Planning Commission Packet - 07/24/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. , r ��: `d'�. �: TIGARD PT�ANNING �UMMISSIOE�i ;. JULY 24, 1990 - 7:30 PM s; TIGARD CIVIC CENTER - �'OWN HAI,L � 13125 SW HALL SLVD. � TIGARD, OREGON ' l. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROI,L CALL 3. APPROVE MTNUTES 4. PLANNYNG COMMISSIOId COMMUNIL"ATION 5. PLIBLIC HEARING 5.1 SUBDIVISION SUB 90-DOU7 V1�RIANCL V1�iR 90-OD11 WAVEFtLY CONST JGRANDVIEW (1dP0 �6) � xsqueat for Subdivision approval to allcaw divfaion of a 2.4 acxe parcel into 10 lote }aetween 7,500 and x0,401D' July 17, 19�01 eize. Alao requested ia a Variance �o allow less thar� 25 ' feet of frontage on two propc�aed flgg l���o ZONE: R�4.5 (Residen�ial, 4�5 unite/acre) I,OCATION: l�as� side of SW 97th Street and , a�proxiipately 400 �eet c�outh of SW A4cDonald Street (WCTM 251 Y1BA, tax lota 100, 106, and 107) 5.2 1�PPLAL OP` D%RECTOR'S INTERPRLTATIUN HYC3H TEM1� NW, ING. An appe�l of a Diroctor�s •Tntez�retation of the Compaunity Develo�ment � • Cod� re].atinc� �o saho3e�al�r etorage, mnd die�r.ibut�o� uses in the CBm • (Central Husf.nese Dfs�trict) zone {Gode ���cti.cane� 18.42.020 D. ancl 18,66.040). . 1 5.3 C:OY�SPREHENSIVE PI,2�1 AA�NDI�SBNT CPA 90-QUO;I� . PRESIDENTS PARTC'WAY (NPd �8) A request to change �he Cnmprehe e�ve Plan Map de�ignatione from • Comrnercial ProfesBional to Meaiium Den�ity Residential and Low Density Residential for• the area illustrated by Map "A" (�ttached). In addition, th� Comprehensive Plan text is propoeec� �o be amended to del.ete criteria for determining the timelinesg of future rezoning for the��a and nther properties as shawra in Msp "B" (attactied). The proposed� am�ndments are intended to address the City Cc�uncil's regeal ot the proposecl Presidents Farkwap Urban Renewal Diatriot. ZONE: R-12 (Residential, 12 unite/acre) and R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre). 5.4 PERIODIC REVIEW - Solar F,ccess Ordinance ) Landecaping/Screening � Bring handoute from - Goal 9 ) Ju1y 10, 1990 hearing - Wetlands ) ' 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOWRNMENT � '� � r�,...:..,..,..� '�, 1' � TIGARD Pl,.AN�ING COMNIISSION R�GULAR MEETING - JULY 24, 1990 1 . Vice President Milt Fyre called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The meeting was held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, 7igard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Vice President Fyre, Corrnnissioners �arber, Baone, Casti1e, and Fessler9 Absent: President Moen and Commissioners LevQrett, Petersom, and S�aporta. Staff: Keith Liden, Senior Planner; Ron Qunch, Senior Planner; Ellen Foxy Secretary. 3. APPROWA�. OF MINUTES Commissioner Fessler moved a�nd Commissinner Castil� seconded to apprnve the m7nutes as Corrected. Motinn car°ried unanimously by Commissioners present. 4. PLANNING Ct3N4�lISSION COMMUNICATION o Secretary read a le�ter from Thomas H. Burton requesting the Planninq Commission to continue the hearing on item 5.1 (SUB 90-0007 VAR 90-0011 ) to next available meeting time4 5. PU�LIC HEI4RING 5.1 5UBDIVISIQN SU6 90-0007 VARIANCE dAR 90-OOII WAYERLY CONSTRUCTION/ GRI4NDV'IEW (NPO #6) A request for Subdivision approval ta allaw division of a 2.4 acre '� parcel into 10 lots betw�en 7,500 and 10,400 square feet in size. Also requested is a Yariance to ailow less than 25 feet af frontage on trao proposed flag lots. ZONE: R-4.5 (Residential , 4.5 units/acre) LOCATION: East side of SW 97th Street and approximately 4U0 feet south of SW McDonald Street (WCTNi 2S1 11BA, tax lots 100, 106, and 107) Commissioner Barber moved and Commissioner Boone seconded to continue item to the meeting of August 21 , 1990, at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried by unanimous vote of Commissioners present. 5.2 APPEAL OF DIRECTOR'S INTERPRETATION HYGH TEMP NW, INC. ' An appeal of a pirector's Interpretation af the Community Development Code relating to whnlesale, storage, and distribution uses in the CBD (Central Business District) zone (Cade sections 18.42.020 D, and 18.66.040). Senior Planner Liden explained the issue stating that the primary concern is the amount of f�brication activity which would be allowed in the Central Business District (CBD) zone. There was discussion about PLANNING CON�'IISSION MINUTES - JULY 24, 1�90 PAGE 1 � � previous uses for the subject property, wriich included some fabrication � with conditional use approval . APPLICAN7'S PRESENTATION o Roger Smith, 34Q4 SW Caraway Court, Portland, spoke on behalf of High�Temp N W. He provided the Canxnissioners with photographs of the subject property (see packet); and he gave a background of th� business which has been operating in Tigard for the past seven years. He said the portian of the building to be used for fabrica�ion wnuld be around 10 - 12% af the total square footage. He stated the improvements they plan to make both �nside and outside the build�ng �ould enhance the general appearance of �he property. He provided a brochure describing their products. a Sam Y�ckey, 9130 SW Trail Court, Portland, with High-Temp N.W. , further described the fabrication process invo1ved in making cement cas�ing molds and oven drying the molds. He commented that the location of the subject property is two blocks from their current busin�ss location and would be very convenient for their customers. o Mr. Smith answered guestinns pe�taining to possible expansion of the fabr�cation process in the future, saying it is possible their business wauld want to do more fabrication if called for. a There was discussion about acceptabl� ratio of fabrication ta non-fabrication activity �res�ntly allowed by codee Senior Planner � Liden gave exampl�s of businesses which curren�ly do some fa�rication � that has been allowed in �h� Central Business District. There was discussion abo�t the st�le af th� bu7lding and suitability f�r this application. RUaLIG TESTIMONY o La��rence Viehl , 2424 SW Shervuood, Portland, represents the estate of Gre Ea leson. He said the estate awns the suby'ect ropert which has J �9 9 9 p . . been for sale for several years. He noted that the bui1d7ng has be�n vacant for some time and has had numerous break-ins. He suggested that it would be to the City's advantage if the building were occupied. He explained tha�t prospective buyers have lost interest in the site when they became aware of restricted zoning. o John Scertas, 17Q10 SW Weir Rd. , Tigard, favored leaving this prop�rty as Corm�ercial and not allo�7ng any industrial use. He further suggested that the property owners were nat motivated to sell , since they had turned down past offers. He indicated the integrity of the planning process wou1d be �aintained if there were no variance or zone r,hange. o William Ivy, 14825 S.W. 106th, Tigard, suggested that Tigard needs more J residential land and less indus�rial/fabrication land, and he said there ,� were toa many exceptions an� variances allowed� He requested that =;� current zoning be upheld. :'`3 sr, +"i '';� PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JllLY 24, 1990 PAGE 2 ;;,� � ;'� �;� `"� . . � . . . � . . � . . .. � . � .� ... . . . � . .��. �� APPLICANT'S REBUTTAL Applicant had nothing new to offer. PU�LIC HEARING CLASED o Commissioner Fessler commented the building on the subject property is a warehou�e style, which would make it less attr�ctive for po�ential commercial use�s and more attractive as a wa��house/industrial s�te. o Commissioner Castile said the current CBD zoning has not ser�ved the purpose for livening up Downtown Tigard. He indicated it r�as important to consider the needs of the area. He stated he would be in favor of the applicant`s appeal . o Commissioner Barber pc�inted out that there would be no decwease in T9gard's Residential land inventory if the applicants are allowed to locate in the subject property. � 7here was discussi�n about th� maximum percentage o�f fabric�tion activity that would be considered an acceptable limit within the CBD zoni ng. o Commissioner Boone favored approvi�g the appeal . He ��id it would be better to have the buiiding in use rather �than t�ave it unoccupied and continuing to deteriorate. o Yice President �'yre noted that currently there are �usinesses in the C�D zoning which carr�y on a smail amaunt of fabriea�ian and this h�as set some pre�edents. He sugg�sted that a mir�or am�unt of fabric�tzon, betwe�n i5� ar�d 20�, wauld be rea1is�ic. He recommended r�eversing th� �irector's Decisian. * Mation was made by Commissioner Fessler and seeanded b,y Corr��ssiuner Castile to reverse the Director's Decision and forward �a r�c�nendatian � to th� Hearings Officer and/or the City Councii , should it go that ►°oute, tha� conditions be imposed that no more t6�an 20% �f property may� be used far manufacturing activity. Motion also authorizes Milt Fyre to si gn Fi nal Ord�r. Motion carried by unanimous vote af Commissioners present. 5.3 COMPREHENSIVf PLAN AMENDMENT CPA 90-0006 PRESIDENTS PARKWAY (NPO �8) A request to change the Camprehensive Plan Map designations from Commercial Professional to Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential for the area il��strated by Map °'A" (see packet). I� ;� ad�itinn, the Comprehensive Plan test is proposed to be amended to � delete criteria for determining the timeliness of future rezoniag fior ; these and other properties a� shown in Map "B" (see packet). The i proposed amendments are intended to address the City Council 's repeal of � the proposed Presidents Parkway Urban Renewal pistrict. ZONE: R-12 ;� (Residentialr 12 units/acre) and R-4.5 (Residential , 4.5 units/acre). '� I ,� PLANtJING CON�+'iISSIQN MINUTES - JULY 24, 19y0 PAGE 3 ' ;,' . . � ..:E`:.':�.. � . . . .. .:���� �� . . . � . . . z*�.,. . . . . .. . � ..1��j � � . . . . . ..:_...__.__. . . . � i i � ,. Senior Planner Ron Bunch summarized the Presidents Parkway issue. He explained the purpose of the hearing is to re�-evaluate the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and receive public input which will be forwarded to City Council . He reviewed the information obtained from NPOs and CPOs during ; meetings in June and July, stating that they favor returning the area back to low-density and medium-density residentia� plan designations, with Comprehensive Plan text amended back the way it was. He provided Cocnmissianers with ccpies of a letter received today from Tom Ashlock and Joel Adamson who own property in the subjsct area. pU�LIC T'ESTIMONY o Pat Whiting, 8122 SW Spruce, chairperson for CPO #4, stated members in the CPO did not �upport the change in designation to Commercial/Professional at the time Presidents Parkway was proposedo � She read from text of the Metzger-Progress Community Plan (see packet), and she recommended adopting �he text which outlznes a mix of residential and commercial uses. o Gene Davis, 10875 SW 89th, Tigard, spok� in favar of returning the subject area back to residential until existing transportation problems are salved. He said present circulation system cannot suppart cortmiercial load from local traffic� o John Slomgren, 9460 SW Oak, supported changing area back to original zoning. Ne suggested that the developer shauld go through the steps necessary to develop th� area. This would allow enough time for prnp�r study to be made, and traffic and school cnnsiderations could be madeo o Troy dar�derhoof, 1Qi81 SW Jeffersons spoke on b�half of his wife and himself. He favored charrging the CQmprehens�ve Plan back to low-density and medium-density, He said banlcs are not willing to iend money f'or remodeling because the Comprehensive Plan and zon7ng do no� match. Mr. Vanderhoaf read a letter from his neighbor, �e�rerly Mills of 10211 S.W. Jefferson. In �er letter she states she was originally in favor of Presidents Parkway proposed as a benefit ta Tigard; but she does not favor Comm�rcial designation now beGause it leaves homeowners in limbo. o Gary Ott, 9055 SW Edgewood, Tigard, opposed the original Gomprehensive Plan amendment. He favored adopting text fram the Metzger-Progress Cammunity Plan. He suggested that the City has adequate Commer�cial land at this time. He �aid traffic problems, water quality problems, and problems with run-off from commercial areas should be Grim�ry consideration. He recommended studying impact of going from Residential to Commercial before allowing Co�nercial designation. o Terry F1oore, CPO #3, read letter from memb�rship of the CPO, which recommended adopting the text fram the Metzger-Progress Community Plan. She said th� CPO members support going back ta Residential designation. She expressed concern that taa much residential larrd is being lost to c anmercial development. PLANNING COMNIISSIQN MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 PAGE 4 '� o Thomas Ashlock, resides at 9200 SW Oak and represents the property owner. He indicated preference for leaving designation as Comnercial Professional . He noted that the subject area has traffic problems and school problems. He suggested that there is not enough public money available to study the problems and find solutinns. Therefore, he favored making the area available to develaper who will spend the money far necessary studies. He said in order tn attrac t a large eno��gh developer, the entire Presidents Parkway area should be left Commercial as opposed to piecemeal zone changes. There was discussion ab�ut the de facto moratorium on dev�lopment which curr��tly exists in the subject area. o Kerrie Standley, 102�5 SW 7Qth, discussed the Metzger-Pragress Community Plan (MPCP) . He encouraged the Planning Commission to recommend adopting the MPCP and including the text in the Comprefiensiv� Plan. He reviewed in detail the areas which are designated as Residential and Commercial . He sugges�ed considering the need for parks, which could also act as a huffer between Resi�ential and Corrme�ciai areas. n Jnel Adamso�, an officer in the corporatian what owns 3.5 acres at 9�00 SW Oak, suggested that the area in question shauld have cu�bs and sidewalks in order to be good for Residential use. He favored 1eaving the area zoned as Commercial a while longer to see if it would �ttract a developer. o Trny Yand�rhaof spoke again requesting that the area nat b� left as it is �ecause it prohibits any activity� a WilTiam Ivy, 14825 SW 106�h, addr�ss�d the issue of dwindling Residential �and because of Commercial developme�t. He expr�ssed con�er� tha�t traffic problems were not b�ing salv�ed prior to deve7opm�nt ; growth. He recornmended a�opting the Me�zg�r-Prog�ess Community Plan. ; � PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Cornmissioner Fessler supported redesigna�ing the subject area as 1ow- and medium-density residential . She favored scheduling meetings for publ�c input tn evaluate the goals for the area. o Commissioner Castile agreed that it is necessary to study the area in terms of zoning and condi�ions that are already existing. He suggest�ed that a plan must be formulated. He said merely redesignating the area back to R�sidential would not solve any problems. o Coimnissi�ner Barber favored reverting b�ck to original designation and then considering the Metzger-Progress Community Plan and studying the apti�ns with much citixen input. She thanked the citixens far their participation. �; o Commissioner Boane stated that there was na choic� but to re-designation as Residential until a plan 7s created. o Vice President Fyre expressed apprec7ati�n ta the citizens who :,; testif�ed. He noted that the majority of citizens are in favor of � PLANNING COP'�1ISSIaN MINUTES - JULY 2�4, 1990 PAGE 5 ,�; � � � . .� fi�:, �'' f`. f.� s .. � . . . � . ..... . .. .. .. . � �. � . . . . _ .. .� .. .. — .. � re-designating the area to Residential . He favored recomm�nding to City Council that high consideration be given to adopting th� tex� from the Metzger-Progress Community Plan. * Commissioner Barber moved �nd Commissioner Boone seconded to r�commend to City Cnuncil t�o (1 ) reverse the decision that amended the Comprehensive Plan and text which 9nitiated the Presidents Parkway proposal , and (2) initiate planning effort to dev�lop an area plan using the Metzger-Progress Plan as the basis tn evaluate future land use and develapment opportunities in the area. Mo�ion carried by a unanimous vote af Council presento Meeting recessed - 9:42 p.m. Meeting reconv�ned - 9:55 p.m. 5.4 �ERIODIC REVIEW Solar Access Ordinance Senior Planner Liden discussed the proposed Solar Access Ordinance. He explained the purpose is to devise a uniform ardinance which can be used metrn wide. He described the policies in the local Compr�hensive Plan and Northwest Power Planning Act which pertain to solar access. He outlined the �peGific zoning areas which would be affected by the ordinance. He explained the five p�rts of the ordinance which were: - N�w Development - S�iar Balance Point Ordinance (affects building perm�ts for houses on existing lots). - Soiar Access Permit (applies tn vegetation) - Solar Acce�s Defin�tiuns - Solar Access I1lustrations o hlike McKeev�r, Project Manager for the Fortland�Vancouver Metropolitan Area Solar Access Project, is with McKeever Morris, Tnc. , 812 SW Washington Street, Suit� 1110, Portland, 97205. Ne stated that gaod solar features can provide a home with �nergy savings of 15� to 20% in the winter. He named the many governmental bodies and graups who have endorsed the Solar Access ordinances, He used a madel neighborhood to demanstrate the spacing and sun angle for various sites and house sizes, noting that east-west facing hous�s have better solar orien��tion. He sai� that the purpose of the new development ordinance is �o promate godd solar orientation for 80% of the lots. There was further discuss7on about integrating good solar acc�ss into design and landscaping using solar friendly �rees and east-west orientation. Handou�s were prov�ded to further illustrate the various aspects of soiar access. Wetlands Senior Planner Liden summarized the proposed changes to sensitive areas PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - JULY 24, 1990 PAGE 6 " �;; � � �i'`� ;�, � � � � � � � �\ codes. Ne said staff recommendations were as follows: - change defiinition sa it coincides with the Federal and State definitions; and - provide comprehensive inventory of wetlands for the City He showed the index map nf wetlands devised by a cansultant and described the variaus information sou.rces used. Me explained t�e benefits of this inven�ory to developers and pianners. He noted �hat some of the wetlands are under the control of the Corps of Engineers and briefly described how this designation comes about. He advis�d that notification af this proposal has been sent t� property owners �ho are located in the wetlands, and to the Corps of Engineers, Division of State Lands, the Audubon Soriety and others. He said the wording will be re-worked dep�nding on comnents received from interested parties. There was discussion of the wording to be changed in the code, and the need far clarification of th� City's role. There was discussian concerning the August 7 meeti�g. 6.0 OTHER BU�INESS Sen�or Pianner handed out information pertaining to a seminar by the Or�gon Plann�ng Institute at the University of Oregon September 5 - 8. 7he seminar is �ntitled "Li�king Gro�th Managemen� and Urban Livabilitys°' ADJ�URNMENT: - i0:45 PM �.�� �� 'L'�'" �� �. Ellen P. Fox, Secreta y i � aTTEST: , ` //, � 4 , .�- �����J-r�. 4 �.�. ,-. _.,..... ...., l. .. �,'f .r 1, �/r! +' d /'.� / y '�/f -/ �3 . � i . i Mi 1 t�n Fyre, V_i�-P�resi ent � ; �I � �: ,, ef/pcm72490 �' , !; fi (�' `: . � . � . .. . . . . .1'�. � P�LANN��ING COMMISSIQN MLNUTES�� �- Jl1L�Y� 24��, 1�990� � � � � � �PAGE 7 � � �� � �� ±� � . . .. . . . : � . � . . . Et i . . . . . . . � .. . � ���.�.���p`,�� i�.... . � ... . .. . . . .. . ... _,;._., _, ..._�... -�- . .J J, �� ti. pLANIdING COI+lMISSION ROLL CALL ,,�.! -y��� I�I G C7 _, STARTING TIME: 7.'3� p. w� • : H7;ARING DATE: �f�. �--------- J ca�xsszor��es DG?N�I,D MOEN � VI.ASTA BARBLR �� ,7AMES CASTI,LE �� JUDY FESSLER // MILT E'YRE DE;ANE LEi1ERETT f, Dk1VE PETERSOId FiAY2RX SFlPORT�I � HAROY�Y) $. BQCl� STAFF PRIES�NT• /�'-�-L, ���. � �� �� .; ;, ; ;� �, � � dj/PC—ROLL $ � a } i I `�w TIIIAES PUBLISHINC CONiPI�NY �ega� TT 763� P.O.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 NOtIC@ BEAVERTON,OREGON 9T075 Legal Notice Advertising , � ,, � • ❑ Tearsheet Notice. .� . 7bv� Ci.ty of Ti.gard ,�, trb�;:� � PO Box 23397 • ❑ Duplicate Affidavit ��'� • Ti gard, Or 97223 , •. . . '' ���� e -t� �.• a�tiit�: � d ; • .,., . at27�V � ' 1 1 �r` �l �+.1 . i:.+ � . .1:. .�::/�l�ZL . ;.----.—,..pait8'Y��". AFFIDAVIT OI� PUBLICATIQN � ' •• ' � '� �'�`''' ,,,;.Jc :s STATE O�OR�GON, )ss. .�' :'��; :,,:�;:5: C�JUNTY OF WASHINGTON, ) ';� ��ti , , �„�•�,�� � �, Judith Koehl�r �� �` '' • � � ���" being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am the Advertising • ;� �� �r "� Director, or his principal clerk, of the—�i..gc'i-�d--�l-tAE�– � � . , , . , a newspaper of general ciraulatio .as dqfir�ed in ORS 1�3.010 " ' I �i. arA in the ��. . ,: • ,a�., 20• ublished at � ,.,, , t + and 19�.0 , P . �fqresaid county�nc� s4�te; that the F� `�� `'a T�gard P1anni n.g/�ppeal of Di rectors CP�9(1-(lf]�F �' ,i.. r ` � printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the ��,. :;i. �.;, :} �. entire is�ue of said newspaper for ��1e _suoc�ssive and � oonsecutive in the faliovding issues: ' '�`�' � 'r. , July 12, 19.90 ��� : i � �� r his g90 I ' ed anci sworn befo e me t 1 Subscnb 19th �lav nf ,1i�1�i • � I ,. . . . � . �' ' ,- . Notary Public for Oregon -: r_ My Commise� xp�res:,�, : A�FIDAVIT ��_�,�, �:.� �_.. ;I '' t �'. C�� �:� 31 �� � 1 �� �' w1- : f . ..i 1 ': i . 1'� � 1 1 .�s� � A � :. 1 . 1 � a i 1 : 1: 'Y 1 /. .' 1� :� 1 1 1� :� , 1 � '1 ' '1 1 ` 1'1 � 1' 1 1 - LI � l, 1 . 1� � / �1:� ' 1 A' 1� ��1 / '.1 � 1 � 1. 1 •. I.' . ,1'� 0 1� 1 1��'. •.. 1' , :.'ll"` . 1 Y p: i' 1. 1 � .t � �' .' ��1/ �. 11�' 1 � .1 , �.. � 1 '1 F�: :11': '� ' 1 � � '1 1 1' 1/ � ..1. .� . �/ � .1� t.. `Y. ( � � � ,- 1 ' / ' ' � � / �'.. �/ � . � �� �', ��. , ��� !�7 _ �1. . 11' .1 �� � 1. .1 . 1:1. f� 1�. �' 11 R � 'v �i � • � � � � � i � � �/,l J, � � , ■ ! , ,, . . .. • , . . , I r .,,� � � � r � �; /f `t Ifa::yM .C I�1� '•� 1•i . R /:�'I���i S'�.'�'�.1�l�1!f� � , ` • f' i� � ,!._ '_� '�I.1 �„!��tl � ".1 1�.1;� �rl'/.�P �11 ' '";:II // + �M.. . �. � ii •� •• ; — fj.r,,;tcl .:d��e�±��/►c�,-`(�;1��tiie��:� .__ 1 _�M :.�x .� -� � � � :� � L . � �. � ' �/�'i�0�/1�� �,{ � � .I/ � t - e � � c � �• �- . 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QWNEFtIAPPLICANT: 1/�S`�V��lCSV� � �.J , �-l.� � / )_ ' "1 j,� Y,OCATIONs L. � `��1_� °�' . � Ca � �, �W ��U'�/�I[�l', J\`�—�—, NPO NUM�ER: DATE OP' HEARZNG ! � - PLEASE PRINT 7tUUR NAML, ADDRSSS� AND YNCLLJDS YOUR ZIP CODL PROPONENT (Far the propoeal) OPPONEriT (Against the p�opo�al) Print Name/Addresa/Zip & Affili.ation Print NameJAddresa/�ip & Affiliatian ��1�/i7 .���'��G S 6�Gs'"G ,5;lV, Ga»rrqu✓oG-�'L tT p�l� ��vrj ��G S C��i��.� ,��r'' ��r lidrlsG/�n��1� Gon�v�'¢0.�+� �liY i/�'��5cnv�f lG �/�G ��U�U .La:.r. �;'�•Z �'6 �I�Sona.�,f�G.' �� �u� ��r� '�9$� I � `�� 3 T G � RD PL � NN I l� G COlII�I ]C S S I UN N(YPICB: ALL P$RSONS DSSIRING TO SPBAR ON �lN7C I1'Bii MQST SIC� TH�Il� � �ND NO?B THSIR �nxsss a� �xis ��. �rie�ase �aur�r� �A !.--. AGSNDA ]CTEM: "�J � � CASE ANMBEIt(S): � OWNEIt/APPLTCANTo �A,A !� v-� V �S_� iC �GC. 1r�-- 1-� �� �.1�, /'/��\i�v 1-� 1����� �� �� � y��� LOCATIObT: �� NPO NUMBER: �� DATE OB IEIP:ARING �� � I ^�� FLEASE PRYNT YOUR NAML. ADDRESS. AND INCLUDE YOU12 ZIP CODE p�opaxi.rrr ��or tr►e propo�sai y ogpoa�rt� �Aya3.x►�t the proposal) Print Name/Addregs/Zip & Affiliation Print I�ame/Addre�s/Zip & Affiliation qyz► � ���c�.a-�nnt�N U.1 � �r.��,C- G 1''ac� �,.�i �c_C° 02� r- N-r�r�-r@,�� q 7,z r 9 �. � .��D s,u7, a.� �.2. ,�1��1-���°��+� ' � r� - ---- -- . --- � � �� � ^ _ ; ��d r -� �,_ .c.� � ; . 4t ! 1 .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . •V`� 4 . . . . . . � � ,�. 1 � . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .... .. .. . . . ry t . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . l: I.I �I . . . . . . . ... . . .. . .. . . .. . . ... . . .... . . . . 4: i'' F' k!. t �' t�: 11 � ap � i� I I ' � � � f�; �: .� _ T I G � RD PLAI�iN IHG �COiiHIS S I O !f NOTICS: 11Y.L PERSOYiS DSSIRING TO SPY�AIC OH ANY I?BN HdST SIQf T�IR �iIllsB l�ID NO?S T'H�IR ADDRSSS ON THIS SHSST. (Pleaee PRINT) AGSNDA ITEM: "✓��.� CASE NUMBER(5)t �` � �(.l "-L�P�LJ 1 -- i OWNER/APPLIC?�TT: '� LOCATION: J� `�, �� U� - L- �6 �t°�•��� �nh � [ � � U�IV ' � i NPO NUMBEite ,_� DATE OF HEARING ���7 � � I i i PLEASE PRINT YOIIR PiAME, ADDRSSS, AN!) INCLUDE YOiTR ZIP CODE PROPONENT (For the progosal) O�POIdENT (Against the proposal) ; Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliation Pri.nt N /Address/Zip & Affi�ation � �"' i :� >��t�'. d i'�1a °.�,���� , �. � �-�.�, . �,���� o� s s� � � �J� � a� � -, �t ° �,,.� :_ _ toa�3s �' 'c� � �' . C.�n�c,�� ��1�� �1�-a i zo y."' '2 Ya� �Q ��?1 vl� -fi;°rLe C' � J� �� l:l/�.Wt✓ G-f� i r'/,.?2,.To� l/ /�O r�� f r/vC / 7 -- �/"d v r� d„-/� , � � \?