Planning Commission Packet - 02/27/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. (; �> � ��:. TTG!!RD PL�G t7Q�lISSIOA SPBCIAL !�S".�ING - FSBRUllRY 27, 1990 1. Vice Preeidsnt Fyre called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. The mesting was held at the Tigard Civic Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Baul�vard, Tiqard, Oregnn. 2. ROLI. CPiL,�: Present: i7ic� Pz�esident Fyre; Commissianere CaBtile, Fessler, Leverett, Peterson, and Saporta. � Absent: Moen and Barber. (One vacant goeitiono) ��i Staff: 3eniar Planner Reith L�den; Planni.ng 3ecretary li aiane M. Jelderke; City Engineer Randy Wonley. 3. ]lPPRa6IAE. ��' KY�101'SS There w�re no minutes to �pprave. 4. PL�NNING (70HIifIS�ION 00�lONICATIOI�i o There wae no communication. 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 SIIBDYVISION S 90-01 PIdlNNSD DSVSEAPMSNT PD 90-01 SSNSITIVS L2lNDS 90-01 BORT�ON/ROUY.�►I NPU #3 A r�quest for preliminar� review of a propoaal for approval to divid� 39.2 acrea into 120 lots between 7,000 and 14,589 gquare f�eto Also reques�ed ie a sensi.tive landg permit to allow placement o£ a �sanitary sew�r line in a drainageway. ZONE: R-7 (PD) (Reaid�nt�.al, 7 unita/acre, Planned Development) LOCATION: South of SW 135th Avenue, Northr�reet of Benchview Eatates Subdivieion (WCT24 2S1 4, tax lot 700) Commiasioner Leverett arrived 7:33 PM. S�nior Planner Liden reviewed the propoeal and major i�suea concera�ing the proposal. Staff recommended appro�ral with 16 conditions. Diecuesion followed regarding wildlife preeervation and acquiring the ravins ae park l.and ae a conservatory effort. 11PPLYCI�NT'S PRBSBIITATION o Tam Brian, 7630 SW Fir, Tigard, OR., epesking on behalf of the Engineer Tom Burton, stated that Mr. �urton had rev:iewed the etaff report and had no objectiona. He explained that they had worked a great deal with the neighborhood. He preeented a letter from Seiyu International Corporation PLANNING COMMI3SION MINUTES - FEBRUARY' 27, 1990 PAGE 1 � ;�� `';�. committing to provide funds neoe�sary to i.mprove the offeit� oxtenaian S.W. 135th (by Fern Street), over and above the interim standard to be made by Taira-Klaua. This letter is in response to a request made by the CPO. PIIBLIC TI3STIliONY o �al Woalery, 12356 SW 13�nd Ct. , 97224, CPO 4 Chai.r�ersan, atated that the CPQ unanimously supported the propo�al. They� did want to ae� the st�eet constructed to full standard, otherwise, they had nn objectiona. a Larry 6alesternian, 13665 SW Feri�, repreeenting the Fern Street neiqhborhood, reviewed the letter that he had submitted �o the Planning Commiasian with �heir reaommendatione. R�BDTPAL 0 7.'om Brian responded to i.mprovem�n�� to be made to 135tk�o o Uiscussion followed on why the property had besn zoned as a Planned flevelopment. a Gary Steele, 12645 SW 135th, atatec3 he had arrived to late to sign up to testify and asked if he could give t�etimony. He questioned if the Gity could take over the road for mainter�anee without abutting gsrogserty ownere annexing into the City. o Randy Wooley, City Engineer, atated that i�gally they could if aqreed upnn by both the Tigard City Council and the County Hoard of Commiseinnergv o Discussion followed regarding the layaut of the road proposed through the ravine, the stubbing aff of the s�reet� b�etw�en late 16 and 17, the location of the sewer easement at the top of th� ravine, haw to d�,al writh the ravine, and setbacke and acceasee for home fronting on 135th. PQBLIC HSARING CLOS$D o Vice President Fyre stated that he is working with Tom Burt4n and would be abstaining from the vote. o The majority of the Commiesioners favored the propo�al. Gommlasioner Feealer had concerne regarding the ravine, the raad dead ending at the top of the ravine, trees, and soil �rosion problems. Diacuseion fo].lowed regarding option for protecting the ravins. * Commissioner Peteraon moved and Commiseioner Castile seconded to approve Subdiviaion S 90-01, Planned Development PD 90-01, and Seneitive Land SL 9G-01 per etaff's findings and conditions. F,lso, to approve platting the ravine as lot 120. Motion carried by majarity of Commisaioners preaent. Commiesioner Fesaler voting no and Commissioner Fyre abstaining. PLAYININIG COMMISSION MINUTES - FEBRUARY 27, 1990 PAGE 2 , a 4', `, t�., ''�... �. ox��x Bosaasss a Diecixaeian regardinq Planning Commiesian poeition on the Transpor�ation Advieory Committee. Commissioner Caetile agreed to be th� repzesentativ� fnr six mnnths. 7. PiU.TOCIRt�T - 8:30 P!t � Di.ane M. Jelder s, Secxetary / ATTES " _ , lJ �_,____.__... o Fyre, Vi nt �� dj/pcm2-27 PLANNING COMMTSSTON MINUTBS - FEBRUARY 27, 1990 PA(i� 3 _ _ , , _ ._ . `, �., `�_ PLANNING CUMMISSION ROLL C�I,L HEARING DATE: � �� � STARTING TIME: �� �� COI�SMTSSIONER3 � IV� DONALD M�EN � VY.ASTA BARBER JAMES GASTILE JUAY FESSLER MILT FYRE ULANE LEVERETT AAV'E PETERSON HARAY SAPORTA ST.AFF PRESE T: � �,����-�-f� aj/�c-RnLL � t� ;:�. T 3 GARD P L ]� NI�I I NG CO2IS I S S I OA�i Y�iQ'TICB: ALL P'SRSO�T5 DSSIRING TO SPBAIC OI�1 ANY ITElY MIIST SI�bT THSIR � AND ZiO�S THSIR ADDRRS5 ON TSIS S�T. (Plc3ase PI3II7T) AGENDA ITEM: J'�,� CASE NUMBER(S): � � ��/ �� 7�rO �L %��I OWNER/APPLICI�NT: 1A-� + �l�..�� ' � . . r.ar��iort: �. v lc�, I NPO NUMBER: � I� �� DATE OF HEARING � �� (,/ PLEASE PRINT YOtJR AIAME. ADDRESS, AND INCLIIDE Y'OUR xIP CODE PFtOPONENT (For the propoeal) OPPONENT (Against �he propu�al) Print Naate/Address/Zip & Affil.iatian Pria�t Name/Address/Zip & Af£ill�ation L�C�1Z`f (,�ESI���tfl� l3lA6S SW �FER� ST , �{�223 ��:p,,,y 5t j 135TH �IE�K�o21-kx�� � . , ��t f,�J���t�. /��ss� yw��.��';�-C'�o�. � ` �' � , � - r � � �' .TY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMSSSIL•<x,.: �. FINAL ORDER NO. 90- 06 PC A FINAL OFDER IIdCLUDING FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS WfiICH APPROVES A 3UBDIVISION, PL?l�NNED DE�IELOPMENT, AND SENSITIVE LANDS (S 90-01/PD 90-01/'SL 90- Ol) R�QUESTED BY k''U�iIO SAITO AND YASUHIRO KOUZAI. The Planning Commiseion reviewed thie appl,i.cation at a public hearing on P'ebruary 27, 1�90. The Commis�ion'a decision ie based upon the facts, findings, anc� conolusiana nated below: A. FACTS la General Information CA�E: Subdiviaion S 90-01, Planned Development PD 90-01, artd Senaitive Y,ands SL 90-01. REQuEST: For prel3.minary plat approval, detailed planned and development approval to divide a 39.2 acre parcel into 11R lo�s between the sizes of 7,000 and 14,589 square feet. Aleo, sensitive landa approval �o allow the placea►ent of a eanitary sewer line and .For poeeible conetruction on slopes over 25 percent, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Medium Denei�ty Aesidential ZONING DESIGPIATYON: R-7 (Residential '7 uni�ts pex acre) APE�LICANT: Burton Engineering 302 Tigard Plaza Tigard, OR 97223 OWNERS: Fumio Saita and Yaeuhiro Kouzai 1070 NW Murray �coad ! Portland, OR 97229 � ', LOCATION: South of 135th Avenue and Northweat of Benchview and Three ` Mountaine Subdivisione. WCTM 2S1 4 tax lot 700. 2. Backa�r�und Information �� `1 On July 17, 1989, the Tigard City Cauncil apFroved a request for annexation of the aubject property and forwarded Reaolution Number 89- 57 to the Metropolitan Area Boundary Commission for ita aoneideration. The Boundary Commiseion approved the annexation on Auguat 24, 1989 (Boundary Change Proposal No. 2663) . On September 11, 1989, the City F Council adopted a ahange in zoning of the eubject property from ; Waehington County R-6 to City of Tigard It-7 PD (Reaidential 7 unite � per acre, planned development) . The Urban Planning Area Agreement, � FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAIJBURTON (S 9Q-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 1 � ,'. �;' 4,t �1 �'� �{ �^��. ��� _ _.__:_ ; � > b�tween the City and Washingtan County, requir�a the City to adopt the zane which moet clos�ly reeennblee �he exiating Washington County zone for a period of at leset one year. Thie change in zoning wae cc�nsistent with the agxeement. Both the Washington Caunty R-6 and the City of Tigard R-7 zanes allow for a 5,000 squ�are foat minimum lot eizo for aingle f�mily residences. 3. Vicinitv Information 3.W. 135th Avenue extenda from �he northeaet pro�r�y corner directly north to S.W. Walnut Street. Along the property°e nmrthern border lie i a number of home e�itee that generally range in aize from one-ha2f to I two acres. 'Phese reeidences are located on either side of S.W. Fern Street, which runs east and west �r,vith an int�rsectian with S.W. 135th Avenue a� ita eaat end. Large undeveloped properties lie to the eset, weet, and south. Benchview eubdiviaion lies to the aoutheast. This subdiviaion and the Yand to the east of the property are currently within the City of Tigard. The �ur�ounding propertiee within Waehington County are preeently zoned �3-6 and �he parcels within the City of Tigard are zoned R-4.5 (Reaidential 4,5 units per acre). 4. Site Information and Prouosal DescriAtion The property to be developed ie gresently vacant and is si�uated on the lower portion of Bull Mountain'e northern slope. fihe property ie almost entirely wooded. A large ravine� which runs downhill to the north, is located on the west eide of th� property and the remainder of the parcel slopes down to the northea�t and ea�t. �he applicant proposes to divide the prop�rty into Y19 single family re�idential lots. Initially, accese wilY only be provid�d by a soutlserl.y extenaion of 135th Av�nue. Thia exteneion is intended to be a minor collector atreet which will contix�ue up the hill and eventually connect with S.W. Bull Mountain Road. Other local atreete within the subdivieion will provide acces� to th� propoeed lots ae well aa abutting properties to the aouth and west. The large westerly ravine will remain undeveloped �.t this point, hawsver, the appliaant has illuetrated a conc�ptual atre�t alignment which would extend across the ravine to the adjacent property to the west. A Senaitive Lands revisw is also necessary because of the installation of a aewer line along the eaet side of the western ravine and the poesibility that other construction will occur on elopes in excese of 25 percent. The majority of the p:roperty has slopes lese than 25 percent, however it ie possible that a limited amount of public facility and residential conetruction wi.11 occur on elopea steeper t.han 25 percent. 