Planning Commission Packet - 05/22/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �� �� TIGARD PLAIJNING COh1T�SISSION MAY 22, 19g0 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CIVIC CLNTER - T4�WN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARD� OREGON 1. CALL TO OE2DER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVE MINUTES 4. PL�TATING COMMISSIOPI COMMUNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARTNG 5.1 HOME OGCUPATION PEkiMTT HOP 90-0006 WEIS/ACCESSORY REPS, INC. (NPO �7) A reqixest for appraval of a Iiome Occupation Permit to a11ow storage of ssnall bc�xe� of �lectronie ac�essories and UPS shipmenta ta accaun�s. D�li.veries will not �xc��d three per wee�s. ZaN�: R-7 (Iteaider�ti.al, 7 units/ac�e) LOCATIOIN: 11163 SW 106th Avenue (WCTM 1S1 99DA, �tax lo� 1600) 5.2 FIPTAL PT�AT NQ. 88-03PC VILLAGE 1�T SUMMER L,AKE PARK NO. 3 PJR-AK CORP�O£tATZON (NPO #7) Planr�ing Dir+ector's decisf.on to den� the submitted blue linee of a fi.nal subdivi.sion plat becauee i�he canditione of the preaiminary plat approv�l, Final Ordor No. ��-03 PC, d�ted l�arch 18, 1988 have not been eatieified. ZONING: R-4.5 (PD) (Reeidenti�l, 4.5 units/acre, PLanned Development) LnCATIUN: South of Swpm�r L�ka Subdivision, �ast of Morning Hill and Winter Lake Develapm�nta and north of Bellwood Subdiviaion. (WCTM 1S1 33DD, tax lot 100, anc� 1SI 33DC, tax lot 4200) 5.3 STREET VACATION OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY PALM�R ACRE� A request ta vacate two undeveloped public righ�s-of-way immediately adjace,n� to the nortla and weat of tax lot 2200 of tax map 131 36CD and tax lot 200 0£ tax map 2S1 1BA. ZQNING: C-G (General Commercial). LOCATIQN: South and east of Paaific Hwy. and Hwy. 217. 5,4 PERIODIC _REVIEW (. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJfaURNMENT 4:. �. . . . . . " . � .. � . � ��, .. TIG1�lRD PL�lliNI1�G CiO�I4iI3SI0i� RBGIILAR 1�8TING - 1�SA.Y 22, 1990 1. Viae President E'yre called the meeting to arder at 7:35 PM. The meeting wae held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. R13LL CALL; Present: Vic�e President Fyre; Commissioners Castile, Fesaler, Peterson, and Saparta. Ab�ent: Commiagionere Barber, Moen, and Leverett (One vacant poeition). Staff: Senior Planner Keith Liden; Legal Counsel xen Elliatt� Planning Secretary Diane M, Jelderks. 3. !lPP�L O1F' HII�OTSS � CommiB�ioner Fessler moved anei Commisa�.onex Cast�l� secs�nded to apprave the minutee as corrected. Motion carried by majority ssf Commissioners present. Commissioner Peterson abatainee]. 4. PI.�lY�iNTI�1G (�OHIdISSION Q0�lII�IUNIiCATION o There waa no communiaation. 5. PIIBLIC HS�lRI�TGG� 5.1 �QMS OC�QPATYON PBRMYYT HOF 90-0006 iiBISjACCB�SORY REFS, IHG. ��IPO #7) A r�quest for approval of a T.iome Occupatian Permit to allow storage of emall boxes of plec�ranic accesgoriea and UPS shipments to accaunte. Deliveriea wi1�1 not exceed three per week. 20NE: R-7 (R.esidential, 7 unite/acre) LOCATION: 11163 SW 106th Avenue (WCTM 1S1 34DA, tax lot 1600) Senior Planner Liden reviewed the hietory of the applica�tion and explained why the Director chose to forward this cleciaion to the Plannix�g Commiasinn. Discussion followed regaxding conciitions recommended by staff. A�PPLIC�l1�T'3 PR$SB�iTATION o Brad Weis and J�y Knight etated that they were no� aware that there was a w�ight limitation when the first received approvaJ. far their home occupation permit. They would make every effort to comply with the condition ss written. They explained that they are currently constructing a fence and vrould like to have some time to inatall/construct the landacaping and paved driveway. They requeated that condition number 13 be de].eted as an accesa wae coastructed onto North Dakota when North Uakota ; waa improved and they would like to uee it for theix peraonal uee to load and unload wood onto the back of their property. They di�tributed copies ' of a new floor plan which fncluded the hallwaya to the storage area. , PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MAY 22, 1990 PAGE 1 `�o `•;� o Discuasion followed regarding the time line for completing the landscapinr, deliveries to and from the home, aquare footage to be used for thQ business, how total squar� footage is determined (includes garage), and use af the RV. o PIIBIaIC HI�FIRING CLUS�ID o Commi.saioner P�terson and Saporta favored the proposal with a 90 day time period to complete the landsoaping. o Commisaioner Caetile agreed, he also fel� that condition number 11 needed �o be rewritten to make it clearer. a Comm,i�eioner Eesaler felt the applicant may not have contra]. over the aize of truck which waald make deliveries and aupported el�sninating condition number 10. o Com►niasioner Fyre agreed with most of the aomments. He felt the resid�n�ial neighborhood needed to be protected against the poeaible impact from a home �pe•rated business. He felt �he square footage of the busi.neea should be limited to 75Q sc,�uare fe�t and that there should be a c�ndition whi�:h st�ted that the RV can not be used for the busineae. Diacussion fallowed r�,gardins� the equare frsotage. * Commisaioner Castile moved and Cammiesioner F�rre seconded to approv� HOP �I 90-06 based on etaff'� recommendation, modifying the conditio�ns f�r '� landscaping and paving of driveway and parking area ta be completed within 90 days. 'Po add a condition limiting �he aquare foa�age of the businese area to 750 square fe�t. Also, modifying conditian number 1�3 prohit�itinc� ;I business vehicles from using th� acceas on North Dakc�ta Street. I DiscussiAn followed regarding li.miting the business to 750 square feet. I Motion faiied two to three. Commiasioner Sa�orta, Peterson, and F�saler � voting no. * Commissioner Saporta moved and Commissioner Fessler second�d to approve HOP 90-Q6 based on staff's recommendation, modifyinq the conditions for landscaping and paving of driveway and parking area to be cnmpleted within 90 days and modifying condition number 13 prohibiting bueiness vehic].�e from using the accesa on North Dakota Street. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. 5.2 FINAL PL�T HO. 88-03PC 1TII.LAIGB AT SEJlQ�R I..�KS PARIC NO. 3 OR-AK �ORPORATION (NPO #7) Planning Directar�s decieion to deny the �ubmitted blue lines of a final subdivision plat because the cnndxtiona of the preliminary plat approval, Fina]_ Ogder No. 88-03 PC, dated March 18, 1988 have not been satisfied. ZQNING: 1�-4.5 (PD) (Reeidsntial, 4.5 units/acre, Planned Development) LOCATION: South af Summer Lake Subdivision, east of Morazing Hi11 and Winter Lake Developments and noxth �, of Bellwood Subdivieion. (WCTM 1S1 33DD, lot 100, and 1S]. 33DC, lot 4200). i PLANNING COMMISSION 2+IINUTES - MAY 22, 1990 PAGE 2 �ti . � . . ��' ` k tyt ; Senior Planner Liden reviewed the memo submitted to the Planning Commisai.on and the supporting documentation. Staff ia recommending that the Director's Decision be upheld and that the final plat foX Village at Summc�rlake Park No. 3 be revieed as outlined in that deci�ion. Ken Ellio�t, Legal Counael, revi.ewed the legal action involved. He etated that it is City Council'e and Legal Counael's position that there raas not a cap placed on the amount of land which would be rec�uired for park purposee. Diecussion followed regar,ding the area that has already been dedlicated ar purchased and the area which is being diaputed. �PPLIC�lI7T'S PRR98N'TATIUN o Andrew Jordan, 160Q SW Cedar Hills Hlvd., Pnrtland, 97225, regr�eenting Dan M�orissette and �DRAIC (Gordon Hobbs) submitted and reviewed 13 exhibit (relevant portion of the exhibits were highlighted). He atreesed that the isaue ie not th� lawsuits but the inten� of the Commis�ion when they made their decision on February 23, 1988. Mr. 3ordan queation�d Gordon Hobbs regarding hie understanding of the amount of land ta be dedicated or sold to the Cfty for the park, Mr. Jordan felt the documentation and teatimorsy supported their poei�tion that the boundar.y was established when �he first purctaase af park land was complet�d in Aecember 1988. ' o Di�cu�ssion follo�red regarding the intent af the Commission and why the applicant had not fil.ed for final plat approval eooner. PIIBLIC HSARING CIASSD o Commissioner Saporta feZt the intent was alsar in the transcript that the Director h�d the final decision where the boundary for the park will beo o Commisafoner Pet�rson etated that he had attending the hearing regaxdinq this proposal and he was oppased to the eubdiviaion because he felt that as a Planr.ed Development it dicl not provide any additional open space. o Commiasioner Fyre also attended that meeting and the intent pf �he Commiseion, as indicated in the minutes and the tranacript, waa that �he amount of land for park uee would be determinec� at a later date. o Commieeioner Castile felt the Commiseion had bent over backwards in order for thie project to begin. The �ommission �ad left the amount open ended so the Director would make the final clecision in the best i.ntereat of the City. * Commi�eioner Fetereon nioved and Commissioner Sapc�rta seconded to uphold �h� Planning Director's decieion that the final plan for Village at Summer Lake Park No. 3 be revi�ed as outlined in that decision. Motion carried unanimouely by Commiesionera preaento PLANNING �OMMISSION MINUTES - MAY 22, 1990 PAGE 3 v`;, �;;;; ;;': �i; �`'I: f" i,;.; j � , ij ;j '�'N ., ; E��; ;I 5.3 STRBBT V!lC�TIOI�I OF PIISLIC RIGHT-OF-GIAY PAL�R 11CR�S A request to vacate two undeveloped public rights-of-way i.mmediately adjacent to the north and west of tax lot 2200 of tax map iS1 36CD and '�tax lot 200 c�f tax map 231 1BA. ZONING: C-G (General Commercial). LOCATYON: South and east of Pacific Hwy. and Hwy. 217. ;i Senior Planner Liden reviewed the area propos�d for va�ation. Diecussion followed regarding the utili.ty easemente. * Commi�sianer C�atil� moved and Gomm3.eeioner Fesaler secanded to forward the request to City Gouncil with a reaommendation for approval. Motion carried unanimoualy by Commi.ssion�re present. 6. OT�SA StUSIHBSS o Commissioner Caetile, Tranaporta�ion Cammittee repreeentative, reviewed � projects that th�s Committee wou�.d be r�commending to Ci�,y Council �or funding. 7. !lD.7nUIt1�lF18T - 10 D 1(D �!S ! � � � ' L� Diane M. Jeld ks, 3ecretary 1F,TTEST• ; Mil yre, Vi t dj/PCM5-22 ` �: i i � 6 P � h i i i F i � � PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - MAY 22� 199Q PAGE 4 ` n, , n � �xi::. � PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL .� C � � ��� HEARING DATE: � � l/ STARTING TIME: / �, �� COMMISSIONLRS �, DONALD MOEN .�_ VLA3'TA BARBLR JAMSS CASTILE JUDY P'ESSZER MILT P'YRE ,� DEANE LE17EL�RET'r" _ DA� PLTERSOId HARRY 3APORTA ; STAFF FRISSLNT: � d � n 9 V�i --� �i ) � ril� s! ^, �.. i- iY � dj/PC—ROLL = ;, ;, � � � �����' • ;.' s:: " ;`, [t+� � � � �� ��:r �- � ;; �� _._ _ T111AES PUBLo1�H1NG COMPAMY Le�ai 7554 P_O.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 NO�CS BEAVERTON,OREGON 97075 Legal Notice Adverti�ing � Ci ty of Ti gard • ❑ Tearsheet Notic� PO Box 23397 ; • Tigard, Or 97223 • ❑ Dupiicate Af�idavit I � � I� - 't'�ie f��g vcnll be cpnsidered by:the Tigara Pianning Commission AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLlrATION Qn �2; ��at 9:30 pm,at th�='iigard Civic,Centea—Town�Iali,; � �3T��Y H�'$l�d.,-��gucls.Ore�on.-Both publie.or.�l and wnttsn tes- STATE OF dREGOtd, ) t�nta�y is m�n�d The.pnkl�hear�ng an ih�s matter w�ll be c�sducted in; Cc7UN i lf OF WA�tilNGTON, �ss. �ec�dance wiTi�t3ie ru'ies�ff`Ch`aPter I8;32 of'ttie Tigard Mnnicigal Cocle, an�rtiles a�►il presc��s o,��th�P�a�ining Comm�s�ion.'Failure to rais�an ' I, �l u d i t h Ko _h 1 r F�ssue m:gerson�r hy tet�er�cludes-an appeal;,and fail�to s�sfy-.the being first duty sworn, dep�se and sa that i m �he Advertising .�c�'1t�orifmm t1ieC`�m�[�u�DevelupmentCodeofCoanprehens�veRlan= m - Director, or his principai clerk, of the �1 qarc� Ti mes at H+hiGh a cammetti'�sr �te� piaecludes an` appeai based on thaE' I' a newspaper of general circul�1ion�r$ def9ned 9n ORS 193.010 °;cnterion �Fur�her i.rifarc�i�l�cui may:_be.obtained .fnnm .tTie=Plaiining: artd �93.020; published at � 9 <a in�he � Drns�wn �t 1312�-S�l Hall �3�`td.,Tigard, Oregon 97223,or:-by�calling w 639-4371 f: afore5aid county and state;that the � - - � Public Hearing:Street Vac�tion P1at#Rf3-03P� �3BLIG�iEARIN�S .' '� ' �` � a printed copy of which is hereto a��zet9�w��p�blished in the �`TREET._�ACA��iON 4Fy PL�I,IG RIGHT-�F=WAY PALMER: � entire issue of saic� newspaper for One successive and ``���5 `�"���t�°'�a�ate tR`°a�ve1°pEd gvb7�e=r�ghts"sf waY"i[��-: �ed�atel�a�;acent to.ihe�tort}s and w�st oF taa�iot 22�?0-of taie.tna�.1�1 consecutive in the failowing issues: >�6CD,and ta�c,i�;�.pU;pf ta�c,inap�S1 18�: `ZONII�iF'x �-G {sC%eneral 0 t � Comr�iciat� -=�.00�r,�ORT South a�;�est.af Pac�fic �Iwry;_and H�vy.: .: :, ._ , . ,.,, May 10, ?990 �17:_ ' - - - - "-' �TI�TAL PIsAT�(J."�8-#�3pC�IL,LAGE.AT:SiJMA�tER,I,AK�PARK; . NQ 3:QR A3�,CQI�P�D1���C3N.(NPti#7).I'lamm� Dtreccnr's decisiod:� p ��_ _ to d�ny_th��siibmt€�ed blue.l�es�f..a finat;subd►�on-g3at���se_�lte; conditions�.ti�e Preltii�u►arY Ptat a��ral, �inal Order No :8�3 P��':` dated Mar�h IR, I9d8 ha.�r�noC�een sads�'�ed. ZOI�iING #�-4S(P�); (T�esident�,�3��ts�c,c�,Pla;y�ed�►��,eloPcnent� LOC�kT!£�IV Sci�1h` Subscribed and sworn before me this__1Q� gQ of Sutttmer T,.�ike Su���aton; east�t���.�11'an�1 �l'�n�er i.�ee` . _ f 33eve7��an�s�Qa�=�t��g��d� �4'C"i�`"'1y'al 3��D�° " „ [�'�7C121[�Q,���������81E�I��� r�� .� si, �'f`v` ,�7>�3 �,: t r _. ` Notary ublic for Oregon Aa#�f�G�.�_A����`�`.�t�P�l)'(�Q�i�E�$��►�S�R�- •:�F1'S;�C (I�P�A#k7),A a�qi��ara�va��f a H�ne��� ; �wy �- . .'_�� . _ � _ .� 6�9/9;3 ,�ut �rallow stor��e o�srnall ba�af-e�� �s�d�UFF�: to ac:�un�s: -De�i�s•:v� r�it eat� tlm� � rree�. AFFIDAVIT _. `��►�7 {ltes�c�en� 7 e�i�lacFej;�i3CATION =111l3-SW �{�', _ _ . Av�ue;��'M is���3�,I�ii�t 1SflQ) ; ;_ : ` �TI554 �a'hla��y 1Q,��95�0 < _ . . _. ,� , . -:.. - : <; : ,... _ __..f..�-�._�,_ _.r .-..._���,. i�' � ,' . T I � A R D P L A N N T. N G � O S H I S S I O N N(JTICS: A�L ]PSRSONS DSSIRING TO SP$AK ON AHY I�'Bti I9l[JST ST(� THgIR Hl!!� AND NOTS TI�EIR r�nAx�ss ora �xis s�s�r. (Please rxirrr� AGENDA ITEM: �_ S` /_ CASE NUMBER{S):���/ /G/ ��/C�� OWNER/APPLICANT: UY~ � -- LOCAT I4N: �I✓ w� J�� �D�D � /�,� i NPO NUMBER: � DATE OF HEARING �o�c�- � ) �__y�� 4; 4 PLEASE PRINT YOUE2 NAME, ADDRESS. ANI) INCLUDE YOUR ZIP COAE .' � '� i PROPONENT (For the propoaal) OPPONENT (Figainst the proposal) Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliatian Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliation � �,�.� , ,. � � �'� � �� � l/ � � i' I �: — . ;; � ; �:. i'; }: � r, +i I i'1 � � � --- � !;': §' l;j �' k:� _ , � Z4,.., �y`' ' � I T IGA1tD PLANNII�iG COMHI SS IOIf ld0'dICS: ALL PI3RSONS DRSIRING TO SPRAK ON AY47C ITSls M[7ST SIGN THSIR I�kffi AND IFDTF TSBIYt ADDRgSS ON TSIS SHSST. (Please PRTNT) : .5.� �n.�X,.��iGe�=�- ���3 f� ` AGEINDA ITEM: _ ___ _ CASE NUMBER(S): �`' � OWNER/APPLICANT: ��/�-/'/7�� —_ � ,: LOCATIUN: U' lt,'/./-�' �' ` /� L�f� - / �. NFO NUMBER: � DATE OF HEARING �"��- �'D PLEA�E PI2INT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS. ANU INCLUDE YOUFt ZIP CODE ' _ ,� .� i PROPONENT (For the proposal) OPPONENT (Ac�ainst �tae proposal) � Print Name/Address/2ip & Affiliation Prin� Name/Addres��Zip & Affiliation �/•t��(��l.t.� ��'-bA-�-1 l�od ��� C'�bQ�� �tl,tS ��U7j ` l�� 7 2 Z 5 � �- 0 2�.��J �-�-� �� S ` . � > �_ `3 0 23� 2-- ; � �: L.�,�.e � S� � � �rL "��3 S � ;: � ' �. �: ;: ;; << � � { � i , �, T I GARD PLANI�7I NG ^ OSIiI SS IOPi ' NOTICS a A�Id. PgRSOddS DSSIRING TO SPBAR ON ANY �TSlI M[TST SIGN THSIR Nl!!IS AND NO"1'S T�IR ADDRESS OY�i THIS �HSSx. (Please PFtINT) AGENDA I`rEM: �� � CASE I�BER(S) : OWNER/APPLZCANT: LOCATTONa � � �I NPO NUMBERs �_ DATE OF HEARING �`�O2' �� PLEI4.SE PRIN'T YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, ANI7 INCLUDE YOUR ZIP CODE '- _ � PROPONENT (Fox the prapoeal) OPPONENT (Agairast th� proposal) I�rint Name/Addrese/Zip & Affiliation Print N�ame/Addresa/Zip & Affiliation ,/�'�.`/�i',•�7•/�L/`� �/�!l' ���`..J / _� _ �`�S�(�, �� �.p�,�ry �J�C���d � .. t . i: f,' _ ; i;: :; r; t'; x��:; �-=;� . �,, � PY OF TIGARD PLP.NNING COMMISSTG,4 FINAL ORDER AiO. 90- 14 PC A FINAL ORDER INCLUDING FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLU�IONS WHICH APPROVES A HUME OCCUPATION PERMIT (HOP '�0-0006) REQIITESTED BY J. KIJIGHT ANH C. WEIS. The Planning Commiseion revieMred thie appliaation at a public hearing on May �I 22, 1990. The Commiseion's decieion ie based upon the facts, findings, and I conclusions noted below: A. FACTS l. Gener�l Tnformation C�SE� Hame Occupatian Permit (HOP 90-0006j I2�QUEST: To allow etorage of ema13. boxes esf eleatronic accessories and UPS shipments to accounts with deliveries not to exc�eed three per week. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESXGNATION: Medium Denaity Reeidential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7 (R�sidential, 7 units/acre) APPLICANT: J. Knight/C. Weis OWNER: same 11163 S.W. 106th Avenue Tigard, oR 97223 LOCATIONs 11163 S.W. 1Q5th Avenne, WCTM 151 34 DA, Tax Lo�t 1600 2. Backaraund Information Following �nfarcgment action by �.he City for operating a home occupation without a permit or payment of a businese tax, the applicant appli�d for and was qranted a Home Occupatinn Permit (HOP 89-I4) ta c�parate a "whole�ale electronics acces�oriea business" on the property. Thia a�Oproval, which was subject to conditione, was iesued on June 23, 1989 and became �affectiv� on July 3, 19890 Condition 12. of the attached permit �tated "[3]eliveri�s shall be limxted to vehicles wfiich have no more than two axl�a and which weigh no more than 19,000 (gross) pounds". The approval wen�t on to emphasi�e that any violation of the conditiona would lead to �nmediate invalidation of the permit and ta enfarcement action. On July 21, 1989, and oversized delivery truck was observed on th� property and the Home Occupation Permit was revoked by the Commuiiity Development Department etaff on July 25, 1989. Code enforcement action followed since the applican�t did not close tha busineas operatic�n. In April, 1990, the applicant agreed to ceaee businesa operation and to apply for a new Hame Occupation Permit. FINAL ORDER 90-14 AC - KNTGHT/WEIS (HOP 90-06) PAGE 1 � ., �::: ,.,, f': f Y ��.. 4: i� . Because of the past hietory of the case and the concerns ex�ressed by residents .in the area, th� Plannir�g Direct:or determined that this applica�ion should be revi�wed by th� Planning Commi�aion tlhrough the public hearinq procees rathsr than by administrative rev�few. This action is pexmitted by Section 18.32.090 C. 4. of the Comanuni.ty Develop�►ent Code. 3. Vicinit�v Intormation The subjeat property i� loaated on the northweat corner of S.W. North Dakota Street anci 106th Avenue. Single fami.ly reeidencee are loaated to the north alang 106th Avenue and to the west, Multi--famfly development ie ai�uatQd further �a the east on North Dakota Street. Properties to the north and west are zoned it- 4e5 (Reeidential, 4.5 units/acre and the� area to the east i� zoned Yt-12 ( Residential, 12 uni�e/aere) . Sing�e family residencea on larger lote are found on the south eide o.f North Dakota Street with a mixture of R-2 and R-3.5 (Reeiden�ial, � or 3.5 units/acre) zonee. 4. Site Tnforma�ian and Prouosal Description � The subject property is znned R-7 and is devel.o�ed with a 4,768 �quare £oot, singl� family resideno� that includes a la�ge attsched ga�age, gravel driveway, and unfiniahed landeGaping. The floor plan provided by the applicant indica�ee that the southern, wes�ern, and northweatern portions of th�� house are �x�.a�ing �torage areas. The building pex7mit plana ahow t.4} thie "L" �ha�d s�orage room area totala 3,014 square feet. A vicinity map and a floor plan provided by the applicant are at•�ached as Exhibit "A". �he applicant praposes to uee a 160 ecivax�e foot office and three shelving ar�as, located within the storage room, totaling 250 �quare feet. A maximum of three deli�reriea, using il�S type vans or amaller, is proposed per week. The intended houre of operation are between � a.m. and 5 p.ma. 5. Aaencv and NPQ Commente The Building Div�.sion indicates that a paved driveway with a minimum wridth ot 10 feet ehould be pravided. Due to the size of the building, aight obscusing treee shnuld be provided if poeeible. �': Th� Fire District has no objection to the reqixeat. No other conunents hav� been received. r:; B. ANALXSIS AND CONCLUSION Chapter 18.142 of the Community Development Code inc].udee the criteria far evaluating a Hom� Occupat}.on Permit. Section 18.142.050 includea j. the basic criteria by which all home occupations muet comply. Section E..�:�;f:� FINAL ORDER 90-14 PC — KNIGHT/WEIS (HOP 90-06) PAGE 2 � � �;;:r i ls,:;, ��.; �� _ _,_._. .,_... ....._. ._ . �.��, � `�..�.. 18.142.055 containa a number of discretionary criteria that may be applied to ep�cific proposals when deemed appropriat�o Th� Planning Commiseion finds that the praposed home occupation, with modificationa, fa consiatent with the criteria contained in Section 18.142oq50 based upon the follawing: 1. The proposed uee will be lawful and wi.11 be conducted by the reaidente of the property. 2. The business activity, including storage �nd office space, must not occupy more that 25� of the total aquare footage of the reeidence or 1,192 equare feet in this caae. The applicant's aacounting of the office area ia appropriate, but the shelf space calculatlon muat inc].ude adjoining floor area necessary to gain t e sheLvea. access to h 3. �he residen�ial use of the property will remain the primary u�e of the property if limited as set forth in the conditiona of approval noted in Section C. below. 4. �here will be no exterior indiaa�tion of the businesa uee such as �signag�. 5. No outdoor stArage of materials is pr�posed and this will be assured by the conditions of approval noted in Section �. belaw. 6s ido zets�il salea, other than phor�e eal�s, shall ocaur on ths prapert� and austomers or clients ahall not be allowed on the pr�¢ni�ea. 7. Ao limi.ted below, the use will not h�v� any adverse imp,acts upon adjoining prop�rtiee aa described in Sectioa� 38.142.050 !�. �3. of the Cod�, 8. No paid employees, othsr thaaa peraons reaiding on �he prop�rty, ar� propoaed. This will be assured by conditions of approval in S�ctian Ca below. 9. No parking in addit:ion to what is provided ia need to aacommodat� the residence and the busineae. The applicant has two light vehicles which will be used in addition to the delivery vehicles that will vieit the property. � 10. Three deliveries per weelr is the maximum amount permitt�d for a home occupation. T'he applicant, etatee that deliveries ehall not be more frequenL. It important to inote that this number inciudes pick up or delivery of businese related materials made by the applicant with hie vehicles in addition to thoee made by othea;s. The Planning Commiseion finds that the proposed home, occupation ehould be eubject to several of the criteria contained in Sectfon 18.142.055 to addrees the following iesuee: FINAL ORDER 90-14 PC - KNIGHT/WEIB (HOP 90-06) PAGL a1 n,�,. ��� � 4k��. 1. In order to reduce the potential for dust and to comg�ly with S�ction 18.108.070 of the Code, the entire driveway and parki.ng axea should be paved. 2. Accese to the pro�+erty for the buainesa should be 13mited to the exiating driv�way location on 106th Avenue and nut be allowed onto North Dakota Street, which ie clesignated as a minor callector street. 3. The property has not been landscaped and the addit.�on that will b� partially used for the bu�inesg is c;uite large. The site should be landscaped with an appropriate ground cover auah se turf or ivyo Also, trees ehould be planted on the �ast and south eides of the buil�ing to help sca^een the storage addi�ian and the periodia loading that will pccur in front of the buildinq. 4. Th� vehiclee to b� parked or stored nn the eite ahould be I.imited to th� van and pick-up truck (or v�s�icles �f � eimilar tyna) noted in tt�e application as well as a recreatfonal vehicle and p��sengsr automobil�s. Delivery van� shall only be on th� property for the purpos� of loading and unloading materiala I 5. Delivery vehiclee ehould b� limited to two axle� and a rated � gro�s vehicle weight (as defined in t?RS 801.298) of 19,0(�0 � pounda, regardless of the actual amount of pag•laad in the vehi�cle. Thia eize is equival.e�t to a UFS d�liverg van. � It fe the canclueican of Commiesion that �he li.mitatione noted abov� 3 and th� conditians liat�d below will act to adequatelX n►it�gats any " adee�se impacts caus�d by the bueineas activit�. �I � �� C. AECISION The Planning Commieeion approvea HOP 90--06 sula�ect to �he fallowing conditione: i PYtYOR. TQ COtdMLNCEME1dT OF TFiE IiOME (lCCUP1�TTON, THE P'OLLOWIAIG ((.'�NDITION3 SHALL BE SATISFIED. IF ANY OP' THESE CONDITIOPIS AItE ViOLATED, TIiIS FiOM� OCCU�ATTON PERMYT WILL BL TMM1?AIATELY INNALIDATLD AND CgVxL INFRAGTION VIOI.AATIONS WILL HE ENFORCED BY THE CITY. IN' REVOKED, A NEW �' HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT AF�PLICI�TTON WILL NO`1' SE ACCLPTED BY TH� CITY i:' P'OIt A PERYOD OF AT LE�AST ONF YEAR. �: 1. The applicant ehall submit a landscaping plan, for Planninq �I • Df.vision approva]., which includea: }:; i� a. Ground cover for the entire lot area which is not gavedo i� ��. ;.:i b. A minimum of four trees vrith a minimwm diameter at four feet � ' fn height of 1.5 inches located in the vicinity of the ' j: driveway and loading area to provide visual screening. � STAP'F CONTACT; Keith Liden, Planning Division, 639-4171. � � FINAL ORDER 9D-14 PC - RAIIGHT/WEI3 (HOP 90-06) PAGE 4 � �� ' ' � .!'. sy�:'�::.(:�,. . "�il.� F`V.. 2. The glant materials deecribed in the approved landscap�.ng plan staall be inatalled within 90 days of �he final approval date noted below. STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden. 3. The driveway and parking area ehall be �aved and no gravel driving eurfaces shall be permitted. The pavi.ng sha11 be accompliehed to the eatisfaction of the City within 90 days of the final approval date noted below. STAFF CONTACTz Brad Roaet, Building Diviaion, 639-4171. 4. The applicant shall submit, for Planning Divieian approval, a floor plan for the office and storage uses which dQes not exceQd 1,192 square feet. T,hia calculation shall include the office room, the shelf areas, and the floor area nece�eary to gain access to the shelves. STAFF CONTACT: Rei�h Liden. THE FOLI,QWING CONDTTT.OPT3 SHALL APPLY TO THE QPEI�ATION OF THE FiOME OCCUPATION. ZF ANY OF THESE CONDITIAN3 AR� VIOLATETJ, THIS HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT WSLL BE IMMEDIATEI�Y IIWALIDATED AN13 CIVIL INFRACTIOPY dIOLATIUTdS WILL BE EATFORCED BY THE CTTY. IF REVAKED, .ti► NLW HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCLPTED �Y TFiE CITY FOR A PERI[yD OF AT LEAST ONE YEAR. 1. The Hame Occupation uae anci atorag� of materials and pxoducta ahall not occupy more than 1,192 �quara fe�t of the residence groes flcsor area. 2, The use ehall be a aecondary u�e to the primary use of the house as a residence. 3. Th�re ehall b� no paid employ�ee working in the hom� in canjunction with the busi.neee who are nat residents of the home. 4. There aha1T be no cuatomere or cliente coming �o the reaidence in conjunetion with the buainess. � 5. There �hall be no eigne or advertisin�g vieible from the ea�terior nf �he premiees. 6. There shall be no ou�door atorage of materials or products related to the bueinees on the premises. Parking or storage of vehiclss outsi.de shall be limited to passenger automobiles and the two liqht trucks (pick-r�p and van) noted in the ap�lication or similar vehiclea. Indoar atorage of materiale or produc�e ehall not exceed the limitations imposed by the provieione of the Building, Fire, Health, and Housi,ng Codea or other conditions of approval contain,ed herein. 7. There ehall be no noise, obnaxious odors, vibrations, glare, fumea, electrical interference, heat (detectable to normal seneory perception outside the etructure), traffic, and diacharge of materials, gaees, ar fluids in�o the a�nitary eewer or storm drainage eysteme which are in exce�s of what ie� normally aeaociated with reeidential uees. FTNAL ORDER 90-14 PC - KNIGHT/WEI3 (HOP 90-06) PAGE 5 L��' ... � .. .. ... . . . � .. . . . .. .'� . :� , .� �. f,;_ , �M�.�- ��5... 8. The Home Occupatinn Permit ehall be renewed annually. 9. A buaineas tax shall be paid annually for the busineas. 10. Deliveri�s ahall bt� limi�ed to vehiclee whic;h have no more than �two axles and which have a rated grass vehicle weight, aa defined i.n ORS 801.29�, of no more than 19,000 poundss rQgardlesa �f �he payload in the vehicle. 21. There shall be no more th.an three (3) d�liveries per w�ek related to the business use to the resi.dence by all suppliers incl�dinQ those made bv the vroraertv reaidents. 12. The uee shall provide and maintain aff-stx�eet loading and maneuv�ering apace for all deliveries for turning and maneuvering of vehic�ee on the site and not in the public right-o�-way. 13. No direct vehicular accees related to the bu�inese �hall be pQrmitted on�o S.W. North Dakota Street. 14. The applicant �hall agree to a11aw periodic inspections by a City repreaentative durinq narmal business houre to de�ermine if the abnve conditions are being satisfied. Itk ie furth�r osdered that �hs applicantc be notific�d of the entry o� thia o�c3er. P2ISSFD: This � day o€ May, 1990, by �he Planning Co►nmi.