Planning Commission Packet - 01/30/1990 POOR QUALITY RECORD PLEASE NOTE: The original paper record has been archived and put on microfilm. The following document is a copy of the microfilm record converted back to digital. If you have questions please contact City of Tigard Records Department. �. . TIGARD PLANNING COMMISSION JANtJARY 30, 1989 - 7:30 PM TIGARD CIVIC CENTER - T�WN E�IAI�L 13125 SW HALI, BLVD. TIGARD, QREGON 1. CALL TO U12nER 2. ROLI� CALL 3. 1�lPPROVE MINUTES 4. PLANNING t70MMISSION L'OMM[TDIICATION 5. Pt�'�LIC HEARINGS 5.1 Conaideration of the recommendationa of �he Northgast �ull Mountain Tra�nsportation Study Repor.t. The Report recoa�mencie that the City's Comprehensi.ve Plan Traneportation Map be auxended as it pertains to the aolleetog street aystem in the northeaet area of Bull Mountain. The Report further recommenda certain design considera�ions for the roadwray eystgm in the no�rthea�t area af Bvll Mountain. The area c�ansiclered by �he report is generally bounded bg B�xll Mountain Road, 141et Avenue, Walnut Street, 121et Avenue, Gaard� Street and Paaific FTiqhway. Following the public hearing, the Flannirag Commiaeian will consider wh�thPr to recommend to the City Council adoption of �the Report's recommendations. 5.2 SIGN CODE EXCEPTION SCE 89-14 T.ANAMARK FORD NPO #4 A request for approva.i of a Sign Code Exception to allow four �'reestanding aigns with a sign face area df 510 square feet where two signs with a sign face area of 230 aquare feet are normally allowed. Three of the eigns are to be freeway oriented. The induvidual. dimenaions of these signg are as follows: 64.65, 154, and 287013 square feet. The fourth sign is a monument sign, 40 feet in aize, to be located on a different frontagP. Please note that measurementa given are incluaive of only one aide of double-faced sig�s. ZONE: C-G SGeneral Commercial) LOCATION: 12000 SW 66th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 lAA, tax lot 100) 5.3 SUBDIVISION S 89-14 VARIANCE V 89-34 REED/BC7ItTON NPO #6 A request for approval to subdivide 3.5 acres into 11 lots betwe�n 10,000 and 15,605 square feet in aize. Alsa recpuested are variances to allow a ' hasnmerhead shaped vehicle turnaround where a circular turnaround ia normally required and to a11ow aidewalk on anly one side of a public local street where eidewalk on both sides in narmally requi.red. ZONEs . R-3.5 (Reaidential, 3.5 unite/acre) LOC,ATIONs North of SW Sattler Street between SW 9ath and SW 100th Avenues (wICTM 2S1 11BD, tax lata 1507, 1508, 1521, and 1522) . � � , � i ...._.'I . . . . . . _. . . .. I, 1 � ♦ j f ` V 5.4 SIGIeT CODE EXCEPTYON SCE 89-16 VARIANCE V 89-35 OSTBY MOTOR COMPANY NPC) �2 A reqeaeet for a Sign C�de Vaxiance to allaw a 25 square foot sign within an• existing eign cabinet on a 70 square foot wall. The Sign � Code allows wall eignage �n cover up to 15 percent of a wall, or in this case, an 11 square foot sign. The app�icants etate that the additional e3gn area is necesesry to make �he sign viaibla becauae of the eite's Toca�ion with reapect to nearby roads. ZONEs C-G (General Commercial) LOCA,TION: 97�5 SW Shasiy Lan� (WCTM �Sl 35BD, tax lot 200) 6. OTHER BiUSINESS 6.�. .Ag�point � Plann�.ag Comm�iseioner as a representative for the " Trarisportatian Advfsory Ccjmmittee. r 7o ADJOURNMENT � ij i i 4 u j� �I �! . �', t � 4; i TaG1�RD ELl�ING (7QI�iISSIOI�Y ! RBGIII,AR MSI�E'�IHG -- JANUAR% 30, 1990 1. President Moen called the mee�ing to ordex at 7:34 PM. The meeting was held at the Tigard Civia Center - TOWN HALL - 13125 SW Hall Bouleaard, Tigard, Oregon. 2. RQLIs CALL: Present: Freaident Moen; Commissioners Barber, Feasler, Fyre, and Rosborough. Absents Commiasioners Castile, Leverett, Peterson, and Saporta. Staff: Seninr Plann�r Keith Liden; City Engineer Randall Wooley, Planning Secretary Diane M. Jelderke. z i ! 3. 1�'PIadVAL OF lIII1'�'PS� Commissioner Barber moved and Commissioner Fesaler seconc3ed to approve the minutes ae aubmitted. Motion carxied. Commiesioner Moen, Fyre, and Rosborough abetained. 4. PLANNING OOI�SIS3ION (7�14d[JIdIGATION ; o J4y Henkle announced the ugcoming meeting for the Fanno Creek Conference that ie open to anyon� who would like ta attend. The coat is $7.50, wrhich � ir�cludes morning coff�e t�nd rolls, lunch, a�ternoon beverages, and conference m�teriale. , 5. PIIBLIC H611RING8 5.1 Conaic3eration of the recommendatione of the Northeast Bull Mountain ` Traneportation Study Report. The Report recommends that the City's Compreheneive P1an Tranaportation Map be amended as it pertains to the ao�.lector etreet syetem in the nartheaet area of Bul]. Mountain. The Report further recummenda certain desigax conaidera�iona for the roadway system in the northeaet area af Bull Mountai.n. The area conaidered by the report is generally bounded by Bull Mountain Rosd, 141et Avenue, Walnut Street, 121st A,venue, Gaarde Street and Pacific Highway. Senior Planner Lf.den explained that the recommendation is on paqes 41 - 43 of the tTortheast Bull Mountain Transportation Study - Report and Recommendation document dated Ja�uar}r 1990. The reprort is tentatively ecl��dule to go before City Council on February 26. City Engineer Randy Wooley will be making etaff�s preeen�ation and recosnmendation and Traffic Enqineer Gary Alfson is attendance in the audience. PI.1�i�lI�iING 00lQiISBfON MII�IUTSS - JAN[Jl�RY 30, 1990 PIlGB 1 i, Ci.ty Engineer Randy Wool�y reviewred the study area, the City'a existing Comprehensive Plan, and the County�e Plan. He explained that the planning ie long term. Staf£ is recommending compoeite number three. The recommendation retains the Murray Boulevard extension and propoees curridors where new �oad would be cons'�ructed. He reviewed difficulties if no new roade were propQeed, why they are not pro�poaing that 121et be connected to Bul�. Mountain, extending 135th to Bull Mountain at approximately 135th, and realignment of Gaarde and MeDonald at Pacific Highway. He revi�wed the proposed Comprehensive Plan text changes recommended on page 41 and 42 of the report. He stated th�t the Transportation Advi.sory Committee supported ataff's r�commendation. PiJBLTC �'SST�ONY o Herman Porter, 11875 SW Gaarde, Tigard, NPO ;; 3 Chairperson. NPO # 3 opposed extending Baulevard Murray pa�t Scholls Ferry Road. They favored twa-lane rninor collectors i n the area of Bull Mountain. He read p¢�licy 11.3.2 for the record. The NPO felt thi� policy ahould be maintained. They felt etaff's recornmene3ation would, becauae of development, be conatructed before a by-pas� v;ould ar�d this woulc3 create an arteri.al street which would be used ae an alternative to Highwa� 217. The NPO obj�cta to conetructing an arterial through a neigh�arhood. Iie reviewed the alternatives and �tated that the anape make aesumptiong that aree not gaepel. He xequested that the CAmmieafon take � vot� of citizen who are in at�endanae who cappo�e this recommendation. o Cal �loolery, CPO # 4B Chairg�rson, stated thaL- they had reviewed the study and recommendatian at a meeting on January 24th. The CPO recommended ttaat a through co�nection not be made from SW Gaarde Street to SW Murray Baulevard; that SW Murray Boulevard not b� exte,nded e�outh of. itB present t�rminatfon at SW Old Scholls Ferry road; anfl that a eystem of two-lane minor collectora be conatructed to �erve the txaffic needs of the northeast Bull Mountain neighborhooda. o Edward Egging, 11828 SW Morning Hill Drive, favored ataff's recommendation. He felt that volumea of traffic woul� be increaeing eapecially on 135tY�, 121at, and North Dakota. Whether or not the by-paes is built he di.d not see this recommendation as an alternative for the by-paes. o Bud Hillman, Director of Operations, Tiqard School Aiatrict, encouraged routss between Bull Mountain and Walnut. Currently, children living on Bull Mountain need to be bueed on PaalEi.c Highway to reach their schools. He request�d that future plana include deeign criteri� for the safety of children, such ae walkways, crosswalka, and pull off areas for the buser�. o Paul Heavirland, 8b85 SW McDonald, wae concerned that McDonald and Hall Street were not coneidered in this etudy. H� felt these streets would be greatly impacted if the recommendation wae approved. He wae also concerned about th� increase in water runoff into the Tualatin Riv�r. PI,F�►►NNING (7QEQi�SSION lIIIi0TS3 - J�NUI�RY 30, 1990 p�g 2 '. �. o Wallaae Sweeney, 11455 SW Walnut opposed the recommendation becau�e og increaoed traffic. o Dave Rlingeleo 12900 SW 132nd, sugported NPO 3's recc�mmendation. He requeeted that a vote be taken as early as poasible so �hat ci�izene who wanted to leave could, especially eince there was not enough seating f�r everyone. o President Moen askeci for a ehow of hand� who opposed the exten�ion of Murray Baulevard and Gaar�de Street. It was estimatecl that approxi.mately 150 people oppoaed. One was in favor. o Aob�rt Root, 12045 SW Rose Viata, opposed the extensi.on of Murray Boulevard. He submitted a letter regarding his concerns. o Nancy Smith, 12630 SW Waln+�t, oppased the Murray Boulevard extensian. She is working on a petition aeking that no 1�turray Baulevard �xteneian be allowed. She agreed with Herman Porter's testimony. Sh�e felt a new school would be needed if developmont occurr�d as proposed and it would need to be construated in the Bull Mountain area. o Pr�sident Moen asked, since everyone seems to be opposed to staf£'s recoramendation, that suggestione }�a given an what they wauld like ta aee. o Cathy Leary, 10020 SW Johnson, is opposQd to an artexial. Her main aoncern is for the txees. She did not want �o see what happened at the Albertsaras' si�e happ�n; to this area. o ]Larry Westerman, 19665 SW Fern, di.etributed and reviewed a letter and map sug�esting an alternative realignment for 135th and Walnut. o Cal Woolery, 12356 SW 132nd Court, was concern with the corridore. He oppose�d the recommendation. o Gary Steele, 12645 SW 135th, agreed w:.th the other apeakers. He felt th� praposal would create an arterial from Murray Boulevard to Gaarde then to I-5. Iie eupported routfng traffic around the City of Tigard and rempaing the through connecti.on to Murray Houlevard from all Comprehensive Plans and maps. He auggested poetponing th� hearing until March �o allowr the NPO and neighbozhood to recomm�nd an alternative route through the neighborhood. He euggested ueing th� vacant field to widen the corner of 135th and Walnut. Also, he recommended a turn aut area for a sahool bus pick up and an area far utilitise companies to do their repa.ir work. He euqgested that Gaaxde Street be extended straight out instead of aonnection to Walnut 3tr�et and 135th. o M. G. Jenovich, 11525 SW Walnut, opposed staff�a recomimendation and favored I the NPO's recommendation. RBCESSED 9:20 YtSOONVSNI�D 9:35 PI.�INNING OOilQ(ISSION IiINO"l83 - Jl�1�iUlilltY 30, 1990 PIl�GG$ 3 � i I i i � �.�r, __ ---__.: _ i i' I I o InaRae Overby, 13300 SW Walnut, submitted a letter opposing the Murray Boulevard extension. She did not feel tlae pro�sal was based on the x�eeds of the people. o Lavelle He1m, 13280 SW Walnut, read and eubmitted a l�tter oppoai.ng the extension of Murray Boulevard, including comment� on the recommended plan, o �d Deemaree, 10105 SW McDonala Street, [nain objection to the plam is t3aat is would make it eaeier and faster to get �rom Beaverton ta Lake Oswego. He felt the r�ade should be constructed to make it ea�y to g�t in and out of the neighborhood but nat rhrough the neighborhood. o Brian Lewie, 1Z902 SW Walnut, would Iike to s�e a way to service the area witlaout the Murray Boulevard c�xteneion going through. He felt that the� iseue ragarding routing traffic around Bull Mountain ehould h^ resolved first. Also, Walnut Street hae many sight di�tance probl.ems which need to be consici�red. a Donalci Starbuck, 998£3 S'W Walnut, concurred w3th Herman Porter ta keep a a art ent com lex on as ua of a communit as asible. He has n m Tigard m h y po p p ' Walnut street and the tenant already have a difficult time getting onto Walnut. He supported atopping Murray where it is a�nd developing a by-�pa�s. o Edward Duffield, 8895 SW Edgewood, felt traffic will only be increaeed on Gaarde and would defeat the need for a weatern by-pass. o Lyle Laverty, 13169 SW Chimney Ridge, qppoaed extending Murray and aupported improvements on internal routes. He felt aost needed to be considered as well and the human element (quality of life) . o Don Dyer, 12532 SW 123rd, off walnut, wae concerned for the safety af the children aince there are three achooLs in the neighborhood. o I,arry Lewia, 12415 SW 122nd Ave., President of Lake Terrace Homeownere Aaeociation, representing approximataly 20 homes, unanimously objection to the propoeed plana. He questioned why the study area had been ieolated ta the Bull Moun�ain area when it wf.11 impact tYse area to the west. They were concerned about safety for the children, impact on the lake, and increasec� noiee. o Dan Simmone, 12522 SW 123rd, opposed staff's recommendation and favored Hernsan Porter�s recommendation. Besidos cost, safety, and livability; fairn�as should be ta3cen �nto cansidera�ion. No one eingle route should carxy the burden. o Gary Gray, 22685 SW Johneon, Hillsboro, owner of 13230 SW Walnut opposed the exteneion of Murray Boulevard. o Barbara l�artin, 12600 SW Walnut, read and eubmitted her letter oppoaing the extenaion of Murray B�ulevard. �� i' �,;.. PLPINNING OQI��ISBION MINOTSS - J1�NII�1RY 30, 1990 PAiGB 4 i;' 't,' c 's:, �:: e"I C,'.. ii ��. �`i �. o Othex letters were received from: Rein & Mai-Lill Magi, 12905 SW 135th, favoring the propoeal; Herman Porter, N7P0 � 3 Chairpereon, requesting a postponement; Larry Weeterman, CP04B 3ecretary Treaaurera r�questing a , postponement; Ran Kviatad, 13535 SW Fern, oQposing the extension of ]Murray Boulevard; Rosemary & Harold Shrauger, 13030 SW iValnut, opposing the extension of Murray Boulevard; Gregory S. Ha�haway on behalf of BenjFran Development, Inc. �upporting staff's recommendation. R$BD'1'TA� o City Engineer ltandy Wooley, addreased concerne regarding growth that ie occurring and the impacta that will result. He explained that development will occur and we need a road plan to go along with the land use plan. The proposed plan is in complianGe with the existing Comprehensive P1ar�. It is a refinement and clarification of the exiating plan which aa11a for a raadwap aystem between Walnut and �aar.de, an extension bet�,veen Scholls F'erry Road and 135th, and indirect connections rather than a diract connection of. the Murray �xteneion. The arterial roufi� to the west of SuTl Mountain is in the Caun�y and Regional plans which call for th� extengion of the Beef Bend Roac� and potentia].1y for the western by-pass. The City hae sugsported the construction of these road�. All of the syetem neede ta be built and all of the improvements need to be made to have a complete aystem. A legit�i..ma�e aoncern and an existing problem in other parts of the City is where p�rts of the eyt�tem have been built and others have not. The C�ommission and Council may w3nt to add conditions that dictate phasing or eequ�nce of improvemente. If w$ dn not havs a plan then we cannot res�rve thQ n��essar,y rights �� wa� or have the imp�covemente made as develapmen� occurs. If the reet of comprehensive plan system is not put in place then these roada will carry moro traffic than projected at build out. Staff does not believe that the Murray extension would ever become the weatern by-pase or 217 because the proposed syetem is designed to diecourage long distance through travel. With �egard to the NPO and CPO guggestion for a s�xies of �wo lane connectors, he commented that the existing Comprehensive Plan Tranc�portation Map calle for major collector stre�t in the atudy area and thoee are typically thx�ee lane streete. He added that the proposal calls for changing a portion of 121st, south of Walnut atreQt, from a major collector to a minor collector. Through trucka can b� prohibited on collector e�reete by a separate proceae. If the Murray Boulevard extension ie not built then the traffic volume in the etudy area would be lese, but then the traffic would move to other areae where increseing traffic is a concern, euch as 135th and North Dakota Street. PI1lNNING G�lISSION IiIN�T88 - JPiiiU71RY 30, 1990 PIl�R 5 I � _-- —— He pointed out that the alternatives that provide a Gaarde extension do j lead to lower projected volumes on pnrtions of Walnut �treet and 121st Avenue south of Walnut Street. Traffic volumes being projected between 135th and Saholls at build out would be similar to those of Durham Road; other areas wauld have low�r volumes. He explsin�d that Waehington County definition are different than the City of Tigard; Durham Road may be shown as a minor arterial rather than a major aollector, but wniild still have the same traffic volumea and 3.mprovemente. Cost was not coneidered a major factor in moet of the comparisons because the improvements needs have not changed fxom what is in the existing Comprehen�ive Plan. Study� sirea is the area that we are looking at potentially modifying the Comprehensive Plan. Study arid review �f traffic impacte went outside the study area boundariee. The Murray Boulevard exteneion ie das�ed in on the study area maps becauee it is an th� existing Comprehensive P�an Map and the existing Urban Planning Area Agreement. Th� alignment of that s�reet is apecified and ia plann�d to go in unless that Compreheneive plan is changed. If a devolopment were to come in �oday, staff would be recommending thoae improvementa in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for that part of the street. o Ai�cua�ion followed regarding ex�enaion of Murray Bouleva�d ar�und Bull Mountain, impact to �cDonalfl and I-5, the western by-pa�s, what portion of �urray exten�ian could be delet�d, and the definition of the Murray extension. Pa'BLIC HB�IRING CLOSgD � a Commieaioner Rosborough had concerns about connecting Murray Boulevard to 135th. He felt engineering designs needed to be resolved for Walnut Street. That the road layout proposed by staff provides an efficient movement of traffic. o Commiseioner �axber etated that the roada will need to k�e improved, residential areas can't remain etagnate. Staff statea that the proposed alignment complies to the policy. The proposal doee look efficient, but ahe ia undecided about the recommendation. o Commissianer Fyre etated he had been a m�mber on NPO � 3 at the time the policy was written. He waa concerned that ataff's recommendation wQUld be solving transportation probl�ms by uaing through streete which may create a mini by-paes. o Commiseion Feseler etated she had been a member on CPO � 4 in 1974 when the dotted line was put on t2�e map from Murray Boulevard to Gaarde then to Naeve Road over to Carmen Drive. This wae prior to tk►e conetruction af PL�HNII�YGG (701il�IISSION MINOTSS - JAIiQHRY 30, 1990 PAiGS 6 k' ;:.. k,.'. i?', �,. ., ,. s Summerfield. The CPO had recommended that the road go around Beef Bend. She felt the weatern by-pase needed to be built. She �uggested extending Gaarde as far weat as Benchview. o President Moen had mixed emationse He ehared the citizens concerns regarding the exteneion being a poesible bypass alternative. His pxeference would be to see raade eimilar to the ones proposed, but not until other by-pass roada were put in. He also preferred componite number one to etaff�s recommendation. o Discuesion followed on how to prpceed, their options, and alt�rnatives available. Conaer�sus wae that Murray Boulevard extension should not be conne�ted at this time. * Commissi.angr I�yre moved and Commi�taioner Rosborough seconcied to deny �staff's recommendation based on the opposition from NPO 3, CPO 4�, 99 peraent, o£ the citizens in attendance, and Policy 11.3.2; area of epecial aoncerns for Ng0 3. The Commisaion proposea a circuitoue route from Gaarde to 135th that would aerve th� neighbarhood but not through traffic. Th�e major concern citizens have to etaff's recommendation is that the plan woulc� promate through traftic. Thi� would solve the inter-regiona]. transportatian plan at the reeident•e expense. St is further recommended tha�t any major or minor collector atreets be deeigned to serve the communit� as coilector streets without promoting through traffic. Moti.on carried by majority af Commi�sionere present-. Commission Moen voted no. 5.2 SIGI�i �$ I�CSPTION SC� 89�-14 AND VIlRIl�NCS V 89-33, LANDMPiRR FORD Npp #4 A request for approval of a Sign Code Exception to allaw four frees�anding signa with a sign face �rea of 510 equare feet where two ei.gns �ai�h a eign face area of 230 aquare feet are normally allowed� Three of the signa are to be freeway oriented. The indi.vidual dimeneione of theae sign� are as followa: 64.65, 154, a�d 287.13 aquare feet. The fourth sign ie a monument �ign, 40 feet in size, to be located on a different frontage. Please note that measurements given are inclusive of only �ne side of double-faced signs. ZONE: C-G (General Commercfal) LOCATION: 12000 3W 66th Avenue (W�TM 2S1 lAA, tax lot 100) Senior Planner Liden reviewed the revised proposal and ataff'a recommendationa. He exp].ained that etaff is not se concerned with the li number and location of signs as they are with the size of the signs. Diecussion following regarding the different option� recommended by etaff. AFPLICANT'S TS�uTIl�DHY o Jim Corclisa, President Land Mark P'ord eta�ed that atafE'a recommendations are not accept�ble. ;i o Discuesion followed regarding the eize, number, and location ot signs �hat �� the applicant £e1t he needed. '' � PIIBLIC �'SSTIlyDI�l]C ; � PLANNING (70I�II�SISSIOAI AtII�lOT88 - J]�IQAR]f 30, 1990 PAiGg 7 � r y s �. � � � �`� _ z. a. � o No one appeared to epeak. PIIBLIC HFARING CI.OSSD o Consensus was that the requ�st was mnre than they could approve by Cade. * Preaident Moen moved and �Cammis�ioner Barber eeconded to approve SCE 89-14 allawing the two existi.r:g freegtanding siqna on Y-5/66th Avenue with a total of 305 equare feet p�r aide ar one freeway oriented aign along the frontage with 249 equare feet per eide. Mata.on carried unan�r►ously by Commissioners pres�nt. 5.3 SOBDIVISION S 89-14 VARYAI�(CS iT �9-34 RgSD/BURTON IdPA #6 Request to subdivide 3.5 acr�s into 11 lots between 10,000 and 15,605 sq. ft. in eize. Al�o requested are varianaes to allow a hammerhead ehaped vehicle I turnaround where a circul.ar turnaround is required and to allow sidew�lk on , only one side of a public local etreet. ZONE: R-3.5 (ReBidential, 3.5 � units/acre) LOCi�iTION: Narth of SW Sattler StreEt between ST�1 38th and SW � lQOth (WCTM 2S1 11BD, lot� 1507, 1508, 1521, & 1522) � Senior Planner Liden reviewed the propoeal and made staff's xacommendation � for approval of the subdivision with 16 condi�iona and denial of the � variance for the hammerk�ead turnaround and a sidewa'lk only on one eide of a � public etreet. APPLIGAI�IT'S PRBSSN'rATION ` o Tom Burton, 302 Tigard Plaza, Engineer for the applicant, explained the impact that a cul-de-sac would have on the subdivision if �hey were� not granted a v�rianae for the hammerhead turnaround. Fie stated that the� P'ire Distra.ct did not oppnse the hammerhead. o Susan Reed, 15020 SW 100th Ave., atated that it would not b� poseible tc� build the subdivieion if they are required tn Cona�ruct a etandard �cul-cle- saa. Discussion, following regarding altering the design. PIIBLIC 'TSSTIMOId7C o Dennis Morlan, 14865 SW 9Sth, wa� concerned where the etorm drainage would go as the prop�rty slopes toward 98th and hia property. o Bill McCabe, 14860 SW 98th, wae concerned about water prob].eme. i gtBBDTTAL � � o Tom Burton, stated that the storm sewer plans will be approved by the City�. a Because thie ie an in-fill situation they would not be able to develap the � pxApexty if th� cul-cie�sac ie required. � i PI.�1PiNING C0�lIIiISSION lSINDTSS - JPi11U�tY 30, 1990 P!!�8 8 � j 4 � t � � � . . . .. �� �� . � � � . �� . �, '�. '� PIIBLIC BBARII�G CIASSD o Comenieeioner Fyre stated that he would be abstaining as he is working with Mr. Burton on hia subdivision. He added that from invent3.gatione he had done for hi� subdivision, he diecovered that other juriediction are more l�nient when it comes to an in-fill type eituation. o Consensua of the Commiesion is tk�at the 3pplicant met the criteria for a variance on the hammerhead turnaround, but not :Eor the eidewalk.. '� o Commiseioner Maen felt �he private atreet ahould be public. I � Commic��inner Itosborough moved and Commissioner Barber seconded to approve Subdivieion 5 89-14, and Variance V 89-34 for th� hammerhead turn�round and denial of the vari�n�c� for the eidewa].k to be only on side of the public street, Motion carried by majority of Commiesioners present. Commissioner Moen voted no. Commi.eaioner Fyre abstained. 5.4 SIGN COD$ S�CEPTION SCR 89-I6 VARY2lN� i1 �9-35 OS�BY MO"1"OI8 t7Ql�ANY NPO #2 �f requeat for a 5ign Code Vari.ance.to allow a 25 aquare foot aign wi.tk�in an exiating eign cabinet on a 70 square foot wall. The Sign Code allow� wall signage to cover up to 15 percent of a wall, or in this ca�e, an 11 equaxe foot eign. The applicanta atate that the additi.onal eign area is necesaary to make the sign visible becauae of the site's location with respect to nearby roade. ZONE: G-G (General Cs�mmercial) LOCATICIN: 9785 SW Shady Lane (WCTM 1S1 35BD, �ax lot 200) Senior Planner Ziden reviewed the propoeal and made staff'� recommendation for approval with three conditione. APPLYCAI7T'& �RB3Ll�d'�I,TTAI�I o D�niae Decicco, Oet�y Mo�or Company, 9785 SW Shady �,ane, eupported c�taff's recommendation. PI7H,LIC TRSTII�OI�]C o Ido ane appeared to speak. PLIBI.YC HSARING CIASSD o Conseneue af the Commiss.ion wae for approvaL * �ommission�r Fyre moved and Commissioner Rosborough eeaonded to approve �� Sign Code Excep�ion SCE 89-16 and Variance V 89-36 based on etaff's 1, recommendations. Motion carried unanimouely by Commies3.oners present. ; � i PI.�lNNING 00�!IISSION ltINUTS3 - Jl�iQ1i1RY 30, 1930 P�GB 9 1 i ; � ! � � � _ :, _ _ ._ _ _ __ � � y , . « ` I \ �� , I 6., OTE�R BOSINSSS o Commisaioner Ro�borough submitted his letter of resignatioii From the Flanning Commiesion �ffective immediately. o Traneportation Advieory Comm�ittee - representative from tl�e Planninq Commisei.on. Thia i.tem will be reviewed again at the next meeting wheax mor� member� are pr�sent. 7. 1�D.T�Rl1aiBHT � 22 s 45 P!� � /�� Diane Mo Je2d k , Secretary ATTI�ST: � ' / ��-�" �[�/rGL�----�-- A Doriald Mo�en, Preeiden� dj/pcml-30 PLANNING �90�IIlTSSION ltI�SB - .�ARY 30, 1990 P�g �,� . _ __ _-_ IC.�—-- --- -_ _ _ . f ,.. i, _ i �, `�.. r i �Ii PLANNING COMMISStAN ROLL CALL HEARING DATE: v STA�i.TING TIME: � � ✓ � ' �� t: COMMISSIONERS �✓ DO�tALD MOLN � vr�,sm�, s��� JAIwiES CASTILE JUDY FESSLER ; MILT FYRE � � DEANE L�VERETT ' i _,�,_ DA'VE PETERSON' �DAN ROSBOROUGH i /UU HARRY SAPORTA r 3TAFI+' P S T: - �� i � � 4; ,._ jj �.. �,.""` �LC%I�.�°�E�I�C�.. � ��,�✓%�G��' i`, ,; � �, i k, r; , �i � d j�PC-ROLL �� 4�� � k .. � . � . �� #. i , � . �, T111�ES PI�BLISHING �OIlAPANY �.9a� �-���o P.O.BOX 370 PHONE(503)684-0360 NOt��A BEAVERTUN,OREGOtJ 9707� Legal Notice Advertising � • ❑ Te�arsheet Notice C i ty of T i gard , `F'"""` ' _ _ s F.O, Box 23397 • I� DuplicateAffidavit Tigard� OR 97223 . • PLEASE REFERENCE ACCOUNT N'0. � CASE N0. ON PAYMENT}�REMITTANCE _ . AFFO�AVi�r oF �uB�ic�riorv �d� ���Z�� . . STATE OF OREGON, COUiUTY (�F WASHINGTOM, )s�" I, A 1 i c-e Mu ir�n being first duly sworn, dapuse �nd sa tha 1 e Advertising Director, or his principal clerk, of the ��'��r����@s , a newspmper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Ti�ard in the aforesaid county snd stat�; tha#the �u�-1 i c He�r i r.�s -- a printed copy nf which is hereto annexed, w�s published in the r- •�° - •� G, ,.: .. �. entire issue of said newspaper for One _�uccessive and consecutive in the foll4wing issues: ��N 2� �9g� January 18, 1990 C���� ' �' , C..�� � � �19th of January, i99� . , Subscribed and svvor to before me this � . �• s Notary Rublic for Qregon � My Commis Exp+r . 6-9-93 . " ' � I �FFIDI�►VI�" , .. ._-; - - ' i - , � � � t: �I , � � _ . _ - -- =1'he:following wsti;be.considered by the Tigacd�lanning Comet�issipn o�� January 30,19�9d,at 7:30 PM at the Tig�rd Civic Center-Town Hall, ; 13125 SW H�II Blvd;,Tigazd,Oregon.Both public oral and wri[ten tes- �; timony i�invited.The public hearing on this mauer w�ll be con�ucted in accordance with the rules of Chapter 18.32 of the Tigazd Ivlunicipal Code, and niles and procedu�res of the Planning Com�nission.Failure to raise an issue in person o�r b�yleuer precludes an appeal,and failure to specify the criterinn from the Communrty Development Code or Comprehensive Plan ak which a comenent is direeted precludes an appeal based on that criterion.Further informatiun may be obtained from i1�e`Planning Division ': az 13125 SW Hall Blvd.,Tigard,Oregon 97223,or by calling f:39-4171. PUBLIC IiEARINGS SUBDIVISION S$9-14"VARIANCE V�9-34 REED/BURTON NPO#6 A mquest for approval to subciivide 3.5 a�cres into l l lots between 1b,000 E and 1S,b05 square feet in size.Als�requested are variances to allow a hammerhead shaped vehicle turnaround where s eircular turna�rround is � " normallly re�quired:and uti allow sidewalk on only one side of a public local ` street wh�re sidewalk on both sides is normally recluired. 7ANE;R-3.5 (Residential,3.S units/acre}�LOCATION:North of SW Sattler Street be- � ''�• � a�vteen SW 98t6 aa�d 100th Avenues(WG"I'M 2S1 ilBD,tax lots 1507, ' ¢ � �� -•!� �.�.���`• , 15�, 1521,and 1522) � �` �, ��;:'`ti,�' . SIGN CODE E�CEPTION SCE 89-1b VARIANCE V 89-35 f)STBY a� .,` �`e'•:'\ � Iv�OTOR COMPANY NPO#2 A request for a Sign Code Variance to � � �-��,3���:4�� I � allow a 25 square foot sign within an existing sign cabinet on a 70 square ., �\,�ti,,!`•ti;:,`,;� I fc�ot wall.The Sign Code allows wall signage to cover up to 15 percent of . �.\�� �, ,,�� a wall,or in ihis case,an 11 squaze foot sign.The applicants stat�that the � ���'�'���`•``�•``` ` J �` 4 \ �, •�` \`�t�\ • n '_/� � addidonal sign are�is r►ecessary to make the sign vesible because of the ,. �;; �''�•� ,���. �, � � �— �. :\ • 1`• Slodr Me� �•��g � �I site s location with respect ta�nearby roads.ZONE:C-G'(General Com- • ,�;� ��,�,�,ti�., . mercial)LQCATION:9785 SW Shady Lane(WCTM 1S135BD,tax lot ;:� �, �,,�\ .�ti, '0�� .w 2�� � . . .i • �� � ` ��`~ 1 ti'ti \� /1s rw �d � '` SIGN CQDE B�CEPT'ION SCE 89-14 Lt�NDMARK FORD NP�464/� a ti �. `. -' ''� ti � \�,, �\` ,, request for approval nE a Sign Code Exception to allow four freestanding � ; �'�� ``�:��,�`��.,�� �,� � signs widi a sign face area of 510 square feet where twa signs with a sign F ;' � �,�\i���_��•f ^ face area of 230 s quare feet are normally allawed.ThR,e of the signs are ,�r' t � S� to be freeway orientetl.The individual dirnensions of these signs are as � P_�'`�,� �� ••�:. •c ` '•• ` follows:64.65,154,arrd 287.13 squaze feet.'I'he fourth sign is a mona- TT646p_publish January 19, 1990� ~ ment sign,40 feet in size,to be inclusive of only one side of double-faced �' signs.ZOIVE:C-G(General Commerckll)LOCATION: 120U0 SW 66th Avenue(WCTM 2S� lAA,tax lot 100) Consideration�E the rec;ommendations of the NortheasE}3u1�'Mountain Transportadon Study Report.The Report rec�mmends that the CAty's Comprehensive Flan Transportation Map�e amended as it pertains to d�e ' cc�llector street system in the northeast azea of Bull Mountam.'fheRepo�rtt ' further recommencis certain design consideradons for the aoadw�y system , in_the northeast area of Bull Mountai�. � The area considered by the report is generally bounded by B�11 M�ur�tain � Rc�i,141 st Avenue,Wainut Street,121st Avenue,Gaazde 3tree�,and Pacific Highway. _ � Copies of the Northeast Bull IVio►antain Stu$y Report and recommenta- 4, tions are av�ilable at no chazge at the Engineering Division office oa by � catling 639-4171,extension 323.Capies are als�available for review at � ttie Tigard Library. Following the pu�lic hearing,the Planning Comcnission will consider whether W recommend to r,fie Cisy Councit adopdon of the Rsport's recnmmendations. ►� • r v 4 � a � T I G � R D P L � H N I 8 G C O H H I S 5 I � B NOTI(�: ALL pBlt,ONS DSSIR.ING TQ SP$1�1C ON �lHY ITSM� !lQST SIGN THSIR !� AND NO'PS THSIR �na�ss or� �YS s�r. �riease �xxia�r' AcExn� aT�.M: �� ca►sE xcrMS���s�: �WN�It/APPI.ICANT: / �U�P� �JLf,�� %//.h�i'l�vl //Y.L'i'l_K'l�1Y'TA�1[�� � LOCATTON: 2 t —7 NP() NUMBER: .J � / DAT� OY+' IiEARING � �� nC.� PLFASE PRINT YOUR NAME ADDRESS AND INCLLJDE YOUR ZIP CODE _ � PROPOfiE1dT (For the propoeal) APPONENT (Ac��insti tne propo�al) ? � i Pxint Name/A3dressBZip & Affilir�tion Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliatioz� s 1; �, /!�c 25s 5c�, M�rt.n�r�L / �"!v Srs^.S�vM�D�nzlca !, � �.l,��u�r�-� F�G lr�l6 q-�z � � u. i�e 2 v t r l2 ►�� � 7�z 3 �i 1.��� l�l�l�1��'q�-' T/���a scy, u✓s T� �� , A.� r��s�'� -s" �� ;; � ;; ^� f 1./*a�� t���f�"`R. - P�/�C� �� 0 a�d.�J 3 �' ���.. c G��'J ��t7�t-" � �,; , ti P � �J >:; /' rn /�.O 'I�r5 W a Sl: �5 fc-t- ��' D -l`"� '// dG� "� cr,t-d r�i � T�� � � ��I�C�� S►'h aT�-� 12L3 �� S ��I�tT" h �2� ;'�; i r t �, �;;�"`��.�= ,; �� � ` � �rtiv-� � ��� �� I��t %�� � �.'�1Z'R-�E ��S� �1 A►� (�las St�J � i ICx Rt� �`�i �a�; �'�l -t� � ,� �-C? ��m�. ��-3�� s�.� ��z �� �`,�' ��v�� �s��-��. � c- �sw c�� ;`,; �` �� � ? i.z i si s�� , ��= s�"f��h y Y`� �;M1: �;� _ t3 �'33G� S� l,r,�a.�n�f ��' �l��G -.�.h, l.� a�v S, �. w�.��, �� �.�-� �- ;� �.,i ��� �� � a � � t,x� �/J �4 � �� � . . . . �'��� �" ���° ��W IX�.� �, '��"^^`�G"'��-'�--� . 1(�1 .�.�Q" ,/-�- �r(..c jf a./�.rc�...� �x; Y � �;a� -�,��t321 f�N l...E�--�N1S I'2q0� SW' 'v�H�Ui`� q°12z3 ♦ " � F' T I G � RD PLl� AF I NG COl�Ili I S S I � N HO'TICB: AT.L PSRSONS DSSIRING TO SPSAIC ON 2SP1' ITSlS IiQST SYGH TSgIIt I�MS AND l�t�'TS TSSIYt ADDEtBSS ON TSIS S�T. (Please PRIr1T) AG$NDA I�M: CASE NtdMHER(S): 4�WNER/APPLICANT: ------- LOC.�TION: x,Jpp N�Eg,; DATE OF HEARZNG ____ PLEASE PItINT YOUR MAME �DDRLSS, ANA INCLLJDE_YOUR 8IP CODE — � PROPOY�NT (For ths pxopoeal) OPPONENT {2lgainst t2�� pxopogal) '! i Prinfi Name/Ac�dres�/Zip & Affiliation Print Name�Addre�s/�ip & �,ffiliation j i ll.��� - /�� ,�''/�- � � /2 � } � � d � l� ��/�` G�/ G ,��%� � u�E�ti,t .r�`' - � P`� .,�.�- � ���y2� f E __._. � ����/c'd����- `� ��--w�`�- � , � 'l. 7� �-�+-�r� d r� � � ?z?s �' 2°�—��"��' l � '3 i - .�"�i L: 1'� c� �-I? � �� ,���F��� 'i I � �' E � � . L a � � fi , �,i � ;, � A � ; ��' , , �: � �� �� , � � _�. _ # � ,, ,: €. � t; �, � € ,` i i � I � ���� � ' � � , � T IGARD PL� ANNI1< G C_OliHIS S IOH � ; Y�iOTICS: ALL P&RSONS DESIRING TO SP�R ON 2lNY ITEti H[JST SIGLt THSIR PaMS ANB lf(�8 T�IR 1l1DD�SS ON 2'SIS SHEST. (Ple�Be PRINT) � � , d#G&ND1� ITENd: � - CASE NOMB�R(S): _ 4 , r, OWNERIAPPLICANT• � t �� LOCATION: , 4; �; i Hpp Py�$��; DATE OF �IEARING _ _- - �, i; PLEASE PI2YNT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, AND IPTCi,UDE YOUR ZIP CODE '� rl PR�POIdENT (�or �h� g►�sapc�sal) OPPONEN'S (Against the propoaal) �% �: Frint Name/Ac3dreag/Zip � Affilf.ati.on Print Ptame/Address/Zip � AEfiliation r �� I:� �o ��. 12 � 3"�1' `� ;; 7; r / �a! r � ZN� d /� a►+^rP� �ti � • �iC/ � ;'I �� t�, I � �,.�h,Gr: .2�td4��.�_ �"_� , � � 3,x,34 S 4� HN.e�%,/x.u�. �',� , a ��(iC�O S..W • L.� a�" ;',; tl; �,{ �z, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. ?:9 `'� r• . . . _ . . . �'.'� y. _ (;. . . . . . . . . .. IS,: f" a,t . . . . . . .. . . a:.. r 1`!, - r; s:: ,� ,. �, ��, �;, :; �F._---- ._ _ � e `� T I GARD PLl1NN I NG COHl� I S S I ON l�iq'tICS: ALL PSRS�3NS D�SIAING Tt� SPSAIC Oli AN][ TTBtt �iI1ST S�Qi TSSIR � �lD !TA'i°B �IR 7iDDI�S ON T��S SSSS'i o (Ple�se PR][N'T) 1��t�u�� z�t: �� c�sE xv�rx g s): ca�c�..• ���YL OWNEIt/AI�FLICANT z //Yl�/�'YrQ1'`� ���Y� -� LOC�TION o /�{JV� �l..L� �!�C�� l�LL�?1 NP� NUMBERa �,� DAT� OF HEARIN� � �� 6� � PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, .AND ZNCLODE YOUR ZTP CODE PROPpNENT (�'or the propasal) OPPGII�NT {Againet the propoeal} Print �ta�ne/Adair�ss/Zip & Affiliatimn Print Name/Addre�s/Zip & Affiiiation . ^ - _ � I "� _ _ ,,. .__.__�.._ __:�._�.__:._ �__ ._�_...� :�A� r r�: ; i T I Gl1RD PLl� NN I HG COSI� I S S T OH NOTY�: AL�L PffiiSONS DSSIRING �O S1�SA1C AN ANY ItSK MITST SIGN T�IR � AND 1QOrP8 T�IR ;°I �DDRESS OI�T TSIS SHgS�. (Please �I�iTj �, l�BNDA ITEM: �� � �ASE IQUMBER(S): � T� 7 �7' U �7'�T t' OWI�ER/APPLICANTa ! //` r. L�O(`.ATION: / .� �� � OVD`�` � . , w. , i< IdPO rTfJME3ER s DAxE OF I�ARING l 43 v j' 1�LEASE PItINT YOUR NAME. AADRESS, AND ZPiCLiTDE YOUR ZIP (30UE �� Y �i PROFONENT (For the propoaal) OPPONENT (Againet the propasal) l�ria�t NaQae/AddressrSip & Affiliation Print Name/Addres�/Z3.p & Affi.].iatioia � i �� . � �� J� � � , l, ��' �`�'� .�, — ,�J � `' � _ f. �z �/��sz � '\u — � �� ���, � �� � � :��'i�.� ���"� s � � � �� F ,: '�� f .�� �" � � ! � ; � � � ; i . ; ; 0 'e�. rz � � Rn PLaNI�iING COI+ISISS = orr NOTICS: ALL �BR.,OtiiS ASSIRIN� '1'O SPS�i1C ON AN7C ITffiS 2SUST SIC�i �IR 1� 2�ND � T�IIt l�DDRSSS ON �S S�BT. (Pleaee PRINT) Acsrro�, aT�rs: �%� r,a�E rta�ssEta(s�: �� �l/�1/�q;3.� , OWNER/APPLICANT: �Y� I.00ATION: ! � � NPO �SR: �� AATE •OF FiEARZNG ��/� PI.F�SB BRINT XOUR NAM�, 1�DDRESS, �TD INCLi7DE YOUR ZIF CODE PROPONENT (For th� propo�al) OPPaNI?NT (Againa� the p�opasal) Print N�/Addres$/Zip � �,€filiation Print Name/Address/Zip & Affiliat�.on � � PL�1IdNING COMNIISSIOId COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Letter dated January 1.2, 1990 i�o Randy Wooley, Gity Engineer, from Rein & Mai-�,i11 Magi. 2. Memorandum to Planni.ng Commiasion dated January 13, 1990 fxam NPO �3, 3. Letter clated January 9, 1990 to �lanning Commie�eion from Lax°ry Weat�rman, 4. Memorandum from Staff �egarding P�riodic Review. i �I �f'' f s � � 3 � � � �yt F i � �} j1 i 3 E � , s � � � , � 1 _ ._ —__ . � �.