Planning Commission Packet - 02/20/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. .. .� ° Y +�y , TIGARD PLANNING Ct�MMISSION FEBRUARY 20, 1989 - 7:30 PM TIGARA CIVIC CENTER - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HRLL BLVD. TIGA1iD, C)REGON 1. CALL TO ORUETd 2. ROI,L CALL 3. APPROVE M�NUTES 4. PLAIdNING COMMISSION COMMUNICATION 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5.1 RLVIEW OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING ORGANIZATION APPQ�IPITMENTS 5.2 STGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 90-01 \7ARIANCE V 90-01 MCDONALDS/BATES I�Y�O �5 A request for approval of a Sign Code Variance to allow �dditional freestanding sign area beyond the allowed 210 tntal aquare teet per roadway frontage p�rmitted by �the Community Development Code. Two exiating freestanding signs each contain 210 square feet of sign ar�a. The applicant has propoeed alternative �ign design� and arese far a possible third freeatanding eign. 2oNE: C-G (Ge�neral Commerci�l) LOCATION: Tigard Towne Square, 16200 SW Pacific Highway {WCTM 2S1 15BA, tax 1ot102) 5.3 SIGN COIJE EX�EPTION SCE 90-OA02 VARII�T�E 90�0003 KIM/KULVE NPO �3 A request for approval of a Sign Code Variance to allow placement of a sign above a roof line. ZONE: C-G (General Commercia'1) LOCATION: 14463 SW Paaifio Highway (WCTM 2S1 lOAB, tax lot 200) i 5.4 COMPREHENSI'VE PLIlN AMENDMENT CPA 90-0001 (PRESIDEIQTS PARKWA7C PLAN AMENDMEINT) NPO #8 A reque�t to change the Compreheneive Plan Map designationa from Medium Deneity Residential (approx. 10 acres) and Low Dens3.ty Residential (approx. 68 acres) to Professional Cammercial. In addition, the Comprehenaive Plan text is proposed to be amended to add criteria for determining the timelinees of future rezunings fox these � properties. The Planning Commission will be making a recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed amendments. The City Council will be holdi.ng additional public hearinge on this propoeal before i making a final decieion on the application. The proposed amendments are intended to be the first step in establishmen� of an urban renewal � � district for the area and the development of a mixture of office and i commercial uaes. (Agenda item 5.5) ZONE; R-12 (Residential, 12 ': units/aare) andl R-4.5 {Residential, 4.5 units/acre) LOCATTONs Within ; an area bordered by Highway 217, Greer�burg Road, Locust Street, and Hall ' Boulevard. ! 5.5 PRESSDENTS PARKWAY URB.AN REATEWAL PLAN To review a proposal to form an ; urban renewal district in an area bordered by Highway 217, Gresnburg Road, Locust Street, and Hall Boulevard for the purpose of redeveloping � the area with a commarcial office compl�x and ancillary u�es. The i Commisaion will forward a recommendation the City Councxl. � » }>; , ,,, � ^ �� ftA y k'; �. � i! , !:" � � 5.6 SUBDIVISION S 90-01 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PD 90-01 SENSIT�VE LANDS ; 90-01 BURTON/KOUZAI NP�J �3 A requeet for preliminarg review of a � proposal for approval tn divide 39.2 acres into 120 lots between 7,000 ; and 14,589 square fe�t. Also requeeted is a eenaitive lande permit to allaw placerment of a eanitary sewor line in a drainageway. ZONL: R-7 (PD) (Reaidential, 7 units/acre, Planned Development) LOCATION: �outh ' of SW '135th Avenue, North�reat of Henchview Estates Subdivieion (WCTM 281 4, tax 1ot 700) 5. OTFIFsR BUSIIYESS ; 7. ADJOTJRNM�NT � � �< 6 r F' (' i �'= r: 4�' 't ; C. F, �'.. �.: G k.'. l �- f„. f: ;. , ;: I,' �,; �,. ; j: f'; iil �, , �; �: 11 �',, i� . t��� i; s � �� �r t �:,�, 4< . . . . . . � . �. . � .i�� k t3, � � �,��� . � � . TIGJIRD PLil1�fI1�G aQ1QlIS3TQN 3TODY I�ETIIfG - FBBRIIARY 20, 1990 1. The meetinc� waa held at the Tigard Civic Center - Police Sc�uad Room - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tiqard, Oregon, from 6:00 to 7:15 PM. 2. Present: President Moen; Commissioners Barber, Caatile, Feseler, and Saporta. Absent: Cornmiasioners F'yre, Leve�cett, and Peteraon. I Staffs Community DeveloExnent Director Ed Murphy; Senior Plannes Keith Liden; Y.egal Couneel Phil Grillo; CansuLtant Jahr� Spenc�rp Planning Caaunission Secretary Diane M. Jelderk�. 3. Study Item: Compre.heneive Plan Am�ndment CPA 90-01 and Urban Renewal Plan Comrc►unity Development Director Ed Murphy reviewed the scheduY�, who has reviewed the prapoeal, who vaill r�vi.ew the propo�al and when. He coverad what the plan is and introduced John Spsncer, the consultant hired l�y the City for this praject. John Spencer r�aviewed language aaad text changes being �ropoeed for the Cocnpreh�n�ive Plan Atrt�ndment and the Urban R�newal. Flan. Di�aussion f�llc�w�d an hc►w ta �eceive testimony and wrhat ac�.ion the �lanning Commiseion needed to take. dj/Paem2-20 r , P�ANNING C01�4SISSION STtTDY MEETING N�TES - February 20, 1990 PAaE�;��1� . , �_y TIG!!RD PI.�lNNING fDO�ISSICI�i R$GUI,AR MSBTING - FEBRIIARY 20, 1990 1. President l�.oen called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. The meeting was heldl at the Tigard Civi.c Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Boulevard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. ROLL CALL: Presenta President Moen; Commieafoner� Barber, Castile, Fessler, and Saporta. Absent: Fyre, I,everett, and Peterson (OnQ eacant pasi�ion). Staff: Community Develogment Airec�or Ed Nluxphy; Senior Planner Keith �iden; Legal Counael Phil Grilln; Consultant John Spencer; Planning Commiseior► Secretary Dian� M. Jelderks. 3,. ��!!L OF ![Ili1D'P�S Cammissioner Barber moved and Commissianer Fessler aeconded to ap�rove the minutes ae corrected. Motion carried b�y majority af Commiseianer� present. Commfasioner Saporta and Castile abstained. 4. PLANNIN�G �iISSION l^.QlQiQNICATION a Received letter from I,aRue and RogeY Lang regarding Nortta Dakota Street betw�em Soholls Ferry Road and 121st. 5. PIIBLIC HgARINGS 5.1 RBVISW OF TEiS NSIGHBORHOOD PT.AI�iNIPIG ORGANIZATION APPOINTl�NTS Applications for Nancy Smith and Martha Bi�hop were reviewed. Both applicanta were in attendance and available ta answer any queetione. * Commissioner Barber moved and Commissianer Caatile eeconded to fnrward the applications to City Counc�l recommending that Nancy Smith and Martha Bishop be appointed to NPO � 3. Motion carxied unanimouely by Commissionezs present. 5.2 SIGN C7DDS SSCSPTION SC� 90-01 Vl�RY!lNCR V 90-01 KCDOI�I�LUB/BA�'SS NPO #6 A request for approval of a Sign Code Variance to allow additional freestanding sign area beyond the allowed 210 total square feet per roadway frontage permitted by the Cammunity Development Cede. Two exiating freestanding �igna each aontain 210 square feet of eign area. The applicant hae proposed alternative aign deaigns and areas for a possible third freestanding sign. ZONE: C-G (General Commercial) LOCATION: Tigard Towne Square, 16200 S5� Pacific Highway (WCTM 2S1 15BA, tax 1ot102) PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGL 1 ,' �; ���, {;: ir �: t; f; ., t: �: Ser►ior Planner Liden re�viewed the propneal and made ataff�s reco�qmendation for denial. APPLICABIT'S PRSSBNNTATIOI� o Hank Skitxner, PO Box 930, Canby, OR, 97013, expressed hie cancern £or �he pxacesa because the iasues in the staff report were no�: addressed during the pre-application meeting. He eubmitted picturea of the site and surrounding area ehowing haw McDanald'a ie hidden becauee of the grade, berm, and vegetation. The etore is euffering because of lack of I visibility. Hs asked for a aontinuance to address staff•s findings and conclueion. Diecussion followed xegarding location and size of the propoaed sign and the existing eigns. PUBLIC TSSTIl�OI�IY o No one a�peaxed ta spealc. o Senior Plannear Licien commented on the cammunication problem. He stated that there is not a problem wi.th an additional sign, the prohlem ia that there is no eign area left to put on the additional aign becausg the development h�d taken advantage of the additional aign area at the time of Site Development Revisw. F��BLI� A$�RIPT� CI.OSSD , o Coa�snaus s�f the Commission ie tha� the sign restriation is self-impos�ed. s� Commissione� Moen sugcy�eted app�ovaz of �he Sign Code Exception tn allow the �eGOnd freestanding sign without exceeding the aquare footage allowed by the Code. This would give the ap�licant an opportunity to work something out with the development to work out 3 compromise for �ign area. * Cperunisaianer Saporta mowed and Commi.esioner Fessler seconded to approve SCE 90-01 for an additional eight foot high freestanding sign along one frontage �s long ae the total acYuare footag� of sign area does no� exceed the amount allowed by Code. Motion carried unani.mouely by Commissioners present. 5.3 SIGN (70DS B�CSPTION SCS 90-0002 V71RI3lNCS 90-0003 1CItt/1WLVS NPO #3 A request far approval of a Sign Code Variance to allow placement oE a eign above a roof line. ZONE: C-G (General Commercial) LOCATTON: 14463 3W Pacific Highway (WCTM 251 lOAB, tax lot 200) Senior Planrier Liden reviewed the proposal and made staff�e recommendation for denial. ]1PPLICANT'S PRESBNTATIUN a Gerald Kolve, owner of Canterbury Shopping Center, teatifyfng on behalf of the tenant, explained that the other si.gne in the ehapping center had been PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - Febru�ry 20, 1990 PAGE 2 4:: � brougYat into confnrmance. That this building had been designed in 1974, prior to the adoption o� the sign cods, and that it ia d3.fficult to construat a sign on this building. That topography was an iseue se well as addi.ng additi,onal eignage onto the ehopping center sign. o Di�cussian followed regarding when the road work would be completed and i what impact the grade would have on the visibility of the eign. P�BLIC SBARING Cl,OSI3D o Conser��eu� of the Commi�eion waa to continue �he hearing until. the topoaraphy queetioa is resolved. Seniar Planner Liden suggested apprc�ving a cemparary sign and require a voluntary complianoe agreement to be aigned. Discus�ior� fullowed regarding the Planninc� Commiseion�s ogtiana. * Commiaeioner Casti].e moved and Commi.geioner Saporta s�canded L•o table the item for approximately 6 months, until the road is re-constructed; to sequixe a voluntary compliance agreem�nt to b� aigned be b�ing the sign into conformanae at the same time as the shopping center sign. Alao, to alLlow t�mporary ues of the permanent r�of sign in the interim. Motion carried unanimously by Commissioners p�°esent. 5.4 CdJI!lPR8f�N3IVS PT.AN �NDl�NT CPl� 90-0001 (PRg3IDSNTS P�Y PEdlN �ID�) HPO #8 A request ta ch,ange the Comprehensive Plan Map designaL•ions from Medium IDensity Residential (appx�ox. 10 acres) and Low Density Residenti�l (approx. 68 �acres) to Profes�ional Commercial. xn additfon, �he Cnmprehensive P1an t�xt �s presgosed �o be amended to add criteria for determining the timelirreas af future rezoning for the�e proQerta�e�. The Planning Commiasion wil.l be making a recommen�a�ion to the City Gouncil regarding the groposed amendme�ts. The Cityr Council wi11 be holding additional public hearinge on th.is propoeal before maki,ng a final decieian on the application. The progosed amendmente ar� inten.ded tn I be the first etep in establishrnent of an urban renewal diatrict for the area and the development of a mixture of office and commercial uees. (Agenda item 5.51) ZONL: R-12 (Reeideatial, 12 unite/acre) and R-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 unite/acre) LOCI�TION: Within an area bardered by Highway 217, Gzeenburg Road, Lacuet Street, ar,a Hal7. Houlevard. 5.5 PRBSID$NTS P]lR1�AY IIRSAN RBNgf�IAL pLaN To r�view a proposal to form an urban renewal district in an area bordered by Highway 217, Greenburg Road, Locuat �treet, and Hall Boulevard for the purpose of redeveloping the area with a commercial of,fi�e aomplex ar►d ancilTary use�s. The Cammfasion will forward a recommendation the City Council. Community Dev�lopment Director Ed Murphy reviewed the procese of the applicationa and the types of plans being proposed. He explained why the City is that applicant and that the City hired John Spencer as a ooneultant who will be g3.ving s�aff�e presentation. PLANNING COMMISSTQN MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE 3 � Because agenda it�m 5.4 and 5.5 are interrelated and the number of individuale who had eigned up to apeak for both items, teetimony will be accepted on both isauee at the same time. The Commiseion will malse their decieion on each item at the clo�se of �he public h�aring. John Spencer, Spencer and Kupper, reviewed the area being proposed for amendment to the Comprehenaive Plan map and text `chapter tor areae of eg�cial canc:ern) . He addressed applicablc� goale, policiee and the livability of the area. He elaborated on •the conceptual and fletailed plane. He explained that Urban Renewal is a financinq m�chanism for public I improvements and reviewed the aspec�ce of the Urban Renewal P1an. � Diacuseion followed how the Compreheneive Plan Amendment ie needed in order to proceed with the Urban Renewal Flan. P�LLIC TESTIMOPI]C o Margory Haglund, 1].075 SW Hall Boulevard, repreeenting NPO # 8, stated that they had a meeting for �he peaple in the area and that a majority o£ the people were in favox. The NPO favored the plan ehown kay T�avid Blake, Trammell-Crow. The NPO had voted in favrar of the proposed Comprehensive P�an 2�,mendment. o David Blake, Trammell Crow, reviewed the current z�ning and existing u�es 3.n �h� Comprehenaive Plan Amendment area. They are proposing a maater plan w�th a financ3.ng method vereua allowing pieoemeal develo��nte He of£ered to stay after the hearinc� �o ehow slides of the maste4 plan. o Patricia Whiting, �122 SW Sgsruce, Metzger, 97723, repreeenting CPO 4M �ubmitted written testimony. The CPO hae not taken a position as they have not had an opportunity ta review �he propoeal. She etated that they already have planning for this area. li o Terry Moore, 8440 SW Godwin Ct. re resentin CPO 3 w , p g �k , as conaern how the propoeal would impact the property owners along Olsen Road. She atated that commercial vacanciea are approximately 18 to 25 percent while r�sidential vacancies are onl.y 5 percent. This propoeal is eliminating residential property. Ather concerne are that the transportation and energy goals are not met, that Tigard's city center would be moving to thie area, the achool would be moved outeide of the Urban Renewal area, and that tax inerement financing ie much mare connplex than staff makes it aound. She submitted and read portione of an article from tk�e APA magazine on "The Giveaway Game Continuea". She conCluded that the plan for this area was acicr►owledged in 1983 and thie ie not part of their plan. RECSSS 10:00 RSOOi�IVSDiS 10:15 Aqeada Item 5.6 Qoatgoned. PI�ANNING COMMISS:LON MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE 4 .� o Jack 5teiger, 10250 SW Greenburq Road, owner af property in the Urban Renewal Ar-ea supported th� proposal as being s�aund �lanning. o Patricia Whiting, 8122 5W Spruce, Metzger, reprsaenting herself had submitted written teatlmony. She felt the pxocees needed ta move �lower so �hat mo�e peogls who Zive in adjacent area can part3.cipate in the proceas. o Delphfa R�dfard, 9200 SW Hall Blvd., Tiga�d, rspresenting Cloy Haeffele, who live on the oppo�ite side of Hall Boulevard, favored �the propoeal. She had ooncerns ak�ou�t the vacant z�esidential property� that Ys adjacent to the+ cammerc3.a1 area. When Hall Boulevard ia improved, how much of their property will be taken. She felt they shoulcl be included in the Urban Renewal District or �nmpensated by allowing tlxern to inc:reas� the density on their property. w Nancy Tracy, 7310 SW Pine Street, Portland, 97223, east of the progosed site was undecid�d. She felt Trammell prow could do a quality dewelopment but was concerned that natural values would be loat. a Thomas Ashloch, 9200 SW Oak, favored the pzoposal. He did �-e�t want to se� piecemeal dev�lopment and felt this develo�cnent wnuld solve traaaportatinn and dzainage probleme. o Penny Nash, 1Q231 �W Jeffer.son, la.wes in the Urban Renewal District. She felt the pioposal looked good on paper. She would ra�her �ee the propoeal hapg+en quickly ar r�ot at all. o Cathp Ck�ae�, 8365 SW Stsve, 97223, liv�s �.n a developm�nt �si.th approxi.mat�e 12q homes which usually has 36 childrera at �he �sue stop. She felt the dev�lopm�nt aaould help tkse whale community. �he oppo�ed piec�meal develapment and felt th� City ahould go for it. o Harry Chr�ee, 8365 SW Steve, 57223, favored both the Compreheneive Pl.an Amenciment and the Urban Renewal Plan. The propoeal meets moat of the concerne of most of the pe�ople. Urban R�enewal has groven to be effecti.ve. This is good planning. Tesus wi11 c�me up that will need to b� dealt with whether thia propoeal is approved or not. i o Margary Haglund, 11075 SW Hall, felt thia propaeal would solve neighbore .{ concerns regarding flooding. She would like to aee the area nicer than it is now. o Troy Varaderhoof, 10181 SW Jefferson, 97223, livea on the inside edge of the Urban Renewal District. On the whole in favor�d the pro�oeal. His concern were for l.�vability during conetruction. He would like to see wording in the master plan that would �equire residente �o be moved as quickly as poeeible. He questioned what wossld happen if the eleotion ahould f�il, woul,d they be able to make improvements on thefr property7 ' �; .i o Leo Huff, O.D.O.T, Milwaukie, has eeen the pre],i.minary drawinge and there E , is a lot of work that needs to be done to avoid a gridlock, which they are close to now i� that area. This is great opportunity for the City, County, � PLANNING CQMMISSION MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE 5 � t: �'. f' e r � �? � � . � . . . �- .. � �7 . � � . . � � . . S, . � . . . � . .. . . . . . . � �� � and State to get tc; :her to reaolve transportation ' �blems in that area. �e was concerned wha` would happen to the Plan change� if the Urban Renewal Plaa fails. He f.elt a fxnancing meohanism �s needed to construct the public improvements. o Ed Murphy, Community Developm�nt Directed, explained �hat if the Ur�an Renew�l Plan faile the area would need �o be developed as a master plan or tbe City Council could change it back to the way it ia now. o Cominiseion�r Mnen questianed the concerna that thi� proposal would allow SOdO more cars in the area. Mr. Huff gtated that a circulati�n plan is needed for the whols area not just the w�thin the Urban Planning Area. With some work, atudy, and money �he problems could be ealved. o Jim Everitt, 8�00 SW Oak� representing four propexty owners, felt that thie appear.s to be a good plan if managed well. They are all in f�•v�r. n Mike 5chreck, 10617 SW Windsor, 97223, favored bot� the Plaa change and �he Urban Renewal Plan. This plan could bring busine�ses into the area ta imprave the tax base. o Lin McAtee, 7039 SW Pine, 9?223, livee a few block� outeide of the prapos�d area. She favored the Plan. She ie an employee of Tramme.11 Crow and stated that this ie a local company which hire local people, and haa the same concerns as people who live in the area. SYie read letters from Fr�d Fields, Coe Mfg. and Randy SBelton, President Architectural Images Photography, Tnc. who su�pnrted the pro�osal. o Pr�eident Moen stated that Fred Field of Co� Manufaoturing is his employer, however., he did not �eel that wpuld impact hia decis�an. o Lou�se Shaw, 6735 6W V�ntura Driv�, Wash�ngton Square Es�ates, support the propo�al. She is working in a PR capacity for this progoeal. She felt �he school needed to be relocated. She noted other jurisdictinn� that have used Urban Renewal succesafully. o Roger Smith, 8935 SW Oak, lives within the Urban Renewal and Co�preheneive Plan Amendment area, tavors the proposal. Resident for 20 years. He felt thia waa a gaod plan that wae well though out. He would aupport the proposal ev�n if he didn't live within the area propaeed for change. o Kevin Lapp, 8310 SW Pine, Metzger, 97223, lives 600 feet east of proposed plan, agreed with most of the people who spoke in favor, however, he waa cancerned about the impact to his property value. He was not oppoeed if thia goes through in a eeneitive manner, but was concerned about the creditability of the developer. He felt it was up to the Planning Department to save the neighborhood from piecemeal development. He fe�lt that traffic concerna had not been addressed, that Metzger School was given to the echool distr.ict and it was his underetanding that if the property ee11s the money would be given back to the heirs of the property ax�d not ta the school district. Hia final concern was the overlapping of taxing diatriat euch as the Metzger Park LID. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTLS - F'ebruary 20, 1990 PAGE 6 • � ��� o Darrell aarr, 8118 SW Pine, Metzger, 97223, livee thr�e blocke east. He was concerned about traffic being grid-locked and the amount of traffic ueing the reeidential area� to get in. and out of the site. 1He wanted to maintain the rural atmosphere of �he area. o Gary CTtt, 9055 SW Edgewood, apposed the proposal. He queationed why this proposal is bexng considered. He stated that there is no need for any more land to be zoned commercial. He fel� �taff had no� addresaed specific secti4ns o£ the Cade and several qoals or they wer� inade�uate.ly addresaed. Y3e questioned what impact this propoeal would have can the livabilitp af the area out�ide the boundary of the groposal. He did not fa�l that Urban Renewal is justi�ied in this caee and that the �rivate developer should provide tlae finance mechaniam with a local improvement �listrict. He fe1� the Urban Renewal District wnulcl affect taxee on people outside the ar�a. o �harles Britka�, 7885 SW oalk, 97223, reeident for three y�ars, livee 1 1/2 bloa3ca e�st of tl�e proposal. FIe was concern�d that the value �sf hie homa wauld decreaee and that Oak Street will be greatly impacteel� He felt the proposal should be put an hold unt3.1 con�ideration ie yiven to the groperty ownera who live east and noxth of th� proposal. o John Middleton, 8415 SW Cedarcrest, lives north of the propoeal. Hie maSor concern was rahere the money woul�i come from to selocate �he echoal. He etated that Tigard doQen't u�ually paes LTrban Renew�.l Plane and wae c�ncerned that the echool wou].d be stuak in a camm�rcial areaa if tlae Urban Renewal fails. Discuesion fallora xegarding movinqr the echool, o Gene Davia, 10875 3W 89t;h, 37223, �ppo�ed the Campr�hen�iv� Pl,an P.nAendment at thi� time. He did nat ¢eel that the transportatiUn �oncerna cnu7.d �e resolved economically and that Wa�hington Sc�aare needed to be inciuded. He was concerned that thie proposal would j�opardize sxisting property that is zoned commercial. o Tom Smith, 9930 S4z 77tho Metzger, 97223, oppoaed the propnsal. FTe felt it vaas a prime exampl.e of piecemeaT planning. He felt the propoaal would increase traffic and decrea�e the value of hia home. Iie doesn't bel.ieve there is a neecl for more cammercial land. FIe didn't like the way the school and Metzger park would be affect�d by this propoeal. He wa�a upset that many peo�le who live in Metzger who will be impacted are nat abl� ta vote on the Urban Renewal District. o John Bloms�ren, 9460 SW oak Street, 97223, f�lt the area neede a thorough traffic study, that there ie a major drainage and flood plafn area that n�ec�s to be addreseed. He suggeated that a eix month moratorium be placed on the area. o Rerrie Standlee, 10285 SW 70th, 97223, �oppoeed tha proposal as aubmitted. He did not feel that it was thought out, that there are coneiderable traffia prablems in �the area, and that the area ehould be extenaea east and north. He euggested cloeing off oak and Loauat S�reet in order to aeparate the commercial area from the resid��ntial. Fie s�ated that the park propoeed PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE T ',. . in the maeter plan ie not easily accesdible �a the residential area. He reeented the juetifications i.n the etaff report as he ferL�k they could apply to any piece of property in the City of Tigard. ItBBDTT�lL o John Spencer responded to public testimony as foilowa: School, not all of �he detgil� hav� been worked out. �'hey do have a � understanding that the Urban ltenewal will defr�y eome nf the coet. Trar��portation, there ia a need far a more comprehensive study which a.s exactly what they are intending on daing. Wetlanda, will need to go throuqti the State prpcees. Impact to adjacent neighbo�hood or people who have to wait, theae wfll need to be defined and they will try to mitiga�e. Some thing they will not be able to be mitigated. Fast pace, thi.s hae been m�ving fast, however, there have been a number of anportunitiee for the public to get �nformation and for pu➢alic input. Detail iseues will be clealt with later. Urban Renewal Plan - unfair taxation on reaidents who are not a part of the Ci�y. Evary Renewal Plan affect� taxing dietriata outeide of the plan. Thia is atill a demacrati.c pr�ce�a. Diacussion followed regarding purchaaing and moving the echool.. o Ed Murphy st�ted that chaiae number one is, ehould the area autlin�d in red be changed £ram residential to commerca.al? He added that the z�ne changes will not be done until after the study hae bsen comple��d. A1so, there will be no development in the area �sutlined in orange until th,e maeter plan is completed. Second choice, is to make a finding whether the Urban Renewal Plan is consiatent with the Compretxensive Plan. He respond�d to concerr�s present from the public. Hcusing goal, this area is coneidered developed and is n�t counted in the housing goal. Transportation goal, this ahoul.d include light rail. Energy goal, could be argued on both eides, it doe� create job� and can you live close to thoae jobs. Air quality, will have to be addrees. WQtlands, are s�ill being addr�ssed. Remodeling exiating homea within the area, this could etill be done, however, no additfonal unite or mew homes could be built. Goal � 5, will need to be addresaed when or before development takes plaae. With regard to the Urban Renewal Plan, the school and the Ci�ky do not have an agreemex�t. The doveloper and sahool have been negotiating, but n�o priae has been etated. There may be other wage to finance. The intent is to move the school as quickly as poeaible. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE 8 � _ _ _ . _ _. _ _ __ _ . : ti Regarding deals going saur for other juriediction, th� example r�f Sherwood , had to do with Bancroft bonds which are eharged back to the tax payer in case of default. Thees bonds don�t work that way. They wauld be charged I� back tc� the bmndholder in case of default. ' Regdrding public eubsidy, the City con�ultant will help determine hnw muah ic� needed and thie will be negotiated at a lat�r date, I The City cannot have the �ntir� City be an Urban R�newal District because you cannot have more that 25 peroent of the land or a�sessed value in an II Urban Renewal Districto They did look a� i.ncluding Washington Square, however it did not �eem appropriate. Other baundaries aan be recommended by tkte Planning Commisaion. Staff still reaommends approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the � Urban Renewa.l Bistrict. o Phil Grillo, Legal Counsel, stated that the i�sue of whether commercial land is needed or not ie not a part of th� approval criteria. POHLIC �RING CI.OSAD ; a Commissa.oner Sapc�rta stated that the question is what to do with the area marked in red on the map. He felt the commercial area ie already encroaahing into the residential area. �he change ie appropriate becauee the baundaries of the roads appear �o proeide a natural buffer for the area. With regard to livability, presently, he it waen't sure of. He ' liked the aoncept of controlled and planned �growth. The Plan has a lot of merit, but we need �to be cautioue through the pracess. He rea].ized �he thix�g are moving fast, but the procees would deal with i.mpacts. He wae uncertain about the school, but felt we needed to start some place. o Commi,esioner Barber etated ahe had attended a workehop pXicr to the hearing as well as g preeen�ation on �'ebruary 13th by David Blake. They h�ve a choi.ce between doing nothing or eomething. She fa�voxed choveinq something � that is a mechanism that would prevent piecemeal development. She felt the City was £ortunate to have a developer ava3.lable to �onatruct a project like thie. She felt a Urban Renewal Dietrict would increase the tax base and decr�aee individuals taxee. That the public ahould be allowed to vote on the Urban Renewal Plan and they couldn�t do that if they didn�t change the Comprehensive Plan. She eupport�d the chaage. o Commiasioner Castile �nain queetion wae, can we do it7 He was excited •that a proj�ct like this is being propoeed in our backyard. He did nat feel we were running a riek at thie time. He favored both th�a Comprehensive Plan r'. Amendment and the Urban Renewal Plan. ;'I , o Com�pissioner F�aeler, stated ahe has not seen a formal preaentation for the ;`! project and the p].an take a lat of time to read. The plan doeen't answer a 1 ;. PLANNING COMMTS�ION MINUTES - February 20, 1990 PAGE 9 j; 1.'I ,;� �� `s:r �;, � �"� _ � lot of questione. Slxe thought it might be better to do more education re�arding the plan. She aeked why the Urban Renewal Plan couldn°t be preaent on the September or NoveRaber ballot. o President Moen Y�ad eame concerns as O�mmis�ioresr Eeesler. He wae concerned whetfier thia is an area "of traneition" or "in transitinn". He had real conc�rna regarding th� School. He agreed with the cammunity that the procesa was mUVing to fae� and didn°t give the community �a opportunity to provide and alternative. o Diacus�ion followed regardf,ng the best time to go for an electian on the Urban Renewal Plan and vah�t would happen if they w�ited. Diacus�ion of options fol�.owed. * Commisaioner �arber moved and S�porta s�cc+nded to recommend approval of Comprehensiv� Plan Amendment G�A 90-01 se aubmitted by etaff. Motion carri�d by majority of Commissionere preaent. Commissioners Moen and E'essler vating no. * Commissianer �arber mov�d and Commissioner Caetile seconded tn recommend to City �Council that they go forward with the Urban Renewal Plan baeed on the finding that it aonforms with the Camprehensive Plan ae amended and also for the City Council to aon�ider a November election in li�au of a May elaction. Motion carried unani�r►oualy by Commiseian�rs presenlc. 5.5 3IIBDIVISION 8 90-01 PI.XNNBD DSVSLOPI�NT PD 90-01 38NSITTVS L1�iNDS 90�01 BIIR�T/1c�IIZd4� 1qP0 #3 A Xequeet fc�r prelimia�ary xeview af a propoaal for approval to divide 39.2 acree into 120 lota be�ween 7,000 and 14,583 aquare £eet. Also r�q�xeeted is a sensitive landc� p�rrait to allow placemenic of � sanitary sevrez line in � dra�inageway. ZONE: R-7 (PD) (Residential, 7 unit�/acre, Planned Developmentj LOCATION: &outh of SW b35th Av�nu�e, Northw��t of $enchview Eatates Subdivision (WCTAf 2S1 4, tax lot 700j * Commiasioner Fe�eler maved and Commissianer Sap�rta secanded ta table S 90�02, PD 9n-01, and SL 90-01 to February 27th at 7.3� EM. Motion carriecl unsnimouely by C�aasmisaionere preeent. 6. A'1'�lt BOSIINSS� o Ther was no other bu�inees 7. ADJODR� - 1:20 A!t f � � / L�2.�` Diane M. Jel er , 3ecretary �TTI�uT: /' � �f �.(� �_/C%'-y-ir.^�ria�/��!�'�'`��— A Domald Moen, Presfdent dj/Pcm2-20 PL,AI�TNING COI�SISSION MINUTLS - February 20, 1990 PAGI: 10 ,, - �..,,�..�: .._;,....: _ . _ i i � �.�� ' PLAIdNING COMMISSTOId ROLL CALL HEARIPYG DATE: �`� STARTIYJG TIME: �`�� COMMISSTONERS __�✓,Y Dt1NALD MOEN U �VLASTA BARBFsR �JAMES CASTILE JUDY FESSLER MILT FYRE " r� DEANL LEVERETT _�, DAVE PETERSON __����HARRY SAPORTA S'�AFF PR.�SEI+iT: . � �� � � � � � ~ I d j/PC—ROLT, .� -- — --_ _ _ _ _ _ ���■ 6 . � h TIBUlES PUBLISHII�G COMPANY Lo�,a, �� F'.O.BOX 37Q PHONE(503)684-0360 NOt�C@ '-6478 BEAVERTON,OREGUN 9707'5 �ega1 Notice Aeivertising : RECEIV� �' Cit of Tigard ° ❑ Tesrsheat Notice �EB 20 � � y ; , PO bOx 23397 ��� ; • Tigard9 OR 97223 • C7 Duplicate Affidavit • • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION �_ �.T _~.-+-- I S7AT�OF OREGGN, ) i C011NTY OF WASHIN�aTON, )ss' ;'I �, Linda L. Maris ' being Eirst duly sworn, depose and say that I am 4h� Advertising !� �irector, or his principai clerk, of the Ti,�ard Times , � newspa�er of general ciroulat�� as c�efined in ORS i93.010 ,i and 193.02t1; pubtished at _?���1 in the �I afar���ic�e�drirdiggta4e; tFrat ttie -- a prin#ad cnpy of which is h�reto annexed, wa� pubQished in the ''I antire i�sue of seid new�paper for_ 1 successive and 'I consecutive in the follawing issues: FebruarX 8, 1990 =: 1 \') I [P r"`-+�.,. �. l w S:I . - � �yi^i� . �.a�.pl . . . . y�;..,.e A . . • ...,. . . . ,.� Subscriba�i and swor to before rree this FeUruary 19, 1990•� - / k: � ,:.>� _x � � � �, Notary Public for Oregon �� �' , �-,,�„�-,�,�,--- � My Commis Expires: 6��lg3 _ ' '"'�""'�°°.'` �....�.�- � � �� r,,,�?�_ AFFIDAVIT .- - ��' .�-:>. i��� i i� �;I, �;i �:i', �:, ;;a � , 4; �y1 �Me G4� �;1 �� i . ... . _ . . . ._. _, . , !xs_ . . . � . . . _. . . . . . .--.�r. .�:� �.::�..,.�:�,, ��f��Y�vyi¢�'4����`�a��ia�r���y t���`���.rt�i!�r�-���a�a�as�ss��s�o� >. �o'���n�t`�,�€D����i�'a�&a������`�wt�t��`;�d�lF][�ll➢9 4�n�� :� ��FI�C B6$e�9,o Ta�arallo����o�c��tr���2i���rt��a��;�u¢�s��rz��y Bs , ���cE.����&�9��Rt�'s��m�a� 4���lfl���t���c�Auu��a��� , ���it4a�h��t��������'�,���tla�°II��d iVleara��e�a���fl�,�ras� i;, �����p��re���'���'�r�ng���s�agss9auee��u➢ear��s u-�ese a�a��� a�a gi�aso�e c���l�i�r g�Ila��s ac���g�aIl9�d��OIla��o��p��u��r¢�� ��n�iot�frm�a����r,rt�r,yraaity lI���A��e�¢��V�����xrap��he�asu�r�1�� �_' ���ai�&��e��a�a�r�t a�a�u�e;t�p�c�a�d�����fl�����¢ �'iPf�aiKsa�a�rt��e��°�n��t�a��������eea��'mo�a 2he II���u�,�II�flvra�e�e� '� : �, . ����25 S`W�����rd.,3a�ttrd�����n�72239��by�Il9a��:��-4IlTfl � � ��,��� .,.�,� 9' , �+s,�t+ �e� �� ;�ar�.�ae ; �_ gBlE�T� o .a.� ��nt�cs�s,�� z " � i ��ix'�gp�,q��F���a�o���°n�����1[��&�II..�D�b�3�h4�n �`ICgQDl�d • ', � ' dciwerc�rs.� F ,^ � ;9/2�� /• ��'� r_ �E�BA'�9.5'N M &.mR u� �.... o�enr � 6 ' p: '°f . �pq�yg�� �q,�gnq��gp�e�p�ay�'pq=q,A8�o1� qy��p �v�y� gw�s�y�q,!� .p' :� 8 C Ytl�1fi�Ii.00a Y"rJ9Vwl.ift-l6 id\Naal c71�1G��•YYY V6LYS��iCi tl .NY°a9� �. �e • ' �'<..,... �4�����S�A`b��1��#�v e�aecg��st�r u�� raav�Il�a���8�ua��e � ��,.e..• : � � . : @��i�ac���flSw��ur��s��u� s� �a�¢6D�e��para�7'0����t.a�s�a �, ���o�m�����fl���a��D���'°g°ltt��T� ��r����1��� � i ��� ~ � � �; ���a����QV�'1'I�S���9�5��0���a2�QD2� ` � ;°� .` �, , �, �pyq��y g�y� q� �. e'�1LCM�f�,ia��'s�lE.1aJ�r�l4 YrA8�1 J�.7J,9'L499146 d�f'�i.&f'81l�II:��'496YSY.7 - 1 1�J ry�hd � F:,yd .. , � q ��� � ��'��9���a b�anes���a� p��r�l����$�a�'a�e�t's�a��s.�u� �, � °,a ; "" ► '" ' �i8�v����e��¢�f�s���d���n�Ye�n�o����e�°-Q"n Q�en�ra�fi���- " .�.'� ., ° � �&1t�it�,��II.4�°e�`�°��XiTa Y44����/�g�a��g6n�v��r.�bl'�'d°���ll IlQ9�9 . r �,. �G�Oe��� . + E n g •' !� � �r• �i, t��^ �• . �� . �¢���s�����-��.�.��.��a� � .��a��-������� �;: . =� •' � x . ��ll����fl��°H'�l�Tf°Y%%.'4��i�1�TP'��#�A��a���2�¢� a�fl��nm : ri�k.�. � . � � u � � , �ry a���e�e�f����9�0����rr�rer�fl�.��ia�rade 3�02��s��at.���4�D��,S - b�����fil,��aa�D Il��5��se����.��a�aese�cl'n�a��suauv�9s��s �° -�A " � ��aft&�s r;�tlo�v gaPr�r�eeaa¢�g��sae�"y s�xv�����n�6�s�o�s��a��e��y�rna� : . , cr�p��ibl��a�staa��ra���� ����r���'oe��lt+T�a A�a9����esi�e�a� '' ° q � P �, ¢�o'�a�[t�r�fl�9�e�����aea��¢D II1��`����3a,�uo�rcrs��Il�,��a �����8`II'S II���'�►,��°'l��$3C�VY��d��'.�.���'��Y�'ti° �'fiie�i�nn '� �t',��a�itl�la�����sff�e�a��va�v����Su�i��nsr�;��V'�(`�1(P��a,aa� ��b�am�ss°a�xa�w�8r�r�.qa�s��a pr�dflde����d�,m � Y��'�'tD� �s����IB���1 s���s�g�+Il�,���r���t���w�1 ��w �������°.��������`���?°�._�� �'��¢�S�.u¢����������as�t��sk�+i�h w���nn�s������9�a� ! � � �da�da��f���a�sc�i�����1�a�H���r�y�t� ; '��i s�1���1,�t�1� ���-�p��€����r°rs �� a�a���s���� g, . t a��� o�� � �.����r���b��d b '�`` �a1�'���� ��S ' �t� ��v' � " �'�'�'��' a���a�a�aa�;s��n�Gi�g�¢!���:as�a���ti���aw��]Pfl���r�p v�t���4�.n:�i�° � ���' ����� a�es� m�ffs+rnr��e�i��a3sa ��,�de�ca�6 a x;'����s �a€��a�v ���P�� ��a���t��a 2t7 ��«�u��o s'� � � < ��. .... ����a����'�eh�aa��ti�� Y ' li� ig�d'1Lo.�u��a���4 Q��a�xa��U'�5�1�448�Y1LU��3S9d�I��B�:�II�3@�8�3�fl��1F�NN�°H9'6� � ' _ E�r�at6t�sp�t�Q�e��wo pa��¢�¢n�ro9¢Dd���s�g�r�e9aense��h'9���r��i� �-.� �sr���tse9 Lta�s��t��e@��cri�gn�ff�s��fe�r�ai�a��a��ae s�nra��a¢��s a�' �<• fa�t��o�ua�a�s�foa�s�e�r�a��aa�a�s,7t`�ta��a�a�s�au�a��au���¢��aua �� ded4d G�3���f��s�e�e�talbY�s9��eua¢�f siva a�aaxu a�a�dv�t9asraacc�'a� :`: ��p�ep�s�na��° ra�,���n+�t�t�si�ereY2���at��a���'��ux���ff m��' �c��t���ntr�t��ias�sa Z��e�afl2(��s�3�et�9 Il��r�a�s9a��y�au�9 , �--405��ed����8,4e��a�#'�re��.'�"�'i��3o s€e u�ap. �' _ , _ �, t. �! � �� `� ;. ;; T IGARD PL � �fNIPG COIiSZ S S ION 1�iOTIGS: ALL PSRSONS DBSIRING SA �PSAR ON AHY IT� MUST SIC�N TBEIR NllliB A'r1D !�O'tS THBIR �DDRS�SS ON �.'HTS SSSST. SPlease PRINT) ;;; � ,�r�•a � CASE NUMBER(S)S �-uTa:ac:4s:nxu AGENDA ITEM: `-� i r �.�A y� �'s� ,¢� .. �.M ����� n"'r������t�.., ��� ��� �' iS3 ��%'� ��,# 4,:i.K�����t�f� .'�" ��� . OWNER/APPLIGANT: ��� �_ � s� �, A � � � �1 . rf r,, ,s 1� g �' ... � 3 a �-.r�nu� ��9 r "t � �r,� i � n�j '}� •� �t . �"° `"�r s i�?. .r� . . � LOl'.ATIAN: �"�..�.%'' �.,�,�..,?���:�;Q' ."�;�f�'r�' ��t-��i'��4' ��v�Y�l�r��"�f � ' ,.: `��°sd���",�.�g�� �', ��u;;��� `� . . . {:: rf � s i :�J,�-'� '+ r'W �� �� r. �e ��L� �����a 4 NPO NUMBER: �'>.� DAT� OF HEARING c����%�'-, � �*° y, � �� �� PLEASE PRZNT YO(1R HAME. AUDRESS. AND INCLODE YOIIR ZIP QODE r'! gxaporrsrrr �Fox the proposal) oPporr�err (.Againet the proposal) k; Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliatfon Pri:►t Nam�/Address/Z3.p & Affiliation c /l�)�C r k° �'� .S� �7�2..3 •- f�.tiri Ct,c�s �h:�. t�`�t :; L I�.. � . 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CASE IdUMBE12(S): c.i�a (�„x � �,;' �4';+�� G �� ���' `�-a,,'(�` OWNBR/APPI,ICP�IWt'� ����'��x����"P 4�� �t�'��4`�, �,��-�'�,w 4�-'�'<;J Q,r $r. Y.00.ATIUN: ��,�yr���� J�,�� P ��.�_ '.' "��#^��l4 �' t �� �'�9,�3� ��ti, 4f� a����"�'� ������'�'�b�' ��'�S� K.:,�' ��— h,-;r NPO N[JI+iBER: ���' AATE OF HEARING � '�'� "';''����y'',,rr��';: PLEAS& PRINT YOUdt NAME. ADDRESS, AND INCLiJDE YOIIR ZIP CODE � PROP'UNENT (�or the propoeai' oPPOr�rrr (Aqa:Lnst �he propaealy Print Name/Aciclrese/Zip & Affiliat3.on Print Narae/Addrees/Zip & Affilia�ion. ,�ot3��D �/,� � �,��1�-- G'�(r�i�%02 --� �u � _ u�e�S�zvC70�L%' �7oaZ�/ f'' "�1 -7 / 4 I ! ' � I _ _ i i i , i �� � ! � I � � T I G A R D P L � F N I Ii' G C O M M I S S I O N € E tIOTZCSz �4T,L PSRSONS DSSIRI�iG T'O SPB�l1C ON ANY ITSlI !lIIST SIGl� �IR I� � BO"i� T�IR � AnnxBSS ox �s sasg�r. (piease rxirrr) ; ,ar,:.w,. �... a�. �'a' i������jr' $"7 „1� '�.,t� „a+'� `'�:� � �CsENDl, ZTEM: ' e� °e,�>� CASE NUA48ER(S):3.�a���,a �� �' `�4���.� ��%� �y �x�� � OWNER/APPLICAAJT: ,��.�1�y���'�P�� 1�" �`��L�,�'''��h ��'���,�. � � ! a91r i. �r , � ����.�,.. � �, ° LOC.ATIAN: ��`�'�'�'� ^k; Ty��,.a'i 5�E�y���#:, '�1 � �k @ s f � �� ...,.' vt �• . � ? �'.. NPO NUMBERs _ ��`v DATE OF HEARYNG �".`;�r�^���:�'� ,'�����` t: �� !�, � " i f i: PLEASE PRINT XOUR NAML, ADDRESS, AND INCLODE YOtTtt ZIP CADE � i, f PROPONENT (For the propca�al) OPP�9iNENT (Against the propoaal) i � Print Name/Addre�a+/Zip & Aff3.li�tfon Print Name/Ads�resa/Zip & Affiliation � r' �:; -- - � ; �. �`7�.z3 �� � �sH..k� i� 4�.V = ' 5' S�t,U. �c:k�. W� - �` �; r': �;i 4t i'.j . r (i: ..�_.— ',::,i �' �.: ti t;� ![f .. . . 1�'�.: F;�' t:l i'. F7 �li ' � ra: N- r: �`' . . . . . � .. t�l . isi �? �:. �:. �i ft �: iri . . . .. 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ADDRESS INCLUDE Y LTR ZIP CODE �RUPUNSNT (Fcsr the propagal) OPPONE (Again�t tkxe proposalD rin /Adcixesa/Zip & Affiliation Print Name/Addreas/Zip & A£€iliatiotx -r�J'°a�lc. �'t�te�t v �2U�� �-c��d� ���� `J,�, t V1,�, co�g� �� �►��. � ���� N�.�,�z v a�� �7z2� T�i�iu,-� � / �r''�'.a� .5��, s""�,��i����� l�J�� ��` �L ' 31 D . _ ���'� ,�''����� `���� .. ��e( ��rs �rr� s,w. n���c s� ,�,� r��� � � r �?:ZD�J S.tJ.