;_;;� study area as defined by Washington County using the 1� percent impact area. The guidelir�es state that if the ratio of site-generated traffic to existing traffic on a given link is gr�ater than 10 percent, �nen this link is impacted by the site and intersections on ghis link shou0d be anafyzed. �':�� �ased on these guidelines, the following intersections were analyzed: ';�� 1) Greenburg Road and Highway 217 southbound on/off ramp 2) Creenburg Road and Highway 21� northbound nn/off rarnp . 3� Cr�enburg Road and Mapleleaf Street ;;;� 4) Greenbur� Road and Locust Stre�t 5) Hall Boulevard and Locust Street `}I 6) F-lall Boulevard and Qak Street Additionally, the new north/south interna9 accQSS roads a�nd their conneGtions with the � surrounding street system as identified by the Lincoln Center Plan were included in the analysis �:. for future road conditions. _� �e�� c��r;o��o�s �� �u��c�� e�� r���s IThe existing zoneng for tF�e project site is general office. The entire Lincoln Center site comprises the 724,800 s�quare feet of general office and 17,050 square feet of quality res#aurant. "fi' ��� Since the ro e os bounded on three sides b roadwa s, the on ad'acent ro e is to#he , p p �Y Y Y �Y J P P �Y . i,::� w�.�i+ +�J�v '.cr ^,Q:::a°,.::i�� �viia°-.iA src'-feci4e vi�4.c. EXISTING ROADWAI(S j � Gr�enburg Itoad es a major north/��uth link ftc�m the City to Highway 26 on the nortf� and is � described as an arterial street in the Transportation Element of the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. It serves as the major route for acees� to the Washi�gton Square Development on the west and serves the commercial areas north of Flighway 217 and the r�sisi�n#ia! devel�pments to the � south. Creenburg Road is a 2-lane section in each d6r�ctiQn with lef�-turn lanes at all intersectionso North of Locust Street, Greenburg Road transitions into a two-lane� section with � left turn pocicets at majo�r intersections. '��' Highway 217 is a designated freeway that flowrs from the I-5 interchange�t the so�eth and �vinds �"� � �Ys way through the City and connects to Highway z6 on the north. Hi�hvuay 217 is a four lane I'�:� �{ ASSOC�ATED TRANSPOR�TATION ENGINEERING �c PUWNING (ATEP) PAGE 6 ,,} .� ��; . l � � section with intercha� . rarinps at the major interser.tions.�.r f � rn I:� �`� I Hall Bouievard serves as �n arterial street betw�en the City Beaverton on the north and west, �3 ,�� and the Ci4y of Tig�rd on the south. This rc�ad is generally a two-lar�e section with or�e through �. �� :;`.! lane in each direction and 6eft-turn podcets a�t major intersections. r;� �;, � r�� (� �;; Locu�t Street is designated as a minor colle�tor road and serves as a connector between �',� i'`' Greenburg F�oad and Hall Boulevard. Locust Street is a two-lane section with ct�rbs and �� ��� sidewalks on #he west end and is an unimproved street to the east of Lincoln Center. €' �'� `''� PEAK IHOUR �RAFFIC VOLl1MES AdVD OPEftAT10fVS ''� ��,` �,;� �J Evening peak hour turning movement traffic counts were conducted at the key intersections �'� listed above by ATEP and additiona� ca�nts were gleaned from recent traffic studies in the area. �'� �f E€�; These intersections are adjacent to the Lincoln Center property and along key arterial in the area. t: The evening peak hour was from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Upon review of these peak hour traffic [ ,�;;;; caunts, the p.m. peak period was determined to be the most criticaf ;i�e�ne in terms of traffic n �;;J impacts at the intersections in the study area. No adjustments to the volurr�es have been made to account for seasonal variations in traffic volumes. Figure 3 sho�nr the existing p.m. peak hour '`' traffic volumes at the key intersections in the study ar�a. ;;: � TRl� GENERATIOf�I ...'