�� �,�,. 4� �� i t � ��v .�� � �. �..L��U-Ul.�C, � � � � y �`�t'�1 . � 1 `� `�� . f C,i •�l��'v�-,e.A.r'" C.t`�-t.J c�;� �►' c� � � �'. c�. �� �. ��1 � � , �� � � . ��7�� � � ,J1�� :l. 4� 1��0 � �'cs�rt�ur�iF�Qe�f�lnnm�5�3 ����✓� �l�. L'V�?--�7 .._. I lrt,,'s 1�:�-�X-' �� �� ►��s��.�>.-e �� -�-��-e � �� ��( 1 �Yl o�-����c� �c�.,�,s, o r-��.;t-�� 5��1�� c,�G�r� �, � � t,� �C �`-���'��-,{� ��I r'�s�' `�,,,t.� ��.� , r:.,:�1e �,;�~.e s��s����,-�-� �f ��5�' /-�v�e �n�.�r' 1=����-, ��. �+�� , r� �!�/'► �,t s f �rac�s -t�-� �a�.. �� ����c��.h✓� �-e � 'p'(� _� �,�,� Vl,��- i�� �`� GW'-2� (����-�'1 G�-(`�-� , �v�r�.� I � `� U � . c�-�-��es f � ,�� �i L I �o�- IQ.� a..�(.e. -�-v a-�-�� `� � v ��'��'' �G�i�vUi�✓� � ��`��- . �--�c.' ��, �Cvv1 t�.� �' � � � �.�� �� ( ,�(��.. �-� r�� �s�r`� ��- `�`��� � � � aJQ �� �� �2� Co� , a� �s�- ,��v � :____�,. __ l�.e_� �� �i' c�c�e- I �-� I ��rv�-�.�� i f; � �a r r r�e.� � � � � �� � � ����, � n�-��� 4�.�� iz�1o5 s� I35�^ ��� � , "1"r r�:�r-ol, c9� . �i'?22�� (�U3) (��ld'-�c�'7 c� ���L'�.� ' -�-'�����—'�j` '�(�'°_ i��✓ L����.�����'�/ `�A� . i 1�: � ,.. �. 4� �.. �_. 9 January 1990 CP04B �ull M�untain - I�ing City - Tigard c/o Larry Westerman, Secretary Treasurer 13665 SW Fern Street Tigard OR 97223 Tigard City Planning Commission 13125 SW Hall B1vd. Tigard OR 97223 To the Planning Commission: The members of the steering committee of CP0�4 Bull Mour�tain - King City - Tigard request that consider.ation of the Northeast Bull Mountain Transportation Study be extended at least through the second Planning Commission meeting in February, to provide the CPO with sufficient time to discuss this matter in our January general meeting, and draft a formar statement of our group's feelings and opinions on this study. We will be hearing a presentation from Mr. Randy Wooley of the city staff regarding this report dur.ing our regular monthly meetin,g on 24 January. This will not allow c�ur group sufFicient time to prepare our response prior to the Planning Coinmission rneeting on 30 January. I am sure that all of us wish to ensure �that adequate time is taken io acquire and consider public opini�n on this critical and controversial subject. Yours truiy, � G� �1�.���� ' r��'�- , Larry A. Westerman 4;;;�,;.�;:E1 PWININQi ,I AN 121990 .� _ _ _ , _ 4. . . .. . ..:'.. . .�..... ,�._...-�,_.._�. ...,...�...,...�...�....,_:... �_._.,. ::. �-...._.-._.:,._ ' �1 ` \ h'IemGrand�.�rr� to The Ti gard F'1 anna.nc� C;crmmi ssi on �rpm PJF'Q w 3an. 1��, 1989 . TI-�e Ti gard �'1 ann i ng Gammi s�i an iLi^� S,W. Hall E�lvd. . � Ti ard, Cir- 97i�.�, 9 . . h Dear- t�embers of the Commission. � Tl-ii� is a request frram NF'Q :� �Far th� Cammissi.an to p�ast�a�ne tnnsider-iny the "NnrthEast E�t��11 i�auntain 1"r-anspnrt�tian S�udy Repor�t and Recamm�nd�tion" tar at le�-�st two weel•::� fr-am i ts sci�tedul ed Jan� .�:�y date. NF�'0 .'; !-�as strang disar�re�mer�ts with th� r-ecomm�nd�-tic�ns c�f �tt-�� st�.idy, tiut has not fiad time ta discuss �nd ar�r-ee �.�pan �n al.t�rnata.ve praposal . A postponement till the middl.� af f�arcf� wnuld b� 4��t �rar- us, if that is �easik,le. ' Si,ncer-el y. , �� Her-r�an F'orter, Lhairman I�F'0 ._ C;��YrO�l� JAN 1619�Q ��,. _ . .u._ .. ._ ._.. ....�,._ _... ....r _- ��� "� MEMORANDUM CITY OF TIGARD, OREGON I TO: Memberg of the Planning Cammission ,� FROM: John Aaker, Associate Planne DATE: ,,xanuary 24, x990 SUBJECT: Periodic Review Upon adoption of statewide planning legislation, the legislature �lso adopted statutee that require tha� thosa agenciee that have comprehenaive plans review those pl.ane periodically so that they rsmain viable in a changing world. The act o£ r�viewing a comprehensive plan for change ie called Periodic Review. In periodic review comprehensive plans a�re reviewed ag�inet four periodic review factors: lj There has been a substantial change in circumstances upon which compreh�neive Qlan or land use amendment� were based sa �hat they no longer aomply with the goals; 2) Ackn�nuledged pravisiona of the comprehenaive plan or land uee regulations do not comply with goals becau�e of goals or rules subsequently adopted; 3) The compr.ehensive plan or land use regulations are inconsiatent with a state agency plan or program relating �to land use that was x�ot in eftect at the time of acknowledgmen•t; 4) The City has not performed additional planninc� that was agreed upon at the time of acknowledgemento Tigard received its periodic review notice in May of 1989. �Ph� City requested and waa granted an extensian of its proposed ord�r submittal date until Apr�.l 30, 1990. In Apxil the City will subrnit a proposed order to the Departrnent of Land Conservation and Deve].opment (DLCD). The praposed order consiats of find.t.ngs addreasing the four periodi� review factore and any neae�sary plan and land uae ragulation amendmente. The findings should be complete for the prognaed order, but ainae the amendments are not actually adopted at thie time the plan and code changea need not be complete. The City can identify to DI,CD what changes wi.11 be made and where i.n the documents those changes will occur if the exaat wording ie not complete. For example, if the City ie not certain of the wording for amendmenta to the Sensitive Lands Chapte•r of the Community Develogment Code pertaining to wetlands we can identify what we will accomplish with the amendment in the sensitive lands chapter. Within 120 days of the April 30th proposed order submittal, a final City Counc�.l hearing wilY be held to adapt the final periodic review order and necessary amendmente (probably August). During the period between the propoe�d order submittal and the final heaxing, DLCD and other interested organizations can eubmit comments which wi11 be taken into consideration in tha final periodic r�view ord�r. The Auguat heaxing will be for the ad�ption af the finc3inc�s and all related eomprehensive plan amendments and Community Aevelopment Code changea. �;'' �''�. i;''; �W �:.. In order for Tigard to successfully fulfill the requirements af periodic review the City will develop findings pertaining to all of the elements identified by DLCD in tha periodic review notice. The finainge will then point to those areae wher� change� need to be made in �rder to bring the comprehensive plan up to date. rrhe following is a list of thoee areas that have been identified as requiring some c�ange. , FACTdR ONE � Change in Circumetances � Unanticipated Eventa - The� City will addresa impacts of the EPA rec�.�irementa to regulate water quaZ?cy in the Tualati� River and the effecte of large � ecale annexation�. These issues will not requir� ahanges to the plan or �I regulations. Cumulative Effects - There have been no significant cumulative sffeets identifi�d. Unfulfilled Plan Policies - There ha� been no policy which has not been carried ou�. Nev,r Information - Piew inventory information has been incorpora'teci where neceseary in appropriate section�. New or Reviaed Statutee - There are eeveral new �tatutea that requirs changes: wetland defini.tion, hearing notice procedures for mobi.le home parlse, criteria and standarda in egfect at the time of an application shall be ueed, standards �nd definitior� regarding Resi.dential Homes, Fami.ly Day Care Providers, Residential Care Facilities need to be zevised, mobile hame definition, and aolar access. � FACTfJR TWO New or Amended Goal or Rules Adopted Since Acknowledgement Goal 5 Op�n Spaces/Natural Resources - Although the City was acknowledged under the preaent goal, it is generally reaognized that the City's wetland inventory ie deficient. The City has conducted a thorough wetland inventory and assessment. Sased upon the inventory work the City will need to revise some of ita regulatory standarde. Goal 9 Commercial and Induatrial Economic Development Rule - This new rule requires the City to conduct an extensive economia devslopmenti analyeia and assess the supply of land relative to development potential. There will be eome revfeions necesaitated by thiso Goal 11 Public Facilities Plan - Thia rule requirea that the City develop a plan for the following public facilities: water, sanitary sewer, storm aewer and transpartation. The public faailities ahould accommodate the projectod growth. There will be change based on this plan. . � �z�, << " ��: Wk.� F'A�CTOR THREE Conaietency with atate ager�cy plans There a�e saveral s�ate agency plan� that have been identi.fied as applying to this eection. The Department of Transportation Six-Y�ar Improvement Program requires eame changes that will be incorporated into the Facilities P1an. FACTUR FOUR Additional planning taeks required at the time of acknowledgement but not don�e - Thia factor doea not apply to Tigard. Other fseues may be raised during the course of periodic review but at a minisnum, those changea identified above wi11 need to be coneidered. The Planning Commiasion will hear itema for periodic review and reaommend its� adoption to �he Cit�• Council. Planning Commissian Hearing clates are tentatively set f.or March 6 and March 20 for the propoeed order and July 3 and July 17 for the final periodi.c review order, compr�hensive plan amendments �nd code changas. There i.s also a workehop wi�th the City Council eet for Febrrxary 19. .,, `\ I f, �II , �� I II 1'iC1�101V'�i\L VlZ � �' II i �i I � TO: Planning Commieaion � AGENDA ITEM 5.1 j FROM: Keith Lidea, Senior Planner � RE: North�ast Bull Mountain Traneportation i stuay I ARTE: January 23, 1990 � Earlf�r, you received a aopy of the Northeast Bull Mountain Tranapartation � Study. Randy Wooley, the City Engine�r, will attend the January 30th hearing � to present the study and the propoeed recammendations for the fu�ure major ' street eyetem on the northeast portion o� Bull Mountain. � The Gommimsion should conaisier public test�.mony regarding the atudy and develnp r a recompnendation to be forwarded to City Counci.l. The Council will canaider � thia matter on Februazy 26, 1990. , NEBi7LL/kl � � t �( ! � i , � P % f f , � � ; � 4 f � � i � � f ';. t � I � � I k�`„, . ��. I �������V� ���� �0�� e �� � TRA�tS�'ORTI�►TION S1'�lDY" � : Report and R�comr�tenc�a#ion �� 3ANUARY, 1990 �; r j; � � •„ . .._ �! � � i � i ; , ,. : ,, S�JMMARY OF CHANGES `Fcr those'wha read the Noveml�es 1989 Dr�ft Report, the principal changes in �he final. raport are eummarized belgw: 1. The recommended plan (Fic�ure 12-1) has been r�vised in the vicinity of : Wa3.nut and 135tih. The recommendations o€ Section 12 ha�ve been reviaed accordingly. ` 2. Consideration was gieen to elim3.natinn of ttne propoeed Murray extension between Sah�lla Ferry Road and 135th Avenue. "No �T�w Roada/No Piurra,y l�xteneion" ie naw an alternatiea� included in the repor�, w3.th traffic projec�ions inciud�d in Appendix C and di.scugeion incl.uded in 8ecti.on I1. 3„� section 3 containa additional cii�cussian af transportation pYans autaide th� study area. 4. 5�a�ian 11 (Conclusiona) has been re-wri.tten to inclucie adda.tional �l.ternativesi, tn include the �esul�� of traffic engineering reporte that we�e received aubn�quexnt to issuans� of the Plavembes a3raft repori:, ar�d to addres� issuea raised at the November neighbarhood meetinge 5. �"Ine App�nda.ce� now can�ain only the aurrc�nt updated ma4:er3.ale. Pr�limi.nary ma.terial from �he F'ebruary and Y�arch 1385 neighb�orhond, me�ting� has been ' deleted from the apgend3.cea bu� ig s�ill avail.�ble upon requeat. �I 6a For a qui�lt review o£ the updated report, :LL- i� most irinportan� to read � Sectians 3� 11, and 12 of the repor�. . d j-1-n�bm2.Yif�1 i � _ _ , . ,, e: � � f TABLE OE' CdNTENTS � Paqe No. SUMMARY �: �, it �: r„ �, 1. INTRODUCTION 1 �'' � }; 2. PURPOSE 3 �' �. 3. CITYWIDE & REGTONAL PL.ANNYNG 4 {, .. , �' 4. ALTERfIATTVES CANSIDERED 12 ;; i 5. TRAFFI� PROJECTIONS 17 1 6. P[JBLIC TNPUT 21 ' ! 7. IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS 23 j 8. KEIGFiBO12HOOD TMPACTS 25 � l 9. TIMING 27 � 10. COSTS & FUNDING 28 11. CONCLIISIOI4S 29 i 12. RLCOMMENDATSONS 41 � I � I Appendix A Potential Rnadway Rou�es Conaidesed, Februagy 198� Appendix � Additional Poten�ial Rautes Conaidered � • Appendix C Build-out Traffic Projectfons Appendix D Population Projections ^ Appendix E Traffic Engineering Analysi.s ' ' a3/TOC&s.Rw : _ �� �• y SUMMAFtY This report is the reault of planning work done over the past year to identify the 1on�-range transpartation neede for the northeast portion of Bull Mountain. The planninq work has been a joint effort of etaff inembers from the City of Tigard and Waehington County and the citizens of the study area. The recommended plan is ahown on Figure 12-1 on page 43. The plan ie based on transporta�ion needs at snme :future time when the Bull r Mountain Area is fully developed. It ie expected that the plan will be } implemented as development occurs, over a period of many yeara. ; �. The purpose of the plan is to guide development during the coming years, I assuring that the long-range" transportatian neede are put inta place as t " development occurs. ' f. The recommended plan (F�igure 12-J.) was selected to provide the traneportation 1 improvements needed to suppnrt t•he eventual full development of the study area in accordance with the adopted land uae pl.ans and with the least i.mpact to F existing estalblished neighborhoods. { 1k • k i � i � ; ' I . � � , � � . �� ,... _ � �- �� . � 1. INTRODUCTION In 1�88, the City of Tigard began the pracess of planning for the pr.inca.pal street systern in the nartheast area og Buil Mountain. The study area is shown in Figure 1-1. This study focusea on atreet needs in the study area. The street system and projected growth of surround�r�g areas were also canaidered. The City��chose to concentzate on the noz�heast area of Bu11 Mou�xtain for y several reasnns. For�moat was th� anticipation of substantial growth within the study area during the n�xt few years and the lack af a cleaz� , plan for future roadways within the area. City and County compsehenss.ve plane for the study ar.ea currently are not i.n total agreement as to the agpropriate roadway ay�tem and neither plan is s�eca.fic as to locations af required roadways. � need €or iEuxther pianning raa's also aeen because of the steep alopes and deep ravines that limit pot�ntiaY roadwa�• routes wit�in the etudy are�. Finally, the na�heast partion of Bull Moun�ain is almoat totally within the City's "active pl�rn3.a�g area", meaning tha� the Ci�y h�s priisary reeponeibil3.ty f ,�• long r�nge planning for the a�ea. � • The study has been conc�ucted by City af �igard staff r,vith substantial support and coaperation from Corxnty planning ai:aff and with aubstantia•1 publ'ic input. ' - R1:PORT - NORTHEAST 8(TLL HOONTAIN TItAPiSPORTI�TION STUDX p�g 1,: �� �. � ' � . .- tn A � ��'d oc��� o . -o e �Q�j � c�.� o � � Ave. , E . y.�/�' • L O L r- � h � � Q � . _.-•�'._\�..--^. C �'° � C - � C '• .`- O � Q- � "' ;W. I15th . AVe. � � \ � vy ° o ,o � � S W. 121st� ,��� ' - c 'a � o — ---������'� � /� � S I �th � .w �tudy�Area — � Ave. m . \ � +� SW. 131sf � S.W. 132nd r..>\\ Ave. Ave. ` W. 13�rd Ave. t SV1f. 135tf� Ave. .--�.._ ..._---...�'� �� "' r�`e� _ �r� � _,_..... „_, i � � � �... .....� m �� � � .. ; S`� �/ �` � $.l1V. �4�St /�V@. i° � ��� � � --�� � � �i seho��s �......� _ . � � � � � ; �,..r .�,.� / �----�. . 1 ,� ..�--. � :: �. ..�' �---� � i _: •�.. Sunrise L�. SV►/. 150th ve. . � �a ,---� � � �. ..�- ..�. ) ��--.. ; _ � --.c�--H--� � � � i N'� Bu11 Mountai�n : �i�ure 1-1 � Transportation St�udy �TUDY �RE14 :::._: �__.�.�� �. _= . ... ..�.�� .,�. : _ :_. __ _ _ �� ._. �. .:_� . � 2. PURPOSE The purpoae o£ the study was to determine the system of collector and arterial streete needed to provide access for the neighborhoods of the study area and tn provide routes throaqh or around the atudy asea as appropriate. The atudy i� not intended to define a�ll of the local. streeta needed in the stuciy area. Loeal atreets to serve individual lots cvill be planned and conatructed as developaaent occurs. Instead, the plan is intended to defi.ne the pzincipal stxeet system in th� area �o that streets can 'be conetructed in a logical and consistent mannex a� develogment � occurs. Comprehensive planning for the principal roadways is esgiecially important in this study area where steep slopes and deep ravines lamit the potential aroutes for roadwaye. Once a comprehennive plan is adopted, each new eubdi�ris.ion can be developed in a manner consistent with the pl.an so that eventually the �ntire road system can be compl��ed in a logical manner. Currently in the Bull M�nuntain area much of the 3.and is undevei.oped. or rearains in agricultural nsage. However, future development is �asible iEor .� all of the Bull Mountain area wi�hin the established Urbar� Growth Baundary. Some 3.arge lots have the potential for future redevelopa►ent t� increased reeidential deneitiea. , �he purpoae of thia study is t� define the roadway eystem that will be � needed when the Bull Mountain area is fully develo�ed ia� accordance with existing• z�ning. FTow soon this full development will occur is unknown. It '� could happen within the next few yea�s ar it may happen over a long period of time. Based on current population projections, hosaever, it seema likely � that substantial developu�ent of th� Sull Mountain area will occur witixin the next 10 to 20 xears. Aesumptione regard�.ng future development within. the sturly area are ; discusaed in more detail in Clxapter 5. � I REPORT - NOR�HEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION S�UDyt' PAG�3 3 :� '� - - � 3. GITX-WIDE ANA REGIONAL PLANNING In planning for the study area, City-wide and regional roadway planning aleo needs to he coneidereci. The alignment and adequacy af the raadway syatem in the adjoining areae will influence traffic impaats on the roadwaye within the study area. ' an 148�, the City of Tigard and Washington County both aclopted comprehensi.ve plans which i.nclude p7Laars for soadway syatems ir� ttze Bull Mountain ar�a. The City's plan far the gtreet system in the study area is shown on its Comprehenaive Plan Tranaportation Map adopted in 1983. A , pnrtian of this map is rsproduced in Fiqure 3-l. Th� County°s plan for roadways in the atudy area is showc� on the Wa�hington County Tran�portation Plan adopted in 1988. A partion of the Cnunty Plan ie represented in Figuze 3-2. The County Plan for the study area is based primarily an th� Bul1 Moixntain Community Plan developed in �983. The Ciky and County plana are not in total agreement and neither is specific abou� aligncaents for the new roadways ne�ded wbthix� the atudy �w ' area< outside �he study area, the existing City auid County galans define a �airly epecific ey�tem of roadwaya generally fallowing exieting street alignments. In 1586, Washinc�ton County si.g�ed ��n Urban Planniag Area Agreement (tJPAA) with the City of Tigard and the City of Beaverton. ThE LJPI�A provides for an extension of Murray Boulevard from O�d Scholle Ferry Road to 135th Avenue near Walnut Street. The UPAA further calls for the Gity and the County to work together to define an alignment for a roadway eyatem betw�en the 135th/Walnut area and the 121et/Gaarde area. � The Washington County T�ansportation Plan calle for aai extenaion of Aavies Rr�ad and elivainat;ion di the in�ersectioa of Schollg Ferry Road �ad Old Scholle Ferry Road. The City of Beaverton hae adopted a eirt�L],ar pl,aus, The propoaed road alignments are shown on Figure 3-3. REPORT - NORTHEAST SIILL I�fOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STQDY . PAGE 4 ,,, � ,_ _ In addition to the City and Caunty plans, there is a Regional Transportation Plan adopted by the Metropolitan Service District (Metro) to ' ident�fy the major roadways needed for travel through the region. The , Regional Tra�sportation Plan in the Tigard area is based on the results of the Southwe�t Corridor Study com�leted by Metro in 1987. The Southwest Corr�dor Study recommsnda construction of a naw roadway, I commonly referred to as the Western Bypass, to carry through traffia �I between th� southeaet area of Waehington Gountg and the westerly portion of I the County. The Study also identifies the need for a new roadway running I from the aouthwest portion of Bull Mountain at Beef Bend Road to the Six � Corners area of Sherwood to provide a connection between southwest Beaverton and th� area south of Tigard. The Study, like the UPAA, calls for a roadway co�nection between Murray Boulevard at Old Scholls F�rry Road I and Gaarde Street at Pacific Highway, with the provision that tlnis roadway connection ehould not be completed until the other proposed raadways are in place to carry through traffic around the west side of Bull Mountaino The Study recommendatione are shown in Figures 3-4a and 3-4u. :� A Western Bypaea Study is currently being started by the Oregon Departinent of Tranaportation (ODOT}. The ODOT study will review alternatives to the Bypaes to decide if the Bypase should be constructed. �etro and Waehington County will k�oth participate in the study, particularly in the traffic anal�sis to detercaine which alternatives are feasi}�le and in the land use analyeis to determine the fanplications of the S�atewide Planniag Goals. If the study aEfirms that a Bypass is needed, an aligrunent fo� the Sypasa wiAl be determined by ODOT. In conducting the planning for the Northeast Bull Mountain Study, it has been ae�umed that roadways outeide the etudy area will be devel�oped in accordance with the exiatiing city, county, and regional transportation glans. It has been aesumed that the Western Bypaes or an alternative tranaportation improvement of equivalent capacity wiLl be constructed. Alternatives to th� Western Sypass will be conaidered durinq the ODOT study procees and will include both transit and h�.ghway alternativ�s. � REPOFtT - NnRTHEAST B�LT. I�iOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION �'1'tJDY PAG$ 5 .y �� � �.. . The Southweat Corridor Study suggests that an alternative to the Western Bypass wouTd be to provide additinnal ianes on Highway 217 and Sunset Highway and additiQnal improvement on Highway 99W. The Study esti:mated that these improvements would prowide adequate �raffic capacity through �.he ; year �005. The Stcxdy estimated that thie alternative would provide a level of traffic in the Bull Mountain area approximately equal to that of the Western Bypass �lternative -- �t �.eaat through 2005. � +. ;; • • ;i. . _�• , ,� : `� REPORT - [10RTHSAST BULI, MOQNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STWY FAG� 6 �, ' :;...�:., ��-� �.3 .��.-� '. , ----._.._.L.. , _ !� N '1 `�� .� � =r-:�; � _ .. _ - _ ' ! FOWLER � . ' •.4 `—., � JR. HIG _`' -�- g�p � . i� �. • - : _i� - ; �� ,-..3�! .1 � - ;.-�.--,.� _ \� SCNOO�j�' '.v.t, . �_ d' � . . -.. � +. - •i` �_.� � •�'��, •,.:. {. .f.: �=�� -- _ ' :�..;� � _ � � -6'Q , _ ' _ y .. � j' t �1 C� �.J 1 • -r' _T._�..'7 • �--� '_'_'-�� .�/'/. � ,_ I .. _� � � . "--�I�^- / � .• �. .�,T�- i-T � . � � _t _ � - n,�, - '� 1� �� T i �, . ti` ,�� ,t - o J, � _ , ^� � � �� �"F�; �5 '�!� - , . � !�_J.J� �' � . , .._. , _=18Q-, � �- 1,�� --- ' r � � , _ I . �. I , . --� -- . — "�' .a..- i ; ,�Y . , , L � ' .L �' ' ' � �� �: •y �. . 1 ,�.1 .,_�_.___�. . ._ . . . ..t.r. � '� r ,�� ;�. � - • � --�-- ��'_'`� •�—i � , . i � ''1 �^ �: _ _\` � /`,��` ° `' . �.... , _ _ -1 h . �7" ' � } :�j i .. .., `>a� �"j�`� � . f _.. • . ... . �,� '�' '� �' " ' �..� -y-1- ���s 1.L�. .��=- ���t ._. _ ..._ _ , ' . I I . .__.._ --_�..,:o . �`� - r; �_....�� 25 _ � _ i � - � .� - - NOTE: �ihe Ci[y oC TiKurd �'e� .\ 3� � ,a:�..; - ` . suggesked a scriKn�i ind'rt�c[ .,� . .. ' r`,;�' ' � ., � •�ti' � ^ � ainor Nolle.rto�cumnctio s y�.• . -:=-� +- � i� - r betveeh Tlurray l�Ivd. and rdc Sit. , -_ - `�t-- � i - � ^•� . ''� � y 7 -- �40 ' {�'�� • �p . . � � JO � . . . ' . I .� - ,•1� � 1�j.• �l � • � �_.� . T — � . • 'I �y • ���K• t � - Mi4 ' . � • " - F; �� �• 'i � ' � � . . _ � T_ !`.i. . i . .1.�. .`.J I�. � ...� . .- ' ,_ - _ . :'! _�•'-.� rc� 1�1�� � t� . i — :� . l . :Y.��.^ �, _ 1 .. .. •I,�•. _� ` . , /„ �'l�' ' • / � y •i . _ . ..,, _ . , _--- ..• . " " p-��� ?--�-_ : `= r ..y i� —�, 1 -�---a ��, ��� � - . _i'� . . . �. . �. . __ _, . � ..��,- I• T � _i � '' I J��y_i"rl��i: • if is���l� , , ` ,� / __ ' _ , . -•�.: ; j ,... I f _ . - - •�..� ; . . t5� . ! . �' � , I � I ' - ,: � •� *' I _-" • • - . . i_..1 .: . _�-�- • -• �� • -.._ �• , I I / ' � i . _' • � � � ..a. � ' �___ _ TIGARD LEGEND " , COMPREHElVSIVE � ::��.°�.E�.«�5,.�««�,. �ao „o �� ��..�E� «�.� PLAN . z ;;:`;�:�«�:�a�`.��o:�`.LOC l SiREE11.AM0 SNI�'���"""`"""` � � MAP 3 ����..�« Kr„�E«f�«a�s .E�.r �,�s.�.�_.���K«�t ..o..u�« , 4 [OwMECfqMf �CfwtEM w��MU15fNEEf,W��rOWTMM IIWO �NO GAAIIOE St�1EEf. TR A N S P OR TA T I O N 5 ;o«���s Q o EEN «�.��,«E. �.�,.„,�� KvD.,11T O�M�M pENE��ILh •• � ORD. 83—Q24 6 ��M•�tA0IE0�IIOAD MITIIW�TNEn�MES(EMy fMiIOM Of 111E EIMAMGL[ •C. MAY 9 a I�O� 7 ��N a COMMCNCIAI. ff110Ei EETMCfq fM, qM ANO 1N� AVCMIES. CdwOCT10M Oi wSN AvCMUE�[TrECM Wl F1tECT AW�u11N�MM 11N0 11Mr PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS e +��"�«a uw�ovto 'wta�s os wsM. YEAR 2000 IOO ' g �T � �� �r� �� �� � . IO �R �0 ��S IIWfC AS 410ffNLE LIM1t TO MUR�UY RVO. ' PROJECTIONS 100 EXISTING STREETS. YEAR 19190 (00 �'.��.� ARTERIAI. PROJECTIONS /////////�//////i MAJOR COILECTOR OEPARTMENT OFPLANNING d OEVEIOPMENY �� �. MINOR COLLECTOR CITY uF TIGARO, OREGON & VICINITY LIGHT RAi� TRANSIT CORRIOORS (LRT1 NE Bul 1 Mountai n Transportation Stud,/ Fi9ure 31 1�-- _- : _. _ � � . Q Y � RIGERT RD 1 y � � Cl�� ►-I,. -���� � RD �' 00(�el' � Mtn a WEI� R � w '�� �` .OA. � w � `'� �J ¢ �♦ j � Q DAKOTA T A : _._.....� f � � E,ye S - � � � � Q,4 N q�� ��',p � 9 i Q.-�� ti `� . c� . �- f 0 ��,� ` � S T � y _ �. �. ��. � , WAL�J� 0 � Ci S�N ; o ��r �'d e�ei � i �r� � : �`� � Mt�'j,� ; �� GAAR E c ALD ST m ♦ � o ST ♦ � g �MT� �� � � 8 I $ � � � SA T�ER S �w�s��N � �ass 1 = COR�t100R W f I� Q m iRO �� King �ND O(JRHAM RD BE�F � C ity S � w � .h5 � o Tualatin F,S o ER D u rh�a rr� . � .� .�:_>� � a .a. "' {':;c::.• .�. ':i�'r:••���.'x.°�,,�.�,<V.•> .f' � ;:���..��.� '-•'+'•',2•�'�:�$.':�i:vl?�'r,•'F `i i-�; � ��� -� T!N A `}���f����}�{ �z��.`;:..� � '`� . ' >:�.«.. � '}!.�':{Yi�.K�� . _�ti:'i) �a�fi}:>it�;c3:a:+... . � � ARTERIALS N '' �'i s��� PROPOSEO ARTERIALS "' �; This figure summarized the County claesi€ications. � ,�..�.� COLLECTORS � �For detailed information please refer to the : G: Waehinqton County Transportati.on P�.an, Functional �r �.._�-.— PROPOSED COI.LECTO!RS Classification Syatem. �, ;;; IOCPl.SYREETS �: . . Figure 3-2 ,r' . t, N� B�ali Nlountain WASHI(dGTON COUIUTY ; 1'RANSPORTATlON PLAN �' Tran�porta#�on Study � s: �. �� _._ __�..:�_ --- _�.: ____�. .. �..�_ { 0 � � � -N- � � � � . , ° @�p. , ' � • oy , ��R�t > � c � • . � ' � M v5 , - . �Q� . , yG . ��. O�'� e�Lp I I � �� ��. ,�4. S W. NEW Sc�p1.�'S , � Fi�ure 3-� , .. CC'UNTI( PLAn � NE �u1I lVlountai n FOR SCHOLLS �ERRY RD ' Transtaortation �tudy � /MURRAY BLVD. VICINITI .�_-:_ __ _ _ . _ . . . �._ _ ___ t. t— kk` � �^.'"� �`'��,i"`.�. :� � •j � i i ' � i � r' ' � . \ �. '. =a �. � � �� UH�' I _~�—_\f!\ , � ` \� �1— VIIMfW�NCO �.'i• ��� � � CO •�. ��i' '�� i i ?' • � � � 1^ ��Ir�� -� � \-Y 1 +� _- ' n �.T:-'}. . -� � �' \.\w'`���`: J. � � � ..,w,. .� �,;��,,.�. �,..� L_. � ' � _ ( 'T •�•� ; _. ~•� ,�� ' .•y� i� °� a `�r �" d' ` � �• - _' -1 : � �--�n � -.��� , ,� . '_ :I L _ , : w-�__� ��� �.` �1 �� r��" � `_�..`.` cw..e�. \ � � Cw�• �J �� T' - 6 lanes � -�- ` S1� • 7 : , Hil boro ��� c�' . • , . ���-�'''��� �L — i. '+�<,: ` � - �y� � .^.. , J , F - �Kw 216th/219t��lignment - .s � ...�, I ., - (S lane arterial with - `•.�r °�-� -�'.. ..�:• ° t access controi) . '° � �t ..,,.�. �'' :�° . ��. � �,� r�. °" ' . . 6lanes � r �. ', .< ��- ` :�"'= ' , `4� � �I I , � � _. - YK�.f V:.K t 1 �' % Abh� 1 . �. � I/� � . ���f� 1 _ . � _ �`MI , + 1 '+'� N •Lu�fY�", �� 1{: ; •"� � iC � �p ( . ^�. :{� � J` � . a :� � � �i� i�,i::� verton ���� , � '��,� C�!-.` �l`� . ^ � 1 e � _ s_ / 'j �' ,�� a..���r� ,., i r« '' _ �'618neS � , ,,'� � �i � / wstou[ �- ..+'. �� x»a. � .war.ww..'a..v :i Iy � � J� � p � /C 1 c.+or.. .o+.r' „o -.r. � ~ s '� �u.� - I F -� �� . ..0 ^o "y„ �w '�'� a ' / � � g •-„... _ ' .` .� � ?• ^,s` '`-."\'.' V� ��r M� / S_ �- ' -�1 ��► ��« , ,�„ ,,, _ auxiliary lanes �,'�^. 4 la�e ismi4ed acc�ss ��� w,,,' � , � - �` ,s�,_ � = � facility(generalized al ♦ � = ��~, . � � r..,w��. � � : . alignment) '� ' - - ` �~ - �_ ' '� � _ �' � 6lanes �-�-- . � .�\ �� �._ /''� J �..,��.,�a �� �/ / ` / • /}` , ` o .�l� ��.y� .� sr 19ar �, � �, � ���_'�:�` `t /�" . �� e� ./ _ -•��� +�e-•�•�•y;. �--' f. -��,yy=J . �"�1` . ...� ,,,a � ufn ee..ot .exwr:s• . �� ��..I r-- � • � �^- s w c' . = p� ,�M •c'c'_�L ;_� , ; =- Il ; - ,... � I � : :, --« \ .._` �/w'as .� : � � K�ng� � , ' � . �� � �``�Y'' \ / ` ' 0 M(f � Gt """� `'� I ::� -�'. . �7( ` `� .�`,/• v.%� _..�... „�p, �•- _'\numam " •,(� �✓'.4-- /� •i �� ::_ .'. `�' "..` — �, • �.� i8 '� . �~~��, , � �,r-»F— �`:�.=----� , _ � . �'i` `��. i ° �.J ! �v,ergrove �� ;r , ��«"' .� Ia(�QS Tualali � c,� � � , ♦ ... .� 3lanes �-'-` �� .o. , •,, �'� .r � � _ , �� � t _. _� . t.. K ,. ;� _: � f _� ; �� «„� ^_ ! sn ood : . ;j � I 3 ` "� '� M� � - - _ 4-51ane� ` . . W45MMGIMfA _ � .� p� '• _ ti ���1 New constrt�ctbn � � ' _ � :. M l � � '� ��` s������� Ramp meReNng r _ _ ` �_ -_ ��/ ;� aiunuaauN Vliideal�g , � � ...•.. T5M improveme�ts , ; � 4 • i�terchange/Inte(sect(on - -�.--�-- - « .,,x . ., , . , � " ` % ` . ImR�rn,emerrts � � � ���` � , .�--- Urt�n growth boundary � \� �._� _. . _ �.•�`� . � ; ,-' . r�� - L . . . �f-ti- M�O Southwest Cocridor Study . � . �.:, �Figure 3 42 4 'i Recommended Pro jects for Western B y pass�"' �. i k . /� I tOYN�/1�f11)/1 ��/YYf. � �. � _. .. � ' r � .. �`�;1 . . ` .� ��. . . � ��� "+� ._.. - --- �_...... ._. .._._. .--'.—_ . ., ��sa _ - — _-- � � I .\ '`` .i=;•- �• =I <i - � � h � / ( � � ``�i \ ..i.. :� ,r,��,j„�� yM1.n 7 w. ti / '1 w . �� ��:! 4.�-NY�' 1' � -�__� �/ � Uowo ' �r'� , , i . Uit�(w�.. •r��.. `� f��..� 1 cu � ' •�'`• " 1_... ! �' .\,� �1`��,��;,>�.�"`�,�';':�- � ��.^i � � � ��. , \, �-,.'�. r`��••, I--.��-;-. � p VI \ � f) �L •�`t•` '�\ �� . \ ^ .����� � .r-_ '1'� I ti� 'l: -7. 1� 1 ` 1"�!*• "P—j 'I I � \�;' `�1� !i ��� � d � � � -� -- �^ �..�.- r` ,w^ - ��' _•�� .., � co+.R� �Y 'Q � l cd"/ +� i 1/__�• I �� S-0i� � , •� iii boro � �"` ��. ""` :°�-. . '��, �? . ' �F '� � '� - _ \r `�J' j-�::.. ,�1 a H,-�-� «ti ...�� -♦ ' �'. t � � � �` rn�ro.i �.i ca� � �f so. �r ♦ <u. „n a c. (` '•�'���, �C� b �.e a '�.- Y i: � .��. -�; - - - � �_ .��:�- _��. � .�.� f�' f� j'� _;rY.�•���•- ,,,,.. ., /� � e.w.,�.�'..\ t. l. r _j - -� �, .� e�veston^ d , ° '�-�.• -,- :� ',-'` ;1�' _�NF'_� •. _ - o..K , ' �- ' _ . .?� :�. : �, . /,: � _: � t�_ ~ � � �:,.b..,��...;,,� - ;�.��a i105[dnat Y4. 7 p�� .'SMaMr, % �j— �`j -•"=_9,.��--r#L u.at. -aw � . � :-� �' . C �, � . , : ,_ .: �; �t �" ; g:�- � � : �� ;_ ., z� w ���., . .:.. � . .. � � � s . : .-� � -��; � ��� �� �� ; ���.� _:�,.. � . o ���. = � — �; _ s-� o,� ��. . .�W �_� .�.. � _ � �� a Mln � .• �.n�S�� �S:�_ �c / f�rmwlQlW1 .� _ � t� a•1�-e+t•.nl f•` c`� r � M.���. t• �I' ii�0 ��� j / ,i �(, ♦n Y 1�• ��� r ��� � IAKn'�_ .� .� . 3• .•^..' � i ' "' •La�� . `�- `,r�_ �� � _; ,������ � � �., �;�asW� - � / -u.:,,' ''^'' � �'gar • � �-�w._ '� �}�___ a x � C��• � Mtn' ��:._."�___' ~�f'�l�`iI/+Y•Y j�-� � ��M/�Nf�' � ' � �/ • � ..=.,_, �.�_� �...� ^ � �.�/�... - �- 'l" ,� ....�� �� l ; "°'� _ _ - ,� ; .'�_ �. :., �s.�. _ -=-����; �\'j �' —� � � /Kin y�� . ,r�', � : �;, °`• c�tY� j��t �A Y % � . 'O'�� � �� �:� ._} � � i.:�,`� ..s�" �17urham t �+Y , `.-.. , ` r. .. .`I 4 �:� � _� r�, .. :I. �' �i�`•., � �' : �- . . •� ..Wyerg�ove � :r'� .,,.,.,, TuataUn • °1 � �; , �� �-•, ---- —_.� n` �1 c /--� 1�. 1 ` � .�:A� V� CI 1 :.: -� , � � F �,"�� (� o "�\ ( �' ' �o. /�� ( r'^ � i\ � . . ^i � � �� `/� � . �` �? a e« /��\ \�\� ! �.�—�"- •$�'004 •i ��o r w+V' � 4• l I .� .p. �(.•. .i � �� !a ' ��•:e> O 1�t.o ` + ' i� /p, � \�, '�Y . ��_�'•�v�SM�fitOM CA__ .iwo �.n� C , ,` l� .LM1�,L. . ���wMtl fA . ( • I � ; .. 10�1� New a�nstnaction I, a , \ .� �-.,� •---�- I ' �' � r; \�. �.� ';; a������� Ramp tnetering �— ' — — — — � ��, .«�., ` � ;� ao�auuu�iN Widenl�g ; �� �� ' ....�. 'rsnn�mprovemerns _ �, r_,... ...___. _l:,.:• . � � -�� —— � �. � �'� i � interchange/i�tersectio� --T-" w,, � 1 � � �. �� , pnprovemerrts I � l. , << � :.�;.. . , -- Urban gmwth bo��dary � : . ��-=: �_. NA7MeL � . • . � � � � . ' `�pO Soucfiwesc Cocridor Swdy 1!/1L 1�� Recommended Pro�ec�ts (Pcrrt 2) & F�gure 3-4k :� _ A��„t��1 RTl' 4. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Fiyure 4-1 ahowa the existing roadway system in the study area. Yncluded in the "existing" roadw3y system is the extension of Murray Boulevard which is required by the Urban Plasaning Area Agreement and for which portions o-c' the right-of-way have already bePn dedicated. One of the alternatives con�idered is the alternative of no new roads. In this alternative the principal roadway syatem would remain as ahown in _ Figure 4-2. Local streets would be built off ot' these principal roads ta serve the various local neighborhoods as they develop. The existing . streeta would be improved to accommodate increasing traffic volumes as the study area develops. The exiating street system provides for no direct connection between Bull Mountain Road and Walnut Street areas. All trips betwsen ths higher elevations of Bull Mountain and surrounding areas must use either Beef Bend Road or Pac3.fic Highwaye All trips between the westerly slopeg of Bull Mountain and Pacifxa Hi.ghwa�r generall.y use Walnuti Street, Bull Mountai:n Road, or Beef Bend Road. Under the �atudy, alternatives were considered to provide new roadway aonn�ctians between the Walnut Street area asid �he Bu11 Mountain Road area and to grovide al�ernate routes for east-west travel within the study area. . Due to the presenc� of �teep slop�s, deep ravines, and exieting developroent within the study area, the patential for new roadway alignments is aowewhat limited. Figure 4-3 showa potential corridors for new raadway routes. The carridors are those rou�ea where preliminary engineering review indicated that a collector roadway c�uld be cons�ructed in accordan�e wa.th established design standards. Potential routes whiah would pass through exiating developments �nd which would requir� �he rem�val of numerous ; exi.sting homes were eliminated from consideration and are not shown in � � � Fic�ure 4-3. However, routee wh.�ch follow existing raadways. . were j '` considered, even where ren►oval of a small number of existing homes might l�e � '.` required. i i REPORT - NORTf�:AST BULL MU[JN'PAIN TRANSPORTATION STIIDY PAGE 12 � • i E �'a� . . . . . . .. .... . .. .... .�..._ ..------- i � ;� i i Based on the avaiZable route corridors shown in Figure 4-3, several alternative combinationa of routes were selected for further study as examples. These alternatives are ehown in Appendix A. Each alternative was reviewed for �easibility af construction and for traffic i.mpacts, During the public review procesc�, xmpaata of the various alternat.ives were discu�sed and additional ali:ernatives were proposed. Appendix B ahows , addi�i�nal alternatives which were developed and reviewed in response to cnmments received during the informal public meetings. In the informal neighborhood mee•tings, many people questioned the need for the Murray Boulevard Extension required by the Urban Planning Area � Agreement. In response to these eoncerns, an additional alternative was consi_dered' with no nevr roadB including no Murray Boulevard extension. This alter,native is includecl in Appendix B and labeled "No New Roads/No Murray Extension". In each of the alternatives it was assumed that all roadways, including existinq roadways, will be iiaproved to City design standards. �hese improvements would include conatauction of sidewalka, conatruction of separate bike lanes on major streets, install.ation of streetlighting, and construction of separate turn lanea where warranted by traffic volumes. REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPOTtTATION STUDY PAGE 13 � � � '�� � A ?� 0 • v T' c��i' c i�de,�o� � c Q o ;I � � Ave. � ti�hw . � o ` .� � � N —�...--� � . c � y' � " o �' '' LL" SVU. i15th Ave. � � 99w � � �'� -v � � .� \ � -o S W. 121st � q�e 4zelhiit 5 �. \ or° � � � � �,�••' ��'ei ��/ �� i28tn �... �� � _ J S.UN Ave. ''� •� �.. m / � � ,/ � ` st �W. '' 132n�-.. �,� � \ �� S.W. 131 l . Ave. �° i'-� \ Ave. �� S.W. 133rd Nve. ( SW. 135th Ave. � m`� ____... ...�---..�'�� Q �� u' \ \ r��� " (r, i OG 4(' �_. . ,r � � a� � `"-,� \ --�....,,,.�--... ...� C11 `/ v Sy, �� �,�. o SW. 14ist Ave. . /s �' � ~ —�_.. c � � .e/ hO�/S � �� _ F�+r ..•� , \...---�_... .. ~ � / --�. .._____.. � � � . -- �--�. � Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150th ve. , �a �_...r-� J �• ...,_„`�...��. •�'\ ---•c:�--M--�S NE B�11 IVIAU�tain Fi9ure 4--i Transportation Stud�/ EXISTING ROADS S8TH �;� 72N0 72ND � • �,�1 F_�- ,fi° �,Q. z 0 � m 2^' �� I HALI BLVD. i ` HALL BLYA �` " �Q'� �9�y � �Q'�� o _ z� � � " Q�� � � o ;� � � r � 9�H , A � �'j� '4OB� a ��'�q,� 'C , n y�c � —W ��r � . o � 3 n Z a �a'sv Z oy � �� � y3 m `'�� � 131 ST � (r'� � �� �� New street \��- 1 s� / Alignment • i �'m��s� Speci£ied by UPAA ��♦ �cF ; �9y � � � 150TH 4 �� -�--.