5. Agencv and NPO Cc�mments ; 4 The Lngineering Diviaion has the following commente: _ li The applicant proposes to develop 39.2 acree of vacant land which hae �, recently been annexed into the City. The land ie �.ocated on the Northeast ` !�, Yi FINAL ORDER 90-OEs PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-Q1/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 2 � � � ' ' ' � �� eide of Bull M.ountain and is relatively eteep with one ravine with very steep eide banks. No publia facilitiee currently exist on the prol�rtl'• The applicant h�s submitted a �ite pand storm drainar�eaeystemso� layout and public road, wat�r, sanitary sewer► Findings: l, The aollectar road system ofh� CitNortAe Ys�p�� ha� be naprepar�d hY currently being evaluated by t Y City staff with aeveral xo�te °�t Bed, the extensi n of�135th Avenue aff�cted by one of the routes propo to Bull Mountain Road. The traffic volume an�lysie indiaatea that thia raute will serve ae a neighbarhood collector atreet providing accesa for the future reaidents of the immediate area to Bull Mountain Road and to Walnut Street. Through traffic fro��ri� e°uof a the atotal CeT�lnut Stree� ie expected to be a small pe 9 traffic. A direct ro�te fro traffict thanQe n indirect Mroutel woulda would encourage more through revente a feasible through The ateep terrain af Bull Mountain aleo p route without eteep grades °�on Pis ac ept ble for th�isn routeth� gite, Therefore an indirect connect The proposed road system ii9�aP°ea�able he indirect minor collector concept into its layout and P 2, Direct vehicular acaesa to minor collectar stre�t� is generally diacouraged unless circumstances exiat which prevsnt an alter��half access. The propoaed street layout propoees accese to the uppe of the rninor collector etreet by 19 lot�, with additional acceases as future development to the aouth occurs. Traffic vo�umes f eth�8�11 �p decrease as the road approachea the mid po - Mountain/Walnut conn�ction. Also gongr of the terr�in without impaete not available due to the re�tricti to the adjoining proper.ty and to the proposed development, therefore the direct accese should be allowed. Eiourever, since thia route will be a �ninor collectoz atre�t, i� is reaommended that additional meaeuree be taken to reduce the impacts to the residencea fronting i this street auch as additianal setback requirementa for the future �; homes. `'i 3, Access to the eite wil.l be provided by 135th Avenue. Currently, 135th ;� Avenue is an approximately 20 foot wide paved street, which eerves °i the reaident3,a1 areas of Fern Street r�nd Walnut Street and also has eome direct residential accesses. The pavement was not conatructed to local street standards and is under the jurisdi.ction of Washingtan County. It's interaection with Walnut Street doea not meet current design standards and improvemente are recommended ta the intersection j to improve its safety. A traffic analyeis ahould be provided discuesing the projected traffic volumes at the intereection and ' evaluating the neceseary improvements. The improvements should provicle a landing area of less than 5 percent qrade and a "T" intersection. FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 3 �, Y.. 5tructural improvemente to the exieting 135th Avenue should be made since future �raffic levels will increase eubstantially over ex�ating traffic levele. The pavement should receive a minimum 2 inch asphaltic concrete ove�lay and be widened to a minimum o£ 24 feot. The vertical profile ahould be evalusted ta ensure that any impxovements to 135th Avenue will match tuture improvements. Yteconetruction, if the vertiaal profils�s do not meet current etandards, ehcauld be made by the applicant. . Provieions should be made for ped�setrian traf�ic along 135th Avenu�. As a miaimum, a gravel shoulder with a width of a� lea�t 5 feet ehould be provided on one side af 135th. ', 4. Sanitary sewer service ie propoeed to be extencleci fxom Hart Street (Fran&lin Street) up 135th Avenua into the site. Stub-onts shou3.d be provided along the route to Walnut Street and Fern Street for future exten�ion of the public line. Service should also be extended to the south as shown on the su�imitted plana. The lots which back onto the ravine on the weet edge of the site may need to be served along the back eide since they alope away from the street exteneively. The future extenaion of thi� line ehould be publie since it will be aerving more than 16 lots. Accese for maintenance vehicleca and permanent easemente ehould be provided for all linea which are outside of th� public right-of-way. The construction of the sani�ary se�ver pipeline within the se nsitive land area is neceesary to provide eervice to the lote which boxder the area and are lower than the publ ic s t r�e t t o t h e e a s t . Th�refore, the engineering staff has no objection to the sensitive lande permit. 5. Storm drainage is ehown to be collected on si�e and diacharged down 135th Avenue and alsa into ths ravine on the weet edge of the site. Since development of the eite will result in an increase in the existing runoff, the drainagewaya should be evaluated downatream to enaure adequate facilitiea exist. Upgrading the drainageways to avoid impacts downetream may be necees3ry. The drainageway in the ravine currently passee through private proparty and acroee Fern Street. Coordination with the ownera of theae propertiee ahould be puraued, especially if improvemente are necessary to avoid impacte. The drainageway down 135th Avenue currently drains into a swale �o the eaet about halfway down the atreet. Provisiona to upgrade thie drainageway or to direct the runoff dnwn 135th Avenue ehould be evaluateci. 6. Eroeion control, as outl.ined in the Erosion Control Plans Technical Guidance Handbook publiehed by Portland and Washington County, will be an important aspect of construction due to the steepne�a of the aite and thg obvious amount of clearing and earthwork which wi11 be required to develop the eite. An erosion contral plan following tlaeg� guidelines ia required. 1 1 �'INAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-Q1) PAGE 4 � ta; _ _ _ —— _ � 1``� Scatt King, a Transportation Planner with the Waehington County Land Use and Traneportation Department etates that the County requires a development, which generates more than 200 tripe per day and acoeases a County raad, to submit a traffic study for Caunty review. The trip ;II gsnesation for this development i� 12A0 ADT based apon ITE categor� 2-10. The applicant shall provide the County with a study prior to final appxoval. County review of thie study may r�sult in further rec�xirement for public improvements. Mr. King also has the following recommendatfonss A. Prior to final approval and ieRUance of building permit: 1. Submit a traffic etudy purauant to County resolut:Lon and ord�s 83-213. CONTACT': Daryl Steff�n, County Traffic Analyst a� £i48- �761 for queetione regarding this study. i 2, Sign a waiver not to remonstrate agai.nst the forma�ion of a ]L�cal 1 Improvement District or other mechanism to improve and maintain SW 135th Avenue to Counicy standar+3e between the eite and SW Walnut Street. The documents requixed for completion of recommended condition A.2. shall be prepared by the Waehington County Survey Div3.sion and recorded in �he Washington Caunty Recorde Department. 3. submit planso obtain Engineering Diviaion approvaZ, provicie financial assuranc�, and obtain a facility p�rma.t for the following public improvemente; , a. Provide S.W. 135th Avenue betwaen the eite and S.W. Walnut Street with a minimum 22 foot width and wearing surface in life expectancy of not lese than five yeare. b. All improvements required by tlxe County review of the required traffic etudy (eee r.ecommendec� condition A1 above). B. Prior to occupancx all road improv�mente required by conditione 3. a. b. shall be completed and accepted to the County. Hal Bergsma, Senior Planner, also with the Waehington County Land Uae and Tranaportatian Department, expreesed Department conae�ne relating to the number of treee that will need to be removed as a reeult of the standard subdivieion and the potential impact of the propoaed �treet locgtion on the west side stream corridar and ravine. The Tigard Water District commente that it will requir� a loop eystem aad a preaeure reduotion vault and valve ayetem on 135th Avenue. �� � The Tigard Building Division indicatee that prrvate storm drain linee muet �j be installed on lo�s 17-27, 36�43, 46-55, 66 and 72-78, 80-89, 93 and 100- �; 102, 91 and 108-112, and 113-119. � i � d FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - ICOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 5 � , ��t� t I The Tualatin Valley Fire and R�scue District indicatee that hydrant placement will be coordinated through the Tigard Watar Diatrict and that plane ehauld be submitt�d £or review and approval to the Dis�ric�. The Tigard School District indieates that the proposed cpmplex is located within the Mary Woodward Elementar.y and Fowler Junior High School attendance boundary. Thie cnmplex along with 2� others now being planned or conetructed will ge�erate 163 n$w �tudente for Mary Woodward Elementary and 71 students at Fowler Junior High �chool. The Tigard Schoal District may not be able to acoommodate them at Mary Woodward or at Fowler. Prnepective occupAnta should be advieed that atudente may b� bused to other achoole. After the District cpmplete� its new middle echool in 1992, there ehould room �vailable at Mary Woodward and Fowler Junior Hi�h �chool for th�as studenta. Becauae of the time and cost constraints, it is the District po�icy that ° buses generally do n�t eat�r subdivisione. It is very important to us that your design consider space for bus pull out sufficient in size to allow traffic to paes safsly without s�apping. Nn other commente have been received. B. FINDYNGS AND CONCLUSIONS The rel�vant approval criteria are Cnmprehensive Plan Policiee 2.1.1, 3.1.�, 3.4.2, 3.5s1, ?.