(,.c.lt 'T� v✓ 4� ___—_ :��t3\ S��� ��r sG�--- ` �,����' � ��, � - G y� I�. 1 lv 3 I� �5t-c.) :��.1r�-e�5 c�� r � —� C� "°,.�'~�lK..�� �QV �I/ � i�` C�r O - i G � � � �3c. � s t,u s-}�u.� �'�T Q�jS �� �'�Y�bl� �� � �=#-�-z- �.,� ('��-t1.�,� C I��t s -r i 4-�.�.� �.z� � � � ��� ���� � c t 7 ' ' w�`�� ���� � -� _ - ���1�-M� ��-i�-�s :� �����7 �1 , �,� ,C-C c+�J r,� i� S� ����9?2-�`� " � t�c� ---4.,�,�`,:9.�- �y"s..f''�r.� .C�4 ` � y'. . �' �' � �4 ;� �"iGv°• '? /%� rS'7��� � tt� I S� �it�r ,��°�t�id� �77�'� �'' `'��� �r►D'�-.�aF � � ,.�, � j`1Z,�' ' � F�v �.y�!�� S7' ��.—t.– �,,�' l , �, .--_.. ��� �� ,� � '�? � C�-. r �/'��i� ���� �l�l�'D .sc� O��- � ��l�f�� ���.,�,d.��' � , G✓�i ���o�. � 2,,r �.d r �� � � �� �r�^ � ��r,�;�, �� u��- � v��� r� ��� � �.. _ �.. . -__- �,. __. .__._ _ -- _ � % ,�. ���s�°,����' � .,.�....�, �_ ��t� (���'� �":�.�°�"�.,�.:� �f1 T IGARD PLaNNING COli2iI SS TON NOTICR: ALL P$RSONS DSSZRING TU SPSAR OH ANY ]CTffii liUST SIGN TSI�IR � AY�I1D NOTS TSEIR Anna�ss ox razs s�s°r. �P�.ease x�rrr� AGENDA IT�M: CASE NUMBER(S): 4 �` � OWNLR/,APF'LICANT: k � � `!,1' %"�;i ? 7' �'' , G� '. '� c: � .. ,,�' ,. , -:, _ �.x%, � LOGATIONs _ ?' . _ w � a �` ��-� NPO NUMBER: �' DATE OF YiEARING , .--�'---.... PLEASE PI2INT YOUR NAME ADDRESS NCLUDE�YOIIR P C017E � i PI20PONENT For the proposal) OPPONENT (A inet the pXOposal) Pri ame/Address/Zip & Affiliation pxi e/Address/Zip & AffiZiation ;�1r�I�. STe�"�-e.✓ i .�fde Qfl+✓ �I1� ��cJ� Ai�,ie �� �-�,z� o�c � (d�-3'l) F�� .�Cv�b��, ✓�+� /xc�2gck �� � � 1/ �vC'}^� o �irc�2< e r� , / L�'/Y Y1'tc�t-�F C 1 �-C�'�>�� � ���.�:,� �-f-,y�.�� V �c�3CJ 5 w {��' �� ' � ci rc e YS S G<J S ��. �� �"l' ��3 � s�('�V��� � � `��a i SN. :� i,�lR. v � . ��'�(�Gv �� �1�"y'" .�'�(�!� c:ii�!//C.H'`/�e�/�G�Y"`�'^',X'i� ��°��L�G/ � � �rL �. �� ���1�G� c �( c � ' " S � Y�t.. 5-}- � Vtil•ctiu4� :� � ��2�i � � 1�,� VtQi,►ti ( � V�` rc' •�• � � ��"'i; � i��y,_ _`��/ � � L� I � `� 1 � (3� � � / s � '��g� �t/`/ ��,'�jUf•� . ,� . a�/�'��y �N� �f -rcti A� Q� Z2 � �1/ . . ��vh,1 C'/��/'J f* � 6° ..,'�!�id�e'S"� �� 03�5 5� - �S ..��+� Y � e. � �—c �„- �-r� qd.�� Sw �.w� ��o � ���Ja���- �� � r .�--- �,�,��� w,.__. � � � 7 z.z� p m � � , ��,q�� � 1 / �," �q ; ,� s w 0 n ,� �V, � ✓wt:� T; .a.- r . � / � �.� �,, f y'�G � ---- � r �� �� � �� ���r� �� �t . � '� � �7��GL�C' ���e�f' r � � ��.� � � � � � ��" ���r-�� �''/ ; ; � ��� sw vak ; �'�".�'�-'c����' � � � � . T IGARD PLl� NN ING CO2il� I � S ZOH ' • I HOTICB: ALL P�RSONS flSSIRING :�O SPSAR ON ANY ITS![ HIIST SI(� THSIR Nsl� AND NO�'$ 'TSSYR I �n�sss ota x�as s�. (�ie�se p�urrr) � � .�. �° p �� �� ;� ;- � �@ �, y .d'i Vn. J���� .rl�� L'' 1�,1, ..:.� t f.�', f' 4' AGENDA T'1'EM: � '� ' k';%` CASE NUMBER(S) {`,,.�� f' t�+' '��..�*x' f• � �,,1 °'�i�, ,,��;;,�a Q� ,�"` 's T i� � � Y I �, – OWNBR/APPLICANT: ,—,,..,,�"a,1�.h..� �,� �'�'a''a ,� ,�"��'�,k14 ':��,��',,�,.E� ---�' ��,,� ���t�g°F��,f� it � �' s, x,� �� � � � � r7'+ � � �..,�. � IAC.ATIONs � °� �������� �°,��. �� �� ..��� �'� �'��.� �� �� "f���_����,�a�v�@�. ��...' ���3,g'�.Y ,a�'`'��y ,�,��� ,�� ,.�a � , ��' � �i t� �t �' .. ��,��'"�'� �"`� !�� � j F .' ��@ n,� HPO Nf�I�SBER: °f � � E� �:- DATE OF FIEARING � ;� ',�: � .� .. � � '�`� �bVlX' '�"r� �. x,'y ��j PLEASE PRTNT YOLTR NAME ADDRESS AND IN L7DE�YOIIR ZIP COAS px�ro�rrr (For the propa�gal) opPOrrrc�t�r (leiq�inst t�xe proposaiD Print Name/Addre�s/Zip & Affi�iation Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliatioa 13C�S S�J FE(z.� T�(}R.� �.i�R-�`I w�ST�:(z►�a►J �1�2z3 F�'� S�r sw i�s �-1 N�lc�l-l6a�-t{ao� z� �-c� s� I�� �rr- - m o /��. 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P�r<::t�;c�� �k:.�:� c�;!:i.ti�� �.��::5 �...�:i,��; :I. :i.•€�c�.� �(°.�;:� �::,i�.,i:?�:c:�: c:��..�i-.. �::,�_•;:i.i°��l•.�, ... �.� - �I ..;.:,- : ,.. r�°�, .....:t�-r�:: � 1.c..c � , .J�'' `�...�-� � .�.d �...,<;�.i��:�..«� r:�:� i....;::��-��::� � :��,:�::�t::�t? ;::;„ �,�.��, � ._��-...r:.r, .r.:}<:,i�:�,:����.�::t �-a�r:.„ ..�...i.c;,�t�:�i�..�,�. �7�,..�-,c:;�r.:7 i°r ��;''�s'',;?°?; �::,�..�,,.,�.,.��.�..,.,:7;,.�►�� :�.;i::�,s:� R�CE�dEU ,,,,� � 1990 C�MMUNITY DEVELO'PNIE,NI' .�„ „ ,.�: _ _ . _-_-_ : . .�. _... _:: , _..�_.__;.��,M: _ I' �! �. . �; ;; y �, f. i,, i: AGENDA ITEM 5.1 i t F'ebruary 5, 1930 4 r �' . TO: Membe�re of the Plgnning Commieeion � f FROM: Llizab�th N�wton, Community �telatione Coordinator � 1 SUBJECT: IdpO #3 appointmen�� � The Mayor�s Board and Committee Agpointm�nt Adviecsry Committee met on January 24, 1990 to interview individuala for appointm�nts to varioue Boards and ; Committees. MARTHA BISHOP and NANCY SMITH were interviewed tor vacanciea on NPO � �3. The Advisory Committe� hae asked me to £orwar� th�ir names to City� Caunai�. �' with � favorable recommendation. Attached are thair applications. Pleaae xeview j` and I will forward your recommendation to City CAUncil alnnq with that of th� � i' Advisory Committee. �°" �: � � � i° , ; i: i; r i'; �i i!; �, i•� i"' t! i. 4:. Z'; f: �: , �; �; @:: ; ���'',�;%�—� � �/1G;-�(/ GZ l� C�`'�' /��`�'�Z�o��— � t � �� � � � � � � � ' ��Le�'� • , ° ' ���� ,���'."�' ° ��"'� a-u-� � � �'�" � CiIY OF T�t�"s14IZD � CITI � 0�1MITTEE NTE EL; APPLI�CA,�T� e� G►REGON (',��t.� ' ,..���,�.1��-O �'�'d/f,�3'dR� ' ' /d o� �"�ie�e ��R� � �" �,8�/7� °�103T ,4RG° /��°.S�+�T'4 t" � ��L J7�0 �y�S,uRePi9��f° �� NAME: --'� � D(�1"C: AdC)R[:.;L; (RE:.ti.): ��� ' ' RES. PNONE:����Ii ADDRESS (BUS. ) :� ,��.�'1��.ly''�,,�ieS� ST< <���"�) 8US. PF10NE: ____ LEIUGTH UF" RE:I:I3ENCE IN .GF�RD: ��- �_,���f�,�_=UGGE.;I�ED BY: 0...l�,��-�--�`d��0�- WH�F7E DID YOU �IVE PREVIOUSLY?�<��,�f"C�°O D , , ��/ �DR�I!�_ F'UUC;ATIONAI. BAC,KGhOURIb: �'�_-���,�,�`-�� O� �f f _�ll�S%lY��S'ti,_1,�.,�°�.��5'�e�"_�� O u L�` �l9 `�` vSiNc�S S`tY/D����ND�CS � 4 OCCUPf•11"TQNAL STATU: AND RACKGRQUIVU: Gl���_.�1�.�US�� " !T/V� /'�l�DK�yJ/� ���/�'�L°4C D� /'/ T.t°.°!.�-�(�����`'����'f�/41..�� �iyC�cei .�'f'� ��°��5'd,��t-/1/ ' �'�.�L��C �'�.°� ' N Y��t ` ivS � ov �tf� �"�%N�.�,�� l �--___ / � _ NOW LONG NAVE YOU BEEN EMPLOYED WITN TNIS FIRM7 "�`� � � . � IS THIS COMPANY LOCATED �iITHTN YOUR NPO AREA (NPO APPLTCANTS ONLY)?__�������7`�L�� PREVIOUS CONM1UNITY ACTIVITY: t/T4-�F �(r'i'F/�.D �d w`N /¢�✓h ������' �--.�'�L'°L°'�s � �� 06��/✓ � � � P � L° `C �1�' / .o,,,I � �° �G�� . r G/Y A��1/'¢� I � 1 ( ' �D ����G� D � � ���� � ; ORGA�� � � � ,� �/' ���i�-�r�zc�°O ��iG�R.D �l�S1-dR 1�C�L �SO G���TT ` v`I��, �i¢IV��Id i►/•�s ; �` � ` r¢,� D��°..�l.L�.1�1��� + � �1e5 rA- Fa��.��-�-;�✓���� C,�,�,��' �-fi,�a�� p �ti�t�a vTNER INFORMATTON (GENERA� REMARKS): �i� i C Z`N vaLr'c°���t h�ts ���A/�s � ,� ,q- �R�� ` ,�,�-s Lr-�u �s ���aU R�sa'o.vs-��� �oR �- �' e;` o a �� `.>;' , i e ,' a�S �°l' ,'�'dL� ;, �/�G�� c��' P �i��s' � o� ` i✓ST N u oC ; I��' �G � o �v��r �� �' c� + � ' . � , BO (r5, C ITTEES OR NPO INTERESTED . �j�Q AS RV1CS OFA`'r1�/�.D��✓`e /'PCQ//eRL° va � , • ���' i � SE� C C N'TA7'idN /� D ' ��S ; ,p �P oN �v'c ,q�c. C, ;;�` ,� �,R �e �,��� •-. ` Y� � � � N ^2"N.SL'�'st/✓[' $�SCK�,�O iOC W,N 'r'iG�tR6 Gnl►7� .ce'� � Date�ecei��d•a� City al ate Intervrewed Date Flppointed ��'4 `'�' �`� �'�`-�� Baard, C�mmittee, ur NPO I� Inside c�i:y 8T z Ld Q� (����.� ��_T___ oUts��e c�ty ,,�:����.. P � 2 sb/4772fi/0002(� �'. 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,P,O.Box 23397,Tigard,Oregon 97223 (503)639-4171 k' ;,i �� �; � i ' '� CITY OF TI�A RD CITIZEiU COMMTTTE� TN7EREST APPLICAT'ION O�EGON NAME: N pI N C 7� S. �f`�'11 1�{� - OA'i`E: . I;2 "��- �`�__�___� Ap��ESS (RES.): .L2�,3 D _�1n�.�(./�l_��i..1T �T. RES. PNIQNE: ��`i-1�1� ADURESS (BUS. ): f� BUS. PNflNE: LEIVGTH OF RESIDENCE IN TIGARD: ,�I Y�'A R S SUGGESI'E� E2Y t ��QMA I� t�of�TC�2 V WiiERE DID YOU LIVE pREVIOUSLY? O EDUCATIONAL BACKGRdUND; � Yt'AQS N I6N �i�rx�L,(aEp VJ�� H►laFf S�3QE�, P.C,C'.- .2 �EARS PA(�'TtME. OCCUpAl"IQNAL STA7U: AIVD E3ACKGROUND:�,�'bUG�F���T.IC-A�i�A�-taErY����R�rJ4 �E�T',�f�U�f�S�C�. UALUG'� SvST�MS SN.��Z�NOC�,�K- Fu(�c�+R��i2. LEF7 P�GYi��iS J06'"j0 3ECOPrc: �U�L �-r�,�s�E Fft)tKC- .y�/iFC ft*►� MontiG2 �t' 7Wd �v�s, — HOW LONG NAVE YOU BEEN EMPI.OYED WITH THIS FIRM? � itrfrFL=� y25, � �� Y�ARS, Ta �'i"H]CS COMPFINY LOCATED WI"i"NTIU YOUR NPO AREA (IUPQ APf�LTCANTS ONLY)7 )�IO PREVIOUa COMI`1Ui11ITY ACTIVTTY: �a+R�� �-�T�rJ�Et� ,1,�DST NP�3 NAEC�"Il�t.�`S AT1.7 �fSCUSS�di�I.:a �02 -���c Pr�sTy�2, -r ���vc A� t�-r'r.N�r_� r�c-��(�s .�uc�� A-� P�PA,��s A�� -'�c-�+R� To nl r� � f e u;�►�('/ a�A� �=�c r.r�5, . bRGARlIZAT�:OfUG ANU OFFICE:: v�CF�A,.t�2.t.1.� � S��T�A�- L�A E1� !1� 'i"!t£ W��l�.��'S C����l�(L. �2�F1 h`o o y���RS. QTHER INFORMATION (GENERAL REMARKS) : 7l i+(���� At��;AYS C�:UDYE� �IVi�I(� IJSTIC-r,�/11>. � Nf1✓� �t(°U /N'�NTI B/�I-� Dl= £��r2 1G'AY/�b 7TtC' H[3t/�E 1= /��3 N/ !J V� /111-� AM 77fC 7N/�'� �7ENE�A7�� -1"0 L�✓C �/�� 71/IS ftv,�3'►� rin�1�-�= AM_ _/'k'vu�� �� iNAI,� �A�[.SD �GE� 7 �'A�`/ff��-A at�I/-� ,4,CEA l Gd i�na rr►/ kl�i�i,�/cin%�ss Tv �E��� f'�,�����J ,�o�P �'iTr i�'►Y O�E.►��V'�aa�n�Jf►2.. s;t►c.LS_--� BQARDS. COMMII`fC��S OR NP0 YNl�[:12EST[D IN: N�°D -#�.3 Oate received at Cit-y I�all pate Irtteruiewed Date Appc�int�d � __ Board, Gommittee, ur NPO Insidp Gily Outszcle City ✓ sb/h772(�/00�2f� 13125 SW Hall Bivd„P.O.Box 23397,Tigard,Ofegon 97223 (503)b�39-4171 �� � � ,� _ . � `� . �:. � r1�U0� Lt1vR'K�r�1U �1N� i A���i;JEx WrTN P�vPiE� CSPE���4-L1-� A•$�uT T.ssuc 5 �CC�a�Q►n(C� OuR L►U�nfLY (���f� - .� ,4rh C��i-rz Cv�G�:�'►���.-� 196ou'� TH� C�P���r► ao,a�a issucs R�J 1-row ��' w���, i��v� su�s;Anrrti�-td. ►m��� ON i1� N�'��..� A�EA . � A�m UGR�/ cor�c�P-N�� ��v�.r�,�'--�t-{� U�U,�-cr-n/ v}` `l�t L�r�2.� �N� ��t1 PG Tl� t�C e���-+' `� RS�i ST !Tv !YI Ai n��Ai�v��/( ,�'�t t�f-'- . . ��+ =i <; . ; . . 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A � . . . �: ...: .. . . . . . , , ...�� . , ...!� � .. . , � - ' . . . .... . .._ .... . . ... . . .: ; . ��. . . . . ......, . ... . .. . . .. . . ., '� } 4, ' � . � ' . . . . , . � F � ... ..... . . .... ..... . ... ... ... - ' . ,� . , .. .. . .. - ....... _...... . .., . . . � � . � � .... ... ..,.. .... . . . , . . ... � . . � . . _. . . . ....... ...... ... � . . .. � 1 , . ' . � � .. .... ..� .. ... . . ..... .. .. ...... . ....,n...n... ._. . .... . . . . . . . . .. ..«.�.�... ..-.... . ��.-....,�� . . . ♦ ... .�.. . . ,.. ..� . P . .-,.... . �.. . . . . .,.._:. .. ._.. .......... .. . .. . . . , . • . . . . ... . ...... .. . .... .. w✓._.....Y.... . . . i � � .... ... ... ., � CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION FTNAL ORDER NO. 90-04 PC A FINTAL ORDER INCLUDING FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS WHICH APPROVES A SY�GN CODk; EXCEP'TION (SCE 90�-01) A�TD AENIES A VARIANCE (V 90-01) REQUESTED BY MCDONALD'S CORP.. The Plaaning Commisaion reviewed this application at a public hearin� on I February 2(7, 1990. Th� Commission'e decision is based upon the facts, findinge and conclueione noted below: '' I A. FACTS II 1. General Information CASE; Sign Code Exception. SCE 90-01/Variance V 90-01 REQUEST: Sign Code Exceptian/Varianae approval to allow additional freeetanding aign area beyon.d the allowed 210 equare feet per roadF�ay frontage permitted by the Community Devglopment Code for shopping aent�rs in the C-G zoning district. Two existiny fre�astanding eigns, one oa each frontage, each contain 210 square feet of eign area. The applicant has submitted alternative eign area and design propoaals for a possible third freestanding sign. APPLYCANTe McDonald°e Corporation UT�NER: Westwood Corpcsrati�on (Bob Bates) 3030 SW Moody , 15200 SW Pacific Highway Portland, ORt 97203 Tigard, OR 97224 � COMPR�KENSIVL� PLAI� DLSIGNATION: General Coauneraial ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (General Commercial) LOCATION: Tigard Towne Square ahopping center, 16200 SW Pacific Highway PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONa WCTM 251 ].SBA, Tax Lot 101 2. Backaround Information The eite �e one of five parcela w�thin the Tigard Towne Square shopping center. Comprehensive Plan i�mendment/Zone Change CPA 6-86/ZC 10-86 approved by the City Council on December 8, 1986, changed the plan designation for the entire site fram High Denaity, Medium-High Aeneity, and Low Deneity Residential to General Commercial and the zoninq designations from R�40, R-25, and R-1 through R-4.5 to C-G (Gen�ral Commercial) to allow development af commercial usee on tlxe eite. 3ite Aevelopment Review SDR 87-05 which propo�ed conAtruction of the FINAL ORDER 90-04 PC - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGE 1 � , • � F ghopping center was approved on May 6, 198'7. Ameadments ta the landacaping plan for the center were approved by the Director on December 31, 1987. That decieion was called up fox review by the City ' Council at ita January 11, 1988 meeting. Th� Council approved a final l�ndacaping plan subject �o certain conditions, The Council on Auguat � 22, 1988 denied � subaequent requeat to furth�r amend �he lanflscaping ! plan to allow conetruction of a building in an area previously proposed ; to be landscaped. ? ! A multi-tenant ehopping center wae constructed on the site with varioua ? portions completed in late 1988 and 198g. The McDonald�s rea�aurant ;s � � one of five freeetanding etructures in the ahopping center that are r located along the center'a Pacific Highway and Durham Road frantages. k The McDonald�s restaurant is located on tax 1ot 102. The pro�osed sign ; j would be located on tax lot 101 at the carner of SW Pacific Highway and , `' SW Durham Road. � ; Sign permite have been granted for a number of wall signs a�d two j freestanding signs withi.n the shopping center. The freestanding signa ; are located at the western entrance to the shopping center fram Pacific Highway (SP 126-87) and the north�rn entrance from Durham Road (SP 127- � 87) . Both freestanding eic�na are double-faced and are approxi.mately 105 i � square feet gex face in eize. Additional sign area was permi�t�ed for i � these signs through eign area increaee allowances permitted through the ; development �eview approval process. Freeetanding signs in the C-G � zon� ar�e normally reatricted to a maximum size of 70 square feet per � fac�. Both eigne were allawed to be 105 aquar.e feet per face, or 150 percenk a£ the normally allowed sign eize. 3. Viainitv Information The Tigard Towne Square shopping center ie surrounded by a variety of aoning districts and develo�nent patterns. Directly west of the site (across Paaific Highway) is t'he eaetern aity limits of King City. Tkae area abutting thie portion of Pacific Highway in King City ia commercial � development at the northern �dge that gives way to residential development going eouth and paralleling the subject aite. � To the north, acrose Durham Road, both commercial and medium high deneity residential development occure. The Willowbrook Shopping Center, located at the northeset intersection of Pacific Highw�y and Durham Road is zoned C-G(PD) (General Commercial, Planned Development) ' and contains an assortment of retail and co►nmercial usea. East of � Willowbroak ia a par� of the Summerfield planned reeidential development. Thie portion of Summerfield is zoned R-25 (PD) (Multi- ' Fami].y Residential, 25 units per acre). Two large parcels zoned R-25 are directly east of the Towne Square along SW 113th Avenuea One of these parcels contains a eingle family residence; the other parcel is undeveloped. To the aouth of the T�wne square are properties outafde Tigard•s City FINAL ORDER 90-04 PG - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGE 2 u-� _ , , r . _.. __ <;; limite but within Tigard's Planning Area. This area is identified an the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map for low density and medium denaity reeidential development. Directly south of the shopping center is the Royal Villa l�obile Home Park. 4. Site Information and Proposal Deacrintion The northweetern corner af the shopping center complex at the intereection of SW Pacific Highway and SW Durham Raad ia a landsaaped area which includes a number of Douglae Fir treee and lower lying landscaping materials. Several temporary freestanding A-frame sig:ae are typically found in thie area. '�he McDonald's restaurant is lo�ated approximately 200 feet south of �he intersectioa along SW Pacifia Highway, The restaurant building ia lo�ated appro�eimately ten feet lower than the level of Pacifia Highway. McDonald's fascia signa are located on all sidea of the building at approximat�ly 14 feet abo�re the � gr�de of the parking area. The building is constructed of a standard, � widely-uasd, McDonald's restaurant desiyn with a mansard-atyle r�of with the signe located on the near-aertical portion o� the roof. Other wa11 signa ara loca�ed on the building�s walls below the roof. In adclition to ' the building aigna, aeveral direc�ional aigne bearing the McDonald's logo are located within the shogping center parking area. The applicant desir�s to erec� a freea�andinr� sign at. the sauthea�� carner of SW Paoific Highway and SW Durham Road in order to provide greater identigication of their restaur�nt from these streets. The applicant r.equeste a Sign Code Variance to Code Section 18.114.130.G.f.iii whioh re�tricts the total area for two £reeatanding si.gne along a �hopping center's road frontages ta 150 peraent of th� area that normally wauld be aYlowed for one freeetanding �ign in the C-G zone, Because both exist.ing freestanding signs at the shopping center are 1Q5 square feet per faae in size, or 150 percent of tk�e norrnally allowed size of 70 �c1uare feet per face, no additional un-utilized sign area remaine for additional freestanding signs. The a�plicant requests additional eign area beyond 105 square feet per fron�age to a11ow erection of a third freestanding sign on tlae site. The applicant requ�ats one of two alternative sign designs: 1) a twenty foot ta11 eign conaiating of a 5 foot by ei.ght faot illuminated sign atop a brick base; or 2) a monument aiqn af undetermined size and height. � A variance to the maxicnum total ei n hei ht ' , 9 g per road frontage in a shopping center would be necessary for the propoaed twenty foot tall � eign. The Code allawa a maximum total freeatanding sign height of thirty feet per frontage or 150 percent of what is normally allowed for a freeatanding sign. Both af the aite's frontages already contain twenty I faot tall signe. No height variance would be neceesary for a aign of ten � � feet tall or lesa. Information within the appli,.:ant's submittal � indicatea that Alberteon'e Inc. and Payless, Inc., ownera of the anchor �enants in the ehopping center w2xich must approve additional signage at i the center, will agree to an additional sign for the applicant's i business to be no taller than e.ight feet. ; :� l i FIN1�Ip ORDER 90-04 PC - MCAUNALD'S CORP. - PAGE 3 r;s::f!. � k,�,,��,k+� ,�.:�.::`t�: �}, Ij;, i yF --r:. . .. _ .. . .. � . . . .. � �' � � It is noted that the applicant's etatement and eup�porting materials miatakenly addreas variance criteria for allowing a third freeetanding ; eign where only two aigns would be permitted. The apQlicant was ' inadvertently mialed by an earlier staff interpretation regarding Code requirements which restriated opportunities for additi�onal fre�estanding signage at Tigard Towne Square. However, the isoue of whether an additional sign should be allowed where the Code prohibite� such a aign. 5. Aaencv and NPO Comments The Building Diviaion has commented that a building permit must be obtained fnr the proposed twenty foot tall sign if approved. The Engineering I�iviaion anci the dregon State Highway Divisian have reviewed the propoeal and have offerad no commente or objeetions. No other comments were received. � B. FINATNGS AND CONCLUSIONS I S�ction 18e114.145 of the City of Tigard Community Development Code ' contain� the following ariteria by which the Planning Commission can �' apProve, approve with modificatione, or deny an application for a Sign Code Exception requeeting �i.gn area ar height beyond what is normally allowed: (3) iJp to an additional 25 percent of sign arpa or height may be permit�ed when it is c3Rtermined that the increase will not deter from the purpoeg of this Chaptex. T.hia increase shAUld be judged according to specific need� and circumstances which necessitate additional area to make the sign sufficiently legible. The fncreas�(s) ahall not conflict with any other non-dimenaional standards or restrictione of the Chapter; (4) The proposed sign ie coneistent with the criteria se� forth in subsection 18.114.130(G) of this Chapter;. Vari.o�a� subseations of Cocle Sectian 18.114.130(G) allow the decision-making body to permit an additional 50 percent of siqn area beyond what ia normally allowed; to allow a second freestanding sign on the aite; and (or) to allow additional eign height if certain criteria are met. Ae previously no�ed, the developere of the Tigard Towne Square shoppinq center requested and were granted permieeion ta increase total aign area allowed per road frontage to 210 square feet or 150 percent of the 140 equare feet (70 aquare feet per� sign face) pe� frontage normally allowed by the Code for freestanding signs in the C-G zone. This increase wae allowed through Section 18.114.130.G.1 of the Code which allowa the Director to allow an additianal 50 FINAL ORDER 90-04 PC - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGE 4 . . �'�. . percent of eign area or a 25 percent increase in sign height through the development review grocess. Commiesion finds that because the developer chose at that time to dedicate the maximum additional 50 percent of aign area beyond normally permitted amounte, the developer has already utilized the maximum eign area fZexibility provided for by the Code. The total freestanding aignage in the Tigard Towne Square development exceecls the additis�nal 25 percent of sign area permitted by (Sign Code Excegtions) and equale the 50 percent sign area increase beyond normal sign area requirements that can be permitted either through the development review process or for two signe for a shopping center in the C-G zone (Code Section 18.114.130.G.f). Therefore, there i� no additional sign area that can be permitted for the development through the pre- defined limita of the Sign Code Exception proaees. The Commiseion finds that the appiicant does meet the relevant Sign Code Exception criteria for a second treestanding sign along the i Pacific Highway frontage as provided in Section 18.114.130 G.l.f. with a maxi�num height of 8 feet. However, no eign a�r�a will be available for thl.s second sign unleea the existing sign is reduced in �ize. 41hex� a request exaeeda the amount of aign area permitted �through the Sign Cad� Exception standards, the request mus� k�e reviewed against thp ariteria for a variance. Code Section 18.134.050 provide� ariteria for gxanting a variamce �o a Cude requirement upon z determination that the sequeeted variance wi11 not be detrimental to adjaoent propertiea or uses; will not adversely affect exiati.ng ' phyeical or natural systemsp will nnt oonflict with gurposee of the Plan and Code; �chat City standaxds will be maintained to the greateat extent poseibls by minimizing the extent of the variance; that the need for the varianae arises from circumstancee peculiar to the parcel; and tlaat the harclehip impased by the Code is not a ee�lf- impoaed hardship. A posi�ive finding must be made for all of these critexia in order for a variance to be granted. The Commission finds nothing in the applicant•s submit�al that would support a finding that the hardehip posed by the total sign area limit is not a self-imposed hardahip. Prior to establishing the restaurant at this location, the applicant was aware of the total ei.gn area reatrictione of the Code as well as any posaible la.mitatione on vieibility posed b� the site. Any limitations regarding this site were apparent at th� time the reatauran� wae constructed. The alleged hardship should therefore be looked upon ae eelf-impoaed. In addition, if there ie a hardehip to the applicant created by th� total eign area limit for the shopping center, the hardehip ehauld a1BO be looked apon as having been created by the applicant's landlord rather than a hardship impoeed by the City's i; regulatione. The landlord and anahor tenants have alloaated the total l' eign area for the two existing freestanding eiqna to other tenants ! leaving no area on these signa for the applicant�s business. If eomeone is to relieve thie harde�hip upon the applicant, it ehould be �' FINAL ORDER 90-04 PC - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGE 5 E? �: r> u. G, � L. i the burden of the landlord �o renegotfate gign area allotm�ente on the exieting signs to include McDanald's rathex than putti.ag the burden upon �he City of Tigard to grant addi�i.onal sign area beyond what is allowc:d for other shopping centers and pther busines�ea in the City. Reqarding any paesibl.e hardship related to vfaibility of the eite to pas�ing motori,sts, Commieeion do�s not find any problem in idc�ntifying the buainess fram SW Pacif3.c H3.ghway or SW Durham Road. Ta the eontrary, the signs upon the maneard roof and building walls, the reoognizable building deaign of the McDonald's chain, the directional eigns in the parking area, arnd off-eite advertis.�ng to approaching motoriste make it diffiaul�t not to ses and recognize the business. The Commiasion does not believe that the proposed . additianal eignage would great].y improve recagniti�n of the business. Witlxout a finding that the hardship cre�ted by the regulation that i� requested ta be varied is not self imposed, it is unnecessary to �ully conaider the request with regard to the remaininq variance criteria. N�ver�heleas, the Commiesion aleo notes that thg reque�t falls ehart of satisfying the other neceesary variance cri�teria. The ci.•rcumatance of other bueinesaes within a sh�pping center having ueed up ala allowed freestanding aign area leaving tenants like MaDonald's withou�t freestanding sign oQportunitiea is certainly not unique to this particular busine�e, ei.ther in just thie ehopping center or in other ehopping centere aity-wide. Nor is the circumstance of lee� than ideal, but sti11 adequate, vieibility from adjacent roads unxc,�ue I', to this situation. , The sign area, ae w�11 ae siqn height, reque�ted for th� propo�ed , twenty foot ta11 sign when added to the area �nd he.�ght of the II exiatiag aigns i� subatantially gaceater than the to��l area and height norma�.ly allowed for all signe at a shopping center in the C-G ' zon�; therefore, tMe addit.�onal requested sign height and axea da not II minimize the extent of the varianae requeeted. In addition, the Commiesion finds that allowing sign area and height beyond the bixilt- in flexibility of the Sign Code Exception procese and the allowancee of th� development review proaeas woulci conflict with the 5ign Cade'e etated puxpoee of minimizing sign clutter. The requeet therefore fails to sati.sfy the ariteria for a sign area variance to a Code requirement and sh�uld be denisd. C. DLCISION Baaed upon the above findinga and �onclusions, the Planr�inq Cocnmiesion appr,oves 3�gn Code �xception (SC� 90-01) and deniee V�rianc� (V90-01) requesterl by McDonald�a, Inc. at Tiqard Towne Square eubject to the followinq conditiona: l. A second freestanding eign shall be permitted along the Pacific Highway frantage with a c��cimum height of 8 feet. The maximum area for the two siqne eh�l], not exceed a total (all e�igne fac�s) of 210 equare feet. STAFF CONTACT: TCefth Liden, Planning FINAL O}2DER 40-04 PC - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGL G ,� _ __ _ _._ • ' � � 4s Divieion, 639-4171. 2. A sign perrnit shall be obtained from the Planning Divieion prior to the erectinn of the second freeatandinq sign and the neoessary reduction in the size of the existing freeetanding sign. STAFF CONTACTd Vi Goadwi�, PZanning Divieion, 639-4171. THIS APPROVAI', IS VALID IF E�ERCISED WITHIN 18 MONTHS OF THE FINAL 1siPPRAVAL DATE NOTED BELOW. It ia fuxth�r ard�red that the appliasnt be notified of the entry of thia order. � PASSED: Thie � day of March, 1990, by the Planning Commission of the �ity of Tigard. u/, �a%�df (��!`i�— A. Donald Maen, Preaident Tigard Planning Commissfon SCE 30-01.PF0/kl � I t I i , � II � � � � � t � ) � i � �''. �� FINAL ORDLR 90-D4 PC - MCDONALD'S CORP. - PAGE 7 �+I � �i t � . ,. ; ,�:: .,.,..�. : , �j �� I , AG�IJDA I�EM 5•2 I STAP'F REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: E'sbr�ary �0, 1990 - 7:30 PM HEARTNG 7LOCATIONs Tigard City Hall - Town Hall 13125 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard, �R 97223 Aa FACTS 1. General In£ormation CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 90-0]./Variance V 90-01 � REQUEST: S3.gn Code Exc�ption/Variance approval to allnw additional freestanding sign area beyand the allowed 210 square feet per roadway frontage permitted by the Community Development Code for shopping centers in the C-G zoning dietrict. Z'wo existingr freestanding gigne, one on �ach fronta e, �ach aontain 210 9 square feet of sign ar�a. The applic�nt ha� submit�ed alternative sign area and design praposals for a posaible third freeatanding aign. � APPLICANT: McDonald'e Corporation �DWNER: Wea�woad Corporation (Bob Bates) 303Q SW Mootly 16200 SW Pacific Highway Portland, OR 97201 Tigard, OR 97224 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATTON: General Commercial ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (General Commercial) LOCATION: Tigard Towns Square shoppinq center, 16200 SW Paci�ic Highway PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: WCTM 2S1 15BA, Tax Lot 101 2. Background Tnformation The eite ia one of five parcele within the Tigard Towne Squaro �hopping center. Comprehensiee Plan Amendment/Zone Change CPA 6-86/ZC 10-86 approved by the City Council on December 8, 1986, changed the plan designation for the entire site from High Der►sity, Medium-High Density, and Low Density Re$idential to General Commercial and the zoning designations fiom R-40, R-25, and R-1 through R-4.5 to C-G (General Commercial) to allow dewelopment of commercial uses on the aite. Site Development Review SDR 87-0� which propoeed construction of the � ehopping center wae approved on May 6, 1987. Amendments to the � landscaping plan for the center were approved by the Director on '. December 31, 1987. That dec3.aion was called up for review by the City � Council at its ,7anuary 11, 1988 meeting. The Council approved a final ; STAFF REPORT - SCE 90-01/V 90-01 - MC DONAI,D'S CORP. Paq� 1 �, ! [' - - _ . , _........ , � landac$ping plan eubject to certain conditions. The Council on August 22, 1988 denied a subsequent request to further amend the landscaping plan to allow construction of a building in an area previously propc�sed to be landeaaped. A multi-tenant shopping center was constructed on the eite with various pnrtinns completed in late 1988 and 1989. The McDonald's reetaurant is one of fiv� fr.eeetanding structures in the shopping center that are �.ocated along ihe center'e Pacific Highway and Durham Road frontag�s. The McDonald's restaurant is located on tax lot 102. The proposed sign would be located on tax lot 101 at the corner af SW Pacific Highway and SW Durham Road. 5ign permits have been granted for a number of wall aigns and two freestanding signs within the ahopping center. The freeatanding signa are located at the weetern entrance to thg shopping center from Pacif.ic Highwa�► (SP 126-87) and the northern entrance from Durham Road (SP 127- 87). Both freestanding eigna are double-faced and are approximataly iQ5 aquare feet per face in eize. Additional sign area was permitted for these aigns through sign area increaae allowancea permitted through the development review approval prac�es. Free�tanding signs in the C-G zone are normally reatricted to a maximum eize of 70 square feet per face. Both sign� were allowed to be 105 square feet per fac�, or 150 percent of the normally allowed eign aize. 3. Vicinity Informatian The Tigard Towne S�uare shapping center is �urrounded by a variety of zoni.ng districts and development patterns. Directly w�st af the site (acroes Pacific Highway) ie the esetern aity limite of King City. The area abut�ing thia portion of Pacific Highway in King City ia commercial development at the northern edge that givea way to residential development going eouth and parallelfng th� subject aite. To �he north, acroea Durham Road, both commercial and medium high ' density re�idential development oacure. The Willowbrook Shoppinq Center, located at the northeast interssction of Pacific Highway and Durham Road is zoned C-G(PD) (General Con�mercial, Planned Developmc�nt) and contains an sesortment �f retail and commercial usea. East of Willowbrook is a part of the Summerfield planned residential development. Thia portion of Summerfield is zoned R-25 (PD) (Mul�ti- Family Residential, 25 unite pex acre). Two large paraels zoned R-25 are directly east of the Towne Square along SW 113th Avenue. One of theee parcela containe a single family rsaidence; the other parce,l ie undeveloged. �'' ' �� ;::, To the south of the Towne Square are propertiee outeide Tigazd�s City limita but within Tigard'e Planning Area. Thie area is identified on the Tigard Comprehensive Plan Map for low deneity and medium denaity �', residential development. Directly aouth of the shopping center ia the A" Royal Villa Mobile Home Park. �:; G; STAFI� REPORT - SCE 90-01/V 90-01 - MC DONALD'S CORP. paqe 2 F'` {=: [j k:{: 4 4. Site In�ormation and Pr.opo�al Description The northwestern corner of the ehopping center complex at the intereection of SW Pacifio Hfghway and SW Durham Road is a landscaped ; area wlxich includee a number of Douglas Fir trees and lower lying landecaping materials. Several temparary freestanding A-frame signs are typically Eound in thie area. The MclDonald's reataurant ie located approximately 20Q feet south of the intersection alonq SW Pacific � Highway. The ree�aurant building is located approximately ten feet ' lower than the level of Pacific Hi.ghway. McDonald's fascia eigne are located on all aidea of the building at approximately 14 feet above the grade of the parking area. The building is conatructed of a standard, widely-used, MeDonald�a restaurant design with a mansard-atyle roof with the �signs located on the near-vertical por�ion of the roof. Qther wall eigna are located on the building'a walla below the roof. In addition to the building eigns, aeveral directional signe bearing the McDonald's loga are located within the ahopping aenter parking area. The applicant deeires to erect a freestanding sign at i�he aoutheast aorner of �W Pacific Highway and SW Durham Road in �rder topxovide greater identification of their restauraat from these streets. The applicant requeatg a Sign Code Variance to Code Sec�ion 18.114.130.G.f.iii which reetricts the itotal area for two freeetanding aigns along a ahopping center�s road frontagea to 150 percent of the area that normally would be allawed for one free�tanding sign in the C-G • zone. Becauss bath existing freestanding signs at the shopping cent�r are 105 aquare feet per face in size, or 150 percent of the normally allowed si�e of 70 square feet per face, no additional un-utilized sign area remains for additional freeatanding eigns. The applicant requests additional sign area beyond 105 sc�uare feet per frontage to all.ow erection of a third freestanding sign on the eite. The applicant reque�ts one of two alternative sign designs: 1) a twenty foot tall aign consisting of a 5 foot by eight foot illuminated eign atop a brick base; or 2) a monument sign of undetermined size and height. A variance to the maximum total sign height per r�ad frontage in a s�xopping center wc�u�ld be neceesary �or the proposed twenty foot tall eign. The Code allowe a maximum total £reestanding sign heiqht of thirty feet per frontage or 150 percent of what ia normally allowed for a freeetanding eign. Both of the site's frontagee already contain twenty foot tall eigns. No height variance would be neaeesary for a siqn of ten feet. tall or lesa. Information within the applicant•s submittal indicatee that Alber�eon'e Inc. and Paylese, Inc., ownera of the anchor ' �,i tenants in the shopping center which muat approve additional signaqe at the center, will agree to an additional sign for the applicant•s bueinees to be no taller than eight feet. �; �� s"; It fe noted that the applicant's etatement and supporting materiale i;. ; mistakenly addresa variance criteria for allowing a third fr�eatandinq i. ' sign where only two eigne would be permitted. The appliascit wae ' inadvertentl misled b an earlier staff inter retation re ardin Code �; Y Y P 9 9 ' �; STAFF REPOItT - SCE 90-01/V 90-01 - MC DONALD'S CORP. Page 3 i 3� � requirements which reetriated opportunities for addi�ional freestanding aignage at Tigard Towne Square. 5. Agency and NPO Commenta The Building Division has comm�nted that a building permit must be obtainod for the propoaed twenty foot tall sign i€ approve�. The Engineering Divieion and the Oreqon State Highway Division have reviewed �he proposal and have offered no comments or objectiong. No other comments were received. ;� n B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Sectinn 18.114.145 of the City of Tic�a�d Communi�y Aevelopment Code contains the following criteria by which the Planning Commisaion can approve, approve with madifications, or deny an application for a Sign Code Except3.on requeeting sign area or height beyond what is normally allowed: (3) Up to an addition�l 25 percent of aign area or height may be permitted when it ie determined that the increase will not deter from the purpose of this Chapter. Thia increase ahould be judged according ta specific needs and circumatances which neceseitate additional area to mak� the eign eu£ficiently legible. The increase(e) ahall not cAnflict with any other non-dimensional ' etandarda or reetrictiane� of the Chapter; (4) The propo�ed sign is consistent with the criteria aet forth in subsection 18.114.1�0(G) of this Chapter;. Various subsectiona of Code Section 18.114.130(G) allow the decision-making body to permit an additional 50 percent of sign area bey�ond what is normally allowed; to allow a second freestanding sign on the aite; and (orj to allow additional aign height if certain criteria are met. As previously noted, the developere of the Tigard Towne Square shoppix�g center requeeted and were granted permission to increase total sign area allowed per road frontage to 210 square feet or 150 percent of the 140 square feet (70 equare feet per sign facey per frontage normally allowed by the Code for freeatanding eigne in the ' C-G zo�ne. This increase was allowed through Section 18.114.130.G.1 ; of the Code which al].owa the Director to allow an additional 50 percent of sign area or a 25 percent increaee in aiqn height through 'i the development review procese. Staff finds that becauee the i developer chose at that time to dedicate the maximum additional 50 percent of sign area beyond normally permitted amounts, the s developer hae already utilized the maximum aign area flexibil3ty ; � STAFF REPORT - SCE 90-01/V 90-01 - MC DONALD'S CORP. paqe 4 � i . � ---- _ _ normally provided for by the Code. The total freestanding signage in the Tigard Towne Squar� development exceede the additional 25 percent of sign area permitted by (Sign Code Exceptions) and eguals the 50 percent sign area increase beyond normal sign area requiremente that can be permitted either thraugh the development review procese or for two signe for a ehopping center in the C-G zone (Code Section 18.114.130.G.f). Therefare, there is no additional sign area that can be permitted for the development through the pre- defined limits of the Sign Code Exception proceas. When a request exceed� the amount of sign area permitted through the Sign Code Exception standarde, the requeat must be reviewed againat the criteria for a variance. Code Section 18.134.050 provides � ; criteria for granting a variance to a Code requirement upon a ' determination that the requested variance will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or uees; will not adversely affect existinq phyeical or natural syetems; will not conflict with purposes of the Plan and Code; that City etandards will be maintained to the greatest extent poesible by minimizing the extent of the variance; that the need far the variance arises from circumatances peculiar to the parcel; and that the hardship imposed by the Code is not a self- imposed hardship. A positive finding must be made for all of tlxese criteria in order for a variance to be granted. i Staff finds nothing in the applicant•s submittal that wauld support a finding that the hardship pased by the total sign area limit is nat a self-impc�sed hardship. Prior to establishing the reataurant at tha.s location, the applicant was aware of the total sign area re�trictione of the Code as well as any posaible limitations on vieibility poeed by the site. The applicant'a parent corporation is very experienced with the site eelection procesa and ahauld be quita experienced in dealing with local government eign regulations. Any limitatione regarding this eite should have been apparent. The alleged hardship ahould therefore be looked upon as self-i.mpoaed. In addition, if there is a hardship to the applicant created by the total eign area limit far the shopping center, the hardship ehould also be looked upon as having been created by the applicant's landlord rather than a hardship imposed by the City's regulations. The landlord and anchor tenants have allocated the total sign area for the two existing freestanding signa to other tenante leaving no area on theee signs for the applicant's bueiness. If aomeone is to relieve this hardehip upon the applicant, it should be the burden of the landlord to renegotiate sign area allotments on the exiating eigns to includ� McDonald�s rather than putting the burden upon the City of Tigard to grant additiAnal sign area beyond what is allowed for other shopping centers and other busineseee in the city. Regarding any poseible hardehip related to visibility of the eite to pasainq motoxiH�s� etaff doee not find any problem in identifying the bu�sir�aa� fram �W p�aciff.