- r � � C �' `�-"-� Figure 4-2 � � � NE BuII Mountain EXISTING � � 'Transportation �tudy COLL.ECTOR STi3EETS ` . _ _ ��- _ _ . . �., u�i �..._ . �. � � r A°�''% � � o � ��e�O"�' � � � � Ave. � y h�P � � vi � o •- --�..._.� ; � c •- � � c _ . ° . � 99W �`' SW. il5th Ave. a a> � \ �° � a ' \ ° � 4� V iy SW. ���S� .� q�e ..j- N� r ---- � a' ��'d ,�. �'�.'�� � �' �� S.W. 128 th . .. � � .. �,.. � /�. Ave. o / � �� SW. 131st � ....w �..J � Ave. : . ve. � k SW. 133rd Ave. 1 S,W. l35th � �`• _____... —...� ...�'�� � vl ,� ! `� � \ it� _ �- 1 `L �'�� --• .. �'�. � � �---.. -----" S�, �/ ..�.�;.-. . � S.W. 141st Ave. /� �-- � � --'..•- � ���� � �: ��� S�hO/�S .---� �� Z � � � _.. , . � ... � r� ,...�. -�--._....� ;, ' •� ..r• �, �.... .. , ..\--� .. .�� / i; � � Sunrise �n. S.W. 150th ve. • �' �o, �""`.'� �s u f �..._-�.. �_: '-�....� � ; „a :�°; --�-N--{:-'_f'. r i. � . NE BuII MOUntain Figure 4-3 ���; Transportation Study RO,UTE CQRRIDORS. � � � _ �. ", . � ,..: . F. 5. TRAFFIC PROJECTIONS Traffic projections were made using the EMME/2 computer program of the Metropolitan Service District (Metro). Th� traffic projecti.ons assumed that all roadway improvements in eurrounding areas (outside the study areaj would be completed in accordance with the eatablished city, county, and regional transportation plans. In surrounding areas it was assumed that population and traffic growth will occur at the rates projected by Metro. Within the �tudy area and immediately adjacex�t zones, population projectians were specifically reviewed and adjuated based on a more detailed review of development potential. Appendix G shows traffic projections for each alternative based on full build-out in the study area and adjacent zones. For traffic projection pur.poses, it was aseumed th�t build-out in the atudy area will occur by the year 2(310 and that growth elsewhere in the region will be consistent with the Metro projectiona. Study area build-out populations used are in accordance with the estimates shown in Appendix D. Appendix D assumes that the build-out population of the study area will be less than the � theoretical maximuca denaity allowed by existing zoning. Sn developing the population projections, allowanae was made for development restrictions impoaed by steep slopes, deep raeines, and ei.milar topographie restrictions to denelopment. Also taken into account was the presence of• exis�ing developmen� on lotg larger than the minunum sizes required by the existing zoning. It wae aesumed that thie existing development would rearain • unchanged except where there is a potential to further subdivide the large parcela without d�stroying the existing atructures. There was interest expresaed at the public meetings in knowing how much of the traffic volume would be local traffic and how much would be through traffic. From the caaputer generated traffic data, proj�ections of the through traffic percentagea were developed for selected alternativea. It . appears that the percentages of through traffic would be similar .tn other ' alternat i�ves. REPORT - NORTHEAST BC1I.L MOUNTAbN TRANSPORTATION STODY PAG$ 17 � ', Figures 5-1 and 5-2 show the percentage of projected traffic that is local traffic. Lacal traffic ia defined as any trip which begina or ends in the loral area. The "local area" has been defined in two ways as ahown on Figixre� 5-1 and 5-2. Theae percentages are based on the build-ou� condition and a�aume that the regional road system is completed in I, accordance with the Southwest Corridor Study. I, e estern B ass and the It appeara that, even with conatruction of th W yp . � extension of Beef Bend Road south to Six Cornera, that there will continue ta be some non-•1ncaL trips through the study area between aouth Tigard and the south Beaverton areas. y:� . tit ;i� "� REPORT - NORTI�AST BULL MOITN'rATN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGB 18 i f' � ,, � � -�.- _._.._:_ .�_..:.�:, . ---... _...:._ ,....�. .�.� ,: � '� Q �� ' ' RlGERT � RD � y �V � m �C< N � BROCKMA > e�L� ^ RO Q a, ooper Mtn wE��a RD ? � � � . � � N 'r o.a � �'• � W �i �rl , � Q "DAKOTA S PFA � � o � Local Area ,�P���R,Q�BG S - � � � N � G'qq '9C ,� " O Q„� � • sl �,� t��� , � A ST � •P • Q�1'S .9 L��� y� �` = �GN � ' � • 8�r� . egar q w , . � a io����ss��o�� Mtn � • GAARDE Mc00 ALD ST i . s• ST � . i BULL � W 8 W � M 7N � � $ Q m i i -� SATTLEf� S -+ ' � Exp�anded Local Area j � w p � `' � z W s �i 'Q m • A . King ° D OURHAM RO • 8EN • W BEEf � �t Q � Q � Y - � Tuala�i,� FI SGHER C�u rh am za° .: W ^ T ALATIN R � ; j � LOCAL TRiP � %OF TOTAL VOLUME � ' � N , LOC/#TION . AREA A . NE Bul! IMountain ...� .. . . s . OC AL T5 o • L ....... Transp�rtat�on Stuc�y � EXPANOEO 9O �ocA� Figure 5-1 NO NEW ROADS �� . ¢ ' �� ' RIGERT RD � yq � �V � a�. << N 0 ~ � BROCKMA } �e`p � � RD ¢ ca aoper MtR ,� WEIR RD � � ' � . w . - � _ -- ���e � (�A •� ?> � - � KOTA • � _ � � DA S� cR�� P�A � ' F ; Qo Loca l A rea ��.P c 9oe�� s '° q O l' � N q � Q����~ � ^ sr v0 �ti � � A sT - • •P • pL�s � L�VS 'S'(i ; ScN � ; � ig�r • E3 ul • a � a i••.•�•s••••� �tn � y � � B � GAARDE McQO Rl0 S7 m !• ST i BUCI x W g 2 : . MTPI R g ¢ m � �� - " SATTLER S � . AI'P� ExPa nded Local � . , tiw = . w ; � � m ° R . King 8EN0 . o OURHAM AO � �EEF � Q C I t� O ... � � Tualalin F15 p EA O u rh am - � a .� w �° T �ALATLN R LOCAL TRIP %OF TOTAL VOLUME � N '4 � LOCATION � AREA A � • � � n �i NE BuII Mountain � . ....... . . . . . j�_ � � o � LOCAI � � Transporfiation Study �` ..�.... , (�; �, � �ANOEO 98 8� 1'' �ocA� Figure 5-2 i, NEW ROAID ALTERNATIVES £, �, v � i . 6. PUBLIC INPUT On February 8, 1989, a neightsorhood meeting was heYd at Tigard City Hall to discuss the Northeast Bixll Mountain Study. No�ice of the meeting was distribu'ted thraugh mailed notices to property owners wi.thin the study area, thraugh an annnuncement in the City's "All About Town" newsletter, , and through various newspaper articles. Approxi.mately 12tJ people attended the meeting. At the February meeting, City staff d.iscussed the purpo�e of the study and the alternative routes being eane�idered. Potential roadwa.y routes were discussed and preliminary traffic projections were presented. Copies of the d�awinga ahowing alternative routee and traffic projections were made available to thoae in attendan�e. Additional copies•we•re made available to the public at the City Hall and by mail upon request. At the February 8 meeting �here was an gxtended queation and anewer period� At the end of the meeting, participants were asked to take the information back to their individual neighborhoods and were encouraged to discuss the alternatives in n neighborhood groups. On March 8, 1.989, a second neighborhaod me��ing was held to receive input. Attendance again exceeded 2.00 residen�s. . At the March Sth meeting • citizena' aomments and concern's were heard. Soa►e additional alternatives were suggested. Suggeetione were received for areas where additional data was needed. A summary of the various ideas presented was. recorded on a flip chart at the meeting and is available in the project records. � i� !; �. � Following the March Sth meeting, City staff received follow-up queetions i and euggestiona from a nuaiber of citizens. Tttese suggestions caaae in the � form of letters, petitiona, and phone calls. AlI new ei�gqestions were � I conaidered. The alternativee presented in February are shown in Appardix A. REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUD7t FAGE 21 �� '�._.. Following the March meeting , additional alternatives were developed and reviewed. In November of 1989 a draft report was isaued. A third informal public meeting was held on November 28, 1989, to received commente on the draft report. The c�mcssents from the November meeting were recorded and are availabl:e in the project fi1e. Additional lotters were received failowinq the November meeting. All of the public Gommex�ts received were conaidered in the preparation of this final report. � � t: ;;� _ ��?' ' RBPORT — NORTHEAST BIILL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY ,PAGE 22 • +, �� 7. - INiPROVEMENT STANDARDS Pacific Highway ie a state highway of regional significance. The traffic projections indicate that the alternatives considered for the street systems of the etudy area all would result in similar traffi.c impact� on Pacific Highway. Pacific Eiighway will continue to be desa.gned as a atate facility to serve through traffic. All other streets considered in this report are streets classified as collector streets in accordance with the Tigard Comprehensive Plan. The City's Development Code specifies design atanaiards for collector streets. Ta bring existing streets into conforma�nce with desiqn standards would require widening to collector street standards, construction of sidewalks on both sides, installation af streetlighting, and rec,�r�ding to provide safe aight distances. New streets will be aonstructed in conformance with the estab7lished desS.gn atandards. Minor collector streets are typically marked aa two-lane �treets with bike lanes or parking lanes on both aides. A center left turn lane ie w sometimes marked on minor collector streets at major intersections. Where a turn lane is marked, parking muat be eliminatec3. Major collector stseets are typically marked as three laaie streets (one lane in each direction for through traffic plus a center turn lane) with no on-stxeet parking. Additiona]. lanes are sometimes necessary on major , collector streets to provide adequate traffic capacity at major intersections. ¢: . In general., streets with �projected maximum peak hour traffic volumes under 500 vehicles per hour would be designed as minor collector streets. Those with higher projected traffic volumes would be deai�ned as major collector , streets. , Variances to the design stamdards may be granted in aome situations. Variances are someti.mes approved to reduce impacte on existing development REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STIIDY PAGE 23 1� `� _ .. .., . .. _, . ,: .. ._ ..,.. .. . .., �a_ � or where unusual deeign problems exist due to natural f.eaturea such as steep slopes. Variances may include narrowing of atreet uridth standarda, elianination of a sidewalk on one side, atreet grade� ateeper than the standard :maxiunums, �r other changes to the design atandards. Var�ances might alao be granted where the intent of the design standard ie satisfied in another way. For example, if an alternative pedestrian route exista, it roay be possible to eliminate eidewalks. Where left-turn I mo�remente �are rare, it may b� appropriate to narrow the street and eliminate the left-turn lane. These alternatives may be considered in designing new streets in the study area, especially in ateF ..erraine - ; � � �; . � • REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGE 24 � , ��'> ' . -" 8. - NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACTS II I I Ae the areas on and around Bull Mountain continue tp develo�, traffic '� volumes will increase. Under any of the alternativea considered, street improve�ents will be needed to safely accommodate the increased traffic. Improvements to existing streets may include addition of �acili�ies for pedestrians and bicycles, regrading of the atreets to improve sight distance by elimina�ing or reducing exi�ting hills and dipa, minor realignment to redixce sharp curves, widening ta provide turn lanes, and addition of traffic signals at major intersections. Depending on the alternative selected, new roads may be constructed through areas that currently have no through traffic. Neighborhood impact was the concern most frequently raised at the public meetings. Concerns included i.ncreased noise, reduced building setbacks due to street wider�ing, safety concerns resulting from the anticipated increase in traffic, and potential decrease in property values. Many of these concerns can be fully addressed only at the tieae that detailed conatruction plans are prepared. ,At the time of final design, the City wor.ks with property owners to revi.ew ways to mini.mize adver.se impacts. Where additional right-oi-way is required, the groperty owner znuat be ' compensated at th� fair market value for any property taken. Any change to the value o£ the remaining property is considered in determining the apprapriate compensation. Gaarde Street may require special design conaiderations to acaommodate existing development. Many of the existing homes on Gaarde Street are quite cloae to the exiating roadway. If the skreet is widened equally on , both sides, in the normal fashion, houses on both sides may end up very close to the widened streete Widening along the north aide of Gaarde Street near 115th Avenue will be xestr3.cted by the presence of a cemetery very close to the existing roadway. During the public meetings, one �eraon suggested that any w�idening to Gaarde Street should be done all on one side of the roadway with some existing homes being removed on the side of the REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STWY PAGE �5 Y._ _ �._ _ _ . , {�<i Rw !v. 1k,.. widening. This is an idea that can be explored further during more detailed design to a��ure that the homee that remain have acceptable eetbacks from the new atreet ancl appropriate driveway accesa. - At this paint in the planning process, neighborhood impacta can only be conaidered in general terms. The traffic projecti.ona foi �rhe various alternatives giv�a ue an idea of the future traffa.c volumes in each area and �I give us an idea of the extent of street improvementa that will be required. On this baeis impacts are evaluated further in Ghapter 11. - «: 4; _ Fi � . . � . � . � � . k � ..- .. � . . . . , , . . . : .. .. ' . �i . . . . � . � . . . .. � � � � . . . . 24 . . � . . .. . . � � . .. � . r; � : , 4 1` . . � . .. . . . . . .. . . . \� . . . . . � ' . ... . ... "' REPORT - NQRTHEAST BOLI. l�IOUNTAIN .TRANSPORTATTON STODY P7�S 26 `,; { ti. 9. TIMING This report does not attempt to identify a construction schedule nor a sequence for conetruction of the varioua i.mprovementg. The street , improvement needs and traffic volumes discussed in thir� report are tfioae which are anticipated in the future when the atudy area is fully developed. Construr.tiUn uf new xoadwaye and i.mprovements ta exiating roadways will. need to occur as traffic volumes increase. The achedule for the ruadway i.mprovements will be dependent upon the rate at whiah d�vel.opment occurs and upon the availability of funding. The priorities for aonstructian of 3.mprovements will depend on where development occurs first. �: I REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATIOYQ STUDY PAGE 27 � _. � . 10. COSTS & FUNDING CJnder any of the alternatives, the existing collector streets in the study area need to be i.mproved to adequately and safely provide for the projected traffic volumes. Walnut Street, Gaarde Street and Bull Mountain Road would have similar impravement costa under any of the alternatives. For 121at Avenue, improvement costs would be slightly higher under the "no new roads" alternatives than under other alternatives. Under "no new _ roads", 121st would need �to be improved to major collector standards; under all other alternatives, minor collector standards would be adequate. . The alternatives that provide new collector streeta will also be more expensive. Iiowever, it is not possible to acaurately estimate the additional cost at this time. The new collector atreets will serve developing areas where there are no existing roads. If the collector streeta ara not lbuilt, it will still be necessary to build a local atreet system to provide access to these developing areas. The layout of the II lacal street syatem dependa on factore such as the type «ind size of lots being developed. Theae factors are not known until a specific development proposal is presented. Without a definite proposal for a local street system, it is nat possible to determine how much additional cost is t e street s stem to collector street ' vo 'n buildin a rtion of h , Ln lved i po Y 9 standards. In general, developers will conatruct any new stree�s at itheir eupense as conditiona of development approval. Portions of existing streets adjacent to new development may a].so be i.mproved at the expease of the �lenelopera. ���' In some cases, developere are aleo required to make improvementa to ;: existing etreets which provide access to the development. Except as mentioned above, i.mprovements to exieting streets- are generally �`i paid from public�street funda. These funde come fraa development fees and � '• from gasoline taxes. In some cases, funding ie also derived froro local � t j; I ' improvement districts or from special tax levies. . ;,;! �::. REPORT - IdORTI�AST BDLL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STIIDY PAGE 28 f;' ' �;; r=: �';i y' ��` �'�� �- t I V 11. CONCLUSIONS This chapter preaenta conclusions of the City engineering staff. These concluaions are based on the data contained in this report. Nn Murrav Extension . At the informal meetings, there were requeete for de�.etion of the UPAA requirement for a Murray Boulevard extenaion between Old Scholls Ferry� Road . and 135th Avenue. Traffic projections were run for the No New Road alternative with no Murray extension. These projectiona were compared with the previous projections which included the Murray extension. When aompared to the pl.ana previous3.y considerecl, deletion of the Murray exten�ion was found to i�ave the following impacts on future traffic volumes: . Future traffia volumes on Walnut Street would be recluced. For most of Walnut Street, however, greater traffic reductiona are found in the alternatives that includ� new roada. . There woul� be little change in the future traffic volumes an Gaarde Street. . On 135th Avenue, traffic would be more than doubled. . There would be aopae increase in the traffic on Bull Mountai.n Road. . Outsid� the study area, traffic would be substantially increased on Davies Road, Scholls Ferry Road, 121at Avenue, North Dakota Street, z�nd Greenburg Road; traffic would be ciecreased on Murray Boulevard in Beaverton and on Sunrise Lane. , . The volume dliverted from the Murray exteneion would be approximately equal to the total increaees in traffic volwnes on 135th, Davies, and 121et. It wa.s concl.uded tha1� deletion of the Murray ex�eneion between Old Scholls and 135th would not achieve any aignificant reduction in �hrough �raffic volume�. The traffic would shift to miaor collector streets such se 13Sth REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STIIDY PAG$ 29 r.Y' . . . . . . . . . .. , ,. . . . . .. , .._............ ..,e�_....: i v, 0 "6 volumes. The traffic would shift to minor collector streets such as 135th ' i and North Dakota. There would be no benefit to Gaarde Street. � Construction of the Murray exteneion will provide an alternative travel z°oute between �he atudy area and aouth Beaverton. This alternati.ve will provide a ehorter route for some motorists and improved access for emergency vehicles. Conetruction of this connection will help to encourage motora.ats to use the aollector atreet system rather than traveling on local reeidential streets. It wae concluded that �he Murray extension between O].�i Scholl� and 135th � should re retained. Roads No_� Af�ected b a Selection of Alternativ�g Tf the Musray extenaian a.s conetructed, then ttxe impacts of future grovrth appear to l�e approximately equal an sorr�e exi�ting str�eeta under all of the . alternatives. The projected traffia volumea and the need for street . improvements are nearlx identical under the vaxious alternative�. These stree�s include 135th Avenue north of Murray Boulevard, 121st A,venue north s of Walnut Street, and McDOnald Street east of Highway 99W. No New Roads, The alternative a�f no new roada places the greateet traffic impacts on Walnut Street and 121st Avenue. This option would lead to lower traffic growth on Gaarde Street than other alternativea; however, major collector street improveu�enta would still be needed on Gaarde Street. Thie alternative also puts a higher traffic volua►e on the propoeed future extenaion of Sunrise Lane. � [Tnder this option, it is asawiaed xhat a eystem of local �treets would be ;'� cons�ructed to allsnv neighborhood •traffic fran de�velopinq areae to 'access � 'REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL t�tOUNTAIN TRANSYORTATION STt1DY PAGB 30 the exiating collector street syatem. Because local neighborhood access would be entirely on the local street system, we could expect higher than normal traffi� volumes on some of the loaal streets. If an indirect connection between Bull Mountain Road and Walnut Street is cr�ated by the local atreet syatem, we could expect this connec�ion of local streets to function as a collect�r street since any alternative routes would have a longer travel diatance. 4 The alternative of no new roads is the least desirable from the standpoint • of emer�ency vehicle access. If a critical access road is closed for any ressons, the alternative access route may provide a longer than desirable access time. It was conclucYed that some new re�ads are needed to adequately serve the long-range needs of the study area. • 121et Avenue Exteneion One of the alternatives considered was the extena.ion of 121st Avenue eouth j of Gaarde Street to Bull Mountain Road. Southwest 1�lst Aven�ae is currently a through street between Scholls Ferry Road and Ga.arde Street. The City of Beaverton has considered conatruction of a new street which - would extend 121st Avenue north from Scholls Ferry Road and provide �a connection to 125th Avenue. Because 121st Avenue provides one of the few through north-south connectora in the westerly portion of Tiqard, it has been suggested in the past that it would be logical to extend 121st to Bull Mountain Road. The idea was to provide improved acceee between Bull Mountain Rnad and areas to the north. In fact, Hazelhill Drive has been constructed wider than typical residential streets in order to accoaomwdate a potential� through traffic connection. This� through •connectiori was expected to decrease traffic volumes to the emet of Sazelhill Drive on Bull Mountaia Road. REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION ST�JDY PAGE 31 �}'' _ , 1 � s� The traffic projections inclicate that the 121st Avenu� extenaion would carry traffic between the Bull Mountain Road residential areas and the areas north of Gaarde Street as expected. However, the traffic projections aZso indicate that the connection would function pri.marily as an I alternative route for through traffic nn Gaarde Street. The result would � be an increase rather than a decrease in tr3ffic on Bull Mountain Road to th� east of Hazelhill Drive. The expected traffic volumes on Hazelhill Drive would be so great that reconetruction of Hazelhill Drive would likely be require�l to eliminate the right angle �urn near Bull Mountain Road, a While the connection would reduce the traffic volumes on Gaarde Street, the • reduction would not be aiqnificant enough to change the improvementa needed . on Gaarde Street. Gaarde Street would still be expected to function as a major collector roadway. ' The 121st Avenue connection would sigtnificantly impact the existing residential neighborhood on Hazelhill Drive. Tt would also increase �rraffic volumes on 121st Avenue north of Gaarde Street, an area of existing residential d�velopment. Z'he potential existe for an alternative connection route in the vicinity of SW 132nd Avex►ue which would impact far fewer existing homes. The 121st Avenue connection would not achieve the ,�. - expected gaal of decreas3ng traffic on �ull Mountain Road. The connection would �ot eliminate the need for aubstantial improvements and the expectation of aub�tgntial traffic increaees on Gaarde Street. Therefore, it wae concluded that the 121st Avenue extengion was not an acceptable alternative. It appears to create eubatantial detrimental - i.mpacts without achieving the benefita that had been expected. For these reasona, the i21st Avenue extension was not inaluded in the recommended plan. � 135th Avenue Extension Fin extenaio� of 135th Avenue eouth fraa Walnut Street to Bul1 Hountain Raad would provide a new connectioa between the upper and lower gortione of Sull Mountain. Such a new roadway would clea�ly carsy aome through REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STOD3C pAGg 32 � � , traffic. However, it appeara that its major function woulct be to carry txaffic to and from future developments which are expeeted in th� area between Fern 8treet and Bull Mountain Road. This large developing area will need to have roadway connections. The alternative routes for roadway connections are severely limited by topography and existing development. This area will need to connect to Walnut Street at existing 135th Avenue and to Bull Moantain Road in the vicinity of 139th Avenue. It can also be , expected to connect to Benchview Terrace. Yf all of these connections are constructed as local streete, it is expected that they will still carry . substantial traffic volumes when the area is fully developed. T2xe projected traffic volume s at build-out on 135th Avex�ue south of Walnut Street are nearly ag great wi.th the "no new roads" alternative as they are with the "135th Avenue exten€�ion" alternatz.ve. It is likely that the future system of local streets will have interconn,ections that would pravide a pot�ntial route for through traffic be�w�en Walnut Stree� and Bull Mountain Road. Thus, it appears that the 135th Avenue extension concept will, in fact, come to pass as development occurs whether we plan �ar it or not. It was concluded, therefore, that plans should be naade for a 135th Avenue connec�ion as a minor collector street to aacommodate the expecteci higher traffic volumea. Otherwise, the higher tra�fic volumes will be occurring in the future on local atreets in the area. Improvements will be neede�i in the future along 135th Avenue south of. Wal:nut Stxeet and at the intersection of 135th and Walnwt Street. Conneation Between Walnut/135th and Gaarde/121st It appeara desirable to provide a new roadway to carry traffic from the Walnut/135th area �o the Gaarde/121st Area. Such a roadway wnuld significantly decrease future traffic on Walnut Street and on 121st Avenue sowth of Walnut Street. The new roadway would provide an aecess route to the currently ur�developed properties between 121st and 132nd Avenues south of WaLnut Street. Like REP�ORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGE 33 ' f �. --..,\..., the 135th Avenue area, these undeveloped areas will need roadway access as they develop. If no collector atreet system is provided, it is lilcely that local streets will carry higher than desirable traffic volumes in the future. Therefare, it was concluded that a through conneation between Walnut/13Sth and Gaarde/121st ia deairalole. At the informal meetings, reaidents requested that routes be considered . th�t wauld not go through establishecD neighbarhoods. The route� shown in Compoaite Alternatives No. 1, 2, and 3 appear to best satisfy this xequest. a 'vea rovide alternate rautes for the lternati ee com site a P The thr po connections to 135th and FlalnuL°. 132nd Avenue Roaciway accees needs ta be maintained to the Benchview Terr�ae area. Access is neaded to aerve the undeneloped area betwe�n Benchview and Bull Mountain Road. A north-scsuth �connection in the vicinity of 132nd Avenue reduces the projected traffic volumes on the 135th Avenue extension. It y providee an alternatiee north°sauth route that caunpeneate� for the deleted 121at Avenue e�cteneion. Therefare, it wae conclude�t that a connection is neecled in the 132nd Avenue vicinity. . Existing 132nd Avenue near Wa].nut Stree� is a narrow atreet with very steep driveway accesses to existing hoYaes on both sides of the street:. The etreet is not improved to collector street etandards. Widening of this etreet would have major impacta on the existing haane��. Therefore, it was concluded that the existinq 132nd Avenug is not a suitable route for a , �ti collector roadway. Other potential collector atreet routes exist east and ;�,s west of 132nd Avenue. �;; South of Benchview Terrace, two alt�rnat�.ve connect£one to Bull Mountaim � Road were conaidered. One m].ternstive would intersect Bull Mountain Raad ?; r4 near 133rd Avenue. The other alternative would intereeet Bull t�iountain ti' �ti . .. . . .� . . . .. . 1` 1 ?;i REPORT - NORTf�AST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGS 34 ! Road near 129th Avenue. The connection near 129th Avenue has the least impacta on existing homea. Therefore, the 129th Avenue route is shown in the recommended plan. Beef Bend Road In the public meetings, �:omments were heard that additional connections are needed to Beef Bend Road and that Beef Bend Road should carry a higher ahare of the traffic volumes. Roadway conx�ections between �ull Mountain Road and Seef Bend Road at 150th Avenue, at Mountainqate ancl at 133rd Aaenue are part of the existing Transportation Plan adopted by Washington County. In developing i:he tr.affic projections, these three r.oadcaay connections were assumed to exist. Still, the traffic projections indicate that Beef Bend Itoad will carry lesn traffic than Bul]. Mauntain Road. Besf Bend R.oad is probably not an attractive route for most residents o£ Bu11 tdountain becau�e of its alignment. Aa can be seen on the maps, B�eef . Bend Road intersects Pacific Higtiway very close to the Bull I�iountain Road intersection. Therefor�, Bull Mountain Road ia the more attractive route for trips beginning or ending on the higher,parte of the mountain. Beef Bend Road is prabably an attzactive rou.te only for those tri.ps begi.nning or endinq near Beef Bend Road. Beef Bend Road would probablyr be a more attractive raute if i.t could be realigned to intersect Pacific Highway � further south; however, the existence of the King City development makes , such. an ali.gnment impracticable. Therefore, z� appeare unlikely that many motoriets could be persuaded to , divert to Beef Bend Road either as a through route or as an accesa route to Bull Mountain. Gaard 199W' The materiala presented at the public meeting in February included a ��• suggestion that Gaarde Street be realigned at Highway 99W. The proposal ?: would realign Gaarde to intersect 99W at McDonald Street. REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATIQIJ S7�'WY PAG�: 35 i , � � i The propoaed realignment would provide a signaliaed accesa from Gaarde Street to Pacifia Highway. i Traffic projectione indicate that the reala.gtunent af Gaarde Street will :� have little impact on the traffic volumes on McDonald S�reet. The rea,lignment is expected to improve traffic sa£ety. Signalization of the existing Gaarde Street intersection at 99W is considered undesirable far traffic operations reasone. The exieting Gaarde Street iatersection as , very close to McDonald Street �nd Canterbury Lane intersecti.ona. The McDonald Street intersectian is already signalized. The Can+terbury Lane , intersection is scheduled for signalization in 1990. Composite Al�ernaicives ' ;; . �S Three composite alternatives are shown in Appendix B. All �hree conform �o i the canclusione atated previoualy. The three alternatives are �.dentical except in the vicinity of 135th and Walnut. Projected future peak-hour traffic under build-out conditions are shown on, l�ppendix C for Alternative Na. 1 and 2. Alternative No. 3 would be expected to have similar traffic ;�_ � �: volumea. Composite Alternative Noa 1 rout�e the Murray Boulevard extension through the undeveloped property north of Walnut Street and eaet of 132nd Avenue. r { This alternative requires a series of horizontal curves but its grades are not as steep as eampoei�.e Alternative No. 2. A portion of Walnut 5treet . ;�i �.i would become a dead-end local street under this alternative. The 135th �;� Avenue e�enaion would intersect Murray north of existing Walnut Street and nnrth of the exiating ateep grade in 135�th, allowi:ag a better intergection �: � configuration. • � � � 3� �: ;< z, Composite Alternative No. 2 routes M�rray along existing 135th and Walnut i� ` � and along a new alignment west o;E 132e�d Avenue. Th3.e alternative has fewer , �� horizontal cur�r�e� than Compoeite Al,terrJative No. 1 but it has ateeper , � �' :?: gradea (up to 10�j. Ite route along the ete�ep-slope west of 132nd Av�nue f • i:1 REPOR'P - NORTHEAST BULL MOi7NTAIN TRANSPORTATION ST[1'DY PAGE 36 ;�. ' , �; _ ! � � ; � < 4t I �I I would require substantial cut and fill slopes. Because it would be highe� than the existing homes on 132nd, it would be expected to have greater noise impacts. Composite Alternative No, 3 i3 identical to Camposite Alternative BTo. 1 south of Wa1nuL- Street. It then follows the e�eisting alignments of Walnut Stree� and 135th Avenue t� connect ta the Murrey extension. Under this alternative, the Gaarde Street extension wau�.d have a "T" inter.sectian with Walnut Street. Composite Alternative No. 2 was eYiminated from furth�r consideration, as it would have greater impacts on existing homes and would have ateeper gradea than the other two alternatives. 135th/Walnut Intersection Th� exieting intersection of 135th Avenue and Walnut Street doea not operate well. The curved approach of Walnut �treet creates some confusion €or turning vehiales. Si.ght distance is also somewhat limited. ,�►s traffic volux►es increase, it will be neceasary to improve this intersection. Ccamposite Alternative No. 1 would eliminate the intersection aazd extend 135th northward to the new Murray extension. Under Composite Alternative No. 3, it would be necessary to reconatruct the exieting intersection. It would probably be necessary to purchase and remove the exiating house on the southeast corner i�n order to reconstruct the intersection. Another possibility would be to realign 135th Avenue between Fern Street and Walnut Street. If the through street were ehifted to the eaat, it . would provide a better intereection with Walnut Street. However, auch an alignment would create some problems for access to the exiating haqes a�onq 135th and Fern Street. It would alao require aubatantial right-of-way REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUN'.�AIN TRANSPORTd�ITION S�.'�lDY PAGE 3? acquisition. It wouZd greatly reatrict potential future development of properties to the east of 135th Avenue. Moet vf the existing homea on 135th Avenue south of Walnut Street are set well back from the street. It appeara tha� 135th can be improved in its existing alignment without major impacts to existing homes, except for , removal of the house at the corner of Walnut Street. Therefore, the reaommended plan showe 135th Avenue to re�ain in its _ existing location. Coste For the most part costa were not a consideration in selecting the preferred alternatives. • �� Mos� of the needed street impxovement are on existing streets and ars the same in all alternatives, including the "no new roads" alternative. � wlhere new roads are ahown, they will serve cuz•rently undeveloped areas. Some type of new road acceae will need �o be constructed �o each �f these areas at the time of developcnent. Construction af the access aitreets to collector atandards (rathes than local street atandarda) would be a . relatively minor cost 3mpact. . xhe one exception is P„omposa.te Abternative No. 1, which would requixe substantial right-of-way acquiaition. The route between Walnut Street and 135th Avenue would be through praperty now in the process of being aubdivided. It appears likely that acquieition of a new right-of-way in E: this area would need to be by pureMase using City street funds. The prfa►ary benefite of Alt�rn�ative No. 1 over Alternatfve No. 3 ap�eared ' ?i� to be better intersection configurations at 135th and at the intere�ction I :i, I � of Walnut Street with the new Gaarde exten�ion. Howener, further � � � REPORT - NORT�AST BULL MOUNTAIN �'RAI�Y3PORTATION STiJDY PAGB 38 �' • _ % F . � � r � � � _._. �. __— �:_ .:....,._.. ..:.