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 8.1.1, 8.1.2, and 8.1.3; the Bu11 Mountain Community Plan; and Cammunity Aev�lopment Code as�tiane �So54, 18.50, 18.150 and 18.160e Since these plane have been acknowledged, the statewide gaal� na long�x have to be addresaed for non�lsgislative land uee appliaation�. The Planning Commission concludes that the propoaal wi.th modification� ie consietent with the a�plicable portione of ths T9.gard Comprehensive Plan based upon the findi.nqe noted below. 1. Policy 2.1.1 is satiefied because the Neighborhood Plannfng Organization Number 3, Community Planning Organization Number 4B, and the surrounding property owners were given notice of the hearing and an opportunity to comment on the applicaat's proposal. 2. Policy 3.1.1 can be eatisfied because the Code allows development of hilleides that are steeper than 25 percent when engineering in£ormation ie provided which shows that adveree environmental eroeion or elape inatability will not result. The applicant has eubmitted a general description of the eite but the techniquee for mitigating any potential probleme related to steep alopes have not been included. The Commie�ion does not anticipate any difficulties, provided that the appropriate construction and eroeian control measuras are employed and monitored by City staff. Since many i.ssues regarding alopee are eite epecific, the staff r�commende that methode for maintenance af elope etability and ernsi,on control be submitted for the approval in conjunction with the public improvement FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BTJRTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 6 ;. :i� �•� I plana and building permits with particc�lar attention being paid to , gradee over 25 perc�nt. 3. Policy 3.4.2 is satisfied at the present because the proposed plat, as amended, does not require any extensive development in the large drainageway at the weet end of the property. By areating one additianal lot which would include virtually �11 of this drainageway, the develapment po�ential for thie area includes one eingle fami,ly re�idence. However, a £uture street extension and further clevelopment of the drainageway could occur. If thi� portion of the property is eubsequently developed, much care neede to be taken to avoid damaging the integrity of this drainageway. 4. Policy 3.5.1 indicates that the Cit� wi11 encourage private intereste to provide open apace, recreation ].andsa facilit:iee, and preserve natural, ecenic, and hiatorio areaa. Thfs plat doea not provide for any common open apace within the developmen•t. Although the lack of common open s�ace i� not neceasarily in Gonflict with ttxie policy, it : undoubtedly will be more difficult to preeerve tho natural and scenic � values of thie property without it. The aite grading and tree removal plans required in the conditione af approval below ahall be reviewed with the intention preserving the natural features of the �ite to the maximum extent possibl�. i 5. Paliciee 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.9, and 7.6.1 are aatisfied b�cause adequat� " wat�r, sewer, and �torm drainage facilitiee, a� well as fire � protection aerviCes are car will bg made availabl� to th� deve]Lopment. i The appliaant has indicated that �hese facilitfes will be provided � within the subdivision as required by City standa�deo fi. Policy 8.1.1 calle for a safe and effiaient atreet system that meets current and project�sd neede. The praposed internal etregt eystem satisfiee all applicable Cade and Plan stree� standards. 7. Palicy 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 will be eatieffed becauae the City of Tigard and Washingtan County have and will be working t�gether tA regolve street improvement and locat3.on iaeues involved in �his cas� and the greater Bull Mountain area. The proposed aubdivision atreet improvements will be cons�ructed to City or County standarde as applicable and will be inst�lled at the developer'e expenee. Sufficient public riqht-4f-way wil]. b�s dedicated to the public within the subdivisfon for these �treete, The Planning Commiseion conci.udes that the propoeal with modifications ia coneistent with the Bull Mountain Community Plan baaed upon the following findinga: l. The deneity c�f the proposed eubdivision is within the limits contemplated by the Plan. All lo�a will be well above the 5,000 square faot minimum lot size of the former R-6 County Plan designation. 2. The preservation of trees fe viawed ae an important component of the Bull Mountain Plan�e strategy for preserving wildlife habitat and FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGI� ? �-. � �ra... �� related aeethetic benefi.ts. This property ie entirely within a aignificant na�ural area as identified in the Plan. These areas are consic3ered to be important due to their natural candition as well as ecologiG, scientific, and educational value. The proposed preliminary plat applicati�n do�a not include a plan for the preservation of trees on the property. 5uch a plan provided by a qualified arborist must be submitted and appraved pri.or tn r�moval of trees on the property or the approval of the final plat. An assesem�nt of the impact of developm�nt upun the weatexn ravine and stream should be a�ccompliehed prior to apprc��ral of the final glat. The amenclm�nt of the plat suggeatsd by th� applicant at the heari,ng to inal.ude the ravine in th� glat a� one additional lot will aesiat ir� II meeting the standard foz tree preservation. Iiaving one large lat with an allowance for one reeidence will make it poasik�le ta leave the majority af the parcel in its natural eta�e4 If this lat is d�v�loped in the future, the Citv shall determine cam�liance with the 56 t�rcent �ree �areaerva�ion etandard baaed upon the entire x�rot�ert� whi.ch ie the subiect af thie auplication. 3. Ths property ie alen within Area nf Special Caneern No. 3. . This designati.on has been applied becaus� of the County's expres�ed desire to evaluate significant natural areas on the north sla�se of Bull Mountain and to conaider the pass3.l�l.ca acquisitian of land as perc�nanent apen �pace. This s�udy ha� not been conducted by the County or the City. The Pian t�xt does indi�ate that in the interim, developrnent may occur in a rnanngr conei.stent witix th� Plan and appl.iadble code provisions. 4. General design elements of the Plan include th� des3.gn of minor coll�ctor etreeta whiah will nat encourage through traffic, minimi�e the �amount of land and vegetation dietuxbance, limit ths removal of treea over aix inchea in diameter to no more than 50 pera�nt, and the protect stream corrici�ara. As di.ecueeed abova in the �ngineering Divis3.on commente, �he �ninor eollector etre�t syst�m ia beingr deeigned primarily to eerve the future development on Bull Mountain r3ther than through traffic. Detailed plans shall be required ae a condition of approval to show that minimum of 50 percent of the trees will be preserved and that land disturbance, particularly in the ravine area, wi11 be kept to a minimum. i•he Planning Commission concludes that the proposal, with modifications is consietent with applicable portione of the Tigard Community Development Code baeed upon the findinge noted below: 1. Chapter 18.52 of the Cade ie satisfied because the proposal does meet the density requiremen� of the R-7 zone. 2. Chap�er 18.92 i� sat�sfied because the proposed denaity ie congietent with Code r�qufrements. FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC � KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/FD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAG� $ ; ���- z_ °r� 3. Chapter 18.80 ie eatisfied becauee the proposal is coneiatent with the purpose and requirements of this chapter pertainf.ng to planned developments. Planned developments are intended to be uaed in andeveloped areas such as thie to better proteat amenities on the site. Although thia section o£ the Code encourageg the provi�ion of common open epace areas through the application of flexible c3svelopment standards, common areas are not required by the Code. 4. Chapter 18.84 cov�rs seneitive lande iasues caith�n drainageways and slopeg over 25 pexcent. T�e drainageway on the property will be av��.ded by platting it within one lot. Although slopes of over 25 � percen� will generally be avoided by this project, it is possible that some of the homesitee will be loaated on slopea over 25 percent. Prowided that grading, conetruction, and erosion aontrnls are approved and monitored by the Enginesring and Building Inspection Aivieione for this development, the pravieiona of this chapter wi11 be me�. 5. Chapter 18.60 of the Code i� satisfied because the progo�al doee c��et the requiremente set forth fnr the submiasion and approval of a pr�liminary subdivision plat. 6. Chapter 18.150 �f the Code prohibits the unnecessary removal of trees over six inches in diam�ter. As noted above, a tre� presereation repart prepared by a qualified arborist shall be required prior to the commencement of any construction on the site. 7. Chapter 18.164 of the Code will be satisfied during th� �pproeal process for the final plat. C. E7ECISION �ased upon the above findi,nge, the Planning Crammiseion approvea Planned Development PD 90-01, Subdivision S 90-01, Sensitive Lar�ds SL 90-01 subject to the following conditiona: UNLESS OTHEI2WISE NOTED, THE COPTDTTIONS OF APPROVAL BELOW SHALL SE SATISFIED PRIOR TO RECORDTNG THE FYN�L PLAT WTTH WASITYNGTOI�T COUNTY. � 1. Standard full width improvements, including concrete eidewalk, driveway apron, �curb, asphaltic concrete pavement, aanitaxy sewer, etorm drainage, streetlights, and underground utilitiee shall }�e installed within the subdS.vision. Improvement� ehall be designed and conatructed to local and �' minor collectar street etandards and eha11 conf�rm to the alic�nment as y ehown in the submitted plan ox to an aliqnment approved by the Cit� ' ; Engineer. STAFF CONTACT: Gary Alfaon, Engine�ring Diviaion (63�-41'l1). 2. The applican� ehall provide a traffic aaaalysie of the inter�ection oiE 135th � Avenue and Walnut Street, detailing the interseati.on improvemente needed to t acoommodate the existing traffic plua tk►e projected �raffic from the j propoeed subdivision. Improvem�nts to provi�e a landing ar�a and adequate � �ight distance �a improve th� safety and acaes�.tbility of the site ahall be � s required. 