� ?s�.ghwa� or Sk7 Durham Road. To the contrary, the siqne �apon the mansard roof and. bus.lding wt�lle, the recor�nizable STAP'F REPORT - SCE 90-01/V 90-01 - MC DONALD'S CORP. Page 5 � _ _ _ __ _ � building deeign of the McDonaa.d's chain, the direational eigns in the parking area, and off-site advertieing to approaching motoriats make it difficult not to aee and recognize the businese. Staff does not believe that the proposed additional eignage would greatly improve recognition of the busineas. Without a finding that the hardship created by th� requlstion that ie requested to be varied ie not eelf imposed, it i� unneceseary to fully consider the requeat with regard to the remaining variance criteria. Neverthelesa, staff also notes that the request falls short of eatisfying th� other neceesary variance criteria. The circumstance of other busineaees within a shopping center having uaed ug all allowed freeatanding aign area leaving tenants like McDonald•a without freeetanaing sign opportunities is certainly not unique to this part�cular businese, either in juat thie shopping center or in other shopping centere city-wide. Nor is the circumstance of lese than ideal, but still adequate, visibility from adjacent roads unique to this situation. The eign area, as well as eign height, requeeted for the proposed twenty foot tall sign when added ta the are� and height of the exieting signs is aubstantially greater than the total area and h�ight normally allowed for al'1 signe at a ehopping aenter in the C-G zone; therefore, the additional requeated sign height and area do not minimize the extent of the variance requested. In addition, staff finde that allov=i.ng eign cade and height bey�nd the built-in flexibility of ' r� Sign Code Exception proceas an� the allowances og the development yeviEw pr�cAa^ would conflict with the 5ign �ode'� etated purpoae of minimizing eign clutter. The requeat therefore faile to eatiafy the criteria for a variance to a Code requirement and should be denfed. C. FtECOMMENDATION Based upon the above findinge and conclusions, the Planning Divieion recouunende denial of the Sign Code Exception/Variance (SCE 90-Q1/V9Q- O1) requeat for McDonald'e, Inc. at Tigard Towne Square. Pre ared B : ', t� a .�._,TlC^.�iU!`7" �I V p Y ry r, elopmenc Review Planner Date Approved Bys 2- ��� Keith Liden, Senfor Planner Date br/SCL9D-01.jo STAP'F REPOItT - SCE 90-01/(/ 90-01 � MC DONALD'S CORP. PBge 6 « .� � ` _. �;PFLI!=:�TI��h��a FC�F: � '�:��FIr;P�lG�E T n =_E�:T I ��t���J i�_ . 1 1�. 1•,i� � �:�:} GF THE TI��HF:G G7E4rELCiFP1EP�lT �=�!GE T r_� F E F h�1 I T H T H I F�C� ��I��PJ • F��F� :1C�C���t�•lHLG}_, FESTHI iF:r,PJT `r`,T THE T.I�"�'r'',�'Ca Ti�!AJP1 '���!!�APE " . � I �.��bmi ttad ��n bef��?.lf ��f : � g��G E�;�.t�=_. — h�1r_C}��n�t ��� ��rF���ra.t i �n — i,�e 1 t�.����4 d ���r ���r��t i �n k:.�r•a�r, i:r:::: 1 F ! � �l�_t r�t���• �, 19�3�� , . � , � �, j r � �pj '' � � �P � � � � h � � t � � f • � , � i ' � S I i ' � { S i , � � � t4� � � . � . . . .. . � . � . .3 .. � . � . . . .. . . . . .,S . � � � . . . .. . ...� . . . .. _ . . � , . . ��-� CITY OF T16ARD, �RE60N ADMINISTRATIVE VARIANCE APPLICATION CITY OF TIGARD, 13125 SW Hall, PO Bos 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 - (503) 639-4171 . FOR STAFF USE ONLY � CASE N0. OTHF�t CASE NO'S: RECEIPT N0. APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: � DATE: 1. GENER.AL INFORMATION � Application elements submitted: PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION/ti��/a�' �'(,(J �,�U�'! . �A) Application form (1) . �� ���.���A y Q��� (B) Owner's signature/written r TAX MAP AND TAX LOT NO� �OT %Q� i'-� Y/ lA� ' authorization r- ! /J��� (C) Title transfer instrument (1) . SZTE SIZE ��7r,r ��ri:��� � ____ (D) Assessor's map (1) PROPERTY OWNER/DEED HOLDER* ��/ �S"'�;�UO�� JD'5�1�� (E) P1ot plan (pre-app check list) A.DDRESS ��Q.�Q �GCJ f7"1OD�� PHpNE ����-��(� (F) Applicant's statement CITY �i12�s'L��;tJQ (�� ZIP ����� Cpre-app check list) � APPLICANT* � ,� ��,Q_T'�S�1C ,�G.�.���-d� ��%�!' (G) List of praperty owners and j �� addr,�sses within 250 feet (1) ' ADDRESS f��i'Y� ��/J 07/C:��K.�4liJPHONE ° ; ZIP 9 J1D (H) Filing �ee (�210) E CITY ���_�� �/� _,�.T_� *When the owner and the applicant are different ' people, the applicant must be the purchaser of record or a leasee in possessfon with written authorization DATE DETERMINED TO BE COMPLETE: he owne r or an a ent of Lhe owner with written from t g autk�orizationo The owner(s) mustsign this � application in the space provided on page two or FINAL DECISION DEADLINE: � submit a written authoriz�tion with this application. ` COMP. PLAN/ZONE DESIGNATION: �! � 2. PROPOSAL SUIrIl�1ARY � ���� The owners of record_ of the subject property ; request permission for a V'ariance to the N.P.O. Number; �;:, following provision(s) of the Community , F Development Code. " Approval Date: ` �:: �-�l'.'/�'S'T � �G�l1 t'� .4 e;li�/']__ ;,, Fina1 Approval of Conditions: �? �; f,:Z"�?,c1�/X�1x.t�i- J i��� f � Planning �` �/ �� ; // �� I( /�l/h� � IL��L_ i �'�i—^? � g Engineering i 052�.P 13P � _ . . ., i„„ , �h: _ . . _ , . f, ' ` 1i � r -� � � � C �:I l • ��. 3. Lfst any variance, condiCional uses, or other land use actiona to be considered as part of this application: �,�2;ANC�,�,�' /8,ii�f,/3b _, � �'�"'��°i� • . ,' 4. Applicants: To have a complete appllcation you �will need to submit attachments , described in the attaahed information sheet aC the time you submit this application. '�I'I � a, 5. THE APPLICANT(S), SHALL CERTIFY THAT: C i A. ::he above request does not vi�late any' deed restrictions that may be j�l attached to or imposed upon the sub�ect property. r . z B. If the application is granted, the applicant will exercise the rights � • granted in accordance with the terms and sub�ect to all the conditions and ;' limitations of the approval. i �' • C. A11 . of the above statements and the statements in the plot p1an, attachments, and exhibits transmitted herewith, are true; and the • applicants so �acknowledge that any permit issued, based on ttiis �' �appliaation, may •be •revoked if� it is found that any such etatements are i £alse. " " t � i D. The applicant has read the entire contents of the application, including the policies and criteria, and understaads the requirements for approving � or denying the application. •� i; DATED, this day of 19� � • � SIGNATURES of each owner (eg. hu,sband and wife) of the sub�ect property. � t k � � '# %�/�.� . Y <=:�i'i� � , � L��� . � ���111�3�'7 � �-� � � � � � �� � t ��,��� , � I (KSL:pm/0737P) { �l. 'Ja.r� i �.r��_? Hpp 1 i c�+_ i on ` McDc�n�.l ��•1 — T i �aar�d T���n �qUS.re � F:e�prn�P Tr� Req�1 i r�ed. Cr� i ter i •�.: i �:: 1 :5 F.e���_ie�} �,1!ill n��t t�e dEtr• imenta.l #� C�JF , Flar� , or� nth�r 1 a.F�p 1 i �_a t�1 � r i t;� o r�d i n.y.r��_e� . � , r Tt-� i �_. r�����e=_.t , tc� 1 �r�a.te ., tf� i r�� fr?� �ta.r�di ng si gn fc,r h1r_C}��n:_,1 ��_. I �:r=_.t:�.��r•�.nt I �t f1Ci W�.'*• cr•E.xt?=_. de tr• i rr�en t t�� th@ 1 il te��t C�f tr�e I:C��� , � F'l ��.n ��r� atr�?r a.pplica.t�le �it:y ��r���inar��e=_.. It is merel ,�� in . r��=.p����•=.F t�� i�t'i I ��UF ph;r��I C•�l �_fi•3.("�•3.Ctef� 1 =•� I [� C`t . the Pr�p''� t%' 1 ��i��^("��i i.1�i��1 ���� t ri? ��e'=t 8.U f'L.�i t f F��•i�����•t,y Ud�'t I C r� I ffl�d I r=• 4 I 'c•I t�1 � f f;Y . I '�.i.! F`�CU� 1 :�.('' C : t''�=UITiC.t�.�iCe�• �'?� d.tC� t�C� tfi� � Gt � tC��iC�Ut'•.•,�r�;:•� 'r_ tr . � � ���.:�et-• ��:�h i Ch ±h� e.pp 1 i �_?.�it ri�.s rir_� �_rr�tr•ol ! e.�i� th�.t do �ir�f: �aenera.l 1 :�' a.ppl :*� t�� otl-�?�r• �rrF�er•t i e=. i n the samF zrn i r�� Ji =.tr� i �_t , i T h� T i t�.3.('•�� T���:.�n S������.r� �,.�.�.: c c�r�s�r���c t��� r�n 1 a.r��� 1 ��i n�� t,:��1 1 t��� �o,.� ' � t ri e c u r r�e n t �a r•�±.d F n t b r�t h :�I,�:! G��r h am f'O�+.�� a.f1� a t.�t a H i �a h�:.1.�.:•' q=�l•�,{, The h����C?��r�a.l d_� Festaurar�t ha.:� t�r�r� �+-rnstr•uct�1 �n a. commer•�_ i •y.l � r�.y.d i n +.I'ie mC�•3t n��r�t���Aie=_.t.�r 1 >� �.�rr��r� �f �fie r�F���e 1 npmFr�t . 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' ( �-',�'� � � . _ . 4.�• � . � �� Z� � F �"- � � � -- �--�-,�- --,,,--_,_-�,..�.� - -- � �� CORPORATiC�N oev�ebpers&contractors 3a3o s.w Moody A��e Portiarld,OH 97201-4897 September 29, 1989 F�73� Gity of Tigard �.3125 S.W. Hall Boulevard - P.O. BoX 23397 Tigard, OR 97223 To Whom It May Concern: , � This letter corifirms and acknowledges a variance request fro�n � Mr. Bob Bates and McDonald's Corporation to locate a t�hird sign on the property identi�ied as Tax Lot 101, Tax Map 2S1 158A, �ore commonly known as fiigard Towne Square. Mr. Bates has contacted me regarding his request and as the � manager af the center I stand in support o±' this propo�al. The siz� of Mz. Bates restaurant precludes his use of the two existing pylon signs for the development. $ecauge of the difference in grades batween Highway 99W, S.W. Durham Road, and his restaurant, visibili�y is restricted. It should be noted that Albertsons must also appr�v� this additional signage. <, If T can be of further asaistance, please do not hssitate to I contact tne. � Sincerel.y, ; ; � � � WESTWOOD CORPORATION • � Developers & Contractors �. r �'..1.l�c. ��� I � Karen Cox, CSM � . ', Property Manager ' Kc\es . ; cc: Bob Bates ', • PbrllarxJ/Seanla j �: _ I • ' 1�,' J _- �. ;� t, _ �►y►► �` ,- - . . . �,. � � S7�ES . ' ��,a�cunvE o�s•92�s s.w peyion�,a Hn�orw+na ore�o�n 9�o�o�8a•(�I ba2-a�oo � ', . , "���� - Decembsr 8, I989 - ,Q � /� Mr. Bob Sherwood McDon�ld's Corporation . 10220 SW Greenburg Road, Suite 250 Partland, OR 97223 - RE: Proposed Sign Tigard Town Square ' • Dear Bob: ' This is to advise you, Bob, that Pay Less appacoves your request to � construct a monument sign at the above-referenced location. This sign " may not exce�ed 8 feet in height if it is built. If qou have any £urther questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. • Your uly, • . . � '"•1 � . 3.m Fly eal Est t Representative • • . .TF/kh � � cc: Don Duncomb, Albertson's r . .. . �.,�s�w..�,.�....,...r�.,,,,..�s.,,. ..> . . �i4 lQ�i� C'o�' . �EC�I'dL� �:::� 1 � t3�;5 Celebrating 50 Yecrs in Retail �939-�989 rr � � � � . �. .�. . � , . � � . . . .. . .. • +� 1'`, } ' ' , �. v' — T �r.�.+ AlberisOtl3' November 2, 1989 . � ' • i I I Bob Sherwood I McDonald's Corporation 10220 NE Points Drive Suite 300 Kirkland, WA. 9803� • RE: Proposed Sign �at Tigard T�wne Square ♦ Dear Bob: Alberts�ons approves your request to construct a monument sign at the above mentioned location based upon the fo].lowin� conditions: � 1. The monument sign may not excepd 8 fee� in height. 2. McDonald's must also secure Payless's appraval Y�r the monument sign. Y If you have any questions or if I can be of further ser�tce please feel free to call me. Very truly yours, ' ALB , TSONS,,TNC. Cac//�/ :_-G� Don Auncombe �teal Estate Manager Northwest � s DD:kl ' cc: Shirley Ghristo ersen cc ,� ��:� ��'�-� /��+rP�,✓ C�x " J��y ��y�� ,.� ,_ . . . ,�,,�, .. . ._ ` � , y . . . ,., , , �, VTr ._... . ... .,.:. . ..,;.� s.;.. , ,.,.� . ,.� , __ .., , , .. ,.. . . . „ . -. ....;'. � -..,� ..:_��� � u'.. .. ....i s..-;� �. :•. , ..... � . ...... ... , .. ., . . .. �,.� . ... .. ,.... �... .:.:. -.�� _ _ " _ _'.�: f,- •+-.'�..�j I�. h '-.I ,',� �'�� - � _ � l I � � i .1! Ia .f4 �..�.. �f 1 l��i � fL � V� "�, i '"� f 1, .' y! �•n �I� . � r.,. � Z � �- :f I '7 •�rf � i ��" ��� "KS ' � '� e'�� ���1 � r +, Ar:1 ��1 .� ` 4 L�,. I � r i ' :�, t 1 ryt4 n �. Y f��,u�4. � � �� e 1� .'. 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GENERAL IN�ORMATION 'ss CASE: Siqn Code Variance VAR 90-0003/Sign Code Excep�.ion SCL 90-0002 �, REQiTEST: A request for approval of a aign code variance ta allow � placement of a .roo£ sign abov� a roof line. � COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESTGNATZON: C-G (General Commercial) a � ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (General Commercial) , APPLICANT: Sus Kim OWNER: Gerry I�olve } 14463 SW Pacific Highway P.O. Sox 23968 Tigard, OR 97224 Tigard, OR 97223 �. LOCATION: 14463 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 2S1 lOAB, tax lot 200) � 2. Baakground Information The eubject site waa annexed to the City in March, 1965 (Ordinance No. 65-5) . In March, 1976 � site development review application wae approved by the Tigard D�siqn Review Board for conetruction of a Thriftway store (SDR 4-76). A 1,700 er,�uare foot addition wae approved i.n April, 1977 by the Review Board. A Planning Commiaeion approved conditional use (CU 9-78) allowed operation of a title ineurance company in Canterbury Square ae of May, 1978 and an electronic game center was approved as a conditional use in 1981 (CU 6-81) . In 1983, 1984, 1987, and 1989 temporary uses were approved to allow the � operation of three Pet Prevent-A-Care evente (TU 14-83, TU 4-84, and TU 89-01) and a fireworke etand (TU 8�-01) . Since 1972 a number of sign permite have been issued for the building located at 14463 SW Pacific Highway but it is not clear when �he existing roof aigns were installed. Sign permit SP-Q2-87 issued in 1987 allowed a change of copy on an exieting roo# sign on the north elevation. FINAL ORD�R JO-05 PC - KIM/KOLVE - PAGE 1 r' , � .:, .,..w ,;: j � � ; � In February, 1988, staf£ contacted the manager of Universal Video, a ; video etore occupying the su�iject buflding at the time, and Mr. Gerry ! Kolv�, owner of tax lo� 200, se part of a larger e£fort to bring i eleven roof aigns and a freestanding aiqn located in Canterbury Square into conformity with the Code. ; ' In April, 1988 Mr. Kolve and eleven Canterbury Square bueinesa owners were not.ified cancerning nonconforming roaf si�ns located there. The ' 1 nonconforming eigne were described and those who recexved the letter � were asked to contact the City and/or sign a voluntary complianae agreement. Mr. Kolve aigned two voluntary complianae agreements, one � for the nonconforming freeetanding aign (Case No. 88-78-Z) and one for the eleven nonconforming r�of aigns (Case tdos. 88-(74-86)-Z). The •• eubject aigna were identified as Case No. 88-79-Z. t ! Ordinance No. 88-20, adopted by the City Council on July 25, 1988, amended Chapter 18.114 of the Code pertaining to ai.gns. The ordinance t defi.ned "roof line" (it now reade: ° the top edge of a roof or � building parapet, whichever is htgher.. .") and amended the definition ! of a roof sign (it now reads: "a sign erected fully upon or directly above a roof line or parapet of a building. .."). Ae a coneequence of the adoption of Ord. 88-20 most of the eigns located in Canterbury Square now comply with the aign code, exceptions include the noncon- forming freeatanding sign and the subject sign. Ordinance No. 88-20 became effective August 22, 198$. Shortly thereafter Canterbury Square tenante, including the manager of the video bueinesa that was located at 14463 SW Pacifi� Highway, were eent ' letters and asked to contact the Planning Divieion. In January, 1989, the manager attended a pre-application conference to apply for a variance. One month later, no action had besn taken to bring the eubject roof aigna into compliance. Since that time the tenante at 14463 SW Pacif�c Highway changed. The subject buildinq ie now occupied by Kim�e Ht�ir Deeign. Pacific Highway and the adjoining frontage road are echeduled for reconstruction in the summer of 1990. The frontage road will be cloaed off to the north and south at SW Gaarde and Bull Mountain Road; turn lanes and an entrance will be conetructed to serve '� Canterbury Square. In February, 1989 Mr. Kolve eigned a voluntary compliance agreement stating that he would bring the exiating nonconforming freeatanding into conformity upon completion of tho reconatruction of Pacific Highway. 3. yicinity Information Canterbury Square (ie surrounded by R-12 (Reeidential, 12 unita/acre) to the north, west, and eouth. Proper�ty to the eset, beyond Pacific Highway, is zoned R-12 and C-G (General Commercial). 4. Site Information and Proposal Deeaription FINAL ORDER 90-05 PC - KIM/ICOLVE - PAGZ 2 �,�. . � . ����` �f`��. �.. j. The applicant�s business ia located on the east side of Canterbury Square, separate from the clueter of storee located on the west si.de of the shopping center that include a pet etore, hardware store, dry cleanera and other commercial uses. The busine�s fe surrounded on �hree side� by a parking lot. Its east elevation facee Pacific � Highway and a frontage road. The elevation of the site ie approxi.mat- � ely 280 feet. The subjeGt buildinq is appraximately 1423 square feet in size and 9 fe�t in height measured from gr�de to building eave. The elevation of Paaific Highway variea from appraximately 290 to 29a feet just in front of the applicant's bueinesa. The a�plicant proposee to continue the use of tw�o nonconforming roof aigns loaated abov� the roof on the �orth and east elevations of the . t dimenaiona of the roof si ne are no t known sub e ct buildin g . Exac 9 i but each ia eatimated to be lese than 50 square feet {2 fest by 25 feet) in eize. 5. Agency and NPO Commente The State Highway Divisian, the Engineering Diviaion, and the Building Division have reviewed the propasal and have no abjections to it. RTo other comments have been received. �. ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION An application for a sign code variance must satisfy all of the criteria of Section 18.134.050 listed below: 1. The proposed variance will not be mat�rially detrimental to the purposes of this title, be in aonflict with the policies of the Comprehen�ive Plan, to any oi�her applicable policies and standards, and to other properties in the same zoning dietrict or vicini.ty; 2. There are special circumstances that exiet which are peculi.ar to the lot aize or e�hape, topography or other circumstancea over which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other properties in the eame zoning district; � 3. The use proposed will be the same as permitted under thfe title and City standards will be maintairned to the greatest extent that ie reasonably poasible while permitting some economic use of the land; 4. Existinq phyeical and natural systems, such se but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forme, or parke will not be advereely affected any more than would occur if the development were located as epecified in the title; and 5. The hardship is not self-imposed and the variance requested is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. Applicant�a Statement FINAL ORDER 90-05 PC - KIId/ROL'VE - PAGE 3 � Thg applicant provides a narrative addresaing these criteria. The a�pl.icant pointe out that the proposed variance will not be ma�erially detrimental to any other properties in the eame zoning diatrict or vicinity and that special ciraumatancea exist avex which the applican� hae no control. The epecial circumetance is the relatianship of the roof line and the higher elevation of Pacific Highway. According �o the applicant, this special ciraumstance requires that the roof sigr� be allowed to remai.n aa is so that it is visible to pasaing motorists traveling on Pacific Highway. With respect to the remaining criteria th� applicant points out that the use (a hair etyling salon) is a permitted uee in the C-G zoning distriat, that exiating phyaical asnd natural eystems will not be adversely effected, that the hardship ia not self-imposed and the variance requeeted ie the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. Commission Analveis and Conclusion The Planning Commission finds that the use is a permitted use, that exiating physical and natural systems will not be adversely affected, that the Sign Code Variance would not be detrimental to other propertiee in the vicinity, and that the hardship is not aelf-imposed. The i�sue relating to special topographic circumatances �.s difficult to aaeees at this time due to the pending street improvement project to be implemented by the Stste H.ighway Divieion this aummer. It ia li3eely that this project wi.11 have an i.mpact upon the visibility of the subject property and it will be most prudent to evaluate the need • far a Variance ta the Sign Code after thi� work is completed. The Commiesion finds that the requeet ia premature and therefore, the Sign Code Exceptian and Variance are denied with the underatanding that the applicant may submit a new application, at no charge, to consider this isaue if neceseary after the completion of the atreet improvement project. The applicant will be allowed the continued uae of the existing roof aigne during the interim provided that a Voluntary Compliance Agreement ia eubmitted which commite the applicant to bring the signa into compliance with the Code or to submit a Sign Code Exception or Variance application immediately l�ollowing the completion of the street improvement project. �, DECISION ; i! Sased upon the above findings and conclusions, the Planning Commiesion deniea ;! Sign Code Exception/Variance (SCE 90-02/V 90-03) and spprove� the temporary use i; of the two nonconforming roof eigns subject to the following conditions: '` f: } l. The applicant shall submit a Yoluntary Compliance Agreement (form ;I, enctoeed) by March 30, 1990, committing to either bringing the eigne , into compliance with the Sign Code or submitting a Sign Code #. ; FINAL ORDER 90-05 PC - KIM/KOLVE - PAGE 4 �i I; t Y , _ _ _ _ . . , � . k � �, &r. ;, � , �_ � � Exception/Variance application to be reviewed by the Planninq �" Commiesion immediately follawing the completion of the State Highway �`�' Divieion street improvement project of Pacific Highway and Canterbury Lane. STAFF CONTACT: ICeith Liden, Planning Divisian, 639-4171. ii ti; 2o If the applicant elec�s t�a aubmit a new Sic,�n Code Exception or Variance application to retain the roof aigna, the City ehall not !' r. charge for the application. ;' i. Tt is further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of this � order. � 4�� PASSEDs Thie � day of March, 1990, by the Planning Commiseion of the City o£ Tigard. !i I! I ,� ���� ��.�- � A. Donald Moen, Preaident Tigard Planning Commiaeion SCE 90-02.PF0/kl P'INAL ORDER 90-05 PC - RIM/KOLVE - PAGE 5 � i r : ___ .. _ . . _ _ ,�r "� AGENllA ITEM 5.3 STPaFF REPORT FEBRUARY 13, 1990 TIGARD CITY HALL - TOWN HALL 13125 SW HALL BZVD. TIGARD� OREGON A. FACTS 1. GENERAL INF'ORMATION CASL: Sign Code Variance VAR 90-0003/Sign Code Exception SCE 90-0002 REQUEST: A requeat for approval of a sign code variance to allow placement of a roof sign above a roof line. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DE�IGNAT7CON: C-G (General Comm,ercial) ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (General Commeroial) 1�PLICANT: Sue Kim OWNER: Gerry Kolve 14463 SW PacifiC Highway P.d. Box 23968 Tigard, OR 97224 Tigard, OFt 97223 LOCATION: 14463 SW Pacific Highway (WCTM 2S1 lOAB, tax lot 200) 2. Background Information The aubject site was annexed to the City in March, 1965 (Ordinance No. 65-5). In March, 1976 a eite development review application wae approved by the Tigard Deaign Review Board for conetruction of a Thriftway store (3DR 4-76). A 1,7U0 equare foot addition wae approved in April, 1977 by the Review IIoard. � Planning Commission approved conditional use (CU 9-78) allowed operation of a title inaurance � company in Canterbury Square as of May, 1978 and an electronic game center was approved as a conditional use in 1981 (CU 6-81). In 1983, 1984, 1987, and 1989 temporary usee were approved to allow the operation of three Pet Prevent-A-Care evente (TU 14-f33, TU 4-84, and TU 89-01) and a fireworks etand (TU 89-01) . Since 1972 a number of sign permite have been isaued for the building located at 14463 3W Pacific Highway but it ia not clear when the I existing roof signs were installed. Sign permit SF-02-87 iseued in 1987 allawed a change of copy on an exiating roof aign on the north elevation. In February, 1988, staff contacted th� manager of Univereal Video, a . vidQO atore occupying the eubject buildiag at the time, and Mr. Gerry IColve, owner of t�x lot 200, as part of a larger effort to bring SIGI�i CODE LXCEPTION SCE 90-0002 - ICIM/KOLVL FRGE 1 � � � , � ,.. , .. �. ,_ c � eleven roof aigns and a freestanding aign located in Canterbury Square into conformance. In April, 1988 Mr. Kolve and eleven Canterbury Square buaineos owners were notified aoncerning nonconforming roof eiqna �ocated there. The nonconformfng eigizs were describecd and thoae who received the letter were asked to contact the City� and/or eign a voluntary compliance agreement. Mr. Kolve eigned two voluntary compliance agreements, one for the nonconforming freestanding sign (Case No. 88-78-Z) and one for the eleven nonconforming roof signs (Gase Nos, 88-(79-86)-Z). The subject aigns were identiFied as Caee No. SS-79-Z. Ordinanae No. 88-20, adopted by the City Council on July 25, 1988, amended Chapter 18.114 of the Code pertaining to signs. '�he ordinaa►ce defined "roof line" (it now reada: " the top edge of a roof or building parapet, whichever is higher.. .") and amended the definition of a roof sign (it now reads: "a aign erected fully upon or directly above a roof line or parapet� of a buflding..."). Ae a consequence of the adoption of Ord. SS-20 most of the aigne located in Canterbury Square now comply with the sign code, exceptions include the � nonconforming freestanding eign and the subject aign. i Ordinance No. 88-20 became effective August 2�, 1988. Shartly � i thereafter Canterbury Square tenants, including the m�nager of tlxe ! video business that was located at 14463 SW Pacific Highway, were sent � lettere and asked to contact the Planning Division. �n January, 1989, � the manager attended a pre-application conference to apply for a variar�ce. One month l�ter, no acti.on had been taken to bring the ! subject roof signs into compliance. Since that time the tenanta at 1 14463 SW Pacific Fiighway changed. The subject building is now � occupied by Kim's Hair Design. j � Pacific Highway and the adjoining frontage road are scheduled for ' i reconstruction in the summer of 1990. The frontage road wiil be closed off to the north and south at SW Gaarde and Bull Mountain Road; turn lanes and an entrance will be conetructed to aerve i Canterbury Square. In Felsruary, 1989 Mr. Kolve signed a voluntary complianae agreement atating that he would bring the existing � nonconforming freestanding into con�ormance upon completion of the reconstruction of Pacific Highway. 3. Vicinity Information : Canterbury Square (is eurrounded by R-12 (ReaidentiaY, 12 unite/acre) ' to the north, west, and south. Property to the east, beyond Pacific � Highway, ie zoned R-12 and C-G (General Commercial) . ! I 4. Site information and Proposal Description i The applicarit�s business ia located on the eaet eide of Canterbury ' Square, separate from the clugtQr of etores located on the weet eide i of �ihe shopping center that include a pet store, hardware etore, dzy a i SIGN CODE LXCEPTION SCL 90-0002 — KIM/KOLVE PAGE 2 � a { ' �� cleanera and other commeroial uees. The bueiness ie surrounded on three sidea by a parking lot. Ite east elevation faces Pacific HIighw�y and a frontage road. Z�he elevation of the site is approximately 280 feet. The aubject building ie approxi.mately 1423 square feet in aize and 9 feet in height measured from grade to building eave. The elevation of Pacific Highway varies from approximately 290 to 295 .feet just in front of the applicant's businesa. The applicant proposes to continue the uae of two iionconforming roof signe located above the roof on the north and east elevations of the aubject building. Exact di.meneione of the roof eigns aze not known but each is estimated to be less than 50 sguare feet (2 feet by 25 feet) in size. 5. Agency and NPO Comments The S�ate Highway Divisian, the Engineering Diviefon, and the Building Divieion have reviewed the propasal and have no objectiona to it. No other comments have been received. Bo ANALYSSS AND CONCLUSION An application for a sign aode variance must eatiafy a11 of the ariteria of Section 18.134.050 liated below: ! 1. The proposed variance wi.11 not be materially detrimen�al to the purPoses of this title, be in conflict with the policiee of the i Comprehensivs Plan, to any other applicable policies and standarde, and to other properties in the eame zoning district or vicinity; 2. There are special circumstancee that exist which are peculiar to the lot size or ehape, topography or other circumstancea over which the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other propertiea in the same zoning district; 3. The u�e proposed will be the same ae permitted under thia title and City etandards will be maintained to the greateat extent tha� is � reasonably possible while permitting some economic use of the land; 4. Ex�sting physiaal ansl natural syetems, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land forms, or parks will not be adversely affected any more than would oceur if the development were located aa epecified in the title; and �� 5. The hardehip is not eelf-imposecl and the variance requeated is the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardehip. f: Av�licant's Statement ' The applicant providea a narrative addreeaing theee criteria. The ` applicant po�nts out that the proposed variance will not ba " SIGN CODE EXCEPTION 3CE 90-0002 - RIM/KOLYE PAGE 3 � �' �' s; �ti � , _ , . i materially detrimental to any other propertiea in the eame zoning diatrict or vicinity and that apecial circumetances exiet over which the applicant has no control. The special circumstance is the relationahip of the roof line and the higher elevation of Pacific Highway. According to the appliaant, this epecial circumstance requires that the roof eign be allowed to remain as is so that it is vieible to paseing motorists traveling on Paci£ic Highway. With respect to the remaining criteria the applicant pointa out that the use (a hair styling salon) is a permitted use in the C-G zoning district, that existing phyaical and natural systems will not be adver��ly effectedR that the hardehip is not self-impoeed and the vari.ance requested ie the minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. Staff Analvsis and Conclusion �� Staff agrees that the use is a permitted use, that existing phyeical j and natural systeme will not be acivereely affected, that the sign code variance would not be detrimental to other properties in the vicinity, and tihat the hardehip is not self-impoeed. Staff dieagrees i �hat the special topographic circumstancee warrant the continued use � of the roaf sign. Staff aleo coneiders the varianc� requeeted to be detrimental ico the purpose af the Co�amunity Development Cocle. ; Special Topographic Circumstances Pacific Yiighway ie 10-15 feet higher th�n the ground on which the applicant's building is located. This in itself does not create a problem. What does create a problem is the guazd rail located on the southbound side of Pacific Iiighway which partially obacures the east face of the subject building. Although the eaet building face is fully visible from the right-sidQ southbound lane of Pacific Highway, visibility decreaaea from the left lane and is further reduced for traffic travelling north or� Pacific Highway until only a small portion of the east building face, just below the eave, is visible. '�hough small, this area is adequate enough in size to accommodate a aign of the allowable size (15$ of any building face on which the sign ie located {Section 18.114.130)) that would be entirely vieible to F southbound traffic and partially visible to northbound traffic. Furthermore, if the sign ie carefully desiqned, paesing motoriats traveling in either direction would be able to identify the �`I applicant's buainese. Staff concedea that such a eign wi11 be less ' vieible than the propoeed roof sign but also pointa out that the �� exis�ing freestanding eign will be brought into conformance some time '� in 199A, upon reconetruction of Pacific Highway, and that the ;'' applicant will. have an opportunity to place a highly visible tenant �'I sign in the freestanding eign. Thfs, in combination with a well- t� designed wall aign, will provide the applicant with more than adequate `I eignage. o��� � With respect to the roo£ eign Located on the north eide of the SI�N CODE EXCEPTION SCE 90-OOp2 - KIM/KOLVE PAGL 4 ': € �,{. l'+ l;.'! i� , �.; �:}, , �� � buildinq the topographic circumatances do not apply. A wall sign would provide as much visibility ae a roof siqn. At thie time, the exiating freeetanding eign obscurea the view of the building to such a degree that neither a wall eign nor a roof eign can be ae�n from Pacific Iiighway. Staff assumee that the applicant will have an opportunity to diecuss with the proPerty owner the locatfon of the new freestand3ng eign prior to ita installation and that arrangementa can be made to provide adequate vis;Lbility of a confarming wall sign located on thia building face. Staff concludes that the installation of well-deaign�d conforming wall signe on the north and east building faces would provide the applicant with adequate signage. Propoeal ie Detrimental to the Code The purpcase of Chapter 18.114 (Signay is, in part, to improve the neat, clean, orderly, and attraotive appearance of the cammnnity. To achieve this purpoee the aign code expre�sly prohibits roof aignr� qf any kind with the exception of approved temporary balloona and flush- pitched roof eigne on mansard style roofs w�iere the roof angle ie greater than 45$ from horizontal. The prohibition of roof signe ie intended to prevent the undeeirable visual i.mpact a�f eign etructure silhouettes above roofs. Approval of th� sign code varianae would set an undeeirable precedent and invite future ap�licat�ona for roof eigns. Therefore, staff recommenda denial of th� sign code warianee. C. STAP'F RLCOMM�NDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission uphold S�ction 18.114.070(h) of the Community Developmerit Code prohibiting roof ei:gns and deny the r�queeted sign cod� variance becauee topoqraphical circumetances are not severe enonqh to justify the variance and approval of the sign code variance would set an undeefrable precedent. Z I'� PREPARED iola R. Goodwin DATE I i Aesietant Planner ; r + � Z-� o i APPROVED BYs Keith Liden D TE � Senior Planner 1 i br/SCE90-02.vg { I � � � i i , I I 3IGN CODE LXCEPTION �SCE 90-0002 - KIM/KOLVE PAGE 5 i I ,��i� � ,��� . �'��`i � �� � � \ � = �� �� � ��� ���� �i -�r16-�� � �� � � � �� ��� � :�► .�:. :,' � �i�� ���_ :- �`i►��i� � Ij � .�� �1�� .���� ♦♦ ♦ ♦ .� . `. � n - . . �� �� ������. �C. �'? �� � . � ■�� �'i'��� ♦ � �� � � ,,,,,. : .,,. .�.� �� _ . _�_���� ��• �,�i � ,�: -n._ . . . -� �. . _��� I � _ �i������ ,��� � ` � . ��' �/ ������ � �7� "'o�� ���i����, �;�� �� � ��'�� �� I ��1♦ �,♦ws •,�� � � ��i �� ��� •. ,i, � �� -Z��� • , ♦ 1 � ■� a �� �� ��� �� �, i ■.�� . � �� �I�i ♦ '• ��� �� ���r1 � �� �1 `'�y' � ♦ �� /�/� � - I/� � I�rr � �1�� �'� ` `�� � ` �� �� ■�1■��'�:�1.� a��►1 . , ,� . e ������ _ i ', . '• � ' "��� �y�._ � �■�■�������1�� �� �►,,� � �1� - • ���� ,��■1�r_,u�� E£l���11,� ;;1,� �. 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' , '• 1 i ' , � , � , , �� � ; . 9 ; , : : . 1 � j t ; i � � � � � , f ' ! � s { i ' � ! ! � i � � ' ; � 1 1 i ' ! ! .. . .. —�' I i � �. ..�_______ l `` i � -------�_ � ��, _ .. AGENDA ITEM 5•� a STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: February 20, 1990 - 7:30 PM HEARING LOCATION: Tigard City Ha1L - Town Hall �13125 SW H�11 B1vd. Tigard, OR 97223 A. FACTS l. General Informatian CASE: Comprehenaive Plan 1�mendment CPA 90-00001 REQUEST: 1) Plan Map Amendment from Low Density Re€�idential (approximately 68 acrea) and Medium Density Residential (approximately 10 acrea) to Commercial Professional. 2) Plan text amendment (Policy Document) to add Section 11.8 related to the sauth M�tzger area of special aoncern (Neighborhood Planning Organization �k8). The text amendment outlines a procesa for development and approval of a master plan for the� area, future r.ezon,ing, and provision of necesaary public facilities through an urban renewal plan or alternative means. APPLICANT: City of Tigard OWNERS: Several LOCATION: See att�,ched Map One 2. Protaoeal Description 5ee attached Map One regarding the area propc�sed for redesignation and Appendix One for the text of the proposed text amendment . The proposed amendment�s are intended to be the first step in the establiahment of an urban renewal distri,ct far the subject propertiea and surrounding area. 3. Aqenev and NPO Commente The Engineering Divieion, Building Division, Waehington County Dc�partment of Land Use and Traneportation, and Tigard 5chool District 23J have provided cacnments on the proposal which are included in �II Appendix Two. � Tualatin Valley Fire and Reacue District, Metzger Water District, and Portland General Electric have reviewed the proposal and returned the request for c�ommente form noting "no objections". The City of Tigard Police Department, the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, �regon State Highway Diviaion, NPO �8, CPO #4(Metzger), Tri-Met, ST�E'F REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PRGE 1 _ f� 6 t _ � > > . , i ( � . Q o��� i �Q � �...�Y � Q ; 0 ♦ o�. .'� y' ' . BOMAR •'� e�VO � CT. '''1 CH S � SIR ,HTzo m � � z ! CEAOERCREST ' � 0 �� N � � a � J CHESNUT 1 . I �' ( ui WiOSf!INCTOh �< gpROERS / ELMN scria�' ST. . .. ` .•��. MALL � .. ° HEML.00K S' ,1�. �CNESCEHT CrROVE�. � ONi LEHMANN ST �• � � CEME7ERY m « � v = o � c�LARCH� Sl ' • w CORAL �' ST, ( � �ANa � .26 2 �MET76ER F�MEA'I�AYj �3 4j SCNOOL ` `�a �CU: • MAPLE�EAF C�/� 5T. MAPI. LL: m n J � D n OAI tn ap � a - v �^ PI NE �j � .� C ' N Q O/ �� SP SHADY LN '� ��.����e • �. '� � THORN ST. � BLVD. / � W � OR — —•� _ a S7EV �Q � .T. ,J �` = ST. ui c : �; p��' ._ ) !L.I W D ° c a ti F . 