�sic�n of the City of Tigard. < (^/ / Milton P'. �'yr@, v e dent Tigard Planning ission Y30P 90-06.PF0/kl FTNA,L ORDER 90-14 PG - KNIGIiT/WEZS (HOP 90-06) PAGL 6 �, . . i ' STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 5.1 � May 22, 1990 - 7:30 p.m. TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION TIGARD CYTY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGAl2D, QREGON 97223 A. FACTS 1. General Information CASE: Home� Occupation Permit (IiOP 90-0006) REQU�ST: Tn allow storage of emall boxes of electronic accessories and UE►S shipmente to accounta with deliveriea not to exceeci three p�r week. COMPREHEY3SI� PLA1�T I5�5IGNATIOId: Medium Density Residential ZQNING DESIGNATION: R-7 (Residen�ia�l, 7 units/acre) APPLICANTa �7. RnightfC. Weis OWNER: same 11163 S.Wo 106th Avenue Tigard, oR 97223 LOCATION: 11153 S.W. 106th ,Avenue, WCTM 1S1 34 DA, Tax Lot 1600 2. Backaround Information Following enforcement action by the City for opera�ing a home oocupation without a permit or payment of a bueinese tax, the applicant applied for and was granted a Home Occupation Permi.t (HOP 89-14) to opera�� a "wholesale electronics acaessoriee buainess" on ttae� property. Thie approval, which waB subject to conditions, was iseued on June 23, ].989 and became ef�ective on July 3, 1989. Condition 12. of the attached permit atated "[d]�liveriea ehall be limited to vehiales which have no more than two axles and which weigh no mare than 19,000 (gro�a) pouncie". The approval went on to emphasize that any violation of the conclitione would lead to imm�diate invalidation of the permi.t and to enforcement ac�ion. On July 21, 1989, and oversized delivery truck was observ�sd on the property and the Fiome Ocaup�stion Permit wae revaked by the Community Development Depaxtment ataff on July 25, 1989. Code enforcement aation followed since the applicant did close the bueinesa operation. Tn l�pril, 1990, the applicant agreed to cease business op�ra�ion and to apply for a new Home Occupation Permit. Becauae of the past history pf the caee and the concerns expressed by residente in the area, th� Planning Director determined that thie }' STAFF REPORT - HOP 90-06 - WEIS/KNIGHT PAGE 1 ;,_ �:"; �,:;, a.:, F,.: 1': ��,,�: � ,. ,, —�; ... :��_,._._ _._ ��� �_ applicatian should be reviewed by the Planning Commieaion through the public hearing process rather t,han by administrative review. This action ig permitted by Section 18.32.090 C. 4. of the Community Development C�de. 3. Vicinitv Information The aubject property ie lacated on the northwest corner of S.W. North Dakota 3treet and 106th Avenue. Single family residences are located to the north along 106th Avenue and to the west. Multi-family development ie situated further to the east on North Dakota Street. Propertiee to the north and west are xoned R- 4.5 (Reaidentfal, 4.5 units/acre and the azea to the eaet ig zoned R�12 ( Residential, 12 unite/acre). Single family reeiciencea on larger lota are found on the south eieie of North Dakota Street with a mixteare o� R-2 and R-3.5 (Reaie3ential, 2 or 3.5 unita/acre) zones. � 4. Site Information and Pronogal DeBCription ' The sub ject property i3 zoned R-7 and is developeci wi.th a 4,7'68 square 'il fodt, single family residence that inaludes a large attach�d garage, gr�av�l driveway, and unfiniehed landecaping. The flaor plan provided by the applicant indicates that the snuthern, western, and northweat�rn portions af the houae are exiating atorage are�,s. The building psrmit II plans ehow that this "L" �haped storage room area totals 3,014 equare j feet. A vicinity map and a flo�r plan provided by th�: ap�licant ar� attached as Exhibit "A". The apglicant propoaes �� u�e a 160 square faot office and three Bhelving a�eas, lacstesi within th� etorage roorn, tataling 250 square �eet. },1 maximum of three deli.veriaa, using UPS type vans or small�r, is propoaed per we�k. The intended hours of operation are betwe�n 9 a.m. �I and 5 n.m. . ' 5. Aaencv and NPO Comments The Building Division indicates that a paved driveway with a minimum width of 10 feet ehould be provided. Due to iche aize of the building� sic�ht obscuring trees ahould be provided if poasible. , The Fire Dietrict has no objection to the request. No other comments have been receive3. B. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION Chapter 18.142 of the Community Davelopment Code includee the criteria °' for evaluating a Home Occupation Permit. Section 18.142.050 includee ' the basic criteria by which all home ocaupations must comply. Section 18.142.055 contains a number of dfecretionary cri�teria that may be STAFF REPORT - HOP 90-06 - WEIS/KNIGHT PAGE 2 ! ;: t r � r;''; `'�. . applied ta specific propoeals when deemed appropriate. These sections of the Code are attached as Exhibit "B". The Planning staff finde that the proposed home occupation, with modificationa, is conaistent with the criteria contained in Section 18.142.050 based upon the following: i l. The proposed uae will be lawful and wa.11 be concflucted by the j re�idents of the praperty. � I 2. The buaineae activity, including etorage and office space, must not ; occupy more that 25� of the total equare foatage of the reeidence � or 1,192 square feet iz� thie aaee. The applicant's accounting of the office area is appropriate, but the shelf epacs calculation j must include adjoining floor area neceaeaxy to gain accesa to the shelvee. s 3. The residential use of the proper�y will remain the primary use af j the property if limited as set forth in th� conditions of approval noted in Section C. below. 4. There will be no exterior indioation of the business use such as sign�ge. 5. No �utdoor storag� of materials ie propose�d ax�d thig will be �! aseured bx the conditions of approval noted in Section C. below. 6. Nn retai� �alea, oth�r than phone salee, ehall occur on the property and customers or clienta shall not be allowed on the � premiae�. 7. Ae limited below, the uee will nat have any adverse impac�s upc�n ad oini.n ro rties ap descri.bed in Section 18.142.050 A. 9. of � 9 P P� the Code. 8. No paid employees, other than pereons residing on the praperty, are propased. This will be �saured by conditions of approval in Section C. below. 9. No parking in addition to what ie provided ie need tA accommodate ! the residence and the busine�s. The applicant hae two lig�►t vehicles which will be used in addition to the delivery vehicles ,'i tha� will viait the property. 10. Three deliveriea per week is the maximum amount permitted for a home occupatian. The applicant etates that deliveriea shall. not be more frequent. It important to note that thie number includea deliveries made by the applicant with hie vehicl�a in addi�ion to those made by others. ` �I The Planning staff finds that the proposed home occupation should be subject to sev�eral of the criteria contained in Section 18.142.055 to 4' ;. � STAFF REPORT - HOP 90-06 - WETS/KNIGHT PAGE 3 �: ; „ �, ,� r � � � I ia�, _ �:;.� _.::�u ._ . :��. . �� t� addrees the following iesuee: 1. In orc?er to reduce the potential f�r dust and to compl�r with Section 18.108.070 of the Code, �:he entire driveway and parking area should be paved. 2. Accee� to the property should be li.mited to the existing driv�way loaation on 106th Avenue and nnt b� allowed onto ldorth Dakota Street, which ia designated ae a minor collector street. 3. The property has not been landscaped and the addition that w311 be partially uaed for the busineas �.s quite large. The �ite ehould be �.andecaped with an appropriate ground cover auch as turf or ivy. A].so, treee ahauld be planted on the east and south �ides of th� building to help ecreen the �torage addition and the periodic loading that wil]. occur in front of the buf.lding. �. The veh�.cles to be paxked or etoxeci on th� site should be limitecl to the van and pick-up truck (or veh�.cle,s of a aimilar type) not��i in the application and passenger automobiZee. Delivery vans ehall only be on the property for th� purpoae o� loading and unloading materia7.. 5. Deliv��y vehiclee should be limited �o two axle� arad a rated grnsa vehicle weight (se defi�.ed in ORS 801.298) of 19,000 pounds, regardleea o£ the actual amount of payload in t�e vehicle. This size is equivalent to a UPS delivery van. It is the conclueion af ataff that the 13.uiita�ians noted above and the conditione listed below will act to adequately mi�igate any adveree impacts o�uaed by the busfneas activity. However, the staff recommends that the Commission reviear the atandards in �he Code which pertain to home occupatione and the teetimony xeceived at� tl�e hearinq to determine what amendmente, if any, should be made to the draft conditions lieted b�low. C. RECOMMENDATION The Planning etaff recommenc3� �pproval of HOP 90-C16 subject to the � following con�ditions: Fi ;; PRIOR TO COMML�NCEMT�NT OF THE HOME OCCUPATIAN, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BL SATISFIED: 1. The applicant shall aubmit a landscaping plan, for Planning Division approval, which includes: ( �, a. Ground cover far the entire lot area which ie not paved. �;; ;: b. A minimum of four trees with a minimum diameter at four feet � i in height of 1.5 inches located in the vicini�y of the � i; STAFF REPORT - HGP 90-d6 - WEIS/KNIGHT PAGE 4 � � i ����'''� �. �:;�;' `, I driveway and loadinq area to provi.de visual acreening. STAF�' II CONTACT: Keith Liden, Planning Divieion, 639-4171. ' I 2. The plant m�terials described in th� appxoved land�caping plan ' slaall be inatal7.ed. STAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden. �i I 3. The driveway and parking area ahall be paved and no gravel driving I surfaces shall be permitted. STAFF CONTACT: Brad Roset, Huilding I, Division, 639-4171. ', 4. The applicant ehall aubmit, for Planning Division approval, a floor li plan for the office and starage uaea which does not �xceed 1,192 ' sc�uare feet. Thi.a calculation shall include the office room, the ��� shelf areae, and the floor area necessary to gain accese to the i ahslvee. 3TAFF CONTACT: ICeith Liden. THE FOI,LOWING CONDYTIONS SHALL APPLY TO THE OPERATION OF THE HOME I OCCUPATION. IF ANY OF THESE CONDITIONS ARE VIOLA�'EA, THIS FIOML QCCUPATION FERMIT WILL BE IMMEDIATELY INVALIL?ATED AND CI�IL IP1Eo'I2ACTION VIOLATIdNS WILZ BE ENFORCLD BY THE CITY. IF REVOKL'D, A NEW HOME I! OCCUPATION PERMIT APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY FOR A I PER�OD OF AT LEAST ONE YEAR. i 1. The Home Occupation use and storage of materiale and products ehall ! noi: occupy mnre than 1,192 square feet of the residence groae floor area. � 2. The use ahall be a aeaondary use to the pri.mary uae of the hause aa a residence. 3. There ehall be no paid employeee working in the home in Conjunction with the bueinesa who are not residents of the home. 4. There shall be no customers or clients coming to the residence in canjunetion with the buaineea. i 5. Th�re ahall be no signa or advertieing vfaible from the exterior of t�he premises. , 6. There ahal]. be no outdaor storage of materials or products related to the business on the premiees. Parking or etorage of vehiclee outeide shall be limited to pasaenger automabiles and the two light trucks (pick-up and van) noted in the application or eimilar vehicles. Indoor storage of materiale or praduc�a shall not exceed the limitatione impoeed by the provisione of the Building, Fire, Hgalth, and Housing Codee or other conditione of approvgl contained herein. 7. There ahall be no noiae, obnaxious odors, vibrstione, qlare, fumes, electrical interference, heat (detectable to normal eeneor.y perception outside the etructurey, traffic, and discharqe of materials, qases, or fluide into the eanitary aewer or storm STAFF REPORT - HOP 90-06 - WEIS/KNIGHT PAGE 5 ��' � drainage eystema which are in exceas of wh�t is normm�lly asaociated with residential uses. 8. The Home Occupation Permit ehall be renewed annually. 9. A bueineee tax eh�ll be paid annually for the busines$. 10. Deliveriea ahall be limited to vehicles which have no more than icwo axlea and which have � rated gxoes vehicls weight, as defined in 01iS �01.298, of no mor� thaxa 19,000 pounds, regardlees of the • paylo�ad in the vehicle. 11. Ther� shall be no mare than i�hree (3) deliveri�e per w�ek relatod to the buainess use to the reeidence by all supplie�s includina thoae made bv tkne pronertv residents. 12. The us� shall pr�vide and maintain o£f-e�reet luading and maneuvering epaae for all deliveries for turning and maneuvering caf �v�hi.c:les on the eite and not in the pu�lic r3.ght-of-way. 13. No dirQCt �rehicular access ehall be g�ermi�ted anto S.W. Ncrth Daknta Street. 14. Th� applicant ehall agree �a sYlowa periodic inapec�iona by a City represgntative during normal busineas hours to determine if the above conditione are bsing satisfi�d. � �: s � �, Prepared by: Keith S. Licien, Senior Planner Date HOF9Q-06/kl STAFF REPORT - HOP 90-Q6 - WEIS/RNIGHT PAGE 6 � " r - - : �1-- / y'w' !. . A W000 � �' N C T. � CORNELL PL. S.W. 109 ih V /� � S.W. 108 th �r 00 /� AVE. L00 s . i s q` 4 s.w Por�oEr�osa �� F.�. P� j ,� 2 � i i ' d^0 ��'� � :�� ( C C r ,�d�p � �� .r� • � 2 t � �j , ONNb�.� "e.•� 3nv '^ l�4 � N .W. ! 6 t!: A E. �.. , � � i" � j "d I � � m i t � . � � — a J I z �°� �. o J''� ��:r U'� I � ��.�, , .� -•� •�.. g � r.'�. )�'�� tJ� N 1°�� 1���dd � � � �' � � C � - � .� ° � � � •-�... .� 7`� -.\ :• ��- , /'`• �' L.. .•• �' � 3Q��SV� � � � �/ � I � �-- s �l � � I � � � �, � �� ; � •� � � � � a �- — I � i ; I � I � � � � � - - - - �� MS i= , -- � � , Y ' � � Z /�A � - = 1 �� 98ih AVE. � � � /��/ � i x i i . � /1 � , _ E s. � ' 'o - � �' r , - � 1 , � �/ � c ��� 7� � . �l �3H . - �. � . � �� . � - Ey'° �� . R .t,. . �e�► `; � � � � �� � z. _ x � a .. = � � � �� . a- � ;. . . �t �c►� _ . � ': � x a�,� J '� ��' �� � ��v���°� � , , �, �,�� D �� � 1���'' - . S�fv�R,�6E- � s ���� ^ �� �, e ��I� I�ER�IrI" : S wl JV'Or�h O��aTl� - D ff�c.� ���o� tbb �.E �I��- t��+SE T�. I 600 - ,37 �� 3 X b� = �g!� �i9�x �1r�P �S t 3 y DA ax zn. �n �; �r�t�-r� c, ��is } ax ,o� �� 11I63 Sw 1obt�► R�� � �"l G�RD, ORE 97�Z3 ' � �1� ,.,�c�r���r�A�" � _. ���`�` � 18.142.040 Expiration ot�, �proval: Elctension of 'Time R';, ,cation i A. Approval of a hom� occupation by the Director shall be e£fective for a one-year period. B. The Director shall renew the permit upon: 1. Application and payment of a fee by the agpLicant; and 2: Finding that: a. All of the conditions o£ approval have been satisfied; b. There has been nu change in the �riginal ap�liaation approved by the Director; c. 1"her� have been na changes in the facts os applicable policies on which the approv�l was based; d. The applicable approval csiteria in �ection 18.242:050 � are satisfi�d; and e. The apglicant c�rrtifies that he/she is complying wi.th the conditinns of approval and agr�es to comply in the futug°e. C. The Director shall �ive notice of the renewa�l as provided by Se�tion 18.32.120 of this title only in the ease �=,�ere a real or alleged vialation has been reported to the Plaa�ning Division. Th� decision f may be appealed as provided by Subsection 18.32.310.A. 4 D. The Dir�ctor may revok� a home occapation approval if the conditions _ are not satisfied as grovid�d by the oraginal ham� oecupation perimit- or the most recent renewal. E. A home occupation permit shall become invalid: 1. Should th�`property oxx which t�ae original home �ecupation permit was based 'be sold or legally transferred tm a family_ member who is no� a resxdent of the home; or 2. If the applicant moves his cesidence. (Ord. 89-06; Ord. 8�-20; Ord. 83-52) � 16.1az.050 Approval Criteria A. Issuance of a hor�ne occupation permit shall be alAowed only for those home occupations which can successfully meet all of the �ollowing approval criteria, without exception: �: �'. ;� 1. The use shall be a lawful use which shall be carried on by �he occupants of the dwellings; ; ��� �Xf��$tT �� z :t . � � Revised 02/21/89 Pag� 361 ; � 2. The home of� pation shall be op�rate�: 4 a. Erit.irely within th� dwelling unit and a conforming a.caessory structure. The use and stora�e of material� and products shall not occupy more than 25 percent of the combined residence and accessory structure gross £loar area. The total area used in the acc�ssory building shall not exceed 500 square feet. Any accessory building that is used must m�et Uniform Building Code requirements and be in conformance with Chapter 18.1a4 of this title. Variances to the accessocy u�e requi�ements may be �pplied for as per Cha�ter 18.134; and b. Hore than one home �ceupa�ian shall be allowed on any one - propecty only if the combined floor space u�age of both ' _ home occupations do not exceed 25 percent of the gross floor area of the dwelling as calculated in this subsection; 3. The home mccupatioa shall be a secondary use to the primary use of the residence as a dwelling; - - 4� In residential zoning distriets, there shall be no ext�rior indication of the home occupation; no ext.erior signs shaJll be used; no othPr ofl-site advertising visible fram th� eac�erior shall be used whieh informs the public. of the use except the addres� of ttxe home oecupation may be displayed; � 5. Home o��upstioas in commercial, and anslustrial zoning district� iaay be perimitted to erec:t a f ceestanding sign wa.th a total of � ei,ght square feet in area and six f�et in heig�t. Ta4.a1 signage forr wal�s shall not exceed four s�uar� feet. Such signs require a City sign peraait as stipulated in Se�tion Z�.114.020 of this title; 6. Th�re shall b� no outdoor storage o� display of matera.al�, vehicles, or praducts on the pcemises. Indnor stora�e of ` materials or products shall not exceed the limitations imposed by the provisions of the building, fire, health, and hausing code�. The applicank shall be required ta obtair� approval frrna the relesvax�t fire district prior to storage o£ any flammable oc hazardous materials on the property; 7. The use shall no� include any retail sales o�her than telephone sales; 8. The use shall not involve dYrect sales ur serviee fro� the property necessitating customer Craffic to the residence; Revised 02/27/89 Page 368 r s:. , 9. The home�. .cupation shall no� produce �,. � noise or obnoxious odors, vibrations� glare, fumes, electrical inter£erence, heat (de�ectable to normal � sensory perception outside the structure) , traffic or discharge of mat�rials, gases, or fluids into the sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems which are either in excess of what is normally associated v�rith r�sidential use or c�hich exceed the performance standards set forth in Chapter 18.90; ' 20. There shall be no other paid employ�es on the premises other _ than those who are p�rmanent residents of th� dwelling; ' 11. The use shall not require any additional parking other than that which is required for the resid�nce; and " - 12. There shall be no mor� than three deliver.ies per week to the residence by �uppliers. (Ord. 89-06; 0rd. 87-20; Ord. 83-52) 18 142 O55 Add��ional Requise�ents for a Ho�e Occuvation A. � The Airector may impose conditions on the approval af a home occupat�on p�rmat �rhich he find� are necessary to ensur� the use is compatible with other use in the v�cinity. These conditio�s �ay include, bu� a�e not limited to the followin�: 1. Limiting the hours, days, place, and manner of operation; 2. R�quiring design features which minimize environm�ntal impacts such as noise� vibration, air.pn�lution, �.lare, odor. and du�t; 3. Requiring �dditional setba►�k areas. lot area or lot depth or width; ` 4. Limiting the a�ea esrtent of the home occupation use a�d location on the sitey ` S. Desig�ating the size, �aumber, location9 and design of vehicle access points; - 6. Requiring sts^eet righ�t-of-way to be fcee of vehicles at all times; 7. Requiring landseaping, screen,ing, drai�.age, and surfacing af parking and loading areas; '; 8. Limiting the extent and type of interior or exterior building '' remodeling; � , 9. Limiting or sekting standards for the location and intensity � of outdoor lighting; ! � � � Revised 02/27/89 Page 369 10. Requirin�� bermYng, screening. or ndscaping and the establishment of stand�rds for their install�tion and maintenance; 11. Requiring and designating the size, height, location, and �r.aterials f or fences; the protec�ion and preserv'ation of existing trees, 12, itequiring �t�rcourse, habitat areas, and drainage soils, vegetation, _ areas; 13. Limiting the type and numt�er of vehiel�s or �quipment to be - parked or stored on the site; and - 1a. Any other �.imitations which the ���us� comply� with� the - _necessary or desirable to make Ord. , purpos es stated in Section 1�.1�i2.0�0• (Ord. 89-06; 87-20) 1�.1a2.060 A roval and Co li�nce for a Business Tax Certificate g, - No busxness tax certificate va�i.11 be issued for a home occupation until the home occupation app lication i� approv�d and the ap�licant certifies that the home oc�upation w%11 be operated in striet co lianca w'ith the p�ovisions of thrs chap52r and the conditi.ons of mP �Pproval. (drd. �9-06; Ord. 87-20; Ord. 83 18.1�2.070 Time Limit and ttLVOCation a rove a home occupation apglication subject to a► t �, The Diz�cto;r maY PP specific tiine period at the tertteination caf which there shall be a renewal application to determine if all e� ~tThe permit�shal�a�e gcuvi,sions of this chapter have been sa�isfa renewed if all of th� aonditions hav� been satisfied. sevoke a home occupation appcoval i£ the conditions g, The Disector tnaY the original home occupation peratit ` are not satisfi�d as providee�it. ' or the most recen� renewal p Failure to pay the annual renewal fee shall �eif lt�id with n�30 days '. C. � �of an additi.onal f ive dollar processing e� p ;, after the due date; or revocation of the home occupation Per�l ordf „ �ot p aid within 30 days after the due date. (Ord. 89-06; u 87-20; Ord. 83-52) �I 18.142.080 A Lication Submission xe uirements } i p. An application shall be ma�de on forms provided by the Director and shall be accompanied by: 1 p�Q �Opy of the applicant's statement or narrative which explains how the proposal conforms to the star►dards in Sectiun 1s.ia2.oso; , page 370 R�vised 02/27/89 c �_, �� CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMIS6ION FINAL ORDEF2 NO. 90- 13 PC A FINAL ORDEIt INCLUDING FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH UPHOLDS A DIREG'�OR'S DECISION TO DENY THE RE�CQRDING OF A FINAL PLAT DUE TO NONCOMPLIANC� WITH THE PLANNING COMMISSIQN FINAL ORDER (NO. 88-03 PC) FOR PRELIMINARY PI,AT API�ROVAL OF VILLAGE AT SiJMMER LAECE PARK NO. 3 (FILE NO. S 87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87- 09). WHEREAS, the Planning Commissiara reviewed a subdivision for preliminary plat approwal at a public hearing on February 23, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission issued a final decision, whicla became final on March 18, 1988, that approved the preliminary plat subjeet to g�veral conditione; and WHEREAS, on A�iarch 9, 1�89, the applicaa�t filed a written requ�est for a six- month extension of the final pl�� approva�l deadline for the firat phase and eaid exteneion wae granted through September 18, 1989; and WHEREAS, the applicant filed a proposed final plat for Phase 3 on January 24, 1990; and WHEREAS, on 1�ipril 2,, 1996, the Planning Airector denied a request to record a final plat for the second phase o� the eubdivision (Village a� Summer Lake Park Na. 3) becaue� it wae found that the plat did not comply with condi�ions 3(e), 3(f), 4, 4(b) , 10, 13, and 14 af Final Order No. 88-03 PC; arad WHEREAS, the applicant fil.ed an appeal of this decieion to be reviewefl by the Planning Commiesion; and WHEREAS, the Planni.ng Gommiasion reviewed the appeal and the record pertaining to thie case, which included a copy of the minutes of the F'ebruary 23, 1988 Commiesion h�aring, excerpts from the hearing tape, Final Order 88-03 PC, three a£fidavi.ta of City staff aoncerning the factual circumatance� of the preliminary pl�t approval, the Director's Deciaion regarding tlxe denial of the final plat of Village at Summer Lake No. 3, the applicant'g appeal of the Director's Decision, including applicant'e exhibits 1 througl� 13, a memo from Ken El�iott of tha City Attorn�y's office, and several map �xhibits, at a i publia hearing on May 22, 1990. j NOW, THEREFORE, �he applicant's appeal of the Director's Decision dated April 2, 1990, is denied and th� decieion, a copy of whioh is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference, is affirmed, based upon the following £indings pf fact: Section 1,. The applicant•s teatimony at the he�ri.ng challenc�ed the birector�e interpretation o€ condition of appr�val No. 4 of Final Order 88-03PC which statea that: Phase 1 (now Phase 3) ahall not xecei�re fi.nal plat approval until the bnundaries of the park �area to be dedicated and/or FINAL ORDER 90-1"3 PC - VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK NO. 3 PAGE 1 �i � �� , �. �� E� I purahased has been determined and agreed to by the City and the appliaant. The Director�s Decision, in subparagraph A,.2. (c) required that: The references to Lots 71 through 80 and the cul-de-sac of SW Lake View Court must be deleted and replaced by a lettered �ract, des�ribed by the legal de�cription forwarded to the appliaant. The tract should be described with the following notation: In poeseasion of �City of Tigard for acquisition and develo�sment ae part of Summer Lak� Park pur��ant to Court order da�ed January 31, 1990, in Citv of �ictard, Oreaon v. Don Mpriesette Builders, Inc., Washington County Circuit Court Cas� Noo C 89-1109 CV. r 5ecti.oa 2. The record of the Planning Commi.seion hearing on February 23, � 1988 arad the affidavits of City etaff establish that both the Cit�r and the applicant intended to continue negotiation� � G concerning the amount of park land to be acqu�.s�d and the final ? boundaries b�tv�aen the park and the subdivision. The teetimony of Mr. Hobbs, in the excerpts from the Planning Commi�sion tran�cript of the February 23, 1988 hearing eatabliehea that the applicant� wanted to maintain its flexibility in reachinq a final ji agreement on the park acreage and acquisition and did not want other phases of the subdiviaion to be held uP untiY a fi.nal agreemen� could be reached. Mr. Habbs stated that: 'What we are eaying is while we negotiate on that 40 lots and the nark area whiah is shown ae Phase I in this plat, let ua proceed with Phac�e II, III, IV, and V and let Phase I - let ua get that i re�olved b�fore we do that garticular phaae. It's not reasonable to hold us up on the entire 42 acres. * * * * * [A11] we want to say is if something gaee wrong with negotiations for aame reseon and you don't have the money to . . . or maybe dorn't have the right to even enter into real eetate sales contract on a continuing basis with us, we are not eure you can do that - we ` can't build anytYiing out there, ao we are eaying 'Releaae all the � other phases to go at►ead and let°a leave Phaee I and let us move on to Phase II and all. ' ' � Section 3. The Affidavit of Randy Clarno, who conducted negotiatione with � Mr. Hobbs on behalf of the City leading up to tk►e City's initial ! acquisition of park land, eatabliehes that the City never � represented or agreed, as a condition of the first purchase, that ' it would not seek to aaquire any additi.onal park land in �he 1 subdivision. Mr. Hobba' testimony at this hearing did not � establi�h that any such agreement was ever con�idered or reached. � The Commiesion rejects Mr. �iobbs' claim that the staff eummary at � paragraph A. (�) af the February 23, 1988 Staff �teport conatitutes i euch an agreement. Nowhere in Exhibite 1 through 13 eubmitted i by the applicant in thia h�aring ie there reference to the I a17.eged aqreement. � r � FINAL ORDER 90-13 PC - VTLLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK NO. 3 PAGB 2 ��, '�; Section 4. Condition No. 4 of Final Order 88-03 PC deecribes the •minimum• areas that the applicant would be required to dedicate to public ' use but does not set a maximum of acreage that the City would purchase £or park development. Se�tion 5. The City is �.n the process of accZuiring by eminent domain the 2.15 acrea d�scribed in paragrgph A.2. (c) of the Director's Decisian. The City has depc>sited funds with the court clerk euff icient to acquir� the prop�erty and has obtained a court order granting it immediate pr»sessi.on af the property. The Commission finds that the notation required by the Director to be included An the plat will prea�rve tha eta�ua quo pending outaome oE the eminent domain lawauit by preventing the appl.icant from selling tlae lots originally propos�d for the area nowr being aaquired and by dieclnsing to the pu�lic the current statua of that land and the litigation, Based on the abave fi.ndinge, the Planning Commiaafon conaludes that paragraph A. 2, (c) is consistent with and as�iete in accompliek�ing the intent of Condition No. 4 of the p�eliminary plat �pproval. The applicant•� apgeal is demied, and it is fuxther ordered that the applicant bg notified of th� entry of this order. The applicant may appeal thie decision to the City Caunail pursuant to Tigard Municipal Code Ser��,on 18.32.310(8), on or beforo �a00 P.M. on June il, 1990, or to the Land Uae Board of Appeals, pursuant to TMC Seation 18.32.110(M) and in accordanee wi.th the atatutory time limit for filing an appeal with LUBA. 7PASSED: This � day of May, 1990, by the PSanning Commieeion of the City of Tigardo � � kiil on F. F c President Tigard Pl�nning Comrnission 88-Q3PC.PFO/kl P'INAL URDER 90-13 PC � VILLAGE AT SU��t LFIKE PARK NO. 3 PAGE 3 I p � • °e MEMORANDUM ' TO: Planning Commission AGENDA ITEM 5.2 FROM: Keith Liden, 5enior Planner ��-�'"� RE: Appeal of a Director's Decision Final P1at Approval No. 88-03 PC Vill.age at Summer Lake Park No. 3 DATE: May 15, 1990 On April 24, 1990, the Community Development Director denied a final plat submittal for Village at Summer Lake Park No. 3� This denial was given because th8 praposed plat was found to be inconsietent with aeveral conditions in the Planning Commisaion•s prel3.minary approval of thie subdivision plat, dated March 18, 1988, as set forth in Final Order 88-03 PC (Caee No. S 87-08/PD 87- 04/SL 87-09). The development is located on the eouth eide of Summer Lake and one phase ha� been platted (Village at Summer Lake Park Na. 2). At i�aue is whether the applicant is required to revise the plat to reflect the pend�ng condemnation of 2.15 acrea of park land in the subdivision. The City sta:Ef aontend� that the amount of parlc land to be purchased was to be negotiated after the Commission°s approval of the preliminary plat as noted in condition 4. of F'iz�al Order 88-03 PC. This condition established a minimum amount to be dedicated for public imgroveiaente, but said nnthing regarding a ��cimum area to be dedicated or purchased ae an addition to the park. Prior to th� Planning Commission's deci�ion in February, 1988, the City adopted the "Tigard Park Plan", in November, 1987, which was in�ended to serve as a guide for the proviaion of parks and recreational fac:ilities for the fu�ure. This document included a conceptual plan of Summer Lak.e Park which illuetrated the Qroposed park boundary (see attacl�ed �ite plan, Figure 4-11). The applicant arques that condi�ion No. 4. only reters to the first purchase of park land which was �ompleted in December, 1988. The applicant aubmitted a final plat for City approval on January 24, 1990, which included Lots 71 through 80 and the S.W. Lake View Court cul-de-sac, which together aompriae the 2.15 acre tract which the City aeeke to acquire (see the attachec� preliminary and final plat maps) . The City Council determined that the tract was needed for pa�k expansion, after adaptiar� of the detailed �wnrper Lake Park Maeter Plan (attached) in ,7anuary, 1989, and after voters approved the parks levy in September, 1989. The City attempted to negotiate a purchase of the tract during October and November, 1989, but negotiations r�ached an imp3ase and the City filed a condemnation suit in December. On January 31, 1990, the City paid the purahase price of $107,500 to the county clerk and obtained a court order granting it immediate poeseasion og the property. Condition No. 4. required final agreement on the park boundary line, with the park area to be either purchased or obtained through dedication, prior to recording the final plat of the adjacent subdivxsion phase (then Phase No. 1 and Phase No. 3 because the applicant reordered the phasing) . The Planning � � � � D�rector relied on condi�ion No. 4. xn denying appXOVa1 of the plat until the ap�licant deletes Lota 71 through 80 and ths cul-de-aac and adds a note explaining that the City is in poesession of the tract pending finai determination of the market value in the condemnation trial. Attached is a copy of the minutes of the F�2bsuary 23, 1988 Commission hearing, � excerpts from the hearing tape, Final Order 88-03 PC, three affidavits of City ; staff conaerning the factual circumstancea of the preliminary glat ap�raval, i the Direator's Decision regarding the denial of the final plat of Village at = Summer Lake No. 3, the applicant'e appeal of th� Director's Decieion, a memo � from Ken Elliott of the City Attorney's office, and the previoualy mentioned ' 1; map eachibits. ' �. The staff recommends that the Director's Decision be upheld and thbt the final ; plat for Village at Summer Lake Park No. 3 be revieed as outlined in that y decision. "' � ; s 88-03PC/kl �i �. ;, >.;, . ;' �: i? .; , ;� �� i:^. �!' i`. • �,' ';� R� �':; E,: �., �,, �; ;i �.', �:?