__�_. � �,. _ F� engineering review concludes that the two interaections will work satisfactorily under either alternative. As discussed previously, the 135th/Walnut intersection can be satisfactorily reconatructed with the acquisition of one exasting home. Traffic engineering seview (Appendix E) concludes that the intersection of the Gaarde sxtension with Walnut Street would actually require fewer traffic lanes under Alicernative No. 3. Although the traffic volumes are greatest on the west and south legs of the "T" interaection, the projected peak-hour turning movem�nts are such that the "T" intersection is expected , ', to operate well. Alteznative No. 1 doea not appear to have benefits t` adequate ta juatify the additional costa that would be assoc:iated with the alternative. Alternative No. 3 provides a cnore indirect connect9.on between 135th and s' Gaarde. Residents of Gaarde Street and McDonald Street have advacated a 7Less direct cannect�on. I'� Therefore, Compoai.te Alternative No. 3 wae selected ae the preferred r' alternative. . Collector Street Standards �. _ Appendix E contains a traffic engineering repor� that evaluatea th� number of lanes needed at future build-out traffic volwnes. Standard collector i street improvementa are adequate to accommodate the projected traffic ;„ volumes except a� certain intereections. � (' f e ire the addition of a• se arate right- �" .The followin intersections zaill r qu P g � turn 1ane: � I 121et at Walnut (north leg) � Gaarde at 115th (ea�t leq) � ' Gaarde at Pacific Highway Bull Mountain Road at Pacific Highway � � REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGE 39 i x 4� , ��.. The Murray extension will ultimately require additional laaes at the ; intersection of Schoile Ferry Road, 335th Avenue, and the Gaarde pxtension. � To improve traffic operations, i.t cnay eventually be desirable to provide a � 5-lane configuration to all of the Murray exteneion between Scholla Ferry � i and 135th. � -, �PORT - NORTHEAST BUIS. d�lODNTI�IN TRANSPORTIriTION STiYDY PAGS 40 � , �., � i�. RECOl4MENDATTON5 B�sed on the information and conclueions preaented in the previous chapters the fallowing actions are recommended: 1, Amend the Ci�y's Comprehensive Plan Transportation Man to showr__a syatem of collector streets in accordance with Fiaure 12-1 dated 1-3-90. Some minor revisions to adopted County and regional plans may be necessary to fu11y confonn to Figure 12-1. However, Figure 12-1 a ears to fully satiafy the intent af the existing adopted - PP Cit , County, and Regional plans. Adop�ion of �igure 12-1 by all Y jurisdictions will clarify the alignment of proposed new roadsa�ays and bring all adopted plans into full agreement. 2. Restrict roadwa access to the new Gaarde Street extension between Walnut Street and Gaarde/121st and prohibit direct drivewav acaess to this roadway. Due to the curves and hills in the alignment of i i this n�w xoadway, it will be necessary to limit the points at which i roadway access ia allowed in order to assure that eafe sic�ht I I distance is maintained at all intersectiona. Tn addition, adec;wate � � spacing of roadway access and prohibition of direct driveway accer�s � � will limit the points at which left turn lanes are needed, allowing � i consideration of reduaed desiqn widths. � ; . , 3. Consi.der s cial desi n treatments for the 135th Avenwe extension � and 132nd Avenue extension miac�r collector roadwavs in coniunctfon , � with new d�veloixnent. Special desiqn considerationa are needed to �j better fit thp steep berrain and to .minimize impacts on existing � residential developaaent. Reduced street widthe should be € considered with on-street parking prohibited. Special conditions � • . " may be needed on new aubdivieions to assure �hat these streets wila � co�atinue to function eafely as minor collectors. For example, it 1 � may be desirable to restrict direct driveway access or to require ! i } increased building setbacks. REPORT - NORTHEAST BULL MOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGE 41 �S '`., 4. Develop and adopt a preliminarv deaiqn for Gaarde Street improvemente as a quide to future development. The design ahoul�l extend, as a minimum, from 112th Avenue to 121st Avenue. It appeare that the centerline of the future roadway may not coincicie with the ex�ating right-of-way centerline in �his portion of Gaarde Street. Therefore, it is impartant to complete preliminary design and adopt a tentative centerline alignment to asaure that future development tits the long term n�ede for this roadway. Adoption of a future centerline would also provide existing proper�y ownera with answers to thei.r queetions about future i:mpa�ta of Gaarde , Street improvements. The alignment ehould be adapted with participation of adjoining property owners. 5. Reserve addi�ional riaht-of-wav for notential future wideninqr to 5 lanes between Scho3.ls Ferrv Road and 135th Avenue. �Initially, the Murray extension can be cor�structed to major collector �tandards. Iiawever, additional right-of-way ahoula be reaerved for future aonstruction of additional lanee at intersections as recommended in Ap�endix E. 6. Revise the 135th Avenue/Wal.nut Street intersection. This work ehoul.d be done in conjunction with development of the area between Fe�rn Street and Sull Mountain Road. REPORT - NORTHEl�ST BIILL NOUNTAIN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PAGE 42 ►�„ _ . . �' � `�, .rER�Ar. � ��� HA,7pR COLLECTOR e.�..�- MINOR COLLECTOR � LACAL STREET T@ p�C��C o ?:;'v;_;:<;:^:f�:::; APPR03CIMATE ALIGNMENT �;•:':�:z:�:`:::`��:>` (Exact alignment to be o ...........: : ���n � � determined at L•ime of � AvP, development. ; \ 2RAFFIC SIGNAL � \ y�h (When Warranted) E 1 � �'O � ,- _ � �� ....—.�,..� o c �� � _ 3 u°_II � 99W .. 0��S.W�I15th AvP _ �N � �° �e a . � '--\ � � SW, �St ��r�r���.qLQ ♦` •. ` `�..a C �J'. \ .�,�. �a f. N � ��.}��. � /- '-.'—`� �..�;..:::>� � / .:�:<�>. �� . .��. �::�. ;�.���,1:>�� . j ����� ��� . � �'..,,, Bull Mountain Rd. \ ��"''�� �� . � intersection I, �..�..��✓� '.�;F; �' ;'n�" :•o.': aPPrQximately 700' • I .��•�� �✓ �:.�;'. r,,, ' -; �� t west of 126th Ave• ,� Corridor locatian .�'~� t. Ff� •,�,a%�'. r'zx•F � �`?:'�'�� �x�': 300• - 400• east '�`•� `•=�; ri'`�'� ..'�::,•'•�: J.�. �3�St -,�v, �.` �, \ �•,.4�v�� ' � £.. •�... W. �v H,.�Y��?y'�ry��:;: af 132ad l►veaue ''• ��. .�' �`• Ve. at Walnut St. 14Ye. � ' -'��.>���'°'��: ,hs . SW. 133rd Ave. �� �t�--��> qi. ' 1�1������ �{ n'.}'�, �r �� Y"::•• , ���� �ifi .� •�\ , ti�f S W , 2 � �—�Y.'v �°2° Aiia,�e�eY,•R;:>*i. :•:�p' I 135th Ave. . f � :��r:;���. �.r:..s.�.i.+�.. � :x• 7 °�;, Q� a R`•�?;��: !i .- ' ,,.'�.< �` } ,��e � �:`�u�s� ���n�::.,:::� :.¢ � v � o�I I • o � Gd < ^�Qe � II �n U- �-. � o,� .�-'�- � .'-�, :�%�� —.._...�--... . � � .,�r.� .� ,:�,. S ; � ''.��,;�'•.�:,{<��;���;�:,.;;�.s��. 141st A .� �>:��. ��111.` ve. `r m �.-- ��\ F°- -----_.. � '� v� Cho//s. ' �...--� _ ,� / . �...--__... �r~ �' / ...1—• , . � /�._` .'�_ , . � `"�---� \. Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150th ve. .-- �;�—w� �......�.._.� � •.~� f`� �. ..__,__..--�.. : ��. (Amecided 1/3/90) ' --�--N--� . Figure 12-1 NE Bull Mountain �EGOMMENDED PLAN Transportation Study � FOR LON� - i�ANGE DEVELOPMENT ►� _ � � APPENDIX A POTENTIAL ROADWAY ROUTES CONSIDERED FEBRUARY 1989 ,� The drawings in Appendix A show the collector street eystem �lternatives and discussion presented at the public meeting� in February 1989. N A - 1 NORTFIEAST BULL MOUNTAIN POTENTTAL ROAD LOCATIONS Currently, Bull Mountain is aerved by only a few roads along the perime�er of the etudy area. There are no connecting roads through the stu3y area. The steep slopes and deep ravines of the north alope of Bull Mountain limit the routes available for new roadways. Even so, there are a number of options available for new roadway routes, as ahown on the attached map. The map shows corridora where roads could be constructed to carry traffic through the study area. The individual routea shown could potentially be selected in any combination to form a roadway plan. o Several alternative combinations of routes were selected for further atudy, as examples. Each alternative was reviewed for feasibility of constructi�n and for traffic impacts. The information generated from these alternatives can be i ; applied to ather alternatives with similar components. d No preferred alternative has been selected. The final plan may be different from any of the alternatives presented, but it will likely include components from one or more of these examples. i The alternativea which were considered are shown on the attached �aps and briefly discusse3 below. In all cases, it is assumed that iunprovements to ma�or roads would include sidewalka, turn lanes and bike lanes. 'Improvements to existing roads would include minor realignment to xeduce aharp curves and minor regrading to i.mprove w sight dietance. "No new roade" alternative �nder this alternative, na new roada would be cons�ructed but existing roads �ould be i�nproved. • "Murrav Blvd. extension" alternative . This alternative would extend Murray Slvd. from the 135th/Walnut area to Gaarde Street. This route �nvolvee generally moderate to flat roadway �rades, except for grades of up to 12$ near 121et Avenue. At the connection ta Walnut Street, existing houses would be impacted. The aiternative includes a connection through B�nchview to aerve the area north of Sigh Tor Road, uaing existing Benchview Terrace. Alao in�luded is a connection between the Mur�ay Blvd. exteneion and Bull Mountain Road. Thia connection would have grades u� to 15$ and would impact the existing homes at the Bull Mountain Road connection. "135th Avenue extenaion" alternative Thie alternative would extend 135th Avenue eouthward to connect to Sull ;� Mountain Road near 139th Avenue. The road would have a lang upgrade of �,• approxiaaately 12$ from Fern Street to High Tor Road. It would be neceseary to remove eeveral existinq houaes near 135th and Fern, unless eteeper grades were tolerated for the new street. A - 2 This alternative also includes an extension of Gaarde Strpet to connect to Walnut str.eet near 13�nd Rvenue. This roadway would have grades of 8� and less. Widening o£ existing 132nd would require reconstruction of driveways to existing houses. In some cases, reconatructing a driveway might inalude conatructing a new garage. An alternative conneation to Walnut 5treet east or west of 132nd wo�ld be feasible but would require removal of existing houses. � An extension of Benchvi.ew Terrace would provide a connection between the twn , new roads. I , "132nd Avenue extension" alternative This alternative would extend 132nd Avenue south to Bull Mountain Road. • Problems a�sociated w�ith a 132nd Avenue connection to Walnut Street . are discus�sed above. In addition, existing 132nd has grades ae steep as 17�. The connection to Bul1 Mountain Road would run near existing houses but would not need to remave exa.sting houses. Benchview Terrace would be extended to provide a route between Gaarde Street and the area west of Benchview. This road would have grades less than 8� except for the exieting 15� grade in Benchview. . This alternative providee a north-south/east-west grid type alignanent, which some drivers find lesa confuaing than curvi.ng etreets. • "128th A.venue extension" alternative This alternative iaould extend Gaarde Street to connect to wlalnut Street near 128th Avenue. The road would have some grades up to 12$ near 121st Avenue. Some existi.ng houses would be removed at the Walnut Street connection. A direct connection to 128th might encouraqe addit3.ona1 through traffic on 128th north of Walnut Street. I ' Connectiona to Benchview and tq Bull t�fountain Raad would be provided, si.milar to the "Murray Blvd. extens•ion" alternative. "121st Avenue extension" alternative � An alternative that could be added to any of the other alternativea ia the extension of 121st Avenue south from Gaarde Street to Bull Mountain Road. .. It is likely that the road would connect to existng Hazelhill Drive. If the road was to carry much traffic, it would be desirable to reconetruct the exieting interseciton of Hazelhill Drive and Hazeltree Terrace, to reduce the sharp tur.n for through traffic. Gaarde Street at Pacific Hiahwav Under any of the alternatives, it appears that a traffic signal ie needed at Gaarde Street and Pacific Highway. If Gaarde could be realigned to intersect Pacific Highwayr at McDonald Street, it�would improve traffic operations at the • intersectian. The realignment would require r�conetruction of the existiag Elmer's Restaurant parking lat and poesibly reconstruction of a corner of the reetaurant building. Removal or arodification of up to 3 existing houses would aleo be required. A - 3 "� � .. � ... � v AOC,� � . / C red��Ja .� C ° � o n �, � � Ave. � ti"h � � wo L r 7 � � '\_"'�,� � C ►- • _ y C � � � � � 99w S.W. 1153h Ave. � `� a� � \ i' ? u� � ° t \ � � � � S�JV. 121st ,Q�e � c �1. \ � � �G r� � ••. � o ' �..-• �� �I � � � � S.W. 128th .,� ��, •.�••• / Ave. ``�� a / _\ \- m . � / � J S.W. 131st `� f32nd �1 �J Av�. \ �`� \ Ave. S.W. 133rd Ave. ( ; �•\ 7 S.W. 13�Jt� AVe. `"\ �..—�... ...r•.._� � � � \ .. s. �� � __.__.. . � , � �`f a� �. � --.._. ... ,/ ct� ... Q�, �_ \ � .�- S�,f, �/ 1�� � SW. 141st Ave. !' ' L p '� � '•\ � �...� ;�: � � C/���� . i_...{ = E �I S �'' �` \ l :. �� �� � ..--��" � � �'� �-r� -�'--� � �. Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150th ve. �a �""—� � � � � � � _� � � _ �� �� , , �; �--�-N---e=� , �� NE Bul1 �llounfiain Transportation Study A - 4 MURI�AI� BLi/D. EXTENSION �� _ � . �� ���� �� a� . � .-`- � b �� A�c��� o e v �an � � . o � � Ave. � ti�h� . L 0 L �- � � , � ^�-...� � C � y C � ° ' � 9 � . "' S W. I15th Ave. � 9 � � � �° � o \ � � . . S W. 121s#_ qLe c � � �- � � �G � °� -'� _—`�dd' ., � • 128th �_. .�A! Ave. �' ..._,.�.._ _ �. .. ,\ ...� �m 1 / S `� 132�d � ` �� S.W. I�Ist Ave. \ - r'� \ Ave. SW 133rd Ave. I S.W. 135th Ave. � ` ._____....r--•-•--��� ♦ ..: �\ , �! � \ �� � _._., � � � � . I ...� m �, .�.� \ � �._..___-_... S�, �/ \....,_., � S.W. 141st Ave. . L /S, � \ "° ;----.... , L �. ..-�� ch���s � � _ � � � e�'r �, / �_ , . .._�_ �' � �� � , • ��----r. � Sunrise Ln. S.W 150th ve. ?�a i""�� ° � . ...__,,,.. •� �. ---•r°N--�--��� NE BuIJ Mountain � T�ancnnr#ate�n �f e��V A - s 135TH AV�. EXTENSION ��> , , I : � � �:� � � � Aoc'� o �ed� �c o v �� � p a h g � Ave. 'I�i i � y�h� � o � � � � � -�......� ° ". c � � t � _ � ; c '. u°.. � -d �9W' i S W. 115th Ave. � • i � � � '�, -� � Uy v �\ t� � , SW. 121st q� � _ ; e k f G E �7. \ �� �(i � C� ��— � '�d� , � � / ' � 128th /� , S.W. � \� .�.. ' i Ave. �'—� � m � ..� } � . / S.W. 131st + . � \ � '� S.W ' 132A e. r-•/ `\ Ave. f S,W. 133rd Ave. ( t S W 13�th Ave. ' � \ ._._.... ....�-•..�'�� ; � � \ � � �� � � � i ..\ �.� , I � �, , � �., m � `a •_...� � --�.,..,,�-... � S�, ��/ �1 °C S.W. 141st Ave. � � j �-' � � ---�... � ��/ Sch���s •� � _ � . i Fe � . �...�_... � rr �,.- / � � ��� .._-----.''�--` ...� Su�rise Ln: S W 150 th � ve. �a , u--^.~..�-- . (. \• .--��...�_ •..��. --�--N--� � NE 6u11 Mountai n `Transportation Studly A - 6 132ND A1/E. EXTENSION '� � a� � : � A � T' �C��`" c /ede�°n �i /c � o Ave. � � \ � ti��� o o � r t- � � � -~_..._-�, � C � , �. � � - � � � � 99W S.W. ll5th Ave. � ��•\ � � o .. \ ,� � SoN. 121st � q �e c � \ v ..-- � a AG � �` / d� ''�:• / S.W 128th \ \. - . Ave. ''°� � m / . � 1 S.W. ` 132n� � ��� S.W. 131sf r—� Ave. g W 133rd Ave. ( \ AYe S.W l35th Ave. � \ .,_.._ ...,...�''� �� `n •.\ � . �' i � � .__... � � � � ,`��"�� ` -��-...r,,:�-... .,.� f� �� � "�1! ,��� ��.- o S.W. 141st Ave. � --�.. / � I�/ 's�ho��s � `�...� _ � '� � �... e r� �-'� / --�... •_� .._�--• � �.. - �� �--�� / �.. Sunrise Ln. S.W. ISOth � v�. �o- �~_'� . u ' \'•.Z�... . . , _��..��• --�-N--� ' ' NE BuII Moun�ain T.�ancn�rtatint� �t��rlv A - � 128TH A�/E. EXTENSION ►; _ _.. . : ,_._ _.� . :; ...,v�� �. � � . . � . ` .- (n v oc�f °c r��'�on � c ° o � � Ave. \• E ti• � h�'o L � ` vi � • � --�...:� � o c *- � c o ' N � g ' �"' S.W. 115th Ave. � 9w a� � ��\ -o � o •\ o � � � SW. 121st qv e �'. �` �� �G cP .�. �— � /• �d� 128th ' S 1N �. .\� `'� --�.. � �• Ave. '�\ \ 1 m � � S.W. 131st W. 132nd � �\ _ S. �✓ Ave. �• Ave. \ SYV. 133rd Ave. I S.W. 135th Ave. ••\ -.-\ _._-_... ��....✓'•: ♦ ,.: � ; a� � \ ; Q: i \ �. .. a,� �i � '\ a� � � ..-� m f �--,.. �� •�` � -�....�,�--... S�y ��/ ��. o SW. 141st Ave. i s �- � � --�....�. i i�/ ch%S• � _� _ . i �` �, •\ , :: �r . � -.-._..�� ; ,. �.�� , � �..�.� ..�-. .� �, �,. Sunrise Ln. SW 150th � ve. . �o- i"` �� . u \, ._�.,...� . "�.. --�--N-- "�_ NE Bul l Mountai n MURRAY BLVD, fXTENSION Transporfiation Study A - 8 WITH 121ST EX`t'ENSION' � _ . , � � ' i � A � I l�ed Q��F� � � I e �on � � � I � � Ave. � ti�h�o � I '^ L t v' � �1_..._` � C � � C . . o �' � 9 W ' "�" S W_ I15th Ave. � 9 � � \ �: � o SW. 121st , q�e .. � � � c \ o Z r � � N -- o � /�.••'��'e�� -:. , � � S.� 128th � �.. , / � 3 / Ave. ��� '�. 1 m � � \ S.W. 131st S. � 132nd • � r—.,.��\ Ave. Ave. \ S W. 133rd Ave. t S.W. 135th Ave. � `'�. .--,... ...-------��� _ � � \ \ . �� � L .�- 1 � .'� � _ �" �•��` —.�.... �:... `� m �'� � S�y �/ �� � SW. 141st Ave. � �� �- �\ � --�... � � 'i S�ho//s '���...._C = F � \. e�'r ...�• / "_"".�- � �•� ..�-- �, ve. j� � Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150th �a i"`�`� u \ • •-�._..._`� �� �-N---� . NE Buil Mountain 135TH AVE. EXTENSION Trancnnrt�tinn Studv A - 9 WITH 121ST AVE. EXTENSION Yt� .. ,, . . � � _ .Y � .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .... , . , q`, � �P U\ .N � � 'D A �eo, �c��c o � e �pn � � a � � Ave. . � y"h�, . � '�� o ` � � � � —�...--� ° c ►- � � � � � 9 � � S.W. 115th Ave. � 9 � � .'� -° cn ° _ S W. 121st qLe \ � � c .� � \ .�— . � . �G .� �� � �� �d� S W 128th ,\ � Ave. ��.`\ _ ...--��-� m /. _ � / \ � : 13 � \ �� S.W. 131st �' � S.W. �• �J � Ave. Ave. S.W. 133rd Ave. ( S W. 135th Ave. � `� �.... ....�.--•-•.� �� � \. � . �� � .. `\ � . I `` � .� � --_.. _..�--•• �� ° �� � � S�, �/ �� � SW. !4lst Ave. , L IS � � ~ —�... � ��/ s�ho��s /�'�......� _ � . ` � F�o�'r �'�. \,..--�_... / � � �•�, ..�--• .�� �, Sunrise L�. S.W. 150th ve. . �o- i--_'� . � \ �y .� ..� --�--N-� _ NE Bull Mountain 132ND A\/E. EXTENSI4N Transportation Study A - 1� W'ITH 121.ST AVE. EXTENSION �. �l� �F � � � l - � . � F � A 'o �" Qc�F' c /ed��d� ' vi /C ° °o QVB. � C� � ti�h� . v .-= - � ' � � � � � -�-�...� o c � � c ,�: a � N � 9�w S W. 115th Ave. . �••� � � � � � a .• \ C� -+cr SW. 121St ,q� \ � _ e c �i. \ 'v cP � � '• �G . . ������� � --���--�-� s.w i2$tn ` ���\. .....:�... . Ave. "'`'� � �� � \ m � ` 632n� �/'� S.W. 131st • S.W. A.ve. r"J � Ave. I SW 133rd Ave. I i S.W. 135th Ave. �•.. �. '�� _-_.._. ...�--•,.� � � \ .'� - �� � _._... . � w- , � � � � �~••_-, � --_....�-... ....� m sly ��� ��. o S.W. 141st Ave. t— __._� /s � � r s/ �'/Sp��s '��...� _ � e � . \, r� � / �_ �. � ��� ..__--. .� , .. � �.. �unrise Ln. S.W. 150th � v� �a i"^'� u \•-..�_... ��.._,�\ --�.�-N---� � NE Bul l Mouratai n 128TH AVE. EXTENStON -�'rancn�rta#eor� Studv A - 11 _ WITH 121ST EXTENS.ION vy� . . . � . . . . . . . � . .��;- . � . . � ,:. �`" _ . - . . . . . . ....... ._. .__ . . . . .. . . . �. . � . ���� . . . . . . < . �� ( ;� ` , APPENDTX B ADDITIONAL POTENTIAL ROUTES CON5ZDERED I These alt�rna�ives wers developed in response to auggestions and concern� 2aeard at the public meetings in March 1989 and November I989. � � j � r � . � . � � • i I . B — 1 � . _. _ , . � �,.. � `�,.. v� a � o���,, a T' ��� o � %d��on � o � � Ave. h�• o � hwo � _ .� o .- � --�...� � �... � �, t � � - , _ �° � � � 9�kV 1"� S W. I15th Aue. � -o � � � � � � �� � SW. l21st q�e - L v �7. � � � � °�Gd cP o � �� � •.,� '. S,W. 128th -� \�• , . ...\... � / Ave. �'\ � 1 m � � / � ��'� �'� 1 �� SW. 131st SW. ". 132nd � � r--� \ Ave. 4� AVe• \ S.W. 133+'d Ave. ( S.W. 135#h Ave. \ `� ...�.... ...�----.......i..� � \ \ � � � �. �..� � � \ �.. 1..� '� . -�..�,'.. � SW. 141st Ave._ SS�J, `�--� o �- � \ � -----.---� t i� sch°/js /.-�� rC = � � ,�.e �" ...--_._:..., ,.,, �.-- , � ....,--... � �.. �'�� �--�. - •• unrise Ln. S.W. •150th � ve. ... � S �o- �i"-�'`- . � o. .--. .-�-��--� -�-n-.-�� NE Bufl M�untain ; NO NEW :ROADS Transportation Study B - 2 NO INNIlRRAY EXTENSION � :._�..,t .,� � N �` i w � A � �e °��i�� � de�o � ° o � Ave. � � . . � y,h o �O, -� r i .� � p � ...-1_,.'._.� C � , v r � '. .._ . � � S.W. 115th Ave. � � 99w � � � ,E � � vv. S W. 121st q�e \ � � . . � a �cP \ .,-- � � �G ',� : � � �d� �28th � S.W. °.. - _ � Ave. '_� .. � �' m � �W /�� SW. 131st 132nd AJe. \ r`� \ Av�. � S.W. 133rd Ave. I SW 135th Av � � 3--�. �,.. ` ...,—...���� v� � � '�JG \ ` �( � °� ,____.... L � � ' � ti . O� � � \ —�...�-... .,, � m i� � S!�! ��� �� o S.W. 141st Ave. / Y� � ~ ----�.. L ��� S�hp��s •_�'...� _ �. F � \... e �r �'� / --.__... '_� ..r••, � �, . �� �'---� � � �.. � Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150th � v/�e. �o� r"'` u • \„ _�. ���_... �. -��--N--� � NE �ut I Mountai n Transportation Study -B - 3 COMPOSITE ALTERNATE IVOe 1 �. '' �.._ , 'i _ � . . �.� � . A -+� 'I', oc��, o ;I ��d�'i�j ,c � . v ,I O�j � v o � � AVe. . t�l � y�h�o . � � � � � � --�_..:� • � � c �- : a> ; � c . ti' ' • � -�; 99y�r ; S W I15th Ave. . � }. m � \ -° ; cn ° i _..\ " �. . � � $w. 4zi�t �. q�, - e ' � � c ' v f 3'. \ �_ �7 �OG i _. � � '�• � �,�-- �y d� (. �' / S.W �28tf1 .,� \.. � � Ave. '�� � � � � ` i \ 1 i '• t32nd \ j\ � I�� 4 .. • S.W. r—J � Ave. : Ave. ,;� gW 133rd Ave_ ( i S.W. 135th Ave_ � � d3� ---... ...--.._—�': � , ♦ .: \ 'y� � �� � G� \ �.._ c � � � ` '\ u� ; �--. a> , •—�� ---_...�.�-... ...� � { `� '� 3 S ��/ � �, � SW. 141st Ave. � h! � ;� y-- �\ � ---_... � � � �// `Scho��s '��...._� _ � � P � \..---_.._... �� ���� , � � �.� ...�--...� . �. � �,, Sunrise Ln. S.W. 150tfi � ve. . �o- i"'�� J \' . .�J.....`` . . . . . . .,. .. . .. . , • . � � .,.,. � �.- . . .. . ` "���'b�'—� . . . . NE Bull Mountain � Transpc�rtation Study� � B - 4 COMPOS�TE ALTERNATE IVO. 2 �� _ �--� ------ �. Q, v ; � v Ted ' A�c�'�� o � e �a� � � � � Ave. � � ti"h � �S'o L � ♦-- � 7 C/) ---�� _� � � i � � � � �• _ o � 99dV k " S W. I15th Ave. � � � � �\ �° � n -..� � °� . ,W. 121st ,qLe - c � v .- Ji .,- �� , AG / o � .•� � / - �.W 12$th � � /�. Ave. ��� � m / � � • /�� S.W. 131st S�.W. � � r—J � Ave. 132nd Ave. � S:W. 133rd Ave_ ( •-� t,,. SW. f35th Ave �'�. _-_.... ...1----..�-�'''� • -.� � ,� -y � � C \ aGd `.... �� � '•.\ � � � � ti. �..� '�-,� — ._�i-. • .� � l� � . S�, j/ �� � SW. 141st Ave. i� �- \ � --�--...,._ i S�h ...� \ . �.� °°�s' '_ T . - �e � �..._._. r/, •✓ / .r• ., ... � �� �--'� - '•�� � Sun�ise Ln. . S.W. 150th � ve. �� ����� � . � �• ....._`...� .,� --�"_�--N--� NE �ui i Mlountai n Tran�portation Study B - 5 CC)MPOSITE ALTEl�NATE NO.� .. . ..... .... , ..��3 j: . . 1..-- . �' .. � � , ii �4 S. t� ii APPENDrX C i; TRAF'FIC PROJECTTON� ; AT BIIILD--OUT „ , i;', 't'; �i - �:i ,�, ° Based on population prajections of Appendix D. Volumes shown (; are far the �eak haur og an average weekday. '� ;; i; i Ri i !� . k� �1 Note: Line vridths indicate relative volumes of projected traffic. Line width5 do not represent future street wiclths. ; ;' i! i? • �! �. i'; . {;;'; �:i � . ' . . t'�:I ,. � � � � ����'I ';si, s:! i �;? ; E:� K�� � � � � ��� �'i �:. �� . ' � � � � � y i � �� • � � ' � 3 C �. �r. - _ .. _ .. . ....._ .. �t � m � N �� y �� 0� � � vy �yQ � W � O � � � N O � � Z ? 0 �L O � o'�''�' oJ'`� ta� w � � � � y� � 1060 D o � � � � �)j N 900 St. 'y' �: )�' t < o� 0� � Fern St. 3�� `� � rQ � 2ap � �. � 'Q� / � � � isoo �'6� Z� Fonner��st o ,� � � A� � ° �' S.W. � C � � � ' � ./� zao cn - w / ao � 1 N �� �' � � D � � �•. / c� a yw � �� � �. � �oa � � �' >. w .1 \ � s � � � � � n � j•. � �' � py j � ) � � \ �� ; N � ' �aarde �la McDonald Stre c Hi h Tor Rd. N _. � � 850 2000 1140 �g �' �, ���� ,�, r io90 � ii90 �. d'' a 630 = : O� � ' 91� y ' a�3p ..� � Mou ain Rd 7C � 'r � � �.60� � _ � � � � 1560 � �' C �r � ' ' N W � . Q � � ga : Z � .� / � /• ( � �ao < O 0 fl' ° . � - @��a w cc . . Z � � i � �, �d � f� . ! , � . V 8 . � < � O � � a�° � � ,.� Curham Road a �: 3 �. 57° D • 252A � � � � 460 � 540 e ey � N �.�....o.� � . Q, � . .�i�� � Q (� - z.s r�i �� o A���i''" � •��1 de b O . � . � o 6 n � � � � 1�p 3s9 O \ �'' � � h�o s .� � . � N ...---�,., .� � . � � � � . . v � � I � � � *� � � LL°. N °� �0 99W S.W. 115th Ave. o► ` ••. 180 O \ -� � 39� . � � o 0 � N � o � 3'I� �W. 121St \ O q�e o �� c��30' • 990` � ' 830 �o c �n . o .a � � � � �G �+�.-• -- � --•�o'� O�6 �.•- -128t �- s.w �. - -.��-� _ �. �so Ave. ��`� � � o A � � � o � \ a / S '� W. �' 132n� � \ y S.W. 13lst ' �a Ave. $� a Ave 5O �° \. S.W. 133rd Ave. � S.W. 135th Ave. � 550 �' �` ��o . .._�.--•-.---��� �ao io2o � '\ --.\ C \ a q� N (i �� N -_� \ � . ,„�_�.. - `,� � 'D ',e-1 �., � S.W. 141st Ave. �' r \ ~ � 5O h --�...^ L p ��O S�/So�� �..._C °' �+ �- s F �-' _ \ . j '?o: e�-.� �.�� / -•--�_... o �.. � � . . �� _ � �„ . � � �—� ' �. unrise Ln SW. i50th v�. � s�o ''--` i�o ao a 220 � � , �'...__-�... �, ��N � ��... `'�., -�-�'"-'.�-N--�`S NE Bu1l Mountain . NO NEW ROAD� Transportation �tudy � - 3 NO MURRAY EXTENSIOl�I ��� .�� �.•r��? ' �. �� • � . � � ; � � M O A�CjIn' O �ed a� � � . -n e� _ p o 6j� � � • 3��p � y�h a N h�0 .c � �•-- � � M ^�._.�� � � — � � � � C O �j o u°, � �'b 99{�y • th v �, 250 � o � � � \ � � N � Sw. �2�St � �'l alo �ao a3o q�� . 25p � ��c v -o ���- � �o o ,... G�� �� �� . � � i2 tn �_ � S.3 Ave. �����\ �o � m '� � •' o 50 . �y � � � � o : 13 } ?�� / � S�W. 131st . ao S.W. - \ Ave. Zoo �� � � i3o .� SYV. 133rd Ave. S.W. 135th Av � �\ 290 ... 380 9.'Z�� O� Ah0 --•�-...�'"'. 17`�� � � � � i ��., . � \��•• .._� � --�--.. _.. � ��� \ -._.,./' hh v � ,� �! � SW. 141st Ave. �?O � ''\ L �.4Q -"�-_..� ,` C/�O//s '�/,,..� _ ;' � O . � 6� Fe . � \•..�_ . _ . yo so� �� � �� � � �: . o . { \ .r•..,�—` 1 �–� � � Sunrise Ln .W. 150th � ve. 490 '••-�. 1� 50 i o- 1� p I o, y�,° �•••_�.• a ; s ~�'�. � � .�._N_� � Peak Hour Traffic Volumes � Buiid - Out Condition NE Bull Mountain Transnorta#ion Studv � - 4 MURRAY BLVD. EXT�NSION "'�: .�. .- � • . c, � .•- 0 N � AOC�' C %d� a o � o n 'y c� o ;5,90 3 � . OC ` . �Qp b \ N ��h v .i h'p .� . j � p1 --•_'�_-.._� M 0 C L � � . � � � _ a G o �� ,, c � t � .0 99w � •. 200 � � � � r�i" ljj0 � � v N �\ N � $W. 121st - N 38a0 � alo 4�0 �LQ ?9� � O�iA o ' o 0 �• �- � � �, `�'��OG ''�''� / � �. ��'� O S.W. 128th ..� 9� ...�_. 3s Ave. o ��� / •o � � � � � � \$�a a ` �W. 131st nd o � \ � Ave: �� \ �?` oAve. � � SoN. 133rd Ave. 5� +� H • \ ���� 135fih .Av ^+ �-� i�o _ ..._.--•-•-�� � 420 � .1s�1� �8p. \ �� � o c 1� a� � o � `� 3sO �' S; Q '_ •�.� I .\ y60 ____�-- �./ .. o N � �0 S�y w �� ` $W. 141st Ave. r' - 0 140 91 � \ �' -----� O . t 0 C � $o ho,,s F �.._...� _ � ...�... � s3� P�.� ���� � ----�� -� ..r••. � ��' �---� . � unrise Ln. W 150th ve. � 350 ...�_ 100 100 i� �o � o�� b •—�.-•„�......� � -�_N_� Peak hlour Traffic Volumes Build - Out Cor�dition NE Bull Mountai n � , Transportation Study � - 5 �35TH A►VE. E�TENSION , :�_ _ _:_� .�._._ -�__ .. ,_ :. :.w.__: ._.,.ti..:� ill I I 4�a � : N �_ N � � � p ti N ' �` ° �°�t'' � '� ,edP n r� ~ . ° , c°� 6j� 3 � c� ��O \ y. o �h, s � o L -- o � � � � w —�..----� � n C � N � � . D C t C � � � � �` SW. il5th Ave. �; ��° �9W . i�o 3 0 � � 4jj� � � � N � � SW 121st q ;� � � 3e2o . 9QO �s5 �e � a 3?0 ` G p�� � d c��� •'— ,�G / �d� .,� oj60 .��i �\ tt1 . �Zat ` '� / S.W. � ...�.._ aso Ave. Q �''�� � N n 40p / � �.. � � �,� ,o° .W. 131st ve. \ �'' � oAve. Ao i23o S.W. 133rd Ave. 11 �, S_W. 135th Ave � • � \ sao.... ...----•..—�'-•. 390 a 1,�.1p � 550 \ � \ c . � .. ��„ \ N �� p • �` a+ -�._.._,�... � � v �, � �, � SW. 141st Ave. o gso �- \ L ��_ � ^ � �, c � � o h°//s � �...� z . ; '1 . � o \... ' i 'y0 'lpg� CJr� .�' / � --`'� I q � ,•� .�--•..�` i � � unrise Ln W. 150th ve. . 6 � 450 ��'� 100 70 O- 100 O ' q�� \•, � r �� � ...��"'��..... � � �., �.. �� F .�_„_� Pea k Hou r Traff i c i0ol umes ° Buiid - Out Condition NE Bull Mountain Transqortati on St udy � - 6 132 ND AVE. EXTENSION t �_, � f.. ♦- � / AOCj�" c .a�1 ed n qAO . � � v s90 3ss g �° 0 \ �'- � N �� y:. O � } 0 ` ' +-. (n p � � i G � p •-•-�:.....�, � p � � c � ' " � � S.W. t15th Ave. � *� 99w i�o ° ,;, � o � � � � � '� � SW. 121st �+ 3�so �, q�e :3 �,e2o 460 3?� • 0 cb 23� o � °��. ���-•. ..— ry �� �G O � ����d� \`�• ti S.W 128t 1050 �l� 350 AV@. o ...� �^ m / O � � 1 � � .�i \ a � N � , W ` 132n�. o � So ^' / .W. 131st 1 Ave. � �Ave. yo° � S.W. 133rd Ave. ioo � 'i S.W. 135th A ~ 550 \ �� 2� .. _..�---•---/. , s90 n y O O C \ •.� � ,d, � �•_ � �... N �� � . �\ \ —�----✓_... ...� � �1- � S.W. 141st Ave. n Sg ,y�i�o (� � 0 140 .1� 6'p !' � L 0 -�... s�h��� /::�..._� z �+ � �O F / 9 96.0 E'r�, �'• � \-••--�._... / � � � ... �� ..�-- .�� �., unrise Ln SW. 150th v�e. � s2o '-� ioo zo ioo 0 0 p tp \.. t� � .��,.._�..,,_\ `0' —�--N--� Peak Hour Traffi�c Volumes NE Bull Illlountain Build - Out Condotion �n Transporfation Study � - � 128TH AVE..EXTENSION �_ ,., �� -- � �, . : � p�C�t` c ..�-� e�6 � � A � � o jn � � • ' • 3��0 � ti� � a v ..- o ' O ` � ! ..- tn a p Q •� . . � � _.._-�._.� °� c '- � C - � �- �O u" S.W. 115th Ave. � � 4j�� 9�W 180 m o 3 0�► ` o � N \ � ,� $W 121st q \ � � � - 39Q0 g10 610 470 y�° � � � 4� 820 ,� � Ol� O � cf� ��\ �-- O � �, _ "�C.�� � y0''� � S.w �28th � O� /� 3so Ave. �—� ya ...� � 1 m «� � Zlo .�+ / �'� � S.W. . � f S.W. 131st �� ��ve. l�'o S.W. 133rd Ave. ��o �+ S.W. 135th A 13,�p � 0 2so . ___..:.:--•...��. 360 1650 � \ �c� 0 i , � � ..__. L1_. � ��.. O ,�` .\ --�. �_ _ �•. b � Sly � `�., � SW. 141st Ave. � o i� g2o s �' -..\ � --�... , �hp�� ���...- �- � �,��'� �O S �P�. � � N \...--.__.. 10 � � , ,� � � ��� ..f---.��� 410 � Sunrise Ln .W. 150th � ve. �a ��`� ioo so ioo 0 � �.. � � . s ,� ._...____....�.... �.. ---�-�--.�—z � Peak Hour Traffic Volumes �uiid - Out Condition NE Buti IUlountain MURR/�►Y BLVD. EXTENSION Transc�ortation Studv � - 8 ��n-ru ��1�-t- Fx-r�NC��1N i ��� .r��� N N .��".. � O p4C/� � � ��,0� bp � ,.A � �-°/� c1 . 0 ' o S�n � � •ij3 \ O • ''y' � o ��O � � .- � � � � M -`�-•---� �d � C �-- th p � t'1 .� : '� �' �°- � � 3630 994V � S.W. 115th Ave. � o •.. i�o �+ � ' � � o �� '� , � i cr ''� �. $W. �2�St _''� � 4j4p sao �so q�e ° o �; 840 400 .. 580 � ��'� � O c�p�. � o .�' 'D�,d ��� o � —�� ��� ; s.�n! �2at � . �. .-.�-. _ � i. 350 /-�V @. o � � 1 � � �N � �3�•.. / ep na�. °� ��� � w �3�Sr i, Ave. \ . �Ave. �; o �. SW 133rd Ave. loo �, S.W. 135th n � \ iso . ...J--•..�'�� �. aio �6O � sso � o o � �� \ � � •. . � � � ,� .. , �-�i �- �'-�•. �SO . •1� ` 36p -�...�,—... o �i ^o �� � SW. 141st Ave. � _; � � Fo_ o iao 3e0 �'Y �" � � � ----�...� __' C/f��/S ���...� _ �i q9� 8 �C�r � . ••.\ .•---�_... � f j so � ��" � o r �� \ /-� `o'..�--••'�_.` `i i� �.. �Sunrise Ln. W. 150th � ve. 1� 35p �-� lpp �l m � �� 100 b \ � t' \ O 1n ._�_..._� d1 �; •Q �� c 1n r. �_N_� Peak Hour Traffic Volumes �� Build - Out Condition `� NE Bull 1111ountain 135TH AVE. EXTENSIOtV ,: Transportation Study � - 9 WITH 121ST AVE. EXTENSION � _ _ , _ ��4 • �� � � 'W^� V/ � AvC'� C � O � 'ede � ° o s90 � � � 3 i �. 'j� ��h o � �''o -� .a �- o � � ,.. cn .� � y en ``•----. .° o a> t7 . 3 � � � P t`' S W. 115th Ave. � ��° 99w iao „ � . � \ ° � o 0 � o 00 , N � �O � � � gW 12aSt \ � �O � e �+ g,q0 51O 8p - 3 • �O - 500 c p c� O O� � Ab � �G d� "Y � / �d� 9�� N l I 12$f �' /�. S.W. � � � — 3so Ave. o '���� o ...�.. � / °r � � � 160 / �p . � a ! 220 \ ryo W. 131st ve. ~ oAve. o �O° S.W. 133rd Ave_ 12° �, b S.W. 135th � � � �� zoo... ...�-•..�-. 380 �g10 � 550 \ ��� �\ I 0 N i ..�_... e�1 N I rl lL. �.� . . ._ \ � `—�_..,,�i-... .__� I S6y �oo �.� °` S.W. S41st Ave. a 'I ,y �0 140 ,! gp� -p j/-' \ —�.. O "�/����s ��•`...� T � O � / . , a . � o e •-• '�. .lry i'r �' --�_••. F 0 O / 'i ._� �_�_., � i \.. . / �--� ' ; . � Sunrise Ln SW. 150th ve. � 510 ��"-� 1� �p � � 140 a o ; � \.. � ', � y —� -'�"'•- r �► ��• � �_N_.� Peak,Ho�ur Traffic Volumes �; Builc! - Out Condition � (VE BuII Mountain 132ND AVE. EXTENSION - Transport�tion Study c - lo WITH 1?_1 ST AVE. E)C1'ENSION � . ���� ,- '�_ � ' a> d , I � ' v Aoc�i� c o �ede� o,� ° � o n � � 6�0 3)?O o e � ����� � � E � o � �0 i � � � .•--�_..._.� p Y+`.- � � � � d � � s,� ,� 9 `� LL" S.W. 115th Ave. � 0 9w i�o � . .� o '� � . � N � � � ��O $�. 2�St p t��o '•. � 820 500 3�0 290 � ' �8(9� � �c� O� o s�10 � � , o�\ � ti o Ga /.. ti � �� 12�th 1100 \ll� p � /� ` $vV �... 3so Ave. o �. 1 r � c°� N ''• � • *'; � � �\ W i31st r W = t32nd � 1 Ave. \ °o �t2o �Ave. ,� o g.W. 133rd Ave. '� : ��� . --.� --- . �` `� 2io ._._-----•-�'. SW. 135th o •-' �� � 390 � 550 � �r ` . . � ,; � � r� � `� ; \ O ��.� ,. , O •_� � ri ---�_...��... O 5+�, � �1 � SW. 141st Ave. � ? - ~ � , "•\ � 0 14o E �r ---�....� ( g?o s � °' ( •��� f � ch���s ,� �� � �- ' 96 9�o er^ � .• / •---�_.� i I � �� ..�--••.�� /� ao � Sunrise Ln SW. 150th ve. soo '••� loo �o o- 140 0 � b \.. � Q b .1�...�... � �.. �_N_� Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Build - Out Condition NE BuII Mountai n 128TH AVE. EXTENSION Transoartation Studv �= - 11 �nn'n-� ��-t�T FxTFN�i(lN � �� ��� N � � s . m � . � 0 A � a' �-. �cifi � � �edP�i ,� ' o . n�° o � 3 � � �6.0 cav \ y� E � �{�, . .o O � � � � � Y N �-�..._1 � � ', � � � � � W. IfSth Ave � � 39� 9�W ' `� o . 210 � � o► ; 3, o \ � � �loo � N °a .� � � $W i21st o � 3�eo �o 'so 4�0 2so �e ° � ?60 o � °o 1��•. A �o '�G d, \ / � �q � A,.--'"`�'�'�d� . •�' a0 � / $.w � � � $ . �.. � / O 350 AV@. � 1g30 1�'� � � 350 m '�� S.lN. '�� 132n ��� s�o po° � W. 131st ti io Ave. \ � �Ave. S.W. 133rd Ave. loo � � S.W. 135th �ZO � \ 22a o ...�•..1''•. ' 470 � ,'y�� � 3� \ �� � c '� � \ o � °b "' , ...._... � � vu- �-�., � �/ '-1 �\ ' \ .460 -�-••V�-... .../ S� � �410 � SW �4�St Ave. � O 4i� ( - �'\ � 140 � 3) '1� j� ~' o ^�----\ 0 sc/f0�is -��,...� = o+ �.. ,�p Fe \.. . 'LD 9 �'� �'� .---�_. . �� / � � \ �•�� . ,��--_.•'�\ 440�'' Sun�ise Ln SW. 150th � ve. �o, ��- ioo ao i2o o � p b \...�_...��... rf � 1`.. �_N_� Peak Hour Traffiic Volumes Build - Out Condition NE But1 IVlountain Transportation Study � - 12 COMPOSITE ALTERNA�"E N0. 1 � � a> `� : cn A � � ,o p`�'O OC/� � � � ti � a 6p� n � ' � I Ve 3) o jQ N � ,y. � � ;'+I \ h�o s i . � o � o � � N —'�...._� M � � a � C � G �. 3 sr O � `' �` W_ i15th Ave. � 88 ,0 99W 220 � � 4 , O � o � � 09 � N \ v ' ,Q \ � � 0 3'8O ' # 121st � .r , a� 46a �e � o ?6� � ' O� p Al�� 1 tf� �••. o �o qG� i � � /' �� i � i S.W. 128t � �,yo�`� ...�... _ � _ �so Av e. � � / ° �. o � �� 132nd ��° � Z�o � zlo o � � W. 131sf i � S� ve. \ w'�� Ave_ ; � ioo l�o lo�o -•.� SW i33rd Ave. S.YV. 135th � �0 200 � o .._r--...�•: 380 a •b�p� 400 � '`='1, �\ y' i �� \ �—' - LL- ��.. O O � � � � 400 ..._..�-... .-•� � . � '��0 � S�, � �� L SW. 141st Ave. F �o Q _�o �p � � L � � ' ..� rn r• _ lo�� �1 F�r ��' o -..�•..---__....._ tp �� r , , � ..�---•-. \ /� �--� s4o �.• Sunrise Ln S.W 150th � ve. �a `� ioo �o ioo p b�M \••._��...��.., � O� . ��.. � ..�_„_.� � Peak Hour Traffic Votumes Buifd - Out Condition NE BuII Mountai n Tr�nsoortation Studv c - 13 COMPt�SITE ALTERIVATE NO. 2 'l a� a� .� � .� o � R�C��' o � O � ti soU `� � � � ve 3� a �o � \ � �h�, o o -� . L u`i � ' o = � N ----�_...� ,r� ° a> `0 c ''i o �. 38 { `' u" W. I15th Ave. � 8 ° a 99{�y zzo �' � � 4 � � .\ ° � �� c�t •� v .� 3 t� � �8p 1 121st � - � . 8� �a6o q�P � � ?so � .� 0 °�,� v �� ; o �� �Go� � r �� � � � /�..• � i � � 128t �� Oao ! S.W. �..._� y --C � - � Ave. M . o -..� 7 � .. 350 � \ � �• 1�2nd ?�° ' .y,�o - ��.o o / � W. 131st S.W. ve. \ ,�,�°' '� Ave. � I o '� 10 `• �• S.W. 133rd Ave. 1O° z 0 s� 1 \ �' 200 � S_W. 135th -. � o,° -..------��-- o ..� o •-- 380 � •60p � 400 � `f'J. q' � °�O � ` O o . � � '� \ 400 _..,_�... �� d, s ti 4�0 � ,�, �,. ` SW. 141st Ave. � o O 140 Og0 �' \ L � —�- ..� - ..� rn F / 10�0 ,r,t �� �'. � �"'-�_... �° / � � - � ..�_.. �.. ��� �. � Sunrise Ln S.W. 150th ve. �� 540 ��'`1_ 100 60 100 Q p 4� O �pH ••.-��.....\... � �`� �'- � �_N_� � Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Bui f�d - Out Condition NE Buli Mountain Tra�sao�rtation �tudv � - 13 COMPOSITE ALTERNATE NO. 2 (: � `* RPPENDIX D ;. POPULATION PROJECTIONS FOR SUILD-OUT CONDITION 4� ` F, �: . , � r'� ;; r I' 1, �� � ('`. �,. �ii i% , E; . j; E. � fi�- i'i '. � i., i �.. , �, �; , � E''. �: , �' � D 1 .��, . . METHdDOLUGY Parcels that were cansidered built or buildable for a aingle unit (single-- family house) were identified and tallied. The size of parcels that were considered redevelopable varied with location and depended somewhat on the shape and access of the individual parcel. For example, a square one acre parcel in UZ 357 could be conaidered redevelopable, while a similar sized but rectangular parcel in UZ 403 may be considered fully developed at one unit.* Developed multi-family properties were ideritified and the number of units were tallied. All parcels conaidezed vacant or redevelopable were .identified by zone (clot�est comparable Tigard zane for thos� in unincorporatad areas). These excluded parks, greenways, schools, utility property, c�mmeraial property, . floodplain, etc. The acreage of �these parcels was gathered from tax maps arnd tallied by zaa�e. Units were esti.mated by calculating number of units �er acre based on zone, location, topography, recent developments or proposals, and the nature of �urrounding a�ea. Population was esti.mated ueing Metro's overall eati.mate of 2.3 persons per unit for both single-family and multi�family. • I think thie is a reasonable and realistic estimate ba�ed on present situations and our current knowledge of the area. The estimate does not take into conaideration any changes in external forces that dictate how and when an area develops. Such unforseen fact�rs as an energy crisis, severe downturn in the regional economy, the return of a high rate inflation, or new trends in the housing industry can effect the build-out � density. The estimate also based on current deneity standards and does not try to anticipa•te any changes in allowed densities or bua.ldinq atandards. I� A second factor I am sure you are aware af is the prohability that by the time eome of the outlying properties are fully developed the oldpr and closer in properties may be underqoimq r�edevelop�aent. In other words, ' build-out is a continuum rather than a point in time. These estimates were based on April 1989, as a atarting goint with re-development being . partitioning of or aubdividing a parcel with the original strueture (or number of structures) remaining. Submitted by: . John Acker Tigard Planning Division ' April 1989 :!; :� * A UZ is a zone eatablished by l�ietro for purpoaes of tabulating `�: population and traffic qeneration of nariaus areas. See iaap in this appendi.ac. D 2 � _.