1 i I FINAL ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 9D-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 9 I I I I i ; ; � �; _ _ . _- -- --_ __ � � '`�.. A vertical profile shall be aubmitted nf 135th Avenue b e t w e e n W a 1 nu t Street and the subdivisiono Th� street shall be reconstructed where the vertical prafile does not meet current minor coll.ector design atandarde. I The roadway shall be irnproved to a minimum width of 24 feet with a aninimum I of 12 inchea of base roak and 3 inchee �sf aephaltie concrete. Where the I exieting pavement can be eaved, a minimum 2 inch asphaltic concrete overlay � will be accepted in lieu of reconstructiox�. I� A p�destrian way shall be construc�ed along 135th Avenue between Walnut Stree�t and the subdivieion. A gravel ehoulder wi.th a width of 5 feet shall be the minimum standard for �he pedes�ri.an wsy. STAFF CONTAC,T: Gary Alfson, Engineering Division (639-4171). 3. The applicant ahall obtain a fac�.lity permi�t from the Department o£ Land Use and Transportation of Washington County, to perform wark within the right-of-way of 135th Avenue. A copy shall be provided to the City Engineering Divieion prior to ies�uanae of � Public Improvsment Persnit. S�'AF'F CONTACT: John Hagm�n, Engineering Divieion (639-4171). 4. A grading plan shall be �ubmitted shawing the exigting ar�d propased contours. This plan shall minim:ize the amount of ground di�turbanae on th� eite and it will be available far the arborist's review prior to the aubmittal of hie report as required in Condition 15. bel.ow. S�AFF CONTACT: Greg Berry, Engineering Di�rision (639-4171) . 5. !,n eroeion control plan ahall be provided as part of the public improvement drawinge. The plan shall canform to "Eroaian Control Plans - Technical Guidance Handbook, November 1989." 6. Driveway cuta shall not be permitted within thirty feet of intersecting right-of-way linee nor within five feet of property linee. STA�'F CONTACT: �ohn Hagman, Engine�ring Division (639-4171) . 7. Lota below the minor collector e�reet intereection aha11 not be permitted direct vehicular accese onto 135th Avenue. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering Divieion (639-4171) . 8. The applicant ehall provide for roaf and pavement rain drainage to the public stormwater drainage eyatem or by an on-aite eyetem cleaigned to prevent runoff onto the adjacent property. Back lot drainage sha11 be avoided whenever possible. STAFF CONTACT: Brad Roast, Building DivieiQn (639-4171). 9, The applicant ahall demonetrate that sto�n drainage runoff can be discharged into the existing drainagaway without eignificantly impacting propertiee downstream and that roadaide clitches are adequate to convey the runoff discharge without eroeion or other damage. STAFF CONTACT: Greg Berry, Engineering Divi�ion (639-4171y. l0e Sanf.tary aewer and starm drainage details shall be provided aa part of the public improvement plane. Calculations and a topographic map of the atorm drainage basin and sanitary sewer eerv3ce area shall be provided as a aupplement to the public impravement plana. Calculationa shall be bas�d on full development of the serviceable area. The location and capacity of FINA�L ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 10 l�"> • ��� 4` exieting, propoaed, and future lines eha11 be addressed. Easementr� that provide for adequat� maintenance of public sewere not within a right�af-way shal.l also be ehown on the public improvemQnt plans. STAF� CONTACT: Greq Berry, Engineering Uivieion (639-4171). 11. Two �2) sete of detailed publ3.c improvement plans and profil� conatruction dra.winqs ehall lbe aubmitted for preliminary review to the Lng3.neering Diviaion. Seven (7) eete af appraved drawinga and one (1) it�mized conatructf.on coat estimate, al�, grepared by a Profeesional Engine�r, �hall be e�ubmittecl for final review and approval. STAP'F CONTACT: John Hagman, �ngineexing Division (639-4171) . 12. Building permits will not be iesued, tk�g eubdivision plat will no� be approved, and aonstr�xetion of propoaed p+ublic improvemente �hall nat �commenc� until the Engineering Divisian has �pproved public impravement plane �nd a conetructi,on compZianr.e agree�ent hae been executed. Algo required is 100 percent performance asaurance or letter of cammitment, a develop8r-engineer agreement, the payment nf a permi� fee and a sign ine�tallation/streetli.ght fee. STAFF CONTACT: John Hac�man, Engineesing Aivieion (639-4171). 13. The applicant ehall obtain permite from tl�e Unified Sewerage Agency and Washington County to perfarm offsite work n�t included in the Citp Public Improvement Permit. A copy of the permi�$ and p�rnnit aesurance �shall be provided �o the Engineering Division gsrior to iaeuance of a City Public Improv�ment Permit. STAFF CONTACT: John H�gman, 14. Street centerline monumentation ghall be provided sa follows: a) Centerline Monumentation 1) In accordance with Oregon Rsvieed Statutee 9�.06A, subsectiAn (2), the cent�rline of all atreet and roadway rights-of-way ahall be c�onamented befor� the City accepts a street improvement. 2) The following centerline monuments sha].1 b� net: A) A3.1 centerline-centerline intersection pointe. B) All cul-de-eac c�nte� paints. C) Curve points, beginning and ending pointa (PC�s and I PT's). b) Monument Boxeg Requir�d 1) kionument boxes conforming ta City stand�rde wi11. b� requi.red around all c�nterli.rte intersection pointe and cul-de-�eac center pointe. 2) The topa of all monument boxes sk�all be �et to finished pavement grade. ST�IFF CQNTACT: Jon Feigion, Engineering Diviaion (b39-4171). FINAIe ORDER 90-06 PC - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAG1� 11 _ _ _ _ � . # , , !'`` `. . �. ��:: 15. A tree remnval plan, prepared fl�y a qualified arboxist, shall be eubmi�ted for Ci.ty approval. �his plan �ha],1 evaluate the plans for public improvements, privat� storm drainage faci.litiea, site grading, and their � 4� affect upon the trees to be preserved. The plan ahall identify the, treea ``� to be pre�ex�ved aad the methode to be ueed to seeure� their preservation ;: 'I through the constructiraM of th� subdivision and the residences. At a ; minimum, the treee to be retained ghall exceed 50 percent of the exiatin�g �' numb�r of treea (within the area ta be platted) over six inchea in diameter A':'' at four fee� above grade. Trees to be preserved shall bs proteated �' throughaut �h� subdivision and home conetructian by eix foot high chainlink ! fence or similar meana approv�d k�y the �rborist and the Planning Diviaion. r; STAk'E CONTACT: Keith Licien, �lanning Divieion (639-4171). lfi. T!he westerly ravine �hall be included in the plat aa an additioiial lot, � reguZting a tatal of 120 lo�s. �TAFF CONTACT: Keith Liden, Plar�ning �' Division (639-4171). ; 17. This approval ie valid if exercia�d within 18 cnonths of the final approval � date. � �'�,. ��.. It is further ordered that tlxe a�plicant be notified of the entxy af thi� � ,, order. `' i.. PAS�ED: Thie , � da af Msrch 1990 b the Plannin Commiaeion of �he Cit !'` Y � . Y 9 Y of Tigard. '�� {' 9 Y � i: i n F. yr Pr sident � Ti ard Plann romi eion ;' i ,. �; i S90-Ol.PF'O/kl E' }' �, ;'. c �', f. �' i, �� �. � „ !f � F7INAL ORDER 90-06 PC - ROUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/3L 90-01) PAGL 12 + i \ AGENDA TTEM "�"-'�T` 5� +I STAFF YtLPQR'� TO THE PLANDIING COMMISSION FEBRUP.RY 4?, 1990 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CITX HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BLVD. TIGARLI, OREGON 97223 A. F'ACT3 1. General Infarmatinn CASE: Subdivieion S 90-01, Planned Developmesat FD 90-01, and Seneitive Isandg SL 90-01. Y2EQUEST: For preliminary plat approval, detailed planned and ; devela ent a ro�val �o divide a 39.2 aere ' Pm pp parcel into 119 lots b�tween the sizea of 7,000 and 14,589 �quare feet. Aleo, sen�itive lande appraval tn allow the placement of a sanitary aewer line and £or poasibl�e construction on slopea over 25 percent. �(TMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATIAN: Medium Denoity Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-7 (Residential 7 unite per acre) APPLIC,ANT: Hurton Engine�ring 302 Tigard P3.aza Tigard, OIt 97223 OWNERS: Fumio Saito and Yaeeahiro Kouzai 1070 k�IW Murray Road Portland, OR 97229 IdJCd�1TION: South of 135th Avenue and Northwest of Benchview and Thre� Mountains Subdivisiona. WCTM 2S1 4 tax lot 700. 2. Backaround Information On July 17, 1989, the Tigard City Council approvsd a request for annexation of the subject property and forwarded Resolution Nurnber 89- 57 to the M�tropolitan Area Boundary Commiesion for i.ts conaideration. The Boundary Commission approved the annexation on August 24, 1989 (Boundary Change Pxopoeal No. 2663). On September 11, 1989, the City Cauncil adopted a change in zoning of the subject property from Washington County R-6 to City of Tigard R-7 PD (Re�iclential 7 units per acre, planned development). The Urban Planning Area Agreement, " between the City and Washington Caunt�y� requires the City to adopi: the zone which moat olnaely resemb.lee the exieting Waehington County zon� ;. STAFF RLPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 1 �`� �; t �: ,> i,�� �; ��� . � �=� `N. �� ;�. for a period of at least one year. Thie char�ge in zoning wae con�istent with the agreement. Both �he Washington County R-6 and the Ci.ty of Tigard R-7 zon�ss allowr for a 5,d00 squarc� foo� mtinimum lot �ize for s�.ngle family resi.dencQS. 