Planning Commission Packet - 04/03/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. i„ F f'cA � , �'� \�.;.. i.�. "�, f: ' I l�.' f�t..;'! . ,���.�I�; �'I '�IGARD PLANNFNG COMI�iIS3LON APItIL 3, 1990 - 7:90 PM �� TIGARD CTVIC CENTER - TOWN HALL 13125 �W HALI, BLVD. TIGd�1RD, OREGON ', �: 1. CALL TO ARDLYt t 2. ROLL CALL ,:�; 3. APPRQVE MINUTES 3:,;:, 4. PLANNTNG COMMI3SION COMMTJNICATIOT�1 G- 5. PUBLIC HEARING �; � 5.1 COMPREfi�NSIVE PLAN AMLNDMENT CPA, 9Q-0004 ZONE CHANGE ZON 90-0002 �INGHAAi/SPI�KER NPO #5 A �equee�t for approva�. af a Comprehenaiwe Plan Amendanent to change the land uae dseignation from Ligh� Induetrial to General Commercial and to charnge �he znning de�iqnation from I-L (Light Induetrialj to C-G (G�neral Coraraercial). ZONEs I-L qUi�ht Induetxial) LGCATION: Between 3W 72nd Avenue and In�teretat� 5 and aouth of the Oregon Business Park (WCTM iSl 13AD, i�ax lot ].700) 5.2 CAMPREHEN3ZVL PZAN AMEPiDMENT CPA 90-0003 ZON� CHANGE ZON 90-0001 CUNNINGHAF�t/BP NI�A �7 P,, rmq4xest far approval �f a Comgreheneiv� Plan Amendtaent to cl�anqe tk►e land u�e �ieaign�ti¢�n graa Profe�osional Commercial to Genaral Com�aercial and to change the zoning designatfon from C-P (Profeeaianal Comuneraial) to C-G (G�neral Coamtercial). LOCATIONs 12528 SW Schoils Ferry Road (WCTM 181 35AD, tax lot 2400) ;_; �( 6. OTHER SUSINESS 7. rADJOURNMENT '`�:i i', q; t H Y � � � �ak . .. ... . . __.. _. . . . . .. .._. _. .. .... _... _. .. ._... ... ....:..... .._..... ._..::_..,, ...._... �...�....-__... ._.:�.:,,..._.__.��.. __._..__.__ ._. . . . � � �„� `;t, sic�a�n �x�ac c�oaQUSSIOe g�GiJi.FIR I�STII�G - �PItIL 3, �990 1. President ktoen called the meeting to order at 7:45 PM. The meeting wae �, held at'the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. RpLL CALL: Present: Preaident Moen; Commissionera Caetile, Fessler, Fyre, and Peterson. Abeent: Barbex, Lev�rett, and Saporta (one vacant poeitinn). Staff: Senior Planner Keith Liden; Pl�nninq Secxetary Diane M. Jerlderke. 3. 11PPlaO�VAL OF lIIHOTSS Commieaioner Fyre moved and Commigaioner Feesler seconded ta approve the minutQe as corrected. Motian carried unanimously by Commissianera present. Commisai.oners Castile and Moen abatained. 4. PLANIiING �lISSION (�SQNICATION o Lettere frc�m the public regarding agenda item 5.2 had been distributed to the Commissioners. o President Moen had received a brochure from the Army Corp of Engineers that he passed on to staff. Also, he reviewed a letter from the State Hi.ghway Department regarding notification af upcoming imp�avements to Pacific Highway betwaen Pfaffle and Commercial S�reet. 5. PUBLIC H�PiRYY�1GS 5.1 (70i!lPR�NSIVS PL�N �!!lSNDpIBNT CPA 90-0004 LOHB � SOB 90-0002 70! BINGHAIi/SPIBI�R NPO �a A requsst for approval of a Comprehenaive Plan Amenc3pnent to change the land use designation from Y,ight Induetrial to General Commercial and to change the zoning designation from I-L (Light . - ' ht I nduatrial Industrial) to C-G (General Corpmercial). ZONE. I L (Lig ) LOCATION: Between SW 72nd Avenue and Interatate 5 and south of the Oregon 1BusineBS Park (WCTM 2S1 13AD, tax lot 170Q) o Lance Stout, Mckenzie/Saito, explain�d that there is a problem that they need to addrese and they would like the hearing poatponed to May Sth in v' order for them to come up with a aolution. F: * Commissioner Peteraon moved and Commissioner Fyre second�d to postpone CPA 90-0004 and ZON 90-0002 to the May 8th Planning Co►aumiesion hearing. �:; Motion carried unanimously by Commiesioners present. �; r PLAYINING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1990 PAGE 1 � ( i; Y �. � (, . �� '���.,: 5.2 OiD14PRSHgNSIVS PL�iN !lMENDMBI�IT GPA 90-(D003 ZONS � ZaII 90-000� �NINGSAl�I/BP NPO f7 A request for approval of a Comprohensive Plan Amezxdment to chanqe the l�nd use designation from Profeseional Cammercial to General Commercial and to claange the zoning deeignatian from C-P (Profesaional Cammercial) to C-G {General Commeraial) . LOCATION: 12528 SW Scholls F'�rry Road (WCTM 1�1 35AD, tax 1ot 2400) Senior Plar�ner Lid�n reviewed the materials submitted by the appliaant and the public. He explained that all the problemg related to traffic impact and that all of the criteria had not been met. Staff ie recomtnendinq eler�ial d l�PPLIC�lNT'S PRBS�IiTATION o John Van Cuxen, BP Oi1, reviewed the exie�ing eite and explained that they would be remuving the exfetiny veterisary clinic and build a new clinic �it the back of the aite. He etated tha+c he has been ta].king to the neighbors eonaerning impact t� the area. That the proposea uae will not generate more traffic it will only use existing traffic. They �.n�i.cipate that 60 percent of their businees w�.11 be for vehiclea within a mile an�i ha1iE radiu.s of the site. That they would post a bond to insure that they would develop the site as proposed. Diacueaion followed wi.th Commieeianere regarding acces� onto Scholle Ferry Road, circulation af traffic on the ei.te, and the type of structuree that would be con�tructed. o Rfchard Woelk, ATEP, Ine. 4040 Douglas Way, Lake Oswego 97035, had pregared the traffic �tudy. Fia explained that the zone change speaks in generalities and not to spec.i.fic uee�. He stated that the woree c;ase scenario, pm peak hour t�a£fia, there would be 41 vehicles. He addreseed concerne regarding accesa onto Scholle F'erry Road and etreeeed that this is a site specific developmeni:. Di�cusafon followed reqarding trips generated from the different types nf uses. o Ralph Bolliger, 1600 �W C�dar Hille Boulevard, Portland 97225, Attorney for the property owner eMpreeeed his aurprise that there are no service stationa along Scholls Ferry Road except for Progreee. He etated that the ex.isting use ie an. eyesore and 3.s inconaistent with the area. That there i� a great need far a service station in thie area and thie facility will be nicely designed and landacaped. Also, the existinq accegs for the site is located on North Dakota almost at scholls 1Ferry Road and the p�opoeed acce�s i.s safer because it will be 180 feet from Scholls Ferry Road. He encousaged the Commiee.ion to recommend approval. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - APRIL 3, 1990 PAGE 2 �� `� PIIFfLIC TBSTIYiON7C o Bob Larsell, 12040 SW North Dakota, Tigard, favored the proposal. He has be�n a resident �since 1975 and hae seen the area change creating the existing traffic problems. Z'here is �t need for a service statian. The station w3.11 not generate more tr�ffic it will only ease it on ite way� o Melinda Nelsen, 10760 SW Summer Lake, Tiyarcl, opposed the propoeal. She felt the service ��ation would detract from ttne livability of the neighborhood. Even though the pxoposal may not generate traffic it would generate in and out traffi.c. She wae concerned abput the aesthetics of a service station, t�e noiae level of the aar wash, an� how cloee it would be ta the residential area. a L�e Cunningham, 13385 SW 1].5th Ave., Tigard, owner of the eite, �tated �hat this was not planned that BP had coia�acted him. He etated tha�k first the road (North Dakotaj was put in, then the light, ancl in the future five , lanee �ai.11 be construct�ed to ac:commoda�e th� traffic volumea. He added that hQ ie a member ot NPO � 7 and waa queationed at length �y a majority ' of the membere regarding the propoeal at a meeti.nq �hat they held priar to j the one with HP whiah did axot have a quorum. Even though the�� were � conce�ne everyone sea�m�d to want the eervice station. He stated he wa� � eurprised by etaff's denial, Iie knew the City had concerns regarding strip commercial, but did not fe�l th:Ce was happening. o Fred Niedner, 10500 SW Tarpan, �eaverton, neitlaer favored or opposed the ' propoeal. H� was concerned hnw muc� proQerty would be rezoned and if it would cause the area �o the vaest to become commercial. Iie was also concerned about the height of fixturee a;nd aigns. He added that hia property would have a higher value if the property is zoned C-P rather than C-G. �B[1T.�AI. o John Van Cur�n, stated that the aar wash would b� opsn from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm and that th� naise level wrould be below the allawed li.mit�. They would provide land�acapinr� and buPfering to protect the residential area and are flexibl� with r�gards to the needa of the neighborhood. :; o Diacuasion followed regarding the criteria which need�d to be �net, accesa to the site, and what zonee a eervice etation ie allowed either as a permitted use or a conditional use. ,;� pusr.ic �=�c �rASSn ; o Commissioner Peterson felt that the neighbore on 127th Court needed to be protected. Generally he was in favor. He aupported having a median atrip constructed on Scholle Ferry Road and zoning the front portion of the �� groperty C-N and that back portion C-P. �A � � x;. PLANNING COMMISSION MINU`TES - APRIL 3, 1990 PAGE 3 � �; �y ;; �. ii. ,, s t � , , ��', ....::�;,:;i � ��� o Commieeioner Caatile agreed. Hie biggest cona�rn wae the abutting reaidencea. He felt a concrete sound barrier should be con�tructed to protect the residencee. o Commissioner Fyre stated that there is no doubt that a service etatfon ie negded, however, the issue io whether thers hae been a change of circumetances. Iia noted thati the City Engin��r hacl recommended denfal. He favored denial based on the consistency af the Plan. o Commissioner Fesaler corrr�mmented on the hietory� of the area. She felt there would be adequate turning available from Saholls i�erry Road and ttxat there is a tr�mendoue need far a gas etation. 5h� wa�s concerned ab�ut the nois� from the car wash. She �avored split zoning the property C-N/C-P. o Commiasioner Moen agreed to a certain extent. Service stati.ons had been planned for but never dPVeloped. The C-P designation was placed on the proparty ae a bordar for the neighbaxhood. He did not £eel that the location of the car waeh wae appropriate. FI� dirl feel that there had been a change in circumetances. Eie favored zoning the property C-N/C-P. * Commiseioner Fesal�r moved and Commiesianer Peterson eeaonded to forward a recommendation to City Council to zone the front portion of the property C-N aad ta zone �:he back port3.an of the property C-F (where the ei�e plan showa �he veterinary clinic), with a PD overlay on the entirg site. Bas�rl on the finding that tk►ere hae been a ch;ange of circum�tanees since the prog�erty was last desiqnat�d. Motion caxrisd by m�jo�ri.ty af Commieaioners preesnt. Commissioner Fyr� voting no. 6. � BII�INB3S o Commiseioner Fesaler atated that she had been �ontacted by �he Tigard Sahaol Dietrict becauae of the critical position they ar� in rega�ding availabl� space faar atudents. She euggestgd that the 5chool District and City Council be contac�ed ta arranQe a etudy session ta discuse the growttx and stra�egies. Consenaus was �o contact City Council to see if they would like ta pursue. i 7. �lA.70IIRZB�AiT - 9:35 LPM i i Y /j / � . / y' , n ��7 ^ J � � ( i.L� Diane M. 3e de ka, 5ecretary ; ATTE T: � A Donald Moen, President ; t dj�pam4-9 � ; i t � PLANNTNG COMMISSION MINU�ES - APRIL 3, 1990 PAGE 4 ; �� ( 1 � f ; { t �� - __._:_. .. . , _.._: .. .....__ .�,.:.,n......Wu.�..�_ � 3 ,,--;;. � �: PLANNING COMMISSION ROLL CALL HEARING DATE� � U STAItTING TIME: " I ,J II COMMI SS IOI�ERS 1� DOB11�D M(.IEN _�Z VLASR'A BARBER �-�/ JAMES CASTILL �� '�Y�'' JUT1Y k'ESSI,ER D ' -�" �iLT �x� 0 � DEANE LE�/ER�TT � DAVE I��TE€RSON � HARRY SAPORTA 3TAFF P 3 NT: C✓J'��� / � � i � � � dj/PC-ROLL � i � I ��+ . _ _; ; ,, _ ,� ..: _. _ , .r:..: �_. ..,_ .�. ..,.,. �'• h �_..� t . - . ''"". . I, �4w TINIES PUBLISHING COIIAPANY��,.