.I �stimates of total daily a.rn. and p.m. peak hour driveway volumes for the exis�ing uses va+�re d�veloped from empirical observations at many similar-s6zed faaliti�s located throughout the United States. 1'h�se erripirica! obsesvations are summariz�d in a standard reference manual �� publ6��ed �y �,h� In�#itute of �ransportation Engineers, and are supported by �dditional independent studies conducted by both the California De�artment of Transportati�n and t�ne ;� Arizona Department ¢�f Transportation. ;��, • �: Estimating the number of vehicle trip ends that will be generated by the proposed development `:�':i is of pr�me importance in order to accurately assess the irnpacts of developm�n# on the road � network. _._) Two basiG procedure5 are available to traffic engineers for estirnating the number of driveway vehicle trips generated by a proposed but not -yet -existing devel�pment: J 1. A I avera es observed throu h field studies conducted at other similar faalities located PP Y g g � throughout the United St,ates. A number of sources are available for this information inciuding Trip Ceneratian Manceal l4th Ed°nion) 1987, whiCh is published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); and sumrr�ary trip generation report� prepared by the California D�par�rnent of a ;^� Transpcart�tion, the AA�rizona Department o� Transportation, and other public transpcartation -� RSSOCIATED TRA�lSP�ORT',ATION ENGIN�ERING & PLAfVNING (ATEP) PAGE 7 ,; � -- — -L' . ti_-.. ,u .... _ ._ __rra � . ._--,--i. _ _ _- _ " _ .5`�_ f--�- . .... ... . .. . . � � of thes r urces provide excellent guidance ir� :timatin�the trip generation rates �€ agencies. F+il � � land uses, but obviously do not take into accaunt the effects of I�ca� conditions and t, for various � I unique characteristics of the propos�d land use. �; $:� 2, Observe through fietd studies th� actuai trip generation characteristics af other similar ;.� i� � � and exi§ting developments within the toca! area. �� �, f` F t,�k,,. :. I ;1' Procedur� two abov� was used in the development �f this report• � '�t Traffic counts were taken at all existing driveways into the Lincoln Center dev�lopment for three a� �� I a s th� week of September 4, 199a. The three day avera�e number of trips into and out of � dy th� ����relopment avere compared to the ITE Trip Generation figures a� sho�vn in Figure 7. � �'���� istributed to the employees of the center requesting { Additionally, a questionnaire was d ,�� :,;,�,;� information about travel patterns to and from the development. � ber of vehicle trip ends to be generated by the proposed � 1 Table 1 shows the exp�ctted num � �,,I development on a daily p.m. peak hour basis compared to the actual �raffic counts taken during � the data collection portion of this report. Table 1 indi�cates that 1h� existing development is ! national avera e. � 1 generatinp p�n peak hour trip$ at a rate lower than the g � ur oses of this analysis, it was also assumed that no�� of the home-relat�ed p�rsan triph �� � For the p p will be made by mass transit.This assurrpteon is considered to be appropriate since even t oug � Tri-f�iet pravit�ES service to �rithin about one-quarter mile of the site ridership is veryi low. '� �� Further, assuming no transit ridership resul'ts im a�IVorst-Case scenario for traff'ic impacts to the , � S street stem �ven though the driver survey indicates an approximate 2% bus usage for the � sY � ; � development. � ',;� -.