+, F:d ��,: �s` I � H��. l� I: i,; f; �; ��, r , � . APPLTCANT'S PRESENTATION Robert Byzick, Oregon Sign Co. representing Washington Federal Savings Bank reviewed the history explainireg ►�aw they had met all the other requirem�nts of the Code. Ne felt that there had been an overgite in the � Code by nut allowing a second freestanding sign where warranted. Discussion followed regarding the overall size being used and the difficulties of using monument signs a't this type of locatir,n. PUBLIC TESTIMONY o No one appeared to speak. PUBLIC HEARING GL.OSED o Consensus of the Gummission was for approval. * Cammis�ioner Newton moved and Commissioner C)wens seconded to approve Sf,E 88^O1 per sta�f's recummenc4a�ion and corniitions. Rlso, far st�ff �ta� prepare ttie final order and for Vice Chaiwman Milt Fy�re to sign off on that �inai order. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners present. i 5.3 SUBDIVISIQN S 87-QB, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 87'--04, SENSITIVE LANDS SL 86-0A CITIZENS SA�lINGS AND LOAN/4R AK CORP. NPO �B 7 Request to subdivide a 4.7 acre parcel inta 190 l�ts rangxng between 5600 ; and 9500 sq. ft.and to Fill a drainageway. L�CATION; South oF Summer ; Lake Park,north of Bellwoad Subdivision (WCTM 1S1 33DD lot 100 & Map ; 1S1 33DC lot 4200). � � � Cummissione�^ Owens stated' �hat she i.s a �roperty owner abutting thas . development but did not feel this should prohibit her from participating in the proceedings. Commissioner Barber stated that she lives in Summer . Lake and would also participate in the pro�eedings. ' ' Senior Planner Liden reviewed the praposal and made staff's recortunendation ;' for approval with ll conditions. Oiscuasion followed regarding the Park ; land to be dedicated/purchased, number of cul-de-sacs, length of the cul-de-sacs, street layouts and traffic patterns, names uf the streets, densaty concerns, �ocation of footbridge, disposition of the 40' ur►owned '�. strip, ownership of fir trees located on eastern boundary, and how ttie PD � overlay app2xes. APPLI�ANT'S PRESENTATION � 'r; o Gordon Piobbs, OR-AK C�rporation, 13050 SW Forest Meadows Way, L.ake Oswegu, 97034, stated that they have read tl�e staff r�port a�ti accept all of staff's conditions, however, they woulcJ like a condition �tdded which would 3 give the Plahning Director the authori�y to appr•ove �h� urder ir► which the phases will develop. Discussion fullowed regardi.ng why the applicant is ; proposing this particular p1an, huw phasing wuuld oc�ur, the Park area, � F and lot sizes. r , � � � , t � PLANNING COMMISS7UN MINUTES FEBRUARY 2.3, 1988 - Page 2. � � � . • � PUBL'IC TESTIMONY o J. A. PATER�ON, 11605 SW Manzanita, stated Fie had signed up to speak to ensure that his pruperty would have access frum this development and from tt�e plan being proposed access would be prouided by the proposed extensiun uf Winter Lake Drive. He added i:hiat the majority of the fir trees whi.ch had been discussed earlier are on hi.s property �nd he would be saving as many of them as possible. a Howard Banta, 1258Q SW Glacier Lily Circle, stated he had followed this I, proposal closely and felt it was a decided improvement over what had ' originally been propos�d. He endorsed the proposal as submitted, except, he strongly encouraged that the street names be change to eliminate any conPusion. o Jim Nielsun, 12410 SW 128th, Tigard, strongly opposed the development. Ne felt the City had acted in bad faith and had ignored the concerns uf the citizens on 128th. t#e stated that he had submitted a peti.tion to the City requesting that 128th not be allowed to go through. Ne had attending a NPO meeting where they had reviewed a design that the neighborhood felt they cauld �ive with, only to arrive tonight �o find that that plan had been scrapped and was changed back i:o the original plan Which would create increased traffic speeds or► 128�h. ' o Sheryl Norris, 12815 SW Katherin�, Tigard, was concerned about the tremendous influx of traffic which the area is already exp�riencing. She suggested that if the deuelopment is approued that the area b2 heavily patr�lled. She requested that the develaper b� required ta develop the area closest to Summer Lake first. She was also concerned thaic the filling of the drainage ditch would create steep slopes in the rear yards of some existing home and she wanted �o be ensured that drainaye prn�lems wourd be addressed. a Dave Pa�terson, _1�2150 SW 126th,� Tigard, s'tated he .had at�ended the January 20th NPO meeting and. felt that the developer was willing to work with the neighborhood. However, he felt the City did the opp4site and took a good plan and turned it ir�to a bowl of spaghetti. He felt the majori�y of tF►e � traffic would use 128th to Walnut and not the accesses unentioned by staff. REBUTTAL • o �ordon Hobbs suggested concerns for 128th n►ight be resolved with speed bumps, poii� ing uf the area, or four way stops. He stated that 135th is scheduled to w� dev��loped in October, 1968, which aaauld coincide with their development and wuuld draw peopl� to access in that direc�iun. He explained that all cut and fill would be approved by tti� city which sFioulc� ensure the prutection uf abutting pruperty uwners. Further discussiun fol�qwed reg�rding the street layouts, hi�w phasing wuuld occur, and what impact negutial:auns for the Park lar�d would have un the developmerii:. PLANNING CQMMISS];ON MZNU7E6 FEE3RUARY 23, 1968 — Page 3 l Y � � • • '� PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED o Discussinn followed regarding transportation concerns; how ttie Gomprehensive Plan designates 128th to be a collector street and fi�ow a Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be required Lo change this designation; why the� plan was changed frum the what the 126th neighburhuud preferred; and what locations fuur way stops could be used. o Cummissioner Fyre w�s concerned about the PD overlay and huw it applied, � wha� the maximum density al].owed is, what land would be dedicated, what i would be purchased by City for Park land; artd whether the applicant should ; be all�wecl a density transfer for Park land purchased byi the City. Also, 4 haw public parking would be pruvided with access to the Park. � i o Commissioner Newton did nat care for the layout, however, would probably : vote �or approual. � : o Commissianer Rarber was sympathetic with neighbors and felt increase i policing wuuld help. However, any plan would increase traffic, the i impor�ant issue is how the greatest number of people can hav� access to 4 th� Park. She favored the pro�osal. ; � o Commissinner Peterson was concerned that the deuelopment appea�^ed more ; libce a standard subdivisi�n than a Planned Development. 4 1 o Commissioner Rosbarough was concerned about the traffic flow and the � number u� cul-de-sac, however, he wuuld defer to staff and th� Fire ; District regarding emergency accesses. He was sympathetic with the � neighbor's rega'rding traffic concerns, howevQr, the pr4pasal is cansistent � with the Comprehensive Plar� s�o he favored the propasal. i o Commiss'iuner Owens explained to the audience how had become itnrrolved with � � the City planning proce�s. She', cantinued that tha conceptual plan for ; � transportation has '.remain�d t6ie same in tt�is area• sin�e the orignnal IUPO �� i plan was adopted. She encouraged individuals to find out what� is going to � happen to vacant land which is in the area because you can be. assured tF�at i.t wiJ.l not stay vacant. Except for the number af cul-de-sac she felt that this was a guad proposal. � o Commissxoner Castile felt the cul-de-sac provided a sanctuary for those � lots. He had no prublem with the design and recummended approval. o Commissioner Fyre stated that reviewing Planned Uevelopments is tough � since the�^e is no clear definiti.uns for Planned Developments. Ne 1 supp�rted adding a condition which wuulci allow the Planning Director to � take twenty-five lot and decide wh��t wuuld be Phase I. Discussiun � Pollowed r•eyarding a m��tian. I I �• Gummissioner Owens mc�veci anci Cummissie.�nkr E3�rber secor►ded tu approve S 67-08, PD 87-04, SL E37-09 based un St,r-r-'s findings and r�cummendati�ns � adding tFre conditiun thiat tF►e Planriing Directur shall have the authority i to approve each phase and the order uf e�ch phase. Also, for staff tu ; prepare the final urder arid fur• Vice Chiairman Fyr•e tc� sigri off on the � final urder. i�otiun carried by i7�ajurity �f Cummissioners present. ; Commzssioners N�wton and Petersor� vuting nt�. � PI_ANNTNG COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 23, 1988 - Page �► ;;m Planning Commission Transcript 2/23/88 Fiearing regarding Village at Summer Lake Park (Case No. S 87-08) [Excerpt of ataff pr�esentation peztaining to the park} Keith Liden: In addition, there will be some additional parlr land added to Swmmer Lake Park, approxima�ely 4 acres. A portion of this land will be dedicated to the City, and anoth�r portion, probably the majority, will need to be purchased by the City. A purchase has been di.scuseed with the Park Board and City Council, and a.t appears that the funding is avail.able to purchase the remainder, and aesuming that there ia approval of this project, that the City would then go ahead and negoti.ate a purchase of the park land with the developer. An exact amount af land will have to k�e determined later, but at least what is before yau now has taeen reviewed by the Park Board, City Council and staff, and is felt by thos.e parties that the concept shown here is pretty reasonable given the concep�ual park plan that has been drafted by the Gity, and also looking at the realitiea of how much the City ha.s for purahasing parls land. [Exaerpt from Planning Commission deliberation �egarding phasing of the development and the park land] Malt Fyre • ' ' ' � � � . . , T guess the other thing you would have. to do is the part about the negotiatione. Gle are appravinq thi.s grior to negoti.ation with t:�e City. Ther� � are tw� sides to that. �ne side � we have the hammer and the othe�c side the Idevelaper has the hammer. �� Any final comments? Newton• I guess I can just say why don't we eay that he can build - take 25 lots and build on them and let the Director decide, but we don't want them in the 40 foot strip and if they don't want them where the park is that's fine too. I think that at some point in time we need to have a sort of drop dead date where they have to conclude discussfona with the City on the park and they have to conclude thia business with the 40 foot etrip. R� , � Any comments? c�aena: On the other side of the coin though, there is the autnmatic if nothing happena within a certain period of time a permit di.ea so why the pressure to force them to.. . they are working on it anyway - it's in their own best interest to get those things concluded, so I don't understand.... Newton: So you thinlc its automatically built into the way the deal is structured? Owens: ' They would like to build their homes - is rny ux�deratanding �nd they know that they can't build those homes �y the park until that's resolaed - they know that they can't build the homes by the strip until that's reaol.ved - sa it would F seem to me because they want to get their homes built tha� ttaey are going to ; get those tlzings resolved - am I wrong? Hnbba: !,i . One of the aanditions of st�ff approval is that we have the first pha�e a plat, a hard board plat submitted to the City within..�ne yeaar from the date of the • • approval, ao� that ha� a time frame right there •- 6thexwi.ae th3a evl�ole app'raval ' � expires and we are back here again. We already hav� that aime - we have to have all five phases do�ne within 5 years, so we have the two ti.me meters , running on us right off the b�t, sa to add another burden just seems . . unreasonable. i' Owens: i; I guess I don't eee the need to impoae any kind of - I am quite comfortable, i � r: myself, in saying yes, I would be willing to have it included in here - le�t the I Director decide the phasing. l I could go into #9, might be a logical place to add it in to. Worci it "if i�' , final plat approval boundaries of. the park area to be dedicated or purchased � are no� determined by a da�te to be determined by you the developer, knowing �`> when you have to start develapment; and a13. in order to meet the �e�leon th�t the I' �: �' �> f.'. �. �. , � �a _ _ ,_.__: ., --- --.�._v. . • , ���- 1; . Director could have the. ... Hobbs: ' '� We do need the Director's au�hority of the two phases, and in the condition of Phase IV it saye the same as Phase I �ay that Phaae I the park area. As long as the City doesn't want to let us do that to take their phase - they want to have their park land and we understand tha�. L�;t ua go onto Phase II and let that issue just sit there until we get it all resolved. Moen: I would agree with that. It could aimply say that the Director ahall approve the phase development. Question to staff - Can we give the l�irector the authority to s I gu�aa we can, you tell me if thia would be appr�priate or not - your opinion on it - T wauld 1.ike to see negotiations concluded before the ga ahead is given to the developer. Can we do �hat? Li.den s You mean proceed ju�t �he way it ia woxded in th� staff repor�? Where i.� saya Phas� I or the• northerr� pPxaee staall. r�ot receive final plat approval until negotiations with th� pa.rk.... Moen: • .' • , '. And that ia already in, thex�? Well n�a, trie negotiation� of the playground, th� park itself. 3'Liden: Well it goes on to say ths area to he dedicated and/or purchased hae been determined and agreed to by the City and the applicant. That will not happen until we have reached an agreement. Moen: Oh, s� there has to be an agreement as to negotiation.... Hobbs: 1 That's the concluded part of the plat of Phase I but you shauld not hold us � � 1 � i � r �k ,.. ,; . . � � hostage on the entire 42 acres for that portion - for 41 lots out of 180, What we are saying is aahile we negotiate on that 40 lots and the park area which is shown as Phase I in this plat, let us proceed wi.th Phase II, III, IV, and V and let Phase I - let us get tP�at resolved befoxe we do that particular phase. It's not reasonable to ho�d us u�+ on the entire 42 acres. We want to be careful how it"e worded so that you know the Directar is going to agree - you are going to give him a11 this authority and he's going to gay go ahead, right? Moen: I'm suggesting we let the Director make that decision because he's in the best Pa si�.ion to make that decision. Newman: Right now th�r� is a hammer an theiz head. Hobbs: We°ve coogerated a lcat he�e with tha Ci�ty by going fox months and i:he lost time and the sta�f ineetings to tiy �o get �his park thing - the Park Board meeting, �nd tay to get this �hing r�snlwed - we are right on the edge of laaving that done, and all we want to say �s if some#hing goes wrong with negotiations for some reason and you don't have �he mpney. ta...or �naybe dan't have �he rigk�t to . •� e�ren enter into real es�at�. ealea contract on a continuing. basis with u�, we're • . �� not� sure you can do .that - we can't build �anythinc� �ut .there, ao we �are saying ' "Release all the other phases to go ahead and let'e leave phae� I and let u� move onto Phase II and all". Moen: ' I think if we put in here the Directar shall have the authorfty to apprnv� each phase of the development, we've dane it anyway. Hobbs: Ye6, the order in which.. .. Newman: Keith, the way it is written - I don't understand. The 13Uth Avenue parcel cannot be acquired. • � �.. �. Liden: I'm sorry, what part are you looking at? Newman: 16B. Oh, you may approve amendmenta in connection wiith possible situations such as the 130th Avenue. ...ok. Liden• And that contingency plan that you saw would probably be the probable outcome. Newman: T suggest we strike the and put }he ane you just sa�id.�' Fyr�: Conaidering the Director shall approve each phase and the order of each phaae. Owena: I recommend approval of Subdivision S 87-OB, Plannedl Developm�nt PD 87�04, and Seneitive Z•anda SL 87-05 as recamcaended by staff and w�th all of the conditions as presented by staff and with the follow3.ng changes and additians: � • The Di:rector akial]. approve each pHas� �and tihe ordex of each pha�e. We have a motion made - do we have a �econd? Second. Al1 those in favor of the motion signify by saying Aye. Motion carries. SUMMLK/kl � _ r.,.. .. .,, . . _,,n.. :. � �. �i .� OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSI�..� •� ' FINAL ORDER 88-03 PC APPROVES AN APPLICAI"TON FOR A SUBD�VISION, SENSITIVE LANDS PERMIT, AND PLANNED DEVELOPMEN7 (S 87-08/SL 87-09/PD 87-OA) REQUESTED BY CTTIZENS SAVINGS AND LOAN. The Tigard Plannirig Cummission reviewed Lhe above applic:ati�n at a public hearing on February 23, 1986. The Commission based its deczsion on the facts, findings and cun�lusiuns nuted below. ` ' I A. FACTS 1. Genera�l Information CASE: �Suf�division S 87-OB Planned Development PD 87-04 and Sensitive Lands SL 87-09 REQIlE�7: To diuide a 44.35 acre parcel into 190 lots ranging between 5,500 and 9,500 square feet, and to fi11 a drainageway. ' ;; COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNAT'ION: Law Density ResidEn�xal ZONING DESIGNATION: R-A.5 (PD)(Re�idential, 4.5 units/acr�e, Plar►ried ' Development) � APPI.ICANT: 4R-AK Corpuration OWNER: Citiz�ns Savir�gs & Loan 13050 SW Forest Meadaws Way A500 SW Kruse Way St 370 +' Lak� Oswego, OR 97034 Lake bswec�o, OR 9703A � LOCATTOIV: South of Summer Lake Subdivision, East of Morning Nill anci Winter Lake developments, ar►d north uf Bellwuod . Subdivision. Tax Map: 1S1 33DD Tax Lot 100, and Tax Map . . . • 1S1 33DC, Tax. Lot.4200 • . • , : . . .'. • ' � . 2. Backc�round Information The property was ann�xed into the City of 'Tigard in 1976. In March 1978, approval was granted fur a 383 lot develo�m�n� on a lOCI acre parce]. extending from Scholls Ferry Road to the southern boundary• •of the subject pr�operty (file ZCPD 28-77). Most uf L-he north�r•n portiun of the development has been c�timplei:ed, however, the �rea south of I Swnmer Lake was never developed. ;; !. In cnnjunctiun witFi Phase I, a large pnrtior► of Summer Lake Park was �`'' devpluped including th►e lake, bike/pedestrian paths, une fnut bridge, ar�d a pl�ty �r�a on 1:he south side af t�►e l.ake. F� secc.�nd fiuc�tbridge a�: ;;' i:rie ��yt erid uf lhe lake was rwtc�d as a coridiL-ion uf approval fur �.'; ZCPD ?_8-•77 bui; it w�s n��t irist�llec�. ''` �; i,', ,:; . �`;; ���, FINAL oRDER - 8�8-03 P(: - �T°l":t"1_kNS SAV:[NGS & LOAN (�R-AK i;ORP. ) S �7-.�8 - PRGE T ��'; �-- • ;� �} Y �.�`._— _--_ _ p � 3. Vicinity I`t�_�� ,ition i ' Summer ��ke Park lies north of t;he subject property and Mary Woudward Schuul, and two undeveluped pruperties ar� immediately tia�t �nd �re zoned R-�.5 (Residential, 4.5 units/acre). E3ellw�od Subdivision, whicti is also ron�d R-4.5, is directly suuLh and Winter Lake/Briti:any Syuare developm�rits are immediately wesl:, and �re zoned R-12 (Residential, 12 units/acre). Wint�r La�ke Drive, Falc�n Rise Drive �nd 128L-h Avenue terminate at the praperty bound�ries. Al.so, a AO-fuut wide strip parcel uf unknawn, uwnership abuts tNie western buundary uf the subject prope�^ty. Orig'inally, this strip was intencied to include 13Uth Avenue, but it was never d�dicated. 4. Site Infnrmation and Pr�posal Descripti�n The properL-y is presently uncieveloped and it slopes gradually duwnhill towards Summ�r Lak�. A drainage way runs througti the property from Rellwooci Subdi'vision tu the lake. Grass and brusfi cuver Che entire property, wzth the exceptior� of severaZ fir trees on the perimed:er of the property and near Lhe drainageway. The developer is prnposing a 190 l�t subdivision in 5 phases, b�ginning at the north end uf the proper•ty with L-he later phas�s prnceeding south. 128th Avenue will be extended to the north, and Falcan Rise Drive and Wir�ter �.ake Dri�e shall be extended L-o the ea�t and will intersect with 128th Avenue. Winter Lake Drive will also extend east tm the eastern property line and t�rminate �butting two vacant parcels that are north of the school property. The City recently adupted a ce�nceptual plan far Summer Lake Park which included the acquisiti.on af appr.�xi.ma�ely seven �cres on the sou�h side of the Lake. The ap�licant submitted a preliminary �alat in November that was not ,r.onsis�ent with this p�an. Since that time, the developer has discussed �he park issue with Ci�y stafif and i:t�e Park Board. The � preliininary plat which xs the subject of this hearing reflects the ' , gener�l°'cunsensus reach•by the three parties. . • � � � : . ' � An area uf appr�ximately 4 acres is shown between the north boundary of the developm�nt and the shore uf �umm��^ Lake. Three poir�ts uf pedestrian access are proposed ta the park land. A partion o� this area will be dedicated �nd the n�maind�r- wil:l be pwrchased by the City, . . ; 5. Aqency and NPO Comments � i The Quilding Inspec.tion Divisiun and P.�.E. have n� abjectinn �o tfie ��, proposal. ' Washinc�t�n County Fzre District Nu. 1 notes that pl:ans fur• fire hydr•ant lu�atiun muyt k�e appruvc�d k�y tha DisL-riet {�rior l-o rec�rding th� t�inal ; plat, I, � I i i � FINAL GR�F..C2 -• 6f3-•-03 PC -- CI:I�TLEIUS Sf•lU7NC.. & LnFiN (OR-AK GURF�.) fi 87--�06 - PFlGE: 2 '� ; ,, � ' The Tigard Wat�r . �strict is cuncerned abuut t�� �iber uf cul-de-sacs in r�la�i�n tc� the Districts's desire to have l��oped systems. 1'he District requests th�et line cunneci:ions be provided betw�zn Summer l.ake Place and Winterlake Drive as well as the three s�uthern cul-de-sacs. The Park Buard recummends the following: a. Lots ] �nd 2 s�ould be �mitted or reloc�ted. b. Parking should be provided at the �nd uf :umm�r Lake Drive. c. A pedestrian path should be provided bei;we�n Summer Lake Place and Winter�lake qrive tu improve pedestrian acc�ss to the Park. d. The originally propused faotbridge at the eas� end of Summer Lake shou�d he constructe�i �in conjunctiun wiL-h this development. NPO �/ 7 has i;he following eomments: a. 5treet nam�s should be revised to avoid confu�ion between simxlar names. b. The City should ensure that the st<�rm drainage facilities are properly de�igned. c. Lat 2 should kre maved to avoid problems created by tr~affic on 12�th Avenue heading ciirectly toward thas lot. d. Stop signs are recom�nended for westbaund traffi.c on Winterlake �lrive and Falcon Rise Rise Drive at 128th Avenue. The Engineering Division has the following c4mments: a. The applicar�t proposes to subd'avide 4Q.35 acres ini:o 190 1ul:s and . to fi11 a drainage way as shown on t;he submit�ed plan sheets 1 through A� dat�d 9-1-i�7. The plan sheets shuw the �roposed s�reet network, existing topography, preli�minary storm sewer, sani�ary ancJ water xmp+^uvpments. � . . b. The proposed' subdivisicin stre�t netw�rk will h�'v� acce�� from 128th Avenue to� the south, Falcun Rise Orive to the west and Winterlake D�^a,ue to th� northw�st. Winterlake Drive is also stubbed to the ea�t fr�r future development. A11. three of th�se existing streets ar� designatPd as minor collector streets. " Falcun Rise Driue and 128th Avenue h�ve pavement widths of• �4 feet within a 50 fOOt right-of-way. Winterlake Drive has a AO fuot pavement width within a 60 foot right-uf-way. c. SW 130th Avenue near Scholls Ferry Road, SW 128th Avenue south of the subj��t site, and Falcon Rise Drive west uF th�e subject si�e are aJ.l designated �s mir►or collector• strcets nn the City's C��m�r�hensivp plan Transpurtatiun M�p. The Trans�orLatiun Map cal.:ls fc�r "a c�inn�ecti��n k��twe�ri �ch��lls Ferry Roaci and 17_8tb Averiue ar�d F�lcun Ris� Driv�." :Lt �pp�ar•s �F►aC L-t►� i�iap ir�ter►�1s th�i�: 1�hEa c��ririecti��n be tc� � mi.ric�r� c.��ll.ec:l;c�r• stan�arci with► canntactiuns Gu L-F�e �xiyting miraur• e��11E�cL-�r• sLr'•eE�L"s. FI:NFtL C�RDE}2 - 88-�03 PC -- CI'f17_�NS SAVTNGS & LOAN (OR-�F1K CURF�. ) S BI-�08 -� PAGE. 3 , � ; , ;,, , : _ . ; '� ' � 1 . i, ') Existing Winterlake Drive to th� northwest of th� subject site has been constructed to mi.nor collector st�ndards and was intend�d to serve as part of L-he cunn�ctiun tu Scholls Ferry Road via SW 130th Avenue. ThtsP existing minor cullector streets (Winterlake, Falcun Rise, and 128th) are all dev�lap�d with sS.ngle-family residential uniL-s havir►g direet driveway �ccess �c� the c�llector street. 7hese st•reeL-s are intznded tu provide ac;cess from LI•�e residential neigt�burhood tc� the adjoining collec�or and arterial streets system. These streets alsu pravicte access to Summerlake Park, ;., pruposed for development as a comnaunity park iri the City's Parks r; Plan. Thruugh traffic shuuld be ciiscuurageci un these sL-reets. e Thr�ugh traffic can more appro�riately be accommoc�ated on 135th ` Avenue/Murray Blvd. , 121st Avenue, Walnut Street, and Scholls Ferry Road. _ , `r'' The proposed street layout appears t� satisfy the requirement for ``'; minur collectar street corenections in the neighborhaod while '.