� y' � i TIGARD PL !lliNxlf � COHHI SS ION ' NOTICS� !l�LL PBR3UN5 DSSIRING TO SP�1C ON 111�Y ITJ�I 2!�[JST SIGI� THSIR � AND NO�lS TfiSIR aDDR�SS QN THIS S�BT. (P�.�ase PRINT) AGENDA ITEM: �� � CF,SE NUMBER(S): � � C ; OWNER/APPLICANT: �I��U/��-�� ��.V �� LOCATIAN: `�� f i i / �°2�f I D ' NPO NUMBER: LV DATS OF HEARYNG � i I i PLEASE PRINT YOiJR NAML. ADDRESS. AND IPICLUDB YOUR ZIP CODE PROPONENT (For tk�e pr�poeal) �DPPOId�AiT (Against the proposal) ; i � Print Name/.�,ddress/Zip & Affiliat�on Print Naane/Address/Zip & Affiliatx.on c�e�� �-1_ �o ���� ���� � �` ��i.� `7C' ? 7 v� _ � 4�... IdEMORANDUM CITY OF TTGARD, OREGON AGEND,A ITEM 5.1 TOa �ity of Ti.gard Planning Comm3.asion FRQM: Jerry Offer, Associate Flanner DATEz Ju1y 20, 1990 SUBJECT: Subdivision Propogal SUB �0-0007 ' SW 97th Avenue On July 10, 1950, the City of Tiga�rd Plar��.ing Commi�aion reviewed a propasal for a nine lot eubdivision to be located �t 14200 5W 97th Avenue. At tkae applicant's requ�at, the heari.ng wae �continued �q tha C�meaisaion's July 24, 1990 meeting to allow the appZicant�s repree�ntatiee, Tom Surton of Burton En�ineer.ing, �o meet with a neighbori.ng property owner in orcler that consideration mighic be made Eor that neighbox'� future ae�eioPment pZans. Mr. �urton hae reported tlaat he hae mQt with that ne�.ghbor•s representative to discua� their respective pl�ns but that at thie point there ig no new pZan for the Planning Gommiasion c�r neighborhaod to seview. I�ix. Burton intende to appear b�fore the Commi�eion on July 24 to r�equest � fur�her continuation of �he tee�ring. �taff recomm�nds �h�nt the Commi�a,ic�n further can�inue th�s �rublic hearir�� an SUB 90-OOQ7 tca the Coa9mie�ian°� Augu�t 21, 194D hearingo Staff wi�ll, natify pereona who hav�e t�etifi�d at the CAt�aniASion'e �uly 1(� haaring in advance of a�ngr furth�r publie revisw af tk�is subdivision �rapas�l. i i jl �� t. � �. i l i i � � � ; i (, � r�t��mi�r<1 EPa�;2N�,��:Cttc; za�yr, ;;tr�vr�,� �:ti= 11`_?�5 �W PEC'1FIC HI�H�4'�i' #���� TIGHRD, OF.EGON J7223 Pl�i { 503 ? G3'_)-6'1'1(; �T�.ily 2�], 1990 Cit,�� o� T:.c�4�xd Pl�rr�in�� Goinmi:;�i�n City H��11 Tigarcl, ar�gon 97'v'�':; R�: : Gran{�view �u)�divisivn -- ��,a��e�1y Gur��truc�iun t'la�:�� k�e aavi:�ed k�e 4101,llrl 1i)ce �c> h�ve th�: above met���:iat�ec� tiuladivisa.on 1���uZ�����1 cr,x�,�ir,�.�e�� tt� tYie i.�xt ,�vai1��1�1.t� ttte�:Litig tim�� � '�e are ir� c:°c�rit��c�: a�ith �ht. ��riuu� ���:c�ka�rty owner�� ir�volv�a �nd neer� thc ,�de�itional tim�� to work c�ut a r�c�lutior� ac.�x�.�;�}�le i:o �1.1 . �--- �.11"1C_"E'1�'.1,yy ^ .�.T Thont�s H . Bur��on l �;; �;�; , �� "��...:: CITX 8F TIGARD PLANNING CUMMISSION FINAL ORD�R NO. 90- 18 PC A FINAI� ORDER INCLUAING F�ACTS, FINDINGS� AND CONCLUSIONS WHICIi REVERS�S A DIRECT012'S IIVTERPRETATION AND CONSIDERS A PROPQSED BUSINESS (HIGH-TEMP N.W.) IN TIiE CBA (CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRIC7,') ZONL AS A WHOLES�I.E� aTORAGE� ANB DISTt���UTION USE. WHEREAS, High-Temp 2dW, Ina. requested to locat� a buein�es that involves a a�rnbination of "wholesale, atorage, and distribution" and "manufacturing of ' finished groducta" ae de�Eined in the Community D�velopmen� Code in� th� CBD (Central Bueineee Die�rict) zone; and WiFIEREAS, the Plar�ning Di�ector ieeued an interpretation of the Comcpunity Development Code etating that the business was not permissible becauee the product fabrioation component is an ind uetrial uee which is not allowed ira the C�D zone; and WH�REAS, High-Temp NFT` Inc� appealed the Direator�s Interpr�tat3.an to b� revi.ewed by the Planning Co�►ission; and WIiEREAS, the �larsning Commi�ei.on reviewed thia appeal at a public hearing on July 24, 1990. TFIFREFORL, the Flanning Camrn�iesion ordere tha� ths Director's Intezpretation b� r�av�r�ed and that High-Temp NW, Inc, be can�id�red as a "wholeeale, etcara�ge, and distribution" uee as definad in th@ Community DeveYnp�en�t Code based up�on the follow3.ng finding�: Sec�ion l. Althcaugh the precis� percentage m�y vary, tha predominant businese activity will be "wholesale, stc�xage, and di,stribution" and "�rofeeaional and adminiatrative aervic�" ae defined in the Community Development Code. "Manufacturing of f3.nished products" will accupy between 10 and 20 percent of the total building floor area and wi11 clearly be a ��•.^,ondary component of the total businees operation. section 2. The Camm�esion's interpretation is coneiatent with a previous Coromunity Development Code interpretation relating to Magno- Humphries where the City Council approved a bu�inesa in the CBD zone with a minor amount of product m�nuf�cture. It ie fwrther ordered that the applicant be noti£ied of the entry of this order. PP,SSED: Thie � day of July, 1990, by the Planning C iee on af th� City of Tigard. ---.--___.__ i n r e dent T g rd Plann C iseion HIGH-TEM.PFO/kl FINAL ORDER 40-18 PC - HIGH-TEM� N,W., INC. PAGE l � _ : �.� `u;� MEMORANLIUM TO: Planning Cammission AGENDA ITEM 5.2 FROM; Keith Liden, Senior Plann�r �'�-` RE: Appeal of Director'a Interpretation High Temp PiW, inc. DATE July 18,2990 On June 14, 1990, a Director•s Interpretation was iesued r�garding a property locatec� at 8900 S.W. Comcnercial Street and the poseibility of establiehing a busineee which has a certain amount of activity devoted to produat fabriaation. The interpretation concluded that the proposed businese, High Temp 1�W, Inc., wae nnt allowed in the CBD (G�+ntral Business Distri.ct} zone L�ecaua� the ' fabrication c�mponent of the bueiness is cl�gsified ae an industrial u�e. This interpretatiQn was appe�l�d for review by the Cocnmie�ion. Attached is a copy of the original lette� from Marvin Bowen, dat�d I�tay 1f, 1990, r�questing an intergsretation; �he Directar°� Inter�r�tationp a eecond letter dated Juns j:'; 20,1990, elabor�ting upan the nature of the bueinese; and i�he appeal d�t;ed Ju�e ;! 26, 1990. i s= The Commission �hould review the inf�rmation and t�e �eetimor�y r��eived and ; make a d�t�rmination whe�her ta uphald, modi£y, or raverae the Director'e f;; Interpreta�ion. j: T3IGHTEMP.DI/kl E` ',' � (� � r � � �7,� � # l; ti � � � f 7 Y ' r . . . . � F��,'�. ( - . . . . . . � :. �} ... C ' �a` . � . � . . ` .'f:r: � . � . � . . � �,7.. . ..� . . . . . . � � �F-: . .. . . . . . �� �'. � . � . . . . � . � . � �`;'. � � . . � � . � . � Fi,:, ' . � � � � . .� . . . . . . ��; � . . � .. �. � .�ti�l . . . . .. . . ��`. . � � . � , � � � ... � � � `#� , � f � �� MARVIN D. BOWEN • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW GREENOUR(3 PLAZA � 11825 8.W.6REENBURO ROAD � TIGARD,OREGON 97223 t503) 820-6565 May 16. 1990 �E��f V�� ATTN: Mr. Ed Mur,phy �.,�r 1.� 199p Planning & Development Director �MM�N� City of Tigard ���������r P. O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 Re: 8900 S.W. Commercial, Tigard, Oregon � '� Dear Mr. Murphy: Please be advise�d that T represent the owner of the property at• 8900 S.W. Commerci.al, Tigard, Or�gon. The gxoper�y has been far sale or rent for apprQximately three years. This is a 2 story warehouse style builriing with office space in the upper level. Each time a prospective purchaser or tenant (at Iea�� 7) has looked at the property, they have been told to contact the City for permitted use, because of �khe present Central Business District designation. Each prospective pu�cchaser or tenant has been told by the City� that tk�e �arospective user's use of the a property w�uld not b� allowed as not witriin the pex�mitted uses as a3lowed for the designation of the Central Business Distriat designation. On a couple of occasions, the ovmer� have secure�. Qarnest maney agreements from prospective bu�ers. The prospective buyers, or their agen�s, have then contacted the City and have been told that �he proposed use would not comply with the CBD designation. In all of the above instances, a1.1 the proposed uses would have been an al.lowed use of the property if not for the CBD designation. The owners have again secured a signed earnest money agreement, a contingency cf the agreement is that the purchaser be able to use the building. ISome data and information on the proposed use are as follows. � The buyer is High-Temp N.We Inc., wriich is currently doing business at �� 5438 S.W. Tigard Avenue, Tigard, Oregon. They have been at �hat loaation ' for approximately 6 years. The type of business they plan to conduct at the 8900 S.W. Commercial. locatian is the same type of business that is being conducted at S.W. Tigard Avenue. (This is only about 2 blocks from the area designated as CSD.) A brief description of the business is as fnllows. High-Temp is a distributor of refractory materials used for industrial and constructior► uses and aonsists primarily of 50 pound bags of cement, ceramic fif�er insulation, and fire brick. (continued) � l , �� MARVIN D. BOWEN I, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW City of Tigard I May 16, 1990 Page Two They employ appraximately 13 people. The building would be used appraximately 2/3 for office/warehause purposes, and approximately 1/3 for fabrication. The fabrication that takes place in their operation consists of talcing cement mi.x and casting it into molds which are pre-shaped. There is a very small gas-fired drying �ven approximately 8' square, that is used in the fabrication process. Other fabrication inc'ludes cutting gaskets for wood stoves, which are sold to Earth Stoves in Tualatin, Oregon. They also, by manual labor, put insulation in some metal parts, also so:Ld to Earth Stoves. The fabrication operations include materials and manual labor and no noisy cutting equipment, pounding, etc. There is some welding on the molds, which averages ap�roximately 2 hou.rs ger day, however the welding does not emit any noise and is done behind the closed warehouse doors, so it is not visible from outside. � There wouZd not be stcsraqe of any materials autside of the buildi.ng, nor would there be overnight storage of any vehicl�s outside the building. All trucks used in the business are driven by emplayees and taken home at night. Ir_ addition, High-Temp would be unlaading 1�2 semi trucks per week whiah takes a n�minal time. There are daily deliv�ries and pickups by TTP9. In addition, th�re are outgoirsg shipm�ents on a f�:atbed truck, to local pt�rchasers of their praducts. Any and all activi•ty of the company, excep� far loading and unlaading of vehiales would be totally enc'losed wathin the building, anc� the doors would remain closed tor security reasons. B�cause of the numerous times prospeative purchasers have been informally turned down for their proposed use of this property, my client believes very strongly that the City has basicalZy condemned treir property without paping any just compensation. The bu:.lcling was designed, approved, and built for usP as office/warehouse space, and no praposed purchaser is going to make oth�r use of the property without inaurring costs probably close �o the cost of a new building being construated on the property. The property taxes on this property are approximately $7,000 a year, plus insurance premiums. By the actions of the City, on several occasions, turning down proposed uses, my client has not had any income from the pxoperty for approximately 3 years and has been required to ,;� incur out of pocket costs for the annual property taxes, insurance i ; premium costs, and deductible insurance amounts for the vandal3.sm which has occurrecT to the emp�y building. ' �-; (continued) tr`;`� i",; ��', r: f�' �'�t; �.' t<,�a: -�,, ,�, . _ . . . . . . .. . ,� . . . .� , : . . Ms� . � ��.:, 'v. MARViN D. BOWEN City of Tigard ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW May 160 1990 Page Thre� The City has not been successful in getting voter approval for the Urban Renewal Agency to imp7Lement the CBD and the proPerty, and others�r is again in "limbo". kly client has waited 3 years for the City to �ake something happen in a new direction, ar allow �his property to be used as originally intended. Ap,parently, the Ci�y of Tiga.rd is not taking a position to change or delete the Centra]. Business District designation on S.W. Commercial, or i.s it7 My elient remains with an empty k�uildang, with no funds promised or ant3.ca.pated by the Ci�.y of Tigard to implement its Central Business District plan, at any forseeable time in the future. I would appreciate reeeiving a perntit allowing� Iiigh-Te�p N.W. , Inc. to be permitted to use th� property as set for�h in this letter, Permi.ssion ta use the praperty, as ou�tlineci in this letter, will aZlaw the real estate �to again be produc�ive. It also raill stop the out-of-goaD�et costs which have re�ulted ta my client. Ths City imposed designation of the C�D and �he failure af votex apgroval to i,mplement the area ars urb�n renewal, has cost my client several thousands of do].lars per year and, in addz�ior�, has been a taking of the property by the C�ty �,ritihout due proces� af ]Law and payment of just compsnsa�ion. My cl�.ent be�.ieve� that the ac�ntinued CenL-ra1 Business District designation, �vithaut any m�ans of impg.ementing the d€signation, should terminate, at least to the exten:t of granting this request. W'e are scheduled to close the sale nf the propexty by June 1, 1990. Very truly yours, /�//7 ; Cr��'C-t�c���' �G'��Jr'�' MA�TIN D. BOWEN MDII/cb 4 I � I � . �'�'..L..tc v _, r• �•r, �•�� � � � � � t � .`" , �./ June 14, 1990 li� Marvin D. Bowen • �+���� ����� Greenburg Plaza 11825 S.W. Greenburg Road OREGON Tigard, OR 97223 � REs Dir�ctor'� Interpretation • High-Temp N.W., Inc. Dear Mr. Bowen: - I have roviewed your letter of May 16, 1990 regarding a property located at 8900 S.W. Commercial Street with Ed Murphy, You indicate that the y�roperty owner has experienced cflifficulty in selling or leasing the land and existing building due to the regulations o£ the CBD (Central Buaineas District) zone. High-Temp N.W., Inc�, presently located at 9438 S.W. Tigard Street, is interes�ed in purchasing the property. Our response to your inquiry inGludes a determination as t�a whether High-Temp N.W., Inc. may be a permitted o'r conditionaZ use in the CBD zoa�e gollowed bx a. brief swmmary of the recent zoning history af the prop�rty. Cade Interpretation' Ae desari.bed �.n your ].etter, the Yiigh-Temp N.W., Inc. busi.rie�s vFC►u1d �ave agproximately 2�/3 of �h� fYoor area devoted. �o mff�ce/ware�nuse purposee and the remaining 1/3 would be use3 f�r prrsduct fabrication. The C�D zone a3.laws ^whal�aalle, �torage,-and distributior�'° as a aonditional u�e (Section I8.66.040, Camiaux�ity I��velopment Cade)> Therefore, the affice/warehouse �component of the bua�ness coulcl be permi�tesi ttnraugh the conditional une r�vie�w procesa. Th� fabri�at�.ax� portion �f thQ businees is defined ia thc� Cocie as "manufactu�ing of iEiniehed praducts" and/or "pacicaqing and proce�si.ng" whicri a�e oniy allawed in the City°s industrial zones (I-P, I-L, and Z-H). I have attached the�e Cade . � definitions and the li.at of per�nitted and condi.tional uses allowed in tPae C�D . • ; .. zone.;. . : . . , , . . : . . ' Since fabri.cation constitutes a siqnificant.partion of the business opsration,, High-Temp 1J.W., Inc. inay not be allowed as' a perntitted or comditional use in � , the.CBD zane. . ' ., , � . � - � . '. � � . , . . . . • Historv of the CBD Desiqnation The origin of the CBD zone �nd deaignation of allowed usea occurred in � � conjunction with ths TURA (Tiqard Urban Renewal Agency) program an�l the Comprehennive Plan reviafon of 19�2 and 1983. The Ciity Council determined that the prohibition of any new induatrial usea was appropriate and that new development should be of a commer�ial and high density residential nature. The TURA program was repealed in 1983, but the Cosaprehenaive Plan revieions were adogted in November, 1983. Since that time, the Covnci.l has been agked to consider, on occaeion, changing the zoning to either 1) allnw new industrial uses and the expansion of existing , 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P.O.Box 23397,ligard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 ,d-�;�� � ,,r,: ;'� r,' `�i. �' �) MAF2VIN D. BOWEN • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW GREENHUR6 PLAZA � �� I1823 6.W.GRFENBURG ROAD . �, TIGARD,OREGON 97223 <503) 820-6565 June 20, 1990 f;E�EE�ED PL�t1PJIN6 �.-i'�'r. Keith S. Liden ���N 21 ?990 Senior Flanner City of Tigard P. O. Box 23397 Tigard, Ol� 97223 AND Nlr. Ed Murphy, nirector Cou�unity Development D�epartmen� City of Tigard � P. Om Box 23397 � Tigard, f1R 97223 Re: High-Temp N.W. Inc./8900 S.W. Commercial, Tiqard, Oregon 17ear Mr. Liden and NSr. Murphy e � I recr�ived your letter of June 14, 1990 regarding the above--re€e.rencedo As I discussed witYl Kei.th over the caunter a week or so ago, �he 1/3 representation af my letter af May 16, 1990 for fabric�at3.on purposes, 2 believed was a hi.gh estimate by the purchase�'s intended use of the building. T have attacheci tn this lettPr, 2 pages consisting. of the floor plans of the warehouse building at 8900 S.W. Commercial. On the first page, the shaded areas shows the area which would be dedicated to fabrication and is the only area which will be used for fabxication. Th� top floor of . the building would not be used in ang► manner except as office space. On the enclosed, the first page shows there would be approximately a li+tl,� nver 10$ of �he total square footage of the �' }: building used for £abrica-�ion. Tn this fabricaticsn process, there is no �� use of water or processed water, oil, grease, gas, diesel, chemicals, any '. contaminants, pesticides, etc. � � ; The aven used as part of the fabrication pracess generates no � more heat than what would be given off by a heater used for heating a ( room to a mean, comfortable temperature. There will be no noise emi�cted from the building in the , fabrication process, there is no heav,y pounding, etc. There is sozrte ' welding in the building at 2 statians as shown on the plan, however, � 1 doors will be clqsed at all times and any light emissions from the � welding will not be visible from the exterior of the building. (continued) �� MARVIN D. BOW�N ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Messrs. Liden and Murphy June 20, 1990 Page Two Al�o, there will never be any vehicles parked overnight, i.e. trucks, pickups, eto. The picku� or deliveries tn the location wi1Z be 1 or 2 semi �rucks per week, which tak�e a nomina3 ta.me to load or unlnad and otherwis� will be no more than single axle �ehicles. Given some of the uses of various buildings in the CSD, I do n�t believe tha•t the fabrica�ion by High-Temp N.W. within the buil�ing would be significant in terms oi: i. 1. Square £ootage utiliz�d. 2. Activity which would be a land-use change of the property. 3. B� considered industrial use in th� ov�rall sense of the , ; � building given the activi�y and square footage used. 4. Wou1d not be d�trimental to the CBD as it now exists or even conteznplated to exist in the near future. and 4 We had a pre-application fiearing with Jerry Offer yesterday, intend. to submit a conditional use applicatian if your �ode interpreta�ion l�tter of June 14, 1990 could be changed, gi.ven the in£ormation in this letter, so that fabricati�n by High-�emp N.W. Inc. , as stated in this letter, does nc��t, or would not constitute a s�.gnificaat partion of the business op�ration, and their operations wo�uld be allov��d as a permit�.ed conditional u5e in �.he CBn zone. i r` T appreciate re�orisideration of your letter, and would be very happy fox a favorabie in�erpretation. Very truly yours, � ' � / '� _ ;' � ��-' ,%�' / G,�, l.�'.���,�z'a'_` :, l�!�� � �;% IN D. BOW�N � f' A.ttorney for Owners MDB/cb Enclosures f?: cc: F.aglesox� Tieritage , High-Temp T�7.W., Inc. t,` �:,;: ��'. ;;= }. 47; � � . � .. . � 4 ;i }2 � % . � .. . . �`k�. � . .� . � � .. � � �c�r: . ' . . � . .. i.' .. .. � . . , . . _ .. . . .. .. .� : ... . . � ..� _'.�T-""- 1__.' " .__' """ " _.___ '.. . . ._" " _ . ..' '__. . _ } . ' ' " "'_".�'_ • ' ' ' .. ." 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Y•�:=--� �--.- ---%-�------- -- �--r--^_"'"_"r "' • -. . .. .. :_ .. - • F .. . r--. . ,.._ � ._ _ .� -' . 'i'_ . ° �. � _ - • "''T .j.' . '.• ..._� . . .. . . •, - i � � .•- •- -• +�_.'_i. � � :�. �.� .. • , . . .. �� . .' . . � "_'.L "�"_'"""' ._ .�.��-�l���__��.� . ""�'�f'��'� wii • �t l � r �,T LAND USE DECISION APPEAL FI�ING FORM C� The City uf Tigar,d suppurts i:he ci�izen's right tu participate in lacal guvernment. Tigard's Lanc� Use ,; Cude therefure sets out speciFic requirements for ,�;,,,, ,1#�,, filing appeals e.�r� certain land �use decisions. �'��� �'��� The fullowin� fur�m r�as been deueluped to assist yuu in O��GON filing an appeal of a land :use decisian iri prup�r Form. To determin� what fil.in� fees will be r�quired or to answer any qusstions yau have rega►^ding the � appeal process, please cuntact tFtie Plannir�g Diuisiun '� or the City Recc.�rd�r^ at 539-4171. I 1. APPLICATION BEING APPEALEU: Director's i.nterpretation letter '' dated June 14th, 1990. 2. NOW DO YAU QUFlLIFY AS A PARTY: Potential building and 1�nd purchaser. 3. SPECIFIC GROUNUS FOft APPEAL OR REVIEW: This proposal qualifies for conditional use. Magno-Humph�ies. Tnc. and Kaufman's Streamborn Fly Sh�p Ytave ' I � previously been granted conditional use for manufacturina and fabrzcation in the centr.al business district. �i We b�lieve that our application meets this previously approved conditiona'1 use for the small amount of manufact- uring performed by High-Temp id,W. Inc. (Please see attache� letter for additional points of evidence. ) 4. �CNEQULED DA"fE DECISION IS TQ BE FTNF�L: 5. DATE NOTICE OF FTNAL DECISIO AS June 14th, 1990 �°�? . 6. SIGNA7URE(S) :� �(•�(-H�•�-)HE-��x��E-)t-�•x-x-x-��(-�t-)HE-x-x-x•�(-�-x°?E-)t-x-lt-x-x-x-x-��(-x-x-x-x-)f�HEk<•%�E-H-�E-x-x-x-)H(-x-x-N-x-x•�(-x-x��(•x-x-�-x-x-x•�E-x�9t xaf•�t-x-��E•x-x-x� FOR OFFICE USE ON�Y_ Re� .iued 8y:�l,U� '-�/.�,�,,, Date:�fJ��Time: �:3U� , Approved As To Fnrm By:����IF.�, Date:�ci2(/4o Time:�M, �enied As To For•m F3y: , Date: ��Tiine: _ Rc�ceipt No. Amour��, •xaE-�-��E-x-x-X-X-�-x-x-k°x-)E•�(-x-�-�-�-)t-�-��'�iE-��-x�E-IF��E�-N-�E�E-x-xiE�-)E�f-)F�f•�(-�E-x9E�E9F-)t�E-X 1E-x-)f-14-�-x-x-�•���E�-�-lf-�-�-lF�f-x°��(x�E�E��EiE-� I�ec����d �s� �.,UnS �.e �la��gv C• c,t�h� 13125 SW Hall Blvd„P.O.Box?_3397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503 639-4171 � i d n ` �� . �'Y.... ��._.. ...� � I-3CI�H TEM�? N.W. 9438 S.W. TIGARD ST. • TIGARD, OREGON 97223 • (503) 684-3920 2839 NANSEN DR. SUITE A-2 • MEDFORD, aREGON 97504 • (503) 772-9555 June 26, 1990 Planning Commission City of Tigard P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 RE: Appeal of Directars Interpretation The followir�g poi.nts ar� submit�ted as additianal support , to the appeal for aondi'tional use; II 1) Immediate area is primarily industrial; (ie; Magno- � Humphries Tnce East, Raii�oad tracks South, Tri-Met Transit Center West, Fire Sta�ion and Kaufman's • Streamborn Fl.y Shop, in_.addition t� vara.ous business�s North. ) 2) High--Temp N.W. is primarily warehous� c�istribu:tor with small am�unt of light fabrication. � 3) Hi.gh�Tem� N.W. has been in �igard six years, �rnploying 10--20 persons at current location, tl��ee bYacks from proposed new site. 4) Site �ocation has been vacant la years. High-Temp N.W. '� will re�odel interior and exterior of building as well as required public use areas, adding considerabl.y to the beauty of the area, which is currently an eye sore to the CBD, and a aontinual vagrant haven. Sincerely, HIGH-TEMP NW INC. _r�-----' - �"`- �-w " R e� A. Smith RS:aa , i _ f #:; , ;, �"1i �: ,,. i � � � � y, � ;,, ,� ;. ; � D � .� ��_� � � C� � er��.�. -�� � �. 4 �F.� --- .. . . .. .. . . � . �. . ,�, � Y � f�������';: �i �, R ��' t� ,;'?�"�1��'`. 3�k }W#�:�`���� ���, '� �' ; � � � �,; 3 t�{j��s��� � Y l�y�4���� ��l9y e^:{�,�yr�iI '± '�Fb'���C'$�� f �� ai��k��m � �� �' �>7�`i"��' �� �'� �� ����2�� ��{''{°���k:, � vf-�*��`� : ,�e ' � :�i, z��. 1 ��kf i�' t� � �u�� � l I 4+ , '�3' ft#S i� �,���I. 5!g 1F' y j{h'4 � ��}';{� �,,�¢ 7Y��'I, >� Jr�`�l ��� � S �y p �I '�� C�� t '�U < � ���� ' � �'`��ys��e�����; 4 M�����j� ��. ? �'-s�� c�t,� Fu�+�r�`��� �� �� i {'m'ry f � . F� 'Yf� � +'�£� 5 t�i ,,��'uti�� �'"?;�R��j�s`� � `�,��`��g„ I �;i �x��,� ���{ � ' ����. �� �;, ��� :��,.�:. Y�Y�. �`: ��:. � I �(, 4l: � fi�t. . t�((. tii}: `�I �4 t�b y �as ��. �; i� � � �i � i ,!.I a E ��1, 5 � 1 � � ! r , ; ' • • i . • • ' . I . m ��. sr9 } pF���� .. —_'_— _ '_— — , o c ��1 � �v >3`'�X''' x �'�1 ::c , z� ��#t���� .��� ������� ����� .0 u i $) �� ��� �r$:� �� �;'� ��„, � �� �r. i � � � j t � fi'� ti. ! I e, � - I 1 �. I h���� IptAll�� � vn�rtllurXw �� t ��� � ��� W�FPi�I !S . .�{• � ti... � F�. b�k `�` '� . �����1N. . ^���YJA Wy � � �.�,�`,�. mE'�_. Rft' � �"��Mr I N y � � € ��k�,,;,�'�'� � �`y��"� r_.,r� ,,' �i 4 d" rr�°.� ���,,: ,�.�,.!""""'..:�-�- t.,��-' .. � � 1 f �' � �� ' � ��� ;• R v " ";;�t, ;:,r, �� `� rj'�° ��;r r yy �� ��� , . �t��., . . . . . R�FFiACTORY CONTRACTIN� - Fiard CEASE-FIl�� 2000 - Installati4n af pumpable refractories installed; brick, cast, rammed or refractory backup insulation for boil�rs and � gunned. industrial heating equipment. I� I , � _ ;,, � .