�,, PA.BOX 370 PHONE(503)884-0360 1�10�CA BEAVERTON,OHEGON 97075 Legal Notice Advertising �' City of Tigard • ❑ Tearsheet Notice I P.O. Box 23397 • Tigard� UR 972?3 • ❑ Dupiicate Affidavit e • AFFIQAVlT QF F'UBLICATIGN ;� . ._ . �Q � STI6TE OF OREGON, � COUNTY OF WASHINGTtJ�d, )�$' � .�..�, -� , , � Judith Koehler `'�' �� being first duly sworn, depose and say that 1 am ths Advertising � ' ' Directur, or his principal clerk, of the Ti�ard Time� _, " , ;r�> _ �'; a newspaper of generaE cir�at�on as d�fined in ORS 193.01Q `� � . , , , � '1'1 c'1rC�. 4`:c.: • arod 193.q20; publish�d at—�:_ in the '�: aforesaid county and st�te; th�t the .. ,. . •�r=;r. -�•':� .. P��}�7 i r L-icar' . 1. ;; r }� 'rw7G' , a printed copy of which is hereta annexed, was published ir� the ' � �.�;���, �' 'n�� � . ,,.: ;� ,. O �' :�.,i n , f i news a er for success ive and antire issue o sa d P P �,;. .,. =�u: . , ,, �`; .. . . . ., coc�se�u4ive in the following issue�: ,<. . � .;,�..:;�,+ • . , � .:r. Marckt 22, 1990 � - . , -�����, •. ��. �::,, ... • .,�:;�;,:-ns�: - �� ' ',, �rC' / �� . ' r � r )3t. I� '! 22, day of March 1990 , ;� � , Su4�cribed.and s.wurn t before me this , . , ' , / �. � _ Notsry Public for Oregon ; � My Comm'isaion .. �ros: �/9/93 1 AFFIDAVIT_� , , �i s; (� � t � � � � 1 'f h���9Va��a�aaa�s�r�d���. �tt�`�°°�.��k�S�"����`�����t ���lae�e�se���a�a ���a��9 Il 39���k�a�fi��"��t��"����avs�c��a�ter—�arc��H�D�, ����� �l�/�l[�fi�������'�'�G�'�s���;a�riQ.��p�y�a��Qc�2��@�d t��'�t���9.����da�i�g�a� ��avu��,�'�e������Ya�t�t�6ea��s��his�as�¢i��eb���n�r����€e�s�v�;��� FNQIk�C l�Qd@.'1Y��d.'!e$�i1�'��t�3���' ��a����F�6L°`�'H�&3Y��i3�fi�G1�}a`#� �St�W9�$9���� �ud ����a����t���'�oaa�q���;sranaa�ussa��a, ��llC����s�� A������o �r�ss�w�r��E��a��s��a.a�����g��0,�a�€�������affy ahe+����s�� �e�a�¢fit���a�as��na�n¢�II�����p������a�������aa���3#�tt�a'v��'l�es���l��c� ����a;r��b�����B�¢�������ee��m���as�E.a�n o����c��¢4��0�ae��eg 'sea�s�a��t���s� �,�y � �� �sU ��� �L Pyaro�� Jf�ava��aasa �� ��➢2� 5�f PrI[�➢Q�flv�i;s°�'p�o�ga�a������9 a���my�c��deaa������°�A o . ���,II�kY�.��i T�� . ��1�Ilah�lE���I�� �'�R�T ,�1��1� ' 1C ��, �5���� �f�� �Il�[[�Pd�i� ��� �°�2 �����I'���Pd�i�� ' �$ � r u�g�� ��r �����v�Il �ff'� ���apa�Que�s��� h�Y�� I�a��e���aa� �s��a�f��� ��anaIl �� (�CSE�a4Qd4��U �CBa6tl�-�if�98��G9�9,B3�Ge� f��Ti�,���ffi$� �&?I�C9`9Ti�'�d%Y`&�9�fi%9� @N�"�A��1�� �����p���;ese��ac��u��a IIP�Q�������da�s�€a�}�t��«�`����u��.�aa�P �s���u�➢DD �T�e A�r�,�1�����R���a��a�by ���°���-0 T��d+�c�r� ��.���r� �v��a�����4 4�e��s�n¢�5 aaaa�s��ai�¢�E 0���a���tru������s�����U�'�"I� ��� ����9�����a��� , `6.•�d7�ll&"Ae�°d5tked'�9e�A�'P'7G"a �Y"ll,e�i'ebW � A't1��k�S�1L' mw6� +'i1.#° �^y�di�. �1H��I�����=9��11 � I��if�� ��'��d'�.�.e�t��i�.���t��€1� ����f�➢ �sff � c����a�rr�6���nsuv�al�� �,aau�r����u�� � ��aa�� p�e �r�s�' ta� ��s���Raa�a 6ira�����'��g�����saa¢ca����ll�an�����t�����sa��ia�➢�a��a� cBa���;��s;��su�n��������ea�ft�s�o�-�'���'��sa�e����a�t����°��'.�"�� � �!��,daa���p ��s�i���aca��. �.��.��I� fl���� S���9��1�� ]��e�� �ar�� (��`�'� Il�1���A�,�U¢a¢�Q�r ; ��JP�1f�����V��Si�T R�D-�� �b.�"�1�� ����8��''��°:��, ��- ����.�'�T�'I� �� ��D��1� ���3�II��Q��Rt' yII h�� �� ���������`d ��eqaa�o�a�� ������r�e� ��r�8�a�eea�e�� dJee�i9� �r4a� ��g��+ t� d��ed� ��.���c8��ne��¢v��➢�����40��u����an�a�a a�pe�s�a�c���A"��s��4 �un��¢°.��ra��P�aa�se��u���sr����a�y �a�������►�:�a��s��°�c�r�s��o Il1� ��a��w�2��cr�s��s���«ax�aQet sbr���rn6@��e���t�t�g����aaf4��y vv��r�� �� �a�c�����s�a�4���Y�u�aa���r�, n��c�re����!����e�:��4�,�flsa� �,y .�����e�����'a���s �� �e���n�c�Nee ��p�r�������u������a��n �P��e�G➢a����u��¢��s���������tt��la�e�s°s��W��ra����ide�ff �a� s�r�¢��ull� ��e�� �e���rr�➢� �s �o�cs��DU� ��uar�� �t#� �ts��s a�f ��II�DIlU� �I�II'���$"> ����o l'�»�,� �?�^s���'idla&� �.� 9�R6�°�s`�!'v�'a�;�ww�'�a���n ���J ll�2¢QCD'����a�e�9�asu������6�����►����Q���U!25�,��� t�e �ot�`�+8� , ' , ; . �d� H��Rs���E't��'L��''��' ��I��II�dtCa��,i��T/.�.�l���tt�� �BS � a���;s� �'���e�� ��ar��a� m��¢ d��vn�o�.�p��t��r�� ���t�w d����q�i- a���aR���a��d���aa��e':�����Q�i¢�a��l f�ua��d�di�a�n�f��'������ a¢a�e�,��� ��6aanra����ag �i�m�9�e Ts��d�i�goa�b�����.aaA� 6�o�s���a u6��s�t�v��Il�a��a�e�t�t�s�ae�`�t������9 af��t�������'�. �aw��9 �'� ����9��a���t c��' Il� � � �� �04�.a3�a � t�t������{ p���{ �g���2 ��-�� ea��'s ���a��� na� J��s�.��u �9��0 °D� ��+�ra�� ��+�s��� ��ab¢.��vu�ll�����9 t�R�a����➢qpa��t, F `�so� ������►fl�a�a �r� �s�a�e�as�� �p .��t�i� Se@e;�'+°� ���������►' �11��, ��-�4°�BA���8ga���#���s��e�"a��n�d�t�a�`��!����lA��a���� ���,s���fl �s�na�� �a������a7a��as���ea��s �4 ���� ���<;����. Tc��¢�a��s��e���u��E�r������u��t��`� ��s�i������s��. .°sean �a�' E��E� �c�����a���, ��< .��� ���±ts���'�9 :'�� ,���� �3'���0$���'�`�`���a�'a�t���t�.����"�'��.,�� ���:�a�$,� ►��'���'a��fl��R��6aa�i����� w ; ;; k,, ;;� n� �; 5,�... f`�: T I � � RD PL � HN x NG CO1� liI S S IOH NOTICS: ALL PSRSONS DSSIRING TO SPSAK AN ANY ITSEq MtDST SIGN �IR N2lMS AND HOTS T�IR ADARESS ON THIS S�SST. (Please pRINTj AGEI+TDA I7CEM: `�-✓a f CASE NUMBER(S)s l./'!7 7� L�L(J� ��C)"��� flWNEFt/APPLICANT: ` • V . LOCATTON: � D NPO NUMBER: � DATE OF HEARING � ,�Q! PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME ADDRESS AND INCLUDE YOUFt ZIP CODE '- � � PROYONENT (�'ar. the groposal) OPPONENT (Againat the proposal) Print Name/Addrese/2ip & �ffiliatioz� Print Name/Addre�s/Zip & Affiliation a� C� �..�..� -°- !'`�G ,�.�,� � ,�a�� -- �'���e�>,.�.�-_` ; i' � _ ;i '1 { �i � `�1..: (�.; � �.I _ ';I � T IG �i1tD P � � NIi I1� G COIiSI S S ION I'1aTICS: ALL IPSRSQNS DRSIRING TA SP$AR OPi AY�i][ ITSFI MfJST SIGN THSIR Nl�lIB AND NOTS �IIt ; ADDRSS� O�I THIS SfiS$T. (Pleae� PRIAIT) AGENDA YTEM: c.a•v'� C�,S� NUMBER(S) : (..f-�/� �D w�� �D� �C�""���� ' i; OWNEY2/APPLICANT: � /2 � , � ;; LOCATION: 4�� i, t- i;: NPO NUMBER: �'�_ DATE OF HEARING � � i: �s7 ,,: ,< �- �'. PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME ADDRESS AND INCLZ7DE YOC7R ZIP CODE '�' h' � + �,' - i PROPONENT (For the proposal) OPPOrJENT (Against the proposal) � ,i Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliation Prin� Name/Addreas/Zip & Af£iliation � {; (�D0 _SW ,�- � � �� �k C� r 1% � '' ; � � ,� } �. � f / t aoy.p 5�a I O2TM 1) �''i , �,,/ �Gb �.,�Rg�.�.�. rt��,���, oQ �zz�� J' I v '7 6 J $ iN �U t�MC�2 L/ :i 1% �� ��i ���ft �J��5� � T�0,�R d(L �!7 2 2-� � tr'' l�� V h? l.��\ Gs 1•?� h--, `�'4 IV ? ✓��� G.� �.��n -- `8� E � �����. � �-� : - � � � . �' aU a - '' � ✓ u2 ' � r � �=< � �= x � � �� ��� ������--�� �'.�,���is,�-�'��� � I i ( t � 5�''�.... :.. AGENUA ITEM 5•2 STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNTNG COMMISSION HEARING D�TE: April 3, 1990 - 7t30 PM HEARING LOCATION: Tigard �ity Ha11 - Town Ha11 13125 SW Hal1 Bl.vd. Tf.gard, OR 97223 A. FACTS 1. Gen�ral Tnformation CASE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment CPA 90-0003 Zone Change ZON 90-0�001 REQf3EST; 1) F1an Map Amenciment from Commercial Profes�ianal to General Commercial 2) Zone Chanc�e from C-P (Professirnal Commercial) di�trict to C-G (General Commercial) distr3ct .APPLICANT: Britieh Petroleum Oil Co. AGE13T: Rict�ard Woelk, c/o Brian Duffy, �P Oil �'ohn Morgan 38b8 Prospect Drive, St� 360 ATEP, Inc. Rancho Cordova, GA 95670-6020 4040 Douqlae Way � Lake Oeraego, OR i OWtdEit: Lee Cunningham r 13385 SW 115th A�renue r Tiqard, OR 97223 LOCATIONs 12528 SW Sc;holla Ferry Road PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: WCTM 151 35AD, �ax Lot 2400 2. Background Information Tk�e� �ity Council on May 12, 1986 ieaued a reeolutian recagnizing the nonconforming uee status ot continued retail ealee use on thie �;; property (Resolutian No. 86-54). No other land use or development i applicatione regazding this eite have been reviswed by the City of �,� Tigard. 3. Vicinity Information ��'. propertiee� abutting the eubject site on the we�� and eouth are zon�d R-7(PD) (Reeidential, 7 unita/acre-Planned Development). Propertiea to s` the weet are developed with einqle family reeidencea which are located ,',' within the Summerlake subdivision. The Rindercar� daycar,e center is �' immediately eouth of the aite. Propertiea to the east acraes 3W North ��°; Dakota Street are zoned C-N (currently being developed with a medical ?::` {_: i; STAFF' REPORT - CPA 90-OOD3/ZC 90-0001 - BRITISH PETRqLEUM PAG$ 1 �; � � � �"r � � t� _: __ � 'r. �. '�,, .. office buildinq), C�P (vacan�), and C-G (approval rec�ntly ieeued for a McDonald'e res�taurant). Further e�st is the Greenway Town Center �� shopping center. P'urther �outh on the eaet side of the street is th� Meadowcreek Apartments and the Anton Park subdivision. Properties ta the north acroas 5W Scholls P'erry Road are wi.thin the Ci�ty of Beaverton. 4. Site Information and Proposal �escription � ; The eubject site ie a 1.38 acre rectangular ehaped eite located in the eouthwest quadrant af th� interaection of SW Scholls F'erry Road and SW North Dakota Street. A veterinary clinic ie lacatec7 in a �ingle �' etor� hause quite close to the intexsection. A gravel parkiag area ie located between the house and S'W Scholls F`erry Road. A large barn preeen�ly uaed as a warehouse by a landecaping installation and maintenance company ie located to tt�e south of the veterinary clinic along SW North Dakota Street. A second k�ouse occupied by a garage conetruction businese is locat�d further eouth. The wa�ehaues and conatruat3.on businea�ea are nonconforming uaee in the presen� C-p zone ' applied �o the property. The applicant requeste a �lan Map amendment froan Commercial Profeasi�nal to General Commercia3 and a Zone Change from �h� C-P (Professional Commerci�al) zoning district to the C-G (General Comn►ercial) zoning dietrict. The applicant has submitted a statem�n� de�ignated Rezoning l�pplication dat�d Febxuary 12, 1990 and a Transportation Analyei�e fnr BP Oil Company dated February, 1990 in eupport of tlle request. Although the propoeed sedesignation would make the subject property available for dea�lopment of any of the permitted or conditional uees allowed in the C-G zoning dietrict, the a�plicant�e Rezoning Application and Traneportation Analysie focue on u�e of the �ite for a combined vehic�e fuel sales/car waeh/convenience atore along with relocation of the exieting veterinary practice to the southern pssrtion of the property� Vehicle fuel sales is a aondi�ional use in the C�-G zone. Automobile cleaning, convenience faod storee, and profeaeional officea are examples of permitted usee in the C-G zone. 5v �gency and NPO Comments The Lngineering Diviaion hae reviewed the propoaal �nd ofEera the following commente: A traffic analyeie hae been eubmitted by tha applicant to eupport the xequeat for a change in zoning. The traffic analyeis sesumes that, if tY�e zone change in approved, thB property will be developed ae a aervice etation. The requeeted zone change would allow the property to be developed for a variety of retail uses. Typical retail STAFP' REPORT - CPA 90-0003/ZG 90-0001 - BRITYSH PETROI.EUI�[ PAG� 2 , }� ; �- development would generate average daily traffic volumec� aimilar to thoae reported in the traffic analyaie for a aervice a�ation. However, the traff,ic genezated during the afternoon pea�k hour �could be much greater under many of the allowed usee. Traffie �.s a par�ticular concezn at triis ai.te. Currently, the Cit�► is receiving many complaints about the volume of traffic ueing SW Ncsrth Dakota Street and traveling througk� th� residential areae to avoid congestion on Schnlls Ferry Ro�d. Retail commercial development of the site is lik.ely to cause sams increase in traffic on North Dakota Str�et. D evelo ent of a service atation could lead to a reater traffic Pm 9 icated b the incresee on North Dakota Street than