� discouraging through traffic. The proposed street s�lstem rouides ood access to Summerlake Park. P 9 .. . �.' d. The ro osed d�vela ment will increase traffic volumes on �i P P P . adjuining streets. Nowever, the traff2c patterns are cons ist�rit with the Comprehensive Plan Transportati.on Map. By discauraging y : through traffic, the proposed street layout attemp�s to minimize the traffic impac�s on the existi.ng adjoining stree't system. The propused subdiuisiun has a develupment density ].�ss than that all.owed by the existing zoning for the property. e. Ex�sting Falcnn Rise Drive arid 128th Rvenue have p�vement and right-of-way widths to local street standards rather �han minor � collect�r standards. � It appears appropria'te to retain the � ' " '. existing widths on these .two streets where they are extended intu . � . .. 'the proposed subdivision; sir��e� the .,streets are' nr�t' intendeti ta . � . � carry through traffic. • The pavement structural section �shoul.d, however, be tu the usual minor collectnr standards. In the future, these narrower-than-standard str�eets could' become a problem if extensive un-street par°kir�g uccurs in the neighborhood. If so, the problem could be resolved �•by pruhibiting parking on one si.de �f the stre�t. I f. Existing Winterlake Drive is c�nstructed to minor collectc+r zl sL-andards. The minur colle4i:ur standarcis shoulci be retained Un , I Winterlake west of �2Bth Auenue. Tb the east nf 128th Avenue, Winterl�ke will becume a la�cal street. The minur cullector width ori Wiriterlak� is siafficient Lu allow tw�ti-•way traFi=ic �uen if cars ' k : ar•ca parki�d alurig both sici�s uf L"t» st-r�et, as may ha�K�sn �,',; �cc.ast:ii�nally, during speci��l evenLs at Summ�r•l�k� P�rk. � � ;,';;:. �;;;;' ;'� ,r: i : ;;�:, I„i FINAL OR�I�R - £38-03 F'C - l',7C7:[LLNS SAUYNi�S & �OAN (0}2--AK COF2f�. ) � 87-08 -- PAVE � �_` _.� �:, `''�i f.; ��� ',; , I �1 � A, y g. The rema,ni. ,� si:reet network, other tha�� � minor collectors listsd ab�ve, shall be designai:ed as lucal streets, rpquiring a 50 fout right—of—way and a 34 f�nt pavement width. h. All the propus�d streets st�all be constructed tu c:urrer�t City of Tigard st�ndar•ds including curbs, sidewalks, streetlights and utilities. The curb returns at l.ocal street intersectiuns should be 25 fo�t radius and minor collect�r to minor collector intersections shall be 30 f-out radius. ; i. The site currently has a pedestrian patF► and pTiayground s�ructure adjacent to the lake. The submittal plans shuw proposed access ' ways connecting the existing path to the street. These proposed � access ways shall be paved to an e foot widlh and i;he existing p �th improved tc� current standards. i; j . The existing drainage swale is proposed to be filled iri � conjuriction wi.th earthwork activities on the site. Since the ` fill will be located under the streets and pntential homesites, �. an engineered fill will be r�equired, includi:ng a soils analysis, t; compaction of successive lifts uf fill and inspectiun/testing . � obseruations and reparts, i' k. 7he proposed preliminary storm drainage system cnnceptually � appears to be satisfactory. Additional catch basins, rea'lignment � af some pipelines along property lines, and relocating structures un private property wi11 be necessary fnr �he fir�al plans. Also � � the drainage of roofs has not been address�d on this plan. Any �' pipeline on private �roperty will be required to be within a 15 ; . foot wide public easennent. The drainage from the existing . � Winterlake Drive and Falcun Rise Dt^isre has aiso nut been � addre5s�d. `' � 1. The propose�l preliminary sanitary sewer syst�m utilizes an � existing ►nain line. 1"he �xistxng lir�e t^equirzd realignment in . � � • ' ' • � •the• south ,end of�,thQ site but wi�ll rema;in in place at al�l' o�her : � � lucations'. A 15• fout wide area, c�nter.zd o�er i:he pipe is • i r�quired for maintenance. If this area overlaps onto private E property a public easement wili be required. f � m. The proposed street system north of Winterlake Urive may be � slightly adjusted pending the negatiations or the park a�ea ; � adjacent to thz lake. j ' n. The proposed plat does not show an existing 40 foot wide area ; alur�g the west property line which is desiynated as 130th Avenue on the current assessor's map. This area is in�ended tn be acquired by the app].icant but t�as not been formally completed at this time. A sketch w�s subn�itted with the applicatiori showin� t�►n alLzrn�ite plat conPiguratiun, shifting the propused 130Lh Avenu� t�� the east 40 feci:. This �lternai;e is ar.ceptable if the � vac�ti��n tias riut uccurred prior Lu tPie cunstr•u�tion uf this phase c�f ihEa subdivisian, F]:NAL. ORDEft — 68-03 PC — CIT;I:"I_E:NS SAVxNGS & L0�1N (OR—FlK CORP. ) S 67--08 — PAGE � J . ( � � \. • B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant criteria in this case are Tigard Cc+mprehensive Plan Pulicies 2. 1.1, 3.2.1, 3.5.3, 3 .5.4, 3 .6.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 8.1 . 1, and 8.1.3, and Community Development Code cFiapters 16.50, I8.80, 18.SA, 18.92, 18.160, and 18.164. Since �:he Tigard Comprehensive Plan hias been �ckriowledged, the Statewide Planning Goals and Guideli.n�s no lunger need to be addr�ssed. The Planning C�mmission concludes the pr�posal complies witty or will cumply with, thE relevant plan p���.icies and Code cri�er•ia based� �apun the findi.ngs nnted below: 1, PoAicy 2.1.1 is satisfied because the neighborhood planning organizatiun and the sur•rounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and they had an opportur�ity to comment �un thE applicant''s praposal. 2. Policy 3.2.1 is satisfied because no land form alteration within the 100—year flood �plan is anticipated and, therefore, no neyative impacts will occur. 3. Policy 3.5.3 calls for� the designation of the l0U—year flood plain as Greenway. The ar�a within the floud plain shall be dedicated as a condition af this development and the City and the property owner � are intending, to negutiate the purchase uf the additional proper~ty shown for a park in this propnsal. � � Since Phase I will include the park area, it is essential that the park d�dicatian/purchase be finalized prior to recording the final plat for this phase. The autcome uf the negotiations between the . applicant and the City may require minor modifications to th� plan presented by the applicant. Because a cunceptual agre�ment has . been ' reached, with� �he � exception of lots l and 2, na signiFicant I! . . ' .changes� are �anticip�ted regarding the• street alignm�rab',or. number � � and siz� of lots north of Winterlake' Drive. ' � ' . ' I, Of the 4 +/— acre ar�a tu be add�d L-u the park, the City will I consider the followang as a minimum amaunt of Iand to b� dedicated ', rather than purchased. a. Areas within the 100 year flood plain. b. Regardless uf tPie park size or configuratiori, a 15 fuut wide right—of—way would be required with all bike/pedestrian paths. This is particularly �o^ue because adec�uate s�ace is generally not available within L'he flut�d plain ar��a un the soutti side �f �he lake fur the paths. c. The parking �rea r•ec�uest�c� by i:hr� Park E3uard wctiul� bc� �ar•t uf the Summer^ L_�ke� Drive strt���t ric�ht—of—way anc� maint��ined by i:h� Ci.i:y, FINAL OR�ER — 88-03 PC — CI1"I7_�NS :3AVING: & LOAN (UR—AK CORP. ) S 87-08 - PAGE 6 �� . .� ,, � , 4. Policy 3.5`�-, ,:�quires adequate pedestrian �r,,,,� �s and circulation. 'i This policy will be satisfiec! if f�our modificatiuns are made: ! !J a. The exzsting paths sFiould be repair•ed as necessary and widened to B feet to comply with City standards for twa-way bike/pedestrian paths. These path�s also should be extended to Win�erlake Drive in the uicinity uf lut 3, to �he Sumn►er Lake Drivp cul--de-sac, and fr•c.�n► the dam to the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac. �. b. Ar► 8 foot wide ped�strian path and 15 f�at wide easament � shuuld be pruvided between the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac j � and Wi.nterlake Drive. � c. A similar path and easernent should alsa be established between lots 56 and 57 to Mary Woodward Schoul. Although i. this development is not within the Tigard SCI'100� D1S�1^1Gt, it G does function as a neighborhoud facility �or the purpuse of recreation. Also, district bnundaries are subject to change f' arid 'staff recummends that a pedestri�n ac�ess be preserved. � Prior to implementing this condition the Tigard School � Distric� must appro�e the creation oF thas path. d. As noted above, the �rir�inal. approval for this develapment r contained a condition requiring the const�^uction af a second t pedestrian bridge at i:he east end ofi the J.ake. This bridge ; repr�esents an important link to allaw for full pedestrian use � oF the park and greenway areas and should b� provided alang � with the o�her path imnrovements. p C 5. PoZicy 3.6.2 will be sa�isfied because the City Council and Park � Board sha11 work with the property uwn�r �o determine the exact � bound�r•y of the new park. � ; ; � fi. Policies 7.1.2, 7.3.1, and 7.4.4 can be satisfied because adequate ; ' • water, sewer and storm dw^ainage facilii;ies will be requi.red tQ � � serve the development prior �o the approval of the final p1at. 7he � , applicant �indicates ttiat these facilities will be provided within . �the subdivi�sion as required.•by City standards. The applicant mu,st � � ' ' � � ha�e the design uf the water sys��m approued by Tigard laater ' y • District prior to recording a final plat. � 7. Policy 8.1.1 calls for the pruvxsion u� a safe and efficient street � system which accommodates present and future needs. The � Comprehensive Plan adopt�d in 1983 acknowledged the fact that 13•Oth � Avenue, as originally platted would not be an advisable raute to ! use. The Winterlalce Drive/128th Avenue cumbinatiun shown here is consistent with the Plar►. A 50 foot right-of-uuay for a26th Avenue is considered appropriate because the existing sectiun frum the south property boundary to Walnut Stree� utilizes a 50 fOp� right-uP-way. Appropriate trafric signing will. be determined by the Engineering staff during review ot detailed constructi.on plans , tand insL-alled as development uccurs. � � i I � FINFtt_ QR�E_F2 -•�• 8B-U3 f�C - CI7Y7.ENS SAVTIUGS & LOAN (OR-•f1K CORP. ) S 87-OS - PAGE 7 s � • ti� t^O V d� � • 8 P�l��y g,�,3 i�.11 be satisfied when the c� �itiuns uf Copr�ate relati.ng t� street impruveleted with eaGh pha e• T�e �Pp p str�et spcti�ns will be comp 9. Ctiapter ]a.50 is satisfied because the proposal me�ts the , applicable C�de requirements of the R-4.5 zone. 1U. Gh�pter 18.80 and Chapter 1�.1��ment.s h se odi'ur r L'he��submi ss�n aand ,� ' 4 the pruposal meets tYi� �equ� � apprc,val of a preliminary plat and detailed plan. The prop��e phasing plan meets Cude r•�quiremwith eachuSphasebl�cThe p plan�eand ` ro riately provided � will be apP P ! individual phases a�a� t�ncor•�oratedf�into�d the�o devel pmentarcz.t� ` wxll be acquired �he applicant illustr�ting � continger�cy plan has beer► submitted by ` the' necessary plan amendments to be made iF this land acquis9.tinn d���s not uccur. 7he strept alignm�nt in Phase V will be amended � sli.ghi:ly and two lo�s will be deleted. ! and filling of th� i' il. Chapter 18.84 is satis'Pied because the r�grading � drainage waY has taken into accc�ueC Lake. anitcl'�as�been determined �� rur�uff proceeding nnrth �oward Summ r� erties ar j<, that no adverse efiel��nWl�it elffel� The ac�r ter a p in Section �; i,' within the subd c 18.8A.040(c) will be met. F�, iz. Chapt�r lg•92 is sa�isfied because the proposed density �5 s;; �' consistent with Code requi OmuniCs a e pro�osed,�f 205 units are � permi��ed on this site and 19 ,; the approval process fur� } 13 . Chapl:er 18.164 will kse satisfied during i th� final Plat• � � � � � ., � C. qECT5I0N . .. ' . .. . ' ' . � � � the . Planni:ng 'Commzssion approves • � � Based upon the �bove find'angs, � 5 87-08/SL. 87-09 and de�ailed plan approva•1 uf PD 87-04 subje�:t to the �ollowing eondi�xons: 1 . Except for street access, none of the area included�`,n���h��Q Wathin wide 13Qth Avenue parcel (Tax lot 1S1 33DC, 4204) �he any final p�lat until it has been legally aaquxred by applicant. Stree� wcc�ss acruss this parcel �the 1Gity� priorrlto and Falcon Rise Drive shall ba a�proved bContaet Randy Clarno) reeurc�ing Phase 7[ and Phase V respectively. ( 2. L�ts 1 and 2 shall be on�itted or mrrv�d to another loc�tion sauti� �f W�ntnr�lak� Drive. (Contact Keith 1._iaE-n) FT.NFiI. ORDER -• aE3-•�3 PG -• CITTZENS S�VING� �C LOF1N �aR-�F1K CORP.) S 87-08 - PACE: (3 3 . The �f-o11�,.�r, .� pedestrian facilities sh�_1 �� constructed in conjunction with the development. Puk�lic impr�7v�ment plans shall be submitted as described in Cunditions 13 and 14. All items beluw shall be appraved and constructed or guaranteed prior t�o recording the final plat fur the correspor�ding phase. All paths shall be improued with an e fo�t wide �s�rhaltic cancrete surface. (Cnnt�ct G.�ry Alfsan) a. Existing paths �n the south side of the 1.�ke shall be widened tu an 8 fo�t wide asphaltic cunr:rete surface. b. 'fhe western path shail be extendec� t�� Winterlake Drive in the vicinity uf lot 3 with the locatiun to be approved by the Engineering Division. c. The path that ends at the existing play area shall be extended tn the Summer Lakc Driue cul-�ie-sac.. d. The p�th near the dam will be extended south through tt�e access strip to the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac. e. A foot bridge, with the same width as the existing bridge, shall be provided a�cross the east end of the lake. f. An B foot wide path within a 15 faot wide easement shall !�e provided between the Summ�r Lake Place cul-de-sac and � . Winterlake Drive and between lots 56 and 57 connec�ang Falcon Rise with Ma�^y Woodward School. Tigard School District approval shall be necessary for tfie secand path to be requ i r^ed. 4. Ph�se I shall not .receive final pl�t approval until the boundaries � of the �ark area to be �iedica�ed andlor purchased has been det;er~mined ar�c� agreec! to by the City and the applicant, (Cor►�a�ct . KeitP� Lid�n) , Ai: a minimuni, the fnllowing it�ms shall �be dedicated: � a. Area within the 1�0 year flopd plain. b. 15 foo� wide right-of--way for all pathways. c. Right-nf-way necessary tu accottemodaL-e the p�arking area at �he end af Summer Lake Drive. (Conta�t Jon Feigon 63'�-A 171). ...� 5. Parkxrig spaces shall b� pr�ovided at th� Summ�r Lake Urive � cul-�de-sac kretween lots 9 and 10. The number and design sfiall be II approued by ttte En�ineering Division. Adequate buff�ring : shall be pruviti�d betw�en L-he �arkir�g ar•ea �nd adjacer►t luts. (Conta�t G�ry Alfs�rt) FTIUFIL 4FtCiE.Ct -- 88-••03 �G -- C;I:1"I7_FNS S�Ur1UG.� & L.OF�N (OR-•AK CnRP. ) S 67-08 - PF�GE 9 -- - - - --- -_ ,_ � , , � 6. S.W. 12Bth�-� .�ue, Winterlake Drive fr�m i`i� IAver�ue west to the ' �xisting street, and Falcun Rise Drive f-r•um 12IILh Avenue w�ast to the existir►c� str•eet shall be constructed �u minor cul�ector standards, except that Falcun Rise Drive �nd 128th Avenue shall be allow�d tu be reduced ir: width to a 50 foc>t right—�f—way and 3�i fout pavement wadth to mat�h the existing pavement. Wintzr2ake Drive shall be allowed to be t�pered from 40 feet to a 34 Pu�t �ausment width east uf 128�h Avenue. [Staff Contact: Gary Alfson] - 7. 7he remaining streets shall be constructed t�� local. street staridards. [Staff Contact: Gar•y Alfsun] 8. Street Center2ine Monuonentati�ro shall be provided as fallows: ' A. In ac�:ordance with ORS 92.060 subsectiun (2), i;he c:enterlines of al.l street and roadway rights—of—�ay shall be n►anumented before tPie Cil:y shall accept a street improvemerit. B. A11 centerline monuments shall be placed in a monument box conrorming Lo City standards, and the tup of all munument bnxes shall be set a design finish grade of said s��reet or roadway. C. The following centerline manumpnts sha12 be se�: (i) All eenterline—centerlane intersections. Tntersections created with "eollector" or other existir►g streets, shall be set when the centerline alignment of said "coll.ector" ar other street has been established by ur for the City. (2) Center of al�. cu�.—de--sacs. (3) Curve points. C�oint NF intersecti.on CP.T.) when th�ir position falls inside th� li�nits of the .pavement othetwise beginning and ending �aints (B.C, �nd E.C.). � . •. . . (4) . All� sanitary�. and storm. �locations shaYl be placed 'i.r� . � . pusitiuns �Fiat do �nut� interfere' ' wit-h centerline �� monumentai:ion. [Staff Cor�tact: Jon Feigion] 9. A grad'ang plan ahall be submitted shnwing existing and �rnpos�d contours . A soils r�port shall be prouided detailing c�mpaetion requiremer�ts. [Staff Contact: �ary Alfson] • 10. San.itary and storm sewe►^ details shall be provid�d as part of the �� Pub�zc Impruvemer�t plans. Calculatiuns and a top�graphic map uf ' th� drainage basin and service area shall be provided as a su�apl�merit tu �he Public Iinpruvem�nt plans. Calctalations shali be ba5ed nn full devel.opment servic�abili.�y. The loc:ai:ion and �:�paciL-y uf existing, propus�d and fwtut•e lines shall k�e ac�elra:'»e�i. [5taff Cont;cact: Gary Alfsnn] ii. �rr,�� ar>plic�rit �h�ll pruviti� ro� ruoF r�in cirain�ge L-u LF�e publi4 si;ormwatt�r dr���inage systEm ��r c1 C�Y'yWE?l.l tc.� prevenL runc�fr c�n�t� adj�c��rit pr•uper�•ties. [Si:aff Gontaet; Gary Alfsun] FIIVFIL UldUER 8f3—�3 �'C -- C:l"I`l:"Lk�NS SF�VTIUG� & LnF�N (�R—�K CORf�. ) S 87-•�Of3 -- Pf�GE_ 10 ;.� _ _ -- _. .: . � .....�,._�t,Y� ., .�,� , � 4 � � 12. Th�e applic�nt nall provic3e c�nnection uF' e� ? lok lu Lhp public ' sanitary seweraye system. A ccsnnec:tion permit is required to cunnect to the existing public sanitary sewer system. [Staf-f Contaet: Jnhn Hagman] 13. Seuen (7) sets �f plan-profile public improvement cunstruction plans and one (1) itemiz�d constructiun cust estitnate, stam��d by a Regis�ered F�rofessional Civil Engineer, detailing aJ.l propc�sed public impruvemen�s shall be submitted tu the [ngineerir�g S�ctiun for appr�val. �'wo se�s shall be pc^ovided for a prelimin�ry revi.ew at 95X plan c�mpletion. [S�aff Contact: �ary Alfson] 14. Construction of proposed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering section h�s approved public impravetnent plans. The section will require a 100X Performance �Assurance, the � payment of a per�n►it fee arid a si�n installation/str��ztlight fee. Fllso, �he executiun of a street opening permit or construction cumpliance °agreement shall occur priur tu, ur cuncurrently with the issuance of approued p�iblic improvement plans. [Staff Cor�tact: Jor�n Hagman] �5. After review and approvd� by the Director of Community Develapment and �he Gity Engineer, the final. plat shall be recorded with Washington Caunty. [Staff Contact: John Hagman] 16. The Planning Direc�ur may approve amendments to the �inal plat and detailed plan in accordance with the ��llowing criteria: a. All phases sh�ll nut exceed 190 lots. b. T'he streQt system design is n�t signifi.cantly alter•ed. c. Amendments to the phasing plan, including the order in which phas�s are �latted, wi].1 provide fo�^ the appropraiate pravision of land dedicatiun and public improvements assaciat>ed with each phase. •ci. The 1.30�h Avenue paa^cel, cann�� be acqua.red and th� � , applicant'•s ,alter�natiu� •p.l�n must be implr�mented. • • 17. The Pirst phase must be appr°ov�d fur final plai: within one year uf � the final apprnval cCate. All subsequent phases must be platted � within fiv� years uf the final approval date. 3t as furi:her c�r•c�ered th�t the applicant be notified c+f the entry of �his urd�r. ' i PASSECl: This ��; � �j/i� day of F�bruary, 1988, by ttie Planning Cummi;ssion c�f ,,, the City�u Tigard. / � ,• ,. . / . � � . ' • f1 , •`��� Milt Fyr� �ic'�?' Pr•�sidenC'�•-., Tigarci F�l�anr,zng Coir�mission (hil-/3�A74t)) F'1:Nf1L URDEF2 8t3-•�0�3 F>r -� C1Tl"1_ENS SAVING.; �G LOF1N (OF2-••(1K CORf>. ) S 67-08 -• WAGE ll :�s _.. � ,.. _>... .. .;_;. .._�_ ...� .,u��;� . .�_;.:...�. ,�N::N.�. �� IN RE: ) ) VILLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK NO. III, ) AFFIDAVTT OF S87-08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 ) RANDY CL,ARNu STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of �i � /fi ,�� ) I, RANDY CLARNO, beinq first duly sworn, depose and say: I am a former employee of the City of Tigard. I make this Affidavit in reference to the applicant's appeal to the Tigard Planning �ommi.ssion of the Planning Airector's order denying final plat approval. In my posi�tion as Development Serv:ices Man.ager, I deal.t with the applicant's representative, Gordon Hobbs, on i�sues co�cerning public improvements for th�: Village at Summer Lake Park Subdivision and the Cityas acc�uisition of land fo� expansion of Summe� Lake Park. . . . In the sp�ing and summer. of 1988, .� � had �everal � cohversat'ions with Mro Hobbs amd with th� proFerty owner, Don � � Morissette, conce'rning the City's groposed acquisit,ion of land from Don Morissette Buil.ders, Ine. These nego�iations resulted i.n the City's . purchase of approximately 3.35 acres of land and th� � i developer's dedicatian of an additional .65 acres, all to be useel as I part of Summer Lake Park. The purchase �rice was a negotiated compromise that was approved by the C�.ty Council. At no time did I represent to Mr. Hobbs, Mr. Morissette, or any other representatives of the developer or property owner that, in exchange for Mr. Morissette's agreement to sell at a lawer price, the Ci�y would agree �AGE 1 - AFFIDAVIT OF RANDY CLARNO � � a � S � � - not to seek acquisition of any additional park land in the subdivisia�n. The statements made above are true as ���er.ily bel.ieve. /�� ( j G , `, i `�-.i"i-- C SUBSCRIBED ANb SWORN to befor� me tl�is ��l day of (, , 1990. \� , ,.� � Q- (NOTA�2I.AL SEAL) NaTARY ��T�II.,7C FOR N �y Commis�' n Expir" : Ci -�7"� � � . � .. � � � � . . , ; . i � 1 i . . � �1 I ll j y # 8 i � ke\tigard\cdarno.aff(lf) PAGE 2 - AFF'IDAVIT OF RANDY C'LARNO { � t F IN RE: ) ) VTLLAGE AT SUMMER LAKE PARK NO. III, ) AFFIDAVIT OF S87-08/'PD 87-04/SL 87-09 ) KEITH LIDEN STATE OF OREGQN ) 1 ) ss. county of �1JS1-1 l iJ�TUiJ�) T, KEITH LIUEN, being first duly sworn, depose and say: the Cit of Ti ard. I make this I am an emplayee of y g Affidavit in reference to the applican�'s appeal to the Tigard Planning Comm�ssinn of' the Planning Director's order denying final plat appraval. In my positxon as Senior Planner, I dealt wi.th the appli�ant's representat�.ve, Gor�ion Hobbs, on issues con�erning revi�w and approval. af the px�eliminary plat for tYie Village at Sua�er I�ake ', � Park �ubdivision. i T prepared the staff report for �he Febx�uary 23, 1988 f i heaxix�g before the Tigard Planning �ommissionn The staff � • 4 • • ' . � .rec.ommend�ation irtcluded a groposed condition of approva� No. 4, whi�h • �. . was ultimately adoptEd by the Planning Commissic�n. Th� aonditfon � states that: � ^ "Phase I [which was �ubsequen�ly revised to Phase $ I3I by the developer in r.�phasinig the i subdivision] shall r�ot receive final plat ;;� approval until the baundaries of the park area j; �o be dedicated and/or purchased has been ;i determined and agreed to by �he G�ty and the applicant. (Contact Keith Liden) �I "At a minimum, the following items shall be { dedicated: ;: ;: i "a. Ar�a within the 100 year floodpl:��in. � b. 15 foot wide right-of-way for all � pathways. f` f ' } PAGE 1 - AFFI�AVIT OF KEIZ'H LIDEN � r � � i Z � F � c. Right-of-way necessary to accommodate the parking area at the end of �ummer Lake Drive (contact John Feigon, 639-4171) . " At the time I prepared the staff report, the City had determaned th;at the three items to be dedirated were the minimum dedicatians that should bs required as c�nditions of approval. The extent of park land to be purchased by the City had not yet been determined and was the subject of ongoing negotiations between the City, the �Park Board ar�d the deve7.oper. The Master Plan adopted by the Park Board had r�caznmended a seven-acre partion of the propased . subdivisian for �,�rk land developm�ent, and the deve]:oper wanted to make a much small�r area available. � The intent of the condition was to make sure that the final plat for the ph�se adj acent to the park was not recarded prior to the time the City made a final determination on how much park land was needed.and acquireci the land from the developer. At the �ime o� the preliminary .plat hearing, the Citx did not have sufficient funds ta . , .. . , . . . . . . acquire tY�e seven-acre area recommended by the Master Plan. Tt�e Planning Commission appratred an arder, dated March 18, 1988, granting preliminary plat approval� includ.ing cpndition No. 4 as stated in the staff r�port. Condition No. 17 of the approval required the developer to prepare the first phase for final plat approval within one year of March 18, 1988. The developer did npt meet this condition, and on March 9, 1989, filed a written request for a six-month extensi�n of the final approval date. A copy of Mre Hobbs' letter requesting the extension is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. On March 21, 1989, the PAGE 2 - AFFIDAVIT OF KEITH LIDEN �' - - _ -_ --- _ _ . x � � � V_ Planning Commission �ranted the request fnr an extension through Septemher 18, 1989. In January, �989, the City Cauncil had adopted a revi��d Master Plan for Summer Lake Pa�k. Implementation of the glan was contingent on the passage of a par.k improvements l�vy. �he propo�ed i improvements to be funded by the levy includ�d acquisition of an '': i � additional 2.15 acres o� �he applicant's land, which is now the � � subjec� of a condemnation action in Washington County Circuit Court. The voters ap�proved �he park's levy in Septembe�, 1989, and �h� City Council thereafter passed a resolution ordering acquisi�.ion of the +; E 2.15 acres. C: The statements ma�e above are true as I v rily bela.eve. ' � , KEITH L�DEN �'1 SUBSCRIBEI� �ND SWORN to before me this ��� �day of ' ` . %���� 1�90. . . . � � u—�c��+-P��—e.. G�V _ + � (NOTARIAL SEAL) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREVON / My Commission Expi.res:� �vl ; ;'. . ��' i ii i ` a � �' �' �' fi� C{i f: j;' i; ke�tigard�liden.aff(lf) �; �. PAGE 3 - AFFTDAVIT OF KEITH LIDk�N j' . �/ � • EXHIBIT "A" '� � ��-AK CC7�pU�A�'It�N OREGON-ALASKA LANU DEVELOPMEN7 CO. � . PAST OFFICE BOX 2302 LAKE OSl^/�GO,OREGON 97035 543-684-6541 MA RCH 9� 19�3 J QECEIII�D PIRf{�t11� ,I MAi� 919$9 KEITH L•X��N SENZOR PLANNER CI�"Y 0� TYGARD P.O. BOX 23397 � I TIGARD, Q�EGfON 97223 � RE: S 87--OS PD 87-04 SL 8'T-09 DEAR KEITH� CONSIDE6t 'T`1iIS .�ETTER aUR FORMAL Rk'QUEST �°O�t A SXX MONTH Ek�'�NSIQN ON TH� X90� ,�•T�0'T'-•- SUBI�IVISION itNOh'N AS VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE pARK, PHASES 2 T�Rit 6. h'E �iAVE SUl3MITTED CONSTRUCTION PLANS AN� WYLL SUBFtI'I' THE k�LAT �F �pIiASE aNE (VIL�,AG� AT SLiMM�R�.AKE PAKK N0. 2) BY MARCH 15 � 1989. � TH�E2� AR� NO CHANGES IN TH� �'ROJECT �7CNCE WE R�CEIVED FINAL FREI,IMINARY PLAT ApPROVAL UN MARCH I8, 198�. X�' YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS �L�AS� CAL�, ME AT 6$4-6541 . . Yov�s rRUr�Y, . .�-���-�..- � -�--��'' � G4RDON HOB�S, PRESIDENT PLEASE NOT� OUR NEW PHONE NUMB�Ft AND ADAF��SS � , i ! � i � . � �' ...�.._... _. __._�.. . �:I . .. ;...�., , ,, "� . . . .. . . .. . . .. � . __. �----- ----- . ,, � � EXHIBIT np�rr `� , ��—H� V�.il�f'"o�1H 1 ��Id OREG4N-ALASKA IAND DEVEL�PM�N7 CO. • . FOST OF�ICE BOX�302 LAKE OSW�GO, !DR�GON 97035 503-684-6541 • � RECElV�h P1�t�{INl{{i MARCH s, zsss MAR 919�9 xEirH �:zD.�rr SENIOR PLANI�ER CTTY 0� TYGARD P.O. �OX 233�7 � TIGARD, Ok�I�QON 9'7223 � RE: S 57--0$ PD gi-44 SL 8?-09 DEAR KETTHf CONSTDER TtIIS LETTER �UF� �ORbfAL �EQUEST' FOR A S][�C MON'I'H �X'T�N$ION ON T23� 194�=•I,t77'•-- SUT3DIVTSION 1CNOh'N AS VTLLA�E AT SUMMFE2LAKE pA�iC�, FHASES 2 THRI�- 6. h'� HAVE SUl3�iT'I'TED CC�NSTRUCTION PLANS A�Jn W�LL S[,TBMXT THE �LAT OF �pHASE ONE (VYL�,AG� pT SUMMER�,AKE PA�k N�1. 2 } BY MARCH 15, I989. �'H�R� A�� NO � GHANGES II+J TH� p�tOJECT �INCE WE RECEIVED FINAL PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ON MAR�CH 1$, 198�. x�' XOU HAVE ANY RUESTIONS 1?L�AS� CALJL ME AT 684-6541 . . Y011RS R'RU�,Y, �� ._..-���.�- � �e-��..�-', GORbON EIOB�S, PREaIDENT . PLEASE NOTE OUt� NEW PHONE NUMgEFt AND AAAR�SS � __ : �.K�:�. � '� l� � EXHZBIT °tA" �. ' ��-�►K ��RpC.��A�'It�N QREGON-ALASKA LAND PEVELOPM�N7 CO, • , S��ST OFFI�E BOX 2302 t�AKE�SW�GO,OFtEGON 97tY3S 543-684-65�1� �ECE1V��1�iNMNR MARCH 9a 1$89 MAR � 919$9 KEI�'N LXD�N SENIOR PLANNER CTTY OF �'�GARU P,O. BOX 2339? ' • TIGARD, O�.�QOI� 9?223 " � R�: S 87--08 PD gi-04 SL 8?�d9 DEAR I�EI7CH� , CONSIDER 1'NIS I,ETT.�R OUR F'ORMAL REQUEST FOR A SI?C MONTH EXT�NSYON ON TH� �,90�-���,��'°•- SUBDIVISION KNOk'AT AS VILLAGE AT SUMMERLAKE �A�tR, PHASES 2 TNR1-t 6. h'E HA,VE SiJ�M'Y'TTED CONSTRUGTION PLANS AN� WILL SUBMIT 7'Fi� PLAT OF 'PElASE ON�; (VILI,AG� AT aUPlMER�,AKE PAAK N0. Z� SY MAR�H 15, 1989 . � ! THE1�� AR� �O CHANGES IN fiH� �ROJECT S]CNCE WE RECEIVED � �INAL PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL ON MARCH 1�3� 138$. X�' YOU iiAVE ANX QUESTIUN5 �L�ASE CALL M� AT f>84�65410 • YOURS 'TRULY, � ' �-- ��-�-�._...-�-�' ���� G01�DON NOB�S, PRESIDENx . PLEASE HOTE pUEt N�W PHONE NUMBEF2 AND ApARESS . , � • EXNSBTT "A" � �►.