�� '�;�a -�-',`.' -,.�,�...:.:' " r. �;z , I��� � � .... : �� ��, ;��. x m.,�; ';x � � `� ��; e I -l�.:... _ "'"1!b �„1.: ., , _ �� ,:`, IN�IJLA,TION �QNTI�ACT'ING - Full service INDUS7RIAL INSULATIOIVS - Fiberglass, industrial insulation contracting. Pipe lines, Cal-Sil and Rockwool pipe cov�ring and board tanks, vessel and types. stock. Full line of accessories; elbow covers, jacketing, banding, etc. I , � � � n ���,��. � , �� <S', x' ��,, ��µ y �� � ` �"� �, .:�r 4;;: �. l� ,; {�dt � �� .. .. � r rr' �(¢����,�.�„�. }ln��` ' '� . . ....r��. -.,.. • . . . .. .. .. � `MMCMIY. �ii • � � 7 - . . . iti' ��w 9 ,�ti 1'1 � � � {'. ; ,�. � _ � �gt ,>��� � � �i�'k � i � �-�.: +16u t: �..,"`^Y��,,. � � ,' �r�;� � ., ,: r � � CERAMIC FiBL°R-Stocking complete selection PYRO-BL�� MC��UL�S - lNeld�on ceramic of fiber products. All densities and t�hicknesses fiber madules for heating treating furnace, of blankets, boards, modul�s and vacuum ladle walls or any hig� temp�rature insulated formed parts. unit. ,.�,.� . fi I k �.�.....nd�. . . . ' . . �� ��� ; ' . . .. . ��. �'� � . i; '' #"�,,� ,�,r� �,- � " �'�&',:�'� �; ;a'�;,:;�,. �.,, ,,_ � }.� h4 Y�. . _ . : � r;,,., r,i ii � 5 y i � �t�ey�;�._ � t,{uk "^+ae i?.M ���'�,r�* '�; � PRE-CAST SHAPE� - Sp�cializing in low and REFRACTOIRIES - Local stock of all refractory ultra-low cement, refractory castings for the specialties (see back cover). �aily deliveries aluminum and steel industries. In-house mold from our exfensive warehouse inventory. construction, material vibration ar7d placement with full pre-firing. � - -- ---- - _ 6� .. . � . � � . . � .Y��' � . . . . � . �� :� :� `' . ,.: . . � � �. � . . . ... . . .. : .: ■ �. _�� ' ` ��� I Refr�ctory & I�sulatior� Specialists M�tierial Sa/es REFRACTORIES CERAMIC FIBER MODULES WOODST'OVE ACCESSORIES ' ❑ Firebrick All Shapes ❑ Pyro Bloc Modules � Door Rope ❑ Castables C] Vacuum Formed Modules ❑ V1�indow Channel Tape ❑ Insulating �astables L� Element Hange,Mndules ❑ Door Insulation , ❑ Plastics ❑ Vacuum Formed Burner Block ❑ Stove Firebrick ❑ Ramming Mixes ❑ Furnac�Cerroent , ' ❑ Mortar TEXTILES (CERAMI�-FIBER�LASS) ❑ Prepackaged Door Gask�t Ki�s ❑ Piasters and Coatings ❑ Flat Tape ❑ Insulatong Fir�brick O Braided Sleeving ❑ Anchors-M�etal and Brick ❑ Tadpole Tape ❑ Knit Cloth �+4llfl`aC�'lllg CERAMiC FIBERS ❑ Braid�d Rope REFRAGTORY CO(V1'RACTING` ❑ �ulk Fibers 2300° -3�00° ❑ Balt Hole Tape ❑ 2300° -3000° Blanket C] Furnaces � f� Wet Felts to 3U00° CEM�N7S • � Boil�rs � � Die Cut Sha�es ❑'Dryers � Paper All �rades � Bonding Mortar ❑ Ladle Walls ❑ Cease Fire 200Q ❑ �urnac� ❑ Kilns ❑ Fibrous�Adhesi�e ❑ Cremators. CERAMIC FigERS (�il�iD� � �ramic Cement ' ❑ �elta Sections ❑ Fiber Rid idizer I 9 ❑ Fuel Cells ❑ 2300° -3000° Boar�d ❑ �vens I ❑ Vacuum �rmed Shapes INI�►U�TRI,�L INSIlLATlOIVS p Cease Fire 2Q00 ❑ Burner Bloc{cs � Pipe Covering ❑ Electric Radiant Panels ❑ Aluminum J�cket INSUL.�TION CONTRACTlNG ` CAST REFRACTORY SHAPES � �Ibow Go�ers ❑ Piping Systerns , ❑ Thermal Insulating Wool ❑ Boiler Insulation � Lances ❑ pryer Insulation � Burner Blocks PLYWCD�D DBRYERS ❑ Tanks ❑ Launderers O Door Gaskets ❑ Duct Systems ' ❑ Furnace Runners ❑ Cast)nsulation � n�9e�g� ❑ Any Specialized Shap� p lnsulation O Evaporators ❑ Grucible Liners ❑ Grouting O Fans ❑ Delta Sections ❑ High-Temp Silcone ❑ Removeable Insuia�ion ❑ Pier Block Blankets antl Pads MAIN OF'FICE ' �ontact lfbur Area Represehtatirre HIGH-TENlP IV.W. INC. P.O. Bax 239;�6 _ 9438 S.W.TIGAFID ST. TIGARD,OREGON 97223 (503)684-3920 WA'�S-1-800-325-2492 FAX-(503)620-7789 � 0 `t� � 'w AGENDA ITEM 5_3 I MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON I To: Tigard Planning Commis�ion FROM: Ron Bunch, Senior Planner RE; Agenda Item 5.3: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 90-0006 Preaident's Parkway -- Re-evaluation of Current Comprehensive Plan Designati.on and Associated Policies. AATE; July 17, 1990 The Ci�y Council hae requested that the Planning Commi�eion hold a public hearing to r�ceive citizen input and forward a recnmmendation in regard� to the future of the area that comprised the failed President's Parkway urban renewal � di�tric;t. The City Council is acting in accordance with Compreheneive Plan Policy 11.�.5, which states: 'If for ua� xeason the President's Parkway Develapment Plan is not adog�ted or � approved, wi9:hin 90 days df euch a decision, the Tigard City Council eria11 ho].d a publia Yaearing in ordss �ko re-evs�luate the pc�liciee xaote3 above (enclosed as A�tachment �) and �he Comprehenei�e P1an Amendmen�.' Aa p�rt o� tha.s process the Coux�cil directed staE� to receiv� i.npu� from Tigard's Neic�hborhood Planning Organizations (NP�J's) and the communi.ty P].anning Or.ganizations (CPO's) . During ths months of June and July staff inet with groups. As pres�n�ed L-o you at your June 10, 1990 workshop an thie i�eue all of these graupa favored redseignating the area bac)c to the way it waa and repealing the Plan text am�ndment�. Thi3 was determined appropriate for the following xeaeons: 1) �he Comprehensive Plan and zoning d�signationa in the area currently do not match. Property ownere are eubject ta uncertainty as long as the Plan designation and the zoning do not caincide. Furthermoree the current Plan text which appliea to the area requires that development occur in acaordance to an "master plan." The maeter plan doea not exist, and aannot be prepar�d without eub�tantial �xpenditure. Aa a consequence, the area is under a de-facto development moratarium. 2) Ther�e i� inadequate time to evaluate a range o£ land use optione in the ares and meet the 90 day timeline estab].ished by the above Compreheneive Plan Policy. 3) Tiggrd'a voters said a de€inite �xo �o the ta�c fnare►nent ballot msasure. Even though it ie not apparent what aspect of the prajeet was rejected, e.g. tha development i���lf, �he methad of financing, timing, or growth in general, the City should redesignate the area as it was and concer�trate on area� more suited for commercial/profee�ional develapment. � � _. � �. � 4) Without tax increment financing or a developer willing to invest in the area, there is no means �o fund the neceesary planning atudie� or infrastruc�ure improvement� to make the area available for more intense development. There was also considerable comm�nt from the NPO's and CPO�s that if the area ie redesignatad as residQnicial and the plan text amendmente reae�s�d then this actioa ahould be followed by a planning effort to evaluate the future development opportunities as well as exieting constraints. It was emphasized that this task muat invc�lve considerable citizen input. The ieeue before you ie to formally recsive ci�izen input and recommend to the City cauncil wha� land use ac�ion the City ehould initiate. Thie ie not a Comgreheneive Plan amendment hearing. Your. efforte should focus on: - Formally receiving citizen input. - Evaluat�.on to svhat land une degiqnatione should apply to the area, and what should be done with the applicable psan policies. Ag indicated previouslp, �he plan policy�(iee) requiring development to occur in accordance to a master plan fArce a development moratorium on the area. - Making a farmal recommendation to the Ci�y Council in rsgarde� to the above. xhe City Co�ncil will then, at its August 13, 1990 public heaxing mak� a determinatian, as to the mngt reaaonable cours� of �ction, and if they desire initi�te the proces� t� change the Campreh�nsi.ve P1an m�p and text, Thia action would b� f�+ilowe�3 by �dditional public hearinga im accorctance with the Tigard Developmen�t Code. Pleas� find attaahed the Comprehensive Plan pol�ciee (Attachment A) and maps (Attachment Bj that currently apply to the area. rb/ res. rk P�� P - � ����v��t� � _ , . . � , _ B. PHASING PLAN: THE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BY PHASE ALONG WITH THE NECESSARY' PUBLIC FACILITIES, UTILITIES AND TRI�NSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS, BOTH ON AND OFF—SITE, WHICH ARE NEEDED FOR EAGH PI31�SE. THE PHASING PLAN SHALL ALSO INDICATE NIEASiJRES PRC�POSED TO REDUC;E CONSTRUCTTON IMPACTS AND ON—GOIIIG IMPACTS TU AREAS NOT BEING REDEVELOP�D, AND TO ADJACENT NEIGHBORHOODS. C� �F�•�--�FFT<.rn �w�+nr.�c•c+�ac+wtm,y, !,[+g.p�NSPORTATION ar�a�x. ASSESSMENT: AN ASSESSMENT OF THE ON AND OFF—SITE TRAFFIC REQUIREMENTS R�:SULTING FROM AND RELATED TO EACH PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT. THE ASSESSMENT SHALL IDENTIFY TRA1rTSPORTATION PROJECTS, ZNCLUDING TRANSIT, TO REDUCE POTENTIAL TRAFFIC IMP'ACTS ON ADJACENT NEIGHBORHOODS AND THE DEVELOPMENT P,REA. D. PUBL�C FACILTTY . AND UTILITY ASSESSMENT: AN ' ASSESSMFNT OF THE ON AI�1TD OFF—SITE WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE AND UTILITY REQUIRL�NIENTS k2ESULTING FROM � AND RELATED TO EACH PHASE OF DEVELOPMENT. E. FLOQD �CONTROL AND FLOOD PREVENTIUN A5SE55MENT: AN ASSESSMENT, MANAGFI�lENT PT,AN AND CONCEFTUAL vESIGN . F�R THE WETLAND P(�NDS ,AND LA�KE PROpOSED �.S FART QF , THE �RES3DENT°S PARKi�IAY 1�EVELOFMEN'T PLAN. TIiE ASSESSMENT SHOULD ADDEt�SS °I'HE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIREMEN7'S AND ALTERNP.TIVES. THIS ASSESSMENT SHALL BE REQUIRED BEFORE ANY PHASE WHICH I�Y PHY�ICALI,Y IMPACT THE WETLAND L.AKE AND POND, OR WOULD REQUII2E THESE TMPROVEMENTS TN ORDER TO HANDi,E ;`�'ORM WATER I2EQU�REMENTS. F. METZGER SCHOOL RELOCATION: A PLAN FOR THE RELOCATSON ' OF METZGER SCHOOL WZLL BE DEVEI.,OPEB IN CONJUN�TION WITH TIGARD SCHOOL DISTRICT. TF �T IS DETERMIN�D i TI�AT METZGER SCHOOL WILL :NOT BE MOVEp, AND WrLL 4 REMAIN IN TTS PRESENT LOCpiTIQN, THEN THE CONCEPTUAL ;, DEVELOPMENT PLAN WIi,L MAKE APPROPRIATE PROVTSIl7NS � FOR THE CONTINUED PRESENCE OF THE SCHOQL IN THI$ ;. AREA. �; x G. IMPInEMENT.A�ION AND FINANCING ASSESSMENT: SHOWING TRANSpORTATION, PUBI,IC FACII.ITY AIJD OTFiER PROJECTS � REQUTRED BY 1�HASE, COSTS, FI:Jd�1DING 5CIURCE AND FUNDING � , RESPaNSTBILITX. ;' F F H. DESI�N GUIDEI,TNES AND PUBLIC IMPROVFIMENT ST,ANDA.I2DS: � k SHQWING DESIGN GUTDELI�IES FOR PRIVATE DEVELQPMENT ! INCLUDZNG HErGHT, BUY�K, ARCHITECTUI2AL CHARACTER AND � OTHER FEATURES, AND STAYJDA�2DS FOR PUBLIC ; " IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS STREETS, STREETSCI�PE, �� p, LANDSCAPING, SIGNAGE, ETC. GUTDELItdES S�iALL ALSO � £' ; �;xhibit A t Page 37 - , � _.,:. _ _ --- - :.: _..�.:. C.°� T� ' � I��'�� ����0�-�'yVY� h�� ,6(� , �l�Ul � � �„J� _ _ neighborhoods. me d not proceed unf:il necessary � funding for pub 'm rovements is available and sec . � s � j,.� i '�A � � "�"� ��''�i�( �� A 1 �w�` ' 1 � �`'� � ' POLICIES ��� ------------------------------- 11.8.1 A COMPREHENSIVE C'ONCEFTUAL DEVELOPI�ENT PI�AN SHALL BE FFtEPARED FOR THE ��-� AR�A `�T'n T ^m m�-miiL i" �T��� } ,�r�,TTr�.,,�,��T�T� *•�,�— ^-��; SHOWN AS MAP TW'O. TIi�5 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHALL �E PREPARED AND ADOPTED AS A PLANNED DEVELOPM�NT OVEF2LAY DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE RE�UIREMENTS OF SECTTdN 1$.80 OF TFIE CITY OF TIGARD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE (CDC) . 11.$.2 WITHIN TFiE AREA ZDENTIFIEU AS PLAI�NED DEVELOPMENT, ALL ; ' AFPLICATIONS FOR COI�PREHENSIVE PLAN Y�AP AMENDNiENT, ZONE � CHANGE, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW (18.120, CDC) , .I CONDITIONAL USE (18.130, CDC) AND LAND DIVISION (18. �60- ].62, CAC) SHALL BE FOUND TO CONFORM TO THE APPROVED " CONCEPTIIAL DLVELOPMENT PLA1�1 (18•80.110, CDC) . APPROVAL OF A DETAILED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR EACH PHASE IDENTIFIED IN THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHALL BE SUBJ�CT TQ THE REQUIREMENTS OF 1f3.80 OF THE CDC AND OTHE� CODE � REQFJIREM�NTS THAT APPLY TO THE TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT P1zOPOS�D. IN ADDITION, .THE CITY SHALL REQUI�2E A MORE DETAILED ASBESSMENT OR IJIPDATE OF AN EXISTII�TG ASSESSMENT T AS NECESSARY FOR ANY ITEM OUTLINED IN POLICX 11.8.5. . �, IN ORDER TO APPROV� APPLICATIONS FOF2 PLAN AMENDMENTS ' SUBSE4UENT TO THE ADO�TZON OF TH�S POLICY AND OT�iER APPLICA'�IONS REFERREQ TO Irl THIS SUBSECTION, RDEQUATE � FUNDING FOR PUBLIC IMk��2UVENiENTS FQUND TO gE NEEDED BY THE CITY DURTNG THE PREF9ARATIOId AIJD SUBSEOTJENT i7PDATE_OF THE CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (11 8 5) MtJST EXIST PRTOR TO OR CONCURRENT WITH APPROVA�, OF THE APPLICATION. 11.8.3 APPLICATIONS WHICH ARE MINOR IN NATURE RELATED TO THE ON-GOING MAINTENAIdCE AND LIPKEEP OF EXISTING IMPRO`IEMENTS AI�TD WHICH WILL NOT, IN THE OPINT�l�t OF THE DIRECTOR, �TEOPARAI'LE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE APPROVED CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MAY BE EXEMPT FI20M POI,ICY 11.8.3. 11.8.4 THE, CONTENTS OF THE CONGEPTUAL D�VELOPMENT PLAN SHA�L INCLUDE T�E ITEMS LISTED I1�I 18.80.110 OF THE CDC. TN ADDITION, THE FOLLOWING TECHN�CAL STUD]:E5 AND OTHER � NECESSARY TTEMS SIiP,LTJ BE ACCE�TED ()12 ADOPTED AS ` 2�PPROPRIATE AS A PART OF T�iE CONC�PTUAL DEVELOFMENT PLAN: F ' >2 A. DEVELOPMENT PROGR.AM,: T�rIE TYPE, AMOUNT AND La+CATTQN OF VARTOUS USE5. THE D]EVELOPMENT PROGRAM SHALL BE ;; II?ENT'IFIED FOR THE AREA AS A WHOLE, AND FOR VARIOUS �; PHASEi OF DEVELOPMENT. '' � ;; �����G�G1� N ,;- �a '; � . A � ,. y . _ : .L. .. ..,: ,5'�s.�� � � . � .. ._ � .._ .:.._ .. _.::. .. ._.�..Y_ __ .:: _. . � � � �i � �it " . r �. `� , � ■■ ■ ■ i . �� � " �� �L ���L���ii �� � � � �� � i � ����■s� ■ .. � , ,� �r �i � r , � , � = . :rv�i� �� � � ;� .: � ■ 1 ■■ ■ _ ,.�, �'�" �� '� _ �. �III� ■ ..� ■ :_ � .,. � ���i� � r �"' � . '�-`.�' ,;�'-T►?'` /ntr:� � � �1� IIC �i s � r . , � i��■ ���� /��� �i�� � . 1!:!� � � �,r:�I►'�: �,�;11111��/ �� -. :�II111h: :�ll' :�11�/ �� � - ■■ ■11t11 1 � ■ L• ` r , I i�l�l� :#� � � �1 � .:� ill��r r .�.�� ■■II�l7�, i� �.��.� 1 .�.- � ■ = ��I �S � 1/��r.r.� CII I/ft �', e- RII/: :II�L� ,�r�111� I l���,��i ��� -.� ' '� �f�lIC /Ii111= ■ ���:j1����'�((:���II!�-►� ••a �/� �s � ■ , .���f:L^'�'"►�ii�'I'��I� � �/�I ` : � � �' �'' " ��,�'"-�!�:���'��■ i/1 I�i ■�I k1 i ,,.�-i. ! .,,C�:'�`-���■ �1� : 111C 1'!�1= �- ,- ,,��-,.• Nr���1, � ' ,�c ��1/111�11�■ `, /�l�.�� ��� //1.� ��� .. ���`i��� ' ����'= .��IIl: /i � ,,,,� =n{l�� l �� .rl �I�il� r/1//1 1 Ir� .�. � � \ � �� ����,�-�.�:�.1: ■Ii11 �'1 :! �..-- r �� �/� i'�"'.�, � 1 � i..� !� �'�.. ■II `� r11� � �� �•1 � � ,�.r(,sj ���••r�......�.... � �/'" ._: ,...� . .. `� � /1�!�° �- r� t� ► ,►.i�!�,� �. .►r�t � � '''�►��• .�� ��.-- �`-��'i�� ��I' �� rd� ` s I/'"' r.,� � �, 1 \`��'���*/��/�:lili �! � ,:,�/ ,����,va.« �.� �,� SI ����1�,, �ir ���L • � �� % � �,. r ,/ '� ; , !�i.'� �:, := I� �■ ■— , !.� l� . . - _� � �■r.�►��. � �. :� � , rt�. ���� _��I.�. . _ . � � L 111■ 11 11 ■B ■■ � � � i� • * � � ■ li ����; :� � � �' , �►� �%1 �. �� o,t � ! 1 �,l���� -- =� �■ ■ �■:����� .L� �sF � I "—, - ;� � � - ■ � �■ � � � , , � �� ° .�d �r,�:���r ��; � :� �`�� �c'-:''' .• .'� I '• ,� ► t 1I �I�%■ ■■ ,�r � �. , f ,11 //,� � -•.�I■ � /� I r�� �i� � 1 � 'i ' _'_" r, �� � ���, � . � i� � � � ■ �� ■� � . � '�"� '�1 ♦ . ,. • ,� � , . . , ` � � �, � � ! - . • e � i � „ � j r ,,, i � / " v � �� � / : � . � . INSERT ZNTO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN VOLOME TWO — POLICIES, SECTTON ; ELEVEN — SP�CIAL AREAS OF CONCERN 11.8 EIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION # 8 In 198 a major real estate development company, togPther with interest d residents and property owners, pragosed to the city a redevelop ent concept fo� the area general:�y bounded by SW LQaust, SW Hall ulevard, Highway 217 and SW Greenburg Roado The cievelopment oncept wauld require the redevelopment of an existing sixxgle famil area to a commercial office campus, and would requirs �hat the city stablish an urban ren�wal plan tn help fund needed public improvem nts and other projects. The develapment c cept also rec�irecl that the Compreher►sgve Plan. designations for p tians o� the area be changed from Low Density Rssidential to Comm cial Professional, followed by corresgonding zone changes from R- .5 or R-12 to C-P in cor.junction �w�.th the approval. of a conaept�t 1 dev�lopment plan. FxrrDZx�s � °t of Ti ar\ta ether with a ma 'or real estate o The Cx y g g J development company re ognize the potential for a major � planned commercial and fic� development in the area. A • public/private partnersh�.p h�s been e�tablished, an:d an urban � renec�r�1 p1an, entitled the Presiderit's Parlkway .Devel�opment Pl�an, has been prepared in o d�r �� implement the commercial develnpment conce:pt. o Prel.�minary studies completed r the Presi�ent's Park�ray Development Plan have iden�ified n�ded tr�nsportation, public facility, flaod contr�l and nther i provement proje�ts which will be necessary to serve con�mercia �ncl off ice develapment expected for the area. o Additional studa.es wi11 be neec3ed as more pecif ic development plans are approved which refine projects which are already identified, and identify other projects ich are not now known. o The area is characteri.zed as transitional, that "s an eacisting single family district �hat is converting to c:o ercial use. Gharacteristics aE the area which support tlais con ersion and contribute to the decline in livability for sinq e family residents include: . Poor condita.on of residential streets no� built to aity standards, Lack of sidewalks, parks and other recreationa facilities, . Eachibit C Page � . _ r ,; k' � l`.� ��� � �} • . � ' � ,� r�-� �y � ,q � ' J V � I � � IMPLL'l+�Ti T.ATION STRATEGIES . 1. The Tfga� Community Developxnent Co shall be amended as needed to re ct the policies na above. � . The City, through i urb renewal agenoy, sh�ll enter into a d�velopment agreeme � order ta ensure implementation of tha policies note bove. ; � 1.�: ` �� j: br/P 1'l.8.CW '� f 2'� t; 1- [' i; (: {. ; , F. ' f. { l' t: � f �:; a � ,: i1 �' 4, t:i ��' r i � s�. i E' [ • �;: � � fi _ ����uln►m�-ht �'� � � �p �. INCLUDE METHODS TO ADE UA�ELY BUFFER ADJACENT NEIGHBOR�IOODS= 11.8.5 IF �'OR ANY REASON THE PRE5II7ENT'S PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN IS NOT ADOPTED OR APPROVED�WITHIN 9O DAYS OF SUCH A DECISI�ON THE TIGARD CITY COiTNCIL SHALL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING IN �RDER TO RE-EVALUATE THE POLTCIES NQTED ABOVE, AND THE COMPREHEN5IVE PLAN AMENDMENT. i I # � � ! t � . � I f �� !.I Ci' , . �����,.. . Y.�'. t'' r1. 1 �� f�. i; � �' �,. �` E �'��, , ���� 'Y �'• - •'• � -�� �i��i ► ��� �_ . _ -� ► . �� �- __ _ _ � � . �� -- ��,�,,,. r. �. � , r ' .��,,-� � : � ! �� ' � ��,"'`� "�� � •* �i � iQ`'� . . - -- .� ��� ���..� � ��� � s� �� �► .r� �� n :�: '�-- ��,,'� � .� 1 �,,. : . s� �'� ,�'�'I``—r��� �� � � .� '2� � �►�J� �= ° � � ' : ��l l71 � � � =�F/�� ��.` �7-1� `��r� ��'•� � , t��� ' • r:n�'��.. ■��:����e�C ����'���`i. l �P��„ �1i� ` ���_. j ' �-�,� s z — _ , _ _ , ,: ��_ - , �1�� , � ti� . ■ ■.f_ ��■� � e, .�� � , /� �� �,�■c��� �� ���j 1!.' � , `C :�•— 1:_I�� _ � ►� ��r ...�,��: _ ___ - �► ■�� �. � ��� r� - ��. = .�:,.�-.,_ � __.__ . a.- _ �..I `� � �� (� `� � i`� ��� 1��i �la■ ������II� � �� ��► i� i� � � � �t1� 1�i� �■�`�1 i� �.�7 \ i�� �-������ --�,� � \� � �.� _ �r � �;� �� •�r, � �� � !J) I\ � ►.`R MG i�:� � "a�+�' � . �[l'!r-����.�/� � --- � • ' �� . ' . � ■ ■ �+� u � ,:�„���L1i :�■ � �� � �1' � . �: .�■ ■■.� �� � . . � �� �,. �. . 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JI�Ji � ■���� I� �■ �. � �� �����s'� r , � ■ �� � � � ia �it �... „ �► , � i � : ■��V�� �■ ` '� r'� � '��� �` �; �,� ■ �. .. - Cr �. ..� !� ��►, � -� , . . G . ��►�I�'t,+� �� �1� i� ��_�'a r � �t� � I�■ ����� .. �i�� ■ . . . 1 � ''� ��:�i►'�: �.�ilil �/ � - .L'i� � . . ■ ■ .. �/ , ., �JIIII�i. ■�l1. .. i1 / tll� f� ��. , '' SII 1111 � ' L: r , •- .�� �1�l�! � ... �7� � .�!! II■��� r�� ■. �� . .�I���"�■ 1'''�.�■ ■■IAI//l ■�. � .�. ; . .,� �.� ��� l ll i l[�:. :��i� �t�/,�► . :►� a' /�11� ■111�, •��- ,. � if�1. 11i111S ,,. ,�-r,� ..�iil .. , � ���,�'�`%���►�r�1 �� ,�11'�!■ :1!� ! �� ■i / i:r'�� .� s� � r ■ ■ .. � . . ■ ,�c �■ ■il �`1 � .�.�'�''�' ;�1� ■■ ■ilil� �G�� IJ���� ■ I.. 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'�.1�, 1,',,,��„ �� �� � ■� �i� �,,� +r� l. �/ '„� �i ., ;:� I f -„ ,��,� ..� �t � ■ '���II a�� .L� �� � : / . . ■. r, � r � • �-' : c • I� / �� � � �1 � �� � _-- �- •i � t� � . 1 ' , �,.�1 �.1 � � �■ �� � �� �t ����� � � f ���. ���I l,l�' ■ �� ���,� � r� ,� �' I � � , � �r � �� ■ \" � t�r � � .� � f 1 �� I'��i 1� � � �� � �_� � . /► '� _� r J � � � . � � , � , , . . f . � � , . , � • • ' � � � • � � � ' • . .;: . , p JUL 24 '90 2��01 DAVIn EVANS & ASSOC 50322327a1 P.21�� �L11�/�, 1� v��.0� � �Ciry of Tigard Plan�ing csam�issian 13125 S.W. Y-�aU Blvd. Tigazd, (ar�grna 97223 �E: AS�LOC:S PRUPE�2TY ON S.'IW'. tAAi� STRE�T '�'1.3800 �.W. 1/�,N,E. 1/4, SECTI(DN 35,T1S, It1W I�e Plannang CoYnu�ission�r�: Tlils letter�s written on 1xhalf of Mr. Thomas �slalock af'Xigard, �wncr of tbe �bove- . ref�ar�nced prop�rty. '�'ha.s prc�perty is locat�d witbi�.th� c,ua��ptuat developm�nt area prcviously�awm�s�residcnts Parkway. As�,result of the f�ilure o�tha t�x increment �inan�ci�� pmposal far the Presid�Qt� Parkway YJrban Re��vva1 Ltistrict in the rec�nt public el�etion,tbe G�i►#y�s r�quired to revueW the ccampreh�s�sive ptan map designations � in the aaea as illu�strated ia�y Iviap.A. The �hange of th� desig�,tio�s fcam�o�rca�k Professional to l0�edium T�nsity�.te�idential a�sid Lcaw Dens�t�►12esidential is esscntiai�l� � returu t� the origiaal d�signaYion prior �o the �ropos�d Pr�si�ents Farkway yJrban R�newal. I3istrict. It is our understanding that tbe �ity is requ�red to talce thas actia�t� . within 9a days after th� f�ia.ur� of the iss�e at �ae polis. Haw�rrer, �e Cit�r does h�v� two �pparer�t opta.�ns: 1. lea�ve th�e d�siga�atio�s as thc�r are and begin t1�e ptan�.ir�$prcaccess which vdrould i�avolare studies of water, t�a.ffi.c, �retYand�, lac�l utilities, axid �ther iss�aes; 2. redesig�,te to eb.e original d�signation. It�s our belief that th� 90-day ti.me frame fram the �lection to th� reyuired revi�w by the City may nat off�r s�uf€'ici�nt ti�� far the indi�dual praperty owners to react in a positive sense. c�r�ating propc�sal� for developrnent Goncepts. As you may be awarc, it is somewhat dif�cult to coal�se,e a large gr�up of imterestecl prop�rty ow�.ers into an eff�etive action program. 'fherefare, we believe that the lbest alternative for th� City at this �.►oint is to leave �la� des�i�ations as they are a,t the present time, that is, Commer�ial P'rafessionaY, and to aliaw th� individu�ll property owuers 2�nd interested parties within the area the additionat opport�nity to develop their ovan id�as. A signi5eamt amouut of cre�ti�v�thought wi�1 be req�aired for a p1a�for tbis are�. Gi�ren tbe large nwnber of pr�pe�ty owntir� in the ar�a �d the roc�uire�e�t for master P�8 � the City bas pl�cxd an the area, it is oanderstaa�ia�l� that 90 days is insuff'i�ient time for this activity to actually occtu. We agree witli t�e �iCy's t�b�ctiwes of providing a long terffi bc:ncfit for t1�a GYty and tbe �eighbars, c:erta�nty �or the p�roperty ovvncrs �s �o vu'�at is ha�pp�ning in the fiatur�sa that t'hey may make t��i�own �; plaas,create plarm�ed gr�wth and d�eelapmcnt rather Y�an ppeccmeal de�elopa�.ent,and total citizen ipvolvement We beli�ee thc best �ra� to achicvc tb�� objective i� ns�t td Unvi��:unn�s nrv�As.�c x:�nr�s,lr�C:. ' � E.NCLNfiERS,SURYEYURS,1'LANNEltS,1.ANUSCAPE ARGFIITF:C1'S,SCIF�TLS7'S ' CDFF[C.GS N ORLGON,WASHiVGTO�AVD CAl1FURNlA ' r�?s S,W�C�tc��:'�"r nvr:a�r: I �K�runr�,oxr:c�u y�?o�•{�3u � (>03)3�9•GGG3 �AX(iU3)2Z3•27U1 E 4�' . . � - .JUL�2� '9l� 1F:G�1 Ll�1'v I D E':�Hfd� '� H���t'_iiv �GJ��23�7[11 F.�/� t� G`l� O�T1�AY(� p�&�11I1� �O111nl1SS�0iZ , � �tY�y�y 1� P�',C t1Ml'O ret�rn to square one, but to build upan the a,crrion alr,eady taken by the �ity in ' designating this a4r�a Commeraai Professional. It is understood that bc��rc any sig�icant development nnight be aJian�+ed bY th� CitY of Ti�si'd, tt'� �v"atc�'. �raff'i�,wetlands, ut�ties, and otber stindies must be done. 'I1�csC studi�es may bd m,ost ef#'ectivety carried out if i�►a uncertainlses af tl�� land u� d�gnatians arc not p�rr of the process. It�th�ra tf�e oorisiderat�on should be haw tbe area is best d�relopGd und�r the f:ommer�i�l Prof�.ssional designation. It i� our p�opos�t to the Ctty of Tigard t�at 11�r. Ashlo�l�aad other property awners be gi�r�n th�additiona�time necessa�y to carry out thc mast�r pl�nning rcqui�emeot as�r�e� as the inception of�ecexsary studies on th�issucs at haad in thc �r�a. If t��lat�d use designations withiia ihe subj�ct acr,a are returncd tt� Mediwn ]Dcnsity Rr�id�n�iai a�d i Y,,ow pcnsity ll�csidentia�, the�certta�inhr of thc iuturc averall develo�snunt of thc area j �rill certainly be heigb�ned. °Tbas wiU c�rtai�ily diwinish uny�pporta�nity f�►r pr��rh+ owners to ma:ke th� best c�f what appears to be a diffiailt situation. For suua�r�, it wi11 g�r�atly promate piece�at dcvelopm,ent r�ther t�:planned growth and dcv�lopm�nt� tlirough a wvide variet�i o€' comprehensive plan a�.en�dm�nts fram the r�ssid�mtial design�tians to rAmn�eraal a�d/or i�d�strial d�signations. '�Ne su�g�st ttbat�he G�ty not take a� action at tt�s timc a��n t1� revcrsion of t�►e area to tbe residential, pla�an�ag desig�tions,but rath�r,allc�+tve prt�p�rty oWmers the oppartunity t�a�tempt to areate a de�velopment progr�n and sc,��rio in a xnaster pl�nnin$fr2�.mCr�rork which�s requi�ed by tbc City. At t1YC �very least,r�re bel�e�re this wo�ald be a p�riod of appro�imatcly 1�0 days,perl�aps longer. `11V'e reqr�est t�t t�e City consider this prvpo�l atid,at this time, talce t�o actiat� to allovv any c�hanges in the comprehenssive pla� designati4�rs. �<< 'I'hank you for your attcntian#o this matter. We look for�vard to worlring w�th the City: in tLe fi�ture on t�ese issues. Sinceraly, DA`'VYD �"VANS ANI) A55�dCL�'TF'S. INC. ' _ �../ ROb�rt Vf/. A�s�at� �;; BWPsklg <;;; cc: Tom As�ock ` ' 4,,. Jcel Adamsou �'' ����: L�VIU EUAn�ti fw�.aAssc:x:�r'ES,lNC:. t�� EHfitNEERS,SUAVCYbRS,Pf.