that ind y figures in ths traffic analysis, due to the unique location of, the si�e. There are no existing s�rv�ice etationa within one mile of the site. Exiating zoning and exietix�g developmerxt make it unlikely that a serviee sta�ion will bc� built within on� mil.e of ttxe site. Ther�fore, there is a risk that �ome traffic will be diverted from other routes in order to utilize the service station/c�nvenience Atore propoaed for the site. Traffic diverted from Walnut Street or 121at Avenue would be likely ta utilize North Dakota Street to access the site. Th�rsfore, we recommend that the proposed Plan Amendment/Zone Change be denied until existing traffic problems in the residential areas o� North Aakota Street are resolved. Waehington County�e Aepartmerit of Land Use and Transportation hae recotnmended that in ordsr to improve �r_affic movement on SW 3cholls Fe�ry Road, a major arterial, acaese to SW Scholls Ferry Road ahould b� pr�hibited for any future develapment of the site. The Oregon State Highway Division hae reviewed the propoeal and hae recommended denia�. af thB propoeal due to the potential for increased traffic by uses allowed by the C-G zone a� compared to typical uaes in the C-P zone and the effecta of this additional traffic on opera�fon of the Scholls/North Dakota intersec�ion. The Higl�way Diviaion has aleo comment�d that it will be difficul� to provide direct accese to x �; this eite from Scholl6 Ferry Road becauae such an access would provide conflicte with a planne�l r�ght turn lane from eastbound Scholls to ;; North Dakota Street. The Highway Diviaion is scheduled to complete a widaning and improvemen� project for this section of Scholla Ferry Road within the next two years. `+ 'i The proposal wa� review�d by several meyaber� of NPO �7 at the March !" NPO meeting. Due to a lack of a quorum, the NPO wae unable to adppt �� an official recommendation. Concerna were raised with regard to f` �, traffic impacts on adjacent etreeta and with the compa�ability of a �' aervicQ atation with adjacent residenc.es. However, several membere �; felt a great need exiata for a service etation in thie area. � � STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0003/ZC g0-0001 - BRITISH PETROLLUM PAGS 3 , ` �I �\ .. The Building Division, Tigard Water Diatrict, Tuala��n Valley Fire anc3 Reecue Dietrict, an�d PGE have reviewed the progo�al fnr a Plan �mendment/Zone Change and have off�red no conunente or objections. No other comments have bec�n receiveda B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The relevant cxi�er3.a in thie caee are S�atewide Planning Goals 1, 2, 9, and 12p Comprehenatve Plan Policiee 2.1.1, 4.2.1, 4.3.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, 6.6.�, 7.1.2, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, 8.3.1 and 12.2.1 (I,ocational Criteria far the General Comaaereial Plan deeignation);and the change ox mistake quasi-judicial Plan Map Amendment criteria of both the Comprehensive Plan and Community Development Code. The Planning Divi�ion concludee that the propoeal is only partially in campliance with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals baeed upon the follawing findinga: l. Go�l #1 (Citiz�n Involvement) ie eati�fied because the Gity taae adopted � citizen invoZvement program 3,ncluding review of all larad usr� and developnnent applicatione by neighborhnod planning organizations (NPO�) . In addition, all public notice requir�menta related to thia appZicatton have been eatiefiedo 2o Goal #2 (Land Uee Planning) is sa�iafied becaus� the City has applied all applicabZe Statewi.r3� Planning Goals, City of Tigard Comprehenaive Plan policies, and Qommunity Development Code requiremeate to the review of thie proposal. 3. Goal �9 (Economy of the �tate) is eatiefied because the propoaed redeeignation would not affeCt the City's inventory of developable commercial land but would inetead affect only the typee of commercial activitiee that may be developed on the eubject site. 4. Goal �12 (Transportgtion) ie partially satiefied because the proposed I redesignatian would allow development of intenaive commercial uaee along a major arterial, Scholla Ferry Roado at its intersection with SW Piorth Dakota Street and SW 125th Avenue, collector etreete eerving developed reeidential areae within the citiee of Tigard and Beaverton. Thu�, t,he redeeignation and eubsequent develop�aent of the site may prove convenient for the residents of neiqhboring areae that might make use of services to be provided on the aite that are not presently available in this area. Goal 12, however, aleo requires that traneporta�ion safety be considered se part of land use decisfon making. As deacribed further under Plan policies 8.1.1 and 12.2.1 below, the propoaal for redeaignation of this site to General Comrpercial/C-G raiees afgnificant traffic concerne in the neiqhborhooc� af the aite, eapecially with regard to SW Id�rth Dakota Street as it passes through the Anton Park eubdivieion. STAP'P' REPORT - CP'A 90-0003/ZC 90-0001 - BRITISH PETROLEUM PAGE 4 ' `� 51,r... i Staff has deterrnined that the propcased Plan Map/Zaning Amendment ie only partially consistent with the Comprehensive Plarc based upon the findinge lselow s 1. Plara Policy� 2.1.1 ie satiefi�d because Neighborhood Plsnning Organization �7 and surround3.ng property owners were gi.ven n�tica of the puk�li.c hearings xelated to the request and their opportuni�y to commsnt on th.e propoaal. 2w Plan Policy 4.2�1 will be satiefied through the dev�lopment review and building permit processes at whiclx time a development proposal for this eite must be shown to comply with applicable federal, state, and regionaJ. wa�er quality r�quirements including preparation and implementation of a non-point eourae pollution control plan in compliance with the qregon Erivironmental Quality Commission's temporary rnles for the Tualatin Iti.ver baein. The proposed �edeeignatian does not by itself affect compliance with this Plan policy�. 3. Plara Pola.cy 403.1 i� implemented �hrough the development review process in which building placement and landecaping are reviewed with reapect to minimizing noise impacts of a developing use upon ; neigl�boring land u�ea. ! 4. Plan Policy 5.1.1 is not affeated since the proposed redesignation of the site would maintain th� aite's potential for commeYCial deve]Lopment, altladugh under th8 proposed C-G zoning designation different commercial uses would be permitted with different types of j job opportunitiea created as compared to the current C-P zoning. 5. Plan �olicy 5.1.4 ie eatiafied becauae the proposed redesignation would not involve commezeial encroachment into an exieting neighYyorhond. Inetead existing commercial P1an and zoning designations would be reFlaced with other commercial deaignatione. 6. Plan Policy 6.6.1 ca11e for buffezing between di,fferent land uees as well as ecreening af service are�s and facilities. This policy is impiemented through Code Section 18.100 which is considered in tlhe review af develogment applications. The eubject eite is large enouqh that potential ueea allowed i� the C-G zoning district ehould be able ta locato th�ir facilitiea on the site while providinq appropriate meane of landscape buff�ring and screeninq to reduce noise and vfeual impacts an the adjacent �levelaped pr•opertiee. 7. Plan Policiea 7.1.2, 7.2.1, 7.4.4, and ?.6.i are eatisfied becauae , adequate public service capacitiee are available to serve future ' deve].opment of the eite. Ext�nsion of necesaary public facilitiee to aerve the eite are the reaponsibility of th� developer. The City of Tiqard notifiee� applicable public and private utility providere of pending development applicationa. STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0003/ZC 90-OU01 - BRTTISH PETROLEZT.!. p�a� 5 �,. _. 8. Plan Policy 8.1.1 is not eatiefied becauee th�s propoaed redesignation could lead to development of ueea on the eite which would be �xpected to attraat �ubstantially more traffic to the eite th�n would be expected with development under the exieting Commercial Profesaional (C-P) designation�. This �ot�nti�l increased traffic would tend to negatively impact traffic �s�fety on nearby streete. As noted by the Enginesring Divieion, this Goncern ie greate�t with regar�d to sW I�orth Dakota 5treet through the Anton Park subdivision south of th� ea.te. Concerna regarding traffic wolum�e and traffic safetp on SF] Piorth Dakata 5treet have previously been raised by this neighbc�rhood before the City CounciZ and Planning Commi.�sion. The applicant's Traffic Analyaie concludes that d�velopment of a vehicle fuel ealee/car wash/convenisnce atore and esterinary clinic on the eite would result in cleareased afternoon �Seak traffi,a at ths intersection as compared t� typical d�velopment und�r the C-P zone. The Traffic Analysis also concl.udes that the .applicant's in�ended ugee would have a minimal impact on overall traffic on 5W North Aakota Street. Staff, how�ver ifinda that theee conclueioas ma�r be sua�ect at beat and possibly may be irrelevant with respec� to future development of the site. Firat, as the �ngineering Div�.s.ic�n hae pointed out, "development o£ a service station could lead to a greater traffic increaae on North D�kota �tre�t than thz�t indicated by the figuree in the traffic analysis, due to the unique locatfon of the ai�e. . . there is a risk that some traf�io will be diverted fram other roates in arder to utilize the servic� statian/conveniQnce stnre propo�ed for i the �ite." Th.e applicanta• Razoning Application dwells on the �acSc of eervice stationA in west�rn Tigard yet the applicants° Traffic ' Analysis apparently i.gnorea the lack af esrvice etatione along alternate routes and therefoxe is able to g��oject little tr�ffic to the eite uther than drive-by traffic on SW Scholle Ferry Road. Staff believes that a serviae station at �hia eit�� wou�ld bc� � sigr�if3.cant traffic attractor for motora,ets on SW 121at Avenue leadinq them to uti.lize SW Narth Dakota Street through th� Anton Park eubdiviaion. Thie could increaee traffic hazarde witl�in thia eetabliahed residentia]. neighborhuod. Secand, the traffic analysfe could be irrelevant because it looka only at the theoretical traffic generatir�n of the us�s th� agpli�ant currently intende� to develop on the site rathear than looking at the variety of uaee that could be developed an the site if the redeeignation is approved. No assurance ia proeided with a Plan Amendment/Zone Change that it will ulti.mately be developed aa currently intended. Ownercahip and intentions can charage. % Therefore, traffic analyeis for such a prapoaal ehould look at the range of posaible usea under the propoeed deeignationa. A fast faod xestaurant, which aleo could be developed on the aite if the zoning is changed to C-G, could eubstantially affect traffic in the area to a mueh greater extent than the usee addreeeed in the applicant�a Traffic ' - Analyeis. The applicant's Traffic Analyaie seeumes that the aite would have �` d�irect access to SW Scholle Ferry Road. However, Washington Count,y ��' and the Oregon State Highway Divieion sugqeat that direct acceae to j�STAFF REPORT - CPA 9D-0003/ZC 90-0001 - �RITISH PETROLEUM PAGE 6 �; �", �� _ _...__. � `�� � Saholla e*�ould ➢ae prohibited which would thereforg le�d to addition�,l traffic on Nor�h Dakota Street and increaeed delays at the traffic aignal. 9. Plan Palicy �.1.3 will be eatisfied a� a condition of a�proval of an�r future dev�lo�me�t of the �ite. Ca�pleti.on of necessa,ry etreet fmprovements along the eite'a frantages would ba required to be inei�alled by the develope� at the time of development. The Engine�ring Diviaion and the Oregan State Highvaay Divieion wil.