�/f1�K� ��fll— ��/'"1�'Vi�l OREGI�N-ALASKA LAND DEVE�bPMEN7 CcJ. • • P�ST OFFIC� BOX 23�2 ' LAKE OSW�GO,OREGOid 97035 503-684-6541 I ' ' �� �ECElYED� MARCii 9, 19�9 MAR � �g�9 KEI'Y'H LXD�N SENIOR PLANAIER CYTY c�F TrGARD I'.O. BOX 233�7 � TIGARD� OREQON 99223 ' RE: S 87--0$ PD 8?-04 SL 87—CJ9 �EAR KEITN� ' CONSIDER 'I'HIS LETTEFt OUR FORl�f.AL REQUEST 1»OR A SrX MONTH EXx�NSYON ON TH� �.94�-��I,��'--° SUBDIVISION kNOk'N �S VILL�GE AT SUMMERLAKE pA�iR, PHASES 2 THR13- 6. h'E HAVE Si1�MITTED CtJNSTRUCTION PLAN� ANn W�LL SU�M3['T THE PLAT OF ��HASE ON� (VII,LAG� AT SUMM�R�,AKE PARk N0. 2} By MA�CH 1a, i989 . �'H��� AR£ NO CHANGES IN 7CH� pR03ECT SII�CE WE IZFCEIVED FTNAL 1'RELIE9INARY �'LAT APPRC►VAL ON MARCH Y$� 19$$. X�' Y4U HAVE ANY QUESTION� �'L�AS� CAL�. ME AT 6$9-654� . . YOURS TRU�,Y, . �- :�-�.-�._...--' �GORDON HOB�Sy PRESIDENT PLEASE NQ�TE C3U�t NEW F�HONE NUEfB�F� AND AAAR��S t� IN RE: � ) VILLAGE AT SUI�S�R LP,KE PAItK NO. IIx, ) AFFIDAVIT OF 587--08/PD 87-04/SL 87-09 ) ELIZABETH A. NEWTON STATE OF O�ZEGOId j '� ) ss. � County of _�r4S�l t 1����'o� ) � �, ELIZABETH A. NEWTON, being first duly swarn, depose and say: I am an employee of the City of Tigard. I make this Affidavit in reference to the applicant's appeal to the Tigard Planninc� Commi�siora of th� Planning Director's order denying final pla� approval. In my position as Senior Planner, I represen�ed the City at meetings of the T3gard Park anc� Recreation Board and City Council, which culminated in the City Council 's approval, on Navember 23, 1987, af Resolution No. 87-151, adopting a Farks Master Plan. The � plan�� purpose is ta serve as a guide and provid� recommendations . for park� �and recreatian facili�ties in Tiga�d o�rer a �10-year periad. I � The plan as adopted showed a seven-acre area for parD� d�velopment in the above-referenced subdivision. In the same month that the City Council adopted the inaster plan, OR-AK Corporation submitted its application for preliminary plat approval for the above-referenced subdivision. The proposed plat showed residen�ial development on a large area slated fiir�park improvements in the master plan. The City hired Schwartz Associates, a landscapa architecture firm, to analyze the conflict and make recommendations for the Sur,�mer Lake Park expansion. Mr. Schwartz' report focused on trie Community Center area PAGE 1 - AFFIDAVIT OF ELIZABETH A. NEWTON ',` i :y to the west of S.W. 128th Avenue. Development of that area required the City ta purchase the Douglas and Century-21/Oringdulph parcels , adjacent ta S.W. ].30th Avenue. Tlze intent of the Schwartz plari w�s �� to demonstrate that the recreztional facilities contemplated in the mast�r. plan could be acc�mmodated in the area to the west of S.i�7. 128�h Avenue. The report did not specifically address th�e dividix�g line between the park area and the proposed Phase I of the subdivision, other than to show the park area north of Phase I as a "P1ay Field. " After reviewing the 5chwartz report, the Park and Recreation Board did no� take a strong stand in favor of the seven- acre design shown in the master plan, partly because the Schwartz report demonstrated that needed iraprovements could be l.ocated . elsewhere and partll� because th.e City did not have sufficient fumds to �cqua.re all seven acres. The revised park plan' prepared by Murase & Associat�s �nd ' , adop�ed by the City Council in January, 1989 rec�mmended that the r�w o� proposed lots o� the north side of S.W. Winter Lake Drive and the cul-de-sac be eliminated �o provide an open vista of the play• field and Summer Lake for motorists driving along the street. This design would also improve the park's visibility and er�hance acc�ss to the park. Park use would likely increase under the approved desig�►, because motorists driving by would not have the percep�ion that the park area was a private, greenway extension of the proposed houses on the north side of S.W. Winter Lake Drive, with backyards abutting the park. Implementation of the Murase plan depended on the voters' PAGE 2 - AFFIDAVIT OF ELIZABETH A. NEWTON t` ' t � passage of the park's Zevy in Sep�ember, 1989, because the plan required the purchase of an additional 2.15 acres of the subdivision. The statements made �abave are true as I verily believe. � � �,� ELIZABETH . 2JE SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to bef�ore me this 1�� day of `����'�n ,,, , 1990. L� c �e Gt� �t�� (NOT.ARIAI., SEAL) NOTARY PUBLTC FOR OR GON My Cammissian Expires: �7l/�T��! � �: � ( [: ,. i; z i f; i+ ke\t i gard\neti+ton.aff(l fl I f PAGE 3 - AFFIDAVIT OF ELIZABETH A. NEWTON '• �. l l �. � .. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING�'� I STATE OF OREGpN County of Washington � City of Tigard ss. ) n, . Y, �7u141�� __L"__ � CL,-;,,t—, c3epoae and aa • --.� being first duly aworn/affirm, on oath y• (Please print) That I am a 1 �1 �Q 1-{`'��{S�Z.V�� �� - The Cit y of Ti g ar d, Oregon, for _ That Z served NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAFtING gOR: ✓That I aerved NOTICE OF DECISION FOR: „ '�City of Tigard planning Director ' _ Tigard Planning Commiasion ' Tigard Hearings Officer � Tigard City Council • �� A copy (pu�i�,ic Hearing Notice/Notice of Decie3.on) af. cahich ia attached (Marked Exhibit ^A") was mailed to each named attached liat marked exhibit "Bp on the �t, r_..b�.nB at the address shouny on the sa.id notiae•NOTICE OF DECISIOEI as he eto a�ed� was ( ���� 'I bulletin bnard orr:the 1,���'1r-dap of �� �° t� o� an appropriate in the. IInited stat'es Mail on the �_ y � 19 �b % a�� delF+��ited postage prepaid. �' da of �f�V �( . 1� c� ) _ . • I'' ��tJV�G—� Prepaxed Notice/Po�sted !2?or Decision Onlv) ' , ' Sub��j�ribed and swarn/affixm t�o me on 'the �' • . 1g��lL...- . . ���day of ' • , r _ s, • • NOTARY UBLIC OF OREGpAi � , _� My Co ission - i Ex i ,r� ; pires: , � �J�j _ I;� r/ Pe son who delive ed to ppST OFFICE f, t' Sub cribed and swoXn/affirm to me on the ) ��� � --f-�--- ; 19�. day of � / 1. • � t' �' t` . �, ,: N�' PUBLIC OF O GON ' �' MY ission Expirea:�-`j 9�j !':' j f� bkt;t/AFFIDAV.BX.M � , /�. �'; ;,� �, . \ 4 �� ' . � � � CITY OF T2GARD NOTICE OF DECISION FINAL PLAT APPROVAL 13Q. 88-02 PC VILLAG� AT SUMMER LP,KE PARK NO. 3 OR-AK COF2PORATTON APPLICATION: The applicant submitted blue lines of a final plat for the above-referenced aubdivision on January 24, 1990 and has requested ths City to review the plat for compliance with conditions in the preliminary plat approval, Final Order No. 88-03 PC, dated Maxch 18, 1988. Zonir,ge R-4.5 (PD) (Residential, 4.5 units/acre, Planned Development) .Location: South of Summer Lake Subdivision, East of Morning Hill and Wintex Lake Develr�pments and North of 13ellwoo� Subdivision. Tax Map: 1S1 33DB Tax Lot 100, and Tax Map 1S1 33DC, Tax Lo�t 4200. DECISION: Notice ie hereby given that the Planning Director'a designee for the �ity of Tigard has DENIED the above appl.ication, pending sati,afaction of the below-referenced conditions of preliminary plat appraval. The findings and conclusians on which this decision ia based are noted below: A. FIN1bING OP' PACT 1. The Findings �f Fact c�ncerning Backgrouncl Information, Vicinity Information, 5its Tnformation, and Proposal Description and Agency and NPO Comments are found in the Final Order on preliminary plat approval, No. 88-03 PC, dated 2darch 18, �988, sah.ich is incorporated herein by r�terence. 2. Complianc�e with �onditianr� Uf Preliminary Plat Ap�roval. Th� applicant has failed to comply �ully with conditions 3(e), 3(f), 4, 4(b), 10, 13 and 14 0� the preliminary p�1at approval. (a) Design �lane must. be submittsd for the foatbridge at the east � • • .end of Summer. �,ake .as r�;quired by Condi.tion Noa. .3,(e). amd . , . � 16(c). .. . , . . : . (b) The strip of land, adjacent ta Lo�s 86 & 87, whi.ch wa� shown on the preliminary plat has naw been excluded from the �ropnsed final plat, in violati�on c�f Comdition Na. 3(f). (c) The references to Lots 71 through 80 and the cul-de-sac� of „ S.W. Lake View Court must be deleted and replaced by a lettered tract, deacribed by the legal description forwarded to the applicant. The tract should be described with the following notation: ;i� "In pnssession of City of Tigard for acquisition and ',� development as part of Summer Laks Park, pur�uant to Court order dated January 31, 1990, in Citv of Tiqard, Oreqon v. Don r` Mariasette Builders, Inc., Washington County Cireuit Court No. �` C 89-1109 CV." The final plat submitted on January 24, 1990, ;' 4'� NOTICE OF DECYSIOPT - FINAL PLAT APPROVAL 8$-03 PC/SUMMER LAKE PARK NO. 3 yr, PAGE 1 �: 1; ; �,; j. I;i +a � {q: �,i � . . . � ... �. � �q{:-. . .. . . . . .. ...... . . . . .. . �..... . ..:;.:__ .._;.'.-^_ .....,�r_ ,.,..--._�_..�.__ ,r..:. .., ,..:<:.,��d.. � � ' � 1 1 does not comply with Condition No. 4 which states that: "Phase I [nnw Phase ZIT] shall not receive tinal plat approval until the boundaries of the park area to be dedicated andfor purchased has been determined and agreed to by the City and the applicant." (d) Lot 113 shows a 10-foot wide bilce and pedegtriaai access easement, in violat.ion of Condition No. 4(b). �e) Two etreet namea need to be ch,anged. Falcon Rooat should be changed to S.W. 125th Place. Winter LaEce Court ie a duplicate of an exiatin�g atreet name and enust be changed to an available • name chosen by the developer and approved lby the City. (f) The curh data on Lake View Court doea not correspond with the red-lined cogy of the plat on fil.e at the City, in violati.oa . of Condition Nos. 4 and 13. Condition' No. 10 requ3aces any • �dditional atorm drainage o� u�ility eaae�en�e rer�uired by �he revieed drainage plan f�r Lake View Cour� to be ehown ort the plat, �q) Condi��on AToa. 13 and 14 require th� applicant to au�mit revised constr.uction plans artd a revis� engirne�z-certified coat es�imate •for S.W. Lake View Cour�, prio� to �he City°e approval af a tx�nd. A. FiIdALYSIS .AND GONCLIISION Section 18.160oA20(A)(2) and 1�.160 (�) (2) and 18.160.150(Ap (1) af th� �nity D�velopment Code require the final plat to comply with "a11 • aondi�iona of approval" of the prel�ainary �Slat. Ths plat �ubmitte� b� • •the applics�nt on .January .24, 1990 for final City revfew faila to c�ly . • . • � with �he• cc>nditionm of appronal 'not�ed' 'above. The plat ,also �iEaile.'to � meet the• ap�aroaal ciiteria. contained in S�ctfone 18.160.150�a)(�4) & (5) which atate that: "4. The plat containe a donatian to the public of all cc�mmon i.mprovemente, including bnt not ]Limi.ted to sfiseets, roads, parlc�, eewage, diepoeal, �nd water eupply �yetemef • "5. An explanation ia included which explains all o� the c�n im�srovementa required ae conditiona of apprnval and are in recordable form and have been recorded sar,dl re€erenced on the platf * * *�w i C. DECISION The Planniny Director for the City of Tigard deniea approval of the fia►al plat, pending applicant's eatisfaction of a11 of the conditfone referenced in the fin�lings herein. D. PROCED(JRE NO'PTCE OF DECYSIQN - FINAL PLAT APPROVAL 88-03 PC/SUMMER LARB PARR NO. 3 PAGE 2 . � � _ .� � . � 1. Notice: Natice was pubii.shed in the newepaper, pc�s�ed at City f3a11 and mailed to: ; xx The applicant and owners xx Ownere of record within the required distance xx The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization xx Affected government agencies 2. Final Dec3.eion: TF� DECISION SHALL BS FINAL ON April 24, 1990 IINI.ESS AN APPEAL IS FILED. 3. Apx�ea�: Any p�rty to �he dea.ision may appeal this deciaion iai accordance with Sectfon 18.32.290(A) and Sect:ion 18.32.370 of the Coaimunity Development Cade which provi�leB tha� a written appeal m�ust be f3.led wi�h the City Recorder within 10 daye after nat£ce is givea and sent. Appeal tee ached�ul.e and forms are av�a�.lablt� at Tigard City Yiall, 13125 S'W Sall �lvd., Tigard, t�regon. The �eadl�ne for fil.inq of an appeal is 3:30 p.m. 1�ivril 24, 1990 4. g�ueetionso If you havc� quegtions, pleage aall City c�f Tigard Planning Department, City zsf Tigard Ci�y Hall, 13125 SW Eal1 Hlad«, Tigard, oregon. � 2 v APPROVED BX: ward . I� rphy . , nAT� • .. , ' lanni Director . • ' . . ' . ;� � � 1....� �....r., x�wAt � I ( �, t b��NotiCe.deC. { �'�SUMMERLAKE' PARIC � �.�u � .,` %..-.. : ,4 .` ,� •.,,��: �\ ( _ : / * xwrwcR sr � ' % \ Q ,L 7¢ �� +* ' / . �..\ .. . � � ` i111 Y1LL�GE ' • -L1K�i� 3.W. M `\ �� N. '\ •+r 1 � ' LM. ��w ir� . ��V �1�' LAUIIMOMT � ' MAF�Y `..'1., . M�100DWARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL h sir �u � on. • 33 34 .w rurH[ 3 � ��TT,TTTT T w rT-!rTTTT"T� 1 3 NOTICE OF I�ECISION - FINAL PLAT APPROVAL 88-03 PC/SUMMER LARE PARR NO. 3 PAGE 3 �,� �. _ _ _..._... _ __. _._ ' 25104AA-09700 .. ...... . . �.... 2S104AA-0�''" '). ..... . ... . .. .. ...... BROWNING, RONALD E ANI) . CRAMPTON;�� �..�ciAS J APID LYNDA IC VICKI L 12955 SW KATHERINE 12995 SE KATFiERINE ST TIGA.RD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S109AA-099p0 ... .. ... ........... .. 2S104AA-1q000 . .................... WFiYTE, TIMOTHY M/KAREN Y SAHI.IN, WILLIAM C�iARLE5 AND 13010 SW RATf�RINE STREET LrJRI ANN TIGARD OR 97223 12980 SW KRTHERI2JE STREET TIGARD OR 97223 25104AA-10100 ...................... 251042lA-10300 ..................... PHILLIPS, SAMUEL J & MAR7t D CbNSTRDCTION MANAGEMENT CO 12940 SW RATEIERI1dE 5�29 SW RENNY TIGARD OR 9722'3 ; . LAKE OSWEGO QR 97035 2S104AA-1040U ........ ... .......... �S104AA-14300 ..�.................. i RESI,BR, EARY. G ANI! MAAIAN M PAT7'ERSOId� DAVID L / GAIL L 12135 SW 128TF1 AVE I2150 SW 128TH AVE TzGA�tD ()F3 97223 �IGARD AR 97224 15134CB-03600 ...........o......s.. 1S134CB-03700 �................�.... �ETTON, KAY L RL]CNOLDS, STANLEY T GRILLEY, SAR�tON BONNIE J 12480 SW SUFIER CRFST DR 125A0 SW SIII�:Ft CREST DRIVS TIGARD OR 97223 PORTI,ANA O�t 97223 1S134CB-03801 .................m... 1S134CB-00206 ........�............ GY2BENWAY DEDICA�ION TA `�HE LANG, RENNETH GARY PUBLZC 12540 SW SIIMMERCREST DR • 00000 `TIGARD OR 97223 • .1S134CB-ioioo .,,... . .... ......a � � . �.isi�aca-10200 . . . . ..'......... , . . • WEI.LS, S�EVEN FI AND MILI,ER, TFiC�MA� M & CfiARI,EEPI R - S�ON. It 2478•N SHERWAOD �LVD 12550 SW EDGEWATER CT SHERWOOD OR 97140 TIGARD OR 97223 1S134CB-10201 ..a...............d,o �S134CB-1030f� .................,.... IDONYi7AND STTA !4. WSNDT, MARGA.RET C & 12476 SW EDGEWATL�R CT ERNESZ° H TI�ARD OR 97223 12492 SW EDGEWATER CT. TIGARD OR 97223 1S134CC-01700 ..................... 1S134CC—01800 m.................... SCHOOL DISTRICT �2� JT PATERSON,. J ALLEPi 13137 SId PACIFIC HWY 12700 SW PACIFIC TiWY TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1S133DA.-07200 ........ ......... 1S133DC—Q0700 ..................... TIGARD, CITY OF ORR, MICHAEL J & SANDRA R PQ SOX 23397 13035 SW FALCON RISE DRIVE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 ° 1S133DC—Q0800 .... .. . . . . .; 1. ... 1S133DC—� ' �...... ..... .......... JENSE2J, DENNIS A/CHRISTIIJ� ' HASTY, D�`s._.....•'AND JANET W 13025 SW FALCON RISE DR 13065 SW FAT,CON RISE DRIVE TTGARD OFt 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 1S133DC—01000 . ... .. .... .. . .... .. .. 1S133DC-00600 ..................... CL,ANCY, MARTHA RAY WEDGWOOD HOMES OF 13085 SW FALCON RISE DRIVE PORTLAND II3C TIGARD OR 97223 I3250 SW FALCON RISE TYG�b OR 9'7223 1S133LC—U0601 �.e........ .......... YS133DC-04000 ....,................. CFTASS, AI,.LEN L AND RAY 2. BARNETT, JERRY D AIVD 13030 SW FALCON I2ISE DR ARLEEN NORTdN TIGARD OR 97223 13090 SW FALCON RISE DRI'VE TIGARU OR 97223 1S133bG—�410p ................... .. 1S133DC-16100 ...,.................. RAYklOND, GRRY ANDERSON, DAVE A & JOLEEN M 13050 SW FALCOIJ RISE DFtIVE 2734 NE 60TH T:[GA�2I7 OR 9?223 PORTLAIdD OR 97213 1S133DC--16200 ..................... 1S133AC-16300 ................W..... DiJNiiAM, CtiARLLS V JR & SHARON W TODU, H�NRY K/BRI;NDA. It 13032 SW 7�A[iRMQNT DIEt 13044 S4d LAURMAPTT AR TYGARD OR 97224 �IGARD OR 97223 1S133DC-16400 ...................... 1S133DC-1fi500 ..........,.........�. MOSSBERGER� BRENT S AND TRACCf3I0� AN�F30NY ANll JOS�PHINS KYUNG SOf3 13078 SW LAURMONT 13055 SW T.,AURMONT DR TIGARA OR 97223 TIGARY) OR 97223 .•1S133DG-].6600 ..:.:......•.. ........o. . 1S133DC-26700 ....... .s...... ' PITCH, RANDAY,L E/LAURA A ' � MOSICALTIt, RELL]C J/ANGL�I.A S . n• , • . 13090 .SW.I,AURMONT 13112 SW LAURMODiT I)RIVS TIGRRD OR 97223 TTGARD OR 97223 1S133DC-16800 ..........e.......... 1S133DC-18300 . ..... '' ... .......�..... SVENSON, ALRP' M/JULIB R BUTLER, JAMES E AND SOSAN 13134 SW LAURM02dT DRIVE 13058 SW TAM23RA L7�N� TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 13133DC-18400 ......... ............ 1S133DC-18500 ........e...........o BISHOP, WILLTAM P ANA DON MORISS�TTE BIUILAEIt, INC x' CUNSTANCE L PA BOX 19525 r 13081 SW LAURriONT DR PC)RTLAND C1R 97219 k TIGARA OR 97223 � ��. 1S133DD-01900 .......... ........... l ,: � �. � �,;. __ _ _ __.. ...__ _�� � 2S10'4A13-06400 .. . . . . . .. . .r;' ... 2S104AB—f ' 1..... .. ._..o ......... WONG, JAMES M/CZNDY A �� , SAI,MZ, AL•���. i 12148 SW 1�15T ST 12086 SW 131ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGIIRD OR 97223 2S104AB-066U0 .... . .�... . .. ... . .... 2S104AB-06700 ....... ........ ...... TIBBETTS, WILLIAM S & 21ARTHA M CRABTREE, MARY KATHERINE 13023 SW RATHERZNE ST 13045 SW RA.THERINE ST` TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S104AB-06800 ..................... 2S104A8-06900 ..................o.. GOI�S�I.VES, WI�.LIAM J AIJD MI�S�LR, PRISCIIS.A A J7�NICE E 131089 SW RATHERZNE ST 130E7 SW ItATHERINE ST TIGARD QR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S104AB-06901 ........... .......... 2S104AB-070Q�0 ......a..a........... RAYMOND� G7�RY THAJCER, JFIMES B AND ANNE L 13050 SW PALCON RISE DRIVE 13121 SW RATFiERINS ST TI6ARD UR 97223 TIGARD OR 97�23 2S104AB-07800 ..................... 2S304AA-06100 ...o................a O"DIEILL� RO�ZN T & ANITA G CHADWICK, COLLEEN � 12035 Swl 131ST AVE 12745 SW WILLS PLACE i TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 j 1 i e r 25104AA-06200 ...............o..... 25104�1A-06300 .............v.e..... ` FELTIJS, MICHAEL JOHN AND BBRRSHIRE, DENN�� L � S�IJAF2A J k LOIS FERN � LQRINCZ, JOZSEE I:T AL � � 1273� SW WZT.LS PLAC�: 4812 73RL1 PY.ACE 55�1 TZGARD � OR 97223 EV�RETT WA 98203 :' • 2S1Q4AA,:06400 ....................:.. . ' �.2�104AA-06500 ..................a... . '. SMITH, JULIE NdARI� Gt�TT; DA'V'ID A 12715 •SW WILLS PLACIi �IICINDA � • "i TIGARD OR 97223 12175 SW ].27TFI A\7E TIGARD OR 97223 ; 2a104AA-06600 .a.............v..... 25104AA-06700 ........ ...':.... �;' 5At�4IANS, LXNN S CAp20N, GEOFFRLY F JOYCB 12155 SW 127TEi AVB 127'2U SW RATHEAINE TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARA OR 97223 2S104AA-068f30 e....... ........... 2&104AA-06900 ....o...... .......... I �.I SCF�TEIDER, NANCY L NICnLAS, JAMES F AND t' 12730 SW RATHERINE ROSE MARIS J �' TIGARn OR 97223 12750 SFl RATF�RINE �� TYGARD OR 97223 �, k i;l 2S104AA-07000 ............... ....... 2S104AA-07100 .....---............. ,, RASMUSSEN, NIELS GAMPBELL, NANCY LEAH �� RASMOSSEN, P7�UL 12790 SW KATFiERINE ST ;, 1277Q SW RATHERINE ST TIGARD OR 97223 j;'� TICGARD AR 97223 '.�r� ���. �� �:; s'+� __ , ' 25104�1A-07200 ... .. ... ' ... 2S104AA—( ' �\1. . FACKI,ER, EDWARD D 7iIJD • .�` �. WIGGINS, �7tUL_.tT D/MARY•E......... .. COLENE K 12765 SW RA.THERINE ST 12785 SW RATHERINE ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 2S109P,A-0?400 .............. ... .... 2S104AA-07500 ......... ....... ..... CARLSON, KI7RT W AND FOWLER, ROBERT L ALICE A ROBB—CARLSON, DARLENF: M 12725 SW KATHERINE ST 12745 SW RATF�RIPTE ST TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD bR 97223 2S104AA-07600 ..................... 2S104AA-07700 ..e.................. WRIGIiT, BY'RON W AND CRAWFORD, BONITA ]L GEEYONG IC ST GERMF.INE, BODT�IIE L 12715 SW RATF�RINE ' 12705 SW RATHERINE TIGARA OR 97223 TLGARD OR J7223 2S104AA-078Q0 ..................... 2S1�4AA-07900 .......... ............ MEYER, MARY M WATTS, 6ARY J1AME5 AND 12695 &W RATHERYNE KE:REN GAY TIGARD O�t 97223 126$5 SW KATHERINE ST TIGA�tD caR 97223 2S104F�A—O8000 .....,...av.....a..... 2S104AA-08Y00 ..................... LUSK, GORDON C TOAD� G22EG J 24416 STAFF'ORD RD Y2645 SW.TtATFIEI2INE STREET TITALATTN QR 97062 TIGARD OR 97223 � 2S104AA-0�200 .v................... 2S104AA-08300 ..................... SPRINRZ.E, WIY,LIAM G �e 7'RUDY JOKI, RUSSELL A APTD 12625 SW YCA�RINE KATFiLEL�N I TIGARD OR 97223 12610 SW RAT�RINE ST TIGARA . OR 97223 • • 2S104APi-08400 ......... ..:..... ' 2S104AA-08500 �....s.......:......,,o . • B06UMI1'�, RZCFiARD W AND HARRIS, STSVEN L Sc JANICE L AND LAJEAAR�E R HARRT S, JOHN P & RATFiRYN A 12165 SW ANN PI� 12fi50 SW RATHERINL TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 ' 2S104AA-08600 ..........o.......... 2S104AA-08700 ................::... IIDYs W3LLIAM D BRANDES, JOFiN A AND ].26?0 SW RATF�RIYJL� STREET BARBARA JOHNSON TIGARD OR 97223 12140 SW 127TS . TIGARD OR 97223 2S104AA-0880A ......,............... 2S104AA-09300 ...s................ . LANSING, NEILL FLORA E NORRIS, CLYDE A AND 12160 SW 127TF7 AVE SHERYL L TIGARD OR 97223 12815 STii RATHERINE TIGARD OR 97223 2S104AA-09400 ..................... 2S104AA-0960U ..................... PARANDVASH, G HOSSETN AND ZIMEL, MARR S/TERRI L C VIDA 12925 SW RATHERINE ST 12845 SW RATFiE:RINE S�' TIGARD OR 97223 TIGARD OR 97223 . rrv.. _ _ _ .; �I , � I'I.i:,\tiF:NF:1'1.1"I'11: . ` Portland Office April 17, 1�90 VIA HAND DELZVERY � � i Planning Commission City of Ti.gard ' , 13125 SW Hal�. Blvd Tigard OR 97223 'i ' Re: Appeal from April 2, 1990 "Notice of Decision" of � A7TORVEI,s Edward J. Murphy, City of Tigard, Planning JOFINH.BAKEIC..a�� Director , re Village at Summer Lake Park Noe 3 RALPN BQLLIGER� :�NDREW E.COLDS7EIN•"t �U T F''1�.E.-' �O. 4 012 9/2 0 2 4 3 I.E«'IS B.H,LAIPTON DARIti D.f10NN H,\RLANEDR'ARDJONES• llear Planning Commission3 E.ANDREW JORDAN BRI�CE H.ORR• ARTHURL.T'ARLOW Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a copy af a "Notice of 'rklmincdOrcgonandWashington Decision°' signed in the original by Edward J. Murphy, ••,4lmiiiedNewl'ori: Planning Director of the City of Tigard, which denies "'�c`�""' final plat approval far the referenced subdivision. LECAL:�SSiST.dVTS TYl1S letter constitutes an appeal by Dor► Morissette 8:1RBAR.4ti.KELLY Builders, Inc. and OR-AR from that decisian pursuax�t to VIYi,ty T.LEtiTZ \fARLENEl..M1YASA7'O paragraph D. 3. c�f the decision and to Ti.gard Munic.ipal PATRICIaL.�fORG.1V Orc�.inances. ,1fARY CAROL SCH\ELL . , • , VALERIE L.T�DDA , ' . . � , . � s°Z"�"E"""ER � Below is .the� i��farmation called for and in the format � AyVETTEI.WARREY • � described in Tigard Municipal Ordinance 18. 32:340. l. A refe ence to the a lication sou ht to be z PP ap ealed or reviewed: Denial by City of Tigard, through its Planning Directux, of appellant Don Morissette Builders, Inc. ' s application for final plat approval No. 88-02 PC as set forth in Exhibit 1 of this appeal. - 1600 S.IV.CEUAR FIILLS BLVD. SUITE 102 PONTLAND.oRfc:o.s�zzs 2. A statement as to how the petitioner qualif ies ���3,�,�-���� — - F,�"so3��,�-z�,� as a party: 1111E:\5TE1(:►�T�, A ellant Don Morissette Builders, Inc. is the owner 5UITF,325 PP ''O.�O`"q' and OR-AK is the developer of the subdivision in ANCOIi�'ER.��',\51IIVGTOV 98666-IIAYI 121M169�1-'MJ3 question and is the applicant for final plat approval FAX�21W�69J•a53-1 which has been denied in Exhibit l. 'N)Y TtiIND AVF;�II'E ITf H FI.I�N NF.W 1'ORK.NEW YORK IINI?2 1212!i{26•211W F:1!C I?II)6Ji-711)5 � a , � � �. �_.._ Planning Commission April 17, 1990 ! Pag e 2 ' 'I 3. The s e cif ic rounds for the a eal or review: P 9 PP Appellant appPals f rom parag raph A. 2. (c) of Exhibit 1. For reasons discussed below, that condition to final plat approval is contrary ta law and should be deleted. Appellant agrees to comply wi�h all other conditions described in Exhibit 1. � In summary form, the basis far Appellant' s appeal and requ�est that condition A. 2. (c) be deleted from the April 2, 1990 "Notice of Decision" is as follows: • OR5 Ct�apter 92 contains the Oregon statutes pertaining . � � to real property subdivisions. ORS 92. 040 specifically t tentative � provides that once a city has approved he �alan for a sub�3ivi.sion, that approval "shall be binding upon the city or G�unty for � t�he purposes of the preparation �f the . subdieision or partition plat, and the city or county may require only such changes in khe subdivision ar partition plat as are necessary for compliance with the terms of its appxoval ot the tentative plan for the proposed subdivisxon ar partition. " [Emphasis added. ] � . . Tlnus.; .once the city ha�s a�pr.oved the tentative plan � . � ' ' for a� subdivision it �'c�ann'ot� refuse tn approve the � � final plat except to require conformance with conditions already set forth in the tentative appro�ral. In this case, however, e�ven thoug h the City af Tigard approved the tentative pl�n, it now attempts to impose a condition fnr final approval of the plat (condition A. 2. (c) o� Exhibit 1) which is not w�thin �he �i tentative approval an�7 not in any way related to any condition imposed at the time of tentative approval. ; Tlnus, the City is imposing a conditior� wr�ich the law ' does nok al].ow it to imposee � �,, The Planning Director apparently assumed that certain :' language in documents relating t� the tentative , i;; approval in fact made condemnation of the property now r;: in question a condition of approval of the final i�' plat. That is not the case. The City and the t'� App211ant agreed sometime ago that Appellant would dedicate and the City would condemn a combined total of slightly more than four acres of praperty within �y �i�. �� ��� � � � �"; _ , � . ; � , ' ;I Planniny Commission 'I April 17, 1990 Pag e 3 the proposed subdivi.sion for a park; that has been accomplished. There was no reference at that time to an condemnation of the additional ro er� whicl� t he Y P P Y City now seeks to condemn. The Planning Director appears to have pulled out of r�ocuments language �� referring to the earlier four-acre park matter and ;. treated it as lang�uage pertaining to the new ;« condemnation of the property currently in dispute. � However, no condition of any kind rel.ating �o the ;: condemnation of the property now in question is to be found in the documents giving tentative approval to � tkie subdivisi.on. The City is therefore without authority to impose any condition related tca such � condemnation as a condition of approval of the final s plat. ORS 92. 040. 4. The date of the f iling of the f inal � decisian or the action or, in the case of a � decision by the director, the date the decision was filed and the date notice of the final or propnsed decision was given: Date of filing : April 12, 1990 ;' Date dec�.sion was given �ie. , signed) : April 2, 199Q Accompanying this letter is �h� f�e for this app�al. . � 57ery trul.y� you�es, . . , � � . , BOLLIGER, HAMPTON & TARLOW ; E. P�NDREW JORDAN � � ��� Attorney for pon Morissette Builders, Inc. �< HEJ/cwd/2117E-2 � l;! Enclosure � f �:; cc: Don Morissette Burlders, Inc. �' I+. �; �.: �.� �'. �_; a' �1 ,{ r- �4 �';.; �� �r�. _ �� . . � . ;` cirY on TIGARD NOTICE OP DECIBIDI!� FINAL PI.I►T APP310V7�I. NO. 88-02 PC ' VILLAGL' AT 5UHMF,R W.KB PI►R]C No. 3 OR-M CORP�RATION A�I.ICJ�TION: The applicat�t subnitted Dlue 1 inea ot a f inal p1aC !or the abovc-referenced sut,dleieio� on January 24, 1990 and ha• regueeted the CLty to �c��leu► the p2et for complianco vith cvnditione in th� preli�inary pl�t •ppcOwal� Tin=�. Osder No. 88-03 PC, dated Harch 18, 1989. Loni�q: R-4.S (P'D) (Reeidential, 1e5 unit�/accc, Planned Development) Locatiorn: Sout� oi Summer 8ubd�vioion East of d�tornin Aill and Hintec Lake DQVelop�ente an� lPos�h Lake i 9 J S 3DC � ieton. Tax xa : Isl 33DD Tax Lot ]00 an�i Tax tiap 1 1 3 , o! Bellwoc�d 5ubdiv p � 'i 3'a� Lot 4200. D�CIS2oN: Notice ie hereby qiven that the Planning Director°s deeigneo !oe tha CiCy o¢ Tigard hae pENIBD the ebove e�,plication, pendin� ea�iefactioA of ; the belar-reterenced canditio�sa of prelimir,ary piet npp�oval. 2'he findinge and � Gonclusiona on ahich thia a�cieton is basec! are noted Dela+: ' ; � �. yTKDING OP P1#C'T � � 1. The Ffndinga o� Faat aonc�rninq Sackground Information, ViCit�itg� ; Znfor�ationo Site Inforoaation, and 1'ropoae� Deacription and AqenCy R a�nd ti� commenta ara foand in the Fina1 order on preliminary plat ; approval, ATo. 88-03 PC, dated March 18, 19$9, which ie� inGO=porated ; herein by reference. 2. C,omplianc� �+i.t?► �onditions cf �reliminery Plat 1+.pproval. ' � . ' '�he appll.cant has fai2ed' to coanpl;y , !'u11.yr witb •condirti�on■ 3(e�� . ' '. ; • 3(f), 4, �(b), 10, 13 and 14 of the preli,ainary plat approval. �� (a) Deeiqn plana muet be evbmitted foc the footbsidge at the east end of S�er Lake xa rec�ired by Gonditior� Noe. 3(e) and -- 16(cj. . - ��, i; {b) The strip nf land, adjacent to Lota 86 � 8�, whict� was shavn on the preliminacy plat haa no�+ beQn exc�uded irom tha propoeed flnal pl�t, in vialation of Condit�oa No. 3(f). +! ;i (c� The referencee to Y,�te �1 thrauqh 80 and the �cul-de-sac of �' ; S.H. �ake Viow Cour� muet ba deloted and replaCed by • '' lettered tract, de9cribe4 by the ler�al deacription forxardPd �! to tne applieant. The ttact ehould be �cecribect with tha � tollrn+ing �otutiont � "Zn poeeeeaion of City of Tigatd for ecguiaitf.on nnd � development aa pa:r� of Summer Lake Park, paravant to Couct } ocder da,ted Janua,ry 32, 1990, in Gitv of Tiqard, Oteqon v. Don � Korieaette 8uildere, Inc., iJa�ehingto+n Gounty Circuit Court Ko. � C 89-�109 CV.