�;V�F.CtJ,I.Ay[JSCAt'E;�ItCFiI"1'};CIJ,S(�fEV'1'1515 �;,' �� p,. �',.; ,I �±; �Y, _ : .......... ..... __. _...._. _ �. �� 2 `/' %;� t 1Q181 S.W. Jefferaon Avenue Tigard, 0R 97223-6&16 J'uly 24, 1�90 Tigard P�.gnning Comm�.asion 1�1�� 5.4�� Hall B1vd. 'tigarr3, C�R '�722,3 �iE; rc7mpreh�aasiv� E�lan Amendment GPA �t�-O�706 �x��iderat'g Parkway Memb�rs �f ttre Cammisaian: We urge you ta vate t� r�comm�nd ta the Tigard City Gouncil tc� ch$nge bath the camprehensive map and text deaign�tions back £ram th� curr�nt G�mmercial/presf.e�sirngl �ack ta th� arigtinal 6desidential, de�ign��lon�s. Aair►g so wauld a11�w us ta be able to get on with aur� livea which r�re curr�rttly on hold du� �.c� tt�� Idrban F��era�w�l Plan, Pre�siti�n�E's �srkway. W� arigir►a�Lly sup�rc�x�ted the Pree�ici�nt'r� Parkway �lan ag a viabl� toc�1 �'or the city to re��.�v� e firat cl�g� r_r�mm�rical dev�l��ment an� c.o aubr�taratially increa�e its taat base. At tha� t.ime we c�i�nc:r� an o�tion for our hame with 'I'remmell Craw bath tc� �show ,�upport fox� th.e pro�ect but, more im��,rtently ta prcovide the pratection and aecurity ti�et aur �'am.�ly wcsuld be able ta a£�'a�d tn r�lacat� witFtin the Tigard ar�a with hame price� ea�ala�.ing a�t they �re in the ecsuthwest m�tro �rea. Haw�ver we did, an June 1�r 19'�f7, s�ecei^ve our optic�n witn Tramme:ll Craw bar_k, ,�s they ere na 1an�g�r inter�gted ira �ur a�ea. Hv�n wi�.h thi� aur £tature ir� at11.1 en unknawn beceuese af �.he migrar�tch b�tw�en k.h� cc�mpr�henslv� plan and the aurr.�nt zaning. We purcha�ed our home �.hree yeara ega beceua� it i.a an .i.deal lacetian tea which ta live and a pler_e where our femily ca�.ild grnw. We hav� emminent p�lan� to adci 94a aq.�t. an ta aun c��ues� ' Cwt�ich will nearly drsuhle its current size) and Cantinue livin� in c,ur curr�nt neighE�arhood far meny year� ta come. Hawever, yau and th� city council hold thig all ir� the palm of aur hand� es al.l ot the benk� that I have talked tn cancerninc� aur addS.tian ' are not willing ta inv�at r�sidential mnney irata en ar��a which the cnrapr�hene�iv� plari est�teg st�auld b�� camm�rical . � We agein ��r�e yau to recommenci ta the city cauncil eh�nging ta cc7mprhen�ive p�len and t.ext bacic k.a its ori�inal c9eaigneticxn and i` �ive us bath aur 1�.vea end aur neighbarhoad back. We f'ar nn� °; fsmily are here k4 gay thek nur nei�ghborhaad ia a vit�ble t nef�hbonc�rad warth sav�.r�g and invegking in. + s; Reapectfully, �� �� �� �' Tray �. Vanderhaaf ��', ir �; �;: �'. 7 - 2��- 90 10211 SW Jefferson St. . Tigard, OR 97223 July 24, 1990 Tigard Planning Commission c/� Tigard Civ?c Center 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, OR 97223 Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 9U-0006 Presidents Parkway ;' To whom it may concPrn: We urye you to vote ta change tYie Comprehensive P1an map designation from commercial professional back to residential and give us back our home and neighboihoodo Tf the plan is 7_eft as it is, you will be seritencing us to a life of perpetual limbo. lnle will be sitting in a home that we can' t add on to anc� can' t sell because of the commercial statu�. (7.'here is land available in our area tkiat was zoned commercidl previously that has neve.r b�en sold. ) Iri the beginning we would have been willing to give up oun c��me, reluctantly, so that the dream of President' s Parkway could have become a reali•ty. We �elt that overall it was a good plan that would benefit the City of Tigard and we felt the best thin.g to do was to support it. However, a vast majority of tYie people iri Tigard were very much �pposed to this development and Urban Renewal. This sends a clear message t� us tlzat developing this area is not what the eo le a A A w nt. Therefore, we ask that you please give us, tlie peaple living in the affected areas, your consideration by letting us move on wii�h our lives. We have lived in limbo now for over a year waiting for i�his all to be �ettled. We need to add on to our home NOW in order to accommodate our growing family and are very willing to do so in order to remain in tlze area we love surrounded by the people that we have cared about for the past �, 11 years . We can't clo t,hat, however, unless you give us back ;; our residential. s�atus. Respectfully submittecl, �' � a� y��� ;� Beverly A. Mills ��. ?' bam � C� � :- d� � _ _ _ _ , },,,,a . __C '�`i�: Ii.C:�.� d���� ►� _ 7�/1 �;,M; MMU�'`TY PLAN �4`��'�� ?� CO reduct�on measu :,vegetatrver,buffe ,.bac k,r,;;andr,st r uc •COMMUNITY PLAN OVERVIEWO protect what is unique about the suchMassigtulati� i Metzger-Progress Community Plan Area, a�d w�ndaws ertwsY:f ' I�'��,j�P�ybgresx��Pl�in�,/►�eA a�cd����s at the same time co�nect its land uses with t ��'��ttiilly�alevr�),,,,�� ur}�an, .. .� � w,J� y� { i , ;t�Fs,b.r the surrounding metropolitan canmunity. 12 4P�op�sed,n�ti!ca � �:p��}��s in anlnNd�pdfated Washingron Boulevard, Gree C�Se�Y'� u�x+�'��°r��Y a ��{l1����a� r Ceneral Design Elements are first listed Road and Pacifi � eM ct�uni�y�of � C,�1�� �1�ua����.�$��A � ai � which describe policy direction for the e.valuatsd:'agalnt P`r"��'e� E"dmmeicl�ll activiUes ��.O�d� �ole Planning Area. Then, the land uses rtq dlsccfnt"eg'e's� IOlatt���� ,<ath€ li+��f8e"�'t'ta1 c?ann+un�ty; is ,��� �. f w nlanned for Metzger-Progress are developn�nr. I il ,�a�peiYedS'is�ger�ef'�I�y �ast"t1f C�eenburQ apid 0lEi'ilii��:Rosdi3i�i�(la�wa4f��Yi�f'the cotfitty charecterized for six subareas and design features outline elements specific to each subarea are DeveloFxnent Co� � �y�x��m-'pp1BfY`�'-�'etry Road and 'presented. All of the design elements in orientation, pai � Pa£t��s^.f.lftFrwe��atid•N�'gV�waY '2'�7. Hall this Plan, both general to the Planning landscapinq wt�ic ; Ek�ulevard anc� locust Street form the main qrea and specific to subareas shall guide detrimental effe ; axis for neighborhood commercial activity land use in the Nletzger-Progress Area. deveiopment. in Metzger. Progress, including Washington , Squa;e, lies west of Greenburg and Oleson Areas of Special Concern are also defined r�13 NN�i�ere the'impac � Roads. Most of this area is developed as a �n this Community Plan. Some sites within 'associatec9•with fairly intensive regional c«nmercial "`- ': the Planning Area present special �uses.adjaCent tc center. resources, opportunities or probiems to the ndt-meet the st j '�"tl�Vplb{xrventx�p,p.proaeh plam►ed•for,�the Metzger and Progress community. In such D�velqxnent-(:oc � cases, a creative design approach is called develapmct!Yft'sha I jvletzger„qorqion o��,�}w rPlannipg �'r,ea'�ts for to resolve development conflicts and/or ^fiouY"§ o;fy.tYperat �inper� Lo Q�o�eG�:�� integr�ty 0},.;the assure conside�ation of importa�t - ,BXj6tmgt�nman{y�,��ow c�ens�ty, amenities, such as proper circulatian and 14'� height limitat 'e����+�N'^e��hb°rh°°c�� wh��e open space. Special policies for analysis apply to all des .aeca�tlt�iotli�tf�.A;vat�e�y;,of'.ho�tsing�.bptlons. or design, as weU as dir.ections for the Doulevard south Some development is also planned to provide ublic review rocess are iven where these qleson Roads. for neighborhood shopping, employment and P P g recreation opportunities wfiich are readily special areas are noted. Fifteerr Areas of accessible to Metzger residents. Moreaver, SPPCial Concern are mepped and numbered on 15 New developnen the use of public transit and bike/ the Cammunity Plan Map. ` determined to b ', development rev i pedestrian ways is encouraged in order to for road extens reduce the nunber and lehgt� of trips General Design Eleme�ts indicated in �Va• residents must make to_�+ork and_.shop by ,.. ! aucomobllg. Together,-'tlie Gom+nunfey:PJan t .,:,�n.che.design v�;,,l�rrrfrvteio}xfieni, Tr�an}ENt�ntfbn i � elemenis•�foSter'development which moves " ''floodplains, dral�age haaard areas,,_ Plan. New doe tNis area`'towaid tlie' goa�-bf the tialanted, streams and their trib�rtaries; r•{�rian subject to cun�f � . ... . w�l! ser,y',Iced cnnmunity prescribed .in,the zones and, �woded,wareas�,sl:eep slopes, County,'s growtt scenfc..features _and�powerl�ne easements public facility � Co�"ipr.e►}�nsive, F;ramqwb,rk';Plari. �, °`.,.. and„ri�hts�of:'WaN..shali.be. c developmene reu The development appt•oach for the Progress/ � 1(�.Traosportatlon q Washington Square portion of the Planning �1 used to accent, define, or separate � � rea is con4inued development as an areas of differing or similar residen- �sensiti.ve to,cbe tial densities and differing planned resiclentia6 comr intensive regional, primarily canmercial, �and uses; shall�provide th center. Progress will continue to be inte�rated with developed as a diversified and compact center of commercial and high density ti.�preserved and protected co enhance the and other mcxie economic, social, wildlife, open space, pedestrian. 7t residential uses. Washington Square and scenic, recreation qualities of the ,�trafflc' to"and ' surrounding uses are intended to continue --{ commerclal"devE developing as a regional canmercial center community; and � \onto the a�ter� , with appropriate supportive uses. � 1\ Orientadon of the uses in this area are �:where appropriate, interconnected as ,t�irouyh the res 4ntended to be toward the Highway 217 part of a park and open space system. �� Develo�nent of ; egional tr:�vel corridor. 2 Master Planning - Primary Use or Planned uses shail have (�velo ient rocedures and standards oriented to the � The area between Metzger and Washington PR P Square/Progress, along Greenburg Road and shall be required for development on land hfighway corrit�c j which includes a Significant Natural oriented to the at the intersection ot Ha�l 13oulevard and s Stem. Greenburg and Oleson Roads, serv�s as an Resource �s a means of protec[ing the Y• '� area of transition between intensive uses resource while accanmodating new develo en[. An exception to this IO New access ont to the west and lower density uses on the �" Collectors shall east. '�—mix of'office,`institulional •add requirement shali be allowed iF all of the SI nificant Natural Resource site is in the Communi ' more�xmedi�urn densl,ty��esidentlal ufes, tfiis g rovisions on C ' ¢an,is„1n�ended�to�be both'supportive"'of retained as open space. Public P `.fhe Pr�ness/Washingtort'°Square,come(ciai dedication of this open space is not Shared or cuns� �enter"and'compatible-with �4etzger reyuired, but is encouraged. A densi[y required ��rior transfer from the resource area to the develop�nent �>e ^residenCiaf uses. 'The area ia noi inteodeil buildable portion shall be allowed for s'tructures loca --� to be expanded east' into the adjacent �'residentia) area. any Significant Natural Resource site as facilities, unle - specified in the Community Development unfeasible. The transpor4akion system is an important Code. 19 The County s11�� aspect nf the MetzgerProgress Community transit bic c 3 0 en s ace shall be used for a variety of ( � 1' Plan. [3ecause several major roadways P � measutes as ar traverse the area between neighboring recreational activities, the protection of wildlife habitats, scienNfic circulation issc populatfon and employment centers, be used to fac signficant n�rnbers of regional wnrk and research, or aesthetic purposes, such as shopping trips are made each day through scenir. views. ceMers. t PlanninB Area ,�,,ls:-ar+�objpqC��� of�;' ,,,�Cp�n�ity Piad, (h conjun4kfan w{E� thP 4 7rees located within e Significant 20 Pedrstrian/bicyc '"'' a`:�r�! 2c :::c= �its shal� ^o! 6^ rhg ('nn�t�r'a T �rnt� ;T``r<�5froar:.' +«.,_d..... ,.,., �{rv"_' ' Y�I�iI?en't Coae; to7 ie{jiil`.ax� loce� 3tteet removed wittiout a development psrmit for included in the f itl�S;;ffa'n t�e�h,�oii4h Rf?1ff3C�;actiVlty,�� tree remova) having fi�st been obtained, improvements tl riate•-for,�ma►4�,rords,;y!FlIIt� as provided for within the Community clevelopments ta rt�p'r,�s+4p�°r' Development Code. A permk shall not, management pol gen��,r„al�i'',7.�d�:9nS,traffic:- estion3 � ,. a�MOx�anuM TO: Planning Commiseion AGENDA ITEM 5.4 FROki: Keith Liden� Senior Planner �^ RE: Periodi� Review/Code and Plan Amenciments DF�iTEo July 19, 199Q During the paet Planning Commisaion meetings, the staff has presented a number of proposed Comprehemeive Plan and Community Development Cpde amen�3mente that are nec�eeary as part of the Periadic Review requirements of LCDC or are deaired by the Citg to improve the Plan and the Code. In order to avoid creatinq burdensome agendas, the ataff ie recommending that the amendm�nts be reviewed during the cours� a£ sevexal hearinc�s, staxting with the State- rec3uired Periodia Review issue�. Foz the July 24th agenda, I would like to diacusa the following �.tems: 1.. Solar Acceae Ordinance The City partiaipated in the PQrtl.and-Vancouver Metropolitan So1as Access Proje�t and the Pexiodic Revi.�w order f�om LCDC requires that khe City halci public hearings to consid�r adopti.on of the model ordinance. The propoaed ordi.nanae and th� aolar acceee principlee wi.11 be preeented t�y �iike McX.eever, manager of the project, anc3 myaelf. 2. Goal 5 - Wetlands Altheugrh not technically required by Peri.odic Review, the wgtlands i.nventory and related Code provisions are inadequate and need reviaion. A complete inventory af wetland areas in the City has been proeided by a i coneultant whiah clearly identifies all wetlande, as defined by State and Federal guidelines. In addition, the Sensitive Landa section of the Code ehould be amended to clarify procedural requir�mente. A aopy af the prapoeed Code amendme,nte were distributed at �he last meeting. Please bring your copy. 3. Goal 9 - Economic Develo�xnent A summary of the amendments to the Plan was diatribu�ed at the last meeting. This effort primarily consists of an infarmation update relevant to the econnmy and bue�ineae climate in the City and me�ropolitan area. In addition to the abov� iteme related to Pexiodic RQView, I would like, to discuas possible landecaping and ecreening amexadments (dietri.buted lset time) ae well ae changee to the Cnde standards for above c�raund fuel storage tanks if time gllowe. For the Auguat 7, 1990 Planning Commiasion hearing, ths following will b� . a �, , ,� reviewed in order to make formal recommer�datione for City Council canaideration ' on August 27, 1990: � 1. Solar Accese Ordinance 2. Wetlanda i�mendmente 3. Goal 9 Amendments 4. Residential Care Facilities 5. Manufactur�d and Mabile I�omes Other Plan and Code amendmentB will be aubmitted far Cornmf�eion conside�ation at the August 21st hearing and in September. SOLAR/kl �, _ , , . � �` .GE[dDA ITEM 6. PLANNTNG COMMISSION r JANUARY 19� 1988 l MEMORANDCJM ' TO: Planning Commissian , FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner � RE: Proposed solar access ordinance As some of the Commissioaa members may recall, the City agreed to p�rticipate i� a metre��wide effort to produce ordinances for the protec�a.c�n of solar access for sangle family r�sidential development, 'This �pring �he City will cond�ct public hearings to d�cide whether or not to adopt rules for salar access protec�ion. The draft orc3inances eover new aubdivisiorns, infa.11 developmeaat on {,� exis�ing 1ots, and a permit pracedure for gaotecting solar "'" ener gy gyster�s. . , . Plees� review the attached newsl�tter wha.ch sum�arizes the� th�ree componen�� af the proposed ordinance. We will . ha�e time on the 39th to discuss this issue furthe�. �, . � `�h``, �: 4� .. . ..� .. . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . ...�... � , , . �_--_- _-__�_--�- � _... .. .. ... . . . . . . . . .. . . .: '�� . � PORTIAIVQ � � "^ � ( 4 � �m �• VAIVCO!I.VFR * � � � ti �_ � � � MEIROs1REA L �y'�,: � F � � � � ' f SOlsiR ACCESS t. � �i � �� .�.� ......��, � . �. 1: � ' PRO.1�C1" ; ,� ,.,,.,�!''' � ; .....,......., �` ; Ftrst Quarter,l9� �O�R A�y�C c homes will be oriented to maximize meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m.at IYI 1 G IG solar access and minimize shade on BpA headquarters,15�NE Irving, R E L E AS E S D R�4 F T adjoining properties.The standard Room 444 East A c would apply to applicadons for a S a l/'1 R A G�G s s subdivision or planned ur�it develop- Local governments are scheduling R E C O M nll E N� ment in a1��irban single family public hearings to consider the residential zones and single family DA 1"�01►1 S de�velopments in other zanes. Steering Committee's recommenda- /`� ��� �o�u�d��g�z• dons beginning in February, 1988. The public hearings process is Tluee draft sotar ac.cess protecdon PRE-TE�T U IdDERWAYo ea�pected to last through May, i9sa. . ordmances have been prepared by the STE ERI NG project'sOrdinanceCommitteefor GOMMITTEE SETS public review and comment. The pro- T�'IIS �SSUE O� visions provide comprehensive pra J A N U A RY 2� I!�E ET i N G �U N LI N ES tection for b�th new and exisdng resi- F o R F I N A L /����o� dences in thc metro area. A New �N O RD i hl AN�ES T�s issue of Sunlines describ�s the Devela�pment Standard maxi- mizes solar access in new c�sidential t�ee sotar access ordinances which subdivisions and PUD's by requiring ,A pee_test of the draf¢solar access �ve been pr�epared by the PorFland- ttsat 8096 ot�il lots hav�prctig�r solar Vancouver Metropolitan Area�olar �; ordinance�began i�n late I�Tov�mber orientadon. p.Solar Balance Access Project's Ordinance Commit- Pa�int Standard minimizes build- �'ith twelve of the parpicipating local � Summaries of two important ing-co-building shade and limit�a Bovcrnments. The pre-test,which is �• t research new buildin from castin st�ade $�ignecf to identid'y any modifica- p � P�ucts are also � g dons to tt►e ordinances which are Provided. 'Itie first,prepared by the greater tt�an 12'to 20'high at thr project's Research Committee, northern lot line de�ending on the necessarY,will end in early January. estimates the econamic benefits of north:sauth lot dimension. The stan- P�icipating govemments include: p�viding solar access protection in the darsl aLsc�pmvides a calculadon that Washington County,Beaverton, metrq�olita�e area. The second,pr� encourages siting the proposed. Tigard,Lake Oswego,Clackamas p�by the Ordinance Committee in swctore with its south windows in Coun�ty,West Linn,Wilsonville, ��form, estimates the costs uf im- tt�sun, The third ordinance,called� (�resham,Tmutdale,Scappoose, lementin the solar xcess ordinances Solar Acc�ss Permit,provides Vancouver and Clark County. p g ezisting single-family msider�ces it has developed. Now is the time w protection against shade from future �Steering Committse has P�vide comments to the project on the non-salar friendly trees on adjoining proposed recommiendadans. If you properties widuin 150'. Tt�details �����lts regular m`eeang on �,o�d like copies of the ordinances ar and illustradons of each ocdinaace are J��'28�°cake fu�al action on ��h reports complete the form on discussed below. the proposed solar access ordinances developed by the project's Ordinance ��back p2ge of this newsletter and �CJLAR ACCESS Committee. The St�eering Commit- mail it to the address on the form. ill tee w ado fi nal chan �.s to th e "::;iNSi�a�'�`�<�«:>::::>;<`:::::<»�::::.::s>��?:.;:<;>:<``:>�::;:;<';:<:<`?;�;<:::::;::;«:;::;;, STANDARD FOR NEW � g �- D E V E L O P M E N T ordinances and ciecxde whether to ���'p�w�p�nt ttcnc�ard,pp:l::.,.:: :;::So�di>dal4vric:�::Poliif�;:.::•:J:::::;:::<:<:::>;»>::`:<::::::::::;?:: recommend innplementing the ordi- ,.;.;:p�'.<,,:.;;:;:;:::�:<;.::::::.:::..: :;;:�olgr:ilcs�u'::PdimiM>>.....:<v�>::::>'::`:><:::>::>::::;:::<::::::<':;:::::: •:::;:.:�.:.�.:.>;:.;xs::;,::<:::::::t:ic�::>:itzzi: The purpose of the new develo ment nances as development reguladons :;;�onoiiiii�:':.8irfaNtt,:: . '::�6::>:::>•.<:>::::>:::::::::::>:�:>::��. P P,ol4nilal�osts,pF y� ,, standard is W desi lots so that or throu h a volun m . The ,;...:,.. .,,, ..:- ... .. ........ 22 GOVERNMENTS PARiICIPATE IN SOLAR ACCESS PROJECT Milwaukie,Bes,veRa4('.,omeliva,FwR:rt Grove,Tigud,Gre�hun,Fai�viEw,Troutdale,'F/ancauver,Quic Co�mty,Cladumu County,Cenby, Happy Valley,l�lce�swego,PonLnd,Wuhingwn County,Ocegon Cety,VNert linn,Wilwnviile,S�Helau,Scappa�se at�d Multnomah Co. ' ���, 2 Sunhnes,First Quarter,1988 � From the Steertng �ommittee: By Dick Duuham,Cha(rman,Steecing Comm�ttee,amd City GaunCilor,Lake OswegP Be ''mn ui Feb�uauy,J.988;Planning commisszoners and electec�bCel s P�m�f w(ll delnl�erate on whet.her or not� S� g ' htan Area Solar Ac 1 participahng in the Portland Vancouver Metr4�po ; b �,�gm��t�:.Beforc the local:demo :: the�r:cocncnxft�should adopt the rtio�el solai`aceess brd�:e►artcrs devel.t�ped, Y _ I 1�elieve it is valuable'ta re�qn �' craae pro���'�:� C�smm�nica�io�r,undersfandin�and consonsus have ` ` esS wrhich'Ne k�aYe madC togtliiGZ ��ome tha fiallmadcs ot:fhis pubNc private partnershlp":. the aemendous pxogr ' , dunng the past Y� Itepresentaaves from:22 gQ�um . �ha�e succeeded u►:rrAr�a�g.t,dgethex ta m�ntis larg�artd sma11,ciues�nd counaes,an��shing��actti OrG�ame bYUlding uid�stry has worked tiwtth:ihe�oca1 Qevelop��tat ac,�ess land u�P���C�"'illswQrkfot a1t. '�'he �,�; day in and d�y ouit,ftt��t1��'iistila}+���.e p�7� Communr.Cauon,�aniiierst2�ndu►g gavernments$id.e by stde, 'Ihe Pro�ect has much to accompl�t►�hts . ` ,: � ]an;'ntng commxssions and�Tecte,d ; Gonsensns ha���eqme the;hallmarksAf tt►i§pnbL�priva[�patkt►ersiu��th�p. sptaYig.but�i vary�[cong foeittd�ti0�,has beeR butAt�'nd��tit�ptut�s it.the wQr.k aE this pro�ect, off'iG�aIs thoughout the metro hta�area will carefully�tudy�d ui�►�lY$!?PP°:.:. ;.� ,: . .. P ;:.<: ,..:.:. .... . ....... � ' " , south wall passive solac uses as well NEW DEVELOPMENT Sitir�� of Struc#ures and tees as fuwre roofto uses. I�evelopment (continued from paBe 1-) on all lots meeting the 80%solar Lot Design Stdnddrd '�e s�ta�'lot design standard wi11 d�i n standard,or any lot�which provide proper�o1u'mrientation for g lots and hoenes. 'd'he recommenda- nc►ight st►ade one of these 1ots.must The Ordi.naace requires that �o�s��y include a method to �n��e shade stand�d, The eig6ty (80) per�cent of tbe lots ����e��g�Pro��pn�m prapased standard preserves in a praposed development b����d��5����develnp- and guarantees construction of ��m,ply with pne of the follow- �ent occurs on each lo� The pro- at least a twa sto�y (30`) hume ing three sol�r design options: on every [ot. pdsed stan,dard woudd pennit 12 f�t t of shade fron►buildings or non-solar �X�mptiO�s ftc�m the �esi�n ��{ 1. Basic It�quirement: "rhe �eR�y��S at the nnrth propectY lot depth m�.st be at least 100 St�nd�rd f�t me�ured nortt►to so�aih• 1u1e��'�n 10:30 a.m.aeed 1:30 p.m.JanuarY 21(see Figure�on The front tot lin�muse be a e 4 'This will result in a shadow Aa�entir�developen.e�►t,°r t�°D of oriented within 30 degre�s Q£a 25 feet into a Iot with a nnrtti-sc�uth the developnnent, s����d for the true�ast-west axis(see figure 1 d�pth of 100 fee�.Adjustments to the from the solar design on page 2);or s��rd are nnade when a protected following reasons: solar building�ine is used. ,2. Solar Building Line 1. Slopes over 20`to in the Optian• The developer must nortly,�,vest or east direcdon;or ecise lacation on '�his shade standard would p�t Co��,�e o� c�- designaGe a�x' each lot where sun will Ue Flgure 1 P��• �S'��O°�� SOLAR L,OT OPTION 1: BASIC REGIUIREMENI'S design fleubility to the standard. The protected solar building line � must be designa[ed on the plat and be orieni�ed withi.n 30 N degrees of a true east-west axis (se,�figure 2 on page 3);or 3, Performance O�tion: At least eighty(80)percent of the �u��,�,�1�pr g]ass area of habit- Minimum ot 9 00' north-souih loi able struceures must be protected dimension required from fut�re shade by develop- Front lot 11ne is within ment cx non-solar friendly a� 30 degrees of ;�;� and the iong axis of habitable an east-west axis savcwres must be within thirtY 3p)degrees of a true east west � axis. Figure 2 Sunlines,First Quarter, 1988 3 SOLAR L07 OPTION 2: PROTECTED SOLAFE BUILDING LINE single family uses in other zones. The standard requires that both a � "shade reducdon line"and a"solar Protected So�ar Buiiding � gain line"be calculated with each Line within 30 degrees permit application(see figure 3 on ' of east-west axi page 4). The shade reducdon line � standard protects sun to the noxchern pmperty owner. The solar gain line helps the applicant deteamine I � whether his south windows will be � � At least 70' between solar located in the sun. The goal is to � building line and middle place the new house where both of of lot to the south. 