� review �ny fu�ure developmer�t groposals fczr the site, 10. �he locational. criteria epec�.fied in Chapter 12 of the Compreheneiv� Pl�n are partial.ly satisfied for the follnwing reasone: a. The subj�ct area ie not surround�d by reaidential develo�nent on more than two side�. Residential development exiets nn tYte eauth and w��t sides of the site only. b. Ae d#.scussed above undsr Stat�wide Planning Goal 12 �nd Plan Pfllicy 8.1.1, etaff i� not pESrsuaded that the propoeed red�eignation would not inarease traffic on adjacent s�re�te thereby increasing traffic eafety concerns along theee etreete. Thi� gotential increase in conges�ion an@ eafety cona��n� may exiet if the site i� d�veloped as the applicant intend�, and i� l.ikelg if the aite ehould develop with many other use� a3.Iowed in the C-G z�ne. The proposal fai.lt� to eatisfy thie loca;tional criteria for the General Comm�rcial Alan deeignation. c. The sit� is located at the intereection of an arterial anc3 a minar col�.ectar stre@t. Access tn the site will be determin�d in conjunction with the Or�gon State Highway Division through the developmen� review process. . d. Public �:raneportation ie available on SW Scholls P'erry Raad. e. The eite fe an adequate size to accommodate a variety of uass permitted in the C-G zoning district. f. The site ie hiqhly vieible from the adjoin.ing etreete. g. Compatibility of future uae af the eite with adjacent uaee ie difficult to ascertai.n without an actual develppaent propoeal. However, the City of Tigard's Site Developraent Review and Conditional Use review proceeeee are intended to provi,de an opportunity for review nf a potential developnent�s relationehip with adjacent existing uses. In order to approve a quasi-judicial amendment to the Plan and Zorainq Mapas the City muet also find that there ia evidence of a Ghange in the neighborhood or community which affects the eubject parcel. Alternativ�ly, the City must find that there hae been a miatake c�r inconsistency raade in the oriqinal designation of the parcel (Comprehensive Plan, Volume 2, STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0003/ZC 90-0001 - BRITISH PETROI;I3UM PAGE 7 Policy 1,1.1, Tmplementation Strategy 2; Community Development Code Section �e.a2.o4o�A> >. The ap�licant�e Rezoning Application asserts that a mietake was made on the Comprehensive P1an Map with regard to the ehortage of General Commercial designated properties along the Scholla F��ry corridor. The Rezoning Application statee that the applicant'e proposed uses are intended to help meet the day-to-day needa of the residents of the eurrounding neighborhoode, yet theae particular u�es are not allowed in the zoning distriats that have been applie� to developable properties along this corridor. The app�icant pointe out that there are almoat 400 single family homes withi� nne�half mile of the subject property and at lese� the same number pf apartments. The applicante state th�t this is an intenee market for coenmercial uses that serve day-to-day needs of the ar�a°s xeaidents. The applicants etate, however, that the Compreheneive Plan Map does not prov�ide enou�h appropriat�ly zaned land to meet theee need� of the �eighborhood. W�ile from the applicant's businees viewpaint, a mist�ke may exiet with regard to the curzent Plan deaignations in that � larg� market demand may exist that cannat easily �e satisfied �y the current inventory of properly ! � zoned developable land, fro� a land use planning viewpoint other reaeo�s � exist for not trying t� �atiefy every ecanomf� market demand. The City of Tigard has paid cl�se attention to the amount of developable commercially � de�ign�ted land along the Scholls F�rry Corridor, as has the City of Beave�ton. The cities have chosen to limit �he amoun� of Gener�2 Gamniereial propertiea in order to reduce traf£ic conqestion along ths highway, in order to r�duce the appearance of strip development, and in order to minimize traff�c, naiae and li�hting impacta upon surroundin� ne�ghborhoode. Thie limitat�on u�on General Co[�mercial designatiaix� wae not a mistake, but inetead was a coneaious dec�sion to li.mit the amount of developable �ommercial propertiea alang Scholla Ferry Ro�d. The City of Tigard h�s looked at eeveral ot��r propoeale for redesignation of prapertie� to the Genera]. Commercial and Neighborhood Commercial Plan designations along ��� Scholle �erry Corridor and the City haa coneietently denied those requeata. On the property acroee North Dakota Street from the � subject site, the City Council denied a request to change the �oning for the entire property fram Commerci�l Profeesinnal (C-P) to General ; Commercial (C-G) in 1985 (CPA 3-85/ZC 3-85). The Council's decisian wae ;�� appealed to the Oregon L$nd Uee Board of Appeals. The deciaion was upheld. The Council found that there wae no �vidence of a mistake in the land zone designations for this area; �here was na overwhelming need for additional General Gommeroial designated lande in thie area; and the Council expressed concern with traffic along both North Dakota Street and Scholls Ferry Road. A later Plan/zone Change requeet for the same propQrty reeulted in a mixture of commercial deeignations being approved. The eouthwestern portion o£ the parcel retained the Professional-Commercial P1an and zone d�signations� the eastern portion was deaignated General Cor�mercialy and �he northwest portion was deeignated for Neighborhood Commercial use (CFA 10-86/ZC 18-86) . This neighboring eite is currently under developcaent with ; a medioal office building and a €aet food restaurant. (A subetantial j � STAFF REPORT - CPA 94-0003/ZC 90-0001 - BRITISH PETROLEUM PAGE 8 j ; i ���� .. . . . .. . f"i . ' 'i ' � 4� !� ��� portion of thi.� site is atill undeveloped and is designated with �a combination of General Commercial and Profession�l Commeraial deaignations. It is pointed out that the uses the curr�nt apglicant ia intending to dovelop could be accammodated on thoae vacaat portione of the property to } th� eaet.) In addition, the �ity Coua�oil in November, 1989, denied a `' requeet for a redesignation of a 1.9 acre parcel at the intersection of SW C� 135th and Scholls Ferry Road from M�dium-High Deizsity Residential to � Neighborhood Commercial (CPA �9-Q8/ZC 89-08). Thia decision w�e lmrgely �'' baeed upo�n traffic concerne with regard to �he interaection of Scholle � Fer�y and SW 135th, as well urith traffic along SW 135th to the eouth. With ; r�qard to that application, the City Council was unable to find that a �' mistake had been made in the original designation of the property or that " eub�tantial changea h�d occurred in the neighborhoad which supporbed a �;. change to a commercial designation. We find the same holds true for the ;; current applieatian. �� , In concluginn, etaff does not find that a change in circumstanCe� has ! occusred in the neighborh�od of th.e �unningha�m property einc� the or�.ginal deeignation of the s�ulsject site with th� Prof�eeional-Commercial Plan and ' zone desiqnati.ona tc sup�ort a change to �eneral Commercial at thie time. j In acldition, etaff doee not find �viden�e of a mietake in the original 'i designation. Conversely, �taff finda that the ori.c�inal. Copnmercial � Profe�eiaaxal d�aignatian wae aare:Eully coaceived and was intended �.o minimize the paeaibla impacte ugaon adj�airaing larad uees and to minimiz� trafFic impacts at tlaie congeeted intereeat.ion. The ex��ting Caamm�rciaL a Profe�sional P1an d�siqna�ion and C-P zoning for �he �ubject parcel should be maintained. C. RECOI��TDATTOY+T { 1 The Planning Dfviaion recommends that t&e Planni.ng Commission forward a recammendation to �he City Council for DENI.AL of Compreher�s3.ve Plan Amenrlment CPA 90-0003 and Zone Change ZON 9Q-0001 baeed upon the foregoing i, findinge. i PFtEP BYs rry r ZiPPROVED BYs Keith Lid�en seo e Planner Senior Planner br/CPA90-03.jo STAP'F REPORT - CPA 90-0003/ZC 90-0001 - BRITISH PETROLI±UM PAGB 9 . _ __ . _ _.. . ,_ ,. ._., , ,_ �- _ , � S �= - �� • � � " � . � �� v���� � '1 ► . � - -�-.� � � � � ' ■ �L� � •� � � � _ , ■ ��IC = � . . . . � . . �. . � . .. ..�- -�.. . � � • � � : : ; .:..... � I � ,:- . 1 : i ■ ���j��� ; , '��• - ' ,,: �1//� � � - � . ■ • � r�'��������� � .• _► r��" ►� ,� , . � ♦ ►• / . ���1 � �. • • . � �J ��, . i � �� r .. .�• � � , � � .,, ��1 ,�. 1= i��. ■ . .��►_- � .• -� ��e� � ♦ �. l�1►�`�: ,. ` �'�r' , ;� ,� � ��s ���►� �� . . ��l!� :, � �.- c��� ��r�� �� � ,.. � :�� ' �1 .�' �jl�► � aa � � � � �� � . ���- -I. �• i .� .►� �'� ���r� � ••� � � ♦ : - .►�► '' ri■ .� �1� .!�I� :�, .. .. 1 \►' ��� � � ''►j y 'r'� � .� ��C ��I - �►i. ; �r��r� � : - ��� _ � � � �� ♦ � • � r, �1� � � � �� �'�� � � � � �" '� �� ��� ..� . ,I'�► • � �,►� � �'r'•� ���■�r� .�. ,� �����u��ir.._ ������ � ���r , . � �� �������■ �� , r � � �„y� a , , ,- r'� ■��IIIIIiIII►�. �����► ���■���� �' ►\� � �!� .♦ ���� `'� ■ . �► � , ♦ �i,. . , �� .. ♦.. �• .. � �r�■ .■ ��� � 1 I� �� �� ♦ ,��e - , - �� � ���� ��,�� �1�� . ������� ����r� �� ��a; . �111 - . :�������� � . �� � '� �; � ■� 7 ,, � ;; ,,; ' �.� Il :/I�►� si � �� �� � ; , ; � , ;:, - , ����! ►r�.! � .:� , - , . , 11� �1� � �� - ■` � �� �. � . _ _'► �i r . /11�■��.■ ■�.■■.a�■■�■■ ■��� � ' �• � � ■ �. —; I, � �. �; . ► � .��c.� ■����■ ■ � • ■�■ � � �� �. �ii � ■� � ; .�■ ��� :��� : ' �• � '� �� � � . �►. ■ • � � . � `w REZt�N.�N� APFL�CA �'�t�N �i , :.��HC7L�.�.S FL'.F�}��' .F�c�A►� AND 11�TC�,�T.�' L�A.T�►'C�7'A �TR��T j �'F C�IL CC�1�'PA1V�T, APPL�.�Z��CAI�TT '! Pre ared by: Jvhn N. Mc�rgan, AICI' P 1=f�b:��u�r�cf 7:.', 19J0 13�ckground 'I'l�:is T"(?jJQT'C ll�ll?. SUj�j'J1E;I71GI�t tl�e ��r�r�lir.at:ion matei�ial submi.tt��c:l by �F' Oil Comp�ny ancl the traffic anal.ysis pi°epai�e�l by Richc-�rel Woelk, PI� , o� �T1�F' , �nr . It u.�.i1.1 au;��met�t the rta�terial d��ling with �the ';� ni�ol�c�s�l ' s r�e:lation�hi� with th� Tigarr� Caa77prehensive Plan. E�P Di.1 r►as subm:ittcct � i°e.zorie pEtition fi�om Professiori�l C;omcnerc.i�l t:c> Gf=.ner-�1 Commc,:�c,,ial ior the r��!r�ose of constt�uctirl�3 �� �P .s�rvice st�t�ori u,t.ith a srri�l.11 rnini—rna�°t �nc� a car• wasYi. This cl��velor�m�;rzt t?�i.l.l i��tain t:he c;:�:ist.ir�� vctc:rin�r,y clin.i.c on �_t�� s.it�. 'f'he � st�ti:��z u�i1:1 f'c;�:tL11":.: ��:�t�iZSiv�; iarir�iscapit�g �s u,�E�ll as iErlca,n� �.;��_ii`1'er in;�; i t; 1:rc7m nei;�l�f.��r.i.ng r-c��iclei�tial: us�s . f'.aGF 1 ���''�.-� ���'; f+,J -� �;- �i�1����'j��,��r'-A., ;; _ r � � �" ` ' _ 4 ��� �°�. ; BP DI'L Z.ONE C!-fANGE il The neighborhood surrounding the subject property is marl�ed by j i intense resi.dential development. Apartment canstruction acti.vity E is very t7igh. Th� �rope .rty across South Dakota Street to the east of th� subject pro�erty is also being market�d for ap�rtment y develo�ment . � � i , ,� Acces� �I 'I'he �ro��r�ty is at the southwest corner of Scholls Ferry Road and ,I South Dakota Street. Schools Ferry is a major arterial while Soutlz EII D�kota is a cc�llector . ;��� ; i Scho].1 s I-�rry Roac! is incl uded i.tz the Oreg�ri St:ate Uer�artment of � 'Trans�oa°tation ' s 6—Ye�r Hig1Z�v�y Imnrovement Progr�tm For uiideriing '� :fron� twa t� four lanes . tt: is �nticir�at�d this work will b� i� coml�leted wi.thin the ne:�.t tWO ye�rs . ,� y I '� [ The re.clevelopm�nt o� the stibject pror�ert,y will be d�ne �nticipati.n� t a the Schc�lls Feri•�y �i�oject . 5etbacks , l�nctsc�l�in�, �nd acce.ss will � t r�17 b� coordinat�d with �th� St�t�� aricl tl�� sr�eci.f'ic �l�ns .for trie � street . "1'his u;i11 h�1� i°�l.it;ve cui�rent anc� future i:ra�fic �ro�l��ms �� F �l Lhis itaf:c=rser,tion by ma:cimiz.ir��3 t:P�ie Et':t:ir_i�ncy �f the acc�;ss. p �, 'l'his �ic:tion u,lill h�lr� implemerit C:orn�rzhensive Plan Goal 12 wriich S , �. e II ��aI . . . . . . . . � ( t P.