1 ( � . Q .� �w, � a .) DAKOTA ST. Q c� F- °1 w � BFAFPLE ( Q Q w T R � ` ` � a Q > � RG a, �, �w F,.. s� a °'a ` g a � , �`�y rr �Ewis � 9 . �. � CT LN. y � m � A�7� a Z L�� J .DOW O1 �ONDCT. � TAN E A c�i� �Q y� . CT. w i a q , VICINITY NiAP � ,,�� 4 Northwest Natural Gas, and US West Telephone Company were aleo asked £ar comments on the propnsal. No comments have yet been received from these agencies and organizations. B. FZNDINGS AND CONCLUSION'u' , The applicable criteria in this case are Statewide Planning Goals l, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12 City of Tigard Goanprehensiv� Plan Policies 1.1.7., 2.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 4.�.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.4, 5.1.1, 6.3.3, 6.6.1, 7.1.2, 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.6.1, 7.7.1, 8.1..1, 8.1.3, 8.2.2, and 12.],.2 (iocatianal criteria fnr Commercral Professional Plan designation) and �he Metzger-Progress Area P].an. The Planning Division concludes that �the proposal i€� aonsistent with the appliaable Statewide Planning Goa1a and Guidelines based upon the following f inrlinge: Statewid� Plannina Goal 1 (Citizen Involvementl 'Phe Gity of Tigard ensures the opportunity £or citizens to be involved in the review of land use and development appl3.�ations thraugh the referral of all development applications to neighborhood organizations fox camment, through the review of certain typ�a of land use and develapment actions through public hearing processes; and through following prescribed notifiaation requirement for public hearings and for notices of decieions. Notice of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Map and text amendment waa provided to Neighborhood Planning Organization NPO #8 on January 29, 1990. NPO �8 reviewed the proposal at its meetings on January 17, 19�0 and February 14, 1990. In addition, NPO �l and NPO #2 aleo reviewed the proposed amendment on February 14, 199�. Other neighborhood planning ; organizationa as well as other City of Tigard boarde and committees were { notified of tt�e proposed amendment at a meeting on February l, 1990. The ; City•s Park Board reviewed the proposed amendment on Februar,y 6, 1990. The j City's Tranaportation Committee reviewed the proposal on February 8, 1990. In addition, a numJber Af community meetinys regarding the proposed amendment and urbar� renewal plan were held on various dates that were open to members of the Metzger community. The City of Tigard Flanning Commieeion will receive public written or oral testimony dn the proposed Plan amendment at their public hearing on February 20, 1990. The City Council will receive public teatimony on the prapaeal at the public hearing scheduled for Marah 5, 1990. The City of Tigard provided mailed notice to property owners wi,thin 250 feet of the properties aubject to the Map amendment twenty days in advance of the Planning Commission and CiL•y Council hearinga on the proposed �� action. Notice was published in the Tiqard Times newspaper on February S, " 1990 and February 22, 1990. t Statewide Plannina Goal 2 lLand Uee Planninu) is satis€ied through City ,� procedures and meaaures which call for the City to apply a11 applicable ;; Statewide Planning Goals, City Comprehensive Plan Policies, and Community STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 2 " 4: l' G' V: ��. �i �' F". � t.' L Pi �, . . . . ... � . . . . .. � . �J, �.�±=a . . . .. . . . '.� � . �� �.. . � .,,�.a...., � '1 l � . Development Code xequirements to the review of the propoeal being presented. Statewide PlanninQ Goal 9 (Economv of the Statel fs satisfied because the groposed Plan Map amendment wnuld substantially increase the City of Tigard°s inventory of commercially deaignated land. If the proposed Plan t�xt amendment to Section 11 is adopted, this land would become available , for developmex�t through rezpning only when policies requiring an overall � develapment pl.an and provision of necessary public facilities are aatisfied . Fu�ure cnmmercial development of thie area would be anticipated �o create substantial employment opportunitiea, both permanent joba and temporary con�truction joba, as well as inarease the assessed value o£ the involved properties. The Trammell Crow Company has presented a preliminary conceptual plan for development of the aubject properties as well as adjacent properties. 7�rammell Crow Cornpany projects an increase in value for theae propertiea from the current $5 mil�ion aese�aed value to $4�00 million. Ten thousand permanen�. �obs and 2.5 million aquare feet of professioaal office and commercia]. spac� are projeoted along with 4,000 construction jobs. With �oadway impxove�ents necessary to develop these properties, it is anticipated that nearby under-utilized propertiea will become more attractive for potential development thereby furthering p�eitive i.mpacts on �he City af Tigard's employment base as well as the City's total asseased praperty valuation. Stat�ewide Goal 10 (Houeina�, The subject area currently containa 87 dwelling units. Current Plan designationa provide for a maxi.mum ho�sing opportuni�y for 475 dwelling units for the eubject area without a full analyais regarding how muah of �this land is unbuildable becauae of wetlands and floodplain area ar unattractive for development for other reasons. � Although redesignation of this area from reeidential to oommercial designatiarxe will remove exieting houeing as well as posaible future housing opportunities from the city based only upon a simple analysie, the area to be redesignated has already been adversely affected by the impacts of adjacent commercial develnpment to the west as well as nearby busy roadways and therefore is not well auited for continued residential uee or additional residential development. The area ie generally bounded by two busy arteriale - Highway 217 and SW Hall Boulevard, as well as two major collector etreets - SW Greenburg Road and SW Locust Street. Even without redeeignation of the eubject prnperties, tra:Efic on theae roads ie anticipated to increase with �ttendant increases in noise and congestion effecta on the neighborhood. The general area is characterized as tranaitional, that is, it i.s an existing eingle family dietrict that is converting to commercial use. Characteriatic� of the a,rea which support thie converaion and contribute to the decline in livability for eingle family reeidents include: STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 3 1 L__ _ _ - -- -- _ , , , Poor condition of residential. streets not built ta City standards, Lack of eidewalks, parks and other r�creational facilities, Poor drainage aonditions and occasional flooding, Hiqh traffic volumee on residential streete causing conqestion and safety problem�, An e.lementary school in the area which is at the very edge of ita service area, is xnappropriately lacated, and ie in proximity to congeeted atreets with high traffic volume�, Overall n�ise, congestion, and high 1�vels of activity in residential ''i areas cauaed by the praximity of commercial and offioe uees, � Declining residential land and praperty values. i Commercial redesignation of the subj�ct area will not affect the City of Tigard's compliance with Oregon Administrative Rulee, Chapter 660, Division � 7 -the Metropolitan Housing Rule's hou�ing oppartunity requirements for �ingle family -- multi-family mix and minimum residential density for deveI.opable residential �rnperties since the propertiea are largely developed and therefore are not considered buildable land by the Comprehensive Plan°s buildable landa inventory. The Cit�'s houeing opportunity index currently provides an opportunity for 10.22 dwelling units per buildable acre on 1,295 vacant buildable acreso Statewide Plannina Goal il (Public Facilitiesl ie sati�fied by the antiripatea infrastructure that mu�t acaommodate future develo,pment. A timetable for orderly and timely development of neceseary �ub�ic facilities has been developed as part of an urban renewal plan £or trie area. Domeetic water, firo, s�wer, etorm drainage, roads and other ianpartant services, (i.e. police, fire, and additional general services) will key a11 future �evelopment in th� ar�a. In additinn, the companion text amendment would require that an overall development plan, zone change, in£rastructure plan, and implernentation plan be adopted before development can be approved. Statewide PlanninQ Goal 12 (Trans►9artation) will be satisfied throwgh needed transportatibn improvements to be constructed by implementatian of an urban renewal plan, and through additional planning requirements to be established through the proposed plan amendment that must be satiefied prior to the properties being made aeailable far development. A Preliminary Traffic Analysie hae been co�pleted which analyzed traneportation conditiona in and around the subject area, and identified negded traneportation improvements. The analysis found that the existing road network syatem within the area is currently operating at less than acceptable levele of eervice at specific intersections and will continue to be over capacity without major improvements. Capacity deficienciea exiet during the p.m. peak period at all of the intersections along Greenburg �; Road and at the Highway 217 on and off ramps. This capacity deficiency STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 4 � � �;� ":.; �:� }, '_ l ,, �. �' r -� .. _. . . . ..,. , pertains to the through movementa along Greenburg Road. This makes mntorists making left turn movements from side etreets experience long delays waiting tn exit onto the mai.n atreet. Traffic volumea in the Gresnburg Road area hav� increased dramaticallY over the past six years without eignificant impravernenta to iche surrounding street systemo Tntersection and roadway improvemente are required to accommodate the existing development in the area. In addition, further interaectian improvemen�s are required to accommodate the development of the subjeet area under the proposed land �i e C aw1gCompany, and�co�nYep�na���i°��eof plan proposed per the Tramm tran�por�ation improvements are identified in th� Preliminary Traffic Analysia Repo�ct. Necessary transportation improvementa (or eim�.lar impravements) �� i.dentified in the Preliminary Traffic Analyeis report WiII b or else uwill through implementati.on of the proposed urban renewal plan, need to be constructed by future developers through a development agreement with the City. The conipanion Plan text amenclment to 5eotion �x �O�nd rec;uire that an overall develapment plan, i.nfrastruature plan, imp].eanentation plan be adopted before developme�xt ap�rovals can be granted by the City. 3tatewide Plannincs Goal 13 is satiafisd partly due to the ex�panded and efficient use of the transportation syetem, thereby in itself promoting energy conservation. The use of madern technologies in �he building desi,gns will further save our natural resourcea. New building syatems are designed to oonse,rve not only energy but alao enh�nce the effeotive use of building materials, site deeign, water and sun management, to name but a fsw. The planning staff have determined that the propasal ia conaistent with app'licable portians of the Comprshensive Plan based upon the findinga noted belowa Plan Policv 1.1.1 p � liciee a) The proposed development is coneiatent wi�th a plicable lan po as demonstrated in the following tex� and ia coneistent with the growth patterns and ghysioal changes in the fabxia of the City. b) Because of continued inoreases in traffic and noise imgacts upon the eubject neighborhood from neazby roadways and non-reaidential uees, ,a the neighborhood hae experienced a change of phy�i.cal circumatances affecting its long-term suitabil.ity for continued low and medium density reaidential uae. one of the primary reasone for chooaing to live ir a single-family reeidence or a medium d�ns3.ty muZti-family� reaidential development is that euch developmeants pravide yard areas in which residents may rolax, garden, and let their children play. Present noise and other traffia impacta upon tfie aubject neighloorhood ; undoubtedly have reduced the desirability of these pra�ertiee for euch purauits. ' PAGE 5 i STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA � � The poor condition of residential atreets, lack of eidewalks, parka and other recreational facilitiea, poor drainage conditiona, declining residential. lanci and �raperty values, and an overall increase in noiee, congestion and high levela of activity in the eingle family residential area caused by the proximity of commercial and offiae ases have contributed to the area's decline in livability. A degree of mistake can be therefore b� aeen wi.th regard to the existing Plan deaignations. Tt is assumed that the current dQaignations were intsnded by Washington County to reflect existing levels and types of development and protect Exig�ing uses from diesimilar, incompatible uaes. However, becauae the area i� roughl.y bounded by two arterials and two major collector streete and abut� intenaive commercial use� to the west, Waehington County's plan for this area shauld have recognized that increasing noise and traEfic would affect th� suitability of the area for single-family use and plan accordingly for conversion o,f the area to more suitable uaes. The present propos�l attemp�ts to accomplish that conversion. Plan Policies 3.2.1, 3.2.20 3.2.3, 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 will be conaidered through the review of any future development proposals for the subject area that may have impacts on the designated 100 year floodplain of Ash Creek and asso�iated wetlandg. Any subaequent development propoeals affecting theee ret�ourcea will need to b� reviewed through the City of Tigard'e Sensitive Lands review proceas and referral of wetland modification requeeta to the Oregon Division of State Landa, Oregon Department of Fiah and Wildlife, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other interested agenciea for their review, comment, and applicable permitting proceasese The proposEd redesignation of this area to Profeasional Commercial currently under x�eview presents no direct con:Elict with theae Plan policiea. Plan Polictr 4.3.1 will be considered fullp through the review of noise impacte of development propoeals in the subject area with regard to the location of .roadways, parking areae, and mechanical equipment in relation to surrounding uses. The currently proposed Plan redesignation does not by itself affect noise congeetion levels in the area and in fact may provide apportun3.tie� for mitigating noise impacta through the required review of development applicatiox�e or a master plan for the, area. Plan Policv 5.1.2 ie eatiefied because redesignation of the subject area would increase the oppartunities for commercial development with attendant growth of the local job market. The City�s inventory of available developable co►YUnercial property would increase upon later rezoning of these propertiea in association with the provision of appropriate levels of public facilities and services ae required by �he proposed amendmente to Section ll of the Comprehenaive Plan. (See also the responee to Statewide Planning Goal 9. ) Plan Policv 5.1.4 statee that commercial and induetrial development shall not encroach into reeidential neighborhoods. The propoaed map redeeignation would not encroach or make inroade into an eatabliahed STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGL 6 \ residential neighborhood but inatead would entirely replace an existing neighborhood that has already been severely impacted by adjacent commercial development and r�earby roadwaye. The proposed redesignation would convert ' all propertie� baunded by Hi.ghway 217, �reenburg 12oad, Locust Street, and ' FTall Boulevaard to Cornmercia]. Plan designatior�s except for the parceI.e which includea the Deodar Condominiuma on SW 87th Avenue and several parcels in the sautheaet oorner of this area. The condominium own�rs reportedly do nnt wish their development to be i,r�cluded in the area proposed for redesig�nation. The properties in the southeast corner of the area are all oriented to SW Hall Boulevard rather than to internal streeto and therefore do not funotion as a neighborhood with the area proposed for redesignation. Cammercial redesignation of tha subject area would be antfcipated to increasQ values of these neighboring properties to the southeast which are designated Medium Den�ity Reeidential and may help spur redevelopment of some underdeveloped parcels ix� this area. Redesignation of the subject area and later development wil.l undoubtedly result in additional traffic on adjacent etreets and potential impacts on neighborh�ods to the e3et of Hall Houlevard and north of Locust Street. The propos�d plan text amendment zequiring detailed public facility planning and provision of neceasary improvements concurrent with development is intend�d to mitigat� impacts of any increased development upan these adjacent neighborhoode so that no commercial encroachment into neighborhoods will, oecur beyond the boundari�s fermed by the colleator and art�rial streets. The ma�ster plan fr�r th� �rea ehould endeavor to direct traffic from the future aommercial develapment away from theae neighborhoods. P1an Folicv 6.1.1 is not at iseue with the proposed redesignation. The prop�sed redesignation wau].d remave the opportunity for approximately 475 dwelling units baeed on gross acreage and current Plan de�ignations. These proparties ar� aignificantly impacted by noiee, congestion, and lack of adequa�.e public facilitiee and thus would not be anticipated to develop in accordance with current opportunities. Off�setting any loss in housing oppartunities �or the subject parcele may be the increased attractivenesa of neighboring underdeveloped Medium Density Residential propertiea alcsng Hall Blvd. for residential redevelopment because of aommercial development of the subaect parcele. (See aleo the preceding discuaeion of Statewide Plannirag Goal 10 and Plan Policy 5.1.4) . Diacuasion of possible loet houaing opportunities wxthin thie area may be moot depending upon future application of zoning to the subject area, possible changes in the Gommunity Develo�nent Code, and the development of a master plan for the area. Plan Policv 5.1.5 permita high deneity reaidential development above the second floor in axeas designated Commercial Professional. The Community Development Code currently allows residential development in the C-P zoning dietr�ict (the zon�ng dietrict which ultimately i.mplements the Commercial Profesefonal Plan deaignation) in only the Tigard Triangle and Bull Mountai.n Road C-P districts. This could be expanded in the future to allow i STAFF REPGRT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 7 I _I j i l 'l: -._.. _ _ --:.'_.._. _ . ._.� _ _ :c. __ .,:r,...._ . J r �� high density residential development above the second flooz in the sub�ect area. Plan Poliav 6.3.3 is satiefied because the proposed map redesignation would provide for replacement of an establiehed, but somewhat deteriorated, neighborhoocl �o more logical boundaries between residential and commercial developments than currently exists. The proposed amendment to the text of Section 11 of the plan is intended to assure that adequate levels of public facilities are pravided and that detailed site plans are developed with the intent of mitigating or eliminating impacts of future development of the area ugon other adjacent neighborhoods so as to preserve and enhance the character of those neighborhoods. Plan Policv 6.6.1 ia satisfied becauae the Community Development Code requires buffering between different types of land uses and acreening of service areae, storage areas, and parking lote. These requirements wi11 b� S.mposed upon any subsequent development proposal within the area propoaed £or redesignatian thr�ough the Planned Development and Site Development Revisw procesaes. Plan Policies 7.1.2� 7.3.1, 7.4.4, 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.6.1, 7.7.1 are eatisfied beaau�e the City of Tigard Engineering Division, Police Department, Metzger Wa�er Dietrict, Tualatin Valley Fire District, PGE, U.Se West Telephone, and the Northwest Natural Gas Company were notified af th� proposed plan amendments; �everal of these agencieA have submitted comments which are attached ta this report as Attachment A; and none of thoee agencie� or public utilities have raised concerns at this time with iheir abilitiee to provid�e storm drainage, police, wat�x, eanitary sewerage, fire protection, elec:tricity, telephone, and natural gas services to future co[nmercial development of the area. SeveXal agencies h.ave noted that additional details xegarding their public aervices and utility networke will need to be worked out through the urban renewal plan, master plan, zone chanc�e, and Site Development Review processes that will n�ed to occur prior to any commeraial d�velopment in the area proposed for redesignation. The text amendment proposes zoning conversion criteria to aesur� that public utility anc� service n�eds are satisfied priar tu rezoning the propertiee to a commercial zoning deaignation. Plan Policv 8.1.1 is satisEied because the proposed redesignation would provide for futazre commerciai development of an area bounded by two arterialg (Hall Boule�ard and Highway 217) and two ma�jor collector etreete and therefare is a logical location for intensive commercial ueage. Although all of theee streets are currently underdeveloped for anticipated traffio levels generated by slevelopment of the eubject area in addition to existing traffic, needed traffic improvements have been identified and are planned for construation prior to or aoncurrent� with development. See diecuss3.on under Statewide Goal 12. The intent of Plan Policv 8.1.3 is satiefied by the implementatian of an urban renewal plan for the area which will construct needed transportation and other infrastructure in advance of development. In addition, the STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 8 � proposed Plan text amendment reguires that an overall development plan, infrastructure plan, and implementation plan be adopt�d before specific development can be apprnved. The City also intends to enter into a development agreement with the Trammell Crow Company. That agreement will i identify the improvements needed, timing, financing responsibility and ', other conditions which will �atisfy thia policy, . Plan Policv 8.2.2 is satisfied becauee Tri-Met offers bus service to the entire Washington Square area. Therefore, the propnsed development would locate an intene3.v� type of developmen� in cloee proximity to existing public transit route. Further, the intensity of the propoeed development will create a greater source area for Tri-Met, thereby enhancing service to cover a larger geographical areao Plan Palicv 12.2.1 The appXicable locational critaxia for Commercial Profeasional development (12.2.1 (c) (3) ) are satisfiad for the following reasons: ae Spacinq and Locatiofl The locatianal criteria require that a Commercial Professional area not be suxrounded by residential districte on more than two sides. The entire w�et and aouthwest sidee of the subject area abut an existing Commercial Profesaional axea. The northern boundary af the eubject area ie SW Locuat Street. This atreet will provide a bounderary between the Commercial Profeasional area to the aouth and Lower Density Residential areas to th� north. Thia area north of SW Zncuet Street ie in the Metzger area of unincorporated Washington County. The eaetern boundary of the subject area ie adjacent ta a mix of Medium Density Reaidential areae, Commercial Professional and commercial General areas. The southeast carner af the area is � adjacemt to a medium density residential are. The proposed Plan Map amendment meets this criteria. No individual parcel within the subject area ie surrounded by residential districts on more than two sides. Furthermore, the propo�ed amendment will result in a rational boundary for the Commercial Profesaional district, with SW Locust Street to the north, a buffer of inedium density residential to the east, (which liea between the commercial profeesional area, SW Ha1Z Boulevard and a single family are to the eaet of SW Hall). Iiighway 217 ie the boundary of the commercial professional district to the south and southeast. The weatern boundary for the entire Commercial Profeasional dietrict ia SW Greenburg Road. b. Access A "Preliminary Transportation Analysis for Presfdent�s Parkway", A.TEP, 1990 has been submitted to the City to support the prepar�tion of the President�s Parkway Development Plan (urban renewal plan). Asetuning a . STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-OOQ1 - 29ETZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA PAGE 9 ��-.�. .. . .. � _. � . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . ... .... .. ... .. . ..:: -.t �, S � concept plan proposed by Trammell Crow Company is realized tor the ' subjeat area, •the transportation analysis preliminarily identifies tranaportation improvemente which are needed in order for the existing street syatem to operate at acceptable level� af service, and additional transportation improvemente which are needed to acaommodatE traffic generated bl the development assumed in the concept plan. These preliminary transportation improvement projects (or similar � `� projects) are to be implemented through the proposad urban renewal plan and throug.h a development agreement to be n�qotiated between the City and the Tramme�.l Crow �ompany. � The City recognizes that the concept plan is preliminary and aubject ' to change, and that the proposed traneportation impravements are also : prelimina�y and eubject to change. The City� aleo recognizes that the � Trammell Crow Companx is acting in good faith to identify I txansportatian needs based on the irxformation available today. i A campanian Comprehensive Pla� text amendm�nt ie proposed which I requires the City to adopt a Planned Development di�trict foz the area I and to adopt conceptual and final development plan�s which outline specific us�s, d�nsiti�a and improvements within th� district. The amendm�nt also requires that more detailed transportation, infrastructure, implementation/finanr.ing, and deeign guidelines be adopi:ed a� part of �he conceptual developm�nt plan. The amendmen�k requires that all development permits and other major land ue�e actinns be conaiste�.t wi�h an adopted conceptual development plan. The urban x�newal plan anticipates that amendment� to projecte carried nut by tkae urban renewal agency will k�e made based on the resulte of thie more detailed planning process. Therefore, thia criterion has been met. Staff finds that the process proposed in the Plan text amendment ie aufficient to ensure that specific acceas and traneportation nesds can be identified, projecte defined, and implementation program� es�abliahed 3.n nx�der to meet the access ariteria. a. Site Charact�riatica The site characteristics criteria require that the affected eite be of a size which aan accommodate preaent and prajected neede and that the aite have high visibility. The subject action appliea to a total of approximately 78 acres, creating a total Commer.ial Pro£essional dietrict approaching 100 acres. The eubject ai�e, together with lande already deeignated Commercia�l Profeasianal, have visibility from Highway 217, SW Greenburg Road, SW Locust Stre�t and SW Hall Boulevar�i. The proposed actfon meets the aite characteriatica criteri�. d. Impact Assesement Without an actual detailed development propasal, it ie difficult to asaesa whether the ecale of dev�elopment will be compatible with STAF'F kEPOFtT - CPA 90-0001 - METZGER SCHOOL AREA CPA �AGB 10 �. � _ _ _ _ , . . 4� adjacent uees. However, the propoaed Plan text amendment provides a procc��s in which such detailed considerationg can be incorpc�rated into a Plann�ed Development Diatrict. In addition, the companion Plan text amendment requiree that phagea be identified within an overall development plan, and that meaeures be defin@d to reduce construction impacts and on-going impacte to adjacent axeas. Staff finds that the procese propaaed in the Plan amendment ia suffics.ent to ensure that specific impacte can be identified, projects defined, and implementation programs eatablished in order to meet the impact asaeaement criteria. Metzger-Pro�ress Co►�muaity Plan. The Metzger-Pragraes Community Plan, developed wh3.le this area was still under the jurisdiction of Washington County, containe general and apecific guidelinea for the area generally bounded by SW Sch�lle Ferry Road, Taylors Ferry Roac3, � Highway 217, and Pacific Aighway. The Metzger-Pr,ogress Plan designates the eubject area for low and medium density residential use as wel.l as in�titutional uae for the Metzger 5chool property. When the subjeat properties wer.e annexed into the City of Tigard in 1987, the Ci�y applied Plan and zoning designations comparable to the Waehington County designations. The progc,sed Plan map amendment would also changs the Metzger-Progreas Plan Map designations. The Metzqer Plan statea that "the area between Metzger and Washington Square/Progrea�, along Greenburg Road.. .. serves as an area of tran�ition between intensive uaes to the west and lower denaity usee on the east. . . . The area is not intendeci to be expanded to �he �zast." As proviouely noted, this area hae been aignificantly irnpacted by �djacent �.ntensive uses and by major roadways and etaff therefore finde that the area's long-term euitability for residential use hae been d3.minished thereby making expansion of comonercial uaes to the eaet appro�riate aa long as the master planning concept outlined in the proposed Plan text amendment is employed. Thig report, at Policy lel.l.b, explains why the prior decieion by Washingt�n County can be coneidered to be a mistake with respect to the lnng-term suitability of the area for reaidentfal use. ; Two areas of special concern are identified in the Metzger Plan for the aubject area. Area of Special Concern 7 includes eeveral properties west of SW 87th Avenue and south of SW Locuat Street. The Metzger Plan calls for develogment within this ar�a to pay epecial � attention to efficient accees to the area, impa,ets on local streeta, and other deeign coneiderationa which will help make future �E dev�elapment compatible with adjacent residential property. Area of ; Special Concern 8 includee the area of wetlands and floodplain ' adjacent to Aeh Creek as well as other adjacent properties. The Plan � calls for development within thie area to maintain floodwater storage � capacity and wildlife habitat through minimizing the area to be disturbed. The Plan alao calle fox aceeas to thie area to be provided E only from SW 89th Av�enue and for development to be buffered frc�m the � i traffic noiae from Highway 217. � i � STAFF REPORT - CP,A 90-0001 - METZGER 3CHOOL ,1�►REA CPA PAG� 11 �._ 'i i The proposed Plan Map redesignation does not conflict with the special concerns expressed for thess areas. The propoeed Plan text amendment ig aupportive of theae concerns because the text amendment would call far a mastex �lanning ef�ort fnr the enti.re ar�a. Maeter planning should make it easier for theee apecial concern� to be addressed than would b� possibl� in the absence of a maeter plan with piece-by-pieae development. C. RECOMMENDATION Forward a recommendatinn for approval �f the propos�d Plan Map aiaendment (Map One) and Plan Text amendment (Appendix One) to the �ity Council. Pr�pared bya Spencer & Kupper, k�lanning Consultants Jerry Offer, DeveloZxn�nt Review Planner R-PreePk.J'O STAFF REPORT - CPA 90-0001 - METZG�R SCHOOL AREA GPA pJRQg 12 INSERI' INTO G�IMPREHEN�1\/E PLAN� VO�UME TWO-POLICIES, SECTION EL-EVE�1 SPEC±IAL AREAS O� CONCERN ll,r,8 t3�xGEt80RHOOb PLANNING_O�tGANxZATI0�1_!k_8 in 1�989, a major rea�l e�tdtca deve].op�nene compr�ny, togeth�r wi�h in�kerested resic3el�ts and property owne�s, pXOpvsed to the city' m redev�lr,pment concapt Far the ared gener�lly baunded by SW 1Gacus�. SW H�11 Boulevard. kTighW�►y x17 and SW Greemburg Roaci. e e redeveLo m�nt af an co z would re uir th P o �nenk nce 4 The devel p � u atnd ce cam s, exigting sxr�9le� fAmz].� area to a cocnmercio�l oPfi � wotald �eqvi.re �hat the city establish t�n urbE�n r�r�ewal �lan ta help �Eur�d needed public imprc,vem�i�ts anc3 other pz'oject�- � Th� devalopmant canCOpt would t�lso r�quire that the Camp�'eherasive '. pbact designs�ions for portiot�s of tihe aree b� changed 1Erom I�ow ' Derl�ity Resid�ntiir�l to Com►ner�isl P�'ofessi.one�l� nnd sUbsequently. zon� chan�es woulr� also be n,eedec� �rom R�a . 5 to C-1P- F�Nf�aNC38 o Th� CYty oE T�.gard toq�ther �si�ch a mdjor z'eal es��te � ` development com�aa�y e�cogt�i2e the potentiai �or e major � p].dRRec� commexcial and o�f ice develapmet�t i�n the aret+. A Aub].iC/PriVdte pa�'�n�rship h�s ��en Qstabl.�shed� and A� - urba�n r�newr�l plran. entitled the Preszden� ' � Parkw�y DevAl.opment Alan� ha5 been �are��red in order to ilriplemerit th@ CommerCi�+a dev'alppment COt�C@�t . o F�reliminary s�udies com�le�ed fox the President° s Parkway nevelopmptlt plan hr�ve �derltified r►eeded tr�nsportati.on. � public faciliry� �laod cantrol, and other improvernent projeCCS whxch wil.l be neces��xry to serve commercial. dnd office development expected for che �rea. a Addikional studies wil�. be needed as more specific devel.opm�ht plaris are appxoved whiCh z'eFine projects which are c�lready i.dentxfied. and a.dentYf.y ather pro�ects which i dtre not r�ow k�awn. i � o The a�ret� is chare►cterized ess tx'+ar►sitiane:l. tha� is an � e•xisting single family d:istxict thAc �s converting to comm�rci,al use. CktaraCt.eristics of the area which supPort � �his conversion dnd contribute to the decline in �ivdb��.ity � �Eor �ingYe fami�y resid�rts include: • j Poar co�ditxon o� r�si.denti�A1 stireets noti bui.it to city � , r t�t�dards� La�ck d;� sicie�we+lks, pArks and o�her recree�ti.a�Al �C�G i l Yt i.es, popr draine►ge cOhdit�ons J�nd accA$i.ond�. �loadinq, APPENL�IX �NE � �. .. .... �� . . . . . . � . _ .. . ..... ......: �ig� �r�,�fic volume� dnrob3.em�ntzdl 5tireees causing corigestion and safety p �t� elementdxy schoo]. in the �xea whxcciate�y ZocatedY gage ot i,ts service &red' xeS�ed�S��e0C5 with high �nd is in P�d�imi�y �o cong t��,gg�� volurnes� Ovexdll Y1P1Sk3e conge��ion a�nd h�gh l�ve�.s of activity x� residentiai �reas c�u5ed b'y th� p�'oximity o� cnmmereie�l a�n� of�ice� uses� � peclinxng resic��r��ia�l 3,mnd and property valu�s . a sou�nd, unA£ied c�evelopment of high � n �rder to nb��'iri � lan for the en�ire �rea is e r� o a m p e �raJ.�. deve� p 2one che�n9 Qua�lit�� dn pv americ�ment or need�d. A Colt'+px'ehQnSxve P�.en en�pmettt plari �o dll pCOp�rties wilJ, nmt app�Y an csver�ll develop erty aw►�eX wzthin the �'r�strument o�har�than�ausimpl��zone change is �gree�5. An � needed- ro ri�te mezhod �o re�lize an overall �y Tfre most aPP �' � �h� u�e aE the Pldrtned dav�lopmen� p1�'n zs thr�ug Q� Tigard Cnmmunity Dsvelnpm��t Ov�riz�y Ciistri.ct. C�ty D�v��ot��en� Code�. o A Camprek�ensive Ple�n m�p amenc�ment chr�r�ging much of the area �rom Law Den�ity R.e�side�et�it1mus�,cpxecededanXr2o�"�scha�nge,�s needed. Th i s m�p �!m�n`� Th�� erea is sk►own on MaP � • � Chdhginy the zoning t�' c"'sinnl��afamilypuseadtoec mmsrciAaa convet�$ion �rom existing g use� mey cause proble�ms far ehe city �nd ��r �bep�5sesse� sing�.e Eemi.ly pxopelCti.es would l.ikely owners• �C�nt1A1, thereby increasing �or their zoried oEfi�e p ox d�sirdble eo che��9e �roperty ti�xeS . It is not ne�cesserY the exi5ting �oning unti7, the land is needdd fOr ment redevelopment cansistent with a�n odopted Planrtiod Develop � � pverlay �iskriot. � idce or pie�rt�ed ; o N�Geasdxy �ublic i.mprovemmnts S��o�� each��h�se of � ; �o be consCructi�d in time to supp each � �cts cau�ed bY � c��velopment� A�d to o���et ���C ��ould not Proceed until � d�velopmenti phase. Develap i �or tihese puh�.ic improvements is avAi,lable i �,ece5sary func�xng i and secured- i ; . ; � � , � � 9 2 !. _ � i J I� � POL�CI�S ------ -- ----�__--_�-_�_-..- _�_ 11.8W1�Y A�C4MPRE�ENSI'VE PLAERG�ALAPROFESSIONAL.��SHA[.L�BES�TY R�SIDEI�TIAL �'O COM!''1 AP�ROVED BEFOFtE THE PRE5TnEl�FT'S PARKWAY DEV��,OPMENT ; P'LALV �5 ADOPTED I�Y '1't1� �.I'�7C �OONCIL. M�IlR� C1PIP� SHGIWS TFiF ; MF��' AM�tVDMENT• i �1.8.Z A COMisREHEIdSXV£ GO[�fCEPTUA� DEV'ELOPM�.'l�iT P�AN SEIc�1LL H�' pR�PARE� E'OEt T1H� �NT�f�E AREA SUBJECT 'r0 TH� PRESx�EN7C'9 P�IRKWX►X UEV�LOI'�lEP1T P�.AN. �k10'W'N A5 MAP Z. 'I'HISS CC3NCEP'rUA�L D�V�LOf'MENT PLAN SHALL BE PRES�ARED AND RUOPTED A� � P�,A[�NED pEVEi�O!?MENT OVERLAX' DIS'�'RICT SUBJEC7` '�O TH� REpUIREMEN'�S (�E' a�CTIQN 18.80 OF THE �=�'y OF TSGARD CC)MMUNI'rY bEV�LE)Ph9��T COUE (CDC) . 1�..8. 3 WITf���' 'TH£ A��A Ia�N`TIFTE� AS PLAN[�T1E13 DEV�Y�OPMElVT. ALL ApPLICA'TIONS FOR CpMFREF'i�NSIVE P�,ALV MAP AM(ENDMENT� ZON£ �HANGE� SITE �EV£L(JPM�NT R�VIEW ( 18 . 12t�� CDC) . CONDITZ�NAL t7SE ( 18 • 130� CDC) RND LA�D DIVXSION 418 . 160-ZE>2i CDC) SHALL� 8E FOUND '�C9 CON�'ORM TU TKE APF�ROVEb CO�iC�PTUAL DEV�LOPMEPIT pLAN � 18.80.210. CDC) • ApPROVA� ��' A DETNxLED D�VEE�dE�ME�IT PLAN FOFi �ACH �HASE S�EN'IIF�E17 IN TH£ COI�TCE�TUA� AEV�L.OPMFI�T PLAN aHAL� BE SU�.7�CT T4 THE R�QUIR�MENTS A�' 18•8b O� THE CDC AND OTHER C01�E R�QC7IRE�IE�ITS '�HAT J�1�1'LY �'C) THE 'JCYPE O�' DEV�[.Ot'MEN'� PROS�OSED. IN AXIDITIONs TH� CITY MAY FL�QUIRE A MOR� DETp►SLED J�1Sa��SBMEId'i'� 4R UPDATE O�' AN EXISTING 11SSESSM�NT FOR ANY IfiEM OUTLINED IN f�OLICX 12 .6.5- 11.�.4 APPLICA'X'IONS WHICH AE2E MxNOR IN 1VAT�]6tE R£LAT�D TO THE ON-GOZ(VG MA�NTEI�IANCE AND UFttEEP G�' �XYSTING zMPROVE�[EI3T5 P�i`iD WHxCH WILEa NIOT. IN TH� OpINION OF Tk1E DIR�CTOR� JEOPAFtDIZE TFiE IMpLEM�NTAT'xON OF TH£ APPROVED CONCE�TUAG DEVEL,OPMEIV'x' PLAI�1 MAX �iE EXEh1PT FROM POLICX 11.8. 3 . 11..8 . 5 THE CONT�NTS QF TH� CONC�PTUR�K� DEV�LOPM�NT Pi.AN SHALL iNCGUDE THE IT�MS LIST'�D =N! 18 .80 . 110 OF TtiE CDC. TN �pDi�a ON. THE FO��.OWI�'�iG TECHI3ICAL+ S'I'�7DIES Al�ID OTHER NECESS1Aft'Y ITEFSS SI�J4LL SE I�CC�PT�A OR A'DOF'�ED A+S APPitOk'RIATE AS A PAR`x OF THE CONCE�TUAL DEV��OPMENT PL�AN= A. DEV£LOPMENT PROGRAM: THE TXPE. ?�MOUf1T ANb L6CATIOIN OF V'ARIOUS US�S• THE PEVE�,OPMENT PlZ,OG1RA►M SHALL 8E IDEN'r'=FiED FO�i TH� AR�A AS A WEla�E. Ab1D �'04t VARTOt75 PHASES OF DEVEC�OPMENT. 3 ,+� � , , � . � , � i� i � 8. PHASSIdG PL.AN: TfiE DEV�L04'MENT FROGRAM �Y PHASE ALONG Wz'rH TliE Nk:GESSAR9l P�3BLIC F�►CILYTIES� UTILI'TIES ANH TRAN5FORTATION IM�ROV£MENTS� BOTH ON AND OFF'—SITE. WHXCH AFtE N�EDED FOR EACF� F'HX1SE s TE#E PHASI[�1G PLAN SHALL AL+54 YNDICATE MEASURE� PROk'45ED TO REDi1C� CONSTRUGTION IMPACTS AND ON— CypIi+iG XMPACTS TO AREAS NOT H�It+t4 ��DEV�LOA�ID� AND TO AD3AGEI�T NEIGYd80RHOOnS. G. 'fFt,AFFxC IMPACT ASSE��MEf�'I': AN AS��SSMENT OF' TH� ON ANU �FF—aITE TRA�'FYC �t�Q(Jx�tEME�TS R�SU�TING �'ROM AND R�LATE� TO EACH P�{A5E 4E° DEVELOPMEIYT• p. PCJa�ZC �'ACTC.YTY ANU UTIGI'x'Y ASSE�SMEN'x: AN � ASS�S5MENT OE' TEi� ON ANI� 4PF—�xT� WATER� SEW£R� 17�AINAGE 1�1L�D CITYLITY REQC7IREMENTS RES�JLTxNG FROM i' ,4�1D R�LA't'�D TO EACH FHA�£ C?F D�V£LQI'MEN''r• �. �'1�OOD C01+1TR0� AND FLOC>D PREVEN�'ION A55ESSMEC'1T: AN ASSES5M�N'Z'. MANAGEI'��NT PGMN ANA COidCEPTUAL D�SI�N F'OR 'Y'Y3E WETLANI� F'��1)S AND L.AK� PROP05ED AS �ART p�` T�IE PEtESID�NT'S P�ARKWAX �EVELOPMENT PGAN• T1'iE ASSESSl�9�NT SHOULD l�Y7DRESS TH� FEAERAI�� 5�'ATE AND G R � UI£tEMEt�TS AND ALTERNATrVES. � OCAG PERMI'TTxN Q THYS A�SESSI'�IENT SHALL B� REQC7IREIJ 9E�`ORE ANY f�FiAS� WHxCH MAY xMPACT TI�I� W�TLAN� LA,K� ANR POHD� OR 'WOU�.D REQUIR� T��SE YMPEtOVEM�NTS IN O�tDER 'Y'O HANDL� STOl2M WA'�ER REQ[�IREMENTS- F. IMPLEM�1�iTATIOIV AND �'=NANCING ASSESSM£NT: SHOWING TRANSPOktTATIOtV� PUHL�C FACILxTY AND OTHER PROJ'�CTS I ED BY PH ASEs COS TS. �'UNDxNG S�URCE AND R'� (1 Ft Q FCiI�fDING RFSPOI�SI9rLITX. ?i G. DESIGN GUTDEL�NES AND PUBI�YC 7CMPR0'VEM�NT STANDARDS: SHOWING D�SIGN GUYDELX�(ES E'OR PRTVATE DEVEILOPMENT IlVCGUDING H�IGi�'r'. BULK� ARCHITECTURAL CHA�tACT�Ei AND 4THER FEb1TUR�5 i A[YD STANbARDS FOl'� PC)�GIC IMk�ROVEMENTS SUCH AS STR��TS. 3TREETSCAF'�. LANlQSCAPING� SI�NAGE� ETC. �' . ; � '.i -------•--^—�----- --^'---��-'----..