7his will ithese standards can be meG � ensure abiliry to build two . � story house. Shade Reduct6on Line i ______� The standard estahlishes a maximum t_—___— shade standard for each loG The shade standard,which is m�asured at the north lot line,varies dapending on the north-south dimension of dae lot. The standard guarantees • the abilily to construct- at a minima�m - a 30 foot hoase in NEW DEVELAPMEIVT such trade-offs include: s2oR�s the medaile of the lot being (coruinued jrom page 2-) to thc nnrth,east or west af9'ected by the standard. 'Ihe �' 2. Off-site shade,from b�tween lUSo and 7A9'o;sig- variable s�de standard meens ithat in existing or allowed permanent a�fncant natue�al f�atures; some cases full south wall solar off-site feat�u�es which precludes pre-exi�ting road or iotting ���pl,otection will be provided,in solar uses;or p�tterns;and publac ease- ather cases paztial south wall ffients or rights-of-way; or p�tection will be pi+ovided,a�rd in 3. On-site shade. The st.iD.l other cases only south ro�f �� applicant documents existing 2. Siguifieant developmenk pa,�ce�aon wflll be pmvided. i trees and agrees eo preserve affieuities would be lost or im- The effects of the variable solar " most of the uees after develop- P���ch could significandy hei�ght stanciard on ttue�different lot ment occurs. reduce the nnarket value of the conditic��s are explainsd below. P�nY if the solar design . Adjustments to Design p�'�ncipl�e were applied;or Shdde Redueti�n Line Case Standarc! 1: Full South Wail Protection 3. Existing shade precludes The jurisdicdon shall reduce the solmr uses. A house on a lot which has atleast percent of lots that must comply wiith 100 feet of nort!►-south dimensi�n the solar design standard below the (e.g.50'by 100'or 70'by 100'lots 80°lo standard to the minimum extent SOLAR BALANCE POINT �un�•:ast-west streets)must be necessary if the applicant has shown STAN DARD FOR EXISTI NG designed and sited so that nt does not one or more of the fol(owing LOT$ cast more than 12 feet of shade at the conditions exis�: north property line in the winter. The purpose of this standard is to The proposed sun angle in the 1. Meeting the standard would minimize building-to-building shade s��'d is 10:30 am.to Y:30 p.m. result either in reduced and to peomoke solar access and its on January 21,which resnits in a density or signiticant utilazation in residences. The setback from the nocthern lot lin�of ��`` infrastructure cost i�- standard would apply to applicadons 2.5 feet for every 1 foot of building creases. Development for new houses and remodeling height over the allowed shade heighl constraints which have been projects on exisdng lots in urban at the northern lot line. In most identi�ed as ssibl creatin sin e iamil residential zones and co,���d oR e 4- ��., -__------- -- 4 Sunlines,Pirst Quarter, 1988 Figure 3 A SOLAR BALANGE POINY APPROACH TO INFILL DE1iELOPMENT: � LOOKING AT BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN SHAD� REDUCTION POINT SOLAR GAIN POINT Protecting your northorn Locating your house neighbor's sun ^ to receive sun on � \� south windows � � � i ' , .--- N ,� ,' ,' , ��x: ' . �:; '�, ..... ....... e --__-__• _-_-___ � 70' ----�---7p'--_^—^_-� � � �� ♦ � 16'of shade allowed 16'of shade allowed at property line at property line ��0'�i�-----------��10�� SETBACfC ADJUST'IIAENTS IF NEC- � � Standard Side Selbacks ESSARV TCD MEET SOLAR STANDARDS �5,�Reduced Side Selbacksi�5,� BALANCE POINT 1QQ'lot fimnting on north-south house to the north is protcxted from (continued fiom page 3-) sereet)must be sited so that it daes shade�regardless of ttne height of the cases bueldings which meet this solar not�asi more than 20'of shade at the shadow at the northern lot line. Tt�is northem loe l�e. This will ty�pically will provide design flexibility eo tl�e �' standard will protect full south wali protect the south roaf of a two story building connmanity. salar access w a typical house on the house(see figure 6 on page 5). lot to the north(see figure 4 on this Exeenptions iron► the Shade page). The standard for these lots is per�'ormance Optiou Reduction Line Stanclard identical to the one for new develop- ment lots. 'I'he applicant may meet the standard if any of the following condidons Shade Reduction Line C�se 2: by showing that at least 80%of the exist an exemption from th:e standard , ' Partial South Wall/South Roof �uth facing glazing area of the shall be granterl. Proteetion eon�inued orc page 5- F�igure 4 A house on a lot with at Ieast 70'of NEW DEVELOPMENT STANDARD FOF� SITING north-south d'emension(e.g.70'x BUILDINGS AND TREES ' � � lIX1 lot frondng a north-south street) sun angle rising rfa must be designed and sited so tl�t it at 2.5 to 1 does not cast more than 16'of shade ratio from ''' at the northern lot line. In rnost SOUTH WALL cases this standard wili pratect either �� N ,�. � south wall solar access to the second , , � story of a two story house or the roof , ' , of a single story house on the lot to � � . •. r. � d�����. the north(see figure 5 on page 5). •'�' .' 2 5' ` .� Shade Reduction Line 3: �.___ ___ ___` �� South Roof Protection � ° 1b0'-- -�1- =r- -100'"�' � ,�` �`°� ', A house on a lot with at least 50'of 12'of shade allowed rrorth-south dimension(e.g.50'x at property line �� — —____-- _ r� F i g u re 5 Sw�tine,s,First Quarter,1988 5 SOLAR BALANCE �OIWT STANDARD FOR LOTS neighbor,the standard requires that ��: WITW 70' Nt1RTH-SOUTH DIMENSION the application show the poteec►►tial shade on its south windows that could be cast by its neighbor eo the sun angle rising south. However,any action by the at 2.5 to 1 ratio irom SECOND STQRY applicant to modify a house design to sourH wuvoows provide greater levels of sun would ,•' be voluntary. If the applicant finds �_ � �' t��s home will be pushed south into ,�'� � shade from the adjoining property, ' � he can request that the difference • R;.':.' `� between the tw+o calculations be sgli�. ''�°'� ` T'his is called the Solar Balance Point ,�• � ----- �o,------ -►__--- �o,--�---� €orthelo� The�ighbortothenarth "� �, m�st agnee with this reques� � e � 30'of height guarantoed �� in middle of lot s��aR �CC�SS ,e�or�e,sae BnoW� PERM{T FOR TP�EE SHADE at property line DAIANGE POlNT 4. The shade faam the building The parpose of the solar aecess � (con8inrud fran poge 4-) strikes only an unbuildable area;or P�►it standard is to minimize shade 1. The shade from the building fal�ls • from future trees. A solar a+cGess withan pre-existiir►g shade from trees, 5. 'I'�e shade fram the building �it applies on a lot-by-loi basis. ocher buildings or wpagraphy;or strikes aaa unheated azeai such as a A pmperty owner must appiy far a garage,or a soutfi tvalt with minimal �lar access permit W receive the C�� 2. '�'he lot has a north,west or e„ast glazing, protection nt offess. Eligible proper- facing slope of greater than 20%;or ties include locs in a single family 5ol�r Gain Lin�e residential zone and single f.amily 3. I)ifficult lot conditinns exist such tots in other zones�vhich existed as public easements,drainage�vays, In addidon w analyzing the shade a �fore the adoption of a s�olar access etc;or new strucwre casts on its northem �°� Figure s Solar access permff , SOLA� BALANCE POINT S7ANDARD FOR L.OTS � WITH 50' NORTIi-SOUTH DIM�NSIO N A solar access petmit is a doe�rnent sun angle risi�g issued by the lacal planning agency at 2.5 ta 1 raUo piususnt eo appropriate review I r�om st�urH procedu�rees. The document describes � the maximum height that trees can grow on lots generally south of and within 150 feet of the lot benefitted ��N - � by the permit It prohibits the owners .'� . �; of propercy to vvhich it applies from� �. alfowing non-solar friendly trees : �;; �`� planl�ed after the datc a petmit ns ` �� issued to graw above that maximum- ����� '` height limi� Th�maximum height - 50,------► _`_�_-50, -.� limit is a line extending up at an � + � `. angle of 2.5 wl south trom the area 4� ao'ei hefght guaranteed t°be pr°tected. It can be repmsented ��; ` in middle of lat by a series af conwur lines extemding � tast to west across a lot to which the 20'of sh�ade albweid permit applies for easy administra- at property line : tion. coNihuu!on pagc 6- 6 Sunlines,First Quarter, 1988 mated that solar access will save I R E S E A RC f� $150 million in heating costs for I PERnAIT �Q M M i TTE E new homes built in the next 20 � (con tinue d f ianc page 5-) ESTI M ATES E C O" Y�s in the project area(exclud- The plarining agency shall gra�tit a IV O IV�I C 6 E N E F I TS �g�e City of Portland). If all solar access permit if the application O F SO LA R AC' new homes were passive solar accurately describes existing swc- c�+ designed to use to the fullest the tures and trees on the applicant's ��`�`� so1a�'access provided,the potential is$325 million. These property and adjoining properties, �e project's Research Committee estimates do not include cooling, and if�ees on the applicant's released the final draft in October of solar water heating,or pho- pmperty do not shade the area to be its report on the projected benefits of tovolcaics. protectsd by the permi� providing solar access pmtection. Exempt V�getdtion '�e report,"Potential Benefits of Aver„�e savjng�ner home. Tt is Solar Access",identified four maui estimateci that solar access will benefits of solar access. Solar access save an average of�1,160($300) Research has idendfied more than may: in heating costs over the li.fe of � 250 varieries of trees that are"solar each new home. If all homes � friendly"(i.e.they da not block • save energy and lower heating v✓ere solar designed,the average much winter sanlight). A solar bills; savings per home would be access permit does not apply to solar . preserye future options to use $2500($630). Savings far any fi-iendly trees, Therefore a solar ��; given home can be as much as Criendly tree can exceed the maxi- • encourage the use of solar $4150($1075). T'hese estimates mum h�ight permitted for trees energy;and do not include cooling,solaz subject to a solar access permit. A • establish a minimum solar water heating,or phowvoltaics. solar access permit does not right apply to existEng trees in the Incremental savings. The I gro�nd on the date a permit 'rs 1. Solar acs�ss saves energy and greatrst savings are in prevendng issued. Iovvers he?tin�,bills. The worst case shading,ninning �'' committe�estimated a range of sueects east-west,w.her than Enforcemet�t of d solar space heat savings fmm solar norch-soueh,and encouraging t�e�es� permit access,solar orientation arid sun-teengered or solar design. solar design. Savings were Once the solar access permit is adjusted for inflation and listed 2. Solar access�re��yes future granted,notices are sent ta affected in 1987 dollars. 1fie savings �tions ta use solax. Solar properties,and an opportuniay to were calculated over 30 years access is a losk opportw►ity challeage the accuracy of the with a 2 percent energy price resource. The opdon to use salar inforn�ation contained in the applica- increase per year and discoaxc�ted may be lost for g�od if ic is not don provided. If granted,the permit at 3 percent yearly. Savings provided when a home is buil� is recorded in the chain of title of over seven years,the average These options include the use of affe�ted properties,giving fueure length of home ownership,are in solar for space heating,watee owners of those properties nodce of parentheses. heating,and to produce electric- its existence. If a tree is allowed to ity. grow above the maximum heigh[ The savings estimates are far permiued by the permit,the owner of passive soLar heat gains only. Solar technologies a�recent, property benefittsd by the pesmit They do not include savings spucred by the energy crises of may petidon the local planning fmm lower coolin�g bilis on east- the 1970's. They are expected to agency to enforce the permit� The west streets,solar water heating, matwe and improve in coming local agency considers the facts and, or photovoltaics. Some mem- yeaes. Passive solaz design and . if it fmds a violation ezists,notifies bers felt that savings should be many solar water heate;s are the owaer of the property on which �ncreaseci 10 percent to account cost-effective t�oday. Photovolta- � the offending trees are situated and far intangible benefits of solaz ics should became cose-effective provides an opportunity for a he��uing energy to the environment and in the 1990's. With other energy co contest the issue. If a violation is society. priccs expected to inercas�,soiaz �' proven,enforcement follows as with is expected to be a long-cerm other land use!aw violations. A�ea-wide savines. It is esd- growth industry. coNinued on page 7- ; � i �l:_ __ . __ _ _. - _ .. .. . _ _. .._ . . .. . . . .. . . . . .... RESEARCH COMMITTEE �ng the cost-e ecuveness o the Sunlines,First Quarter, 1988 7 (continued from page 6-) PCOpOSCd Ofdif1311CCS. �� 3. Solar access encoura�s the cases(1%)may occur during the first use of solar energy. A review of Cost Reducing Fedtures year of implementadon. state of Oregon solar tax credits shows that homes on east-west In keeping with the Metro projec�'s The cost report for the New Devel- I streets were four umes more design goals,tt►e Ordinance Commit- opmeni Standard identified the I likely than homes on north-south tee expressiy designeci the two following cost cat,egories: I, streets to use passive solar. They standards to efEecuvely provide and also were three times more likely protsct sol��r access at the least cost • Immediate Approval Cases witl I to use solar water heaters. Tfiree possible. Therefore,bod�standa,rds require little or no additional costs times more tax credits were contain many cost-reducing features and are esamated to consatute 85°�0 granted in communities with which distinguish them from solar of the future subdivisons submitted. solaz access standards than in access standards currently enforced those withouL by other communities. • Exemption Cases are sub- divisions(estimated at 4%)that are 4. Solaz access creates a mini- Method�logy expected to be exempted outright mum solar rieht. Solar access due to very steep slopes and existing protection creates a new property Cost esdmates were based on heavy shade conditions. righ� It pravides certainty to evatuations of exisdng solaz access people wanting to use solar ordinances,the Metro project's own • p��Adjustment cases aze energy,and protects investrnents research and interviews�vith subdivisians that are expeceed to in solar. Ie balances the current members of the build'ang/develop- involve paetial adjustments to the right to cast shade. ment community, standard due to various site con- straints(10%of the cases). �ry�'A' w �/�� Typical cost cases were developed C C 7 M��i I T T E E for both building and subdivision • Re-Design Cases include p e c m i t a p p li c a a o n s. F o r t h e S o l a r subdivision desi g ns which totall y �° E S T S�/I,�T E S Balance Poine Standard the following "fail"the solaz design srandard, p�T���f�L categories of costs were identified: necessitating substantial redesign �o�r� p�� and processing time. The Committee �'� Minimum Impact Cases consist �u����1�Yo of the subdivision S C)LA R A C C E S S of straightfoivvard building permit �p�icants may be of this nature. ST���/1��S applications and e�emptions which wo�lld entail litde or no addidonal F�ndings I� The Ordinance Committee has costs to the applicant. Aproximately released the drafts of two reports on 859'0 of the applications would fall Using the above information,a base the potential costs of the Solar withi�this caeegory. case was developed which estimated Balance Point Standard(infill the average first year implementadon situations)and the New Develop- • Moderate Impact Cases possess costs for both builclers/developers ment Standard(subdivisions and lot and/or building design constraints and local governments. The major planned unit developments). Both whach would require some addidonal conclusions of the studies were: reports examine the full array of design drne and,perhaps,moderete potendal costs to both the local consirucdon costs in order to comply 1. Solar Balance Point Standard government and development with the standard. About 1596 oE the community from implementing the building permit applications are • Local Govemment Staff Costs: ordinances,inciuding those for expected to be such cases. First year implementation costs aze public hearings,educaaon and esdmated at an average of$6 per training,builder/developer project • High Impact Cases would entail building permit appflicadon with design time,penmit processing, additionai design and construction declining coses thereafter. construction eosts,and market costs resuiting from difficuit site impacts. The cost regarts are condidons and an applicant's • Builder Costs: First year aompareions to the"Potential unfamiliarity with the solar aGCess implementation costs aze�stimated ;> Benefits"to Solaz Access study standard. Although the Solar at an average of$55 per bualding recently prepared by the projeet's Balance Point Standard is designed pecmit application with declining Reseazch Committee, Combinod,the eo eGminate such cases,the Ordi- costs thereafter. studies provide a basis for determin- nance Committee assumed that some cau��t on �8- � �—---- --- -- _-- _--=_ . . ... .... � . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. ... .. .... 4.I z��', i. { i� 8 Sunlines,Firsc Quarter, 1988 PEOFtE TO CALL IF YOU HAVE 9UESTIONS ORLIINANCE C�MMITTEE 1lmMetroProjectisadministeredbytheOregonDepamnentof �' ; (conlinued fiom page 7-) Fnergy and the Washington State Energy Office. 'Ihe Oiegon Department of Energy also hsa lea3 raponsibility for oonduct- 2. Ne�v Development Standard �g��Y of the praject's teseamh activitie�.You can rsach the projecYa con[act people for these agencias at the following numbers: • Local Government Staff Costs: For a typical 401ot subdi- lon� tcaorm�,Oregon Depautmestt of Energy, . 503-373-78U9 vision,fust year implementadon costs are esamated at an average c�E$4 per lot with declining costs thereafter. ICaren Messmer,Washingeon State Fnergy Uffice, 206-5$65013 � • B�uilder Costs: For a typica1401ok subdivision,first year Conservatia�ManagementServicca,L►c.,�:�he«�sulii�g�►m, j implem�ntation c.osts are estirnated at an avcrage of$20 per Iot which has krec�hirod to manage the project CMS ia working ; with deelinin costs thereafter. with two Local Representativra,The Bailcendorf Aswciatea ! g and Larry Gpacein,P.G.,w provide aavicea to the 21 local � gavemmmts. 'Iha key wnuct pwpie for these firms a�x liate� The iYietro pre-test that is currendy underway will be used to below,along with thc names of the jusiadictian�working wich ; FllliillzC t11CSC CSilI118tCS. eaaht Local Reptr.sentative. � � CMS,Mike McKeever,l'roject Mmaga,SQ3-227- 1 0400 ! CMS, Carole Cosmell, Local Repneuauacive for Wa�hingtan C.ounty,Beaveetao, Comeliur. Fae�t Grove, Tigud,Fairriew,Troutdale,Gte�hun wi Vmcwva,503- I 1!you woudd like mor�Informatfon: �� CMS, L.es Tumidaj, LACYi Rep�eunutivc for C oF ordinances Ginby,Hap�y Valley, Milwaukie,O�egan Cicy,and W�7tae- '�PY wille,503-226-0068 Lrrry Ep�teisw,P.C.,I�ocal Re�xesa�ative fos Clack R�search Comrnittee's economic benefits repart Cou+uy.nd Mulmomal�Camcy,503-223-4855 Ordinancc Committec's cost analysis reparts . The Projct Liai.ron Bulktin ir published monthly by ConererMa- If you would li7ce W have a presentaRion of the i�M�8«►tt+�t Service,lxc.,a divisioa ajTlu Bautuerdorf � drafY orclinances in Januaey or February Associates Corporotion. projxt rronoger jor the P�►rland- Varacouvw Metropoliton Mta$olar Accur Projal. CMS's ojJicv are lacatr.d at S22 S.W.FiJth AveKUS,Sreite l406, Portland,Oregon,97204./fyouhave qwn�io�soraug�uldores, Plcase m.ail to ihe address below: C6iS's phone nwnber es 503-227-0400. 7'hePorUand-VancawaMcbopoditawArea SolarAccesrl'rej- If you haVe quesdnns,or wish additiona!informaticm,plcase sct is j�dui by the Bonnevilk Pow,er Mn�ieisaaion,a�d od- callMikeMcKeever,ProjectManager, Conservation ^++�*���bYtl,eOregoaDeportnuntofEne�syondNeeWmh- °Ma[tagement Seavices,(S03)227-Q4Q0 ington Swu Ener;y Offece wedrr rhe awpica of Nie NalhwYSt Pmver Act. i ' Faedina for fhir pwbitcstiow ir porFd�1�r tb� Noneer�l/s Pdwe�Ad�1Mlrfrrttoe roctlana=va�►coaver Metropolican Area acn,tc xA�rE Solar Access Pmjext us Pos�'AGE 522 SW Fifth Avenue,Suite 1406 P�ID Poitland,Oregon 97204 �RT�,� PF.RINII'I'NO.1682 �r, ,���,�, `:�>• , _ .. : �,E`` , `'. ' ; ;'; ; I!. , ` RC9f2rLANQ- r� j 4�: � ., �s�,, � � � <. ,. VANCOUV�R: ' � : � : ' � : ME'fRU Af�EA<: , , r � ; {s,� � � : i SUI,AR AC��SS �:. : '� - � � . � � .. ��. :: ;> .. : . :: > ;:_ , :�' �,.:;.< , :..>;..; �, ,:> �.;:: .. �::;>:;. r . : .,. ':.: PRG�J�G7 ,�,�,� ,��,�,�;�,�� ! ,.: Ftrst Quntter.l�� ! :.:... _ ... .:. . .: j �Q��` Vancouver Metropolitan Area Solar REGIONAL SOlAR ' AccessProject"prepared by Conser- ACGESS LAND USE GO\/E RIV IV�E IVT vation Managem�ent Servir,es in the �,�,rI�NS summer of 19�9.] PL�11N�1111VG PROJE�1' Twelve of the twenty-two jurisdic- C���INU�s CIdCk�mds County Adopts �ions that participatsd an the Portland- Ordinances Vancouver Met�palitan Area Sol�r The Portland-Vauicouver Metropolitan Access Project have adopted and are �Solaz Access Project is a Since the Steering Committee's �inistering the model solar access 'CO°��uve project of 221oca1 release of the malel ordinance govemments in five counties and two package,tt�irteen af the participadng ordinances. As a�ean�af determin- states and the private development local governments have adopted and �g if there aze probiems wich the community. The puipose of the implemented the ordinances. Clacka- ��inistration of the Solar Balance project is to develop and implement a Point and New Devetopment ordi- mas County,which began implement- unifoxm set of land use standards to nances,the Project staff in coopera- ing the ordinances January 2, 1990,is uon with the adrr�inistering jurisdic- Provide and protect solar access to the latcst government to adopt the residential properties. ordinances. Other implementing local uO���ve completed an evaluation governments include Multnomah of these ordinances. In the spring of 1988 the Steering County,Porrland,Gresham,rorest Committee for the groject adopted a Grave,Cornelius,Beaverton,St. The ordinance evaluation focused on package oF solar access ordinances the potential problems with the Helens,West Lznn,Lake Oswego, ��uacy of the informadon and any �d recommended their adoption to Scappoose,Troutdale and Fairview. other potential complications which �e participatin$ local govemmenes. All oF the other participating local ���e ordinances are providing a This issue of Sunlines provides a governments aze expected to take status report on local government high percentage of homes and action o�the ordinances sometime ordinance adoption acdons,summa- later this winter or spring. These homesites with access to the sun rizes the results of a one-year evalu- include Oregon City,Washington and administradon of the ordi- nances appears to be ec�nomical." ation of the model ardinances, County,Tigard,Canby,Happy explains the fine-mning ordinance Valley,Cl�u�k County,Vancouver, Would make administration of the �►endments adopted by the Steering Milwautde and Wilsonville. The ordinances cosdy and time consum- Cammittee,provides commentary Clark County Planning Commission �g The evaluation forms were from those on the front-lines workin� has sc:heduled a public hearing on the with the ordinances,a sample solar completed by}�lan reviewers ic►the ordinances for January 18. 