�GI: � � . .. �� __. _ _. . , � � 4 9 6� 4.... BP DIL 7_UNE CHANGE reads; "Provide and eracourage r� saf�, convenient and e.c.on�mic '� trans�aortation system. " E�r €.: � ;.., Con.formance r.vi th the Comprehensi ve P1 an T'he '1'igard Com�r�hensive Plan �oes not anticir�ate a need in this — �rticular area for the t pes of services beirig propos�d by BF c�il . P Y i'' The nearest ap�ropriately zoned areas that are auailable for this ty�e of use are one to two miles auray to the east and west along Scr�ol l s t�erry Road . �, The Pl�n anticipates ne.ighborhoocl commercial. and �rofessional corrunercial uses , such as the veterin�ry clinic and the adjacent day ;` �ar. e center , to serve tile surr�unding �or>ulation with�ut requiring ;- si�;nific�t�tly lang automobile trips . Neighborizooc� commercial us�s arc� int:enaec� t:o bc convenient and t:�r�ovic�e �or i:he d�y–to--�day ne�ds o� the surrounding �opula��ion. � �!` 'I'he GP Oil deve.�.o�ment is �lso intended to help meet �the day–t�-- ` ' s< c?ay nee.cls of the starrou►�ctir�g t�c��ul�tion. I-iowever, t�y vzrtu� of_ i'` �_- th�s�� �.tsc�s na�: Y�ein� a].lc��ved in th� Nei�hb�i°h�c�ca C�rr�rnc�rci�l �r ;�, Pr�o�ession�l CommE�r�c:i�l zc>i�e , this zoi�a� chan�� is n�cess��°y. ` �r; (.�. ;;;; �;.,,. ... . , , �i�!�; �,4 . . . . . .. � . . . � � h:,: � . . . , . . . , � k, ��Y .. . . . . . . . . , . .. . .� t�'.{. P.1 vE ��3 �,� `(� � � ��,�� r � � � � ,. BP DIL ZONE C.HANGE It is suggested that the Comprehensive Plan is in error as it does not a11aw these ty�es of neighborhood uses within n�ighborhoods . There are almost 400 single family homes within one—half mile of the subjec� property. There are at least this number of a�arttnents in the same area . This is ��n intense mark�t for commercial uses that serve the da,y—to—cl�y needs af the resiclents . Th� Com�rehen— s�.ve P1an wisely identified a �ublic ne,ed to i�r�vide land for the.se k,y�es �f neighborhood cc�rrunerciZl activities witriin �the neighY�ar— hoods they are i ntencted to serve . Howev�r , i t 'does not �rc�vi de enou�h ar�I�ro�ri�tel,y zonecl lancl ta meet the riee.cl. 'I'he �P C>i.l. �roposal is it�teizded to meet the same neighborhood day— to—clay ne<:ds �s the us�s i.s�r�zc��li.y �l.louled with th� Ne.ighbonc��c�d Commercial zone: . Ho�vever , the zoning orctinanc�, by virtue of 'i � eyclucl.in� service statiozZS in n�ighborhood cornrn�rcial z<>nE.s , cloes i i not allow this to occur . As we,ll , the zoning map, by not allourirlg ; enota,,�h �pr�rc��r•iat�:ly zon�cl l�nci to criest thc r7e�c1 , do�s not al.l.c�w � this ta occur . The servic,e stati.on will l:>rovid� g��soline �nci �il �' § � �roc.iuctc, , �zs v�t;ll �is �utorr�obilE, s�i°vicv . "I'h�: c�►r wash �;vill �F< G+ $ � ,. conv�riienc� to tl�e ai�ea res.icl�.�rce . The mi�1i—mart will provid� � � � l:im.iteci <�roc�;ries u.�i.t:l�lin easy w�.11;in<3 c:listunc�c c�f resi.ca�r�ls wiLY7i.n ± , t l��-e. ne i�hborrio�d . � � I , ,i j � P.AGE �� � � 1 � � � . . .. . � � . .. _ � � . . . . . . . . . . . . ..� ! � � �. � .:..._... . � . . . . . . ' ....:'.,� . � � BP OIL �'ONE Cf-IANGE ' I � The Com�rehensiv� Plan and its irnplementing zoning ardinance failed � � ' to address the need to �roviele these types of services on a � neig�lborhood scale. Even if there is concerr► about the visual � � � im�act of a service station, the zoning nrdinance can �uccessfully �. t: acldress it through special desi.�n requirements, or through makin� � service stations a conditional use. #: ; BP Oil intends to desigzz and construct i.his Facility so that it is �! s an attr�ctive , �om�atible �art of the neighborhood. It will ;; providc needed da��--to—c�ay services to n�ighborhood re.sidents to a 'i muc17 ;3reater e.itent than the Professional Commercial zone, woulcl. �; Since. the Comprehe.nsive Plaaz, tYirou3h tha 2anirig ordinance , err�d '�� in r�ot providin� :Eor the.se tyl��s o:£ usES �s part of th� zorzing { s;; pattern of tY�e area , the �pri-e, cl�ange is nec�ssary. ; �`. �, ;; �� �,' Conc1 us.io.ns �:; r; j'` .�cce5�� L� the s�.ibject �r-oX�erty car� be substanti�lly irriprovecl }' , s, throu�h tl�� reciEVE�l.opm�nt of the �ro��c:rty, �s�ec.ially consi.c�erin� }: x; ;! t,hc pc.rlcling u�ici�nin;3 �f Schoc�ls Ter�ry Ro�ci. ' . _ �°� �!: ��; �. �'i �; ;� � �; P.`1 GE 5 �� � � � j� 'V �1 BP UIL �ONE CHANGE The Com�rehensive Plan erred in not providing a��ropriate zoning to allow to a broad variety of neighborhood commercial uses to meet the needs of the area residents. � The pro�osed zoning, and th� clevelopment of the subject property as �roi�osed by BP Oil , will �roviding convenient , day—to—day, neighborhood commercial services to the surrounding area . P,9GE 6 ��. � { �' �� � I I I � C� � I �T � D A �1SP 0 RTATI 0 � GINEERIN G �c �.A N �l I N � AT � P , 7'RAN►.S'�aT�7'A 7'I DN ANAL �'S.IS FOR BP OIL C0.1lIPANY T'IGARD, OR�GON 6.� ... :._ , � '� '� � 4 T'RANSPORTATI�N AfeIALYSIS �P OIL �O. TIC�ARC�, OREGI�N PREPARED F(JR BP OOL COMPANy CLE�/ELAND,dHlO �,1���'oo�N f`f�'.�� � �� � �♦* �'P �� �j��r17. 19���� yqRO l.`N��' PREPARED BY ASS(�Cl�iTED TRANSPORTATIUN ENCINEERING & PLANNING, (ATEP) 4040 DOUGLAS WAY LAKE OSWEGO, OREGON 97035 90-368 fEBRUARY 1'990 _ _ _ s , i i S ( , Y�. ' 4 � ' i TABLE OF CONTENTS ; INTRODUCI'ION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REPORT METHODOLOGY . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ASSUNIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 INTERSECTION ANALYSlS ASSUMPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 iNTERSEC�IOfd ANALYSIS PROCEUURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . 4 SUMMARY O� FINDlNGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SCENARIO I � EXiST'ING CONDITIOIVS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SITE CONDITIONS AND ADJAGENT LANU USES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 EXISTIfVG ROADWAYS . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . S PEAK HOUft TRAFFIC VrJLUMES AfVD OPERA�'IONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 'TRIP GENERATIUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 TRIP DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 EXiST�NC LEVEL.S OF SERVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 S(:ENARIO 2 - EXISTING + BP OIL COMPANY AS PEtOPOSED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 TRIP GENERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 TR�P DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TRANSIT CONSIDERATIORlS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2� CONGLlJSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 FtECC)A�IMENIDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2�' I -I— � r'� �,� _. � T�BLE� ; 1. Projected Trip Generation Current Zaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Levei of 5ervice Definitions (Signalized Intersectior�s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . 3. Criteria for Signalized Intersections � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 fi 4. Level of Service Definitions (�lnsignalized Intersections) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 5. Criteria for Unsignalized Intersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 6. Existing Levels of Service at Critical Ir�tersectians . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 7. Projected T�ip Generat�or� for Scenario 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8. Scenaria 2 Levels of Service at Criticas lntersections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 � G � ; � �'; €,, l: Ia �? ;iJ �� i _I'- �'� �i � 4 p 1a',� 1 `�.. t FIGURES 1. Vicinity Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. Existing AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. E�cisting PNI Peak Hour Traffic Volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4. Existing Zoning Site Cenerated Traffic Volumes AM Peak Flour o . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5. Existing Zonirag Site Generated Traffic Volumes PM 6'eak Haur . . . . . . . . . , . 11 6. Existing Zoning Total Traffic Volumes AM Peak Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . 12 7. Existing �oning To#al Traffic dolumes PM Peak IHour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 �B. Proposed Zoning Site Generated Traffic Val�mes AM Peak Hour . . . . . . . . . . 22 9. Propc�sed Zoning Site Generated Traffic Vol�am�s PM Peak Hour . . . . . . . . . 23 10. Proposed Zoning Total Traffic Volumes �v1 P�ak Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 11. I'roposed Zoning Total Traffic Volum�es PM Peak Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 I -III- � _ _ �,. .,, ,�,._, 4 4'�4„- s�'`+a., , TRANSPQRTATION ANALYSIS OF BP OIL CO. L�CA�ED W TIGARD, OREGON - : ..:.;;;;.;;.>.; This impact analysis has been conducted to INTI�`P"JDU�t�N identify and evaluate the existin� and future ` traffic operational needs of the City of Tigard's transportation system based on the potentia! impa�t of the BR C3il Company property on the surraunding street system. The 1.38 acre site is baur�ded on tFre north by SW Schalls Ferry Road,on the east by N.Dakota S#reet and on the west and south t6�e �ite is bounded by residential developm�nt. Figure 1 shows the vicinity map of the proposed development. The ther�e of this transp�rtation ana9ysis is to asse�s the transportation impa�s frorr� the develcaprnent of the subjecl property on �he surrounding street netwark based on two different scenarios: • �irst, the impact of development of th� property under existing conditior�s will be established; • See:ond, �the impact of developrr�ent of the property with the proposed development will be analyzed to determine what differen�e there may be on the transportation system. �he f�rmat used in this report was established during meetings vvith the City of Tigard, ODOT and the applica�rts representatives. Specific tra�ffic r�lated issues discussed in this report inciude: • Traffic anaiysis for the study area. . Existing land use and traft'ic conditions in the project area. . Proposed land use and future traffic conditions in the project area, . Trip Generation estimates for the �P Oil Company property. • Site access locations and operations. • Safety cor�siderations at the site access locations including, but not lirnited to sight distance analysis, turn lane and channelization needs. . Traffic impacts on surrounding streets. This report was prepared using the (atest land use and transportation data available from the �pplicant, the City of Tigard (hereafter referred to as City), Metropolitan Service District (METRO), and the Oregon Dep�artmemt of Transportation (ODOT). ASSOCIATEp TRANSPORTATION ENCINEERING � PL�NNING (ATEP) PAGE 1 '�, __ _ - — , �._ �- - - :�. ..::,:... _� _. i i S �` .�`'�, t NORTH w Q z n 5 N`N� N SGN��L � :�:�::����•::•:�: .............. � 0 a 0 z ' �P OIL COMPANY Figure VICINTIY M�►P Page 2 1 ATEP _. , , _ �� -:.