__..-----�-----°----�^-------^---^-------�" ,; IMPLEMEi_,TTATION STRATEQ_I�5' !'' -- — —-- �i 1 . The TigAxcl Community Developmen� Code shal� be� e�mended as �� �eeded to re�glect the pol.icies noted e+bove. ;� i� Z . The Ci�y. tihrc,ugh its urbe�n xen�wdl agency. shall enter inta ;' e� deve�.oPmen� a�gCeemant in order �o e��ure impiementia�tion af the policios no�ed above.. �'� �'. q �� �. z� � rfi, , �C ' i 4 �,`�' �t�! , �' � � �1 ���� � � , ; ..� � , „ . .. ■ � �� � � =0 �,� r /��� ��1: �, ��!�i`� ::.�� � �i ..L ���G 1� � �'�r � �r���s/ � , � � � ��► �� � , � � • � ��� ,� , ' � = �� �� � � � :: �11�� ■ � "" � " �� � .i� � . r ■ � �.��►,, � . � � ; -� ;�►�:,,�� �n'� ��� �r: • ;� r� � �,rt� 1��� 1��■ �i i �'�/� � �i �� , .. / � ►/;�/,� ��!�' �����/ ■ ,� i "'_ �/ r -• _ .�IIIIII"IC ��ll■ � � � `� � _ 111� ,� ��!!�'' =111 1�..� �1 � • � ■ �. � :3�1�7 1 , . .W,R,_,� ..J� r� /. .�. . ., i � :.....�..�.._. .,+ ���� �� 1/����� �i���♦��t �,,• ,� ���1i ���� ;��/III. 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S � I February 8, 1990 MEMORANDUM . Tas Jerry �ffer Fresm: Randy Wooley� Engineering �` Re; CPA 9(l-Q001, President's Parkway Plan Amendment ' We underatand th�t the rc�uested action will change only t�ne land use � designation nn �he Cotnpreheneive Pl.an Ma.p aasd that actual zone changes will not accur until snfficient ma�ter• planning of th� area has been completed. With this understanding, we hawe no objection to �he propoaed comprehensive Plan amend'm�nt. Thie process can provide an exceZlen� oQpor�unity to jointly� plan the land usee, the public facility neede� and the property layout of the area. � T'he City seldom has such an opportunity for truly comprehensive planning. s' A number of itea�e will r►eed to be considered during the next step in the process, the preparatian of the master plan. The Plan �ext will need to assure �hat theae items are ae�nsidered prior to approval of a xone change. qNote that :, the deta3.led planning is nnt aeceesary prior to approval of the Coapprehensive � Plan acnendment, as long as we are asaured that the detailed planning wil2 be completed prior to approval of zone changes and prior to ies�ance of permits £or actual aonatruction.) The pl.anni.ng items important to Engineering review are di.acuased belaw. !' i Transportation: A prelim�narg► traneportatifln anaLY�ie has beex� eubmitted for the proposed President°s Parkway development. The preliminary analyeis estamates that approxi.mately 17,600 daily vehi.cle tripa will be generated by the d�ve]Lopcn�nt. The analygis suggeets that substantial isnprovemente will be needed on Greenburg Road, Hall Boulevard, and Sighway 217 to accommodate this increased traffic. More detailed traffic analyais and preliminary engineering work will k�e needed in order to �etermine more precisely the transportation improvements that will be needed. Special attention will need to be given to the accesa to and from Higtawa�► 217 to aseure that any adopted transportation plan satisfies the State's freeway design zequiremente. Coordination with Washington County will be needed to aseure that proposed improvements to Greenburg Road are consistent with the County's plana. i; The analysis also indicates that the development will cause soiae increase in the traffic volumes �in the residential areas to the east of Hall Soulevard. - The traffic increasea in the residential areas ar� not likely to cause capacity probleme. However, any increase i�n txaffic may raise objectiona from reaidents � i of the area. � � During preparati.on of the master plan, alternative transportation modes ehould � be conefdered. Alternatives might inalude tranait, future light rail service ' to the area, facilities for pedestriana and bicycles, and demand management � techniquea. k The master plan should include a detailed layout of the needed transportation , � . ' � APPEN'DIX TVI�'0 ; , I ; , ' , � � i.mpsovements. It should include a schedule showing hora the tim.ing of transportation improvementa relates to praposed building construction. It ehould alao detail which o� the tranaportatian impravements will be conetz�ucted or f�unded as conditcions of development and which are to be f�anded by the public as part of the continuing capital improvement program in response to areawide growth. Utilitiee: ' �he applican� .has atated thato baeed on preli�zinary reviewr, adequate utility �'I sezwicee are available nearb�► and can be. extended to eerve the proposed d�v�lopment. Ae part of the m�stex plan, a detailed plan for extens3.on nf ` water binee,, c�anitary aewers, power, telephone and other utilitiea shauJ.d be - d�veloped. Construction of the necessary utilitiee, will need to be coordinated with the schedule for traneportati,on ia►provementso Storm drain�g�: The proposed developaoent aontains a signifi�can,t area of wetlanda and floodplsin, Local, atate and federal requirement� for flood control, water quality protecti.on, and habitat protection will need to be addressed. The �naeter plan should detail how theee requir�ments will be �aet. Pr.ior to approval of the ma��er plan, the City should require evidence that the .various regulatory agencies wi11 approve the permits necessary for construct.�on of the plan. A schedule Eor �on�txuction of the storm drainage iznprovements should be tied to the echedule Eor phasing of the development. Comgrehensive Plan aiaenclments: The �aaster pyan will need t�o be reviewed for conforman�e with otY�er adopted plane euclx as the K�ti�y�r�Frac�ess Circulatior� Plan, �the City's magter drainage plan, and the Aeh Creek drainage e�udy. Some amendments ta existing plans may � be appropriateo Any �uch°ataeadmente ahould be adopted prior to approval of a maeter plan fo.r tha Pr�ssiden�•s ParDcway develogment. rw/1PP--CPA.s'w . .. . . . ... . .. .. .. . . . . . . � . . . . . .y f: 5r f 1�V G:��f►1,.I 14L � WASHINUTON ��°g 1 � ���� � C4UIVTY, February 8, 1990 OREGON COMI�UNI�°pEVEtOPM�NT Ed Murphy, Planning Director City of Tigard Planning Departanent P.O, Bc�x 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 SUBJECT: Comments ox� CPA 90-0001 (Pre�idents Parkway �' Plan Amendment) As requested, our staff has reviewed preliminary information per- taining to the Presidents Paxkway Plan Amendmerit, including a al for Com rehensive Ma Amendment lan and zone ' ar submitt P �P relimin � ; P Y change by Traminel-Crow, an� a P�elimi�ary Transport��ion Analysis �y 4� Associated Transportatiori Er�gineerin� and Planr►ing (ATEP) . In addition, our staff has had a preliminary meeting with ODOT and Trammel-Craw represen�ative�, and we have had preliminary telephone conversations with Tigard's planna.ng anel engineering staff. Our ' understanding is that pxopased glan amendments �rill be considered Day ` ,;; the T�gard City Cau�ncil on March 5, 1990, and that with council approval ara uarban renewal plan roul.d go before Tigard voters in May. Th.e projeat presents a good opportunity for this area to develop undex a master planning process rath�r than in a pi�eaemeal fashion. We anticipate the public facility impact� of the development to be ; mul�ki-jurisdictional, reaching beyond the baundaries af the Tigard '� urban renewal district, as propos�d, to include resid�nt.i.al areas in unincorparated Washington County north and east of the development and perhaps even Portland neighborhoods across the County line. The most substanti.al traffic impact of the project would affect the State Highway syst�m, including Highway 2�.7 and associated inter- changes at Greenburg Road, 99W and I-5, Hall �oulevard and Highway 99W. Car�ful add�t�.onal analysis must be done to assess the traffic circulation and land use impacts of the development. ATEP has done a good job in preparing a preliminary traffic analy- ; si�. We agree with the assessment by ATEP that t;he analysis does �; not address the total impact of this develapment. Also, the ATEP � report daes not take into consideratian other projects currently ' under d�velopment in this rapid].y growinq area. Our staff would � argue that the development would impact a larger area, and that a ; more detailed traffic and land use impact analysis will be necessary `� to determine specific impacts, and estima'�e costs of infrastructure ;;: improvements. ��> The County is concerned about tihe transportation circulation and ,;; land use impacts for an area that would extend beyond t�e urban ;:; renewal district. Even withaut the proposed development, Highway �; 217 and the surrounc�ing arterial. roads are becoming seriously con- r`. gested. A development of the magnitu.de of Presidents Parkway F� ,,�: m:aylead to serious neiqhborhood traffic infiltration problems � without extensive improvem�ents to Highway 217, nearby interchanges ���' Department of Land Use And Transporfation,Administration � �� 150 North FirsC Avenue Hillsborn,Oregon 9712A Phone:503/648-8761 "' �%: , � � _ ,. � , �: •�. .. CPA 90-0001 �'ebruary 8, 1990 Page Two and the arterial system. In some respects, adding 2.5 million square feet of development in �khis area is comparable �to adding a � Clac3camas Town Center size development (over two milli.on square j feet) next to Washington Sc�uare. An even better. analogy might be i tha.t the ar�a has the potential to be an activity ce�xt�r simila� to � Belle�rue, Washington. Each of the alaove examples ha� suffered serious traffic circula�ion probleaas. Perhaps we can learn from their failures and succ�sses. We would reco�.naend a joint master planning e�fort fox the area k,e u,ndertaken by the County, City of Tigard, OD(a� and �rammel Crow. As a conditiott for approval of the plan amendment, Trammel Crow would be required to financ� the master planning effo�t and more detailed impact anal�sis. We see this as taking a minimum of three mon�h�, most likely beginning after July, 1990. Traf�ic mar�aq�ment, safety azad capacity issues addressed in the 1985 Metzger-Progress circul�tion stu�.y should be revisited. This study addressed n�ighborh�od traffic infi.ltration, pedestrian and biay�ele access and transit �.ssues and re�ommended a number of road- way improvement project� that were incorporated in the Caunty's 1��8 '�ransportata.on P1an. Also, given the impartance of water c�uality issues within the Tu- alatin River Basir�, the Ash Creek floodplain should be given spe- cial attention. My staff has indicaterl that the City's intentic�n is to withhold furthex development approval in this entixe ar�a un1-i1 all of the above mentioned c�ncerns are addressed to the satisfaction of the City, County, and ODAT. I strongly recommenel that those conditions are, in fact, included in any approval5 grant�d for the Plan Amend- ment. Approval of the concept for President�� Parkway should not impl.y approval o� a particular site plan, circulation plan or ac- cess to any County Road or State Highway in the area until the traffic analysis is co�pleted, and agreement is reached on neces- sary improvements, and whose r�espans�.bility it wil� be for funding those improvements. Please feel free to call me at 648-8761, or Frank Angelo, Principal Planner, at 640-3519 if you have any questions, or need any addi- tional information. �I Sincerely, i� _ ,,� r---- �, ," ;, ,, � � � Bruce A. i�larner, P.E. Director ���� ri BAW:BB/pf c: Tom Schwab �:i (doc: Barber-3) Brent Curtis i t: t+i M �; x$gnssr � oa�rs ' . �: � i � � �/�(� 15� , Z�j J DATE: Januarv 29, 1990 FROM: Tiyard Planning Departc�ent RL: CPA 90-0001 (PRESIDENTS PARRWA% PLAN AI�PJDMBNT) A request to change the Plan Map deaignatione from Medium Denaity R�eidential (approx. 7 acres) and Low Density Residential (approx. 90 acres) to Professional Commerci.al. In addition, the Plan text would be amended to add c�iteria for • deter�ining the timeliness of rezoning theae propertiea. The proposed amendmente are intended ta be the first step in establiakuaent of� urban renewal district for the area and the development of a mixture of office and commerci.al usee. The location is ehown on the attached map� Additional information will be cnming. PS.eae� comment on the effect this proposal would have on your ability to serve the propoaed change in de�elopanent type and in�ensity. ?.ONE: R-12 (Reaidential, �.2 units/acxe) and It-4.5 (Residential, 4.5 un.i�s/acre) • Attached is the Si.te Plan and applicant•e statement for your review. From iraformation supplied by various departm�nts and agencies and from other izxformation available to 'our ataff, a report and recommendation will b� prepared and a decisian will be renciered on the proposal in the near future. SoouE�e. If you wish to comment on �hS.s application, we ne�d your commeats by Feb. 8, � "�0k�' g` • 1990. You may �aee ,th� space, provi.decl b�]Low or attach a separate l�tter ta cR��c y /aOPRECIATE� re�nrn your comments. If �ou are unable to respcand bv t'he above date, please • ^-- phone the staff contact noted below with your comis�ents and confiraa your comments in writa.ng as soon as possible. If you have any queation� reqaxding thi� mattex, contact _:e Tigard Planning Department, PO Box 23397, 13125 SW Hall Blvd., Tigard, �. .2 97223. PHONE: 639-4171. ' STAFF CONTACT: Je� Offer _ PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING ITEMS THAT APPLY: � We have reviewed the proposal and have no o��ections to it. /✓ of our office. 6 y' �i2� Please contact BUD /`//��.d�l� � IZ Please refer to the enclosed letter. i: �/ written Comments;�NO 08JFCTIONS. P/�aY/D�aG 3'UFF/C/E�/T F!/NOS � � ;f f,1RE GFNF.�ATEa Td !'uReyAsE A S�tE ��vo cea�►�sTltucT . fi NEW scyOO�( /iv ACCORDANCE W/TH D1STRlCT 3PE�/F�CAT/a✓S• ; Name of Persan Coanmenting: l�v0 ///�UMA Phone Nuimber: �j$y�.�Z� R�NEO�L"s�p1616 FEB 2 1990 V . .... � ' I . . � � i � . �� �`��� r �, � � � v L Planning Department February 10, 1990 { City of Tigard + 13125 SW Hall Blvd. ;, Tigard, Or 97223 ? ; t, I am a resident of. Tigard and directly affect�d by the ? proposal to ahange ti7� Comprehensive plan map designating my ,; resid�ntial area t� be a Professional Commercial area. f Reference CPA 90-0001 (Presidents Parkway Plan Amendment ) . ' ,; r ��, i', ,; -:i t �� I REQUEST TO BE HEARll IN OPPOSI'1`ION TO THIS AMENDMENT AT THE r� PUBLTC MEETTNG OF THE TIGARD 1'LANNII�3G C:OMMISION FEBRUARY 20, �. 1.990 or any other date set f�r this public hearing. i' ;:� Pl�ase notify me of any change as to the date of this meEting. �i `-1 ?;i ,:!. ��� ;; Respectfully F' ),; � ��� f�n � ��'�!,� i�' `_` r� Cliff��d F. Epler ,:!,;; 8845 SW Spruce St '��' a r� Tigard, Or. 97223 �;'', N� �; 1?: �� �;. 4'( q: �. �;�; l ;: � ��F�� ��� ���'���. ;; � �' k �: .. �� ��.��:. 4 ' p}f' � � . :� �.4;�. ��"�li"cl�F1Aa1N�NS , �, � FEB 14 19gQ � c; � I , � � _ 4 � f . . � ' � + t At \ \ 1 a t i C Planning Department February 10, 1990 ; City of Tigard E 131"L5 SW Hall Blvd. E, Tigard, Or 97223 �� i Prior to purchasing my home I went into the Tigard planning ' and asked what was the long range plan for this wetland area. ? I was shown �a very detailed Metzger-Progress comunity plan. ; I purchased one by ordering it from Washington County. ThE city of Tigard now feels thi� "area of interest" is feasible for "active planning" I do not agree with this and remind the City that: On May 18 , 1987 an application for a sensiti.ve lands permit and variance was granted (ref:No. SL 1-86, V 87-02 ) pertaining to conclusions anc� policy from that hearing� Policy 3 .2 .4 , 3 .4 . 1 aa�d 3 .4 .2 ancl Section 18.84 .010( c) of the Code call for the protection of significant wetlands and wildlife habitat , The Metzger-Progress Comunity P1an, developed by Washington County, designated the western portion of the property as a poten-tially signif icant wildlife habitat . When the proper�y was annexed into the city, a signif icant wetlands designation was applied to the same area. The hearings officer concluded that all the wildlife mitigation work which is pro�osed in this area should be done in Phase I c�f the development, including that there should be no grazing for• five years or more. As a resident :I can state that although the ponds have been built, that after htavy rains such as that of January 26th and January 27th , 1990 the berm holding the water in the Northeastern pond was breached allowing a spillway into the Ask Creek and causing erosion of this berm and pond. Also Cattle are grazing around the pond ancl walking along its crest, packing it down in direct violation of hearing policy. I suggest that the City look into these damagea , and to also ask why there has be�n no planting and fencing in conjuz�ction with Phase I . ( Recomendation 6 . ) Tigard has taken responsibility for thi.s area of wetland by expanding the "active planning area" to include this "area of interest" the City should also be interested in how the area is presently being maintained thru compliance to this areas existing use. Thank you fo� your attention into thi:; matter. ������ �� Clifford Epler 8845 SW Spruce St Tigard, Or. 97223 .,.M�_.J.�P1116iF�Il1� F E B 14 199� . 9 � ' � �� Planning Depa•rtment February 10, 1990 City of Tigard ' 13125 SW Hal'1 E31vd. Tigard, Or 9%223 I T am a resident of Tigard and dir�ectly affected by the 'I p .opasal to change the Comprehensive plan map designating my residential area to be a Professional Commercial area. Reference CPA 90-0001 (Presiderats Parkway Plan Amendment ) . I REQUES'r TO BE HEARL� IN OPPOSITION TO THTS AMENDME�IT AT THE PUBLTC. MEETING OF THE TIGARD PLANNING COMMISION FEBRUARY 20, 1990 or any other date set far this public hearinga Please notify me of any change as to the date of this meeting. Re�pectfully 1 / i 1 C�L, +'�����J � ��/.• � .✓ (_.._ Y Kaye V. Epler 8845 SW Spruce St Tigard, Or. 97223 ...��;r��p��l� F�B � 4 199p . . ... . �� .,. _ _ kI' � �. �, ��. `' AGENDA ITEM 5.5 MEMOIiANDUM ;11 TO: Planning Coduniseion FROMs IRd Murphy, Director of Community Developmen RE: "Pre�idente Parkway" Urban Renewal Plan and DATE: February 15, 1990 i`, i`,I Attached ie a copy •of the "Presidente Parkway" urban renewal Plan and Yteport. ;� These documente are xelated to Agenda Item 5.4 wtaiah deals with the propoeed � Camprehenaive P1an Amendment (CPA 90-01) that would change the Comprehensive t;l Plan map and text. i� ,y State Law (ORS 457.095) requiree �hat the Flanning Cammission provide a ? i recommendation to �ha City Council on urban renewal plane, basical�.y tc '�:,; determina whether th� prapoaed urban renewal plan ie conaistent with the � i a licable Com rehenaive Plan �'� pp p policies. The Commieeios should revi�w thie groposed u�ban renewal plan for conaia�sncy wi�h the ex3.eting Comprehensive j.�,l Plan and the smer�dmen�te contempla�ed by CPA 90-01. The City•a plann3ng ' consultant, Jahn Spencer, and the Planniaag s�aff �onclude that th� urban i',il' renewai. plan ie c�n�i�tent with the Comgrehensive PZan as amanded by el�A 90-01 and that the Commiesion ehould adopt the attached resolutian. ;,,'I Thfa meeting hae b�en noticed ae a publia hearing. Hcsw►�ver, it ia a " � legislative, not a qusei-judicial ieeue and th�refore, tri� Commie�sion shauld 41 ope� the meeting for public comment, but not necesearily to ask for formal i,l Y ' proponenta and oppoaents for th� urban renewai pl�n. PRES.PKY/kl j,I� � I 9., �� 7 �. f. �_' �:, 4� j,.. Fi i? F'r �? i� 4S �� � � 11� i" . . . . � � � � � ��. �,�'' . . .. . � .. . � tY �§ . . . . . . . . . .. . . '�C ��. .. � . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . _. . . . . . .. . . � � . ., _ � . . . „ .._, _ TIGARA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTZON Nn. 90- PC WHEREAS, the Pres9.der�te Parkway Development Report and P1an were preeented ta the Planning Comimiesion at a public hearing on F'ebrvary 20, 199A; and WHEREAS, ORS Secti.on 457,095 requix°ee the Planning Commission �o provide a reaammenda�ion to tl�e governing bod,y on plans prepared in aonfarmity with ARs Chapter 457; and WHEREAS, ORS Section 227.090 grants the Planning Cammission the authority to recommend to the City Council plans for regulating future growth of the City; and WHEY2EAS, Section 18.32.090(c) of the Tigard Municipal Code granta the Planning Commission the authorit to make inter retations of the Com rehensivs Plan ' Y P if P requested by the Director or other interested persons; and F�kiEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the public testimony as well as the Presidenta Parkway Development Report and Plan. THEREFORE, BE zT RESOLVED by the Tigard Planning Commissian that: Sectian 1: The Planna.ng Commi�sion has determined tha� the Presidents Parkway Developmen� PZan is conaistent with the applicable Comprehenaive Plan policies based upon the finding� noted in 5�c�ic�r� 400 af th� Presidents Parkway Development Report (Exhibit A). Section 2s The Tigard Planning Commission recommenda that the City Council and City Development Agency adopt the Pzesidents Parkway Developmen� Plan (Exhibit B) . PASSED: This � day of February, 1990 A. Donald Moen, President � Tigard Planning Commission ATTEST: Dia�xae Jelderks, Secretary Tigard P�.anning Commission PRES.PKY/kl , RESOLUTION NO. 90-� PC PAGE 1 �? ,�;'.' �`N � i. � : £ �;, 'n�. . . . . . .. � . ._... � � ' . � . ,+..,: . � .� f I}. 4r � � CITY OF TIQARD PRESIDEId'1'�8 PARRWAY DBBELOPMENT PLAN PLAN ����'T � CITY COUNCTL Gerald Edwards - Mayor Valerie Johnson Carolyn Eadon John Sahwartz Joe Kaston February 12, 1990 � + ,. _ . ,_. .: , _,, , . _. .... ..___.-:. . � A1 ��� ` TABLE OF COPITENTS 100. INTRODUCTION 1 ,I 200. DEFINITIONS 3 �09. L�GAI� BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION $ 400. MISSION STATEMEI�IT AND GOAI,�S OF THE DEV'ETAPMENT 1A AG�IJCY FOR THE DEVEI,�PMENT PLAN 5AU. I�AND USE PLAN 1� fs00. �EVEI,OPMENT PLAN ACTIVITIES ' 7-3 700. FINANCING OF DEVETAPM�NT PLAIN INDEBTED2JESS 26 � 800. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 28 ` i� �, 900. NONDISCRIMINATION �� � y 1000. RECORDING OF PLAN 28 � E � 1100. PROCEDURES FOR CHANGES OR AMENDMENT� IN TFiE 29 � APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PI�AN � 1200. Dt7RATION AND VALIDITY OF APPR�VED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 31 i , , , iI CITY OF T:IGARD PRESIIDENT'S PARKWAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN SEC'1'ION Z00. dNTI20DUCTION The pr�pez�ty designated as the President's Paxkway Urban Fenewal District und�r the provisie�n� �f this Plan con- tains, within fts boundari�s, one di tl�e most significant under- devel�ped areas within the City of Tigard exhibiting ph�si�al, economic, and social conditions contributing� to blight. With a substantial reconstrixction of the roadwa�rs and waterways, it ha� the potentiaZ af becoming one of the �nost viable commercial areas in the City of Tigardw Its close p�•o�imity to similar uses and �xcellent highway visibi.lity and the success of the adjacent comanercial entexprises a�tes�. to the potential of the area. Due to the age of �he neighborhood, its haphazard past development, and extensive development of the acijacent properties, the pro- posed Development District cannot reach any o� its latent poten- tial withaut cooperati.ve assistance from both the public and private snurces. �'ithin the area, inadequate roads caus� ever- increasing �raffic problems. There is frequent flooding of the creeks within the area causinq property damage. The elem�ntary school within th� District is now ora the fringe of its service area and within close proximity of hiqh density commercia� development. TYae property �rithin the area contfnues to decline in value and the current property base of less than $5 million in the nondeveloped portion of the Area, is inadequate to jue�ti.fy an upgrade of roads and services within the area under current uses. 1 � I , , �, '� �I I �he vision of Presider,t's Parkway is to create an area I in which necessary improvean►ents to tY9e highw�y and local roads wnuld all.evia�e the currerrt traffic proble�ms and a11ow fox� the I�I antici�ated growtlh wi.thin th,e Da.st�ict. �t would allow for the relocation of the el�mentary scho�ol to a safe �nd d�sirable location central to the chilcir�a� wha will be �ttending the sc�ooi. The 133.striat would �ake the features of the wat�rways whir,h now contribute to the blir�ht and transfox�ro► them into a lake ira a park-like setting to be utilized and for the benefit of ths residents af Ti.gard. '�h�re would be a combination of t�x incre�n�nt financing to provide the funding for public faciliti�s and private �unding to pravide for �he �ommeraial an3 residential features of the area. The goal would be to remove the area of I blight and produce a sho�wcase of �ublic and private cooperation to the ultimate ben�f�� of the City of Tigard and surrounding axeas. The Pl�►n has Daeen prepared under the direc�ion of th� i ' Ilsbara Itenewal Agency in confaa�naity with aertain pr4visions of state law contained in Article YX of the Oregon State Constitution and Chapter 457 of the Oreqon Revised Statutes which enabie this Development Plan to uicilfze hel.pful todls provid�ed for fn state law in pursuit of Plan ob�ections. 110. CITY AND 11QENCY The Governinq Body (Council) of the City of Tiqard on February 13, 1989, by Ordinance No. 89-05, declared that blighted areas exist within the City and that �here is a need for an urban renewal agency to function within the City. The City Council, by 2 �� , � � approval of C�rdi.nance No. 89-05, declared that all powers as providecA by 1aw in an urban renewal agency be exercised by the Council of th�e City of Tigard, acting a� the urban renewal ageracy ("Agency'�) . ' The relationship between the City of Tigard, z�n O�e�on Muniaipal �eorporation, and �he �g�n�y shall be as contemplatecl by chapter 457 of the Oregon Revised Statues. Nothinq contaxned in thi� Plan, for the City's supglying of services c�r personnel, nor the budgeting requirements of this Plan shall ira atxy way be construed as clepar�ing from or dist�urbix►g �he relationship contemglat�d by ORS Ck��pter 457. SEC'�IOI�T 200. DEF�N�TI01+18 As us�d in this Plan, unless thc courts require ather- wise, the followring definitions shall apply. 2010 "AGENCY" ar "DEVELOPMENT AGENCY" means the Agency authorized ?�y Z'igard City ardinance No. 89-05 which, in accor- dance with provisions of Chapter 457 of the Oregon Revised Statutes, is the designated Renewal Agency of the City of Tigard. 20�. "AItE�" or "DEVELOPMENT AREA" means the geoqraphic area of the City which encompasses the Development Area conceived pursuant �o provisions of ORS Chapter 457 and as described in 5�ction 300 herein. 203. "BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEItS" means the governinq body of Washington County, Oregon. � `' 204. "BLIGHTED AREAS°t means area� which, by reasoti of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper �acili- _ � �ties, deleterious land us� or the existence of unsafe structures i 6 F i 3 � � � �:, , � � �, nr any combinati.on of th�se factors, are detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the community. A blighted area is characteri��d by the e�cistence of one or more of the following candit�ons: ' Ae The exi�tence of building� and structures, �secl or intended to be u�ed for 1iv3.ng, comm�rcial, industrial or other purpc�ses, or ar�y combina�ion pf those uses, which are unf�t or unsafe to occupy for thnse pu�pose� because �f �ny on� or t� cam- ';j ,� bination of the fol.lowing canditions: 1. D�feative d�sign and quality of physical �`� �:I cc�nstruction o ; r� 2. Faulty interior arrangements and E; �i exterior spacinq; ' '� 3. Overc�or�ding �nd a high densi�y of `a � population; 4. Inadequat� provision for ventilation, light, sanitation, open spaces, and recreation facil�ti�s; or 5e obsolesc�nce, deterioration, dilapida- � tion, mixed character, or shifting of �;I �? uses; ;� �; B. An economic dislocation, deterioration, or disuse ;; ,., E;; of property resulting from faulty planning; �� � C. The division or subdivision and sale of property �' z� or lots of �rregular form and shape and inadequate � � � � � k � �. �� 4 4 �� • r �� _ , ,_ , , � � size or dimensions for property usefulness and rlevelopmen�; D. Th� l�yout of pxoperty or lots in disregard o� �eontours, drainage and other physica]L chaxacteris-- ti�cs of the �errain and surrouncling con�itions; �. The existence of inadequate stre�ts and other rights-of�way, c�pen spaces, and utilities; F. The ex.istence of prc�pexty or lots or other are�s which ar� subject to inundx�tion by water; � ; '! G. A prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments, and social and economic maladjust- ments to such an ex�ent that the capacity to pay f f �axe� is reduced and tax receipts are inadequate ; s i ��r the cost of public �ervices renderedf ` , H. A growinq nr total lack of proper utilizat�.on of areas, r�su].ting in a stagnant and unproductive condition of land potentially useful and valuable for �ontributing to th�e public health, safety, and welfare; or I. A loss of population and reduction of proper utilization of the area resultinq in its further deterioration and added cogts to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facilities and services � elsewhere. 205. "CITY" means the Ci�y of Tigard, Washington County, Oregon. 5 @. . , I � 206. "PRIESIDENT'S P�iRKWAY DEVEYAPMENT AREA" m�ans t;he area as shown in the Map and as designa�ed in the legal ciescription found in Sec�ion 300 of this Plan� 207. 01CITY COUNCIL" or "COUN�'IL" mean� th� governing boely of �he City of Ti�ard. 208. "'COMPI2EHENSIVE pLArt" a�ear�s th� I�nd Use Plan of th� City o� Tigard, incluaing all of its po�icie�, procedures, and i�aplementing provisions. 209 "COUNTY" �►eans W�shirigton County, Oregon. � 210. "EXH�BIT" means �n attachmenf� or narrative, map, or ather gxaphic, ta �his Development Plan and contained herein. 23,Z. "NEW PRO.7ECT" mean� za preject that has a subs�antially different func�ion than th� project it replaces and has sig� nificant econoanic, environm�ental, social, or physical impa�ts not previously considered by the Develapment Agency. Minor changes in desic�ra, function, or cost shall nat� constitute a "new prr��- j�ct." 2��. "ORS" means Oreegon Revises Statutes (State Law) . UR5 457 is the chapter which r�gulated �he urban renewal of blighted areas within the state of Oregon. 213• pPLAPI~ or "DEVEIAPMENT PLAN" means the Development ;� Plan, an Urban Renewal Flan of the City of Tigard, Oregon pre- pared in compliance with Chapter 457 of the Are�on Revised `; Statutes. i.. 214. "STATE" �neans the state of Oregon, includinq its �' various departments, divi.sions, and aqencies. �� ii ;; �: 6 �` , � S t �, �15. °TAX INCREMENT FINANCING" means � methoei of financing indebtedness incurred riy the Develop�ent Aqer�cy in preparinq and implementing the Devel.opment Plan. Su�h Tax Increment method i� authorized by ORS �ections 457.420 through 457.4�0 gnd provides that the tax proceeds, if any, realized from an increase in the ', taxable �ssess�d value of rea�, personal, and publi� �tility prop�rty w�thin th� Development Ar�a above that existiraq on the County tax roll las� equalized prior to the filinq of tl�is Plan with the County �►ssessor, shall be paid into a speci�l fund of the Agency. S�ach sspecial fund shall be used to pay the principal �a�d ix�tere�t on bndehtedness incurred by th� Aqency xn financi.nq or refinancing the p�eparation and implementation of th� approved D+evelopan�nt Plan. 2i�. "TAXING BODY" means any of the pinblic �uri.sdictions wrhich levi�es ad valorem ta�ce� w�ithin th� baundarie� of the Developn�ent Area. 23�7. "URBAN RENEWAL LAW" n�ean� Chapt�r 457 of the Oregon Revise�d Statr�tes as the same exists qn the effective date o� this� Usban Renewal Plan or as the same may be amended from tim� to time by action of the Oregon Legislature. �ECTIO�T 300. I�8a7�L BOONDl1RY DESCRIPTIO�i 3A1. i ; � �; 7 '� PRGSID�NTS PARKWA'Y D�V�T�OPMGNT PLAN February 9. 19'90 A parcel of Land 'an Sectiona 25 and 9�,T,1S,,R.1W.,W.M,,City c�f Tigard,Washington County, I ore artiCula rl desczibed as followg: (�regon, said p�rcel be�tig ra p Y 13eginr�ing at the intersectian af tihe ra►est,erly line of�,ot X8,"Oakburg"with the aau��westerly line of the Beavexton-'J['i�asd Highway (State �iighw�y 217); thetxce northerly atong the wegtert�r line of �aid Taot 18� 265 f�Lts more or Iess, to the northea$terl�+ line of said State Hi�hway No. 217; thec�ce �4utheasterly traciri�th� northeasterly line of s�id$�at� Highv�vay No. 217, 886 feet, mQre or less, tcy the itltersecti�r� of said northear3terly line a��aid Sf;aL•e �iighway�To. 217 with the westerly line of that pe�rCel zc+cmrded on Apri110, 1972 it�Book 861, pa�e 961, Weshington County Aeed �iscorda; thence I�.40°i$'12"E. alang �aid we��eriy l�n�, 206.tJ2 feet, mare or leae, to the satathvveat cornes df Lot 25, "4akburg"; thence continuing N.UA°16'1�"E.elong the westexly l�ne of said I.ot 25,37J.83 fc�et,more or lese,ta �he�outherly line a�'a 60 foat wide strip of land known as'VVaehingtoa Square Drive (alea knawn se Access ' Road No.7),eaid atrip bein�descri'bed in veed�ook 999,page 616,recardec��Tovember 6,1974, I Washingtnn Caunty Iteaord�;hhence southeaat�rly along eaid southerly line, 700 fe�t, more or lesa, ta the wes9;�rly line of S.W. Greenburg�€aad; thence north�rly alang the wegterly lit�o of said S.1�V. Greer�burg�ad, 825 feet,more o�less,to the intersection o�'said westerly line witih the centerlit2e of S.V6i. Cor�l Str�e� ex�ended westerly; thence �ag+L•erty along said ceuterline extiend�d and centerline of S.'W. Corel 5tre�t,780 fe�t,more a�less,to tk►►e intersectian nf said centierline with the nartherly e�ctension of the eaet �►ne of Lot 9, �1ock C, "Lehmat�� Acre Tract", which line is the boundery of the aorporat�e iixnit,s of the City of Tigard; then�e sautherly atong s�id Caty of'Ti�ard baut�dary,vvhich lina is the eeeti lir�e exCended and east�xne of aaid Lot�, 131ock C,and the ea$t line of the Lot 2,Block C,"Ide�mann Acre Tracti",38� feet, mare or leae, to �he r�ot-therly lit�e o�'S.W. T.bcus�t Street; then�e ea�t,erly along suid nurbherly line, �nd tracin� the baundaries af gaid City of Tigacd along t�e follawing caurses and � distences: eaaterly along the northerly 1'arte e�tad t�ortl�erly line estend�d of st�id S.W. �.ocuat � Street, 1,Z8� feet, ffiore or less, to the intereectinn �f the easte�ly �zt�n�i�n uf 6he cYOrtheriy { line af gaid S.Wo Lacuat Street with the nortl�erly extenaion of t�ta eastorl�► lin� of S.W. �re�erson Street; �hence southerly al�n��aid norGherIy extez�sion, b0 feet,more or 1eaa, to �he northerly [ine of gaid S.�V. �crcust Street; th�ace ea�terly along agid nart�erly lir�e, 60Q feet, m�re ar legs,to the w�sterly line df 5.'wV'.�Iali Blvd.;theace nartherly slamg gedd wegi;erly line, '; oint on the easterl line of eaid S.W. H�►►11 Blvd. at�d a ' 30 feet; thence e�sterly� 7� feet to a p y point of nantangent curvature; the aouthe�aterly along tbe arc of a 25 foot radiva curve et►ncave ta the northeast,39 feet,more or l�ag,to the northerly lin�of gpid S.W.�,acuat Street; ' thence svut�ierly� 70 feet tc�a paint an the sautherly line of eaid S.W.L�cust Street and a poi�zt ' a�nant�ngent curvattzre;thence southw►eaterly along t4�e�r�af e�25 Poat rAd'tus curve concavo to the southea$t, �� feetf more or iesa, ta tt�e �asteriy lic�e oC eaid S.W. Hall Blvd.; �hence soatherly aldng said ee►�tertly Iii�e, �.4fi.� Ceet, more or le�,to th�southerly lit�e of Lot 2,Biock � �fi, "Taw� of Met,zger"; theace wssterIy along a�uid southeriy line,5 feet ta tbe sastexly li�na u�f said S.W, Hall E31vd.; thence southerly atong said eastexly fine, `1J6.1 feet, more or lesg, to the southerly line of S.W. Mapleleaf�treet; thence westerly along said southerly line, 10 feeti to �hE 6ASte1'�y �lt]e q�said S.W. Hall Bivd.; thence southeri�r atong said easterly iine, 1,180 feet, tnore or le�s, to the n,o�rtherly liuc of S.W. Spruce Street; thence aoutheusterly 68 foet, mare or leas, to the intersecCion of the ee�.sterly line of S.11V.Hall Blvd.with the southerly li�a of a.Vlr. Spruce Street; thence aoul;herly alopg the easterly lane of anid $.W. Hal! Blvd., 113.23 feet; hich ie 46.0�feet ea$terl of, when mee►gureci eet more or less to a oint w Y thence easterly 15 f , , P 8 �� _ ,__, I , � I \ `�. at right angles t�, the centerline of said S.W. Hall Blvd.; thence leaving the boundary of said City af Tigard,southerly and parallel to the centerline of saiid S.VV.Hnll Blvd., 1,690 feet,more or less, to the southwesterly li�ne of said 5tate Highway 217; the�ce northwesterly along said southwesterly line, 2,850 feet, more or less, to the eesterly line of S.W. 95th Avenue (40 feet wide); thence southwesterly 60 fest, more or le�s, to the intersection of the aoutherly line of a.W, Shady I,ane wi�h the southeasterly line of the 50 foot wide abandoned railroad right-of way; thence westerly along the southerly line of S.W.Shady Laue, 1,030 feet, more or less, to the�asterly line of S.W.Green�burg l�oad;thence southwesterly along said easterly line of S.W. Greenburg Road (GO feet wide easterly of centerline), 60 feet, more or lesa; thence northwesterly conxinuing along eaid easterly line,20 feet,more or less, to the eastesly line af S.W. Greenburg R.oad (35 feet wide easterly of centerline); thence eouthwesterly along said easterly line, 40 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said eesterl�► lin� with the easterly extension of the southerly line of S.W. Casc�de $lvd.; thence westerly alqng said southerl;� extension and southerly line of said S.W. Casa;ade Blvd., 210 feet, more or lesa, ta the interaection of said southerly line with the aoutherly extension of the easterly Iine of bhat parcel rer,orded in Book 1112, page 680, recorded September 16, ].976, Washington� County Deed Records; thence N.00°11'OU"E. along said southerly eatension and easterly line af said Boak 1112, page 680 parcel, 408 feet, more or le�s, ta the northeast cor�er thereof; thence. cantia�uing N�00°ll'00"E.alang the ttortherly extension of the westerly line of�ai�d Bc�ok 111�, ; page �80 parcel, 20 Feet, more �r less, tu the southerly line nf that parcel recc�rded a�-Fse � Number?9U29094 on July 24,1979,Wa�bingt�n County�cords;thence N.89°45'W.along said j southerly line, 110 feet, moxe or less, to the southwest cora�er of said Fee Number ?9029094 j parcel; thence N.00°05'9�"E.along the westerly line of said Fee Number 79029094 parc�l,273 ! feet, more or less, to the southerly line of that pazcel r�corded es Fee Number 88-17�1��n Aprit�6, 19$�,i�Vashington County Deed Records;thence northw��terly 338 feet,mare or less, � to the int�rsection of the e�ortherly line of said Fee Number 88-173�8 parcel with the � southwesterl�line of said St�ate Highway 217; thenee northwesterly along the aouthw�sterly I�ne of said State �iighway 217, 685 feet, more or less,to tlxe Foint of Be�nninga j ' ( I I i � E � E 1 � t i ( �f . 4 3 f � 5 �2859 ' 9 r�^` _ .. .�. .. _ . . . .. � .. . . . . .... .... . :.. ...���.. . ....... . . .� . .. , . . � � . 1� f h ` 302. Exhibit A. Map of Development Area which shows the �rea enco�pa�s8d by �he forego�ng legal boundary description. BE�TTQN 400• �TS�TON BTAT$1rS8NT l�TD QOALB OF TH$ DEVBLOP�EN'� �GgNCY FQ�t "1°8E PRESIDBI�DT�B P Y DEVS��MENT p�... �Ai. �SSIUN STATEE�ENT The mission of the Development Plan is to solve �he existing transportation, environmental, and land use prob�.ems in the area an3 �btai� a sour�d, comprehensively planned, high qual3ty development consistent with the Tiqard Compr�hensive Plan. This developm�nt will provide public amenitie�, new emplay�auent opportunities, and increased a�ssessed values �or the � aommunity. This missi�an cannot be acGO�nplished without the coordinate�3 eiEforts of tt►e City, developezs, and property owners. 