'The subdivision design completed under Vancouver Planning Commission had �fferen¢jurisdic6ons as they worked �e ordinances,and looks south to through their reviews of bu➢lding recommended adoption of the Eugene and norih to Tacoma to see permit and land division applicacions. poge 2 ordinances in the fall of 1988 and the con(inued on City is expected to resume its consid- �e information contained in the ' ' ` eration of the ordinances along with ;:IIVSID�� Clark County. evaluation forms received from the , .' ' particigating jurisdictians indicates Ordlnqnce Evaluatloli that there aze no signi6cant problems ���5,p � : FIRST�YEAR wiui ct�e ordinances. Vleu�frprn the Frot�t, p 2 ;Steering�bmml�tee flne Tun�s ORDI�IANCE EVALU- Solar Balance Pcaint 5tar�dard � Ordlnc�r���Packc�ga,�� ATIOI�I COMPLETED ;ordt�ance surnmcx�las �3 ' The Plan Review Time for the Solar Al'ou�d the Regldrt�p�X [Ibdlowing are excerpts from the Balance Point Standard was predicted ;����t neceJVes APf1>plq1N1lr�� , "E'valuation Re o►'t or the Portland- cantinued on page 4 `' AWQC�'1,p Q 2 Sunlines,First Quarier,1990 Forrest Soth,City oE BQa�yer�on�ity Councilpr: > ' . ' "The ordinances promote an ir�iport�nt pubXic purpose 8t'very Iiffle cost �'here is litde doubt that solai must be an increas'rngly important part of pur'energy future ;I ha�e been ve�'y'impressed witli how efficientlythe ordinaaces tiave' been appl�ed.". THE VOEW FROM TP�IE FRONT CI�Arlie lE�ales,�Towe�u�lc�ers Assaciation of tVtetropalitan Portla�ic�,'birector of Governmental At'fa�rs "We endai'sed ihe'ardinances because we�vere satis�ed they woul�i wark in'the�eid;and the evidence indicates tt�t they. do.tvly piion�:ricigs when lcicaY g�vernment acdons c,reat,e'probleiris for builders,�nd these tirdinances do not gener�te phone ca1Ps" Jobn Andersen,Crty oI Gresh�m Commanihy Development Director : ' "One of the best ordxnances I have seen�or benefithng the comnnunity with the least inconvenience azid cos�" It�c�iard Dur�►am,Y.ake Us�uego City C.ouncilor "Efficient energy use helps sqciety as well as hom�owners, With current concems about electricity shortages, the greenhouS�eff�ct,�nd worldwi�e environmenta�8egradation,these ordatiances demonstrat��importantlocal commxt- iiient ta tie a paet of ihe solution,noC a part oE the problem:<" ' ; �'im Boat�vright;City of 13eaverton Building Irspecttir I'lans Examiner '.`[work with the Salar Balance�'oint ordinance. ''�'hrougti ow process in Beaverton�have Pound it reasonably easy to ' implement,witt►'very few problems. The avera�e case takes ap�roximately three minufes t�check." �1ave Pre,scott;Muitnomah CounEy Planney� "I work with fhe solar subdivision design standard. T'he response from the developess�as beer�supporta�e. I haven't encountered any$urprise or resisfance. I can't lhink of any cases where the development didn't either rneet the`solar standard or qualify for�ne of the exceptions:' PL�►NfVING Gt9NTINUES The Steering Committee is comprised Technical Assistanee Serviees (continued jrom page I) of 11 elected of�cials,planning Avqiit�ble 4�o LOCaI GOVerrt- how the model ordinances are commissioners and planners ap- m2rat�unC9 Builders ff t throu h- Pointed by the participadng govern- begimm�g to have an� ec g ments. Forrest Soth,Beaverton Cit out ihe region. y The project offee5 cechnical assistance i Councilor,chairs the Committee. �ri,ices at no cosl to local govern- Richard L.eonard,Mu(tnornah County ments and the rivate develo menl The ordinance package requires new p � Planning Commissioner,is Vice- indus throu h the summer of 1990. subdivision and planned unit develop- �Y b Chair and Linda Davis,Beaverton These services are available tivou h ments to be designed to maximize g solar access to houses,and provides P�anning Dir�tor,is Secretary. Other McKeever/Morris,Inc., Portland land members of the Committee incl�de use consultin firm,thrnu h contracis standards for siting houses and g g landscaping to minimize shade on William Holstein,Lake Oswego City With the Oregon Department of Councilor,3oh�Andersen,Gresham Ener and d�e Washin ton State adjoining properties. Communit Develo rr�ent D'uector, gY g Y p Energy Of�ce. For govemments Karen Scott,Vancouver Plamaing which have not et ado ted the The package of ordinances was Y p developed after the most comprehen- Director,Glen Gross,Clark County ordinances these services include Plannin�Directar,Linda Kruegel, �rainin for staff and bri�tin s for sive solar land use research program g g Portland Energy D'uector,Gerald plannin Commissions,Cit Councils in the country and extensive work � Y Taylor,Cornelius City IVianager,Len and Count Commissions. For wilh meRnbers of the home building Y Waldemar,Clackamas County ov�rnments im lementin the industry who would be affected by the g p g n�w standards. Representatives from p�nning Commissioner,and Marga- ordinances and members of the ret Schumacher,Scappoose Planning rivate develo ment industr these local governments and private p P �` Commissioner. Dick Durham,Iake �;rvices include troubleshoodn on industry served on two 15 to 20 � person technical committees,the Oswego City Councilor and formee projects which are having dif�cuities Research and Ordinance Commiuees, chair of the Steering Committee, complying with the solar standards. to guide all aspects of project research G�ently serves as special advisor to and ordinance devela ment. �e Comrrsittee. i Y 1 � _- _ ..- .. ___ ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ l ORDINANCE FI(VE- standard to more specifically S�►es,Fust��,1990 3 TU1�11NG COMPLETED indicate that an exception to the ;���t is iit reat leasare to en ; standazd shall be granted if the Y � P developer cannot create 80 percent dotse th� reCOt�xrl�eti�latto�:s;o�;i 'T'he Steering Committee xeviewed the solar lots through use of the '!�� 1Vleti'U Ai'ea SoTaT ACCe55 .: results of the ordinance evaluation "basic",and simplest,solar Projec�. Tl�si uruqUe,Coopera ,; (see story on page 1) and information standard. This change makes it `hve pio��ct Should :�C�n� � a ; provided to it by the project consult- clear that the developer has the >be�lchmark to'go'�erlitn��lt eVex > ant, staff from the impleanentimg option whether ar not to use I�,Wh����+ local govemments,and the private perfornnance opdons which are ` ' ' ` building industry. Following this included'ua the ordinance. �"��Goiasctur»dc review the Sceering Commitcee Governar,State!af Ore�on ; adopced a series of fine-tuning •Simpli6cation of some of t(�e February;24, 19.$$ amendments to the ordinances. The procedures for documenting shade Commiktee recommends that the from existing trees when a dent�al subciivisions and PUDs by thirteen local governments which are developer chooses to use this requining that 80%of all lots have implementing tha model ordinances condition as a reason to apply for proper solar orientation. A Solaz adopt the fine-tuning amendments an excepdon to the solar design Bal�ace Point Standard minimizes somedme during the next year.T`he stanc�ard. building-to-building sh�de and nine local governments expected to limits a new building from casting act on the ordinances Iater this winter •Replace a requirement for a shade greater than 12'to 20'at the aze spring are enc�uraged to take topographic survey by a licensed northern lot line depending on the advantage of the experience of the surveyor in certain exceptions norlh-south lot dimension. The �ther gavernments and adopt the �ases with a more lenient reqvire- third ordinance,called a Solar Ac- amended version of the ordinances. ment for reliable topographic cess Permit,provid�s sxisting 'The ordinance amendments are anformation. single-family residences protec- summarized b�low. 6on against shade Gom futarre Solar Balanc�Poin#Grdsnar�c� Solar Access Permi#flr�linance non-sola�r friendly aees on adjoining properties within 150'. o r10 amendments are recom- '�e nm features and illustraA •Additional exempdon in cases mended. p � where there is a vacant adjacent iot tions of each ordinance are to the applicant's north and the �e�r q���S petiniticx�s ��ussed below. prevailing development pauern in � the neighbc�rhood is tA place uisig- "I'his article su�mmarizes the essen- ; •Minnr amendments co the da1 features of the ro sed solar nificant azeas of glass on the south P P° deCnitions for"front lot line"and �cess ordinances. A separate in- walls of hous�s. "soiar fe,ature"were made to formation packetcontains the ordi- better handle irregular lot shapes nances themselves the Steerin •Extension of the standard to �d provide more flex.ible design. Committee's resolution recom- apply to all lots in new sub- °� divisions,not just the 80 percc�nt mending adopdon by local govern- � of the lots meedng the solaz New SUMMARY OF ments, and Findings in support of { 1�evelopment Standard. This REC�MMENDED �e ordinances. ' pravides consistency in the conlinued on page 6- i standard's application in infill and SOl.�R A�CESS ��Asst�ring�ccess ta t�ie s��is a : ` new development areas. ORDINANCES ` ' ° p�rt of provxding availabl�and , p The Steering Commiuee of the Port- affordable erie. f`ot'�lt�fuGur� ;:. •Replace a requirement for �� � a topographic survey by a licensed 1��'Vancouver Metro Area Solar T'he Ulse of salar eriergy can, ; Access Praject has recommended f'or ' �o ' r surveyor in certain exceptions p tect! our envrrdryrr��r�t �c� ; � adoption by local governments three cas�s with a more lenient reyuire- oUlr economy �by reducing th� ' � solar access protecdon ordinances. > > � ment for reliable topographic need for addihonal,�hd ztid� ' inforn�aUon. The provisions provide comprehen- r expea�si�ve energ�+resQU�r�es sive protection for both new and ;; ;: ; f: . ;. Mew Development StGndprd existing residences in the metra area ; T3oot�t�farclne�',,�iovei�l�ix s A New Developm�;nt Standard StatO df'V�ashingtpri l; �Clarifying the solar design maximizes solar access in new resi- A �t122, 19�� ? ; : .. ,:..P... . ...:<,,..::..:::::.::::.:.,::::;.:.::.:;; ,. � , �; s: �: i 4.__�� .....-.�-__ ._ _ .. . . ._.. . . . .. _ . . . . .. ._...__. .._�. ... .. � . j 4 S unlines,First Quarter, 1990 need for modicadons or an exemption evaluated. The longest time recorded EVA,LUATION COMPLETED from the standard. for a subdivision review was 3-hours (continued from page I) for a 17-lot subdivision. The case The average Plan Review Cost for the requireci a longer period of time by the project's Research Committee Solar Balance Point Standard is because the original submittal to be approxirnately 10 minutes for 85 approximately$3.50. The projected contained several enors and an percent of the applicatio�is received. cosk per building permit application in adjustm�nt request which was The average staff time for all of tYie the Ordinance Committee's resea�h subsequently denied. The shortest 158 Solar Balance Point applications report was$6.00. review peri.od was 1-mir�ute for a 2- evaluated was 9-mir►utes 40-seconds. lot minor partidon. Overall,the Of the 158 cases,six took between 1S New Development Stpndard average review time per lot was 33- and 20 minutes to complete;and two minutes. took 90 minutes each t,o review. The �,lg}��en subdivisions or partitions evaluation illustrates that less than which created a total of 527 residen- The(hdinance Committee's research two-percent of the permit applications ���ots were evatuated. Of lhe 52'1 report estimated the average staff evaluated could be cl�.ssified as"high lots created,322 were lots meeti.ng review dme per lot would be 12- impact cases",as defined in the che ordinance's basic solar require- minutes,or$4.00 per loG The Ordinance Committee's research ments. An additional2S lots met the evaluation sarr►ple illustrates that local report� Only four percent could be New Development Standard through government c�sts were only approxi- classified as"medium impaGt cases", �}ti�use of one of the solar perfornz- mately$1.00 per lo� which is signi:ficandy lower than the ance options provided in the ordi- expected ten-percent rate of oc- nance. Overall 68 percent of the lots ConCiusionS curance. met a solar standard. Based on the informadon derived The data gathered from the evaluation '�e evaluation illustrates that the from the evaluation process,both the process illusira[es that the Solar New Development Ordinance Solar Balance Point Stanclard and the Balance Point Ordinance is relatively provides adequate flexibility for New Development Standard appear to easy to appPy in most cases. Only 5 unusual site characteristics or be funcdoning efficiently. They are of lhe 158 cases evaluated,or 7 amenides. It also illustrates that the providing a high percentage of homes percent,did not meet the stanclard. minimum 80-peroent standard for lots and homesites with access to the sun, Only 11 cases,or 3 percent,required unaffected b develo ment limita- Y P flexibility to accommodate for those a modificadon to the origin�l building pons can consistently be meG developmenk siluations which cannot plan submitted to meet the standard. meet the basic standarcis of the Therefore,90 percent of all evaluated �e dme necessary to review these ordinances,and administradon of the i cases met the standard without the development applicadons was also ordinances appears to be economical. SOCAR ACCESS AROUND THE REGION TACOMA ADOPTS SOLA�URDINANCES.�..On be�ember'12, 1989 the'�acoma Ciry Council by una►limous vote adopted a comprehensive package of solar aGCess protecdon<ordinances. The ordinances are patterned after<fhe model ordinanCes developed for the metrb�rea proj�Ct,with modi�ications tb siiit IoC�1 conditi�ns.Deputy Maybr Hyde,bafore casting hi$favorable vote for�he ordinances,said"I'd jus�:.like to note that this is an exampl�of how things should be dbne:.::It's just`ar�excellent ex�mple of good legisladon" �Witf�the action Tacoma becomes.tt�e �rst local government fn th�state of Washington to implement comprehensive solar accGss protection: Other local gavemments have implement�d solar protection for eithek new development d�exisuing deyelopment areas,but not. ; ' both. EUGENE EYES METR:Q SOLAIR ORDINANCE 'The City of Eugene is considering implementing fhe metro model solar aecess ordinances i.n p�ace o�its ex'isurig solai`access'land us�ordirian�:es. Glenn Ha6ener,;�nergy :; Codes DireGCor far the Oregon State]E�Iome Builders AssqCiation(QSHBA),said ihe stdte organization,in conpera= tion with the local buildecs associauon, is encouragmg ttie City to make the ch2nge�ec�use of(JSH�A's long , standing commitment to uniform'statewide cades; Havener indicated that he was;:hopeful'tha�.all interests in the : City,including�nvirorlmentalists�nci local uulxq�s}would be supportive of tk��ch�nge. �Te pr�ised the m�tro mbdei ;' ordinances for b�ing based on state-of-Ghe-art teqhnieal rese�uch andreal w�rld.btiilding practice.: �. �— - - - SOLAR A�CESS PLAT Sunlines>First Quarter, 1990 5 IN ACTION � � �a�'� � � by Cregg Everhaz•t,Landscape Designer �' ; � ' '• � �. David Evans and Associates,lna a,��s 1'" � "'�"•° � �-' i ��... � � Portland,Oregon r✓,�`°�� db� P''r �,{ � .��i''�`� � �. .r '"� '�.hr!' � , a ...1-.�2 via�S % - ✓.rSf� P EXEMPT AREA�_ � � w'� ' Y1;,' ,� �.� ", y �..,�i � �f � t. x� � � r >'�. � °' � �i-l�" , �. i .� , �j� 1 ,w 5:�:-. ��. y��� '��� 1 i� /� �� ����. f .��4�,,.� 'I�`4ii� ,. i�[4� 64� i I ie'>'�si ' ..�'� 1 f/,,. :_ �.'�.M� . [,1�n [� q /�/ '. w'�Y, � I .0 �� 6 1� � X pa 'kc o- rr ! ��'�' � �t "� /" ./ g� ;.i;�l( �'�° t' �� � % � � . i �;),::�� ,2„ � �' �..'••'.,s�,w«:x .�.......y��� n;...�ffi' ✓'�;�f�� M. ., Y� �.yy,�' ! ' l r r t r I ��-; �. � � „�, � �� ��, a^' , 11 ,� `i M � �' �.�•�� �'� �'.' ,' ,J �' '..�>>-.. � � ,�� 1 � i r r''.�� °n. ` FOREST HEIGWTS - PHASE 3 "�� �� �� � �y�,, i�� ,:..� i�.,,�� ,, GITY OF�'ORTLAND,MULTNOMA!-!GOUNTY,OREG EN %" 4�, ,� ' `� �t�,� �. ,;js�„ .�� �� //''�� //��� -7 ry� T /-, o �\JVVV r' ti�..1, ' . �� ' C' � f ���'.T'� �� 'l.•�y � �J v �ro '�eeoC J�J ` �J '1 '�:w.;��>^�'�� .�� r r � � 4� ,�C �4 v �J `,+' „J N� J `� I:� ` ����rF�t: The recent platting of Forest Heights- �%}a -���� , � � � � . � '",�,,, '� r•��",�,' `. , Phase III provides this issue of T . � " � ' s�w.� : ,�.��' ��� ;,a b� ., :,� SUNI.fNES with a good application of � • � ..% ,.,�, ., .., r., � `��. lhe Metro Solar Access New Develop- ; ; � x,,- „•,• ` ,�:�;=� ment standard in the City aF Portland, ' ' `-' ...v _ ?,r,;;��: �';, r, .. ... � � �...:�., • ; _;:u »� ° � .:::. ,�,. M.• :� ' �� ..., The plat prep��recl by David Evans and -- -- �-- Associate,Inc.(DEA),utilizes a1l of the innovative wne saving tool for map- severe slope. lhree available options for creating so- ping solar access on steep sites, lar lots �vhile tak�ng ir�to account sev- The sample illustrataon below pi•ovides eral areas of exempdon due to non- Using GIS (geographic informalion a graphic depiction of the "Slope and� solar vegetation and severe (>20°�0) systems) technology, DEA created a Aspect" overlay for a portion of the slope. DEA has worked with solaz "Slope and Aspect" digital terrain tentative plan.Next to lhe overlay is the access on several sites, but the issues model which, incorporating over �nal plat of the same area showing the and opportunities provided by Forest S,OOt) survey points, calculated the methods use,d to classify lots for solar Heights prompted the firm to create an areas qualifying for exemption due to compliance. � Legend Solar Key ;�P,, �;'°„ °�, "`'~ ex •sr=nPr•:a, Q° �' � g'' n �� Non-Exem t � � 2 �0�9. P PD ?�OrC4YG_OP'10�"'.OT ����� �.�095 � L'K ��/� Eligible for aR -�"���.�;�oT�� »� h" ,� �, s�, , Adjustment w ,3,e7� �ju,� ° ,g4,�E 1 1 7,'''i W 46D7 h O�Q/ Nf" 49.91 Exempt for Slopa ls o h � Ui ^ .'v � O � � ��Nu Y i b� l � q � ��� 9.161� �!9 D537� :I� O j '�G� •i R 8379� �� �R � �' �� B''DJtL.l9]5 = Z /L.197�5 � �p C1C � ] l� ,j� � 8.193� u : .L.4.% � u�70 10 EX � p L.l. O 70.00 G•3147 n L.1o13 .'11D 6665 L•31.J7 9170 - - -. ._..n.... "' 11669 , L . � N 9J•55'34^Ul __" '_ 91]O �.0�19 6185 __'� 'R___, 03 pp i ,9�93 1 l6.pp 15� , y n 33b6 1 �1 r 3 �J W L.JI.74..' � �yy� w W��3 ���1 m n °1 z //i � 1 '�S. 9.4'10� a�1p 9676� rv` d 4) n r�01 ",➢�a� 1. I �/ j.a� pR, ���` pR t� 10�6• m"J 10.�• O� lO�p01 �:0 t0301� u � _ �� 7R. , "� p� _I�� Forest Heights III:CIS"Siope&Aspect"Overlay(portion) Forest Heights III:Final Plat(portion) i ; I .���. � �a, r `�+....� 4;� . .. 6 Sunlines,Fnst Quarter, 1990 FiguCe 2 ORDINANCES NEW DEV@LOPMENT STANDARD FOR SATING RECOMIIAENDED BUILDINGS AND TREES (conti�eued from page 3-) sun angie rlsing SOLAR ACCESS STAND/s►RD at 2.5 to t ratio ttnm FOR NEW DEVELOP(1AENT gpU�W� I �.a N ' : The purpose of the new development �' standard is to design lots so that � ':.'•:•. homes will be oriented Go maximize � .�;:.:'.' sotar access and minimize shade on 25, ••p adjoining properiies. The standard °.� applies to applicadons for a subdivi- �°----100'''''°""�4�-'""�;""- 100''S sion or planned unit d�velopment in '• ail single family residential zones and 12'of shade allowed single family developments�in other at property line • zones. i Lot 6�sigrt Stq�e9C�rd Portland. shade. The Ordinance requires chat ei�hcy Sitittg oP Structures and Trees Adjustments to Design Standard (80)percent of the lots in a proposed develop►nent mast cornply with one The Solar Balance Point Standard 'I'�e jurisdiction shall reduce the of three solaz design opEions: provides legai protection from perc�nt of Iots that must comply with building and tree shade as develop- the solar design stanclard below the 1. The Basic Requirement:(see fig ment occurs on each lot in a new 80%n star�dard to the minimum extent ure 1),or development(se.��gur�2). necessary if ihe applicatn has shown 2. A Salar Building Line Opdon;or one or more nf the following condi- 3. A Performance Uption. Exemptimns t�om the Dtsi�n tions exist: Standard The plat on page 5 is an example of a 1. Meeting the standard would ' subdivision which meets the solar de- �entire developmene,or portion of a�esult either in reduced density or � sign standard. The development was the develop�nent,shall be exempted significane infrastruatnre cost in- desigr�ed by David Evans&Associ- from the salar design standard for creases(that is,5%or more);or ates and was approved in the City of steep slopes or significant pre-existing 2. Significant development ameni- Fi gurg 1 ties would be lost or impaired which could significandy reduce the market SOLAR LOT OPTION y: BASIC REGIUIREMENTS value of the propefty if the solaz design principle applied;or 3. Exisdng shads precludes solar t nses' N SOLAR BALANCE POINT STAND�4RD FOR EXISTING LC)TS OF Minimum of 90� RECORD norlh•south lol ; dlmension reqNred Fron1 lot Ilne Is wtlhln Z'he purpose of the standard is to 30 depreec ot minimize building-w-building shade an east•weat azls and promote solar access and udliza- tion in residences. The standard � lies to a lications for new hou�es i f 7 r�,:, I t�'=____ _ _i � ' and remodeling projects on existing regardless of the height of the shadow Sunliaes,First Quarter,1990 7 lots of record in urban single family at the northern lot line. SOLAR ACCESS PERMIT residendal zones and single family uses in other zones. Exempttons Irorn the Maximum FOR TREE SHADE Shade Point Hei�ht Standard Maximum ShaCBe Point Height The purpose of the solaz acceSs permit If any of the following cnndidons star►dard is to minimize shade from The standard extablishes a maximum exist an administradve exemption fut�re trees in existing areas. A solar � shade point height for each lot The from the sta�dard shall be granted, access permit applies on a lot-by-lot shade standard varies depending on basis. A property owner must appty the north-south dimension of the lok. 1. The shada from the building falls for a solar access germ�t to,receive the The standard guarantees the ability to within pre-existing shade from hrees, Pro�tion it offers, Eligible proper- construct-at a minimum-a 30 foot other buildings or topography;or ties include lots in a single family house in the middle o:f the lat being residendal zone which existed before affected by tP�e standards. T'he 2. 'Tlae lot has a north,west or east �e adoption af a solar access program variable shade standard means that.in facing slope of greater than 209'0;or ar►d single family lots in otrier zones. some cases full south wall solar access protection will be provided,in 3. Difficult lot condi6ons exist such Exempt Vegetat'ton othe�cases partial south wal]protec_ as public ease►nents,drainageways, tion w.ill be provided,and in sdll other etc;or Research has identified more than 260 cases only south roof pr�tecdan will variedes of tnees that aa+�"solar be provided. Figuees 2 and 3 provide 4. The shade from the buiiding friendly"(i.e.they da not block much examples of how the standard works strikes only an unbuildable azea,or winter sunlight). A sola►�acc.�ss on a lot with 100 fee€and 70 feet of permit does not apply to salar friendly north-south lot depth,respectively. 5. The shade from the building �s. Therefore a solar friendly tree strikes an unheated area such as a can exc�ed the ma�cunum height Per�oPn�lqr�Ce O�tio�1 garage,a south wall with minimal d�i'�►iUed for trees subject to a solar glazi�ng,or a vacant]nt where access permit. A solar access permit T'he applicant may meel the standard neighboring swctures have minimum d��ot apply w exisdng t�ees in the by showing that at lease 80°Yo of the south glass. graund on the date a permit is issued. south facing glazing area of the house �o,ui„ued ox�agc s- to the nortt!is protected from shade, Figure 3 SOLAR �ALANCE POINT SYANDAR[? �I MAXIMUM SHADE POINT HEIGHT ALLOWED SMAD.E ON SUI.AA FEATURE Protecdnp your norlhern tocal(np your house neiqhbur's sun to►eceive sun on � <;?` aouth windows � � i ' . , .- N ,- . � s C�IARANTEED �" . 3C HEIGHT �° NIiOT CENTER � .���N °-°----•70'------_ ' .�_�°__-_7p'-�_____.�• i t � 1 ��o�`�-°^--- ---°►�t0'� 1 Standard S1da Satbacks � ' fs�.}..--------�----..f��i Reducod Sids 5stbaaics SETBACK ADJUSTM�iJTS IF NEEDED TO MEET SOLAR STANGARDS : � ti�,� _ `�., ty 8 Suntines,First Quarter,1990 PROJECT R�CEIVES PR�JFES' PEOPLETOCALLIFYOUIiAVEQiTESTCONS SI O N AL AC H I EV E M E N T �e Metro Project is administe►ecl by the Qregon Department of Snergy and iha\Vashington State Energy Office. 