�---- � f �4 f Morning and evening peak period turning �RaEP'�RT M�-iIO�O�C��Y :.: .:: rnovement traffic counts were conducted �t the `. :::.:::..::: ����'" intersections ad acent to the BP Oil Corn an , . ... .. :.:.... . . .:.. ... . .... ;:.::::<::::�:> j p Y property and along key arterials in the area by ODOT for the Scholls Hwy widening project. The morning peak hour was found to be 7:3Q to 8:30 a.m. and the evening peak hour was from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Upon review of these peak ho�ar cnunts, the p.r�. peak period was determined to be the most critical time in terms of traffic impacts at the intersections in the study area. The �perating characteristics at each of the key signalized and unsignalized intersections during the peak periods were examined using the methods outlined in the 1985 hdighwa}o Capacity Manual utilizing the Highway Capacity Manual Software. The operatin� characteristics exarrrin�d included the average vehicle delay, volurn�to capa�city (v/c) ratio, level of service, and estimated queue length. �"he criteria used for the intersection analysis included the guidelines set forth by iN'ashington County. These guidelines state th�t each signalized intersection analyaed should operate at a Levei of �ervice (LOS) [7 with a volume to capacity (v/c) ratio of 0.95 or I�sso See tables 1 throtagh 4. ASSURr1l�60�f�lS Sit� Access Paints Access pants fior the BP O:I �ompany sate under existing and proposed zo�nin� differ such that traffic patterns will not b� very much alik�. Under existin� zoning, only one access point exist along N.[Jakota Stre�et, and no access point exists along SW Scholls Ferry Road. Under the proposed zoning a new access has been assumed to be I�c;ated on SW Scholls Ferry Road approximately 240 feet west of N.Dakota Street. See Figure 1. INTERSEGTION ANALYSIS AS�SUIl�IPTIONS In order to analyze each intersection, there were certain common assumptions made. These � assumptions, in general, are as follows: 1. Traific si�nal timings were modified from existing timings to optimize intersection operation. Modifications include both change� in individual pha�es and cycle len�ths. x;` E,; r, 2. Peak hour factors usec! based on existing traffic caunts were 0.9 to 0.95 for the �.m. peak t� and 0,9 for the a,m. peak. '� ,;: a;' ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PlANN1NG (ATEP) PAGE 3 �'� ��G �,. ';; ; , �,' _ _ . , .., , ,k;;; ,� _. _. _._.,�. ._�� �ti_,�r: .._ ,: ; _ ' 3. Truck percentag�_ used in the analysis were based on��.r�e truck counts performed during , turning movement counts. 4. Each intersection operates as an isolated intersection. �� INTERSECTION ANALYSIS PROCEDURE The anaty�is of the key intersections included two different traffic scenarios for the a.rn� and p.m. peak periods. These scenarios include: . Existing Conditions �nrith �cisting Zoning traffic (Existing Zoning) . Existing Conditions + BP Oil Company Traffic (Proposed Zoning) ; ,; ; ; ,�(�IVIMA�Y�3�' �'�1�fL)1N'C�5 ; ' ' Based on the an�lysis found later in this rep�rt, the followin� findings are made: • �"he property under the existing zoning could generafie approximately 426 daily trips (213 round trips). During the afternoan peak hours approximately 54 two-�vay vehicle trips v�ril! occur at the proposed site dr6veways. . The BP Qil Company property, at f�ll build out, is expected to generate approximately 1,860 daily trips (930 round trips). D�ring the afternoon peak hours approximately 8A twa-way vehicle trips will occur at the proposed site driveways. The property is expectec! to generafie approximately 26 more trips during the afternoon peak than the existing zon6r�g. • This traffic analysis for the BP Oil Company property has been prepared using a development scenario supplied by the applicant. The land use assumptions in most cases represents a higher level of development than currently exists. • The existing road network system within the study area is currently operating at unaccepta�ile levels �f se�rvice. Capacity deficiencies exist during the p.m. peak period at SW Scholls and N.Dakota. This capacity deficiency pertains to the inadequate number of lanes al�ng SW Scholls Ferry ftoad to accommoda#� the large number af vehicles. main street. :; k�.� . The impacts on the street system of the BP Oi) Company property under either existing or proposed zoning are not significant. ,,; f�< �;; �:k: �;:� ASSOCIATED 1'RANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 4 i-y ,,�: � ,, >: ; SCFJNARIO 1 QCISTl11lG GCaNL�R7�?,1VS ��RI�EIlIT'Z�NING; The study area has been determined based on guidelines recommended in conversations with ODOT and the Caty of Tigard Staff. The guidelines state that if the ratio of si#e-generated traffic to existing traffic on a given link is �reater than 1� percent, then this link is impac;ted by the site and intersections on this link should be analyzed. Based on this guidelines and discussions with the Ci�.y of Tigard, the following interseetions were analyzed: 1) SW Scholls Ferry Raad and N.Dakota/125�h Avenue. Additinnally, the driveway access points identified by the BP Oil Com�any proposal were included in the a�alysis fcrr future road conditior�s. SiT'E COND9TION5 AND ADjACENT LAND USES a The property in question is located on the Southwest Corr�er mf SW Scholls Ferry Road and N. Dak��ka and presently has a veterinarian office in a converted single family dwelling. 7he existing building is to be relocated to the rear of the property with the service station to be located on the frt�nt portion of the property. � The praperty is bounded by residential properties to the east and sou�h and wouid be a � conditic�nal use in the proposed zone. ' E�(iSTiNG itC)A�WAYS SW Scholls Ferry Road is a major east/west link through this pdrtion of the City of Tigard and is described as an Major street in the Trar�sportation Element of the City of Tigards Comprehensive Plan. SW Scholls Ferry Road links Hwy 26 a� fihe Sunset Cor�idor avath Tigard and Beaverton on the South and West. Th� existing ruadvvay is a 2 (ane arteria) with left turn lanes at major intersectioras. SW Scholls Ferry Road is expected to be reconstructed during the next twa years to a five lane major arterial roadway leff turn pockets and traffic signals at the major intersections. N. Dakota is a designated Minor Collector 5treet that flnws from SW Scholls Ferry dtoad to �he commercial areas of SW Greenburg Road on the east. N. Dakota is generally a two lane section with parking allowed on both sides of the street. ASSOCIATED TFL'�NSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PtANNING (ATEP) PAGE 5 �T✓ � � � . . - .. . � � � . .. � . � .. . . .. � . ... . . ' PEAK HOUR TRAFFICS, JLUMES AND OPERATIUNS `�. Morning and evening peak hour turning movement traffic counts were conducted at fihe key intersections listed above by �DOT. These intersections are adjacent to the BP Oil Company property and along key arteraals in the area. The morning peak hour was found to be 7:30 to �8:30 a.m. and the e�vening �eak hour vuas from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Upon review of these peak hour traffic counts, the p.m. peak period was determir�ed t� be the most critical time in terms of traffic irx�pacts at the intersections in the study area. No adjustments to the volumes have been made to account for seasonal variations in traffic volumes. Figt�res 2 and 3 show the existing a.m. and p.m� peak hour traffic vo�umes at th� key intersections in the study area. TRIP GEN�ItAT10N Estimates of tatal dail a.m. and .m. eak hour dri�vew� vofumes for the existin w r Y P P Y g uses e e developed from empi�ical observations at many similar-sized facilities located throughout th�e United States. �These empiricai observations are surnmarized in a standard reference manual publish�d by the Institute of Trar�sportation Engine�rs, and are supporfied by additional independent s�udies conducted by both the California Department af Transportation and �he Arizona Departrnent of Transportat�on. Estimating the number ofi vehicle trip ends that will be generated by the proposed develc�pme�t 9s of prime irnportance in order to accurately asse$s the impac:ts of develapmer�t �n the road network. Twa ba�sic procedures are available to �traffic engineers for estimating the number of driveway vehicle trips generated by a proposed but not -yet -existing development: 1. Apply averages observed through fierd studies conducted at oth�r similar fa�ilitie� located thraughout the United States. A number of sources are available for this inforr��ation including Tri� Ceneration Manual f4th Edrtionl 1987, which is published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE); and summary trip generation reports prepared by the California ; Department of Transportation� the Arizona Department of Transportation, and other public i � transportation agenc:i�s. All of these sources provide excellent guidance in estimating the trip generation rates for various land uses, but �bviously do not take into account the effects of local ' conditic�ns and unique characteristics of the proposed land use. ; � 2. Obsenre through field studies the acttaaf trip generation characteristics of other similar � and exi�ting deerelopments within the local arHa. l i � Procedure one above was �sed in the developnnent of this report. Table 1 shQ�NS the expected i number of vehicle tap ends to be generated by the current zoning on a daily a.m. and p.m. � peak hour basis based on the mathematical reprQSSion equations developed based on ti�ip � ; ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PIANNING (ATEP) PAGE 6 � 4� ��.... . NORTH w � d z � � ��S N � o 0 0 .- ���0 �.-N � 1 �, � � � �o -- 040�► .�430 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 20 ~� I 1 � � •'•�•�•'�'•'•'•'•'•'•' o a n .. ....... I�P� � :�:•::���T�.:•:.:.: ........ .�. � 0 Y Q � Z BP OiL COMPANY Figur� EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Page 7 2 AM PEAK HOUR ATEP _ _ � , ��� 4�'L..._ . s NORTH �.i Q s � N ��,,5 � g .— ���0 ��� r � �� l �� x 530 ._. �-- ,�,Q .. '� -°,. r � ..�.�.�.�.�:�.�.�:�. � 1 t •:�.::�:�.�::�:�:�: ��� .�:�:�.�S�T��:•.�:�:•:� .... ............ .:.:.�...:.�.�...�.�.�.�.� � F � � a Y � �; s� j`, z �i� �`� � �~� �� BP OIL COMPANY �� Figure �` EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Page $ ; � PM PEAK HOUR �a ATEP s.. , ��; _ . ' , generation rates at similar sites througha�t the United States and found in Section 54U of the Tri Genera i n t o Manual 4th Edition . P ( ) For the p�urposes of this analysis, it is assumed that none of tl�e home-related person trips will be rnade by r�ass transit. This assumption is considered to be appropriate since even though Tri-Met provides service to wc�hin about one-quarter mile of the site. Further, assurning no transit ridership resufts ira a worst-case scenario for trafific impz�r:ts ta the street system. Table 1 - Projected Trip Generation For �urrent Zoning Ger�r�t�d Tr� ;; ' ; Type of ' 5iz�af ! I��ily �' M Pea�ic Hour ! Land LJse : ; Land IJse `_.: Volurnes TotaO+� !r� »«»..«Uut < ;; >;:; _ ,;. ;. «�::�.« ;< �:, »« ; ;;; � . :-.i .. .. .. .,, f kr Vf�: '. �.� . :. �: ': ! Proi`ess�ut�ai O#fice �1,W0 sf ; 1,�9U: ` 144 �1� �96 TRIP DISTRIBl1TiON The destribution of�eneratetl firips onto 4he roadway sys�em �vithin the site area was determined j by reviewing #he existing distribution at the rnain street intersections and the distribution pattern � d�termined by METRO using the EMME2 traffic rnodel. i Figures 4 and 5 show the estimated sit�-generated traffic distrik�uted to the surrounding raad 1 system. The site-g�nerated traff� shown in Figures 4 and 5 were combined with the existing traff'ic volumes shown in Figures 2 and 3 to arrive at the total traffic for the ro e und�er the P P �Y existing zoning �or the a.m. and p.me peak periods shown in Figures 6 and 7. LEVEL UF SERVICE k t1� The peak hour traffic operatinns, �n terms of levels of service, at the key intersections in the �' strady area were examined with procedures described in the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual �? (f'teference 2.) Level of S�rvice (LOS) is a concept that was develaped to measure how the �� driver perceives the condition� surrounding them a5 they travel through a signalized intersection � ;'�� ��: or roadway s�gment. This degree of perception inc�ludes such elements as travel time, number �;:: of stops, tota6 amount of stopped delay, and irnpedances caused by other vehicles. As originally defined by the 1965 Highway Capacity Manual six grades are used to denote the various LOS; f; these �rades are shown in Table 2. Using this definition, it is generally agreed that "D" L05 is �' � the minimurxi acceptable for an urban area. i�'� 4+ ASSG�:iATED TRANSPORTATION ENCINE�RING & PLA►NNING (AT'EP) PAGE 9 �` �;; f:' : � � �� ;�: __. __... .: . �,_ :�: __..