` Tha flnal plat eubcaiCted on January 2d, 149Q�, � i i NOTIC8 OF D�CYSION - PINAL PI.AT APPROVAL 88-03 tiCfSfJ24tEFt LAX$ Pl�R9C Nt>. 3 , g�►cg � IXHIBIT � PAGE 1�"3� �; - _ : _._... �__� . _:v.. _...�u «.. .._., -�.- _ _ -----. - -- i7 F� K — ] � — . �+ w c ✓ • � . a . � .- � ,- � ' `. - _. " ' _ ' • � i . �� doeo not comply vltR Conditton Na. 1 v�leh staten tAat� 'phase I (now Pha�e ITI) ehall not re-ceive final ptat approval unti� the boundarica ot the park area to bQ dadlca�ed snd/or purchas�ed ha�m been deterrolned end agrerd to by the City and the applicar�t.' �d) Iw�t 11� eho�+a a 10-foot aiQe bike an� pedeetrian accene easement, !.n v�alatic,n of Condition No. 4(b). (e) �vo etre�et names n�ed to ba chanqed. talcon Roovt aho�s2d be � changed to S.FI. iZSth pl.ace. Kinter Lako Court ia a d�aplicat� ! of ari exieting etreet name ansi �ouat be changed to an availablo • pame choean by the developer and approvcd by the City. � � • (�) ?he curb deta on L.ake Vi� Court, does not correspond with the � red-lined copy of �he plat on filn at the Cit�e in violation . of �ondition Noe. 4 ans 13. Condition tt�. 1(i rec�iree asiy additional etorm drainago oc u�ility ea�e�eate req�aired by the revlaed dralnage plan gog Lake Viea+ Court to be ahown on the p2at. (g) Condition Nos. 13 and 14 require the applicant to �uba►it revieed conetructien pians and A revise� engine��-e�,ct�fied cast eetimate got 3.W. I.ake 'Vi� Gourt, prio� to ttte City'� approva,l af a bc,nd. B. ANJ►LYSIS AND CONCLUSYL>N ' � � SectYt�n� 18.160.02A(Jtip(2) and 18.160 (J►� (�� and x8.i6o.150(A) (1) c►! �he ,i �utfity Devc�D.opmeat c..odc� requl�re., the firaa], plat .to eanpix vit3� 'a�ll,. _ il , � � co'r►di'tiona o! �approval" of the preli'minary plat. �'he �lat eabmitted by � ' tha applicant an Jarsuary 2i, 1990 !or linal City revi�r fail�s to. comply 1 w4th the Conditione ot approval no�ed a�bove. � The plat �leo tatle to me,zt the approva� criteria conteined in 5�iona 18.160.150(a)�4) & (5) ;I!� which etate that: "° � . "4. 3'he lat containe a donati4n to the blic ot all comAOn P P� I ad� e �,I improvemente, includinq but not li��tie4 tn •treete, �n , gark , eewaqe diapoeai, and aater eupply ey�temej "5. ?►r� exp2anation ie includ�d 4rhf.ch explaina aIl of the comc�o� i�provements tequired ae ct�nditiotts of approvat anC are in � recorda.b1e form end have �cen recor8ed and referenced on the p2at; �! f • *�r c. ��crszoN . �II The Plannl,n9 Director for the City of T�g�rd danfe� wpproval of tho FI final plat, pandinq epplicaz�t•e eatietaction of all oi the conditione ;, referenced in the ftndi�ge herein. '�I kil D. PROCEDQRB �.:I, NoTICE OF ��CI9YON - gIN11L PWi►T �PPR4VAI, 88-03 PC/SUKi�tER L.AIQt PARJC NO. 3 �F� BAGE z - EXHIBIT �; PAGE Z' ' F3 P R - 1 1 - � � 1-I E U t � , t � �� r� c �r• .- -� •• � - - -- _ • t� 4. 1. Notices Notico wao publiehed in the nevepaper, ;r:oted at City Hall and mailvd to: �c _Thc +npplican� and o�rnere _ xx O�mero ot record vithia� thQ requirQd dtetance �cx The aifectod Neighborhoad Plenning Arganisation ' xx 1►ftected governm�ent egcnciea I ?. inal Decision: THS DECISION SflJ►I.I. BB Plt�u.L ON � 1►prll 2�. 1990 tJN'[.ESS ]►P[ 7►PPPJ�I. I S F I LED. 3, j►�x�i l►ny party to the decie.ion may appeai thi� e�ccision ia nccordanca with Section 18.32.290(A� and Section 18.�Z.370 0� the Community Developcnont �e ahiah pr�viQes that a written appcal must 3x� ftled ai�te the City Recatder withia 10 daye aft�r notice is gi.ven and sent. Apis+eal fee schedule nred forme are availabie at Tiqard Ctty gala, • 131a5 SW �lal� 62vd., Tiqard, Oregoc�. '!'�e �deadline fo� f�lAslg u�E en appeal i� 3:30 p.m. rrral 24, 1990 ,_ i. Q��stiion�� If yoa have questiona, gleac+a call Ciky oE Tigard Flanning D�partimer�t, City of Tigaxd City HaII, 13125 S:i Ha11 Slvd., Tigard, bregon. . __1i � - --� � � v . . I lU�PRUVBD BY: ward e N rphy DATB lanni Dirertar br/Notice.dec. . �- l�IOTICS OF' DECISION - FINAL PI.1►T APPRpVAL 88-03 PC/SUtO�ER U►.� pA.itlC NO. J EXHIBIT �, p��g .� . PAGE _ �� _. . �'a �'DONNEl�4�. RAMIS, �Li�IOTY & CR�W A7TORN�YB A7 LAW 1727 N,W. HOYT STREET POR'1'LAND. OR�GON 07249 t5031 222-44�2 DA7� May 16, 1990 To '�igaxd pl�nning Commission FROM Kenrieth M� �:lliott, Ci�y A�ktorney's office R� Villaci� at Summer Lake Par}� No III - Ap��ea1 of Plannina I��egtc�r�s Order D�nvincr Final Plat Anura�val for Phase �YI Tb� abave-r�f�renced Dir�ctor�s decisian, dated April 2, 1990, � found t;hat several condi�ions of preliminary piat appraval had not y.e� be�n met. Condition No. 4 pres�r,�s the cer,tral issue in th•is �ppeal. • Cond�,t�ian o:� approval No. 4, requires that: �i 1°Phas� x �which was su�sequ�r�tly xevised to Pbas� IYI by th�. developer in rephasinc� th� subdivis�an] sh�il not receive ffnal, plat �pp�ova�. until �h� boundarie� og �l�e ��rk area to be dedicated and/or purchased has been de�ermined and agreed to by �he City and the applicant. ' (Cc►nta�t Keith Lic3en) ;I o'At a minzmum, the following it�ms shall be dedi.cateela +,I ' 'ta. Area within the 10o yea� floadplain. �' . b. 15 foot t�ide rigY�t-of-way for all � pathways. � � . c. ' R� ht-c��-wa II�� � y necessary ta accornmc�date tl�e parking area at the end of summc:r � La3ce DrivE (contac� John Fe,igon, 639-4171) ." Aftex the City voters p�ssed th� parks Y�vy ir� se,ptember, 1989., the City Coune�,1 passed a resolution authorizinq aaquisition oi' 2.15 acres i� the preliminary plat ��r expansion o� Su.mm�r I,�ke Park. The City�s efforts to negatiate � voluntary purchase of the `� Pro����Y 'w�re n4� successfu�, arad a �con�emnatidn �omp�.aint was filed � in bec�mber, 1989, in ��,tv. of Ti�ard, OreQOn v Don MO*'�SSette '' BU ld�rs, Inc , Washxngtnn� County C�.xcuit Court No. C 89-�.109 CV, f s � The applicanti did noti subm�.t �he final plat for Phase No. III for ^ City a.pproval unt�il Januarx 24, 1990. The p�rpposed final plat ` included Lo�� 71 through 80 and the S.W. Lake View Court cul-de- t sac, which �Qmprised �he 2,15 acres b�i�q pur�hased by th� City. � On J�nuaxy 31, 19�0, the City obta�.aned a court order granting it � i,mmediate possession of the �roper�y, and the city d�posited t2ae t $107,500 puxchase price �.n cash with the County Clerk. ,: ; � r ,. � �r _ . -_ i i . . . ' ' _ - �, � � �� . M�morandum to• Tigarfl Plannfn�q �ommissian Re: Village at summer Lake Par3c No. III - Appeal of Planning D.ir�ctor�s Order Denying Firial P1at Approval for phase YI� May 16, 199U I Page � !, I Th� only issue r.emainir�g fa� trial. x� the candemn�ation case is �.he fafr mark�t valu� of the prop�r�.y. The applfcax��, has taken the �osition in nego�iati�ons with tk�e City that the purc�za,�e price stapu].d be bas�d on developedo r�s,id�r�tial I�ots at $50, 000 per lat, rathe� than �esidentia�-zaned acxeage at $50,Oap per acr�. Toward �.hat end, the appli�ant h�s att�mpted to obtain City approval of th� finr�l plat showi�,g �ts 71 through so as approved building LO��e �P a fina3, plat were to be appr.ov�d �hmwir►g Lo�s 7� t�.rough �0, the appliG�,t�� would �hen be 1�gally �ntitled, urtd�r ORS 92.025, to se11 those lots ta �he publi� as �uildabl� lt�ts. Such sales cauld take pla�ce despite the fdot that the C�.�y has �aker� pc�ssessaon of the pro�exty and has paid into �h� clerk th� sum that th� City �ons3,ders to be the reasonab�.� purahase priae. The treatment ordez�d by the F�.a»rlia�g D17C0C�Ox'r a�. �ubparagr�ph A.2. fG) , pr�s�rv�es tta�e statc�s s�ue by permitting the aut,lin�s of �khe lots and cul-de-sac �o be referenced on th�. plat, des�ribin+� th� entir� �.ra�t slated fax acejuisiti�n as a 1�tter�e] tract and inc4udi.ng a notatior� c�m tk�e plat that de�oribes the gr+�sen� st�tu� �f ��e property and di�closes tk�e pending cand�mnation sui�. If, at sc�m� future time, the City decided it is not prudent dx cas�- � egfective� t��purchase �h� proper�y, then the applicant cou�,d �imply � am��d the plat by re�?rawing the interior lat line�, numbering the lots an�d deletinq the note referrin� tio the �condemnation case. KMEfIf ke�tipard\pteming.mei � � . •ti. ' . .. . . .. ..... . . - . ..' �� • k � � . . � � ��� � SUMI�ERLAKE PARI< � � � , �� MASTER PLAN crrY oe,•icnKp.au ; � . . , " :� /. � 'i ' . ( � a r im ao. ; . . ,�. ��1 � � �➢1 ��— � . ' � ��, iA�Cq � ' � �••` [� �Q�., , .. , , f •. V �. ;�� I 1 . � ��, `1 � . !'`� ��''":.�•-L.. 1� � .. .: . . < < � p . . - . , �`. � . o� . q . . . � � � , --�.,_ a �...... � � � . _ .. � . . � . .,. . ! ,�'.' ,"�"��1 S.?�` � "'�'ur a,�'== � . t�._.....: : " .. . . � ' .' . i ht' � � ,. _��`'--r-- . I� � F" '� �� Q_ � .-1.� / ���� M .� , .., . .:✓ ��I � � 4 �a Y+�P\lir �"' - \ \• � J S . .. v, �! �1��1 t�VM 1 / M� � �• ? i N'���. L.. ! Y�W I���V \/ � � u.r..au :�" ,\ •rJ�'i��'�• � 1�' .f � -rTryC� yt,y - r.:..r�.w _.T...�,+�.� 1 . ♦ �. ` _ � � � NV,.'�4:�":�s!"•.�^:— - '!!'�::^.rzr' . / .:°V � '�� '�� 'iy . �' . . W�ar I�w i.M . -�s'•:• . 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' '. :t� a�r.w . �� �� �; �i , � �+ti�.�uwaR+vww r..r�f - �.�� �y ,��' y��1 � INIW./�� �.` • YIM�, .i ' / � , \�;��Y .. � 1 •�. . ►�.�. 1 .i• .r�J 5• .. \7 f\ .1'� `� �F� . •M.'. ti' �. ;4.: � '`��4 A •� . . � /\� .. ✓ � G y i ' i ;�� . w,.,uN...i�:_. 0.��. �}41,j �• � �; , � •'' • c�+t, I � `�� l . .j• \ .I \. �� �: .,2' �,. �X �c .�' �� < • ' ,�l "� � . • : :"I' , I. a ''=...,• , '� � . a •�,'� �� '. `� �' � ` �� ',�.� ,�i'� �� '� � '� `1 �\ _ , � � � � � �-��- � �,A�.,�„_.. - :�ti :- ;v� i ' •� �1� i '�� - �) .� �.�... . Q . 1 .��.'.', ,. `��� � r :`r �f t ` �� �'� ' � _ ,,.�.-•••--f_:��' ' �`�• / �,' ��/ / . � /� , �• , l ��\ . `�C �.:� ���./ � • // I - /`� • �"q... � '.. `x n�a. ��• �. ;�.�� {. � �. Mh�r1M� _ ,•' V �j � ^ � r .�.._. _ �. � / • ' � '.\ . �. 1 /,/ `./ ' h-•--_.. . . .�. �. � /,. •� ,.: ;':` ..:.:�_�i '\ .._.. ._- _ � ......v�._J r e......��..�..e....� � ;• '�. � �� ��ti `�� �" �-� ��. _ .. � ., ,; j�'.i_'� - � . � i �\�, ,,-' ;1 �� �' . .�=- , • . _ f, ,� � CITY OF TIG�° �D� OREGOH � �LDDIYISIO APP �I� CITY OP TICRRD� 13125 S�l Hall, PO Boi 23397 FOR STAPP USB ONLY Ti�ard, Oregoo 97223 - (543) 639-4171 OTH£It CAS� NO's: RECEIPT N0. ; r< APPLICATIOt� ACCEP:�D B'P: C. DATE: f - a, 1. GENERAL INFGRMATION App�icatisn ele�aer.ts submi;:ted: �. ti � ,��- ���;�� , (A) Appli�atinn form �1) i PROPcRTY ABDRESS/Y,OCATION�cuL:: .:i' Sut���.er ..�:. S�.bd . _.,�� ,�, ., � ;,,,,,, ; � (p1) O�rner's signdturelaritten f; �,g f Vl.i.13�� aC G;.Ifi��� .�� rark ne� _ � i �• T� �.v �TA� LOT N0. �r� "�y `t , t1 autheris.ation � r � f1� E •: � �3�1c "',�a �::f 42Q0 �� C Title Cran�fe: instrument v (D) As�es�or°s aap (.1) • ; S ITE SI2E 44 '�5 A�res -- i PROPERTY OWNER/DEED HOLDE�'� Cir ��e:�s �vir.xs & Lc��n �'�) �reliminas� Pla.t (pre-app ! }� checklist) ;� � 4�00 SW K^use 1y2.;� pHONE (F) AppZicant's s+�atement j ; ►DDRESS J � (pre-app r�ecklist) CITY Lalce Qswe�o.,��p _ ZIP o^^z4 -- !' APPLICANT� pR_�K �or'ooC�t ioa (G) Liet of property ou�ner� and � addreaees Within 250 feet �l) � ADDRESS��pSQ �� ForeSsL tileadc�4 Way�HONE ��45�� �i ZIp q7034 (H) Piling fee ��400 plua �S � CITY ��k� Csw�„�Q, CR � *Nhen the owner and the applicant are different per lot) � people. the applicant must be the purchaser of record � . or a leasee in posaession wi[h written authorizetion DATE DETERHINED TO �E COMPLETE: I froo the o�rner or an agent of the o�+ner vith wsitten _— � authorization. The owner(s) must aign thia ' e�plication in the space provided on paqe two or FINAL DECISION DF.�IDLINE:� _ i suboit a written authorizal•ion With this application• COM.P. PLAN/ZONE DESIGNATIO�It ' 2. PROPOSAL SUT�4�4AR'Y • The owners of record of the subject property request permisaton to divide e �4.�� �rce _ N.P.O. Number: � (Total Area) parcel into 204 __ lots betveQn Preli.minary Plat Approval Date; (numDer of lota) �4Q0 and 9400 =�^ square feet in size. . Final' Approval Date: Planning �524P/13P Engineering Rev'd: 5/87 ���,��}J � Y�f`'"�'y�!.i5 �, 4Y��'1 � � ` cQS�ding Date and yuDber: �-�s�" '� � �°;`�,, a �,n� ��.. 'ry :d_ �' �`:k ;�a"`"'' \ Sensltive l.and�� ot otAer land v�e " g, ���t •ny vari�oct ; P1�nned Ocvelopocnt, ; _ actioo• to be cooa�..ced as part of thi• �pplicatid� �1a���� t�V�� �^' and Sens i L ive Lan�ls • I 4. Applicant�: To have a complete app licetio� you vill need to •uDmic actachme«t� de�cr4Ded !a the attached inform�tion shee[ at [he time you �uDmtt thl� eppliration. S. THE APPLICAW'T(S) SHALL GERTIPY THA7: p. The aDnve request does not violaee any deed eeaccicciorta cha[ may be attechcd to ar i�posed uno� the aub�ect pro �re . B. If the epplica[ion ie granted� ehe applic�n[ vill exercise [he rtghts granted in accardanee aith the cerma and sub!ect to all the condicinns and li�itations of che appraval. C. All of [he above stater�ents and the state�ents in the plot plan� and exhibi[s transmitted herevi[h, ere true; and Che attachmenCS, ermit i�sued� based on this applicants sn acknowledge that sny F applieation, may be revoked if it is found that any such state�ents are falsed D. The app licant has read the en[ire cont�nts of Cfe application, including thp poliele� and criteria, and understande the requirements for approving. or denyinp, [he apQlication• � day of .• 19�---- UATEU thls � 7nra ' .. '-- SIGNATURES of each owner (eg. husband and Wife) of the subject proper[y• Ct-:?K Cc:�orr:�.on _ E /.,,b,.�...-.� / y; /.��.�r' , rresia�r:t - �or or: -:�ccs • , , (KSL:pm/0520P) , k: ; h, ,;. . ic; i „' h,. � i:, �,;s ��4. . .. . . . � ........ .�. . . . . . . . . ... . � _ . _._ __, _ ,,, ' " qRE�ON•ALA�KA �JtNO DEVELOPaENT C�MPANT OI 011lOON �' 13os0�l.w. fO11ElT MEADOW3 vtlA� t�G��o OsF�CE ' � IAKE OSwE00. O�EOON R�0.1� t�fe��0. OR ,, , . ., r` (sao) usrsst � � t�.t�•,��o-� ,•�-ver.►t�r 5, ,�,, ` ►�r TO TaE I ^qoEA of _ ci�v of ;ica _._ �__�'.:?ol� i ,-, � . ,. , � c3S2 �� � � � i: , '� ;r. 17 s�,;��1�. . ' �:��� S ` � ;. MEMO V1118�e a . S �mrnP�l�kp p�r�; � � '�,� � � � .� -�.�- ��' �• �` ( f 4 1: � I � . . . ( ; r� r � ;{:. 'f. 1;' ( i f � f l . � � ): f`;: �', 5. j+ Il-;' �;. �%. . .. �'���.. �� t; f;l . �� p:; . , �'�- �`; hs �+1 '. ! , �'E.. �..� SYAFF REpORT AGENDA 1TEM S.3 February 23� 1988 - 7:30 P.M. TIGAR� P1JIAMINC COMai1SSI0N TICARn CITY KALL - TOWN HALL 13125 Sw HALL BLYD. TIGARD, ORF,GON 97223 A, FACTS 1. Generel Informetion I CASE: Subdivision S 87-08 plenned Development PD 87-04 and Sensitive Lands SL 67°04 REQUEST: To divide a 44.35 ecre parcel inta 190 lots renging DetWeen 5�500 end 9,500 aqu�re feet, end to fill a dreinageway. COMPREHENSTVE PLAN DESI.GNATION: Low Denslty Re��dential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-4.5 (PD)(Resident�al, �i.5 unit�/acre, Planned Development)__ _ APPLICANT: OR-AK Corporation OWNER: Citi2ens Savings b Loan 13050 Sk' FnrQat Headows Way 4540 Sw' Kruse Way St 370 Lake Os�aego, OR 97034 Lpkc Oswego, OR 97G34 LOCATIGI�: South of Summer Lake Subdivisic�n, f:�st of Morning Hill and Wtnter Lake development5� and north of Be1l�rood Subdivision. Tax Map: 1S1 3:3UG� 1'a:� L�l lU(1, and Tax tf�p :Sl 33DC} Tax 1•ot 4?00 2. Backgr�und Information The propertv �+as annexe� lnto the City of Ti¢ard in 1976. In Harch 1978, approval was granted fcr a 383 lot develo;��ent on � l0u ecre pareel extending fao� Scholls Ferry Road to the southern boundazy of the sub�ect property (file 2CPD 2$-77). Most of the northern portion nf the development has been completed, hoNever, the area south of Summer Lake Was never developed . In conjunctio� with Phase I, a l�sge portior. c�f Suorner Lake Park Mas d'eveloped incluc�in� the l�ke, blke/pedesta•ian rachs, one foot bridge, an�1 a pley area on the south side of the lake. A sec�nd fnotbridge et tfie east en�l of the lake was noted as a conditi�n of eP�'�ravel for 7.CPD 2A-77 but it was n�t installed. � . . � ,::`,�; ,���'`" ` J��?}'i,�Aw �Tk.lY � � � .. . . . '� � �� � ���j������ � _ {y� � tiA' ,^�,'`�� f. �� � �1 . . � �.;._�... ��4'4'z} .. . STAF F RF.Y��:�• - 5 �? (►!1/1'U R7-���,/Sl, H7-(�'� �R-At' (;��;•.1�.!( 1'' t;F.li� �;'�V. 6 l,h, ] 3. Vfcinit�r Inform�tfon �"�- Su�nmer Lakc+ P�rk Ites nurth of the eub,yect property and Mery �loodward Schn�l � and two undeveloped rrapertirs ere immedlately eset snd are zo�e�l R-G. 5 (Resi�lentiel , �.5 unite/acee). Bellwood Subdivieion. w�ich iy elso Loned R-4,5, is directly eauth »nd Wint�r Leke/Rrittany Squerc ciPVelo�men�s arc lmroediately vest, rtnd ere r.oned R-12 (Residentiel� 12 units/ecre). Wincer Lake Drive� Falcon Rise Drive and 128th Avenue te•rminate at the pr�r��rty bdun�iaries. Rlso� a 40-foo� wide e�r1p parcel of unkenoti+n ownersfiip abuts the �+estern boundary Af [he �ubject propertY. OriRlnallv, thla strip was intended to lnclude 130th Avenue� but !t Wa� never �edicr{ted. 4, Site Informatior. and Proposal Description The propertv !s rreaentiy undeveloped and it slopes gradu�lly doFnnhill toMa.rds Summer Lake. A drainep.,e way runs throup,h t'�r propetty from Rc�.lwoo,j Subdi�isiRn to the lake. GrASS and t,r�sh cover the entlre properey, with Che exceptier, of several fir tree� on the perimeter of the property and near tl�e drainaqeWeye The developer is proposiag a 1S0 lc�t subdivig:o:, in S phsses, Deginning et the nurth end of the property w1tl� the later pha6es proceeding eouth. 128th Avenue will be extended to tt�e nerth, and Falcca Riae Drive and Winter Lsk�e Drive ahell be� extended to thr east and Will interRECt �;ith 12Sth Avenue. Winter �.ake Drive wi11 nlso extend east to the eastern rroperty line and ter�inate abuttinR two vacant parcels . that are nur?h of' th? school proper.t}. � � � y�1 �� r �r �v i ��?�+y��e#�'��zZ�"���1��'�� ����*cd��w� ����.`�.��lAii� Q�8T1 "'L�J`' JFJ4L1111!��Y ��le°�d{6� ��'��Er 'Y��+�`�°t`t �� �., h}�. Y1 tL���. f *3��M kYA v c ,ria �r. t�;�ey+n�d.w- ��r,pyrC* 71'Yh3'��s«usaeF�t'yl'r,'R. i"Fd,'yi > � � i� `e �� '' ��'*7��^2�,m��+F+��4�N"�'?��`4��A�t`i'���'iS�fs'.�4�5'��� ��Fh"7Y,�?���t�{ �`r'° „��t��s�l�i,�,j���,. a�'� �„���7'�� � 1 `� `"���k'�`��� � �`�e °��p2�#�4b, � tsu ��'" ���A �t�����.��a.,r��.�u ,����r ��?�,��r��►��'�� �� ����i}���� ('�t�4 � };� i:� �"i rt� ,]J ; a�., �' "f�? � �w ,�'.L�pC � ��'��ssVC,����rYy���S`up�� � i � '�?'�'P��`ts3- �+n�*� s ��a`�' � a�f5����i���'�'�4'��+��'��u�kl�rRS6'�t�'�,�,avrn�`i�Tr mr�' � !I' "7." �N��t��!�;,���,��� ;,������� t�� � wi ►�����y ��;��t�� ���t}����� P��� �����r ��, �� �' �} r� � �4� C� 2 �1 n a at 3� !t i �� '�� $���5 �.t�" t* '�, �� � ,'���-�,� ��a ��k��e� ;.s�� `,i;ttS�q� �h���ri�r�� .t#',���i���� , ��e� S� ��'S t �+ t F �t� . � . ... .. ...,... ,.�-...,.�....,,.,r s.. . . ,.. - .,�_....�, ...,:��,��i.�,�,e�j�!?��.?1`!����`,���il,,�;he three parties. �� . � s��"�`>��',�; �i��Q��,'f@���:� "��a���,.µ�eps�iC' _` i��� ��'s����� � ° thr � �i��t �q' ��a � �* F `�. ��+�R� ' �`UriAy�/ .� 4 ` / �..� ' 't . } C�, �i A S�[3'i+�s.rltn' �9'i'r..to >�' E^7�'� f ri ".rfrkr�t �i xv > 1 �' -v' ° h ��. � •,,, t f}{� y'�. I !1 t� l ` S 5� { ���5 � ���J `$�'l�� ,� /�*�'�41t�}��� �1Y ���+�W�l ��������x ?� �������� � � � � k�� ,. e T�" ,� � �i�� � t s F..., 17tqW �,t� N,� bx-+llni -t � a MSa�lr ms' r� �"�+ kWa �� a�..� ..�at`��'�t;_ .e,:.,c�e��i:ic.�.�.:�:�]�ssnda;�°h.e .�r�arai��:'�r�� wS�� ,tFt ��r�rri���s��,��'�4,t�, �����;,� j: � - .� � _.� .� �, � � S. Ager.cy an�l hP0 Comzn��r,ts i' The Buildinp, 1ns�ectf��n D�vtst�n an�a P.G.E. �.,-ve no �b.jrctiun tu the � propos,�l . 1', ;;� WA�l�inc;ton Co��*�tv Fir�� ntstrict N��. J �rr,tP� r.h;:; pl:�n:: f�r flre hydrent j:' locatiorr must be ap�-,roved by lhe iiistrlrt �,rlor to recordint� the final � ' � Plet . � �� �� . � . �; �,;.. ;;; �::; t z` �:� � � �'Y t;: STAFI' ►iKl'UN7 - ' �'� . i31••U!�/�I. i?I-•(l�) (►k••A►' !:t)I<l� �� : 'i i;' ti'i �/�V. L I.n, 2 �: �� �m� _ _:. Thc Tia�cd 1i�._.er Di�trict i� conctrned ebaut�..hr nuabcr ot cu]-dc-eac� in reletion to the Df�trict�•s A�sfre to hav� looped �yitew�. Tl�e , Dieerict requ�sts chet lfne connectione be provided between Summer 1.eke Pl�ce and WinterlaY.e Drlve se we11 se the tl�rrr oout�ern cul-de-eace. The Park 9oard recommends the follovin�: a. Lot� 1 and 2 ehoul� be om�[te� or relucated. b. ParkinF sh�uld bc provided et the end ot Summer l.�ke Urive. c . A pedestrian path ehnuld be provided between 5ummPr Lake Place and Wfntetlake Drivc to improve pe�estrian access to the Park. d . The originally pr���sed foothrid�e at the ea�t end of Summer Lake st:ould be constructed in con junction �ith tihis development. NPO +i 7 has the fulloain� eomments: a. Street namea should be sevised tc avoid confusion betxeen similar names. b. The City ehould ensure that thc storm drainag�: facilitiea are properly designed. c. Lot 2 �hould be moved to avoid protlems created by traffic on 128th Avenue heading_ directly to�:ard this lat. d. Stop signs are recommended for Mestbound traffic on Winterleke Drive and Falcon Riae Riae Drive at 128tFi Aven�e. The Enqlnerrinp Divis�on has the follor:�ng commE:�ts: a. The zpplicant proposes to subdlvide 44.35 acrea intc� 19!'► lots and to ffll a drainaRe way as shown on the su�z:tt�d pl�n sheets 1 thrauRh 4, d�ted 9-1°87o The plan sheeis st��oW Ct►e ptoposed street nEtwcrk, existing to}�ograp'���, }�relimir�ar� storm sewer, sanitary an� water improvements. b, The prnp�sed subdivision street ne.tWOrk �:111 have access froc� �28th A�enue to the Fo�th, F'aleon kise Brive to th�_ aest a:�d k'interlake Dri.ve to the northWeSt. 1,'inter:ake priv� fs a1F�� stubbed to the eaet for fut+are development. All threc� of these existinR streets are desiFn�ted a5 minor collector streetF. Falcon R:se Drive and 128th Avenun have pavemeut �i.�t):s of 34 feat xit�:in a SO foot riQ}►t-of-c.��y. Winterlake Or1ve has G �0 foot p�vEment wi�lth within a 60 f'ort rir,���:-of-way. e. . 5W 130th Avenue nc�ar Scho11F Ferry Rnad , SK 128th Avc:nue s�ut'i �f the sub�ect 6ite, and Falcon Rise Drive wes: of the su�jeet sifi�e are all dPFintt:tted as minnr collector atre��ta on tt�e City'e Cor��rehensive Plan Transportatiun Map. The Transportati�n Map calls for "a connection between Scholl�; Ferry Road and 128th Avenue en�l Felcc�n Riae Drive." It epp�ers th�t Ch� map intends that thP connec�ion be [o a min�r collectnr stan�iard with connPCtlrnis [o the existinR mtnor cc�llectc�� stre�t�. STAF'1� Ri;POR7' - S f�i f17-Ill�/ti(, 81-�1�: li�'-11: �`.u:tl�. �c;�"1 ,�rr�'� ti�V. 1, 1.N. 3 � _ , _-- --- _ _ . .,m,_ . . . � �� � �a,.. : F.xtetfnR �'interlske Drive to the northwe�t ot th� ou��er.t •ite , has b�en eo�etrucce�i t� a�lnor col)ectoc 6tand�rd• and vas � in[ended to eerve ee p�rt of the connection eo Schollr Perry Ror+d v1A SW l3Q[h Avenue. Thesi� caletinR minor eollect�r sirectR (wfnterleke� F'�lton Rto*., 8nd 128th7 are ell developed with sinRle-fa�ily reaidential unite ;� havinR direct drivPWav acc�ss to the collector street. These ;;� streets are �P1iPnfIP� t� P ro�t�lc access fT�m thF re�iden�i�l ;� � nP;qtibarhoc��1 to the a�l �nininS c�llector anci arterial streets 'y rl SY�tee�, Th�s� slreets gisc� F�rovi�ie access t1n thPC,City's PerkE prr.paseci for development a�: e cor�munity �ar� i Plan. 2'hrouqh traffic shou:d r�� di.scauraqed o� thes� stteete• �, Throur'. traffic can m�re appro,rle�ely bP ac:.oma�oda[ec9 an 135th � Avenue/Nurray Alvd. , l2l�t Avenue, Walnut Strcet , and Schc+lls ;; �i ;, Ferry Roaci. j� The proposec� streeC layout appears t�i sati�fy the requirenent for cj � minor collector street connections in the neigt�borhood While (l, disc�ura�,inR throua,h trAfflc. Th�� �rcposec� street system !, provide� �ood aecess to Summer]�ke Fark. {j d , The prc�pc��ed deve.lopment w�ill increa�e traffic vnlumes on i' $djoining streets. However, the• traffic patterns are consistent i; ��e Plan Tranaportation MaF. By df.�couraginp, ; with the Compret�ensi minimize ( . cut ett�mp te to thro�igh treffic, the piopose9 street lay � the traffic impacts on thr existing adjain:ng street system. The !,' propo5ed subdivi�ion '�as a development den6lt�� lesb th�r, that i' allo�.ed by the existinr zur.in� fc�r the propert��. . F , Existing Falcon Rise Drive ��nd 126th �venue hpve pavement and � right-of-�aaY Wi3ths to local street stanciard= rath�r than minor I�, cc�ile�ctor standards. It appears appropriotc to reta�in the existinq Widths on these tWO streets xhPre they are ext�nded into =i the propo§ed subdivision, since the streets are not ix�tended to earr} through traffic. ThE pavement stzuc*_urai section ehould, !; hoM�ever, be to the usv�?. m1n�r callector standards. In th� future, thcse narro�er-than-standar� stre.^t,s could becomc• }. a pr�blPm if eA��nsivr on-strePt parkinq occurs Sn the 1 neiRhtio'hood• If se, tt�e �rn�lcm co�lA ve resolved by � j�toh�bittn� �arkin� on on�• sire �f the �CTf!^t . }; t., f . Exist�ng WlncrrJake DTive 1s const r��; tr.;'; ;o c�:.nor �ul;ect�� j� standarc�s. The 01{i7�T c<�l.lPet��i� sta:i���rns st,:,�ild hF retair.Pd on !; wlnterlakF wesL of 128t1� �4venue. T� the easr, of 1'_3t;: Avenu�., � Winte:•]ake will becoro� a l�cel street . T��{� �r�i n�r col]ectc�r �S�th � nn Wtnterlake i� Fufficient t� :�1low t.w�,-wa� tr�iffic FvPn if cars b�th icies c,f the street , as m�y t;appen � are parked along `• . occas�ionallv, durin� special ev��nts :tt S�:mm��rlak� Park. �; �: f: P, � li r.' !{:n ��7 '�����,li� �ii! '1� � 1`I��-�'.�. I��l.)�I�.�'. !�� �� .'��,h1� � � hV. {Y 1���. � � � . � � I � STAF'F Ri?1•l)C?7' - ` �, : , . __ � , , ' � � R. The rebainin� •treet nrlwork, other �'cn�n t1�e •inor cullector• ' U steA •bove� rhsli be deetPnated e¢ local •trertos requirin� a " SO foot ri�ht-of-way end a 34 i'ooe pevement vidth. ' t h. All the pT0�09P�I straete shall be conccructtd ta current City of ` Tiqard etandsrds including, curbs� sidevalks, etrce[lighte and utilftles. Th� cucb returnF et locel Ftreet intersectione should ' be 25 foot radius end minor collector to minor eollector # intersections ehall be 30 f.00t radius. i G 1. The site currently has a pedestrian path and playgzound structure ` a�jacent to the lake. 1T� submittAl plans ahow proposed accesa � w�ys connrctinR the e�iatlnR peth to the street . The�se proposed � aecess ways shall bc� peved to an 8 fc�ot width and the exfsting ( path improved to current standards. s 1. Tfie euisting drainaRe Fw�zle is proposed to be filled in f corejunction with earthWOrk activities on the site. Since the e fill Wil.1 be locztcd ur,�ler thH streets an� pdtent:al homesites, an enqineered fill will be required , inclu�ing a s�ils ar,alyeis, �' r.�mrACttnn of §ucce�Rf�•^ ; tfta ��f fill ar�d in�pectior./te�tinR ; observatiuns and ;erorts. � k. The propu�ec� preliminary stnr� dr.ainaRe syater� conceptually � appears to be satibfaciory. Additiondl �stch basins, realignment � of some vipelines along prop•.�rcy 19nes,, »r.ci relocating 6truelures on private praper[y vill be necessary for the final plans. Also t t�,e Lrainage of roofs has no[ been add:'ES�ed on ti�is plan. Any ! pipeline on pri�*ate pruperty Mi]] b�• reau.red to be Witl�in a 15 � fo�t a9de puhlic exsemcnt. ThP draina�,e frc�r,• the existing jl kincerlake Drive �nd Falc�m Rise Drive ��as aiuo not been ; ad�ressed. �. t s 1, The proposed preliminary ssnitary Q�we: systero utilizes an E existinq main line� The existinp, line required realignment in � the south end of the site but Will remair. in p?ace at a12 other ` locations. A 15 foot wide area, centered over tr�e pipe is � required for maintenance. If this area ovprlans onta private ; propertq a public easement Will be require'.. � 3 S m, The proposed street system north of h:r.terlake i�rive may be � s1lShtly ad,it�cted pending the negoti�ti��ns of the park area ± e�31�cFnt t�� t�r� 1�kP. � l n. The nroposed plst �oes not s}�nw en �xistinr. 4U foot wide area Alonp thF w�rst pr�r�rty 1inF which is dP�'.R,natP� ::s 13�th AvenuP on the currcnt assessor's ma�+. 1'his area !� ir�tended to be acquirPd ry the appllc�nY h��t h�y n��t Leen form,llly completed at i thi5 ttme. A RkPCCF� vn� Fubmitt�d �:itl� th� a��i�ltc�tinn showinp, an alter.nate plat configuration� shlftfnR ttie prop�sed 130th Avenue t� the Past 4Q fFet . Tbis altern;�� is �a��cc�ptab�le if the vacation h.�s not occurrcd prior to the cor,bfT�JCL���11 of ehis phase of thc suh:livision. STAF'F Rff'(1RT - i Ri-(1' R7-O!i/'i�. 'ri� •(i`� �it l�K. �''��'}'. ';' i l .'�'.'�� ��11. 4 I.��. 5 � � � E,? , �:, � d. FINDINGS ANiD CONCLUStO�:S The relfvent rrlterlR !n thfA cnse ere Ttvarri Cnm�rclienoive PZ.ar. ; Pollcfc:; 2.1. 1 , 3.2. 1 , 3.�.3, 3�5.4 , 3a6.2 , 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 8.1 .1� end 8. ] .3, and Community Develope�ent C��� c�i��ter�. 18. 5U, 1R.90, 18.E14� 18.92, 18.16(�� nn�l 18. 164, Since th� T1Rerd Com�rehcnsive Plen hep bee!n a�ckr.ovledRed� the Statewide Pl�nnin�; Goals Ln.� Guidclines no 1�nRer need ta be addresaed. i The Plsnninp, staff conclu�es the prop�sa] co�pl'.es with or �:ill comply with, the relevant plan polic7es and Code erlterfe based upon the finding� »oted below: 1. Polic}� 2.1. 1 is s�tiefied beceus^ the neiRl�borhood plenuinp, orRanization and the eurrounding property o�+ners vete given nutice i of the hearing and they had an opportunity to camment on the applicar�t'E proposal . 2. Poliey 3.2.1 is satisfied because no land form alteistion xirhin the 100-yenr flood plan is artticipated AflC�' therefare� c� negativ�e impacts �rlJ.Z occur. ' � . , ,t ����� ����'"�"��� ��,i,a��� p��rr�t �� , � -���^� v -q� 1'1� � �• ��;'��t� ^��!���„���*�.:}la+PlnSll�t�� 11d�,�i'�+,'A'[�r�yukt YsF � i Y /yy�1y �y�p ,�'���; i: e��f�d ��wTI��R � `��� ��ri,�i-k��h��<���JF '..��AMS.w+�.��4�4�°'�'�'^�tt����4���n.T1�l�F��w ��� b i f.