- Table 1 - Trip Generation Camparison � Existing Uevelopment :� , .......:::::::..:::::::::::::::::;>::>::»<:<::::>::<:>::»::>:«<::><:::»;>:>:::»<<::::<:>::>::>:;:»:<::;>:::>:<: ;i ..................................:::::.......... .............. .........._................ ., � .::::::........ - - .>.�:;;;;:>:>::<« �� <_:� - �::�`�`<:::: :::<r<::<<>::«»::;<:< ;;<�u ;.>� ............... . . <;k. `>P±e� .:::::::::::::::::::.::::.:.::::.::..::.:.:..:...:.::... .. .. <PK�t.. <��ir`�;;o<>:::`:<>:>`;>''i.;:I:::>::�r<:;`.:;;•.;;:?;.i::::::::<>;:;:<:.:<;i>';>';`;';::;::::;�:::::%:;'�o':::f_>::::?<';:<:v.:::;#:>;::::> ,j E> •;::..:::.:::::.�:.:.......•-•:-�........:.:.: :;.:4Y:;:::•;:;a::;.;;;:r.;!:;::;::::::.;�::,-:;.�:::«;o:;;;:;�:.;�,.;;;� :::::�::i:::xS::::'f•:_::�i::::9;:b::::?�::i::::=:9;::�x,-.�:i:::�;r,:i::;•:: .....:... . ......... ..... . :.::::;:s:a:�iS:r:::i::;f:=:>:`.i••,:::`:`;:::?.'::::o'::y:;::'i'.2-'•':;':4i:3:;:•....... o.;; ..:.:•:::::.�:::;+....:::::;::::::::::��::::iii::2::S;i;'t'::::«::::::!:: .. :..:. ........... .......... ..... .. :H+a�a .......... .......... ........ . .. ::.:::.::::.:....:.:::.::.:...::.:..:::::.:.::..: ...:... ............::..:...:..:...:... .:...... .. .........::::........:.:::............:::...::.....::........r..:::.........:.:::..........::.:... ...tu�:.:.�! .......... ........ ....:..:::.:...:..:.:.::.:.:.:..:.....:..<. ........ ...... ........ ....... .....,. ..,... ........ ...�'.. ........::.....::....... .:. ..:.:::::<:.::..�:.:.....:.......:.:.:.....:. ...... ........... ........... .......... ........... ............ ......... .. .......:.::::.:.:.:......,: :.::�„;:;�;�-•�r:;:�>:<::<:>: {► :, :«;0!� (�.. ,. y,� 7A,, .::.�F:Yi?::r::i;::i;:;i:i::;.:5�>;;i:;i::^:;:.:;.;;;»:;�;;;:;;::>;.;:;:;v::;;i:�<:i:;:s;;::i%�2L:`:y>;>:;;i;i :::`�.<.;:;::::i:::;:::;>:';':2?;;;`;';`;`;;::::�;;`;;:::;`:::;;:;';;`:;;`::::::i;;;i:?';:?`:>ii::;:s;..:.... ::::.:�:::...::•:•:..:........:.::�.�:.......:a•::...........:.........:. ,,. .•::.:�::::.>.:.:.:•:.:::..... .::::.:_.:•.:::::..;'�::or.�:::::s.r.�.:•�:a:.:•-:..`::'.;:[.::..:':�'::.:: .;..>•.::.._::>•:::o,:.•:..::>::::;�:::::x:::;:::>:;i>:::t:::':C.-"�":,::�5:::::c .} �:::cx .:.::.::::; ;:R.:.:.:,:.:::::::::::::i�k::: ;. ;:>:::::::.: . ::::.;+:::�.:.:.:::.:':::::SS:::::::�... :.� �' ...iJY .. ?E;:::;::'. �;;Ai>::::::i:'?::.4✓M[::iii:::ii:::t:%:i:i;;`:i::;.::;i ,: .:�Uf.:...:::::n�........::::::::::::.:.::::::::��:n::,:.:::::.:.:.::::::n �:::�.::::::::;:::::::::... .:.::::{�....:.:::::::.:......::::::::.......::::::::... q� I :.;::.::.::.. . .:.:::::........::.::. � � •:;.>..>:.:::•��.��;:..........:::::............::::........:..�:::...........: . ....... :O�>::>::::s:;:::<:>:x:>::>::»?::::�....�-....'.:::::.:.::.:::.::::;::::;.:..::::;::.;•;.::::::;.;:.. ;.... :::::::.. .::::: .....................� Ui►l�&..............................................:. :::::.T. :.::........::::::........:::::::......::::. ..:.::. . :::::...... ::..:::<. :::. ::....:.:.::::::.......:c�l.......:::::::::......:.:::::......:.::::::::......:.:::::...:::::.;:.