� ._�.,.��:.... _ I � i • x � ; � � � , } � � w N4RTH { � �; �i Q � �i N°�� ` S ; s^— ��+NQ�� C1 iA p V � � � 0 .� 7�,.. 0 0 —► r--0 .. 12 '�►1 ,r° 19 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.' D I l ... ....... . � .... ....... . M>�N •••.•••••.. I .�.�.�.�����.�.�,�.� i .�.�.�.�.�.�.�.'.'.�.'.'�. ............. ...... �� ........ . ............. . ',',',',',',',',',',',',•,' 1A O ,: ............................ � j � 6 .� s! 1 ..� � � t t` o °o ;: Y �; � � Z � {, �: i'j �y EX151�1'NG ZONING k Figure SITE GENERATED NEW TRIPS '� Pa�e 10 4 Ai� PEAK HOUR # � ATE� � ,� �� _ � _ __ ..--� , �_ NORTH w � � <t � N`�� N S�N,��,,LS � �ro � � � o �e �o o �. .—o ....•.•.•.•.•.• 1 � ) � t �2 •�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•�•� N w .........., r�� '.''.'���'.'.'.'.'. ..�...�.,...�.�.....�.:; N o . •••••••�•••••• � � .. 35 a� 1� --y� H � � � �o Y Q � Z EXISTING ZONfNG Figure SITE GENERATED NEW TRIP'S Page 11 � , � PM PEAK HOUR � . �AT�P � _ � � � , _ � . � . i _ ` . � �� ;��� fVORTH �.i Q _ � � N� -�' N �GN(��'�' �'�N � l � 42-.� '�- 70 1 A�40-�l �—434 32^y r° 59 I .....::�:�:� � t r � ........... M.-N � .'............' n n� .,......... � '.''.',5�.��'.'.'.'.'. .'......'...'.'.'.' �� ..�... .�.�.� .. � 1 B .� , ..�, � �� Q �N � Q � , Z `, EXISTING ZONINC '�t Figure TOTAL TRAFFIC Page � 2 �r � AM PEAK HOUR :�": . _ ATEP ;;� . _ _ � �� � • � � � NORTH w Q � ��� � SG�O�-�'S ��° � j � sa � .`. zso 533..,.� � 1015 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.' 81 "'y►R � r► 132 ........... � � ......... .. hra o ........... ��f ..'.'.���E'.'.'.'.'.' ........... � ..,. ., .. oi .............. N�y . .:.'.'...;.. ...:. � � 35 ..� 1 A ..y� H � r g � d1 N Y � Z EXISTtNG ZONING � � Figure TaTAL TRAFF'IC Page 13 7 PM P:EAK HOU'R ATEI' �, : , � For the purposes of thi� ,�nalysis, the assumed relationship b�t,rv�een the calculated stopped time • delay per vehicle and the assnciated LOS for signalized intersections is given in Table 3. Unsignalized intersections require a somewhat different approach to determine the capacity of the intersection. The 1985 Highway Capacity Manua) offers the concept of "Reserve Capacity" as the guid�line for measuring the capacity. ; Reserve Capacity is defined as " that portion of available hourly capacity that i� not used". It � should b� noted that the concept of Reserve Capacity only applies to the individual movements of traffic on an appraaeh to an inters�ction, either in an individual lane or a shared lane, not ta the ov�rall operatian of the intersection. This determination is made after all approaches are an�lyzed and the LOS determined is usually �hat approach that typifies the "Worst Case" conditic�n or worst Level of Service. A description of the IeveMs of service relating to #he Reserve Capacity Concept is shown in Tables 4 & 5. Past experience with the unsigna�liaed analysis procedure indicates that this rnethodo9o�y is very canservatiNe in that it tends to overestimate the magnitude of any patential problems that might exist. Therefore, the resul#s of any unsignalized intersectdon analysis should be xe�riewed vvith this thc,��ht in mind. Within th� City af Portland, LOS D is considered to be the minimum acceptabie standard for an unsignaiized intersection. LOS analyses pres�nt�d in Yhis repart vvere performed in a+cc�rdance with th� procedures described above. Far each intersection, these arralyses estimate the �verall intersection LQ�S durin� the peak hour flow. ,; � � i i � r � � � � � 1 t �. ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PIANNINC (ATEP) PAGE 14 ' Table 2 - Level C;. �ervice De#initions (Signalized �,.�ersections) , ::> , ., <:: .L�vet of ' ::< 5ervice ` Traffic Fiow Characterist�cs > _;: , ; , ,, : , : : � Very low delay, less th�an 5 Q s�onds per vehicle This nccurs wh�n progressian �s ex�r�mely fa�'cira�le �nd most vehicles �rrive during the green piiase. Most ` :; �: ` v�h�cles d� not stop at all Short cycle �en ths ma ;also contribute tQ law clela <:: , ,:; P Y: Y < <; : ; ; :; ,: _ :;: 8 Average delay �n' th� range ,;of 5 1 to 1 SA seconds' p�r vehicle This ger�er�lly ! >.: accurs wi�h ood ra ression and or short cle len hs :More vehicles sto 'than:; :; ::: ;.; > P �> I ,. G9' � p ! for LOS.A Causin hi her levels of averag� dela ' . �:< � : � S . _ > .. . Y. . ., : : C Average delay irr the range„of 15:7 to 2� U seconds per dehicle Tlie�� higher ; �`� deta' : ys may r�sult frQm fair !; progress�or� and/or Oang�r c,ycle lengths ; 6ndovoduaf ! :: cycle' fa�lures may begin ta appear:m this level: The'number of vehicres stopping ; >. is significant at this ieyel, altfiaugh 'may still p�ss thYough the mtersettion withot�t :: �� ' stopping. ; <. , ';: U.. ' r'�vera�e de0ay in the range of 25.1 tc� �0 U :seconds; per veh�cle At LOS D, the.:' : ; �nfluer��e of co�igestion becomes rriore ntati�eable Longer dela�ys rnay �esult from.; . ! some combina�iar� +�f unfavorable ;progressican, langer cycl� iengths, or high �/c .; ;: '. rations Many vehecles stop, �nd the pra�po�on nf�ehi�les not sto in declir�es� ; : :<; .; , P :. .; ; IndBvidual cycle failure5 are r�oticeabie Frequer�t 5ignal cie,fa�lures and as�ac�ated :; ;.. .; ,,, , ' congestion: ; <: , , ; ; ;. � ' Awerage d�lay en the range of 40 9 to 60 secands per ve�h�cle This is;consider�d ' ; to be the fimit.of aceeptable delay: :Th�se h� h;delay vaiues.generally indecate poar ;; ; < ! progr��s�onr long' �cyel� I�ngth�, and hogh v c raUos f�dirriduai t�cle �ailureS ar� ;; ,: , <: , fr �a�nt ciccurrences. > ... :. : � :__ ;' ,::: , ; , ��>: � Forced �low, with average delay en �xcess of 60 0 seconds per-vehiele Th�s �s ; ;._ . : �onsrdered;:#o be unacceptable to mQS# dr�v�rs' Thrs �and�t�on oft�en c�ccu�s with ; "` oversa4uration, ��, wh�n arrival �aws rates exce�d the ca �ci of`tt��in�ersectipn :: � P �Y :>:. .:: ; ;;. �t may also occur at high v/c rat�oS belo�nr 7 00 w�th rnay tndivedual �cle fa�lures ; �° P�oar' ro ression,;and long cycle ien�ths may a�so �e ma or cantrebutin causes �o :i » : P g :; 1 $ .;:: � ; su�h delay levels ' >:: ; :;;. Note� A° signal cycle fa�ture is.considered to occur wheo� one or more vehicles are ;,; , : for�ed to waii through more than one gr�et� signal ind�cation 3'or a p�rticul�r ; : ���` a' roac� < _ > .;; < .: , ;, , :>:. ;; pP , ,. '� :; , < < _ ... ;::;. So�rce• Transportafion Research Board "H��hway Capacity Manual°, Spec�al>Itepart 2�19 : : ("1985) :i ' < ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 15 ,� __ �-I' � �. �4.. I �, Table 3 - Criteria For Signalized Intersections ::::;:.:.:�.;:.;;::.: ::;:.:�:.::,;:.:>::::: . 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AS50CIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERINC & PLANNING (ATEP) PACE 18 _ _ __ i. j ? �', Table 6 - Existing L�_ ,I of Service at Critical Interse�:,.,,ns ,;� , .::.:.:.;::<;: ��. :::::<:>::::: ::_::>::;:::«:<>:;:: � � :>::<:;;;«:::.::;.::<.,..�;:;::>::;;<:<:::>:;::<::::::«::;>:,;::>�:.;::::::>;:::,<:;::::<::<,:.;»:.:>:.;;:;:;:�:� . , ::>::>:�::;:>:::::>::>:::;::::>::>:>::::>::::»<::>:.::::::<:;::>:::;,::>::::::>::::>;::::>::::>>:«:<:<::«<:<::::::>:>::>::>;::::>::::>:�s:::� � � -�� PM 1'�AK� r:� �., :;.;:.:::;>;:.>:::;;:::<:�;:<::.>;::::::;<.:::>::>::;::::>:<.>::::::::::>::::<:<::<::>:::::<::::::::>;:::_:::::>::>:::::::::»s:>::>:::::<:;:�>:<::<::>::::::::::::::::::<:>:::::>> � ; ;::<:.:::;;::.: z��� <:>::::::::::::::::::::::::.:;;>;;;;>::;;:::.;: ::>::>;>::;:::>::::>:.>::::::.:<::.<:>:<:: �>:.;�.;:;:<::>:::::: . ��; � . ; >::::>:�>infer�"�:.;:;..':>::::>:<:::::::>:>::::; �:.::::..::::.::... :>::::::>:<:>:::: � � �; ; :::::.::........?�ct�ut,.r:::.:::.:::.:.:.:....:�::.:.;�:.�;::<:;::::�:::»::>::[C'�5.:.:::::::..,.W,�..�::::::.:::1F:G:>::::.�.:::�e�rwe� d.+�5� ,W �� �.::.:.::.:: � , .....?.c. ......�:::::..:..:X�,........:�eserv�...........�:...........:... ......................I;.e.,.s.e...................................,..... ,�, ::::::::>::.:;::.:..:::::.:::::.::::.::.::;::.:;;::.;::�:...;::<�;:.:;;::.;:>;>:»�;�,:.;�<:;:::.::�:..�:::...�::.:::.:::::.:.�::.:::::::::::::.::.::.<:::.::.:.:::.:::::::.:,.....................�. . .:::::.::.::::.>.�>:::::;:::::::::.::::..:::::::.::.:..:.::.:..::::::.:.�::: :....::.:::>:>;:: �...:..:::::... ,..:.:. �y � �,.:..::>�....: .... .,:.�.:�, �::::�:. �� :;:;:::::;�Nt;�:.�::<:>�:::<::p�l .�: �1 � � ;::s:<:<:;>:>:;;;>:<::<::>>::::>;:>.«a:>:<;<::<::<:;:<:::>::::>:<:::»>::;::::::::::.: . . ....fM � � . . ..:.� .::.:. .... ........................:...... ...:;:.::.>.�at�a:::;::::::<»:.0 . .... .::..U�la ::.:::�:.:Katea�...,....� :..:.:.::.:••. :,::::::.�,.�::.............:::::::::::.:::::::::..:::.:.�:::.:..::.............. .. . .............................._............................ ......... .. . . ........0 xi��;:;»;:.�::::;;::,:..:;::.<;:;:.:�:. ;� .............,:::::::....:............. ......................................::.::::.::.::::::aY.::.,.................::.......?!1??..:�Y..,........................Y....::,:,,.::::.�:::,.::.......�W.:.�Y,.:...:.,.:....::.:.:.......,..:.. .... ....... . :...:.:..:.:.:..:::.......::..::::::.::.:::.:.:.:::::::::::. .::::::.::.:...::.:..>::.;<.,<; �. :i:>::;::;�<:::;:,;:;>;;;:«.;:. � :>::>:;:>:<;:»:<:Y;:::>;�::>;;:::::>:::<:::<>::::::::«:::::>ti:><;:�::::::>;:;:>:<:>;:::::<2>�;<:<:::<:»z;:::: � � � ::;;::::>�<.::::::::>:::;�:s:<:::>:<.;;:; � , <::>:::s;�l�ll�;::::,;: >;:::>::>;::;::;<:::>,::;::;>:::::.:<::: �:..:.�::.:.:.. , ,::�::;:>:::.:<:. <.;:.:>::: �� � :<.>;: :.>.;:�:.::>•:.::<:<:.:;;•.;;.; •::::..:...........at�l.:Dakota::•;:.;.;•:::::;:.:::::::::.:.:::..�.::::<::»r::»>::::��i.3.:::.::::::.7Er>:::>::;:.....��..:. ..�:�.'....: 3�� � ::.:.::.:..::.::,:.:.::::::... . ...�. ..: ..:....:. ....:.:::,::::............................:..:..:::....:,.:::::::.:.::::::::.�,::::::..::::.:..:............................................................_......:.....7....6.:.::::,...:.7G........................................................... a �::>::::;::>;:>::>#::::::.>::»s>::::::»:s»;:<s:`:::<>r::;<:'>:<::::'v<::;;::>:::><>:>'.::>c::::::::: . ..:..::.�..::.�::::::::.:.�:::::::.�:<::..:::..::.:. . o- � : ::":i'r;::::5::,;. : :.;:::::::S;:;i':i`�:<::ii::;is...` �.'. :i:ti:::::i`i;::ii::i:i:::ii?:i:tf:::::ti:i:?::iii�ii:i:i:::;Ji:.::;::. . . _ ?:f::Si::�::;::::.::::::>:v..;.:::.:.:.:..::.::....:::.....:::.. . .:.�. .. . :sr>::::o>..•r,�x � . � :;:::r.:;:: w:::::::.:. . .. . . ��� �.:: ..:::.. 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Dakota. This �apacity d�ficiency pertains to the amount of#raffic on the main street i` that restricts th� a�naunt �f greet time allocated #o the side street. The side street movements ; experiences long deMays waiting to exit anto the main street. '' i'; ; ..:::,:.;... _ I;, :::;:�.