4 0�. GOAI�g �. Remove limitations to economic grorath in the Developm�n� Rrea �created by existinq btighting i aonditions so that v�cant and underdev�loped ; i properties can realize their fu11 market potential j "t and be utilized to their hiqhest and best use � 1 consistent with other qoals of t�e Development � � , Plan and the Tiqard Comprehensive Plan. i , i B. Llevelop a ci'tizen involvement proqram that ensures � � ttie opportunity for citizens to participate in all � aspects of the planninq process. C. Establish a land use planninq process and policy framework as the basis of all land use decisions - 10 S . and actio�s, and ensure an adequate factua� data base to substantiate those deoisions and actions. D. Diversify and improve the economy of the Community arid the State. E. Plan and develop a time�y, orderly and efficient arrangement of public faei�itiem and services �o serve �s the framework for urban develop�ent. F. Provide and encourag� a safe, convenisnt and economia transportat�on s�stem. G. Cons�rve energy. Ha Provide a network of public and private open space adaptable to a wide variety of uses. �03. �tELATIONBHIg OF PI�AN TO L'OCAL OBJECTIVES The Plan is intended to further the objecti.ves of th� Tigar�d Comprehensive Plan. Further, this Plan is intended to improve land uses, traffic flow, access to and from the � Development Area, and improve st�:eets, sewers, storm dr�in �' systems, park areas, public parking, and other public tacili�fes. ; The report contains an analysis of Comprehensive Flan palicies �' ; whic� are met by this Plan. _ � r 4A4. �NSISTENCY WITB CITYrB COMPREHENSIVE PL•�►.N � i The Plan has been prepared in conformity with the City's adopted and acknowledged Comprehensive Plan as amended, � including its goals, policies, procedures, and implementing � � ; provisions. The Plan takes into consideration the projected ; , ; costs of its implementati�n and its anticipa�ed benefit to the � 11 . ` general publ3c con�istent with the g�als and purposes of the Comprehensive Plan. BECTION SAO. �.�IND �SS PLAId The use and davelapmer►t o� all land �►ithin the President's Parkway Development Plan shall comply with provisions af the City�s Comprehensiv� Plan and a11 of its applicable implementing provisi+�ns. The Comprehensive Plan is the City°s acknowledgeci Plan as required by State Law. 501. LAND YJSE D�SIGNATIONS The land use designations of the City'�, Compreh�nsive Plan which apply to the AeveYopment Area are described in Chapter 12 c�� the Tigard Comprehensive Plan and the map entitled °T.�and Use Classifi.cation�. The Developmer►t �,rea is planned for Comm�rcial Professional (C-�P) , Coiamercial-General (C-G) , E,�ght Industrial (I�L) , and M�dium Density Residential designation�, as shown in Exhibit B. The C-P distriCt al.lowvs civic use�, office uses, conuaercial us�s and a limited a�aount of retai�t use�. The C-G district allows far civic uses anel a broaeler range of com- mercial uses not limited to a specific trade area. The I-L district allows for public uses, aivic uses, retail uses, �om- I mereial us�s and industrial useg. The Medium Den�ity Resident�al � � � district allows for sinqle family and multiple family residential r units for medium density residential development� � �; � 503. �O�RSION FROM 8%IBTINa LAND D888 '�'O OS88 DEBIQNATED� TN THS COMPREHENSIVE BLAN j; E t. It is the intention of this Developme�t Plan t�o en- courage and support the conversion from land uses in existence at ` the adoption of this Development Plan to land uses identi�ied in �; �2 �' h i �. � _.__ _ _ ___.. �<....: .. . . ..::._ .�..._:.: �.�..... .�.__�. , � 4 the Comprehensive Plan and shown in Exhibit B. The proCess for land use conversion is described in Chapter 11, 5ection 11.8, of the Tigara Co�preh�nsive Pl�n whiah is in�orporated by reference. 503. COMPLIANCE l/ITH CITY�S DEVELOPIdIEIdT CODEB The City°s Community Develop�ent Code, includaing the �uilsiing and Safety codes as they exist on the effective date of this Plan ar as they may be amended from time ta time, are hereby made a p�rt of this Plan as though included herein in ful.l. A1� development and redevelopment �rithin the Development Area shall comply with all provisions of the City's Develapment C�des, in�luding the Zon�.ng, BuiPding, and Safety codes reqarcAing maxi�rum ciensities and building rec�ui��ments as they may b� �mended through th� land use �onv�rsion process descr3bed in 5ecgion 502. 50�i. �NI2 II8E COMPLIANCE The use, development� or redevelopment ag all land within ttxe DevelopmEnt Area shall comply with the provisions of the City's Compretaensive Plan, implementing Ordinances, codes, palicies, and regulations described in Sections 501, 502, and 503 above. BECTION 600. QEVELO�MENT PLAN AC°1'IVITI88 To achieve the goals of this Plan, the following projects and act�„vities, subject to the availability of approprf- ate funding, may be undertaken by the Development Agency, or caused by it to be undertaken by others, in accordance with a "Disposition and Devslopment Agreement" to be entered into by the Development Agency in accordance with applicable Federal, State, 13 i ` ' , i i �, �nd City l�w�, polic3es and prcycedures, and in complianae with I pravi��.a�x�s� �f thig �lan. �vkaere pra j�a�/ac�ivity d��►aripCic�n� f r��lud� epecf fi- c�.li� n�►med c:amporie�n��a, it is far id+ar�tf$ying the purpoe�e, typ�, qua].ity, o� e�aal� dP th� pgojec� or activity and is nat mean� to b� ��..�-in�lu�iva. metaila p� pro�ects wi].1 bg laid aut a� a�p��ifi.� pro�ect� are engiin�aerad, da�ign+esd a�rid budg��ed. �ttrz the d�v�lopmc��� c►� �uch detaii the Aq�nay wiii be �ided by tih.�e gc�a�ls vf this PYan. All �ra�ect� wi13. 1�� sub���t td apgirav�cl drid �►u�haarization l�y �lt� e��p�op�it��e qovernmental ja�risd�.c�ions. Chanyes t� the �ro��ct� r►�c�aaar�ry �o aon►ply wit� e;aid pes�ntit� and a�uth��iz�►tic�a�r s�aall not be cc�nsi�iered to be subgtantial �hanges art� �h�ll be olla�wod under thi� pia►ri. �os.. ��L���*�rr �r�� PROJECT� IIl�1� ����eQV�rrr �,cT�v��x�s� The fol�lawinq pr�ja��s are �nereby deemecl rreces�a►ry t� elimi»n�� bligh�inq canditione� and inPluences �ithi,n the b�velop- m�t�� �►rea �nd n�ces►�+a�y �o make the Araa uanl�le� frrr �x�andS,n� exi�tir►q laueine��s�� and other aompatible� u�eec ar�ci for the Area to Y,e �ttra�ct�ive �ar t�ew bueinesses a�d mul��.-family rasidential devalapment. These pro�ectg a��hieve the goals ot thie i+lan. � a1� util�.�ky �ygtems, stre�ta ancl high�rsye, bi3re and ' ; p�ade��trian �a�th�, parks, pul�lic parkirig fm�flitfaa, bridges, nl �. ��war re�iac�►tiona, Y'BCOYI�it�11G��.Ot1 or repair, and ath�r public improve�at�nts sh�ll b� aomplet� with a11 appurt�r��nt and support- :�r�� par��, co��i���►nti with saund engineexing princip2es and i' �ohfarminq with the stgnd�srds of �he City. With Punds avaiYable i t�a� it, t�e Davelapm�nt Agancy may fund in full, in part, ar � ; � ,, 14 ; �: ,;. ��, �>n� _ _ � ; � , , 5 t ;, �: prapartivr►�te� �tlar� witlain th� Develop�ent Ar�a, �he following pro��c�ti�. S�e �xhibit C. A. �Tor�bbaund xig��ray �17 oft-r�tp in�a i��v�lopmsa� Ar�a � This tr�nrpo���tia�n pro3�ct wiil provide dir�ct I' a�cet�� ��twe�n Higtaway 217 arid tl�� 1�evelapman� � Area. The c�ff-ramp wil], l�� located ju�r� �roa�h �� ;; � th� SW Gre�nburg Road inter�hdrig�, a�cl wi.11 ;; ,:, in�lud� �ny ne��+sgary drain�qe, u�ility and righ�� F ,x, � of-way r�cnt�,xemen��, 4.� 4/ B. p�r��id�nt�� �srkway �rimaxy i�A.c,ad c��tt�al Bs�r�is�a�� i � �. 'I'his projeat wa.Yl ��'�ate t� l�rke bnd rel�te�d , , �. , s�tructure� to pr�vicle th�a pri�aary fl�ad con�rol �. i i featur� an Ash �r��k and A�h �rook a�r�d �nKa�nca the " wet�.and ar�d �aildli�e fe,a�ureet c�f th� area. '!'he . ? pre�j�et wili irecorpar�te fload control fe,aturee, � � w�tl�nd �nd habitat ent�►ancement, can�inuou� w+��er ; svurae� ped�s�ric�re path, land�c�ping and o�her fQatures which a�dd�r�ss fload cs�ntr�d� probl�m�, �ildl f�e �anhmnGemen�, and tihe need far peiriX ic aaaes� and aesthet3c relie�. 7�he area wil�. be a pASaive public park. �, wati�r puriffe�atie�n �a�d lload �r.ventiioa pro��ot �his� pro�ec� wriii cre��te a �e�aond�ry tiood aontrol pa�d ior atona water ratention nnd siltation control� and wrill include structures to �ottnaCt this project to the primary flaod control project. '��� ThQ area Will ba a passiva public park. �' � 15 , % �� •� � � � �� � l i�, D. Iatlrmai 8tr��b�r !c►r Fbws�• _, ,YY snd tZt LaC+�I pubiic street� praviding acae�s to �h� Phase �, �� and �Yi d�velopments within �ha Pr�side���� ' Pa�kw�►y �velapnaent 7�rea aill be aonstruated� ar a�xi�ting �treetm 3.a�praved. All stra�t i�prow•�- m�rits ianalude ric�ht-�t-way, unde,rgr�►u�d utilitiea, publ�.c �acilities, aidewalks, 1.anciscapinq, �tr��t l,igixting, �ignage and a�her nec���ary improver��n�� � wit�ain the gulbl�c riqtat�-� _ -�ray. E. �iqh�ap �i7 and eiroa�mmburq A�ad tat•r�aatiaa =mpr�rv�lri�t�, �Phaas I am�d I� TY�is� transpor�ation prajea� will provide t��w tar improved a►cCe,�� fr�tn �th� �velapment Ar�a tm na�thA�svua�d Highway 217, from �reer�burg Rc�ad to ac�uthbaur►d H'ighway 29.7, and fram Migh�r�y Z�7 rsoutl'bound �o Greenburg raad, and will in�lude a�ny� ne���as+�ry siqnela, clrai.raage, utility ancl riqht�ot- �i wa�y requiremen�ttc. F. ar�onburq �oad tm�srov�.ints S.W. Gxaer�k�urg Road wiil b� imp�ovea ts� add traffic cape�city and sa�f�aty �eatursg #'ram the Mig}�way 217 fnt�r�hange to S.W. Coral St��et. All �txeet i�oaprove�e�ts 3,nalude� right-of-way, under- �rc�t�nt! utilities, public �aoili�i��� trAftia s�ignala, �tidewallcei, land�aaping, stre�t lightinq, �tit�taage mrid o�hsr ttiecaesary improvament� w�.th.�n t�he publi� righ�-of-way. G. Hiqboray �i7 �mprOV��nts 16 t � Th3.� tranaparta�ian pra;�aat will. im�rrav� th� trat�ic cmpncity o� H3.qhway Z17 b� �ddir�g addi- tiana]. lanes from �uat� n�rth of �he Gr�enburq Road intarchang� tr� the HaYl StrQ�t ov�r�asa�. Th� �,rc��e�ct 3xaci�ade� atx� x�e�e��a►ry dra�ia�aqe, u�ili�y� �ic�nag� or ather imprcrvament� wit�hin th�► �ulaliG right^-o�-�way. . H. tatss7awY 8�raot�a �or Pba��s� Z'Y �tud V ��Al pul�lic s�seets providinq accesa to �hes Phase �V and V deve�.apments within th� Fresident�s Parkway D�avelopment Ar+�a will be canstructed, ox ��tie�tinq atree�a ���xovod. A��. ��xoe� imprave- �ant� ir��lud� t�igh�-of�-way, und�rground t�tili�fe�, public f�cili�:ie�, sidewa�ks, Iandscapinc�, stre�t �.iqht�3,ng, �ic�r�a►�r� and ath�r necas�ary im�rrov�aaen�a wit�in fi.he public right-ot'-`►�►y. z. $iqh�r�g� z�7 ax�d �ssauburg �eoad �ot�r�rc�tics�a I�prov�►�wtir, plaasi �__ mhis im�rcvement wilY prov�i.de ���e�a� Prc�m �h� Development A�ea ta e�outhbaund Hiqhway 217, and will in�lud� Any necea�ary �iqnaYs, dra�.�age, uti�ity anei rie�ht-of-way requiremanta. 17 _ _ , . __ z;:. _ jI {.' , ;, . t . t: � Y.�. ; \. J'. g��,Y 8oui�v+�rd and L�aurt st���ti �mpsov�tent �, �he tre.�'fiG capnci�y ar►d e��fety of SW Ha►11 Sa�u�.gva►rc1 wi11 be imprc�ved by conetructin� ia�- provemen�� on H�11 Se�uleva�rd i�ro� 3W T�aaas� to Hiqhway z�7. S�W. Lac�a►� will l�e impro�red frt�m 3.W. Gr�enburg to �.W. H�i1�. Impre�vements paY in�lude wid+�ri���J the r�aa�wa�y, �urn lan�a and �Ch�r � �aa�ur�s, c�nd may inc]�ud� ��►����$rY r�ghts-of-�w�►y, ` unde�rqround util$tiees� publi� faailiti4�, t�affic �ignalsc, �sidewralkg, l�ndscapi�nq, s�re�et liqhtizt�, � �ig���� an� Q�h��, ��c���ary �:�mprav�ments wi�hin , i. ttt� �ublic3 right-of-�otay. iS x. �ntis�yvaya and Lana��a�• Zmprovs��ntr � Entx�►�ayr +�nc� landscap�cl �a�`�a� w�.th�.n p�lic right-df-way ar publi� 1Aztde� wiil be pravided as i; naeded tr� erihanae the qualit� of �h� Pr��ident"s � ;; F. '� Parkway Dev�lop�r�r�t Area, and t� provide for ;{ p�y�,i� ��t j oyra�nt. Tmprovemenl:a may includ�a 1' cial �s�ruaturas, Yight3.�►q, si9" i; l�ridecapin�, �p+� r1a►g�d� 1� ede�ti�i�n +w+nys, water �aatures� publi� az�t ; or okt►er elements which cantribute to the charac- � , ter +�nd enjoy�aent of the area. ' L. '�roq�raa 1►amiai�trstioa It is the int+�nt to pro�ride for the effective administ�ation �f tt�� Ple�n and to plan for the v�i�iuu� r�ctivitias r.att�aitt�d it� tha Plan. The 1►gs»Gy' will per�.icipe►te in the 'planninq, ���ign 18 � � � o and constr�a�.ian af praje�a� activities� li�►ted abova, the gen�ral administration of Chiet I'lar1, n�arkel�ing a�a�l.vitie� rela�ed to this Plan, $rid �ctiviti�s� a�� needed during th� lenqth vf th� urban renewal plane See Sectian �n5 0�' thi� L�lan. 602. acQOx�as�O�a t�]� ���►L PROP�YtTY , 1�a �uthorisation �i°hg �ve�lapment !►gt�r,c�y a�ha�li A�quire prap�rty os any intere�t therein witl'tin the lyev�l.a�itterit l�re�a by z�tty ` legal means �o a�hi�t+� Che c�aals of this Plan and ta ;J ac�omp3.isY� any a� th� project� li�te�d ist Seetian 601 m� � this P1an or to obtain any inter�st in p��pe�rty tl�eded � far de�r�lcpmertt or red�v�l��ment a� providad in 3actian Go4 oY thi� PY�n. � � ,.; D. Fropsr�y I►oquis�� far pub�l4 Zmp�rav��A� �'�I � �rc,p�rti� raqufrsd tor. public im�rovement $t'��ludir�g ; �, iS util3.ty sygtemg, ��r��'k� and highways, bika and pedea° ;; I tri�n p�tlxec, �arks, public parkinq facilities, bridqes i and all oth�r public improvsmants deecribec� ir� 5ection ` , � 501 and ehown an Exhibit C af triis pla►n �hail �e ! ' (� r�cquirad by the Development Ac�ency far the purpoges af �, i, t implem�nting this plan. 7�he laca��ian�c af �uah im�xave- j mente and �he praperty tQ be acquirsd are qenerally k ; , shawn ori Exhibit C. The exact laca�iang anc� de�crip- } � tians ot th� p�aperty ta be aaquire� sha].1. be deter� � . mined upan thg aQmgl�tion ot detailad enqineerinq � 19 . , � �tudies for each such improve�ent. Prior to acquisi- tian, this Plan sh�ll be amended by a minor amendment �hereto identifyinq the sp�cffic property or interest thence to be acquired. The Development Aq�ncy propos�s to cc�mra�rn�e acquisition of all such properties within one year from the date of appraval of this Pl�n and to complete such acquisition writhin three years from such �pproval. The property will be transferred to the �ity c�f Tigard or other appropriate qovernmental aqency fox use anii maintenance within one year from the completion of the public improv�ments. I C. pr�pertp �cquired �or Psivate Dovelopment ' Prc�per�y may be aequired lay the Agency and disposed o� to a develcaper in aacordance with Section 604 of this P a 1 n. Tn the event praperty is to be ac ired for � pux�oses of private development, �uch property shall be identified and this Plan �hall be amended in accordance with Section 1202 (B) hereof. Such amendment shall de�csibe the property to be acquired and the antici- pated disposition of such property whether by sale, leas� or other ieqal uee, together with an estimated � time schedule for such acquisition and disposition. D. l�aquisition ot Metsqer echool N�twithstandinq the above, the Development Aqency may acquire the Matzqer Elementary School from t2ne Tiqard School Distrfct for its fair market valu� by voluntary agreement between the Develogment Aqency and the T�igard 20 , �, F �. Schoo7. �istrict. The anticipated disposition of such property fs by sale for pri�ra�te development, except such portions �herenf as may be required for any public improvement described in Section 601 af this Plan. The estimat�d time schedule for such acqtaisit3.on �r►d � di�position is dependent upan an agreement between fihe Development Agency and the Tiqard School D�strict, but the Agrericy propos�s to acquire such property within three years from the date of approval of this Plan and to dispose of such property within two years from th� date of acquis�.tion. 60�m �Lf�CATIOId ACTI�II'i'IES �hould the Developm�nt Agency acquire praper.ty w�k�ich is nccupied and which would cause �the di�placemen� of the occu�pants, the Develogment Agen�y shall pro�ide assirt�nce to person� or businesses to be displaced. Such displacees wi�.l b� contacted to deteriuine their individual relocation needs. They will be provided informatLon on available alternative building locations and will be given assistance in movinq. All relocation activities will be undertaken and payments made in accordance with the requirements of ORS 281.045-281.105 and any other applicable laws or regulations. Re�.ocat.ion payments will be made as provided in ORS 281.060. Persons dispiaced from dwellinqs will be assisted to relocated in� habitable, safe, and �an3tary dwelling�s at costs or rents within th�ir financial reach. Payment for moving expense will be made to businesses displaced. 21 . Y � �, `� Whert acquiring any property which will cau�e hor�seholdg, busi- � nesses affices or other uses to be d3.spl.aceds �he Agenay sha�l f�ilow the Relocation Palicy. . Such Policy shall conform to the pr�visions of ORS 281.045 - 281.105 ancl sets forth the relocation program and procedures, inclucling eligibflity fe�r and amounts of relocation pay�ents, service� available and other relevarat matters. The policy will be aeailabl� to interested parties at the Ageney's o�fice. 160�6. pR0'PERTY DISF�SIT�ON AND RED8V�L0�?�� nRr�Y[�AT��Ng A. Propert� Dispos�ition The Development Aqency is authorized to dispo�� r�f, sell, lease, exchanqe, subdivicl�, tran�fer, assiqn, pledge, or encumb�r by mortgage, d�ed of �rust, o�r oth�rwise any interest in rea�l property �ahict� has been acqu�red by it i� accorda�r►ce wi�h pxovi.sions of this Plan. All real gxc�perty acquired by �he Deve].opment Agency in the Develop- ment Ar�ea, if any, shall be used or disposed of for d�velopment consistent wi�h the uses permitted in t�is Plan. The Development Agency sha11 obtain fa.ir reuse valu� for the �pecifi� uses to be permitted on the real property. Real pxoperty aequired by the Aqency may be dispo�ed of to any , other public entity without cost to such other public entity, in accordance with provisions og this Plan. Al1 persons and entities obtaininq property from th� Development Agency shall use the 22 . � � �. property for the purposes d�signated in this Plan or specifi�d by the A�gency aaxd shall commer►ce with c;amplete development of the proper�y within a periad of time whiah �he Dedelopment Aqency fixes a� r�ssonable, and shall comply wi�h other cor�di- � tion� which the Dedelopm�nt l�qency deems ne�es�ary �� ta earry out the ob�ectives o� this Fl�ne In can- vey�nce of any pr�pe�ty, the Devel�pm�r�t A,g�r�cy shall provid� adecnaate �afequards to ensure th�t provisic�ns of this Pla;ra will be aarried out tca prevent tk�e r�cu�rence of incompatible �ases or blight. �,ease�, deeds, cantracts, agreements, clocuments, and declar��ian� of restrictions hy the �velopm�nt 1�c�ex��y m�y contain restric�ion�, � covena�►ts, cavenants running with the l�nd, �ic�hts � of �revert�r, ca�nditians preced�n� nr subsequera�, ec�xitable servitudes, or any other provisions necessary to carry out �.his Plan.. I �. �t�dev�loper�s Obliqations . A R�developer is r�ny public entity or priVate '��, party who acquire� prop�rty from the Developm�nt � Aqency. An�► R�dev�loper and its succ��sor� or aa�s3.qias �rithin �he Develogment Area must comply with provisiong of this Plan and, where applic- II able, with terms and conditions of the Disposition and Development Agreement. Among the provisions . � 23 .. _ I � _ , ��,;_�� , 1 ( \ € which the Aqency has inclucled within the Disposi- tion and Development as r�equixements of the RecYevelop�r are the following: 1. Obtaining necessarr�,» approvals of �ro- posed developments from all Fecleral, State and/or local aqancies that may have jurisdiction on properti�es and ' facilities to be developed or redevel- oped; 2. Development or redevelopment of euah �a�operty in accordance with th� land-use provisions and other requir�ements specified in t�is Plan; ii 3. Submi�tal of all plans and speci.f�,ca- t,ions f�r constructian of impxove,ments on the land to the Developm�nt Agency or � such of it agents as the Agency may desiqnate for review and approval prior to distributian to appropriate revi�winq bodies as �equired by the City; 4. Reasoz�able time lines for commencing and coanpletinq the apecified development o� such property; 5. No execution of any aqreement, leaBe, conveyance, or other instrument which contains restrfctions upon the baeis of age, race, color, re:lic�fon, s�ex, marital 24 r � � I s�atus, or national �rigin ire the sale, lease or occupancy of the property; 6. Maintenance of the developed and/or I undeeeloped proper�y 3.n a. clean, neat, ansi safe condition. 605. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIV�TTBE A. The Development Aqency may olbtain its� administra- tive support st�ff from the City and the City ma� provide the persanne� necessary to staff the Agency on such terms and conditions as th� Dev�lopment Ag�ncy ar�d the City anay° from time to time agreea In developing the staf£ing requir�- men�ts af the Development Agency, the Dev�lopment Agency will evaluate and mak� recommendationc� to the Gity regarding their personnel support needs. Development �,gency staffing recommendations shal�. be included i�n the annual budget proposal of the Develogment �gency to the City. B. Further, the Development Ag�ncy may reta�in the services of independent professional people, firms, or organizations to provide technical services in such are�s as leqal, economic, ffnan- cial, real estate, planninq, enqineering snd any other skill dee�ned necessary by the Agency. C. The Development Agency may acquire, xent or lease office space and office furniture, equipment and 25 6 � 4 facilities n�cessary for it to conduct its affairs I � in the management and implementation of this Plan. �� a. The Development Aq�ncy may invest �ts reserve ; funds in interest-bearing accounts or securities ; consistent with provi�ions at City, State and Federal l�w. E. To implement this Plan, the Develapm�nt Aqency may �orrow m�ney, accept advanees, loans or grants from any legal so�rce, issue qualified redevelop- ; ment bonds, tax incr�ment �ands, and may xece�ve tax increment proceeds as provided for iri Section 700 of thi� Plan. An affirmative vat� by a i; majority of the then filled pasitions of t,he Uevels�pment A,g�ncy shall be required for the Develop�aent Agency to �ssues any bond�. • 'mitin �n F. Authorizat�.on and Powers. Wi�Y�out 1�. g y er or a�uthorization of this 'on ow other ro�risi P r P t en shall have all of the o men A Plan, the Devel p q cy ;,; '; powers and responsibilities �llowed under provi- ', ; sions qf ORS Chapter 457 except as may be ' � ,, `4 expressly li.mited by the City Council's approval x; ,; of this Plan. ''' �;�, SECTION 700. FTNl�NlCIN�3 OF DLVSI�O�MBNT PL�IN IND$�T$DIJS88 ,`� ,.z; '^he Development�Aqeney may borrow money and accep�t ' ii,; advances, loans, grants and any other legal form of financial ;.; ,. ;; ::, assistance from the Federal Governraent, the State, City, County, s;. or other przblic body, or from any leqal sources, public or �`: rr � �.'� � 2 6 t": . �r, �,, �_, ; � . ; . � ; ; priwate, for the purposes of undertaking and carrying out this Plan, or may otherwise obtain financinq as authcsrized by ORS Chapter 457. 701. �ELF LI4IIIDATTON C�lI+ COSTS OF IIRBAN ItI;NBWAL IND$BTEDNESS ('�'A� `INCREMENT FINANC�Nt3� Projects and activities of the Aqency may be financed, in whole ox in part, by self-llquidation �of the costs of renewal activities as provided in ORS 4�7.42Q through 4�7.�450. The ad valorem taxes, if ar►y, levied by a taxinq b�dy upon tl�e taxable real and F�xs+�r�a1 property sit�xated in the Develapment Area sha11 be divid�d as provided 3n ORS 457.440. Th�t portion of the taxes representing the levy ae�ainst th� increase, i£ any, i� the assessed value of pxoperty 3.oca�ed in the Devel.opment �rea over the assesssd value �pecifi�d in the certificate filed uncl�� O�tS 457.430, shall, after collection by the tax collector, be paid into a special fua�d m� the Development Ag�ncy and shall be used to pay principal and interes� orr any indebtedness incurred b�r the Agency ta finance or refinance this Plan and a�� projects or activities authorized and undertaken pursuant to provisions of this Plan. Upon completion of t:his projects and activities id�n- t�fied �a� this Plan or sub6equent amendment� to this Plan, and II the satfsfaction of all outstandinq Aqency indebtedne��, the division of taxes under ORS 457420 - �456.450 sha�l cease a� provided by ORS 457.450. . ' 27 . > �\ 702. �RIOR INDEBTEDNE88 Any indebtedness permitted by law and incurxed by tY�e Agenay, or the City, or in agreement with the City, in connection with preplanning for this Development PYan shal.l be repaid from Developmenic Aqency funds when and if such funds are avail�ble. '� BF�C7PTOBT 800. �I'1°IZ$N PARTICIPATION The activities and projects identified in this Plan, the clevelopmen� of subsequent plar�a, procedures, activi.ties and rec�xlatians, and the acloption of amendments to this Plan shall be und�rtak�n with the participation af citizens, owners and tenants as iradividua�� amd organizations who reside within or whc� hav� financ$al interest within the 1Develop�aent Area anci with the general citizen� of the City. SECTION 900. I�TONDISCRIMYNI�TION In the preparatian, acloption and impleas�ntation of this Plan, no pul�lic of�icial c�r private �aa.rty shall take any action '� or �ause any persons, group organization to be discriminated against on the bas�s of age, race, color, religion, sex, marital s�atus or national origin. 88CTI0�1 lAAO. �,iBCORDIN(� OF PLAN A copy of the City �Council�s ordinance adoptinq this Plarn under ORS 457.095 shall be sent by th� Council to the Developmer�t Agency. Following approval of this Plan as required b� the City Charter, the 1�gency w3.11 have the Plan recorded with the Recorcling Officsr of Washington County. . 28 �: ... l * ,� �t BECTYt"f�i 110A. PR04EDUREB BOR C�1NpR� O� ]►MSNDl��iTB I� 't'�E �gPR4�n PIPA�1 Thi�a P�.an will be r�Wie�wad and analyx�d pe�iadically �nd wi.l1 Gaxrtinu� �o �volv� durinq ths �ours� v� i�� fmpl��mercta� tion. 7��h� P3.an ma�y be ahr�ng�d, alari�ied, anc� saadif�.�d o�r amended a� future cond3�tione m�xy warrant, at�ia j�►�� �o �he f�llow- inq procedur�es. l�oi�• �d.�9�/a�YY.ifi�#MF Any chaa�ge that is not � �ub�tt�►��i�l cht�nge� a� clefitt�d �.n Sesction 1102 below, shall be a minar chdnq� �nd ��►�11 be �dopte�l �sy r��olutian o� the De�velopm�nt Aqency. Mtfri�r c�iange� irlal�da identifiaation o� px�ap�at�r for ptrbli� i�qpravenneaxt unde�x� S�c�iori 6�� o� tih�.e lilan. 110Z. A. 8�bstant�al Chsaq�w A�quiriaq i►ati+rr 1►�pxoval TYa� foilowfnq aY�e�rige�s gh�il ba �ans�$d�red sul��ta►n- tial change� to tha Ple�n a►nd ehall b� a�pz�av�d by the vaters oP the City, if requir�d by t��p1.iC��rle� I, ahar��r provisione, a�f�er b�ing �approvod by k.h� '' Gity aouncil fn �he maarner set forth in SeGtion B I' below: ' 1. Increeses in the land area within the bour�- darfes o! the bevelop�ent l�ran; 2. Zncreases in the duration oE the periad for praje��� initiation desaribed in Saction 1201= and I 2'� & y 3. New projects, as define� in Section 211, which increa�e the amount of tax increment financinq necessarlr to aarXy out the P1ano B. su�,�fiantiai Chanqes R�aquiriaq Coun�il i�pprovai 7�he following charages shall be considered� substan- tial changes ta the Plan and sha►11 be approved by the C�.ty council b�r nonemerqency orclinance, pursuant to oltS 457.095, after public notiae and a hearing: 1, Identificatian of progerties that n�ay be acquired for private development through emin�nt clamain; 2. Ma�or �hanges in land use which increase the amount of public infrastrtacture necessary to s�rve the development within the Development � Area; and 3. Other changes which alter the major asatxmp- tions underlyinq this Plan rahich are not listed in 5ection 1102{A) . 1103. �►�1QDMENT TO THE CI'�'Y�� COMPREHBNBIVE PLAI� OR TO �_AF IT13 Il+iPLEMBPI'1'INa ORDINl�NC$S s IMP�i�'1!_-� UIGVSLOPMENT PLP�T From time-to-time durinq the implementmtion of this I Development Plan, the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Tigard anay officially appro�e amendm�antB or modifica- tions to the City's Comprehensive Plan and implementing ordi- nances. Furtheacmore, the City Council may from time-to-time 30 J � amend o� agprove new building, Health and Safety Codes which affect th� implementatian of this Development Plan. When such ame�dments, modifications, or approvals �ave been off.i.cially enact�d by the City Council, such amendments, �odifiGations, or approvals which affect the provisions of thi� Plan shall, by reference, become a part of this Plan as if suc� amendxaents, madifications, or appxovals weze Eully sta�ed in the Flan. The City C�uncil shall forward to the Developmen� �gency copies of council ac�ions described above, and the Develo� p�e�t Ag�ncy shall prepare and apprave a resolut�on recognizing that such changes con�titu�e minor changes ta this Plan, a� provid�d for in �1201 above. T�e minar chanqes described in thi� sec�ion ��all �ot effectively amend the Development Plan un�il such time as the Development Aqency°s resolution becomes �inal. 88C'3'IaN �2 A 0. p�tATIQN !!ND VALTDI'1'Y OF 11PPROVED DEVELOPMENR° I�LAN 1201. puration og i�uthoritiy to initiate Proieats Authority to initiate the projects described in thi� Plan shall terminate sixteen (16) years from the effective da�e of the Plan. 1202. V�LIDITY Should s court of compe�ent �urisdiction find any worcl, clause, sentence, section or part of this Plan to be invalid, the I remainfng wards, clauses, sentences, sections or parts shall be , unaffeated by such findinq and ehall remain in full force and I effect for the time period described in sub�ections 701 and i201, ee ion 701 nd O1. ate ro ' 31 �►' ��� ,� .,��%' .,+ r � .* �� � �♦ ♦ � �1` � � � � �� . ,. �� ��. 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I� ♦ �'�`i ��•���`'�� . �. `��� ,•����� � . •o�•• . ♦ ��������I� �yt. .��� . B . . �. � ������� � '.. ���� _�►!���A i�i_•.�'�.� y . � . . � • c • � � i a � y. . �i t ; i ������� � CI'1'Y O�' '1'Z!i]�R�1 p1t8i7I�8�'� �P�wA7f DBV�LOPI�� �'I,�11i � • REPORT . �,... � i k i � ; CITY COUNCIL � f Gerald Edwards - Mayor � Val�rie Johneon � Carolyn Emdon � Jolhn Schwarta � �70� Kaston � � February 12, 1990 � " , • TABLE OF CONTEI�I°rS INTRODUG"�ZON 4 Section 100. DESCRI�TION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS 1�ND ANTZCYPATED IMPACTS '� 101. physical conditions 4 301.1 General D�escription 4 � 101.2 Floodplain � 101.3 �lanninq and Ze�a�fnq 4 101.4 Land Use 4 Existi�g Land Use 7 101.5 Exi�tinq Lottinq P�tterns 7 ` 101.6 Stre�t Cla�sifications �nd Improwements 8 � 10107 � Tra�fic Safety 8 101.8 �ccess � �� � 10�.9 Other Infrastructure � �1 102. �ocial and EconomiC Conditions 1� 102.1 Populatior� 1� . ' Dev�lopment Area Population ! Assumptions la Population of Development �►rea, �' City, County and Reqion 16 �: 102.2 �ncmme 1� � Tiqard 1979 House�o�el Tncame 16 ; �f12,3 Hc�u�ing 16 1A2.4 Employment 1� 103. Prc�per�y values in ��relopment Area 1.7 ; 104. Imp�cts of the P3.a►n in Liqrit nf Added S�rvi�es or Increased Population �7 � 105. Parcent of City Represented in Dev�lopment �rsa 28 ' SECTION 20Q. RE�ONS FOR S�LECTION OF PRESIDEY�ITS P]1�KW]�Y Afi T�IE DEVELOPY��ENT ARF.�► 18 SECTION 300. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECTS TO BE UNDEIt'I'AI�N UNDER THE PI�AN AND EXISTING CONDITT02dS IN THE . �g,A 19 SECTION 400 CONSISTENCY W�TH CITY OF TIGARD COMPREHENSIVE p� 21 2.1.1 Citizen Involvement 21 3.2.1 100 Year Floodplain 21 3.4.2 Protection of Wildlife Habitat 22 ' 3.5.1 Parks, Rec�ce�ation, and Open Space ZZ 4.3.1 Noise Pollution 2� 5.1.1 Economy Z3 6.6.1 Bufferinq �4 7.1.2 Adgquacy of Services 25 7.T.1 Pre-Conditiona to Development Z� 1 8.1.1 Transpo�tation 26 11.� Special �reas of Concern 27 12.2.1 Commercial Development 28 SECTION 500. PJROJECT ACTIVITYES a9 aoi. Timing, Descripti�n, Es�ima�ed Cu�t and Fundinq Source Z� 501..A Prajeats, Cu�ts i F'undi.nq Sources 30 Pro�e�t D�scriptions . 3� 50�..8 Projects, Cost� � Fundinq Sources 33 Pro��ct Descriptions �4 � 502. Sum�aa�r of Fundinq Sources 3� S��TION 600. FUNDS REQUI�D, TAX INCI2EMENT PROCES� ANLD YEAR OF AGENCY'S INDEBTEDNES� BEING SATISFIED 36 601. Projections of Incremental Values and Revenues 37 Dev�lopmen� Activity Worksheet 38 602. Cash Flow, �bt Repsyment, and Year Debt is �atisfieci 40 503o Finding of financial Feasibility �'` �1 Projected Tax Increment Ca�h Flowr SECTIOId 700. TAlC INCREMENT FIIdANCING IMPACTS ON OVERLAPPING TAXIAiG DISTRICT3 42 70�. Ta�xing District Valuations, Levies, anci Rates - History and Prajections 43 Tax �tates - Iii�tnrical & Pro j ected Overlappinq Taxing Districts 44 702. Dewelopment Area Valuation Rela►tive to Dist�z�ts° 45 Valuations 703. Analysi� and Pxojection of Tax Rate Impac�s 4f SECTION 800. RELOCA.TION REPORT 55 801. R�locatian Analysis 5� 802. Relocation Methods `5 803. Housinq DeTetion� � Additions �5 S�CTYOIJ 900. �TTTZEN PARTICYPATYON 55 � LIST OF TABLES . Table 1 Existinq Land Use Table 2 Development Area Population Assumptions Table 3 Population of Development Area, City, Cournty and Reqion Table 4 Tiqard 1979 Household Income Table 5 Existing Conditions Table 6 Projects, Costs & Fundinq Sources Table 7 Projects, Costs & Fundinq Source� Table 8 Total F'undinq Source Summary Table 9 Projected Tax Yncrement Revenues Table 10 AnalyBie of Borrowinq and Tax Increment IDebt Retirement Capacity 2 � � _ _ .._.__._ � a � ` t. Table x.� Taxa�le� Value ot Overlap�ring Taxinq Distri�ts Table 12 Progarty Tax Rate� in Proposacl R�adevelopmen�: Area Tabla Y3 Iapact� on Tax Rat�s in tha Fivs Mos� xgfected overlap�inq Districks Ta�ble 14 Relatior�Bhip of Devalopaent �raa ValuBtion to OverZapping Districts Table 15 �ro�acted �ax 'Rat� Ispact on School District 23a Table 16 Pro j ecfied Tax 8tat� ImQa►ct on City of Tigard Tabl� 17 Pro j ectad Tau ltatee Impact on Kttzqsr i4ater Oist�ict , Talale i� Pr�j a��c1 Tax Raate Yapa�ct on T.V. Rural Fira � Pro�action D3striGt , Table 19 Pro�ected Tax Yt�xta Impact on Washinqton County • a,IST �9F I�11i1PS Map 1 pR�SID�'S PARK6�tl�X DE�IELOPl�ENT l�iREA I M�� 2 ASY3 CRE�K FLOOD PI,�IN � Mag 3 STREETS, CURBS � SIDEWALRS � � Map 4 STORI�i OR�I;NAG�E I Map 5 Sl�lt�1ITARY SEW�RS Y�Isp 6 6aATER 1DIST'itTBUTION SYSTEM � I 3 ,� _ _ � , , , ..r . ,�:... . �.:> � :, ,.r=,.., INTRODUCTION This Report on the President�s �arkway Development Are� i� prepared to provide er�senti�l b�ckqround info�atiora on the Area �o the City of Tiqard Urban Renev�al Ac�ency, th� Tiqard Plann�ng Commission, the Tiqard City Council, and citizens. �� is prepared to comply w3th provisions of StAte Law cancerninq urbnn r��ewal plans (OR5 457,085) and is to accompany �'2�e Presid�nt's Paxkw�y Development Plan and sahauld 3a� �ead in conjunction w�LtT� it. � � Sectian 100. DESL`RIPTION OF �XISTING CONDITIONS 1�►ND AN�ICIPATED IMPACTS 101. Physicsl Conditions ].oi.1 General De��r3.ption The D�velopment l�►rea encompasses eome 186 qross acres, .apprax3�mate�- l.y 120.9 builda�la acres �nt� 151 separate tnx lot�s, all within the eity linai�ta of Tigard. The l�oundari�as o�f' the Dev,elopm�nt Are�a q�nerally include Hiqhway 217 on the scutli, Hall BouYevasc3 �n the � east, Locust Stre�t on the north, and Greeraburq Rnarl on t�e west. Itefer to the folluwing Map 1 for speci�ics. 101.2 Fl�odpla�in �sh Creek crosses ttae area frum the east to tlae west. Ths floodplain assocfated with the creek varies irr width from approxiffiattly 100 fe�t to over 700 fset. The creek and floodplain creat� a barrier to bc�t� pedest�fan and vehicle traffic. see Map 2 showing giooa piain. 101.3 Planninq and Zoni�ng The Development Ar�a i� planned CP, I-L, Medium Density R�sid�n- �ial, C-G, and C-No �"he C-P district allows civic uses, office uses, commercial uses and a� limfted amour�t of retail uses. The I- L district allowa civic use�c, commercfal us�s ana inaustria� uses. The Medieim Density Residential district allows for � s3nqle family and multiple tamily residential unit� tor aedium �d�ns�ity resic�en� tial development. The C-G distriat allows gor civic uses and a broader ranqe of co�amerCial usas not limfted to a speGified t�ade . area. Trie C-N dfstrict allows tor convenience qoods an�i services. 101.4 Land Use A wide variety of land uses exist withi.n the Develo�ment l�irea includinq both conforminq and non-conformi;°►q uses. Th� uRes in the area that are perm�tted in the current comprehensive plar� include ; commercial, industrial and low and medium to hiqR� density y residential usea. Underdeveloped uses in the Developnent Area � fnclude sinql� • ga�mily residential a�d aqricultuxal use and xepresents im�roper utilizAtion o� the land within the Devalopment Area. Theae uses are spec.ificailly prohibitad in C-P areas and represent non-confor�ninq uses. : F 4 � �i. � � � , ��- ��y- i, , �. �. '-.'" �` �. A�,•• ` , � � �� .;`�.' � 1 ♦ ►� , �'. ► ♦ � � �, ' -' � i �- �� .•• :�-: , , � � �.� �> �:' �� /►� � ' i ��� v � �'. + / � � `/'y e �., �� ;�� � � � �; ' , I ,.e ,l' .:�':�'�����t"�1,,! �. /�:�`�',''�t•. . ��,�; . . ,��, �` >�.� i�i 1 � z _�s ♦� j� � �>. � "��.r ., . ::-�,,-�-1� ��"' �� ' ��. r� ��► � -%• •���'�v � , • •�� . . ` , ':���•'ti!'•'��'`%�•:,+• �— � ��� ` ����.�'.����i��i,y` �� / / ♦ �,�����. 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'� �� � � �, ( QA _.�_� ��-i_�'�" ''� � _ �� � � � �4 0 � ���� .-f � f � L ' ` �� � ~ �f �f ..� � � y �. � �..� . .� Q i . �,� - e .� � �, , , � � � ..r'., � � . � , `,= r . e;�"��f /`� 3� . � ! . � -� � • . �``•. / ..� . _ . . r � � . -` . % � - -� . -� ��--a�� �.,a �� � . � - � � � _ _ . '`�. _ ..-----_._... . ___._____ .._._._._ � ---. _ _ ���vAy �Jt�C� � . `_ ��oac�k; � \ � -� - - _ . ,� �-r � j�� ��� ��5�. _ _ .� ���x . �� _ y�..:.: ���,p P+� � � ' � ��- yR- �l.ov p ��Ey ,c�.-�p . t�j . ; I�AAP 2 6 � _ ��� _. , � � S.W. oak �treet serves as a primary link between the S.W. Greenburq I'� � Road � a er a se c incoln Center and Washin on � (th m in axt i 1 rvi inq L qt Square) and Hall Boulevard. Land uses alonq Oak Street incYude a ' ffiix of commercial and sinqle-family residential. I', �ommercial property alonq Hiqhway 217 is not currently servic�ad by any accesg whatsoevex. The Devslopment Pirea i� approxiaately 1�6 acres in size. Wittiin tYae D�velopment P►rea appruxiaately 4tD acrea ar� vacant wfth , approximately �4� of the vacant acres located within tPie flood- plafn. Ex�luding the 4�0 �va�ant acres, 75.9 a�cx�es are developed and ' 54.9 acres are rights-of-way. Based on an analysis af current ].and , use, compar�d to th� comprehen�ive p],an desiqnations for the area, re�idential us�es not permitted in the C-P aiistrict (nan-�onforminq uses, ) occu�ay 73� of the developed acres witlqin th�s Develop�eetnt � Area. � . �.. A�tual lsnd use within, i;,�� Develo���ent Area i�s shown in the follcawinc� t�bl�. � Table 1 �xi�tinq Land Use Land Us� Acres C�nfarmir►q �ls�s Commercial 26.�2 Mult3-�amily 4.