3. Vicinitv Information R S.W. 135th Avenue gxtende from the northeast property aorner directly aaorth to S.Wo Walnut Street. Alang the property�s northern border lie a number of home sitea that genera�.ly rang� in size from one-half to ; two acrea. Theae reeider�ce� are located An either eide of S.W. Fern � Street, which rune eaet and we�t with an interaection with S.W. 135th. �� Avenue at its eaet end. Large undeveloped Qropertiea lie to the eaet, weet, and south. Benchviec�r subdiviainn ].iee to the aauthea�t. This subdfvision and the land to the eaat of the property are currently within the City of Tigard. The eurrounding propertiee wi�hin Wast�ington County are pre�er�tly zoned R-6 and the parcels within the City of Tigard are zoned R-4.5 (Residential 4.5 unite per acre). f, 4. Site Infob°mation and Proposal D�scrintian The prop�rty to be developed is pre�aently vacant and is eituated on � the lower portion o�' Bull Mountain°s northsrn slope. The property is almost entirely woaded. A large rawine, which runs dowrnhill tn the north is located on th� weet side of the property and the remainder of the parcel elopee down to the northeast and eaet. �` The appliaant propoaes to dlivide the property into 119 aingle family � residential lots. Initially, acceaa will ar�ly be provided by a southerly extension of 135th Avenue. This �xtenaion ie inteaded to be a minar collector street whick� will continue up the hill and ;' eventua.11y connect with S.W. Bull Mountain Road. Other local streets within the aubdivision will pravide accese to the prapoeed lots �ae well as abutting propertiee to the south and we�t. The large we�terly ravine will remain undeveloped at this point, however, the applicant haa illustrated a conceptual etreet alignment which would extend across the ravine to the adjacent property to the weat. A Seneitive Landa xeview ia aleo necesaary because of the installation of a eewer line along the eaet side of the weetern ravine and the possibility that other conetruction will occur on elopea in i! excess of 25 percent. The majority of the property has slopes lese ''� than 25 percent, howevar it ie poseible that a limited amount of t;i public facility and reaidential construction will occur on alope� ateeper than 25 percent. ; ; 5. Aqencv and NPO Comments r' w h The Engineering Division has the following commente: �` ( 'The applicant proposee to develop 39.2 acres of vacant land which haa K recently baen annexed into the City. The land is located on the Northeaat ;?. r. STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 2 � I' k �'': � . , i 4� �... eide af Bull Mountain and is relatively steep with one raaine with very eteep side banks. No public facilitiea currently exi�t on the property. The applicant hag submitte�l a site plan showing the proposat lot layaut and public road, water, sanitary eewer, and etorm drainage systems. Finr3ings: 1. The colleator road syetem of the Nor�heast Bull Mountai.n area is currently being evaluated by the City. A rQport has be�en prepared by City staff with sev�ral routs opti.one fnr tt�e area. This site is affected by one of the route� proposed, the extenaion of 135t1x Avenue � ta Bull Moun.tain Road. The traffic valume analyeis indicates that thie route will eerve as a n�ighborhood colleator etreet prov.iding acaess for the future residents of the i.mmediate area to Bull Mountain Road and tn Walnut Street. Through traffia fxom Bull Mountain Road ta ' Walnut Street ia expected to be a small percentage of the toi•al traffic. A direct route from Walnut Street to Bull Mountain Road ;; wou�d encourage more through traffic than an indireat route would. The ateep terrain of Bull Mountain also prevents a feasible through ; rout� without eteep gradea or impacta to the developm�nt of the aite. � Therefare an i.ndirec;t cannection is acceptable for thie route. { � The praposed road syetem incorp�rates the indirect minor collector ; concept into ita layout and .is acceptable. ; • 2e Airect vehicular acce�s to minor collector etreets is gener�lly diacouraged unlese aircumstances exist which prevent an alternative access. The proposed ��reet �agout proposee aacees to the upper half of the minor collector �treet by 19 lote, with addition�l acaesses ae future development to the south occure. TraPfie valumes are expected to decrease as the road approachse the mid point �f the Sull Mountain/Walnut conneation. Alao alternative access for these lots ie no� available due ta the restrictiona of the terrain without i.mpacts to the adjoining property and to the proposed development, therefore the direct accees ehould be allowed. However, eince this route will be a minor collector street� it ia recommended that additional meaeures be taken to reduce the impacte to the residences fronting thie atreet such as additional setback requirements for the future homes. I I 3. Acceas to the eite will be provided by 135th Avenue. Currently, 135th Avenue is an approximately 20 foot wide paved etreet, which serves the residential areae of Fern Street and Walnut Street and alao has some direct residential acceeees. The pavement wae not conetructed to local atreet standarda and ie under the juriediction of Washington County. It�s intersection with Walnut Street does not meet current desiqn atandarda and impxovements are recommended to the intersection to improve its aafety. A traffic analysis should bs provided discuseing the projected traffic volumee at the intersection and evaluating the neceeeary 3.mprovmente. The improeement� ehould provide a landing area of leas than 5 �rcent grade and a "T" intersection. STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGi� 3 ; � _ _ �� '4 . Structural improvements to the exiating 135th Averiue eriould b� made eince future traffic l�vels will increas� substantially over existing traffic levels. The pavement should receive a mini.mum 2 inch asphaltic concre�e overlay and be widened to a� minimum of 24 feet. The v�rtical profile should be evaluated to eneure that any i.�pxovements to 135th Avenue will match future improvements. Reconstruction, if the vertical prafiles da not meet curz°ent standards, stxould be made by the applicant. Frovisions ehould be made for pedestrian traffic alang 135tt� Avenue. Ae a minimum, a gravel shoialder with a width of at least 5 feet shnuld be provided om one sicle of 135tho 4. Sanitary sewer aervice is proposec� to be ext�nded from diart Street (Franklin Street) up 135th Avenue int•o the si�e. Stub-outs �hould be provided along the route to Walnut Street and F�rn Street for future extension of the public line. Serviae should alao be extended tA th� eouth as ehown on the snbmitted plans. �he lots which back onto the ravine an th� west edge of the site may need to be aerved alang the back eide since they alope away £rom the street extensi�vely. The future extension of this line ahould be public since it will be aerving more than lfi lots. Acceea fo� maintenance vehicles and permanent eaeements ehauld be provided for all lines which are outaide of the public righ�-nf-way. The conatruction of the sanitary eewer pipeline within the se nai�ive land area is necessary to provide service to t�e lote whi,ch border the area and are lower than th� public s t r e e t t o t h e e a s t . Therefore, the engineeriag staff ha� no objec�ion to the s�nsitive lande permit. 5. Storm drainage is shown to b� collected on site and. discharged down 135th Aven�e and also into the ravine on the west edge of the si.te. Since develapment of the eit�e will result in an inarease in the existing runoff, the drainagewaps should be evaluated downstream ta ensure adequate facilities exist. Upgrading the drainageways to avoid impacts downstream may be necessary. The drainag�way in the ravine currently paesea through private property and aarosa F'ex°n 5treet. Coordination with the owners of these propertiea e�hould b� pursued, especially if improvements are necessary to avoid i.mpacts, The drainageway down 135th Avenue currently draine into a swale to �he eaat about halfway down �he atreet. Proviaione to upgrade this drainageway or to direct the runaff down 135th Avenue ahould be evaluated. 6. Erosion control, ae outlined in the Eroeion Control Plane Technical Guidance Handbook published by Portland and Washington County, will be an i,mportant aspect of conatruction due to the eteepnesa of the site and th� obvious amount of clearing and earthwork which will be required to develop the aite. An erosion control plan following these guidelinee is required. � STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 4 � , � � , e . f! s �l Scott Iting, a Transportation Planner with the Washington County Land Use and Tranepoxtation Departmant etates that the County requires a de�elopment, which generatea more than 200 tripa per day and accesses a County ro�d, to submit a traffic etudy for County review. The trip generat3.on for thie dev�lopmsnt ie 1200 ADT based upon ITE category 2-10. ; The appli.�ant, shall provide the County with a study prior to final approval. County revi�w of thia atudy may result in further requirement ;=,' for pubZ,ic i_mprovements, Mr. ICing aleo h.as the following recommendations: A. Pricrr to final approval and issuance of building permit: 1. Submit a traffic study pursuant to County resol.ution and order � 83-21:3. CONTACT: Daryl 3teffen, County Traffic Analyst at 648- 8761 far queationa regarding thia study. 2. Sign a� waiver not to remonetrate againet the formation of a Local Improvement Diatrict or other mechaniem to improv� and maintain SW 135�h Aver.ue to Gounty standarda between the site and SW Walnut Street. The documents required for completion of recommended cosdition F,.2. shall be pr�pared by the Washington County Survey Diviaion and recorded in the W�.ehAngton County Recorde Department. 3. Submi.t plans, obtain Engineering Division approval, provide financial. aeeurance, and ob�aa.r� a facility permit for the following public i►nprovements; e 'te and S.W. Walnut �o ide S.W. 135th Av�nue betw�en th si a. Px v Strget with a minimum 22 foot width and wearing aurface in life expectancy of not less than five years. b. All improvementa recluired by the County review of the required traffic etudy (eee recommended condition Al above). B. Prior to occupancy all road improvements required by conditiona 3. a. ; b. shall be completed and accepted to the Caunty. Flal Bergsma, Senior Planner, aleo with the Washington County Land Use and Tranaportation Department, expressed Department conc3rns relating to the number of treea that will need to be removed aa a reault of the standard subdiviRion and the potential impact of the propoeed stree� locatiox� on the west side atream corridor and ravine. The Tigard Water District commente that it will require a loop syatem and a pressure reduction vault and valve �ye�em on 135th Avenue. ,,;' f:; The Tigard Building Division indicates that private etorm drain lines muat �. STAFF REPOR� - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAG1� 5 g,� i,, ,:: i?'