� :, $ �,������f°'�;w��1i�}�'i d+��±��`'c�t�p,��t� �s�►d ��a�.3�'�,�'����r� Y��ic���+�s�#���► �itti��'�� ` r�rc-swr1. A"r� (�'k+ ++v�+r» aa.ltd ,(- M�Pr i'. �,�n n+w�..s.... - ��t'�,. ��r� , g „ : �-w ,'� ��, �.��-.....�..�,�'�__,__..,_....��� �a.. � ��� �' �#��v ���'r���� ,p�r�#�'���!' ;' ��' � � �,'�,�,� t � �; ,�� �,te�, a Y� ', ; �;�.�..���_�,,.�.._..._ .__,_.,� . ,_�, ... ... ; , :, � s , , { � . , , �, "�������''�?K#��"' �' f��,�? ������������w����a�d:�+����� Y C Ll � y .�� r � .�l 4 r �s�.. yy� ♦ ♦., e� f ;(# �,�'�G,�3Y�t �3.R, �":�t . �iv�������..� „��' �G"�"`'��n+aF� �. C�`S mk' y,a. +* i, ) �. � � � N� `_` i .�ltG�:���' Q� €.. �' { ,� ' 1 i'' r f � �� '�'� '���,.�. �►��+�.�#�,1�! ; a t r ��'�'�' �'�j'�- `� ' �, �, �� �. y�y � `]� � �r��Jyi 1y��[{�r /� 1�� � 1� �� a 9 v���� �' � i � `r . � �' �, ������+�'� r�' �.� � Al]i �F�71:T. �' !�L4��: 41� T���y� n'�'�� �..i J �. � '? µ�l � { � :�r� ,�t;�.���� 1 � .1� :K� �� •QM.� � ..�,w.,�.. ..�J S' �n._ �•_.M '``` �..�._,._ ...�.,. , .._.�._:,.. . ,._. .. D ' �, . �� �y�y� =a�i t�r� , �� ��' E br� �t�d ' �v� � � �� �� ��,�� �S`j #rA7iRT,ih� ( r rv ,�`I'�k.. ,�'y���7'_� i :�1 S r'�,b'+�,4 Za � � �� . , � �� � ' � .. _,. _ � �jA.,. ... ' A ,t��� . ' ._.,...... e. , , .. .:., _., 4. �F t�k ,t _ t ; i.a.e,�:.}.<�:_.,.M _... _....u_,. A, t,rFa� within thP 1f.1O yPnr fl��d p:�iir�. ''! b. Re�xr��less of the park size or canfi�,�rati�n, .� 1S foot ' wide right-of-�:a�• W�uld bc required with all �;, hike/pedesirian P,3t'��. This is Particularly true �t because Adequ�te s�ace is qer�erally r�ut available ;' wlthin th� fl�od plHln nrP�� �n chr S�uth s1�1c of the (!' lake for the paths. � c. The park�na area requested by thP P��rk Ror,rd wuul� G� i E part of the Swmroer Lnke •Dri ve strert rf g1►t-of-way ancf ,; maintained by the City. G' � � 4�� �: � � � � i� � i,: � : �:TAk'F' h1:N(��: �� . �� rl; r!-(1/,,1tif, A7-�19 �k_AI� �; .: i� '� 1'i. ..'�� ti'�,. . l� I.';, � ,: �,a �'' _ _ j;I . �;, � ;:� • ' �; �. � � i. Policy 3.5.4 requlres ��le�u�te prdcstr�in �cce�• �nd clTCUl�tion. r� Thia p�licy will be setiefie�i fi f�ur o�,�lfficstions are •adc: � a, The existfng paths should be repeired ae necessery and r•fd�ne�1 to 8 feet to complY wtth City atonderds for two-ti+sy bike/pedestrian pathe. The6e paths elso should be extended ` to Winterleke Drive !n t►�e vicinity of l�c 3� tu th� Summer �` Lak� Drive cul-de-�ac , end from the dam to the Sum�er Leke Place rul-de-Bac. ; b, An 8 foot vide perlestrisn patt� anA 15, foot vide easemer.t ;. should be prnvided Detveen the Sumr�er Lake Plaee cul-de-sac I and Winterlake Dr2ve. i,; c. A sie:ilar path and easemen[ sh�u:d also be establiahed betWeen lots 56 end 57 to Mary �'oodvnrd Srbool . Although r;< this development ie not e�ithin the Tigard School District, it i' does function as a neiR,hborhood facility foe the purpose of , recreation. Also, district boundaries are subject to change and ataff recommends that e pedestr:an acces� be �reserved. Prior• to implementin� this coniition the Tiqard School �, Di�trict ruet approve the creation of �his path. `" d. As noted above, �he ori�in+�l ePr.roval for this dFVelopment ;.� ,;: contalned a condiiion requirinR �tie c�nstructlon of a second � pedestrian bridge at the east enc� of the lake. Tt�is bridgc F. represer.ts an importe�t linl: to all:��: for full pede�triac� uae , o� the park and greenuav areas ar,c1 s'�ouid be prov;d�� along �, wieh the other path impro��cm�nts. ;'. ;;; 5. Policy 3.6.2 viiJ be 5�tisfie� b�c�uSF .�.� City Council and Park Bnard shali work wftli the prt�ae�ty ���nur to a�c�•T�.ine Lhe eaact bovn�lary uf the nF� ���rl:. ;:� 6. Pc.�liciES 7. 1.2 , 7.3.1, and 7,= .G �,:+': ��� �,.�' sficri because adequate � water, sewer snd storro dra:nsr� i�ciiiti�s will be required to �:'< serve thc development prio: to t,�e� a�pro:�al �f the final pl�t. The appli.cant Indicates that these facilities Will be provided �;ithin the sub3ivtsion as requirerl hy Citv s*_a;,�,a°;s, 'fp�F appiicant must have the design of the water syste� apr:ove� uy ligard Water D2strict prior to recordinv a final plst. ;,' � i. 7. Policy 8.1.1 ca11s for the prr�visio� of s ��.°e and efficient street Hvstem whfeh accor�mod�tc•s prr.r.;�t an�i future n�e�ls. The ; Comprehensive Plen a�opted in 1963 a^know]e��,ed the fact that 130ih � Avenue, as orlginally plattP�i M��7<<l�i not t�c ..n adv•ls��le rout�� to �;, use. Th� Wlnterlake Drive/128th Ave.nue co��tiin�tion shown here is l::i consistent with the Plan. A 50 font ris;ht-��f-aay for 12Ath Avenue �: is con::l�lered appropriate bc�cr,use the Pxistlnk; s�ctia�, from the k' ;': south prope� :v bounc�arv to h'�►lnu[ Str��tt utilize� a 50 f��vt }';; �.; riRht-of-wav. Appropriate trafffc,: si�nir:R ail ; be dc•tecmined by � the f.np,ineerinR staff durinQ, revicw of dcta:led construction plans �.; �, and instal)ed as development accurs. � . • �;c: ,;= ��. 4 ��' �`, S'1'AFF Itt:{'(1k'i n7-f1A/{'O R'1 •��:/>�l, ft)-(iy ���c• . � �n.l•, : t'� I 'li "!;, �.AV. �. 1,'i; 7 a � $,: �� 8. Policy 8...3 wibl be �ettsffed wh�n t�� eonditiona of �pproval re�atinR to •trret i�proveoents �re cospleted. The eppropri�te etreet sectione Kill be completed wich cech ph�ae. 9. Chapter 18.50 !e sAtt6fied becaus� the propos�l meets the applicable Code requiremente of the R-4.5 zone. ](►. Ch�pter 1�.80 and Eha�ter 18.160 of the Code are eatisfied beceuse the proposal meets the requirements eet fot th� aub�ieslon end epproval of e preliminary pint �nd detaile� plan. The proposed phasinq plan �eete Code requirements becaube public improvemente will be appropri�tely provided with each phase. The plan end individu�l phases aFSUme that the 40 foot Wide 134th Avenue parcel will be acquired and incorpor�ted into the developmeat. A coneingency plan has b�en submitted by che applican� il.lu�tsetin� the necessarv pl�n aroen�ments �o be made if this land acquisition daes not occur. The street alignment in Phase V vill De emend�d s1lRhtly and tWO Iots Will be deleted. 11. Chapter 18.84 is satiefied because the regrading and filling of thE dralnaQe vay has taken into eccount the �nticipated storm water runoff vroceeding north taWard 5um�er Lake. It has been deteroined that no sdverse effe�ts will be felt nn edjoininq propertiee or �ithin the eubdivision itself. ine criteria in Sectian ]8.84.040(c) wtll be met. . 12. Cha�ter 18.9?. is sat3afied because the propased density is ; consiste�t With Cc��e requirementa. � flsximum af 205 ur.its are ; peroitted on this aitQ �nd 190 units are prAposed. 13. Chapter 18.164 wil.t be satisfied durir.g ttie ,�pP:oval process for the f�n�l ptat , i C. RECOh4�lENDATION Based upon the above findlnp,s� The PlanninR sta,'f recommends ap�roval. of S 87-08/SL 81-09 and detailed plan approval o; PD 87°04 subject to ; the folloWing cc�nditiona: 1. Except for str��et access, n�r.e of the area inctuded in thP 40 foot i wide 130th Ave�u� per�e]. (Tax lot 1S1 33DC, 42(?G) shall be w:chin � �ny final plat until it has been le�a:ly acquire� DV the f; applicant. Street access across this parcei to k'inter?ake Drive ! end Falcon Rieo nri��e shall Ue approved t�y the City prior to �' recordinR phase I snd Phase V resPectively, (Contact Randy Clarr�o) 2. Lots 1 an� 2 Fhsll be omitted or moved to anar.hcr location south of WinterlaY,e Orive. (Contact Keith Liden;) ' • 3: The followinR pedestrfen facilities shall be constructed in ' coniunction with the development. Public improvement p1aRS shall be aubmitte�i as describeci in Con�itlons 13 end 14. All items below � shall be approved and constructed or �uarantee�i pr�or [o re�cordiok the final plAt for t1;e c�:respon�inR ptiase. A1� nnc!�5 sh�lt be � �'�i i t � r�ii��r��t � �:urf�+�c�. ( . �t e imnr�veA wlth nn H , �ot wid�e ,asphallic Cri;v Alf'5��.• STAFF RF,PORT - � R7- � �?-(14!til, f'7•-f19 OR-AK C(�hf'. %1'1T1%h:'J:; ti".V. b 1 !r, H � �� a. Exieting petA• on the oouth •ide of the l�ke s`�all be widened to sn � foot wide esohaltic concrete s�:r.'ace. b. The western path ehell De exiended to �+'�nterlake Drive in the II, vicinity of lot 3 with the location to be approved by che I Enqinwering Divieion. c. Tt�e path that ends at the existinR play arca ehall be extended to the �ummer La�ke Drive cul-de-bac. d. The path near the doQ will be exteaded south through the access atrip to the Surnmer Laice Place cul-de-s3c. ; � e. A foot Dridge, witt� the saroe width a� the existing brldge, ahell be provided ecroas the east end of the ]ekc. f. An 8 foot wicie path within a 15 foo� ��de eaqement s}iall be provided betWeen the Summer Lake Place cul°de-sac and Winterlake Drive and between lots 56 and 57 connecting Falcan Riee �ith Mary h'oodr+ard School. ':iqerci School District Approval �hall bP necessary for th� seeond path to be �'equired< ,�.. 4. ��i��� 2`;.�s�he�l �►t�t, �tece`!ve �iinal}�2`�t ap�rQ�:�l� u�ti�i�.wch��'bruri�a�;�i�.� tir r� t^'hww+Mz v,ti `kYl�t`t ,4Ew#Ta s X f �' t�►�e�:�,�xt � e�e to�:, b� ���d�t�����4�d �s���'�- p�r��aE'�e�� '�a�� l���n �` �����,�`�,��� �����a ��y ���� �itY �►n�i� txie app],���ant� ,:4�Q:�Eset �:, �,�.y.>�c�,,�::a��►��a, i � .. _�_..._._ . . . . . _. .. .. .. At a minimum, the followin� iter�s Fhall be Uc�iic%���c� s 10 0 ear floo c? � .in. A w thin the F-` rea i e. y b. 15 foot Wide ri ht-of-c�ay for all pat.hwa;�s. R , c. Right-of-way necessary to accodcodate th� pariring area J n Fe i o n Contact 0 et the encl of Summer Lake Dx�ive. ( R 639-4171). S. Parking spaces ahall be provided at t�e Summer Lake Drive cul-de-sac betWeen lots 9 and 10. The number and design aha1L be � approved by the Engineerinq Divi�ion. Adequate buffering shall be provided between the parking area end adiacect lots. (Contact Gar� t, Alfson) � �` � r 4 6. S.W. 128th Avenue, k"interlake Drive from 12�th Avcnue West [o the j: exieting s[reet, xnd Falcon Rise Drive fra� I28th Avenue west to � the exlstinR street shall be construct�! to t�inor collector � standarde, except that Felcon Rise Drfve an� 128th Avenue shall bF a1loWed to be re�uced ih width to a SU fo.;t rip,hc-of-�►ay and 3�! � foot �pavement wi�lth to match the existin� pavem�nt . Winterinke �, Drive shall be allowed to be tapexecl from 40 fect to a 34 fool � pav�ment Width east �f 12$th Avenue. (Staff Cc�ntar_t : Gar� Alfsonj � � � ; 57'AFF RFf QHT - S A7-` ��1'� �;-U4;til, fi7-(•'+ UN-A!' C��1;��. �:' ! 1,'r.N�� ti;�':. �. I.`: , �� �.. , `�._ 7. The reeoin:ng atre��tc sh:ell pe c�i.f t rvctcd t� local •treet stand�rds. (St�ff ContACt : Gary Alfa�nl 8. Strect Centerlfne Plonum�ntat :on shall bc provfded as followm: A, ln r+c.cordance with OhS 92.OG0 tiui�sect 1�n ('1) , thc� centerlaneb of all street end roFdway ri�htF-of-v�y sh•�ll D�c m�T�umented Defore thc City shall accept a street i�provem+�n[ . g. All cent��rline monuroencs whall be placed in a monu�nent box confarming tc, Ciry standar�s, and th_ to{� of a, l m�numcnt bOXE•S shell b�c sct r+ d�siY.n finish �,rade of saicf atreet or �oadWa;r. C. The follo�ring centerltn� mnnumentb shall b� sct: (1) All ceflCerline-centerline intersectians. Intersections creb�ed with "collector" or other exi�tinF, �treets, eh�+ll be set �+hen the centerline alip,nment o: said "eollectar° or other street has been established by c�r for the City. (2) Center of �11 cul-de-sacs. (3) Gurve Faints. Point of intersectiun (P.I •) w4�en Lheir position falls inside the limits of the pavement otherwise beqinning ard ending pointF (B.C• er;� �.C.) . (4) A1.1 s�nitary and e[orm lccation� s!�all be placed in position� thlt dc, not interfere r:ith cenYerlYne monumentation. (Stsff Contact : Jar. F�i�;lon) 9. A �radin,; plan �'�::il t�c submitte�' SItOW���h� ��•j�tir� ar,d proposed cc�ntours. A soils report s�sll be prcvided d::taili.:r cuuFaction requirements. (Staff Contact: Gary �lfsonl 10. Sanitary and storm se�.�ex details sha]i be pTavi:ied a3 psrt of the public 1mprQVement Flans. CalcLlatic�ns ar.d a toPn�r<,phic map of the drainage basin and servicP area ,ha?1 6c pr��videc� a� a supplement to the Public Improvement plsn�. Calculati��r.s �hall be based on full development BeTVSC�3r�:11ty. The ]oc�tic+n an� capacity of exiatfn�,, proposed an�1 fucure ] ir;es shall be acidrESSed. (Staf.f Cont�act: Gary Alfson ) 11. The apPlicant sl�nll provic�e for roof. rair: drainaRe to fl�e publie stormwater drainage system o� a rlry�:��l� to �r�vFnl r�n�;;( onta e nt re erties. (Staff Cnnesctt G�?•�� P.1f:�c;nJ act r�c P .1 c� 12. The applicant sfiall �r��vl�ir. connertion ��� .act� Iot t�� th� �ublic sanitary ser�ara�e svstem. A cornecti���� p?rr,; t is required to connect [o l'he. existinE �ub11c ����•1t�r�i ���wer su:�lew. (Staff Con[act: John H,3�;n�nn� STAFf' KI�;V(1R't' - lii !4i- U/� til. 1�; U Uk-.,� � , � . � ,';. j, 1,', ' �.� � k' 6. 13. Scven 1>) •et• ot p��n-prafllc pufilic loprovpoent co�stsuction pl�ne •nd one (l) ite�ofseA const.ructfon cost estimr�te� •tampcd ey a Regietered ProfesRional Cfvil F.nRtneer� detailinR all proposrd publfc im�rovemeate ehall be su�o��ftted to the BnpfneerleP Sectfo� for epproval. Two aets shell be provi�ied for a preliminary revicrr aC 95� pinn coroplet�on. (St�ff ContAC[ : Cary Alfao�) 14. Construc[ion af propoaed publYc improvemen[s f.t,�11 not commence until after the EnPineerin� ��ction hns eppr�ve�l puDlic irorrovement plans. The aection will requ!re a 100X Performance Asaurence, the �ay�oent of a permit fee anc� e siqn ins[al.l�tion/streetlfght fee. A]so, the execution of a stre�t �pcnlnR qerm]t or eor�5truction coaplia�ce a�reement shall. occur prior. toy or concurr2ntly vith the issuance of approved public improvement plans. (Stoft Contact: John HagmanJ 15. After review end epproval by the Director of C���,,�uni9,q Development and the City Engineer, the final plet sh.�ll b� recorded with Washiagton County. (Staff Contact: John Haqman) 16. The P1Anning Director may approve amendm�rts to fF�e finel plat and detailed plan in accordance with the followir,� criteris: a. All phasea ahall not eaceed 7.90 lats. b. The atreet system design is nnt s�gnificantly altered. c. Aa�endment� to the phzsinP, pinn r�f1J. pr�vide fa� the appropriate provision of lanr� dedic�-stion and putlic improvements associated with e�ch p!�-:c . d. Th� 130th Avenue parc��l c�nn�.�t be ac,;t,ired and the applicant'e alterna.ive plar, ;�ust hE� '_�pJe:�er:ccu, 17. PhasF I must be approved f�r ;;n�l p:�t wi t'�i n anc� year of tfie fina] approval date. A]I su��secuent p't�.�ses mU�! bf platted within five yeara nf the finel apc�r�w�� date. '������lj�� /�' � 'j� , ? /' /- �'"n /1 ��' r�.- �C -t�- �..� f�f� . l�� ��"�- °1_ PREPARED BY: Keith Liden, Senlor Planner APPR�VEU BY: Ran�iall R. Wooley �•' ; ^ Acting Director of Com*�u�ity DeveloPm�nt (dj/323G�) � � � � � �i � S'I'A1�1�' }�F.,��itRT - �; !?, ,! f?1••I)!,/`;' 1'i• I� •tl:• ,,�' � , 1 � s . ,'�i . I ;;. � � ,v_ _ _ _ _-_— - , _ . � � . , , . . � � � �� I, CITY 0! TICARD Washir►btoa Cou�ty, Oregon NOTICE OF PIMAL ORDE6t - BY PIJWIIING COl41ISSIAY 1. Concecninb Case Numbec(s): S 87-48 PO 8�-0n SL 87-09 ' Z, itame oE Ownec: Citizens Savinqs � Loan , 3, llame oE 1lpplicant: OR-AK C'ORP• ', Addcess 13050 SW E'orest Meadows Wav City�ake 0.swecaG6tateQ$„_Zip 97d39 � �� ;. Location of Property: Addeess South of Swrmer Lake Park, north of Bellwond Subc�ivision , 'I Tax ltap and Lot �io(s). �w."TM 1S1 33DD lot 100 & 1S1 �3DC= lot 4200 �'I 5. �tature of Apglication: To divide a 44.�5 acre narce�i�;o 19�Jlots ranaina I between 5600 and 9500 scruar� feet and t4 f il� � — �cxte� R 4 5 P� (Sinale F�111y Residentjnl 4 � �n�t4/��rp Planned t"�vg1_Qr�ent) 6. ctio�s: Approval �z reque�ted XXX Appeoval with conditions � Denial 7, Notice: Diotise was published in the newspaper, posted at Git�r He►11 and a�iled to: xx Ths applicant � owners ,�� Own.ers of ceco�d within the required distance _� The af£ectefl �eighborhood P14nning O�ganization �_ Af Eected govecrrenental agencies i 'I 8. Final Decision: , THE D6CISIODi SHALL 86 FIlIAL ON �� 18� l� U�ILESS A�T APPE,AL IS FIG�D. The adopted Eindinas of Eact. decision� atid ,�tatement of conditfon ean be obtained Erom the Plannin� Depaetment. Tisecd City Hall, 13125 SW Nall. P.O. Box 23397� Tigard� Oregon 97223. . 9. ApDeal: My party to the decisior� osay appeal this decision ic. accordanee with 18.32.290(A) and Section 18.32.370 wrhich provides that a Wtitten appeal may be Eiled within 10 days aftec noticd is Siven and sent. The deadline Eor Eilinb oE an appeal is 4=� �'� 18, 1988 10. Questions: IE you have any questioi►s. please call the City oE Ti.aard Planning Department, 639-41]1. (0257P) ����� T :,�?,��� � . P ;; '< Y t' n+4 i: � � C`i"�'Y OF TIGAtt� PLANNING COCMIISSIONJ • � �'INAL OROER 8A--03 PC l APPROVES AN APPIICATION FOR A SUBDIVISION, SENSITIVE LANOS PERM%T, AND PLANNED OEVELOPMENT (S 87-08/Sl 97-09/PD 87-0�) REQUESTEO BY CITIZENS SAVINGS AND LOAN. The Tigar•d Planning Cummissiun reviewed lhe abuve applicatiu� at a public hearing o� February 23, 1988. The Commission baspd its decision on the facts, Find'anga and co�clusiu�e nuted below. A. FACTS 1 . General Infarmation CASE: Subdivision S 87-08 Planned Development RD 87-04 and 5ensitive Lands Sl 83-09 REQUEST; To divide a 44.35 acre parcel into 190 lots ranging between 5.500 and 9,500 square feet, ared to fill a drainageway. � COMPREMENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Low Density Residential 7_ONING DESIGNATYON: R-4.5 {PD)(Residential, A.5 units/acre, Planned Development) APPLICAdUT: OR—AK Corpuration OWNEl2: Citizens Savings � Luara � 13050 SW Forest Mead�ws Way 4500 SW Kruse Way St 370 Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Lake Oswego, QR 97634 LOCATION: South of Summer lake Sut�division, East of hlorriing Nill and Winter Lake develupments, and north uf Bellwund Subdivision. Tax Mc►p: 151 33D0 Tax Lot 100, �and Tax Map � 1S1 33DC, Tax Lot 4200 i � 2. Background Information ; i The pruperty was annexed i�to the City oP Tigar� in 1976. In March � 1978, approval was granted fur a 363 lut development un a 100 acre ¢ parcel extending from Scholls Ferry Road tu the southern boundary of � Che subje�t pruperty (file ZCPD 26-77) , Most uF the northern purkiun v of the de�elapment has been completed, however, the area south of �; Summer Lake was never develuped. r, �'+ In canjunctiun with Phase I, a l�rqe purtion ��f Summer• Lake Park was �'!, d�veloped including tFie lak�, bike/pedestrian paths, �:ne fuut bridge, [;, and a play area un the south side uf the Lak�. A sec.ond fo�tbridge at g; t-he ea�t end uF L-he lake was nuted �s a cunditi�n uf approval fur E:�. ZCPD 28-77 t�ut it was not install�d. E �: � �`. 4' F'INAL ORUf_R — 88-03 PC — CTT i'I.�NS SAV'INGS S �OAN (c)R-•-AK CURN. ) S 87--0B — PAt;E l �; -- � � � �� ' �'' , 3. Virinit Inf �tio� " Sua«mer LakQ P-:�, liQS north of tha �ubjact pr'�. ��ty and f1��y Woodward School, �nd taoo undQV�l�pod propo�ti�s a�� f�da�tQly 4ast ared ar� zoned R-�1.5 (Residee�tial. ,.5 units/acrQj. Bellwood Subdivision, which ia also zon�d R-�.5, i� dirQCtly soul•h and Winter lakQ/Brittany Ss�uarQ , developments arQ immediately west, and are zoned R-lx (Reaidential, 12 units/aere). Wint�� laka OrivQ, F.+lcun Rise Orivo dnd 128Lh Av�nuce termindte at the pruperiy buundaries. Alsu, a 40-fuut wide st�ip parcel uf unknuwn c►w�e�ship abuts l-hQ weste�n buundary uf the subj�ct property. Originally, thi9 st�ip was intended tu tnclude 130th Avenue, but it was nevsr dedicat�d. 4. Site Tnformatior� and Proposal Description The property is presently undeveloped and it slupes 9radually duwnhill towards Summer Lake. A drainage way runs through the property from Bellwuod Subdivisiun to the lake. Grass and brush cover Lhe en�ire property, with the exception of several Fir trees an the perimeter of • the pruperty arad n�ar thQ drainageway. The developer is proposing a 190 lot subdivision in 5 phdses, beqinning ;; �nt the north end of th� property with the later phases proceedinq J south. 228th Avenue will be extended to the north, and Falcon Rise Orive �nd Winter l.ake Drive shall be extended I:o the east and will intersect with 128th Avenue. Winter Lake Drive will also extend east to thQ eastern property line and terminata abutti�g two vacdnt parcefls that are north of the school property. ;Th� G.it,y, rece�t.l,�, aQup,'ted a coneeptual pl,a,� .f�r Summer ,.Lak� P�ar;k whl�ch ,,;' � :.. . included thQ ac:�uisi.t�ion;.af a.p,prax�mately;;seven ac,res an the. south side ; �,uf t�a �akQ. The. a.pplica�t subm�tted .a, p,reliminary+„Qlat in November � ,;�hat,.was no.t ca�s�.stent„�ith.;�hia plan, S�n�e..., thak;:ti.me,> the dpveloper '' ' has discussed the par,k i���;ua� with Gi�x stia.ff �"and lhe -Par.k 'B�ard, _ Tha ' UprQl,i�ninary, plat u�hich . is thQ. s.ubject of this hearing refleGts the ,general co�sensus reach by t.hQ three par�ti�;s�. An �rea uf. r�pprraximatQly 4 �crQS is ahown; between the narth boundary of; `thQ °devQ�lopine��t� �arid tho �hore uf Summer lake. 7hree pi�inl•s of� pedQStrian access arQ prop6sed �o th� park, land ,; �A p�rtian of this arQa �ai11 bQ dQdicated aind khQ�remaindar will be.purehased by the City. 5. Aqency and NPO Commonts The Building Inspection Division and P.G.E. have no abjection to the proposal . Washington County Fire District Nu. 1 notes that plans fur fire hydrant lucatiun mu�t be appruved by the Dist:rict priur lo recurding the final plat. + FTNAL URDER -• 88-U3 PC - CTTIZENS SAVING� & LOAN (OR-AK CURP. ) S 87-06 - PAGE 2 / ThQ Tigard WatM�`'�i'trict is cuncQ�n�rd ibout thQ -��u•bo� oF cul-do-���� ' in �el�tion tcs� .hQ Oistricta'� dosira to ha� loopQd �yFta�s. Tho �istrict rQquosts th�t Ilnt �onnactiA�x ba prov�d� b��Qn S�"�°� �dk� Placa and WintQrlakQ DrlvQ �A woll as thQ thrao southQrn cul-iiQ-��cs• The Park 8uard recum+n�nds khQ following: a,, Lots 1 and 2 should be omittad ar relocated. b, Parkirtig should be provid�c! at the end af �ummer lak� Ori�aQ• G, A pedastrian path shoulci be provided betwe¢�n Summer Lake pt�ce and �dinterlake Drive to impruve �edestrian aceess to the Park. �, T'he originally prupused footbridye at the east end of �ummer Lake should be constructed 'an conjunctiun with khis dev�lopment. NPO M 7 has the fullowing cun►ments : a, Street names should be revised to avoid confusion between s. . . e . 'milar nam . si b. The City should ensure that the sturm drainage facili�ies are pruperly designed, c. Lat 2 should be maved tu auoid problem: created by traffic un 128th Avenue headi�g directly toward this lut. d. Stop signs are recommended for westbound traffic un Winte�lake Drivp a�d Falcun Rise Rise Grive at 128th Ave�ue. The Enqineering Division has the following comments: a. The applicant prupuses to subdivide 44.35 aeres i�to 190 luts and to fill a drainage way as shown on the sub�r�itted plan sheets 1 thruugh 4, dated 9-�-87. The plan she�ts show Che praposed street netwurk, existing topography, preliminary storm sewer, sanitary and wai:er improvements. b. The proposed subdivisian street network will have aceess frmm 128th Avenue to the south, Falcun Ris� Drive to the west and Winterlake Drive to the n�rthwest. Winterlake Drive is also stubbed to the ea�t Pur future development. All three of these existing �streets are designated as minor collector streets. Falcun Rise Orive a�d 129th Avenue ha�e pavem�nt widths of 34 feet within a 50 foot right-of-way. Winterlake Drive has a 40 fuot pavement width within a ti0 fout right-of-way , c. SW 130th Avenue near Scholls Ferry Road, SW 128th Avenue south of the subj�ct site, and Falcun RiSe Drive west uf the subject siCe are all designated �s minor collect�r streets `on the City's Cum�rehensive Plan Transpurl:atiun Map. The Transpur�ati�n Map calls f��r "a cunnectiun between Sch�lls Ferry Road and 12HI:h Avenue and Falcun Rise Drive." It appears that th� n�ap inten�s th�t the c��nnect:ion be tu a minur colloctur s�an�'Ard with cunnzctions L-o the existing minur collectur str•eets, FIAIAL ORD[R - 88-•03 PC - CITIZENS SAVINGS & LOAN (OR-•F1K CURF. ) S 87-08 - PAGE 3 �, • Existi 1 t�rl�ka Oriva to th4 northw< : �� tha aubj�ct sit• has bQin� co�►struct� to �aino� coll�c�or �t�andards �nd ws 1nt��dQd to aarv� as part of tho connQCtion to &dholl� Fo�ry Roa►d via SW 130th AvanuQ. These existi�y a►inor collector streets (Winterlake, Falcon Rise, and 128th) are all develop�d wilh single-family residential unils having direr.t driveway access t�� the collecto� street, These stre�ls are intend�d t-o pr�vide acc�ss frum the residential neighborhuod to the adjoining collector and arterial streets system. These strQets alau provide acc�ss to Summerlake Pa�k, pruposed for development as a community park in the City°s Parks Plan. Th�ough traffic should be di�cuuraged un these streets. Through traffic can more appropriately b� accommodate�d o� 135th Avenue/Mur�ay Blvd. , 121Yt Avenue, Walnut Street, and Se:holls � Ferry Road. The pr^uposed strept layout appears to satisfy the requirement for minur collector street connectiuns i� the neiqhborhood while discoura�ing through traffic. The proposed st�eet sys�em provides good access ta Summerlak� Park. d. The propused development will increase traffic volumes on adjoining st�^eets. However, the tr�afFic patterns are conaistQrat with the Compreh�ensive Plan Transpurtation Map. By diacouraging through traffic, the proposed street layuut attempts to minimize the traffic impacts on the existing adjoining street system. The proposed subdivisiu� has a develupment density less ttian that ' allowed by the 'existing zuning fur the p�^operty. e, Existing Falcun Rise Drive and 128th Avenue have pavem�nt and right-of-way widths to local street standards rather than minor �ollectur standards. It appears appropriate to retain the existing widths on th�ese two street;s where they are ex�e�ded intu thp propased subdivisiun, since the stre�ts ar� nwt intended to carry through► traffic. The pavement structural section should, however, be to the usual minor c�llector standards. In the future, these narrower-than-standard streets could become a problem iF extensive un-stre�t parking uccurs in Lhe neighburhood. If so, the prablem could be resolved by pruhibitin� parking un une side of the stre�t. j f. Existing Winterlake Drive is consl;ructed to minor collect�r �� standards. The minur cullectur stan�iar•�is �huuld we retained un i Winterlake west of 128th Avenue. To the east of 128th Avenue, I Winterlake will becume a lu�al sL-re�t, The minur cullect:ur widLh ; on Winterlake is sufficient tu allow two-way traPfic eyen if cars � are park�d along buth sid�s uf i;he str�et, as may hap��n occas�ionally, during spECial events at Summerlake Park . a � : i 1 I . � I FINAL OR��R - 88-03 PC - �II�IZENS SAVIN(,S & LOAN (vR-AK �ORP. ) S 87-08 - PAGL- 4 i — , � � � g. �hQ �eaw�n:ng strQOt network, othQr t� � thQ •inor collQCtors li�tQd �� ve, shall ba dQSignat�d a� 1�. .+1 �trQati, �Qq�i�i� g 50 fooC right-of-wr�y and a 3� foat paveie�ent aidth, h, All tha propos�d strents ohall be construct�d to �urrent City uf Tigard standards ineluding curbs, sidewalks, str@etlights and utilitiQ�. Thq curb �Qtur�a at local s�roet i�tarsacCium staa�uld � be 25 foot radius and minor cullector to minor coll�ctor intersections shall bo 30 fout radius, i , The site currently has a ped�strian patF� and playground structure adjacent to the l�ake. The submittal pldns shuw p�uposed access way� cc►nnecting the existing p�th to the street. Thase �raposed acce�s ways shall be paved �o an 8 fuut width dnd lhe axi'tirg Qath improved to current standards. j . The existing draina,ge swale is prupused tu be Filled in conjunction with earthworlc activities on the site. Since the . €ill� wi11 be located und�r the �streets and potential humesites, soils anal sis an en ineered fill will be re uired intludi a , 9 � . �! y cumpactiun uf successive lifts uf fi11 and inspection/testing o�servations and r�ports. k. The proposed preliminary storm drainage system conceptually appears to be satisfactory. Additional catch basins, realignmenk of son►e pipeli�es along pruperty lines, and relocating structures un private pruperty will be necessary fur the final plans. Also , the drainage of roofs has not been addressed on this plan. Any pipeline on private proper,ty will be requared to bE witf�in a 15 � foot wide public easement. The drainage from the existing Winterlake Drive and falcun Rise DrivP has alsc� nut b�en addressed. 1 . The proposed preliminary sanitary sewer aystem utilizes an existing main line. The existirxx� line r�quired realignment ir� the suuth end oF the site but will remain in place at all oth�r locations. A 15 Puut wide area, centered over L-he �ipe is r�quired for maintenan�e. If this �rea overlaps onto private pro�erty a public easement will be required. m. The proposed street system north of Winterlake �riue may be slightly adjusL-ed pending the negutiatiuns uf the park area adjacent to the lake. n. The propased plat does not show an existing 40 foat wide area alunc� Lhe w�st property line which, is designated as 130th Avenue on the current assessor' s map. This area is intended to be acquired by the applicarit t�ut has nut b��n formally cumpleLed at this time. A sketch was suk�mi�:ted wit-h the application �howing an altern�te plat cunfiyuratiun, shifting the prupo��d 134th Avenue ta the east 40 feet, This alternate is accpptable if �he vacati��n Fias nut u�curred priur tu the cunstruction uf this phase of th� subciivisiun. FINAL ORDE12 - 88--U3 RC - Cl'T7;7F..NS �AdTNGS & LOF1N (OR-/1K CORP. ) S 87-08 - PAGE 5 ,� ._ _ __— _-- , _...�._...._ —._. ___ � � � 8. FINOINGS AND CANCI�ti` 'a111S � . 7'hQ ralavan! crit�ria fn th�s cas• Ara Tigard ���'°�r�l i. �And Roliciaa x. l . l, 3.2.1, 3.5.3, 3.5.