�x N�n-Cornforming Uses Sinqle family C0.46 School/Vacant 40.00 Right-of-Ways 54.90 Total 1�6.4Q acre� This condition represents a lack of proper utilization ot th� area, representinq an unproductive condition of land for uses oalled for in th� Comprehensive Plan. 101.5 Existinq Lotting Pattern�s The Development Area exhibits axi inefficient lottinq -patterti for the planned C-P uses. The area includ�s 151 lots with an overall averaqe lot size of 26,526 square feet. Forty ane percent (4it) of the lots are less than 12,SA0 square feet in size. S�all lots 7 � in are�s planned for commercisl office uses inhibit new development and require consolidation of properties for new planned commerci�l useg. Excludinq parcels qxeater than 5 acres in sfze, 24 lots are classified as flag �ots, are landlocked, or have a d�pth greater than twi�e t;he width. The lot �or►�iquratfons of these parcels canstrain development by limitinq full utilization of the entire parcel. An abandoned railroad right-of-way cut� throuqh the �Development psrcel craatinq unna�kural land �ontours and unusable strip� of land atta�hed to o�her adjacer�t properties. � The�e conditions x�p�es�ent inadequate shape, size and patterta of l�ts fo �he ro r us�fulnes� and deve7.o ment cansistent with the r P P� �' �am,pre2Yensiwe glan. 3.01.6 Str�et Classi.fications ss��l Improvements - Existinq straets within t;he Uev��opm�n� l�r�a are classitied as follows� on tht City Campr�h�er��ive P1an: '` ��re�� elassification 3 Hiq�way 217 St�t� Hiqhway i S.W. Ha�11 S�ata Hiqhway � s.w. �re�sa�burg Ma�j or collectoae ' SaW. I�cust Minax Collecto� �� S.W. I,incoln (unbuilty Minor Collectar ' S.W. �'7th Avenue Local S.W. 8J�kh Avenue Loeal S.W e 90th Ave�nue Leacal s.W. 92nd Avsnue Local S.W. 95th l►v�►nue Local S.W. Mapleleaf Local �.W. Tlqorn street Local S.W. Jefferson St. Local S.W. C�ak Stree�C Local Public 3mprovements slonq streets within the Development Area vary � qreatly. None of the streets fnclude concrete s;urbs and sid�walks along ite �ntire lenqth. All streets lack improvemants to full . City standards. (See: Map 3 showing locatior� of atreet se�tions with curbs and sidewalks) . Portions of S.W. H�11, S.W. Greenburg and SeW. Locuat do not meet atreet width requirements for the �lassification a�ai�ed. '; ;� Exist3ng at�eets within the Area are fnadeeYuate ta s�rve land uses � identified in the Comprehensive plan. `'' 5`j 101.7 Traffic Safety zl Narrow etreet widths as noted in the previous section create �;° traffic �afety iesues withia� the Developmerat ],rea. l�dditional � g . �� � x , � � � � � �, �� �' t;:t=. .__:.;. _..�..�_... . . , , � ; r; '� i � 1 C� ' � . xC •� ► �70 %e;� 1 rW n� • �i� � i71 -+ =� " 'C-„� i� � x T Z l ^ ...`�,v � i� � / ��7, >"`—" � �' �' CtEtN�V�C Z� � crn n� � r � N� � � N � � � rn � `s . .r`' , � �M � v • . ti � �y .: . � . .. . \ � O� �i n � a . fOl-AV, .. 6 i�. •7t AVE. , ' . . Q ... .. . . . �. . . �. . .. . . . . . MAII�LVO. . . _. '.�� ... . . ... . .. � . .'�-.����� . I i i i � I � � � � 1 � � � . : � � �:� �'Ne-tlY�!..rtt�s.�.e. ' ' i � _ '�o- ,rzrr+'�w!!�rAr.w nYw 4 . � . � . � . ., . � i ' ti,I i ,�.��� , h � A CITY OF TIGARO COMMUNITY REOfVEIO�MENT OISTRICT ', 4 �A x����.� - ' �-r�UJ�� �ID �d�E�IAL-K Sl,1�VEY .. .� ,� ;� : .��. ,� _ �— � a �' � � � � � , �.� �. t � .:. :y. � �J�►P� :,r .� , . .;, ��F; Y �r � 'y`. 't i� azir 1, sr z � L -�� M P�� t �;J.� i *a . �.".,w..� ' .�y.'" ,.-y�,�—�• � ., ,� , .'� . . � r ° ` -.'i"" ,�' e,-��...1�4y�� �''p `y" � ,_�T' � � E �'x .1� �, �f,. •; � . ', H 11� �.s Y.�t^L`�- - � .�-1 � �..1 � .d?C' I Y f � ' . Y+,v..,.�*�'� .,,,� .u._�,� "'�Y .. -.rt.. �,. '� �' -_ �K' .i�� . �.. ,�.. .�., - .. �, .,_ . _� .^ s, s..„ ,- .. K. �.• ,,... . - . . _ . ,. , .. . ,.. ..�r �:. �. �„ ;r n . �..,. . . _._ , v. . ..., . . . . . :. . . . . ._ . . . . . . . _.. �. ' �. `. . � - . ������,�� trafffc safety issues include: * L�ft tux�ns �rom 5.W. Oak to southbound S�W. Greenburq Road are pro2xibited yet are co�monly made. +� T'urn3.nq movements conLlict with S.W Greenburq Road at S.W.Oak +� The curve radius on S.W. Oak as it entera S.W. Hall is not to City standar�dsv * Lack of turn lane� o� S.W. Oak * Laak of pavsaaent on Thorn Street . T,acDc of pavement on S.W. �5th ]�ivenue � Lack of pavemea�t on S.W. 89th Avenue . I.ack a f p��sement on S.W. Spruce Str�et � Lack of pavement on SoW. 87th l�ivenu� * Lacic �f �saffic siqnal at S.W. Hall and S.W. Oak Str�eets * Lack of turn laner� on 3.Wo Hal� * Sfqht distance obstrr�cted at �.W. 90th and S.W. Aak. * Lack of adec�xate number af truvel lanes on S.W. Hal�, S.W. Greenburq, and Hwy 217. . * c s nals alan S.W. GreenYau Road are not Tra�fi i 9 9 r9 COOrC��lldtL'C�• 'r Yn a�ddition, the lack at sidewalks and �tsset liqhts th�auqhout t2as �re� pos�s serious safety hazaxd�s for ped�strfans. These traf�ic safety proble.na� contrfbut� �o the deterioration og tlae a�rea�. 101.� A�cesa V�hicle a�eess into and throuqh ttae Developm�nt �►rea is con- ti �trained. To enter the Dev�lopment ]�xea, northboundl traffi� �n S.W. �reenburq �oad must make an acute riqht turn fro� S,W. Gre�a�laurq Road imme3iately after exit3ng Hwy 217 to enter �he Devels�pment Area via S.W. oak Street. Traff�.c leaving the De�elopment Area to the soutt� has no eqress l�ack onto Hiqhwa�r 217 without usinq ei�her the ir���rnal (private) Lincoln Center streets mnd parkinq lot� or by mak�nq an illeqal lePt turn at S.W. Oak and S.W. Grsenburq. Traffic must travel substanti�lly out of direction to procead �outh by us�nq S,W. 90th., S.W. 87th or Hall Boulevar�l, all three streets have inadequate wfdth and/or condition to handle the saooth flow of traf�ic in the area. . Access through the Development �rea fa also sev�x�Qly restricted by the lack of north-south arteriala connectinq the property trontinq on the freeway to the balance of the street aystem. �'he property adjacent to S.W. 89th, S.f�. Thorn and S.W. Spruce Str�et are disconnected from the remainder o� the development ar�a by the lack of internal streets be�ween thf�s area and the rest of the development area. There is severe conqestion on S.W. Greer�burq Road durinq the p.m. peak hours a�s traffic leaves Lincoln Center, Washinqton Square and the Development Area. S.t�l. Greenbtir�g does not aliqn with the lane markings on the Hiqhway 217/Greenburq overpaBS, thereby diminist�inq 10 � __ _ _ __.__ ___�...__ �_.... .� _:.�._ _.....__ _ the adequacy of the overpass capacity. The shaxp left turn anqle �I for southbound traffi�c from the overpass to Hiqhway 217 cFeates a deceleraticin of traffic exitinq the� overpass thereby increasinq conq�stion. The non-coordination ot the S.W. Gree�urq, S.W. Mapleleaf traff�c siqnal with ttie S.W. Greenburq Hiqhway 217 on/off ramp traffic signals causes unnecess�ry delay� and inef�ic�ent traffic flow. A� with mast commercial enterprises, commercial u�es wit�in the E�velopment Ar�a are dependent upon hiqhway and street access. - Access problems from Hiqhway 217 and S.W. Greenburq create limitations for successful co�ercial development in the area. . � 10109 Other Infrastructure Storm Drainaae Map 4 shows th� locatipa� of �xi:ting storm drain►s, und regl�cta the lack of fully improved streets which normally contain storm slrains �it.hin trieir riqhts-of-way. Th�e ma�ar deficiency wi�in �e area i� create�d by �the lack of storm drain�ge in► any of �her'ar�a� north and northeast of the D�velopmen� Ar�a. These water� enter Ash Creek from road�ide cli��hes� thafi are in�dequa�� to aonvgy the larqa quantity of surf�ace wat�r to A�h Cr�ek. Th�as� op�� ditehes alsa flood durinq k�eawy rains causing serfoua road and pr�perty dam�aqe to the properties in the Development Are�. The s�o� e�rainaqe systen in th� Development Area is capable caf �ing upqrad�d and expanded. � pipinq system shall be incoxpmratc�d i.n�o the i�proved g�re�et system eliminstinq the op�n ditche� and current fl�oding pxobleaas. The piping systems shall outfall in,ta the prc�p��ecl lake which can be developed as a reqional detenti�n ba�it� for the Ash Cre�k Drainage �asin. Th� storm drainaqe system and R�qional Detention Basin, in additfon �o preventinq localized floe�ciinq, will also reduce the downstream potential for flooding in t.he Fa�o Creek Drainaqe 1Basin. Existinq phys3cal condition: in the Xrea pre�en� severe limitatic�n for develapment consis�ent wi�h the Conprehensive plan. Sanitarv Sewers Map 5 from Unilied Seweraqs 1�gsncy showe the exi.atinq sanitary sew�r system within the Development �rea. The exiatinq syste�a i: deemed adequate for the present cievelopment and is capable of �ieinq u�raa�a and expanded to meet the needs of the new development and its requirements. Water Distribution System Map 6 shows the existinq water distribution linea within the Development Area. They ar� deemed by the Metzq�r Water Distrfct to be adequate for existinq development and capable of beinq expanded in response to new develop�ent and its requiremente. ' Parks and Open Space Tk�e City of Tiqard and Park Plan of 1988 and the Compr�ahensive Plan ' identify inadequate park and open �pace facilities currently i s 11 � � 1 i . � I { . i 'a � � t 4` i existinq ire the Area. The pr�opoeed park to be constructed around the �akes and wetland areas con�oros and fulfills thg City ot Tiqard'a� park Plan of 1988 a:_wall ma conforming to th� qoals ot the Comprehen�ive Plan. T'he park pro�ect would �or� than fu1�i11 �kha City'� proi�ct� newcY �ox park 4pa�ca in the ar�a. Th� park plan �1so meets the critearia ot a Neiqhbortxood Park, as raquired by Tiqard�s Park Plan. Z'ha garo j sct wr�ould l�s a �sa j or a�c�ftion to the City�s recreatiornal taci].ities with littl� or na inpact on City fund�s an�l would s�i�gniticantly contributa tnwasd t�s City'� need �or a wildli�� habitafi� while improving downstreaa sil.tstion can�rr�l. • 10�. Social, �nd Bconomic Conditie�n� 10�.1 Fopulat3on 'T'he total p�pula�tion estimated to bs� liwinq within t�m Develop'et�t Area as of November 19�8 was 553 g�er�ons. This population sst'imate ' is based oa► a �urvey of housinq units in ithe area` and on the followir�q �e�sa�ns p�r unit atssumptions; Tabla 2 D�LOF�T � �OPUI�TION P►SSUMPT�ONS 8� s nql�e fam ly hou�c nq un ts x 2.64 p�rsons/uin t = 222 per�on� 1�� mul�i-family unit� x 1.86 persoias/uriit � 33� p�erson� - Total Par,song �53 peraons , 13 r , �,. • ,� •.. ,i -u�. --...�:....,, , 1 � �... ..__... � �T. . � . . .� . ,; . . i! !� �, f tHtNG?'bN '� `°' ~� � :W w 1 . � . � • i r.,,a .,�y } . . �I�2�' — . .. � �• • . .. .�� � � ,� ��/'1 w �, � �« , �_ 30 ' �'� . � ' ' � • - � � ~ �; ������ f ' r i � � _..�.: iSw.L �. .�...) �...^1. , ; �BORDI �ARE ��j �. = . ..� . .:o�.... .=� � •� � y P-�.-�-�--T- •.. ,--• : �. --- " ' /' �� ". � � •- � r / . . �l.T__.. r � � . :'' � . � .t � � . �, , ,_ ; CRESGENI' GROVE •! , ' ----+ ' . . � _ �L, �' , _.�-s W �.. .l . .. • • _.. .1l E N M�h� . „_, � . r � � , - . . C�METAi?Y: ._ _ - . .� . . �_ ..._ . / , , �g�• � I� } , . . � • • ; � • ' r � r--::� . . . � i� � _ .. _.. �.+.�...�,. .. _� . . . . , . A� ...1 � .. �• ._ . � (r• = = = � _ – _ ` =� ;' � _ � � c a� �- — i tl w � , � a . , . . . T , . .-- -...t• . ♦. � �. . _.t .Z�RA: . , — �� e �� ,. � . .� . .,__r._ . � , .� � �'. � � �T �; P . ; _.. ,?., f _ .___ 1—� � � � r ..; . ..�.., . . ...; ; .•, .� �� � o � -}-- -�t -�. .--}--��-• � . ...� '- ...� - - -- ► • . , � s 1 � ' 1 { �0 ' r . I I P �.� tS� ( 1 � I S w_i L ". N . � . �� � ' '�����A� !�1 1r _ �� —. � � I � � � 1 �T � � i �/ j < L-- -+� � i : ' .-� � • 00" � , •�U '� l . �,� , ►---''^p---° { 1 . -�,.._.�� � �\ � � �� � . .�._._w.-- - � � - • �: � �S�".....� LA!'tEc.E�°.. _��_ � . , � • - . �• "> �•l� � .. . .. .. ..... � . . . � �� � •._..�� � « • r ` ! . '. � y� / '� � C - r•..� .` r � � � r . vt t a... 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K � � ♦� ; ` �� �9 �2 �`' � • s�r � � � . t� w . 9 � ! , --� ' , .� !� i � '.:(. � 1!� R � � t - S� • �" 1 • / _ ' . — ' ' — L �_�'� M,� o � 2l 2� i - .' a.� :A�..' 7►• 1 � r � �� t. ` � r (� K � -� t s ' I � 3 ���~ ���• t� L S � � I 1C1• 2t�► � - ^ ". . s.�:f" �":�� �q,�► ��€`'. ,: -; _� ,- �, 1 — . 'SI+`,•yr ' ' ,�I � • � j� F— •,�- •'� . . i ':k' , , ' 4! �y' z r = •rt �o• z' n � ,e� +o .. - • - _ � Q ---- ., . - ::��,, ' ':1 f:iL. ) � + ' ._� — �- -'a e � —{ • � e •. �� �Z _^ +--y�a - � . h v I - ::;t���r. n _ �� __� � . J' ~ ! ` `•t' � 'A.±.'.. � � i . , ;.; A ,, \., w --V S ' _�.'t� ..•�_ r �j _ , 'SaY � ' `'l ..''"!i; _. ir,•�• .. :I',Y:..i �,� , • . . . . . �� � � ..•, y ' �i� r . . . .r _ ?w ' �` � , � � ��� A '0 m � Table 3 PO�[JLATTOId OF DEVELOPMENT AREA„ CITY, COUNTY APiD ItEGYON l�rea �ula�ion �, Development Area 553 City af T�qar�i 24,573 .225� of City Waehington County 280,000 .01�� of County Portland MSA �.,30?',000 .0042 0! P�SA 102.2 �nco�ne Hougehold income c3ata was c�llec�ed for the 1980 Census and r�presen�� 1979 c�ata. E�r3dence indicatee �hat house�old income wittiin tihe Development �rea is less than that in the City �a� a whole. Th@ evidenee f�r this conclusion i�s drawn from th� housinq �y�e�, the pattern of predominate re�ter resiclence, the g�nerally � low rent levels and the low averaqe value of the s�.ngle family hom�� which exist in the Development Area. This information is shewn in the r��xt �ection an Housinq. Table 4 TYGRI2A 1979 HOUS�IOLD IIJCOAqE ;ncome Y�vel $0 -� $2,5a0 A.Sfr� $2�500-4,99g 5.57� $5,000-'7,499 5.34� $7,500-9,599 7e90# $10,A00-12,499 6.84� $12,500-14,99g 7.1q� $15,OOQ-17,499 7.d1� $17,5�0-19,999 8e47� $20,000��2,499 �.92� $22,500�24,999 '7.�0� $25,000-27,4�9 5.88� $27,500-29,999 4.55� . $30,000-34,999 9.27� $35,000�-39,999 5.60� $40,AQ0-49,999 5.17� $50,Q00-74,999 3.31� � $75,000 + 1.02� ' 102.3 Iiousing ' A survey has shown 262 housinq units in the Dgvelopment Area. F Approximately 67� were duplex and multi-family, and 33� sinqle ; family. The 1980 CQneus found that 54� of the l�ousinq unita in Tiqard were owner occupied. Approxi�ately 66� of the sinqle lamily 1 I 16 � 1 � homes in the Development Rrea are owmer occupied, the remainin�g units are a11 rental. Therefo�e, only 22� of the housinq units in the Development Ar�a are owner occupi.ed. The averaqe assessed va3ue of �he sinqle family resfdenc�s in the Development Area is $49,000. That is an averaqe of §2�,000 for land and $27,t�00 for improvements. Rents for both aulti-tamily and sirrqle family units are low to nodsrate fn the Developmen� area. Por�ions c�f the 1�►►rea exhibit d�preciated land ancY improvement values tu an ex�ent that t�x receipts are inadec�uate for the cost o�f piablic services rendered. 102.4 Employmen� , There are 200 �stablishment� providinq emplo�ment within �he D�evelo ment Area. Total em lo ent rav P p ym p ided in the Area as of Janu�ry 1989 is estia►a�ed to be 2,100 effiploy�es. The ma�or types of employment currently provided in the B�velapment �rea are: 7 Office Buildinqs - 2,000 employees �� 5 Retail Establishments - 100 employees 103o Propez�ty Values in Developm�nt Area Froperrt,y� valu�s for land and improvements hav� bee� compiied for each separate tax lot within the Develc�pment Area. Thege values are for Fiscal year 1988/89. All of the prope�ties within the Develogm�nt Area have be�n su�v�yed to trsck ahanqe� in tota]. real estrate a�se�sed values over the pa�t nine-year g�erioal, Th3s aurv�y showed a qeneral increa�e in value� durinq the 1�80 throuqh 1984 period with little chanqe or some decrease �.n valu��, particularly a�nong residential prAperties, from 19�4 to �989. The Washington County Departnent af �issee�ment and Taxation, Commerciml Appraisal Section, conduct�d physical reappraisala of all properties within the Development �rea to establi�h new values as of January 1, 1989. It was reported that land values were hiqhest on or adjacent to Green3�urq Road/Washinqton. Squ�re. 104. Tmpacts of the Plan in Liqht of Added Services or Increased Population Improveme�nts to the stteet syatem in the area should reduce the City�s cost� of street maintenance. Similarly, the improvements to the street system should improve traffic flow which should, in turn, reduce fusl consumption, travel time, and air pollutfon. By encouraqinq the use of vacant or under-utilized land within the ' area, the assessed va�ue base within the area should increase subs�antially. Thi� improved assessed value base will benefit the overlappinq taxinq districts when the tax increment process is � completed since tlzey will then have a much hiqher aa�sessed valuation within the Development l�rea upon which to levy taxes. 17 � ii I 0 Since ther� will be ra reductinn ot ho�es in tha area �ncl en ' incraase in commereial property valueB the impact on local �choal enrollment will be �►inimal. Additional discussiorn of �inancial impact is inc�uded in the section of this Report which details the impact ot collec�inq tax incrament prmceads on the tax r�tas o! thg ei.qht ovorlappinq taxinq ; bodie�. i 105. Percent of City Represented in Dev�lop�ent li►raa � The Ci�y ot Tiqard has 6,460 total ac�es ar3thin it� boundary. The ; D�velopmant l�irea has 186 acres or 2.88� og the total land area of the City� The total assessed value of ttae City ot Tigard as of January 1, 198� w8s $a,423,135,T72. �'h� valuation of prope;rty i within t�e Development Area was approximate7y $7�,032,7�0 or 5.2� o! #he total city valu�tion. � Both the l�nd area ancl assesaed valustfc�n of prape�rty wi�2ain tlae I Ar�a are well within the statutory limit�tions af 2� for citi.es of Tiqard's pr�pulation. (�RS 457.420) SECTION' 20Q. I2EASONS FOR SELECTION OF PRES�DEN'�'S PARXWAX 11€► � pEVELOP- ME1�T d�RF.7� � Tl�e toll�winq detecta �and inadequacies as described fn Sec�ion 100 'li o� this Report were �ound within the Development �►rea and ars the reasons the are� was saalect�d. . , 1. The' creek ar►d fl�odplain creat� a barrier �o bot� �destri�n � and vgtai.c�e �r�ffic. Portions of the 11rea ar� subja�t t�a ' inundation by water. 2. Tha pr�eval�nc� of under developed non-congorminq use� in the Development area planned tor commercial u�ss, represents improper utilizatfon of ttYe land within the Developaent l�rea. 3. The Development Area exhibits an in�fficient lottinq gu►ttern including small lots, land lockad lots and lots whose st�ape inriibits commercial development and use. . 4. Most streats in the �rea ara i.naxdequat�, and do not �ae�t full city standards including thosa for curbinq, sid�walks, drainaqe and width. 5. Traffic Safaty wa� found to be a problem �n marry parts of ghe area. These problems included: narrow st�e�t and bridqe widths. Additional traffic safety hazarda include: � r ;� * Turnfnq conflicts at S.W. oak and S.W. Greenbua� ;` * Radius of curve on S.W. Oak ae it �nters S.W. Hall fs not to City �tandards. , , * Lack of turn lanea on S.W. dak � �. 18 �� _ f: t , � j �, ��' . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. , .. . . ... . .� _ .�. . ° , � � * Y�ack of paveffient ora Thorn Strest Lack of pavement on S.W. 95th �►ve�nue Lack o� giavement on S.W. 89th l�venue Lack ot pavement on S.W. Spr�aa@ 5tr�et Lack of pavem�nt on S.W. 87th l�v�nu� * Lack of turn lane� on S,W. Hall * Sight distance obstsuct�d �t S.W. 9�th and S.W. Aak. 6. The lack af sidewallcs throuqhout the area poss�s s�rious sag4ty hazard� for pedas�rians. ' � 7. Vehicle accs�s into and throuqh the AreA is inadequate to ' serve planaled commexcial use�. 8. The �rea �xhibfts inadequa�� stor�n dr�in pl�acement ancl availabilit�. 9. T'he resf.deratial portion of the Developm�nt ]�rea exhibi��c depr�cia�ed val��s to an �xt�nt that the cap�►ci�y to� le�vy taxes is reduced �nd tax receipts are in�dequate�`for the cost o� public services rendered. 10. The exis��.nq residential. uses in an area planned gor aommercial uses raprasents a lack �� proper utilization of la�nd, resultinq in staqnant and unproduct�ve condition of l�nd potentially valuabl� for contributinq to t,he public welfar�. , SECTION 300 13�Ld►TIONSHIP BETWEEN PROJECT� Z"C1 BE UNDERTAICEN UND�t THE PLAN � 7�1ND E%ISTING CONDITIONS IN THL AREA The most giqnificmnt pro�ects witt�in the Deve]epmenta� Area, both in terms of solvinq existinq probl�ms, aovinq the �►rea tow�rd becoming a viable commercial district and allocation of funds, ara impro�rements to the street systea. Thase projects will iaprove acces�c into the l�irea and to specitic p�ogertiea, enhanca pedestrian and vahic�lar safety and upqrade the qeneral appearan�s anA attractiven�ss of �e Area for its planr��d use. . Full development o� President�a Parkw�y Lak� and lish Croek will create use�ul public open space which will hel� s�imulate values in the surroundinq area, adiditio�aal commercial d�velopmont and qenesally encourage qreater number4 0! people to uaa the l�roa. �►11 projects mse desiqned to h�lp achisva qoals set torth in the Development Plan for President�s Parkway. Speci�ic selationshipa ot oactY pro�ect identified in the Presi- dent's Parkway Development Plan to tive categoriss qt "'blightinq conditions" are set forth in the followinq table. Tha tivs ca�tegories encompa,ss existinq deticienaias and inadequacisa with the area and follow the cateqories defined ix� dRS 457.010 (i) . _ , _ �9� . .. . . yf..7'. . � . _ . ' }; '� . . .. ._ . . . ... � . . . .. - . :_ ,. . - . -� -. � : . . ..�.. . . ... .. -_:�.. _ ., ,�.� � _ -� •-' ..� a- ,: ..,_ t . . . . _ . . . . . ._ . -._ . . .x. . ... ..y . .. . _ " '.' ..' •_ ' ..,.. .. ._�.:':_ .5._. -.. .�. ...:. :'...�. . . � .. .. � � � C , � , � + Table 5 Exis�inq Conditions* Plan Praiect/Activitv A B C D E_ 1. Hiqhway �17 O#'f ramp X X X 2. La�k� and Park X X X 7C X � 3. Wat�r puri��.catiun/tlood ` retention X X 7t X X 4. Praperty ]�cquisition X X X X X 5. Internal &tre�ts I, II, � izi, iv, v x x x x 5. 217 and Greenburq Road int�rsect3:an ' X X 7. Hiqhway 217 wideninq X X 8. Hall ic I�ocust ImproVements X X x , �, *Key to Exis�na Conditionso 1� = An ec�namic .dfslxa�ion, de�erioration or disuse o�' prop�rty resultinq from faulty planr�inq. B = Laying out of prup�rty or lr�ts in disreqard of cont�urs, drainaqe or otlher �physical cl�araat�ri�tics ot the t�rrain �nd surxo�.rodinq r.nndi- �ion�. C = ExistanGe �f inadee�ua�te �traets and other r3,qhts-of-wmy, apen gpacss, and utili�ies. ' D � Exi�texac� of p�operty or lots �or ot2�er areas which ar� �ubje�t to i�undatian by water. E = Growinq or total lack og prop�er �tilization o� areas re�ulting in a staqna�nt or unproductive us� o�' land pot�ntially useful and v�nluable fos contri�utinq to the public health� safety and w�lga=e. I , i i 20 n � e ' 88CTIO�T 400 CO�iBIBTE�CY 11YT8 CITY Ol� TIfi7llitD CO�KP�i8IV3 pL�11i �'he Plan is consistent with the Co�prehensive Plan by complyinc� wi�h the applicable policfes ns follows: citi��m► anooav.�.nt 2.io1 The City sha11 �aintain an �nqoinq citizen in�rol.eament proqram and shall assure that citiz�s will b� provided an opporturiity to be involved in al�. phasts of th� planninq processm ioo-Y�ar Zloo�piaia � 3.2.1 R'h� City shall prohibit any land from a].taratione or developments in the 100-year tlooclplai� which wou�.d xasult in any rise ira elevation of the 3oA-year floodp►lain. Espiaaation: One of the purpuaa� o� ths larg� pand 16 to contro•1 and reducs floodinq that now exists in tt�e Dev�lopment a,rsa. Th� p�ax�its that w�re pxeviously qranted to fill portians o� the f�oo�lplain callte� for a pond to mitigate tt�e flood potential. The expanaion of it2ie pond �a proposed under th+e �l�n would further auqment the mitiqation. Al� �utur� de�►�lopmer�t wriAl b�c �ub�ect to ttn+e�ae require�ent� �� not�d in pc�licy 3.2.�. 3a2o2 The City shall; a� Prol�ibit land form alteratior�s and deweXopme�t in ; �he floodway+�, eatcept alt�rati.ons may be allowedl which p�egerve �� i enh�nce th�s futnctior► and maintenance of the z�xo-fopt ri�e ( f.loodway*: and , f b. Prohib3t land form a�lterations or development fn �ie � , �loc�dplsir�* aut:�de the zero-foot ri�e floodway* sxcept as follows. � :� 1. Land fc�rm alt�rstiona sha1�. b� a1.lowed whi�h 1; pxesezve or �nhance the lunction o� th� ze�°o-foot risa ,; �loodway*. ;� �: 2. I,and torm alterations� and davalopment sha31 b� ,�; a7.lowed where both sides of tha floodplain* are designatad a�s ;! either industs3al or commerc�al on the Com�r�hensive Plan aap, ; and �h+e factors set forth in Poli�y 3.2.3 can b�e satist'ied. ;; � ;; 3. I.and gorm alterat3.ong and development shall be �': allowed where one siae ot the floalplain* is plannad far £j comffiercial and �ndustrial use subject to tha followinq �' limitations; �� � � ,�. � � � � �_� (a) The land form alteration or developman� � is on land designated on the Comprehensiva Plan nap for � commercial or industrial uee; �; (b) The applicant can dhow that a�terations � , or development into the tloodplain* is reasqnabls and k: necessary to better the �cono�fc use ot the sitet and r >. �: } 21 � 4 , (c) The factars set forth in Policy 3.2.3 can be satisfiea. 3.2.3 Wher� land for� alterations and development are allowed within the 100-year floodplain* outsiae the zero-�oot rise floodwray*, the City shall require: a. �he streau�flow capacity o� tk�e zero-foot ri�e floodway* be ma�.ntained; � b. Enqineered drawinq� snd documentation showinq that these will b� na detrimental upstr�aa or down���eam chanqes in the flooclplain* ar�a, and that the cr�.t�rfa set �oarth 3n the sensitive lands section ��' the Co�e have been me� (�ee F35 S�pt�obex� 1371) ; c. Th� planting of an e�rerqreen buffer on the consmercial ar inc3ustriai land abutting re�idsntial land which screens the developm�nt from view by the adjoini�ag �°esidential lsnd, ax�d which ia of sufficienti width to be noise attenuatinqe and d. �"he dedication of �ugfici�nt open �and area tor qreeraway adjoining the floodpla�iaa* including porti�ns a�t a suitable eleavatfon for the cons�truction e�f a ped�striaa�/bicaycle pa�hway wi�.in the flocadplain* in accordance with �he ndo��ed pedestrian/b- icy�le pat2away plan. * The F°loodplain and Flooelway, �s d�fined by the Flood Ynsuranc� Stuciy for the Citgr o� Tiqard dat�d Septembe� 1, 1981. Prot�e�tion �og 1�ildlit'• Habitat 3.4.2 Th� City shmll: a. Pratect fish and wildlife habitat along sctream corrfdors l�y manaqinq the riparian habitat and controllinq erosion, ar�d by �equirinq that areas of standinq trees anc� natural veqet�tion alonq nat�ura.l drainaqe couxs�e and waterways be maintained to the aaxfau' exten� pos�i�le: b. Require that development propoaals in deaiqnated tisbered or �r�se aseas b� reviewed �hrouqh th� planned development procass , to minimize t�� nwnber of �rees removed; and c. �tequire Cluster type dev�lopment in axeas hmvinq , important wildlif� habitat value as delineated on the "Fish and Wildlife Habita� Map" on file at the City. 8zplanationt All new development within the Area will be aubjsct ' to these requirement�. Parka, Rsar�atioa, aad Op�n Bpac� 3:5.1 Z°he City shall encouraq� private snterprise and intergovernmental aqreements which will provide for open space, 22 '' � ' 9 recreation lands, facilities, and pr�aerve natural, scenic, and hietoric areas in a manner consistent with the availabilfty of resouxc�s. 3.5.4 The City shall provide an interconnected pedestrian/aike path throuqhout the City. 3.6.1 Individual pa.rk �ites, as definec� b�r �e Parlcs and Op�n Space standards and claasification system sha�ll be eieveloped accordinq to the following prioritie�: ' , b. Park� ehould be planned tp ensure maxfmuua bsnefit to the I qreatest numbsr of l�al residents. For t2ai� r�a�on, acquisition and develo�ment ot community level parks ahou�d b� qiver� tb.e highest priority. 3.6.2 The City shall coordinate with oth�s public, private orc�an�.z�tfons, and af�'ected pxivate propsrty owners in arder to facilitnte the implementation of ttie Cit�'s adoptad park plans. � $zplaaatiaa: These policies are met by providing public p�rk lands, pedestrian trails and other passive recre�tion facilfties in th@ area. Noise Pollu�ion 4.3.1 �he Ci�y st�all: a. Require development proposals located in a� noise conqested area or a use which creates noise in sxce,ss ot ttie applicmble standards to incc�zporate the followia�c� into the site plan: 1. Buildinq placement on the site 3.n an �rea where the noise levels will have a minimal impact; or 2. Landscapinq and other techniques to lessen nois� impacte to levele compatfble with the surroundinq land u�es. Ezpiaaations Comprehensive planninq.of the Developmer�t ��a will permit a rifgh le�vel of mitig�tion of potential noise conflicts. gaonomg 5.1.1 The City shall promote activities aimed at the diver- sification of the economic opportunitie� available to Tiqard resfclents with part:icular emphasis pl.aced on the local job market. �atplaatation: Plan Policy 5.i.i is satisfied b�ecauBe of the seale and magnitud�e of proposed development within the �rea. The consicruction period i� expected to cover approximately 15 years �rom infrastructure clevelog�ment �o the completion of the last proposed buildinq. The value-added a�pect af t�ae development is between 300 and 400 million dollars. 23 1 _ • , , % There will be approximately 10,000 new service andl prot�es- sional jobs created by the proposed development. 6.3.3 In al1 phases of the devalopx��nt approval proces� in a resid�ntial "ee�ablished area," prfaary consideration ot �e C3ty shall be to preserve and enharace the character of the adjacent established areas. �splaaationa Plan Policy 6.3.3 in atrict terms dos� not apply, because th� 1�►rrea ha� been de�ignated tor coamarcial uses in the Ccmprahensive Plan, and thus is not in a "residential astablished area". Howaver, it is recoqnized tt�at the reclev�lopmsnt of tha l�rea t'roa an exfsting r�aiden�ial dis�rict t� a commercial cifstrict will occur over a period of tir�e, and duxinq this �ime of tr�nsition, existinq reaidanti�l areas aay be a��ected b cons�ructi�n activities and the en�ral incr�as� ira �oise tratli� and otlxer �ctivi�3�s asaca�iated witta commercial develr�pment. This F�laan does nc�t �p�cifically �aar�ss t�is issue, however, �e Comprehensive Plan �nd Developer�s Aqxaem�nt will insur� that potantia2 i�pacts are 'inimizecl. Bul��rinq ' � . 6.C.1 The City shall require: a. Buffering between different typea �f land uees (�o� �xamp�ae b�tw��n sinql� fami.ly xesidentfal and multiple� family res3d•ntisl an� rssidential an� comm�rcial uses and residential mnd indu�tria� u�es) and the toll�wfnq t�ctors shall be con�ide�ed in d�ter�ininq tha type and extent af the required buffsr: 1. The purpose og th�a bu�fer, fc�r example to decr�aaae noise levels, mbso�b air gollution, filter dust or • to y�rovide g visual barrier. 2. The size of the butf�r needed in terms� o� wi$th and heiqht to achieve the purpose. 3. The directions fro� which bufferinq is needed. 4. The required denaity ot the bufter3nq. 5. Whether the viewer is stationary or �aobile�. b. On site screeninq o� Buch �hinqs ae service areas '; x�nd facilities, storage areas and parkinq lats, and the followinq factars ehall be considere�i in dete�ininq tha �ype and extent of' � the scrr�eening: � i 1� What needs to lae gcr�ened. "j �. The direction from whi�h it is needed. 3. How dense the screen needs to be. '� . 4. Whether the viewer ia :atationary or mob,ile. ' 24 � _ , , � ' , - y 5. Whether the scr�eninq need� �o be year round. �splaaation: These p�licie� will ba met throuqh ths City �velopm�nt Approval pr�cess. ]►d�<yuaa� ot s�rvic•a 7.�L.2 The City shall r�quire a pro-�cond3gion to develop�ent approval tahmt: a. 1)evelop�ent coincide with tt►� availabi2ity of ffid�quat� sezvice capacity includinqs i. Public water; 2. Pub►li� sewer; and 3. Storm drainage. b. The facilities are: 1. Capable of adequately serv�3.r�q a11� int�arvenfnq praperties a�nd the prog�o�ed de�r�lopm�nt; an�d 2. Desiqned to Ci�y stanclarcis. c» X11 new d�velopm�nt u�ilfties to be plaeed ruzelerqround. �xplanatiomms Plr�n Policy 7.1.2 f,� satistied because �dequate public serwice capacit.�es are availabl• to �erva the pot�ntial d�ev�lc�pment ir� the Area. The necessar�,rr service extenaions will be constructed prior to or as development �curs con�istent with ttais Plan. � � Pr�-Coaditions to D�v�lopa�nt 7.2,1 Th� �i�y shall res�ire �e a px�e-condition to devel.op�ent that: a. A site development study be eubmitted tor davelopaent in areas subject to poor drainage, qround inst�bility or �locdinq which shows that the developsent is sal�e and will not cr•at� adv�sse offsite fmpacts; b. Natural dr�inaga ways be �aintair►eeY ua�la4s submitted �tudies show that alternative drainaq� solutions can solva on- ' site drainaqe problems and will assura no advarse �flsite impacta; � c. All drainaqe can be laandled. on-�its or t2isr� is an alternative solution which will not increasa tha o�fsit� �' impact; `� d. Th� 100-year floodplain olevation as �establishe�� hy ths �i 1981 Flood Insurance Study conducted by t�a U.B. �y Corps i.' of Enqineers b� protected; an� ;'' ,, e. Eroefon control techniques ba included as a part of tha ;_ site clevelopm�nt plan. ;;; . �; . 25 �;� �,; s' � � ° , � � t 7.6,�. �he City �hall require as a pre-cox�dit�.�n to development that: a. The devel.op�ent be sexved by a wat�r system havinq adequate water pressure for tire protection purposes; b. The development shaill not reduce the water pre,esure in �hhe area below a �evel a►de�uate for fire protactiox� gurposes; and ' c. The applicable lire district review all applicati�ns. 7.�.4 The City shall require that all n�w devalapment b� eonnected to an approved sanita�ry s�w�xage s�ratem. Ezpl�aation: Plan Policy 7.4.4 is satis�ied b�cause ad�equats public capacitie� are� avnilsble to serve antic3�pa�ed development in the l�rea, �. �rsnspertatioa 8.�.1 �"he City sh�ll plan �or a sa�a and efficfent atreet and roadw�y system that meets current neecis and �anticipated future grow�hh �nd development. �zplanatiom: This policy would be smtisfied by the �mplementa�ion of r�adway �ys�ems �ithin the Devalapment 1�1rea wl�ich would replace the existinq inadequr�te aye��am. The proposed roa�way wrill introduce fr�ae flowrinq traffic ttirouqhout a hiqh].y �andscaped asea that i� wel.l-sighted and we11- parked, prcvidinq boulsvard--like traffic-ways. The new inqress and eqrsss la.nes connectinq kiiqhway 21.7 to the D�velopmen� Area, accom aniad b the wid��in af Greenbu and th� P Y Q nl current improvements on Locu�t, will alleviate the ciarrent conqestion in and � about tti� Washinqton Se�uare area. i , The new transportation projects outlined in .the Plan are i desfqned to meet cux�rent needa and the anticipated �uture qrowth and j development. ; � t 8.1.3 The �ity shall require as a preconditioz� to devalopment � approval tha�: . � � 2 a. Development about a pub�icly dedicatad street or have � adequate acceB� approved by the appropriate approva�. ? au�khority; � . � � , b. Street Rfqht-of-Way be dediaated where the etreet is � �uv�tanaara in wiatt�; ' ( c. The Developer coa�mft to the con�truction ot' the streets, ' curbs and sidewalks to� Cfty s�andarda within the development; � � � i - � 26 I � � � � � � � � � � � � �, � �::._ : � .,._��:.. . ���� __. � � .. �_�:�_ . . .�;..��. .. ::..�r d. • Individual De�velopers participate in the improvement of existing streets, curbs and sidewalks to �he e�rtent of the developiaent°s impacts; e. Stre�t improvements be �acie and street signs or siqr�als be provicled when �he deve�opment ig fe�und to create or intensi�y a traffic hazara�; f. Txansit stops, bus turnout lane� and shelters be provi.ded when the prop�sed uae af a type wh3.ch qenerates transit xiders�aip; q. �arkinq spaces be set aside and mark�d for cer� o�srat�d by aisabled gersons and that the spaces b� laca�ed �s �lose as possible to the entrance desiqned for di�abled pers�ns; and h. Lar�d be dedicated to implem�nt the bic�ci�/ pedes�rian corri.dor in aacor�lance with the adopted p��n. �acpla�aationw Plan Policy 8.1.3 will be satisfied as°"a condition of approval of any futuxe de�welopment of the prop�rtiesv N�cesssx^y str��t imProvemer►ts wrauld be requiredt at the t:imes of development. Th�s City°s Enqineexinq Division wi11 review any furtlae�c development proposale for the pxope��.es. The intez�t o:E this policy is �et by this Plan, which pravidss fox a joint ptalblic/�private partnership to cons�ruct ne��ssa�y transportation improvements prfor ta or mt the time of development. g.2.2 The City shall encouraqe the expansion and use of pulzlic transit bYs a. I�catinq land-intensive uses in elose proximity to transitways; b. �ncorporatinq provisions into the Community Development Cod� which require development propo�alc to pxovide tranait facilitiesp and c. Supporting efforts by Tri-Met az�d other qrougs to provide for neede of the transportation disadvantag�d. Ezpianati�oa: Plan Policy 8.2.2 is satisLied because Txi-M�t offers , bus service to the entire Washinqton Square area. Therefare, tlne proposed deve].opment would locate an intenafve type of development witta �lose ; e. Furth�r tkae intensit a! th� � mit to an existin ublic transit rout proxi y q p , Y ource area for Tri-Met ttiereb `� ro osed develo ment will demand a greater s , y enhancinq eetwice to cover a larqer qeoqraphic area wi�hin Tiqard. � Bpocial a►r�as ot Conoorn ` �� 11.8 The City will require that a11 development applications within the De:velopment Area be consieten� with policies 11.8.1 throuqh 11.8.6. . � I . 27 y . 'I __ _ ,.,._.� � b. T�. ahal�. be posaib�.e to incor�ara�te the unic�ue �i��a feature�� inta the site dee�ign and dev�lapaa�r�t pla�n. c. The as�oafated light�� nai,�r�, and a�atirrftiea shall nat inter�e�e with ad�vinirig nanre�sidential us�e�c. 8xpl�tnRtioa: rilan PaYiay 12.�«�. �.s� �►�at� kra�au�� the� City hae n�pli�d t�l]. �pp�li�abl� stat�wi�ie planl�t»g g�aal�, �ity C�mpreh�mgiv� �7,an �Qlicie�c, and cr�ntimuatity bavelapmen� ca�de r�q�ir�m�nt�s, an��i has d�e�ignated a m�jor porti�n of �he D�v�lopment Ar�a as co�m�rci�i^-p�4�eggianal. Thi� Pa.�n pravides i�ar develop�aen� which is cara�is�tent wi�It th+a Ca�nprehensiv� P�.�n. 7�he g�a].e af the� pxopc�e�e� developmen� cax�siat,s of approx3:ntabel.y 1GO acres of l�tt�l '�o b�e tully dev�lap�ed with plara� ca]Llinq f�r a� hv���., of�ic� building�c, re�ail sho a re�et��uranta, pgrke, la�e�c, dla�y oAra a��t�r, and he�alth P . d� a► roxi��►a�.�1 2.5 � ec� wil7, �ovi �aail�,tiea�Y A� its completion, �.h� pr j P pp Y millian squnre ��et of offiae ��d �ro�es��.on�l spaGe. Tha valtie s9d�d by this pra��c� wfil �xcged 400 mi�lion �dollars at �comp�eti�n. Sec�ian 500. �'R45�7'E�'P A.GTIVY�.'rE5 501. Tf�ingr, Da�czipt.�c�n, E���ma�ed Co�� �nd Fu�ndir�q Sour�e The p�r�jeats �nd activiti.es which are included irn th� D�velopmen� Pl�ri ar� mare fully detailed hesa �nd placect into one of twa fir►e-Year time �eri,ad� i�ases� on (1) their reYa��iv� impar�mn�� ta achi�ving �].a�n c�b�ecti�r�s; (Z Z t;t�►eir impa��ana� in �rovfdinq the neces�ary s�tppa�� and �.nce�tive� �a�r �sxivatQ redev�lopmenk and new �ri�v�►tie Go»�structiion; �t�d (3) �h� availability o� funding fram ta�x ina�caman� x�evenua� and a�h�r , v$riou� fundiz�g �t+uraes. Fall�wir�g �aah sunun�ry of pro��a��s and � aativitiea (r�nd thc�ir coats and funding sourc�s) f� � d�sarfption ot' each pso�o�� and ita m���r componanta. Ttae� descr$ptiun i.�s that oP the pro�ect +�e� ��t°►�e�iv�d �t th� t��.me ot' glan �doption, and haa been used as the basis ��r �stimat�ing the ca�t o� such projeat or ao�ivity. �ro�e�ct cost� shown are based cn pre�.i.minary enqineering estimat��, a�nA wi,].l be �u,bje�t to r�finement �nd ch�nqe. A� the budqet �or each �iscai ye+�r a� Davelopment Agency act�.vi,ties is prepa�ed, aach project wi11 be refined ta more precisalX accompli�t� plan goa],�a in iight of then current cvnditfans� This procees wili, in many caseg, l�ad to acme desiqn ch�nges� a�d aan��quent� �hanqea in cvot es�ima�es. I� 7'he� �ttach�d table labeled Aarrawinq and Tax Increment Debt Y��tirem�nt Cnp���,�y indicat�s the projects (exalusive of deb� s�rviae) , aatt be star�ed prc�na�t].y ared cotnpleted by 1�99. 28 \ . I b. It Bhall b� posgible to incorporate the unique aite features into �he site desiqn a►nei development plan. . c. The associat�cl liqhts, noise, and activiti��s shall not interfere with adjoininq nanresfd�ntial uses. � E�zplanatioa: Plan Policy 12.�.1 i� �et because �e City ha�s appli�d a�.l applicaltile stat�wide plannin�g q�la, City Comprehexiaiva Plan Policies, and Community Devslopm�nt Codo roqu3rea�nt�, a�nd haa clesignat�d a aaior portion ot ttie Devslopment Area aa coa�isr�ial-protessional. This Plan ? provi.d�� far dewelop��nt whicri is consistant with the Conpr�hartsive Plan. h; The acale of t�w proposed developserrt conaint�s �f approxinately 100 �cr�as of ; l,and to be �ully deve�oped w�.th plans cal�ing tor a ��tsl, olfice bufldinqs, ;, r�tail ��ops, r�staurants, p�rks, lakea, day care cer�ter, and h+�alth ! f�cilities. Rt it� campl��ion, the proiec� will pra�vide �ppro�cimr�tely 2�5 ' million sc�u�re l�et ot' office and profe�sional space. The vaYue adried by t.hi� pro�ect will �exceecl 400 million dollars at completion. , �'' .