�. .._ _ _ ; . ,. , ESTiMATED BUILDOUT POPULATION April 1989 {Reviaed August 1989) UZ* SINGLE�EAMILY SINGLE-FA2�SILY MULTZ-FAMILY MULTI-FAMZLY TOTFiL NUM�EI2 TOTAL ;tumber UNITS POPtJLATION tJNITS POPULATION OF UNIiS POPULATION 354 298 685 1786 4107 2084 4792 � II 355 522 1200 637 1465 1159 2665 356 1386 3187 49 113 1435 3300 I' ,: I 396 40 92 237 545 277 537 �. 397 I'27 292 80 184 207 475 W 398 329 756 0 0 329 756 399 380 874 0 0 38Q 874 400 307 706 0 0 307 706 40I 677 2557 0 0 677 1557 ,,.�- , 402 958 2203 1498 3445 2456 5G48 4d3 1534 3528 0 0 1534 3528 404 792 1821 0 0 792 1821 406 1120 257b 0 0 1120 2576 � AI.L U2's 8,470 19,477 4,287 9,859 12,757 i9�336 * A U2 is a zone established by Metro for purposes of tabulating population and traffic generation of various areas. " See map in this apgendix. I � � Q t .. �� ; RIGERT . RD � y,q� �� � i � � ; � U ^ ; � BAOCKMAIY � ���p ^ RD Q a, ; ooper wE�R �O � � �' Mfn � � � ; � � "' °A � � � � �� ' � w � 3 0�1KOTA S ! PFA 3 � ��, CREEti� S i 9. � �Q'� x� cn p� �'q '�� �� � � �. qo c � y � `= 3ss � sr � � �O Q, 354 ^ S P , ti � �`''✓ o�LS WAL�V i ~ sc�°Z ��� "°' i g ard � � 8 o I� � aoa � p � � Mtn 3ss GA�DE McDONALO ST m i Z � Q BULI �sa � A 3� �C w 8 ,; � '� TN � E- Q 1 0� 397 S J � � '° SATTIER S -� ` Q ; w � ~ j = ; W A� �811 � � w :. �Np W � � QURHAM RO i! BEEF � ��� C�I�t�I � ��; � M `�•" "; � � � Tua�a�,,, .. F�scHER D u rh a m � � z �° . � r �-� �. � : �u . '� T AI.ATIN A ;;' � Fi il ;� �' �' ; • ;: 1. O � UZ NUMBER � x N t � �; � 4 _ � > € _ � NE Buil 1lAountain � � Tra nsportati on �t udy D � I. . � � . . . � . . .: i � . .. � � . � � � . . . �. . ..Y ' � . . . . . . � � � � � � � ' � . , .. .,..�� ',,.. . . . . . . . � .. . . . . .� ... .. . ., ���,,.� � . . � . . . . _ . . . ... -�•� �.- , ... ':..: � �_ APPENDIX E TRAFFIC ENGIPTEERING ANALYSIS 'i I i ; 1 � ' � � I F a S . � 1 f P i �, r, � ij �!, k' jl �{: 4 t. �' fj � . .. . , . ... �. ) � �' . . . . . . . . . . . t�: � � . . .. . . . . . . . � �. �� . : �. :. . . � �- � � .� . . . � . . . � . �� �� � .� � �r� • �� � � � ..��� � � � �. . . . . . . �.. .� � . . . � .. .. , . ���.� i � -E - l .� _ . _ ; ,�; _ _ .' __._. . .._�.. ..__ .____._ �.._, .��:_..��_.�.,.:�____�: :. ,_......,:�; �' ' �� . I�TOVember 27 , 19 g 9 City of Tigard Rttention: Randy Woole�- 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd.. � Tigard,� Oregon 97223 ' ' ' RE: N'nrtheast Bul1 Mountain Transportation Study Level of Service and Capacity Calculations e MEI Project Number 189697 Dear rlr. Wooley: Upoi1 S�our r?quest , MEI has undertaken an analysis of the requested intersectioris and roadway links for determination oE the required roadway lane configurations. Traffic ��olumes utilized were based upon traffic projections determined btT the Washington Count.� anc] I City of TigaLd staffs. Esti.mated turning movement volumes were '� initially calculated by MEI staf f and were reviewed and re✓ised per � your request in our November 21 , 1989 meeting. Figure 1 depicts i tY�e turni.iag movements utilized fUr this analvsis. These reflec� j PM peak l�our �•olumes. This analy�is also c.on�idered t'he n`�1 peak ' hour traffic patterns, generally assuming a directional reveisal � of the F�i peak hour. ' I The following roadway classifications were ass�med, based upon the graphical informat�on wtzich you provided: ; � SW Scholls Ferr�T Road � Arterial . ? SW Murray Road Major Collector ' Gaarde Street Major Collector F Bull Mountain Road Major Collector � � SW Walnut Major Collector ' 9 SW 135th (North/South) Minor Collector � SW 121st (South af Walnut) Mi.nor Collector � SW 121st (North of Walnut) Major Collectar � � SW 115th Minor Collector t! Sunrise Lane . Minor Collector � �. � SW 132nd �linor Collector r Benchview Mitaor Collector � � Figure 2 presents the lan� configuratians resulting from our ; � analysis. In g�neral, where minor collectors intersect with major ' collectors and arterials, the minor collector should be designed � ' � and striped to provide left and right turn lanes from the . minor collector street. This would likely be provided by restrzcting the a on-street parl:ing of the minor c�llectors as they approach the ' � major collector. Major collector roads were found to operate j adequatel�� with the standard three lane configuration with the . exception of certain intersectionsr as shown on Fig�re 2. This analysis revealed the need' for 5 lanes on Murray at Scholls Ferr��, E - 2 .a, ,_::._.—�= ::. -.:.._ . the east leg of �turray ai: 135th North, on Murra�:� �t 135th Soi.�th (both east and c,�est legs) , and �n yurra�� at t��alnut (both approaches) . The balaizr_e of the roadt�ay coulc� be accornm��dated tair_]z 3 lan�s . C�'here five lanes are provided at intersections , ��ieldi�zg two through l�nes , a meige should be provided transitioning doc,�n to the 3-lane standard section such t11at the merge ��ill not bacl: traffic up at the adjacent intersection. The analysis also assumed construction of Scholls Ferry Road to its ultimate 5 lane width at , the intersection �aith �lurra�-; as .a minimum. t�e would recommend that the City acquire enough a�ight-of-ti�a�r to R construct five lanes bettitieen Scllolls Ferrv Road and Walnut t.r� provide the potential for widening the balance of this roadti�ay . section_ Once merge lengths and actual alignments are determined, it .may prove reasanable to cai�.struct these linl�s to five lanes immediately (ie 135th South to Walnut) . The intersection of SW 121st and Walnut was reviewed and foi.ind to operate adequately with the standard 3 l.ane section on all. approaches, and with the addition of a right turn l.ane frc�m southbound to westbound. This will yield a V/C ratio of 0 .65. � Exclusion of this right-turn lane would yield a �T/C of 0.95. Bull Mountain Road was reviewed assuming its ultimate 3-lane configuration from Highway 99 to west of SW 150th (future Sunrise ,,, Lane extension) . No additional turn lanes were required at the intersections of S wlrise Lane, the future 135th extension, and tlze fu�ure 132nd ,.,exten�ion. Widening of Bu11 Mountain Road as �it approaches Highway 99 is recommended to allow seperate left and right turn lanes at the highway. ' Based upon an estimation of turning patterns at Gaarde and Highway 99, we would recommend that Gaarde be constructed to provide a 3- � lane section west of the Highway, channelizing into four lanes at its approach to the Highway. Tllis would include one lane �aestbound and three lanes eastbound consisting of a left, a through,. and a iight turn lane. , . . This analysis was undertaken primarily utilizing the NCAP software which models the intersections in conformance �aith the 1985 Hig11wa5T CapacitY Manual, Sp.ecial Report 209. The method. utxlized for signalized inters�ctions was the Operational Analysis method. The • � ' Murrav Road intersections were �also reviewed utilizing PASSER2 software. This soFtware optimizes signal pragression and allocates green time in a manner which will promUte efficiency of vehicular progression ori Murray. The spacirig between intersections was based upon an estimate of intersection spacing as scaled off of available ma�as. The results' of the PASSER2 anal}�sis are available upoiz request. A summary of the results is enclosed. Table 1 provides , a� summary of the resulting intersection levels of service and V/C ' ratios. E - 3 , � _. . _ _�..:> >... � :,.,. �r ;;.:. _ .�. , ; • ,- . '''. �i. ��. . TABLE 1 INTERSECTION V/C I�VG. DELAY L.O.S . A. SCHOLLS FERRY AT MURRAY 0. 85 23_ 2 D � B. MURRAY AT 135TH NORTH ' 0. 80 8 .6 C/D C. MURR�.Y ?tT 135TH SOUTH 0.66 7 .3 B D. MURRAY' AT Wr�LVUT 0. 82 21 . 2 D E. MURRAI' AT 132ND .0.63 . 5.7 B F. MURRAY/GAARDE AT '1215T O.II1 1Q . 5' CID Ge MURRAY/GAARDE AT 115TH 0. 59 : 6.0 B H. WALI�1L'T AT 121 ST 0.6 5 9.9 B I. �ULL MOUI�TTAII�i AT 132NI3 EkT. 0.66 5.6 B J. BULL MOUNTAIN AT 135TH EXT. (UNSIGN. 1 LEFT FRON! MI.�10R� E RESERVE CAPACTTY = 80 PCP� ; I;. BLJLL r'lOUNT�IN AT SUNRISE LANE (UNST�GN. )LEFT FROM MINOR=C � L. SCHI�LLS FERRY AT SUNRISE LANE 0. 53 3 . 38 ?� � � i ! We woulcl once agair� like to thank you f�r t�1is opportunity to wark � witYi you. If you have any questions regarding this m�tter or � require any additional analysis, please eall. Copies of the � calculations are available upon request. � . � , . � . Sincere�Y, � e����� ,, , €� Donald P. Odermott �' � Vr � Enc°i,os,ares '�`♦a t x�+ � , �, : NZ s � � f � . •Z,Y � � �'/"�'�-�9 . i �` r, . � . ��a. !�►A . .. . � � ' � � _ � . � E _ 4 � I . � �r�, _. ._. _ _ ..:.�. ..,. ,.::��.�, ���:�.�. .. � _T..«....> :,� f � � � � � m N • � es�l �,�.Zo2 . �s9-- ---��a � � o �°N I i�s`s �,�� ' ,� . 50�1 � ��94 I ���j ' td7--- -.--425 o�'f/ \� c�A �f1_m '!Y5".a � �--40 ti���'�s�j o � ( Z�,l `�� N �o d- ����� � —— Z�--- 2 � - g 2�. � �rso pL�` M(1RRqy RD � CO 1°f /� '� -5� SGK ( �� � � , J"� H � � ° O ��� �.l� SW fONNER S I �t �e�D��` u1 � ^' a , � or , Y �8qp t'� Q 1 J � �� / C i� � �bo 4�--- H �� P'''� ze-�, }} cv / / g,��`� � / � ! r- '' � �°� : E E g�i � > � � a s �n L � ' � J 2 � / �^� 2�� �•�t55 / ' � � a / '- �—b65 � �+ � � i 1�� B�N�N`��f. I � rs... � � (� ��� n� � --�2o I 3�—' G � N �1f`no , . i5 1 I ��� F O G �.—. � `'� K —°�� I GAARDE ST � K . � � . �� m p° � � gUIL MOUN i A{N RD. ��G� /G �e�,1 �.�..E52� Z �� � gq_� �_�S9 � 'i �Pv N � r / � 1 � _ `> � � i � / ; � \ • � I to--� �s7� � � 7� " ;; . - z � FIGURE 1 , � ,.. _.. . � ... . ,��. . • � i . � � 1' M I � �� � � � � � ' �-1 Q`� �lf� � �..�-�— �� N SW W P�NUT ST � � \ • �``' MURRaY RD—, � � ��t � oL�,s �.\ �1 `� � � : 5� 5�� y� r, �� \t 1 SW FONNER S , �! � �: � �jl Q � c c ; � N i i ,�N ,R � c � W � . C� � ,1 N Q ( I C�7 � t � I 1 .t ' 3 ,q t ''I � ''�_ ����N��F.'� �� v�'i c I � , � `f'� �Jlt .— ' � ��r .�.. ,�. .— =. 1�t q�'F` y GAAR�E ST� 1 � � Jlt q . j .r � .... � � r �+ ' BUI.L MOUNTAIN �D. _, �v . ^ � Jlt c, '`°-= c � = '` '.� `�� -o G� V1 W � M i � QP l. � �- \' � I �b �. � FlGURE 2 Y o � � � . �'. , , (ART...S UMY) , T'E:�AS' DEPARTM'FNT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC' `PR��iSPORT.�TTUN PASSER II-87 MULTIPHASE ARTERIAL PROGRESSIOI�T - 145101 VER 1 .0 JUT� $'8 **** 1�ASS�R-87 BEST �ftOGRESSION SnLUTION SU�I^1�,RY" **y* TIGARD MURRAY DISTRICT 11/25/89 RUN \10. 1 CYCLE LENGTH = 78 SECS (MAXIMIN CXCL6 = 77 SECS) ° EFFTGIEI�'CY = .25 (GOOD PROGRESSION) ATTAINABILITY = .98 (FINE-TUNING NEEDED) �s BAND A = 17 SECS AVERAGE SPEED - 35 MPH BAND B = 21. SECS AVER�GE SPEED = 35 MPH NOTE: ?1RTERIAL PROGRESSI�N EVALUATION CRITERIA EF'FICIENCY 0 .00 - 0.12 - "POOR PROGRESSION" , 0.13 - •0 .24 - "FAIR. PROGRESSION" 0.25 - 0.36 - "GOOD PROGRESSION" � 0 . 37 - 1.00 - "GREAT PROGRESSION" � ATTAINABLIT7Y 1.00 - 0.99 - "TNCREASE MIN THRU PHA5E" 0.99 - 0.70 - "F'INE-TUNING NEEDED" 0 .69 - 0.00 - "MAJOR CHANGES NEEDED" ; " ' i I � � i i � , i - I . E — Z . _ ,.. . .. ._ , . , , , , "� _ . ._.. . . , � . �. �.. . . • - � . . C�NT...S UMY) . , ,. ` �TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND� PUI3LIC TRANSI'ORTAT�nN P�SSER II-87 MUL'Y'IPHASE ARTERIAL PROGRESSION - 1451.01 VER 1 .0 JUL 88 ', : **** INTERSECTION PERFORMANCE SUMMARY **** . � CYCLE LENGTfi �= 78 SECS SYSTEM MAXIMIN CY'CLE = 77 SECS 4` INT CROS5 STREET PHASE MIN. DELAY INTERSECTION AVERAGE DELAY INT � � NO INTERSECTION ART CRS CYCLE (SECS1 V/C RATIO (SECSIVEH? NO _��`____`_________.�_�____�________��__.____________�___`��._._.�����'__.`_____�._ h �, 1 SCHOLLS FERR 2 2 77 . 85 23.2 1 2 135TH NO.RTH 3 4 59 . 80 8 .6 2 � 3 135TFi SOUTH 2 3 52 .66 7 .3 3 4 WAI�NUT '1 1 7 0 � .8 2 21.2 4 ` 5 132ND 2 3 60 .63 5.7 5 6 . 121ST 3 4 � 54 .8�1 10.5 6 !' 7 li5TH 3 4 62 .59 6.0 7 +` ;'. ' � '�: ; !; ,� !? �;. _: 4j �... i:i . +, Y;� h . rp �;� ' �_�i ' �':. i �' k:; � �. I'� � � �: : �, �� �: ,.� . . . . . . � . . � . . 'II' ' • E - 8 �, , , ,.,, . , • � , MACKENZIE ENGINEERING INCORPORATED 0690 S.W.BANCROFT ST.•P.O.BOX 69039 PORTIAND,OREGON 97201•0039•(503)224-9560•FAX(503)'228-1285 January 2 , 1989 Gity of Tigard Community Development Department Attention : Gary Alfson 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. . P.O. Bcex 23397 Tigard , Oregon 97223 � RE: Bull Mountain Traffic Study ANEI Job Number 189692 .001 Dear Gary: I� response to your �-equest on Deaember 2$, 1989, MEI has undertaken additional analysis ta determine t�he lane configurations which would result if the Murray Avenue extension were connected to the west end c�f Walnut Street instead of to an extension of Gaard� Street, as previously studied . This alignment is shown on the attached Figure 1 . Figure 2 presents the estimated traffic volumes, based upon the traffic projections provided by the City Staff and 1Nashington County Staff and utilized in our previaus analysis. This illustration also provides a graphic representation of the resulting lane co�Figuration . This amalysis indicates that the standard th�ee-lane arteriai cor►figuration will operate satisfactorily with the lane additaons described in our p�evious study for the intersections of Murray and Scholls Ferry. 135th (North) , and 135th (South) . The revised aiignment creates a "T" intersection at Walnut a�d the Gaarde � extension. For this inte�section to operate at an acceptable level of service� the east a�d south approaches should provide seperate left turn lanes a�d the west approach r�quires a sepa�at� right turn lane. This indicates that the atanda�d tfiree-lane arterial configuration will be adequate� wi �h the addition of ths eastbourrd � to southbound right-turn lane. 9ased upon an analysi� utilizing PASSER2 software� and the ultimate lane additions recommended� the following �esults were calculated: ' Murray �lvd @ INT V/C AVG DEI.AY L.O.S. --�---------------------------- SCHOL.LS FERRY 0.90 20.3 C 135TH NOR�H 0.84 9.0 s 135TH SAUTH 0.68 7• 1 B WA�NUT 0.85 12.2 B A cycle length of 63 seconds was found to yield �he most efficient p�ogression with a 0.34 efficiency �ating. E - 9 , � �,: ._. .._:, r_...:}._., .:_ ' �,�,.. . .. ���� �� i.. If you have any questio�s regarding this report or if we can be of any additio�al service, please call . Sincerely, ��,��� � Donald P. Odermott I ��if�li���M� . .. � K��Y ?}•w �.�`` �Gs �y"..�`�`''`,,:,�a � 4' 05�5 � A`t�''`' d��'��v t3,�9�p�' �o G. !.P� . � I � E — 10 �,� - _ ; . t�,^.l% �',,,�' . m '`�qfc g , 0 a� � ' � Y . ,y. � ,:� ; � � •--�"-..`' � ' � � . ' � � � . � 9 SW. {t5th Ave. � 9w ;; , � �`-.� � � . �.� o �i � � � �^ 1fV 121st a ' - j .. 4�.e � � ' ° � � � '" . �-- '�� � '•�./� . � �,...��� 54y 28th �. . . '."�" � � . � ��, m � . _ • /�� � ! 132nd A3e. ` r'°J i i •.� � SW 133rd Ave. � sw �ss� � �.-.� . �;, �,� � _._.,..............._ . ,� � �� � �o � . , ' li �" -.` •.� � -.y � .....Y� •"y. . �� � � •� �J� � �..- � W. 141st Ave. � �� .� � � -----,.... .—� ���s -l� '� Y � . � � � �• .,,�� / � � ..�-�,.,,�.� �••...+,...... �"-°-� ..�.--• .�� � . ��',--` �n� �n. s.w jsotn +�� ��c'� . ti �.... `�. � FiGURE 1 � ��.� MouNT�l�I � � � BY b Dt'Rr�t c'1'T` � Tw����C �NALY�IS _ �►� � �Z�qo . � , ��.1,87�qZ.c�a� MACKENZIE ENGINEERING INCORPORATED 0890 S.W.BANCROFT STREET PORTlANO,OREGON 97ZA/(503)221•9560 �T'---� P:O,80X 89039 PORfiLANO,OREGON 97201 FAX(503)228•1285 ' ����E��R���qpp��p ; �t909 ALL RKaFfIS tdESERvED�� , L. F � � _ _ ;_.. _ _. .t . .. �: . . . ..... . . _ :_,._.... .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . _.F. . .. . . . . . . . . . . - . ��� � � �=" . :s�.l ��....�, a�._..1 ��--� sa,l 1 ��--,6 . Zo7 S�_.� ..---�G1b ` _-'� Soe 3to�� ..--900 ��°�� �,,,4�a � . iy,��� re3-.� �..-,yo 51�-`t r..-.iso -1� � i A �M�o � G o a D ! � £ e�it 4t � L � � V M � i . .� �.,� � � . �� <<°� .__ � �� o ; � S� �A�N�j SS y J \ I .� � � ` � � J t '--^-� /'"'�—��. I',i . '•, `�F�'� M��gRaY p�= `� et -�;.. � f�- 5 :�'• � � . �Q / � S� SG�`C���� �, j h� i'�' S�Y FQNN"cR S � I,. .- � � � . �� � �+ W ! i s:;; , �� > � . ,� � N ' I I � 1' r M� ,� � � � I � 1� � I � � I� F� � � �� N � '� a . N � . y �� � i : I � , ; ,;� �� / r I^' � ' � `�� y\�� ; ' : I� z 1 1 OEN��, '�'�y � �N � � �`�� �11t � � I a � � 1 � � �E- � � GAARDE S? � . �)�f� � `� � � 1l'- �4 ; �. � — t ! �'� � � ' � tI BULL MOUNtAIN R�• J � � � .L, �c� i = y v�` � U � � QP N a M � � �, � FIGURE 2 : - , ,{ � s � , �' �ARVEY, SCHl1BERT F3 BARER A PARTNERSHIP OF PNOFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS SEATTLE WASHINGTON.D.C. • TENTH FLOOR ELEVENTH FLOOR FIPTH FLOOR 1011 WESTERN AVENUE 121 S.W. MORRISON STREE7 I600 POTOMAC STREET N.W. SEATTLEi WASHINGI'ON 98104•1023 PORTLAND�OREGON 97204 WA5HINGTON�b,C.20007 (206)464-3939 (503)Z28-3939 (202) 965-7880 TELE%:32•I037(lEX S EA� CABLE:LEX-SEATTLE FAX:(SOa�226-0259 PLEASE REPLY TO PORTLAND OFFICE January 30, 1990 HAI�1D DELIVERED Don Maen, Chairman Tigard Planning Conunission Gity of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. �ox 23397 Tigard, Oregon 97223 Re: Planning Commfssion Consideration of Northeast Bull Mountain Transportation Study--BenjFran Development Campany/Morning Hill Subdivision Dear Chairman Moen and Members of the Planning Commission: We have rec�ived a copy of the City's Final Report and Recommendations for the Northeast Bull Mountain Trans�ortation Study. Tt is our understanding the Planning Commission will consider these recommendations at its January 30, 1990 public hearing, and will take testimony for purposes of determining whether to recomn►end to the City Cauncil that the Report's recommendations be adopted. BenjFran has been carefully following the Bull Mountain study to ensure that the Morning Hill Subdivision and the remaining 19 acres of single family residences are not adversely affected by the extension of Murray Road. One alternative under �consideration by City Staff would have extended Murray Road through the unde�veloped remainder of the Morning Hill Subdivision, north of 4�alnut Street. This alternative would have caused substantial damage and harm to BenjF'ran and future owners of the single family residences in the remaining approved Morning Hill Subdivision. It has been our position that this alternative would have the greatest impact on single family homes in the area, and would significantl� inc�ease the cost of the project in the purchase of right-of-way for the extension of Murray Road. ��_ t. � Don Moen, Chairman , Tigard Planning Gommission January 30, 1990 Page 2 1 The City St�ff recommendation would not extend Murray Road through the M�rning Hill Subda.vi�ion, but z.nstead route Murray Ro�d aldng the existing ].35th �lignment and Walnut S'treet, We believe that this alternativ� is the preferred alternative and will have the least amnunt of impa�t on single family residences and cost in the aaquisition ef road right-of-way. It is also our understanding from your City Staff t�hat additional traffic analysis demozastrates that the Staff recommendatiora is the preferreel alternative. We would respectfully request the Planning Commission to adopt the Staff recommendation and forward it to the City Council. We would a15o kindly request the Planning Commxssion to enter this correspondence into the record representing BenjFran°s ok�jection to �any alternative that would damage or harm the Morni.ng Hi.11 Subdivision. Thank you for your consider�tion. Very truly yours, G VEY, SCHUB�RT & BARER �/�,(_.�w ����� / � "� +�regory S. Hathaway On Behalf of. BenjFran Development, IMC. GSI�/l k t 5/GSH/AJ7/1 cc: Mr. David Ramberg Vice P.�esident and Portland Manager BenjFran Development, Inc. Mr. Randall R. Wooley City Engineer City of Tigard I II � i � i 1 � { I � � 1 . . . . . � . � � � I l 1 i ; : i `' , , . .:. i '�: , .....�.::,..a� .. ,._ . 1 f� a I�I�!mr�r-<:ir7c::l�..tri� tc-r '�.I•�� ..f.:i,r;Jw:�r°c:i f=':I.Gar7rr.i.i-rr.� L'c::ytrtrrr:i.�:�=,;�:i.tari +r-i��m IVF�'C:1 ;`.; 4l C�'���u �I.+��i� .'. f 1.:1�J "f'I��:� .�..;i c;�c-t i�.�c:l F�'7.4:�rl r.r i r�i c:� C:;ca rn rr�i s��a,u r•� :I..^�1 j"4°.i ;�a n W N I-I t:71.7. �:t:I.+✓r..l�� l":i.cl�:�i-..d„ (:J i�� �r�'j''�.'.�.?::;� �.lf::�'r.11"' r��E�'?f71�'Jt�ial"'fi3 C:)�' '�".�"ik' �.,C7ffiffl:L f;5"3:1.C71'1�I _f.l-t:i+.•.� .i.� �:.{ i�•e.=c��.��+a�_ f�ir c�m IV I'='f:'1 :_� -S�ca i�- 1:.!-���:� (:;c�rr7 rrr i.!.���:i.ca r7 t c� ��c:���l_�:a ca r7 Fa r.:ea r°��.�:i c.l��i�..:i r�ca {�p..�F, ��I�I t�i�`l�h e�Ga<.�t�. k.�t..�:!. :I. 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"�J��X_/vu.ti.( k �� ��z��s a� w� � ' / I,.� nG � � G(.�+'�-� C�Ll�'1�./`" .l�'V �•-c�'+`-� ./`"'UL�Yt �""V" /.�.'�'�1�l`� r . �� � � .�� ��. �ti �� � , -� -�-�� � ��- `� �� . 4 ��g�Ytf�)'w��e � � ✓��'�-4�'Q.U`�rVW�'�-�1 /�L.cS""`������h�J�c� i � � �,-,��.:d..�. �� �-�-��1�� � � ��,'—,�'�c.�.��,P,� �.�-�-G-�C�'S �--�— �- ���,�,� %� �.�-�.,L�- cm �� �a�.�.�nd.- Gt�u.�r�,�.c.L�` �,oL �ta.���c � � ,���.t�s ��u� .-�c. � �,' �-.��,-�., � ; , ; r '�. �,. 24 January 1990 CI'04B Bull Mountain - King City - Tibard c/c� Larry Westerman, Secretary Treasurer 13665 SW Fern Street Ti�ard OR 97223 Planning Commission City of Tigard To The Commission: At our regular monthly meeting on 24th January 1990, we heard a presentation from Mr. Randy Wooley of the Engineering Department of the City of Tigard, regarding the Final Reporc of the Northe�st Bu11 Mountain Traffic Study. A motion was made to forward a recommendation to the Planning Comn�ission to express the concensus opinion of the those present at llle meeting. The motion carried by majarity vote. The followirig is the texl of that. recommendation: CP04B recammex�ds lo the Planning Commission and to the City of Tigard, that a through connection not be made from SW Gaarde Street to SW Murray Boulevard; that SW Murray Boulevard nol be extended soutli of its present termination at SW Old Scholls Ferry Road; and that a system of two-lane minor collectors be constructed to scrve tt►e traffic needs of che northeast Bull I�Zountain neighborhoods. Thank you very much for your attenlion in this criatter. Yours truly, Larry Westerman , ;��,9,�,,,.� �� '`�l,rV���� "' ` d � C;:I:"I'`r' c�`i._i�'•i hl l�.l a:l�.l(�•i C;(;71"I;C�;;i G3:G�:;)I�.I •— I�:i::ti;+k�i�:�..�.. ;�;:C:1C.:1.�. � t�.!ll�;:',,(:;C'il..11�i�l"„ �_.11;i_.:.:I:I�.IC:,, �_ I�a:t•-+,�c,:,r°c;,�.,���;,�-; i..�,��.i.�.±t:f„ t•�Jfl;:",;I...I,� i�.t::ll.:Jtd..�..,f'' '1"r�'r�ll��l;:a� I:;:�f._.i'll�l i::i:1i 11�-�„ r���i....r..li�l •:i::;l...,, �: i. '' . �:� � .... „ .. r c..�..,. << �::s�..ii..��.._ i �ni..i..,, r�iv:r-t��,i:::s., ..., 1 t.J'1.:?Y' ?.. _�..7:G'r;F`>�f�;1) t;:;:i:"t'Y t::;i:::itil"I"1:=.I�r: t:?I�:'�,�',� f�;C:::I"�'(::i I:;._�.. ���c:,� . . . 7,C1 �.'�:1a �� �'`�t_�i:7 .r.•^,r�- . 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'' ' ' _ - � , , • , , ,. , � ,., _�.__ - .,.r.. . � . _: �: .�...�._ � , < . s � ' t:�; k� . 31 January 1990 13665 SW Fern StreeC Tigard OR 97223 Planning Commission City of Tigard 13]25 SW Hall Blvd. Tigard OR 97223 To l}Ie mcmbcrs of the Planning Cornm'rssion, , I am writing lo expand on the ideas I brielly expressed at the Planning Commission Meecing yesterday in City Hall. I have in�;luded two drawing to help illustrate the points I am trying to make. The first drawing (figure 1) shows the area in the immediate vicinity of the int.erseclion ot' SW 135th and SW Walnut. A few of the houses and driveways in this area �re shown schematically, the houses in solid black and the driveways as cross- hacched recCingles. The seclion of SW 135th south of Walnut is presently a narrow, blacktopped neighborhood street with several driveways entering onto iC. Several of (.he houses are seC quite close to [he right-of-way, which is 40 feet wide. There are sleep sections in the sCreet just soulh of Walnut, and at the south end of tlie sCreei:. The Nortlieast Bull Mountain Traffic SCudy Report and Recommendation calls for tllc impc•ovement of 135th south af Walnut, to provide access to two major developments planned for Che area immediately south of Fern Street eYtending up Bull Mountain t:o SW Bu11 Mountain Road, As the; developers have agreed to provide the necessary improvements as a condilion o.f Cheir plan approval, it appears quite likely that this road will be rebuilC in some f'ashion. The suggestion I would like to make in t11is Ie;l.ter wil(, in my o�inion, provide a better solu�ion for traffic in and through this �uea, while also serving Che goals which you state in your Report. I My suggestion is sliown in � general form in figure 2. The bold lines suggesC a realignment of' 135th, easC of the present right-of-way, There are presently fou�• empty lots on che east side of 135th south of the Fern 5treet intersection. The proper[y immediately to lhe east of these is a deep lot with the house sited in the � norCheast corner. Therefore, there is a lar.ge section of empty land to the east of the � cw�renC 135th righl-of-way. My proposal is to reroute 135th, norCh of the current ' southern end ot' tlie street, t.o redirect the right-of-way to the east of the existing i screec, co join witli Wa1nuC to lhe easC of the current intersection. ? � �' Among the advanlages I perceive f�r this rexouting are the following: � � 1. Thc repor� states thaC the current intersection of 135th and Walnut is r stee;p anci dangerous and would have t� Ue ret�uilt, and recommends Chat k the housc on the southeast corner of SW 135th and Walnut be removed. Given that lhe inlersection needs to he rebuild, this proposed ± realignment will move the entire intersection to a location in which il � c�n Ue built as a slandard, right-angle intersection with adequate site i distance. I would envision that the existing intersection of 135Ch and � Walnut cauld then be closed, blockaded, ar removecl as appropriate. I am l quile sure thal the residents in the irnmediate vicinity of the existing � inCersect:ion would view this as a very pasitive choice. � � � 1 ! � 9 , � �, --.. . _ .._,- �_. ...:�..�, ...�. �_�.� _ _�N..._.�.,.,�_ .e .,:. :a, — . . _ ' � �0�� ' `y .. "a 2. Because the existing right-of-way an 135th south of Walnut is 40 feet, land will have to be acquired on one or bath sides of the current street. So.me of the existing homes are built quite close to the edge of the street. ' It is likely that condemnatior� will be required to acquire at least some of i t:his necessary right-of-way expansion. To reroute the streel would require more right-of-way acquisition, but the land to Ue acquired is !: currently vacant land, or at least unbuilt. Onty one structure lies � within ihr proposed path, namely a garage on the lot near Walnut. I have no way of guessing the relative cost of acquisition, but my belief is Chat the process would be rnuch simpler in the east�rly realignment. . 3. SW 135t1i Street currently has a very steep section at its southern end. 1 i n it u d be ,r 1 xi ewa s in ihis sect o wo he re ence of seve a d v Because of t s , i P Y r difficult to re rade the roadwa to im rove this situation. B � ve y g y p Y rerouting the street to the east, I believe that tlhese driveways could be left intact, serviced by the present street, with the new pavement east of, and higher than, the old road surface. Th� long downhill run, ? Chrough vacant land, would perm.it a significant regrading to occur. Furlhermore, the empty lots contain fiil material removed during the consCniction of the waCer tanks at the south end of 1351h, so Chat some I'ill material would already be available for the regrading. By the same token, the intersecCion oI' the realigned street at Walnut would be on flal ground, which would improve the quality and safety oi' that �i iciterseclion. fil� 4. The report recommends that driveway access to all the improved streels ; be restricted. There are currently nine driveways which exit onto 135th south of Walnut, as shown on the drawing. If the street is `. realigned, six or seven of these driveways would continue to exit onto ! what would become a stub, a neighborhood street. 'Vehicles from these houses would travel south to an intersection with the new 1351h, lurn ''i north to get to Walnut, and then �roceed on Walnut as usual. This wotild ' greatly reduce Che congestion and safety problems on this (existing) `" slretch of 135th. ';'�, 5. AnoCher recommendation of the reporC is th�C the impact of the street `; improvements on existing neighborhoods be minimizeci. Widening and increasing the traffic flow on the existing section of 135th south of Walnut will definitely have a major impact nn this neighborhood. The Fern Street/135th/Walnut Court neighborhood is an area which �,! contains only about 50 homes. The traffic on all of these local streets is very light. We have a friendly, active, and Glase-knit neight�orhood, and none of us want to sacrifice that quality. If 135th is rerouted as I �m proposing, th� existing neighborhood streets would retain their presenC character, although a minor redirectian of traffic would occua• at the ;,, Fern StreeC/135th intersection. Even Chis change would be an improvement, as visibility south from this intersection is currently '` �: beCCer tl�an visibility to the north. So �he inipaet of the road ` improvement on Chis local neighborhood wo�ld be greatly reduced. `' �` f should point out, least the point be raised in the future as a criticism of this plan, fi' k, tha� I own one of the presently-vacant lots east of 135th and south of Fern Street s;; (more specifically, the southern-most lot, through the middle of which the proposed z,� realignment will run). Obviously my lot would have to be purchased in order for t.he �< '� �,'r. 4..'. ��, �r� �� -- - � �. �... sLreet to be realigned. However, I can honestly say that this fact does not enter into my considerations regarding this proposal. In fact, I would expect that my properCy would be more valuable if the alignment of 135th is not changed than if it is, as I would be free to hold the property for now and s�ll it as a house lot at some future date. Thank you very much for your time in considering this suggestion. Yours truly, 'i Larry Westerman i ,�,r�..� ...�. _ ' �ii�'i�'�4Rt3Sd6h�Oi5uE�i4'fiA�.`r-R;-.:�.'.,:,+ -,-...r.�.R,»�.,.-«ys . �erc ^' .. � , n.,,-.snr�;rr,ai --'*Iq 3'F• . ....'-i.na �<weuF.�.o.aen�eM+si��;:�.,.r.,..l" ..... .... .. .. ....-M�.,�.....�n,. � � �.0 1 � Walnut Avenue U � � �-, _ � �::;�<:<::��::>;>:: .� .:: M � ..; ; T � ��� � v J }:;: � � : � ,.� M I� , I Fer� Street � � � , i , � � �`..............�� ' � �n.�.�....�.`nuu-,zadnicm'a�t.mow-�iss:�uwlrn. ti.:;-u ..,.�..,.,, .. . .. �...:.:... ::. . ... . ..;...i�-.„,,,: �.�.:.....e«�...,;.,.M.,.�.rrv�.aw.�.�....+.�,�r�i,x..�iN�twx;�....n.....:,.,,,..,,,w. sr,.�. w .. ....K,n4 � � �Wx � .. ' ` t �. }'i 1g l �: � Waln�t Avenue U � � ............ c� �.:.::.:�...:::. ;:::::::<:::::>::: c� ., T— Y :�'+ ......�::::::.�: �. .. � L ++ >: � !A ;i: VJ .� k� ..:..... _ _ � ti:jlS::::�_ . r� , � . � Fern Street � � ■ ` , ` :::::::::::: � . �, , � 4� � January 30 , 1990 i , Tigard City Council I Tigard City Hall ' 13125 S.W. Hall Tigard, OR 97223 Dear Council Members : We would like to go on recorcl as being strongly oppos�d to the Murray 131vd. Extension. Our main objection is that the selection of the needed corridor for this arterial has not been based on the needs of people but rathe?c �:pc�n the most economical route for the city of Tigard.. M,�. and Mrs. �7ohn Overby, Sr. built their home in Tigard 40 years ago as did many of the citizens impacted ay this arterial . John Overby certainly contri- buted to this community by teaching at Tigard High Schaol during those yearso Now his widow faces the trauma of Murr.ay Blvd. Extension cutting through her front yard. VJhy should Tigard citizens have to provide a thorough- fare for Beaverton citizetis i:o c�Pt to Tualatin or to th� beach? Unce the c9nnection is made between Beaverton and Pacific Highwayp traffic studies have shown, the numbers of c�rs on Mu�ray Blvd. will increase. Walnut Avenue is presently a collector, and that is all we need through our area--a collector to collect local traf.fi�. We trust Ti�ard City Council will do what the city engineers have not done. We trust you to think about the ep ople in this area and not just the city budgete If this arterial must qo through, send it through the Eenjamin Franklin property where there are no hom�s and people can choose whether they want to live next to an arterial . If you condemn part of Clara Overby's front yard to accomodate Murray Blvd. , her home of 40 years wi11 be deval�ued as well as unsafe. Please consider. whether or n.ot vou would like to live along Murray Blvd. and base your decision on the needs � of people. Sinc;erely, �% c:G.yt'�/ ✓�C:.,(.�'c.ru� r��l �c,/J'1'�� ,,.,_.._. (_ .6�`l�fL !c�-tGG Id�ZG'�l��_"`.lUll,C:� ..� ,�" � ') ...5 C.�C/ C�/C%..��� � .c�-� .��C 7 -/ / -� � 133G�G S, G�, �(.�� -r; ��.�.� C�%�' Y %� �� � � .�..���. ��2 ��`7��Z�3 � � � �` ^�� � c� a ���a.�, S w �_�� �{ � . � . Tc� Whom It May Concern: Plans to ext�nd Murray Blvd. , a soon to be 5-lane arterial, on to res- idential streets of Tigard spells disast�r for those areas. I am con- cerned about what I've seen and heard regarding my strPet,Walnut, and others in Tigard. Things hav� already gotten out of hand and I sEe no relief tiaith future plans. We are a residential area with all the needs af a residential area. Our children need to walk or ride along and cross the streets safely. 4Ve have mai1, garbage� and delivsry trucks stopping, backing, etc. We need co be able to back out of our driveways, get our mail and news- papPrs and tivorlc in our yards without fear. of beinc� run down. I have been i,rorking to �et the speed limit on Walnut reduced to 2,5 mph' the residentia.l speed. limit. I feel this is necessary not only for � the obvious reason that it is residential, but for the additional reason that it has b].ind dips and curves. We also have three schools on or just off Walnut� A new law regarding citations for violators exceeding the 25mph speed limit as opposed to those exceeding a 30 mph or more designation makes this all the more necessary. Present postings are not working. Residential streets should not be used as throughways and certainly should not be made convenient for use a� such. We want to keep our strePts livable and our houses marketable. I fe�l it is the city's job to see that these residential streets and residents therEOf are protected as such. It is the job of the county and state to maintain arterials, Scholls, 217 and 99W, ad�quately so that traffic is not forced on t� these streets. If Murray Blvd is to be extended, I suggest that a route around the residential areas of Tigarc� be found. It is important to find that route soon, before further development renders this impossible. If � tYiis costs a little more, so be it. Better that than ta run over o���n ruin even one person. That is progress! T'm tired of hearing "Well there will be an impact on some people". I could use a word other than impact here. I think people are tired af being impacted. Prejudiced or not, I think Wai.nut is one of the most beautiful streets in the metropolitan area. Majestic trees, beautiful spring, swr¢ner r and fa11 foliage in the yarcls of residents who care about their homes 1r,-�c�,�<e and street,�, Isn't that what we like about, and should preserveY for i� �our c—ty and our home? � �� 'The question i.s not whether there is a fair solution. 'Phe questian is can we find it? We can have it all. .. _ � .�. , r � . � � � � •J _ I want to add that I will be recEiving som� information r�garding the order in which the different r.oad projects in this area wi11 take place. I was led to believe that Murray Extension would happen only after the Westside Byp�ss and all other r.oads were t,aken care of, thereby protecti.ng us from becoming the mini Westsid� Bypass in the interim. I have since learned i;hat this may be yet an�ther half-truth that we must deal with. We get far too many half-truths and evasive answers. ✓G�r'�� G�✓�a � � I i � � � i « i � � i 'l. rr n�iYL'���7��,��{7 F'��. �- ,1 AN �9 19'�� �-.—�---,�,�,,�� �,r����G� � i �- ��"'._ 9a II �'U I � ' � �'r�:,9� i��.�,�.�;�r��� ����-��:F.��� �I �� �',� �•�' ����,�o�. � , 1�,L,4r� o�.�,�.�a-rr�_-��' ,�!'.�'f�s.��-�� : I I /`=e%�- �,c= �.�+..s�° ��-�'P �1�,�;+� .-� ��'�.-� �L�-=�'Tr n�„+,�� I �;� /�-`)`��'v�.��.�•� �L�/� �t=' �'x%f=�°+� .�'i c���' c°h� /�'L'�✓�'' l�v�u!] I! � � �G G'G'r,9����7— ��=�'�.��= `�i,<<..= ';rr�,�✓� @�r;� P-�-�:��:/� �I I ,� r� '�� `�T7�!L� l c��•F�f1��: /`�'7`O et.� �iChf'�.//Gf.r�t1�'a C9���/G�'�' "�e1 .x� �T� ' �/9�'�f/�.i'� �•°-rJ ��', �c��f t� 1�.��✓O, ��- . � �-- .� �� '`��' ��ti'�i�� ,1-�--���w ,��:`� ��.= //.�y .r-�� ,� .� �H �/� - �f 'r_3 /��r� ���c� � ,�r� � y- ,r.�"t��v'�' .�" �r:�,� s' `��-���.s,�=�.J � `y�=�� �'�� `-�✓�=� G�a����.� ,r�-�p-�' �-�' �a�.P,�P �y,�s G-'.d.s.�za���,���.,�,l�f f�i=�,/`��c-7`�=' � �Y ,1�7��._.� f�,4,� �r�.�'�`'� �J �!' '"� J �F^�~��"aG/ / �� � ✓ ✓ �/ �"G' �^ �(T'7L�" /��/4.s"�f,.J �L IQs"'�"'/ �c.1 �-j �" � ! � I (1%it/��r'r.:��i+�".f,%v'J"i, t� Sc:J f'�r`'=�.��",ta/�'� �!� `Y���--�" �6'��7Y`�/-�✓/iV�? �'•�.G=t'`!'-� ,� J�j�t✓O n� °�L-� .¢-°`"�'e'=�.f-'Gl�G/.�'�z-',��'c.' T �i� ��i''.4,C �'G� T �A.%�T_.'� ��s!'w- ��/`'�I/''P".�/.'Q'''C/..a� "7� �.�'i'�v�L?c:�L�� ��'°� �'i�-et'r��i2�ti�'�`�'�' /J c>>G=,e'r f 4� � � �'c`��-7v'c�1�- �G�%/d�� J-G��"� .::�'-� 5�'.E"et�-�.� G�ir.�,����� � o-�.�,� ��z,� --,� �=v�v�v,��.�, �nr,j.•�-ic��..J.�� "'Z'�,�v�c_ O.tr .� �":��,/`o� !'E�6/�`tr;Y?�c_ /�',E'r-�? �.�'i�.�,P,,y�. �--� Q� C�' cG?f��=�''r= ����r�'�°�' l-s .�/L°-�=.�s,��-' ��17.,��,pl�l�- Z�c.',�.?��G' ��.�,�- ��,�-� ....-<- L�PU G� ,L� �,a=�T��c�7'd r=�G�h�� L:��'dA�c—'c y"�r4�" �D��iGSr.s'�-,ar�t.� "� ��� �c..�t.`s6:fr'' �•��=ct ;7'- �?... �zv,�,�.� /-'•�7"��w rbz� � ��, �•vC.z�"..�'L. c.,� , /.�.5�.�� S� GU �'`'�'r�,�/� —`� '�-�'Z'6.��1..7 j �Q 4��i6 r.