'It�e Oregon AWARCf FROM OREGON APA �Partment of Energy also has lead responsibility for conducting many of ihe project's research activides. You can reach the project's contact people for ihese agencies at the following numbers: In May,198�,the Portland-�'ancouver Metropolitan Area Solar Access Project was given the Professional Achieve- �g��°fr"e"",Oregori Department of Energy,sos 37�- ment Award by the Oregon Chapter o�the American Planning Association. The Professional Achievement Scou Merriman,Washington State Energy Of6ce,206 586- Award reco$nizes planning projecCs of unusual merit;en- 5os 1 courages innovative and effective techniques for solving McKeever/Moms,�no.,is the consulting firm which has been problems at local,regional,and state levels;and publicizes hired w manage the project. McKeever/Morris is working with plans or projects af special significance. I-arry Epstein,P'.C.,to provide services to the 221oca1 govem- ments. The key contact people for ihese fimis are listed below. In presen6ng the aw�rd the APA nated that`"The project'S McKeever/1VYorris,Inc: Mike McI�eever,Projed Manager, merik is recognized in the endarsements of the governors and Paul Morris,503 22s-7352. of�Oreg�n�a,n,d Washingkon�the Solar Energy Assaciation of Oregon,the Oregon i.eague of Conservatior�Voters,the �m'�ps�'",P.c.,so3 2zs-4ss5 Homebuilders A�sociadon of Arletropolitan Fortland,the �o,��,,,�t,�a,,,��e�- Portland Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, ��ordin and the Oregon Remodelers Association. The adopuon of � the implementation ordinances by every local governmsnt that has considered them also attests to the high quality of Once the solar access permit is granted,notices are sent to the proje�ct". affected properties,and an oppar[unity to ch�llenge the accuracy of ehe informatian contained in the application Receiving the award on behalf of the project were Dick Provided. If granted,the germit is recorded in the chain of Durham,than Uhe chair of ihe Steer�ng Committee,John ��e of affected properties,giving future owners of those Kaufmann,Oregon 13epar�nent of Energy,and Mike Pj'opeti�s notace of its existence. McICeever,then of Conservation Management Services. The Oregon APA has nominated fhe project for this year's Sunlines is published by McKeever/Morris,/nc.,Project Manager for the Pordand-Vancouver Metropolitan Ar¢a Solar Access Proj- national APA awards. ect. McKeever/Morris,lnc.'s o�ces are located al 812 S.W.Wash- inglon St., Suite 1110, Porlla»d, Oregon 97205. !f you lwve , questioxs or suggestionr,the telephone number is 503 228-7352. I The Porlfand-Vancouver Melropo(itan Area Solar Acaess Projecl is funded by lke BonneviUe Power Adminisdrafion,nnd adminislered by the t7regon Deparlmenl of Energy and the Washington S�a�e Energy O�ces underlhe auspices of lhe Northwest P�wer Act. Porltand-Vancouver Metropolitan Area Solar Access Project 812 SW Washingtnn SG,Suite 1110 Portland,Oregon 97205 ; , � :. , SOLAR ACCESS ORDIN.ANCE FOR NEW DEVELOPl'vIENT �t�eron� Committee Final Draft Revisions Aelopted November 2, 1939 � Section 1. Purpose. The purposes of the solar access ordinance for new development arc to '', ensure that land is divided so that structures can be oriented to maximize solar access and to minimize shade on adjoining properties from stxuctures and trees. Section 2. Applicabilit.y. The solar design standard in Seccion 3 shall apply to applications f�r a development to caeate lot,s in[list urban single family zonesJ zanes anci for single family i detached dwellings in any zone,except to the extent th�e approval authority finds that the applicant has shown one or more of the canditi�ns listed in Secrions 4 and 5 eacist,and exemptions or adjustments provided for therein are warrareted. Section 3. Desi�n Standard. At least 80 pe�ent of the lots in a developnnent subject to this ordinance shall comply with one or more of the optians in this secrinn;,�roti►ided.a development rraax.but is not reauired to,use the options in subsecrions 3B or 3C to comp�y with secrion 3. A. Busic Re.quirement(see Figurre 9). A lot complies with Section 3 if it: , . 1. Has a north-south dimensiorn of 9Q feet or rnnre;and 2. Has a front lot line that is orientesi within 30 degxees of a tru�cast-vyest axa.s. � B. Protected Solar Buidding Lir�e Opt�ren (see Figure 10). In the alternativ�e, a lat complies with Secrion 3 if a solar build'ang line is used to pxotect sol�ar access as follaws: 1. A protected solaz building lin is designated on the plat or� documents recorded with the plat; and 2. The protected solas build'ang line is oriented w�thin 30 degrees of a true east-west axis; and � 3. There is at least 70 feet between the protected sol�r building line and the middle of the north-south dimension o�the l�t to th�e south,measured along a lin�perpendiculaa�to the protected solar building line;and 4.There is at least 45 feet between the grotected solar building lirfe and the northem edge of the buildable area of the lot,or habitable structures are situated so that at least 80 per cen.t of their south-facing wall will not b�shaded by structures or non-exempt vegetadon. C. Performance Option. In the alternative, a lot complies with Secrion 3 if: 1. Habitable structures built ora thae lot will have their long axis oriente�3 within 30 degrees of a txue east-west axis, and at least 80%of their ground floor south wall ill protected from shade by struceures and non-exempt trees�sing aunropriate deed restricrions;or 2. Hat�itable structures buile on that lot will#�a�e orient at least 32%of their glazing and� least 500 square feet of their roc�f area,��s#-facas within 30 degrees east o�,�vest of�g south,and�h� lazin,�an�roof ar�are�s protected from shade by structures and non- exempt trees using ap�ro�iate deed restricrions. Page 1 -Solar Access Ordinance for New Development Steeaing Comm'ee Final Draft Revisions (ll/1/89) �" — ---- _--_ _ _.. , Section 4. Exempt6ans from Desi�n Standarci. A development is exempt from Secrion 3 if the(approval authorityJ finds the applicant has shown that one or more of th�following condirions apply to the site. A development is partially exempt from Secdnn 3 to the extent the lapproval cauthvrity] fizxds the applicant has shown that one or more of the following condirions apply to a corresponding portion of the site. If a partial exemption is granted for a giv�n development,the remainder of the development shall comply with Secrior�3, A. Slopes. The site,or a portion of the site for which 2he ex�mprion is sought,is sloped 20 � per cent or more in a direcrion greater than 45 degrees east or west of true south,based on a � topographic survey by a licensed professinnal land surveyor or U�GS or other officiallv I reco i�n'zed topog�phi�information. B. Off-site shade. The site,ar a porti�n of the site for which the exemption is sought, is within the shadow patt�rn of off-site features,such as but not limited to stcuctures, topography,or non-exempt vegetarian,which will remain after development occuas�n th� site from which the shade is originating. 1. Shatle fram an exisring or approved off-site dwelling in a single family xesidential zone and from topographic features is assumed to remain after developm�nt of the site. 2. Shade from an off site structure in a zane�ther tt;�a a single fa�nily residen�ial zane is • assuu�ed to be the shadow pattern of ithe existing or approvecl development there�n or the shadow pattern that would result from the largest structure allovved at the cic�sest satback on adjoining landf,r?vhether or not that structure now exists. 3. Shade fa�om�ff site vegetation as assumed to remain after development of the site if: the trees that cause it are si�aated in�re�quired set�k;ar they axe g�rt of a developed area, public park,ar legally reserved open space;or they are in or separated from the de.velopable remainder of a parcel by an u�zdevelopable azea or feature;or they are par�of landscaping z�equired pursuant to lacal law. 4. Shade fmm other of�f-site sources is assurned to be shade that exists or that will be cast by developrnent for which applicable local peimyts have been approved on the date a complete application for the development is filed. �C. Ort-site shade. The site,oa a portion of the sice fnr which the exemption is requested, is: 1. Within the shadow pattern of on-site features such as,but not limited ta s�tructures and topography which will remain�fter the development occurs;or 2. Contains non-e�empt nees at least 30 feet tall and naore than 6 inches in diarneter ; measumd 4 feet above the ground which ha�re a crown cover over at least 80%of the site, � or the relevant portion. The applicant can show such crown cover exists using a scaled ` survey or an aenal photograph. If granted,the exennption shall be approved subject to the condition that the applicant preserve at least 50%of the�crown cover that cause�the shade that warrants the exemption. 1fie appliGant shall file a note on the plat or other ' documents in the Office of the County Recorder binding th�applicant to comply with this requirement The(city/counry)shall be mad�a party t�any covenant or restricrion creat�d to enforc�any provision of this ordinance. The covenant or restriction shall not be amended without written(citylcounty) approval. ;�� Page 2-Solaz Access Ordinance for New Development i Steering Comm'ee �inal Draft Revisions (11/1/84) � � � � ;�' ' ;' , , ,�� ; _ _ _ __� . ..:�._ :,.__:�u ........... .......v4., D. _Comyletion of phased subdivision. The site is part of a„�has�d subdivision none of . which was subj,ect to the Solar Access Ordinanc�for New Development,and the site and the r�mainder of the unplatted portion of the phased subdivision contain no more than 20 percent of the lots in all phases of the subdivision. Section 5. Ad.justments to Desi�n Standard. The japproval authorityJ shall reduce the percentage of lot�that rx�ust comply with Secrion 3 to the minimwm extent�necessary�f it finds the appucant has shnwn it vvould cause or is sub'e,) Ct YO one or xnore of the following ' I �3` n . . n � A. Adverse impacds an density and cost or amenYties. � �, If the design standard in Secdon 3A is applied,either the resulting density is less than ! that proposed,or on-site site development costs(e.g.grading,water,storm drainage and sanitary systems,and road)and solar related off-site site development costs are at least 5% more per lot than if the standard is not applied. Th�following condirions,among others, �ould constrain the design of a development:n such a way that compliance writh Secdon 3A would redu�e density or increa�e per lot costs in this rnaaaner. The aPplicant shall show whicla if any of these or other similaz site characteristics apply iri an applicatian for a de�velopmen� a. The portion of the sit�e for which the adjusim�nt is sought has a natural grade that is sloped 10 per cent�r more and is oriented greater than 45 degrees east or west.of tnie south based on a topographic survey of the site by a professional land surveyor„g� USGS or other officially reco�nized topog�nhic information. b. There is a significant natural feature on the site,identified as such in the coriaprehensive plan or development ordinance,that prevent��i.ven streets or lots fram b�ang�riented for solar access,and it will exist after the site is developed. c. Existing road patterns must be cor�tinued through tkie site or must terminate on-site to comply with applicable road standards or public road plans in a way that prevents given streets or lots in the development from bein�oriented for solar access. d. An exisring public easement or right-of-way prevents given streets ox lats ui the developmeat from being oriented for solar access. 2 If the desi standard in Section 3 � lies to a 'ven lot �. � A PP 8� or lots,sig�ificant development amenities that would otherwise benefit the lat(s) will be lost or impaired. Evidence that a significant dimuni�ion in the market valu�of the lot(s) would result fmm having the lot(s}coanply with Secrion 3�,is relevarzt to whethex a significant development amenity is lost or impaired. [Refer to ameniti�s that qualify�r to rel�vant comprehensive plan provisions or inventories.] GB. Impacts existing shadeo The shadow gattern from�non-exempt trees�-leas�39 cover over at least�O�lo af the 1ot and at least 50%of the s���shadow pattern will i•emain after d�velapment of the lot. The applicant can show ,�hg shadow�attern using a scaled survey of non-exempt trees on the site or using an a��ial photograph. Page 3-Solar Access Ordinance for New Development Steering Comm'ee Final Draff Revisions (11/1/89) � L. � i 1. Shade from non-exempt trees is assumed to remain if: the trees are situated in a requued � setback;or they are part of an existing or proposed pazk,open space,or recreational amenity;or they are separated from the develapable remainder of their parcel by an undevelopable area or feature;or they are part of landscaping required pursuant to local law; and they do nat need to be removed for a driveway or ather developanent 2. Atso,to the extent the s�rade is caused by on-site trees or off-site trees an land owned by the applicant,it is assumed to remain if lhe applicant files in the office of the County Recorder a covenant binding the applicant to retain the trees causing the shade on the affected lots. Section 6. Prote�tion from Future Shade. Structures and non-exean t ve eta�ion m p g ust comply v�nth the Solar Balaasce Point Ordir►an�ce€e�e�s�g-�ets�provide cross-referenceJ �€ � ` � ' ' ' Qp a111o�g in a dev�q,�ment s�biect to th�Solar Access Ordinang��or New UevPlo�menr incluciing lots for which exemArions or adjusimentc to the Sol�r Accest Orr�xnan��f�r Ne�1�Develovment have be�n � nte�1. The applica.�t shall file a note on the plat or ather documents in the office af the County Recorder binding the applica�t and subsequent purchasers to comply with the futuxe sh�de protecrion standards in Section 6. The(city/counry) shall be m�de a party of any covenant or restriction • created to enforce any pravision af this ordin�nce. The covenant or restricrion shall not be amended without written(citylcounty1 approval. SecYion 7v Application. An application f�r appraval of a d�velopment subjece to this ordinar�ce shall i�nclude; A. Maps aaid text sufficient to show the development complies with the solar design st�dazd of Section 3,except for lots for which an exexnption or adjustrnent from Secdon 3 is reqnesteti, including a�leasc: 1. Th�north-sQUth lot dimension and frant lot lin�orientation uf each proposed lot. 2. I'rotected solar building lines and relevant b�uilding site aestrictions,if applicable. 3.For the purpose of identifying trees exempt fr4m Secdan 6,a map sho�uving existing trees at l�ast 30 feet tall and over 6 inches diameter at a point 4 feet above grade9 indicating their height,diameter and speci�s,and stating that they are to be retained and are exempt. 4. Gopies of a1P.private restrictions relating to splar access. �i. If an exemprion or adjustment to Section 3 is requested,maps and�ext s�f�cient to show that given lots or azeas ia�the development comply with the standards for such aa�exemption or adjustment in Section 4 or 5,respecrively. 5ection 8. Process. [Note.: Lr�cal Governments should provide a cross-reference t�their apprnpriate code secti�n.s shat describe the procedure to be used to review compldance wdth the solar access ordirrance for new development. Also identify whether an applicant andJor other aggrieved prvperty owner can appeal a decision regarding the ordinance,and,if so, whcat appeal process applies and who is the ap,�roval authoriry for the appe�al.J Page 4-Solar Access Ordinance for New I)evelopment S[eering Commee Final Draft Revisions (11/1/89) r�-=, _— _- -- ---- � v^ � l \. `\ SOLAR BALANGE POINT ORDIle1ANCE �,�gg;�,j�;� Committee F'inal Draft Arnendrnents Adopted November 2, 1�89 �ection 1. Purpose, The purposes of this ordinance are to promote the ase of solar energy, to minimize shading o£structures by structures and accessory structures, and, where appYicable,to minirniz�shadicig of structures by tr��s. Decisions related to this ordinance are intended to be nninisterial. Section 2. Applicability. Tfzis ordinance applies to an applicatian for a building permit for all stiuctures in [list urban single family zones] and all single fa�mily detached structures in any zone, except to the extent the approval authariry fmds the applicaiat has shown that one or rnore of the aa ' n r xi t and exern rions or ad'ustments ovidedl for there are condirions listed in secao s 5 0 6 e s s � P J Pr warranted. In addirion,non-exempt vegetation glanted on lots sut�ject to the provisions of Section. 6�f the Solar Access Ordinance for 1Vew L7evelopment shall comply with the shade point height standards as provided iz�sectians 4 and 5 of this ordinance. Section 3. �alar Site Plan �2equir�d. An applicant far a building Pernut for a structure subject to this ordinance shall subznic a site plan that shaws;, A. T�he maximum shade pnint height�llowed under seetion 4; e B. If the rnaximum shade�int heig is a�justed�ursuant to secrinn 4.A.2. che avera�e elgy,�ion of the rear�rope�tine:,� �. The location o�'�tg shade�oint.its hei��,rglative to the avera�e elevadon of the front lot line or the el�vation a�e xridpoint af�he frc�ntlot 1ine.an�its arient?tion relatiy,e to true south: and,if applicable, p��h ' solar balance pouit for the structurce as provided in set;rion 8. S�ction 4. Maximum Shade Poi:7t Heieht Standard. '�he h�ight of the shade point shall comply with either subseGtion A or B below. � i , A. Bxsic Requarement. � ; 9 z 1. The height of the shad.e point shall be less than or equal to the height specified in Table ; A or cocnputed usan�the following formula. The hei�hC of the shade point 5taa11 be � measured frorn th�shade�oint to either th��verage elevation�the fi�ont lot l�n�or the ele�arion at th�midpoint of the front lot line. If necessaaryy interpolate between the 5 foot ; dimerisians listed in Table A. j � H=�2 x SRL) - N+ 150 ; 5 ' i Where.H = the maxirnum allowed heightof the shade point(see Figures 4 and 5); � SRI. = shade reducrion line(the distance between the shade paint and the i northern lot line,see Figure 6);and ! N� = Che north=soath lot dimension,pr�vided tt�at a north-south lot dimension � more than 90 feet shall use a value of 90 f�et for this section, j ; Page i -Solar Balance Point Ordinance i Sieering Comm'�ee Final Drafc Rsvisions (11/1/89) 2. Provided, the maximum allo�wed height of the shade point may be increased one foot above the amount calculated using the formula or Table A for each foot that the average grade at the rear pmpe;rty line exceeds the averag�grade at the front property line TAB A-1VI�AXIMUM pERMITI'ED S ADE POIN'�'HEI HT (In F�et) Distance to IVorth-south lot dimensian(in feet) Shade 100+ 95 90 85 80 75 7U 65 60 55 SO 4S 40 Reduction Line from northern lot line(in feetl 70 40 40 40 41 42 43 44 � 65 3� 38 38 3 9 40 41 4 2 43 50 36 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 55 34 34 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 50 32 32 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4�-�--�3 45 30 30 30 31 32 33 34 3S 3b 37 38 39 48 40 28 28 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 35 26 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 30 24 24 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 3U 31 32 33 34 25 22 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 32 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 15 18 18 1� 19 20 2?� 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 14 14 14 1S 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 B. Performance Opnon. 'I'he proposed structuse, or applicable nc�n-exempt vegetat�on, vvill shade r�at more than 2Q per cent of the south-facing glazing of existing habitable st�-ucture(s),or, where applicabl�,the pmposed smuctune or non-exempt vege�:ation comply with secrion 3�i or 3C of the Solar Access Ordinanc�for New DevelopemenG lf scction 3B,�rotected Solar B�uilding ui Line,is usec�,non-exempt trees and the shade pomt of structu�res shall be set ba�k from the prat�cted solar building line 2.5 feet for every 1 faot af h�ight of the structure or of the mature height of non-exempt veg��eion over 2 feet. Section S. Exemption from the Maximum Shade Point Hei�ht St�ndard. The [approval authoriryj shall exempt a proposed structure or non-ex�mpt vegetacion frorn secrions 3 and 4 of this ordinance if the applicant shaws that ane or more of the condirions in this secdon . exist,based on plat plans or�lats,corner elevations ar othea tapographical data,shadow patterns, sunchaxts or photograghs,or othPr substanrial evidence 5ubmitted by the applieant. A. Exempt Lot. When created the lot was subject to the Solar Access Ordinance for New Development and was not subject to the pro�visions of secrian 6 of that ordinance. B. Pre-existing shade. 'The structure or applicable non-exe�pt vegetation will shade an area that is shaded by one or more of the following: 1. An existing or approved build'zng or struccure; 2. A topographic feature;�r Page 2-�olar Balance Paint Ordinance Stecring Comm'ee Final Draft Revisions (11/1/$9) I �, _ _ i 3. A non-exempt tree that will remain after deve.lopment of the site. It is assumed a tree will remain after development if it: is situated in a building setback re�uired by local law; is part of a developed azea or landscaping required by local law,a public park or landscape strip,or legally reserved open space; is in or separated from the developable remainder of a parcel by an undevelopable area or feature; or is on the applicant's property and not affected by the development A duly executed covenant also can be used to preserve trees causing such shade. C. Slope. Tlhe site has an average slope that exce�ds 20 percent in a direction greater than 4S degrees east or west of t�ue south based on a tapographic survey by a licensed professional land surveyor or USGS or Qther officiallv recog_nized topo�ra,phic information. D. Insignificant benefit. The proposed structure or nan-exempt vegetation shades one or more of the following: 1. An undevelopable area; , ' 2. The wall vf an unheated space, such as a ty�ical garage;eF 3. T ess than 20 square feet of s�uth-facing glazing;or 4. An undevPlo�ed lot,other than a lot that was subject to the Solar Access Ordinance for New Development.where: a. �'here are at least four sin lg e familv detached�r attached homes within 250_feet oi° the ioe v✓ithin the same s�abdivision or a phase of the subdivision: and b. A majoritv of the homes identified in subsectian 4.a. above have an average of less than 20 square feet flf soueh-facin� I�azing,. E. �Public Improvement. The proposed structure is a publicly owned irnprovement. Section__6. __Ad_ju5tments tn the Maxamum Shade Point Hei�ht Standard. !'he [approva!authority] shall increas�the niaximum pernutted h�ight of the shade pnint deternuned using section 4 to the extent it finds the applicant has shown one or more of the following condirions exist,based on plot plan�s or plats,comer elevations or other topographical data, shadow patterns, suncharts or ph4tographs,or other substanrial evidence submitted by the applican� A. Physical conclitions. Physical conditions preclude development of the site in a manner that complies wi�th section 4,due to such things as a lot size less than 30(}0 square feet, unstable or wet soils,or a drainage way,public or private easement,or right of wa.y. B. Co�nf[ict bet�veen the Maximum Shade Poxnt Height acnd Adtowed ShacXe on Phe Solar Feature Standards. A propased structure may be sited to meet the salar i balance point standard described in section�or be sited as near to the solar balance point as al.lowed by secric�n 8,i£ '; 1. W�hsn the proposed structure is sited to meet the maximum shade poant height standazd f detercnined using sectioii 4,its solar fe�ature will poten�ially t�e shaded as deternuned using secdon 7; and � Page 3-Solaz Balance Point Ordinance Steereng Comm'ee Final Draft Revisions (11/1/89) ,, o-,� .:._: .:._ _.�-.—....,_.., ._,�, • ,.kL .�"4. 2. The applicarion includes a form providerl for that purpose by the(city/counryJ that: a. Release� the applicant frorn complying with section 4 azid agrees that the proposed structure may shade an area otherwise pmtected by secrion 4. b. Releases th�[city/countyJ from liability for damages resulting from the adjustment; and c. Is signed by the owner(s)of the properties that would be shaded by the propos�d , structure more Khan allowed by the pmvisions of section 4. �i , 3. Before the[citylcor�nty]issues a permit for a proposed structure for which an ad�ustment has been granted pursuant to secrion 6(B), the applicant shall file the form , prov�ided for�subsection�.2 above in the affice of the county recorder with the deeds to I! the affected properties. Sectian 7. Analy,si� nf Altowp� had� 9n Solar Feature �', A. ' � I ' An applicant xnav,but is not reauired to, perf'orm the c;alculations in ar complv with the st�ndards of section 7. B. applicants�are encour�ged to design and site a proposed habitable structure so that ' the lowest height of any solar featurr�(s)will not be shaded by buildings ar.nAn-exempt trees on ' lot(s)ta the south. �'he applicant should complete the following calcularion procedure to deeexmine if solar feature(s)of the properseri stnacture will be sha�iecl. To start,the applicant should choose which of ehe follo�nng sources of shade arigina�ang from ad,jacent lot(s) t�the . south ta use to calculate the rx�axiznum shade height at the north property Iiaae: 1. Existing stxucture(s)or nor�-exempt trees;or 2. T'he max'amum shade that can be cast from future build'angs or non-exempt tr�es,bas�d on Table C. If the lot(s)to the south can be further divided,then the north-south dimension is sl�e�e assumed to be the�ninunum lot width required for a new lot an that zone. , C. The height of the lowest point of any solar feature of the progosed strueture is s��e�e calculated with respect to�ithex the average elevarion or the elevarion at the midpoint of the £ront lot line of the lot to the south. D. Th�applicant can�deternune the height of the shadow that may be cast upon the applicant's solar feature by the source of shade seleated in subsection B by using the following formula or Ta 1 beB. SFSH = SH- (5GL./2.5) Where: � SFSI-€ = the allowed shadow height on the solar feat�ue(see Figure 8) SH= the height of the shade at the northern lot line of lot(s)to the south:as ' deteranined in Secrion 7B S�L= thc solar gain line(the dist�nce fmn�x the solar feature to the northern I loc line of adjacent lot(s)to th�south, seeFigure 7) ; � Pa e 4-Solaz Balance Pomt I g Ordinance Steering Comm'ee Final Dcaft Revisions (11/1/II9) „ v:��.�.._.._.._.�....,. _..:J , . —---- � . .