�, 3.6.�, 7.3.1, 8. 1 .3, and Comnur►ity Deealopment Codo chapters 18.50, 18.80, 19.94, 18.92, 18, 160, and 18. 164. Since lhQ Tigard Cumpr�hensive Plan tras been acknowledged, the StatQwide Pla��ing Goals and G4ideli�es na lunger nead to be addreaa�d• The Planning Con�niission concludes the proposal complies with or will c�mply with, the relevant pla� policias ar►d Code criteria based upun the findings noted below: 1 . Po�icy 2. 1 , 1 is satisfied because the neighborhood p�ann'ing organizati�n and the sur�^ou�ding proPerty ow�ec'� wHrQ 9iven notace of the hearing and they had an oppurtunity to comment �on the applicant's prupoaal. 2. Policy 3.2. 1 is satisfied trecause no land form alteration within the 100-year floud plan i� anticipated and, therefure, no negative impacts will occur. : . . � , ' �' t rd h"� 3 P.olicy� �t5,;3� ���,pl�..,rf�r ���he de�iy��tion o�` the �00=�y�a����'lood. pla�� ` Ttoe .a�reac;wAth}n� tl�� ��,00d �l�arf sF►all ba 6e�ieat�.d as ��� �*�e,Anway. ,a ,c,oix�:ition �,af ,this ,deW,Q'1.o,Ptne�t:and, ��e �:ty`'�and #�F►e ;�prop�;rty owner ,,' are �.�teredi,;rx,� .to: ne�ut�,a`t�;. thQ :pearcha�e �if tiFie �ddi'tib;�aaX pr�aperty ,, �� . � s�cSwri ;for a,; park ;in this propo,sal . �� I Si�ce :Phase, IR w�;:ll, in�l,udq�., the park ,area,, it �s essential that th�� � �'�*k' �edica��ian/,purc�a►�Q,,,bQ F�.nalixed f�rior ��o:rcca��"1°r� t��e rtai�a3 `plat for thie, pl,���e , ,Th!A,,; outcomQ u� t�t�� oQ9��aati�n'��i��be�►i�er3 ��l� = � .. L . 2/ ,. v .�. k 5'.,. 1+1.4 1h 4 •\r���1N��t �M �Ta� .���t� '. appl i c�ant ao�d �he �a t�y �y, re�u i rQ mp�n�r m4�},� , , � , P►'es�n�ed by� ��?� aQ�ali���,� ���,e�u��� �4,,,�����Qn��a�k ��r�e�ment Feas i���f!.,reaG�had., wi�h tl�a, �.�4cQAtiA/�, �� la�!�.�. � ��..ttic! 2. :no sA�g�i�ic�nt ; F� � � th,e� str��t :�al�gr�merRt .:.oe� r�umk�+�r��;' '� cha�c�es ,�r� an��;i�xpa�eS1 r�gat'�d;;�.ng,„ arwc�,'s i�e� .o�f- lot's; ��sr'th ,af��iint@rla�ke �,�Or:iuQ� � ' Of th� � .+/ ace^e area ta be �dded t�, th� par4s. t�e ,Cx ty ,,�1i11,4; `consider :�he `faY]�aw�ri�' a►s,"a►� m'i't�i�mum°`'har�o`�'��i�� �ttf�'''l�t'n'd������` l��'�'a`�'d`i'c,a-t�d, �atkier 'tFa�n purahaied'": ' � a, Areas within the 100 year flnod plain. b. Regardless uf the park si-re ur cunfiguration, a 15 fuut wide right-of-way w�uld be required with all bike/p�destrian paths. This is parkicularly true because adequate space is 9�nerally not available within lhe flu�d plai� area uo the south side uf the lake fur the paths, , ' c. 7he parking area requested by Yhe Park Board� would be pdrt of the Suma�er take Orive street right-�f-way and maintained by the Gity. f INAL ORD[R - 88-03 PC - CI1"I7.'EN5 SAVTNGS 6 lOAN (Ok-AK CORP, ) 8 87-08 - PAGE 6 . � �. Polic� 3.5.�`requirQ� adequatQ pedQStrian acce» and circulatio�. � This polic•• •aill ba satisfi�d if four �adif� �tio�s ar� �ad�: �. �i.. . �. ThQ •acisting paths should bQ repairfd a� nQCes�ary and � widened to B fQ�t to comply with City standards fo� two-way �. bike/pedestrian paths. These paths also should be extended i to Wi�tQrlakQ Driva in thQ vicinity uf lot 3, tu lhe Summer l.ake Orive eul-de-sac, and frum the dam to the Su�nier Lake €� P1acQ cul-de-sac. b. An 8 foot w.ide pedestri�n path a�d 15 foot wide easement '' shouZd be provided between the Summer ldkQ Place cul-de-�ac and Winterlake Oriue. ; c. A siailar path and easement should also be establish�e� r between luta 56 and 57 to Mary Woudwar� S�chuul. Rlthough ` this development is not within the Tigard School District, it �' doee functiun as a neighborhoud facility for the purpuse of '1 recreation. Also, district boundaries are subj�ct to ctiange and staff r�commenda that a pedest�ian accesa be preserved. _ Prior to implementing this condition the Tiga�^d School � Oistrict must ap�rovQ the cr�ation of this path. d. As noted above, the original approval for this development % contained a cur�ditiun requiring the construction uf a secund �' pedestrian bridge at the east end of the lake. This bridge �F represents an impurta�t link to allow fur full pedestrian use of the park and greenway areas and should be provided along � with the othe� path improvements. 4 � 5. Policy 3.6.2 will be satisfied because the City Council and Park � Quard shall work with the property owner to determine the exact �.' bbundary of the new park. f �:' �' 6. Policies 7.1 .2, 7.3. 1, and 7.4 .4 can be satisfaed bQCause adequate i`-; water, sewer afid storm drainage Facilities wil� be required to ? . serve the development prior ko the approval of the final plat. The ;: applicant indicates that these facilities will be �ruvided within, � the subdivision as required by C:ity standards. The applicant must ji have Lhe degign �F the water system approved by Tigard Water^ �' District prior to recording a final plat. � � 7. Policy @.1.1 calls fur the provisiun uf a safe and efficient street � system which accommodates present and future needs. The j' Comprehenaive Plan adupted in 1983 acknowledged the fact thdt 130th } Avenue, as originally platted would not be an advisable route to ' '' use. The Winterlake Drive/128th Avenue combinati�n shown here is 4` consistent with the Plan. A� 50 fout right-of-way for 12Bth Avenue � is cunsider�ed apprupriate because t;he existing sectiun frum t-he # south property boundary tu Walnut Street utilizes a 50 faot �, right-uf-way, Appropriate traffic �igning will be det�rmined by �. the Engineering staff during review of detailed cunstructiun plans and installed as develupment uccurs, " , {pk t �. �: �. . �', ' iy�: ! FINAL ORDER — 88—U3 f�C — CITT7.ENS SAVINGS 6 LOAN (UFC—AK CORP. ) S 87-08 — PAGE 7 � _ ; . o . • 8 . Po➢icy 1. 1 .3` .11 bQ aatisfi� wh�n thQ c� itio�s uf approval ' • �alating tof �trQet i�prove�nts aro co�p`� ed. Tha appropriat� , strQQt sQCt�� .s will bQ co�eplatQd with ��ch �.�a��. 9. Chapter 18.50 is satis�iQd bQCause the proposal �neets the applicabl� CudQ requirements of tha R-4.5 zone. 10. Chapter 18.80 and Chapter 18. 160 of the Code are �atisfied because the prupaxal meets khe r�aquirements s�t fur the subn�issiun and approval of a preliminary plat �n�d detailed plan. The pr^oposed phasi�g plan me�ts CodQ requirements because public improvements will be appropriatQly provide� with edch phase. The plan and individual phases assumQ that thQ 40 fout wide 130th Avenue parcel will .be acquired and incorporated into the developn►ent. A ' cuntingency plan has been subonitted by the applicant illustrating the necesaary plan amendments to bQ made if this Iand acqufsition dues nut occur. The otreek alignment in Pha�e V will be amended slightly and two lots will be deleted. � 11 . Chapter 18.84 i' satisfied becausa the regrading and filling uf tha drainage way has taken into account the anticipated storm water runuff proceeding north toward Summe� Lake. It has been determaned that no adv�rse eFfecta will be felt on adjoini�g prop�rties or within the subdivisio� itself. The c�iteria in Secti�n 18.64.040(c) will be met, � 1Z. Chaptar ]8.92 is s�tisfi�d because the proPosed density is consastent with Code requirQments. A m�ximum of 205 units are permitted on this site and 190 units are proposed. . � 13. Ct�apter 18. 164 will be �atisfied during l�e app�oval prQCess fur the final plat. C. DECi5I4N " Based upon the above Findings, the Planning Commission approves S 87-08/SL �7-09 and detailed plan approval uf PD 87-04 subject to the follnwing conditions: 1 . Exeept For street access, n�ne of the area included in the 40 foot wide 130th A�enue parcel (Tax lok iSl 33DC, 42Q0) �hall be within �; any final pl�t until it has bee� legally acquired by the applicant. Street access across this parcel to WinCe�lake Orive R , and Falcon Rise Drive shall be appruved by the City prior to recurdinc� Phase I and Phase V respectively. (Cuntact Ran�+y Clarno) '� k: ' 2. Lots 1 and 2 shall bQ omitted or moved Lu another lucation suulh of Winterlake Orive, (Cuntact Keith Liden) � �' • i s� !,. t, � {.. , • • �;G � E: #; FINAL ORUER - B8-03 PC -� CI'f'TZENS SAVINGS � LOAN (OR-�AK CORP, ) S 87-08 -� PAGE B �' _ �',:' [',, =b. ��� . ,. �=-=--- —=_—_- _ . . ,. _ _ ..,;,. 3. Tha Pollowi�� pQdQ�tri�n facilikies shall'" ba cunstruct�d in conjunctio�` �ith th� d�valoppant. Public ,� �pruvQ�aQnt plans sh+ll bo subwitt��"as dasc�ib� in Conditto�s 13 �..d �4. All itaws bo�ow �hsll bQ approvQd �nd constrtacted or guarantQad p�ior to rocording the �in�l pl.�t for L•hQ �o�reeponding phaaQ. All path� shall bQ improvQd with an 6 foot wide asphaltic concrete surface. (Cont�ct Gary Alfsun) a. Existing paths an the south side of t•he Lake shall be widened tu an e fout wide asphaltic concrete surfaca. b. The western path shall be extended to Winterlake OrivQ in the vicinity uf lut 3 with the locatiun to be appraved by Lhe Engineering Division. c. The path that ends at the existing play area shall be extended to the Summer lake Orive cul-de-sac. d. The path near the dam will be extended south th�ough the access strip to the Summer Lake Place cul-de-sac. e. A foot bridge, with the same width as the existing bridge, - shall be provided acrose the east end uf the lake. fo An 8 foot wide path within a 15 foot wide easement shall be pru�idad between the Summer Lake Place cui-de-sac and Winterlake Drive and between lats 56 and 57 connecting Falcon Rise wi�h Mary Woudward ScF►ool. Tigard School Oistri.�t approval shall be neCessary for the second path to be " required. 4. Ph�s,,e � �hall :not receiv� final plax anpp�^oual ur►�til �Me boundariea t u{P �''t�+�� ',�pa�k `are�Y; '�o ,b� dec��cated ar+�%or 'Ruri�i��:e� h�s lseen� ,d�eter�ined and; agrQed t� by .'�he'"City 'aod'`"'the app�F��'��� ` ��(CoRt'ac"t . �,�`e i�th �L ici�n) , aM�e At a minimum, the following items shall be dedicated: a. Area within the 300 year floud plain. b. �5 faot wide right-of-way for all pathways. c. Right-uf-way necessae^y t� accummodate the par�Cing area at the end of Summer Lake Orive. (Contact Jun Feigo� 639-4171). ' 5. Parkiny spaces shall be �prouicJed at the Summer Lake Qrive cul-de-sac betwe�n lots 9 and 10. The number and design shall be approved k�y the Engirteering Uivision. Adequale buffering shall be Proviaad betw��n the parkir►g ar•ea and adjac�nt luts., (Contact Gary Alfson} , . F1Nf�l_ ORUf:.ft - 88-03 F'C - C77IZENS SAVINGS � LOAN (0(2-AK GORP. ) S 87-0@ - PAGE 9 ' � ° ., .,. _ �� ., .___.. �. .. . � •� �6. S.W. 128th A� �Q, WintQrl+k• OrivQ from 129 AvQ�ua wQat to thQ . Qxiatirrg et��'��t, a�nd Falcu� RiaQ Orivo f��,� � �,28th Avanua wost to thQ Qxiat�, ,, ak�oot �hall bQ con�truci�� to winor c�1lQCtor standards, axcopt that Falco� Ri�e Oriv� a�d 12ith Avonu• sf►all ba alluwed to t�s reducQd in width to a 50 foot right-of-way and 3� fout pavement width to match thQ existing pavQmQnt. Wintarlakp Drive shall be a1lowQd to be taperkd f��m �0 feat to a 3� foot �avement width �a�t uf 128th pvenuQ, [Staff Co�tact: Gary R1f�o�J 7. The remaining str�eet.s shall b� const-ructed tu Iocal street atandards. [StdfF Contact: Cary Alfsu�] �. St�eet Centerline Monumentatian shall bQ p�ovided aa follows: A. I� accu�dance wi1:h ORS 92.060 subseetiun (2), the center2ines of all street and roadway rights-of-way shall be monumented before the CiL-y shall accept a street improv�ment. 9, A11 centerline monuments shall be placed ir� a monument box cunf-urming to City 'tanda�ds, and the top uf all munum�znt boxes sh�ll be set a design finiah grade of said street or ruadway. C. The fullowinq centerline monumente shall be set: (1) All center3ine-centerline intersections. Intersections created with "collactur" ur other exi�ting streets, ehall be set when the centerlinQ alignment of eaid "collQCtor" or uther street has been established by u� for the City. . � (2) Center of all cul-de-sacs. (3) Curve points, Point uF intersection (P.I. ) when their position falls inside the limits oP the pavement ol-herwise beginning and ending points (B.C. and E.C. ) . (4) AI1 sanitary and storm locations shall be placed in positiuns that do ' nut interfer� wiL-h centerline monumentation. [Staff Contact: Jon Feigion] g. A grading plan shall be submitt�d showing existing and proposed cuntours. A soils report shall be provided detailing compaction requirements. [Staf� Cuntact: Gary Alfsun] 10. Sanit«ry �and sturn► sewer details shall be provided as part of the Public Impru��sament plans. Calculatiuns arid a topugraphic map uf the drainag� basin and service area shall be provided as a supplem�nt tu the Public Iinpruv�mer�t plans. Calculations shall be based an full development serviceability. The locatio� and capac.ity uf existing, prupused and future lines sFtall be addressed . [Staff Co�tact: Gary Alfson] ' 11 . The applic�r►t shall pruvide fur ruuf rain drainage l-o lhe public stormwater drainage system or a drywell t� prever�t rwnoff �nto adjacent prup�r•ties. [SLaPf Contact: Gary Alfsun] FINAI. ORUER 88-03 PC - CT'1"I:ZENS SF�V];NGS 6 L4AN (OR-f1K CUftP. ) S 87-•08 - PAG�E: 10 ,. 4� � _, , ,_ .. . _ ,, • ' 12. Tha applicd�. shall p�ovide cun�QCtiun uf 4�:h lot to tha public � �anit�ry �eragQ �ystQ�. A connQCtioR Q n�t is roquirQd to � connact !�. tha exiati�g pu�lic sa�itarj•- �awr syet��. [Staft Co�tact: John Hag�an� 13. Seven (7) sets of plan—prufile public improv4m�nt conskructiun plane and ona (1) itemized cu�structiun cuyt e�timate, et�mp�d by a Registered Profc�»io�al Civil Engineer, detailing all propusQd public impruvements shall '�e sut�mitted to the Engi�a�rring S�ectiun for approval , Two sets shall be pr•uvided for a p�elimin�ry r�view at 95X plan cumplotio�. [Staff CunL-act: Gary Alf�on] 14. Construction of propased public improvements shall not commence unl•il aFt�ar the Er►ginee�ing sectiu� has approved public imp�uvemsnk plans. The section will require a 100X Perfo►�ance Assurancg, the paymrnt of a per•mit fee a�id a siyn installation/strea�tlight fee. Also, the executian of a streek opening peroit ur co�struction compliance agreement shall uccur priur tu, u� concurrenkly with i;he iesuance of approved public improvement plans. [Staff Contact: Jut�n Hagman] 15. After review and approval by the Directur of Community Develupment ar�d the City Engineer, the final plat shall be re�orded with Washington County. [Staff Contact: John HagmanJ 16. The Plan�inq Directur may app�ove amendmenks to the �inal plat and detailed plan in �ccordance with the fullowina3 cri.teria: a. All phases shall nut exceed 190 lots . t�. T'he street system design is n�t significantly alter�d. c. Amendments to the phasing plan, including the� order in which phasea are pl�tted, wi11 provide for the a�ppropriate provision uf land dedicatiun and public improvements associated with each phase. d. The 130th Avenue parcel cannot l�e acquired and the applicant's alternative .plan must be implemented. 17. The Pirst phase must be approved fur final plat within une year af the final approval date. All subsequent phases must be platted within five years uf the final approval date. � i , � � 9 i t It is further ordered that the applican� be notified caf the e�try of this E � �rdNr. `' / t PASSEU: This �� !�/i� day uf February, 19B8, by the Planning Commission uf 4 the C'ty u Tiyard. / � f; , . . f, �� ,� . ��� . �, Milt Fyrz„ �i �r Presid�enY'�-. � Tigard Plann`ir�ig Cummissiun , (hL-/3474D) t - - 1" 7_ �Nfi SF� 7NG:� & LOI1N OR-F1K CUHP. S 87--06 - WAGE 11 �� F],NAL ORC ER 88 03 PC C1 1 E V , ( ) -- ; �, �: ; . / � ; � . � � '�� -N- , �' S.W. SNA� � . � � G d,pG�, , -l�,� �, . 1'• = Z00 � �,A (�.1 CqeCE pEt�`�'� � � ,. _ C''�C.�C/ER � _ � � .� ..,, _ _ ��� ��RCC E � �,, . � ' '., . r • . � SUMMER LAKE � � PARK , • �""' .�,� `• y t'� � . / t Z�d�sS ''� Y I Y. . / . � - 7:. �' ,� � � -.°'. � , � , '� ��;. .. Aa . . •�'; � .��• �� ; F � � a 1 g , • � �.•� � \�v � � a 'e �:{;. • �*� � ... . ) .i. I / , ��'' : ►�� +, ` / � `� �1� tJ,, °• � ' . . �' 1 ; ��'s? � � � ��: `°'�\ '�r, i . 'i� � \ / � i , � �'''���� j�yt<\ ` �,� ;.`e � ���f.�, k � � � v' � � • �� � � ` s �� � � �`� r _ �� s� � y / \ �� � � � -� 391.08' \ 1 :� �' : .,..� I! ) �' y � \ � ` � A �; s,t,�� � ���. � �>/ ^ \ �\ ` � f /A\,/ 4 a , �'FF DR � iyavi' 359.69' / /�� `��> ��� `� /��.�',./J /�� r. . `� / ♦ /�. / �\\ �`_�',.. � �/ ;'. -_ , r�._I� .r �'._ r _.� ��� l� � � � �� ,���1`� �,,_..� �' - - � Total property to be transferred to City. r'-i°"1� ' ; .00 acres •� f L—..:--I' �, � � Property to be transferred to City as %: • _ _I condition of subdivision approval. . t � � _ _ � rloadplain �%�� - 12 acres � .� _ _J Walkways and C�.il-de-sac parking , � - �53 acres --� Property to be purchased by City. . 3.35 acrces �` 1----�1 _ _� t ., � �� � �,i , i r r' � ,. ..., _4 _ _,...��.,� y x_�_ ._._._.,u.. � ���`, _.. _..: ..:._ _....--' . __.>._ _ � 'DONNE�.6� RAP.lIS, EL610TT � CREW V1Af�c P OD�NNELL �►TTOR�NEYS AY LAW u»..o..�u � •���(�TMV / GiA^�iS �el N Ci�1�Nt SU��C c�JZ •f•.�+F-�••e : ;.nrr BAI.LOW 6 WRIGHT F3UIl.DING r.AN6� pAEr,ON�'r'i�3 ;'���F_V� •.�r.,Y tZd7 vw Hu•r5r�c[* 503' �56 ��a9 �F'�Al:=E ','.W��rraN• pOR7��N6 O�EGON 97.'04 •E`+YF'•••� :':r 30J�.::A�02 Ec: aa�-Haar,N r�xi503�.�329�� . �...,i_�V c lai�_r1 � �lE�SE'�EPI•`Oi'OA'l�'+00«�CE ';�Ch+aEl�E'vDEN '� :�.��SE� 'a15�ap,qr' qPaal:'�� F � .:•.1T: `f�/P'iHln�1.�.�1?N July 26 , 19�8 CERTIFIED MAILy RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Don Morissette 8575 S.W. Barbur Blvcl. Portlarxc3, Oregon 97219 Re: City of. Tigar@ - Pur�hase of Park Property (Tax Lot 100� Washi�ton County Assessor ' s Map 1S1 33DD) Dear Mr. Morissette: Our nffice regresenta the City nf Tigaxd. As you know from previous conversations with Randy Cl.arno, the City Councxl has j determined that a portion of the above-referenced property shoulcl ; be acquired for public park purposes � he �rort�,or� cansists of� � a�Froxzmately 3,.88 acres a�s qshown or� �th� a��ached �a�a, A The, exa�ctf � ^�iereage w�ll b,e det:e,�mi,t��d u�aQ�. ;the a�praval and,,recor°ciing of'�the � '�'"3'.ri�"1' nlat.' and '�ttie'=pra.ce a�dj;:usted accorc�in.g.1y�, : � , i! I am writing on behalf of the City of Tigard to offer to purchase � the above-referenced property in conformance with the requirements of ORS 35. 346. The City offers the total sum of One � Hundred T�aenty Three Thousand Dol].ars ( $123 , 000 . 00 or $31 , 725. 00 � per acre) for yauar property. � The City ' s offer is for fee title, free of all encumbrances , and, ; therefore, deeds or releases will be required from all parties � 4 having an interest in your property. All taxes, liens an.d other � assessments on the property will be prorated to the date of ; closing. � S , , � I � r ' ti�.,. c' ���n , �11�. k(�'� , ,, � ��w, _ _:.;___� ...;.., _. _ _ a �� �I '�. '�:.,., �i i . i Don Morissette �' July 26 , 1988 ' Page 2 k �. �; Please advise me of your acceptance or rejection of the abave �; purchase offer on or before August 26, 1988 . If you require any �.� further information, please contact me. j;. (:, Sincerely yaurs, (i' ,. O' DONPxELL, RAM ; ELLIOTT & CREW C'', � � �_ i � ` . �, � �, , �, , , ' � , ✓`� ( J� '� �. ,. , .1.+ . ` � � ; 1' r ,.: Kertneth M.• E11 ' tt ;'; � KME/mg � ltr. 12 ������ Enclnsure F E. cc: Randy Clarno, Development Services Manaqer Addressee by Surface Mail � ; �. i. �. , �' 9' i. 1! �` ��� i , ; �,; � �rJ [ � . ... .. . . . � . . . .. . .. . . . , . .,�. . , .: - �•..�,. . -., . �._.... I iY_:_--_-___ --..__ .... . ..... ... ... . . ... .. . . ... . . ... . ... . ,:�:. . ..��. .... ,_..... . _ __ -_ � I / . r.'i �S ; / G2� 1 �mY� �LCAD F��/ � ,�`.. .�, Z>4?�z . 8 3 F �� „� gy'� �°� „� � �� :. / i ` � � -�.��e ,�� �' .s M� ��°�{,/ ra� �. ,�� � � P �1P, ' " ��;°� ,�- . 's- � . . � c `•a\ � S �v• .,1 . �a 3 �.; N". 'a z e�, ',�`�t.� � S , �� . 19-s/ / �- 4•., +.� py }- I��� � �/ /� \°Q� ' s p h \ vG.o \ �//� �. I.. . �fi �7 • � �y57 `� O ��j\\ 'P.v � � �.�� . l� �` '� /Q o ' �R p �9i, �t. =V r � S � �' �� �' �� , �Q�/ os. � �+/ � � ../ ' ,�d 7� � '�� I� ' �� � °e�„ �°t�� �' 'q'� .� �o,\ ^ ( _��p 39 y b� 1/ •oti S3 �'� ►� 3 � � e�� $ � 1'� � r �a o.��� �—� � �' _ j� �' �!' " 4.0�A�.- PP K-r� — g� � N ,� p. � Z n��F�Oo� t'K-Ai N � �� 2 � ,az 3 . 24�Pt�. . NEI � J !i Z �'.00 l-�G� 3 �i �s Bq�Ss�zO E, j�� o��' :. � � �"„ � ��� � ; ,.; T .N ry ��aj ^� 9 L;�ro . � . .�i�� .f� N�'G.�i �.� W, j)4 i� 1 �. '�'y i90 7a. ,..o - - ---.._ ,Dti I . . �OH ' _— � . -�� - . _,e,, . _ ,�. ,,� � I Z'�2.0.T�C'�' MA P � �,... _ O'DONNELL. RAMIS. ELLIOTT & CREW ,��''�1� ���y ` .�-- -' " � '°�"' � '—'� > i ��J� �ivt iJ ' �� .....�,,.,'"—•..,..�--•'—. ...�.. ,.�r. ATTORfV EYS AT LAW <r �; ' ��4' • �•-._,Y�,�,,,..�-,-•�.,, .�� . O r'\;i'��yt�MF_�i����.r . BALLOW & WRIGHT BUILDING � ��, 1':y A •''� •'. »— t ��_,T�,�,.,_.�.� � • .""' . � 1727 N W HOYT STREET . i �'+�+•' • 'OsaTlANC7 ORE�or�97209 �` � —Y ' . .�..7�/'P`!1o���—.. i�t5 _ , .. �c:. --.._�-,,,..._.�..��.. .��: CI�{T CA�Ck �. � 41��. 3 � i ____�- �Ne�e °i' CERTIFIFD MAI7�, � ' � �ry�'`���� r�r'.PURN RECr•,IPT Rt:c�vr.S�rrn i ': ,�, _ t T No�lO� �.• �� P 129 571 395 �x�':�,� Don Morissette �I zh—...o� _ ytl , __ �� 8575 S.W. Barbur Blvd. �=:-�►�I�1��-�-as.��:_-�.t'�-.:-:'�. � Portlan�?, Oregon 97219 s Mtvrn i I ��� Ow.��/� ��A�-1►. pw NR � li,l��l�,e!„f,l���lli�l�„ol�ll �����fl�i���fo�lli„�II���I,��11�l�oi I' I �I r` ` . .. . . . . i��i , ' I • 1''.j �• ' p'�. Nni[L�� Rn►M�s, ELlIQ7T 8a Ca..w � ' ! � ,�. �Eiss� ATTORNEYSAT t,/!W i: .�t'rR7l►Ct- �E �A�• � BALIOW 6 WRIGNT �UILDfNCa� rtN,otiwtsung�os �. s7iMN s C11Ew C�W�r.Oed[o0N s7o�1 I KEH►�E'TN M E1�10T'1' �7�7�tw►w�t le�ttr IS091 2 •1{4i, . KENNEffI F1 fOX �ORfl�NO ORCGOM�ttOf � . .. . � rN1�L1/'E GRlLLO isoa�71�•.o� ` , . KA11K�OOONNEIL S���ypJ11a�79�1 ( � . TIM0T1iT V RAMIS _� ( . �. �— SIC��[�(��r i0�O��I�MO WIiCt . M�cw.e�AEOOer+ a cow+sc� • '�150��M�TftO 70 RieC'�KC � �' Iq s4A4[pf WA$HMGTpN � j � Y October 31, 1988 � s . � • • , . • �, �' Mr. Gordan L. Hobbs .� '. . � • 1511 S.W. F'ark Ave. , #1003 � - _ �" � K` • Portland, Oregon 97201 � , � ;� : �,� :' ,t Re: CitY oP Tiqard - Purchase of Aon Mo�i�sette B�ildera. I��� � ``' Property • 2 Dea� Mr. Nobbs: : ; . Y �have spaken with Randy Clarna conaernin� t.�e verbal agreement '- � you P�ave reached with the City �or sal� ot the park priaperty .: '� descr.,ibed as � portion of Tax Lot 1A0, Washington County � .". `•: Assessor's Map 1S� 33DD. �:' � . � j �:i. �1��r �3.ty .#�,a� .a►gre��d �r� purc�a�sa 3.35 acr�a� ,og�park pro��r�� �t ; :;: ; pr�ce oR .�37,065 �er .acre, Sor a. total purch�se priCe �t �. ``,:.. � 5124,167.75. J+n addi�i�t►�tl .�5 a►�r,ea �i3.1. .be d�d�.c�4te�1 by �e .;; � developer to the City tor p�tblio .paxk use, 'cv��prise.cl 0!,',12 �acr :s ;-� � foz�`f�.00i3 �laiin and ,...53, ac���$. �or :p�r��r4q,, ��d k►�k� pa�hs; a�s ':�� � � z. requirei�''by �he devel"ap�r's pr�li�nirsary plat approwal,x� The . �. . eritire four-acre p�rcel will be conveyecl in ai s'ingle" 'd�ed to the City of Tigard, with a single metes anc3 br�unds leqal description � ^ of the entire parcel, to be attached to this letter as Exhibit � � "A" and incorporated hexein by reference. { .. � ._. L As part of the purchase agreement, the City would like to Clarify , the scope of public improvements required as a condition o� � . � ; subdivision approval. � The condition of approval requix�es � ;. Wa.nterlake Drive to be built, adjacent to the subdivision,' to ' ". standard equal to the portions of Winterlake Drive already � ; � ; developed in the Winterlake and Brittany Square subdivisions. The required improvemen�ts include the following: � - ° • • `� � � �, . ; 1, Cnnstruction af minor colleator street improvements along � Winterlake Drive, from the western plat boundary tA . f; S.W. 128th Avenue; � • ; . � �; _ � t p t � � . .rrA,:3�; �6`3.=;; ; t�. , ��ti ' � ! t �)�� � �' i iY ! �.. d; . ; � : _. _ _ _ _ ,:,� _ � , ' ` � - , � +;1 • • � {' ��. % ' ; �..., r City o! Tigard - Morissette � O�tcaber 31, 1989 ' � Pt��e 2 p ..# 2. 5aid improvem�nts sha11 Gonsist o! a one-hal! etreet on the south side of th� center line (20-foot wide driv9.ng eurta�ce, p2us curb, sidew�a�lk and neces5ary utilities) t and a 12-toot ' paveci driving lan� on tt�e �orth sida with a roc� shaulde ; '� 3. All utilities will need to be insL�alled, including sewer ! starm drainage, water and street lighting, eith�r under the ;�; payed surfac� or behind the sidewalk, ir� accordance w►ith final construction plan approval. � • a . �: . a �:., • The Ci�y will proceed to order a preliminary title re�port, tor �t4�e ;i property. The City will pay all cash at closing torythe � _� " �� ? p�caperty, following recefpt of an executed copy o! this` lette � : and subject to formal City Council authorization at its lirst � No�ember meeting, to be h�ld �n November 14, 3988. The City will require that the land be conveyed by qen�ral statutory warranty `' deed, free and clear of all enaumrirances. Wit es e o h r ct t P closing costs, the City will requir� that MorisSetta pay ��� a� ', title insurance policy in the am�unt of the purchase price, • The �' �ity will also requ,�re that Morissette pay the Washington` County ' `i transler tax, r�ecArdi»q "fe�es, gov�rnment servica c2��rge and ar�jr record�r�g fees for the releas� of any existinq encu.mbra►a�c��. . The Ci.ty wi11 shar� equally th� customary �scrow fees. The ,Cit� w�ll al�o require that k�oarisse�te pay all real property taxe�s t9ue o th� proper�y through the Closing date, at ox befare clo�ing:" �; Ttais offex is mad� on b�ha].f of the City o! Tiqard in� conr�rm��ce with th� requixements of OZtS 3�.3�6. Z tzvst that i� conform� n `— all ��spects to the verbal aqre�men�s reached by you and Ranc�X� C.larno. Pleas� indicat� your acc�ptance �af the offer; on behal� � ' of Don Morissette Builders,�• Inc, , by signinq and dating below nd returning the ori.ginal o� this letter �0 12andy Clarno� in the enclosed envelope an or before November 4, 1�88. Please retai�a the ericlased capy of tlae letter for your records. .. � �incer�ly yours, � . `I /��•��,�� -�� , '! � ��. ��� � ��� Kenneth M. E1liott �: �! �� � ; .�. . . IQ�tE/gaj � . `;; 1?� cc: Randy Clarno, Development Services Manager , �i �'� kAi�ciyard\1►obb�.ltr ; {-' . . . �,{ ' �� � (': ' ' � C. ` �! e � �i • ""■ �fi,,�'��''' .�,,�. �' F „ _ � ,� _ . ....--_._._, __:r__ �_.. _ , .. .. ,�. , , � ` � �.. � , �. eity o� Tfgard - Moriss�tte October 31, 1988 � Paqe 3 I AGREE TO ACCEPT c�n behaY! og Don Morissette Builders, Inc. , the City of Tigard°a purGt��se ofler �or the real propest�y deacribed � in Exhibi� "A", att�ached heretoB and in accordance with the '. above-stated terms. • . DATED this 3 R=c dag� of November, 1988. 1 ; • ' DC�N MORISSETTL BUII+DERS� I2+�Ca, :' � �' " � �1 ,••r4. ' - r �• By: • ' �ordon L. Hob s, Author z� ' Representa�ive .� ' . , i • 4 . f �� � ' � '•j I 4 r µ � i ' � i � . � I I . - - � i - I� ` � �n li � . 1 3 " I • ' 'r � II , � � i � . . f , i 1 • t ,_,�.p, ., v� . e�' _ _ ,,, ,._ . ��: .._ . .._..: ._.....'»_t x.,.._;�:,.� .,� � , �.._ �_ � ' : EXNIBIT "!►a � � , L � ti � D s Y B L O It !I B '1' T C O �i 8 O L � A Ii Y i� I� �1 C• «�< pI,�WNING •<►► �IVIY, ENGINEERZNG «» $(TRi�EYIPIG »w 209 N. E. Lin�ola� Street � Hillsbor�, Oreyon 97124 (503) 648-40f1 io� dQulrt, ►lt Ryan 0'Yrten, ���ennsr �1�s Ml�a, ►E Cbrlt Yeds�ul, il�nner ' Ed taonflens�, /E . y . � � 1 A portion of Lots 12 and 13, "1�SH VALLEY TRAG"`�S", a plat of xecord, and a portion ot the southeast 1/4 ot Secti�n 33s �.151. , Ore oat bei� as tott Count q , � 9 R. 1W. , W.M. , City of Tigard, W hing _ . Y• f _. . _ ; �nox� particulaiYy described as foll�ws: i � �.� ; . �eqinn�.nq at a point on th� east 11ne ot said Seotiota' 33, i hi.ch b��►rs NA°oo'2`7"E, 116��76 fee� froan t h� sso u t h e�s t ,c o r n��, o � �a i d Sectfoa� 33; t�aence . leavir�g said line �9�9'S9'33"W, 15.A� geet; thence NO'00�27"E, 143.�1 'feet;. the�c� N44•90'O1"'W, 1�0.53 te�t; thence PI�1°�0'�3"W, 191.05 feet; thence N45°10'OS"'W, 118.21 teet; � thenc� S36•52°12"W, 105.00 fest to a point on a►� curvey the�ace ale�nq lthe arc af a nora-tangent 5A.00 foot radius cu�-v� concave to th� $outb tlz�o�g� a cen�Cral angl� of 116'25'24",i a distan�e ot 101.60 Ye�t (chor bears Sfsl`55'3�"W, 85 e Ad leet) ;th�n��� leavia�g . said curve, 2�4��'44"WR 83,45 feet; thence S46'14 '02"W,' •353.33 leet; thence S5•11'47"W, 123.17 te�tf thence N8�'55°2�"W, �54�.69 t�et to s paint og curv��u��; �hence along tti� ar� ot a 107A�00 foot radius curve cc�ncave to tl�e No�r-th throuqh a central; a�tql� o! 7•3�'10", � dist�nae og 14A.74 feet (chorrl bears N�6'09��3"W, 14A.63 fe�tD to the wes� line o� said Lat 12f thence along �aid line, NO'01 i�7"�l, 70.68 feet to tt�e south line ot that� tract ot land desaribed in deed to Shirley Dow in Book 242, Pag ��7, Washington County Qeed itecords; tYience along safd �line, S8�`55'2�"E, 391.AE f�et tn the southeas� corne�° thereogf �+�nce alonq th� east line oS �aid firact, NO•5�'40"i�, 319.61 teo� �o tho i northeasti corner o! that tract ot lan¢1 described in deed to I Shirley Dow in Boak 291, Page 349, ot said deed r�cords'f• �.hence leaving said line, S55•41'O8"E, 134.91 feet; thenCe N43'35!19"E, I 531.44 feet: thence S62"42 '23"E, 278.88 feet; thence S3b'51�'18"E, 315.00 fee� t,o �aid east line ot SectiQn 33; th�nce along said line� SO'Q0'27"W, 180.00 feet to the point of beqinninc�. � � . Containing 4.00 acres ' � Subject to a 15.00 foot wide sanitary sewer �easement. � •�,.•;:.. �EGIt�tREQ . raoFE ioN�►� � wp12. 34parcel . . �. d, � '... . 1 � • .OREG M �' lUIY ts Is�t ' Rp��,aT si . ' • �oos �,/ . � . � . .,,� ���, a�;�; [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]