� !. [�4'.? I�,5'T�A t �, January 30, 1990 Cii;�r F��,nning (:on�rr�i�s�.on Ti�ai d, Oregon Gen�;l�:r��en; .�s a concerned ci�;izen of the Tigara arc�;, I �,m presentin�; this letter to convey tnST opposition �;o �the e�L-ension of ��yurr�}- �1vd, thr.ou:�h our nei�hboz�hood. I t�t}aou�;h i choose not to do sa, �. coulc� dt this point r�ecome ver�- er.>otional, bitter I and <�,n;:r;,� since :.��r hou,e is onC Ui' those that laotticz be ctestroyeti b�r this ro�,d. I did not 'r,:now that th�s ::�atter t�ra;� b�in.� so �eriousl,;r consiczered w.�til I rcceived �, Gkirist���as e�rd f'rom I�wn�or:, Oz�c�ron fror,� tl�ie peopl�: t'roir� �vho�i tve bou�;ht our p:coper�ty over �F� yeara a.�o. The�- i�.ade it elear in ti;ei.r re;:..�:.r4c� that :..y hori:e w�zs in �eopara;�, Consequentl.y, �I ucri�anded 'th�,t I be serit notices of' r��eetings und th�t I .�eeeive a copy of the November 1.9�39 Transpor— 'Lal;ion atud�, Tn view or' t�:is si_tuat�.on, exper�ienced p�ople ��;ith cit�r �overn;nent have tolti ?.�c that 1: coula io�°cs `,Fou to s�,wrt �ll overd I do not be].iev� tha�t triis i�ould be in. ttie best int�re;st of ;.t11 concei'?-lede Z dmn certuin that thus� o�' u;, �,t, �piis r;.ee�(;in�; �toni,���h1, want this i.�atter settled. There.t'ore, :(: t-;i11 s:i...�p1�� ai;�,te her� n�y re�.sons for feel:i.nb i;;i�t tl•Le i��urr�y exter.sion shoulci no�L �;o ti•irou��h thi� ne�`hborhood ar.0 I slZ:.11 tr�Y to itieep thern on an ixnper�onal bw�i�, l.0 2'!�e ..urray ex�ension rout� nnw b::�n; recoi:u�.ended would totally chan�;e the ch�r�c�;er oi tl�ie �n�;ire �,re�.o Tll�s rou�� aPould irup�ct the lives of those �.1ong its patn in �:�n enort,�ou� way, in zou.e e�,ses, it woulu even uestro�y their sr,.al,l pi�:ce of t:i:: �1;.eric�.n L-rea�n, in t�a�ys �tl�ut you �Li�e �laririe;.�s c<:�nr.ot concei��e, �. .t'L- �•<<i11 brin� ir. auc;itiona.l noise �,.nd ai-r ��u.tion b�r czii ectinrs and everi �;ncaur�,�.ing heaivier ti a.f.tic �Llir�ou�h the �,rea, 30 :�ccess i;o I-5 f��•ou� tri� �;;��era1 �rea, �1r.�eac,y exists �,hrou�h Scholls t+'erry ��oaci �,t Pro�ress r.�al• 'r'u:,'�in�;i;on Sc�u�re. 4. If y°ou insi;.�t on t.:iis i°out�; �,�ou surel�r ;..us� re�.li�E v��hat �aou n�i11 ;,�.ve ctone �;o t?Ze �ropert�� oi �tl�ose :i.n t!�e p�,�t!� of tl:is �_urr�.v e,tensioizo T�+,'e c;.arinot in clea.:� cor,�cience se11 our r,ropert�r to unstisnec:tin� bu�,r�r:� in I an effort to unlowa una i��:]_oca,te. :in effECt, �rou will. have condeu�rlecl our pro��rty alreua�-. V�1ue �;:' tla�se ��x•opr;rtie: wi.l.l no c�oubt bc U�i ected. :Lt is ulso clear ta sor..e of u: th�.t t.,r�.at we l�:oula be paid for ou.r property woulu not be �ui'::�.cicnt at pre;;�nt d;��• re<:il k.�;,t�.te price;; to buy anything coi:�p�zr�ble �to replace i�, in t�ri,.5 oi' conzrenienee of' loc;�t,ion, si�;e wnd �ua.l:i.t�>, P1e�,se reconsider �rour .•�;;oi�u.,c.z�c��.t,ion auou�; tY�e i�urray t�1vd. extezisiono i,�Ve c�o not want t,hi� 3-5 1�ne :.i�JhG:�a`- throu�;h our.� neaghbo�tiood, It, w:i.17, aciver;�el,y ir��pdct too rnany� la.veso I du1 no1; ac;ainst; progrE.�s, -it is n�ces;;ary Y�ut pi�o�;ress lait,hout co�.�:pa�sion for tihe l.ives it i�.�pwrts is .rio•l; the i�,ina o�:' p.ro;;ress av� nc?ed, �incerely ;y�ours, ••a^s. Ro i�.a�r�.u�;e ciarold �hr�uger `;,�z��� 13030 S.�d. ���alnut ;�txeet Ti��wi�ci, Ore�on 97223 � _,_ . �,§ , . : GARVEY, SCHl1BERT �3 BARER A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL COqPORATIONS SEATTLE WqSHINGTON�D.C. • TENTH FLOOR ELEVENTH FLO(�R FIFTH FLOOR 1011 WESTERN AVENUE 121 S.W. MOF7RISON STREET 1000 POTOMAC STREET N.W, SEATTLE�WASHINGTON 98104-1023 PORTLAND� OREGON 97204 WASHINGTON�D.C.20007 (206)464-3939 (503)228-3939 (202) 965-7880 TELEX:32•1037(lEX SEA) CABI_E:LEX•SEATTLE PAX:(503)226-0259 PLEASE REPL.Y TO PORTLAND OFFICE . il January 30, 1990 HAND DELIVERED Don Moen, Chairman Tigard Planning Commission City of Tigard 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 23397 Tigard, dregon 97223 Re: Planning Cc�mmissaon Consideration of Northeast Bull Mountain Transportation Study--BenjF�aea Devel�opment Company/Mornin� Hill �ubdivision Dear Chairman Nlo�n and Members of the Planning Commission: We have received a copy of the City's Final Report and Recommendations for the Northeast Bull Mountain Transportation Study. It is our understanding the Flanning Commission will consider these recommendations at its January 30, 1990 public hearing, and will take testimony for purposes of determining whether to recommend to the City Council that the Report ' s recommendations be adopted, BenjFran has been carefully following the Bull Mountain study to ensure that the Morning Hill Subdivision and the remaining 19 acres of single family residences are not adversely affected by the extension of Murray Road. One alternative under consideration by City Staff would have extended Murray Road through the undeveloped remainder of the Morning Hill Subdivision, north of Walnut Street. This alternative would have caused substantial damage and harm to BenjFran and future owners of the single family residences in the remair�ing approved Morning Hill Subdivision. It has been our Qosition that this alternative would have the greatest impact on single family homes in the area, and would significantly increase the cost of the project in the purchase of right-of-way for the extension of Murray Road. � �in - . . . ..____ . . . ...... . . � � . . � . - . _ . I L Don Moen, Chairman • Tigard Planning Commission January 30, 1990 page a ' The City Staff recommendation would not extend Murray Road through the Morning Hill Subdivision, but instead route Murray Road along the existxng 135th alignment and Walnut Street. We b�lieve I that this alternative is the preferred alt�rnative and will have the leaat amount of impact on single family residences and cost in the acquisition of road righk-of-way. It is also our understanding from your Ci�y Staf� t�hat addi�ional traffic analysis d�mon�trates that the Staff recommendation is the preferred alternative. We would respectfully request the Planning Commission to adopt the Staff recommendation and forward it to the City Council. We would also kindly request the Planning Cammission ta ent�r this correspondence into the record representing HenjFran°s objection to any alternative that would damage or harm the Morning HY11 Subdivision. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, G VEY, SCHUBEIZT & BARER sl°� il��t./ ! Gr�gory S. Hathaway On Behalf of BenjFran Development, Inc. GSH/lkt I 5/GSH/AJ7/1 cc: Mr. David Ramberg Vice President and Portland Manager , BenjFran Development, Inc. Mr. Randall R. Wooley City Engineer City of Tigard .�- - __ _ _ _ __ .__-. `• CITY OF TIGARD Waehington County, Oregon 1�OTICB OF FII�llL ORAffit - HY PI.i�N!<I!<G (�QlQlTSSIOl1 1> Cancerning Ca�e Number(s) : SCE 89-14 2. Name of Owner: Jim Corliae Name of Appliaant: same 3. Addresa 9750 SW znez City Tiaard Sta�e OR Zip 97224 4. Address of Property: 12000 SW 66th Avenue Tax Map and Lat No(s). : 2S1 lAA, tax lot 100 5. Itequest: A rectuest for approval of a Sian Code Exc�n�ion to a�low four freestandinct eians with a sian face area of 510 eQUare f�et where two siana with a eian face area of 230 sctuare ge�t are normallv allowed. Three of the eians are to be freeway oriented. �he individual dimenaione� of theee sicxns are as followes 64.65, 154, and 287.13 sctuare feet. The fourth sian is a monument sian, 40 feet in size to be located on a different frontaae. Pleaee note that measurements Qiven are inclusive of onlrr one side of double-faced aiqns 6. Action: Apgroval as reques�ed X Ap�roval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notice was published in the newspaper, poet�d at City Hall, and mailed toa X The applicant and owner(s) X Owners of reco�d within the required diatanae X The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization X Affected governmen�al agencies 8. Final Decision: T� DSCISION SHl1LL BB FI�T71L ON Februarv 20, 1990 IINLS88 AN APPEPIL IS FILBD. The adopted findings of fact, decieion, and statement of conditions can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 5W Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apneal: Any party to the decieion may appeal thie deciaion in accordance with 18.32.290(B) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 days after notice ia given and sent. The appeal may be submitt�d on City forme and muet be accompanied by the appeal fee ($315.00) ancD transcript coats, (varies up to a maacimum of $500.00) . i'he deadliae for filing of su appeal is Februarv 20. 1990 10. 4usstione: If you have any questione, pleaee cal.l the Citg of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171. bkm/SCE89-14.BKM .�. __..__ I i "' � CITY OF TIGARD PLANNIN'G COMMISSION �I FINAL ORDER IdO. 90-03 PC A FINAL ORDPR INCLUDTNG FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSIONS WfiICH P�PPRnVES A SIGN CODE EXCEPTION AND VARIANCE (SCE 89-14/V 89-33) REQUESTED BY LAIdDMARK F�RD (JIM CORLISS) . The Planning Commis�ion reviewed this application at public hearinge on ;. December 19, 1989 and January 30, 1990. The Commisafon's decision ie based upon the facts, findinga and conclusione noted below: A. FACTS 1. General Information i���� F; CASE: Sign Code Exception SCE 89-14, Variance 'V 89-33 °� REQUEST: Request to allow four free standing signs with a sign face area 510 equare feet where two signa with a sign face area o£ 230 equare feet are normally allowed. Thre� o£ the signs are to be freew�y oriented. The individual size (psr face) of th�ae eigns are as folluw�s: 64.65 square feet, 154 square f�et, 287.13 square �ee� along I-5 and 40 aquare feet to be �I located �n a different frontage. ! APPLICANT: Landmark Ford Inc. 12000 SW 66th Tiqard, OR 97223 OWNERS: Jim Corlise 9750 SW Inez Tigard, OR 97224 � ;i LOCATTQN: 12000 3W 66th Avenue (WCTM 231 1.AA Tax lot 100) �; ;� t� COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General t ZONING DESIGNATIONs C-G (Commercial General) � f I 2. Backaround Information 4 i 1 The eouthweet portion of the property wae annexed into the City on May �' 24, 1978. The weetern and northern portions of the property, with ? ; frontage alonq 68th Avenue and the Dartmouth Street were anne�ced into � the City on March 30, 1981. The section of the property which includes � ths Landmark Ford building and the axisting aigne was annexed on April ( 8, 1983. � On May 12, 1986, the City Council approved a Sign Code Exception application (SCE 2-86) to allow a fifth freeetanding sign of i ! FINAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - SCE 89-14/V 89-33 LAPTDMARK P'ORD - PAGE 1 � � (> �: `� approximately 25 fee� il inches in height and 15�1 aquare feet in area per side where one freestanding sign with a 70 equare foot area and 20 foot height was permitted (prior tn the sign code amendment in 1988). The Council approved the application aubject to aeveral conditiona including the remo�val of off-site aigne, the removal of a 73 squar� foot, 20 foot high freestanding eign, and the removal of any remaining non-conforming siyns by March 20, 1988. On March 23, 1987, the City Council approved a Sign Code �xception to allow some off-eite temporary signs to be used until Septembar l, 1987, (Case No. SCE 13-86). 3. Vicinitv Infox�cpation 66th 1�venue and I-5 are immediately east of the subject property. one parcel zoned C-G (Commercial General) ie located imroediately to the aautheaet. All other propertiee in �he immediate vtcir�ity are zoned C-P (Commercial Profeseional) . 4. Site Information and Pronosal Deacriution The aubject property has frontage on 66th Avenue, Dartmouth stre�t, 68th Avenue, and Franklin Street. The Landmark Ford building hae frontaqe and acceas onto 66th Rvenue and the follawing eigna are loaated in th� eicinity of this building; Freeetanding signs a. "Ford", 154 sg. ft., 35 ft, ht. b. "Landmark Ford"/electronic readerboaxd, 151 sq. ft., 26 ft. ht. � 1 c. "Body & Paint", 21 sq. ft., approx. 8 ft. h�. d. "Service", 21 sq. ft., approx. 8 ft. ht. j i e. "Enter" 4 e ft., a � , q. pprox. 3 ft. ht. I Roof aign i i I f. "Landmark Ford", 179 sq. fto � � Wall eigne � i g. "Daihatsu", �pprox. 36 aq. ft. � { h. "Body ahop", approx� 50 gq. ft. Temporary banner . , i. Ford products, approx. 26 eq. ft. � FTNAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - 3C� 89-14/V a9-33 LANDMARK FORD - PAGB 2 G E �„o _ . . . ... .. ._ , ,.... ..._,� �� w The applicant originally intended to inetall the signs listed above in the general infozmatian section of thie order in a series af phases. After discussing the propoeal with the applicant at th� December 19th hearing, the Commiesion tabled the case for the next hearing date for the purpose of allow.inq time far the appAicant to meet with the staff to develop an amended sign proposal that would be more consistent with Code standards. �he revised prppoeal presented by the applicant at the January 3Qth hearing included the addition of a 98 ecjuare fopt Dafhatsu sign to the existing Landmark Ford sign (151 sq. ft.) for a total of 249 aquare feet, the retentian of the 154 square fpot Ford freestandi.ng sign, the ins�allation of a 40 aquare foot freeet�,nding eign near the corner of Dartmouth and o8th, the limitatt.an of wa11 eigns on the aite to 10$ of the wall area for the uaed car center and new car ahawroom and 6� for all other buildings. A Sign Code Exception ar Variance ie needed because the Code only allowe for one freeway oriented sign wi.th a maximum size of 160 equare feet per eide and 35 feet in he3.ght; and for one additional freeetandin� eign facing another atreet front�ge, with a maximum aize of 70 to 90 equare f�et and 20 to 22 feet in height, depending upon the setback from the property line. The r�vised proposal includes a freeway oriented sign, a freegtanding eign with orientatian towards I-5, and a second freestanding loaated on � differe�nt atreet frontage. 5. Aaenav and NPO Commente The Engineering Division, General Telephone, State Highway Division, Portland General Eleatric, and Tualatin Valley Fire and Reacue Di.atrict have no objection to the proposal. The Building Inepection Division indicatea that permits and an engineer approved detail for the aign footinge will be necessary. No other comments have been received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSYONS As proposed, a Variance is necessary to approve this propoeal beraus� it goes beyond the basic Code requiremente for number and size 4f aigns, as well as the allowancea that are aeailable through the Sign Goc�e Exception process. The Variance criteria which are relevant are listed fn Sec�ion 18.134.050 (A) of the Community Development Oode: 1. The proposed variance will not be mAterially detrimental to the purpose of this title, be in conflict wi�th the policiee of the Comprehensive Plan, to any other applicable policies and standarda, and to ott�er propertiee in the same zaning district or vicinity; 2. There are epecial circumotaneee that exist which are particular to �he lot eize or ahape, tapoqr�phy, ar other circumstances which the FINAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - SC� 89-14/V 89-33 LANDMARK FQRD - PAGE 3 L- ---- - - - � appl.icant has no control and which are not applicable to other propertiee in the sam� zoning district; 3. The use proposed will be the same ae permitted under thie title and 1 City atandards will be maintaia�ed to the greateat extertt that a.s reasonably possible whil� permitting aome economic uae of the land; 4. Exiating physical and natural. systems, but not limited to traffic, drainage, drarnatic land forma, or parke will not be adversely affected anymore than would oocur if the development were located ae ap�cifi�d in �hie title; and 5a P� hardship ia not self impoeed and the variance request+ed ia minimum �v�.rianc� which wouZd alleviate the hardship. The Planning C�mmiesion finda that the proposal is not con�iat�nt with the above Variance criteria for the following reasons: l. The purpose ca� the Cade is to reduc� �he amaunt of �sign arsa and numbers of signa within the Ci�y lima.te in order to provide foX �n aeethetioally pleaeing enviranment. Thia propos�l is not consiatent with the intent o£ the Ccade becauee the applicant is requ�stirag approximately 175� af �he tot�l sign area that would normally be permitted. The propoeal ie also not aonsistent with the sign progracns which have been approved for nther commercial properties in ai.milar circumstances. �he etatement by the applicant indicating that this car deal.er�hip i� eimilar to a shoppiz�g center beaause of ths vaxiaua types af producte and servicee offered, is not an appropriat� interpretation of ths Code. Many businesse� have different departments anri/or offer a variety of producte. The use of this rational as a basi�a for gzanting additional eigna or �aign ar�a wovld clearly be contrary to th� purpose af the Code which is intended to "prevent proliferation of aigns and sign clutter". 2. There are no epecial circumstancea with respect to thia property whi.ch justify the al�owance of two aign� along the I-5 and 66th Avenue frontage of the size proposed. Vision of the property and the exieting signe from I-�5 ia not obstructed and the requeat for the additional number of signs and efgn area is not justified. 3. The propoeed eignage greatly exceeda Code standards and therefore it ie not the same as what would normally be permitted under thie Cade and the Commission finds that thie proposal would not maintain the Code to the I extent reasonably gossible. 4. Existing phyeic�l and natural systema would not be affected by thi� proposal. As an alternative to approving or denying the variance requeat, the Planx►ing Commission could consider approving a modified proposal that wauld be consistent with the �ic�n Code Excep�ion criteria that are liated in Section FYNAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - SCE 89-14/V 89-33 LANDMARK FORD - PAGE 4 `. `,. 18.114.145 of the Code. The criteria �rom this aection are listed below: A. The Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a request for an exception to th� aign code bas�d on findings that at least one of the following cri.tgr�a are eatisfiecl: l. The proposed exception to the height limits in the aign code ie necessary ta make the sign visible from the atreet hecauee pf the tupography of the site, and/or. a conforming building or eign on an adjacent property would limit the view of a sign erected on the site in conformance with Sign Code standarda; 2. A second freeetanding siyn ie n�cessary� to adequately identify a second entrance to a business or premisea that ie oriented towards a different �treet f.rontage; 3. Up tc� an additional 25 percen.t of sign area or height may be permittgd when it ie determined that the increase will. not deter from the purpose of this chapter. This incresee should be judqed accordi.ng to specific needs and circumstances which neceaeitate additional area to malce the sign suf.ficiently legible. Tt�e increase�s) shall not conflict with any other non-dimeneional standarde or restrictions of this chapter; 4. The proposed eign is conaiatent with the criteria set forth in Subsection of thie chapter; 5. The propased exception for a eecond freeetanding eign on an interior lot which is zoned commercial or industrial i� appropriate because all of the following apply: a. The aombined height of both eigne ehall not exce�d 150 percent of the sign height normally allowed for one I freeatanding eign in the same zoning district; however, ', ' neith�r shall exceed the height normally allowed in the same i zoning district; � b. Neither sign will pose a vision clearance problem or will project into the public right-of-way; and ' c. Total cambined sign area for both aigna shall not exceed 150 percent of what ia normally allowed for one frees�anding aign in the same zoning dietrict; however, neither shall exceed the height no.rmally allowed in the eame zoning district. B. In additional to the criteria in Subsec�ion A above, the Gommission, or , in the case of an administrative exception, the Director ehall, review ! all of the existing �r proposed eignage for the development and ita rela�ionehip to the inten� and purpoae of this chapter. Aa a condition �li af approval, the Commisaion or Director may require� 1. Removal or alteration of nonconforming aigns to achieve compliance ! FINAL ORDI�R NO. 90-03 PC - SCE 89-14/V 89-33 LRNDMARK FORD - PAGL 5 , , t��k �I.�--._.__ - - _- - _` - - . . . . . . .. .. � ��.. with the standarda cantained in this chap�er; 2. Remnval af alteration of conforming eigne in order to establish a oonsistent eign deeign through the development; and 3. Application for eign pezmite for signe� erected without gsermit� or removal of such illegal �ignr�. (Ord. 89-06; nrd. 88-20) These eritexia allow a number of po�sible optiona for �ignage on thia pro,perty, including an inorease in s3.gn area o.r height by 25$ and the �lace¢nent of signa along other street frontagee. Although th� appi.icant'a p�oposal ie rejs�et�d by the Commisaion as being inconsistent with the Code, the unique £eaturee of this proper�y including four �trset frontagee, ita large size, and the presence of two automobile dealerehipa, warrant some deveation from �he uaual Cc�ci� etandards. The �ommission offera two ogtions to the aF�licant which ar� approved by thig final order. 1. Leave th� exieting Landmark F'ord and F'ord freestanding Bigtgs� construct the 40 aquare foot freegtazading eign at Dartmouth and 68th, and limit the wall signage on the praperty as proposed by t�he applicant. 2. Expand the Landmark F'ord eign by adding the 98 square foot Daihatsu si�n aa propos�d by th� applicant and remove the Ford freestanding sign. The 40 square freestandxng siqn �nd wall signage limitatian of optiors 1, would remain une.hanged. The first option requires � variance to allow a freeway ori�nted and £reeatanding aign along I-5, a third sign along a separate street frontage, and a 154 square foot freestanding eign (P'ord sign on I--5) that exceede the maximum size (70 eq. ft. + 25� = 87.5 eqo ft. ) and hei.ght (35 ft. v. 20ft. y allowed by the Sign Code Exception criteria . The aecond optian also neceasitatea variance approval beaauae �the proposed 249 �cyuare foot freeway oriented aign exceede the maxi.mum allowed by the eign code exception criteria (150 aq. ft. + 25� = 200 sq. ft.) . The Commiasion finde that either of the above optiona are in conformity with the variance criteria noted above and provide tk�e applicant an appropriate opportunity to advertize the businese. The primary purpose af the Code is to limit the number and size of signa used within the City. Although boi:h options exceed Coc�e requirements in certain instancea, the total number and eize of signe on the property will not exceed these requirements. sp�cial circumetancea gxist becauee of the �ize of the property, number of atreek frontage�, and the presence of two automobile de�lerahipe. The relaxatf.on of the Code requirements will assist in properly adverti,sing the businesa�e on the � property. C. DECISION The Planning Commiseion approves SCL 89-14/V 89-33 as amended by the conditione of approval noted below: 1. Prior to erecting any signs, eiga permit�a ahall be iesued by the FINAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - SCE 89-14/V 89-33 LANDMARK FORD - P:�iGE 6 � s Planning Division. STAFF CONTACT: Viola Gaodwin, Pl.anning Divieion, 639-4171. 2. Sign permite shall be obtained for the Aailxatsu wall aign and directional sign on 68th Avenue befare any ather permits are issued. ST.AF'F CONT1�iCT: Viola Goodwin. 3. The applicant �hall be permitted to �on�truct ei,gns on the pxoperty i.n accardanae with one of the two followizag optiona: �. One freeway oriented eign with a maximum area of 249 sguar� feet per face and a maximum height of 35 feet; na other freestanding �igns along the I-5/66th Avenue fron�age (with the exc�ption of directianal and temg�razy si.gne); a 40 square f�ot per side, li foot high freestanding eign loeated near th� Dartmouth/b�th intersection; and the limitation of wall eigaaage c�n tho pro�rty to 10� of the wall area for the used car aenter and new car �howr_no►u buildings ancd f� af the wall area for a11 other buildingg �an tY�e property OR; b. Retain the �xisting Landmark Ford (151 sq, ft. } and For3 (�54 eq. ft.) signs; no other £reeetanding signe along the I�5/6E�th Av�nue frontage (with the exa�ption �f direction�l and t�mporary �igna); a 4� equare foot p�r side, 6 foot high freeat�nding aign located near the Dartmouth/68th intere�ction; and the iirtnitation of wall eignage � on the property to 10$ of the wall area for the used car esnter and new car showroom builc3ings and 6$ of the wall area for all other buildings on the property. STAFF` CONTACTs Vio1a Gaodwin. � I 4. The nonconforming Landmark Rard roof eign shall be rsmoved ar modif3.ed � to conform with Ch�p�er 18.114 (Siga Code) of the Coromunity Dev�lopmen� � Cade prior to April 8, 1993. 3TAFF �CONTACT: Viola Goodwin. F i I 5. The temporary banner located along �he 68th Avenue frontage ahall be # removed or reduced to a maximum of 18 square feet. STAFF CONTACT: � Viola Goodwin. � � THIS APPROVAL IS VALID IF EXERCISED WITHIN 18 M9NTHS OF �HE FINAL APPROVPiI� DATE � NOTED BELOW. � � [ It ie further ordered that the applicant be notified of the entry of �hie f order. s PASSED: Thie 7�`aa� of February, 1990, by the Planning Commieaion of the � s City of Tigard. � ����} i . � � (/�• �,/�� �/� ./l-�.- + � � A. Donald Moen, Preaident Tigard Plxnning Commieeion '� 1 FINAL ORDLR NO. 90-03 PC - SCE 89-14/V 89-33 LANDMARK P'ORD - PAGI. 7 i I , 1 I � � . . � . � . ". � ��: :�I � . . .. . � �. � . ' .i � � MEMORANDUM TOs P1 I anning Commission AGENDA ITEM 5.2 FROM: Keith Liden, Senior Planner REa SCE 89-14/V 89-33 Landmark Ford DATE: �7anuary 23, 1990 On December 19, 1990, the Commis�ion reviewed the aloove applicatiLon to al].ow three freeway-ori�nted eigne a�d one additional freeatanding aign with a total sign face area of 510 equare fe��k wYaere two signa with a sigra f�ce area af 230 square feet are norm�lly allowed. The aize of these inc�ieidu�l was Ea4.65, 154, 287.13, and 40 equare feet p�r eide. Following the public testimony, the concensus of the Commiseion was tt�at two �'reestanding signs along the I-5 �zont�ge appeared to be jixstified, but there wae an underlying concern reggrding the size of the pre�poeed eiqns. The Cnmmiseion v�oted to table �he item for further aaneid�ra�tion and to allo�a the applicant and the etaff time to evaluate alternative aign progarnas. The applicant and staff ineL• on January 22, 1990 to diecuea poaeible options. Please aee attached letter clat�d January 24, 1990 from Jim Corlise of Lan�:mark Ford. Also attached is a reviaed aign drawinq. SC889-14/kl I ' I , � i..� �':4' � � "SATISPAC7'I�N IS OUR 1dIAIN CONCERN" � ' O 'i 12000 S.W. 6fith AVE. / PHONE(503)639�1131 I P.O. �OX 23970 � January 24, 1990 TIGARD, OREGON 97223•0138 Plan:�ing Commission City of Tigard Tigard, Oregon As recommended by the planning commission at our hearing on December 19, 1989, sve have met with Keith I�id.en to disctzss our pending sign code exception request. This ciiscussion focused. on both our sign code exception request and a11 future conforming � signs on our 11 acre development . ^ Based on those discussions we would like to ammend our request to the following free standing signs : 1) Daihatsu readerboard combination: Add Daihatsu brand sign of 98 square feet t� existing readerboard of 151 square feet bringing total for this sign to 249 square feet versus the original request of 290 square feet . We do now have an alternative approved by Dail�atsu of adding a 57 sq�uare foot sign instead of the 98 square foot , bringing the total to 208 square feet , however we don' t believe that option looks as balanced or appealing. Additionally� this sign will remain in it ' s present 3ocation unless our laa�dlord requires it to be moved when we negotiate a new lease later this year . In such a case it will be relocated to the north of the ]�ord brand sign at �east 120 fee�. „. Z) Ford brand sign: Retain as exists , 154 square feet . � 3) Northwest corner identification sign: Install 40 square feet , 6 feet high. � Note: Used car sign originally requested is not needed. Building modified for wall sign. To help offset the added square footage in the sign code exception we have revie�ved the future need for wall signs on. our existing and planned buildings. Since we have four frontages and four buildings , the current sign code for wa11 signs of 15% of each building face allows for excessive signage. In order to k�ep the total site signage we11 under conforming codes we propos� to limit �ur wa11 signs to no more than 10% on used car ce�nter and new car showroom buildings and no more than 6% on other buildings. The only other site signage will be conforming driveway directional signs and in�erior directional signs. If approved our signs wil.l be installed in phases as detailed in �,. _. . , � �� �... Planning Commission January 24, 1990 ' Page two our original request , As stated in that request, our neec�s are i unique because of the freeway front-age and frontage on three other streets . Our proposal is for more free si:anding square li footage that the co�e allows but substantially less total signage than the code allows . The result taill be a tasteful sign display rather than a flashy cluttered display. Thank you for. consid.ering this modified request > Very truly yours, LANDM RK FORD, I1VC. . . Jim Corliss President JC�bjk � � � GAP„ i�l'. y�, RrtcuJ3!', � ' �AI���S� - �G � bR�W ;�I'• Wtttl� • .y . —116" �N�. L1�S. �r. R�s �'2-793CNN'[CN R� N�. � . . �� �HUea..t`ILS�• �: ' �. . . tM�b. 6�aAtPriK. 5t�¢�WF Pt'� SLAtK� - . . . . - � -- - .,-- '�`i13'� ze 5�/2��.eeMiB.- LTRL. p'f-. wNitv'._N"R, cun.����NOr Pt': B�uff' �.'�CpM.S�, � � - " _ 1 � - . - I � . '� � . � , � , _ . - � < - � . - �' ' .�11111:'�. :• � � uxi.sT►r�--�,u�. �c�t-e, �, �iv . . i � - ?�l4sTN•1� .M��hG�' GG�T'aR ! � _ , � ' � . . 0 ' � � - ,Q , _ '" . • 1 _ � • - , • ' . � ' - — - N�n1 P11� {e ;i Rk$�D. �US� IiS Mvcti oF FT¢iStING � _ - � WS51`S�i�• -RS Y3Fi�ITF� b - � . - � - _ fr_ . _ � . , _ � • . . . �.. � � i � � ' � - .. ' '. i � � . �. � . - . :� ' ' ' . OS�'ROt�) K ` - - � ��} �IEATH �IG11TS =�� � � ��� - . A•LTea4,-�orts - -- . - �- „- • �r�v vi�r- _ -� r�v�no�is --ra_ 4c�5nrl� - �c?e� fhc� "D►�y�o- ai�, _ � � �;..•�3�e,�1.�, - ' .� j . . . � _ rw. . �uc��w.. .��.,� ���3 _ f � . .. . . . • ' ��L NN�t11 :YN��4 1��� 4 � � + � � f�i� . � �� � . , � _ � " � . . • ALl YEAfUII[YEMit Al1E AIMO1tM1ATR AMD 1Mt�E:Yllllfl[0��EWIIE►1100UC�10M .. .. ... .. .. . � . � . ' . - � � . ' . • � .. . .. ` ��v . ... .. _ . .. _1r '�i:. .. . ,.�{' -,1.. � i ��� - � CITY OF 'PIGAI?D Washington County, ��re5�on NCD"PYCE� OF F�l�ill.L OxtDRR - BY PL�LiING O�14lISSIQ�i l. Concerni.ng Caee Numbar(e): S 89-14/V 89-34 2. Name of Owner: Denni.s & Suean lteed Name of Applicant: Tom Surton r 3. Address .302 Tivard P�.aza City Tiaard State OR Zig 97223 4. Address of Propertx: Nnrth of SW Sattl�r &t�reet between SW 98th and SW 100th Avenues Tax Map and Y,at l�o(s) . : 2S1 11BD tax lots 1507 1508 1521 and 1522 _ 5. Requeat: A reaueet for avnroval to subdivide 3.5 acres into 11 lots between 10,n00 and 15.605 sqruare feet ir� size. Also reauested are variances ta allow a hammerhead ehar�ed vehicle turnaraund wheze � circular turnaround a.s normallv recruired and to allow sidewalk on onZv one side of a vub�.ic local �treet where sidewalk on both eides in normallv reauired. ZONE: R-3.5 (Reaidential, J.5 units0acrel 6. Action: _____ Approval as requ�sted X Approval with conditions Denial 7. Notice: Notia� was published in th� newspaper, posted at City Fiall, and mailed to: I X Th� applicant and owner(s) X Owners of record within the required distance X The affected Neighborhood Planning Organization X Affected governmental agencies 8. Final Decision: � DBCISION S�L BB FI�IIlL ON Februarv 20, 1990 IINLSSS AN l�PPBAL IS FILSD. The adopted findings of fact, deci�ion, and statement of conditiona can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.Oo Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Appeal: Any party to tk�e decieion may appeal this deciaion in accordance with 18.32.290(B) and Section 18.32.370 which providea that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after notic� ie giv�n and aent. Th� appeal may be submitted on City forms and muet be accocnpanied by the appeal fee ($315.00) and transcript costs, (varies up to a maximum of $500.00) . The deadline for filing of an appeal is 3:30 p.�. Februarv 20, 1990 10. Queations: If you have any queationg, please call the City of Tigard Planning Department, 639-4171. 6 } CITY OF TIGARD PLANNIYJG COMMISSION FINAL ORDER NO. 90- O1 PC A FIPIAL t)RDER INCLIUDING �'ACTS, FINDINGS, AND COtJCLU�IONS WHICH APPROVES A S'iJBDIVTSION AND VARIANCE �S 8�-14/V 89-3+E) REQLIESTED BY SUSAId AND DENNIS REED o The Planning Commisaion reviewed this applicatian at a public hearing on J�nuary 30, 1990. The Commiseion�s decision ie ba�ed upon the facte, findings, and concltxsione noterl below: A. FACTS 1. General Infarmation CASE: Subdiviaion S 89-14, Variance V 89-34 REQUEST: Preliminary plat review of a proposal to subdivide four parcels comprising approximately 3.5 acr�s into ll lots between 10,000 and 15,605 square feet in eize. A1so requested are varianaee to allow a hamm�rhead shaped vshicle turnaround on a pub].ic street whexe a circul.ar turnaround ie normally requfred and to allow c�idewalk on one side of a public street where sidewalk on both sides is normally required. COMPR�HENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATTON: Low Denaity Residential ZONING DESIGNATION: R-3.5 (Residential, 3.5 units/acre) APFLICANT: Suean and Dennia Reed AGENT: Tom Burton 150�0 SW 100th Ave. Burton Engineeri�ng Tigard, OR 97223 302 Tigard Plaza Tigard, QR 97223 �� OWNERS: Helen Edah Upshaw and Mary Jane Fredericka a/o Su�an and Dennie Reed 15020 SW 100th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 LOCATION: North of SW Sattler Street, between SW 98th and SW 100th Avenue (WCTM 2S1 11BD, Tax Lots 1503, 1508, 1521, and 1522. 2. Backcxround Information No previous land use or development applications reqarding theae parcels have been revi.ewed by the City. 3. Vicinitv Information The eubject parcels are surrounded by low dex�eity eingle family residential development on properties zoned R-�.5 (Reaidential, 3.5 unite/acre). FINAL ORDER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON pgqe 1 � �. 