>:.:;:::::::;;.;:;.;::.;: ; .:::::::: .:..:.:.:::.�.:..::::.�.�:::...:::::::..:... .:.... ... : :.::::::::. 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S. :�' ','L1SUJX+�•w ...,..�wuwew.auuaw.r+w�haua..u��+eM�`rnaM.uu.uwsM+ . ._.r.�..w�a.w+w.+ �'�'-"'�U.'�a....d.�'��:1:�T'_':tN,t'^r.1'4�."Y wsmtaawti��M+����e+t�i.i�...«...... .. .......«.u+nr.»�.4:cr4�.%w-�->�r..-: - L ����i . . . . . . �� . .. . f .:' i* . � . � » .. �. . . �. � :,i s�� . . . . .. . . . . . _ . Generation crpa4es;tt�,;�ltimate "V1✓orst Case.Condition �n�,,�t the tri�s generated b�y a si�gie ;� " bt�ilding is greater than the trip generation frorn the �ntire c�evetopm�nt. .: "< � � This is caused by 4he Trip Generation Manual using the size of ttie building as the variable in ' T'� calculating the trips.generated>from a development. The number of trips per 1000 square feet � � � � � ` � of office buildin decreases as the total square footage incre�ses, 4.� � � g _ {; � Since eae� Lincoln�enter building was evalu�#ed as a�ingle trip generator,the c�mulative affect ' is to greatly overestirnate th� rrum�er of trips tFtat the total d�velopment vvill generate. 4 , � . '�; As Table � indic.at�s, the actual number of trips ger�erated by 4he development are considerably � less than I7E proj�cts, `' � , , � ;� ,; � r} �� . � 4 ! � ( �y 4 ri a,y 3 J' �� � '�l �t �� �2� ; � i� r � '..�`� � . . �. �. ' � k � � `_� � . ' -.�� � i � v, i � 4 � � � � , � � 7 � r..A �� �. . . � � . � . � . .. . � ;,� s j.. . . . _ , . 4� R,� � . .. 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NORTH � ? � � LOGUST AVE � aa�•'�1 L �a � �s—. .— sa ,I ;�; ���t t�a�o Z O W pL ;� � �e� ��ts � � °8� j � �; V 973—► 0-171 � e r '- 1G^ti Ir' 9 � MAPLELEAF � t � zo.�.'�1�•�..o � -� �. � N �e—. ..—ax . � �oo—,.�I t r�� � � � J �i Q ��R � ;� y� OAK 5T � `•� � ; ' �� �i� . � ^ � � � � �1 .�..,o, �,�� �R, 0 7.�'� ��..Z � �o� ...,�s 9e—. .—e r y� �::�: f �� �� ��-� l� �� ��Y 217 4 �_ �� �F �� LN GE��lTER � ; L 0 N�O � � F I 3URE �X 15T INCy T�A��'I G VOLUPAES PAGE 11 ? � � � � P��K HouR �TEP �' � �� � � � ; r; .�t I;'i < "j .. .r.� ._, ._-. ._ . .'-, _ _ - ,l�l _.___....__..._�t__�.--,�.._,...,-. -�----..._„ ... .. ..__�...�n—•.,._. . _. .: _. ,_ . ,.. � .... . ....,�.-urcc...,^'._w:a..^-- ° �.°^-s, ...... . 't.:rxa. _ _ r•:Yr�c�e+e _ L� � . , . . � . .. . .. . ..+.><..kP.;:e.:...:._ . . . . ....�.:.,k.�x_.r.*.•v+:s.�:��.�.,,...n...,.�.�,;���a.....c.��W,>...�. _�...�.. . ....�..._..,.u�.wxua�..-.N.�.Y-..�_"_::.�.,...._ �:�._..__.__.�_ ..�......... . ... . . . .___..._.,...m...._.,.- _.,..... __.._ ._��, ..� , r, � LEVELS OF SERVICE '4„�;,� � ..1. The peak hour �raffc op�rations, in xerms af levels of s�rvice, at the key intersections in the �;; study �r.ea were ex�e�rined with procedures deseribed i� the 1 J$5 Highway Capacity Manuat e� (Reference 2). Levels of service (LtJS� is a concept that was developed' #o measure how the �'" drive� perceives th� condition� surraunding therrr as they trave!through a signalized interseGtion ,,, or roadway �egrnent. �fhis degree of perceptior►.inelud�s such elements as fravel time, o�umber ��;= o►f stops,total amc�unt of stopped delay, and impedances caused by other ereh�eles. As original6y defined by the 1965 Highway Capa�ity Manual six grades ar� us�d #� d�ne�t�e the various LOS; ��� these prades a�r� shown i� Ta�bie 1. Using this definition, it is gen�rally agreed thaY "D" LQ5 is , ;, �;; the minirr�um accep#abie for an urban area. ��: ��� Forthe purpose�s of this analysis,the assumed reiationship betwieen the caiculated stopped time delay per vehicle ared the ���a�t�d L�S for segn�liaed intersections is giver� in Tabie 2. �i.