. t::'' r;;^ r,::±. {>;, C: � _. r S. '�. be inetalled �n lota 17--27, 36-43, 46-55, 66 and 72-7E3, 80-89, 93 and 100- 102, �1 and 108-112, and 113--119. The Tual.atin Valley Fire and Rescue District indicates that hydrant plaoement will be eoordinateci thrauqh the Tigard Water District and that plane should be submitted foY� revie�a and approval to �the Distrxet. The �'igard Schaol Diatrict indicates that the propoeed complex is loca�ted within the Mary Wooddvard Elem�ntary and Fowler �7unior High School a�tendance boundary. Thie complex along with 20 others now being planned or conatructed wi3.l c�enerate 163 new studeizts for Mary Woodward Elementary and 71 etudents at Fowler Junior High School. The Tigard School District may not be able to aacommodate them at Mary Woodward or at Fowler. Prospective occupants should be advi�ed that studente may be bused to other schoole. After the Dietrict completes its new middle school in 1992, there should room available at Maxy Woodward and Fowler Junior Fiigh School for theee etudenta. Because of the time and coet conetraints, it is the District pcalicy that buaee qenerally do not enter subdiviaione. It is very important to us that your desiqn coneider space for bue pu13. out aufficient in size tn allow traffic to pass safely without stopping. No other comments have been receiwed. i i 8. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS F i �he relevant approval criteri,a are Compreheneive Plan. Policies 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.4.2, 3.5.1, 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.6.1, 801.1, 8.1.2, and R.1.3; ` the Bull Mountain Communit Plan• and Communit Dev�lo � Y � y pment Code seation� 18.54, 18.60, 18.150 and 18.160. Since these plana have been acknowledged, the statewide goals no longer have to be addressed for non-legielative land use a�pli�catfons. The Planning staff concludes that the propoeal w9.th modificatians ie coneistent with the applicable portions of the Tigard Comprehenaive Plan based upon the findings noted below. :; 1. Policy 2.1.1 ie eatiafied because the Neighborhood Planning j�, Organization Number 3, Community Planning Organization Number 4B, and the surrounding property ownere were given notice of the hearing and �,I� an opportunity to comment on the applicant's proposal. !� 2. Policy 3.1.1 can be eatiefied because the Code allows development of ' hillsidee that are steeper than 25 percent when �ngineering ,` information is provided which shows that adverse environmental erosion i` or slope instaliility will not result. +; The appliaant hae submitted a general deacription of the site but ttae i<: techniquea for mitigating any potential problems related to eteep � elopes have not been :Lncluded. Staff doee not anticipate any �+; i'.' STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-•O1) PAGE 6 f'' j�!< �l. ��';; .�" G� difficultiee, provided that the appropriate construction and erosion control measures are employede Since many iseuea regarding alopes ar� site epeciric, the staff recommends that raethods for maintenance of elope etability and erosion control be gubmitted for the approval in conjunetion with the public improvement plans and building permits with particular attention being paid to gradea ovar 25 percent. 3. Policy 3.4.2 ie satiefied at the present because the pr.opos�d plat does not extend into the large drainageway at the west end of the property. However, th� future etreet exten€sian and ultimate disposition of the propert� has not been descra.bed by the applicant. If this portion of the property is to be develoged in the future, much care needa to be taken to avoid damaging the integrity nf this drainageway. 4. Policy 305.1 indicates that the City will encourage private interegts to provide open space, recreation lande, facilitiea, and preserve natural, scenic, and hiatoric areas. Thie plat does not provide fQr any common open space within the development. �,Zthough the lack of common open apace is not neceesarily in conflict with this policy, it undoubtedly will be mor�e difficult to p�eserve the the natural and scenic values ot' this property without it. The t�ite grading and tree removal plans required in the conditione of approval below ahall be reviewed with the intention preserving the natural features of the aite to the maximum exten� pnssible. 5. Policies 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, and 7.6.1 are satiefied because adequate water, sewer, and storm drainage tacilities, as well as fire protection eervices are or will be rnade available to the development. The applicant has indicated that these facilities will be provided within the subdivision as required by City etandards. 6. Policy 8.1.1 calle for a safe and efficient street systems that meeta current anc� projected needs. The propos�d internal �treet system satisfi�s all applicable Code and Plan atreet standards. 7. Policy 8.1.2 and 8.1.3 will be satiefi:ed becauee the City of Tigard and Washirzgton County have and will be working to�ether to resolve street improvement and location iseues involved in thia cas� and the greater Bull Mountain area. The proposed aubdiviaion street improvements will be const�ucted to City ar County aonatruction stan@ards as applicabl� and will be instailed at the developer's expense. Sufficient public right-of-way will be dedicated to the public within the subdivision for theee atreeta. The Planning staff concludea that the proposal with modifications is consietent with the Bull Mountain Community Plan based upon the following find:inge: 1. The density of the proposed eubdivision ie within the limi�a contemplated by the Plan. All lote will be well above the 5,000 square goot minimum lot eize of tha former R-6 County P1an designation. STAFP' REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (5 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 7 r* _... . ..__._ _.._.__._ __ �.. � �� � . . .. � .. � . . �� . w a 2. Th.e preservation of trees is viewed ae an �impo�tant component of the Bull Mountain Plan's strategy for preserving wildlife habatat and related aeethetic benefits. This pro�erty i.s entire].y within a significant natural area ae identified in the Plaa. These areas are considered to be importani; due to their natural condition as well as ecologia, scientific, and educational valu�. The proposec3 p,reliminary plat appliaation does not include a plan fur the preservation of tree� on the property. Such a ;plan provided bg a qualified arboriet must be aubmitted and approved prioz to removal of treea on the property or �he ap�proval of the final plat. An assesament o£ the etreet e�cten�ion to th� w�st and ita impact upon thP western .ravine and stream ehould be accompliahed prior to approval of the final p1at. 3. The praperty is aleo within Area of Special Cancern Na, 3. . This ' designation has been app]Lisd because af the County•s expressed dee.ire to e�valuate aignifican� natural ar�a� on the north slope of Bull I Mountain and to coneider the possible aquisiti,on of land as permanent � ppen sg�ce. This s�udy hae not been conducted by the Countgr or the City. The Plan text does indicate �hat in the interim, developmant magr occur in a manner consistent with the Plan and applicable code provieiona. �. General design elements of the Plan include the design of minar collectnr streets wrhich will not encourage thraugh �raffic, minixnize the amount of land and vegetation disturbance, limit the removal of trees nver six inches in diamet�r ta no more than 5U percent, and the protect etream corridors. As discussed above in the Engine�ring Division comments, the mino� collector street system is being deaigned primarily to serve the future development on Bull Mountain rather than through traffi.c. Detailed plans shall b� required as a condition of approval to show that minimum of 50 p�rcent of the trees will be preserved and that land diaturbance, �articularly in the ravine area, will be kept to a minimum. The Planning etaff concludes that the proposal, with modifications is consietent with appliaable portione of the Tigard Community Development Code baged upon the findings no��d below: l. Chapter 18.52 of the Code is satisfied becauae th� proposal doee meet the denaity requirement of the R-7 zone. 2. Chapter 18.92 is satisfied becauae the prapoeed deneity is conaistent with Code requiremente. 3. Chapter 18.80 is eatisfied because the propoeal is consistent with the purpose and requ3.remente of this chapter pertaining to planned developments. Planned developments are intended to be ueed in STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90--01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 8 ♦ i \ undeveloped areae �uch a� thia ta better protect amenities an the site. Although this �ection of the Code encourages the provieion of common open �pace areas through the �pplication af flexibae development standards, common axeas are not required by the Code. 4. Chapter 18.84 coverg sensitive lands issues within drainageways and slopes over 25 percent. The drainageway on the pzoperty wi11 be avoided however, ae noted earlier, the future use of this section nf the property must be evaluated further. Although alopes of over 25 percent wi11 generally be avoided by this project, it i� poasible that some of the homeeites will be located on slopes over 25 percent. Provided that grading, construction, and erosion controls are approved and monitored b� the Engineering ani3 Building Inspection Diviaions for_ this development, the provieiona of this chagter will be met. 5. Chap�er 18.60 of the Code is sa�ie�ied because t�� proposal does meet the requirements set forth for the submission and approval of a preliminary subdivision plat. 6. Chapter 18.150 of the Code prot�ibit� the unneces�ary removal of trees oaer six inches in diameter. As noted above, a tree pre�ereation re�ort prepared by a qualified arboriet ahall be required prior to the commencement of any construction on the site. 7. Chaptex 18.164 of the Code will be satiefied durin� the approval procese for the final plat. C. RECOMMENDATION Baeed upon the above findings the Planning ataff recommends approval of Planned Development PD 9a-Ol, Subdivi�ion S 90-01, Sensitive Lands SL 90-01 eubject to the follawing conditiono: UNLESS OTHERWTS� NOTED, THE CONDITIONS OF �PPROV�L BELOW SHAI,L BE SATIS�IE� PRIOR TO RECORI3ING THE FINAL PLAT WITH WASHINGTON COUNTY. l. Standard full width improvements, includzng concrete sidewalk, driveway apron, curb, asphaltic conczete pavement, san�tary sewer, etorm drainage, streetli�hta, and underground utilitiea ahall be inetalled within the ! aubdivision. Improvements shall be designed and constructed to 1�caY and � minor collector street �tandards and shall conform to the alignment as � ehown in the submit�ed plan or to an alignment approved by the City Engineer. STAFF CONTACT; Gary Alfeon, Engineering Division (639-417i). 