4. Site Information and Provosal Description The aubject site consiete of four tax lote cornprising approximately 3.5 acres. The moetly open, grass ecavered site slopea to th� east and northeast. A house, two outbuildings, and a few landscaping and orchar� treee are located on the sc�uthernmost portion of the site (tax lot 1521). A narrow gravel driveway from SW ].00th Avenue providea access to the houae. A large fir tre� ie located just south of the driveway, between the driveway and house. The applicants propose to subdivide the site into eleven arcele ran in in P 9 9 aiz� from 10,000 to 15,605 aquare� feet. A 34 foot wide public etreet is proposed to extend approximately 360 £eet eaat from SW 100th Avenue. Right- of-way for the atreet would be 50 feet wide. The appl.i.cants propoee to provide sidewalk on the narth �ide �of the etreet onlv A variance has be�n requested tA Code Sectiori 18.164.070.A.1.b which requir�e that eidewalks be provided on both sides of a local s�reet. A second variance ie requested to allow the public street to terminate in a hammerhead ahaped tura�around rather tharn a circular turnaround as required by Code Section 18.164.030.K.1.a. A 24 foot wide pxivat� street with a r�idewalk on the west eide is proposed to extend northward from the publia etreet to provide access to proposed lots 2 through 7. The prelimin�ry plat daea not dietinguieh the boundary between the proposed public and private stre�te. 5. AQencv and NPO Comments The Engineering Divisian has reviewed the propasal and a€fers the following comments: a. The applicant has submitted a preliminary plat and a preliminary utility plan. b. Access to the site from SW 100th Avenue would be provided by a public etreet conatructed to local street standards. c. SW 100th Avenue is a narrow local street without curba and sidewalke. Sefore it can be improved to City atandarda, additional right-o£-way ; along the access to the site is required. Consequently, improvements at ; the connection of the propoaed atreet t� SW 100th Avenue are temparary. ? d. Six of the propooed lotea are provided with acceee by a private street k fram the proposed public street. The private street ie ehown to be improved �with a 24 foot wide paved width and a walkway on one eide as required by Section 18.108.070 of the Tigard Municipal Code. The proposec3 hammerhead turnaround satisfiee the Code•e requirement far the ; turning around of fire apparatua although the length of the leqs of the �' hammerhead muat k�e increaaed to no less than 40 feet each. t; e. Subeection 18.164,030.K of the Code requiree that �11 culs-de�eac of t'' ; public atreets terminate with a circular turnaround. The applicant has asked for a variance to this requirement. The Director ma a `' y pprove the variance upon a finding that the requirements of ii j; I'': i' FINAL ORDER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 2 6' r:. �;� i: ,, � C, �,� __ � subaection (Subdivision Variance standards) are satisfied. An essgntial r�quirement £or variance approval is that there be special circumstances which are peculiar to the lot size oz ahap�, topography or ' other circumstances over which the applicant has no control, ai�d which , are not applicable to o�her prop�rtiee in the zoning diatrict. �xcept j for the accese onto �W 100th Avenue, the site is completely surrounded �', by other residential lots. This subdivision will require a substantial I, amount of off-site eanitary sewer improvemente. Construction of a cul ' de aac bulb would further increaae the coat of the project by I�, eliminating at Ieaet on� �f the proposed lote. However, the cul de �ac I bulb could be conatructed without other hardship. There is no peculiar lot size or ehape, or topography that wduld prevent the conatructi.on of the cul de sac. Conaequently, the request for the variance ehould be denied. The requee�ed variance for eliminating the eidewalk along •�he public etre�t should also be denied becauee of the absence of a hardship and because of the absence of peculiar circumstances aff�cting the parcel which would make development of a circular turnarouad unfeasible. f. Storm and sanitary sQwer service would be provided bx an easement Qaatward from the site to SW 98th Avenue. The easement must include an all weather road to provide maintenance vehicles with acaesa. g. City of Tigard street naming stand�rds require that the designation "drive" apply onl� to curvilinear etreets of 1000 feet or longer. The de�ignation "lan�" is ta be used far short east-west atreets less than 1000 feet in length. The proposed public street within the subdivision should be deaignated SW Reed Lane instead of SW Reed Drive as noted on the greliminary plat. The Building Division has commented that eaesments may be necessary if existing utilities will cross proposed property lines. In addition, demolition permits will be necessary if any of the existing buildings are to be removed. The smallest autbuilding would appear to violate the five foot mLnimum setback requirement for accesaory buildings if the boundary between lots la and 11 is located ae proposed. The Tualatin Va21ey Fire and Reacue District hae commented that the length of pavement of bnth legs of the proposed hammerhead turnaraund at the end of the private street muet be a minimum af 45 feet from center].ine� The hammerhead sh�wn on the preliminary plat hae a pavement length of only approximately 35 feet from centerline. Tigard School Diatrict 23J has commented that the proposed aubdiviaion is currently located within the Templeton Elementary and Twality Junios High attendance areas. Because of the number of proposed resid�ntial developmente within t�e School Dietrict's boundariee, the School District cannot guarantee maintenance of curr.ent attendance areas and atudents from this proposed development may need to be buaed to ot�er schools. FGE and the Tigard Water Diatrict ha�e reviewed the proposal and offered no comments ox objections. FINAL ORDER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON paqe 3 No other comments havs bee� received. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Th� relevant criteria in this caee are Tigard Comvreheneive Plan policies 2.1.1, '1.1.2, 7.3.1.P 7.4.4, 8.1.1, 8.1.3, a�d 8.4.1 and Community Aevelopment Code Chapters 18.48, 18.92, 18.108, 18.144, 18.150, 18.160, and 18.164. The Planning Commiasion concludea the proposal will camply with the relevant plan policies and Code criteria based upan the findings noted below: 1. Policy 2.1.1 is satisfi�d becauee Neighborhood Planning Organization �6 and surrounding property owners were given notice of the public hearing on the eubdivision prop�sal thereby praviding them an opportunity to comment on the proposal� 2. Policies 7.1.2, 7.3.1, and 7.4.4 can be satisfied because assurance of � the extension of eewer, water, and storm drainage facilities to serve the development wi11 be required prior to approval of the final plat. The applicant has indicated that these facilitiea will be provided within the subdiviaion in conformance with City atandards. The Engineering Division and Water District have indicated �hat the preliminary plana for providing these utilities appear adequate. Detailed public imgrovement plans will need tn be approved prior to recording the plat. 3. Poliay 8.1.1 calls for the provision of a eafe and efficient stre�t syetem which will accommodate present and future needs. Policy 8.4.1 calls far the provieion of safe and convenient bicyale and p�de�tria., acceee throughc�ut the City. The propoeed subdivieion would include a combination of public and private streets and sideraalk� proviaing acceae between the pzoposed lots and SW 100th Avenue. The proposed SW Reed Drive would be aitua�ed in the moet logical location for access to the lote from an exieting public etreei-. The proposed private atreet would , be eituated �hrough the center of the propoeed subdivision so as to provide direct access to the greateat number of lots. Sidewal�ks would accompany the proposed streets to provide pedestrian access to all lots. The proposed public and private atreets and eidewalke would be conetructed to widths coneistent with Code standards and thua should have th� necessary capacity for anticipated vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The proposed subdiviaion would therefore provide for efficient and convenient vehicular and pedestrian acceae to ttae proposed lots. However, the proposed SW Reed Drive would vary from Community Development Code standarde in two aspect�. Code S�ction 18.164.030.K.1.a requires that dead end public streete terminate in a circular turnaround. SW Reed Drive is proposed to terminate in a mociified hammerhead shaped turnaround formed by the nor�hern �xteneion of the public street to the private etreet and the eastern extension of SW Reed Drive bepond this intersection. (NOTE: The �reliminary plat does not disti.nguiah a boundary between the proposed public and private etreete. Tnm Burton, the applicante' aqent, hae informed �t�ff tha� a public use easement on the private atreet ie intended to extend 4� fee� north of the centerline of SW Reed Drive to serve as the aecond leg of the puk�lic etreet hammerhea� turnaround). In addition, Code Seation FiNAL ORDER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 4 � =z 18.164.070.A.1.b requirea aidewalka on bath sides of a public atreet. SW Reed Drive is proposed �o have a aidewalk on the north aide of the street only. Variances to these Code altaadards have been requested. Section providee the following criteria for a variance to a I! Code standard to be considered througta a �ubdivision application. a. There are special circum�tances ar conditions affecting the property which are unusual and peculiar to the land ae compared to other land aimilarly eituated; b. The variance ie necessary for the proper design or func�ion of the subdivision; c. The grantinq of a variance will not be detrcimental to the public health, sa,fety, and welfare or injusioue �o the rights oF other awners of property; and d. The varian�ce ia neceeaary for the preservation and enjoyment of a eubetantial property right becauee of an extraordinary hardahip which would reeult from etrict compliance wi�h the x�gulations of this ordinance. A I�ammerhead style turnaround for the public street has been requested in order to conserve lanc3 area for development purposes so as �o make this infill development posaible wi.th eleven lot�. Ttne applicanta were unable to '�� deaign the subdiviaion with eleven lats while utilizing a circular I turnaround. A circular turnareund would presen� an extraordinary hardship by significantly limiting the number of lots which could bc� created, possibly to the extent �of making this and other similar infill develo�xnenta unfeasible. The Commission findg that the request to provide sidewalk on only the north aide of SW Reed Drive ghould be denied. Although sidewalk on nne �ide of the street only could poss3.bly provide the necessary pedestrian capacity for eleven lots, there are no known circumstances affecting this property which make the requesfied variance neceasary. A sidewalk on only one side of the atreet is not necessary for proper design or function of the subdivisioa. The preliminary pl�t provides enough right-of-way for SW Reed Drive to accommodate sidewalks on both sic3es of the etreet. The only apparent hardship that would result if sidewalk is required on both aides of SW Reed Drive is the additional coet of providing the secc�nd walkway. The requeet does not theretore satiafy the variance criteria and ehould be denied. 4. Po�.icy 8.1.3 will be eatiefied when conditions of approval relating to atreet impro�ements are completed in conjunction with the final plat. 5. Chapter 18.48 (R•-3.5 Zor�ing District) of the Code ie satisfied because all pxopoaed lota ar� coneiatent with �he minimum lot eize �tandard of the R-3.5 zone. In addition, all proposed lote are dimeneioned euch that the lots may be built upon in conformance with eetback etandarda of the R-3,5 zone without requi.ring variancea. The Commisaion nates, howe�rer, that th� propoeed configurationa of lots 4 and 5 could be improved by increasia�g the ].ength of their eides abutting parcele� to the FINAL ORDER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON paqe 5 ��� ����'�1:, .� east and west thereby improving the building siting apportunities for theae lotae 6. Cha�ter 18.92 (D��si•�y Computation�) is eatiafied because the proposed density is oongistent with Code requiremente. The 11 lots are proposed in an area that would provide an opportunity for approximately 12 dwelling units if developed to �.he full density opportunity of the R-3.5 zane. 7. Chapter 18.108 (Access, Egress and Ciraulation) is satisfied becauae the prope�sed private street meets the minimum width and improvement standards far a private driveway serving up to six dwelling unita, except with reyard to the length of the proposed hammerhead length as pointed out by the Fire Diatrict. Accees to the private road should be li.mited to proposed lnte 2, 3, 4, 5, � and 7 only. i S. Chapter 18.150 (Tree Removal) requires that the number of trees aver six inches in diam�ter that are removsd during the couree oF construction be ' minxmized. The proposed devele�pment's streets, utilities, and ; residences will require the removal of just a few trees an the sauthern portion of the site. Trees over six inchee in diameter should be removed only to canatruct u�ilities, s�reets, and re�idences. Plans for tree removal must be reviewec3 by th� Planning staff through an °; application for a tre� cutting permit. 9. Chapter 18.160 (Subdiviaion) is largely satisfied because the proposal gatisfies the reguiremen�e eet fortk� for the submittal of a preliminary plat and largely satisfies applicable approval atandards se described in this report. However, modifieationa to the plat and detailed �ublic faeility plana are necessary to address the deficienciea called out in this report. Reepaneibility for determining �he sufficiency of thoso modifi.cationa and public �acility plane should be aseigned to the staff as described in the Decision sec�ion af thie order. 10. Chapter 18.164 (Street and Utility Improvement Stanclards) will be satisfied through the public improvement plan review and approval proces� and construction of improvements to City atandards. Ae noted in �3 above, however, modificatiana to the plan must be made in order for � proposed public impzovement standards to be coneis�ent wi�h Code i etandards. C. DECISION The Planning Commiseion approvea the preliminary plat for Subdivieion S 89-14 subject to the canditione which follow. Variance request V 89-34 to allow a hammerhead turnaround insteaa of a circular turnaround is �lso approved. The aecond Variance request to provide sidewalk on only one sids of a public street is denied. IIM.S53 OT�Rf�IISB I�OTSD, AT,I. OD27DITIONS SHI�LL BE SATISFIBD �lND aW�LBTION OF PUBLIC FINANCYALLY 7LSSQR� PRIOR TO R$OORDING THS FIN�L PLAT ' WTTH W!lSHINGT�ON OODNTY. F FINAL O�DER NO. 90-01 PC - S 89-14,�V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 6 ' 'i d � I a * �"^ I 1. After review a D o e t and I nd approval by the Direc�or of Community evel pm n the Ci�y Engia�eer, the fimal plat shall be recorded with Washington County. The name of the proposed eaet-west public atreet shall be changed to SW Reed Lane. The final plat �hall apecify tha� access ts� the private street shall be limited to lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. STAFF CONTAC�: Jon Feigion, Engineezing Divieion. 2. Seven (7) �ets af plan and profile public improvement construction plans and one (1) itemized construction cost estimate, prepared by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all proposed public improvements shall be submitted to the Enginpering Division for approval. Two (2) sets o£ plan and profila plans ehall be submitt�d for preLiminary rev3.ew prior to �ubmit�al of final plans. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering Divi.e9.on. 3. Constructian of propoeed public improvements shall not commence until after the Engineering Divieion hae approved public improvement plana. , The aection will require a lOQ percent performancQ assurance or letter a£ commitm�nt, a developer-engineer agreement, the payment o� a permit fes and a sign installation/�treetlight fee. Alao, the execution of a constructiun compliance agreement ahall occur prior to, or concurrently with the iseuan�e of approved public improvem�nt plans. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman. 4. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public aYong the SW 100th Avenue frontage to increase the right-of-way to 50 feet from the centerline, The description �hall be t,ied to ttte existing right-of-way centerline. The dedication document shall be on City forms and inatructions are available fram the Engxneering Diviaian. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman. 5. Sta,ndard local otreet improvements, including concrete aidewalk, driveway apron, curb, asphaltic concrete pavement, aanitary aewez�, etorm drainage, streetlights, and underground utilities, ahall be inetalled for the proposed SW Reed Lane. A hammerhead turnaround may be provided. The turnaround shall be constructed ta meet fire district etandards. STAFF �ONTACT: John Hagman. 6. Plan profile drawings and cross section detaile of the proposed private ;1 street ahall be provided ae part of the public S.mpravement drawings. The legs of �he proposed ha�cnmerhead turnaround shall be no lese than 45 feet from the private road centorline. A public utility eaeement ehall �' be provided for the private drive area. STAP'F CONTACT: Greg Berry, Engineering Division. i;-; si 7. A joint uae and maintenance agreement ehall be executed and recorded on ;' City standard forms £or the pxop�sc�d private atreet. The agre�ment i;'�: ehall be refer�nced on and become part of all applicable parael deede. i:� The agreement shall be approved �S� the Engineering Divigion prior to i- recording. STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigion. `` I': 8. An agreement ehall be executed by the appli.cant, on forms provided by �'; the City, which waivee the property ownere� right to oppc�es or '; remonatrate agafnst a future Local Improvement Digtrict formed to �:�' ;,, t;: FINAL ORD�R P10. 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON page 7 t',k �,` (;. }• M 4 � improv� SW ].00th Avenue. The agreement shall apply to all lots within the propoaed subdivieion. STAFF CONTACT: Jon F'eigion. 9. Driv�way cuts shall not be permitted within thirty feet of intersecting riqht-of-way lines nor within five feet of property lines except on the circular turnaround area. STAFF CONTACT: Jok�n Hagman. 10. The applicant shall provide for roof and p�vement rain drainage to the public stormwater drainage eystem or by an on-site syatem designed to prevent runoff onto adjacent praperties. STAFF CONTACT: Brae� Roasto Building Divieion. 11. Sanitary sewer and storm drainage details shall be provided ae par� of the public improvemen.t plans. CalcuZations and a topograpYaic map of the ;' starm drainage basin and s�ni�axy sewer service area ghall be provided as a supplement to the public .improvement plans. Calculations ahall bs baeed c�n full development of the sexviceable area, The locatian and capacity of proposed lines shall be addrassed. STAFF CONTACTs Greg ( Berry. ! 12. Street centerline monum�nta�ion shall be pravided ae followa: a. Centerline Monuntentation ! � l. Tn accordanr.e with Oregon Revised Statutea 92.060, subeection j (2), the cer,�erline of aZl stree� and roadw�ay rights-of-w,�y � shall be monumented befnre the City acc�pts a atreet improvemento 2. The following centerline monumente ehall be eet: A. A7.1 centerline-centerline intersection goints. B. Al1 cul-de-sac center pointa. C. Curve point�, beginning and ending pointe (PC�s ax►d FT'a). b. Monument Boxes Required i1. Monument boxes conforming to City standarde will be required arounri all centerline intersection pointe and cul-de-BAC aenter pointe. 2. The tops of all monument boxes shall be eet to finished pavemen� grade. STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigion. 13. Utility lines serving the existing houee on tax lot 1521 ehauld be loca�ed and easemente ehall be provided if the linee cross proposed property linee. STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigion. 14. Exiating atruc�ures which would violate aetback requirements ehall either b� removed prior to recording the plat or the parcels skaall be reconfigured sualh that setback requ.iremente will be �atisfied. A demolition permit ahall be obtairaed from the Building Division prior to FINAL ORDER NO. 90-03 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTC�N page g na M �.. �ti. demolition or removal of any of the existing etructures on the aite. STAFF CONTACT: Brad Roaet,. 15. Trees aver �ix inchee in diameter ahall only be� removed to conetxuct atreet�, utilities, and xeeidenceeo Tree removal muat be pre-approved by the Planning staff through approval of a tree cutting permit. STAP'F CONTACT: Jerry Offer, Planning Division. 16. Subdivi�ion approval ahall b� val.id if. the plat is rece►rded writhin eiqhteen months of the final appxoval date. It is further ordered that the �pplicant be notified of the entry of thie order. � PASSED�: This � day af February, 1990, hy the Planaing Commission of the City of Tigard. � ��_� �� /�-- A. Donald Moen PreeidBnt � 7�igard Planning Commisaion 589-14.PF0 FINAL ORDER NO, 90-01 PC - S 89-14/V 89-34 - IdEED/BURTON Page 9 �' � . �:;�. �`k.. STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION F�GENDA ITEM 5.3 _ TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1990 - 7:30 P.M. TIGI9�RD CITY HI�iLL - TOWN HALL 1312 5 SW EiAI,L BL'VD. TIGARD, OREG��1 '37223 A. FACTfi 1. General Information C1�SEe �ubdiviaian S 89--14, Vxrianc� V 89-34 REQUEST: Prelimi.nary pla� review oF a progosal to subdivide Pour parcel� comprising approxima�ely 3.5 acrea into 11 lots between 10,00Q and 15,605 square feet in size. Also requested ar� variances to allow a hammerhead shaped vehicle turn�round on a gublic atzeet where a circular turnaraun�l ie r�ormal.ly required and �o allow sidewalk on one side of a p�blic street where eidewalk on both sides is normally r�quired. COtMiPI2EHEI3SIVE PL1�N DESTGNATION: Low Density Itesidential ZONYNG DE�IGNI�TIOId: R-3.5 (Reeidential, 3.5 uni�ts/acre) APPLICAIdT: Suaan and Dennie Reed AGENT: Tam Burton 15020 SW ].00th Ave. Burton Engineerinq Tigard, OR 97223 302 Tigard Plaza Tigard, OR 97223 OWNERS: I3elen Edah Upehaw and Mary Jane Fredericks c/o Susan and Dennis Reed 15020 SW 100th Avenue Tigard, OR 97223 LOCATTON: Nc,rth of SW Sattler 5treet, between SW 98th and SW 100th Avenue (ln'�TM 2S1 11BD, Tax Lots 1507, 1508, 1521, and 1522. 2. Background Information No previous land use or development applicationa rggaraiing these paxcela have b�en reviewed by the City. 3. Vicinity Information The subjeat parcels are eurrounded by law deneity single family residential developmen,t on prope�cties zoned R-3,5 (Resid�ntial, 3.5 units/acre) . 4. Site Ynfor�nation and Proposal Deecrip�ion The subject ei�e conaiete of four tax lots comprieinq approxima�tely 3.5 acree. The mostly open, graes covered aite slopee to the east and STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-�34 - REED/BURTON Page 1 � • F�� w northeast. A house, two outbuildings, and a few ].andscaping and orchard trees are loCated on the southernmost portion of the eite (tax lot 1521) . A narrnw gravel driveway �rom SW 1�Oth Xvenue provides acaeae to the house. A large fir rree is located just south of the driveway, k�a�ween the driveway and house. The applicant� �Sropose to subdivide the site into eleven parcels ranging in eize fram 10,000 to 15,605 square feet. A 34 foot wide public str�et ie proposed tc� extend approximately 360 feet east from SW 100th Avenue. Right-of-way for the atreet would be 50 feet wid�. The applicante propose to provide �i.dewalk on the north side of the atreet only. A variance has been requested to Code Section 18.164.070.A.1.b which requires that aidewalka be provided on both eides of a local street. R second variance is requesteot to a11ow 'the public etreet to terminate in a hammerhead shaped turnaround �eather than a circular turnaround as requized by Code Section 18.164.030.K.1.a. A 24 foot wide private etre�t with a sidewal➢c on the west side ia propos�d ta extend nort�.ward from the pnblic street ta provide access to propased lots 2 thzough ?. Th� preliminary plat doea not distinguieh the boundary between the proposed public and private street�. 5. A�ency and NPO Commente The Engineering Division h�s reviewed the proposal and offers the following commentso a. The app].icant hae submitted a preliminary plat and a preliminary utility plan. b. Accsss to the site from SW 100th Avenue woulc� be provided by a public atreet con�tructed to local street atandarda. c. SW 100�h Avenue is a narrow local etreet without curbs and sidewalks. Before it can be impzoved to City standarde, additional right-of-way along the access to the eite ie required. Consequently, improvements at the connection of the proposed etr�et to SW lOUth Avenue are temporary. d. Six of the proposed lota are provided with accesa by a private etreet from the proposed public street. The private s�reet ia ehown to be improved with a 24 foot wi�se paved wfdth and a walkway on one side as required by Sectian ].So108.070 of the Tigard Municip�l Code. The proposed hammerhead turnaround eatiefiee the Code•s requirement for the turning around of fire apparatue although the l�ength of the lege of the hammerhead muat be increa�ed to no less than 40 feet sach. e. Subsection 18.164.030.K of the Code require� that all culs-de-eac of peablic atreeta terminate with a aircular turnaround. The applicant has aaked for a variance to this requixement. The Director may approve the v�riance upon a �indinq that the requfrementa of STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON PSge 2 N � . . � ':.,�. subaection (Subdivision Variance standarde) axe satia£ied. An eesential requirement for variance approval is tha� there be special ci.rcumetances which are peculiar to the lot size or eha�, , topagrapk�y ar other circums�ances over wh�.ch the applicant has no control, and which are not applicable to other properties in the zoning dietrict. Except for the access onto SW 100th Aeenue, the site is completely surrounded by other residential lots. Thia subdivision will require a eubstantia]. amount of off-site sanitary s�wer improvemente. Construction of a cul dc� sac bulb would further increase the coet of the project by eliminating at leaet one of the propaeed lota. However, the cul de eac bulb cauld be conatructed without other hardship. There is no peculiar lot size or shape, or topography that wauld prev�nt �he construation of the cul �de sace Conseguently, the request for th�s variance ehould be dpnied. The regues�ed variance for elianinating the eidewalk along the publi.c etreet should alao be denied becr�use of the absence ot a hardship and k�ec�use of the absence of peculiar circumstances affeating the parcel which would make development of a circular turnarountfl unfeaeibl�. f. Storm and eanitary sewer a�rvice would be provided by a�n ea$ement I�� eastward from the site to SW 9�th ,Avenue. The easement must include an al1 weather road to provide maintenance vehicies wi�h acoe�s. g. City of Tigard atreet naminq standarda r�quf_re that the designatinn "drive" apply only to curvil.inear et�eete af 1000 feet or 3.onger. The designation "lane" ie to be uaed for ehor�M eagt-wea� etreets less than 1000 feet in iangth. The proposed public �treet w3.thin the subdivieion should be designated SW Iteed Lane inate�d of SW lteed Drive ae noted on the preliminary plat. TYre Building Divieion has commented that easemente may be a►eceesary if existing utilities will croas gropoeed property lin�s. In addition, d�molition permits will be necessary if any of the exieting buildinga are to be removed. The emalleet outbuilding would appsar to violate the £ive faot minimum aetbac3c requirement for acceseory buildings if the bound�ry between lota 10 and 11 is located as proposed. The Tualatin V'alley Fire and Reeaue Distriot has commented that the l�ngth of pavement of both legs of the propcased hammerhead turnaround at the �nd of the grivate street must be a minimum of 45 feet from c�nterline. Thc� hammerhead shown on the preliminary plat has a pavement �.ength of only approximately 35 .eet from centerline. Ti�7ard Schoal District 23J hae commented that the propose�d subdivision is cuxrently located within the Templeton Elementary and 1'wality Juniar Fligh attendance areae. Becauae of the number af propoeed residential developmenta within the School District�a boundaries, the School District cannot guarantee maint�nance of current attendance areas and etudents from thie proposed development may need to be bused to other echoola. ST1lF'F REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - RF.ED/E3URTON page 3 . , ;� ��. PGE and the Tigard Water Dietrict have reviewed the progyoaal and offered no comm�nts or objectioris. No othe� comments have been received. S. FTNDIPiG5 .AND GONCI,USIONS The relevant criteria in thi� case are Tigard Comprehensive Plan polic3.�s 2.1.1, 7.1.2, 7.3.1. , 7.4.4, 8.1.1, 8.1.3, and 8.4.1 and Community Development Code Chapters 18.A8, 18.92, 18.108, 18.144, 18.150, 18.160, and 18.164. The Plannint� staff concludes the propoeal will comply with the relevant plan policies and Cc�de criteria based upon the findinge noted below: 1. Palicy 2.101 ie eatisfied becauee Neighborhood Planning Organization �6 and surroundinq property ownere wer� given notiae of the public hearing on the aubdivieion praposal thereby providing them an opportunity to camment on ths propoeal. 2. Policiaa 7.1.2, 7.3.1, and 7.4.4 can be eatisfied because aeaurance of the ext�nsian of sewer, water, and atorm drainage facilitiea to aerve the development vaill be required, prior to approval of the final p1a�t. The applicant hae indicated that these facilitiea will be provided within the subdivision in conformance with City standards. The Engineexing Division and Water District have indicated �hat the prelim3�nary plana for providing these uti?ities appear adequate. Detailed public impravement plana will ne�cl to be approveel prior to r�cording th� plat. 3. Policy 8.1.1 call for the provision of a safe and e£ficient etreet syetem which will aacommodate present and future neecia. Poliay 8.4.2 calls £or the provieion of safe and convenient bicycle and �ed.estrian acceas throughout the City. The proposed eubdiviaion would include a combination of public and private atreete and aidewalka providing access between the propos�d lots and SW 100th Avenue. The propoaed SW Reed Drive would be situa�efl in the moet logical location for access to the lots from an , exieting public atxeet. The propoeed privat� street would be situated through the cer..er nf the propased subdivieion so ae to provide direct access to the greatest number af lots. Sidewalks would accompany th� progosed etreeta to provide pedestrian access to all lats. The praposed public and private atreets and sidewalka would be conetructed to widths consistent with Code etandarde and thue ehould have the neceseary capacity for anticipated vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The proposed subdivieion would therefore provide for efficient and convenient vehicular and � pedeetrian accesa to the prog�oe�d lots. Howevex, the proposed SW Reed Drive wAUld vary from Community D�velopment Code atandards in two aspecta, Code �action 18.164.030.K.1.a requires that dead end public streeta terminate in a circulax turnaround. SW Reed Drive is propoaed to terminate in a modified hamm�rhead ehaped turnaraund fos�nned by the northern extension of the public street to the private str�eet and the easter.n exteneion of SW Reed Drive beyond thie intersectiono (NOTE: STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 4 1 � F� ' , . � <;;;� The prelimina�y plat do�s not dis�inguiah a boundarp between the p�oposed ' public and private etreets. Tom Burton, the applicante' agent, h�s informec3 staff tk�at a public ue�e eseemsnt an the privat� etreet is intended to extend 45 feet narth of the centerline of �W Reed Drive tn serve as the second leg of the public etreet hammerhead �urnaround). In addition, Code Se�tion 18a164.070.A.1.b requires sidewalks on both sides o£ a public atreet. SW' Reed Drive is proposed to have a eidewalk on the north side of the atreet anly. Variances to theae Code staneiards have been requested. Section provides the fnllowing criteria for a variance to a Code etandard to be consider.ed through a subdivision app�.icat.ion. a. There ar.e epecial cizcumstances ar canditions affecting th� property whiah are unusual and peculiar to the land as aomparec� to other land aimilarly aituated; b. The vari.ance fe neceseary for the proper deaign or function of the �ubdiv.ietion; c. TY�e granting of a variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and w�lfare or injurious to the �rights af otlaer owner� of property; and d. The varianoe ie necegsary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right because of an extraordinary hard�hip which would resuZt from atrict compliance with the ree�ula�ions of this ordinasce. A hammerhead atyle turnaround for the public etreet has been requested in order to conserve land area for develapment purposes so as to make �this infill development pos�ible with eleven lots. The applic:ants apparently w�re unable to design the subdivision with eleven lots while utilizing a circular turnaround. Na alternative subdivision designs have been supported ta support this contention, however. Without alternative designs showing that a circular turnaround would pxesent an extraordinar�► hardship by significan�ly limiting the nuimber of lots zahich could be created, etaff ; ia unable to find that the variance request satiefies thE fourth criterion for approval of a variance. In addition, becau�e the property is not steeply aloped ar otherwise affected by other �hysical features or lot shape, staff is unab�e to find that the property presenta unuaual or peculiar circumstancea that woulcl affec� the ability of the �ite to acenmmodate a circular turnaround. Staff recommends that the requested variance to allow a hamm�rhead turnaround rather than a circular turnaround be denied. Staff alao rocommends that the request to provide eidewalk on only the north side of SW Reed Arive ehould also be denied. Although sidewalk �on one side of the atreet only would provide the necessary pedestrian capacitg for eleven lot� and therefore would not create a safety problem, there are no known circumstances affecting thie property which make the requested variance necesa�ary. Staff knowe of no rea�one why aidewalk on one side of the etreet wauld be neceaeary for proper design or function af the STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 5 ! � b ° ,v�. ��a. I, il il aubdivision or an.ything which would da.stinguish thia infill subdiaieion from other developmenta where sidewalks on both sides of the street have been required� The preliminary plat provides enough righ�-of-way forc SW Reed Drive to accommodate aidewalke on both sides of the street. The onYy apparent hard�hip that would result if sidewalk is required on both sides of SW Reed Drive is the financial hardahip of providir►g the s�aond walkway. The requested does nat therefore satisfy the variance criteria and ahould b� denied. If, however, the Planning Commission shnuld choose to approve I� ttxe requeated variance, the applicants ehould be required to plan� no- maintenance v�g�'tation within the excess right-of-way or else a variance to II the minimum incal str�eet right-of-way width of 50 feet shauld be coneidered I and the excess area cambined with adjac�nt lots. Without one of these actions, the eeven foot wide strip of right-of-way cold eaaily becnme a weed patch. � 4. Policy 8.1.3 wi11 be satiefied when canditians of approval relating to street improvements are aompleted in canjunc�ion with the final plat. I 5. Chapter 1�.48 (R-3.5 Zoninqr District) af th� Code is satisfied because all proposed lota are consistent wi�h the minimum lot size atandard of the I R�3.5 zon�. In addition, all proposed lote are dimensioned such tha� the I l.ots may be buil� upon in conformance with setback standarde of the R-3.5 I zone without requiring variances. Staff notes, however, that the proposed commfigurations of lota 4 and 5 could be improved by increasing the length of their sides abutting parcele to the east and west thereby improving the building eiting opportunitiea for these lots. 6. Chapter 18.92 (Density Computationa) is satiafied becauae the proposed den�ity is caneietent with Code requirementa. The 11 lots are prc�posed in an area that would provide an opportunity for approximately 12 dwelling units if develoged to the full density opportunity of the R-3.5 zone. 7. Chapter 18.108 (Access, Egress and Circulation) is satiafied because the proposed private street meets the minimum width and improvement standards for a private driveway serving up to six dwelling units, except with regard to tho length of the proposed hammerhead length as pointed out by the Fire District. Accesa to the grivate road sh�uld be limited to propoae�d lota 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 only� 8. Chapter 18.150 (Tree Removal) requirea that the number of trees over six inctaea in diameter that are removed during the course of construc�ion be minimized. The proposed development'e streets, utilities, and reaidences will require the reznoval of juet a few trees on the eouthern gortion of the site. Staff recommende that trees over six inchee in diameter be removed only to conatruct utilities, streets, and residences. Plans for tree removal muat be reviewed by the Planning staff through an application for a tree cutting permit. �'' 9. Chapter 18.160 (Subdivieion) is largely satiafied because the propoeal eatiefies the requirements aet forth for the submittal of a pre].iminary � glat and largely satisfies applicab2e approval standards as described in this report. However, modificationa to the plat and detailed public ;°' Y� STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89�34 - FtEED/BURTON paqe 6 � ; � � (.. �• " l� "W. facility plans are necessary to addrese the defiaiencies called out in this report. Responsibility for determining the sufficiency of those modificatians and public facility plans ahould be� assigned to the �taff as described in the Recommendatians section of this report. 10. Chapter 18.164 (Street and Utility Improvement Standarde) will be satisfied tihrough the public improvement plan revie�v and approval p�cocess and construction of improvements tA City standarde. As noted in #3 above, however, modifications to the plan muat be rnade in order for proposed public improvement etandards to be coneistent with Code etandarde. C. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Division recamn�ends approval of tlze preliminary plat for Subdivisi.on S 89-14 subject to the recnmmended condi�ions whi�h follow. Variance request V $9-34 to allow a hammerhead turnaround instead of a c�.rcular turnaround and �a provf.de eidewalk on only ons eide of a public street should be denied. The plat ahould be ravised accor.dingly. UNLESS OTI�ERWISE 1NOTED, ALL COPiDITIONS SFiALY, BE SATISFIED AND COMPLETION OF PUBLIC IMP120VEMENTS FINANCIALLY ASS�(IRED PRIOR TO RECOTtDZNG `r'HE b'INAL PLAT' WITH WASHTNGTON COUNTY. 1. After review and approval by the I3irector of Community Development and the City Engineer, the final plat shall, be record�d with Washington County. The name o£ the propoeed east-wegt public etrest ahall be changed to 3�] Reed Lane. TY�e final plat aha1Z sg�eaify that accesa to the private etreet shall be limited ta lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. �TAFF CONTACTs Jon Fsigion, Engineering Division. 2. Seven (7) seta of plan and profile public improvement construr.tion plane and one (1) itemized construction cn�t estimate, prepared by a Registered Professional Civil Engineer, detailing all praposed public improvementa shall be eubmitted to the �ngineering Division for approval. Two (2) sets of plan and profile plans shall be submitted for preliminary review prior to submittal of final plans. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman, Engineering Division. 3. Conatruction of proposed publio improvementa ehall not commence until after the Engineering Division has approved public improvement plans. The section will requixe a 100 percent performanc� assurance or letter of commitment, a developer-engineer agreement, the payment of a permit fee and a sign installation/etreetlight fee. Also, the execution of a construction compliance agreement ahall occur prior to, or concurrently with the iasuance of approved public improvement plana. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman. 4. Additional right-of-way shall be dedicated to the public along the SW 100th Avenue frontage to increase the rigtit-of-way to 50 feet fx�om the centerline. The deacription ahall be tied to th� exieting right-of- way centerline. The� dedication document shall be on City form� and STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page 7 r� t,' r. . v{� y�,,. inatructiane are available from the Engin�ering Divieione STAFF CQNTACTs John Hagman. 5. Standard 1oca1 street i.mprovements, 3.ncluding concrete ;e3.dewalk, driveway apron, curb, asphaltic concrete pavement, sanitary sewer, etorm drainage, streetlights, and undergraund utilities, �hall be ingtalled for the proposed SW Reed Lane. A circular turnaround shall il� be provi,ded. The turnaround shall be con�tructe�i to a minimum cur3� radius of 42 fe��. STAFF CONTACT: John Hagman. ' � 6. Plan pro€ile drawings and crose eection deta3.ls of the proposed pra.vate etreet sha11 be provided as �art af the pubZic improvement drawings. The legs af the propoeed hammerhead turnaround shall be no i lese than 45 feet from the private road centerline. A public u�ility � ea�ement shall be provided for the private drive area. STAFF CONTACT: Gxeg Berry, Engineering Division. 7. A joint u�e and maintenance ayreement ehall be execut�d and recorded on City �tandard forms for tt�e proposed private �treet. The agr�ement shal.l be ref�reaced on and become part nf all applicable parcel deeda. i The agreement shall be approved by the Engineering Division prior to recordi�g. STB1F'F CONTACT: Jon Feigion. � I 8. �1n agreement shall be executed by the applicant, on forms provided by the City, which waivee the property owxi�rs' right tc� oppoBe or '; remonatrate againet a future Local Improvement District formed to improv� SW 100th Avenue. The �greement shall apQly to all lots within the prvgoaed subdivisi.ono STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feiqi.on. 9. Driveway cuts ahall not be permitted within thirty fee� of � intereecting right-of-way lineB nor within five feet af property Iinee except on the circular turnaround area. STAE'F CONTACT: Jnhn Hagman. ' � 10. The applicant shall provide for roof and pavement rain drain3c�e to the � public atormwater drainage eyatem or by an on-Bite system designed to !; , prevent runoff onto adjacent properties. STAE'F CONTACTz Bracl Roas�, ' i Building Divieion. � 11. Sanitary eewer and etorm drainage details ehall be provided as part of ':`, the publi�c improvement plans. Calculationa and a topographic map of the storm drafnage ba�in and eanitary sewer sQrvice area ehall be �' �rovided as a eupplement to the publia improv9ment plana. Calculations shall be based on full development of the eerviceable ar�a. �he location and capacity of propoc�ed lines shall be addreseed. r STAFF CONTACTs Greg Berry. � i: 12. Street centerline monumentation ehall be provided as followe: , � a. Centerline Monumentatfon �" � �; �. „ � STAFF REPORT S 89-14/V 89-34 - REED/BURTON Page: B f � � �•�;, .. . ��i�._ �:�.. l. In accordance with Oreg�on Revieed Statutes 9�.060, sub�ection (2), the centerline of all etreet and roadway righta-of-way ehall be monumented before the City accepts a atreet improwement. 2. The following centerline monuments shall be Bet: A. All centerline-centerline int�rsection points. B. Al1 cuZ-de-eac c�nter poin�s. Ca Cixrve points, beginning and ending �inte �PC'a and PT'e). b. Monument �ox�s Required 1. Monument boxes conforming to City standardg will be requir�d around all centerline intersection points and cul-de-sac center poa.nte. 2. The tapa of all monument boxes shall be set to f�nishefl �avemen�t qrade. STAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigion. 13. [TtiJ.ity lines serving the exiating house on tax lot 1521 should be located and ea�semsnts shall be provided if the lines cross propoasd pz�operty lines. 5TAFF CONTACT: Jon Feigioa. 14. Existing structures which would violate setback rersuiremente shall eithex be removed prior t�+ recording the glat or the paraels shall be reaonfigured such that setbac3s requiremente will be satiefied. A demoli.tion �rmit ehall be obtained from the Building Division prior to demo3.ition or removal of any of the existing etructures on the ; site. STAFF CONTACT: Brad Roaet. � 15. Trees over six inches in diameter ehall only kie removQd to construct ! streets, utilities, and residences. Tree removal must be pre-approved � by th� Planning etaff through approval c�f a tree cutting permit. STAFF CONTACTe Jerry Offer, Planning Division. 16. Subdiviaion approval shall be valid if the plat is recorded within � :i eighteen months of the final approval date. � , , . � i i l.� i PRE D B Je ffer APPROVED BY: Keith Liden � v�l t Review Planner Senior Planner � i � i 3 br/58914.jo # � STAFF REPORT 5 89-I4/V 89-34 - REED/BURTOD7 ° Paqe 9 P, � . . .. � �� . „ ,� � • ti �� __ i , � . BURT�(�I ENGI(�IE�RiNG & 5l1RVEYl(o!G . ' � Civil Engineers • Land Surveyors � , � � 302 Tigaird Plaza • Hall Blvd.& Pacific Hwy. • Tigard,Oregon 97223 • 503-639-6116 November 27, 1989 Applicants statement to accompany proposed Subdivision. Sub�►it��� herewith is proposed Sub�ivision application su'unitted as planned development. 4 i 'Fhe Proposed Subdivision currently consists of four parcels; 1 ) 2 . 31 Acre Parcel. 2) 0.09 Acre aarc�l. 3) 0.0� Acre Parcel . d) 1 . 10 Acre Parcel. Ma.p No. 2S1 I1BD, Ta�: Lot ': 150'7, 1ti08 , 152.1 , and 1522, City of ii�ard, 6uas_Zinc�ton ' Count1r, Oren�ri. We pro�ose to divic�e tnis Parcel into 11 Sinrl� Farily Lots. The property is 7on�c: �-3 .5 and the Proposed La�out coMplies t+rith this �onin� re�uirr�n�nt. The Parcels are primarily g�ntly rollinc� ��rit'� drainage to��rarcis � F e trees are located on the ? the �ast and Sauth. Thr�e lar � South �ort:ion of the project toqether s�rith a iew snall trees . � Ti�e rer:taining property� Ys vacant lana. Lots are not in � ' � - Flood�lain ar 4iet Land area. Storr� drainage connections for the project will be connected to existing storm drain uast of the pro�j�ct on S .W. 98th Avenue. Sanitary Sew�r can be ! connected to the existing system on S.V�. 98th Avenue South of � S.W, Sattler and conn�r.tions are not in a Wet Land . 1^he �r�pos�d S .W. Reed �rive would connect �o e<cistii�r� S .W. 100t� Avenu� Ta�ith a 50 foot ric�'_zt of z�ray and stanc�ar� 34 foot �JiciLh city stre�t. S .W. Reed Drive is �roposed as a 34 foot strec-t 4,*itii a sidewal)c o.n th� North side only and a 50 foot riq'_�it af t�ray cc�in� East o�f of S.G�7. 100tn l�venue , turna.r.g North c:*it�z a 24 foot strcet tritlz a sidet�ralk on th� ��est si�?� only, ano a 30 foot right of tray. St•r�ets taould qenerally follot�r th� ground To�ograpny lritk� tops of curas appro._imately at e<:istin.r�. grounG levc�l and adequate crades �or str��t �rainac�c, Y�ut not ezcce�sivt. Sitc- Gradinq trill not ;:e re�;uirec.. "r�li�iaarl• �v'ater Syste� Layout , i�lcluccir.� Fir� Hydra.n.t location S•T111 �e connected to the e,cisting �•rat�r lin� ?��est of thc L�roject located on 5.4�. 100t.z Avenuc . _/� �/� �_ �f .�._. S i g n e d : _�JC/�i�l�' ���-c-z��-'X-'-� Thomas Y�. Burton ... .. . .. y .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. �. ... . . . . . . .. .. `.. � . r �G_ `) �ut3A�ills�o� F�r�C �` �`` S 8 . � —/� V �`� - 3� � �UiRTON �NGI(�[�ERING & SIUR'0/E1fING �� . Civil Engineers �► Land Surveyors . . , 302 Tigard Plaza • Hall Blvde& Pacific Hwy. • Tigard, Oregon 97223 • 50�-639-6116 ST7YPLIMENT TO REED PRELIMINAI�Y SUBDIVISION APPLTCATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON S.W. 100TH. AVENUE NEAR S.W. SATLER. Tne North South str�et shown �n the Freliminary Subdivision • Plan is proposed as a private street. The turn around proposed at the North end of the private street is shown imstead af a cul•-rie-sac due ta the limited size of this property. A turn around at this location makes the project feasible and a1lr�ws developmen� of thYS infill property. RESEIYED PLAl�MIp� DEC 1� 1989 ,. : .. ,. . . . , �- = -- - - - _ _ � _ 'I ; � � CITY OF TIGARI? Waehington County, Oragon xaric� oF F�z �xu�x -- sx �i� c�xs�xa� I 1. Concerning Caee Number(s): SCE 89-160V 89-36 � �I I 2. Name of Chvner: Conrad Anderson ' I Name of Appliaant: Ostbv Mator Comx�anv I 3. Address 9785 SW Shadv Lane Ci��r Tiaard _, State Oit Zip 97223 4. Adelress of Property: 9785 SW Shadv Lane Tax Map and Lot No(s) . : 151 35BD tax lot 200 5. Request: A rec�est for a Sictn Code Variance to allow a 25 sctuare foot siqn within an existina eicxn cabinet on a 70 sauare fnot wa11. The 5ian Cade allows wa11 sianaqe to cover up to 15 nerceat of a wall, or in this case, an 11 scxuare �'oot sian. The axQlicants gtate that the additional sian area is n�ces�arv to make the eian vieible because of thQ eite's location with resx�ect to nearbv roade. ZONE: C-G (General Commercial) 6. Actions � Approval as requested X Approva�. with conditions � Denial 7. Notice: Notice w�s publiehed in the new�paper, posted at City Ha11, and mailed to: X The applicant and owner(a) X Owners of record wi.thin the required diatance X The affected Neighborhood Planning? Organization X Affected governmental agenciee 8. Final Deciaian: T� DBCISION S�lLL B8 FII�IL ON Februarv 20, 1990 DNLSSS AN APP�L IS FYLgD. The adopted findings of fact, decisian, and �tatement of aondi�ione can be obtained from the Planning Department, Tigard City Hall, 13125 SW Hall, P.O. Box 23397, Tigard, Oregon 97223. 9. Apueal: Any party to the decieion may appeal this decf�ion in accordance with 18.32.290(B) and Section 18.32.370 which provides that a written appeal may be filed within 10 daye after no�ice fe given and sent. The appeal may be submitted on City forms and must be accompanied by the appeal fee ($315.00) and transcript coeta, (varies up to a maucimum of $500.00). The deadline for filiaq of aa appeal is 3:30 p.�. Februsrv 20, 1990 10. �2uestione: If you have any queatione, pl�ase call the City of Tigard lPlanning Department, 639-4171. , .` _ '�4 CITY OF TIGARD PLANNING CO2QMIS3ION FINAL O1tDER NO. 90-02 PC A FINAL ORUER INCLUDING FACTS, FINDINGS, AND CONCLUSTOIdS WHICH APPROVES A SIGN CODE EXCLPTI02d AND VARIANCE (SCE 89-16/V 89-a6) FtEQUESTEU BY �JTSBY MOTOR COMPANY. The Planning Commission reviewed this appli<,ation at a ublic hearin on II P 9 January 30, 1990. The Commiasion's decision i� based upon the faats, findings and conclueians noteci below: A. FACTS le General Inforznati.on CASE: vign Code Exception SCE 89--1b/Variance V 89-36 RE�i7EST: Sign Code Exception/Variance approval to allow 36 percent of wa11 ar�a to be oovered by a sign whereas the Co�nur�ity Development Code allows a rnaximum of 15 percent of a wa�.Z's area to be covered by signage. The subject wall aontains approximately 70 squa.ra� feet and ie loca�ed above the roof line of �he building. The propoaed sign would be 25 �quare feet in aize and be located in an existing sign cabinet. APPLICANT: Os�by Motor Company OWNER: Conr.ad Anderson d.b.a. Rent A Wreck & 450 S� LaCreole Dr. #15 Corporate Auto Rental Dallas, OR 97338 COMPR�HENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION: General Commercial ZONING DESIGNATION: C-G (General Commercial) Lt�CATION: 9785 SW Shady Lane PRfJPERTX DESCRIPTION: WCTM 1S1 358D Tax Lot 2200 2. Backqround Information The subject property wae annexed in�o the City af Tigard in 1969. The property wae developed with a service station in 1971. No land use or development applications regarding this property have been reviewed by the Planning Division. In 1989, the property was converted from service etation use to an auto rental use. No Site Development Review application was neceaeary to accomplish this change of use. The change in use and minor changee FINAL ORDER NO. 90-02 PC - 5CE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MTR. CO. - PAGE '1 �,. .. in site i.mprovements did not qualify as a major modification to an exis�ing development (Code Section . , 3. Vicinitv Information The subject property is located in the northeast quadrant of the intereection of SW Greenburg Raad and SW Shady Lane, just eouth of the nn�ramp to Highway 217. The property is approximately 20 ta 25 feet lower than the inters�ctinn of Greenburc� Road and the on-ramp. Properties surroundi.ng �he eite are all develoged and are also zoned C-G. The Good Samaritan Medical Office Building is located to th� east of the site. A convani�ence store, insurance and real eetate offices, �and an auto repair center are to the aou�h across �W Shady Lane. 4. Site__I_nformation and �"rox=aeal Descri�ption The eubjeat site is developsd with � fozmer eerviae st�tion that hae been conver�tec� ta automobile rental uee. Ostby Motor Company og�erat�s two businesses, Rent A Wrecls and Corporate� .Auto Rental 3ervice, f�rom th� site. A 35 foo� ta�l, 70 aquare foot per face freest�ndinq aign adve,rtieing the Rent 1� Wreck businesa is l�cated in the northwestern corner of the aite (SP 89-122j . In addition, a small f.reestanding sign is looated near the sit��e� SW Shady Lane Frontage and another small sign is loaa�ed on the wall of the former c�.shier�s hut under the service canopy. Sign percnits have not besn obtained fox either of these signs. The building on the sit� was formerly a Shell Oil servi.ce station. Tk�e building follows a standard Shell Oil design acheme inaludi,ng a brick chimney-like feature extending ten feet above the roof. The chimney-lilre f�ature contains empty sign cabinets on xte east and west sides. The aign cabinets formerly housecl signe co�z��aining tlhe Shell oil lr�go. The Sign Code limits wall eigns in the C-G zone to 15 percent coverage of a wall. The walle of the chimney-like featur�e are considered by the Planning Divi.sion to be separate fram other parallel building walla below the roaf which are in different planes than the ch,f.mmney walls. The applicant requeete a Variance to the C�G zone wall area limit to allow a 25 square toot aign on the 70 squdre foot western facing wall of the chimney ].ike feature. The sign v�rould occupy 3li p�rcent of thia wall's area. The aign would be loca�ed in the existing aign cabinet. No aignage hae been proposed for the exieting aign cabinet on the eastern side of the chimney like featur�a 5. Aaencv and NPO Comments NPO �2, the Oregon State Highway Divieion, and the City of Tigard Building and Engineering Divieions have reviewed tkae proposal and have offered no commen�s or objectione. FZNAL. ORDER NO. 90-(22 PC - SCE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MTR. CO. - PAGE 2 i �� No o�her aommente have been r�c�eived. B. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS The proposed sign would be locatsd in an e�cisting eign cabinet on a chimney-like projection above the rooflina of the building. Sign Codg Section 18.114.070(H) prohibita the erection of a aign above the roofline of a building. The Sign Code's definition of roof aigiis (Code S�etion 18.114.015(C) (44) ) , however, excepta signs mounted on exiating architectural features from claesification ae roof eigne. Beaause the chimney-like feature is an exieting integral partion of the building, the ; proposed eign ia i�o be treated as a wall eign rather than a roof sign (eee December 21, 1990 letter to Harold Ostby from Jerry Offer)o The Sign Code allows wall signs in the C-G zoning district to occupy up to � 15 percent of a wa.11's face (Code Section 18.114.130(C) (1) (b) (i) (1)). The exi�ting sign cabine� provide� area for a 25 square foot eign on the 70 square fuot weat wall of the chimney-like etructure. The aign cabinet talcea up 36 percent of the wall�s fac�. In order ta fully utilize the area of the existing sign cabi.net, the appliaant requests a variance from the 15 percent of wall area aiz� limit for wall signs in �che C-G zone. The applicant ast�erte that the additional area is necessary tp enhance visibility of the eign due to the property's situation at a lower elevatiaa than the SW Greenburg Road/Highway 217 overpaes. In addition, the appliaant states that �he aign i.e nece�sary to adequa�ely �.dentify the seaond busir�eae operating on the property. The following �riteria in Section 18.134.050 apply to the reclu�st far a variance to the wall sign area limit applicable to the weetern wall of the applicant�e building: (1) The proposed variance will not be materially detrimental to the purpoees of this Code, be in conflict with the po7.icies of the � Comprehensive Plan, to any o�.her applicable policies and standarcis; and to other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. (2) There are special circumetancee that exiet whiah are peculiar to the lot size or ehape, topography or other circumstancea over which the applicant has no control, and which are nat apglicable to other propertie� in the same zoning district; (3) The use proposad will be the eame as permitted under this Code and City atandarde will be maintained to the greatest extent that ie reaeonably poaaible, while permittiag eome economic uee c>f the land; (4) Exi.eting physical and natural systeme, such as but no� limited to trafff.c, drainage, dramatic land forms or parks will not b� adversely affected any nnore than would occur if the development were located as apecified in the Code; and FINAL ORDER NO. 90-02 PC - SCE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MTR. CO. - PAGE 3 `:y, °', (5) The hardship is not self-imposed and the variance requested is t�he minimum variance which would alleviate the hardship. Th� general purpose of the 15 percent of wa].1 arsA limit for wall signe in the C--G zone ie to reduce the potential of visual sign olutter along roadwaye en as to minimize distractione for vehicle driver�. The propoeaci variance would not canflict with this purpoae because of the relatively sma11 size of the propoeed signs, the relativ�ly small number of signs on the site and adjac�nt prop�2rties, ar�d the limited opportunity for PE additional wall signr�ge on the other w�st faaing wall of the subjeet building due to the windows and doora on the ather wall as well as its poor visibility from adjacent roac�waye. The property's low elevation relative to Greenburg Road li.mits opportunitiee for effective signage� on other por�inne nf the �xoperty thereby presenting a need for uee of the ahimney- like structure for signa.ge. The g�roposed variance would not affect th�e uses permitted on the aite ox provide an opportunity fo.r installing a aign in a location that would nat otherwise be per�mitted. The variance request � would only affect the size of signage permitted. No adveree effecta upon ! phyaical or natural eyetems are anticipated if the variance is granted. In ' fact, al].owance of the requested variance would be expected to positiv�ly aff!ect traffic safety ae� oppoeed to a situation whereby the applicant would attempt to communicate the same message on a sigra no larg�r tY�an is permitted without a variance. The proposed larger sign would be much more viaible tn a motorist trying to locate the busineea. r Laetly, the hardship created by the combination of the Code's li.mite on ,',j � wall signage area ae well as the poc�r visibil9,.t of the site is not aelf- Y i.mposed but inetead the hardehip has been, inherited with the appliaant�a ' acquisitian of the property. Because of the prior exiatence of the She11 Oil Company logn in the sign cabinet, it would be reason�able for th�e applicant �o have aasumed prior to acquiring the eite that a ei.rnilarly sized sign aould be placed in the cabinet without a variance. The Commission therefore finda that Oatby Motor Company'a requeat to allow a 25 squar� foot sign on a 70 square foot wall (36 percent of wall area as opposed to the 15 percent o£ wall area normally allowed) satisfiea the atandards for approval of a variance to a Community Development Code a etandard. The appl9.cant will need to obta�.n sign permite for all exietincy signa on the site prior to ob�aining a sign permit for the propoeed sign on thca ahimn�y-like atructure. C. D�GISTON The Planning Commiasion approves Sign Code Exception/Vasiance SCE 89-16/V 89-35 subject to the following conditions: 1. Sign permits muet be obtained for all exiating eigns on the eubject site within ten day� of the issuance of the Planning Commieafon's { decision on this matter. �TAFF CONTACT: Viola Goodwin, Planning Department (639-4171) 2. A sign permit shall be abtained from the Planning Division prior to i k'INAL ORDER NO. 90-02 PC - SCE $9-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MTId. CO. - P1�GE 4 � i `�.. t�.,�. � i installation of the proposed aign on the weet side of th� �himney-li.ke struc�ur�. The maximum siz�, of the sign shall be 25 square feet. STAF'F CONTACT: Viola Goodwin. 3. This approval shall, be valid if exercised within eigt�teen months of the deci�ion date. It is further orc�ared that the applicant be noti.�isd af th� entry of this order. PASSED: Thie ��y ot February, 1990, by the Planning Commiesioii caf the City o� Tigard. , �z�/ A. Donald Moen Pre�ident Tigard Planning Commisaion i br/SCE89-16.PF0 �'. i 1i ,., a i (I i, i � `,; � , ; �� i i x i 1 � � FINAL ORDER NO. 90-02 PC - SCE $9-16/V 89-35 OST�Y MTR. CQ. � PAGlR 5 �:� `�. AGENDA ITEM 5.4 STAFF R�PORT TO TEiE PLADTNING CAMMISSION HE2�RING DATE: January 30, 1990 - 7e30 PH HEARIAiG LOCATIONs Tigard City FIall - Tawn Hall 13125 SW Hall Boulevard Tigard, OR 97223 A. FAGTS l. General Information CASE: Sign Code Exceptinn SCE 89-16/Variance V 89-36 REQUIESTs Sign Code Exception/Variance approval to allow 36 percent of wall area to b� cnvered by a sigri wher�as the Community Development Code allowa a maximum of 15 pexcent of a wall°e area to b� covered by signaye. The subject wall oontains approximr�tely 70 square feet and ie located above thc� xoof line of the building. The praposed aign would be 25 square feet in eize and be located in an existing sign cabinet. APPLICANT: Ostby Motor Company OWNER: Conrad Ar:��rson d�b.a. Rent A Wreck & 450 SE LaC�eole Dr. �15 Corporate Auto Rental Dallae, OR 97338 COMPREHENSIVE kLAN DESIGNATION: General Commercial ZONING DESYGNI�TION: C-G (General Commercial) LOCATION: 9785 SW Shady Lane PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: WCT�. 1S1 35BD Tax Lot 2200 � 2. Background Information �� The subject property was annexed into the City of Tigard ,in 1969. The property� was developed with a service station in 1971. No land ixae or development applications regarding this property have been reviewed by the Planning Diviaion. In 1989, the property was converted from service atation use to an auto rental use. No Site Development Review application was neceesary to accomplfeh this change of use. The change in uee and minor changes in aite improvements did not qualifyr as a major modification to an existing development (Code Section 18.120o070.B). 3. t�icinity Information The eubject property is locat�� in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of SW Greenburg Roa�a and S4' Shady Lane, just eouth of the on- STAFF REPORT - SqE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY' MOTOR COMPANY Page 1 t4�:.. ��..::� ramp to Highway 217. The property is approximately 20 to 25 feet low�ar than the intersection of Gre�nburg Road and the on-ramp, Pr�pertiee �urrounding the �ite are all developed and are also zoned C-G. The Good Sam�ritan Medical Office Building ia loaated to th� east of the eite. A convenience store, i.nsurance and real �state offices, and an auto xepair center are to the sauth across SW Shady Lane. 4. 5ite Information and Propoeal De�cription The subjec� site ie developed with a former service atation that has been cs�nverted to aut�amobil� r�ntal use. Ostby Motor Company operate� two busin�ea�e, Rent A Wreck and Corporate Auto Rental Service, from the site. A 35 foat tall, 70 square fo�t per face freestanding Bign advertiei,ng the R�nt A Wrec3c businega is located i.n the northwestern corner of the site �SP 89-122) . In adciiti.on, a amall freestanding sign is loaateci near the gite's SW Shaciy Lane Fruntage and another small sign is loca�ed on th� wall of th� form.ex ca�hier°s hut under the servic� canopy. Sign permi�a have r►ot been obtained far either of these aigas. The building on the eite was formerly a Shell Oil. serv.ice etation. The build�ng followe a etandard Shell Oil design scheme including a brick ! chimney-like fea�ure �xt�nding ten feet above the roof. The chimney�like � featur� contain�s emptg sign cabinete on its eaat and west sides. The aign ', cabinets formerly hou�ed signe containing the Shell oil logo. � i The �f.gn Cade limits wall efyne in the C-G zon� to 15 percent coverage of ! a wall, Th� walle af the chimn�y-like feature are cansidered bgr the ; Planning Divieiora to be �eparate from other parallel building walla below ' ; the roof which are in different planes than the ahimney wal.le. The applic�nt r�questa a Variance to tkxe C-G zone wall axea limit to allow a s 25 aquar� foot sign on the 70 �aquare foot western facing wall aF the chimney l.ike feature. The sign would occupy 36 percent of thie wall°a � area. '�he eign would be located in the exiating eign cabinet. No signaqe � hxe been propoaed for the �xieting eign cabinet on �he eastern eicie of ther chimney like feature. 5. A�e�cY and NPO Commente ' , NPO �2, the Oregon State Highway Division, and the City af 'Tigard Building and Engineering Divisione have reviewed the proposal and have offered no comm�nta or objectiane. 'r No ather commente have been received. ` � � B. FINDINGS AHTD CONCLU�IONS I The prop�secl eign wnuld be located in an existing sign cabinet on a chimney- j like projection above the roofline of the building. Sign Code Section ' 18.114.070(H) prohibita the �rec�ion of a eign above the roofline of a � buildix�q. The Sign Code•e definition o� r�oof signs (Code Sec�ion ; 18.114.015(C) (44)), however, �xcepte eigne mounted on existing architectural ' � STAFF REPORT - SCE 89-16/V 89-3'5 OST�Y MOTOR COMPANY Page 2 t';, sZ,tk ��4.u,. features from clasaification as roof eigns. B�cauae the chimney-like feature is an existing integral por�ion o� the buildi.ng, the proposed sign is to be treated ae a wall aign rather than a �oof sign (s�e December 21, 1990 letter to Harold Ostby from Jarry Offer) . The Sign Gode allow� wall signa in the C-G zoning dietrict to ocaupy up ta 15 percent of a wa11'� faoe (Code Section 18.114.130(C) (1) (b) (i) (1) ). The exiating eign cabinet providee area for a 25 equar� foot eign on �he 70 scluare foot weet wa11 of the chimney-l�ke atructure. The �ign oabinet takee up 3Fi pezcent of the wall's face. In order to fully utilize the area of the exiating sign cabinet, �he appliaant requests a variance from the 15 percer�t of wall area eize limit for wall �igns ;� in the C-G zone. The applicant asserts that the additional area is riec:essary � to enhance visibili.ty �f the sign due �a the property'e situation at a lower elevation than the SW Greenburg Road/Highway 217 overpass. In addition, the applicant s��tes that the sign is necessary to adequately identify �he �oaond business operating on the property. The fnllowing ariteria in Section 18.134.050 apply to the request for a variance to the wall sign area limit applicable to the western wall of the applicant's building: (1) The propoaed variance will not be materially cletrimEntal to the purposes of this Code, be in aanflict with the policies of tkie Comprehensive Plan, to any other appli.cable ,�olicies and standards; and to other praperties ,in the same zoning distr: t or vicinity. (2) Thexe axe special circumetancea that exis� which are peculiar to the lot size or shape, �toFflgraphy or other oircumstances over which th� applicant has no control, and which are nat applicable to other gropertiea in th� same zoning dietrict; he same as rmitted under this Code and City I� (3) The use proposed will be t pe stanciarcis will be maintained ta the c�reatest sxtent that is reasonably p�ossible, rahile permitting somc� ecanamic uee of the land; (4) Existing phyaical and natural systeme, such as but not limited to traffic, drainage, dramatic land fArms or parka will ndt be adversely affected any more than would oocur if the development were located as specified in the ;� Cade; and � (5) The hardship ia not self-imposed and the variance requested is the minimum i variance whi�h would allevia�e the hardship, ' 4 The general purpose of the 15 percent of wall area limit for wall signe in the ['. C-G zone is to reduce the potential of visual si�n clutter along roadways �o ss � to minimize distractione for vehic].e drivere. The proposed variance would not conflict with this purpoae becauee of the relatively small size of the propoaed � signe, the relatively amall numb�er of aigna on the site and adjacent = properties, and the limited opportunity for. additional wall eignage on the { other weet facing wall of the subject buildinq due �o the windows and doare on � i STAFP' REPORT - SCE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MQTOR COMPANY Pa9e 3 f i :I � l J . . f� �,4, ,��� �', ��. the e�ther wall as well se it� poor visibility from adjacent roadways. The praperty�s low elevation relative to Greenburg Road limits opportunities for effective s�ignage on other portions of the property thereby presenting a need for use of the chimney-like atructure fer eignage. The proposed variance woulci not affect the usQS permitted on the s3.te or provide an opportuni.ty for installing a sign in a location that would not otherwise be permitted. The variancQ request would only affect th� eize of signage germitted. No adveree effects upon physical or na�ural syst�ms are anticipated if the variance 3.s granted. Yn fact, allowance of the requested variance would be expecte� to positively affect traf£ic eafety ae opposed to a situatian whereby the applicarnt would attempt to communicate the eame mes�age on a eign no Yarger �than is permitted without a variance. The propased larger sign would be much more viaible to a motori�t trying to laaate the business. ; � L�aatly, the hardship created by the combination ot the Code's li.mfts on wall �ignage area aa well ae the poo� visibility of the aite is not self-imposed ; bu't inatead the hardship has been inheri�ed wi.th the applican�•s acquisition of ; the prop�rty. Bscause �f the prior exietence of the Shell �il Company logo in ; the eign cabinet, it would be reasonable for thQ applicant to have aeaumed ! prior to acquiring the site that a similarly sized sign could be placed in th� i cabinet withou� a variance. Staff therefore finde that Ostby Motor Company°a request to allow a 25 sguars foot sign an a 70 square foot wa11 (36 percent of wall area ae op�,aoaed to the 15 percent of wall area normally allow�d) sati�fie� the �tandards for approval of a variance to a Community D�,velopment Code standard. The applicant will need to obtain sign permite for all exiating signe on the site prior to obtaininq s �ign permit for the proposed sign on the chimney-like atructure. C. RECQMMENDATION Staff reaommends approval of Sign Code excep�ion/Variance SCE 89-16/V 89-35 aubjec� to the following conditions: 1. Sign permit� muet be obtained for all existing eigns on th� subject site within ten days of the isauance of the Planning Commieaion's deaieion on I thia matter. STAFF CONTACTa Viola Gaodwin, Planning Denartment (639-4171) 2. A sign permit shall be obtained from the Planning Diviaion prior to installation of the prapoaed siqn an the weat side of the chimney-lik� atructure. The maximum aize of the aign shall be 25 square feet. STAFF CONTACT: Viola Goodwin. 3. This approval shall be valid i.f exercised within eighteen months of the decieion date. � , , PRI�P aY Je Off�r APPROVEID BY: Keith Liden D apment Review Planner �enior Planner STAP'F REPORT - SCE 89-16/V 89-35 OSTBY MOTOit COk�ANY Page 4 � �;..-, , j br/SCE��9-16.jo STAPF" REPORT - SCL 89-16/V 89-35 03TBY MOTOR COMPANY Paqe 5 ,. ��. �` . CORPOR.ATE AUTO RENTAL SERVICE 9785 S.W. Shady Lane Tigard, Oregon 97223 503-624-1824 Dec. 5, 1�89 Dear City of Tigazd Planning,C�mmission, Ostby M�tor Co. Inc., daing busin�ss as Rent A Wreck and Corporate , Auto Rental Service has recently taken over the lease of the property located at 9785 SW Shadq I�ane in Tigardo We are applying for a sign code variance pertain3.ng to code 4� regarding roof s3.gnca. Tha cr3teria fnr this request i.s based an variance code labeled 18.135.050— A.2. The topography of the site is such that the property cannot be seen from the znajor thorough.fares of the area due to the fact that the property sits well belo�r the intersection cf SW Greenburg Rd. and the Hwy 217 on ramp. The property was daveloped in 1971, originally as a She11 Oil service station. Architectur��lly the bui.lding was designed and built accarding ta the specifics a€ th Shell Company design. The structure resembles a house with a chimney. On opposing sides of the chimney face woul� sit the She11 logo. Aesthetically, a sign enhances the design of the building, Ostby Motor Company operates two separa�.e automobile rental agencies on the' same pxemises. Rent A Wreck and Corporate Autn Rental Ser�vice. Each company has its own identitq an.d clientele. Rent A Wreck, being a national franchise, has a larger publie clfentele. Tk�erefore we used Rent A Wreck`s logo for the large £reeway sign on the property. Corporate Auto Rental Service caters to our l:ocal corporate accounts whose clientele are prafessional people and large and sma11 businesses. Corporate A.uto Rental needs its own sign and logo displayed separately from Rent A Wreck. The chimney space av�ilable on the building provides a dignified and complimentary space for the Gorporate Auto Rental sign. The separate identities of two companies can be maintained. It is crueial to us tio ha��e permission for. t�ie sign, particuarly in 19�0. After weeks of planning and designing ads with the GTE Yellow Pages, they completely omitted our Corporate Auto Rental ad in the new yellow pages. After recently moving to Tigard, our regular customers are going to have a hard time tracking us down with no signag� and na yellow pages to help th8m. It is our goal to maintain an attractive 'ousiness slte and pravide service to Tigard area businesses and residents for many years to come. Very Truly Yours, j OSTBY MOTCIR COMPANY INC. Harold C. Ostby President � ; , ;.��.w , ,r� . �o� O�� N i � 1 / ,o / ` 1 , �.� . s 3Nt� � Jlat� MS 's � _ ,.— oa• _._.. �at�oot � 'o� .�� N •r�� -- -- �°+i, ���. � r•�s . s a•�,t , • � ' •r b+`_ ��. ,r r"� s . ����y,�t� - / "�ti - - - '. _ __ . ��\ � , .........-: r � N �O • / M �� Y � . 1'M'S � �______ os� oc se .- ,:,/ . � � � � a��� � • / . � � I-b' 00 Z �a' ' / � . ��D' 6b' � ti'a � � 00 Z ti'� � � � �t� d��i � 3� ti , � .� � / � / 00£ cc�eo� � ��:►�,i 4y r / �.�c,sn�;`� S ` / � � / � <; t � 'N� �i'� � �I � M � � � , OSTBY M020R C0. . 9785 Si7 SHADY 1.ANE TIGARD OR 97223 - 624-1804 . ,� ;i — -___ � , P@OP03ED SZGN - �I ? SIGN PROPOSAL IS FUR A SIGN OF 5'x5' DIMElTS3AN r�' ON TflIS FACE OF ' '• AYPRUgIFiATELY 20' FROM THE GROtTND. t•.l �iN7C 22: ON RAt�. CHYMNEY ONL�. I THE SSGN WOUI,D SIT IN A CA:HIQEY F6CADE STRUCT[iRE �T�}W�d!�'y b�" "U�'J � ' ' °' OF WHITE BICIGR iTITH A i0" MOLDI..NG AROUND IT. F - � - - I �� I � j �� ,I��_ I� � �' � � � � ' � �i � —_ �— . I il � ' 'j I � ' —', � 1 'I ! ' �I --� � � � i��� . ;�I ' � ' � ; . � ,� ) , �� i � ? , � .I � : , i �� ; � i � � ' '; ; -;v- ; , . i � , �-._ � � � � !� I• • � _ � __ f i s . ,j — --- —•I � . � � - - ---- ----- --- . � ' � ; -- -- � i; -- ----�� � '' Sa'�.�;'' -��e , . , , OSTBY MOTOR C0. 9785 SW SHADY LN. '" TIGARD OR 97223 624-1804 � HWY 227 on ramp 200' � ' NARROWS TO 125' � i , � 4 GREENBIIRG RD. � � -80'- �.:^ — �' . �' S`byi4' FREEWAY SZGN -- ----- - -V-- ' �pOD _� .' O 35' POLE APPROX. 35' FROM GREENBURG RD. � - SAMARITAN - t I � � BLDG. I I SURROUNDING }2ffiAIr'IC�IENT TO ' C GREENBURG AND FiW7C 217 IS I � � ; STATE PROPERTY. i � OFFICE BLDG. � � ( � WZTH 3 BAY GARAGE / � / ' ! �� / I �PROPOSED SPACE IS ` � � i ( . XS WITH 10" . SIGN I�1 5 � I . � , _ � � i I POSITIO�J BRICK MOLDING i ( � �. / �—— — ,� —--20�EROM GROUND I �. � � • UTILITY � � LINE - � . i � � �a' ` � ' � �� i w i I x ! a ` I � �a I °i I�i I �`_� 1n� � � z LOT SIZE ��• � , ' f 160' % 135` ( COVERED ' i I m � � � �APY � t S ! � � � � +_ I � , " N 1 � I . � � ' � y � ��i • C � � EXZS' T�ING `F6l+1+L44nX46" � i �J_25'�1R�Y�16X_-- --�..g,Y-p�a���v»� nhSE_25'�R�VEWAY � ' � S8AI7Y LANE 60' � -GENTURX-.-Zl-,--STAit D{AA�T ACCOjZN�S BLGE. BEAV. TIGARD ZNS. SPEC. ANSTRU� - �, � , ' � ; � . ; D � ? . i �� : � � . - � � � D D . � . ; � : � � � �� . � � ; " - -1 \ � � ty^ ' /^` l� � V . . - . _"' " '� . ��.. _ � . - . . ' ' ' I _ _ • . D - ` . . �"' . : d � . � � � ----- - y�s��' ��=� �11U,�1j�/�1�7 �j�� [Page Too Large for OCR Processing] [Page Too Large for OCR Processing]