>:;<:::: _ _ , _ : E ,, ; s�nr�rc� z �rrsr��� + �� �rc +�a��,�n��;s ��c��s�r� :::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::: _ ..:..... .. ::.:::.:.:.. :::::::::::::. :: . . : , : _ , : . : :. . .:. �; ... ,:. _ ::. � �. � Scenario iwo includes developmen#of the BP Oil Comp�ny property u�ndPr the proposed zoning. ;; This sceroario w�uld �hange the �xisting zoning fre�an Pr�fessiona) Office to Ceneral Commercial �!;` and BP Oil Co. tc� op�rate a service station under a conditionai use. !'"`' � ,:, �: 4'. Th� proposed developme�nt consists of a 10 pump service station with a small convenieo�ce stnre r`' ;: nf apprcaximately 6Q0 square feet and a single vehicle car wash. �: �,. The conven��nce st�re is desi ned to 5ervoce th� cu�tomers from the servoce station as is the '`' � f' c�r wash. The station will give discounts on car washes if the vehicles buy gas. The� car wash �- is d�signed to handel one car at a tirne and is not designed as a high volume car wash. '�� I; � Access into the site under this scenario would include one access point off af SW Scholls Ferry ;� Road, and one on N.Dakota �pproximately 180 feet south of SW Scholls Ferry Road. f' See Figure 1. � �; t. ; . } t'; G: l; �: �:. ��; �;: �F`.; �;� �:,: �; ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERINC & PLANNING {ATEP) PAGE 19 , . . .� _ � _ , , ,, .. _ , � TRIP GENEitATlUN � 4 Table 7 - Projected Trip Generation For Proposed Zaning :.:::::.;::.::.::::.:.:>;,;::::.;:.:.:.:.: :::::::<>:::>::»::>:>:: : :;::: >: >:<:<>::<::<::;::::>:<::>:;<::::::::>: :. :.: ::<:;«:::::::<::<::;:<:::<:::::.>::<>::: +�sn�ra�ted Tr� ;6)::>:::::::::::>::::>: . 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PM. :!?eak�.Hour'.><>:::::`::»�:>?, .:.:::<.::::::.:.�:,:�::::..:::;:.:..::.:. . . >:.::.::.:::::::::..:.:.:::::.::::.::::.:..:.:.. .:�:.:<:,:::;:;;::;.;::.�:.;:::::.;:,:;.;;::.;::.;;;;.:.;.::�.;.>;::;;:::>. �><::. ,: ::...:::::::::.:::... .: .:.::..�::.:>:::..:.:.:...,::.;.:::� . :.::::: ;.. ,: :.::.::.:::.::.:. ........................ 5ize of Land iJr�<:»::>::»>:>::»::�ail. :;:::::<:;>::>::>:»::»:>:;:;;,,,»�.»�,�..�,�..�,»«.�..�.:.::.>:::;;;:.::: :.;;:: _ :........:...:.:...:.:.:.:...:::.:Y:..:.;;:.:::::<.;:;:.;:.: :;;.: :::::.::::..:.... .:.....::.... ;;:.:::.:::...:. d.0 r ;:CS� . ,. »>::»;::::s;:::: .. .�1!: �::...::>::`<:::::>�:':...... :otal:<::;::::1n`::<:....:. uti'`<:>:;:'.':;::� ;;_ t,an :s� ,: . ;. .... ,. t�U:.:::.:::.:.;:�:::.;;;:::�u�s:<:.;::.:::;.:.;:<.:�.:...>: .::.;:::::.>..::::.:;.:.:,>:<Q:> :;.;;:;;;:.:: ;::».,� ,. ., ;:�:;::::.:;::.:::.;�::.::..,. ', ; «.«.»�.� , ................:.::.:::. ;:.::.»:.::;;.:.:: ;;:.:::.:: 'i _ ....._.; .;:.. VMf�:':J�i:''�iii:{:�ii':�ii:ilLNXi1Mi: � iM4VM. IM+lN -i5*Mlf+i$:.5::':• ' " i '..:::::•i.i::v::•i,v'::v ` Service Stati�n > ;1Q s:.:>;:.::;:;`::;: 1 33D �6 i9> 17 . ' ,. I�P . " �Or1�etloeriG�;StW e ' �0 fr.: .:,:.: �3� 93 �� �7 : �i . ; ;: <: �:::..:.:::�:;:.;..,.:.::..:�:;::.;. : ;; ,: ; TOTAL �r8�t1 �5' 41' 3�3 . , - ` NEi' NkW XRIP �NDS .; ; GFNERATELI BY 7H� �IT�'(C? 9�5 3� 20, 1$ NOTF5: A. GSF = gross leas�ble square feet B. Includes both inbound and outbound trips C. Assumes that 40 percent of the trips attracted to the conv�ni�nc� portion of the dev�lopmer�t and 58 perc�nt of the trips attracted ta the service station r�present drop-ir► trips �c by�pass trips by vehicles that are already on the adjacent a�oaci system. As allowed by th� Trip Gene�atiun Manua! ( 4th Edition) page 10, this also assumes that all rem�aining �ew and � diverted �✓ehici� trips are new to �h� site. This assumption is based con studies p��ublished in the ` "ITE Journal"'. This reduction accounts for trips that would otherwis� be double counted because � they are �Iready on the road system. These trips include stops made by persons enteri�g or ; I�eaving nearby commercial and resider�tial property, and by persons whase primary des�ination ; is to other commercial are�s. ; ; � For the purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that none of the home-related person trips wifl � be rr�ade by mass transit. This assurr�ption ignores the recent projections that 4-6 percent af all � � home based person t�ips for purposes unrelated to work will be made by transit, Therefore, ; � � ,. E � � ; ' IGt4leson, V\/ayne K. and Lawton, T. Keith, "Evaluation of Shopping Center Trip Typ�s", ITE ournal t Volume 57', Number 2, February 1�87, Pg.35. � Slade, Louis). and Grave, Fred�ick E., "Reduction in Estimates of Traffic Impacts of Regional Shopping t Center�" Il'E lournal, Voiume 51, Number 1,J�nuary 1981, Pg 16. x 5mith, Steven A., "A Methodology of Considering Pass-by Trips in Traff'�c impact Analyses f�r Shopping � Centers" ITE lournal. Volume 56, Number 8, Pg.37. � ASSOCIATED TR/�NSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PACE 20' � � � � this assumption tends�., cause the analysis to reflect a wor�,, .;as� condition, and over estimate » the traffic impacts associated with this development. TRIP DfSTRIBIiT'ION The distribution of generated trips onto the roadway system within the site area was determined by reviewing the existing distributior� at the major street intersections and the distribution pattern determiraed by METRO using the EMME2 traffic modeL Figures 8 and 9 show the estimated site-generated traffic distributed to the surroundin road ss g tem. Th . Y e si#e- enerated . . traffi g c shown in Fi ures 8 and 9 w�re g �ombmed with the existmg traffic volume� shown in �igures 2 and 3 to arrive at the total traffic fpr BP C�i) Company under the pr�oposed zoning for th� a.rn. and p.rr�, peak periods shown in Figures 70 and 11. Peak hou� levels of service were determined at the intersections within the study area for the development of the BP C�il Company property under propased zon�ng Nlan designations. Table 8 and indi�ates that the intersections wi#hin the study area will function at an adequat� level af �erviee except the non-signatized infersec;tians. 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The buses run on a 12 minute headway during the morning (6:00 am to 9:00 am) and 15 minute headways during evenings between (4:00 pm and 7:00 �m). � ASSOCIATFD TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING & PLANNING'(ATEP) PAG� 21 a� _- „ � � . NORTH �i Q o -� .�o = 5 ..y� �g N �5 ��N� '� � � S�NO�- a�n �, � ,d � L a .�e r�..o 3 -�-► .a-5 . .'...'.'.'.' Q � 1 1 �r 4 ...'..�..�.... �F N N .�.'.'.'���'.'.'.','.' '.'.'.,'.'.'.•.•.'.'.•.'.' fti O .'..'.'.'... ...'.'. 6 �I� � �I 2 .� H � � i O �o � Y �� �� Q � � Z � � � PROPOSED ZONING � Figure SITE GEN'ERATED NEW TRIPS Page 22 8 AM PEAK HOUR AT�P '� ��, �s _ : � . � , t, }t NORTH � I �; � o �. .�n = s ._„ ,�-� N �5 ��N�( '� �' � ���Q�- Q N o .� � � � � � .� .� o 3 � �7 ...�.�.�.�.�.�.•� 0 �� I rr s �.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. tf)e+'!M :�:�:�:���:r�::::::::: . ... .. . . .. . . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . .... . �.�:�:�:�;�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�: �� .. . .. . . . . . ... „ ..,,� 1 2 � � 1 i H O No � � Z , ��- PROPOSED ZONING Figure S�TE GENERATED NEW TRIPS Page 23 9 PM P'EAK HOUR ATE P .. �� _ _ ._: . . : ; ... __ A �. `. � NORTH w ¢ 1098--� ,e--53�4 � `,�'� "� I�' �� � � � ������ �'"N � � S al � 42� � 70 040--► �--434 20^y, �r-- 44 ..'.'.'.'.''' � I � �...... . �NN ........... ^n� .�.�.�.��1.�1'1�.�.�.�.�.� .............. �� ............ �M '.'.'.'.'.'.'.' ..'. .. �, � 12 ...a 3 --y � � N N� O N Y � Q � Z BP OIL COM'PANY Figure TOTAL TRAFFIC Page 24 10 AM PEAK HOUR ATEP � _ . _ _ �i ,: , , � � � ;; a � , �: ,;. hIORTH E` � ;,,. i: ;_ {, �� > r ¢ {:'. � r 668 —� �--�1398 �►,1 (' "ti I�" N � �V�� ;„', � � � ���� Mo�� �, � � S� � � � ! I si .� .�.. 2�0 �,'�� 533�a. �.,, 1016 ...'.'.'.'.'.'.' � � 1 1 ( r 136 � .... .... ... } .... .. ...... iA M M .... .... ... fD if!01 i�- .. .... ...... ..... .... ... F.�i .. ` il .. . ( .;.,.,:��T�.:.:.:.:.: ;:I :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.�����,�:� �� ������:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:�:� ' 1 ... o � •�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�. �N 'i:-�i .... .... ..... � � �, 17 .,Jf r'; ' !;; 4 �� � ��� H o '` , O r>cv gi::. s Q ;i,': � �: Z � ' r.: k`,t;. �:'s: ,,;� � � � � �'� PROPOSED ZONING ,.,;� Fig ure F��� TOTAL TRAFFIC Page 25 '� 11 RM PEAK HOU'R ,� ATEP , ._ . , . _, . _,:. ,, ��_ . .� �, `� � �;�»','�:;�>:>:<'#>:>::�:?::>�>�':<':::;;::>>:;::<:'`>'::;::::;:;::`:>:::<::::::;:;�?:��>;;:»?i:>:?::; i;�:::>':::;::;:<:>:::c>:.::::::::s::?:>::;<;::>::::::: ::::::::���r�:��r��r...: ::..:::.:.::.::.::.::�.�::,.�:..:.�:.:.::::.:::::::::::. Conclusions 1. The development o� t9ie �P Oil Company property under the proposed Zoning Plan pattern will not severefy impact the surraunding $treet s�stem. I 2. The ro osed zonin will enerate a raximate) 1 8�0 tri s er da ( a roxim�tel P� P S � pP Y , P P Y pp Y 985 of these trips are by pass trips that are already an the roadway). Tl�e proposed zor�ing will generate approximately �75 new trips per day. The proposed zoning would generate approximately 79 trips during the pm peak hour ( 41 trips in and 38 trips out) 3. T��e exisfiing zoning would ge�erate apprnximately 426 trips per day. The proposed zoning �nrould generate approxirr�ately 54 trips during the pm peak hour (9 trips in and 45 trips outj. 4. Yhe proposed zonin� wili generate approximate�y 25 more tr�ps during the pm peak hour �' ; than the existing zoning. 1 I 5. The inclu§ion c�f a cor�venience store into the proposed development requires that the � trip rates for a convenience store be used. These trip rates are considered for a free � standing convenience store ared not a c�nvenience store associated with a service station. ; These stores usually are served by the customers for the servic� station and very little r traffic is generated outside af the service station. By usong a free standing convenience � store trip generation greatly exaggerates the actual number of trips generated by this type �i of development. � � ;`, � 6. Th� existing zaning would generate more trips to the south into the neighborhood than ,;, the proposed development. This type of development relies very heavily on exi�ting ,'; traffic. Since this is the onl�y service s#ation in the area, many of the existing vehicles on �; both SW Schotls and on N. Dakota will use this facility. Very few vehicles will travef j!. great distances to use this facility. �' �.; 1 , 7. The improvement of SW Scholls Ferry Road to a five lane section in 1991 will greatly �! improve traffic flnws in the area. #� E� �� � � x, � �'. t� �. � ASSOCIATED TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING& PlA1�NING`(ATEP) PACE 26 `" �� ��: _ . . � ... _..___ . �.._,,.-- --= .;:.. . . ..�, , ..�..,,: .� " :::>::::::>:«:::>;:::::>;::<:::>::>;>�:::>:::_::»::>::>::::>�>:::::::::::. _ <:;:<.;>.:;::>;:.::: Based on th ��. nal i e ►.,�ults of the traffic access a s s .� ;:.;:.>::.,»: : ::.:.;;:..�:.:: Y :<:::>::>:>�.�� � �::�::>'::�>::`>::;::::<:::;� .;::::::::>::>::: � �;;;::::::;f�E�QMM"fN�A77�NS:..:..........:.;::>;:::>:<::;:;:«::::::>::y>::>::::>`> described in this re ort, it is concluded that the P , ro as ro v 1 d if the `«<> P I��Y sed can be de e o e P P� P operational traffic improvements listed in this j � report are ronstructed. '� To ensure tl�e f n f I sa e a d efficient movement o traffic and destraans within the area, the I � following traffic operational improvements ar� recommended. 1. The d�v�lopcnent be constructed with two driveways, on� located on the SW Scholls Ferry � Road at the west property line and one driveway on N. Dakota approximately 75 feet nurth af the south property line. 2. The developm�nt be designed not to restrict traffic on site and allow for free f�ow of traf6c inta and aut of the driveways. . � l ASSOCIATED T � RANSPnRTATION ENGI(VEERING & PLANNING (ATEP) PAGE 27