2. The applicant shall provide a traffic analysis of the intereection of 135th ' Avenue and Walnut Street, detailing the intersection impr�vemente needed to � accommodate the exieting traffic plus the projected traffic from the � propoeed aubdivision. Improvementa to provide a landing area and adequate ' si ht dfsta ce i g n to improve the safety and acce�sibility of the site shall be required. � � � STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 9D-01/SL 90-01) PAGL 9 A vertical profile �hall be submitted of 135th Avenue b e t w e e n W a 1 nu t Street and the aubdivision. The street shall be reconstructed where tlae vertical profile does not meet current minor collector deaign atandards. The roadway shall be i.mproved to a minimum width of 24 feet with a min3.mum of 12 inches of base rock and 3 inch�s of asphaltic concrete. Where the exiating pavement can. b�e saved, a minimum 2 inch asphaltic concrete overlay will be accepted in lieu of reconstruction. A pede�etrian way shall be conetructed along 135th Avenue between Walnut Street and the subdiviaion. A gravel ahoulder with a width of 5 feet shal.l be the minimum atandard for the pedestrian way. ST?1FF CONTACT: Gary Alfson, Engineering Divi�ion (639-4171). !� 3. The applicant shall ok�tain a facility permit from the Aepar�men� of Land Use and Transportation of Washingtor. �ounty, to perform worl� within the right-of-way of 135th Avenue. A copy sha11 be pr�ovided ta the City Engineering Division prior to issuance of a Public Tmprovement Permit. � STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering Divi.eion (639-4171). 4. A grading plan ahall be submitted ehowing the existing and propoeed aontoura. This plan ehall minmize the amount af ground disturbance on the sxte and it will be avai.lable for the arborist's review prior to the � submittal of his report as requi.red in Condition 15. below. STAFF CAN7'ACT: Greg Berry, Engineering Diviaion (639-4171) . 5. An eroeion cantrol plan ahall be provided as part of the public improvement drawinge. The plan ahall conform ta "Erosion Control Plans - Technical Guidance Handbook, November 1989." 6. Driveway cuts sh�ll not be permitted within thirty feet of intersecting ri.ght-•of-way linea nor within five feet of property linea. STAFF CONTACT: �ohn Hagman, Engineering Divigion (639-4171) . 7. Lots be3.ow the minor collector street intersection shall not be permitted direct vehicular accese onto 135th Avenue. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering Divieion (639-4171). 8. The applicant eha11 provide for roof and pavement rain drainage to the public stormwater drainage system or by an on-site ayatem deaigned to prevent runoff onto the adjacent property. Backlot drainage shall be avoided whenever possible. STAFF CONTAC�: Brad Roast, Building Division (639-4171). 9. The applicant shall demonetrate that atorm drainage runoff can be � discharged into the existing drainageway without significantly impacting properties downstream and that roadeide ditches are adequate to convey the runoff diecharge without eroeion or other damage. STAFF CONTACT: Greg Berry, Engineering Divieion (639-4171). ;; ; 10. Sanitary sewer and storm drainage det�,ils shall be provided as part of the C public improvement plans. Calculations and a topographi� map of the storm ' drainage basin and s�lnitary sewer service area shall be provided ge a ; � STAFF REPORT - KOUZAI/BUR�ON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/SL 90-01) PAGE 10 t 4 i: t` � t . F �,,, �Y., supplement to the publ.i:c improvement plans. Cal�ulations ahall be based on full development of the eerviceable area. The location and capacity of. �existing, propo�ed, and future lines shall be addreseed. Eaeamente that provide for adequate maintenance of public sewere not within a right-of-way ehall aleo b� shown on the public improvement plane. STAFF CONTACT: Greg , Berry, Engi�eerincy Divisic�n (639-4171). il. Twn (2) sete of detailed public improvement plans and profi].e conatruction drawinga shall be eubmitted for prel,iminary review to the Engineering Division. Seven (7) sets of approved drawings and �ne (1) itemized conetruction aoat estimate, all prepared by a Prafee�fonai Engineer, �hall I be submitted for final review �nd approval. ST.AFF CONTACT: John Hagman,. Lngineering Division q639-4171) . ' 12. Building permi�e will not b� ieeued, the eubdivision plat wi1]. not be approved, and conetruction of propaa�d publie 3.rnprovem�nte ahall not commence until the Eirqineering Divieion ha� apprnved publia improv�mment ' plane and a conatrYaction complianae agreement has been e,xecut�do Ale� required is 100 Zsercent performance as�e�urance or letter of �ammitment, a develo�r-engineer agresmsnt, the. paym�nt of a permit fee and a afgn inetallation etreetl / ight fe�. STAFF GONTP�CT'; John Ha an En ineeriz2 � i 4 9 Division (639-4171) . 13. The appZicant ahall obtain permi�s from the Unified Sewerage Agency and Washington County to perform offsite work npt included in the City Publ�.c Improvement Permit. A copy of th� permita and permit aeaurance ahall be grovided to the �nginaering Division prior to iesu�nce of a Citg Public Improvement Permit. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman. 14. S�ree� centerline monumentation ahall be provided as followea a) Centerline �ozaumentation 1) In accordance with Oregon R�vised Statuta� 92.060, subsect�Lon (2), the centerline of all street and roadway righte-of-way ehall be. monumentad befare the Cf�y accep�e a etreet improvement. 2) The following centerline manuments shall be aet: A) All centerline-centerline i.nter�ection pointa. B) All cul-de-sac center points. C) Curve pointa, beginning and sanding pointa (PC�s and PT'sj. b) Monument Boxes Requir�d 1) Monument boxes conforming to City standarde will be requfred around a11 centerline intereection pointa and cul-de-sac center pointe. SmAFF' REPORT - ROUZAT/BURTON (S 90-01/PD 90-01/S�, 90-01) PAGE 11 � � � ^�. _._ - --- -- r.,.,.. . ...._._. .�.. _; . � �e. �`._ 2� The to�e of all manument boxea ehall be set to finished pavem�rat grade. STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigion, Engineering Diviaian (639-4171). 15. d� tree� removal plan, prepared by a qualified �rborist, shall be subrnitted for City approval. This plar� shall evaluate the plans for public improvemente, private atorm drainage facilities, si�e grading, and their aff�ct upon the trees to be preserved. The plan ahall idantify tha tr�es to be preeerved and th� methoda ta be used to aseure their pr�s�rvation through the conatruction of the subdivision and the resid�nces. At a ' mini.mum, tlae trees to be xetain�d shall exceed 50 percent of the exieting number of treee (within the area to be plattedj over aix inahee in dian�►eter at four feet above grade. Treea ta be preaerved ehall be proteated throughou� the eubdivi�ion and home conatructio� by six foot hiqh chai.nlin3e fence ax similar means approved by the arborist and the Planning Di.vieion. ST�FP' CONTACT: Keith Lidgn, Planning Divieion (639-4171). 16. Thie appxoval ie valid if exercise�i within 18 months of' th� firsal, approval date. ' 2 /��a PREPFrRED HY: Keith Liden, Senior Planner , P RE S90-OY/kl STAP'�' �REPORT - KOUZAY/BURTON (S 9D-01/PD 90-01/3L 90-�1) PAf3E 12 A; 4,�`' �.. Navember 14, 1989 Burton Engineering and Survey Co. 11945 �W Pacific Highway No. 3U2 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Ph. (50:�) 639-6116 APPLICA,NTS STRTEMENT FOR DEVELOPIK�NT OF 40 P.CRE SUBDIVISIO�t, BULL MOUNTAIN SUNIl�ITT We propose ta �ubdi�v�de pa�t of T.L. 7U0, Washington Coun�y Map Na. 2S 1 4, intc� 120 single family lot� wath an. �re�a af 30.4 acres. Th� pa^ap�rty i� zoned R-? with a P1annQd I}eveloptnent overlay. The proposed lot sizes ran�e from 7,OOA sq. ft. �o �4,500 sq. ft. The subdivisinn plan was �ontrolled to a large d�gree by to�vgrapfiic cr�nsid�ratians. Consideration� were giv�n t� views and privacy p�rtly through the use of Gul-•de-sac configur�atiar�. Layout wa.s mad� to minimize stre�t grades and �xeavation require�nents . SW 135t�. Av�. is extended through thi� pra.ject with fu�ure plans to extend thraugh to Bull Mountain Road. The design is ta mir�o� ca11�4t,e�r �tandards. However, future aiesign Sauth of this prnject will �,ropose aligt�ment to discourage thraugh traffic . I hav� received input from CPO group and neighbars of these propertias e�cpressing this d�sire anci �,hat t}zis street be used a� residential �treet. For these reasons I have shown lats remaining with individual access�s �o this street. All other streets are designed to local street standards . San3tary sewer �ill be extended North on SW 135th. Ave. to the existing facilities on S.W. Hart St , which has the capacity for �his conner.tion. Storm drainaqe will �e extenc�ed to existing na�tural drainageways as shown on the propo�ed utility plans. � 'I'he �;ntire property is �cavered with trees. A11 tress wi11 he saved except in the street right of ways, front y�rd set back, and building areas. Dangerous trees will also be removed. Signed: ThQmas H. Hurtan ' �:. �•"�bi���� ''� '�,�,�iF.�v�� ' ,.� Fe��ua� 13 19�� �1�1994 y , �� C1ty c�f �.