___._ .._�._.., _,._.,�. . ^�; --_—. TABLE Ii MAXIMUM PERMIITED I�EIGH'I'OF SH.ADOW AT SOLAR FEATURE (feet) Distance fr�m Allmwc;d Shade Height at Northern Lot Line Solar Gain Line of Adjacent Lot(s)to the South(feet) fio lot line(feet) 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 1S 14 13 12 50 2 1 45 4 3 2 1 40 6 5 4 3 2 1 35 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 30 10 9 8 7 fi .5 4 3 2 1 25 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 20 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 f S 4 15 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 10 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 S �0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 lU Table C may be used to determir.e(SH)in the above formula. TABLE C North-south lot dimension of adjacent 100 95 90 8S 8Q 75 70 65 60 55 50 4S 40 lot(sl to the south Allowed shade height at the north 12 12 1� "13 14 15 l.6 17 18 19 20 21 22 pr.operty line of adjacent lot(s� to south E. If the allowed shade height on the solar feature calculated in subsection D is higher.than the lowest height of the solar feature calculated in subsecrion G,the applicant shall be encouraged to consider changes to the house design or location which would make it practical to locate the solar fea.ture so that it wilt not be shaded in the future. Section S. Solar Balance Point. If a structure does not comply with maximum shade ' point height standard in secdon 4 and the allowed shade on a solaz feature standard in Section 7, then.the solar balar.ce point of the lat shall be calculaeed(see Figure 8). The solar balance point is the point on the lot where a structure would be the same from complying with both of these standards. Section 9. Yard Setback Ad.iustment. The[ciry/county] shall grant an adjustrnent to the side, front and/or rear yard setback requirement(s) by up to 50%a if necessary to build a proposed structure so it complies with either the shade point height standaz�d in seGtian 4,the allowed shade I on a solar feature standard in secrion 7,or the solar balance point standard in secrion 8 as provided � herein(see Figure 8). This adjustment is not intended to encourage reductions in available solar accrss or unnecessary modification of setback requirem�nts,and shall apply only if necessary for a structure to comPly with the applicable provisions of this chapter. (The followireg list illustrates yard adjusements permitted under this sectaon:] A. jRSJ Zone(s): 1. A front yard setback may be reduced ta not less than[IOJ fee� 2. A rear yard setback may be reduced to not less than(lOJ feet. 3. A side yard setback may be reduced to not less than(3J feet. Page 5-Solaz Balance Point Ordinance Steering Cortun'ee Final Draft Revisions (Ii/1/89) ti _ � �'— — . F, � B. [R7j'Zone(s): 1. A firont yard setback may be reduced to not less than[10J feet 2. A reaz y�rd setback�anay be reduced to not less than[10]feet. �'� 3, A side yazd setback may be reduced to not Iess than[3]f.eet. C. (R10]Zone(s): 1. A front yard setback may be reduced eo not less than j15]f�e�. 2. A reaz yard setback may be reduced to nat less than[1.5]feet. 3. A side yard setback�ay be reduceci to not less ttran(5]feet. Section 10. Ixeview process. ��ros,s�reference to existing processesfor reviewing zoning code complianceJ � Page 6-Solar Balance Point Ordinancc Steering Comm'ee Final Draft Revisiont{11/l/89) SOLAR �CCESS PERMIT OR.DINANCE March 3. 1988. �teerinQ (_'ommittee Final Draft Section l. Furpose. Th� purpose of this ordinance is to procect solar aGCess to solar features on lots designaud or used for a single family detached dwelling under some cir�cumstances. It authoaizes owners of such lots to apply fos a permit that,if granted,pmhibits solar features from being shaded by ccnain future vegetation an and off the per�ittee's site. Section 2. �:p�iicabilitv. .-�n owner or contrace purchaser of property may apply for and/or be subjcct to a solar access permit for a solar featurc if that property is in a(list urban single famaly residenria!zones J, or is or will be develope,d w►th a single family dwelling. The(city'sJcounry'sJ decision whe�ther ar not to grant�solar aceess permit is intended w be ministerial. Section 3. Approvai standards for a solar access permit. The(responsibde official J shall approve an appiicat�on for a solar access pemut if tha applicant shows: A. `Ihe application is complece; B. The intozmation it contains is accurate; and � C. Non-exempt vegecadan on che applicant's property docs not shade the sc�laz feat�re. Section 4. Duties created bv solar access p�rmit. A. A paxty to whom che (ciry/cocusryJ grants a solar a�ccess permit shall: 1. Recc�rd the peimit, legal descripdons of the propemes affecte�hy the pcmrit, the solar access height lianit�and the site plan required in se�tion S.�r�vath such madifications as requircd by the[respansible o,,�cia1J in the Affice of the�ounty re�oa^cies�with the deeds to che properties�ffected by ic,indexrad by the names of the owne��r►i the affectcd prop��rae�,and pay the fees for such filing; 2. Install the salar feature in a timely nnanner�provided in Section 8; and 3. Maintain non-exempc vegetarion on the site so it does not shacie the solar feature. B. An owner of properry burdened by a solar acce5s permit shall be responsible and pay alI costs for keeping non-exempt vegetation from exceeding the solar�ccess height limit Hor�+ever,vegetation identified as exempt on the site plan ra�uired in secdon S.C,vegetadon an owner shows was in the graund on the dau an applicadon far a solar access permit is filed.and solar friendly vegetadon are exempt from the solar access permit, � S�etion 5. Appiication contents. An application for a solar access pemnix shall ' contain the following iruormanon: � � A. A legal descripdan of the applicant's lot and a legal description,owner�'names, and owners'addresses for lots all or a portion of which are within 150 fcet of t�e applicant's lot and 54 aegrees east and wvest of true south measuttd from the east an�I � west corners of the applicant's sautlx lot�ine. The records of the(responsible agencyJ I shall be used to deurmine who owns property for purposes of an application. The failure of a gmper.ry owner to receive notice shall not invalidate the acrion if a guod faith auempt was made to notify all persons�uvho r�nay be affectcd. Page 1 --- Solu Acces� Permit Ordinance B. A scaled plan oi the applicant's pruperry showing: 1. Vegcsation in the gr�und as of rhe date of the applicadon if,when mature, chat vegeeanon could shad�the solar feature. 2. The approximate heighc above grade of the solar fearure,i�s location,and its oricntation rel�tive to true sauth. C. A scaled plan af the properti,es on the list required in subsection f0 atwve shovuing: 1. Their appr�ximate c�imensinns; and 2. Thc appm�imate locaoion af all existina vegatadon on ea�h prnperry that could shade the solaz featur�(s)nn the applicant's properry. D. For ea�.h affectr.ci lot,the nequeste�solar access height limit Tt�e solar acc�ss height limit is a series of conto�a lines establishing the maximvm perrmitted height far non-exempt vegetation on lots affected by a Solar Access Perimt(see Figure 11). The contour lines txgin az the bottom edga of a solar feature for which a permit is requested j and rise in five foot in�rrements at an anglc to the south not less that 21.3 degrets from ' the hc�rizon and extend noc more than j4 degrees ease and west of true sauth. " . Notwichstanding:h�preceeding,the solar access h�ight lianit at the noitlaern lot line of any lot burdened by a solaz access pcnnit shall allow non-exeanpt vegetadon on that lot whose height causes not more shade on the benefitted propercy than cot�id tx caused by a swcnue th�t complies wich the Salar�alance Point Osdinance far existin�g lots. E. A fee as required by[appropriar�refer�nceJ. F. If available.a sratemcnt signed by the owner(s)of s�uune or alfl�f tha propercy(ies) to whiah the pGrmit will a.�ply if granteei veeif�ir�g that ehe veget�tion shovvn on th�plan submicted pursu�nt to secdore S.0 abow✓e accurasely represeuts vcgecation in the ground an th�date of the application. 'The(ctty/co�nryJ shall provid��.foxm far that purpose. The sagned state�cnts pmvidod for herein�re pe�nieted but not x�quir�ed for a camplete applicarion. Section 6. Appl�cat�on rev�ew process. A. Unless waived by the(responsible o,fftcfalJ,prior to filing an applicaaon for a solar acccss perarit,an applicant or applicant's represerttative shall pay the fee rcquu�ed in sxtian(appropriare reference to fec schedule)and mcet�ith th+�jresponsible o,�cial J or his or her designau to discuss the proposal and the requirements far an applicadon. If a mea»ng i�held,the fresponrible o,�`'icialJ shall canvey a wriuen sutnmary nf the meedng to the applicant by mail witbin 5 calendar days of the meeting. B. After tho pre-application meeting is held or waived,the applicant m�y file ar► applicadon containing the infarmaaan required in section 5 abave. C. Withia 7 calendar days after an application is filsd, thc[responsible o,ffacial J ar his or her designate shall detezinine whecher the application is complete and if it is not cnmplete nadfy the applicant in wriang,and specify what is required to make it complete. � Page 2 --- Soiar Access Permic Ordinmce � 4 i.� . , ♦ � p r 4 D. Within 14 calendar days aires the (responsible o�cialJ decides an appiicarion for a solar access permit is complece. the tresponsible official J or his or her desi�nate shall issue a written decision tentatively appmving or denying the request,wgether with reasons therefore, based on the standards of secn�n 3. � 1. If the tentative de�ision is to deny che permit,the (responsible officialJ shall mail a copy of the decision to rhe applicant. 2. If the tentaave decision is to approve the permit,and the owners of all affected properries did verify the accuracy af the plot plan as pennitted under section �.F, the(resporrsible officicr!] shall mail a copy of the de�ision to the applicant and affecte.ci parties by certificd mail,retum receipt r�quested. 3. If the tentadve decision is to apprcrve the p�rffiit,and the owr�aers of all affected propereies did not verify the accuracy of the plot plan as permiucd under section S.F,the(responsible o�cial) shall send a copy�f the tentadve dxision to the applicant and to the owner5 of affected properties who did not sign the verifica�ion statement pursuant to secrion S.F by certified mail,renun rcceipt rcquested. If the � (responsib!`e o,��icialJ deteraunes that tha owners of a given p�ropeiry affected by the permit ar�not the occupants of that proper�}r, chen the(responsible o}�"tcialJ also shall send a capy of the nouce t�the occupants of such prope�y. . � a. 'Ihe noace sent to the applicarn shall inclu�e a sign that says a solas access per�rrit for thc propenry has bcen untative.ly approvcri,�nd that infazms readers wh�re to obcain more informadon about i� The applicant shall be instrucud to conspicuausly post the sigaa s�it is visible froua right-of-way adjoining the pa+�pe�y,and to sign and ret�rn a fnrm provided by tha(respansi�al�s�fficial] �erc�ying that the sign was posted as providod hezein not m�thaza 14 days a�cr the�oentative de�isian was mailed. b.'I"he nodce shall includa the plot plans ra�uired in sections 5.� and C at�ove, th+�propc�sed solar access heiglxt limits,and dudes creat�d by the pex•mit. c. The nodce shall ra}uest r�cipient�to verify ttrat the plot plan shows all non- exempt vegetation on the secipient's property,aaid to send the(responsible officialJ comments in writing vbr�ithin 14 calendar days after the cent�nve de�ision is mai�lled if the rccipient txlieves the appliGant's plot plan is iutaccurate. 4. Withiii 28 days after notice of a tentative decision is mailed to affe:cted parties, the(responsible officialJ shall consider responses received from affecud paades and/or an inspection of the site,modify the plot plan and the pcamt to la�consistent with the accurau infonnadon,and issue a final deaision. The(respon.sible o�'ficialJ shall send a copy of the permit an�d solar acces�height limits ua the owners of each property affected by the permit by cutified mail,recurn receipt rec�uested. E. If the application is appmved,the applicant shall Pocord the permit,associated salaz access height limits,legal desciipdons for the affe�ud properties,and the siu plan required in sxtion S.0 with such modifications as rcquind by the(responsib�e o,�`'iciai] in the office of the counry recorder with the de�eds to the propertias affected by it before the penmit is effective. Page 3 --- Solar Access Permi[Ordinance �_ . , . ,` � Section 7, PePmit enforcement �rocess A. Enfarceraent request. A solar access perini�tee may rec�uest the (city/counryJ to enforce the solar access permit by providing the followurg information to the (responsible o,�'acialJ: i 1. A copy�f the solar access permit and the plat plans submitteci wath the pernut; and 2. The legal descriprion of the loc(s)on which alleged nan-exempt ve,�etarion is situated,the address of th� ovvncr(s)of that pt�perty,and a scaled site plan of the lot(s)showing the non-e�empt ve�etation;an� 3. Evidence the vegeca�ion violates the sc�lar acccss permit,such as a sunchart 1 photograph,shadow panem, andi'or photagr�phs. � B. Enforcemirat process. If the jresponsible o�CialJ detertnines the request for enforccaient is complete, he or she shall initiate an enfcn�cement acrion puisuant ta (insen the appropriaue reference to the jur7sdicziore's exi.tting zoning enfarcemena process j. Pmvided the(responsible of�cialJ shall not enforce tt�e permit against � vegetation the owner af which shows was in the grouncl on the date Ehc perniir applicadon was fiied wi�h the (ciry/caunry). Section 8. Expiration and extensian of a soiar access �ermit t�. �xPix'ation�. Every�ermic issued by the(r�spor�sibl�o,,�"tcaalJ iander thc pr�visir�ns of this nndinance st�ll exput i�the constaucrion of thG saiax.fGature protected by such permit is not commcnced withiin 1$0 day�fr�a the date of such permit,or if the construction of thc solar feanu�e protectcd by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any t�rne aftcr che work is commenc�for a period of 180 days. Before such woric caa be i+ecommcnce�d,a ncw pca=ait sE�all be first obtafned to do so,and the fee therefor shall be one half the aanaunt required for a new pennit for su�h worle, pravidcd no changes have txen made or will be made ix�the original plaaas amd specificador�s for such worl� and prorridrrl fvrther�such suspensian or abandonment has not exceeded one year. If tP�e peamittee does not show construcaon of the solar featune will be started within 180 days of the date of the permit or the exunsion,or if the solar feature is removed,the(responsible officialJ shall terminate the peimit by recozding a notice of expiraaon in the office of rhe county recorder wi�h. the deeds to the affected properacs. B. Extcasion. Any permittec holding an unexpiced penmit may apply for an extension of the time within which he or she may commencG work under that pe�it when he or she is unable to commence work vvic,hin the t�e x�equired by this secaon for good and satisfacuny reasons. The(respoa�sible official J may extcnd the timc for action by the peimittce f��r a period nat exceeding 180 days upon wricten request by the percuittee showing that c�^�cvmstances beyond the conu�l of the permitue ha�ve prevcnted action from being talcen. �o pe�iit shall be extended more"than onee. i i i � Pagc 4 ---Solar Access Permic Ordinnnce i � .__ ._-=— --'-- ; SOLAR ACCESS ORDINANCE DEFINITIONS pE' ' � C'ommittee Final Draft Revisions Adopted November Z, �.989 Crown Cover: The area within the drip line or perimeter of the foliage of a tree. Develooment: Any short plat,partition, subdivision or planned unit development that is created under the (city's/county's) larid ci�vision ar zoning regulati�ns. Exemot tree or vegetatjon: The full height and breadth of vegetation that the(responsible official]has identified as "solar friendly"and listerl in[approprtate ref�renceJ;and any v�getarion listed on a plat map,a dc�ument recarded with the plat,or a solar access permit as exempt F�,qnt lot line: For purposes of the solar access regulations, a lot line abutrir�g a street. For corner lots the fxant lot line is that with the narrowest frontage. When the lot line abutting a street is curved,the front lot line is the chord or straight line conn�cting the ends of the curve. Por a£lag lot,the front lot line is the shortes lot iine adioinin� the pole nortion of the lot,excluding the�ele unbuildable portion of the� ole(see Figure 1). 1Von-exempt tree or ve et� ation: Vegetaric►n that is not sxempt. . North�rn lot line: T"he lot line that is the smallest angle from a line drawn east-west and intersecting the northernznost point of the lot,excluding the pole portion of a flag lot. If the north line adjoins an und�velopable are�ather than a required yard area,the northern lot line shall be at the north edge af such undevelopable area. If two lot lines have an identical angle relative to a line drawn east-west,or;f the northern lot line is less than 35 fee�.then the northern lot line sha1J.be a line-�l 35 feet in ler�gth within the lot�arallel with and at a maximum distance from the front lot line(see Figure 2). North-south dimension: The length of a line beginning at the mid-point of the northern Iot line n 'n in a ou rl direction e ndiculaz to the northern lot line umtil it reaches a and exte da g s the y p rpe property boundary(see�'igure 3). � Proteeted solar building line: A line on a plat or map recorded with the plat that identifies the locarion on a lot where a point two feet above may not be shaded by structures or non-exempt trees (see Figure 10). Shade: A shadow cast by the shade point of a structure or vegetatian when the sun is at an altitude of 21.3 degrees and an azimuth ranging fram 22.7 degrees east and west of true south. Shadg.l o� int: The part of a structure or non-exempt tree that casts the longest shadow onto the adjacent northeni lot(s)when the sun is at an alt�tude of 21.3 de�rees and an azimuth ranging from 22.7 degrees east and west of true south; except a shadow caused by a narrow object such as a mast or whip antenna,a dish antenna with a diameter of 3 feet or less,a chimney,urility pole,or wire. The heighC of the shade point shall be measured from th�shade point to eithex the average elevation at the firont lot line or the elevation at the midpoint of the front lot line. If the shade point is located at the north end of a ridgeline of a structure oriented within 45 degrees of a true north- south line,the shade point heaght computed accord'uig to the preceding sentence znay be reduced by 3 feet. If a structure has a roof oriented within 45 degrees of a true east-west lin�e with a pitch that is flatter than 5 feet(vertical)in 12 feet(horizontal)the shade point will be the eave of the roof. If such a roof has a pitch that is 5 fee�xn 12 feet or steeper, the shade point will be the peak of the roof(see Figures 4 and 5). Page 1 -Sotar Access Ordinance Definitions Steering Comm'ae Final Draft Revisions (11/1/89) l4.. . . . ... . ... . . .. . . . .. . � ..... .. . . .1 .._.. _ ... ' � � Shade reciuction line: A line drawn par�llel to the northern lot line that intersects the shade point(see Figure 6). �hadow��tern: A graphic repres�ntarion of an azea that would be shaded by the shade point of a structure or veg�tation when the sun is at an altitude of 21.3 degxees and an azimuth:ranging between 22.7 degrees east and west of true south (see Figure 12). �olar ac es� s heigh limit; A series of contour lines establisl�iing.the maximum permitted height for non-exempt vegetaric�n on Iots affected by a Salar Access Fermit(see Figure 11). Solar acc�ss p�rmit: A document issued by the jcity/counry]that describes the maximum height that non-exempt veget�tion is allowed to grow on lots to which a solaz access permit applies. Snlar feature: A device or combinatian of d�vices or e�eaneiits that dnes or will use direct � sunlight as a saurce of energy for such pur�poses as hearing ox cool'uxg of a structure,h�ating ar pumping of water,and�enex�at►ng�lectricity. F..xamples of a scalar feature include a window ar � windo�vs that contain�s�,at least 2Q square feet of glazing arient�d w�ithin 45 degrees east and west of true sauth,a s�lar grecnhouse,or a solar hot water heater. A s�la�r feature may be used far � purp�ases in adclirion to callectizrg salar ene�gy,including but not limited to seaving as a structural � nci�ember or part of a ro�c�f,wall,or window. �, south-facing wall wi.thout windows and without other featu�s that use solar en�gy is nat a solar feature for putgases of this ordinan�ce. , '� �olar in line: A line parallel ta the nr�rthern property line(s}of the lot(s) south of and �� adjoaning a given lot,includ'ang lots separated only by a street,that irxtersects the solar feature on k that loe(see�igwre 7). !; ��i ° �'rue �outh or 2C de ees east of ma eric south. �. SoLth or �o�th �'a�ing. , gr gn � - � �y,q�j�i : One or mor�photographs that plat the posirion of'the sun betweer► 10:30 axn and 1:30 �� pm on January 21,prepar�d�ursuant to guidelines issued by the(responsible o�cialJ. The ° h hall show the southem s line thrc�u h a trans arent 'd on which is imposed solar sunc art s 1�y g P gn lar azimuth i _ 1 ' de in 10-de e increments�nd so �. 4 de e and 30 minute northern antu altitude fos a 5 gre � from true south in 15-d� ee increments. '` �' k�i k''', ndevei oable area: An area chat cannot be used practicably�or a habitable structure,because k: of natural conditions, such as slopes exceeding 20% in a direction greater�an 45 degrees east or �; west of true south,severe topographic relief,water tindie5,or conditions that isolate one porcion of �; a pmperty from another portion so that access is not practicable tc�the unbuildable portaon; nr man- z a l; n�ade conditions,such as existing development which isolates a portion of the site and prevents its f, further develapment; setbacks or development restrictions that prohibit development of a given (, area of a lot by law or private agreement; or existence or absence of easements or access nghts that ;� prevent d�ve�opment of a given area. �,� �,: ��; i� �; ,; , E �; �� �> ��y ��4 �' , Puge 2-Solar Accesa Ordinance Definitions Stacring Comm'ee Finai Draft Revisions{11/1/89) � � � • --�-.—.�..�..��, �� Figure 1 FLAGFRONT FRONT LOT LINE LOT UNE ' � �`.. i I � / . NQFIMAL FRONT I LOTUNE � � � 1 ��� � .���: . /� �\LOTUNE ( . i Figure 2 NOR7HERN L.OT LINE < 45 degrees �.��— � NORTF�F�I t � LOT LINE � NOi�TFiERN LOT LINE �� I �. � . � �igure � NORTH-SOUTH DIMENSION OF THE LOT � � ; tJ- ; NORTH—SOUTH DIMENSION ; , , i � s � I � Figure 4 HEIGH`T OF TH� SHADE POlNT OF THE STRtI�TURiE � It Ihe ridgeline runs EAST-WEST If ihe ridgeline runs EAST-WEST and the pitch is or flatter than 5 in 12: and the pitch is 5 in 12 or steeper: ";�i�;�. SHADE PGINT.EAVE m;�;�, SHADE POIPff. RIDGE '� "xf.£� '`� Lossthan 5 in 72 Ronf Pitch 5 in 12 Roof Pifch a maa SHADE POINl. SHADE PQINT. EAVE RIDGE QRTH•SOUrM RI �' ��A�� If the ridgeline runs NORTH•SOUTH measure from the northernmost POINT point of the ridge,but reduce the height measurement by three (3) feet. NORTH --► 4'� , , , �. Figure 5 SFfADE POINT HEIGH�' Meas��re to average grade at the front lot line. '�..�. :;;,.�F�. <:>:�:.:;. SHADE POWT'MEIGHTi . � Front !oi line Figure 6 StiADE REDUCTION LIN� ; i � Shade Reduction Une � measured to Shade F'oint � � from Northern Lat Line i i 1 60` ' 35 � N � ; 1 � � � , i 4 , ;� ._., ..�, . .:.�__�_ _ � , ... : �� � , Figure 7 SOLAFt GAIN LINE Solar Gain Line N � 1 0' �,._.- North Lot Line of your South Neighbor Figure 8 SOLAR BALANCE PrJINT STANDARD MAXIMUM SHADE POiNT HEIGHT ALLOWED SHADE ON SOLAR FEATURE Protecting your northern ����9 your house neighbor's sun to receive.sun on : � south windows 1 r \y � \ ' / s N � ' �— � � , cunanxrem �' 30' HEIGHT i� IN LOT CENTER „.�; ___-_ '70'-_-_-_- _°-----7Q'--_°-_°.� �10'�----------►�-10'-� Standard Side Setbacka fs..f..--------------.fs�i R«du�ad s�sau�d� SETBACK ADJUSTMENTSIF NEEDCD TO MEET SOLAR STANDARDS ; � , � I _- _ >� , �, � i ti Figure 9 SOLAR L�T OPTION 1: B/ASIC REQIJIREMENTS f �! N � Minimum of 90' north-south !nt dimension required Front lot line is within 30 degrees of an east-west axis Figure 10 SOLAR LOT OPTION 2: PROTECTED St)LAR BUILDIN� LIINE � � Protected Solar 8u1►din9 Une within 30 deqrees 0(9a51•WBSI iXIS 1 . 1 � At Isast 70'betw�en solar • � � buildGp lin��nd middl� 1 bt to tM aouth. Thts wiN � ensuro ab1Uy to buiid hvo � swry housa. � . � � ..__—°i--__ _ �... �,,. , Figure 11 SO`LAR /�CCESS H�IGHT LIMIIT 938 Scotts Av�nue v Parcel A PBPCEI B Parcel C � 944 938 932 �c -.-_1 0'- � �i � - ----•15� - { � --- ---•225- -- North V ----°-----30'_..__------ --SCOtis AvB.•---p-35'--________ ; -------°-- ---40�-----� --°----- -- 4g, � ------ -50' -� _ ........._ � ..__ _ s__.,.$5�_ -°---- ___..___ _gp� -- °------- ------- ----65� ------°-- ---_-�- --7Q"e__ _____-___ ' _______ ___75'_ __________ � 80' Pareel D �Parcel E Parcei � SCALE 1" = 100' g45 937 933 'i i Figure 12 SHADOW PATfERN ..,----.. ��;� �; � . ; _ � . � � North '; �: �: +': �. Scotts Avenue '' �� , 22.7•EAST 6 WEST OF TRUE 1 NORTH SOUiN AXIS i:- ��;� ---- -_. _:: __.�:,_ -.._:� _:,.: .�...�,�v- ,,.,._ : ,�x,.�, �� ,