� Un�ignalized intersertior�s require a sotnewhat different approa�ch to determir�e the capacity of �'' the int�rse�ction, The 19�5 Higi�way Capacity Manua! offers the cancept of "Reserve �apacity" �•�'� as #he guideline for measuring the capacity. ,�� R�serve C�pacitiy is defined as " that portion of available hourly capacity that is not used". I# should be noted that the concept of Reserve Capacity onl�y applies to the individual movements � of traffic on an approach to an intersection, either in an individual lar�e or a shared lane, not to '` the overall operaUon of the inters�ction. �'his determination is m�de after all �pproacFres ar� t. analyzed and the LOS deterrnined. This is usually that approach that typ'�'ies the "Worst Case" �f,� condi�ion or wor�t leve! of serdice. A descrip#ion of the I�vels of service relating to the ites�rve Capacity Concept is shown in Tables 3 & 4. �-� � ` ' Past �x;�erience vvith the unsignaliaed analysis proee�lure indiCa#es th��th�s �����d�1� i�v�ry �, cohservative in that it t�nds to over�stimate the magnitude of any potential problems that might exis�, Therefor�,the results of any unsegnalized interse�tion analysis shouid be viewed with this thought in rrsind. �thin the �ty and in Washington Gounty, LOS D is considered to be the ''' minimum acceptable standard for an unsignalized intersection. ,'.�� � �� LO$ analyses present�d in thiS report were performed in accordance with the procedures �� �i� described above. For �ach intecse�ion� these analyses estima?�e the overal! 6ntersection LC)S during the peak hour flow. I :._l :.J ASSOCIATEI3 TRANSPORTATION ENGIN���lN� & FLA�JNLN�G (ATEP) PAGE 42 1 >�w y5 ,-....� ^nt-�r? 1 1-c� �t ,���� .. ��,.%� �, ,.`.� . .� .�� Y,��..,�, � �_ _ � _ ? _ � _u=_. ., ,s,� ��� , � Table 2 - Leve) � Ser�rice De�nitions (Signalized�. �tersections) ��� .:::<:;;.>::::;.:. :. ::>::»::>:::::::;>::;.;:>::><:<::.::::><;<>::>:::<::<:::>:::::::>::::::>:>:::::::::>;>;::::::>:::::::;:;.<:::>;::::�<:«:»;.:;:<:::>:;:::: :>>:::.>:::::<::::::»>:::::::»::<:>::::::<::::: : .;>:.:::::::::::::::�>.>::::::;:::::.:::;::::.::::.:::..::::.:;:::::.:.::: :..::.:::::.:::.:::::.:::.::::::.. , _,. ::;>:<:<:<:»:::_:::: :>::::::::::>::><>::>:::<:::;:>::::;::>:::»>:<:><>:::>::»:::::>:::»::>;>:«:..;>><>:<:: :::;:::»>::><:<»>;:;>::::<:::<::>::<::<:;:<:> ::: ::�:::>;:>::»::>::»:<:>::>::>:::»»::>:<:><::<:::»>:>::>::>:;::<::>;::::»::>::>::> ;.:.::.::«:>:<:::::> � .. .....Level.::Q.f..�:::.:..::.::.:...:::.:.:::,:;:......:..:................................................................:..::.:..:.................................:.....:.,......:..:.................:.......::... ... .::.:.. .. .> . .;:;:<:.::<.:::;:::<> : � ;:� w h� r eristi��><:<::�<:>:>::>�>:::>:<`::>::::;:>`:::»:�;»::»>:«:>::>::;:;»;:::><:::::::`:><::::>::::::::::::::;::>::::>:':�::�<:`;:<:::; �;�: :.;::;.:��rv�Ce_ .; . .....: .:. �"ra�f'i� F o ..!C a act ................. : i:::::ii::i:<i;:iji:<:�i:i::::::i:iiiii:::::i::'r:i:ii::ii: :•:i::::::::}i:Y::::•:!:::::::•:(::•f��`�`��!:Y>::•:':::'}:.i•,i:::i:::::•:::'l,.:•i'!::•:'Y:::ii::::::ii:::�::::::i::i:::::::::::::•,:::i':::•:::':::::C�:::::i':Ii::::::ii�::'': T. 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