�igaxc� �lanning Commissian C;ity Hal?. 13125 SVi H�11 Tigaxcl, �R Dear ,Sirs : Referer��e: Subdivisior� 590-��. Sen�itive Land� 9�-01 Hurton/Kou�ai We are a group of Bull Mountain re�idet�ts . Rec�n�ly area� nf the mo�.�ntain (specifi.cally �iull Mountait� Summit V�.ew Estates and the ac�eage known �� tXie Zedni.ck �raperty) Y,ave besn, crr ��� in �he process of being, anne�ed by the city of Tig��:d . Plans to c�evelop the 4g acres �urthest nc�rth (at the bottom of f�u�.l Mt, ) are now t�eing submi�ted to yau, and within a short time+ the �est n� the development p7.anv for the remaining ac�eage wf11 also be submittec7 . The whole a�ea inc;ludes ravines, �teep hillsides, streams and old fo��sts as well a� bui.ldable acxe�ge . AGCOrding t� tY�e Wa�hinqtan County Bu11 Mount�in Cnmmunity Plan, this entire area is conside�ed a Significant Natur�]. Area, ana was designa�ced an AxPa �� Special Concern (A.� .C. 3 ) , ind�.cating that additiona�. stu�y ar�c7 plana�in� by citi.z�ns and government agencf.es f�r �rat�ction as well as pub�ic and �irlvate; u�e was r�ecess�ry. Thi� additi.onal pl�rining w�s x�ever completer� by the GoLlt�tya sn now we have tk�e oppart�xnity to wnrk �ai,th yau in planzzing �or the ar�a. We believe that while r��ur..h of thi� area can be s�arcessfully developed, it is also nec�ssaxy to maintain as murh a:c possible �he natural l�nclscape that draws p�ople to Bull Moun�a�.n and gives this area its uni.c�ue, ni5th qu�lity ��pea�. . For that reasori we axe c�aeply Gancerned that the following issu�s ba r�so].v�ci befa�e deve�.apment ac�ually begins : l. T'hat a way }�e faunr� to prese�:�e 50� of the m�ture trees, as spectfied in the Gommunit�+ Plan. We �trongly urge that group� ar l�loGks o� trees bs m�intai.ned, as appo�ed to leavin� scattered trees around hotisesr �o meet this r_equir�mer�t. This raill prevent b1ow- down, keep the �x�ees ro��s undamaged so they will remain }�ealthy and ; p�ovid� a�elter �or, wildlife . It wil�. als� create bu£fer zone� � betwe�n �he developments . To save viable si:ands of trees, it may be � nere�s�ry ta cluster the houses closer toge�her . z 2 . That; drai.nag�� �nd ravines become deciicatec3 open areas, with no � developmen�t a1low�d on them in �.he fu�ure, and that enough ar.ea be r, set aside to keep wa�t�r quality from the wa�erways in tfiese ar�a� �� high. ��� � � . A1.low for access into these op�n areas, so that in the future � pedestrian paths �nulc3 be built, as is �urrently being c3one with � ^1'hx�ee Mountain Esta�.es and Benchv�e�r. Gansider requiring linkage or ; a continuatian of these plans into the new development as we11 . � k � � t e � . . . � . � ... .���' ` '._... . .. . . . ... .. . .... .. . . ....... . -..._.... .._.,....,.:. ,.: � � �.� , . �. +,;�; ; t.. .� 9 . zn respec�t tn the 9� ac�e dev�la�ment plar� before you, w� aze also request9.n� a de�ign ch�nge on the pzelimina�y plan to place a c�a].-�e- s�c Daetween la�s 16 and �.7 xather �th��iutured3.s�c��npletelye �avine . Bui.lding a road intn �his area in th inapprop�iate. 5 . �u11 Moun�Gain en��ys a war�e variety of animal and bird species, which add greatl�� to the en�oYmEnt of 1.i�vikee��removal of�undergrowth c�f providing �cceptable wildli£e hablta , P i� '�r�ec� are�s ta �n absolixte minimum. A1sa, ogen are�s need to conneCt with on� anothe.r as much as p�ssib].e to give wild animals safe COrY�.C�OZ5 to move ar�und . Small 3.sl�nd� of h�abitat cannot sup�>oxt wi1d11.fe, �nd animals trapped in them are at mu�Ya gre���r. xisk tca p�edation from �'aConn�atec��npen a�eas �wouldyaa5a�albow�the5 t� ta mnve about . they Y ;,i design of pedestrian path� in t�e fu�ure . ;1 We feel the City Qf Tigarc� has an �xcitf.n�, ux�ic�ue c�pport;unity. By working with dev�lopers and 1:he commun�.ty �° ou�wil��he�lp�this�areaat f it int� anc� p�eserve t11� na•tu��l landsrap Y b�come a �howcase to tk�e r�st o£ �he rn�tropolit�n axea. Sincerely, � ' ` �/li/GxL.i ;l��-'�''/,,�'�/�`!.°�..,,,_,_. r f'���J�� ,-.�.''�,,,,,..-----" � � Linda and Ken ��eder 149�� �W 141st Ave . � — I'J/,w �/ I ��yA �`/�' +'.�_.-i w\���'1� ��V�� t I�J��,J�.�J/�v--_ � 1 •�r�e� / A�.Pxandra Prenti5s and Ri�ha�d Ga.uni: ; 14875 SW 191st Ave . ��w� �,�.�.d�- ,aP Bevarly Fx�ouc�e �� 122gQJ SW Bu11 MQUntain Rd . j ! i GC. Keith Liden, Gity of Tig�rd Plannez Randy Wooley, City c�f Ti,gard Enqineer Cal Woa].ery, CP0-9:B k�resiaent ��. �. February 27, 1990 Planning Departznent City of Tigaid 13125 S. W. Hall Blvd. Tigard, Oregon 97223, U.S.A. Dear Sirs: �his letter is to confirm that SEIYU INTERN�1T�nNA�, has ccammitt�d to provxde the �unds necessary to improve the �ff'snte extension af S. W. 13 5th (by Fei n 5treet) , over and abave the iraterim v'�aredard to be m.ade by Taira-Klaus. They wi1.1 iznprr�ve the stre�� to the full city standard, or to a le�ser standard agr�ed upor� by the city and the CPO. Construc�ian is ta be simultaneous, and within exis�ing rights of way or other rights of way granted to the aity by adjacent property owners. This le�ter is intended to satisfy the conaerns of any CPO members who "wanted to see the co�nmitment in writir�g e1° We look farward to working with the Gity of Tigard and the CPO for the development of an attractiv�e project, of which we can all be proud. Ws hope the CPO members will be alale �o s�upport approval of this project and that the Planning Commission will act to approve our application an February �7th. Thank you. SEIYU INTERNATIONAL CORP. r f J/C,uC..�LtL��� ���Ll�-�' � . . .'.. D�le Addin ton�' g Personal Representative DA:rw � . �� � � 20 February 1990 Planninp, Commissidn , City of Tigard ' 13125 SW Hall Blvd. �� Tigard OR 97223 To the Planning Commission: Last night, the neighbors in the area of SW 135th and SW Fern Street met to discuss the �lanned development by Taira-I�la�us on Bull Mountain south of our neighborhood. T'he neighbors have asked me to speak on their behalf regarding this development. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the developers and tl�eir representatives, for their openness and coaperation with our neighborliood during ehis placining pracess. We recognize that the developer has taken our comments seriously, a►id has made substantial changes ir� his design plans to aecocnmodate our concerns. We are grateful for this effort. We believe that the planned development is well designed, and ask the Planning Commission to approve the site plans in eheir current form. During the planriing process, the developers have. been solicitous of people's concerns aboue improvements on SW 135th Street where it passes through our neighborhood. They have voluntarily stat�d that they intend to make significant improvements to this streel in excess of what ean be legally required of lhem. We applaud their willingness to contribute in this way io the quality of our neighbort►ood. The current and future status of SW 135th Slreel, south of SW Walnut, is of great concem to all of us in the neighborhood, and we would like to continue to work with the city and the builder to ensure that the improvements will result in a safe and convenient area for us lo liwe. In this regard, we �vould like to make three specific recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding this section of SW 135th Street. First, we would strongly urge the city tQ agree to assume maintenance responsibility for this section of SW 135th after the constcuction improvemenls are completed. Inasmuch as the remainder of SVV 135th Street, south of SW Scholls Ferry Road and continuing up to SW Bull Mountain Road, wiil be the property of the city of Tigard, it seems reasonable and sensible for this small section to become city �roperty as well. This will ensure that proper maintenance is performed. This is a particular concerin to us in the neighborhood during inclement weather as we have seen during the past two weeks. This hill is very slippery, and will require ashes for traction under icing conditions. Since the city will have the responsibility for the rest of the s�reel, acquisition of this short seclion from SW `JValnut south to the new deve(opment will ensure continuity of coverage durin� such situations. �� _ _ ,. . f; , �; � � �. ��,, ��' � � � i ,; �`. �, El Secondly, we rec�mmend that the buildec provide a street with 34 feet of pavement, with a sidewalk on one si�e, and on-street parking on the opposite side. We believe that this con�guration best serves the needs of the neigttborhood and the new development, in provi�ing a neighborhood street fuEly capable of accommodating the traffic through the area, and providing safety for pedestrians using t.he street as vvell. Although there w�s some disagreement on the �xact placement of the sid�walk, I believe that tYie concensus was that the sidewalk should be on the west side of ehe street. This � ,� will be safer for the ehildren e�vho walk down to catch the school bus, and wilf � improve the site distance at the intersection of SW Fern and SW 135th. � Thirdly, the members of the neighborhood a�re all aware of the dangerous ;' c�nditions which exist at the intersection of SW Fern Street and SW 133th. In snowy or freezing conditions, this intersection becomes so slippery that r; traffi� entering anto SW 135th from SW Fern cannot reliably stop to ; accommodaCe cross traffic. Therefore, we request that stop signs be provided � at chis inlersection, on SW Fern traveling east, and on SW 135th traveling north (down the hill). This witl aid greatly improve the safety of this corner. ;', Thank you very much for your thoughtful consideration. We welcome this ,'' opportunity to express our opinions and concerns about this improveme�t, I and pledge lo work closely with the city and. developer as this construction ;' proceeds. ' �; �;, r,� f Yours truly, !`� ; ,; ',' Larry Westerman, on behalf of the �;; SW Fern Street/SW 135th neighhorhood ` E.,I ;i. . . .. . � %`.':�,. Y�' }. s'? A; `'?, �;;I r'', , F` �; . . � � .�.. �p,4 � . .. . � . f.�. �� . � � . . ���i. Nr . . . . ..{f��,,�}: . . . � � . . .:'� i..: .. � . . . . . �{. . . . � � .�PS{ . . . . . .,'_'d � � . . � .. � . . . �il }'� . . . . . . . .. . ...�i.. . . . . . . � . i.,. [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]