� Se�tion 500. PR0.7EC"� A�T3[VTTTES t . � �,: 501. Timing, Daascription! Eatimated Cost ancl Furaciinq Source z r � The project� and activities which are inalu�ed 3.n the Develo�ment Plan are more f�al�.y detafled here an� placed inta one of two tive-y�ar time � periods ba�s�d on (1) their relati�re importance to achievirrg Plan � objectfves; (2) theis impartance in providinq th� r�ecessary �upport and inc�antives far yarivate redevelopme�t a�d n�w private con�atruction; and ; (3) the availability of fundfnq fro� tax incr�ment revenues �x�d ottier i varioua fundinq eources. Following each swnmary of psojects and � activiti�s �and their costs and fundir�g sources) is a description of eaoh proj��ct anc� its major components. The deacription is that of tl�e project as conceived at the time of plan adoption, and has been us�d as the basis for estimatinq the cost of such project or activity. • Project costs shown ar� based on preliminary enqine�ering estimatee, and will be Bubject to refinement and chanqe. ]�s the budqet for each fiscal year o! Devalopment Aqency activitiea is prepar�d, each projec� will be , refined to nore precisely accomplfBh Plan qoals in light of then current condition�. This process will, in sany cases, lead to some design chanq�s and coneequent chanqes in cost estimat�B. 29 � , � ` Table 6 �r�j ect�c, Cast� � Fua�ding Sources (�maunts in Tho��a�ndg� Pro � f.Act�.Y.,j�,� ���119 .�Q.l#�ces '�`o�� C�st 1. Piar�hltiound �wy 217 `�ax �nca�eaa�nt $3.,4�7,Q00 o�'�'-ra�np into t�v�lap�n�n� A�aa. 2. pre,�faent�c Pmrkway Tax incr�ment $5,412,OOQ Prim�;ry Flabd Cotntxol P�o��ct 3. iPa��er I�t.t�i�ica��xon Tax Incr�nt�n� $ 824,000 �'1«c�d Prew�mtion pr����c� 4. P�rope�rty 1�Cqtii�i�ian Tax increment $�,25�,000 Coht3,nq�n�y Ftanding 5. Znt�rnal s�r�ets Tax In�creanent ' �h�se I $Zo985i000 j p�y���, Tg $�,659,000 � Ph�se III, pur�hase R.O.W. $1,436,OOD ; i far Phase IV ; I 6. Highw�►y 21'� 4 Gre�nburg Road PPax Inaremernt � fnter�ect�.Qr► imprav�msnta, y P��ae I ancl phase YT $1,�25,000 ' � $3,U1�0,000 s 7. Hwy. 217 ImprBr�e�nehts TAx Incr�n►ent $4,509,o00 ; � 8, ar�anbuxg RO�fd Ta� IitCICe1p�Y1t $1,160,000 � Ymprove�enta • ,� � ,. Glariticatic�na: `' 1. Figure� ittalude calculatian far inflation. 7 2. Figureet include� acquigitil.an oP Riqht of '�ays. i; 3. F3.gures include demolitfott cost6. ` 4. Tr�ffic estin►ate�e provided by Tra�fic Engineerinq Conawl��nt �j � , ; r �� ; �: s': 1; 1; � 30 � , � � � �,� _ :,.._� _.. ...�;,._v, .. ._ ;,__.. _ ____ , �ar�c�d1 1990 - 2,995 Pro�er.t d��cri�t�an� . 1. Nartt�bauixQ Hiqh�►e�y Z17 ot�-ra�mp� into ri�v�lapms�t 11r�a This i� th� cons�ruct�iari af an e�P-�amp bui.].0 �.n cc�ri�ur�ctian with the existinc� nart,hbound 21.7 off-ramp onto S.W. Greertburg. The impravemen� t�vill include �pproxima�e�ly 1100 �e�� o� new ro�dw�y u�ili�ing �h� e�xi�r��ix►q 5.�. 9�th Str��t a�iqht aP way �$ �S,Wo 5�5�h abuti� Sig�way 217. The improvement also includes an �xte�nded culver� ave�r Absh Creek to accomffiodate t.rig p�roposeel aff-ramp. 7. Camstruvt Prasid�at�s Park�ay firimary �'loaa Caatral Fraj�t+b Th� lalte cons�ructie�n �taall include inclu�ion o� reativ� vrildlif� riabitat as well as �ra�er �.ev�i �antrai f�a�ur�� ta accammod�te the floadis�e� go��n�i�xl of A�� Creak and Ash Braolc. A na�turai wetla�nd will be crea��d � that wil�. increase plant and animal s9iv�r�ity while �t the sa.me time be a praduotfvs� open �paae for surrou«dfreg re�id�mt� �r�d �paloyees. The lake is� th� centr+�l fesature of the D�v�lopment l�rea'e� publi� paxko Ita can�una�ion wi�h the 1z�ke construa�ion, a� culv�rt ehalY ba aanstru���ad � from t^ha �aaa�thwaa� aornar af the� lAk�i ta the �xi��ing Highway 217 c�aivert. Trie culvert �riall al�v a��o�rwtadates the ��.aafling pr,t�ntia�l ot Ash Cresk and Ash Hroak. A well g�all be inclufl�d wi�h the project �o suppla�nt dry �eason water le�reX� s+o that the isk� area retains a water saurce ygar round. A jaqqinq/bike pat� sha�YY b� vvn�tru�t�d that w�.�l ciral� the lak�a aa�d meandar through ttie �ntire D�velopman� Araa. TY�e 30" sanitary sevaer line currentiy r�nninq throuqh ttx� wet�.ands will ba ralocatecl tn run alonq the nartl�er� �dge caS �h� �.ake�� �. �onrtruat Nate� �ur�.tic�ti�n anA Fir��d gr�►�r�ntfo� �r����t � i ; Ta thc� ribrtheast o� the main lak� wiYl be GOriStx'liG�@d a e�maller lak� wh#.ch will serve as a s�.orm water retentioz� pond and a� a siltation ba�in ta clean th� waters oP Ash Creek be�o�e the wa��r entere th� main lake. A wair 6ystem wiil be �t►n�t�cua�ked to aonn�Gt the tw�a lakes. A bridge wi�Y �e conr�rua�ed ta cannect the jaqginq path. �. Prop�rby Aaqui�itian Co�tiaq�uay gund Tt�ie► prv�aat pravide� tunding fr�r the c►cqa�s�,t�.an vP prvp�rty Yar , � praject purposes. all acq�i�tition aGtivity will be subject to ' conditfang aec dascribed in sectian 602 of the Urrian Renewai Pl.an. ; S. xbt��rtial Btr�ets tor Pn��e I, II 6 III ; ph�se, I rstreet i�aprav�men�s inalud� about 2,100 linAal feet o� roadway � inCl.udi»q twa circu2.ar drivaa. This phase will canr►e�t the new Highwsy � 217 oPf-ramp with S.W. oak to the �+ast and m narth�eouth arterial � �onnecting with fi.W. LoGU�t ta the narth. ` . i Pha��� �Y stree�t imp�ravetaents includ� abvut 2�Zbb 13negl feet ot raadway. j ; 3 � � i � n'r �� � i This phase connects S.W. Hall with S.W. Lincoln and iaproves the I'I exfsting stroet, S.W. 87th north to tha entry of the co�adomin3,u�a on S.W. 87th. This 3aprov�msnt replacas S.W. Oak Str�et as the aast/west arterial to the axea. d� tratfic siqnal at S.i�. Aak and S.W. Hall will be included in this phase. � Phasa III str�et improveaoents 3ncludo about 1,Zn0 lineal ts�t a! roadway providinq access to the treeway frontaqa portion ot the Developnent Area. �11 streat improvem�nts :hall �,nclu�i� riqht-of-way purct�aa�, complet� utility installation, riqht�d�-wa�y landscapin�g and nscsssaxy str�at iiqhta � sic�aqe. This i�pr�r�snt shall �nclude bu�ry►inq al1 telaphone and power linss in and adjac�nt to S.W. Oalc, Yaocust ancR ; Greenburq Roa�ds. Th�eee improve�ents includ� ents�rway and landscspe improvements. i 6. HiqhMap z17 and ax��alourq �to�a 3nta���.�ation =aprov��nt�, pbas• = anll ' II � Phase I includ�s a �ingle lan� northbound of�-�ramp onto Hiqhway 217 froa � S.W. Aak. �`` Phase II iraclucles a ciraulas south�und aff-ramg lrom Graenburq onto Hwy. 217 and a� relocated southboun� off-ramp from 217 onto Greenburq. r The trattic siqnal at the south side o� t�►a Gre�nbusq overpa�s shall be � relocat�ci to �tne a�ew entry of �he 217 off--r�p. � 7. 1lidaa� and �rc�oo (�r��nburq Aaaa � � ��e section og S.W. Greenburq Road fro� the ravis�ci southbound off-ramp of Hiqhway 217 to S.W. Coral Street will be widened and improved. � �. wid�n s�o�i�ns ot HiqhMay 2i9 ' Hiqhway 217 shall be widened one la�ne in each direction from a point two huridred t��t north of the Greenburq Road/217 ov�rpass soutls to the Xiall/217 overpase. � � Northbound Hwy. 217 wil.l be widened tr�a Hall/217 ov�rpass to Ca�cade Avenue. � s i� ;� t �i F i { 1F. N �: � E: {� !. t('i {ti y iY�� L . � 32 . 2 i; �_ — --__— — — , _ _ _. e � / � . f\ L Ttsblo 7 Proj�ect Cos�s and Funding Source� (Amowats fn Thausands) Proj�ct/Activitv Fundlina Sources �al Cost 1. Interrial Stxeet� for Tax Incsement Phase IV, $�,304,OilO 'I Phase V $�.,�88,000 2. HigMway 2Y7 � Greenburq Tax Incra'ent $4,50A,000 Road intersectfon � improventents Phase YIi ' 3. Hall B�.vd. a►nd S.W. Locust Tax ][nc��ant $4,809,000 Improvements . ��,. � � �i 33 , � - _ , a k' . � , . � t � �' Feriod 1996 - 2000 Project Descriptions 1. Ynt�ri►a1 B�r��ts !or pbas�s YV i V. B�qinninq at the end of the Pl�ase IY% roadwsy alonq th� lrontagw of � Hiqhway 217, phase IV shal� run about 1,�00 13nes1 f��t to intersect , with Hall Boulevard. f; , �t�aae V will extend a�bout 7A0 lineal feet of road connecting. S.W. Y�ocust i to Preaiden�'s ParDcway. "� 4� These improvements include entryway and landscape fmprov�e�ts. �� Hi hwa Z17 i ar�sabu Aoad xat�rso tio o n rov��a�a 8haa� iiY � 3( � �P � �'hi� improv�mant will allow tratfic to leava t�►s Dowelop'�nt 71roa �I intanc�ing to tra�vel sauth on Hiqhway 217 to arrive at tha Gr�anburg/217 intersection without travelinq through the Locust/Gra�nburg inter��ction ;j or the l�apleleat/Greanburq intersection. � r' 3. �all Boui�eard a►ad 8.1�. Looust St=��t =aprov��nts Hall Boul�vard will be improved to inclucie sidewalks, turninq lanes, �. l�ndsca�pi�g and be widen�d between tha intersection ot Ioocust and '�I Hiqhw�ny 217. S.W. L�cust shall be �'proved b�tween S.W. �rasnburc; and � S.W. Hall to include curlb, qutter, turninq l:�nes, and 1�ra�ecaapinq. I :�;. . �'�I!� �;, $'j �� �`a ;; �`� � ,; , �`i f`, �''1� f;; �:i . r'i h �:`� S;r �:; t; t, �;7� 3 4 `� �;: � �,. �� ■� _ _ _ _ _ . :. � \.� � 502. Summary of Funding Sources I Over the approximate 10 year period in which projects and activities are to be accomplished, tax inGrement revenues constitute the most important fundi.ng source - providing 100� of needed project revenues in addition to funding interest an borrowed money and most of the administrat�ve expenses. Table 8 TOTAL FUNDING SUI�IIrIARY Agency Revenues: Tax Increment $59,225,187 Interest Earned (Balancss) 1,029,384 Interest Earned (Debt Reserve) 2,058,350 TOTAL $62,312,921 Agency Expenditures:Project Activiti.es $44,974,000 Interest Pa.id on Bonds Sold 15,978,921 Administration 660,000 Bond Issuance Costs 700t,000 TOTAL $62,312,921 ; i; ��!� �' � � �� ��� ��'� � I � � , � � . �� 35 F _ !, 4 � � �.. FUNDS REQUIRED TA% INCRffi�NT PROCSSS AND YBAR OF AGSNCY'S INDBBTSDAiLSS B�YPiG SATISFISID � ! � � 1 1 ! � � i , I � I 36 ----�--- SECTiQN 600. FUNDS A�GIUIRED, TAX INCREMENT PROCESS AWD INQEB7@DNEgg gE�NG SATISFIED. �� �F AGENCY'S �1. ProJeciiqns of Ir�remental Values end Re�,e� 1'he fdlowing ta�le sY�ows proJected Incrementat re„e��on an annual and a cumulativ proJection is based on an assumptlon of 496 grow�h i� v��tFon of��� a basis,The I' ArQI�• During thls perlod the valUe of t�y n9 properties siuring the complerion arK1 the vatue of demolkiohs a�r�a R"K°�@���0�"'Ne� r� added as ic rs pro�ec�� go� used to project the�27.p6 compasna tax�te�'�Ons subtracted,A discussi�n of the�ssumptions of this Aeport. A descriptior�of the r � ��t��°��lon ts Induded in Sub-sectdon 70t. the 7able tdlowin the ro ect�dn of t�ax �t��a���e��t�����opment is shown on � p � Increment revenues. PROJECTEp TqX �NCREMEN�R�1/ENUES PROPOS�p PF�ESIDENT'S PARKWAY DEVE'�OPM�NT qp�q . TJC,QRa D�veiopment Area firozen Base TCV (t/�/g9) ' s74,79t.5sg Fl4�A� PrOjacted N.w D�v. Ysar Dw./qr�a TC/ Value* C'fOM�h Owr Mnual T.I. Cumulatlw T.�. �semutud Froaen BNt� Fi�wnu,p p�wnus t 1991 80.038�000 / Tax RAt�2/ 12,252�3Qn 15,2�4,�132 � 1992 l20�606�(700 � �b.00 �����{ 45,$14,�,32 1,214,644 �,a,s,o�a s2r.oe a� ��0,0�2,00o s.,�e�,6�a �a,ezo, '� Z�Ylf1�712 �,994,6Sb 527.08 '1994 2Q4,284��00 t7,s$T�023 129�492��32 3''433�08�I 7�425,�0 Se.^>,06 1083 232,'�.,55�OOQ 19�798,958 957�,83,432 4.175�9�1 11,804�389 s27.06 1998 Z62,137�000 20�591,850 187�'J45��32 ��968�'178 t6 ,s72,as7 Sz�.06 1997 329,435,000 58�812,824 254,643,432 1��7s2,A3B 23,J25 39S � s27.08 189l4 342�218,000 (394,780) 267,426,�3Z 7�091,828 30,�1T,223 S27.os 1999 402�843��Q0 �6�736,1333 327�951�432 O�a84,?27 39,111,45p �,� 2000 432�526,000 13,877�290 357,834.432 0,489,3�W 4�,b00,790 310 s27.06 2001 475,`28.000 25.4�7,208 �00.8;�,�32 10�824,30�i �,2ZS,S87 S2�.oe � �30,471,OOp 28,517,096 2003 b64.877.000 27,sn,�8o 2004 653.951�000 �8�680,891 2005 T07�258�000 14,069,871 2006 764�326�000 14�632,886 "Sss Projected Bullding qpqvity yyo�lCShspt tar detafi of conebruc�on,d�moliti0n and public�Cqul�ltlon. 1/Tax hnrement Fiwenue atvlbutAbi6 to Taz Rate,Valuation,�nd Wc ooll�ctlon NticN�cy, Z/Esttmaled Teuc Rate dudnp and in year followinq tauc IncrnrNet Propnun 3/Pro)act�o�oi Tn,e Caah ValUe exdudinp inaxem4nW valw In th�D.wlopm�nt Ar.a. 4/EsUmatod'ampaCt On tax rate dur tp sepregallon of tuc Inc��m�nt, Estl+t�atild tax rate ahar rsieAba of tax Incrsment valuadon b f�dus�d by th��mount of imp���t yr. �� a DE11El.OPMENT ACTMTIES PRESIDENT'S PAf�KWAY DlSTRICI T� CumM Vdw On Y�u /�aNvky V�lu� Tuc qop 1�P/ Rrapprniwls: Llnooln Tow�r(1/2 v�lue) t���� D�molkbns �,�) . 12,232,900 19�� Unooln V 18,31S,WD Unoofn ta,9,Lat�4900 �Ppraltatr 12,076,d60 D�moNdona/Publlo Acq. ������ ����� ,: 1993 S�atirn4 pank Z���� Hotel 15��0,000 OHia 81dp.6 34�460,000 o.monnon•/Puasio�,oq, c��ese.000) - �,�e�,ero �� �'a�� �s,soo,a�o FNalth dub/Da�y Gr� t.680�Q00 D�molHbns/Publb Aoq. (9,d1�,900) i 17,487,023 1�d QO'!L OMa Bldp.7 y����� . o.molwon. C�OO,000l »,n�,a�e t� sox omc.e�do.> >a,2zs,000 Mmottdon� ���� 20�5�1,850 1�D7 OfNa Bldp.8 ����� OfNw Bldp.9 ��750,000 R�stuarant 1�OU0�000 � i D�mollNons ���� � 68,812,824 s' 38 � { ; t r' 1 � � 1998 D�molNion� �p�p� C�,'�eoy 'I t� oir�o.e�a�. to �,�so,000 amontton. �� ����� il 2000 OfflC�Bldp. 11 ��7'60�000 �I , � 13�877,29C ' i 2001 �096 Off(la Bldp. 12 ��,�,ppp i � �5�49T,208 i I 2002 bOx OHIa Btdp. 12 17,�'BS,OOp i i �,a�r,o�e � � sox or+�c.e�a�. �a ��,rls,000 � � �.sn',�oo ' ; � 2t)04 509L CN(ia Bidp. 14 17�32�,000 C �, 2e,N0,�11 � , 2006 a0%C�if(o�Bld�, 14 f, �,12Q,000 � 1�YV Vi��� � 2008 dQ%CNtiC1 B(dQ. 13 8�1ZS,000 k 4 � 14,83Z,Q� F, i TOTAL i311�323,Od0 i406�38ti�2'�4 � �, Nots�: Cun�nt Vdu�b�stlm�bd 1Q80/�1 dollan,n�!and r�onat ro Mis c��rtiollqoni and • r P" P PsRY� aqul�?tlone.V�Iw add�d to Lx roll I�IMlat�d owr outnr�t valuR et 4%/y��. � 8an+a:ProJsot valws fumish�d by Tr�mm�lf Crow Corp, ; �. G ' i. r , �. ;; r i �. k P: 7; fi ii � (j 17 S, xi �I �� �� 39 l � 602. Cash Flaw,Debt RepaYment. a�d Yee�Debt Is SeUsHed. The follrywin�tabie aharv�proJected revvennus avall�ble for projec.t�emd debt�ervk;e,The inForma�on Is besed on the projected tax trxxsmeM cash Aaw ot th�Urben-Flenawal Asency whtch is shown more fully in the subsequent table tlded"A�is of:Barrowb�g and Tax tna+ement DebR Aettrement Cap�clty." Included tn the iull table ero the annuni tex 1►xxement ro+rerxws snd ceetain interest eaminps es describ�cl.N�k�cluded are Agency revonues from�sourcea such es��nMa,L.i.D. assesameMs and Ore�on DepaKment of Tmnsportatloso, The tabie shobvs the su[flclency ofi proJqcted ta�c IncremeM revenueto meet pr�ected projectc�sts bythe erxi af Flscat Year2400/Ot. I REVENUES AV�41lABLE FOR PROJECTS & DEBT SERWIC� FISCAL TOT'AL PROJECT YEAR DCPENDITURES 1991 " �_ 1992 $ 1,050,OU0 1993 23,130,OOC1 1994 6�pg7,pOp 1995 4,p53,ptJ�p 1� 4�175,000 1997 2,6g1,60p 1998 3,068,400 1999 719,000 TOTAL s 44�g74,000 souro.: adwd from w�l.tie.d.•earowinp b�d Tax kia�m�M O�M f�tlr�rn�nE Cap�dly,• 40 - PROf'06� PR£SIDEI�T�S P�SRf.'LpSfi DEYft[p#E�T ARFJ[ - r1f�4RD 1Wl�iTS]S Of: BORR01(I![G AID TAIf IlFCQF�1Elf? DfBi RETIRElE[T GPACIfY FISCAL T1UC IIRERESi �JS9t Z.A •----" �AL 14 -��@!S RES£RVE Fl11O�5' __ _-__w_-•tl�e o�^lnee'sent-------------•_-__�p�----�T,Q-� I TEAR IttCit9lEMi F�l1Ii1GS 11 RtIEMUE ' ��tEC� 4Eei SERV[CE PlOU1tM4 1101l-aO�D ----- !2 SOt.D 13 E7�9DITIJRES P14Yl�!!T � PA7l�1V73 ADM[K. D�T 16 RFTtfl \7 PlOiiil9/bMt. -- ------+-- �Ri1(� BALJIMCE LESS 1442 t�2li�gyl. ------6---Q---- �-----------v--1s�e�---•------�--------°--�-------a--o-----•-'-°---0-----.._.�-o°--------'---------iu---o- t9g3 2�TTJ,712 ,�94 Q Z3�254.00� 23,t30,000 z,325,000 2, , a 50,eL1Q 1r05Q,00� 149� 3,433,484 7��qp �4i 75G 4 10Q.000 2.67Q.000 126.iGX 13i,Si�? Q ��bS' G�OOQ. 6p447�fl00 S6S�QOQ 3�1�1l��8S 2�191r�OQ �IIQ��QO S�t25�009 1Z4.iQY 153�40Q 1995 �,1?5�741 4,ZOi4 0 3��00�000 4�053rO0Q 310,Q0� 3,6s�.3,406 2,72E,OOQ lOt1,000 1.3Z5,OOQ �?+6.425 " 3pb 194b 4�5166,776 11�ifE � 3,QOU�OOQ 4�179,OOC 300,000 �,153t5[3 3�3i0.i,000 10Q,OOQ 1,S36.dtOQ 12b.35Z �60Q '� 19'9T b�752,�'SE 73,346 fl 0 2,6E1,600 0 4,602,T3+L 3,432f000 700,OOQ 2,661,600 �q��p 199'8 T��41,62E 16,7t+4 4 � 3��,400 4 i,b56,89a 3�932�4Q0 Sp,ppp 3,pdsj4,pp ���pp f494 �,b4i,227 2Q�256 � 0 TY4,OU0 0 f,4�Gb,4'i2 3,932,000 15,OD0 7'i9.000 4.3Ed,10� 2000 4,�4,340 263�Zb6 0 0 0 0 5,24�.727 3,432,000 13,000 0 � tQ�t4€,fAQ 20Q1 �4�62<�397 b1f�49b fl Q a 4 5�55�„350 3,432,OOQ 15,OOQ e Cali 2d02 Q aq�pp tarxfs 1,154 000 . 9 0 0 d 0 1�204,004 15,a00 fl ' � �, �� 0 0 0 p 0 Q p 4 Q . 20Q4 Q O 0 0 0 0 Q � � �- 2005 0 O 0 0 S3 0 � Q � -- '� 0 0 0 Q Q U p 0 p -- 20Q7 fl 0 0 Q 0 0 9 Q q 2406 � 4 Q 0 0 0 p a Q -- ----°--- --------- --------- --------- •-------- -°------- -------- --------- � � 59�22�,1aT 1.029,3�6 0 3S�OOQ,04lQ i4,474,G00 3,30Qe80� 24.fl9E1.00a 660,0�0 i4,T7�,00� �- 17_ Inser�sst Fs asaunea 2o scen�at 6x pn.year.on prior Yeerfs b�t�oe, 1�2. Ib Pr�aceeds fro� tard sate:. t3. 9w�d iauKS ore leyel debt serfial st 7.A�; tAe #irst tro�ith a tnr�of a0 7ve+��s md eallablc •fter T Yeses, the thfrd and tarth is�ues wrtune aftar 6 and 7 y+eae�s nespectivetr. 1�G. Tatat project t�er�ditu�ea are nft bond pe�oo�ck �tus nan-Oond debt tsae: f.n. 6). �5. t0;�of ner Boed proceeat appEied to�fR tibldi sctsantlwt�s n b� per yeer. ialar� umed te pry off bor�t. t6. 514.'E73 iei tlian in short ts�debt tpt'a3eets) Pefd frow Debt RriiraienR l3rd Yithaet Qon4-tcrar bonds. �7. A �quired eore�ape ��tio of �ppr�ot6+�atelr�25St fcr isw�cf n�+r bords i� ass�sed. . �. fltbt fCfY7G! � f�rSt ql� Ofl�1l�► {R ft/ld� Pr+o�'ae Ad�iniatrattoe eoett pSQ t�m find afeer p�w�slon itrr dabt senrice �rn�stly. 14. Bsia� in DIS Resern Femd eaR;ned�r(th atl piktr rc�ne��ue is suffieimt �o rrtirc ell outstaedfe�p debt fn fin�l tw }�drs af isx incroe�ent coliec¢ion. Koo�Y Brci thsupc L l�ssac. Ine. � �. 603. Flnd(np of Fin�u►clE►I FeaSfpltlty Baeod upon tha Pnpf�t Cc�at nnd Ttming pressnt�d previpsiy, tha proJ9ctldn of Tex �ncremer� revenue in Sub-aectlan 801� and th9 aash flaw proJactlon �hown in Sub•aection so2, the Plan ia shown to be flna�t�lly foa$Ibie oi balnv subat�cntally oompleted wlthln ths e��ected pe�tod of ta�s increment uae. 42 � _ .. ,_ . � „ i . . � S�CTIOi�! 700 '�AX INCREMENT FINANCINQ (MPACT$ C1N OVERLAPF'INt'�'�AX1NG DISfM�ICT3 I 701. 7axlnp bi�i�ict Veluattpns, Lsrvlo�, and Rata* � Hlstory and Rro�O�tlons. A tartnl ot �ISVen eap�rate taxtnp bodl�s currentiy levy �I�pertY taxes oCi GroPerty wlthin ths boundarlee o�the preokldr�ts'Parkvva�y Developm�nt l�ree�,Tha}dlovvin�thr�tnb0�►��how an 8-yoeU' hl�tory of Aeeesa�d'TaxaW��alues end 7euc Retss tor oach pt theae dlstricte, The t�bla ahpwln� Aseea��d value��I��P�n�ws a s�4 Y�r pro'gct6on to th�year 1996/86 fo��ch Jurl�dlciton based ort a coMinuat0on of tha ave�r��e nnnual rate of.prawth eln�e i982/83. YVhp�the recem hl�tory qt arowth in a��e¢sed value�or the Cfty af Tlge�rd has been conelde�ably MOher than the other diffitr1�t8,that qrowth ha� been tnlluenced�i�ti pe��t by o�nneocatlans of terrkory. For purpo�ea of pro�ect�ng tuture tax rate�we heive essumed thet,on�vere►ge� asaessed v�lu�wlll Increa�e at 896 a�nnually for the next few yeare, Th� ddlar emour�t af revenue$ r�l�d by the avort�ppin�dlstri�ta tor op�ratlnp,r,�pital� ��ld dqbt g61'V1C9 pLirF3os9s 1p AI6Q�1$OUmed t0 It1Gr86�09 �t en �vet'ei�e annu�) %te �f 69b durl►►'►� the eame p��fod. The net effect (s that the tex �'site of apptaxlmetely �2T,08 per 51,000 Assesesd V�lue ah�lctpated by tha ove�iapptr►�district�for flsr�l t D�o 90 la �esune�d to remain rsletively cc�nstent, Y� r / �4P pUPpo868 Ot pl'O��Cti�1� tax increme�t �rid the impact ot tefc inciemen4 financinq, we hav� ��umed th�t thls compdeite taat r�te of��7.06 wtll pr�vali crvAr the lite of the proJe�.Holding ft�tur� t�uc eatas at�27.06 I: predlcat�d d�the t+�ifawlna ratlanale; the everep�a valuetlon �ro�wth ret� expsrFenc�ci ov�r the t�st ssven yea�a In Washlnpton County wlll continue at apprpxtmat�ly the same r�te (5,7896). thene wlll be some me�►ninqful property tax r�lia� prov�ded ea the 81mte I�oke to elthe� chanrw! a qre�ster shace of Incoms tax revenu� into baslC fChsyoi gupport, an �Itemeittve rewenva source to �supPiement propert�r tex fur►�ln{� af sChode is 9ound, or the vot�re Impo� wms IImR on t'etes, �houtd th{t raticnele pro!ve Inccrrect,A�d rat��cantlnue to escalate baiy'�nd the�yt27,00 Gompo�fto levoi, ths enect w11i be tv qenorete trtore tau Inwem�nt revenue than ohawri�S�."7.p�. !�e►ssessed velUe prowth In the ov��lappinq df�trlcta inorea� more r�pldly than pro)eot�d her�,the en�ct wtli bn to modsre�t�tex nteA. Howsver, If 6�Bg�iB�Y�d valq�Y inCrbAae ae a roautt of�rea4er qrc�wth 6�ni1 dw�lopment or due to ir�ation,there wl�i ba upw�rd preasure on ievl� over ttrrw, which in turn creeitee n caunter•belanolnp pu�h an teuc rate4. 43 ,� . _ .�. _..__ :�:._...�. :L._�..__.��. . . , , , �, TAXqBl,E VALUE O�OVERLAPP(NG TAXIN� DtSTRICT3_ FISCAI.YEARS 1A82�83 THFIOU�F� 1988/8g ��LOPMENT pqEq N�ue n��y� Fl�cal �[ ,$,I2Z$! ,� � � �fNETIQE�RAT�i� 1�@3 4��330 7�3Qa,�17 0�6�9Q4 1�400.646 'J8b�M4 800,0� 9�4 1,477�010 �',7�{,�p 77Qr,922i 1�lf06,e07 410,� �0,8�6 1666 1�Sd1,Q24 a�34s,�p7 aB2,�4ii 1,Q11,� �14�,�82 N4�070 1� 1,�D,Z43 9,Z�10�304 �08,�86 1,7G1.� 4Q17,7Zt 7S1�Wo 1Q67 1�752,�.i'T 0��7,38Q �67�11� 1�7eY,l�d 604,� 770�719 ta88 1,�1,6�/2 0,006�792 1�f7Q�77'S 1�m77,52� Ot�,90T 1� 1,�3,117 10,2�1,178 1,926,114 2,01Q�,Of4 �� 1090 ��122,103 10,813�783 1,423�130 t1�4b1,� l3�9,007 e24�164 Awr�p�Mnwl FLb ot piow�h: ��1� 862,600 8.�0% s.00% 10.90l6 4.507i �tlmat�d Valu�M wn�ndt ot prowth oopNrW; �� a.30% 9ip1 �,Z37��1 11,415,334 1�S7a,2� 6��0.01b Q19,!{� ��s17 ��a z�+oQ�+2 ,2,oaR,e�a �,�so,zee a9ol,oes e4��e�c �a,aae �� 2,ase�» �x,�,»o �,w�,o� �,�os,eea e�a�oa� �,00�.��o t� ��19,n ��4u,r�o z,iss,ae s,a�a,4�a �ze,ezt t,oeo,a2Q toos �,eca�w u�soo,sea z��er,� s,�rr.� rr��e�o t.116.r�r t� 3,070�04 /4�9�;f,�7'� 2,d17,490 �! 3r . ,�,� a'i7,'034 1�17d,924 •Mt�pa Witet d�i�Mot ComWn�d '"'WuhMOtore Courtty fI�PD�t m�r��rd wlth Twladn RFPD u of FY'1900 Flsoal � � .� 1�83 7�3QS,017 5�906,�7 pd7,O�f� 7,�i7 7,3ea,9t� �� �,ar�,� e,a»,ar4 ',art,a�� 7,8r�,�1 7,2o2,e�a toea �e,MO,a�s a�na,�� a,+l�o,5a3 8�M0.a33 r.�,21� �vee o.�t,t�s r,�n,eea �,3M,t� o.�et,t� a.ses.a�4 tger �,eoo�r�a �,�,3er �,�o,�2s �,�o�rio a,r�s,2� taea �o�aoo�s�t a��z�,er9 �o.000,sr� 90,000,s�s o,x�,?eo �� �o.3ee,�a a,a�,a�e �o.�e,�e �o,aee,�a �,e�a,ao �990 1o,�n,�oe e,eao��s� �a,er�,�oe �o,a�oe �o,�,� Awrap�Mnual Rat�o�prowth; a.:� e.�ox a.rex a,aex a.�, ErNm�bd Vsiw H wr»r�of prowth ooaitnd: I 1�1 11�Oa4,260 �,961,117 11�554,2b0 11,064,�0 t1,E64,8dp 1992 12,2�i3OEa �,90Q,d33 12,�,p� 12,�,p� t�,�,p� 1N3 12,�28.dZ2 '10,�7�100 12,�„6�2 1��,� ���� 19�4 13�6/8,7�1 t1.106�� 13,d76,7ot 1��d70,7�t 13,b�,701 19� 14,�,�1 1 t,?p1,OB4 14,46B,Zi1 14,4Q0,2a1 14,i06,Z89 1006 1 S,30Q,401 12,4b/,988 1 a,302,4p 1 1 d,30it,�p1 15,�02,1p1 Compii�d by:Moon&�Nh�upt d�Assaolata,bro,irom Wiuh.Co. NoN:V�luatlons tor Port of Perdu�d,Portl�nd Community CoNp��y��`T�lon noordt. S�rWa Dl�triat do not includ�valu�tlont In Muknom�h and Clack�ma�oounqa 44 , I _ t PROPERTY T/U(Fiq'TES IN PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT AREq_ClTY pF TIGqqD FISf:AL YEARS 1982/g3 THROUGH 1989/9p Faqxessed as Rate per s1,000 of qssessed Valuation fiswt �.0. T.V. �lIETiGER_ WSN � Y ER 4AtER SEV C� LK� PCC V�Rr 11Sp 7eru 1A83 l3.01 0.26 1,12 5,28 O.OS 0.85 0.30 <.Q2 0,35 Oas7 0.1y 0.19 �Zb.y� 19�► 12.67 0.26 1.1s 3.15 0.05 0.74 0.33 1.58 0.�1 O.S7 0.19 0,l� =2l.l0 19a5 12.12 0.26 1.06 3.12 0.04 0.7! A.30 1.'➢7 0.49 O.ST 0.41 0.1` =21.21 1986 11.55 0.25 1.35 2.60 0.03 0.64 Q.cd 1.95 0.5a 0.36 198� 17.36 0.25 f»i►4 2.99 0:03 O.S9 0,26 2.82 0.25 0.85 0.�3 0.16 ;21.4d 1S� 12.10 0.26 2.03 2.70 0.03 O.S3 0.24 2.61 0.�6 0.�9 Q.3a 0,25 lt22.SS I 19�19 14.46 0.26 1.9p 2.y� 0.02 0.59 - 2.95 0:36 0.92 0.39 0.3i !2�►.T` 15�0 'l4,54 Do26 2.79 2.52 0.02 0.61 -• 2.02 q.t7 0.44 -0.30 Oe33 Y2i,S4 Note: Tax Rates co�ded to ne�rest persny, CanPlled by: Moor� dr�ithaupt i A��oetate�, lnc, i�oro Waah, Go. Dpst. AsseswMnt i Tox�tion rreordr. 702. D�velopmen�Area Valuatl�n RelatN�to Dls4rict�'16aluatlon�. The cu�rent taxable vsiue c} land, ImprovsmeMa, tanplble pe��d buslne�ssj and publlc utility pro ��� n� �e� In a F�enY t�s� electric �► t�l�phone Oln� arx! �aclllttos and rallrcu�d proPertY) within the Developrr�M Area is eatlmated to be$74,791,b681n fisc�l ye�tr 1g6g/gp.The compciner�s of thta estie�nate are; Real SG8.445,730 Person8l 5,076�870 Public Utlllty Tota! 8a��Vatu• a74,7��� The value oi taxable personal P►oPerh+wae derhred by eattmatln fl approximately 896 of RQat Property value. This estl�ate 1s co�aisteM wlth the f�ct that the overvvh�iml �0 �1�y of ihe current Real Property value consists of existin� Claiss A offlce developmenc. Publ� Utpky value t�estimeted to be approximately 29G o#Real Property value In the area.Thls Oa lower than th�ratlo of 396 citywlde due to the larpe amount of�rxter�eyeloped area, . A co�nparison of the ostimated baso vp�ue to the cuRent vNwtlon of each of th�ayeriap���np distrlcts'fs ahanrn In the fallcwin�tab�e. i � � , 's fi t � �. Y. . . . . .... �..�� . . � � . . � . � . .. � . . �. . . .�: , 45 E$ . _. .��.��: .�;.. . ....... ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .... .. ..... 4 I � I � t 1 RELATIONSHIP OF DENEIOPMENT AREA VALUATIdN Td OVERUIPPINCi D13TRIGTS ASSESSED VALUE 'G i/AU1� (000'�i) WITHIN DIS'TRIC'P QEV.ARF.�1 � S,D. 23J $2�122,103 3.52 Educ. SeNles Districct a10�813,783 0.6'9 � City of 7fpard $1.42"3�136 6.26 T.V. Rural Fire Prot. Dlst. $6,4Q1,928 1.17 ; Metzper Water Dlstrict �gg�,5gg g,gy Washinyt�n County �10,922,902 0.68 Ur�ffied Sewerage Aqency �8,830,139 0.85 Pord�nd Comm. Cdlege $27,630,447 p,27 '" Port of Partland 338�8a5�163 0.19 k' MeVOpoilten Servfce Dlst. 535,354,984 0.21 i Sourca: Moore Breithaupt &Assoctates, Inc., VHashington Courrty Assessor 703. Anelysia and ProJection of Taac Rate impnc4a As the incremerital valuation of propertles wfthin the Dev�lopm�nt Area groavs, there wlii be an Impact on tha tax rate�of acme of the ove�lappin�dlstrlcta,The Ir�pact wNF be laroer where the�tlo F of Incrementaf value to the taxln� d(st�ict's valuatton ta larp�and where the Dist�iCt's tax rate is ` htyher. For the Port of Po�land, the Metro Itan S�rvtoe p Pa Oist�ict� ortland Commun Coile e � nY 0 , UnHled Sewera�e A�ency, and the EducaNanal Service District, the fmpact Is hardly measurable- less than a cent after te�yea�s. ; Estlmated ta�,rat� lmpacts on the flve tasdnp olstrtcts where the cumlathre Impact is more than a ceM are shown In the tabie below. The tot�l eHect on the compostte tax rate In Tax Code Area 23- ;;. 71 ts a�bout 51.50 In Fiscal Year 1996,�2,621n F.Y.2001 end e decrease of$2.62 in F.Y. 2�2 when ;: the projected increrner�tal vatue of almost$415 milllon that has bu�t up ln the development a�ea Is �' �el�as�d back to the overlappin� taxin�districts. Annual impacts are detailed 1n the subsequent � Tables. ,� r. �; ;t , �,. � i� � �� f; . { � � � 46 �' � ; , - • ; C ` 1 r i impach on Tiuc liata In ttN Fl�n AAost Aft�cted Ov�apptnq DhMcts � (�p�r=000 Vaiwtton) ` , 61sMct FY 1996 Fll 2001 FY 2002" School Dt�trict#23J s 1.02 �1.76 �1.'f6 � � �a��ro �.� s�so -�.so . �) ; Metryer WAter Dfst�[ct a.11 � .2a .�.20 � Tualatin V�iiey RFPD s,p5 s ,� .S.pg , i • VNeshington Courity ,� �j �� i TOTAL � si.so sa.� -ss.�2 i � *FY 20821s ths yea�when (ncrenwnt�i revenues are released for use by ove�lapplrq ta�dn�distrl�ta. A61 other factors betnq equal, tax rat�a wa�ld detxea=e by these ; amounts. , Source: Moore Brefthaupt&Assoclates � ; , � . , 47 ' PROPGIS�O PRESln�N'i'S 1►ARkvvAY b�LOAM�N1'MF.A `• pHWRCTEb TAk MTE�MP�ACT ON 80h0o!Oltt,2!J r.*.ra.....,w+.. �.aa rra�.�aa r��c� a�awd�ow� �►ua:.i. cumui.qw Y� r�'� �r v:�� T��/ Y�rr OwJ4w TGY Y��`uri FtO:�m���^ �wnu�t T�x Haer (NO 1'i 1001 �'O,�W�COd 12.2�ry00 a�461'��12 � - •--�•— 19DZ 108�34TA00 28,�,pp4 3,1+s66��l2 �ii6�613 �16.d/3 �;� �1l12'iW,'ppp �,� �ilw/Aa9� 1�MAQ3��000 �t,1a1�/d�7Iy0� �!3,0�7'1.�,,12w •1��4�1]A'.613 t�934.12d �13e,�71 ���i1A0 !.� �I71T �Q�1VIG�7� �7����V�N »�I�W�1Vl IfIVl� �7�� ��W�� �� �iw�0 1906 S�1A,�IeB�000 10�7p�,� f4�4�� �11�,� 6A�,�� 116�.T1 18D� �4T�TDe,00d 20,6p1,860 17'�,004�4� ���pa� , f4731 1Nl' �1�l,�tA00 6Q01?„824 11p,T2J1.4x! �,OpO�b 1 �Y04 S,Tt 1 1� �,p� ,�►e �; .o�a t�o+,�1 z��,o�a.� �awo �a�� ��a�> > � �vv� aee�,�oaa �a,r�a,a� �».�� �,7'o�.+as :ao�°i,eop i'a�� �000 �4�,eao,000 Ys,sr� a�i,a�� a,�sa,eas 4e,��e,�e 9�.P1 � i�i soo� 4�r.os�,000 �,�or a,ae�,z �.e�tte � �� � s.ao�,�oa �.t�x.oe�t ���,» aeoo � � � �11�,�?fa� �6T7� =1S,4b 4;4t 1�0T'4AD� ' �• ' � �AOfa 20,Od0,001 ,G000 � 7��'4,Od 14�� �006 �,�1,000 1 0 ��� . �� ��'+l�l�d�uIldl„s�a�Nh Worint»�t for d�t�p Of ood�udlon,d�molf�On and pul�t{o aoqul�n. 1/ Ta,c Monmr�t R�v.nw att+lbut�bf�b T�t Fi�t*�Vakatlon,�n0 tlx oqlhCdon Nlblonay. 2/ EW�ut«d tnc RaM�OuAnp�ind Iny�rotllow(np T�tt Ino►�rtfeht Proprliflt % �of taw�h Vil�•pte�i+d InO�t�!v�fw kt!h�D�rRlvprtlNlt An11, ��tknabld�arc���NtN�i�ot Wi Inee�im�r�vaidu tlon� I�i�dMUad by th��,mwrn of( rt�pnct iA laat yt. w � II . � � .. . .�� : . . . . - 48 � ' �.�. +.. . . i pfe01�AS�a pp�5�t�M"e P/1AkWAY OEVEl4�rA�n`�weA /YREFlkM���fNH� . a�cu�rta T�x wer�a��cr cx� cm oF T�c�w I� .tia.....�r.«.« No! Fisod PtoJsat+d ProJ�at Growq�Wor MRUd T.� CumuttlMr 7J, Est�rtt'd @�ro�d CCV TatrR1� Y.«r aw,iV.�TG,/ v.lu.•• r�.n ew. t�wau. Mv.nw t/ YRx f�a 2/ p�lo 1'I VRJw�9/ Imp�ol4� , —....�� --....«µ..�..;.�� , 1A01 78�240�OOb 12,2�bp ,�46T�492 0 0 =O:Op 1� �13�,OpQ �0000 I �oaa �oe,�r,000 �e,�ee„oo4 a��as�s.� a�,eoi a�,aq� �.�,�eo t ee��,tx�o s<.se�.aro �,a��,� �z,� s��s �eo �.��,e�o � �� ��i ���,nzs,000 ir,�.ax� t�e,�a� 3�e,as e�.soo �,ew,�r�rqe co,a�oe� °�� 1N6 xitl„+I�,ObO 70.f9�,lSd 14a.d�4�4,Y1 �,Si1�7 1�0�;l.0�2 � 1�TOp,i�,491 i0.t�74 100!! �4t7�0,000 p1b;,lfOtA6D i�'�,004,4� 47A,724 t,6�b.36e �p 1.p04�{� . �� 1�'IT �14�621,000 !fO d1l,E� �,T�, �7�a9� �,1A6�1�4 t#,!0 t,C11/,y f� 1N0 i2o�fOs.a00 �{.7�01 lt�i�t � O�i,ti� $lt7T,4a0 i�.e0 $ =p,� 'I09�► �80,612�000 �6„7i0,� ii1�� i#,�61 a,13�,70t ;?.ep O.M44 �OOd 4T6� 1�p�,�00 K1.0�4�t �6A64 �.�.06� �2�Q ���� � . 2D01 �5f.0�ti.000 ��.�OS 10�4�t 1 1 .�OS � . 05 � 6 tn y�p � � �0,A�65 �72Q 2�2 51��077A� �t7A0� i�0 ��4� i��000 �003i li�0,1T3�C00 2�.Ib�f��d0 � b� �@AQ�A91 � t�0,�0,000 1�� �ace �m°3�,'se+.�'O°�000 0 _... ��, - , " s.�w��«a.a fluudlnn Ao�WWty worfc+h..t tor a.fa�1 ot oonstn+clton,d.makton Ma pubtto.oq�ol�laon. 1/ T�c iAO�cfl�nt R�wrwa�Ibub�bl�lo T�c FtiM�VNu�tlon,�nd hz ao1l�oWh sMoltnoy. 2/ F�tlsr►�trd 7att qI�d 1►nd k►y�r�bpawlnp Tt�c 1nor�mtnt Propr.rr _ a/ loqon af Ynt�C14h�w�xaNkllnp MotNn�t�t v�lu�in tlw Owulopmtnt An�, 4� �.bd�c�dae���ot buc 1►���j�uiu4n�t�rod�uad!�►9lt..�neunt ot tm aai tn wt . � W , 1 I 49 , � !� � PqaPtlS�U�RESIbE�tY"8 PIIRINVA`Y OEV�I.OP�A�lT AREA Nr�Nf��Nwt �aECr�arAxw�re n��c� �+.�a•rwra�a.ma�oa�an.c� .......ae.�r+r . . .... • p�� �Y°�e�e Dw� t�c 1t V�lul•�i" I�� A�"�'.wnw� �R'lw�i� T� (No Y1v�dw�j% T""Im�</ tVOt Ylt��4p�OQ0 18�(%! 8e467� � -- Q — .. �O.flO 00?i6M� �- i0A000 'I t�t tOd,847,00d �6,OeA,004 @!3�',�,Y+t AD,3�8a g0�sbb �0.!�1d� O1�,i1�1��10 i0A2� 1pa1 1Q6,�.000� 6�1�1�ib70 {i�4i71�$t' 66r943 7d.3$1 WaZ 000�40�'�,10 t01.tlebt 10D4 1�/��00 17»�{87,0�! 11!!,l.1�.4�t r0.�1 9�,9�54 fa� 1�►�fp,�11 • �p.0101 18�i A1��,G00 IA.709A� /�7�,a14�� �,2�1 434,$St ta�'l 1�0lO,pi1,"� i0.OW2 1fiQ0 !l4��706,f�00 �0�6@tA60 173�Op4�IS2 106,117 �,3M i,18�4,�6 ' 1003 . 16�7 s44,6�1A00 tt�iM l���qZ 14�,OQ0 4�}iA� 1,�1 1�B .1511 ' tvi� i�d„7G7„OOGI �,7AG� g89,01p�43= 1li9A04 696,OOZ 1,�T�,�Sg ,1491 �9a� �o�a��4o0 � Asa a1f�r�0,� ttlg.�1 ez7,�v 1,�t�0ai�1b,� .1818 ?400 41l1,06p�00�0 t�,0�T�0 'J4trG60,4� aA7«421 1A��7�j �OZ 1�457�14Z.dD1 td94 �G001 �67Ad1.OG0 2�.�Ri'.�0a 3�1�t84,49� �t,� t,z47',�61a 8R 1,6�4�7d1�'�2 ��s t+DOQ ai1�07'.000 �o�Gi7.400' :4Z �,�O�p�bfG 0000 xOW 67�d,�.(fOd �'7�67�,T�0 ?bt3i b�.7au000 �,MO,Yt 20b� �b�,�,t100 1�4,C�9�A7'/ � ��O;O�ta,OtiO 14�,� $bD1 78Q�'1�,000 O fk� t�3P;00t OOQ 0. " iR...Pro�MOeed pa�dlna�Y WbAahe�et tord�a a+�vctlon,d�rrioNtlon�nd puWlo�cqult�0�, 1/ 1'�x k�o�n�+t R�nw a�bi•tn Tw�.t..�h�wtlat �nd wt oop�otlron�noy. Z/ Estl�'n�kd�'iuc t�b! �nd��Iny�+�r IoMow9np T�c��t Prop��9 S/ af Tew CM�h�R 1a�oludta��v�lw In tl�O�wlopm�nt Anr, . �� ��rl��ts�I�i of bNut��M��itt v��l��dMu:d bY tt+��ma+�►!oi In �!� 1�!yr� � 50 } PabPQS�b AAESlDEN7'6 p�RKyy�IY DEV�(,pP�M.�� PKAJECTEO TIlJt RAT�IMpAL?Q(� ��•�•" rY.� V a,au Ftn l�rpto�lon eKa«:,w�«�sa�,� �+. �irdat PtaJ�c�9 F�rol�ct c3rowth Owr M � Ysrr Oa�r.Ar+�TGV Vi1ua" Froz�e&�a ��� Cumuhtlw T.I, � py� •-».___...—�,,,,,,,,�,,.....�.._..�„,�,� RIw�„� nu�!?� 1'�8/ (No li V�i! � T�,�f tA41 y8,240,000 12,2b2.300 �,467�49Z t�9� 108,�47�000 Pa i18K� �0,� ���01,C28,pGp 990Q 160,�3�OU0 64;181,8�7p ��66�.�32 �� 96�� 1�94 101�02b,000 �T�487�023 /6"�,� �60 ���SD1 ��� 1A'8!f Bt�,A6�,tip0 1{I, , �� d�0.�� 7�0.50 143,87'4�432 pg�� � �24,7��d70 1� 24T.70QA00 ?A,641�0 171�00��43�2 qQ�li� t��,1a0 ���� ' 1�7 �14.6�1.000 812,a2A Z�9,12�,� d�i ' a0 � ia°v°Q �'�o�►'°°° ,� �stAtr�z �oe� �� i �+�000 �a � s�,.r�r.•�x � �S� a��o.� °,ema►��»am' �� �oo0 4�e,;e�o,000 ��,e�,�o ��,o�,,� � �OCi 4�'�1A00 2d�,�Ip7r40A SB�,�yq,,l� q�'� �,9`�616 i2.Q+D 1b�t1IS,p��3 �t� I� 200R Ii11�0y7�OQ0 2a,61ii08� ��Q 1���0� �� I �OOC1 b70�2?'�,OQp Q7'67778D �04 �l1,170�000 �B4Oap�dQ1 � �.�0,000 1�1�08aA�t �AOd �1Qr0�,C00 14��2,dp0 �408 8��1,�O�OCt, 0 0 .�._. " s.s aroJ.w:d euqarna,�ouvitywor�.n..tb►a.w�a�o 1/ Tax lnarm�nt Fi�nu�ttMlbutah(�te ruc A„a, �a"�'��moqMti��trd pubifc�qu(,�l�don. 2/ �sdr,�c.d r�c p�.au�Inp.nd iny�u tapow�np t���OA�in„�,��;°a�c owa�uon•md�ncy, g/ p��oNon o1 Ttu•Cash Y�o�xofud '�1 �tfiriM.d�mp+�Nq oe auc►iit.d1a�to����"�I��m.M��'v`°OP�Ns� EsNmwbd 4ae n��ltor nJ��us of l�ue Morem�tt wk�y�h�}�bY�•e�mouM o!Imp�e!1n(�tt y�. I 51 � F�,��os�n�aesioEwr�s�a�f(,' °n�io�r��Hr�� i PAd.l�CTEt71'AX AAt'�IMP ��� act-oN w.�h��,,q�,,,�, ��►MNM pY�v D+v�:� V�us�i` Q�Wrt Mnutl T.1. Cumula�w Y�, �— .�,..r....�.o.,� y l�roz�n BaN Rrwnu� �� �1+bbd tCV 7�t� t�pt 7lI,219,000 1�'—...�....—."`—""^,�-- F�'nw a/ 1'ex fi�a Z/ tNo 7)Vaiw)30 1m 1� /Oe,�i�',000 xtl,�0 4 ��'��� p 1�/ i�3 1tRl�,d8a�004 6��ib1�d7'O �'� ����3�4 lC7,8Bt �,11� f 1�� ;� tGO4 /Q1,OCdS�00b 17�1 8�',b� i t Q,�B,�„7����2� ,C 3,a l 6 ag,?� 1 t�:F �1�,{8�,000 40,fi0,0� 94�A7'4�412 ��� 1��' .� t3�p►�3�6d�A Z 'Q�$ 189� t�17,70Q,000 lp���O �y8�004,41� � l3,fA0�01f�t61 1007 'a14�421�Q00 tZ,8�4 g�f),�p,,�2 �+l06 �� � 10i1s �Q 7'�i.OGO ?`l0,Od0 ��� 14,ai��f�4�f � � 4��AO�D j6���� ;ti;�7�0�,48i 1,0�p1;� �"` 1�4�A;pi����i,'p�A�� �O�Ri6 2Q01 4�',0�1�000 �.�7i"i�0 844���52 1 .�i►T�710� 1?'��;b".t�l�9Q W11 �t 611.977A00 �",4"1''�0� 8dy�tA�,402 1.?3t,T e 4�� '� 1a454�t�iQ��,�6d 1a �W9 Ot�b,278►OQO ��� �� 1�,b0'l,�iASO 0656 2004 03�,17R,000 �,�p�g� 21�11a,fYQ,1�1S � r�,00 14���..� a009 8��,5�;000 � 0 ..,..�..,._.,.�.. " �Ptol�ead RuudlnQ A�Ivt�I►MVoAc«h�et toP dota!!oi oonttru .r i/ T�t Inonm�nt Fi�wnur a�bl�b Ta�c�a�,Y�u�on,�ntl y�qc d�rtto4tion Rnd publta Npq��� Z/ C�plm�bld Tax R�e dutlno u,d1n a �,� ��ck►.tflel�My. '�% �����P�en tax�ts�b d��+�^0 in�m�n��ti Y�fw IA Rhs�wlma�w►M/4.a. �s9fm�bd ti�rr�ta�Jt�r�Ml.�of tsx I�ner�ii a;��y du�tl by th���t at imo�at in 1�s{yr, 52 "� �►�t�POS�U p�8roen�rs rnR;� ..Y p�.OPMEM'AREA P�QJECT�O Z"11K �R�`�•""'�"w RArE IMpAG'1'ON unn�.a�,,,,,,�,a�uta +«....+.......�. �Y�se�r (kv.,1i.� y��4 6tawdi dwc Mnu�i T.b Wmuhdiw t,L �t'd � Fr'�icM�w R�wpu� Ae�Mnus 1/ T.x Wir�/ �� Tax q�,� 1�1 7'�24p,GQp ���-�—°�------- WIWJ a/ !'ty�ot</ t902 id8;l47,C�C0 20,�Q,OW 99�KSS,� �� o Q„�-"�---��-'._...._... t�ta�a t6e,eda,000 a�t,aa�,e-ro az,o», � �� o�xw r + �vt�a�,000 �r,�er.a�t tt+�,�z at,aat ��M v,o2t�;te�'10o �a'�0a�'�° i�ss g�e,�e.oa� ra�mv�ese ��a,e��,� ���4 f°°� so�s �o�ete�ws.e�� �ooa� �� �4�,�,aoo �a,��,eQO �r.►,00���az ,��,� t � sa�e �t,t�r,e4�,o�� . � . ��a� at4,sx�'000 a�x�a� �a►�� w�� ;1�10,7tf'�6g4 � 4�,a�aoo �� �iy�s�b�,� �� �� �s ��� �,ir�o �� ����i � �aG� �ar � ��0 ��,osd,tsz � ,�� � 611;� �t� �id9.432 1pS,14f ti7�� � t�'Bta'3�4�p�A t0;pp� � 6Yi0,Pi'3.Ob0 gl►�1�7�0 �'+� 18!l11,4l�/pge p� b�,170„�OD �8�f18o,�0! #i0.27 /7;148,�2R,sOQ �;pppp � �,7+1Q,0� t;.OM,art 200d �''W,O�b,00A +14,�2,A6� 2� ��� o 0 �"��Buuilydlnp lyoq�(qr 1�rlq�fOr det��t eannetnu 1/ T�nrlr�,n�nt He�ronue�ttrl ° �b•mopttan�rW pubua�oqw,�ton. 2/ �drn8t�d T1uc Rth du �M to Twa flatl�V�luatbn,and p�x oap�ctipq Ntiol�r�y. �/ ��don of Tlu�C�1h�VMtu���qudjR�Tax lna�rn�nt Prodr� 4/ �tEed k+�p�+a!or�t�c�dw!v � G�nf�)�u�OA�Ow�lepmsnt Araa, �!!m�lKi 1at►�+tr dMr ro1�1�r of twc i�nsrt�t�t V�fUt11�1�1i r�dueAQ bylho�mouM uf kt� . p+�et In it�t yr. 53 . .. .. ..,.... ....._ .. ... . . .. .... . . . . ... _ ...... .. . . . . ... . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . ...... .. . ., j -tr . � 1 ��... w^ . PROP(�SCD PRE810ENi"6 PARK1AfAY b�1lE�.QPM6hTf ARLA1 I 1 er���n�Ar�r46� I pflaECr�a rAx w+r�i�aPACr o� �a�.��,,.�s.�a a�►� ; 11/A111f1�A1t�R�Rfk Fi�oal P'roNcl.d ProJrq l3rwv�h OwMt Mnua17.1. Geafilvl�tlw T.t, EtCitt'd P �fd TCV T�K fiYh ''r Y«.r pw.ar..tc,w v.�u.. Fr�.�e.ee a„��u►• ra..wnu•�/ Tuc�tr 2/ �No vduy�/ �npiux4/ �....'--,~~� —. —..�.,,.�„ ; 10�2 f�08,3'�Y�CIOD %�6,AB8,OW 33,6SS.�92 e,55p g�� �� 1Q,Of�,7Q�,,0�0 ,OOpd � t� 1�0,�l000 b4�/8to 12;t�1�• i00� 19�A4 lfit �� 1�1,15? 29,180 32.OiQ � 1�S R10,�0 1�, ���kN,76J i0�00?4 ` 19oa 24l�''� 1o,7N,oaa l�R1R1�;1,7�� �ie00s ��f� .e6�,1�A,�li i0,00� ti �M�►000 �D,6pT,�iO t�J,001�4,2 N�O� 14Z,��a ,26 U.4t1.264,?�7 �O.00ti 1pp� �14.d3t1„C00 0� 1�4 B�,Tx0,4�t d1,Q� � 1� �lI.�A►�000 �W�Taq� �51,,9��,1�! M�108 �87� �� j���� �OWI � 900p �,Q1fi,O00 id,f1i9�3,T isi.Ttb„4Sft 79���0 347At,� 2p00 4/6.lI�OAOQ 1�,en;�00 a41,;de1�4� l�a,�b¢ �,s�,oi� 80,P.a ta,t�,�,06Q i0. � 2�A01 457,091. �5.�0'f.�09 3�,7.tW,4Y1 �,6�r �st,�a2 EDR2 619,4Y1�p 21�i17,09d 4� � �O � �70�,�3,OAD R1�617,7l4 �+'i° ��O.Ot�`,�146 iaSq00 � �0�6 �1,1yC,000 �0.090,liii � I � �r�000 1�,OM�dt1 r �+DOe 740,01'0�000 14.O�i,000 EOt1i ?'�,4al.QOO 0 }. 200$ B1p,�1.00b 0 • . i , r ;; ._._r-.,��..�.....,.� i' 1 J T��R�ipw�nu�i a�qt�ibut��tv T�ix�RaN�atl�o�ni u�id tac��lk tien���'b{10�ulitdan, �,. � Ertknr�hd 7�,c f4r�durfr�p RIld Nt lollordl�0 Tut 1Aonin�nt Pno�tant �` �, 3/ Ero}seqon o(Trw t7t�h 1/filu��;�Ma�mf6�!vtluw fn ttw C�atopmiM Ata�. � 4� �rrt�w�a�itb.��nt:���kw�r.m�wuta�auanii�r�it�,�oW byth�a�uM ot Im�t�ta�t yr. ` • �' . i. C. ;! s� ,1 i ;I ; '`I ,� �i � r� ; '1 I t:; C.. 1'! �I; �'+' !' �,; � •� ��i . � . � � I';'�. �p'� . � . � � � � ���,`,�. . . � � � . � �r��. 4NS�. . . . �. � � �. � � ... I',�� � . . . .. . _ , �. . ���I � 54 , . . . . . . . . ii . ` � �. �� . . . . . . . � .. � � � � �. .�. � ti � , , SECTION 800. REIACATION REPORT 801. Properties Requirinq Relocation No relocation is anticipated fron renewr�]l project activitiee. 802. Relocation Methods Yf future amendments to thi� Renewal Plat� call for the acquisitian and redevelopment of property wh�ch may r�sult �n the displacementi of r�sidents and businesses, the Urban R�newal Agency will establis&� a Relocation Policy which wrill call for assistance to those r�sidents ar�d bu�sinesses displacedo Such assistance may include providing infnrmation req�rdinq suitable location, pay�ment of �novinq expenses, anel other payment a�s deemed nece�sary. Al1 reloca►tion activities wi�l be undert�kern and payments made in accordarsce with the �equirements of OR.S 281.045 - 281.105 and any other applicable laws or requlationa. Relocation payments will be made as �prc�vided in ORS 28�..060. ��. SECTION 900. C�TIZEN PA►RTICIPATT�N �'he p�i�aary focus of citizen particig�ation acfiivities in the development of the renewal plan for President's Parleway has hee�n public discussion in p�ublic meetings. , There have been numerous putylic meetinq� durinq 1989, 1990 �o d�te, with interested citiz�ns from both withfn and nutside the study mr�a in attendance at most of these work s�ssions. � As the President'� Parkway plan and reported proceed to be c3eveloped specific� that wot�,ld brinq about the chanqes n�ecled to move the Development Area toward its desired future, assistance was received from consultant studies in five major ar�eas: 1) Market Analysis 2) A�h Creek Master Plan Development 3) Transportation � �treet Plaraning 4) Urban Desiqn Plan 5) Urban Renewal � Financial P1an oth�r activities tow�ard achfeving broader eitizen input into i�s recommendations to City Council for the President's Parkway Development Plan have included: * 9 qroup meet3nqs with interested s<;hool parezats * Meetinqs with the PFA officials, U�cal School Committee officials * � open meetings with Metzqer community residents * 3 m�eti.ng� with the Tigard �chool Board � 5 public mee�inqs with affected property owners * 3 presentations ta the affected NPO orqanizations * 20 Newspaper articles on the proposed Development * Radio and media coveraq� ;,' 55 �`;: . �;::. . 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